diff --git a/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-class-net-mesh b/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-class-net-mesh index b02001488eef3d37869c53693b088de6433e2900..b218e0f8bdb389eaaa6c14c6c071bb5d033289bc 100644 --- a/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-class-net-mesh +++ b/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-class-net-mesh @@ -65,6 +65,13 @@ Description: Defines the penalty which will be applied to an originator message's tq-field on every hop. +What: /sys/class/net//mesh/routing_algo +Date: Dec 2011 +Contact: Marek Lindner +Description: + Defines the routing procotol this mesh instance + uses to find the optimal paths through the mesh. + What: /sys/class/net//mesh/vis_mode Date: May 2010 Contact: Marek Lindner diff --git a/Documentation/DocBook/80211.tmpl b/Documentation/DocBook/80211.tmpl index 2014155c899d00c7da58f3fbab2409dc2880d139..c5ac6929c41c7cbdd068a095e37c2fef3acc70c5 100644 --- a/Documentation/DocBook/80211.tmpl +++ b/Documentation/DocBook/80211.tmpl @@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ !Finclude/net/cfg80211.h cfg80211_pmksa !Finclude/net/cfg80211.h cfg80211_send_rx_auth !Finclude/net/cfg80211.h cfg80211_send_auth_timeout -!Finclude/net/cfg80211.h __cfg80211_auth_canceled !Finclude/net/cfg80211.h cfg80211_send_rx_assoc !Finclude/net/cfg80211.h cfg80211_send_assoc_timeout !Finclude/net/cfg80211.h cfg80211_send_deauth diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/net/stmmac.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/net/stmmac.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1f62623f8c3f22ff1a25ee4ef56ceeb43e74e9e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/net/stmmac.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +* STMicroelectronics 10/100/1000 Ethernet driver (GMAC) + +Required properties: +- compatible: Should be "st,spear600-gmac" +- reg: Address and length of the register set for the device +- interrupt-parent: Should be the phandle for the interrupt controller + that services interrupts for this device +- interrupts: Should contain the STMMAC interrupts +- interrupt-names: Should contain the interrupt names "macirq" + "eth_wake_irq" if this interrupt is supported in the "interrupts" + property +- phy-mode: String, operation mode of the PHY interface. + Supported values are: "mii", "rmii", "gmii", "rgmii". + +Optional properties: +- mac-address: 6 bytes, mac address + +Examples: + + gmac0: ethernet@e0800000 { + compatible = "st,spear600-gmac"; + reg = <0xe0800000 0x8000>; + interrupt-parent = <&vic1>; + interrupts = <24 23>; + interrupt-names = "macirq", "eth_wake_irq"; + mac-address = [000000000000]; /* Filled in by U-Boot */ + phy-mode = "gmii"; + }; diff --git a/Documentation/ioctl/ioctl-number.txt b/Documentation/ioctl/ioctl-number.txt index 5dbd9066ed166e4b148a5b9c3150ab78b2a34ee6..68fbfb6529eb310df46cc5f5aa7aee9e6d78c5b6 100644 --- a/Documentation/ioctl/ioctl-number.txt +++ b/Documentation/ioctl/ioctl-number.txt @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ Code Seq#(hex) Include File Comments linux/ixjuser.h 'r' 00-1F linux/msdos_fs.h and fs/fat/dir.c 's' all linux/cdk.h -'t' 00-7F linux/if_ppp.h +'t' 00-7F linux/ppp-ioctl.h 't' 80-8F linux/isdn_ppp.h 't' 90 linux/toshiba.h 'u' 00-1F linux/smb_fs.h gone diff --git a/Documentation/magic-number.txt b/Documentation/magic-number.txt index abf481f780ec4856ec455257f07f3e6bb9fa57df..82761a31d64d90ff1cb2cb058c6da18c5bad15fa 100644 --- a/Documentation/magic-number.txt +++ b/Documentation/magic-number.txt @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ TTY_DRIVER_MAGIC 0x5402 tty_driver include/linux/tty_driver.h MGSLPC_MAGIC 0x5402 mgslpc_info drivers/char/pcmcia/synclink_cs.c TTY_LDISC_MAGIC 0x5403 tty_ldisc include/linux/tty_ldisc.h USB_SERIAL_MAGIC 0x6702 usb_serial drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.h -FULL_DUPLEX_MAGIC 0x6969 drivers/net/tulip/de2104x.c +FULL_DUPLEX_MAGIC 0x6969 drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/de2104x.c USB_BLUETOOTH_MAGIC 0x6d02 usb_bluetooth drivers/usb/class/bluetty.c RFCOMM_TTY_MAGIC 0x6d02 net/bluetooth/rfcomm/tty.c USB_SERIAL_PORT_MAGIC 0x7301 usb_serial_port drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.h diff --git a/Documentation/networking/LICENSE.qlge b/Documentation/networking/LICENSE.qlge index 123b6edd7f1892d5be5aa811a610787ea966d45a..ce64e4d15b21e90de894cb247f3714d3a712532e 100644 --- a/Documentation/networking/LICENSE.qlge +++ b/Documentation/networking/LICENSE.qlge @@ -1,46 +1,288 @@ -Copyright (c) 2003-2008 QLogic Corporation -QLogic Linux Networking HBA Driver +Copyright (c) 2003-2011 QLogic Corporation +QLogic Linux qlge NIC Driver -This program includes a device driver for Linux 2.6 that may be -distributed with QLogic hardware specific firmware binary file. You may modify and redistribute the device driver code under the -GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software -Foundation (version 2 or a later version). - -You may redistribute the hardware specific firmware binary file -under the following terms: - - 1. Redistribution of source code (only if applicable), - must retain the above copyright notice, this list of - conditions and the following disclaimer. - - 2. Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above - copyright notice, this list of conditions and the - following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other - materials provided with the distribution. - - 3. The name of QLogic Corporation may not be used to - endorse or promote products derived from this software - without specific prior written permission - -REGARDLESS OF WHAT LICENSING MECHANISM IS USED OR APPLICABLE, -THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED BY QLOGIC CORPORATION "AS IS'' AND ANY -EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR -BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON -ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, -OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY -OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE -POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -USER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT USE OF THIS PROGRAM WILL NOT -CREATE OR GIVE GROUNDS FOR A LICENSE BY IMPLICATION, ESTOPPEL, OR -OTHERWISE IN ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS (PATENT, COPYRIGHT, -TRADE SECRET, MASK WORK, OR OTHER PROPRIETARY RIGHT) EMBODIED IN -ANY OTHER QLOGIC HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE EITHER SOLELY OR IN -COMBINATION WITH THIS PROGRAM. +GNU General Public License (a copy of which is attached hereto as +Exhibit A) published by the Free Software Foundation (version 2). + +EXHIBIT A + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. diff --git a/Documentation/networking/l2tp.txt b/Documentation/networking/l2tp.txt index e7bf3979facb95005fdbae1070013d3953a1c822..e63fc1f7bf875ad6908b4a7ff3ade9a72f14557d 100644 --- a/Documentation/networking/l2tp.txt +++ b/Documentation/networking/l2tp.txt @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ When creating PPPoL2TP sockets, the application provides information to the driver about the socket in a socket connect() call. Source and destination tunnel and session ids are provided, as well as the file descriptor of a UDP socket. See struct pppol2tp_addr in -include/linux/if_ppp.h. Note that zero tunnel / session ids are +include/linux/if_pppol2tp.h. Note that zero tunnel / session ids are treated specially. When creating the per-tunnel PPPoL2TP management socket in Step 2 above, zero source and destination session ids are specified, which tells the driver to prepare the supplied UDP file diff --git a/Documentation/networking/mac80211-auth-assoc-deauth.txt b/Documentation/networking/mac80211-auth-assoc-deauth.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e0a2aa585ca3b505ce14f034b2badd8e263c228c --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/networking/mac80211-auth-assoc-deauth.txt @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +# +# This outlines the Linux authentication/association and +# deauthentication/disassociation flows. +# +# This can be converted into a diagram using the service +# at http://www.websequencediagrams.com/ +# + +participant userspace +participant mac80211 +participant driver + +alt authentication needed (not FT) +userspace->mac80211: authenticate + +alt authenticated/authenticating already +mac80211->driver: sta_state(AP, not-exists) +mac80211->driver: bss_info_changed(clear BSSID) +else associated +note over mac80211,driver +like deauth/disassoc, without sending the +BA session stop & deauth/disassoc frames +end note +end + +mac80211->driver: config(channel, non-HT) +mac80211->driver: bss_info_changed(set BSSID, basic rate bitmap) +mac80211->driver: sta_state(AP, exists) + +alt no probe request data known +mac80211->driver: TX directed probe request +driver->mac80211: RX probe response +end + +mac80211->driver: TX auth frame +driver->mac80211: RX auth frame + +alt WEP shared key auth +mac80211->driver: TX auth frame +driver->mac80211: RX auth frame +end + +mac80211->driver: sta_state(AP, authenticated) +mac80211->userspace: RX auth frame + +end + +userspace->mac80211: associate +alt authenticated or associated +note over mac80211,driver: cleanup like for authenticate +end + +alt not previously authenticated (FT) +mac80211->driver: config(channel, non-HT) +mac80211->driver: bss_info_changed(set BSSID, basic rate bitmap) +mac80211->driver: sta_state(AP, exists) +mac80211->driver: sta_state(AP, authenticated) +end +mac80211->driver: TX assoc +driver->mac80211: RX assoc response +note over mac80211: init rate control +mac80211->driver: sta_state(AP, associated) + +alt not using WPA +mac80211->driver: sta_state(AP, authorized) +end + +mac80211->driver: set up QoS parameters + +alt is HT channel +mac80211->driver: config(channel, HT params) +end + +mac80211->driver: bss_info_changed(QoS, HT, associated with AID) +mac80211->userspace: associated + +note left of userspace: associated now + +alt using WPA +note over userspace +do 4-way-handshake +(data frames) +end note +userspace->mac80211: authorized +mac80211->driver: sta_state(AP, authorized) +end + +userspace->mac80211: deauthenticate/disassociate +mac80211->driver: stop BA sessions +mac80211->driver: TX deauth/disassoc +mac80211->driver: flush frames +mac80211->driver: sta_state(AP,associated) +mac80211->driver: sta_state(AP,authenticated) +mac80211->driver: sta_state(AP,exists) +mac80211->driver: sta_state(AP,not-exists) +mac80211->driver: turn off powersave +mac80211->driver: bss_info_changed(clear BSSID, not associated, no QoS, ...) +mac80211->driver: config(non-HT channel type) +mac80211->userspace: disconnected diff --git a/Documentation/networking/netdev-features.txt b/Documentation/networking/netdev-features.txt index 4b1c0dcef84cc39675fc9c4e5ae4013930fd8529..4164f5c02e4bbdf406956818fc34b8306610ba55 100644 --- a/Documentation/networking/netdev-features.txt +++ b/Documentation/networking/netdev-features.txt @@ -152,3 +152,16 @@ NETIF_F_VLAN_CHALLENGED should be set for devices which can't cope with VLAN headers. Some drivers set this because the cards can't handle the bigger MTU. [FIXME: Those cases could be fixed in VLAN code by allowing only reduced-MTU VLANs. This may be not useful, though.] + +* rx-fcs + +This requests that the NIC append the Ethernet Frame Checksum (FCS) +to the end of the skb data. This allows sniffers and other tools to +read the CRC recorded by the NIC on receipt of the packet. + +* rx-all + +This requests that the NIC receive all possible frames, including errored +frames (such as bad FCS, etc). This can be helpful when sniffing a link with +bad packets on it. Some NICs may receive more packets if also put into normal +PROMISC mdoe. diff --git a/Documentation/networking/phy.txt b/Documentation/networking/phy.txt index 9eb1ba52013df53040af34f44b95745a049f8e39..95e5f5985a2aecaffb81081fc4594d9b5ef6c074 100644 --- a/Documentation/networking/phy.txt +++ b/Documentation/networking/phy.txt @@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ The MDIO bus 5) The bus must also be declared somewhere as a device, and registered. As an example for how one driver implemented an mdio bus driver, see - drivers/net/gianfar_mii.c and arch/ppc/syslib/mpc85xx_devices.c + drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fsl_pq_mdio.c and an associated DTS file + for one of the users. (e.g. "git grep fsl,.*-mdio arch/powerpc/boot/dts/") Connecting to a PHY diff --git a/Documentation/networking/ppp_generic.txt b/Documentation/networking/ppp_generic.txt index 15b5172fbb9866f8d97bdf10412a9e1d81c0f041..091d20273dcbbce70c75d1c1de76af25e100e344 100644 --- a/Documentation/networking/ppp_generic.txt +++ b/Documentation/networking/ppp_generic.txt @@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ an interface unit are: numbers on received multilink fragments SC_MP_XSHORTSEQ transmit short multilink sequence nos. - The values of these flags are defined in . Note + The values of these flags are defined in . Note that the values of the SC_MULTILINK, SC_MP_SHORTSEQ and SC_MP_XSHORTSEQ bits are ignored if the CONFIG_PPP_MULTILINK option is not selected. @@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ an interface unit are: * PPPIOCSCOMPRESS sets the parameters for packet compression or decompression. The argument should point to a ppp_option_data - structure (defined in ), which contains a + structure (defined in ), which contains a pointer/length pair which should describe a block of memory containing a CCP option specifying a compression method and its parameters. The ppp_option_data struct also contains a `transmit' @@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ an interface unit are: * PPPIOCSNPMODE sets the network-protocol mode for a given network protocol. The argument should point to an npioctl struct (defined - in ). The `protocol' field gives the PPP protocol + in ). The `protocol' field gives the PPP protocol number for the protocol to be affected, and the `mode' field specifies what to do with packets for that protocol: diff --git a/Documentation/zh_CN/magic-number.txt b/Documentation/zh_CN/magic-number.txt index c278f412dc6557284854b4761e7fc7345d0ffc7b..f606ba8598cfcfa2fff78d09a5c293db50b7d4cb 100644 --- a/Documentation/zh_CN/magic-number.txt +++ b/Documentation/zh_CN/magic-number.txt @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ TTY_DRIVER_MAGIC 0x5402 tty_driver include/linux/tty_driver.h MGSLPC_MAGIC 0x5402 mgslpc_info drivers/char/pcmcia/synclink_cs.c TTY_LDISC_MAGIC 0x5403 tty_ldisc include/linux/tty_ldisc.h USB_SERIAL_MAGIC 0x6702 usb_serial drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.h -FULL_DUPLEX_MAGIC 0x6969 drivers/net/tulip/de2104x.c +FULL_DUPLEX_MAGIC 0x6969 drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/de2104x.c USB_BLUETOOTH_MAGIC 0x6d02 usb_bluetooth drivers/usb/class/bluetty.c RFCOMM_TTY_MAGIC 0x6d02 net/bluetooth/rfcomm/tty.c USB_SERIAL_PORT_MAGIC 0x7301 usb_serial_port drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.h diff --git a/MAINTAINERS b/MAINTAINERS index 5ac456ebf125904d1a1822ac8f5666f9b684f52e..8f254e7b6c732476946e4d3a71e5b7f3c51b0925 100644 --- a/MAINTAINERS +++ b/MAINTAINERS @@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ F: net/ax25/ B43 WIRELESS DRIVER M: Stefano Brivio L: linux-wireless@vger.kernel.org -L: b43-dev@lists.infradead.org (moderated for non-subscribers) +L: b43-dev@lists.infradead.org W: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 S: Maintained F: drivers/net/wireless/b43/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,7 @@ B43LEGACY WIRELESS DRIVER M: Larry Finger M: Stefano Brivio L: linux-wireless@vger.kernel.org +L: b43-dev@lists.infradead.org W: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 S: Maintained F: drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/ @@ -1571,7 +1572,6 @@ F: drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/tg3.* BROADCOM BRCM80211 IEEE802.11n WIRELESS DRIVER M: Brett Rudley -M: Henry Ptasinski M: Roland Vossen M: Arend van Spriel M: Franky (Zhenhui) Lin @@ -1809,7 +1809,8 @@ F: Documentation/zh_CN/ CISCO VIC ETHERNET NIC DRIVER M: Christian Benvenuti M: Roopa Prabhu -M: David Wang +M: Neel Patel +M: Nishank Trivedi S: Supported F: drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/ @@ -4937,8 +4938,6 @@ F: fs/ocfs2/ ORINOCO DRIVER L: linux-wireless@vger.kernel.org -L: orinoco-users@lists.sourceforge.net -L: orinoco-devel@lists.sourceforge.net W: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/orinoco W: http://www.nongnu.org/orinoco/ S: Orphan @@ -5345,6 +5344,17 @@ L: cbe-oss-dev@lists.ozlabs.org S: Maintained F: drivers/block/ps3vram.c +PTP HARDWARE CLOCK SUPPORT +M: Richard Cochran +S: Maintained +W: http://linuxptp.sourceforge.net/ +F: Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-ptp +F: Documentation/ptp/* +F: drivers/net/gianfar_ptp.c +F: drivers/net/phy/dp83640* +F: drivers/ptp/* +F: include/linux/ptp_cl* + PTRACE SUPPORT M: Roland McGrath M: Oleg Nesterov @@ -7501,6 +7511,12 @@ S: Supported F: Documentation/filesystems/xfs.txt F: fs/xfs/ +XILINX AXI ETHERNET DRIVER +M: Ariane Keller +M: Daniel Borkmann +S: Maintained +F: drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/xilinx_axienet* + XILINX SYSTEMACE DRIVER M: Grant Likely W: http://www.secretlab.ca/ diff --git a/arch/alpha/include/asm/socket.h b/arch/alpha/include/asm/socket.h index 082355f159e67930c284b76d33a4bb7f9a090b3a..dcb221a4b5be3505686b05fb3060307cde68f29b 100644 --- a/arch/alpha/include/asm/socket.h +++ b/arch/alpha/include/asm/socket.h @@ -71,6 +71,10 @@ #define SO_WIFI_STATUS 41 #define SCM_WIFI_STATUS SO_WIFI_STATUS +#define SO_PEEK_OFF 42 + +/* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */ +#define SO_NOFCS 43 /* O_NONBLOCK clashes with the bits used for socket types. Therefore we * have to define SOCK_NONBLOCK to a different value here. diff --git a/arch/arm/include/asm/socket.h b/arch/arm/include/asm/socket.h index dec6f9afb3cf949de01bb4928dc9ba1429bc9b59..6433cadb6ed411ee0ca809d06b2d82e53731e1a7 100644 --- a/arch/arm/include/asm/socket.h +++ b/arch/arm/include/asm/socket.h @@ -64,5 +64,9 @@ #define SO_WIFI_STATUS 41 #define SCM_WIFI_STATUS SO_WIFI_STATUS +#define SO_PEEK_OFF 42 + +/* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */ +#define SO_NOFCS 43 #endif /* _ASM_SOCKET_H */ diff --git a/arch/avr32/include/asm/socket.h b/arch/avr32/include/asm/socket.h index 247b88c760bef0615b9b470defb29e8b7645bd1d..a473f8c6a9aa2be66f04f375ef7b7820b7c0683a 100644 --- a/arch/avr32/include/asm/socket.h +++ b/arch/avr32/include/asm/socket.h @@ -64,5 +64,9 @@ #define SO_WIFI_STATUS 41 #define SCM_WIFI_STATUS SO_WIFI_STATUS +#define SO_PEEK_OFF 42 + +/* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */ +#define SO_NOFCS 43 #endif /* __ASM_AVR32_SOCKET_H */ diff --git a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf518/boards/ezbrd.c b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf518/boards/ezbrd.c index a2d96d31bbf16a0764b066d7d08a2201374c5fd9..a17395727efa29966feb636c88b8e86df0e54883 100644 --- a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf518/boards/ezbrd.c +++ b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf518/boards/ezbrd.c @@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ void native_machine_restart(char *cmd) bfin_reset_boot_spi_cs(P_DEFAULT_BOOT_SPI_CS); } -void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) +int bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) { /* the MAC is stored in OTP memory page 0xDF */ u32 ret; @@ -834,5 +834,6 @@ void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) for (ret = 0; ret < 6; ++ret) addr[ret] = otp_mac_p[5 - ret]; } + return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bfin_get_ether_addr); diff --git a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf518/boards/tcm-bf518.c b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf518/boards/tcm-bf518.c index f271310f739d4107241245218aeebaad21dd4308..6eebee4e421765f4bc962ab2c8eae24cc613481a 100644 --- a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf518/boards/tcm-bf518.c +++ b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf518/boards/tcm-bf518.c @@ -730,9 +730,8 @@ void native_machine_restart(char *cmd) bfin_reset_boot_spi_cs(P_DEFAULT_BOOT_SPI_CS); } -void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) +int bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) { - random_ether_addr(addr); - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s:%s: Setting Ethernet MAC to a random one\n", __FILE__, __func__); + return 1; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bfin_get_ether_addr); diff --git a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/ad7160eval.c b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/ad7160eval.c index c8d5d2b7c732fd78f2a678d2fd09315d3b1968f7..fad7fea1b0bf4b5dd6bdb0fa8e981f14ed9beae1 100644 --- a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/ad7160eval.c +++ b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/ad7160eval.c @@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ void native_machine_restart(char *cmd) bfin_reset_boot_spi_cs(P_DEFAULT_BOOT_SPI_CS); } -void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) +int bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) { /* the MAC is stored in OTP memory page 0xDF */ u32 ret; @@ -859,5 +859,6 @@ void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) for (ret = 0; ret < 6; ++ret) addr[ret] = otp_mac_p[5 - ret]; } + return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bfin_get_ether_addr); diff --git a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/cm_bf527.c b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/cm_bf527.c index 7330607856e96061e9badb1ea24b712b1d1d14da..65b7fbd30e161de00be6b61369885f4d4a81fbf3 100644 --- a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/cm_bf527.c +++ b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/cm_bf527.c @@ -983,9 +983,8 @@ void native_machine_restart(char *cmd) bfin_reset_boot_spi_cs(P_DEFAULT_BOOT_SPI_CS); } -void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) +int bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) { - random_ether_addr(addr); - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s:%s: Setting Ethernet MAC to a random one\n", __FILE__, __func__); + return 1; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bfin_get_ether_addr); diff --git a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/ezbrd.c b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/ezbrd.c index db3ecfce8306c08fb3b660be5ff509a4b2fdfc4b..17c6a24cc0764a51d87ac41c6aa9ae660aaf839c 100644 --- a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/ezbrd.c +++ b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/ezbrd.c @@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ void native_machine_restart(char *cmd) bfin_reset_boot_spi_cs(P_DEFAULT_BOOT_SPI_CS); } -void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) +int bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) { /* the MAC is stored in OTP memory page 0xDF */ u32 ret; @@ -883,5 +883,6 @@ void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) for (ret = 0; ret < 6; ++ret) addr[ret] = otp_mac_p[5 - ret]; } + return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bfin_get_ether_addr); diff --git a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/ezkit.c b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/ezkit.c index dfdd8e6bac7296d02f09ff6a0b6f19ea4f42caf2..2f9a2bd83ce44fb47d165a7fb8d4f772e2d99ef2 100644 --- a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/ezkit.c +++ b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/ezkit.c @@ -1311,7 +1311,7 @@ void native_machine_restart(char *cmd) bfin_reset_boot_spi_cs(P_DEFAULT_BOOT_SPI_CS); } -void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) +int bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) { /* the MAC is stored in OTP memory page 0xDF */ u32 ret; @@ -1324,5 +1324,6 @@ void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) for (ret = 0; ret < 6; ++ret) addr[ret] = otp_mac_p[5 - ret]; } + return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bfin_get_ether_addr); diff --git a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/tll6527m.c b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/tll6527m.c index 360e97fc529363d53193c34decc623d27b31a34e..d192c0ac941c40390e6c3f06421365f2517e6496 100644 --- a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/tll6527m.c +++ b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf527/boards/tll6527m.c @@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ void native_machine_restart(char *cmd) bfin_reset_boot_spi_cs(P_DEFAULT_BOOT_SPI_CS); } -void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) +int bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) { /* the MAC is stored in OTP memory page 0xDF */ u32 ret; @@ -945,5 +945,6 @@ void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) for (ret = 0; ret < 6; ++ret) addr[ret] = otp_mac_p[5 - ret]; } + return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bfin_get_ether_addr); diff --git a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/cm_bf537e.c b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/cm_bf537e.c index 0d4a2f61a973a94399a93aeac18ff86935810b1f..27fd2c32ae9ae8d83fc3658716778a86268d0af0 100644 --- a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/cm_bf537e.c +++ b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/cm_bf537e.c @@ -813,9 +813,8 @@ void __init native_machine_early_platform_add_devices(void) ARRAY_SIZE(cm_bf537e_early_devices)); } -void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) +int bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) { - random_ether_addr(addr); - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s:%s: Setting Ethernet MAC to a random one\n", __FILE__, __func__); + return 1; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bfin_get_ether_addr); diff --git a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/cm_bf537u.c b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/cm_bf537u.c index f5536982706c702137fbd4cda636affac68b8eec..3f3abad86ec322e95d9a3a313af5577ec9f53012 100644 --- a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/cm_bf537u.c +++ b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/cm_bf537u.c @@ -790,9 +790,8 @@ void __init native_machine_early_platform_add_devices(void) ARRAY_SIZE(cm_bf537u_early_devices)); } -void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) +int bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) { - random_ether_addr(addr); - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s:%s: Setting Ethernet MAC to a random one\n", __FILE__, __func__); + return 1; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bfin_get_ether_addr); diff --git a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/dnp5370.c b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/dnp5370.c index 11dadeb33d79af0dd63118bbce90f794b89d3a48..6f77bf708ec0bf4e2da745ce73f1c2b64260c88b 100644 --- a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/dnp5370.c +++ b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/dnp5370.c @@ -399,9 +399,10 @@ arch_initcall(dnp5370_init); /* * Currently the MAC address is saved in Flash by U-Boot */ -void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) +int bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) { *(u32 *)(&(addr[0])) = bfin_read32(FLASH_MAC); *(u16 *)(&(addr[4])) = bfin_read16(FLASH_MAC + 4); + return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bfin_get_ether_addr); diff --git a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/pnav10.c b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/pnav10.c index 6fd84709fc68c08c786018f2b4c63590c639d232..e9507feea319d51c2e223189c7956dde90c9336a 100644 --- a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/pnav10.c +++ b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/pnav10.c @@ -535,9 +535,8 @@ void __init native_machine_early_platform_add_devices(void) ARRAY_SIZE(stamp_early_devices)); } -void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) +int bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) { - random_ether_addr(addr); - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s:%s: Setting Ethernet MAC to a random one\n", __FILE__, __func__); + return 1; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bfin_get_ether_addr); diff --git a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/stamp.c b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/stamp.c index 2221173e489e5294f9c788ea33db0a9e9389e6dd..0b807253f4d619c668a8bd3f0e5317eb90aa8a41 100644 --- a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/stamp.c +++ b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/stamp.c @@ -2993,9 +2993,10 @@ void native_machine_restart(char *cmd) * Currently the MAC address is saved in Flash by U-Boot */ #define FLASH_MAC 0x203f0000 -void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) +int bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) { *(u32 *)(&(addr[0])) = bfin_read32(FLASH_MAC); *(u16 *)(&(addr[4])) = bfin_read16(FLASH_MAC + 4); + return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bfin_get_ether_addr); diff --git a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/tcm_bf537.c b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/tcm_bf537.c index 988517671a5dbd91ac12b3fd028dc156eb0a25af..3fb421823857e0ab3a76fbb743c2862834d801f3 100644 --- a/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/tcm_bf537.c +++ b/arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/tcm_bf537.c @@ -780,9 +780,8 @@ void __init native_machine_early_platform_add_devices(void) ARRAY_SIZE(cm_bf537_early_devices)); } -void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) +int bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr) { - random_ether_addr(addr); - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s:%s: Setting Ethernet MAC to a random one\n", __FILE__, __func__); + return 1; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bfin_get_ether_addr); diff --git a/arch/cris/include/asm/socket.h b/arch/cris/include/asm/socket.h index e269264df7c4f38b35c8aafa07579a935afd1a23..ae52825021afd98237557656abf77dad4a75491f 100644 --- a/arch/cris/include/asm/socket.h +++ b/arch/cris/include/asm/socket.h @@ -66,6 +66,10 @@ #define SO_WIFI_STATUS 41 #define SCM_WIFI_STATUS SO_WIFI_STATUS +#define SO_PEEK_OFF 42 + +/* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */ +#define SO_NOFCS 43 #endif /* _ASM_SOCKET_H */ diff --git a/arch/frv/include/asm/socket.h b/arch/frv/include/asm/socket.h index ce80fdadcce57ad1975c9daab73c823721a21f10..a5b1d7dbb205389eef5e2d5627f0aad3744778fe 100644 --- a/arch/frv/include/asm/socket.h +++ b/arch/frv/include/asm/socket.h @@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ #define SO_WIFI_STATUS 41 #define SCM_WIFI_STATUS SO_WIFI_STATUS +#define SO_PEEK_OFF 42 + +/* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */ +#define SO_NOFCS 43 #endif /* _ASM_SOCKET_H */ diff --git a/arch/h8300/include/asm/socket.h b/arch/h8300/include/asm/socket.h index cf1daab6f27efb11007af681ee93fb29f64bb63c..ec4554e7b04b68ab4c41ad93e612469ac896708c 100644 --- a/arch/h8300/include/asm/socket.h +++ b/arch/h8300/include/asm/socket.h @@ -64,5 +64,9 @@ #define SO_WIFI_STATUS 41 #define SCM_WIFI_STATUS SO_WIFI_STATUS +#define SO_PEEK_OFF 42 + +/* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */ +#define SO_NOFCS 43 #endif /* _ASM_SOCKET_H */ diff --git a/arch/ia64/hp/sim/simeth.c b/arch/ia64/hp/sim/simeth.c index e343357f80b93929fb1c7ae6b18bcb307b2cd24b..a63218e1f6c98963967014662fcbff6d2f033573 100644 --- a/arch/ia64/hp/sim/simeth.c +++ b/arch/ia64/hp/sim/simeth.c @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ simeth_probe1(void) unsigned char mac_addr[ETH_ALEN]; struct simeth_local *local; struct net_device *dev; - int fd, i, err, rc; + int fd, err, rc; /* * XXX Fix me @@ -223,12 +223,8 @@ simeth_probe1(void) panic("%s: out of interrupt vectors!\n", __func__); dev->irq = rc; - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: hosteth=%s simfd=%d, HwAddr", - dev->name, simeth_device, local->simfd); - for(i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) { - printk(" %2.2x", dev->dev_addr[i]); - } - printk(", IRQ %d\n", dev->irq); + printk(KERN_INFO "%s: hosteth=%s simfd=%d, HwAddr=%pm, IRQ %d\n", + dev->name, simeth_device, local->simfd, dev->dev_addr, dev->irq); return 0; } diff --git a/arch/ia64/include/asm/socket.h b/arch/ia64/include/asm/socket.h index 4b03664e3fb50534b27d9429c951f8b78a272210..41fc28a4a18a2305763db7be6e0d51210671030e 100644 --- a/arch/ia64/include/asm/socket.h +++ b/arch/ia64/include/asm/socket.h @@ -73,5 +73,9 @@ #define SO_WIFI_STATUS 41 #define SCM_WIFI_STATUS SO_WIFI_STATUS +#define SO_PEEK_OFF 42 + +/* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */ +#define SO_NOFCS 43 #endif /* _ASM_IA64_SOCKET_H */ diff --git a/arch/m32r/include/asm/socket.h b/arch/m32r/include/asm/socket.h index e8b8c5bb053c12135328d43fbc00fbe12b7db1b9..a15f40b527834256eababa34dd23d076cf003e2d 100644 --- a/arch/m32r/include/asm/socket.h +++ b/arch/m32r/include/asm/socket.h @@ -64,5 +64,9 @@ #define SO_WIFI_STATUS 41 #define SCM_WIFI_STATUS SO_WIFI_STATUS +#define SO_PEEK_OFF 42 + +/* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */ +#define SO_NOFCS 43 #endif /* _ASM_M32R_SOCKET_H */ diff --git a/arch/m68k/include/asm/socket.h b/arch/m68k/include/asm/socket.h index d4708ce466e068d6bc8935cc222eb923fc27b1a7..d1be684edf97925331569d9af422a5f427e2a271 100644 --- a/arch/m68k/include/asm/socket.h +++ b/arch/m68k/include/asm/socket.h @@ -64,5 +64,9 @@ #define SO_WIFI_STATUS 41 #define SCM_WIFI_STATUS SO_WIFI_STATUS +#define SO_PEEK_OFF 42 + +/* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */ +#define SO_NOFCS 43 #endif /* _ASM_SOCKET_H */ diff --git a/arch/mips/bcm47xx/Makefile b/arch/mips/bcm47xx/Makefile index 4add17349ff9549a264da1814249ae533144e042..4389de182eb476a5cf3ff50565e7f13b86585611 100644 --- a/arch/mips/bcm47xx/Makefile +++ b/arch/mips/bcm47xx/Makefile @@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ # under Linux. # -obj-y += gpio.o irq.o nvram.o prom.o serial.o setup.o time.o +obj-y += gpio.o irq.o nvram.o prom.o serial.o setup.o time.o sprom.o obj-$(CONFIG_BCM47XX_SSB) += wgt634u.o diff --git a/arch/mips/bcm47xx/nvram.c b/arch/mips/bcm47xx/nvram.c index a84e3bb7387f685bc7025e689e01e57cfa97bd21..d43ceff5be4782b7024ae0f04ad73f278d4d7486 100644 --- a/arch/mips/bcm47xx/nvram.c +++ b/arch/mips/bcm47xx/nvram.c @@ -107,8 +107,7 @@ int nvram_getenv(char *name, char *val, size_t val_len) value = eq + 1; if ((eq - var) == strlen(name) && strncmp(var, name, (eq - var)) == 0) { - snprintf(val, val_len, "%s", value); - return 0; + return snprintf(val, val_len, "%s", value); } } return NVRAM_ERR_ENVNOTFOUND; diff --git a/arch/mips/bcm47xx/setup.c b/arch/mips/bcm47xx/setup.c index aab6b0c40a7569b54767c5e473e75da5ba5b8563..19780aa917081e0ce547c63e1ffc8fff9d8723be 100644 --- a/arch/mips/bcm47xx/setup.c +++ b/arch/mips/bcm47xx/setup.c @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ * Copyright (C) 2006 Felix Fietkau * Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Buesch * Copyright (C) 2010 Waldemar Brodkorb - * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Hauke Mehrtens + * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Hauke Mehrtens * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the @@ -85,156 +85,7 @@ static void bcm47xx_machine_halt(void) } #ifdef CONFIG_BCM47XX_SSB -#define READ_FROM_NVRAM(_outvar, name, buf) \ - if (nvram_getprefix(prefix, name, buf, sizeof(buf)) >= 0)\ - sprom->_outvar = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); - -#define READ_FROM_NVRAM2(_outvar, name1, name2, buf) \ - if (nvram_getprefix(prefix, name1, buf, sizeof(buf)) >= 0 || \ - nvram_getprefix(prefix, name2, buf, sizeof(buf)) >= 0)\ - sprom->_outvar = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); - -static inline int nvram_getprefix(const char *prefix, char *name, - char *buf, int len) -{ - if (prefix) { - char key[100]; - - snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s%s", prefix, name); - return nvram_getenv(key, buf, len); - } - - return nvram_getenv(name, buf, len); -} - -static u32 nvram_getu32(const char *name, char *buf, int len) -{ - int rv; - char key[100]; - u16 var0, var1; - - snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s0", name); - rv = nvram_getenv(key, buf, len); - /* return 0 here so this looks like unset */ - if (rv < 0) - return 0; - var0 = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); - - snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s1", name); - rv = nvram_getenv(key, buf, len); - if (rv < 0) - return 0; - var1 = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); - return var1 << 16 | var0; -} - -static void bcm47xx_fill_sprom(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, const char *prefix) -{ - char buf[100]; - u32 boardflags; - - memset(sprom, 0, sizeof(struct ssb_sprom)); - - sprom->revision = 1; /* Fallback: Old hardware does not define this. */ - READ_FROM_NVRAM(revision, "sromrev", buf); - if (nvram_getprefix(prefix, "il0macaddr", buf, sizeof(buf)) >= 0 || - nvram_getprefix(prefix, "macaddr", buf, sizeof(buf)) >= 0) - nvram_parse_macaddr(buf, sprom->il0mac); - if (nvram_getprefix(prefix, "et0macaddr", buf, sizeof(buf)) >= 0) - nvram_parse_macaddr(buf, sprom->et0mac); - if (nvram_getprefix(prefix, "et1macaddr", buf, sizeof(buf)) >= 0) - nvram_parse_macaddr(buf, sprom->et1mac); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(et0phyaddr, "et0phyaddr", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(et1phyaddr, "et1phyaddr", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(et0mdcport, "et0mdcport", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(et1mdcport, "et1mdcport", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(board_rev, "boardrev", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(country_code, "ccode", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(ant_available_a, "aa5g", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(ant_available_bg, "aa2g", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(pa0b0, "pa0b0", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(pa0b1, "pa0b1", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(pa0b2, "pa0b2", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(pa1b0, "pa1b0", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(pa1b1, "pa1b1", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(pa1b2, "pa1b2", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(pa1lob0, "pa1lob0", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(pa1lob2, "pa1lob1", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(pa1lob1, "pa1lob2", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(pa1hib0, "pa1hib0", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(pa1hib2, "pa1hib1", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(pa1hib1, "pa1hib2", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM2(gpio0, "ledbh0", "wl0gpio0", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM2(gpio1, "ledbh1", "wl0gpio1", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM2(gpio2, "ledbh2", "wl0gpio2", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM2(gpio3, "ledbh3", "wl0gpio3", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM2(maxpwr_bg, "maxp2ga0", "pa0maxpwr", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM2(maxpwr_al, "maxp5gla0", "pa1lomaxpwr", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM2(maxpwr_a, "maxp5ga0", "pa1maxpwr", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM2(maxpwr_ah, "maxp5gha0", "pa1himaxpwr", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM2(itssi_bg, "itt5ga0", "pa0itssit", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM2(itssi_a, "itt2ga0", "pa1itssit", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(tri2g, "tri2g", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(tri5gl, "tri5gl", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(tri5g, "tri5g", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(tri5gh, "tri5gh", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(txpid2g[0], "txpid2ga0", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(txpid2g[1], "txpid2ga1", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(txpid2g[2], "txpid2ga2", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(txpid2g[3], "txpid2ga3", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(txpid5g[0], "txpid5ga0", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(txpid5g[1], "txpid5ga1", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(txpid5g[2], "txpid5ga2", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(txpid5g[3], "txpid5ga3", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(txpid5gl[0], "txpid5gla0", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(txpid5gl[1], "txpid5gla1", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(txpid5gl[2], "txpid5gla2", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(txpid5gl[3], "txpid5gla3", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(txpid5gh[0], "txpid5gha0", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(txpid5gh[1], "txpid5gha1", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(txpid5gh[2], "txpid5gha2", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(txpid5gh[3], "txpid5gha3", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(rxpo2g, "rxpo2g", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(rxpo5g, "rxpo5g", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(rssisav2g, "rssisav2g", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(rssismc2g, "rssismc2g", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(rssismf2g, "rssismf2g", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(bxa2g, "bxa2g", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(rssisav5g, "rssisav5g", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(rssismc5g, "rssismc5g", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(rssismf5g, "rssismf5g", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(bxa5g, "bxa5g", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(cck2gpo, "cck2gpo", buf); - - sprom->ofdm2gpo = nvram_getu32("ofdm2gpo", buf, sizeof(buf)); - sprom->ofdm5glpo = nvram_getu32("ofdm5glpo", buf, sizeof(buf)); - sprom->ofdm5gpo = nvram_getu32("ofdm5gpo", buf, sizeof(buf)); - sprom->ofdm5ghpo = nvram_getu32("ofdm5ghpo", buf, sizeof(buf)); - - READ_FROM_NVRAM(antenna_gain.ghz24.a0, "ag0", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(antenna_gain.ghz24.a1, "ag1", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(antenna_gain.ghz24.a2, "ag2", buf); - READ_FROM_NVRAM(antenna_gain.ghz24.a3, "ag3", buf); - memcpy(&sprom->antenna_gain.ghz5, &sprom->antenna_gain.ghz24, - sizeof(sprom->antenna_gain.ghz5)); - - if (nvram_getprefix(prefix, "boardflags", buf, sizeof(buf)) >= 0) { - boardflags = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); - if (boardflags) { - sprom->boardflags_lo = (boardflags & 0x0000FFFFU); - sprom->boardflags_hi = (boardflags & 0xFFFF0000U) >> 16; - } - } - if (nvram_getprefix(prefix, "boardflags2", buf, sizeof(buf)) >= 0) { - boardflags = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); - if (boardflags) { - sprom->boardflags2_lo = (boardflags & 0x0000FFFFU); - sprom->boardflags2_hi = (boardflags & 0xFFFF0000U) >> 16; - } - } -} - -int bcm47xx_get_sprom(struct ssb_bus *bus, struct ssb_sprom *out) +static int bcm47xx_get_sprom_ssb(struct ssb_bus *bus, struct ssb_sprom *out) { char prefix[10]; @@ -251,7 +102,7 @@ int bcm47xx_get_sprom(struct ssb_bus *bus, struct ssb_sprom *out) } static int bcm47xx_get_invariants(struct ssb_bus *bus, - struct ssb_init_invariants *iv) + struct ssb_init_invariants *iv) { char buf[20]; @@ -281,7 +132,7 @@ static void __init bcm47xx_register_ssb(void) char buf[100]; struct ssb_mipscore *mcore; - err = ssb_arch_register_fallback_sprom(&bcm47xx_get_sprom); + err = ssb_arch_register_fallback_sprom(&bcm47xx_get_sprom_ssb); if (err) printk(KERN_WARNING "bcm47xx: someone else already registered" " a ssb SPROM callback handler (err %d)\n", err); @@ -308,10 +159,41 @@ static void __init bcm47xx_register_ssb(void) #endif #ifdef CONFIG_BCM47XX_BCMA +static int bcm47xx_get_sprom_bcma(struct bcma_bus *bus, struct ssb_sprom *out) +{ + char prefix[10]; + struct bcma_device *core; + + switch (bus->hosttype) { + case BCMA_HOSTTYPE_PCI: + snprintf(prefix, sizeof(prefix), "pci/%u/%u/", + bus->host_pci->bus->number + 1, + PCI_SLOT(bus->host_pci->devfn)); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom(out, prefix); + return 0; + case BCMA_HOSTTYPE_SOC: + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_ethernet(out, NULL); + core = bcma_find_core(bus, BCMA_CORE_80211); + if (core) { + snprintf(prefix, sizeof(prefix), "sb/%u/", + core->core_index); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom(out, prefix); + } + return 0; + default: + pr_warn("bcm47xx: unable to fill SPROM for given bustype.\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } +} + static void __init bcm47xx_register_bcma(void) { int err; + err = bcma_arch_register_fallback_sprom(&bcm47xx_get_sprom_bcma); + if (err) + pr_warn("bcm47xx: someone else already registered a bcma SPROM callback handler (err %d)\n", err); + err = bcma_host_soc_register(&bcm47xx_bus.bcma); if (err) panic("Failed to initialize BCMA bus (err %d)", err); diff --git a/arch/mips/bcm47xx/sprom.c b/arch/mips/bcm47xx/sprom.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c8dcd2a8a93e443facdd50d99edd043af1997ac --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/mips/bcm47xx/sprom.c @@ -0,0 +1,620 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2004 Florian Schirmer + * Copyright (C) 2006 Felix Fietkau + * Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Buesch + * Copyright (C) 2010 Waldemar Brodkorb + * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Hauke Mehrtens + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the + * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your + * option) any later version. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED + * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF + * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN + * NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, + * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT + * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF + * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON + * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF + * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along + * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + * 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + */ + +#include +#include + +static void create_key(const char *prefix, const char *postfix, + const char *name, char *buf, int len) +{ + if (prefix && postfix) + snprintf(buf, len, "%s%s%s", prefix, name, postfix); + else if (prefix) + snprintf(buf, len, "%s%s", prefix, name); + else if (postfix) + snprintf(buf, len, "%s%s", name, postfix); + else + snprintf(buf, len, "%s", name); +} + +#define NVRAM_READ_VAL(type) \ +static void nvram_read_ ## type (const char *prefix, \ + const char *postfix, const char *name, \ + type *val, type allset) \ +{ \ + char buf[100]; \ + char key[40]; \ + int err; \ + type var; \ + \ + create_key(prefix, postfix, name, key, sizeof(key)); \ + \ + err = nvram_getenv(key, buf, sizeof(buf)); \ + if (err < 0) \ + return; \ + err = kstrto ## type (buf, 0, &var); \ + if (err) { \ + pr_warn("can not parse nvram name %s with value %s" \ + " got %i", key, buf, err); \ + return; \ + } \ + if (allset && var == allset) \ + return; \ + *val = var; \ +} + +NVRAM_READ_VAL(u8) +NVRAM_READ_VAL(s8) +NVRAM_READ_VAL(u16) +NVRAM_READ_VAL(u32) + +#undef NVRAM_READ_VAL + +static void nvram_read_u32_2(const char *prefix, const char *name, + u16 *val_lo, u16 *val_hi) +{ + char buf[100]; + char key[40]; + int err; + u32 val; + + create_key(prefix, NULL, name, key, sizeof(key)); + + err = nvram_getenv(key, buf, sizeof(buf)); + if (err < 0) + return; + err = kstrtou32(buf, 0, &val); + if (err) { + pr_warn("can not parse nvram name %s with value %s got %i", + key, buf, err); + return; + } + *val_lo = (val & 0x0000FFFFU); + *val_hi = (val & 0xFFFF0000U) >> 16; +} + +static void nvram_read_leddc(const char *prefix, const char *name, + u8 *leddc_on_time, u8 *leddc_off_time) +{ + char buf[100]; + char key[40]; + int err; + u32 val; + + create_key(prefix, NULL, name, key, sizeof(key)); + + err = nvram_getenv(key, buf, sizeof(buf)); + if (err < 0) + return; + err = kstrtou32(buf, 0, &val); + if (err) { + pr_warn("can not parse nvram name %s with value %s got %i", + key, buf, err); + return; + } + + if (val == 0xffff || val == 0xffffffff) + return; + + *leddc_on_time = val & 0xff; + *leddc_off_time = (val >> 16) & 0xff; +} + +static void nvram_read_macaddr(const char *prefix, const char *name, + u8 (*val)[6]) +{ + char buf[100]; + char key[40]; + int err; + + create_key(prefix, NULL, name, key, sizeof(key)); + + err = nvram_getenv(key, buf, sizeof(buf)); + if (err < 0) + return; + nvram_parse_macaddr(buf, *val); +} + +static void nvram_read_alpha2(const char *prefix, const char *name, + char (*val)[2]) +{ + char buf[10]; + char key[40]; + int err; + + create_key(prefix, NULL, name, key, sizeof(key)); + + err = nvram_getenv(key, buf, sizeof(buf)); + if (err < 0) + return; + if (buf[0] == '0') + return; + if (strlen(buf) > 2) { + pr_warn("alpha2 is too long %s", buf); + return; + } + memcpy(val, buf, sizeof(val)); +} + +static void bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r1234589(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, + const char *prefix) +{ + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "boardrev", &sprom->board_rev, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "boardnum", &sprom->board_num, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "ledbh0", &sprom->gpio0, 0xff); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "ledbh1", &sprom->gpio1, 0xff); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "ledbh2", &sprom->gpio2, 0xff); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "ledbh3", &sprom->gpio3, 0xff); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "aa2g", &sprom->ant_available_bg, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "aa5g", &sprom->ant_available_a, 0); + nvram_read_s8(prefix, NULL, "ag0", &sprom->antenna_gain.a0, 0); + nvram_read_s8(prefix, NULL, "ag1", &sprom->antenna_gain.a1, 0); + nvram_read_alpha2(prefix, "ccode", &sprom->alpha2); +} + +static void bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r12389(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, + const char *prefix) +{ + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "pa0b0", &sprom->pa0b0, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "pa0b1", &sprom->pa0b1, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "pa0b2", &sprom->pa0b2, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "pa0itssit", &sprom->itssi_bg, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "pa0maxpwr", &sprom->maxpwr_bg, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "pa1b0", &sprom->pa1b0, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "pa1b1", &sprom->pa1b1, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "pa1b2", &sprom->pa1b2, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "pa1itssit", &sprom->itssi_a, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "pa1maxpwr", &sprom->maxpwr_a, 0); +} + +static void bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r1(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, const char *prefix) +{ + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "boardflags", &sprom->boardflags_lo, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "cc", &sprom->country_code, 0); +} + +static void bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r2389(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, + const char *prefix) +{ + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "opo", &sprom->opo, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "pa1lob0", &sprom->pa1lob0, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "pa1lob1", &sprom->pa1lob1, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "pa1lob2", &sprom->pa1lob2, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "pa1hib0", &sprom->pa1hib0, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "pa1hib1", &sprom->pa1hib1, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "pa1hib2", &sprom->pa1hib2, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "pa1lomaxpwr", &sprom->maxpwr_al, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "pa1himaxpwr", &sprom->maxpwr_ah, 0); +} + +static void bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r2(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, const char *prefix) +{ + nvram_read_u32_2(prefix, "boardflags", &sprom->boardflags_lo, + &sprom->boardflags_hi); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "boardtype", &sprom->board_type, 0); +} + +static void bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r389(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, const char *prefix) +{ + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "bxa2g", &sprom->bxa2g, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rssisav2g", &sprom->rssisav2g, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rssismc2g", &sprom->rssismc2g, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rssismf2g", &sprom->rssismf2g, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "bxa5g", &sprom->bxa5g, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rssisav5g", &sprom->rssisav5g, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rssismc5g", &sprom->rssismc5g, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rssismf5g", &sprom->rssismf5g, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "tri2g", &sprom->tri2g, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "tri5g", &sprom->tri5g, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "tri5gl", &sprom->tri5gl, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "tri5gh", &sprom->tri5gh, 0); + nvram_read_s8(prefix, NULL, "rxpo2g", &sprom->rxpo2g, 0); + nvram_read_s8(prefix, NULL, "rxpo5g", &sprom->rxpo5g, 0); +} + +static void bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r3(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, const char *prefix) +{ + nvram_read_u32_2(prefix, "boardflags", &sprom->boardflags_lo, + &sprom->boardflags_hi); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "boardtype", &sprom->board_type, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "regrev", &sprom->regrev, 0); + nvram_read_leddc(prefix, "leddc", &sprom->leddc_on_time, + &sprom->leddc_off_time); +} + +static void bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r4589(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, + const char *prefix) +{ + nvram_read_u32_2(prefix, "boardflags", &sprom->boardflags_lo, + &sprom->boardflags_hi); + nvram_read_u32_2(prefix, "boardflags2", &sprom->boardflags2_lo, + &sprom->boardflags2_hi); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "boardtype", &sprom->board_type, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "regrev", &sprom->regrev, 0); + nvram_read_s8(prefix, NULL, "ag2", &sprom->antenna_gain.a2, 0); + nvram_read_s8(prefix, NULL, "ag3", &sprom->antenna_gain.a3, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "txchain", &sprom->txchain, 0xf); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rxchain", &sprom->rxchain, 0xf); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "antswitch", &sprom->antswitch, 0xff); + nvram_read_leddc(prefix, "leddc", &sprom->leddc_on_time, + &sprom->leddc_off_time); +} + +static void bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r458(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, const char *prefix) +{ + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "cck2gpo", &sprom->cck2gpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "ofdm2gpo", &sprom->ofdm2gpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "ofdm5gpo", &sprom->ofdm5gpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "ofdm5glpo", &sprom->ofdm5glpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "ofdm5ghpo", &sprom->ofdm5ghpo, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "cddpo", &sprom->cddpo, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "stbcpo", &sprom->stbcpo, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "bw40po", &sprom->bw40po, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "bwduppo", &sprom->bwduppo, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs2gpo0", &sprom->mcs2gpo[0], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs2gpo1", &sprom->mcs2gpo[1], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs2gpo2", &sprom->mcs2gpo[2], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs2gpo3", &sprom->mcs2gpo[3], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs2gpo4", &sprom->mcs2gpo[4], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs2gpo5", &sprom->mcs2gpo[5], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs2gpo6", &sprom->mcs2gpo[6], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs2gpo7", &sprom->mcs2gpo[7], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5gpo0", &sprom->mcs5gpo[0], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5gpo1", &sprom->mcs5gpo[1], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5gpo2", &sprom->mcs5gpo[2], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5gpo3", &sprom->mcs5gpo[3], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5gpo4", &sprom->mcs5gpo[4], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5gpo5", &sprom->mcs5gpo[5], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5gpo6", &sprom->mcs5gpo[6], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5gpo7", &sprom->mcs5gpo[7], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5glpo0", &sprom->mcs5glpo[0], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5glpo1", &sprom->mcs5glpo[1], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5glpo2", &sprom->mcs5glpo[2], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5glpo3", &sprom->mcs5glpo[3], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5glpo4", &sprom->mcs5glpo[4], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5glpo5", &sprom->mcs5glpo[5], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5glpo6", &sprom->mcs5glpo[6], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5glpo7", &sprom->mcs5glpo[7], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5ghpo0", &sprom->mcs5ghpo[0], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5ghpo1", &sprom->mcs5ghpo[1], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5ghpo2", &sprom->mcs5ghpo[2], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5ghpo3", &sprom->mcs5ghpo[3], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5ghpo4", &sprom->mcs5ghpo[4], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5ghpo5", &sprom->mcs5ghpo[5], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5ghpo6", &sprom->mcs5ghpo[6], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs5ghpo7", &sprom->mcs5ghpo[7], 0); +} + +static void bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r45(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, const char *prefix) +{ + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "txpid2ga0", &sprom->txpid2g[0], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "txpid2ga1", &sprom->txpid2g[1], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "txpid2ga2", &sprom->txpid2g[2], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "txpid2ga3", &sprom->txpid2g[3], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "txpid5ga0", &sprom->txpid5g[0], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "txpid5ga1", &sprom->txpid5g[1], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "txpid5ga2", &sprom->txpid5g[2], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "txpid5ga3", &sprom->txpid5g[3], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "txpid5gla0", &sprom->txpid5gl[0], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "txpid5gla1", &sprom->txpid5gl[1], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "txpid5gla2", &sprom->txpid5gl[2], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "txpid5gla3", &sprom->txpid5gl[3], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "txpid5gha0", &sprom->txpid5gh[0], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "txpid5gha1", &sprom->txpid5gh[1], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "txpid5gha2", &sprom->txpid5gh[2], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "txpid5gha3", &sprom->txpid5gh[3], 0); +} + +static void bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r89(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, const char *prefix) +{ + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "tssipos2g", &sprom->fem.ghz2.tssipos, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "extpagain2g", + &sprom->fem.ghz2.extpa_gain, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "pdetrange2g", + &sprom->fem.ghz2.pdet_range, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "triso2g", &sprom->fem.ghz2.tr_iso, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "antswctl2g", &sprom->fem.ghz2.antswlut, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "tssipos5g", &sprom->fem.ghz5.tssipos, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "extpagain5g", + &sprom->fem.ghz5.extpa_gain, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "pdetrange5g", + &sprom->fem.ghz5.pdet_range, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "triso5g", &sprom->fem.ghz5.tr_iso, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "antswctl5g", &sprom->fem.ghz5.antswlut, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "tempthresh", &sprom->tempthresh, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "tempoffset", &sprom->tempoffset, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "rawtempsense", &sprom->rawtempsense, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "measpower", &sprom->measpower, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "tempsense_slope", + &sprom->tempsense_slope, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "tempcorrx", &sprom->tempcorrx, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "tempsense_option", + &sprom->tempsense_option, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "freqoffset_corr", + &sprom->freqoffset_corr, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "iqcal_swp_dis", &sprom->iqcal_swp_dis, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "hw_iqcal_en", &sprom->hw_iqcal_en, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "elna2g", &sprom->elna2g, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "elna5g", &sprom->elna5g, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "phycal_tempdelta", + &sprom->phycal_tempdelta, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "temps_period", &sprom->temps_period, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "temps_hysteresis", + &sprom->temps_hysteresis, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "measpower1", &sprom->measpower1, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "measpower2", &sprom->measpower2, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rxgainerr2ga0", + &sprom->rxgainerr2ga[0], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rxgainerr2ga1", + &sprom->rxgainerr2ga[1], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rxgainerr2ga2", + &sprom->rxgainerr2ga[2], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rxgainerr5gla0", + &sprom->rxgainerr5gla[0], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rxgainerr5gla1", + &sprom->rxgainerr5gla[1], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rxgainerr5gla2", + &sprom->rxgainerr5gla[2], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rxgainerr5gma0", + &sprom->rxgainerr5gma[0], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rxgainerr5gma1", + &sprom->rxgainerr5gma[1], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rxgainerr5gma2", + &sprom->rxgainerr5gma[2], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rxgainerr5gha0", + &sprom->rxgainerr5gha[0], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rxgainerr5gha1", + &sprom->rxgainerr5gha[1], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rxgainerr5gha2", + &sprom->rxgainerr5gha[2], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rxgainerr5gua0", + &sprom->rxgainerr5gua[0], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rxgainerr5gua1", + &sprom->rxgainerr5gua[1], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "rxgainerr5gua2", + &sprom->rxgainerr5gua[2], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "noiselvl2ga0", &sprom->noiselvl2ga[0], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "noiselvl2ga1", &sprom->noiselvl2ga[1], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "noiselvl2ga2", &sprom->noiselvl2ga[2], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "noiselvl5gla0", + &sprom->noiselvl5gla[0], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "noiselvl5gla1", + &sprom->noiselvl5gla[1], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "noiselvl5gla2", + &sprom->noiselvl5gla[2], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "noiselvl5gma0", + &sprom->noiselvl5gma[0], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "noiselvl5gma1", + &sprom->noiselvl5gma[1], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "noiselvl5gma2", + &sprom->noiselvl5gma[2], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "noiselvl5gha0", + &sprom->noiselvl5gha[0], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "noiselvl5gha1", + &sprom->noiselvl5gha[1], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "noiselvl5gha2", + &sprom->noiselvl5gha[2], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "noiselvl5gua0", + &sprom->noiselvl5gua[0], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "noiselvl5gua1", + &sprom->noiselvl5gua[1], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "noiselvl5gua2", + &sprom->noiselvl5gua[2], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "pcieingress_war", + &sprom->pcieingress_war, 0); +} + +static void bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r9(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, const char *prefix) +{ + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "cckbw202gpo", &sprom->cckbw202gpo, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "cckbw20ul2gpo", &sprom->cckbw20ul2gpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "legofdmbw202gpo", + &sprom->legofdmbw202gpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "legofdmbw20ul2gpo", + &sprom->legofdmbw20ul2gpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "legofdmbw205glpo", + &sprom->legofdmbw205glpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "legofdmbw20ul5glpo", + &sprom->legofdmbw20ul5glpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "legofdmbw205gmpo", + &sprom->legofdmbw205gmpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "legofdmbw20ul5gmpo", + &sprom->legofdmbw20ul5gmpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "legofdmbw205ghpo", + &sprom->legofdmbw205ghpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "legofdmbw20ul5ghpo", + &sprom->legofdmbw20ul5ghpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "mcsbw202gpo", &sprom->mcsbw202gpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "mcsbw20ul2gpo", &sprom->mcsbw20ul2gpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "mcsbw402gpo", &sprom->mcsbw402gpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "mcsbw205glpo", &sprom->mcsbw205glpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "mcsbw20ul5glpo", + &sprom->mcsbw20ul5glpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "mcsbw405glpo", &sprom->mcsbw405glpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "mcsbw205gmpo", &sprom->mcsbw205gmpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "mcsbw20ul5gmpo", + &sprom->mcsbw20ul5gmpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "mcsbw405gmpo", &sprom->mcsbw405gmpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "mcsbw205ghpo", &sprom->mcsbw205ghpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "mcsbw20ul5ghpo", + &sprom->mcsbw20ul5ghpo, 0); + nvram_read_u32(prefix, NULL, "mcsbw405ghpo", &sprom->mcsbw405ghpo, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "mcs32po", &sprom->mcs32po, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, NULL, "legofdm40duppo", + &sprom->legofdm40duppo, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "sar2g", &sprom->sar2g, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "sar5g", &sprom->sar5g, 0); +} + +static void bcm47xx_fill_sprom_path_r4589(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, + const char *prefix) +{ + char postfix[2]; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sprom->core_pwr_info); i++) { + struct ssb_sprom_core_pwr_info *pwr_info = &sprom->core_pwr_info[i]; + snprintf(postfix, sizeof(postfix), "%i", i); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, postfix, "maxp2ga", + &pwr_info->maxpwr_2g, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, postfix, "itt2ga", + &pwr_info->itssi_2g, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, postfix, "itt5ga", + &pwr_info->itssi_5g, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, postfix, "pa2gw0a", + &pwr_info->pa_2g[0], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, postfix, "pa2gw1a", + &pwr_info->pa_2g[1], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, postfix, "pa2gw2a", + &pwr_info->pa_2g[2], 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, postfix, "maxp5ga", + &pwr_info->maxpwr_5g, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, postfix, "maxp5gha", + &pwr_info->maxpwr_5gh, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, postfix, "maxp5gla", + &pwr_info->maxpwr_5gl, 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, postfix, "pa5gw0a", + &pwr_info->pa_5g[0], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, postfix, "pa5gw1a", + &pwr_info->pa_5g[1], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, postfix, "pa5gw2a", + &pwr_info->pa_5g[2], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, postfix, "pa5glw0a", + &pwr_info->pa_5gl[0], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, postfix, "pa5glw1a", + &pwr_info->pa_5gl[1], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, postfix, "pa5glw2a", + &pwr_info->pa_5gl[2], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, postfix, "pa5ghw0a", + &pwr_info->pa_5gh[0], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, postfix, "pa5ghw1a", + &pwr_info->pa_5gh[1], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, postfix, "pa5ghw2a", + &pwr_info->pa_5gh[2], 0); + } +} + +static void bcm47xx_fill_sprom_path_r45(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, + const char *prefix) +{ + char postfix[2]; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sprom->core_pwr_info); i++) { + struct ssb_sprom_core_pwr_info *pwr_info = &sprom->core_pwr_info[i]; + snprintf(postfix, sizeof(postfix), "%i", i); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, postfix, "pa2gw3a", + &pwr_info->pa_2g[3], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, postfix, "pa5gw3a", + &pwr_info->pa_5g[3], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, postfix, "pa5glw3a", + &pwr_info->pa_5gl[3], 0); + nvram_read_u16(prefix, postfix, "pa5ghw3a", + &pwr_info->pa_5gh[3], 0); + } +} + +void bcm47xx_fill_sprom_ethernet(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, const char *prefix) +{ + nvram_read_macaddr(prefix, "et0macaddr", &sprom->et0mac); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "et0mdcport", &sprom->et0mdcport, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "et0phyaddr", &sprom->et0phyaddr, 0); + + nvram_read_macaddr(prefix, "et1macaddr", &sprom->et1mac); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "et1mdcport", &sprom->et1mdcport, 0); + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "et1phyaddr", &sprom->et1phyaddr, 0); + + nvram_read_macaddr(prefix, "macaddr", &sprom->il0mac); + nvram_read_macaddr(prefix, "il0macaddr", &sprom->il0mac); +} + +void bcm47xx_fill_sprom(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, const char *prefix) +{ + memset(sprom, 0, sizeof(struct ssb_sprom)); + + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_ethernet(sprom, prefix); + + nvram_read_u8(prefix, NULL, "sromrev", &sprom->revision, 0); + + switch (sprom->revision) { + case 1: + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r1234589(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r12389(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r1(sprom, prefix); + break; + case 2: + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r1234589(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r12389(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r2389(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r2(sprom, prefix); + break; + case 3: + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r1234589(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r12389(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r2389(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r389(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r3(sprom, prefix); + break; + case 4: + case 5: + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r1234589(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r4589(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r458(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r45(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_path_r4589(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_path_r45(sprom, prefix); + break; + case 8: + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r1234589(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r12389(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r2389(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r389(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r4589(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r458(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r89(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_path_r4589(sprom, prefix); + break; + case 9: + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r1234589(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r12389(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r2389(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r389(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r4589(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r89(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r9(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_path_r4589(sprom, prefix); + break; + default: + pr_warn("Unsupported SPROM revision %d detected. Will extract" + " v1\n", sprom->revision); + sprom->revision = 1; + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r1234589(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r12389(sprom, prefix); + bcm47xx_fill_sprom_r1(sprom, prefix); + } +} diff --git a/arch/mips/include/asm/mach-bcm47xx/bcm47xx.h b/arch/mips/include/asm/mach-bcm47xx/bcm47xx.h index de95e0723e2bb058d3164a54c6cc9a1153b9b6e0..5ecaf47b34d2c965dac18d212497dcaf1c71a562 100644 --- a/arch/mips/include/asm/mach-bcm47xx/bcm47xx.h +++ b/arch/mips/include/asm/mach-bcm47xx/bcm47xx.h @@ -44,4 +44,7 @@ union bcm47xx_bus { extern union bcm47xx_bus bcm47xx_bus; extern enum bcm47xx_bus_type bcm47xx_bus_type; +void bcm47xx_fill_sprom(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, const char *prefix); +void bcm47xx_fill_sprom_ethernet(struct ssb_sprom *sprom, const char *prefix); + #endif /* __ASM_BCM47XX_H */ diff --git a/arch/mips/include/asm/mach-bcm47xx/nvram.h b/arch/mips/include/asm/mach-bcm47xx/nvram.h index 184d5ecb5f51bbec1f7b0584adfe0e273a383a42..69ef3efe06e7ab40f5a168a5ec766031177df2d6 100644 --- a/arch/mips/include/asm/mach-bcm47xx/nvram.h +++ b/arch/mips/include/asm/mach-bcm47xx/nvram.h @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ struct nvram_header { extern int nvram_getenv(char *name, char *val, size_t val_len); -static inline void nvram_parse_macaddr(char *buf, u8 *macaddr) +static inline void nvram_parse_macaddr(char *buf, u8 macaddr[6]) { if (strchr(buf, ':')) sscanf(buf, "%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx", &macaddr[0], diff --git a/arch/mips/include/asm/socket.h b/arch/mips/include/asm/socket.h index ad5c0a7a02a7e34eaff203cf40d0d4b2f235c795..a2ed6fdad4e0ee70aac755fad96157f817af900c 100644 --- a/arch/mips/include/asm/socket.h +++ b/arch/mips/include/asm/socket.h @@ -84,6 +84,10 @@ To add: #define SO_REUSEPORT 0x0200 /* Allow local address and port reuse. */ #define SO_WIFI_STATUS 41 #define SCM_WIFI_STATUS SO_WIFI_STATUS +#define SO_PEEK_OFF 42 + +/* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */ +#define SO_NOFCS 43 #ifdef __KERNEL__ diff --git a/arch/mips/pci/pci-bcm47xx.c b/arch/mips/pci/pci-bcm47xx.c index 400535a955d02daea0b4c96a836b5f2ac6cc8854..c682468010c518788a6f1c42fb2535476152ca9d 100644 --- a/arch/mips/pci/pci-bcm47xx.c +++ b/arch/mips/pci/pci-bcm47xx.c @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include int __init pcibios_map_irq(const struct pci_dev *dev, u8 slot, u8 pin) @@ -32,15 +33,12 @@ int __init pcibios_map_irq(const struct pci_dev *dev, u8 slot, u8 pin) return 0; } -int pcibios_plat_dev_init(struct pci_dev *dev) -{ #ifdef CONFIG_BCM47XX_SSB +static int bcm47xx_pcibios_plat_dev_init_ssb(struct pci_dev *dev) +{ int res; u8 slot, pin; - if (bcm47xx_bus_type != BCM47XX_BUS_TYPE_SSB) - return 0; - res = ssb_pcibios_plat_dev_init(dev); if (res < 0) { printk(KERN_ALERT "PCI: Failed to init device %s\n", @@ -60,6 +58,47 @@ int pcibios_plat_dev_init(struct pci_dev *dev) } dev->irq = res; + return 0; +} #endif + +#ifdef CONFIG_BCM47XX_BCMA +static int bcm47xx_pcibios_plat_dev_init_bcma(struct pci_dev *dev) +{ + int res; + + res = bcma_core_pci_plat_dev_init(dev); + if (res < 0) { + printk(KERN_ALERT "PCI: Failed to init device %s\n", + pci_name(dev)); + return res; + } + + res = bcma_core_pci_pcibios_map_irq(dev); + + /* IRQ-0 and IRQ-1 are software interrupts. */ + if (res < 2) { + printk(KERN_ALERT "PCI: Failed to map IRQ of device %s\n", + pci_name(dev)); + return res; + } + + dev->irq = res; return 0; } +#endif + +int pcibios_plat_dev_init(struct pci_dev *dev) +{ +#ifdef CONFIG_BCM47XX_SSB + if (bcm47xx_bus_type == BCM47XX_BUS_TYPE_SSB) + return bcm47xx_pcibios_plat_dev_init_ssb(dev); + else +#endif +#ifdef CONFIG_BCM47XX_BCMA + if (bcm47xx_bus_type == BCM47XX_BUS_TYPE_BCMA) + return bcm47xx_pcibios_plat_dev_init_bcma(dev); + else +#endif + return 0; +} diff --git a/arch/mn10300/include/asm/socket.h b/arch/mn10300/include/asm/socket.h index 876356d7852248898968f012c8f70c22ad474e1d..820463a484b8dbc5b21ee627822297d4a33bf91f 100644 --- a/arch/mn10300/include/asm/socket.h +++ b/arch/mn10300/include/asm/socket.h @@ -64,5 +64,9 @@ #define SO_WIFI_STATUS 41 #define SCM_WIFI_STATUS SO_WIFI_STATUS +#define SO_PEEK_OFF 42 + +/* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */ +#define SO_NOFCS 43 #endif /* _ASM_SOCKET_H */ diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/socket.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/socket.h index d28c51b61067edab8da863ef0bd76861e2a0b4ff..1b52c2c31a7a284c8e4f6b6d08cc53faa60da42f 100644 --- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/socket.h +++ b/arch/parisc/include/asm/socket.h @@ -63,6 +63,11 @@ #define SO_WIFI_STATUS 0x4022 #define SCM_WIFI_STATUS SO_WIFI_STATUS +#define SO_PEEK_OFF 0x4023 + +/* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */ +#define SO_NOFCS 0x4024 + /* O_NONBLOCK clashes with the bits used for socket types. Therefore we * have to define SOCK_NONBLOCK to a different value here. diff --git a/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/bluestone.dts b/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/bluestone.dts index 2a56a0dbd1f7e1ae87b7bd10c6200158e49662fa..74876f73740711e39a62b5f41cb4108a68834cb8 100644 --- a/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/bluestone.dts +++ b/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/bluestone.dts @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ EMAC0: ethernet@ef600c00 { device_type = "network"; - compatible = "ibm,emac4sync"; + compatible = "ibm,emac-apm821xx", "ibm,emac4sync"; interrupt-parent = <&EMAC0>; interrupts = <0x0 0x1>; #interrupt-cells = <1>; diff --git a/arch/powerpc/include/asm/socket.h b/arch/powerpc/include/asm/socket.h index 2fc2af8fbf59b892598844db7a254da4f4251b57..3d5179bb122f120e24477c3be6f1459182b8bec5 100644 --- a/arch/powerpc/include/asm/socket.h +++ b/arch/powerpc/include/asm/socket.h @@ -71,5 +71,9 @@ #define SO_WIFI_STATUS 41 #define SCM_WIFI_STATUS SO_WIFI_STATUS +#define SO_PEEK_OFF 42 + +/* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */ +#define SO_NOFCS 43 #endif /* _ASM_POWERPC_SOCKET_H */ diff --git a/arch/s390/include/asm/qeth.h b/arch/s390/include/asm/qeth.h index 90efda0b137d7ed13a35418fcfab774c82ca4ed1..2c7c898c03e47a83c822508a127efc9f2162f9de 100644 --- a/arch/s390/include/asm/qeth.h +++ b/arch/s390/include/asm/qeth.h @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ #define SIOC_QETH_ARP_FLUSH_CACHE (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 4) #define SIOC_QETH_ADP_SET_SNMP_CONTROL (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 5) #define SIOC_QETH_GET_CARD_TYPE (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 6) +#define SIOC_QETH_QUERY_OAT (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 7) struct qeth_arp_cache_entry { __u8 macaddr[6]; @@ -107,4 +108,10 @@ struct qeth_arp_query_user_data { char *entries; } __attribute__((packed)); +struct qeth_query_oat_data { + __u32 command; + __u32 buffer_len; + __u32 response_len; + __u64 ptr; +}; #endif /* __ASM_S390_QETH_IOCTL_H__ */ diff --git a/arch/s390/include/asm/socket.h b/arch/s390/include/asm/socket.h index 67b5c1b14b51177851efca5e6d86f5a2729e61ea..c91b720965c07063436949394acfb8cb7b2f74f9 100644 --- a/arch/s390/include/asm/socket.h +++ b/arch/s390/include/asm/socket.h @@ -72,5 +72,9 @@ #define SO_WIFI_STATUS 41 #define SCM_WIFI_STATUS SO_WIFI_STATUS +#define SO_PEEK_OFF 42 + +/* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */ +#define SO_NOFCS 43 #endif /* _ASM_SOCKET_H */ diff --git a/arch/sparc/include/asm/socket.h b/arch/sparc/include/asm/socket.h index 8af1b64168b3abb17ddcf2711b9de2ca07b5ce58..bea1568ae4af1aeee10008fbf1ae110dc6fa47ae 100644 --- a/arch/sparc/include/asm/socket.h +++ b/arch/sparc/include/asm/socket.h @@ -60,6 +60,11 @@ #define SO_WIFI_STATUS 0x0025 #define SCM_WIFI_STATUS SO_WIFI_STATUS +#define SO_PEEK_OFF 0x0026 + +/* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */ +#define SO_NOFCS 0x0027 + /* Security levels - as per NRL IPv6 - don't actually do anything */ #define SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION 0x5001 diff --git a/arch/um/drivers/net_kern.c b/arch/um/drivers/net_kern.c index a492e59883a313b7cdae28ea426c5821c21da3c0..d2996183e584eb0829548512977568ffccbb8936 100644 --- a/arch/um/drivers/net_kern.c +++ b/arch/um/drivers/net_kern.c @@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ static void uml_net_user_timer_expire(unsigned long _conn) #endif } -static void setup_etheraddr(char *str, unsigned char *addr, char *name) +static int setup_etheraddr(char *str, unsigned char *addr, char *name) { char *end; int i; @@ -334,12 +334,13 @@ static void setup_etheraddr(char *str, unsigned char *addr, char *name) addr[0] | 0x02, addr[1], addr[2], addr[3], addr[4], addr[5]); } - return; + return 0; random: printk(KERN_INFO "Choosing a random ethernet address for device %s\n", name); random_ether_addr(addr); + return 1; } static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(devices_lock); @@ -391,6 +392,7 @@ static void eth_configure(int n, void *init, char *mac, struct net_device *dev; struct uml_net_private *lp; int err, size; + int random_mac; size = transport->private_size + sizeof(struct uml_net_private); @@ -417,7 +419,7 @@ static void eth_configure(int n, void *init, char *mac, */ snprintf(dev->name, sizeof(dev->name), "eth%d", n); - setup_etheraddr(mac, device->mac, dev->name); + random_mac = setup_etheraddr(mac, device->mac, dev->name); printk(KERN_INFO "Netdevice %d (%pM) : ", n, device->mac); @@ -474,6 +476,9 @@ static void eth_configure(int n, void *init, char *mac, /* don't use eth_mac_addr, it will not work here */ memcpy(dev->dev_addr, device->mac, ETH_ALEN); + if (random_mac) + dev->addr_assign_type |= NET_ADDR_RANDOM; + dev->mtu = transport->user->mtu; dev->netdev_ops = ¨_netdev_ops; dev->ethtool_ops = ¨_net_ethtool_ops; diff --git a/arch/x86/net/bpf_jit_comp.c b/arch/x86/net/bpf_jit_comp.c index 7c1b765ecc59e3324299dfe34ba04d127fed4878..5671752f8d9cbccb2c5fb708bca8780883d56e19 100644 --- a/arch/x86/net/bpf_jit_comp.c +++ b/arch/x86/net/bpf_jit_comp.c @@ -475,8 +475,10 @@ void bpf_jit_compile(struct sk_filter *fp) case BPF_S_LD_W_ABS: func = sk_load_word; common_load: seen |= SEEN_DATAREF; - if ((int)K < 0) + if ((int)K < 0) { + /* Abort the JIT because __load_pointer() is needed. */ goto out; + } t_offset = func - (image + addrs[i]); EMIT1_off32(0xbe, K); /* mov imm32,%esi */ EMIT1_off32(0xe8, t_offset); /* call */ @@ -489,14 +491,8 @@ common_load: seen |= SEEN_DATAREF; goto common_load; case BPF_S_LDX_B_MSH: if ((int)K < 0) { - if (pc_ret0 > 0) { - /* addrs[pc_ret0 - 1] is the start address */ - EMIT_JMP(addrs[pc_ret0 - 1] - addrs[i]); - break; - } - CLEAR_A(); - EMIT_JMP(cleanup_addr - addrs[i]); - break; + /* Abort the JIT because __load_pointer() is needed. */ + goto out; } seen |= SEEN_DATAREF | SEEN_XREG; t_offset = sk_load_byte_msh - (image + addrs[i]); diff --git a/arch/xtensa/include/asm/socket.h b/arch/xtensa/include/asm/socket.h index bb06968be227b0337ab7d77dbee537204fa898c4..e36c681849205cd728bbc59b5903c87f61a81a73 100644 --- a/arch/xtensa/include/asm/socket.h +++ b/arch/xtensa/include/asm/socket.h @@ -75,5 +75,9 @@ #define SO_WIFI_STATUS 41 #define SCM_WIFI_STATUS SO_WIFI_STATUS +#define SO_PEEK_OFF 42 + +/* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */ +#define SO_NOFCS 43 #endif /* _XTENSA_SOCKET_H */ diff --git a/crypto/crypto_user.c b/crypto/crypto_user.c index 16f8693cc147ff9d8c864cc769b6632d8d105e45..b6ac1387770cbcfcda7039de619f95eb4c6f854d 100644 --- a/crypto/crypto_user.c +++ b/crypto/crypto_user.c @@ -389,9 +389,13 @@ static int crypto_user_rcv_msg(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr *nlh) (nlh->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_DUMP))) { if (link->dump == NULL) return -EINVAL; - - return netlink_dump_start(crypto_nlsk, skb, nlh, - link->dump, link->done, 0); + { + struct netlink_dump_control c = { + .dump = link->dump, + .done = link->done, + }; + return netlink_dump_start(crypto_nlsk, skb, nlh, &c); + } } err = nlmsg_parse(nlh, crypto_msg_min[type], attrs, CRYPTOCFGA_MAX, diff --git a/drivers/atm/eni.c b/drivers/atm/eni.c index 956e9accb051d027e63b554db6bae73c3e315abe..6ff612d099c350a1d706e1d81e84e02ac415039a 100644 --- a/drivers/atm/eni.c +++ b/drivers/atm/eni.c @@ -156,9 +156,6 @@ static int tx_complete = 0,dma_complete = 0,queued = 0,requeued = 0, static struct atm_dev *eni_boards = NULL; -static u32 *cpu_zeroes = NULL; /* aligned "magic" zeroes */ -static dma_addr_t zeroes; - /* Read/write registers on card */ #define eni_in(r) readl(eni_dev->reg+(r)*4) #define eni_out(v,r) writel((v),eni_dev->reg+(r)*4) @@ -1138,8 +1135,10 @@ DPRINTK("doing direct send\n"); /* @@@ well, this doesn't work anyway */ skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i].page_offset, skb_frag_size(&skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i])); } - if (skb->len & 3) - put_dma(tx->index,eni_dev->dma,&j,zeroes,4-(skb->len & 3)); + if (skb->len & 3) { + put_dma(tx->index, eni_dev->dma, &j, eni_dev->zero.dma, + 4 - (skb->len & 3)); + } /* JK for AAL5 trailer - AAL0 doesn't need it, but who cares ... */ eni_dev->dma[j++] = (((tx->tx_pos+size) & (tx->words-1)) << MID_DMA_COUNT_SHIFT) | (tx->index << MID_DMA_CHAN_SHIFT) | @@ -1728,6 +1727,7 @@ static int __devinit eni_do_init(struct atm_dev *dev) "mapping\n",dev->number); return error; } + eni_dev->ioaddr = base; eni_dev->base_diff = real_base - (unsigned long) base; /* id may not be present in ASIC Tonga boards - check this @@@ */ if (!eni_dev->asic) { @@ -1789,6 +1789,14 @@ static int __devinit eni_do_init(struct atm_dev *dev) goto out; } +static void eni_do_release(struct atm_dev *dev) +{ + struct eni_dev *ed = ENI_DEV(dev); + + dev->phy->stop(dev); + dev->phy = NULL; + iounmap(ed->ioaddr); +} static int __devinit eni_start(struct atm_dev *dev) { @@ -1873,7 +1881,7 @@ static int __devinit eni_start(struct atm_dev *dev) kfree(eni_dev->free_list); free_irq: - free_irq(eni_dev->irq, eni_dev); + free_irq(eni_dev->irq, dev); out: return error; @@ -2220,48 +2228,60 @@ static const struct atmdev_ops ops = { static int __devinit eni_init_one(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, - const struct pci_device_id *ent) + const struct pci_device_id *ent) { struct atm_dev *dev; struct eni_dev *eni_dev; - int error = -ENOMEM; + struct eni_zero *zero; + int rc; + + rc = pci_enable_device(pci_dev); + if (rc < 0) + goto out; - DPRINTK("eni_init_one\n"); + rc = -ENOMEM; + eni_dev = kmalloc(sizeof(struct eni_dev), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!eni_dev) + goto err_disable; - if (pci_enable_device(pci_dev)) { - error = -EIO; - goto out0; - } + zero = &eni_dev->zero; + zero->addr = pci_alloc_consistent(pci_dev, ENI_ZEROES_SIZE, &zero->dma); + if (!zero->addr) + goto err_kfree; - eni_dev = kmalloc(sizeof(struct eni_dev),GFP_KERNEL); - if (!eni_dev) goto out0; - if (!cpu_zeroes) { - cpu_zeroes = pci_alloc_consistent(pci_dev,ENI_ZEROES_SIZE, - &zeroes); - if (!cpu_zeroes) goto out1; - } dev = atm_dev_register(DEV_LABEL, &pci_dev->dev, &ops, -1, NULL); - if (!dev) goto out2; + if (!dev) + goto err_free_consistent; + + dev->dev_data = eni_dev; pci_set_drvdata(pci_dev, dev); eni_dev->pci_dev = pci_dev; - dev->dev_data = eni_dev; eni_dev->asic = ent->driver_data; - error = eni_do_init(dev); - if (error) goto out3; - error = eni_start(dev); - if (error) goto out3; + + rc = eni_do_init(dev); + if (rc < 0) + goto err_unregister; + + rc = eni_start(dev); + if (rc < 0) + goto err_eni_release; + eni_dev->more = eni_boards; eni_boards = dev; - return 0; -out3: +out: + return rc; + +err_eni_release: + eni_do_release(dev); +err_unregister: atm_dev_deregister(dev); -out2: - pci_free_consistent(eni_dev->pci_dev,ENI_ZEROES_SIZE,cpu_zeroes,zeroes); - cpu_zeroes = NULL; -out1: +err_free_consistent: + pci_free_consistent(pci_dev, ENI_ZEROES_SIZE, zero->addr, zero->dma); +err_kfree: kfree(eni_dev); -out0: - return error; +err_disable: + pci_disable_device(pci_dev); + goto out; } @@ -2273,9 +2293,17 @@ static struct pci_device_id eni_pci_tbl[] = { MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci,eni_pci_tbl); -static void __devexit eni_remove_one(struct pci_dev *pci_dev) +static void __devexit eni_remove_one(struct pci_dev *pdev) { - /* grrr */ + struct atm_dev *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + struct eni_dev *ed = ENI_DEV(dev); + struct eni_zero *zero = &ed->zero; + + eni_do_release(dev); + atm_dev_deregister(dev); + pci_free_consistent(pdev, ENI_ZEROES_SIZE, zero->addr, zero->dma); + kfree(ed); + pci_disable_device(pdev); } diff --git a/drivers/atm/eni.h b/drivers/atm/eni.h index dc9a62cc26052a16189f17f4d3ee1155bd2e95fb..565e53a5cb7882984358eea9517700991d1f798f 100644 --- a/drivers/atm/eni.h +++ b/drivers/atm/eni.h @@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ struct eni_dev { u32 events; /* pending events */ /*-------------------------------- base pointers into Midway address space */ + void __iomem *ioaddr; void __iomem *phy; /* PHY interface chip registers */ void __iomem *reg; /* register base */ void __iomem *ram; /* RAM base */ @@ -86,6 +87,10 @@ struct eni_dev { wait_queue_head_t tx_wait; /* for close */ int tx_bw; /* remaining bandwidth */ u32 dma[TX_DMA_BUF*2]; /* DMA request scratch area */ + struct eni_zero { /* aligned "magic" zeroes */ + u32 *addr; + dma_addr_t dma; + } zero; int tx_mult; /* buffer size multiplier (percent) */ /*-------------------------------- RX part */ u32 serv_read; /* host service read index */ diff --git a/drivers/atm/lanai.c b/drivers/atm/lanai.c index f5569699f31cb228fe50822140416a937a2636c0..68c75887181203eb7a7cee93ca19964cd13c9c36 100644 --- a/drivers/atm/lanai.c +++ b/drivers/atm/lanai.c @@ -1572,7 +1572,7 @@ static inline void host_vcc_unbind(struct lanai_dev *lanai, static void lanai_reset(struct lanai_dev *lanai) { - printk(KERN_CRIT DEV_LABEL "(itf %d): *NOT* reseting - not " + printk(KERN_CRIT DEV_LABEL "(itf %d): *NOT* resetting - not " "implemented\n", lanai->number); /* TODO */ /* The following is just a hack until we write the real diff --git a/drivers/bcma/bcma_private.h b/drivers/bcma/bcma_private.h index 0def898a1d159c12d2543df6ffd6264932a7affc..b81755bb47984e9c49ec2096829a47458149f359 100644 --- a/drivers/bcma/bcma_private.h +++ b/drivers/bcma/bcma_private.h @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ struct bcma_bus; /* main.c */ -int bcma_bus_register(struct bcma_bus *bus); +int __devinit bcma_bus_register(struct bcma_bus *bus); void bcma_bus_unregister(struct bcma_bus *bus); int __init bcma_bus_early_register(struct bcma_bus *bus, struct bcma_device *core_cc, @@ -48,8 +48,12 @@ extern int __init bcma_host_pci_init(void); extern void __exit bcma_host_pci_exit(void); #endif /* CONFIG_BCMA_HOST_PCI */ +/* driver_pci.c */ +u32 bcma_pcie_read(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc, u32 address); + #ifdef CONFIG_BCMA_DRIVER_PCI_HOSTMODE -void bcma_core_pci_hostmode_init(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc); +bool __devinit bcma_core_pci_is_in_hostmode(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc); +void __devinit bcma_core_pci_hostmode_init(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc); #endif /* CONFIG_BCMA_DRIVER_PCI_HOSTMODE */ #endif diff --git a/drivers/bcma/driver_chipcommon_pmu.c b/drivers/bcma/driver_chipcommon_pmu.c index 800163c8c2e7a046a4aa1219e6d7c876be0be19b..a058842f14fdf54b92b495f01c34a02ed2b74bcc 100644 --- a/drivers/bcma/driver_chipcommon_pmu.c +++ b/drivers/bcma/driver_chipcommon_pmu.c @@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ static void bcma_pmu_resources_init(struct bcma_drv_cc *cc) min_msk = 0x200D; max_msk = 0xFFFF; break; + case 0x4331: case 43224: case 43225: break; diff --git a/drivers/bcma/driver_pci.c b/drivers/bcma/driver_pci.c index 4fde6254f04e236a71ea6f755df4e106aef0f495..4d38ae179b48506164d3b5cda84f8844b8d66d21 100644 --- a/drivers/bcma/driver_pci.c +++ b/drivers/bcma/driver_pci.c @@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ * Broadcom specific AMBA * PCI Core * - * Copyright 2005, Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright 2005, 2011, Broadcom Corporation * Copyright 2006, 2007, Michael Buesch + * Copyright 2011, 2012, Hauke Mehrtens * * Licensed under the GNU/GPL. See COPYING for details. */ @@ -16,40 +17,41 @@ * R/W ops. **************************************************/ -static u32 bcma_pcie_read(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc, u32 address) +u32 bcma_pcie_read(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc, u32 address) { - pcicore_write32(pc, 0x130, address); - pcicore_read32(pc, 0x130); - return pcicore_read32(pc, 0x134); + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_PCIEIND_ADDR, address); + pcicore_read32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_PCIEIND_ADDR); + return pcicore_read32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_PCIEIND_DATA); } #if 0 static void bcma_pcie_write(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc, u32 address, u32 data) { - pcicore_write32(pc, 0x130, address); - pcicore_read32(pc, 0x130); - pcicore_write32(pc, 0x134, data); + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_PCIEIND_ADDR, address); + pcicore_read32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_PCIEIND_ADDR); + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_PCIEIND_DATA, data); } #endif static void bcma_pcie_mdio_set_phy(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc, u8 phy) { - const u16 mdio_control = 0x128; - const u16 mdio_data = 0x12C; u32 v; int i; - v = (1 << 30); /* Start of Transaction */ - v |= (1 << 28); /* Write Transaction */ - v |= (1 << 17); /* Turnaround */ - v |= (0x1F << 18); + v = BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_START; + v |= BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_WRITE; + v |= (BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEV_ADDR << + BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEVADDR_SHF); + v |= (BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_BLK_ADDR << + BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_REGADDR_SHF); + v |= BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_TA; v |= (phy << 4); - pcicore_write32(pc, mdio_data, v); + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIO_DATA, v); udelay(10); for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) { - v = pcicore_read32(pc, mdio_control); - if (v & 0x100 /* Trans complete */) + v = pcicore_read32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIO_CONTROL); + if (v & BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIOCTL_ACCESS_DONE) break; msleep(1); } @@ -57,79 +59,84 @@ static void bcma_pcie_mdio_set_phy(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc, u8 phy) static u16 bcma_pcie_mdio_read(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc, u8 device, u8 address) { - const u16 mdio_control = 0x128; - const u16 mdio_data = 0x12C; int max_retries = 10; u16 ret = 0; u32 v; int i; - v = 0x80; /* Enable Preamble Sequence */ - v |= 0x2; /* MDIO Clock Divisor */ - pcicore_write32(pc, mdio_control, v); + /* enable mdio access to SERDES */ + v = BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIOCTL_PREAM_EN; + v |= BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIOCTL_DIVISOR_VAL; + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIO_CONTROL, v); if (pc->core->id.rev >= 10) { max_retries = 200; bcma_pcie_mdio_set_phy(pc, device); + v = (BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEV_ADDR << + BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEVADDR_SHF); + v |= (address << BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_REGADDR_SHF); + } else { + v = (device << BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEVADDR_SHF_OLD); + v |= (address << BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_REGADDR_SHF_OLD); } - v = (1 << 30); /* Start of Transaction */ - v |= (1 << 29); /* Read Transaction */ - v |= (1 << 17); /* Turnaround */ - if (pc->core->id.rev < 10) - v |= (u32)device << 22; - v |= (u32)address << 18; - pcicore_write32(pc, mdio_data, v); + v = BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_START; + v |= BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_READ; + v |= BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_TA; + + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIO_DATA, v); /* Wait for the device to complete the transaction */ udelay(10); for (i = 0; i < max_retries; i++) { - v = pcicore_read32(pc, mdio_control); - if (v & 0x100 /* Trans complete */) { + v = pcicore_read32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIO_CONTROL); + if (v & BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIOCTL_ACCESS_DONE) { udelay(10); - ret = pcicore_read32(pc, mdio_data); + ret = pcicore_read32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIO_DATA); break; } msleep(1); } - pcicore_write32(pc, mdio_control, 0); + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIO_CONTROL, 0); return ret; } static void bcma_pcie_mdio_write(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc, u8 device, u8 address, u16 data) { - const u16 mdio_control = 0x128; - const u16 mdio_data = 0x12C; int max_retries = 10; u32 v; int i; - v = 0x80; /* Enable Preamble Sequence */ - v |= 0x2; /* MDIO Clock Divisor */ - pcicore_write32(pc, mdio_control, v); + /* enable mdio access to SERDES */ + v = BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIOCTL_PREAM_EN; + v |= BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIOCTL_DIVISOR_VAL; + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIO_CONTROL, v); if (pc->core->id.rev >= 10) { max_retries = 200; bcma_pcie_mdio_set_phy(pc, device); + v = (BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEV_ADDR << + BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEVADDR_SHF); + v |= (address << BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_REGADDR_SHF); + } else { + v = (device << BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEVADDR_SHF_OLD); + v |= (address << BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_REGADDR_SHF_OLD); } - v = (1 << 30); /* Start of Transaction */ - v |= (1 << 28); /* Write Transaction */ - v |= (1 << 17); /* Turnaround */ - if (pc->core->id.rev < 10) - v |= (u32)device << 22; - v |= (u32)address << 18; + v = BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_START; + v |= BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_WRITE; + v |= BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_TA; v |= data; - pcicore_write32(pc, mdio_data, v); + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIO_DATA, v); /* Wait for the device to complete the transaction */ udelay(10); for (i = 0; i < max_retries; i++) { - v = pcicore_read32(pc, mdio_control); - if (v & 0x100 /* Trans complete */) + v = pcicore_read32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIO_CONTROL); + if (v & BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIOCTL_ACCESS_DONE) break; msleep(1); } - pcicore_write32(pc, mdio_control, 0); + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIO_CONTROL, 0); } /************************************************** @@ -138,72 +145,53 @@ static void bcma_pcie_mdio_write(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc, u8 device, static u8 bcma_pcicore_polarity_workaround(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc) { - return (bcma_pcie_read(pc, 0x204) & 0x10) ? 0xC0 : 0x80; + u32 tmp; + + tmp = bcma_pcie_read(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_STATUSREG); + if (tmp & BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_POLARITYINV_STAT) + return BCMA_CORE_PCI_SERDES_RX_CTRL_FORCE | + BCMA_CORE_PCI_SERDES_RX_CTRL_POLARITY; + else + return BCMA_CORE_PCI_SERDES_RX_CTRL_FORCE; } static void bcma_pcicore_serdes_workaround(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc) { - const u8 serdes_pll_device = 0x1D; - const u8 serdes_rx_device = 0x1F; u16 tmp; - bcma_pcie_mdio_write(pc, serdes_rx_device, 1 /* Control */, - bcma_pcicore_polarity_workaround(pc)); - tmp = bcma_pcie_mdio_read(pc, serdes_pll_device, 1 /* Control */); - if (tmp & 0x4000) - bcma_pcie_mdio_write(pc, serdes_pll_device, 1, tmp & ~0x4000); + bcma_pcie_mdio_write(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEV_RX, + BCMA_CORE_PCI_SERDES_RX_CTRL, + bcma_pcicore_polarity_workaround(pc)); + tmp = bcma_pcie_mdio_read(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEV_PLL, + BCMA_CORE_PCI_SERDES_PLL_CTRL); + if (tmp & BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLL_CTRL_FREQDET_EN) + bcma_pcie_mdio_write(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEV_PLL, + BCMA_CORE_PCI_SERDES_PLL_CTRL, + tmp & ~BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLL_CTRL_FREQDET_EN); } /************************************************** * Init. **************************************************/ -static void bcma_core_pci_clientmode_init(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc) +static void __devinit bcma_core_pci_clientmode_init(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc) { bcma_pcicore_serdes_workaround(pc); } -static bool bcma_core_pci_is_in_hostmode(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc) -{ - struct bcma_bus *bus = pc->core->bus; - u16 chipid_top; - - chipid_top = (bus->chipinfo.id & 0xFF00); - if (chipid_top != 0x4700 && - chipid_top != 0x5300) - return false; - -#ifdef CONFIG_SSB_DRIVER_PCICORE - if (bus->sprom.boardflags_lo & SSB_BFL_NOPCI) - return false; -#endif /* CONFIG_SSB_DRIVER_PCICORE */ - -#if 0 - /* TODO: on BCMA we use address from EROM instead of magic formula */ - u32 tmp; - return !mips_busprobe32(tmp, (bus->mmio + - (pc->core->core_index * BCMA_CORE_SIZE))); -#endif - - return true; -} - -void bcma_core_pci_init(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc) +void __devinit bcma_core_pci_init(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc) { if (pc->setup_done) return; - if (bcma_core_pci_is_in_hostmode(pc)) { #ifdef CONFIG_BCMA_DRIVER_PCI_HOSTMODE + pc->hostmode = bcma_core_pci_is_in_hostmode(pc); + if (pc->hostmode) bcma_core_pci_hostmode_init(pc); -#else - pr_err("Driver compiled without support for hostmode PCI\n"); #endif /* CONFIG_BCMA_DRIVER_PCI_HOSTMODE */ - } else { - bcma_core_pci_clientmode_init(pc); - } - pc->setup_done = true; + if (!pc->hostmode) + bcma_core_pci_clientmode_init(pc); } int bcma_core_pci_irq_ctl(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc, struct bcma_device *core, diff --git a/drivers/bcma/driver_pci_host.c b/drivers/bcma/driver_pci_host.c index eb332b75ce83d96306983725e44a5f397bf31426..4e20bcfa7ec5d3e62bdf34004601c2edca813ddc 100644 --- a/drivers/bcma/driver_pci_host.c +++ b/drivers/bcma/driver_pci_host.c @@ -2,13 +2,587 @@ * Broadcom specific AMBA * PCI Core in hostmode * + * Copyright 2005 - 2011, Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright 2006, 2007, Michael Buesch + * Copyright 2011, 2012, Hauke Mehrtens + * * Licensed under the GNU/GPL. See COPYING for details. */ #include "bcma_private.h" +#include #include +#include + +/* Probe a 32bit value on the bus and catch bus exceptions. + * Returns nonzero on a bus exception. + * This is MIPS specific */ +#define mips_busprobe32(val, addr) get_dbe((val), ((u32 *)(addr))) + +/* Assume one-hot slot wiring */ +#define BCMA_PCI_SLOT_MAX 16 +#define PCI_CONFIG_SPACE_SIZE 256 + +bool __devinit bcma_core_pci_is_in_hostmode(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc) +{ + struct bcma_bus *bus = pc->core->bus; + u16 chipid_top; + u32 tmp; + + chipid_top = (bus->chipinfo.id & 0xFF00); + if (chipid_top != 0x4700 && + chipid_top != 0x5300) + return false; + + if (bus->sprom.boardflags_lo & BCMA_CORE_PCI_BFL_NOPCI) { + pr_info("This PCI core is disabled and not working\n"); + return false; + } + + bcma_core_enable(pc->core, 0); + + return !mips_busprobe32(tmp, pc->core->io_addr); +} + +static u32 bcma_pcie_read_config(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc, u32 address) +{ + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_CONFIG_ADDR, address); + pcicore_read32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_CONFIG_ADDR); + return pcicore_read32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_CONFIG_DATA); +} + +static void bcma_pcie_write_config(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc, u32 address, + u32 data) +{ + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_CONFIG_ADDR, address); + pcicore_read32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_CONFIG_ADDR); + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_CONFIG_DATA, data); +} + +static u32 bcma_get_cfgspace_addr(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc, unsigned int dev, + unsigned int func, unsigned int off) +{ + u32 addr = 0; + + /* Issue config commands only when the data link is up (atleast + * one external pcie device is present). + */ + if (dev >= 2 || !(bcma_pcie_read(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_LSREG) + & BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_LSREG_LINKUP)) + goto out; + + /* Type 0 transaction */ + /* Slide the PCI window to the appropriate slot */ + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI1, BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI_CFG0); + /* Calculate the address */ + addr = pc->host_controller->host_cfg_addr; + addr |= (dev << BCMA_CORE_PCI_CFG_SLOT_SHIFT); + addr |= (func << BCMA_CORE_PCI_CFG_FUN_SHIFT); + addr |= (off & ~3); + +out: + return addr; +} -void bcma_core_pci_hostmode_init(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc) +static int bcma_extpci_read_config(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc, unsigned int dev, + unsigned int func, unsigned int off, + void *buf, int len) { - pr_err("No support for PCI core in hostmode yet\n"); + int err = -EINVAL; + u32 addr, val; + void __iomem *mmio = 0; + + WARN_ON(!pc->hostmode); + if (unlikely(len != 1 && len != 2 && len != 4)) + goto out; + if (dev == 0) { + /* we support only two functions on device 0 */ + if (func > 1) + return -EINVAL; + + /* accesses to config registers with offsets >= 256 + * requires indirect access. + */ + if (off >= PCI_CONFIG_SPACE_SIZE) { + addr = (func << 12); + addr |= (off & 0x0FFF); + val = bcma_pcie_read_config(pc, addr); + } else { + addr = BCMA_CORE_PCI_PCICFG0; + addr |= (func << 8); + addr |= (off & 0xfc); + val = pcicore_read32(pc, addr); + } + } else { + addr = bcma_get_cfgspace_addr(pc, dev, func, off); + if (unlikely(!addr)) + goto out; + err = -ENOMEM; + mmio = ioremap_nocache(addr, len); + if (!mmio) + goto out; + + if (mips_busprobe32(val, mmio)) { + val = 0xffffffff; + goto unmap; + } + + val = readl(mmio); + } + val >>= (8 * (off & 3)); + + switch (len) { + case 1: + *((u8 *)buf) = (u8)val; + break; + case 2: + *((u16 *)buf) = (u16)val; + break; + case 4: + *((u32 *)buf) = (u32)val; + break; + } + err = 0; +unmap: + if (mmio) + iounmap(mmio); +out: + return err; +} + +static int bcma_extpci_write_config(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc, unsigned int dev, + unsigned int func, unsigned int off, + const void *buf, int len) +{ + int err = -EINVAL; + u32 addr = 0, val = 0; + void __iomem *mmio = 0; + u16 chipid = pc->core->bus->chipinfo.id; + + WARN_ON(!pc->hostmode); + if (unlikely(len != 1 && len != 2 && len != 4)) + goto out; + if (dev == 0) { + /* accesses to config registers with offsets >= 256 + * requires indirect access. + */ + if (off < PCI_CONFIG_SPACE_SIZE) { + addr = pc->core->addr + BCMA_CORE_PCI_PCICFG0; + addr |= (func << 8); + addr |= (off & 0xfc); + mmio = ioremap_nocache(addr, len); + if (!mmio) + goto out; + } + } else { + addr = bcma_get_cfgspace_addr(pc, dev, func, off); + if (unlikely(!addr)) + goto out; + err = -ENOMEM; + mmio = ioremap_nocache(addr, len); + if (!mmio) + goto out; + + if (mips_busprobe32(val, mmio)) { + val = 0xffffffff; + goto unmap; + } + } + + switch (len) { + case 1: + val = readl(mmio); + val &= ~(0xFF << (8 * (off & 3))); + val |= *((const u8 *)buf) << (8 * (off & 3)); + break; + case 2: + val = readl(mmio); + val &= ~(0xFFFF << (8 * (off & 3))); + val |= *((const u16 *)buf) << (8 * (off & 3)); + break; + case 4: + val = *((const u32 *)buf); + break; + } + if (dev == 0 && !addr) { + /* accesses to config registers with offsets >= 256 + * requires indirect access. + */ + addr = (func << 12); + addr |= (off & 0x0FFF); + bcma_pcie_write_config(pc, addr, val); + } else { + writel(val, mmio); + + if (chipid == 0x4716 || chipid == 0x4748) + readl(mmio); + } + + err = 0; +unmap: + if (mmio) + iounmap(mmio); +out: + return err; +} + +static int bcma_core_pci_hostmode_read_config(struct pci_bus *bus, + unsigned int devfn, + int reg, int size, u32 *val) +{ + unsigned long flags; + int err; + struct bcma_drv_pci *pc; + struct bcma_drv_pci_host *pc_host; + + pc_host = container_of(bus->ops, struct bcma_drv_pci_host, pci_ops); + pc = pc_host->pdev; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&pc_host->cfgspace_lock, flags); + err = bcma_extpci_read_config(pc, PCI_SLOT(devfn), + PCI_FUNC(devfn), reg, val, size); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pc_host->cfgspace_lock, flags); + + return err ? PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND : PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL; +} + +static int bcma_core_pci_hostmode_write_config(struct pci_bus *bus, + unsigned int devfn, + int reg, int size, u32 val) +{ + unsigned long flags; + int err; + struct bcma_drv_pci *pc; + struct bcma_drv_pci_host *pc_host; + + pc_host = container_of(bus->ops, struct bcma_drv_pci_host, pci_ops); + pc = pc_host->pdev; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&pc_host->cfgspace_lock, flags); + err = bcma_extpci_write_config(pc, PCI_SLOT(devfn), + PCI_FUNC(devfn), reg, &val, size); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pc_host->cfgspace_lock, flags); + + return err ? PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND : PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL; +} + +/* return cap_offset if requested capability exists in the PCI config space */ +static u8 __devinit bcma_find_pci_capability(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc, + unsigned int dev, + unsigned int func, u8 req_cap_id, + unsigned char *buf, u32 *buflen) +{ + u8 cap_id; + u8 cap_ptr = 0; + u32 bufsize; + u8 byte_val; + + /* check for Header type 0 */ + bcma_extpci_read_config(pc, dev, func, PCI_HEADER_TYPE, &byte_val, + sizeof(u8)); + if ((byte_val & 0x7f) != PCI_HEADER_TYPE_NORMAL) + return cap_ptr; + + /* check if the capability pointer field exists */ + bcma_extpci_read_config(pc, dev, func, PCI_STATUS, &byte_val, + sizeof(u8)); + if (!(byte_val & PCI_STATUS_CAP_LIST)) + return cap_ptr; + + /* check if the capability pointer is 0x00 */ + bcma_extpci_read_config(pc, dev, func, PCI_CAPABILITY_LIST, &cap_ptr, + sizeof(u8)); + if (cap_ptr == 0x00) + return cap_ptr; + + /* loop thr'u the capability list and see if the requested capabilty + * exists */ + bcma_extpci_read_config(pc, dev, func, cap_ptr, &cap_id, sizeof(u8)); + while (cap_id != req_cap_id) { + bcma_extpci_read_config(pc, dev, func, cap_ptr + 1, &cap_ptr, + sizeof(u8)); + if (cap_ptr == 0x00) + return cap_ptr; + bcma_extpci_read_config(pc, dev, func, cap_ptr, &cap_id, + sizeof(u8)); + } + + /* found the caller requested capability */ + if ((buf != NULL) && (buflen != NULL)) { + u8 cap_data; + + bufsize = *buflen; + if (!bufsize) + return cap_ptr; + + *buflen = 0; + + /* copy the cpability data excluding cap ID and next ptr */ + cap_data = cap_ptr + 2; + if ((bufsize + cap_data) > PCI_CONFIG_SPACE_SIZE) + bufsize = PCI_CONFIG_SPACE_SIZE - cap_data; + *buflen = bufsize; + while (bufsize--) { + bcma_extpci_read_config(pc, dev, func, cap_data, buf, + sizeof(u8)); + cap_data++; + buf++; + } + } + + return cap_ptr; +} + +/* If the root port is capable of returning Config Request + * Retry Status (CRS) Completion Status to software then + * enable the feature. + */ +static void __devinit bcma_core_pci_enable_crs(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc) +{ + u8 cap_ptr, root_ctrl, root_cap, dev; + u16 val16; + int i; + + cap_ptr = bcma_find_pci_capability(pc, 0, 0, PCI_CAP_ID_EXP, NULL, + NULL); + root_cap = cap_ptr + PCI_EXP_RTCAP; + bcma_extpci_read_config(pc, 0, 0, root_cap, &val16, sizeof(u16)); + if (val16 & BCMA_CORE_PCI_RC_CRS_VISIBILITY) { + /* Enable CRS software visibility */ + root_ctrl = cap_ptr + PCI_EXP_RTCTL; + val16 = PCI_EXP_RTCTL_CRSSVE; + bcma_extpci_read_config(pc, 0, 0, root_ctrl, &val16, + sizeof(u16)); + + /* Initiate a configuration request to read the vendor id + * field of the device function's config space header after + * 100 ms wait time from the end of Reset. If the device is + * not done with its internal initialization, it must at + * least return a completion TLP, with a completion status + * of "Configuration Request Retry Status (CRS)". The root + * complex must complete the request to the host by returning + * a read-data value of 0001h for the Vendor ID field and + * all 1s for any additional bytes included in the request. + * Poll using the config reads for max wait time of 1 sec or + * until we receive the successful completion status. Repeat + * the procedure for all the devices. + */ + for (dev = 1; dev < BCMA_PCI_SLOT_MAX; dev++) { + for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { + bcma_extpci_read_config(pc, dev, 0, + PCI_VENDOR_ID, &val16, + sizeof(val16)); + if (val16 != 0x1) + break; + udelay(10); + } + if (val16 == 0x1) + pr_err("PCI: Broken device in slot %d\n", dev); + } + } +} + +void __devinit bcma_core_pci_hostmode_init(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc) +{ + struct bcma_bus *bus = pc->core->bus; + struct bcma_drv_pci_host *pc_host; + u32 tmp; + u32 pci_membase_1G; + unsigned long io_map_base; + + pr_info("PCIEcore in host mode found\n"); + + pc_host = kzalloc(sizeof(*pc_host), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!pc_host) { + pr_err("can not allocate memory"); + return; + } + + pc->host_controller = pc_host; + pc_host->pci_controller.io_resource = &pc_host->io_resource; + pc_host->pci_controller.mem_resource = &pc_host->mem_resource; + pc_host->pci_controller.pci_ops = &pc_host->pci_ops; + pc_host->pdev = pc; + + pci_membase_1G = BCMA_SOC_PCI_DMA; + pc_host->host_cfg_addr = BCMA_SOC_PCI_CFG; + + pc_host->pci_ops.read = bcma_core_pci_hostmode_read_config; + pc_host->pci_ops.write = bcma_core_pci_hostmode_write_config; + + pc_host->mem_resource.name = "BCMA PCIcore external memory", + pc_host->mem_resource.start = BCMA_SOC_PCI_DMA; + pc_host->mem_resource.end = BCMA_SOC_PCI_DMA + BCMA_SOC_PCI_DMA_SZ - 1; + pc_host->mem_resource.flags = IORESOURCE_MEM | IORESOURCE_PCI_FIXED; + + pc_host->io_resource.name = "BCMA PCIcore external I/O", + pc_host->io_resource.start = 0x100; + pc_host->io_resource.end = 0x7FF; + pc_host->io_resource.flags = IORESOURCE_IO | IORESOURCE_PCI_FIXED; + + /* Reset RC */ + udelay(3000); + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_CTL, BCMA_CORE_PCI_CTL_RST_OE); + udelay(1000); + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_CTL, BCMA_CORE_PCI_CTL_RST | + BCMA_CORE_PCI_CTL_RST_OE); + + /* 64 MB I/O access window. On 4716, use + * sbtopcie0 to access the device registers. We + * can't use address match 2 (1 GB window) region + * as mips can't generate 64-bit address on the + * backplane. + */ + if (bus->chipinfo.id == 0x4716 || bus->chipinfo.id == 0x4748) { + pc_host->mem_resource.start = BCMA_SOC_PCI_MEM; + pc_host->mem_resource.end = BCMA_SOC_PCI_MEM + + BCMA_SOC_PCI_MEM_SZ - 1; + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI0, + BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI_MEM | BCMA_SOC_PCI_MEM); + } else if (bus->chipinfo.id == 0x5300) { + tmp = BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI_MEM; + tmp |= BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI_PREF; + tmp |= BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI_BURST; + if (pc->core->core_unit == 0) { + pc_host->mem_resource.start = BCMA_SOC_PCI_MEM; + pc_host->mem_resource.end = BCMA_SOC_PCI_MEM + + BCMA_SOC_PCI_MEM_SZ - 1; + pci_membase_1G = BCMA_SOC_PCIE_DMA_H32; + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI0, + tmp | BCMA_SOC_PCI_MEM); + } else if (pc->core->core_unit == 1) { + pc_host->mem_resource.start = BCMA_SOC_PCI1_MEM; + pc_host->mem_resource.end = BCMA_SOC_PCI1_MEM + + BCMA_SOC_PCI_MEM_SZ - 1; + pci_membase_1G = BCMA_SOC_PCIE1_DMA_H32; + pc_host->host_cfg_addr = BCMA_SOC_PCI1_CFG; + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI0, + tmp | BCMA_SOC_PCI1_MEM); + } + } else + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI0, + BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI_IO); + + /* 64 MB configuration access window */ + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI1, BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI_CFG0); + + /* 1 GB memory access window */ + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI2, + BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI_MEM | pci_membase_1G); + + + /* As per PCI Express Base Spec 1.1 we need to wait for + * at least 100 ms from the end of a reset (cold/warm/hot) + * before issuing configuration requests to PCI Express + * devices. + */ + udelay(100000); + + bcma_core_pci_enable_crs(pc); + + /* Enable PCI bridge BAR0 memory & master access */ + tmp = PCI_COMMAND_MASTER | PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY; + bcma_extpci_write_config(pc, 0, 0, PCI_COMMAND, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); + + /* Enable PCI interrupts */ + pcicore_write32(pc, BCMA_CORE_PCI_IMASK, BCMA_CORE_PCI_IMASK_INTA); + + /* Ok, ready to run, register it to the system. + * The following needs change, if we want to port hostmode + * to non-MIPS platform. */ + io_map_base = (unsigned long)ioremap_nocache(BCMA_SOC_PCI_MEM, + 0x04000000); + pc_host->pci_controller.io_map_base = io_map_base; + set_io_port_base(pc_host->pci_controller.io_map_base); + /* Give some time to the PCI controller to configure itself with the new + * values. Not waiting at this point causes crashes of the machine. */ + mdelay(10); + register_pci_controller(&pc_host->pci_controller); + return; +} + +/* Early PCI fixup for a device on the PCI-core bridge. */ +static void bcma_core_pci_fixup_pcibridge(struct pci_dev *dev) +{ + if (dev->bus->ops->read != bcma_core_pci_hostmode_read_config) { + /* This is not a device on the PCI-core bridge. */ + return; + } + if (PCI_SLOT(dev->devfn) != 0) + return; + + pr_info("PCI: Fixing up bridge %s\n", pci_name(dev)); + + /* Enable PCI bridge bus mastering and memory space */ + pci_set_master(dev); + if (pcibios_enable_device(dev, ~0) < 0) { + pr_err("PCI: BCMA bridge enable failed\n"); + return; + } + + /* Enable PCI bridge BAR1 prefetch and burst */ + pci_write_config_dword(dev, BCMA_PCI_BAR1_CONTROL, 3); +} +DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_EARLY(PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, bcma_core_pci_fixup_pcibridge); + +/* Early PCI fixup for all PCI-cores to set the correct memory address. */ +static void bcma_core_pci_fixup_addresses(struct pci_dev *dev) +{ + struct resource *res; + int pos; + + if (dev->bus->ops->read != bcma_core_pci_hostmode_read_config) { + /* This is not a device on the PCI-core bridge. */ + return; + } + if (PCI_SLOT(dev->devfn) == 0) + return; + + pr_info("PCI: Fixing up addresses %s\n", pci_name(dev)); + + for (pos = 0; pos < 6; pos++) { + res = &dev->resource[pos]; + if (res->flags & (IORESOURCE_IO | IORESOURCE_MEM)) + pci_assign_resource(dev, pos); + } +} +DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_HEADER(PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, bcma_core_pci_fixup_addresses); + +/* This function is called when doing a pci_enable_device(). + * We must first check if the device is a device on the PCI-core bridge. */ +int bcma_core_pci_plat_dev_init(struct pci_dev *dev) +{ + struct bcma_drv_pci_host *pc_host; + + if (dev->bus->ops->read != bcma_core_pci_hostmode_read_config) { + /* This is not a device on the PCI-core bridge. */ + return -ENODEV; + } + pc_host = container_of(dev->bus->ops, struct bcma_drv_pci_host, + pci_ops); + + pr_info("PCI: Fixing up device %s\n", pci_name(dev)); + + /* Fix up interrupt lines */ + dev->irq = bcma_core_mips_irq(pc_host->pdev->core) + 2; + pci_write_config_byte(dev, PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE, dev->irq); + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(bcma_core_pci_plat_dev_init); + +/* PCI device IRQ mapping. */ +int bcma_core_pci_pcibios_map_irq(const struct pci_dev *dev) +{ + struct bcma_drv_pci_host *pc_host; + + if (dev->bus->ops->read != bcma_core_pci_hostmode_read_config) { + /* This is not a device on the PCI-core bridge. */ + return -ENODEV; + } + + pc_host = container_of(dev->bus->ops, struct bcma_drv_pci_host, + pci_ops); + return bcma_core_mips_irq(pc_host->pdev->core) + 2; } +EXPORT_SYMBOL(bcma_core_pci_pcibios_map_irq); diff --git a/drivers/bcma/host_pci.c b/drivers/bcma/host_pci.c index f59244e3397137ca9b6a6d311612dd53db721646..e3928d68802b2ba0c283a1eca2fe0bc86bea40be 100644 --- a/drivers/bcma/host_pci.c +++ b/drivers/bcma/host_pci.c @@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ const struct bcma_host_ops bcma_host_pci_ops = { .awrite32 = bcma_host_pci_awrite32, }; -static int bcma_host_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *dev, - const struct pci_device_id *id) +static int __devinit bcma_host_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *dev, + const struct pci_device_id *id) { struct bcma_bus *bus; int err = -ENOMEM; diff --git a/drivers/bcma/main.c b/drivers/bcma/main.c index ec31f7dd55491aeaea79b071c8aebc7065a8452a..7e138ec21357bb460e69f5aaed01d09307605709 100644 --- a/drivers/bcma/main.c +++ b/drivers/bcma/main.c @@ -13,6 +13,12 @@ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Broadcom's specific AMBA driver"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); +/* contains the number the next bus should get. */ +static unsigned int bcma_bus_next_num = 0; + +/* bcma_buses_mutex locks the bcma_bus_next_num */ +static DEFINE_MUTEX(bcma_buses_mutex); + static int bcma_bus_match(struct device *dev, struct device_driver *drv); static int bcma_device_probe(struct device *dev); static int bcma_device_remove(struct device *dev); @@ -55,7 +61,7 @@ static struct bus_type bcma_bus_type = { .dev_attrs = bcma_device_attrs, }; -static struct bcma_device *bcma_find_core(struct bcma_bus *bus, u16 coreid) +struct bcma_device *bcma_find_core(struct bcma_bus *bus, u16 coreid) { struct bcma_device *core; @@ -65,6 +71,7 @@ static struct bcma_device *bcma_find_core(struct bcma_bus *bus, u16 coreid) } return NULL; } +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(bcma_find_core); static void bcma_release_core_dev(struct device *dev) { @@ -93,7 +100,7 @@ static int bcma_register_cores(struct bcma_bus *bus) core->dev.release = bcma_release_core_dev; core->dev.bus = &bcma_bus_type; - dev_set_name(&core->dev, "bcma%d:%d", 0/*bus->num*/, dev_id); + dev_set_name(&core->dev, "bcma%d:%d", bus->num, dev_id); switch (bus->hosttype) { case BCMA_HOSTTYPE_PCI: @@ -132,11 +139,15 @@ static void bcma_unregister_cores(struct bcma_bus *bus) } } -int bcma_bus_register(struct bcma_bus *bus) +int __devinit bcma_bus_register(struct bcma_bus *bus) { int err; struct bcma_device *core; + mutex_lock(&bcma_buses_mutex); + bus->num = bcma_bus_next_num++; + mutex_unlock(&bcma_buses_mutex); + /* Scan for devices (cores) */ err = bcma_bus_scan(bus); if (err) { diff --git a/drivers/bcma/scan.c b/drivers/bcma/scan.c index 3a2f672db9ad217c264cf7a2203e4d96aa0910d7..f94cccccfa56fc94a2e0b2cf454b30afd3864855 100644 --- a/drivers/bcma/scan.c +++ b/drivers/bcma/scan.c @@ -212,6 +212,17 @@ static struct bcma_device *bcma_find_core_by_index(struct bcma_bus *bus, return NULL; } +static struct bcma_device *bcma_find_core_reverse(struct bcma_bus *bus, u16 coreid) +{ + struct bcma_device *core; + + list_for_each_entry_reverse(core, &bus->cores, list) { + if (core->id.id == coreid) + return core; + } + return NULL; +} + static int bcma_get_next_core(struct bcma_bus *bus, u32 __iomem **eromptr, struct bcma_device_id *match, int core_num, struct bcma_device *core) @@ -353,6 +364,7 @@ static int bcma_get_next_core(struct bcma_bus *bus, u32 __iomem **eromptr, void bcma_init_bus(struct bcma_bus *bus) { s32 tmp; + struct bcma_chipinfo *chipinfo = &(bus->chipinfo); if (bus->init_done) return; @@ -363,9 +375,12 @@ void bcma_init_bus(struct bcma_bus *bus) bcma_scan_switch_core(bus, BCMA_ADDR_BASE); tmp = bcma_scan_read32(bus, 0, BCMA_CC_ID); - bus->chipinfo.id = (tmp & BCMA_CC_ID_ID) >> BCMA_CC_ID_ID_SHIFT; - bus->chipinfo.rev = (tmp & BCMA_CC_ID_REV) >> BCMA_CC_ID_REV_SHIFT; - bus->chipinfo.pkg = (tmp & BCMA_CC_ID_PKG) >> BCMA_CC_ID_PKG_SHIFT; + chipinfo->id = (tmp & BCMA_CC_ID_ID) >> BCMA_CC_ID_ID_SHIFT; + chipinfo->rev = (tmp & BCMA_CC_ID_REV) >> BCMA_CC_ID_REV_SHIFT; + chipinfo->pkg = (tmp & BCMA_CC_ID_PKG) >> BCMA_CC_ID_PKG_SHIFT; + pr_info("Found chip with id 0x%04X, rev 0x%02X and package 0x%02X\n", + chipinfo->id, chipinfo->rev, chipinfo->pkg); + bus->init_done = true; } @@ -392,6 +407,7 @@ int bcma_bus_scan(struct bcma_bus *bus) bcma_scan_switch_core(bus, erombase); while (eromptr < eromend) { + struct bcma_device *other_core; struct bcma_device *core = kzalloc(sizeof(*core), GFP_KERNEL); if (!core) return -ENOMEM; @@ -414,6 +430,8 @@ int bcma_bus_scan(struct bcma_bus *bus) core->core_index = core_num++; bus->nr_cores++; + other_core = bcma_find_core_reverse(bus, core->id.id); + core->core_unit = (other_core == NULL) ? 0 : other_core->core_unit + 1; pr_info("Core %d found: %s " "(manuf 0x%03X, id 0x%03X, rev 0x%02X, class 0x%X)\n", diff --git a/drivers/bcma/sprom.c b/drivers/bcma/sprom.c index 6f230fb087c5ebd064a52aafa8924368b2039c0e..cdcf75c0954febe06c4ac04f030568470284c160 100644 --- a/drivers/bcma/sprom.c +++ b/drivers/bcma/sprom.c @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ * Broadcom specific AMBA * SPROM reading * + * Copyright 2011, 2012, Hauke Mehrtens + * * Licensed under the GNU/GPL. See COPYING for details. */ @@ -14,7 +16,57 @@ #include #include -#define SPOFF(offset) ((offset) / sizeof(u16)) +static int(*get_fallback_sprom)(struct bcma_bus *dev, struct ssb_sprom *out); + +/** + * bcma_arch_register_fallback_sprom - Registers a method providing a + * fallback SPROM if no SPROM is found. + * + * @sprom_callback: The callback function. + * + * With this function the architecture implementation may register a + * callback handler which fills the SPROM data structure. The fallback is + * used for PCI based BCMA devices, where no valid SPROM can be found + * in the shadow registers and to provide the SPROM for SoCs where BCMA is + * to controll the system bus. + * + * This function is useful for weird architectures that have a half-assed + * BCMA device hardwired to their PCI bus. + * + * This function is available for architecture code, only. So it is not + * exported. + */ +int bcma_arch_register_fallback_sprom(int (*sprom_callback)(struct bcma_bus *bus, + struct ssb_sprom *out)) +{ + if (get_fallback_sprom) + return -EEXIST; + get_fallback_sprom = sprom_callback; + + return 0; +} + +static int bcma_fill_sprom_with_fallback(struct bcma_bus *bus, + struct ssb_sprom *out) +{ + int err; + + if (!get_fallback_sprom) { + err = -ENOENT; + goto fail; + } + + err = get_fallback_sprom(bus, out); + if (err) + goto fail; + + pr_debug("Using SPROM revision %d provided by" + " platform.\n", bus->sprom.revision); + return 0; +fail: + pr_warn("Using fallback SPROM failed (err %d)\n", err); + return err; +} /************************************************** * R/W ops. @@ -124,10 +176,21 @@ static int bcma_sprom_valid(const u16 *sprom) * SPROM extraction. **************************************************/ +#define SPOFF(offset) ((offset) / sizeof(u16)) + +#define SPEX(_field, _offset, _mask, _shift) \ + bus->sprom._field = ((sprom[SPOFF(_offset)] & (_mask)) >> (_shift)) + static void bcma_sprom_extract_r8(struct bcma_bus *bus, const u16 *sprom) { - u16 v; + u16 v, o; int i; + u16 pwr_info_offset[] = { + SSB_SROM8_PWR_INFO_CORE0, SSB_SROM8_PWR_INFO_CORE1, + SSB_SROM8_PWR_INFO_CORE2, SSB_SROM8_PWR_INFO_CORE3 + }; + BUILD_BUG_ON(ARRAY_SIZE(pwr_info_offset) != + ARRAY_SIZE(bus->sprom.core_pwr_info)); bus->sprom.revision = sprom[SSB_SPROMSIZE_WORDS_R4 - 1] & SSB_SPROM_REVISION_REV; @@ -137,85 +200,229 @@ static void bcma_sprom_extract_r8(struct bcma_bus *bus, const u16 *sprom) *(((__be16 *)bus->sprom.il0mac) + i) = cpu_to_be16(v); } - bus->sprom.board_rev = sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM8_BOARDREV)]; - - bus->sprom.txpid2g[0] = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G01)] & - SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G0) >> SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G0_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.txpid2g[1] = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G01)] & - SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G1) >> SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G1_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.txpid2g[2] = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G23)] & - SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G2) >> SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G2_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.txpid2g[3] = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G23)] & - SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G3) >> SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G3_SHIFT; - - bus->sprom.txpid5gl[0] = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL01)] & - SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL0) >> SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL0_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.txpid5gl[1] = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL01)] & - SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL1) >> SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL1_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.txpid5gl[2] = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL23)] & - SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL2) >> SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL2_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.txpid5gl[3] = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL23)] & - SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL3) >> SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL3_SHIFT; - - bus->sprom.txpid5g[0] = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G01)] & - SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G0) >> SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G0_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.txpid5g[1] = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G01)] & - SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G1) >> SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G1_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.txpid5g[2] = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G23)] & - SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G2) >> SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G2_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.txpid5g[3] = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G23)] & - SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G3) >> SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G3_SHIFT; - - bus->sprom.txpid5gh[0] = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH01)] & - SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH0) >> SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH0_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.txpid5gh[1] = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH01)] & - SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH1) >> SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH1_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.txpid5gh[2] = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH23)] & - SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH2) >> SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH2_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.txpid5gh[3] = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH23)] & - SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH3) >> SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH3_SHIFT; - - bus->sprom.boardflags_lo = sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM8_BFLLO)]; - bus->sprom.boardflags_hi = sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM8_BFLHI)]; - bus->sprom.boardflags2_lo = sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM8_BFL2LO)]; - bus->sprom.boardflags2_hi = sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM8_BFL2HI)]; - - bus->sprom.country_code = sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM8_CCODE)]; - - bus->sprom.fem.ghz2.tssipos = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM8_FEM2G)] & - SSB_SROM8_FEM_TSSIPOS) >> SSB_SROM8_FEM_TSSIPOS_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.fem.ghz2.extpa_gain = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM8_FEM2G)] & - SSB_SROM8_FEM_EXTPA_GAIN) >> SSB_SROM8_FEM_EXTPA_GAIN_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.fem.ghz2.pdet_range = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM8_FEM2G)] & - SSB_SROM8_FEM_PDET_RANGE) >> SSB_SROM8_FEM_PDET_RANGE_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.fem.ghz2.tr_iso = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM8_FEM2G)] & - SSB_SROM8_FEM_TR_ISO) >> SSB_SROM8_FEM_TR_ISO_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.fem.ghz2.antswlut = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM8_FEM2G)] & - SSB_SROM8_FEM_ANTSWLUT) >> SSB_SROM8_FEM_ANTSWLUT_SHIFT; - - bus->sprom.fem.ghz5.tssipos = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM8_FEM5G)] & - SSB_SROM8_FEM_TSSIPOS) >> SSB_SROM8_FEM_TSSIPOS_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.fem.ghz5.extpa_gain = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM8_FEM5G)] & - SSB_SROM8_FEM_EXTPA_GAIN) >> SSB_SROM8_FEM_EXTPA_GAIN_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.fem.ghz5.pdet_range = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM8_FEM5G)] & - SSB_SROM8_FEM_PDET_RANGE) >> SSB_SROM8_FEM_PDET_RANGE_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.fem.ghz5.tr_iso = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM8_FEM5G)] & - SSB_SROM8_FEM_TR_ISO) >> SSB_SROM8_FEM_TR_ISO_SHIFT; - bus->sprom.fem.ghz5.antswlut = (sprom[SPOFF(SSB_SPROM8_FEM5G)] & - SSB_SROM8_FEM_ANTSWLUT) >> SSB_SROM8_FEM_ANTSWLUT_SHIFT; + SPEX(board_rev, SSB_SPROM8_BOARDREV, ~0, 0); + + SPEX(txpid2g[0], SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G01, SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G0, + SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G0_SHIFT); + SPEX(txpid2g[1], SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G01, SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G1, + SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G1_SHIFT); + SPEX(txpid2g[2], SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G23, SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G2, + SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G2_SHIFT); + SPEX(txpid2g[3], SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G23, SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G3, + SSB_SPROM4_TXPID2G3_SHIFT); + + SPEX(txpid5gl[0], SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL01, SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL0, + SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL0_SHIFT); + SPEX(txpid5gl[1], SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL01, SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL1, + SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL1_SHIFT); + SPEX(txpid5gl[2], SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL23, SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL2, + SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL2_SHIFT); + SPEX(txpid5gl[3], SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL23, SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL3, + SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GL3_SHIFT); + + SPEX(txpid5g[0], SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G01, SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G0, + SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G0_SHIFT); + SPEX(txpid5g[1], SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G01, SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G1, + SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G1_SHIFT); + SPEX(txpid5g[2], SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G23, SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G2, + SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G2_SHIFT); + SPEX(txpid5g[3], SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G23, SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G3, + SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5G3_SHIFT); + + SPEX(txpid5gh[0], SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH01, SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH0, + SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH0_SHIFT); + SPEX(txpid5gh[1], SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH01, SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH1, + SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH1_SHIFT); + SPEX(txpid5gh[2], SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH23, SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH2, + SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH2_SHIFT); + SPEX(txpid5gh[3], SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH23, SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH3, + SSB_SPROM4_TXPID5GH3_SHIFT); + + SPEX(boardflags_lo, SSB_SPROM8_BFLLO, ~0, 0); + SPEX(boardflags_hi, SSB_SPROM8_BFLHI, ~0, 0); + SPEX(boardflags2_lo, SSB_SPROM8_BFL2LO, ~0, 0); + SPEX(boardflags2_hi, SSB_SPROM8_BFL2HI, ~0, 0); + + SPEX(country_code, SSB_SPROM8_CCODE, ~0, 0); + + /* Extract cores power info info */ + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(pwr_info_offset); i++) { + o = pwr_info_offset[i]; + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].itssi_2g, o + SSB_SROM8_2G_MAXP_ITSSI, + SSB_SPROM8_2G_ITSSI, SSB_SPROM8_2G_ITSSI_SHIFT); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].maxpwr_2g, o + SSB_SROM8_2G_MAXP_ITSSI, + SSB_SPROM8_2G_MAXP, 0); + + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_2g[0], o + SSB_SROM8_2G_PA_0, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_2g[1], o + SSB_SROM8_2G_PA_1, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_2g[2], o + SSB_SROM8_2G_PA_2, ~0, 0); + + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].itssi_5g, o + SSB_SROM8_5G_MAXP_ITSSI, + SSB_SPROM8_5G_ITSSI, SSB_SPROM8_5G_ITSSI_SHIFT); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].maxpwr_5g, o + SSB_SROM8_5G_MAXP_ITSSI, + SSB_SPROM8_5G_MAXP, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].maxpwr_5gh, o + SSB_SPROM8_5GHL_MAXP, + SSB_SPROM8_5GH_MAXP, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].maxpwr_5gl, o + SSB_SPROM8_5GHL_MAXP, + SSB_SPROM8_5GL_MAXP, SSB_SPROM8_5GL_MAXP_SHIFT); + + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_5gl[0], o + SSB_SROM8_5GL_PA_0, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_5gl[1], o + SSB_SROM8_5GL_PA_1, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_5gl[2], o + SSB_SROM8_5GL_PA_2, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_5g[0], o + SSB_SROM8_5G_PA_0, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_5g[1], o + SSB_SROM8_5G_PA_1, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_5g[2], o + SSB_SROM8_5G_PA_2, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_5gh[0], o + SSB_SROM8_5GH_PA_0, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_5gh[1], o + SSB_SROM8_5GH_PA_1, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_5gh[2], o + SSB_SROM8_5GH_PA_2, ~0, 0); + } + + SPEX(fem.ghz2.tssipos, SSB_SPROM8_FEM2G, SSB_SROM8_FEM_TSSIPOS, + SSB_SROM8_FEM_TSSIPOS_SHIFT); + SPEX(fem.ghz2.extpa_gain, SSB_SPROM8_FEM2G, SSB_SROM8_FEM_EXTPA_GAIN, + SSB_SROM8_FEM_EXTPA_GAIN_SHIFT); + SPEX(fem.ghz2.pdet_range, SSB_SPROM8_FEM2G, SSB_SROM8_FEM_PDET_RANGE, + SSB_SROM8_FEM_PDET_RANGE_SHIFT); + SPEX(fem.ghz2.tr_iso, SSB_SPROM8_FEM2G, SSB_SROM8_FEM_TR_ISO, + SSB_SROM8_FEM_TR_ISO_SHIFT); + SPEX(fem.ghz2.antswlut, SSB_SPROM8_FEM2G, SSB_SROM8_FEM_ANTSWLUT, + SSB_SROM8_FEM_ANTSWLUT_SHIFT); + + SPEX(fem.ghz5.tssipos, SSB_SPROM8_FEM5G, SSB_SROM8_FEM_TSSIPOS, + SSB_SROM8_FEM_TSSIPOS_SHIFT); + SPEX(fem.ghz5.extpa_gain, SSB_SPROM8_FEM5G, SSB_SROM8_FEM_EXTPA_GAIN, + SSB_SROM8_FEM_EXTPA_GAIN_SHIFT); + SPEX(fem.ghz5.pdet_range, SSB_SPROM8_FEM5G, SSB_SROM8_FEM_PDET_RANGE, + SSB_SROM8_FEM_PDET_RANGE_SHIFT); + SPEX(fem.ghz5.tr_iso, SSB_SPROM8_FEM5G, SSB_SROM8_FEM_TR_ISO, + SSB_SROM8_FEM_TR_ISO_SHIFT); + SPEX(fem.ghz5.antswlut, SSB_SPROM8_FEM5G, SSB_SROM8_FEM_ANTSWLUT, + SSB_SROM8_FEM_ANTSWLUT_SHIFT); +} + +/* + * Indicates the presence of external SPROM. + */ +static bool bcma_sprom_ext_available(struct bcma_bus *bus) +{ + u32 chip_status; + u32 srom_control; + u32 present_mask; + + if (bus->drv_cc.core->id.rev >= 31) { + if (!(bus->drv_cc.capabilities & BCMA_CC_CAP_SPROM)) + return false; + + srom_control = bcma_read32(bus->drv_cc.core, + BCMA_CC_SROM_CONTROL); + return srom_control & BCMA_CC_SROM_CONTROL_PRESENT; + } + + /* older chipcommon revisions use chip status register */ + chip_status = bcma_read32(bus->drv_cc.core, BCMA_CC_CHIPSTAT); + switch (bus->chipinfo.id) { + case 0x4313: + present_mask = BCMA_CC_CHIPST_4313_SPROM_PRESENT; + break; + + case 0x4331: + present_mask = BCMA_CC_CHIPST_4331_SPROM_PRESENT; + break; + + default: + return true; + } + + return chip_status & present_mask; +} + +/* + * Indicates that on-chip OTP memory is present and enabled. + */ +static bool bcma_sprom_onchip_available(struct bcma_bus *bus) +{ + u32 chip_status; + u32 otpsize = 0; + bool present; + + chip_status = bcma_read32(bus->drv_cc.core, BCMA_CC_CHIPSTAT); + switch (bus->chipinfo.id) { + case 0x4313: + present = chip_status & BCMA_CC_CHIPST_4313_OTP_PRESENT; + break; + + case 0x4331: + present = chip_status & BCMA_CC_CHIPST_4331_OTP_PRESENT; + break; + + case 43224: + case 43225: + /* for these chips OTP is always available */ + present = true; + break; + + default: + present = false; + break; + } + + if (present) { + otpsize = bus->drv_cc.capabilities & BCMA_CC_CAP_OTPS; + otpsize >>= BCMA_CC_CAP_OTPS_SHIFT; + } + + return otpsize != 0; +} + +/* + * Verify OTP is filled and determine the byte + * offset where SPROM data is located. + * + * On error, returns 0; byte offset otherwise. + */ +static int bcma_sprom_onchip_offset(struct bcma_bus *bus) +{ + struct bcma_device *cc = bus->drv_cc.core; + u32 offset; + + /* verify OTP status */ + if ((bcma_read32(cc, BCMA_CC_OTPS) & BCMA_CC_OTPS_GU_PROG_HW) == 0) + return 0; + + /* obtain bit offset from otplayout register */ + offset = (bcma_read32(cc, BCMA_CC_OTPL) & BCMA_CC_OTPL_GURGN_OFFSET); + return BCMA_CC_SPROM + (offset >> 3); } int bcma_sprom_get(struct bcma_bus *bus) { - u16 offset; + u16 offset = BCMA_CC_SPROM; u16 *sprom; int err = 0; if (!bus->drv_cc.core) return -EOPNOTSUPP; - if (!(bus->drv_cc.capabilities & BCMA_CC_CAP_SPROM)) - return -ENOENT; + if (!bcma_sprom_ext_available(bus)) { + /* + * External SPROM takes precedence so check + * on-chip OTP only when no external SPROM + * is present. + */ + if (bcma_sprom_onchip_available(bus)) { + /* determine offset */ + offset = bcma_sprom_onchip_offset(bus); + } + if (!offset) { + /* + * Maybe there is no SPROM on the device? + * Now we ask the arch code if there is some sprom + * available for this device in some other storage. + */ + err = bcma_fill_sprom_with_fallback(bus, &bus->sprom); + return err; + } + } sprom = kcalloc(SSB_SPROMSIZE_WORDS_R4, sizeof(u16), GFP_KERNEL); @@ -225,11 +432,7 @@ int bcma_sprom_get(struct bcma_bus *bus) if (bus->chipinfo.id == 0x4331) bcma_chipco_bcm4331_ext_pa_lines_ctl(&bus->drv_cc, false); - /* Most cards have SPROM moved by additional offset 0x30 (48 dwords). - * According to brcm80211 this applies to cards with PCIe rev >= 6 - * TODO: understand this condition and use it */ - offset = (bus->chipinfo.id == 0x4331) ? BCMA_CC_SPROM : - BCMA_CC_SPROM_PCIE6; + pr_debug("SPROM offset 0x%x\n", offset); bcma_sprom_read(bus, offset, sprom); if (bus->chipinfo.id == 0x4331) diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c b/drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c index 07f14d10ea49ef33ed73d6d9c9b84b32093fb08b..48442476ec005415ec0d51c79c48e305ed31fb69 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c @@ -65,12 +65,14 @@ static struct usb_device_id ath3k_table[] = { { USB_DEVICE(0x0CF3, 0x3002) }, { USB_DEVICE(0x13d3, 0x3304) }, { USB_DEVICE(0x0930, 0x0215) }, + { USB_DEVICE(0x0489, 0xE03D) }, /* Atheros AR9285 Malbec with sflash firmware */ { USB_DEVICE(0x03F0, 0x311D) }, /* Atheros AR3012 with sflash firmware*/ { USB_DEVICE(0x0CF3, 0x3004) }, + { USB_DEVICE(0x13d3, 0x3375) }, /* Atheros AR5BBU12 with sflash firmware */ { USB_DEVICE(0x0489, 0xE02C) }, @@ -87,6 +89,7 @@ static struct usb_device_id ath3k_blist_tbl[] = { /* Atheros AR3012 with sflash firmware*/ { USB_DEVICE(0x0cf3, 0x3004), .driver_info = BTUSB_ATH3012 }, + { USB_DEVICE(0x13d3, 0x3375), .driver_info = BTUSB_ATH3012 }, { } /* Terminating entry */ }; diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c b/drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c index a323baee51b03493facfb5def8708127e42d64ba..b8ac1c549a1c75507700c8f608f844233314ea7e 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ static void bfusb_rx_complete(struct urb *urb) static int bfusb_open(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct bfusb_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct bfusb_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); unsigned long flags; int i, err; @@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ static int bfusb_open(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int bfusb_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct bfusb_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct bfusb_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); BT_DBG("hdev %p bfusb %p", hdev, data); @@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ static int bfusb_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int bfusb_close(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct bfusb_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct bfusb_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); unsigned long flags; BT_DBG("hdev %p bfusb %p", hdev, data); @@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ static int bfusb_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) if (!test_bit(HCI_RUNNING, &hdev->flags)) return -EBUSY; - data = hdev->driver_data; + data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); switch (bt_cb(skb)->pkt_type) { case HCI_COMMAND_PKT: @@ -544,15 +544,6 @@ static int bfusb_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) return 0; } -static void bfusb_destruct(struct hci_dev *hdev) -{ - struct bfusb_data *data = hdev->driver_data; - - BT_DBG("hdev %p bfusb %p", hdev, data); - - kfree(data); -} - static int bfusb_ioctl(struct hci_dev *hdev, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { return -ENOIOCTLCMD; @@ -705,18 +696,15 @@ static int bfusb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *i data->hdev = hdev; hdev->bus = HCI_USB; - hdev->driver_data = data; + hci_set_drvdata(hdev, data); SET_HCIDEV_DEV(hdev, &intf->dev); hdev->open = bfusb_open; hdev->close = bfusb_close; hdev->flush = bfusb_flush; hdev->send = bfusb_send_frame; - hdev->destruct = bfusb_destruct; hdev->ioctl = bfusb_ioctl; - hdev->owner = THIS_MODULE; - if (hci_register_dev(hdev) < 0) { BT_ERR("Can't register HCI device"); hci_free_dev(hdev); @@ -753,6 +741,7 @@ static void bfusb_disconnect(struct usb_interface *intf) hci_unregister_dev(hdev); hci_free_dev(hdev); + kfree(data); } static struct usb_driver bfusb_driver = { diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/bluecard_cs.c b/drivers/bluetooth/bluecard_cs.c index c6a0c6103743838fef1dd30157681e9d916115c7..1fcd92380356bb70571a573cb105778d06712237 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/bluecard_cs.c +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/bluecard_cs.c @@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ static irqreturn_t bluecard_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_inst) static int bluecard_hci_set_baud_rate(struct hci_dev *hdev, int baud) { - bluecard_info_t *info = (bluecard_info_t *)(hdev->driver_data); + bluecard_info_t *info = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); struct sk_buff *skb; /* Ericsson baud rate command */ @@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ static int bluecard_hci_set_baud_rate(struct hci_dev *hdev, int baud) static int bluecard_hci_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - bluecard_info_t *info = (bluecard_info_t *)(hdev->driver_data); + bluecard_info_t *info = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); /* Drop TX queue */ skb_queue_purge(&(info->txq)); @@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ static int bluecard_hci_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int bluecard_hci_open(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - bluecard_info_t *info = (bluecard_info_t *)(hdev->driver_data); + bluecard_info_t *info = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); unsigned int iobase = info->p_dev->resource[0]->start; if (test_bit(CARD_HAS_PCCARD_ID, &(info->hw_state))) @@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ static int bluecard_hci_open(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int bluecard_hci_close(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - bluecard_info_t *info = (bluecard_info_t *)(hdev->driver_data); + bluecard_info_t *info = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); unsigned int iobase = info->p_dev->resource[0]->start; if (!test_and_clear_bit(HCI_RUNNING, &(hdev->flags))) @@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ static int bluecard_hci_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) return -ENODEV; } - info = (bluecard_info_t *)(hdev->driver_data); + info = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); switch (bt_cb(skb)->pkt_type) { case HCI_COMMAND_PKT: @@ -691,11 +691,6 @@ static int bluecard_hci_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) } -static void bluecard_hci_destruct(struct hci_dev *hdev) -{ -} - - static int bluecard_hci_ioctl(struct hci_dev *hdev, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { return -ENOIOCTLCMD; @@ -734,18 +729,15 @@ static int bluecard_open(bluecard_info_t *info) info->hdev = hdev; hdev->bus = HCI_PCCARD; - hdev->driver_data = info; + hci_set_drvdata(hdev, info); SET_HCIDEV_DEV(hdev, &info->p_dev->dev); hdev->open = bluecard_hci_open; hdev->close = bluecard_hci_close; hdev->flush = bluecard_hci_flush; hdev->send = bluecard_hci_send_frame; - hdev->destruct = bluecard_hci_destruct; hdev->ioctl = bluecard_hci_ioctl; - hdev->owner = THIS_MODULE; - id = inb(iobase + 0x30); if ((id & 0x0f) == 0x02) diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/bpa10x.c b/drivers/bluetooth/bpa10x.c index 62831603de5e91c7f4bd44774fe37647cb808795..d894340a7601ee789eff108b1dddd29e173b157f 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/bpa10x.c +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/bpa10x.c @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ struct hci_vendor_hdr { static int bpa10x_recv(struct hci_dev *hdev, int queue, void *buf, int count) { - struct bpa10x_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct bpa10x_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); BT_DBG("%s queue %d buffer %p count %d", hdev->name, queue, buf, count); @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ static void bpa10x_tx_complete(struct urb *urb) static void bpa10x_rx_complete(struct urb *urb) { struct hci_dev *hdev = urb->context; - struct bpa10x_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct bpa10x_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); int err; BT_DBG("%s urb %p status %d count %d", hdev->name, @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ static void bpa10x_rx_complete(struct urb *urb) static inline int bpa10x_submit_intr_urb(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct bpa10x_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct bpa10x_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); struct urb *urb; unsigned char *buf; unsigned int pipe; @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ static inline int bpa10x_submit_intr_urb(struct hci_dev *hdev) static inline int bpa10x_submit_bulk_urb(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct bpa10x_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct bpa10x_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); struct urb *urb; unsigned char *buf; unsigned int pipe; @@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ static inline int bpa10x_submit_bulk_urb(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int bpa10x_open(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct bpa10x_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct bpa10x_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); int err; BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ static int bpa10x_open(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int bpa10x_close(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct bpa10x_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct bpa10x_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ static int bpa10x_close(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int bpa10x_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct bpa10x_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct bpa10x_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ static int bpa10x_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int bpa10x_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) { struct hci_dev *hdev = (struct hci_dev *) skb->dev; - struct bpa10x_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct bpa10x_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); struct usb_ctrlrequest *dr; struct urb *urb; unsigned int pipe; @@ -432,17 +432,6 @@ static int bpa10x_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) return 0; } -static void bpa10x_destruct(struct hci_dev *hdev) -{ - struct bpa10x_data *data = hdev->driver_data; - - BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); - - kfree_skb(data->rx_skb[0]); - kfree_skb(data->rx_skb[1]); - kfree(data); -} - static int bpa10x_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id) { struct bpa10x_data *data; @@ -470,7 +459,7 @@ static int bpa10x_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id * } hdev->bus = HCI_USB; - hdev->driver_data = data; + hci_set_drvdata(hdev, data); data->hdev = hdev; @@ -480,9 +469,6 @@ static int bpa10x_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id * hdev->close = bpa10x_close; hdev->flush = bpa10x_flush; hdev->send = bpa10x_send_frame; - hdev->destruct = bpa10x_destruct; - - hdev->owner = THIS_MODULE; set_bit(HCI_QUIRK_NO_RESET, &hdev->quirks); @@ -512,6 +498,9 @@ static void bpa10x_disconnect(struct usb_interface *intf) hci_unregister_dev(data->hdev); hci_free_dev(data->hdev); + kfree_skb(data->rx_skb[0]); + kfree_skb(data->rx_skb[1]); + kfree(data); } static struct usb_driver bpa10x_driver = { diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c b/drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c index 0c97e5d514b635b0574d3832d6b593263146f56e..9c09d6f05dc94e0abfbe0247bb514b203a51f819 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c @@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ static irqreturn_t bt3c_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_inst) static int bt3c_hci_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - bt3c_info_t *info = (bt3c_info_t *)(hdev->driver_data); + bt3c_info_t *info = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); /* Drop TX queue */ skb_queue_purge(&(info->txq)); @@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ static int bt3c_hci_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) return -ENODEV; } - info = (bt3c_info_t *) (hdev->driver_data); + info = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); switch (bt_cb(skb)->pkt_type) { case HCI_COMMAND_PKT: @@ -456,11 +456,6 @@ static int bt3c_hci_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) } -static void bt3c_hci_destruct(struct hci_dev *hdev) -{ -} - - static int bt3c_hci_ioctl(struct hci_dev *hdev, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { return -ENOIOCTLCMD; @@ -580,18 +575,15 @@ static int bt3c_open(bt3c_info_t *info) info->hdev = hdev; hdev->bus = HCI_PCCARD; - hdev->driver_data = info; + hci_set_drvdata(hdev, info); SET_HCIDEV_DEV(hdev, &info->p_dev->dev); hdev->open = bt3c_hci_open; hdev->close = bt3c_hci_close; hdev->flush = bt3c_hci_flush; hdev->send = bt3c_hci_send_frame; - hdev->destruct = bt3c_hci_destruct; hdev->ioctl = bt3c_hci_ioctl; - hdev->owner = THIS_MODULE; - /* Load firmware */ err = request_firmware(&firmware, "BT3CPCC.bin", &info->p_dev->dev); if (err < 0) { diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_debugfs.c b/drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_debugfs.c index 8ecf4c6c28740243979920dd98ea7bdc638e5172..6c20bbb54b71a8e51038f4ad84a59157d489dde0 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_debugfs.c +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_debugfs.c @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ static const struct file_operations btmrvl_txdnldready_fops = { void btmrvl_debugfs_init(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct btmrvl_private *priv = hdev->driver_data; + struct btmrvl_private *priv = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); struct btmrvl_debugfs_data *dbg; if (!hdev->debugfs) @@ -401,36 +401,34 @@ void btmrvl_debugfs_init(struct hci_dev *hdev) dbg->config_dir = debugfs_create_dir("config", hdev->debugfs); dbg->psmode = debugfs_create_file("psmode", 0644, dbg->config_dir, - hdev->driver_data, &btmrvl_psmode_fops); + priv, &btmrvl_psmode_fops); dbg->pscmd = debugfs_create_file("pscmd", 0644, dbg->config_dir, - hdev->driver_data, &btmrvl_pscmd_fops); + priv, &btmrvl_pscmd_fops); dbg->gpiogap = debugfs_create_file("gpiogap", 0644, dbg->config_dir, - hdev->driver_data, &btmrvl_gpiogap_fops); + priv, &btmrvl_gpiogap_fops); dbg->hsmode = debugfs_create_file("hsmode", 0644, dbg->config_dir, - hdev->driver_data, &btmrvl_hsmode_fops); + priv, &btmrvl_hsmode_fops); dbg->hscmd = debugfs_create_file("hscmd", 0644, dbg->config_dir, - hdev->driver_data, &btmrvl_hscmd_fops); + priv, &btmrvl_hscmd_fops); dbg->hscfgcmd = debugfs_create_file("hscfgcmd", 0644, dbg->config_dir, - hdev->driver_data, &btmrvl_hscfgcmd_fops); + priv, &btmrvl_hscfgcmd_fops); dbg->status_dir = debugfs_create_dir("status", hdev->debugfs); dbg->curpsmode = debugfs_create_file("curpsmode", 0444, - dbg->status_dir, - hdev->driver_data, - &btmrvl_curpsmode_fops); + dbg->status_dir, priv, + &btmrvl_curpsmode_fops); dbg->psstate = debugfs_create_file("psstate", 0444, dbg->status_dir, - hdev->driver_data, &btmrvl_psstate_fops); + priv, &btmrvl_psstate_fops); dbg->hsstate = debugfs_create_file("hsstate", 0444, dbg->status_dir, - hdev->driver_data, &btmrvl_hsstate_fops); + priv, &btmrvl_hsstate_fops); dbg->txdnldready = debugfs_create_file("txdnldready", 0444, - dbg->status_dir, - hdev->driver_data, - &btmrvl_txdnldready_fops); + dbg->status_dir, priv, + &btmrvl_txdnldready_fops); } void btmrvl_debugfs_remove(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct btmrvl_private *priv = hdev->driver_data; + struct btmrvl_private *priv = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); struct btmrvl_debugfs_data *dbg = priv->debugfs_data; if (!dbg) diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c b/drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c index 6c3defa508454e1d76937abf9235b07fc6e880a8..d1209adc882dd00ad39811f44a4fa2c076274ee9 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c @@ -387,10 +387,6 @@ static int btmrvl_ioctl(struct hci_dev *hdev, return -ENOIOCTLCMD; } -static void btmrvl_destruct(struct hci_dev *hdev) -{ -} - static int btmrvl_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) { struct hci_dev *hdev = (struct hci_dev *) skb->dev; @@ -398,12 +394,13 @@ static int btmrvl_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) BT_DBG("type=%d, len=%d", skb->pkt_type, skb->len); - if (!hdev || !hdev->driver_data) { + if (!hdev) { BT_ERR("Frame for unknown HCI device"); return -ENODEV; } - priv = (struct btmrvl_private *) hdev->driver_data; + priv = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); + if (!test_bit(HCI_RUNNING, &hdev->flags)) { BT_ERR("Failed testing HCI_RUNING, flags=%lx", hdev->flags); print_hex_dump_bytes("data: ", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, @@ -434,7 +431,7 @@ static int btmrvl_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) static int btmrvl_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct btmrvl_private *priv = hdev->driver_data; + struct btmrvl_private *priv = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); skb_queue_purge(&priv->adapter->tx_queue); @@ -443,7 +440,7 @@ static int btmrvl_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int btmrvl_close(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct btmrvl_private *priv = hdev->driver_data; + struct btmrvl_private *priv = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); if (!test_and_clear_bit(HCI_RUNNING, &hdev->flags)) return 0; @@ -546,16 +543,14 @@ int btmrvl_register_hdev(struct btmrvl_private *priv) } priv->btmrvl_dev.hcidev = hdev; - hdev->driver_data = priv; + hci_set_drvdata(hdev, priv); hdev->bus = HCI_SDIO; hdev->open = btmrvl_open; hdev->close = btmrvl_close; hdev->flush = btmrvl_flush; hdev->send = btmrvl_send_frame; - hdev->destruct = btmrvl_destruct; hdev->ioctl = btmrvl_ioctl; - hdev->owner = THIS_MODULE; btmrvl_send_module_cfg_cmd(priv, MODULE_BRINGUP_REQ); diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/btsdio.c b/drivers/bluetooth/btsdio.c index 792e32d29a1de981c3bf84ad15a4e7899a94ec5a..e10ea03470510f876bd3b09ef572630c4ef83e29 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/btsdio.c +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/btsdio.c @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ static void btsdio_interrupt(struct sdio_func *func) static int btsdio_open(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct btsdio_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct btsdio_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); int err; BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ static int btsdio_open(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int btsdio_close(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct btsdio_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct btsdio_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ static int btsdio_close(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int btsdio_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct btsdio_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct btsdio_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ static int btsdio_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int btsdio_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) { struct hci_dev *hdev = (struct hci_dev *) skb->dev; - struct btsdio_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct btsdio_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); @@ -289,15 +289,6 @@ static int btsdio_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) return 0; } -static void btsdio_destruct(struct hci_dev *hdev) -{ - struct btsdio_data *data = hdev->driver_data; - - BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); - - kfree(data); -} - static int btsdio_probe(struct sdio_func *func, const struct sdio_device_id *id) { @@ -330,7 +321,7 @@ static int btsdio_probe(struct sdio_func *func, } hdev->bus = HCI_SDIO; - hdev->driver_data = data; + hci_set_drvdata(hdev, data); if (id->class == SDIO_CLASS_BT_AMP) hdev->dev_type = HCI_AMP; @@ -345,9 +336,6 @@ static int btsdio_probe(struct sdio_func *func, hdev->close = btsdio_close; hdev->flush = btsdio_flush; hdev->send = btsdio_send_frame; - hdev->destruct = btsdio_destruct; - - hdev->owner = THIS_MODULE; err = hci_register_dev(hdev); if (err < 0) { @@ -378,6 +366,7 @@ static void btsdio_remove(struct sdio_func *func) hci_unregister_dev(hdev); hci_free_dev(hdev); + kfree(data); } static struct sdio_driver btsdio_driver = { diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/btuart_cs.c b/drivers/bluetooth/btuart_cs.c index 200b3a2877d69c43754d6210bc0ad2feb5be81c4..194224d07f7c391cbdb86cc025d27f6386a88f3e 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/btuart_cs.c +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/btuart_cs.c @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ static void btuart_change_speed(btuart_info_t *info, unsigned int speed) static int btuart_hci_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - btuart_info_t *info = (btuart_info_t *)(hdev->driver_data); + btuart_info_t *info = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); /* Drop TX queue */ skb_queue_purge(&(info->txq)); @@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ static int btuart_hci_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) return -ENODEV; } - info = (btuart_info_t *)(hdev->driver_data); + info = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); switch (bt_cb(skb)->pkt_type) { case HCI_COMMAND_PKT: @@ -459,11 +459,6 @@ static int btuart_hci_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) } -static void btuart_hci_destruct(struct hci_dev *hdev) -{ -} - - static int btuart_hci_ioctl(struct hci_dev *hdev, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { return -ENOIOCTLCMD; @@ -498,18 +493,15 @@ static int btuart_open(btuart_info_t *info) info->hdev = hdev; hdev->bus = HCI_PCCARD; - hdev->driver_data = info; + hci_set_drvdata(hdev, info); SET_HCIDEV_DEV(hdev, &info->p_dev->dev); hdev->open = btuart_hci_open; hdev->close = btuart_hci_close; hdev->flush = btuart_hci_flush; hdev->send = btuart_hci_send_frame; - hdev->destruct = btuart_hci_destruct; hdev->ioctl = btuart_hci_ioctl; - hdev->owner = THIS_MODULE; - spin_lock_irqsave(&(info->lock), flags); /* Reset UART */ diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/btusb.c b/drivers/bluetooth/btusb.c index 789c9b579aea5bac7e0b2abfe3d14b377917a9c4..480cad9200481fb0ad2eb9a91c5b9b55d2dea5c5 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/btusb.c +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/btusb.c @@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ static struct usb_device_id btusb_table[] = { /* Broadcom BCM20702A0 */ { USB_DEVICE(0x0a5c, 0x21e3) }, + { USB_DEVICE(0x0a5c, 0x21e6) }, { USB_DEVICE(0x0a5c, 0x21f3) }, { USB_DEVICE(0x413c, 0x8197) }, @@ -121,12 +122,14 @@ static struct usb_device_id blacklist_table[] = { { USB_DEVICE(0x0cf3, 0x3002), .driver_info = BTUSB_IGNORE }, { USB_DEVICE(0x13d3, 0x3304), .driver_info = BTUSB_IGNORE }, { USB_DEVICE(0x0930, 0x0215), .driver_info = BTUSB_IGNORE }, + { USB_DEVICE(0x0489, 0xe03d), .driver_info = BTUSB_IGNORE }, /* Atheros AR9285 Malbec with sflash firmware */ { USB_DEVICE(0x03f0, 0x311d), .driver_info = BTUSB_IGNORE }, /* Atheros 3012 with sflash firmware */ { USB_DEVICE(0x0cf3, 0x3004), .driver_info = BTUSB_ATH3012 }, + { USB_DEVICE(0x13d3, 0x3375), .driver_info = BTUSB_ATH3012 }, /* Atheros AR5BBU12 with sflash firmware */ { USB_DEVICE(0x0489, 0xe02c), .driver_info = BTUSB_IGNORE }, @@ -243,7 +246,7 @@ static int inc_tx(struct btusb_data *data) static void btusb_intr_complete(struct urb *urb) { struct hci_dev *hdev = urb->context; - struct btusb_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct btusb_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); int err; BT_DBG("%s urb %p status %d count %d", hdev->name, @@ -282,7 +285,7 @@ static void btusb_intr_complete(struct urb *urb) static int btusb_submit_intr_urb(struct hci_dev *hdev, gfp_t mem_flags) { - struct btusb_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct btusb_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); struct urb *urb; unsigned char *buf; unsigned int pipe; @@ -331,7 +334,7 @@ static int btusb_submit_intr_urb(struct hci_dev *hdev, gfp_t mem_flags) static void btusb_bulk_complete(struct urb *urb) { struct hci_dev *hdev = urb->context; - struct btusb_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct btusb_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); int err; BT_DBG("%s urb %p status %d count %d", hdev->name, @@ -370,7 +373,7 @@ static void btusb_bulk_complete(struct urb *urb) static int btusb_submit_bulk_urb(struct hci_dev *hdev, gfp_t mem_flags) { - struct btusb_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct btusb_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); struct urb *urb; unsigned char *buf; unsigned int pipe; @@ -417,7 +420,7 @@ static int btusb_submit_bulk_urb(struct hci_dev *hdev, gfp_t mem_flags) static void btusb_isoc_complete(struct urb *urb) { struct hci_dev *hdev = urb->context; - struct btusb_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct btusb_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); int i, err; BT_DBG("%s urb %p status %d count %d", hdev->name, @@ -484,7 +487,7 @@ static inline void __fill_isoc_descriptor(struct urb *urb, int len, int mtu) static int btusb_submit_isoc_urb(struct hci_dev *hdev, gfp_t mem_flags) { - struct btusb_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct btusb_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); struct urb *urb; unsigned char *buf; unsigned int pipe; @@ -537,7 +540,7 @@ static void btusb_tx_complete(struct urb *urb) { struct sk_buff *skb = urb->context; struct hci_dev *hdev = (struct hci_dev *) skb->dev; - struct btusb_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct btusb_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); BT_DBG("%s urb %p status %d count %d", hdev->name, urb, urb->status, urb->actual_length); @@ -584,7 +587,7 @@ static void btusb_isoc_tx_complete(struct urb *urb) static int btusb_open(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct btusb_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct btusb_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); int err; BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); @@ -634,7 +637,7 @@ static void btusb_stop_traffic(struct btusb_data *data) static int btusb_close(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct btusb_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct btusb_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); int err; BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); @@ -664,7 +667,7 @@ static int btusb_close(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int btusb_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct btusb_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct btusb_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); @@ -676,7 +679,7 @@ static int btusb_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int btusb_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) { struct hci_dev *hdev = (struct hci_dev *) skb->dev; - struct btusb_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct btusb_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); struct usb_ctrlrequest *dr; struct urb *urb; unsigned int pipe; @@ -784,18 +787,9 @@ static int btusb_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) return err; } -static void btusb_destruct(struct hci_dev *hdev) -{ - struct btusb_data *data = hdev->driver_data; - - BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); - - kfree(data); -} - static void btusb_notify(struct hci_dev *hdev, unsigned int evt) { - struct btusb_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct btusb_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); BT_DBG("%s evt %d", hdev->name, evt); @@ -807,7 +801,7 @@ static void btusb_notify(struct hci_dev *hdev, unsigned int evt) static inline int __set_isoc_interface(struct hci_dev *hdev, int altsetting) { - struct btusb_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct btusb_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); struct usb_interface *intf = data->isoc; struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *ep_desc; int i, err; @@ -995,7 +989,7 @@ static int btusb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, } hdev->bus = HCI_USB; - hdev->driver_data = data; + hci_set_drvdata(hdev, data); data->hdev = hdev; @@ -1005,11 +999,8 @@ static int btusb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, hdev->close = btusb_close; hdev->flush = btusb_flush; hdev->send = btusb_send_frame; - hdev->destruct = btusb_destruct; hdev->notify = btusb_notify; - hdev->owner = THIS_MODULE; - /* Interface numbers are hardcoded in the specification */ data->isoc = usb_ifnum_to_if(data->udev, 1); @@ -1091,9 +1082,6 @@ static void btusb_disconnect(struct usb_interface *intf) return; hdev = data->hdev; - - __hci_dev_hold(hdev); - usb_set_intfdata(data->intf, NULL); if (data->isoc) @@ -1106,9 +1094,8 @@ static void btusb_disconnect(struct usb_interface *intf) else if (data->isoc) usb_driver_release_interface(&btusb_driver, data->isoc); - __hci_dev_put(hdev); - hci_free_dev(hdev); + kfree(data); } #ifdef CONFIG_PM diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/btwilink.c b/drivers/bluetooth/btwilink.c index b5f83b44a0cd18a42f32aa8b4398ea69b5b9ba2b..88694697f34f68386cdb4273289ccea7baaeaa5b 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/btwilink.c +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/btwilink.c @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ static int ti_st_open(struct hci_dev *hdev) return -EBUSY; /* provide contexts for callbacks from ST */ - hst = hdev->driver_data; + hst = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); for (i = 0; i < MAX_BT_CHNL_IDS; i++) { ti_st_proto[i].priv_data = hst; @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ static int ti_st_open(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int ti_st_close(struct hci_dev *hdev) { int err, i; - struct ti_st *hst = hdev->driver_data; + struct ti_st *hst = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); if (!test_and_clear_bit(HCI_RUNNING, &hdev->flags)) return 0; @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ static int ti_st_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) if (!test_bit(HCI_RUNNING, &hdev->flags)) return -EBUSY; - hst = hdev->driver_data; + hst = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); /* Prepend skb with frame type */ memcpy(skb_push(skb, 1), &bt_cb(skb)->pkt_type, 1); @@ -291,14 +291,6 @@ static int ti_st_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) return 0; } -static void ti_st_destruct(struct hci_dev *hdev) -{ - BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); - /* do nothing here, since platform remove - * would free the hdev->driver_data - */ -} - static int bt_ti_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) { static struct ti_st *hst; @@ -320,13 +312,11 @@ static int bt_ti_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) hst->hdev = hdev; hdev->bus = HCI_UART; - hdev->driver_data = hst; + hci_set_drvdata(hdev, hst); hdev->open = ti_st_open; hdev->close = ti_st_close; hdev->flush = NULL; hdev->send = ti_st_send_frame; - hdev->destruct = ti_st_destruct; - hdev->owner = THIS_MODULE; err = hci_register_dev(hdev); if (err < 0) { diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/dtl1_cs.c b/drivers/bluetooth/dtl1_cs.c index 969bb22e493f530977ab1c5258f55067963a6cac..049c0594a76b94b82f021409f7a4cdea2bc5cd4c 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/dtl1_cs.c +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/dtl1_cs.c @@ -83,9 +83,6 @@ typedef struct dtl1_info_t { static int dtl1_config(struct pcmcia_device *link); -static void dtl1_release(struct pcmcia_device *link); - -static void dtl1_detach(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev); /* Transmit states */ @@ -367,7 +364,7 @@ static int dtl1_hci_open(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int dtl1_hci_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - dtl1_info_t *info = (dtl1_info_t *)(hdev->driver_data); + dtl1_info_t *info = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); /* Drop TX queue */ skb_queue_purge(&(info->txq)); @@ -399,7 +396,7 @@ static int dtl1_hci_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) return -ENODEV; } - info = (dtl1_info_t *)(hdev->driver_data); + info = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); switch (bt_cb(skb)->pkt_type) { case HCI_COMMAND_PKT: @@ -442,11 +439,6 @@ static int dtl1_hci_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) } -static void dtl1_hci_destruct(struct hci_dev *hdev) -{ -} - - static int dtl1_hci_ioctl(struct hci_dev *hdev, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { return -ENOIOCTLCMD; @@ -483,18 +475,15 @@ static int dtl1_open(dtl1_info_t *info) info->hdev = hdev; hdev->bus = HCI_PCCARD; - hdev->driver_data = info; + hci_set_drvdata(hdev, info); SET_HCIDEV_DEV(hdev, &info->p_dev->dev); hdev->open = dtl1_hci_open; hdev->close = dtl1_hci_close; hdev->flush = dtl1_hci_flush; hdev->send = dtl1_hci_send_frame; - hdev->destruct = dtl1_hci_destruct; hdev->ioctl = dtl1_hci_ioctl; - hdev->owner = THIS_MODULE; - spin_lock_irqsave(&(info->lock), flags); /* Reset UART */ @@ -579,8 +568,8 @@ static void dtl1_detach(struct pcmcia_device *link) { dtl1_info_t *info = link->priv; - dtl1_release(link); - + dtl1_close(info); + pcmcia_disable_device(link); kfree(info); } @@ -619,21 +608,10 @@ static int dtl1_config(struct pcmcia_device *link) return 0; failed: - dtl1_release(link); + dtl1_detach(link); return -ENODEV; } - -static void dtl1_release(struct pcmcia_device *link) -{ - dtl1_info_t *info = link->priv; - - dtl1_close(info); - - pcmcia_disable_device(link); -} - - static const struct pcmcia_device_id dtl1_ids[] = { PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12("Nokia Mobile Phones", "DTL-1", 0xe1bfdd64, 0xe168480d), PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12("Nokia Mobile Phones", "DTL-4", 0xe1bfdd64, 0x9102bc82), diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/hci_ath.c b/drivers/bluetooth/hci_ath.c index 4093935ddf42619e44fef9b87428c34454104fe8..12172a6a95c440467666d1599f13bab4fe45253f 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/hci_ath.c +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/hci_ath.c @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ static int ath_open(struct hci_uart *hu) BT_DBG("hu %p", hu); - ath = kzalloc(sizeof(*ath), GFP_ATOMIC); + ath = kzalloc(sizeof(*ath), GFP_KERNEL); if (!ath) return -ENOMEM; diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c b/drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c index a767d4de45a4177d7fbc213f6f5edbcb42ae21c2..661a8dc4d2f8b346e390053ee45d63cb7249346e 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c @@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ static int bcsp_open(struct hci_uart *hu) BT_DBG("hu %p", hu); - bcsp = kzalloc(sizeof(*bcsp), GFP_ATOMIC); + bcsp = kzalloc(sizeof(*bcsp), GFP_KERNEL); if (!bcsp) return -ENOMEM; diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/hci_h4.c b/drivers/bluetooth/hci_h4.c index 2fcd8b387d694b74130956fe836b5c211dbee20a..748329468d26ca6432f6e04dc2d2ab92afd62e4f 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/hci_h4.c +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/hci_h4.c @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ static int h4_open(struct hci_uart *hu) BT_DBG("hu %p", hu); - h4 = kzalloc(sizeof(*h4), GFP_ATOMIC); + h4 = kzalloc(sizeof(*h4), GFP_KERNEL); if (!h4) return -ENOMEM; diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/hci_ldisc.c b/drivers/bluetooth/hci_ldisc.c index 07114489994f5f383f4aef45c38cca72b38b52f9..fd5adb408f447a4a08b9dbece913e111d3fe9906 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/hci_ldisc.c +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/hci_ldisc.c @@ -48,8 +48,6 @@ #define VERSION "2.2" -static bool reset = 0; - static struct hci_uart_proto *hup[HCI_UART_MAX_PROTO]; int hci_uart_register_proto(struct hci_uart_proto *p) @@ -174,7 +172,7 @@ static int hci_uart_open(struct hci_dev *hdev) /* Reset device */ static int hci_uart_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct hci_uart *hu = (struct hci_uart *) hdev->driver_data; + struct hci_uart *hu = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); struct tty_struct *tty = hu->tty; BT_DBG("hdev %p tty %p", hdev, tty); @@ -220,7 +218,7 @@ static int hci_uart_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) if (!test_bit(HCI_RUNNING, &hdev->flags)) return -EBUSY; - hu = (struct hci_uart *) hdev->driver_data; + hu = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); BT_DBG("%s: type %d len %d", hdev->name, bt_cb(skb)->pkt_type, skb->len); @@ -231,15 +229,6 @@ static int hci_uart_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) return 0; } -static void hci_uart_destruct(struct hci_dev *hdev) -{ - if (!hdev) - return; - - BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); - kfree(hdev->driver_data); -} - /* ------ LDISC part ------ */ /* hci_uart_tty_open * @@ -316,6 +305,8 @@ static void hci_uart_tty_close(struct tty_struct *tty) hci_free_dev(hdev); } } + + kfree(hu); } } @@ -391,22 +382,24 @@ static int hci_uart_register_dev(struct hci_uart *hu) hu->hdev = hdev; hdev->bus = HCI_UART; - hdev->driver_data = hu; + hci_set_drvdata(hdev, hu); hdev->open = hci_uart_open; hdev->close = hci_uart_close; hdev->flush = hci_uart_flush; hdev->send = hci_uart_send_frame; - hdev->destruct = hci_uart_destruct; hdev->parent = hu->tty->dev; - hdev->owner = THIS_MODULE; + if (test_bit(HCI_UART_RAW_DEVICE, &hu->hdev_flags)) + set_bit(HCI_QUIRK_RAW_DEVICE, &hdev->quirks); - if (!reset) + if (!test_bit(HCI_UART_RESET_ON_INIT, &hu->hdev_flags)) set_bit(HCI_QUIRK_NO_RESET, &hdev->quirks); - if (test_bit(HCI_UART_RAW_DEVICE, &hu->hdev_flags)) - set_bit(HCI_QUIRK_RAW_DEVICE, &hdev->quirks); + if (test_bit(HCI_UART_CREATE_AMP, &hu->hdev_flags)) + hdev->dev_type = HCI_AMP; + else + hdev->dev_type = HCI_BREDR; if (hci_register_dev(hdev) < 0) { BT_ERR("Can't register HCI device"); @@ -594,9 +587,6 @@ static void __exit hci_uart_exit(void) module_init(hci_uart_init); module_exit(hci_uart_exit); -module_param(reset, bool, 0644); -MODULE_PARM_DESC(reset, "Send HCI reset command on initialization"); - MODULE_AUTHOR("Marcel Holtmann "); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Bluetooth HCI UART driver ver " VERSION); MODULE_VERSION(VERSION); diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/hci_ll.c b/drivers/bluetooth/hci_ll.c index 7e4b435f79f04244cdf5c65d2b7eba9852463bf1..b874c0efde247be90f38d0a2772813ea56fd6afa 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/hci_ll.c +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/hci_ll.c @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ static int ll_open(struct hci_uart *hu) BT_DBG("hu %p", hu); - ll = kzalloc(sizeof(*ll), GFP_ATOMIC); + ll = kzalloc(sizeof(*ll), GFP_KERNEL); if (!ll) return -ENOMEM; diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/hci_uart.h b/drivers/bluetooth/hci_uart.h index 99fb35239d1fe35c6ec7979601da81ab771f7965..6cf6ab22ad21f7e081f1d806f44638adc8e6a627 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/hci_uart.h +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/hci_uart.h @@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ #define HCI_UART_ATH3K 5 #define HCI_UART_RAW_DEVICE 0 +#define HCI_UART_RESET_ON_INIT 1 +#define HCI_UART_CREATE_AMP 2 struct hci_uart; diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/hci_vhci.c b/drivers/bluetooth/hci_vhci.c index 2ed6ab1c6e1b3a9e7a4b558d24b4f73ec6a8ad5f..158bfe507da7fb19f4149ce63806bd9e8c510409 100644 --- a/drivers/bluetooth/hci_vhci.c +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/hci_vhci.c @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ static int vhci_open_dev(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int vhci_close_dev(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct vhci_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct vhci_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); if (!test_and_clear_bit(HCI_RUNNING, &hdev->flags)) return 0; @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ static int vhci_close_dev(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int vhci_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct vhci_data *data = hdev->driver_data; + struct vhci_data *data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); skb_queue_purge(&data->readq); @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ static int vhci_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) if (!test_bit(HCI_RUNNING, &hdev->flags)) return -EBUSY; - data = hdev->driver_data; + data = hci_get_drvdata(hdev); memcpy(skb_push(skb, 1), &bt_cb(skb)->pkt_type, 1); skb_queue_tail(&data->readq, skb); @@ -103,11 +103,6 @@ static int vhci_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) return 0; } -static void vhci_destruct(struct hci_dev *hdev) -{ - kfree(hdev->driver_data); -} - static inline ssize_t vhci_get_user(struct vhci_data *data, const char __user *buf, size_t count) { @@ -239,7 +234,7 @@ static int vhci_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) data->hdev = hdev; hdev->bus = HCI_VIRTUAL; - hdev->driver_data = data; + hci_set_drvdata(hdev, data); if (amp) hdev->dev_type = HCI_AMP; @@ -248,9 +243,6 @@ static int vhci_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) hdev->close = vhci_close_dev; hdev->flush = vhci_flush; hdev->send = vhci_send_frame; - hdev->destruct = vhci_destruct; - - hdev->owner = THIS_MODULE; if (hci_register_dev(hdev) < 0) { BT_ERR("Can't register HCI device"); @@ -273,6 +265,7 @@ static int vhci_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) hci_free_dev(hdev); file->private_data = NULL; + kfree(data); return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/infiniband/core/addr.c b/drivers/infiniband/core/addr.c index 1612cfd50f399072f4becbc3d985d4435ceb7910..6ef660c1332f3c299e94f3b1ff379cb46fa61d38 100644 --- a/drivers/infiniband/core/addr.c +++ b/drivers/infiniband/core/addr.c @@ -178,22 +178,26 @@ static void queue_req(struct addr_req *req) mutex_unlock(&lock); } -static int dst_fetch_ha(struct dst_entry *dst, struct rdma_dev_addr *addr) +static int dst_fetch_ha(struct dst_entry *dst, struct rdma_dev_addr *dev_addr, void *daddr) { struct neighbour *n; int ret; + n = dst_neigh_lookup(dst, daddr); + rcu_read_lock(); - n = dst_get_neighbour_noref(dst); if (!n || !(n->nud_state & NUD_VALID)) { if (n) neigh_event_send(n, NULL); ret = -ENODATA; } else { - ret = rdma_copy_addr(addr, dst->dev, n->ha); + ret = rdma_copy_addr(dev_addr, dst->dev, n->ha); } rcu_read_unlock(); + if (n) + neigh_release(n); + return ret; } @@ -232,7 +236,7 @@ static int addr4_resolve(struct sockaddr_in *src_in, goto put; } - ret = dst_fetch_ha(&rt->dst, addr); + ret = dst_fetch_ha(&rt->dst, addr, &fl4.daddr); put: ip_rt_put(rt); out: @@ -280,7 +284,7 @@ static int addr6_resolve(struct sockaddr_in6 *src_in, goto put; } - ret = dst_fetch_ha(dst, addr); + ret = dst_fetch_ha(dst, addr, &fl6.daddr); put: dst_release(dst); return ret; diff --git a/drivers/infiniband/core/netlink.c b/drivers/infiniband/core/netlink.c index d1c8196d15d7e9b33cafd71606c2cb2383055623..396e293703040938b2459a3c53e022d9444a702d 100644 --- a/drivers/infiniband/core/netlink.c +++ b/drivers/infiniband/core/netlink.c @@ -147,9 +147,13 @@ static int ibnl_rcv_msg(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr *nlh) if (op < 0 || op >= client->nops || !client->cb_table[RDMA_NL_GET_OP(op)].dump) return -EINVAL; - return netlink_dump_start(nls, skb, nlh, - client->cb_table[op].dump, - NULL, 0); + + { + struct netlink_dump_control c = { + .dump = client->cb_table[op].dump, + }; + return netlink_dump_start(nls, skb, nlh, &c); + } } } diff --git a/drivers/infiniband/hw/cxgb4/cm.c b/drivers/infiniband/hw/cxgb4/cm.c index 0668bb3472d096ba1c0889bbc999b2076932ffe7..0cf61554f17673fdc0270acc2fbc31f380f9dd66 100644 --- a/drivers/infiniband/hw/cxgb4/cm.c +++ b/drivers/infiniband/hw/cxgb4/cm.c @@ -1562,11 +1562,11 @@ static int import_ep(struct c4iw_ep *ep, __be32 peer_ip, struct dst_entry *dst, struct neighbour *n; int err, step; - rcu_read_lock(); - n = dst_get_neighbour_noref(dst); - err = -ENODEV; + n = dst_neigh_lookup(dst, &peer_ip); if (!n) - goto out; + return -ENODEV; + + rcu_read_lock(); err = -ENOMEM; if (n->dev->flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) { struct net_device *pdev; @@ -1614,6 +1614,8 @@ static int import_ep(struct c4iw_ep *ep, __be32 peer_ip, struct dst_entry *dst, out: rcu_read_unlock(); + neigh_release(n); + return err; } diff --git a/drivers/infiniband/hw/nes/nes_cm.c b/drivers/infiniband/hw/nes/nes_cm.c index a4972abedef1e967acafc123cfe3fe14bbbabecb..c5e4cb2d3223362f4d6517f090faf1be02273074 100644 --- a/drivers/infiniband/hw/nes/nes_cm.c +++ b/drivers/infiniband/hw/nes/nes_cm.c @@ -1351,8 +1351,9 @@ static int nes_addr_resolve_neigh(struct nes_vnic *nesvnic, u32 dst_ip, int arpi else netdev = nesvnic->netdev; + neigh = dst_neigh_lookup(&rt->dst, &dst_ip); + rcu_read_lock(); - neigh = dst_get_neighbour_noref(&rt->dst); if (neigh) { if (neigh->nud_state & NUD_VALID) { nes_debug(NES_DBG_CM, "Neighbor MAC address for 0x%08X" @@ -1379,9 +1380,12 @@ static int nes_addr_resolve_neigh(struct nes_vnic *nesvnic, u32 dst_ip, int arpi neigh_event_send(neigh, NULL); } } - out: rcu_read_unlock(); + + if (neigh) + neigh_release(neigh); + ip_rt_put(rt); return rc; } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/act2000/act2000.h b/drivers/isdn/act2000/act2000.h index 88c9423500d838a1748c74b283d9b612a754d7fd..321d437f579e1e044eb09ce2b47ebd51d9582855 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/act2000/act2000.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/act2000/act2000.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Fritz Elfert * Copyright by Fritz Elfert - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -40,21 +40,21 @@ /* Struct for adding new cards */ typedef struct act2000_cdef { int bus; - int port; - int irq; - char id[10]; + int port; + int irq; + char id[10]; } act2000_cdef; /* Struct for downloading firmware */ typedef struct act2000_ddef { - int length; /* Length of code */ - char __user *buffer; /* Ptr. to code */ + int length; /* Length of code */ + char __user *buffer; /* Ptr. to code */ } act2000_ddef; typedef struct act2000_fwid { - char isdn[4]; - char revlen[2]; - char revision[504]; + char isdn[4]; + char revlen[2]; + char revision[504]; } act2000_fwid; #if defined(__KERNEL__) || defined(__DEBUGVAR__) @@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ typedef struct act2000_chan { typedef struct msn_entry { char eaz; - char msn[16]; - struct msn_entry * next; + char msn[16]; + struct msn_entry *next; } msn_entry; typedef struct irq_data_isa { @@ -183,17 +183,17 @@ typedef struct act2000_card { static inline void act2000_schedule_tx(act2000_card *card) { - schedule_work(&card->snd_tq); + schedule_work(&card->snd_tq); } static inline void act2000_schedule_rx(act2000_card *card) { - schedule_work(&card->rcv_tq); + schedule_work(&card->rcv_tq); } static inline void act2000_schedule_poll(act2000_card *card) { - schedule_work(&card->poll_tq); + schedule_work(&card->poll_tq); } extern char *act2000_find_eaz(act2000_card *, char); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/act2000/act2000_isa.c b/drivers/isdn/act2000/act2000_isa.c index fea5b783335d5ba8ead97d03e93dfc0cfdc112a7..b5fad29a9ba6013089bff8ae59d1422be96501d7 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/act2000/act2000_isa.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/act2000/act2000_isa.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Fritz Elfert * Copyright by Fritz Elfert - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -25,99 +25,99 @@ static int act2000_isa_reset(unsigned short portbase) { - unsigned char reg; - int i; - int found; - int serial = 0; - - found = 0; - if ((reg = inb(portbase + ISA_COR)) != 0xff) { - outb(reg | ISA_COR_RESET, portbase + ISA_COR); - mdelay(10); - outb(reg, portbase + ISA_COR); - mdelay(10); - - for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { - if (inb(portbase + ISA_ISR) & ISA_ISR_SERIAL) - serial |= 0x10000; - serial >>= 1; - } - if (serial == ISA_SER_ID) - found++; - } - return found; + unsigned char reg; + int i; + int found; + int serial = 0; + + found = 0; + if ((reg = inb(portbase + ISA_COR)) != 0xff) { + outb(reg | ISA_COR_RESET, portbase + ISA_COR); + mdelay(10); + outb(reg, portbase + ISA_COR); + mdelay(10); + + for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { + if (inb(portbase + ISA_ISR) & ISA_ISR_SERIAL) + serial |= 0x10000; + serial >>= 1; + } + if (serial == ISA_SER_ID) + found++; + } + return found; } int act2000_isa_detect(unsigned short portbase) { - int ret = 0; + int ret = 0; if (request_region(portbase, ACT2000_PORTLEN, "act2000isa")) { - ret = act2000_isa_reset(portbase); + ret = act2000_isa_reset(portbase); release_region(portbase, ISA_REGION); } - return ret; + return ret; } static irqreturn_t act2000_isa_interrupt(int dummy, void *dev_id) { - act2000_card *card = dev_id; - u_char istatus; + act2000_card *card = dev_id; + u_char istatus; - istatus = (inb(ISA_PORT_ISR) & 0x07); - if (istatus & ISA_ISR_OUT) { - /* RX fifo has data */ + istatus = (inb(ISA_PORT_ISR) & 0x07); + if (istatus & ISA_ISR_OUT) { + /* RX fifo has data */ istatus &= ISA_ISR_OUT_MASK; outb(0, ISA_PORT_SIS); act2000_isa_receive(card); outb(ISA_SIS_INT, ISA_PORT_SIS); - } - if (istatus & ISA_ISR_ERR) { - /* Error Interrupt */ + } + if (istatus & ISA_ISR_ERR) { + /* Error Interrupt */ istatus &= ISA_ISR_ERR_MASK; - printk(KERN_WARNING "act2000: errIRQ\n"); - } + printk(KERN_WARNING "act2000: errIRQ\n"); + } if (istatus) printk(KERN_DEBUG "act2000: ?IRQ %d %02x\n", card->irq, istatus); return IRQ_HANDLED; } static void -act2000_isa_select_irq(act2000_card * card) +act2000_isa_select_irq(act2000_card *card) { unsigned char reg; reg = (inb(ISA_PORT_COR) & ~ISA_COR_IRQOFF) | ISA_COR_PERR; switch (card->irq) { - case 3: - reg = ISA_COR_IRQ03; - break; - case 5: - reg = ISA_COR_IRQ05; - break; - case 7: - reg = ISA_COR_IRQ07; - break; - case 10: - reg = ISA_COR_IRQ10; - break; - case 11: - reg = ISA_COR_IRQ11; - break; - case 12: - reg = ISA_COR_IRQ12; - break; - case 15: - reg = ISA_COR_IRQ15; - break; + case 3: + reg = ISA_COR_IRQ03; + break; + case 5: + reg = ISA_COR_IRQ05; + break; + case 7: + reg = ISA_COR_IRQ07; + break; + case 10: + reg = ISA_COR_IRQ10; + break; + case 11: + reg = ISA_COR_IRQ11; + break; + case 12: + reg = ISA_COR_IRQ12; + break; + case 15: + reg = ISA_COR_IRQ15; + break; } outb(reg, ISA_PORT_COR); } static void -act2000_isa_enable_irq(act2000_card * card) +act2000_isa_enable_irq(act2000_card *card) { act2000_isa_select_irq(card); /* Enable READ irq */ @@ -129,102 +129,102 @@ act2000_isa_enable_irq(act2000_card * card) * If irq is -1, choose next free irq, else irq is given explicitly. */ int -act2000_isa_config_irq(act2000_card * card, short irq) +act2000_isa_config_irq(act2000_card *card, short irq) { int old_irq; - if (card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_IVALID) { - free_irq(card->irq, card); - } - card->flags &= ~ACT2000_FLAGS_IVALID; - outb(ISA_COR_IRQOFF, ISA_PORT_COR); - if (!irq) - return 0; + if (card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_IVALID) { + free_irq(card->irq, card); + } + card->flags &= ~ACT2000_FLAGS_IVALID; + outb(ISA_COR_IRQOFF, ISA_PORT_COR); + if (!irq) + return 0; old_irq = card->irq; card->irq = irq; if (request_irq(irq, &act2000_isa_interrupt, 0, card->regname, card)) { card->irq = old_irq; card->flags |= ACT2000_FLAGS_IVALID; - printk(KERN_WARNING - "act2000: Could not request irq %d\n",irq); - return -EBUSY; - } else { + printk(KERN_WARNING + "act2000: Could not request irq %d\n", irq); + return -EBUSY; + } else { act2000_isa_select_irq(card); - /* Disable READ and WRITE irq */ - outb(0, ISA_PORT_SIS); - outb(0, ISA_PORT_SOS); - } - return 0; + /* Disable READ and WRITE irq */ + outb(0, ISA_PORT_SIS); + outb(0, ISA_PORT_SOS); + } + return 0; } int -act2000_isa_config_port(act2000_card * card, unsigned short portbase) +act2000_isa_config_port(act2000_card *card, unsigned short portbase) { - if (card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_PVALID) { - release_region(card->port, ISA_REGION); - card->flags &= ~ACT2000_FLAGS_PVALID; - } + if (card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_PVALID) { + release_region(card->port, ISA_REGION); + card->flags &= ~ACT2000_FLAGS_PVALID; + } if (request_region(portbase, ACT2000_PORTLEN, card->regname) == NULL) return -EBUSY; else { - card->port = portbase; - card->flags |= ACT2000_FLAGS_PVALID; - return 0; - } + card->port = portbase; + card->flags |= ACT2000_FLAGS_PVALID; + return 0; + } } /* * Release ressources, used by an adaptor. */ void -act2000_isa_release(act2000_card * card) +act2000_isa_release(act2000_card *card) { - unsigned long flags; + unsigned long flags; - spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); - if (card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_IVALID) - free_irq(card->irq, card); + spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); + if (card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_IVALID) + free_irq(card->irq, card); - card->flags &= ~ACT2000_FLAGS_IVALID; - if (card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_PVALID) - release_region(card->port, ISA_REGION); - card->flags &= ~ACT2000_FLAGS_PVALID; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); + card->flags &= ~ACT2000_FLAGS_IVALID; + if (card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_PVALID) + release_region(card->port, ISA_REGION); + card->flags &= ~ACT2000_FLAGS_PVALID; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); } static int -act2000_isa_writeb(act2000_card * card, u_char data) +act2000_isa_writeb(act2000_card *card, u_char data) { - u_char timeout = 40; - - while (timeout) { - if (inb(ISA_PORT_SOS) & ISA_SOS_READY) { - outb(data, ISA_PORT_SDO); - return 0; - } else { - timeout--; - udelay(10); - } - } - return 1; + u_char timeout = 40; + + while (timeout) { + if (inb(ISA_PORT_SOS) & ISA_SOS_READY) { + outb(data, ISA_PORT_SDO); + return 0; + } else { + timeout--; + udelay(10); + } + } + return 1; } static int -act2000_isa_readb(act2000_card * card, u_char * data) +act2000_isa_readb(act2000_card *card, u_char *data) { - u_char timeout = 40; - - while (timeout) { - if (inb(ISA_PORT_SIS) & ISA_SIS_READY) { - *data = inb(ISA_PORT_SDI); - return 0; - } else { - timeout--; - udelay(10); - } - } - return 1; + u_char timeout = 40; + + while (timeout) { + if (inb(ISA_PORT_SIS) & ISA_SIS_READY) { + *data = inb(ISA_PORT_SDI); + return 0; + } else { + timeout--; + udelay(10); + } + } + return 1; } void @@ -232,11 +232,11 @@ act2000_isa_receive(act2000_card *card) { u_char c; - if (test_and_set_bit(ACT2000_LOCK_RX, (void *) &card->ilock) != 0) + if (test_and_set_bit(ACT2000_LOCK_RX, (void *) &card->ilock) != 0) return; while (!act2000_isa_readb(card, &c)) { if (card->idat.isa.rcvidx < 8) { - card->idat.isa.rcvhdr[card->idat.isa.rcvidx++] = c; + card->idat.isa.rcvhdr[card->idat.isa.rcvidx++] = c; if (card->idat.isa.rcvidx == 8) { int valid = actcapi_chkhdr(card, (actcapi_msghdr *)&card->idat.isa.rcvhdr); @@ -291,14 +291,14 @@ act2000_isa_receive(act2000_card *card) } void -act2000_isa_send(act2000_card * card) +act2000_isa_send(act2000_card *card) { unsigned long flags; struct sk_buff *skb; actcapi_msg *msg; int l; - if (test_and_set_bit(ACT2000_LOCK_TX, (void *) &card->ilock) != 0) + if (test_and_set_bit(ACT2000_LOCK_TX, (void *) &card->ilock) != 0) return; while (1) { spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); @@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ act2000_isa_send(act2000_card * card) card->ack_msg = card->sbuf->data; msg = (actcapi_msg *)card->sbuf->data; if ((msg->hdr.cmd.cmd == 0x86) && - (msg->hdr.cmd.subcmd == 0) ) { + (msg->hdr.cmd.subcmd == 0)) { /* Save flags in message */ card->need_b3ack = msg->msg.data_b3_req.flags; msg->msg.data_b3_req.flags = 0; @@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ act2000_isa_send(act2000_card * card) } msg = (actcapi_msg *)card->ack_msg; if ((msg->hdr.cmd.cmd == 0x86) && - (msg->hdr.cmd.subcmd == 0) ) { + (msg->hdr.cmd.subcmd == 0)) { /* * If it's user data, reset data-ptr * and put skb into ackq. @@ -354,90 +354,90 @@ act2000_isa_send(act2000_card * card) * Get firmware ID, check for 'ISDN' signature. */ static int -act2000_isa_getid(act2000_card * card) +act2000_isa_getid(act2000_card *card) { - act2000_fwid fid; - u_char *p = (u_char *) & fid; - int count = 0; - - while (1) { - if (count > 510) - return -EPROTO; - if (act2000_isa_readb(card, p++)) - break; - count++; - } - if (count <= 20) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "act2000: No Firmware-ID!\n"); - return -ETIME; - } - *p = '\0'; - fid.revlen[0] = '\0'; - if (strcmp(fid.isdn, "ISDN")) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "act2000: Wrong Firmware-ID!\n"); - return -EPROTO; - } + act2000_fwid fid; + u_char *p = (u_char *)&fid; + int count = 0; + + while (1) { + if (count > 510) + return -EPROTO; + if (act2000_isa_readb(card, p++)) + break; + count++; + } + if (count <= 20) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "act2000: No Firmware-ID!\n"); + return -ETIME; + } + *p = '\0'; + fid.revlen[0] = '\0'; + if (strcmp(fid.isdn, "ISDN")) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "act2000: Wrong Firmware-ID!\n"); + return -EPROTO; + } if ((p = strchr(fid.revision, '\n'))) *p = '\0'; - printk(KERN_INFO "act2000: Firmware-ID: %s\n", fid.revision); + printk(KERN_INFO "act2000: Firmware-ID: %s\n", fid.revision); if (card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_IVALID) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "Enabling Interrupts ...\n"); act2000_isa_enable_irq(card); } - return 0; + return 0; } /* * Download microcode into card, check Firmware signature. */ int -act2000_isa_download(act2000_card * card, act2000_ddef __user * cb) +act2000_isa_download(act2000_card *card, act2000_ddef __user *cb) { - unsigned int length; - int l; - int c; - long timeout; - u_char *b; - u_char __user *p; - u_char *buf; - act2000_ddef cblock; - - if (!act2000_isa_reset(card->port)) - return -ENXIO; - msleep_interruptible(500); - if (copy_from_user(&cblock, cb, sizeof(cblock))) - return -EFAULT; - length = cblock.length; - p = cblock.buffer; - if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, p, length)) - return -EFAULT; - buf = kmalloc(1024, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!buf) - return -ENOMEM; - timeout = 0; - while (length) { - l = (length > 1024) ? 1024 : length; - c = 0; - b = buf; - if (copy_from_user(buf, p, l)) { - kfree(buf); - return -EFAULT; - } - while (c < l) { - if (act2000_isa_writeb(card, *b++)) { - printk(KERN_WARNING - "act2000: loader timed out" - " len=%d c=%d\n", length, c); - kfree(buf); - return -ETIME; - } - c++; - } - length -= l; - p += l; - } - kfree(buf); - msleep_interruptible(500); - return (act2000_isa_getid(card)); + unsigned int length; + int l; + int c; + long timeout; + u_char *b; + u_char __user *p; + u_char *buf; + act2000_ddef cblock; + + if (!act2000_isa_reset(card->port)) + return -ENXIO; + msleep_interruptible(500); + if (copy_from_user(&cblock, cb, sizeof(cblock))) + return -EFAULT; + length = cblock.length; + p = cblock.buffer; + if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, p, length)) + return -EFAULT; + buf = kmalloc(1024, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!buf) + return -ENOMEM; + timeout = 0; + while (length) { + l = (length > 1024) ? 1024 : length; + c = 0; + b = buf; + if (copy_from_user(buf, p, l)) { + kfree(buf); + return -EFAULT; + } + while (c < l) { + if (act2000_isa_writeb(card, *b++)) { + printk(KERN_WARNING + "act2000: loader timed out" + " len=%d c=%d\n", length, c); + kfree(buf); + return -ETIME; + } + c++; + } + length -= l; + p += l; + } + kfree(buf); + msleep_interruptible(500); + return (act2000_isa_getid(card)); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/act2000/act2000_isa.h b/drivers/isdn/act2000/act2000_isa.h index ad86c5ed9aadcabbef82225e47421f1dec3f9d27..1a728984ede16597129a9fdb1e10104020fcc586 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/act2000/act2000_isa.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/act2000/act2000_isa.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Fritz Elfert * Copyright by Fritz Elfert - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ #define ISA_POLL_LOOP 40 /* Try to read-write before give up */ typedef enum { - INT_NO_CHANGE = 0, /* Do not change the Mask */ - INT_ON = 1, /* Set to Enable */ - INT_OFF = 2, /* Set to Disable */ + INT_NO_CHANGE = 0, /* Do not change the Mask */ + INT_ON = 1, /* Set to Enable */ + INT_OFF = 2, /* Set to Disable */ } ISA_INT_T; /**************************************************************************/ @@ -114,22 +114,22 @@ typedef enum { /* Macros for accessing ports */ -#define ISA_PORT_COR (card->port+ISA_COR) -#define ISA_PORT_ISR (card->port+ISA_ISR) -#define ISA_PORT_EPR (card->port+ISA_EPR) -#define ISA_PORT_EER (card->port+ISA_EER) -#define ISA_PORT_SDI (card->port+ISA_SDI) -#define ISA_PORT_SDO (card->port+ISA_SDO) -#define ISA_PORT_SIS (card->port+ISA_SIS) -#define ISA_PORT_SOS (card->port+ISA_SOS) +#define ISA_PORT_COR (card->port + ISA_COR) +#define ISA_PORT_ISR (card->port + ISA_ISR) +#define ISA_PORT_EPR (card->port + ISA_EPR) +#define ISA_PORT_EER (card->port + ISA_EER) +#define ISA_PORT_SDI (card->port + ISA_SDI) +#define ISA_PORT_SDO (card->port + ISA_SDO) +#define ISA_PORT_SIS (card->port + ISA_SIS) +#define ISA_PORT_SOS (card->port + ISA_SOS) /* Prototypes */ extern int act2000_isa_detect(unsigned short portbase); -extern int act2000_isa_config_irq(act2000_card * card, short irq); -extern int act2000_isa_config_port(act2000_card * card, unsigned short portbase); -extern int act2000_isa_download(act2000_card * card, act2000_ddef __user * cb); -extern void act2000_isa_release(act2000_card * card); +extern int act2000_isa_config_irq(act2000_card *card, short irq); +extern int act2000_isa_config_port(act2000_card *card, unsigned short portbase); +extern int act2000_isa_download(act2000_card *card, act2000_ddef __user *cb); +extern void act2000_isa_release(act2000_card *card); extern void act2000_isa_receive(act2000_card *card); extern void act2000_isa_send(act2000_card *card); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/act2000/capi.c b/drivers/isdn/act2000/capi.c index 1f0a949064653a6438330377cd78b204d1ad1b06..3f66ca20b5e544e3c0593f91cdf5c3e5139f894e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/act2000/capi.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/act2000/capi.c @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * Author Fritz Elfert * Copyright by Fritz Elfert - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ static actcapi_msgdsc valid_msg[] = { {{ 0x86, 0x00}, "DATA_B3_REQ"}, {{ 0xff, 0x00}, "MANUFACTURER_REQ"}, /* Responses */ - {{ 0x01, 0x03}, "RESET_B3_RESP"}, - {{ 0x02, 0x03}, "CONNECT_RESP"}, - {{ 0x03, 0x03}, "CONNECT_ACTIVE_RESP"}, - {{ 0x04, 0x03}, "DISCONNECT_RESP"}, - {{ 0x07, 0x03}, "INFO_RESP"}, - {{ 0x08, 0x03}, "DATA_RESP"}, - {{ 0x82, 0x03}, "CONNECT_B3_RESP"}, - {{ 0x83, 0x03}, "CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_RESP"}, + {{ 0x01, 0x03}, "RESET_B3_RESP"}, + {{ 0x02, 0x03}, "CONNECT_RESP"}, + {{ 0x03, 0x03}, "CONNECT_ACTIVE_RESP"}, + {{ 0x04, 0x03}, "DISCONNECT_RESP"}, + {{ 0x07, 0x03}, "INFO_RESP"}, + {{ 0x08, 0x03}, "DATA_RESP"}, + {{ 0x82, 0x03}, "CONNECT_B3_RESP"}, + {{ 0x83, 0x03}, "CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_RESP"}, {{ 0x84, 0x03}, "DISCONNECT_B3_RESP"}, {{ 0x86, 0x03}, "DATA_B3_RESP"}, {{ 0xff, 0x03}, "MANUFACTURER_RESP"}, @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ static actcapi_msgdsc valid_msg[] = { * 2 = Valid message, B-Channel-data */ int -actcapi_chkhdr(act2000_card * card, actcapi_msghdr *hdr) +actcapi_chkhdr(act2000_card *card, actcapi_msghdr *hdr) { int i; @@ -99,33 +99,33 @@ actcapi_chkhdr(act2000_card * card, actcapi_msghdr *hdr) for (i = 0; i < num_valid_imsg; i++) if ((hdr->cmd.cmd == valid_msg[i].cmd.cmd) && (hdr->cmd.subcmd == valid_msg[i].cmd.subcmd)) { - return (i?1:2); + return (i ? 1 : 2); } return 0; } -#define ACTCAPI_MKHDR(l, c, s) { \ - skb = alloc_skb(l + 8, GFP_ATOMIC); \ - if (skb) { \ - m = (actcapi_msg *)skb_put(skb, l + 8); \ - m->hdr.len = l + 8; \ - m->hdr.applicationID = 1; \ - m->hdr.cmd.cmd = c; \ - m->hdr.cmd.subcmd = s; \ - m->hdr.msgnum = actcapi_nextsmsg(card); \ - } else m = NULL;\ -} +#define ACTCAPI_MKHDR(l, c, s) { \ + skb = alloc_skb(l + 8, GFP_ATOMIC); \ + if (skb) { \ + m = (actcapi_msg *)skb_put(skb, l + 8); \ + m->hdr.len = l + 8; \ + m->hdr.applicationID = 1; \ + m->hdr.cmd.cmd = c; \ + m->hdr.cmd.subcmd = s; \ + m->hdr.msgnum = actcapi_nextsmsg(card); \ + } else m = NULL; \ + } -#define ACTCAPI_CHKSKB if (!skb) { \ - printk(KERN_WARNING "actcapi: alloc_skb failed\n"); \ - return; \ -} +#define ACTCAPI_CHKSKB if (!skb) { \ + printk(KERN_WARNING "actcapi: alloc_skb failed\n"); \ + return; \ + } -#define ACTCAPI_QUEUE_TX { \ - actcapi_debug_msg(skb, 1); \ - skb_queue_tail(&card->sndq, skb); \ - act2000_schedule_tx(card); \ -} +#define ACTCAPI_QUEUE_TX { \ + actcapi_debug_msg(skb, 1); \ + skb_queue_tail(&card->sndq, skb); \ + act2000_schedule_tx(card); \ + } int actcapi_listen_req(act2000_card *card) @@ -138,16 +138,16 @@ actcapi_listen_req(act2000_card *card) for (i = 0; i < ACT2000_BCH; i++) eazmask |= card->bch[i].eazmask; ACTCAPI_MKHDR(9, 0x05, 0x00); - if (!skb) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "actcapi: alloc_skb failed\n"); - return -ENOMEM; - } + if (!skb) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "actcapi: alloc_skb failed\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } m->msg.listen_req.controller = 0; m->msg.listen_req.infomask = 0x3f; /* All information */ m->msg.listen_req.eazmask = eazmask; - m->msg.listen_req.simask = (eazmask)?0x86:0; /* All SI's */ + m->msg.listen_req.simask = (eazmask) ? 0x86 : 0; /* All SI's */ ACTCAPI_QUEUE_TX; - return 0; + return 0; } int @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ actcapi_connect_req(act2000_card *card, act2000_chan *chan, char *phone, ACTCAPI_MKHDR((11 + strlen(phone)), 0x02, 0x00); if (!skb) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "actcapi: alloc_skb failed\n"); + printk(KERN_WARNING "actcapi: alloc_skb failed\n"); chan->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_NULL; return -ENOMEM; } @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ actcapi_connect_req(act2000_card *card, act2000_chan *chan, char *phone, m->msg.connect_req.infomask = 0x3f; m->msg.connect_req.si1 = si1; m->msg.connect_req.si2 = si2; - m->msg.connect_req.eaz = eaz?eaz:'0'; + m->msg.connect_req.eaz = eaz ? eaz : '0'; m->msg.connect_req.addr.len = strlen(phone) + 1; m->msg.connect_req.addr.tnp = 0x81; memcpy(m->msg.connect_req.addr.num, phone, strlen(phone)); @@ -203,21 +203,21 @@ actcapi_manufacturer_req_net(act2000_card *card) struct sk_buff *skb; ACTCAPI_MKHDR(5, 0xff, 0x00); - if (!skb) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "actcapi: alloc_skb failed\n"); - return -ENOMEM; - } + if (!skb) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "actcapi: alloc_skb failed\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } m->msg.manufacturer_req_net.manuf_msg = 0x11; m->msg.manufacturer_req_net.controller = 1; - m->msg.manufacturer_req_net.nettype = (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO)?1:0; + m->msg.manufacturer_req_net.nettype = (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) ? 1 : 0; ACTCAPI_QUEUE_TX; printk(KERN_INFO "act2000 %s: D-channel protocol now %s\n", - card->interface.id, (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO)?"euro":"1tr6"); + card->interface.id, (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) ? "euro" : "1tr6"); card->interface.features &= ~(ISDN_FEATURE_P_UNKNOWN | ISDN_FEATURE_P_EURO | ISDN_FEATURE_P_1TR6); card->interface.features |= - ((card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO)?ISDN_FEATURE_P_EURO:ISDN_FEATURE_P_1TR6); - return 0; + ((card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) ? ISDN_FEATURE_P_EURO : ISDN_FEATURE_P_1TR6); + return 0; } /* @@ -231,16 +231,16 @@ actcapi_manufacturer_req_v42(act2000_card *card, ulong arg) struct sk_buff *skb; ACTCAPI_MKHDR(8, 0xff, 0x00); - if (!skb) { + if (!skb) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "actcapi: alloc_skb failed\n"); - return -ENOMEM; - } + printk(KERN_WARNING "actcapi: alloc_skb failed\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } m->msg.manufacturer_req_v42.manuf_msg = 0x10; m->msg.manufacturer_req_v42.controller = 0; - m->msg.manufacturer_req_v42.v42control = (arg?1:0); + m->msg.manufacturer_req_v42.v42control = (arg ? 1 : 0); ACTCAPI_QUEUE_TX; - return 0; + return 0; } #endif /* 0 */ @@ -254,15 +254,15 @@ actcapi_manufacturer_req_errh(act2000_card *card) struct sk_buff *skb; ACTCAPI_MKHDR(4, 0xff, 0x00); - if (!skb) { + if (!skb) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "actcapi: alloc_skb failed\n"); - return -ENOMEM; - } + printk(KERN_WARNING "actcapi: alloc_skb failed\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } m->msg.manufacturer_req_err.manuf_msg = 0x03; m->msg.manufacturer_req_err.controller = 0; ACTCAPI_QUEUE_TX; - return 0; + return 0; } /* @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ actcapi_manufacturer_req_msn(act2000_card *card) } p = p->next; } - return 0; + return 0; } void @@ -311,24 +311,24 @@ actcapi_select_b2_protocol_req(act2000_card *card, act2000_chan *chan) sizeof(m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.dlpd)); m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.dlpd.len = 6; switch (chan->l2prot) { - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS: - m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.protocol = 0x03; - m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.dlpd.dlen = 4000; - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: - m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.protocol = 0x02; - m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.dlpd.dlen = 4000; - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75UI: - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75BUI: - m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.protocol = 0x01; - m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.dlpd.dlen = 4000; - m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.dlpd.laa = 3; - m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.dlpd.lab = 1; - m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.dlpd.win = 7; - m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.dlpd.modulo = 8; - break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS: + m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.protocol = 0x03; + m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.dlpd.dlen = 4000; + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: + m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.protocol = 0x02; + m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.dlpd.dlen = 4000; + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75UI: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75BUI: + m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.protocol = 0x01; + m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.dlpd.dlen = 4000; + m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.dlpd.laa = 3; + m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.dlpd.lab = 1; + m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.dlpd.win = 7; + m->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.dlpd.modulo = 8; + break; } ACTCAPI_QUEUE_TX; } @@ -345,11 +345,11 @@ actcapi_select_b3_protocol_req(act2000_card *card, act2000_chan *chan) memset(&m->msg.select_b3_protocol_req.ncpd, 0, sizeof(m->msg.select_b3_protocol_req.ncpd)); switch (chan->l3prot) { - case ISDN_PROTO_L3_TRANS: - m->msg.select_b3_protocol_req.protocol = 0x04; - m->msg.select_b3_protocol_req.ncpd.len = 13; - m->msg.select_b3_protocol_req.ncpd.modulo = 8; - break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L3_TRANS: + m->msg.select_b3_protocol_req.protocol = 0x04; + m->msg.select_b3_protocol_req.ncpd.len = 13; + m->msg.select_b3_protocol_req.ncpd.modulo = 8; + break; } ACTCAPI_QUEUE_TX; } @@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ actcapi_connect_b3_resp(act2000_card *card, act2000_chan *chan, __u8 rejectcause actcapi_msg *m; struct sk_buff *skb; - ACTCAPI_MKHDR((rejectcause?3:17), 0x82, 0x03); + ACTCAPI_MKHDR((rejectcause ? 3 : 17), 0x82, 0x03); ACTCAPI_CHKSKB; m->msg.connect_b3_resp.ncci = chan->ncci; m->msg.connect_b3_resp.rejectcause = rejectcause; @@ -563,10 +563,10 @@ actcapi_data_b3_ind(act2000_card *card, struct sk_buff *skb) { blocknr = msg->msg.data_b3_ind.blocknr; skb_pull(skb, 19); card->interface.rcvcallb_skb(card->myid, chan, skb); - if (!(skb = alloc_skb(11, GFP_ATOMIC))) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "actcapi: alloc_skb failed\n"); - return 1; - } + if (!(skb = alloc_skb(11, GFP_ATOMIC))) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "actcapi: alloc_skb failed\n"); + return 1; + } msg = (actcapi_msg *)skb_put(skb, 11); msg->hdr.len = 11; msg->hdr.applicationID = 1; @@ -595,34 +595,34 @@ handle_ack(act2000_card *card, act2000_chan *chan, __u8 blocknr) { spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); skb = skb_peek(&card->ackq); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); - if (!skb) { + if (!skb) { printk(KERN_WARNING "act2000: handle_ack nothing found!\n"); return 0; } - tmp = skb; - while (1) { - m = (actcapi_msg *)tmp->data; - if ((((m->msg.data_b3_req.fakencci >> 8) & 0xff) == chan->ncci) && + tmp = skb; + while (1) { + m = (actcapi_msg *)tmp->data; + if ((((m->msg.data_b3_req.fakencci >> 8) & 0xff) == chan->ncci) && (m->msg.data_b3_req.blocknr == blocknr)) { /* found corresponding DATA_B3_REQ */ - skb_unlink(tmp, &card->ackq); + skb_unlink(tmp, &card->ackq); chan->queued -= m->msg.data_b3_req.datalen; if (m->msg.data_b3_req.flags) ret = m->msg.data_b3_req.datalen; dev_kfree_skb(tmp); if (chan->queued < 0) chan->queued = 0; - return ret; - } - spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); - tmp = skb_peek((struct sk_buff_head *)tmp); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); - if ((tmp == skb) || (tmp == NULL)) { + return ret; + } + spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); + tmp = skb_peek((struct sk_buff_head *)tmp); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); + if ((tmp == skb) || (tmp == NULL)) { /* reached end of queue */ printk(KERN_WARNING "act2000: handle_ack nothing found!\n"); - return 0; + return 0; } - } + } } void @@ -644,294 +644,294 @@ actcapi_dispatch(struct work_struct *work) msg = (actcapi_msg *)skb->data; ccmd = ((msg->hdr.cmd.cmd << 8) | msg->hdr.cmd.subcmd); switch (ccmd) { - case 0x8602: - /* DATA_B3_IND */ - if (actcapi_data_b3_ind(card, skb)) - return; - break; - case 0x8601: - /* DATA_B3_CONF */ - chan = find_ncci(card, msg->msg.data_b3_conf.ncci); - if ((chan >= 0) && (card->bch[chan].fsm_state == ACT2000_STATE_ACTIVE)) { - if (msg->msg.data_b3_conf.info != 0) - printk(KERN_WARNING "act2000: DATA_B3_CONF: %04x\n", - msg->msg.data_b3_conf.info); - len = handle_ack(card, &card->bch[chan], - msg->msg.data_b3_conf.blocknr); - if (len) { + case 0x8602: + /* DATA_B3_IND */ + if (actcapi_data_b3_ind(card, skb)) + return; + break; + case 0x8601: + /* DATA_B3_CONF */ + chan = find_ncci(card, msg->msg.data_b3_conf.ncci); + if ((chan >= 0) && (card->bch[chan].fsm_state == ACT2000_STATE_ACTIVE)) { + if (msg->msg.data_b3_conf.info != 0) + printk(KERN_WARNING "act2000: DATA_B3_CONF: %04x\n", + msg->msg.data_b3_conf.info); + len = handle_ack(card, &card->bch[chan], + msg->msg.data_b3_conf.blocknr); + if (len) { + cmd.driver = card->myid; + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_BSENT; + cmd.arg = chan; + cmd.parm.length = len; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + } + } + break; + case 0x0201: + /* CONNECT_CONF */ + chan = find_dialing(card, msg->hdr.msgnum); + if (chan >= 0) { + if (msg->msg.connect_conf.info) { + card->bch[chan].fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_NULL; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; + cmd.arg = chan; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + } else { + card->bch[chan].fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_OWAIT; + card->bch[chan].plci = msg->msg.connect_conf.plci; + } + } + break; + case 0x0202: + /* CONNECT_IND */ + chan = new_plci(card, msg->msg.connect_ind.plci); + if (chan < 0) { + ctmp = (act2000_chan *)tmp; + ctmp->plci = msg->msg.connect_ind.plci; + actcapi_connect_resp(card, ctmp, 0x11); /* All Card-Cannels busy */ + } else { + card->bch[chan].fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_ICALL; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_ICALL; + cmd.arg = chan; + cmd.parm.setup.si1 = msg->msg.connect_ind.si1; + cmd.parm.setup.si2 = msg->msg.connect_ind.si2; + if (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) + strcpy(cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn, + act2000_find_eaz(card, msg->msg.connect_ind.eaz)); + else { + cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn[0] = msg->msg.connect_ind.eaz; + cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn[1] = 0; + } + memset(cmd.parm.setup.phone, 0, sizeof(cmd.parm.setup.phone)); + memcpy(cmd.parm.setup.phone, msg->msg.connect_ind.addr.num, + msg->msg.connect_ind.addr.len - 1); + cmd.parm.setup.plan = msg->msg.connect_ind.addr.tnp; + cmd.parm.setup.screen = 0; + if (card->interface.statcallb(&cmd) == 2) + actcapi_connect_resp(card, &card->bch[chan], 0x15); /* Reject Call */ + } + break; + case 0x0302: + /* CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND */ + chan = find_plci(card, msg->msg.connect_active_ind.plci); + if (chan >= 0) + switch (card->bch[chan].fsm_state) { + case ACT2000_STATE_IWAIT: + actcapi_connect_active_resp(card, &card->bch[chan]); + break; + case ACT2000_STATE_OWAIT: + actcapi_connect_active_resp(card, &card->bch[chan]); + actcapi_select_b2_protocol_req(card, &card->bch[chan]); + break; + } + break; + case 0x8202: + /* CONNECT_B3_IND */ + chan = find_plci(card, msg->msg.connect_b3_ind.plci); + if ((chan >= 0) && (card->bch[chan].fsm_state == ACT2000_STATE_IBWAIT)) { + card->bch[chan].ncci = msg->msg.connect_b3_ind.ncci; + actcapi_connect_b3_resp(card, &card->bch[chan], 0); + } else { + ctmp = (act2000_chan *)tmp; + ctmp->ncci = msg->msg.connect_b3_ind.ncci; + actcapi_connect_b3_resp(card, ctmp, 0x11); /* All Card-Cannels busy */ + } + break; + case 0x8302: + /* CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND */ + chan = find_ncci(card, msg->msg.connect_b3_active_ind.ncci); + if ((chan >= 0) && (card->bch[chan].fsm_state == ACT2000_STATE_BWAIT)) { + actcapi_connect_b3_active_resp(card, &card->bch[chan]); + cmd.driver = card->myid; + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_BCONN; + cmd.arg = chan; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + } + break; + case 0x8402: + /* DISCONNECT_B3_IND */ + chan = find_ncci(card, msg->msg.disconnect_b3_ind.ncci); + if (chan >= 0) { + ctmp = &card->bch[chan]; + actcapi_disconnect_b3_resp(card, ctmp); + switch (ctmp->fsm_state) { + case ACT2000_STATE_ACTIVE: + ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_DHWAIT2; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_BHUP; + cmd.arg = chan; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + break; + case ACT2000_STATE_BHWAIT2: + actcapi_disconnect_req(card, ctmp); + ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_DHWAIT; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_BHUP; + cmd.arg = chan; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + break; + } + } + break; + case 0x0402: + /* DISCONNECT_IND */ + chan = find_plci(card, msg->msg.disconnect_ind.plci); + if (chan >= 0) { + ctmp = &card->bch[chan]; + actcapi_disconnect_resp(card, ctmp); + ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_NULL; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; + cmd.arg = chan; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + } else { + ctmp = (act2000_chan *)tmp; + ctmp->plci = msg->msg.disconnect_ind.plci; + actcapi_disconnect_resp(card, ctmp); + } + break; + case 0x4001: + /* SELECT_B2_PROTOCOL_CONF */ + chan = find_plci(card, msg->msg.select_b2_protocol_conf.plci); + if (chan >= 0) + switch (card->bch[chan].fsm_state) { + case ACT2000_STATE_ICALL: + case ACT2000_STATE_OWAIT: + ctmp = &card->bch[chan]; + if (msg->msg.select_b2_protocol_conf.info == 0) + actcapi_select_b3_protocol_req(card, ctmp); + else { + ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_NULL; cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_BSENT; + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; cmd.arg = chan; - cmd.parm.length = len; card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); } + break; } - break; - case 0x0201: - /* CONNECT_CONF */ - chan = find_dialing(card, msg->hdr.msgnum); - if (chan >= 0) { - if (msg->msg.connect_conf.info) { - card->bch[chan].fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_NULL; + break; + case 0x8001: + /* SELECT_B3_PROTOCOL_CONF */ + chan = find_plci(card, msg->msg.select_b3_protocol_conf.plci); + if (chan >= 0) + switch (card->bch[chan].fsm_state) { + case ACT2000_STATE_ICALL: + case ACT2000_STATE_OWAIT: + ctmp = &card->bch[chan]; + if (msg->msg.select_b3_protocol_conf.info == 0) + actcapi_listen_b3_req(card, ctmp); + else { + ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_NULL; cmd.driver = card->myid; cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; cmd.arg = chan; card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - } else { - card->bch[chan].fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_OWAIT; - card->bch[chan].plci = msg->msg.connect_conf.plci; } } - break; - case 0x0202: - /* CONNECT_IND */ - chan = new_plci(card, msg->msg.connect_ind.plci); - if (chan < 0) { - ctmp = (act2000_chan *)tmp; - ctmp->plci = msg->msg.connect_ind.plci; - actcapi_connect_resp(card, ctmp, 0x11); /* All Card-Cannels busy */ - } else { - card->bch[chan].fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_ICALL; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_ICALL; - cmd.arg = chan; - cmd.parm.setup.si1 = msg->msg.connect_ind.si1; - cmd.parm.setup.si2 = msg->msg.connect_ind.si2; - if (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) - strcpy(cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn, - act2000_find_eaz(card, msg->msg.connect_ind.eaz)); + break; + case 0x8101: + /* LISTEN_B3_CONF */ + chan = find_plci(card, msg->msg.listen_b3_conf.plci); + if (chan >= 0) + switch (card->bch[chan].fsm_state) { + case ACT2000_STATE_ICALL: + ctmp = &card->bch[chan]; + if (msg->msg.listen_b3_conf.info == 0) + actcapi_connect_resp(card, ctmp, 0); else { - cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn[0] = msg->msg.connect_ind.eaz; - cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn[1] = 0; - } - memset(cmd.parm.setup.phone, 0, sizeof(cmd.parm.setup.phone)); - memcpy(cmd.parm.setup.phone, msg->msg.connect_ind.addr.num, - msg->msg.connect_ind.addr.len - 1); - cmd.parm.setup.plan = msg->msg.connect_ind.addr.tnp; - cmd.parm.setup.screen = 0; - if (card->interface.statcallb(&cmd) == 2) - actcapi_connect_resp(card, &card->bch[chan], 0x15); /* Reject Call */ - } - break; - case 0x0302: - /* CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND */ - chan = find_plci(card, msg->msg.connect_active_ind.plci); - if (chan >= 0) - switch (card->bch[chan].fsm_state) { - case ACT2000_STATE_IWAIT: - actcapi_connect_active_resp(card, &card->bch[chan]); - break; - case ACT2000_STATE_OWAIT: - actcapi_connect_active_resp(card, &card->bch[chan]); - actcapi_select_b2_protocol_req(card, &card->bch[chan]); - break; + ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_NULL; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; + cmd.arg = chan; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); } - break; - case 0x8202: - /* CONNECT_B3_IND */ - chan = find_plci(card, msg->msg.connect_b3_ind.plci); - if ((chan >= 0) && (card->bch[chan].fsm_state == ACT2000_STATE_IBWAIT)) { - card->bch[chan].ncci = msg->msg.connect_b3_ind.ncci; - actcapi_connect_b3_resp(card, &card->bch[chan], 0); - } else { - ctmp = (act2000_chan *)tmp; - ctmp->ncci = msg->msg.connect_b3_ind.ncci; - actcapi_connect_b3_resp(card, ctmp, 0x11); /* All Card-Cannels busy */ - } - break; - case 0x8302: - /* CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND */ - chan = find_ncci(card, msg->msg.connect_b3_active_ind.ncci); - if ((chan >= 0) && (card->bch[chan].fsm_state == ACT2000_STATE_BWAIT)) { - actcapi_connect_b3_active_resp(card, &card->bch[chan]); - cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_BCONN; - cmd.arg = chan; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - } - break; - case 0x8402: - /* DISCONNECT_B3_IND */ - chan = find_ncci(card, msg->msg.disconnect_b3_ind.ncci); - if (chan >= 0) { + break; + case ACT2000_STATE_OWAIT: ctmp = &card->bch[chan]; - actcapi_disconnect_b3_resp(card, ctmp); - switch (ctmp->fsm_state) { - case ACT2000_STATE_ACTIVE: - ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_DHWAIT2; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_BHUP; - cmd.arg = chan; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - break; - case ACT2000_STATE_BHWAIT2: - actcapi_disconnect_req(card, ctmp); - ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_DHWAIT; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_BHUP; - cmd.arg = chan; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - break; + if (msg->msg.listen_b3_conf.info == 0) { + actcapi_connect_b3_req(card, ctmp); + ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_OBWAIT; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DCONN; + cmd.arg = chan; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + } else { + ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_NULL; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; + cmd.arg = chan; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); } + break; } - break; - case 0x0402: - /* DISCONNECT_IND */ - chan = find_plci(card, msg->msg.disconnect_ind.plci); - if (chan >= 0) { - ctmp = &card->bch[chan]; - actcapi_disconnect_resp(card, ctmp); + break; + case 0x8201: + /* CONNECT_B3_CONF */ + chan = find_plci(card, msg->msg.connect_b3_conf.plci); + if ((chan >= 0) && (card->bch[chan].fsm_state == ACT2000_STATE_OBWAIT)) { + ctmp = &card->bch[chan]; + if (msg->msg.connect_b3_conf.info) { ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_NULL; cmd.driver = card->myid; cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; cmd.arg = chan; card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); } else { - ctmp = (act2000_chan *)tmp; - ctmp->plci = msg->msg.disconnect_ind.plci; - actcapi_disconnect_resp(card, ctmp); + ctmp->ncci = msg->msg.connect_b3_conf.ncci; + ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_BWAIT; } - break; - case 0x4001: - /* SELECT_B2_PROTOCOL_CONF */ - chan = find_plci(card, msg->msg.select_b2_protocol_conf.plci); - if (chan >= 0) - switch (card->bch[chan].fsm_state) { - case ACT2000_STATE_ICALL: - case ACT2000_STATE_OWAIT: - ctmp = &card->bch[chan]; - if (msg->msg.select_b2_protocol_conf.info == 0) - actcapi_select_b3_protocol_req(card, ctmp); - else { - ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_NULL; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; - cmd.arg = chan; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - } - break; - } - break; - case 0x8001: - /* SELECT_B3_PROTOCOL_CONF */ - chan = find_plci(card, msg->msg.select_b3_protocol_conf.plci); - if (chan >= 0) - switch (card->bch[chan].fsm_state) { - case ACT2000_STATE_ICALL: - case ACT2000_STATE_OWAIT: - ctmp = &card->bch[chan]; - if (msg->msg.select_b3_protocol_conf.info == 0) - actcapi_listen_b3_req(card, ctmp); - else { - ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_NULL; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; - cmd.arg = chan; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - } - } - break; - case 0x8101: - /* LISTEN_B3_CONF */ - chan = find_plci(card, msg->msg.listen_b3_conf.plci); - if (chan >= 0) - switch (card->bch[chan].fsm_state) { - case ACT2000_STATE_ICALL: - ctmp = &card->bch[chan]; - if (msg->msg.listen_b3_conf.info == 0) - actcapi_connect_resp(card, ctmp, 0); - else { - ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_NULL; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; - cmd.arg = chan; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - } - break; - case ACT2000_STATE_OWAIT: - ctmp = &card->bch[chan]; - if (msg->msg.listen_b3_conf.info == 0) { - actcapi_connect_b3_req(card, ctmp); - ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_OBWAIT; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DCONN; - cmd.arg = chan; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - } else { - ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_NULL; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; - cmd.arg = chan; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - } - break; - } - break; - case 0x8201: - /* CONNECT_B3_CONF */ - chan = find_plci(card, msg->msg.connect_b3_conf.plci); - if ((chan >= 0) && (card->bch[chan].fsm_state == ACT2000_STATE_OBWAIT)) { - ctmp = &card->bch[chan]; - if (msg->msg.connect_b3_conf.info) { - ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_NULL; + } + break; + case 0x8401: + /* DISCONNECT_B3_CONF */ + chan = find_ncci(card, msg->msg.disconnect_b3_conf.ncci); + if ((chan >= 0) && (card->bch[chan].fsm_state == ACT2000_STATE_BHWAIT)) + card->bch[chan].fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_BHWAIT2; + break; + case 0x0702: + /* INFO_IND */ + chan = find_plci(card, msg->msg.info_ind.plci); + if (chan >= 0) + /* TODO: Eval Charging info / cause */ + actcapi_info_resp(card, &card->bch[chan]); + break; + case 0x0401: + /* LISTEN_CONF */ + case 0x0501: + /* LISTEN_CONF */ + case 0xff01: + /* MANUFACTURER_CONF */ + break; + case 0xff02: + /* MANUFACTURER_IND */ + if (msg->msg.manuf_msg == 3) { + memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp)); + strncpy(tmp, + &msg->msg.manufacturer_ind_err.errstring, + msg->hdr.len - 16); + if (msg->msg.manufacturer_ind_err.errcode) + printk(KERN_WARNING "act2000: %s\n", tmp); + else { + printk(KERN_DEBUG "act2000: %s\n", tmp); + if ((!strncmp(tmp, "INFO: Trace buffer con", 22)) || + (!strncmp(tmp, "INFO: Compile Date/Tim", 22))) { + card->flags |= ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING; + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_RUN; cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; - cmd.arg = chan; + cmd.arg = 0; + actcapi_manufacturer_req_net(card); + actcapi_manufacturer_req_msn(card); + actcapi_listen_req(card); card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - } else { - ctmp->ncci = msg->msg.connect_b3_conf.ncci; - ctmp->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_BWAIT; } } - break; - case 0x8401: - /* DISCONNECT_B3_CONF */ - chan = find_ncci(card, msg->msg.disconnect_b3_conf.ncci); - if ((chan >= 0) && (card->bch[chan].fsm_state == ACT2000_STATE_BHWAIT)) - card->bch[chan].fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_BHWAIT2; - break; - case 0x0702: - /* INFO_IND */ - chan = find_plci(card, msg->msg.info_ind.plci); - if (chan >= 0) - /* TODO: Eval Charging info / cause */ - actcapi_info_resp(card, &card->bch[chan]); - break; - case 0x0401: - /* LISTEN_CONF */ - case 0x0501: - /* LISTEN_CONF */ - case 0xff01: - /* MANUFACTURER_CONF */ - break; - case 0xff02: - /* MANUFACTURER_IND */ - if (msg->msg.manuf_msg == 3) { - memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp)); - strncpy(tmp, - &msg->msg.manufacturer_ind_err.errstring, - msg->hdr.len - 16); - if (msg->msg.manufacturer_ind_err.errcode) - printk(KERN_WARNING "act2000: %s\n", tmp); - else { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "act2000: %s\n", tmp); - if ((!strncmp(tmp, "INFO: Trace buffer con", 22)) || - (!strncmp(tmp, "INFO: Compile Date/Tim", 22))) { - card->flags |= ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING; - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_RUN; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.arg = 0; - actcapi_manufacturer_req_net(card); - actcapi_manufacturer_req_msn(card); - actcapi_listen_req(card); - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - } - } - } - break; - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING "act2000: UNHANDLED Message %04x\n", ccmd); - break; + } + break; + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING "act2000: UNHANDLED Message %04x\n", ccmd); + break; } dev_kfree_skb(skb); } @@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ actcapi_debug_msg(struct sk_buff *skb, int direction) char *descr; int i; char tmp[170]; - + #ifndef DEBUG_DATA_MSG if (msg->hdr.cmd.cmd == 0x86) return; @@ -1030,151 +1030,151 @@ actcapi_debug_msg(struct sk_buff *skb, int direction) descr = valid_msg[i].description; break; } - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s %s msg\n", direction?"Outgoing":"Incoming", descr); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s %s msg\n", direction ? "Outgoing" : "Incoming", descr); printk(KERN_DEBUG " ApplID = %d\n", msg->hdr.applicationID); printk(KERN_DEBUG " Len = %d\n", msg->hdr.len); printk(KERN_DEBUG " MsgNum = 0x%04x\n", msg->hdr.msgnum); printk(KERN_DEBUG " Cmd = 0x%02x\n", msg->hdr.cmd.cmd); printk(KERN_DEBUG " SubCmd = 0x%02x\n", msg->hdr.cmd.subcmd); switch (i) { - case 0: - /* DATA B3 IND */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG " BLOCK = 0x%02x\n", - msg->msg.data_b3_ind.blocknr); - break; - case 2: - /* CONNECT CONF */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.connect_conf.plci); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " Info = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.connect_conf.info); - break; + case 0: + /* DATA B3 IND */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG " BLOCK = 0x%02x\n", + msg->msg.data_b3_ind.blocknr); + break; + case 2: + /* CONNECT CONF */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.connect_conf.plci); + printk(KERN_DEBUG " Info = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.connect_conf.info); + break; + case 3: + /* CONNECT IND */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.connect_ind.plci); + printk(KERN_DEBUG " Contr = %d\n", + msg->msg.connect_ind.controller); + printk(KERN_DEBUG " SI1 = %d\n", + msg->msg.connect_ind.si1); + printk(KERN_DEBUG " SI2 = %d\n", + msg->msg.connect_ind.si2); + printk(KERN_DEBUG " EAZ = '%c'\n", + msg->msg.connect_ind.eaz); + actcapi_debug_caddr(&msg->msg.connect_ind.addr); + break; + case 5: + /* CONNECT ACTIVE IND */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.connect_active_ind.plci); + actcapi_debug_caddr(&msg->msg.connect_active_ind.addr); + break; + case 8: + /* LISTEN CONF */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG " Contr = %d\n", + msg->msg.listen_conf.controller); + printk(KERN_DEBUG " Info = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.listen_conf.info); + break; + case 11: + /* INFO IND */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.info_ind.plci); + printk(KERN_DEBUG " Imsk = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.info_ind.nr.mask); + if (msg->hdr.len > 12) { + int l = msg->hdr.len - 12; + int j; + char *p = tmp; + for (j = 0; j < l; j++) + p += sprintf(p, "%02x ", msg->msg.info_ind.el.display[j]); + printk(KERN_DEBUG " D = '%s'\n", tmp); + } + break; + case 14: + /* SELECT B2 PROTOCOL CONF */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.select_b2_protocol_conf.plci); + printk(KERN_DEBUG " Info = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.select_b2_protocol_conf.info); + break; + case 15: + /* SELECT B3 PROTOCOL CONF */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.select_b3_protocol_conf.plci); + printk(KERN_DEBUG " Info = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.select_b3_protocol_conf.info); + break; + case 16: + /* LISTEN B3 CONF */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.listen_b3_conf.plci); + printk(KERN_DEBUG " Info = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.listen_b3_conf.info); + break; + case 18: + /* CONNECT B3 IND */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG " NCCI = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.connect_b3_ind.ncci); + printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.connect_b3_ind.plci); + actcapi_debug_ncpi(&msg->msg.connect_b3_ind.ncpi); + break; + case 19: + /* CONNECT B3 ACTIVE IND */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG " NCCI = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.connect_b3_active_ind.ncci); + actcapi_debug_ncpi(&msg->msg.connect_b3_active_ind.ncpi); + break; + case 26: + /* MANUFACTURER IND */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG " Mmsg = 0x%02x\n", + msg->msg.manufacturer_ind_err.manuf_msg); + switch (msg->msg.manufacturer_ind_err.manuf_msg) { case 3: - /* CONNECT IND */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.connect_ind.plci); printk(KERN_DEBUG " Contr = %d\n", - msg->msg.connect_ind.controller); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " SI1 = %d\n", - msg->msg.connect_ind.si1); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " SI2 = %d\n", - msg->msg.connect_ind.si2); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " EAZ = '%c'\n", - msg->msg.connect_ind.eaz); - actcapi_debug_caddr(&msg->msg.connect_ind.addr); - break; - case 5: - /* CONNECT ACTIVE IND */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.connect_active_ind.plci); - actcapi_debug_caddr(&msg->msg.connect_active_ind.addr); - break; - case 8: - /* LISTEN CONF */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG " Contr = %d\n", - msg->msg.listen_conf.controller); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " Info = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.listen_conf.info); - break; - case 11: - /* INFO IND */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.info_ind.plci); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " Imsk = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.info_ind.nr.mask); - if (msg->hdr.len > 12) { - int l = msg->hdr.len - 12; - int j; - char *p = tmp; - for (j = 0; j < l ; j++) - p += sprintf(p, "%02x ", msg->msg.info_ind.el.display[j]); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " D = '%s'\n", tmp); - } - break; - case 14: - /* SELECT B2 PROTOCOL CONF */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.select_b2_protocol_conf.plci); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " Info = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.select_b2_protocol_conf.info); - break; - case 15: - /* SELECT B3 PROTOCOL CONF */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.select_b3_protocol_conf.plci); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " Info = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.select_b3_protocol_conf.info); - break; - case 16: - /* LISTEN B3 CONF */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.listen_b3_conf.plci); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " Info = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.listen_b3_conf.info); - break; - case 18: - /* CONNECT B3 IND */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG " NCCI = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.connect_b3_ind.ncci); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.connect_b3_ind.plci); - actcapi_debug_ncpi(&msg->msg.connect_b3_ind.ncpi); - break; - case 19: - /* CONNECT B3 ACTIVE IND */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG " NCCI = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.connect_b3_active_ind.ncci); - actcapi_debug_ncpi(&msg->msg.connect_b3_active_ind.ncpi); - break; - case 26: - /* MANUFACTURER IND */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG " Mmsg = 0x%02x\n", - msg->msg.manufacturer_ind_err.manuf_msg); - switch (msg->msg.manufacturer_ind_err.manuf_msg) { - case 3: - printk(KERN_DEBUG " Contr = %d\n", - msg->msg.manufacturer_ind_err.controller); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " Code = 0x%08x\n", - msg->msg.manufacturer_ind_err.errcode); - memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp)); - strncpy(tmp, &msg->msg.manufacturer_ind_err.errstring, - msg->hdr.len - 16); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " Emsg = '%s'\n", tmp); - break; - } - break; - case 30: - /* LISTEN REQ */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG " Imsk = 0x%08x\n", - msg->msg.listen_req.infomask); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " Emsk = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.listen_req.eazmask); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " Smsk = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.listen_req.simask); - break; - case 35: - /* SELECT_B2_PROTOCOL_REQ */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.plci); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " prot = 0x%02x\n", - msg->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.protocol); - if (msg->hdr.len >= 11) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "No dlpd\n"); - else - actcapi_debug_dlpd(&msg->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.dlpd); - break; - case 44: - /* CONNECT RESP */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.connect_resp.plci); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " CAUSE = 0x%02x\n", - msg->msg.connect_resp.rejectcause); - break; - case 45: - /* CONNECT ACTIVE RESP */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", - msg->msg.connect_active_resp.plci); + msg->msg.manufacturer_ind_err.controller); + printk(KERN_DEBUG " Code = 0x%08x\n", + msg->msg.manufacturer_ind_err.errcode); + memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp)); + strncpy(tmp, &msg->msg.manufacturer_ind_err.errstring, + msg->hdr.len - 16); + printk(KERN_DEBUG " Emsg = '%s'\n", tmp); break; + } + break; + case 30: + /* LISTEN REQ */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG " Imsk = 0x%08x\n", + msg->msg.listen_req.infomask); + printk(KERN_DEBUG " Emsk = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.listen_req.eazmask); + printk(KERN_DEBUG " Smsk = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.listen_req.simask); + break; + case 35: + /* SELECT_B2_PROTOCOL_REQ */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.plci); + printk(KERN_DEBUG " prot = 0x%02x\n", + msg->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.protocol); + if (msg->hdr.len >= 11) + printk(KERN_DEBUG "No dlpd\n"); + else + actcapi_debug_dlpd(&msg->msg.select_b2_protocol_req.dlpd); + break; + case 44: + /* CONNECT RESP */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.connect_resp.plci); + printk(KERN_DEBUG " CAUSE = 0x%02x\n", + msg->msg.connect_resp.rejectcause); + break; + case 45: + /* CONNECT ACTIVE RESP */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG " PLCI = 0x%04x\n", + msg->msg.connect_active_resp.plci); + break; } } #endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/act2000/capi.h b/drivers/isdn/act2000/capi.h index e55f6a931f661e82665d26a8ced3edcdba924b71..01ccdecd43f76920435b17365c7a5e950d4edf65 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/act2000/capi.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/act2000/capi.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Fritz Elfert * Copyright by Fritz Elfert - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ typedef struct actcapi_addr { typedef union actcapi_infonr { /* info number */ __u16 mask; /* info-mask field */ struct bmask { /* bit definitions */ - unsigned codes : 3; /* code set */ - unsigned rsvd : 5; /* reserved */ - unsigned svind : 1; /* single, variable length ind. */ - unsigned wtype : 7; /* W-element type */ + unsigned codes:3; /* code set */ + unsigned rsvd:5; /* reserved */ + unsigned svind:1; /* single, variable length ind. */ + unsigned wtype:7; /* W-element type */ } bmask; } actcapi_infonr; @@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ typedef union actcapi_infoel { /* info element */ __u8 display[40]; /* display contents */ __u8 uuinfo[40]; /* User-user info field */ struct cause { /* Cause information */ - unsigned ext2 : 1; /* extension */ - unsigned cod : 2; /* coding standard */ - unsigned spare : 1; /* spare */ - unsigned loc : 4; /* location */ - unsigned ext1 : 1; /* extension */ - unsigned cval : 7; /* Cause value */ - } cause; + unsigned ext2:1; /* extension */ + unsigned cod:2; /* coding standard */ + unsigned spare:1; /* spare */ + unsigned loc:4; /* location */ + unsigned ext1:1; /* extension */ + unsigned cval:7; /* Cause value */ + } cause; struct charge { /* Charging information */ __u8 toc; /* type of charging info */ __u8 unit[10]; /* charging units */ @@ -111,14 +111,14 @@ typedef struct actcapi_ncpd { * Bit 5-7 = Controller * Bit 8-15 = NCCI */ -#define MAKE_NCCI(plci,contr,ncci) \ - ((plci & 0x1f) | ((contr & 0x7) << 5) | ((ncci & 0xff) << 8)) +#define MAKE_NCCI(plci, contr, ncci) \ + ((plci & 0x1f) | ((contr & 0x7) << 5) | ((ncci & 0xff) << 8)) -#define EVAL_NCCI(fakencci,plci,contr,ncci) { \ - plci = fakencci & 0x1f; \ - contr = (fakencci >> 5) & 0x7; \ - ncci = (fakencci >> 8) & 0xff; \ -} +#define EVAL_NCCI(fakencci, plci, contr, ncci) { \ + plci = fakencci & 0x1f; \ + contr = (fakencci >> 5) & 0x7; \ + ncci = (fakencci >> 8) & 0xff; \ + } /* * Layout of PLCI field in a B3 DATA CAPI message is different from @@ -128,13 +128,13 @@ typedef struct actcapi_ncpd { * Bit 5-7 = Controller * Bit 8-15 = reserved (must be 0) */ -#define MAKE_PLCI(plci,contr) \ - ((plci & 0x1f) | ((contr & 0x7) << 5)) +#define MAKE_PLCI(plci, contr) \ + ((plci & 0x1f) | ((contr & 0x7) << 5)) -#define EVAL_PLCI(fakeplci,plci,contr) { \ - plci = fakeplci & 0x1f; \ - contr = (fakeplci >> 5) & 0x7; \ -} +#define EVAL_PLCI(fakeplci, plci, contr) { \ + plci = fakeplci & 0x1f; \ + contr = (fakeplci >> 5) & 0x7; \ + } typedef struct actcapi_msg { actcapi_msghdr hdr; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/act2000/module.c b/drivers/isdn/act2000/module.c index 05ed72c4cf59f60413950411b82fbe2e9766809c..b4147c0b14b79e40de0a0c613fce54fdffcc5976 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/act2000/module.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/act2000/module.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Fritz Elfert * Copyright by Fritz Elfert - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ static unsigned short act2000_isa_ports[] = { - 0x0200, 0x0240, 0x0280, 0x02c0, 0x0300, 0x0340, 0x0380, - 0xcfe0, 0xcfa0, 0xcf60, 0xcf20, 0xcee0, 0xcea0, 0xce60, + 0x0200, 0x0240, 0x0280, 0x02c0, 0x0300, 0x0340, 0x0380, + 0xcfe0, 0xcfa0, 0xcf60, 0xcf20, 0xcee0, 0xcea0, 0xce60, }; static act2000_card *cards = (act2000_card *) NULL; @@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ static int act_port = -1; /* -1 = Autoprobe */ static int act_irq = -1; static char *act_id = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; -MODULE_DESCRIPTION( "ISDN4Linux: Driver for IBM Active 2000 ISDN card"); -MODULE_AUTHOR( "Fritz Elfert"); -MODULE_LICENSE( "GPL"); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("ISDN4Linux: Driver for IBM Active 2000 ISDN card"); +MODULE_AUTHOR("Fritz Elfert"); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); MODULE_PARM_DESC(act_bus, "BusType of first card, 1=ISA, 2=MCA, 3=PCMCIA, currently only ISA"); MODULE_PARM_DESC(membase, "Base port address of first card"); MODULE_PARM_DESC(act_irq, "IRQ of first card"); -MODULE_PARM_DESC(act_id, "ID-String of first card"); -module_param(act_bus, int, 0); +MODULE_PARM_DESC(act_id, "ID-String of first card"); +module_param(act_bus, int, 0); module_param(act_port, int, 0); module_param(act_irq, int, 0); module_param(act_id, charp, 0); @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ static act2000_chan * find_channel(act2000_card *card, int channel) { if ((channel >= 0) && (channel < ACT2000_BCH)) - return &(card->bch[channel]); + return &(card->bch[channel]); printk(KERN_WARNING "act2000: Invalid channel %d\n", channel); return NULL; } @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ act2000_clear_msn(act2000_card *card) static __u16 act2000_find_msn(act2000_card *card, char *msn, int ia5) { - struct msn_entry *p = card->msn_list; + struct msn_entry *p = card->msn_list; __u8 eaz = '0'; while (p) { @@ -107,14 +107,14 @@ act2000_find_msn(act2000_card *card, char *msn, int ia5) char * act2000_find_eaz(act2000_card *card, char eaz) { - struct msn_entry *p = card->msn_list; + struct msn_entry *p = card->msn_list; while (p) { if (p->eaz == eaz) - return(p->msn); + return (p->msn); p = p->next; } - return("\0"); + return ("\0"); } /* @@ -126,11 +126,11 @@ act2000_find_eaz(act2000_card *card, char eaz) static int act2000_set_msn(act2000_card *card, char *eazmsn) { - struct msn_entry *p = card->msn_list; - struct msn_entry *q = NULL; + struct msn_entry *p = card->msn_list; + struct msn_entry *q = NULL; unsigned long flags; int i; - + if (!strlen(eazmsn)) return 0; if (strlen(eazmsn) > 16) @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ act2000_set_msn(act2000_card *card, char *eazmsn) for (i = 0; i < strlen(eazmsn); i++) if (!isdigit(eazmsn[i])) return -EINVAL; - if (strlen(eazmsn) == 1) { + if (strlen(eazmsn) == 1) { /* Delete a single MSN */ while (p) { if (p->eaz == eazmsn[0]) { @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ act2000_set_msn(act2000_card *card, char *eazmsn) p = p->next; } return 0; - } + } /* Add a single MSN */ while (p) { /* Found in list, replace MSN */ @@ -198,14 +198,14 @@ act2000_transmit(struct work_struct *work) container_of(work, struct act2000_card, snd_tq); switch (card->bus) { - case ACT2000_BUS_ISA: - act2000_isa_send(card); - break; - case ACT2000_BUS_PCMCIA: - case ACT2000_BUS_MCA: - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING - "act2000_transmit: Illegal bustype %d\n", card->bus); + case ACT2000_BUS_ISA: + act2000_isa_send(card); + break; + case ACT2000_BUS_PCMCIA: + case ACT2000_BUS_MCA: + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING + "act2000_transmit: Illegal bustype %d\n", card->bus); } } @@ -216,221 +216,221 @@ act2000_receive(struct work_struct *work) container_of(work, struct act2000_card, poll_tq); switch (card->bus) { - case ACT2000_BUS_ISA: - act2000_isa_receive(card); - break; - case ACT2000_BUS_PCMCIA: - case ACT2000_BUS_MCA: - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING - "act2000_receive: Illegal bustype %d\n", card->bus); + case ACT2000_BUS_ISA: + act2000_isa_receive(card); + break; + case ACT2000_BUS_PCMCIA: + case ACT2000_BUS_MCA: + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING + "act2000_receive: Illegal bustype %d\n", card->bus); } } static void act2000_poll(unsigned long data) { - act2000_card * card = (act2000_card *)data; + act2000_card *card = (act2000_card *)data; unsigned long flags; act2000_receive(&card->poll_tq); spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); - mod_timer(&card->ptimer, jiffies+3); + mod_timer(&card->ptimer, jiffies + 3); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); } static int -act2000_command(act2000_card * card, isdn_ctrl * c) +act2000_command(act2000_card *card, isdn_ctrl *c) { - ulong a; - act2000_chan *chan; + ulong a; + act2000_chan *chan; act2000_cdef cdef; isdn_ctrl cmd; char tmp[17]; int ret; unsigned long flags; void __user *arg; - - switch (c->command) { - case ISDN_CMD_IOCTL: - memcpy(&a, c->parm.num, sizeof(ulong)); - arg = (void __user *)a; - switch (c->arg) { - case ACT2000_IOCTL_LOADBOOT: - switch (card->bus) { - case ACT2000_BUS_ISA: - ret = act2000_isa_download(card, - arg); - if (!ret) { - card->flags |= ACT2000_FLAGS_LOADED; - if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_IVALID)) { - card->ptimer.expires = jiffies + 3; - card->ptimer.function = act2000_poll; - card->ptimer.data = (unsigned long)card; - add_timer(&card->ptimer); - } - actcapi_manufacturer_req_errh(card); - } - break; - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING - "act2000: Illegal BUS type %d\n", - card->bus); - ret = -EIO; + + switch (c->command) { + case ISDN_CMD_IOCTL: + memcpy(&a, c->parm.num, sizeof(ulong)); + arg = (void __user *)a; + switch (c->arg) { + case ACT2000_IOCTL_LOADBOOT: + switch (card->bus) { + case ACT2000_BUS_ISA: + ret = act2000_isa_download(card, + arg); + if (!ret) { + card->flags |= ACT2000_FLAGS_LOADED; + if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_IVALID)) { + card->ptimer.expires = jiffies + 3; + card->ptimer.function = act2000_poll; + card->ptimer.data = (unsigned long)card; + add_timer(&card->ptimer); } - return ret; - case ACT2000_IOCTL_SETPROTO: - card->ptype = a?ISDN_PTYPE_EURO:ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6; - if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return 0; - actcapi_manufacturer_req_net(card); - return 0; - case ACT2000_IOCTL_SETMSN: - if (copy_from_user(tmp, arg, - sizeof(tmp))) - return -EFAULT; - if ((ret = act2000_set_msn(card, tmp))) - return ret; - if (card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING) - return(actcapi_manufacturer_req_msn(card)); - return 0; - case ACT2000_IOCTL_ADDCARD: - if (copy_from_user(&cdef, arg, - sizeof(cdef))) - return -EFAULT; - if (act2000_addcard(cdef.bus, cdef.port, cdef.irq, cdef.id)) - return -EIO; - return 0; - case ACT2000_IOCTL_TEST: - if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - return 0; - default: - return -EINVAL; - } - break; - case ISDN_CMD_DIAL: - if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - if (!(chan = find_channel(card, c->arg & 0x0f))) + actcapi_manufacturer_req_errh(card); + } break; - spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); - if (chan->fsm_state != ACT2000_STATE_NULL) { - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); - printk(KERN_WARNING "Dial on channel with state %d\n", - chan->fsm_state); - return -EBUSY; - } - if (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) - tmp[0] = act2000_find_msn(card, c->parm.setup.eazmsn, 1); - else - tmp[0] = c->parm.setup.eazmsn[0]; - chan->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_OCALL; - chan->callref = 0xffff; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); - ret = actcapi_connect_req(card, chan, c->parm.setup.phone, - tmp[0], c->parm.setup.si1, - c->parm.setup.si2); - if (ret) { - cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; - cmd.arg &= 0x0f; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING + "act2000: Illegal BUS type %d\n", + card->bus); + ret = -EIO; } return ret; - case ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTD: - if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - if (!(chan = find_channel(card, c->arg & 0x0f))) - break; - if (chan->fsm_state == ACT2000_STATE_ICALL) - actcapi_select_b2_protocol_req(card, chan); - return 0; - case ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTB: - if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - return 0; - case ISDN_CMD_HANGUP: + case ACT2000_IOCTL_SETPROTO: + card->ptype = a ? ISDN_PTYPE_EURO : ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6; if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - if (!(chan = find_channel(card, c->arg & 0x0f))) - break; - switch (chan->fsm_state) { - case ACT2000_STATE_ICALL: - case ACT2000_STATE_BSETUP: - actcapi_connect_resp(card, chan, 0x15); - break; - case ACT2000_STATE_ACTIVE: - actcapi_disconnect_b3_req(card, chan); - break; - } + return 0; + actcapi_manufacturer_req_net(card); return 0; - case ISDN_CMD_SETEAZ: - if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - if (!(chan = find_channel(card, c->arg & 0x0f))) - break; - if (strlen(c->parm.num)) { - if (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) { - chan->eazmask = act2000_find_msn(card, c->parm.num, 0); - } - if (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6) { - int i; - chan->eazmask = 0; - for (i = 0; i < strlen(c->parm.num); i++) - if (isdigit(c->parm.num[i])) - chan->eazmask |= (1 << (c->parm.num[i] - '0')); - } - } else - chan->eazmask = 0x3ff; - actcapi_listen_req(card); + case ACT2000_IOCTL_SETMSN: + if (copy_from_user(tmp, arg, + sizeof(tmp))) + return -EFAULT; + if ((ret = act2000_set_msn(card, tmp))) + return ret; + if (card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING) + return (actcapi_manufacturer_req_msn(card)); return 0; - case ISDN_CMD_CLREAZ: - if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - if (!(chan = find_channel(card, c->arg & 0x0f))) - break; - chan->eazmask = 0; - actcapi_listen_req(card); + case ACT2000_IOCTL_ADDCARD: + if (copy_from_user(&cdef, arg, + sizeof(cdef))) + return -EFAULT; + if (act2000_addcard(cdef.bus, cdef.port, cdef.irq, cdef.id)) + return -EIO; return 0; - case ISDN_CMD_SETL2: + case ACT2000_IOCTL_TEST: if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) return -ENODEV; - if (!(chan = find_channel(card, c->arg & 0x0f))) - break; - chan->l2prot = (c->arg >> 8); return 0; - case ISDN_CMD_SETL3: - if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - if ((c->arg >> 8) != ISDN_PROTO_L3_TRANS) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "L3 protocol unknown\n"); - return -1; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + break; + case ISDN_CMD_DIAL: + if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if (!(chan = find_channel(card, c->arg & 0x0f))) + break; + spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); + if (chan->fsm_state != ACT2000_STATE_NULL) { + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); + printk(KERN_WARNING "Dial on channel with state %d\n", + chan->fsm_state); + return -EBUSY; + } + if (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) + tmp[0] = act2000_find_msn(card, c->parm.setup.eazmsn, 1); + else + tmp[0] = c->parm.setup.eazmsn[0]; + chan->fsm_state = ACT2000_STATE_OCALL; + chan->callref = 0xffff; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); + ret = actcapi_connect_req(card, chan, c->parm.setup.phone, + tmp[0], c->parm.setup.si1, + c->parm.setup.si2); + if (ret) { + cmd.driver = card->myid; + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; + cmd.arg &= 0x0f; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + } + return ret; + case ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTD: + if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if (!(chan = find_channel(card, c->arg & 0x0f))) + break; + if (chan->fsm_state == ACT2000_STATE_ICALL) + actcapi_select_b2_protocol_req(card, chan); + return 0; + case ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTB: + if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + return 0; + case ISDN_CMD_HANGUP: + if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if (!(chan = find_channel(card, c->arg & 0x0f))) + break; + switch (chan->fsm_state) { + case ACT2000_STATE_ICALL: + case ACT2000_STATE_BSETUP: + actcapi_connect_resp(card, chan, 0x15); + break; + case ACT2000_STATE_ACTIVE: + actcapi_disconnect_b3_req(card, chan); + break; + } + return 0; + case ISDN_CMD_SETEAZ: + if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if (!(chan = find_channel(card, c->arg & 0x0f))) + break; + if (strlen(c->parm.num)) { + if (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) { + chan->eazmask = act2000_find_msn(card, c->parm.num, 0); } - if (!(chan = find_channel(card, c->arg & 0x0f))) - break; - chan->l3prot = (c->arg >> 8); - return 0; - } - - return -EINVAL; + if (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6) { + int i; + chan->eazmask = 0; + for (i = 0; i < strlen(c->parm.num); i++) + if (isdigit(c->parm.num[i])) + chan->eazmask |= (1 << (c->parm.num[i] - '0')); + } + } else + chan->eazmask = 0x3ff; + actcapi_listen_req(card); + return 0; + case ISDN_CMD_CLREAZ: + if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if (!(chan = find_channel(card, c->arg & 0x0f))) + break; + chan->eazmask = 0; + actcapi_listen_req(card); + return 0; + case ISDN_CMD_SETL2: + if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if (!(chan = find_channel(card, c->arg & 0x0f))) + break; + chan->l2prot = (c->arg >> 8); + return 0; + case ISDN_CMD_SETL3: + if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if ((c->arg >> 8) != ISDN_PROTO_L3_TRANS) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "L3 protocol unknown\n"); + return -1; + } + if (!(chan = find_channel(card, c->arg & 0x0f))) + break; + chan->l3prot = (c->arg >> 8); + return 0; + } + + return -EINVAL; } static int act2000_sendbuf(act2000_card *card, int channel, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb) { - struct sk_buff *xmit_skb; - int len; - act2000_chan *chan; + struct sk_buff *xmit_skb; + int len; + act2000_chan *chan; actcapi_msg *msg; - if (!(chan = find_channel(card, channel))) + if (!(chan = find_channel(card, channel))) + return -1; + if (chan->fsm_state != ACT2000_STATE_ACTIVE) return -1; - if (chan->fsm_state != ACT2000_STATE_ACTIVE) - return -1; - len = skb->len; - if ((chan->queued + len) >= ACT2000_MAX_QUEUED) - return 0; + len = skb->len; + if ((chan->queued + len) >= ACT2000_MAX_QUEUED) + return 0; if (!len) return 0; if (skb_headroom(skb) < 19) { @@ -462,28 +462,28 @@ act2000_sendbuf(act2000_card *card, int channel, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb) msg->msg.data_b3_req.fakencci = MAKE_NCCI(chan->plci, 0, chan->ncci); msg->msg.data_b3_req.flags = ack; /* Will be set to 0 on actual sending */ actcapi_debug_msg(xmit_skb, 1); - chan->queued += len; + chan->queued += len; skb_queue_tail(&card->sndq, xmit_skb); act2000_schedule_tx(card); - return len; + return len; } /* Read the Status-replies from the Interface */ static int -act2000_readstatus(u_char __user * buf, int len, act2000_card * card) +act2000_readstatus(u_char __user *buf, int len, act2000_card *card) { - int count; - u_char __user *p; + int count; + u_char __user *p; - for (p = buf, count = 0; count < len; p++, count++) { - if (card->status_buf_read == card->status_buf_write) - return count; + for (p = buf, count = 0; count < len; p++, count++) { + if (card->status_buf_read == card->status_buf_write) + return count; put_user(*card->status_buf_read++, p); - if (card->status_buf_read > card->status_buf_end) - card->status_buf_read = card->status_buf; - } - return count; + if (card->status_buf_read > card->status_buf_end) + card->status_buf_read = card->status_buf; + } + return count; } /* @@ -492,75 +492,75 @@ act2000_readstatus(u_char __user * buf, int len, act2000_card * card) static inline act2000_card * act2000_findcard(int driverid) { - act2000_card *p = cards; - - while (p) { - if (p->myid == driverid) - return p; - p = p->next; - } - return (act2000_card *) 0; + act2000_card *p = cards; + + while (p) { + if (p->myid == driverid) + return p; + p = p->next; + } + return (act2000_card *) 0; } /* * Wrapper functions for interface to linklevel */ static int -if_command(isdn_ctrl * c) +if_command(isdn_ctrl *c) { - act2000_card *card = act2000_findcard(c->driver); - - if (card) - return (act2000_command(card, c)); - printk(KERN_ERR - "act2000: if_command %d called with invalid driverId %d!\n", - c->command, c->driver); - return -ENODEV; + act2000_card *card = act2000_findcard(c->driver); + + if (card) + return (act2000_command(card, c)); + printk(KERN_ERR + "act2000: if_command %d called with invalid driverId %d!\n", + c->command, c->driver); + return -ENODEV; } static int if_writecmd(const u_char __user *buf, int len, int id, int channel) { - act2000_card *card = act2000_findcard(id); - - if (card) { - if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - return (len); - } - printk(KERN_ERR - "act2000: if_writecmd called with invalid driverId!\n"); - return -ENODEV; + act2000_card *card = act2000_findcard(id); + + if (card) { + if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + return (len); + } + printk(KERN_ERR + "act2000: if_writecmd called with invalid driverId!\n"); + return -ENODEV; } static int -if_readstatus(u_char __user * buf, int len, int id, int channel) +if_readstatus(u_char __user *buf, int len, int id, int channel) { - act2000_card *card = act2000_findcard(id); - - if (card) { - if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - return (act2000_readstatus(buf, len, card)); - } - printk(KERN_ERR - "act2000: if_readstatus called with invalid driverId!\n"); - return -ENODEV; + act2000_card *card = act2000_findcard(id); + + if (card) { + if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + return (act2000_readstatus(buf, len, card)); + } + printk(KERN_ERR + "act2000: if_readstatus called with invalid driverId!\n"); + return -ENODEV; } static int if_sendbuf(int id, int channel, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb) { - act2000_card *card = act2000_findcard(id); - - if (card) { - if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; + act2000_card *card = act2000_findcard(id); + + if (card) { + if (!(card->flags & ACT2000_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; return (act2000_sendbuf(card, channel, ack, skb)); - } - printk(KERN_ERR - "act2000: if_sendbuf called with invalid driverId!\n"); - return -ENODEV; + } + printk(KERN_ERR + "act2000: if_sendbuf called with invalid driverId!\n"); + return -ENODEV; } @@ -572,14 +572,14 @@ static void act2000_alloccard(int bus, int port, int irq, char *id) { int i; - act2000_card *card; - if (!(card = kzalloc(sizeof(act2000_card), GFP_KERNEL))) { - printk(KERN_WARNING + act2000_card *card; + if (!(card = kzalloc(sizeof(act2000_card), GFP_KERNEL))) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "act2000: (%s) Could not allocate card-struct.\n", id); - return; - } - spin_lock_init(&card->lock); - spin_lock_init(&card->mnlock); + return; + } + spin_lock_init(&card->lock); + spin_lock_init(&card->mnlock); skb_queue_head_init(&card->sndq); skb_queue_head_init(&card->rcvq); skb_queue_head_init(&card->ackq); @@ -588,82 +588,82 @@ act2000_alloccard(int bus, int port, int irq, char *id) INIT_WORK(&card->poll_tq, act2000_receive); init_timer(&card->ptimer); card->interface.owner = THIS_MODULE; - card->interface.channels = ACT2000_BCH; - card->interface.maxbufsize = 4000; - card->interface.command = if_command; - card->interface.writebuf_skb = if_sendbuf; - card->interface.writecmd = if_writecmd; - card->interface.readstat = if_readstatus; - card->interface.features = + card->interface.channels = ACT2000_BCH; + card->interface.maxbufsize = 4000; + card->interface.command = if_command; + card->interface.writebuf_skb = if_sendbuf; + card->interface.writecmd = if_writecmd; + card->interface.readstat = if_readstatus; + card->interface.features = ISDN_FEATURE_L2_X75I | ISDN_FEATURE_L2_HDLC | ISDN_FEATURE_L3_TRANS | ISDN_FEATURE_P_UNKNOWN; - card->interface.hl_hdrlen = 20; - card->ptype = ISDN_PTYPE_EURO; - strlcpy(card->interface.id, id, sizeof(card->interface.id)); - for (i=0; ibch[i].plci = 0x8000; - card->bch[i].ncci = 0x8000; - card->bch[i].l2prot = ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I; - card->bch[i].l3prot = ISDN_PROTO_L3_TRANS; - } - card->myid = -1; - card->bus = bus; - card->port = port; - card->irq = irq; - card->next = cards; - cards = card; + card->interface.hl_hdrlen = 20; + card->ptype = ISDN_PTYPE_EURO; + strlcpy(card->interface.id, id, sizeof(card->interface.id)); + for (i = 0; i < ACT2000_BCH; i++) { + card->bch[i].plci = 0x8000; + card->bch[i].ncci = 0x8000; + card->bch[i].l2prot = ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I; + card->bch[i].l3prot = ISDN_PROTO_L3_TRANS; + } + card->myid = -1; + card->bus = bus; + card->port = port; + card->irq = irq; + card->next = cards; + cards = card; } /* * register card at linklevel */ static int -act2000_registercard(act2000_card * card) +act2000_registercard(act2000_card *card) { - switch (card->bus) { - case ACT2000_BUS_ISA: - break; - case ACT2000_BUS_MCA: - case ACT2000_BUS_PCMCIA: - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING - "act2000: Illegal BUS type %d\n", - card->bus); - return -1; - } - if (!register_isdn(&card->interface)) { - printk(KERN_WARNING - "act2000: Unable to register %s\n", - card->interface.id); - return -1; - } - card->myid = card->interface.channels; - sprintf(card->regname, "act2000-isdn (%s)", card->interface.id); - return 0; + switch (card->bus) { + case ACT2000_BUS_ISA: + break; + case ACT2000_BUS_MCA: + case ACT2000_BUS_PCMCIA: + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING + "act2000: Illegal BUS type %d\n", + card->bus); + return -1; + } + if (!register_isdn(&card->interface)) { + printk(KERN_WARNING + "act2000: Unable to register %s\n", + card->interface.id); + return -1; + } + card->myid = card->interface.channels; + sprintf(card->regname, "act2000-isdn (%s)", card->interface.id); + return 0; } static void -unregister_card(act2000_card * card) +unregister_card(act2000_card *card) { - isdn_ctrl cmd; + isdn_ctrl cmd; - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_UNLOAD; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - switch (card->bus) { - case ACT2000_BUS_ISA: - act2000_isa_release(card); - break; - case ACT2000_BUS_MCA: - case ACT2000_BUS_PCMCIA: - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING - "act2000: Invalid BUS type %d\n", - card->bus); - break; - } + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_UNLOAD; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + switch (card->bus) { + case ACT2000_BUS_ISA: + act2000_isa_release(card); + break; + case ACT2000_BUS_MCA: + case ACT2000_BUS_PCMCIA: + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING + "act2000: Invalid BUS type %d\n", + card->bus); + break; + } } static int @@ -690,23 +690,23 @@ act2000_addcard(int bus, int port, int irq, char *id) for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(act2000_isa_ports); i++) if (act2000_isa_detect(act2000_isa_ports[i])) { printk(KERN_INFO "act2000: Detected " - "ISA card at port 0x%x\n", - act2000_isa_ports[i]); + "ISA card at port 0x%x\n", + act2000_isa_ports[i]); act2000_alloccard(bus, - act2000_isa_ports[i], irq, id); + act2000_isa_ports[i], irq, id); } break; case ACT2000_BUS_MCA: case ACT2000_BUS_PCMCIA: default: printk(KERN_WARNING - "act2000: addcard: Invalid BUS type %d\n", bus); + "act2000: addcard: Invalid BUS type %d\n", bus); } } if (!cards) return 1; - p = cards; - while (p) { + p = cards; + while (p) { initialized = 0; if (!p->interface.statcallb) { /* Not yet registered. @@ -714,99 +714,99 @@ act2000_addcard(int bus, int port, int irq, char *id) */ added++; switch (p->bus) { - case ACT2000_BUS_ISA: - if (act2000_isa_detect(p->port)) { - if (act2000_registercard(p)) - break; - if (act2000_isa_config_port(p, p->port)) { - printk(KERN_WARNING - "act2000: Could not request port 0x%04x\n", - p->port); - unregister_card(p); - p->interface.statcallb = NULL; - break; - } - if (act2000_isa_config_irq(p, p->irq)) { - printk(KERN_INFO - "act2000: No IRQ available, fallback to polling\n"); - /* Fall back to polled operation */ - p->irq = 0; - } - printk(KERN_INFO - "act2000: ISA" - "-type card at port " - "0x%04x ", + case ACT2000_BUS_ISA: + if (act2000_isa_detect(p->port)) { + if (act2000_registercard(p)) + break; + if (act2000_isa_config_port(p, p->port)) { + printk(KERN_WARNING + "act2000: Could not request port 0x%04x\n", p->port); - if (p->irq) - printk("irq %d\n", p->irq); - else - printk("polled\n"); - initialized = 1; + unregister_card(p); + p->interface.statcallb = NULL; + break; + } + if (act2000_isa_config_irq(p, p->irq)) { + printk(KERN_INFO + "act2000: No IRQ available, fallback to polling\n"); + /* Fall back to polled operation */ + p->irq = 0; } - break; - case ACT2000_BUS_MCA: - case ACT2000_BUS_PCMCIA: - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING - "act2000: addcard: Invalid BUS type %d\n", - p->bus); + printk(KERN_INFO + "act2000: ISA" + "-type card at port " + "0x%04x ", + p->port); + if (p->irq) + printk("irq %d\n", p->irq); + else + printk("polled\n"); + initialized = 1; + } + break; + case ACT2000_BUS_MCA: + case ACT2000_BUS_PCMCIA: + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING + "act2000: addcard: Invalid BUS type %d\n", + p->bus); } } else /* Card already initialized */ initialized = 1; - if (initialized) { + if (initialized) { /* Init OK, next card ... */ - q = p; - p = p->next; - } else { - /* Init failed, remove card from list, free memory */ - printk(KERN_WARNING - "act2000: Initialization of %s failed\n", - p->interface.id); - if (q) { - q->next = p->next; - kfree(p); - p = q->next; - } else { - cards = p->next; - kfree(p); - p = cards; - } + q = p; + p = p->next; + } else { + /* Init failed, remove card from list, free memory */ + printk(KERN_WARNING + "act2000: Initialization of %s failed\n", + p->interface.id); + if (q) { + q->next = p->next; + kfree(p); + p = q->next; + } else { + cards = p->next; + kfree(p); + p = cards; + } failed++; - } + } } - return (added - failed); + return (added - failed); } #define DRIVERNAME "IBM Active 2000 ISDN driver" static int __init act2000_init(void) { - printk(KERN_INFO "%s\n", DRIVERNAME); - if (!cards) + printk(KERN_INFO "%s\n", DRIVERNAME); + if (!cards) act2000_addcard(act_bus, act_port, act_irq, act_id); - if (!cards) - printk(KERN_INFO "act2000: No cards defined yet\n"); - return 0; + if (!cards) + printk(KERN_INFO "act2000: No cards defined yet\n"); + return 0; } static void __exit act2000_exit(void) { - act2000_card *card = cards; - act2000_card *last; - while (card) { - unregister_card(card); + act2000_card *card = cards; + act2000_card *last; + while (card) { + unregister_card(card); del_timer(&card->ptimer); - card = card->next; - } - card = cards; - while (card) { - last = card; - card = card->next; + card = card->next; + } + card = cards; + while (card) { + last = card; + card = card->next; act2000_clear_msn(last); - kfree(last); - } - printk(KERN_INFO "%s unloaded\n", DRIVERNAME); + kfree(last); + } + printk(KERN_INFO "%s unloaded\n", DRIVERNAME); } module_init(act2000_init); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/capi/capi.c b/drivers/isdn/capi/capi.c index 3a7905b06e53a4a52e070af238d2359118e1f355..b902794bbf07b6c349924b866fe9aa6bfab40794 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/capi/capi.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/capi/capi.c @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ #include #include #include -#include +#include #include #include #include @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ static int capiminor_del_ack(struct capiminor *mp, u16 datahandle) spin_lock_bh(&mp->ackqlock); list_for_each_entry_safe(p, tmp, &mp->ackqueue, list) { - if (p->datahandle == datahandle) { + if (p->datahandle == datahandle) { list_del(&p->list); mp->nack--; spin_unlock_bh(&mp->ackqlock); @@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ static struct capiminor *capiminor_alloc(struct capi20_appl *ap, u32 ncci) unsigned int minor; mp = kzalloc(sizeof(*mp), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!mp) { - printk(KERN_ERR "capi: can't alloc capiminor\n"); + if (!mp) { + printk(KERN_ERR "capi: can't alloc capiminor\n"); return NULL; } @@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ gen_data_b3_resp_for(struct capiminor *mp, struct sk_buff *skb) struct sk_buff *nskb; nskb = alloc_skb(CAPI_DATA_B3_RESP_LEN, GFP_KERNEL); if (nskb) { - u16 datahandle = CAPIMSG_U16(skb->data,CAPIMSG_BASELEN+4+4+2); + u16 datahandle = CAPIMSG_U16(skb->data, CAPIMSG_BASELEN + 4 + 4 + 2); unsigned char *s = skb_put(nskb, CAPI_DATA_B3_RESP_LEN); capimsg_setu16(s, 0, CAPI_DATA_B3_RESP_LEN); capimsg_setu16(s, 2, mp->ap->applid); @@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ static int handle_recv_skb(struct capiminor *mp, struct sk_buff *skb) pr_debug("capi: currently no receiver\n"); return -1; } - + ld = tty_ldisc_ref(tty); if (!ld) { /* fatal error, do not requeue */ @@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ static int handle_recv_skb(struct capiminor *mp, struct sk_buff *skb) ld->ops->receive_buf(tty, skb->data, NULL, skb->len); } else { printk(KERN_ERR "capi: send DATA_B3_RESP failed=%x\n", - errcode); + errcode); kfree_skb(nskb); if (errcode == CAPI_SENDQUEUEFULL) @@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ static void capi_recv_message(struct capi20_appl *ap, struct sk_buff *skb) goto unlock_out; } if (CAPIMSG_SUBCOMMAND(skb->data) == CAPI_IND) { - datahandle = CAPIMSG_U16(skb->data, CAPIMSG_BASELEN+4+4+2); + datahandle = CAPIMSG_U16(skb->data, CAPIMSG_BASELEN + 4 + 4 + 2); pr_debug("capi_signal: DATA_B3_IND %u len=%d\n", datahandle, skb->len-CAPIMSG_LEN(skb->data)); skb_queue_tail(&mp->inqueue, skb); @@ -627,10 +627,10 @@ static void capi_recv_message(struct capi20_appl *ap, struct sk_buff *skb) } else if (CAPIMSG_SUBCOMMAND(skb->data) == CAPI_CONF) { - datahandle = CAPIMSG_U16(skb->data, CAPIMSG_BASELEN+4); + datahandle = CAPIMSG_U16(skb->data, CAPIMSG_BASELEN + 4); pr_debug("capi_signal: DATA_B3_CONF %u 0x%x\n", datahandle, - CAPIMSG_U16(skb->data, CAPIMSG_BASELEN+4+2)); + CAPIMSG_U16(skb->data, CAPIMSG_BASELEN + 4 + 2)); kfree_skb(skb); capiminor_del_ack(mp, datahandle); tty = tty_port_tty_get(&mp->port); @@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ capi_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) if (file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) return -EAGAIN; err = wait_event_interruptible(cdev->recvwait, - (skb = skb_dequeue(&cdev->recvqueue))); + (skb = skb_dequeue(&cdev->recvqueue))); if (err) return err; } @@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ capi_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos } static unsigned int -capi_poll(struct file *file, poll_table * wait) +capi_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait) { struct capidev *cdev = file->private_data; unsigned int mask = 0; @@ -786,75 +786,75 @@ capi_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) return retval; case CAPI_GET_VERSION: - { - if (copy_from_user(&data.contr, argp, - sizeof(data.contr))) - return -EFAULT; - cdev->errcode = capi20_get_version(data.contr, &data.version); - if (cdev->errcode) - return -EIO; - if (copy_to_user(argp, &data.version, - sizeof(data.version))) - return -EFAULT; - } - return 0; + { + if (copy_from_user(&data.contr, argp, + sizeof(data.contr))) + return -EFAULT; + cdev->errcode = capi20_get_version(data.contr, &data.version); + if (cdev->errcode) + return -EIO; + if (copy_to_user(argp, &data.version, + sizeof(data.version))) + return -EFAULT; + } + return 0; case CAPI_GET_SERIAL: - { - if (copy_from_user(&data.contr, argp, - sizeof(data.contr))) - return -EFAULT; - cdev->errcode = capi20_get_serial (data.contr, data.serial); - if (cdev->errcode) - return -EIO; - if (copy_to_user(argp, data.serial, - sizeof(data.serial))) - return -EFAULT; - } - return 0; + { + if (copy_from_user(&data.contr, argp, + sizeof(data.contr))) + return -EFAULT; + cdev->errcode = capi20_get_serial(data.contr, data.serial); + if (cdev->errcode) + return -EIO; + if (copy_to_user(argp, data.serial, + sizeof(data.serial))) + return -EFAULT; + } + return 0; case CAPI_GET_PROFILE: - { - if (copy_from_user(&data.contr, argp, - sizeof(data.contr))) - return -EFAULT; + { + if (copy_from_user(&data.contr, argp, + sizeof(data.contr))) + return -EFAULT; - if (data.contr == 0) { - cdev->errcode = capi20_get_profile(data.contr, &data.profile); - if (cdev->errcode) - return -EIO; + if (data.contr == 0) { + cdev->errcode = capi20_get_profile(data.contr, &data.profile); + if (cdev->errcode) + return -EIO; - retval = copy_to_user(argp, - &data.profile.ncontroller, - sizeof(data.profile.ncontroller)); + retval = copy_to_user(argp, + &data.profile.ncontroller, + sizeof(data.profile.ncontroller)); - } else { - cdev->errcode = capi20_get_profile(data.contr, &data.profile); - if (cdev->errcode) - return -EIO; + } else { + cdev->errcode = capi20_get_profile(data.contr, &data.profile); + if (cdev->errcode) + return -EIO; - retval = copy_to_user(argp, &data.profile, - sizeof(data.profile)); - } - if (retval) - return -EFAULT; + retval = copy_to_user(argp, &data.profile, + sizeof(data.profile)); } - return 0; + if (retval) + return -EFAULT; + } + return 0; case CAPI_GET_MANUFACTURER: - { - if (copy_from_user(&data.contr, argp, - sizeof(data.contr))) - return -EFAULT; - cdev->errcode = capi20_get_manufacturer(data.contr, data.manufacturer); - if (cdev->errcode) - return -EIO; + { + if (copy_from_user(&data.contr, argp, + sizeof(data.contr))) + return -EFAULT; + cdev->errcode = capi20_get_manufacturer(data.contr, data.manufacturer); + if (cdev->errcode) + return -EIO; - if (copy_to_user(argp, data.manufacturer, - sizeof(data.manufacturer))) - return -EFAULT; + if (copy_to_user(argp, data.manufacturer, + sizeof(data.manufacturer))) + return -EFAULT; - } - return 0; + } + return 0; case CAPI_GET_ERRCODE: data.errcode = cdev->errcode; cdev->errcode = CAPI_NOERROR; @@ -871,15 +871,15 @@ capi_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) return -ENXIO; case CAPI_MANUFACTURER_CMD: - { - struct capi_manufacturer_cmd mcmd; - if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) - return -EPERM; - if (copy_from_user(&mcmd, argp, sizeof(mcmd))) - return -EFAULT; - return capi20_manufacturer(mcmd.cmd, mcmd.data); - } - return 0; + { + struct capi_manufacturer_cmd mcmd; + if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) + return -EPERM; + if (copy_from_user(&mcmd, argp, sizeof(mcmd))) + return -EFAULT; + return capi20_manufacturer(mcmd.cmd, mcmd.data); + } + return 0; case CAPI_SET_FLAGS: case CAPI_CLR_FLAGS: { @@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ static int capinc_tty_write(struct tty_struct *tty, mp->outbytes += skb->len; } - skb = alloc_skb(CAPI_DATA_B3_REQ_LEN+count, GFP_ATOMIC); + skb = alloc_skb(CAPI_DATA_B3_REQ_LEN + count, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_ERR "capinc_tty_write: alloc_skb failed\n"); spin_unlock_bh(&mp->outlock); @@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@ static int capinc_tty_put_char(struct tty_struct *tty, unsigned char ch) invoke_send = true; } - skb = alloc_skb(CAPI_DATA_B3_REQ_LEN+CAPI_MAX_BLKSIZE, GFP_ATOMIC); + skb = alloc_skb(CAPI_DATA_B3_REQ_LEN + CAPI_MAX_BLKSIZE, GFP_ATOMIC); if (skb) { skb_reserve(skb, CAPI_DATA_B3_REQ_LEN); *(skb_put(skb, 1)) = ch; @@ -1171,12 +1171,12 @@ static int capinc_tty_chars_in_buffer(struct tty_struct *tty) } static int capinc_tty_ioctl(struct tty_struct *tty, - unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) + unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { return -ENOIOCTLCMD; } -static void capinc_tty_set_termios(struct tty_struct *tty, struct ktermios * old) +static void capinc_tty_set_termios(struct tty_struct *tty, struct ktermios *old) { pr_debug("capinc_tty_set_termios\n"); } @@ -1339,18 +1339,18 @@ static inline void capinc_tty_exit(void) { } */ static int capi20_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) { - struct capidev *cdev; + struct capidev *cdev; struct list_head *l; mutex_lock(&capidev_list_lock); list_for_each(l, &capidev_list) { cdev = list_entry(l, struct capidev, list); seq_printf(m, "0 %d %lu %lu %lu %lu\n", - cdev->ap.applid, - cdev->ap.nrecvctlpkt, - cdev->ap.nrecvdatapkt, - cdev->ap.nsentctlpkt, - cdev->ap.nsentdatapkt); + cdev->ap.applid, + cdev->ap.nrecvctlpkt, + cdev->ap.nrecvdatapkt, + cdev->ap.nsentctlpkt, + cdev->ap.nsentdatapkt); } mutex_unlock(&capidev_list_lock); return 0; @@ -1445,9 +1445,9 @@ static int __init capi_init(void) proc_init(); #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_CAPI_MIDDLEWARE - compileinfo = " (middleware)"; + compileinfo = " (middleware)"; #else - compileinfo = " (no middleware)"; + compileinfo = " (no middleware)"; #endif printk(KERN_NOTICE "CAPI 2.0 started up with major %d%s\n", capi_major, compileinfo); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/capi/capidrv.c b/drivers/isdn/capi/capidrv.c index 92607ed25e2ec5569c85881f95db37237bf36bfc..6f5016b479f8a9188fd53a1624fe6cb5375db52e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/capi/capidrv.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/capi/capidrv.c @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ static int debugmode = 0; MODULE_DESCRIPTION("CAPI4Linux: Interface to ISDN4Linux"); MODULE_AUTHOR("Carsten Paeth"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); -module_param(debugmode, uint, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR); +module_param(debugmode, uint, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR); /* -------- type definitions ----------------------------------------- */ @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ struct capidrv_contr { int state; u32 cipmask; u32 cipmask2; - struct timer_list listentimer; + struct timer_list listentimer; /* * ID of capi message sent @@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ struct capidrv_contr { /* */ u16 datahandle; struct ncci_datahandle_queue { - struct ncci_datahandle_queue *next; - u16 datahandle; - int len; + struct ncci_datahandle_queue *next; + u16 datahandle; + int len; } *ackqueue; } *ncci_list; } *plcip; @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ static capidrv_data global; static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(global_lock); static void handle_dtrace_data(capidrv_contr *card, - int send, int level2, u8 *data, u16 len); + int send, int level2, u8 *data, u16 len); /* -------- convert functions ---------------------------------------- */ @@ -158,11 +158,11 @@ static inline u32 b1prot(int l2, int l3) return 0; case ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS: return 1; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: return 2; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX: return 4; case ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM: return 8; @@ -179,12 +179,12 @@ static inline u32 b2prot(int l2, int l3) return 0; case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: case ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS: - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: case ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM: return 1; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX: return 4; } } @@ -197,13 +197,13 @@ static inline u32 b3prot(int l2, int l3) case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75BUI: case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: case ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS: - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: case ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM: default: return 0; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX: return 4; } } @@ -231,38 +231,38 @@ static _cstruct b1config(int l2, int l3) case ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS: default: return NULL; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: - return b1config_async_v110(9600); - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: - return b1config_async_v110(19200); - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: - return b1config_async_v110(38400); + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: + return b1config_async_v110(9600); + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: + return b1config_async_v110(19200); + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: + return b1config_async_v110(38400); } } static inline u16 si2cip(u8 si1, u8 si2) { static const u8 cip[17][5] = - { - /* 0 1 2 3 4 */ - {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /*0 */ - {16, 16, 4, 26, 16}, /*1 */ - {17, 17, 17, 4, 4}, /*2 */ - {2, 2, 2, 2, 2}, /*3 */ - {18, 18, 18, 18, 18}, /*4 */ - {2, 2, 2, 2, 2}, /*5 */ - {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /*6 */ - {2, 2, 2, 2, 2}, /*7 */ - {2, 2, 2, 2, 2}, /*8 */ - {21, 21, 21, 21, 21}, /*9 */ - {19, 19, 19, 19, 19}, /*10 */ - {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /*11 */ - {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /*12 */ - {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /*13 */ - {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /*14 */ - {22, 22, 22, 22, 22}, /*15 */ - {27, 27, 27, 28, 27} /*16 */ - }; + { + /* 0 1 2 3 4 */ + {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /*0 */ + {16, 16, 4, 26, 16}, /*1 */ + {17, 17, 17, 4, 4}, /*2 */ + {2, 2, 2, 2, 2}, /*3 */ + {18, 18, 18, 18, 18}, /*4 */ + {2, 2, 2, 2, 2}, /*5 */ + {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /*6 */ + {2, 2, 2, 2, 2}, /*7 */ + {2, 2, 2, 2, 2}, /*8 */ + {21, 21, 21, 21, 21}, /*9 */ + {19, 19, 19, 19, 19}, /*10 */ + {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /*11 */ + {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /*12 */ + {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /*13 */ + {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /*14 */ + {22, 22, 22, 22, 22}, /*15 */ + {27, 27, 27, 28, 27} /*16 */ + }; if (si1 > 16) si1 = 0; if (si2 > 4) @@ -274,10 +274,10 @@ static inline u16 si2cip(u8 si1, u8 si2) static inline u8 cip2si1(u16 cipval) { static const u8 si[32] = - {7, 1, 7, 7, 1, 1, 7, 7, /*0-7 */ - 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /*8-15 */ - 1, 2, 4, 10, 9, 9, 15, 7, /*16-23 */ - 7, 7, 1, 16, 16, 0, 0, 0}; /*24-31 */ + {7, 1, 7, 7, 1, 1, 7, 7, /*0-7 */ + 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /*8-15 */ + 1, 2, 4, 10, 9, 9, 15, 7, /*16-23 */ + 7, 7, 1, 16, 16, 0, 0, 0}; /*24-31 */ if (cipval > 31) cipval = 0; /* .... */ @@ -287,10 +287,10 @@ static inline u8 cip2si1(u16 cipval) static inline u8 cip2si2(u16 cipval) { static const u8 si[32] = - {0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, /*0-7 */ - 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /*8-15 */ - 1, 2, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, /*16-23 */ - 0, 0, 3, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0}; /*24-31 */ + {0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, /*0-7 */ + 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /*8-15 */ + 1, 2, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, /*16-23 */ + 0, 0, 3, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0}; /*24-31 */ if (cipval > 31) cipval = 0; /* .... */ @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ static inline u8 cip2si2(u16 cipval) static inline capidrv_contr *findcontrbydriverid(int driverid) { - unsigned long flags; + unsigned long flags; capidrv_contr *p; spin_lock_irqsave(&global_lock, flags); @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ static capidrv_contr *findcontrbynumber(u32 contr) /* -------- plci management ------------------------------------------ */ -static capidrv_plci *new_plci(capidrv_contr * card, int chan) +static capidrv_plci *new_plci(capidrv_contr *card, int chan) { capidrv_plci *plcip; @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ static capidrv_plci *new_plci(capidrv_contr * card, int chan) return plcip; } -static capidrv_plci *find_plci_by_plci(capidrv_contr * card, u32 plci) +static capidrv_plci *find_plci_by_plci(capidrv_contr *card, u32 plci) { capidrv_plci *p; for (p = card->plci_list; p; p = p->next) @@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ static capidrv_plci *find_plci_by_plci(capidrv_contr * card, u32 plci) return NULL; } -static capidrv_plci *find_plci_by_msgid(capidrv_contr * card, u16 msgid) +static capidrv_plci *find_plci_by_msgid(capidrv_contr *card, u16 msgid) { capidrv_plci *p; for (p = card->plci_list; p; p = p->next) @@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ static capidrv_plci *find_plci_by_msgid(capidrv_contr * card, u16 msgid) return NULL; } -static capidrv_plci *find_plci_by_ncci(capidrv_contr * card, u32 ncci) +static capidrv_plci *find_plci_by_ncci(capidrv_contr *card, u32 ncci) { capidrv_plci *p; for (p = card->plci_list; p; p = p->next) @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ static capidrv_plci *find_plci_by_ncci(capidrv_contr * card, u32 ncci) return NULL; } -static void free_plci(capidrv_contr * card, capidrv_plci * plcip) +static void free_plci(capidrv_contr *card, capidrv_plci *plcip) { capidrv_plci **pp; @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ static void free_plci(capidrv_contr * card, capidrv_plci * plcip) /* -------- ncci management ------------------------------------------ */ -static inline capidrv_ncci *new_ncci(capidrv_contr * card, - capidrv_plci * plcip, +static inline capidrv_ncci *new_ncci(capidrv_contr *card, + capidrv_plci *plcip, u32 ncci) { capidrv_ncci *nccip; @@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ static inline capidrv_ncci *new_ncci(capidrv_contr * card, return nccip; } -static inline capidrv_ncci *find_ncci(capidrv_contr * card, u32 ncci) +static inline capidrv_ncci *find_ncci(capidrv_contr *card, u32 ncci) { capidrv_plci *plcip; capidrv_ncci *p; @@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ static inline capidrv_ncci *find_ncci(capidrv_contr * card, u32 ncci) return NULL; } -static inline capidrv_ncci *find_ncci_by_msgid(capidrv_contr * card, +static inline capidrv_ncci *find_ncci_by_msgid(capidrv_contr *card, u32 ncci, u16 msgid) { capidrv_plci *plcip; @@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ static inline capidrv_ncci *find_ncci_by_msgid(capidrv_contr * card, return NULL; } -static void free_ncci(capidrv_contr * card, struct capidrv_ncci *nccip) +static void free_ncci(capidrv_contr *card, struct capidrv_ncci *nccip) { struct capidrv_ncci **pp; @@ -465,20 +465,20 @@ static void free_ncci(capidrv_contr * card, struct capidrv_ncci *nccip) } static int capidrv_add_ack(struct capidrv_ncci *nccip, - u16 datahandle, int len) + u16 datahandle, int len) { struct ncci_datahandle_queue *n, **pp; n = (struct ncci_datahandle_queue *) kmalloc(sizeof(struct ncci_datahandle_queue), GFP_ATOMIC); if (!n) { - printk(KERN_ERR "capidrv: kmalloc ncci_datahandle failed\n"); - return -1; + printk(KERN_ERR "capidrv: kmalloc ncci_datahandle failed\n"); + return -1; } n->next = NULL; n->datahandle = datahandle; n->len = len; - for (pp = &nccip->ackqueue; *pp; pp = &(*pp)->next) ; + for (pp = &nccip->ackqueue; *pp; pp = &(*pp)->next); *pp = n; return 0; } @@ -489,11 +489,11 @@ static int capidrv_del_ack(struct capidrv_ncci *nccip, u16 datahandle) int len; for (pp = &nccip->ackqueue; *pp; pp = &(*pp)->next) { - if ((*pp)->datahandle == datahandle) { + if ((*pp)->datahandle == datahandle) { p = *pp; len = p->len; *pp = (*pp)->next; - kfree(p); + kfree(p); return len; } } @@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ static int capidrv_del_ack(struct capidrv_ncci *nccip, u16 datahandle) /* -------- convert and send capi message ---------------------------- */ -static void send_message(capidrv_contr * card, _cmsg * cmsg) +static void send_message(capidrv_contr *card, _cmsg *cmsg) { struct sk_buff *skb; size_t len; @@ -529,18 +529,18 @@ struct listenstatechange { static struct listenstatechange listentable[] = { - {ST_LISTEN_NONE, ST_LISTEN_WAIT_CONF, EV_LISTEN_REQ}, - {ST_LISTEN_ACTIVE, ST_LISTEN_ACTIVE_WAIT_CONF, EV_LISTEN_REQ}, - {ST_LISTEN_WAIT_CONF, ST_LISTEN_NONE, EV_LISTEN_CONF_ERROR}, - {ST_LISTEN_ACTIVE_WAIT_CONF, ST_LISTEN_ACTIVE, EV_LISTEN_CONF_ERROR}, - {ST_LISTEN_WAIT_CONF, ST_LISTEN_NONE, EV_LISTEN_CONF_EMPTY}, - {ST_LISTEN_ACTIVE_WAIT_CONF, ST_LISTEN_NONE, EV_LISTEN_CONF_EMPTY}, - {ST_LISTEN_WAIT_CONF, ST_LISTEN_ACTIVE, EV_LISTEN_CONF_OK}, - {ST_LISTEN_ACTIVE_WAIT_CONF, ST_LISTEN_ACTIVE, EV_LISTEN_CONF_OK}, - {}, + {ST_LISTEN_NONE, ST_LISTEN_WAIT_CONF, EV_LISTEN_REQ}, + {ST_LISTEN_ACTIVE, ST_LISTEN_ACTIVE_WAIT_CONF, EV_LISTEN_REQ}, + {ST_LISTEN_WAIT_CONF, ST_LISTEN_NONE, EV_LISTEN_CONF_ERROR}, + {ST_LISTEN_ACTIVE_WAIT_CONF, ST_LISTEN_ACTIVE, EV_LISTEN_CONF_ERROR}, + {ST_LISTEN_WAIT_CONF, ST_LISTEN_NONE, EV_LISTEN_CONF_EMPTY}, + {ST_LISTEN_ACTIVE_WAIT_CONF, ST_LISTEN_NONE, EV_LISTEN_CONF_EMPTY}, + {ST_LISTEN_WAIT_CONF, ST_LISTEN_ACTIVE, EV_LISTEN_CONF_OK}, + {ST_LISTEN_ACTIVE_WAIT_CONF, ST_LISTEN_ACTIVE, EV_LISTEN_CONF_OK}, + {}, }; -static void listen_change_state(capidrv_contr * card, int event) +static void listen_change_state(capidrv_contr *card, int event) { struct listenstatechange *p = listentable; while (p->event) { @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ static void listen_change_state(capidrv_contr * card, int event) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -static void p0(capidrv_contr * card, capidrv_plci * plci) +static void p0(capidrv_contr *card, capidrv_plci *plci) { isdn_ctrl cmd; @@ -578,71 +578,71 @@ struct plcistatechange { int actstate; int nextstate; int event; - void (*changefunc) (capidrv_contr * card, capidrv_plci * plci); + void (*changefunc)(capidrv_contr *card, capidrv_plci *plci); }; static struct plcistatechange plcitable[] = { - /* P-0 */ - {ST_PLCI_NONE, ST_PLCI_OUTGOING, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_REQ, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_NONE, ST_PLCI_ALLOCATED, EV_PLCI_FACILITY_IND_UP, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_NONE, ST_PLCI_INCOMING, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_IND, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_NONE, ST_PLCI_RESUMEING, EV_PLCI_RESUME_REQ, NULL}, - /* P-0.1 */ - {ST_PLCI_OUTGOING, ST_PLCI_NONE, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_CONF_ERROR, p0}, - {ST_PLCI_OUTGOING, ST_PLCI_ALLOCATED, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_CONF_OK, NULL}, - /* P-1 */ - {ST_PLCI_ALLOCATED, ST_PLCI_ACTIVE, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_ALLOCATED, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_REQ, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_ALLOCATED, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_FACILITY_IND_DOWN, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_ALLOCATED, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL}, - /* P-ACT */ - {ST_PLCI_ACTIVE, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_REQ, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_ACTIVE, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_FACILITY_IND_DOWN, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_ACTIVE, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_ACTIVE, ST_PLCI_HELD, EV_PLCI_HOLD_IND, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_ACTIVE, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_SUSPEND_IND, NULL}, - /* P-2 */ - {ST_PLCI_INCOMING, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_REJECT, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_INCOMING, ST_PLCI_FACILITY_IND, EV_PLCI_FACILITY_IND_UP, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_INCOMING, ST_PLCI_ACCEPTING, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_RESP, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_INCOMING, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_REQ, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_INCOMING, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_FACILITY_IND_DOWN, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_INCOMING, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_INCOMING, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_CD_IND, NULL}, - /* P-3 */ - {ST_PLCI_FACILITY_IND, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_REJECT, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_FACILITY_IND, ST_PLCI_ACCEPTING, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_FACILITY_IND, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_REQ, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_FACILITY_IND, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_FACILITY_IND_DOWN, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_FACILITY_IND, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL}, - /* P-4 */ - {ST_PLCI_ACCEPTING, ST_PLCI_ACTIVE, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_ACCEPTING, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_REQ, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_ACCEPTING, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_FACILITY_IND_DOWN, NULL}, - {ST_PLCI_ACCEPTING, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL}, - /* P-5 */ - {ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL}, - /* P-6 */ - {ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTED, ST_PLCI_NONE, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_RESP, p0}, - /* P-0.Res */ - {ST_PLCI_RESUMEING, ST_PLCI_NONE, EV_PLCI_RESUME_CONF_ERROR, p0}, - {ST_PLCI_RESUMEING, ST_PLCI_RESUME, EV_PLCI_RESUME_CONF_OK, NULL}, - /* P-RES */ - {ST_PLCI_RESUME, ST_PLCI_ACTIVE, EV_PLCI_RESUME_IND, NULL}, - /* P-HELD */ - {ST_PLCI_HELD, ST_PLCI_ACTIVE, EV_PLCI_RETRIEVE_IND, NULL}, - {}, + /* P-0 */ + {ST_PLCI_NONE, ST_PLCI_OUTGOING, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_REQ, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_NONE, ST_PLCI_ALLOCATED, EV_PLCI_FACILITY_IND_UP, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_NONE, ST_PLCI_INCOMING, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_IND, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_NONE, ST_PLCI_RESUMEING, EV_PLCI_RESUME_REQ, NULL}, + /* P-0.1 */ + {ST_PLCI_OUTGOING, ST_PLCI_NONE, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_CONF_ERROR, p0}, + {ST_PLCI_OUTGOING, ST_PLCI_ALLOCATED, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_CONF_OK, NULL}, + /* P-1 */ + {ST_PLCI_ALLOCATED, ST_PLCI_ACTIVE, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_ALLOCATED, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_REQ, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_ALLOCATED, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_FACILITY_IND_DOWN, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_ALLOCATED, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL}, + /* P-ACT */ + {ST_PLCI_ACTIVE, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_REQ, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_ACTIVE, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_FACILITY_IND_DOWN, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_ACTIVE, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_ACTIVE, ST_PLCI_HELD, EV_PLCI_HOLD_IND, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_ACTIVE, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_SUSPEND_IND, NULL}, + /* P-2 */ + {ST_PLCI_INCOMING, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_REJECT, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_INCOMING, ST_PLCI_FACILITY_IND, EV_PLCI_FACILITY_IND_UP, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_INCOMING, ST_PLCI_ACCEPTING, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_RESP, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_INCOMING, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_REQ, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_INCOMING, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_FACILITY_IND_DOWN, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_INCOMING, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_INCOMING, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_CD_IND, NULL}, + /* P-3 */ + {ST_PLCI_FACILITY_IND, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_REJECT, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_FACILITY_IND, ST_PLCI_ACCEPTING, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_FACILITY_IND, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_REQ, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_FACILITY_IND, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_FACILITY_IND_DOWN, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_FACILITY_IND, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL}, + /* P-4 */ + {ST_PLCI_ACCEPTING, ST_PLCI_ACTIVE, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_ACCEPTING, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_REQ, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_ACCEPTING, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_PLCI_FACILITY_IND_DOWN, NULL}, + {ST_PLCI_ACCEPTING, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL}, + /* P-5 */ + {ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTING, ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL}, + /* P-6 */ + {ST_PLCI_DISCONNECTED, ST_PLCI_NONE, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_RESP, p0}, + /* P-0.Res */ + {ST_PLCI_RESUMEING, ST_PLCI_NONE, EV_PLCI_RESUME_CONF_ERROR, p0}, + {ST_PLCI_RESUMEING, ST_PLCI_RESUME, EV_PLCI_RESUME_CONF_OK, NULL}, + /* P-RES */ + {ST_PLCI_RESUME, ST_PLCI_ACTIVE, EV_PLCI_RESUME_IND, NULL}, + /* P-HELD */ + {ST_PLCI_HELD, ST_PLCI_ACTIVE, EV_PLCI_RETRIEVE_IND, NULL}, + {}, }; -static void plci_change_state(capidrv_contr * card, capidrv_plci * plci, int event) +static void plci_change_state(capidrv_contr *card, capidrv_plci *plci, int event) { struct plcistatechange *p = plcitable; while (p->event) { if (plci->state == p->actstate && p->event == event) { if (debugmode) printk(KERN_DEBUG "capidrv-%d: plci_change_state:0x%x %d -> %d\n", - card->contrnr, plci->plci, plci->state, p->nextstate); + card->contrnr, plci->plci, plci->state, p->nextstate); plci->state = p->nextstate; if (p->changefunc) p->changefunc(card, plci); @@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ static void plci_change_state(capidrv_contr * card, capidrv_plci * plci, int eve static _cmsg cmsg; -static void n0(capidrv_contr * card, capidrv_ncci * ncci) +static void n0(capidrv_contr *card, capidrv_ncci *ncci) { isdn_ctrl cmd; @@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ static void n0(capidrv_contr * card, capidrv_ncci * ncci) NULL, /* Keypadfacility */ NULL, /* Useruserdata */ /* $$$$ */ NULL /* Facilitydataarray */ - ); + ); plci_change_state(card, ncci->plcip, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_REQ); send_message(card, &cmsg); @@ -687,51 +687,51 @@ struct nccistatechange { int actstate; int nextstate; int event; - void (*changefunc) (capidrv_contr * card, capidrv_ncci * ncci); + void (*changefunc)(capidrv_contr *card, capidrv_ncci *ncci); }; static struct nccistatechange nccitable[] = { - /* N-0 */ - {ST_NCCI_NONE, ST_NCCI_OUTGOING, EV_NCCI_CONNECT_B3_REQ, NULL}, - {ST_NCCI_NONE, ST_NCCI_INCOMING, EV_NCCI_CONNECT_B3_IND, NULL}, - /* N-0.1 */ - {ST_NCCI_OUTGOING, ST_NCCI_ALLOCATED, EV_NCCI_CONNECT_B3_CONF_OK, NULL}, - {ST_NCCI_OUTGOING, ST_NCCI_NONE, EV_NCCI_CONNECT_B3_CONF_ERROR, n0}, - /* N-1 */ - {ST_NCCI_INCOMING, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_NCCI_CONNECT_B3_REJECT, NULL}, - {ST_NCCI_INCOMING, ST_NCCI_ALLOCATED, EV_NCCI_CONNECT_B3_RESP, NULL}, - {ST_NCCI_INCOMING, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_IND, NULL}, - {ST_NCCI_INCOMING, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_REQ, NULL}, - /* N-2 */ - {ST_NCCI_ALLOCATED, ST_NCCI_ACTIVE, EV_NCCI_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND, NULL}, - {ST_NCCI_ALLOCATED, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_IND, NULL}, - {ST_NCCI_ALLOCATED, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_REQ, NULL}, - /* N-ACT */ - {ST_NCCI_ACTIVE, ST_NCCI_ACTIVE, EV_NCCI_RESET_B3_IND, NULL}, - {ST_NCCI_ACTIVE, ST_NCCI_RESETING, EV_NCCI_RESET_B3_REQ, NULL}, - {ST_NCCI_ACTIVE, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_IND, NULL}, - {ST_NCCI_ACTIVE, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_REQ, NULL}, - /* N-3 */ - {ST_NCCI_RESETING, ST_NCCI_ACTIVE, EV_NCCI_RESET_B3_IND, NULL}, - {ST_NCCI_RESETING, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_IND, NULL}, - {ST_NCCI_RESETING, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_REQ, NULL}, - /* N-4 */ - {ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTING, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_IND, NULL}, - {ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTING, ST_NCCI_PREVIOUS, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_CONF_ERROR,NULL}, - /* N-5 */ - {ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTED, ST_NCCI_NONE, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_RESP, n0}, - {}, + /* N-0 */ + {ST_NCCI_NONE, ST_NCCI_OUTGOING, EV_NCCI_CONNECT_B3_REQ, NULL}, + {ST_NCCI_NONE, ST_NCCI_INCOMING, EV_NCCI_CONNECT_B3_IND, NULL}, + /* N-0.1 */ + {ST_NCCI_OUTGOING, ST_NCCI_ALLOCATED, EV_NCCI_CONNECT_B3_CONF_OK, NULL}, + {ST_NCCI_OUTGOING, ST_NCCI_NONE, EV_NCCI_CONNECT_B3_CONF_ERROR, n0}, + /* N-1 */ + {ST_NCCI_INCOMING, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_NCCI_CONNECT_B3_REJECT, NULL}, + {ST_NCCI_INCOMING, ST_NCCI_ALLOCATED, EV_NCCI_CONNECT_B3_RESP, NULL}, + {ST_NCCI_INCOMING, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_IND, NULL}, + {ST_NCCI_INCOMING, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_REQ, NULL}, + /* N-2 */ + {ST_NCCI_ALLOCATED, ST_NCCI_ACTIVE, EV_NCCI_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND, NULL}, + {ST_NCCI_ALLOCATED, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_IND, NULL}, + {ST_NCCI_ALLOCATED, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_REQ, NULL}, + /* N-ACT */ + {ST_NCCI_ACTIVE, ST_NCCI_ACTIVE, EV_NCCI_RESET_B3_IND, NULL}, + {ST_NCCI_ACTIVE, ST_NCCI_RESETING, EV_NCCI_RESET_B3_REQ, NULL}, + {ST_NCCI_ACTIVE, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_IND, NULL}, + {ST_NCCI_ACTIVE, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_REQ, NULL}, + /* N-3 */ + {ST_NCCI_RESETING, ST_NCCI_ACTIVE, EV_NCCI_RESET_B3_IND, NULL}, + {ST_NCCI_RESETING, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_IND, NULL}, + {ST_NCCI_RESETING, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTING, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_REQ, NULL}, + /* N-4 */ + {ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTING, ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTED, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_IND, NULL}, + {ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTING, ST_NCCI_PREVIOUS, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_CONF_ERROR, NULL}, + /* N-5 */ + {ST_NCCI_DISCONNECTED, ST_NCCI_NONE, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_RESP, n0}, + {}, }; -static void ncci_change_state(capidrv_contr * card, capidrv_ncci * ncci, int event) +static void ncci_change_state(capidrv_contr *card, capidrv_ncci *ncci, int event) { struct nccistatechange *p = nccitable; while (p->event) { if (ncci->state == p->actstate && p->event == event) { if (debugmode) printk(KERN_DEBUG "capidrv-%d: ncci_change_state:0x%x %d -> %d\n", - card->contrnr, ncci->ncci, ncci->state, p->nextstate); + card->contrnr, ncci->ncci, ncci->state, p->nextstate); if (p->nextstate == ST_NCCI_PREVIOUS) { ncci->state = ncci->oldstate; ncci->oldstate = p->actstate; @@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ static void ncci_change_state(capidrv_contr * card, capidrv_ncci * ncci, int eve /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static inline int new_bchan(capidrv_contr * card) +static inline int new_bchan(capidrv_contr *card) { int i; for (i = 0; i < card->nbchan; i++) { @@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ static inline int new_bchan(capidrv_contr * card) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void handle_controller(_cmsg * cmsg) +static void handle_controller(_cmsg *cmsg) { capidrv_contr *card = findcontrbynumber(cmsg->adr.adrController & 0x7f); @@ -791,54 +791,54 @@ static void handle_controller(_cmsg * cmsg) break; case CAPI_MANUFACTURER_IND: /* Controller */ - if ( cmsg->ManuID == 0x214D5641 + if (cmsg->ManuID == 0x214D5641 && cmsg->Class == 0 && cmsg->Function == 1) { - u8 *data = cmsg->ManuData+3; - u16 len = cmsg->ManuData[0]; - u16 layer; - int direction; - if (len == 255) { - len = (cmsg->ManuData[1] | (cmsg->ManuData[2] << 8)); - data += 2; - } - len -= 2; - layer = ((*(data-1)) << 8) | *(data-2); - if (layer & 0x300) - direction = (layer & 0x200) ? 0 : 1; - else direction = (layer & 0x800) ? 0 : 1; - if (layer & 0x0C00) { - if ((layer & 0xff) == 0x80) { - handle_dtrace_data(card, direction, 1, data, len); - break; - } - } else if ((layer & 0xff) < 0x80) { - handle_dtrace_data(card, direction, 0, data, len); - break; - } - printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: %s from controller 0x%x layer 0x%x, ignored\n", - card->contrnr, - capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), - cmsg->adr.adrController, layer); - break; + u8 *data = cmsg->ManuData + 3; + u16 len = cmsg->ManuData[0]; + u16 layer; + int direction; + if (len == 255) { + len = (cmsg->ManuData[1] | (cmsg->ManuData[2] << 8)); + data += 2; + } + len -= 2; + layer = ((*(data - 1)) << 8) | *(data - 2); + if (layer & 0x300) + direction = (layer & 0x200) ? 0 : 1; + else direction = (layer & 0x800) ? 0 : 1; + if (layer & 0x0C00) { + if ((layer & 0xff) == 0x80) { + handle_dtrace_data(card, direction, 1, data, len); + break; + } + } else if ((layer & 0xff) < 0x80) { + handle_dtrace_data(card, direction, 0, data, len); + break; + } + printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: %s from controller 0x%x layer 0x%x, ignored\n", + card->contrnr, + capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), + cmsg->adr.adrController, layer); + break; } goto ignored; case CAPI_MANUFACTURER_CONF: /* Controller */ if (cmsg->ManuID == 0x214D5641) { - char *s = NULL; - switch (cmsg->Class) { - case 0: break; - case 1: s = "unknown class"; break; - case 2: s = "unknown function"; break; - default: s = "unknown error"; break; - } - if (s) - printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: %s from controller 0x%x function %d: %s\n", - card->contrnr, - capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), - cmsg->adr.adrController, - cmsg->Function, s); - break; + char *s = NULL; + switch (cmsg->Class) { + case 0: break; + case 1: s = "unknown class"; break; + case 2: s = "unknown function"; break; + default: s = "unknown error"; break; + } + if (s) + printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: %s from controller 0x%x function %d: %s\n", + card->contrnr, + capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), + cmsg->adr.adrController, + cmsg->Function, s); + break; } goto ignored; case CAPI_FACILITY_IND: /* Controller/plci/ncci */ @@ -858,14 +858,14 @@ static void handle_controller(_cmsg * cmsg) } return; - ignored: +ignored: printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: %s from controller 0x%x ignored\n", card->contrnr, capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), cmsg->adr.adrController); } -static void handle_incoming_call(capidrv_contr * card, _cmsg * cmsg) +static void handle_incoming_call(capidrv_contr *card, _cmsg *cmsg) { capidrv_plci *plcip; capidrv_bchan *bchan; @@ -890,27 +890,27 @@ static void handle_incoming_call(capidrv_contr * card, _cmsg * cmsg) cmd.arg = chan; memset(&cmd.parm.setup, 0, sizeof(cmd.parm.setup)); strncpy(cmd.parm.setup.phone, - cmsg->CallingPartyNumber + 3, + cmsg->CallingPartyNumber + 3, cmsg->CallingPartyNumber[0] - 2); strncpy(cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn, - cmsg->CalledPartyNumber + 2, + cmsg->CalledPartyNumber + 2, cmsg->CalledPartyNumber[0] - 1); cmd.parm.setup.si1 = cip2si1(cmsg->CIPValue); cmd.parm.setup.si2 = cip2si2(cmsg->CIPValue); cmd.parm.setup.plan = cmsg->CallingPartyNumber[1]; cmd.parm.setup.screen = cmsg->CallingPartyNumber[2]; - printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: incoming call %s,%d,%d,%s\n", - card->contrnr, - cmd.parm.setup.phone, - cmd.parm.setup.si1, - cmd.parm.setup.si2, - cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn); + printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: incoming call %s,%d,%d,%s\n", + card->contrnr, + cmd.parm.setup.phone, + cmd.parm.setup.si1, + cmd.parm.setup.si2, + cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn); if (cmd.parm.setup.si1 == 1 && cmd.parm.setup.si2 != 0) { - printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: patching si2=%d to 0 for VBOX\n", - card->contrnr, - cmd.parm.setup.si2); + printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: patching si2=%d to 0 for VBOX\n", + card->contrnr, + cmd.parm.setup.si2); cmd.parm.setup.si2 = 0; } @@ -927,11 +927,11 @@ static void handle_incoming_call(capidrv_contr * card, _cmsg * cmsg) plci_change_state(card, plcip, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_REJECT); send_message(card, cmsg); printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: incoming call %s,%d,%d,%s ignored\n", - card->contrnr, - cmd.parm.setup.phone, - cmd.parm.setup.si1, - cmd.parm.setup.si2, - cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn); + card->contrnr, + cmd.parm.setup.phone, + cmd.parm.setup.si1, + cmd.parm.setup.si2, + cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn); break; case 1: /* At least one device matching this call (RING on ttyI) @@ -945,11 +945,11 @@ static void handle_incoming_call(capidrv_contr * card, _cmsg * cmsg) */ if (plcip->state == ST_PLCI_INCOMING) { printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: incoming call %s,%d,%d,%s tty alerting\n", - card->contrnr, - cmd.parm.setup.phone, - cmd.parm.setup.si1, - cmd.parm.setup.si2, - cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn); + card->contrnr, + cmd.parm.setup.phone, + cmd.parm.setup.si1, + cmd.parm.setup.si2, + cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn); capi_fill_ALERT_REQ(cmsg, global.ap.applid, card->msgid++, @@ -958,16 +958,16 @@ static void handle_incoming_call(capidrv_contr * card, _cmsg * cmsg) NULL,/* Keypadfacility */ NULL,/* Useruserdata */ NULL /* Facilitydataarray */ - ); + ); plcip->msgid = cmsg->Messagenumber; send_message(card, cmsg); } else { printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: incoming call %s,%d,%d,%s on netdev\n", - card->contrnr, - cmd.parm.setup.phone, - cmd.parm.setup.si1, - cmd.parm.setup.si2, - cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn); + card->contrnr, + cmd.parm.setup.phone, + cmd.parm.setup.si1, + cmd.parm.setup.si2, + cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn); } break; @@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ static void handle_incoming_call(capidrv_contr * card, _cmsg * cmsg) return; } -static void handle_plci(_cmsg * cmsg) +static void handle_plci(_cmsg *cmsg) { capidrv_contr *card = findcontrbynumber(cmsg->adr.adrController & 0x7f); capidrv_plci *plcip; @@ -1008,8 +1008,8 @@ static void handle_plci(_cmsg * cmsg) case CAPI_DISCONNECT_IND: /* plci */ if (cmsg->Reason) { printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: %s reason 0x%x (%s) for plci 0x%x\n", - card->contrnr, - capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), + card->contrnr, + capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), cmsg->Reason, capi_info2str(cmsg->Reason), cmsg->adr.adrPLCI); } if (!(plcip = find_plci_by_plci(card, cmsg->adr.adrPLCI))) { @@ -1027,9 +1027,9 @@ static void handle_plci(_cmsg * cmsg) case CAPI_DISCONNECT_CONF: /* plci */ if (cmsg->Info) { printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: %s info 0x%x (%s) for plci 0x%x\n", - card->contrnr, - capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), - cmsg->Info, capi_info2str(cmsg->Info), + card->contrnr, + capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), + cmsg->Info, capi_info2str(cmsg->Info), cmsg->adr.adrPLCI); } if (!(plcip = find_plci_by_plci(card, cmsg->adr.adrPLCI))) @@ -1041,9 +1041,9 @@ static void handle_plci(_cmsg * cmsg) case CAPI_ALERT_CONF: /* plci */ if (cmsg->Info) { printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: %s info 0x%x (%s) for plci 0x%x\n", - card->contrnr, - capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), - cmsg->Info, capi_info2str(cmsg->Info), + card->contrnr, + capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), + cmsg->Info, capi_info2str(cmsg->Info), cmsg->adr.adrPLCI); } break; @@ -1055,9 +1055,9 @@ static void handle_plci(_cmsg * cmsg) case CAPI_CONNECT_CONF: /* plci */ if (cmsg->Info) { printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: %s info 0x%x (%s) for plci 0x%x\n", - card->contrnr, - capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), - cmsg->Info, capi_info2str(cmsg->Info), + card->contrnr, + capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), + cmsg->Info, capi_info2str(cmsg->Info), cmsg->adr.adrPLCI); } if (!(plcip = find_plci_by_msgid(card, cmsg->Messagenumber))) @@ -1096,7 +1096,7 @@ static void handle_plci(_cmsg * cmsg) card->msgid++, plcip->plci, /* adr */ NULL /* NCPI */ - ); + ); nccip->msgid = cmsg->Messagenumber; plci_change_state(card, plcip, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND); @@ -1122,8 +1122,8 @@ static void handle_plci(_cmsg * cmsg) sprintf(cmd.parm.num, "%lu", (unsigned long) ((u32) cmsg->InfoElement[1] - | ((u32) (cmsg->InfoElement[2]) << 8) - | ((u32) (cmsg->InfoElement[3]) << 16) + | ((u32) (cmsg->InfoElement[2]) << 8) + | ((u32) (cmsg->InfoElement[3]) << 16) | ((u32) (cmsg->InfoElement[4]) << 24))); card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); break; @@ -1132,11 +1132,11 @@ static void handle_plci(_cmsg * cmsg) cdb = capi_cmsg2str(cmsg); if (cdb) { printk(KERN_WARNING "capidrv-%d: %s\n", - card->contrnr, cdb->buf); + card->contrnr, cdb->buf); cdebbuf_free(cdb); } else printk(KERN_WARNING "capidrv-%d: CAPI_INFO_IND InfoNumber %x not handled\n", - card->contrnr, cmsg->InfoNumber); + card->contrnr, cmsg->InfoNumber); break; @@ -1159,13 +1159,13 @@ static void handle_plci(_cmsg * cmsg) cmsg->adr.adrPLCI); } return; - ignored: +ignored: printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: %s for plci 0x%x ignored\n", card->contrnr, capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), cmsg->adr.adrPLCI); return; - notfound: +notfound: printk(KERN_ERR "capidrv-%d: %s: plci 0x%x not found\n", card->contrnr, capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), @@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@ static void handle_plci(_cmsg * cmsg) return; } -static void handle_ncci(_cmsg * cmsg) +static void handle_ncci(_cmsg *cmsg) { capidrv_contr *card = findcontrbynumber(cmsg->adr.adrController & 0x7f); capidrv_plci *plcip; @@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@ static void handle_ncci(_cmsg * cmsg) nccip->ncci, /* adr */ 0, /* Reject */ NULL /* NCPI */ - ); + ); ncci_change_state(card, nccip, EV_NCCI_CONNECT_B3_RESP); send_message(card, cmsg); break; @@ -1230,8 +1230,8 @@ static void handle_ncci(_cmsg * cmsg) printk(KERN_ERR "capidrv-%d: no mem for ncci, sorry\n", card->contrnr); } else { printk(KERN_ERR "capidrv-%d: %s: plci for ncci 0x%x not found\n", - card->contrnr, - capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), + card->contrnr, + capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), cmsg->adr.adrNCCI); } capi_fill_CONNECT_B3_RESP(cmsg, @@ -1240,7 +1240,7 @@ static void handle_ncci(_cmsg * cmsg) cmsg->adr.adrNCCI, 2, /* Reject */ NULL /* NCPI */ - ); + ); send_message(card, cmsg); break; @@ -1254,9 +1254,9 @@ static void handle_ncci(_cmsg * cmsg) nccip->ncci = cmsg->adr.adrNCCI; if (cmsg->Info) { printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: %s info 0x%x (%s) for ncci 0x%x\n", - card->contrnr, - capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), - cmsg->Info, capi_info2str(cmsg->Info), + card->contrnr, + capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), + cmsg->Info, capi_info2str(cmsg->Info), cmsg->adr.adrNCCI); } @@ -1278,7 +1278,7 @@ static void handle_ncci(_cmsg * cmsg) case CAPI_DATA_B3_CONF: /* ncci */ if (cmsg->Info) { printk(KERN_WARNING "CAPI_DATA_B3_CONF: Info %x - %s\n", - cmsg->Info, capi_info2str(cmsg->Info)); + cmsg->Info, capi_info2str(cmsg->Info)); } if (!(nccip = find_ncci(card, cmsg->adr.adrNCCI))) goto notfound; @@ -1286,11 +1286,11 @@ static void handle_ncci(_cmsg * cmsg) len = capidrv_del_ack(nccip, cmsg->DataHandle); if (len < 0) break; - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_BSENT; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.arg = nccip->chan; + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_BSENT; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + cmd.arg = nccip->chan; cmd.parm.length = len; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); break; case CAPI_DISCONNECT_B3_IND: /* ncci */ @@ -1309,9 +1309,9 @@ static void handle_ncci(_cmsg * cmsg) goto notfound; if (cmsg->Info) { printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: %s info 0x%x (%s) for ncci 0x%x\n", - card->contrnr, - capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), - cmsg->Info, capi_info2str(cmsg->Info), + card->contrnr, + capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), + cmsg->Info, capi_info2str(cmsg->Info), cmsg->adr.adrNCCI); ncci_change_state(card, nccip, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_CONF_ERROR); } @@ -1340,13 +1340,13 @@ static void handle_ncci(_cmsg * cmsg) cmsg->adr.adrNCCI); } return; - ignored: +ignored: printk(KERN_INFO "capidrv-%d: %s for ncci 0x%x ignored\n", card->contrnr, capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), cmsg->adr.adrNCCI); return; - notfound: +notfound: printk(KERN_ERR "capidrv-%d: %s: ncci 0x%x not found\n", card->contrnr, capi_cmd2str(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand), @@ -1354,7 +1354,7 @@ static void handle_ncci(_cmsg * cmsg) } -static void handle_data(_cmsg * cmsg, struct sk_buff *skb) +static void handle_data(_cmsg *cmsg, struct sk_buff *skb) { capidrv_contr *card = findcontrbynumber(cmsg->adr.adrController & 0x7f); capidrv_ncci *nccip; @@ -1390,12 +1390,12 @@ static void capidrv_recv_message(struct capi20_appl *ap, struct sk_buff *skb) if (cdb) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: applid=%d %s\n", __func__, - ap->applid, cdb->buf); + ap->applid, cdb->buf); cdebbuf_free(cdb); } else printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: applid=%d %s not traced\n", - __func__, ap->applid, - capi_cmd2str(s_cmsg.Command, s_cmsg.Subcommand)); + __func__, ap->applid, + capi_cmd2str(s_cmsg.Command, s_cmsg.Subcommand)); } if (s_cmsg.Command == CAPI_DATA_B3 && s_cmsg.Subcommand == CAPI_IND) { @@ -1418,38 +1418,38 @@ static void capidrv_recv_message(struct capi20_appl *ap, struct sk_buff *skb) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -#define PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, byte) \ - do { \ - *(card)->q931_write++ = (byte); \ - if ((card)->q931_write > (card)->q931_end) \ - (card)->q931_write = (card)->q931_buf; \ +#define PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, byte) \ + do { \ + *(card)->q931_write++ = (byte); \ + if ((card)->q931_write > (card)->q931_end) \ + (card)->q931_write = (card)->q931_buf; \ } while (0) static void handle_dtrace_data(capidrv_contr *card, - int send, int level2, u8 *data, u16 len) + int send, int level2, u8 *data, u16 len) { - u8 *p, *end; - isdn_ctrl cmd; + u8 *p, *end; + isdn_ctrl cmd; - if (!len) { + if (!len) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "capidrv-%d: avmb1_q931_data: len == %d\n", - card->contrnr, len); + card->contrnr, len); return; } if (level2) { PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, 'D'); PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, '2'); - PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, send ? '>' : '<'); - PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, ':'); + PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, send ? '>' : '<'); + PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, ':'); } else { - PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, 'D'); - PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, '3'); - PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, send ? '>' : '<'); - PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, ':'); - } + PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, 'D'); + PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, '3'); + PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, send ? '>' : '<'); + PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, ':'); + } - for (p = data, end = data+len; p < end; p++) { + for (p = data, end = data + len; p < end; p++) { PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, ' '); PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, hex_asc_hi(*p)); PUTBYTE_TO_STATUS(card, hex_asc_lo(*p)); @@ -1458,7 +1458,7 @@ static void handle_dtrace_data(capidrv_contr *card, cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_STAVAIL; cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.arg = len*3+5; + cmd.arg = len * 3 + 5; card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); } @@ -1466,17 +1466,17 @@ static void handle_dtrace_data(capidrv_contr *card, static _cmsg cmdcmsg; -static int capidrv_ioctl(isdn_ctrl * c, capidrv_contr * card) +static int capidrv_ioctl(isdn_ctrl *c, capidrv_contr *card) { switch (c->arg) { case 1: debugmode = (int)(*((unsigned int *)c->parm.num)); printk(KERN_DEBUG "capidrv-%d: debugmode=%d\n", - card->contrnr, debugmode); + card->contrnr, debugmode); return 0; default: printk(KERN_DEBUG "capidrv-%d: capidrv_ioctl(%ld) called ??\n", - card->contrnr, c->arg); + card->contrnr, c->arg); return -EINVAL; } return -EINVAL; @@ -1487,9 +1487,9 @@ static int capidrv_ioctl(isdn_ctrl * c, capidrv_contr * card) */ struct internal_bchannelinfo { - unsigned short channelalloc; - unsigned short operation; - unsigned char cmask[31]; + unsigned short channelalloc; + unsigned short operation; + unsigned char cmask[31]; }; static int decodeFVteln(char *teln, unsigned long *bmaskp, int *activep) @@ -1540,10 +1540,10 @@ static int decodeFVteln(char *teln, unsigned long *bmaskp, int *activep) if (digit2 <= 0 || digit2 > 30) return -4; if (*s == 0 || *s == ',' || *s == ' ') { if (digit1 > digit2) - for (i = digit2; i <= digit1 ; i++) + for (i = digit2; i <= digit1; i++) bmask |= (1 << i); - else - for (i = digit1; i <= digit2 ; i++) + else + for (i = digit1; i <= digit2; i++) bmask |= (1 << i); digit1 = digit2 = 0; if (*s) s++; @@ -1556,131 +1556,131 @@ static int decodeFVteln(char *teln, unsigned long *bmaskp, int *activep) return 0; } -static int FVteln2capi20(char *teln, u8 AdditionalInfo[1+2+2+31]) +static int FVteln2capi20(char *teln, u8 AdditionalInfo[1 + 2 + 2 + 31]) { unsigned long bmask; int active; int rc, i; - + rc = decodeFVteln(teln, &bmask, &active); if (rc) return rc; /* Length */ - AdditionalInfo[0] = 2+2+31; - /* Channel: 3 => use channel allocation */ - AdditionalInfo[1] = 3; AdditionalInfo[2] = 0; + AdditionalInfo[0] = 2 + 2 + 31; + /* Channel: 3 => use channel allocation */ + AdditionalInfo[1] = 3; AdditionalInfo[2] = 0; /* Operation: 0 => DTE mode, 1 => DCE mode */ - if (active) { - AdditionalInfo[3] = 0; AdditionalInfo[4] = 0; - } else { - AdditionalInfo[3] = 1; AdditionalInfo[4] = 0; + if (active) { + AdditionalInfo[3] = 0; AdditionalInfo[4] = 0; + } else { + AdditionalInfo[3] = 1; AdditionalInfo[4] = 0; } /* Channel mask array */ AdditionalInfo[5] = 0; /* no D-Channel */ - for (i=1; i <= 30; i++) - AdditionalInfo[5+i] = (bmask & (1 << i)) ? 0xff : 0; + for (i = 1; i <= 30; i++) + AdditionalInfo[5 + i] = (bmask & (1 << i)) ? 0xff : 0; return 0; } -static int capidrv_command(isdn_ctrl * c, capidrv_contr * card) +static int capidrv_command(isdn_ctrl *c, capidrv_contr *card) { isdn_ctrl cmd; struct capidrv_bchan *bchan; struct capidrv_plci *plcip; - u8 AdditionalInfo[1+2+2+31]; - int rc, isleasedline = 0; + u8 AdditionalInfo[1 + 2 + 2 + 31]; + int rc, isleasedline = 0; if (c->command == ISDN_CMD_IOCTL) return capidrv_ioctl(c, card); switch (c->command) { case ISDN_CMD_DIAL:{ - u8 calling[ISDN_MSNLEN + 3]; - u8 called[ISDN_MSNLEN + 2]; + u8 calling[ISDN_MSNLEN + 3]; + u8 called[ISDN_MSNLEN + 2]; - if (debugmode) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "capidrv-%d: ISDN_CMD_DIAL(ch=%ld,\"%s,%d,%d,%s\")\n", - card->contrnr, - c->arg, - c->parm.setup.phone, - c->parm.setup.si1, - c->parm.setup.si2, - c->parm.setup.eazmsn); - - bchan = &card->bchans[c->arg % card->nbchan]; - - if (bchan->plcip) { - printk(KERN_ERR "capidrv-%d: dail ch=%ld,\"%s,%d,%d,%s\" in use (plci=0x%x)\n", - card->contrnr, - c->arg, - c->parm.setup.phone, - c->parm.setup.si1, - c->parm.setup.si2, - c->parm.setup.eazmsn, - bchan->plcip->plci); - return 0; - } - bchan->si1 = c->parm.setup.si1; - bchan->si2 = c->parm.setup.si2; - - strncpy(bchan->num, c->parm.setup.phone, sizeof(bchan->num)); - strncpy(bchan->mynum, c->parm.setup.eazmsn, sizeof(bchan->mynum)); - rc = FVteln2capi20(bchan->num, AdditionalInfo); - isleasedline = (rc == 0); - if (rc < 0) - printk(KERN_ERR "capidrv-%d: WARNING: invalid leased linedefinition \"%s\"\n", card->contrnr, bchan->num); - - if (isleasedline) { - calling[0] = 0; - called[0] = 0; - if (debugmode) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "capidrv-%d: connecting leased line\n", card->contrnr); - } else { - calling[0] = strlen(bchan->mynum) + 2; - calling[1] = 0; - calling[2] = 0x80; - strncpy(calling + 3, bchan->mynum, ISDN_MSNLEN); - called[0] = strlen(bchan->num) + 1; - called[1] = 0x80; - strncpy(called + 2, bchan->num, ISDN_MSNLEN); - } + if (debugmode) + printk(KERN_DEBUG "capidrv-%d: ISDN_CMD_DIAL(ch=%ld,\"%s,%d,%d,%s\")\n", + card->contrnr, + c->arg, + c->parm.setup.phone, + c->parm.setup.si1, + c->parm.setup.si2, + c->parm.setup.eazmsn); - capi_fill_CONNECT_REQ(&cmdcmsg, - global.ap.applid, - card->msgid++, - card->contrnr, /* adr */ - si2cip(bchan->si1, bchan->si2), /* cipvalue */ - called, /* CalledPartyNumber */ - calling, /* CallingPartyNumber */ - NULL, /* CalledPartySubaddress */ - NULL, /* CallingPartySubaddress */ - b1prot(bchan->l2, bchan->l3), /* B1protocol */ - b2prot(bchan->l2, bchan->l3), /* B2protocol */ - b3prot(bchan->l2, bchan->l3), /* B3protocol */ - b1config(bchan->l2, bchan->l3), /* B1configuration */ - NULL, /* B2configuration */ - NULL, /* B3configuration */ - NULL, /* BC */ - NULL, /* LLC */ - NULL, /* HLC */ - /* BChannelinformation */ - isleasedline ? AdditionalInfo : NULL, - NULL, /* Keypadfacility */ - NULL, /* Useruserdata */ - NULL /* Facilitydataarray */ - ); - if ((plcip = new_plci(card, (c->arg % card->nbchan))) == NULL) { - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.arg = (c->arg % card->nbchan); - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - return -1; - } - plcip->msgid = cmdcmsg.Messagenumber; - plcip->leasedline = isleasedline; - plci_change_state(card, plcip, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_REQ); - send_message(card, &cmdcmsg); + bchan = &card->bchans[c->arg % card->nbchan]; + + if (bchan->plcip) { + printk(KERN_ERR "capidrv-%d: dail ch=%ld,\"%s,%d,%d,%s\" in use (plci=0x%x)\n", + card->contrnr, + c->arg, + c->parm.setup.phone, + c->parm.setup.si1, + c->parm.setup.si2, + c->parm.setup.eazmsn, + bchan->plcip->plci); return 0; } + bchan->si1 = c->parm.setup.si1; + bchan->si2 = c->parm.setup.si2; + + strncpy(bchan->num, c->parm.setup.phone, sizeof(bchan->num)); + strncpy(bchan->mynum, c->parm.setup.eazmsn, sizeof(bchan->mynum)); + rc = FVteln2capi20(bchan->num, AdditionalInfo); + isleasedline = (rc == 0); + if (rc < 0) + printk(KERN_ERR "capidrv-%d: WARNING: invalid leased linedefinition \"%s\"\n", card->contrnr, bchan->num); + + if (isleasedline) { + calling[0] = 0; + called[0] = 0; + if (debugmode) + printk(KERN_DEBUG "capidrv-%d: connecting leased line\n", card->contrnr); + } else { + calling[0] = strlen(bchan->mynum) + 2; + calling[1] = 0; + calling[2] = 0x80; + strncpy(calling + 3, bchan->mynum, ISDN_MSNLEN); + called[0] = strlen(bchan->num) + 1; + called[1] = 0x80; + strncpy(called + 2, bchan->num, ISDN_MSNLEN); + } + + capi_fill_CONNECT_REQ(&cmdcmsg, + global.ap.applid, + card->msgid++, + card->contrnr, /* adr */ + si2cip(bchan->si1, bchan->si2), /* cipvalue */ + called, /* CalledPartyNumber */ + calling, /* CallingPartyNumber */ + NULL, /* CalledPartySubaddress */ + NULL, /* CallingPartySubaddress */ + b1prot(bchan->l2, bchan->l3), /* B1protocol */ + b2prot(bchan->l2, bchan->l3), /* B2protocol */ + b3prot(bchan->l2, bchan->l3), /* B3protocol */ + b1config(bchan->l2, bchan->l3), /* B1configuration */ + NULL, /* B2configuration */ + NULL, /* B3configuration */ + NULL, /* BC */ + NULL, /* LLC */ + NULL, /* HLC */ + /* BChannelinformation */ + isleasedline ? AdditionalInfo : NULL, + NULL, /* Keypadfacility */ + NULL, /* Useruserdata */ + NULL /* Facilitydataarray */ + ); + if ((plcip = new_plci(card, (c->arg % card->nbchan))) == NULL) { + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + cmd.arg = (c->arg % card->nbchan); + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + return -1; + } + plcip->msgid = cmdcmsg.Messagenumber; + plcip->leasedline = isleasedline; + plci_change_state(card, plcip, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_REQ); + send_message(card, &cmdcmsg); + return 0; + } case ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTD: @@ -1708,7 +1708,7 @@ static int capidrv_command(isdn_ctrl * c, capidrv_contr * card) NULL, /* Keypadfacility */ NULL, /* Useruserdata */ NULL /* Facilitydataarray */ - ); + ); capi_cmsg2message(&cmdcmsg, cmdcmsg.buf); plci_change_state(card, bchan->plcip, EV_PLCI_CONNECT_RESP); send_message(card, &cmdcmsg); @@ -1742,7 +1742,7 @@ static int capidrv_command(isdn_ctrl * c, capidrv_contr * card) card->msgid++, bchan->nccip->ncci, NULL /* NCPI */ - ); + ); ncci_change_state(card, bchan->nccip, EV_NCCI_DISCONNECT_B3_REQ); send_message(card, &cmdcmsg); return 0; @@ -1761,12 +1761,12 @@ static int capidrv_command(isdn_ctrl * c, capidrv_contr * card) capi_fill_DISCONNECT_REQ(&cmdcmsg, global.ap.applid, card->msgid++, - bchan->plcip->plci, + bchan->plcip->plci, NULL, /* BChannelinformation */ NULL, /* Keypadfacility */ NULL, /* Useruserdata */ NULL /* Facilitydataarray */ - ); + ); plci_change_state(card, bchan->plcip, EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_REQ); send_message(card, &cmdcmsg); return 0; @@ -1778,8 +1778,8 @@ static int capidrv_command(isdn_ctrl * c, capidrv_contr * card) } } printk(KERN_ERR "capidrv-%d: chan %ld disconnect request on free channel\n", - card->contrnr, - c->arg); + card->contrnr, + c->arg); return -EINVAL; /* ready */ @@ -1813,20 +1813,20 @@ static int capidrv_command(isdn_ctrl * c, capidrv_contr * card) case ISDN_CMD_CLREAZ: if (debugmode) printk(KERN_DEBUG "capidrv-%d: clearing EAZ on chan %ld\n", - card->contrnr, c->arg); + card->contrnr, c->arg); bchan = &card->bchans[c->arg % card->nbchan]; bchan->msn[0] = 0; return 0; default: printk(KERN_ERR "capidrv-%d: ISDN_CMD_%d, Huh?\n", - card->contrnr, c->command); + card->contrnr, c->command); return -EINVAL; } return 0; } -static int if_command(isdn_ctrl * c) +static int if_command(isdn_ctrl *c) { capidrv_contr *card = findcontrbydriverid(c->driver); @@ -1834,8 +1834,8 @@ static int if_command(isdn_ctrl * c) return capidrv_command(c, card); printk(KERN_ERR - "capidrv: if_command %d called with invalid driverId %d!\n", - c->command, c->driver); + "capidrv: if_command %d called with invalid driverId %d!\n", + c->command, c->driver); return -ENODEV; } @@ -1859,7 +1859,7 @@ static int if_sendbuf(int id, int channel, int doack, struct sk_buff *skb) } if (debugmode > 4) printk(KERN_DEBUG "capidrv-%d: sendbuf len=%d skb=%p doack=%d\n", - card->contrnr, len, skb, doack); + card->contrnr, len, skb, doack); bchan = &card->bchans[channel % card->nbchan]; nccip = bchan->nccip; if (!nccip || nccip->state != ST_NCCI_ACTIVE) { @@ -1891,10 +1891,10 @@ static int if_sendbuf(int id, int channel, int doack, struct sk_buff *skb) skb->len, /* DataLength */ datahandle, /* DataHandle */ 0 /* Flags */ - ); + ); if (capidrv_add_ack(nccip, datahandle, doack ? (int)skb->len : -1) < 0) - return 0; + return 0; capi_cmsg2message(&sendcmsg, sendcmsg.buf); msglen = CAPIMSG_LEN(sendcmsg.buf); @@ -1902,8 +1902,8 @@ static int if_sendbuf(int id, int channel, int doack, struct sk_buff *skb) struct sk_buff *nskb = skb_realloc_headroom(skb, msglen); if (!nskb) { printk(KERN_ERR "capidrv-%d: if_sendbuf: no memory\n", - card->contrnr); - (void)capidrv_del_ack(nccip, datahandle); + card->contrnr); + (void)capidrv_del_ack(nccip, datahandle); return 0; } printk(KERN_DEBUG "capidrv-%d: only %d bytes headroom, need %d\n", @@ -1917,9 +1917,9 @@ static int if_sendbuf(int id, int channel, int doack, struct sk_buff *skb) } if (debugmode > 3) printk(KERN_DEBUG "capidrv-%d: sendbuf putmsg ret(%x) - %s\n", - card->contrnr, errcode, capi_info2str(errcode)); - (void)capidrv_del_ack(nccip, datahandle); - dev_kfree_skb(nskb); + card->contrnr, errcode, capi_info2str(errcode)); + (void)capidrv_del_ack(nccip, datahandle); + dev_kfree_skb(nskb); return errcode == CAPI_SENDQUEUEFULL ? 0 : -1; } else { memcpy(skb_push(skb, msglen), sendcmsg.buf, msglen); @@ -1930,9 +1930,9 @@ static int if_sendbuf(int id, int channel, int doack, struct sk_buff *skb) } if (debugmode > 3) printk(KERN_DEBUG "capidrv-%d: sendbuf putmsg ret(%x) - %s\n", - card->contrnr, errcode, capi_info2str(errcode)); + card->contrnr, errcode, capi_info2str(errcode)); skb_pull(skb, msglen); - (void)capidrv_del_ack(nccip, datahandle); + (void)capidrv_del_ack(nccip, datahandle); return errcode == CAPI_SENDQUEUEFULL ? 0 : -1; } } @@ -1949,11 +1949,11 @@ static int if_readstat(u8 __user *buf, int len, int id, int channel) return -ENODEV; } - for (p=buf, count=0; count < len; p++, count++) { + for (p = buf, count = 0; count < len; p++, count++) { if (put_user(*card->q931_read++, p)) return -EFAULT; - if (card->q931_read > card->q931_end) - card->q931_read = card->q931_buf; + if (card->q931_read > card->q931_end) + card->q931_read = card->q931_buf; } return count; @@ -1961,35 +1961,35 @@ static int if_readstat(u8 __user *buf, int len, int id, int channel) static void enable_dchannel_trace(capidrv_contr *card) { - u8 manufacturer[CAPI_MANUFACTURER_LEN]; - capi_version version; + u8 manufacturer[CAPI_MANUFACTURER_LEN]; + capi_version version; u16 contr = card->contrnr; u16 errcode; u16 avmversion[3]; - errcode = capi20_get_manufacturer(contr, manufacturer); - if (errcode != CAPI_NOERROR) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: can't get manufacturer (0x%x)\n", - card->name, errcode); - return; + errcode = capi20_get_manufacturer(contr, manufacturer); + if (errcode != CAPI_NOERROR) { + printk(KERN_ERR "%s: can't get manufacturer (0x%x)\n", + card->name, errcode); + return; } if (strstr(manufacturer, "AVM") == NULL) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: not from AVM, no d-channel trace possible (%s)\n", - card->name, manufacturer); - return; + printk(KERN_ERR "%s: not from AVM, no d-channel trace possible (%s)\n", + card->name, manufacturer); + return; } - errcode = capi20_get_version(contr, &version); - if (errcode != CAPI_NOERROR) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: can't get version (0x%x)\n", - card->name, errcode); - return; + errcode = capi20_get_version(contr, &version); + if (errcode != CAPI_NOERROR) { + printk(KERN_ERR "%s: can't get version (0x%x)\n", + card->name, errcode); + return; } avmversion[0] = (version.majormanuversion >> 4) & 0x0f; avmversion[1] = (version.majormanuversion << 4) & 0xf0; avmversion[1] |= (version.minormanuversion >> 4) & 0x0f; avmversion[2] |= version.minormanuversion & 0x0f; - if (avmversion[0] > 3 || (avmversion[0] == 3 && avmversion[1] > 5)) { + if (avmversion[0] > 3 || (avmversion[0] == 3 && avmversion[1] > 5)) { printk(KERN_INFO "%s: D2 trace enabled\n", card->name); capi_fill_MANUFACTURER_REQ(&cmdcmsg, global.ap.applid, card->msgid++, @@ -2030,8 +2030,8 @@ static void listentimerfunc(unsigned long x) capidrv_contr *card = (capidrv_contr *)x; if (card->state != ST_LISTEN_NONE && card->state != ST_LISTEN_ACTIVE) printk(KERN_ERR "%s: controller dead ??\n", card->name); - send_listen(card); - mod_timer(&card->listentimer, jiffies + 60*HZ); + send_listen(card); + mod_timer(&card->listentimer, jiffies + 60 * HZ); } @@ -2050,7 +2050,7 @@ static int capidrv_addcontr(u16 contr, struct capi_profile *profp) } if (!(card = kzalloc(sizeof(capidrv_contr), GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "capidrv: (%s) Could not allocate contr-struct.\n", id); + "capidrv: (%s) Could not allocate contr-struct.\n", id); return -1; } card->owner = THIS_MODULE; @@ -2061,7 +2061,7 @@ static int capidrv_addcontr(u16 contr, struct capi_profile *profp) card->bchans = kmalloc(sizeof(capidrv_bchan) * card->nbchan, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!card->bchans) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "capidrv: (%s) Could not allocate bchan-structs.\n", id); + "capidrv: (%s) Could not allocate bchan-structs.\n", id); module_put(card->owner); kfree(card); return -1; @@ -2073,17 +2073,17 @@ static int capidrv_addcontr(u16 contr, struct capi_profile *profp) card->interface.writecmd = NULL; card->interface.readstat = if_readstat; card->interface.features = ISDN_FEATURE_L2_HDLC | - ISDN_FEATURE_L2_TRANS | - ISDN_FEATURE_L3_TRANS | - ISDN_FEATURE_P_UNKNOWN | - ISDN_FEATURE_L2_X75I | - ISDN_FEATURE_L2_X75UI | - ISDN_FEATURE_L2_X75BUI; - if (profp->support1 & (1<<2)) + ISDN_FEATURE_L2_TRANS | + ISDN_FEATURE_L3_TRANS | + ISDN_FEATURE_P_UNKNOWN | + ISDN_FEATURE_L2_X75I | + ISDN_FEATURE_L2_X75UI | + ISDN_FEATURE_L2_X75BUI; + if (profp->support1 & (1 << 2)) card->interface.features |= ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11096 | - ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11019 | - ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11038; - if (profp->support1 & (1<<8)) + ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11019 | + ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11038; + if (profp->support1 & (1 << 8)) card->interface.features |= ISDN_FEATURE_L2_MODEM; card->interface.hl_hdrlen = 22; /* len of DATA_B3_REQ */ strncpy(card->interface.id, id, sizeof(card->interface.id) - 1); @@ -2122,10 +2122,10 @@ static int capidrv_addcontr(u16 contr, struct capi_profile *profp) card->listentimer.data = (unsigned long)card; card->listentimer.function = listentimerfunc; send_listen(card); - mod_timer(&card->listentimer, jiffies + 60*HZ); + mod_timer(&card->listentimer, jiffies + 60 * HZ); printk(KERN_INFO "%s: now up (%d B channels)\n", - card->name, card->nbchan); + card->name, card->nbchan); enable_dchannel_trace(card); @@ -2158,7 +2158,7 @@ static int capidrv_delcontr(u16 contr) if (debugmode) printk(KERN_DEBUG "capidrv-%d: id=%d unloading\n", - card->contrnr, card->myid); + card->contrnr, card->myid); cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_STOP; cmd.driver = card->myid; @@ -2168,17 +2168,17 @@ static int capidrv_delcontr(u16 contr) cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DISCH; cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.arg = card->nbchan-1; - cmd.parm.num[0] = 0; + cmd.arg = card->nbchan - 1; + cmd.parm.num[0] = 0; if (debugmode) printk(KERN_DEBUG "capidrv-%d: id=%d disable chan=%ld\n", - card->contrnr, card->myid, cmd.arg); + card->contrnr, card->myid, cmd.arg); card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - if (card->bchans[card->nbchan-1].nccip) - free_ncci(card, card->bchans[card->nbchan-1].nccip); - if (card->bchans[card->nbchan-1].plcip) - free_plci(card, card->bchans[card->nbchan-1].plcip); + if (card->bchans[card->nbchan - 1].nccip) + free_ncci(card, card->bchans[card->nbchan - 1].nccip); + if (card->bchans[card->nbchan - 1].plcip) + free_plci(card, card->bchans[card->nbchan - 1].plcip); if (card->plci_list) printk(KERN_ERR "capidrv: bug in free_plci()\n"); card->nbchan--; @@ -2188,7 +2188,7 @@ static int capidrv_delcontr(u16 contr) if (debugmode) printk(KERN_DEBUG "capidrv-%d: id=%d isdn unload\n", - card->contrnr, card->myid); + card->contrnr, card->myid); cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_UNLOAD; cmd.driver = card->myid; @@ -2196,7 +2196,7 @@ static int capidrv_delcontr(u16 contr) if (debugmode) printk(KERN_DEBUG "capidrv-%d: id=%d remove contr from list\n", - card->contrnr, card->myid); + card->contrnr, card->myid); spin_lock_irqsave(&global_lock, flags); for (pp = &global.contr_list; *pp; pp = &(*pp)->next) { @@ -2243,10 +2243,10 @@ lower_callback(struct notifier_block *nb, unsigned long val, void *v) static int capidrv_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) { seq_printf(m, "%lu %lu %lu %lu\n", - global.ap.nrecvctlpkt, - global.ap.nrecvdatapkt, - global.ap.nsentctlpkt, - global.ap.nsentdatapkt); + global.ap.nrecvctlpkt, + global.ap.nrecvdatapkt, + global.ap.nsentctlpkt, + global.ap.nsentdatapkt); return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/capi/capidrv.h b/drivers/isdn/capi/capidrv.h index 1e698e1e269f8db39932d175596682d68530e662..4466b2e0176dc561f0edd75cdb93a1b017f6791b 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/capi/capidrv.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/capi/capidrv.h @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ * per plci state machine */ #define ST_PLCI_NONE 0 /* P-0 */ -#define ST_PLCI_OUTGOING 1 /* P-0.1 */ +#define ST_PLCI_OUTGOING 1 /* P-0.1 */ #define ST_PLCI_ALLOCATED 2 /* P-1 */ #define ST_PLCI_ACTIVE 3 /* P-ACT */ #define ST_PLCI_INCOMING 4 /* P-2 */ @@ -47,20 +47,20 @@ #define ST_PLCI_HELD 11 /* P-HELD */ #define EV_PLCI_CONNECT_REQ 1 /* P-0 -> P-0.1 - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_CONNECT_CONF_ERROR 2 /* P-0.1 -> P-0 - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_CONNECT_CONF_OK 3 /* P-0.1 -> P-1 - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_FACILITY_IND_UP 4 /* P-0 -> P-1 - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_CONNECT_IND 5 /* P-0 -> P-2 - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND 6 /* P-1 -> P-ACT - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_CONNECT_REJECT 7 /* P-2 -> P-5 P-3 -> P-5 - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_REQ 8 /* P-1 -> P-5 P-2 -> P-5 P-3 -> P-5 @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ P-ACT -> P-5 P-Res -> P-5 (*) P-HELD -> P-5 (*) - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_IND 9 /* P-1 -> P-6 P-2 -> P-6 P-3 -> P-6 @@ -77,35 +77,35 @@ P-ACT -> P-6 P-Res -> P-6 (*) P-HELD -> P-6 (*) - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_FACILITY_IND_DOWN 10 /* P-0.1 -> P-5 P-1 -> P-5 P-ACT -> P-5 P-2 -> P-5 P-3 -> P-5 P-4 -> P-5 - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_DISCONNECT_RESP 11 /* P-6 -> P-0 - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_CONNECT_RESP 12 /* P-6 -> P-0 - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_RESUME_REQ 13 /* P-0 -> P-0.Res - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_RESUME_CONF_OK 14 /* P-0.Res -> P-Res - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_RESUME_CONF_ERROR 15 /* P-0.Res -> P-0 - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_RESUME_IND 16 /* P-Res -> P-ACT - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_HOLD_IND 17 /* P-ACT -> P-HELD - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_RETRIEVE_IND 18 /* P-HELD -> P-ACT - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_SUSPEND_IND 19 /* P-ACT -> P-5 - */ + */ #define EV_PLCI_CD_IND 20 /* P-2 -> P-5 - */ + */ /* * per ncci state machine diff --git a/drivers/isdn/capi/capilib.c b/drivers/isdn/capi/capilib.c index 0b041df2108c644340eb937c4a9ccc7615b5a8f1..33361f833c01f5ace0bf1bf3bbd02e561cf2b5d5 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/capi/capilib.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/capi/capilib.c @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ #include #include -#define DBG(format, arg...) do { \ -printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: " format "\n" , __func__ , ## arg); \ -} while (0) +#define DBG(format, arg...) do { \ + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: " format "\n" , __func__ , ## arg); \ + } while (0) struct capilib_msgidqueue { struct capilib_msgidqueue *next; @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ struct capilib_ncci { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // NCCI Handling -static inline void mq_init(struct capilib_ncci * np) +static inline void mq_init(struct capilib_ncci *np) { u_int i; np->msgidqueue = NULL; @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ static inline void mq_init(struct capilib_ncci * np) } } -static inline int mq_enqueue(struct capilib_ncci * np, u16 msgid) +static inline int mq_enqueue(struct capilib_ncci *np, u16 msgid) { struct capilib_msgidqueue *mq; if ((mq = np->msgidfree) == NULL) @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ static inline int mq_enqueue(struct capilib_ncci * np, u16 msgid) return 1; } -static inline int mq_dequeue(struct capilib_ncci * np, u16 msgid) +static inline int mq_dequeue(struct capilib_ncci *np, u16 msgid) { struct capilib_msgidqueue **pp; for (pp = &np->msgidqueue; *pp; pp = &(*pp)->next) { @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ u16 capilib_data_b3_req(struct list_head *head, u16 applid, u32 ncci, u16 msgid) continue; if (np->ncci != ncci) continue; - + if (mq_enqueue(np, msgid) == 0) return CAPI_SENDQUEUEFULL; @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ void capilib_data_b3_conf(struct list_head *head, u16 applid, u32 ncci, u16 msgi continue; if (np->ncci != ncci) continue; - + if (mq_dequeue(np, msgid) == 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "kcapi: msgid %hu ncci 0x%x not on queue\n", msgid, ncci); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/capi/capiutil.c b/drivers/isdn/capi/capiutil.c index 03c469e4451feae3102f96994420ebfddd1223ce..d26f17033b6863af4550498df3812dca718326c1 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/capi/capiutil.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/capi/capiutil.c @@ -25,149 +25,149 @@ #ifndef CONFIG_ISDN_DRV_AVMB1_VERBOSE_REASON char *capi_info2str(u16 reason) { - return ".."; + return ".."; } #else char *capi_info2str(u16 reason) { - switch (reason) { + switch (reason) { /*-- informative values (corresponding message was processed) -----*/ case 0x0001: - return "NCPI not supported by current protocol, NCPI ignored"; + return "NCPI not supported by current protocol, NCPI ignored"; case 0x0002: - return "Flags not supported by current protocol, flags ignored"; + return "Flags not supported by current protocol, flags ignored"; case 0x0003: - return "Alert already sent by another application"; + return "Alert already sent by another application"; /*-- error information concerning CAPI_REGISTER -----*/ case 0x1001: - return "Too many applications"; + return "Too many applications"; case 0x1002: - return "Logical block size too small, must be at least 128 Bytes"; + return "Logical block size too small, must be at least 128 Bytes"; case 0x1003: - return "Buffer exceeds 64 kByte"; + return "Buffer exceeds 64 kByte"; case 0x1004: - return "Message buffer size too small, must be at least 1024 Bytes"; + return "Message buffer size too small, must be at least 1024 Bytes"; case 0x1005: - return "Max. number of logical connections not supported"; + return "Max. number of logical connections not supported"; case 0x1006: - return "Reserved"; + return "Reserved"; case 0x1007: - return "The message could not be accepted because of an internal busy condition"; + return "The message could not be accepted because of an internal busy condition"; case 0x1008: - return "OS resource error (no memory ?)"; + return "OS resource error (no memory ?)"; case 0x1009: - return "CAPI not installed"; + return "CAPI not installed"; case 0x100A: - return "Controller does not support external equipment"; + return "Controller does not support external equipment"; case 0x100B: - return "Controller does only support external equipment"; + return "Controller does only support external equipment"; /*-- error information concerning message exchange functions -----*/ case 0x1101: - return "Illegal application number"; + return "Illegal application number"; case 0x1102: - return "Illegal command or subcommand or message length less than 12 bytes"; + return "Illegal command or subcommand or message length less than 12 bytes"; case 0x1103: - return "The message could not be accepted because of a queue full condition !! The error code does not imply that CAPI cannot receive messages directed to another controller, PLCI or NCCI"; + return "The message could not be accepted because of a queue full condition !! The error code does not imply that CAPI cannot receive messages directed to another controller, PLCI or NCCI"; case 0x1104: - return "Queue is empty"; + return "Queue is empty"; case 0x1105: - return "Queue overflow, a message was lost !! This indicates a configuration error. The only recovery from this error is to perform a CAPI_RELEASE"; + return "Queue overflow, a message was lost !! This indicates a configuration error. The only recovery from this error is to perform a CAPI_RELEASE"; case 0x1106: - return "Unknown notification parameter"; + return "Unknown notification parameter"; case 0x1107: - return "The Message could not be accepted because of an internal busy condition"; + return "The Message could not be accepted because of an internal busy condition"; case 0x1108: - return "OS Resource error (no memory ?)"; + return "OS Resource error (no memory ?)"; case 0x1109: - return "CAPI not installed"; + return "CAPI not installed"; case 0x110A: - return "Controller does not support external equipment"; + return "Controller does not support external equipment"; case 0x110B: - return "Controller does only support external equipment"; + return "Controller does only support external equipment"; /*-- error information concerning resource / coding problems -----*/ case 0x2001: - return "Message not supported in current state"; + return "Message not supported in current state"; case 0x2002: - return "Illegal Controller / PLCI / NCCI"; + return "Illegal Controller / PLCI / NCCI"; case 0x2003: - return "Out of PLCI"; + return "Out of PLCI"; case 0x2004: - return "Out of NCCI"; + return "Out of NCCI"; case 0x2005: - return "Out of LISTEN"; + return "Out of LISTEN"; case 0x2006: - return "Out of FAX resources (protocol T.30)"; + return "Out of FAX resources (protocol T.30)"; case 0x2007: - return "Illegal message parameter coding"; + return "Illegal message parameter coding"; /*-- error information concerning requested services -----*/ case 0x3001: - return "B1 protocol not supported"; - case 0x3002: - return "B2 protocol not supported"; - case 0x3003: - return "B3 protocol not supported"; - case 0x3004: - return "B1 protocol parameter not supported"; - case 0x3005: - return "B2 protocol parameter not supported"; - case 0x3006: - return "B3 protocol parameter not supported"; - case 0x3007: - return "B protocol combination not supported"; - case 0x3008: - return "NCPI not supported"; - case 0x3009: - return "CIP Value unknown"; - case 0x300A: - return "Flags not supported (reserved bits)"; - case 0x300B: - return "Facility not supported"; - case 0x300C: - return "Data length not supported by current protocol"; - case 0x300D: - return "Reset procedure not supported by current protocol"; + return "B1 protocol not supported"; + case 0x3002: + return "B2 protocol not supported"; + case 0x3003: + return "B3 protocol not supported"; + case 0x3004: + return "B1 protocol parameter not supported"; + case 0x3005: + return "B2 protocol parameter not supported"; + case 0x3006: + return "B3 protocol parameter not supported"; + case 0x3007: + return "B protocol combination not supported"; + case 0x3008: + return "NCPI not supported"; + case 0x3009: + return "CIP Value unknown"; + case 0x300A: + return "Flags not supported (reserved bits)"; + case 0x300B: + return "Facility not supported"; + case 0x300C: + return "Data length not supported by current protocol"; + case 0x300D: + return "Reset procedure not supported by current protocol"; /*-- informations about the clearing of a physical connection -----*/ - case 0x3301: - return "Protocol error layer 1 (broken line or B-channel removed by signalling protocol)"; - case 0x3302: - return "Protocol error layer 2"; - case 0x3303: - return "Protocol error layer 3"; - case 0x3304: - return "Another application got that call"; + case 0x3301: + return "Protocol error layer 1 (broken line or B-channel removed by signalling protocol)"; + case 0x3302: + return "Protocol error layer 2"; + case 0x3303: + return "Protocol error layer 3"; + case 0x3304: + return "Another application got that call"; /*-- T.30 specific reasons -----*/ - case 0x3311: - return "Connecting not successful (remote station is no FAX G3 machine)"; - case 0x3312: - return "Connecting not successful (training error)"; - case 0x3313: - return "Disconnected before transfer (remote station does not support transfer mode, e.g. resolution)"; - case 0x3314: - return "Disconnected during transfer (remote abort)"; - case 0x3315: - return "Disconnected during transfer (remote procedure error, e.g. unsuccessful repetition of T.30 commands)"; - case 0x3316: - return "Disconnected during transfer (local tx data underrun)"; - case 0x3317: - return "Disconnected during transfer (local rx data overflow)"; - case 0x3318: - return "Disconnected during transfer (local abort)"; - case 0x3319: - return "Illegal parameter coding (e.g. SFF coding error)"; + case 0x3311: + return "Connecting not successful (remote station is no FAX G3 machine)"; + case 0x3312: + return "Connecting not successful (training error)"; + case 0x3313: + return "Disconnected before transfer (remote station does not support transfer mode, e.g. resolution)"; + case 0x3314: + return "Disconnected during transfer (remote abort)"; + case 0x3315: + return "Disconnected during transfer (remote procedure error, e.g. unsuccessful repetition of T.30 commands)"; + case 0x3316: + return "Disconnected during transfer (local tx data underrun)"; + case 0x3317: + return "Disconnected during transfer (local rx data overflow)"; + case 0x3318: + return "Disconnected during transfer (local abort)"; + case 0x3319: + return "Illegal parameter coding (e.g. SFF coding error)"; /*-- disconnect causes from the network according to ETS 300 102-1/Q.931 -----*/ case 0x3481: return "Unallocated (unassigned) number"; case 0x3482: return "No route to specified transit network"; case 0x3483: return "No route to destination"; case 0x3486: return "Channel unacceptable"; - case 0x3487: - return "Call awarded and being delivered in an established channel"; + case 0x3487: + return "Call awarded and being delivered in an established channel"; case 0x3490: return "Normal call clearing"; case 0x3491: return "User busy"; case 0x3492: return "No user responding"; @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ char *capi_info2str(u16 reason) case 0x34FF: return "Interworking, unspecified"; default: return "No additional information"; - } + } } #endif @@ -235,169 +235,169 @@ typedef struct { static _cdef cdef[] = { - /*00 */ - {_CEND}, - /*01 */ - {_CEND}, - /*02 */ - {_CEND}, - /*03 */ - {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, adr.adrController)}, - /*04 */ - {_CMSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, AdditionalInfo)}, - /*05 */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, B1configuration)}, - /*06 */ - {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, B1protocol)}, - /*07 */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, B2configuration)}, - /*08 */ - {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, B2protocol)}, - /*09 */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, B3configuration)}, - /*0a */ - {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, B3protocol)}, - /*0b */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, BC)}, - /*0c */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, BChannelinformation)}, - /*0d */ - {_CMSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, BProtocol)}, - /*0e */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, CalledPartyNumber)}, - /*0f */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, CalledPartySubaddress)}, - /*10 */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, CallingPartyNumber)}, - /*11 */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, CallingPartySubaddress)}, - /*12 */ - {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, CIPmask)}, - /*13 */ - {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, CIPmask2)}, - /*14 */ - {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, CIPValue)}, - /*15 */ - {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Class)}, - /*16 */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, ConnectedNumber)}, - /*17 */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, ConnectedSubaddress)}, - /*18 */ - {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Data)}, - /*19 */ - {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, DataHandle)}, - /*1a */ - {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, DataLength)}, - /*1b */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, FacilityConfirmationParameter)}, - /*1c */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, Facilitydataarray)}, - /*1d */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, FacilityIndicationParameter)}, - /*1e */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, FacilityRequestParameter)}, - /*1f */ - {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, FacilitySelector)}, - /*20 */ - {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Flags)}, - /*21 */ - {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Function)}, - /*22 */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, HLC)}, - /*23 */ - {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Info)}, - /*24 */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, InfoElement)}, - /*25 */ - {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, InfoMask)}, - /*26 */ - {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, InfoNumber)}, - /*27 */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, Keypadfacility)}, - /*28 */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, LLC)}, - /*29 */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, ManuData)}, - /*2a */ - {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, ManuID)}, - /*2b */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, NCPI)}, - /*2c */ - {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Reason)}, - /*2d */ - {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Reason_B3)}, - /*2e */ - {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Reject)}, - /*2f */ - {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, Useruserdata)} + /*00 */ + {_CEND}, + /*01 */ + {_CEND}, + /*02 */ + {_CEND}, + /*03 */ + {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, adr.adrController)}, + /*04 */ + {_CMSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, AdditionalInfo)}, + /*05 */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, B1configuration)}, + /*06 */ + {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, B1protocol)}, + /*07 */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, B2configuration)}, + /*08 */ + {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, B2protocol)}, + /*09 */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, B3configuration)}, + /*0a */ + {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, B3protocol)}, + /*0b */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, BC)}, + /*0c */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, BChannelinformation)}, + /*0d */ + {_CMSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, BProtocol)}, + /*0e */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, CalledPartyNumber)}, + /*0f */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, CalledPartySubaddress)}, + /*10 */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, CallingPartyNumber)}, + /*11 */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, CallingPartySubaddress)}, + /*12 */ + {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, CIPmask)}, + /*13 */ + {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, CIPmask2)}, + /*14 */ + {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, CIPValue)}, + /*15 */ + {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Class)}, + /*16 */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, ConnectedNumber)}, + /*17 */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, ConnectedSubaddress)}, + /*18 */ + {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Data)}, + /*19 */ + {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, DataHandle)}, + /*1a */ + {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, DataLength)}, + /*1b */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, FacilityConfirmationParameter)}, + /*1c */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, Facilitydataarray)}, + /*1d */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, FacilityIndicationParameter)}, + /*1e */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, FacilityRequestParameter)}, + /*1f */ + {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, FacilitySelector)}, + /*20 */ + {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Flags)}, + /*21 */ + {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Function)}, + /*22 */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, HLC)}, + /*23 */ + {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Info)}, + /*24 */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, InfoElement)}, + /*25 */ + {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, InfoMask)}, + /*26 */ + {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, InfoNumber)}, + /*27 */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, Keypadfacility)}, + /*28 */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, LLC)}, + /*29 */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, ManuData)}, + /*2a */ + {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, ManuID)}, + /*2b */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, NCPI)}, + /*2c */ + {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Reason)}, + /*2d */ + {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Reason_B3)}, + /*2e */ + {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Reject)}, + /*2f */ + {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, Useruserdata)} }; static unsigned char *cpars[] = { - /* ALERT_REQ */ [0x01] = "\x03\x04\x0c\x27\x2f\x1c\x01\x01", - /* CONNECT_REQ */ [0x02] = "\x03\x14\x0e\x10\x0f\x11\x0d\x06\x08\x0a\x05\x07\x09\x01\x0b\x28\x22\x04\x0c\x27\x2f\x1c\x01\x01", - /* DISCONNECT_REQ */ [0x04] = "\x03\x04\x0c\x27\x2f\x1c\x01\x01", - /* LISTEN_REQ */ [0x05] = "\x03\x25\x12\x13\x10\x11\x01", - /* INFO_REQ */ [0x08] = "\x03\x0e\x04\x0c\x27\x2f\x1c\x01\x01", - /* FACILITY_REQ */ [0x09] = "\x03\x1f\x1e\x01", - /* SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_REQ */ [0x0a] = "\x03\x0d\x06\x08\x0a\x05\x07\x09\x01\x01", - /* CONNECT_B3_REQ */ [0x0b] = "\x03\x2b\x01", - /* DISCONNECT_B3_REQ */ [0x0d] = "\x03\x2b\x01", - /* DATA_B3_REQ */ [0x0f] = "\x03\x18\x1a\x19\x20\x01", - /* RESET_B3_REQ */ [0x10] = "\x03\x2b\x01", - /* ALERT_CONF */ [0x13] = "\x03\x23\x01", - /* CONNECT_CONF */ [0x14] = "\x03\x23\x01", - /* DISCONNECT_CONF */ [0x16] = "\x03\x23\x01", - /* LISTEN_CONF */ [0x17] = "\x03\x23\x01", - /* MANUFACTURER_REQ */ [0x18] = "\x03\x2a\x15\x21\x29\x01", - /* INFO_CONF */ [0x1a] = "\x03\x23\x01", - /* FACILITY_CONF */ [0x1b] = "\x03\x23\x1f\x1b\x01", - /* SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_CONF */ [0x1c] = "\x03\x23\x01", - /* CONNECT_B3_CONF */ [0x1d] = "\x03\x23\x01", - /* DISCONNECT_B3_CONF */ [0x1f] = "\x03\x23\x01", - /* DATA_B3_CONF */ [0x21] = "\x03\x19\x23\x01", - /* RESET_B3_CONF */ [0x22] = "\x03\x23\x01", - /* CONNECT_IND */ [0x26] = "\x03\x14\x0e\x10\x0f\x11\x0b\x28\x22\x04\x0c\x27\x2f\x1c\x01\x01", - /* CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND */ [0x27] = "\x03\x16\x17\x28\x01", - /* DISCONNECT_IND */ [0x28] = "\x03\x2c\x01", - /* MANUFACTURER_CONF */ [0x2a] = "\x03\x2a\x15\x21\x29\x01", - /* INFO_IND */ [0x2c] = "\x03\x26\x24\x01", - /* FACILITY_IND */ [0x2d] = "\x03\x1f\x1d\x01", - /* CONNECT_B3_IND */ [0x2f] = "\x03\x2b\x01", - /* CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND */ [0x30] = "\x03\x2b\x01", - /* DISCONNECT_B3_IND */ [0x31] = "\x03\x2d\x2b\x01", - /* DATA_B3_IND */ [0x33] = "\x03\x18\x1a\x19\x20\x01", - /* RESET_B3_IND */ [0x34] = "\x03\x2b\x01", - /* CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_IND */ [0x35] = "\x03\x2b\x01", - /* CONNECT_RESP */ [0x38] = "\x03\x2e\x0d\x06\x08\x0a\x05\x07\x09\x01\x16\x17\x28\x04\x0c\x27\x2f\x1c\x01\x01", - /* CONNECT_ACTIVE_RESP */ [0x39] = "\x03\x01", - /* DISCONNECT_RESP */ [0x3a] = "\x03\x01", - /* MANUFACTURER_IND */ [0x3c] = "\x03\x2a\x15\x21\x29\x01", - /* INFO_RESP */ [0x3e] = "\x03\x01", - /* FACILITY_RESP */ [0x3f] = "\x03\x1f\x01", - /* CONNECT_B3_RESP */ [0x41] = "\x03\x2e\x2b\x01", - /* CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_RESP */ [0x42] = "\x03\x01", - /* DISCONNECT_B3_RESP */ [0x43] = "\x03\x01", - /* DATA_B3_RESP */ [0x45] = "\x03\x19\x01", - /* RESET_B3_RESP */ [0x46] = "\x03\x01", - /* CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_RESP */ [0x47] = "\x03\x01", - /* MANUFACTURER_RESP */ [0x4e] = "\x03\x2a\x15\x21\x29\x01", + /* ALERT_REQ */ [0x01] = "\x03\x04\x0c\x27\x2f\x1c\x01\x01", + /* CONNECT_REQ */ [0x02] = "\x03\x14\x0e\x10\x0f\x11\x0d\x06\x08\x0a\x05\x07\x09\x01\x0b\x28\x22\x04\x0c\x27\x2f\x1c\x01\x01", + /* DISCONNECT_REQ */ [0x04] = "\x03\x04\x0c\x27\x2f\x1c\x01\x01", + /* LISTEN_REQ */ [0x05] = "\x03\x25\x12\x13\x10\x11\x01", + /* INFO_REQ */ [0x08] = "\x03\x0e\x04\x0c\x27\x2f\x1c\x01\x01", + /* FACILITY_REQ */ [0x09] = "\x03\x1f\x1e\x01", + /* SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_REQ */ [0x0a] = "\x03\x0d\x06\x08\x0a\x05\x07\x09\x01\x01", + /* CONNECT_B3_REQ */ [0x0b] = "\x03\x2b\x01", + /* DISCONNECT_B3_REQ */ [0x0d] = "\x03\x2b\x01", + /* DATA_B3_REQ */ [0x0f] = "\x03\x18\x1a\x19\x20\x01", + /* RESET_B3_REQ */ [0x10] = "\x03\x2b\x01", + /* ALERT_CONF */ [0x13] = "\x03\x23\x01", + /* CONNECT_CONF */ [0x14] = "\x03\x23\x01", + /* DISCONNECT_CONF */ [0x16] = "\x03\x23\x01", + /* LISTEN_CONF */ [0x17] = "\x03\x23\x01", + /* MANUFACTURER_REQ */ [0x18] = "\x03\x2a\x15\x21\x29\x01", + /* INFO_CONF */ [0x1a] = "\x03\x23\x01", + /* FACILITY_CONF */ [0x1b] = "\x03\x23\x1f\x1b\x01", + /* SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_CONF */ [0x1c] = "\x03\x23\x01", + /* CONNECT_B3_CONF */ [0x1d] = "\x03\x23\x01", + /* DISCONNECT_B3_CONF */ [0x1f] = "\x03\x23\x01", + /* DATA_B3_CONF */ [0x21] = "\x03\x19\x23\x01", + /* RESET_B3_CONF */ [0x22] = "\x03\x23\x01", + /* CONNECT_IND */ [0x26] = "\x03\x14\x0e\x10\x0f\x11\x0b\x28\x22\x04\x0c\x27\x2f\x1c\x01\x01", + /* CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND */ [0x27] = "\x03\x16\x17\x28\x01", + /* DISCONNECT_IND */ [0x28] = "\x03\x2c\x01", + /* MANUFACTURER_CONF */ [0x2a] = "\x03\x2a\x15\x21\x29\x01", + /* INFO_IND */ [0x2c] = "\x03\x26\x24\x01", + /* FACILITY_IND */ [0x2d] = "\x03\x1f\x1d\x01", + /* CONNECT_B3_IND */ [0x2f] = "\x03\x2b\x01", + /* CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND */ [0x30] = "\x03\x2b\x01", + /* DISCONNECT_B3_IND */ [0x31] = "\x03\x2d\x2b\x01", + /* DATA_B3_IND */ [0x33] = "\x03\x18\x1a\x19\x20\x01", + /* RESET_B3_IND */ [0x34] = "\x03\x2b\x01", + /* CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_IND */ [0x35] = "\x03\x2b\x01", + /* CONNECT_RESP */ [0x38] = "\x03\x2e\x0d\x06\x08\x0a\x05\x07\x09\x01\x16\x17\x28\x04\x0c\x27\x2f\x1c\x01\x01", + /* CONNECT_ACTIVE_RESP */ [0x39] = "\x03\x01", + /* DISCONNECT_RESP */ [0x3a] = "\x03\x01", + /* MANUFACTURER_IND */ [0x3c] = "\x03\x2a\x15\x21\x29\x01", + /* INFO_RESP */ [0x3e] = "\x03\x01", + /* FACILITY_RESP */ [0x3f] = "\x03\x1f\x01", + /* CONNECT_B3_RESP */ [0x41] = "\x03\x2e\x2b\x01", + /* CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_RESP */ [0x42] = "\x03\x01", + /* DISCONNECT_B3_RESP */ [0x43] = "\x03\x01", + /* DATA_B3_RESP */ [0x45] = "\x03\x19\x01", + /* RESET_B3_RESP */ [0x46] = "\x03\x01", + /* CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_RESP */ [0x47] = "\x03\x01", + /* MANUFACTURER_RESP */ [0x4e] = "\x03\x2a\x15\x21\x29\x01", }; /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ -#define byteTLcpy(x,y) *(u8 *)(x)=*(u8 *)(y); -#define wordTLcpy(x,y) *(u16 *)(x)=*(u16 *)(y); -#define dwordTLcpy(x,y) memcpy(x,y,4); -#define structTLcpy(x,y,l) memcpy (x,y,l) -#define structTLcpyovl(x,y,l) memmove (x,y,l) +#define byteTLcpy(x, y) *(u8 *)(x) = *(u8 *)(y); +#define wordTLcpy(x, y) *(u16 *)(x) = *(u16 *)(y); +#define dwordTLcpy(x, y) memcpy(x, y, 4); +#define structTLcpy(x, y, l) memcpy(x, y, l) +#define structTLcpyovl(x, y, l) memmove(x, y, l) -#define byteTRcpy(x,y) *(u8 *)(y)=*(u8 *)(x); -#define wordTRcpy(x,y) *(u16 *)(y)=*(u16 *)(x); -#define dwordTRcpy(x,y) memcpy(y,x,4); -#define structTRcpy(x,y,l) memcpy (y,x,l) -#define structTRcpyovl(x,y,l) memmove (y,x,l) +#define byteTRcpy(x, y) *(u8 *)(y) = *(u8 *)(x); +#define wordTRcpy(x, y) *(u16 *)(y) = *(u16 *)(x); +#define dwordTRcpy(x, y) memcpy(y, x, 4); +#define structTRcpy(x, y, l) memcpy(y, x, l) +#define structTRcpyovl(x, y, l) memmove(y, x, l) /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ static unsigned command_2_index(unsigned c, unsigned sc) @@ -414,9 +414,9 @@ static unsigned command_2_index(unsigned c, unsigned sc) /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ #define TYP (cdef[cmsg->par[cmsg->p]].typ) -#define OFF (((u8 *)cmsg)+cdef[cmsg->par[cmsg->p]].off) +#define OFF (((u8 *)cmsg) + cdef[cmsg->par[cmsg->p]].off) -static void jumpcstruct(_cmsg * cmsg) +static void jumpcstruct(_cmsg *cmsg) { unsigned layer; for (cmsg->p++, layer = 1; layer;) { @@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ static void jumpcstruct(_cmsg * cmsg) } } /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ -static void pars_2_message(_cmsg * cmsg) +static void pars_2_message(_cmsg *cmsg) { for (; TYP != _CEND; cmsg->p++) { @@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ static void pars_2_message(_cmsg * cmsg) * Return value: 0 for success */ -unsigned capi_cmsg2message(_cmsg * cmsg, u8 * msg) +unsigned capi_cmsg2message(_cmsg *cmsg, u8 *msg) { cmsg->m = msg; cmsg->l = 8; @@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ unsigned capi_cmsg2message(_cmsg * cmsg, u8 * msg) } /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ -static void message_2_pars(_cmsg * cmsg) +static void message_2_pars(_cmsg *cmsg) { for (; TYP != _CEND; cmsg->p++) { @@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ static void message_2_pars(_cmsg * cmsg) * Return value: 0 for success */ -unsigned capi_message2cmsg(_cmsg * cmsg, u8 * msg) +unsigned capi_message2cmsg(_cmsg *cmsg, u8 *msg) { memset(cmsg, 0, sizeof(_cmsg)); cmsg->m = msg; @@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ unsigned capi_message2cmsg(_cmsg * cmsg, u8 * msg) * Return value: 0 for success */ -unsigned capi_cmsg_header(_cmsg * cmsg, u16 _ApplId, +unsigned capi_cmsg_header(_cmsg *cmsg, u16 _ApplId, u8 _Command, u8 _Subcommand, u16 _Messagenumber, u32 _Controller) { @@ -689,54 +689,54 @@ char *capi_cmd2str(u8 cmd, u8 subcmd) static char *pnames[] = { - /*00 */ NULL, - /*01 */ NULL, - /*02 */ NULL, - /*03 */ "Controller/PLCI/NCCI", - /*04 */ "AdditionalInfo", - /*05 */ "B1configuration", - /*06 */ "B1protocol", - /*07 */ "B2configuration", - /*08 */ "B2protocol", - /*09 */ "B3configuration", - /*0a */ "B3protocol", - /*0b */ "BC", - /*0c */ "BChannelinformation", - /*0d */ "BProtocol", - /*0e */ "CalledPartyNumber", - /*0f */ "CalledPartySubaddress", - /*10 */ "CallingPartyNumber", - /*11 */ "CallingPartySubaddress", - /*12 */ "CIPmask", - /*13 */ "CIPmask2", - /*14 */ "CIPValue", - /*15 */ "Class", - /*16 */ "ConnectedNumber", - /*17 */ "ConnectedSubaddress", - /*18 */ "Data32", - /*19 */ "DataHandle", - /*1a */ "DataLength", - /*1b */ "FacilityConfirmationParameter", - /*1c */ "Facilitydataarray", - /*1d */ "FacilityIndicationParameter", - /*1e */ "FacilityRequestParameter", - /*1f */ "FacilitySelector", - /*20 */ "Flags", - /*21 */ "Function", - /*22 */ "HLC", - /*23 */ "Info", - /*24 */ "InfoElement", - /*25 */ "InfoMask", - /*26 */ "InfoNumber", - /*27 */ "Keypadfacility", - /*28 */ "LLC", - /*29 */ "ManuData", - /*2a */ "ManuID", - /*2b */ "NCPI", - /*2c */ "Reason", - /*2d */ "Reason_B3", - /*2e */ "Reject", - /*2f */ "Useruserdata" + /*00 */ NULL, + /*01 */ NULL, + /*02 */ NULL, + /*03 */ "Controller/PLCI/NCCI", + /*04 */ "AdditionalInfo", + /*05 */ "B1configuration", + /*06 */ "B1protocol", + /*07 */ "B2configuration", + /*08 */ "B2protocol", + /*09 */ "B3configuration", + /*0a */ "B3protocol", + /*0b */ "BC", + /*0c */ "BChannelinformation", + /*0d */ "BProtocol", + /*0e */ "CalledPartyNumber", + /*0f */ "CalledPartySubaddress", + /*10 */ "CallingPartyNumber", + /*11 */ "CallingPartySubaddress", + /*12 */ "CIPmask", + /*13 */ "CIPmask2", + /*14 */ "CIPValue", + /*15 */ "Class", + /*16 */ "ConnectedNumber", + /*17 */ "ConnectedSubaddress", + /*18 */ "Data32", + /*19 */ "DataHandle", + /*1a */ "DataLength", + /*1b */ "FacilityConfirmationParameter", + /*1c */ "Facilitydataarray", + /*1d */ "FacilityIndicationParameter", + /*1e */ "FacilityRequestParameter", + /*1f */ "FacilitySelector", + /*20 */ "Flags", + /*21 */ "Function", + /*22 */ "HLC", + /*23 */ "Info", + /*24 */ "InfoElement", + /*25 */ "InfoMask", + /*26 */ "InfoNumber", + /*27 */ "Keypadfacility", + /*28 */ "LLC", + /*29 */ "ManuData", + /*2a */ "ManuID", + /*2b */ "NCPI", + /*2c */ "Reason", + /*2d */ "Reason_B3", + /*2e */ "Reject", + /*2f */ "Useruserdata" }; @@ -744,10 +744,10 @@ static char *pnames[] = #include /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ -static _cdebbuf *bufprint(_cdebbuf *cdb, char *fmt,...) +static _cdebbuf *bufprint(_cdebbuf *cdb, char *fmt, ...) { va_list f; - size_t n,r; + size_t n, r; if (!cdb) return NULL; @@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ static _cdebbuf *bufprint(_cdebbuf *cdb, char *fmt,...) return cdb; } -static _cdebbuf *printstructlen(_cdebbuf *cdb, u8 * m, unsigned len) +static _cdebbuf *printstructlen(_cdebbuf *cdb, u8 *m, unsigned len) { unsigned hex = 0; @@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ static _cdebbuf *printstructlen(_cdebbuf *cdb, u8 * m, unsigned len) return cdb; } -static _cdebbuf *printstruct(_cdebbuf *cdb, u8 * m) +static _cdebbuf *printstruct(_cdebbuf *cdb, u8 *m) { unsigned len; @@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ void cdebbuf_free(_cdebbuf *cdb) * The returned buffer should be freed by a call to cdebbuf_free() after use. */ -_cdebbuf *capi_message2str(u8 * msg) +_cdebbuf *capi_message2str(u8 *msg) { _cdebbuf *cdb; _cmsg *cmsg; @@ -964,10 +964,10 @@ _cdebbuf *capi_message2str(u8 * msg) cmsg->par = cpars[command_2_index(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand)]; cdb = bufprint(cdb, "%-26s ID=%03d #0x%04x LEN=%04d\n", - mnames[command_2_index(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand)], - ((unsigned short *) msg)[1], - ((unsigned short *) msg)[3], - ((unsigned short *) msg)[0]); + mnames[command_2_index(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand)], + ((unsigned short *) msg)[1], + ((unsigned short *) msg)[3], + ((unsigned short *) msg)[0]); cdb = protocol_message_2_pars(cdb, cmsg, 1); if (unlikely(cmsg != g_cmsg)) @@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ _cdebbuf *capi_message2str(u8 * msg) * The returned buffer should be freed by a call to cdebbuf_free() after use. */ -_cdebbuf *capi_cmsg2str(_cmsg * cmsg) +_cdebbuf *capi_cmsg2str(_cmsg *cmsg) { _cdebbuf *cdb; @@ -998,17 +998,17 @@ _cdebbuf *capi_cmsg2str(_cmsg * cmsg) cmsg->l = 8; cmsg->p = 0; cdb = bufprint(cdb, "%s ID=%03d #0x%04x LEN=%04d\n", - mnames[command_2_index(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand)], - ((u16 *) cmsg->m)[1], - ((u16 *) cmsg->m)[3], - ((u16 *) cmsg->m)[0]); + mnames[command_2_index(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand)], + ((u16 *) cmsg->m)[1], + ((u16 *) cmsg->m)[3], + ((u16 *) cmsg->m)[0]); cdb = protocol_message_2_pars(cdb, cmsg, 1); return cdb; } int __init cdebug_init(void) { - g_cmsg= kmalloc(sizeof(_cmsg), GFP_KERNEL); + g_cmsg = kmalloc(sizeof(_cmsg), GFP_KERNEL); if (!g_cmsg) return -ENOMEM; g_debbuf = kmalloc(sizeof(_cdebbuf), GFP_KERNEL); @@ -1041,12 +1041,12 @@ void __exit cdebug_exit(void) static _cdebbuf g_debbuf = {"CONFIG_CAPI_TRACE not enabled", NULL, 0, 0}; -_cdebbuf *capi_message2str(u8 * msg) +_cdebbuf *capi_message2str(u8 *msg) { return &g_debbuf; } -_cdebbuf *capi_cmsg2str(_cmsg * cmsg) +_cdebbuf *capi_cmsg2str(_cmsg *cmsg) { return &g_debbuf; } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c b/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c index 2b33b2627fce5052fdf252ac13d225590c379f37..9b1b274c7d256d96667c42150e19f7cf547d3f1f 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ /* $Id: kcapi.c,v 2004/03/26 19:57:20 armin Exp $ - * + * * Kernel CAPI 2.0 Module - * + * * Copyright 1999 by Carsten Paeth * Copyright 2002 by Kai Germaschewski - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ struct capictr_event { /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static struct capi_version driver_version = {2, 0, 1, 1<<4}; +static struct capi_version driver_version = {2, 0, 1, 1 << 4}; static char driver_serial[CAPI_SERIAL_LEN] = "0004711"; static char capi_manufakturer[64] = "AVM Berlin"; @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ register_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctr, u16 applid, capi_register_params *rparam) static void release_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctr, u16 applid) { DBG("applid %#x", applid); - + ctr->release_appl(ctr, applid); capi_ctr_put(ctr); } @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ static void notify_up(u32 contr) mutex_lock(&capi_controller_lock); if (showcapimsgs & 1) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "kcapi: notify up contr %d\n", contr); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "kcapi: notify up contr %d\n", contr); ctr = get_capi_ctr_by_nr(contr); if (ctr) { @@ -352,16 +352,16 @@ void capi_ctr_handle_message(struct capi_ctr *ctr, u16 appl, cdb = capi_message2str(skb->data); if (cdb) { printk(KERN_INFO "kcapi: controller [%03d] not active, got: %s", - ctr->cnr, cdb->buf); + ctr->cnr, cdb->buf); cdebbuf_free(cdb); } else printk(KERN_INFO "kcapi: controller [%03d] not active, cannot trace\n", - ctr->cnr); + ctr->cnr); goto error; } cmd = CAPIMSG_COMMAND(skb->data); - subcmd = CAPIMSG_SUBCOMMAND(skb->data); + subcmd = CAPIMSG_SUBCOMMAND(skb->data); if (cmd == CAPI_DATA_B3 && subcmd == CAPI_IND) { ctr->nrecvdatapkt++; if (ctr->traceflag > 2) @@ -382,13 +382,13 @@ void capi_ctr_handle_message(struct capi_ctr *ctr, u16 appl, cdb = capi_message2str(skb->data); if (cdb) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "kcapi: got [%03d] %s\n", - ctr->cnr, cdb->buf); + ctr->cnr, cdb->buf); cdebbuf_free(cdb); } else printk(KERN_DEBUG "kcapi: got [%03d] id#%d %s len=%u, cannot trace\n", - ctr->cnr, CAPIMSG_APPID(skb->data), - capi_cmd2str(cmd, subcmd), - CAPIMSG_LEN(skb->data)); + ctr->cnr, CAPIMSG_APPID(skb->data), + capi_cmd2str(cmd, subcmd), + CAPIMSG_LEN(skb->data)); } } @@ -400,12 +400,12 @@ void capi_ctr_handle_message(struct capi_ctr *ctr, u16 appl, cdb = capi_message2str(skb->data); if (cdb) { printk(KERN_ERR "kcapi: handle_message: applid %d state released (%s)\n", - CAPIMSG_APPID(skb->data), cdb->buf); + CAPIMSG_APPID(skb->data), cdb->buf); cdebbuf_free(cdb); } else printk(KERN_ERR "kcapi: handle_message: applid %d state released (%s) cannot trace\n", - CAPIMSG_APPID(skb->data), - capi_cmd2str(cmd, subcmd)); + CAPIMSG_APPID(skb->data), + capi_cmd2str(cmd, subcmd)); goto error; } skb_queue_tail(&ap->recv_queue, skb); @@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ int attach_capi_ctr(struct capi_ctr *ctr) if (i == CAPI_MAXCONTR) { mutex_unlock(&capi_controller_lock); printk(KERN_ERR "kcapi: out of controller slots\n"); - return -EBUSY; + return -EBUSY; } capi_controller[i] = ctr; @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ int attach_capi_ctr(struct capi_ctr *ctr) mutex_unlock(&capi_controller_lock); printk(KERN_NOTICE "kcapi: controller [%03d]: %s attached\n", - ctr->cnr, ctr->name); + ctr->cnr, ctr->name); return 0; } @@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ u16 capi20_put_message(struct capi20_appl *ap, struct sk_buff *skb) u8 cmd, subcmd; DBG("applid %#x", ap->applid); - + if (ncontrollers == 0) return CAPI_REGNOTINSTALLED; if ((ap->applid == 0) || ap->release_in_progress) @@ -794,9 +794,9 @@ u16 capi20_put_message(struct capi20_appl *ap, struct sk_buff *skb) return CAPI_SENDQUEUEFULL; cmd = CAPIMSG_COMMAND(skb->data); - subcmd = CAPIMSG_SUBCOMMAND(skb->data); + subcmd = CAPIMSG_SUBCOMMAND(skb->data); - if (cmd == CAPI_DATA_B3 && subcmd== CAPI_REQ) { + if (cmd == CAPI_DATA_B3 && subcmd == CAPI_REQ) { ctr->nsentdatapkt++; ap->nsentdatapkt++; if (ctr->traceflag > 2) @@ -819,15 +819,15 @@ u16 capi20_put_message(struct capi20_appl *ap, struct sk_buff *skb) _cdebbuf *cdb = capi_message2str(skb->data); if (cdb) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "kcapi: put [%03d] %s\n", - CAPIMSG_CONTROLLER(skb->data), - cdb->buf); + CAPIMSG_CONTROLLER(skb->data), + cdb->buf); cdebbuf_free(cdb); } else printk(KERN_DEBUG "kcapi: put [%03d] id#%d %s len=%u cannot trace\n", - CAPIMSG_CONTROLLER(skb->data), - CAPIMSG_APPID(skb->data), - capi_cmd2str(cmd, subcmd), - CAPIMSG_LEN(skb->data)); + CAPIMSG_CONTROLLER(skb->data), + CAPIMSG_APPID(skb->data), + capi_cmd2str(cmd, subcmd), + CAPIMSG_LEN(skb->data)); } } return ctr->send_message(ctr, skb); @@ -1028,14 +1028,14 @@ static int old_capi_manufacturer(unsigned int cmd, void __user *data) case AVMB1_ADDCARD: case AVMB1_ADDCARD_WITH_TYPE: if (cmd == AVMB1_ADDCARD) { - if ((retval = copy_from_user(&cdef, data, - sizeof(avmb1_carddef)))) - return -EFAULT; - cdef.cardtype = AVM_CARDTYPE_B1; + if ((retval = copy_from_user(&cdef, data, + sizeof(avmb1_carddef)))) + return -EFAULT; + cdef.cardtype = AVM_CARDTYPE_B1; } else { - if ((retval = copy_from_user(&cdef, data, - sizeof(avmb1_extcarddef)))) - return -EFAULT; + if ((retval = copy_from_user(&cdef, data, + sizeof(avmb1_extcarddef)))) + return -EFAULT; } cparams.port = cdef.port; cparams.irq = cdef.irq; @@ -1043,24 +1043,24 @@ static int old_capi_manufacturer(unsigned int cmd, void __user *data) mutex_lock(&capi_drivers_lock); - switch (cdef.cardtype) { - case AVM_CARDTYPE_B1: - list_for_each(l, &capi_drivers) { - driver = list_entry(l, struct capi_driver, list); - if (strcmp(driver->name, "b1isa") == 0) - break; - } - break; - case AVM_CARDTYPE_T1: - list_for_each(l, &capi_drivers) { - driver = list_entry(l, struct capi_driver, list); - if (strcmp(driver->name, "t1isa") == 0) - break; - } - break; - default: - driver = NULL; - break; + switch (cdef.cardtype) { + case AVM_CARDTYPE_B1: + list_for_each(l, &capi_drivers) { + driver = list_entry(l, struct capi_driver, list); + if (strcmp(driver->name, "b1isa") == 0) + break; + } + break; + case AVM_CARDTYPE_T1: + list_for_each(l, &capi_drivers) { + driver = list_entry(l, struct capi_driver, list); + if (strcmp(driver->name, "t1isa") == 0) + break; + } + break; + default: + driver = NULL; + break; } if (!driver) { printk(KERN_ERR "kcapi: driver not loaded.\n"); @@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ static int old_capi_manufacturer(unsigned int cmd, void __user *data) retval = wait_on_ctr_state(ctr, CAPI_CTR_RUNNING); -load_unlock_out: + load_unlock_out: mutex_unlock(&capi_controller_lock); return retval; @@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ static int old_capi_manufacturer(unsigned int cmd, void __user *data) retval = wait_on_ctr_state(ctr, CAPI_CTR_DETECTED); -reset_unlock_out: + reset_unlock_out: mutex_unlock(&capi_controller_lock); return retval; } @@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ int capi20_manufacturer(unsigned int cmd, void __user *data) cparams.membase = cdef.membase; cparams.cardnr = cdef.cardnr; cparams.cardtype = 0; - cdef.driver[sizeof(cdef.driver)-1] = 0; + cdef.driver[sizeof(cdef.driver) - 1] = 0; mutex_lock(&capi_drivers_lock); @@ -1246,7 +1246,7 @@ int capi20_manufacturer(unsigned int cmd, void __user *data) } if (driver == NULL) { printk(KERN_ERR "kcapi: driver \"%s\" not loaded.\n", - cdef.driver); + cdef.driver); retval = -ESRCH; } else if (!driver->add_card) { printk(KERN_ERR "kcapi: driver \"%s\" has no add card function.\n", cdef.driver); @@ -1260,7 +1260,7 @@ int capi20_manufacturer(unsigned int cmd, void __user *data) default: printk(KERN_ERR "kcapi: manufacturer command %d unknown.\n", - cmd); + cmd); break; } @@ -1305,7 +1305,7 @@ static int __init kcapi_init(void) static void __exit kcapi_exit(void) { - kcapi_proc_exit(); + kcapi_proc_exit(); unregister_capictr_notifier(&capictr_nb); cdebug_exit(); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.h b/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.h index f4620b38ec518c43c67026fdaea0b5e255717ce8..6d439f9a76b21e53ea16a84f67c2dcc5a66f8d88 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.h @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ /* * Kernel CAPI 2.0 Module - * + * * Copyright 1999 by Carsten Paeth * Copyright 2002 by Kai Germaschewski - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ #include #ifdef KCAPI_DEBUG -#define DBG(format, arg...) do { \ -printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: " format "\n" , __func__ , ## arg); \ -} while (0) +#define DBG(format, arg...) do { \ + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: " format "\n" , __func__ , ## arg); \ + } while (0) #else #define DBG(format, arg...) /* */ #endif @@ -49,4 +49,3 @@ static inline void kcapi_proc_init(void) { }; static inline void kcapi_proc_exit(void) { }; #endif - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi_proc.c b/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi_proc.c index 8d51cd1bf674f61cec1efd9c4a50f3ccffab68d5..68db3c5a10636a027ee72fce2341981046ca671a 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi_proc.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi_proc.c @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ /* * Kernel CAPI 2.0 Module - /proc/capi handling - * + * * Copyright 1999 by Carsten Paeth * Copyright 2002 by Kai Germaschewski - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ static char *state2str(unsigned short state) // /proc/capi // =========================================================================== -// /proc/capi/controller: +// /proc/capi/controller: // cnr driver cardstate name driverinfo // /proc/capi/contrstats: // cnr nrecvctlpkt nrecvdatapkt nsentctlpkt nsentdatapkt @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ static int contrstats_show(struct seq_file *seq, void *v) return 0; seq_printf(seq, "%d %lu %lu %lu %lu\n", - ctr->cnr, + ctr->cnr, ctr->nrecvctlpkt, ctr->nrecvdatapkt, ctr->nsentctlpkt, @@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ static const struct file_operations proc_contrstats_ops = { .release = seq_release, }; -// /proc/capi/applications: +// /proc/capi/applications: // applid l3cnt dblkcnt dblklen #ncci recvqueuelen -// /proc/capi/applstats: +// /proc/capi/applstats: // applid nrecvctlpkt nrecvdatapkt nsentctlpkt nsentdatapkt // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ static const struct file_operations proc_driver_ops = { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -void __init +void __init kcapi_proc_init(void) { proc_mkdir("capi", NULL); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/divert/divert_init.c b/drivers/isdn/divert/divert_init.c index 2f7c9fc2e898b5d52fc20b628b1d4d5a7d7fac31..5374c25f036cffa72b181a9286031696dbce4d0e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/divert/divert_init.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/divert/divert_init.c @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ * Module init for DSS1 diversion services for i4l. * * Copyright 1999 by Werner Cornelius (werner@isdn4linux.de) - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); /* structure containing interface to hl */ /****************************************/ isdn_divert_if divert_if = - { DIVERT_IF_MAGIC, /* magic value */ - DIVERT_CMD_REG, /* register cmd */ - ll_callback, /* callback routine from ll */ - NULL, /* command still not specified */ - NULL, /* drv_to_name */ - NULL, /* name_to_drv */ - }; +{ DIVERT_IF_MAGIC, /* magic value */ + DIVERT_CMD_REG, /* register cmd */ + ll_callback, /* callback routine from ll */ + NULL, /* command still not specified */ + NULL, /* drv_to_name */ + NULL, /* name_to_drv */ +}; /*************************/ /* Module interface code */ @@ -38,17 +38,17 @@ isdn_divert_if divert_if = static int __init divert_init(void) { int i; - if (divert_dev_init()) - { printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert: cannot install device, not loaded\n"); - return(-EIO); - } - if ((i = DIVERT_REG_NAME(&divert_if)) != DIVERT_NO_ERR) - { divert_dev_deinit(); - printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert: error %d registering module, not loaded\n",i); - return(-EIO); - } - printk(KERN_INFO "dss1_divert module successfully installed\n"); - return(0); + if (divert_dev_init()) + { printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert: cannot install device, not loaded\n"); + return (-EIO); + } + if ((i = DIVERT_REG_NAME(&divert_if)) != DIVERT_NO_ERR) + { divert_dev_deinit(); + printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert: error %d registering module, not loaded\n", i); + return (-EIO); + } + printk(KERN_INFO "dss1_divert module successfully installed\n"); + return (0); } /**********************/ @@ -56,27 +56,26 @@ static int __init divert_init(void) /**********************/ static void __exit divert_exit(void) { - unsigned long flags; - int i; + unsigned long flags; + int i; - spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - divert_if.cmd = DIVERT_CMD_REL; /* release */ - if ((i = DIVERT_REG_NAME(&divert_if)) != DIVERT_NO_ERR) - { printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert: error %d releasing module\n",i); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - return; - } - if (divert_dev_deinit()) - { printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert: device busy, remove cancelled\n"); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - return; - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - deleterule(-1); /* delete all rules and free mem */ - deleteprocs(); - printk(KERN_INFO "dss1_divert module successfully removed \n"); + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + divert_if.cmd = DIVERT_CMD_REL; /* release */ + if ((i = DIVERT_REG_NAME(&divert_if)) != DIVERT_NO_ERR) + { printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert: error %d releasing module\n", i); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + return; + } + if (divert_dev_deinit()) + { printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert: device busy, remove cancelled\n"); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + return; + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + deleterule(-1); /* delete all rules and free mem */ + deleteprocs(); + printk(KERN_INFO "dss1_divert module successfully removed \n"); } module_init(divert_init); module_exit(divert_exit); - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/divert/divert_procfs.c b/drivers/isdn/divert/divert_procfs.c index 9021182c4b766e02454365f1e2b6d22822358f8a..fb4f1bac0133faa6783b252432fd7ecfdafc3343 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/divert/divert_procfs.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/divert/divert_procfs.c @@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ put_info_buffer(char *cp) if (!*cp) return; if (!(ib = kmalloc(sizeof(struct divert_info) + strlen(cp), GFP_ATOMIC))) - return; /* no memory */ + return; /* no memory */ strcpy(ib->info_start, cp); /* set output string */ ib->next = NULL; - spin_lock_irqsave( &divert_info_lock, flags ); + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_info_lock, flags); ib->usage_cnt = if_used; if (!divert_info_head) divert_info_head = ib; /* new head */ @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ put_info_buffer(char *cp) } else break; } /* divert_info_head->next */ - spin_unlock_irqrestore( &divert_info_lock, flags ); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_info_lock, flags); wake_up_interruptible(&(rd_queue)); } /* put_info_buffer */ @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ put_info_buffer(char *cp) /* deflection device read routine */ /**********************************/ static ssize_t -isdn_divert_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t * off) +isdn_divert_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *off) { struct divert_info *inf; int len; @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ isdn_divert_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t * off /* deflection device write routine */ /**********************************/ static ssize_t -isdn_divert_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t * off) +isdn_divert_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *off) { return (-ENODEV); } /* isdn_divert_write */ @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ isdn_divert_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_ /* select routines for various kernels */ /***************************************/ static unsigned int -isdn_divert_poll(struct file *file, poll_table * wait) +isdn_divert_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait) { unsigned int mask = 0; @@ -139,13 +139,13 @@ isdn_divert_open(struct inode *ino, struct file *filep) { unsigned long flags; - spin_lock_irqsave( &divert_info_lock, flags ); - if_used++; + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_info_lock, flags); + if_used++; if (divert_info_head) filep->private_data = &(divert_info_tail->next); else filep->private_data = &divert_info_head; - spin_unlock_irqrestore( &divert_info_lock, flags ); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_info_lock, flags); /* start_divert(); */ return nonseekable_open(ino, filep); } /* isdn_divert_open */ @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ isdn_divert_close(struct inode *ino, struct file *filep) struct divert_info *inf; unsigned long flags; - spin_lock_irqsave( &divert_info_lock, flags ); + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_info_lock, flags); if_used--; inf = *((struct divert_info **) filep->private_data); while (inf) { @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ isdn_divert_close(struct inode *ino, struct file *filep) divert_info_head = divert_info_head->next; kfree(inf); } - spin_unlock_irqrestore( &divert_info_lock, flags ); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_info_lock, flags); return (0); } /* isdn_divert_close */ @@ -191,75 +191,75 @@ static int isdn_divert_ioctl_unlocked(struct file *file, uint cmd, ulong arg) return -EFAULT; switch (cmd) { - case IIOCGETVER: - dioctl.drv_version = DIVERT_IIOC_VERSION; /* set version */ - break; - - case IIOCGETDRV: - if ((dioctl.getid.drvid = divert_if.name_to_drv(dioctl.getid.drvnam)) < 0) - return (-EINVAL); - break; - - case IIOCGETNAM: - cp = divert_if.drv_to_name(dioctl.getid.drvid); - if (!cp) - return (-EINVAL); - if (!*cp) - return (-EINVAL); - strcpy(dioctl.getid.drvnam, cp); - break; - - case IIOCGETRULE: - if (!(rulep = getruleptr(dioctl.getsetrule.ruleidx))) - return (-EINVAL); - dioctl.getsetrule.rule = *rulep; /* copy data */ - break; - - case IIOCMODRULE: - if (!(rulep = getruleptr(dioctl.getsetrule.ruleidx))) - return (-EINVAL); - spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - *rulep = dioctl.getsetrule.rule; /* copy data */ - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - return (0); /* no copy required */ - break; + case IIOCGETVER: + dioctl.drv_version = DIVERT_IIOC_VERSION; /* set version */ + break; - case IIOCINSRULE: - return (insertrule(dioctl.getsetrule.ruleidx, &dioctl.getsetrule.rule)); - break; + case IIOCGETDRV: + if ((dioctl.getid.drvid = divert_if.name_to_drv(dioctl.getid.drvnam)) < 0) + return (-EINVAL); + break; - case IIOCDELRULE: - return (deleterule(dioctl.getsetrule.ruleidx)); - break; + case IIOCGETNAM: + cp = divert_if.drv_to_name(dioctl.getid.drvid); + if (!cp) + return (-EINVAL); + if (!*cp) + return (-EINVAL); + strcpy(dioctl.getid.drvnam, cp); + break; - case IIOCDODFACT: - return (deflect_extern_action(dioctl.fwd_ctrl.subcmd, - dioctl.fwd_ctrl.callid, - dioctl.fwd_ctrl.to_nr)); - - case IIOCDOCFACT: - case IIOCDOCFDIS: - case IIOCDOCFINT: - if (!divert_if.drv_to_name(dioctl.cf_ctrl.drvid)) - return (-EINVAL); /* invalid driver */ - if (strnlen(dioctl.cf_ctrl.msn, sizeof(dioctl.cf_ctrl.msn)) == - sizeof(dioctl.cf_ctrl.msn)) - return -EINVAL; - if (strnlen(dioctl.cf_ctrl.fwd_nr, sizeof(dioctl.cf_ctrl.fwd_nr)) == - sizeof(dioctl.cf_ctrl.fwd_nr)) - return -EINVAL; - if ((i = cf_command(dioctl.cf_ctrl.drvid, - (cmd == IIOCDOCFACT) ? 1 : (cmd == IIOCDOCFDIS) ? 0 : 2, - dioctl.cf_ctrl.cfproc, - dioctl.cf_ctrl.msn, - dioctl.cf_ctrl.service, - dioctl.cf_ctrl.fwd_nr, - &dioctl.cf_ctrl.procid))) - return (i); - break; + case IIOCGETRULE: + if (!(rulep = getruleptr(dioctl.getsetrule.ruleidx))) + return (-EINVAL); + dioctl.getsetrule.rule = *rulep; /* copy data */ + break; - default: + case IIOCMODRULE: + if (!(rulep = getruleptr(dioctl.getsetrule.ruleidx))) return (-EINVAL); + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + *rulep = dioctl.getsetrule.rule; /* copy data */ + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + return (0); /* no copy required */ + break; + + case IIOCINSRULE: + return (insertrule(dioctl.getsetrule.ruleidx, &dioctl.getsetrule.rule)); + break; + + case IIOCDELRULE: + return (deleterule(dioctl.getsetrule.ruleidx)); + break; + + case IIOCDODFACT: + return (deflect_extern_action(dioctl.fwd_ctrl.subcmd, + dioctl.fwd_ctrl.callid, + dioctl.fwd_ctrl.to_nr)); + + case IIOCDOCFACT: + case IIOCDOCFDIS: + case IIOCDOCFINT: + if (!divert_if.drv_to_name(dioctl.cf_ctrl.drvid)) + return (-EINVAL); /* invalid driver */ + if (strnlen(dioctl.cf_ctrl.msn, sizeof(dioctl.cf_ctrl.msn)) == + sizeof(dioctl.cf_ctrl.msn)) + return -EINVAL; + if (strnlen(dioctl.cf_ctrl.fwd_nr, sizeof(dioctl.cf_ctrl.fwd_nr)) == + sizeof(dioctl.cf_ctrl.fwd_nr)) + return -EINVAL; + if ((i = cf_command(dioctl.cf_ctrl.drvid, + (cmd == IIOCDOCFACT) ? 1 : (cmd == IIOCDOCFDIS) ? 0 : 2, + dioctl.cf_ctrl.cfproc, + dioctl.cf_ctrl.msn, + dioctl.cf_ctrl.service, + dioctl.cf_ctrl.fwd_nr, + &dioctl.cf_ctrl.procid))) + return (i); + break; + + default: + return (-EINVAL); } /* switch cmd */ return copy_to_user((void __user *)arg, &dioctl, sizeof(dioctl)) ? -EFAULT : 0; } /* isdn_divert_ioctl */ @@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ static const struct file_operations isdn_fops = .poll = isdn_divert_poll, .unlocked_ioctl = isdn_divert_ioctl, .open = isdn_divert_open, - .release = isdn_divert_close, + .release = isdn_divert_close, }; /****************************/ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/divert/isdn_divert.c b/drivers/isdn/divert/isdn_divert.c index 48e6d220f62c4d56b9bd3a5830552ccb8d684039..e61e55f1f193fb54209c3e727caa8d4c0c541e4c 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/divert/isdn_divert.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/divert/isdn_divert.c @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ * DSS1 main diversion supplementary handling for i4l. * * Copyright 1999 by Werner Cornelius (werner@isdn4linux.de) - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -20,24 +20,24 @@ /* structure keeping calling info */ /**********************************/ struct call_struc - { isdn_ctrl ics; /* delivered setup + driver parameters */ - ulong divert_id; /* Id delivered to user */ - unsigned char akt_state; /* actual state */ - char deflect_dest[35]; /* deflection destination */ - struct timer_list timer; /* timer control structure */ - char info[90]; /* device info output */ - struct call_struc *next; /* pointer to next entry */ - struct call_struc *prev; - }; +{ isdn_ctrl ics; /* delivered setup + driver parameters */ + ulong divert_id; /* Id delivered to user */ + unsigned char akt_state; /* actual state */ + char deflect_dest[35]; /* deflection destination */ + struct timer_list timer; /* timer control structure */ + char info[90]; /* device info output */ + struct call_struc *next; /* pointer to next entry */ + struct call_struc *prev; +}; /********************************************/ /* structure keeping deflection table entry */ /********************************************/ struct deflect_struc - { struct deflect_struc *next,*prev; - divert_rule rule; /* used rule */ - }; +{ struct deflect_struc *next, *prev; + divert_rule rule; /* used rule */ +}; /*****************************************/ @@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ struct deflect_struc /*****************************************/ /* diversion/deflection processes */ static struct call_struc *divert_head = NULL; /* head of remembered entrys */ -static ulong next_id = 1; /* next info id */ +static ulong next_id = 1; /* next info id */ static struct deflect_struc *table_head = NULL; -static struct deflect_struc *table_tail = NULL; -static unsigned char extern_wait_max = 4; /* maximum wait in s for external process */ +static struct deflect_struc *table_tail = NULL; +static unsigned char extern_wait_max = 4; /* maximum wait in s for external process */ DEFINE_SPINLOCK(divert_lock); @@ -57,50 +57,50 @@ DEFINE_SPINLOCK(divert_lock); /***************************/ static void deflect_timer_expire(ulong arg) { - unsigned long flags; - struct call_struc *cs = (struct call_struc *) arg; - - spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - del_timer(&cs->timer); /* delete active timer */ - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - - switch(cs->akt_state) - { case DEFLECT_PROCEED: - cs->ics.command = ISDN_CMD_HANGUP; /* cancel action */ - divert_if.ll_cmd(&cs->ics); - spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_AUTODEL; /* delete after timeout */ - cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * AUTODEL_TIME); - add_timer(&cs->timer); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - break; - - case DEFLECT_ALERT: - cs->ics.command = ISDN_CMD_REDIR; /* protocol */ - strlcpy(cs->ics.parm.setup.phone, cs->deflect_dest, sizeof(cs->ics.parm.setup.phone)); - strcpy(cs->ics.parm.setup.eazmsn,"Testtext delayed"); - divert_if.ll_cmd(&cs->ics); - spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_AUTODEL; /* delete after timeout */ - cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * AUTODEL_TIME); - add_timer(&cs->timer); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - break; - - case DEFLECT_AUTODEL: - default: - spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - if (cs->prev) - cs->prev->next = cs->next; /* forward link */ - else - divert_head = cs->next; - if (cs->next) - cs->next->prev = cs->prev; /* back link */ - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - kfree(cs); - return; - - } /* switch */ + unsigned long flags; + struct call_struc *cs = (struct call_struc *) arg; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + del_timer(&cs->timer); /* delete active timer */ + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + + switch (cs->akt_state) + { case DEFLECT_PROCEED: + cs->ics.command = ISDN_CMD_HANGUP; /* cancel action */ + divert_if.ll_cmd(&cs->ics); + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_AUTODEL; /* delete after timeout */ + cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * AUTODEL_TIME); + add_timer(&cs->timer); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + break; + + case DEFLECT_ALERT: + cs->ics.command = ISDN_CMD_REDIR; /* protocol */ + strlcpy(cs->ics.parm.setup.phone, cs->deflect_dest, sizeof(cs->ics.parm.setup.phone)); + strcpy(cs->ics.parm.setup.eazmsn, "Testtext delayed"); + divert_if.ll_cmd(&cs->ics); + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_AUTODEL; /* delete after timeout */ + cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * AUTODEL_TIME); + add_timer(&cs->timer); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + break; + + case DEFLECT_AUTODEL: + default: + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + if (cs->prev) + cs->prev->next = cs->next; /* forward link */ + else + divert_head = cs->next; + if (cs->next) + cs->next->prev = cs->prev; /* back link */ + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + kfree(cs); + return; + + } /* switch */ } /* deflect_timer_func */ @@ -108,94 +108,94 @@ static void deflect_timer_expire(ulong arg) /* handle call forwarding de/activations */ /* 0 = deact, 1 = act, 2 = interrogate */ /*****************************************/ -int cf_command(int drvid, int mode, - u_char proc, char *msn, - u_char service, char *fwd_nr, ulong *procid) +int cf_command(int drvid, int mode, + u_char proc, char *msn, + u_char service, char *fwd_nr, ulong *procid) { unsigned long flags; - int retval,msnlen; - int fwd_len; - char *p,*ielenp,tmp[60]; - struct call_struc *cs; - - if (strchr(msn,'.')) return(-EINVAL); /* subaddress not allowed in msn */ - if ((proc & 0x7F) > 2) return(-EINVAL); - proc &= 3; - p = tmp; - *p++ = 0x30; /* enumeration */ - ielenp = p++; /* remember total length position */ - *p++ = 0xa; /* proc tag */ - *p++ = 1; /* length */ - *p++ = proc & 0x7F; /* procedure to de/activate/interrogate */ - *p++ = 0xa; /* service tag */ - *p++ = 1; /* length */ - *p++ = service; /* service to handle */ - - if (mode == 1) - { if (!*fwd_nr) return(-EINVAL); /* destination missing */ - if (strchr(fwd_nr,'.')) return(-EINVAL); /* subaddress not allowed */ - fwd_len = strlen(fwd_nr); - *p++ = 0x30; /* number enumeration */ - *p++ = fwd_len + 2; /* complete forward to len */ - *p++ = 0x80; /* fwd to nr */ - *p++ = fwd_len; /* length of number */ - strcpy(p,fwd_nr); /* copy number */ - p += fwd_len; /* pointer beyond fwd */ - } /* activate */ - - msnlen = strlen(msn); - *p++ = 0x80; /* msn number */ - if (msnlen > 1) - { *p++ = msnlen; /* length */ - strcpy(p,msn); - p += msnlen; - } - else *p++ = 0; - - *ielenp = p - ielenp - 1; /* set total IE length */ - - /* allocate mem for information struct */ - if (!(cs = kmalloc(sizeof(struct call_struc), GFP_ATOMIC))) - return(-ENOMEM); /* no memory */ - init_timer(&cs->timer); - cs->info[0] = '\0'; - cs->timer.function = deflect_timer_expire; - cs->timer.data = (ulong) cs; /* pointer to own structure */ - cs->ics.driver = drvid; - cs->ics.command = ISDN_CMD_PROT_IO; /* protocol specific io */ - cs->ics.arg = DSS1_CMD_INVOKE; /* invoke supplementary service */ - cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.proc = (mode == 1) ? 7: (mode == 2) ? 11:8; /* operation */ - cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.timeout = 4000; /* from ETS 300 207-1 */ - cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.datalen = p - tmp; /* total len */ - cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.data = tmp; /* start of buffer */ - - spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.ll_id = next_id++; /* id for callback */ - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - *procid = cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.ll_id; - - sprintf(cs->info,"%d 0x%lx %s%s 0 %s %02x %d%s%s\n", - (!mode ) ? DIVERT_DEACTIVATE : (mode == 1) ? DIVERT_ACTIVATE : DIVERT_REPORT, - cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.ll_id, - (mode != 2) ? "" : "0 ", - divert_if.drv_to_name(cs->ics.driver), - msn, - service & 0xFF, - proc, - (mode != 1) ? "" : " 0 ", - (mode != 1) ? "" : fwd_nr); - - retval = divert_if.ll_cmd(&cs->ics); /* execute command */ - - if (!retval) - { cs->prev = NULL; - spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - cs->next = divert_head; - divert_head = cs; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - } - else - kfree(cs); - return(retval); + int retval, msnlen; + int fwd_len; + char *p, *ielenp, tmp[60]; + struct call_struc *cs; + + if (strchr(msn, '.')) return (-EINVAL); /* subaddress not allowed in msn */ + if ((proc & 0x7F) > 2) return (-EINVAL); + proc &= 3; + p = tmp; + *p++ = 0x30; /* enumeration */ + ielenp = p++; /* remember total length position */ + *p++ = 0xa; /* proc tag */ + *p++ = 1; /* length */ + *p++ = proc & 0x7F; /* procedure to de/activate/interrogate */ + *p++ = 0xa; /* service tag */ + *p++ = 1; /* length */ + *p++ = service; /* service to handle */ + + if (mode == 1) + { if (!*fwd_nr) return (-EINVAL); /* destination missing */ + if (strchr(fwd_nr, '.')) return (-EINVAL); /* subaddress not allowed */ + fwd_len = strlen(fwd_nr); + *p++ = 0x30; /* number enumeration */ + *p++ = fwd_len + 2; /* complete forward to len */ + *p++ = 0x80; /* fwd to nr */ + *p++ = fwd_len; /* length of number */ + strcpy(p, fwd_nr); /* copy number */ + p += fwd_len; /* pointer beyond fwd */ + } /* activate */ + + msnlen = strlen(msn); + *p++ = 0x80; /* msn number */ + if (msnlen > 1) + { *p++ = msnlen; /* length */ + strcpy(p, msn); + p += msnlen; + } + else *p++ = 0; + + *ielenp = p - ielenp - 1; /* set total IE length */ + + /* allocate mem for information struct */ + if (!(cs = kmalloc(sizeof(struct call_struc), GFP_ATOMIC))) + return (-ENOMEM); /* no memory */ + init_timer(&cs->timer); + cs->info[0] = '\0'; + cs->timer.function = deflect_timer_expire; + cs->timer.data = (ulong) cs; /* pointer to own structure */ + cs->ics.driver = drvid; + cs->ics.command = ISDN_CMD_PROT_IO; /* protocol specific io */ + cs->ics.arg = DSS1_CMD_INVOKE; /* invoke supplementary service */ + cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.proc = (mode == 1) ? 7 : (mode == 2) ? 11 : 8; /* operation */ + cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.timeout = 4000; /* from ETS 300 207-1 */ + cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.datalen = p - tmp; /* total len */ + cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.data = tmp; /* start of buffer */ + + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.ll_id = next_id++; /* id for callback */ + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + *procid = cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.ll_id; + + sprintf(cs->info, "%d 0x%lx %s%s 0 %s %02x %d%s%s\n", + (!mode) ? DIVERT_DEACTIVATE : (mode == 1) ? DIVERT_ACTIVATE : DIVERT_REPORT, + cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.ll_id, + (mode != 2) ? "" : "0 ", + divert_if.drv_to_name(cs->ics.driver), + msn, + service & 0xFF, + proc, + (mode != 1) ? "" : " 0 ", + (mode != 1) ? "" : fwd_nr); + + retval = divert_if.ll_cmd(&cs->ics); /* execute command */ + + if (!retval) + { cs->prev = NULL; + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + cs->next = divert_head; + divert_head = cs; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + } + else + kfree(cs); + return (retval); } /* cf_command */ @@ -204,165 +204,165 @@ int cf_command(int drvid, int mode, /****************************************/ int deflect_extern_action(u_char cmd, ulong callid, char *to_nr) { struct call_struc *cs; - isdn_ctrl ic; - unsigned long flags; - int i; - - if ((cmd & 0x7F) > 2) return(-EINVAL); /* invalid command */ - cs = divert_head; /* start of parameter list */ - while (cs) - { if (cs->divert_id == callid) break; /* found */ - cs = cs->next; - } /* search entry */ - if (!cs) return(-EINVAL); /* invalid callid */ - - ic.driver = cs->ics.driver; - ic.arg = cs->ics.arg; - i = -EINVAL; - if (cs->akt_state == DEFLECT_AUTODEL) return(i); /* no valid call */ - switch (cmd & 0x7F) - { case 0: /* hangup */ - del_timer(&cs->timer); - ic.command = ISDN_CMD_HANGUP; - i = divert_if.ll_cmd(&ic); - spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_AUTODEL; /* delete after timeout */ - cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * AUTODEL_TIME); - add_timer(&cs->timer); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - break; - - case 1: /* alert */ - if (cs->akt_state == DEFLECT_ALERT) return(0); - cmd &= 0x7F; /* never wait */ - del_timer(&cs->timer); - ic.command = ISDN_CMD_ALERT; - if ((i = divert_if.ll_cmd(&ic))) - { - spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_AUTODEL; /* delete after timeout */ - cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * AUTODEL_TIME); - add_timer(&cs->timer); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - } - else - cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_ALERT; - break; - - case 2: /* redir */ - del_timer(&cs->timer); - strlcpy(cs->ics.parm.setup.phone, to_nr, sizeof(cs->ics.parm.setup.phone)); - strcpy(cs->ics.parm.setup.eazmsn, "Testtext manual"); - ic.command = ISDN_CMD_REDIR; - if ((i = divert_if.ll_cmd(&ic))) - { - spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_AUTODEL; /* delete after timeout */ - cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * AUTODEL_TIME); - add_timer(&cs->timer); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - } - else - cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_ALERT; - break; - - } /* switch */ - return(i); + isdn_ctrl ic; + unsigned long flags; + int i; + + if ((cmd & 0x7F) > 2) return (-EINVAL); /* invalid command */ + cs = divert_head; /* start of parameter list */ + while (cs) + { if (cs->divert_id == callid) break; /* found */ + cs = cs->next; + } /* search entry */ + if (!cs) return (-EINVAL); /* invalid callid */ + + ic.driver = cs->ics.driver; + ic.arg = cs->ics.arg; + i = -EINVAL; + if (cs->akt_state == DEFLECT_AUTODEL) return (i); /* no valid call */ + switch (cmd & 0x7F) + { case 0: /* hangup */ + del_timer(&cs->timer); + ic.command = ISDN_CMD_HANGUP; + i = divert_if.ll_cmd(&ic); + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_AUTODEL; /* delete after timeout */ + cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * AUTODEL_TIME); + add_timer(&cs->timer); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + break; + + case 1: /* alert */ + if (cs->akt_state == DEFLECT_ALERT) return (0); + cmd &= 0x7F; /* never wait */ + del_timer(&cs->timer); + ic.command = ISDN_CMD_ALERT; + if ((i = divert_if.ll_cmd(&ic))) + { + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_AUTODEL; /* delete after timeout */ + cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * AUTODEL_TIME); + add_timer(&cs->timer); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + } + else + cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_ALERT; + break; + + case 2: /* redir */ + del_timer(&cs->timer); + strlcpy(cs->ics.parm.setup.phone, to_nr, sizeof(cs->ics.parm.setup.phone)); + strcpy(cs->ics.parm.setup.eazmsn, "Testtext manual"); + ic.command = ISDN_CMD_REDIR; + if ((i = divert_if.ll_cmd(&ic))) + { + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_AUTODEL; /* delete after timeout */ + cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * AUTODEL_TIME); + add_timer(&cs->timer); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + } + else + cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_ALERT; + break; + + } /* switch */ + return (i); } /* deflect_extern_action */ /********************************/ /* insert a new rule before idx */ /********************************/ int insertrule(int idx, divert_rule *newrule) -{ struct deflect_struc *ds,*ds1=NULL; - unsigned long flags; - - if (!(ds = kmalloc(sizeof(struct deflect_struc), - GFP_KERNEL))) - return(-ENOMEM); /* no memory */ - - ds->rule = *newrule; /* set rule */ - - spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - - if (idx >= 0) - { ds1 = table_head; - while ((ds1) && (idx > 0)) - { idx--; - ds1 = ds1->next; - } - if (!ds1) idx = -1; - } - - if (idx < 0) - { ds->prev = table_tail; /* previous entry */ - ds->next = NULL; /* end of chain */ - if (ds->prev) - ds->prev->next = ds; /* last forward */ - else - table_head = ds; /* is first entry */ - table_tail = ds; /* end of queue */ - } - else - { ds->next = ds1; /* next entry */ - ds->prev = ds1->prev; /* prev entry */ - ds1->prev = ds; /* backward chain old element */ - if (!ds->prev) - table_head = ds; /* first element */ - } - - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - return(0); +{ struct deflect_struc *ds, *ds1 = NULL; + unsigned long flags; + + if (!(ds = kmalloc(sizeof(struct deflect_struc), + GFP_KERNEL))) + return (-ENOMEM); /* no memory */ + + ds->rule = *newrule; /* set rule */ + + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + + if (idx >= 0) + { ds1 = table_head; + while ((ds1) && (idx > 0)) + { idx--; + ds1 = ds1->next; + } + if (!ds1) idx = -1; + } + + if (idx < 0) + { ds->prev = table_tail; /* previous entry */ + ds->next = NULL; /* end of chain */ + if (ds->prev) + ds->prev->next = ds; /* last forward */ + else + table_head = ds; /* is first entry */ + table_tail = ds; /* end of queue */ + } + else + { ds->next = ds1; /* next entry */ + ds->prev = ds1->prev; /* prev entry */ + ds1->prev = ds; /* backward chain old element */ + if (!ds->prev) + table_head = ds; /* first element */ + } + + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + return (0); } /* insertrule */ /***********************************/ /* delete the rule at position idx */ /***********************************/ int deleterule(int idx) -{ struct deflect_struc *ds,*ds1; - unsigned long flags; - - if (idx < 0) - { spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - ds = table_head; - table_head = NULL; - table_tail = NULL; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - while (ds) - { ds1 = ds; - ds = ds->next; - kfree(ds1); - } - return(0); - } - - spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - ds = table_head; - - while ((ds) && (idx > 0)) - { idx--; - ds = ds->next; - } - - if (!ds) - { - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - return(-EINVAL); - } - - if (ds->next) - ds->next->prev = ds->prev; /* backward chain */ - else - table_tail = ds->prev; /* end of chain */ - - if (ds->prev) - ds->prev->next = ds->next; /* forward chain */ - else - table_head = ds->next; /* start of chain */ - - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - kfree(ds); - return(0); +{ struct deflect_struc *ds, *ds1; + unsigned long flags; + + if (idx < 0) + { spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + ds = table_head; + table_head = NULL; + table_tail = NULL; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + while (ds) + { ds1 = ds; + ds = ds->next; + kfree(ds1); + } + return (0); + } + + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + ds = table_head; + + while ((ds) && (idx > 0)) + { idx--; + ds = ds->next; + } + + if (!ds) + { + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + return (-EINVAL); + } + + if (ds->next) + ds->next->prev = ds->prev; /* backward chain */ + else + table_tail = ds->prev; /* end of chain */ + + if (ds->prev) + ds->prev->next = ds->next; /* forward chain */ + else + table_head = ds->next; /* start of chain */ + + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + kfree(ds); + return (0); } /* deleterule */ /*******************************************/ @@ -370,16 +370,16 @@ int deleterule(int idx) /*******************************************/ divert_rule *getruleptr(int idx) { struct deflect_struc *ds = table_head; - - if (idx < 0) return(NULL); - while ((ds) && (idx >= 0)) - { if (!(idx--)) - { return(&ds->rule); - break; - } - ds = ds->next; - } - return(NULL); + + if (idx < 0) return (NULL); + while ((ds) && (idx >= 0)) + { if (!(idx--)) + { return (&ds->rule); + break; + } + ds = ds->next; + } + return (NULL); } /* getruleptr */ /*************************************************/ @@ -387,168 +387,168 @@ divert_rule *getruleptr(int idx) /*************************************************/ static int isdn_divert_icall(isdn_ctrl *ic) { int retval = 0; - unsigned long flags; - struct call_struc *cs = NULL; - struct deflect_struc *dv; - char *p,*p1; - u_char accept; - - /* first check the internal deflection table */ - for (dv = table_head; dv ; dv = dv->next ) - { /* scan table */ - if (((dv->rule.callopt == 1) && (ic->command == ISDN_STAT_ICALLW)) || - ((dv->rule.callopt == 2) && (ic->command == ISDN_STAT_ICALL))) - continue; /* call option check */ - if (!(dv->rule.drvid & (1L << ic->driver))) - continue; /* driver not matching */ - if ((dv->rule.si1) && (dv->rule.si1 != ic->parm.setup.si1)) - continue; /* si1 not matching */ - if ((dv->rule.si2) && (dv->rule.si2 != ic->parm.setup.si2)) - continue; /* si2 not matching */ - - p = dv->rule.my_msn; - p1 = ic->parm.setup.eazmsn; - accept = 0; - while (*p) - { /* complete compare */ - if (*p == '-') - { accept = 1; /* call accepted */ - break; - } - if (*p++ != *p1++) - break; /* not accepted */ - if ((!*p) && (!*p1)) - accept = 1; - } /* complete compare */ - if (!accept) continue; /* not accepted */ - - if ((strcmp(dv->rule.caller,"0")) || (ic->parm.setup.phone[0])) - { p = dv->rule.caller; - p1 = ic->parm.setup.phone; - accept = 0; - while (*p) - { /* complete compare */ - if (*p == '-') - { accept = 1; /* call accepted */ - break; - } - if (*p++ != *p1++) - break; /* not accepted */ - if ((!*p) && (!*p1)) - accept = 1; - } /* complete compare */ - if (!accept) continue; /* not accepted */ - } - - switch (dv->rule.action) - { case DEFLECT_IGNORE: - return(0); - break; - - case DEFLECT_ALERT: - case DEFLECT_PROCEED: - case DEFLECT_REPORT: - case DEFLECT_REJECT: - if (dv->rule.action == DEFLECT_PROCEED) - if ((!if_used) || ((!extern_wait_max) && (!dv->rule.waittime))) - return(0); /* no external deflection needed */ - if (!(cs = kmalloc(sizeof(struct call_struc), GFP_ATOMIC))) - return(0); /* no memory */ - init_timer(&cs->timer); - cs->info[0] = '\0'; - cs->timer.function = deflect_timer_expire; - cs->timer.data = (ulong) cs; /* pointer to own structure */ - - cs->ics = *ic; /* copy incoming data */ - if (!cs->ics.parm.setup.phone[0]) strcpy(cs->ics.parm.setup.phone,"0"); - if (!cs->ics.parm.setup.eazmsn[0]) strcpy(cs->ics.parm.setup.eazmsn,"0"); - cs->ics.parm.setup.screen = dv->rule.screen; - if (dv->rule.waittime) - cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * dv->rule.waittime); - else - if (dv->rule.action == DEFLECT_PROCEED) - cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * extern_wait_max); - else - cs->timer.expires = 0; - cs->akt_state = dv->rule.action; - spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - cs->divert_id = next_id++; /* new sequence number */ - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - cs->prev = NULL; - if (cs->akt_state == DEFLECT_ALERT) - { strcpy(cs->deflect_dest,dv->rule.to_nr); - if (!cs->timer.expires) - { strcpy(ic->parm.setup.eazmsn,"Testtext direct"); - ic->parm.setup.screen = dv->rule.screen; - strlcpy(ic->parm.setup.phone, dv->rule.to_nr, sizeof(ic->parm.setup.phone)); - cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_AUTODEL; /* delete after timeout */ - cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * AUTODEL_TIME); - retval = 5; - } - else - retval = 1; /* alerting */ - } - else - { cs->deflect_dest[0] = '\0'; - retval = 4; /* only proceed */ - } - sprintf(cs->info,"%d 0x%lx %s %s %s %s 0x%x 0x%x %d %d %s\n", - cs->akt_state, - cs->divert_id, - divert_if.drv_to_name(cs->ics.driver), - (ic->command == ISDN_STAT_ICALLW) ? "1":"0", - cs->ics.parm.setup.phone, - cs->ics.parm.setup.eazmsn, - cs->ics.parm.setup.si1, - cs->ics.parm.setup.si2, - cs->ics.parm.setup.screen, - dv->rule.waittime, - cs->deflect_dest); - if ((dv->rule.action == DEFLECT_REPORT) || - (dv->rule.action == DEFLECT_REJECT)) - { put_info_buffer(cs->info); - kfree(cs); /* remove */ - return((dv->rule.action == DEFLECT_REPORT) ? 0:2); /* nothing to do */ - } - break; - - default: - return(0); /* ignore call */ - break; - } /* switch action */ - break; - } /* scan_table */ - - if (cs) - { cs->prev = NULL; - spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - cs->next = divert_head; - divert_head = cs; - if (cs->timer.expires) add_timer(&cs->timer); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - - put_info_buffer(cs->info); - return(retval); - } - else - return(0); + unsigned long flags; + struct call_struc *cs = NULL; + struct deflect_struc *dv; + char *p, *p1; + u_char accept; + + /* first check the internal deflection table */ + for (dv = table_head; dv; dv = dv->next) + { /* scan table */ + if (((dv->rule.callopt == 1) && (ic->command == ISDN_STAT_ICALLW)) || + ((dv->rule.callopt == 2) && (ic->command == ISDN_STAT_ICALL))) + continue; /* call option check */ + if (!(dv->rule.drvid & (1L << ic->driver))) + continue; /* driver not matching */ + if ((dv->rule.si1) && (dv->rule.si1 != ic->parm.setup.si1)) + continue; /* si1 not matching */ + if ((dv->rule.si2) && (dv->rule.si2 != ic->parm.setup.si2)) + continue; /* si2 not matching */ + + p = dv->rule.my_msn; + p1 = ic->parm.setup.eazmsn; + accept = 0; + while (*p) + { /* complete compare */ + if (*p == '-') + { accept = 1; /* call accepted */ + break; + } + if (*p++ != *p1++) + break; /* not accepted */ + if ((!*p) && (!*p1)) + accept = 1; + } /* complete compare */ + if (!accept) continue; /* not accepted */ + + if ((strcmp(dv->rule.caller, "0")) || (ic->parm.setup.phone[0])) + { p = dv->rule.caller; + p1 = ic->parm.setup.phone; + accept = 0; + while (*p) + { /* complete compare */ + if (*p == '-') + { accept = 1; /* call accepted */ + break; + } + if (*p++ != *p1++) + break; /* not accepted */ + if ((!*p) && (!*p1)) + accept = 1; + } /* complete compare */ + if (!accept) continue; /* not accepted */ + } + + switch (dv->rule.action) + { case DEFLECT_IGNORE: + return (0); + break; + + case DEFLECT_ALERT: + case DEFLECT_PROCEED: + case DEFLECT_REPORT: + case DEFLECT_REJECT: + if (dv->rule.action == DEFLECT_PROCEED) + if ((!if_used) || ((!extern_wait_max) && (!dv->rule.waittime))) + return (0); /* no external deflection needed */ + if (!(cs = kmalloc(sizeof(struct call_struc), GFP_ATOMIC))) + return (0); /* no memory */ + init_timer(&cs->timer); + cs->info[0] = '\0'; + cs->timer.function = deflect_timer_expire; + cs->timer.data = (ulong) cs; /* pointer to own structure */ + + cs->ics = *ic; /* copy incoming data */ + if (!cs->ics.parm.setup.phone[0]) strcpy(cs->ics.parm.setup.phone, "0"); + if (!cs->ics.parm.setup.eazmsn[0]) strcpy(cs->ics.parm.setup.eazmsn, "0"); + cs->ics.parm.setup.screen = dv->rule.screen; + if (dv->rule.waittime) + cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * dv->rule.waittime); + else + if (dv->rule.action == DEFLECT_PROCEED) + cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * extern_wait_max); + else + cs->timer.expires = 0; + cs->akt_state = dv->rule.action; + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + cs->divert_id = next_id++; /* new sequence number */ + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + cs->prev = NULL; + if (cs->akt_state == DEFLECT_ALERT) + { strcpy(cs->deflect_dest, dv->rule.to_nr); + if (!cs->timer.expires) + { strcpy(ic->parm.setup.eazmsn, "Testtext direct"); + ic->parm.setup.screen = dv->rule.screen; + strlcpy(ic->parm.setup.phone, dv->rule.to_nr, sizeof(ic->parm.setup.phone)); + cs->akt_state = DEFLECT_AUTODEL; /* delete after timeout */ + cs->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ * AUTODEL_TIME); + retval = 5; + } + else + retval = 1; /* alerting */ + } + else + { cs->deflect_dest[0] = '\0'; + retval = 4; /* only proceed */ + } + sprintf(cs->info, "%d 0x%lx %s %s %s %s 0x%x 0x%x %d %d %s\n", + cs->akt_state, + cs->divert_id, + divert_if.drv_to_name(cs->ics.driver), + (ic->command == ISDN_STAT_ICALLW) ? "1" : "0", + cs->ics.parm.setup.phone, + cs->ics.parm.setup.eazmsn, + cs->ics.parm.setup.si1, + cs->ics.parm.setup.si2, + cs->ics.parm.setup.screen, + dv->rule.waittime, + cs->deflect_dest); + if ((dv->rule.action == DEFLECT_REPORT) || + (dv->rule.action == DEFLECT_REJECT)) + { put_info_buffer(cs->info); + kfree(cs); /* remove */ + return ((dv->rule.action == DEFLECT_REPORT) ? 0 : 2); /* nothing to do */ + } + break; + + default: + return (0); /* ignore call */ + break; + } /* switch action */ + break; + } /* scan_table */ + + if (cs) + { cs->prev = NULL; + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + cs->next = divert_head; + divert_head = cs; + if (cs->timer.expires) add_timer(&cs->timer); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + + put_info_buffer(cs->info); + return (retval); + } + else + return (0); } /* isdn_divert_icall */ void deleteprocs(void) -{ struct call_struc *cs, *cs1; - unsigned long flags; - - spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - cs = divert_head; - divert_head = NULL; - while (cs) - { del_timer(&cs->timer); - cs1 = cs; - cs = cs->next; - kfree(cs1); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); +{ struct call_struc *cs, *cs1; + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + cs = divert_head; + divert_head = NULL; + while (cs) + { del_timer(&cs->timer); + cs1 = cs; + cs = cs->next; + kfree(cs1); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); } /* deleteprocs */ /****************************************************/ @@ -556,42 +556,42 @@ void deleteprocs(void) /****************************************************/ static int put_address(char *st, u_char *p, int len) { u_char retval = 0; - u_char adr_typ = 0; /* network standard */ - - if (len < 2) return(retval); - if (*p == 0xA1) - { retval = *(++p) + 2; /* total length */ - if (retval > len) return(0); /* too short */ - len = retval - 2; /* remaining length */ - if (len < 3) return(0); - if ((*(++p) != 0x0A) || (*(++p) != 1)) return(0); - adr_typ = *(++p); - len -= 3; - p++; - if (len < 2) return(0); - if (*p++ != 0x12) return(0); - if (*p > len) return(0); /* check number length */ - len = *p++; - } - else - if (*p == 0x80) - { retval = *(++p) + 2; /* total length */ - if (retval > len) return(0); - len = retval - 2; - p++; - } - else - return(0); /* invalid address information */ - - sprintf(st,"%d ",adr_typ); - st += strlen(st); - if (!len) - *st++ = '-'; - else - while (len--) - *st++ = *p++; - *st = '\0'; - return(retval); + u_char adr_typ = 0; /* network standard */ + + if (len < 2) return (retval); + if (*p == 0xA1) + { retval = *(++p) + 2; /* total length */ + if (retval > len) return (0); /* too short */ + len = retval - 2; /* remaining length */ + if (len < 3) return (0); + if ((*(++p) != 0x0A) || (*(++p) != 1)) return (0); + adr_typ = *(++p); + len -= 3; + p++; + if (len < 2) return (0); + if (*p++ != 0x12) return (0); + if (*p > len) return (0); /* check number length */ + len = *p++; + } + else + if (*p == 0x80) + { retval = *(++p) + 2; /* total length */ + if (retval > len) return (0); + len = retval - 2; + p++; + } + else + return (0); /* invalid address information */ + + sprintf(st, "%d ", adr_typ); + st += strlen(st); + if (!len) + *st++ = '-'; + else + while (len--) + *st++ = *p++; + *st = '\0'; + return (retval); } /* put_address */ /*************************************/ @@ -599,93 +599,93 @@ static int put_address(char *st, u_char *p, int len) /*************************************/ static int interrogate_success(isdn_ctrl *ic, struct call_struc *cs) { char *src = ic->parm.dss1_io.data; - int restlen = ic->parm.dss1_io.datalen; - int cnt = 1; - u_char n,n1; - char st[90], *p, *stp; - - if (restlen < 2) return(-100); /* frame too short */ - if (*src++ != 0x30) return(-101); - if ((n = *src++) > 0x81) return(-102); /* invalid length field */ - restlen -= 2; /* remaining bytes */ - if (n == 0x80) - { if (restlen < 2) return(-103); - if ((*(src+restlen-1)) || (*(src+restlen-2))) return(-104); - restlen -= 2; - } - else - if ( n == 0x81) - { n = *src++; - restlen--; - if (n > restlen) return(-105); - restlen = n; - } - else - if (n > restlen) return(-106); - else - restlen = n; /* standard format */ - if (restlen < 3) return(-107); /* no procedure */ - if ((*src++ != 2) || (*src++ != 1) || (*src++ != 0x0B)) return(-108); - restlen -= 3; - if (restlen < 2) return(-109); /* list missing */ - if (*src == 0x31) - { src++; - if ((n = *src++) > 0x81) return(-110); /* invalid length field */ - restlen -= 2; /* remaining bytes */ - if (n == 0x80) - { if (restlen < 2) return(-111); - if ((*(src+restlen-1)) || (*(src+restlen-2))) return(-112); - restlen -= 2; - } - else - if ( n == 0x81) - { n = *src++; - restlen--; - if (n > restlen) return(-113); - restlen = n; - } - else - if (n > restlen) return(-114); - else - restlen = n; /* standard format */ - } /* result list header */ - - while (restlen >= 2) - { stp = st; - sprintf(stp,"%d 0x%lx %d %s ",DIVERT_REPORT, ic->parm.dss1_io.ll_id, - cnt++,divert_if.drv_to_name(ic->driver)); - stp += strlen(stp); - if (*src++ != 0x30) return(-115); /* invalid enum */ - n = *src++; - restlen -= 2; - if (n > restlen) return(-116); /* enum length wrong */ - restlen -= n; - p = src; /* one entry */ - src += n; - if (!(n1 = put_address(stp,p,n & 0xFF))) continue; - stp += strlen(stp); - p += n1; - n -= n1; - if (n < 6) continue; /* no service and proc */ - if ((*p++ != 0x0A) || (*p++ != 1)) continue; - sprintf(stp," 0x%02x ",(*p++) & 0xFF); - stp += strlen(stp); - if ((*p++ != 0x0A) || (*p++ != 1)) continue; - sprintf(stp,"%d ",(*p++) & 0xFF); - stp += strlen(stp); - n -= 6; - if (n > 2) - { if (*p++ != 0x30) continue; - if (*p > (n-2)) continue; - n = *p++; - if (!(n1 = put_address(stp,p,n & 0xFF))) continue; - stp += strlen(stp); - } - sprintf(stp,"\n"); - put_info_buffer(st); - } /* while restlen */ - if (restlen) return(-117); - return(0); + int restlen = ic->parm.dss1_io.datalen; + int cnt = 1; + u_char n, n1; + char st[90], *p, *stp; + + if (restlen < 2) return (-100); /* frame too short */ + if (*src++ != 0x30) return (-101); + if ((n = *src++) > 0x81) return (-102); /* invalid length field */ + restlen -= 2; /* remaining bytes */ + if (n == 0x80) + { if (restlen < 2) return (-103); + if ((*(src + restlen - 1)) || (*(src + restlen - 2))) return (-104); + restlen -= 2; + } + else + if (n == 0x81) + { n = *src++; + restlen--; + if (n > restlen) return (-105); + restlen = n; + } + else + if (n > restlen) return (-106); + else + restlen = n; /* standard format */ + if (restlen < 3) return (-107); /* no procedure */ + if ((*src++ != 2) || (*src++ != 1) || (*src++ != 0x0B)) return (-108); + restlen -= 3; + if (restlen < 2) return (-109); /* list missing */ + if (*src == 0x31) + { src++; + if ((n = *src++) > 0x81) return (-110); /* invalid length field */ + restlen -= 2; /* remaining bytes */ + if (n == 0x80) + { if (restlen < 2) return (-111); + if ((*(src + restlen - 1)) || (*(src + restlen - 2))) return (-112); + restlen -= 2; + } + else + if (n == 0x81) + { n = *src++; + restlen--; + if (n > restlen) return (-113); + restlen = n; + } + else + if (n > restlen) return (-114); + else + restlen = n; /* standard format */ + } /* result list header */ + + while (restlen >= 2) + { stp = st; + sprintf(stp, "%d 0x%lx %d %s ", DIVERT_REPORT, ic->parm.dss1_io.ll_id, + cnt++, divert_if.drv_to_name(ic->driver)); + stp += strlen(stp); + if (*src++ != 0x30) return (-115); /* invalid enum */ + n = *src++; + restlen -= 2; + if (n > restlen) return (-116); /* enum length wrong */ + restlen -= n; + p = src; /* one entry */ + src += n; + if (!(n1 = put_address(stp, p, n & 0xFF))) continue; + stp += strlen(stp); + p += n1; + n -= n1; + if (n < 6) continue; /* no service and proc */ + if ((*p++ != 0x0A) || (*p++ != 1)) continue; + sprintf(stp, " 0x%02x ", (*p++) & 0xFF); + stp += strlen(stp); + if ((*p++ != 0x0A) || (*p++ != 1)) continue; + sprintf(stp, "%d ", (*p++) & 0xFF); + stp += strlen(stp); + n -= 6; + if (n > 2) + { if (*p++ != 0x30) continue; + if (*p > (n - 2)) continue; + n = *p++; + if (!(n1 = put_address(stp, p, n & 0xFF))) continue; + stp += strlen(stp); + } + sprintf(stp, "\n"); + put_info_buffer(st); + } /* while restlen */ + if (restlen) return (-117); + return (0); } /* interrogate_success */ /*********************************************/ @@ -693,90 +693,90 @@ static int interrogate_success(isdn_ctrl *ic, struct call_struc *cs) /*********************************************/ static int prot_stat_callback(isdn_ctrl *ic) { struct call_struc *cs, *cs1; - int i; - unsigned long flags; - - cs = divert_head; /* start of list */ - cs1 = NULL; - while (cs) - { if (ic->driver == cs->ics.driver) - { switch (cs->ics.arg) - { case DSS1_CMD_INVOKE: - if ((cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.ll_id == ic->parm.dss1_io.ll_id) && - (cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.hl_id == ic->parm.dss1_io.hl_id)) - { switch (ic->arg) - { case DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_ERR: - sprintf(cs->info,"128 0x%lx 0x%x\n", - ic->parm.dss1_io.ll_id, - ic->parm.dss1_io.timeout); - put_info_buffer(cs->info); - break; - - case DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_RES: - switch (cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.proc) - { case 7: - case 8: - put_info_buffer(cs->info); - break; - - case 11: - i = interrogate_success(ic,cs); - if (i) - sprintf(cs->info,"%d 0x%lx %d\n",DIVERT_REPORT, - ic->parm.dss1_io.ll_id,i); - put_info_buffer(cs->info); - break; - - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert: unknown proc %d\n",cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.proc); - break; - } - - - break; - - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert unknown invoke answer %lx\n",ic->arg); - break; - } - cs1 = cs; /* remember structure */ - cs = NULL; - continue; /* abort search */ - } /* id found */ - break; - - case DSS1_CMD_INVOKE_ABORT: - printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert unhandled invoke abort\n"); - break; - - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert unknown cmd 0x%lx\n",cs->ics.arg); - break; - } /* switch ics.arg */ - cs = cs->next; - } /* driver ok */ - } - - if (!cs1) - { printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert unhandled process\n"); - return(0); - } - - if (cs1->ics.driver == -1) - { - spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - del_timer(&cs1->timer); - if (cs1->prev) - cs1->prev->next = cs1->next; /* forward link */ - else - divert_head = cs1->next; - if (cs1->next) - cs1->next->prev = cs1->prev; /* back link */ - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - kfree(cs1); - } - - return(0); + int i; + unsigned long flags; + + cs = divert_head; /* start of list */ + cs1 = NULL; + while (cs) + { if (ic->driver == cs->ics.driver) + { switch (cs->ics.arg) + { case DSS1_CMD_INVOKE: + if ((cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.ll_id == ic->parm.dss1_io.ll_id) && + (cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.hl_id == ic->parm.dss1_io.hl_id)) + { switch (ic->arg) + { case DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_ERR: + sprintf(cs->info, "128 0x%lx 0x%x\n", + ic->parm.dss1_io.ll_id, + ic->parm.dss1_io.timeout); + put_info_buffer(cs->info); + break; + + case DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_RES: + switch (cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.proc) + { case 7: + case 8: + put_info_buffer(cs->info); + break; + + case 11: + i = interrogate_success(ic, cs); + if (i) + sprintf(cs->info, "%d 0x%lx %d\n", DIVERT_REPORT, + ic->parm.dss1_io.ll_id, i); + put_info_buffer(cs->info); + break; + + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert: unknown proc %d\n", cs->ics.parm.dss1_io.proc); + break; + } + + + break; + + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert unknown invoke answer %lx\n", ic->arg); + break; + } + cs1 = cs; /* remember structure */ + cs = NULL; + continue; /* abort search */ + } /* id found */ + break; + + case DSS1_CMD_INVOKE_ABORT: + printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert unhandled invoke abort\n"); + break; + + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert unknown cmd 0x%lx\n", cs->ics.arg); + break; + } /* switch ics.arg */ + cs = cs->next; + } /* driver ok */ + } + + if (!cs1) + { printk(KERN_WARNING "dss1_divert unhandled process\n"); + return (0); + } + + if (cs1->ics.driver == -1) + { + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + del_timer(&cs1->timer); + if (cs1->prev) + cs1->prev->next = cs1->next; /* forward link */ + else + divert_head = cs1->next; + if (cs1->next) + cs1->next->prev = cs1->prev; /* back link */ + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + kfree(cs1); + } + + return (0); } /* prot_stat_callback */ @@ -785,79 +785,78 @@ static int prot_stat_callback(isdn_ctrl *ic) /***************************/ static int isdn_divert_stat_callback(isdn_ctrl *ic) { struct call_struc *cs, *cs1; - unsigned long flags; - int retval; - - retval = -1; - cs = divert_head; /* start of list */ - while (cs) - { if ((ic->driver == cs->ics.driver) && (ic->arg == cs->ics.arg)) - { switch (ic->command) - { case ISDN_STAT_DHUP: - sprintf(cs->info,"129 0x%lx\n",cs->divert_id); - del_timer(&cs->timer); - cs->ics.driver = -1; - break; - - case ISDN_STAT_CAUSE: - sprintf(cs->info,"130 0x%lx %s\n",cs->divert_id,ic->parm.num); - break; - - case ISDN_STAT_REDIR: - sprintf(cs->info,"131 0x%lx\n",cs->divert_id); - del_timer(&cs->timer); - cs->ics.driver = -1; - break; - - default: - sprintf(cs->info,"999 0x%lx 0x%x\n",cs->divert_id,(int)(ic->command)); - break; - } - put_info_buffer(cs->info); - retval = 0; - } - cs1 = cs; - cs = cs->next; - if (cs1->ics.driver == -1) - { - spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); - if (cs1->prev) - cs1->prev->next = cs1->next; /* forward link */ - else - divert_head = cs1->next; - if (cs1->next) - cs1->next->prev = cs1->prev; /* back link */ - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); - kfree(cs1); - } - } - return(retval); /* not found */ -} /* isdn_divert_stat_callback */ + unsigned long flags; + int retval; + + retval = -1; + cs = divert_head; /* start of list */ + while (cs) + { if ((ic->driver == cs->ics.driver) && (ic->arg == cs->ics.arg)) + { switch (ic->command) + { case ISDN_STAT_DHUP: + sprintf(cs->info, "129 0x%lx\n", cs->divert_id); + del_timer(&cs->timer); + cs->ics.driver = -1; + break; + + case ISDN_STAT_CAUSE: + sprintf(cs->info, "130 0x%lx %s\n", cs->divert_id, ic->parm.num); + break; + + case ISDN_STAT_REDIR: + sprintf(cs->info, "131 0x%lx\n", cs->divert_id); + del_timer(&cs->timer); + cs->ics.driver = -1; + break; + + default: + sprintf(cs->info, "999 0x%lx 0x%x\n", cs->divert_id, (int)(ic->command)); + break; + } + put_info_buffer(cs->info); + retval = 0; + } + cs1 = cs; + cs = cs->next; + if (cs1->ics.driver == -1) + { + spin_lock_irqsave(&divert_lock, flags); + if (cs1->prev) + cs1->prev->next = cs1->next; /* forward link */ + else + divert_head = cs1->next; + if (cs1->next) + cs1->next->prev = cs1->prev; /* back link */ + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&divert_lock, flags); + kfree(cs1); + } + } + return (retval); /* not found */ +} /* isdn_divert_stat_callback */ /********************/ /* callback from ll */ -/********************/ +/********************/ int ll_callback(isdn_ctrl *ic) { - switch (ic->command) - { case ISDN_STAT_ICALL: - case ISDN_STAT_ICALLW: - return(isdn_divert_icall(ic)); - break; - - case ISDN_STAT_PROT: - if ((ic->arg & 0xFF) == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) - { if (ic->arg != DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_BRD) - return(prot_stat_callback(ic)); - else - return(0); /* DSS1 invoke broadcast */ - } - else - return(-1); /* protocol not euro */ - - default: - return(isdn_divert_stat_callback(ic)); - } + switch (ic->command) + { case ISDN_STAT_ICALL: + case ISDN_STAT_ICALLW: + return (isdn_divert_icall(ic)); + break; + + case ISDN_STAT_PROT: + if ((ic->arg & 0xFF) == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) + { if (ic->arg != DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_BRD) + return (prot_stat_callback(ic)); + else + return (0); /* DSS1 invoke broadcast */ + } + else + return (-1); /* protocol not euro */ + + default: + return (isdn_divert_stat_callback(ic)); + } } /* ll_callback */ - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/divert/isdn_divert.h b/drivers/isdn/divert/isdn_divert.h index 19439a6176a9bb4631faea0a9090ce2f32ce4489..42f289320d2d2961fbd2dac1b8ac498da286fa46 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/divert/isdn_divert.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/divert/isdn_divert.h @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ * Header for the diversion supplementary ioctl interface. * * Copyright 1998 by Werner Cornelius (werner@ikt.de) - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ #define IIOCGETDRV _IO('I', 2) /* get driver number */ #define IIOCGETNAM _IO('I', 3) /* get driver name */ #define IIOCGETRULE _IO('I', 4) /* read one rule */ -#define IIOCMODRULE _IO('I', 5) /* modify/replace a rule */ +#define IIOCMODRULE _IO('I', 5) /* modify/replace a rule */ #define IIOCINSRULE _IO('I', 6) /* insert/append one rule */ #define IIOCDELRULE _IO('I', 7) /* delete a rule */ #define IIOCDODFACT _IO('I', 8) /* hangup/reject/alert/immediately deflect a call */ #define IIOCDOCFACT _IO('I', 9) /* activate control forwarding in PBX */ -#define IIOCDOCFDIS _IO('I',10) /* deactivate control forwarding in PBX */ -#define IIOCDOCFINT _IO('I',11) /* interrogate control forwarding in PBX */ +#define IIOCDOCFDIS _IO('I', 10) /* deactivate control forwarding in PBX */ +#define IIOCDOCFINT _IO('I', 11) /* interrogate control forwarding in PBX */ /*************************************/ /* states reported through interface */ @@ -34,65 +34,65 @@ #define DEFLECT_IGNORE 0 /* ignore incoming call */ #define DEFLECT_REPORT 1 /* only report */ #define DEFLECT_PROCEED 2 /* deflect when externally triggered */ -#define DEFLECT_ALERT 3 /* alert and deflect after delay */ +#define DEFLECT_ALERT 3 /* alert and deflect after delay */ #define DEFLECT_REJECT 4 /* reject immediately */ #define DIVERT_ACTIVATE 5 /* diversion activate */ #define DIVERT_DEACTIVATE 6 /* diversion deactivate */ -#define DIVERT_REPORT 7 /* interrogation result */ -#define DEFLECT_AUTODEL 255 /* only for internal use */ +#define DIVERT_REPORT 7 /* interrogation result */ +#define DEFLECT_AUTODEL 255 /* only for internal use */ #define DEFLECT_ALL_IDS 0xFFFFFFFF /* all drivers selected */ typedef struct - { ulong drvid; /* driver ids, bit mapped */ - char my_msn[35]; /* desired msn, subaddr allowed */ - char caller[35]; /* caller id, partial string with * + subaddr allowed */ - char to_nr[35]; /* deflected to number incl. subaddress */ - u_char si1,si2; /* service indicators, si1=bitmask, si1+2 0 = all */ - u_char screen; /* screening: 0 = no info, 1 = info, 2 = nfo with nr */ - u_char callopt; /* option for call handling: - 0 = all calls - 1 = only non waiting calls - 2 = only waiting calls */ - u_char action; /* desired action: - 0 = don't report call -> ignore - 1 = report call, do not allow/proceed for deflection - 2 = report call, send proceed, wait max waittime secs - 3 = report call, alert and deflect after waittime - 4 = report call, reject immediately - actions 1-2 only take place if interface is opened - */ - u_char waittime; /* maximum wait time for proceeding */ - } divert_rule; +{ ulong drvid; /* driver ids, bit mapped */ + char my_msn[35]; /* desired msn, subaddr allowed */ + char caller[35]; /* caller id, partial string with * + subaddr allowed */ + char to_nr[35]; /* deflected to number incl. subaddress */ + u_char si1, si2; /* service indicators, si1=bitmask, si1+2 0 = all */ + u_char screen; /* screening: 0 = no info, 1 = info, 2 = nfo with nr */ + u_char callopt; /* option for call handling: + 0 = all calls + 1 = only non waiting calls + 2 = only waiting calls */ + u_char action; /* desired action: + 0 = don't report call -> ignore + 1 = report call, do not allow/proceed for deflection + 2 = report call, send proceed, wait max waittime secs + 3 = report call, alert and deflect after waittime + 4 = report call, reject immediately + actions 1-2 only take place if interface is opened + */ + u_char waittime; /* maximum wait time for proceeding */ +} divert_rule; typedef union - { int drv_version; /* return of driver version */ - struct - { int drvid; /* id of driver */ - char drvnam[30]; /* name of driver */ - } getid; - struct - { int ruleidx; /* index of rule */ - divert_rule rule; /* rule parms */ - } getsetrule; - struct - { u_char subcmd; /* 0 = hangup/reject, - 1 = alert, - 2 = deflect */ - ulong callid; /* id of call delivered by ascii output */ - char to_nr[35]; /* destination when deflect, - else uus1 string (maxlen 31), - data from rule used if empty */ - } fwd_ctrl; - struct - { int drvid; /* id of driver */ - u_char cfproc; /* cfu = 0, cfb = 1, cfnr = 2 */ - ulong procid; /* process id returned when no error */ - u_char service; /* basically coded service, 0 = all */ - char msn[25]; /* desired msn, empty = all */ - char fwd_nr[35];/* forwarded to number + subaddress */ - } cf_ctrl; - } divert_ioctl; +{ int drv_version; /* return of driver version */ + struct + { int drvid; /* id of driver */ + char drvnam[30]; /* name of driver */ + } getid; + struct + { int ruleidx; /* index of rule */ + divert_rule rule; /* rule parms */ + } getsetrule; + struct + { u_char subcmd; /* 0 = hangup/reject, + 1 = alert, + 2 = deflect */ + ulong callid; /* id of call delivered by ascii output */ + char to_nr[35]; /* destination when deflect, + else uus1 string (maxlen 31), + data from rule used if empty */ + } fwd_ctrl; + struct + { int drvid; /* id of driver */ + u_char cfproc; /* cfu = 0, cfb = 1, cfnr = 2 */ + ulong procid; /* process id returned when no error */ + u_char service; /* basically coded service, 0 = all */ + char msn[25]; /* desired msn, empty = all */ + char fwd_nr[35];/* forwarded to number + subaddress */ + } cf_ctrl; +} divert_ioctl; #ifdef __KERNEL__ @@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ typedef union /* structure keeping ascii info for device output */ /**************************************************/ struct divert_info - { struct divert_info *next; - ulong usage_cnt; /* number of files still to work */ - char info_start[2]; /* info string start */ - }; +{ struct divert_info *next; + ulong usage_cnt; /* number of files still to work */ + char info_start[2]; /* info string start */ +}; /**************/ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/asyncdata.c b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/asyncdata.c index fddae72e3f98ba3ec259e2dee57e12aca0ddd00e..c90dca5abeac5296fb73d445f6a58a69cb555471 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/asyncdata.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/asyncdata.c @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ static unsigned hdlc_loop(unsigned numbytes, struct inbuf_t *inbuf) } else if (fcs != PPP_GOODFCS) { /* frame check error */ dev_err(cs->dev, - "Checksum failed, %u bytes corrupted!\n", + "Checksum failed, %u bytes corrupted!\n", skb->len); gigaset_isdn_rcv_err(bcs); dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); @@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *iraw_encode(struct sk_buff *skb) /* size of new buffer (worst case = every byte must be stuffed): * 2 * original size + room for link layer header */ - iraw_skb = dev_alloc_skb(2*skb->len + skb->mac_len); + iraw_skb = dev_alloc_skb(2 * skb->len + skb->mac_len); if (!iraw_skb) { dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); return NULL; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/bas-gigaset.c b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/bas-gigaset.c index 3913f47ef86dc08b85ff8d3526cda0b1a56b0ed7..afa080258bfa54be0bb48b0f51a5abce8df7afd5 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/bas-gigaset.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/bas-gigaset.c @@ -410,10 +410,10 @@ static void check_pending(struct bas_cardstate *ucs) if (!(ucs->basstate & BS_RESETTING)) ucs->pending = 0; break; - /* - * HD_READ_ATMESSAGE and HD_WRITE_ATMESSAGE are handled separately - * and should never end up here - */ + /* + * HD_READ_ATMESSAGE and HD_WRITE_ATMESSAGE are handled separately + * and should never end up here + */ default: dev_warn(&ucs->interface->dev, "unknown pending request 0x%02x cleared\n", @@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ static void read_ctrl_callback(struct urb *urb) numbytes = urb->actual_length; if (unlikely(numbytes != ucs->rcvbuf_size)) { dev_warn(cs->dev, - "control read: received %d chars, expected %d\n", + "control read: received %d chars, expected %d\n", numbytes, ucs->rcvbuf_size); if (numbytes > ucs->rcvbuf_size) numbytes = ucs->rcvbuf_size; @@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ static void read_int_callback(struct urb *urb) } l = (unsigned) ucs->int_in_buf[1] + - (((unsigned) ucs->int_in_buf[2]) << 8); + (((unsigned) ucs->int_in_buf[2]) << 8); gig_dbg(DEBUG_USBREQ, "<-------%d: 0x%02x (%u [0x%02x 0x%02x])", urb->actual_length, (int)ucs->int_in_buf[0], l, @@ -770,14 +770,14 @@ static void read_int_callback(struct urb *urb) case HD_RECEIVEATDATA_ACK: /* AT response ready to be received */ if (!l) { dev_warn(cs->dev, - "HD_RECEIVEATDATA_ACK with length 0 ignored\n"); + "HD_RECEIVEATDATA_ACK with length 0 ignored\n"); break; } spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); if (ucs->basstate & BS_ATRDPEND) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); dev_warn(cs->dev, - "HD_RECEIVEATDATA_ACK(%d) during HD_READ_ATMESSAGE(%d) ignored\n", + "HD_RECEIVEATDATA_ACK(%d) during HD_READ_ATMESSAGE(%d) ignored\n", l, ucs->rcvbuf_size); break; } @@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ static void read_iso_callback(struct urb *urb) ubc->isoinlost += urb->iso_frame_desc[i].actual_length; if (unlikely(urb->iso_frame_desc[i].status != 0 && urb->iso_frame_desc[i].status != - -EINPROGRESS)) + -EINPROGRESS)) ubc->loststatus = urb->iso_frame_desc[i].status; urb->iso_frame_desc[i].status = 0; urb->iso_frame_desc[i].actual_length = 0; @@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ static void read_iso_callback(struct urb *urb) rc = usb_submit_urb(urb, GFP_ATOMIC); if (unlikely(rc != 0 && rc != -ENODEV)) { dev_err(bcs->cs->dev, - "could not resubmit isoc read URB: %s\n", + "could not resubmit isoc read URB: %s\n", get_usb_rcmsg(rc)); dump_urb(DEBUG_ISO, "isoc read", urb); error_hangup(bcs); @@ -1017,17 +1017,17 @@ static int starturbs(struct bc_state *bcs) } /* keep one URB free, submit the others */ - for (k = 0; k < BAS_OUTURBS-1; ++k) { + for (k = 0; k < BAS_OUTURBS - 1; ++k) { dump_urb(DEBUG_ISO, "Initial isoc write", urb); rc = usb_submit_urb(ubc->isoouturbs[k].urb, GFP_ATOMIC); if (rc != 0) goto error; } dump_urb(DEBUG_ISO, "Initial isoc write (free)", urb); - ubc->isooutfree = &ubc->isoouturbs[BAS_OUTURBS-1]; + ubc->isooutfree = &ubc->isoouturbs[BAS_OUTURBS - 1]; ubc->isooutdone = ubc->isooutovfl = NULL; return 0; - error: +error: stopurbs(ubc); return rc; } @@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@ static void write_iso_tasklet(unsigned long data) if (ifd->status || ifd->actual_length != ifd->length) { dev_warn(cs->dev, - "isoc write: frame %d[%d/%d]: %s\n", + "isoc write: frame %d[%d/%d]: %s\n", i, ifd->actual_length, ifd->length, get_usb_statmsg(ifd->status)); @@ -1316,7 +1316,7 @@ static void read_iso_tasklet(unsigned long data) ubc->isoindone = NULL; if (unlikely(ubc->loststatus != -EINPROGRESS)) { dev_warn(cs->dev, - "isoc read overrun, URB dropped (status: %s, %d bytes)\n", + "isoc read overrun, URB dropped (status: %s, %d bytes)\n", get_usb_statmsg(ubc->loststatus), ubc->isoinlost); ubc->loststatus = -EINPROGRESS; @@ -1965,7 +1965,7 @@ static int gigaset_write_cmd(struct cardstate *cs, struct cmdbuf_t *cb) int rc; gigaset_dbg_buffer(cs->mstate != MS_LOCKED ? - DEBUG_TRANSCMD : DEBUG_LOCKCMD, + DEBUG_TRANSCMD : DEBUG_LOCKCMD, "CMD Transmit", cb->len, cb->buf); /* translate "+++" escape sequence sent as a single separate command @@ -2453,13 +2453,13 @@ static int gigaset_suspend(struct usb_interface *intf, pm_message_t message) /* wait a bit for blocking conditions to go away */ rc = wait_event_timeout(ucs->waitqueue, - !(ucs->basstate & - (BS_B1OPEN|BS_B2OPEN|BS_ATRDPEND|BS_ATWRPEND)), - BAS_TIMEOUT*HZ/10); + !(ucs->basstate & + (BS_B1OPEN | BS_B2OPEN | BS_ATRDPEND | BS_ATWRPEND)), + BAS_TIMEOUT * HZ / 10); gig_dbg(DEBUG_SUSPEND, "wait_event_timeout() -> %d", rc); /* check for conditions preventing suspend */ - if (ucs->basstate & (BS_B1OPEN|BS_B2OPEN|BS_ATRDPEND|BS_ATWRPEND)) { + if (ucs->basstate & (BS_B1OPEN | BS_B2OPEN | BS_ATRDPEND | BS_ATWRPEND)) { dev_warn(cs->dev, "cannot suspend:\n"); if (ucs->basstate & BS_B1OPEN) dev_warn(cs->dev, " B channel 1 open\n"); @@ -2482,7 +2482,7 @@ static int gigaset_suspend(struct usb_interface *intf, pm_message_t message) return rc; } wait_event_timeout(ucs->waitqueue, !ucs->pending, - BAS_TIMEOUT*HZ/10); + BAS_TIMEOUT * HZ / 10); /* in case of timeout, proceed anyway */ } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/capi.c b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/capi.c index 6d5ceeece9f2598b6cd1dedcab65fdc4cac56a80..343b5c80cb7b278b8a9b4567bb6ba70612041405 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/capi.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/capi.c @@ -26,17 +26,17 @@ #define CapiFacilitySpecificFunctionNotSupported 0x3011 /* missing from capicmd.h */ -#define CAPI_CONNECT_IND_BASELEN (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN+4+2+8*1) -#define CAPI_CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND_BASELEN (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN+4+3*1) -#define CAPI_CONNECT_B3_IND_BASELEN (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN+4+1) -#define CAPI_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND_BASELEN (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN+4+1) -#define CAPI_DATA_B3_REQ_LEN64 (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN+4+4+2+2+2+8) -#define CAPI_DATA_B3_CONF_LEN (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN+4+2+2) -#define CAPI_DISCONNECT_IND_LEN (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN+4+2) -#define CAPI_DISCONNECT_B3_IND_BASELEN (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN+4+2+1) -#define CAPI_FACILITY_CONF_BASELEN (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN+4+2+2+1) +#define CAPI_CONNECT_IND_BASELEN (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN + 4 + 2 + 8 * 1) +#define CAPI_CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND_BASELEN (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN + 4 + 3 * 1) +#define CAPI_CONNECT_B3_IND_BASELEN (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN + 4 + 1) +#define CAPI_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND_BASELEN (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN + 4 + 1) +#define CAPI_DATA_B3_REQ_LEN64 (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 8) +#define CAPI_DATA_B3_CONF_LEN (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN + 4 + 2 + 2) +#define CAPI_DISCONNECT_IND_LEN (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN + 4 + 2) +#define CAPI_DISCONNECT_B3_IND_BASELEN (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN + 4 + 2 + 1) +#define CAPI_FACILITY_CONF_BASELEN (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN + 4 + 2 + 2 + 1) /* most _CONF messages contain only Controller/PLCI/NCCI and Info parameters */ -#define CAPI_STDCONF_LEN (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN+4+2) +#define CAPI_STDCONF_LEN (CAPI_MSG_BASELEN + 4 + 2) #define CAPI_FACILITY_HANDSET 0x0000 #define CAPI_FACILITY_DTMF 0x0001 @@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ struct gigaset_capi_ctr { /* two _cmsg structures possibly used concurrently: */ _cmsg hcmsg; /* for message composition triggered from hardware */ _cmsg acmsg; /* for dissection of messages sent from application */ - u8 bc_buf[MAX_BC_OCTETS+1]; - u8 hlc_buf[MAX_HLC_OCTETS+1]; - u8 cgpty_buf[MAX_NUMBER_DIGITS+3]; - u8 cdpty_buf[MAX_NUMBER_DIGITS+2]; + u8 bc_buf[MAX_BC_OCTETS + 1]; + u8 hlc_buf[MAX_HLC_OCTETS + 1]; + u8 cgpty_buf[MAX_NUMBER_DIGITS + 3]; + u8 cdpty_buf[MAX_NUMBER_DIGITS + 2]; }; /* CIP Value table (from CAPI 2.0 standard, ch. 6.1) */ @@ -109,50 +109,50 @@ static struct { u8 *hlc; } cip2bchlc[] = { [1] = { "8090A3", NULL }, - /* Speech (A-law) */ + /* Speech (A-law) */ [2] = { "8890", NULL }, - /* Unrestricted digital information */ + /* Unrestricted digital information */ [3] = { "8990", NULL }, - /* Restricted digital information */ + /* Restricted digital information */ [4] = { "9090A3", NULL }, - /* 3,1 kHz audio (A-law) */ + /* 3,1 kHz audio (A-law) */ [5] = { "9190", NULL }, - /* 7 kHz audio */ + /* 7 kHz audio */ [6] = { "9890", NULL }, - /* Video */ + /* Video */ [7] = { "88C0C6E6", NULL }, - /* Packet mode */ + /* Packet mode */ [8] = { "8890218F", NULL }, - /* 56 kbit/s rate adaptation */ + /* 56 kbit/s rate adaptation */ [9] = { "9190A5", NULL }, - /* Unrestricted digital information with tones/announcements */ + /* Unrestricted digital information with tones/announcements */ [16] = { "8090A3", "9181" }, - /* Telephony */ + /* Telephony */ [17] = { "9090A3", "9184" }, - /* Group 2/3 facsimile */ + /* Group 2/3 facsimile */ [18] = { "8890", "91A1" }, - /* Group 4 facsimile Class 1 */ + /* Group 4 facsimile Class 1 */ [19] = { "8890", "91A4" }, - /* Teletex service basic and mixed mode - and Group 4 facsimile service Classes II and III */ + /* Teletex service basic and mixed mode + and Group 4 facsimile service Classes II and III */ [20] = { "8890", "91A8" }, - /* Teletex service basic and processable mode */ + /* Teletex service basic and processable mode */ [21] = { "8890", "91B1" }, - /* Teletex service basic mode */ + /* Teletex service basic mode */ [22] = { "8890", "91B2" }, - /* International interworking for Videotex */ + /* International interworking for Videotex */ [23] = { "8890", "91B5" }, - /* Telex */ + /* Telex */ [24] = { "8890", "91B8" }, - /* Message Handling Systems in accordance with X.400 */ + /* Message Handling Systems in accordance with X.400 */ [25] = { "8890", "91C1" }, - /* OSI application in accordance with X.200 */ + /* OSI application in accordance with X.200 */ [26] = { "9190A5", "9181" }, - /* 7 kHz telephony */ + /* 7 kHz telephony */ [27] = { "9190A5", "916001" }, - /* Video telephony, first connection */ + /* Video telephony, first connection */ [28] = { "8890", "916002" }, - /* Video telephony, second connection */ + /* Video telephony, second connection */ }; /* @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ static struct { * emit unsupported parameter warning */ static inline void ignore_cstruct_param(struct cardstate *cs, _cstruct param, - char *msgname, char *paramname) + char *msgname, char *paramname) { if (param && *param) dev_warn(cs->dev, "%s: ignoring unsupported parameter: %s\n", @@ -259,15 +259,15 @@ static inline void dump_rawmsg(enum debuglevel level, const char *tag, CAPIMSG_APPID(data), CAPIMSG_MSGID(data), l, CAPIMSG_CONTROL(data)); l -= 12; - dbgline = kmalloc(3*l, GFP_ATOMIC); + dbgline = kmalloc(3 * l, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!dbgline) return; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { - dbgline[3*i] = hex_asc_hi(data[12+i]); - dbgline[3*i+1] = hex_asc_lo(data[12+i]); - dbgline[3*i+2] = ' '; + dbgline[3 * i] = hex_asc_hi(data[12 + i]); + dbgline[3 * i + 1] = hex_asc_lo(data[12 + i]); + dbgline[3 * i + 2] = ' '; } - dbgline[3*l-1] = '\0'; + dbgline[3 * l - 1] = '\0'; gig_dbg(level, " %s", dbgline); kfree(dbgline); if (CAPIMSG_COMMAND(data) == CAPI_DATA_B3 && @@ -279,16 +279,16 @@ static inline void dump_rawmsg(enum debuglevel level, const char *tag, return; if (l > 64) l = 64; /* arbitrary limit */ - dbgline = kmalloc(3*l, GFP_ATOMIC); + dbgline = kmalloc(3 * l, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!dbgline) return; data += CAPIMSG_LEN(data); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { - dbgline[3*i] = hex_asc_hi(data[i]); - dbgline[3*i+1] = hex_asc_lo(data[i]); - dbgline[3*i+2] = ' '; + dbgline[3 * i] = hex_asc_hi(data[i]); + dbgline[3 * i + 1] = hex_asc_lo(data[i]); + dbgline[3 * i + 2] = ' '; } - dbgline[3*l-1] = '\0'; + dbgline[3 * l - 1] = '\0'; gig_dbg(level, " %s", dbgline); kfree(dbgline); } @@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ static inline void dump_rawmsg(enum debuglevel level, const char *tag, static const char *format_ie(const char *ie) { - static char result[3*MAX_FMT_IE_LEN]; + static char result[3 * MAX_FMT_IE_LEN]; int len, count; char *pout = result; @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ static const char *format_ie(const char *ie) count = len = ie[0]; if (count > MAX_FMT_IE_LEN) - count = MAX_FMT_IE_LEN-1; + count = MAX_FMT_IE_LEN - 1; while (count--) { *pout++ = hex_asc_hi(*++ie); *pout++ = hex_asc_lo(*ie); @@ -403,8 +403,8 @@ void gigaset_skb_sent(struct bc_state *bcs, struct sk_buff *dskb) send_data_b3_conf(cs, &iif->ctr, ap->id, CAPIMSG_MSGID(req), bcs->channel + 1, CAPIMSG_HANDLE_REQ(req), (flags & ~CAPI_FLAGS_DELIVERY_CONFIRMATION) ? - CapiFlagsNotSupportedByProtocol : - CAPI_NOERROR); + CapiFlagsNotSupportedByProtocol : + CAPI_NOERROR); } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(gigaset_skb_sent); @@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ int gigaset_isdn_icall(struct at_state_t *at_state) } iif->cdpty_buf[0] = i + 1; iif->cdpty_buf[1] = 0x80; /* type / numbering plan unknown */ - memcpy(iif->cdpty_buf+2, at_state->str_var[STR_ZCPN], i); + memcpy(iif->cdpty_buf + 2, at_state->str_var[STR_ZCPN], i); iif->hcmsg.CalledPartyNumber = iif->cdpty_buf; msgsize += iif->hcmsg.CalledPartyNumber[0]; } @@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ int gigaset_isdn_icall(struct at_state_t *at_state) iif->cgpty_buf[0] = i + 2; iif->cgpty_buf[1] = 0x00; /* type / numbering plan unknown */ iif->cgpty_buf[2] = 0x80; /* pres. allowed, not screened */ - memcpy(iif->cgpty_buf+3, at_state->str_var[STR_NMBR], i); + memcpy(iif->cgpty_buf + 3, at_state->str_var[STR_NMBR], i); iif->hcmsg.CallingPartyNumber = iif->cgpty_buf; msgsize += iif->hcmsg.CallingPartyNumber[0]; } @@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ void gigaset_isdn_stop(struct cardstate *cs) * register CAPI application */ static void gigaset_register_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctr, u16 appl, - capi_register_params *rp) + capi_register_params *rp) { struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif = container_of(ctr, struct gigaset_capi_ctr, ctr); @@ -1181,21 +1181,21 @@ static void do_facility_req(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, } if (CAPIMSG_U32(pparam, 4) != 0) { dev_notice(cs->dev, - "%s: unsupported supplementary service notification mask 0x%x\n", - "FACILITY_REQ", CAPIMSG_U32(pparam, 4)); + "%s: unsupported supplementary service notification mask 0x%x\n", + "FACILITY_REQ", CAPIMSG_U32(pparam, 4)); info = CapiFacilitySpecificFunctionNotSupported; confparam[3] = 2; /* length */ capimsg_setu16(confparam, 4, - CapiSupplementaryServiceNotSupported); + CapiSupplementaryServiceNotSupported); } info = CapiSuccess; confparam[3] = 2; /* length */ capimsg_setu16(confparam, 4, CapiSuccess); break; - /* ToDo: add supported services */ + /* ToDo: add supported services */ default: dev_notice(cs->dev, - "%s: unsupported supplementary service function 0x%04x\n", + "%s: unsupported supplementary service function 0x%04x\n", "FACILITY_REQ", function); info = CapiFacilitySpecificFunctionNotSupported; /* Supplementary Service specific parameter */ @@ -1318,7 +1318,7 @@ static void do_connect_req(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, cmsg->adr.adrPLCI |= (bcs->channel + 1) << 8; /* build command table */ - commands = kzalloc(AT_NUM*(sizeof *commands), GFP_KERNEL); + commands = kzalloc(AT_NUM * (sizeof *commands), GFP_KERNEL); if (!commands) goto oom; @@ -1353,10 +1353,10 @@ static void do_connect_req(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, commands[AT_TYPE] = kstrdup(s, GFP_KERNEL); if (!commands[AT_TYPE]) goto oom; - commands[AT_DIAL] = kmalloc(l+3, GFP_KERNEL); + commands[AT_DIAL] = kmalloc(l + 3, GFP_KERNEL); if (!commands[AT_DIAL]) goto oom; - snprintf(commands[AT_DIAL], l+3, "D%.*s\r", l, pp); + snprintf(commands[AT_DIAL], l + 3, "D%.*s\r", l, pp); /* encode parameter: Calling party number */ pp = cmsg->CallingPartyNumber; @@ -1406,10 +1406,10 @@ static void do_connect_req(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, if (l) { /* number */ - commands[AT_MSN] = kmalloc(l+8, GFP_KERNEL); + commands[AT_MSN] = kmalloc(l + 8, GFP_KERNEL); if (!commands[AT_MSN]) goto oom; - snprintf(commands[AT_MSN], l+8, "^SMSN=%*s\r", l, pp); + snprintf(commands[AT_MSN], l + 8, "^SMSN=%*s\r", l, pp); } } @@ -1430,13 +1430,13 @@ static void do_connect_req(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, /* determine lengths */ if (cmsg->BC && cmsg->BC[0]) /* BC specified explicitly */ - lbc = 2*cmsg->BC[0]; + lbc = 2 * cmsg->BC[0]; else if (cip2bchlc[cmsg->CIPValue].bc) /* BC derived from CIP */ lbc = strlen(cip2bchlc[cmsg->CIPValue].bc); else /* no BC */ lbc = 0; if (cmsg->HLC && cmsg->HLC[0]) /* HLC specified explicitly */ - lhlc = 2*cmsg->HLC[0]; + lhlc = 2 * cmsg->HLC[0]; else if (cip2bchlc[cmsg->CIPValue].hlc) /* HLC derived from CIP */ lhlc = strlen(cip2bchlc[cmsg->CIPValue].hlc); else /* no HLC */ @@ -1481,7 +1481,7 @@ static void do_connect_req(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, if (cmsg->BProtocol == CAPI_DEFAULT) { bcs->proto2 = L2_HDLC; dev_warn(cs->dev, - "B2 Protocol X.75 SLP unsupported, using Transparent\n"); + "B2 Protocol X.75 SLP unsupported, using Transparent\n"); } else { switch (cmsg->B1protocol) { case 0: @@ -1492,24 +1492,24 @@ static void do_connect_req(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, break; default: dev_warn(cs->dev, - "B1 Protocol %u unsupported, using Transparent\n", + "B1 Protocol %u unsupported, using Transparent\n", cmsg->B1protocol); bcs->proto2 = L2_VOICE; } if (cmsg->B2protocol != 1) dev_warn(cs->dev, - "B2 Protocol %u unsupported, using Transparent\n", + "B2 Protocol %u unsupported, using Transparent\n", cmsg->B2protocol); if (cmsg->B3protocol != 0) dev_warn(cs->dev, - "B3 Protocol %u unsupported, using Transparent\n", + "B3 Protocol %u unsupported, using Transparent\n", cmsg->B3protocol); ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->B1configuration, - "CONNECT_REQ", "B1 Configuration"); + "CONNECT_REQ", "B1 Configuration"); ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->B2configuration, - "CONNECT_REQ", "B2 Configuration"); + "CONNECT_REQ", "B2 Configuration"); ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->B3configuration, - "CONNECT_REQ", "B3 Configuration"); + "CONNECT_REQ", "B3 Configuration"); } commands[AT_PROTO] = kmalloc(9, GFP_KERNEL); if (!commands[AT_PROTO]) @@ -1518,20 +1518,20 @@ static void do_connect_req(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, /* ToDo: check/encode remaining parameters */ ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->CalledPartySubaddress, - "CONNECT_REQ", "Called pty subaddr"); + "CONNECT_REQ", "Called pty subaddr"); ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->CallingPartySubaddress, - "CONNECT_REQ", "Calling pty subaddr"); + "CONNECT_REQ", "Calling pty subaddr"); ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->LLC, - "CONNECT_REQ", "LLC"); + "CONNECT_REQ", "LLC"); if (cmsg->AdditionalInfo != CAPI_DEFAULT) { ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->BChannelinformation, - "CONNECT_REQ", "B Channel Information"); + "CONNECT_REQ", "B Channel Information"); ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->Keypadfacility, - "CONNECT_REQ", "Keypad Facility"); + "CONNECT_REQ", "Keypad Facility"); ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->Useruserdata, - "CONNECT_REQ", "User-User Data"); + "CONNECT_REQ", "User-User Data"); ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->Facilitydataarray, - "CONNECT_REQ", "Facility Data Array"); + "CONNECT_REQ", "Facility Data Array"); } /* encode parameter: B channel to use */ @@ -1602,7 +1602,7 @@ static void do_connect_resp(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, if (oap != ap) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->aplock, flags); send_disconnect_ind(bcs, oap, - CapiCallGivenToOtherApplication); + CapiCallGivenToOtherApplication); spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->aplock, flags); } } @@ -1619,7 +1619,7 @@ static void do_connect_resp(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, if (cmsg->BProtocol == CAPI_DEFAULT) { bcs->proto2 = L2_HDLC; dev_warn(cs->dev, - "B2 Protocol X.75 SLP unsupported, using Transparent\n"); + "B2 Protocol X.75 SLP unsupported, using Transparent\n"); } else { switch (cmsg->B1protocol) { case 0: @@ -1630,46 +1630,46 @@ static void do_connect_resp(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, break; default: dev_warn(cs->dev, - "B1 Protocol %u unsupported, using Transparent\n", + "B1 Protocol %u unsupported, using Transparent\n", cmsg->B1protocol); bcs->proto2 = L2_VOICE; } if (cmsg->B2protocol != 1) dev_warn(cs->dev, - "B2 Protocol %u unsupported, using Transparent\n", + "B2 Protocol %u unsupported, using Transparent\n", cmsg->B2protocol); if (cmsg->B3protocol != 0) dev_warn(cs->dev, - "B3 Protocol %u unsupported, using Transparent\n", + "B3 Protocol %u unsupported, using Transparent\n", cmsg->B3protocol); ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->B1configuration, - "CONNECT_RESP", "B1 Configuration"); + "CONNECT_RESP", "B1 Configuration"); ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->B2configuration, - "CONNECT_RESP", "B2 Configuration"); + "CONNECT_RESP", "B2 Configuration"); ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->B3configuration, - "CONNECT_RESP", "B3 Configuration"); + "CONNECT_RESP", "B3 Configuration"); } /* ToDo: check/encode remaining parameters */ ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->ConnectedNumber, - "CONNECT_RESP", "Connected Number"); + "CONNECT_RESP", "Connected Number"); ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->ConnectedSubaddress, - "CONNECT_RESP", "Connected Subaddress"); + "CONNECT_RESP", "Connected Subaddress"); ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->LLC, - "CONNECT_RESP", "LLC"); + "CONNECT_RESP", "LLC"); if (cmsg->AdditionalInfo != CAPI_DEFAULT) { ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->BChannelinformation, - "CONNECT_RESP", "BChannel Information"); + "CONNECT_RESP", "BChannel Information"); ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->Keypadfacility, - "CONNECT_RESP", "Keypad Facility"); + "CONNECT_RESP", "Keypad Facility"); ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->Useruserdata, - "CONNECT_RESP", "User-User Data"); + "CONNECT_RESP", "User-User Data"); ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->Facilitydataarray, - "CONNECT_RESP", "Facility Data Array"); + "CONNECT_RESP", "Facility Data Array"); } /* Accept call */ - if (!gigaset_add_event(cs, &cs->bcs[channel-1].at_state, + if (!gigaset_add_event(cs, &cs->bcs[channel - 1].at_state, EV_ACCEPT, NULL, 0, NULL)) return; gigaset_schedule_event(cs); @@ -1712,7 +1712,7 @@ static void do_connect_resp(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, if (oap != ap) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->aplock, flags); send_disconnect_ind(bcs, oap, - CapiCallGivenToOtherApplication); + CapiCallGivenToOtherApplication); spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->aplock, flags); } } @@ -1723,7 +1723,7 @@ static void do_connect_resp(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, /* reject call - will trigger DISCONNECT_IND for this app */ dev_info(cs->dev, "%s: Reject=%x\n", "CONNECT_RESP", cmsg->Reject); - if (!gigaset_add_event(cs, &cs->bcs[channel-1].at_state, + if (!gigaset_add_event(cs, &cs->bcs[channel - 1].at_state, EV_HUP, NULL, 0, NULL)) return; gigaset_schedule_event(cs); @@ -1756,7 +1756,7 @@ static void do_connect_b3_req(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, send_conf(iif, ap, skb, CapiIllContrPlciNcci); return; } - bcs = &cs->bcs[channel-1]; + bcs = &cs->bcs[channel - 1]; /* mark logical connection active */ bcs->apconnstate = APCONN_ACTIVE; @@ -1767,7 +1767,7 @@ static void do_connect_b3_req(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, /* NCPI parameter: not applicable for B3 Transparent */ ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->NCPI, "CONNECT_B3_REQ", "NCPI"); send_conf(iif, ap, skb, (cmsg->NCPI && cmsg->NCPI[0]) ? - CapiNcpiNotSupportedByProtocol : CapiSuccess); + CapiNcpiNotSupportedByProtocol : CapiSuccess); } /* @@ -1801,7 +1801,7 @@ static void do_connect_b3_resp(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); return; } - bcs = &cs->bcs[channel-1]; + bcs = &cs->bcs[channel - 1]; if (cmsg->Reject) { /* Reject: clear B3 connect received flag */ @@ -1905,7 +1905,7 @@ static void do_disconnect_req(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, return; } capi_cmsg2message(b3cmsg, - __skb_put(b3skb, CAPI_DISCONNECT_B3_IND_BASELEN)); + __skb_put(b3skb, CAPI_DISCONNECT_B3_IND_BASELEN)); kfree(b3cmsg); capi_ctr_handle_message(&iif->ctr, ap->id, b3skb); } @@ -1947,7 +1947,7 @@ static void do_disconnect_b3_req(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, send_conf(iif, ap, skb, CapiIllContrPlciNcci); return; } - bcs = &cs->bcs[channel-1]; + bcs = &cs->bcs[channel - 1]; /* reject if logical connection not active */ if (bcs->apconnstate < APCONN_ACTIVE) { @@ -1965,9 +1965,9 @@ static void do_disconnect_b3_req(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, /* NCPI parameter: not applicable for B3 Transparent */ ignore_cstruct_param(cs, cmsg->NCPI, - "DISCONNECT_B3_REQ", "NCPI"); + "DISCONNECT_B3_REQ", "NCPI"); send_conf(iif, ap, skb, (cmsg->NCPI && cmsg->NCPI[0]) ? - CapiNcpiNotSupportedByProtocol : CapiSuccess); + CapiNcpiNotSupportedByProtocol : CapiSuccess); } /* @@ -1997,7 +1997,7 @@ static void do_data_b3_req(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, send_conf(iif, ap, skb, CapiIllContrPlciNcci); return; } - bcs = &cs->bcs[channel-1]; + bcs = &cs->bcs[channel - 1]; if (msglen != CAPI_DATA_B3_REQ_LEN && msglen != CAPI_DATA_B3_REQ_LEN64) dev_notice(cs->dev, "%s: unexpected length %d\n", "DATA_B3_REQ", msglen); @@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ static void do_data_b3_req(struct gigaset_capi_ctr *iif, if (!(flags & CAPI_FLAGS_DELIVERY_CONFIRMATION)) send_data_b3_conf(cs, &iif->ctr, ap->id, msgid, channel, handle, flags ? CapiFlagsNotSupportedByProtocol - : CAPI_NOERROR); + : CAPI_NOERROR); } /* @@ -2258,11 +2258,11 @@ static int gigaset_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) seq_printf(m, "%-16s %s\n", "name", ctr->name); seq_printf(m, "%-16s %s %s\n", "dev", - dev_driver_string(cs->dev), dev_name(cs->dev)); + dev_driver_string(cs->dev), dev_name(cs->dev)); seq_printf(m, "%-16s %d\n", "id", cs->myid); if (cs->gotfwver) seq_printf(m, "%-16s %d.%d.%d.%d\n", "firmware", - cs->fwver[0], cs->fwver[1], cs->fwver[2], cs->fwver[3]); + cs->fwver[0], cs->fwver[1], cs->fwver[2], cs->fwver[3]); seq_printf(m, "%-16s %d\n", "channels", cs->channels); seq_printf(m, "%-16s %s\n", "onechannel", cs->onechannel ? "yes" : "no"); @@ -2315,13 +2315,13 @@ static int gigaset_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) for (i = 0; i < cs->channels; i++) { seq_printf(m, "[%d]%-13s %d\n", i, "corrupted", - cs->bcs[i].corrupted); + cs->bcs[i].corrupted); seq_printf(m, "[%d]%-13s %d\n", i, "trans_down", - cs->bcs[i].trans_down); + cs->bcs[i].trans_down); seq_printf(m, "[%d]%-13s %d\n", i, "trans_up", - cs->bcs[i].trans_up); + cs->bcs[i].trans_up); seq_printf(m, "[%d]%-13s %d\n", i, "chstate", - cs->bcs[i].chstate); + cs->bcs[i].chstate); switch (cs->bcs[i].proto2) { case L2_BITSYNC: s = "bitsync"; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/common.c b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/common.c index 880f6ef0e18da416da5f55e54b5f01aa08ebe953..76792707f995bd10fcedf5597a8cdce412216f67 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/common.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/common.c @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ /* Module parameters */ int gigaset_debuglevel; EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(gigaset_debuglevel); -module_param_named(debug, gigaset_debuglevel, int, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR); +module_param_named(debug, gigaset_debuglevel, int, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR); MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "debug level"); /* driver state flags */ @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ int gigaset_enterconfigmode(struct cardstate *cs) if (r < 0) goto error; } - r = setflags(cs, TIOCM_RTS|TIOCM_DTR, 800); + r = setflags(cs, TIOCM_RTS | TIOCM_DTR, 800); if (r < 0) goto error; @@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ int gigaset_enterconfigmode(struct cardstate *cs) error: dev_err(cs->dev, "error %d on setuartbits\n", -r); - cs->control_state = TIOCM_RTS|TIOCM_DTR; - cs->ops->set_modem_ctrl(cs, 0, TIOCM_RTS|TIOCM_DTR); + cs->control_state = TIOCM_RTS | TIOCM_DTR; + cs->ops->set_modem_ctrl(cs, 0, TIOCM_RTS | TIOCM_DTR); return -1; } @@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ int gigaset_fill_inbuf(struct inbuf_t *inbuf, const unsigned char *src, if (head > tail) n = head - 1 - tail; else if (head == 0) - n = (RBUFSIZE-1) - tail; + n = (RBUFSIZE - 1) - tail; else n = RBUFSIZE - tail; if (!n) { @@ -910,10 +910,10 @@ int gigaset_start(struct cardstate *cs) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); if (cs->mstate != MS_LOCKED) { - cs->ops->set_modem_ctrl(cs, 0, TIOCM_DTR|TIOCM_RTS); + cs->ops->set_modem_ctrl(cs, 0, TIOCM_DTR | TIOCM_RTS); cs->ops->baud_rate(cs, B115200); cs->ops->set_line_ctrl(cs, CS8); - cs->control_state = TIOCM_DTR|TIOCM_RTS; + cs->control_state = TIOCM_DTR | TIOCM_RTS; } cs->waiting = 1; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/ev-layer.c b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/ev-layer.c index 6d12623c1db002db8f935596bc249a9b81a38156..624a8256a77f2a3aa59212726e9709724ab49ca1 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/ev-layer.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/ev-layer.c @@ -153,104 +153,104 @@ struct reply_t gigaset_tab_nocid[] = * action, command */ /* initialize device, set cid mode if possible */ -{RSP_INIT, -1, -1, SEQ_INIT, 100, 1, {ACT_TIMEOUT} }, + {RSP_INIT, -1, -1, SEQ_INIT, 100, 1, {ACT_TIMEOUT} }, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 100, 100, -1, 101, 3, {0}, "Z\r"}, -{RSP_OK, 101, 103, -1, 120, 5, {ACT_GETSTRING}, - "+GMR\r"}, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 100, 100, -1, 101, 3, {0}, "Z\r"}, + {RSP_OK, 101, 103, -1, 120, 5, {ACT_GETSTRING}, + "+GMR\r"}, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 101, 101, -1, 102, 5, {0}, "Z\r"}, -{RSP_ERROR, 101, 101, -1, 102, 5, {0}, "Z\r"}, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 101, 101, -1, 102, 5, {0}, "Z\r"}, + {RSP_ERROR, 101, 101, -1, 102, 5, {0}, "Z\r"}, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 102, 102, -1, 108, 5, {ACT_SETDLE1}, - "^SDLE=0\r"}, -{RSP_OK, 108, 108, -1, 104, -1}, -{RSP_ZDLE, 104, 104, 0, 103, 5, {0}, "Z\r"}, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 104, 104, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILINIT} }, -{RSP_ERROR, 108, 108, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILINIT} }, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 102, 102, -1, 108, 5, {ACT_SETDLE1}, + "^SDLE=0\r"}, + {RSP_OK, 108, 108, -1, 104, -1}, + {RSP_ZDLE, 104, 104, 0, 103, 5, {0}, "Z\r"}, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 104, 104, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILINIT} }, + {RSP_ERROR, 108, 108, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILINIT} }, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 108, 108, -1, 105, 2, {ACT_SETDLE0, - ACT_HUPMODEM, - ACT_TIMEOUT} }, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 105, 105, -1, 103, 5, {0}, "Z\r"}, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 108, 108, -1, 105, 2, {ACT_SETDLE0, + ACT_HUPMODEM, + ACT_TIMEOUT} }, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 105, 105, -1, 103, 5, {0}, "Z\r"}, -{RSP_ERROR, 102, 102, -1, 107, 5, {0}, "^GETPRE\r"}, -{RSP_OK, 107, 107, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_CONFIGMODE} }, -{RSP_ERROR, 107, 107, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILINIT} }, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 107, 107, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILINIT} }, + {RSP_ERROR, 102, 102, -1, 107, 5, {0}, "^GETPRE\r"}, + {RSP_OK, 107, 107, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_CONFIGMODE} }, + {RSP_ERROR, 107, 107, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILINIT} }, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 107, 107, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILINIT} }, -{RSP_ERROR, 103, 103, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILINIT} }, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 103, 103, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILINIT} }, + {RSP_ERROR, 103, 103, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILINIT} }, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 103, 103, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILINIT} }, -{RSP_STRING, 120, 120, -1, 121, -1, {ACT_SETVER} }, + {RSP_STRING, 120, 120, -1, 121, -1, {ACT_SETVER} }, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 120, 121, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILVER, - ACT_INIT} }, -{RSP_ERROR, 120, 121, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILVER, - ACT_INIT} }, -{RSP_OK, 121, 121, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_GOTVER, - ACT_INIT} }, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 120, 121, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILVER, + ACT_INIT} }, + {RSP_ERROR, 120, 121, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILVER, + ACT_INIT} }, + {RSP_OK, 121, 121, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_GOTVER, + ACT_INIT} }, /* leave dle mode */ -{RSP_INIT, 0, 0, SEQ_DLE0, 201, 5, {0}, "^SDLE=0\r"}, -{RSP_OK, 201, 201, -1, 202, -1}, -{RSP_ZDLE, 202, 202, 0, 0, 0, {ACT_DLE0} }, -{RSP_NODEV, 200, 249, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAKEDLE0} }, -{RSP_ERROR, 200, 249, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILDLE0} }, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 200, 249, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILDLE0} }, + {RSP_INIT, 0, 0, SEQ_DLE0, 201, 5, {0}, "^SDLE=0\r"}, + {RSP_OK, 201, 201, -1, 202, -1}, + {RSP_ZDLE, 202, 202, 0, 0, 0, {ACT_DLE0} }, + {RSP_NODEV, 200, 249, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAKEDLE0} }, + {RSP_ERROR, 200, 249, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILDLE0} }, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 200, 249, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILDLE0} }, /* enter dle mode */ -{RSP_INIT, 0, 0, SEQ_DLE1, 251, 5, {0}, "^SDLE=1\r"}, -{RSP_OK, 251, 251, -1, 252, -1}, -{RSP_ZDLE, 252, 252, 1, 0, 0, {ACT_DLE1} }, -{RSP_ERROR, 250, 299, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILDLE1} }, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 250, 299, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILDLE1} }, + {RSP_INIT, 0, 0, SEQ_DLE1, 251, 5, {0}, "^SDLE=1\r"}, + {RSP_OK, 251, 251, -1, 252, -1}, + {RSP_ZDLE, 252, 252, 1, 0, 0, {ACT_DLE1} }, + {RSP_ERROR, 250, 299, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILDLE1} }, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 250, 299, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILDLE1} }, /* incoming call */ -{RSP_RING, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_RING} }, + {RSP_RING, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_RING} }, /* get cid */ -{RSP_INIT, 0, 0, SEQ_CID, 301, 5, {0}, "^SGCI?\r"}, -{RSP_OK, 301, 301, -1, 302, -1}, -{RSP_ZGCI, 302, 302, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_CID} }, -{RSP_ERROR, 301, 349, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILCID} }, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 301, 349, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILCID} }, + {RSP_INIT, 0, 0, SEQ_CID, 301, 5, {0}, "^SGCI?\r"}, + {RSP_OK, 301, 301, -1, 302, -1}, + {RSP_ZGCI, 302, 302, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_CID} }, + {RSP_ERROR, 301, 349, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILCID} }, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 301, 349, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILCID} }, /* enter cid mode */ -{RSP_INIT, 0, 0, SEQ_CIDMODE, 150, 5, {0}, "^SGCI=1\r"}, -{RSP_OK, 150, 150, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_CMODESET} }, -{RSP_ERROR, 150, 150, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILCMODE} }, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 150, 150, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILCMODE} }, + {RSP_INIT, 0, 0, SEQ_CIDMODE, 150, 5, {0}, "^SGCI=1\r"}, + {RSP_OK, 150, 150, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_CMODESET} }, + {RSP_ERROR, 150, 150, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILCMODE} }, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 150, 150, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILCMODE} }, /* leave cid mode */ -{RSP_INIT, 0, 0, SEQ_UMMODE, 160, 5, {0}, "Z\r"}, -{RSP_OK, 160, 160, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_UMODESET} }, -{RSP_ERROR, 160, 160, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILUMODE} }, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 160, 160, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILUMODE} }, + {RSP_INIT, 0, 0, SEQ_UMMODE, 160, 5, {0}, "Z\r"}, + {RSP_OK, 160, 160, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_UMODESET} }, + {RSP_ERROR, 160, 160, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILUMODE} }, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 160, 160, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILUMODE} }, /* abort getting cid */ -{RSP_INIT, 0, 0, SEQ_NOCID, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTCID} }, + {RSP_INIT, 0, 0, SEQ_NOCID, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTCID} }, /* reset */ -{RSP_INIT, 0, 0, SEQ_SHUTDOWN, 504, 5, {0}, "Z\r"}, -{RSP_OK, 504, 504, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_SDOWN} }, -{RSP_ERROR, 501, 599, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILSDOWN} }, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 501, 599, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILSDOWN} }, -{RSP_NODEV, 501, 599, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAKESDOWN} }, - -{EV_PROC_CIDMODE, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_PROC_CIDMODE} }, -{EV_IF_LOCK, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_IF_LOCK} }, -{EV_IF_VER, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_IF_VER} }, -{EV_START, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_START} }, -{EV_STOP, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_STOP} }, -{EV_SHUTDOWN, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_SHUTDOWN} }, + {RSP_INIT, 0, 0, SEQ_SHUTDOWN, 504, 5, {0}, "Z\r"}, + {RSP_OK, 504, 504, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_SDOWN} }, + {RSP_ERROR, 501, 599, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILSDOWN} }, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 501, 599, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAILSDOWN} }, + {RSP_NODEV, 501, 599, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAKESDOWN} }, + + {EV_PROC_CIDMODE, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_PROC_CIDMODE} }, + {EV_IF_LOCK, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_IF_LOCK} }, + {EV_IF_VER, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_IF_VER} }, + {EV_START, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_START} }, + {EV_STOP, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_STOP} }, + {EV_SHUTDOWN, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_SHUTDOWN} }, /* misc. */ -{RSP_ERROR, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_ERROR} }, -{RSP_ZCAU, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_ZCAU} }, -{RSP_NONE, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_DEBUG} }, -{RSP_ANY, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_WARN} }, -{RSP_LAST} + {RSP_ERROR, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_ERROR} }, + {RSP_ZCAU, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_ZCAU} }, + {RSP_NONE, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_DEBUG} }, + {RSP_ANY, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_WARN} }, + {RSP_LAST} }; /* 600: start dialing, 650: dial in progress, 800: connection is up, 700: ring, @@ -261,91 +261,91 @@ struct reply_t gigaset_tab_cid[] = * action, command */ /* dial */ -{EV_DIAL, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_DIAL} }, -{RSP_INIT, 0, 0, SEQ_DIAL, 601, 5, {ACT_CMD+AT_BC} }, -{RSP_OK, 601, 601, -1, 603, 5, {ACT_CMD+AT_PROTO} }, -{RSP_OK, 603, 603, -1, 604, 5, {ACT_CMD+AT_TYPE} }, -{RSP_OK, 604, 604, -1, 605, 5, {ACT_CMD+AT_MSN} }, -{RSP_NULL, 605, 605, -1, 606, 5, {ACT_CMD+AT_CLIP} }, -{RSP_OK, 605, 605, -1, 606, 5, {ACT_CMD+AT_CLIP} }, -{RSP_NULL, 606, 606, -1, 607, 5, {ACT_CMD+AT_ISO} }, -{RSP_OK, 606, 606, -1, 607, 5, {ACT_CMD+AT_ISO} }, -{RSP_OK, 607, 607, -1, 608, 5, {0}, "+VLS=17\r"}, -{RSP_OK, 608, 608, -1, 609, -1}, -{RSP_ZSAU, 609, 609, ZSAU_PROCEEDING, 610, 5, {ACT_CMD+AT_DIAL} }, -{RSP_OK, 610, 610, -1, 650, 0, {ACT_DIALING} }, - -{RSP_ERROR, 601, 610, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTDIAL} }, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 601, 610, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTDIAL} }, + {EV_DIAL, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_DIAL} }, + {RSP_INIT, 0, 0, SEQ_DIAL, 601, 5, {ACT_CMD + AT_BC} }, + {RSP_OK, 601, 601, -1, 603, 5, {ACT_CMD + AT_PROTO} }, + {RSP_OK, 603, 603, -1, 604, 5, {ACT_CMD + AT_TYPE} }, + {RSP_OK, 604, 604, -1, 605, 5, {ACT_CMD + AT_MSN} }, + {RSP_NULL, 605, 605, -1, 606, 5, {ACT_CMD + AT_CLIP} }, + {RSP_OK, 605, 605, -1, 606, 5, {ACT_CMD + AT_CLIP} }, + {RSP_NULL, 606, 606, -1, 607, 5, {ACT_CMD + AT_ISO} }, + {RSP_OK, 606, 606, -1, 607, 5, {ACT_CMD + AT_ISO} }, + {RSP_OK, 607, 607, -1, 608, 5, {0}, "+VLS=17\r"}, + {RSP_OK, 608, 608, -1, 609, -1}, + {RSP_ZSAU, 609, 609, ZSAU_PROCEEDING, 610, 5, {ACT_CMD + AT_DIAL} }, + {RSP_OK, 610, 610, -1, 650, 0, {ACT_DIALING} }, + + {RSP_ERROR, 601, 610, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTDIAL} }, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 601, 610, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTDIAL} }, /* optional dialing responses */ -{EV_BC_OPEN, 650, 650, -1, 651, -1}, -{RSP_ZVLS, 609, 651, 17, -1, -1, {ACT_DEBUG} }, -{RSP_ZCTP, 610, 651, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_DEBUG} }, -{RSP_ZCPN, 610, 651, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_DEBUG} }, -{RSP_ZSAU, 650, 651, ZSAU_CALL_DELIVERED, -1, -1, {ACT_DEBUG} }, + {EV_BC_OPEN, 650, 650, -1, 651, -1}, + {RSP_ZVLS, 609, 651, 17, -1, -1, {ACT_DEBUG} }, + {RSP_ZCTP, 610, 651, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_DEBUG} }, + {RSP_ZCPN, 610, 651, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_DEBUG} }, + {RSP_ZSAU, 650, 651, ZSAU_CALL_DELIVERED, -1, -1, {ACT_DEBUG} }, /* connect */ -{RSP_ZSAU, 650, 650, ZSAU_ACTIVE, 800, -1, {ACT_CONNECT} }, -{RSP_ZSAU, 651, 651, ZSAU_ACTIVE, 800, -1, {ACT_CONNECT, - ACT_NOTIFY_BC_UP} }, -{RSP_ZSAU, 750, 750, ZSAU_ACTIVE, 800, -1, {ACT_CONNECT} }, -{RSP_ZSAU, 751, 751, ZSAU_ACTIVE, 800, -1, {ACT_CONNECT, - ACT_NOTIFY_BC_UP} }, -{EV_BC_OPEN, 800, 800, -1, 800, -1, {ACT_NOTIFY_BC_UP} }, + {RSP_ZSAU, 650, 650, ZSAU_ACTIVE, 800, -1, {ACT_CONNECT} }, + {RSP_ZSAU, 651, 651, ZSAU_ACTIVE, 800, -1, {ACT_CONNECT, + ACT_NOTIFY_BC_UP} }, + {RSP_ZSAU, 750, 750, ZSAU_ACTIVE, 800, -1, {ACT_CONNECT} }, + {RSP_ZSAU, 751, 751, ZSAU_ACTIVE, 800, -1, {ACT_CONNECT, + ACT_NOTIFY_BC_UP} }, + {EV_BC_OPEN, 800, 800, -1, 800, -1, {ACT_NOTIFY_BC_UP} }, /* remote hangup */ -{RSP_ZSAU, 650, 651, ZSAU_DISCONNECT_IND, 0, 0, {ACT_REMOTEREJECT} }, -{RSP_ZSAU, 750, 751, ZSAU_DISCONNECT_IND, 0, 0, {ACT_REMOTEHUP} }, -{RSP_ZSAU, 800, 800, ZSAU_DISCONNECT_IND, 0, 0, {ACT_REMOTEHUP} }, + {RSP_ZSAU, 650, 651, ZSAU_DISCONNECT_IND, 0, 0, {ACT_REMOTEREJECT} }, + {RSP_ZSAU, 750, 751, ZSAU_DISCONNECT_IND, 0, 0, {ACT_REMOTEHUP} }, + {RSP_ZSAU, 800, 800, ZSAU_DISCONNECT_IND, 0, 0, {ACT_REMOTEHUP} }, /* hangup */ -{EV_HUP, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_HUP} }, -{RSP_INIT, -1, -1, SEQ_HUP, 401, 5, {0}, "+VLS=0\r"}, -{RSP_OK, 401, 401, -1, 402, 5}, -{RSP_ZVLS, 402, 402, 0, 403, 5}, -{RSP_ZSAU, 403, 403, ZSAU_DISCONNECT_REQ, -1, -1, {ACT_DEBUG} }, -{RSP_ZSAU, 403, 403, ZSAU_NULL, 0, 0, {ACT_DISCONNECT} }, -{RSP_NODEV, 401, 403, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAKEHUP} }, -{RSP_ERROR, 401, 401, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTHUP} }, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 401, 403, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTHUP} }, - -{EV_BC_CLOSED, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, {ACT_NOTIFY_BC_DOWN} }, + {EV_HUP, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_HUP} }, + {RSP_INIT, -1, -1, SEQ_HUP, 401, 5, {0}, "+VLS=0\r"}, + {RSP_OK, 401, 401, -1, 402, 5}, + {RSP_ZVLS, 402, 402, 0, 403, 5}, + {RSP_ZSAU, 403, 403, ZSAU_DISCONNECT_REQ, -1, -1, {ACT_DEBUG} }, + {RSP_ZSAU, 403, 403, ZSAU_NULL, 0, 0, {ACT_DISCONNECT} }, + {RSP_NODEV, 401, 403, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_FAKEHUP} }, + {RSP_ERROR, 401, 401, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTHUP} }, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 401, 403, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTHUP} }, + + {EV_BC_CLOSED, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, {ACT_NOTIFY_BC_DOWN} }, /* ring */ -{RSP_ZBC, 700, 700, -1, -1, -1, {0} }, -{RSP_ZHLC, 700, 700, -1, -1, -1, {0} }, -{RSP_NMBR, 700, 700, -1, -1, -1, {0} }, -{RSP_ZCPN, 700, 700, -1, -1, -1, {0} }, -{RSP_ZCTP, 700, 700, -1, -1, -1, {0} }, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 700, 700, -1, 720, 720, {ACT_ICALL} }, -{EV_BC_CLOSED, 720, 720, -1, 0, -1, {ACT_NOTIFY_BC_DOWN} }, + {RSP_ZBC, 700, 700, -1, -1, -1, {0} }, + {RSP_ZHLC, 700, 700, -1, -1, -1, {0} }, + {RSP_NMBR, 700, 700, -1, -1, -1, {0} }, + {RSP_ZCPN, 700, 700, -1, -1, -1, {0} }, + {RSP_ZCTP, 700, 700, -1, -1, -1, {0} }, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 700, 700, -1, 720, 720, {ACT_ICALL} }, + {EV_BC_CLOSED, 720, 720, -1, 0, -1, {ACT_NOTIFY_BC_DOWN} }, /*accept icall*/ -{EV_ACCEPT, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_ACCEPT} }, -{RSP_INIT, 720, 720, SEQ_ACCEPT, 721, 5, {ACT_CMD+AT_PROTO} }, -{RSP_OK, 721, 721, -1, 722, 5, {ACT_CMD+AT_ISO} }, -{RSP_OK, 722, 722, -1, 723, 5, {0}, "+VLS=17\r"}, -{RSP_OK, 723, 723, -1, 724, 5, {0} }, -{RSP_ZVLS, 724, 724, 17, 750, 50, {ACT_ACCEPTED} }, -{RSP_ERROR, 721, 729, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTACCEPT} }, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 721, 729, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTACCEPT} }, -{RSP_ZSAU, 700, 729, ZSAU_NULL, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTACCEPT} }, -{RSP_ZSAU, 700, 729, ZSAU_ACTIVE, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTACCEPT} }, -{RSP_ZSAU, 700, 729, ZSAU_DISCONNECT_IND, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTACCEPT} }, - -{EV_BC_OPEN, 750, 750, -1, 751, -1}, -{EV_TIMEOUT, 750, 751, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_CONNTIMEOUT} }, + {EV_ACCEPT, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_ACCEPT} }, + {RSP_INIT, 720, 720, SEQ_ACCEPT, 721, 5, {ACT_CMD + AT_PROTO} }, + {RSP_OK, 721, 721, -1, 722, 5, {ACT_CMD + AT_ISO} }, + {RSP_OK, 722, 722, -1, 723, 5, {0}, "+VLS=17\r"}, + {RSP_OK, 723, 723, -1, 724, 5, {0} }, + {RSP_ZVLS, 724, 724, 17, 750, 50, {ACT_ACCEPTED} }, + {RSP_ERROR, 721, 729, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTACCEPT} }, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 721, 729, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTACCEPT} }, + {RSP_ZSAU, 700, 729, ZSAU_NULL, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTACCEPT} }, + {RSP_ZSAU, 700, 729, ZSAU_ACTIVE, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTACCEPT} }, + {RSP_ZSAU, 700, 729, ZSAU_DISCONNECT_IND, 0, 0, {ACT_ABORTACCEPT} }, + + {EV_BC_OPEN, 750, 750, -1, 751, -1}, + {EV_TIMEOUT, 750, 751, -1, 0, 0, {ACT_CONNTIMEOUT} }, /* B channel closed (general case) */ -{EV_BC_CLOSED, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_NOTIFY_BC_DOWN} }, + {EV_BC_CLOSED, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_NOTIFY_BC_DOWN} }, /* misc. */ -{RSP_ZCON, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_DEBUG} }, -{RSP_ZCAU, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_ZCAU} }, -{RSP_NONE, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_DEBUG} }, -{RSP_ANY, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_WARN} }, -{RSP_LAST} + {RSP_ZCON, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_DEBUG} }, + {RSP_ZCAU, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_ZCAU} }, + {RSP_NONE, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_DEBUG} }, + {RSP_ANY, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, {ACT_WARN} }, + {RSP_LAST} }; @@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ void gigaset_handle_modem_response(struct cardstate *cs) case '=': if (params > MAX_REC_PARAMS) { dev_warn(cs->dev, - "too many parameters in response\n"); + "too many parameters in response\n"); /* need last parameter (might be CID) */ params--; } @@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ void gigaset_handle_modem_response(struct cardstate *cs) } rawstring = 0; - cid = params > 1 ? cid_of_response(argv[params-1]) : 0; + cid = params > 1 ? cid_of_response(argv[params - 1]) : 0; if (cid < 0) { gigaset_add_event(cs, &cs->at_state, RSP_INVAL, NULL, 0, NULL); @@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ void gigaset_handle_modem_response(struct cardstate *cs) event->parameter = zr->code; if (!zr->str) dev_warn(cs->dev, - "%s: unknown parameter %s after ZSAU\n", + "%s: unknown parameter %s after ZSAU\n", __func__, argv[curarg]); ++curarg; break; @@ -648,8 +648,8 @@ static void disconnect(struct at_state_t **at_state_p) static inline struct at_state_t *get_free_channel(struct cardstate *cs, int cid) /* cids: >0: siemens-cid - 0: without cid - -1: no cid assigned yet + 0: without cid + -1: no cid assigned yet */ { unsigned long flags; @@ -722,12 +722,12 @@ static void send_command(struct cardstate *cs, const char *cmd, int cid, } if (cid > 0 && cid <= 65535) cb->len = snprintf(cb->buf, buflen, - dle ? "\020(AT%d%s\020)" : "AT%d%s", - cid, cmd); + dle ? "\020(AT%d%s\020)" : "AT%d%s", + cid, cmd); else cb->len = snprintf(cb->buf, buflen, - dle ? "\020(AT%s\020)" : "AT%s", - cmd); + dle ? "\020(AT%s\020)" : "AT%s", + cmd); cb->offset = 0; cb->next = NULL; cb->wake_tasklet = NULL; @@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ static void bchannel_up(struct bc_state *bcs) } static void start_dial(struct at_state_t *at_state, void *data, - unsigned seq_index) + unsigned seq_index) { struct bc_state *bcs = at_state->bcs; struct cardstate *cs = at_state->cs; @@ -937,10 +937,10 @@ static int reinit_and_retry(struct cardstate *cs, int channel) if (channel < 0) dev_warn(cs->dev, - "Could not enter cid mode. Reinit device and try again.\n"); + "Could not enter cid mode. Reinit device and try again.\n"); else { dev_warn(cs->dev, - "Could not get a call id. Reinit device and try again.\n"); + "Could not get a call id. Reinit device and try again.\n"); cs->bcs[channel].at_state.pending_commands |= PC_CID; } schedule_init(cs, MS_INIT); @@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@ static void do_action(int action, struct cardstate *cs, at_state2 = get_free_channel(cs, ev->parameter); if (!at_state2) { dev_warn(cs->dev, - "RING ignored: could not allocate channel structure\n"); + "RING ignored: could not allocate channel structure\n"); break; } @@ -1372,7 +1372,7 @@ static void do_action(int action, struct cardstate *cs, ev->parameter, at_state->ConState); break; - /* events from the LL */ + /* events from the LL */ case ACT_DIAL: start_dial(at_state, ev->ptr, ev->parameter); break; @@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@ static void do_action(int action, struct cardstate *cs, cs->commands_pending = 1; break; - /* hotplug events */ + /* hotplug events */ case ACT_STOP: do_stop(cs); break; @@ -1393,7 +1393,7 @@ static void do_action(int action, struct cardstate *cs, do_start(cs); break; - /* events from the interface */ + /* events from the interface */ case ACT_IF_LOCK: cs->cmd_result = ev->parameter ? do_lock(cs) : do_unlock(cs); cs->waiting = 0; @@ -1412,7 +1412,7 @@ static void do_action(int action, struct cardstate *cs, wake_up(&cs->waitqueue); break; - /* events from the proc file system */ + /* events from the proc file system */ case ACT_PROC_CIDMODE: spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); if (ev->parameter != cs->cidmode) { @@ -1431,7 +1431,7 @@ static void do_action(int action, struct cardstate *cs, wake_up(&cs->waitqueue); break; - /* events from the hardware drivers */ + /* events from the hardware drivers */ case ACT_NOTIFY_BC_DOWN: bchannel_down(bcs); break; @@ -1533,15 +1533,15 @@ static void process_event(struct cardstate *cs, struct event_t *ev) if (rcode == RSP_LAST) { /* found nothing...*/ dev_warn(cs->dev, "%s: rcode=RSP_LAST: " - "resp_code %d in ConState %d!\n", + "resp_code %d in ConState %d!\n", __func__, ev->type, at_state->ConState); return; } if ((rcode == RSP_ANY || rcode == ev->type) - && ((int) at_state->ConState >= rep->min_ConState) - && (rep->max_ConState < 0 - || (int) at_state->ConState <= rep->max_ConState) - && (rep->parameter < 0 || rep->parameter == ev->parameter)) + && ((int) at_state->ConState >= rep->min_ConState) + && (rep->max_ConState < 0 + || (int) at_state->ConState <= rep->max_ConState) + && (rep->parameter < 0 || rep->parameter == ev->parameter)) break; } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/gigaset.h b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/gigaset.h index f877726d664bdf2587664e3c6d9cfa1c128311fe..1dc25131e67033b4c9e1fc8041d58ff0a4e5a65b 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/gigaset.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/gigaset.h @@ -91,11 +91,11 @@ enum debuglevel { #ifdef CONFIG_GIGASET_DEBUG -#define gig_dbg(level, format, arg...) \ - do { \ +#define gig_dbg(level, format, arg...) \ + do { \ if (unlikely(((enum debuglevel)gigaset_debuglevel) & (level))) \ printk(KERN_DEBUG KBUILD_MODNAME ": " format "\n", \ - ## arg); \ + ## arg); \ } while (0) #define DEBUG_DEFAULT (DEBUG_TRANSCMD | DEBUG_CMD | DEBUG_USBREQ) @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ void gigaset_dbg_buffer(enum debuglevel level, const unsigned char *msg, #define BAS_CORRFRAMES 4 /* flow control multiplicator */ #define BAS_INBUFSIZE (BAS_MAXFRAME * BAS_NUMFRAMES) - /* size of isoc in buf per URB */ +/* size of isoc in buf per URB */ #define BAS_OUTBUFSIZE 4096 /* size of common isoc out buffer */ #define BAS_OUTBUFPAD BAS_MAXFRAME /* size of pad area for isoc out buf */ @@ -472,17 +472,17 @@ struct cardstate { int commands_pending; /* flag(s) in xxx.commands_pending have been set */ struct tasklet_struct event_tasklet; - /* tasklet for serializing AT commands. - * Scheduled - * -> for modem reponses (and - * incoming data for M10x) - * -> on timeout - * -> after setting bits in - * xxx.at_state.pending_command - * (e.g. command from LL) */ + /* tasklet for serializing AT commands. + * Scheduled + * -> for modem reponses (and + * incoming data for M10x) + * -> on timeout + * -> after setting bits in + * xxx.at_state.pending_command + * (e.g. command from LL) */ struct tasklet_struct write_tasklet; - /* tasklet for serial output - * (not used in base driver) */ + /* tasklet for serial output + * (not used in base driver) */ /* event queue */ struct event_t events[MAX_EVENTS]; @@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ struct cardstate { spinlock_t ev_lock; /* current modem response */ - unsigned char respdata[MAX_RESP_SIZE+1]; + unsigned char respdata[MAX_RESP_SIZE + 1]; unsigned cbytes; /* private data of hardware drivers */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/i4l.c b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/i4l.c index 1793ba1b6a89ebdecf777176434dea6e82622573..0f13eb1de6570709d12b3b2354118ed778fb1947 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/i4l.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/i4l.c @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ static int command_from_LL(isdn_ctrl *cntrl) dev_kfree_skb(bcs->rx_skb); gigaset_new_rx_skb(bcs); - commands = kzalloc(AT_NUM*(sizeof *commands), GFP_ATOMIC); + commands = kzalloc(AT_NUM * (sizeof *commands), GFP_ATOMIC); if (!commands) { gigaset_free_channel(bcs); dev_err(cs->dev, "ISDN_CMD_DIAL: out of memory\n"); @@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ static int command_from_LL(isdn_ctrl *cntrl) if (!commands[AT_TYPE]) goto oom; snprintf(commands[AT_DIAL], l, - "D%s\r", cntrl->parm.setup.phone+2); + "D%s\r", cntrl->parm.setup.phone + 2); } else { commands[AT_TYPE] = kstrdup("^SCTP=1\r", GFP_ATOMIC); if (!commands[AT_TYPE]) @@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ int gigaset_isdn_icall(struct at_state_t *at_state) response.parm.setup.si2 = 2; } else { dev_warn(cs->dev, "RING ignored - unsupported BC %s\n", - at_state->str_var[STR_ZBC]); + at_state->str_var[STR_ZBC]); return ICALL_IGNORE; } if (at_state->str_var[STR_NMBR]) { @@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ int gigaset_isdn_icall(struct at_state_t *at_state) return ICALL_REJECT; case 3: /* incomplete */ dev_warn(cs->dev, - "LL requested unsupported feature: Incomplete Number\n"); + "LL requested unsupported feature: Incomplete Number\n"); return ICALL_IGNORE; case 4: /* proceeding */ /* Gigaset will send ALERTING anyway. diff --git a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/interface.c b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/interface.c index 8f8814afce867396e74804a299b8ad78840d498d..b3d6ac17272d2872c0afc7c3bf1b72497e67266b 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/interface.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/interface.c @@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ static int if_lock(struct cardstate *cs, int *arg) } if (!cmd && cs->mstate == MS_LOCKED && cs->connected) { - cs->ops->set_modem_ctrl(cs, 0, TIOCM_DTR|TIOCM_RTS); + cs->ops->set_modem_ctrl(cs, 0, TIOCM_DTR | TIOCM_RTS); cs->ops->baud_rate(cs, B115200); cs->ops->set_line_ctrl(cs, CS8); - cs->control_state = TIOCM_DTR|TIOCM_RTS; + cs->control_state = TIOCM_DTR | TIOCM_RTS; } cs->waiting = 1; @@ -232,17 +232,17 @@ static int if_ioctl(struct tty_struct *tty, break; case GIGASET_BRKCHARS: retval = copy_from_user(&buf, - (const unsigned char __user *) arg, 6) + (const unsigned char __user *) arg, 6) ? -EFAULT : 0; if (retval >= 0) { gigaset_dbg_buffer(DEBUG_IF, "GIGASET_BRKCHARS", - 6, (const unsigned char *) arg); + 6, (const unsigned char *) arg); retval = cs->ops->brkchars(cs, buf); } break; case GIGASET_VERSION: retval = copy_from_user(version, - (unsigned __user *) arg, sizeof version) + (unsigned __user *) arg, sizeof version) ? -EFAULT : 0; if (retval >= 0) retval = if_version(cs, version); @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ static int if_tiocmget(struct tty_struct *tty) if (mutex_lock_interruptible(&cs->mutex)) return -ERESTARTSYS; - retval = cs->control_state & (TIOCM_RTS|TIOCM_DTR); + retval = cs->control_state & (TIOCM_RTS | TIOCM_DTR); mutex_unlock(&cs->mutex); @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ static int if_tiocmset(struct tty_struct *tty, gig_dbg(DEBUG_IF, "not connected"); retval = -ENODEV; } else { - mc = (cs->control_state | set) & ~clear & (TIOCM_RTS|TIOCM_DTR); + mc = (cs->control_state | set) & ~clear & (TIOCM_RTS | TIOCM_DTR); retval = cs->ops->set_modem_ctrl(cs, cs->control_state, mc); cs->control_state = mc; } @@ -593,8 +593,8 @@ void gigaset_if_initdriver(struct gigaset_driver *drv, const char *procname, if (tty == NULL) goto enomem; - tty->type = TTY_DRIVER_TYPE_SERIAL, - tty->subtype = SERIAL_TYPE_NORMAL, + tty->type = TTY_DRIVER_TYPE_SERIAL; + tty->subtype = SERIAL_TYPE_NORMAL; tty->flags = TTY_DRIVER_REAL_RAW | TTY_DRIVER_DYNAMIC_DEV; tty->driver_name = procname; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/isocdata.c b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/isocdata.c index f39ccdf87a17e816f92a43afd93484ad704a6f8c..a351c16705bd216c3c6dfca898f93d6ca83294e3 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/isocdata.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/isocdata.c @@ -250,94 +250,94 @@ static inline void dump_bytes(enum debuglevel level, const char *tag, */ static const u16 stufftab[5 * 256] = { /* previous 1s = 0: */ - 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0003, 0x0004, 0x0005, 0x0006, 0x0007, 0x0008, 0x0009, 0x000a, 0x000b, 0x000c, 0x000d, 0x000e, 0x000f, - 0x0010, 0x0011, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x0014, 0x0015, 0x0016, 0x0017, 0x0018, 0x0019, 0x001a, 0x001b, 0x001c, 0x001d, 0x001e, 0x201f, - 0x0020, 0x0021, 0x0022, 0x0023, 0x0024, 0x0025, 0x0026, 0x0027, 0x0028, 0x0029, 0x002a, 0x002b, 0x002c, 0x002d, 0x002e, 0x002f, - 0x0030, 0x0031, 0x0032, 0x0033, 0x0034, 0x0035, 0x0036, 0x0037, 0x0038, 0x0039, 0x003a, 0x003b, 0x003c, 0x003d, 0x203e, 0x205f, - 0x0040, 0x0041, 0x0042, 0x0043, 0x0044, 0x0045, 0x0046, 0x0047, 0x0048, 0x0049, 0x004a, 0x004b, 0x004c, 0x004d, 0x004e, 0x004f, - 0x0050, 0x0051, 0x0052, 0x0053, 0x0054, 0x0055, 0x0056, 0x0057, 0x0058, 0x0059, 0x005a, 0x005b, 0x005c, 0x005d, 0x005e, 0x209f, - 0x0060, 0x0061, 0x0062, 0x0063, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0066, 0x0067, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x006a, 0x006b, 0x006c, 0x006d, 0x006e, 0x006f, - 0x0070, 0x0071, 0x0072, 0x0073, 0x0074, 0x0075, 0x0076, 0x0077, 0x0078, 0x0079, 0x007a, 0x007b, 0x207c, 0x207d, 0x20be, 0x20df, - 0x0480, 0x0481, 0x0482, 0x0483, 0x0484, 0x0485, 0x0486, 0x0487, 0x0488, 0x0489, 0x048a, 0x048b, 0x048c, 0x048d, 0x048e, 0x048f, - 0x0490, 0x0491, 0x0492, 0x0493, 0x0494, 0x0495, 0x0496, 0x0497, 0x0498, 0x0499, 0x049a, 0x049b, 0x049c, 0x049d, 0x049e, 0x251f, - 0x04a0, 0x04a1, 0x04a2, 0x04a3, 0x04a4, 0x04a5, 0x04a6, 0x04a7, 0x04a8, 0x04a9, 0x04aa, 0x04ab, 0x04ac, 0x04ad, 0x04ae, 0x04af, - 0x04b0, 0x04b1, 0x04b2, 0x04b3, 0x04b4, 0x04b5, 0x04b6, 0x04b7, 0x04b8, 0x04b9, 0x04ba, 0x04bb, 0x04bc, 0x04bd, 0x253e, 0x255f, - 0x08c0, 0x08c1, 0x08c2, 0x08c3, 0x08c4, 0x08c5, 0x08c6, 0x08c7, 0x08c8, 0x08c9, 0x08ca, 0x08cb, 0x08cc, 0x08cd, 0x08ce, 0x08cf, - 0x08d0, 0x08d1, 0x08d2, 0x08d3, 0x08d4, 0x08d5, 0x08d6, 0x08d7, 0x08d8, 0x08d9, 0x08da, 0x08db, 0x08dc, 0x08dd, 0x08de, 0x299f, - 0x0ce0, 0x0ce1, 0x0ce2, 0x0ce3, 0x0ce4, 0x0ce5, 0x0ce6, 0x0ce7, 0x0ce8, 0x0ce9, 0x0cea, 0x0ceb, 0x0cec, 0x0ced, 0x0cee, 0x0cef, - 0x10f0, 0x10f1, 0x10f2, 0x10f3, 0x10f4, 0x10f5, 0x10f6, 0x10f7, 0x20f8, 0x20f9, 0x20fa, 0x20fb, 0x257c, 0x257d, 0x29be, 0x2ddf, + 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0003, 0x0004, 0x0005, 0x0006, 0x0007, 0x0008, 0x0009, 0x000a, 0x000b, 0x000c, 0x000d, 0x000e, 0x000f, + 0x0010, 0x0011, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x0014, 0x0015, 0x0016, 0x0017, 0x0018, 0x0019, 0x001a, 0x001b, 0x001c, 0x001d, 0x001e, 0x201f, + 0x0020, 0x0021, 0x0022, 0x0023, 0x0024, 0x0025, 0x0026, 0x0027, 0x0028, 0x0029, 0x002a, 0x002b, 0x002c, 0x002d, 0x002e, 0x002f, + 0x0030, 0x0031, 0x0032, 0x0033, 0x0034, 0x0035, 0x0036, 0x0037, 0x0038, 0x0039, 0x003a, 0x003b, 0x003c, 0x003d, 0x203e, 0x205f, + 0x0040, 0x0041, 0x0042, 0x0043, 0x0044, 0x0045, 0x0046, 0x0047, 0x0048, 0x0049, 0x004a, 0x004b, 0x004c, 0x004d, 0x004e, 0x004f, + 0x0050, 0x0051, 0x0052, 0x0053, 0x0054, 0x0055, 0x0056, 0x0057, 0x0058, 0x0059, 0x005a, 0x005b, 0x005c, 0x005d, 0x005e, 0x209f, + 0x0060, 0x0061, 0x0062, 0x0063, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0066, 0x0067, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x006a, 0x006b, 0x006c, 0x006d, 0x006e, 0x006f, + 0x0070, 0x0071, 0x0072, 0x0073, 0x0074, 0x0075, 0x0076, 0x0077, 0x0078, 0x0079, 0x007a, 0x007b, 0x207c, 0x207d, 0x20be, 0x20df, + 0x0480, 0x0481, 0x0482, 0x0483, 0x0484, 0x0485, 0x0486, 0x0487, 0x0488, 0x0489, 0x048a, 0x048b, 0x048c, 0x048d, 0x048e, 0x048f, + 0x0490, 0x0491, 0x0492, 0x0493, 0x0494, 0x0495, 0x0496, 0x0497, 0x0498, 0x0499, 0x049a, 0x049b, 0x049c, 0x049d, 0x049e, 0x251f, + 0x04a0, 0x04a1, 0x04a2, 0x04a3, 0x04a4, 0x04a5, 0x04a6, 0x04a7, 0x04a8, 0x04a9, 0x04aa, 0x04ab, 0x04ac, 0x04ad, 0x04ae, 0x04af, + 0x04b0, 0x04b1, 0x04b2, 0x04b3, 0x04b4, 0x04b5, 0x04b6, 0x04b7, 0x04b8, 0x04b9, 0x04ba, 0x04bb, 0x04bc, 0x04bd, 0x253e, 0x255f, + 0x08c0, 0x08c1, 0x08c2, 0x08c3, 0x08c4, 0x08c5, 0x08c6, 0x08c7, 0x08c8, 0x08c9, 0x08ca, 0x08cb, 0x08cc, 0x08cd, 0x08ce, 0x08cf, + 0x08d0, 0x08d1, 0x08d2, 0x08d3, 0x08d4, 0x08d5, 0x08d6, 0x08d7, 0x08d8, 0x08d9, 0x08da, 0x08db, 0x08dc, 0x08dd, 0x08de, 0x299f, + 0x0ce0, 0x0ce1, 0x0ce2, 0x0ce3, 0x0ce4, 0x0ce5, 0x0ce6, 0x0ce7, 0x0ce8, 0x0ce9, 0x0cea, 0x0ceb, 0x0cec, 0x0ced, 0x0cee, 0x0cef, + 0x10f0, 0x10f1, 0x10f2, 0x10f3, 0x10f4, 0x10f5, 0x10f6, 0x10f7, 0x20f8, 0x20f9, 0x20fa, 0x20fb, 0x257c, 0x257d, 0x29be, 0x2ddf, /* previous 1s = 1: */ - 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0003, 0x0004, 0x0005, 0x0006, 0x0007, 0x0008, 0x0009, 0x000a, 0x000b, 0x000c, 0x000d, 0x000e, 0x200f, - 0x0010, 0x0011, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x0014, 0x0015, 0x0016, 0x0017, 0x0018, 0x0019, 0x001a, 0x001b, 0x001c, 0x001d, 0x001e, 0x202f, - 0x0020, 0x0021, 0x0022, 0x0023, 0x0024, 0x0025, 0x0026, 0x0027, 0x0028, 0x0029, 0x002a, 0x002b, 0x002c, 0x002d, 0x002e, 0x204f, - 0x0030, 0x0031, 0x0032, 0x0033, 0x0034, 0x0035, 0x0036, 0x0037, 0x0038, 0x0039, 0x003a, 0x003b, 0x003c, 0x003d, 0x203e, 0x206f, - 0x0040, 0x0041, 0x0042, 0x0043, 0x0044, 0x0045, 0x0046, 0x0047, 0x0048, 0x0049, 0x004a, 0x004b, 0x004c, 0x004d, 0x004e, 0x208f, - 0x0050, 0x0051, 0x0052, 0x0053, 0x0054, 0x0055, 0x0056, 0x0057, 0x0058, 0x0059, 0x005a, 0x005b, 0x005c, 0x005d, 0x005e, 0x20af, - 0x0060, 0x0061, 0x0062, 0x0063, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0066, 0x0067, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x006a, 0x006b, 0x006c, 0x006d, 0x006e, 0x20cf, - 0x0070, 0x0071, 0x0072, 0x0073, 0x0074, 0x0075, 0x0076, 0x0077, 0x0078, 0x0079, 0x007a, 0x007b, 0x207c, 0x207d, 0x20be, 0x20ef, - 0x0480, 0x0481, 0x0482, 0x0483, 0x0484, 0x0485, 0x0486, 0x0487, 0x0488, 0x0489, 0x048a, 0x048b, 0x048c, 0x048d, 0x048e, 0x250f, - 0x0490, 0x0491, 0x0492, 0x0493, 0x0494, 0x0495, 0x0496, 0x0497, 0x0498, 0x0499, 0x049a, 0x049b, 0x049c, 0x049d, 0x049e, 0x252f, - 0x04a0, 0x04a1, 0x04a2, 0x04a3, 0x04a4, 0x04a5, 0x04a6, 0x04a7, 0x04a8, 0x04a9, 0x04aa, 0x04ab, 0x04ac, 0x04ad, 0x04ae, 0x254f, - 0x04b0, 0x04b1, 0x04b2, 0x04b3, 0x04b4, 0x04b5, 0x04b6, 0x04b7, 0x04b8, 0x04b9, 0x04ba, 0x04bb, 0x04bc, 0x04bd, 0x253e, 0x256f, - 0x08c0, 0x08c1, 0x08c2, 0x08c3, 0x08c4, 0x08c5, 0x08c6, 0x08c7, 0x08c8, 0x08c9, 0x08ca, 0x08cb, 0x08cc, 0x08cd, 0x08ce, 0x298f, - 0x08d0, 0x08d1, 0x08d2, 0x08d3, 0x08d4, 0x08d5, 0x08d6, 0x08d7, 0x08d8, 0x08d9, 0x08da, 0x08db, 0x08dc, 0x08dd, 0x08de, 0x29af, - 0x0ce0, 0x0ce1, 0x0ce2, 0x0ce3, 0x0ce4, 0x0ce5, 0x0ce6, 0x0ce7, 0x0ce8, 0x0ce9, 0x0cea, 0x0ceb, 0x0cec, 0x0ced, 0x0cee, 0x2dcf, - 0x10f0, 0x10f1, 0x10f2, 0x10f3, 0x10f4, 0x10f5, 0x10f6, 0x10f7, 0x20f8, 0x20f9, 0x20fa, 0x20fb, 0x257c, 0x257d, 0x29be, 0x31ef, + 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0003, 0x0004, 0x0005, 0x0006, 0x0007, 0x0008, 0x0009, 0x000a, 0x000b, 0x000c, 0x000d, 0x000e, 0x200f, + 0x0010, 0x0011, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x0014, 0x0015, 0x0016, 0x0017, 0x0018, 0x0019, 0x001a, 0x001b, 0x001c, 0x001d, 0x001e, 0x202f, + 0x0020, 0x0021, 0x0022, 0x0023, 0x0024, 0x0025, 0x0026, 0x0027, 0x0028, 0x0029, 0x002a, 0x002b, 0x002c, 0x002d, 0x002e, 0x204f, + 0x0030, 0x0031, 0x0032, 0x0033, 0x0034, 0x0035, 0x0036, 0x0037, 0x0038, 0x0039, 0x003a, 0x003b, 0x003c, 0x003d, 0x203e, 0x206f, + 0x0040, 0x0041, 0x0042, 0x0043, 0x0044, 0x0045, 0x0046, 0x0047, 0x0048, 0x0049, 0x004a, 0x004b, 0x004c, 0x004d, 0x004e, 0x208f, + 0x0050, 0x0051, 0x0052, 0x0053, 0x0054, 0x0055, 0x0056, 0x0057, 0x0058, 0x0059, 0x005a, 0x005b, 0x005c, 0x005d, 0x005e, 0x20af, + 0x0060, 0x0061, 0x0062, 0x0063, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0066, 0x0067, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x006a, 0x006b, 0x006c, 0x006d, 0x006e, 0x20cf, + 0x0070, 0x0071, 0x0072, 0x0073, 0x0074, 0x0075, 0x0076, 0x0077, 0x0078, 0x0079, 0x007a, 0x007b, 0x207c, 0x207d, 0x20be, 0x20ef, + 0x0480, 0x0481, 0x0482, 0x0483, 0x0484, 0x0485, 0x0486, 0x0487, 0x0488, 0x0489, 0x048a, 0x048b, 0x048c, 0x048d, 0x048e, 0x250f, + 0x0490, 0x0491, 0x0492, 0x0493, 0x0494, 0x0495, 0x0496, 0x0497, 0x0498, 0x0499, 0x049a, 0x049b, 0x049c, 0x049d, 0x049e, 0x252f, + 0x04a0, 0x04a1, 0x04a2, 0x04a3, 0x04a4, 0x04a5, 0x04a6, 0x04a7, 0x04a8, 0x04a9, 0x04aa, 0x04ab, 0x04ac, 0x04ad, 0x04ae, 0x254f, + 0x04b0, 0x04b1, 0x04b2, 0x04b3, 0x04b4, 0x04b5, 0x04b6, 0x04b7, 0x04b8, 0x04b9, 0x04ba, 0x04bb, 0x04bc, 0x04bd, 0x253e, 0x256f, + 0x08c0, 0x08c1, 0x08c2, 0x08c3, 0x08c4, 0x08c5, 0x08c6, 0x08c7, 0x08c8, 0x08c9, 0x08ca, 0x08cb, 0x08cc, 0x08cd, 0x08ce, 0x298f, + 0x08d0, 0x08d1, 0x08d2, 0x08d3, 0x08d4, 0x08d5, 0x08d6, 0x08d7, 0x08d8, 0x08d9, 0x08da, 0x08db, 0x08dc, 0x08dd, 0x08de, 0x29af, + 0x0ce0, 0x0ce1, 0x0ce2, 0x0ce3, 0x0ce4, 0x0ce5, 0x0ce6, 0x0ce7, 0x0ce8, 0x0ce9, 0x0cea, 0x0ceb, 0x0cec, 0x0ced, 0x0cee, 0x2dcf, + 0x10f0, 0x10f1, 0x10f2, 0x10f3, 0x10f4, 0x10f5, 0x10f6, 0x10f7, 0x20f8, 0x20f9, 0x20fa, 0x20fb, 0x257c, 0x257d, 0x29be, 0x31ef, /* previous 1s = 2: */ - 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0003, 0x0004, 0x0005, 0x0006, 0x2007, 0x0008, 0x0009, 0x000a, 0x000b, 0x000c, 0x000d, 0x000e, 0x2017, - 0x0010, 0x0011, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x0014, 0x0015, 0x0016, 0x2027, 0x0018, 0x0019, 0x001a, 0x001b, 0x001c, 0x001d, 0x001e, 0x2037, - 0x0020, 0x0021, 0x0022, 0x0023, 0x0024, 0x0025, 0x0026, 0x2047, 0x0028, 0x0029, 0x002a, 0x002b, 0x002c, 0x002d, 0x002e, 0x2057, - 0x0030, 0x0031, 0x0032, 0x0033, 0x0034, 0x0035, 0x0036, 0x2067, 0x0038, 0x0039, 0x003a, 0x003b, 0x003c, 0x003d, 0x203e, 0x2077, - 0x0040, 0x0041, 0x0042, 0x0043, 0x0044, 0x0045, 0x0046, 0x2087, 0x0048, 0x0049, 0x004a, 0x004b, 0x004c, 0x004d, 0x004e, 0x2097, - 0x0050, 0x0051, 0x0052, 0x0053, 0x0054, 0x0055, 0x0056, 0x20a7, 0x0058, 0x0059, 0x005a, 0x005b, 0x005c, 0x005d, 0x005e, 0x20b7, - 0x0060, 0x0061, 0x0062, 0x0063, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0066, 0x20c7, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x006a, 0x006b, 0x006c, 0x006d, 0x006e, 0x20d7, - 0x0070, 0x0071, 0x0072, 0x0073, 0x0074, 0x0075, 0x0076, 0x20e7, 0x0078, 0x0079, 0x007a, 0x007b, 0x207c, 0x207d, 0x20be, 0x20f7, - 0x0480, 0x0481, 0x0482, 0x0483, 0x0484, 0x0485, 0x0486, 0x2507, 0x0488, 0x0489, 0x048a, 0x048b, 0x048c, 0x048d, 0x048e, 0x2517, - 0x0490, 0x0491, 0x0492, 0x0493, 0x0494, 0x0495, 0x0496, 0x2527, 0x0498, 0x0499, 0x049a, 0x049b, 0x049c, 0x049d, 0x049e, 0x2537, - 0x04a0, 0x04a1, 0x04a2, 0x04a3, 0x04a4, 0x04a5, 0x04a6, 0x2547, 0x04a8, 0x04a9, 0x04aa, 0x04ab, 0x04ac, 0x04ad, 0x04ae, 0x2557, - 0x04b0, 0x04b1, 0x04b2, 0x04b3, 0x04b4, 0x04b5, 0x04b6, 0x2567, 0x04b8, 0x04b9, 0x04ba, 0x04bb, 0x04bc, 0x04bd, 0x253e, 0x2577, - 0x08c0, 0x08c1, 0x08c2, 0x08c3, 0x08c4, 0x08c5, 0x08c6, 0x2987, 0x08c8, 0x08c9, 0x08ca, 0x08cb, 0x08cc, 0x08cd, 0x08ce, 0x2997, - 0x08d0, 0x08d1, 0x08d2, 0x08d3, 0x08d4, 0x08d5, 0x08d6, 0x29a7, 0x08d8, 0x08d9, 0x08da, 0x08db, 0x08dc, 0x08dd, 0x08de, 0x29b7, - 0x0ce0, 0x0ce1, 0x0ce2, 0x0ce3, 0x0ce4, 0x0ce5, 0x0ce6, 0x2dc7, 0x0ce8, 0x0ce9, 0x0cea, 0x0ceb, 0x0cec, 0x0ced, 0x0cee, 0x2dd7, - 0x10f0, 0x10f1, 0x10f2, 0x10f3, 0x10f4, 0x10f5, 0x10f6, 0x31e7, 0x20f8, 0x20f9, 0x20fa, 0x20fb, 0x257c, 0x257d, 0x29be, 0x41f7, + 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0003, 0x0004, 0x0005, 0x0006, 0x2007, 0x0008, 0x0009, 0x000a, 0x000b, 0x000c, 0x000d, 0x000e, 0x2017, + 0x0010, 0x0011, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x0014, 0x0015, 0x0016, 0x2027, 0x0018, 0x0019, 0x001a, 0x001b, 0x001c, 0x001d, 0x001e, 0x2037, + 0x0020, 0x0021, 0x0022, 0x0023, 0x0024, 0x0025, 0x0026, 0x2047, 0x0028, 0x0029, 0x002a, 0x002b, 0x002c, 0x002d, 0x002e, 0x2057, + 0x0030, 0x0031, 0x0032, 0x0033, 0x0034, 0x0035, 0x0036, 0x2067, 0x0038, 0x0039, 0x003a, 0x003b, 0x003c, 0x003d, 0x203e, 0x2077, + 0x0040, 0x0041, 0x0042, 0x0043, 0x0044, 0x0045, 0x0046, 0x2087, 0x0048, 0x0049, 0x004a, 0x004b, 0x004c, 0x004d, 0x004e, 0x2097, + 0x0050, 0x0051, 0x0052, 0x0053, 0x0054, 0x0055, 0x0056, 0x20a7, 0x0058, 0x0059, 0x005a, 0x005b, 0x005c, 0x005d, 0x005e, 0x20b7, + 0x0060, 0x0061, 0x0062, 0x0063, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0066, 0x20c7, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x006a, 0x006b, 0x006c, 0x006d, 0x006e, 0x20d7, + 0x0070, 0x0071, 0x0072, 0x0073, 0x0074, 0x0075, 0x0076, 0x20e7, 0x0078, 0x0079, 0x007a, 0x007b, 0x207c, 0x207d, 0x20be, 0x20f7, + 0x0480, 0x0481, 0x0482, 0x0483, 0x0484, 0x0485, 0x0486, 0x2507, 0x0488, 0x0489, 0x048a, 0x048b, 0x048c, 0x048d, 0x048e, 0x2517, + 0x0490, 0x0491, 0x0492, 0x0493, 0x0494, 0x0495, 0x0496, 0x2527, 0x0498, 0x0499, 0x049a, 0x049b, 0x049c, 0x049d, 0x049e, 0x2537, + 0x04a0, 0x04a1, 0x04a2, 0x04a3, 0x04a4, 0x04a5, 0x04a6, 0x2547, 0x04a8, 0x04a9, 0x04aa, 0x04ab, 0x04ac, 0x04ad, 0x04ae, 0x2557, + 0x04b0, 0x04b1, 0x04b2, 0x04b3, 0x04b4, 0x04b5, 0x04b6, 0x2567, 0x04b8, 0x04b9, 0x04ba, 0x04bb, 0x04bc, 0x04bd, 0x253e, 0x2577, + 0x08c0, 0x08c1, 0x08c2, 0x08c3, 0x08c4, 0x08c5, 0x08c6, 0x2987, 0x08c8, 0x08c9, 0x08ca, 0x08cb, 0x08cc, 0x08cd, 0x08ce, 0x2997, + 0x08d0, 0x08d1, 0x08d2, 0x08d3, 0x08d4, 0x08d5, 0x08d6, 0x29a7, 0x08d8, 0x08d9, 0x08da, 0x08db, 0x08dc, 0x08dd, 0x08de, 0x29b7, + 0x0ce0, 0x0ce1, 0x0ce2, 0x0ce3, 0x0ce4, 0x0ce5, 0x0ce6, 0x2dc7, 0x0ce8, 0x0ce9, 0x0cea, 0x0ceb, 0x0cec, 0x0ced, 0x0cee, 0x2dd7, + 0x10f0, 0x10f1, 0x10f2, 0x10f3, 0x10f4, 0x10f5, 0x10f6, 0x31e7, 0x20f8, 0x20f9, 0x20fa, 0x20fb, 0x257c, 0x257d, 0x29be, 0x41f7, /* previous 1s = 3: */ - 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x2003, 0x0004, 0x0005, 0x0006, 0x200b, 0x0008, 0x0009, 0x000a, 0x2013, 0x000c, 0x000d, 0x000e, 0x201b, - 0x0010, 0x0011, 0x0012, 0x2023, 0x0014, 0x0015, 0x0016, 0x202b, 0x0018, 0x0019, 0x001a, 0x2033, 0x001c, 0x001d, 0x001e, 0x203b, - 0x0020, 0x0021, 0x0022, 0x2043, 0x0024, 0x0025, 0x0026, 0x204b, 0x0028, 0x0029, 0x002a, 0x2053, 0x002c, 0x002d, 0x002e, 0x205b, - 0x0030, 0x0031, 0x0032, 0x2063, 0x0034, 0x0035, 0x0036, 0x206b, 0x0038, 0x0039, 0x003a, 0x2073, 0x003c, 0x003d, 0x203e, 0x207b, - 0x0040, 0x0041, 0x0042, 0x2083, 0x0044, 0x0045, 0x0046, 0x208b, 0x0048, 0x0049, 0x004a, 0x2093, 0x004c, 0x004d, 0x004e, 0x209b, - 0x0050, 0x0051, 0x0052, 0x20a3, 0x0054, 0x0055, 0x0056, 0x20ab, 0x0058, 0x0059, 0x005a, 0x20b3, 0x005c, 0x005d, 0x005e, 0x20bb, - 0x0060, 0x0061, 0x0062, 0x20c3, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0066, 0x20cb, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x006a, 0x20d3, 0x006c, 0x006d, 0x006e, 0x20db, - 0x0070, 0x0071, 0x0072, 0x20e3, 0x0074, 0x0075, 0x0076, 0x20eb, 0x0078, 0x0079, 0x007a, 0x20f3, 0x207c, 0x207d, 0x20be, 0x40fb, - 0x0480, 0x0481, 0x0482, 0x2503, 0x0484, 0x0485, 0x0486, 0x250b, 0x0488, 0x0489, 0x048a, 0x2513, 0x048c, 0x048d, 0x048e, 0x251b, - 0x0490, 0x0491, 0x0492, 0x2523, 0x0494, 0x0495, 0x0496, 0x252b, 0x0498, 0x0499, 0x049a, 0x2533, 0x049c, 0x049d, 0x049e, 0x253b, - 0x04a0, 0x04a1, 0x04a2, 0x2543, 0x04a4, 0x04a5, 0x04a6, 0x254b, 0x04a8, 0x04a9, 0x04aa, 0x2553, 0x04ac, 0x04ad, 0x04ae, 0x255b, - 0x04b0, 0x04b1, 0x04b2, 0x2563, 0x04b4, 0x04b5, 0x04b6, 0x256b, 0x04b8, 0x04b9, 0x04ba, 0x2573, 0x04bc, 0x04bd, 0x253e, 0x257b, - 0x08c0, 0x08c1, 0x08c2, 0x2983, 0x08c4, 0x08c5, 0x08c6, 0x298b, 0x08c8, 0x08c9, 0x08ca, 0x2993, 0x08cc, 0x08cd, 0x08ce, 0x299b, - 0x08d0, 0x08d1, 0x08d2, 0x29a3, 0x08d4, 0x08d5, 0x08d6, 0x29ab, 0x08d8, 0x08d9, 0x08da, 0x29b3, 0x08dc, 0x08dd, 0x08de, 0x29bb, - 0x0ce0, 0x0ce1, 0x0ce2, 0x2dc3, 0x0ce4, 0x0ce5, 0x0ce6, 0x2dcb, 0x0ce8, 0x0ce9, 0x0cea, 0x2dd3, 0x0cec, 0x0ced, 0x0cee, 0x2ddb, - 0x10f0, 0x10f1, 0x10f2, 0x31e3, 0x10f4, 0x10f5, 0x10f6, 0x31eb, 0x20f8, 0x20f9, 0x20fa, 0x41f3, 0x257c, 0x257d, 0x29be, 0x46fb, + 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x2003, 0x0004, 0x0005, 0x0006, 0x200b, 0x0008, 0x0009, 0x000a, 0x2013, 0x000c, 0x000d, 0x000e, 0x201b, + 0x0010, 0x0011, 0x0012, 0x2023, 0x0014, 0x0015, 0x0016, 0x202b, 0x0018, 0x0019, 0x001a, 0x2033, 0x001c, 0x001d, 0x001e, 0x203b, + 0x0020, 0x0021, 0x0022, 0x2043, 0x0024, 0x0025, 0x0026, 0x204b, 0x0028, 0x0029, 0x002a, 0x2053, 0x002c, 0x002d, 0x002e, 0x205b, + 0x0030, 0x0031, 0x0032, 0x2063, 0x0034, 0x0035, 0x0036, 0x206b, 0x0038, 0x0039, 0x003a, 0x2073, 0x003c, 0x003d, 0x203e, 0x207b, + 0x0040, 0x0041, 0x0042, 0x2083, 0x0044, 0x0045, 0x0046, 0x208b, 0x0048, 0x0049, 0x004a, 0x2093, 0x004c, 0x004d, 0x004e, 0x209b, + 0x0050, 0x0051, 0x0052, 0x20a3, 0x0054, 0x0055, 0x0056, 0x20ab, 0x0058, 0x0059, 0x005a, 0x20b3, 0x005c, 0x005d, 0x005e, 0x20bb, + 0x0060, 0x0061, 0x0062, 0x20c3, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0066, 0x20cb, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x006a, 0x20d3, 0x006c, 0x006d, 0x006e, 0x20db, + 0x0070, 0x0071, 0x0072, 0x20e3, 0x0074, 0x0075, 0x0076, 0x20eb, 0x0078, 0x0079, 0x007a, 0x20f3, 0x207c, 0x207d, 0x20be, 0x40fb, + 0x0480, 0x0481, 0x0482, 0x2503, 0x0484, 0x0485, 0x0486, 0x250b, 0x0488, 0x0489, 0x048a, 0x2513, 0x048c, 0x048d, 0x048e, 0x251b, + 0x0490, 0x0491, 0x0492, 0x2523, 0x0494, 0x0495, 0x0496, 0x252b, 0x0498, 0x0499, 0x049a, 0x2533, 0x049c, 0x049d, 0x049e, 0x253b, + 0x04a0, 0x04a1, 0x04a2, 0x2543, 0x04a4, 0x04a5, 0x04a6, 0x254b, 0x04a8, 0x04a9, 0x04aa, 0x2553, 0x04ac, 0x04ad, 0x04ae, 0x255b, + 0x04b0, 0x04b1, 0x04b2, 0x2563, 0x04b4, 0x04b5, 0x04b6, 0x256b, 0x04b8, 0x04b9, 0x04ba, 0x2573, 0x04bc, 0x04bd, 0x253e, 0x257b, + 0x08c0, 0x08c1, 0x08c2, 0x2983, 0x08c4, 0x08c5, 0x08c6, 0x298b, 0x08c8, 0x08c9, 0x08ca, 0x2993, 0x08cc, 0x08cd, 0x08ce, 0x299b, + 0x08d0, 0x08d1, 0x08d2, 0x29a3, 0x08d4, 0x08d5, 0x08d6, 0x29ab, 0x08d8, 0x08d9, 0x08da, 0x29b3, 0x08dc, 0x08dd, 0x08de, 0x29bb, + 0x0ce0, 0x0ce1, 0x0ce2, 0x2dc3, 0x0ce4, 0x0ce5, 0x0ce6, 0x2dcb, 0x0ce8, 0x0ce9, 0x0cea, 0x2dd3, 0x0cec, 0x0ced, 0x0cee, 0x2ddb, + 0x10f0, 0x10f1, 0x10f2, 0x31e3, 0x10f4, 0x10f5, 0x10f6, 0x31eb, 0x20f8, 0x20f9, 0x20fa, 0x41f3, 0x257c, 0x257d, 0x29be, 0x46fb, /* previous 1s = 4: */ - 0x0000, 0x2001, 0x0002, 0x2005, 0x0004, 0x2009, 0x0006, 0x200d, 0x0008, 0x2011, 0x000a, 0x2015, 0x000c, 0x2019, 0x000e, 0x201d, - 0x0010, 0x2021, 0x0012, 0x2025, 0x0014, 0x2029, 0x0016, 0x202d, 0x0018, 0x2031, 0x001a, 0x2035, 0x001c, 0x2039, 0x001e, 0x203d, - 0x0020, 0x2041, 0x0022, 0x2045, 0x0024, 0x2049, 0x0026, 0x204d, 0x0028, 0x2051, 0x002a, 0x2055, 0x002c, 0x2059, 0x002e, 0x205d, - 0x0030, 0x2061, 0x0032, 0x2065, 0x0034, 0x2069, 0x0036, 0x206d, 0x0038, 0x2071, 0x003a, 0x2075, 0x003c, 0x2079, 0x203e, 0x407d, - 0x0040, 0x2081, 0x0042, 0x2085, 0x0044, 0x2089, 0x0046, 0x208d, 0x0048, 0x2091, 0x004a, 0x2095, 0x004c, 0x2099, 0x004e, 0x209d, - 0x0050, 0x20a1, 0x0052, 0x20a5, 0x0054, 0x20a9, 0x0056, 0x20ad, 0x0058, 0x20b1, 0x005a, 0x20b5, 0x005c, 0x20b9, 0x005e, 0x20bd, - 0x0060, 0x20c1, 0x0062, 0x20c5, 0x0064, 0x20c9, 0x0066, 0x20cd, 0x0068, 0x20d1, 0x006a, 0x20d5, 0x006c, 0x20d9, 0x006e, 0x20dd, - 0x0070, 0x20e1, 0x0072, 0x20e5, 0x0074, 0x20e9, 0x0076, 0x20ed, 0x0078, 0x20f1, 0x007a, 0x20f5, 0x207c, 0x40f9, 0x20be, 0x417d, - 0x0480, 0x2501, 0x0482, 0x2505, 0x0484, 0x2509, 0x0486, 0x250d, 0x0488, 0x2511, 0x048a, 0x2515, 0x048c, 0x2519, 0x048e, 0x251d, - 0x0490, 0x2521, 0x0492, 0x2525, 0x0494, 0x2529, 0x0496, 0x252d, 0x0498, 0x2531, 0x049a, 0x2535, 0x049c, 0x2539, 0x049e, 0x253d, - 0x04a0, 0x2541, 0x04a2, 0x2545, 0x04a4, 0x2549, 0x04a6, 0x254d, 0x04a8, 0x2551, 0x04aa, 0x2555, 0x04ac, 0x2559, 0x04ae, 0x255d, - 0x04b0, 0x2561, 0x04b2, 0x2565, 0x04b4, 0x2569, 0x04b6, 0x256d, 0x04b8, 0x2571, 0x04ba, 0x2575, 0x04bc, 0x2579, 0x253e, 0x467d, - 0x08c0, 0x2981, 0x08c2, 0x2985, 0x08c4, 0x2989, 0x08c6, 0x298d, 0x08c8, 0x2991, 0x08ca, 0x2995, 0x08cc, 0x2999, 0x08ce, 0x299d, - 0x08d0, 0x29a1, 0x08d2, 0x29a5, 0x08d4, 0x29a9, 0x08d6, 0x29ad, 0x08d8, 0x29b1, 0x08da, 0x29b5, 0x08dc, 0x29b9, 0x08de, 0x29bd, - 0x0ce0, 0x2dc1, 0x0ce2, 0x2dc5, 0x0ce4, 0x2dc9, 0x0ce6, 0x2dcd, 0x0ce8, 0x2dd1, 0x0cea, 0x2dd5, 0x0cec, 0x2dd9, 0x0cee, 0x2ddd, - 0x10f0, 0x31e1, 0x10f2, 0x31e5, 0x10f4, 0x31e9, 0x10f6, 0x31ed, 0x20f8, 0x41f1, 0x20fa, 0x41f5, 0x257c, 0x46f9, 0x29be, 0x4b7d + 0x0000, 0x2001, 0x0002, 0x2005, 0x0004, 0x2009, 0x0006, 0x200d, 0x0008, 0x2011, 0x000a, 0x2015, 0x000c, 0x2019, 0x000e, 0x201d, + 0x0010, 0x2021, 0x0012, 0x2025, 0x0014, 0x2029, 0x0016, 0x202d, 0x0018, 0x2031, 0x001a, 0x2035, 0x001c, 0x2039, 0x001e, 0x203d, + 0x0020, 0x2041, 0x0022, 0x2045, 0x0024, 0x2049, 0x0026, 0x204d, 0x0028, 0x2051, 0x002a, 0x2055, 0x002c, 0x2059, 0x002e, 0x205d, + 0x0030, 0x2061, 0x0032, 0x2065, 0x0034, 0x2069, 0x0036, 0x206d, 0x0038, 0x2071, 0x003a, 0x2075, 0x003c, 0x2079, 0x203e, 0x407d, + 0x0040, 0x2081, 0x0042, 0x2085, 0x0044, 0x2089, 0x0046, 0x208d, 0x0048, 0x2091, 0x004a, 0x2095, 0x004c, 0x2099, 0x004e, 0x209d, + 0x0050, 0x20a1, 0x0052, 0x20a5, 0x0054, 0x20a9, 0x0056, 0x20ad, 0x0058, 0x20b1, 0x005a, 0x20b5, 0x005c, 0x20b9, 0x005e, 0x20bd, + 0x0060, 0x20c1, 0x0062, 0x20c5, 0x0064, 0x20c9, 0x0066, 0x20cd, 0x0068, 0x20d1, 0x006a, 0x20d5, 0x006c, 0x20d9, 0x006e, 0x20dd, + 0x0070, 0x20e1, 0x0072, 0x20e5, 0x0074, 0x20e9, 0x0076, 0x20ed, 0x0078, 0x20f1, 0x007a, 0x20f5, 0x207c, 0x40f9, 0x20be, 0x417d, + 0x0480, 0x2501, 0x0482, 0x2505, 0x0484, 0x2509, 0x0486, 0x250d, 0x0488, 0x2511, 0x048a, 0x2515, 0x048c, 0x2519, 0x048e, 0x251d, + 0x0490, 0x2521, 0x0492, 0x2525, 0x0494, 0x2529, 0x0496, 0x252d, 0x0498, 0x2531, 0x049a, 0x2535, 0x049c, 0x2539, 0x049e, 0x253d, + 0x04a0, 0x2541, 0x04a2, 0x2545, 0x04a4, 0x2549, 0x04a6, 0x254d, 0x04a8, 0x2551, 0x04aa, 0x2555, 0x04ac, 0x2559, 0x04ae, 0x255d, + 0x04b0, 0x2561, 0x04b2, 0x2565, 0x04b4, 0x2569, 0x04b6, 0x256d, 0x04b8, 0x2571, 0x04ba, 0x2575, 0x04bc, 0x2579, 0x253e, 0x467d, + 0x08c0, 0x2981, 0x08c2, 0x2985, 0x08c4, 0x2989, 0x08c6, 0x298d, 0x08c8, 0x2991, 0x08ca, 0x2995, 0x08cc, 0x2999, 0x08ce, 0x299d, + 0x08d0, 0x29a1, 0x08d2, 0x29a5, 0x08d4, 0x29a9, 0x08d6, 0x29ad, 0x08d8, 0x29b1, 0x08da, 0x29b5, 0x08dc, 0x29b9, 0x08de, 0x29bd, + 0x0ce0, 0x2dc1, 0x0ce2, 0x2dc5, 0x0ce4, 0x2dc9, 0x0ce6, 0x2dcd, 0x0ce8, 0x2dd1, 0x0cea, 0x2dd5, 0x0cec, 0x2dd9, 0x0cee, 0x2ddd, + 0x10f0, 0x31e1, 0x10f2, 0x31e5, 0x10f4, 0x31e9, 0x10f6, 0x31ed, 0x20f8, 0x41f1, 0x20fa, 0x41f5, 0x257c, 0x46f9, 0x29be, 0x4b7d }; /* hdlc_bitstuff_byte @@ -598,22 +598,22 @@ static inline void hdlc_frag(struct bc_state *bcs, unsigned inbits) * bit 7 set if there are 5 or more "interior" consecutive '1' bits */ static const unsigned char bitcounts[256] = { - 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, - 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, - 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, - 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x80, 0x06, - 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, - 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, - 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, - 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x80, 0x81, 0x80, 0x07, - 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x13, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x14, - 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x13, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x15, - 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x13, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x14, - 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x13, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x90, 0x16, - 0x20, 0x21, 0x20, 0x22, 0x20, 0x21, 0x20, 0x23, 0x20, 0x21, 0x20, 0x22, 0x20, 0x21, 0x20, 0x24, - 0x20, 0x21, 0x20, 0x22, 0x20, 0x21, 0x20, 0x23, 0x20, 0x21, 0x20, 0x22, 0x20, 0x21, 0x20, 0x25, - 0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x32, 0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x33, 0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x32, 0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x34, - 0x40, 0x41, 0x40, 0x42, 0x40, 0x41, 0x40, 0x43, 0x50, 0x51, 0x50, 0x52, 0x60, 0x61, 0x70, 0x78 + 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x80, 0x06, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x80, 0x81, 0x80, 0x07, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x13, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x14, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x13, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x15, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x13, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x14, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x13, 0x10, 0x11, 0x10, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x90, 0x16, + 0x20, 0x21, 0x20, 0x22, 0x20, 0x21, 0x20, 0x23, 0x20, 0x21, 0x20, 0x22, 0x20, 0x21, 0x20, 0x24, + 0x20, 0x21, 0x20, 0x22, 0x20, 0x21, 0x20, 0x23, 0x20, 0x21, 0x20, 0x22, 0x20, 0x21, 0x20, 0x25, + 0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x32, 0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x33, 0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x32, 0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x34, + 0x40, 0x41, 0x40, 0x42, 0x40, 0x41, 0x40, 0x43, 0x50, 0x51, 0x50, 0x52, 0x60, 0x61, 0x70, 0x78 }; /* hdlc_unpack diff --git a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/proc.c b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/proc.c index b943efbff44de05cff2efae9f017607c94123244..e3f9d0f089fa1195c97682c15784eb0b295d9feb 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/proc.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/proc.c @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ static ssize_t set_cidmode(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, if (!isspace(*end++)) return -EINVAL; if (value < 0 || value > 1) - return -EINVAL; + return -EINVAL; if (mutex_lock_interruptible(&cs->mutex)) return -ERESTARTSYS; @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ static ssize_t set_cidmode(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, return count; } -static DEVICE_ATTR(cidmode, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, show_cidmode, set_cidmode); +static DEVICE_ATTR(cidmode, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, show_cidmode, set_cidmode); /* free sysfs for device */ void gigaset_free_dev_sysfs(struct cardstate *cs) diff --git a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/ser-gigaset.c b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/ser-gigaset.c index 86a5c4f7775eb5c95a23a35b1bf05a77a8ba9681..6f3fd4cf437881d254e793fee7050ebf2597c7fd 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/ser-gigaset.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/ser-gigaset.c @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ static int gigaset_write_cmd(struct cardstate *cs, struct cmdbuf_t *cb) unsigned long flags; gigaset_dbg_buffer(cs->mstate != MS_LOCKED ? - DEBUG_TRANSCMD : DEBUG_LOCKCMD, + DEBUG_TRANSCMD : DEBUG_LOCKCMD, "CMD Transmit", cb->len, cb->buf); spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->cmdlock, flags); @@ -773,8 +773,8 @@ static int __init ser_gigaset_init(void) /* allocate memory for our driver state and initialize it */ driver = gigaset_initdriver(GIGASET_MINOR, GIGASET_MINORS, - GIGASET_MODULENAME, GIGASET_DEVNAME, - &ops, THIS_MODULE); + GIGASET_MODULENAME, GIGASET_DEVNAME, + &ops, THIS_MODULE); if (!driver) goto error; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/usb-gigaset.c b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/usb-gigaset.c index 5e3300d8a2a5b227a70e632388cfaf6bad453414..049da67f639231ffc5714abf45f75f2094859fe8 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/gigaset/usb-gigaset.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/gigaset/usb-gigaset.c @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ static int set_value(struct cardstate *cs, u8 req, u16 val) (unsigned)req, (unsigned)val); r = usb_control_msg(udev, usb_sndctrlpipe(udev, 0), 0x12, 0x41, 0xf /*?*/, 0, NULL, 0, 2000 /*?*/); - /* no idea what this does */ + /* no idea what this does */ if (r < 0) { dev_err(&udev->dev, "error %d on request 0x12\n", -r); return r; @@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ static void gigaset_read_int_callback(struct urb *urb) src = cs->hw.usb->rcvbuf; if (unlikely(*src)) dev_warn(cs->dev, - "%s: There was no leading 0, but 0x%02x!\n", + "%s: There was no leading 0, but 0x%02x!\n", __func__, (unsigned) *src); ++src; /* skip leading 0x00 */ --numbytes; @@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ static int send_cb(struct cardstate *cs, struct cmdbuf_t *cb) usb_fill_bulk_urb(ucs->bulk_out_urb, ucs->udev, usb_sndbulkpipe(ucs->udev, - ucs->bulk_out_endpointAddr & 0x0f), + ucs->bulk_out_endpointAddr & 0x0f), cb->buf + cb->offset, count, gigaset_write_bulk_callback, cs); @@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ static int gigaset_write_cmd(struct cardstate *cs, struct cmdbuf_t *cb) unsigned long flags; gigaset_dbg_buffer(cs->mstate != MS_LOCKED ? - DEBUG_TRANSCMD : DEBUG_LOCKCMD, + DEBUG_TRANSCMD : DEBUG_LOCKCMD, "CMD Transmit", cb->len, cb->buf); spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->cmdlock, flags); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/avm_cs.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/avm_cs.c index 61f516f376dc8d9dd2db0c9d366054c6cec4f266..44b50cc645e67eac4c3da8491c9a4e833c26e3e9 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/avm_cs.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/avm_cs.c @@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ static void avmcs_detach(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev); static int avmcs_probe(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev) { - /* General socket configuration */ - p_dev->config_flags |= CONF_ENABLE_IRQ | CONF_AUTO_SET_IO; - p_dev->config_index = 1; - p_dev->config_regs = PRESENT_OPTION; + /* General socket configuration */ + p_dev->config_flags |= CONF_ENABLE_IRQ | CONF_AUTO_SET_IO; + p_dev->config_index = 1; + p_dev->config_regs = PRESENT_OPTION; - return avmcs_config(p_dev); + return avmcs_config(p_dev); } /* avmcs_attach */ @@ -69,75 +69,75 @@ static int avmcs_configcheck(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev, void *priv_data) static int avmcs_config(struct pcmcia_device *link) { - int i = -1; - char devname[128]; - int cardtype; - int (*addcard)(unsigned int port, unsigned irq); - - devname[0] = 0; - if (link->prod_id[1]) - strlcpy(devname, link->prod_id[1], sizeof(devname)); - - /* - * find IO port - */ - if (pcmcia_loop_config(link, avmcs_configcheck, NULL)) - return -ENODEV; - - do { - if (!link->irq) { - /* undo */ - pcmcia_disable_device(link); - break; - } + int i = -1; + char devname[128]; + int cardtype; + int (*addcard)(unsigned int port, unsigned irq); + + devname[0] = 0; + if (link->prod_id[1]) + strlcpy(devname, link->prod_id[1], sizeof(devname)); /* - * configure the PCMCIA socket - */ - i = pcmcia_enable_device(link); + * find IO port + */ + if (pcmcia_loop_config(link, avmcs_configcheck, NULL)) + return -ENODEV; + + do { + if (!link->irq) { + /* undo */ + pcmcia_disable_device(link); + break; + } + + /* + * configure the PCMCIA socket + */ + i = pcmcia_enable_device(link); + if (i != 0) { + pcmcia_disable_device(link); + break; + } + + } while (0); + + if (devname[0]) { + char *s = strrchr(devname, ' '); + if (!s) + s = devname; + else s++; + if (strcmp("M1", s) == 0) { + cardtype = AVM_CARDTYPE_M1; + } else if (strcmp("M2", s) == 0) { + cardtype = AVM_CARDTYPE_M2; + } else { + cardtype = AVM_CARDTYPE_B1; + } + } else + cardtype = AVM_CARDTYPE_B1; + + /* If any step failed, release any partially configured state */ if (i != 0) { - pcmcia_disable_device(link); - break; - } - - } while (0); - - if (devname[0]) { - char *s = strrchr(devname, ' '); - if (!s) - s = devname; - else s++; - if (strcmp("M1", s) == 0) { - cardtype = AVM_CARDTYPE_M1; - } else if (strcmp("M2", s) == 0) { - cardtype = AVM_CARDTYPE_M2; - } else { - cardtype = AVM_CARDTYPE_B1; + avmcs_release(link); + return -ENODEV; } - } else - cardtype = AVM_CARDTYPE_B1; - - /* If any step failed, release any partially configured state */ - if (i != 0) { - avmcs_release(link); - return -ENODEV; - } - switch (cardtype) { - case AVM_CARDTYPE_M1: addcard = b1pcmcia_addcard_m1; break; - case AVM_CARDTYPE_M2: addcard = b1pcmcia_addcard_m2; break; + switch (cardtype) { + case AVM_CARDTYPE_M1: addcard = b1pcmcia_addcard_m1; break; + case AVM_CARDTYPE_M2: addcard = b1pcmcia_addcard_m2; break; default: - case AVM_CARDTYPE_B1: addcard = b1pcmcia_addcard_b1; break; - } - if ((i = (*addcard)(link->resource[0]->start, link->irq)) < 0) { - dev_err(&link->dev, - "avm_cs: failed to add AVM-Controller at i/o %#x, irq %d\n", - (unsigned int) link->resource[0]->start, link->irq); - avmcs_release(link); - return -ENODEV; - } - return 0; + case AVM_CARDTYPE_B1: addcard = b1pcmcia_addcard_b1; break; + } + if ((i = (*addcard)(link->resource[0]->start, link->irq)) < 0) { + dev_err(&link->dev, + "avm_cs: failed to add AVM-Controller at i/o %#x, irq %d\n", + (unsigned int) link->resource[0]->start, link->irq); + avmcs_release(link); + return -ENODEV; + } + return 0; } /* avmcs_config */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/avmcard.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/avmcard.h index a70e8854461dfc63df09f67c16be8e1b1001d31b..c95712dbfa9f9a662474e758f54a2f342934f632 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/avmcard.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/avmcard.h @@ -44,16 +44,16 @@ enum avmcardtype { }; typedef struct avmcard_dmabuf { - long size; - u8 *dmabuf; - dma_addr_t dmaaddr; + long size; + u8 *dmabuf; + dma_addr_t dmaaddr; } avmcard_dmabuf; typedef struct avmcard_dmainfo { u32 recvlen; - avmcard_dmabuf recvbuf; + avmcard_dmabuf recvbuf; - avmcard_dmabuf sendbuf; + avmcard_dmabuf sendbuf; struct sk_buff_head send_queue; struct pci_dev *pcidev; @@ -61,22 +61,22 @@ typedef struct avmcard_dmainfo { typedef struct avmctrl_info { char cardname[32]; - + int versionlen; char versionbuf[1024]; char *version[AVM_MAXVERSION]; - + char infobuf[128]; /* for function procinfo */ - + struct avmcard *card; struct capi_ctr capi_ctrl; - + struct list_head ncci_head; } avmctrl_info; typedef struct avmcard { char name[32]; - + spinlock_t lock; unsigned int port; unsigned irq; @@ -103,95 +103,95 @@ typedef struct avmcard { extern int b1_irq_table[16]; /* - * LLI Messages to the ISDN-ControllerISDN Controller + * LLI Messages to the ISDN-ControllerISDN Controller */ #define SEND_POLL 0x72 /* - * after load <- RECEIVE_POLL + * after load <- RECEIVE_POLL */ #define SEND_INIT 0x11 /* - * first message <- RECEIVE_INIT - * int32 NumApplications int32 - * NumNCCIs int32 BoardNumber + * first message <- RECEIVE_INIT + * int32 NumApplications int32 + * NumNCCIs int32 BoardNumber */ #define SEND_REGISTER 0x12 /* - * register an application int32 - * ApplIDId int32 NumMessages - * int32 NumB3Connections int32 - * NumB3Blocks int32 B3Size - * - * AnzB3Connection != 0 && - * AnzB3Blocks >= 1 && B3Size >= 1 + * register an application int32 + * ApplIDId int32 NumMessages + * int32 NumB3Connections int32 + * NumB3Blocks int32 B3Size + * + * AnzB3Connection != 0 && + * AnzB3Blocks >= 1 && B3Size >= 1 */ #define SEND_RELEASE 0x14 /* - * deregister an application int32 - * ApplID + * deregister an application int32 + * ApplID */ #define SEND_MESSAGE 0x15 /* - * send capi-message int32 length - * capi-data ... + * send capi-message int32 length + * capi-data ... */ #define SEND_DATA_B3_REQ 0x13 /* - * send capi-data-message int32 - * MsgLength capi-data ... int32 - * B3Length data .... + * send capi-data-message int32 + * MsgLength capi-data ... int32 + * B3Length data .... */ #define SEND_CONFIG 0x21 /* - */ + */ #define SEND_POLLACK 0x73 /* T1 Watchdog */ /* - * LLI Messages from the ISDN-ControllerISDN Controller + * LLI Messages from the ISDN-ControllerISDN Controller */ #define RECEIVE_POLL 0x32 /* - * <- after SEND_POLL + * <- after SEND_POLL */ #define RECEIVE_INIT 0x27 /* - * <- after SEND_INIT int32 length - * byte total length b1struct board - * driver revision b1struct card - * type b1struct reserved b1struct - * serial number b1struct driver - * capability b1struct d-channel - * protocol b1struct CAPI-2.0 - * profile b1struct capi version + * <- after SEND_INIT int32 length + * byte total length b1struct board + * driver revision b1struct card + * type b1struct reserved b1struct + * serial number b1struct driver + * capability b1struct d-channel + * protocol b1struct CAPI-2.0 + * profile b1struct capi version */ #define RECEIVE_MESSAGE 0x21 /* - * <- after SEND_MESSAGE int32 - * AppllID int32 Length capi-data - * .... + * <- after SEND_MESSAGE int32 + * AppllID int32 Length capi-data + * .... */ #define RECEIVE_DATA_B3_IND 0x22 /* - * received data int32 AppllID - * int32 Length capi-data ... - * int32 B3Length data ... + * received data int32 AppllID + * int32 Length capi-data ... + * int32 B3Length data ... */ #define RECEIVE_START 0x23 /* - * Handshake + * Handshake */ #define RECEIVE_STOP 0x24 /* - * Handshake + * Handshake */ #define RECEIVE_NEW_NCCI 0x25 /* - * int32 AppllID int32 NCCI int32 - * WindowSize + * int32 AppllID int32 NCCI int32 + * WindowSize */ #define RECEIVE_FREE_NCCI 0x26 /* - * int32 AppllID int32 NCCI + * int32 AppllID int32 NCCI */ #define RECEIVE_RELEASE 0x26 /* - * int32 AppllID int32 0xffffffff + * int32 AppllID int32 0xffffffff */ #define RECEIVE_TASK_READY 0x31 /* - * int32 tasknr - * int32 Length Taskname ... + * int32 tasknr + * int32 Length Taskname ... */ #define RECEIVE_DEBUGMSG 0x71 /* - * int32 Length message - * + * int32 Length message + * */ #define RECEIVE_POLLDWORD 0x75 /* t1pci in dword mode */ @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ static inline void b1_put_byte(unsigned int base, unsigned char val) static inline int b1_save_put_byte(unsigned int base, unsigned char val) { unsigned long stop = jiffies + 2 * HZ; - while (!b1_tx_empty(base) && time_before(jiffies,stop)); + while (!b1_tx_empty(base) && time_before(jiffies, stop)); if (!b1_tx_empty(base)) return -1; b1outp(base, B1_WRITE, val); return 0; @@ -298,21 +298,21 @@ static inline void b1_put_slice(unsigned int base, } static void b1_wr_reg(unsigned int base, - unsigned int reg, + unsigned int reg, unsigned int value) { b1_put_byte(base, WRITE_REGISTER); - b1_put_word(base, reg); - b1_put_word(base, value); + b1_put_word(base, reg); + b1_put_word(base, value); } static inline unsigned int b1_rd_reg(unsigned int base, - unsigned int reg) + unsigned int reg) { b1_put_byte(base, READ_REGISTER); - b1_put_word(base, reg); - return b1_get_word(base); - + b1_put_word(base, reg); + return b1_get_word(base); + } static inline void b1_reset(unsigned int base) @@ -338,13 +338,13 @@ static inline void b1_set_test_bit(unsigned int base, enum avmcardtype cardtype, int onoff) { - b1_wr_reg(base, B1_STAT0(cardtype), onoff ? 0x21 : 0x20); + b1_wr_reg(base, B1_STAT0(cardtype), onoff ? 0x21 : 0x20); } static inline int b1_get_test_bit(unsigned int base, - enum avmcardtype cardtype) + enum avmcardtype cardtype) { - return (b1_rd_reg(base, B1_STAT0(cardtype)) & 0x01) != 0; + return (b1_rd_reg(base, B1_STAT0(cardtype)) & 0x01) != 0; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ @@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ static inline void t1outp(unsigned int base, } static inline unsigned char t1inp(unsigned int base, - unsigned short offset) + unsigned short offset) { return inb(base + offset); } @@ -415,42 +415,42 @@ static inline unsigned int t1_get_slice(unsigned int base, #endif len = i = b1_get_word(base); - if (t1_isfastlink(base)) { + if (t1_isfastlink(base)) { int status; while (i > 0) { - status = t1_fifostatus(base) & (T1F_IREADY|T1F_IHALF); + status = t1_fifostatus(base) & (T1F_IREADY | T1F_IHALF); if (i >= FIFO_INPBSIZE) status |= T1F_IFULL; switch (status) { - case T1F_IREADY|T1F_IHALF|T1F_IFULL: - insb(base+B1_READ, dp, FIFO_INPBSIZE); - dp += FIFO_INPBSIZE; - i -= FIFO_INPBSIZE; + case T1F_IREADY | T1F_IHALF | T1F_IFULL: + insb(base + B1_READ, dp, FIFO_INPBSIZE); + dp += FIFO_INPBSIZE; + i -= FIFO_INPBSIZE; #ifdef FASTLINK_DEBUG - wcnt += FIFO_INPBSIZE; + wcnt += FIFO_INPBSIZE; #endif - break; - case T1F_IREADY|T1F_IHALF: - insb(base+B1_READ,dp, i); + break; + case T1F_IREADY | T1F_IHALF: + insb(base + B1_READ, dp, i); #ifdef FASTLINK_DEBUG - wcnt += i; + wcnt += i; #endif - dp += i; - i = 0; - break; - default: - *dp++ = b1_get_byte(base); - i--; + dp += i; + i = 0; + break; + default: + *dp++ = b1_get_byte(base); + i--; #ifdef FASTLINK_DEBUG - bcnt++; + bcnt++; #endif - break; + break; } - } + } #ifdef FASTLINK_DEBUG - if (wcnt) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "b1lli(0x%x): get_slice l=%d w=%d b=%d\n", - base, len, wcnt, bcnt); + if (wcnt) + printk(KERN_DEBUG "b1lli(0x%x): get_slice l=%d w=%d b=%d\n", + base, len, wcnt, bcnt); #endif } else { while (i-- > 0) @@ -464,26 +464,26 @@ static inline void t1_put_slice(unsigned int base, { unsigned i = len; b1_put_word(base, i); - if (t1_isfastlink(base)) { + if (t1_isfastlink(base)) { int status; while (i > 0) { - status = t1_fifostatus(base) & (T1F_OREADY|T1F_OHALF); + status = t1_fifostatus(base) & (T1F_OREADY | T1F_OHALF); if (i >= FIFO_OUTBSIZE) status |= T1F_OEMPTY; switch (status) { - case T1F_OREADY|T1F_OHALF|T1F_OEMPTY: - outsb(base+B1_WRITE, dp, FIFO_OUTBSIZE); - dp += FIFO_OUTBSIZE; - i -= FIFO_OUTBSIZE; - break; - case T1F_OREADY|T1F_OHALF: - outsb(base+B1_WRITE, dp, i); - dp += i; - i = 0; - break; - default: - b1_put_byte(base, *dp++); - i--; - break; + case T1F_OREADY | T1F_OHALF | T1F_OEMPTY: + outsb(base + B1_WRITE, dp, FIFO_OUTBSIZE); + dp += FIFO_OUTBSIZE; + i -= FIFO_OUTBSIZE; + break; + case T1F_OREADY | T1F_OHALF: + outsb(base + B1_WRITE, dp, i); + dp += i; + i = 0; + break; + default: + b1_put_byte(base, *dp++); + i--; + break; } } } else { @@ -494,18 +494,18 @@ static inline void t1_put_slice(unsigned int base, static inline void t1_disable_irq(unsigned int base) { - t1outp(base, T1_IRQMASTER, 0x00); + t1outp(base, T1_IRQMASTER, 0x00); } static inline void t1_reset(unsigned int base) { - /* reset T1 Controller */ - b1_reset(base); - /* disable irq on HEMA */ - t1outp(base, B1_INSTAT, 0x00); - t1outp(base, B1_OUTSTAT, 0x00); - t1outp(base, T1_IRQMASTER, 0x00); - /* reset HEMA board configuration */ + /* reset T1 Controller */ + b1_reset(base); + /* disable irq on HEMA */ + t1outp(base, B1_INSTAT, 0x00); + t1outp(base, B1_OUTSTAT, 0x00); + t1outp(base, T1_IRQMASTER, 0x00); + /* reset HEMA board configuration */ t1outp(base, T1_RESETBOARD, 0xf); } @@ -513,29 +513,29 @@ static inline void b1_setinterrupt(unsigned int base, unsigned irq, enum avmcardtype cardtype) { switch (cardtype) { - case avm_t1isa: - t1outp(base, B1_INSTAT, 0x00); - t1outp(base, B1_INSTAT, 0x02); - t1outp(base, T1_IRQMASTER, 0x08); - break; - case avm_b1isa: - b1outp(base, B1_INSTAT, 0x00); - b1outp(base, B1_RESET, b1_irq_table[irq]); - b1outp(base, B1_INSTAT, 0x02); - break; - default: - case avm_m1: - case avm_m2: - case avm_b1pci: - b1outp(base, B1_INSTAT, 0x00); - b1outp(base, B1_RESET, 0xf0); - b1outp(base, B1_INSTAT, 0x02); - break; - case avm_c4: - case avm_t1pci: - b1outp(base, B1_RESET, 0xf0); - break; - } + case avm_t1isa: + t1outp(base, B1_INSTAT, 0x00); + t1outp(base, B1_INSTAT, 0x02); + t1outp(base, T1_IRQMASTER, 0x08); + break; + case avm_b1isa: + b1outp(base, B1_INSTAT, 0x00); + b1outp(base, B1_RESET, b1_irq_table[irq]); + b1outp(base, B1_INSTAT, 0x02); + break; + default: + case avm_m1: + case avm_m2: + case avm_b1pci: + b1outp(base, B1_INSTAT, 0x00); + b1outp(base, B1_RESET, 0xf0); + b1outp(base, B1_INSTAT, 0x02); + break; + case avm_c4: + case avm_t1pci: + b1outp(base, B1_RESET, 0xf0); + break; + } } /* b1.c */ @@ -543,14 +543,14 @@ avmcard *b1_alloc_card(int nr_controllers); void b1_free_card(avmcard *card); int b1_detect(unsigned int base, enum avmcardtype cardtype); void b1_getrevision(avmcard *card); -int b1_load_t4file(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart * t4file); -int b1_load_config(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart * config); +int b1_load_t4file(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart *t4file); +int b1_load_config(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart *config); int b1_loaded(avmcard *card); int b1_load_firmware(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, capiloaddata *data); void b1_reset_ctr(struct capi_ctr *ctrl); void b1_register_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, u16 appl, - capi_register_params *rp); + capi_register_params *rp); void b1_release_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, u16 appl); u16 b1_send_message(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, struct sk_buff *skb); void b1_parse_version(avmctrl_info *card); @@ -572,8 +572,8 @@ int b1dma_load_firmware(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, capiloaddata *data); void b1dma_reset_ctr(struct capi_ctr *ctrl); void b1dma_remove_ctr(struct capi_ctr *ctrl); void b1dma_register_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, - u16 appl, - capi_register_params *rp); + u16 appl, + capi_register_params *rp); void b1dma_release_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, u16 appl); u16 b1dma_send_message(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, struct sk_buff *skb); extern const struct file_operations b1dmactl_proc_fops; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1.c index 2a57da590d797ecf82ca5aedb8e0b07ef96c1c41..821f7ac33b37f18febd2f8677e7e8dca4187f01e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /* $Id: b1.c,v 2004/01/16 21:09:27 keil Exp $ - * + * * Common module for AVM B1 cards. - * + * * Copyright 1999 by Carsten Paeth * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ int b1_irq_table[16] = 112, /* irq 15 */ }; -/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ avmcard *b1_alloc_card(int nr_controllers) { @@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ int b1_detect(unsigned int base, enum avmcardtype cardtype) int onoff, i; /* - * Statusregister 0000 00xx + * Statusregister 0000 00xx */ if ((inb(base + B1_INSTAT) & 0xfc) || (inb(base + B1_OUTSTAT) & 0xfc)) return 1; /* - * Statusregister 0000 001x + * Statusregister 0000 001x */ b1outp(base, B1_INSTAT, 0x2); /* enable irq */ /* b1outp(base, B1_OUTSTAT, 0x2); */ @@ -118,38 +118,38 @@ int b1_detect(unsigned int base, enum avmcardtype cardtype) /* || (inb(base + B1_OUTSTAT) & 0xfe) != 0x2 */) return 2; /* - * Statusregister 0000 000x + * Statusregister 0000 000x */ b1outp(base, B1_INSTAT, 0x0); /* disable irq */ b1outp(base, B1_OUTSTAT, 0x0); if ((inb(base + B1_INSTAT) & 0xfe) || (inb(base + B1_OUTSTAT) & 0xfe)) return 3; - - for (onoff = !0, i= 0; i < 10 ; i++) { + + for (onoff = !0, i = 0; i < 10; i++) { b1_set_test_bit(base, cardtype, onoff); if (b1_get_test_bit(base, cardtype) != onoff) - return 4; + return 4; onoff = !onoff; } if (cardtype == avm_m1) - return 0; + return 0; - if ((b1_rd_reg(base, B1_STAT1(cardtype)) & 0x0f) != 0x01) - return 5; + if ((b1_rd_reg(base, B1_STAT1(cardtype)) & 0x0f) != 0x01) + return 5; return 0; } void b1_getrevision(avmcard *card) { - card->class = inb(card->port + B1_ANALYSE); - card->revision = inb(card->port + B1_REVISION); + card->class = inb(card->port + B1_ANALYSE); + card->revision = inb(card->port + B1_REVISION); } #define FWBUF_SIZE 256 -int b1_load_t4file(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart * t4file) +int b1_load_t4file(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart *t4file) { unsigned char buf[FWBUF_SIZE]; unsigned char *dp; @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ int b1_load_t4file(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart * t4file) for (i = 0; i < FWBUF_SIZE; i++) if (b1_save_put_byte(base, buf[i]) < 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: corrupted firmware file ?\n", - card->name); + card->name); return -EIO; } left -= FWBUF_SIZE; @@ -184,14 +184,14 @@ int b1_load_t4file(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart * t4file) for (i = 0; i < left; i++) if (b1_save_put_byte(base, buf[i]) < 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: corrupted firmware file ?\n", - card->name); + card->name); return -EIO; } } return 0; } -int b1_load_config(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart * config) +int b1_load_config(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart *config) { unsigned char buf[FWBUF_SIZE]; unsigned char *dp; @@ -202,9 +202,9 @@ int b1_load_config(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart * config) left = config->len; if (left) { b1_put_byte(base, SEND_CONFIG); - b1_put_word(base, 1); + b1_put_word(base, 1); b1_put_byte(base, SEND_CONFIG); - b1_put_word(base, left); + b1_put_word(base, left); } while (left > FWBUF_SIZE) { if (config->user) { @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ int b1_load_config(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart * config) } for (i = 0; i < FWBUF_SIZE; ) { b1_put_byte(base, SEND_CONFIG); - for (j=0; j < 4; j++) { + for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { b1_put_byte(base, buf[i++]); } } @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ int b1_load_config(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart * config) } for (i = 0; i < left; ) { b1_put_byte(base, SEND_CONFIG); - for (j=0; j < 4; j++) { + for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (i < left) b1_put_byte(base, buf[i++]); else @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ int b1_loaded(avmcard *card) } if (!b1_tx_empty(base)) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: b1_loaded: tx err, corrupted t4 file ?\n", - card->name); + card->name); return 0; } b1_put_byte(base, SEND_POLL); @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ int b1_loaded(avmcard *card) return 1; } printk(KERN_ERR "%s: b1_loaded: got 0x%x, firmware not running\n", - card->name, ans); + card->name, ans); return 0; } } @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ int b1_load_firmware(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, capiloaddata *data) if ((retval = b1_load_t4file(card, &data->firmware))) { b1_reset(port); printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed to load t4file!!\n", - card->name); + card->name); return retval; } @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ int b1_load_firmware(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, capiloaddata *data) if ((retval = b1_load_config(card, &data->configuration))) { b1_reset(port); printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed to load config!!\n", - card->name); + card->name); return retval; } } @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ int b1_load_firmware(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, capiloaddata *data) b1_setinterrupt(port, card->irq, card->cardtype); b1_put_byte(port, SEND_INIT); b1_put_word(port, CAPI_MAXAPPL); - b1_put_word(port, AVM_NCCI_PER_CHANNEL*2); + b1_put_word(port, AVM_NCCI_PER_CHANNEL * 2); b1_put_word(port, ctrl->cnr - 1); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); @@ -337,8 +337,8 @@ void b1_reset_ctr(struct capi_ctr *ctrl) } void b1_register_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, - u16 appl, - capi_register_params *rp) + u16 appl, + capi_register_params *rp) { avmctrl_info *cinfo = (avmctrl_info *)(ctrl->driverdata); avmcard *card = cinfo->card; @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ void b1_register_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); b1_put_byte(port, SEND_REGISTER); b1_put_word(port, appl); - b1_put_word(port, 1024 * (nconn+1)); + b1_put_word(port, 1024 * (nconn + 1)); b1_put_word(port, nconn); b1_put_word(port, rp->datablkcnt); b1_put_word(port, rp->datablklen); @@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ void b1_parse_version(avmctrl_info *cinfo) cinfo->version[j] = &cinfo->versionbuf[i + 1]; strlcpy(ctrl->serial, cinfo->version[VER_SERIAL], sizeof(ctrl->serial)); - memcpy(&ctrl->profile, cinfo->version[VER_PROFILE],sizeof(capi_profile)); + memcpy(&ctrl->profile, cinfo->version[VER_PROFILE], sizeof(capi_profile)); strlcpy(ctrl->manu, "AVM GmbH", sizeof(ctrl->manu)); dversion = cinfo->version[VER_DRIVER]; ctrl->version.majorversion = 2; @@ -439,49 +439,49 @@ void b1_parse_version(avmctrl_info *cinfo) ctrl->version.majormanuversion |= ((dversion[2] - '0') & 0xf); ctrl->version.minormanuversion = (dversion[3] - '0') << 4; ctrl->version.minormanuversion |= - (dversion[5] - '0') * 10 + ((dversion[6] - '0') & 0xf); + (dversion[5] - '0') * 10 + ((dversion[6] - '0') & 0xf); profp = &ctrl->profile; flag = ((u8 *)(profp->manu))[1]; switch (flag) { case 0: if (cinfo->version[VER_CARDTYPE]) - strcpy(cinfo->cardname, cinfo->version[VER_CARDTYPE]); - else strcpy(cinfo->cardname, "B1"); + strcpy(cinfo->cardname, cinfo->version[VER_CARDTYPE]); + else strcpy(cinfo->cardname, "B1"); break; - case 3: strcpy(cinfo->cardname,"PCMCIA B"); break; - case 4: strcpy(cinfo->cardname,"PCMCIA M1"); break; - case 5: strcpy(cinfo->cardname,"PCMCIA M2"); break; - case 6: strcpy(cinfo->cardname,"B1 V3.0"); break; - case 7: strcpy(cinfo->cardname,"B1 PCI"); break; + case 3: strcpy(cinfo->cardname, "PCMCIA B"); break; + case 4: strcpy(cinfo->cardname, "PCMCIA M1"); break; + case 5: strcpy(cinfo->cardname, "PCMCIA M2"); break; + case 6: strcpy(cinfo->cardname, "B1 V3.0"); break; + case 7: strcpy(cinfo->cardname, "B1 PCI"); break; default: sprintf(cinfo->cardname, "AVM?%u", (unsigned int)flag); break; - } - printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: card %d \"%s\" ready.\n", - card->name, ctrl->cnr, cinfo->cardname); + } + printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: card %d \"%s\" ready.\n", + card->name, ctrl->cnr, cinfo->cardname); - flag = ((u8 *)(profp->manu))[3]; - if (flag) + flag = ((u8 *)(profp->manu))[3]; + if (flag) printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: card %d Protocol:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", - card->name, - ctrl->cnr, - (flag & 0x01) ? " DSS1" : "", - (flag & 0x02) ? " CT1" : "", - (flag & 0x04) ? " VN3" : "", - (flag & 0x08) ? " NI1" : "", - (flag & 0x10) ? " AUSTEL" : "", - (flag & 0x20) ? " ESS" : "", - (flag & 0x40) ? " 1TR6" : "" + card->name, + ctrl->cnr, + (flag & 0x01) ? " DSS1" : "", + (flag & 0x02) ? " CT1" : "", + (flag & 0x04) ? " VN3" : "", + (flag & 0x08) ? " NI1" : "", + (flag & 0x10) ? " AUSTEL" : "", + (flag & 0x20) ? " ESS" : "", + (flag & 0x40) ? " 1TR6" : "" ); - flag = ((u8 *)(profp->manu))[5]; + flag = ((u8 *)(profp->manu))[5]; if (flag) printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: card %d Linetype:%s%s%s%s\n", - card->name, - ctrl->cnr, - (flag & 0x01) ? " point to point" : "", - (flag & 0x02) ? " point to multipoint" : "", - (flag & 0x08) ? " leased line without D-channel" : "", - (flag & 0x04) ? " leased line with D-channel" : "" + card->name, + ctrl->cnr, + (flag & 0x01) ? " point to point" : "", + (flag & 0x02) ? " point to multipoint" : "", + (flag & 0x08) ? " leased line without D-channel" : "", + (flag & 0x04) ? " leased line with D-channel" : "" ); } @@ -521,13 +521,13 @@ irqreturn_t b1_interrupt(int interrupt, void *devptr) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); if (MsgLen < 30) { /* not CAPI 64Bit */ - memset(card->msgbuf+MsgLen, 0, 30-MsgLen); + memset(card->msgbuf + MsgLen, 0, 30-MsgLen); MsgLen = 30; CAPIMSG_SETLEN(card->msgbuf, 30); } if (!(skb = alloc_skb(DataB3Len + MsgLen, GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: incoming packet dropped\n", - card->name); + card->name); } else { memcpy(skb_put(skb, MsgLen), card->msgbuf, MsgLen); memcpy(skb_put(skb, DataB3Len), card->databuf, DataB3Len); @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ irqreturn_t b1_interrupt(int interrupt, void *devptr) MsgLen = b1_get_slice(card->port, card->msgbuf); if (!(skb = alloc_skb(MsgLen, GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: incoming packet dropped\n", - card->name); + card->name); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); } else { memcpy(skb_put(skb, MsgLen), card->msgbuf, MsgLen); @@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ irqreturn_t b1_interrupt(int interrupt, void *devptr) break; case RECEIVE_START: - /* b1_put_byte(card->port, SEND_POLLACK); */ + /* b1_put_byte(card->port, SEND_POLLACK); */ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); capi_ctr_resume_output(ctrl); break; @@ -600,24 +600,24 @@ irqreturn_t b1_interrupt(int interrupt, void *devptr) MsgLen = b1_get_slice(card->port, card->msgbuf); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); card->msgbuf[MsgLen] = 0; - while ( MsgLen > 0 - && ( card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] == '\n' - || card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] == '\r')) { - card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] = 0; + while (MsgLen > 0 + && (card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] == '\n' + || card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] == '\r')) { + card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] = 0; MsgLen--; } printk(KERN_INFO "%s: task %d \"%s\" ready.\n", - card->name, ApplId, card->msgbuf); + card->name, ApplId, card->msgbuf); break; case RECEIVE_DEBUGMSG: MsgLen = b1_get_slice(card->port, card->msgbuf); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); card->msgbuf[MsgLen] = 0; - while ( MsgLen > 0 - && ( card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] == '\n' - || card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] == '\r')) { - card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] = 0; + while (MsgLen > 0 + && (card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] == '\n' + || card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] == '\r')) { + card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] = 0; MsgLen--; } printk(KERN_INFO "%s: DEBUG: %s\n", card->name, card->msgbuf); @@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ irqreturn_t b1_interrupt(int interrupt, void *devptr) default: spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); printk(KERN_ERR "%s: b1_interrupt: 0x%x ???\n", - card->name, b1cmd); + card->name, b1cmd); return IRQ_HANDLED; } return IRQ_HANDLED; @@ -671,29 +671,29 @@ static int b1ctl_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) seq_printf(m, "%-16s %s\n", "ver_serial", s); if (card->cardtype != avm_m1) { - flag = ((u8 *)(ctrl->profile.manu))[3]; - if (flag) + flag = ((u8 *)(ctrl->profile.manu))[3]; + if (flag) seq_printf(m, "%-16s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", - "protocol", - (flag & 0x01) ? " DSS1" : "", - (flag & 0x02) ? " CT1" : "", - (flag & 0x04) ? " VN3" : "", - (flag & 0x08) ? " NI1" : "", - (flag & 0x10) ? " AUSTEL" : "", - (flag & 0x20) ? " ESS" : "", - (flag & 0x40) ? " 1TR6" : "" - ); + "protocol", + (flag & 0x01) ? " DSS1" : "", + (flag & 0x02) ? " CT1" : "", + (flag & 0x04) ? " VN3" : "", + (flag & 0x08) ? " NI1" : "", + (flag & 0x10) ? " AUSTEL" : "", + (flag & 0x20) ? " ESS" : "", + (flag & 0x40) ? " 1TR6" : "" + ); } if (card->cardtype != avm_m1) { - flag = ((u8 *)(ctrl->profile.manu))[5]; + flag = ((u8 *)(ctrl->profile.manu))[5]; if (flag) seq_printf(m, "%-16s%s%s%s%s\n", - "linetype", - (flag & 0x01) ? " point to point" : "", - (flag & 0x02) ? " point to multipoint" : "", - (flag & 0x08) ? " leased line without D-channel" : "", - (flag & 0x04) ? " leased line with D-channel" : "" - ); + "linetype", + (flag & 0x01) ? " point to point" : "", + (flag & 0x02) ? " point to multipoint" : "", + (flag & 0x08) ? " leased line without D-channel" : "", + (flag & 0x04) ? " leased line with D-channel" : "" + ); } seq_printf(m, "%-16s %s\n", "cardname", cinfo->cardname); @@ -750,12 +750,12 @@ avmcard_dma_alloc(char *name, struct pci_dev *pdev, long rsize, long ssize) return p; - err_free_consistent: +err_free_consistent: pci_free_consistent(p->pcidev, p->recvbuf.size, p->recvbuf.dmabuf, p->recvbuf.dmaaddr); - err_kfree: +err_kfree: kfree(p); - err: +err: return NULL; } @@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ static int __init b1_init(void) if ((p = strchr(revision, ':')) != NULL && p[1]) { strlcpy(rev, p + 2, 32); if ((p = strchr(rev, '$')) != NULL && p > rev) - *(p-1) = 0; + *(p - 1) = 0; } else strcpy(rev, "1.0"); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1dma.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1dma.c index a0ed668d4d2ac428d77c19c5a4f0d69fc0148bc9..0896aa86fc08732dab2f2641b699dee31a1c0350 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1dma.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1dma.c @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ /* $Id: b1dma.c,v 2004/02/10 01:07:12 keil Exp $ - * + * * Common module for AVM B1 cards that support dma with AMCC - * + * * Copyright 2000 by Carsten Paeth - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -110,11 +110,11 @@ static int b1dma_tolink(avmcard *card, void *buf, unsigned int len) unsigned long stop = jiffies + 1 * HZ; /* maximum wait time 1 sec */ unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)buf; while (len--) { - while ( !b1dma_tx_empty(card->port) + while (!b1dma_tx_empty(card->port) && time_before(jiffies, stop)); - if (!b1dma_tx_empty(card->port)) + if (!b1dma_tx_empty(card->port)) return -1; - t1outp(card->port, 0x01, *s++); + t1outp(card->port, 0x01, *s++); } return 0; } @@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ static int b1dma_fromlink(avmcard *card, void *buf, unsigned int len) unsigned long stop = jiffies + 1 * HZ; /* maximum wait time 1 sec */ unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)buf; while (len--) { - while ( !b1dma_rx_full(card->port) + while (!b1dma_rx_full(card->port) && time_before(jiffies, stop)); - if (!b1dma_rx_full(card->port)) + if (!b1dma_rx_full(card->port)) return -1; - *s++ = t1inp(card->port, 0x00); + *s++ = t1inp(card->port, 0x00); } return 0; } @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ static int b1dma_fromlink(avmcard *card, void *buf, unsigned int len) static int WriteReg(avmcard *card, u32 reg, u8 val) { u8 cmd = 0x00; - if ( b1dma_tolink(card, &cmd, 1) == 0 + if (b1dma_tolink(card, &cmd, 1) == 0 && b1dma_tolink(card, ®, 4) == 0) { u32 tmp = val; return b1dma_tolink(card, &tmp, 4); @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ static int WriteReg(avmcard *card, u32 reg, u8 val) static u8 ReadReg(avmcard *card, u32 reg) { u8 cmd = 0x01; - if ( b1dma_tolink(card, &cmd, 1) == 0 + if (b1dma_tolink(card, &cmd, 1) == 0 && b1dma_tolink(card, ®, 4) == 0) { u32 tmp; if (b1dma_fromlink(card, &tmp, 4) == 0) @@ -258,30 +258,30 @@ static int b1dma_detect(avmcard *card) b1dma_writel(card, 0xffffffff, AMCC_RXPTR); b1dma_writel(card, 0xffffffff, AMCC_TXPTR); - if ( b1dma_readl(card, AMCC_RXPTR) != 0xfffffffc + if (b1dma_readl(card, AMCC_RXPTR) != 0xfffffffc || b1dma_readl(card, AMCC_TXPTR) != 0xfffffffc) return 2; b1dma_writel(card, 0x0, AMCC_RXPTR); b1dma_writel(card, 0x0, AMCC_TXPTR); - if ( b1dma_readl(card, AMCC_RXPTR) != 0x0 + if (b1dma_readl(card, AMCC_RXPTR) != 0x0 || b1dma_readl(card, AMCC_TXPTR) != 0x0) return 3; t1outp(card->port, 0x10, 0x00); t1outp(card->port, 0x07, 0x00); - + t1outp(card->port, 0x02, 0x02); t1outp(card->port, 0x03, 0x02); - if ( (t1inp(card->port, 0x02) & 0xFE) != 0x02 + if ((t1inp(card->port, 0x02) & 0xFE) != 0x02 || t1inp(card->port, 0x3) != 0x03) return 4; t1outp(card->port, 0x02, 0x00); t1outp(card->port, 0x03, 0x00); - if ( (t1inp(card->port, 0x02) & 0xFE) != 0x00 + if ((t1inp(card->port, 0x02) & 0xFE) != 0x00 || t1inp(card->port, 0x3) != 0x01) return 5; @@ -294,28 +294,28 @@ int t1pci_detect(avmcard *card) if ((ret = b1dma_detect(card)) != 0) return ret; - + /* Transputer test */ - - if ( WriteReg(card, 0x80001000, 0x11) != 0 + + if (WriteReg(card, 0x80001000, 0x11) != 0 || WriteReg(card, 0x80101000, 0x22) != 0 || WriteReg(card, 0x80201000, 0x33) != 0 || WriteReg(card, 0x80301000, 0x44) != 0) return 6; - if ( ReadReg(card, 0x80001000) != 0x11 + if (ReadReg(card, 0x80001000) != 0x11 || ReadReg(card, 0x80101000) != 0x22 || ReadReg(card, 0x80201000) != 0x33 || ReadReg(card, 0x80301000) != 0x44) return 7; - if ( WriteReg(card, 0x80001000, 0x55) != 0 + if (WriteReg(card, 0x80001000, 0x55) != 0 || WriteReg(card, 0x80101000, 0x66) != 0 || WriteReg(card, 0x80201000, 0x77) != 0 || WriteReg(card, 0x80301000, 0x88) != 0) return 8; - if ( ReadReg(card, 0x80001000) != 0x55 + if (ReadReg(card, 0x80001000) != 0x55 || ReadReg(card, 0x80101000) != 0x66 || ReadReg(card, 0x80201000) != 0x77 || ReadReg(card, 0x80301000) != 0x88) @@ -330,20 +330,20 @@ int b1pciv4_detect(avmcard *card) if ((ret = b1dma_detect(card)) != 0) return ret; - - for (i=0; i < 5 ; i++) { + + for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (WriteReg(card, 0x80A00000, 0x21) != 0) return 6; if ((ReadReg(card, 0x80A00000) & 0x01) != 0x01) return 7; } - for (i=0; i < 5 ; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (WriteReg(card, 0x80A00000, 0x20) != 0) return 8; if ((ReadReg(card, 0x80A00000) & 0x01) != 0x00) return 9; } - + return 0; } @@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ static void b1dma_dispatch_tx(avmcard *card) u16 len; u32 txlen; void *p; - + skb = skb_dequeue(&dma->send_queue); len = CAPIMSG_LEN(skb->data); @@ -398,13 +398,13 @@ static void b1dma_dispatch_tx(avmcard *card) printk(KERN_DEBUG "tx: put msg len=%d\n", txlen); #endif } else { - txlen = skb->len-2; + txlen = skb->len - 2; #ifdef AVM_B1DMA_POLLDEBUG if (skb->data[2] == SEND_POLLACK) printk(KERN_INFO "%s: send ack\n", card->name); #endif #ifdef AVM_B1DMA_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "tx: put 0x%x len=%d\n", + printk(KERN_DEBUG "tx: put 0x%x len=%d\n", skb->data[2], txlen); #endif skb_copy_from_linear_data_offset(skb, 2, dma->sendbuf.dmabuf, @@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ static void queue_pollack(avmcard *card) skb = alloc_skb(3, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: no memory, lost poll ack\n", - card->name); + card->name); return; } p = skb->data; @@ -450,14 +450,14 @@ static void b1dma_handle_rx(avmcard *card) avmcard_dmainfo *dma = card->dma; struct capi_ctr *ctrl = &cinfo->capi_ctrl; struct sk_buff *skb; - void *p = dma->recvbuf.dmabuf+4; + void *p = dma->recvbuf.dmabuf + 4; u32 ApplId, MsgLen, DataB3Len, NCCI, WindowSize; u8 b1cmd = _get_byte(&p); #ifdef AVM_B1DMA_DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG "rx: 0x%x %lu\n", b1cmd, (unsigned long)dma->recvlen); #endif - + switch (b1cmd) { case RECEIVE_DATA_B3_IND: @@ -466,13 +466,13 @@ static void b1dma_handle_rx(avmcard *card) DataB3Len = _get_slice(&p, card->databuf); if (MsgLen < 30) { /* not CAPI 64Bit */ - memset(card->msgbuf+MsgLen, 0, 30-MsgLen); + memset(card->msgbuf + MsgLen, 0, 30 - MsgLen); MsgLen = 30; CAPIMSG_SETLEN(card->msgbuf, 30); } - if (!(skb = alloc_skb(DataB3Len+MsgLen, GFP_ATOMIC))) { + if (!(skb = alloc_skb(DataB3Len + MsgLen, GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: incoming packet dropped\n", - card->name); + card->name); } else { memcpy(skb_put(skb, MsgLen), card->msgbuf, MsgLen); memcpy(skb_put(skb, DataB3Len), card->databuf, DataB3Len); @@ -486,14 +486,14 @@ static void b1dma_handle_rx(avmcard *card) MsgLen = _get_slice(&p, card->msgbuf); if (!(skb = alloc_skb(MsgLen, GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: incoming packet dropped\n", - card->name); + card->name); } else { memcpy(skb_put(skb, MsgLen), card->msgbuf, MsgLen); if (CAPIMSG_CMD(skb->data) == CAPI_DATA_B3_CONF) { spin_lock(&card->lock); capilib_data_b3_conf(&cinfo->ncci_head, ApplId, - CAPIMSG_NCCI(skb->data), - CAPIMSG_MSGID(skb->data)); + CAPIMSG_NCCI(skb->data), + CAPIMSG_MSGID(skb->data)); spin_unlock(&card->lock); } capi_ctr_handle_message(ctrl, ApplId, skb); @@ -550,23 +550,23 @@ static void b1dma_handle_rx(avmcard *card) ApplId = (unsigned) _get_word(&p); MsgLen = _get_slice(&p, card->msgbuf); card->msgbuf[MsgLen] = 0; - while ( MsgLen > 0 - && ( card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] == '\n' - || card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] == '\r')) { - card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] = 0; + while (MsgLen > 0 + && (card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] == '\n' + || card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] == '\r')) { + card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] = 0; MsgLen--; } printk(KERN_INFO "%s: task %d \"%s\" ready.\n", - card->name, ApplId, card->msgbuf); + card->name, ApplId, card->msgbuf); break; case RECEIVE_DEBUGMSG: MsgLen = _get_slice(&p, card->msgbuf); card->msgbuf[MsgLen] = 0; - while ( MsgLen > 0 - && ( card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] == '\n' - || card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] == '\r')) { - card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] = 0; + while (MsgLen > 0 + && (card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] == '\n' + || card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] == '\r')) { + card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] = 0; MsgLen--; } printk(KERN_INFO "%s: DEBUG: %s\n", card->name, card->msgbuf); @@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ static void b1dma_handle_rx(avmcard *card) default: printk(KERN_ERR "%s: b1dma_interrupt: 0x%x ???\n", - card->name, b1cmd); + card->name, b1cmd); return; } } @@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ static void b1dma_handle_interrupt(avmcard *card) return; } - newcsr = card->csr | (status & ALL_INT); + newcsr = card->csr | (status & ALL_INT); if (status & TX_TC_INT) newcsr &= ~EN_TX_TC_INT; if (status & RX_TC_INT) newcsr &= ~EN_RX_TC_INT; b1dma_writel(card, newcsr, AMCC_INTCSR); @@ -602,23 +602,23 @@ static void b1dma_handle_interrupt(avmcard *card) if ((status & RX_TC_INT) != 0) { struct avmcard_dmainfo *dma = card->dma; u32 rxlen; - if (card->dma->recvlen == 0) { - rxlen = b1dma_readl(card, AMCC_RXLEN); + if (card->dma->recvlen == 0) { + rxlen = b1dma_readl(card, AMCC_RXLEN); if (rxlen == 0) { dma->recvlen = *((u32 *)dma->recvbuf.dmabuf); rxlen = (dma->recvlen + 3) & ~3; - b1dma_writel(card, dma->recvbuf.dmaaddr+4, AMCC_RXPTR); + b1dma_writel(card, dma->recvbuf.dmaaddr + 4, AMCC_RXPTR); b1dma_writel(card, rxlen, AMCC_RXLEN); #ifdef AVM_B1DMA_DEBUG } else { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: rx not complete (%d).\n", - card->name, rxlen); + card->name, rxlen); #endif } } else { spin_unlock(&card->lock); b1dma_handle_rx(card); - dma->recvlen = 0; + dma->recvlen = 0; spin_lock(&card->lock); b1dma_writel(card, dma->recvbuf.dmaaddr, AMCC_RXPTR); b1dma_writel(card, 4, AMCC_RXLEN); @@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ static int b1dma_loaded(avmcard *card) } if (!b1_tx_empty(base)) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: b1dma_loaded: tx err, corrupted t4 file ?\n", - card->name); + card->name); return 0; } b1_put_byte(base, SEND_POLLACK); @@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ static void b1dma_send_init(avmcard *card) skb = alloc_skb(15, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: no memory, lost register appl.\n", - card->name); + card->name); return; } p = skb->data; @@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ static void b1dma_send_init(avmcard *card) _put_byte(&p, 0); _put_byte(&p, SEND_INIT); _put_word(&p, CAPI_MAXAPPL); - _put_word(&p, AVM_NCCI_PER_CHANNEL*30); + _put_word(&p, AVM_NCCI_PER_CHANNEL * 30); _put_word(&p, card->cardnr - 1); skb_put(skb, (u8 *)p - (u8 *)skb->data); @@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ int b1dma_load_firmware(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, capiloaddata *data) if ((retval = b1_load_t4file(card, &data->firmware))) { b1dma_reset(card); printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed to load t4file!!\n", - card->name); + card->name); return retval; } @@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ int b1dma_load_firmware(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, capiloaddata *data) if ((retval = b1_load_config(card, &data->configuration))) { b1dma_reset(card); printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed to load config!!\n", - card->name); + card->name); return retval; } } @@ -733,8 +733,8 @@ int b1dma_load_firmware(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, capiloaddata *data) card->csr = AVM_FLAG; b1dma_writel(card, card->csr, AMCC_INTCSR); - b1dma_writel(card, EN_A2P_TRANSFERS|EN_P2A_TRANSFERS|A2P_HI_PRIORITY| - P2A_HI_PRIORITY|RESET_A2P_FLAGS|RESET_P2A_FLAGS, + b1dma_writel(card, EN_A2P_TRANSFERS | EN_P2A_TRANSFERS | A2P_HI_PRIORITY | + P2A_HI_PRIORITY | RESET_A2P_FLAGS | RESET_P2A_FLAGS, AMCC_MCSR); t1outp(card->port, 0x07, 0x30); t1outp(card->port, 0x10, 0xF0); @@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ int b1dma_load_firmware(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, capiloaddata *data) card->csr |= EN_RX_TC_INT; b1dma_writel(card, card->csr, AMCC_INTCSR); - b1dma_send_init(card); + b1dma_send_init(card); return 0; } @@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ void b1dma_reset_ctr(struct capi_ctr *ctrl) unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); - b1dma_reset(card); + b1dma_reset(card); memset(cinfo->version, 0, sizeof(cinfo->version)); capilib_release(&cinfo->ncci_head); @@ -768,8 +768,8 @@ void b1dma_reset_ctr(struct capi_ctr *ctrl) /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ void b1dma_register_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, - u16 appl, - capi_register_params *rp) + u16 appl, + capi_register_params *rp) { avmctrl_info *cinfo = (avmctrl_info *)(ctrl->driverdata); avmcard *card = cinfo->card; @@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ void b1dma_register_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, skb = alloc_skb(23, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: no memory, lost register appl.\n", - card->name); + card->name); return; } p = skb->data; @@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ void b1dma_register_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, _put_byte(&p, 0); _put_byte(&p, SEND_REGISTER); _put_word(&p, appl); - _put_word(&p, 1024 * (nconn+1)); + _put_word(&p, 1024 * (nconn + 1)); _put_word(&p, nconn); _put_word(&p, rp->datablkcnt); _put_word(&p, rp->datablklen); @@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ void b1dma_release_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, u16 appl) skb = alloc_skb(7, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: no memory, lost release appl.\n", - card->name); + card->name); return; } p = skb->data; @@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ u16 b1dma_send_message(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, struct sk_buff *skb) avmcard *card = cinfo->card; u16 retval = CAPI_NOERROR; - if (CAPIMSG_CMD(skb->data) == CAPI_DATA_B3_REQ) { + if (CAPIMSG_CMD(skb->data) == CAPI_DATA_B3_REQ) { unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); retval = capilib_data_b3_req(&cinfo->ncci_head, @@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ u16 b1dma_send_message(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, struct sk_buff *skb) CAPIMSG_MSGID(skb->data)); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); } - if (retval == CAPI_NOERROR) + if (retval == CAPI_NOERROR) b1dma_queue_tx(card, skb); return retval; @@ -893,29 +893,29 @@ static int b1dmactl_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) seq_printf(m, "%-16s %s\n", "ver_serial", s); if (card->cardtype != avm_m1) { - flag = ((u8 *)(ctrl->profile.manu))[3]; - if (flag) + flag = ((u8 *)(ctrl->profile.manu))[3]; + if (flag) seq_printf(m, "%-16s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", - "protocol", - (flag & 0x01) ? " DSS1" : "", - (flag & 0x02) ? " CT1" : "", - (flag & 0x04) ? " VN3" : "", - (flag & 0x08) ? " NI1" : "", - (flag & 0x10) ? " AUSTEL" : "", - (flag & 0x20) ? " ESS" : "", - (flag & 0x40) ? " 1TR6" : "" - ); + "protocol", + (flag & 0x01) ? " DSS1" : "", + (flag & 0x02) ? " CT1" : "", + (flag & 0x04) ? " VN3" : "", + (flag & 0x08) ? " NI1" : "", + (flag & 0x10) ? " AUSTEL" : "", + (flag & 0x20) ? " ESS" : "", + (flag & 0x40) ? " 1TR6" : "" + ); } if (card->cardtype != avm_m1) { - flag = ((u8 *)(ctrl->profile.manu))[5]; + flag = ((u8 *)(ctrl->profile.manu))[5]; if (flag) seq_printf(m, "%-16s%s%s%s%s\n", - "linetype", - (flag & 0x01) ? " point to point" : "", - (flag & 0x02) ? " point to multipoint" : "", - (flag & 0x08) ? " leased line without D-channel" : "", - (flag & 0x04) ? " leased line with D-channel" : "" - ); + "linetype", + (flag & 0x01) ? " point to point" : "", + (flag & 0x02) ? " point to multipoint" : "", + (flag & 0x08) ? " leased line without D-channel" : "", + (flag & 0x04) ? " leased line with D-channel" : "" + ); } seq_printf(m, "%-16s %s\n", "cardname", cinfo->cardname); @@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ static int __init b1dma_init(void) if ((p = strchr(revision, ':')) != NULL && p[1]) { strlcpy(rev, p + 2, sizeof(rev)); if ((p = strchr(rev, '$')) != NULL && p > rev) - *(p-1) = 0; + *(p - 1) = 0; } else strcpy(rev, "1.0"); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1isa.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1isa.c index ff5390546f92a935d911cd74c31bb358853e563f..31ef8130a87ffcae6c62b903cb4397e7b93b19aa 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1isa.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1isa.c @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ /* $Id: b1isa.c,v 2004/02/10 01:07:12 keil Exp $ - * + * * Module for AVM B1 ISA-card. - * + * * Copyright 1999 by Carsten Paeth - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ static int b1isa_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev) card->cardtype = avm_b1isa; sprintf(card->name, "b1isa-%x", card->port); - if ( card->port != 0x150 && card->port != 0x250 + if (card->port != 0x150 && card->port != 0x250 && card->port != 0x300 && card->port != 0x340) { printk(KERN_WARNING "b1isa: invalid port 0x%x.\n", card->port); retval = -EINVAL; @@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ static int b1isa_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev) pci_set_drvdata(pdev, cinfo); return 0; - err_free_irq: +err_free_irq: free_irq(card->irq, card); - err_release_region: +err_release_region: release_region(card->port, AVMB1_PORTLEN); - err_free: +err_free: b1_free_card(card); - err: +err: return retval; } @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ static int __init b1isa_init(void) if ((p = strchr(revision, ':')) != NULL && p[1]) { strlcpy(rev, p + 2, 32); if ((p = strchr(rev, '$')) != NULL && p > rev) - *(p-1) = 0; + *(p - 1) = 0; } else strcpy(rev, "1.0"); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1pci.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1pci.c index c97e4315079d8c15593818d5a0e93bc1e19003d9..b305e6b2b8ee24d5948fc0a30142b8b9f1a03a1c 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1pci.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1pci.c @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ /* $Id: b1pci.c,v 2004/01/16 21:09:27 keil Exp $ - * + * * Module for AVM B1 PCI-card. - * + * * Copyright 1999 by Carsten Paeth - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ static int b1pci_probe(struct capicardparams *p, struct pci_dev *pdev) card->port = p->port; card->irq = p->irq; card->cardtype = avm_b1pci; - + if (!request_region(card->port, AVMB1_PORTLEN, card->name)) { printk(KERN_WARNING "b1pci: ports 0x%03x-0x%03x in use.\n", card->port, card->port + AVMB1_PORTLEN); @@ -96,14 +96,14 @@ static int b1pci_probe(struct capicardparams *p, struct pci_dev *pdev) } b1_reset(card->port); b1_getrevision(card); - + retval = request_irq(card->irq, b1_interrupt, IRQF_SHARED, card->name, card); if (retval) { printk(KERN_ERR "b1pci: unable to get IRQ %d.\n", card->irq); retval = -EBUSY; goto err_release_region; } - + cinfo->capi_ctrl.driver_name = "b1pci"; cinfo->capi_ctrl.driverdata = cinfo; cinfo->capi_ctrl.register_appl = b1_register_appl; @@ -133,13 +133,13 @@ static int b1pci_probe(struct capicardparams *p, struct pci_dev *pdev) pci_set_drvdata(pdev, card); return 0; - err_free_irq: +err_free_irq: free_irq(card->irq, card); - err_release_region: +err_release_region: release_region(card->port, AVMB1_PORTLEN); - err_free: +err_free: b1_free_card(card); - err: +err: return retval; } @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ static int b1pciv4_probe(struct capicardparams *p, struct pci_dev *pdev) goto err; } - card->dma = avmcard_dma_alloc("b1pci", pdev, 2048+128, 2048+128); + card->dma = avmcard_dma_alloc("b1pci", pdev, 2048 + 128, 2048 + 128); if (!card->dma) { printk(KERN_WARNING "b1pci: dma alloc.\n"); retval = -ENOMEM; @@ -267,17 +267,17 @@ static int b1pciv4_probe(struct capicardparams *p, struct pci_dev *pdev) pci_set_drvdata(pdev, card); return 0; - err_free_irq: +err_free_irq: free_irq(card->irq, card); - err_unmap: +err_unmap: iounmap(card->mbase); - err_release_region: +err_release_region: release_region(card->port, AVMB1_PORTLEN); - err_free_dma: +err_free_dma: avmcard_dma_free(card->dma); - err_free: +err_free: b1_free_card(card); - err: +err: return retval; } @@ -287,13 +287,13 @@ static void b1pciv4_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) avmcard *card = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); avmctrl_info *cinfo = card->ctrlinfo; - b1dma_reset(card); + b1dma_reset(card); detach_capi_ctr(&cinfo->capi_ctrl); free_irq(card->irq, card); iounmap(card->mbase); release_region(card->port, AVMB1_PORTLEN); - avmcard_dma_free(card->dma); + avmcard_dma_free(card->dma); b1_free_card(card); } @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ static int __devinit b1pci_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, retval = b1pci_probe(¶m, pdev); #endif if (retval != 0) { - printk(KERN_ERR "b1pci: no AVM-B1 V4 at i/o %#x, irq %d, mem %#x detected\n", + printk(KERN_ERR "b1pci: no AVM-B1 V4 at i/o %#x, irq %d, mem %#x detected\n", param.port, param.irq, param.membase); } } else { @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ static int __devinit b1pci_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, param.port, param.irq); retval = b1pci_probe(¶m, pdev); if (retval != 0) { - printk(KERN_ERR "b1pci: no AVM-B1 at i/o %#x, irq %d detected\n", + printk(KERN_ERR "b1pci: no AVM-B1 at i/o %#x, irq %d detected\n", param.port, param.irq); } } @@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ static int __init b1pci_init(void) if ((p = strchr(revision, ':')) != NULL && p[1]) { strlcpy(rev, p + 2, 32); if ((p = strchr(rev, '$')) != NULL && p > rev) - *(p-1) = 0; + *(p - 1) = 0; } else strcpy(rev, "1.0"); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1pcmcia.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1pcmcia.c index d6391e0afeeaf76425a70ded1b4aa1d167c3aaaa..6b0d19d963d504ebbab31bbdf330d7565b069d24 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1pcmcia.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/b1pcmcia.c @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ /* $Id: b1pcmcia.c,v 2004/01/16 21:09:27 keil Exp $ - * + * * Module for AVM B1/M1/M2 PCMCIA-card. - * + * * Copyright 1999 by Carsten Paeth - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ static int b1pcmcia_add_card(unsigned int port, unsigned irq, cinfo = card->ctrlinfo; switch (cardtype) { - case avm_m1: sprintf(card->name, "m1-%x", port); break; - case avm_m2: sprintf(card->name, "m2-%x", port); break; - default: sprintf(card->name, "b1pcmcia-%x", port); break; + case avm_m1: sprintf(card->name, "m1-%x", port); break; + case avm_m2: sprintf(card->name, "m2-%x", port); break; + default: sprintf(card->name, "b1pcmcia-%x", port); break; } card->port = port; card->irq = irq; @@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ static int b1pcmcia_add_card(unsigned int port, unsigned irq, goto err_free_irq; } switch (cardtype) { - case avm_m1: cardname = "M1"; break; - case avm_m2: cardname = "M2"; break; - default : cardname = "B1 PCMCIA"; break; + case avm_m1: cardname = "M1"; break; + case avm_m2: cardname = "M2"; break; + default: cardname = "B1 PCMCIA"; break; } printk(KERN_INFO "b1pcmcia: AVM %s at i/o %#x, irq %d, revision %d\n", @@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ static int b1pcmcia_add_card(unsigned int port, unsigned irq, list_add(&card->list, &cards); return cinfo->capi_ctrl.cnr; - err_free_irq: +err_free_irq: free_irq(card->irq, card); - err_free: +err_free: b1_free_card(card); - err: +err: return retval; } @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ int b1pcmcia_delcard(unsigned int port, unsigned irq) { struct list_head *l; avmcard *card; - + list_for_each(l, &cards) { card = list_entry(l, avmcard, list); if (card->port == port && card->irq == irq) { @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ static int __init b1pcmcia_init(void) if ((p = strchr(revision, ':')) != NULL && p[1]) { strlcpy(rev, p + 2, 32); if ((p = strchr(rev, '$')) != NULL && p > rev) - *(p-1) = 0; + *(p - 1) = 0; } else strcpy(rev, "1.0"); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/c4.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/c4.c index 9743b24ef9d6f7a1cc4f41bd9c4e3ff60b036671..98f18812441de3d7158e945ee583b153f4470241 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/c4.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/c4.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /* $Id: c4.c,v 2004/01/16 21:09:27 keil Exp $ - * + * * Module for AVM C4 & C2 card. - * + * * Copyright 1999 by Carsten Paeth * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms @@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ static void c4_dispatch_tx(avmcard *card); /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ -#define RESET_TIMEOUT (15*HZ) /* 15 sec */ -#define PEEK_POKE_TIMEOUT (HZ/10) /* 0.1 sec */ +#define RESET_TIMEOUT (15 * HZ) /* 15 sec */ +#define PEEK_POKE_TIMEOUT (HZ / 10) /* 0.1 sec */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ static inline int wait_for_doorbell(avmcard *card, unsigned long t) unsigned long stop; stop = jiffies + t; - while (c4inmeml(card->mbase+DOORBELL) != 0xffffffff) { + while (c4inmeml(card->mbase + DOORBELL) != 0xffffffff) { if (!time_before(jiffies, stop)) return -1; mb(); @@ -159,40 +159,40 @@ static inline int wait_for_doorbell(avmcard *card, unsigned long t) static int c4_poke(avmcard *card, unsigned long off, unsigned long value) { - if (wait_for_doorbell(card, HZ/10) < 0) + if (wait_for_doorbell(card, HZ / 10) < 0) return -1; - - c4outmeml(card->mbase+MBOX_PEEK_POKE, off); - c4outmeml(card->mbase+DOORBELL, DBELL_ADDR); - if (wait_for_doorbell(card, HZ/10) < 0) + c4outmeml(card->mbase + MBOX_PEEK_POKE, off); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + DOORBELL, DBELL_ADDR); + + if (wait_for_doorbell(card, HZ / 10) < 0) return -1; - c4outmeml(card->mbase+MBOX_PEEK_POKE, value); - c4outmeml(card->mbase+DOORBELL, DBELL_DATA | DBELL_ADDR); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + MBOX_PEEK_POKE, value); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + DOORBELL, DBELL_DATA | DBELL_ADDR); return 0; } static int c4_peek(avmcard *card, unsigned long off, unsigned long *valuep) { - if (wait_for_doorbell(card, HZ/10) < 0) + if (wait_for_doorbell(card, HZ / 10) < 0) return -1; - c4outmeml(card->mbase+MBOX_PEEK_POKE, off); - c4outmeml(card->mbase+DOORBELL, DBELL_RNWR | DBELL_ADDR); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + MBOX_PEEK_POKE, off); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + DOORBELL, DBELL_RNWR | DBELL_ADDR); - if (wait_for_doorbell(card, HZ/10) < 0) + if (wait_for_doorbell(card, HZ / 10) < 0) return -1; - *valuep = c4inmeml(card->mbase+MBOX_PEEK_POKE); + *valuep = c4inmeml(card->mbase + MBOX_PEEK_POKE); return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static int c4_load_t4file(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart * t4file) +static int c4_load_t4file(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart *t4file) { u32 val; unsigned char *dp; @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ static int c4_load_t4file(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart * t4file) dp = t4file->data; left = t4file->len; while (left >= sizeof(u32)) { - if (t4file->user) { + if (t4file->user) { if (copy_from_user(&val, dp, sizeof(val))) return -EFAULT; } else { @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ static int c4_load_t4file(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart * t4file) } if (c4_poke(card, loadoff, val)) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: corrupted firmware file ?\n", - card->name); + card->name); return -EIO; } left -= sizeof(u32); @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ static int c4_load_t4file(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart * t4file) } if (c4_poke(card, loadoff, val)) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: corrupted firmware file ?\n", - card->name); + card->name); return -EIO; } } @@ -297,13 +297,13 @@ static void c4_reset(avmcard *card) { unsigned long stop; - c4outmeml(card->mbase+DOORBELL, DBELL_RESET_ARM); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + DOORBELL, DBELL_RESET_ARM); - stop = jiffies + HZ*10; - while (c4inmeml(card->mbase+DOORBELL) != 0xffffffff) { + stop = jiffies + HZ * 10; + while (c4inmeml(card->mbase + DOORBELL) != 0xffffffff) { if (!time_before(jiffies, stop)) return; - c4outmeml(card->mbase+DOORBELL, DBELL_ADDR); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + DOORBELL, DBELL_ADDR); mb(); } @@ -317,89 +317,89 @@ static int c4_detect(avmcard *card) { unsigned long stop, dummy; - c4outmeml(card->mbase+PCI_OUT_INT_MASK, 0x0c); - if (c4inmeml(card->mbase+PCI_OUT_INT_MASK) != 0x0c) + c4outmeml(card->mbase + PCI_OUT_INT_MASK, 0x0c); + if (c4inmeml(card->mbase + PCI_OUT_INT_MASK) != 0x0c) return 1; - c4outmeml(card->mbase+DOORBELL, DBELL_RESET_ARM); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + DOORBELL, DBELL_RESET_ARM); - stop = jiffies + HZ*10; - while (c4inmeml(card->mbase+DOORBELL) != 0xffffffff) { + stop = jiffies + HZ * 10; + while (c4inmeml(card->mbase + DOORBELL) != 0xffffffff) { if (!time_before(jiffies, stop)) return 2; - c4outmeml(card->mbase+DOORBELL, DBELL_ADDR); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + DOORBELL, DBELL_ADDR); mb(); } c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE + CHAN_1_CONTROL, 0); c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE + CHAN_2_CONTROL, 0); - c4outmeml(card->mbase+MAILBOX_0, 0x55aa55aa); - if (c4inmeml(card->mbase+MAILBOX_0) != 0x55aa55aa) return 3; + c4outmeml(card->mbase + MAILBOX_0, 0x55aa55aa); + if (c4inmeml(card->mbase + MAILBOX_0) != 0x55aa55aa) return 3; - c4outmeml(card->mbase+MAILBOX_0, 0xaa55aa55); - if (c4inmeml(card->mbase+MAILBOX_0) != 0xaa55aa55) return 4; + c4outmeml(card->mbase + MAILBOX_0, 0xaa55aa55); + if (c4inmeml(card->mbase + MAILBOX_0) != 0xaa55aa55) return 4; - if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE+DBELL_SA_MASK, 0)) return 5; - if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE+DBELL_PCI_MASK, 0)) return 6; - if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE+SA_CONTROL, SA_CTL_ALLRIGHT)) + if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE + DBELL_SA_MASK, 0)) return 5; + if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE + DBELL_PCI_MASK, 0)) return 6; + if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE + SA_CONTROL, SA_CTL_ALLRIGHT)) return 7; - if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE+XBUS_CYCLE, INIT_XBUS_CYCLE)) + if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE + XBUS_CYCLE, INIT_XBUS_CYCLE)) return 8; - if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE+XBUS_STROBE, INIT_XBUS_STROBE)) + if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE + XBUS_STROBE, INIT_XBUS_STROBE)) return 8; - if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE+DRAM_TIMING, 0)) return 9; + if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE + DRAM_TIMING, 0)) return 9; - mdelay(1); + mdelay(1); if (c4_peek(card, DC21285_DRAM_A0MR, &dummy)) return 10; if (c4_peek(card, DC21285_DRAM_A1MR, &dummy)) return 11; if (c4_peek(card, DC21285_DRAM_A2MR, &dummy)) return 12; if (c4_peek(card, DC21285_DRAM_A3MR, &dummy)) return 13; - if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_DRAM_A0MR+CAS_OFFSET, 0)) return 14; - if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_DRAM_A1MR+CAS_OFFSET, 0)) return 15; - if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_DRAM_A2MR+CAS_OFFSET, 0)) return 16; - if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_DRAM_A3MR+CAS_OFFSET, 0)) return 17; + if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_DRAM_A0MR + CAS_OFFSET, 0)) return 14; + if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_DRAM_A1MR + CAS_OFFSET, 0)) return 15; + if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_DRAM_A2MR + CAS_OFFSET, 0)) return 16; + if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_DRAM_A3MR + CAS_OFFSET, 0)) return 17; - mdelay(1); + mdelay(1); - if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE+DRAM_TIMING, DRAM_TIMING_DEF)) + if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE + DRAM_TIMING, DRAM_TIMING_DEF)) return 18; - if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE+DRAM_ADDR_SIZE_0,DRAM_AD_SZ_DEF0)) + if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE + DRAM_ADDR_SIZE_0, DRAM_AD_SZ_DEF0)) return 19; - if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE+DRAM_ADDR_SIZE_1,DRAM_AD_SZ_NULL)) + if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE + DRAM_ADDR_SIZE_1, DRAM_AD_SZ_NULL)) return 20; - if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE+DRAM_ADDR_SIZE_2,DRAM_AD_SZ_NULL)) + if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE + DRAM_ADDR_SIZE_2, DRAM_AD_SZ_NULL)) return 21; - if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE+DRAM_ADDR_SIZE_3,DRAM_AD_SZ_NULL)) + if (c4_poke(card, DC21285_ARMCSR_BASE + DRAM_ADDR_SIZE_3, DRAM_AD_SZ_NULL)) return 22; /* Transputer test */ - - if ( c4_poke(card, 0x000000, 0x11111111) + + if (c4_poke(card, 0x000000, 0x11111111) || c4_poke(card, 0x400000, 0x22222222) - || c4_poke(card, 0x800000, 0x33333333) - || c4_poke(card, 0xC00000, 0x44444444)) + || c4_poke(card, 0x800000, 0x33333333) + || c4_poke(card, 0xC00000, 0x44444444)) return 23; - if ( c4_peek(card, 0x000000, &dummy) || dummy != 0x11111111 + if (c4_peek(card, 0x000000, &dummy) || dummy != 0x11111111 || c4_peek(card, 0x400000, &dummy) || dummy != 0x22222222 - || c4_peek(card, 0x800000, &dummy) || dummy != 0x33333333 - || c4_peek(card, 0xC00000, &dummy) || dummy != 0x44444444) + || c4_peek(card, 0x800000, &dummy) || dummy != 0x33333333 + || c4_peek(card, 0xC00000, &dummy) || dummy != 0x44444444) return 24; - if ( c4_poke(card, 0x000000, 0x55555555) + if (c4_poke(card, 0x000000, 0x55555555) || c4_poke(card, 0x400000, 0x66666666) - || c4_poke(card, 0x800000, 0x77777777) - || c4_poke(card, 0xC00000, 0x88888888)) + || c4_poke(card, 0x800000, 0x77777777) + || c4_poke(card, 0xC00000, 0x88888888)) return 25; - if ( c4_peek(card, 0x000000, &dummy) || dummy != 0x55555555 + if (c4_peek(card, 0x000000, &dummy) || dummy != 0x55555555 || c4_peek(card, 0x400000, &dummy) || dummy != 0x66666666 - || c4_peek(card, 0x800000, &dummy) || dummy != 0x77777777 - || c4_peek(card, 0xC00000, &dummy) || dummy != 0x88888888) + || c4_peek(card, 0x800000, &dummy) || dummy != 0x77777777 + || c4_peek(card, 0xC00000, &dummy) || dummy != 0x88888888) return 26; return 0; @@ -451,26 +451,26 @@ static void c4_dispatch_tx(avmcard *card) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: tx put msg len=%d\n", card->name, txlen); #endif } else { - txlen = skb->len-2; + txlen = skb->len - 2; #ifdef AVM_C4_POLLDEBUG if (skb->data[2] == SEND_POLLACK) printk(KERN_INFO "%s: ack to c4\n", card->name); #endif #ifdef AVM_C4_DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: tx put 0x%x len=%d\n", - card->name, skb->data[2], txlen); + card->name, skb->data[2], txlen); #endif skb_copy_from_linear_data_offset(skb, 2, dma->sendbuf.dmabuf, skb->len - 2); } txlen = (txlen + 3) & ~3; - c4outmeml(card->mbase+MBOX_DOWN_ADDR, dma->sendbuf.dmaaddr); - c4outmeml(card->mbase+MBOX_DOWN_LEN, txlen); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + MBOX_DOWN_ADDR, dma->sendbuf.dmaaddr); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + MBOX_DOWN_LEN, txlen); card->csr |= DBELL_DOWN_ARM; - c4outmeml(card->mbase+DOORBELL, DBELL_DOWN_ARM); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + DOORBELL, DBELL_DOWN_ARM); dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); } @@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ static void queue_pollack(avmcard *card) skb = alloc_skb(3, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: no memory, lost poll ack\n", - card->name); + card->name); return; } p = skb->data; @@ -514,9 +514,9 @@ static void c4_handle_rx(avmcard *card) #ifdef AVM_C4_DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: rx 0x%x len=%lu\n", card->name, - b1cmd, (unsigned long)dma->recvlen); + b1cmd, (unsigned long)dma->recvlen); #endif - + switch (b1cmd) { case RECEIVE_DATA_B3_IND: @@ -528,13 +528,13 @@ static void c4_handle_rx(avmcard *card) ctrl = &card->ctrlinfo[cidx].capi_ctrl; if (MsgLen < 30) { /* not CAPI 64Bit */ - memset(card->msgbuf+MsgLen, 0, 30-MsgLen); + memset(card->msgbuf + MsgLen, 0, 30 - MsgLen); MsgLen = 30; CAPIMSG_SETLEN(card->msgbuf, 30); } - if (!(skb = alloc_skb(DataB3Len+MsgLen, GFP_ATOMIC))) { + if (!(skb = alloc_skb(DataB3Len + MsgLen, GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: incoming packet dropped\n", - card->name); + card->name); } else { memcpy(skb_put(skb, MsgLen), card->msgbuf, MsgLen); memcpy(skb_put(skb, DataB3Len), card->databuf, DataB3Len); @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ static void c4_handle_rx(avmcard *card) if (!(skb = alloc_skb(MsgLen, GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: incoming packet dropped\n", - card->name); + card->name); } else { memcpy(skb_put(skb, MsgLen), card->msgbuf, MsgLen); if (CAPIMSG_CMD(skb->data) == CAPI_DATA_B3_CONF) @@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ static void c4_handle_rx(avmcard *card) ApplId = _get_word(&p); NCCI = _get_word(&p); WindowSize = _get_word(&p); - cidx = (NCCI&0x7f) - card->cardnr; + cidx = (NCCI & 0x7f) - card->cardnr; if (cidx >= card->nlogcontr) cidx = 0; capilib_new_ncci(&card->ctrlinfo[cidx].ncci_head, ApplId, NCCI, WindowSize); @@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ static void c4_handle_rx(avmcard *card) NCCI = _get_word(&p); if (NCCI != 0xffffffff) { - cidx = (NCCI&0x7f) - card->cardnr; + cidx = (NCCI & 0x7f) - card->cardnr; if (cidx >= card->nlogcontr) cidx = 0; capilib_free_ncci(&card->ctrlinfo[cidx].ncci_head, ApplId, NCCI); } @@ -595,14 +595,14 @@ static void c4_handle_rx(avmcard *card) #endif if (!suppress_pollack) queue_pollack(card); - for (cidx=0; cidx < card->nr_controllers; cidx++) { + for (cidx = 0; cidx < card->nr_controllers; cidx++) { ctrl = &card->ctrlinfo[cidx].capi_ctrl; capi_ctr_resume_output(ctrl); } break; case RECEIVE_STOP: - for (cidx=0; cidx < card->nr_controllers; cidx++) { + for (cidx = 0; cidx < card->nr_controllers; cidx++) { ctrl = &card->ctrlinfo[cidx].capi_ctrl; capi_ctr_suspend_output(ctrl); } @@ -610,14 +610,14 @@ static void c4_handle_rx(avmcard *card) case RECEIVE_INIT: - cidx = card->nlogcontr; + cidx = card->nlogcontr; if (cidx >= card->nr_controllers) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: card with %d controllers ??\n", - card->name, cidx+1); + card->name, cidx + 1); break; } - card->nlogcontr++; - cinfo = &card->ctrlinfo[cidx]; + card->nlogcontr++; + cinfo = &card->ctrlinfo[cidx]; ctrl = &cinfo->capi_ctrl; cinfo->versionlen = _get_slice(&p, cinfo->versionbuf); b1_parse_version(cinfo); @@ -632,23 +632,23 @@ static void c4_handle_rx(avmcard *card) ApplId = (unsigned) _get_word(&p); MsgLen = _get_slice(&p, card->msgbuf); card->msgbuf[MsgLen] = 0; - while ( MsgLen > 0 - && ( card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] == '\n' - || card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] == '\r')) { - card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] = 0; + while (MsgLen > 0 + && (card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] == '\n' + || card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] == '\r')) { + card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] = 0; MsgLen--; } printk(KERN_INFO "%s: task %d \"%s\" ready.\n", - card->name, ApplId, card->msgbuf); + card->name, ApplId, card->msgbuf); break; case RECEIVE_DEBUGMSG: MsgLen = _get_slice(&p, card->msgbuf); card->msgbuf[MsgLen] = 0; - while ( MsgLen > 0 - && ( card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] == '\n' - || card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] == '\r')) { - card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] = 0; + while (MsgLen > 0 + && (card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] == '\n' + || card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] == '\r')) { + card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] = 0; MsgLen--; } printk(KERN_INFO "%s: DEBUG: %s\n", card->name, card->msgbuf); @@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ static void c4_handle_rx(avmcard *card) default: printk(KERN_ERR "%s: c4_interrupt: 0x%x ???\n", - card->name, b1cmd); + card->name, b1cmd); return; } } @@ -669,16 +669,16 @@ static irqreturn_t c4_handle_interrupt(avmcard *card) u32 status; spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); - status = c4inmeml(card->mbase+DOORBELL); + status = c4inmeml(card->mbase + DOORBELL); if (status & DBELL_RESET_HOST) { u_int i; - c4outmeml(card->mbase+PCI_OUT_INT_MASK, 0x0c); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + PCI_OUT_INT_MASK, 0x0c); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); if (card->nlogcontr == 0) return IRQ_HANDLED; printk(KERN_ERR "%s: unexpected reset\n", card->name); - for (i=0; i < card->nr_controllers; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < card->nr_controllers; i++) { avmctrl_info *cinfo = &card->ctrlinfo[i]; memset(cinfo->version, 0, sizeof(cinfo->version)); spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); @@ -695,23 +695,23 @@ static irqreturn_t c4_handle_interrupt(avmcard *card) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); return IRQ_HANDLED; } - c4outmeml(card->mbase+DOORBELL, status); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + DOORBELL, status); if ((status & DBELL_UP_HOST) != 0) { - card->dma->recvlen = c4inmeml(card->mbase+MBOX_UP_LEN); - c4outmeml(card->mbase+MBOX_UP_LEN, 0); + card->dma->recvlen = c4inmeml(card->mbase + MBOX_UP_LEN); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + MBOX_UP_LEN, 0); c4_handle_rx(card); card->dma->recvlen = 0; - c4outmeml(card->mbase+MBOX_UP_LEN, card->dma->recvbuf.size); - c4outmeml(card->mbase+DOORBELL, DBELL_UP_ARM); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + MBOX_UP_LEN, card->dma->recvbuf.size); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + DOORBELL, DBELL_UP_ARM); } if ((status & DBELL_DOWN_HOST) != 0) { card->csr &= ~DBELL_DOWN_ARM; - c4_dispatch_tx(card); + c4_dispatch_tx(card); } else if (card->csr & DBELL_DOWN_HOST) { - if (c4inmeml(card->mbase+MBOX_DOWN_LEN) == 0) { - card->csr &= ~DBELL_DOWN_ARM; + if (c4inmeml(card->mbase + MBOX_DOWN_LEN) == 0) { + card->csr &= ~DBELL_DOWN_ARM; c4_dispatch_tx(card); } } @@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ static void c4_send_init(avmcard *card) skb = alloc_skb(15, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: no memory, lost register appl.\n", - card->name); + card->name); return; } p = skb->data; @@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ static void c4_send_init(avmcard *card) _put_byte(&p, 0); _put_byte(&p, SEND_INIT); _put_word(&p, CAPI_MAXAPPL); - _put_word(&p, AVM_NCCI_PER_CHANNEL*30); + _put_word(&p, AVM_NCCI_PER_CHANNEL * 30); _put_word(&p, card->cardnr - 1); skb_put(skb, (u8 *)p - (u8 *)skb->data); @@ -761,10 +761,10 @@ static int queue_sendconfigword(avmcard *card, u32 val) unsigned long flags; void *p; - skb = alloc_skb(3+4, GFP_ATOMIC); + skb = alloc_skb(3 + 4, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: no memory, send config\n", - card->name); + card->name); return -ENOMEM; } p = skb->data; @@ -787,10 +787,10 @@ static int queue_sendconfig(avmcard *card, char cval[4]) unsigned long flags; void *p; - skb = alloc_skb(3+4, GFP_ATOMIC); + skb = alloc_skb(3 + 4, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: no memory, send config\n", - card->name); + card->name); return -ENOMEM; } p = skb->data; @@ -804,20 +804,20 @@ static int queue_sendconfig(avmcard *card, char cval[4]) skb_put(skb, (u8 *)p - (u8 *)skb->data); skb_queue_tail(&card->dma->send_queue, skb); - + spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); c4_dispatch_tx(card); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); return 0; } -static int c4_send_config(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart * config) +static int c4_send_config(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart *config) { u8 val[4]; unsigned char *dp; u_int left; int retval; - + if ((retval = queue_sendconfigword(card, 1)) != 0) return retval; if ((retval = queue_sendconfigword(card, config->len)) != 0) @@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ static int c4_send_config(avmcard *card, capiloaddatapart * config) dp = config->data; left = config->len; while (left >= sizeof(u32)) { - if (config->user) { + if (config->user) { if (copy_from_user(val, dp, sizeof(val))) return -EFAULT; } else { @@ -860,37 +860,37 @@ static int c4_load_firmware(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, capiloaddata *data) if ((retval = c4_load_t4file(card, &data->firmware))) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed to load t4file!!\n", - card->name); + card->name); c4_reset(card); return retval; } card->csr = 0; - c4outmeml(card->mbase+MBOX_UP_LEN, 0); - c4outmeml(card->mbase+MBOX_DOWN_LEN, 0); - c4outmeml(card->mbase+DOORBELL, DBELL_INIT); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + MBOX_UP_LEN, 0); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + MBOX_DOWN_LEN, 0); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + DOORBELL, DBELL_INIT); mdelay(1); - c4outmeml(card->mbase+DOORBELL, - DBELL_UP_HOST | DBELL_DOWN_HOST | DBELL_RESET_HOST); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + DOORBELL, + DBELL_UP_HOST | DBELL_DOWN_HOST | DBELL_RESET_HOST); - c4outmeml(card->mbase+PCI_OUT_INT_MASK, 0x08); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + PCI_OUT_INT_MASK, 0x08); card->dma->recvlen = 0; - c4outmeml(card->mbase+MBOX_UP_ADDR, card->dma->recvbuf.dmaaddr); - c4outmeml(card->mbase+MBOX_UP_LEN, card->dma->recvbuf.size); - c4outmeml(card->mbase+DOORBELL, DBELL_UP_ARM); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + MBOX_UP_ADDR, card->dma->recvbuf.dmaaddr); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + MBOX_UP_LEN, card->dma->recvbuf.size); + c4outmeml(card->mbase + DOORBELL, DBELL_UP_ARM); if (data->configuration.len > 0 && data->configuration.data) { retval = c4_send_config(card, &data->configuration); if (retval) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed to set config!!\n", - card->name); + card->name); c4_reset(card); return retval; } } - c4_send_init(card); + c4_send_init(card); return 0; } @@ -905,11 +905,11 @@ static void c4_reset_ctr(struct capi_ctr *ctrl) spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); - c4_reset(card); + c4_reset(card); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); - for (i=0; i < card->nr_controllers; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < card->nr_controllers; i++) { cinfo = &card->ctrlinfo[i]; memset(cinfo->version, 0, sizeof(cinfo->version)); capi_ctr_down(&cinfo->capi_ctrl); @@ -926,9 +926,9 @@ static void c4_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) if (!card) return; - c4_reset(card); + c4_reset(card); - for (i=0; i < card->nr_controllers; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < card->nr_controllers; i++) { cinfo = &card->ctrlinfo[i]; detach_capi_ctr(&cinfo->capi_ctrl); } @@ -936,8 +936,8 @@ static void c4_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) free_irq(card->irq, card); iounmap(card->mbase); release_region(card->port, AVMB1_PORTLEN); - avmcard_dma_free(card->dma); - pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); + avmcard_dma_free(card->dma); + pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); b1_free_card(card); } @@ -945,8 +945,8 @@ static void c4_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) static void c4_register_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, - u16 appl, - capi_register_params *rp) + u16 appl, + capi_register_params *rp) { avmctrl_info *cinfo = (avmctrl_info *)(ctrl->driverdata); avmcard *card = cinfo->card; @@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ static void c4_register_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, skb = alloc_skb(23, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: no memory, lost register appl.\n", - card->name); + card->name); return; } p = skb->data; @@ -973,14 +973,14 @@ static void c4_register_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, _put_byte(&p, 0); _put_byte(&p, SEND_REGISTER); _put_word(&p, appl); - _put_word(&p, 1024 * (nconn+1)); + _put_word(&p, 1024 * (nconn + 1)); _put_word(&p, nconn); _put_word(&p, rp->datablkcnt); _put_word(&p, rp->datablklen); skb_put(skb, (u8 *)p - (u8 *)skb->data); skb_queue_tail(&card->dma->send_queue, skb); - + spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); c4_dispatch_tx(card); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); @@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ static void c4_release_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, u16 appl) skb = alloc_skb(7, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: no memory, lost release appl.\n", - card->name); + card->name); return; } p = skb->data; @@ -1098,29 +1098,29 @@ static int c4_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) seq_printf(m, "%-16s %s\n", "ver_serial", s); if (card->cardtype != avm_m1) { - flag = ((u8 *)(ctrl->profile.manu))[3]; - if (flag) + flag = ((u8 *)(ctrl->profile.manu))[3]; + if (flag) seq_printf(m, "%-16s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", - "protocol", - (flag & 0x01) ? " DSS1" : "", - (flag & 0x02) ? " CT1" : "", - (flag & 0x04) ? " VN3" : "", - (flag & 0x08) ? " NI1" : "", - (flag & 0x10) ? " AUSTEL" : "", - (flag & 0x20) ? " ESS" : "", - (flag & 0x40) ? " 1TR6" : "" - ); + "protocol", + (flag & 0x01) ? " DSS1" : "", + (flag & 0x02) ? " CT1" : "", + (flag & 0x04) ? " VN3" : "", + (flag & 0x08) ? " NI1" : "", + (flag & 0x10) ? " AUSTEL" : "", + (flag & 0x20) ? " ESS" : "", + (flag & 0x40) ? " 1TR6" : "" + ); } if (card->cardtype != avm_m1) { - flag = ((u8 *)(ctrl->profile.manu))[5]; + flag = ((u8 *)(ctrl->profile.manu))[5]; if (flag) seq_printf(m, "%-16s%s%s%s%s\n", - "linetype", - (flag & 0x01) ? " point to point" : "", - (flag & 0x02) ? " point to multipoint" : "", - (flag & 0x08) ? " leased line without D-channel" : "", - (flag & 0x04) ? " leased line with D-channel" : "" - ); + "linetype", + (flag & 0x01) ? " point to point" : "", + (flag & 0x02) ? " point to multipoint" : "", + (flag & 0x08) ? " leased line without D-channel" : "", + (flag & 0x04) ? " leased line with D-channel" : "" + ); } seq_printf(m, "%-16s %s\n", "cardname", cinfo->cardname); @@ -1156,7 +1156,7 @@ static int c4_add_card(struct capicardparams *p, struct pci_dev *dev, retval = -ENOMEM; goto err; } - card->dma = avmcard_dma_alloc("c4", dev, 2048+128, 2048+128); + card->dma = avmcard_dma_alloc("c4", dev, 2048 + 128, 2048 + 128); if (!card->dma) { printk(KERN_WARNING "c4: no memory.\n"); retval = -ENOMEM; @@ -1195,12 +1195,12 @@ static int c4_add_card(struct capicardparams *p, struct pci_dev *dev, retval = request_irq(card->irq, c4_interrupt, IRQF_SHARED, card->name, card); if (retval) { - printk(KERN_ERR "c4: unable to get IRQ %d.\n",card->irq); + printk(KERN_ERR "c4: unable to get IRQ %d.\n", card->irq); retval = -EBUSY; goto err_unmap; } - for (i=0; i < nr_controllers ; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < nr_controllers; i++) { cinfo = &card->ctrlinfo[i]; cinfo->capi_ctrl.owner = THIS_MODULE; cinfo->capi_ctrl.driver_name = "c4"; @@ -1233,17 +1233,17 @@ static int c4_add_card(struct capicardparams *p, struct pci_dev *dev, pci_set_drvdata(dev, card); return 0; - err_free_irq: +err_free_irq: free_irq(card->irq, card); - err_unmap: +err_unmap: iounmap(card->mbase); - err_release_region: +err_release_region: release_region(card->port, AVMB1_PORTLEN); - err_free_dma: +err_free_dma: avmcard_dma_free(card->dma); - err_free: +err_free: b1_free_card(card); - err: +err: return retval; } @@ -1265,10 +1265,10 @@ static int __devinit c4_probe(struct pci_dev *dev, param.port = pci_resource_start(dev, 1); param.irq = dev->irq; param.membase = pci_resource_start(dev, 0); - + printk(KERN_INFO "c4: PCI BIOS reports AVM-C%d at i/o %#x, irq %d, mem %#x\n", nr, param.port, param.irq, param.membase); - + retval = c4_add_card(¶m, dev, nr); if (retval != 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "c4: no AVM-C%d at i/o %#x, irq %d detected, mem %#x\n", @@ -1280,10 +1280,10 @@ static int __devinit c4_probe(struct pci_dev *dev, } static struct pci_driver c4_pci_driver = { - .name = "c4", - .id_table = c4_pci_tbl, - .probe = c4_probe, - .remove = c4_remove, + .name = "c4", + .id_table = c4_pci_tbl, + .probe = c4_probe, + .remove = c4_remove, }; static struct capi_driver capi_driver_c2 = { @@ -1305,7 +1305,7 @@ static int __init c4_init(void) if ((p = strchr(revision, ':')) != NULL && p[1]) { strlcpy(rev, p + 2, 32); if ((p = strchr(rev, '$')) != NULL && p > rev) - *(p-1) = 0; + *(p - 1) = 0; } else strcpy(rev, "1.0"); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/t1isa.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/t1isa.c index 08216b14be13c30a7b4b2655eb0915ca0e2072a0..72ef188539512d079774c02f2fcf9428c9ab5d5a 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/t1isa.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/t1isa.c @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ /* $Id: t1isa.c,v 2004/02/10 01:07:12 keil Exp $ - * + * * Module for AVM T1 HEMA-card. - * + * * Copyright 1999 by Carsten Paeth - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ static int t1_detectandinit(unsigned int base, unsigned irq, int cardnr) int i; reverse_cardnr = ((cardnr & 0x01) << 3) | ((cardnr & 0x02) << 1) - | ((cardnr & 0x04) >> 1) | ((cardnr & 0x08) >> 3); + | ((cardnr & 0x04) >> 1) | ((cardnr & 0x08) >> 3); cregs[0] = (HEMA_VERSION_ID << 4) | (reverse_cardnr & 0xf); cregs[1] = 0x00; /* fast & slow link connected to CON1 */ cregs[2] = 0x05; /* fast link 20MBit, slow link 20 MBit */ @@ -86,50 +86,50 @@ static int t1_detectandinit(unsigned int base, unsigned irq, int cardnr) /* board reset */ t1outp(base, T1_RESETBOARD, 0xf); mdelay(100); - dummy = t1inp(base, T1_FASTLINK+T1_OUTSTAT); /* first read */ + dummy = t1inp(base, T1_FASTLINK + T1_OUTSTAT); /* first read */ /* write config */ dummy = (base >> 4) & 0xff; - for (i=1;i<=0xf;i++) t1outp(base, i, dummy); + for (i = 1; i <= 0xf; i++) t1outp(base, i, dummy); t1outp(base, HEMA_PAL_ID & 0xf, dummy); t1outp(base, HEMA_PAL_ID >> 4, cregs[0]); - for(i=1;i<7;i++) t1outp(base, 0, cregs[i]); + for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) t1outp(base, 0, cregs[i]); t1outp(base, ((base >> 4)) & 0x3, cregs[7]); /* restore_flags(flags); */ mdelay(100); - t1outp(base, T1_FASTLINK+T1_RESETLINK, 0); - t1outp(base, T1_SLOWLINK+T1_RESETLINK, 0); + t1outp(base, T1_FASTLINK + T1_RESETLINK, 0); + t1outp(base, T1_SLOWLINK + T1_RESETLINK, 0); mdelay(10); - t1outp(base, T1_FASTLINK+T1_RESETLINK, 1); - t1outp(base, T1_SLOWLINK+T1_RESETLINK, 1); + t1outp(base, T1_FASTLINK + T1_RESETLINK, 1); + t1outp(base, T1_SLOWLINK + T1_RESETLINK, 1); mdelay(100); - t1outp(base, T1_FASTLINK+T1_RESETLINK, 0); - t1outp(base, T1_SLOWLINK+T1_RESETLINK, 0); + t1outp(base, T1_FASTLINK + T1_RESETLINK, 0); + t1outp(base, T1_SLOWLINK + T1_RESETLINK, 0); mdelay(10); - t1outp(base, T1_FASTLINK+T1_ANALYSE, 0); + t1outp(base, T1_FASTLINK + T1_ANALYSE, 0); mdelay(5); - t1outp(base, T1_SLOWLINK+T1_ANALYSE, 0); + t1outp(base, T1_SLOWLINK + T1_ANALYSE, 0); - if (t1inp(base, T1_FASTLINK+T1_OUTSTAT) != 0x1) /* tx empty */ + if (t1inp(base, T1_FASTLINK + T1_OUTSTAT) != 0x1) /* tx empty */ return 1; - if (t1inp(base, T1_FASTLINK+T1_INSTAT) != 0x0) /* rx empty */ + if (t1inp(base, T1_FASTLINK + T1_INSTAT) != 0x0) /* rx empty */ return 2; - if (t1inp(base, T1_FASTLINK+T1_IRQENABLE) != 0x0) + if (t1inp(base, T1_FASTLINK + T1_IRQENABLE) != 0x0) return 3; - if ((t1inp(base, T1_FASTLINK+T1_FIFOSTAT) & 0xf0) != 0x70) + if ((t1inp(base, T1_FASTLINK + T1_FIFOSTAT) & 0xf0) != 0x70) return 4; - if ((t1inp(base, T1_FASTLINK+T1_IRQMASTER) & 0x0e) != 0) + if ((t1inp(base, T1_FASTLINK + T1_IRQMASTER) & 0x0e) != 0) return 5; - if ((t1inp(base, T1_FASTLINK+T1_IDENT) & 0x7d) != 1) + if ((t1inp(base, T1_FASTLINK + T1_IDENT) & 0x7d) != 1) return 6; - if (t1inp(base, T1_SLOWLINK+T1_OUTSTAT) != 0x1) /* tx empty */ + if (t1inp(base, T1_SLOWLINK + T1_OUTSTAT) != 0x1) /* tx empty */ return 7; - if ((t1inp(base, T1_SLOWLINK+T1_IRQMASTER) & 0x0e) != 0) + if ((t1inp(base, T1_SLOWLINK + T1_IRQMASTER) & 0x0e) != 0) return 8; - if ((t1inp(base, T1_SLOWLINK+T1_IDENT) & 0x7d) != 0) + if ((t1inp(base, T1_SLOWLINK + T1_IDENT) & 0x7d) != 0) return 9; - return 0; + return 0; } static irqreturn_t t1isa_interrupt(int interrupt, void *devptr) @@ -163,13 +163,13 @@ static irqreturn_t t1isa_interrupt(int interrupt, void *devptr) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); if (MsgLen < 30) { /* not CAPI 64Bit */ - memset(card->msgbuf+MsgLen, 0, 30-MsgLen); + memset(card->msgbuf + MsgLen, 0, 30 - MsgLen); MsgLen = 30; CAPIMSG_SETLEN(card->msgbuf, 30); } - if (!(skb = alloc_skb(DataB3Len+MsgLen, GFP_ATOMIC))) { + if (!(skb = alloc_skb(DataB3Len + MsgLen, GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: incoming packet dropped\n", - card->name); + card->name); } else { memcpy(skb_put(skb, MsgLen), card->msgbuf, MsgLen); memcpy(skb_put(skb, DataB3Len), card->databuf, DataB3Len); @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ static irqreturn_t t1isa_interrupt(int interrupt, void *devptr) if (!(skb = alloc_skb(MsgLen, GFP_ATOMIC))) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); printk(KERN_ERR "%s: incoming packet dropped\n", - card->name); + card->name); } else { memcpy(skb_put(skb, MsgLen), card->msgbuf, MsgLen); if (CAPIMSG_CMD(skb->data) == CAPI_DATA_B3) @@ -242,24 +242,24 @@ static irqreturn_t t1isa_interrupt(int interrupt, void *devptr) MsgLen = t1_get_slice(card->port, card->msgbuf); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); card->msgbuf[MsgLen] = 0; - while ( MsgLen > 0 - && ( card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] == '\n' - || card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] == '\r')) { - card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] = 0; + while (MsgLen > 0 + && (card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] == '\n' + || card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] == '\r')) { + card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] = 0; MsgLen--; } printk(KERN_INFO "%s: task %d \"%s\" ready.\n", - card->name, ApplId, card->msgbuf); + card->name, ApplId, card->msgbuf); break; case RECEIVE_DEBUGMSG: MsgLen = t1_get_slice(card->port, card->msgbuf); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); card->msgbuf[MsgLen] = 0; - while ( MsgLen > 0 - && ( card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] == '\n' - || card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] == '\r')) { - card->msgbuf[MsgLen-1] = 0; + while (MsgLen > 0 + && (card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] == '\n' + || card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] == '\r')) { + card->msgbuf[MsgLen - 1] = 0; MsgLen--; } printk(KERN_INFO "%s: DEBUG: %s\n", card->name, card->msgbuf); @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ static irqreturn_t t1isa_interrupt(int interrupt, void *devptr) default: spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); printk(KERN_ERR "%s: b1_interrupt: 0x%x ???\n", - card->name, b1cmd); + card->name, b1cmd); return IRQ_NONE; } } @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ static int t1isa_load_firmware(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, capiloaddata *data) if ((retval = b1_load_t4file(card, &data->firmware))) { b1_reset(port); printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed to load t4file!!\n", - card->name); + card->name); return retval; } @@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ static int t1isa_load_firmware(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, capiloaddata *data) if ((retval = b1_load_config(card, &data->configuration))) { b1_reset(port); printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed to load config!!\n", - card->name); + card->name); return retval; } } @@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ static int t1isa_load_firmware(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, capiloaddata *data) b1_setinterrupt(port, card->irq, card->cardtype); b1_put_byte(port, SEND_INIT); b1_put_word(port, CAPI_MAXAPPL); - b1_put_word(port, AVM_NCCI_PER_CHANNEL*30); + b1_put_word(port, AVM_NCCI_PER_CHANNEL * 30); b1_put_word(port, ctrl->cnr - 1); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); @@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ static void t1isa_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) { avmctrl_info *cinfo = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); avmcard *card; - + if (!cinfo) return; @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ static int t1isa_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, int cardnr) printk(KERN_WARNING "t1isa: invalid port 0x%x.\n", card->port); retval = -EINVAL; goto err_free; - } + } if (hema_irq_table[card->irq & 0xf] == 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING "t1isa: irq %d not valid.\n", card->irq); retval = -EINVAL; @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ static int t1isa_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, int cardnr) goto err_release_region; } - if ((retval = t1_detectandinit(card->port, card->irq, card->cardnr)) != 0) { + if ((retval = t1_detectandinit(card->port, card->irq, card->cardnr)) != 0) { printk(KERN_INFO "t1isa: NO card at 0x%x (%d)\n", card->port, retval); retval = -ENODEV; @@ -445,13 +445,13 @@ static int t1isa_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, int cardnr) pci_set_drvdata(pdev, cinfo); return 0; - err_free_irq: +err_free_irq: free_irq(card->irq, card); - err_release_region: +err_release_region: release_region(card->port, AVMB1_PORTLEN); - err_free: +err_free: b1_free_card(card); - err: +err: return retval; } @@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ static int __init t1isa_init(void) if ((p = strchr(revision, ':')) != NULL && p[1]) { strlcpy(rev, p + 2, 32); if ((p = strchr(rev, '$')) != NULL && p > rev) - *(p-1) = 0; + *(p - 1) = 0; } else strcpy(rev, "1.0"); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/t1pci.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/t1pci.c index a79eb5afb92dda279d7634b51bd20a0e047ace40..cb9a30427bd2e2123f981c898589824f829c6547 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/t1pci.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/t1pci.c @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ /* $Id: t1pci.c,v 2004/01/16 21:09:27 keil Exp $ - * + * * Module for AVM T1 PCI-card. - * + * * Copyright 1999 by Carsten Paeth - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ static int t1pci_add_card(struct capicardparams *p, struct pci_dev *pdev) goto err; } - card->dma = avmcard_dma_alloc("t1pci", pdev, 2048+128, 2048+128); + card->dma = avmcard_dma_alloc("t1pci", pdev, 2048 + 128, 2048 + 128); if (!card->dma) { printk(KERN_WARNING "t1pci: no memory.\n"); retval = -ENOMEM; @@ -136,17 +136,17 @@ static int t1pci_add_card(struct capicardparams *p, struct pci_dev *pdev) pci_set_drvdata(pdev, card); return 0; - err_free_irq: +err_free_irq: free_irq(card->irq, card); - err_unmap: +err_unmap: iounmap(card->mbase); - err_release_region: +err_release_region: release_region(card->port, AVMB1_PORTLEN); - err_free_dma: +err_free_dma: avmcard_dma_free(card->dma); - err_free: +err_free: b1_free_card(card); - err: +err: return retval; } @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ static void t1pci_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) avmcard *card = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); avmctrl_info *cinfo = card->ctrlinfo; - b1dma_reset(card); + b1dma_reset(card); detach_capi_ctr(&cinfo->capi_ctrl); free_irq(card->irq, card); @@ -217,10 +217,10 @@ static int __devinit t1pci_probe(struct pci_dev *dev, } static struct pci_driver t1pci_pci_driver = { - .name = "t1pci", - .id_table = t1pci_pci_tbl, - .probe = t1pci_probe, - .remove = t1pci_remove, + .name = "t1pci", + .id_table = t1pci_pci_tbl, + .probe = t1pci_probe, + .remove = t1pci_remove, }; static struct capi_driver capi_driver_t1pci = { @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ static int __init t1pci_init(void) if ((p = strchr(revision, ':')) != NULL && p[1]) { strlcpy(rev, p + 2, 32); if ((p = strchr(rev, '$')) != NULL && p > rev) - *(p-1) = 0; + *(p - 1) = 0; } else strcpy(rev, "1.0"); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capi20.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capi20.h index 7ebcccda74d842187c726a35d1c03f270044f47c..391e4175b0b509de3783d473fd306430aa380137 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capi20.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capi20.h @@ -1,74 +1,74 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ -#ifndef _INC_CAPI20 +#ifndef _INC_CAPI20 #define _INC_CAPI20 - /* operations on message queues */ - /* the common device type for CAPI20 drivers */ +/* operations on message queues */ +/* the common device type for CAPI20 drivers */ #define FILE_DEVICE_CAPI20 0x8001 - /* DEVICE_CONTROL codes for user and kernel mode applications */ +/* DEVICE_CONTROL codes for user and kernel mode applications */ #define CAPI20_CTL_REGISTER 0x0801 #define CAPI20_CTL_RELEASE 0x0802 #define CAPI20_CTL_GET_MANUFACTURER 0x0805 #define CAPI20_CTL_GET_VERSION 0x0806 #define CAPI20_CTL_GET_SERIAL 0x0807 #define CAPI20_CTL_GET_PROFILE 0x0808 - /* INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL codes for kernel mode applicatios only */ +/* INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL codes for kernel mode applicatios only */ #define CAPI20_CTL_PUT_MESSAGE 0x0803 #define CAPI20_CTL_GET_MESSAGE 0x0804 - /* the wrapped codes as required by the system */ -#define CAPI_CTL_CODE(f,m) CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_CAPI20,f,m,FILE_ANY_ACCESS) -#define IOCTL_CAPI_REGISTER CAPI_CTL_CODE(CAPI20_CTL_REGISTER,METHOD_BUFFERED) -#define IOCTL_CAPI_RELEASE CAPI_CTL_CODE(CAPI20_CTL_RELEASE,METHOD_BUFFERED) -#define IOCTL_CAPI_GET_MANUFACTURER CAPI_CTL_CODE(CAPI20_CTL_GET_MANUFACTURER,METHOD_BUFFERED) -#define IOCTL_CAPI_GET_VERSION CAPI_CTL_CODE(CAPI20_CTL_GET_VERSION,METHOD_BUFFERED) -#define IOCTL_CAPI_GET_SERIAL CAPI_CTL_CODE(CAPI20_CTL_GET_SERIAL,METHOD_BUFFERED) -#define IOCTL_CAPI_GET_PROFILE CAPI_CTL_CODE(CAPI20_CTL_GET_PROFILE,METHOD_BUFFERED) -#define IOCTL_CAPI_PUT_MESSAGE CAPI_CTL_CODE(CAPI20_CTL_PUT_MESSAGE,METHOD_BUFFERED) -#define IOCTL_CAPI_GET_MESSAGE CAPI_CTL_CODE(CAPI20_CTL_GET_MESSAGE,METHOD_BUFFERED) +/* the wrapped codes as required by the system */ +#define CAPI_CTL_CODE(f, m) CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_CAPI20, f, m, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) +#define IOCTL_CAPI_REGISTER CAPI_CTL_CODE(CAPI20_CTL_REGISTER, METHOD_BUFFERED) +#define IOCTL_CAPI_RELEASE CAPI_CTL_CODE(CAPI20_CTL_RELEASE, METHOD_BUFFERED) +#define IOCTL_CAPI_GET_MANUFACTURER CAPI_CTL_CODE(CAPI20_CTL_GET_MANUFACTURER, METHOD_BUFFERED) +#define IOCTL_CAPI_GET_VERSION CAPI_CTL_CODE(CAPI20_CTL_GET_VERSION, METHOD_BUFFERED) +#define IOCTL_CAPI_GET_SERIAL CAPI_CTL_CODE(CAPI20_CTL_GET_SERIAL, METHOD_BUFFERED) +#define IOCTL_CAPI_GET_PROFILE CAPI_CTL_CODE(CAPI20_CTL_GET_PROFILE, METHOD_BUFFERED) +#define IOCTL_CAPI_PUT_MESSAGE CAPI_CTL_CODE(CAPI20_CTL_PUT_MESSAGE, METHOD_BUFFERED) +#define IOCTL_CAPI_GET_MESSAGE CAPI_CTL_CODE(CAPI20_CTL_GET_MESSAGE, METHOD_BUFFERED) struct divas_capi_register_params { - word MessageBufferSize; - word maxLogicalConnection; - word maxBDataBlocks; - word maxBDataLen; + word MessageBufferSize; + word maxLogicalConnection; + word maxBDataBlocks; + word maxBDataLen; }; struct divas_capi_version { - word CapiMajor; - word CapiMinor; - word ManuMajor; - word ManuMinor; + word CapiMajor; + word CapiMinor; + word ManuMajor; + word ManuMinor; }; typedef struct api_profile_s { - word Number; - word Channels; - dword Global_Options; - dword B1_Protocols; - dword B2_Protocols; - dword B3_Protocols; + word Number; + word Channels; + dword Global_Options; + dword B1_Protocols; + dword B2_Protocols; + dword B3_Protocols; } API_PROFILE; - /* ISDN Common API message types */ +/* ISDN Common API message types */ #define _ALERT_R 0x8001 #define _CONNECT_R 0x8002 #define _CONNECT_I 0x8202 @@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ typedef struct api_profile_s { #define _CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_I 0x8288 #define _MANUFACTURER_R 0x80ff #define _MANUFACTURER_I 0x82ff - /* OR this to convert a REQUEST to a CONFIRM */ +/* OR this to convert a REQUEST to a CONFIRM */ #define CONFIRM 0x0100 - /* OR this to convert a INDICATION to a RESPONSE */ +/* OR this to convert a INDICATION to a RESPONSE */ #define RESPONSE 0x0100 /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* diehl isdn private MANUFACTURER codes */ @@ -115,248 +115,248 @@ typedef struct api_profile_s { /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* parameter structures */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - /* ALERT-REQUEST */ +/* ALERT-REQUEST */ typedef struct { - byte structs[1]; /* Additional Info */ + byte structs[0]; /* Additional Info */ } _ALT_REQP; - /* ALERT-CONFIRM */ +/* ALERT-CONFIRM */ typedef struct { - word Info; + word Info; } _ALT_CONP; - /* CONNECT-REQUEST */ -typedef struct { - word CIP_Value; - byte structs[1]; /* Called party number, - Called party subaddress, - Calling party number, - Calling party subaddress, - B_protocol, - BC, - LLC, - HLC, - Additional Info */ +/* CONNECT-REQUEST */ +typedef struct { + word CIP_Value; + byte structs[0]; /* Called party number, + Called party subaddress, + Calling party number, + Calling party subaddress, + B_protocol, + BC, + LLC, + HLC, + Additional Info */ } _CON_REQP; - /* CONNECT-CONFIRM */ +/* CONNECT-CONFIRM */ typedef struct { - word Info; + word Info; } _CON_CONP; - /* CONNECT-INDICATION */ -typedef struct { - word CIP_Value; - byte structs[1]; /* Called party number, - Called party subaddress, - Calling party number, - Calling party subaddress, - BC, - LLC, - HLC, - Additional Info */ +/* CONNECT-INDICATION */ +typedef struct { + word CIP_Value; + byte structs[0]; /* Called party number, + Called party subaddress, + Calling party number, + Calling party subaddress, + BC, + LLC, + HLC, + Additional Info */ } _CON_INDP; - /* CONNECT-RESPONSE */ +/* CONNECT-RESPONSE */ typedef struct { - word Accept; - byte structs[1]; /* B_protocol, - Connected party number, - Connected party subaddress, - LLC */ + word Accept; + byte structs[0]; /* B_protocol, + Connected party number, + Connected party subaddress, + LLC */ } _CON_RESP; - /* CONNECT-ACTIVE-INDICATION */ +/* CONNECT-ACTIVE-INDICATION */ typedef struct { - byte structs[1]; /* Connected party number, - Connected party subaddress, - LLC */ + byte structs[0]; /* Connected party number, + Connected party subaddress, + LLC */ } _CON_A_INDP; - /* CONNECT-ACTIVE-RESPONSE */ +/* CONNECT-ACTIVE-RESPONSE */ typedef struct { - byte structs[1]; /* empty */ + byte structs[0]; /* empty */ } _CON_A_RESP; - /* DISCONNECT-REQUEST */ +/* DISCONNECT-REQUEST */ typedef struct { - byte structs[1]; /* Additional Info */ + byte structs[0]; /* Additional Info */ } _DIS_REQP; - /* DISCONNECT-CONFIRM */ +/* DISCONNECT-CONFIRM */ typedef struct { - word Info; + word Info; } _DIS_CONP; - /* DISCONNECT-INDICATION */ +/* DISCONNECT-INDICATION */ typedef struct { - word Info; + word Info; } _DIS_INDP; - /* DISCONNECT-RESPONSE */ +/* DISCONNECT-RESPONSE */ typedef struct { - byte structs[1]; /* empty */ + byte structs[0]; /* empty */ } _DIS_RESP; - /* LISTEN-REQUEST */ +/* LISTEN-REQUEST */ typedef struct { - dword Info_Mask; - dword CIP_Mask; - byte structs[1]; /* Calling party number, - Calling party subaddress */ + dword Info_Mask; + dword CIP_Mask; + byte structs[0]; /* Calling party number, + Calling party subaddress */ } _LIS_REQP; - /* LISTEN-CONFIRM */ +/* LISTEN-CONFIRM */ typedef struct { - word Info; + word Info; } _LIS_CONP; - /* INFO-REQUEST */ +/* INFO-REQUEST */ typedef struct { - byte structs[1]; /* Called party number, - Additional Info */ + byte structs[0]; /* Called party number, + Additional Info */ } _INF_REQP; - /* INFO-CONFIRM */ +/* INFO-CONFIRM */ typedef struct { - word Info; + word Info; } _INF_CONP; - /* INFO-INDICATION */ +/* INFO-INDICATION */ typedef struct { - word Number; - byte structs[1]; /* Info element */ + word Number; + byte structs[0]; /* Info element */ } _INF_INDP; - /* INFO-RESPONSE */ +/* INFO-RESPONSE */ typedef struct { - byte structs[1]; /* empty */ + byte structs[0]; /* empty */ } _INF_RESP; - /* SELECT-B-REQUEST */ +/* SELECT-B-REQUEST */ typedef struct { - byte structs[1]; /* B-protocol */ + byte structs[0]; /* B-protocol */ } _SEL_B_REQP; - /* SELECT-B-CONFIRM */ +/* SELECT-B-CONFIRM */ typedef struct { - word Info; + word Info; } _SEL_B_CONP; - /* FACILITY-REQUEST */ +/* FACILITY-REQUEST */ typedef struct { - word Selector; - byte structs[1]; /* Facility parameters */ + word Selector; + byte structs[0]; /* Facility parameters */ } _FAC_REQP; - /* FACILITY-CONFIRM STRUCT FOR SUPPLEMENT. SERVICES */ +/* FACILITY-CONFIRM STRUCT FOR SUPPLEMENT. SERVICES */ typedef struct { - byte struct_length; - word function; - byte length; - word SupplementaryServiceInfo; - dword SupportedServices; + byte struct_length; + word function; + byte length; + word SupplementaryServiceInfo; + dword SupportedServices; } _FAC_CON_STRUCTS; - /* FACILITY-CONFIRM */ +/* FACILITY-CONFIRM */ typedef struct { - word Info; - word Selector; - byte structs[1]; /* Facility parameters */ + word Info; + word Selector; + byte structs[0]; /* Facility parameters */ } _FAC_CONP; - /* FACILITY-INDICATION */ +/* FACILITY-INDICATION */ typedef struct { - word Selector; - byte structs[1]; /* Facility parameters */ + word Selector; + byte structs[0]; /* Facility parameters */ } _FAC_INDP; - /* FACILITY-RESPONSE */ +/* FACILITY-RESPONSE */ typedef struct { - word Selector; - byte structs[1]; /* Facility parameters */ + word Selector; + byte structs[0]; /* Facility parameters */ } _FAC_RESP; - /* CONNECT-B3-REQUEST */ +/* CONNECT-B3-REQUEST */ typedef struct { - byte structs[1]; /* NCPI */ + byte structs[0]; /* NCPI */ } _CON_B3_REQP; - /* CONNECT-B3-CONFIRM */ +/* CONNECT-B3-CONFIRM */ typedef struct { - word Info; + word Info; } _CON_B3_CONP; - /* CONNECT-B3-INDICATION */ +/* CONNECT-B3-INDICATION */ typedef struct { - byte structs[1]; /* NCPI */ + byte structs[0]; /* NCPI */ } _CON_B3_INDP; - /* CONNECT-B3-RESPONSE */ +/* CONNECT-B3-RESPONSE */ typedef struct { - word Accept; - byte structs[1]; /* NCPI */ + word Accept; + byte structs[0]; /* NCPI */ } _CON_B3_RESP; - /* CONNECT-B3-ACTIVE-INDICATION */ +/* CONNECT-B3-ACTIVE-INDICATION */ typedef struct { - byte structs[1]; /* NCPI */ + byte structs[0]; /* NCPI */ } _CON_B3_A_INDP; - /* CONNECT-B3-ACTIVE-RESPONSE */ +/* CONNECT-B3-ACTIVE-RESPONSE */ typedef struct { - byte structs[1]; /* empty */ + byte structs[0]; /* empty */ } _CON_B3_A_RESP; - /* DISCONNECT-B3-REQUEST */ +/* DISCONNECT-B3-REQUEST */ typedef struct { - byte structs[1]; /* NCPI */ + byte structs[0]; /* NCPI */ } _DIS_B3_REQP; - /* DISCONNECT-B3-CONFIRM */ +/* DISCONNECT-B3-CONFIRM */ typedef struct { - word Info; + word Info; } _DIS_B3_CONP; - /* DISCONNECT-B3-INDICATION */ +/* DISCONNECT-B3-INDICATION */ typedef struct { - word Info; - byte structs[1]; /* NCPI */ + word Info; + byte structs[0]; /* NCPI */ } _DIS_B3_INDP; - /* DISCONNECT-B3-RESPONSE */ +/* DISCONNECT-B3-RESPONSE */ typedef struct { - byte structs[1]; /* empty */ + byte structs[0]; /* empty */ } _DIS_B3_RESP; - /* DATA-B3-REQUEST */ +/* DATA-B3-REQUEST */ typedef struct { - dword Data; - word Data_Length; - word Number; - word Flags; + dword Data; + word Data_Length; + word Number; + word Flags; } _DAT_B3_REQP; - /* DATA-B3-REQUEST 64 BIT Systems */ +/* DATA-B3-REQUEST 64 BIT Systems */ typedef struct { - dword Data; - word Data_Length; - word Number; - word Flags; - void *pData; + dword Data; + word Data_Length; + word Number; + word Flags; + void *pData; } _DAT_B3_REQ64P; - /* DATA-B3-CONFIRM */ +/* DATA-B3-CONFIRM */ typedef struct { - word Number; - word Info; + word Number; + word Info; } _DAT_B3_CONP; - /* DATA-B3-INDICATION */ +/* DATA-B3-INDICATION */ typedef struct { - dword Data; - word Data_Length; - word Number; - word Flags; + dword Data; + word Data_Length; + word Number; + word Flags; } _DAT_B3_INDP; - /* DATA-B3-INDICATION 64 BIT Systems */ +/* DATA-B3-INDICATION 64 BIT Systems */ typedef struct { - dword Data; - word Data_Length; - word Number; - word Flags; - void *pData; + dword Data; + word Data_Length; + word Number; + word Flags; + void *pData; } _DAT_B3_IND64P; - /* DATA-B3-RESPONSE */ +/* DATA-B3-RESPONSE */ typedef struct { - word Number; + word Number; } _DAT_B3_RESP; - /* RESET-B3-REQUEST */ +/* RESET-B3-REQUEST */ typedef struct { - byte structs[1]; /* NCPI */ + byte structs[0]; /* NCPI */ } _RES_B3_REQP; - /* RESET-B3-CONFIRM */ +/* RESET-B3-CONFIRM */ typedef struct { - word Info; + word Info; } _RES_B3_CONP; - /* RESET-B3-INDICATION */ +/* RESET-B3-INDICATION */ typedef struct { - byte structs[1]; /* NCPI */ + byte structs[0]; /* NCPI */ } _RES_B3_INDP; - /* RESET-B3-RESPONSE */ +/* RESET-B3-RESPONSE */ typedef struct { - byte structs[1]; /* empty */ + byte structs[0]; /* empty */ } _RES_B3_RESP; - /* CONNECT-B3-T90-ACTIVE-INDICATION */ +/* CONNECT-B3-T90-ACTIVE-INDICATION */ typedef struct { - byte structs[1]; /* NCPI */ + byte structs[0]; /* NCPI */ } _CON_B3_T90_A_INDP; - /* CONNECT-B3-T90-ACTIVE-RESPONSE */ +/* CONNECT-B3-T90-ACTIVE-RESPONSE */ typedef struct { - word Reject; - byte structs[1]; /* NCPI */ + word Reject; + byte structs[0]; /* NCPI */ } _CON_B3_T90_A_RESP; /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* message structure */ @@ -364,64 +364,64 @@ typedef struct { typedef struct _API_MSG CAPI_MSG; typedef struct _MSG_HEADER CAPI_MSG_HEADER; struct _API_MSG { - struct _MSG_HEADER { - word length; - word appl_id; - word command; - word number; - byte controller; - byte plci; - word ncci; - } header; - union { - _ALT_REQP alert_req; - _ALT_CONP alert_con; - _CON_REQP connect_req; - _CON_CONP connect_con; - _CON_INDP connect_ind; - _CON_RESP connect_res; - _CON_A_INDP connect_a_ind; - _CON_A_RESP connect_a_res; - _DIS_REQP disconnect_req; - _DIS_CONP disconnect_con; - _DIS_INDP disconnect_ind; - _DIS_RESP disconnect_res; - _LIS_REQP listen_req; - _LIS_CONP listen_con; - _INF_REQP info_req; - _INF_CONP info_con; - _INF_INDP info_ind; - _INF_RESP info_res; - _SEL_B_REQP select_b_req; - _SEL_B_CONP select_b_con; - _FAC_REQP facility_req; - _FAC_CONP facility_con; - _FAC_INDP facility_ind; - _FAC_RESP facility_res; - _CON_B3_REQP connect_b3_req; - _CON_B3_CONP connect_b3_con; - _CON_B3_INDP connect_b3_ind; - _CON_B3_RESP connect_b3_res; - _CON_B3_A_INDP connect_b3_a_ind; - _CON_B3_A_RESP connect_b3_a_res; - _DIS_B3_REQP disconnect_b3_req; - _DIS_B3_CONP disconnect_b3_con; - _DIS_B3_INDP disconnect_b3_ind; - _DIS_B3_RESP disconnect_b3_res; - _DAT_B3_REQP data_b3_req; - _DAT_B3_REQ64P data_b3_req64; - _DAT_B3_CONP data_b3_con; - _DAT_B3_INDP data_b3_ind; - _DAT_B3_IND64P data_b3_ind64; - _DAT_B3_RESP data_b3_res; - _RES_B3_REQP reset_b3_req; - _RES_B3_CONP reset_b3_con; - _RES_B3_INDP reset_b3_ind; - _RES_B3_RESP reset_b3_res; - _CON_B3_T90_A_INDP connect_b3_t90_a_ind; - _CON_B3_T90_A_RESP connect_b3_t90_a_res; - byte b[200]; - } info; + struct _MSG_HEADER { + word length; + word appl_id; + word command; + word number; + byte controller; + byte plci; + word ncci; + } header; + union { + _ALT_REQP alert_req; + _ALT_CONP alert_con; + _CON_REQP connect_req; + _CON_CONP connect_con; + _CON_INDP connect_ind; + _CON_RESP connect_res; + _CON_A_INDP connect_a_ind; + _CON_A_RESP connect_a_res; + _DIS_REQP disconnect_req; + _DIS_CONP disconnect_con; + _DIS_INDP disconnect_ind; + _DIS_RESP disconnect_res; + _LIS_REQP listen_req; + _LIS_CONP listen_con; + _INF_REQP info_req; + _INF_CONP info_con; + _INF_INDP info_ind; + _INF_RESP info_res; + _SEL_B_REQP select_b_req; + _SEL_B_CONP select_b_con; + _FAC_REQP facility_req; + _FAC_CONP facility_con; + _FAC_INDP facility_ind; + _FAC_RESP facility_res; + _CON_B3_REQP connect_b3_req; + _CON_B3_CONP connect_b3_con; + _CON_B3_INDP connect_b3_ind; + _CON_B3_RESP connect_b3_res; + _CON_B3_A_INDP connect_b3_a_ind; + _CON_B3_A_RESP connect_b3_a_res; + _DIS_B3_REQP disconnect_b3_req; + _DIS_B3_CONP disconnect_b3_con; + _DIS_B3_INDP disconnect_b3_ind; + _DIS_B3_RESP disconnect_b3_res; + _DAT_B3_REQP data_b3_req; + _DAT_B3_REQ64P data_b3_req64; + _DAT_B3_CONP data_b3_con; + _DAT_B3_INDP data_b3_ind; + _DAT_B3_IND64P data_b3_ind64; + _DAT_B3_RESP data_b3_res; + _RES_B3_REQP reset_b3_req; + _RES_B3_CONP reset_b3_con; + _RES_B3_INDP reset_b3_ind; + _RES_B3_RESP reset_b3_res; + _CON_B3_T90_A_INDP connect_b3_t90_a_ind; + _CON_B3_T90_A_RESP connect_b3_t90_a_res; + byte b[200]; + } info; }; /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* non-fatal errors */ @@ -696,4 +696,4 @@ struct _API_MSG { /* function prototypes */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -#endif /* _INC_CAPI20 */ +#endif /* _INC_CAPI20 */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capidtmf.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capidtmf.c index f130724144f3e7bf7027734923e0c30c08bfeec7..e3f77841519994a1667cfdc633932248db03b9ab 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capidtmf.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capidtmf.c @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include "platform.h" - - + + @@ -51,74 +51,74 @@ static short capidtmf_expand_table_alaw[0x0100] = { - -5504, 5504, -344, 344, -22016, 22016, -1376, 1376, - -2752, 2752, -88, 88, -11008, 11008, -688, 688, - -7552, 7552, -472, 472, -30208, 30208, -1888, 1888, - -3776, 3776, -216, 216, -15104, 15104, -944, 944, - -4480, 4480, -280, 280, -17920, 17920, -1120, 1120, - -2240, 2240, -24, 24, -8960, 8960, -560, 560, - -6528, 6528, -408, 408, -26112, 26112, -1632, 1632, - -3264, 3264, -152, 152, -13056, 13056, -816, 816, - -6016, 6016, -376, 376, -24064, 24064, -1504, 1504, - -3008, 3008, -120, 120, -12032, 12032, -752, 752, - -8064, 8064, -504, 504, -32256, 32256, -2016, 2016, - -4032, 4032, -248, 248, -16128, 16128, -1008, 1008, - -4992, 4992, -312, 312, -19968, 19968, -1248, 1248, - -2496, 2496, -56, 56, -9984, 9984, -624, 624, - -7040, 7040, -440, 440, -28160, 28160, -1760, 1760, - -3520, 3520, -184, 184, -14080, 14080, -880, 880, - -5248, 5248, -328, 328, -20992, 20992, -1312, 1312, - -2624, 2624, -72, 72, -10496, 10496, -656, 656, - -7296, 7296, -456, 456, -29184, 29184, -1824, 1824, - -3648, 3648, -200, 200, -14592, 14592, -912, 912, - -4224, 4224, -264, 264, -16896, 16896, -1056, 1056, - -2112, 2112, -8, 8, -8448, 8448, -528, 528, - -6272, 6272, -392, 392, -25088, 25088, -1568, 1568, - -3136, 3136, -136, 136, -12544, 12544, -784, 784, - -5760, 5760, -360, 360, -23040, 23040, -1440, 1440, - -2880, 2880, -104, 104, -11520, 11520, -720, 720, - -7808, 7808, -488, 488, -31232, 31232, -1952, 1952, - -3904, 3904, -232, 232, -15616, 15616, -976, 976, - -4736, 4736, -296, 296, -18944, 18944, -1184, 1184, - -2368, 2368, -40, 40, -9472, 9472, -592, 592, - -6784, 6784, -424, 424, -27136, 27136, -1696, 1696, - -3392, 3392, -168, 168, -13568, 13568, -848, 848 + -5504, 5504, -344, 344, -22016, 22016, -1376, 1376, + -2752, 2752, -88, 88, -11008, 11008, -688, 688, + -7552, 7552, -472, 472, -30208, 30208, -1888, 1888, + -3776, 3776, -216, 216, -15104, 15104, -944, 944, + -4480, 4480, -280, 280, -17920, 17920, -1120, 1120, + -2240, 2240, -24, 24, -8960, 8960, -560, 560, + -6528, 6528, -408, 408, -26112, 26112, -1632, 1632, + -3264, 3264, -152, 152, -13056, 13056, -816, 816, + -6016, 6016, -376, 376, -24064, 24064, -1504, 1504, + -3008, 3008, -120, 120, -12032, 12032, -752, 752, + -8064, 8064, -504, 504, -32256, 32256, -2016, 2016, + -4032, 4032, -248, 248, -16128, 16128, -1008, 1008, + -4992, 4992, -312, 312, -19968, 19968, -1248, 1248, + -2496, 2496, -56, 56, -9984, 9984, -624, 624, + -7040, 7040, -440, 440, -28160, 28160, -1760, 1760, + -3520, 3520, -184, 184, -14080, 14080, -880, 880, + -5248, 5248, -328, 328, -20992, 20992, -1312, 1312, + -2624, 2624, -72, 72, -10496, 10496, -656, 656, + -7296, 7296, -456, 456, -29184, 29184, -1824, 1824, + -3648, 3648, -200, 200, -14592, 14592, -912, 912, + -4224, 4224, -264, 264, -16896, 16896, -1056, 1056, + -2112, 2112, -8, 8, -8448, 8448, -528, 528, + -6272, 6272, -392, 392, -25088, 25088, -1568, 1568, + -3136, 3136, -136, 136, -12544, 12544, -784, 784, + -5760, 5760, -360, 360, -23040, 23040, -1440, 1440, + -2880, 2880, -104, 104, -11520, 11520, -720, 720, + -7808, 7808, -488, 488, -31232, 31232, -1952, 1952, + -3904, 3904, -232, 232, -15616, 15616, -976, 976, + -4736, 4736, -296, 296, -18944, 18944, -1184, 1184, + -2368, 2368, -40, 40, -9472, 9472, -592, 592, + -6784, 6784, -424, 424, -27136, 27136, -1696, 1696, + -3392, 3392, -168, 168, -13568, 13568, -848, 848 }; static short capidtmf_expand_table_ulaw[0x0100] = { - -32124, 32124, -1884, 1884, -7932, 7932, -372, 372, - -15996, 15996, -876, 876, -3900, 3900, -120, 120, - -23932, 23932, -1372, 1372, -5884, 5884, -244, 244, - -11900, 11900, -620, 620, -2876, 2876, -56, 56, - -28028, 28028, -1628, 1628, -6908, 6908, -308, 308, - -13948, 13948, -748, 748, -3388, 3388, -88, 88, - -19836, 19836, -1116, 1116, -4860, 4860, -180, 180, - -9852, 9852, -492, 492, -2364, 2364, -24, 24, - -30076, 30076, -1756, 1756, -7420, 7420, -340, 340, - -14972, 14972, -812, 812, -3644, 3644, -104, 104, - -21884, 21884, -1244, 1244, -5372, 5372, -212, 212, - -10876, 10876, -556, 556, -2620, 2620, -40, 40, - -25980, 25980, -1500, 1500, -6396, 6396, -276, 276, - -12924, 12924, -684, 684, -3132, 3132, -72, 72, - -17788, 17788, -988, 988, -4348, 4348, -148, 148, - -8828, 8828, -428, 428, -2108, 2108, -8, 8, - -31100, 31100, -1820, 1820, -7676, 7676, -356, 356, - -15484, 15484, -844, 844, -3772, 3772, -112, 112, - -22908, 22908, -1308, 1308, -5628, 5628, -228, 228, - -11388, 11388, -588, 588, -2748, 2748, -48, 48, - -27004, 27004, -1564, 1564, -6652, 6652, -292, 292, - -13436, 13436, -716, 716, -3260, 3260, -80, 80, - -18812, 18812, -1052, 1052, -4604, 4604, -164, 164, - -9340, 9340, -460, 460, -2236, 2236, -16, 16, - -29052, 29052, -1692, 1692, -7164, 7164, -324, 324, - -14460, 14460, -780, 780, -3516, 3516, -96, 96, - -20860, 20860, -1180, 1180, -5116, 5116, -196, 196, - -10364, 10364, -524, 524, -2492, 2492, -32, 32, - -24956, 24956, -1436, 1436, -6140, 6140, -260, 260, - -12412, 12412, -652, 652, -3004, 3004, -64, 64, - -16764, 16764, -924, 924, -4092, 4092, -132, 132, - -8316, 8316, -396, 396, -1980, 1980, 0, 0 + -32124, 32124, -1884, 1884, -7932, 7932, -372, 372, + -15996, 15996, -876, 876, -3900, 3900, -120, 120, + -23932, 23932, -1372, 1372, -5884, 5884, -244, 244, + -11900, 11900, -620, 620, -2876, 2876, -56, 56, + -28028, 28028, -1628, 1628, -6908, 6908, -308, 308, + -13948, 13948, -748, 748, -3388, 3388, -88, 88, + -19836, 19836, -1116, 1116, -4860, 4860, -180, 180, + -9852, 9852, -492, 492, -2364, 2364, -24, 24, + -30076, 30076, -1756, 1756, -7420, 7420, -340, 340, + -14972, 14972, -812, 812, -3644, 3644, -104, 104, + -21884, 21884, -1244, 1244, -5372, 5372, -212, 212, + -10876, 10876, -556, 556, -2620, 2620, -40, 40, + -25980, 25980, -1500, 1500, -6396, 6396, -276, 276, + -12924, 12924, -684, 684, -3132, 3132, -72, 72, + -17788, 17788, -988, 988, -4348, 4348, -148, 148, + -8828, 8828, -428, 428, -2108, 2108, -8, 8, + -31100, 31100, -1820, 1820, -7676, 7676, -356, 356, + -15484, 15484, -844, 844, -3772, 3772, -112, 112, + -22908, 22908, -1308, 1308, -5628, 5628, -228, 228, + -11388, 11388, -588, 588, -2748, 2748, -48, 48, + -27004, 27004, -1564, 1564, -6652, 6652, -292, 292, + -13436, 13436, -716, 716, -3260, 3260, -80, 80, + -18812, 18812, -1052, 1052, -4604, 4604, -164, 164, + -9340, 9340, -460, 460, -2236, 2236, -16, 16, + -29052, 29052, -1692, 1692, -7164, 7164, -324, 324, + -14460, 14460, -780, 780, -3516, 3516, -96, 96, + -20860, 20860, -1180, 1180, -5116, 5116, -196, 196, + -10364, 10364, -524, 524, -2492, 2492, -32, 32, + -24956, 24956, -1436, 1436, -6140, 6140, -260, 260, + -12412, 12412, -652, 652, -3004, 3004, -64, 64, + -16764, 16764, -924, 924, -4092, 4092, -132, 132, + -8316, 8316, -396, 396, -1980, 1980, 0, 0 }; @@ -126,52 +126,52 @@ static short capidtmf_expand_table_ulaw[0x0100] = static short capidtmf_recv_window_function[CAPIDTMF_RECV_ACCUMULATE_CYCLES] = { - -500L, -999L, -1499L, -1998L, -2496L, -2994L, -3491L, -3988L, - -4483L, -4978L, -5471L, -5963L, -6454L, -6943L, -7431L, -7917L, - -8401L, -8883L, -9363L, -9840L, -10316L, -10789L, -11259L, -11727L, - -12193L, -12655L, -13115L, -13571L, -14024L, -14474L, -14921L, -15364L, - -15804L, -16240L, -16672L, -17100L, -17524L, -17944L, -18360L, -18772L, - -19180L, -19583L, -19981L, -20375L, -20764L, -21148L, -21527L, -21901L, - -22270L, -22634L, -22993L, -23346L, -23694L, -24037L, -24374L, -24705L, - -25030L, -25350L, -25664L, -25971L, -26273L, -26568L, -26858L, -27141L, - -27418L, -27688L, -27952L, -28210L, -28461L, -28705L, -28943L, -29174L, - -29398L, -29615L, -29826L, -30029L, -30226L, -30415L, -30598L, -30773L, - -30941L, -31102L, -31256L, -31402L, -31541L, -31673L, -31797L, -31914L, - -32024L, -32126L, -32221L, -32308L, -32388L, -32460L, -32524L, -32581L, - -32631L, -32673L, -32707L, -32734L, -32753L, -32764L, -32768L, -32764L, - -32753L, -32734L, -32707L, -32673L, -32631L, -32581L, -32524L, -32460L, - -32388L, -32308L, -32221L, -32126L, -32024L, -31914L, -31797L, -31673L, - -31541L, -31402L, -31256L, -31102L, -30941L, -30773L, -30598L, -30415L, - -30226L, -30029L, -29826L, -29615L, -29398L, -29174L, -28943L, -28705L, - -28461L, -28210L, -27952L, -27688L, -27418L, -27141L, -26858L, -26568L, - -26273L, -25971L, -25664L, -25350L, -25030L, -24705L, -24374L, -24037L, - -23694L, -23346L, -22993L, -22634L, -22270L, -21901L, -21527L, -21148L, - -20764L, -20375L, -19981L, -19583L, -19180L, -18772L, -18360L, -17944L, - -17524L, -17100L, -16672L, -16240L, -15804L, -15364L, -14921L, -14474L, - -14024L, -13571L, -13115L, -12655L, -12193L, -11727L, -11259L, -10789L, - -10316L, -9840L, -9363L, -8883L, -8401L, -7917L, -7431L, -6943L, - -6454L, -5963L, -5471L, -4978L, -4483L, -3988L, -3491L, -2994L, - -2496L, -1998L, -1499L, -999L, -500L, + -500L, -999L, -1499L, -1998L, -2496L, -2994L, -3491L, -3988L, + -4483L, -4978L, -5471L, -5963L, -6454L, -6943L, -7431L, -7917L, + -8401L, -8883L, -9363L, -9840L, -10316L, -10789L, -11259L, -11727L, + -12193L, -12655L, -13115L, -13571L, -14024L, -14474L, -14921L, -15364L, + -15804L, -16240L, -16672L, -17100L, -17524L, -17944L, -18360L, -18772L, + -19180L, -19583L, -19981L, -20375L, -20764L, -21148L, -21527L, -21901L, + -22270L, -22634L, -22993L, -23346L, -23694L, -24037L, -24374L, -24705L, + -25030L, -25350L, -25664L, -25971L, -26273L, -26568L, -26858L, -27141L, + -27418L, -27688L, -27952L, -28210L, -28461L, -28705L, -28943L, -29174L, + -29398L, -29615L, -29826L, -30029L, -30226L, -30415L, -30598L, -30773L, + -30941L, -31102L, -31256L, -31402L, -31541L, -31673L, -31797L, -31914L, + -32024L, -32126L, -32221L, -32308L, -32388L, -32460L, -32524L, -32581L, + -32631L, -32673L, -32707L, -32734L, -32753L, -32764L, -32768L, -32764L, + -32753L, -32734L, -32707L, -32673L, -32631L, -32581L, -32524L, -32460L, + -32388L, -32308L, -32221L, -32126L, -32024L, -31914L, -31797L, -31673L, + -31541L, -31402L, -31256L, -31102L, -30941L, -30773L, -30598L, -30415L, + -30226L, -30029L, -29826L, -29615L, -29398L, -29174L, -28943L, -28705L, + -28461L, -28210L, -27952L, -27688L, -27418L, -27141L, -26858L, -26568L, + -26273L, -25971L, -25664L, -25350L, -25030L, -24705L, -24374L, -24037L, + -23694L, -23346L, -22993L, -22634L, -22270L, -21901L, -21527L, -21148L, + -20764L, -20375L, -19981L, -19583L, -19180L, -18772L, -18360L, -17944L, + -17524L, -17100L, -16672L, -16240L, -15804L, -15364L, -14921L, -14474L, + -14024L, -13571L, -13115L, -12655L, -12193L, -11727L, -11259L, -10789L, + -10316L, -9840L, -9363L, -8883L, -8401L, -7917L, -7431L, -6943L, + -6454L, -5963L, -5471L, -4978L, -4483L, -3988L, -3491L, -2994L, + -2496L, -1998L, -1499L, -999L, -500L, }; static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table[0x100] = { - 8, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 + 8, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, + 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; #define capidtmf_byte_leading_zeroes(b) (capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table[(BYTE)(b)]) @@ -182,140 +182,140 @@ static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table[0x100] = /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -static void capidtmf_goertzel_loop (long *buffer, long *coeffs, short *sample, long count) +static void capidtmf_goertzel_loop(long *buffer, long *coeffs, short *sample, long count) { - int i, j; - long c, d, q0, q1, q2; - - for (i = 0; i < CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT - 1; i++) - { - q1 = buffer[i]; - q2 = buffer[i + CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT]; - d = coeffs[i] >> 1; - c = d << 1; - if (c >= 0) - { - for (j = 0; j < count; j++) - { - q0 = sample[j] - q2 + (c * (q1 >> 16)) + (((dword)(((dword) d) * ((dword)(q1 & 0xffff)))) >> 15); - q2 = q1; - q1 = q0; - } - } - else - { - c = -c; - d = -d; - for (j = 0; j < count; j++) - { - q0 = sample[j] - q2 - ((c * (q1 >> 16)) + (((dword)(((dword) d) * ((dword)(q1 & 0xffff)))) >> 15)); - q2 = q1; - q1 = q0; - } - } - buffer[i] = q1; - buffer[i + CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT] = q2; - } - q1 = buffer[i]; - q2 = buffer[i + CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT]; - c = (coeffs[i] >> 1) << 1; - if (c >= 0) - { - for (j = 0; j < count; j++) - { - q0 = sample[j] - q2 + (c * (q1 >> 16)) + (((dword)(((dword)(c >> 1)) * ((dword)(q1 & 0xffff)))) >> 15); - q2 = q1; - q1 = q0; - c -= CAPIDTMF_RECV_FUNDAMENTAL_DECREMENT; - } - } - else - { - c = -c; - for (j = 0; j < count; j++) - { - q0 = sample[j] - q2 - ((c * (q1 >> 16)) + (((dword)(((dword)(c >> 1)) * ((dword)(q1 & 0xffff)))) >> 15)); - q2 = q1; - q1 = q0; - c += CAPIDTMF_RECV_FUNDAMENTAL_DECREMENT; - } - } - coeffs[i] = c; - buffer[i] = q1; - buffer[i + CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT] = q2; + int i, j; + long c, d, q0, q1, q2; + + for (i = 0; i < CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT - 1; i++) + { + q1 = buffer[i]; + q2 = buffer[i + CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT]; + d = coeffs[i] >> 1; + c = d << 1; + if (c >= 0) + { + for (j = 0; j < count; j++) + { + q0 = sample[j] - q2 + (c * (q1 >> 16)) + (((dword)(((dword) d) * ((dword)(q1 & 0xffff)))) >> 15); + q2 = q1; + q1 = q0; + } + } + else + { + c = -c; + d = -d; + for (j = 0; j < count; j++) + { + q0 = sample[j] - q2 - ((c * (q1 >> 16)) + (((dword)(((dword) d) * ((dword)(q1 & 0xffff)))) >> 15)); + q2 = q1; + q1 = q0; + } + } + buffer[i] = q1; + buffer[i + CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT] = q2; + } + q1 = buffer[i]; + q2 = buffer[i + CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT]; + c = (coeffs[i] >> 1) << 1; + if (c >= 0) + { + for (j = 0; j < count; j++) + { + q0 = sample[j] - q2 + (c * (q1 >> 16)) + (((dword)(((dword)(c >> 1)) * ((dword)(q1 & 0xffff)))) >> 15); + q2 = q1; + q1 = q0; + c -= CAPIDTMF_RECV_FUNDAMENTAL_DECREMENT; + } + } + else + { + c = -c; + for (j = 0; j < count; j++) + { + q0 = sample[j] - q2 - ((c * (q1 >> 16)) + (((dword)(((dword)(c >> 1)) * ((dword)(q1 & 0xffff)))) >> 15)); + q2 = q1; + q1 = q0; + c += CAPIDTMF_RECV_FUNDAMENTAL_DECREMENT; + } + } + coeffs[i] = c; + buffer[i] = q1; + buffer[i + CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT] = q2; } -static void capidtmf_goertzel_result (long *buffer, long *coeffs) +static void capidtmf_goertzel_result(long *buffer, long *coeffs) { - int i; - long d, e, q1, q2, lo, mid, hi; - dword k; - - for (i = 0; i < CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT; i++) - { - q1 = buffer[i]; - q2 = buffer[i + CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT]; - d = coeffs[i] >> 1; - if (d >= 0) - d = ((d << 1) * (-q1 >> 16)) + (((dword)(((dword) d) * ((dword)(-q1 & 0xffff)))) >> 15); - else - d = ((-d << 1) * (-q1 >> 16)) + (((dword)(((dword) -d) * ((dword)(-q1 & 0xffff)))) >> 15); - e = (q2 >= 0) ? q2 : -q2; - if (d >= 0) - { - k = ((dword)(d & 0xffff)) * ((dword)(e & 0xffff)); - lo = k & 0xffff; - mid = k >> 16; - k = ((dword)(d >> 16)) * ((dword)(e & 0xffff)); - mid += k & 0xffff; - hi = k >> 16; - k = ((dword)(d & 0xffff)) * ((dword)(e >> 16)); - mid += k & 0xffff; - hi += k >> 16; - hi += ((dword)(d >> 16)) * ((dword)(e >> 16)); - } - else - { - d = -d; - k = ((dword)(d & 0xffff)) * ((dword)(e & 0xffff)); - lo = -((long)(k & 0xffff)); - mid = -((long)(k >> 16)); - k = ((dword)(d >> 16)) * ((dword)(e & 0xffff)); - mid -= k & 0xffff; - hi = -((long)(k >> 16)); - k = ((dword)(d & 0xffff)) * ((dword)(e >> 16)); - mid -= k & 0xffff; - hi -= k >> 16; - hi -= ((dword)(d >> 16)) * ((dword)(e >> 16)); - } - if (q2 < 0) - { - lo = -lo; - mid = -mid; - hi = -hi; - } - d = (q1 >= 0) ? q1 : -q1; - k = ((dword)(d & 0xffff)) * ((dword)(d & 0xffff)); - lo += k & 0xffff; - mid += k >> 16; - k = ((dword)(d >> 16)) * ((dword)(d & 0xffff)); - mid += (k & 0xffff) << 1; - hi += (k >> 16) << 1; - hi += ((dword)(d >> 16)) * ((dword)(d >> 16)); - d = (q2 >= 0) ? q2 : -q2; - k = ((dword)(d & 0xffff)) * ((dword)(d & 0xffff)); - lo += k & 0xffff; - mid += k >> 16; - k = ((dword)(d >> 16)) * ((dword)(d & 0xffff)); - mid += (k & 0xffff) << 1; - hi += (k >> 16) << 1; - hi += ((dword)(d >> 16)) * ((dword)(d >> 16)); - mid += lo >> 16; - hi += mid >> 16; - buffer[i] = (lo & 0xffff) | (mid << 16); - buffer[i + CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT] = hi; - } + int i; + long d, e, q1, q2, lo, mid, hi; + dword k; + + for (i = 0; i < CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT; i++) + { + q1 = buffer[i]; + q2 = buffer[i + CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT]; + d = coeffs[i] >> 1; + if (d >= 0) + d = ((d << 1) * (-q1 >> 16)) + (((dword)(((dword) d) * ((dword)(-q1 & 0xffff)))) >> 15); + else + d = ((-d << 1) * (-q1 >> 16)) + (((dword)(((dword) -d) * ((dword)(-q1 & 0xffff)))) >> 15); + e = (q2 >= 0) ? q2 : -q2; + if (d >= 0) + { + k = ((dword)(d & 0xffff)) * ((dword)(e & 0xffff)); + lo = k & 0xffff; + mid = k >> 16; + k = ((dword)(d >> 16)) * ((dword)(e & 0xffff)); + mid += k & 0xffff; + hi = k >> 16; + k = ((dword)(d & 0xffff)) * ((dword)(e >> 16)); + mid += k & 0xffff; + hi += k >> 16; + hi += ((dword)(d >> 16)) * ((dword)(e >> 16)); + } + else + { + d = -d; + k = ((dword)(d & 0xffff)) * ((dword)(e & 0xffff)); + lo = -((long)(k & 0xffff)); + mid = -((long)(k >> 16)); + k = ((dword)(d >> 16)) * ((dword)(e & 0xffff)); + mid -= k & 0xffff; + hi = -((long)(k >> 16)); + k = ((dword)(d & 0xffff)) * ((dword)(e >> 16)); + mid -= k & 0xffff; + hi -= k >> 16; + hi -= ((dword)(d >> 16)) * ((dword)(e >> 16)); + } + if (q2 < 0) + { + lo = -lo; + mid = -mid; + hi = -hi; + } + d = (q1 >= 0) ? q1 : -q1; + k = ((dword)(d & 0xffff)) * ((dword)(d & 0xffff)); + lo += k & 0xffff; + mid += k >> 16; + k = ((dword)(d >> 16)) * ((dword)(d & 0xffff)); + mid += (k & 0xffff) << 1; + hi += (k >> 16) << 1; + hi += ((dword)(d >> 16)) * ((dword)(d >> 16)); + d = (q2 >= 0) ? q2 : -q2; + k = ((dword)(d & 0xffff)) * ((dword)(d & 0xffff)); + lo += k & 0xffff; + mid += k >> 16; + k = ((dword)(d >> 16)) * ((dword)(d & 0xffff)); + mid += (k & 0xffff) << 1; + hi += (k >> 16) << 1; + hi += ((dword)(d >> 16)) * ((dword)(d >> 16)); + mid += lo >> 16; + hi += mid >> 16; + buffer[i] = (lo & 0xffff) | (mid << 16); + buffer[i + CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT] = hi; + } } @@ -346,339 +346,339 @@ static void capidtmf_goertzel_result (long *buffer, long *coeffs) static long capidtmf_recv_goertzel_coef_table[CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT] = { - 0xda97L * 2, /* 697 Hz (Low group 697 Hz) */ - 0xd299L * 2, /* 770 Hz (Low group 770 Hz) */ - 0xc8cbL * 2, /* 852 Hz (Low group 852 Hz) */ - 0xbd36L * 2, /* 941 Hz (Low group 941 Hz) */ - 0x9501L * 2, /* 1209 Hz (High group 1209 Hz) */ - 0x7f89L * 2, /* 1336 Hz (High group 1336 Hz) */ - 0x6639L * 2, /* 1477 Hz (High group 1477 Hz) */ - 0x48c6L * 2, /* 1633 Hz (High group 1633 Hz) */ - 0xe14cL * 2, /* 630 Hz (Lower guard of low group 631 Hz) */ - 0xb2e0L * 2, /* 1015 Hz (Upper guard of low group 1039 Hz) */ - 0xa1a0L * 2, /* 1130 Hz (Lower guard of high group 1140 Hz) */ - 0x8a87L * 2, /* 1272 Hz (Guard between 1209 Hz and 1336 Hz: 1271 Hz) */ - 0x7353L * 2, /* 1405 Hz (2nd harmonics of 697 Hz and guard between 1336 Hz and 1477 Hz: 1405 Hz) */ - 0x583bL * 2, /* 1552 Hz (2nd harmonics of 770 Hz and guard between 1477 Hz and 1633 Hz: 1553 Hz) */ - 0x37d8L * 2, /* 1720 Hz (2nd harmonics of 852 Hz and upper guard of high group: 1715 Hz) */ - 0x0000L * 2 /* 100-630 Hz (fundamentals) */ + 0xda97L * 2, /* 697 Hz (Low group 697 Hz) */ + 0xd299L * 2, /* 770 Hz (Low group 770 Hz) */ + 0xc8cbL * 2, /* 852 Hz (Low group 852 Hz) */ + 0xbd36L * 2, /* 941 Hz (Low group 941 Hz) */ + 0x9501L * 2, /* 1209 Hz (High group 1209 Hz) */ + 0x7f89L * 2, /* 1336 Hz (High group 1336 Hz) */ + 0x6639L * 2, /* 1477 Hz (High group 1477 Hz) */ + 0x48c6L * 2, /* 1633 Hz (High group 1633 Hz) */ + 0xe14cL * 2, /* 630 Hz (Lower guard of low group 631 Hz) */ + 0xb2e0L * 2, /* 1015 Hz (Upper guard of low group 1039 Hz) */ + 0xa1a0L * 2, /* 1130 Hz (Lower guard of high group 1140 Hz) */ + 0x8a87L * 2, /* 1272 Hz (Guard between 1209 Hz and 1336 Hz: 1271 Hz) */ + 0x7353L * 2, /* 1405 Hz (2nd harmonics of 697 Hz and guard between 1336 Hz and 1477 Hz: 1405 Hz) */ + 0x583bL * 2, /* 1552 Hz (2nd harmonics of 770 Hz and guard between 1477 Hz and 1633 Hz: 1553 Hz) */ + 0x37d8L * 2, /* 1720 Hz (2nd harmonics of 852 Hz and upper guard of high group: 1715 Hz) */ + 0x0000L * 2 /* 100-630 Hz (fundamentals) */ }; static word capidtmf_recv_guard_snr_low_table[CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT] = { - 14, /* Low group peak versus 697 Hz */ - 14, /* Low group peak versus 770 Hz */ - 16, /* Low group peak versus 852 Hz */ - 16, /* Low group peak versus 941 Hz */ - CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* Low group peak versus 1209 Hz */ - CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* Low group peak versus 1336 Hz */ - CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* Low group peak versus 1477 Hz */ - CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* Low group peak versus 1633 Hz */ - 14, /* Low group peak versus 635 Hz */ - 16, /* Low group peak versus 1010 Hz */ - CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* Low group peak versus 1140 Hz */ - CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* Low group peak versus 1272 Hz */ - DSPDTMF_RX_HARMONICS_SEL_DEFAULT - 8, /* Low group peak versus 1405 Hz */ - DSPDTMF_RX_HARMONICS_SEL_DEFAULT - 4, /* Low group peak versus 1555 Hz */ - DSPDTMF_RX_HARMONICS_SEL_DEFAULT - 4, /* Low group peak versus 1715 Hz */ - 12 /* Low group peak versus 100-630 Hz */ + 14, /* Low group peak versus 697 Hz */ + 14, /* Low group peak versus 770 Hz */ + 16, /* Low group peak versus 852 Hz */ + 16, /* Low group peak versus 941 Hz */ + CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* Low group peak versus 1209 Hz */ + CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* Low group peak versus 1336 Hz */ + CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* Low group peak versus 1477 Hz */ + CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* Low group peak versus 1633 Hz */ + 14, /* Low group peak versus 635 Hz */ + 16, /* Low group peak versus 1010 Hz */ + CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* Low group peak versus 1140 Hz */ + CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* Low group peak versus 1272 Hz */ + DSPDTMF_RX_HARMONICS_SEL_DEFAULT - 8, /* Low group peak versus 1405 Hz */ + DSPDTMF_RX_HARMONICS_SEL_DEFAULT - 4, /* Low group peak versus 1555 Hz */ + DSPDTMF_RX_HARMONICS_SEL_DEFAULT - 4, /* Low group peak versus 1715 Hz */ + 12 /* Low group peak versus 100-630 Hz */ }; static word capidtmf_recv_guard_snr_high_table[CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT] = { - CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* High group peak versus 697 Hz */ - CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* High group peak versus 770 Hz */ - CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* High group peak versus 852 Hz */ - CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* High group peak versus 941 Hz */ - 20, /* High group peak versus 1209 Hz */ - 20, /* High group peak versus 1336 Hz */ - 20, /* High group peak versus 1477 Hz */ - 20, /* High group peak versus 1633 Hz */ - CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* High group peak versus 635 Hz */ - CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* High group peak versus 1010 Hz */ - 16, /* High group peak versus 1140 Hz */ - 4, /* High group peak versus 1272 Hz */ - 6, /* High group peak versus 1405 Hz */ - 8, /* High group peak versus 1555 Hz */ - 16, /* High group peak versus 1715 Hz */ - 12 /* High group peak versus 100-630 Hz */ + CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* High group peak versus 697 Hz */ + CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* High group peak versus 770 Hz */ + CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* High group peak versus 852 Hz */ + CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* High group peak versus 941 Hz */ + 20, /* High group peak versus 1209 Hz */ + 20, /* High group peak versus 1336 Hz */ + 20, /* High group peak versus 1477 Hz */ + 20, /* High group peak versus 1633 Hz */ + CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* High group peak versus 635 Hz */ + CAPIDTMF_RECV_GUARD_SNR_DONTCARE, /* High group peak versus 1010 Hz */ + 16, /* High group peak versus 1140 Hz */ + 4, /* High group peak versus 1272 Hz */ + 6, /* High group peak versus 1405 Hz */ + 8, /* High group peak versus 1555 Hz */ + 16, /* High group peak versus 1715 Hz */ + 12 /* High group peak versus 100-630 Hz */ }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -static void capidtmf_recv_init (t_capidtmf_state *p_state) +static void capidtmf_recv_init(t_capidtmf_state *p_state) { - p_state->recv.min_gap_duration = 1; - p_state->recv.min_digit_duration = 1; - - p_state->recv.cycle_counter = 0; - p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time = 0; - p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time = 0; - p_state->recv.current_digit_value = CAPIDTMF_RECV_NO_DIGIT; - - p_state->recv.digit_write_pos = 0; - p_state->recv.digit_read_pos = 0; - p_state->recv.indication_state = 0; - p_state->recv.indication_state_ack = 0; - p_state->recv.state = CAPIDTMF_RECV_STATE_IDLE; + p_state->recv.min_gap_duration = 1; + p_state->recv.min_digit_duration = 1; + + p_state->recv.cycle_counter = 0; + p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time = 0; + p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time = 0; + p_state->recv.current_digit_value = CAPIDTMF_RECV_NO_DIGIT; + + p_state->recv.digit_write_pos = 0; + p_state->recv.digit_read_pos = 0; + p_state->recv.indication_state = 0; + p_state->recv.indication_state_ack = 0; + p_state->recv.state = CAPIDTMF_RECV_STATE_IDLE; } -void capidtmf_recv_enable (t_capidtmf_state *p_state, word min_digit_duration, word min_gap_duration) +void capidtmf_recv_enable(t_capidtmf_state *p_state, word min_digit_duration, word min_gap_duration) { - p_state->recv.indication_state_ack &= CAPIDTMF_RECV_INDICATION_DIGIT; - p_state->recv.min_digit_duration = (word)(((((dword) min_digit_duration) * 8) + - ((dword)(CAPIDTMF_RECV_TIME_GRANULARITY / 2))) / ((dword) CAPIDTMF_RECV_TIME_GRANULARITY)); - if (p_state->recv.min_digit_duration <= 1) - p_state->recv.min_digit_duration = 1; - else - (p_state->recv.min_digit_duration)--; - p_state->recv.min_gap_duration = - (word)((((dword) min_gap_duration) * 8) / ((dword) CAPIDTMF_RECV_TIME_GRANULARITY)); - if (p_state->recv.min_gap_duration <= 1) - p_state->recv.min_gap_duration = 1; - else - (p_state->recv.min_gap_duration)--; - p_state->recv.state |= CAPIDTMF_RECV_STATE_DTMF_ACTIVE; + p_state->recv.indication_state_ack &= CAPIDTMF_RECV_INDICATION_DIGIT; + p_state->recv.min_digit_duration = (word)(((((dword) min_digit_duration) * 8) + + ((dword)(CAPIDTMF_RECV_TIME_GRANULARITY / 2))) / ((dword) CAPIDTMF_RECV_TIME_GRANULARITY)); + if (p_state->recv.min_digit_duration <= 1) + p_state->recv.min_digit_duration = 1; + else + (p_state->recv.min_digit_duration)--; + p_state->recv.min_gap_duration = + (word)((((dword) min_gap_duration) * 8) / ((dword) CAPIDTMF_RECV_TIME_GRANULARITY)); + if (p_state->recv.min_gap_duration <= 1) + p_state->recv.min_gap_duration = 1; + else + (p_state->recv.min_gap_duration)--; + p_state->recv.state |= CAPIDTMF_RECV_STATE_DTMF_ACTIVE; } -void capidtmf_recv_disable (t_capidtmf_state *p_state) +void capidtmf_recv_disable(t_capidtmf_state *p_state) { - p_state->recv.state &= ~CAPIDTMF_RECV_STATE_DTMF_ACTIVE; - if (p_state->recv.state == CAPIDTMF_RECV_STATE_IDLE) - capidtmf_recv_init (p_state); - else - { - p_state->recv.cycle_counter = 0; - p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time = 0; - p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time = 0; - p_state->recv.current_digit_value = CAPIDTMF_RECV_NO_DIGIT; - } + p_state->recv.state &= ~CAPIDTMF_RECV_STATE_DTMF_ACTIVE; + if (p_state->recv.state == CAPIDTMF_RECV_STATE_IDLE) + capidtmf_recv_init(p_state); + else + { + p_state->recv.cycle_counter = 0; + p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time = 0; + p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time = 0; + p_state->recv.current_digit_value = CAPIDTMF_RECV_NO_DIGIT; + } } -word capidtmf_recv_indication (t_capidtmf_state *p_state, byte *buffer) +word capidtmf_recv_indication(t_capidtmf_state *p_state, byte *buffer) { - word i, j, k, flags; - - flags = p_state->recv.indication_state ^ p_state->recv.indication_state_ack; - p_state->recv.indication_state_ack ^= flags & CAPIDTMF_RECV_INDICATION_DIGIT; - if (p_state->recv.digit_write_pos != p_state->recv.digit_read_pos) - { - i = 0; - k = p_state->recv.digit_write_pos; - j = p_state->recv.digit_read_pos; - do - { - buffer[i++] = p_state->recv.digit_buffer[j]; - j = (j == CAPIDTMF_RECV_DIGIT_BUFFER_SIZE - 1) ? 0 : j + 1; - } while (j != k); - p_state->recv.digit_read_pos = k; - return (i); - } - p_state->recv.indication_state_ack ^= flags; - return (0); + word i, j, k, flags; + + flags = p_state->recv.indication_state ^ p_state->recv.indication_state_ack; + p_state->recv.indication_state_ack ^= flags & CAPIDTMF_RECV_INDICATION_DIGIT; + if (p_state->recv.digit_write_pos != p_state->recv.digit_read_pos) + { + i = 0; + k = p_state->recv.digit_write_pos; + j = p_state->recv.digit_read_pos; + do + { + buffer[i++] = p_state->recv.digit_buffer[j]; + j = (j == CAPIDTMF_RECV_DIGIT_BUFFER_SIZE - 1) ? 0 : j + 1; + } while (j != k); + p_state->recv.digit_read_pos = k; + return (i); + } + p_state->recv.indication_state_ack ^= flags; + return (0); } #define CAPIDTMF_RECV_WINDOWED_SAMPLES 32 -void capidtmf_recv_block (t_capidtmf_state *p_state, byte *buffer, word length) +void capidtmf_recv_block(t_capidtmf_state *p_state, byte *buffer, word length) { - byte result_digit; - word sample_number, cycle_counter, n, i; - word low_peak, high_peak; - dword lo, hi; - byte *p; - short *q; - byte goertzel_result_buffer[CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT]; - short windowed_sample_buffer[CAPIDTMF_RECV_WINDOWED_SAMPLES]; - - - if (p_state->recv.state & CAPIDTMF_RECV_STATE_DTMF_ACTIVE) - { - cycle_counter = p_state->recv.cycle_counter; - sample_number = 0; - while (sample_number < length) - { - if (cycle_counter < CAPIDTMF_RECV_ACCUMULATE_CYCLES) - { - if (cycle_counter == 0) - { - for (i = 0; i < CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT; i++) - { - p_state->recv.goertzel_buffer[0][i] = 0; - p_state->recv.goertzel_buffer[1][i] = 0; - } - } - n = CAPIDTMF_RECV_ACCUMULATE_CYCLES - cycle_counter; - if (n > length - sample_number) - n = length - sample_number; - if (n > CAPIDTMF_RECV_WINDOWED_SAMPLES) - n = CAPIDTMF_RECV_WINDOWED_SAMPLES; - p = buffer + sample_number; - q = capidtmf_recv_window_function + cycle_counter; - if (p_state->ulaw) - { - for (i = 0; i < n; i++) - { - windowed_sample_buffer[i] = - (short)((capidtmf_expand_table_ulaw[p[i]] * ((long)(q[i]))) >> 15); - } - } - else - { - for (i = 0; i < n; i++) - { - windowed_sample_buffer[i] = - (short)((capidtmf_expand_table_alaw[p[i]] * ((long)(q[i]))) >> 15); - } - } - capidtmf_recv_goertzel_coef_table[CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT - 1] = CAPIDTMF_RECV_FUNDAMENTAL_OFFSET; - capidtmf_goertzel_loop (p_state->recv.goertzel_buffer[0], - capidtmf_recv_goertzel_coef_table, windowed_sample_buffer, n); - cycle_counter += n; - sample_number += n; - } - else - { - capidtmf_goertzel_result (p_state->recv.goertzel_buffer[0], - capidtmf_recv_goertzel_coef_table); - for (i = 0; i < CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT; i++) - { - lo = (dword)(p_state->recv.goertzel_buffer[0][i]); - hi = (dword)(p_state->recv.goertzel_buffer[1][i]); - if (hi != 0) - { - n = capidtmf_dword_leading_zeroes (hi); - hi = (hi << n) | (lo >> (32 - n)); - } - else - { - n = capidtmf_dword_leading_zeroes (lo); - hi = lo << n; - n += 32; - } - n = 195 - 3 * n; - if (hi >= 0xcb300000L) - n += 2; - else if (hi >= 0xa1450000L) - n++; - goertzel_result_buffer[i] = (byte) n; - } - low_peak = DSPDTMF_RX_SENSITIVITY_LOW_DEFAULT; - result_digit = CAPIDTMF_RECV_NO_DIGIT; - for (i = 0; i < CAPIDTMF_LOW_GROUP_FREQUENCIES; i++) - { - if (goertzel_result_buffer[i] > low_peak) - { - low_peak = goertzel_result_buffer[i]; - result_digit = (byte) i; - } - } - high_peak = DSPDTMF_RX_SENSITIVITY_HIGH_DEFAULT; - n = CAPIDTMF_RECV_NO_DIGIT; - for (i = CAPIDTMF_LOW_GROUP_FREQUENCIES; i < CAPIDTMF_RECV_BASE_FREQUENCY_COUNT; i++) - { - if (goertzel_result_buffer[i] > high_peak) - { - high_peak = goertzel_result_buffer[i]; - n = (i - CAPIDTMF_LOW_GROUP_FREQUENCIES) << 2; - } - } - result_digit |= (byte) n; - if (low_peak + DSPDTMF_RX_HIGH_EXCEEDING_LOW_DEFAULT < high_peak) - result_digit = CAPIDTMF_RECV_NO_DIGIT; - if (high_peak + DSPDTMF_RX_LOW_EXCEEDING_HIGH_DEFAULT < low_peak) - result_digit = CAPIDTMF_RECV_NO_DIGIT; - n = 0; - for (i = 0; i < CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT; i++) - { - if ((((short)(low_peak - goertzel_result_buffer[i] - capidtmf_recv_guard_snr_low_table[i])) < 0) - || (((short)(high_peak - goertzel_result_buffer[i] - capidtmf_recv_guard_snr_high_table[i])) < 0)) - { - n++; - } - } - if (n != 2) - result_digit = CAPIDTMF_RECV_NO_DIGIT; - - if (result_digit == CAPIDTMF_RECV_NO_DIGIT) - { - if (p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time != 0) - { - if (++(p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time) >= p_state->recv.min_gap_duration) - { - p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time = 0; - p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time = 0; - } - } - else - { - if (p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time != 0) - (p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time)--; - } - } - else - { - if ((p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time == 0) - && (p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time != 0)) - { - (p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time)--; - } - else - { - n = p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time; - if ((p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time != 0) - && (result_digit != p_state->recv.current_digit_value)) - { - p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time = 0; - n = 0; - } - p_state->recv.current_digit_value = result_digit; - p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time = 0; - if (p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time != 0xffff) - { - p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time += n + 1; - if (p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time >= p_state->recv.min_digit_duration) - { - p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time = 0xffff; - i = (p_state->recv.digit_write_pos == CAPIDTMF_RECV_DIGIT_BUFFER_SIZE - 1) ? - 0 : p_state->recv.digit_write_pos + 1; - if (i == p_state->recv.digit_read_pos) - { - trace (dprintf ("%s,%d: Receive digit overrun", - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - } - else - { - p_state->recv.digit_buffer[p_state->recv.digit_write_pos] = result_digit; - p_state->recv.digit_write_pos = i; - p_state->recv.indication_state = - (p_state->recv.indication_state & ~CAPIDTMF_RECV_INDICATION_DIGIT) | - (~p_state->recv.indication_state_ack & CAPIDTMF_RECV_INDICATION_DIGIT); - } - } - } - } - } - cycle_counter = 0; - sample_number++; - } - } - p_state->recv.cycle_counter = cycle_counter; - } + byte result_digit; + word sample_number, cycle_counter, n, i; + word low_peak, high_peak; + dword lo, hi; + byte *p; + short *q; + byte goertzel_result_buffer[CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT]; + short windowed_sample_buffer[CAPIDTMF_RECV_WINDOWED_SAMPLES]; + + + if (p_state->recv.state & CAPIDTMF_RECV_STATE_DTMF_ACTIVE) + { + cycle_counter = p_state->recv.cycle_counter; + sample_number = 0; + while (sample_number < length) + { + if (cycle_counter < CAPIDTMF_RECV_ACCUMULATE_CYCLES) + { + if (cycle_counter == 0) + { + for (i = 0; i < CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT; i++) + { + p_state->recv.goertzel_buffer[0][i] = 0; + p_state->recv.goertzel_buffer[1][i] = 0; + } + } + n = CAPIDTMF_RECV_ACCUMULATE_CYCLES - cycle_counter; + if (n > length - sample_number) + n = length - sample_number; + if (n > CAPIDTMF_RECV_WINDOWED_SAMPLES) + n = CAPIDTMF_RECV_WINDOWED_SAMPLES; + p = buffer + sample_number; + q = capidtmf_recv_window_function + cycle_counter; + if (p_state->ulaw) + { + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) + { + windowed_sample_buffer[i] = + (short)((capidtmf_expand_table_ulaw[p[i]] * ((long)(q[i]))) >> 15); + } + } + else + { + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) + { + windowed_sample_buffer[i] = + (short)((capidtmf_expand_table_alaw[p[i]] * ((long)(q[i]))) >> 15); + } + } + capidtmf_recv_goertzel_coef_table[CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT - 1] = CAPIDTMF_RECV_FUNDAMENTAL_OFFSET; + capidtmf_goertzel_loop(p_state->recv.goertzel_buffer[0], + capidtmf_recv_goertzel_coef_table, windowed_sample_buffer, n); + cycle_counter += n; + sample_number += n; + } + else + { + capidtmf_goertzel_result(p_state->recv.goertzel_buffer[0], + capidtmf_recv_goertzel_coef_table); + for (i = 0; i < CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT; i++) + { + lo = (dword)(p_state->recv.goertzel_buffer[0][i]); + hi = (dword)(p_state->recv.goertzel_buffer[1][i]); + if (hi != 0) + { + n = capidtmf_dword_leading_zeroes(hi); + hi = (hi << n) | (lo >> (32 - n)); + } + else + { + n = capidtmf_dword_leading_zeroes(lo); + hi = lo << n; + n += 32; + } + n = 195 - 3 * n; + if (hi >= 0xcb300000L) + n += 2; + else if (hi >= 0xa1450000L) + n++; + goertzel_result_buffer[i] = (byte) n; + } + low_peak = DSPDTMF_RX_SENSITIVITY_LOW_DEFAULT; + result_digit = CAPIDTMF_RECV_NO_DIGIT; + for (i = 0; i < CAPIDTMF_LOW_GROUP_FREQUENCIES; i++) + { + if (goertzel_result_buffer[i] > low_peak) + { + low_peak = goertzel_result_buffer[i]; + result_digit = (byte) i; + } + } + high_peak = DSPDTMF_RX_SENSITIVITY_HIGH_DEFAULT; + n = CAPIDTMF_RECV_NO_DIGIT; + for (i = CAPIDTMF_LOW_GROUP_FREQUENCIES; i < CAPIDTMF_RECV_BASE_FREQUENCY_COUNT; i++) + { + if (goertzel_result_buffer[i] > high_peak) + { + high_peak = goertzel_result_buffer[i]; + n = (i - CAPIDTMF_LOW_GROUP_FREQUENCIES) << 2; + } + } + result_digit |= (byte) n; + if (low_peak + DSPDTMF_RX_HIGH_EXCEEDING_LOW_DEFAULT < high_peak) + result_digit = CAPIDTMF_RECV_NO_DIGIT; + if (high_peak + DSPDTMF_RX_LOW_EXCEEDING_HIGH_DEFAULT < low_peak) + result_digit = CAPIDTMF_RECV_NO_DIGIT; + n = 0; + for (i = 0; i < CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT; i++) + { + if ((((short)(low_peak - goertzel_result_buffer[i] - capidtmf_recv_guard_snr_low_table[i])) < 0) + || (((short)(high_peak - goertzel_result_buffer[i] - capidtmf_recv_guard_snr_high_table[i])) < 0)) + { + n++; + } + } + if (n != 2) + result_digit = CAPIDTMF_RECV_NO_DIGIT; + + if (result_digit == CAPIDTMF_RECV_NO_DIGIT) + { + if (p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time != 0) + { + if (++(p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time) >= p_state->recv.min_gap_duration) + { + p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time = 0; + p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time = 0; + } + } + else + { + if (p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time != 0) + (p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time)--; + } + } + else + { + if ((p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time == 0) + && (p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time != 0)) + { + (p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time)--; + } + else + { + n = p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time; + if ((p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time != 0) + && (result_digit != p_state->recv.current_digit_value)) + { + p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time = 0; + n = 0; + } + p_state->recv.current_digit_value = result_digit; + p_state->recv.current_digit_off_time = 0; + if (p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time != 0xffff) + { + p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time += n + 1; + if (p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time >= p_state->recv.min_digit_duration) + { + p_state->recv.current_digit_on_time = 0xffff; + i = (p_state->recv.digit_write_pos == CAPIDTMF_RECV_DIGIT_BUFFER_SIZE - 1) ? + 0 : p_state->recv.digit_write_pos + 1; + if (i == p_state->recv.digit_read_pos) + { + trace(dprintf("%s,%d: Receive digit overrun", + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + } + else + { + p_state->recv.digit_buffer[p_state->recv.digit_write_pos] = result_digit; + p_state->recv.digit_write_pos = i; + p_state->recv.indication_state = + (p_state->recv.indication_state & ~CAPIDTMF_RECV_INDICATION_DIGIT) | + (~p_state->recv.indication_state_ack & CAPIDTMF_RECV_INDICATION_DIGIT); + } + } + } + } + } + cycle_counter = 0; + sample_number++; + } + } + p_state->recv.cycle_counter = cycle_counter; + } } -void capidtmf_init (t_capidtmf_state *p_state, byte ulaw) +void capidtmf_init(t_capidtmf_state *p_state, byte ulaw) { - p_state->ulaw = ulaw; - capidtmf_recv_init (p_state); + p_state->ulaw = ulaw; + capidtmf_recv_init(p_state); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capidtmf.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capidtmf.h index 242048fb2dd7e459052f9cb183c93159596f3f2f..0a9cf59bb22468b9572451677589375a3f884388 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capidtmf.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capidtmf.h @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ -#ifndef CAPIDTMF_H_ +#ifndef CAPIDTMF_H_ #define CAPIDTMF_H_ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ @@ -48,32 +48,32 @@ #define CAPIDTMF_RECV_STATE_DTMF_ACTIVE 0x01 typedef struct tag_capidtmf_recv_state { - byte digit_buffer[CAPIDTMF_RECV_DIGIT_BUFFER_SIZE]; - word digit_write_pos; - word digit_read_pos; - word indication_state; - word indication_state_ack; - long goertzel_buffer[2][CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT]; - word min_gap_duration; - word min_digit_duration; - word cycle_counter; - word current_digit_on_time; - word current_digit_off_time; - byte current_digit_value; - byte state; + byte digit_buffer[CAPIDTMF_RECV_DIGIT_BUFFER_SIZE]; + word digit_write_pos; + word digit_read_pos; + word indication_state; + word indication_state_ack; + long goertzel_buffer[2][CAPIDTMF_RECV_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_COUNT]; + word min_gap_duration; + word min_digit_duration; + word cycle_counter; + word current_digit_on_time; + word current_digit_off_time; + byte current_digit_value; + byte state; } t_capidtmf_recv_state; typedef struct tag_capidtmf_state { - byte ulaw; - t_capidtmf_recv_state recv; + byte ulaw; + t_capidtmf_recv_state recv; } t_capidtmf_state; -word capidtmf_recv_indication (t_capidtmf_state *p_state, byte *buffer); -void capidtmf_recv_block (t_capidtmf_state *p_state, byte *buffer, word length); -void capidtmf_init (t_capidtmf_state *p_state, byte ulaw); -void capidtmf_recv_enable (t_capidtmf_state *p_state, word min_digit_duration, word min_gap_duration); -void capidtmf_recv_disable (t_capidtmf_state *p_state); -#define capidtmf_indication(p_state,buffer) (((p_state)->recv.indication_state != (p_state)->recv.indication_state_ack) ? capidtmf_recv_indication (p_state, buffer) : 0) -#define capidtmf_recv_process_block(p_state,buffer,length) { if ((p_state)->recv.state != CAPIDTMF_RECV_STATE_IDLE) capidtmf_recv_block (p_state, buffer, length); } +word capidtmf_recv_indication(t_capidtmf_state *p_state, byte *buffer); +void capidtmf_recv_block(t_capidtmf_state *p_state, byte *buffer, word length); +void capidtmf_init(t_capidtmf_state *p_state, byte ulaw); +void capidtmf_recv_enable(t_capidtmf_state *p_state, word min_digit_duration, word min_gap_duration); +void capidtmf_recv_disable(t_capidtmf_state *p_state); +#define capidtmf_indication(p_state, buffer) (((p_state)->recv.indication_state != (p_state)->recv.indication_state_ack) ? capidtmf_recv_indication(p_state, buffer) : 0) +#define capidtmf_recv_process_block(p_state, buffer, length) { if ((p_state)->recv.state != CAPIDTMF_RECV_STATE_IDLE) capidtmf_recv_block(p_state, buffer, length); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -#endif +#endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capifunc.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capifunc.c index 4d425c644d413b7d4080ea36dd0bdb1b0f694b6d..a576f32e66351af3bee4771420158cd00f5d9655 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capifunc.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capifunc.c @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ * * ISDN interface module for Eicon active cards DIVA. * CAPI Interface common functions - * - * Copyright 2000-2003 by Armin Schindler (mac@melware.de) + * + * Copyright 2000-2003 by Armin Schindler (mac@melware.de) * Copyright 2000-2003 Cytronics & Melware (info@melware.de) - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ static diva_os_spin_lock_t api_lock; static LIST_HEAD(cards); static dword notify_handle; -static void DIRequest(ENTITY * e); +static void DIRequest(ENTITY *e); static DESCRIPTOR MAdapter; static DESCRIPTOR DAdapter; static byte ControllerMap[MAX_DESCRIPTORS + 1]; @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ static int find_free_id(void) break; num++; } - return(num + 1); + return (num + 1); } /* @@ -176,23 +176,23 @@ static diva_card *find_card_by_ctrl(word controller) if (ControllerMap[card->Id] == controller) { if (card->remove_in_progress) card = NULL; - return(card); + return (card); } } return (diva_card *) 0; } /* - * Buffer RX/TX + * Buffer RX/TX */ -void *TransmitBufferSet(APPL * appl, dword ref) +void *TransmitBufferSet(APPL *appl, dword ref) { appl->xbuffer_used[ref] = true; DBG_PRV1(("%d:xbuf_used(%d)", appl->Id, ref + 1)) - return (void *)(long)ref; + return (void *)(long)ref; } -void *TransmitBufferGet(APPL * appl, void *p) +void *TransmitBufferGet(APPL *appl, void *p) { if (appl->xbuffer_internal[(dword)(long)p]) return appl->xbuffer_internal[(dword)(long)p]; @@ -200,13 +200,13 @@ void *TransmitBufferGet(APPL * appl, void *p) return appl->xbuffer_ptr[(dword)(long)p]; } -void TransmitBufferFree(APPL * appl, void *p) +void TransmitBufferFree(APPL *appl, void *p) { appl->xbuffer_used[(dword)(long)p] = false; DBG_PRV1(("%d:xbuf_free(%d)", appl->Id, ((dword)(long)p) + 1)) -} + } -void *ReceiveBufferGet(APPL * appl, int Num) +void *ReceiveBufferGet(APPL *appl, int Num) { return &appl->ReceiveBuffer[Num * appl->MaxDataLength]; } @@ -217,12 +217,12 @@ void *ReceiveBufferGet(APPL * appl, int Num) void api_remove_complete(void) { DBG_PRV1(("api_remove_complete")) -} + } /* * main function called by message.c */ -void sendf(APPL * appl, word command, dword Id, word Number, byte * format, ...) +void sendf(APPL *appl, word command, dword Id, word Number, byte *format, ...) { word i, j; word length = 12, dlength = 0; @@ -240,14 +240,14 @@ void sendf(APPL * appl, word command, dword Id, word Number, byte * format, ...) DBG_PRV1(("sendf(a=%d,cmd=%x,format=%s)", appl->Id, command, (byte *) format)) - PUT_WORD(&msg.header.appl_id, appl->Id); + PUT_WORD(&msg.header.appl_id, appl->Id); PUT_WORD(&msg.header.command, command); if ((byte) (command >> 8) == 0x82) Number = appl->Number++; PUT_WORD(&msg.header.number, Number); PUT_DWORD(&msg.header.controller, Id); - write = (byte *) & msg; + write = (byte *)&msg; write += 12; va_start(ap, format); @@ -287,16 +287,16 @@ void sendf(APPL * appl, word command, dword Id, word Number, byte * format, ...) if (command == _DATA_B3_I) dlength = GET_WORD( - ((byte *) & msg.info.data_b3_ind.Data_Length)); + ((byte *)&msg.info.data_b3_ind.Data_Length)); if (!(dmb = diva_os_alloc_message_buffer(length + dlength, - (void **) &write))) { + (void **) &write))) { DBG_ERR(("sendf: alloc_message_buffer failed, incoming msg dropped.")) - return; + return; } /* copy msg header to sk_buff */ - memcpy(write, (byte *) & msg, length); + memcpy(write, (byte *)&msg, length); /* if DATA_B3_IND, copy data too */ if (command == _DATA_B3_I) { @@ -318,10 +318,10 @@ void sendf(APPL * appl, word command, dword Id, word Number, byte * format, ...) if (myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask & DL_BLK) { xlog("\x00\x02", &msg, 0x81, length); for (i = 0; i < dlength; i += 256) { - DBG_BLK((((char *)(long)GET_DWORD(&msg.info.data_b3_ind.Data)) + i, - ((dlength - i) < 256) ? (dlength - i) : 256)) - if (!(myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask & DL_PRV0)) - break; /* not more if not explicitly requested */ + DBG_BLK((((char *)(long)GET_DWORD(&msg.info.data_b3_ind.Data)) + i, + ((dlength - i) < 256) ? (dlength - i) : 256)) + if (!(myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask & DL_PRV0)) + break; /* not more if not explicitly requested */ } } break; @@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ void sendf(APPL * appl, word command, dword Id, word Number, byte * format, ...) if (!(card = find_card_by_ctrl(write[8] & 0x7f))) { DBG_ERR(("sendf - controller %d not found, incoming msg dropped", write[8] & 0x7f)) - diva_os_free_message_buffer(dmb); + diva_os_free_message_buffer(dmb); return; } /* send capi msg to capi layer */ @@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ static void clean_adapter(int id, struct list_head *free_mem_q) * remove a card, but ensures consistent state of LI tables * in the time adapter is removed */ -static void divacapi_remove_card(DESCRIPTOR * d) +static void divacapi_remove_card(DESCRIPTOR *d) { diva_card *card = NULL; diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; @@ -427,14 +427,14 @@ static void divacapi_remove_card(DESCRIPTOR * d) clean_adapter(card->Id - 1, &free_mem_q); DBG_TRC(("DelAdapterMap (%d) -> (%d)", - ControllerMap[card->Id], card->Id)) - ControllerMap[card->Id] = 0; + ControllerMap[card->Id], card->Id)) + ControllerMap[card->Id] = 0; DBG_TRC(("adapter remove, max_adapter=%d", - max_adapter)); + max_adapter)); diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&api_lock, &old_irql, "remove card"); - + /* After releasing the lock, we can free the memory */ - diva_os_free (0, card); + diva_os_free(0, card); } /* free queued memory areas */ @@ -469,13 +469,13 @@ static void divacapi_remove_cards(void) /* * sync_callback */ -static void sync_callback(ENTITY * e) +static void sync_callback(ENTITY *e) { diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; DBG_TRC(("cb:Id=%x,Rc=%x,Ind=%x", e->Id, e->Rc, e->Ind)) - diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&api_lock, &old_irql, "sync_callback"); + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&api_lock, &old_irql, "sync_callback"); callback(e); diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&api_lock, &old_irql, "sync_callback"); } @@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ static void sync_callback(ENTITY * e) /* * add a new card */ -static int diva_add_card(DESCRIPTOR * d) +static int diva_add_card(DESCRIPTOR *d) { int k = 0, i = 0; diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; @@ -492,19 +492,19 @@ static int diva_add_card(DESCRIPTOR * d) DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a = NULL; IDI_SYNC_REQ sync_req; char serial[16]; - void* mem_to_free; + void *mem_to_free; LI_CONFIG *new_li_config_table; int j; if (!(card = (diva_card *) diva_os_malloc(0, sizeof(diva_card)))) { DBG_ERR(("diva_add_card: failed to allocate card struct.")) - return (0); + return (0); } memset((char *) card, 0x00, sizeof(diva_card)); memcpy(&card->d, d, sizeof(DESCRIPTOR)); sync_req.GetName.Req = 0; sync_req.GetName.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_NAME; - card->d.request((ENTITY *) & sync_req); + card->d.request((ENTITY *)&sync_req); strlcpy(card->name, sync_req.GetName.name, sizeof(card->name)); ctrl = &card->capi_ctrl; strcpy(ctrl->name, card->name); @@ -517,14 +517,14 @@ static int diva_add_card(DESCRIPTOR * d) if (attach_capi_ctr(ctrl)) { DBG_ERR(("diva_add_card: failed to attach controller.")) - diva_os_free(0, card); + diva_os_free(0, card); return (0); } - + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&api_lock, &old_irql, "find id"); card->Id = find_free_id(); diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&api_lock, &old_irql, "find id"); - + strlcpy(ctrl->manu, M_COMPANY, sizeof(ctrl->manu)); ctrl->version.majorversion = 2; ctrl->version.minorversion = 0; @@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ static int diva_add_card(DESCRIPTOR * d) sync_req.GetSerial.Req = 0; sync_req.GetSerial.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_SERIAL; sync_req.GetSerial.serial = 0; - card->d.request((ENTITY *) & sync_req); + card->d.request((ENTITY *)&sync_req); if ((i = ((sync_req.GetSerial.serial & 0xff000000) >> 24))) { sprintf(serial, "%ld-%d", sync_req.GetSerial.serial & 0x00ffffff, i + 1); @@ -550,15 +550,15 @@ static int diva_add_card(DESCRIPTOR * d) DBG_TRC(("AddAdapterMap (%d) -> (%d)", ctrl->cnr, card->Id)) - sync_req.xdi_capi_prms.Req = 0; + sync_req.xdi_capi_prms.Req = 0; sync_req.xdi_capi_prms.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_CAPI_PARAMS; sync_req.xdi_capi_prms.info.structure_length = - sizeof(diva_xdi_get_capi_parameters_t); - card->d.request((ENTITY *) & sync_req); + sizeof(diva_xdi_get_capi_parameters_t); + card->d.request((ENTITY *)&sync_req); a->flag_dynamic_l1_down = - sync_req.xdi_capi_prms.info.flag_dynamic_l1_down; + sync_req.xdi_capi_prms.info.flag_dynamic_l1_down; a->group_optimization_enabled = - sync_req.xdi_capi_prms.info.group_optimization_enabled; + sync_req.xdi_capi_prms.info.group_optimization_enabled; a->request = DIRequest; /* card->d.request; */ a->max_plci = card->d.channels + 30; a->max_listen = (card->d.channels > 2) ? 8 : 2; @@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ static int diva_add_card(DESCRIPTOR * d) (a->plci = (PLCI *) diva_os_malloc(0, sizeof(PLCI) * a->max_plci))) { DBG_ERR(("diva_add_card: failed alloc plci struct.")) - memset(a, 0, sizeof(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER)); + memset(a, 0, sizeof(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER)); return (0); } memset(a->plci, 0, sizeof(PLCI) * a->max_plci); @@ -625,13 +625,13 @@ static int diva_add_card(DESCRIPTOR * d) (LI_CONFIG *) diva_os_malloc(0, ((k * sizeof(LI_CONFIG) + 3) & ~3) + (2 * k) * ((k + 3) & ~3)); if (new_li_config_table == NULL) { DBG_ERR(("diva_add_card: failed alloc li_config table.")) - memset(a, 0, sizeof(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER)); + memset(a, 0, sizeof(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER)); return (0); } /* Prevent access to line interconnect table in process update */ diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&api_lock, &old_irql, "add card"); - + j = 0; for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { if ((i >= a->li_base) && (i < a->li_base + a->li_channels)) @@ -659,11 +659,11 @@ static int diva_add_card(DESCRIPTOR * d) memset(&new_li_config_table[i].coef_table[a->li_base], 0, a->li_channels); if (a->li_base + a->li_channels < k) { memcpy(&new_li_config_table[i].flag_table[a->li_base + - a->li_channels], + a->li_channels], &li_config_table[j].flag_table[a->li_base], k - (a->li_base + a->li_channels)); memcpy(&new_li_config_table[i].coef_table[a->li_base + - a->li_channels], + a->li_channels], &li_config_table[j].coef_table[a->li_base], k - (a->li_base + a->li_channels)); } @@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ static int diva_add_card(DESCRIPTOR * d) diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&api_lock, &old_irql, "add card"); if (mem_to_free) { - diva_os_free (0, mem_to_free); + diva_os_free(0, mem_to_free); } i = 0; @@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ static int diva_add_card(DESCRIPTOR * d) * register appl */ static void diva_register_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, __u16 appl, - capi_register_params * rp) + capi_register_params *rp) { APPL *this; word bnum, xnum; @@ -737,38 +737,38 @@ static void diva_register_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, __u16 appl, if (diva_os_in_irq()) { DBG_ERR(("CAPI_REGISTER - in irq context !")) - return; + return; } DBG_TRC(("application register Id=%d", appl)) - if (appl > MAX_APPL) { - DBG_ERR(("CAPI_REGISTER - appl.Id exceeds MAX_APPL")) - return; - } + if (appl > MAX_APPL) { + DBG_ERR(("CAPI_REGISTER - appl.Id exceeds MAX_APPL")) + return; + } if (nconn <= 0) nconn = ctrl->profile.nbchannel * -nconn; - if (nconn == 0) + if (nconn == 0) nconn = ctrl->profile.nbchannel; DBG_LOG(("CAPI_REGISTER - Id = %d", appl)) - DBG_LOG((" MaxLogicalConnections = %d(%d)", nconn, rp->level3cnt)) - DBG_LOG((" MaxBDataBuffers = %d", rp->datablkcnt)) - DBG_LOG((" MaxBDataLength = %d", rp->datablklen)) - - if (nconn < 1 || - nconn > 255 || - rp->datablklen < 80 || - rp->datablklen > 2150 || rp->datablkcnt > 255) { - DBG_ERR(("CAPI_REGISTER - invalid parameters")) - return; - } + DBG_LOG((" MaxLogicalConnections = %d(%d)", nconn, rp->level3cnt)) + DBG_LOG((" MaxBDataBuffers = %d", rp->datablkcnt)) + DBG_LOG((" MaxBDataLength = %d", rp->datablklen)) + + if (nconn < 1 || + nconn > 255 || + rp->datablklen < 80 || + rp->datablklen > 2150 || rp->datablkcnt > 255) { + DBG_ERR(("CAPI_REGISTER - invalid parameters")) + return; + } if (application[appl - 1].Id == appl) { DBG_LOG(("CAPI_REGISTER - appl already registered")) - return; /* appl already registered */ + return; /* appl already registered */ } /* alloc memory */ @@ -785,10 +785,10 @@ static void diva_register_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, __u16 appl, mem_len += xnum * rp->datablklen; /* xbuffer_ptr[xnum] */ DBG_LOG((" Allocated Memory = %d", mem_len)) - if (!(p = diva_os_malloc(0, mem_len))) { - DBG_ERR(("CAPI_REGISTER - memory allocation failed")) - return; - } + if (!(p = diva_os_malloc(0, mem_len))) { + DBG_ERR(("CAPI_REGISTER - memory allocation failed")) + return; + } memset(p, 0, mem_len); DataNCCI = (void *)p; @@ -853,10 +853,10 @@ static void diva_release_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, __u16 appl) DBG_TRC(("application %d(%d) cleanup", this->Id, appl)) - if (diva_os_in_irq()) { - DBG_ERR(("CAPI_RELEASE - in irq context !")) - return; - } + if (diva_os_in_irq()) { + DBG_ERR(("CAPI_RELEASE - in irq context !")) + return; + } diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&api_lock, &old_irql, "release_appl"); if (this->Id) { @@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ static void diva_release_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, __u16 appl) * send message */ static u16 diva_send_message(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, - diva_os_message_buffer_s * dmb) + diva_os_message_buffer_s *dmb) { int i = 0; word ret = 0; @@ -891,14 +891,14 @@ static u16 diva_send_message(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, if (diva_os_in_irq()) { DBG_ERR(("CAPI_SEND_MSG - in irq context !")) - return CAPI_REGOSRESOURCEERR; + return CAPI_REGOSRESOURCEERR; } DBG_PRV1(("Write - appl = %d, cmd = 0x%x", this->Id, command)) - if (card->remove_in_progress) { - DBG_ERR(("CAPI_SEND_MSG - remove in progress!")) - return CAPI_REGOSRESOURCEERR; - } + if (card->remove_in_progress) { + DBG_ERR(("CAPI_SEND_MSG - remove in progress!")) + return CAPI_REGOSRESOURCEERR; + } diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&api_lock, &old_irql, "send message"); @@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ static u16 diva_send_message(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, /* patch controller number */ msg->header.controller = ControllerMap[card->Id] - | (msg->header.controller & 0x80); /* preserve external controller bit */ + | (msg->header.controller & 0x80); /* preserve external controller bit */ switch (command) { default: @@ -937,15 +937,15 @@ static u16 diva_send_message(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, || GET_WORD(&msg->info.data_b3_req.Data_Length) > (length - clength)) { DBG_ERR(("Write - invalid message size")) - retval = CAPI_ILLCMDORSUBCMDORMSGTOSMALL; + retval = CAPI_ILLCMDORSUBCMDORMSGTOSMALL; goto write_end; } for (i = 0; i < (MAX_DATA_B3 * this->MaxNCCI) - && this->xbuffer_used[i]; i++); + && this->xbuffer_used[i]; i++); if (i == (MAX_DATA_B3 * this->MaxNCCI)) { DBG_ERR(("Write - too many data pending")) - retval = CAPI_SENDQUEUEFULL; + retval = CAPI_SENDQUEUEFULL; goto write_end; } msg->info.data_b3_req.Data = i; @@ -959,13 +959,13 @@ static u16 diva_send_message(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, && (myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask & DL_XLOG)) { int j; for (j = 0; j < - GET_WORD(&msg->info.data_b3_req.Data_Length); + GET_WORD(&msg->info.data_b3_req.Data_Length); j += 256) { DBG_BLK((((char *) this->xbuffer_ptr[i]) + j, - ((GET_WORD(&msg->info.data_b3_req.Data_Length) - j) < + ((GET_WORD(&msg->info.data_b3_req.Data_Length) - j) < 256) ? (GET_WORD(&msg->info.data_b3_req.Data_Length) - j) : 256)) - if (!(myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask & DL_PRV0)) - break; /* not more if not explicitly requested */ + if (!(myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask & DL_PRV0)) + break; /* not more if not explicitly requested */ } } #endif @@ -984,19 +984,19 @@ static u16 diva_send_message(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, break; case _BAD_MSG: DBG_ERR(("Write - bad message")) - retval = CAPI_ILLCMDORSUBCMDORMSGTOSMALL; + retval = CAPI_ILLCMDORSUBCMDORMSGTOSMALL; break; case _QUEUE_FULL: DBG_ERR(("Write - queue full")) - retval = CAPI_SENDQUEUEFULL; + retval = CAPI_SENDQUEUEFULL; break; default: DBG_ERR(("Write - api_put returned unknown error")) - retval = CAPI_UNKNOWNNOTPAR; + retval = CAPI_UNKNOWNNOTPAR; break; } - write_end: +write_end: diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&api_lock, &old_irql, "send message"); if (retval == CAPI_NOERROR) diva_os_free_message_buffer(dmb); @@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@ static u16 diva_send_message(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, /* * cards request function */ -static void DIRequest(ENTITY * e) +static void DIRequest(ENTITY *e) { DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a = &(adapter[(byte) e->user[0]]); diva_card *os_card = (diva_card *) a->os_card; @@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ static void DIRequest(ENTITY * e) /* * callback function from didd */ -static void didd_callback(void *context, DESCRIPTOR * adapter, int removal) +static void didd_callback(void *context, DESCRIPTOR *adapter, int removal) { if (adapter->type == IDI_DADAPTER) { DBG_ERR(("Notification about IDI_DADAPTER change ! Oops.")); @@ -1071,17 +1071,17 @@ static int divacapi_connect_didd(void) memcpy(&DAdapter, &DIDD_Table[x], sizeof(DAdapter)); req.didd_notify.e.Req = 0; req.didd_notify.e.Rc = - IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REGISTER_ADAPTER_NOTIFY; + IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REGISTER_ADAPTER_NOTIFY; req.didd_notify.info.callback = (void *)didd_callback; req.didd_notify.info.context = NULL; - DAdapter.request((ENTITY *) & req); + DAdapter.request((ENTITY *)&req); if (req.didd_notify.e.Rc != 0xff) { stop_dbg(); return (0); } notify_handle = req.didd_notify.info.handle; } - else if ((DIDD_Table[x].type > 0) && (DIDD_Table[x].type < 16)) { /* IDI Adapter found */ + else if ((DIDD_Table[x].type > 0) && (DIDD_Table[x].type < 16)) { /* IDI Adapter found */ diva_add_card(&DIDD_Table[x]); } } @@ -1105,12 +1105,12 @@ static void divacapi_disconnect_didd(void) req.didd_notify.e.Req = 0; req.didd_notify.e.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REMOVE_ADAPTER_NOTIFY; req.didd_notify.info.handle = notify_handle; - DAdapter.request((ENTITY *) & req); + DAdapter.request((ENTITY *)&req); } /* * we do not provide date/time here, - * the application should do this. + * the application should do this. */ int fax_head_line_time(char *buffer) { @@ -1124,19 +1124,19 @@ static int DIVA_INIT_FUNCTION init_main_structs(void) { if (!(mapped_msg = (CAPI_MSG *) diva_os_malloc(0, MAX_MSG_SIZE))) { DBG_ERR(("init: failed alloc mapped_msg.")) - return 0; + return 0; } if (!(adapter = diva_os_malloc(0, sizeof(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER) * MAX_DESCRIPTORS))) { DBG_ERR(("init: failed alloc adapter struct.")) - diva_os_free(0, mapped_msg); + diva_os_free(0, mapped_msg); return 0; } memset(adapter, 0, sizeof(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER) * MAX_DESCRIPTORS); if (!(application = diva_os_malloc(0, sizeof(APPL) * MAX_APPL))) { DBG_ERR(("init: failed alloc application struct.")) - diva_os_free(0, mapped_msg); + diva_os_free(0, mapped_msg); diva_os_free(0, adapter); return 0; } @@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@ static void do_api_remove_start(void) if (ret) DBG_ERR(("could not remove signaling ID's")) -} + } /* * init @@ -1190,13 +1190,13 @@ int DIVA_INIT_FUNCTION init_capifunc(void) if (!init_main_structs()) { DBG_ERR(("init: failed to init main structs.")) - diva_os_destroy_spin_lock(&api_lock, "capifunc"); + diva_os_destroy_spin_lock(&api_lock, "capifunc"); return (0); } if (!divacapi_connect_didd()) { DBG_ERR(("init: failed to connect to DIDD.")) - do_api_remove_start(); + do_api_remove_start(); divacapi_remove_cards(); remove_main_structs(); diva_os_destroy_spin_lock(&api_lock, "capifunc"); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capifunc.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capifunc.h index bd256f29738ce9ed98aa6be4153fc4a87055c4a3..e96c45bb563840236e076298ea35f00dafddb690 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capifunc.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capifunc.h @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ * * ISDN interface module for Eicon active cards DIVA. * CAPI Interface common functions - * - * Copyright 2000-2003 by Armin Schindler (mac@melware.de) + * + * Copyright 2000-2003 by Armin Schindler (mac@melware.de) * Copyright 2000-2003 Cytronics & Melware (info@melware.de) * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capimain.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capimain.c index 97a20964cfc7235785090335774e7d981230a5be..eabe0fa1b6277ae26596b8f9b41a9ba11e8890b4 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capimain.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capimain.c @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ * * ISDN interface module for Eicon active cards DIVA. * CAPI Interface - * - * Copyright 2000-2003 by Armin Schindler (mac@melware.de) + * + * Copyright 2000-2003 by Armin Schindler (mac@melware.de) * Copyright 2000-2003 Cytronics & Melware (info@melware.de) - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. */ @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ static char *main_revision = "$Revision: 1.24 $"; static char *DRIVERNAME = - "Eicon DIVA - CAPI Interface driver (http://www.melware.net)"; + "Eicon DIVA - CAPI Interface driver (http://www.melware.net)"; static char *DRIVERLNAME = "divacapi"; MODULE_DESCRIPTION("CAPI driver for Eicon DIVA cards"); @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ diva_os_message_buffer_s *diva_os_alloc_message_buffer(unsigned long size, /* * free a message buffer */ -void diva_os_free_message_buffer(diva_os_message_buffer_s * dmb) +void diva_os_free_message_buffer(diva_os_message_buffer_s *dmb) { kfree_skb(dmb); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/cardtype.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/cardtype.h index 18a5c42fffdb89ec732db0cc95dd27ee27484a9a..8b20e22cae1e5b63fce038a48fc014fa720db1ec 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/cardtype.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/cardtype.h @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef _CARDTYPE_H_ @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ */ #define CARD_UNKNOWN 0 #define CARD_NONE 0 - /* DIVA cards */ +/* DIVA cards */ #define CARDTYPE_DIVA_MCA 0 #define CARDTYPE_DIVA_ISA 1 #define CARDTYPE_DIVA_PCM 2 @@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ #define CARDTYPE_DIVAPRO_PCM 4 #define CARDTYPE_DIVAPICO_ISA 5 #define CARDTYPE_DIVAPICO_PCM 6 - /* DIVA 2.0 cards */ +/* DIVA 2.0 cards */ #define CARDTYPE_DIVAPRO20_PCI 7 #define CARDTYPE_DIVA20_PCI 8 - /* S cards */ +/* S cards */ #define CARDTYPE_QUADRO_ISA 9 #define CARDTYPE_S_ISA 10 #define CARDTYPE_S_MCA 11 @@ -117,57 +117,57 @@ #define CARDTYPE_SCOM_MCA 17 #define CARDTYPE_PR_ISA 18 #define CARDTYPE_PR_MCA 19 - /* Diva Server cards (formerly called Maestra, later Amadeo) */ +/* Diva Server cards (formerly called Maestra, later Amadeo) */ #define CARDTYPE_MAESTRA_ISA 20 #define CARDTYPE_MAESTRA_PCI 21 - /* Diva Server cards to be developed (Quadro, Primary rate) */ +/* Diva Server cards to be developed (Quadro, Primary rate) */ #define CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_Q_8M_PCI 22 #define CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_P_30M_PCI 23 #define CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_P_2M_PCI 24 #define CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_P_9M_PCI 25 - /* DIVA 2.0 cards */ +/* DIVA 2.0 cards */ #define CARDTYPE_DIVA20_ISA 26 #define CARDTYPE_DIVA20U_ISA 27 #define CARDTYPE_DIVA20U_PCI 28 #define CARDTYPE_DIVAPRO20_ISA 29 #define CARDTYPE_DIVAPRO20U_ISA 30 #define CARDTYPE_DIVAPRO20U_PCI 31 - /* DIVA combi cards (piccola ISDN + rockwell V.34 modem) */ +/* DIVA combi cards (piccola ISDN + rockwell V.34 modem) */ #define CARDTYPE_DIVAMOBILE_PCM 32 #define CARDTYPE_TDKGLOBALPRO_PCM 33 - /* DIVA Pro PC OEM card for 'New Media Corporation' */ +/* DIVA Pro PC OEM card for 'New Media Corporation' */ #define CARDTYPE_NMC_DIVAPRO_PCM 34 - /* DIVA Pro 2.0 OEM cards for 'British Telecom' */ +/* DIVA Pro 2.0 OEM cards for 'British Telecom' */ #define CARDTYPE_BT_EXLANE_PCI 35 #define CARDTYPE_BT_EXLANE_ISA 36 - /* DIVA low cost cards, 1st name DIVA 3.0, 2nd DIVA 2.01, 3rd ??? */ +/* DIVA low cost cards, 1st name DIVA 3.0, 2nd DIVA 2.01, 3rd ??? */ #define CARDTYPE_DIVALOW_ISA 37 #define CARDTYPE_DIVALOWU_ISA 38 #define CARDTYPE_DIVALOW_PCI 39 #define CARDTYPE_DIVALOWU_PCI 40 - /* DIVA combi cards (piccola ISDN + rockwell V.90 modem) */ +/* DIVA combi cards (piccola ISDN + rockwell V.90 modem) */ #define CARDTYPE_DIVAMOBILE_V90_PCM 41 #define CARDTYPE_TDKGLOBPRO_V90_PCM 42 #define CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_P_23M_PCI 43 #define CARDTYPE_DIVALOW_USB 44 - /* DIVA Audio (CT) family */ +/* DIVA Audio (CT) family */ #define CARDTYPE_DIVA_CT_ST 45 #define CARDTYPE_DIVA_CT_U 46 #define CARDTYPE_DIVA_CTLITE_ST 47 #define CARDTYPE_DIVA_CTLITE_U 48 - /* DIVA ISDN plus V.90 series */ +/* DIVA ISDN plus V.90 series */ #define CARDTYPE_DIVAISDN_V90_PCM 49 #define CARDTYPE_DIVAISDN_V90_PCI 50 #define CARDTYPE_DIVAISDN_TA 51 - /* DIVA Server Voice cards */ +/* DIVA Server Voice cards */ #define CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_Q_8M_PCI 52 - /* DIVA Server V2 cards */ +/* DIVA Server V2 cards */ #define CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_Q_8M_V2_PCI 53 #define CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_P_30M_V2_PCI 54 - /* DIVA Server Voice V2 cards */ +/* DIVA Server Voice V2 cards */ #define CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_Q_8M_V2_PCI 55 #define CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_P_30M_V2_PCI 56 - /* Diva LAN */ +/* Diva LAN */ #define CARDTYPE_DIVAISDN_LAN 57 #define CARDTYPE_DIVA_202_PCI_ST 58 #define CARDTYPE_DIVA_202_PCI_U 59 @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ #define CARDTYPE_DIVA_V2_PCM 67 /* Re-badged Diva Pro PC Card */ #define CARDTYPE_DIVA_PC_CARD 68 - /* next free card type identifier */ +/* next free card type identifier */ #define CARDTYPE_MAX 69 /* * The card families @@ -246,47 +246,47 @@ */ typedef struct CARD_PROPERTIES { char *Name; /* official marketing name */ - unsigned short PnPId; /* plug and play ID (for non PCMIA cards) */ - unsigned short Version; /* major and minor version no of the card */ - unsigned char DescType; /* card type to set in the IDI descriptor */ - unsigned char Family; /* basic family of the card */ - unsigned short Features; /* features bits to set in the IDI desc. */ - unsigned char Card; /* basic card type */ - unsigned char IType; /* internal type of S cards (read from ram) */ - unsigned char Bus; /* bus type this card is designed for */ - unsigned char Chip; /* chipset used on card */ - unsigned char Adapters; /* number of adapters on card */ - unsigned char Channels; /* # of channels per adapter */ - unsigned short E_info; /* # of ram entity info structs per adapter */ - unsigned short SizeIo; /* size of IO window per adapter */ - unsigned short SizeMem; /* size of memory window per adapter */ + unsigned short PnPId; /* plug and play ID (for non PCMIA cards) */ + unsigned short Version; /* major and minor version no of the card */ + unsigned char DescType; /* card type to set in the IDI descriptor */ + unsigned char Family; /* basic family of the card */ + unsigned short Features; /* features bits to set in the IDI desc. */ + unsigned char Card; /* basic card type */ + unsigned char IType; /* internal type of S cards (read from ram) */ + unsigned char Bus; /* bus type this card is designed for */ + unsigned char Chip; /* chipset used on card */ + unsigned char Adapters; /* number of adapters on card */ + unsigned char Channels; /* # of channels per adapter */ + unsigned short E_info; /* # of ram entity info structs per adapter */ + unsigned short SizeIo; /* size of IO window per adapter */ + unsigned short SizeMem; /* size of memory window per adapter */ } CARD_PROPERTIES; typedef struct CARD_RESOURCE -{ unsigned char Int [10]; - unsigned short IoFirst; - unsigned short IoStep; - unsigned short IoCnt; - unsigned long MemFirst; - unsigned long MemStep; - unsigned short MemCnt; +{ unsigned char Int[10]; + unsigned short IoFirst; + unsigned short IoStep; + unsigned short IoCnt; + unsigned long MemFirst; + unsigned long MemStep; + unsigned short MemCnt; } CARD_RESOURCE; /* test if the card of type 't' is a plug & play card */ -#define IS_PNP(t) \ -( \ - ( \ - CardProperties[t].Bus != BUS_ISA \ - && \ - CardProperties[t].Bus != BUS_MCA \ - ) \ - || \ - ( \ - CardProperties[t].Family != FAMILY_S \ - && \ - CardProperties[t].Card != CARD_DIVA \ - ) \ -) +#define IS_PNP(t) \ + ( \ + ( \ + CardProperties[t].Bus != BUS_ISA \ + && \ + CardProperties[t].Bus != BUS_MCA \ + ) \ + || \ + ( \ + CardProperties[t].Family != FAMILY_S \ + && \ + CardProperties[t].Card != CARD_DIVA \ + ) \ + ) /* extract IDI Descriptor info for card type 't' (p == DescType/Features) */ -#define IDI_PROP(t,p) (CardProperties[t].p) +#define IDI_PROP(t, p) (CardProperties[t].p) #if CARDTYPE_H_WANT_DATA #if CARDTYPE_H_WANT_IDI_DATA /* include "di_defs.h" for IDI adapter type and feature flag definitions */ @@ -328,502 +328,502 @@ typedef struct CARD_RESOURCE #define DI_SOFT_V110 0 #endif /*--- CardProperties [Index=CARDTYPE_....] ---------------------------------*/ -CARD_PROPERTIES CardProperties [ ] = +CARD_PROPERTIES CardProperties[] = { -{ /* 0 */ - "Diva MCA", 0x6336, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3, - CARD_DIVA, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_MCA, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 1 */ - "Diva ISA", 0x0000, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3, - CARD_DIVA, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 2 */ - "Diva/PCM", 0x0000, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3, - CARD_DIVA, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 3 */ - "Diva PRO ISA", 0x0031, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_CODEC, - CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 4 */ - "Diva PRO PC-Card", 0x0000, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, - CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 5 */ - "Diva PICCOLA ISA", 0x0051, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_HSCX, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 6 */ - "Diva PICCOLA PCM", 0x0000, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_HSCX, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 7 */ - "Diva PRO 2.0 S/T PCI", 0xe001, 0x0200, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_POTS, - CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 8 */ - "Diva 2.0 S/T PCI", 0xe002, 0x0200, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | DI_POTS | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_HSCX, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 9 */ - "QUADRO ISA", 0x0000, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_S, FAMILY_S, DI_NULL, - CARD_QUAD, CARD_I_QUAD, BUS_ISA, CHIP_NONE, - 4, 2, 16, 0, 0x800 -}, -{ /* 10 */ - "S ISA", 0x0000, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_S, FAMILY_S, DI_CODEC, - CARD_S, CARD_I_S, BUS_ISA, CHIP_NONE, - 1, 1, 16, 0, 0x800 -}, -{ /* 11 */ - "S MCA", 0x6a93, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_S, FAMILY_S, DI_CODEC, - CARD_S, CARD_I_S, BUS_MCA, CHIP_NONE, - 1, 1, 16, 16, 0x400 -}, -{ /* 12 */ - "SX ISA", 0x0000, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_S, FAMILY_S, DI_NULL, - CARD_SX, CARD_I_SX, BUS_ISA, CHIP_NONE, - 1, 2, 16, 0, 0x800 -}, -{ /* 13 */ - "SX MCA", 0x6a93, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_S, FAMILY_S, DI_NULL, - CARD_SX, CARD_I_SX, BUS_MCA, CHIP_NONE, - 1, 2, 16, 16, 0x400 -}, -{ /* 14 */ - "SXN ISA", 0x0000, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_S, FAMILY_S, DI_NULL, - CARD_SXN, CARD_I_SCOM, BUS_ISA, CHIP_NONE, - 1, 2, 16, 0, 0x800 -}, -{ /* 15 */ - "SXN MCA", 0x6a93, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_S, FAMILY_S, DI_NULL, - CARD_SXN, CARD_I_SCOM, BUS_MCA, CHIP_NONE, - 1, 2, 16, 16, 0x400 -}, -{ /* 16 */ - "SCOM ISA", 0x0000, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_S, FAMILY_S, DI_CODEC, - CARD_SCOM, CARD_I_SCOM, BUS_ISA, CHIP_NONE, - 1, 2, 16, 0, 0x800 -}, -{ /* 17 */ - "SCOM MCA", 0x6a93, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_S, FAMILY_S, DI_CODEC, - CARD_SCOM, CARD_I_SCOM, BUS_MCA, CHIP_NONE, - 1, 2, 16, 16, 0x400 -}, -{ /* 18 */ - "S2M ISA", 0x0000, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_PR, FAMILY_S, DI_NULL, - CARD_PR, CARD_I_PR, BUS_ISA, CHIP_NONE, - 1, 30, 256, 0, 0x4000 -}, -{ /* 19 */ - "S2M MCA", 0x6abb, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_PR, FAMILY_S, DI_NULL, - CARD_PR, CARD_I_PR, BUS_MCA, CHIP_NONE, - 1, 30, 256, 16, 0x4000 -}, -{ /* 20 */ - "Diva Server BRI-2M ISA", 0x0041, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA,FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, - CARD_MAE, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 16, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 21 */ - "Diva Server BRI-2M PCI", 0xE010, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA,FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, - CARD_MAE, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 16, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 22 */ - "Diva Server 4BRI-8M PCI", 0xE012, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA,FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, - CARD_MAEQ, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 4, 2, 16, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 23 */ - "Diva Server PRI-30M PCI", 0xE014, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA,FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, - CARD_MAEP, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 30, 256, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 24 */ - "Diva Server PRI-2M PCI", 0xe014, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA,FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, - CARD_MAEP, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 30, 256, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 25 */ - "Diva Server PRI-9M PCI", 0x0000, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA,FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, - CARD_MAEP, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 30, 256, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 26 */ - "Diva 2.0 S/T ISA", 0x0071, 0x0200, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | DI_POTS | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_HSCX, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 27 */ - "Diva 2.0 U ISA", 0x0091, 0x0200, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | DI_POTS | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_HSCX, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 28 */ - "Diva 2.0 U PCI", 0xe004, 0x0200, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | DI_POTS | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_HSCX, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 29 */ - "Diva PRO 2.0 S/T ISA", 0x0061, 0x0200, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_POTS, - CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 30 */ - "Diva PRO 2.0 U ISA", 0x0081, 0x0200, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_POTS, - CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 31 */ - "Diva PRO 2.0 U PCI", 0xe003, 0x0200, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_POTS, - CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 32 */ - "Diva MOBILE", 0x0000, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_HSCX, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 33 */ - "TDK DFI3600", 0x0000, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_HSCX, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 34 (OEM version of 4 - "Diva PRO PC-Card") */ - "New Media ISDN", 0x0000, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, - CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 35 (OEM version of 7 - "Diva PRO 2.0 S/T PCI") */ - "BT ExLane PCI", 0xe101, 0x0200, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_POTS, - CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 36 (OEM version of 29 - "Diva PRO 2.0 S/T ISA") */ - "BT ExLane ISA", 0x1061, 0x0200, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_POTS, - CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 37 */ - "Diva 2.01 S/T ISA", 0x00A1, 0x0300, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_IPAC, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 38 */ - "Diva 2.01 U ISA", 0x00B1, 0x0300, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_IPAC, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 39 */ - "Diva 2.01 S/T PCI", 0xe005, 0x0300, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_IPAC, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 40 no ID yet */ - "Diva 2.01 U PCI", 0x0000, 0x0300, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_IPAC, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 41 */ - "Diva MOBILE V.90", 0x0000, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_HSCX, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 42 */ - "TDK DFI3600 V.90", 0x0000, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_HSCX, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 43 */ - "Diva Server PRI-23M PCI", 0xe014, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA,FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, - CARD_MAEP, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 30, 256, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 44 */ - "Diva 2.01 S/T USB", 0x1000, 0x0300, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA ,FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_USB, CHIP_IPAC, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 45 */ - "Diva CT S/T PCI", 0xe006, 0x0300, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA ,FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_CODEC, - CARD_CT, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 0, 0 -}, -{ /* 46 */ - "Diva CT U PCI", 0xe007, 0x0300, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA ,FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_CODEC, - CARD_CT, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 0, 0 -}, -{ /* 47 */ - "Diva CT Lite S/T PCI", 0xe008, 0x0300, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA ,FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_CODEC, - CARD_CT, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 0, 0 -}, -{ /* 48 */ - "Diva CT Lite U PCI", 0xe009, 0x0300, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA ,FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_CODEC, - CARD_CT, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 0, 0 -}, -{ /* 49 */ - "Diva ISDN+V.90 PC Card", 0x8D8C, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_CODEC, - CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_IPAC, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 50 */ - "Diva ISDN+V.90 PCI", 0xe00A, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_IPAC, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 51 (DivaTA) no ID */ - "Diva TA", 0x0000, 0x0300, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V110 | DI_FAX3 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_DIVATA, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_COM, CHIP_EXTERN, - 1, 1, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 52 (Diva Server 4BRI-8M PCI adapter enabled for Voice) */ - "Diva Server Voice 4BRI-8M PCI", 0xE016, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA,FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_VOICE_OVER_IP, - CARD_MAEQ, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 4, 2, 16, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 53 (Diva Server 4BRI 2.0 adapter) */ - "Diva Server 4BRI-8M 2.0 PCI", 0xE013, 0x0200, - IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA,FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, - CARD_MAEQ, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 4, 2, 16, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 54 (Diva Server PRI 2.0 adapter) */ - "Diva Server PRI 2.0 PCI", 0xE015, 0x0200, - IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA,FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, - CARD_MAEP, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 30, 256, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 55 (Diva Server 4BRI-8M 2.0 PCI adapter enabled for Voice) */ - "Diva Server Voice 4BRI-8M 2.0 PCI", 0xE017, 0x0200, - IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA,FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_VOICE_OVER_IP, - CARD_MAEQ, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 4, 2, 16, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 56 (Diva Server PRI 2.0 PCI adapter enabled for Voice) */ - "Diva Server Voice PRI 2.0 PCI", 0xE019, 0x0200, - IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA,FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_VOICE_OVER_IP, - CARD_MAEP, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 30, 256, 8, 0 -}, -{ - /* 57 (DivaLan ) no ID */ - "Diva LAN", 0x0000, 0x0300, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V110 | DI_FAX3 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_DIVALAN, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_LAN, CHIP_EXTERN, - 1, 1, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 58 */ - "Diva 2.02 PCI S/T", 0xE00B, 0x0300, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES | DI_SOFT_V110, - CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_IPACX, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 59 */ - "Diva 2.02 PCI U", 0xE00C, 0x0300, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_IPACX, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 60 */ - "Diva Server BRI-2M 2.0 PCI", 0xE018, 0x0200, - IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA,FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, - CARD_MAE2, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 16, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 61 (the previous name was Diva Server BRI-2F 2.0 PCI) */ - "Diva Server 2FX", 0xE01A, 0x0200, - IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA,FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_SOFT_V110, - CARD_MAE2, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_IPACX, - 1, 2, 16, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 62 */ - " Diva ISDN USB 2.0", 0x1003, 0x0300, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA ,FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_USB, CHIP_IPACX, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 63 (Diva Server BRI-2M 2.0 PCI adapter enabled for Voice) */ - "Diva Server Voice BRI-2M 2.0 PCI", 0xE01B, 0x0200, - IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA,FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_VOICE_OVER_IP, - CARD_MAE2, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 16, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 64 */ - "Diva Pro 3.0 PCI", 0xe00d, 0x0300, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA ,FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, - CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 0, 0 -}, -{ /* 65 */ - "Diva ISDN + CT 2.0", 0xE00E, 0x0300, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA ,FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_CODEC, - CARD_CT, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 0, 0 -}, -{ /* 66 */ - "Diva Mobile V.90 PC Card", 0x8331, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_IPACX, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 67 */ - "Diva ISDN PC Card", 0x8311, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_IPACX, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -{ /* 68 */ - "Diva ISDN PC Card", 0x0000, 0x0100, - IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, - CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_DSP, - 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 -}, -} ; + { /* 0 */ + "Diva MCA", 0x6336, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3, + CARD_DIVA, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_MCA, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 1 */ + "Diva ISA", 0x0000, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3, + CARD_DIVA, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 2 */ + "Diva/PCM", 0x0000, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3, + CARD_DIVA, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 3 */ + "Diva PRO ISA", 0x0031, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_CODEC, + CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 4 */ + "Diva PRO PC-Card", 0x0000, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, + CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 5 */ + "Diva PICCOLA ISA", 0x0051, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_HSCX, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 6 */ + "Diva PICCOLA PCM", 0x0000, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_HSCX, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 7 */ + "Diva PRO 2.0 S/T PCI", 0xe001, 0x0200, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_POTS, + CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 8 */ + "Diva 2.0 S/T PCI", 0xe002, 0x0200, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | DI_POTS | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_HSCX, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 9 */ + "QUADRO ISA", 0x0000, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_S, FAMILY_S, DI_NULL, + CARD_QUAD, CARD_I_QUAD, BUS_ISA, CHIP_NONE, + 4, 2, 16, 0, 0x800 + }, + { /* 10 */ + "S ISA", 0x0000, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_S, FAMILY_S, DI_CODEC, + CARD_S, CARD_I_S, BUS_ISA, CHIP_NONE, + 1, 1, 16, 0, 0x800 + }, + { /* 11 */ + "S MCA", 0x6a93, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_S, FAMILY_S, DI_CODEC, + CARD_S, CARD_I_S, BUS_MCA, CHIP_NONE, + 1, 1, 16, 16, 0x400 + }, + { /* 12 */ + "SX ISA", 0x0000, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_S, FAMILY_S, DI_NULL, + CARD_SX, CARD_I_SX, BUS_ISA, CHIP_NONE, + 1, 2, 16, 0, 0x800 + }, + { /* 13 */ + "SX MCA", 0x6a93, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_S, FAMILY_S, DI_NULL, + CARD_SX, CARD_I_SX, BUS_MCA, CHIP_NONE, + 1, 2, 16, 16, 0x400 + }, + { /* 14 */ + "SXN ISA", 0x0000, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_S, FAMILY_S, DI_NULL, + CARD_SXN, CARD_I_SCOM, BUS_ISA, CHIP_NONE, + 1, 2, 16, 0, 0x800 + }, + { /* 15 */ + "SXN MCA", 0x6a93, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_S, FAMILY_S, DI_NULL, + CARD_SXN, CARD_I_SCOM, BUS_MCA, CHIP_NONE, + 1, 2, 16, 16, 0x400 + }, + { /* 16 */ + "SCOM ISA", 0x0000, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_S, FAMILY_S, DI_CODEC, + CARD_SCOM, CARD_I_SCOM, BUS_ISA, CHIP_NONE, + 1, 2, 16, 0, 0x800 + }, + { /* 17 */ + "SCOM MCA", 0x6a93, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_S, FAMILY_S, DI_CODEC, + CARD_SCOM, CARD_I_SCOM, BUS_MCA, CHIP_NONE, + 1, 2, 16, 16, 0x400 + }, + { /* 18 */ + "S2M ISA", 0x0000, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_PR, FAMILY_S, DI_NULL, + CARD_PR, CARD_I_PR, BUS_ISA, CHIP_NONE, + 1, 30, 256, 0, 0x4000 + }, + { /* 19 */ + "S2M MCA", 0x6abb, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_PR, FAMILY_S, DI_NULL, + CARD_PR, CARD_I_PR, BUS_MCA, CHIP_NONE, + 1, 30, 256, 16, 0x4000 + }, + { /* 20 */ + "Diva Server BRI-2M ISA", 0x0041, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA, FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, + CARD_MAE, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 16, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 21 */ + "Diva Server BRI-2M PCI", 0xE010, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA, FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, + CARD_MAE, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 16, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 22 */ + "Diva Server 4BRI-8M PCI", 0xE012, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA, FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, + CARD_MAEQ, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 4, 2, 16, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 23 */ + "Diva Server PRI-30M PCI", 0xE014, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA, FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, + CARD_MAEP, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 30, 256, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 24 */ + "Diva Server PRI-2M PCI", 0xe014, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA, FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, + CARD_MAEP, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 30, 256, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 25 */ + "Diva Server PRI-9M PCI", 0x0000, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA, FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, + CARD_MAEP, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 30, 256, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 26 */ + "Diva 2.0 S/T ISA", 0x0071, 0x0200, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | DI_POTS | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_HSCX, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 27 */ + "Diva 2.0 U ISA", 0x0091, 0x0200, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | DI_POTS | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_HSCX, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 28 */ + "Diva 2.0 U PCI", 0xe004, 0x0200, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | DI_POTS | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_HSCX, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 29 */ + "Diva PRO 2.0 S/T ISA", 0x0061, 0x0200, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_POTS, + CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 30 */ + "Diva PRO 2.0 U ISA", 0x0081, 0x0200, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_POTS, + CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 31 */ + "Diva PRO 2.0 U PCI", 0xe003, 0x0200, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_POTS, + CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 32 */ + "Diva MOBILE", 0x0000, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_HSCX, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 33 */ + "TDK DFI3600", 0x0000, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_HSCX, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 34 (OEM version of 4 - "Diva PRO PC-Card") */ + "New Media ISDN", 0x0000, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, + CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 35 (OEM version of 7 - "Diva PRO 2.0 S/T PCI") */ + "BT ExLane PCI", 0xe101, 0x0200, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_POTS, + CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 36 (OEM version of 29 - "Diva PRO 2.0 S/T ISA") */ + "BT ExLane ISA", 0x1061, 0x0200, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_POTS, + CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 37 */ + "Diva 2.01 S/T ISA", 0x00A1, 0x0300, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_IPAC, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 38 */ + "Diva 2.01 U ISA", 0x00B1, 0x0300, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_ISA, CHIP_IPAC, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 39 */ + "Diva 2.01 S/T PCI", 0xe005, 0x0300, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_IPAC, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 40 no ID yet */ + "Diva 2.01 U PCI", 0x0000, 0x0300, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_IPAC, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 41 */ + "Diva MOBILE V.90", 0x0000, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_HSCX, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 42 */ + "TDK DFI3600 V.90", 0x0000, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_HSCX, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 43 */ + "Diva Server PRI-23M PCI", 0xe014, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA, FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, + CARD_MAEP, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 30, 256, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 44 */ + "Diva 2.01 S/T USB", 0x1000, 0x0300, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA , FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_USB, CHIP_IPAC, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 45 */ + "Diva CT S/T PCI", 0xe006, 0x0300, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA , FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_CODEC, + CARD_CT, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 0, 0 + }, + { /* 46 */ + "Diva CT U PCI", 0xe007, 0x0300, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA , FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_CODEC, + CARD_CT, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 0, 0 + }, + { /* 47 */ + "Diva CT Lite S/T PCI", 0xe008, 0x0300, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA , FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_CODEC, + CARD_CT, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 0, 0 + }, + { /* 48 */ + "Diva CT Lite U PCI", 0xe009, 0x0300, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA , FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_CODEC, + CARD_CT, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 0, 0 + }, + { /* 49 */ + "Diva ISDN+V.90 PC Card", 0x8D8C, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_CODEC, + CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_IPAC, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 50 */ + "Diva ISDN+V.90 PCI", 0xe00A, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_IPAC, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 51 (DivaTA) no ID */ + "Diva TA", 0x0000, 0x0300, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V110 | DI_FAX3 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_DIVATA, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_COM, CHIP_EXTERN, + 1, 1, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 52 (Diva Server 4BRI-8M PCI adapter enabled for Voice) */ + "Diva Server Voice 4BRI-8M PCI", 0xE016, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA, FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_VOICE_OVER_IP, + CARD_MAEQ, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 4, 2, 16, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 53 (Diva Server 4BRI 2.0 adapter) */ + "Diva Server 4BRI-8M 2.0 PCI", 0xE013, 0x0200, + IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA, FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, + CARD_MAEQ, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 4, 2, 16, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 54 (Diva Server PRI 2.0 adapter) */ + "Diva Server PRI 2.0 PCI", 0xE015, 0x0200, + IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA, FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, + CARD_MAEP, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 30, 256, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 55 (Diva Server 4BRI-8M 2.0 PCI adapter enabled for Voice) */ + "Diva Server Voice 4BRI-8M 2.0 PCI", 0xE017, 0x0200, + IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA, FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_VOICE_OVER_IP, + CARD_MAEQ, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 4, 2, 16, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 56 (Diva Server PRI 2.0 PCI adapter enabled for Voice) */ + "Diva Server Voice PRI 2.0 PCI", 0xE019, 0x0200, + IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA, FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_VOICE_OVER_IP, + CARD_MAEP, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 30, 256, 8, 0 + }, + { + /* 57 (DivaLan ) no ID */ + "Diva LAN", 0x0000, 0x0300, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V110 | DI_FAX3 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_DIVALAN, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_LAN, CHIP_EXTERN, + 1, 1, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 58 */ + "Diva 2.02 PCI S/T", 0xE00B, 0x0300, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES | DI_SOFT_V110, + CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_IPACX, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 59 */ + "Diva 2.02 PCI U", 0xE00C, 0x0300, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_IPACX, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 60 */ + "Diva Server BRI-2M 2.0 PCI", 0xE018, 0x0200, + IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA, FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, + CARD_MAE2, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 16, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 61 (the previous name was Diva Server BRI-2F 2.0 PCI) */ + "Diva Server 2FX", 0xE01A, 0x0200, + IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA, FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_SOFT_V110, + CARD_MAE2, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_IPACX, + 1, 2, 16, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 62 */ + " Diva ISDN USB 2.0", 0x1003, 0x0300, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA , FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_DIVALOW, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_USB, CHIP_IPACX, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 63 (Diva Server BRI-2M 2.0 PCI adapter enabled for Voice) */ + "Diva Server Voice BRI-2M 2.0 PCI", 0xE01B, 0x0200, + IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA, FAMILY_MAESTRA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_VOICE_OVER_IP, + CARD_MAE2, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 16, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 64 */ + "Diva Pro 3.0 PCI", 0xe00d, 0x0300, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA , FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM, + CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 0, 0 + }, + { /* 65 */ + "Diva ISDN + CT 2.0", 0xE00E, 0x0300, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA , FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V1x0 | DI_FAX3 | DI_MODEM | DI_CODEC, + CARD_CT, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCI, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 0, 0 + }, + { /* 66 */ + "Diva Mobile V.90 PC Card", 0x8331, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_IPACX, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 67 */ + "Diva ISDN PC Card", 0x8311, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_PICO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_IPACX, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, + { /* 68 */ + "Diva ISDN PC Card", 0x0000, 0x0100, + IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA, FAMILY_DIVA, DI_V120 | SOFT_DSP_ADD_FEATURES, + CARD_PRO, CARD_I_NONE, BUS_PCM, CHIP_DSP, + 1, 2, 0, 8, 0 + }, +}; #if CARDTYPE_H_WANT_RESOURCE_DATA /*--- CardResource [Index=CARDTYPE_....] ---------------------------(GEI)-*/ -CARD_RESOURCE CardResource [ ] = { +CARD_RESOURCE CardResource[] = { /* Interrupts IO-Address Mem-Address */ -/* 0*/ { 3,4,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA MCA -/* 1*/ { 3,4,9,10,11,12,0,0,0,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA ISA -/* 2*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA PCMCIA -/* 3*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA PRO ISA -/* 4*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA PRO PCMCIA -/* 5*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA PICCOLA ISA -/* 6*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA PICCOLA PCMCIA -/* 7*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA PRO 2.0 PCI -/* 8*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.0 PCI -/* 9*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x80000,0x2000,64 }, // QUADRO ISA -/*10*/ { 3,4,9,10,11,12,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0xc0000,0x2000,16 }, // S ISA -/*11*/ { 3,4,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0xc00,0x10,16, 0xc0000,0x2000,16 }, // S MCA -/*12*/ { 3,4,9,10,11,12,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0xc0000,0x2000,16 }, // SX ISA -/*13*/ { 3,4,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0xc00,0x10,16, 0xc0000,0x2000,16 }, // SX MCA -/*14*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x80000,0x0800,256 }, // SXN ISA -/*15*/ { 3,4,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0xc00,0x10,16, 0xc0000,0x2000,16 }, // SXN MCA -/*16*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x80000,0x0800,256 }, // SCOM ISA -/*17*/ { 3,4,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0xc00,0x10,16, 0xc0000,0x2000,16 }, // SCOM MCA -/*18*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0xc0000,0x4000,16 }, // S2M ISA -/*19*/ { 3,4,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0xc00,0x10,16, 0xc0000,0x4000,16 }, // S2M MCA -/*20*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA ISA -/*21*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA PCI -/*22*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA QUADRO ISA -/*23*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x20,2048, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA QUADRO PCI -/*24*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA PRIMARY ISA -/*25*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA PRIMARY PCI -/*26*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.0 ISA -/*27*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.0 /U ISA -/*28*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.0 /U PCI -/*29*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA PRO 2.0 ISA -/*30*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA PRO 2.0 /U ISA -/*31*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA PRO 2.0 /U PCI -/*32*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA MOBILE -/*33*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // TDK DFI3600 (same as DIVA MOBILE [32]) -/*34*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // New Media ISDN (same as DIVA PRO PCMCIA [4]) -/*35*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // BT ExLane PCI (same as DIVA PRO 2.0 PCI [7]) -/*36*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // BT ExLane ISA (same as DIVA PRO 2.0 ISA [29]) -/*37*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.01 S/T ISA -/*38*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.01 U ISA -/*39*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.01 S/T PCI -/*40*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.01 U PCI -/*41*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA MOBILE V.90 -/*42*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // TDK DFI3600 V.90 (same as DIVA MOBILE V.90 [39]) -/*43*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x20,2048, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA Server PRI-23M PCI -/*44*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.01 S/T USB -/*45*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA CT S/T PCI -/*46*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA CT U PCI -/*47*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA CT Lite S/T PCI -/*48*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA CT Lite U PCI -/*49*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA ISDN+V.90 PC Card -/*50*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA ISDN+V.90 PCI -/*51*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA TA -/*52*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x20,2048, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA VOICE QUADRO PCI -/*53*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x20,2048, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA VOICE QUADRO PCI -/*54*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA VOICE PRIMARY PCI -/*55*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x20,2048, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA VOICE QUADRO PCI -/*56*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA VOICE PRIMARY PCI -/*57*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA LAN -/*58*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.02 S/T PCI -/*59*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.02 U PCI -/*60*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // Diva Server BRI-2M 2.0 PCI -/*61*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // Diva Server BRI-2F PCI -/*62*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.01 S/T USB -/*63*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // Diva Server Voice BRI-2M 2.0 PCI -/*64*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 3.0 PCI -/*65*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA CT S/T PCI V2.0 -/*66*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA Mobile V.90 PC Card -/*67*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA ISDN PC Card -/*68*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA ISDN PC Card + /* 0*/ { 3,4,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA MCA + /* 1*/ { 3,4,9,10,11,12,0,0,0,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA ISA + /* 2*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA PCMCIA + /* 3*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA PRO ISA + /* 4*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA PRO PCMCIA + /* 5*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA PICCOLA ISA + /* 6*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA PICCOLA PCMCIA + /* 7*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA PRO 2.0 PCI + /* 8*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.0 PCI + /* 9*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x80000,0x2000,64 }, // QUADRO ISA + /*10*/ { 3,4,9,10,11,12,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0xc0000,0x2000,16 }, // S ISA + /*11*/ { 3,4,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0xc00,0x10,16, 0xc0000,0x2000,16 }, // S MCA + /*12*/ { 3,4,9,10,11,12,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0xc0000,0x2000,16 }, // SX ISA + /*13*/ { 3,4,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0xc00,0x10,16, 0xc0000,0x2000,16 }, // SX MCA + /*14*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x80000,0x0800,256 }, // SXN ISA + /*15*/ { 3,4,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0xc00,0x10,16, 0xc0000,0x2000,16 }, // SXN MCA + /*16*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x80000,0x0800,256 }, // SCOM ISA + /*17*/ { 3,4,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0xc00,0x10,16, 0xc0000,0x2000,16 }, // SCOM MCA + /*18*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0xc0000,0x4000,16 }, // S2M ISA + /*19*/ { 3,4,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0xc00,0x10,16, 0xc0000,0x4000,16 }, // S2M MCA + /*20*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA ISA + /*21*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA PCI + /*22*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA QUADRO ISA + /*23*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x20,2048, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA QUADRO PCI + /*24*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA PRIMARY ISA + /*25*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA PRIMARY PCI + /*26*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.0 ISA + /*27*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.0 /U ISA + /*28*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.0 /U PCI + /*29*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA PRO 2.0 ISA + /*30*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA PRO 2.0 /U ISA + /*31*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA PRO 2.0 /U PCI + /*32*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA MOBILE + /*33*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // TDK DFI3600 (same as DIVA MOBILE [32]) + /*34*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // New Media ISDN (same as DIVA PRO PCMCIA [4]) + /*35*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // BT ExLane PCI (same as DIVA PRO 2.0 PCI [7]) + /*36*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // BT ExLane ISA (same as DIVA PRO 2.0 ISA [29]) + /*37*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.01 S/T ISA + /*38*/ { 3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,0, 0x200,0x20,16, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.01 U ISA + /*39*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.01 S/T PCI + /*40*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.01 U PCI + /*41*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA MOBILE V.90 + /*42*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // TDK DFI3600 V.90 (same as DIVA MOBILE V.90 [39]) + /*43*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x20,2048, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA Server PRI-23M PCI + /*44*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.01 S/T USB + /*45*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA CT S/T PCI + /*46*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA CT U PCI + /*47*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA CT Lite S/T PCI + /*48*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA CT Lite U PCI + /*49*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA ISDN+V.90 PC Card + /*50*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA ISDN+V.90 PCI + /*51*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA TA + /*52*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x20,2048, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA VOICE QUADRO PCI + /*53*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x20,2048, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA VOICE QUADRO PCI + /*54*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA VOICE PRIMARY PCI + /*55*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x20,2048, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA VOICE QUADRO PCI + /*56*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // MAESTRA VOICE PRIMARY PCI + /*57*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA LAN + /*58*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.02 S/T PCI + /*59*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.02 U PCI + /*60*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // Diva Server BRI-2M 2.0 PCI + /*61*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // Diva Server BRI-2F PCI + /*62*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 2.01 S/T USB + /*63*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // Diva Server Voice BRI-2M 2.0 PCI + /*64*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA 3.0 PCI + /*65*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA CT S/T PCI V2.0 + /*66*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA Mobile V.90 PC Card + /*67*/ { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x0,0x0,0, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA ISDN PC Card + /*68*/ { 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, 0x0,0x8,8192, 0x0,0x0,0 }, // DIVA ISDN PC Card }; #endif /*CARDTYPE_H_WANT_RESOURCE_DATA*/ #else /*!CARDTYPE_H_WANT_DATA*/ -extern CARD_PROPERTIES CardProperties [] ; -extern CARD_RESOURCE CardResource [] ; +extern CARD_PROPERTIES CardProperties[]; +extern CARD_RESOURCE CardResource[]; #endif /*CARDTYPE_H_WANT_DATA*/ /* * all existing download files @@ -902,197 +902,197 @@ extern CARD_RESOURCE CardResource [] ; #define CARD_D_NEW_DSP_COMBIFILE 63 typedef struct CARD_FILES_DATA { - char * Name; - unsigned char Type; + char *Name; + unsigned char Type; } -CARD_FILES_DATA; + CARD_FILES_DATA; typedef struct CARD_FILES { - unsigned char Boot; - unsigned char Dsp [CARD_DSP_CNT]; - unsigned char DspTelindus; - unsigned char Prot [CARD_PROT_CNT]; + unsigned char Boot; + unsigned char Dsp[CARD_DSP_CNT]; + unsigned char DspTelindus; + unsigned char Prot[CARD_PROT_CNT]; } -CARD_FILES; + CARD_FILES; #if CARDTYPE_H_WANT_DATA #if CARDTYPE_H_WANT_FILE_DATA -CARD_FILES_DATA CardFData [] = { +CARD_FILES_DATA CardFData[] = { // Filename Filetype - 0, CARD_FT_UNKNOWN, - "didnload.bin", CARD_FT_B, - "diprload.bin", CARD_FT_B, - "didiva.bin", CARD_FT_D, - "didivapp.bin", CARD_FT_D, - "dihscx.bin", CARD_FT_D, - "div110.bin", CARD_FT_D, - "dimodem.bin", CARD_FT_D, - "difax.bin", CARD_FT_D, - "di_etsi.bin", CARD_FT_S, - "di_1tr6.bin", CARD_FT_S, - "di_belg.bin", CARD_FT_S, - "di_franc.bin", CARD_FT_S, - "di_atel.bin", CARD_FT_S, - "di_ni.bin", CARD_FT_S, - "di_5ess.bin", CARD_FT_S, - "di_japan.bin", CARD_FT_S, - "di_etsi.sx", CARD_FT_S, - "di_1tr6.sx", CARD_FT_S, - "di_belg.sx", CARD_FT_S, - "di_franc.sx", CARD_FT_S, - "di_atel.sx", CARD_FT_S, - "di_ni.sx", CARD_FT_S, - "di_5ess.sx", CARD_FT_S, - "di_japan.sx", CARD_FT_S, - "di_etsi.sy", CARD_FT_S, - "di_1tr6.sy", CARD_FT_S, - "di_belg.sy", CARD_FT_S, - "di_franc.sy", CARD_FT_S, - "di_atel.sy", CARD_FT_S, - "di_ni.sy", CARD_FT_S, - "di_5ess.sy", CARD_FT_S, - "di_japan.sy", CARD_FT_S, - "di_etsi.sq", CARD_FT_S, - "di_1tr6.sq", CARD_FT_S, - "di_belg.sq", CARD_FT_S, - "di_franc.sq", CARD_FT_S, - "di_atel.sq", CARD_FT_S, - "di_ni.sq", CARD_FT_S, - "di_5ess.sq", CARD_FT_S, - "di_japan.sq", CARD_FT_S, - "di_etsi.p", CARD_FT_S, - "di_1tr6.p", CARD_FT_S, - "di_belg.p", CARD_FT_S, - "di_franc.p", CARD_FT_S, - "di_atel.p", CARD_FT_S, - "di_ni.p", CARD_FT_S, - "di_5ess.p", CARD_FT_S, - "di_japan.p", CARD_FT_S, - "di_etsi.sm", CARD_FT_M, - "di_1tr6.sm", CARD_FT_M, - "di_belg.sm", CARD_FT_M, - "di_franc.sm", CARD_FT_M, - "di_atel.sm", CARD_FT_M, - "di_ni.sm", CARD_FT_M, - "di_5ess.sm", CARD_FT_M, - "di_japan.sm", CARD_FT_M, - "di_swed.bin", CARD_FT_S, - "di_swed.sx", CARD_FT_S, - "di_swed.sy", CARD_FT_S, - "di_swed.sq", CARD_FT_S, - "di_swed.p", CARD_FT_S, - "di_swed.sm", CARD_FT_M, - "didspdld.bin", CARD_FT_NEW_DSP_COMBIFILE + 0, CARD_FT_UNKNOWN, + "didnload.bin", CARD_FT_B, + "diprload.bin", CARD_FT_B, + "didiva.bin", CARD_FT_D, + "didivapp.bin", CARD_FT_D, + "dihscx.bin", CARD_FT_D, + "div110.bin", CARD_FT_D, + "dimodem.bin", CARD_FT_D, + "difax.bin", CARD_FT_D, + "di_etsi.bin", CARD_FT_S, + "di_1tr6.bin", CARD_FT_S, + "di_belg.bin", CARD_FT_S, + "di_franc.bin", CARD_FT_S, + "di_atel.bin", CARD_FT_S, + "di_ni.bin", CARD_FT_S, + "di_5ess.bin", CARD_FT_S, + "di_japan.bin", CARD_FT_S, + "di_etsi.sx", CARD_FT_S, + "di_1tr6.sx", CARD_FT_S, + "di_belg.sx", CARD_FT_S, + "di_franc.sx", CARD_FT_S, + "di_atel.sx", CARD_FT_S, + "di_ni.sx", CARD_FT_S, + "di_5ess.sx", CARD_FT_S, + "di_japan.sx", CARD_FT_S, + "di_etsi.sy", CARD_FT_S, + "di_1tr6.sy", CARD_FT_S, + "di_belg.sy", CARD_FT_S, + "di_franc.sy", CARD_FT_S, + "di_atel.sy", CARD_FT_S, + "di_ni.sy", CARD_FT_S, + "di_5ess.sy", CARD_FT_S, + "di_japan.sy", CARD_FT_S, + "di_etsi.sq", CARD_FT_S, + "di_1tr6.sq", CARD_FT_S, + "di_belg.sq", CARD_FT_S, + "di_franc.sq", CARD_FT_S, + "di_atel.sq", CARD_FT_S, + "di_ni.sq", CARD_FT_S, + "di_5ess.sq", CARD_FT_S, + "di_japan.sq", CARD_FT_S, + "di_etsi.p", CARD_FT_S, + "di_1tr6.p", CARD_FT_S, + "di_belg.p", CARD_FT_S, + "di_franc.p", CARD_FT_S, + "di_atel.p", CARD_FT_S, + "di_ni.p", CARD_FT_S, + "di_5ess.p", CARD_FT_S, + "di_japan.p", CARD_FT_S, + "di_etsi.sm", CARD_FT_M, + "di_1tr6.sm", CARD_FT_M, + "di_belg.sm", CARD_FT_M, + "di_franc.sm", CARD_FT_M, + "di_atel.sm", CARD_FT_M, + "di_ni.sm", CARD_FT_M, + "di_5ess.sm", CARD_FT_M, + "di_japan.sm", CARD_FT_M, + "di_swed.bin", CARD_FT_S, + "di_swed.sx", CARD_FT_S, + "di_swed.sy", CARD_FT_S, + "di_swed.sq", CARD_FT_S, + "di_swed.p", CARD_FT_S, + "di_swed.sm", CARD_FT_M, + "didspdld.bin", CARD_FT_NEW_DSP_COMBIFILE }; -CARD_FILES CardFiles [] = +CARD_FILES CardFiles[] = { - { /* CARD_UNKNOWN */ - CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE - }, - { /* CARD_DIVA */ - CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_D_K1, CARD_D_H, CARD_D_V, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_D_F, - CARD_D_NEW_DSP_COMBIFILE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE - }, - { /* CARD_PRO */ - CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_D_K2, CARD_D_H, CARD_D_V, CARD_D_M, CARD_D_F, - CARD_D_NEW_DSP_COMBIFILE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE - }, - { /* CARD_PICO */ - CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE - }, - { /* CARD_S */ - CARD_B_S, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_P_S_E, CARD_P_S_1, CARD_P_S_B, CARD_P_S_F, - CARD_P_S_A, CARD_P_S_N, CARD_P_S_5, CARD_P_S_J, - CARD_P_S_S - }, - { /* CARD_SX */ - CARD_B_S, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_P_SX_E, CARD_P_SX_1, CARD_P_SX_B, CARD_P_SX_F, - CARD_P_SX_A, CARD_P_SX_N, CARD_P_SX_5, CARD_P_SX_J, - CARD_P_SX_S - }, - { /* CARD_SXN */ - CARD_B_S, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_P_SY_E, CARD_P_SY_1, CARD_P_SY_B, CARD_P_SY_F, - CARD_P_SY_A, CARD_P_SY_N, CARD_P_SY_5, CARD_P_SY_J, - CARD_P_SY_S - }, - { /* CARD_SCOM */ - CARD_B_S, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_P_SY_E, CARD_P_SY_1, CARD_P_SY_B, CARD_P_SY_F, - CARD_P_SY_A, CARD_P_SY_N, CARD_P_SY_5, CARD_P_SY_J, - CARD_P_SY_S - }, - { /* CARD_QUAD */ - CARD_B_S, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_P_SQ_E, CARD_P_SQ_1, CARD_P_SQ_B, CARD_P_SQ_F, - CARD_P_SQ_A, CARD_P_SQ_N, CARD_P_SQ_5, CARD_P_SQ_J, - CARD_P_SQ_S - }, - { /* CARD_PR */ - CARD_B_P, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_P_P_E, CARD_P_P_1, CARD_P_P_B, CARD_P_P_F, - CARD_P_P_A, CARD_P_P_N, CARD_P_P_5, CARD_P_P_J, - CARD_P_P_S - }, - { /* CARD_MAE */ - CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_D_K2, CARD_D_H, CARD_D_V, CARD_D_M, CARD_D_F, - CARD_D_NEW_DSP_COMBIFILE, - CARD_P_M_E, CARD_P_M_1, CARD_P_M_B, CARD_P_M_F, - CARD_P_M_A, CARD_P_M_N, CARD_P_M_5, CARD_P_M_J, - CARD_P_M_S - }, - { /* CARD_MAEQ */ /* currently not supported */ - CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE - }, - { /* CARD_MAEP */ /* currently not supported */ - CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, - CARD_FILE_NONE - } + { /* CARD_UNKNOWN */ + CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE + }, + { /* CARD_DIVA */ + CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_D_K1, CARD_D_H, CARD_D_V, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_D_F, + CARD_D_NEW_DSP_COMBIFILE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE + }, + { /* CARD_PRO */ + CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_D_K2, CARD_D_H, CARD_D_V, CARD_D_M, CARD_D_F, + CARD_D_NEW_DSP_COMBIFILE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE + }, + { /* CARD_PICO */ + CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE + }, + { /* CARD_S */ + CARD_B_S, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_P_S_E, CARD_P_S_1, CARD_P_S_B, CARD_P_S_F, + CARD_P_S_A, CARD_P_S_N, CARD_P_S_5, CARD_P_S_J, + CARD_P_S_S + }, + { /* CARD_SX */ + CARD_B_S, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_P_SX_E, CARD_P_SX_1, CARD_P_SX_B, CARD_P_SX_F, + CARD_P_SX_A, CARD_P_SX_N, CARD_P_SX_5, CARD_P_SX_J, + CARD_P_SX_S + }, + { /* CARD_SXN */ + CARD_B_S, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_P_SY_E, CARD_P_SY_1, CARD_P_SY_B, CARD_P_SY_F, + CARD_P_SY_A, CARD_P_SY_N, CARD_P_SY_5, CARD_P_SY_J, + CARD_P_SY_S + }, + { /* CARD_SCOM */ + CARD_B_S, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_P_SY_E, CARD_P_SY_1, CARD_P_SY_B, CARD_P_SY_F, + CARD_P_SY_A, CARD_P_SY_N, CARD_P_SY_5, CARD_P_SY_J, + CARD_P_SY_S + }, + { /* CARD_QUAD */ + CARD_B_S, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_P_SQ_E, CARD_P_SQ_1, CARD_P_SQ_B, CARD_P_SQ_F, + CARD_P_SQ_A, CARD_P_SQ_N, CARD_P_SQ_5, CARD_P_SQ_J, + CARD_P_SQ_S + }, + { /* CARD_PR */ + CARD_B_P, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_P_P_E, CARD_P_P_1, CARD_P_P_B, CARD_P_P_F, + CARD_P_P_A, CARD_P_P_N, CARD_P_P_5, CARD_P_P_J, + CARD_P_P_S + }, + { /* CARD_MAE */ + CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_D_K2, CARD_D_H, CARD_D_V, CARD_D_M, CARD_D_F, + CARD_D_NEW_DSP_COMBIFILE, + CARD_P_M_E, CARD_P_M_1, CARD_P_M_B, CARD_P_M_F, + CARD_P_M_A, CARD_P_M_N, CARD_P_M_5, CARD_P_M_J, + CARD_P_M_S + }, + { /* CARD_MAEQ */ /* currently not supported */ + CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE + }, + { /* CARD_MAEP */ /* currently not supported */ + CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, CARD_FILE_NONE, + CARD_FILE_NONE + } }; #endif /*CARDTYPE_H_WANT_FILE_DATA*/ #else /*!CARDTYPE_H_WANT_DATA*/ -extern CARD_FILES_DATA CardFData [] ; -extern CARD_FILES CardFiles [] ; +extern CARD_FILES_DATA CardFData[]; +extern CARD_FILES CardFiles[]; #endif /*CARDTYPE_H_WANT_DATA*/ #endif /* _CARDTYPE_H_ */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/cp_vers.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/cp_vers.h index cb5ada31111cbe5b3fb3ed372dcf6d9603bae267..c97230c60e717e225c8989b53031115442a49e5c 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/cp_vers.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/cp_vers.h @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ -static char diva_capi_common_code_build[] = "102-28"; +static char diva_capi_common_code_build[] = "102-28"; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dadapter.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dadapter.c index 89497890158d9fad084828551a0d3b1db57b8b90..51420999418d8bdaf4ad7ad06a845ba029196902 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dadapter.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dadapter.c @@ -1,26 +1,25 @@ - /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include "platform.h" @@ -30,337 +29,336 @@ #include "divasync.h" #include "dadapter.h" /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Adapter array change notification framework + Adapter array change notification framework -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct _didd_adapter_change_notification { - didd_adapter_change_callback_t callback; - void IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T * context; -} didd_adapter_change_notification_t, \ - * IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T pdidd_adapter_change_notification_t; + didd_adapter_change_callback_t callback; + void IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T *context; +} didd_adapter_change_notification_t, \ + * IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T pdidd_adapter_change_notification_t; #define DIVA_DIDD_MAX_NOTIFICATIONS 256 -static didd_adapter_change_notification_t\ - NotificationTable[DIVA_DIDD_MAX_NOTIFICATIONS]; +static didd_adapter_change_notification_t \ +NotificationTable[DIVA_DIDD_MAX_NOTIFICATIONS]; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Array to held adapter information + Array to held adapter information -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static DESCRIPTOR HandleTable[NEW_MAX_DESCRIPTORS]; static dword Adapters = 0; /* Number of adapters */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Shadow IDI_DIMAINT - and 'shadow' debug stuff + Shadow IDI_DIMAINT + and 'shadow' debug stuff -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void no_printf (unsigned char * format, ...) +static void no_printf(unsigned char *format, ...) { #ifdef EBUG va_list ap; - va_start (ap, format); + va_start(ap, format); debug((format, ap)); - va_end (ap); + va_end(ap); #endif } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Portable debug Library - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + Portable debug Library + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "debuglib.c" - + static DESCRIPTOR MAdapter = {IDI_DIMAINT, /* Adapter Type */ - 0x00, /* Channels */ - 0x0000, /* Features */ - (IDI_CALL)no_printf}; + 0x00, /* Channels */ + 0x0000, /* Features */ + (IDI_CALL)no_printf}; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - DAdapter. Only IDI clients with buffer, that is huge enough to - get all descriptors will receive information about DAdapter - { byte type, byte channels, word features, IDI_CALL request } + DAdapter. Only IDI clients with buffer, that is huge enough to + get all descriptors will receive information about DAdapter + { byte type, byte channels, word features, IDI_CALL request } -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void IDI_CALL_LINK_T diva_dadapter_request (ENTITY IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T *); +static void IDI_CALL_LINK_T diva_dadapter_request(ENTITY IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T *); static DESCRIPTOR DAdapter = {IDI_DADAPTER, /* Adapter Type */ - 0x00, /* Channels */ - 0x0000, /* Features */ - diva_dadapter_request }; + 0x00, /* Channels */ + 0x0000, /* Features */ + diva_dadapter_request }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - LOCALS + LOCALS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static dword diva_register_adapter_callback (\ - didd_adapter_change_callback_t callback, - void IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T* context); -static void diva_remove_adapter_callback (dword handle); -static void diva_notify_adapter_change (DESCRIPTOR* d, int removal); +static dword diva_register_adapter_callback(\ + didd_adapter_change_callback_t callback, + void IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T *context); +static void diva_remove_adapter_callback(dword handle); +static void diva_notify_adapter_change(DESCRIPTOR *d, int removal); static diva_os_spin_lock_t didd_spin; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Should be called as first step, after driver init - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -void diva_didd_load_time_init (void) { - memset (&HandleTable[0], 0x00, sizeof(HandleTable)); - memset (&NotificationTable[0], 0x00, sizeof(NotificationTable)); - diva_os_initialize_spin_lock (&didd_spin, "didd"); + Should be called as first step, after driver init + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +void diva_didd_load_time_init(void) { + memset(&HandleTable[0], 0x00, sizeof(HandleTable)); + memset(&NotificationTable[0], 0x00, sizeof(NotificationTable)); + diva_os_initialize_spin_lock(&didd_spin, "didd"); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Should be called as last step, if driver does unload - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -void diva_didd_load_time_finit (void) { - diva_os_destroy_spin_lock (&didd_spin, "didd"); + Should be called as last step, if driver does unload + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +void diva_didd_load_time_finit(void) { + diva_os_destroy_spin_lock(&didd_spin, "didd"); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Called in order to register new adapter in adapter array - return adapter handle (> 0) on success - return -1 adapter array overflow - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static int diva_didd_add_descriptor (DESCRIPTOR* d) { - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; - int i; - if (d->type == IDI_DIMAINT) { - if (d->request) { - MAdapter.request = d->request; - dprintf = (DIVA_DI_PRINTF)d->request; - diva_notify_adapter_change (&MAdapter, 0); /* Inserted */ - DBG_TRC (("DIMAINT registered, dprintf=%08x", d->request)) - } else { - DBG_TRC (("DIMAINT removed")) - diva_notify_adapter_change (&MAdapter, 1); /* About to remove */ - MAdapter.request = (IDI_CALL)no_printf; - dprintf = no_printf; - } - return (NEW_MAX_DESCRIPTORS); - } - for (i = 0; i < NEW_MAX_DESCRIPTORS; i++) { - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_add"); - if (HandleTable[i].type == 0) { - memcpy (&HandleTable[i], d, sizeof(*d)); - Adapters++; - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_add"); - diva_notify_adapter_change (d, 0); /* we have new adapter */ - DBG_TRC (("Add adapter[%d], request=%08x", (i+1), d->request)) - return (i+1); - } - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_add"); - } - DBG_ERR (("Can't add adapter, out of resources")) - return (-1); + Called in order to register new adapter in adapter array + return adapter handle (> 0) on success + return -1 adapter array overflow + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static int diva_didd_add_descriptor(DESCRIPTOR *d) { + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; + int i; + if (d->type == IDI_DIMAINT) { + if (d->request) { + MAdapter.request = d->request; + dprintf = (DIVA_DI_PRINTF)d->request; + diva_notify_adapter_change(&MAdapter, 0); /* Inserted */ + DBG_TRC(("DIMAINT registered, dprintf=%08x", d->request)) + } else { + DBG_TRC(("DIMAINT removed")) + diva_notify_adapter_change(&MAdapter, 1); /* About to remove */ + MAdapter.request = (IDI_CALL)no_printf; + dprintf = no_printf; + } + return (NEW_MAX_DESCRIPTORS); + } + for (i = 0; i < NEW_MAX_DESCRIPTORS; i++) { + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_add"); + if (HandleTable[i].type == 0) { + memcpy(&HandleTable[i], d, sizeof(*d)); + Adapters++; + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_add"); + diva_notify_adapter_change(d, 0); /* we have new adapter */ + DBG_TRC(("Add adapter[%d], request=%08x", (i + 1), d->request)) + return (i + 1); + } + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_add"); + } + DBG_ERR(("Can't add adapter, out of resources")) + return (-1); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Called in order to remove one registered adapter from array - return adapter handle (> 0) on success - return 0 on success - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static int diva_didd_remove_descriptor (IDI_CALL request) { - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; - int i; - if (request == MAdapter.request) { - DBG_TRC(("DIMAINT removed")) - dprintf = no_printf; - diva_notify_adapter_change (&MAdapter, 1); /* About to remove */ - MAdapter.request = (IDI_CALL)no_printf; - return (0); - } - for (i = 0; (Adapters && (i < NEW_MAX_DESCRIPTORS)); i++) { - if (HandleTable[i].request == request) { - diva_notify_adapter_change (&HandleTable[i], 1); /* About to remove */ - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_rm"); - memset (&HandleTable[i], 0x00, sizeof(HandleTable[0])); - Adapters--; - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_rm"); - DBG_TRC (("Remove adapter[%d], request=%08x", (i+1), request)) - return (0); - } - } - DBG_ERR (("Invalid request=%08x, can't remove adapter", request)) - return (-1); + Called in order to remove one registered adapter from array + return adapter handle (> 0) on success + return 0 on success + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static int diva_didd_remove_descriptor(IDI_CALL request) { + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; + int i; + if (request == MAdapter.request) { + DBG_TRC(("DIMAINT removed")) + dprintf = no_printf; + diva_notify_adapter_change(&MAdapter, 1); /* About to remove */ + MAdapter.request = (IDI_CALL)no_printf; + return (0); + } + for (i = 0; (Adapters && (i < NEW_MAX_DESCRIPTORS)); i++) { + if (HandleTable[i].request == request) { + diva_notify_adapter_change(&HandleTable[i], 1); /* About to remove */ + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_rm"); + memset(&HandleTable[i], 0x00, sizeof(HandleTable[0])); + Adapters--; + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_rm"); + DBG_TRC(("Remove adapter[%d], request=%08x", (i + 1), request)) + return (0); + } + } + DBG_ERR(("Invalid request=%08x, can't remove adapter", request)) + return (-1); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Read adapter array - return 1 if not enough space to save all available adapters + Read adapter array + return 1 if not enough space to save all available adapters -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static int diva_didd_read_adapter_array (DESCRIPTOR* buffer, int length) { - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; - int src, dst; - memset (buffer, 0x00, length); - length /= sizeof(DESCRIPTOR); - DBG_TRC (("DIDD_Read, space = %d, Adapters = %d", length, Adapters+2)) - - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_read"); - for (src = 0, dst = 0; - (Adapters && (src < NEW_MAX_DESCRIPTORS) && (dst < length)); - src++) { - if (HandleTable[src].type) { - memcpy (&buffer[dst], &HandleTable[src], sizeof(DESCRIPTOR)); - dst++; - } - } - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_read"); - if (dst < length) { - memcpy (&buffer[dst], &MAdapter, sizeof(DESCRIPTOR)); - dst++; - } else { - DBG_ERR (("Can't write DIMAINT. Array too small")) - } - if (dst < length) { - memcpy (&buffer[dst], &DAdapter, sizeof(DESCRIPTOR)); - dst++; - } else { - DBG_ERR (("Can't write DADAPTER. Array too small")) - } - DBG_TRC (("Read %d adapters", dst)) - return (dst == length); +static int diva_didd_read_adapter_array(DESCRIPTOR *buffer, int length) { + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; + int src, dst; + memset(buffer, 0x00, length); + length /= sizeof(DESCRIPTOR); + DBG_TRC(("DIDD_Read, space = %d, Adapters = %d", length, Adapters + 2)) + + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_read"); + for (src = 0, dst = 0; + (Adapters && (src < NEW_MAX_DESCRIPTORS) && (dst < length)); + src++) { + if (HandleTable[src].type) { + memcpy(&buffer[dst], &HandleTable[src], sizeof(DESCRIPTOR)); + dst++; + } + } + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_read"); + if (dst < length) { + memcpy(&buffer[dst], &MAdapter, sizeof(DESCRIPTOR)); + dst++; + } else { + DBG_ERR(("Can't write DIMAINT. Array too small")) + } + if (dst < length) { + memcpy(&buffer[dst], &DAdapter, sizeof(DESCRIPTOR)); + dst++; + } else { + DBG_ERR(("Can't write DADAPTER. Array too small")) + } + DBG_TRC(("Read %d adapters", dst)) + return (dst == length); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - DAdapter request function. - This function does process only synchronous requests, and is used - for reception/registration of new interfaces + DAdapter request function. + This function does process only synchronous requests, and is used + for reception/registration of new interfaces -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void IDI_CALL_LINK_T diva_dadapter_request (\ - ENTITY IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T *e) { - IDI_SYNC_REQ *syncReq = (IDI_SYNC_REQ *)e ; - if (e->Req) { /* We do not process it, also return error */ - e->Rc = OUT_OF_RESOURCES; - DBG_ERR (("Can't process async request, Req=%02x", e->Req)) - return; - } - /* - So, we process sync request - */ - switch (e->Rc) { - case IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REGISTER_ADAPTER_NOTIFY: { - diva_didd_adapter_notify_t* pinfo = &syncReq->didd_notify.info; - pinfo->handle = diva_register_adapter_callback (\ - (didd_adapter_change_callback_t)pinfo->callback, - (void IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T *)pinfo->context); - e->Rc = 0xff; - } break; - case IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REMOVE_ADAPTER_NOTIFY: { - diva_didd_adapter_notify_t* pinfo = &syncReq->didd_notify.info; - diva_remove_adapter_callback (pinfo->handle); - e->Rc = 0xff; - } break; - case IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_ADD_ADAPTER: { - diva_didd_add_adapter_t* pinfo = &syncReq->didd_add_adapter.info; - if (diva_didd_add_descriptor ((DESCRIPTOR*)pinfo->descriptor) < 0) { - e->Rc = OUT_OF_RESOURCES; - } else { - e->Rc = 0xff; - } - } break; - case IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REMOVE_ADAPTER: { - diva_didd_remove_adapter_t* pinfo = &syncReq->didd_remove_adapter.info; - if (diva_didd_remove_descriptor ((IDI_CALL)pinfo->p_request) < 0) { - e->Rc = OUT_OF_RESOURCES; - } else { - e->Rc = 0xff; - } - } break; - case IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_READ_ADAPTER_ARRAY: { - diva_didd_read_adapter_array_t* pinfo =\ - &syncReq->didd_read_adapter_array.info; - if (diva_didd_read_adapter_array ((DESCRIPTOR*)pinfo->buffer, - (int)pinfo->length)) { - e->Rc = OUT_OF_RESOURCES; - } else { - e->Rc = 0xff; - } - } break; - default: - DBG_ERR (("Can't process sync request, Req=%02x", e->Rc)) - e->Rc = OUT_OF_RESOURCES; - } +static void IDI_CALL_LINK_T diva_dadapter_request( \ + ENTITY IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T *e) { + IDI_SYNC_REQ *syncReq = (IDI_SYNC_REQ *)e; + if (e->Req) { /* We do not process it, also return error */ + e->Rc = OUT_OF_RESOURCES; + DBG_ERR(("Can't process async request, Req=%02x", e->Req)) + return; + } + /* + So, we process sync request + */ + switch (e->Rc) { + case IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REGISTER_ADAPTER_NOTIFY: { + diva_didd_adapter_notify_t *pinfo = &syncReq->didd_notify.info; + pinfo->handle = diva_register_adapter_callback( \ + (didd_adapter_change_callback_t)pinfo->callback, + (void IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T *)pinfo->context); + e->Rc = 0xff; + } break; + case IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REMOVE_ADAPTER_NOTIFY: { + diva_didd_adapter_notify_t *pinfo = &syncReq->didd_notify.info; + diva_remove_adapter_callback(pinfo->handle); + e->Rc = 0xff; + } break; + case IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_ADD_ADAPTER: { + diva_didd_add_adapter_t *pinfo = &syncReq->didd_add_adapter.info; + if (diva_didd_add_descriptor((DESCRIPTOR *)pinfo->descriptor) < 0) { + e->Rc = OUT_OF_RESOURCES; + } else { + e->Rc = 0xff; + } + } break; + case IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REMOVE_ADAPTER: { + diva_didd_remove_adapter_t *pinfo = &syncReq->didd_remove_adapter.info; + if (diva_didd_remove_descriptor((IDI_CALL)pinfo->p_request) < 0) { + e->Rc = OUT_OF_RESOURCES; + } else { + e->Rc = 0xff; + } + } break; + case IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_READ_ADAPTER_ARRAY: { + diva_didd_read_adapter_array_t *pinfo =\ + &syncReq->didd_read_adapter_array.info; + if (diva_didd_read_adapter_array((DESCRIPTOR *)pinfo->buffer, + (int)pinfo->length)) { + e->Rc = OUT_OF_RESOURCES; + } else { + e->Rc = 0xff; + } + } break; + default: + DBG_ERR(("Can't process sync request, Req=%02x", e->Rc)) + e->Rc = OUT_OF_RESOURCES; + } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - IDI client does register his notification function - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static dword diva_register_adapter_callback (\ - didd_adapter_change_callback_t callback, - void IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T* context) { - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; - dword i; - - for (i = 0; i < DIVA_DIDD_MAX_NOTIFICATIONS; i++) { - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_nfy_add"); - if (!NotificationTable[i].callback) { - NotificationTable[i].callback = callback; - NotificationTable[i].context = context; - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_nfy_add"); - DBG_TRC(("Register adapter notification[%d]=%08x", i+1, callback)) - return (i+1); - } - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_nfy_add"); - } - DBG_ERR (("Can't register adapter notification, overflow")) - return (0); + IDI client does register his notification function + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static dword diva_register_adapter_callback( \ + didd_adapter_change_callback_t callback, + void IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T *context) { + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; + dword i; + + for (i = 0; i < DIVA_DIDD_MAX_NOTIFICATIONS; i++) { + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_nfy_add"); + if (!NotificationTable[i].callback) { + NotificationTable[i].callback = callback; + NotificationTable[i].context = context; + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_nfy_add"); + DBG_TRC(("Register adapter notification[%d]=%08x", i + 1, callback)) + return (i + 1); + } + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_nfy_add"); + } + DBG_ERR(("Can't register adapter notification, overflow")) + return (0); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - IDI client does register his notification function - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void diva_remove_adapter_callback (dword handle) { - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; - if (handle && ((--handle) < DIVA_DIDD_MAX_NOTIFICATIONS)) { - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_nfy_rm"); - NotificationTable[handle].callback = NULL; - NotificationTable[handle].context = NULL; - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_nfy_rm"); - DBG_TRC(("Remove adapter notification[%d]", (int)(handle+1))) - return; - } - DBG_ERR(("Can't remove adapter notification, handle=%d", handle)) -} + IDI client does register his notification function + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static void diva_remove_adapter_callback(dword handle) { + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; + if (handle && ((--handle) < DIVA_DIDD_MAX_NOTIFICATIONS)) { + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_nfy_rm"); + NotificationTable[handle].callback = NULL; + NotificationTable[handle].context = NULL; + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_nfy_rm"); + DBG_TRC(("Remove adapter notification[%d]", (int)(handle + 1))) + return; + } + DBG_ERR(("Can't remove adapter notification, handle=%d", handle)) + } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Notify all client about adapter array change - Does suppose following behavior in the client side: - Step 1: Redister Notification - Step 2: Read Adapter Array - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void diva_notify_adapter_change (DESCRIPTOR* d, int removal) { - int i, do_notify; - didd_adapter_change_notification_t nfy; - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; - for (i = 0; i < DIVA_DIDD_MAX_NOTIFICATIONS; i++) { - do_notify = 0; - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_nfy"); - if (NotificationTable[i].callback) { - memcpy (&nfy, &NotificationTable[i], sizeof(nfy)); - do_notify = 1; - } - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_nfy"); - if (do_notify) { - (*(nfy.callback))(nfy.context, d, removal); - } - } + Notify all client about adapter array change + Does suppose following behavior in the client side: + Step 1: Redister Notification + Step 2: Read Adapter Array + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static void diva_notify_adapter_change(DESCRIPTOR *d, int removal) { + int i, do_notify; + didd_adapter_change_notification_t nfy; + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; + for (i = 0; i < DIVA_DIDD_MAX_NOTIFICATIONS; i++) { + do_notify = 0; + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_nfy"); + if (NotificationTable[i].callback) { + memcpy(&nfy, &NotificationTable[i], sizeof(nfy)); + do_notify = 1; + } + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&didd_spin, &irql, "didd_nfy"); + if (do_notify) { + (*(nfy.callback))(nfy.context, d, removal); + } + } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - For all systems, that are linked by Kernel Mode Linker this is ONLY one - function thet should be exported by this device driver - IDI clients should look for IDI_DADAPTER, and use request function - of this adapter (sync request) in order to receive appropriate services: - - add new adapter - - remove existing adapter - - add adapter array notification - - remove adapter array notification - (read adapter is redundant in this case) - INPUT: + For all systems, that are linked by Kernel Mode Linker this is ONLY one + function thet should be exported by this device driver + IDI clients should look for IDI_DADAPTER, and use request function + of this adapter (sync request) in order to receive appropriate services: + - add new adapter + - remove existing adapter + - add adapter array notification + - remove adapter array notification + (read adapter is redundant in this case) + INPUT: buffer - pointer to buffer that will receive adapter array length - length (in bytes) of space in buffer - OUTPUT: + OUTPUT: Adapter array will be written to memory described by 'buffer' If the last adapter seen in the returned adapter array is IDI_DADAPTER or if last adapter in array does have type '0', then it was enougth space in buffer to accommodate all available adapter descriptors - *NOTE 1 (debug interface): + *NOTE 1 (debug interface): The IDI adapter of type 'IDI_DIMAINT' does register as 'request' famous 'dprintf' function (of type DI_PRINTF, please look include/debuglib.c and include/debuglib.h) for details. So dprintf is not exported from module debug module directly, instead of this IDI_DIMAINT is registered. Module load order will receive in this case: - 1. DIDD (this file) - 2. DIMAINT does load and register 'IDI_DIMAINT', at this step - DIDD should be able to get 'dprintf', save it, and - register with DIDD by means of 'dprintf' function. - 3. any other driver is loaded and is able to access adapter array - and debug interface + 1. DIDD (this file) + 2. DIMAINT does load and register 'IDI_DIMAINT', at this step + DIDD should be able to get 'dprintf', save it, and + register with DIDD by means of 'dprintf' function. + 3. any other driver is loaded and is able to access adapter array + and debug interface This approach does allow to load/unload debug interface on demand, and save memory, it it is necessary. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -void IDI_CALL_LINK_T DIVA_DIDD_Read (void IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T * buffer, - int length) { - diva_didd_read_adapter_array (buffer, length); + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +void IDI_CALL_LINK_T DIVA_DIDD_Read(void IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T *buffer, + int length) { + diva_didd_read_adapter_array(buffer, length); } - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dadapter.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dadapter.h index 3575ac912e6c9d968dc150a2e138339769a8490c..5540f46a5be322f13b7ff2a4af527eb105535947 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dadapter.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dadapter.h @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef __DIVA_DIDD_DADAPTER_INC__ #define __DIVA_DIDD_DADAPTER_INC__ - -void diva_didd_load_time_init (void); -void diva_didd_load_time_finit (void); + +void diva_didd_load_time_init(void); +void diva_didd_load_time_finit(void); #define NEW_MAX_DESCRIPTORS 64 diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/debug.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/debug.c index 7a9894cb455714b264539cd11d5049c7ecccbe81..b5226af6ddecced751dfaf452d95f3b62fede822 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/debug.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/debug.c @@ -9,67 +9,67 @@ /* LOCALS - */ +*/ #define DBG_MAGIC (0x47114711L) -static void DI_register (void *arg); -static void DI_deregister (pDbgHandle hDbg); -static void DI_format (int do_lock, word id, int type, char *format, va_list argument_list); -static void DI_format_locked (word id, int type, char *format, va_list argument_list); -static void DI_format_old (word id, char *format, va_list ap) { } -static void DiProcessEventLog (unsigned short id, unsigned long msgID, va_list ap) { } -static void single_p (byte * P, word * PLength, byte Id); -static void diva_maint_xdi_cb (ENTITY* e); -static word SuperTraceCreateReadReq (byte* P, const char* path); -static int diva_mnt_cmp_nmbr (const char* nmbr); -static void diva_free_dma_descriptor (IDI_CALL request, int nr); -static int diva_get_dma_descriptor (IDI_CALL request, dword *dma_magic); -void diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (dword drv_id, dword type, char* p, ...); - -static dword MaxDumpSize = 256 ; -static dword MaxXlogSize = 2 + 128 ; -static char TraceFilter[DIVA_MAX_SELECTIVE_FILTER_LENGTH+1]; +static void DI_register(void *arg); +static void DI_deregister(pDbgHandle hDbg); +static void DI_format(int do_lock, word id, int type, char *format, va_list argument_list); +static void DI_format_locked(word id, int type, char *format, va_list argument_list); +static void DI_format_old(word id, char *format, va_list ap) { } +static void DiProcessEventLog(unsigned short id, unsigned long msgID, va_list ap) { } +static void single_p(byte *P, word *PLength, byte Id); +static void diva_maint_xdi_cb(ENTITY *e); +static word SuperTraceCreateReadReq(byte *P, const char *path); +static int diva_mnt_cmp_nmbr(const char *nmbr); +static void diva_free_dma_descriptor(IDI_CALL request, int nr); +static int diva_get_dma_descriptor(IDI_CALL request, dword *dma_magic); +void diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(dword drv_id, dword type, char *p, ...); + +static dword MaxDumpSize = 256; +static dword MaxXlogSize = 2 + 128; +static char TraceFilter[DIVA_MAX_SELECTIVE_FILTER_LENGTH + 1]; static int TraceFilterIdent = -1; static int TraceFilterChannel = -1; typedef struct _diva_maint_client { - dword sec; - dword usec; - pDbgHandle hDbg; - char drvName[128]; - dword dbgMask; - dword last_dbgMask; - IDI_CALL request; - _DbgHandle_ Dbg; - int logical; - int channels; - diva_strace_library_interface_t* pIdiLib; - BUFFERS XData; - char xbuffer[2048+512]; - byte* pmem; - int request_pending; - int dma_handle; + dword sec; + dword usec; + pDbgHandle hDbg; + char drvName[128]; + dword dbgMask; + dword last_dbgMask; + IDI_CALL request; + _DbgHandle_ Dbg; + int logical; + int channels; + diva_strace_library_interface_t *pIdiLib; + BUFFERS XData; + char xbuffer[2048 + 512]; + byte *pmem; + int request_pending; + int dma_handle; } diva_maint_client_t; static diva_maint_client_t clients[MAX_DESCRIPTORS]; -static void diva_change_management_debug_mask (diva_maint_client_t* pC, dword old_mask); +static void diva_change_management_debug_mask(diva_maint_client_t *pC, dword old_mask); -static void diva_maint_error (void* user_context, - diva_strace_library_interface_t* hLib, - int Adapter, - int error, - const char* file, - int line); -static void diva_maint_state_change_notify (void* user_context, - diva_strace_library_interface_t* hLib, - int Adapter, - diva_trace_line_state_t* channel, - int notify_subject); -static void diva_maint_trace_notify (void* user_context, - diva_strace_library_interface_t* hLib, - int Adapter, - void* xlog_buffer, - int length); +static void diva_maint_error(void *user_context, + diva_strace_library_interface_t *hLib, + int Adapter, + int error, + const char *file, + int line); +static void diva_maint_state_change_notify(void *user_context, + diva_strace_library_interface_t *hLib, + int Adapter, + diva_trace_line_state_t *channel, + int notify_subject); +static void diva_maint_trace_notify(void *user_context, + diva_strace_library_interface_t *hLib, + int Adapter, + void *xlog_buffer, + int length); @@ -79,36 +79,36 @@ typedef struct MSG_QUEUE { byte *High; /* Base + Size (constant) */ byte *Head; /* first message in queue (if any) */ byte *Tail; /* first free position */ - byte *Wrap; /* current wraparound position */ + byte *Wrap; /* current wraparound position */ dword Count; /* current no of bytes in queue */ } MSG_QUEUE; typedef struct MSG_HEAD { volatile dword Size; /* size of data following MSG_HEAD */ -#define MSG_INCOMPLETE 0x8000 /* ored to Size until queueCompleteMsg */ +#define MSG_INCOMPLETE 0x8000 /* ored to Size until queueCompleteMsg */ } MSG_HEAD; -#define queueCompleteMsg(p) do{ ((MSG_HEAD *)p - 1)->Size &= ~MSG_INCOMPLETE; }while(0) +#define queueCompleteMsg(p) do { ((MSG_HEAD *)p - 1)->Size &= ~MSG_INCOMPLETE; } while (0) #define queueCount(q) ((q)->Count) -#define MSG_NEED(size) \ - ( (sizeof(MSG_HEAD) + size + sizeof(dword) - 1) & ~(sizeof(dword) - 1) ) +#define MSG_NEED(size) \ + ((sizeof(MSG_HEAD) + size + sizeof(dword) - 1) & ~(sizeof(dword) - 1)) -static void queueInit (MSG_QUEUE *Q, byte *Buffer, dword sizeBuffer) { +static void queueInit(MSG_QUEUE *Q, byte *Buffer, dword sizeBuffer) { Q->Size = sizeBuffer; Q->Base = Q->Head = Q->Tail = Buffer; Q->High = Buffer + sizeBuffer; Q->Wrap = NULL; - Q->Count= 0; + Q->Count = 0; } -static byte *queueAllocMsg (MSG_QUEUE *Q, word size) { +static byte *queueAllocMsg(MSG_QUEUE *Q, word size) { /* Allocate 'size' bytes at tail of queue which will be filled later - * directly with callers own message header info and/or message. - * An 'alloced' message is marked incomplete by oring the 'Size' field - * with MSG_INCOMPLETE. - * This must be reset via queueCompleteMsg() after the message is filled. - * As long as a message is marked incomplete queuePeekMsg() will return - * a 'queue empty' condition when it reaches such a message. */ + * directly with callers own message header info and/or message. + * An 'alloced' message is marked incomplete by oring the 'Size' field + * with MSG_INCOMPLETE. + * This must be reset via queueCompleteMsg() after the message is filled. + * As long as a message is marked incomplete queuePeekMsg() will return + * a 'queue empty' condition when it reaches such a message. */ MSG_HEAD *Msg; word need = MSG_NEED(size); @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ static byte *queueAllocMsg (MSG_QUEUE *Q, word size) { } goto alloc; /* empty */ } - + if (Q->Tail > Q->Head) { if (Q->Tail + need <= Q->High) goto alloc; /* append */ if (Q->Base + need > Q->Head) { @@ -145,10 +145,10 @@ static byte *queueAllocMsg (MSG_QUEUE *Q, word size) { - return ((byte*)(Msg + 1)); + return ((byte *)(Msg + 1)); } -static void queueFreeMsg (MSG_QUEUE *Q) { +static void queueFreeMsg(MSG_QUEUE *Q) { /* Free the message at head of queue */ word size = ((MSG_HEAD *)Q->Head)->Size & ~MSG_INCOMPLETE; @@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ static void queueFreeMsg (MSG_QUEUE *Q) { } } -static byte *queuePeekMsg (MSG_QUEUE *Q, word *size) { +static byte *queuePeekMsg(MSG_QUEUE *Q, word *size) { /* Show the first valid message in queue BUT DON'T free the message. - * After looking on the message contents it can be freed queueFreeMsg() - * or simply remain in message queue. */ + * After looking on the message contents it can be freed queueFreeMsg() + * or simply remain in message queue. */ MSG_HEAD *Msg = (MSG_HEAD *)Q->Head; @@ -184,9 +184,9 @@ static byte *queuePeekMsg (MSG_QUEUE *Q, word *size) { /* Message queue header - */ -static MSG_QUEUE* dbg_queue; -static byte* dbg_base; +*/ +static MSG_QUEUE *dbg_queue; +static byte *dbg_base; static int external_dbg_queue; static diva_os_spin_lock_t dbg_q_lock; static diva_os_spin_lock_t dbg_adapter_lock; @@ -196,1147 +196,1147 @@ static dword start_sec; static dword start_usec; /* - INTERFACE: - Initialize run time queue structures. - base: base of the message queue - length: length of the message queue - do_init: perfor queue reset - - return: zero on success, -1 on error - */ -int diva_maint_init (byte* base, unsigned long length, int do_init) { - if (dbg_queue || (!base) || (length < (4096*4))) { - return (-1); - } + INTERFACE: + Initialize run time queue structures. + base: base of the message queue + length: length of the message queue + do_init: perfor queue reset + + return: zero on success, -1 on error +*/ +int diva_maint_init(byte *base, unsigned long length, int do_init) { + if (dbg_queue || (!base) || (length < (4096 * 4))) { + return (-1); + } - TraceFilter[0] = 0; - TraceFilterIdent = -1; - TraceFilterChannel = -1; + TraceFilter[0] = 0; + TraceFilterIdent = -1; + TraceFilterChannel = -1; - dbg_base = base; + dbg_base = base; - diva_os_get_time (&start_sec, &start_usec); + diva_os_get_time(&start_sec, &start_usec); - *(dword*)base = (dword)DBG_MAGIC; /* Store Magic */ - base += sizeof(dword); - length -= sizeof(dword); + *(dword *)base = (dword)DBG_MAGIC; /* Store Magic */ + base += sizeof(dword); + length -= sizeof(dword); - *(dword*)base = 2048; /* Extension Field Length */ - base += sizeof(dword); - length -= sizeof(dword); + *(dword *)base = 2048; /* Extension Field Length */ + base += sizeof(dword); + length -= sizeof(dword); - strcpy (base, "KERNEL MODE BUFFER\n"); - base += 2048; - length -= 2048; + strcpy(base, "KERNEL MODE BUFFER\n"); + base += 2048; + length -= 2048; - *(dword*)base = 0; /* Terminate extension */ - base += sizeof(dword); - length -= sizeof(dword); + *(dword *)base = 0; /* Terminate extension */ + base += sizeof(dword); + length -= sizeof(dword); - *(void**)base = (void*)(base+sizeof(void*)); /* Store Base */ - base += sizeof(void*); - length -= sizeof(void*); + *(void **)base = (void *)(base + sizeof(void *)); /* Store Base */ + base += sizeof(void *); + length -= sizeof(void *); - dbg_queue = (MSG_QUEUE*)base; - queueInit (dbg_queue, base + sizeof(MSG_QUEUE), length - sizeof(MSG_QUEUE) - 512); - external_dbg_queue = 0; + dbg_queue = (MSG_QUEUE *)base; + queueInit(dbg_queue, base + sizeof(MSG_QUEUE), length - sizeof(MSG_QUEUE) - 512); + external_dbg_queue = 0; - if (!do_init) { - external_dbg_queue = 1; /* memory was located on the external device */ - } + if (!do_init) { + external_dbg_queue = 1; /* memory was located on the external device */ + } - if (diva_os_initialize_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, "dbg_init")) { - dbg_queue = NULL; - dbg_base = NULL; - external_dbg_queue = 0; + if (diva_os_initialize_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, "dbg_init")) { + dbg_queue = NULL; + dbg_base = NULL; + external_dbg_queue = 0; return (-1); - } + } - if (diva_os_initialize_spin_lock (&dbg_adapter_lock, "dbg_init")) { - diva_os_destroy_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, "dbg_init"); - dbg_queue = NULL; - dbg_base = NULL; - external_dbg_queue = 0; + if (diva_os_initialize_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, "dbg_init")) { + diva_os_destroy_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, "dbg_init"); + dbg_queue = NULL; + dbg_base = NULL; + external_dbg_queue = 0; return (-1); - } + } - return (0); + return (0); } /* INTERFACE: - Finit at unload time - return address of internal queue or zero if queue - was external - */ -void* diva_maint_finit (void) { - void* ret = (void*)dbg_base; - int i; - - dbg_queue = NULL; - dbg_base = NULL; - - if (ret) { - diva_os_destroy_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, "dbg_finit"); - diva_os_destroy_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, "dbg_finit"); - } - - if (external_dbg_queue) { - ret = NULL; - } - external_dbg_queue = 0; - - for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { - if (clients[i].pmem) { - diva_os_free (0, clients[i].pmem); - } - } - - return (ret); + Finit at unload time + return address of internal queue or zero if queue + was external +*/ +void *diva_maint_finit(void) { + void *ret = (void *)dbg_base; + int i; + + dbg_queue = NULL; + dbg_base = NULL; + + if (ret) { + diva_os_destroy_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, "dbg_finit"); + diva_os_destroy_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, "dbg_finit"); + } + + if (external_dbg_queue) { + ret = NULL; + } + external_dbg_queue = 0; + + for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { + if (clients[i].pmem) { + diva_os_free(0, clients[i].pmem); + } + } + + return (ret); } /* INTERFACE: - Return amount of messages in debug queue - */ -dword diva_dbg_q_length (void) { + Return amount of messages in debug queue +*/ +dword diva_dbg_q_length(void) { return (dbg_queue ? queueCount(dbg_queue) : 0); } /* INTERFACE: - Lock message queue and return the pointer to the first - entry. - */ -diva_dbg_entry_head_t* diva_maint_get_message (word* size, - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t* old_irql) { - diva_dbg_entry_head_t* pmsg = NULL; - - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, old_irql, "read"); - if (dbg_q_busy) { - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, old_irql, "read_busy"); - return NULL; - } - dbg_q_busy = 1; - - if (!(pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t*)queuePeekMsg (dbg_queue, size))) { - dbg_q_busy = 0; - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, old_irql, "read_empty"); - } - - return (pmsg); + Lock message queue and return the pointer to the first + entry. +*/ +diva_dbg_entry_head_t *diva_maint_get_message(word *size, + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t *old_irql) { + diva_dbg_entry_head_t *pmsg = NULL; + + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, old_irql, "read"); + if (dbg_q_busy) { + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, old_irql, "read_busy"); + return NULL; + } + dbg_q_busy = 1; + + if (!(pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t *)queuePeekMsg(dbg_queue, size))) { + dbg_q_busy = 0; + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, old_irql, "read_empty"); + } + + return (pmsg); } /* INTERFACE: - acknowledge last message and unlock queue - */ -void diva_maint_ack_message (int do_release, - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t* old_irql) { + acknowledge last message and unlock queue +*/ +void diva_maint_ack_message(int do_release, + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t *old_irql) { if (!dbg_q_busy) { return; } if (do_release) { - queueFreeMsg (dbg_queue); + queueFreeMsg(dbg_queue); } dbg_q_busy = 0; - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, old_irql, "read_ack"); + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, old_irql, "read_ack"); } /* INTERFACE: - PRT COMP function used to register - with MAINT adapter or log in compatibility - mode in case older driver version is connected too - */ -void diva_maint_prtComp (char *format, ...) { - void *hDbg; - va_list ap; - - if (!format) - return; - - va_start(ap, format); - - /* - register to new log driver functions - */ - if ((format[0] == 0) && ((unsigned char)format[1] == 255)) { - hDbg = va_arg(ap, void *); /* ptr to DbgHandle */ - DI_register (hDbg); - } - - va_end (ap); + PRT COMP function used to register + with MAINT adapter or log in compatibility + mode in case older driver version is connected too +*/ +void diva_maint_prtComp(char *format, ...) { + void *hDbg; + va_list ap; + + if (!format) + return; + + va_start(ap, format); + + /* + register to new log driver functions + */ + if ((format[0] == 0) && ((unsigned char)format[1] == 255)) { + hDbg = va_arg(ap, void *); /* ptr to DbgHandle */ + DI_register(hDbg); + } + + va_end(ap); } -static void DI_register (void *arg) { - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; - dword sec, usec; - pDbgHandle hDbg ; - int id, free_id = -1, best_id = 0; - - diva_os_get_time (&sec, &usec); - - hDbg = (pDbgHandle)arg ; - /* - Check for bad args, specially for the old obsolete debug handle - */ - if ((hDbg == NULL) || - ((hDbg->id == 0) && (((_OldDbgHandle_ *)hDbg)->id == -1)) || - (hDbg->Registered != 0)) { - return ; - } - - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "register"); - - for (id = 1; id < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); id++) { - if (clients[id].hDbg == hDbg) { - /* - driver already registered - */ - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "register"); - return; - } - if (clients[id].hDbg) { /* slot is busy */ - continue; - } - free_id = id; - if (!strcmp (clients[id].drvName, hDbg->drvName)) { - /* - This driver was already registered with this name - and slot is still free - reuse it - */ - best_id = 1; - break; - } - if (!clients[id].hDbg) { /* slot is busy */ - break; - } - } - - if (free_id != -1) { - diva_dbg_entry_head_t* pmsg = NULL; - int len; - char tmp[256]; - word size; - - /* - Register new driver with id == free_id - */ - clients[free_id].hDbg = hDbg; - clients[free_id].sec = sec; - clients[free_id].usec = usec; - strcpy (clients[free_id].drvName, hDbg->drvName); - - clients[free_id].dbgMask = hDbg->dbgMask; - if (best_id) { - hDbg->dbgMask |= clients[free_id].last_dbgMask; - } else { - clients[free_id].last_dbgMask = 0; - } - - hDbg->Registered = DBG_HANDLE_REG_NEW ; - hDbg->id = (byte)free_id; - hDbg->dbg_end = DI_deregister; - hDbg->dbg_prt = DI_format_locked; - hDbg->dbg_ev = DiProcessEventLog; - hDbg->dbg_irq = DI_format_locked; - if (hDbg->Version > 0) { - hDbg->dbg_old = DI_format_old; - } - hDbg->next = (pDbgHandle)DBG_MAGIC; - - /* - Log driver register, MAINT driver ID is '0' - */ - len = sprintf (tmp, "DIMAINT - drv # %d = '%s' registered", - free_id, hDbg->drvName); - - while (!(pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t*)queueAllocMsg (dbg_queue, - (word)(len+1+sizeof(*pmsg))))) { - if ((pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t*)queuePeekMsg (dbg_queue, &size))) { - queueFreeMsg (dbg_queue); - } else { - break; - } - } - - if (pmsg) { - pmsg->sequence = dbg_sequence++; - pmsg->time_sec = sec; - pmsg->time_usec = usec; - pmsg->facility = MSG_TYPE_STRING; - pmsg->dli = DLI_REG; - pmsg->drv_id = 0; /* id 0 - DIMAINT */ - pmsg->di_cpu = 0; - pmsg->data_length = len+1; - - memcpy (&pmsg[1], tmp, len+1); - queueCompleteMsg (pmsg); - diva_maint_wakeup_read(); - } - } - - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "register"); +static void DI_register(void *arg) { + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; + dword sec, usec; + pDbgHandle hDbg; + int id, free_id = -1, best_id = 0; + + diva_os_get_time(&sec, &usec); + + hDbg = (pDbgHandle)arg; + /* + Check for bad args, specially for the old obsolete debug handle + */ + if ((hDbg == NULL) || + ((hDbg->id == 0) && (((_OldDbgHandle_ *)hDbg)->id == -1)) || + (hDbg->Registered != 0)) { + return; + } + + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "register"); + + for (id = 1; id < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); id++) { + if (clients[id].hDbg == hDbg) { + /* + driver already registered + */ + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "register"); + return; + } + if (clients[id].hDbg) { /* slot is busy */ + continue; + } + free_id = id; + if (!strcmp(clients[id].drvName, hDbg->drvName)) { + /* + This driver was already registered with this name + and slot is still free - reuse it + */ + best_id = 1; + break; + } + if (!clients[id].hDbg) { /* slot is busy */ + break; + } + } + + if (free_id != -1) { + diva_dbg_entry_head_t *pmsg = NULL; + int len; + char tmp[256]; + word size; + + /* + Register new driver with id == free_id + */ + clients[free_id].hDbg = hDbg; + clients[free_id].sec = sec; + clients[free_id].usec = usec; + strcpy(clients[free_id].drvName, hDbg->drvName); + + clients[free_id].dbgMask = hDbg->dbgMask; + if (best_id) { + hDbg->dbgMask |= clients[free_id].last_dbgMask; + } else { + clients[free_id].last_dbgMask = 0; + } + + hDbg->Registered = DBG_HANDLE_REG_NEW; + hDbg->id = (byte)free_id; + hDbg->dbg_end = DI_deregister; + hDbg->dbg_prt = DI_format_locked; + hDbg->dbg_ev = DiProcessEventLog; + hDbg->dbg_irq = DI_format_locked; + if (hDbg->Version > 0) { + hDbg->dbg_old = DI_format_old; + } + hDbg->next = (pDbgHandle)DBG_MAGIC; + + /* + Log driver register, MAINT driver ID is '0' + */ + len = sprintf(tmp, "DIMAINT - drv # %d = '%s' registered", + free_id, hDbg->drvName); + + while (!(pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t *)queueAllocMsg(dbg_queue, + (word)(len + 1 + sizeof(*pmsg))))) { + if ((pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t *)queuePeekMsg(dbg_queue, &size))) { + queueFreeMsg(dbg_queue); + } else { + break; + } + } + + if (pmsg) { + pmsg->sequence = dbg_sequence++; + pmsg->time_sec = sec; + pmsg->time_usec = usec; + pmsg->facility = MSG_TYPE_STRING; + pmsg->dli = DLI_REG; + pmsg->drv_id = 0; /* id 0 - DIMAINT */ + pmsg->di_cpu = 0; + pmsg->data_length = len + 1; + + memcpy(&pmsg[1], tmp, len + 1); + queueCompleteMsg(pmsg); + diva_maint_wakeup_read(); + } + } + + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "register"); } -static void DI_deregister (pDbgHandle hDbg) { - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql, old_irql1; - dword sec, usec; - int i; - word size; - byte* pmem = NULL; - - diva_os_get_time (&sec, &usec); - - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "read"); - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "read"); - - for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { - if (clients[i].hDbg == hDbg) { - diva_dbg_entry_head_t* pmsg; - char tmp[256]; - int len; - - clients[i].hDbg = NULL; - - hDbg->id = -1; - hDbg->dbgMask = 0; - hDbg->dbg_end = NULL; - hDbg->dbg_prt = NULL; - hDbg->dbg_irq = NULL; - if (hDbg->Version > 0) - hDbg->dbg_old = NULL; - hDbg->Registered = 0; - hDbg->next = NULL; - - if (clients[i].pIdiLib) { - (*(clients[i].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceLibraryFinit))(clients[i].pIdiLib->hLib); - clients[i].pIdiLib = NULL; - - pmem = clients[i].pmem; - clients[i].pmem = NULL; - } - - /* - Log driver register, MAINT driver ID is '0' - */ - len = sprintf (tmp, "DIMAINT - drv # %d = '%s' de-registered", - i, hDbg->drvName); - - while (!(pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t*)queueAllocMsg (dbg_queue, - (word)(len+1+sizeof(*pmsg))))) { - if ((pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t*)queuePeekMsg (dbg_queue, &size))) { - queueFreeMsg (dbg_queue); - } else { - break; - } - } - - if (pmsg) { - pmsg->sequence = dbg_sequence++; - pmsg->time_sec = sec; - pmsg->time_usec = usec; - pmsg->facility = MSG_TYPE_STRING; - pmsg->dli = DLI_REG; - pmsg->drv_id = 0; /* id 0 - DIMAINT */ - pmsg->di_cpu = 0; - pmsg->data_length = len+1; - - memcpy (&pmsg[1], tmp, len+1); - queueCompleteMsg (pmsg); - diva_maint_wakeup_read(); - } - - break; - } - } - - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "read_ack"); - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "read_ack"); - - if (pmem) { - diva_os_free (0, pmem); - } +static void DI_deregister(pDbgHandle hDbg) { + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql, old_irql1; + dword sec, usec; + int i; + word size; + byte *pmem = NULL; + + diva_os_get_time(&sec, &usec); + + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "read"); + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "read"); + + for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { + if (clients[i].hDbg == hDbg) { + diva_dbg_entry_head_t *pmsg; + char tmp[256]; + int len; + + clients[i].hDbg = NULL; + + hDbg->id = -1; + hDbg->dbgMask = 0; + hDbg->dbg_end = NULL; + hDbg->dbg_prt = NULL; + hDbg->dbg_irq = NULL; + if (hDbg->Version > 0) + hDbg->dbg_old = NULL; + hDbg->Registered = 0; + hDbg->next = NULL; + + if (clients[i].pIdiLib) { + (*(clients[i].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceLibraryFinit))(clients[i].pIdiLib->hLib); + clients[i].pIdiLib = NULL; + + pmem = clients[i].pmem; + clients[i].pmem = NULL; + } + + /* + Log driver register, MAINT driver ID is '0' + */ + len = sprintf(tmp, "DIMAINT - drv # %d = '%s' de-registered", + i, hDbg->drvName); + + while (!(pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t *)queueAllocMsg(dbg_queue, + (word)(len + 1 + sizeof(*pmsg))))) { + if ((pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t *)queuePeekMsg(dbg_queue, &size))) { + queueFreeMsg(dbg_queue); + } else { + break; + } + } + + if (pmsg) { + pmsg->sequence = dbg_sequence++; + pmsg->time_sec = sec; + pmsg->time_usec = usec; + pmsg->facility = MSG_TYPE_STRING; + pmsg->dli = DLI_REG; + pmsg->drv_id = 0; /* id 0 - DIMAINT */ + pmsg->di_cpu = 0; + pmsg->data_length = len + 1; + + memcpy(&pmsg[1], tmp, len + 1); + queueCompleteMsg(pmsg); + diva_maint_wakeup_read(); + } + + break; + } + } + + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "read_ack"); + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "read_ack"); + + if (pmem) { + diva_os_free(0, pmem); + } } -static void DI_format_locked (unsigned short id, - int type, - char *format, - va_list argument_list) { - DI_format (1, id, type, format, argument_list); +static void DI_format_locked(unsigned short id, + int type, + char *format, + va_list argument_list) { + DI_format(1, id, type, format, argument_list); } -static void DI_format (int do_lock, - unsigned short id, - int type, - char *format, - va_list ap) { - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; - dword sec, usec; - diva_dbg_entry_head_t* pmsg = NULL; - dword length; - word size; - static char fmtBuf[MSG_FRAME_MAX_SIZE+sizeof(*pmsg)+1]; - char *data; - unsigned short code; - - if (diva_os_in_irq()) { - dbg_sequence++; - return; - } +static void DI_format(int do_lock, + unsigned short id, + int type, + char *format, + va_list ap) { + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; + dword sec, usec; + diva_dbg_entry_head_t *pmsg = NULL; + dword length; + word size; + static char fmtBuf[MSG_FRAME_MAX_SIZE + sizeof(*pmsg) + 1]; + char *data; + unsigned short code; + + if (diva_os_in_irq()) { + dbg_sequence++; + return; + } if ((!format) || - ((TraceFilter[0] != 0) && ((TraceFilterIdent < 0) || (TraceFilterChannel < 0)))) { + ((TraceFilter[0] != 0) && ((TraceFilterIdent < 0) || (TraceFilterChannel < 0)))) { return; } - - diva_os_get_time (&sec, &usec); - - if (do_lock) { - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "format"); - } - - switch (type) { - case DLI_MXLOG : - case DLI_BLK : - case DLI_SEND: - case DLI_RECV: - if (!(length = va_arg(ap, unsigned long))) { - break; - } - if (length > MaxDumpSize) { - length = MaxDumpSize; - } - while (!(pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t*)queueAllocMsg (dbg_queue, - (word)length+sizeof(*pmsg)))) { - if ((pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t*)queuePeekMsg (dbg_queue, &size))) { - queueFreeMsg (dbg_queue); - } else { - break; - } - } - if (pmsg) { - memcpy (&pmsg[1], format, length); - pmsg->sequence = dbg_sequence++; - pmsg->time_sec = sec; - pmsg->time_usec = usec; - pmsg->facility = MSG_TYPE_BINARY ; - pmsg->dli = type; /* DLI_XXX */ - pmsg->drv_id = id; /* driver MAINT id */ - pmsg->di_cpu = 0; - pmsg->data_length = length; - queueCompleteMsg (pmsg); - } + + diva_os_get_time(&sec, &usec); + + if (do_lock) { + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "format"); + } + + switch (type) { + case DLI_MXLOG: + case DLI_BLK: + case DLI_SEND: + case DLI_RECV: + if (!(length = va_arg(ap, unsigned long))) { + break; + } + if (length > MaxDumpSize) { + length = MaxDumpSize; + } + while (!(pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t *)queueAllocMsg(dbg_queue, + (word)length + sizeof(*pmsg)))) { + if ((pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t *)queuePeekMsg(dbg_queue, &size))) { + queueFreeMsg(dbg_queue); + } else { + break; + } + } + if (pmsg) { + memcpy(&pmsg[1], format, length); + pmsg->sequence = dbg_sequence++; + pmsg->time_sec = sec; + pmsg->time_usec = usec; + pmsg->facility = MSG_TYPE_BINARY; + pmsg->dli = type; /* DLI_XXX */ + pmsg->drv_id = id; /* driver MAINT id */ + pmsg->di_cpu = 0; + pmsg->data_length = length; + queueCompleteMsg(pmsg); + } break; - case DLI_XLOG: { - byte* p; - data = va_arg(ap, char*); - code = (unsigned short)va_arg(ap, unsigned int); - length = (unsigned long) va_arg(ap, unsigned int); - - if (length > MaxXlogSize) - length = MaxXlogSize; - - while (!(pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t*)queueAllocMsg (dbg_queue, - (word)length+sizeof(*pmsg)+2))) { - if ((pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t*)queuePeekMsg (dbg_queue, &size))) { - queueFreeMsg (dbg_queue); - } else { - break; - } - } - if (pmsg) { - p = (byte*)&pmsg[1]; - p[0] = (char)(code) ; - p[1] = (char)(code >> 8) ; - if (data && length) { - memcpy (&p[2], &data[0], length) ; - } - length += 2 ; - - pmsg->sequence = dbg_sequence++; - pmsg->time_sec = sec; - pmsg->time_usec = usec; - pmsg->facility = MSG_TYPE_BINARY ; - pmsg->dli = type; /* DLI_XXX */ - pmsg->drv_id = id; /* driver MAINT id */ - pmsg->di_cpu = 0; - pmsg->data_length = length; - queueCompleteMsg (pmsg); - } - } break; - - case DLI_LOG : - case DLI_FTL : - case DLI_ERR : - case DLI_TRC : - case DLI_REG : - case DLI_MEM : - case DLI_SPL : - case DLI_IRP : - case DLI_TIM : - case DLI_TAPI: - case DLI_NDIS: - case DLI_CONN: - case DLI_STAT: - case DLI_PRV0: - case DLI_PRV1: - case DLI_PRV2: - case DLI_PRV3: - if ((length = (unsigned long)vsprintf (&fmtBuf[0], format, ap)) > 0) { - length += (sizeof(*pmsg)+1); - - while (!(pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t*)queueAllocMsg (dbg_queue, - (word)length))) { - if ((pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t*)queuePeekMsg (dbg_queue, &size))) { - queueFreeMsg (dbg_queue); - } else { - break; - } - } - - pmsg->sequence = dbg_sequence++; - pmsg->time_sec = sec; - pmsg->time_usec = usec; - pmsg->facility = MSG_TYPE_STRING; - pmsg->dli = type; /* DLI_XXX */ - pmsg->drv_id = id; /* driver MAINT id */ - pmsg->di_cpu = 0; - pmsg->data_length = length - sizeof(*pmsg); - - memcpy (&pmsg[1], fmtBuf, pmsg->data_length); - queueCompleteMsg (pmsg); - } - break; - - } /* switch type */ - - - if (queueCount(dbg_queue)) { - diva_maint_wakeup_read(); - } - - if (do_lock) { - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "format"); - } + case DLI_XLOG: { + byte *p; + data = va_arg(ap, char *); + code = (unsigned short)va_arg(ap, unsigned int); + length = (unsigned long)va_arg(ap, unsigned int); + + if (length > MaxXlogSize) + length = MaxXlogSize; + + while (!(pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t *)queueAllocMsg(dbg_queue, + (word)length + sizeof(*pmsg) + 2))) { + if ((pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t *)queuePeekMsg(dbg_queue, &size))) { + queueFreeMsg(dbg_queue); + } else { + break; + } + } + if (pmsg) { + p = (byte *)&pmsg[1]; + p[0] = (char)(code); + p[1] = (char)(code >> 8); + if (data && length) { + memcpy(&p[2], &data[0], length); + } + length += 2; + + pmsg->sequence = dbg_sequence++; + pmsg->time_sec = sec; + pmsg->time_usec = usec; + pmsg->facility = MSG_TYPE_BINARY; + pmsg->dli = type; /* DLI_XXX */ + pmsg->drv_id = id; /* driver MAINT id */ + pmsg->di_cpu = 0; + pmsg->data_length = length; + queueCompleteMsg(pmsg); + } + } break; + + case DLI_LOG: + case DLI_FTL: + case DLI_ERR: + case DLI_TRC: + case DLI_REG: + case DLI_MEM: + case DLI_SPL: + case DLI_IRP: + case DLI_TIM: + case DLI_TAPI: + case DLI_NDIS: + case DLI_CONN: + case DLI_STAT: + case DLI_PRV0: + case DLI_PRV1: + case DLI_PRV2: + case DLI_PRV3: + if ((length = (unsigned long)vsprintf(&fmtBuf[0], format, ap)) > 0) { + length += (sizeof(*pmsg) + 1); + + while (!(pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t *)queueAllocMsg(dbg_queue, + (word)length))) { + if ((pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t *)queuePeekMsg(dbg_queue, &size))) { + queueFreeMsg(dbg_queue); + } else { + break; + } + } + + pmsg->sequence = dbg_sequence++; + pmsg->time_sec = sec; + pmsg->time_usec = usec; + pmsg->facility = MSG_TYPE_STRING; + pmsg->dli = type; /* DLI_XXX */ + pmsg->drv_id = id; /* driver MAINT id */ + pmsg->di_cpu = 0; + pmsg->data_length = length - sizeof(*pmsg); + + memcpy(&pmsg[1], fmtBuf, pmsg->data_length); + queueCompleteMsg(pmsg); + } + break; + + } /* switch type */ + + + if (queueCount(dbg_queue)) { + diva_maint_wakeup_read(); + } + + if (do_lock) { + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "format"); + } } /* Write driver ID and driver revision to callers buffer - */ -int diva_get_driver_info (dword id, byte* data, int data_length) { - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; - byte* p = data; - int to_copy; - - if (!data || !id || (data_length < 17) || - (id >= ARRAY_SIZE(clients))) { - return (-1); - } - - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "driver info"); - - if (clients[id].hDbg) { - *p++ = 1; - *p++ = (byte)clients[id].sec; /* save seconds */ - *p++ = (byte)(clients[id].sec >> 8); - *p++ = (byte)(clients[id].sec >> 16); - *p++ = (byte)(clients[id].sec >> 24); - - *p++ = (byte)(clients[id].usec/1000); /* save mseconds */ - *p++ = (byte)((clients[id].usec/1000) >> 8); - *p++ = (byte)((clients[id].usec/1000) >> 16); - *p++ = (byte)((clients[id].usec/1000) >> 24); - - data_length -= 9; - - if ((to_copy = min(strlen(clients[id].drvName), (size_t)(data_length-1)))) { - memcpy (p, clients[id].drvName, to_copy); - p += to_copy; - data_length -= to_copy; - if ((data_length >= 4) && clients[id].hDbg->drvTag[0]) { - *p++ = '('; - data_length -= 1; - if ((to_copy = min(strlen(clients[id].hDbg->drvTag), (size_t)(data_length-2)))) { - memcpy (p, clients[id].hDbg->drvTag, to_copy); - p += to_copy; - data_length -= to_copy; - if (data_length >= 2) { - *p++ = ')'; - data_length--; - } - } - } - } - } - *p++ = 0; - - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "driver info"); - - return (p - data); -} +*/ +int diva_get_driver_info(dword id, byte *data, int data_length) { + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; + byte *p = data; + int to_copy; + + if (!data || !id || (data_length < 17) || + (id >= ARRAY_SIZE(clients))) { + return (-1); + } -int diva_get_driver_dbg_mask (dword id, byte* data) { - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; - int ret = -1; + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "driver info"); + + if (clients[id].hDbg) { + *p++ = 1; + *p++ = (byte)clients[id].sec; /* save seconds */ + *p++ = (byte)(clients[id].sec >> 8); + *p++ = (byte)(clients[id].sec >> 16); + *p++ = (byte)(clients[id].sec >> 24); + + *p++ = (byte)(clients[id].usec / 1000); /* save mseconds */ + *p++ = (byte)((clients[id].usec / 1000) >> 8); + *p++ = (byte)((clients[id].usec / 1000) >> 16); + *p++ = (byte)((clients[id].usec / 1000) >> 24); + + data_length -= 9; + + if ((to_copy = min(strlen(clients[id].drvName), (size_t)(data_length - 1)))) { + memcpy(p, clients[id].drvName, to_copy); + p += to_copy; + data_length -= to_copy; + if ((data_length >= 4) && clients[id].hDbg->drvTag[0]) { + *p++ = '('; + data_length -= 1; + if ((to_copy = min(strlen(clients[id].hDbg->drvTag), (size_t)(data_length - 2)))) { + memcpy(p, clients[id].hDbg->drvTag, to_copy); + p += to_copy; + data_length -= to_copy; + if (data_length >= 2) { + *p++ = ')'; + data_length--; + } + } + } + } + } + *p++ = 0; - if (!data || !id || (id >= ARRAY_SIZE(clients))) { - return (-1); - } - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "driver info"); + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "driver info"); - if (clients[id].hDbg) { - ret = 4; - *data++= (byte)(clients[id].hDbg->dbgMask); - *data++= (byte)(clients[id].hDbg->dbgMask >> 8); - *data++= (byte)(clients[id].hDbg->dbgMask >> 16); - *data++= (byte)(clients[id].hDbg->dbgMask >> 24); - } + return (p - data); +} + +int diva_get_driver_dbg_mask(dword id, byte *data) { + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; + int ret = -1; + + if (!data || !id || (id >= ARRAY_SIZE(clients))) { + return (-1); + } + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "driver info"); + + if (clients[id].hDbg) { + ret = 4; + *data++ = (byte)(clients[id].hDbg->dbgMask); + *data++ = (byte)(clients[id].hDbg->dbgMask >> 8); + *data++ = (byte)(clients[id].hDbg->dbgMask >> 16); + *data++ = (byte)(clients[id].hDbg->dbgMask >> 24); + } - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "driver info"); + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "driver info"); - return (ret); + return (ret); } -int diva_set_driver_dbg_mask (dword id, dword mask) { - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql, old_irql1; - int ret = -1; - +int diva_set_driver_dbg_mask(dword id, dword mask) { + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql, old_irql1; + int ret = -1; - if (!id || (id >= ARRAY_SIZE(clients))) { - return (-1); - } - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "dbg mask"); - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "dbg mask"); + if (!id || (id >= ARRAY_SIZE(clients))) { + return (-1); + } - if (clients[id].hDbg) { - dword old_mask = clients[id].hDbg->dbgMask; - mask &= 0x7fffffff; - clients[id].hDbg->dbgMask = mask; - clients[id].last_dbgMask = (clients[id].hDbg->dbgMask | clients[id].dbgMask); - ret = 4; - diva_change_management_debug_mask (&clients[id], old_mask); - } + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "dbg mask"); + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "dbg mask"); + if (clients[id].hDbg) { + dword old_mask = clients[id].hDbg->dbgMask; + mask &= 0x7fffffff; + clients[id].hDbg->dbgMask = mask; + clients[id].last_dbgMask = (clients[id].hDbg->dbgMask | clients[id].dbgMask); + ret = 4; + diva_change_management_debug_mask(&clients[id], old_mask); + } - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "dbg mask"); - if (clients[id].request_pending) { - clients[id].request_pending = 0; - (*(clients[id].request))((ENTITY*)(*(clients[id].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(clients[id].pIdiLib->hLib)); - } + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "dbg mask"); - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "dbg mask"); + if (clients[id].request_pending) { + clients[id].request_pending = 0; + (*(clients[id].request))((ENTITY *)(*(clients[id].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(clients[id].pIdiLib->hLib)); + } + + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "dbg mask"); - return (ret); + return (ret); } -static int diva_get_idi_adapter_info (IDI_CALL request, dword* serial, dword* logical) { - IDI_SYNC_REQ sync_req; +static int diva_get_idi_adapter_info(IDI_CALL request, dword *serial, dword *logical) { + IDI_SYNC_REQ sync_req; - sync_req.xdi_logical_adapter_number.Req = 0; - sync_req.xdi_logical_adapter_number.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_LOGICAL_ADAPTER_NUMBER; - (*request)((ENTITY *)&sync_req); - *logical = sync_req.xdi_logical_adapter_number.info.logical_adapter_number; + sync_req.xdi_logical_adapter_number.Req = 0; + sync_req.xdi_logical_adapter_number.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_LOGICAL_ADAPTER_NUMBER; + (*request)((ENTITY *)&sync_req); + *logical = sync_req.xdi_logical_adapter_number.info.logical_adapter_number; - sync_req.GetSerial.Req = 0; - sync_req.GetSerial.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_SERIAL; - sync_req.GetSerial.serial = 0; - (*request)((ENTITY *)&sync_req); + sync_req.GetSerial.Req = 0; + sync_req.GetSerial.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_SERIAL; + sync_req.GetSerial.serial = 0; + (*request)((ENTITY *)&sync_req); *serial = sync_req.GetSerial.serial; - return (0); + return (0); } /* Register XDI adapter as MAINT compatible driver - */ -void diva_mnt_add_xdi_adapter (const DESCRIPTOR* d) { - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql, old_irql1; - dword sec, usec, logical, serial, org_mask; - int id, free_id = -1; - char tmp[128]; - diva_dbg_entry_head_t* pmsg = NULL; - int len; - word size; - byte* pmem; - - diva_os_get_time (&sec, &usec); - diva_get_idi_adapter_info (d->request, &serial, &logical); - if (serial & 0xff000000) { - sprintf (tmp, "ADAPTER:%d SN:%u-%d", - (int)logical, - serial & 0x00ffffff, - (byte)(((serial & 0xff000000) >> 24) + 1)); - } else { - sprintf (tmp, "ADAPTER:%d SN:%u", (int)logical, serial); - } - - if (!(pmem = diva_os_malloc (0, DivaSTraceGetMemotyRequirement (d->channels)))) { - return; - } - memset (pmem, 0x00, DivaSTraceGetMemotyRequirement (d->channels)); - - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "register"); - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "register"); - - for (id = 1; id < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); id++) { - if (clients[id].hDbg && (clients[id].request == d->request)) { - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "register"); - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "register"); - diva_os_free(0, pmem); - return; - } - if (clients[id].hDbg) { /* slot is busy */ - continue; - } - if (free_id < 0) { - free_id = id; - } - if (!strcmp (clients[id].drvName, tmp)) { - /* - This driver was already registered with this name - and slot is still free - reuse it - */ - free_id = id; - break; - } - } - - if (free_id < 0) { - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "register"); - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "register"); - diva_os_free (0, pmem); - return; - } - - id = free_id; - clients[id].request = d->request; - clients[id].request_pending = 0; - clients[id].hDbg = &clients[id].Dbg; - clients[id].sec = sec; - clients[id].usec = usec; - strcpy (clients[id].drvName, tmp); - strcpy (clients[id].Dbg.drvName, tmp); - clients[id].Dbg.drvTag[0] = 0; - clients[id].logical = (int)logical; - clients[id].channels = (int)d->channels; - clients[id].dma_handle = -1; - - clients[id].Dbg.dbgMask = 0; - clients[id].dbgMask = clients[id].Dbg.dbgMask; - if (id) { - clients[id].Dbg.dbgMask |= clients[free_id].last_dbgMask; - } else { - clients[id].last_dbgMask = 0; - } - clients[id].Dbg.Registered = DBG_HANDLE_REG_NEW; - clients[id].Dbg.id = (byte)id; - clients[id].Dbg.dbg_end = DI_deregister; - clients[id].Dbg.dbg_prt = DI_format_locked; - clients[id].Dbg.dbg_ev = DiProcessEventLog; - clients[id].Dbg.dbg_irq = DI_format_locked; - clients[id].Dbg.next = (pDbgHandle)DBG_MAGIC; - - { - diva_trace_library_user_interface_t diva_maint_user_ifc = { &clients[id], - diva_maint_state_change_notify, - diva_maint_trace_notify, - diva_maint_error }; - - /* - Attach to adapter management interface - */ - if ((clients[id].pIdiLib = - DivaSTraceLibraryCreateInstance ((int)logical, &diva_maint_user_ifc, pmem))) { - if (((*(clients[id].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceLibraryStart))(clients[id].pIdiLib->hLib))) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (0, DLI_ERR, "Adapter(%d) Start failed", (int)logical); - (*(clients[id].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceLibraryFinit))(clients[id].pIdiLib->hLib); - clients[id].pIdiLib = NULL; - } - } else { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (0, DLI_ERR, "A(%d) management init failed", (int)logical); - } - } - - if (!clients[id].pIdiLib) { - clients[id].request = NULL; - clients[id].request_pending = 0; - clients[id].hDbg = NULL; - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "register"); - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "register"); - diva_os_free (0, pmem); - return; - } - - /* - Log driver register, MAINT driver ID is '0' - */ - len = sprintf (tmp, "DIMAINT - drv # %d = '%s' registered", - id, clients[id].Dbg.drvName); - - while (!(pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t*)queueAllocMsg (dbg_queue, - (word)(len+1+sizeof(*pmsg))))) { - if ((pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t*)queuePeekMsg (dbg_queue, &size))) { - queueFreeMsg (dbg_queue); - } else { - break; - } - } - - if (pmsg) { - pmsg->sequence = dbg_sequence++; - pmsg->time_sec = sec; - pmsg->time_usec = usec; - pmsg->facility = MSG_TYPE_STRING; - pmsg->dli = DLI_REG; - pmsg->drv_id = 0; /* id 0 - DIMAINT */ - pmsg->di_cpu = 0; - pmsg->data_length = len+1; - - memcpy (&pmsg[1], tmp, len+1); - queueCompleteMsg (pmsg); - diva_maint_wakeup_read(); - } - - org_mask = clients[id].Dbg.dbgMask; - clients[id].Dbg.dbgMask = 0; - - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "register"); - - if (clients[id].request_pending) { - clients[id].request_pending = 0; - (*(clients[id].request))((ENTITY*)(*(clients[id].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(clients[id].pIdiLib->hLib)); - } - - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "register"); - - diva_set_driver_dbg_mask (id, org_mask); +*/ +void diva_mnt_add_xdi_adapter(const DESCRIPTOR *d) { + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql, old_irql1; + dword sec, usec, logical, serial, org_mask; + int id, free_id = -1; + char tmp[128]; + diva_dbg_entry_head_t *pmsg = NULL; + int len; + word size; + byte *pmem; + + diva_os_get_time(&sec, &usec); + diva_get_idi_adapter_info(d->request, &serial, &logical); + if (serial & 0xff000000) { + sprintf(tmp, "ADAPTER:%d SN:%u-%d", + (int)logical, + serial & 0x00ffffff, + (byte)(((serial & 0xff000000) >> 24) + 1)); + } else { + sprintf(tmp, "ADAPTER:%d SN:%u", (int)logical, serial); + } + + if (!(pmem = diva_os_malloc(0, DivaSTraceGetMemotyRequirement(d->channels)))) { + return; + } + memset(pmem, 0x00, DivaSTraceGetMemotyRequirement(d->channels)); + + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "register"); + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "register"); + + for (id = 1; id < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); id++) { + if (clients[id].hDbg && (clients[id].request == d->request)) { + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "register"); + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "register"); + diva_os_free(0, pmem); + return; + } + if (clients[id].hDbg) { /* slot is busy */ + continue; + } + if (free_id < 0) { + free_id = id; + } + if (!strcmp(clients[id].drvName, tmp)) { + /* + This driver was already registered with this name + and slot is still free - reuse it + */ + free_id = id; + break; + } + } + + if (free_id < 0) { + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "register"); + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "register"); + diva_os_free(0, pmem); + return; + } + + id = free_id; + clients[id].request = d->request; + clients[id].request_pending = 0; + clients[id].hDbg = &clients[id].Dbg; + clients[id].sec = sec; + clients[id].usec = usec; + strcpy(clients[id].drvName, tmp); + strcpy(clients[id].Dbg.drvName, tmp); + clients[id].Dbg.drvTag[0] = 0; + clients[id].logical = (int)logical; + clients[id].channels = (int)d->channels; + clients[id].dma_handle = -1; + + clients[id].Dbg.dbgMask = 0; + clients[id].dbgMask = clients[id].Dbg.dbgMask; + if (id) { + clients[id].Dbg.dbgMask |= clients[free_id].last_dbgMask; + } else { + clients[id].last_dbgMask = 0; + } + clients[id].Dbg.Registered = DBG_HANDLE_REG_NEW; + clients[id].Dbg.id = (byte)id; + clients[id].Dbg.dbg_end = DI_deregister; + clients[id].Dbg.dbg_prt = DI_format_locked; + clients[id].Dbg.dbg_ev = DiProcessEventLog; + clients[id].Dbg.dbg_irq = DI_format_locked; + clients[id].Dbg.next = (pDbgHandle)DBG_MAGIC; + + { + diva_trace_library_user_interface_t diva_maint_user_ifc = { &clients[id], + diva_maint_state_change_notify, + diva_maint_trace_notify, + diva_maint_error }; + + /* + Attach to adapter management interface + */ + if ((clients[id].pIdiLib = + DivaSTraceLibraryCreateInstance((int)logical, &diva_maint_user_ifc, pmem))) { + if (((*(clients[id].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceLibraryStart))(clients[id].pIdiLib->hLib))) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(0, DLI_ERR, "Adapter(%d) Start failed", (int)logical); + (*(clients[id].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceLibraryFinit))(clients[id].pIdiLib->hLib); + clients[id].pIdiLib = NULL; + } + } else { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(0, DLI_ERR, "A(%d) management init failed", (int)logical); + } + } + + if (!clients[id].pIdiLib) { + clients[id].request = NULL; + clients[id].request_pending = 0; + clients[id].hDbg = NULL; + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "register"); + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "register"); + diva_os_free(0, pmem); + return; + } + + /* + Log driver register, MAINT driver ID is '0' + */ + len = sprintf(tmp, "DIMAINT - drv # %d = '%s' registered", + id, clients[id].Dbg.drvName); + + while (!(pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t *)queueAllocMsg(dbg_queue, + (word)(len + 1 + sizeof(*pmsg))))) { + if ((pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t *)queuePeekMsg(dbg_queue, &size))) { + queueFreeMsg(dbg_queue); + } else { + break; + } + } + + if (pmsg) { + pmsg->sequence = dbg_sequence++; + pmsg->time_sec = sec; + pmsg->time_usec = usec; + pmsg->facility = MSG_TYPE_STRING; + pmsg->dli = DLI_REG; + pmsg->drv_id = 0; /* id 0 - DIMAINT */ + pmsg->di_cpu = 0; + pmsg->data_length = len + 1; + + memcpy(&pmsg[1], tmp, len + 1); + queueCompleteMsg(pmsg); + diva_maint_wakeup_read(); + } + + org_mask = clients[id].Dbg.dbgMask; + clients[id].Dbg.dbgMask = 0; + + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "register"); + + if (clients[id].request_pending) { + clients[id].request_pending = 0; + (*(clients[id].request))((ENTITY *)(*(clients[id].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(clients[id].pIdiLib->hLib)); + } + + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "register"); + + diva_set_driver_dbg_mask(id, org_mask); } /* De-Register XDI adapter - */ -void diva_mnt_remove_xdi_adapter (const DESCRIPTOR* d) { - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql, old_irql1; - dword sec, usec; - int i; - word size; - byte* pmem = NULL; - - diva_os_get_time (&sec, &usec); - - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "read"); - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "read"); - - for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { - if (clients[i].hDbg && (clients[i].request == d->request)) { - diva_dbg_entry_head_t* pmsg; - char tmp[256]; - int len; - - if (clients[i].pIdiLib) { - (*(clients[i].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceLibraryFinit))(clients[i].pIdiLib->hLib); - clients[i].pIdiLib = NULL; - - pmem = clients[i].pmem; - clients[i].pmem = NULL; - } - - clients[i].hDbg = NULL; - clients[i].request_pending = 0; - if (clients[i].dma_handle >= 0) { - /* - Free DMA handle - */ - diva_free_dma_descriptor (clients[i].request, clients[i].dma_handle); - clients[i].dma_handle = -1; - } - clients[i].request = NULL; - - /* - Log driver register, MAINT driver ID is '0' - */ - len = sprintf (tmp, "DIMAINT - drv # %d = '%s' de-registered", - i, clients[i].Dbg.drvName); - - memset (&clients[i].Dbg, 0x00, sizeof(clients[i].Dbg)); - - while (!(pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t*)queueAllocMsg (dbg_queue, - (word)(len+1+sizeof(*pmsg))))) { - if ((pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t*)queuePeekMsg (dbg_queue, &size))) { - queueFreeMsg (dbg_queue); - } else { - break; - } - } - - if (pmsg) { - pmsg->sequence = dbg_sequence++; - pmsg->time_sec = sec; - pmsg->time_usec = usec; - pmsg->facility = MSG_TYPE_STRING; - pmsg->dli = DLI_REG; - pmsg->drv_id = 0; /* id 0 - DIMAINT */ - pmsg->di_cpu = 0; - pmsg->data_length = len+1; - - memcpy (&pmsg[1], tmp, len+1); - queueCompleteMsg (pmsg); - diva_maint_wakeup_read(); - } - - break; - } - } - - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "read_ack"); - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "read_ack"); - - if (pmem) { - diva_os_free (0, pmem); - } +*/ +void diva_mnt_remove_xdi_adapter(const DESCRIPTOR *d) { + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql, old_irql1; + dword sec, usec; + int i; + word size; + byte *pmem = NULL; + + diva_os_get_time(&sec, &usec); + + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "read"); + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "read"); + + for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { + if (clients[i].hDbg && (clients[i].request == d->request)) { + diva_dbg_entry_head_t *pmsg; + char tmp[256]; + int len; + + if (clients[i].pIdiLib) { + (*(clients[i].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceLibraryFinit))(clients[i].pIdiLib->hLib); + clients[i].pIdiLib = NULL; + + pmem = clients[i].pmem; + clients[i].pmem = NULL; + } + + clients[i].hDbg = NULL; + clients[i].request_pending = 0; + if (clients[i].dma_handle >= 0) { + /* + Free DMA handle + */ + diva_free_dma_descriptor(clients[i].request, clients[i].dma_handle); + clients[i].dma_handle = -1; + } + clients[i].request = NULL; + + /* + Log driver register, MAINT driver ID is '0' + */ + len = sprintf(tmp, "DIMAINT - drv # %d = '%s' de-registered", + i, clients[i].Dbg.drvName); + + memset(&clients[i].Dbg, 0x00, sizeof(clients[i].Dbg)); + + while (!(pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t *)queueAllocMsg(dbg_queue, + (word)(len + 1 + sizeof(*pmsg))))) { + if ((pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t *)queuePeekMsg(dbg_queue, &size))) { + queueFreeMsg(dbg_queue); + } else { + break; + } + } + + if (pmsg) { + pmsg->sequence = dbg_sequence++; + pmsg->time_sec = sec; + pmsg->time_usec = usec; + pmsg->facility = MSG_TYPE_STRING; + pmsg->dli = DLI_REG; + pmsg->drv_id = 0; /* id 0 - DIMAINT */ + pmsg->di_cpu = 0; + pmsg->data_length = len + 1; + + memcpy(&pmsg[1], tmp, len + 1); + queueCompleteMsg(pmsg); + diva_maint_wakeup_read(); + } + + break; + } + } + + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "read_ack"); + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "read_ack"); + + if (pmem) { + diva_os_free(0, pmem); + } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- - Low level interface for management interface client + Low level interface for management interface client ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Return handle to client structure - */ -void* SuperTraceOpenAdapter (int AdapterNumber) { - int i; +*/ +void *SuperTraceOpenAdapter(int AdapterNumber) { + int i; - for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { - if (clients[i].hDbg && clients[i].request && (clients[i].logical == AdapterNumber)) { - return (&clients[i]); - } - } + for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { + if (clients[i].hDbg && clients[i].request && (clients[i].logical == AdapterNumber)) { + return (&clients[i]); + } + } - return NULL; + return NULL; } -int SuperTraceCloseAdapter (void* AdapterHandle) { - return (0); +int SuperTraceCloseAdapter(void *AdapterHandle) { + return (0); } -int SuperTraceReadRequest (void* AdapterHandle, const char* name, byte* data) { - diva_maint_client_t* pC = (diva_maint_client_t*)AdapterHandle; +int SuperTraceReadRequest(void *AdapterHandle, const char *name, byte *data) { + diva_maint_client_t *pC = (diva_maint_client_t *)AdapterHandle; - if (pC && pC->pIdiLib && pC->request) { - ENTITY* e = (ENTITY*)(*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(pC->pIdiLib->hLib); - byte* xdata = (byte*)&pC->xbuffer[0]; - char tmp = 0; - word length; + if (pC && pC->pIdiLib && pC->request) { + ENTITY *e = (ENTITY *)(*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(pC->pIdiLib->hLib); + byte *xdata = (byte *)&pC->xbuffer[0]; + char tmp = 0; + word length; - if (!strcmp(name, "\\")) { /* Read ROOT */ - name = &tmp; - } - length = SuperTraceCreateReadReq (xdata, name); - single_p (xdata, &length, 0); /* End Of Message */ + if (!strcmp(name, "\\")) { /* Read ROOT */ + name = &tmp; + } + length = SuperTraceCreateReadReq(xdata, name); + single_p(xdata, &length, 0); /* End Of Message */ - e->Req = MAN_READ; - e->ReqCh = 0; - e->X->PLength = length; - e->X->P = (byte*)xdata; + e->Req = MAN_READ; + e->ReqCh = 0; + e->X->PLength = length; + e->X->P = (byte *)xdata; - pC->request_pending = 1; + pC->request_pending = 1; - return (0); - } + return (0); + } - return (-1); + return (-1); } -int SuperTraceGetNumberOfChannels (void* AdapterHandle) { - if (AdapterHandle) { - diva_maint_client_t* pC = (diva_maint_client_t*)AdapterHandle; +int SuperTraceGetNumberOfChannels(void *AdapterHandle) { + if (AdapterHandle) { + diva_maint_client_t *pC = (diva_maint_client_t *)AdapterHandle; - return (pC->channels); - } + return (pC->channels); + } - return (0); + return (0); } -int SuperTraceASSIGN (void* AdapterHandle, byte* data) { - diva_maint_client_t* pC = (diva_maint_client_t*)AdapterHandle; - - if (pC && pC->pIdiLib && pC->request) { - ENTITY* e = (ENTITY*)(*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(pC->pIdiLib->hLib); - IDI_SYNC_REQ* preq; - char buffer[((sizeof(preq->xdi_extended_features)+4) > sizeof(ENTITY)) ? (sizeof(preq->xdi_extended_features)+4) : sizeof(ENTITY)]; - char features[4]; - word assign_data_length = 1; - - features[0] = 0; - pC->xbuffer[0] = 0; - preq = (IDI_SYNC_REQ*)&buffer[0]; - preq->xdi_extended_features.Req = 0; - preq->xdi_extended_features.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_EXTENDED_FEATURES; - preq->xdi_extended_features.info.buffer_length_in_bytes = sizeof(features); - preq->xdi_extended_features.info.features = &features[0]; - - (*(pC->request))((ENTITY*)preq); - - if ((features[0] & DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURES_VALID) && - (features[0] & DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_MANAGEMENT_DMA)) { - dword uninitialized_var(rx_dma_magic); - if ((pC->dma_handle = diva_get_dma_descriptor (pC->request, &rx_dma_magic)) >= 0) { - pC->xbuffer[0] = LLI; - pC->xbuffer[1] = 8; - pC->xbuffer[2] = 0x40; - pC->xbuffer[3] = (byte)pC->dma_handle; - pC->xbuffer[4] = (byte)rx_dma_magic; - pC->xbuffer[5] = (byte)(rx_dma_magic >> 8); - pC->xbuffer[6] = (byte)(rx_dma_magic >> 16); - pC->xbuffer[7] = (byte)(rx_dma_magic >> 24); - pC->xbuffer[8] = (byte)(DIVA_MAX_MANAGEMENT_TRANSFER_SIZE & 0xFF); - pC->xbuffer[9] = (byte)(DIVA_MAX_MANAGEMENT_TRANSFER_SIZE >> 8); - pC->xbuffer[10] = 0; - - assign_data_length = 11; - } - } else { - pC->dma_handle = -1; - } - - e->Id = MAN_ID; - e->callback = diva_maint_xdi_cb; - e->XNum = 1; - e->X = &pC->XData; - e->Req = ASSIGN; - e->ReqCh = 0; - e->X->PLength = assign_data_length; - e->X->P = (byte*)&pC->xbuffer[0]; - - pC->request_pending = 1; - - return (0); - } - - return (-1); +int SuperTraceASSIGN(void *AdapterHandle, byte *data) { + diva_maint_client_t *pC = (diva_maint_client_t *)AdapterHandle; + + if (pC && pC->pIdiLib && pC->request) { + ENTITY *e = (ENTITY *)(*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(pC->pIdiLib->hLib); + IDI_SYNC_REQ *preq; + char buffer[((sizeof(preq->xdi_extended_features) + 4) > sizeof(ENTITY)) ? (sizeof(preq->xdi_extended_features) + 4) : sizeof(ENTITY)]; + char features[4]; + word assign_data_length = 1; + + features[0] = 0; + pC->xbuffer[0] = 0; + preq = (IDI_SYNC_REQ *)&buffer[0]; + preq->xdi_extended_features.Req = 0; + preq->xdi_extended_features.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_EXTENDED_FEATURES; + preq->xdi_extended_features.info.buffer_length_in_bytes = sizeof(features); + preq->xdi_extended_features.info.features = &features[0]; + + (*(pC->request))((ENTITY *)preq); + + if ((features[0] & DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURES_VALID) && + (features[0] & DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_MANAGEMENT_DMA)) { + dword uninitialized_var(rx_dma_magic); + if ((pC->dma_handle = diva_get_dma_descriptor(pC->request, &rx_dma_magic)) >= 0) { + pC->xbuffer[0] = LLI; + pC->xbuffer[1] = 8; + pC->xbuffer[2] = 0x40; + pC->xbuffer[3] = (byte)pC->dma_handle; + pC->xbuffer[4] = (byte)rx_dma_magic; + pC->xbuffer[5] = (byte)(rx_dma_magic >> 8); + pC->xbuffer[6] = (byte)(rx_dma_magic >> 16); + pC->xbuffer[7] = (byte)(rx_dma_magic >> 24); + pC->xbuffer[8] = (byte)(DIVA_MAX_MANAGEMENT_TRANSFER_SIZE & 0xFF); + pC->xbuffer[9] = (byte)(DIVA_MAX_MANAGEMENT_TRANSFER_SIZE >> 8); + pC->xbuffer[10] = 0; + + assign_data_length = 11; + } + } else { + pC->dma_handle = -1; + } + + e->Id = MAN_ID; + e->callback = diva_maint_xdi_cb; + e->XNum = 1; + e->X = &pC->XData; + e->Req = ASSIGN; + e->ReqCh = 0; + e->X->PLength = assign_data_length; + e->X->P = (byte *)&pC->xbuffer[0]; + + pC->request_pending = 1; + + return (0); + } + + return (-1); } -int SuperTraceREMOVE (void* AdapterHandle) { - diva_maint_client_t* pC = (diva_maint_client_t*)AdapterHandle; +int SuperTraceREMOVE(void *AdapterHandle) { + diva_maint_client_t *pC = (diva_maint_client_t *)AdapterHandle; - if (pC && pC->pIdiLib && pC->request) { - ENTITY* e = (ENTITY*)(*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(pC->pIdiLib->hLib); + if (pC && pC->pIdiLib && pC->request) { + ENTITY *e = (ENTITY *)(*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(pC->pIdiLib->hLib); - e->XNum = 1; - e->X = &pC->XData; - e->Req = REMOVE; - e->ReqCh = 0; - e->X->PLength = 1; - e->X->P = (byte*)&pC->xbuffer[0]; - pC->xbuffer[0] = 0; + e->XNum = 1; + e->X = &pC->XData; + e->Req = REMOVE; + e->ReqCh = 0; + e->X->PLength = 1; + e->X->P = (byte *)&pC->xbuffer[0]; + pC->xbuffer[0] = 0; - pC->request_pending = 1; + pC->request_pending = 1; - return (0); - } + return (0); + } - return (-1); + return (-1); } -int SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(void* hAdapter, const char* name, byte* data) { - diva_maint_client_t* pC = (diva_maint_client_t*)hAdapter; +int SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(void *hAdapter, const char *name, byte *data) { + diva_maint_client_t *pC = (diva_maint_client_t *)hAdapter; - if (pC && pC->pIdiLib && pC->request) { - ENTITY* e = (ENTITY*)(*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(pC->pIdiLib->hLib); - byte* xdata = (byte*)&pC->xbuffer[0]; - char tmp = 0; - word length; + if (pC && pC->pIdiLib && pC->request) { + ENTITY *e = (ENTITY *)(*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(pC->pIdiLib->hLib); + byte *xdata = (byte *)&pC->xbuffer[0]; + char tmp = 0; + word length; - if (!strcmp(name, "\\")) { /* Read ROOT */ - name = &tmp; - } - length = SuperTraceCreateReadReq (xdata, name); - single_p (xdata, &length, 0); /* End Of Message */ - e->Req = MAN_EVENT_ON; - e->ReqCh = 0; - e->X->PLength = length; - e->X->P = (byte*)xdata; + if (!strcmp(name, "\\")) { /* Read ROOT */ + name = &tmp; + } + length = SuperTraceCreateReadReq(xdata, name); + single_p(xdata, &length, 0); /* End Of Message */ + e->Req = MAN_EVENT_ON; + e->ReqCh = 0; + e->X->PLength = length; + e->X->P = (byte *)xdata; - pC->request_pending = 1; + pC->request_pending = 1; - return (0); - } + return (0); + } - return (-1); + return (-1); } -int SuperTraceWriteVar (void* AdapterHandle, - byte* data, - const char* name, - void* var, - byte type, - byte var_length) { - diva_maint_client_t* pC = (diva_maint_client_t*)AdapterHandle; - - if (pC && pC->pIdiLib && pC->request) { - ENTITY* e = (ENTITY*)(*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(pC->pIdiLib->hLib); - diva_man_var_header_t* pVar = (diva_man_var_header_t*)&pC->xbuffer[0]; - word length = SuperTraceCreateReadReq ((byte*)pVar, name); - - memcpy (&pC->xbuffer[length], var, var_length); - length += var_length; - pVar->length += var_length; - pVar->value_length = var_length; - pVar->type = type; - single_p ((byte*)pVar, &length, 0); /* End Of Message */ - - e->Req = MAN_WRITE; - e->ReqCh = 0; - e->X->PLength = length; - e->X->P = (byte*)pVar; - - pC->request_pending = 1; - - return (0); - } - - return (-1); +int SuperTraceWriteVar(void *AdapterHandle, + byte *data, + const char *name, + void *var, + byte type, + byte var_length) { + diva_maint_client_t *pC = (diva_maint_client_t *)AdapterHandle; + + if (pC && pC->pIdiLib && pC->request) { + ENTITY *e = (ENTITY *)(*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(pC->pIdiLib->hLib); + diva_man_var_header_t *pVar = (diva_man_var_header_t *)&pC->xbuffer[0]; + word length = SuperTraceCreateReadReq((byte *)pVar, name); + + memcpy(&pC->xbuffer[length], var, var_length); + length += var_length; + pVar->length += var_length; + pVar->value_length = var_length; + pVar->type = type; + single_p((byte *)pVar, &length, 0); /* End Of Message */ + + e->Req = MAN_WRITE; + e->ReqCh = 0; + e->X->PLength = length; + e->X->P = (byte *)pVar; + + pC->request_pending = 1; + + return (0); + } + + return (-1); } -int SuperTraceExecuteRequest (void* AdapterHandle, - const char* name, - byte* data) { - diva_maint_client_t* pC = (diva_maint_client_t*)AdapterHandle; +int SuperTraceExecuteRequest(void *AdapterHandle, + const char *name, + byte *data) { + diva_maint_client_t *pC = (diva_maint_client_t *)AdapterHandle; - if (pC && pC->pIdiLib && pC->request) { - ENTITY* e = (ENTITY*)(*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(pC->pIdiLib->hLib); - byte* xdata = (byte*)&pC->xbuffer[0]; - word length; + if (pC && pC->pIdiLib && pC->request) { + ENTITY *e = (ENTITY *)(*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(pC->pIdiLib->hLib); + byte *xdata = (byte *)&pC->xbuffer[0]; + word length; - length = SuperTraceCreateReadReq (xdata, name); - single_p (xdata, &length, 0); /* End Of Message */ + length = SuperTraceCreateReadReq(xdata, name); + single_p(xdata, &length, 0); /* End Of Message */ - e->Req = MAN_EXECUTE; - e->ReqCh = 0; - e->X->PLength = length; - e->X->P = (byte*)xdata; + e->Req = MAN_EXECUTE; + e->ReqCh = 0; + e->X->PLength = length; + e->X->P = (byte *)xdata; - pC->request_pending = 1; + pC->request_pending = 1; - return (0); - } + return (0); + } - return (-1); + return (-1); } -static word SuperTraceCreateReadReq (byte* P, const char* path) { +static word SuperTraceCreateReadReq(byte *P, const char *path) { byte var_length; - byte* plen; + byte *plen; - var_length = (byte)strlen (path); + var_length = (byte)strlen(path); *P++ = ESC; plen = P++; @@ -1346,708 +1346,708 @@ static word SuperTraceCreateReadReq (byte* P, const char* path) { *P++ = 0x00; /* Status */ *P++ = 0x00; /* Variable Length */ *P++ = var_length; - memcpy (P, path, var_length); + memcpy(P, path, var_length); P += var_length; *plen = var_length + 0x06; return ((word)(var_length + 0x08)); } -static void single_p (byte * P, word * PLength, byte Id) { - P[(*PLength)++] = Id; +static void single_p(byte *P, word *PLength, byte Id) { + P[(*PLength)++] = Id; } -static void diva_maint_xdi_cb (ENTITY* e) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = DIVAS_CONTAINING_RECORD(e,diva_strace_context_t,e); - diva_maint_client_t* pC; - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql, old_irql1; +static void diva_maint_xdi_cb(ENTITY *e) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = DIVAS_CONTAINING_RECORD(e, diva_strace_context_t, e); + diva_maint_client_t *pC; + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql, old_irql1; - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "xdi_cb"); - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "xdi_cb"); + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "xdi_cb"); + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "xdi_cb"); - pC = (diva_maint_client_t*)pLib->hAdapter; + pC = (diva_maint_client_t *)pLib->hAdapter; - if ((e->complete == 255) || (pC->dma_handle < 0)) { - if ((*(pLib->instance.DivaSTraceMessageInput))(&pLib->instance)) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (0, DLI_ERR, "Trace internal library error"); - } - } else { - /* - Process combined management interface indication - */ - if ((*(pLib->instance.DivaSTraceMessageInput))(&pLib->instance)) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (0, DLI_ERR, "Trace internal library error (DMA mode)"); - } - } + if ((e->complete == 255) || (pC->dma_handle < 0)) { + if ((*(pLib->instance.DivaSTraceMessageInput))(&pLib->instance)) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(0, DLI_ERR, "Trace internal library error"); + } + } else { + /* + Process combined management interface indication + */ + if ((*(pLib->instance.DivaSTraceMessageInput))(&pLib->instance)) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(0, DLI_ERR, "Trace internal library error (DMA mode)"); + } + } - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "xdi_cb"); + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "xdi_cb"); if (pC->request_pending) { - pC->request_pending = 0; - (*(pC->request))(e); + pC->request_pending = 0; + (*(pC->request))(e); } - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "xdi_cb"); + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "xdi_cb"); } -static void diva_maint_error (void* user_context, - diva_strace_library_interface_t* hLib, - int Adapter, - int error, - const char* file, - int line) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (0, DLI_ERR, - "Trace library error(%d) A(%d) %s %d", error, Adapter, file, line); +static void diva_maint_error(void *user_context, + diva_strace_library_interface_t *hLib, + int Adapter, + int error, + const char *file, + int line) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(0, DLI_ERR, + "Trace library error(%d) A(%d) %s %d", error, Adapter, file, line); } -static void print_ie (diva_trace_ie_t* ie, char* buffer, int length) { +static void print_ie(diva_trace_ie_t *ie, char *buffer, int length) { int i; - buffer[0] = 0; - - if (length > 32) { - for (i = 0; ((i < ie->length) && (length > 3)); i++) { - sprintf (buffer, "%02x", ie->data[i]); - buffer += 2; - length -= 2; - if (i < (ie->length-1)) { - strcpy (buffer, " "); - buffer++; - length--; - } - } - } + buffer[0] = 0; + + if (length > 32) { + for (i = 0; ((i < ie->length) && (length > 3)); i++) { + sprintf(buffer, "%02x", ie->data[i]); + buffer += 2; + length -= 2; + if (i < (ie->length - 1)) { + strcpy(buffer, " "); + buffer++; + length--; + } + } + } } -static void diva_maint_state_change_notify (void* user_context, - diva_strace_library_interface_t* hLib, - int Adapter, - diva_trace_line_state_t* channel, - int notify_subject) { - diva_maint_client_t* pC = (diva_maint_client_t*)user_context; - diva_trace_fax_state_t* fax = &channel->fax; - diva_trace_modem_state_t* modem = &channel->modem; - char tmp[256]; - - if (!pC->hDbg) { - return; - } - - switch (notify_subject) { - case DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_LINE_CHANGE: { - int view = (TraceFilter[0] == 0); - /* - Process selective Trace - */ - if (channel->Line[0] == 'I' && channel->Line[1] == 'd' && - channel->Line[2] == 'l' && channel->Line[3] == 'e') { - if ((TraceFilterIdent == pC->hDbg->id) && (TraceFilterChannel == (int)channel->ChannelNumber)) { - (*(hLib->DivaSTraceSetBChannel))(hLib, (int)channel->ChannelNumber, 0); - (*(hLib->DivaSTraceSetAudioTap))(hLib, (int)channel->ChannelNumber, 0); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, "Selective Trace OFF for Ch=%d", - (int)channel->ChannelNumber); - TraceFilterIdent = -1; - TraceFilterChannel = -1; - view = 1; - } - } else if (TraceFilter[0] && (TraceFilterIdent < 0) && !(diva_mnt_cmp_nmbr (&channel->RemoteAddress[0]) && - diva_mnt_cmp_nmbr (&channel->LocalAddress[0]))) { - - if ((pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_BCHANNEL) != 0) { /* Activate B-channel trace */ - (*(hLib->DivaSTraceSetBChannel))(hLib, (int)channel->ChannelNumber, 1); - } - if ((pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_AUDIO) != 0) { /* Activate AudioTap Trace */ - (*(hLib->DivaSTraceSetAudioTap))(hLib, (int)channel->ChannelNumber, 1); - } - - TraceFilterIdent = pC->hDbg->id; - TraceFilterChannel = (int)channel->ChannelNumber; - - if (TraceFilterIdent >= 0) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, "Selective Trace ON for Ch=%d", - (int)channel->ChannelNumber); - view = 1; - } - } - if (view && (pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_LINE_EVENTS)) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L Ch = %d", - (int)channel->ChannelNumber); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L Status = <%s>", &channel->Line[0]); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L Layer1 = <%s>", &channel->Framing[0]); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L Layer2 = <%s>", &channel->Layer2[0]); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L Layer3 = <%s>", &channel->Layer3[0]); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L RAddr = <%s>", - &channel->RemoteAddress[0]); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L RSAddr = <%s>", - &channel->RemoteSubAddress[0]); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L LAddr = <%s>", - &channel->LocalAddress[0]); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L LSAddr = <%s>", - &channel->LocalSubAddress[0]); - print_ie(&channel->call_BC, tmp, sizeof(tmp)); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L BC = <%s>", tmp); - print_ie(&channel->call_HLC, tmp, sizeof(tmp)); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L HLC = <%s>", tmp); - print_ie(&channel->call_LLC, tmp, sizeof(tmp)); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L LLC = <%s>", tmp); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L CR = 0x%x", channel->CallReference); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L Disc = 0x%x", - channel->LastDisconnecCause); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L Owner = <%s>", &channel->UserID[0]); - } - - } break; - - case DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_MODEM_CHANGE: - if (pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_MDM_PROGRESS) { - { - int ch = TraceFilterChannel; - int id = TraceFilterIdent; - - if ((id >= 0) && (ch >= 0) && (id < ARRAY_SIZE(clients)) && - (clients[id].Dbg.id == (byte)id) && (clients[id].pIdiLib == hLib)) { - if (ch != (int)modem->ChannelNumber) { - break; - } - } else if (TraceFilter[0] != 0) { +static void diva_maint_state_change_notify(void *user_context, + diva_strace_library_interface_t *hLib, + int Adapter, + diva_trace_line_state_t *channel, + int notify_subject) { + diva_maint_client_t *pC = (diva_maint_client_t *)user_context; + diva_trace_fax_state_t *fax = &channel->fax; + diva_trace_modem_state_t *modem = &channel->modem; + char tmp[256]; + + if (!pC->hDbg) { + return; + } + + switch (notify_subject) { + case DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_LINE_CHANGE: { + int view = (TraceFilter[0] == 0); + /* + Process selective Trace + */ + if (channel->Line[0] == 'I' && channel->Line[1] == 'd' && + channel->Line[2] == 'l' && channel->Line[3] == 'e') { + if ((TraceFilterIdent == pC->hDbg->id) && (TraceFilterChannel == (int)channel->ChannelNumber)) { + (*(hLib->DivaSTraceSetBChannel))(hLib, (int)channel->ChannelNumber, 0); + (*(hLib->DivaSTraceSetAudioTap))(hLib, (int)channel->ChannelNumber, 0); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, "Selective Trace OFF for Ch=%d", + (int)channel->ChannelNumber); + TraceFilterIdent = -1; + TraceFilterChannel = -1; + view = 1; + } + } else if (TraceFilter[0] && (TraceFilterIdent < 0) && !(diva_mnt_cmp_nmbr(&channel->RemoteAddress[0]) && + diva_mnt_cmp_nmbr(&channel->LocalAddress[0]))) { + + if ((pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_BCHANNEL) != 0) { /* Activate B-channel trace */ + (*(hLib->DivaSTraceSetBChannel))(hLib, (int)channel->ChannelNumber, 1); + } + if ((pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_AUDIO) != 0) { /* Activate AudioTap Trace */ + (*(hLib->DivaSTraceSetAudioTap))(hLib, (int)channel->ChannelNumber, 1); + } + + TraceFilterIdent = pC->hDbg->id; + TraceFilterChannel = (int)channel->ChannelNumber; + + if (TraceFilterIdent >= 0) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, "Selective Trace ON for Ch=%d", + (int)channel->ChannelNumber); + view = 1; + } + } + if (view && (pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_LINE_EVENTS)) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L Ch = %d", + (int)channel->ChannelNumber); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L Status = <%s>", &channel->Line[0]); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L Layer1 = <%s>", &channel->Framing[0]); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L Layer2 = <%s>", &channel->Layer2[0]); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L Layer3 = <%s>", &channel->Layer3[0]); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L RAddr = <%s>", + &channel->RemoteAddress[0]); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L RSAddr = <%s>", + &channel->RemoteSubAddress[0]); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L LAddr = <%s>", + &channel->LocalAddress[0]); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L LSAddr = <%s>", + &channel->LocalSubAddress[0]); + print_ie(&channel->call_BC, tmp, sizeof(tmp)); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L BC = <%s>", tmp); + print_ie(&channel->call_HLC, tmp, sizeof(tmp)); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L HLC = <%s>", tmp); + print_ie(&channel->call_LLC, tmp, sizeof(tmp)); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L LLC = <%s>", tmp); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L CR = 0x%x", channel->CallReference); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L Disc = 0x%x", + channel->LastDisconnecCause); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "L Owner = <%s>", &channel->UserID[0]); + } + + } break; + + case DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_MODEM_CHANGE: + if (pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_MDM_PROGRESS) { + { + int ch = TraceFilterChannel; + int id = TraceFilterIdent; + + if ((id >= 0) && (ch >= 0) && (id < ARRAY_SIZE(clients)) && + (clients[id].Dbg.id == (byte)id) && (clients[id].pIdiLib == hLib)) { + if (ch != (int)modem->ChannelNumber) { break; } + } else if (TraceFilter[0] != 0) { + break; } + } + + + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM Ch = %lu", + (int)modem->ChannelNumber); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM Event = %lu", modem->Event); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM Norm = %lu", modem->Norm); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM Opts. = 0x%08x", modem->Options); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM Tx = %lu Bps", modem->TxSpeed); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM Rx = %lu Bps", modem->RxSpeed); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM RT = %lu mSec", + modem->RoundtripMsec); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM Sr = %lu", modem->SymbolRate); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM Rxl = %d dBm", modem->RxLeveldBm); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM El = %d dBm", modem->EchoLeveldBm); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM SNR = %lu dB", modem->SNRdb); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM MAE = %lu", modem->MAE); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM LRet = %lu", + modem->LocalRetrains); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM RRet = %lu", + modem->RemoteRetrains); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM LRes = %lu", modem->LocalResyncs); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM RRes = %lu", + modem->RemoteResyncs); + if (modem->Event == 3) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM Disc = %lu", modem->DiscReason); + } + } + if ((modem->Event == 3) && (pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_MDM_STATISTICS)) { + (*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetModemStatistics))(pC->pIdiLib); + } + break; + case DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_FAX_CHANGE: + if (pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_FAX_PROGRESS) { + { + int ch = TraceFilterChannel; + int id = TraceFilterIdent; - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM Ch = %lu", - (int)modem->ChannelNumber); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM Event = %lu", modem->Event); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM Norm = %lu", modem->Norm); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM Opts. = 0x%08x", modem->Options); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM Tx = %lu Bps", modem->TxSpeed); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM Rx = %lu Bps", modem->RxSpeed); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM RT = %lu mSec", - modem->RoundtripMsec); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM Sr = %lu", modem->SymbolRate); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM Rxl = %d dBm", modem->RxLeveldBm); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM El = %d dBm", modem->EchoLeveldBm); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM SNR = %lu dB", modem->SNRdb); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM MAE = %lu", modem->MAE); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM LRet = %lu", - modem->LocalRetrains); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM RRet = %lu", - modem->RemoteRetrains); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM LRes = %lu", modem->LocalResyncs); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "MDM RRes = %lu", - modem->RemoteResyncs); - if (modem->Event == 3) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id,DLI_STAT,"MDM Disc = %lu", modem->DiscReason); - } - } - if ((modem->Event == 3) && (pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_MDM_STATISTICS)) { - (*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetModemStatistics))(pC->pIdiLib); - } - break; - - case DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_FAX_CHANGE: - if (pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_FAX_PROGRESS) { - { - int ch = TraceFilterChannel; - int id = TraceFilterIdent; - - if ((id >= 0) && (ch >= 0) && (id < ARRAY_SIZE(clients)) && - (clients[id].Dbg.id == (byte)id) && (clients[id].pIdiLib == hLib)) { - if (ch != (int)fax->ChannelNumber) { - break; - } - } else if (TraceFilter[0] != 0) { + if ((id >= 0) && (ch >= 0) && (id < ARRAY_SIZE(clients)) && + (clients[id].Dbg.id == (byte)id) && (clients[id].pIdiLib == hLib)) { + if (ch != (int)fax->ChannelNumber) { break; } + } else if (TraceFilter[0] != 0) { + break; } + } + + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Ch = %lu", (int)fax->ChannelNumber); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Event = %lu", fax->Event); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Pages = %lu", fax->Page_Counter); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Feat. = 0x%08x", fax->Features); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX ID = <%s>", &fax->Station_ID[0]); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Saddr = <%s>", &fax->Subaddress[0]); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Pwd = <%s>", &fax->Password[0]); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Speed = %lu", fax->Speed); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Res. = 0x%08x", fax->Resolution); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Width = %lu", fax->Paper_Width); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Length= %lu", fax->Paper_Length); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX SLT = %lu", fax->Scanline_Time); + if (fax->Event == 3) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Disc = %lu", fax->Disc_Reason); + } + } + if ((fax->Event == 3) && (pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_FAX_STATISTICS)) { + (*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetFaxStatistics))(pC->pIdiLib); + } + break; + + case DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_INTERFACE_CHANGE: + if (pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_EVENTS) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, + "Layer 1 -> [%s]", channel->pInterface->Layer1); + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, + "Layer 2 -> [%s]", channel->pInterface->Layer2); + } + break; + + case DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_STAT_CHANGE: + if (pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_STATISTICS) { + /* + Incoming Statistics + */ + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Calls) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "Inc Calls =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Calls); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Connected) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "Inc Connected =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Connected); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.User_Busy) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "Inc Busy =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.User_Busy); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Call_Rejected) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "Inc Rejected =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Call_Rejected); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Wrong_Number) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "Inc Wrong Nr =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Wrong_Number); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Incompatible_Dst) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "Inc Incomp. Dest =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Incompatible_Dst); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Out_of_Order) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "Inc Out of Order =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Out_of_Order); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Ignored) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "Inc Ignored =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Ignored); + } + + /* + Outgoing Statistics + */ + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Calls) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "Outg Calls =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Calls); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Connected) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "Outg Connected =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Connected); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.User_Busy) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "Outg Busy =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.User_Busy); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.No_Answer) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "Outg No Answer =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.No_Answer); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Wrong_Number) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "Outg Wrong Nr =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Wrong_Number); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Call_Rejected) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "Outg Rejected =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Call_Rejected); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Other_Failures) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "Outg Other Failures =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Other_Failures); + } + } + break; + + case DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_MDM_STAT_CHANGE: + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Normal) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "MDM Disc Normal = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Normal); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Unspecified) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "MDM Disc Unsp. = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Unspecified); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Busy_Tone) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "MDM Disc Busy Tone = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Busy_Tone); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Congestion) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "MDM Disc Congestion = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Congestion); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Carr_Wait) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "MDM Disc Carrier Wait = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Carr_Wait); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Trn_Timeout) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "MDM Disc Trn. T.o. = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Trn_Timeout); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Incompat) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "MDM Disc Incompatible = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Incompat); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Frame_Rej) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "MDM Disc Frame Reject = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Frame_Rej); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_V42bis) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "MDM Disc V.42bis = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_V42bis); + } + break; - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Ch = %lu",(int)fax->ChannelNumber); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Event = %lu", fax->Event); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Pages = %lu", fax->Page_Counter); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Feat. = 0x%08x", fax->Features); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX ID = <%s>", &fax->Station_ID[0]); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Saddr = <%s>", &fax->Subaddress[0]); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Pwd = <%s>", &fax->Password[0]); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Speed = %lu", fax->Speed); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Res. = 0x%08x", fax->Resolution); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Width = %lu", fax->Paper_Width); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Length= %lu", fax->Paper_Length); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX SLT = %lu", fax->Scanline_Time); - if (fax->Event == 3) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, "FAX Disc = %lu", fax->Disc_Reason); - } - } - if ((fax->Event == 3) && (pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_FAX_STATISTICS)) { - (*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetFaxStatistics))(pC->pIdiLib); - } - break; - - case DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_INTERFACE_CHANGE: - if (pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_EVENTS) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, - "Layer 1 -> [%s]", channel->pInterface->Layer1); - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_STAT, - "Layer 2 -> [%s]", channel->pInterface->Layer2); - } - break; - - case DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_STAT_CHANGE: - if (pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_STATISTICS) { - /* - Incoming Statistics - */ - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Calls) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "Inc Calls =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Calls); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Connected) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "Inc Connected =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Connected); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.User_Busy) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "Inc Busy =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.User_Busy); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Call_Rejected) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "Inc Rejected =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Call_Rejected); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Wrong_Number) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "Inc Wrong Nr =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Wrong_Number); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Incompatible_Dst) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "Inc Incomp. Dest =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Incompatible_Dst); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Out_of_Order) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "Inc Out of Order =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Out_of_Order); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Ignored) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "Inc Ignored =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->inc.Ignored); - } - - /* - Outgoing Statistics - */ - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Calls) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "Outg Calls =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Calls); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Connected) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "Outg Connected =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Connected); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.User_Busy) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "Outg Busy =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.User_Busy); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.No_Answer) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "Outg No Answer =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.No_Answer); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Wrong_Number) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "Outg Wrong Nr =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Wrong_Number); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Call_Rejected) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "Outg Rejected =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Call_Rejected); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Other_Failures) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "Outg Other Failures =%lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->outg.Other_Failures); - } - } - break; - - case DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_MDM_STAT_CHANGE: - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Normal) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "MDM Disc Normal = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Normal); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Unspecified) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "MDM Disc Unsp. = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Unspecified); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Busy_Tone) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "MDM Disc Busy Tone = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Busy_Tone); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Congestion) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "MDM Disc Congestion = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Congestion); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Carr_Wait) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "MDM Disc Carrier Wait = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Carr_Wait); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Trn_Timeout) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "MDM Disc Trn. T.o. = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Trn_Timeout); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Incompat) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "MDM Disc Incompatible = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Incompat); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Frame_Rej) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "MDM Disc Frame Reject = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_Frame_Rej); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_V42bis) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "MDM Disc V.42bis = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->mdm.Disc_V42bis); - } - break; - - case DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_FAX_STAT_CHANGE: - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Normal) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "FAX Disc Normal = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Normal); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Not_Ident) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "FAX Disc Not Ident. = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Not_Ident); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_No_Response) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "FAX Disc No Response = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_No_Response); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Retries) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "FAX Disc Max Retries = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Retries); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Unexp_Msg) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "FAX Unexp. Msg. = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Unexp_Msg); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_No_Polling) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "FAX Disc No Polling = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_No_Polling); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Training) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "FAX Disc Training = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Training); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Unexpected) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "FAX Disc Unexpected = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Unexpected); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Application) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "FAX Disc Application = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Application); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Incompat) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "FAX Disc Incompatible = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Incompat); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_No_Command) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "FAX Disc No Command = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_No_Command); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Long_Msg) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "FAX Disc Long Msg. = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Long_Msg); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Supervisor) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "FAX Disc Supervisor = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Supervisor); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_SUB_SEP_PWD) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "FAX Disc SUP SEP PWD = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_SUB_SEP_PWD); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Invalid_Msg) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "FAX Disc Invalid Msg. = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Invalid_Msg); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Page_Coding) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "FAX Disc Page Coding = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Page_Coding); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_App_Timeout) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "FAX Disc Appl. T.o. = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_App_Timeout); - } - if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Unspecified) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, - "FAX Disc Unspec. = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Unspecified); - } - break; - } + case DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_FAX_STAT_CHANGE: + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Normal) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "FAX Disc Normal = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Normal); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Not_Ident) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "FAX Disc Not Ident. = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Not_Ident); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_No_Response) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "FAX Disc No Response = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_No_Response); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Retries) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "FAX Disc Max Retries = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Retries); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Unexp_Msg) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "FAX Unexp. Msg. = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Unexp_Msg); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_No_Polling) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "FAX Disc No Polling = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_No_Polling); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Training) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "FAX Disc Training = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Training); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Unexpected) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "FAX Disc Unexpected = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Unexpected); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Application) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "FAX Disc Application = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Application); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Incompat) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "FAX Disc Incompatible = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Incompat); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_No_Command) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "FAX Disc No Command = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_No_Command); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Long_Msg) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "FAX Disc Long Msg. = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Long_Msg); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Supervisor) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "FAX Disc Supervisor = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Supervisor); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_SUB_SEP_PWD) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "FAX Disc SUP SEP PWD = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_SUB_SEP_PWD); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Invalid_Msg) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "FAX Disc Invalid Msg. = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Invalid_Msg); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Page_Coding) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "FAX Disc Page Coding = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Page_Coding); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_App_Timeout) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "FAX Disc Appl. T.o. = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_App_Timeout); + } + if (channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Unspecified) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(pC->hDbg->id, DLI_LOG, + "FAX Disc Unspec. = %lu", channel->pInterfaceStat->fax.Disc_Unspecified); + } + break; + } } /* Receive trace information from the Management Interface and store it in the internal trace buffer with MSG_TYPE_MLOG as is, without any filtering. Event Filtering and formatting is done in Management Interface self. - */ -static void diva_maint_trace_notify (void* user_context, - diva_strace_library_interface_t* hLib, - int Adapter, - void* xlog_buffer, - int length) { - diva_maint_client_t* pC = (diva_maint_client_t*)user_context; - diva_dbg_entry_head_t* pmsg; - word size; - dword sec, usec; - int ch = TraceFilterChannel; - int id = TraceFilterIdent; - - /* - Selective trace - */ - if ((id >= 0) && (ch >= 0) && (id < ARRAY_SIZE(clients)) && - (clients[id].Dbg.id == (byte)id) && (clients[id].pIdiLib == hLib)) { - const char* p = NULL; - int ch_value = -1; - MI_XLOG_HDR *TrcData = (MI_XLOG_HDR *)xlog_buffer; - - if (Adapter != clients[id].logical) { - return; /* Ignore all trace messages from other adapters */ - } - - if (TrcData->code == 24) { - p = (char*)&TrcData->code; - p += 2; - } - - /* - All L1 messages start as [dsp,ch], so we can filter this information - and filter out all messages that use different channel - */ - if (p && p[0] == '[') { - if (p[2] == ',') { - p += 3; - ch_value = *p - '0'; - } else if (p[3] == ',') { - p += 4; - ch_value = *p - '0'; - } - if (ch_value >= 0) { - if (p[2] == ']') { - ch_value = ch_value * 10 + p[1] - '0'; - } - if (ch_value != ch) { - return; /* Ignore other channels */ - } - } - } +*/ +static void diva_maint_trace_notify(void *user_context, + diva_strace_library_interface_t *hLib, + int Adapter, + void *xlog_buffer, + int length) { + diva_maint_client_t *pC = (diva_maint_client_t *)user_context; + diva_dbg_entry_head_t *pmsg; + word size; + dword sec, usec; + int ch = TraceFilterChannel; + int id = TraceFilterIdent; + + /* + Selective trace + */ + if ((id >= 0) && (ch >= 0) && (id < ARRAY_SIZE(clients)) && + (clients[id].Dbg.id == (byte)id) && (clients[id].pIdiLib == hLib)) { + const char *p = NULL; + int ch_value = -1; + MI_XLOG_HDR *TrcData = (MI_XLOG_HDR *)xlog_buffer; + + if (Adapter != clients[id].logical) { + return; /* Ignore all trace messages from other adapters */ + } + + if (TrcData->code == 24) { + p = (char *)&TrcData->code; + p += 2; + } + + /* + All L1 messages start as [dsp,ch], so we can filter this information + and filter out all messages that use different channel + */ + if (p && p[0] == '[') { + if (p[2] == ',') { + p += 3; + ch_value = *p - '0'; + } else if (p[3] == ',') { + p += 4; + ch_value = *p - '0'; + } + if (ch_value >= 0) { + if (p[2] == ']') { + ch_value = ch_value * 10 + p[1] - '0'; + } + if (ch_value != ch) { + return; /* Ignore other channels */ + } + } + } } else if (TraceFilter[0] != 0) { - return; /* Ignore trace if trace filter is activated, but idle */ - } - - diva_os_get_time (&sec, &usec); - - while (!(pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t*)queueAllocMsg (dbg_queue, - (word)length+sizeof(*pmsg)))) { - if ((pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t*)queuePeekMsg (dbg_queue, &size))) { - queueFreeMsg (dbg_queue); - } else { - break; - } - } - if (pmsg) { - memcpy (&pmsg[1], xlog_buffer, length); - pmsg->sequence = dbg_sequence++; - pmsg->time_sec = sec; - pmsg->time_usec = usec; - pmsg->facility = MSG_TYPE_MLOG; - pmsg->dli = pC->logical; - pmsg->drv_id = pC->hDbg->id; - pmsg->di_cpu = 0; - pmsg->data_length = length; - queueCompleteMsg (pmsg); - if (queueCount(dbg_queue)) { - diva_maint_wakeup_read(); - } - } + return; /* Ignore trace if trace filter is activated, but idle */ + } + + diva_os_get_time(&sec, &usec); + + while (!(pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t *)queueAllocMsg(dbg_queue, + (word)length + sizeof(*pmsg)))) { + if ((pmsg = (diva_dbg_entry_head_t *)queuePeekMsg(dbg_queue, &size))) { + queueFreeMsg(dbg_queue); + } else { + break; + } + } + if (pmsg) { + memcpy(&pmsg[1], xlog_buffer, length); + pmsg->sequence = dbg_sequence++; + pmsg->time_sec = sec; + pmsg->time_usec = usec; + pmsg->facility = MSG_TYPE_MLOG; + pmsg->dli = pC->logical; + pmsg->drv_id = pC->hDbg->id; + pmsg->di_cpu = 0; + pmsg->data_length = length; + queueCompleteMsg(pmsg); + if (queueCount(dbg_queue)) { + diva_maint_wakeup_read(); + } + } } /* Convert MAINT trace mask to management interface trace mask/work/facility and issue command to management interface - */ -static void diva_change_management_debug_mask (diva_maint_client_t* pC, dword old_mask) { - if (pC->request && pC->hDbg && pC->pIdiLib) { - dword changed = pC->hDbg->dbgMask ^ old_mask; - - if (changed & DIVA_MGT_DBG_TRACE) { - (*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceSetInfo))(pC->pIdiLib, - (pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_TRACE) != 0); - } - if (changed & DIVA_MGT_DBG_DCHAN) { - (*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceSetDChannel))(pC->pIdiLib, - (pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_DCHAN) != 0); - } - if (!TraceFilter[0]) { - if (changed & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_BCHANNEL) { - int i, state = ((pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_BCHANNEL) != 0); - - for (i = 0; i < pC->channels; i++) { - (*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceSetBChannel))(pC->pIdiLib, i+1, state); - } - } - if (changed & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_AUDIO) { - int i, state = ((pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_AUDIO) != 0); - - for (i = 0; i < pC->channels; i++) { - (*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceSetAudioTap))(pC->pIdiLib, i+1, state); - } - } - } - } +*/ +static void diva_change_management_debug_mask(diva_maint_client_t *pC, dword old_mask) { + if (pC->request && pC->hDbg && pC->pIdiLib) { + dword changed = pC->hDbg->dbgMask ^ old_mask; + + if (changed & DIVA_MGT_DBG_TRACE) { + (*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceSetInfo))(pC->pIdiLib, + (pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_TRACE) != 0); + } + if (changed & DIVA_MGT_DBG_DCHAN) { + (*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceSetDChannel))(pC->pIdiLib, + (pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_DCHAN) != 0); + } + if (!TraceFilter[0]) { + if (changed & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_BCHANNEL) { + int i, state = ((pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_BCHANNEL) != 0); + + for (i = 0; i < pC->channels; i++) { + (*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceSetBChannel))(pC->pIdiLib, i + 1, state); + } + } + if (changed & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_AUDIO) { + int i, state = ((pC->hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_AUDIO) != 0); + + for (i = 0; i < pC->channels; i++) { + (*(pC->pIdiLib->DivaSTraceSetAudioTap))(pC->pIdiLib, i + 1, state); + } + } + } + } } -void diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (dword drv_id, dword type, char* fmt, ...) { - va_list ap; +void diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(dword drv_id, dword type, char *fmt, ...) { + va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); - DI_format (0, (word)drv_id, (int)type, fmt, ap); + DI_format(0, (word)drv_id, (int)type, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } /* Shutdown all adapters before driver removal - */ -int diva_mnt_shutdown_xdi_adapters (void) { - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql, old_irql1; - int i, fret = 0; - byte * pmem; - - - for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { - pmem = NULL; - - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "unload"); - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "unload"); - - if (clients[i].hDbg && clients[i].pIdiLib && clients[i].request) { - if ((*(clients[i].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceLibraryStop))(clients[i].pIdiLib) == 1) { - /* - Adapter removal complete - */ - if (clients[i].pIdiLib) { - (*(clients[i].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceLibraryFinit))(clients[i].pIdiLib->hLib); - clients[i].pIdiLib = NULL; - - pmem = clients[i].pmem; - clients[i].pmem = NULL; - } - clients[i].hDbg = NULL; - clients[i].request_pending = 0; - - if (clients[i].dma_handle >= 0) { - /* - Free DMA handle - */ - diva_free_dma_descriptor (clients[i].request, clients[i].dma_handle); - clients[i].dma_handle = -1; +*/ +int diva_mnt_shutdown_xdi_adapters(void) { + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql, old_irql1; + int i, fret = 0; + byte *pmem; + + + for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { + pmem = NULL; + + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "unload"); + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "unload"); + + if (clients[i].hDbg && clients[i].pIdiLib && clients[i].request) { + if ((*(clients[i].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceLibraryStop))(clients[i].pIdiLib) == 1) { + /* + Adapter removal complete + */ + if (clients[i].pIdiLib) { + (*(clients[i].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceLibraryFinit))(clients[i].pIdiLib->hLib); + clients[i].pIdiLib = NULL; + + pmem = clients[i].pmem; + clients[i].pmem = NULL; } - clients[i].request = NULL; - } else { - fret = -1; - } - } - - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "unload"); - if (clients[i].hDbg && clients[i].pIdiLib && clients[i].request && clients[i].request_pending) { - clients[i].request_pending = 0; - (*(clients[i].request))((ENTITY*)(*(clients[i].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(clients[i].pIdiLib->hLib)); - if (clients[i].dma_handle >= 0) { - diva_free_dma_descriptor (clients[i].request, clients[i].dma_handle); - clients[i].dma_handle = -1; - } - } - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "unload"); - - if (pmem) { - diva_os_free (0, pmem); - } - } - - return (fret); + clients[i].hDbg = NULL; + clients[i].request_pending = 0; + + if (clients[i].dma_handle >= 0) { + /* + Free DMA handle + */ + diva_free_dma_descriptor(clients[i].request, clients[i].dma_handle); + clients[i].dma_handle = -1; + } + clients[i].request = NULL; + } else { + fret = -1; + } + } + + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "unload"); + if (clients[i].hDbg && clients[i].pIdiLib && clients[i].request && clients[i].request_pending) { + clients[i].request_pending = 0; + (*(clients[i].request))((ENTITY *)(*(clients[i].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(clients[i].pIdiLib->hLib)); + if (clients[i].dma_handle >= 0) { + diva_free_dma_descriptor(clients[i].request, clients[i].dma_handle); + clients[i].dma_handle = -1; + } + } + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "unload"); + + if (pmem) { + diva_os_free(0, pmem); + } + } + + return (fret); } /* Set/Read the trace filter used for selective tracing. Affects B- and Audio Tap trace mask at run time - */ -int diva_set_trace_filter (int filter_length, const char* filter) { - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql, old_irql1; - int i, ch, on, client_b_on, client_atap_on; - - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "dbg mask"); - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "write_filter"); - - if (filter_length <= DIVA_MAX_SELECTIVE_FILTER_LENGTH) { - memcpy (&TraceFilter[0], filter, filter_length); - if (TraceFilter[filter_length]) { - TraceFilter[filter_length] = 0; - } - if (TraceFilter[0] == '*') { - TraceFilter[0] = 0; - } - } else { - filter_length = -1; - } - - TraceFilterIdent = -1; - TraceFilterChannel = -1; - - on = (TraceFilter[0] == 0); - - for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { - if (clients[i].hDbg && clients[i].pIdiLib && clients[i].request) { - client_b_on = on && ((clients[i].hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_BCHANNEL) != 0); - client_atap_on = on && ((clients[i].hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_AUDIO) != 0); - for (ch = 0; ch < clients[i].channels; ch++) { - (*(clients[i].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceSetBChannel))(clients[i].pIdiLib->hLib, ch+1, client_b_on); - (*(clients[i].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceSetAudioTap))(clients[i].pIdiLib->hLib, ch+1, client_atap_on); - } - } - } - - for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { - if (clients[i].hDbg && clients[i].pIdiLib && clients[i].request && clients[i].request_pending) { - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "write_filter"); - clients[i].request_pending = 0; - (*(clients[i].request))((ENTITY*)(*(clients[i].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(clients[i].pIdiLib->hLib)); - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "write_filter"); - } - } - - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "write_filter"); - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "dbg mask"); - - return (filter_length); +*/ +int diva_set_trace_filter(int filter_length, const char *filter) { + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql, old_irql1; + int i, ch, on, client_b_on, client_atap_on; + + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "dbg mask"); + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "write_filter"); + + if (filter_length <= DIVA_MAX_SELECTIVE_FILTER_LENGTH) { + memcpy(&TraceFilter[0], filter, filter_length); + if (TraceFilter[filter_length]) { + TraceFilter[filter_length] = 0; + } + if (TraceFilter[0] == '*') { + TraceFilter[0] = 0; + } + } else { + filter_length = -1; + } + + TraceFilterIdent = -1; + TraceFilterChannel = -1; + + on = (TraceFilter[0] == 0); + + for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { + if (clients[i].hDbg && clients[i].pIdiLib && clients[i].request) { + client_b_on = on && ((clients[i].hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_BCHANNEL) != 0); + client_atap_on = on && ((clients[i].hDbg->dbgMask & DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_AUDIO) != 0); + for (ch = 0; ch < clients[i].channels; ch++) { + (*(clients[i].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceSetBChannel))(clients[i].pIdiLib->hLib, ch + 1, client_b_on); + (*(clients[i].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceSetAudioTap))(clients[i].pIdiLib->hLib, ch + 1, client_atap_on); + } + } + } + + for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { + if (clients[i].hDbg && clients[i].pIdiLib && clients[i].request && clients[i].request_pending) { + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "write_filter"); + clients[i].request_pending = 0; + (*(clients[i].request))((ENTITY *)(*(clients[i].pIdiLib->DivaSTraceGetHandle))(clients[i].pIdiLib->hLib)); + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "write_filter"); + } + } + + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "write_filter"); + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_adapter_lock, &old_irql1, "dbg mask"); + + return (filter_length); } -int diva_get_trace_filter (int max_length, char* filter) { - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; - int len; +int diva_get_trace_filter(int max_length, char *filter) { + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; + int len; - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "read_filter"); - len = strlen (&TraceFilter[0]) + 1; - if (max_length >= len) { - memcpy (filter, &TraceFilter[0], len); - } - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "read_filter"); + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "read_filter"); + len = strlen(&TraceFilter[0]) + 1; + if (max_length >= len) { + memcpy(filter, &TraceFilter[0], len); + } + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&dbg_q_lock, &old_irql, "read_filter"); - return (len); + return (len); } -static int diva_dbg_cmp_key (const char* ref, const char* key) { +static int diva_dbg_cmp_key(const char *ref, const char *key) { while (*key && (*ref++ == *key++)); - return (!*key && !*ref); + return (!*key && !*ref); } /* @@ -2055,78 +2055,77 @@ static int diva_dbg_cmp_key (const char* ref, const char* key) { all following characters are interpreted as command. Followings commands are available: - single, trace single call at time, independent from CPN/CiPN - */ -static int diva_mnt_cmp_nmbr (const char* nmbr) { - const char* ref = &TraceFilter[0]; - int ref_len = strlen(&TraceFilter[0]), nmbr_len = strlen(nmbr); - - if (ref[0] == 'C') { - if (diva_dbg_cmp_key (&ref[1], "single")) { - return (0); - } - return (-1); - } - - if (!ref_len || (ref_len > nmbr_len)) { - return (-1); - } - - nmbr = nmbr + nmbr_len - 1; - ref = ref + ref_len - 1; - - while (ref_len--) { - if (*nmbr-- != *ref--) { - return (-1); - } - } - - return (0); +*/ +static int diva_mnt_cmp_nmbr(const char *nmbr) { + const char *ref = &TraceFilter[0]; + int ref_len = strlen(&TraceFilter[0]), nmbr_len = strlen(nmbr); + + if (ref[0] == 'C') { + if (diva_dbg_cmp_key(&ref[1], "single")) { + return (0); + } + return (-1); + } + + if (!ref_len || (ref_len > nmbr_len)) { + return (-1); + } + + nmbr = nmbr + nmbr_len - 1; + ref = ref + ref_len - 1; + + while (ref_len--) { + if (*nmbr-- != *ref--) { + return (-1); + } + } + + return (0); } -static int diva_get_dma_descriptor (IDI_CALL request, dword *dma_magic) { - ENTITY e; - IDI_SYNC_REQ* pReq = (IDI_SYNC_REQ*)&e; +static int diva_get_dma_descriptor(IDI_CALL request, dword *dma_magic) { + ENTITY e; + IDI_SYNC_REQ *pReq = (IDI_SYNC_REQ *)&e; - if (!request) { - return (-1); - } + if (!request) { + return (-1); + } - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.Req = 0; - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_OPERATION; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.Req = 0; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_OPERATION; - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.operation = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_ALLOC; - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_number = -1; - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_address = NULL; - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_magic = 0; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.operation = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_ALLOC; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_number = -1; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_address = NULL; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_magic = 0; - (*request)((ENTITY*)pReq); + (*request)((ENTITY *)pReq); - if (!pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.operation && - (pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_number >= 0) && - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_magic) { - *dma_magic = pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_magic; - return (pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_number); - } else { - return (-1); - } + if (!pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.operation && + (pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_number >= 0) && + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_magic) { + *dma_magic = pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_magic; + return (pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_number); + } else { + return (-1); + } } -static void diva_free_dma_descriptor (IDI_CALL request, int nr) { - ENTITY e; - IDI_SYNC_REQ* pReq = (IDI_SYNC_REQ*)&e; +static void diva_free_dma_descriptor(IDI_CALL request, int nr) { + ENTITY e; + IDI_SYNC_REQ *pReq = (IDI_SYNC_REQ *)&e; - if (!request || (nr < 0)) { - return; - } + if (!request || (nr < 0)) { + return; + } - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.Req = 0; - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_OPERATION; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.Req = 0; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_OPERATION; - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.operation = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_FREE; - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_number = nr; - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_address = NULL; - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_magic = 0; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.operation = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_FREE; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_number = nr; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_address = NULL; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_magic = 0; - (*request)((ENTITY*)pReq); + (*request)((ENTITY *)pReq); } - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/debug_if.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/debug_if.h index 4db739d5803c836f6fb380127b8cfbc9c1d0d45f..fc5953a35ff6244e83fe3904d7e0a97b720ecad9 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/debug_if.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/debug_if.h @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Technology Corporation, 2000. + Copyright (c) Eicon Technology Corporation, 2000. * - This source file is supplied for the use with Eicon - Technology Corporation's range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with Eicon + Technology Corporation's range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef __DIVA_DEBUG_IF_H__ @@ -31,35 +31,35 @@ #define MSG_FRAME_MAX_SIZE 2150 typedef struct _diva_dbg_entry_head { - dword sequence; - dword time_sec; - dword time_usec; - dword facility; - dword dli; - dword drv_id; - dword di_cpu; - dword data_length; + dword sequence; + dword time_sec; + dword time_usec; + dword facility; + dword dli; + dword drv_id; + dword di_cpu; + dword data_length; } diva_dbg_entry_head_t; -int diva_maint_init (byte* base, unsigned long length, int do_init); -void* diva_maint_finit (void); -dword diva_dbg_q_length (void); -diva_dbg_entry_head_t* diva_maint_get_message (word* size, - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t* old_irql); -void diva_maint_ack_message (int do_release, - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t* old_irql); -void diva_maint_prtComp (char *format, ...); -void diva_maint_wakeup_read (void); -int diva_get_driver_info (dword id, byte* data, int data_length); -int diva_get_driver_dbg_mask (dword id, byte* data); -int diva_set_driver_dbg_mask (dword id, dword mask); -void diva_mnt_remove_xdi_adapter (const DESCRIPTOR* d); -void diva_mnt_add_xdi_adapter (const DESCRIPTOR* d); -int diva_mnt_shutdown_xdi_adapters (void); +int diva_maint_init(byte *base, unsigned long length, int do_init); +void *diva_maint_finit(void); +dword diva_dbg_q_length(void); +diva_dbg_entry_head_t *diva_maint_get_message(word *size, + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t *old_irql); +void diva_maint_ack_message(int do_release, + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t *old_irql); +void diva_maint_prtComp(char *format, ...); +void diva_maint_wakeup_read(void); +int diva_get_driver_info(dword id, byte *data, int data_length); +int diva_get_driver_dbg_mask(dword id, byte *data); +int diva_set_driver_dbg_mask(dword id, dword mask); +void diva_mnt_remove_xdi_adapter(const DESCRIPTOR *d); +void diva_mnt_add_xdi_adapter(const DESCRIPTOR *d); +int diva_mnt_shutdown_xdi_adapters(void); #define DIVA_MAX_SELECTIVE_FILTER_LENGTH 127 -int diva_set_trace_filter (int filter_length, const char* filter); -int diva_get_trace_filter (int max_length, char* filter); +int diva_set_trace_filter(int filter_length, const char *filter); +int diva_get_trace_filter(int max_length, char *filter); #define DITRACE_CMD_GET_DRIVER_INFO 1 @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ int diva_get_trace_filter (int max_length, char* filter); /* Trace lavels for debug via management interface - */ +*/ #define DIVA_MGT_DBG_TRACE 0x00000001 /* All trace messages from the card */ #define DIVA_MGT_DBG_DCHAN 0x00000002 /* All D-channel relater trace messages */ #define DIVA_MGT_DBG_MDM_PROGRESS 0x00000004 /* Modem progress events */ @@ -86,5 +86,3 @@ int diva_get_trace_filter (int max_length, char* filter); #define DIVA_MGT_DBG_IFC_AUDIO 0x00000400 /* Audio Tap trace for all channels */ # endif /* DEBUG_IF___H */ - - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/debuglib.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/debuglib.c index e39c5c1f623edf096ba9fb7c86ba34bc4a3849e7..d5b1092a54f08110c399c749a20f53f0190b5501 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/debuglib.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/debuglib.c @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ @@ -29,35 +29,35 @@ #ifdef DIVA_NO_DEBUGLIB static DIVA_DI_PRINTF dprintf; #else /* DIVA_NO_DEBUGLIB */ - + _DbgHandle_ myDriverDebugHandle = { 0 /*!Registered*/, DBG_HANDLE_VERSION }; DIVA_DI_PRINTF dprintf = no_printf; /*****************************************************************************/ -#define DBG_FUNC(name) \ -void \ -myDbgPrint_##name (char *format, ...) \ -{ va_list ap ; \ - if ( myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_prt ) \ - { va_start (ap, format) ; \ - (myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_prt) \ - (myDriverDebugHandle.id, DLI_##name, format, ap) ; \ - va_end (ap) ; \ -} } +#define DBG_FUNC(name) \ + void \ + myDbgPrint_##name(char *format, ...) \ + { va_list ap; \ + if (myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_prt) \ + { va_start(ap, format); \ + (myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_prt) \ + (myDriverDebugHandle.id, DLI_##name, format, ap); \ + va_end(ap); \ + } } DBG_FUNC(LOG) DBG_FUNC(FTL) DBG_FUNC(ERR) DBG_FUNC(TRC) DBG_FUNC(MXLOG) DBG_FUNC(FTL_MXLOG) -void -myDbgPrint_EVL (long msgID, ...) -{ va_list ap ; - if ( myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_ev ) - { va_start (ap, msgID) ; - (myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_ev) - (myDriverDebugHandle.id, (unsigned long)msgID, ap) ; - va_end (ap) ; -} } +void +myDbgPrint_EVL(long msgID, ...) +{ va_list ap; + if (myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_ev) + { va_start(ap, msgID); + (myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_ev) + (myDriverDebugHandle.id, (unsigned long)msgID, ap); + va_end(ap); + } } DBG_FUNC(REG) DBG_FUNC(MEM) DBG_FUNC(SPL) @@ -76,81 +76,81 @@ DBG_FUNC(PRV2) DBG_FUNC(PRV3) /*****************************************************************************/ int -DbgRegister (char *drvName, char *drvTag, unsigned long dbgMask) +DbgRegister(char *drvName, char *drvTag, unsigned long dbgMask) { - int len; + int len; /* * deregister (if already registered) and zero out myDriverDebugHandle */ - DbgDeregister () ; + DbgDeregister(); /* * initialize the debug handle */ - myDriverDebugHandle.Version = DBG_HANDLE_VERSION ; - myDriverDebugHandle.id = -1 ; - myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask = dbgMask | (DL_EVL | DL_FTL | DL_LOG) ; - len = strlen (drvName) ; - memcpy (myDriverDebugHandle.drvName, drvName, - (len < sizeof(myDriverDebugHandle.drvName)) ? - len : sizeof(myDriverDebugHandle.drvName) - 1) ; - len = strlen (drvTag) ; - memcpy (myDriverDebugHandle.drvTag, drvTag, - (len < sizeof(myDriverDebugHandle.drvTag)) ? - len : sizeof(myDriverDebugHandle.drvTag) - 1) ; + myDriverDebugHandle.Version = DBG_HANDLE_VERSION; + myDriverDebugHandle.id = -1; + myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask = dbgMask | (DL_EVL | DL_FTL | DL_LOG); + len = strlen(drvName); + memcpy(myDriverDebugHandle.drvName, drvName, + (len < sizeof(myDriverDebugHandle.drvName)) ? + len : sizeof(myDriverDebugHandle.drvName) - 1); + len = strlen(drvTag); + memcpy(myDriverDebugHandle.drvTag, drvTag, + (len < sizeof(myDriverDebugHandle.drvTag)) ? + len : sizeof(myDriverDebugHandle.drvTag) - 1); /* * Try to register debugging via old (and only) interface */ - dprintf("\000\377", &myDriverDebugHandle) ; - if ( myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_prt ) - { - return (1) ; - } + dprintf("\000\377", &myDriverDebugHandle); + if (myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_prt) + { + return (1); + } /* * Check if we registered with an old maint driver (see debuglib.h) */ - if ( myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_end != NULL - /* location of 'dbg_prt' in _OldDbgHandle_ struct */ - && (myDriverDebugHandle.regTime.LowPart || - myDriverDebugHandle.regTime.HighPart ) ) - /* same location as in _OldDbgHandle_ struct */ - { - dprintf("%s: Cannot log to old maint driver !", drvName) ; - myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_end = - ((_OldDbgHandle_ *)&myDriverDebugHandle)->dbg_end ; - DbgDeregister () ; - } - return (0) ; + if (myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_end != NULL + /* location of 'dbg_prt' in _OldDbgHandle_ struct */ + && (myDriverDebugHandle.regTime.LowPart || + myDriverDebugHandle.regTime.HighPart)) + /* same location as in _OldDbgHandle_ struct */ + { + dprintf("%s: Cannot log to old maint driver !", drvName); + myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_end = + ((_OldDbgHandle_ *)&myDriverDebugHandle)->dbg_end; + DbgDeregister(); + } + return (0); } /*****************************************************************************/ void -DbgSetLevel (unsigned long dbgMask) +DbgSetLevel(unsigned long dbgMask) { - myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask = dbgMask | (DL_EVL | DL_FTL | DL_LOG) ; + myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask = dbgMask | (DL_EVL | DL_FTL | DL_LOG); } /*****************************************************************************/ void -DbgDeregister (void) +DbgDeregister(void) { - if ( myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_end ) - { - (myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_end)(&myDriverDebugHandle) ; - } - memset (&myDriverDebugHandle, 0, sizeof(myDriverDebugHandle)) ; + if (myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_end) + { + (myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_end)(&myDriverDebugHandle); + } + memset(&myDriverDebugHandle, 0, sizeof(myDriverDebugHandle)); } -void xdi_dbg_xlog (char* x, ...) { - va_list ap; - va_start (ap, x); - if (myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_end && - (myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_irq || myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_old) && - (myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask & DL_STAT)) { - if (myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_irq) { - (*(myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_irq))(myDriverDebugHandle.id, - (x[0] != 0) ? DLI_TRC : DLI_XLOG, x, ap); - } else { - (*(myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_old))(myDriverDebugHandle.id, x, ap); - } - } - va_end(ap); +void xdi_dbg_xlog(char *x, ...) { + va_list ap; + va_start(ap, x); + if (myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_end && + (myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_irq || myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_old) && + (myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask & DL_STAT)) { + if (myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_irq) { + (*(myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_irq))(myDriverDebugHandle.id, + (x[0] != 0) ? DLI_TRC : DLI_XLOG, x, ap); + } else { + (*(myDriverDebugHandle.dbg_old))(myDriverDebugHandle.id, x, ap); + } + } + va_end(ap); } /*****************************************************************************/ #endif /* DIVA_NO_DEBUGLIB */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/debuglib.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/debuglib.h index 02eed6b4354cf6333baf4a1f969366416238877b..6dcbf6afb8f9c55ec356ce9b610bc040d8c8f47c 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/debuglib.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/debuglib.h @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #if !defined(__DEBUGLIB_H__) @@ -103,43 +103,43 @@ #define DL_TO_KERNEL 0x40000000 #ifdef DIVA_NO_DEBUGLIB -#define myDbgPrint_LOG(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_FTL(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_ERR(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_TRC(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_MXLOG(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_EVL(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_REG(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_MEM(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_SPL(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_IRP(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_TIM(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_BLK(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_TAPI(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_NDIS(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_CONN(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_STAT(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_SEND(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_RECV(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_PRV0(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_PRV1(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_PRV2(x...) do { } while(0); -#define myDbgPrint_PRV3(x...) do { } while(0); -#define DBG_TEST(func,args) do { } while(0); -#define DBG_EVL_ID(args) do { } while(0); +#define myDbgPrint_LOG(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_FTL(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_ERR(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_TRC(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_MXLOG(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_EVL(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_REG(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_MEM(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_SPL(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_IRP(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_TIM(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_BLK(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_TAPI(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_NDIS(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_CONN(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_STAT(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_SEND(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_RECV(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_PRV0(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_PRV1(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_PRV2(x...) do { } while (0); +#define myDbgPrint_PRV3(x...) do { } while (0); +#define DBG_TEST(func, args) do { } while (0); +#define DBG_EVL_ID(args) do { } while (0); #else /* DIVA_NO_DEBUGLIB */ /* * define low level macros for formatted & raw debugging */ -#define DBG_DECL(func) extern void myDbgPrint_##func (char *, ...) ; +#define DBG_DECL(func) extern void myDbgPrint_##func(char *, ...); DBG_DECL(LOG) DBG_DECL(FTL) DBG_DECL(ERR) DBG_DECL(TRC) DBG_DECL(MXLOG) DBG_DECL(FTL_MXLOG) -extern void myDbgPrint_EVL (long, ...) ; +extern void myDbgPrint_EVL(long, ...); DBG_DECL(REG) DBG_DECL(MEM) DBG_DECL(SPL) @@ -156,34 +156,34 @@ DBG_DECL(PRV0) DBG_DECL(PRV1) DBG_DECL(PRV2) DBG_DECL(PRV3) -#ifdef _KERNEL_DBG_PRINT_ +#ifdef _KERNEL_DBG_PRINT_ /* * tracing to maint and kernel if selected in the trace mask. */ -#define DBG_TEST(func,args) \ -{ if ( (myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask) & (unsigned long)DL_##func ) \ - { \ - if ( (myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask) & DL_TO_KERNEL ) \ - {DbgPrint args; DbgPrint ("\r\n");} \ - myDbgPrint_##func args ; \ -} } +#define DBG_TEST(func, args) \ + { if ((myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask) & (unsigned long)DL_##func) \ + { \ + if ((myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask) & DL_TO_KERNEL) \ + { DbgPrint args; DbgPrint("\r\n"); } \ + myDbgPrint_##func args; \ + } } #else /* * Standard tracing to maint driver. */ -#define DBG_TEST(func,args) \ -{ if ( (myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask) & (unsigned long)DL_##func ) \ - { myDbgPrint_##func args ; \ -} } +#define DBG_TEST(func, args) \ + { if ((myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask) & (unsigned long)DL_##func) \ + { myDbgPrint_##func args; \ + } } #endif /* * For event level debug use a separate define, the parameter are * different and cause compiler errors on some systems. */ -#define DBG_EVL_ID(args) \ -{ if ( (myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask) & (unsigned long)DL_EVL ) \ - { myDbgPrint_EVL args ; \ -} } +#define DBG_EVL_ID(args) \ + { if ((myDriverDebugHandle.dbgMask) & (unsigned long)DL_EVL) \ + { myDbgPrint_EVL args; \ + } } #endif /* DIVA_NO_DEBUGLIB */ @@ -214,109 +214,109 @@ DBG_DECL(PRV3) * prototypes for debug register/deregister functions in "debuglib.c" */ #ifdef DIVA_NO_DEBUGLIB -#define DbgRegister(name,tag, mask) do { } while(0) -#define DbgDeregister() do { } while(0) -#define DbgSetLevel(mask) do { } while(0) +#define DbgRegister(name, tag, mask) do { } while (0) +#define DbgDeregister() do { } while (0) +#define DbgSetLevel(mask) do { } while (0) #else extern DIVA_DI_PRINTF dprintf; -extern int DbgRegister (char *drvName, char *drvTag, unsigned long dbgMask) ; -extern void DbgDeregister (void) ; -extern void DbgSetLevel (unsigned long dbgMask) ; +extern int DbgRegister(char *drvName, char *drvTag, unsigned long dbgMask); +extern void DbgDeregister(void); +extern void DbgSetLevel(unsigned long dbgMask); #endif /* * driver internal structure for debug handling; * in client drivers this structure is maintained in "debuglib.c", * in the debug driver "debug.c" maintains a chain of such structs. */ -typedef struct _DbgHandle_ *pDbgHandle ; -typedef void ( * DbgEnd) (pDbgHandle) ; -typedef void ( * DbgLog) (unsigned short, int, char *, va_list) ; -typedef void ( * DbgOld) (unsigned short, char *, va_list) ; -typedef void ( * DbgEv) (unsigned short, unsigned long, va_list) ; -typedef void ( * DbgIrq) (unsigned short, int, char *, va_list) ; +typedef struct _DbgHandle_ *pDbgHandle; +typedef void (*DbgEnd)(pDbgHandle); +typedef void (*DbgLog)(unsigned short, int, char *, va_list); +typedef void (*DbgOld)(unsigned short, char *, va_list); +typedef void (*DbgEv)(unsigned short, unsigned long, va_list); +typedef void (*DbgIrq)(unsigned short, int, char *, va_list); typedef struct _DbgHandle_ -{ char Registered ; /* driver successfully registered */ +{ char Registered; /* driver successfully registered */ #define DBG_HANDLE_REG_NEW 0x01 /* this (new) structure */ #define DBG_HANDLE_REG_OLD 0x7f /* old structure (see below) */ - char Version; /* version of this structure */ + char Version; /* version of this structure */ #define DBG_HANDLE_VERSION 1 /* contains dbg_old function now */ #define DBG_HANDLE_VER_EXT 2 /* pReserved points to extended info*/ - short id ; /* internal id of registered driver */ - struct _DbgHandle_ *next ; /* ptr to next registered driver */ - struct /*LARGE_INTEGER*/ { - unsigned long LowPart; - long HighPart; - } regTime ; /* timestamp for registration */ - void *pIrp ; /* ptr to pending i/o request */ - unsigned long dbgMask ; /* current debug mask */ - char drvName[128] ; /* ASCII name of registered driver */ - char drvTag[64] ; /* revision string */ - DbgEnd dbg_end ; /* function for debug closing */ - DbgLog dbg_prt ; /* function for debug appending */ - DbgOld dbg_old ; /* function for old debug appending */ - DbgEv dbg_ev ; /* function for Windows NT Eventlog */ - DbgIrq dbg_irq ; /* function for irql checked debug */ - void *pReserved3 ; -} _DbgHandle_ ; -extern _DbgHandle_ myDriverDebugHandle ; + short id; /* internal id of registered driver */ + struct _DbgHandle_ *next; /* ptr to next registered driver */ + struct /*LARGE_INTEGER*/ { + unsigned long LowPart; + long HighPart; + } regTime; /* timestamp for registration */ + void *pIrp; /* ptr to pending i/o request */ + unsigned long dbgMask; /* current debug mask */ + char drvName[128]; /* ASCII name of registered driver */ + char drvTag[64]; /* revision string */ + DbgEnd dbg_end; /* function for debug closing */ + DbgLog dbg_prt; /* function for debug appending */ + DbgOld dbg_old; /* function for old debug appending */ + DbgEv dbg_ev; /* function for Windows NT Eventlog */ + DbgIrq dbg_irq; /* function for irql checked debug */ + void *pReserved3; +} _DbgHandle_; +extern _DbgHandle_ myDriverDebugHandle; typedef struct _OldDbgHandle_ -{ struct _OldDbgHandle_ *next ; - void *pIrp ; - long regTime[2] ; - unsigned long dbgMask ; - short id ; - char drvName[78] ; - DbgEnd dbg_end ; - DbgLog dbg_prt ; -} _OldDbgHandle_ ; +{ struct _OldDbgHandle_ *next; + void *pIrp; + long regTime[2]; + unsigned long dbgMask; + short id; + char drvName[78]; + DbgEnd dbg_end; + DbgLog dbg_prt; +} _OldDbgHandle_; /* the differences in DbgHandles old: tmp: new: - 0 long next char Registered char Registered - char filler char Version - short id short id - 4 long pIrp long regTime.lo long next - 8 long regTime.lo long regTime.hi long regTime.lo - 12 long regTime.hi long next long regTime.hi - 16 long dbgMask long pIrp long pIrp - 20 short id long dbgMask long dbgMask - 22 char drvName[78] .. - 24 .. char drvName[16] char drvName[16] - 40 .. char drvTag[64] char drvTag[64] - 100 void *dbg_end .. .. - 104 void *dbg_prt void *dbg_end void *dbg_end - 108 .. void *dbg_prt void *dbg_prt - 112 .. .. void *dbg_old - 116 .. .. void *dbg_ev - 120 .. .. void *dbg_irq - 124 .. .. void *pReserved3 - ( new->id == 0 && *((short *)&new->dbgMask) == -1 ) identifies "old", - new->Registered and new->Version overlay old->next, - new->next overlays old->pIrp, new->regTime matches old->regTime and - thus these fields can be maintained in new struct whithout trouble; - id, dbgMask, drvName, dbg_end and dbg_prt need special handling ! + 0 long next char Registered char Registered + char filler char Version + short id short id + 4 long pIrp long regTime.lo long next + 8 long regTime.lo long regTime.hi long regTime.lo + 12 long regTime.hi long next long regTime.hi + 16 long dbgMask long pIrp long pIrp + 20 short id long dbgMask long dbgMask + 22 char drvName[78] .. + 24 .. char drvName[16] char drvName[16] + 40 .. char drvTag[64] char drvTag[64] + 100 void *dbg_end .. .. + 104 void *dbg_prt void *dbg_end void *dbg_end + 108 .. void *dbg_prt void *dbg_prt + 112 .. .. void *dbg_old + 116 .. .. void *dbg_ev + 120 .. .. void *dbg_irq + 124 .. .. void *pReserved3 + ( new->id == 0 && *((short *)&new->dbgMask) == -1 ) identifies "old", + new->Registered and new->Version overlay old->next, + new->next overlays old->pIrp, new->regTime matches old->regTime and + thus these fields can be maintained in new struct whithout trouble; + id, dbgMask, drvName, dbg_end and dbg_prt need special handling ! */ #define DBG_EXT_TYPE_CARD_TRACE 0x00000001 typedef struct { - unsigned long ExtendedType; - union - { - /* DBG_EXT_TYPE_CARD_TRACE */ - struct - { - void ( * MaskChangedNotify) (void *pContext); - unsigned long ModuleTxtMask; - unsigned long DebugLevel; - unsigned long B_ChannelMask; - unsigned long LogBufferSize; - } CardTrace; - }Data; + unsigned long ExtendedType; + union + { + /* DBG_EXT_TYPE_CARD_TRACE */ + struct + { + void (*MaskChangedNotify)(void *pContext); + unsigned long ModuleTxtMask; + unsigned long DebugLevel; + unsigned long B_ChannelMask; + unsigned long LogBufferSize; + } CardTrace; + } Data; } _DbgExtendedInfo_; #ifndef DIVA_NO_DEBUGLIB /* ------------------------------------------------------------- - Function used for xlog-style debug + Function used for xlog-style debug ------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define XDI_USE_XLOG 1 -void xdi_dbg_xlog (char* x, ...); +void xdi_dbg_xlog(char *x, ...); #endif /* DIVA_NO_DEBUGLIB */ #endif /* __DEBUGLIB_H__ */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dfifo.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dfifo.h index 9a109c71e935ab851143e8f62a2c071d9533d45c..6a1d3337f99e9ab1f9c9cadd7d3d7a38d94df15d 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dfifo.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dfifo.h @@ -1,54 +1,54 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef __DIVA_IDI_DFIFO_INC__ #define __DIVA_IDI_DFIFO_INC__ #define DIVA_DFIFO_CACHE_SZ 64 /* Used to isolate pipe from - rest of the world - should be divisible by 4 - */ -#define DIVA_DFIFO_RAW_SZ (2512*8) + rest of the world + should be divisible by 4 + */ +#define DIVA_DFIFO_RAW_SZ (2512 * 8) #define DIVA_DFIFO_DATA_SZ 68 #define DIVA_DFIFO_HDR_SZ 4 -#define DIVA_DFIFO_SEGMENT_SZ (DIVA_DFIFO_DATA_SZ+DIVA_DFIFO_HDR_SZ) -#define DIVA_DFIFO_SEGMENTS ((DIVA_DFIFO_RAW_SZ)/(DIVA_DFIFO_SEGMENT_SZ)+1) -#define DIVA_DFIFO_MEM_SZ (\ - (DIVA_DFIFO_SEGMENT_SZ)*(DIVA_DFIFO_SEGMENTS)+\ - (DIVA_DFIFO_CACHE_SZ)*2\ - ) +#define DIVA_DFIFO_SEGMENT_SZ (DIVA_DFIFO_DATA_SZ + DIVA_DFIFO_HDR_SZ) +#define DIVA_DFIFO_SEGMENTS ((DIVA_DFIFO_RAW_SZ) / (DIVA_DFIFO_SEGMENT_SZ) + 1) +#define DIVA_DFIFO_MEM_SZ ( \ + (DIVA_DFIFO_SEGMENT_SZ) * (DIVA_DFIFO_SEGMENTS) + \ + (DIVA_DFIFO_CACHE_SZ) * 2 \ + ) #define DIVA_DFIFO_STEP DIVA_DFIFO_SEGMENT_SZ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Block header layout is: + Block header layout is: byte[0] -> flags byte[1] -> length of data in block byte[2] -> reserved byte[4] -> reserved - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define DIVA_DFIFO_WRAP 0x80 /* This is the last block in fifo */ #define DIVA_DFIFO_READY 0x40 /* This block is ready for processing */ #define DIVA_DFIFO_LAST 0x20 /* This block is last in message */ #define DIVA_DFIFO_AUTO 0x10 /* Don't look for 'ready', don't ack */ -int diva_dfifo_create (void* start, int length); +int diva_dfifo_create(void *start, int length); #endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/di.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/di.c index cb14ae3e71546fb12ea75b4d38f3fdd6b6ab92ad..cd3fba1add12d1ff8b867d4037d6395e79d08b7d 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/di.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/di.c @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include "platform.h" @@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ #include "di_defs.h" #include "di.h" #if !defined USE_EXTENDED_DEBUGS - #include "dimaint.h" +#include "dimaint.h" #else - #define dprintf +#define dprintf #endif #include "io.h" #include "dfifo.h" @@ -40,315 +40,315 @@ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* local function prototypes */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -void pr_out(ADAPTER * a); -byte pr_dpc(ADAPTER * a); -static byte pr_ready(ADAPTER * a); +void pr_out(ADAPTER *a); +byte pr_dpc(ADAPTER *a); +static byte pr_ready(ADAPTER *a); static byte isdn_rc(ADAPTER *, byte, byte, byte, word, dword, dword); static byte isdn_ind(ADAPTER *, byte, byte, byte, PBUFFER *, byte, word); /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- - Functions used for the extended XDI Debug - macros - global convergence counter (used by all adapters) - Look by the implementation part of the functions - about the parameters. - If you change the dubugging parameters, then you should update - the aididbg.doc in the IDI doc's. + Functions used for the extended XDI Debug + macros + global convergence counter (used by all adapters) + Look by the implementation part of the functions + about the parameters. + If you change the dubugging parameters, then you should update + the aididbg.doc in the IDI doc's. ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if defined(XDI_USE_XLOG) #define XDI_A_NR(_x_) ((byte)(((ISDN_ADAPTER *)(_x_->io))->ANum)) -static void xdi_xlog (byte *msg, word code, int length); +static void xdi_xlog(byte *msg, word code, int length); static byte xdi_xlog_sec = 0; #else #define XDI_A_NR(_x_) ((byte)0) #endif -static void xdi_xlog_rc_event (byte Adapter, - byte Id, byte Ch, byte Rc, byte cb, byte type); -static void xdi_xlog_request (byte Adapter, byte Id, - byte Ch, byte Req, byte type); -static void xdi_xlog_ind (byte Adapter, - byte Id, - byte Ch, - byte Ind, - byte rnr_valid, - byte rnr, - byte type); +static void xdi_xlog_rc_event(byte Adapter, + byte Id, byte Ch, byte Rc, byte cb, byte type); +static void xdi_xlog_request(byte Adapter, byte Id, + byte Ch, byte Req, byte type); +static void xdi_xlog_ind(byte Adapter, + byte Id, + byte Ch, + byte Ind, + byte rnr_valid, + byte rnr, + byte type); /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* output function */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -void pr_out(ADAPTER * a) +void pr_out(ADAPTER *a) { - byte e_no; - ENTITY * this = NULL; - BUFFERS *X; - word length; - word i; - word clength; - REQ * ReqOut; - byte more; - byte ReadyCount; - byte ReqCount; - byte Id; - dtrc(dprintf("pr_out")); - /* while a request is pending ... */ - e_no = look_req(a); - if(!e_no) - { - dtrc(dprintf("no_req")); - return; - } - ReadyCount = pr_ready(a); - if(!ReadyCount) - { - dtrc(dprintf("not_ready")); - return; - } - ReqCount = 0; - while(e_no && ReadyCount) { - next_req(a); - this = entity_ptr(a, e_no); + byte e_no; + ENTITY *this = NULL; + BUFFERS *X; + word length; + word i; + word clength; + REQ *ReqOut; + byte more; + byte ReadyCount; + byte ReqCount; + byte Id; + dtrc(dprintf("pr_out")); + /* while a request is pending ... */ + e_no = look_req(a); + if (!e_no) + { + dtrc(dprintf("no_req")); + return; + } + ReadyCount = pr_ready(a); + if (!ReadyCount) + { + dtrc(dprintf("not_ready")); + return; + } + ReqCount = 0; + while (e_no && ReadyCount) { + next_req(a); + this = entity_ptr(a, e_no); #ifdef USE_EXTENDED_DEBUGS - if ( !this ) - { - DBG_FTL(("XDI: [%02x] !A%d ==> NULL entity ptr - try to ignore", - xdi_xlog_sec++, (int)((ISDN_ADAPTER *)a->io)->ANum)) - e_no = look_req(a) ; - ReadyCount-- ; - continue ; - } - { - DBG_TRC((">A%d Id=0x%x Req=0x%x", ((ISDN_ADAPTER *)a->io)->ANum, this->Id, this->Req)) - } + if (!this) + { + DBG_FTL(("XDI: [%02x] !A%d ==> NULL entity ptr - try to ignore", + xdi_xlog_sec++, (int)((ISDN_ADAPTER *)a->io)->ANum)) + e_no = look_req(a); + ReadyCount--; + continue; + } + { + DBG_TRC((">A%d Id=0x%x Req=0x%x", ((ISDN_ADAPTER *)a->io)->ANum, this->Id, this->Req)) + } #else - dbug(dprintf("out:Req=%x,Id=%x,Ch=%x",this->Req,this->Id,this->ReqCh)); + dbug(dprintf("out:Req=%x,Id=%x,Ch=%x", this->Req, this->Id, this->ReqCh)); #endif - /* get address of next available request buffer */ - ReqOut = (REQ *)&PR_RAM->B[a->ram_inw(a, &PR_RAM->NextReq)]; + /* get address of next available request buffer */ + ReqOut = (REQ *)&PR_RAM->B[a->ram_inw(a, &PR_RAM->NextReq)]; #if defined(DIVA_ISTREAM) - if (!(a->tx_stream[this->Id] && - this->Req == N_DATA)) { + if (!(a->tx_stream[this->Id] && + this->Req == N_DATA)) { #endif - /* now copy the data from the current data buffer into the */ - /* adapters request buffer */ - length = 0; - i = this->XCurrent; - X = PTR_X(a,this); - while(iXNum && length<270) { - clength = min((word)(270-length),(word)(X[i].PLength-this->XOffset)); - a->ram_out_buffer(a, - &ReqOut->XBuffer.P[length], - PTR_P(a,this,&X[i].P[this->XOffset]), - clength); - length +=clength; - this->XOffset +=clength; - if(this->XOffset==X[i].PLength) { - this->XCurrent = (byte)++i; - this->XOffset = 0; - } - } + /* now copy the data from the current data buffer into the */ + /* adapters request buffer */ + length = 0; + i = this->XCurrent; + X = PTR_X(a, this); + while (i < this->XNum && length < 270) { + clength = min((word)(270 - length), (word)(X[i].PLength-this->XOffset)); + a->ram_out_buffer(a, + &ReqOut->XBuffer.P[length], + PTR_P(a, this, &X[i].P[this->XOffset]), + clength); + length += clength; + this->XOffset += clength; + if (this->XOffset == X[i].PLength) { + this->XCurrent = (byte)++i; + this->XOffset = 0; + } + } #if defined(DIVA_ISTREAM) - } else { /* Use CMA extension in order to transfer data to the card */ - i = this->XCurrent; - X = PTR_X(a,this); - while (i < this->XNum) { - diva_istream_write (a, - this->Id, - PTR_P(a,this,&X[i].P[0]), - X[i].PLength, - ((i+1) == this->XNum), - 0, 0); - this->XCurrent = (byte)++i; - } - length = 0; - } + } else { /* Use CMA extension in order to transfer data to the card */ + i = this->XCurrent; + X = PTR_X(a, this); + while (i < this->XNum) { + diva_istream_write(a, + this->Id, + PTR_P(a, this, &X[i].P[0]), + X[i].PLength, + ((i + 1) == this->XNum), + 0, 0); + this->XCurrent = (byte)++i; + } + length = 0; + } #endif - a->ram_outw(a, &ReqOut->XBuffer.length, length); - a->ram_out(a, &ReqOut->ReqId, this->Id); - a->ram_out(a, &ReqOut->ReqCh, this->ReqCh); - /* if it's a specific request (no ASSIGN) ... */ - if(this->Id &0x1f) { - /* if buffers are left in the list of data buffers do */ - /* do chaining (LL_MDATA, N_MDATA) */ - this->More++; - if(iXNum && this->MInd) { - xdi_xlog_request (XDI_A_NR(a), this->Id, this->ReqCh, this->MInd, - a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); - a->ram_out(a, &ReqOut->Req, this->MInd); - more = true; - } - else { - xdi_xlog_request (XDI_A_NR(a), this->Id, this->ReqCh, this->Req, - a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); - this->More |=XMOREF; - a->ram_out(a, &ReqOut->Req, this->Req); - more = false; - if (a->FlowControlIdTable[this->ReqCh] == this->Id) - a->FlowControlSkipTable[this->ReqCh] = true; - /* - Note that remove request was sent to the card - */ - if (this->Req == REMOVE) { - a->misc_flags_table[e_no] |= DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_REMOVE_PENDING; - } - } - /* if we did chaining, this entity is put back into the */ - /* request queue */ - if(more) { - req_queue(a,this->No); - } - } - /* else it's a ASSIGN */ - else { - /* save the request code used for buffer chaining */ - this->MInd = 0; - if (this->Id==BLLC_ID) this->MInd = LL_MDATA; - if (this->Id==NL_ID || - this->Id==TASK_ID || - this->Id==MAN_ID - ) this->MInd = N_MDATA; - /* send the ASSIGN */ - a->IdTypeTable[this->No] = this->Id; - xdi_xlog_request (XDI_A_NR(a),this->Id,this->ReqCh,this->Req, this->Id); - this->More |=XMOREF; - a->ram_out(a, &ReqOut->Req, this->Req); - /* save the reference of the ASSIGN */ - assign_queue(a, this->No, a->ram_inw(a, &ReqOut->Reference)); - } - a->ram_outw(a, &PR_RAM->NextReq, a->ram_inw(a, &ReqOut->next)); - ReadyCount--; - ReqCount++; - e_no = look_req(a); - } - /* send the filled request buffers to the ISDN adapter */ - a->ram_out(a, &PR_RAM->ReqInput, - (byte)(a->ram_in(a, &PR_RAM->ReqInput) + ReqCount)); - /* if it is a 'unreturncoded' UREMOVE request, remove the */ - /* Id from our table after sending the request */ - if(this && (this->Req==UREMOVE) && this->Id) { - Id = this->Id; - e_no = a->IdTable[Id]; - free_entity(a, e_no); - for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) - { - if (a->FlowControlIdTable[i] == Id) - a->FlowControlIdTable[i] = 0; - } - a->IdTable[Id] = 0; - this->Id = 0; - } + a->ram_outw(a, &ReqOut->XBuffer.length, length); + a->ram_out(a, &ReqOut->ReqId, this->Id); + a->ram_out(a, &ReqOut->ReqCh, this->ReqCh); + /* if it's a specific request (no ASSIGN) ... */ + if (this->Id & 0x1f) { + /* if buffers are left in the list of data buffers do */ + /* do chaining (LL_MDATA, N_MDATA) */ + this->More++; + if (i < this->XNum && this->MInd) { + xdi_xlog_request(XDI_A_NR(a), this->Id, this->ReqCh, this->MInd, + a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); + a->ram_out(a, &ReqOut->Req, this->MInd); + more = true; + } + else { + xdi_xlog_request(XDI_A_NR(a), this->Id, this->ReqCh, this->Req, + a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); + this->More |= XMOREF; + a->ram_out(a, &ReqOut->Req, this->Req); + more = false; + if (a->FlowControlIdTable[this->ReqCh] == this->Id) + a->FlowControlSkipTable[this->ReqCh] = true; + /* + Note that remove request was sent to the card + */ + if (this->Req == REMOVE) { + a->misc_flags_table[e_no] |= DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_REMOVE_PENDING; + } + } + /* if we did chaining, this entity is put back into the */ + /* request queue */ + if (more) { + req_queue(a, this->No); + } + } + /* else it's a ASSIGN */ + else { + /* save the request code used for buffer chaining */ + this->MInd = 0; + if (this->Id == BLLC_ID) this->MInd = LL_MDATA; + if (this->Id == NL_ID || + this->Id == TASK_ID || + this->Id == MAN_ID + ) this->MInd = N_MDATA; + /* send the ASSIGN */ + a->IdTypeTable[this->No] = this->Id; + xdi_xlog_request(XDI_A_NR(a), this->Id, this->ReqCh, this->Req, this->Id); + this->More |= XMOREF; + a->ram_out(a, &ReqOut->Req, this->Req); + /* save the reference of the ASSIGN */ + assign_queue(a, this->No, a->ram_inw(a, &ReqOut->Reference)); + } + a->ram_outw(a, &PR_RAM->NextReq, a->ram_inw(a, &ReqOut->next)); + ReadyCount--; + ReqCount++; + e_no = look_req(a); + } + /* send the filled request buffers to the ISDN adapter */ + a->ram_out(a, &PR_RAM->ReqInput, + (byte)(a->ram_in(a, &PR_RAM->ReqInput) + ReqCount)); + /* if it is a 'unreturncoded' UREMOVE request, remove the */ + /* Id from our table after sending the request */ + if (this && (this->Req == UREMOVE) && this->Id) { + Id = this->Id; + e_no = a->IdTable[Id]; + free_entity(a, e_no); + for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) + { + if (a->FlowControlIdTable[i] == Id) + a->FlowControlIdTable[i] = 0; + } + a->IdTable[Id] = 0; + this->Id = 0; + } } -static byte pr_ready(ADAPTER * a) +static byte pr_ready(ADAPTER *a) { - byte ReadyCount; - ReadyCount = (byte)(a->ram_in(a, &PR_RAM->ReqOutput) - - a->ram_in(a, &PR_RAM->ReqInput)); - if(!ReadyCount) { - if(!a->ReadyInt) { - a->ram_inc(a, &PR_RAM->ReadyInt); - a->ReadyInt++; - } - } - return ReadyCount; + byte ReadyCount; + ReadyCount = (byte)(a->ram_in(a, &PR_RAM->ReqOutput) - + a->ram_in(a, &PR_RAM->ReqInput)); + if (!ReadyCount) { + if (!a->ReadyInt) { + a->ram_inc(a, &PR_RAM->ReadyInt); + a->ReadyInt++; + } + } + return ReadyCount; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* isdn interrupt handler */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -byte pr_dpc(ADAPTER * a) +byte pr_dpc(ADAPTER *a) { - byte Count; - RC * RcIn; - IND * IndIn; - byte c; - byte RNRId; - byte Rc; - byte Ind; - /* if return codes are available ... */ - if((Count = a->ram_in(a, &PR_RAM->RcOutput)) != 0) { - dtrc(dprintf("#Rc=%x",Count)); - /* get the buffer address of the first return code */ - RcIn = (RC *)&PR_RAM->B[a->ram_inw(a, &PR_RAM->NextRc)]; - /* for all return codes do ... */ - while(Count--) { - if((Rc=a->ram_in(a, &RcIn->Rc)) != 0) { - dword tmp[2]; - /* - Get extended information, associated with return code - */ - a->ram_in_buffer(a, - &RcIn->Reserved2[0], - (byte*)&tmp[0], - 8); - /* call return code handler, if it is not our return code */ - /* the handler returns 2 */ - /* for all return codes we process, we clear the Rc field */ - isdn_rc(a, - Rc, - a->ram_in(a, &RcIn->RcId), - a->ram_in(a, &RcIn->RcCh), - a->ram_inw(a, &RcIn->Reference), - tmp[0], /* type of extended information */ - tmp[1]); /* extended information */ - a->ram_out(a, &RcIn->Rc, 0); - } - /* get buffer address of next return code */ - RcIn = (RC *)&PR_RAM->B[a->ram_inw(a, &RcIn->next)]; - } - /* clear all return codes (no chaining!) */ - a->ram_out(a, &PR_RAM->RcOutput ,0); - /* call output function */ - pr_out(a); - } - /* clear RNR flag */ - RNRId = 0; - /* if indications are available ... */ - if((Count = a->ram_in(a, &PR_RAM->IndOutput)) != 0) { - dtrc(dprintf("#Ind=%x",Count)); - /* get the buffer address of the first indication */ - IndIn = (IND *)&PR_RAM->B[a->ram_inw(a, &PR_RAM->NextInd)]; - /* for all indications do ... */ - while(Count--) { - /* if the application marks an indication as RNR, all */ - /* indications from the same Id delivered in this interrupt */ - /* are marked RNR */ - if(RNRId && RNRId==a->ram_in(a, &IndIn->IndId)) { - a->ram_out(a, &IndIn->Ind, 0); - a->ram_out(a, &IndIn->RNR, true); - } - else { - Ind = a->ram_in(a, &IndIn->Ind); - if(Ind) { - RNRId = 0; - /* call indication handler, a return value of 2 means chain */ - /* a return value of 1 means RNR */ - /* for all indications we process, we clear the Ind field */ - c = isdn_ind(a, - Ind, - a->ram_in(a, &IndIn->IndId), - a->ram_in(a, &IndIn->IndCh), - &IndIn->RBuffer, - a->ram_in(a, &IndIn->MInd), - a->ram_inw(a, &IndIn->MLength)); - if(c==1) { - dtrc(dprintf("RNR")); - a->ram_out(a, &IndIn->Ind, 0); - RNRId = a->ram_in(a, &IndIn->IndId); - a->ram_out(a, &IndIn->RNR, true); - } - } - } - /* get buffer address of next indication */ - IndIn = (IND *)&PR_RAM->B[a->ram_inw(a, &IndIn->next)]; - } - a->ram_out(a, &PR_RAM->IndOutput, 0); - } - return false; + byte Count; + RC *RcIn; + IND *IndIn; + byte c; + byte RNRId; + byte Rc; + byte Ind; + /* if return codes are available ... */ + if ((Count = a->ram_in(a, &PR_RAM->RcOutput)) != 0) { + dtrc(dprintf("#Rc=%x", Count)); + /* get the buffer address of the first return code */ + RcIn = (RC *)&PR_RAM->B[a->ram_inw(a, &PR_RAM->NextRc)]; + /* for all return codes do ... */ + while (Count--) { + if ((Rc = a->ram_in(a, &RcIn->Rc)) != 0) { + dword tmp[2]; + /* + Get extended information, associated with return code + */ + a->ram_in_buffer(a, + &RcIn->Reserved2[0], + (byte *)&tmp[0], + 8); + /* call return code handler, if it is not our return code */ + /* the handler returns 2 */ + /* for all return codes we process, we clear the Rc field */ + isdn_rc(a, + Rc, + a->ram_in(a, &RcIn->RcId), + a->ram_in(a, &RcIn->RcCh), + a->ram_inw(a, &RcIn->Reference), + tmp[0], /* type of extended information */ + tmp[1]); /* extended information */ + a->ram_out(a, &RcIn->Rc, 0); + } + /* get buffer address of next return code */ + RcIn = (RC *)&PR_RAM->B[a->ram_inw(a, &RcIn->next)]; + } + /* clear all return codes (no chaining!) */ + a->ram_out(a, &PR_RAM->RcOutput, 0); + /* call output function */ + pr_out(a); + } + /* clear RNR flag */ + RNRId = 0; + /* if indications are available ... */ + if ((Count = a->ram_in(a, &PR_RAM->IndOutput)) != 0) { + dtrc(dprintf("#Ind=%x", Count)); + /* get the buffer address of the first indication */ + IndIn = (IND *)&PR_RAM->B[a->ram_inw(a, &PR_RAM->NextInd)]; + /* for all indications do ... */ + while (Count--) { + /* if the application marks an indication as RNR, all */ + /* indications from the same Id delivered in this interrupt */ + /* are marked RNR */ + if (RNRId && RNRId == a->ram_in(a, &IndIn->IndId)) { + a->ram_out(a, &IndIn->Ind, 0); + a->ram_out(a, &IndIn->RNR, true); + } + else { + Ind = a->ram_in(a, &IndIn->Ind); + if (Ind) { + RNRId = 0; + /* call indication handler, a return value of 2 means chain */ + /* a return value of 1 means RNR */ + /* for all indications we process, we clear the Ind field */ + c = isdn_ind(a, + Ind, + a->ram_in(a, &IndIn->IndId), + a->ram_in(a, &IndIn->IndCh), + &IndIn->RBuffer, + a->ram_in(a, &IndIn->MInd), + a->ram_inw(a, &IndIn->MLength)); + if (c == 1) { + dtrc(dprintf("RNR")); + a->ram_out(a, &IndIn->Ind, 0); + RNRId = a->ram_in(a, &IndIn->IndId); + a->ram_out(a, &IndIn->RNR, true); + } + } + } + /* get buffer address of next indication */ + IndIn = (IND *)&PR_RAM->B[a->ram_inw(a, &IndIn->next)]; + } + a->ram_out(a, &PR_RAM->IndOutput, 0); + } + return false; } -byte scom_test_int(ADAPTER * a) +byte scom_test_int(ADAPTER *a) { - return a->ram_in(a,(void *)0x3fe); + return a->ram_in(a, (void *)0x3fe); } -void scom_clear_int(ADAPTER * a) +void scom_clear_int(ADAPTER *a) { - a->ram_out(a,(void *)0x3fe,0); + a->ram_out(a, (void *)0x3fe, 0); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* return code handler */ @@ -361,196 +361,196 @@ static byte isdn_rc(ADAPTER *a, dword extended_info_type, dword extended_info) { - ENTITY * this; - byte e_no; - word i; - int cancel_rc; + ENTITY *this; + byte e_no; + word i; + int cancel_rc; #ifdef USE_EXTENDED_DEBUGS - { - DBG_TRC(("io)->ANum, Id, Rc)) - } + { + DBG_TRC(("io)->ANum, Id, Rc)) + } #else - dbug(dprintf("isdn_rc(Rc=%x,Id=%x,Ch=%x)",Rc,Id,Ch)); + dbug(dprintf("isdn_rc(Rc=%x,Id=%x,Ch=%x)", Rc, Id, Ch)); #endif - /* check for ready interrupt */ - if(Rc==READY_INT) { - xdi_xlog_rc_event (XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Rc, 0, 0); - if(a->ReadyInt) { - a->ReadyInt--; - return 0; - } - return 2; - } - /* if we know this Id ... */ - e_no = a->IdTable[Id]; - if(e_no) { - this = entity_ptr(a,e_no); - xdi_xlog_rc_event (XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Rc, 0, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); - this->RcCh = Ch; - /* if it is a return code to a REMOVE request, remove the */ - /* Id from our table */ - if ((a->misc_flags_table[e_no] & DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_REMOVE_PENDING) && - (Rc==OK)) { - if (a->IdTypeTable[e_no] == NL_ID) { - if (a->RcExtensionSupported && - (extended_info_type != DIVA_RC_TYPE_REMOVE_COMPLETE)) { - dtrc(dprintf("XDI: N-REMOVE, A(%02x) Id:%02x, ignore RC=OK", - XDI_A_NR(a),Id)); - return (0); - } - if (extended_info_type == DIVA_RC_TYPE_REMOVE_COMPLETE) - a->RcExtensionSupported = true; - } - a->misc_flags_table[e_no] &= ~DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_REMOVE_PENDING; - a->misc_flags_table[e_no] &= ~DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_NO_RC_CANCELLING; - free_entity(a, e_no); - for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) - { - if (a->FlowControlIdTable[i] == Id) - a->FlowControlIdTable[i] = 0; - } - a->IdTable[Id] = 0; - this->Id = 0; - /* --------------------------------------------------------------- - If we send N_DISC or N_DISK_ACK after we have received OK_FC - then the card will respond with OK_FC and later with RC==OK. - If we send N_REMOVE in this state we will receive only RC==OK - This will create the state in that the XDI is waiting for the - additional RC and does not delivery the RC to the client. This - code corrects the counter of outstanding RC's in this case. - --------------------------------------------------------------- */ - if ((this->More & XMOREC) > 1) { - this->More &= ~XMOREC; - this->More |= 1; - dtrc(dprintf("XDI: correct MORE on REMOVE A(%02x) Id:%02x", - XDI_A_NR(a),Id)); - } - } - if (Rc==OK_FC) { - a->FlowControlIdTable[Ch] = Id; - a->FlowControlSkipTable[Ch] = false; - this->Rc = Rc; - this->More &= ~(XBUSY | XMOREC); - this->complete=0xff; - xdi_xlog_rc_event (XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Rc, 1, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); - CALLBACK(a, this); - return 0; - } - /* - New protocol code sends return codes that comes from release - of flow control condition marked with DIVA_RC_TYPE_OK_FC extended - information element type. - If like return code arrives then application is able to process - all return codes self and XDI should not cances return codes. - This return code does not decrement XMOREC partial return code - counter due to fact that it was no request for this return code, - also XMOREC was not incremented. - */ - if (extended_info_type == DIVA_RC_TYPE_OK_FC) { - a->misc_flags_table[e_no] |= DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_NO_RC_CANCELLING; - this->Rc = Rc; - this->complete=0xff; - xdi_xlog_rc_event (XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Rc, 1, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); - DBG_TRC(("XDI OK_FC A(%02x) Id:%02x Ch:%02x Rc:%02x", - XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Rc)) - CALLBACK(a, this); - return 0; - } - cancel_rc = !(a->misc_flags_table[e_no] & DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_NO_RC_CANCELLING); - if (cancel_rc && (a->FlowControlIdTable[Ch] == Id)) - { - a->FlowControlIdTable[Ch] = 0; - if ((Rc != OK) || !a->FlowControlSkipTable[Ch]) - { - this->Rc = Rc; - if (Ch == this->ReqCh) - { - this->More &=~(XBUSY | XMOREC); - this->complete=0xff; - } - xdi_xlog_rc_event (XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Rc, 1, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); - CALLBACK(a, this); - } - return 0; - } - if (this->More &XMOREC) - this->More--; - /* call the application callback function */ - if (((!cancel_rc) || (this->More & XMOREF)) && !(this->More & XMOREC)) { - this->Rc = Rc; - this->More &=~XBUSY; - this->complete=0xff; - xdi_xlog_rc_event (XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Rc, 1, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); - CALLBACK(a, this); - } - return 0; - } - /* if it's an ASSIGN return code check if it's a return */ - /* code to an ASSIGN request from us */ - if((Rc &0xf0)==ASSIGN_RC) { - e_no = get_assign(a, Ref); - if(e_no) { - this = entity_ptr(a,e_no); - this->Id = Id; - xdi_xlog_rc_event (XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Rc, 2, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); - /* call the application callback function */ - this->Rc = Rc; - this->More &=~XBUSY; - this->complete=0xff; + /* check for ready interrupt */ + if (Rc == READY_INT) { + xdi_xlog_rc_event(XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Rc, 0, 0); + if (a->ReadyInt) { + a->ReadyInt--; + return 0; + } + return 2; + } + /* if we know this Id ... */ + e_no = a->IdTable[Id]; + if (e_no) { + this = entity_ptr(a, e_no); + xdi_xlog_rc_event(XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Rc, 0, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); + this->RcCh = Ch; + /* if it is a return code to a REMOVE request, remove the */ + /* Id from our table */ + if ((a->misc_flags_table[e_no] & DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_REMOVE_PENDING) && + (Rc == OK)) { + if (a->IdTypeTable[e_no] == NL_ID) { + if (a->RcExtensionSupported && + (extended_info_type != DIVA_RC_TYPE_REMOVE_COMPLETE)) { + dtrc(dprintf("XDI: N-REMOVE, A(%02x) Id:%02x, ignore RC=OK", + XDI_A_NR(a), Id)); + return (0); + } + if (extended_info_type == DIVA_RC_TYPE_REMOVE_COMPLETE) + a->RcExtensionSupported = true; + } + a->misc_flags_table[e_no] &= ~DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_REMOVE_PENDING; + a->misc_flags_table[e_no] &= ~DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_NO_RC_CANCELLING; + free_entity(a, e_no); + for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) + { + if (a->FlowControlIdTable[i] == Id) + a->FlowControlIdTable[i] = 0; + } + a->IdTable[Id] = 0; + this->Id = 0; + /* --------------------------------------------------------------- + If we send N_DISC or N_DISK_ACK after we have received OK_FC + then the card will respond with OK_FC and later with RC==OK. + If we send N_REMOVE in this state we will receive only RC==OK + This will create the state in that the XDI is waiting for the + additional RC and does not delivery the RC to the client. This + code corrects the counter of outstanding RC's in this case. + --------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if ((this->More & XMOREC) > 1) { + this->More &= ~XMOREC; + this->More |= 1; + dtrc(dprintf("XDI: correct MORE on REMOVE A(%02x) Id:%02x", + XDI_A_NR(a), Id)); + } + } + if (Rc == OK_FC) { + a->FlowControlIdTable[Ch] = Id; + a->FlowControlSkipTable[Ch] = false; + this->Rc = Rc; + this->More &= ~(XBUSY | XMOREC); + this->complete = 0xff; + xdi_xlog_rc_event(XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Rc, 1, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); + CALLBACK(a, this); + return 0; + } + /* + New protocol code sends return codes that comes from release + of flow control condition marked with DIVA_RC_TYPE_OK_FC extended + information element type. + If like return code arrives then application is able to process + all return codes self and XDI should not cances return codes. + This return code does not decrement XMOREC partial return code + counter due to fact that it was no request for this return code, + also XMOREC was not incremented. + */ + if (extended_info_type == DIVA_RC_TYPE_OK_FC) { + a->misc_flags_table[e_no] |= DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_NO_RC_CANCELLING; + this->Rc = Rc; + this->complete = 0xff; + xdi_xlog_rc_event(XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Rc, 1, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); + DBG_TRC(("XDI OK_FC A(%02x) Id:%02x Ch:%02x Rc:%02x", + XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Rc)) + CALLBACK(a, this); + return 0; + } + cancel_rc = !(a->misc_flags_table[e_no] & DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_NO_RC_CANCELLING); + if (cancel_rc && (a->FlowControlIdTable[Ch] == Id)) + { + a->FlowControlIdTable[Ch] = 0; + if ((Rc != OK) || !a->FlowControlSkipTable[Ch]) + { + this->Rc = Rc; + if (Ch == this->ReqCh) + { + this->More &= ~(XBUSY | XMOREC); + this->complete = 0xff; + } + xdi_xlog_rc_event(XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Rc, 1, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); + CALLBACK(a, this); + } + return 0; + } + if (this->More & XMOREC) + this->More--; + /* call the application callback function */ + if (((!cancel_rc) || (this->More & XMOREF)) && !(this->More & XMOREC)) { + this->Rc = Rc; + this->More &= ~XBUSY; + this->complete = 0xff; + xdi_xlog_rc_event(XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Rc, 1, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); + CALLBACK(a, this); + } + return 0; + } + /* if it's an ASSIGN return code check if it's a return */ + /* code to an ASSIGN request from us */ + if ((Rc & 0xf0) == ASSIGN_RC) { + e_no = get_assign(a, Ref); + if (e_no) { + this = entity_ptr(a, e_no); + this->Id = Id; + xdi_xlog_rc_event(XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Rc, 2, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); + /* call the application callback function */ + this->Rc = Rc; + this->More &= ~XBUSY; + this->complete = 0xff; #if defined(DIVA_ISTREAM) /* { */ - if ((Rc == ASSIGN_OK) && a->ram_offset && - (a->IdTypeTable[this->No] == NL_ID) && - ((extended_info_type == DIVA_RC_TYPE_RX_DMA) || - (extended_info_type == DIVA_RC_TYPE_CMA_PTR)) && - extended_info) { - dword offset = (*(a->ram_offset)) (a); - dword tmp[2]; - extended_info -= offset; + if ((Rc == ASSIGN_OK) && a->ram_offset && + (a->IdTypeTable[this->No] == NL_ID) && + ((extended_info_type == DIVA_RC_TYPE_RX_DMA) || + (extended_info_type == DIVA_RC_TYPE_CMA_PTR)) && + extended_info) { + dword offset = (*(a->ram_offset)) (a); + dword tmp[2]; + extended_info -= offset; #ifdef PLATFORM_GT_32BIT - a->ram_in_dw(a, (void*)ULongToPtr(extended_info), (dword*)&tmp[0], 2); + a->ram_in_dw(a, (void *)ULongToPtr(extended_info), (dword *)&tmp[0], 2); #else - a->ram_in_dw(a, (void*)extended_info, (dword*)&tmp[0], 2); + a->ram_in_dw(a, (void *)extended_info, (dword *)&tmp[0], 2); #endif - a->tx_stream[Id] = tmp[0]; - a->rx_stream[Id] = tmp[1]; - if (extended_info_type == DIVA_RC_TYPE_RX_DMA) { - DBG_TRC(("Id=0x%x RxDMA=%08x:%08x", - Id, a->tx_stream[Id], a->rx_stream[Id])) - a->misc_flags_table[this->No] |= DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_RX_DMA; - } else { - DBG_TRC(("Id=0x%x CMA=%08x:%08x", - Id, a->tx_stream[Id], a->rx_stream[Id])) - a->misc_flags_table[this->No] &= ~DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_RX_DMA; - a->rx_pos[Id] = 0; - a->rx_stream[Id] -= offset; - } - a->tx_pos[Id] = 0; - a->tx_stream[Id] -= offset; - } else { - a->tx_stream[Id] = 0; - a->rx_stream[Id] = 0; - a->misc_flags_table[this->No] &= ~DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_RX_DMA; - } + a->tx_stream[Id] = tmp[0]; + a->rx_stream[Id] = tmp[1]; + if (extended_info_type == DIVA_RC_TYPE_RX_DMA) { + DBG_TRC(("Id=0x%x RxDMA=%08x:%08x", + Id, a->tx_stream[Id], a->rx_stream[Id])) + a->misc_flags_table[this->No] |= DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_RX_DMA; + } else { + DBG_TRC(("Id=0x%x CMA=%08x:%08x", + Id, a->tx_stream[Id], a->rx_stream[Id])) + a->misc_flags_table[this->No] &= ~DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_RX_DMA; + a->rx_pos[Id] = 0; + a->rx_stream[Id] -= offset; + } + a->tx_pos[Id] = 0; + a->tx_stream[Id] -= offset; + } else { + a->tx_stream[Id] = 0; + a->rx_stream[Id] = 0; + a->misc_flags_table[this->No] &= ~DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_RX_DMA; + } #endif /* } */ - CALLBACK(a, this); - if(Rc==ASSIGN_OK) { - a->IdTable[Id] = e_no; - } - else - { - free_entity(a, e_no); - for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) - { - if (a->FlowControlIdTable[i] == Id) - a->FlowControlIdTable[i] = 0; - } - a->IdTable[Id] = 0; - this->Id = 0; - } - return 1; - } - } - return 2; + CALLBACK(a, this); + if (Rc == ASSIGN_OK) { + a->IdTable[Id] = e_no; + } + else + { + free_entity(a, e_no); + for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) + { + if (a->FlowControlIdTable[i] == Id) + a->FlowControlIdTable[i] = 0; + } + a->IdTable[Id] = 0; + this->Id = 0; + } + return 1; + } + } + return 2; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* indication handler */ @@ -563,273 +563,273 @@ static byte isdn_ind(ADAPTER *a, byte MInd, word MLength) { - ENTITY * this; - word clength; - word offset; - BUFFERS *R; - byte* cma = NULL; + ENTITY *this; + word clength; + word offset; + BUFFERS *R; + byte *cma = NULL; #ifdef USE_EXTENDED_DEBUGS - { - DBG_TRC(("io)->ANum, Id, Ind)) - } + { + DBG_TRC(("io)->ANum, Id, Ind)) + } #else - dbug(dprintf("isdn_ind(Ind=%x,Id=%x,Ch=%x)",Ind,Id,Ch)); + dbug(dprintf("isdn_ind(Ind=%x,Id=%x,Ch=%x)", Ind, Id, Ch)); #endif - if(a->IdTable[Id]) { - this = entity_ptr(a,a->IdTable[Id]); - this->IndCh = Ch; - xdi_xlog_ind (XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Ind, - 0/* rnr_valid */, 0 /* rnr */, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); - /* if the Receive More flag is not yet set, this is the */ - /* first buffer of the packet */ - if(this->RCurrent==0xff) { - /* check for receive buffer chaining */ - if(Ind==this->MInd) { - this->complete = 0; - this->Ind = MInd; - } - else { - this->complete = 1; - this->Ind = Ind; - } - /* call the application callback function for the receive */ - /* look ahead */ - this->RLength = MLength; + if (a->IdTable[Id]) { + this = entity_ptr(a, a->IdTable[Id]); + this->IndCh = Ch; + xdi_xlog_ind(XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Ind, + 0/* rnr_valid */, 0 /* rnr */, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); + /* if the Receive More flag is not yet set, this is the */ + /* first buffer of the packet */ + if (this->RCurrent == 0xff) { + /* check for receive buffer chaining */ + if (Ind == this->MInd) { + this->complete = 0; + this->Ind = MInd; + } + else { + this->complete = 1; + this->Ind = Ind; + } + /* call the application callback function for the receive */ + /* look ahead */ + this->RLength = MLength; #if defined(DIVA_ISTREAM) - if ((a->rx_stream[this->Id] || - (a->misc_flags_table[this->No] & DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_RX_DMA)) && - ((Ind == N_DATA) || - (a->protocol_capabilities & PROTCAP_CMA_ALLPR))) { - PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io ; - if (a->misc_flags_table[this->No] & DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_RX_DMA) { + if ((a->rx_stream[this->Id] || + (a->misc_flags_table[this->No] & DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_RX_DMA)) && + ((Ind == N_DATA) || + (a->protocol_capabilities & PROTCAP_CMA_ALLPR))) { + PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io; + if (a->misc_flags_table[this->No] & DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_RX_DMA) { #if defined(DIVA_IDI_RX_DMA) - dword d; - diva_get_dma_map_entry (\ - (struct _diva_dma_map_entry*)IoAdapter->dma_map, - (int)a->rx_stream[this->Id], (void**)&cma, &d); + dword d; + diva_get_dma_map_entry(\ + (struct _diva_dma_map_entry *)IoAdapter->dma_map, + (int)a->rx_stream[this->Id], (void **)&cma, &d); #else - cma = &a->stream_buffer[0]; - cma[0] = cma[1] = cma[2] = cma[3] = 0; + cma = &a->stream_buffer[0]; + cma[0] = cma[1] = cma[2] = cma[3] = 0; #endif - this->RLength = MLength = (word)*(dword*)cma; - cma += 4; - } else { - int final = 0; - cma = &a->stream_buffer[0]; - this->RLength = MLength = (word)diva_istream_read (a, - Id, - cma, - sizeof(a->stream_buffer), - &final, NULL, NULL); - } - IoAdapter->RBuffer.length = min(MLength, (word)270); - if (IoAdapter->RBuffer.length != MLength) { - this->complete = 0; - } else { - this->complete = 1; - } - memcpy (IoAdapter->RBuffer.P, cma, IoAdapter->RBuffer.length) ; - this->RBuffer = (DBUFFER *)&IoAdapter->RBuffer ; - } + this->RLength = MLength = (word)*(dword *)cma; + cma += 4; + } else { + int final = 0; + cma = &a->stream_buffer[0]; + this->RLength = MLength = (word)diva_istream_read(a, + Id, + cma, + sizeof(a->stream_buffer), + &final, NULL, NULL); + } + IoAdapter->RBuffer.length = min(MLength, (word)270); + if (IoAdapter->RBuffer.length != MLength) { + this->complete = 0; + } else { + this->complete = 1; + } + memcpy(IoAdapter->RBuffer.P, cma, IoAdapter->RBuffer.length); + this->RBuffer = (DBUFFER *)&IoAdapter->RBuffer; + } #endif - if (!cma) { - a->ram_look_ahead(a, RBuffer, this); - } - this->RNum = 0; - CALLBACK(a, this); - /* map entity ptr, selector could be re-mapped by call to */ - /* IDI from within callback */ - this = entity_ptr(a,a->IdTable[Id]); - xdi_xlog_ind (XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Ind, - 1/* rnr_valid */, this->RNR/* rnr */, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); - /* check for RNR */ - if(this->RNR==1) { - this->RNR = 0; - return 1; - } - /* if no buffers are provided by the application, the */ - /* application want to copy the data itself including */ - /* N_MDATA/LL_MDATA chaining */ - if(!this->RNR && !this->RNum) { - xdi_xlog_ind (XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Ind, - 2/* rnr_valid */, 0/* rnr */, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); - return 0; - } - /* if there is no RNR, set the More flag */ - this->RCurrent = 0; - this->ROffset = 0; - } - if(this->RNR==2) { - if(Ind!=this->MInd) { - this->RCurrent = 0xff; - this->RNR = 0; - } - return 0; - } - /* if we have received buffers from the application, copy */ - /* the data into these buffers */ - offset = 0; - R = PTR_R(a,this); - do { - if(this->ROffset==R[this->RCurrent].PLength) { - this->ROffset = 0; - this->RCurrent++; - } - if (cma) { - clength = min(MLength, (word)(R[this->RCurrent].PLength-this->ROffset)); - } else { - clength = min(a->ram_inw(a, &RBuffer->length)-offset, - R[this->RCurrent].PLength-this->ROffset); - } - if(R[this->RCurrent].P) { - if (cma) { - memcpy (PTR_P(a,this,&R[this->RCurrent].P[this->ROffset]), - &cma[offset], - clength); - } else { - a->ram_in_buffer(a, - &RBuffer->P[offset], - PTR_P(a,this,&R[this->RCurrent].P[this->ROffset]), - clength); - } - } - offset +=clength; - this->ROffset +=clength; - if (cma) { - if (offset >= MLength) { - break; - } - continue; - } - } while(offset<(a->ram_inw(a, &RBuffer->length))); - /* if it's the last buffer of the packet, call the */ - /* application callback function for the receive complete */ - /* call */ - if(Ind!=this->MInd) { - R[this->RCurrent].PLength = this->ROffset; - if(this->ROffset) this->RCurrent++; - this->RNum = this->RCurrent; - this->RCurrent = 0xff; - this->Ind = Ind; - this->complete = 2; - xdi_xlog_ind (XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Ind, - 3/* rnr_valid */, 0/* rnr */, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); - CALLBACK(a, this); - } - return 0; - } - return 2; + if (!cma) { + a->ram_look_ahead(a, RBuffer, this); + } + this->RNum = 0; + CALLBACK(a, this); + /* map entity ptr, selector could be re-mapped by call to */ + /* IDI from within callback */ + this = entity_ptr(a, a->IdTable[Id]); + xdi_xlog_ind(XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Ind, + 1/* rnr_valid */, this->RNR/* rnr */, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); + /* check for RNR */ + if (this->RNR == 1) { + this->RNR = 0; + return 1; + } + /* if no buffers are provided by the application, the */ + /* application want to copy the data itself including */ + /* N_MDATA/LL_MDATA chaining */ + if (!this->RNR && !this->RNum) { + xdi_xlog_ind(XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Ind, + 2/* rnr_valid */, 0/* rnr */, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); + return 0; + } + /* if there is no RNR, set the More flag */ + this->RCurrent = 0; + this->ROffset = 0; + } + if (this->RNR == 2) { + if (Ind != this->MInd) { + this->RCurrent = 0xff; + this->RNR = 0; + } + return 0; + } + /* if we have received buffers from the application, copy */ + /* the data into these buffers */ + offset = 0; + R = PTR_R(a, this); + do { + if (this->ROffset == R[this->RCurrent].PLength) { + this->ROffset = 0; + this->RCurrent++; + } + if (cma) { + clength = min(MLength, (word)(R[this->RCurrent].PLength-this->ROffset)); + } else { + clength = min(a->ram_inw(a, &RBuffer->length)-offset, + R[this->RCurrent].PLength-this->ROffset); + } + if (R[this->RCurrent].P) { + if (cma) { + memcpy(PTR_P(a, this, &R[this->RCurrent].P[this->ROffset]), + &cma[offset], + clength); + } else { + a->ram_in_buffer(a, + &RBuffer->P[offset], + PTR_P(a, this, &R[this->RCurrent].P[this->ROffset]), + clength); + } + } + offset += clength; + this->ROffset += clength; + if (cma) { + if (offset >= MLength) { + break; + } + continue; + } + } while (offset < (a->ram_inw(a, &RBuffer->length))); + /* if it's the last buffer of the packet, call the */ + /* application callback function for the receive complete */ + /* call */ + if (Ind != this->MInd) { + R[this->RCurrent].PLength = this->ROffset; + if (this->ROffset) this->RCurrent++; + this->RNum = this->RCurrent; + this->RCurrent = 0xff; + this->Ind = Ind; + this->complete = 2; + xdi_xlog_ind(XDI_A_NR(a), Id, Ch, Ind, + 3/* rnr_valid */, 0/* rnr */, a->IdTypeTable[this->No]); + CALLBACK(a, this); + } + return 0; + } + return 2; } #if defined(XDI_USE_XLOG) /* ----------------------------------------------------------- This function works in the same way as xlog on the active board ----------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void xdi_xlog (byte *msg, word code, int length) { - xdi_dbg_xlog ("\x00\x02", msg, code, length); +static void xdi_xlog(byte *msg, word code, int length) { + xdi_dbg_xlog("\x00\x02", msg, code, length); } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------------------- - This function writes the information about the Return Code - processing in the trace buffer. Trace ID is 221. - INPUT: - Adapter - system unicue adapter number (0 ... 255) - Id - Id of the entity that had sent this return code - Ch - Channel of the entity that had sent this return code - Rc - return code value - cb: (0...2) - switch (cb) { - case 0: printf ("DELIVERY"); break; - case 1: printf ("CALLBACK"); break; - case 2: printf ("ASSIGN"); break; - } - DELIVERY - have entered isdn_rc with this RC - CALLBACK - about to make callback to the application - for this RC - ASSIGN - about to make callback for RC that is result - of ASSIGN request. It is no DELIVERY message - before of this message - type - the Id that was sent by the ASSIGN of this entity. - This should be global Id like NL_ID, DSIG_ID, MAN_ID. - An unknown Id will cause "?-" in the front of the request. - In this case the log.c is to be extended. + This function writes the information about the Return Code + processing in the trace buffer. Trace ID is 221. + INPUT: + Adapter - system unicue adapter number (0 ... 255) + Id - Id of the entity that had sent this return code + Ch - Channel of the entity that had sent this return code + Rc - return code value + cb: (0...2) + switch (cb) { + case 0: printf ("DELIVERY"); break; + case 1: printf ("CALLBACK"); break; + case 2: printf ("ASSIGN"); break; + } + DELIVERY - have entered isdn_rc with this RC + CALLBACK - about to make callback to the application + for this RC + ASSIGN - about to make callback for RC that is result + of ASSIGN request. It is no DELIVERY message + before of this message + type - the Id that was sent by the ASSIGN of this entity. + This should be global Id like NL_ID, DSIG_ID, MAN_ID. + An unknown Id will cause "?-" in the front of the request. + In this case the log.c is to be extended. ----------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void xdi_xlog_rc_event (byte Adapter, - byte Id, byte Ch, byte Rc, byte cb, byte type) { +static void xdi_xlog_rc_event(byte Adapter, + byte Id, byte Ch, byte Rc, byte cb, byte type) { #if defined(XDI_USE_XLOG) - word LogInfo[4]; - PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[0], ((word)Adapter | (word)(xdi_xlog_sec++ << 8))); - PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[1], ((word)Id | (word)(Ch << 8))); - PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[2], ((word)Rc | (word)(type << 8))); - PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[3], cb); - xdi_xlog ((byte*)&LogInfo[0], 221, sizeof(LogInfo)); + word LogInfo[4]; + PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[0], ((word)Adapter | (word)(xdi_xlog_sec++ << 8))); + PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[1], ((word)Id | (word)(Ch << 8))); + PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[2], ((word)Rc | (word)(type << 8))); + PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[3], cb); + xdi_xlog((byte *)&LogInfo[0], 221, sizeof(LogInfo)); #endif } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - This function writes the information about the request processing - in the trace buffer. Trace ID is 220. - INPUT: - Adapter - system unicue adapter number (0 ... 255) - Id - Id of the entity that had sent this request - Ch - Channel of the entity that had sent this request - Req - Code of the request - type - the Id that was sent by the ASSIGN of this entity. - This should be global Id like NL_ID, DSIG_ID, MAN_ID. - An unknown Id will cause "?-" in the front of the request. - In this case the log.c is to be extended. + This function writes the information about the request processing + in the trace buffer. Trace ID is 220. + INPUT: + Adapter - system unicue adapter number (0 ... 255) + Id - Id of the entity that had sent this request + Ch - Channel of the entity that had sent this request + Req - Code of the request + type - the Id that was sent by the ASSIGN of this entity. + This should be global Id like NL_ID, DSIG_ID, MAN_ID. + An unknown Id will cause "?-" in the front of the request. + In this case the log.c is to be extended. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -static void xdi_xlog_request (byte Adapter, byte Id, - byte Ch, byte Req, byte type) { +static void xdi_xlog_request(byte Adapter, byte Id, + byte Ch, byte Req, byte type) { #if defined(XDI_USE_XLOG) - word LogInfo[3]; - PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[0], ((word)Adapter | (word)(xdi_xlog_sec++ << 8))); - PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[1], ((word)Id | (word)(Ch << 8))); - PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[2], ((word)Req | (word)(type << 8))); - xdi_xlog ((byte*)&LogInfo[0], 220, sizeof(LogInfo)); + word LogInfo[3]; + PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[0], ((word)Adapter | (word)(xdi_xlog_sec++ << 8))); + PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[1], ((word)Id | (word)(Ch << 8))); + PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[2], ((word)Req | (word)(type << 8))); + xdi_xlog((byte *)&LogInfo[0], 220, sizeof(LogInfo)); #endif } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - This function writes the information about the indication processing - in the trace buffer. Trace ID is 222. - INPUT: - Adapter - system unicue adapter number (0 ... 255) - Id - Id of the entity that had sent this indication - Ch - Channel of the entity that had sent this indication - Ind - Code of the indication - rnr_valid: (0 .. 3) supported - switch (rnr_valid) { - case 0: printf ("DELIVERY"); break; - case 1: printf ("RNR=%d", rnr); - case 2: printf ("RNum=0"); - case 3: printf ("COMPLETE"); - } - DELIVERY - indication entered isdn_rc function - RNR=... - application had returned RNR=... after the - look ahead callback - RNum=0 - application had not returned any buffer to copy - this indication and will copy it self - COMPLETE - XDI had copied the data to the buffers provided - bu the application and is about to issue the - final callback - rnr: Look case 1 of the rnr_valid - type: the Id that was sent by the ASSIGN of this entity. This should - be global Id like NL_ID, DSIG_ID, MAN_ID. An unknown Id will - cause "?-" in the front of the request. In this case the - log.c is to be extended. + This function writes the information about the indication processing + in the trace buffer. Trace ID is 222. + INPUT: + Adapter - system unicue adapter number (0 ... 255) + Id - Id of the entity that had sent this indication + Ch - Channel of the entity that had sent this indication + Ind - Code of the indication + rnr_valid: (0 .. 3) supported + switch (rnr_valid) { + case 0: printf ("DELIVERY"); break; + case 1: printf ("RNR=%d", rnr); + case 2: printf ("RNum=0"); + case 3: printf ("COMPLETE"); + } + DELIVERY - indication entered isdn_rc function + RNR=... - application had returned RNR=... after the + look ahead callback + RNum=0 - application had not returned any buffer to copy + this indication and will copy it self + COMPLETE - XDI had copied the data to the buffers provided + bu the application and is about to issue the + final callback + rnr: Look case 1 of the rnr_valid + type: the Id that was sent by the ASSIGN of this entity. This should + be global Id like NL_ID, DSIG_ID, MAN_ID. An unknown Id will + cause "?-" in the front of the request. In this case the + log.c is to be extended. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -static void xdi_xlog_ind (byte Adapter, - byte Id, - byte Ch, - byte Ind, - byte rnr_valid, - byte rnr, - byte type) { +static void xdi_xlog_ind(byte Adapter, + byte Id, + byte Ch, + byte Ind, + byte rnr_valid, + byte rnr, + byte type) { #if defined(XDI_USE_XLOG) - word LogInfo[4]; - PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[0], ((word)Adapter | (word)(xdi_xlog_sec++ << 8))); - PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[1], ((word)Id | (word)(Ch << 8))); - PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[2], ((word)Ind | (word)(type << 8))); - PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[3], ((word)rnr | (word)(rnr_valid << 8))); - xdi_xlog ((byte*)&LogInfo[0], 222, sizeof(LogInfo)); + word LogInfo[4]; + PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[0], ((word)Adapter | (word)(xdi_xlog_sec++ << 8))); + PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[1], ((word)Id | (word)(Ch << 8))); + PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[2], ((word)Ind | (word)(type << 8))); + PUT_WORD(&LogInfo[3], ((word)rnr | (word)(rnr_valid << 8))); + xdi_xlog((byte *)&LogInfo[0], 222, sizeof(LogInfo)); #endif } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/di.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/di.h index dcf37b10f5dc291c91ddc28606a07d1235f8c004..ff26c65631d6c551475453e3932dc794b76ddec4 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/di.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/di.h @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /* @@ -35,83 +35,83 @@ #define DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_REMOVE_PENDING 0x01 #define DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_NO_RC_CANCELLING 0x02 #define DIVA_MISC_FLAGS_RX_DMA 0x04 - /* structure for all information we have to keep on a per */ - /* adapater basis */ +/* structure for all information we have to keep on a per */ +/* adapater basis */ typedef struct adapter_s ADAPTER; struct adapter_s { - void * io; - byte IdTable[256]; - byte IdTypeTable[256]; - byte FlowControlIdTable[256]; - byte FlowControlSkipTable[256]; - byte ReadyInt; - byte RcExtensionSupported; - byte misc_flags_table[256]; - dword protocol_capabilities; - byte ( * ram_in)(ADAPTER * a, void * adr); - word ( * ram_inw)(ADAPTER * a, void * adr); - void (* ram_in_buffer)(ADAPTER * a, void * adr, void * P, word length); - void (* ram_look_ahead)(ADAPTER * a, PBUFFER * RBuffer, ENTITY * e); - void ( * ram_out)(ADAPTER * a, void * adr, byte data); - void ( * ram_outw)(ADAPTER * a, void * adr, word data); - void (* ram_out_buffer)(ADAPTER * a, void * adr, void * P, word length); - void ( * ram_inc)(ADAPTER * a, void * adr); + void *io; + byte IdTable[256]; + byte IdTypeTable[256]; + byte FlowControlIdTable[256]; + byte FlowControlSkipTable[256]; + byte ReadyInt; + byte RcExtensionSupported; + byte misc_flags_table[256]; + dword protocol_capabilities; + byte (*ram_in)(ADAPTER *a, void *adr); + word (*ram_inw)(ADAPTER *a, void *adr); + void (*ram_in_buffer)(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, void *P, word length); + void (*ram_look_ahead)(ADAPTER *a, PBUFFER *RBuffer, ENTITY *e); + void (*ram_out)(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, byte data); + void (*ram_outw)(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, word data); + void (*ram_out_buffer)(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, void *P, word length); + void (*ram_inc)(ADAPTER *a, void *adr); #if defined(DIVA_ISTREAM) - dword rx_stream[256]; - dword tx_stream[256]; - word tx_pos[256]; - word rx_pos[256]; - byte stream_buffer[2512]; - dword ( * ram_offset)(ADAPTER * a); - void ( * ram_out_dw) (ADAPTER *a, - void *addr, - const dword* data, - int dwords); - void ( * ram_in_dw) (ADAPTER *a, - void *addr, - dword* data, - int dwords); - void ( * istream_wakeup)(ADAPTER* a); + dword rx_stream[256]; + dword tx_stream[256]; + word tx_pos[256]; + word rx_pos[256]; + byte stream_buffer[2512]; + dword (*ram_offset)(ADAPTER *a); + void (*ram_out_dw)(ADAPTER *a, + void *addr, + const dword *data, + int dwords); + void (*ram_in_dw)(ADAPTER *a, + void *addr, + dword *data, + int dwords); + void (*istream_wakeup)(ADAPTER *a); #else - byte stream_buffer[4]; + byte stream_buffer[4]; #endif }; /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* public functions of IDI common code */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -void pr_out(ADAPTER * a); -byte pr_dpc(ADAPTER * a); -byte scom_test_int(ADAPTER * a); -void scom_clear_int(ADAPTER * a); +void pr_out(ADAPTER *a); +byte pr_dpc(ADAPTER *a); +byte scom_test_int(ADAPTER *a); +void scom_clear_int(ADAPTER *a); /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* OS specific functions used by IDI common code */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -void free_entity(ADAPTER * a, byte e_no); -void assign_queue(ADAPTER * a, byte e_no, word ref); -byte get_assign(ADAPTER * a, word ref); -void req_queue(ADAPTER * a, byte e_no); -byte look_req(ADAPTER * a); -void next_req(ADAPTER * a); -ENTITY * entity_ptr(ADAPTER * a, byte e_no); +void free_entity(ADAPTER *a, byte e_no); +void assign_queue(ADAPTER *a, byte e_no, word ref); +byte get_assign(ADAPTER *a, word ref); +void req_queue(ADAPTER *a, byte e_no); +byte look_req(ADAPTER *a); +void next_req(ADAPTER *a); +ENTITY *entity_ptr(ADAPTER *a, byte e_no); #if defined(DIVA_ISTREAM) struct _diva_xdi_stream_interface; -void diva_xdi_provide_istream_info (ADAPTER* a, - struct _diva_xdi_stream_interface* pI); -void pr_stream (ADAPTER * a); -int diva_istream_write (void* context, - int Id, - void* data, - int length, - int final, - byte usr1, - byte usr2); -int diva_istream_read (void* context, - int Id, - void* data, - int max_length, - int* final, - byte* usr1, - byte* usr2); +void diva_xdi_provide_istream_info(ADAPTER *a, + struct _diva_xdi_stream_interface *pI); +void pr_stream(ADAPTER *a); +int diva_istream_write(void *context, + int Id, + void *data, + int length, + int final, + byte usr1, + byte usr2); +int diva_istream_read(void *context, + int Id, + void *data, + int max_length, + int *final, + byte *usr1, + byte *usr2); #if defined(DIVA_IDI_RX_DMA) #include "diva_dma.h" #endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/di_dbg.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/di_dbg.h index d576ff31d44cd515d8410bfaa3b65026e805d346..1380b60e526ef640dbb604c8643cd08228478fcd 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/di_dbg.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/di_dbg.h @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef __DIVA_DI_DBG_INC__ #define __DIVA_DI_DBG_INC__ -#if !defined (dtrc) +#if !defined(dtrc) #define dtrc(a) #endif -#if !defined (dbug) +#if !defined(dbug) #define dbug(a) #endif #if !defined USE_EXTENDED_DEBUGS diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/di_defs.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/di_defs.h index 4c2f61267df13e23df2e52d159ee3b46682bd26e..a5094d221086dffaf61d21bbe76e9980e0c8116b 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/di_defs.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/di_defs.h @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ -#ifndef _DI_DEFS_ +#ifndef _DI_DEFS_ #define _DI_DEFS_ - /* typedefs for our data structures */ +/* typedefs for our data structures */ typedef struct get_name_s GET_NAME; /* The entity_s structure is used to pass all parameters between application and IDI */ @@ -38,72 +38,72 @@ typedef struct get_para_s GET_PARA; #define IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T /* typedef void ( * IDI_CALL)(ENTITY *); */ /* -------------------------------------------------------- - IDI_CALL + IDI_CALL -------------------------------------------------------- */ -typedef void (IDI_CALL_LINK_T * IDI_CALL)(ENTITY IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T *); +typedef void (IDI_CALL_LINK_T *IDI_CALL)(ENTITY IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T *); typedef struct { - word length; /* length of data/parameter field */ - byte P[270]; /* data/parameter field */ + word length; /* length of data/parameter field */ + byte P[270]; /* data/parameter field */ } DBUFFER; struct get_name_s { - word command; /* command = 0x0100 */ - byte name[BOARD_NAME_LENGTH]; + word command; /* command = 0x0100 */ + byte name[BOARD_NAME_LENGTH]; }; struct postcall_s { - word command; /* command = 0x0300 */ - word dummy; /* not used */ - void ( * callback)(void *); /* call back */ - void *context; /* context pointer */ + word command; /* command = 0x0300 */ + word dummy; /* not used */ + void (*callback)(void *); /* call back */ + void *context; /* context pointer */ }; #define REQ_PARA 0x0600 /* request command line parameters */ #define REQ_PARA_LEN 1 /* number of data bytes */ #define L1_STARTUP_DOWN_POS 0 /* '-y' command line parameter in......*/ #define L1_STARTUP_DOWN_MSK 0x01 /* first byte position (index 0) with value 0x01 */ struct get_para_s { - word command; /* command = 0x0600 */ - byte len; /* max length of para field in bytes */ - byte para[REQ_PARA_LEN]; /* parameter field */ + word command; /* command = 0x0600 */ + byte len; /* max length of para field in bytes */ + byte para[REQ_PARA_LEN]; /* parameter field */ }; struct buffers_s { - word PLength; - byte * P; + word PLength; + byte *P; }; struct entity_s { - byte Req; /* pending request */ - byte Rc; /* return code received */ - byte Ind; /* indication received */ - byte ReqCh; /* channel of current Req */ - byte RcCh; /* channel of current Rc */ - byte IndCh; /* channel of current Ind */ - byte Id; /* ID used by this entity */ - byte GlobalId; /* reserved field */ - byte XNum; /* number of X-buffers */ - byte RNum; /* number of R-buffers */ - BUFFERS * X; /* pointer to X-buffer list */ - BUFFERS * R; /* pointer to R-buffer list */ - word RLength; /* length of current R-data */ - DBUFFER * RBuffer; /* buffer of current R-data */ - byte RNR; /* receive not ready flag */ - byte complete; /* receive complete status */ - IDI_CALL callback; - word user[2]; - /* fields used by the driver internally */ - byte No; /* entity number */ - byte reserved2; /* reserved field */ - byte More; /* R/X More flags */ - byte MInd; /* MDATA coding for this ID */ - byte XCurrent; /* current transmit buffer */ - byte RCurrent; /* current receive buffer */ - word XOffset; /* offset in x-buffer */ - word ROffset; /* offset in r-buffer */ + byte Req; /* pending request */ + byte Rc; /* return code received */ + byte Ind; /* indication received */ + byte ReqCh; /* channel of current Req */ + byte RcCh; /* channel of current Rc */ + byte IndCh; /* channel of current Ind */ + byte Id; /* ID used by this entity */ + byte GlobalId; /* reserved field */ + byte XNum; /* number of X-buffers */ + byte RNum; /* number of R-buffers */ + BUFFERS *X; /* pointer to X-buffer list */ + BUFFERS *R; /* pointer to R-buffer list */ + word RLength; /* length of current R-data */ + DBUFFER *RBuffer; /* buffer of current R-data */ + byte RNR; /* receive not ready flag */ + byte complete; /* receive complete status */ + IDI_CALL callback; + word user[2]; + /* fields used by the driver internally */ + byte No; /* entity number */ + byte reserved2; /* reserved field */ + byte More; /* R/X More flags */ + byte MInd; /* MDATA coding for this ID */ + byte XCurrent; /* current transmit buffer */ + byte RCurrent; /* current receive buffer */ + word XOffset; /* offset in x-buffer */ + word ROffset; /* offset in r-buffer */ }; typedef struct { - byte type; - byte channels; - word features; - IDI_CALL request; + byte type; + byte channels; + word features; + IDI_CALL request; } DESCRIPTOR; - /* descriptor type field coding */ +/* descriptor type field coding */ #define IDI_ADAPTER_S 1 #define IDI_ADAPTER_PR 2 #define IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA 3 @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ typedef struct { #define IDI_DADAPTER 0xfd #define IDI_DIDDPNP 0xfe #define IDI_DIMAINT 0xff - /* Hardware IDs ISA PNP */ +/* Hardware IDs ISA PNP */ #define HW_ID_DIVA_PRO 3 /* same as IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA */ #define HW_ID_MAESTRA 4 /* same as IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA */ #define HW_ID_PICCOLA 5 @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ typedef struct { #define HW_ID_DIVA20_U 9 #define HW_ID_DIVA30 10 #define HW_ID_DIVA30_U 11 - /* Hardware IDs PCI */ +/* Hardware IDs PCI */ #define HW_ID_EICON_PCI 0x1133 #define HW_ID_SIEMENS_PCI 0x8001 /* unused SubVendor ID for Siemens Cornet-N cards */ #define HW_ID_PROTTYPE_CORNETN 0x0014 /* SubDevice ID for Siemens Cornet-N cards */ @@ -153,16 +153,16 @@ typedef struct { #define HW_ID_DSRV_VOICE_P30M_V2_PCI 0xe019 #define HW_ID_DSRV_B2F_PCI 0xe01a #define HW_ID_DSRV_VOICE_B2M_V2_PCI 0xe01b - /* Hardware IDs USB */ +/* Hardware IDs USB */ #define EICON_USB_VENDOR_ID 0x071D #define HW_ID_DIVA_USB_REV1 0x1000 #define HW_ID_DIVA_USB_REV2 0x1003 #define HW_ID_TELEDAT_SURF_USB_REV2 0x1004 #define HW_ID_TELEDAT_SURF_USB_REV1 0x2000 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Adapter array change notification framework - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -typedef void (IDI_CALL_LINK_T* didd_adapter_change_callback_t)( void IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T * context, DESCRIPTOR* adapter, int removal); + Adapter array change notification framework + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +typedef void (IDI_CALL_LINK_T *didd_adapter_change_callback_t)(void IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T *context, DESCRIPTOR *adapter, int removal); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define DI_VOICE 0x0 /* obsolete define */ #define DI_FAX3 0x1 @@ -177,5 +177,5 @@ typedef void (IDI_CALL_LINK_T* didd_adapter_change_callback_t)( void IDI_CAL #define DI_EXTD_FAX 0x0200 /* Extended FAX (ECM, 2D, T.6, Polling) */ #define DI_AT_PARSER 0x0400 /* Build-in AT Parser in the L2 */ #define DI_VOICE_OVER_IP 0x0800 /* Voice over IP support */ -typedef void (IDI_CALL_LINK_T* _IDI_CALL)(void*, ENTITY*); -#endif +typedef void (IDI_CALL_LINK_T *_IDI_CALL)(void *, ENTITY *); +#endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/did_vers.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/did_vers.h index 538c590fdf422415a63fac91b44b6644e5f87e1a..fa8db8249235679f95c1c4dc35ea99e148ac3d30 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/did_vers.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/did_vers.h @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ -static char diva_didd_common_code_build[] = "102-51"; +static char diva_didd_common_code_build[] = "102-51"; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diddfunc.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diddfunc.c index 3029234178d8e772ccd07a42e0c4e1210f61646a..c4c8220c9d7272d8cea2e784639781179897f539 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diddfunc.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diddfunc.c @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ /* $Id: diddfunc.c,v 2004/08/28 20:03:53 armin Exp $ * * DIDD Interface module for Eicon active cards. - * - * Functions are in dadapter.c - * - * Copyright 2002-2003 by Armin Schindler (mac@melware.de) + * + * Functions are in dadapter.c + * + * Copyright 2002-2003 by Armin Schindler (mac@melware.de) * Copyright 2002-2003 Cytronics & Melware (info@melware.de) - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. */ @@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ static DESCRIPTOR _DAdapter; /* * didd callback function */ -static void *didd_callback(void *context, DESCRIPTOR * adapter, +static void *didd_callback(void *context, DESCRIPTOR *adapter, int removal) { if (adapter->type == IDI_DADAPTER) { DBG_ERR(("Notification about IDI_DADAPTER change ! Oops.")) - return (NULL); + return (NULL); } else if (adapter->type == IDI_DIMAINT) { if (removal) { DbgDeregister(); @@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ static int DIVA_INIT_FUNCTION connect_didd(void) memcpy(&_DAdapter, &DIDD_Table[x], sizeof(_DAdapter)); req.didd_notify.e.Req = 0; req.didd_notify.e.Rc = - IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REGISTER_ADAPTER_NOTIFY; + IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REGISTER_ADAPTER_NOTIFY; req.didd_notify.info.callback = (void *)didd_callback; req.didd_notify.info.context = NULL; - _DAdapter.request((ENTITY *) & req); + _DAdapter.request((ENTITY *)&req); if (req.didd_notify.e.Rc != 0xff) return (0); notify_handle = req.didd_notify.info.handle; @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ static void DIVA_EXIT_FUNCTION disconnect_didd(void) req.didd_notify.e.Req = 0; req.didd_notify.e.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REMOVE_ADAPTER_NOTIFY; req.didd_notify.info.handle = notify_handle; - _DAdapter.request((ENTITY *) & req); + _DAdapter.request((ENTITY *)&req); } /* @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ int DIVA_INIT_FUNCTION diddfunc_init(void) if (!connect_didd()) { DBG_ERR(("init: failed to connect to DIDD.")) - diva_didd_load_time_finit(); + diva_didd_load_time_finit(); return (0); } return (1); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva.c index 1403a5458e68f9227af58ad9849177203befcc80..d91dd580e9781bc73704d3ad41c009265e227320 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva.c @@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapters[MAX_ADAPTER]; extern IDI_CALL Requests[MAX_ADAPTER]; -extern int create_adapter_proc(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); -extern void remove_adapter_proc(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); +extern int create_adapter_proc(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); +extern void remove_adapter_proc(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); -#define DivaIdiReqFunc(N) \ -static void DivaIdiRequest##N(ENTITY *e) \ -{ if ( IoAdapters[N] ) (* IoAdapters[N]->DIRequest)(IoAdapters[N], e) ; } +#define DivaIdiReqFunc(N) \ + static void DivaIdiRequest##N(ENTITY *e) \ + { if (IoAdapters[N]) (*IoAdapters[N]->DIRequest)(IoAdapters[N], e); } /* ** Create own 32 Adapters @@ -91,44 +91,44 @@ typedef struct _diva_supported_cards_info { static diva_supported_cards_info_t divas_supported_cards[] = { #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_DIVAS_PRIPCI /* - PRI Cards - */ + PRI Cards + */ {CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_P_30M_PCI, diva_pri_init_card}, /* - PRI Rev.2 Cards - */ + PRI Rev.2 Cards + */ {CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_P_30M_V2_PCI, diva_pri_init_card}, /* - PRI Rev.2 VoIP Cards - */ + PRI Rev.2 VoIP Cards + */ {CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_P_30M_V2_PCI, diva_pri_init_card}, #endif #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_DIVAS_BRIPCI /* - 4BRI Rev 1 Cards - */ + 4BRI Rev 1 Cards + */ {CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_Q_8M_PCI, diva_4bri_init_card}, {CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_Q_8M_PCI, diva_4bri_init_card}, /* - 4BRI Rev 2 Cards - */ + 4BRI Rev 2 Cards + */ {CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_Q_8M_V2_PCI, diva_4bri_init_card}, {CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_Q_8M_V2_PCI, diva_4bri_init_card}, /* - 4BRI Based BRI Rev 2 Cards - */ + 4BRI Based BRI Rev 2 Cards + */ {CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_B_2M_V2_PCI, diva_4bri_init_card}, {CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_B_2F_PCI, diva_4bri_init_card}, {CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_B_2M_V2_PCI, diva_4bri_init_card}, /* - BRI - */ + BRI + */ {CARDTYPE_MAESTRA_PCI, diva_bri_init_card}, #endif /* - EOL - */ + EOL + */ {-1} }; @@ -150,18 +150,18 @@ static int diva_find_free_adapters(int base, int nr) return (0); } -static diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *diva_q_get_next(struct list_head * what) +static diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *diva_q_get_next(struct list_head *what) { diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a = NULL; if (what && (what->next != &adapter_queue)) a = list_entry(what->next, diva_os_xdi_adapter_t, link); - return(a); + return (a); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add card to the card list + Add card to the card list -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void *diva_driver_add_card(void *pdev, unsigned long CardOrdinal) { @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ void *diva_driver_add_card(void *pdev, unsigned long CardOrdinal) [CardOrdinal].Name, pdiva->controller)) - diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "add card"); + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "add card"); pa = pdiva; for (j = 1; j < nr; j++) { /* slave adapters, if any */ pa = diva_q_get_next(&pa->link); @@ -214,11 +214,11 @@ void *diva_driver_add_card(void *pdev, unsigned long CardOrdinal) diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "add card"); DBG_LOG(("add slave adapter (%d)", pa->controller)) - create_adapter_proc(pa); /* add adapter to proc file system */ + create_adapter_proc(pa); /* add adapter to proc file system */ diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "add card"); } else { DBG_ERR(("slave adapter problem")) - break; + break; } } @@ -230,10 +230,10 @@ void *diva_driver_add_card(void *pdev, unsigned long CardOrdinal) diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "add card"); /* - Not able to add adapter - remove it and return error - */ + Not able to add adapter - remove it and return error + */ DBG_ERR(("can not alloc request array")) - diva_driver_remove_card(pdiva); + diva_driver_remove_card(pdiva); return NULL; } @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ void *diva_driver_add_card(void *pdev, unsigned long CardOrdinal) } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Called on driver load, MAIN, main, DriverEntry + Called on driver load, MAIN, main, DriverEntry -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int divasa_xdi_driver_entry(void) { @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ int divasa_xdi_driver_entry(void) } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Remove adapter from list + Remove adapter from list -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *get_and_remove_from_queue(void) { @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ static diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *get_and_remove_from_queue(void) } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Remove card from the card list + Remove card from the card list -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void diva_driver_remove_card(void *pdiva) { @@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ void diva_driver_remove_card(void *pdiva) } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Create diva PCI adapter and init internal adapter structures + Create diva PCI adapter and init internal adapter structures -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void *divas_create_pci_card(int handle, void *pci_dev_handle) { @@ -328,10 +328,10 @@ static void *divas_create_pci_card(int handle, void *pci_dev_handle) DBG_LOG(("found %d-%s", pI->CardOrdinal, CardProperties[pI->CardOrdinal].Name)) - if (!(a = (diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *) diva_os_malloc(0, sizeof(*a)))) { - DBG_ERR(("A: can't alloc adapter")); - return NULL; - } + if (!(a = (diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *) diva_os_malloc(0, sizeof(*a)))) { + DBG_ERR(("A: can't alloc adapter")); + return NULL; + } memset(a, 0x00, sizeof(*a)); @@ -344,9 +344,9 @@ static void *divas_create_pci_card(int handle, void *pci_dev_handle) a->resources.pci.hdev = pci_dev_handle; /* - Add master adapter first, so slave adapters will receive higher - numbers as master adapter - */ + Add master adapter first, so slave adapters will receive higher + numbers as master adapter + */ diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "found_pci_card"); list_add_tail(&a->link, &adapter_queue); diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "found_pci_card"); @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ static void *divas_create_pci_card(int handle, void *pci_dev_handle) } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Called on driver unload FINIT, finit, Unload + Called on driver unload FINIT, finit, Unload -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void divasa_xdi_driver_unload(void) { @@ -398,11 +398,11 @@ void *diva_xdi_open_adapter(void *os_handle, const void __user *src, if (length < sizeof(diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_t)) { DBG_ERR(("A: A(?) open, msg too small (%d < %d)", length, sizeof(diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_t))) - return NULL; + return NULL; } if ((*cp_fn) (os_handle, &msg, src, sizeof(msg)) <= 0) { DBG_ERR(("A: A(?) open, write error")) - return NULL; + return NULL; } diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "open_adapter"); list_for_each(tmp, &adapter_queue) { @@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ void *diva_xdi_open_adapter(void *os_handle, const void __user *src, if (!a) { DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) open, adapter not found", msg.adapter)) - } + } return (a); } @@ -443,19 +443,19 @@ diva_xdi_write(void *adapter, void *os_handle, const void __user *src, if (a->xdi_mbox.status & DIVA_XDI_MBOX_BUSY) { DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) write, mbox busy", a->controller)) - return (-1); + return (-1); } if (length < sizeof(diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_t)) { DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) write, message too small (%d < %d)", a->controller, length, sizeof(diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_t))) - return (-3); + return (-3); } if (!(data = diva_os_malloc(0, length))) { DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) write, ENOMEM", a->controller)) - return (-2); + return (-2); } length = (*cp_fn) (os_handle, data, src, length); @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ diva_xdi_write(void *adapter, void *os_handle, const void __user *src, } else { DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) write error (%d)", a->controller, length)) - } + } diva_os_free(0, data); @@ -486,23 +486,23 @@ diva_xdi_read(void *adapter, void *os_handle, void __user *dst, if (!(a->xdi_mbox.status & DIVA_XDI_MBOX_BUSY)) { DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) rx mbox empty", a->controller)) - return (-1); + return (-1); } if (!a->xdi_mbox.data) { a->xdi_mbox.status &= ~DIVA_XDI_MBOX_BUSY; DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) rx ENOMEM", a->controller)) - return (-2); + return (-2); } if (max_length < a->xdi_mbox.data_length) { DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) rx buffer too short(%d < %d)", a->controller, max_length, a->xdi_mbox.data_length)) - return (-3); + return (-3); } ret = (*cp_fn) (os_handle, dst, a->xdi_mbox.data, - a->xdi_mbox.data_length); + a->xdi_mbox.data_length); if (ret > 0) { diva_os_free(0, a->xdi_mbox.data); a->xdi_mbox.data = NULL; @@ -577,33 +577,33 @@ void diva_xdi_display_adapter_features(int card) features = IoAdapters[card]->Properties.Features; DBG_LOG(("FEATURES FOR ADAPTER: %d", card + 1)) - DBG_LOG((" DI_FAX3 : %s", - (features & DI_FAX3) ? "Y" : "N")) - DBG_LOG((" DI_MODEM : %s", - (features & DI_MODEM) ? "Y" : "N")) - DBG_LOG((" DI_POST : %s", - (features & DI_POST) ? "Y" : "N")) - DBG_LOG((" DI_V110 : %s", - (features & DI_V110) ? "Y" : "N")) - DBG_LOG((" DI_V120 : %s", - (features & DI_V120) ? "Y" : "N")) - DBG_LOG((" DI_POTS : %s", - (features & DI_POTS) ? "Y" : "N")) - DBG_LOG((" DI_CODEC : %s", - (features & DI_CODEC) ? "Y" : "N")) - DBG_LOG((" DI_MANAGE : %s", - (features & DI_MANAGE) ? "Y" : "N")) - DBG_LOG((" DI_V_42 : %s", - (features & DI_V_42) ? "Y" : "N")) - DBG_LOG((" DI_EXTD_FAX : %s", - (features & DI_EXTD_FAX) ? "Y" : "N")) - DBG_LOG((" DI_AT_PARSER : %s", - (features & DI_AT_PARSER) ? "Y" : "N")) - DBG_LOG((" DI_VOICE_OVER_IP : %s", - (features & DI_VOICE_OVER_IP) ? "Y" : "N")) -} + DBG_LOG((" DI_FAX3 : %s", + (features & DI_FAX3) ? "Y" : "N")) + DBG_LOG((" DI_MODEM : %s", + (features & DI_MODEM) ? "Y" : "N")) + DBG_LOG((" DI_POST : %s", + (features & DI_POST) ? "Y" : "N")) + DBG_LOG((" DI_V110 : %s", + (features & DI_V110) ? "Y" : "N")) + DBG_LOG((" DI_V120 : %s", + (features & DI_V120) ? "Y" : "N")) + DBG_LOG((" DI_POTS : %s", + (features & DI_POTS) ? "Y" : "N")) + DBG_LOG((" DI_CODEC : %s", + (features & DI_CODEC) ? "Y" : "N")) + DBG_LOG((" DI_MANAGE : %s", + (features & DI_MANAGE) ? "Y" : "N")) + DBG_LOG((" DI_V_42 : %s", + (features & DI_V_42) ? "Y" : "N")) + DBG_LOG((" DI_EXTD_FAX : %s", + (features & DI_EXTD_FAX) ? "Y" : "N")) + DBG_LOG((" DI_AT_PARSER : %s", + (features & DI_AT_PARSER) ? "Y" : "N")) + DBG_LOG((" DI_VOICE_OVER_IP : %s", + (features & DI_VOICE_OVER_IP) ? "Y" : "N")) + } -void diva_add_slave_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +void diva_add_slave_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; @@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ void diva_add_slave_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "add_slave"); } -int diva_card_read_xlog(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +int diva_card_read_xlog(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { diva_get_xlog_t *req; byte *data; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva_didd.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva_didd.c index 5d06a7437824fa7246966fb5a5f5cfc3ddd0cc17..d1d3de03ccede005b1bfc358aee851a73869861e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva_didd.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva_didd.c @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ /* $Id: diva_didd.c,v 2005/02/11 19:40:25 armin Exp $ * * DIDD Interface module for Eicon active cards. - * - * Functions are in dadapter.c - * - * Copyright 2002-2003 by Armin Schindler (mac@melware.de) + * + * Functions are in dadapter.c + * + * Copyright 2002-2003 by Armin Schindler (mac@melware.de) * Copyright 2002-2003 Cytronics & Melware (info@melware.de) - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. */ @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ static char *main_revision = "$Revision: $"; static char *DRIVERNAME = - "Eicon DIVA - DIDD table (http://www.melware.net)"; + "Eicon DIVA - DIDD table (http://www.melware.net)"; static char *DRIVERLNAME = "divadidd"; char *DRIVERRELEASE_DIDD = "2.0"; @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ static int divadidd_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) seq_printf(m, "name : %s\n", DRIVERLNAME); seq_printf(m, "release : %s\n", DRIVERRELEASE_DIDD); seq_printf(m, "build : %s(%s)\n", - diva_didd_common_code_build, DIVA_BUILD); + diva_didd_common_code_build, DIVA_BUILD); seq_printf(m, "revision : %s\n", getrev(tmprev)); return 0; @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ static int DIVA_INIT_FUNCTION divadidd_init(void) goto out; } - out: +out: return (ret); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva_dma.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva_dma.c index f53a7407605ffd7a3c7cc86c96bbe0eb1588e470..217b6aa9f61246ff8952adb12b45c0771a876c97 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva_dma.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva_dma.c @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include "platform.h" @@ -28,67 +28,67 @@ /* Every entry has length of PAGE_SIZE and represents one single physical page - */ +*/ struct _diva_dma_map_entry { - int busy; - dword phys_bus_addr; /* 32bit address as seen by the card */ - void* local_ram_addr; /* local address as seen by the host */ - void* addr_handle; /* handle uset to free allocated memory */ + int busy; + dword phys_bus_addr; /* 32bit address as seen by the card */ + void *local_ram_addr; /* local address as seen by the host */ + void *addr_handle; /* handle uset to free allocated memory */ }; /* Create local mapping structure and init it to default state - */ -struct _diva_dma_map_entry* diva_alloc_dma_map (void* os_context, int nentries) { - diva_dma_map_entry_t* pmap = diva_os_malloc(0, sizeof(*pmap)*(nentries+1)); - if (pmap) - memset (pmap, 0, sizeof(*pmap)*(nentries+1)); - return pmap; +*/ +struct _diva_dma_map_entry *diva_alloc_dma_map(void *os_context, int nentries) { + diva_dma_map_entry_t *pmap = diva_os_malloc(0, sizeof(*pmap) * (nentries + 1)); + if (pmap) + memset(pmap, 0, sizeof(*pmap) * (nentries + 1)); + return pmap; } /* Free local map (context should be freed before) if any - */ -void diva_free_dma_mapping (struct _diva_dma_map_entry* pmap) { - if (pmap) { - diva_os_free (0, pmap); - } +*/ +void diva_free_dma_mapping(struct _diva_dma_map_entry *pmap) { + if (pmap) { + diva_os_free(0, pmap); + } } /* Set information saved on the map entry - */ -void diva_init_dma_map_entry (struct _diva_dma_map_entry* pmap, - int nr, void* virt, dword phys, - void* addr_handle) { - pmap[nr].phys_bus_addr = phys; - pmap[nr].local_ram_addr = virt; - pmap[nr].addr_handle = addr_handle; +*/ +void diva_init_dma_map_entry(struct _diva_dma_map_entry *pmap, + int nr, void *virt, dword phys, + void *addr_handle) { + pmap[nr].phys_bus_addr = phys; + pmap[nr].local_ram_addr = virt; + pmap[nr].addr_handle = addr_handle; } /* Allocate one single entry in the map - */ -int diva_alloc_dma_map_entry (struct _diva_dma_map_entry* pmap) { - int i; - for (i = 0; (pmap && pmap[i].local_ram_addr); i++) { - if (!pmap[i].busy) { - pmap[i].busy = 1; - return (i); - } - } - return (-1); +*/ +int diva_alloc_dma_map_entry(struct _diva_dma_map_entry *pmap) { + int i; + for (i = 0; (pmap && pmap[i].local_ram_addr); i++) { + if (!pmap[i].busy) { + pmap[i].busy = 1; + return (i); + } + } + return (-1); } /* Free one single entry in the map - */ -void diva_free_dma_map_entry (struct _diva_dma_map_entry* pmap, int nr) { - pmap[nr].busy = 0; +*/ +void diva_free_dma_map_entry(struct _diva_dma_map_entry *pmap, int nr) { + pmap[nr].busy = 0; } /* Get information saved on the map entry - */ -void diva_get_dma_map_entry (struct _diva_dma_map_entry* pmap, int nr, - void** pvirt, dword* pphys) { - *pphys = pmap[nr].phys_bus_addr; - *pvirt = pmap[nr].local_ram_addr; +*/ +void diva_get_dma_map_entry(struct _diva_dma_map_entry *pmap, int nr, + void **pvirt, dword *pphys) { + *pphys = pmap[nr].phys_bus_addr; + *pvirt = pmap[nr].local_ram_addr; } -void* diva_get_entry_handle (struct _diva_dma_map_entry* pmap, int nr) { - return (pmap[nr].addr_handle); +void *diva_get_entry_handle(struct _diva_dma_map_entry *pmap, int nr) { + return (pmap[nr].addr_handle); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva_dma.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva_dma.h index dff80724cdbd6f33aeb0d351f9e55574d637643e..d32c91be562b0d6cb03d93594ccf6a5d32ba825e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva_dma.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva_dma.h @@ -1,48 +1,48 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef __DIVA_DMA_MAPPING_IFC_H__ #define __DIVA_DMA_MAPPING_IFC_H__ typedef struct _diva_dma_map_entry diva_dma_map_entry_t; -struct _diva_dma_map_entry* diva_alloc_dma_map (void* os_context, int nentries); -void diva_init_dma_map_entry (struct _diva_dma_map_entry* pmap, - int nr, void* virt, dword phys, - void* addr_handle); -int diva_alloc_dma_map_entry (struct _diva_dma_map_entry* pmap); -void diva_free_dma_map_entry (struct _diva_dma_map_entry* pmap, int entry); -void diva_get_dma_map_entry (struct _diva_dma_map_entry* pmap, int nr, - void** pvirt, dword* pphys); -void diva_free_dma_mapping (struct _diva_dma_map_entry* pmap); +struct _diva_dma_map_entry *diva_alloc_dma_map(void *os_context, int nentries); +void diva_init_dma_map_entry(struct _diva_dma_map_entry *pmap, + int nr, void *virt, dword phys, + void *addr_handle); +int diva_alloc_dma_map_entry(struct _diva_dma_map_entry *pmap); +void diva_free_dma_map_entry(struct _diva_dma_map_entry *pmap, int entry); +void diva_get_dma_map_entry(struct _diva_dma_map_entry *pmap, int nr, + void **pvirt, dword *pphys); +void diva_free_dma_mapping(struct _diva_dma_map_entry *pmap); /* Functionality to be implemented by OS wrapper and running in process context - */ -void diva_init_dma_map (void* hdev, - struct _diva_dma_map_entry** ppmap, - int nentries); -void diva_free_dma_map (void* hdev, - struct _diva_dma_map_entry* pmap); -void* diva_get_entry_handle (struct _diva_dma_map_entry* pmap, int nr); +*/ +void diva_init_dma_map(void *hdev, + struct _diva_dma_map_entry **ppmap, + int nentries); +void diva_free_dma_map(void *hdev, + struct _diva_dma_map_entry *pmap); +void *diva_get_entry_handle(struct _diva_dma_map_entry *pmap, int nr); #endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva_pci.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva_pci.h index cc0d5102723a54e2daf70e1166e56b8681b60c93..bb4b562050f6ab7560cb8d135c3b6042f7e07e2a 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva_pci.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/diva_pci.h @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ #define __DIVA_PCI_INTERFACE_H__ void __iomem *divasa_remap_pci_bar(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a, - int id, - unsigned long bar, - unsigned long area_length); + int id, + unsigned long bar, + unsigned long area_length); void divasa_unmap_pci_bar(void __iomem *bar); unsigned long divasa_get_pci_irq(unsigned char bus, unsigned char func, void *pci_dev_handle); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divacapi.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divacapi.h index e330da0c5fc0b2c63820049fe065236f15e03ae6..3942efbbfb58034219f8c96b7bdbdcfced1205b6 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divacapi.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divacapi.h @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ - - + + @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ #define CODEC_PERMANENT 0x02 #define ADV_VOICE 0x03 #define MAX_CIP_TYPES 5 /* kind of CIP types for group optimization */ -#define C_IND_MASK_DWORDS ((MAX_APPL+32) >> 5) +#define C_IND_MASK_DWORDS ((MAX_APPL + 32) >> 5) #define FAX_CONNECT_INFO_BUFFER_SIZE 256 @@ -116,289 +116,289 @@ typedef struct msn_config_max_s MSN_CONFIG_MAX; typedef struct msn_ld_s MSN_LD; struct manufacturer_profile_s { - dword private_options; - dword rtp_primary_payloads; - dword rtp_additional_payloads; + dword private_options; + dword rtp_primary_payloads; + dword rtp_additional_payloads; }; struct fax_ncpi_s { - word options; - word format; + word options; + word format; }; struct msn_config_s { - byte msn[MAX_CPN_MASK_SIZE]; + byte msn[MAX_CPN_MASK_SIZE]; }; struct msn_config_max_s { - MSN_CONFIG msn_conf[MAX_MSN_CONFIG]; + MSN_CONFIG msn_conf[MAX_MSN_CONFIG]; }; struct msn_ld_s { - dword low; - dword high; + dword low; + dword high; }; struct api_parse_s { - word length; - byte * info; + word length; + byte *info; }; struct api_save_s { - API_PARSE parms[MAX_MSG_PARMS+1]; - byte info[MAX_MSG_SIZE]; + API_PARSE parms[MAX_MSG_PARMS + 1]; + byte info[MAX_MSG_SIZE]; }; struct _DATA_B3_DESC { - word Handle; - word Number; - word Flags; - word Length; - void * P; + word Handle; + word Number; + word Flags; + word Length; + void *P; }; struct _DATA_ACK_DESC { - word Handle; - word Number; + word Handle; + word Number; }; -typedef void (* t_std_internal_command)(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); +typedef void (*t_std_internal_command)(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); /************************************************************************/ /* Don't forget to adapt dos.asm after changing the _APPL structure!!!! */ struct _APPL { - word Id; - word NullCREnable; - word CDEnable; - dword S_Handle; + word Id; + word NullCREnable; + word CDEnable; + dword S_Handle; - LIST_ENTRY s_function; - dword s_context; - word s_count; - APPL * s_next; - byte * xbuffer_used; - void ** xbuffer_internal; - void ** xbuffer_ptr; + LIST_ENTRY s_function; + dword s_context; + word s_count; + APPL *s_next; + byte *xbuffer_used; + void **xbuffer_internal; + void **xbuffer_ptr; - byte * queue; - word queue_size; - word queue_free; - word queue_read; - word queue_write; - word queue_signal; - byte msg_lost; - byte appl_flags; - word Number; + byte *queue; + word queue_size; + word queue_free; + word queue_read; + word queue_write; + word queue_signal; + byte msg_lost; + byte appl_flags; + word Number; - word MaxBuffer; - byte MaxNCCI; - byte MaxNCCIData; - word MaxDataLength; - word NCCIDataFlowCtrlTimer; - byte * ReceiveBuffer; - word * DataNCCI; - word * DataFlags; + word MaxBuffer; + byte MaxNCCI; + byte MaxNCCIData; + word MaxDataLength; + word NCCIDataFlowCtrlTimer; + byte *ReceiveBuffer; + word *DataNCCI; + word *DataFlags; }; struct _PLCI { - ENTITY Sig; - ENTITY NL; - word RNum; - word RFlags; - BUFFERS RData[2]; - BUFFERS XData[1]; - BUFFERS NData[2]; - - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *adapter; - APPL *appl; - PLCI *relatedPTYPLCI; - byte Id; - byte State; - byte sig_req; - byte nl_req; - byte SuppState; - byte channels; - byte tel; - byte B1_resource; - byte B2_prot; - byte B3_prot; - - word command; - word m_command; - word internal_command; - word number; - word req_in_start; - word req_in; - word req_out; - word msg_in_write_pos; - word msg_in_read_pos; - word msg_in_wrap_pos; - - void * data_sent_ptr; - byte data_sent; - byte send_disc; - byte sig_global_req; - byte sig_remove_id; - byte nl_global_req; - byte nl_remove_id; - byte b_channel; - byte adv_nl; - byte manufacturer; - byte call_dir; - byte hook_state; - byte spoofed_msg; - byte ptyState; - byte cr_enquiry; - word hangup_flow_ctrl_timer; - - word ncci_ring_list; - byte inc_dis_ncci_table[MAX_CHANNELS_PER_PLCI]; - t_std_internal_command internal_command_queue[MAX_INTERNAL_COMMAND_LEVELS]; - dword c_ind_mask_table[C_IND_MASK_DWORDS]; - dword group_optimization_mask_table[C_IND_MASK_DWORDS]; - byte RBuffer[200]; - dword msg_in_queue[MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE/sizeof(dword)]; - API_SAVE saved_msg; - API_SAVE B_protocol; - byte fax_connect_info_length; - byte fax_connect_info_buffer[FAX_CONNECT_INFO_BUFFER_SIZE]; - byte fax_edata_ack_length; - word nsf_control_bits; - byte ncpi_state; - byte ncpi_buffer[NCPI_BUFFER_SIZE]; - - byte internal_req_buffer[INTERNAL_REQ_BUFFER_SIZE]; - byte internal_ind_buffer[INTERNAL_IND_BUFFER_SIZE + 3]; - dword requested_options_conn; - dword requested_options; - word B1_facilities; - API_SAVE *adjust_b_parms_msg; - word adjust_b_facilities; - word adjust_b_command; - word adjust_b_ncci; - word adjust_b_mode; - word adjust_b_state; - byte adjust_b_restore; - - byte dtmf_rec_active; - word dtmf_rec_pulse_ms; - word dtmf_rec_pause_ms; - byte dtmf_send_requests; - word dtmf_send_pulse_ms; - word dtmf_send_pause_ms; - word dtmf_cmd; - word dtmf_msg_number_queue[8]; - byte dtmf_parameter_length; - byte dtmf_parameter_buffer[DTMF_PARAMETER_BUFFER_SIZE]; - - - t_capidtmf_state capidtmf_state; - - - byte li_bchannel_id; /* BRI: 1..2, PRI: 1..32 */ - byte li_channel_bits; - byte li_notify_update; - word li_cmd; - word li_write_command; - word li_write_channel; - word li_plci_b_write_pos; - word li_plci_b_read_pos; - word li_plci_b_req_pos; - dword li_plci_b_queue[LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES]; - - - word ec_cmd; - word ec_idi_options; - word ec_tail_length; - - - byte tone_last_indication_code; - - byte vswitchstate; - byte vsprot; - byte vsprotdialect; - byte notifiedcall; /* Flag if it is a spoofed call */ - - int rx_dma_descriptor; - dword rx_dma_magic; + ENTITY Sig; + ENTITY NL; + word RNum; + word RFlags; + BUFFERS RData[2]; + BUFFERS XData[1]; + BUFFERS NData[2]; + + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *adapter; + APPL *appl; + PLCI *relatedPTYPLCI; + byte Id; + byte State; + byte sig_req; + byte nl_req; + byte SuppState; + byte channels; + byte tel; + byte B1_resource; + byte B2_prot; + byte B3_prot; + + word command; + word m_command; + word internal_command; + word number; + word req_in_start; + word req_in; + word req_out; + word msg_in_write_pos; + word msg_in_read_pos; + word msg_in_wrap_pos; + + void *data_sent_ptr; + byte data_sent; + byte send_disc; + byte sig_global_req; + byte sig_remove_id; + byte nl_global_req; + byte nl_remove_id; + byte b_channel; + byte adv_nl; + byte manufacturer; + byte call_dir; + byte hook_state; + byte spoofed_msg; + byte ptyState; + byte cr_enquiry; + word hangup_flow_ctrl_timer; + + word ncci_ring_list; + byte inc_dis_ncci_table[MAX_CHANNELS_PER_PLCI]; + t_std_internal_command internal_command_queue[MAX_INTERNAL_COMMAND_LEVELS]; + dword c_ind_mask_table[C_IND_MASK_DWORDS]; + dword group_optimization_mask_table[C_IND_MASK_DWORDS]; + byte RBuffer[200]; + dword msg_in_queue[MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE/sizeof(dword)]; + API_SAVE saved_msg; + API_SAVE B_protocol; + byte fax_connect_info_length; + byte fax_connect_info_buffer[FAX_CONNECT_INFO_BUFFER_SIZE]; + byte fax_edata_ack_length; + word nsf_control_bits; + byte ncpi_state; + byte ncpi_buffer[NCPI_BUFFER_SIZE]; + + byte internal_req_buffer[INTERNAL_REQ_BUFFER_SIZE]; + byte internal_ind_buffer[INTERNAL_IND_BUFFER_SIZE + 3]; + dword requested_options_conn; + dword requested_options; + word B1_facilities; + API_SAVE *adjust_b_parms_msg; + word adjust_b_facilities; + word adjust_b_command; + word adjust_b_ncci; + word adjust_b_mode; + word adjust_b_state; + byte adjust_b_restore; + + byte dtmf_rec_active; + word dtmf_rec_pulse_ms; + word dtmf_rec_pause_ms; + byte dtmf_send_requests; + word dtmf_send_pulse_ms; + word dtmf_send_pause_ms; + word dtmf_cmd; + word dtmf_msg_number_queue[8]; + byte dtmf_parameter_length; + byte dtmf_parameter_buffer[DTMF_PARAMETER_BUFFER_SIZE]; + + + t_capidtmf_state capidtmf_state; + + + byte li_bchannel_id; /* BRI: 1..2, PRI: 1..32 */ + byte li_channel_bits; + byte li_notify_update; + word li_cmd; + word li_write_command; + word li_write_channel; + word li_plci_b_write_pos; + word li_plci_b_read_pos; + word li_plci_b_req_pos; + dword li_plci_b_queue[LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES]; + + + word ec_cmd; + word ec_idi_options; + word ec_tail_length; + + + byte tone_last_indication_code; + + byte vswitchstate; + byte vsprot; + byte vsprotdialect; + byte notifiedcall; /* Flag if it is a spoofed call */ + + int rx_dma_descriptor; + dword rx_dma_magic; }; struct _NCCI { - byte data_out; - byte data_pending; - byte data_ack_out; - byte data_ack_pending; - DATA_B3_DESC DBuffer[MAX_DATA_B3]; - DATA_ACK_DESC DataAck[MAX_DATA_ACK]; + byte data_out; + byte data_pending; + byte data_ack_out; + byte data_ack_pending; + DATA_B3_DESC DBuffer[MAX_DATA_B3]; + DATA_ACK_DESC DataAck[MAX_DATA_ACK]; }; struct _DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER { - IDI_CALL request; - byte Id; - byte max_plci; - byte max_listen; - byte listen_active; - PLCI *plci; - byte ch_ncci[MAX_NL_CHANNEL+1]; - byte ncci_ch[MAX_NCCI+1]; - byte ncci_plci[MAX_NCCI+1]; - byte ncci_state[MAX_NCCI+1]; - byte ncci_next[MAX_NCCI+1]; - NCCI ncci[MAX_NCCI+1]; - - byte ch_flow_control[MAX_NL_CHANNEL+1]; /* Used by XON protocol */ - byte ch_flow_control_pending; - byte ch_flow_plci[MAX_NL_CHANNEL+1]; - int last_flow_control_ch; - - dword Info_Mask[MAX_APPL]; - dword CIP_Mask[MAX_APPL]; - - dword Notification_Mask[MAX_APPL]; - PLCI *codec_listen[MAX_APPL]; - dword requested_options_table[MAX_APPL]; - API_PROFILE profile; - MANUFACTURER_PROFILE man_profile; - dword manufacturer_features; - - byte AdvCodecFLAG; - PLCI *AdvCodecPLCI; - PLCI *AdvSignalPLCI; - APPL *AdvSignalAppl; - byte TelOAD[23]; - byte TelOSA[23]; - byte scom_appl_disable; - PLCI *automatic_lawPLCI; - byte automatic_law; - byte u_law; - - byte adv_voice_coef_length; - byte adv_voice_coef_buffer[ADV_VOICE_COEF_BUFFER_SIZE]; - - byte li_pri; - byte li_channels; - word li_base; - - byte adapter_disabled; - byte group_optimization_enabled; /* use application groups if enabled */ - dword sdram_bar; - byte flag_dynamic_l1_down; /* for hunt groups:down layer 1 if no appl present*/ - byte FlowControlIdTable[256]; - byte FlowControlSkipTable[256]; - void* os_card; /* pointer to associated OS dependent adapter structure */ + IDI_CALL request; + byte Id; + byte max_plci; + byte max_listen; + byte listen_active; + PLCI *plci; + byte ch_ncci[MAX_NL_CHANNEL + 1]; + byte ncci_ch[MAX_NCCI + 1]; + byte ncci_plci[MAX_NCCI + 1]; + byte ncci_state[MAX_NCCI + 1]; + byte ncci_next[MAX_NCCI + 1]; + NCCI ncci[MAX_NCCI + 1]; + + byte ch_flow_control[MAX_NL_CHANNEL + 1]; /* Used by XON protocol */ + byte ch_flow_control_pending; + byte ch_flow_plci[MAX_NL_CHANNEL + 1]; + int last_flow_control_ch; + + dword Info_Mask[MAX_APPL]; + dword CIP_Mask[MAX_APPL]; + + dword Notification_Mask[MAX_APPL]; + PLCI *codec_listen[MAX_APPL]; + dword requested_options_table[MAX_APPL]; + API_PROFILE profile; + MANUFACTURER_PROFILE man_profile; + dword manufacturer_features; + + byte AdvCodecFLAG; + PLCI *AdvCodecPLCI; + PLCI *AdvSignalPLCI; + APPL *AdvSignalAppl; + byte TelOAD[23]; + byte TelOSA[23]; + byte scom_appl_disable; + PLCI *automatic_lawPLCI; + byte automatic_law; + byte u_law; + + byte adv_voice_coef_length; + byte adv_voice_coef_buffer[ADV_VOICE_COEF_BUFFER_SIZE]; + + byte li_pri; + byte li_channels; + word li_base; + + byte adapter_disabled; + byte group_optimization_enabled; /* use application groups if enabled */ + dword sdram_bar; + byte flag_dynamic_l1_down; /* for hunt groups:down layer 1 if no appl present*/ + byte FlowControlIdTable[256]; + byte FlowControlSkipTable[256]; + void *os_card; /* pointer to associated OS dependent adapter structure */ }; @@ -451,23 +451,23 @@ struct _DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER { typedef struct t30_info_s T30_INFO; struct t30_info_s { - byte code; - byte rate_div_2400; - byte resolution; - byte data_format; - byte pages_low; - byte pages_high; - byte operating_mode; - byte control_bits_low; - byte control_bits_high; - byte feature_bits_low; - byte feature_bits_high; - byte recording_properties; - byte universal_6; - byte universal_7; - byte station_id_len; - byte head_line_len; - byte station_id[T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH]; + byte code; + byte rate_div_2400; + byte resolution; + byte data_format; + byte pages_low; + byte pages_high; + byte operating_mode; + byte control_bits_low; + byte control_bits_high; + byte feature_bits_low; + byte feature_bits_high; + byte recording_properties; + byte universal_6; + byte universal_7; + byte station_id_len; + byte head_line_len; + byte station_id[T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH]; /* byte head_line[]; */ /* byte sub_sep_length; */ /* byte sub_sep_field[]; */ @@ -528,13 +528,13 @@ struct t30_info_s { #define T30_OPERATING_MODE_CAPI_NEG 4 #define T30_OPERATING_MODE_COUNT 5 - /* EDATA transmit messages */ +/* EDATA transmit messages */ #define EDATA_T30_DIS 0x01 #define EDATA_T30_FTT 0x02 #define EDATA_T30_MCF 0x03 #define EDATA_T30_PARAMETERS 0x04 - /* EDATA receive messages */ +/* EDATA receive messages */ #define EDATA_T30_DCS 0x81 #define EDATA_T30_TRAIN_OK 0x82 #define EDATA_T30_EOP 0x83 @@ -639,11 +639,11 @@ struct t30_info_s { typedef struct async_s ASYNC_FORMAT; struct async_s { - unsigned pe: 1; - unsigned parity:2; - unsigned spare: 2; - unsigned stp: 1; - unsigned ch_len:2; /* 3th octett in CAI */ + unsigned pe:1; + unsigned parity:2; + unsigned spare:2; + unsigned stp:1; + unsigned ch_len:2; /* 3th octett in CAI */ }; @@ -686,14 +686,14 @@ struct async_s { /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Capi IE + Msg types */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -#define ESC_CAUSE 0x800|CAU /* Escape cause element */ -#define ESC_MSGTYPE 0x800|MSGTYPEIE /* Escape message type */ -#define ESC_CHI 0x800|CHI /* Escape channel id */ -#define ESC_LAW 0x800|BC /* Escape law info */ -#define ESC_CR 0x800|CRIE /* Escape CallReference */ -#define ESC_PROFILE 0x800|PROFILEIE /* Escape profile */ -#define ESC_SSEXT 0x800|SSEXTIE /* Escape Supplem. Serv.*/ -#define ESC_VSWITCH 0x800|VSWITCHIE /* Escape VSwitch */ +#define ESC_CAUSE 0x800 | CAU /* Escape cause element */ +#define ESC_MSGTYPE 0x800 | MSGTYPEIE /* Escape message type */ +#define ESC_CHI 0x800 | CHI /* Escape channel id */ +#define ESC_LAW 0x800 | BC /* Escape law info */ +#define ESC_CR 0x800 | CRIE /* Escape CallReference */ +#define ESC_PROFILE 0x800 | PROFILEIE /* Escape profile */ +#define ESC_SSEXT 0x800 | SSEXTIE /* Escape Supplem. Serv.*/ +#define ESC_VSWITCH 0x800 | VSWITCHIE /* Escape VSwitch */ #define CST 0x14 /* Call State i.e. */ #define PI 0x1E /* Progress Indicator */ #define NI 0x27 /* Notification Ind */ @@ -903,25 +903,25 @@ struct async_s { typedef struct li_config_s LI_CONFIG; struct xconnect_card_address_s { - dword low; - dword high; + dword low; + dword high; }; struct xconnect_transfer_address_s { - struct xconnect_card_address_s card_address; - dword offset; + struct xconnect_card_address_s card_address; + dword offset; }; struct li_config_s { - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *adapter; - PLCI *plci; - struct xconnect_transfer_address_s send_b; - struct xconnect_transfer_address_s send_pc; - byte *flag_table; /* dword aligned and sized */ - byte *coef_table; /* dword aligned and sized */ - byte channel; - byte curchnl; - byte chflags; + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *adapter; + PLCI *plci; + struct xconnect_transfer_address_s send_b; + struct xconnect_transfer_address_s send_pc; + byte *flag_table; /* dword aligned and sized */ + byte *coef_table; /* dword aligned and sized */ + byte channel; + byte curchnl; + byte chflags; }; extern LI_CONFIG *li_config_table; @@ -1110,33 +1110,33 @@ extern word li_total_channels; #define B1_PIAFS 29 #define B2_PIAFS 29 -#define PRIVATE_PIAFS 29 +#define PRIVATE_PIAFS 29 /* B2 configuration for PIAFS: -+---------------------+------+-----------------------------------------+ -| PIAFS Protocol | byte | Bit 1 - Protocol Speed | -| Speed configuration | | 0 - 32K | -| | | 1 - 64K (default) | -| | | Bit 2 - Variable Protocol Speed | -| | | 0 - Speed is fix | -| | | 1 - Speed is variable (default) | -+---------------------+------+-----------------------------------------+ -| Direction | word | Enable compression/decompression for | -| | | 0: All direction | -| | | 1: disable outgoing data | -| | | 2: disable incomming data | -| | | 3: disable both direction (default) | -+---------------------+------+-----------------------------------------+ -| Number of code | word | Parameter P1 of V.42bis in accordance | -| words | | with V.42bis | -+---------------------+------+-----------------------------------------+ -| Maximum String | word | Parameter P2 of V.42bis in accordance | -| Length | | with V.42bis | -+---------------------+------+-----------------------------------------+ -| control (UDATA) | byte | enable PIAFS control communication | -| abilities | | | -+---------------------+------+-----------------------------------------+ + +---------------------+------+-----------------------------------------+ + | PIAFS Protocol | byte | Bit 1 - Protocol Speed | + | Speed configuration | | 0 - 32K | + | | | 1 - 64K (default) | + | | | Bit 2 - Variable Protocol Speed | + | | | 0 - Speed is fix | + | | | 1 - Speed is variable (default) | + +---------------------+------+-----------------------------------------+ + | Direction | word | Enable compression/decompression for | + | | | 0: All direction | + | | | 1: disable outgoing data | + | | | 2: disable incomming data | + | | | 3: disable both direction (default) | + +---------------------+------+-----------------------------------------+ + | Number of code | word | Parameter P1 of V.42bis in accordance | + | words | | with V.42bis | + +---------------------+------+-----------------------------------------+ + | Maximum String | word | Parameter P2 of V.42bis in accordance | + | Length | | with V.42bis | + +---------------------+------+-----------------------------------------+ + | control (UDATA) | byte | enable PIAFS control communication | + | abilities | | | + +---------------------+------+-----------------------------------------+ */ #define PIAFS_UDATA_ABILITIES 0x80 diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divamnt.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divamnt.c index f1d464f1e107a12c0d8191c309ab124a9c30e934..ffa0c31be745ce385452ee93df851676a245343e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divamnt.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divamnt.c @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ static unsigned long diva_dbg_mem = 0; module_param(diva_dbg_mem, ulong, 0); static char *DRIVERNAME = - "Eicon DIVA - MAINT module (http://www.melware.net)"; + "Eicon DIVA - MAINT module (http://www.melware.net)"; static char *DRIVERLNAME = "diva_mnt"; static char *DEVNAME = "DivasMAINT"; char *DRIVERRELEASE_MNT = "2.0"; @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ int diva_os_copy_from_user(void *os_handle, void *dst, const void __user *src, /* * get time */ -void diva_os_get_time(dword * sec, dword * usec) +void diva_os_get_time(dword *sec, dword *usec) { struct timeval tv; @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ void diva_os_get_time(dword * sec, dword * usec) /* * device node operations */ -static unsigned int maint_poll(struct file *file, poll_table * wait) +static unsigned int maint_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait) { unsigned int mask = 0; @@ -153,18 +153,18 @@ static int maint_close(struct inode *ino, struct file *filep) /* clear 'used' flag */ clear_bit(0, &opened); - + return (0); } static ssize_t divas_maint_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, - size_t count, loff_t * ppos) + size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { return (maint_read_write((char __user *) buf, (int) count)); } static ssize_t divas_maint_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, - size_t count, loff_t * ppos) + size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { return (maint_read_write(buf, (int) count)); } @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ static int DIVA_INIT_FUNCTION maint_init(void) DRIVERLNAME, buffer, (buffer_length / 1024), (diva_dbg_mem == 0) ? "internal" : "external", major); - out: +out: return (ret); } @@ -255,4 +255,3 @@ static void DIVA_EXIT_FUNCTION maint_exit(void) module_init(maint_init); module_exit(maint_exit); - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasfunc.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasfunc.c index 0bbee7824d78790130b6ea4afdc42ebe8895d399..60aaf95809568bcff1c0ebb6ad12d9ca237870e9 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasfunc.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasfunc.c @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ static DESCRIPTOR DAdapter; static DESCRIPTOR MAdapter; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - MAINT driver connector section + MAINT driver connector section -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void no_printf(unsigned char *x, ...) { @@ -74,17 +74,17 @@ void diva_xdi_didd_register_adapter(int card) d.features = IoAdapters[card - 1]->Properties.Features; DBG_TRC(("DIDD register A(%d) channels=%d", card, d.channels)) - /* workaround for different Name in structure */ - strlcpy(IoAdapters[card - 1]->Name, - IoAdapters[card - 1]->Properties.Name, - sizeof(IoAdapters[card - 1]->Name)); + /* workaround for different Name in structure */ + strlcpy(IoAdapters[card - 1]->Name, + IoAdapters[card - 1]->Properties.Name, + sizeof(IoAdapters[card - 1]->Name)); req.didd_remove_adapter.e.Req = 0; req.didd_add_adapter.e.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_ADD_ADAPTER; req.didd_add_adapter.info.descriptor = (void *) &d; - DAdapter.request((ENTITY *) & req); + DAdapter.request((ENTITY *)&req); if (req.didd_add_adapter.e.Rc != 0xff) { DBG_ERR(("DIDD register A(%d) failed !", card)) - } + } IoAdapters[card - 1]->os_trap_nfy_Fnc = NULL; } } @@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ void diva_xdi_didd_remove_adapter(int card) IoAdapters[card - 1]->os_trap_nfy_Fnc = NULL; DBG_TRC(("DIDD de-register A(%d)", card)) - req.didd_remove_adapter.e.Req = 0; + req.didd_remove_adapter.e.Req = 0; req.didd_remove_adapter.e.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REMOVE_ADAPTER; req.didd_remove_adapter.info.p_request = - (IDI_CALL) Requests[card - 1]; - DAdapter.request((ENTITY *) & req); + (IDI_CALL) Requests[card - 1]; + DAdapter.request((ENTITY *)&req); memset(&(a->IdTable), 0x00, 256); } @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ static void start_dbg(void) DbgRegister("DIVAS", DRIVERRELEASE_DIVAS, (debugmask) ? debugmask : DBG_DEFAULT); DBG_LOG(("DIVA ISDNXDI BUILD (%s[%s])", DIVA_BUILD, diva_xdi_common_code_build)) -} + } /* * stop debug @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ static void stop_dbg(void) /* * didd callback function */ -static void *didd_callback(void *context, DESCRIPTOR * adapter, +static void *didd_callback(void *context, DESCRIPTOR *adapter, int removal) { if (adapter->type == IDI_DADAPTER) { @@ -168,10 +168,10 @@ static int DIVA_INIT_FUNCTION connect_didd(void) memcpy(&DAdapter, &DIDD_Table[x], sizeof(DAdapter)); req.didd_notify.e.Req = 0; req.didd_notify.e.Rc = - IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REGISTER_ADAPTER_NOTIFY; + IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REGISTER_ADAPTER_NOTIFY; req.didd_notify.info.callback = (void *)didd_callback; req.didd_notify.info.context = NULL; - DAdapter.request((ENTITY *) & req); + DAdapter.request((ENTITY *)&req); if (req.didd_notify.e.Rc != 0xff) { stop_dbg(); return (0); @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ static void disconnect_didd(void) req.didd_notify.e.Req = 0; req.didd_notify.e.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REMOVE_ADAPTER_NOTIFY; req.didd_notify.info.handle = notify_handle; - DAdapter.request((ENTITY *) & req); + DAdapter.request((ENTITY *)&req); } /* @@ -214,10 +214,10 @@ int DIVA_INIT_FUNCTION divasfunc_init(int dbgmask) char *version; debugmask = dbgmask; - + if (!connect_didd()) { DBG_ERR(("divasfunc: failed to connect to DIDD.")) - return (0); + return (0); } version = diva_xdi_common_code_build; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasi.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasi.c index 42d3b83460346a18a51f1db5ffbb20606ff5140a..a5c8f90b3b37ce0434fab3ca967828dfc8cc9745 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasi.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasi.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /* $Id: divasi.c,v 2005/01/31 12:22:20 armin Exp $ * * Driver for Eicon DIVA Server ISDN cards. - * User Mode IDI Interface + * User Mode IDI Interface * * Copyright 2000-2003 by Armin Schindler (mac@melware.de) * Copyright 2000-2003 Cytronics & Melware (info@melware.de) @@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ static char *getrev(const char *revision) * LOCALS */ static ssize_t um_idi_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, - loff_t * offset); + loff_t *offset); static ssize_t um_idi_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, - size_t count, loff_t * offset); -static unsigned int um_idi_poll(struct file *file, poll_table * wait); + size_t count, loff_t *offset); +static unsigned int um_idi_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait); static int um_idi_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file); static int um_idi_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file); static int remove_entity(void *entity); @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ static int DIVA_INIT_FUNCTION divasi_init(void) } printk(KERN_INFO "%s: started with major %d\n", DRIVERLNAME, major); - out: +out: return (ret); } @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ divas_um_idi_copy_to_user(void *os_handle, void *dst, const void *src, } static ssize_t -um_idi_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t * offset) +um_idi_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *offset) { diva_um_idi_os_context_t *p_os; int ret = -EINVAL; @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ static int um_idi_open_adapter(struct file *file, int adapter_nr) { diva_um_idi_os_context_t *p_os; void *e = - divas_um_idi_create_entity((dword) adapter_nr, (void *) file); + divas_um_idi_create_entity((dword) adapter_nr, (void *) file); if (!(file->private_data = e)) { return (0); @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ static int um_idi_open_adapter(struct file *file, int adapter_nr) static ssize_t um_idi_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, - loff_t * offset) + loff_t *offset) { diva_um_idi_os_context_t *p_os; int ret = -EINVAL; @@ -331,8 +331,8 @@ um_idi_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, } if (!(p_os = - (diva_um_idi_os_context_t *) diva_um_id_get_os_context(file-> - private_data))) + (diva_um_idi_os_context_t *) diva_um_id_get_os_context(file-> + private_data))) { return (-ENODEV); } @@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ um_idi_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, return (ret); } -static unsigned int um_idi_poll(struct file *file, poll_table * wait) +static unsigned int um_idi_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait) { diva_um_idi_os_context_t *p_os; @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ static int um_idi_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) } if (!(p_os = - (diva_um_idi_os_context_t *) diva_um_id_get_os_context(file->private_data))) { + (diva_um_idi_os_context_t *) diva_um_id_get_os_context(file->private_data))) { ret = -ENODEV; goto out; } @@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ static int um_idi_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) goto out; } - out: +out: return (ret); } @@ -446,14 +446,14 @@ int diva_os_get_context_size(void) void diva_os_wakeup_read(void *os_context) { diva_um_idi_os_context_t *p_os = - (diva_um_idi_os_context_t *) os_context; + (diva_um_idi_os_context_t *) os_context; wake_up_interruptible(&p_os->read_wait); } void diva_os_wakeup_close(void *os_context) { diva_um_idi_os_context_t *p_os = - (diva_um_idi_os_context_t *) os_context; + (diva_um_idi_os_context_t *) os_context; wake_up_interruptible(&p_os->close_wait); } @@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ void diva_um_timer_function(unsigned long data) wake_up_interruptible(&p_os->read_wait); wake_up_interruptible(&p_os->close_wait); DBG_ERR(("entity removal watchdog")) -} + } /* ** If application exits without entity removal this function will remove @@ -481,30 +481,30 @@ static int remove_entity(void *entity) if (!entity) { DBG_FTL(("Zero entity on remove")) - return (0); + return (0); } if (!(p_os = - (diva_um_idi_os_context_t *) - diva_um_id_get_os_context(entity))) { + (diva_um_idi_os_context_t *) + diva_um_id_get_os_context(entity))) { DBG_FTL(("Zero entity os context on remove")) - return (0); + return (0); } if (!divas_um_idi_entity_assigned(entity) || p_os->aborted) { /* - Entity is not assigned, also can be removed - */ + Entity is not assigned, also can be removed + */ return (0); } DBG_TRC(("E(%08x) check remove", entity)) - /* - If adapter not answers on remove request inside of - 10 Sec, then adapter is dead - */ - diva_um_idi_start_wdog(entity); + /* + If adapter not answers on remove request inside of + 10 Sec, then adapter is dead + */ + diva_um_idi_start_wdog(entity); { DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, curtask); @@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ static int remove_entity(void *entity) DBG_TRC(("E(%08x) remove complete, aborted:%d", entity, p_os->aborted)) - diva_um_idi_stop_wdog(entity); + diva_um_idi_stop_wdog(entity); p_os->aborted = 0; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasmain.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasmain.c index f332b60eff6b32654addd49cde725cec84f80c0a..7eaab06276f93472ec186aa47abea6aa6b6096e3 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasmain.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasmain.c @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ module_param(dbgmask, int, 0); MODULE_PARM_DESC(dbgmask, "initial debug mask"); static char *DRIVERNAME = - "Eicon DIVA Server driver (http://www.melware.net)"; + "Eicon DIVA Server driver (http://www.melware.net)"; static char *DRIVERLNAME = "divas"; static char *DEVNAME = "Divas"; char *DRIVERRELEASE_DIVAS = "2.0"; @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ typedef struct _diva_os_thread_dpc { } diva_os_thread_dpc_t; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - PCI driver interface section + PCI driver interface section -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* vendor, device Vendor and device ID to match (or PCI_ANY_ID) @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ typedef struct _diva_os_thread_dpc { class, Device class to match. The class_mask tells which bits class_mask of the class are honored during the comparison. driver_data Data private to the driver. - */ +*/ #if !defined(PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_MAESTRAP_2) #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_MAESTRAP_2 0xE015 @@ -109,41 +109,41 @@ typedef struct _diva_os_thread_dpc { /* This table should be sorted by PCI device ID - */ +*/ static struct pci_device_id divas_pci_tbl[] = { /* Diva Server BRI-2M PCI 0xE010 */ { PCI_VDEVICE(EICON, PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_MAESTRA), - CARDTYPE_MAESTRA_PCI }, + CARDTYPE_MAESTRA_PCI }, /* Diva Server 4BRI-8M PCI 0xE012 */ { PCI_VDEVICE(EICON, PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_MAESTRAQ), - CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_Q_8M_PCI }, + CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_Q_8M_PCI }, /* Diva Server 4BRI-8M 2.0 PCI 0xE013 */ { PCI_VDEVICE(EICON, PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_MAESTRAQ_U), - CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_Q_8M_V2_PCI }, + CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_Q_8M_V2_PCI }, /* Diva Server PRI-30M PCI 0xE014 */ { PCI_VDEVICE(EICON, PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_MAESTRAP), - CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_P_30M_PCI }, + CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_P_30M_PCI }, /* Diva Server PRI 2.0 adapter 0xE015 */ { PCI_VDEVICE(EICON, PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_MAESTRAP_2), - CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_P_30M_V2_PCI }, + CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_P_30M_V2_PCI }, /* Diva Server Voice 4BRI-8M PCI 0xE016 */ { PCI_VDEVICE(EICON, PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_4BRI_VOIP), - CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_Q_8M_PCI }, + CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_Q_8M_PCI }, /* Diva Server Voice 4BRI-8M 2.0 PCI 0xE017 */ { PCI_VDEVICE(EICON, PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_4BRI_2_VOIP), - CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_Q_8M_V2_PCI }, + CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_Q_8M_V2_PCI }, /* Diva Server BRI-2M 2.0 PCI 0xE018 */ { PCI_VDEVICE(EICON, PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_BRI2M_2), - CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_B_2M_V2_PCI }, + CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_B_2M_V2_PCI }, /* Diva Server Voice PRI 2.0 PCI 0xE019 */ { PCI_VDEVICE(EICON, PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_MAESTRAP_2_VOIP), - CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_P_30M_V2_PCI }, + CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_P_30M_V2_PCI }, /* Diva Server 2FX 0xE01A */ { PCI_VDEVICE(EICON, PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_2F), - CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_B_2F_PCI }, + CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_B_2F_PCI }, /* Diva Server Voice BRI-2M 2.0 PCI 0xE01B */ { PCI_VDEVICE(EICON, PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_BRI2M_2_VOIP), - CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_B_2M_V2_PCI }, + CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_B_2M_V2_PCI }, { 0, } /* 0 terminated list. */ }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, divas_pci_tbl); @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ void divas_get_version(char *p) } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - PCI Bus services + PCI Bus services -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ byte diva_os_get_pci_bus(void *pci_dev_handle) { @@ -332,10 +332,10 @@ void PCIread(byte bus, byte func, int offset, void *data, int length, Init map with DMA pages. It is not problem if some allocations fail - the channels that will not get one DMA page will use standard PIO interface - */ +*/ static void *diva_pci_alloc_consistent(struct pci_dev *hwdev, size_t size, - dma_addr_t * dma_handle, + dma_addr_t *dma_handle, void **addr_handle) { void *addr = pci_alloc_consistent(hwdev, size, dma_handle); @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ void diva_init_dma_map(void *hdev, { struct pci_dev *pdev = (struct pci_dev *) hdev; struct _diva_dma_map_entry *pmap = - diva_alloc_dma_map(hdev, nentries); + diva_alloc_dma_map(hdev, nentries); if (pmap) { int i; @@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ void diva_init_dma_map(void *hdev, /* Free all contained in the map entries and memory used by the map Should be always called after adapter removal from DIDD array - */ +*/ void diva_free_dma_map(void *hdev, struct _diva_dma_map_entry *pmap) { struct pci_dev *pdev = (struct pci_dev *) hdev; @@ -403,14 +403,14 @@ void diva_free_dma_map(void *hdev, struct _diva_dma_map_entry *pmap) DBG_TRC(("dma map free [%d]=(%08lx:%08x:%08lx)", i, (unsigned long) cpu_addr, (dword) dma_handle, (unsigned long) addr_handle)) - } + } diva_free_dma_mapping(pmap); } /********************************************************* - ** I/O port utilities + ** I/O port utilities *********************************************************/ int @@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ diva_os_register_io_port(void *adapter, int on, unsigned long port, if (on) { if (!request_region(port, length, name)) { DBG_ERR(("A: I/O: can't register port=%08x", port)) - return (-1); + return (-1); } } else { release_region(port, length); @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ void divasa_unmap_pci_bar(void __iomem *bar) } /********************************************************* - ** I/O port access + ** I/O port access *********************************************************/ byte __inline__ inpp(void __iomem *addr) { @@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ void __inline__ outpp(void __iomem *addr, word p) } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - IRQ request / remove + IRQ request / remove -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int diva_os_register_irq(void *context, byte irq, const char *name) { @@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ void diva_os_remove_irq(void *context, byte irq) } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - DPC framework implementation + DPC framework implementation -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void diva_os_dpc_proc(unsigned long context) { @@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ static void diva_os_dpc_proc(unsigned long context) (*(pisr->callback)) (pisr, pisr->callback_context); } -int diva_os_initialize_soft_isr(diva_os_soft_isr_t * psoft_isr, +int diva_os_initialize_soft_isr(diva_os_soft_isr_t *psoft_isr, diva_os_soft_isr_callback_t callback, void *callback_context) { @@ -520,11 +520,11 @@ int diva_os_initialize_soft_isr(diva_os_soft_isr_t * psoft_isr, return (0); } -int diva_os_schedule_soft_isr(diva_os_soft_isr_t * psoft_isr) +int diva_os_schedule_soft_isr(diva_os_soft_isr_t *psoft_isr) { if (psoft_isr && psoft_isr->object) { diva_os_thread_dpc_t *pdpc = - (diva_os_thread_dpc_t *) psoft_isr->object; + (diva_os_thread_dpc_t *) psoft_isr->object; tasklet_schedule(&pdpc->divas_task); } @@ -532,16 +532,16 @@ int diva_os_schedule_soft_isr(diva_os_soft_isr_t * psoft_isr) return (1); } -int diva_os_cancel_soft_isr(diva_os_soft_isr_t * psoft_isr) +int diva_os_cancel_soft_isr(diva_os_soft_isr_t *psoft_isr) { return (0); } -void diva_os_remove_soft_isr(diva_os_soft_isr_t * psoft_isr) +void diva_os_remove_soft_isr(diva_os_soft_isr_t *psoft_isr) { if (psoft_isr && psoft_isr->object) { diva_os_thread_dpc_t *pdpc = - (diva_os_thread_dpc_t *) psoft_isr->object; + (diva_os_thread_dpc_t *) psoft_isr->object; void *mem; tasklet_kill(&pdpc->divas_task); @@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ static int divas_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) } static ssize_t divas_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, - size_t count, loff_t * ppos) + size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { int ret = -EINVAL; @@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ static ssize_t divas_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, } static ssize_t divas_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, - size_t count, loff_t * ppos) + size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { int ret = -EINVAL; @@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ static ssize_t divas_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, return (ret); } -static unsigned int divas_poll(struct file *file, poll_table * wait) +static unsigned int divas_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait) { if (!file->private_data) { return (POLLERR); @@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ static int DIVA_INIT_FUNCTION divas_register_chrdev(void) } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - PCI driver section + PCI driver section -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int __devinit divas_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) @@ -698,9 +698,9 @@ static int __devinit divas_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, DBG_TRC(("%s bus: %08x fn: %08x insertion.\n", CardProperties[ent->driver_data].Name, pdev->bus->number, pdev->devfn)) - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: %s bus: %08x fn: %08x insertion.\n", - DRIVERLNAME, CardProperties[ent->driver_data].Name, - pdev->bus->number, pdev->devfn); + printk(KERN_INFO "%s: %s bus: %08x fn: %08x insertion.\n", + DRIVERLNAME, CardProperties[ent->driver_data].Name, + pdev->bus->number, pdev->devfn); if (pci_enable_device(pdev)) { DBG_TRC(("%s: %s bus: %08x fn: %08x device init failed.\n", @@ -708,12 +708,12 @@ static int __devinit divas_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, CardProperties[ent->driver_data].Name, pdev->bus->number, pdev->devfn)) - printk(KERN_ERR - "%s: %s bus: %08x fn: %08x device init failed.\n", - DRIVERLNAME, - CardProperties[ent->driver_data]. - Name, pdev->bus->number, - pdev->devfn); + printk(KERN_ERR + "%s: %s bus: %08x fn: %08x device init failed.\n", + DRIVERLNAME, + CardProperties[ent->driver_data]. + Name, pdev->bus->number, + pdev->devfn); return (-EIO); } @@ -723,9 +723,9 @@ static int __devinit divas_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, if (!pci_latency) { DBG_TRC(("%s: bus: %08x fn: %08x fix latency.\n", DRIVERLNAME, pdev->bus->number, pdev->devfn)) - printk(KERN_INFO - "%s: bus: %08x fn: %08x fix latency.\n", - DRIVERLNAME, pdev->bus->number, pdev->devfn); + printk(KERN_INFO + "%s: bus: %08x fn: %08x fix latency.\n", + DRIVERLNAME, pdev->bus->number, pdev->devfn); pci_write_config_byte(pdev, PCI_LATENCY_TIMER, new_latency); } @@ -735,12 +735,12 @@ static int __devinit divas_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, CardProperties[ent->driver_data].Name, pdev->bus->number, pdev->devfn)) - printk(KERN_ERR - "%s: %s bus: %08x fn: %08x card init failed.\n", - DRIVERLNAME, - CardProperties[ent->driver_data]. - Name, pdev->bus->number, - pdev->devfn); + printk(KERN_ERR + "%s: %s bus: %08x fn: %08x card init failed.\n", + DRIVERLNAME, + CardProperties[ent->driver_data]. + Name, pdev->bus->number, + pdev->devfn); return (-EIO); } @@ -755,8 +755,8 @@ static void __devexit divas_remove_one(struct pci_dev *pdev) DBG_TRC(("bus: %08x fn: %08x removal.\n", pdev->bus->number, pdev->devfn)) - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: bus: %08x fn: %08x removal.\n", - DRIVERLNAME, pdev->bus->number, pdev->devfn); + printk(KERN_INFO "%s: bus: %08x fn: %08x removal.\n", + DRIVERLNAME, pdev->bus->number, pdev->devfn); if (pdiva) { diva_driver_remove_card(pdiva); @@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ static void __devexit divas_remove_one(struct pci_dev *pdev) } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Driver Load / Startup + Driver Load / Startup -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int DIVA_INIT_FUNCTION divas_init(void) { @@ -824,12 +824,12 @@ static int DIVA_INIT_FUNCTION divas_init(void) } printk(KERN_INFO "%s: started with major %d\n", DRIVERLNAME, major); - out: +out: return (ret); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Driver Unload + Driver Unload -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void DIVA_EXIT_FUNCTION divas_exit(void) { diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasproc.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasproc.c index 46d44a94262408127699d4c0bfe3fd8619a57b92..af4fd3d036c18c0e3a109416a179a5fbfe04d9eb 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasproc.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasproc.c @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ extern struct proc_dir_entry *proc_net_eicon; static struct proc_dir_entry *divas_proc_entry = NULL; static ssize_t -divas_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t * off) +divas_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *off) { int len = 0; int cadapter; @@ -94,12 +94,12 @@ divas_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t * off) } static ssize_t -divas_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t * off) +divas_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *off) { return (-ENODEV); } -static unsigned int divas_poll(struct file *file, poll_table * wait) +static unsigned int divas_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait) { return (POLLERR); } @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ static const struct file_operations divas_fops = { int create_divas_proc(void) { divas_proc_entry = proc_create(divas_proc_name, S_IFREG | S_IRUGO, - proc_net_eicon, &divas_fops); + proc_net_eicon, &divas_fops); if (!divas_proc_entry) return (0); @@ -155,11 +155,11 @@ static ssize_t grp_opt_proc_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buffer, switch (c) { case '0': IoAdapter->capi_cfg.cfg_1 &= - ~DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_GROUP_POPTIMIZATION_ON; + ~DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_GROUP_POPTIMIZATION_ON; break; case '1': IoAdapter->capi_cfg.cfg_1 |= - DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_GROUP_POPTIMIZATION_ON; + DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_GROUP_POPTIMIZATION_ON; break; default: return (-EINVAL); @@ -182,11 +182,11 @@ static ssize_t d_l1_down_proc_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buffer switch (c) { case '0': IoAdapter->capi_cfg.cfg_1 &= - ~DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_DYNAMIC_L1_ON; + ~DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_DYNAMIC_L1_ON; break; case '1': IoAdapter->capi_cfg.cfg_1 |= - DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_DYNAMIC_L1_ON; + DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_DYNAMIC_L1_ON; break; default: return (-EINVAL); @@ -202,9 +202,9 @@ static int d_l1_down_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter = IoAdapters[a->controller - 1]; seq_printf(m, "%s\n", - (IoAdapter->capi_cfg. - cfg_1 & DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_DYNAMIC_L1_ON) ? "1" : - "0"); + (IoAdapter->capi_cfg. + cfg_1 & DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_DYNAMIC_L1_ON) ? "1" : + "0"); return 0; } @@ -228,9 +228,9 @@ static int grp_opt_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter = IoAdapters[a->controller - 1]; seq_printf(m, "%s\n", - (IoAdapter->capi_cfg. - cfg_1 & DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_GROUP_POPTIMIZATION_ON) - ? "1" : "0"); + (IoAdapter->capi_cfg. + cfg_1 & DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_GROUP_POPTIMIZATION_ON) + ? "1" : "0"); return 0; } @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ static int info_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) seq_printf(m, "DSP state : %08x\n", a->dsp_mask); seq_printf(m, "Channels : %02d\n", IoAdapter->Properties.Channels); seq_printf(m, "E. max/used : %03d/%03d\n", - IoAdapter->e_max, IoAdapter->e_count); + IoAdapter->e_max, IoAdapter->e_count); diva_get_vserial_number(IoAdapter, tmpser); seq_printf(m, "Serial : %s\n", tmpser); seq_printf(m, "IRQ : %d\n", IoAdapter->irq_info.irq_nr); @@ -289,8 +289,8 @@ static int info_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) seq_printf(m, "CardOrdinal : %d\n", a->CardOrdinal); seq_printf(m, "Controller : %d\n", a->controller); seq_printf(m, "Bus-Type : %s\n", - (a->Bus == - DIVAS_XDI_ADAPTER_BUS_ISA) ? "ISA" : "PCI"); + (a->Bus == + DIVAS_XDI_ADAPTER_BUS_ISA) ? "ISA" : "PCI"); seq_printf(m, "Port-Name : %s\n", a->port_name); if (a->Bus == DIVAS_XDI_ADAPTER_BUS_PCI) { seq_printf(m, "PCI-bus : %d\n", a->resources.pci.bus); @@ -298,15 +298,15 @@ static int info_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (a->resources.pci.bar[i]) { seq_printf(m, - "Mem / I/O %d : 0x%x / mapped : 0x%lx", - i, a->resources.pci.bar[i], - (unsigned long) a->resources. - pci.addr[i]); + "Mem / I/O %d : 0x%x / mapped : 0x%lx", + i, a->resources.pci.bar[i], + (unsigned long) a->resources. + pci.addr[i]); if (a->resources.pci.length[i]) { seq_printf(m, - " / length : %d", - a->resources.pci. - length[i]); + " / length : %d", + a->resources.pci. + length[i]); } seq_putc(m, '\n'); } @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ static int info_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) } if ((!a->xdi_adapter.port) && ((!a->xdi_adapter.ram) || - (!a->xdi_adapter.reset) + (!a->xdi_adapter.reset) || (!a->xdi_adapter.cfg))) { if (!IoAdapter->irq_info.irq_nr) { p = "slave"; @@ -352,9 +352,9 @@ static const struct file_operations info_proc_fops = { */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Create adapter directory and files in proc file system + Create adapter directory and files in proc file system -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -int create_adapter_proc(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +int create_adapter_proc(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { struct proc_dir_entry *de, *pe; char tmp[16]; @@ -385,9 +385,9 @@ int create_adapter_proc(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Remove adapter directory and files in proc file system + Remove adapter directory and files in proc file system -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -void remove_adapter_proc(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +void remove_adapter_proc(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { char tmp[16]; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasync.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasync.h index 85784a7ffb25bc6d7923b8d66fd38457346d38f9..dd6b53a2c2c887781604b3771d4626fd9b9491e6 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasync.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/divasync.h @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ -#ifndef __DIVA_SYNC__H +#ifndef __DIVA_SYNC__H #define __DIVA_SYNC__H #define IDI_SYNC_REQ_REMOVE 0x00 #define IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_NAME 0x01 @@ -59,26 +59,26 @@ /******************************************************************************/ #define IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_EXTENDED_FEATURES 0x92 /* - To receive XDI features: - 1. set 'buffer_length_in_bytes' to length of you buffer - 2. set 'features' to pointer to your buffer - 3. issue synchronous request to XDI - 4. Check that feature 'DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURES_VALID' is present - after call. This feature does indicate that your request - was processed and XDI does support this synchronous request - 5. if on return bit 31 (0x80000000) in 'buffer_length_in_bytes' is - set then provided buffer was too small, and bits 30-0 does - contain necessary length of buffer. - in this case only features that do find place in the buffer - are indicated to caller + To receive XDI features: + 1. set 'buffer_length_in_bytes' to length of you buffer + 2. set 'features' to pointer to your buffer + 3. issue synchronous request to XDI + 4. Check that feature 'DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURES_VALID' is present + after call. This feature does indicate that your request + was processed and XDI does support this synchronous request + 5. if on return bit 31 (0x80000000) in 'buffer_length_in_bytes' is + set then provided buffer was too small, and bits 30-0 does + contain necessary length of buffer. + in this case only features that do find place in the buffer + are indicated to caller */ typedef struct _diva_xdi_get_extended_xdi_features { - dword buffer_length_in_bytes; - byte *features; + dword buffer_length_in_bytes; + byte *features; } diva_xdi_get_extended_xdi_features_t; /* - features[0] - */ + features[0] +*/ #define DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURES_VALID 0x01 #define DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_CMA 0x02 #define DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_SDRAM_BAR 0x04 @@ -91,17 +91,17 @@ typedef struct _diva_xdi_get_extended_xdi_features { /******************************************************************************/ #define IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_ADAPTER_SDRAM_BAR 0x93 typedef struct _diva_xdi_get_adapter_sdram_bar { - dword bar; + dword bar; } diva_xdi_get_adapter_sdram_bar_t; /******************************************************************************/ #define IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_CAPI_PARAMS 0x94 /* CAPI Parameters will be written in the caller's buffer - */ +*/ typedef struct _diva_xdi_get_capi_parameters { - dword structure_length; - byte flag_dynamic_l1_down; - byte group_optimization_enabled; + dword structure_length; + byte flag_dynamic_l1_down; + byte group_optimization_enabled; } diva_xdi_get_capi_parameters_t; /******************************************************************************/ #define IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_LOGICAL_ADAPTER_NUMBER 0x95 @@ -111,11 +111,11 @@ typedef struct _diva_xdi_get_capi_parameters { in case of one adapter that supports multiple interfaces 'controller' is zero for Master adapter (and adapter that supports only one interface) - */ +*/ typedef struct _diva_xdi_get_logical_adapter_number { - dword logical_adapter_number; - dword controller; - dword total_controllers; + dword logical_adapter_number; + dword controller; + dword total_controllers; } diva_xdi_get_logical_adapter_number_s_t; /******************************************************************************/ #define IDI_SYNC_REQ_UP1DM_OPERATION 0x96 @@ -124,10 +124,10 @@ typedef struct _diva_xdi_get_logical_adapter_number { #define IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_ALLOC 0x01 #define IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_FREE 0x02 typedef struct _diva_xdi_dma_descriptor_operation { - int operation; - int descriptor_number; - void* descriptor_address; - dword descriptor_magic; + int operation; + int descriptor_number; + void *descriptor_address; + dword descriptor_magic; } diva_xdi_dma_descriptor_operation_t; /******************************************************************************/ #define IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REGISTER_ADAPTER_NOTIFY 0x01 @@ -137,22 +137,22 @@ typedef struct _diva_xdi_dma_descriptor_operation { #define IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_READ_ADAPTER_ARRAY 0x05 #define IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_GET_CFG_LIB_IFC 0x10 typedef struct _diva_didd_adapter_notify { - dword handle; /* Notification handle */ - void * callback; - void * context; + dword handle; /* Notification handle */ + void *callback; + void *context; } diva_didd_adapter_notify_t; typedef struct _diva_didd_add_adapter { - void * descriptor; + void *descriptor; } diva_didd_add_adapter_t; typedef struct _diva_didd_remove_adapter { - IDI_CALL p_request; + IDI_CALL p_request; } diva_didd_remove_adapter_t; typedef struct _diva_didd_read_adapter_array { - void * buffer; - dword length; + void *buffer; + dword length; } diva_didd_read_adapter_array_t; typedef struct _diva_didd_get_cfg_lib_ifc { - void* ifc; + void *ifc; } diva_didd_get_cfg_lib_ifc_t; /******************************************************************************/ #define IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_STREAM 0x91 @@ -163,31 +163,31 @@ typedef struct _diva_didd_get_cfg_lib_ifc { #define DIVA_ISTREAM_COMPLETE_READ 1 #define DIVA_ISTREAM_COMPLETE_WRITE 2 typedef struct _diva_xdi_stream_interface { - unsigned char Id; /* filled by XDI client */ - unsigned char provided_service; /* filled by XDI */ - unsigned char requested_service; /* filled by XDI Client */ - void* xdi_context; /* filled by XDI */ - void* client_context; /* filled by XDI client */ - int (*write)(void* context, - int Id, - void* data, - int length, - int final, - byte usr1, - byte usr2); - int (*read)(void* context, - int Id, - void* data, - int max_length, - int* final, - byte* usr1, - byte* usr2); - int (*complete)(void* client_context, - int Id, - int what, - void* data, - int length, - int* final); + unsigned char Id; /* filled by XDI client */ + unsigned char provided_service; /* filled by XDI */ + unsigned char requested_service; /* filled by XDI Client */ + void *xdi_context; /* filled by XDI */ + void *client_context; /* filled by XDI client */ + int (*write)(void *context, + int Id, + void *data, + int length, + int final, + byte usr1, + byte usr2); + int (*read)(void *context, + int Id, + void *data, + int max_length, + int *final, + byte *usr1, + byte *usr2); + int (*complete)(void *client_context, + int Id, + int what, + void *data, + int length, + int *final); } diva_xdi_stream_interface_t; /******************************************************************************/ /* @@ -196,37 +196,37 @@ typedef struct _diva_xdi_stream_interface { typedef struct { unsigned char LineState; /* Modem line state (STATUS_R) */ #define SERIAL_GSM_CELL 0x01 /* GSM or CELL cable attached */ - unsigned char CardState; /* PCMCIA card state (0 = down) */ - unsigned char IsdnState; /* ISDN layer 1 state (0 = down)*/ - unsigned char HookState; /* current logical hook state */ + unsigned char CardState; /* PCMCIA card state (0 = down) */ + unsigned char IsdnState; /* ISDN layer 1 state (0 = down)*/ + unsigned char HookState; /* current logical hook state */ #define SERIAL_ON_HOOK 0x02 /* set in DIVA CTRL_R register */ } SERIAL_STATE; -typedef int ( * SERIAL_INT_CB) (void *Context) ; -typedef int ( * SERIAL_DPC_CB) (void *Context) ; -typedef unsigned char ( * SERIAL_I_SYNC) (void *Context) ; +typedef int (*SERIAL_INT_CB)(void *Context); +typedef int (*SERIAL_DPC_CB)(void *Context); +typedef unsigned char (*SERIAL_I_SYNC)(void *Context); typedef struct { /* 'Req' and 'Rc' must be at the same place as in the ENTITY struct */ - unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ - unsigned char Rc; /* return code (is the request) */ - unsigned char Function; /* private function code */ + unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ + unsigned char Rc; /* return code (is the request) */ + unsigned char Function; /* private function code */ #define SERIAL_HOOK_ATTACH 0x81 #define SERIAL_HOOK_STATUS 0x82 #define SERIAL_HOOK_I_SYNC 0x83 #define SERIAL_HOOK_NOECHO 0x84 #define SERIAL_HOOK_RING 0x85 #define SERIAL_HOOK_DETACH 0x8f - unsigned char Flags; /* function refinements */ - /* parameters passed by the ATTACH request */ - SERIAL_INT_CB InterruptHandler; /* called on each interrupt */ - SERIAL_DPC_CB DeferredHandler; /* called on hook state changes */ - void *HandlerContext; /* context for both handlers */ - /* return values for both the ATTACH and the STATUS request */ - unsigned long IoBase; /* IO port assigned to UART */ - SERIAL_STATE State; - /* parameters and return values for the I_SYNC function */ - SERIAL_I_SYNC SyncFunction; /* to be called synchronized */ - void *SyncContext; /* context for this function */ - unsigned char SyncResult; /* return value of function */ + unsigned char Flags; /* function refinements */ + /* parameters passed by the ATTACH request */ + SERIAL_INT_CB InterruptHandler; /* called on each interrupt */ + SERIAL_DPC_CB DeferredHandler; /* called on hook state changes */ + void *HandlerContext; /* context for both handlers */ + /* return values for both the ATTACH and the STATUS request */ + unsigned long IoBase; /* IO port assigned to UART */ + SERIAL_STATE State; + /* parameters and return values for the I_SYNC function */ + SERIAL_I_SYNC SyncFunction; /* to be called synchronized */ + void *SyncContext; /* context for this function */ + unsigned char SyncResult; /* return value of function */ } SERIAL_HOOK; /* * IDI_SYNC_REQ_XCHANGE_STATUS - exchange the status between IDI and WMP @@ -234,22 +234,22 @@ typedef struct */ typedef struct { /* 'Req' and 'Rc' must be at the same place as in the ENTITY struct */ - unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ - unsigned char Rc; /* return code (is the request) */ + unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ + unsigned char Rc; /* return code (is the request) */ #define DRIVER_STATUS_BOOT 0xA1 #define DRIVER_STATUS_INIT_DEV 0xA2 #define DRIVER_STATUS_RUNNING 0xA3 #define DRIVER_STATUS_SHUTDOWN 0xAF #define DRIVER_STATUS_TRAPPED 0xAE - unsigned char wmpStatus; /* exported by WMP */ - unsigned char idiStatus; /* exported by IDI */ - unsigned long wizProto ; /* from WMP registry to IDI */ - /* the cardtype value is defined by cardtype.h */ - unsigned long cardType ; /* from IDI registry to WMP */ - unsigned long nt2 ; /* from IDI registry to WMP */ - unsigned long permanent ; /* from IDI registry to WMP */ - unsigned long stableL2 ; /* from IDI registry to WMP */ - unsigned long tei ; /* from IDI registry to WMP */ + unsigned char wmpStatus; /* exported by WMP */ + unsigned char idiStatus; /* exported by IDI */ + unsigned long wizProto; /* from WMP registry to IDI */ + /* the cardtype value is defined by cardtype.h */ + unsigned long cardType; /* from IDI registry to WMP */ + unsigned long nt2; /* from IDI registry to WMP */ + unsigned long permanent; /* from IDI registry to WMP */ + unsigned long stableL2; /* from IDI registry to WMP */ + unsigned long tei; /* from IDI registry to WMP */ #define CRC4_MASK 0x00000003 #define L1_TRISTATE_MASK 0x00000004 #define WATCHDOG_MASK 0x00000008 @@ -271,36 +271,36 @@ typedef struct #define SET_STABLEL2 0x20000000 #define SET_TEI 0x40000000 #define SET_NUMBERLEN 0x80000000 - unsigned long Flag ; /* |31-Type-16|15-Mask-0| */ - unsigned long NumberLen ; /* reconfiguration: union is empty */ - union { - struct { /* possible reconfiguration, but ... ; SET_BOARD */ - unsigned long SerialNumber ; - char *pCardname ; /* di_defs.h: BOARD_NAME_LENGTH */ - } board ; - struct { /* reset: need resources */ - void * pRawResources ; - void * pXlatResources ; - } res ; - struct { /* reconfiguration: wizProto == PROTTYPE_RBSCAS */ + unsigned long Flag; /* |31-Type-16|15-Mask-0| */ + unsigned long NumberLen; /* reconfiguration: union is empty */ + union { + struct { /* possible reconfiguration, but ... ; SET_BOARD */ + unsigned long SerialNumber; + char *pCardname; /* di_defs.h: BOARD_NAME_LENGTH */ + } board; + struct { /* reset: need resources */ + void *pRawResources; + void *pXlatResources; + } res; + struct { /* reconfiguration: wizProto == PROTTYPE_RBSCAS */ #define GLARE_RESOLVE_MASK 0x00000001 #define DID_MASK 0x00000002 #define BEARER_CAP_MASK 0x0000000c #define SET_GLARE_RESOLVE 0x00010000 #define SET_DID 0x00020000 #define SET_BEARER_CAP 0x000c0000 - unsigned long Flag ; /* |31-Type-16|15-VALUE-0| */ - unsigned short DigitTimeout ; - unsigned short AnswerDelay ; - } rbs ; - struct { /* reconfiguration: wizProto == PROTTYPE_QSIG */ + unsigned long Flag; /* |31-Type-16|15-VALUE-0| */ + unsigned short DigitTimeout; + unsigned short AnswerDelay; + } rbs; + struct { /* reconfiguration: wizProto == PROTTYPE_QSIG */ #define CALL_REF_LENGTH1_MASK 0x00000001 #define BRI_CHANNEL_ID_MASK 0x00000002 #define SET_CALL_REF_LENGTH 0x00010000 #define SET_BRI_CHANNEL_ID 0x00020000 - unsigned long Flag ; /* |31-Type-16|15-VALUE-0| */ - } qsig ; - struct { /* reconfiguration: NumberLen != 0 */ + unsigned long Flag; /* |31-Type-16|15-VALUE-0| */ + } qsig; + struct { /* reconfiguration: NumberLen != 0 */ #define SET_SPID1 0x00010000 #define SET_NUMBER1 0x00020000 #define SET_SUBADDRESS1 0x00040000 @@ -308,50 +308,50 @@ typedef struct #define SET_NUMBER2 0x00200000 #define SET_SUBADDRESS2 0x00400000 #define MASK_SET 0xffff0000 - unsigned long Flag ; /* |31-Type-16|15-Channel-0| */ - unsigned char *pBuffer ; /* number value */ - } isdnNo ; - } -parms -; -} isdnProps ; + unsigned long Flag; /* |31-Type-16|15-Channel-0| */ + unsigned char *pBuffer; /* number value */ + } isdnNo; + } + parms + ; +} isdnProps; /* * IDI_SYNC_REQ_PORTDRV_HOOK - signal plug/unplug (Award Cardware only) */ -typedef void ( * PORTDRV_HOOK_CB) (void *Context, int Plug) ; +typedef void (*PORTDRV_HOOK_CB)(void *Context, int Plug); typedef struct { /* 'Req' and 'Rc' must be at the same place as in the ENTITY struct */ - unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ - unsigned char Rc; /* return code (is the request) */ - unsigned char Function; /* private function code */ - unsigned char Flags; /* function refinements */ - PORTDRV_HOOK_CB Callback; /* to be called on plug/unplug */ - void *Context; /* context for callback */ - unsigned long Info; /* more info if needed */ -} PORTDRV_HOOK ; + unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ + unsigned char Rc; /* return code (is the request) */ + unsigned char Function; /* private function code */ + unsigned char Flags; /* function refinements */ + PORTDRV_HOOK_CB Callback; /* to be called on plug/unplug */ + void *Context; /* context for callback */ + unsigned long Info; /* more info if needed */ +} PORTDRV_HOOK; /* Codes for the 'Rc' element in structure below. */ #define SLI_INSTALL (0xA1) #define SLI_UNINSTALL (0xA2) -typedef int ( * SLIENTRYPOINT)(void* p3SignalAPI, void* pContext); +typedef int (*SLIENTRYPOINT)(void *p3SignalAPI, void *pContext); typedef struct { /* 'Req' and 'Rc' must be at the same place as in the ENTITY struct */ - unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ - unsigned char Rc; /* return code (is the request) */ - unsigned char Function; /* private function code */ - unsigned char Flags; /* function refinements */ - SLIENTRYPOINT Callback; /* to be called on plug/unplug */ - void *Context; /* context for callback */ - unsigned long Info; /* more info if needed */ -} SLIENTRYPOINT_REQ ; + unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ + unsigned char Rc; /* return code (is the request) */ + unsigned char Function; /* private function code */ + unsigned char Flags; /* function refinements */ + SLIENTRYPOINT Callback; /* to be called on plug/unplug */ + void *Context; /* context for callback */ + unsigned long Info; /* more info if needed */ +} SLIENTRYPOINT_REQ; /******************************************************************************/ /* * Definitions for DIVA USB */ -typedef int ( * USB_SEND_REQ) (unsigned char PipeIndex, unsigned char Type,void *Data, int sizeData); -typedef int ( * USB_START_DEV) (void *Adapter, void *Ipac) ; +typedef int (*USB_SEND_REQ)(unsigned char PipeIndex, unsigned char Type, void *Data, int sizeData); +typedef int (*USB_START_DEV)(void *Adapter, void *Ipac); /* called from WDM */ -typedef void ( * USB_RECV_NOTIFY) (void *Ipac, void *msg) ; -typedef void ( * USB_XMIT_NOTIFY) (void *Ipac, unsigned char PipeIndex) ; +typedef void (*USB_RECV_NOTIFY)(void *Ipac, void *msg); +typedef void (*USB_XMIT_NOTIFY)(void *Ipac, unsigned char PipeIndex); /******************************************************************************/ /* * Parameter description for synchronous requests. @@ -361,129 +361,129 @@ typedef void ( * USB_XMIT_NOTIFY) (void *Ipac, unsigned char PipeIndex) ; */ typedef union { ENTITY Entity; - struct - { /* 'Req' and 'Rc' are at the same place as in the ENTITY struct */ - unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ - unsigned char Rc; /* return code (is the request) */ - } Request; - struct - { unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ - unsigned char Rc; /* return code (0x01) */ - unsigned char name[BOARD_NAME_LENGTH]; - } GetName; - struct - { unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ - unsigned char Rc; /* return code (0x02) */ - unsigned long serial; /* serial number */ - } GetSerial; - struct - { unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ - unsigned char Rc; /* return code (0x02) */ - unsigned long lineIdx;/* line, 0 if card has only one */ - } GetLineIdx; - struct - { unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ - unsigned char Rc; /* return code (0x02) */ - unsigned long cardtype;/* card type */ - } GetCardType; - struct - { unsigned short command;/* command = 0x0300 */ - unsigned short dummy; /* not used */ - IDI_CALL callback;/* routine to call back */ - ENTITY *contxt; /* ptr to entity to use */ - } PostCall; - struct - { unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ - unsigned char Rc; /* return code (0x04) */ - unsigned char pcm[1]; /* buffer (a pc_maint struct) */ - } GetXlog; - struct - { unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ - unsigned char Rc; /* return code (0x05) */ - unsigned short features;/* feature defines see below */ - } GetFeatures; - SERIAL_HOOK SerialHook; + struct + { /* 'Req' and 'Rc' are at the same place as in the ENTITY struct */ + unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ + unsigned char Rc; /* return code (is the request) */ + } Request; + struct + { unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ + unsigned char Rc; /* return code (0x01) */ + unsigned char name[BOARD_NAME_LENGTH]; + } GetName; + struct + { unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ + unsigned char Rc; /* return code (0x02) */ + unsigned long serial; /* serial number */ + } GetSerial; + struct + { unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ + unsigned char Rc; /* return code (0x02) */ + unsigned long lineIdx;/* line, 0 if card has only one */ + } GetLineIdx; + struct + { unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ + unsigned char Rc; /* return code (0x02) */ + unsigned long cardtype;/* card type */ + } GetCardType; + struct + { unsigned short command;/* command = 0x0300 */ + unsigned short dummy; /* not used */ + IDI_CALL callback;/* routine to call back */ + ENTITY *contxt; /* ptr to entity to use */ + } PostCall; + struct + { unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ + unsigned char Rc; /* return code (0x04) */ + unsigned char pcm[1]; /* buffer (a pc_maint struct) */ + } GetXlog; + struct + { unsigned char Req; /* request (must be always 0) */ + unsigned char Rc; /* return code (0x05) */ + unsigned short features;/* feature defines see below */ + } GetFeatures; + SERIAL_HOOK SerialHook; /* Added for DIVA USB */ - struct - { unsigned char Req; - unsigned char Rc; - USB_SEND_REQ UsbSendRequest; /* function in Diva Usb WDM driver in usb_os.c, */ - /* called from usb_drv.c to send a message to our device */ - /* eg UsbSendRequest (USB_PIPE_SIGNAL, USB_IPAC_START, 0, 0) ; */ - USB_RECV_NOTIFY usb_recv; /* called from usb_os.c to pass a received message and ptr to IPAC */ - /* on to usb_drv.c by a call to usb_recv(). */ - USB_XMIT_NOTIFY usb_xmit; /* called from usb_os.c in DivaUSB.sys WDM to indicate a completed transmit */ - /* to usb_drv.c by a call to usb_xmit(). */ - USB_START_DEV UsbStartDevice; /* Start the USB Device, in usb_os.c */ - IDI_CALL callback; /* routine to call back */ - ENTITY *contxt; /* ptr to entity to use */ - void ** ipac_ptr; /* pointer to struct IPAC in VxD */ - } Usb_Msg_old; + struct + { unsigned char Req; + unsigned char Rc; + USB_SEND_REQ UsbSendRequest; /* function in Diva Usb WDM driver in usb_os.c, */ + /* called from usb_drv.c to send a message to our device */ + /* eg UsbSendRequest (USB_PIPE_SIGNAL, USB_IPAC_START, 0, 0); */ + USB_RECV_NOTIFY usb_recv; /* called from usb_os.c to pass a received message and ptr to IPAC */ + /* on to usb_drv.c by a call to usb_recv(). */ + USB_XMIT_NOTIFY usb_xmit; /* called from usb_os.c in DivaUSB.sys WDM to indicate a completed transmit */ + /* to usb_drv.c by a call to usb_xmit(). */ + USB_START_DEV UsbStartDevice; /* Start the USB Device, in usb_os.c */ + IDI_CALL callback; /* routine to call back */ + ENTITY *contxt; /* ptr to entity to use */ + void **ipac_ptr; /* pointer to struct IPAC in VxD */ + } Usb_Msg_old; /* message used by WDM and VXD to pass pointers of function and IPAC* */ - struct - { unsigned char Req; - unsigned char Rc; - USB_SEND_REQ pUsbSendRequest;/* function in Diva Usb WDM driver in usb_os.c, */ - /* called from usb_drv.c to send a message to our device */ - /* eg UsbSendRequest (USB_PIPE_SIGNAL, USB_IPAC_START, 0, 0) ; */ - USB_RECV_NOTIFY p_usb_recv; /* called from usb_os.c to pass a received message and ptr to IPAC */ - /* on to usb_drv.c by a call to usb_recv(). */ - USB_XMIT_NOTIFY p_usb_xmit; /* called from usb_os.c in DivaUSB.sys WDM to indicate a completed transmit */ - /* to usb_drv.c by a call to usb_xmit().*/ - void *ipac_ptr; /* &Diva.ipac pointer to struct IPAC in VxD */ - } Usb_Msg; - PORTDRV_HOOK PortdrvHook; - SLIENTRYPOINT_REQ sliEntryPointReq; - struct { - unsigned char Req; - unsigned char Rc; - diva_xdi_stream_interface_t info; - } xdi_stream_info; - struct { - unsigned char Req; - unsigned char Rc; - diva_xdi_get_extended_xdi_features_t info; - } xdi_extended_features; - struct { - unsigned char Req; - unsigned char Rc; - diva_xdi_get_adapter_sdram_bar_t info; - } xdi_sdram_bar; - struct { - unsigned char Req; - unsigned char Rc; - diva_xdi_get_capi_parameters_t info; - } xdi_capi_prms; - struct { - ENTITY e; - diva_didd_adapter_notify_t info; - } didd_notify; - struct { - ENTITY e; - diva_didd_add_adapter_t info; - } didd_add_adapter; - struct { - ENTITY e; - diva_didd_remove_adapter_t info; - } didd_remove_adapter; - struct { - ENTITY e; - diva_didd_read_adapter_array_t info; - } didd_read_adapter_array; - struct { - ENTITY e; - diva_didd_get_cfg_lib_ifc_t info; - } didd_get_cfg_lib_ifc; - struct { - unsigned char Req; - unsigned char Rc; - diva_xdi_get_logical_adapter_number_s_t info; - } xdi_logical_adapter_number; - struct { - unsigned char Req; - unsigned char Rc; - diva_xdi_dma_descriptor_operation_t info; - } xdi_dma_descriptor_operation; + struct + { unsigned char Req; + unsigned char Rc; + USB_SEND_REQ pUsbSendRequest;/* function in Diva Usb WDM driver in usb_os.c, */ + /* called from usb_drv.c to send a message to our device */ + /* eg UsbSendRequest (USB_PIPE_SIGNAL, USB_IPAC_START, 0, 0); */ + USB_RECV_NOTIFY p_usb_recv; /* called from usb_os.c to pass a received message and ptr to IPAC */ + /* on to usb_drv.c by a call to usb_recv(). */ + USB_XMIT_NOTIFY p_usb_xmit; /* called from usb_os.c in DivaUSB.sys WDM to indicate a completed transmit */ + /* to usb_drv.c by a call to usb_xmit().*/ + void *ipac_ptr; /* &Diva.ipac pointer to struct IPAC in VxD */ + } Usb_Msg; + PORTDRV_HOOK PortdrvHook; + SLIENTRYPOINT_REQ sliEntryPointReq; + struct { + unsigned char Req; + unsigned char Rc; + diva_xdi_stream_interface_t info; + } xdi_stream_info; + struct { + unsigned char Req; + unsigned char Rc; + diva_xdi_get_extended_xdi_features_t info; + } xdi_extended_features; + struct { + unsigned char Req; + unsigned char Rc; + diva_xdi_get_adapter_sdram_bar_t info; + } xdi_sdram_bar; + struct { + unsigned char Req; + unsigned char Rc; + diva_xdi_get_capi_parameters_t info; + } xdi_capi_prms; + struct { + ENTITY e; + diva_didd_adapter_notify_t info; + } didd_notify; + struct { + ENTITY e; + diva_didd_add_adapter_t info; + } didd_add_adapter; + struct { + ENTITY e; + diva_didd_remove_adapter_t info; + } didd_remove_adapter; + struct { + ENTITY e; + diva_didd_read_adapter_array_t info; + } didd_read_adapter_array; + struct { + ENTITY e; + diva_didd_get_cfg_lib_ifc_t info; + } didd_get_cfg_lib_ifc; + struct { + unsigned char Req; + unsigned char Rc; + diva_xdi_get_logical_adapter_number_s_t info; + } xdi_logical_adapter_number; + struct { + unsigned char Req; + unsigned char Rc; + diva_xdi_dma_descriptor_operation_t info; + } xdi_dma_descriptor_operation; } IDI_SYNC_REQ; /******************************************************************************/ -#endif /* __DIVA_SYNC__H */ +#endif /* __DIVA_SYNC__H */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dqueue.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dqueue.c index 982258225174ecd2867fca3383a77eb836417a56..7958a2536a1047ba240bda68d54bf82d2b64bf12 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dqueue.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dqueue.c @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ #include "dqueue.h" int -diva_data_q_init(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * q, +diva_data_q_init(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t *q, int max_length, int max_segments) { int i; @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ diva_data_q_init(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * q, return (0); } -int diva_data_q_finit(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * q) +int diva_data_q_finit(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t *q) { int i; @@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ int diva_data_q_finit(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * q) return (0); } -int diva_data_q_get_max_length(const diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * q) +int diva_data_q_get_max_length(const diva_um_idi_data_queue_t *q) { return (q->max_length); } -void *diva_data_q_get_segment4write(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * q) +void *diva_data_q_get_segment4write(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t *q) { if ((!q->segment_pending) && (q->count < q->segments)) { q->segment_pending = 1; @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ void *diva_data_q_get_segment4write(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * q) } void -diva_data_q_ack_segment4write(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * q, int length) +diva_data_q_ack_segment4write(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t *q, int length) { if (q->segment_pending) { q->length[q->write] = length; @@ -92,12 +92,12 @@ const void *diva_data_q_get_segment4read(const diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * return NULL; } -int diva_data_q_get_segment_length(const diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * q) +int diva_data_q_get_segment_length(const diva_um_idi_data_queue_t *q) { return (q->length[q->read]); } -void diva_data_q_ack_segment4read(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * q) +void diva_data_q_ack_segment4read(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t *q) { if (q->count) { q->length[q->read] = 0; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dqueue.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dqueue.h index 72d21c9672279460333d6fc931e73ed041dca5ad..6992c45457a4e54cb95fa245c4741622cd2c897e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dqueue.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dqueue.h @@ -16,16 +16,16 @@ typedef struct _diva_um_idi_data_queue { int length[DIVA_UM_IDI_MAX_MSGS]; } diva_um_idi_data_queue_t; -int diva_data_q_init(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * q, +int diva_data_q_init(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t *q, int max_length, int max_segments); -int diva_data_q_finit(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * q); -int diva_data_q_get_max_length(const diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * q); -void *diva_data_q_get_segment4write(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * q); -void diva_data_q_ack_segment4write(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * q, +int diva_data_q_finit(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t *q); +int diva_data_q_get_max_length(const diva_um_idi_data_queue_t *q); +void *diva_data_q_get_segment4write(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t *q); +void diva_data_q_ack_segment4write(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t *q, int length); const void *diva_data_q_get_segment4read(const diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * q); -int diva_data_q_get_segment_length(const diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * q); -void diva_data_q_ack_segment4read(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t * q); +int diva_data_q_get_segment_length(const diva_um_idi_data_queue_t *q); +void diva_data_q_ack_segment4read(diva_um_idi_data_queue_t *q); #endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsp_defs.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsp_defs.h index fec1e381a6880791e7b1ba306c9acda4781d9790..94828c87e2a4233936dc238efb8d874132d74121 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsp_defs.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsp_defs.h @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ -#ifndef DSP_DEFS_H_ +#ifndef DSP_DEFS_H_ #define DSP_DEFS_H_ #include "dspdids.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -#define dsp_download_reserve_space(fp,length) +#define dsp_download_reserve_space(fp, length) /*****************************************************************************/ /* * OS file access abstraction layer @@ -35,25 +35,25 @@ * I/O functions returns -1 on error, 0 on EOF */ struct _OsFileHandle_; -typedef long ( * OsFileIo) (struct _OsFileHandle_ *handle, - void *buffer, - long size) ; -typedef long ( * OsFileSeek)(struct _OsFileHandle_ *handle, - long position, - int mode) ; -typedef long ( * OsCardLoad)(struct _OsFileHandle_ *handle, - long length, - void * *addr) ; +typedef long (*OsFileIo)(struct _OsFileHandle_ *handle, + void *buffer, + long size); +typedef long (*OsFileSeek)(struct _OsFileHandle_ *handle, + long position, + int mode); +typedef long (*OsCardLoad)(struct _OsFileHandle_ *handle, + long length, + void **addr); typedef struct _OsFileHandle_ -{ void *sysFileDesc ; - unsigned long sysFileSize ; - OsFileIo sysFileRead ; - OsFileSeek sysFileSeek ; - void *sysLoadDesc ; - OsCardLoad sysCardLoad ; -} OsFileHandle ; -extern OsFileHandle *OsOpenFile (char *path_name) ; -extern void OsCloseFile (OsFileHandle *fp) ; +{ void *sysFileDesc; + unsigned long sysFileSize; + OsFileIo sysFileRead; + OsFileSeek sysFileSeek; + void *sysLoadDesc; + OsCardLoad sysCardLoad; +} OsFileHandle; +extern OsFileHandle *OsOpenFile(char *path_name); +extern void OsCloseFile(OsFileHandle *fp); /*****************************************************************************/ #define DSP_TELINDUS_FILE "dspdload.bin" /* special DSP file for BRI cards for Qsig and CornetN because of missing memory */ @@ -93,109 +93,109 @@ extern void OsCloseFile (OsFileHandle *fp) ; #define DSP_FILE_FORMAT_VERSION_BCD 0x0100 typedef struct tag_dsp_combifile_header { - char format_identification[DSP_COMBIFILE_FORMAT_IDENTIFICATION_SIZE]; - word format_version_bcd; - word header_size; - word combifile_description_size; - word directory_entries; - word directory_size; - word download_count; - word usage_mask_size; + char format_identification[DSP_COMBIFILE_FORMAT_IDENTIFICATION_SIZE]; + word format_version_bcd; + word header_size; + word combifile_description_size; + word directory_entries; + word directory_size; + word download_count; + word usage_mask_size; } t_dsp_combifile_header; typedef struct tag_dsp_combifile_directory_entry { - word card_type_number; - word file_set_number; + word card_type_number; + word file_set_number; } t_dsp_combifile_directory_entry; typedef struct tag_dsp_file_header { - char format_identification[DSP_FILE_FORMAT_IDENTIFICATION_SIZE]; - word format_version_bcd; - word download_id; - word download_flags; - word required_processing_power; - word interface_channel_count; - word header_size; - word download_description_size; - word memory_block_table_size; - word memory_block_count; - word segment_table_size; - word segment_count; - word symbol_table_size; - word symbol_count; - word total_data_size_dm; - word data_block_count_dm; - word total_data_size_pm; - word data_block_count_pm; + char format_identification[DSP_FILE_FORMAT_IDENTIFICATION_SIZE]; + word format_version_bcd; + word download_id; + word download_flags; + word required_processing_power; + word interface_channel_count; + word header_size; + word download_description_size; + word memory_block_table_size; + word memory_block_count; + word segment_table_size; + word segment_count; + word symbol_table_size; + word symbol_count; + word total_data_size_dm; + word data_block_count_dm; + word total_data_size_pm; + word data_block_count_pm; } t_dsp_file_header; typedef struct tag_dsp_memory_block_desc { - word alias_memory_block; - word memory_type; - word address; - word size; /* DSP words */ + word alias_memory_block; + word memory_type; + word address; + word size; /* DSP words */ } t_dsp_memory_block_desc; typedef struct tag_dsp_segment_desc { - word memory_block; - word attributes; - word base; - word size; - word alignment; /* ==0 -> no other legal start address than base */ + word memory_block; + word attributes; + word base; + word size; + word alignment; /* ==0 -> no other legal start address than base */ } t_dsp_segment_desc; typedef struct tag_dsp_symbol_desc { - word symbol_id; - word segment; - word offset; - word size; /* DSP words */ + word symbol_id; + word segment; + word offset; + word size; /* DSP words */ } t_dsp_symbol_desc; typedef struct tag_dsp_data_block_header { - word attributes; - word segment; - word offset; - word size; /* DSP words */ + word attributes; + word segment; + word offset; + word size; /* DSP words */ } t_dsp_data_block_header; typedef struct tag_dsp_download_desc { - word download_id; - word download_flags; - word required_processing_power; - word interface_channel_count; - word excess_header_size; - word memory_block_count; - word segment_count; - word symbol_count; - word data_block_count_dm; - word data_block_count_pm; - byte * p_excess_header_data; - char * p_download_description; - t_dsp_memory_block_desc *p_memory_block_table; - t_dsp_segment_desc *p_segment_table; - t_dsp_symbol_desc *p_symbol_table; - word * p_data_blocks_dm; - word * p_data_blocks_pm; + word download_id; + word download_flags; + word required_processing_power; + word interface_channel_count; + word excess_header_size; + word memory_block_count; + word segment_count; + word symbol_count; + word data_block_count_dm; + word data_block_count_pm; + byte *p_excess_header_data; + char *p_download_description; + t_dsp_memory_block_desc *p_memory_block_table; + t_dsp_segment_desc *p_segment_table; + t_dsp_symbol_desc *p_symbol_table; + word *p_data_blocks_dm; + word *p_data_blocks_pm; } t_dsp_desc; typedef struct tag_dsp_portable_download_desc /* be sure to keep native alignment for MAESTRA's */ { - word download_id; - word download_flags; - word required_processing_power; - word interface_channel_count; - word excess_header_size; - word memory_block_count; - word segment_count; - word symbol_count; - word data_block_count_dm; - word data_block_count_pm; - dword p_excess_header_data; - dword p_download_description; - dword p_memory_block_table; - dword p_segment_table; - dword p_symbol_table; - dword p_data_blocks_dm; - dword p_data_blocks_pm; + word download_id; + word download_flags; + word required_processing_power; + word interface_channel_count; + word excess_header_size; + word memory_block_count; + word segment_count; + word symbol_count; + word data_block_count_dm; + word data_block_count_pm; + dword p_excess_header_data; + dword p_download_description; + dword p_memory_block_table; + dword p_segment_table; + dword p_symbol_table; + dword p_data_blocks_dm; + dword p_data_blocks_pm; } t_dsp_portable_desc; #define DSP_DOWNLOAD_INDEX_KERNEL 0 #define DSP30TX_DOWNLOAD_INDEX_KERNEL 1 @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ typedef struct tag_dsp_portable_download_desc /* be sure to keep native alignmen #define DSP_DOWNLOAD_MAX_SEGMENTS 16 #define DSP_UDATA_REQUEST_RECONFIGURE 0 /* -parameters: + parameters: reconfigure delay (in 8kHz samples) reconfigure code reconfigure hdlc preamble flags @@ -229,11 +229,11 @@ typedef struct tag_dsp_portable_download_desc /* be sure to keep native alignmen #define DSP_RECONFIGURE_V17_12000 11 #define DSP_RECONFIGURE_V17_14400 12 /* -data indications if transparent framer + data indications if transparent framer data 0 data 1 ... -data indications if HDLC framer + data indications if HDLC framer data 0 data 1 ... @@ -243,17 +243,17 @@ data indications if HDLC framer */ #define DSP_UDATA_INDICATION_SYNC 0 /* -returns: + returns: time of sync (sampled from counter at 8kHz) */ #define DSP_UDATA_INDICATION_DCD_OFF 1 /* -returns: + returns: time of DCD off (sampled from counter at 8kHz) */ #define DSP_UDATA_INDICATION_DCD_ON 2 /* -returns: + returns: time of DCD on (sampled from counter at 8kHz) connected norm connected options @@ -261,12 +261,12 @@ data indications if HDLC framer */ #define DSP_UDATA_INDICATION_CTS_OFF 3 /* -returns: + returns: time of CTS off (sampled from counter at 8kHz) */ #define DSP_UDATA_INDICATION_CTS_ON 4 /* -returns: + returns: time of CTS on (sampled from counter at 8kHz) connected norm connected options @@ -292,10 +292,10 @@ data indications if HDLC framer #define DSP_CONNECTED_NORM_V17 17 #define DSP_CONNECTED_OPTION_TRELLIS 0x0001 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -extern char *dsp_read_file (OsFileHandle *fp, - word card_type_number, - word *p_dsp_download_count, - t_dsp_desc *p_dsp_download_table, - t_dsp_portable_desc *p_dsp_portable_download_table) ; +extern char *dsp_read_file(OsFileHandle *fp, + word card_type_number, + word *p_dsp_download_count, + t_dsp_desc *p_dsp_download_table, + t_dsp_portable_desc *p_dsp_portable_download_table); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -#endif /* DSP_DEFS_H_ */ +#endif /* DSP_DEFS_H_ */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsp_tst.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsp_tst.h index a6021e5b1ae78ba64981f37c4878eafcefa37dfd..fe36f138be8b8bdf149891f96f29dc65ace01eac 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsp_tst.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsp_tst.h @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ #define __DIVA_PRI_HOST_TEST_DSPS_H__ /* - DSP registers on maestra pri - */ + DSP registers on maestra pri +*/ #define DSP1_PORT (0x00) #define DSP2_PORT (0x8) #define DSP3_PORT (0x800) @@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ #define DSP_ADR_OFFS 0x80 /*------------------------------------------------------------------ - Dsp related definitions + Dsp related definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define DSP_SIGNATURE_PROBE_WORD 0x5a5a -#define dsp_make_address_ex(pm,address) ((word)((pm) ? (address) : (address) + 0x4000)) +#define dsp_make_address_ex(pm, address) ((word)((pm) ? (address) : (address) + 0x4000)) #endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dspdids.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dspdids.h index ebe131a53b9c0ad44ac0d9d8fcbb5bb7356b9d09..957b33cc00224b2110d81bb61988027c3e551c43 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dspdids.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dspdids.h @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef DSPDIDS_H_ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsrv4bri.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsrv4bri.h index 732d22dfe4a5d60be8d7a2cbcda7afb5381439f4..f353fb6b8933a513e88c4abcb0d5490b0d899163 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsrv4bri.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsrv4bri.h @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef __DIVA_XDI_DSRV_4_BRI_INC__ @@ -35,6 +35,6 @@ #define PLX9054_SOFT_RESET 0x4000 #define PLX9054_RELOAD_EEPROM 0x2000 #define DIVA_4BRI_REVISION(__x__) (((__x__)->cardType == CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_Q_8M_V2_PCI) || ((__x__)->cardType == CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_Q_8M_V2_PCI) || ((__x__)->cardType == CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_B_2M_V2_PCI) || ((__x__)->cardType == CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_B_2F_PCI) || ((__x__)->cardType == CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_B_2M_V2_PCI)) -void diva_os_set_qBri_functions (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); -void diva_os_set_qBri2_functions (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); +void diva_os_set_qBri_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); +void diva_os_set_qBri2_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); #endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsrv_bri.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsrv_bri.h index f38ebbe53332b60617a30f434561def678f96483..8a67dbc65be424e2840f3e34d312349ad74238f9 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsrv_bri.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsrv_bri.h @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef __DIVA_XDI_DSRV_BRI_INC__ #define __DIVA_XDI_DSRV_BRI_INC__ /* - Functions exported from os dependent part of - BRI card configuration and used in - OS independed part - */ + Functions exported from os dependent part of + BRI card configuration and used in + OS independed part +*/ /* - Prepare OS dependent part of BRI functions - */ -void diva_os_prepare_maestra_functions (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); + Prepare OS dependent part of BRI functions +*/ +void diva_os_prepare_maestra_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); #endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsrv_pri.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsrv_pri.h index 861182666c8993752155cf20a8f898dea3c2ac48..fd1a9ff9f1958937a9601d51737b5c1cfe0619d0 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsrv_pri.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsrv_pri.h @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef __DIVA_XDI_DSRV_PRI_INC__ #define __DIVA_XDI_DSRV_PRI_INC__ /* - Functions exported from os dependent part of - PRI card configuration and used in - OS independed part - */ + Functions exported from os dependent part of + PRI card configuration and used in + OS independed part +*/ /* - Prepare OS dependent part of PRI/PRI Rev.2 functions - */ -void diva_os_prepare_pri_functions (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); -void diva_os_prepare_pri2_functions (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); + Prepare OS dependent part of PRI/PRI Rev.2 functions +*/ +void diva_os_prepare_pri_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); +void diva_os_prepare_pri2_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); #endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/entity.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/entity.h index 16252cf164bb869a2e08ab7e60bf4b3dfc9bf10a..fdb83416af31ce44eb50e066581a36d3c2f35cf5 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/entity.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/entity.h @@ -11,17 +11,17 @@ typedef struct _divas_um_idi_entity { struct list_head link; - diva_um_idi_adapter_t* adapter; /* Back to adapter */ - ENTITY e; - void* os_ref; - dword status; - void* os_context; - int rc_count; + diva_um_idi_adapter_t *adapter; /* Back to adapter */ + ENTITY e; + void *os_ref; + dword status; + void *os_context; + int rc_count; diva_um_idi_data_queue_t data; /* definad by user 1 ... MAX */ diva_um_idi_data_queue_t rc; /* two entries */ BUFFERS XData; BUFFERS RData; - byte buffer[2048+512]; + byte buffer[2048 + 512]; } divas_um_idi_entity_t; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/helpers.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/helpers.h index b2123119e4307976eb98f43c26e8244689b0abdc..c9156b0acaba1d4cd6a9261d7b3c8e35d82ae560 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/helpers.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/helpers.h @@ -1,51 +1,51 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef __DIVA_XDI_CARD_CONFIG_HELPERS_INC__ #define __DIVA_XDI_CARD_CONFIG_HELPERS_INC__ -dword diva_get_protocol_file_features (byte* File, - int offset, - char *IdStringBuffer, - dword IdBufferSize); -void diva_configure_protocol (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); +dword diva_get_protocol_file_features(byte *File, + int offset, + char *IdStringBuffer, + dword IdBufferSize); +void diva_configure_protocol(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); /* - Low level file access system abstraction - */ + Low level file access system abstraction +*/ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Access to single file - Return pointer to the image of the requested file, - write image length to 'FileLength' - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -void *xdiLoadFile (char *FileName, dword *FileLength, unsigned long MaxLoadSize) ; + Access to single file + Return pointer to the image of the requested file, + write image length to 'FileLength' + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +void *xdiLoadFile(char *FileName, dword *FileLength, unsigned long MaxLoadSize); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Dependent on the protocol settings does read return pointer - to the image of appropriate protocol file - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -void *xdiLoadArchive (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, dword *FileLength, unsigned long MaxLoadSize) ; + Dependent on the protocol settings does read return pointer + to the image of appropriate protocol file + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +void *xdiLoadArchive(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, dword *FileLength, unsigned long MaxLoadSize); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Free all system resources accessed by xdiLoadFile and xdiLoadArchive - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -void xdiFreeFile (void* handle); + Free all system resources accessed by xdiLoadFile and xdiLoadArchive + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +void xdiFreeFile(void *handle); #endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/idifunc.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/idifunc.c index db87d51054220121b7b529ac07b61bb4818335d7..d153e3cdecf7a18a68384d90b3937aac5783d405 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/idifunc.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/idifunc.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /* $Id: idifunc.c,v 2004/08/28 20:03:53 armin Exp $ * * Driver for Eicon DIVA Server ISDN cards. - * User Mode IDI Interface + * User Mode IDI Interface * * Copyright 2000-2003 by Armin Schindler (mac@melware.de) * Copyright 2000-2003 Cytronics & Melware (info@melware.de) @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ static diva_os_spin_lock_t ll_lock; /* * find card in list */ -static udiva_card *find_card_in_list(DESCRIPTOR * d) +static udiva_card *find_card_in_list(DESCRIPTOR *d) { udiva_card *card; struct list_head *tmp; @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ static udiva_card *find_card_in_list(DESCRIPTOR * d) /* * new card */ -static void um_new_card(DESCRIPTOR * d) +static void um_new_card(DESCRIPTOR *d) { int adapter_nr = 0; udiva_card *card = NULL; @@ -94,10 +94,10 @@ static void um_new_card(DESCRIPTOR * d) memcpy(&card->d, d, sizeof(DESCRIPTOR)); sync_req.xdi_logical_adapter_number.Req = 0; sync_req.xdi_logical_adapter_number.Rc = - IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_LOGICAL_ADAPTER_NUMBER; - card->d.request((ENTITY *) & sync_req); + IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_LOGICAL_ADAPTER_NUMBER; + card->d.request((ENTITY *)&sync_req); adapter_nr = - sync_req.xdi_logical_adapter_number.info.logical_adapter_number; + sync_req.xdi_logical_adapter_number.info.logical_adapter_number; card->Id = adapter_nr; if (!(diva_user_mode_idi_create_adapter(d, adapter_nr))) { diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&ll_lock, &old_irql, "add card"); @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ static void um_new_card(DESCRIPTOR * d) /* * remove card */ -static void um_remove_card(DESCRIPTOR * d) +static void um_remove_card(DESCRIPTOR *d) { diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; udiva_card *card = NULL; @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ static void DIVA_EXIT_FUNCTION remove_all_idi_proc(void) /* * DIDD notify callback */ -static void *didd_callback(void *context, DESCRIPTOR * adapter, +static void *didd_callback(void *context, DESCRIPTOR *adapter, int removal) { if (adapter->type == IDI_DADAPTER) { @@ -196,10 +196,10 @@ static int DIVA_INIT_FUNCTION connect_didd(void) memcpy(&DAdapter, &DIDD_Table[x], sizeof(DAdapter)); req.didd_notify.e.Req = 0; req.didd_notify.e.Rc = - IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REGISTER_ADAPTER_NOTIFY; + IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REGISTER_ADAPTER_NOTIFY; req.didd_notify.info.callback = (void *)didd_callback; req.didd_notify.info.context = NULL; - DAdapter.request((ENTITY *) & req); + DAdapter.request((ENTITY *)&req); if (req.didd_notify.e.Rc != 0xff) { stop_dbg(); return (0); @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ static void DIVA_EXIT_FUNCTION disconnect_didd(void) req.didd_notify.e.Req = 0; req.didd_notify.e.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REMOVE_ADAPTER_NOTIFY; req.didd_notify.info.handle = notify_handle; - DAdapter.request((ENTITY *) & req); + DAdapter.request((ENTITY *)&req); } /* diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/io.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/io.c index 6fd9b007417dfd640eeabbe2e39f77e141feb35e..8851ce580c2313ebdfeddbbc92cd9138140804cf 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/io.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/io.c @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include "platform.h" @@ -33,16 +33,16 @@ #include "di.h" #include "mi_pc.h" #include "io.h" -extern ADAPTER * adapter[MAX_ADAPTER]; +extern ADAPTER *adapter[MAX_ADAPTER]; extern PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapters[MAX_ADAPTER]; -void request (PISDN_ADAPTER, ENTITY *); -static void pcm_req (PISDN_ADAPTER, ENTITY *); +void request(PISDN_ADAPTER, ENTITY *); +static void pcm_req(PISDN_ADAPTER, ENTITY *); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - local functions - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -#define ReqFunc(N) \ -static void Request##N(ENTITY *e) \ -{ if ( IoAdapters[N] ) (* IoAdapters[N]->DIRequest)(IoAdapters[N], e) ; } + local functions + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +#define ReqFunc(N) \ + static void Request##N(ENTITY *e) \ + { if (IoAdapters[N]) (*IoAdapters[N]->DIRequest)(IoAdapters[N], e); } ReqFunc(0) ReqFunc(1) ReqFunc(2) @@ -61,792 +61,792 @@ ReqFunc(14) ReqFunc(15) IDI_CALL Requests[MAX_ADAPTER] = { &Request0, &Request1, &Request2, &Request3, - &Request4, &Request5, &Request6, &Request7, - &Request8, &Request9, &Request10, &Request11, - &Request12, &Request13, &Request14, &Request15 + &Request4, &Request5, &Request6, &Request7, + &Request8, &Request9, &Request10, &Request11, + &Request12, &Request13, &Request14, &Request15 }; /*****************************************************************************/ /* This array should indicate all new services, that this version of XDI is able to provide to his clients - */ -static byte extended_xdi_features[DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURES_MAX_SZ+1] = { - (DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURES_VALID | - DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_SDRAM_BAR | - DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_CAPI_PRMS | +*/ +static byte extended_xdi_features[DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURES_MAX_SZ + 1] = { + (DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURES_VALID | + DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_SDRAM_BAR | + DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_CAPI_PRMS | #if defined(DIVA_IDI_RX_DMA) - DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_CMA | - DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_RX_DMA | - DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_MANAGEMENT_DMA | + DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_CMA | + DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_RX_DMA | + DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_MANAGEMENT_DMA | #endif - DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_NO_CANCEL_RC), - 0 + DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_NO_CANCEL_RC), + 0 }; /*****************************************************************************/ void -dump_xlog_buffer (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, Xdesc *xlogDesc) -{ - dword logLen ; - word *Xlog = xlogDesc->buf ; - word logCnt = xlogDesc->cnt ; - word logOut = xlogDesc->out / sizeof(*Xlog) ; - DBG_FTL(("%s: ************* XLOG recovery (%d) *************", - &IoAdapter->Name[0], (int)logCnt)) - DBG_FTL(("Microcode: %s", &IoAdapter->ProtocolIdString[0])) - for ( ; logCnt > 0 ; --logCnt ) - { - if ( !GET_WORD(&Xlog[logOut]) ) - { - if ( --logCnt == 0 ) - break ; - logOut = 0 ; - } - if ( GET_WORD(&Xlog[logOut]) <= (logOut * sizeof(*Xlog)) ) - { - if ( logCnt > 2 ) - { - DBG_FTL(("Possibly corrupted XLOG: %d entries left", - (int)logCnt)) - } - break ; - } - logLen = (dword)(GET_WORD(&Xlog[logOut]) - (logOut * sizeof(*Xlog))) ; - DBG_FTL_MXLOG(( (char *)&Xlog[logOut + 1], (dword)(logLen - 2) )) - logOut = (GET_WORD(&Xlog[logOut]) + 1) / sizeof(*Xlog) ; - } - DBG_FTL(("%s: ***************** end of XLOG *****************", - &IoAdapter->Name[0])) -} +dump_xlog_buffer(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, Xdesc *xlogDesc) +{ + dword logLen; + word *Xlog = xlogDesc->buf; + word logCnt = xlogDesc->cnt; + word logOut = xlogDesc->out / sizeof(*Xlog); + DBG_FTL(("%s: ************* XLOG recovery (%d) *************", + &IoAdapter->Name[0], (int)logCnt)) + DBG_FTL(("Microcode: %s", &IoAdapter->ProtocolIdString[0])) + for (; logCnt > 0; --logCnt) + { + if (!GET_WORD(&Xlog[logOut])) + { + if (--logCnt == 0) + break; + logOut = 0; + } + if (GET_WORD(&Xlog[logOut]) <= (logOut * sizeof(*Xlog))) + { + if (logCnt > 2) + { + DBG_FTL(("Possibly corrupted XLOG: %d entries left", + (int)logCnt)) + } + break; + } + logLen = (dword)(GET_WORD(&Xlog[logOut]) - (logOut * sizeof(*Xlog))); + DBG_FTL_MXLOG(((char *)&Xlog[logOut + 1], (dword)(logLen - 2))) + logOut = (GET_WORD(&Xlog[logOut]) + 1) / sizeof(*Xlog); + } + DBG_FTL(("%s: ***************** end of XLOG *****************", + &IoAdapter->Name[0])) + } /*****************************************************************************/ #if defined(XDI_USE_XLOG) static char *(ExceptionCauseTable[]) = { - "Interrupt", - "TLB mod /IBOUND", - "TLB load /DBOUND", - "TLB store", - "Address error load", - "Address error store", - "Instruction load bus error", - "Data load/store bus error", - "Syscall", - "Breakpoint", - "Reverd instruction", - "Coprocessor unusable", - "Overflow", - "TRAP", - "VCEI", - "Floating Point Exception", - "CP2", - "Reserved 17", - "Reserved 18", - "Reserved 19", - "Reserved 20", - "Reserved 21", - "Reserved 22", - "WATCH", - "Reserved 24", - "Reserved 25", - "Reserved 26", - "Reserved 27", - "Reserved 28", - "Reserved 29", - "Reserved 30", - "VCED" -} ; + "Interrupt", + "TLB mod /IBOUND", + "TLB load /DBOUND", + "TLB store", + "Address error load", + "Address error store", + "Instruction load bus error", + "Data load/store bus error", + "Syscall", + "Breakpoint", + "Reverd instruction", + "Coprocessor unusable", + "Overflow", + "TRAP", + "VCEI", + "Floating Point Exception", + "CP2", + "Reserved 17", + "Reserved 18", + "Reserved 19", + "Reserved 20", + "Reserved 21", + "Reserved 22", + "WATCH", + "Reserved 24", + "Reserved 25", + "Reserved 26", + "Reserved 27", + "Reserved 28", + "Reserved 29", + "Reserved 30", + "VCED" +}; #endif void -dump_trap_frame (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, byte __iomem *exceptionFrame) -{ - MP_XCPTC __iomem *xcept = (MP_XCPTC __iomem *)exceptionFrame ; - dword __iomem *regs; - regs = &xcept->regs[0] ; - DBG_FTL(("%s: ***************** CPU TRAPPED *****************", - &IoAdapter->Name[0])) - DBG_FTL(("Microcode: %s", &IoAdapter->ProtocolIdString[0])) - DBG_FTL(("Cause: %s", - ExceptionCauseTable[(READ_DWORD(&xcept->cr) & 0x0000007c) >> 2])) - DBG_FTL(("sr 0x%08x cr 0x%08x epc 0x%08x vaddr 0x%08x", - READ_DWORD(&xcept->sr), READ_DWORD(&xcept->cr), - READ_DWORD(&xcept->epc), READ_DWORD(&xcept->vaddr))) - DBG_FTL(("zero 0x%08x at 0x%08x v0 0x%08x v1 0x%08x", - READ_DWORD(®s[ 0]), READ_DWORD(®s[ 1]), - READ_DWORD(®s[ 2]), READ_DWORD(®s[ 3]))) - DBG_FTL(("a0 0x%08x a1 0x%08x a2 0x%08x a3 0x%08x", - READ_DWORD(®s[ 4]), READ_DWORD(®s[ 5]), - READ_DWORD(®s[ 6]), READ_DWORD(®s[ 7]))) - DBG_FTL(("t0 0x%08x t1 0x%08x t2 0x%08x t3 0x%08x", - READ_DWORD(®s[ 8]), READ_DWORD(®s[ 9]), - READ_DWORD(®s[10]), READ_DWORD(®s[11]))) - DBG_FTL(("t4 0x%08x t5 0x%08x t6 0x%08x t7 0x%08x", - READ_DWORD(®s[12]), READ_DWORD(®s[13]), - READ_DWORD(®s[14]), READ_DWORD(®s[15]))) - DBG_FTL(("s0 0x%08x s1 0x%08x s2 0x%08x s3 0x%08x", - READ_DWORD(®s[16]), READ_DWORD(®s[17]), - READ_DWORD(®s[18]), READ_DWORD(®s[19]))) - DBG_FTL(("s4 0x%08x s5 0x%08x s6 0x%08x s7 0x%08x", - READ_DWORD(®s[20]), READ_DWORD(®s[21]), - READ_DWORD(®s[22]), READ_DWORD(®s[23]))) - DBG_FTL(("t8 0x%08x t9 0x%08x k0 0x%08x k1 0x%08x", - READ_DWORD(®s[24]), READ_DWORD(®s[25]), - READ_DWORD(®s[26]), READ_DWORD(®s[27]))) - DBG_FTL(("gp 0x%08x sp 0x%08x s8 0x%08x ra 0x%08x", - READ_DWORD(®s[28]), READ_DWORD(®s[29]), - READ_DWORD(®s[30]), READ_DWORD(®s[31]))) - DBG_FTL(("md 0x%08x|%08x resvd 0x%08x class 0x%08x", - READ_DWORD(&xcept->mdhi), READ_DWORD(&xcept->mdlo), - READ_DWORD(&xcept->reseverd), READ_DWORD(&xcept->xclass))) -} +dump_trap_frame(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, byte __iomem *exceptionFrame) +{ + MP_XCPTC __iomem *xcept = (MP_XCPTC __iomem *)exceptionFrame; + dword __iomem *regs; + regs = &xcept->regs[0]; + DBG_FTL(("%s: ***************** CPU TRAPPED *****************", + &IoAdapter->Name[0])) + DBG_FTL(("Microcode: %s", &IoAdapter->ProtocolIdString[0])) + DBG_FTL(("Cause: %s", + ExceptionCauseTable[(READ_DWORD(&xcept->cr) & 0x0000007c) >> 2])) + DBG_FTL(("sr 0x%08x cr 0x%08x epc 0x%08x vaddr 0x%08x", + READ_DWORD(&xcept->sr), READ_DWORD(&xcept->cr), + READ_DWORD(&xcept->epc), READ_DWORD(&xcept->vaddr))) + DBG_FTL(("zero 0x%08x at 0x%08x v0 0x%08x v1 0x%08x", + READ_DWORD(®s[0]), READ_DWORD(®s[1]), + READ_DWORD(®s[2]), READ_DWORD(®s[3]))) + DBG_FTL(("a0 0x%08x a1 0x%08x a2 0x%08x a3 0x%08x", + READ_DWORD(®s[4]), READ_DWORD(®s[5]), + READ_DWORD(®s[6]), READ_DWORD(®s[7]))) + DBG_FTL(("t0 0x%08x t1 0x%08x t2 0x%08x t3 0x%08x", + READ_DWORD(®s[8]), READ_DWORD(®s[9]), + READ_DWORD(®s[10]), READ_DWORD(®s[11]))) + DBG_FTL(("t4 0x%08x t5 0x%08x t6 0x%08x t7 0x%08x", + READ_DWORD(®s[12]), READ_DWORD(®s[13]), + READ_DWORD(®s[14]), READ_DWORD(®s[15]))) + DBG_FTL(("s0 0x%08x s1 0x%08x s2 0x%08x s3 0x%08x", + READ_DWORD(®s[16]), READ_DWORD(®s[17]), + READ_DWORD(®s[18]), READ_DWORD(®s[19]))) + DBG_FTL(("s4 0x%08x s5 0x%08x s6 0x%08x s7 0x%08x", + READ_DWORD(®s[20]), READ_DWORD(®s[21]), + READ_DWORD(®s[22]), READ_DWORD(®s[23]))) + DBG_FTL(("t8 0x%08x t9 0x%08x k0 0x%08x k1 0x%08x", + READ_DWORD(®s[24]), READ_DWORD(®s[25]), + READ_DWORD(®s[26]), READ_DWORD(®s[27]))) + DBG_FTL(("gp 0x%08x sp 0x%08x s8 0x%08x ra 0x%08x", + READ_DWORD(®s[28]), READ_DWORD(®s[29]), + READ_DWORD(®s[30]), READ_DWORD(®s[31]))) + DBG_FTL(("md 0x%08x|%08x resvd 0x%08x class 0x%08x", + READ_DWORD(&xcept->mdhi), READ_DWORD(&xcept->mdlo), + READ_DWORD(&xcept->reseverd), READ_DWORD(&xcept->xclass))) + } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Real XDI Request function - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -void request(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, ENTITY * e) + Real XDI Request function + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +void request(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, ENTITY *e) { - byte i; - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; + byte i; + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; /* * if the Req field in the entity structure is 0, * we treat this request as a special function call */ - if ( !e->Req ) - { - IDI_SYNC_REQ *syncReq = (IDI_SYNC_REQ *)e ; - switch (e->Rc) - { + if (!e->Req) + { + IDI_SYNC_REQ *syncReq = (IDI_SYNC_REQ *)e; + switch (e->Rc) + { #if defined(DIVA_IDI_RX_DMA) - case IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_OPERATION: { - diva_xdi_dma_descriptor_operation_t* pI = \ - &syncReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info; - if (!IoAdapter->dma_map) { - pI->operation = -1; - pI->descriptor_number = -1; - return; - } - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "dma_op"); - if (pI->operation == IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_ALLOC) { - pI->descriptor_number = diva_alloc_dma_map_entry (\ - (struct _diva_dma_map_entry*)IoAdapter->dma_map); - if (pI->descriptor_number >= 0) { - dword dma_magic; - void* local_addr; - diva_get_dma_map_entry (\ - (struct _diva_dma_map_entry*)IoAdapter->dma_map, - pI->descriptor_number, - &local_addr, &dma_magic); - pI->descriptor_address = local_addr; - pI->descriptor_magic = dma_magic; - pI->operation = 0; - } else { - pI->operation = -1; - } - } else if ((pI->operation == IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_FREE) && - (pI->descriptor_number >= 0)) { - diva_free_dma_map_entry((struct _diva_dma_map_entry*)IoAdapter->dma_map, - pI->descriptor_number); - pI->descriptor_number = -1; - pI->operation = 0; - } else { - pI->descriptor_number = -1; - pI->operation = -1; - } - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "dma_op"); - } return; + case IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_OPERATION: { + diva_xdi_dma_descriptor_operation_t *pI = \ + &syncReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info; + if (!IoAdapter->dma_map) { + pI->operation = -1; + pI->descriptor_number = -1; + return; + } + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "dma_op"); + if (pI->operation == IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_ALLOC) { + pI->descriptor_number = diva_alloc_dma_map_entry(\ + (struct _diva_dma_map_entry *)IoAdapter->dma_map); + if (pI->descriptor_number >= 0) { + dword dma_magic; + void *local_addr; + diva_get_dma_map_entry(\ + (struct _diva_dma_map_entry *)IoAdapter->dma_map, + pI->descriptor_number, + &local_addr, &dma_magic); + pI->descriptor_address = local_addr; + pI->descriptor_magic = dma_magic; + pI->operation = 0; + } else { + pI->operation = -1; + } + } else if ((pI->operation == IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_FREE) && + (pI->descriptor_number >= 0)) { + diva_free_dma_map_entry((struct _diva_dma_map_entry *)IoAdapter->dma_map, + pI->descriptor_number); + pI->descriptor_number = -1; + pI->operation = 0; + } else { + pI->descriptor_number = -1; + pI->operation = -1; + } + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "dma_op"); + } return; #endif - case IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_LOGICAL_ADAPTER_NUMBER: { - diva_xdi_get_logical_adapter_number_s_t *pI = \ - &syncReq->xdi_logical_adapter_number.info; - pI->logical_adapter_number = IoAdapter->ANum; - pI->controller = IoAdapter->ControllerNumber; - pI->total_controllers = IoAdapter->Properties.Adapters; - } return; - case IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_CAPI_PARAMS: { - diva_xdi_get_capi_parameters_t prms, *pI = &syncReq->xdi_capi_prms.info; - memset (&prms, 0x00, sizeof(prms)); - prms.structure_length = min_t(size_t, sizeof(prms), pI->structure_length); - memset (pI, 0x00, pI->structure_length); - prms.flag_dynamic_l1_down = (IoAdapter->capi_cfg.cfg_1 & \ - DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_DYNAMIC_L1_ON) ? 1 : 0; - prms.group_optimization_enabled = (IoAdapter->capi_cfg.cfg_1 & \ - DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_GROUP_POPTIMIZATION_ON) ? 1 : 0; - memcpy (pI, &prms, prms.structure_length); - } return; - case IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_ADAPTER_SDRAM_BAR: - syncReq->xdi_sdram_bar.info.bar = IoAdapter->sdram_bar; - return; - case IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_EXTENDED_FEATURES: { - dword i; - diva_xdi_get_extended_xdi_features_t* pI =\ - &syncReq->xdi_extended_features.info; - pI->buffer_length_in_bytes &= ~0x80000000; - if (pI->buffer_length_in_bytes && pI->features) { - memset (pI->features, 0x00, pI->buffer_length_in_bytes); - } - for (i = 0; ((pI->features) && (i < pI->buffer_length_in_bytes) && - (i < DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURES_MAX_SZ)); i++) { - pI->features[i] = extended_xdi_features[i]; - } - if ((pI->buffer_length_in_bytes < DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURES_MAX_SZ) || - (!pI->features)) { - pI->buffer_length_in_bytes =\ - (0x80000000 | DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURES_MAX_SZ); - } - } return; - case IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_STREAM: - if (IoAdapter) { - diva_xdi_provide_istream_info (&IoAdapter->a, - &syncReq->xdi_stream_info.info); - } else { - syncReq->xdi_stream_info.info.provided_service = 0; - } - return; - case IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_NAME: - if ( IoAdapter ) - { - strcpy (&syncReq->GetName.name[0], IoAdapter->Name) ; - DBG_TRC(("xdi: Adapter %d / Name '%s'", - IoAdapter->ANum, IoAdapter->Name)) - return ; - } - syncReq->GetName.name[0] = '\0' ; - break ; - case IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_SERIAL: - if ( IoAdapter ) - { - syncReq->GetSerial.serial = IoAdapter->serialNo ; - DBG_TRC(("xdi: Adapter %d / SerialNo %ld", - IoAdapter->ANum, IoAdapter->serialNo)) - return ; - } - syncReq->GetSerial.serial = 0 ; - break ; - case IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_CARDTYPE: - if ( IoAdapter ) - { - syncReq->GetCardType.cardtype = IoAdapter->cardType ; - DBG_TRC(("xdi: Adapter %d / CardType %ld", - IoAdapter->ANum, IoAdapter->cardType)) - return ; - } - syncReq->GetCardType.cardtype = 0 ; - break ; - case IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_XLOG: - if ( IoAdapter ) - { - pcm_req (IoAdapter, e) ; - return ; - } - e->Ind = 0 ; - break ; - case IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_DBG_XLOG: - if ( IoAdapter ) - { - pcm_req (IoAdapter, e) ; - return ; - } - e->Ind = 0 ; - break ; - case IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_FEATURES: - if ( IoAdapter ) - { - syncReq->GetFeatures.features = - (unsigned short)IoAdapter->features ; - return ; - } - syncReq->GetFeatures.features = 0 ; - break ; - case IDI_SYNC_REQ_PORTDRV_HOOK: - if ( IoAdapter ) - { - DBG_TRC(("Xdi:IDI_SYNC_REQ_PORTDRV_HOOK - ignored")) - return ; - } - break; - } - if ( IoAdapter ) - { - return ; - } - } - DBG_TRC(("xdi: Id 0x%x / Req 0x%x / Rc 0x%x", e->Id, e->Req, e->Rc)) - if ( !IoAdapter ) - { - DBG_FTL(("xdi: uninitialized Adapter used - ignore request")) - return ; - } - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_req"); + case IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_LOGICAL_ADAPTER_NUMBER: { + diva_xdi_get_logical_adapter_number_s_t *pI = \ + &syncReq->xdi_logical_adapter_number.info; + pI->logical_adapter_number = IoAdapter->ANum; + pI->controller = IoAdapter->ControllerNumber; + pI->total_controllers = IoAdapter->Properties.Adapters; + } return; + case IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_CAPI_PARAMS: { + diva_xdi_get_capi_parameters_t prms, *pI = &syncReq->xdi_capi_prms.info; + memset(&prms, 0x00, sizeof(prms)); + prms.structure_length = min_t(size_t, sizeof(prms), pI->structure_length); + memset(pI, 0x00, pI->structure_length); + prms.flag_dynamic_l1_down = (IoAdapter->capi_cfg.cfg_1 & \ + DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_DYNAMIC_L1_ON) ? 1 : 0; + prms.group_optimization_enabled = (IoAdapter->capi_cfg.cfg_1 & \ + DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_GROUP_POPTIMIZATION_ON) ? 1 : 0; + memcpy(pI, &prms, prms.structure_length); + } return; + case IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_ADAPTER_SDRAM_BAR: + syncReq->xdi_sdram_bar.info.bar = IoAdapter->sdram_bar; + return; + case IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_EXTENDED_FEATURES: { + dword i; + diva_xdi_get_extended_xdi_features_t *pI =\ + &syncReq->xdi_extended_features.info; + pI->buffer_length_in_bytes &= ~0x80000000; + if (pI->buffer_length_in_bytes && pI->features) { + memset(pI->features, 0x00, pI->buffer_length_in_bytes); + } + for (i = 0; ((pI->features) && (i < pI->buffer_length_in_bytes) && + (i < DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURES_MAX_SZ)); i++) { + pI->features[i] = extended_xdi_features[i]; + } + if ((pI->buffer_length_in_bytes < DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURES_MAX_SZ) || + (!pI->features)) { + pI->buffer_length_in_bytes =\ + (0x80000000 | DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURES_MAX_SZ); + } + } return; + case IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_STREAM: + if (IoAdapter) { + diva_xdi_provide_istream_info(&IoAdapter->a, + &syncReq->xdi_stream_info.info); + } else { + syncReq->xdi_stream_info.info.provided_service = 0; + } + return; + case IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_NAME: + if (IoAdapter) + { + strcpy(&syncReq->GetName.name[0], IoAdapter->Name); + DBG_TRC(("xdi: Adapter %d / Name '%s'", + IoAdapter->ANum, IoAdapter->Name)) + return; + } + syncReq->GetName.name[0] = '\0'; + break; + case IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_SERIAL: + if (IoAdapter) + { + syncReq->GetSerial.serial = IoAdapter->serialNo; + DBG_TRC(("xdi: Adapter %d / SerialNo %ld", + IoAdapter->ANum, IoAdapter->serialNo)) + return; + } + syncReq->GetSerial.serial = 0; + break; + case IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_CARDTYPE: + if (IoAdapter) + { + syncReq->GetCardType.cardtype = IoAdapter->cardType; + DBG_TRC(("xdi: Adapter %d / CardType %ld", + IoAdapter->ANum, IoAdapter->cardType)) + return; + } + syncReq->GetCardType.cardtype = 0; + break; + case IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_XLOG: + if (IoAdapter) + { + pcm_req(IoAdapter, e); + return; + } + e->Ind = 0; + break; + case IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_DBG_XLOG: + if (IoAdapter) + { + pcm_req(IoAdapter, e); + return; + } + e->Ind = 0; + break; + case IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_FEATURES: + if (IoAdapter) + { + syncReq->GetFeatures.features = + (unsigned short)IoAdapter->features; + return; + } + syncReq->GetFeatures.features = 0; + break; + case IDI_SYNC_REQ_PORTDRV_HOOK: + if (IoAdapter) + { + DBG_TRC(("Xdi:IDI_SYNC_REQ_PORTDRV_HOOK - ignored")) + return; + } + break; + } + if (IoAdapter) + { + return; + } + } + DBG_TRC(("xdi: Id 0x%x / Req 0x%x / Rc 0x%x", e->Id, e->Req, e->Rc)) + if (!IoAdapter) + { + DBG_FTL(("xdi: uninitialized Adapter used - ignore request")) + return; + } + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_req"); /* * assign an entity */ - if ( !(e->Id &0x1f) ) - { - if ( IoAdapter->e_count >= IoAdapter->e_max ) - { - DBG_FTL(("xdi: all Ids in use (max=%d) --> Req ignored", - IoAdapter->e_max)) - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_req"); - return ; - } + if (!(e->Id & 0x1f)) + { + if (IoAdapter->e_count >= IoAdapter->e_max) + { + DBG_FTL(("xdi: all Ids in use (max=%d) --> Req ignored", + IoAdapter->e_max)) + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_req"); + return; + } /* * find a new free id */ - for ( i = 1 ; IoAdapter->e_tbl[i].e ; ++i ) ; - IoAdapter->e_tbl[i].e = e ; - IoAdapter->e_count++ ; - e->No = (byte)i ; - e->More = 0 ; - e->RCurrent = 0xff ; - } - else - { - i = e->No ; - } + for (i = 1; IoAdapter->e_tbl[i].e; ++i); + IoAdapter->e_tbl[i].e = e; + IoAdapter->e_count++; + e->No = (byte)i; + e->More = 0; + e->RCurrent = 0xff; + } + else + { + i = e->No; + } /* * if the entity is still busy, ignore the request call */ - if ( e->More & XBUSY ) - { - DBG_FTL(("xdi: Id 0x%x busy --> Req 0x%x ignored", e->Id, e->Req)) - if ( !IoAdapter->trapped && IoAdapter->trapFnc ) - { - IoAdapter->trapFnc (IoAdapter) ; - /* - Firs trap, also notify user if supported - */ - if (IoAdapter->trapped && IoAdapter->os_trap_nfy_Fnc) { - (*(IoAdapter->os_trap_nfy_Fnc))(IoAdapter, IoAdapter->ANum); - } - } - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_req"); - return ; - } + if (e->More & XBUSY) + { + DBG_FTL(("xdi: Id 0x%x busy --> Req 0x%x ignored", e->Id, e->Req)) + if (!IoAdapter->trapped && IoAdapter->trapFnc) + { + IoAdapter->trapFnc(IoAdapter); + /* + Firs trap, also notify user if supported + */ + if (IoAdapter->trapped && IoAdapter->os_trap_nfy_Fnc) { + (*(IoAdapter->os_trap_nfy_Fnc))(IoAdapter, IoAdapter->ANum); + } + } + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_req"); + return; + } /* * initialize transmit status variables */ - e->More |= XBUSY ; - e->More &= ~XMOREF ; - e->XCurrent = 0 ; - e->XOffset = 0 ; + e->More |= XBUSY; + e->More &= ~XMOREF; + e->XCurrent = 0; + e->XOffset = 0; /* * queue this entity in the adapter request queue */ - IoAdapter->e_tbl[i].next = 0 ; - if ( IoAdapter->head ) - { - IoAdapter->e_tbl[IoAdapter->tail].next = i ; - IoAdapter->tail = i ; - } - else - { - IoAdapter->head = i ; - IoAdapter->tail = i ; - } + IoAdapter->e_tbl[i].next = 0; + if (IoAdapter->head) + { + IoAdapter->e_tbl[IoAdapter->tail].next = i; + IoAdapter->tail = i; + } + else + { + IoAdapter->head = i; + IoAdapter->tail = i; + } /* * queue the DPC to process the request */ - diva_os_schedule_soft_isr (&IoAdapter->req_soft_isr); - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_req"); + diva_os_schedule_soft_isr(&IoAdapter->req_soft_isr); + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_req"); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- - Main DPC routine + Main DPC routine --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -void DIDpcRoutine (struct _diva_os_soft_isr* psoft_isr, void* Context) { - PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER)Context ; - ADAPTER* a = &IoAdapter->a ; - diva_os_atomic_t* pin_dpc = &IoAdapter->in_dpc; - if (diva_os_atomic_increment (pin_dpc) == 1) { - do { - if ( IoAdapter->tst_irq (a) ) - { - if ( !IoAdapter->Unavailable ) - IoAdapter->dpc (a) ; - IoAdapter->clr_irq (a) ; - } - IoAdapter->out (a) ; - } while (diva_os_atomic_decrement (pin_dpc) > 0); - /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- - Look for XLOG request (cards with indirect addressing) - ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ - if (IoAdapter->pcm_pending) { - struct pc_maint *pcm; - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t OldIrql ; - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, - &OldIrql, - "data_dpc"); - pcm = (struct pc_maint *)IoAdapter->pcm_data; - switch (IoAdapter->pcm_pending) { - case 1: /* ask card for XLOG */ - a->ram_out (a, &IoAdapter->pcm->rc, 0) ; - a->ram_out (a, &IoAdapter->pcm->req, pcm->req) ; - IoAdapter->pcm_pending = 2; - break; - case 2: /* Try to get XLOG from the card */ - if ((int)(a->ram_in (a, &IoAdapter->pcm->rc))) { - a->ram_in_buffer (a, IoAdapter->pcm, pcm, sizeof(*pcm)) ; - IoAdapter->pcm_pending = 3; - } - break; - case 3: /* let XDI recovery XLOG */ - break; - } - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, - &OldIrql, - "data_dpc"); - } - /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ - } +void DIDpcRoutine(struct _diva_os_soft_isr *psoft_isr, void *Context) { + PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER)Context; + ADAPTER *a = &IoAdapter->a; + diva_os_atomic_t *pin_dpc = &IoAdapter->in_dpc; + if (diva_os_atomic_increment(pin_dpc) == 1) { + do { + if (IoAdapter->tst_irq(a)) + { + if (!IoAdapter->Unavailable) + IoAdapter->dpc(a); + IoAdapter->clr_irq(a); + } + IoAdapter->out(a); + } while (diva_os_atomic_decrement(pin_dpc) > 0); + /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- + Look for XLOG request (cards with indirect addressing) + ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if (IoAdapter->pcm_pending) { + struct pc_maint *pcm; + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t OldIrql; + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, + &OldIrql, + "data_dpc"); + pcm = (struct pc_maint *)IoAdapter->pcm_data; + switch (IoAdapter->pcm_pending) { + case 1: /* ask card for XLOG */ + a->ram_out(a, &IoAdapter->pcm->rc, 0); + a->ram_out(a, &IoAdapter->pcm->req, pcm->req); + IoAdapter->pcm_pending = 2; + break; + case 2: /* Try to get XLOG from the card */ + if ((int)(a->ram_in(a, &IoAdapter->pcm->rc))) { + a->ram_in_buffer(a, IoAdapter->pcm, pcm, sizeof(*pcm)); + IoAdapter->pcm_pending = 3; + } + break; + case 3: /* let XDI recovery XLOG */ + break; + } + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, + &OldIrql, + "data_dpc"); + } + /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ + } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - XLOG interface - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + XLOG interface + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void -pcm_req (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, ENTITY *e) +pcm_req(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, ENTITY *e) { - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t OldIrql ; - int i, rc ; - ADAPTER *a = &IoAdapter->a ; - struct pc_maint *pcm = (struct pc_maint *)&e->Ind ; + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t OldIrql; + int i, rc; + ADAPTER *a = &IoAdapter->a; + struct pc_maint *pcm = (struct pc_maint *)&e->Ind; /* * special handling of I/O based card interface * the memory access isn't an atomic operation ! */ - if ( IoAdapter->Properties.Card == CARD_MAE ) - { - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, - &OldIrql, - "data_pcm_1"); - IoAdapter->pcm_data = (void *)pcm; - IoAdapter->pcm_pending = 1; - diva_os_schedule_soft_isr (&IoAdapter->req_soft_isr); - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, - &OldIrql, - "data_pcm_1"); - for ( rc = 0, i = (IoAdapter->trapped ? 3000 : 250) ; !rc && (i > 0) ; --i ) - { - diva_os_sleep (1) ; - if (IoAdapter->pcm_pending == 3) { - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, - &OldIrql, - "data_pcm_3"); - IoAdapter->pcm_pending = 0; - IoAdapter->pcm_data = NULL ; - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, - &OldIrql, - "data_pcm_3"); - return ; - } - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, - &OldIrql, - "data_pcm_2"); - diva_os_schedule_soft_isr (&IoAdapter->req_soft_isr); - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, - &OldIrql, - "data_pcm_2"); - } - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, - &OldIrql, - "data_pcm_4"); - IoAdapter->pcm_pending = 0; - IoAdapter->pcm_data = NULL ; - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, - &OldIrql, - "data_pcm_4"); - goto Trapped ; - } + if (IoAdapter->Properties.Card == CARD_MAE) + { + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, + &OldIrql, + "data_pcm_1"); + IoAdapter->pcm_data = (void *)pcm; + IoAdapter->pcm_pending = 1; + diva_os_schedule_soft_isr(&IoAdapter->req_soft_isr); + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, + &OldIrql, + "data_pcm_1"); + for (rc = 0, i = (IoAdapter->trapped ? 3000 : 250); !rc && (i > 0); --i) + { + diva_os_sleep(1); + if (IoAdapter->pcm_pending == 3) { + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, + &OldIrql, + "data_pcm_3"); + IoAdapter->pcm_pending = 0; + IoAdapter->pcm_data = NULL; + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, + &OldIrql, + "data_pcm_3"); + return; + } + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, + &OldIrql, + "data_pcm_2"); + diva_os_schedule_soft_isr(&IoAdapter->req_soft_isr); + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, + &OldIrql, + "data_pcm_2"); + } + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, + &OldIrql, + "data_pcm_4"); + IoAdapter->pcm_pending = 0; + IoAdapter->pcm_data = NULL; + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, + &OldIrql, + "data_pcm_4"); + goto Trapped; + } /* * memory based shared ram is accessible from different * processors without disturbing concurrent processes. */ - a->ram_out (a, &IoAdapter->pcm->rc, 0) ; - a->ram_out (a, &IoAdapter->pcm->req, pcm->req) ; - for ( i = (IoAdapter->trapped ? 3000 : 250) ; --i > 0 ; ) - { - diva_os_sleep (1) ; - rc = (int)(a->ram_in (a, &IoAdapter->pcm->rc)) ; - if ( rc ) - { - a->ram_in_buffer (a, IoAdapter->pcm, pcm, sizeof(*pcm)) ; - return ; - } - } + a->ram_out(a, &IoAdapter->pcm->rc, 0); + a->ram_out(a, &IoAdapter->pcm->req, pcm->req); + for (i = (IoAdapter->trapped ? 3000 : 250); --i > 0;) + { + diva_os_sleep(1); + rc = (int)(a->ram_in(a, &IoAdapter->pcm->rc)); + if (rc) + { + a->ram_in_buffer(a, IoAdapter->pcm, pcm, sizeof(*pcm)); + return; + } + } Trapped: - if ( IoAdapter->trapFnc ) - { - int trapped = IoAdapter->trapped; - IoAdapter->trapFnc (IoAdapter) ; - /* - Firs trap, also notify user if supported - */ - if (!trapped && IoAdapter->trapped && IoAdapter->os_trap_nfy_Fnc) { - (*(IoAdapter->os_trap_nfy_Fnc))(IoAdapter, IoAdapter->ANum); - } - } + if (IoAdapter->trapFnc) + { + int trapped = IoAdapter->trapped; + IoAdapter->trapFnc(IoAdapter); + /* + Firs trap, also notify user if supported + */ + if (!trapped && IoAdapter->trapped && IoAdapter->os_trap_nfy_Fnc) { + (*(IoAdapter->os_trap_nfy_Fnc))(IoAdapter, IoAdapter->ANum); + } + } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* ram access functions for memory mapped cards */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -byte mem_in (ADAPTER *a, void *addr) +byte mem_in(ADAPTER *a, void *addr) { - byte val; - volatile byte __iomem *Base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); - val = READ_BYTE(Base + (unsigned long)addr); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Base); - return (val); + byte val; + volatile byte __iomem *Base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); + val = READ_BYTE(Base + (unsigned long)addr); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Base); + return (val); } -word mem_inw (ADAPTER *a, void *addr) +word mem_inw(ADAPTER *a, void *addr) { - word val; - volatile byte __iomem *Base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); - val = READ_WORD((Base + (unsigned long)addr)); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Base); - return (val); + word val; + volatile byte __iomem *Base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); + val = READ_WORD((Base + (unsigned long)addr)); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Base); + return (val); } -void mem_in_dw (ADAPTER *a, void *addr, dword* data, int dwords) +void mem_in_dw(ADAPTER *a, void *addr, dword *data, int dwords) { - volatile byte __iomem * Base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); - while (dwords--) { - *data++ = READ_DWORD((Base + (unsigned long)addr)); - addr+=4; - } - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Base); + volatile byte __iomem *Base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); + while (dwords--) { + *data++ = READ_DWORD((Base + (unsigned long)addr)); + addr += 4; + } + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Base); } -void mem_in_buffer (ADAPTER *a, void *addr, void *buffer, word length) +void mem_in_buffer(ADAPTER *a, void *addr, void *buffer, word length) { - volatile byte __iomem *Base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); - memcpy_fromio(buffer, (Base + (unsigned long)addr), length); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Base); + volatile byte __iomem *Base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); + memcpy_fromio(buffer, (Base + (unsigned long)addr), length); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Base); } -void mem_look_ahead (ADAPTER *a, PBUFFER *RBuffer, ENTITY *e) +void mem_look_ahead(ADAPTER *a, PBUFFER *RBuffer, ENTITY *e) { - PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io ; - IoAdapter->RBuffer.length = mem_inw (a, &RBuffer->length) ; - mem_in_buffer (a, RBuffer->P, IoAdapter->RBuffer.P, - IoAdapter->RBuffer.length) ; - e->RBuffer = (DBUFFER *)&IoAdapter->RBuffer ; + PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io; + IoAdapter->RBuffer.length = mem_inw(a, &RBuffer->length); + mem_in_buffer(a, RBuffer->P, IoAdapter->RBuffer.P, + IoAdapter->RBuffer.length); + e->RBuffer = (DBUFFER *)&IoAdapter->RBuffer; } -void mem_out (ADAPTER *a, void *addr, byte data) +void mem_out(ADAPTER *a, void *addr, byte data) { - volatile byte __iomem *Base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); - WRITE_BYTE(Base + (unsigned long)addr, data); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Base); + volatile byte __iomem *Base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); + WRITE_BYTE(Base + (unsigned long)addr, data); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Base); } -void mem_outw (ADAPTER *a, void *addr, word data) +void mem_outw(ADAPTER *a, void *addr, word data) { - volatile byte __iomem * Base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); - WRITE_WORD((Base + (unsigned long)addr), data); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Base); + volatile byte __iomem *Base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); + WRITE_WORD((Base + (unsigned long)addr), data); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Base); } -void mem_out_dw (ADAPTER *a, void *addr, const dword* data, int dwords) +void mem_out_dw(ADAPTER *a, void *addr, const dword *data, int dwords) { - volatile byte __iomem * Base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); - while (dwords--) { - WRITE_DWORD((Base + (unsigned long)addr), *data); - addr+=4; - data++; - } - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Base); + volatile byte __iomem *Base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); + while (dwords--) { + WRITE_DWORD((Base + (unsigned long)addr), *data); + addr += 4; + data++; + } + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Base); } -void mem_out_buffer (ADAPTER *a, void *addr, void *buffer, word length) +void mem_out_buffer(ADAPTER *a, void *addr, void *buffer, word length) { - volatile byte __iomem * Base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); - memcpy_toio((Base + (unsigned long)addr), buffer, length) ; - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Base); + volatile byte __iomem *Base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); + memcpy_toio((Base + (unsigned long)addr), buffer, length); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Base); } -void mem_inc (ADAPTER *a, void *addr) +void mem_inc(ADAPTER *a, void *addr) { - volatile byte __iomem *Base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); - byte x = READ_BYTE(Base + (unsigned long)addr); - WRITE_BYTE(Base + (unsigned long)addr, x + 1); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Base); + volatile byte __iomem *Base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); + byte x = READ_BYTE(Base + (unsigned long)addr); + WRITE_BYTE(Base + (unsigned long)addr, x + 1); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Base); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* ram access functions for io-mapped cards */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -byte io_in(ADAPTER * a, void * adr) -{ - byte val; - byte __iomem *Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); - outppw(Port + 4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); - val = inpp(Port); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Port); - return(val); -} -word io_inw(ADAPTER * a, void * adr) -{ - word val; - byte __iomem *Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); - outppw(Port + 4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); - val = inppw(Port); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Port); - return(val); -} -void io_in_buffer(ADAPTER * a, void * adr, void * buffer, word len) -{ - byte __iomem *Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); - byte* P = (byte*)buffer; - if ((long)adr & 1) { - outppw(Port+4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); - *P = inpp(Port); - P++; - adr = ((byte *) adr) + 1; - len--; - if (!len) { +byte io_in(ADAPTER *a, void *adr) +{ + byte val; + byte __iomem *Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); + outppw(Port + 4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); + val = inpp(Port); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Port); + return (val); +} +word io_inw(ADAPTER *a, void *adr) +{ + word val; + byte __iomem *Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); + outppw(Port + 4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); + val = inppw(Port); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Port); + return (val); +} +void io_in_buffer(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, void *buffer, word len) +{ + byte __iomem *Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); + byte *P = (byte *)buffer; + if ((long)adr & 1) { + outppw(Port + 4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); + *P = inpp(Port); + P++; + adr = ((byte *) adr) + 1; + len--; + if (!len) { + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Port); + return; + } + } + outppw(Port + 4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); + inppw_buffer(Port, P, len + 1); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Port); +} +void io_look_ahead(ADAPTER *a, PBUFFER *RBuffer, ENTITY *e) +{ + byte __iomem *Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); + outppw(Port + 4, (word)(unsigned long)RBuffer); + ((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io)->RBuffer.length = inppw(Port); + inppw_buffer(Port, ((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io)->RBuffer.P, ((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io)->RBuffer.length + 1); + e->RBuffer = (DBUFFER *) &(((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io)->RBuffer); DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Port); - return; - } - } - outppw(Port+4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); - inppw_buffer (Port, P, len+1); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Port); -} -void io_look_ahead(ADAPTER * a, PBUFFER * RBuffer, ENTITY * e) -{ - byte __iomem *Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); - outppw(Port+4, (word)(unsigned long)RBuffer); - ((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io)->RBuffer.length = inppw(Port); - inppw_buffer (Port, ((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io)->RBuffer.P, ((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io)->RBuffer.length + 1); - e->RBuffer = (DBUFFER *) &(((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io)->RBuffer); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Port); -} -void io_out(ADAPTER * a, void * adr, byte data) -{ - byte __iomem *Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); - outppw(Port+4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); - outpp(Port, data); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Port); -} -void io_outw(ADAPTER * a, void * adr, word data) -{ - byte __iomem *Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); - outppw(Port+4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); - outppw(Port, data); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Port); -} -void io_out_buffer(ADAPTER * a, void * adr, void * buffer, word len) -{ - byte __iomem *Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); - byte* P = (byte*)buffer; - if ((long)adr & 1) { - outppw(Port+4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); - outpp(Port, *P); - P++; - adr = ((byte *) adr) + 1; - len--; - if (!len) { +} +void io_out(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, byte data) +{ + byte __iomem *Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); + outppw(Port + 4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); + outpp(Port, data); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Port); +} +void io_outw(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, word data) +{ + byte __iomem *Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); + outppw(Port + 4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); + outppw(Port, data); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Port); +} +void io_out_buffer(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, void *buffer, word len) +{ + byte __iomem *Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); + byte *P = (byte *)buffer; + if ((long)adr & 1) { + outppw(Port + 4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); + outpp(Port, *P); + P++; + adr = ((byte *) adr) + 1; + len--; + if (!len) { + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Port); + return; + } + } + outppw(Port + 4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); + outppw_buffer(Port, P, len + 1); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Port); +} +void io_inc(ADAPTER *a, void *adr) +{ + byte x; + byte __iomem *Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); + outppw(Port + 4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); + x = inpp(Port); + outppw(Port + 4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); + outpp(Port, x + 1); DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Port); - return; - } - } - outppw(Port+4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); - outppw_buffer (Port, P, len+1); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Port); -} -void io_inc(ADAPTER * a, void * adr) -{ - byte x; - byte __iomem *Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io); - outppw(Port+4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); - x = inpp(Port); - outppw(Port+4, (word)(unsigned long)adr); - outpp(Port, x+1); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT((PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io, Port); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* OS specific functions related to queuing of entities */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -void free_entity(ADAPTER * a, byte e_no) -{ - PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter; - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; - IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER) a->io; - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_free"); - IoAdapter->e_tbl[e_no].e = NULL; - IoAdapter->e_count--; - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_free"); -} -void assign_queue(ADAPTER * a, byte e_no, word ref) -{ - PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter; - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; - IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER) a->io; - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_assign"); - IoAdapter->e_tbl[e_no].assign_ref = ref; - IoAdapter->e_tbl[e_no].next = (byte)IoAdapter->assign; - IoAdapter->assign = e_no; - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_assign"); -} -byte get_assign(ADAPTER * a, word ref) -{ - PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter; - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; - byte e_no; - IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER) a->io; - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, - &irql, - "data_assign_get"); - for(e_no = (byte)IoAdapter->assign; - e_no && IoAdapter->e_tbl[e_no].assign_ref!=ref; - e_no = IoAdapter->e_tbl[e_no].next); - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, - &irql, - "data_assign_get"); - return e_no; -} -void req_queue(ADAPTER * a, byte e_no) -{ - PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter; - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; - IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER) a->io; - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_req_q"); - IoAdapter->e_tbl[e_no].next = 0; - if(IoAdapter->head) { - IoAdapter->e_tbl[IoAdapter->tail].next = e_no; - IoAdapter->tail = e_no; - } - else { - IoAdapter->head = e_no; - IoAdapter->tail = e_no; - } - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_req_q"); -} -byte look_req(ADAPTER * a) -{ - PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter; - IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER) a->io; - return ((byte)IoAdapter->head) ; -} -void next_req(ADAPTER * a) -{ - PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter; - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; - IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER) a->io; - diva_os_enter_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_req_next"); - IoAdapter->head = IoAdapter->e_tbl[IoAdapter->head].next; - if(!IoAdapter->head) IoAdapter->tail = 0; - diva_os_leave_spin_lock (&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_req_next"); +void free_entity(ADAPTER *a, byte e_no) +{ + PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter; + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; + IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER) a->io; + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_free"); + IoAdapter->e_tbl[e_no].e = NULL; + IoAdapter->e_count--; + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_free"); +} +void assign_queue(ADAPTER *a, byte e_no, word ref) +{ + PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter; + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; + IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER) a->io; + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_assign"); + IoAdapter->e_tbl[e_no].assign_ref = ref; + IoAdapter->e_tbl[e_no].next = (byte)IoAdapter->assign; + IoAdapter->assign = e_no; + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_assign"); +} +byte get_assign(ADAPTER *a, word ref) +{ + PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter; + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; + byte e_no; + IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER) a->io; + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, + &irql, + "data_assign_get"); + for (e_no = (byte)IoAdapter->assign; + e_no && IoAdapter->e_tbl[e_no].assign_ref != ref; + e_no = IoAdapter->e_tbl[e_no].next); + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, + &irql, + "data_assign_get"); + return e_no; +} +void req_queue(ADAPTER *a, byte e_no) +{ + PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter; + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; + IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER) a->io; + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_req_q"); + IoAdapter->e_tbl[e_no].next = 0; + if (IoAdapter->head) { + IoAdapter->e_tbl[IoAdapter->tail].next = e_no; + IoAdapter->tail = e_no; + } + else { + IoAdapter->head = e_no; + IoAdapter->tail = e_no; + } + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_req_q"); +} +byte look_req(ADAPTER *a) +{ + PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter; + IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER) a->io; + return ((byte)IoAdapter->head); +} +void next_req(ADAPTER *a) +{ + PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter; + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t irql; + IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER) a->io; + diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_req_next"); + IoAdapter->head = IoAdapter->e_tbl[IoAdapter->head].next; + if (!IoAdapter->head) IoAdapter->tail = 0; + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&IoAdapter->data_spin_lock, &irql, "data_req_next"); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* memory map functions */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -ENTITY * entity_ptr(ADAPTER * a, byte e_no) +ENTITY *entity_ptr(ADAPTER *a, byte e_no) { - PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter; - IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER) a->io; - return (IoAdapter->e_tbl[e_no].e); + PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter; + IoAdapter = (PISDN_ADAPTER)a->io; + return (IoAdapter->e_tbl[e_no].e); } -void * PTR_X(ADAPTER * a, ENTITY * e) +void *PTR_X(ADAPTER *a, ENTITY *e) { - return ((void *) e->X); + return ((void *) e->X); } -void * PTR_R(ADAPTER * a, ENTITY * e) +void *PTR_R(ADAPTER *a, ENTITY *e) { - return ((void *) e->R); + return ((void *) e->R); } -void * PTR_P(ADAPTER * a, ENTITY * e, void * P) +void *PTR_P(ADAPTER *a, ENTITY *e, void *P) { - return P; + return P; } -void CALLBACK(ADAPTER * a, ENTITY * e) +void CALLBACK(ADAPTER *a, ENTITY *e) { - if ( e && e->callback ) - e->callback (e) ; + if (e && e->callback) + e->callback(e); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/io.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/io.h index a6f175596364d82b7d96a27387a360d6b7501aa3..01deced18ab83634aa761e748b02ee31cab9482a 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/io.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/io.h @@ -1,308 +1,308 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef __DIVA_XDI_COMMON_IO_H_INC__ /* { */ #define __DIVA_XDI_COMMON_IO_H_INC__ /* - maximum = 16 adapters - */ + maximum = 16 adapters +*/ #define DI_MAX_LINKS MAX_ADAPTER #define ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN 60 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - structure for quadro card management (obsolete for - systems that do provide per card load event) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + structure for quadro card management (obsolete for + systems that do provide per card load event) + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { - dword Num ; - DEVICE_NAME DeviceName[4] ; - PISDN_ADAPTER QuadroAdapter[4] ; -} ADAPTER_LIST_ENTRY, *PADAPTER_LIST_ENTRY ; + dword Num; + DEVICE_NAME DeviceName[4]; + PISDN_ADAPTER QuadroAdapter[4]; +} ADAPTER_LIST_ENTRY, *PADAPTER_LIST_ENTRY; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Special OS memory support structures - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + Special OS memory support structures + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define MAX_MAPPED_ENTRIES 8 typedef struct { - void * Address; - dword Length; -} ADAPTER_MEMORY ; + void *Address; + dword Length; +} ADAPTER_MEMORY; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Configuration of XDI clients carried by XDI - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + Configuration of XDI clients carried by XDI + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_DYNAMIC_L1_ON 0x01 #define DIVA_XDI_CAPI_CFG_1_GROUP_POPTIMIZATION_ON 0x02 typedef struct _diva_xdi_capi_cfg { - byte cfg_1; + byte cfg_1; } diva_xdi_capi_cfg_t; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Main data structure kept per adapter - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + Main data structure kept per adapter + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct _ISDN_ADAPTER { - void (* DIRequest)(PISDN_ADAPTER, ENTITY *) ; - int State ; /* from NT4 1.srv, a good idea, but a poor achievement */ - int Initialized ; - int RegisteredWithDidd ; - int Unavailable ; /* callback function possible? */ - int ResourcesClaimed ; - int PnpBiosConfigUsed ; - dword Logging ; - dword features ; - char ProtocolIdString[80] ; - /* - remember mapped memory areas - */ - ADAPTER_MEMORY MappedMemory[MAX_MAPPED_ENTRIES] ; - CARD_PROPERTIES Properties ; - dword cardType ; - dword protocol_id ; /* configured protocol identifier */ - char protocol_name[8] ; /* readable name of protocol */ - dword BusType ; - dword BusNumber ; - dword slotNumber ; - dword slotId ; - dword ControllerNumber ; /* for QUADRO cards only */ - PISDN_ADAPTER MultiMaster ; /* for 4-BRI card only - use MultiMaster or QuadroList */ - PADAPTER_LIST_ENTRY QuadroList ; /* for QUADRO card only */ - PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject ; - dword DeviceId ; - diva_os_adapter_irq_info_t irq_info; - dword volatile IrqCount ; - int trapped ; - dword DspCodeBaseAddr ; - dword MaxDspCodeSize ; - dword downloadAddr ; - dword DspCodeBaseAddrTable[4] ; /* add. for MultiMaster */ - dword MaxDspCodeSizeTable[4] ; /* add. for MultiMaster */ - dword downloadAddrTable[4] ; /* add. for MultiMaster */ - dword MemoryBase ; - dword MemorySize ; - byte __iomem *Address ; - byte __iomem *Config ; - byte __iomem *Control ; - byte __iomem *reset ; - byte __iomem *port ; - byte __iomem *ram ; - byte __iomem *cfg ; - byte __iomem *prom ; - byte __iomem *ctlReg ; - struct pc_maint *pcm ; - diva_os_dependent_devica_name_t os_name; - byte Name[32] ; - dword serialNo ; - dword ANum ; - dword ArchiveType ; /* ARCHIVE_TYPE_NONE ..._SINGLE ..._USGEN ..._MULTI */ - char *ProtocolSuffix ; /* internal protocolfile table */ - char Archive[32] ; - char Protocol[32] ; - char AddDownload[32] ; /* Dsp- or other additional download files */ - char Oad1[ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN] ; - char Osa1[ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN] ; - char Oad2[ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN] ; - char Osa2[ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN] ; - char Spid1[ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN] ; - char Spid2[ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN] ; - byte nosig ; - byte BriLayer2LinkCount ; /* amount of TEI's that adapter will support in P2MP mode */ - dword Channels ; - dword tei ; - dword nt2 ; - dword TerminalCount ; - dword WatchDog ; - dword Permanent ; - dword BChMask ; /* B channel mask for unchannelized modes */ - dword StableL2 ; - dword DidLen ; - dword NoOrderCheck ; - dword ForceLaw; /* VoiceCoding - default:0, a-law: 1, my-law: 2 */ - dword SigFlags ; - dword LowChannel ; - dword NoHscx30 ; - dword ProtVersion ; - dword crc4 ; - dword L1TristateOrQsig ; /* enable Layer 1 Tristate (bit 2)Or Qsig params (bit 0,1)*/ - dword InitialDspInfo ; - dword ModemGuardTone ; - dword ModemMinSpeed ; - dword ModemMaxSpeed ; - dword ModemOptions ; - dword ModemOptions2 ; - dword ModemNegotiationMode ; - dword ModemModulationsMask ; - dword ModemTransmitLevel ; - dword FaxOptions ; - dword FaxMaxSpeed ; - dword Part68LevelLimiter ; - dword UsEktsNumCallApp ; - byte UsEktsFeatAddConf ; - byte UsEktsFeatRemoveConf ; - byte UsEktsFeatCallTransfer ; - byte UsEktsFeatMsgWaiting ; - byte QsigDialect; - byte ForceVoiceMailAlert; - byte DisableAutoSpid; - byte ModemCarrierWaitTimeSec; - byte ModemCarrierLossWaitTimeTenthSec; - byte PiafsLinkTurnaroundInFrames; - byte DiscAfterProgress; - byte AniDniLimiter[3]; - byte TxAttenuation; /* PRI/E1 only: attenuate TX signal */ - word QsigFeatures; - dword GenerateRingtone ; - dword SupplementaryServicesFeatures; - dword R2Dialect; - dword R2CasOptions; - dword FaxV34Options; - dword DisabledDspMask; - dword AdapterTestMask; - dword DspImageLength; - word AlertToIn20mSecTicks; - word ModemEyeSetup; - byte R2CtryLength; - byte CCBSRelTimer; - byte *PcCfgBufferFile;/* flexible parameter via file */ - byte *PcCfgBuffer ; /* flexible parameter via multistring */ - diva_os_dump_file_t dump_file; /* dump memory to file at lowest irq level */ - diva_os_board_trace_t board_trace ; /* traces from the board */ - diva_os_spin_lock_t isr_spin_lock; - diva_os_spin_lock_t data_spin_lock; - diva_os_soft_isr_t req_soft_isr; - diva_os_soft_isr_t isr_soft_isr; - diva_os_atomic_t in_dpc; - PBUFFER RBuffer; /* Copy of receive lookahead buffer */ - word e_max; - word e_count; - E_INFO *e_tbl; - word assign; /* list of pending ASSIGNs */ - word head; /* head of request queue */ - word tail; /* tail of request queue */ - ADAPTER a ; /* not a separate structure */ - void (* out)(ADAPTER * a) ; - byte (* dpc)(ADAPTER * a) ; - byte (* tst_irq)(ADAPTER * a) ; - void (* clr_irq)(ADAPTER * a) ; - int (* load)(PISDN_ADAPTER) ; - int (* mapmem)(PISDN_ADAPTER) ; - int (* chkIrq)(PISDN_ADAPTER) ; - void (* disIrq)(PISDN_ADAPTER) ; - void (* start)(PISDN_ADAPTER) ; - void (* stop)(PISDN_ADAPTER) ; - void (* rstFnc)(PISDN_ADAPTER) ; - void (* trapFnc)(PISDN_ADAPTER) ; - dword (* DetectDsps)(PISDN_ADAPTER) ; - void (* os_trap_nfy_Fnc)(PISDN_ADAPTER, dword) ; - diva_os_isr_callback_t diva_isr_handler; - dword sdram_bar; /* must be 32 bit */ - dword fpga_features; - volatile int pcm_pending; - volatile void * pcm_data; - diva_xdi_capi_cfg_t capi_cfg; - dword tasks; - void *dma_map; - int (*DivaAdapterTestProc)(PISDN_ADAPTER); - void *AdapterTestMemoryStart; - dword AdapterTestMemoryLength; - const byte* cfg_lib_memory_init; - dword cfg_lib_memory_init_length; + void (*DIRequest)(PISDN_ADAPTER, ENTITY *); + int State; /* from NT4 1.srv, a good idea, but a poor achievement */ + int Initialized; + int RegisteredWithDidd; + int Unavailable; /* callback function possible? */ + int ResourcesClaimed; + int PnpBiosConfigUsed; + dword Logging; + dword features; + char ProtocolIdString[80]; + /* + remember mapped memory areas + */ + ADAPTER_MEMORY MappedMemory[MAX_MAPPED_ENTRIES]; + CARD_PROPERTIES Properties; + dword cardType; + dword protocol_id; /* configured protocol identifier */ + char protocol_name[8]; /* readable name of protocol */ + dword BusType; + dword BusNumber; + dword slotNumber; + dword slotId; + dword ControllerNumber; /* for QUADRO cards only */ + PISDN_ADAPTER MultiMaster; /* for 4-BRI card only - use MultiMaster or QuadroList */ + PADAPTER_LIST_ENTRY QuadroList; /* for QUADRO card only */ + PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject; + dword DeviceId; + diva_os_adapter_irq_info_t irq_info; + dword volatile IrqCount; + int trapped; + dword DspCodeBaseAddr; + dword MaxDspCodeSize; + dword downloadAddr; + dword DspCodeBaseAddrTable[4]; /* add. for MultiMaster */ + dword MaxDspCodeSizeTable[4]; /* add. for MultiMaster */ + dword downloadAddrTable[4]; /* add. for MultiMaster */ + dword MemoryBase; + dword MemorySize; + byte __iomem *Address; + byte __iomem *Config; + byte __iomem *Control; + byte __iomem *reset; + byte __iomem *port; + byte __iomem *ram; + byte __iomem *cfg; + byte __iomem *prom; + byte __iomem *ctlReg; + struct pc_maint *pcm; + diva_os_dependent_devica_name_t os_name; + byte Name[32]; + dword serialNo; + dword ANum; + dword ArchiveType; /* ARCHIVE_TYPE_NONE ..._SINGLE ..._USGEN ..._MULTI */ + char *ProtocolSuffix; /* internal protocolfile table */ + char Archive[32]; + char Protocol[32]; + char AddDownload[32]; /* Dsp- or other additional download files */ + char Oad1[ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN]; + char Osa1[ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN]; + char Oad2[ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN]; + char Osa2[ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN]; + char Spid1[ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN]; + char Spid2[ISDN_MAX_NUM_LEN]; + byte nosig; + byte BriLayer2LinkCount; /* amount of TEI's that adapter will support in P2MP mode */ + dword Channels; + dword tei; + dword nt2; + dword TerminalCount; + dword WatchDog; + dword Permanent; + dword BChMask; /* B channel mask for unchannelized modes */ + dword StableL2; + dword DidLen; + dword NoOrderCheck; + dword ForceLaw; /* VoiceCoding - default:0, a-law: 1, my-law: 2 */ + dword SigFlags; + dword LowChannel; + dword NoHscx30; + dword ProtVersion; + dword crc4; + dword L1TristateOrQsig; /* enable Layer 1 Tristate (bit 2)Or Qsig params (bit 0,1)*/ + dword InitialDspInfo; + dword ModemGuardTone; + dword ModemMinSpeed; + dword ModemMaxSpeed; + dword ModemOptions; + dword ModemOptions2; + dword ModemNegotiationMode; + dword ModemModulationsMask; + dword ModemTransmitLevel; + dword FaxOptions; + dword FaxMaxSpeed; + dword Part68LevelLimiter; + dword UsEktsNumCallApp; + byte UsEktsFeatAddConf; + byte UsEktsFeatRemoveConf; + byte UsEktsFeatCallTransfer; + byte UsEktsFeatMsgWaiting; + byte QsigDialect; + byte ForceVoiceMailAlert; + byte DisableAutoSpid; + byte ModemCarrierWaitTimeSec; + byte ModemCarrierLossWaitTimeTenthSec; + byte PiafsLinkTurnaroundInFrames; + byte DiscAfterProgress; + byte AniDniLimiter[3]; + byte TxAttenuation; /* PRI/E1 only: attenuate TX signal */ + word QsigFeatures; + dword GenerateRingtone; + dword SupplementaryServicesFeatures; + dword R2Dialect; + dword R2CasOptions; + dword FaxV34Options; + dword DisabledDspMask; + dword AdapterTestMask; + dword DspImageLength; + word AlertToIn20mSecTicks; + word ModemEyeSetup; + byte R2CtryLength; + byte CCBSRelTimer; + byte *PcCfgBufferFile;/* flexible parameter via file */ + byte *PcCfgBuffer; /* flexible parameter via multistring */ + diva_os_dump_file_t dump_file; /* dump memory to file at lowest irq level */ + diva_os_board_trace_t board_trace; /* traces from the board */ + diva_os_spin_lock_t isr_spin_lock; + diva_os_spin_lock_t data_spin_lock; + diva_os_soft_isr_t req_soft_isr; + diva_os_soft_isr_t isr_soft_isr; + diva_os_atomic_t in_dpc; + PBUFFER RBuffer; /* Copy of receive lookahead buffer */ + word e_max; + word e_count; + E_INFO *e_tbl; + word assign; /* list of pending ASSIGNs */ + word head; /* head of request queue */ + word tail; /* tail of request queue */ + ADAPTER a; /* not a separate structure */ + void (*out)(ADAPTER *a); + byte (*dpc)(ADAPTER *a); + byte (*tst_irq)(ADAPTER *a); + void (*clr_irq)(ADAPTER *a); + int (*load)(PISDN_ADAPTER); + int (*mapmem)(PISDN_ADAPTER); + int (*chkIrq)(PISDN_ADAPTER); + void (*disIrq)(PISDN_ADAPTER); + void (*start)(PISDN_ADAPTER); + void (*stop)(PISDN_ADAPTER); + void (*rstFnc)(PISDN_ADAPTER); + void (*trapFnc)(PISDN_ADAPTER); + dword (*DetectDsps)(PISDN_ADAPTER); + void (*os_trap_nfy_Fnc)(PISDN_ADAPTER, dword); + diva_os_isr_callback_t diva_isr_handler; + dword sdram_bar; /* must be 32 bit */ + dword fpga_features; + volatile int pcm_pending; + volatile void *pcm_data; + diva_xdi_capi_cfg_t capi_cfg; + dword tasks; + void *dma_map; + int (*DivaAdapterTestProc)(PISDN_ADAPTER); + void *AdapterTestMemoryStart; + dword AdapterTestMemoryLength; + const byte *cfg_lib_memory_init; + dword cfg_lib_memory_init_length; }; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- - Entity table + Entity table --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct e_info_s { - ENTITY * e; - byte next; /* chaining index */ - word assign_ref; /* assign reference */ + ENTITY *e; + byte next; /* chaining index */ + word assign_ref; /* assign reference */ }; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- - S-cards shared ram structure for loading + S-cards shared ram structure for loading --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct s_load { - byte ctrl; - byte card; - byte msize; - byte fill0; - word ebit; - word elocl; - word eloch; - byte reserved[20]; - word signature; - byte fill[224]; - byte b[256]; + byte ctrl; + byte card; + byte msize; + byte fill0; + word ebit; + word elocl; + word eloch; + byte reserved[20]; + word signature; + byte fill[224]; + byte b[256]; }; #define PR_RAM ((struct pr_ram *)0) #define RAM ((struct dual *)0) /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- - platform specific conversions + platform specific conversions --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -extern void * PTR_P(ADAPTER * a, ENTITY * e, void * P); -extern void * PTR_X(ADAPTER * a, ENTITY * e); -extern void * PTR_R(ADAPTER * a, ENTITY * e); -extern void CALLBACK(ADAPTER * a, ENTITY * e); -extern void set_ram(void * * adr_ptr); +extern void *PTR_P(ADAPTER *a, ENTITY *e, void *P); +extern void *PTR_X(ADAPTER *a, ENTITY *e); +extern void *PTR_R(ADAPTER *a, ENTITY *e); +extern void CALLBACK(ADAPTER *a, ENTITY *e); +extern void set_ram(void **adr_ptr); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- - ram access functions for io mapped cards + ram access functions for io mapped cards --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -byte io_in(ADAPTER * a, void * adr); -word io_inw(ADAPTER * a, void * adr); -void io_in_buffer(ADAPTER * a, void * adr, void * P, word length); -void io_look_ahead(ADAPTER * a, PBUFFER * RBuffer, ENTITY * e); -void io_out(ADAPTER * a, void * adr, byte data); -void io_outw(ADAPTER * a, void * adr, word data); -void io_out_buffer(ADAPTER * a, void * adr, void * P, word length); -void io_inc(ADAPTER * a, void * adr); -void bri_in_buffer (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, dword Pos, - void *Buf, dword Len); -int bri_out_buffer (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, dword Pos, - void *Buf, dword Len, int Verify); +byte io_in(ADAPTER *a, void *adr); +word io_inw(ADAPTER *a, void *adr); +void io_in_buffer(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, void *P, word length); +void io_look_ahead(ADAPTER *a, PBUFFER *RBuffer, ENTITY *e); +void io_out(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, byte data); +void io_outw(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, word data); +void io_out_buffer(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, void *P, word length); +void io_inc(ADAPTER *a, void *adr); +void bri_in_buffer(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, dword Pos, + void *Buf, dword Len); +int bri_out_buffer(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, dword Pos, + void *Buf, dword Len, int Verify); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- - ram access functions for memory mapped cards + ram access functions for memory mapped cards --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -byte mem_in(ADAPTER * a, void * adr); -word mem_inw(ADAPTER * a, void * adr); -void mem_in_buffer(ADAPTER * a, void * adr, void * P, word length); -void mem_look_ahead(ADAPTER * a, PBUFFER * RBuffer, ENTITY * e); -void mem_out(ADAPTER * a, void * adr, byte data); -void mem_outw(ADAPTER * a, void * adr, word data); -void mem_out_buffer(ADAPTER * a, void * adr, void * P, word length); -void mem_inc(ADAPTER * a, void * adr); -void mem_in_dw (ADAPTER *a, void *addr, dword* data, int dwords); -void mem_out_dw (ADAPTER *a, void *addr, const dword* data, int dwords); +byte mem_in(ADAPTER *a, void *adr); +word mem_inw(ADAPTER *a, void *adr); +void mem_in_buffer(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, void *P, word length); +void mem_look_ahead(ADAPTER *a, PBUFFER *RBuffer, ENTITY *e); +void mem_out(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, byte data); +void mem_outw(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, word data); +void mem_out_buffer(ADAPTER *a, void *adr, void *P, word length); +void mem_inc(ADAPTER *a, void *adr); +void mem_in_dw(ADAPTER *a, void *addr, dword *data, int dwords); +void mem_out_dw(ADAPTER *a, void *addr, const dword *data, int dwords); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- - functions exported by io.c + functions exported by io.c --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -extern IDI_CALL Requests[MAX_ADAPTER] ; -extern void DIDpcRoutine (struct _diva_os_soft_isr* psoft_isr, - void* context); -extern void request (PISDN_ADAPTER, ENTITY *) ; +extern IDI_CALL Requests[MAX_ADAPTER]; +extern void DIDpcRoutine(struct _diva_os_soft_isr *psoft_isr, + void *context); +extern void request(PISDN_ADAPTER, ENTITY *); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- - trapFn helpers, used to recover debug trace from dead card + trapFn helpers, used to recover debug trace from dead card --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { - word *buf ; - word cnt ; - word out ; -} Xdesc ; -extern void dump_trap_frame (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, byte __iomem *exception) ; -extern void dump_xlog_buffer (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, Xdesc *xlogDesc) ; + word *buf; + word cnt; + word out; +} Xdesc; +extern void dump_trap_frame(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, byte __iomem *exception); +extern void dump_xlog_buffer(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, Xdesc *xlogDesc); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #endif /* } __DIVA_XDI_COMMON_IO_H_INC__ */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/istream.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/istream.c index 7bd5baa547beb2cce68ce2412460f8bbd381806f..045bda5c839f5f5c3a1881e13660706666250a44 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/istream.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/istream.c @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include "platform.h" @@ -31,196 +31,196 @@ #include "divasync.h" #include "di.h" #if !defined USE_EXTENDED_DEBUGS - #include "dimaint.h" +#include "dimaint.h" #else - #define dprintf +#define dprintf #endif #include "dfifo.h" -int diva_istream_write (void* context, - int Id, - void* data, - int length, - int final, - byte usr1, - byte usr2); -int diva_istream_read (void* context, - int Id, - void* data, - int max_length, - int* final, - byte* usr1, - byte* usr2); +int diva_istream_write(void *context, + int Id, + void *data, + int length, + int final, + byte usr1, + byte usr2); +int diva_istream_read(void *context, + int Id, + void *data, + int max_length, + int *final, + byte *usr1, + byte *usr2); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Does provide iStream interface to the client + Does provide iStream interface to the client ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -void diva_xdi_provide_istream_info (ADAPTER* a, - diva_xdi_stream_interface_t* pi) { - pi->provided_service = 0; +void diva_xdi_provide_istream_info(ADAPTER *a, + diva_xdi_stream_interface_t *pi) { + pi->provided_service = 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Does write the data from caller's buffer to the card's - stream interface. - If synchronous service was requested, then function - does return amount of data written to stream. - 'final' does indicate that piece of data to be written is - final part of frame (necessary only by structured datatransfer) - return 0 if zero lengh packet was written - return -1 if stream is full - ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -int diva_istream_write (void* context, - int Id, - void* data, - int length, - int final, - byte usr1, - byte usr2) { - ADAPTER* a = (ADAPTER*)context; - int written = 0, to_write = -1; - char tmp[4]; - byte* data_ptr = (byte*)data; - for (;;) { - a->ram_in_dw (a, + Does write the data from caller's buffer to the card's + stream interface. + If synchronous service was requested, then function + does return amount of data written to stream. + 'final' does indicate that piece of data to be written is + final part of frame (necessary only by structured datatransfer) + return 0 if zero lengh packet was written + return -1 if stream is full + ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ +int diva_istream_write(void *context, + int Id, + void *data, + int length, + int final, + byte usr1, + byte usr2) { + ADAPTER *a = (ADAPTER *)context; + int written = 0, to_write = -1; + char tmp[4]; + byte *data_ptr = (byte *)data; + for (;;) { + a->ram_in_dw(a, #ifdef PLATFORM_GT_32BIT - ULongToPtr(a->tx_stream[Id] + a->tx_pos[Id]), + ULongToPtr(a->tx_stream[Id] + a->tx_pos[Id]), #else - (void*)(a->tx_stream[Id] + a->tx_pos[Id]), + (void *)(a->tx_stream[Id] + a->tx_pos[Id]), #endif - (dword*)&tmp[0], - 1); - if (tmp[0] & DIVA_DFIFO_READY) { /* No free blocks more */ - if (to_write < 0) - return (-1); /* was not able to write */ - break; /* only part of message was written */ - } - to_write = min(length, DIVA_DFIFO_DATA_SZ); - if (to_write) { - a->ram_out_buffer (a, + (dword *)&tmp[0], + 1); + if (tmp[0] & DIVA_DFIFO_READY) { /* No free blocks more */ + if (to_write < 0) + return (-1); /* was not able to write */ + break; /* only part of message was written */ + } + to_write = min(length, DIVA_DFIFO_DATA_SZ); + if (to_write) { + a->ram_out_buffer(a, #ifdef PLATFORM_GT_32BIT - ULongToPtr(a->tx_stream[Id] + a->tx_pos[Id]+4), + ULongToPtr(a->tx_stream[Id] + a->tx_pos[Id] + 4), #else - (void*)(a->tx_stream[Id] + a->tx_pos[Id] + 4), + (void *)(a->tx_stream[Id] + a->tx_pos[Id] + 4), #endif - data_ptr, - (word)to_write); - length -= to_write; - written += to_write; - data_ptr += to_write; - } - tmp[1] = (char)to_write; - tmp[0] = (tmp[0] & DIVA_DFIFO_WRAP) | - DIVA_DFIFO_READY | - ((!length && final) ? DIVA_DFIFO_LAST : 0); - if (tmp[0] & DIVA_DFIFO_LAST) { - tmp[2] = usr1; - tmp[3] = usr2; - } - a->ram_out_dw (a, + data_ptr, + (word)to_write); + length -= to_write; + written += to_write; + data_ptr += to_write; + } + tmp[1] = (char)to_write; + tmp[0] = (tmp[0] & DIVA_DFIFO_WRAP) | + DIVA_DFIFO_READY | + ((!length && final) ? DIVA_DFIFO_LAST : 0); + if (tmp[0] & DIVA_DFIFO_LAST) { + tmp[2] = usr1; + tmp[3] = usr2; + } + a->ram_out_dw(a, #ifdef PLATFORM_GT_32BIT - ULongToPtr(a->tx_stream[Id] + a->tx_pos[Id]), + ULongToPtr(a->tx_stream[Id] + a->tx_pos[Id]), #else - (void*)(a->tx_stream[Id] + a->tx_pos[Id]), + (void *)(a->tx_stream[Id] + a->tx_pos[Id]), #endif - (dword*)&tmp[0], - 1); - if (tmp[0] & DIVA_DFIFO_WRAP) { - a->tx_pos[Id] = 0; - } else { - a->tx_pos[Id] += DIVA_DFIFO_STEP; - } - if (!length) { - break; - } - } - return (written); + (dword *)&tmp[0], + 1); + if (tmp[0] & DIVA_DFIFO_WRAP) { + a->tx_pos[Id] = 0; + } else { + a->tx_pos[Id] += DIVA_DFIFO_STEP; + } + if (!length) { + break; + } + } + return (written); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- - In case of SYNCRONOUS service: - Does write data from stream in caller's buffer. - Does return amount of data written to buffer - Final flag is set on return if last part of structured frame - was received - return 0 if zero packet was received - return -1 if stream is empty - return -2 if read buffer does not profide sufficient space - to accommodate entire segment - max_length should be at least 68 bytes - ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -int diva_istream_read (void* context, - int Id, - void* data, - int max_length, - int* final, - byte* usr1, - byte* usr2) { - ADAPTER* a = (ADAPTER*)context; - int read = 0, to_read = -1; - char tmp[4]; - byte* data_ptr = (byte*)data; - *final = 0; - for (;;) { - a->ram_in_dw (a, + In case of SYNCRONOUS service: + Does write data from stream in caller's buffer. + Does return amount of data written to buffer + Final flag is set on return if last part of structured frame + was received + return 0 if zero packet was received + return -1 if stream is empty + return -2 if read buffer does not profide sufficient space + to accommodate entire segment + max_length should be at least 68 bytes + ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +int diva_istream_read(void *context, + int Id, + void *data, + int max_length, + int *final, + byte *usr1, + byte *usr2) { + ADAPTER *a = (ADAPTER *)context; + int read = 0, to_read = -1; + char tmp[4]; + byte *data_ptr = (byte *)data; + *final = 0; + for (;;) { + a->ram_in_dw(a, #ifdef PLATFORM_GT_32BIT - ULongToPtr(a->rx_stream[Id] + a->rx_pos[Id]), + ULongToPtr(a->rx_stream[Id] + a->rx_pos[Id]), #else - (void*)(a->rx_stream[Id] + a->rx_pos[Id]), + (void *)(a->rx_stream[Id] + a->rx_pos[Id]), #endif - (dword*)&tmp[0], - 1); - if (tmp[1] > max_length) { - if (to_read < 0) - return (-2); /* was not able to read */ - break; - } - if (!(tmp[0] & DIVA_DFIFO_READY)) { - if (to_read < 0) - return (-1); /* was not able to read */ - break; - } - to_read = min(max_length, (int)tmp[1]); - if (to_read) { - a->ram_in_buffer(a, + (dword *)&tmp[0], + 1); + if (tmp[1] > max_length) { + if (to_read < 0) + return (-2); /* was not able to read */ + break; + } + if (!(tmp[0] & DIVA_DFIFO_READY)) { + if (to_read < 0) + return (-1); /* was not able to read */ + break; + } + to_read = min(max_length, (int)tmp[1]); + if (to_read) { + a->ram_in_buffer(a, #ifdef PLATFORM_GT_32BIT - ULongToPtr(a->rx_stream[Id] + a->rx_pos[Id] + 4), + ULongToPtr(a->rx_stream[Id] + a->rx_pos[Id] + 4), #else - (void*)(a->rx_stream[Id] + a->rx_pos[Id] + 4), + (void *)(a->rx_stream[Id] + a->rx_pos[Id] + 4), #endif - data_ptr, - (word)to_read); - max_length -= to_read; - read += to_read; - data_ptr += to_read; - } - if (tmp[0] & DIVA_DFIFO_LAST) { - *final = 1; - } - tmp[0] &= DIVA_DFIFO_WRAP; - a->ram_out_dw(a, + data_ptr, + (word)to_read); + max_length -= to_read; + read += to_read; + data_ptr += to_read; + } + if (tmp[0] & DIVA_DFIFO_LAST) { + *final = 1; + } + tmp[0] &= DIVA_DFIFO_WRAP; + a->ram_out_dw(a, #ifdef PLATFORM_GT_32BIT - ULongToPtr(a->rx_stream[Id] + a->rx_pos[Id]), + ULongToPtr(a->rx_stream[Id] + a->rx_pos[Id]), #else - (void*)(a->rx_stream[Id] + a->rx_pos[Id]), + (void *)(a->rx_stream[Id] + a->rx_pos[Id]), #endif - (dword*)&tmp[0], - 1); - if (tmp[0] & DIVA_DFIFO_WRAP) { - a->rx_pos[Id] = 0; - } else { - a->rx_pos[Id] += DIVA_DFIFO_STEP; - } - if (*final) { - if (usr1) - *usr1 = tmp[2]; - if (usr2) - *usr2 = tmp[3]; - break; - } - } - return (read); + (dword *)&tmp[0], + 1); + if (tmp[0] & DIVA_DFIFO_WRAP) { + a->rx_pos[Id] = 0; + } else { + a->rx_pos[Id] += DIVA_DFIFO_STEP; + } + if (*final) { + if (usr1) + *usr1 = tmp[2]; + if (usr2) + *usr2 = tmp[3]; + break; + } + } + return (read); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- - Does check if one of streams had caused interrupt and does - wake up corresponding application + Does check if one of streams had caused interrupt and does + wake up corresponding application --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -void pr_stream (ADAPTER * a) { +void pr_stream(ADAPTER *a) { } #endif /* } */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/kst_ifc.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/kst_ifc.h index 203189a010c2a43ea6b7898616bc09accd849660..894fdfda10900152c6af23c244f026bb600d8f8e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/kst_ifc.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/kst_ifc.h @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2000. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2000. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 1.9 + Eicon File Revision : 1.9 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef __DIVA_EICON_TRACE_API__ @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ typedef struct _diva_trace_ie { } diva_trace_ie_t; /* - Structure used to represent "State\\BX\\Modem" directory - to user. - */ + Structure used to represent "State\\BX\\Modem" directory + to user. +*/ typedef struct _diva_trace_modem_state { dword ChannelNumber; @@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ typedef struct _diva_trace_modem_state { } diva_trace_modem_state_t; /* - Representation of "State\\BX\\FAX" directory - */ + Representation of "State\\BX\\FAX" directory +*/ typedef struct _diva_trace_fax_state { dword ChannelNumber; dword Event; @@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ typedef struct _diva_trace_fax_state { } diva_trace_fax_state_t; /* - Structure used to represent Interface State in the abstract - and interface/D-channel protocol independent form. - */ + Structure used to represent Interface State in the abstract + and interface/D-channel protocol independent form. +*/ typedef struct _diva_trace_interface_state { char Layer1[DIVA_TRACE_LINE_TYPE_LEN]; char Layer2[DIVA_TRACE_LINE_TYPE_LEN]; @@ -164,18 +164,18 @@ typedef struct _diva_prot_statistics { typedef struct _diva_ifc_statistics { diva_incoming_call_statistics_t inc; diva_outgoing_call_statistics_t outg; - diva_modem_call_statistics_t mdm; - diva_fax_call_statistics_t fax; - diva_prot_statistics_t b1; - diva_prot_statistics_t b2; - diva_prot_statistics_t d1; - diva_prot_statistics_t d2; + diva_modem_call_statistics_t mdm; + diva_fax_call_statistics_t fax; + diva_prot_statistics_t b1; + diva_prot_statistics_t b2; + diva_prot_statistics_t d1; + diva_prot_statistics_t d2; } diva_ifc_statistics_t; /* - Structure used to represent "State\\BX" directory - to user. - */ + Structure used to represent "State\\BX" directory + to user. +*/ typedef struct _diva_trace_line_state { dword ChannelNumber; @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ typedef struct _diva_trace_line_state { char LocalAddress[DIVA_TRACE_LINE_TYPE_LEN]; char LocalSubAddress[DIVA_TRACE_LINE_TYPE_LEN]; - diva_trace_ie_t call_BC; - diva_trace_ie_t call_HLC; - diva_trace_ie_t call_LLC; + diva_trace_ie_t call_BC; + diva_trace_ie_t call_HLC; + diva_trace_ie_t call_LLC; dword Charges; @@ -205,11 +205,11 @@ typedef struct _diva_trace_line_state { char UserID[DIVA_TRACE_LINE_TYPE_LEN]; diva_trace_modem_state_t modem; - diva_trace_fax_state_t fax; + diva_trace_fax_state_t fax; - diva_trace_interface_state_t* pInterface; + diva_trace_interface_state_t *pInterface; - diva_ifc_statistics_t* pInterfaceStat; + diva_ifc_statistics_t *pInterfaceStat; } diva_trace_line_state_t; @@ -222,115 +222,114 @@ typedef struct _diva_trace_line_state { #define DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_FAX_STAT_CHANGE ('F') struct _diva_strace_library_interface; -typedef void (*diva_trace_channel_state_change_proc_t)(void* user_context, - struct _diva_strace_library_interface* hLib, - int Adapter, - diva_trace_line_state_t* channel, int notify_subject); -typedef void (*diva_trace_channel_trace_proc_t)(void* user_context, - struct _diva_strace_library_interface* hLib, - int Adapter, void* xlog_buffer, int length); -typedef void (*diva_trace_error_proc_t)(void* user_context, - struct _diva_strace_library_interface* hLib, - int Adapter, - int error, const char* file, int line); +typedef void (*diva_trace_channel_state_change_proc_t)(void *user_context, + struct _diva_strace_library_interface *hLib, + int Adapter, + diva_trace_line_state_t *channel, int notify_subject); +typedef void (*diva_trace_channel_trace_proc_t)(void *user_context, + struct _diva_strace_library_interface *hLib, + int Adapter, void *xlog_buffer, int length); +typedef void (*diva_trace_error_proc_t)(void *user_context, + struct _diva_strace_library_interface *hLib, + int Adapter, + int error, const char *file, int line); /* - This structure creates interface from user to library - */ + This structure creates interface from user to library +*/ typedef struct _diva_trace_library_user_interface { - void* user_context; - diva_trace_channel_state_change_proc_t notify_proc; - diva_trace_channel_trace_proc_t trace_proc; - diva_trace_error_proc_t error_notify_proc; + void *user_context; + diva_trace_channel_state_change_proc_t notify_proc; + diva_trace_channel_trace_proc_t trace_proc; + diva_trace_error_proc_t error_notify_proc; } diva_trace_library_user_interface_t; /* - Interface from Library to User - */ -typedef int (*DivaSTraceLibraryStart_proc_t)(void* hLib); -typedef int (*DivaSTraceLibraryFinit_proc_t)(void* hLib); -typedef int (*DivaSTraceMessageInput_proc_t)(void* hLib); -typedef void* (*DivaSTraceGetHandle_proc_t)(void* hLib); + Interface from Library to User +*/ +typedef int (*DivaSTraceLibraryStart_proc_t)(void *hLib); +typedef int (*DivaSTraceLibraryFinit_proc_t)(void *hLib); +typedef int (*DivaSTraceMessageInput_proc_t)(void *hLib); +typedef void* (*DivaSTraceGetHandle_proc_t)(void *hLib); /* - Turn Audio Tap trace on/off - Channel should be in the range 1 ... Number of Channels - */ -typedef int (*DivaSTraceSetAudioTap_proc_t)(void* hLib, int Channel, int on); + Turn Audio Tap trace on/off + Channel should be in the range 1 ... Number of Channels +*/ +typedef int (*DivaSTraceSetAudioTap_proc_t)(void *hLib, int Channel, int on); /* - Turn B-channel trace on/off - Channel should be in the range 1 ... Number of Channels - */ -typedef int (*DivaSTraceSetBChannel_proc_t)(void* hLib, int Channel, int on); + Turn B-channel trace on/off + Channel should be in the range 1 ... Number of Channels +*/ +typedef int (*DivaSTraceSetBChannel_proc_t)(void *hLib, int Channel, int on); /* - Turn D-channel (Layer1/Layer2/Layer3) trace on/off - Layer1 - All D-channel frames received/sent over the interface - inclusive Layer 2 headers, Layer 2 frames and TEI management frames - Layer2 - Events from LAPD protocol instance with SAPI of signalling protocol - Layer3 - All D-channel frames addressed to assigned to the card TEI and - SAPI of signalling protocol, and signalling protocol events. - */ -typedef int (*DivaSTraceSetDChannel_proc_t)(void* hLib, int on); + Turn D-channel (Layer1/Layer2/Layer3) trace on/off + Layer1 - All D-channel frames received/sent over the interface + inclusive Layer 2 headers, Layer 2 frames and TEI management frames + Layer2 - Events from LAPD protocol instance with SAPI of signalling protocol + Layer3 - All D-channel frames addressed to assigned to the card TEI and + SAPI of signalling protocol, and signalling protocol events. +*/ +typedef int (*DivaSTraceSetDChannel_proc_t)(void *hLib, int on); /* - Get overall card statistics - */ -typedef int (*DivaSTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics_proc_t)(void* hLib); -typedef int (*DivaSTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics_proc_t)(void* hLib); -typedef int (*DivaSTraceGetModemStatistics_proc_t)(void* hLib); -typedef int (*DivaSTraceGetFaxStatistics_proc_t)(void* hLib); -typedef int (*DivaSTraceGetBLayer1Statistics_proc_t)(void* hLib); -typedef int (*DivaSTraceGetBLayer2Statistics_proc_t)(void* hLib); -typedef int (*DivaSTraceGetDLayer1Statistics_proc_t)(void* hLib); -typedef int (*DivaSTraceGetDLayer2Statistics_proc_t)(void* hLib); + Get overall card statistics +*/ +typedef int (*DivaSTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics_proc_t)(void *hLib); +typedef int (*DivaSTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics_proc_t)(void *hLib); +typedef int (*DivaSTraceGetModemStatistics_proc_t)(void *hLib); +typedef int (*DivaSTraceGetFaxStatistics_proc_t)(void *hLib); +typedef int (*DivaSTraceGetBLayer1Statistics_proc_t)(void *hLib); +typedef int (*DivaSTraceGetBLayer2Statistics_proc_t)(void *hLib); +typedef int (*DivaSTraceGetDLayer1Statistics_proc_t)(void *hLib); +typedef int (*DivaSTraceGetDLayer2Statistics_proc_t)(void *hLib); /* - Call control - */ -typedef int (*DivaSTraceClearCall_proc_t)(void* hLib, int Channel); + Call control +*/ +typedef int (*DivaSTraceClearCall_proc_t)(void *hLib, int Channel); typedef struct _diva_strace_library_interface { - void* hLib; - DivaSTraceLibraryStart_proc_t DivaSTraceLibraryStart; - DivaSTraceLibraryStart_proc_t DivaSTraceLibraryStop; + void *hLib; + DivaSTraceLibraryStart_proc_t DivaSTraceLibraryStart; + DivaSTraceLibraryStart_proc_t DivaSTraceLibraryStop; DivaSTraceLibraryFinit_proc_t DivaSTraceLibraryFinit; DivaSTraceMessageInput_proc_t DivaSTraceMessageInput; - DivaSTraceGetHandle_proc_t DivaSTraceGetHandle; - DivaSTraceSetAudioTap_proc_t DivaSTraceSetAudioTap; - DivaSTraceSetBChannel_proc_t DivaSTraceSetBChannel; - DivaSTraceSetDChannel_proc_t DivaSTraceSetDChannel; - DivaSTraceSetDChannel_proc_t DivaSTraceSetInfo; + DivaSTraceGetHandle_proc_t DivaSTraceGetHandle; + DivaSTraceSetAudioTap_proc_t DivaSTraceSetAudioTap; + DivaSTraceSetBChannel_proc_t DivaSTraceSetBChannel; + DivaSTraceSetDChannel_proc_t DivaSTraceSetDChannel; + DivaSTraceSetDChannel_proc_t DivaSTraceSetInfo; DivaSTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics_proc_t \ - DivaSTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics; + DivaSTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics; DivaSTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics_proc_t \ - DivaSTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics; + DivaSTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics; DivaSTraceGetModemStatistics_proc_t \ - DivaSTraceGetModemStatistics; + DivaSTraceGetModemStatistics; DivaSTraceGetFaxStatistics_proc_t \ - DivaSTraceGetFaxStatistics; + DivaSTraceGetFaxStatistics; DivaSTraceGetBLayer1Statistics_proc_t \ - DivaSTraceGetBLayer1Statistics; + DivaSTraceGetBLayer1Statistics; DivaSTraceGetBLayer2Statistics_proc_t \ - DivaSTraceGetBLayer2Statistics; + DivaSTraceGetBLayer2Statistics; DivaSTraceGetDLayer1Statistics_proc_t \ - DivaSTraceGetDLayer1Statistics; + DivaSTraceGetDLayer1Statistics; DivaSTraceGetDLayer2Statistics_proc_t \ - DivaSTraceGetDLayer2Statistics; - DivaSTraceClearCall_proc_t DivaSTraceClearCall; + DivaSTraceGetDLayer2Statistics; + DivaSTraceClearCall_proc_t DivaSTraceClearCall; } diva_strace_library_interface_t; /* - Create and return Library interface - */ -diva_strace_library_interface_t* DivaSTraceLibraryCreateInstance (int Adapter, - const diva_trace_library_user_interface_t* user_proc, - byte* pmem); -dword DivaSTraceGetMemotyRequirement (int channels); + Create and return Library interface +*/ +diva_strace_library_interface_t *DivaSTraceLibraryCreateInstance(int Adapter, + const diva_trace_library_user_interface_t *user_proc, + byte *pmem); +dword DivaSTraceGetMemotyRequirement(int channels); #define DIVA_MAX_ADAPTERS 64 #define DIVA_MAX_LINES 32 #endif - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/maintidi.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/maintidi.c index 534978bdf3826d110fe065741a6f2c965676c081..2ee789f958672d9448347323f69e24a65d833da6 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/maintidi.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/maintidi.c @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2000. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2000. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 1.9 + Eicon File Revision : 1.9 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include "platform.h" @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ #include "man_defs.h" -extern void diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (dword drv_id, dword type, char* p, ...); +extern void diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(dword drv_id, dword type, char *p, ...); #define MODEM_PARSE_ENTRIES 16 /* amount of variables of interest */ #define FAX_PARSE_ENTRIES 12 /* amount of variables of interest */ @@ -38,77 +38,77 @@ extern void diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (dword drv_id, dword type, char* p, ...); #define STAT_PARSE_ENTRIES 70 /* amount of variables of interest */ /* - LOCAL FUNCTIONS - */ -static int DivaSTraceLibraryStart (void* hLib); -static int DivaSTraceLibraryStop (void* hLib); -static int SuperTraceLibraryFinit (void* hLib); -static void* SuperTraceGetHandle (void* hLib); -static int SuperTraceMessageInput (void* hLib); -static int SuperTraceSetAudioTap (void* hLib, int Channel, int on); -static int SuperTraceSetBChannel (void* hLib, int Channel, int on); -static int SuperTraceSetDChannel (void* hLib, int on); -static int SuperTraceSetInfo (void* hLib, int on); -static int SuperTraceClearCall (void* hLib, int Channel); -static int SuperTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics (void* hLib); -static int SuperTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics (void* hLib); -static int SuperTraceGetModemStatistics (void* hLib); -static int SuperTraceGetFaxStatistics (void* hLib); -static int SuperTraceGetBLayer1Statistics (void* hLib); -static int SuperTraceGetBLayer2Statistics (void* hLib); -static int SuperTraceGetDLayer1Statistics (void* hLib); -static int SuperTraceGetDLayer2Statistics (void* hLib); + LOCAL FUNCTIONS +*/ +static int DivaSTraceLibraryStart(void *hLib); +static int DivaSTraceLibraryStop(void *hLib); +static int SuperTraceLibraryFinit(void *hLib); +static void *SuperTraceGetHandle(void *hLib); +static int SuperTraceMessageInput(void *hLib); +static int SuperTraceSetAudioTap(void *hLib, int Channel, int on); +static int SuperTraceSetBChannel(void *hLib, int Channel, int on); +static int SuperTraceSetDChannel(void *hLib, int on); +static int SuperTraceSetInfo(void *hLib, int on); +static int SuperTraceClearCall(void *hLib, int Channel); +static int SuperTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics(void *hLib); +static int SuperTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics(void *hLib); +static int SuperTraceGetModemStatistics(void *hLib); +static int SuperTraceGetFaxStatistics(void *hLib); +static int SuperTraceGetBLayer1Statistics(void *hLib); +static int SuperTraceGetBLayer2Statistics(void *hLib); +static int SuperTraceGetDLayer1Statistics(void *hLib); +static int SuperTraceGetDLayer2Statistics(void *hLib); /* - LOCAL FUNCTIONS - */ -static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib); -static int process_idi_event (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - diva_man_var_header_t* pVar); -static int process_idi_info (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - diva_man_var_header_t* pVar); -static int diva_modem_event (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, int Channel); -static int diva_fax_event (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, int Channel); -static int diva_line_event (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, int Channel); -static int diva_modem_info (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - int Channel, - diva_man_var_header_t* pVar); -static int diva_fax_info (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - int Channel, - diva_man_var_header_t* pVar); -static int diva_line_info (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - int Channel, - diva_man_var_header_t* pVar); -static int diva_ifc_statistics (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - diva_man_var_header_t* pVar); -static diva_man_var_header_t* get_next_var (diva_man_var_header_t* pVar); -static diva_man_var_header_t* find_var (diva_man_var_header_t* pVar, - const char* name); -static int diva_strace_read_int (diva_man_var_header_t* pVar, int* var); -static int diva_strace_read_uint (diva_man_var_header_t* pVar, dword* var); -static int diva_strace_read_asz (diva_man_var_header_t* pVar, char* var); -static int diva_strace_read_asc (diva_man_var_header_t* pVar, char* var); -static int diva_strace_read_ie (diva_man_var_header_t* pVar, - diva_trace_ie_t* var); -static void diva_create_parse_table (diva_strace_context_t* pLib); -static void diva_trace_error (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - int error, const char* file, int line); -static void diva_trace_notify_user (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - int Channel, - int notify_subject); -static int diva_trace_read_variable (diva_man_var_header_t* pVar, - void* variable); + LOCAL FUNCTIONS +*/ +static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest(diva_strace_context_t *pLib); +static int process_idi_event(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + diva_man_var_header_t *pVar); +static int process_idi_info(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + diva_man_var_header_t *pVar); +static int diva_modem_event(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, int Channel); +static int diva_fax_event(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, int Channel); +static int diva_line_event(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, int Channel); +static int diva_modem_info(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + int Channel, + diva_man_var_header_t *pVar); +static int diva_fax_info(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + int Channel, + diva_man_var_header_t *pVar); +static int diva_line_info(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + int Channel, + diva_man_var_header_t *pVar); +static int diva_ifc_statistics(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + diva_man_var_header_t *pVar); +static diva_man_var_header_t *get_next_var(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar); +static diva_man_var_header_t *find_var(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, + const char *name); +static int diva_strace_read_int(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, int *var); +static int diva_strace_read_uint(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, dword *var); +static int diva_strace_read_asz(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, char *var); +static int diva_strace_read_asc(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, char *var); +static int diva_strace_read_ie(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, + diva_trace_ie_t *var); +static void diva_create_parse_table(diva_strace_context_t *pLib); +static void diva_trace_error(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + int error, const char *file, int line); +static void diva_trace_notify_user(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + int Channel, + int notify_subject); +static int diva_trace_read_variable(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, + void *variable); /* - Initialize the library and return context - of the created trace object that will represent - the IDI adapter. - Return 0 on error. - */ -diva_strace_library_interface_t* DivaSTraceLibraryCreateInstance (int Adapter, - const diva_trace_library_user_interface_t* user_proc, - byte* pmem) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)pmem; + Initialize the library and return context + of the created trace object that will represent + the IDI adapter. + Return 0 on error. +*/ +diva_strace_library_interface_t *DivaSTraceLibraryCreateInstance(int Adapter, + const diva_trace_library_user_interface_t *user_proc, + byte *pmem) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)pmem; int i; if (!pLib) { @@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ diva_strace_library_interface_t* DivaSTraceLibraryCreateInstance (int Adapter, pLib->Adapter = Adapter; /* - Set up Library Interface - */ + Set up Library Interface + */ pLib->instance.hLib = pLib; - pLib->instance.DivaSTraceLibraryStart = DivaSTraceLibraryStart; - pLib->instance.DivaSTraceLibraryStop = DivaSTraceLibraryStop; + pLib->instance.DivaSTraceLibraryStart = DivaSTraceLibraryStart; + pLib->instance.DivaSTraceLibraryStop = DivaSTraceLibraryStop; pLib->instance.DivaSTraceLibraryFinit = SuperTraceLibraryFinit; pLib->instance.DivaSTraceMessageInput = SuperTraceMessageInput; pLib->instance.DivaSTraceGetHandle = SuperTraceGetHandle; @@ -134,21 +134,21 @@ diva_strace_library_interface_t* DivaSTraceLibraryCreateInstance (int Adapter, pLib->instance.DivaSTraceSetDChannel = SuperTraceSetDChannel; pLib->instance.DivaSTraceSetInfo = SuperTraceSetInfo; pLib->instance.DivaSTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics = \ - SuperTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics; + SuperTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics; pLib->instance.DivaSTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics = \ - SuperTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics; + SuperTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics; pLib->instance.DivaSTraceGetModemStatistics = \ - SuperTraceGetModemStatistics; + SuperTraceGetModemStatistics; pLib->instance.DivaSTraceGetFaxStatistics = \ - SuperTraceGetFaxStatistics; + SuperTraceGetFaxStatistics; pLib->instance.DivaSTraceGetBLayer1Statistics = \ - SuperTraceGetBLayer1Statistics; + SuperTraceGetBLayer1Statistics; pLib->instance.DivaSTraceGetBLayer2Statistics = \ - SuperTraceGetBLayer2Statistics; + SuperTraceGetBLayer2Statistics; pLib->instance.DivaSTraceGetDLayer1Statistics = \ - SuperTraceGetDLayer1Statistics; + SuperTraceGetDLayer1Statistics; pLib->instance.DivaSTraceGetDLayer2Statistics = \ - SuperTraceGetDLayer2Statistics; + SuperTraceGetDLayer2Statistics; pLib->instance.DivaSTraceClearCall = SuperTraceClearCall; @@ -159,272 +159,272 @@ diva_strace_library_interface_t* DivaSTraceLibraryCreateInstance (int Adapter, pLib->user_proc_table.error_notify_proc = user_proc->error_notify_proc; } - if (!(pLib->hAdapter = SuperTraceOpenAdapter (Adapter))) { - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (0, DLI_ERR, "Can not open XDI adapter"); + if (!(pLib->hAdapter = SuperTraceOpenAdapter(Adapter))) { + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(0, DLI_ERR, "Can not open XDI adapter"); return NULL; } - pLib->Channels = SuperTraceGetNumberOfChannels (pLib->hAdapter); + pLib->Channels = SuperTraceGetNumberOfChannels(pLib->hAdapter); /* - Calculate amount of parte table entites necessary to translate - information from all events of onterest - */ + Calculate amount of parte table entites necessary to translate + information from all events of onterest + */ pLib->parse_entries = (MODEM_PARSE_ENTRIES + FAX_PARSE_ENTRIES + \ - STAT_PARSE_ENTRIES + \ - LINE_PARSE_ENTRIES + 1) * pLib->Channels; - pLib->parse_table = (diva_strace_path2action_t*)pmem; + STAT_PARSE_ENTRIES + \ + LINE_PARSE_ENTRIES + 1) * pLib->Channels; + pLib->parse_table = (diva_strace_path2action_t *)pmem; for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) { pLib->lines[i].pInterface = &pLib->Interface; pLib->lines[i].pInterfaceStat = &pLib->InterfaceStat; } - pLib->e.R = &pLib->RData; + pLib->e.R = &pLib->RData; pLib->req_busy = 1; pLib->rc_ok = ASSIGN_OK; - diva_create_parse_table (pLib); + diva_create_parse_table(pLib); - return ((diva_strace_library_interface_t*)pLib); + return ((diva_strace_library_interface_t *)pLib); } -static int DivaSTraceLibraryStart (void* hLib) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)hLib; +static int DivaSTraceLibraryStart(void *hLib) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib; - return (SuperTraceASSIGN (pLib->hAdapter, pLib->buffer)); + return (SuperTraceASSIGN(pLib->hAdapter, pLib->buffer)); } /* Return (-1) on error Return (0) if was initiated or pending Return (1) if removal is complete - */ -static int DivaSTraceLibraryStop (void* hLib) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)hLib; +*/ +static int DivaSTraceLibraryStop(void *hLib) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib; - if (!pLib->e.Id) { /* Was never started/assigned */ - return (1); - } + if (!pLib->e.Id) { /* Was never started/assigned */ + return (1); + } - switch (pLib->removal_state) { - case 0: - pLib->removal_state = 1; - ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib); - break; + switch (pLib->removal_state) { + case 0: + pLib->removal_state = 1; + ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib); + break; - case 3: - return (1); - } + case 3: + return (1); + } - return (0); + return (0); } -static int SuperTraceLibraryFinit (void* hLib) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)hLib; +static int SuperTraceLibraryFinit(void *hLib) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib; if (pLib) { if (pLib->hAdapter) { - SuperTraceCloseAdapter (pLib->hAdapter); + SuperTraceCloseAdapter(pLib->hAdapter); } return (0); } return (-1); } -static void* SuperTraceGetHandle (void* hLib) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)hLib; +static void *SuperTraceGetHandle(void *hLib) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib; - return (&pLib->e); + return (&pLib->e); } /* - After library handle object is gone in signaled state - this function should be called and will pick up incoming - IDI messages (return codes and indications). - */ -static int SuperTraceMessageInput (void* hLib) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)hLib; + After library handle object is gone in signaled state + this function should be called and will pick up incoming + IDI messages (return codes and indications). +*/ +static int SuperTraceMessageInput(void *hLib) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib; int ret = 0; - byte Rc, Ind; + byte Rc, Ind; - if (pLib->e.complete == 255) { - /* - Process return code - */ - pLib->req_busy = 0; - Rc = pLib->e.Rc; - pLib->e.Rc = 0; + if (pLib->e.complete == 255) { + /* + Process return code + */ + pLib->req_busy = 0; + Rc = pLib->e.Rc; + pLib->e.Rc = 0; - if (pLib->removal_state == 2) { - pLib->removal_state = 3; - return (0); - } + if (pLib->removal_state == 2) { + pLib->removal_state = 3; + return (0); + } if (Rc != pLib->rc_ok) { - int ignore = 0; - /* - Auto-detect amount of events/channels and features - */ - if (pLib->general_b_ch_event == 1) { - pLib->general_b_ch_event = 2; - ignore = 1; - } else if (pLib->general_fax_event == 1) { - pLib->general_fax_event = 2; - ignore = 1; - } else if (pLib->general_mdm_event == 1) { - pLib->general_mdm_event = 2; - ignore = 1; - } else if ((pLib->ChannelsTraceActive < pLib->Channels) && pLib->ChannelsTraceActive) { - pLib->ChannelsTraceActive = pLib->Channels; - ignore = 1; - } else if (pLib->ModemTraceActive < pLib->Channels) { - pLib->ModemTraceActive = pLib->Channels; - ignore = 1; - } else if (pLib->FaxTraceActive < pLib->Channels) { - pLib->FaxTraceActive = pLib->Channels; - ignore = 1; - } else if (pLib->audio_trace_init == 2) { - ignore = 1; - pLib->audio_trace_init = 1; - } else if (pLib->eye_pattern_pending) { + int ignore = 0; + /* + Auto-detect amount of events/channels and features + */ + if (pLib->general_b_ch_event == 1) { + pLib->general_b_ch_event = 2; + ignore = 1; + } else if (pLib->general_fax_event == 1) { + pLib->general_fax_event = 2; + ignore = 1; + } else if (pLib->general_mdm_event == 1) { + pLib->general_mdm_event = 2; + ignore = 1; + } else if ((pLib->ChannelsTraceActive < pLib->Channels) && pLib->ChannelsTraceActive) { + pLib->ChannelsTraceActive = pLib->Channels; + ignore = 1; + } else if (pLib->ModemTraceActive < pLib->Channels) { + pLib->ModemTraceActive = pLib->Channels; + ignore = 1; + } else if (pLib->FaxTraceActive < pLib->Channels) { + pLib->FaxTraceActive = pLib->Channels; + ignore = 1; + } else if (pLib->audio_trace_init == 2) { + ignore = 1; + pLib->audio_trace_init = 1; + } else if (pLib->eye_pattern_pending) { pLib->eye_pattern_pending = 0; ignore = 1; } else if (pLib->audio_tap_pending) { pLib->audio_tap_pending = 0; ignore = 1; - } - - if (!ignore) { - return (-1); /* request failed */ - } - } else { - if (pLib->general_b_ch_event == 1) { - pLib->ChannelsTraceActive = pLib->Channels; - pLib->general_b_ch_event = 2; - } else if (pLib->general_fax_event == 1) { - pLib->general_fax_event = 2; - pLib->FaxTraceActive = pLib->Channels; - } else if (pLib->general_mdm_event == 1) { - pLib->general_mdm_event = 2; - pLib->ModemTraceActive = pLib->Channels; - } - } - if (pLib->audio_trace_init == 2) { - pLib->audio_trace_init = 1; - } - pLib->rc_ok = 0xff; /* default OK after assign was done */ - if ((ret = ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib))) { - return (-1); - } - } else { - /* - Process indication - Always 'RNR' indication if return code is pending - */ - Ind = pLib->e.Ind; - pLib->e.Ind = 0; - if (pLib->removal_state) { - pLib->e.RNum = 0; - pLib->e.RNR = 2; - } else if (pLib->req_busy) { - pLib->e.RNum = 0; - pLib->e.RNR = 1; - } else { - if (pLib->e.complete != 0x02) { - /* - Look-ahead call, set up buffers - */ - pLib->e.RNum = 1; - pLib->e.R->P = (byte*)&pLib->buffer[0]; - pLib->e.R->PLength = (word)(sizeof(pLib->buffer) - 1); - - } else { - /* - Indication reception complete, process it now - */ - byte* p = (byte*)&pLib->buffer[0]; - pLib->buffer[pLib->e.R->PLength] = 0; /* terminate I.E. with zero */ - - switch (Ind) { - case MAN_COMBI_IND: { - int total_length = pLib->e.R->PLength; - word this_ind_length; - - while (total_length > 3 && *p) { - Ind = *p++; - this_ind_length = (word)p[0] | ((word)p[1] << 8); - p += 2; - - switch (Ind) { - case MAN_INFO_IND: - if (process_idi_info (pLib, (diva_man_var_header_t*)p)) { - return (-1); - } - break; - case MAN_EVENT_IND: - if (process_idi_event (pLib, (diva_man_var_header_t*)p)) { - return (-1); - } - break; - case MAN_TRACE_IND: - if (pLib->trace_on == 1) { - /* - Ignore first trace event that is result of - EVENT_ON operation - */ - pLib->trace_on++; - } else { - /* - Delivery XLOG buffer to application - */ - if (pLib->user_proc_table.trace_proc) { - (*(pLib->user_proc_table.trace_proc))(pLib->user_proc_table.user_context, - &pLib->instance, pLib->Adapter, - p, this_ind_length); - } - } - break; - default: - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (0, DLI_ERR, "Unknown IDI Ind (DMA mode): %02x", Ind); - } - p += (this_ind_length+1); - total_length -= (4 + this_ind_length); - } - } break; - case MAN_INFO_IND: - if (process_idi_info (pLib, (diva_man_var_header_t*)p)) { - return (-1); - } - break; - case MAN_EVENT_IND: - if (process_idi_event (pLib, (diva_man_var_header_t*)p)) { - return (-1); - } - break; - case MAN_TRACE_IND: - if (pLib->trace_on == 1) { - /* - Ignore first trace event that is result of - EVENT_ON operation - */ - pLib->trace_on++; - } else { - /* - Delivery XLOG buffer to application - */ - if (pLib->user_proc_table.trace_proc) { - (*(pLib->user_proc_table.trace_proc))(pLib->user_proc_table.user_context, - &pLib->instance, pLib->Adapter, - p, pLib->e.R->PLength); - } - } - break; - default: - diva_mnt_internal_dprintf (0, DLI_ERR, "Unknown IDI Ind: %02x", Ind); - } - } - } - } + } + + if (!ignore) { + return (-1); /* request failed */ + } + } else { + if (pLib->general_b_ch_event == 1) { + pLib->ChannelsTraceActive = pLib->Channels; + pLib->general_b_ch_event = 2; + } else if (pLib->general_fax_event == 1) { + pLib->general_fax_event = 2; + pLib->FaxTraceActive = pLib->Channels; + } else if (pLib->general_mdm_event == 1) { + pLib->general_mdm_event = 2; + pLib->ModemTraceActive = pLib->Channels; + } + } + if (pLib->audio_trace_init == 2) { + pLib->audio_trace_init = 1; + } + pLib->rc_ok = 0xff; /* default OK after assign was done */ + if ((ret = ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib))) { + return (-1); + } + } else { + /* + Process indication + Always 'RNR' indication if return code is pending + */ + Ind = pLib->e.Ind; + pLib->e.Ind = 0; + if (pLib->removal_state) { + pLib->e.RNum = 0; + pLib->e.RNR = 2; + } else if (pLib->req_busy) { + pLib->e.RNum = 0; + pLib->e.RNR = 1; + } else { + if (pLib->e.complete != 0x02) { + /* + Look-ahead call, set up buffers + */ + pLib->e.RNum = 1; + pLib->e.R->P = (byte *)&pLib->buffer[0]; + pLib->e.R->PLength = (word)(sizeof(pLib->buffer) - 1); + + } else { + /* + Indication reception complete, process it now + */ + byte *p = (byte *)&pLib->buffer[0]; + pLib->buffer[pLib->e.R->PLength] = 0; /* terminate I.E. with zero */ + + switch (Ind) { + case MAN_COMBI_IND: { + int total_length = pLib->e.R->PLength; + word this_ind_length; + + while (total_length > 3 && *p) { + Ind = *p++; + this_ind_length = (word)p[0] | ((word)p[1] << 8); + p += 2; + + switch (Ind) { + case MAN_INFO_IND: + if (process_idi_info(pLib, (diva_man_var_header_t *)p)) { + return (-1); + } + break; + case MAN_EVENT_IND: + if (process_idi_event(pLib, (diva_man_var_header_t *)p)) { + return (-1); + } + break; + case MAN_TRACE_IND: + if (pLib->trace_on == 1) { + /* + Ignore first trace event that is result of + EVENT_ON operation + */ + pLib->trace_on++; + } else { + /* + Delivery XLOG buffer to application + */ + if (pLib->user_proc_table.trace_proc) { + (*(pLib->user_proc_table.trace_proc))(pLib->user_proc_table.user_context, + &pLib->instance, pLib->Adapter, + p, this_ind_length); + } + } + break; + default: + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(0, DLI_ERR, "Unknown IDI Ind (DMA mode): %02x", Ind); + } + p += (this_ind_length + 1); + total_length -= (4 + this_ind_length); + } + } break; + case MAN_INFO_IND: + if (process_idi_info(pLib, (diva_man_var_header_t *)p)) { + return (-1); + } + break; + case MAN_EVENT_IND: + if (process_idi_event(pLib, (diva_man_var_header_t *)p)) { + return (-1); + } + break; + case MAN_TRACE_IND: + if (pLib->trace_on == 1) { + /* + Ignore first trace event that is result of + EVENT_ON operation + */ + pLib->trace_on++; + } else { + /* + Delivery XLOG buffer to application + */ + if (pLib->user_proc_table.trace_proc) { + (*(pLib->user_proc_table.trace_proc))(pLib->user_proc_table.user_context, + &pLib->instance, pLib->Adapter, + p, pLib->e.R->PLength); + } + } + break; + default: + diva_mnt_internal_dprintf(0, DLI_ERR, "Unknown IDI Ind: %02x", Ind); + } + } + } + } if ((ret = ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib))) { return (-1); @@ -434,9 +434,9 @@ static int SuperTraceMessageInput (void* hLib) { } /* - Internal state machine responsible for scheduling of requests - */ -static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { + Internal state machine responsible for scheduling of requests +*/ +static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest(diva_strace_context_t *pLib) { char name[64]; int ret = 0; int i; @@ -445,50 +445,50 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { return (0); } - if (pLib->removal_state == 1) { - if (SuperTraceREMOVE (pLib->hAdapter)) { - pLib->removal_state = 3; - } else { - pLib->req_busy = 1; - pLib->removal_state = 2; - } - return (0); - } + if (pLib->removal_state == 1) { + if (SuperTraceREMOVE(pLib->hAdapter)) { + pLib->removal_state = 3; + } else { + pLib->req_busy = 1; + pLib->removal_state = 2; + } + return (0); + } - if (pLib->removal_state) { - return (0); - } + if (pLib->removal_state) { + return (0); + } - if (!pLib->general_b_ch_event) { + if (!pLib->general_b_ch_event) { if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, "State\\B Event", pLib->buffer))) { - return (-1); - } - pLib->general_b_ch_event = 1; + return (-1); + } + pLib->general_b_ch_event = 1; pLib->req_busy = 1; return (0); - } + } - if (!pLib->general_fax_event) { + if (!pLib->general_fax_event) { if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, "State\\FAX Event", pLib->buffer))) { - return (-1); - } - pLib->general_fax_event = 1; + return (-1); + } + pLib->general_fax_event = 1; pLib->req_busy = 1; return (0); - } + } - if (!pLib->general_mdm_event) { + if (!pLib->general_mdm_event) { if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, "State\\Modem Event", pLib->buffer))) { - return (-1); - } - pLib->general_mdm_event = 1; + return (-1); + } + pLib->general_mdm_event = 1; pLib->req_busy = 1; return (0); - } + } if (pLib->ChannelsTraceActive < pLib->Channels) { pLib->ChannelsTraceActive++; - sprintf (name, "State\\B%d\\Line", pLib->ChannelsTraceActive); + sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\Line", pLib->ChannelsTraceActive); if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer))) { pLib->ChannelsTraceActive--; return (-1); @@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { if (pLib->ModemTraceActive < pLib->Channels) { pLib->ModemTraceActive++; - sprintf (name, "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Event", pLib->ModemTraceActive); + sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Event", pLib->ModemTraceActive); if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer))) { pLib->ModemTraceActive--; return (-1); @@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { if (pLib->FaxTraceActive < pLib->Channels) { pLib->FaxTraceActive++; - sprintf (name, "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Event", pLib->FaxTraceActive); + sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Event", pLib->FaxTraceActive); if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer))) { pLib->FaxTraceActive--; return (-1); @@ -521,12 +521,12 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { if (!pLib->trace_mask_init) { word tmp = 0x0000; - if (SuperTraceWriteVar (pLib->hAdapter, - pLib->buffer, - "Trace\\Event Enable", - &tmp, - 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */ - sizeof(tmp))) { + if (SuperTraceWriteVar(pLib->hAdapter, + pLib->buffer, + "Trace\\Event Enable", + &tmp, + 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */ + sizeof(tmp))) { return (-1); } pLib->trace_mask_init = 1; @@ -536,12 +536,12 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { if (!pLib->audio_trace_init) { dword tmp = 0x00000000; - if (SuperTraceWriteVar (pLib->hAdapter, - pLib->buffer, - "Trace\\AudioCh# Enable", - &tmp, - 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */ - sizeof(tmp))) { + if (SuperTraceWriteVar(pLib->hAdapter, + pLib->buffer, + "Trace\\AudioCh# Enable", + &tmp, + 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */ + sizeof(tmp))) { return (-1); } pLib->audio_trace_init = 2; @@ -551,12 +551,12 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { if (!pLib->bchannel_init) { dword tmp = 0x00000000; - if (SuperTraceWriteVar (pLib->hAdapter, - pLib->buffer, - "Trace\\B-Ch# Enable", - &tmp, - 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */ - sizeof(tmp))) { + if (SuperTraceWriteVar(pLib->hAdapter, + pLib->buffer, + "Trace\\B-Ch# Enable", + &tmp, + 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */ + sizeof(tmp))) { return (-1); } pLib->bchannel_init = 1; @@ -566,12 +566,12 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { if (!pLib->trace_length_init) { word tmp = 30; - if (SuperTraceWriteVar (pLib->hAdapter, - pLib->buffer, - "Trace\\Max Log Length", - &tmp, - 0x82, /* MI_UINT */ - sizeof(tmp))) { + if (SuperTraceWriteVar(pLib->hAdapter, + pLib->buffer, + "Trace\\Max Log Length", + &tmp, + 0x82, /* MI_UINT */ + sizeof(tmp))) { return (-1); } pLib->trace_length_init = 1; @@ -580,9 +580,9 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if (!pLib->trace_on) { - if (SuperTraceTraceOnRequest (pLib->hAdapter, - "Trace\\Log Buffer", - pLib->buffer)) { + if (SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, + "Trace\\Log Buffer", + pLib->buffer)) { return (-1); } pLib->trace_on = 1; @@ -591,12 +591,12 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if (pLib->trace_event_mask != pLib->current_trace_event_mask) { - if (SuperTraceWriteVar (pLib->hAdapter, - pLib->buffer, - "Trace\\Event Enable", - &pLib->trace_event_mask, - 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */ - sizeof(pLib->trace_event_mask))) { + if (SuperTraceWriteVar(pLib->hAdapter, + pLib->buffer, + "Trace\\Event Enable", + &pLib->trace_event_mask, + 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */ + sizeof(pLib->trace_event_mask))) { return (-1); } pLib->current_trace_event_mask = pLib->trace_event_mask; @@ -605,12 +605,12 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if ((pLib->audio_tap_pending >= 0) && (pLib->audio_tap_mask != pLib->current_audio_tap_mask)) { - if (SuperTraceWriteVar (pLib->hAdapter, - pLib->buffer, - "Trace\\AudioCh# Enable", - &pLib->audio_tap_mask, - 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */ - sizeof(pLib->audio_tap_mask))) { + if (SuperTraceWriteVar(pLib->hAdapter, + pLib->buffer, + "Trace\\AudioCh# Enable", + &pLib->audio_tap_mask, + 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */ + sizeof(pLib->audio_tap_mask))) { return (-1); } pLib->current_audio_tap_mask = pLib->audio_tap_mask; @@ -620,12 +620,12 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if ((pLib->eye_pattern_pending >= 0) && (pLib->audio_tap_mask != pLib->current_eye_pattern_mask)) { - if (SuperTraceWriteVar (pLib->hAdapter, - pLib->buffer, - "Trace\\EyeCh# Enable", - &pLib->audio_tap_mask, - 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */ - sizeof(pLib->audio_tap_mask))) { + if (SuperTraceWriteVar(pLib->hAdapter, + pLib->buffer, + "Trace\\EyeCh# Enable", + &pLib->audio_tap_mask, + 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */ + sizeof(pLib->audio_tap_mask))) { return (-1); } pLib->current_eye_pattern_mask = pLib->audio_tap_mask; @@ -635,12 +635,12 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if (pLib->bchannel_trace_mask != pLib->current_bchannel_trace_mask) { - if (SuperTraceWriteVar (pLib->hAdapter, - pLib->buffer, - "Trace\\B-Ch# Enable", - &pLib->bchannel_trace_mask, - 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */ - sizeof(pLib->bchannel_trace_mask))) { + if (SuperTraceWriteVar(pLib->hAdapter, + pLib->buffer, + "Trace\\B-Ch# Enable", + &pLib->bchannel_trace_mask, + 0x87, /* MI_BITFLD */ + sizeof(pLib->bchannel_trace_mask))) { return (-1); } pLib->current_bchannel_trace_mask = pLib->bchannel_trace_mask; @@ -649,9 +649,9 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if (!pLib->trace_events_down) { - if (SuperTraceTraceOnRequest (pLib->hAdapter, - "Events Down", - pLib->buffer)) { + if (SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, + "Events Down", + pLib->buffer)) { return (-1); } pLib->trace_events_down = 1; @@ -660,9 +660,9 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if (!pLib->l1_trace) { - if (SuperTraceTraceOnRequest (pLib->hAdapter, - "State\\Layer1", - pLib->buffer)) { + if (SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, + "State\\Layer1", + pLib->buffer)) { return (-1); } pLib->l1_trace = 1; @@ -671,9 +671,9 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if (!pLib->l2_trace) { - if (SuperTraceTraceOnRequest (pLib->hAdapter, - "State\\Layer2 No1", - pLib->buffer)) { + if (SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, + "State\\Layer2 No1", + pLib->buffer)) { return (-1); } pLib->l2_trace = 1; @@ -683,8 +683,8 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) { if (pLib->pending_line_status & (1L << i)) { - sprintf (name, "State\\B%d", i+1); - if (SuperTraceReadRequest (pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer)) { + sprintf(name, "State\\B%d", i + 1); + if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer)) { return (-1); } pLib->pending_line_status &= ~(1L << i); @@ -692,8 +692,8 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { return (0); } if (pLib->pending_modem_status & (1L << i)) { - sprintf (name, "State\\B%d\\Modem", i+1); - if (SuperTraceReadRequest (pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer)) { + sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\Modem", i + 1); + if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer)) { return (-1); } pLib->pending_modem_status &= ~(1L << i); @@ -701,8 +701,8 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { return (0); } if (pLib->pending_fax_status & (1L << i)) { - sprintf (name, "State\\B%d\\FAX", i+1); - if (SuperTraceReadRequest (pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer)) { + sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\FAX", i + 1); + if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer)) { return (-1); } pLib->pending_fax_status &= ~(1L << i); @@ -710,8 +710,8 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { return (0); } if (pLib->clear_call_command & (1L << i)) { - sprintf (name, "State\\B%d\\Clear Call", i+1); - if (SuperTraceExecuteRequest (pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer)) { + sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\Clear Call", i + 1); + if (SuperTraceExecuteRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer)) { return (-1); } pLib->clear_call_command &= ~(1L << i); @@ -721,9 +721,9 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if (pLib->outgoing_ifc_stats) { - if (SuperTraceReadRequest (pLib->hAdapter, - "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls", - pLib->buffer)) { + if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter, + "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls", + pLib->buffer)) { return (-1); } pLib->outgoing_ifc_stats = 0; @@ -732,9 +732,9 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if (pLib->incoming_ifc_stats) { - if (SuperTraceReadRequest (pLib->hAdapter, - "Statistics\\Incoming Calls", - pLib->buffer)) { + if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter, + "Statistics\\Incoming Calls", + pLib->buffer)) { return (-1); } pLib->incoming_ifc_stats = 0; @@ -743,9 +743,9 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if (pLib->modem_ifc_stats) { - if (SuperTraceReadRequest (pLib->hAdapter, - "Statistics\\Modem", - pLib->buffer)) { + if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter, + "Statistics\\Modem", + pLib->buffer)) { return (-1); } pLib->modem_ifc_stats = 0; @@ -754,9 +754,9 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if (pLib->fax_ifc_stats) { - if (SuperTraceReadRequest (pLib->hAdapter, - "Statistics\\FAX", - pLib->buffer)) { + if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter, + "Statistics\\FAX", + pLib->buffer)) { return (-1); } pLib->fax_ifc_stats = 0; @@ -765,9 +765,9 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if (pLib->b1_ifc_stats) { - if (SuperTraceReadRequest (pLib->hAdapter, - "Statistics\\B-Layer1", - pLib->buffer)) { + if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter, + "Statistics\\B-Layer1", + pLib->buffer)) { return (-1); } pLib->b1_ifc_stats = 0; @@ -776,9 +776,9 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if (pLib->b2_ifc_stats) { - if (SuperTraceReadRequest (pLib->hAdapter, - "Statistics\\B-Layer2", - pLib->buffer)) { + if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter, + "Statistics\\B-Layer2", + pLib->buffer)) { return (-1); } pLib->b2_ifc_stats = 0; @@ -787,9 +787,9 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if (pLib->d1_ifc_stats) { - if (SuperTraceReadRequest (pLib->hAdapter, - "Statistics\\D-Layer1", - pLib->buffer)) { + if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter, + "Statistics\\D-Layer1", + pLib->buffer)) { return (-1); } pLib->d1_ifc_stats = 0; @@ -798,9 +798,9 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if (pLib->d2_ifc_stats) { - if (SuperTraceReadRequest (pLib->hAdapter, - "Statistics\\D-Layer2", - pLib->buffer)) { + if (SuperTraceReadRequest(pLib->hAdapter, + "Statistics\\D-Layer2", + pLib->buffer)) { return (-1); } pLib->d2_ifc_stats = 0; @@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { if (!pLib->IncomingCallsCallsActive) { pLib->IncomingCallsCallsActive = 1; - sprintf (name, "%s", "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Calls"); + sprintf(name, "%s", "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Calls"); if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer))) { pLib->IncomingCallsCallsActive = 0; return (-1); @@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if (!pLib->IncomingCallsConnectedActive) { pLib->IncomingCallsConnectedActive = 1; - sprintf (name, "%s", "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Connected"); + sprintf(name, "%s", "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Connected"); if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer))) { pLib->IncomingCallsConnectedActive = 0; return (-1); @@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if (!pLib->OutgoingCallsCallsActive) { pLib->OutgoingCallsCallsActive = 1; - sprintf (name, "%s", "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Calls"); + sprintf(name, "%s", "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Calls"); if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer))) { pLib->OutgoingCallsCallsActive = 0; return (-1); @@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { } if (!pLib->OutgoingCallsConnectedActive) { pLib->OutgoingCallsConnectedActive = 1; - sprintf (name, "%s", "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Connected"); + sprintf(name, "%s", "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Connected"); if ((ret = SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(pLib->hAdapter, name, pLib->buffer))) { pLib->OutgoingCallsConnectedActive = 0; return (-1); @@ -852,241 +852,241 @@ static int ScheduleNextTraceRequest (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { return (0); } -static int process_idi_event (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - diva_man_var_header_t* pVar) { - const char* path = (char*)&pVar->path_length+1; +static int process_idi_event(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + diva_man_var_header_t *pVar) { + const char *path = (char *)&pVar->path_length + 1; char name[64]; int i; if (!strncmp("State\\B Event", path, pVar->path_length)) { - dword ch_id; - if (!diva_trace_read_variable (pVar, &ch_id)) { - if (!pLib->line_init_event && !pLib->pending_line_status) { - for (i = 1; i <= pLib->Channels; i++) { - diva_line_event(pLib, i); - } - return (0); - } else if (ch_id && ch_id <= pLib->Channels) { - return (diva_line_event(pLib, (int)ch_id)); - } - return (0); - } - return (-1); - } + dword ch_id; + if (!diva_trace_read_variable(pVar, &ch_id)) { + if (!pLib->line_init_event && !pLib->pending_line_status) { + for (i = 1; i <= pLib->Channels; i++) { + diva_line_event(pLib, i); + } + return (0); + } else if (ch_id && ch_id <= pLib->Channels) { + return (diva_line_event(pLib, (int)ch_id)); + } + return (0); + } + return (-1); + } if (!strncmp("State\\FAX Event", path, pVar->path_length)) { - dword ch_id; - if (!diva_trace_read_variable (pVar, &ch_id)) { - if (!pLib->pending_fax_status && !pLib->fax_init_event) { - for (i = 1; i <= pLib->Channels; i++) { - diva_fax_event(pLib, i); - } - return (0); - } else if (ch_id && ch_id <= pLib->Channels) { - return (diva_fax_event(pLib, (int)ch_id)); - } - return (0); - } - return (-1); - } + dword ch_id; + if (!diva_trace_read_variable(pVar, &ch_id)) { + if (!pLib->pending_fax_status && !pLib->fax_init_event) { + for (i = 1; i <= pLib->Channels; i++) { + diva_fax_event(pLib, i); + } + return (0); + } else if (ch_id && ch_id <= pLib->Channels) { + return (diva_fax_event(pLib, (int)ch_id)); + } + return (0); + } + return (-1); + } if (!strncmp("State\\Modem Event", path, pVar->path_length)) { - dword ch_id; - if (!diva_trace_read_variable (pVar, &ch_id)) { - if (!pLib->pending_modem_status && !pLib->modem_init_event) { - for (i = 1; i <= pLib->Channels; i++) { - diva_modem_event(pLib, i); - } - return (0); - } else if (ch_id && ch_id <= pLib->Channels) { - return (diva_modem_event(pLib, (int)ch_id)); - } - return (0); - } - return (-1); - } + dword ch_id; + if (!diva_trace_read_variable(pVar, &ch_id)) { + if (!pLib->pending_modem_status && !pLib->modem_init_event) { + for (i = 1; i <= pLib->Channels; i++) { + diva_modem_event(pLib, i); + } + return (0); + } else if (ch_id && ch_id <= pLib->Channels) { + return (diva_modem_event(pLib, (int)ch_id)); + } + return (0); + } + return (-1); + } /* - First look for Line Event - */ + First look for Line Event + */ for (i = 1; i <= pLib->Channels; i++) { - sprintf (name, "State\\B%d\\Line", i); - if (find_var (pVar, name)) { + sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\Line", i); + if (find_var(pVar, name)) { return (diva_line_event(pLib, i)); } } /* - Look for Moden Progress Event - */ + Look for Moden Progress Event + */ for (i = 1; i <= pLib->Channels; i++) { - sprintf (name, "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Event", i); - if (find_var (pVar, name)) { - return (diva_modem_event (pLib, i)); + sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Event", i); + if (find_var(pVar, name)) { + return (diva_modem_event(pLib, i)); } } /* - Look for Fax Event - */ + Look for Fax Event + */ for (i = 1; i <= pLib->Channels; i++) { - sprintf (name, "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Event", i); - if (find_var (pVar, name)) { - return (diva_fax_event (pLib, i)); + sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Event", i); + if (find_var(pVar, name)) { + return (diva_fax_event(pLib, i)); } } /* - Notification about loss of events - */ + Notification about loss of events + */ if (!strncmp("Events Down", path, pVar->path_length)) { if (pLib->trace_events_down == 1) { pLib->trace_events_down = 2; } else { - diva_trace_error (pLib, 1, "Events Down", 0); + diva_trace_error(pLib, 1, "Events Down", 0); } return (0); } if (!strncmp("State\\Layer1", path, pVar->path_length)) { - diva_strace_read_asz (pVar, &pLib->lines[0].pInterface->Layer1[0]); + diva_strace_read_asz(pVar, &pLib->lines[0].pInterface->Layer1[0]); if (pLib->l1_trace == 1) { pLib->l1_trace = 2; } else { - diva_trace_notify_user (pLib, 0, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_INTERFACE_CHANGE); + diva_trace_notify_user(pLib, 0, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_INTERFACE_CHANGE); } return (0); } if (!strncmp("State\\Layer2 No1", path, pVar->path_length)) { - char* tmp = &pLib->lines[0].pInterface->Layer2[0]; + char *tmp = &pLib->lines[0].pInterface->Layer2[0]; dword l2_state; if (diva_strace_read_uint(pVar, &l2_state)) return -1; switch (l2_state) { - case 0: - strcpy (tmp, "Idle"); - break; - case 1: - strcpy (tmp, "Layer2 UP"); - break; - case 2: - strcpy (tmp, "Layer2 Disconnecting"); - break; - case 3: - strcpy (tmp, "Layer2 Connecting"); - break; - case 4: - strcpy (tmp, "SPID Initializing"); - break; - case 5: - strcpy (tmp, "SPID Initialised"); - break; - case 6: - strcpy (tmp, "Layer2 Connecting"); - break; - - case 7: - strcpy (tmp, "Auto SPID Stopped"); - break; - - case 8: - strcpy (tmp, "Auto SPID Idle"); - break; - - case 9: - strcpy (tmp, "Auto SPID Requested"); - break; - - case 10: - strcpy (tmp, "Auto SPID Delivery"); - break; - - case 11: - strcpy (tmp, "Auto SPID Complete"); - break; - - default: - sprintf (tmp, "U:%d", (int)l2_state); + case 0: + strcpy(tmp, "Idle"); + break; + case 1: + strcpy(tmp, "Layer2 UP"); + break; + case 2: + strcpy(tmp, "Layer2 Disconnecting"); + break; + case 3: + strcpy(tmp, "Layer2 Connecting"); + break; + case 4: + strcpy(tmp, "SPID Initializing"); + break; + case 5: + strcpy(tmp, "SPID Initialised"); + break; + case 6: + strcpy(tmp, "Layer2 Connecting"); + break; + + case 7: + strcpy(tmp, "Auto SPID Stopped"); + break; + + case 8: + strcpy(tmp, "Auto SPID Idle"); + break; + + case 9: + strcpy(tmp, "Auto SPID Requested"); + break; + + case 10: + strcpy(tmp, "Auto SPID Delivery"); + break; + + case 11: + strcpy(tmp, "Auto SPID Complete"); + break; + + default: + sprintf(tmp, "U:%d", (int)l2_state); } if (pLib->l2_trace == 1) { pLib->l2_trace = 2; } else { - diva_trace_notify_user (pLib, 0, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_INTERFACE_CHANGE); + diva_trace_notify_user(pLib, 0, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_INTERFACE_CHANGE); } return (0); } if (!strncmp("Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Calls", path, pVar->path_length) || - !strncmp("Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Connected", path, pVar->path_length)) { - return (SuperTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics (pLib)); + !strncmp("Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Connected", path, pVar->path_length)) { + return (SuperTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics(pLib)); } if (!strncmp("Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Calls", path, pVar->path_length) || - !strncmp("Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Connected", path, pVar->path_length)) { - return (SuperTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics (pLib)); + !strncmp("Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Connected", path, pVar->path_length)) { + return (SuperTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics(pLib)); } return (-1); } -static int diva_line_event (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, int Channel) { - pLib->pending_line_status |= (1L << (Channel-1)); +static int diva_line_event(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, int Channel) { + pLib->pending_line_status |= (1L << (Channel - 1)); return (0); } -static int diva_modem_event (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, int Channel) { - pLib->pending_modem_status |= (1L << (Channel-1)); +static int diva_modem_event(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, int Channel) { + pLib->pending_modem_status |= (1L << (Channel - 1)); return (0); } -static int diva_fax_event (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, int Channel) { - pLib->pending_fax_status |= (1L << (Channel-1)); +static int diva_fax_event(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, int Channel) { + pLib->pending_fax_status |= (1L << (Channel - 1)); return (0); } /* - Process INFO indications that arrive from the card - Uses path of first I.E. to detect the source of the - infication - */ -static int process_idi_info (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - diva_man_var_header_t* pVar) { - const char* path = (char*)&pVar->path_length+1; + Process INFO indications that arrive from the card + Uses path of first I.E. to detect the source of the + infication +*/ +static int process_idi_info(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + diva_man_var_header_t *pVar) { + const char *path = (char *)&pVar->path_length + 1; char name[64]; int i, len; /* - First look for Modem Status Info - */ + First look for Modem Status Info + */ for (i = pLib->Channels; i > 0; i--) { - len = sprintf (name, "State\\B%d\\Modem", i); + len = sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\Modem", i); if (!strncmp(name, path, len)) { - return (diva_modem_info (pLib, i, pVar)); + return (diva_modem_info(pLib, i, pVar)); } } /* - Look for Fax Status Info - */ + Look for Fax Status Info + */ for (i = pLib->Channels; i > 0; i--) { - len = sprintf (name, "State\\B%d\\FAX", i); + len = sprintf(name, "State\\B%d\\FAX", i); if (!strncmp(name, path, len)) { - return (diva_fax_info (pLib, i, pVar)); + return (diva_fax_info(pLib, i, pVar)); } } /* - Look for Line Status Info - */ + Look for Line Status Info + */ for (i = pLib->Channels; i > 0; i--) { - len = sprintf (name, "State\\B%d", i); + len = sprintf(name, "State\\B%d", i); if (!strncmp(name, path, len)) { - return (diva_line_info (pLib, i, pVar)); + return (diva_line_info(pLib, i, pVar)); } } - if (!diva_ifc_statistics (pLib, pVar)) { + if (!diva_ifc_statistics(pLib, pVar)) { return (0); } @@ -1094,38 +1094,38 @@ static int process_idi_info (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, } /* - MODEM INSTANCE STATE UPDATE - - Update Modem Status Information and issue notification to user, - that will inform about change in the state of modem instance, that is - associuated with this channel - */ -static int diva_modem_info (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - int Channel, - diva_man_var_header_t* pVar) { - diva_man_var_header_t* cur; + MODEM INSTANCE STATE UPDATE + + Update Modem Status Information and issue notification to user, + that will inform about change in the state of modem instance, that is + associuated with this channel +*/ +static int diva_modem_info(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + int Channel, + diva_man_var_header_t *pVar) { + diva_man_var_header_t *cur; int i, nr = Channel - 1; for (i = pLib->modem_parse_entry_first[nr]; - i <= pLib->modem_parse_entry_last[nr]; i++) { - if ((cur = find_var (pVar, pLib->parse_table[i].path))) { - if (diva_trace_read_variable (cur, pLib->parse_table[i].variable)) { - diva_trace_error (pLib, -3 , __FILE__, __LINE__); + i <= pLib->modem_parse_entry_last[nr]; i++) { + if ((cur = find_var(pVar, pLib->parse_table[i].path))) { + if (diva_trace_read_variable(cur, pLib->parse_table[i].variable)) { + diva_trace_error(pLib, -3, __FILE__, __LINE__); return (-1); } } else { - diva_trace_error (pLib, -2 , __FILE__, __LINE__); + diva_trace_error(pLib, -2, __FILE__, __LINE__); return (-1); } } /* - We do not use first event to notify user - this is the event that is - generated as result of EVENT ON operation and is used only to initialize - internal variables of application - */ + We do not use first event to notify user - this is the event that is + generated as result of EVENT ON operation and is used only to initialize + internal variables of application + */ if (pLib->modem_init_event & (1L << nr)) { - diva_trace_notify_user (pLib, nr, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_MODEM_CHANGE); + diva_trace_notify_user(pLib, nr, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_MODEM_CHANGE); } else { pLib->modem_init_event |= (1L << nr); } @@ -1133,32 +1133,32 @@ static int diva_modem_info (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, return (0); } -static int diva_fax_info (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - int Channel, - diva_man_var_header_t* pVar) { - diva_man_var_header_t* cur; +static int diva_fax_info(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + int Channel, + diva_man_var_header_t *pVar) { + diva_man_var_header_t *cur; int i, nr = Channel - 1; for (i = pLib->fax_parse_entry_first[nr]; - i <= pLib->fax_parse_entry_last[nr]; i++) { - if ((cur = find_var (pVar, pLib->parse_table[i].path))) { - if (diva_trace_read_variable (cur, pLib->parse_table[i].variable)) { - diva_trace_error (pLib, -3 , __FILE__, __LINE__); + i <= pLib->fax_parse_entry_last[nr]; i++) { + if ((cur = find_var(pVar, pLib->parse_table[i].path))) { + if (diva_trace_read_variable(cur, pLib->parse_table[i].variable)) { + diva_trace_error(pLib, -3, __FILE__, __LINE__); return (-1); } } else { - diva_trace_error (pLib, -2 , __FILE__, __LINE__); + diva_trace_error(pLib, -2, __FILE__, __LINE__); return (-1); } } /* - We do not use first event to notify user - this is the event that is - generated as result of EVENT ON operation and is used only to initialize - internal variables of application - */ + We do not use first event to notify user - this is the event that is + generated as result of EVENT ON operation and is used only to initialize + internal variables of application + */ if (pLib->fax_init_event & (1L << nr)) { - diva_trace_notify_user (pLib, nr, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_FAX_CHANGE); + diva_trace_notify_user(pLib, nr, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_FAX_CHANGE); } else { pLib->fax_init_event |= (1L << nr); } @@ -1167,43 +1167,43 @@ static int diva_fax_info (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, } /* - LINE STATE UPDATE - Update Line Status Information and issue notification to user, - that will inform about change in the line state. - */ -static int diva_line_info (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - int Channel, - diva_man_var_header_t* pVar) { - diva_man_var_header_t* cur; + LINE STATE UPDATE + Update Line Status Information and issue notification to user, + that will inform about change in the line state. +*/ +static int diva_line_info(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + int Channel, + diva_man_var_header_t *pVar) { + diva_man_var_header_t *cur; int i, nr = Channel - 1; - for (i = pLib->line_parse_entry_first[nr]; - i <= pLib->line_parse_entry_last[nr]; i++) { - if ((cur = find_var (pVar, pLib->parse_table[i].path))) { - if (diva_trace_read_variable (cur, pLib->parse_table[i].variable)) { - diva_trace_error (pLib, -3 , __FILE__, __LINE__); + for (i = pLib->line_parse_entry_first[nr]; + i <= pLib->line_parse_entry_last[nr]; i++) { + if ((cur = find_var(pVar, pLib->parse_table[i].path))) { + if (diva_trace_read_variable(cur, pLib->parse_table[i].variable)) { + diva_trace_error(pLib, -3, __FILE__, __LINE__); return (-1); } } else { - diva_trace_error (pLib, -2 , __FILE__, __LINE__); + diva_trace_error(pLib, -2 , __FILE__, __LINE__); return (-1); } } /* - We do not use first event to notify user - this is the event that is - generated as result of EVENT ON operation and is used only to initialize - internal variables of application + We do not use first event to notify user - this is the event that is + generated as result of EVENT ON operation and is used only to initialize + internal variables of application - Exception is is if the line is "online". In this case we have to notify - user about this confition. - */ + Exception is is if the line is "online". In this case we have to notify + user about this confition. + */ if (pLib->line_init_event & (1L << nr)) { - diva_trace_notify_user (pLib, nr, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_LINE_CHANGE); + diva_trace_notify_user(pLib, nr, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_LINE_CHANGE); } else { pLib->line_init_event |= (1L << nr); - if (strcmp (&pLib->lines[nr].Line[0], "Idle")) { - diva_trace_notify_user (pLib, nr, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_LINE_CHANGE); + if (strcmp(&pLib->lines[nr].Line[0], "Idle")) { + diva_trace_notify_user(pLib, nr, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_LINE_CHANGE); } } @@ -1211,49 +1211,49 @@ static int diva_line_info (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, } /* - Move position to next vatianle in the chain - */ -static diva_man_var_header_t* get_next_var (diva_man_var_header_t* pVar) { - byte* msg = (byte*)pVar; - byte* start; + Move position to next vatianle in the chain +*/ +static diva_man_var_header_t *get_next_var(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar) { + byte *msg = (byte *)pVar; + byte *start; int msg_length; if (*msg != ESC) return NULL; start = msg + 2; - msg_length = *(msg+1); - msg = (start+msg_length); + msg_length = *(msg + 1); + msg = (start + msg_length); if (*msg != ESC) return NULL; - return ((diva_man_var_header_t*)msg); + return ((diva_man_var_header_t *)msg); } /* - Move position to variable with given name - */ -static diva_man_var_header_t* find_var (diva_man_var_header_t* pVar, - const char* name) { - const char* path; + Move position to variable with given name +*/ +static diva_man_var_header_t *find_var(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, + const char *name) { + const char *path; do { - path = (char*)&pVar->path_length+1; + path = (char *)&pVar->path_length + 1; - if (!strncmp (name, path, pVar->path_length)) { + if (!strncmp(name, path, pVar->path_length)) { break; } - } while ((pVar = get_next_var (pVar))); + } while ((pVar = get_next_var(pVar))); return (pVar); } -static void diva_create_line_parse_table (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - int Channel) { - diva_trace_line_state_t* pLine = &pLib->lines[Channel]; - int nr = Channel+1; +static void diva_create_line_parse_table(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + int Channel) { + diva_trace_line_state_t *pLine = &pLib->lines[Channel]; + int nr = Channel + 1; if ((pLib->cur_parse_entry + LINE_PARSE_ENTRIES) >= pLib->parse_entries) { - diva_trace_error (pLib, -1, __FILE__, __LINE__); + diva_trace_error(pLib, -1, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } @@ -1261,674 +1261,674 @@ static void diva_create_line_parse_table (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, pLib->line_parse_entry_first[Channel] = pLib->cur_parse_entry; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Framing", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Framing", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->Framing[0]; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Line", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Line", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->Line[0]; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Layer2", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Layer2", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->Layer2[0]; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Layer3", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Layer3", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->Layer3[0]; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Remote Address", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Remote Address", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLine->RemoteAddress[0]; + &pLine->RemoteAddress[0]; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Remote SubAddr", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Remote SubAddr", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLine->RemoteSubAddress[0]; + &pLine->RemoteSubAddress[0]; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Local Address", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Local Address", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLine->LocalAddress[0]; + &pLine->LocalAddress[0]; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Local SubAddr", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Local SubAddr", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLine->LocalSubAddress[0]; + &pLine->LocalSubAddress[0]; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\BC", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\BC", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->call_BC; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\HLC", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\HLC", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->call_HLC; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\LLC", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\LLC", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->call_LLC; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Charges", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Charges", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->Charges; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Call Reference", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Call Reference", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->CallReference; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Last Disc Cause", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Last Disc Cause", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLine->LastDisconnecCause; + &pLine->LastDisconnecCause; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\User ID", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\User ID", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pLine->UserID[0]; pLib->line_parse_entry_last[Channel] = pLib->cur_parse_entry - 1; } -static void diva_create_fax_parse_table (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - int Channel) { - diva_trace_fax_state_t* pFax = &pLib->lines[Channel].fax; - int nr = Channel+1; +static void diva_create_fax_parse_table(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + int Channel) { + diva_trace_fax_state_t *pFax = &pLib->lines[Channel].fax; + int nr = Channel + 1; if ((pLib->cur_parse_entry + FAX_PARSE_ENTRIES) >= pLib->parse_entries) { - diva_trace_error (pLib, -1, __FILE__, __LINE__); + diva_trace_error(pLib, -1, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } pFax->ChannelNumber = nr; pLib->fax_parse_entry_first[Channel] = pLib->cur_parse_entry; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Event", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Event", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Event; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Page Counter", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Page Counter", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Page_Counter; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Features", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Features", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Features; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Station ID", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Station ID", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Station_ID[0]; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Subaddress", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Subaddress", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Subaddress[0]; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Password", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Password", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Password[0]; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Speed", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Speed", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Speed; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Resolution", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Resolution", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Resolution; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Paper Width", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Paper Width", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Paper_Width; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Paper Length", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Paper Length", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Paper_Length; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Scanline Time", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Scanline Time", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Scanline_Time; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Disc Reason", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\FAX\\Disc Reason", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pFax->Disc_Reason; pLib->fax_parse_entry_last[Channel] = pLib->cur_parse_entry - 1; } -static void diva_create_modem_parse_table (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - int Channel) { - diva_trace_modem_state_t* pModem = &pLib->lines[Channel].modem; - int nr = Channel+1; +static void diva_create_modem_parse_table(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + int Channel) { + diva_trace_modem_state_t *pModem = &pLib->lines[Channel].modem; + int nr = Channel + 1; if ((pLib->cur_parse_entry + MODEM_PARSE_ENTRIES) >= pLib->parse_entries) { - diva_trace_error (pLib, -1, __FILE__, __LINE__); + diva_trace_error(pLib, -1, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } pModem->ChannelNumber = nr; pLib->modem_parse_entry_first[Channel] = pLib->cur_parse_entry; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Event", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Event", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->Event; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Norm", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Norm", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->Norm; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Options", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Options", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->Options; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Modem\\TX Speed", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Modem\\TX Speed", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->TxSpeed; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Modem\\RX Speed", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Modem\\RX Speed", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->RxSpeed; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Roundtrip ms", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Roundtrip ms", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->RoundtripMsec; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Symbol Rate", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Symbol Rate", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->SymbolRate; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Modem\\RX Level dBm", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Modem\\RX Level dBm", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->RxLeveldBm; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Echo Level dBm", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Echo Level dBm", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->EchoLeveldBm; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Modem\\SNR dB", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Modem\\SNR dB", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->SNRdb; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Modem\\MAE", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Modem\\MAE", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->MAE; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Local Retrains", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Local Retrains", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->LocalRetrains; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Remote Retrains", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Remote Retrains", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->RemoteRetrains; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Local Resyncs", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Local Resyncs", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->LocalResyncs; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Remote Resyncs", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Remote Resyncs", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->RemoteResyncs; - sprintf (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Disc Reason", nr); + sprintf(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "State\\B%d\\Modem\\Disc Reason", nr); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = &pModem->DiscReason; pLib->modem_parse_entry_last[Channel] = pLib->cur_parse_entry - 1; } -static void diva_create_parse_table (diva_strace_context_t* pLib) { +static void diva_create_parse_table(diva_strace_context_t *pLib) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pLib->Channels; i++) { - diva_create_line_parse_table (pLib, i); - diva_create_modem_parse_table (pLib, i); - diva_create_fax_parse_table (pLib, i); + diva_create_line_parse_table(pLib, i); + diva_create_modem_parse_table(pLib, i); + diva_create_fax_parse_table(pLib, i); } pLib->statistic_parse_first = pLib->cur_parse_entry; /* - Outgoing Calls - */ - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Calls"); + Outgoing Calls + */ + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Calls"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.Calls; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.Calls; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Connected"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Connected"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.Connected; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.Connected; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\User Busy"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\User Busy"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.User_Busy; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.User_Busy; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\No Answer"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\No Answer"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.No_Answer; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.No_Answer; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Wrong Number"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Wrong Number"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.Wrong_Number; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.Wrong_Number; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Call Rejected"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Call Rejected"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.Call_Rejected; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.Call_Rejected; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Other Failures"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Outgoing Calls\\Other Failures"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.Other_Failures; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.outg.Other_Failures; /* - Incoming Calls - */ - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Calls"); + Incoming Calls + */ + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Calls"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.inc.Calls; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.inc.Calls; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Connected"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Connected"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.inc.Connected; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.inc.Connected; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\User Busy"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\User Busy"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.inc.User_Busy; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.inc.User_Busy; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Call Rejected"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Call Rejected"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.inc.Call_Rejected; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.inc.Call_Rejected; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Wrong Number"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Wrong Number"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.inc.Wrong_Number; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.inc.Wrong_Number; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Incompatible Dst"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Incompatible Dst"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.inc.Incompatible_Dst; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.inc.Incompatible_Dst; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Out of Order"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Out of Order"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.inc.Out_of_Order; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.inc.Out_of_Order; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Ignored"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Incoming Calls\\Ignored"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.inc.Ignored; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.inc.Ignored; /* - Modem Statistics - */ + Modem Statistics + */ pLib->mdm_statistic_parse_first = pLib->cur_parse_entry; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Normal"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Normal"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Normal; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Normal; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Unspecified"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Unspecified"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Unspecified; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Unspecified; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Busy Tone"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Busy Tone"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Busy_Tone; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Busy_Tone; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Congestion"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Congestion"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Congestion; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Congestion; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Carr. Wait"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Carr. Wait"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Carr_Wait; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Carr_Wait; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Trn Timeout"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Trn Timeout"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Trn_Timeout; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Trn_Timeout; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Incompat."); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Incompat."); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Incompat; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Incompat; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Frame Rej."); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc Frame Rej."); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Frame_Rej; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_Frame_Rej; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc V42bis"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\Modem\\Disc V42bis"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_V42bis; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.mdm.Disc_V42bis; pLib->mdm_statistic_parse_last = pLib->cur_parse_entry - 1; /* - Fax Statistics - */ + Fax Statistics + */ pLib->fax_statistic_parse_first = pLib->cur_parse_entry; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Normal"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Normal"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Normal; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Normal; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Not Ident."); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Not Ident."); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Not_Ident; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Not_Ident; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc No Response"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc No Response"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_No_Response; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_No_Response; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Retries"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Retries"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Retries; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Retries; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Unexp. Msg."); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Unexp. Msg."); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Unexp_Msg; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Unexp_Msg; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc No Polling."); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc No Polling."); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_No_Polling; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_No_Polling; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Training"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Training"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Training; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Training; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Unexpected"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Unexpected"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Unexpected; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Unexpected; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Application"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Application"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Application; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Application; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Incompat."); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Incompat."); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Incompat; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Incompat; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc No Command"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc No Command"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_No_Command; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_No_Command; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Long Msg"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Long Msg"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Long_Msg; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Long_Msg; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Supervisor"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Supervisor"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Supervisor; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Supervisor; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc SUB SEP PWD"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc SUB SEP PWD"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_SUB_SEP_PWD; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_SUB_SEP_PWD; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Invalid Msg"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Invalid Msg"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Invalid_Msg; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Invalid_Msg; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Page Coding"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Page Coding"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Page_Coding; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Page_Coding; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc App Timeout"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc App Timeout"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_App_Timeout; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_App_Timeout; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Unspecified"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\FAX\\Disc Unspecified"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Unspecified; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.fax.Disc_Unspecified; pLib->fax_statistic_parse_last = pLib->cur_parse_entry - 1; /* - B-Layer1" - */ - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\B-Layer1\\X-Frames"); + B-Layer1" + */ + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\B-Layer1\\X-Frames"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.b1.X_Frames; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.b1.X_Frames; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\B-Layer1\\X-Bytes"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\B-Layer1\\X-Bytes"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.b1.X_Bytes; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.b1.X_Bytes; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\B-Layer1\\X-Errors"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\B-Layer1\\X-Errors"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.b1.X_Errors; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.b1.X_Errors; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\B-Layer1\\R-Frames"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\B-Layer1\\R-Frames"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.b1.R_Frames; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.b1.R_Frames; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\B-Layer1\\R-Bytes"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\B-Layer1\\R-Bytes"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.b1.R_Bytes; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.b1.R_Bytes; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\B-Layer1\\R-Errors"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\B-Layer1\\R-Errors"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.b1.R_Errors; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.b1.R_Errors; /* - B-Layer2 - */ - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\B-Layer2\\X-Frames"); + B-Layer2 + */ + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\B-Layer2\\X-Frames"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.b2.X_Frames; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.b2.X_Frames; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\B-Layer2\\X-Bytes"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\B-Layer2\\X-Bytes"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.b2.X_Bytes; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.b2.X_Bytes; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\B-Layer2\\X-Errors"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\B-Layer2\\X-Errors"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.b2.X_Errors; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.b2.X_Errors; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\B-Layer2\\R-Frames"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\B-Layer2\\R-Frames"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.b2.R_Frames; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.b2.R_Frames; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\B-Layer2\\R-Bytes"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\B-Layer2\\R-Bytes"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.b2.R_Bytes; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.b2.R_Bytes; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\B-Layer2\\R-Errors"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\B-Layer2\\R-Errors"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.b2.R_Errors; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.b2.R_Errors; /* - D-Layer1 - */ - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\D-Layer1\\X-Frames"); + D-Layer1 + */ + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\D-Layer1\\X-Frames"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.d1.X_Frames; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.d1.X_Frames; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\D-Layer1\\X-Bytes"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\D-Layer1\\X-Bytes"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.d1.X_Bytes; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.d1.X_Bytes; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\D-Layer1\\X-Errors"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\D-Layer1\\X-Errors"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.d1.X_Errors; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.d1.X_Errors; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\D-Layer1\\R-Frames"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\D-Layer1\\R-Frames"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.d1.R_Frames; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.d1.R_Frames; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\D-Layer1\\R-Bytes"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\D-Layer1\\R-Bytes"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.d1.R_Bytes; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.d1.R_Bytes; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\D-Layer1\\R-Errors"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\D-Layer1\\R-Errors"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.d1.R_Errors; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.d1.R_Errors; /* - D-Layer2 - */ - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\D-Layer2\\X-Frames"); + D-Layer2 + */ + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\D-Layer2\\X-Frames"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.d2.X_Frames; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.d2.X_Frames; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\D-Layer2\\X-Bytes"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\D-Layer2\\X-Bytes"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.d2.X_Bytes; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.d2.X_Bytes; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\D-Layer2\\X-Errors"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\D-Layer2\\X-Errors"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.d2.X_Errors; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.d2.X_Errors; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\D-Layer2\\R-Frames"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\D-Layer2\\R-Frames"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.d2.R_Frames; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.d2.R_Frames; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\D-Layer2\\R-Bytes"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\D-Layer2\\R-Bytes"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.d2.R_Bytes; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.d2.R_Bytes; - strcpy (pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, - "Statistics\\D-Layer2\\R-Errors"); + strcpy(pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry].path, + "Statistics\\D-Layer2\\R-Errors"); pLib->parse_table[pLib->cur_parse_entry++].variable = \ - &pLib->InterfaceStat.d2.R_Errors; + &pLib->InterfaceStat.d2.R_Errors; pLib->statistic_parse_last = pLib->cur_parse_entry - 1; } -static void diva_trace_error (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - int error, const char* file, int line) { +static void diva_trace_error(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + int error, const char *file, int line) { if (pLib->user_proc_table.error_notify_proc) { (*(pLib->user_proc_table.error_notify_proc))(\ - pLib->user_proc_table.user_context, - &pLib->instance, pLib->Adapter, - error, file, line); + pLib->user_proc_table.user_context, + &pLib->instance, pLib->Adapter, + error, file, line); } } /* - Delivery notification to user - */ -static void diva_trace_notify_user (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - int Channel, - int notify_subject) { + Delivery notification to user +*/ +static void diva_trace_notify_user(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + int Channel, + int notify_subject) { if (pLib->user_proc_table.notify_proc) { (*(pLib->user_proc_table.notify_proc))(pLib->user_proc_table.user_context, - &pLib->instance, - pLib->Adapter, - &pLib->lines[Channel], - notify_subject); + &pLib->instance, + pLib->Adapter, + &pLib->lines[Channel], + notify_subject); } } /* - Read variable value to they destination based on the variable type - */ -static int diva_trace_read_variable (diva_man_var_header_t* pVar, - void* variable) { + Read variable value to they destination based on the variable type +*/ +static int diva_trace_read_variable(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, + void *variable) { switch (pVar->type) { - case 0x03: /* MI_ASCIIZ - syting */ - return (diva_strace_read_asz (pVar, (char*)variable)); - case 0x04: /* MI_ASCII - string */ - return (diva_strace_read_asc (pVar, (char*)variable)); - case 0x05: /* MI_NUMBER - counted sequence of bytes */ - return (diva_strace_read_ie (pVar, (diva_trace_ie_t*)variable)); - case 0x81: /* MI_INT - signed integer */ - return (diva_strace_read_int (pVar, (int*)variable)); - case 0x82: /* MI_UINT - unsigned integer */ - return (diva_strace_read_uint (pVar, (dword*)variable)); - case 0x83: /* MI_HINT - unsigned integer, hex representetion */ - return (diva_strace_read_uint (pVar, (dword*)variable)); - case 0x87: /* MI_BITFLD - unsigned integer, bit representation */ - return (diva_strace_read_uint (pVar, (dword*)variable)); + case 0x03: /* MI_ASCIIZ - syting */ + return (diva_strace_read_asz(pVar, (char *)variable)); + case 0x04: /* MI_ASCII - string */ + return (diva_strace_read_asc(pVar, (char *)variable)); + case 0x05: /* MI_NUMBER - counted sequence of bytes */ + return (diva_strace_read_ie(pVar, (diva_trace_ie_t *)variable)); + case 0x81: /* MI_INT - signed integer */ + return (diva_strace_read_int(pVar, (int *)variable)); + case 0x82: /* MI_UINT - unsigned integer */ + return (diva_strace_read_uint(pVar, (dword *)variable)); + case 0x83: /* MI_HINT - unsigned integer, hex representetion */ + return (diva_strace_read_uint(pVar, (dword *)variable)); + case 0x87: /* MI_BITFLD - unsigned integer, bit representation */ + return (diva_strace_read_uint(pVar, (dword *)variable)); } /* - This type of variable is not handled, indicate error - Or one problem in management interface, or in application recodeing - table, or this application should handle it. - */ + This type of variable is not handled, indicate error + Or one problem in management interface, or in application recodeing + table, or this application should handle it. + */ return (-1); } /* - Read signed integer to destination - */ -static int diva_strace_read_int (diva_man_var_header_t* pVar, int* var) { - byte* ptr = (char*)&pVar->path_length; + Read signed integer to destination +*/ +static int diva_strace_read_int(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, int *var) { + byte *ptr = (char *)&pVar->path_length; int value; ptr += (pVar->path_length + 1); switch (pVar->value_length) { - case 1: - value = *(char*)ptr; - break; + case 1: + value = *(char *)ptr; + break; - case 2: - value = (short)GET_WORD(ptr); - break; + case 2: + value = (short)GET_WORD(ptr); + break; - case 4: - value = (int)GET_DWORD(ptr); - break; + case 4: + value = (int)GET_DWORD(ptr); + break; - default: - return (-1); + default: + return (-1); } *var = value; @@ -1936,32 +1936,32 @@ static int diva_strace_read_int (diva_man_var_header_t* pVar, int* var) { return (0); } -static int diva_strace_read_uint (diva_man_var_header_t* pVar, dword* var) { - byte* ptr = (char*)&pVar->path_length; +static int diva_strace_read_uint(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, dword *var) { + byte *ptr = (char *)&pVar->path_length; dword value; ptr += (pVar->path_length + 1); switch (pVar->value_length) { - case 1: - value = (byte)(*ptr); - break; + case 1: + value = (byte)(*ptr); + break; - case 2: - value = (word)GET_WORD(ptr); - break; + case 2: + value = (word)GET_WORD(ptr); + break; - case 3: - value = (dword)GET_DWORD(ptr); - value &= 0x00ffffff; - break; + case 3: + value = (dword)GET_DWORD(ptr); + value &= 0x00ffffff; + break; - case 4: - value = (dword)GET_DWORD(ptr); - break; + case 4: + value = (dword)GET_DWORD(ptr); + break; - default: - return (-1); + default: + return (-1); } *var = value; @@ -1970,54 +1970,54 @@ static int diva_strace_read_uint (diva_man_var_header_t* pVar, dword* var) { } /* - Read zero terminated ASCII string - */ -static int diva_strace_read_asz (diva_man_var_header_t* pVar, char* var) { - char* ptr = (char*)&pVar->path_length; + Read zero terminated ASCII string +*/ +static int diva_strace_read_asz(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, char *var) { + char *ptr = (char *)&pVar->path_length; int length; ptr += (pVar->path_length + 1); if (!(length = pVar->value_length)) { - length = strlen (ptr); + length = strlen(ptr); } - memcpy (var, ptr, length); + memcpy(var, ptr, length); var[length] = 0; return (0); } /* - Read counted (with leading length byte) ASCII string - */ -static int diva_strace_read_asc (diva_man_var_header_t* pVar, char* var) { - char* ptr = (char*)&pVar->path_length; + Read counted (with leading length byte) ASCII string +*/ +static int diva_strace_read_asc(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, char *var) { + char *ptr = (char *)&pVar->path_length; ptr += (pVar->path_length + 1); - memcpy (var, ptr+1, *ptr); + memcpy(var, ptr + 1, *ptr); var[(int)*ptr] = 0; return (0); } /* - Read one information element - i.e. one string of byte values with - one length byte in front - */ -static int diva_strace_read_ie (diva_man_var_header_t* pVar, - diva_trace_ie_t* var) { - char* ptr = (char*)&pVar->path_length; + Read one information element - i.e. one string of byte values with + one length byte in front +*/ +static int diva_strace_read_ie(diva_man_var_header_t *pVar, + diva_trace_ie_t *var) { + char *ptr = (char *)&pVar->path_length; ptr += (pVar->path_length + 1); var->length = *ptr; - memcpy (&var->data[0], ptr+1, *ptr); + memcpy(&var->data[0], ptr + 1, *ptr); return (0); } -static int SuperTraceSetAudioTap (void* hLib, int Channel, int on) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)hLib; +static int SuperTraceSetAudioTap(void *hLib, int Channel, int on) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib; if ((Channel < 1) || (Channel > pLib->Channels)) { return (-1); @@ -2030,21 +2030,21 @@ static int SuperTraceSetAudioTap (void* hLib, int Channel, int on) { pLib->audio_tap_mask &= ~(1L << Channel); } - /* - EYE patterns have TM_M_DATA set as additional - condition - */ - if (pLib->audio_tap_mask) { - pLib->trace_event_mask |= TM_M_DATA; - } else { - pLib->trace_event_mask &= ~TM_M_DATA; - } + /* + EYE patterns have TM_M_DATA set as additional + condition + */ + if (pLib->audio_tap_mask) { + pLib->trace_event_mask |= TM_M_DATA; + } else { + pLib->trace_event_mask &= ~TM_M_DATA; + } - return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest (pLib)); + return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib)); } -static int SuperTraceSetBChannel (void* hLib, int Channel, int on) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)hLib; +static int SuperTraceSetBChannel(void *hLib, int Channel, int on) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib; if ((Channel < 1) || (Channel > pLib->Channels)) { return (-1); @@ -2057,11 +2057,11 @@ static int SuperTraceSetBChannel (void* hLib, int Channel, int on) { pLib->bchannel_trace_mask &= ~(1L << Channel); } - return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest (pLib)); + return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib)); } -static int SuperTraceSetDChannel (void* hLib, int on) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)hLib; +static int SuperTraceSetDChannel(void *hLib, int on) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib; if (on) { pLib->trace_event_mask |= (TM_D_CHAN | TM_C_COMM | TM_DL_ERR | TM_LAYER1); @@ -2069,11 +2069,11 @@ static int SuperTraceSetDChannel (void* hLib, int on) { pLib->trace_event_mask &= ~(TM_D_CHAN | TM_C_COMM | TM_DL_ERR | TM_LAYER1); } - return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest (pLib)); + return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib)); } -static int SuperTraceSetInfo (void* hLib, int on) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)hLib; +static int SuperTraceSetInfo(void *hLib, int on) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib; if (on) { pLib->trace_event_mask |= TM_STRING; @@ -2081,11 +2081,11 @@ static int SuperTraceSetInfo (void* hLib, int on) { pLib->trace_event_mask &= ~TM_STRING; } - return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest (pLib)); + return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib)); } -static int SuperTraceClearCall (void* hLib, int Channel) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)hLib; +static int SuperTraceClearCall(void *hLib, int Channel) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib; if ((Channel < 1) || (Channel > pLib->Channels)) { return (-1); @@ -2094,102 +2094,101 @@ static int SuperTraceClearCall (void* hLib, int Channel) { pLib->clear_call_command |= (1L << Channel); - return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest (pLib)); + return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib)); } /* - Parse and update cumulative statistice - */ -static int diva_ifc_statistics (diva_strace_context_t* pLib, - diva_man_var_header_t* pVar) { - diva_man_var_header_t* cur; + Parse and update cumulative statistice +*/ +static int diva_ifc_statistics(diva_strace_context_t *pLib, + diva_man_var_header_t *pVar) { + diva_man_var_header_t *cur; int i, one_updated = 0, mdm_updated = 0, fax_updated = 0; for (i = pLib->statistic_parse_first; i <= pLib->statistic_parse_last; i++) { - if ((cur = find_var (pVar, pLib->parse_table[i].path))) { - if (diva_trace_read_variable (cur, pLib->parse_table[i].variable)) { - diva_trace_error (pLib, -3 , __FILE__, __LINE__); + if ((cur = find_var(pVar, pLib->parse_table[i].path))) { + if (diva_trace_read_variable(cur, pLib->parse_table[i].variable)) { + diva_trace_error(pLib, -3 , __FILE__, __LINE__); return (-1); } one_updated = 1; - if ((i >= pLib->mdm_statistic_parse_first) && (i <= pLib->mdm_statistic_parse_last)) { - mdm_updated = 1; - } - if ((i >= pLib->fax_statistic_parse_first) && (i <= pLib->fax_statistic_parse_last)) { - fax_updated = 1; - } + if ((i >= pLib->mdm_statistic_parse_first) && (i <= pLib->mdm_statistic_parse_last)) { + mdm_updated = 1; + } + if ((i >= pLib->fax_statistic_parse_first) && (i <= pLib->fax_statistic_parse_last)) { + fax_updated = 1; + } } } /* - We do not use first event to notify user - this is the event that is - generated as result of EVENT ON operation and is used only to initialize - internal variables of application - */ - if (mdm_updated) { - diva_trace_notify_user (pLib, 0, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_MDM_STAT_CHANGE); - } else if (fax_updated) { - diva_trace_notify_user (pLib, 0, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_FAX_STAT_CHANGE); - } else if (one_updated) { - diva_trace_notify_user (pLib, 0, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_STAT_CHANGE); + We do not use first event to notify user - this is the event that is + generated as result of EVENT ON operation and is used only to initialize + internal variables of application + */ + if (mdm_updated) { + diva_trace_notify_user(pLib, 0, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_MDM_STAT_CHANGE); + } else if (fax_updated) { + diva_trace_notify_user(pLib, 0, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_FAX_STAT_CHANGE); + } else if (one_updated) { + diva_trace_notify_user(pLib, 0, DIVA_SUPER_TRACE_NOTIFY_STAT_CHANGE); } return (one_updated ? 0 : -1); } -static int SuperTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics (void* hLib) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)hLib; +static int SuperTraceGetOutgoingCallStatistics(void *hLib) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib; pLib->outgoing_ifc_stats = 1; - return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest (pLib)); + return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib)); } -static int SuperTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics (void* hLib) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)hLib; +static int SuperTraceGetIncomingCallStatistics(void *hLib) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib; pLib->incoming_ifc_stats = 1; - return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest (pLib)); + return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib)); } -static int SuperTraceGetModemStatistics (void* hLib) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)hLib; +static int SuperTraceGetModemStatistics(void *hLib) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib; pLib->modem_ifc_stats = 1; - return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest (pLib)); + return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib)); } -static int SuperTraceGetFaxStatistics (void* hLib) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)hLib; +static int SuperTraceGetFaxStatistics(void *hLib) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib; pLib->fax_ifc_stats = 1; - return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest (pLib)); + return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib)); } -static int SuperTraceGetBLayer1Statistics (void* hLib) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)hLib; +static int SuperTraceGetBLayer1Statistics(void *hLib) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib; pLib->b1_ifc_stats = 1; - return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest (pLib)); + return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib)); } -static int SuperTraceGetBLayer2Statistics (void* hLib) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)hLib; +static int SuperTraceGetBLayer2Statistics(void *hLib) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib; pLib->b2_ifc_stats = 1; - return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest (pLib)); + return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib)); } -static int SuperTraceGetDLayer1Statistics (void* hLib) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)hLib; +static int SuperTraceGetDLayer1Statistics(void *hLib) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib; pLib->d1_ifc_stats = 1; - return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest (pLib)); + return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib)); } -static int SuperTraceGetDLayer2Statistics (void* hLib) { - diva_strace_context_t* pLib = (diva_strace_context_t*)hLib; +static int SuperTraceGetDLayer2Statistics(void *hLib) { + diva_strace_context_t *pLib = (diva_strace_context_t *)hLib; pLib->d2_ifc_stats = 1; - return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest (pLib)); + return (ScheduleNextTraceRequest(pLib)); } -dword DivaSTraceGetMemotyRequirement (int channels) { - dword parse_entries = (MODEM_PARSE_ENTRIES + FAX_PARSE_ENTRIES + \ - STAT_PARSE_ENTRIES + \ - LINE_PARSE_ENTRIES + 1) * channels; - return (sizeof(diva_strace_context_t) + \ - (parse_entries * sizeof(diva_strace_path2action_t))); +dword DivaSTraceGetMemotyRequirement(int channels) { + dword parse_entries = (MODEM_PARSE_ENTRIES + FAX_PARSE_ENTRIES + \ + STAT_PARSE_ENTRIES + \ + LINE_PARSE_ENTRIES + 1) * channels; + return (sizeof(diva_strace_context_t) + \ + (parse_entries * sizeof(diva_strace_path2action_t))); } - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/maintidi.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/maintidi.h index 4f06294966b8cfb8db72d1458ee45e2be1fc37cf..2b46147c5532397cc57f797517198d92e0a7b4b1 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/maintidi.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/maintidi.h @@ -1,52 +1,52 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2000. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2000. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 1.9 + Eicon File Revision : 1.9 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef __DIVA_EICON_TRACE_IDI_IFC_H__ #define __DIVA_EICON_TRACE_IDI_IFC_H__ -void* SuperTraceOpenAdapter (int AdapterNumber); -int SuperTraceCloseAdapter (void* AdapterHandle); -int SuperTraceWrite (void* AdapterHandle, - const void* data, int length); -int SuperTraceReadRequest (void* AdapterHandle,const char* name,byte* data); -int SuperTraceGetNumberOfChannels (void* AdapterHandle); -int SuperTraceASSIGN (void* AdapterHandle, byte* data); -int SuperTraceREMOVE (void* AdapterHandle); -int SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(void* hAdapter, const char* name, byte* data); -int SuperTraceWriteVar (void* AdapterHandle, - byte* data, - const char* name, - void* var, - byte type, - byte var_length); -int SuperTraceExecuteRequest (void* AdapterHandle, - const char* name, - byte* data); +void *SuperTraceOpenAdapter(int AdapterNumber); +int SuperTraceCloseAdapter(void *AdapterHandle); +int SuperTraceWrite(void *AdapterHandle, + const void *data, int length); +int SuperTraceReadRequest(void *AdapterHandle, const char *name, byte *data); +int SuperTraceGetNumberOfChannels(void *AdapterHandle); +int SuperTraceASSIGN(void *AdapterHandle, byte *data); +int SuperTraceREMOVE(void *AdapterHandle); +int SuperTraceTraceOnRequest(void *hAdapter, const char *name, byte *data); +int SuperTraceWriteVar(void *AdapterHandle, + byte *data, + const char *name, + void *var, + byte type, + byte var_length); +int SuperTraceExecuteRequest(void *AdapterHandle, + const char *name, + byte *data); typedef struct _diva_strace_path2action { - char path[64]; /* Full path to variable */ - void* variable; /* Variable that will receive value */ + char path[64]; /* Full path to variable */ + void *variable; /* Variable that will receive value */ } diva_strace_path2action_t; #define DIVA_MAX_MANAGEMENT_TRANSFER_SIZE 4096 @@ -54,27 +54,27 @@ typedef struct _diva_strace_path2action { typedef struct _diva_strace_context { diva_strace_library_interface_t instance; - int Adapter; - void* hAdapter; + int Adapter; + void *hAdapter; int Channels; - int req_busy; + int req_busy; - ENTITY e; - IDI_CALL request; - BUFFERS XData; - BUFFERS RData; + ENTITY e; + IDI_CALL request; + BUFFERS XData; + BUFFERS RData; byte buffer[DIVA_MAX_MANAGEMENT_TRANSFER_SIZE + 1]; - int removal_state; - int general_b_ch_event; - int general_fax_event; - int general_mdm_event; + int removal_state; + int general_b_ch_event; + int general_fax_event; + int general_mdm_event; - byte rc_ok; + byte rc_ok; /* - Initialization request state machine - */ + Initialization request state machine + */ int ChannelsTraceActive; int ModemTraceActive; int FaxTraceActive; @@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ typedef struct _diva_strace_context { int l2_trace; /* - Trace\Event Enable - */ + Trace\Event Enable + */ word trace_event_mask; word current_trace_event_mask; @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ typedef struct _diva_strace_context { int parse_entries; int cur_parse_entry; - diva_strace_path2action_t* parse_table; + diva_strace_path2action_t *parse_table; diva_trace_library_user_interface_t user_proc_table; @@ -169,4 +169,3 @@ typedef struct _diva_man_var_header { } diva_man_var_header_t; #endif - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/man_defs.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/man_defs.h index cb4ef4cae6c1eca77f2a08962e70cd32cd4efb81..249c471700e79168afe629a62403ae1888853fa9 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/man_defs.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/man_defs.h @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 1.9 + Eicon File Revision : 1.9 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /* Definitions for use with the Management Information Element */ @@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ typedef struct mi_xlog_hdr_s MI_XLOG_HDR; struct mi_xlog_hdr_s { - unsigned long time; /* Timestamp in msec units */ - unsigned short size; /* Size of data that follows */ - unsigned short code; /* code of trace event */ + unsigned long time; /* Timestamp in msec units */ + unsigned short size; /* Size of data that follows */ + unsigned short code; /* code of trace event */ }; /* unspecified data follows this header */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/mdm_msg.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/mdm_msg.h index 7a737e10bce0af1cadae3c9b5f9f2fe4822a5d55..0e6b2e009a741b85549c7ce0b7bf00c53ba3f318 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/mdm_msg.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/mdm_msg.h @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef __EICON_MDM_MSG_H__ @@ -30,18 +30,18 @@ #define DSP_UDATA_INDICATION_CTS_OFF 0x03 #define DSP_UDATA_INDICATION_CTS_ON 0x04 /* ===================================================================== -DCD_OFF Message: - time of DCD off (sampled from counter at 8kHz) -DCD_ON Message: - time of DCD on (sampled from counter at 8kHz) - connected norm - connected options - connected speed (bit/s, max of tx and rx speed) - roundtrip delay (ms) - connected speed tx (bit/s) - connected speed rx (bit/s) - Size of this message == 19 bytes, but we will receive only 11 - ===================================================================== */ + DCD_OFF Message: + time of DCD off (sampled from counter at 8kHz) + DCD_ON Message: + time of DCD on (sampled from counter at 8kHz) + connected norm + connected options + connected speed (bit/s, max of tx and rx speed) + roundtrip delay (ms) + connected speed tx (bit/s) + connected speed rx (bit/s) + Size of this message == 19 bytes, but we will receive only 11 + ===================================================================== */ #define DSP_CONNECTED_NORM_UNSPECIFIED 0 #define DSP_CONNECTED_NORM_V21 1 #define DSP_CONNECTED_NORM_V23 2 @@ -129,14 +129,14 @@ DCD_ON Message: #define DSP_CONNECTED_OPTION_MASK_COMPRESSION 0x0320 #define DSP_UDATA_INDICATION_DISCONNECT 5 /* -returns: + returns: cause */ /* ========================================================== - DLC: B2 modem configuration + DLC: B2 modem configuration ========================================================== */ /* -Fields in assign DLC information element for modem protocol V.42/MNP: + Fields in assign DLC information element for modem protocol V.42/MNP: length of information element information field length address A (not used, default 3) @@ -172,10 +172,10 @@ Fields in assign DLC information element for modem protocol V.42/MNP: #define DLC_MODEMPROT_APPL_EARLY_CONNECT 0x01 #define DLC_MODEMPROT_APPL_PASS_INDICATIONS 0x02 /* ========================================================== - CAI parameters used for the modem L1 configuration + CAI parameters used for the modem L1 configuration ========================================================== */ /* -Fields in assign CAI information element: + Fields in assign CAI information element: length of information element info field and B-channel hardware rate adaptation bit rate @@ -311,21 +311,21 @@ Fields in assign CAI information element: #define DSP_CAI_MODEM_SPEAKER_VOLUME_MAX 0x0c #define DSP_CAI_MODEM_SPEAKER_VOLUME_MASK 0x0c /* ========================================================== - DCD/CTS State + DCD/CTS State ========================================================== */ #define MDM_WANT_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I 0x01 #define MDM_NCPI_VALID 0x02 #define MDM_NCPI_CTS_ON_RECEIVED 0x04 #define MDM_NCPI_DCD_ON_RECEIVED 0x08 /* ========================================================== - CAPI NCPI Constants + CAPI NCPI Constants ========================================================== */ #define MDM_NCPI_ECM_V42 0x0001 #define MDM_NCPI_ECM_MNP 0x0002 #define MDM_NCPI_TRANSPARENT 0x0004 #define MDM_NCPI_COMPRESSED 0x0010 /* ========================================================== - CAPI B2 Config Constants + CAPI B2 Config Constants ========================================================== */ #define MDM_B2_DISABLE_V42bis 0x0001 #define MDM_B2_DISABLE_MNP 0x0002 @@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ Fields in assign CAI information element: #define MDM_B2_DISABLE_V42 0x0008 #define MDM_B2_DISABLE_COMP 0x0010 /* ========================================================== - CAPI B1 Config Constants + CAPI B1 Config Constants ========================================================== */ #define MDM_CAPI_DISABLE_RETRAIN 0x0001 #define MDM_CAPI_DISABLE_RING_TONE 0x0002 diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/message.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/message.c index a3395986df3d79a6344ecf3aaa66d5391ec2f84f..a82e542ffc21dd4dccf9d1b810ab9373984c1d0d 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/message.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/message.c @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ @@ -64,178 +64,178 @@ static dword diva_xdi_extended_features = 0; /* CAPI can request to process all return codes self only if: protocol code supports this && xdi supports this - */ -#define DIVA_CAPI_SUPPORTS_NO_CANCEL(__a__) (((__a__)->manufacturer_features&MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XONOFF_FLOW_CONTROL)&& ((__a__)->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_OK_FC_LABEL) && (diva_xdi_extended_features & DIVA_CAPI_XDI_PROVIDES_NO_CANCEL)) +*/ +#define DIVA_CAPI_SUPPORTS_NO_CANCEL(__a__) (((__a__)->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XONOFF_FLOW_CONTROL) && ((__a__)->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_OK_FC_LABEL) && (diva_xdi_extended_features & DIVA_CAPI_XDI_PROVIDES_NO_CANCEL)) /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* local function prototypes */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -static void group_optimization(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a, PLCI * plci); -static void set_group_ind_mask (PLCI *plci); -static void clear_group_ind_mask_bit (PLCI *plci, word b); -static byte test_group_ind_mask_bit (PLCI *plci, word b); -void AutomaticLaw(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *); +static void group_optimization(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci); +static void set_group_ind_mask(PLCI *plci); +static void clear_group_ind_mask_bit(PLCI *plci, word b); +static byte test_group_ind_mask_bit(PLCI *plci, word b); +void AutomaticLaw(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *); word CapiRelease(word); word CapiRegister(word); -word api_put(APPL *, CAPI_MSG *); -static word api_parse(byte *, word, byte *, API_PARSE *); -static void api_save_msg(API_PARSE *in, byte *format, API_SAVE *out); -static void api_load_msg(API_SAVE *in, API_PARSE *out); +word api_put(APPL *, CAPI_MSG *); +static word api_parse(byte *, word, byte *, API_PARSE *); +static void api_save_msg(API_PARSE *in, byte *format, API_SAVE *out); +static void api_load_msg(API_SAVE *in, API_PARSE *out); word api_remove_start(void); void api_remove_complete(void); -static void plci_remove(PLCI *); -static void diva_get_extended_adapter_features (DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a); -static void diva_ask_for_xdi_sdram_bar (DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, IDI_SYNC_REQ *); - -void callback(ENTITY *); - -static void control_rc(PLCI *, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte); -static void data_rc(PLCI *, byte); -static void data_ack(PLCI *, byte); -static void sig_ind(PLCI *); -static void SendInfo(PLCI *, dword, byte * *, byte); -static void SendSetupInfo(APPL *, PLCI *, dword, byte * *, byte); -static void SendSSExtInd(APPL *, PLCI * plci, dword Id, byte * * parms); - -static void VSwitchReqInd(PLCI *plci, dword Id, byte **parms); - -static void nl_ind(PLCI *); - -static byte connect_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte connect_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte connect_a_res(dword,word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte disconnect_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte disconnect_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte listen_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte info_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte info_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte alert_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte facility_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte facility_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte connect_b3_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte connect_b3_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte connect_b3_a_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte disconnect_b3_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte disconnect_b3_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte data_b3_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte data_b3_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte reset_b3_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte reset_b3_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte connect_b3_t90_a_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte select_b_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte manufacturer_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); -static byte manufacturer_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); - -static word get_plci(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *); -static void add_p(PLCI *, byte, byte *); -static void add_s(PLCI * plci, byte code, API_PARSE * p); -static void add_ss(PLCI * plci, byte code, API_PARSE * p); -static void add_ie(PLCI * plci, byte code, byte * p, word p_length); -static void add_d(PLCI *, word, byte *); -static void add_ai(PLCI *, API_PARSE *); -static word add_b1(PLCI *, API_PARSE *, word, word); -static word add_b23(PLCI *, API_PARSE *); -static word add_modem_b23 (PLCI * plci, API_PARSE* bp_parms); -static void sig_req(PLCI *, byte, byte); -static void nl_req_ncci(PLCI *, byte, byte); -static void send_req(PLCI *); -static void send_data(PLCI *); -static word plci_remove_check(PLCI *); -static void listen_check(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *); -static byte AddInfo(byte **, byte **, byte *, byte *); +static void plci_remove(PLCI *); +static void diva_get_extended_adapter_features(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a); +static void diva_ask_for_xdi_sdram_bar(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, IDI_SYNC_REQ *); + +void callback(ENTITY *); + +static void control_rc(PLCI *, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte); +static void data_rc(PLCI *, byte); +static void data_ack(PLCI *, byte); +static void sig_ind(PLCI *); +static void SendInfo(PLCI *, dword, byte **, byte); +static void SendSetupInfo(APPL *, PLCI *, dword, byte **, byte); +static void SendSSExtInd(APPL *, PLCI *plci, dword Id, byte **parms); + +static void VSwitchReqInd(PLCI *plci, dword Id, byte **parms); + +static void nl_ind(PLCI *); + +static byte connect_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte connect_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte connect_a_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte disconnect_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte disconnect_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte listen_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte info_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte info_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte alert_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte facility_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte facility_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte connect_b3_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte connect_b3_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte connect_b3_a_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte disconnect_b3_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte disconnect_b3_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte data_b3_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte data_b3_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte reset_b3_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte reset_b3_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte connect_b3_t90_a_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte select_b_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte manufacturer_req(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); +static byte manufacturer_res(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); + +static word get_plci(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *); +static void add_p(PLCI *, byte, byte *); +static void add_s(PLCI *plci, byte code, API_PARSE *p); +static void add_ss(PLCI *plci, byte code, API_PARSE *p); +static void add_ie(PLCI *plci, byte code, byte *p, word p_length); +static void add_d(PLCI *, word, byte *); +static void add_ai(PLCI *, API_PARSE *); +static word add_b1(PLCI *, API_PARSE *, word, word); +static word add_b23(PLCI *, API_PARSE *); +static word add_modem_b23(PLCI *plci, API_PARSE *bp_parms); +static void sig_req(PLCI *, byte, byte); +static void nl_req_ncci(PLCI *, byte, byte); +static void send_req(PLCI *); +static void send_data(PLCI *); +static word plci_remove_check(PLCI *); +static void listen_check(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *); +static byte AddInfo(byte **, byte **, byte *, byte *); static byte getChannel(API_PARSE *); -static void IndParse(PLCI *, word *, byte **, byte); -static byte ie_compare(byte *, byte *); -static word find_cip(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, byte *, byte *); -static word CPN_filter_ok(byte *cpn,DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *,word); +static void IndParse(PLCI *, word *, byte **, byte); +static byte ie_compare(byte *, byte *); +static word find_cip(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, byte *, byte *); +static word CPN_filter_ok(byte *cpn, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, word); /* XON protocol helpers - */ -static void channel_flow_control_remove (PLCI * plci); -static void channel_x_off (PLCI * plci, byte ch, byte flag); -static void channel_x_on (PLCI * plci, byte ch); -static void channel_request_xon (PLCI * plci, byte ch); -static void channel_xmit_xon (PLCI * plci); -static int channel_can_xon (PLCI * plci, byte ch); -static void channel_xmit_extended_xon (PLCI * plci); - -static byte SendMultiIE(PLCI * plci, dword Id, byte * * parms, byte ie_type, dword info_mask, byte setupParse); -static word AdvCodecSupport(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, byte); -static void CodecIdCheck(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *); -static void SetVoiceChannel(PLCI *, byte *, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * ); -static void VoiceChannelOff(PLCI *plci); -static void adv_voice_write_coefs (PLCI *plci, word write_command); -static void adv_voice_clear_config (PLCI *plci); - -static word get_b1_facilities (PLCI * plci, byte b1_resource); -static byte add_b1_facilities (PLCI * plci, byte b1_resource, word b1_facilities); -static void adjust_b1_facilities (PLCI *plci, byte new_b1_resource, word new_b1_facilities); -static word adjust_b_process (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); -static void adjust_b1_resource (dword Id, PLCI *plci, API_SAVE *bp_msg, word b1_facilities, word internal_command); -static void adjust_b_restore (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); -static void reset_b3_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); -static void select_b_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); -static void fax_connect_ack_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); -static void fax_edata_ack_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); -static void fax_connect_info_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); -static void fax_adjust_b23_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); -static void fax_disconnect_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); -static void hold_save_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); -static void retrieve_restore_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); -static void init_b1_config (PLCI *plci); -static void clear_b1_config (PLCI *plci); - -static void dtmf_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); -static byte dtmf_request (dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg); -static void dtmf_confirmation (dword Id, PLCI *plci); -static void dtmf_indication (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte *msg, word length); -static void dtmf_parameter_write (PLCI *plci); - - -static void mixer_set_bchannel_id_esc (PLCI *plci, byte bchannel_id); -static void mixer_set_bchannel_id (PLCI *plci, byte *chi); -static void mixer_clear_config (PLCI *plci); -static void mixer_notify_update (PLCI *plci, byte others); -static void mixer_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); -static byte mixer_request (dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg); -static void mixer_indication_coefs_set (dword Id, PLCI *plci); -static void mixer_indication_xconnect_from (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte *msg, word length); -static void mixer_indication_xconnect_to (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte *msg, word length); -static void mixer_remove (PLCI *plci); - - -static void ec_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); -static byte ec_request (dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg); -static void ec_indication (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte *msg, word length); - - -static void rtp_connect_b3_req_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); -static void rtp_connect_b3_res_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); - - -static int diva_get_dma_descriptor (PLCI *plci, dword *dma_magic); -static void diva_free_dma_descriptor (PLCI *plci, int nr); +*/ +static void channel_flow_control_remove(PLCI *plci); +static void channel_x_off(PLCI *plci, byte ch, byte flag); +static void channel_x_on(PLCI *plci, byte ch); +static void channel_request_xon(PLCI *plci, byte ch); +static void channel_xmit_xon(PLCI *plci); +static int channel_can_xon(PLCI *plci, byte ch); +static void channel_xmit_extended_xon(PLCI *plci); + +static byte SendMultiIE(PLCI *plci, dword Id, byte **parms, byte ie_type, dword info_mask, byte setupParse); +static word AdvCodecSupport(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, byte); +static void CodecIdCheck(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *); +static void SetVoiceChannel(PLCI *, byte *, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *); +static void VoiceChannelOff(PLCI *plci); +static void adv_voice_write_coefs(PLCI *plci, word write_command); +static void adv_voice_clear_config(PLCI *plci); + +static word get_b1_facilities(PLCI *plci, byte b1_resource); +static byte add_b1_facilities(PLCI *plci, byte b1_resource, word b1_facilities); +static void adjust_b1_facilities(PLCI *plci, byte new_b1_resource, word new_b1_facilities); +static word adjust_b_process(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); +static void adjust_b1_resource(dword Id, PLCI *plci, API_SAVE *bp_msg, word b1_facilities, word internal_command); +static void adjust_b_restore(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); +static void reset_b3_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); +static void select_b_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); +static void fax_connect_ack_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); +static void fax_edata_ack_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); +static void fax_connect_info_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); +static void fax_adjust_b23_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); +static void fax_disconnect_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); +static void hold_save_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); +static void retrieve_restore_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); +static void init_b1_config(PLCI *plci); +static void clear_b1_config(PLCI *plci); + +static void dtmf_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); +static byte dtmf_request(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg); +static void dtmf_confirmation(dword Id, PLCI *plci); +static void dtmf_indication(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte *msg, word length); +static void dtmf_parameter_write(PLCI *plci); + + +static void mixer_set_bchannel_id_esc(PLCI *plci, byte bchannel_id); +static void mixer_set_bchannel_id(PLCI *plci, byte *chi); +static void mixer_clear_config(PLCI *plci); +static void mixer_notify_update(PLCI *plci, byte others); +static void mixer_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); +static byte mixer_request(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg); +static void mixer_indication_coefs_set(dword Id, PLCI *plci); +static void mixer_indication_xconnect_from(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte *msg, word length); +static void mixer_indication_xconnect_to(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte *msg, word length); +static void mixer_remove(PLCI *plci); + + +static void ec_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); +static byte ec_request(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg); +static void ec_indication(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte *msg, word length); + + +static void rtp_connect_b3_req_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); +static void rtp_connect_b3_res_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc); + + +static int diva_get_dma_descriptor(PLCI *plci, dword *dma_magic); +static void diva_free_dma_descriptor(PLCI *plci, int nr); /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* external function prototypes */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -extern byte MapController (byte); -extern byte UnMapController (byte); -#define MapId(Id) (((Id) & 0xffffff00L) | MapController ((byte)(Id))) -#define UnMapId(Id) (((Id) & 0xffffff00L) | UnMapController ((byte)(Id))) +extern byte MapController(byte); +extern byte UnMapController(byte); +#define MapId(Id)(((Id) & 0xffffff00L) | MapController((byte)(Id))) +#define UnMapId(Id)(((Id) & 0xffffff00L) | UnMapController((byte)(Id))) -void sendf(APPL *, word, dword, word, byte *, ...); -void * TransmitBufferSet(APPL * appl, dword ref); -void * TransmitBufferGet(APPL * appl, void * p); -void TransmitBufferFree(APPL * appl, void * p); -void * ReceiveBufferGet(APPL * appl, int Num); +void sendf(APPL *, word, dword, word, byte *, ...); +void *TransmitBufferSet(APPL *appl, dword ref); +void *TransmitBufferGet(APPL *appl, void *p); +void TransmitBufferFree(APPL *appl, void *p); +void *ReceiveBufferGet(APPL *appl, int Num); -int fax_head_line_time (char *buffer); +int fax_head_line_time(char *buffer); /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ @@ -243,8 +243,8 @@ int fax_head_line_time (char *buffer); /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern byte max_adapter; extern byte max_appl; -extern DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * adapter; -extern APPL * application; +extern DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *adapter; +extern APPL *application; @@ -257,102 +257,102 @@ static PLCI dummy_plci; static struct _ftable { - word command; - byte * format; - byte (* function)(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); + word command; + byte *format; + byte (*function)(dword, word, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *, PLCI *, APPL *, API_PARSE *); } ftable[] = { - {_DATA_B3_R, "dwww", data_b3_req}, - {_DATA_B3_I|RESPONSE, "w", data_b3_res}, - {_INFO_R, "ss", info_req}, - {_INFO_I|RESPONSE, "", info_res}, - {_CONNECT_R, "wsssssssss", connect_req}, - {_CONNECT_I|RESPONSE, "wsssss", connect_res}, - {_CONNECT_ACTIVE_I|RESPONSE, "", connect_a_res}, - {_DISCONNECT_R, "s", disconnect_req}, - {_DISCONNECT_I|RESPONSE, "", disconnect_res}, - {_LISTEN_R, "dddss", listen_req}, - {_ALERT_R, "s", alert_req}, - {_FACILITY_R, "ws", facility_req}, - {_FACILITY_I|RESPONSE, "ws", facility_res}, - {_CONNECT_B3_R, "s", connect_b3_req}, - {_CONNECT_B3_I|RESPONSE, "ws", connect_b3_res}, - {_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I|RESPONSE, "", connect_b3_a_res}, - {_DISCONNECT_B3_R, "s", disconnect_b3_req}, - {_DISCONNECT_B3_I|RESPONSE, "", disconnect_b3_res}, - {_RESET_B3_R, "s", reset_b3_req}, - {_RESET_B3_I|RESPONSE, "", reset_b3_res}, - {_CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_I|RESPONSE, "ws", connect_b3_t90_a_res}, - {_CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_I|RESPONSE, "", connect_b3_t90_a_res}, - {_SELECT_B_REQ, "s", select_b_req}, - {_MANUFACTURER_R, "dws", manufacturer_req}, - {_MANUFACTURER_I|RESPONSE, "dws", manufacturer_res}, - {_MANUFACTURER_I|RESPONSE, "", manufacturer_res} + {_DATA_B3_R, "dwww", data_b3_req}, + {_DATA_B3_I | RESPONSE, "w", data_b3_res}, + {_INFO_R, "ss", info_req}, + {_INFO_I | RESPONSE, "", info_res}, + {_CONNECT_R, "wsssssssss", connect_req}, + {_CONNECT_I | RESPONSE, "wsssss", connect_res}, + {_CONNECT_ACTIVE_I | RESPONSE, "", connect_a_res}, + {_DISCONNECT_R, "s", disconnect_req}, + {_DISCONNECT_I | RESPONSE, "", disconnect_res}, + {_LISTEN_R, "dddss", listen_req}, + {_ALERT_R, "s", alert_req}, + {_FACILITY_R, "ws", facility_req}, + {_FACILITY_I | RESPONSE, "ws", facility_res}, + {_CONNECT_B3_R, "s", connect_b3_req}, + {_CONNECT_B3_I | RESPONSE, "ws", connect_b3_res}, + {_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I | RESPONSE, "", connect_b3_a_res}, + {_DISCONNECT_B3_R, "s", disconnect_b3_req}, + {_DISCONNECT_B3_I | RESPONSE, "", disconnect_b3_res}, + {_RESET_B3_R, "s", reset_b3_req}, + {_RESET_B3_I | RESPONSE, "", reset_b3_res}, + {_CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_I | RESPONSE, "ws", connect_b3_t90_a_res}, + {_CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_I | RESPONSE, "", connect_b3_t90_a_res}, + {_SELECT_B_REQ, "s", select_b_req}, + {_MANUFACTURER_R, "dws", manufacturer_req}, + {_MANUFACTURER_I | RESPONSE, "dws", manufacturer_res}, + {_MANUFACTURER_I | RESPONSE, "", manufacturer_res} }; -static byte * cip_bc[29][2] = { - { "", "" }, /* 0 */ - { "\x03\x80\x90\xa3", "\x03\x80\x90\xa2" }, /* 1 */ - { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" }, /* 2 */ - { "\x02\x89\x90", "\x02\x89\x90" }, /* 3 */ - { "\x03\x90\x90\xa3", "\x03\x90\x90\xa2" }, /* 4 */ - { "\x03\x91\x90\xa5", "\x03\x91\x90\xa5" }, /* 5 */ - { "\x02\x98\x90", "\x02\x98\x90" }, /* 6 */ - { "\x04\x88\xc0\xc6\xe6", "\x04\x88\xc0\xc6\xe6" }, /* 7 */ - { "\x04\x88\x90\x21\x8f", "\x04\x88\x90\x21\x8f" }, /* 8 */ - { "\x03\x91\x90\xa5", "\x03\x91\x90\xa5" }, /* 9 */ - { "", "" }, /* 10 */ - { "", "" }, /* 11 */ - { "", "" }, /* 12 */ - { "", "" }, /* 13 */ - { "", "" }, /* 14 */ - { "", "" }, /* 15 */ - - { "\x03\x80\x90\xa3", "\x03\x80\x90\xa2" }, /* 16 */ - { "\x03\x90\x90\xa3", "\x03\x90\x90\xa2" }, /* 17 */ - { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" }, /* 18 */ - { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" }, /* 19 */ - { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" }, /* 20 */ - { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" }, /* 21 */ - { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" }, /* 22 */ - { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" }, /* 23 */ - { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" }, /* 24 */ - { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" }, /* 25 */ - { "\x03\x91\x90\xa5", "\x03\x91\x90\xa5" }, /* 26 */ - { "\x03\x91\x90\xa5", "\x03\x91\x90\xa5" }, /* 27 */ - { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" } /* 28 */ +static byte *cip_bc[29][2] = { + { "", "" }, /* 0 */ + { "\x03\x80\x90\xa3", "\x03\x80\x90\xa2" }, /* 1 */ + { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" }, /* 2 */ + { "\x02\x89\x90", "\x02\x89\x90" }, /* 3 */ + { "\x03\x90\x90\xa3", "\x03\x90\x90\xa2" }, /* 4 */ + { "\x03\x91\x90\xa5", "\x03\x91\x90\xa5" }, /* 5 */ + { "\x02\x98\x90", "\x02\x98\x90" }, /* 6 */ + { "\x04\x88\xc0\xc6\xe6", "\x04\x88\xc0\xc6\xe6" }, /* 7 */ + { "\x04\x88\x90\x21\x8f", "\x04\x88\x90\x21\x8f" }, /* 8 */ + { "\x03\x91\x90\xa5", "\x03\x91\x90\xa5" }, /* 9 */ + { "", "" }, /* 10 */ + { "", "" }, /* 11 */ + { "", "" }, /* 12 */ + { "", "" }, /* 13 */ + { "", "" }, /* 14 */ + { "", "" }, /* 15 */ + + { "\x03\x80\x90\xa3", "\x03\x80\x90\xa2" }, /* 16 */ + { "\x03\x90\x90\xa3", "\x03\x90\x90\xa2" }, /* 17 */ + { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" }, /* 18 */ + { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" }, /* 19 */ + { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" }, /* 20 */ + { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" }, /* 21 */ + { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" }, /* 22 */ + { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" }, /* 23 */ + { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" }, /* 24 */ + { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" }, /* 25 */ + { "\x03\x91\x90\xa5", "\x03\x91\x90\xa5" }, /* 26 */ + { "\x03\x91\x90\xa5", "\x03\x91\x90\xa5" }, /* 27 */ + { "\x02\x88\x90", "\x02\x88\x90" } /* 28 */ }; -static byte * cip_hlc[29] = { - "", /* 0 */ - "", /* 1 */ - "", /* 2 */ - "", /* 3 */ - "", /* 4 */ - "", /* 5 */ - "", /* 6 */ - "", /* 7 */ - "", /* 8 */ - "", /* 9 */ - "", /* 10 */ - "", /* 11 */ - "", /* 12 */ - "", /* 13 */ - "", /* 14 */ - "", /* 15 */ - - "\x02\x91\x81", /* 16 */ - "\x02\x91\x84", /* 17 */ - "\x02\x91\xa1", /* 18 */ - "\x02\x91\xa4", /* 19 */ - "\x02\x91\xa8", /* 20 */ - "\x02\x91\xb1", /* 21 */ - "\x02\x91\xb2", /* 22 */ - "\x02\x91\xb5", /* 23 */ - "\x02\x91\xb8", /* 24 */ - "\x02\x91\xc1", /* 25 */ - "\x02\x91\x81", /* 26 */ - "\x03\x91\xe0\x01", /* 27 */ - "\x03\x91\xe0\x02" /* 28 */ +static byte *cip_hlc[29] = { + "", /* 0 */ + "", /* 1 */ + "", /* 2 */ + "", /* 3 */ + "", /* 4 */ + "", /* 5 */ + "", /* 6 */ + "", /* 7 */ + "", /* 8 */ + "", /* 9 */ + "", /* 10 */ + "", /* 11 */ + "", /* 12 */ + "", /* 13 */ + "", /* 14 */ + "", /* 15 */ + + "\x02\x91\x81", /* 16 */ + "\x02\x91\x84", /* 17 */ + "\x02\x91\xa1", /* 18 */ + "\x02\x91\xa4", /* 19 */ + "\x02\x91\xa8", /* 20 */ + "\x02\x91\xb1", /* 21 */ + "\x02\x91\xb2", /* 22 */ + "\x02\x91\xb5", /* 23 */ + "\x02\x91\xb8", /* 24 */ + "\x02\x91\xc1", /* 25 */ + "\x02\x91\x81", /* 26 */ + "\x03\x91\xe0\x01", /* 27 */ + "\x03\x91\xe0\x02" /* 28 */ }; /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ @@ -367,14 +367,14 @@ static byte * cip_hlc[29] = { static byte v120_default_header[] = { - 0x83 /* Ext, BR , res, res, C2 , C1 , B , F */ + 0x83 /* Ext, BR , res, res, C2 , C1 , B , F */ }; static byte v120_break_header[] = { - 0xc3 | V120_HEADER_BREAK_BIT /* Ext, BR , res, res, C2 , C1 , B , F */ + 0xc3 | V120_HEADER_BREAK_BIT /* Ext, BR , res, res, C2 , C1 , B , F */ }; @@ -383,206 +383,206 @@ static byte v120_break_header[] = /* API_PUT function */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -word api_put(APPL * appl, CAPI_MSG * msg) -{ - word i, j, k, l, n; - word ret; - byte c; - byte controller; - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a; - PLCI * plci; - NCCI * ncci_ptr; - word ncci; - CAPI_MSG *m; - API_PARSE msg_parms[MAX_MSG_PARMS+1]; - - if (msg->header.length < sizeof (msg->header) || - msg->header.length > MAX_MSG_SIZE) { - dbug(1,dprintf("bad len")); - return _BAD_MSG; - } - - controller = (byte)((msg->header.controller &0x7f)-1); - - /* controller starts with 0 up to (max_adapter - 1) */ - if ( controller >= max_adapter ) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("invalid ctrl")); - return _BAD_MSG; - } - - a = &adapter[controller]; - plci = NULL; - if ((msg->header.plci != 0) && (msg->header.plci <= a->max_plci) && !a->adapter_disabled) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("plci=%x",msg->header.plci)); - plci = &a->plci[msg->header.plci-1]; - ncci = GET_WORD(&msg->header.ncci); - if (plci->Id - && (plci->appl - || (plci->State == INC_CON_PENDING) - || (plci->State == INC_CON_ALERT) - || (msg->header.command == (_DISCONNECT_I|RESPONSE))) - && ((ncci == 0) - || (msg->header.command == (_DISCONNECT_B3_I|RESPONSE)) - || ((ncci < MAX_NCCI+1) && (a->ncci_plci[ncci] == plci->Id)))) - { - i = plci->msg_in_read_pos; - j = plci->msg_in_write_pos; - if (j >= i) - { - if (j + msg->header.length + MSG_IN_OVERHEAD <= MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE) - i += MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE - j; - else - j = 0; - } - else - { - - n = (((CAPI_MSG *)(plci->msg_in_queue))->header.length + MSG_IN_OVERHEAD + 3) & 0xfffc; - - if (i > MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE - n) - i = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE - n + 1; - i -= j; - } - - if (i <= ((msg->header.length + MSG_IN_OVERHEAD + 3) & 0xfffc)) - - { - dbug(0,dprintf("Q-FULL1(msg) - len=%d write=%d read=%d wrap=%d free=%d", - msg->header.length, plci->msg_in_write_pos, - plci->msg_in_read_pos, plci->msg_in_wrap_pos, i)); - - return _QUEUE_FULL; - } - c = false; - if ((((byte *) msg) < ((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))) - || (((byte *) msg) >= ((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue)) + sizeof(plci->msg_in_queue))) - { - if (plci->msg_in_write_pos != plci->msg_in_read_pos) - c = true; - } - if (msg->header.command == _DATA_B3_R) - { - if (msg->header.length < 20) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("DATA_B3 REQ wrong length %d", msg->header.length)); - return _BAD_MSG; - } - ncci_ptr = &(a->ncci[ncci]); - n = ncci_ptr->data_pending; - l = ncci_ptr->data_ack_pending; - k = plci->msg_in_read_pos; - while (k != plci->msg_in_write_pos) - { - if (k == plci->msg_in_wrap_pos) - k = 0; - if ((((CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[k]))->header.command == _DATA_B3_R) - && (((CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[k]))->header.ncci == ncci)) - { - n++; - if (((CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[k]))->info.data_b3_req.Flags & 0x0004) - l++; - } - - k += (((CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[k]))->header.length + - MSG_IN_OVERHEAD + 3) & 0xfffc; - - } - if ((n >= MAX_DATA_B3) || (l >= MAX_DATA_ACK)) - { - dbug(0,dprintf("Q-FULL2(data) - pending=%d/%d ack_pending=%d/%d", - ncci_ptr->data_pending, n, ncci_ptr->data_ack_pending, l)); - - return _QUEUE_FULL; - } - if (plci->req_in || plci->internal_command) - { - if ((((byte *) msg) >= ((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))) - && (((byte *) msg) < ((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue)) + sizeof(plci->msg_in_queue))) - { - dbug(0,dprintf("Q-FULL3(requeue)")); - - return _QUEUE_FULL; - } - c = true; - } - } - else - { - if (plci->req_in || plci->internal_command) - c = true; - else - { - plci->command = msg->header.command; - plci->number = msg->header.number; - } - } - if (c) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("enqueue msg(0x%04x,0x%x,0x%x) - len=%d write=%d read=%d wrap=%d free=%d", - msg->header.command, plci->req_in, plci->internal_command, - msg->header.length, plci->msg_in_write_pos, - plci->msg_in_read_pos, plci->msg_in_wrap_pos, i)); - if (j == 0) - plci->msg_in_wrap_pos = plci->msg_in_write_pos; - m = (CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[j]); - for (i = 0; i < msg->header.length; i++) - ((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[j++] = ((byte *) msg)[i]; - if (m->header.command == _DATA_B3_R) - { - - m->info.data_b3_req.Data = (dword)(long)(TransmitBufferSet (appl, m->info.data_b3_req.Data)); - - } - - j = (j + 3) & 0xfffc; - - *((APPL * *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[j])) = appl; - plci->msg_in_write_pos = j + MSG_IN_OVERHEAD; - return 0; - } - } - else - { - plci = NULL; - } - } - dbug(1,dprintf("com=%x",msg->header.command)); - - for(j=0;jheader.command) { - /* break loop if the message is correct, otherwise continue scan */ - /* (for example: CONNECT_B3_T90_ACT_RES has two specifications) */ - if(!api_parse(msg->info.b,(word)(msg->header.length-12),ftable[i].format,msg_parms)) { - ret = 0; - break; - } - for(j=0;jcommand = 0; - return ret; - } - - - c = ftable[i].function(GET_DWORD(&msg->header.controller), - msg->header.number, - a, - plci, - appl, - msg_parms); - - channel_xmit_extended_xon (plci); - - if(c==1) send_req(plci); - if(c==2 && plci) plci->req_in = plci->req_in_start = plci->req_out = 0; - if(plci && !plci->req_in) plci->command = 0; - return 0; +word api_put(APPL *appl, CAPI_MSG *msg) +{ + word i, j, k, l, n; + word ret; + byte c; + byte controller; + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + PLCI *plci; + NCCI *ncci_ptr; + word ncci; + CAPI_MSG *m; + API_PARSE msg_parms[MAX_MSG_PARMS + 1]; + + if (msg->header.length < sizeof(msg->header) || + msg->header.length > MAX_MSG_SIZE) { + dbug(1, dprintf("bad len")); + return _BAD_MSG; + } + + controller = (byte)((msg->header.controller & 0x7f) - 1); + + /* controller starts with 0 up to (max_adapter - 1) */ + if (controller >= max_adapter) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("invalid ctrl")); + return _BAD_MSG; + } + + a = &adapter[controller]; + plci = NULL; + if ((msg->header.plci != 0) && (msg->header.plci <= a->max_plci) && !a->adapter_disabled) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("plci=%x", msg->header.plci)); + plci = &a->plci[msg->header.plci - 1]; + ncci = GET_WORD(&msg->header.ncci); + if (plci->Id + && (plci->appl + || (plci->State == INC_CON_PENDING) + || (plci->State == INC_CON_ALERT) + || (msg->header.command == (_DISCONNECT_I | RESPONSE))) + && ((ncci == 0) + || (msg->header.command == (_DISCONNECT_B3_I | RESPONSE)) + || ((ncci < MAX_NCCI + 1) && (a->ncci_plci[ncci] == plci->Id)))) + { + i = plci->msg_in_read_pos; + j = plci->msg_in_write_pos; + if (j >= i) + { + if (j + msg->header.length + MSG_IN_OVERHEAD <= MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE) + i += MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE - j; + else + j = 0; + } + else + { + + n = (((CAPI_MSG *)(plci->msg_in_queue))->header.length + MSG_IN_OVERHEAD + 3) & 0xfffc; + + if (i > MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE - n) + i = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE - n + 1; + i -= j; + } + + if (i <= ((msg->header.length + MSG_IN_OVERHEAD + 3) & 0xfffc)) + + { + dbug(0, dprintf("Q-FULL1(msg) - len=%d write=%d read=%d wrap=%d free=%d", + msg->header.length, plci->msg_in_write_pos, + plci->msg_in_read_pos, plci->msg_in_wrap_pos, i)); + + return _QUEUE_FULL; + } + c = false; + if ((((byte *) msg) < ((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))) + || (((byte *) msg) >= ((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue)) + sizeof(plci->msg_in_queue))) + { + if (plci->msg_in_write_pos != plci->msg_in_read_pos) + c = true; + } + if (msg->header.command == _DATA_B3_R) + { + if (msg->header.length < 20) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("DATA_B3 REQ wrong length %d", msg->header.length)); + return _BAD_MSG; + } + ncci_ptr = &(a->ncci[ncci]); + n = ncci_ptr->data_pending; + l = ncci_ptr->data_ack_pending; + k = plci->msg_in_read_pos; + while (k != plci->msg_in_write_pos) + { + if (k == plci->msg_in_wrap_pos) + k = 0; + if ((((CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[k]))->header.command == _DATA_B3_R) + && (((CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[k]))->header.ncci == ncci)) + { + n++; + if (((CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[k]))->info.data_b3_req.Flags & 0x0004) + l++; + } + + k += (((CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[k]))->header.length + + MSG_IN_OVERHEAD + 3) & 0xfffc; + + } + if ((n >= MAX_DATA_B3) || (l >= MAX_DATA_ACK)) + { + dbug(0, dprintf("Q-FULL2(data) - pending=%d/%d ack_pending=%d/%d", + ncci_ptr->data_pending, n, ncci_ptr->data_ack_pending, l)); + + return _QUEUE_FULL; + } + if (plci->req_in || plci->internal_command) + { + if ((((byte *) msg) >= ((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))) + && (((byte *) msg) < ((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue)) + sizeof(plci->msg_in_queue))) + { + dbug(0, dprintf("Q-FULL3(requeue)")); + + return _QUEUE_FULL; + } + c = true; + } + } + else + { + if (plci->req_in || plci->internal_command) + c = true; + else + { + plci->command = msg->header.command; + plci->number = msg->header.number; + } + } + if (c) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("enqueue msg(0x%04x,0x%x,0x%x) - len=%d write=%d read=%d wrap=%d free=%d", + msg->header.command, plci->req_in, plci->internal_command, + msg->header.length, plci->msg_in_write_pos, + plci->msg_in_read_pos, plci->msg_in_wrap_pos, i)); + if (j == 0) + plci->msg_in_wrap_pos = plci->msg_in_write_pos; + m = (CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[j]); + for (i = 0; i < msg->header.length; i++) + ((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[j++] = ((byte *) msg)[i]; + if (m->header.command == _DATA_B3_R) + { + + m->info.data_b3_req.Data = (dword)(long)(TransmitBufferSet(appl, m->info.data_b3_req.Data)); + + } + + j = (j + 3) & 0xfffc; + + *((APPL **)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[j])) = appl; + plci->msg_in_write_pos = j + MSG_IN_OVERHEAD; + return 0; + } + } + else + { + plci = NULL; + } + } + dbug(1, dprintf("com=%x", msg->header.command)); + + for (j = 0; j < MAX_MSG_PARMS + 1; j++) msg_parms[j].length = 0; + for (i = 0, ret = _BAD_MSG; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ftable); i++) { + + if (ftable[i].command == msg->header.command) { + /* break loop if the message is correct, otherwise continue scan */ + /* (for example: CONNECT_B3_T90_ACT_RES has two specifications) */ + if (!api_parse(msg->info.b, (word)(msg->header.length - 12), ftable[i].format, msg_parms)) { + ret = 0; + break; + } + for (j = 0; j < MAX_MSG_PARMS + 1; j++) msg_parms[j].length = 0; + } + } + if (ret) { + dbug(1, dprintf("BAD_MSG")); + if (plci) plci->command = 0; + return ret; + } + + + c = ftable[i].function(GET_DWORD(&msg->header.controller), + msg->header.number, + a, + plci, + appl, + msg_parms); + + channel_xmit_extended_xon(plci); + + if (c == 1) send_req(plci); + if (c == 2 && plci) plci->req_in = plci->req_in_start = plci->req_out = 0; + if (plci && !plci->req_in) plci->command = 0; + return 0; } @@ -592,85 +592,85 @@ word api_put(APPL * appl, CAPI_MSG * msg) static word api_parse(byte *msg, word length, byte *format, API_PARSE *parms) { - word i; - word p; - - for(i=0,p=0; format[i]; i++) { - if(parms) - { - parms[i].info = &msg[p]; - } - switch(format[i]) { - case 'b': - p +=1; - break; - case 'w': - p +=2; - break; - case 'd': - p +=4; - break; - case 's': - if(msg[p]==0xff) { - parms[i].info +=2; - parms[i].length = msg[p+1] + (msg[p+2]<<8); - p +=(parms[i].length +3); - } - else { - parms[i].length = msg[p]; - p +=(parms[i].length +1); - } - break; - } - - if(p>length) return true; - } - if(parms) parms[i].info = NULL; - return false; + word i; + word p; + + for (i = 0, p = 0; format[i]; i++) { + if (parms) + { + parms[i].info = &msg[p]; + } + switch (format[i]) { + case 'b': + p += 1; + break; + case 'w': + p += 2; + break; + case 'd': + p += 4; + break; + case 's': + if (msg[p] == 0xff) { + parms[i].info += 2; + parms[i].length = msg[p + 1] + (msg[p + 2] << 8); + p += (parms[i].length + 3); + } + else { + parms[i].length = msg[p]; + p += (parms[i].length + 1); + } + break; + } + + if (p > length) return true; + } + if (parms) parms[i].info = NULL; + return false; } static void api_save_msg(API_PARSE *in, byte *format, API_SAVE *out) { - word i, j, n = 0; - byte *p; - - p = out->info; - for (i = 0; format[i] != '\0'; i++) - { - out->parms[i].info = p; - out->parms[i].length = in[i].length; - switch (format[i]) - { - case 'b': - n = 1; - break; - case 'w': - n = 2; - break; - case 'd': - n = 4; - break; - case 's': - n = in[i].length + 1; - break; - } - for (j = 0; j < n; j++) - *(p++) = in[i].info[j]; - } - out->parms[i].info = NULL; - out->parms[i].length = 0; + word i, j, n = 0; + byte *p; + + p = out->info; + for (i = 0; format[i] != '\0'; i++) + { + out->parms[i].info = p; + out->parms[i].length = in[i].length; + switch (format[i]) + { + case 'b': + n = 1; + break; + case 'w': + n = 2; + break; + case 'd': + n = 4; + break; + case 's': + n = in[i].length + 1; + break; + } + for (j = 0; j < n; j++) + *(p++) = in[i].info[j]; + } + out->parms[i].info = NULL; + out->parms[i].length = 0; } static void api_load_msg(API_SAVE *in, API_PARSE *out) { - word i; + word i; - i = 0; - do - { - out[i].info = in->parms[i].info; - out[i].length = in->parms[i].length; - } while (in->parms[i++].info); + i = 0; + do + { + out[i].info = in->parms[i].info; + out[i].length = in->parms[i].length; + } while (in->parms[i++].info); } @@ -680,31 +680,31 @@ static void api_load_msg(API_SAVE *in, API_PARSE *out) word api_remove_start(void) { - word i; - word j; - - if(!remove_started) { - remove_started = true; - for(i=0;iinternal_command = 0; - for (i = 0; i < MAX_INTERNAL_COMMAND_LEVELS; i++) - plci->internal_command_queue[i] = NULL; + plci->internal_command = 0; + for (i = 0; i < MAX_INTERNAL_COMMAND_LEVELS; i++) + plci->internal_command_queue[i] = NULL; } -static void start_internal_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, t_std_internal_command command_function) +static void start_internal_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, t_std_internal_command command_function) { - word i; + word i; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: start_internal_command", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: start_internal_command", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - if (plci->internal_command == 0) - { - plci->internal_command_queue[0] = command_function; - (* command_function)(Id, plci, OK); - } - else - { - i = 1; - while (plci->internal_command_queue[i] != NULL) - i++; - plci->internal_command_queue[i] = command_function; - } + if (plci->internal_command == 0) + { + plci->internal_command_queue[0] = command_function; + (*command_function)(Id, plci, OK); + } + else + { + i = 1; + while (plci->internal_command_queue[i] != NULL) + i++; + plci->internal_command_queue[i] = command_function; + } } -static void next_internal_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci) +static void next_internal_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci) { - word i; + word i; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: next_internal_command", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: next_internal_command", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - plci->internal_command = 0; - plci->internal_command_queue[0] = NULL; - while (plci->internal_command_queue[1] != NULL) - { - for (i = 0; i < MAX_INTERNAL_COMMAND_LEVELS - 1; i++) - plci->internal_command_queue[i] = plci->internal_command_queue[i+1]; - plci->internal_command_queue[MAX_INTERNAL_COMMAND_LEVELS - 1] = NULL; - (*(plci->internal_command_queue[0]))(Id, plci, OK); - if (plci->internal_command != 0) - return; - plci->internal_command_queue[0] = NULL; - } + plci->internal_command = 0; + plci->internal_command_queue[0] = NULL; + while (plci->internal_command_queue[1] != NULL) + { + for (i = 0; i < MAX_INTERNAL_COMMAND_LEVELS - 1; i++) + plci->internal_command_queue[i] = plci->internal_command_queue[i + 1]; + plci->internal_command_queue[MAX_INTERNAL_COMMAND_LEVELS - 1] = NULL; + (*(plci->internal_command_queue[0]))(Id, plci, OK); + if (plci->internal_command != 0) + return; + plci->internal_command_queue[0] = NULL; + } } @@ -775,238 +775,238 @@ static void next_internal_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci) static dword ncci_mapping_bug = 0; -static word get_ncci (PLCI *plci, byte ch, word force_ncci) -{ - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - word ncci, i, j, k; - - a = plci->adapter; - if (!ch || a->ch_ncci[ch]) - { - ncci_mapping_bug++; - dbug(1,dprintf("NCCI mapping exists %ld %02x %02x %02x-%02x", - ncci_mapping_bug, ch, force_ncci, a->ncci_ch[a->ch_ncci[ch]], a->ch_ncci[ch])); - ncci = ch; - } - else - { - if (force_ncci) - ncci = force_ncci; - else - { - if ((ch < MAX_NCCI+1) && !a->ncci_ch[ch]) - ncci = ch; - else - { - ncci = 1; - while ((ncci < MAX_NCCI+1) && a->ncci_ch[ncci]) - ncci++; - if (ncci == MAX_NCCI+1) - { - ncci_mapping_bug++; - i = 1; - do - { - j = 1; - while ((j < MAX_NCCI+1) && (a->ncci_ch[j] != i)) - j++; - k = j; - if (j < MAX_NCCI+1) - { - do - { - j++; - } while ((j < MAX_NCCI+1) && (a->ncci_ch[j] != i)); - } - } while ((i < MAX_NL_CHANNEL+1) && (j < MAX_NCCI+1)); - if (i < MAX_NL_CHANNEL+1) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("NCCI mapping overflow %ld %02x %02x %02x-%02x-%02x", - ncci_mapping_bug, ch, force_ncci, i, k, j)); - } - else - { - dbug(1,dprintf("NCCI mapping overflow %ld %02x %02x", - ncci_mapping_bug, ch, force_ncci)); - } - ncci = ch; - } - } - a->ncci_plci[ncci] = plci->Id; - a->ncci_state[ncci] = IDLE; - if (!plci->ncci_ring_list) - plci->ncci_ring_list = ncci; - else - a->ncci_next[ncci] = a->ncci_next[plci->ncci_ring_list]; - a->ncci_next[plci->ncci_ring_list] = (byte) ncci; - } - a->ncci_ch[ncci] = ch; - a->ch_ncci[ch] = (byte) ncci; - dbug(1,dprintf("NCCI mapping established %ld %02x %02x %02x-%02x", - ncci_mapping_bug, ch, force_ncci, ch, ncci)); - } - return (ncci); -} - - -static void ncci_free_receive_buffers (PLCI *plci, word ncci) -{ - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - APPL *appl; - word i, ncci_code; - dword Id; - - a = plci->adapter; - Id = (((dword) ncci) << 16) | (((word)(plci->Id)) << 8) | a->Id; - if (ncci) - { - if (a->ncci_plci[ncci] == plci->Id) - { - if (!plci->appl) - { - ncci_mapping_bug++; - dbug(1,dprintf("NCCI mapping appl expected %ld %08lx", - ncci_mapping_bug, Id)); - } - else - { - appl = plci->appl; - ncci_code = ncci | (((word) a->Id) << 8); - for (i = 0; i < appl->MaxBuffer; i++) - { - if ((appl->DataNCCI[i] == ncci_code) - && (((byte)(appl->DataFlags[i] >> 8)) == plci->Id)) - { - appl->DataNCCI[i] = 0; - } - } - } - } - } - else - { - for (ncci = 1; ncci < MAX_NCCI+1; ncci++) - { - if (a->ncci_plci[ncci] == plci->Id) - { - if (!plci->appl) - { - ncci_mapping_bug++; - dbug(1,dprintf("NCCI mapping no appl %ld %08lx", - ncci_mapping_bug, Id)); - } - else - { - appl = plci->appl; - ncci_code = ncci | (((word) a->Id) << 8); - for (i = 0; i < appl->MaxBuffer; i++) - { - if ((appl->DataNCCI[i] == ncci_code) - && (((byte)(appl->DataFlags[i] >> 8)) == plci->Id)) - { - appl->DataNCCI[i] = 0; - } - } - } - } - } - } -} - - -static void cleanup_ncci_data (PLCI *plci, word ncci) -{ - NCCI *ncci_ptr; - - if (ncci && (plci->adapter->ncci_plci[ncci] == plci->Id)) - { - ncci_ptr = &(plci->adapter->ncci[ncci]); - if (plci->appl) - { - while (ncci_ptr->data_pending != 0) - { - if (!plci->data_sent || (ncci_ptr->DBuffer[ncci_ptr->data_out].P != plci->data_sent_ptr)) - TransmitBufferFree (plci->appl, ncci_ptr->DBuffer[ncci_ptr->data_out].P); - (ncci_ptr->data_out)++; - if (ncci_ptr->data_out == MAX_DATA_B3) - ncci_ptr->data_out = 0; - (ncci_ptr->data_pending)--; - } - } - ncci_ptr->data_out = 0; - ncci_ptr->data_pending = 0; - ncci_ptr->data_ack_out = 0; - ncci_ptr->data_ack_pending = 0; - } -} - - -static void ncci_remove (PLCI *plci, word ncci, byte preserve_ncci) -{ - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - dword Id; - word i; - - a = plci->adapter; - Id = (((dword) ncci) << 16) | (((word)(plci->Id)) << 8) | a->Id; - if (!preserve_ncci) - ncci_free_receive_buffers (plci, ncci); - if (ncci) - { - if (a->ncci_plci[ncci] != plci->Id) - { - ncci_mapping_bug++; - dbug(1,dprintf("NCCI mapping doesn't exist %ld %08lx %02x", - ncci_mapping_bug, Id, preserve_ncci)); - } - else - { - cleanup_ncci_data (plci, ncci); - dbug(1,dprintf("NCCI mapping released %ld %08lx %02x %02x-%02x", - ncci_mapping_bug, Id, preserve_ncci, a->ncci_ch[ncci], ncci)); - a->ch_ncci[a->ncci_ch[ncci]] = 0; - if (!preserve_ncci) - { - a->ncci_ch[ncci] = 0; - a->ncci_plci[ncci] = 0; - a->ncci_state[ncci] = IDLE; - i = plci->ncci_ring_list; - while ((i != 0) && (a->ncci_next[i] != plci->ncci_ring_list) && (a->ncci_next[i] != ncci)) - i = a->ncci_next[i]; - if ((i != 0) && (a->ncci_next[i] == ncci)) - { - if (i == ncci) - plci->ncci_ring_list = 0; - else if (plci->ncci_ring_list == ncci) - plci->ncci_ring_list = i; - a->ncci_next[i] = a->ncci_next[ncci]; - } - a->ncci_next[ncci] = 0; - } - } - } - else - { - for (ncci = 1; ncci < MAX_NCCI+1; ncci++) - { - if (a->ncci_plci[ncci] == plci->Id) - { - cleanup_ncci_data (plci, ncci); - dbug(1,dprintf("NCCI mapping released %ld %08lx %02x %02x-%02x", - ncci_mapping_bug, Id, preserve_ncci, a->ncci_ch[ncci], ncci)); - a->ch_ncci[a->ncci_ch[ncci]] = 0; - if (!preserve_ncci) - { - a->ncci_ch[ncci] = 0; - a->ncci_plci[ncci] = 0; - a->ncci_state[ncci] = IDLE; - a->ncci_next[ncci] = 0; - } - } - } - if (!preserve_ncci) - plci->ncci_ring_list = 0; - } +static word get_ncci(PLCI *plci, byte ch, word force_ncci) +{ + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + word ncci, i, j, k; + + a = plci->adapter; + if (!ch || a->ch_ncci[ch]) + { + ncci_mapping_bug++; + dbug(1, dprintf("NCCI mapping exists %ld %02x %02x %02x-%02x", + ncci_mapping_bug, ch, force_ncci, a->ncci_ch[a->ch_ncci[ch]], a->ch_ncci[ch])); + ncci = ch; + } + else + { + if (force_ncci) + ncci = force_ncci; + else + { + if ((ch < MAX_NCCI + 1) && !a->ncci_ch[ch]) + ncci = ch; + else + { + ncci = 1; + while ((ncci < MAX_NCCI + 1) && a->ncci_ch[ncci]) + ncci++; + if (ncci == MAX_NCCI + 1) + { + ncci_mapping_bug++; + i = 1; + do + { + j = 1; + while ((j < MAX_NCCI + 1) && (a->ncci_ch[j] != i)) + j++; + k = j; + if (j < MAX_NCCI + 1) + { + do + { + j++; + } while ((j < MAX_NCCI + 1) && (a->ncci_ch[j] != i)); + } + } while ((i < MAX_NL_CHANNEL + 1) && (j < MAX_NCCI + 1)); + if (i < MAX_NL_CHANNEL + 1) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("NCCI mapping overflow %ld %02x %02x %02x-%02x-%02x", + ncci_mapping_bug, ch, force_ncci, i, k, j)); + } + else + { + dbug(1, dprintf("NCCI mapping overflow %ld %02x %02x", + ncci_mapping_bug, ch, force_ncci)); + } + ncci = ch; + } + } + a->ncci_plci[ncci] = plci->Id; + a->ncci_state[ncci] = IDLE; + if (!plci->ncci_ring_list) + plci->ncci_ring_list = ncci; + else + a->ncci_next[ncci] = a->ncci_next[plci->ncci_ring_list]; + a->ncci_next[plci->ncci_ring_list] = (byte) ncci; + } + a->ncci_ch[ncci] = ch; + a->ch_ncci[ch] = (byte) ncci; + dbug(1, dprintf("NCCI mapping established %ld %02x %02x %02x-%02x", + ncci_mapping_bug, ch, force_ncci, ch, ncci)); + } + return (ncci); +} + + +static void ncci_free_receive_buffers(PLCI *plci, word ncci) +{ + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + APPL *appl; + word i, ncci_code; + dword Id; + + a = plci->adapter; + Id = (((dword) ncci) << 16) | (((word)(plci->Id)) << 8) | a->Id; + if (ncci) + { + if (a->ncci_plci[ncci] == plci->Id) + { + if (!plci->appl) + { + ncci_mapping_bug++; + dbug(1, dprintf("NCCI mapping appl expected %ld %08lx", + ncci_mapping_bug, Id)); + } + else + { + appl = plci->appl; + ncci_code = ncci | (((word) a->Id) << 8); + for (i = 0; i < appl->MaxBuffer; i++) + { + if ((appl->DataNCCI[i] == ncci_code) + && (((byte)(appl->DataFlags[i] >> 8)) == plci->Id)) + { + appl->DataNCCI[i] = 0; + } + } + } + } + } + else + { + for (ncci = 1; ncci < MAX_NCCI + 1; ncci++) + { + if (a->ncci_plci[ncci] == plci->Id) + { + if (!plci->appl) + { + ncci_mapping_bug++; + dbug(1, dprintf("NCCI mapping no appl %ld %08lx", + ncci_mapping_bug, Id)); + } + else + { + appl = plci->appl; + ncci_code = ncci | (((word) a->Id) << 8); + for (i = 0; i < appl->MaxBuffer; i++) + { + if ((appl->DataNCCI[i] == ncci_code) + && (((byte)(appl->DataFlags[i] >> 8)) == plci->Id)) + { + appl->DataNCCI[i] = 0; + } + } + } + } + } + } +} + + +static void cleanup_ncci_data(PLCI *plci, word ncci) +{ + NCCI *ncci_ptr; + + if (ncci && (plci->adapter->ncci_plci[ncci] == plci->Id)) + { + ncci_ptr = &(plci->adapter->ncci[ncci]); + if (plci->appl) + { + while (ncci_ptr->data_pending != 0) + { + if (!plci->data_sent || (ncci_ptr->DBuffer[ncci_ptr->data_out].P != plci->data_sent_ptr)) + TransmitBufferFree(plci->appl, ncci_ptr->DBuffer[ncci_ptr->data_out].P); + (ncci_ptr->data_out)++; + if (ncci_ptr->data_out == MAX_DATA_B3) + ncci_ptr->data_out = 0; + (ncci_ptr->data_pending)--; + } + } + ncci_ptr->data_out = 0; + ncci_ptr->data_pending = 0; + ncci_ptr->data_ack_out = 0; + ncci_ptr->data_ack_pending = 0; + } +} + + +static void ncci_remove(PLCI *plci, word ncci, byte preserve_ncci) +{ + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + dword Id; + word i; + + a = plci->adapter; + Id = (((dword) ncci) << 16) | (((word)(plci->Id)) << 8) | a->Id; + if (!preserve_ncci) + ncci_free_receive_buffers(plci, ncci); + if (ncci) + { + if (a->ncci_plci[ncci] != plci->Id) + { + ncci_mapping_bug++; + dbug(1, dprintf("NCCI mapping doesn't exist %ld %08lx %02x", + ncci_mapping_bug, Id, preserve_ncci)); + } + else + { + cleanup_ncci_data(plci, ncci); + dbug(1, dprintf("NCCI mapping released %ld %08lx %02x %02x-%02x", + ncci_mapping_bug, Id, preserve_ncci, a->ncci_ch[ncci], ncci)); + a->ch_ncci[a->ncci_ch[ncci]] = 0; + if (!preserve_ncci) + { + a->ncci_ch[ncci] = 0; + a->ncci_plci[ncci] = 0; + a->ncci_state[ncci] = IDLE; + i = plci->ncci_ring_list; + while ((i != 0) && (a->ncci_next[i] != plci->ncci_ring_list) && (a->ncci_next[i] != ncci)) + i = a->ncci_next[i]; + if ((i != 0) && (a->ncci_next[i] == ncci)) + { + if (i == ncci) + plci->ncci_ring_list = 0; + else if (plci->ncci_ring_list == ncci) + plci->ncci_ring_list = i; + a->ncci_next[i] = a->ncci_next[ncci]; + } + a->ncci_next[ncci] = 0; + } + } + } + else + { + for (ncci = 1; ncci < MAX_NCCI + 1; ncci++) + { + if (a->ncci_plci[ncci] == plci->Id) + { + cleanup_ncci_data(plci, ncci); + dbug(1, dprintf("NCCI mapping released %ld %08lx %02x %02x-%02x", + ncci_mapping_bug, Id, preserve_ncci, a->ncci_ch[ncci], ncci)); + a->ch_ncci[a->ncci_ch[ncci]] = 0; + if (!preserve_ncci) + { + a->ncci_ch[ncci] = 0; + a->ncci_plci[ncci] = 0; + a->ncci_state[ncci] = IDLE; + a->ncci_next[ncci] = 0; + } + } + } + if (!preserve_ncci) + plci->ncci_ring_list = 0; + } } @@ -1014,170 +1014,170 @@ static void ncci_remove (PLCI *plci, word ncci, byte preserve_ncci) /* PLCI remove function */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -static void plci_free_msg_in_queue (PLCI *plci) -{ - word i; - - if (plci->appl) - { - i = plci->msg_in_read_pos; - while (i != plci->msg_in_write_pos) - { - if (i == plci->msg_in_wrap_pos) - i = 0; - if (((CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[i]))->header.command == _DATA_B3_R) - { - - TransmitBufferFree (plci->appl, - (byte *)(long)(((CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[i]))->info.data_b3_req.Data)); - - } - - i += (((CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[i]))->header.length + - MSG_IN_OVERHEAD + 3) & 0xfffc; - - } - } - plci->msg_in_write_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; - plci->msg_in_read_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; - plci->msg_in_wrap_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; -} - - -static void plci_remove(PLCI * plci) -{ - - if(!plci) { - dbug(1,dprintf("plci_remove(no plci)")); - return; - } - init_internal_command_queue (plci); - dbug(1,dprintf("plci_remove(%x,tel=%x)",plci->Id,plci->tel)); - if(plci_remove_check(plci)) - { - return; - } - if (plci->Sig.Id == 0xff) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("D-channel X.25 plci->NL.Id:%0x", plci->NL.Id)); - if (plci->NL.Id && !plci->nl_remove_id) - { - nl_req_ncci(plci,REMOVE,0); - send_req(plci); - } - } - else - { - if (!plci->sig_remove_id - && (plci->Sig.Id - || (plci->req_in!=plci->req_out) - || (plci->nl_req || plci->sig_req))) - { - sig_req(plci,HANGUP,0); - send_req(plci); - } - } - ncci_remove (plci, 0, false); - plci_free_msg_in_queue (plci); - - plci->channels = 0; - plci->appl = NULL; - if ((plci->State == INC_CON_PENDING) || (plci->State == INC_CON_ALERT)) - plci->State = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; +static void plci_free_msg_in_queue(PLCI *plci) +{ + word i; + + if (plci->appl) + { + i = plci->msg_in_read_pos; + while (i != plci->msg_in_write_pos) + { + if (i == plci->msg_in_wrap_pos) + i = 0; + if (((CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[i]))->header.command == _DATA_B3_R) + { + + TransmitBufferFree(plci->appl, + (byte *)(long)(((CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[i]))->info.data_b3_req.Data)); + + } + + i += (((CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[i]))->header.length + + MSG_IN_OVERHEAD + 3) & 0xfffc; + + } + } + plci->msg_in_write_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; + plci->msg_in_read_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; + plci->msg_in_wrap_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; +} + + +static void plci_remove(PLCI *plci) +{ + + if (!plci) { + dbug(1, dprintf("plci_remove(no plci)")); + return; + } + init_internal_command_queue(plci); + dbug(1, dprintf("plci_remove(%x,tel=%x)", plci->Id, plci->tel)); + if (plci_remove_check(plci)) + { + return; + } + if (plci->Sig.Id == 0xff) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("D-channel X.25 plci->NL.Id:%0x", plci->NL.Id)); + if (plci->NL.Id && !plci->nl_remove_id) + { + nl_req_ncci(plci, REMOVE, 0); + send_req(plci); + } + } + else + { + if (!plci->sig_remove_id + && (plci->Sig.Id + || (plci->req_in != plci->req_out) + || (plci->nl_req || plci->sig_req))) + { + sig_req(plci, HANGUP, 0); + send_req(plci); + } + } + ncci_remove(plci, 0, false); + plci_free_msg_in_queue(plci); + + plci->channels = 0; + plci->appl = NULL; + if ((plci->State == INC_CON_PENDING) || (plci->State == INC_CON_ALERT)) + plci->State = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Application Group function helpers */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -static void set_group_ind_mask (PLCI *plci) +static void set_group_ind_mask(PLCI *plci) { - word i; + word i; - for (i = 0; i < C_IND_MASK_DWORDS; i++) - plci->group_optimization_mask_table[i] = 0xffffffffL; + for (i = 0; i < C_IND_MASK_DWORDS; i++) + plci->group_optimization_mask_table[i] = 0xffffffffL; } -static void clear_group_ind_mask_bit (PLCI *plci, word b) +static void clear_group_ind_mask_bit(PLCI *plci, word b) { - plci->group_optimization_mask_table[b >> 5] &= ~(1L << (b & 0x1f)); + plci->group_optimization_mask_table[b >> 5] &= ~(1L << (b & 0x1f)); } -static byte test_group_ind_mask_bit (PLCI *plci, word b) +static byte test_group_ind_mask_bit(PLCI *plci, word b) { - return ((plci->group_optimization_mask_table[b >> 5] & (1L << (b & 0x1f))) != 0); + return ((plci->group_optimization_mask_table[b >> 5] & (1L << (b & 0x1f))) != 0); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* c_ind_mask operations for arbitrary MAX_APPL */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -static void clear_c_ind_mask (PLCI *plci) +static void clear_c_ind_mask(PLCI *plci) { - word i; + word i; - for (i = 0; i < C_IND_MASK_DWORDS; i++) - plci->c_ind_mask_table[i] = 0; + for (i = 0; i < C_IND_MASK_DWORDS; i++) + plci->c_ind_mask_table[i] = 0; } -static byte c_ind_mask_empty (PLCI *plci) +static byte c_ind_mask_empty(PLCI *plci) { - word i; + word i; - i = 0; - while ((i < C_IND_MASK_DWORDS) && (plci->c_ind_mask_table[i] == 0)) - i++; - return (i == C_IND_MASK_DWORDS); + i = 0; + while ((i < C_IND_MASK_DWORDS) && (plci->c_ind_mask_table[i] == 0)) + i++; + return (i == C_IND_MASK_DWORDS); } -static void set_c_ind_mask_bit (PLCI *plci, word b) +static void set_c_ind_mask_bit(PLCI *plci, word b) { - plci->c_ind_mask_table[b >> 5] |= (1L << (b & 0x1f)); + plci->c_ind_mask_table[b >> 5] |= (1L << (b & 0x1f)); } -static void clear_c_ind_mask_bit (PLCI *plci, word b) +static void clear_c_ind_mask_bit(PLCI *plci, word b) { - plci->c_ind_mask_table[b >> 5] &= ~(1L << (b & 0x1f)); + plci->c_ind_mask_table[b >> 5] &= ~(1L << (b & 0x1f)); } -static byte test_c_ind_mask_bit (PLCI *plci, word b) +static byte test_c_ind_mask_bit(PLCI *plci, word b) { - return ((plci->c_ind_mask_table[b >> 5] & (1L << (b & 0x1f))) != 0); + return ((plci->c_ind_mask_table[b >> 5] & (1L << (b & 0x1f))) != 0); } -static void dump_c_ind_mask (PLCI *plci) +static void dump_c_ind_mask(PLCI *plci) { -static char hex_digit_table[0x10] = - {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'}; - word i, j, k; - dword d; - char *p; - char buf[40]; + static char hex_digit_table[0x10] = + {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'}; + word i, j, k; + dword d; + char *p; + char buf[40]; - for (i = 0; i < C_IND_MASK_DWORDS; i += 4) - { - p = buf + 36; - *p = '\0'; - for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) - { - if (i+j < C_IND_MASK_DWORDS) - { - d = plci->c_ind_mask_table[i+j]; - for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) - { - *(--p) = hex_digit_table[d & 0xf]; - d >>= 4; - } - } - else if (i != 0) - { - for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) - *(--p) = ' '; - } - *(--p) = ' '; - } - dbug(1,dprintf ("c_ind_mask =%s", (char *) p)); - } + for (i = 0; i < C_IND_MASK_DWORDS; i += 4) + { + p = buf + 36; + *p = '\0'; + for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) + { + if (i + j < C_IND_MASK_DWORDS) + { + d = plci->c_ind_mask_table[i + j]; + for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) + { + *(--p) = hex_digit_table[d & 0xf]; + d >>= 4; + } + } + else if (i != 0) + { + for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) + *(--p) = ' '; + } + *(--p) = ' '; + } + dbug(1, dprintf("c_ind_mask =%s", (char *) p)); + } } @@ -1195,6204 +1195,6204 @@ static char hex_digit_table[0x10] = static byte connect_req(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *parms) { - word ch; - word i; - word Info; - byte LinkLayer; - API_PARSE * ai; - API_PARSE * bp; - API_PARSE ai_parms[5]; - word channel = 0; - dword ch_mask; - byte m; - static byte esc_chi[35] = {0x02,0x18,0x01}; - static byte lli[2] = {0x01,0x00}; - byte noCh = 0; - word dir = 0; - byte *p_chi = ""; - - for(i=0;i<5;i++) ai_parms[i].length = 0; - - dbug(1,dprintf("connect_req(%d)",parms->length)); - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - if(a) - { - if(a->adapter_disabled) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("adapter disabled")); - Id = ((word)1<<8)|a->Id; - sendf(appl,_CONNECT_R|CONFIRM,Id,Number,"w",0); - sendf(appl, _DISCONNECT_I, Id, 0, "w", _L1_ERROR); - return false; - } - Info = _OUT_OF_PLCI; - if((i=get_plci(a))) - { - Info = 0; - plci = &a->plci[i-1]; - plci->appl = appl; - plci->call_dir = CALL_DIR_OUT | CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE; - /* check 'external controller' bit for codec support */ - if(Id & EXT_CONTROLLER) - { - if(AdvCodecSupport(a, plci, appl, 0) ) - { - plci->Id = 0; - sendf(appl, _CONNECT_R|CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", _WRONG_IDENTIFIER); - return 2; - } - } - ai = &parms[9]; - bp = &parms[5]; - ch = 0; - if(bp->length)LinkLayer = bp->info[3]; - else LinkLayer = 0; - if(ai->length) - { - ch=0xffff; - if(!api_parse(&ai->info[1],(word)ai->length,"ssss",ai_parms)) - { - ch = 0; - if(ai_parms[0].length) - { - ch = GET_WORD(ai_parms[0].info+1); - if(ch>4) ch=0; /* safety -> ignore ChannelID */ - if(ch==4) /* explizit CHI in message */ - { - /* check length of B-CH struct */ - if((ai_parms[0].info)[3]>=1) - { - if((ai_parms[0].info)[4]==CHI) - { - p_chi = &((ai_parms[0].info)[5]); - } - else - { - p_chi = &((ai_parms[0].info)[3]); - } - if(p_chi[0]>35) /* check length of channel ID */ - { - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - } - else Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - - if(ch==3 && ai_parms[0].length>=7 && ai_parms[0].length<=36) - { - dir = GET_WORD(ai_parms[0].info+3); - ch_mask = 0; - m = 0x3f; - for(i=0; i+5<=ai_parms[0].length; i++) - { - if(ai_parms[0].info[i+5]!=0) - { - if((ai_parms[0].info[i+5] | m) != 0xff) - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - else - { - if (ch_mask == 0) - channel = i; - ch_mask |= 1L << i; - } - } - m = 0; - } - if (ch_mask == 0) - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - if (!Info) - { - if ((ai_parms[0].length == 36) || (ch_mask != ((dword)(1L << channel)))) - { - esc_chi[0] = (byte)(ai_parms[0].length - 2); - for(i=0; i+5<=ai_parms[0].length; i++) - esc_chi[i+3] = ai_parms[0].info[i+5]; - } - else - esc_chi[0] = 2; - esc_chi[2] = (byte)channel; - plci->b_channel = (byte)channel; /* not correct for ETSI ch 17..31 */ - add_p(plci,LLI,lli); - add_p(plci,ESC,esc_chi); - plci->State = LOCAL_CONNECT; - if(!dir) plci->call_dir |= CALL_DIR_FORCE_OUTG_NL; /* dir 0=DTE, 1=DCE */ - } - } - } - } - else Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - - dbug(1,dprintf("ch=%x,dir=%x,p_ch=%d",ch,dir,channel)); - plci->command = _CONNECT_R; - plci->number = Number; - /* x.31 or D-ch free SAPI in LinkLayer? */ - if(ch==1 && LinkLayer!=3 && LinkLayer!=12) noCh = true; - if((ch==0 || ch==2 || noCh || ch==3 || ch==4) && !Info) - { - /* B-channel used for B3 connections (ch==0), or no B channel */ - /* is used (ch==2) or perm. connection (3) is used do a CALL */ - if(noCh) Info = add_b1(plci,&parms[5],2,0); /* no resource */ - else Info = add_b1(plci,&parms[5],ch,0); - add_s(plci,OAD,&parms[2]); - add_s(plci,OSA,&parms[4]); - add_s(plci,BC,&parms[6]); - add_s(plci,LLC,&parms[7]); - add_s(plci,HLC,&parms[8]); - if (a->Info_Mask[appl->Id-1] & 0x200) - { - /* early B3 connect (CIP mask bit 9) no release after a disc */ - add_p(plci,LLI,"\x01\x01"); - } - if(GET_WORD(parms[0].info)<29) { - add_p(plci,BC,cip_bc[GET_WORD(parms[0].info)][a->u_law]); - add_p(plci,HLC,cip_hlc[GET_WORD(parms[0].info)]); - } - add_p(plci,UID,"\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); - sig_req(plci,ASSIGN,DSIG_ID); - } - else if(ch==1) { - - /* D-Channel used for B3 connections */ - plci->Sig.Id = 0xff; - Info = 0; - } - - if(!Info && ch!=2 && !noCh ) { - Info = add_b23(plci,&parms[5]); - if(!Info) { - if(!(plci->tel && !plci->adv_nl))nl_req_ncci(plci,ASSIGN,0); - } - } - - if(!Info) - { - if(ch==0 || ch==2 || ch==3 || noCh || ch==4) - { - if(plci->spoofed_msg==SPOOFING_REQUIRED) - { - api_save_msg(parms, "wsssssssss", &plci->saved_msg); - plci->spoofed_msg = CALL_REQ; - plci->internal_command = BLOCK_PLCI; - plci->command = 0; - dbug(1,dprintf("Spoof")); - send_req(plci); - return false; - } - if(ch==4)add_p(plci,CHI,p_chi); - add_s(plci,CPN,&parms[1]); - add_s(plci,DSA,&parms[3]); - if(noCh) add_p(plci,ESC,"\x02\x18\xfd"); /* D-channel, no B-L3 */ - add_ai(plci,&parms[9]); - if(!dir)sig_req(plci,CALL_REQ,0); - else - { - plci->command = PERM_LIST_REQ; - plci->appl = appl; - sig_req(plci,LISTEN_REQ,0); - send_req(plci); - return false; - } - } - send_req(plci); - return false; - } - plci->Id = 0; - } - } - sendf(appl, - _CONNECT_R|CONFIRM, - Id, - Number, - "w",Info); - return 2; + word ch; + word i; + word Info; + byte LinkLayer; + API_PARSE *ai; + API_PARSE *bp; + API_PARSE ai_parms[5]; + word channel = 0; + dword ch_mask; + byte m; + static byte esc_chi[35] = {0x02, 0x18, 0x01}; + static byte lli[2] = {0x01, 0x00}; + byte noCh = 0; + word dir = 0; + byte *p_chi = ""; + + for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) ai_parms[i].length = 0; + + dbug(1, dprintf("connect_req(%d)", parms->length)); + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + if (a) + { + if (a->adapter_disabled) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("adapter disabled")); + Id = ((word)1 << 8) | a->Id; + sendf(appl, _CONNECT_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", 0); + sendf(appl, _DISCONNECT_I, Id, 0, "w", _L1_ERROR); + return false; + } + Info = _OUT_OF_PLCI; + if ((i = get_plci(a))) + { + Info = 0; + plci = &a->plci[i - 1]; + plci->appl = appl; + plci->call_dir = CALL_DIR_OUT | CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE; + /* check 'external controller' bit for codec support */ + if (Id & EXT_CONTROLLER) + { + if (AdvCodecSupport(a, plci, appl, 0)) + { + plci->Id = 0; + sendf(appl, _CONNECT_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", _WRONG_IDENTIFIER); + return 2; + } + } + ai = &parms[9]; + bp = &parms[5]; + ch = 0; + if (bp->length)LinkLayer = bp->info[3]; + else LinkLayer = 0; + if (ai->length) + { + ch = 0xffff; + if (!api_parse(&ai->info[1], (word)ai->length, "ssss", ai_parms)) + { + ch = 0; + if (ai_parms[0].length) + { + ch = GET_WORD(ai_parms[0].info + 1); + if (ch > 4) ch = 0; /* safety -> ignore ChannelID */ + if (ch == 4) /* explizit CHI in message */ + { + /* check length of B-CH struct */ + if ((ai_parms[0].info)[3] >= 1) + { + if ((ai_parms[0].info)[4] == CHI) + { + p_chi = &((ai_parms[0].info)[5]); + } + else + { + p_chi = &((ai_parms[0].info)[3]); + } + if (p_chi[0] > 35) /* check length of channel ID */ + { + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + } + else Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + + if (ch == 3 && ai_parms[0].length >= 7 && ai_parms[0].length <= 36) + { + dir = GET_WORD(ai_parms[0].info + 3); + ch_mask = 0; + m = 0x3f; + for (i = 0; i + 5 <= ai_parms[0].length; i++) + { + if (ai_parms[0].info[i + 5] != 0) + { + if ((ai_parms[0].info[i + 5] | m) != 0xff) + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + else + { + if (ch_mask == 0) + channel = i; + ch_mask |= 1L << i; + } + } + m = 0; + } + if (ch_mask == 0) + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + if (!Info) + { + if ((ai_parms[0].length == 36) || (ch_mask != ((dword)(1L << channel)))) + { + esc_chi[0] = (byte)(ai_parms[0].length - 2); + for (i = 0; i + 5 <= ai_parms[0].length; i++) + esc_chi[i + 3] = ai_parms[0].info[i + 5]; + } + else + esc_chi[0] = 2; + esc_chi[2] = (byte)channel; + plci->b_channel = (byte)channel; /* not correct for ETSI ch 17..31 */ + add_p(plci, LLI, lli); + add_p(plci, ESC, esc_chi); + plci->State = LOCAL_CONNECT; + if (!dir) plci->call_dir |= CALL_DIR_FORCE_OUTG_NL; /* dir 0=DTE, 1=DCE */ + } + } + } + } + else Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + + dbug(1, dprintf("ch=%x,dir=%x,p_ch=%d", ch, dir, channel)); + plci->command = _CONNECT_R; + plci->number = Number; + /* x.31 or D-ch free SAPI in LinkLayer? */ + if (ch == 1 && LinkLayer != 3 && LinkLayer != 12) noCh = true; + if ((ch == 0 || ch == 2 || noCh || ch == 3 || ch == 4) && !Info) + { + /* B-channel used for B3 connections (ch==0), or no B channel */ + /* is used (ch==2) or perm. connection (3) is used do a CALL */ + if (noCh) Info = add_b1(plci, &parms[5], 2, 0); /* no resource */ + else Info = add_b1(plci, &parms[5], ch, 0); + add_s(plci, OAD, &parms[2]); + add_s(plci, OSA, &parms[4]); + add_s(plci, BC, &parms[6]); + add_s(plci, LLC, &parms[7]); + add_s(plci, HLC, &parms[8]); + if (a->Info_Mask[appl->Id - 1] & 0x200) + { + /* early B3 connect (CIP mask bit 9) no release after a disc */ + add_p(plci, LLI, "\x01\x01"); + } + if (GET_WORD(parms[0].info) < 29) { + add_p(plci, BC, cip_bc[GET_WORD(parms[0].info)][a->u_law]); + add_p(plci, HLC, cip_hlc[GET_WORD(parms[0].info)]); + } + add_p(plci, UID, "\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); + sig_req(plci, ASSIGN, DSIG_ID); + } + else if (ch == 1) { + + /* D-Channel used for B3 connections */ + plci->Sig.Id = 0xff; + Info = 0; + } + + if (!Info && ch != 2 && !noCh) { + Info = add_b23(plci, &parms[5]); + if (!Info) { + if (!(plci->tel && !plci->adv_nl))nl_req_ncci(plci, ASSIGN, 0); + } + } + + if (!Info) + { + if (ch == 0 || ch == 2 || ch == 3 || noCh || ch == 4) + { + if (plci->spoofed_msg == SPOOFING_REQUIRED) + { + api_save_msg(parms, "wsssssssss", &plci->saved_msg); + plci->spoofed_msg = CALL_REQ; + plci->internal_command = BLOCK_PLCI; + plci->command = 0; + dbug(1, dprintf("Spoof")); + send_req(plci); + return false; + } + if (ch == 4)add_p(plci, CHI, p_chi); + add_s(plci, CPN, &parms[1]); + add_s(plci, DSA, &parms[3]); + if (noCh) add_p(plci, ESC, "\x02\x18\xfd"); /* D-channel, no B-L3 */ + add_ai(plci, &parms[9]); + if (!dir)sig_req(plci, CALL_REQ, 0); + else + { + plci->command = PERM_LIST_REQ; + plci->appl = appl; + sig_req(plci, LISTEN_REQ, 0); + send_req(plci); + return false; + } + } + send_req(plci); + return false; + } + plci->Id = 0; + } + } + sendf(appl, + _CONNECT_R | CONFIRM, + Id, + Number, + "w", Info); + return 2; } static byte connect_res(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *parms) { - word i, Info; - word Reject; - static byte cau_t[] = {0,0,0x90,0x91,0xac,0x9d,0x86,0xd8,0x9b}; - static byte esc_t[] = {0x03,0x08,0x00,0x00}; - API_PARSE * ai; - API_PARSE ai_parms[5]; - word ch=0; - - if(!plci) { - dbug(1,dprintf("connect_res(no plci)")); - return 0; /* no plci, no send */ - } - - dbug(1,dprintf("connect_res(State=0x%x)",plci->State)); - for(i=0;i<5;i++) ai_parms[i].length = 0; - ai = &parms[5]; - dbug(1,dprintf("ai->length=%d",ai->length)); - - if(ai->length) - { - if(!api_parse(&ai->info[1],(word)ai->length,"ssss",ai_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("ai_parms[0].length=%d/0x%x",ai_parms[0].length,GET_WORD(ai_parms[0].info+1))); - ch = 0; - if(ai_parms[0].length) - { - ch = GET_WORD(ai_parms[0].info+1); - dbug(1,dprintf("BCH-I=0x%x",ch)); - } - } - } - - if(plci->State==INC_CON_CONNECTED_ALERT) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("Connected Alert Call_Res")); - if (a->Info_Mask[appl->Id-1] & 0x200) - { - /* early B3 connect (CIP mask bit 9) no release after a disc */ - add_p(plci,LLI,"\x01\x01"); - } - add_s(plci, CONN_NR, &parms[2]); - add_s(plci, LLC, &parms[4]); - add_ai(plci, &parms[5]); - plci->State = INC_CON_ACCEPT; - sig_req(plci, CALL_RES,0); - return 1; - } - else if(plci->State==INC_CON_PENDING || plci->State==INC_CON_ALERT) { - clear_c_ind_mask_bit (plci, (word)(appl->Id-1)); - dump_c_ind_mask (plci); - Reject = GET_WORD(parms[0].info); - dbug(1,dprintf("Reject=0x%x",Reject)); - if(Reject) - { - if(c_ind_mask_empty (plci)) - { - if((Reject&0xff00)==0x3400) - { - esc_t[2] = ((byte)(Reject&0x00ff)) | 0x80; - add_p(plci,ESC,esc_t); - add_ai(plci, &parms[5]); - sig_req(plci,REJECT,0); - } - else if(Reject==1 || Reject>9) - { - add_ai(plci, &parms[5]); - sig_req(plci,HANGUP,0); - } - else - { - esc_t[2] = cau_t[(Reject&0x000f)]; - add_p(plci,ESC,esc_t); - add_ai(plci, &parms[5]); - sig_req(plci,REJECT,0); - } - plci->appl = appl; - } - else - { - sendf(appl, _DISCONNECT_I, Id, 0, "w", _OTHER_APPL_CONNECTED); - } - } - else { - plci->appl = appl; - if(Id & EXT_CONTROLLER){ - if(AdvCodecSupport(a, plci, appl, 0)){ - dbug(1,dprintf("connect_res(error from AdvCodecSupport)")); - sig_req(plci,HANGUP,0); - return 1; - } - if(plci->tel == ADV_VOICE && a->AdvCodecPLCI) - { - Info = add_b23(plci, &parms[1]); - if (Info) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("connect_res(error from add_b23)")); - sig_req(plci,HANGUP,0); - return 1; - } - if(plci->adv_nl) - { - nl_req_ncci(plci, ASSIGN, 0); - } - } - } - else - { - plci->tel = 0; - if(ch!=2) - { - Info = add_b23(plci, &parms[1]); - if (Info) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("connect_res(error from add_b23 2)")); - sig_req(plci,HANGUP,0); - return 1; - } - } - nl_req_ncci(plci, ASSIGN, 0); - } - - if(plci->spoofed_msg==SPOOFING_REQUIRED) - { - api_save_msg(parms, "wsssss", &plci->saved_msg); - plci->spoofed_msg = CALL_RES; - plci->internal_command = BLOCK_PLCI; - plci->command = 0; - dbug(1,dprintf("Spoof")); - } - else - { - add_b1 (plci, &parms[1], ch, plci->B1_facilities); - if (a->Info_Mask[appl->Id-1] & 0x200) - { - /* early B3 connect (CIP mask bit 9) no release after a disc */ - add_p(plci,LLI,"\x01\x01"); - } - add_s(plci, CONN_NR, &parms[2]); - add_s(plci, LLC, &parms[4]); - add_ai(plci, &parms[5]); - plci->State = INC_CON_ACCEPT; - sig_req(plci, CALL_RES,0); - } - - for(i=0; iState)); + for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) ai_parms[i].length = 0; + ai = &parms[5]; + dbug(1, dprintf("ai->length=%d", ai->length)); + + if (ai->length) + { + if (!api_parse(&ai->info[1], (word)ai->length, "ssss", ai_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("ai_parms[0].length=%d/0x%x", ai_parms[0].length, GET_WORD(ai_parms[0].info + 1))); + ch = 0; + if (ai_parms[0].length) + { + ch = GET_WORD(ai_parms[0].info + 1); + dbug(1, dprintf("BCH-I=0x%x", ch)); + } + } + } + + if (plci->State == INC_CON_CONNECTED_ALERT) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("Connected Alert Call_Res")); + if (a->Info_Mask[appl->Id - 1] & 0x200) + { + /* early B3 connect (CIP mask bit 9) no release after a disc */ + add_p(plci, LLI, "\x01\x01"); + } + add_s(plci, CONN_NR, &parms[2]); + add_s(plci, LLC, &parms[4]); + add_ai(plci, &parms[5]); + plci->State = INC_CON_ACCEPT; + sig_req(plci, CALL_RES, 0); + return 1; + } + else if (plci->State == INC_CON_PENDING || plci->State == INC_CON_ALERT) { + clear_c_ind_mask_bit(plci, (word)(appl->Id - 1)); + dump_c_ind_mask(plci); + Reject = GET_WORD(parms[0].info); + dbug(1, dprintf("Reject=0x%x", Reject)); + if (Reject) + { + if (c_ind_mask_empty(plci)) + { + if ((Reject & 0xff00) == 0x3400) + { + esc_t[2] = ((byte)(Reject & 0x00ff)) | 0x80; + add_p(plci, ESC, esc_t); + add_ai(plci, &parms[5]); + sig_req(plci, REJECT, 0); + } + else if (Reject == 1 || Reject > 9) + { + add_ai(plci, &parms[5]); + sig_req(plci, HANGUP, 0); + } + else + { + esc_t[2] = cau_t[(Reject&0x000f)]; + add_p(plci, ESC, esc_t); + add_ai(plci, &parms[5]); + sig_req(plci, REJECT, 0); + } + plci->appl = appl; + } + else + { + sendf(appl, _DISCONNECT_I, Id, 0, "w", _OTHER_APPL_CONNECTED); + } + } + else { + plci->appl = appl; + if (Id & EXT_CONTROLLER) { + if (AdvCodecSupport(a, plci, appl, 0)) { + dbug(1, dprintf("connect_res(error from AdvCodecSupport)")); + sig_req(plci, HANGUP, 0); + return 1; + } + if (plci->tel == ADV_VOICE && a->AdvCodecPLCI) + { + Info = add_b23(plci, &parms[1]); + if (Info) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("connect_res(error from add_b23)")); + sig_req(plci, HANGUP, 0); + return 1; + } + if (plci->adv_nl) + { + nl_req_ncci(plci, ASSIGN, 0); + } + } + } + else + { + plci->tel = 0; + if (ch != 2) + { + Info = add_b23(plci, &parms[1]); + if (Info) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("connect_res(error from add_b23 2)")); + sig_req(plci, HANGUP, 0); + return 1; + } + } + nl_req_ncci(plci, ASSIGN, 0); + } + + if (plci->spoofed_msg == SPOOFING_REQUIRED) + { + api_save_msg(parms, "wsssss", &plci->saved_msg); + plci->spoofed_msg = CALL_RES; + plci->internal_command = BLOCK_PLCI; + plci->command = 0; + dbug(1, dprintf("Spoof")); + } + else + { + add_b1(plci, &parms[1], ch, plci->B1_facilities); + if (a->Info_Mask[appl->Id - 1] & 0x200) + { + /* early B3 connect (CIP mask bit 9) no release after a disc */ + add_p(plci, LLI, "\x01\x01"); + } + add_s(plci, CONN_NR, &parms[2]); + add_s(plci, LLC, &parms[4]); + add_ai(plci, &parms[5]); + plci->State = INC_CON_ACCEPT; + sig_req(plci, CALL_RES, 0); + } + + for (i = 0; i < max_appl; i++) { + if (test_c_ind_mask_bit(plci, i)) { + sendf(&application[i], _DISCONNECT_I, Id, 0, "w", _OTHER_APPL_CONNECTED); + } + } + } + } + return 1; } static byte connect_a_res(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg) { - dbug(1,dprintf("connect_a_res")); - return false; + dbug(1, dprintf("connect_a_res")); + return false; } static byte disconnect_req(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg) { - word Info; - word i; - - dbug(1,dprintf("disconnect_req")); - - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - - if(plci) - { - if(plci->State==INC_CON_PENDING || plci->State==INC_CON_ALERT) - { - clear_c_ind_mask_bit (plci, (word)(appl->Id-1)); - plci->appl = appl; - for(i=0; iState = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; - } - if(plci->Sig.Id && plci->appl) - { - Info = 0; - if(plci->Sig.Id!=0xff) - { - if(plci->State!=INC_DIS_PENDING) - { - add_ai(plci, &msg[0]); - sig_req(plci,HANGUP,0); - plci->State = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; - return 1; - } - } - else - { - if (plci->NL.Id && !plci->nl_remove_id) - { - mixer_remove (plci); - nl_req_ncci(plci,REMOVE,0); - sendf(appl,_DISCONNECT_R|CONFIRM,Id,Number,"w",0); - sendf(appl, _DISCONNECT_I, Id, 0, "w", 0); - plci->State = INC_DIS_PENDING; - } - return 1; - } - } - } - - if(!appl) return false; - sendf(appl, _DISCONNECT_R|CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w",Info); - return false; + word Info; + word i; + + dbug(1, dprintf("disconnect_req")); + + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + + if (plci) + { + if (plci->State == INC_CON_PENDING || plci->State == INC_CON_ALERT) + { + clear_c_ind_mask_bit(plci, (word)(appl->Id - 1)); + plci->appl = appl; + for (i = 0; i < max_appl; i++) + { + if (test_c_ind_mask_bit(plci, i)) + sendf(&application[i], _DISCONNECT_I, Id, 0, "w", 0); + } + plci->State = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; + } + if (plci->Sig.Id && plci->appl) + { + Info = 0; + if (plci->Sig.Id != 0xff) + { + if (plci->State != INC_DIS_PENDING) + { + add_ai(plci, &msg[0]); + sig_req(plci, HANGUP, 0); + plci->State = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; + return 1; + } + } + else + { + if (plci->NL.Id && !plci->nl_remove_id) + { + mixer_remove(plci); + nl_req_ncci(plci, REMOVE, 0); + sendf(appl, _DISCONNECT_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", 0); + sendf(appl, _DISCONNECT_I, Id, 0, "w", 0); + plci->State = INC_DIS_PENDING; + } + return 1; + } + } + } + + if (!appl) return false; + sendf(appl, _DISCONNECT_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", Info); + return false; } static byte disconnect_res(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg) { - dbug(1,dprintf("disconnect_res")); - if(plci) - { - /* clear ind mask bit, just in case of collsion of */ - /* DISCONNECT_IND and CONNECT_RES */ - clear_c_ind_mask_bit (plci, (word)(appl->Id-1)); - ncci_free_receive_buffers (plci, 0); - if(plci_remove_check(plci)) - { - return 0; - } - if(plci->State==INC_DIS_PENDING - || plci->State==SUSPENDING) { - if(c_ind_mask_empty (plci)) { - if(plci->State!=SUSPENDING)plci->State = IDLE; - dbug(1,dprintf("chs=%d",plci->channels)); - if(!plci->channels) { - plci_remove(plci); - } - } - } - } - return 0; + dbug(1, dprintf("disconnect_res")); + if (plci) + { + /* clear ind mask bit, just in case of collsion of */ + /* DISCONNECT_IND and CONNECT_RES */ + clear_c_ind_mask_bit(plci, (word)(appl->Id - 1)); + ncci_free_receive_buffers(plci, 0); + if (plci_remove_check(plci)) + { + return 0; + } + if (plci->State == INC_DIS_PENDING + || plci->State == SUSPENDING) { + if (c_ind_mask_empty(plci)) { + if (plci->State != SUSPENDING) plci->State = IDLE; + dbug(1, dprintf("chs=%d", plci->channels)); + if (!plci->channels) { + plci_remove(plci); + } + } + } + } + return 0; } static byte listen_req(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *parms) { - word Info; - byte i; - - dbug(1,dprintf("listen_req(Appl=0x%x)",appl->Id)); - - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - if(a) { - Info = 0; - a->Info_Mask[appl->Id-1] = GET_DWORD(parms[0].info); - a->CIP_Mask[appl->Id-1] = GET_DWORD(parms[1].info); - dbug(1,dprintf("CIP_MASK=0x%lx",GET_DWORD(parms[1].info))); - if (a->Info_Mask[appl->Id-1] & 0x200){ /* early B3 connect provides */ - a->Info_Mask[appl->Id-1] |= 0x10; /* call progression infos */ - } - - /* check if external controller listen and switch listen on or off*/ - if(Id&EXT_CONTROLLER && GET_DWORD(parms[1].info)){ - if(a->profile.Global_Options & ON_BOARD_CODEC) { - dummy_plci.State = IDLE; - a->codec_listen[appl->Id-1] = &dummy_plci; - a->TelOAD[0] = (byte)(parms[3].length); - for(i=1;parms[3].length>=i && i<22;i++) { - a->TelOAD[i] = parms[3].info[i]; - } - a->TelOAD[i] = 0; - a->TelOSA[0] = (byte)(parms[4].length); - for(i=1;parms[4].length>=i && i<22;i++) { - a->TelOSA[i] = parms[4].info[i]; - } - a->TelOSA[i] = 0; - } - else Info = 0x2002; /* wrong controller, codec not supported */ - } - else{ /* clear listen */ - a->codec_listen[appl->Id-1] = (PLCI *)0; - } - } - sendf(appl, - _LISTEN_R|CONFIRM, - Id, - Number, - "w",Info); - - if (a) listen_check(a); - return false; + word Info; + byte i; + + dbug(1, dprintf("listen_req(Appl=0x%x)", appl->Id)); + + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + if (a) { + Info = 0; + a->Info_Mask[appl->Id - 1] = GET_DWORD(parms[0].info); + a->CIP_Mask[appl->Id - 1] = GET_DWORD(parms[1].info); + dbug(1, dprintf("CIP_MASK=0x%lx", GET_DWORD(parms[1].info))); + if (a->Info_Mask[appl->Id - 1] & 0x200) { /* early B3 connect provides */ + a->Info_Mask[appl->Id - 1] |= 0x10; /* call progression infos */ + } + + /* check if external controller listen and switch listen on or off*/ + if (Id&EXT_CONTROLLER && GET_DWORD(parms[1].info)) { + if (a->profile.Global_Options & ON_BOARD_CODEC) { + dummy_plci.State = IDLE; + a->codec_listen[appl->Id - 1] = &dummy_plci; + a->TelOAD[0] = (byte)(parms[3].length); + for (i = 1; parms[3].length >= i && i < 22; i++) { + a->TelOAD[i] = parms[3].info[i]; + } + a->TelOAD[i] = 0; + a->TelOSA[0] = (byte)(parms[4].length); + for (i = 1; parms[4].length >= i && i < 22; i++) { + a->TelOSA[i] = parms[4].info[i]; + } + a->TelOSA[i] = 0; + } + else Info = 0x2002; /* wrong controller, codec not supported */ + } + else{ /* clear listen */ + a->codec_listen[appl->Id - 1] = (PLCI *)0; + } + } + sendf(appl, + _LISTEN_R | CONFIRM, + Id, + Number, + "w", Info); + + if (a) listen_check(a); + return false; } static byte info_req(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg) { - word i; - API_PARSE * ai; - PLCI * rc_plci = NULL; - API_PARSE ai_parms[5]; - word Info = 0; - - dbug(1,dprintf("info_req")); - for(i=0;i<5;i++) ai_parms[i].length = 0; - - ai = &msg[1]; - - if(ai->length) - { - if(api_parse(&ai->info[1],(word)ai->length,"ssss",ai_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("AddInfo wrong")); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - } - if(!a) Info = _WRONG_STATE; - - if(!Info && plci) - { /* no fac, with CPN, or KEY */ - rc_plci = plci; - if(!ai_parms[3].length && plci->State && (msg[0].length || ai_parms[1].length) ) - { - /* overlap sending option */ - dbug(1,dprintf("OvlSnd")); - add_s(plci,CPN,&msg[0]); - add_s(plci,KEY,&ai_parms[1]); - sig_req(plci,INFO_REQ,0); - send_req(plci); - return false; - } - - if(plci->State && ai_parms[2].length) - { - /* User_Info option */ - dbug(1,dprintf("UUI")); - add_s(plci,UUI,&ai_parms[2]); - sig_req(plci,USER_DATA,0); - } - else if(plci->State && ai_parms[3].length) - { - /* Facility option */ - dbug(1,dprintf("FAC")); - add_s(plci,CPN,&msg[0]); - add_ai(plci, &msg[1]); - sig_req(plci,FACILITY_REQ,0); - } - else - { - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - } - } - else if((ai_parms[1].length || ai_parms[2].length || ai_parms[3].length) && !Info) - { - /* NCR_Facility option -> send UUI and Keypad too */ - dbug(1,dprintf("NCR_FAC")); - if((i=get_plci(a))) - { - rc_plci = &a->plci[i-1]; - appl->NullCREnable = true; - rc_plci->internal_command = C_NCR_FAC_REQ; - rc_plci->appl = appl; - add_p(rc_plci,CAI,"\x01\x80"); - add_p(rc_plci,UID,"\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); - sig_req(rc_plci,ASSIGN,DSIG_ID); - send_req(rc_plci); - } - else - { - Info = _OUT_OF_PLCI; - } - - if(!Info) - { - add_s(rc_plci,CPN,&msg[0]); - add_ai(rc_plci, &msg[1]); - sig_req(rc_plci,NCR_FACILITY,0); - send_req(rc_plci); - return false; - /* for application controlled supplementary services */ - } - } - - if (!rc_plci) - { - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - - if(!Info) - { - send_req(rc_plci); - } - else - { /* appl is not assigned to a PLCI or error condition */ - dbug(1,dprintf("localInfoCon")); - sendf(appl, - _INFO_R|CONFIRM, - Id, - Number, - "w",Info); - } - return false; + word i; + API_PARSE *ai; + PLCI *rc_plci = NULL; + API_PARSE ai_parms[5]; + word Info = 0; + + dbug(1, dprintf("info_req")); + for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) ai_parms[i].length = 0; + + ai = &msg[1]; + + if (ai->length) + { + if (api_parse(&ai->info[1], (word)ai->length, "ssss", ai_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("AddInfo wrong")); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + } + if (!a) Info = _WRONG_STATE; + + if (!Info && plci) + { /* no fac, with CPN, or KEY */ + rc_plci = plci; + if (!ai_parms[3].length && plci->State && (msg[0].length || ai_parms[1].length)) + { + /* overlap sending option */ + dbug(1, dprintf("OvlSnd")); + add_s(plci, CPN, &msg[0]); + add_s(plci, KEY, &ai_parms[1]); + sig_req(plci, INFO_REQ, 0); + send_req(plci); + return false; + } + + if (plci->State && ai_parms[2].length) + { + /* User_Info option */ + dbug(1, dprintf("UUI")); + add_s(plci, UUI, &ai_parms[2]); + sig_req(plci, USER_DATA, 0); + } + else if (plci->State && ai_parms[3].length) + { + /* Facility option */ + dbug(1, dprintf("FAC")); + add_s(plci, CPN, &msg[0]); + add_ai(plci, &msg[1]); + sig_req(plci, FACILITY_REQ, 0); + } + else + { + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + } + } + else if ((ai_parms[1].length || ai_parms[2].length || ai_parms[3].length) && !Info) + { + /* NCR_Facility option -> send UUI and Keypad too */ + dbug(1, dprintf("NCR_FAC")); + if ((i = get_plci(a))) + { + rc_plci = &a->plci[i - 1]; + appl->NullCREnable = true; + rc_plci->internal_command = C_NCR_FAC_REQ; + rc_plci->appl = appl; + add_p(rc_plci, CAI, "\x01\x80"); + add_p(rc_plci, UID, "\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); + sig_req(rc_plci, ASSIGN, DSIG_ID); + send_req(rc_plci); + } + else + { + Info = _OUT_OF_PLCI; + } + + if (!Info) + { + add_s(rc_plci, CPN, &msg[0]); + add_ai(rc_plci, &msg[1]); + sig_req(rc_plci, NCR_FACILITY, 0); + send_req(rc_plci); + return false; + /* for application controlled supplementary services */ + } + } + + if (!rc_plci) + { + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + + if (!Info) + { + send_req(rc_plci); + } + else + { /* appl is not assigned to a PLCI or error condition */ + dbug(1, dprintf("localInfoCon")); + sendf(appl, + _INFO_R | CONFIRM, + Id, + Number, + "w", Info); + } + return false; } static byte info_res(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg) { - dbug(1,dprintf("info_res")); - return false; + dbug(1, dprintf("info_res")); + return false; } static byte alert_req(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg) { - word Info; - byte ret; - - dbug(1,dprintf("alert_req")); - - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - ret = false; - if(plci) { - Info = _ALERT_IGNORED; - if(plci->State!=INC_CON_ALERT) { - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - if(plci->State==INC_CON_PENDING) { - Info = 0; - plci->State=INC_CON_ALERT; - add_ai(plci, &msg[0]); - sig_req(plci,CALL_ALERT,0); - ret = 1; - } - } - } - sendf(appl, - _ALERT_R|CONFIRM, - Id, - Number, - "w",Info); - return ret; + word Info; + byte ret; + + dbug(1, dprintf("alert_req")); + + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + ret = false; + if (plci) { + Info = _ALERT_IGNORED; + if (plci->State != INC_CON_ALERT) { + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + if (plci->State == INC_CON_PENDING) { + Info = 0; + plci->State = INC_CON_ALERT; + add_ai(plci, &msg[0]); + sig_req(plci, CALL_ALERT, 0); + ret = 1; + } + } + } + sendf(appl, + _ALERT_R | CONFIRM, + Id, + Number, + "w", Info); + return ret; } static byte facility_req(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg) { - word Info = 0; - word i = 0; - - word selector; - word SSreq; - long relatedPLCIvalue; - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * relatedadapter; - byte * SSparms = ""; - byte RCparms[] = "\x05\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00"; - byte SSstruct[] = "\x09\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; - API_PARSE * parms; - API_PARSE ss_parms[11]; - PLCI *rplci; - byte cai[15]; - dword d; - API_PARSE dummy; - - dbug(1,dprintf("facility_req")); - for(i=0;i<9;i++) ss_parms[i].length = 0; - - parms = &msg[1]; - - if(!a) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("wrong Ctrl")); - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - } - - selector = GET_WORD(msg[0].info); - - if(!Info) - { - switch(selector) - { - case SELECTOR_HANDSET: - Info = AdvCodecSupport(a, plci, appl, HOOK_SUPPORT); - break; - - case SELECTOR_SU_SERV: - if(!msg[1].length) - { - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - SSreq = GET_WORD(&(msg[1].info[1])); - PUT_WORD(&RCparms[1],SSreq); - SSparms = RCparms; - switch(SSreq) - { - case S_GET_SUPPORTED_SERVICES: - if((i=get_plci(a))) - { - rplci = &a->plci[i-1]; - rplci->appl = appl; - add_p(rplci,CAI,"\x01\x80"); - add_p(rplci,UID,"\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); - sig_req(rplci,ASSIGN,DSIG_ID); - send_req(rplci); - } - else - { - PUT_DWORD(&SSstruct[6], MASK_TERMINAL_PORTABILITY); - SSparms = (byte *)SSstruct; - break; - } - rplci->internal_command = GETSERV_REQ_PEND; - rplci->number = Number; - rplci->appl = appl; - sig_req(rplci,S_SUPPORTED,0); - send_req(rplci); - return false; - break; - - case S_LISTEN: - if(parms->length==7) - { - if(api_parse(&parms->info[1],(word)parms->length,"wbd",ss_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("format wrong")); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - } - else - { - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - a->Notification_Mask[appl->Id-1] = GET_DWORD(ss_parms[2].info); - if(a->Notification_Mask[appl->Id-1] & SMASK_MWI) /* MWI active? */ - { - if((i=get_plci(a))) - { - rplci = &a->plci[i-1]; - rplci->appl = appl; - add_p(rplci,CAI,"\x01\x80"); - add_p(rplci,UID,"\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); - sig_req(rplci,ASSIGN,DSIG_ID); - send_req(rplci); - } - else - { - break; - } - rplci->internal_command = GET_MWI_STATE; - rplci->number = Number; - sig_req(rplci,MWI_POLL,0); - send_req(rplci); - } - break; - - case S_HOLD: - api_parse(&parms->info[1],(word)parms->length,"ws",ss_parms); - if(plci && plci->State && plci->SuppState==IDLE) - { - plci->SuppState = HOLD_REQUEST; - plci->command = C_HOLD_REQ; - add_s(plci,CAI,&ss_parms[1]); - sig_req(plci,CALL_HOLD,0); - send_req(plci); - return false; - } - else Info = 0x3010; /* wrong state */ - break; - case S_RETRIEVE: - if(plci && plci->State && plci->SuppState==CALL_HELD) - { - if(Id & EXT_CONTROLLER) - { - if(AdvCodecSupport(a, plci, appl, 0)) - { - Info = 0x3010; /* wrong state */ - break; - } - } - else plci->tel = 0; - - plci->SuppState = RETRIEVE_REQUEST; - plci->command = C_RETRIEVE_REQ; - if(plci->spoofed_msg==SPOOFING_REQUIRED) - { - plci->spoofed_msg = CALL_RETRIEVE; - plci->internal_command = BLOCK_PLCI; - plci->command = 0; - dbug(1,dprintf("Spoof")); - return false; - } - else - { - sig_req(plci,CALL_RETRIEVE,0); - send_req(plci); - return false; - } - } - else Info = 0x3010; /* wrong state */ - break; - case S_SUSPEND: - if(parms->length) - { - if(api_parse(&parms->info[1],(word)parms->length,"wbs",ss_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("format wrong")); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - } - if(plci && plci->State) - { - add_s(plci,CAI,&ss_parms[2]); - plci->command = SUSPEND_REQ; - sig_req(plci,SUSPEND,0); - plci->State = SUSPENDING; - send_req(plci); - } - else Info = 0x3010; /* wrong state */ - break; - - case S_RESUME: - if(!(i=get_plci(a)) ) - { - Info = _OUT_OF_PLCI; - break; - } - rplci = &a->plci[i-1]; - rplci->appl = appl; - rplci->number = Number; - rplci->tel = 0; - rplci->call_dir = CALL_DIR_OUT | CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE; - /* check 'external controller' bit for codec support */ - if(Id & EXT_CONTROLLER) - { - if(AdvCodecSupport(a, rplci, appl, 0) ) - { - rplci->Id = 0; - Info = 0x300A; - break; - } - } - if(parms->length) - { - if(api_parse(&parms->info[1],(word)parms->length,"wbs",ss_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("format wrong")); - rplci->Id = 0; - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - } - dummy.length = 0; - dummy.info = "\x00"; - add_b1(rplci, &dummy, 0, 0); - if (a->Info_Mask[appl->Id-1] & 0x200) - { - /* early B3 connect (CIP mask bit 9) no release after a disc */ - add_p(rplci,LLI,"\x01\x01"); - } - add_p(rplci,UID,"\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); - sig_req(rplci,ASSIGN,DSIG_ID); - send_req(rplci); - add_s(rplci,CAI,&ss_parms[2]); - rplci->command = RESUME_REQ; - sig_req(rplci,RESUME,0); - rplci->State = RESUMING; - send_req(rplci); - break; - - case S_CONF_BEGIN: /* Request */ - case S_CONF_DROP: - case S_CONF_ISOLATE: - case S_CONF_REATTACH: - if(api_parse(&parms->info[1],(word)parms->length,"wbd",ss_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("format wrong")); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - if(plci && plci->State && ((plci->SuppState==IDLE)||(plci->SuppState==CALL_HELD))) - { - d = GET_DWORD(ss_parms[2].info); - if(d>=0x80) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("format wrong")); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - plci->ptyState = (byte)SSreq; - plci->command = 0; - cai[0] = 2; - switch(SSreq) - { - case S_CONF_BEGIN: - cai[1] = CONF_BEGIN; - plci->internal_command = CONF_BEGIN_REQ_PEND; - break; - case S_CONF_DROP: - cai[1] = CONF_DROP; - plci->internal_command = CONF_DROP_REQ_PEND; - break; - case S_CONF_ISOLATE: - cai[1] = CONF_ISOLATE; - plci->internal_command = CONF_ISOLATE_REQ_PEND; - break; - case S_CONF_REATTACH: - cai[1] = CONF_REATTACH; - plci->internal_command = CONF_REATTACH_REQ_PEND; - break; - } - cai[2] = (byte)d; /* Conference Size resp. PartyId */ - add_p(plci,CAI,cai); - sig_req(plci,S_SERVICE,0); - send_req(plci); - return false; - } - else Info = 0x3010; /* wrong state */ - break; - - case S_ECT: - case S_3PTY_BEGIN: - case S_3PTY_END: - case S_CONF_ADD: - if(parms->length==7) - { - if(api_parse(&parms->info[1],(word)parms->length,"wbd",ss_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("format wrong")); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - } - else if(parms->length==8) /* workaround for the T-View-S */ - { - if(api_parse(&parms->info[1],(word)parms->length,"wbdb",ss_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("format wrong")); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - } - else - { - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - if(!msg[1].length) - { - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - if (!plci) - { - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - break; - } - relatedPLCIvalue = GET_DWORD(ss_parms[2].info); - relatedPLCIvalue &= 0x0000FFFF; - dbug(1,dprintf("PTY/ECT/addCONF,relPLCI=%lx",relatedPLCIvalue)); - /* controller starts with 0 up to (max_adapter - 1) */ - if (((relatedPLCIvalue & 0x7f) == 0) - || (MapController ((byte)(relatedPLCIvalue & 0x7f)) == 0) - || (MapController ((byte)(relatedPLCIvalue & 0x7f)) > max_adapter)) - { - if(SSreq==S_3PTY_END) - { - dbug(1, dprintf("wrong Controller use 2nd PLCI=PLCI")); - rplci = plci; - } - else - { - Info = 0x3010; /* wrong state */ - break; - } - } - else - { - relatedadapter = &adapter[MapController ((byte)(relatedPLCIvalue & 0x7f))-1]; - relatedPLCIvalue >>=8; - /* find PLCI PTR*/ - for(i=0,rplci=NULL;imax_plci;i++) - { - if(relatedadapter->plci[i].Id == (byte)relatedPLCIvalue) - { - rplci = &relatedadapter->plci[i]; - } - } - if(!rplci || !relatedPLCIvalue) - { - if(SSreq==S_3PTY_END) - { - dbug(1, dprintf("use 2nd PLCI=PLCI")); - rplci = plci; - } - else - { - Info = 0x3010; /* wrong state */ - break; - } - } - } + word Info = 0; + word i = 0; + + word selector; + word SSreq; + long relatedPLCIvalue; + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *relatedadapter; + byte *SSparms = ""; + byte RCparms[] = "\x05\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00"; + byte SSstruct[] = "\x09\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; + API_PARSE *parms; + API_PARSE ss_parms[11]; + PLCI *rplci; + byte cai[15]; + dword d; + API_PARSE dummy; + + dbug(1, dprintf("facility_req")); + for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) ss_parms[i].length = 0; + + parms = &msg[1]; + + if (!a) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("wrong Ctrl")); + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + } + + selector = GET_WORD(msg[0].info); + + if (!Info) + { + switch (selector) + { + case SELECTOR_HANDSET: + Info = AdvCodecSupport(a, plci, appl, HOOK_SUPPORT); + break; + + case SELECTOR_SU_SERV: + if (!msg[1].length) + { + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + SSreq = GET_WORD(&(msg[1].info[1])); + PUT_WORD(&RCparms[1], SSreq); + SSparms = RCparms; + switch (SSreq) + { + case S_GET_SUPPORTED_SERVICES: + if ((i = get_plci(a))) + { + rplci = &a->plci[i - 1]; + rplci->appl = appl; + add_p(rplci, CAI, "\x01\x80"); + add_p(rplci, UID, "\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); + sig_req(rplci, ASSIGN, DSIG_ID); + send_req(rplci); + } + else + { + PUT_DWORD(&SSstruct[6], MASK_TERMINAL_PORTABILITY); + SSparms = (byte *)SSstruct; + break; + } + rplci->internal_command = GETSERV_REQ_PEND; + rplci->number = Number; + rplci->appl = appl; + sig_req(rplci, S_SUPPORTED, 0); + send_req(rplci); + return false; + break; + + case S_LISTEN: + if (parms->length == 7) + { + if (api_parse(&parms->info[1], (word)parms->length, "wbd", ss_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("format wrong")); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + } + else + { + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + a->Notification_Mask[appl->Id - 1] = GET_DWORD(ss_parms[2].info); + if (a->Notification_Mask[appl->Id - 1] & SMASK_MWI) /* MWI active? */ + { + if ((i = get_plci(a))) + { + rplci = &a->plci[i - 1]; + rplci->appl = appl; + add_p(rplci, CAI, "\x01\x80"); + add_p(rplci, UID, "\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); + sig_req(rplci, ASSIGN, DSIG_ID); + send_req(rplci); + } + else + { + break; + } + rplci->internal_command = GET_MWI_STATE; + rplci->number = Number; + sig_req(rplci, MWI_POLL, 0); + send_req(rplci); + } + break; + + case S_HOLD: + api_parse(&parms->info[1], (word)parms->length, "ws", ss_parms); + if (plci && plci->State && plci->SuppState == IDLE) + { + plci->SuppState = HOLD_REQUEST; + plci->command = C_HOLD_REQ; + add_s(plci, CAI, &ss_parms[1]); + sig_req(plci, CALL_HOLD, 0); + send_req(plci); + return false; + } + else Info = 0x3010; /* wrong state */ + break; + case S_RETRIEVE: + if (plci && plci->State && plci->SuppState == CALL_HELD) + { + if (Id & EXT_CONTROLLER) + { + if (AdvCodecSupport(a, plci, appl, 0)) + { + Info = 0x3010; /* wrong state */ + break; + } + } + else plci->tel = 0; + + plci->SuppState = RETRIEVE_REQUEST; + plci->command = C_RETRIEVE_REQ; + if (plci->spoofed_msg == SPOOFING_REQUIRED) + { + plci->spoofed_msg = CALL_RETRIEVE; + plci->internal_command = BLOCK_PLCI; + plci->command = 0; + dbug(1, dprintf("Spoof")); + return false; + } + else + { + sig_req(plci, CALL_RETRIEVE, 0); + send_req(plci); + return false; + } + } + else Info = 0x3010; /* wrong state */ + break; + case S_SUSPEND: + if (parms->length) + { + if (api_parse(&parms->info[1], (word)parms->length, "wbs", ss_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("format wrong")); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + } + if (plci && plci->State) + { + add_s(plci, CAI, &ss_parms[2]); + plci->command = SUSPEND_REQ; + sig_req(plci, SUSPEND, 0); + plci->State = SUSPENDING; + send_req(plci); + } + else Info = 0x3010; /* wrong state */ + break; + + case S_RESUME: + if (!(i = get_plci(a))) + { + Info = _OUT_OF_PLCI; + break; + } + rplci = &a->plci[i - 1]; + rplci->appl = appl; + rplci->number = Number; + rplci->tel = 0; + rplci->call_dir = CALL_DIR_OUT | CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE; + /* check 'external controller' bit for codec support */ + if (Id & EXT_CONTROLLER) + { + if (AdvCodecSupport(a, rplci, appl, 0)) + { + rplci->Id = 0; + Info = 0x300A; + break; + } + } + if (parms->length) + { + if (api_parse(&parms->info[1], (word)parms->length, "wbs", ss_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("format wrong")); + rplci->Id = 0; + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + } + dummy.length = 0; + dummy.info = "\x00"; + add_b1(rplci, &dummy, 0, 0); + if (a->Info_Mask[appl->Id - 1] & 0x200) + { + /* early B3 connect (CIP mask bit 9) no release after a disc */ + add_p(rplci, LLI, "\x01\x01"); + } + add_p(rplci, UID, "\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); + sig_req(rplci, ASSIGN, DSIG_ID); + send_req(rplci); + add_s(rplci, CAI, &ss_parms[2]); + rplci->command = RESUME_REQ; + sig_req(rplci, RESUME, 0); + rplci->State = RESUMING; + send_req(rplci); + break; + + case S_CONF_BEGIN: /* Request */ + case S_CONF_DROP: + case S_CONF_ISOLATE: + case S_CONF_REATTACH: + if (api_parse(&parms->info[1], (word)parms->length, "wbd", ss_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("format wrong")); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + if (plci && plci->State && ((plci->SuppState == IDLE) || (plci->SuppState == CALL_HELD))) + { + d = GET_DWORD(ss_parms[2].info); + if (d >= 0x80) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("format wrong")); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + plci->ptyState = (byte)SSreq; + plci->command = 0; + cai[0] = 2; + switch (SSreq) + { + case S_CONF_BEGIN: + cai[1] = CONF_BEGIN; + plci->internal_command = CONF_BEGIN_REQ_PEND; + break; + case S_CONF_DROP: + cai[1] = CONF_DROP; + plci->internal_command = CONF_DROP_REQ_PEND; + break; + case S_CONF_ISOLATE: + cai[1] = CONF_ISOLATE; + plci->internal_command = CONF_ISOLATE_REQ_PEND; + break; + case S_CONF_REATTACH: + cai[1] = CONF_REATTACH; + plci->internal_command = CONF_REATTACH_REQ_PEND; + break; + } + cai[2] = (byte)d; /* Conference Size resp. PartyId */ + add_p(plci, CAI, cai); + sig_req(plci, S_SERVICE, 0); + send_req(plci); + return false; + } + else Info = 0x3010; /* wrong state */ + break; + + case S_ECT: + case S_3PTY_BEGIN: + case S_3PTY_END: + case S_CONF_ADD: + if (parms->length == 7) + { + if (api_parse(&parms->info[1], (word)parms->length, "wbd", ss_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("format wrong")); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + } + else if (parms->length == 8) /* workaround for the T-View-S */ + { + if (api_parse(&parms->info[1], (word)parms->length, "wbdb", ss_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("format wrong")); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + } + else + { + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + if (!msg[1].length) + { + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + if (!plci) + { + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + break; + } + relatedPLCIvalue = GET_DWORD(ss_parms[2].info); + relatedPLCIvalue &= 0x0000FFFF; + dbug(1, dprintf("PTY/ECT/addCONF,relPLCI=%lx", relatedPLCIvalue)); + /* controller starts with 0 up to (max_adapter - 1) */ + if (((relatedPLCIvalue & 0x7f) == 0) + || (MapController((byte)(relatedPLCIvalue & 0x7f)) == 0) + || (MapController((byte)(relatedPLCIvalue & 0x7f)) > max_adapter)) + { + if (SSreq == S_3PTY_END) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("wrong Controller use 2nd PLCI=PLCI")); + rplci = plci; + } + else + { + Info = 0x3010; /* wrong state */ + break; + } + } + else + { + relatedadapter = &adapter[MapController((byte)(relatedPLCIvalue & 0x7f)) - 1]; + relatedPLCIvalue >>= 8; + /* find PLCI PTR*/ + for (i = 0, rplci = NULL; i < relatedadapter->max_plci; i++) + { + if (relatedadapter->plci[i].Id == (byte)relatedPLCIvalue) + { + rplci = &relatedadapter->plci[i]; + } + } + if (!rplci || !relatedPLCIvalue) + { + if (SSreq == S_3PTY_END) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("use 2nd PLCI=PLCI")); + rplci = plci; + } + else + { + Info = 0x3010; /* wrong state */ + break; + } + } + } /* - dbug(1,dprintf("rplci:%x",rplci)); - dbug(1,dprintf("plci:%x",plci)); - dbug(1,dprintf("rplci->ptyState:%x",rplci->ptyState)); - dbug(1,dprintf("plci->ptyState:%x",plci->ptyState)); - dbug(1,dprintf("SSreq:%x",SSreq)); - dbug(1,dprintf("rplci->internal_command:%x",rplci->internal_command)); - dbug(1,dprintf("rplci->appl:%x",rplci->appl)); - dbug(1,dprintf("rplci->Id:%x",rplci->Id)); + dbug(1, dprintf("rplci:%x", rplci)); + dbug(1, dprintf("plci:%x", plci)); + dbug(1, dprintf("rplci->ptyState:%x", rplci->ptyState)); + dbug(1, dprintf("plci->ptyState:%x", plci->ptyState)); + dbug(1, dprintf("SSreq:%x", SSreq)); + dbug(1, dprintf("rplci->internal_command:%x", rplci->internal_command)); + dbug(1, dprintf("rplci->appl:%x", rplci->appl)); + dbug(1, dprintf("rplci->Id:%x", rplci->Id)); */ - /* send PTY/ECT req, cannot check all states because of US stuff */ - if( !rplci->internal_command && rplci->appl ) - { - plci->command = 0; - rplci->relatedPTYPLCI = plci; - plci->relatedPTYPLCI = rplci; - rplci->ptyState = (byte)SSreq; - if(SSreq==S_ECT) - { - rplci->internal_command = ECT_REQ_PEND; - cai[1] = ECT_EXECUTE; - - rplci->vswitchstate=0; - rplci->vsprot=0; - rplci->vsprotdialect=0; - plci->vswitchstate=0; - plci->vsprot=0; - plci->vsprotdialect=0; - - } - else if(SSreq==S_CONF_ADD) - { - rplci->internal_command = CONF_ADD_REQ_PEND; - cai[1] = CONF_ADD; - } - else - { - rplci->internal_command = PTY_REQ_PEND; - cai[1] = (byte)(SSreq-3); - } - rplci->number = Number; - if(plci!=rplci) /* explicit invocation */ - { - cai[0] = 2; - cai[2] = plci->Sig.Id; - dbug(1,dprintf("explicit invocation")); - } - else - { - dbug(1,dprintf("implicit invocation")); - cai[0] = 1; - } - add_p(rplci,CAI,cai); - sig_req(rplci,S_SERVICE,0); - send_req(rplci); - return false; - } - else - { - dbug(0,dprintf("Wrong line")); - Info = 0x3010; /* wrong state */ - break; - } - break; - - case S_CALL_DEFLECTION: - if(api_parse(&parms->info[1],(word)parms->length,"wbwss",ss_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("format wrong")); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - if (!plci) - { - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - break; - } - /* reuse unused screening indicator */ - ss_parms[3].info[3] = (byte)GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[2].info[0])); - plci->command = 0; - plci->internal_command = CD_REQ_PEND; - appl->CDEnable = true; - cai[0] = 1; - cai[1] = CALL_DEFLECTION; - add_p(plci,CAI,cai); - add_p(plci,CPN,ss_parms[3].info); - sig_req(plci,S_SERVICE,0); - send_req(plci); - return false; - break; - - case S_CALL_FORWARDING_START: - if(api_parse(&parms->info[1],(word)parms->length,"wbdwwsss",ss_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("format wrong")); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - - if((i=get_plci(a))) - { - rplci = &a->plci[i-1]; - rplci->appl = appl; - add_p(rplci,CAI,"\x01\x80"); - add_p(rplci,UID,"\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); - sig_req(rplci,ASSIGN,DSIG_ID); - send_req(rplci); - } - else - { - Info = _OUT_OF_PLCI; - break; - } - - /* reuse unused screening indicator */ - rplci->internal_command = CF_START_PEND; - rplci->appl = appl; - rplci->number = Number; - appl->S_Handle = GET_DWORD(&(ss_parms[2].info[0])); - cai[0] = 2; - cai[1] = 0x70|(byte)GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[3].info[0])); /* Function */ - cai[2] = (byte)GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[4].info[0])); /* Basic Service */ - add_p(rplci,CAI,cai); - add_p(rplci,OAD,ss_parms[5].info); - add_p(rplci,CPN,ss_parms[6].info); - sig_req(rplci,S_SERVICE,0); - send_req(rplci); - return false; - break; - - case S_INTERROGATE_DIVERSION: - case S_INTERROGATE_NUMBERS: - case S_CALL_FORWARDING_STOP: - case S_CCBS_REQUEST: - case S_CCBS_DEACTIVATE: - case S_CCBS_INTERROGATE: - switch(SSreq) - { - case S_INTERROGATE_NUMBERS: - if(api_parse(&parms->info[1],(word)parms->length,"wbd",ss_parms)) - { - dbug(0,dprintf("format wrong")); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - break; - case S_CCBS_REQUEST: - case S_CCBS_DEACTIVATE: - if(api_parse(&parms->info[1],(word)parms->length,"wbdw",ss_parms)) - { - dbug(0,dprintf("format wrong")); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - break; - case S_CCBS_INTERROGATE: - if(api_parse(&parms->info[1],(word)parms->length,"wbdws",ss_parms)) - { - dbug(0,dprintf("format wrong")); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - break; - default: - if(api_parse(&parms->info[1],(word)parms->length,"wbdwws",ss_parms)) - { - dbug(0,dprintf("format wrong")); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - break; - } - - if(Info) break; - if((i=get_plci(a))) - { - rplci = &a->plci[i-1]; - switch(SSreq) - { - case S_INTERROGATE_DIVERSION: /* use cai with S_SERVICE below */ - cai[1] = 0x60|(byte)GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[3].info[0])); /* Function */ - rplci->internal_command = INTERR_DIVERSION_REQ_PEND; /* move to rplci if assigned */ - break; - case S_INTERROGATE_NUMBERS: /* use cai with S_SERVICE below */ - cai[1] = DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_NUM; /* Function */ - rplci->internal_command = INTERR_NUMBERS_REQ_PEND; /* move to rplci if assigned */ - break; - case S_CALL_FORWARDING_STOP: - rplci->internal_command = CF_STOP_PEND; - cai[1] = 0x80|(byte)GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[3].info[0])); /* Function */ - break; - case S_CCBS_REQUEST: - cai[1] = CCBS_REQUEST; - rplci->internal_command = CCBS_REQUEST_REQ_PEND; - break; - case S_CCBS_DEACTIVATE: - cai[1] = CCBS_DEACTIVATE; - rplci->internal_command = CCBS_DEACTIVATE_REQ_PEND; - break; - case S_CCBS_INTERROGATE: - cai[1] = CCBS_INTERROGATE; - rplci->internal_command = CCBS_INTERROGATE_REQ_PEND; - break; - default: - cai[1] = 0; - break; - } - rplci->appl = appl; - rplci->number = Number; - add_p(rplci,CAI,"\x01\x80"); - add_p(rplci,UID,"\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); - sig_req(rplci,ASSIGN,DSIG_ID); - send_req(rplci); - } - else - { - Info = _OUT_OF_PLCI; - break; - } - - appl->S_Handle = GET_DWORD(&(ss_parms[2].info[0])); - switch(SSreq) - { - case S_INTERROGATE_NUMBERS: - cai[0] = 1; - add_p(rplci,CAI,cai); - break; - case S_CCBS_REQUEST: - case S_CCBS_DEACTIVATE: - cai[0] = 3; - PUT_WORD(&cai[2],GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[3].info[0]))); - add_p(rplci,CAI,cai); - break; - case S_CCBS_INTERROGATE: - cai[0] = 3; - PUT_WORD(&cai[2],GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[3].info[0]))); - add_p(rplci,CAI,cai); - add_p(rplci,OAD,ss_parms[4].info); - break; - default: - cai[0] = 2; - cai[2] = (byte)GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[4].info[0])); /* Basic Service */ - add_p(rplci,CAI,cai); - add_p(rplci,OAD,ss_parms[5].info); - break; - } - - sig_req(rplci,S_SERVICE,0); - send_req(rplci); - return false; - break; - - case S_MWI_ACTIVATE: - if(api_parse(&parms->info[1],(word)parms->length,"wbwdwwwssss",ss_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("format wrong")); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - if(!plci) - { - if((i=get_plci(a))) - { - rplci = &a->plci[i-1]; - rplci->appl = appl; - rplci->cr_enquiry=true; - add_p(rplci,CAI,"\x01\x80"); - add_p(rplci,UID,"\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); - sig_req(rplci,ASSIGN,DSIG_ID); - send_req(rplci); - } - else - { - Info = _OUT_OF_PLCI; - break; - } - } - else - { - rplci = plci; - rplci->cr_enquiry=false; - } - - rplci->command = 0; - rplci->internal_command = MWI_ACTIVATE_REQ_PEND; - rplci->appl = appl; - rplci->number = Number; - - cai[0] = 13; - cai[1] = ACTIVATION_MWI; /* Function */ - PUT_WORD(&cai[2],GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[2].info[0]))); /* Basic Service */ - PUT_DWORD(&cai[4],GET_DWORD(&(ss_parms[3].info[0]))); /* Number of Messages */ - PUT_WORD(&cai[8],GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[4].info[0]))); /* Message Status */ - PUT_WORD(&cai[10],GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[5].info[0]))); /* Message Reference */ - PUT_WORD(&cai[12],GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[6].info[0]))); /* Invocation Mode */ - add_p(rplci,CAI,cai); - add_p(rplci,CPN,ss_parms[7].info); /* Receiving User Number */ - add_p(rplci,OAD,ss_parms[8].info); /* Controlling User Number */ - add_p(rplci,OSA,ss_parms[9].info); /* Controlling User Provided Number */ - add_p(rplci,UID,ss_parms[10].info); /* Time */ - sig_req(rplci,S_SERVICE,0); - send_req(rplci); - return false; - - case S_MWI_DEACTIVATE: - if(api_parse(&parms->info[1],(word)parms->length,"wbwwss",ss_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("format wrong")); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - if(!plci) - { - if((i=get_plci(a))) - { - rplci = &a->plci[i-1]; - rplci->appl = appl; - rplci->cr_enquiry=true; - add_p(rplci,CAI,"\x01\x80"); - add_p(rplci,UID,"\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); - sig_req(rplci,ASSIGN,DSIG_ID); - send_req(rplci); - } - else - { - Info = _OUT_OF_PLCI; - break; - } - } - else - { - rplci = plci; - rplci->cr_enquiry=false; - } - - rplci->command = 0; - rplci->internal_command = MWI_DEACTIVATE_REQ_PEND; - rplci->appl = appl; - rplci->number = Number; - - cai[0] = 5; - cai[1] = DEACTIVATION_MWI; /* Function */ - PUT_WORD(&cai[2],GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[2].info[0]))); /* Basic Service */ - PUT_WORD(&cai[4],GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[3].info[0]))); /* Invocation Mode */ - add_p(rplci,CAI,cai); - add_p(rplci,CPN,ss_parms[4].info); /* Receiving User Number */ - add_p(rplci,OAD,ss_parms[5].info); /* Controlling User Number */ - sig_req(rplci,S_SERVICE,0); - send_req(rplci); - return false; - - default: - Info = 0x300E; /* not supported */ - break; - } - break; /* case SELECTOR_SU_SERV: end */ - - - case SELECTOR_DTMF: - return (dtmf_request (Id, Number, a, plci, appl, msg)); - - - - case SELECTOR_LINE_INTERCONNECT: - return (mixer_request (Id, Number, a, plci, appl, msg)); - - - - case PRIV_SELECTOR_ECHO_CANCELLER: - appl->appl_flags |= APPL_FLAG_PRIV_EC_SPEC; - return (ec_request (Id, Number, a, plci, appl, msg)); - - case SELECTOR_ECHO_CANCELLER: - appl->appl_flags &= ~APPL_FLAG_PRIV_EC_SPEC; - return (ec_request (Id, Number, a, plci, appl, msg)); - - - case SELECTOR_V42BIS: - default: - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - break; - } /* end of switch(selector) */ - } - - dbug(1,dprintf("SendFacRc")); - sendf(appl, - _FACILITY_R|CONFIRM, - Id, - Number, - "wws",Info,selector,SSparms); - return false; + /* send PTY/ECT req, cannot check all states because of US stuff */ + if (!rplci->internal_command && rplci->appl) + { + plci->command = 0; + rplci->relatedPTYPLCI = plci; + plci->relatedPTYPLCI = rplci; + rplci->ptyState = (byte)SSreq; + if (SSreq == S_ECT) + { + rplci->internal_command = ECT_REQ_PEND; + cai[1] = ECT_EXECUTE; + + rplci->vswitchstate = 0; + rplci->vsprot = 0; + rplci->vsprotdialect = 0; + plci->vswitchstate = 0; + plci->vsprot = 0; + plci->vsprotdialect = 0; + + } + else if (SSreq == S_CONF_ADD) + { + rplci->internal_command = CONF_ADD_REQ_PEND; + cai[1] = CONF_ADD; + } + else + { + rplci->internal_command = PTY_REQ_PEND; + cai[1] = (byte)(SSreq - 3); + } + rplci->number = Number; + if (plci != rplci) /* explicit invocation */ + { + cai[0] = 2; + cai[2] = plci->Sig.Id; + dbug(1, dprintf("explicit invocation")); + } + else + { + dbug(1, dprintf("implicit invocation")); + cai[0] = 1; + } + add_p(rplci, CAI, cai); + sig_req(rplci, S_SERVICE, 0); + send_req(rplci); + return false; + } + else + { + dbug(0, dprintf("Wrong line")); + Info = 0x3010; /* wrong state */ + break; + } + break; + + case S_CALL_DEFLECTION: + if (api_parse(&parms->info[1], (word)parms->length, "wbwss", ss_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("format wrong")); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + if (!plci) + { + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + break; + } + /* reuse unused screening indicator */ + ss_parms[3].info[3] = (byte)GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[2].info[0])); + plci->command = 0; + plci->internal_command = CD_REQ_PEND; + appl->CDEnable = true; + cai[0] = 1; + cai[1] = CALL_DEFLECTION; + add_p(plci, CAI, cai); + add_p(plci, CPN, ss_parms[3].info); + sig_req(plci, S_SERVICE, 0); + send_req(plci); + return false; + break; + + case S_CALL_FORWARDING_START: + if (api_parse(&parms->info[1], (word)parms->length, "wbdwwsss", ss_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("format wrong")); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + + if ((i = get_plci(a))) + { + rplci = &a->plci[i - 1]; + rplci->appl = appl; + add_p(rplci, CAI, "\x01\x80"); + add_p(rplci, UID, "\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); + sig_req(rplci, ASSIGN, DSIG_ID); + send_req(rplci); + } + else + { + Info = _OUT_OF_PLCI; + break; + } + + /* reuse unused screening indicator */ + rplci->internal_command = CF_START_PEND; + rplci->appl = appl; + rplci->number = Number; + appl->S_Handle = GET_DWORD(&(ss_parms[2].info[0])); + cai[0] = 2; + cai[1] = 0x70 | (byte)GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[3].info[0])); /* Function */ + cai[2] = (byte)GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[4].info[0])); /* Basic Service */ + add_p(rplci, CAI, cai); + add_p(rplci, OAD, ss_parms[5].info); + add_p(rplci, CPN, ss_parms[6].info); + sig_req(rplci, S_SERVICE, 0); + send_req(rplci); + return false; + break; + + case S_INTERROGATE_DIVERSION: + case S_INTERROGATE_NUMBERS: + case S_CALL_FORWARDING_STOP: + case S_CCBS_REQUEST: + case S_CCBS_DEACTIVATE: + case S_CCBS_INTERROGATE: + switch (SSreq) + { + case S_INTERROGATE_NUMBERS: + if (api_parse(&parms->info[1], (word)parms->length, "wbd", ss_parms)) + { + dbug(0, dprintf("format wrong")); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + break; + case S_CCBS_REQUEST: + case S_CCBS_DEACTIVATE: + if (api_parse(&parms->info[1], (word)parms->length, "wbdw", ss_parms)) + { + dbug(0, dprintf("format wrong")); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + break; + case S_CCBS_INTERROGATE: + if (api_parse(&parms->info[1], (word)parms->length, "wbdws", ss_parms)) + { + dbug(0, dprintf("format wrong")); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + break; + default: + if (api_parse(&parms->info[1], (word)parms->length, "wbdwws", ss_parms)) + { + dbug(0, dprintf("format wrong")); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + break; + } + + if (Info) break; + if ((i = get_plci(a))) + { + rplci = &a->plci[i - 1]; + switch (SSreq) + { + case S_INTERROGATE_DIVERSION: /* use cai with S_SERVICE below */ + cai[1] = 0x60 | (byte)GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[3].info[0])); /* Function */ + rplci->internal_command = INTERR_DIVERSION_REQ_PEND; /* move to rplci if assigned */ + break; + case S_INTERROGATE_NUMBERS: /* use cai with S_SERVICE below */ + cai[1] = DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_NUM; /* Function */ + rplci->internal_command = INTERR_NUMBERS_REQ_PEND; /* move to rplci if assigned */ + break; + case S_CALL_FORWARDING_STOP: + rplci->internal_command = CF_STOP_PEND; + cai[1] = 0x80 | (byte)GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[3].info[0])); /* Function */ + break; + case S_CCBS_REQUEST: + cai[1] = CCBS_REQUEST; + rplci->internal_command = CCBS_REQUEST_REQ_PEND; + break; + case S_CCBS_DEACTIVATE: + cai[1] = CCBS_DEACTIVATE; + rplci->internal_command = CCBS_DEACTIVATE_REQ_PEND; + break; + case S_CCBS_INTERROGATE: + cai[1] = CCBS_INTERROGATE; + rplci->internal_command = CCBS_INTERROGATE_REQ_PEND; + break; + default: + cai[1] = 0; + break; + } + rplci->appl = appl; + rplci->number = Number; + add_p(rplci, CAI, "\x01\x80"); + add_p(rplci, UID, "\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); + sig_req(rplci, ASSIGN, DSIG_ID); + send_req(rplci); + } + else + { + Info = _OUT_OF_PLCI; + break; + } + + appl->S_Handle = GET_DWORD(&(ss_parms[2].info[0])); + switch (SSreq) + { + case S_INTERROGATE_NUMBERS: + cai[0] = 1; + add_p(rplci, CAI, cai); + break; + case S_CCBS_REQUEST: + case S_CCBS_DEACTIVATE: + cai[0] = 3; + PUT_WORD(&cai[2], GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[3].info[0]))); + add_p(rplci, CAI, cai); + break; + case S_CCBS_INTERROGATE: + cai[0] = 3; + PUT_WORD(&cai[2], GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[3].info[0]))); + add_p(rplci, CAI, cai); + add_p(rplci, OAD, ss_parms[4].info); + break; + default: + cai[0] = 2; + cai[2] = (byte)GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[4].info[0])); /* Basic Service */ + add_p(rplci, CAI, cai); + add_p(rplci, OAD, ss_parms[5].info); + break; + } + + sig_req(rplci, S_SERVICE, 0); + send_req(rplci); + return false; + break; + + case S_MWI_ACTIVATE: + if (api_parse(&parms->info[1], (word)parms->length, "wbwdwwwssss", ss_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("format wrong")); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + if (!plci) + { + if ((i = get_plci(a))) + { + rplci = &a->plci[i - 1]; + rplci->appl = appl; + rplci->cr_enquiry = true; + add_p(rplci, CAI, "\x01\x80"); + add_p(rplci, UID, "\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); + sig_req(rplci, ASSIGN, DSIG_ID); + send_req(rplci); + } + else + { + Info = _OUT_OF_PLCI; + break; + } + } + else + { + rplci = plci; + rplci->cr_enquiry = false; + } + + rplci->command = 0; + rplci->internal_command = MWI_ACTIVATE_REQ_PEND; + rplci->appl = appl; + rplci->number = Number; + + cai[0] = 13; + cai[1] = ACTIVATION_MWI; /* Function */ + PUT_WORD(&cai[2], GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[2].info[0]))); /* Basic Service */ + PUT_DWORD(&cai[4], GET_DWORD(&(ss_parms[3].info[0]))); /* Number of Messages */ + PUT_WORD(&cai[8], GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[4].info[0]))); /* Message Status */ + PUT_WORD(&cai[10], GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[5].info[0]))); /* Message Reference */ + PUT_WORD(&cai[12], GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[6].info[0]))); /* Invocation Mode */ + add_p(rplci, CAI, cai); + add_p(rplci, CPN, ss_parms[7].info); /* Receiving User Number */ + add_p(rplci, OAD, ss_parms[8].info); /* Controlling User Number */ + add_p(rplci, OSA, ss_parms[9].info); /* Controlling User Provided Number */ + add_p(rplci, UID, ss_parms[10].info); /* Time */ + sig_req(rplci, S_SERVICE, 0); + send_req(rplci); + return false; + + case S_MWI_DEACTIVATE: + if (api_parse(&parms->info[1], (word)parms->length, "wbwwss", ss_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("format wrong")); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + if (!plci) + { + if ((i = get_plci(a))) + { + rplci = &a->plci[i - 1]; + rplci->appl = appl; + rplci->cr_enquiry = true; + add_p(rplci, CAI, "\x01\x80"); + add_p(rplci, UID, "\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); + sig_req(rplci, ASSIGN, DSIG_ID); + send_req(rplci); + } + else + { + Info = _OUT_OF_PLCI; + break; + } + } + else + { + rplci = plci; + rplci->cr_enquiry = false; + } + + rplci->command = 0; + rplci->internal_command = MWI_DEACTIVATE_REQ_PEND; + rplci->appl = appl; + rplci->number = Number; + + cai[0] = 5; + cai[1] = DEACTIVATION_MWI; /* Function */ + PUT_WORD(&cai[2], GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[2].info[0]))); /* Basic Service */ + PUT_WORD(&cai[4], GET_WORD(&(ss_parms[3].info[0]))); /* Invocation Mode */ + add_p(rplci, CAI, cai); + add_p(rplci, CPN, ss_parms[4].info); /* Receiving User Number */ + add_p(rplci, OAD, ss_parms[5].info); /* Controlling User Number */ + sig_req(rplci, S_SERVICE, 0); + send_req(rplci); + return false; + + default: + Info = 0x300E; /* not supported */ + break; + } + break; /* case SELECTOR_SU_SERV: end */ + + + case SELECTOR_DTMF: + return (dtmf_request(Id, Number, a, plci, appl, msg)); + + + + case SELECTOR_LINE_INTERCONNECT: + return (mixer_request(Id, Number, a, plci, appl, msg)); + + + + case PRIV_SELECTOR_ECHO_CANCELLER: + appl->appl_flags |= APPL_FLAG_PRIV_EC_SPEC; + return (ec_request(Id, Number, a, plci, appl, msg)); + + case SELECTOR_ECHO_CANCELLER: + appl->appl_flags &= ~APPL_FLAG_PRIV_EC_SPEC; + return (ec_request(Id, Number, a, plci, appl, msg)); + + + case SELECTOR_V42BIS: + default: + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + break; + } /* end of switch (selector) */ + } + + dbug(1, dprintf("SendFacRc")); + sendf(appl, + _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, + Id, + Number, + "wws", Info, selector, SSparms); + return false; } static byte facility_res(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg) { - dbug(1,dprintf("facility_res")); - return false; + dbug(1, dprintf("facility_res")); + return false; } static byte connect_b3_req(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *parms) { - word Info = 0; - byte req; - byte len; - word w; - word fax_control_bits, fax_feature_bits, fax_info_change; - API_PARSE * ncpi; - byte pvc[2]; - - API_PARSE fax_parms[9]; - word i; - - - dbug(1,dprintf("connect_b3_req")); - if(plci) - { - if ((plci->State == IDLE) || (plci->State == OUTG_DIS_PENDING) - || (plci->State == INC_DIS_PENDING) || (plci->SuppState != IDLE)) - { - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - } - else - { - /* local reply if assign unsuccessful - or B3 protocol allows only one layer 3 connection - and already connected - or B2 protocol not any LAPD - and connect_b3_req contradicts originate/answer direction */ - if (!plci->NL.Id - || (((plci->B3_prot != B3_T90NL) && (plci->B3_prot != B3_ISO8208) && (plci->B3_prot != B3_X25_DCE)) - && ((plci->channels != 0) - || (((plci->B2_prot != B2_SDLC) && (plci->B2_prot != B2_LAPD) && (plci->B2_prot != B2_LAPD_FREE_SAPI_SEL)) - && ((plci->call_dir & CALL_DIR_ANSWER) && !(plci->call_dir & CALL_DIR_FORCE_OUTG_NL)))))) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("B3 already connected=%d or no NL.Id=0x%x, dir=%d sstate=0x%x", - plci->channels,plci->NL.Id,plci->call_dir,plci->SuppState)); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - sendf(appl, - _CONNECT_B3_R|CONFIRM, - Id, - Number, - "w",Info); - return false; - } - plci->requested_options_conn = 0; - - req = N_CONNECT; - ncpi = &parms[0]; - if(plci->B3_prot==2 || plci->B3_prot==3) - { - if(ncpi->length>2) - { - /* check for PVC */ - if(ncpi->info[2] || ncpi->info[3]) - { - pvc[0] = ncpi->info[3]; - pvc[1] = ncpi->info[2]; - add_d(plci,2,pvc); - req = N_RESET; - } - else - { - if(ncpi->info[1] &1) req = N_CONNECT | N_D_BIT; - add_d(plci,(word)(ncpi->length-3),&ncpi->info[4]); - } - } - } - else if(plci->B3_prot==5) - { - if (plci->NL.Id && !plci->nl_remove_id) - { - fax_control_bits = GET_WORD(&((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->control_bits_low); - fax_feature_bits = GET_WORD(&((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->feature_bits_low); - if (!(fax_control_bits & T30_CONTROL_BIT_MORE_DOCUMENTS) - || (fax_feature_bits & T30_FEATURE_BIT_MORE_DOCUMENTS)) - { - len = offsetof(T30_INFO, universal_6); - fax_info_change = false; - if (ncpi->length >= 4) - { - w = GET_WORD(&ncpi->info[3]); - if ((w & 0x0001) != ((word)(((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->resolution & 0x0001))) - { - ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->resolution = - (byte)((((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->resolution & ~T30_RESOLUTION_R8_0770_OR_200) | - ((w & 0x0001) ? T30_RESOLUTION_R8_0770_OR_200 : 0)); - fax_info_change = true; - } - fax_control_bits &= ~(T30_CONTROL_BIT_REQUEST_POLLING | T30_CONTROL_BIT_MORE_DOCUMENTS); - if (w & 0x0002) /* Fax-polling request */ - fax_control_bits |= T30_CONTROL_BIT_REQUEST_POLLING; - if ((w & 0x0004) /* Request to send / poll another document */ - && (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_FAX_MORE_DOCUMENTS)) - { - fax_control_bits |= T30_CONTROL_BIT_MORE_DOCUMENTS; - } - if (ncpi->length >= 6) - { - w = GET_WORD(&ncpi->info[5]); - if (((byte) w) != ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->data_format) - { - ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->data_format = (byte) w; - fax_info_change = true; - } - - if ((a->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD)) - && (GET_WORD(&ncpi->info[5]) & 0x8000)) /* Private SEP/SUB/PWD enable */ - { - plci->requested_options_conn |= (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD); - } - if ((a->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD)) - && (GET_WORD(&ncpi->info[5]) & 0x4000)) /* Private non-standard facilities enable */ - { - plci->requested_options_conn |= (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD); - } - fax_control_bits &= ~(T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_SUBADDRESS | T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_SEL_POLLING | - T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_PASSWORD); - if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | a->requested_options_table[appl->Id-1]) - & ((1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD) | (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD))) - { - if (api_parse (&ncpi->info[1], ncpi->length, "wwwwsss", fax_parms)) - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - else - { - if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | a->requested_options_table[appl->Id-1]) - & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD)) - { - fax_control_bits |= T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_SUBADDRESS | T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_PASSWORD; - if (fax_control_bits & T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_POLLING) - fax_control_bits |= T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_SEL_POLLING; - } - w = fax_parms[4].length; - if (w > 20) - w = 20; - ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->station_id_len = (byte) w; - for (i = 0; i < w; i++) - ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->station_id[i] = fax_parms[4].info[1+i]; - ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->head_line_len = 0; - len = offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH; - w = fax_parms[5].length; - if (w > 20) - w = 20; - plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = (byte) w; - for (i = 0; i < w; i++) - plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = fax_parms[5].info[1+i]; - w = fax_parms[6].length; - if (w > 20) - w = 20; - plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = (byte) w; - for (i = 0; i < w; i++) - plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = fax_parms[6].info[1+i]; - if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | a->requested_options_table[appl->Id-1]) - & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD)) - { - if (api_parse (&ncpi->info[1], ncpi->length, "wwwwssss", fax_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("non-standard facilities info missing or wrong format")); - plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = 0; - } - else - { - if ((fax_parms[7].length >= 3) && (fax_parms[7].info[1] >= 2)) - plci->nsf_control_bits = GET_WORD(&fax_parms[7].info[2]); - plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = (byte)(fax_parms[7].length); - for (i = 0; i < fax_parms[7].length; i++) - plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = fax_parms[7].info[1+i]; - } - } - } - } - else - { - len = offsetof(T30_INFO, universal_6); - } - fax_info_change = true; - - } - if (fax_control_bits != GET_WORD(&((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->control_bits_low)) - { - PUT_WORD (&((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->control_bits_low, fax_control_bits); - fax_info_change = true; - } - } - if (Info == GOOD) - { - plci->fax_connect_info_length = len; - if (fax_info_change) - { - if (fax_feature_bits & T30_FEATURE_BIT_MORE_DOCUMENTS) - { - start_internal_command (Id, plci, fax_connect_info_command); - return false; - } - else - { - start_internal_command (Id, plci, fax_adjust_b23_command); - return false; - } - } - } - } - else Info = _WRONG_STATE; - } - else Info = _WRONG_STATE; - } - - else if (plci->B3_prot == B3_RTP) - { - plci->internal_req_buffer[0] = ncpi->length + 1; - plci->internal_req_buffer[1] = UDATA_REQUEST_RTP_RECONFIGURE; - for (w = 0; w < ncpi->length; w++) - plci->internal_req_buffer[2+w] = ncpi->info[1+w]; - start_internal_command (Id, plci, rtp_connect_b3_req_command); - return false; - } - - if(!Info) - { - nl_req_ncci(plci,req,0); - return 1; - } - } - } - else Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - - sendf(appl, - _CONNECT_B3_R|CONFIRM, - Id, - Number, - "w",Info); - return false; + word Info = 0; + byte req; + byte len; + word w; + word fax_control_bits, fax_feature_bits, fax_info_change; + API_PARSE *ncpi; + byte pvc[2]; + + API_PARSE fax_parms[9]; + word i; + + + dbug(1, dprintf("connect_b3_req")); + if (plci) + { + if ((plci->State == IDLE) || (plci->State == OUTG_DIS_PENDING) + || (plci->State == INC_DIS_PENDING) || (plci->SuppState != IDLE)) + { + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + } + else + { + /* local reply if assign unsuccessful + or B3 protocol allows only one layer 3 connection + and already connected + or B2 protocol not any LAPD + and connect_b3_req contradicts originate/answer direction */ + if (!plci->NL.Id + || (((plci->B3_prot != B3_T90NL) && (plci->B3_prot != B3_ISO8208) && (plci->B3_prot != B3_X25_DCE)) + && ((plci->channels != 0) + || (((plci->B2_prot != B2_SDLC) && (plci->B2_prot != B2_LAPD) && (plci->B2_prot != B2_LAPD_FREE_SAPI_SEL)) + && ((plci->call_dir & CALL_DIR_ANSWER) && !(plci->call_dir & CALL_DIR_FORCE_OUTG_NL)))))) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("B3 already connected=%d or no NL.Id=0x%x, dir=%d sstate=0x%x", + plci->channels, plci->NL.Id, plci->call_dir, plci->SuppState)); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + sendf(appl, + _CONNECT_B3_R | CONFIRM, + Id, + Number, + "w", Info); + return false; + } + plci->requested_options_conn = 0; + + req = N_CONNECT; + ncpi = &parms[0]; + if (plci->B3_prot == 2 || plci->B3_prot == 3) + { + if (ncpi->length > 2) + { + /* check for PVC */ + if (ncpi->info[2] || ncpi->info[3]) + { + pvc[0] = ncpi->info[3]; + pvc[1] = ncpi->info[2]; + add_d(plci, 2, pvc); + req = N_RESET; + } + else + { + if (ncpi->info[1] & 1) req = N_CONNECT | N_D_BIT; + add_d(plci, (word)(ncpi->length - 3), &ncpi->info[4]); + } + } + } + else if (plci->B3_prot == 5) + { + if (plci->NL.Id && !plci->nl_remove_id) + { + fax_control_bits = GET_WORD(&((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->control_bits_low); + fax_feature_bits = GET_WORD(&((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->feature_bits_low); + if (!(fax_control_bits & T30_CONTROL_BIT_MORE_DOCUMENTS) + || (fax_feature_bits & T30_FEATURE_BIT_MORE_DOCUMENTS)) + { + len = offsetof(T30_INFO, universal_6); + fax_info_change = false; + if (ncpi->length >= 4) + { + w = GET_WORD(&ncpi->info[3]); + if ((w & 0x0001) != ((word)(((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->resolution & 0x0001))) + { + ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->resolution = + (byte)((((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->resolution & ~T30_RESOLUTION_R8_0770_OR_200) | + ((w & 0x0001) ? T30_RESOLUTION_R8_0770_OR_200 : 0)); + fax_info_change = true; + } + fax_control_bits &= ~(T30_CONTROL_BIT_REQUEST_POLLING | T30_CONTROL_BIT_MORE_DOCUMENTS); + if (w & 0x0002) /* Fax-polling request */ + fax_control_bits |= T30_CONTROL_BIT_REQUEST_POLLING; + if ((w & 0x0004) /* Request to send / poll another document */ + && (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_FAX_MORE_DOCUMENTS)) + { + fax_control_bits |= T30_CONTROL_BIT_MORE_DOCUMENTS; + } + if (ncpi->length >= 6) + { + w = GET_WORD(&ncpi->info[5]); + if (((byte) w) != ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->data_format) + { + ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->data_format = (byte) w; + fax_info_change = true; + } + + if ((a->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD)) + && (GET_WORD(&ncpi->info[5]) & 0x8000)) /* Private SEP/SUB/PWD enable */ + { + plci->requested_options_conn |= (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD); + } + if ((a->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD)) + && (GET_WORD(&ncpi->info[5]) & 0x4000)) /* Private non-standard facilities enable */ + { + plci->requested_options_conn |= (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD); + } + fax_control_bits &= ~(T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_SUBADDRESS | T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_SEL_POLLING | + T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_PASSWORD); + if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | a->requested_options_table[appl->Id - 1]) + & ((1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD) | (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD))) + { + if (api_parse(&ncpi->info[1], ncpi->length, "wwwwsss", fax_parms)) + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + else + { + if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | a->requested_options_table[appl->Id - 1]) + & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD)) + { + fax_control_bits |= T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_SUBADDRESS | T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_PASSWORD; + if (fax_control_bits & T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_POLLING) + fax_control_bits |= T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_SEL_POLLING; + } + w = fax_parms[4].length; + if (w > 20) + w = 20; + ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->station_id_len = (byte) w; + for (i = 0; i < w; i++) + ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->station_id[i] = fax_parms[4].info[1 + i]; + ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->head_line_len = 0; + len = offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH; + w = fax_parms[5].length; + if (w > 20) + w = 20; + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = (byte) w; + for (i = 0; i < w; i++) + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = fax_parms[5].info[1 + i]; + w = fax_parms[6].length; + if (w > 20) + w = 20; + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = (byte) w; + for (i = 0; i < w; i++) + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = fax_parms[6].info[1 + i]; + if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | a->requested_options_table[appl->Id - 1]) + & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD)) + { + if (api_parse(&ncpi->info[1], ncpi->length, "wwwwssss", fax_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("non-standard facilities info missing or wrong format")); + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = 0; + } + else + { + if ((fax_parms[7].length >= 3) && (fax_parms[7].info[1] >= 2)) + plci->nsf_control_bits = GET_WORD(&fax_parms[7].info[2]); + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = (byte)(fax_parms[7].length); + for (i = 0; i < fax_parms[7].length; i++) + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = fax_parms[7].info[1 + i]; + } + } + } + } + else + { + len = offsetof(T30_INFO, universal_6); + } + fax_info_change = true; + + } + if (fax_control_bits != GET_WORD(&((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->control_bits_low)) + { + PUT_WORD(&((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->control_bits_low, fax_control_bits); + fax_info_change = true; + } + } + if (Info == GOOD) + { + plci->fax_connect_info_length = len; + if (fax_info_change) + { + if (fax_feature_bits & T30_FEATURE_BIT_MORE_DOCUMENTS) + { + start_internal_command(Id, plci, fax_connect_info_command); + return false; + } + else + { + start_internal_command(Id, plci, fax_adjust_b23_command); + return false; + } + } + } + } + else Info = _WRONG_STATE; + } + else Info = _WRONG_STATE; + } + + else if (plci->B3_prot == B3_RTP) + { + plci->internal_req_buffer[0] = ncpi->length + 1; + plci->internal_req_buffer[1] = UDATA_REQUEST_RTP_RECONFIGURE; + for (w = 0; w < ncpi->length; w++) + plci->internal_req_buffer[2 + w] = ncpi->info[1 + w]; + start_internal_command(Id, plci, rtp_connect_b3_req_command); + return false; + } + + if (!Info) + { + nl_req_ncci(plci, req, 0); + return 1; + } + } + } + else Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + + sendf(appl, + _CONNECT_B3_R | CONFIRM, + Id, + Number, + "w", Info); + return false; } static byte connect_b3_res(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *parms) { - word ncci; - API_PARSE * ncpi; - byte req; - - word w; - - - API_PARSE fax_parms[9]; - word i; - byte len; - - - dbug(1,dprintf("connect_b3_res")); - - ncci = (word)(Id>>16); - if(plci && ncci) { - if(a->ncci_state[ncci]==INC_CON_PENDING) { - if (GET_WORD (&parms[0].info[0]) != 0) - { - a->ncci_state[ncci] = OUTG_REJ_PENDING; - channel_request_xon (plci, a->ncci_ch[ncci]); - channel_xmit_xon (plci); - cleanup_ncci_data (plci, ncci); - nl_req_ncci(plci,N_DISC,(byte)ncci); - return 1; - } - a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_ACT_PENDING; - - req = N_CONNECT_ACK; - ncpi = &parms[1]; - if ((plci->B3_prot == 4) || (plci->B3_prot == 5) || (plci->B3_prot == 7)) - { - - if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | a->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id-1]) - & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD)) - { - if (((plci->B3_prot == 4) || (plci->B3_prot == 5)) - && (plci->nsf_control_bits & T30_NSF_CONTROL_BIT_ENABLE_NSF) - && (plci->nsf_control_bits & T30_NSF_CONTROL_BIT_NEGOTIATE_RESP)) - { - len = offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH; - if (plci->fax_connect_info_length < len) - { - ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->station_id_len = 0; - ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->head_line_len = 0; - } - if (api_parse (&ncpi->info[1], ncpi->length, "wwwwssss", fax_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("non-standard facilities info missing or wrong format")); - } - else - { - if (plci->fax_connect_info_length <= len) - plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len] = 0; - len += 1 + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len]; - if (plci->fax_connect_info_length <= len) - plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len] = 0; - len += 1 + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len]; - if ((fax_parms[7].length >= 3) && (fax_parms[7].info[1] >= 2)) - plci->nsf_control_bits = GET_WORD(&fax_parms[7].info[2]); - plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = (byte)(fax_parms[7].length); - for (i = 0; i < fax_parms[7].length; i++) - plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = fax_parms[7].info[1+i]; - } - plci->fax_connect_info_length = len; - ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->code = 0; - start_internal_command (Id, plci, fax_connect_ack_command); - return false; - } - } - - nl_req_ncci(plci,req,(byte)ncci); - if ((plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT) - && !(plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT)) - { - if (plci->B3_prot == 4) - sendf(appl,_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I,Id,0,"s",""); - else - sendf(appl,_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I,Id,0,"S",plci->ncpi_buffer); - plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT; - } - } - - else if (plci->B3_prot == B3_RTP) - { - plci->internal_req_buffer[0] = ncpi->length + 1; - plci->internal_req_buffer[1] = UDATA_REQUEST_RTP_RECONFIGURE; - for (w = 0; w < ncpi->length; w++) - plci->internal_req_buffer[2+w] = ncpi->info[1+w]; - start_internal_command (Id, plci, rtp_connect_b3_res_command); - return false; - } - - else - { - if(ncpi->length>2) { - if(ncpi->info[1] &1) req = N_CONNECT_ACK | N_D_BIT; - add_d(plci,(word)(ncpi->length-3),&ncpi->info[4]); - } - nl_req_ncci(plci,req,(byte)ncci); - sendf(appl,_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I,Id,0,"s",""); - if (plci->adjust_b_restore) - { - plci->adjust_b_restore = false; - start_internal_command (Id, plci, adjust_b_restore); - } - } - return 1; - } - } - return false; + word ncci; + API_PARSE *ncpi; + byte req; + + word w; + + + API_PARSE fax_parms[9]; + word i; + byte len; + + + dbug(1, dprintf("connect_b3_res")); + + ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); + if (plci && ncci) { + if (a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_CON_PENDING) { + if (GET_WORD(&parms[0].info[0]) != 0) + { + a->ncci_state[ncci] = OUTG_REJ_PENDING; + channel_request_xon(plci, a->ncci_ch[ncci]); + channel_xmit_xon(plci); + cleanup_ncci_data(plci, ncci); + nl_req_ncci(plci, N_DISC, (byte)ncci); + return 1; + } + a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_ACT_PENDING; + + req = N_CONNECT_ACK; + ncpi = &parms[1]; + if ((plci->B3_prot == 4) || (plci->B3_prot == 5) || (plci->B3_prot == 7)) + { + + if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | a->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id - 1]) + & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD)) + { + if (((plci->B3_prot == 4) || (plci->B3_prot == 5)) + && (plci->nsf_control_bits & T30_NSF_CONTROL_BIT_ENABLE_NSF) + && (plci->nsf_control_bits & T30_NSF_CONTROL_BIT_NEGOTIATE_RESP)) + { + len = offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH; + if (plci->fax_connect_info_length < len) + { + ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->station_id_len = 0; + ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->head_line_len = 0; + } + if (api_parse(&ncpi->info[1], ncpi->length, "wwwwssss", fax_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("non-standard facilities info missing or wrong format")); + } + else + { + if (plci->fax_connect_info_length <= len) + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len] = 0; + len += 1 + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len]; + if (plci->fax_connect_info_length <= len) + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len] = 0; + len += 1 + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len]; + if ((fax_parms[7].length >= 3) && (fax_parms[7].info[1] >= 2)) + plci->nsf_control_bits = GET_WORD(&fax_parms[7].info[2]); + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = (byte)(fax_parms[7].length); + for (i = 0; i < fax_parms[7].length; i++) + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = fax_parms[7].info[1 + i]; + } + plci->fax_connect_info_length = len; + ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->code = 0; + start_internal_command(Id, plci, fax_connect_ack_command); + return false; + } + } + + nl_req_ncci(plci, req, (byte)ncci); + if ((plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT) + && !(plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT)) + { + if (plci->B3_prot == 4) + sendf(appl, _CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I, Id, 0, "s", ""); + else + sendf(appl, _CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I, Id, 0, "S", plci->ncpi_buffer); + plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT; + } + } + + else if (plci->B3_prot == B3_RTP) + { + plci->internal_req_buffer[0] = ncpi->length + 1; + plci->internal_req_buffer[1] = UDATA_REQUEST_RTP_RECONFIGURE; + for (w = 0; w < ncpi->length; w++) + plci->internal_req_buffer[2 + w] = ncpi->info[1+w]; + start_internal_command(Id, plci, rtp_connect_b3_res_command); + return false; + } + + else + { + if (ncpi->length > 2) { + if (ncpi->info[1] & 1) req = N_CONNECT_ACK | N_D_BIT; + add_d(plci, (word)(ncpi->length - 3), &ncpi->info[4]); + } + nl_req_ncci(plci, req, (byte)ncci); + sendf(appl, _CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I, Id, 0, "s", ""); + if (plci->adjust_b_restore) + { + plci->adjust_b_restore = false; + start_internal_command(Id, plci, adjust_b_restore); + } + } + return 1; + } + } + return false; } static byte connect_b3_a_res(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *parms) { - word ncci; + word ncci; - ncci = (word)(Id>>16); - dbug(1,dprintf("connect_b3_a_res(ncci=0x%x)",ncci)); + ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); + dbug(1, dprintf("connect_b3_a_res(ncci=0x%x)", ncci)); - if (plci && ncci && (plci->State != IDLE) && (plci->State != INC_DIS_PENDING) - && (plci->State != OUTG_DIS_PENDING)) - { - if(a->ncci_state[ncci]==INC_ACT_PENDING) { - a->ncci_state[ncci] = CONNECTED; - if(plci->State!=INC_CON_CONNECTED_ALERT) plci->State = CONNECTED; - channel_request_xon (plci, a->ncci_ch[ncci]); - channel_xmit_xon (plci); - } - } - return false; + if (plci && ncci && (plci->State != IDLE) && (plci->State != INC_DIS_PENDING) + && (plci->State != OUTG_DIS_PENDING)) + { + if (a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_ACT_PENDING) { + a->ncci_state[ncci] = CONNECTED; + if (plci->State != INC_CON_CONNECTED_ALERT) plci->State = CONNECTED; + channel_request_xon(plci, a->ncci_ch[ncci]); + channel_xmit_xon(plci); + } + } + return false; } static byte disconnect_b3_req(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *parms) { - word Info; - word ncci; - API_PARSE * ncpi; - - dbug(1,dprintf("disconnect_b3_req")); - - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - ncci = (word)(Id>>16); - if (plci && ncci) - { - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - if ((a->ncci_state[ncci] == CONNECTED) - || (a->ncci_state[ncci] == OUTG_CON_PENDING) - || (a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_CON_PENDING) - || (a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_ACT_PENDING)) - { - a->ncci_state[ncci] = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; - channel_request_xon (plci, a->ncci_ch[ncci]); - channel_xmit_xon (plci); - - if (a->ncci[ncci].data_pending - && ((plci->B3_prot == B3_TRANSPARENT) - || (plci->B3_prot == B3_T30) - || (plci->B3_prot == B3_T30_WITH_EXTENSIONS))) - { - plci->send_disc = (byte)ncci; - plci->command = 0; - return false; - } - else - { - cleanup_ncci_data (plci, ncci); - - if(plci->B3_prot==2 || plci->B3_prot==3) - { - ncpi = &parms[0]; - if(ncpi->length>3) - { - add_d(plci, (word)(ncpi->length - 3) ,(byte *)&(ncpi->info[4])); - } - } - nl_req_ncci(plci,N_DISC,(byte)ncci); - } - return 1; - } - } - sendf(appl, - _DISCONNECT_B3_R|CONFIRM, - Id, - Number, - "w",Info); - return false; + word Info; + word ncci; + API_PARSE *ncpi; + + dbug(1, dprintf("disconnect_b3_req")); + + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); + if (plci && ncci) + { + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + if ((a->ncci_state[ncci] == CONNECTED) + || (a->ncci_state[ncci] == OUTG_CON_PENDING) + || (a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_CON_PENDING) + || (a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_ACT_PENDING)) + { + a->ncci_state[ncci] = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; + channel_request_xon(plci, a->ncci_ch[ncci]); + channel_xmit_xon(plci); + + if (a->ncci[ncci].data_pending + && ((plci->B3_prot == B3_TRANSPARENT) + || (plci->B3_prot == B3_T30) + || (plci->B3_prot == B3_T30_WITH_EXTENSIONS))) + { + plci->send_disc = (byte)ncci; + plci->command = 0; + return false; + } + else + { + cleanup_ncci_data(plci, ncci); + + if (plci->B3_prot == 2 || plci->B3_prot == 3) + { + ncpi = &parms[0]; + if (ncpi->length > 3) + { + add_d(plci, (word)(ncpi->length - 3), (byte *)&(ncpi->info[4])); + } + } + nl_req_ncci(plci, N_DISC, (byte)ncci); + } + return 1; + } + } + sendf(appl, + _DISCONNECT_B3_R | CONFIRM, + Id, + Number, + "w", Info); + return false; } static byte disconnect_b3_res(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *parms) { - word ncci; - word i; - - ncci = (word)(Id>>16); - dbug(1,dprintf("disconnect_b3_res(ncci=0x%x",ncci)); - if(plci && ncci) { - plci->requested_options_conn = 0; - plci->fax_connect_info_length = 0; - plci->ncpi_state = 0x00; - if (((plci->B3_prot != B3_T90NL) && (plci->B3_prot != B3_ISO8208) && (plci->B3_prot != B3_X25_DCE)) - && ((plci->B2_prot != B2_LAPD) && (plci->B2_prot != B2_LAPD_FREE_SAPI_SEL))) - { - plci->call_dir |= CALL_DIR_FORCE_OUTG_NL; - } - for(i=0; iinc_dis_ncci_table[i]!=(byte)ncci; i++); - if(ichannels)plci->channels--; - for(; iinc_dis_ncci_table[i] = plci->inc_dis_ncci_table[i+1]; - plci->inc_dis_ncci_table[MAX_CHANNELS_PER_PLCI-1] = 0; - - ncci_free_receive_buffers (plci, ncci); - - if((plci->State==IDLE || plci->State==SUSPENDING) && !plci->channels){ - if(plci->State == SUSPENDING){ - sendf(plci->appl, - _FACILITY_I, - Id & 0xffffL, - 0, - "ws", (word)3, "\x03\x04\x00\x00"); - sendf(plci->appl, _DISCONNECT_I, Id & 0xffffL, 0, "w", 0); - } - plci_remove(plci); - plci->State=IDLE; - } - } - else - { - if ((a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_FAX_PAPER_FORMATS) - && ((plci->B3_prot == 4) || (plci->B3_prot == 5)) - && (a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_DIS_PENDING)) - { - ncci_free_receive_buffers (plci, ncci); - - nl_req_ncci(plci,N_EDATA,(byte)ncci); - - plci->adapter->ncci_state[ncci] = IDLE; - start_internal_command (Id, plci, fax_disconnect_command); - return 1; - } - } - } - return false; + word ncci; + word i; + + ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); + dbug(1, dprintf("disconnect_b3_res(ncci=0x%x", ncci)); + if (plci && ncci) { + plci->requested_options_conn = 0; + plci->fax_connect_info_length = 0; + plci->ncpi_state = 0x00; + if (((plci->B3_prot != B3_T90NL) && (plci->B3_prot != B3_ISO8208) && (plci->B3_prot != B3_X25_DCE)) + && ((plci->B2_prot != B2_LAPD) && (plci->B2_prot != B2_LAPD_FREE_SAPI_SEL))) + { + plci->call_dir |= CALL_DIR_FORCE_OUTG_NL; + } + for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS_PER_PLCI && plci->inc_dis_ncci_table[i] != (byte)ncci; i++); + if (i < MAX_CHANNELS_PER_PLCI) { + if (plci->channels)plci->channels--; + for (; i < MAX_CHANNELS_PER_PLCI - 1; i++) plci->inc_dis_ncci_table[i] = plci->inc_dis_ncci_table[i + 1]; + plci->inc_dis_ncci_table[MAX_CHANNELS_PER_PLCI - 1] = 0; + + ncci_free_receive_buffers(plci, ncci); + + if ((plci->State == IDLE || plci->State == SUSPENDING) && !plci->channels) { + if (plci->State == SUSPENDING) { + sendf(plci->appl, + _FACILITY_I, + Id & 0xffffL, + 0, + "ws", (word)3, "\x03\x04\x00\x00"); + sendf(plci->appl, _DISCONNECT_I, Id & 0xffffL, 0, "w", 0); + } + plci_remove(plci); + plci->State = IDLE; + } + } + else + { + if ((a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_FAX_PAPER_FORMATS) + && ((plci->B3_prot == 4) || (plci->B3_prot == 5)) + && (a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_DIS_PENDING)) + { + ncci_free_receive_buffers(plci, ncci); + + nl_req_ncci(plci, N_EDATA, (byte)ncci); + + plci->adapter->ncci_state[ncci] = IDLE; + start_internal_command(Id, plci, fax_disconnect_command); + return 1; + } + } + } + return false; } static byte data_b3_req(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *parms) { - NCCI *ncci_ptr; - DATA_B3_DESC *data; - word Info; - word ncci; - word i; - - dbug(1,dprintf("data_b3_req")); - - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - ncci = (word)(Id>>16); - dbug(1,dprintf("ncci=0x%x, plci=0x%x",ncci,plci)); - - if (plci && ncci) - { - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - if ((a->ncci_state[ncci] == CONNECTED) - || (a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_ACT_PENDING)) - { - /* queue data */ - ncci_ptr = &(a->ncci[ncci]); - i = ncci_ptr->data_out + ncci_ptr->data_pending; - if (i >= MAX_DATA_B3) - i -= MAX_DATA_B3; - data = &(ncci_ptr->DBuffer[i]); - data->Number = Number; - if ((((byte *)(parms[0].info)) >= ((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))) - && (((byte *)(parms[0].info)) < ((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue)) + sizeof(plci->msg_in_queue))) - { - - data->P = (byte *)(long)(*((dword *)(parms[0].info))); - - } - else - data->P = TransmitBufferSet(appl,*(dword *)parms[0].info); - data->Length = GET_WORD(parms[1].info); - data->Handle = GET_WORD(parms[2].info); - data->Flags = GET_WORD(parms[3].info); - (ncci_ptr->data_pending)++; - - /* check for delivery confirmation */ - if (data->Flags & 0x0004) - { - i = ncci_ptr->data_ack_out + ncci_ptr->data_ack_pending; - if (i >= MAX_DATA_ACK) - i -= MAX_DATA_ACK; - ncci_ptr->DataAck[i].Number = data->Number; - ncci_ptr->DataAck[i].Handle = data->Handle; - (ncci_ptr->data_ack_pending)++; - } - - send_data(plci); - return false; - } - } - if (appl) - { - if (plci) - { - if ((((byte *)(parms[0].info)) >= ((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))) - && (((byte *)(parms[0].info)) < ((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue)) + sizeof(plci->msg_in_queue))) - { - - TransmitBufferFree (appl, (byte *)(long)(*((dword *)(parms[0].info)))); - - } - } - sendf(appl, - _DATA_B3_R|CONFIRM, - Id, - Number, - "ww",GET_WORD(parms[2].info),Info); - } - return false; + NCCI *ncci_ptr; + DATA_B3_DESC *data; + word Info; + word ncci; + word i; + + dbug(1, dprintf("data_b3_req")); + + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); + dbug(1, dprintf("ncci=0x%x, plci=0x%x", ncci, plci)); + + if (plci && ncci) + { + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + if ((a->ncci_state[ncci] == CONNECTED) + || (a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_ACT_PENDING)) + { + /* queue data */ + ncci_ptr = &(a->ncci[ncci]); + i = ncci_ptr->data_out + ncci_ptr->data_pending; + if (i >= MAX_DATA_B3) + i -= MAX_DATA_B3; + data = &(ncci_ptr->DBuffer[i]); + data->Number = Number; + if ((((byte *)(parms[0].info)) >= ((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))) + && (((byte *)(parms[0].info)) < ((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue)) + sizeof(plci->msg_in_queue))) + { + + data->P = (byte *)(long)(*((dword *)(parms[0].info))); + + } + else + data->P = TransmitBufferSet(appl, *(dword *)parms[0].info); + data->Length = GET_WORD(parms[1].info); + data->Handle = GET_WORD(parms[2].info); + data->Flags = GET_WORD(parms[3].info); + (ncci_ptr->data_pending)++; + + /* check for delivery confirmation */ + if (data->Flags & 0x0004) + { + i = ncci_ptr->data_ack_out + ncci_ptr->data_ack_pending; + if (i >= MAX_DATA_ACK) + i -= MAX_DATA_ACK; + ncci_ptr->DataAck[i].Number = data->Number; + ncci_ptr->DataAck[i].Handle = data->Handle; + (ncci_ptr->data_ack_pending)++; + } + + send_data(plci); + return false; + } + } + if (appl) + { + if (plci) + { + if ((((byte *)(parms[0].info)) >= ((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))) + && (((byte *)(parms[0].info)) < ((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue)) + sizeof(plci->msg_in_queue))) + { + + TransmitBufferFree(appl, (byte *)(long)(*((dword *)(parms[0].info)))); + + } + } + sendf(appl, + _DATA_B3_R | CONFIRM, + Id, + Number, + "ww", GET_WORD(parms[2].info), Info); + } + return false; } static byte data_b3_res(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *parms) { - word n; - word ncci; - word NCCIcode; - - dbug(1,dprintf("data_b3_res")); - - ncci = (word)(Id>>16); - if(plci && ncci) { - n = GET_WORD(parms[0].info); - dbug(1,dprintf("free(%d)",n)); - NCCIcode = ncci | (((word) a->Id) << 8); - if(nMaxBuffer && - appl->DataNCCI[n]==NCCIcode && - (byte)(appl->DataFlags[n]>>8)==plci->Id) { - dbug(1,dprintf("found")); - appl->DataNCCI[n] = 0; - - if (channel_can_xon (plci, a->ncci_ch[ncci])) { - channel_request_xon (plci, a->ncci_ch[ncci]); - } - channel_xmit_xon (plci); - - if(appl->DataFlags[n] &4) { - nl_req_ncci(plci,N_DATA_ACK,(byte)ncci); - return 1; - } - } - } - return false; + word n; + word ncci; + word NCCIcode; + + dbug(1, dprintf("data_b3_res")); + + ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); + if (plci && ncci) { + n = GET_WORD(parms[0].info); + dbug(1, dprintf("free(%d)", n)); + NCCIcode = ncci | (((word) a->Id) << 8); + if (n < appl->MaxBuffer && + appl->DataNCCI[n] == NCCIcode && + (byte)(appl->DataFlags[n] >> 8) == plci->Id) { + dbug(1, dprintf("found")); + appl->DataNCCI[n] = 0; + + if (channel_can_xon(plci, a->ncci_ch[ncci])) { + channel_request_xon(plci, a->ncci_ch[ncci]); + } + channel_xmit_xon(plci); + + if (appl->DataFlags[n] & 4) { + nl_req_ncci(plci, N_DATA_ACK, (byte)ncci); + return 1; + } + } + } + return false; } static byte reset_b3_req(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *parms) { - word Info; - word ncci; - - dbug(1,dprintf("reset_b3_req")); - - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - ncci = (word)(Id>>16); - if(plci && ncci) - { - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - switch (plci->B3_prot) - { - case B3_ISO8208: - case B3_X25_DCE: - if(a->ncci_state[ncci]==CONNECTED) - { - nl_req_ncci(plci,N_RESET,(byte)ncci); - send_req(plci); - Info = GOOD; - } - break; - case B3_TRANSPARENT: - if(a->ncci_state[ncci]==CONNECTED) - { - start_internal_command (Id, plci, reset_b3_command); - Info = GOOD; - } - break; - } - } - /* reset_b3 must result in a reset_b3_con & reset_b3_Ind */ - sendf(appl, - _RESET_B3_R|CONFIRM, - Id, - Number, - "w",Info); - return false; + word Info; + word ncci; + + dbug(1, dprintf("reset_b3_req")); + + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); + if (plci && ncci) + { + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + switch (plci->B3_prot) + { + case B3_ISO8208: + case B3_X25_DCE: + if (a->ncci_state[ncci] == CONNECTED) + { + nl_req_ncci(plci, N_RESET, (byte)ncci); + send_req(plci); + Info = GOOD; + } + break; + case B3_TRANSPARENT: + if (a->ncci_state[ncci] == CONNECTED) + { + start_internal_command(Id, plci, reset_b3_command); + Info = GOOD; + } + break; + } + } + /* reset_b3 must result in a reset_b3_con & reset_b3_Ind */ + sendf(appl, + _RESET_B3_R | CONFIRM, + Id, + Number, + "w", Info); + return false; } static byte reset_b3_res(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *parms) { - word ncci; - - dbug(1,dprintf("reset_b3_res")); - - ncci = (word)(Id>>16); - if(plci && ncci) { - switch (plci->B3_prot) - { - case B3_ISO8208: - case B3_X25_DCE: - if(a->ncci_state[ncci]==INC_RES_PENDING) - { - a->ncci_state[ncci] = CONNECTED; - nl_req_ncci(plci,N_RESET_ACK,(byte)ncci); - return true; - } - break; - } - } - return false; + word ncci; + + dbug(1, dprintf("reset_b3_res")); + + ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); + if (plci && ncci) { + switch (plci->B3_prot) + { + case B3_ISO8208: + case B3_X25_DCE: + if (a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_RES_PENDING) + { + a->ncci_state[ncci] = CONNECTED; + nl_req_ncci(plci, N_RESET_ACK, (byte)ncci); + return true; + } + break; + } + } + return false; } static byte connect_b3_t90_a_res(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *parms) { - word ncci; - API_PARSE * ncpi; - byte req; - - dbug(1,dprintf("connect_b3_t90_a_res")); - - ncci = (word)(Id>>16); - if(plci && ncci) { - if(a->ncci_state[ncci]==INC_ACT_PENDING) { - a->ncci_state[ncci] = CONNECTED; - } - else if(a->ncci_state[ncci]==INC_CON_PENDING) { - a->ncci_state[ncci] = CONNECTED; - - req = N_CONNECT_ACK; - - /* parms[0]==0 for CAPI original message definition! */ - if(parms[0].info) { - ncpi = &parms[1]; - if(ncpi->length>2) { - if(ncpi->info[1] &1) req = N_CONNECT_ACK | N_D_BIT; - add_d(plci,(word)(ncpi->length-3),&ncpi->info[4]); - } - } - nl_req_ncci(plci,req,(byte)ncci); - return 1; - } - } - return false; + word ncci; + API_PARSE *ncpi; + byte req; + + dbug(1, dprintf("connect_b3_t90_a_res")); + + ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); + if (plci && ncci) { + if (a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_ACT_PENDING) { + a->ncci_state[ncci] = CONNECTED; + } + else if (a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_CON_PENDING) { + a->ncci_state[ncci] = CONNECTED; + + req = N_CONNECT_ACK; + + /* parms[0]==0 for CAPI original message definition! */ + if (parms[0].info) { + ncpi = &parms[1]; + if (ncpi->length > 2) { + if (ncpi->info[1] & 1) req = N_CONNECT_ACK | N_D_BIT; + add_d(plci, (word)(ncpi->length - 3), &ncpi->info[4]); + } + } + nl_req_ncci(plci, req, (byte)ncci); + return 1; + } + } + return false; } static byte select_b_req(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg) { - word Info=0; - word i; - byte tel; - API_PARSE bp_parms[7]; - - if(!plci || !msg) - { - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - } - else - { - dbug(1,dprintf("select_b_req[%d],PLCI=0x%x,Tel=0x%x,NL=0x%x,appl=0x%x,sstate=0x%x", - msg->length,plci->Id,plci->tel,plci->NL.Id,plci->appl,plci->SuppState)); - dbug(1,dprintf("PlciState=0x%x",plci->State)); - for(i=0;i<7;i++) bp_parms[i].length = 0; - - /* check if no channel is open, no B3 connected only */ - if((plci->State == IDLE) || (plci->State == OUTG_DIS_PENDING) || (plci->State == INC_DIS_PENDING) - || (plci->SuppState != IDLE) || plci->channels || plci->nl_remove_id) - { - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - } - /* check message format and fill bp_parms pointer */ - else if(msg->length && api_parse(&msg->info[1], (word)msg->length, "wwwsss", bp_parms)) - { - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - else - { - if((plci->State==INC_CON_PENDING) || (plci->State==INC_CON_ALERT)) /* send alert tone inband to the network, */ - { /* e.g. Qsig or RBS or Cornet-N or xess PRI */ - if(Id & EXT_CONTROLLER) - { - sendf(appl, _SELECT_B_REQ|CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", 0x2002); /* wrong controller */ - return 0; - } - plci->State=INC_CON_CONNECTED_ALERT; - plci->appl = appl; - clear_c_ind_mask_bit (plci, (word)(appl->Id-1)); - dump_c_ind_mask (plci); - for(i=0; isaved_msg); - tel = plci->tel; - if(Id & EXT_CONTROLLER) - { - if(tel) /* external controller in use by this PLCI */ - { - if(a->AdvSignalAppl && a->AdvSignalAppl!=appl) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("Ext_Ctrl in use 1")); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - } - } - else /* external controller NOT in use by this PLCI ? */ - { - if(a->AdvSignalPLCI) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("Ext_Ctrl in use 2")); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - } - else /* activate the codec */ - { - dbug(1,dprintf("Ext_Ctrl start")); - if(AdvCodecSupport(a, plci, appl, 0) ) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("Error in codec procedures")); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - } - else if(plci->spoofed_msg==SPOOFING_REQUIRED) /* wait until codec is active */ - { - plci->spoofed_msg = AWAITING_SELECT_B; - plci->internal_command = BLOCK_PLCI; /* lock other commands */ - plci->command = 0; - dbug(1,dprintf("continue if codec loaded")); - return false; - } - } - } - } - else /* external controller bit is OFF */ - { - if(tel) /* external controller in use, need to switch off */ - { - if(a->AdvSignalAppl==appl) - { - CodecIdCheck(a, plci); - plci->tel = 0; - plci->adv_nl = 0; - dbug(1,dprintf("Ext_Ctrl disable")); - } - else - { - dbug(1,dprintf("Ext_Ctrl not requested")); - } - } - } - if (!Info) - { - if (plci->call_dir & CALL_DIR_OUT) - plci->call_dir = CALL_DIR_OUT | CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE; - else if (plci->call_dir & CALL_DIR_IN) - plci->call_dir = CALL_DIR_IN | CALL_DIR_ANSWER; - start_internal_command (Id, plci, select_b_command); - return false; - } - } - } - sendf(appl, _SELECT_B_REQ|CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", Info); - return false; + word Info = 0; + word i; + byte tel; + API_PARSE bp_parms[7]; + + if (!plci || !msg) + { + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + } + else + { + dbug(1, dprintf("select_b_req[%d],PLCI=0x%x,Tel=0x%x,NL=0x%x,appl=0x%x,sstate=0x%x", + msg->length, plci->Id, plci->tel, plci->NL.Id, plci->appl, plci->SuppState)); + dbug(1, dprintf("PlciState=0x%x", plci->State)); + for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) bp_parms[i].length = 0; + + /* check if no channel is open, no B3 connected only */ + if ((plci->State == IDLE) || (plci->State == OUTG_DIS_PENDING) || (plci->State == INC_DIS_PENDING) + || (plci->SuppState != IDLE) || plci->channels || plci->nl_remove_id) + { + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + } + /* check message format and fill bp_parms pointer */ + else if (msg->length && api_parse(&msg->info[1], (word)msg->length, "wwwsss", bp_parms)) + { + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + else + { + if ((plci->State == INC_CON_PENDING) || (plci->State == INC_CON_ALERT)) /* send alert tone inband to the network, */ + { /* e.g. Qsig or RBS or Cornet-N or xess PRI */ + if (Id & EXT_CONTROLLER) + { + sendf(appl, _SELECT_B_REQ | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", 0x2002); /* wrong controller */ + return 0; + } + plci->State = INC_CON_CONNECTED_ALERT; + plci->appl = appl; + clear_c_ind_mask_bit(plci, (word)(appl->Id - 1)); + dump_c_ind_mask(plci); + for (i = 0; i < max_appl; i++) /* disconnect the other appls */ + { /* its quasi a connect */ + if (test_c_ind_mask_bit(plci, i)) + sendf(&application[i], _DISCONNECT_I, Id, 0, "w", _OTHER_APPL_CONNECTED); + } + } + + api_save_msg(msg, "s", &plci->saved_msg); + tel = plci->tel; + if (Id & EXT_CONTROLLER) + { + if (tel) /* external controller in use by this PLCI */ + { + if (a->AdvSignalAppl && a->AdvSignalAppl != appl) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("Ext_Ctrl in use 1")); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + } + } + else /* external controller NOT in use by this PLCI ? */ + { + if (a->AdvSignalPLCI) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("Ext_Ctrl in use 2")); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + } + else /* activate the codec */ + { + dbug(1, dprintf("Ext_Ctrl start")); + if (AdvCodecSupport(a, plci, appl, 0)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("Error in codec procedures")); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + } + else if (plci->spoofed_msg == SPOOFING_REQUIRED) /* wait until codec is active */ + { + plci->spoofed_msg = AWAITING_SELECT_B; + plci->internal_command = BLOCK_PLCI; /* lock other commands */ + plci->command = 0; + dbug(1, dprintf("continue if codec loaded")); + return false; + } + } + } + } + else /* external controller bit is OFF */ + { + if (tel) /* external controller in use, need to switch off */ + { + if (a->AdvSignalAppl == appl) + { + CodecIdCheck(a, plci); + plci->tel = 0; + plci->adv_nl = 0; + dbug(1, dprintf("Ext_Ctrl disable")); + } + else + { + dbug(1, dprintf("Ext_Ctrl not requested")); + } + } + } + if (!Info) + { + if (plci->call_dir & CALL_DIR_OUT) + plci->call_dir = CALL_DIR_OUT | CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE; + else if (plci->call_dir & CALL_DIR_IN) + plci->call_dir = CALL_DIR_IN | CALL_DIR_ANSWER; + start_internal_command(Id, plci, select_b_command); + return false; + } + } + } + sendf(appl, _SELECT_B_REQ | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", Info); + return false; } static byte manufacturer_req(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *parms) { - word command; - word i; - word ncci; - API_PARSE * m; - API_PARSE m_parms[5]; - word codec; - byte req; - byte ch; - byte dir; - static byte chi[2] = {0x01,0x00}; - static byte lli[2] = {0x01,0x00}; - static byte codec_cai[2] = {0x01,0x01}; - static byte null_msg = {0}; - static API_PARSE null_parms = { 0, &null_msg }; - PLCI * v_plci; - word Info=0; - - dbug(1,dprintf("manufacturer_req")); - for(i=0;i<5;i++) m_parms[i].length = 0; - - if(GET_DWORD(parms[0].info)!=_DI_MANU_ID) { - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - command = GET_WORD(parms[1].info); - m = &parms[2]; - if (!Info) - { - switch(command) { - case _DI_ASSIGN_PLCI: - if(api_parse(&m->info[1],(word)m->length,"wbbs",m_parms)) { - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - codec = GET_WORD(m_parms[0].info); - ch = m_parms[1].info[0]; - dir = m_parms[2].info[0]; - if((i=get_plci(a))) { - plci = &a->plci[i-1]; - plci->appl = appl; - plci->command = _MANUFACTURER_R; - plci->m_command = command; - plci->number = Number; - plci->State = LOCAL_CONNECT; - Id = ( ((word)plci->Id<<8)|plci->adapter->Id|0x80); - dbug(1,dprintf("ManCMD,plci=0x%x",Id)); - - if((ch==1 || ch==2) && (dir<=2)) { - chi[1] = (byte)(0x80|ch); - lli[1] = 0; - plci->call_dir = CALL_DIR_OUT | CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE; - switch(codec) - { - case 0: - Info = add_b1(plci,&m_parms[3],0,0); - break; - case 1: - add_p(plci,CAI,codec_cai); - break; - /* manual 'swich on' to the codec support without signalling */ - /* first 'assign plci' with this function, then use */ - case 2: - if(AdvCodecSupport(a, plci, appl, 0) ) { - Info = _RESOURCE_ERROR; - } - else { - Info = add_b1(plci,&null_parms,0,B1_FACILITY_LOCAL); - lli[1] = 0x10; /* local call codec stream */ - } - break; - } - - plci->State = LOCAL_CONNECT; - plci->manufacturer = true; - plci->command = _MANUFACTURER_R; - plci->m_command = command; - plci->number = Number; - - if(!Info) - { - add_p(plci,LLI,lli); - add_p(plci,CHI,chi); - add_p(plci,UID,"\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); - sig_req(plci,ASSIGN,DSIG_ID); - - if(!codec) - { - Info = add_b23(plci,&m_parms[3]); - if(!Info) - { - nl_req_ncci(plci,ASSIGN,0); - send_req(plci); - } - } - if(!Info) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("dir=0x%x,spoof=0x%x",dir,plci->spoofed_msg)); - if (plci->spoofed_msg==SPOOFING_REQUIRED) - { - api_save_msg (m_parms, "wbbs", &plci->saved_msg); - plci->spoofed_msg = AWAITING_MANUF_CON; - plci->internal_command = BLOCK_PLCI; /* reject other req meanwhile */ - plci->command = 0; - send_req(plci); - return false; - } - if(dir==1) { - sig_req(plci,CALL_REQ,0); - } - else if(!dir){ - sig_req(plci,LISTEN_REQ,0); - } - send_req(plci); - } - else - { - sendf(appl, - _MANUFACTURER_R|CONFIRM, - Id, - Number, - "dww",_DI_MANU_ID,command,Info); - return 2; - } - } - } - } - else Info = _OUT_OF_PLCI; - break; - - case _DI_IDI_CTRL: - if(!plci) - { - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - break; - } - if(api_parse(&m->info[1],(word)m->length,"bs",m_parms)) { - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - req = m_parms[0].info[0]; - plci->command = _MANUFACTURER_R; - plci->m_command = command; - plci->number = Number; - if(req==CALL_REQ) - { - plci->b_channel = getChannel(&m_parms[1]); - mixer_set_bchannel_id_esc (plci, plci->b_channel); - if(plci->spoofed_msg==SPOOFING_REQUIRED) - { - plci->spoofed_msg = CALL_REQ | AWAITING_MANUF_CON; - plci->internal_command = BLOCK_PLCI; /* reject other req meanwhile */ - plci->command = 0; - break; - } - } - else if(req==LAW_REQ) - { - plci->cr_enquiry = true; - } - add_ss(plci,FTY,&m_parms[1]); - sig_req(plci,req,0); - send_req(plci); - if(req==HANGUP) - { - if (plci->NL.Id && !plci->nl_remove_id) - { - if (plci->channels) - { - for (ncci = 1; ncci < MAX_NCCI+1; ncci++) - { - if ((a->ncci_plci[ncci] == plci->Id) && (a->ncci_state[ncci] == CONNECTED)) - { - a->ncci_state[ncci] = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; - cleanup_ncci_data (plci, ncci); - nl_req_ncci(plci,N_DISC,(byte)ncci); - } - } - } - mixer_remove (plci); - nl_req_ncci(plci,REMOVE,0); - send_req(plci); - } - } - break; - - case _DI_SIG_CTRL: - /* signalling control for loop activation B-channel */ - if(!plci) - { - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - break; - } - if(m->length){ - plci->command = _MANUFACTURER_R; - plci->number = Number; - add_ss(plci,FTY,m); - sig_req(plci,SIG_CTRL,0); - send_req(plci); - } - else Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - - case _DI_RXT_CTRL: - /* activation control for receiver/transmitter B-channel */ - if(!plci) - { - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - break; - } - if(m->length){ - plci->command = _MANUFACTURER_R; - plci->number = Number; - add_ss(plci,FTY,m); - sig_req(plci,DSP_CTRL,0); - send_req(plci); - } - else Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - - case _DI_ADV_CODEC: - case _DI_DSP_CTRL: - /* TEL_CTRL commands to support non standard adjustments: */ - /* Ring on/off, Handset micro volume, external micro vol. */ - /* handset+external speaker volume, receiver+transm. gain,*/ - /* handsfree on (hookinfo off), set mixer command */ - - if(command == _DI_ADV_CODEC) - { - if(!a->AdvCodecPLCI) { - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - break; - } - v_plci = a->AdvCodecPLCI; - } - else - { - if (plci - && (m->length >= 3) - && (m->info[1] == 0x1c) - && (m->info[2] >= 1)) - { - if (m->info[3] == DSP_CTRL_OLD_SET_MIXER_COEFFICIENTS) - { - if ((plci->tel != ADV_VOICE) || (plci != a->AdvSignalPLCI)) - { - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - break; - } - a->adv_voice_coef_length = m->info[2] - 1; - if (a->adv_voice_coef_length > m->length - 3) - a->adv_voice_coef_length = (byte)(m->length - 3); - if (a->adv_voice_coef_length > ADV_VOICE_COEF_BUFFER_SIZE) - a->adv_voice_coef_length = ADV_VOICE_COEF_BUFFER_SIZE; - for (i = 0; i < a->adv_voice_coef_length; i++) - a->adv_voice_coef_buffer[i] = m->info[4 + i]; - if (plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_VOICE) - adv_voice_write_coefs (plci, ADV_VOICE_WRITE_UPDATE); - break; - } - else if (m->info[3] == DSP_CTRL_SET_DTMF_PARAMETERS) - { - if (!(a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_DTMF_PARAMETERS)) - { - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - break; - } - - plci->dtmf_parameter_length = m->info[2] - 1; - if (plci->dtmf_parameter_length > m->length - 3) - plci->dtmf_parameter_length = (byte)(m->length - 3); - if (plci->dtmf_parameter_length > DTMF_PARAMETER_BUFFER_SIZE) - plci->dtmf_parameter_length = DTMF_PARAMETER_BUFFER_SIZE; - for (i = 0; i < plci->dtmf_parameter_length; i++) - plci->dtmf_parameter_buffer[i] = m->info[4+i]; - if (plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_DTMFR) - dtmf_parameter_write (plci); - break; - - } - } - v_plci = plci; - } - - if(!v_plci) - { - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - break; - } - if(m->length){ - add_ss(v_plci,FTY,m); - sig_req(v_plci,TEL_CTRL,0); - send_req(v_plci); - } - else Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - - break; - - case _DI_OPTIONS_REQUEST: - if(api_parse(&m->info[1],(word)m->length,"d",m_parms)) { - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - if (GET_DWORD (m_parms[0].info) & ~a->man_profile.private_options) - { - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - break; - } - a->requested_options_table[appl->Id-1] = GET_DWORD (m_parms[0].info); - break; - - - - default: - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - } - - sendf(appl, - _MANUFACTURER_R|CONFIRM, - Id, - Number, - "dww",_DI_MANU_ID,command,Info); - return false; + word command; + word i; + word ncci; + API_PARSE *m; + API_PARSE m_parms[5]; + word codec; + byte req; + byte ch; + byte dir; + static byte chi[2] = {0x01, 0x00}; + static byte lli[2] = {0x01, 0x00}; + static byte codec_cai[2] = {0x01, 0x01}; + static byte null_msg = {0}; + static API_PARSE null_parms = { 0, &null_msg }; + PLCI *v_plci; + word Info = 0; + + dbug(1, dprintf("manufacturer_req")); + for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) m_parms[i].length = 0; + + if (GET_DWORD(parms[0].info) != _DI_MANU_ID) { + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + command = GET_WORD(parms[1].info); + m = &parms[2]; + if (!Info) + { + switch (command) { + case _DI_ASSIGN_PLCI: + if (api_parse(&m->info[1], (word)m->length, "wbbs", m_parms)) { + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + codec = GET_WORD(m_parms[0].info); + ch = m_parms[1].info[0]; + dir = m_parms[2].info[0]; + if ((i = get_plci(a))) { + plci = &a->plci[i - 1]; + plci->appl = appl; + plci->command = _MANUFACTURER_R; + plci->m_command = command; + plci->number = Number; + plci->State = LOCAL_CONNECT; + Id = (((word)plci->Id << 8) | plci->adapter->Id | 0x80); + dbug(1, dprintf("ManCMD,plci=0x%x", Id)); + + if ((ch == 1 || ch == 2) && (dir <= 2)) { + chi[1] = (byte)(0x80 | ch); + lli[1] = 0; + plci->call_dir = CALL_DIR_OUT | CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE; + switch (codec) + { + case 0: + Info = add_b1(plci, &m_parms[3], 0, 0); + break; + case 1: + add_p(plci, CAI, codec_cai); + break; + /* manual 'swich on' to the codec support without signalling */ + /* first 'assign plci' with this function, then use */ + case 2: + if (AdvCodecSupport(a, plci, appl, 0)) { + Info = _RESOURCE_ERROR; + } + else { + Info = add_b1(plci, &null_parms, 0, B1_FACILITY_LOCAL); + lli[1] = 0x10; /* local call codec stream */ + } + break; + } + + plci->State = LOCAL_CONNECT; + plci->manufacturer = true; + plci->command = _MANUFACTURER_R; + plci->m_command = command; + plci->number = Number; + + if (!Info) + { + add_p(plci, LLI, lli); + add_p(plci, CHI, chi); + add_p(plci, UID, "\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); + sig_req(plci, ASSIGN, DSIG_ID); + + if (!codec) + { + Info = add_b23(plci, &m_parms[3]); + if (!Info) + { + nl_req_ncci(plci, ASSIGN, 0); + send_req(plci); + } + } + if (!Info) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("dir=0x%x,spoof=0x%x", dir, plci->spoofed_msg)); + if (plci->spoofed_msg == SPOOFING_REQUIRED) + { + api_save_msg(m_parms, "wbbs", &plci->saved_msg); + plci->spoofed_msg = AWAITING_MANUF_CON; + plci->internal_command = BLOCK_PLCI; /* reject other req meanwhile */ + plci->command = 0; + send_req(plci); + return false; + } + if (dir == 1) { + sig_req(plci, CALL_REQ, 0); + } + else if (!dir) { + sig_req(plci, LISTEN_REQ, 0); + } + send_req(plci); + } + else + { + sendf(appl, + _MANUFACTURER_R | CONFIRM, + Id, + Number, + "dww", _DI_MANU_ID, command, Info); + return 2; + } + } + } + } + else Info = _OUT_OF_PLCI; + break; + + case _DI_IDI_CTRL: + if (!plci) + { + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + break; + } + if (api_parse(&m->info[1], (word)m->length, "bs", m_parms)) { + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + req = m_parms[0].info[0]; + plci->command = _MANUFACTURER_R; + plci->m_command = command; + plci->number = Number; + if (req == CALL_REQ) + { + plci->b_channel = getChannel(&m_parms[1]); + mixer_set_bchannel_id_esc(plci, plci->b_channel); + if (plci->spoofed_msg == SPOOFING_REQUIRED) + { + plci->spoofed_msg = CALL_REQ | AWAITING_MANUF_CON; + plci->internal_command = BLOCK_PLCI; /* reject other req meanwhile */ + plci->command = 0; + break; + } + } + else if (req == LAW_REQ) + { + plci->cr_enquiry = true; + } + add_ss(plci, FTY, &m_parms[1]); + sig_req(plci, req, 0); + send_req(plci); + if (req == HANGUP) + { + if (plci->NL.Id && !plci->nl_remove_id) + { + if (plci->channels) + { + for (ncci = 1; ncci < MAX_NCCI + 1; ncci++) + { + if ((a->ncci_plci[ncci] == plci->Id) && (a->ncci_state[ncci] == CONNECTED)) + { + a->ncci_state[ncci] = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; + cleanup_ncci_data(plci, ncci); + nl_req_ncci(plci, N_DISC, (byte)ncci); + } + } + } + mixer_remove(plci); + nl_req_ncci(plci, REMOVE, 0); + send_req(plci); + } + } + break; + + case _DI_SIG_CTRL: + /* signalling control for loop activation B-channel */ + if (!plci) + { + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + break; + } + if (m->length) { + plci->command = _MANUFACTURER_R; + plci->number = Number; + add_ss(plci, FTY, m); + sig_req(plci, SIG_CTRL, 0); + send_req(plci); + } + else Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + + case _DI_RXT_CTRL: + /* activation control for receiver/transmitter B-channel */ + if (!plci) + { + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + break; + } + if (m->length) { + plci->command = _MANUFACTURER_R; + plci->number = Number; + add_ss(plci, FTY, m); + sig_req(plci, DSP_CTRL, 0); + send_req(plci); + } + else Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + + case _DI_ADV_CODEC: + case _DI_DSP_CTRL: + /* TEL_CTRL commands to support non standard adjustments: */ + /* Ring on/off, Handset micro volume, external micro vol. */ + /* handset+external speaker volume, receiver+transm. gain,*/ + /* handsfree on (hookinfo off), set mixer command */ + + if (command == _DI_ADV_CODEC) + { + if (!a->AdvCodecPLCI) { + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + break; + } + v_plci = a->AdvCodecPLCI; + } + else + { + if (plci + && (m->length >= 3) + && (m->info[1] == 0x1c) + && (m->info[2] >= 1)) + { + if (m->info[3] == DSP_CTRL_OLD_SET_MIXER_COEFFICIENTS) + { + if ((plci->tel != ADV_VOICE) || (plci != a->AdvSignalPLCI)) + { + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + break; + } + a->adv_voice_coef_length = m->info[2] - 1; + if (a->adv_voice_coef_length > m->length - 3) + a->adv_voice_coef_length = (byte)(m->length - 3); + if (a->adv_voice_coef_length > ADV_VOICE_COEF_BUFFER_SIZE) + a->adv_voice_coef_length = ADV_VOICE_COEF_BUFFER_SIZE; + for (i = 0; i < a->adv_voice_coef_length; i++) + a->adv_voice_coef_buffer[i] = m->info[4 + i]; + if (plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_VOICE) + adv_voice_write_coefs(plci, ADV_VOICE_WRITE_UPDATE); + break; + } + else if (m->info[3] == DSP_CTRL_SET_DTMF_PARAMETERS) + { + if (!(a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_DTMF_PARAMETERS)) + { + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + break; + } + + plci->dtmf_parameter_length = m->info[2] - 1; + if (plci->dtmf_parameter_length > m->length - 3) + plci->dtmf_parameter_length = (byte)(m->length - 3); + if (plci->dtmf_parameter_length > DTMF_PARAMETER_BUFFER_SIZE) + plci->dtmf_parameter_length = DTMF_PARAMETER_BUFFER_SIZE; + for (i = 0; i < plci->dtmf_parameter_length; i++) + plci->dtmf_parameter_buffer[i] = m->info[4 + i]; + if (plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_DTMFR) + dtmf_parameter_write(plci); + break; + + } + } + v_plci = plci; + } + + if (!v_plci) + { + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + break; + } + if (m->length) { + add_ss(v_plci, FTY, m); + sig_req(v_plci, TEL_CTRL, 0); + send_req(v_plci); + } + else Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + + break; + + case _DI_OPTIONS_REQUEST: + if (api_parse(&m->info[1], (word)m->length, "d", m_parms)) { + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + if (GET_DWORD(m_parms[0].info) & ~a->man_profile.private_options) + { + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + break; + } + a->requested_options_table[appl->Id - 1] = GET_DWORD(m_parms[0].info); + break; + + + + default: + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + } + + sendf(appl, + _MANUFACTURER_R | CONFIRM, + Id, + Number, + "dww", _DI_MANU_ID, command, Info); + return false; } static byte manufacturer_res(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg) { - word indication; - - API_PARSE m_parms[3]; - API_PARSE *ncpi; - API_PARSE fax_parms[9]; - word i; - byte len; - - - dbug(1,dprintf("manufacturer_res")); - - if ((msg[0].length == 0) - || (msg[1].length == 0) - || (GET_DWORD(msg[0].info)!=_DI_MANU_ID)) - { - return false; - } - indication = GET_WORD(msg[1].info); - switch (indication) - { - - case _DI_NEGOTIATE_B3: - if(!plci) - break; - if (((plci->B3_prot != 4) && (plci->B3_prot != 5)) - || !(plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_NEGOTIATE_B3_SENT)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("wrong state for NEGOTIATE_B3 parameters")); - break; - } - if (api_parse (&msg[2].info[1], msg[2].length, "ws", m_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("wrong format in NEGOTIATE_B3 parameters")); - break; - } - ncpi = &m_parms[1]; - len = offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH; - if (plci->fax_connect_info_length < len) - { - ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->station_id_len = 0; - ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->head_line_len = 0; - } - if (api_parse (&ncpi->info[1], ncpi->length, "wwwwssss", fax_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("non-standard facilities info missing or wrong format")); - } - else - { - if (plci->fax_connect_info_length <= len) - plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len] = 0; - len += 1 + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len]; - if (plci->fax_connect_info_length <= len) - plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len] = 0; - len += 1 + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len]; - if ((fax_parms[7].length >= 3) && (fax_parms[7].info[1] >= 2)) - plci->nsf_control_bits = GET_WORD(&fax_parms[7].info[2]); - plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = (byte)(fax_parms[7].length); - for (i = 0; i < fax_parms[7].length; i++) - plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = fax_parms[7].info[1+i]; - } - plci->fax_connect_info_length = len; - plci->fax_edata_ack_length = plci->fax_connect_info_length; - start_internal_command (Id, plci, fax_edata_ack_command); - break; - - } - return false; + word indication; + + API_PARSE m_parms[3]; + API_PARSE *ncpi; + API_PARSE fax_parms[9]; + word i; + byte len; + + + dbug(1, dprintf("manufacturer_res")); + + if ((msg[0].length == 0) + || (msg[1].length == 0) + || (GET_DWORD(msg[0].info) != _DI_MANU_ID)) + { + return false; + } + indication = GET_WORD(msg[1].info); + switch (indication) + { + + case _DI_NEGOTIATE_B3: + if (!plci) + break; + if (((plci->B3_prot != 4) && (plci->B3_prot != 5)) + || !(plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_NEGOTIATE_B3_SENT)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("wrong state for NEGOTIATE_B3 parameters")); + break; + } + if (api_parse(&msg[2].info[1], msg[2].length, "ws", m_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("wrong format in NEGOTIATE_B3 parameters")); + break; + } + ncpi = &m_parms[1]; + len = offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH; + if (plci->fax_connect_info_length < len) + { + ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->station_id_len = 0; + ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->head_line_len = 0; + } + if (api_parse(&ncpi->info[1], ncpi->length, "wwwwssss", fax_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("non-standard facilities info missing or wrong format")); + } + else + { + if (plci->fax_connect_info_length <= len) + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len] = 0; + len += 1 + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len]; + if (plci->fax_connect_info_length <= len) + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len] = 0; + len += 1 + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len]; + if ((fax_parms[7].length >= 3) && (fax_parms[7].info[1] >= 2)) + plci->nsf_control_bits = GET_WORD(&fax_parms[7].info[2]); + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = (byte)(fax_parms[7].length); + for (i = 0; i < fax_parms[7].length; i++) + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = fax_parms[7].info[1 + i]; + } + plci->fax_connect_info_length = len; + plci->fax_edata_ack_length = plci->fax_connect_info_length; + start_internal_command(Id, plci, fax_edata_ack_command); + break; + + } + return false; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* IDI callback function */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -void callback(ENTITY * e) -{ - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a; - APPL * appl; - PLCI * plci; - CAPI_MSG *m; - word i, j; - byte rc; - byte ch; - byte req; - byte global_req; - int no_cancel_rc; - - dbug(1,dprintf("%x:CB(%x:Req=%x,Rc=%x,Ind=%x)", - (e->user[0]+1)&0x7fff,e->Id,e->Req,e->Rc,e->Ind)); - - a = &(adapter[(byte)e->user[0]]); - plci = &(a->plci[e->user[1]]); - no_cancel_rc = DIVA_CAPI_SUPPORTS_NO_CANCEL(a); - - /* - If new protocol code and new XDI is used then CAPI should work - fully in accordance with IDI cpec an look on callback field instead - of Rc field for return codes. - */ - if (((e->complete == 0xff) && no_cancel_rc) || - (e->Rc && !no_cancel_rc)) { - rc = e->Rc; - ch = e->RcCh; - req = e->Req; - e->Rc = 0; - - if (e->user[0] & 0x8000) - { - /* - If REMOVE request was sent then we have to wait until - return code with Id set to zero arrives. - All other return codes should be ignored. - */ - if (req == REMOVE) - { - if (e->Id) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("cancel RC in REMOVE state")); - return; - } - channel_flow_control_remove (plci); - for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) - { - if (a->FlowControlIdTable[i] == plci->nl_remove_id) - a->FlowControlIdTable[i] = 0; - } - plci->nl_remove_id = 0; - if (plci->rx_dma_descriptor > 0) { - diva_free_dma_descriptor (plci, plci->rx_dma_descriptor - 1); - plci->rx_dma_descriptor = 0; - } - } - if (rc == OK_FC) - { - a->FlowControlIdTable[ch] = e->Id; - a->FlowControlSkipTable[ch] = 0; - - a->ch_flow_control[ch] |= N_OK_FC_PENDING; - a->ch_flow_plci[ch] = plci->Id; - plci->nl_req = 0; - } - else - { - /* - Cancel return codes self, if feature was requested - */ - if (no_cancel_rc && (a->FlowControlIdTable[ch] == e->Id) && e->Id) { - a->FlowControlIdTable[ch] = 0; - if ((rc == OK) && a->FlowControlSkipTable[ch]) { - dbug(3,dprintf ("XDI CAPI: RC cancelled Id:0x02, Ch:%02x", e->Id, ch)); - return; - } - } - - if (a->ch_flow_control[ch] & N_OK_FC_PENDING) - { - a->ch_flow_control[ch] &= ~N_OK_FC_PENDING; - if (ch == e->ReqCh) - plci->nl_req = 0; - } - else - plci->nl_req = 0; - } - if (plci->nl_req) - control_rc (plci, 0, rc, ch, 0, true); - else - { - if (req == N_XON) - { - channel_x_on (plci, ch); - if (plci->internal_command) - control_rc (plci, req, rc, ch, 0, true); - } - else - { - if (plci->nl_global_req) - { - global_req = plci->nl_global_req; - plci->nl_global_req = 0; - if (rc != ASSIGN_OK) { - e->Id = 0; - if (plci->rx_dma_descriptor > 0) { - diva_free_dma_descriptor (plci, plci->rx_dma_descriptor - 1); - plci->rx_dma_descriptor = 0; - } - } - channel_xmit_xon (plci); - control_rc (plci, 0, rc, ch, global_req, true); - } - else if (plci->data_sent) - { - channel_xmit_xon (plci); - plci->data_sent = false; - plci->NL.XNum = 1; - data_rc (plci, ch); - if (plci->internal_command) - control_rc (plci, req, rc, ch, 0, true); - } - else - { - channel_xmit_xon (plci); - control_rc (plci, req, rc, ch, 0, true); - } - } - } - } - else - { - /* - If REMOVE request was sent then we have to wait until - return code with Id set to zero arrives. - All other return codes should be ignored. - */ - if (req == REMOVE) - { - if (e->Id) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("cancel RC in REMOVE state")); - return; - } - plci->sig_remove_id = 0; - } - plci->sig_req = 0; - if (plci->sig_global_req) - { - global_req = plci->sig_global_req; - plci->sig_global_req = 0; - if (rc != ASSIGN_OK) - e->Id = 0; - channel_xmit_xon (plci); - control_rc (plci, 0, rc, ch, global_req, false); - } - else - { - channel_xmit_xon (plci); - control_rc (plci, req, rc, ch, 0, false); - } - } - /* - Again: in accordance with IDI spec Rc and Ind can't be delivered in the - same callback. Also if new XDI and protocol code used then jump - direct to finish. - */ - if (no_cancel_rc) { - channel_xmit_xon(plci); - goto capi_callback_suffix; - } - } - - channel_xmit_xon(plci); - - if (e->Ind) { - if (e->user[0] &0x8000) { - byte Ind = e->Ind & 0x0f; - byte Ch = e->IndCh; - if (((Ind==N_DISC) || (Ind==N_DISC_ACK)) && - (a->ch_flow_plci[Ch] == plci->Id)) { - if (a->ch_flow_control[Ch] & N_RX_FLOW_CONTROL_MASK) { - dbug(3,dprintf ("XDI CAPI: I: pending N-XON Ch:%02x", Ch)); - } - a->ch_flow_control[Ch] &= ~N_RX_FLOW_CONTROL_MASK; - } - nl_ind(plci); - if ((e->RNR != 1) && - (a->ch_flow_plci[Ch] == plci->Id) && - (a->ch_flow_control[Ch] & N_RX_FLOW_CONTROL_MASK)) { - a->ch_flow_control[Ch] &= ~N_RX_FLOW_CONTROL_MASK; - dbug(3,dprintf ("XDI CAPI: I: remove faked N-XON Ch:%02x", Ch)); - } - } else { - sig_ind(plci); - } - e->Ind = 0; - } +void callback(ENTITY *e) +{ + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + APPL *appl; + PLCI *plci; + CAPI_MSG *m; + word i, j; + byte rc; + byte ch; + byte req; + byte global_req; + int no_cancel_rc; + + dbug(1, dprintf("%x:CB(%x:Req=%x,Rc=%x,Ind=%x)", + (e->user[0] + 1) & 0x7fff, e->Id, e->Req, e->Rc, e->Ind)); + + a = &(adapter[(byte)e->user[0]]); + plci = &(a->plci[e->user[1]]); + no_cancel_rc = DIVA_CAPI_SUPPORTS_NO_CANCEL(a); + + /* + If new protocol code and new XDI is used then CAPI should work + fully in accordance with IDI cpec an look on callback field instead + of Rc field for return codes. + */ + if (((e->complete == 0xff) && no_cancel_rc) || + (e->Rc && !no_cancel_rc)) { + rc = e->Rc; + ch = e->RcCh; + req = e->Req; + e->Rc = 0; + + if (e->user[0] & 0x8000) + { + /* + If REMOVE request was sent then we have to wait until + return code with Id set to zero arrives. + All other return codes should be ignored. + */ + if (req == REMOVE) + { + if (e->Id) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("cancel RC in REMOVE state")); + return; + } + channel_flow_control_remove(plci); + for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) + { + if (a->FlowControlIdTable[i] == plci->nl_remove_id) + a->FlowControlIdTable[i] = 0; + } + plci->nl_remove_id = 0; + if (plci->rx_dma_descriptor > 0) { + diva_free_dma_descriptor(plci, plci->rx_dma_descriptor - 1); + plci->rx_dma_descriptor = 0; + } + } + if (rc == OK_FC) + { + a->FlowControlIdTable[ch] = e->Id; + a->FlowControlSkipTable[ch] = 0; + + a->ch_flow_control[ch] |= N_OK_FC_PENDING; + a->ch_flow_plci[ch] = plci->Id; + plci->nl_req = 0; + } + else + { + /* + Cancel return codes self, if feature was requested + */ + if (no_cancel_rc && (a->FlowControlIdTable[ch] == e->Id) && e->Id) { + a->FlowControlIdTable[ch] = 0; + if ((rc == OK) && a->FlowControlSkipTable[ch]) { + dbug(3, dprintf("XDI CAPI: RC cancelled Id:0x02, Ch:%02x", e->Id, ch)); + return; + } + } + + if (a->ch_flow_control[ch] & N_OK_FC_PENDING) + { + a->ch_flow_control[ch] &= ~N_OK_FC_PENDING; + if (ch == e->ReqCh) + plci->nl_req = 0; + } + else + plci->nl_req = 0; + } + if (plci->nl_req) + control_rc(plci, 0, rc, ch, 0, true); + else + { + if (req == N_XON) + { + channel_x_on(plci, ch); + if (plci->internal_command) + control_rc(plci, req, rc, ch, 0, true); + } + else + { + if (plci->nl_global_req) + { + global_req = plci->nl_global_req; + plci->nl_global_req = 0; + if (rc != ASSIGN_OK) { + e->Id = 0; + if (plci->rx_dma_descriptor > 0) { + diva_free_dma_descriptor(plci, plci->rx_dma_descriptor - 1); + plci->rx_dma_descriptor = 0; + } + } + channel_xmit_xon(plci); + control_rc(plci, 0, rc, ch, global_req, true); + } + else if (plci->data_sent) + { + channel_xmit_xon(plci); + plci->data_sent = false; + plci->NL.XNum = 1; + data_rc(plci, ch); + if (plci->internal_command) + control_rc(plci, req, rc, ch, 0, true); + } + else + { + channel_xmit_xon(plci); + control_rc(plci, req, rc, ch, 0, true); + } + } + } + } + else + { + /* + If REMOVE request was sent then we have to wait until + return code with Id set to zero arrives. + All other return codes should be ignored. + */ + if (req == REMOVE) + { + if (e->Id) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("cancel RC in REMOVE state")); + return; + } + plci->sig_remove_id = 0; + } + plci->sig_req = 0; + if (plci->sig_global_req) + { + global_req = plci->sig_global_req; + plci->sig_global_req = 0; + if (rc != ASSIGN_OK) + e->Id = 0; + channel_xmit_xon(plci); + control_rc(plci, 0, rc, ch, global_req, false); + } + else + { + channel_xmit_xon(plci); + control_rc(plci, req, rc, ch, 0, false); + } + } + /* + Again: in accordance with IDI spec Rc and Ind can't be delivered in the + same callback. Also if new XDI and protocol code used then jump + direct to finish. + */ + if (no_cancel_rc) { + channel_xmit_xon(plci); + goto capi_callback_suffix; + } + } + + channel_xmit_xon(plci); + + if (e->Ind) { + if (e->user[0] & 0x8000) { + byte Ind = e->Ind & 0x0f; + byte Ch = e->IndCh; + if (((Ind == N_DISC) || (Ind == N_DISC_ACK)) && + (a->ch_flow_plci[Ch] == plci->Id)) { + if (a->ch_flow_control[Ch] & N_RX_FLOW_CONTROL_MASK) { + dbug(3, dprintf("XDI CAPI: I: pending N-XON Ch:%02x", Ch)); + } + a->ch_flow_control[Ch] &= ~N_RX_FLOW_CONTROL_MASK; + } + nl_ind(plci); + if ((e->RNR != 1) && + (a->ch_flow_plci[Ch] == plci->Id) && + (a->ch_flow_control[Ch] & N_RX_FLOW_CONTROL_MASK)) { + a->ch_flow_control[Ch] &= ~N_RX_FLOW_CONTROL_MASK; + dbug(3, dprintf("XDI CAPI: I: remove faked N-XON Ch:%02x", Ch)); + } + } else { + sig_ind(plci); + } + e->Ind = 0; + } capi_callback_suffix: - while (!plci->req_in - && !plci->internal_command - && (plci->msg_in_write_pos != plci->msg_in_read_pos)) - { - j = (plci->msg_in_read_pos == plci->msg_in_wrap_pos) ? 0 : plci->msg_in_read_pos; - - i = (((CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[j]))->header.length + 3) & 0xfffc; - - m = (CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[j]); - appl = *((APPL * *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[j+i])); - dbug(1,dprintf("dequeue msg(0x%04x) - write=%d read=%d wrap=%d", - m->header.command, plci->msg_in_write_pos, plci->msg_in_read_pos, plci->msg_in_wrap_pos)); - if (plci->msg_in_read_pos == plci->msg_in_wrap_pos) - { - plci->msg_in_wrap_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; - plci->msg_in_read_pos = i + MSG_IN_OVERHEAD; - } - else - { - plci->msg_in_read_pos = j + i + MSG_IN_OVERHEAD; - } - if (plci->msg_in_read_pos == plci->msg_in_write_pos) - { - plci->msg_in_write_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; - plci->msg_in_read_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; - } - else if (plci->msg_in_read_pos == plci->msg_in_wrap_pos) - { - plci->msg_in_read_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; - plci->msg_in_wrap_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; - } - i = api_put (appl, m); - if (i != 0) - { - if (m->header.command == _DATA_B3_R) - - TransmitBufferFree (appl, (byte *)(long)(m->info.data_b3_req.Data)); - - dbug(1,dprintf("Error 0x%04x from msg(0x%04x)", i, m->header.command)); - break; - } - - if (plci->li_notify_update) - { - plci->li_notify_update = false; - mixer_notify_update (plci, false); - } - - } - send_data(plci); - send_req(plci); + while (!plci->req_in + && !plci->internal_command + && (plci->msg_in_write_pos != plci->msg_in_read_pos)) + { + j = (plci->msg_in_read_pos == plci->msg_in_wrap_pos) ? 0 : plci->msg_in_read_pos; + + i = (((CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[j]))->header.length + 3) & 0xfffc; + + m = (CAPI_MSG *)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[j]); + appl = *((APPL **)(&((byte *)(plci->msg_in_queue))[j + i])); + dbug(1, dprintf("dequeue msg(0x%04x) - write=%d read=%d wrap=%d", + m->header.command, plci->msg_in_write_pos, plci->msg_in_read_pos, plci->msg_in_wrap_pos)); + if (plci->msg_in_read_pos == plci->msg_in_wrap_pos) + { + plci->msg_in_wrap_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; + plci->msg_in_read_pos = i + MSG_IN_OVERHEAD; + } + else + { + plci->msg_in_read_pos = j + i + MSG_IN_OVERHEAD; + } + if (plci->msg_in_read_pos == plci->msg_in_write_pos) + { + plci->msg_in_write_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; + plci->msg_in_read_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; + } + else if (plci->msg_in_read_pos == plci->msg_in_wrap_pos) + { + plci->msg_in_read_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; + plci->msg_in_wrap_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; + } + i = api_put(appl, m); + if (i != 0) + { + if (m->header.command == _DATA_B3_R) + + TransmitBufferFree(appl, (byte *)(long)(m->info.data_b3_req.Data)); + + dbug(1, dprintf("Error 0x%04x from msg(0x%04x)", i, m->header.command)); + break; + } + + if (plci->li_notify_update) + { + plci->li_notify_update = false; + mixer_notify_update(plci, false); + } + + } + send_data(plci); + send_req(plci); } static void control_rc(PLCI *plci, byte req, byte rc, byte ch, byte global_req, byte nl_rc) { - dword Id; - dword rId; - word Number; - word Info=0; - word i; - word ncci; - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a; - APPL * appl; - PLCI * rplci; - byte SSparms[] = "\x05\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00"; - byte SSstruct[] = "\x09\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; - - if (!plci) { - dbug(0,dprintf("A: control_rc, no plci %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", req, rc, ch, global_req, nl_rc)); - return; - } - dbug(1,dprintf("req0_in/out=%d/%d",plci->req_in,plci->req_out)); - if(plci->req_in!=plci->req_out) - { - if (nl_rc || (global_req != ASSIGN) || (rc == ASSIGN_OK)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("req_1return")); - return; - } - /* cancel outstanding request on the PLCI after SIG ASSIGN failure */ - } - plci->req_in = plci->req_in_start = plci->req_out = 0; - dbug(1,dprintf("control_rc")); - - appl = plci->appl; - a = plci->adapter; - ncci = a->ch_ncci[ch]; - if(appl) - { - Id = (((dword)(ncci ? ncci : ch)) << 16) | ((word)plci->Id << 8) | a->Id; - if(plci->tel && plci->SuppState!=CALL_HELD) Id|=EXT_CONTROLLER; - Number = plci->number; - dbug(1,dprintf("Contr_RC-Id=%08lx,plci=%x,tel=%x, entity=0x%x, command=0x%x, int_command=0x%x",Id,plci->Id,plci->tel,plci->Sig.Id,plci->command,plci->internal_command)); - dbug(1,dprintf("channels=0x%x",plci->channels)); - if (plci_remove_check(plci)) - return; - if(req==REMOVE && rc==ASSIGN_OK) - { - sig_req(plci,HANGUP,0); - sig_req(plci,REMOVE,0); - send_req(plci); - } - if(plci->command) - { - switch(plci->command) - { - case C_HOLD_REQ: - dbug(1,dprintf("HoldRC=0x%x",rc)); - SSparms[1] = (byte)S_HOLD; - if(rc!=OK) - { - plci->SuppState = IDLE; - Info = 0x2001; - } - sendf(appl,_FACILITY_R|CONFIRM,Id,Number,"wws",Info,3,SSparms); - break; - - case C_RETRIEVE_REQ: - dbug(1,dprintf("RetrieveRC=0x%x",rc)); - SSparms[1] = (byte)S_RETRIEVE; - if(rc!=OK) - { - plci->SuppState = CALL_HELD; - Info = 0x2001; - } - sendf(appl,_FACILITY_R|CONFIRM,Id,Number,"wws",Info,3,SSparms); - break; - - case _INFO_R: - dbug(1,dprintf("InfoRC=0x%x",rc)); - if(rc!=OK) Info=_WRONG_STATE; - sendf(appl,_INFO_R|CONFIRM,Id,Number,"w",Info); - break; - - case _CONNECT_R: - dbug(1,dprintf("Connect_R=0x%x/0x%x/0x%x/0x%x",req,rc,global_req,nl_rc)); - if (plci->State == INC_DIS_PENDING) - break; - if(plci->Sig.Id!=0xff) - { - if (((global_req == ASSIGN) && (rc != ASSIGN_OK)) - || (!nl_rc && (req == CALL_REQ) && (rc != OK))) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("No more IDs/Call_Req failed")); - sendf(appl,_CONNECT_R|CONFIRM,Id&0xffL,Number,"w",_OUT_OF_PLCI); - plci_remove(plci); - plci->State = IDLE; - break; - } - if(plci->State!=LOCAL_CONNECT)plci->State = OUTG_CON_PENDING; - sendf(appl,_CONNECT_R|CONFIRM,Id,Number,"w",0); - } - else /* D-ch activation */ - { - if (rc != ASSIGN_OK) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("No more IDs/X.25 Call_Req failed")); - sendf(appl,_CONNECT_R|CONFIRM,Id&0xffL,Number,"w",_OUT_OF_PLCI); - plci_remove(plci); - plci->State = IDLE; - break; - } - sendf(appl,_CONNECT_R|CONFIRM,Id,Number,"w",0); - sendf(plci->appl,_CONNECT_ACTIVE_I,Id,0,"sss","","",""); - plci->State = INC_ACT_PENDING; - } - break; - - case _CONNECT_I|RESPONSE: - if (plci->State != INC_DIS_PENDING) - plci->State = INC_CON_ACCEPT; - break; - - case _DISCONNECT_R: - if (plci->State == INC_DIS_PENDING) - break; - if(plci->Sig.Id!=0xff) - { - plci->State = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; - sendf(appl,_DISCONNECT_R|CONFIRM,Id,Number,"w",0); - } - break; - - case SUSPEND_REQ: - break; - - case RESUME_REQ: - break; - - case _CONNECT_B3_R: - if(rc!=OK) - { - sendf(appl,_CONNECT_B3_R|CONFIRM,Id,Number,"w",_WRONG_IDENTIFIER); - break; - } - ncci = get_ncci (plci, ch, 0); - Id = (Id & 0xffff) | (((dword) ncci) << 16); - plci->channels++; - if(req==N_RESET) - { - a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_ACT_PENDING; - sendf(appl,_CONNECT_B3_R|CONFIRM,Id,Number,"w",0); - sendf(appl,_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I,Id,0,"s",""); - } - else - { - a->ncci_state[ncci] = OUTG_CON_PENDING; - sendf(appl,_CONNECT_B3_R|CONFIRM,Id,Number,"w",0); - } - break; - - case _CONNECT_B3_I|RESPONSE: - break; - - case _RESET_B3_R: -/* sendf(appl,_RESET_B3_R|CONFIRM,Id,Number,"w",0);*/ - break; - - case _DISCONNECT_B3_R: - sendf(appl,_DISCONNECT_B3_R|CONFIRM,Id,Number,"w",0); - break; - - case _MANUFACTURER_R: - break; - - case PERM_LIST_REQ: - if(rc!=OK) - { - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - sendf(plci->appl,_CONNECT_R|CONFIRM,Id,Number,"w",Info); - plci_remove(plci); - } - else - sendf(plci->appl,_CONNECT_R|CONFIRM,Id,Number,"w",Info); - break; - - default: - break; - } - plci->command = 0; - } - else if (plci->internal_command) - { - switch(plci->internal_command) - { - case BLOCK_PLCI: - return; - - case GET_MWI_STATE: - if(rc==OK) /* command supported, wait for indication */ - { - return; - } - plci_remove(plci); - break; - - /* Get Supported Services */ - case GETSERV_REQ_PEND: - if(rc==OK) /* command supported, wait for indication */ - { - break; - } - PUT_DWORD(&SSstruct[6], MASK_TERMINAL_PORTABILITY); - sendf(appl, _FACILITY_R|CONFIRM, Id, Number, "wws",0,3,SSstruct); - plci_remove(plci); - break; - - case INTERR_DIVERSION_REQ_PEND: /* Interrogate Parameters */ - case INTERR_NUMBERS_REQ_PEND: - case CF_START_PEND: /* Call Forwarding Start pending */ - case CF_STOP_PEND: /* Call Forwarding Stop pending */ - case CCBS_REQUEST_REQ_PEND: - case CCBS_DEACTIVATE_REQ_PEND: - case CCBS_INTERROGATE_REQ_PEND: - switch(plci->internal_command) - { - case INTERR_DIVERSION_REQ_PEND: - SSparms[1] = S_INTERROGATE_DIVERSION; - break; - case INTERR_NUMBERS_REQ_PEND: - SSparms[1] = S_INTERROGATE_NUMBERS; - break; - case CF_START_PEND: - SSparms[1] = S_CALL_FORWARDING_START; - break; - case CF_STOP_PEND: - SSparms[1] = S_CALL_FORWARDING_STOP; - break; - case CCBS_REQUEST_REQ_PEND: - SSparms[1] = S_CCBS_REQUEST; - break; - case CCBS_DEACTIVATE_REQ_PEND: - SSparms[1] = S_CCBS_DEACTIVATE; - break; - case CCBS_INTERROGATE_REQ_PEND: - SSparms[1] = S_CCBS_INTERROGATE; - break; - } - if(global_req==ASSIGN) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("AssignDiversion_RC=0x%x/0x%x",req,rc)); - return; - } - if(!plci->appl) break; - if(rc==ISDN_GUARD_REJ) - { - Info = _CAPI_GUARD_ERROR; - } - else if(rc!=OK) - { - Info = _SUPPLEMENTARY_SERVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED; - } - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_R|CONFIRM,Id&0x7, - plci->number,"wws",Info,(word)3,SSparms); - if(Info) plci_remove(plci); - break; - - /* 3pty conference pending */ - case PTY_REQ_PEND: - if(!plci->relatedPTYPLCI) break; - rplci = plci->relatedPTYPLCI; - SSparms[1] = plci->ptyState; - rId = ((word)rplci->Id<<8)|rplci->adapter->Id; - if(rplci->tel) rId|=EXT_CONTROLLER; - if(rc!=OK) - { - Info = 0x300E; /* not supported */ - plci->relatedPTYPLCI = NULL; - plci->ptyState = 0; - } - sendf(rplci->appl, - _FACILITY_R|CONFIRM, - rId, - plci->number, - "wws",Info,(word)3,SSparms); - break; - - /* Explicit Call Transfer pending */ - case ECT_REQ_PEND: - dbug(1,dprintf("ECT_RC=0x%x/0x%x",req,rc)); - if(!plci->relatedPTYPLCI) break; - rplci = plci->relatedPTYPLCI; - SSparms[1] = S_ECT; - rId = ((word)rplci->Id<<8)|rplci->adapter->Id; - if(rplci->tel) rId|=EXT_CONTROLLER; - if(rc!=OK) - { - Info = 0x300E; /* not supported */ - plci->relatedPTYPLCI = NULL; - plci->ptyState = 0; - } - sendf(rplci->appl, - _FACILITY_R|CONFIRM, - rId, - plci->number, - "wws",Info,(word)3,SSparms); - break; - - case _MANUFACTURER_R: - dbug(1,dprintf("_Manufacturer_R=0x%x/0x%x",req,rc)); - if ((global_req == ASSIGN) && (rc != ASSIGN_OK)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("No more IDs")); - sendf(appl,_MANUFACTURER_R|CONFIRM,Id,Number,"dww",_DI_MANU_ID,_MANUFACTURER_R,_OUT_OF_PLCI); - plci_remove(plci); /* after codec init, internal codec commands pending */ - } - break; - - case _CONNECT_R: - dbug(1,dprintf("_Connect_R=0x%x/0x%x",req,rc)); - if ((global_req == ASSIGN) && (rc != ASSIGN_OK)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("No more IDs")); - sendf(appl,_CONNECT_R|CONFIRM,Id&0xffL,Number,"w",_OUT_OF_PLCI); - plci_remove(plci); /* after codec init, internal codec commands pending */ - } - break; - - case PERM_COD_HOOK: /* finished with Hook_Ind */ - return; - - case PERM_COD_CALL: - dbug(1,dprintf("***Codec Connect_Pending A, Rc = 0x%x",rc)); - plci->internal_command = PERM_COD_CONN_PEND; - return; - - case PERM_COD_ASSIGN: - dbug(1,dprintf("***Codec Assign A, Rc = 0x%x",rc)); - if(rc!=ASSIGN_OK) break; - sig_req(plci,CALL_REQ,0); - send_req(plci); - plci->internal_command = PERM_COD_CALL; - return; - - /* Null Call Reference Request pending */ - case C_NCR_FAC_REQ: - dbug(1,dprintf("NCR_FAC=0x%x/0x%x",req,rc)); - if(global_req==ASSIGN) - { - if(rc==ASSIGN_OK) - { - return; - } - else - { - sendf(appl,_INFO_R|CONFIRM,Id&0xf,Number,"w",_WRONG_STATE); - appl->NullCREnable = false; - plci_remove(plci); - } - } - else if(req==NCR_FACILITY) - { - if(rc==OK) - { - sendf(appl,_INFO_R|CONFIRM,Id&0xf,Number,"w",0); - } - else - { - sendf(appl,_INFO_R|CONFIRM,Id&0xf,Number,"w",_WRONG_STATE); - appl->NullCREnable = false; - } - plci_remove(plci); - } - break; - - case HOOK_ON_REQ: - if(plci->channels) - { - if(a->ncci_state[ncci]==CONNECTED) - { - a->ncci_state[ncci] = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; - cleanup_ncci_data (plci, ncci); - nl_req_ncci(plci,N_DISC,(byte)ncci); - } - break; - } - break; - - case HOOK_OFF_REQ: - if (plci->State == INC_DIS_PENDING) - break; - sig_req(plci,CALL_REQ,0); - send_req(plci); - plci->State=OUTG_CON_PENDING; - break; - - - case MWI_ACTIVATE_REQ_PEND: - case MWI_DEACTIVATE_REQ_PEND: - if(global_req == ASSIGN && rc==ASSIGN_OK) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("MWI_REQ assigned")); - return; - } - else if(rc!=OK) - { - if(rc==WRONG_IE) - { - Info = 0x2007; /* Illegal message parameter coding */ - dbug(1,dprintf("MWI_REQ invalid parameter")); - } - else - { - Info = 0x300B; /* not supported */ - dbug(1,dprintf("MWI_REQ not supported")); - } - /* 0x3010: Request not allowed in this state */ - PUT_WORD(&SSparms[4],0x300E); /* SS not supported */ - - } - if(plci->internal_command==MWI_ACTIVATE_REQ_PEND) - { - PUT_WORD(&SSparms[1],S_MWI_ACTIVATE); - } - else PUT_WORD(&SSparms[1],S_MWI_DEACTIVATE); - - if(plci->cr_enquiry) - { - sendf(plci->appl, - _FACILITY_R|CONFIRM, - Id&0xf, - plci->number, - "wws",Info,(word)3,SSparms); - if(rc!=OK) plci_remove(plci); - } - else - { - sendf(plci->appl, - _FACILITY_R|CONFIRM, - Id, - plci->number, - "wws",Info,(word)3,SSparms); - } - break; - - case CONF_BEGIN_REQ_PEND: - case CONF_ADD_REQ_PEND: - case CONF_SPLIT_REQ_PEND: - case CONF_DROP_REQ_PEND: - case CONF_ISOLATE_REQ_PEND: - case CONF_REATTACH_REQ_PEND: - dbug(1,dprintf("CONF_RC=0x%x/0x%x",req,rc)); - if((plci->internal_command==CONF_ADD_REQ_PEND)&&(!plci->relatedPTYPLCI)) break; - rplci = plci; - rId = Id; - switch(plci->internal_command) - { - case CONF_BEGIN_REQ_PEND: - SSparms[1] = S_CONF_BEGIN; - break; - case CONF_ADD_REQ_PEND: - SSparms[1] = S_CONF_ADD; - rplci = plci->relatedPTYPLCI; - rId = ((word)rplci->Id<<8)|rplci->adapter->Id; - break; - case CONF_SPLIT_REQ_PEND: - SSparms[1] = S_CONF_SPLIT; - break; - case CONF_DROP_REQ_PEND: - SSparms[1] = S_CONF_DROP; - break; - case CONF_ISOLATE_REQ_PEND: - SSparms[1] = S_CONF_ISOLATE; - break; - case CONF_REATTACH_REQ_PEND: - SSparms[1] = S_CONF_REATTACH; - break; - } - - if(rc!=OK) - { - Info = 0x300E; /* not supported */ - plci->relatedPTYPLCI = NULL; - plci->ptyState = 0; - } - sendf(rplci->appl, - _FACILITY_R|CONFIRM, - rId, - plci->number, - "wws",Info,(word)3,SSparms); - break; - - case VSWITCH_REQ_PEND: - if(rc!=OK) - { - if(plci->relatedPTYPLCI) - { - plci->relatedPTYPLCI->vswitchstate=0; - plci->relatedPTYPLCI->vsprot=0; - plci->relatedPTYPLCI->vsprotdialect=0; - } - plci->vswitchstate=0; - plci->vsprot=0; - plci->vsprotdialect=0; - } - else - { - if(plci->relatedPTYPLCI && - plci->vswitchstate==1 && - plci->relatedPTYPLCI->vswitchstate==3) /* join complete */ - plci->vswitchstate=3; - } - break; - - /* Call Deflection Request pending (SSCT) */ - case CD_REQ_PEND: - SSparms[1] = S_CALL_DEFLECTION; - if(rc!=OK) - { - Info = 0x300E; /* not supported */ - plci->appl->CDEnable = 0; - } - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_R|CONFIRM,Id, - plci->number,"wws",Info,(word)3,SSparms); - break; - - case RTP_CONNECT_B3_REQ_COMMAND_2: - if (rc == OK) - { - ncci = get_ncci (plci, ch, 0); - Id = (Id & 0xffff) | (((dword) ncci) << 16); - plci->channels++; - a->ncci_state[ncci] = OUTG_CON_PENDING; - } - - default: - if (plci->internal_command_queue[0]) - { - (*(plci->internal_command_queue[0]))(Id, plci, rc); - if (plci->internal_command) - return; - } - break; - } - next_internal_command (Id, plci); - } - } - else /* appl==0 */ - { - Id = ((word)plci->Id<<8)|plci->adapter->Id; - if(plci->tel) Id|=EXT_CONTROLLER; - - switch(plci->internal_command) - { - case BLOCK_PLCI: - return; - - case START_L1_SIG_ASSIGN_PEND: - case REM_L1_SIG_ASSIGN_PEND: - if(global_req == ASSIGN) - { - break; - } - else - { - dbug(1,dprintf("***L1 Req rem PLCI")); - plci->internal_command = 0; - sig_req(plci,REMOVE,0); - send_req(plci); - } - break; - - /* Call Deflection Request pending, just no appl ptr assigned */ - case CD_REQ_PEND: - SSparms[1] = S_CALL_DEFLECTION; - if(rc!=OK) - { - Info = 0x300E; /* not supported */ - } - for(i=0; inumber,"wws",Info,(word)3,SSparms); - if(Info) application[i].CDEnable = 0; - } - } - } - plci->internal_command = 0; - break; - - case PERM_COD_HOOK: /* finished with Hook_Ind */ - return; - - case PERM_COD_CALL: - plci->internal_command = PERM_COD_CONN_PEND; - dbug(1,dprintf("***Codec Connect_Pending, Rc = 0x%x",rc)); - return; - - case PERM_COD_ASSIGN: - dbug(1,dprintf("***Codec Assign, Rc = 0x%x",rc)); - plci->internal_command = 0; - if(rc!=ASSIGN_OK) break; - plci->internal_command = PERM_COD_CALL; - sig_req(plci,CALL_REQ,0); - send_req(plci); - return; - - case LISTEN_SIG_ASSIGN_PEND: - if(rc == ASSIGN_OK) - { - plci->internal_command = 0; - dbug(1,dprintf("ListenCheck, new SIG_ID = 0x%x",plci->Sig.Id)); - add_p(plci,ESC,"\x02\x18\x00"); /* support call waiting */ - sig_req(plci,INDICATE_REQ,0); - send_req(plci); - } - else - { - dbug(1,dprintf("ListenCheck failed (assignRc=0x%x)",rc)); - a->listen_active--; - plci_remove(plci); - plci->State = IDLE; - } - break; - - case USELAW_REQ: - if(global_req == ASSIGN) - { - if (rc==ASSIGN_OK) - { - sig_req(plci,LAW_REQ,0); - send_req(plci); - dbug(1,dprintf("Auto-Law assigned")); - } - else - { - dbug(1,dprintf("Auto-Law assign failed")); - a->automatic_law = 3; - plci->internal_command = 0; - a->automatic_lawPLCI = NULL; - } - break; - } - else if(req == LAW_REQ && rc==OK) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("Auto-Law initiated")); - a->automatic_law = 2; - plci->internal_command = 0; - } - else - { - dbug(1,dprintf("Auto-Law not supported")); - a->automatic_law = 3; - plci->internal_command = 0; - sig_req(plci,REMOVE,0); - send_req(plci); - a->automatic_lawPLCI = NULL; - } - break; - } - plci_remove_check(plci); - } + dword Id; + dword rId; + word Number; + word Info = 0; + word i; + word ncci; + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + APPL *appl; + PLCI *rplci; + byte SSparms[] = "\x05\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00"; + byte SSstruct[] = "\x09\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; + + if (!plci) { + dbug(0, dprintf("A: control_rc, no plci %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", req, rc, ch, global_req, nl_rc)); + return; + } + dbug(1, dprintf("req0_in/out=%d/%d", plci->req_in, plci->req_out)); + if (plci->req_in != plci->req_out) + { + if (nl_rc || (global_req != ASSIGN) || (rc == ASSIGN_OK)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("req_1return")); + return; + } + /* cancel outstanding request on the PLCI after SIG ASSIGN failure */ + } + plci->req_in = plci->req_in_start = plci->req_out = 0; + dbug(1, dprintf("control_rc")); + + appl = plci->appl; + a = plci->adapter; + ncci = a->ch_ncci[ch]; + if (appl) + { + Id = (((dword)(ncci ? ncci : ch)) << 16) | ((word)plci->Id << 8) | a->Id; + if (plci->tel && plci->SuppState != CALL_HELD) Id |= EXT_CONTROLLER; + Number = plci->number; + dbug(1, dprintf("Contr_RC-Id=%08lx,plci=%x,tel=%x, entity=0x%x, command=0x%x, int_command=0x%x", Id, plci->Id, plci->tel, plci->Sig.Id, plci->command, plci->internal_command)); + dbug(1, dprintf("channels=0x%x", plci->channels)); + if (plci_remove_check(plci)) + return; + if (req == REMOVE && rc == ASSIGN_OK) + { + sig_req(plci, HANGUP, 0); + sig_req(plci, REMOVE, 0); + send_req(plci); + } + if (plci->command) + { + switch (plci->command) + { + case C_HOLD_REQ: + dbug(1, dprintf("HoldRC=0x%x", rc)); + SSparms[1] = (byte)S_HOLD; + if (rc != OK) + { + plci->SuppState = IDLE; + Info = 0x2001; + } + sendf(appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "wws", Info, 3, SSparms); + break; + + case C_RETRIEVE_REQ: + dbug(1, dprintf("RetrieveRC=0x%x", rc)); + SSparms[1] = (byte)S_RETRIEVE; + if (rc != OK) + { + plci->SuppState = CALL_HELD; + Info = 0x2001; + } + sendf(appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "wws", Info, 3, SSparms); + break; + + case _INFO_R: + dbug(1, dprintf("InfoRC=0x%x", rc)); + if (rc != OK) Info = _WRONG_STATE; + sendf(appl, _INFO_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", Info); + break; + + case _CONNECT_R: + dbug(1, dprintf("Connect_R=0x%x/0x%x/0x%x/0x%x", req, rc, global_req, nl_rc)); + if (plci->State == INC_DIS_PENDING) + break; + if (plci->Sig.Id != 0xff) + { + if (((global_req == ASSIGN) && (rc != ASSIGN_OK)) + || (!nl_rc && (req == CALL_REQ) && (rc != OK))) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("No more IDs/Call_Req failed")); + sendf(appl, _CONNECT_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffL, Number, "w", _OUT_OF_PLCI); + plci_remove(plci); + plci->State = IDLE; + break; + } + if (plci->State != LOCAL_CONNECT) plci->State = OUTG_CON_PENDING; + sendf(appl, _CONNECT_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", 0); + } + else /* D-ch activation */ + { + if (rc != ASSIGN_OK) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("No more IDs/X.25 Call_Req failed")); + sendf(appl, _CONNECT_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffL, Number, "w", _OUT_OF_PLCI); + plci_remove(plci); + plci->State = IDLE; + break; + } + sendf(appl, _CONNECT_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", 0); + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_ACTIVE_I, Id, 0, "sss", "", "", ""); + plci->State = INC_ACT_PENDING; + } + break; + + case _CONNECT_I | RESPONSE: + if (plci->State != INC_DIS_PENDING) + plci->State = INC_CON_ACCEPT; + break; + + case _DISCONNECT_R: + if (plci->State == INC_DIS_PENDING) + break; + if (plci->Sig.Id != 0xff) + { + plci->State = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; + sendf(appl, _DISCONNECT_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", 0); + } + break; + + case SUSPEND_REQ: + break; + + case RESUME_REQ: + break; + + case _CONNECT_B3_R: + if (rc != OK) + { + sendf(appl, _CONNECT_B3_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", _WRONG_IDENTIFIER); + break; + } + ncci = get_ncci(plci, ch, 0); + Id = (Id & 0xffff) | (((dword) ncci) << 16); + plci->channels++; + if (req == N_RESET) + { + a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_ACT_PENDING; + sendf(appl, _CONNECT_B3_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", 0); + sendf(appl, _CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I, Id, 0, "s", ""); + } + else + { + a->ncci_state[ncci] = OUTG_CON_PENDING; + sendf(appl, _CONNECT_B3_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", 0); + } + break; + + case _CONNECT_B3_I | RESPONSE: + break; + + case _RESET_B3_R: +/* sendf(appl, _RESET_B3_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", 0);*/ + break; + + case _DISCONNECT_B3_R: + sendf(appl, _DISCONNECT_B3_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", 0); + break; + + case _MANUFACTURER_R: + break; + + case PERM_LIST_REQ: + if (rc != OK) + { + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", Info); + plci_remove(plci); + } + else + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "w", Info); + break; + + default: + break; + } + plci->command = 0; + } + else if (plci->internal_command) + { + switch (plci->internal_command) + { + case BLOCK_PLCI: + return; + + case GET_MWI_STATE: + if (rc == OK) /* command supported, wait for indication */ + { + return; + } + plci_remove(plci); + break; + + /* Get Supported Services */ + case GETSERV_REQ_PEND: + if (rc == OK) /* command supported, wait for indication */ + { + break; + } + PUT_DWORD(&SSstruct[6], MASK_TERMINAL_PORTABILITY); + sendf(appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "wws", 0, 3, SSstruct); + plci_remove(plci); + break; + + case INTERR_DIVERSION_REQ_PEND: /* Interrogate Parameters */ + case INTERR_NUMBERS_REQ_PEND: + case CF_START_PEND: /* Call Forwarding Start pending */ + case CF_STOP_PEND: /* Call Forwarding Stop pending */ + case CCBS_REQUEST_REQ_PEND: + case CCBS_DEACTIVATE_REQ_PEND: + case CCBS_INTERROGATE_REQ_PEND: + switch (plci->internal_command) + { + case INTERR_DIVERSION_REQ_PEND: + SSparms[1] = S_INTERROGATE_DIVERSION; + break; + case INTERR_NUMBERS_REQ_PEND: + SSparms[1] = S_INTERROGATE_NUMBERS; + break; + case CF_START_PEND: + SSparms[1] = S_CALL_FORWARDING_START; + break; + case CF_STOP_PEND: + SSparms[1] = S_CALL_FORWARDING_STOP; + break; + case CCBS_REQUEST_REQ_PEND: + SSparms[1] = S_CCBS_REQUEST; + break; + case CCBS_DEACTIVATE_REQ_PEND: + SSparms[1] = S_CCBS_DEACTIVATE; + break; + case CCBS_INTERROGATE_REQ_PEND: + SSparms[1] = S_CCBS_INTERROGATE; + break; + } + if (global_req == ASSIGN) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("AssignDiversion_RC=0x%x/0x%x", req, rc)); + return; + } + if (!plci->appl) break; + if (rc == ISDN_GUARD_REJ) + { + Info = _CAPI_GUARD_ERROR; + } + else if (rc != OK) + { + Info = _SUPPLEMENTARY_SERVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED; + } + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0x7, + plci->number, "wws", Info, (word)3, SSparms); + if (Info) plci_remove(plci); + break; + + /* 3pty conference pending */ + case PTY_REQ_PEND: + if (!plci->relatedPTYPLCI) break; + rplci = plci->relatedPTYPLCI; + SSparms[1] = plci->ptyState; + rId = ((word)rplci->Id << 8) | rplci->adapter->Id; + if (rplci->tel) rId |= EXT_CONTROLLER; + if (rc != OK) + { + Info = 0x300E; /* not supported */ + plci->relatedPTYPLCI = NULL; + plci->ptyState = 0; + } + sendf(rplci->appl, + _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, + rId, + plci->number, + "wws", Info, (word)3, SSparms); + break; + + /* Explicit Call Transfer pending */ + case ECT_REQ_PEND: + dbug(1, dprintf("ECT_RC=0x%x/0x%x", req, rc)); + if (!plci->relatedPTYPLCI) break; + rplci = plci->relatedPTYPLCI; + SSparms[1] = S_ECT; + rId = ((word)rplci->Id << 8) | rplci->adapter->Id; + if (rplci->tel) rId |= EXT_CONTROLLER; + if (rc != OK) + { + Info = 0x300E; /* not supported */ + plci->relatedPTYPLCI = NULL; + plci->ptyState = 0; + } + sendf(rplci->appl, + _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, + rId, + plci->number, + "wws", Info, (word)3, SSparms); + break; + + case _MANUFACTURER_R: + dbug(1, dprintf("_Manufacturer_R=0x%x/0x%x", req, rc)); + if ((global_req == ASSIGN) && (rc != ASSIGN_OK)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("No more IDs")); + sendf(appl, _MANUFACTURER_R | CONFIRM, Id, Number, "dww", _DI_MANU_ID, _MANUFACTURER_R, _OUT_OF_PLCI); + plci_remove(plci); /* after codec init, internal codec commands pending */ + } + break; + + case _CONNECT_R: + dbug(1, dprintf("_Connect_R=0x%x/0x%x", req, rc)); + if ((global_req == ASSIGN) && (rc != ASSIGN_OK)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("No more IDs")); + sendf(appl, _CONNECT_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffL, Number, "w", _OUT_OF_PLCI); + plci_remove(plci); /* after codec init, internal codec commands pending */ + } + break; + + case PERM_COD_HOOK: /* finished with Hook_Ind */ + return; + + case PERM_COD_CALL: + dbug(1, dprintf("***Codec Connect_Pending A, Rc = 0x%x", rc)); + plci->internal_command = PERM_COD_CONN_PEND; + return; + + case PERM_COD_ASSIGN: + dbug(1, dprintf("***Codec Assign A, Rc = 0x%x", rc)); + if (rc != ASSIGN_OK) break; + sig_req(plci, CALL_REQ, 0); + send_req(plci); + plci->internal_command = PERM_COD_CALL; + return; + + /* Null Call Reference Request pending */ + case C_NCR_FAC_REQ: + dbug(1, dprintf("NCR_FAC=0x%x/0x%x", req, rc)); + if (global_req == ASSIGN) + { + if (rc == ASSIGN_OK) + { + return; + } + else + { + sendf(appl, _INFO_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xf, Number, "w", _WRONG_STATE); + appl->NullCREnable = false; + plci_remove(plci); + } + } + else if (req == NCR_FACILITY) + { + if (rc == OK) + { + sendf(appl, _INFO_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xf, Number, "w", 0); + } + else + { + sendf(appl, _INFO_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xf, Number, "w", _WRONG_STATE); + appl->NullCREnable = false; + } + plci_remove(plci); + } + break; + + case HOOK_ON_REQ: + if (plci->channels) + { + if (a->ncci_state[ncci] == CONNECTED) + { + a->ncci_state[ncci] = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; + cleanup_ncci_data(plci, ncci); + nl_req_ncci(plci, N_DISC, (byte)ncci); + } + break; + } + break; + + case HOOK_OFF_REQ: + if (plci->State == INC_DIS_PENDING) + break; + sig_req(plci, CALL_REQ, 0); + send_req(plci); + plci->State = OUTG_CON_PENDING; + break; + + + case MWI_ACTIVATE_REQ_PEND: + case MWI_DEACTIVATE_REQ_PEND: + if (global_req == ASSIGN && rc == ASSIGN_OK) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("MWI_REQ assigned")); + return; + } + else if (rc != OK) + { + if (rc == WRONG_IE) + { + Info = 0x2007; /* Illegal message parameter coding */ + dbug(1, dprintf("MWI_REQ invalid parameter")); + } + else + { + Info = 0x300B; /* not supported */ + dbug(1, dprintf("MWI_REQ not supported")); + } + /* 0x3010: Request not allowed in this state */ + PUT_WORD(&SSparms[4], 0x300E); /* SS not supported */ + + } + if (plci->internal_command == MWI_ACTIVATE_REQ_PEND) + { + PUT_WORD(&SSparms[1], S_MWI_ACTIVATE); + } + else PUT_WORD(&SSparms[1], S_MWI_DEACTIVATE); + + if (plci->cr_enquiry) + { + sendf(plci->appl, + _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, + Id & 0xf, + plci->number, + "wws", Info, (word)3, SSparms); + if (rc != OK) plci_remove(plci); + } + else + { + sendf(plci->appl, + _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, + Id, + plci->number, + "wws", Info, (word)3, SSparms); + } + break; + + case CONF_BEGIN_REQ_PEND: + case CONF_ADD_REQ_PEND: + case CONF_SPLIT_REQ_PEND: + case CONF_DROP_REQ_PEND: + case CONF_ISOLATE_REQ_PEND: + case CONF_REATTACH_REQ_PEND: + dbug(1, dprintf("CONF_RC=0x%x/0x%x", req, rc)); + if ((plci->internal_command == CONF_ADD_REQ_PEND) && (!plci->relatedPTYPLCI)) break; + rplci = plci; + rId = Id; + switch (plci->internal_command) + { + case CONF_BEGIN_REQ_PEND: + SSparms[1] = S_CONF_BEGIN; + break; + case CONF_ADD_REQ_PEND: + SSparms[1] = S_CONF_ADD; + rplci = plci->relatedPTYPLCI; + rId = ((word)rplci->Id << 8) | rplci->adapter->Id; + break; + case CONF_SPLIT_REQ_PEND: + SSparms[1] = S_CONF_SPLIT; + break; + case CONF_DROP_REQ_PEND: + SSparms[1] = S_CONF_DROP; + break; + case CONF_ISOLATE_REQ_PEND: + SSparms[1] = S_CONF_ISOLATE; + break; + case CONF_REATTACH_REQ_PEND: + SSparms[1] = S_CONF_REATTACH; + break; + } + + if (rc != OK) + { + Info = 0x300E; /* not supported */ + plci->relatedPTYPLCI = NULL; + plci->ptyState = 0; + } + sendf(rplci->appl, + _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, + rId, + plci->number, + "wws", Info, (word)3, SSparms); + break; + + case VSWITCH_REQ_PEND: + if (rc != OK) + { + if (plci->relatedPTYPLCI) + { + plci->relatedPTYPLCI->vswitchstate = 0; + plci->relatedPTYPLCI->vsprot = 0; + plci->relatedPTYPLCI->vsprotdialect = 0; + } + plci->vswitchstate = 0; + plci->vsprot = 0; + plci->vsprotdialect = 0; + } + else + { + if (plci->relatedPTYPLCI && + plci->vswitchstate == 1 && + plci->relatedPTYPLCI->vswitchstate == 3) /* join complete */ + plci->vswitchstate = 3; + } + break; + + /* Call Deflection Request pending (SSCT) */ + case CD_REQ_PEND: + SSparms[1] = S_CALL_DEFLECTION; + if (rc != OK) + { + Info = 0x300E; /* not supported */ + plci->appl->CDEnable = 0; + } + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id, + plci->number, "wws", Info, (word)3, SSparms); + break; + + case RTP_CONNECT_B3_REQ_COMMAND_2: + if (rc == OK) + { + ncci = get_ncci(plci, ch, 0); + Id = (Id & 0xffff) | (((dword) ncci) << 16); + plci->channels++; + a->ncci_state[ncci] = OUTG_CON_PENDING; + } + + default: + if (plci->internal_command_queue[0]) + { + (*(plci->internal_command_queue[0]))(Id, plci, rc); + if (plci->internal_command) + return; + } + break; + } + next_internal_command(Id, plci); + } + } + else /* appl==0 */ + { + Id = ((word)plci->Id << 8) | plci->adapter->Id; + if (plci->tel) Id |= EXT_CONTROLLER; + + switch (plci->internal_command) + { + case BLOCK_PLCI: + return; + + case START_L1_SIG_ASSIGN_PEND: + case REM_L1_SIG_ASSIGN_PEND: + if (global_req == ASSIGN) + { + break; + } + else + { + dbug(1, dprintf("***L1 Req rem PLCI")); + plci->internal_command = 0; + sig_req(plci, REMOVE, 0); + send_req(plci); + } + break; + + /* Call Deflection Request pending, just no appl ptr assigned */ + case CD_REQ_PEND: + SSparms[1] = S_CALL_DEFLECTION; + if (rc != OK) + { + Info = 0x300E; /* not supported */ + } + for (i = 0; i < max_appl; i++) + { + if (application[i].CDEnable) + { + if (!application[i].Id) application[i].CDEnable = 0; + else + { + sendf(&application[i], _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id, + plci->number, "wws", Info, (word)3, SSparms); + if (Info) application[i].CDEnable = 0; + } + } + } + plci->internal_command = 0; + break; + + case PERM_COD_HOOK: /* finished with Hook_Ind */ + return; + + case PERM_COD_CALL: + plci->internal_command = PERM_COD_CONN_PEND; + dbug(1, dprintf("***Codec Connect_Pending, Rc = 0x%x", rc)); + return; + + case PERM_COD_ASSIGN: + dbug(1, dprintf("***Codec Assign, Rc = 0x%x", rc)); + plci->internal_command = 0; + if (rc != ASSIGN_OK) break; + plci->internal_command = PERM_COD_CALL; + sig_req(plci, CALL_REQ, 0); + send_req(plci); + return; + + case LISTEN_SIG_ASSIGN_PEND: + if (rc == ASSIGN_OK) + { + plci->internal_command = 0; + dbug(1, dprintf("ListenCheck, new SIG_ID = 0x%x", plci->Sig.Id)); + add_p(plci, ESC, "\x02\x18\x00"); /* support call waiting */ + sig_req(plci, INDICATE_REQ, 0); + send_req(plci); + } + else + { + dbug(1, dprintf("ListenCheck failed (assignRc=0x%x)", rc)); + a->listen_active--; + plci_remove(plci); + plci->State = IDLE; + } + break; + + case USELAW_REQ: + if (global_req == ASSIGN) + { + if (rc == ASSIGN_OK) + { + sig_req(plci, LAW_REQ, 0); + send_req(plci); + dbug(1, dprintf("Auto-Law assigned")); + } + else + { + dbug(1, dprintf("Auto-Law assign failed")); + a->automatic_law = 3; + plci->internal_command = 0; + a->automatic_lawPLCI = NULL; + } + break; + } + else if (req == LAW_REQ && rc == OK) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("Auto-Law initiated")); + a->automatic_law = 2; + plci->internal_command = 0; + } + else + { + dbug(1, dprintf("Auto-Law not supported")); + a->automatic_law = 3; + plci->internal_command = 0; + sig_req(plci, REMOVE, 0); + send_req(plci); + a->automatic_lawPLCI = NULL; + } + break; + } + plci_remove_check(plci); + } } static void data_rc(PLCI *plci, byte ch) { - dword Id; - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a; - NCCI *ncci_ptr; - DATA_B3_DESC *data; - word ncci; - - if (plci->appl) - { - TransmitBufferFree (plci->appl, plci->data_sent_ptr); - a = plci->adapter; - ncci = a->ch_ncci[ch]; - if (ncci && (a->ncci_plci[ncci] == plci->Id)) - { - ncci_ptr = &(a->ncci[ncci]); - dbug(1,dprintf("data_out=%d, data_pending=%d",ncci_ptr->data_out,ncci_ptr->data_pending)); - if (ncci_ptr->data_pending) - { - data = &(ncci_ptr->DBuffer[ncci_ptr->data_out]); - if (!(data->Flags &4) && a->ncci_state[ncci]) - { - Id = (((dword)ncci)<<16)|((word)plci->Id<<8)|a->Id; - if(plci->tel) Id|=EXT_CONTROLLER; - sendf(plci->appl,_DATA_B3_R|CONFIRM,Id,data->Number, - "ww",data->Handle,0); - } - (ncci_ptr->data_out)++; - if (ncci_ptr->data_out == MAX_DATA_B3) - ncci_ptr->data_out = 0; - (ncci_ptr->data_pending)--; - } - } - } + dword Id; + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + NCCI *ncci_ptr; + DATA_B3_DESC *data; + word ncci; + + if (plci->appl) + { + TransmitBufferFree(plci->appl, plci->data_sent_ptr); + a = plci->adapter; + ncci = a->ch_ncci[ch]; + if (ncci && (a->ncci_plci[ncci] == plci->Id)) + { + ncci_ptr = &(a->ncci[ncci]); + dbug(1, dprintf("data_out=%d, data_pending=%d", ncci_ptr->data_out, ncci_ptr->data_pending)); + if (ncci_ptr->data_pending) + { + data = &(ncci_ptr->DBuffer[ncci_ptr->data_out]); + if (!(data->Flags & 4) && a->ncci_state[ncci]) + { + Id = (((dword)ncci) << 16) | ((word)plci->Id << 8) | a->Id; + if (plci->tel) Id |= EXT_CONTROLLER; + sendf(plci->appl, _DATA_B3_R | CONFIRM, Id, data->Number, + "ww", data->Handle, 0); + } + (ncci_ptr->data_out)++; + if (ncci_ptr->data_out == MAX_DATA_B3) + ncci_ptr->data_out = 0; + (ncci_ptr->data_pending)--; + } + } + } } static void data_ack(PLCI *plci, byte ch) { - dword Id; - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a; - NCCI *ncci_ptr; - word ncci; - - a = plci->adapter; - ncci = a->ch_ncci[ch]; - ncci_ptr = &(a->ncci[ncci]); - if (ncci_ptr->data_ack_pending) - { - if (a->ncci_state[ncci] && (a->ncci_plci[ncci] == plci->Id)) - { - Id = (((dword)ncci)<<16)|((word)plci->Id<<8)|a->Id; - if(plci->tel) Id|=EXT_CONTROLLER; - sendf(plci->appl,_DATA_B3_R|CONFIRM,Id,ncci_ptr->DataAck[ncci_ptr->data_ack_out].Number, - "ww",ncci_ptr->DataAck[ncci_ptr->data_ack_out].Handle,0); - } - (ncci_ptr->data_ack_out)++; - if (ncci_ptr->data_ack_out == MAX_DATA_ACK) - ncci_ptr->data_ack_out = 0; - (ncci_ptr->data_ack_pending)--; - } + dword Id; + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + NCCI *ncci_ptr; + word ncci; + + a = plci->adapter; + ncci = a->ch_ncci[ch]; + ncci_ptr = &(a->ncci[ncci]); + if (ncci_ptr->data_ack_pending) + { + if (a->ncci_state[ncci] && (a->ncci_plci[ncci] == plci->Id)) + { + Id = (((dword)ncci) << 16) | ((word)plci->Id << 8) | a->Id; + if (plci->tel) Id |= EXT_CONTROLLER; + sendf(plci->appl, _DATA_B3_R | CONFIRM, Id, ncci_ptr->DataAck[ncci_ptr->data_ack_out].Number, + "ww", ncci_ptr->DataAck[ncci_ptr->data_ack_out].Handle, 0); + } + (ncci_ptr->data_ack_out)++; + if (ncci_ptr->data_ack_out == MAX_DATA_ACK) + ncci_ptr->data_ack_out = 0; + (ncci_ptr->data_ack_pending)--; + } } static void sig_ind(PLCI *plci) { - dword x_Id; - dword Id; - dword rId; - word i; - word cip; - dword cip_mask; - byte *ie; - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a; - API_PARSE saved_parms[MAX_MSG_PARMS+1]; + dword x_Id; + dword Id; + dword rId; + word i; + word cip; + dword cip_mask; + byte *ie; + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + API_PARSE saved_parms[MAX_MSG_PARMS + 1]; #define MAXPARMSIDS 31 - byte * parms[MAXPARMSIDS]; - byte * add_i[4]; - byte * multi_fac_parms[MAX_MULTI_IE]; - byte * multi_pi_parms [MAX_MULTI_IE]; - byte * multi_ssext_parms [MAX_MULTI_IE]; - byte * multi_CiPN_parms [MAX_MULTI_IE]; - - byte * multi_vswitch_parms [MAX_MULTI_IE]; - - byte ai_len; - byte *esc_chi = ""; - byte *esc_law = ""; - byte *pty_cai = ""; - byte *esc_cr = ""; - byte *esc_profile = ""; - - byte facility[256]; - PLCI * tplci = NULL; - byte chi[] = "\x02\x18\x01"; - byte voice_cai[] = "\x06\x14\x00\x00\x00\x00\x08"; - byte resume_cau[] = "\x05\x05\x00\x02\x00\x00"; - /* ESC_MSGTYPE must be the last but one message, a new IE has to be */ - /* included before the ESC_MSGTYPE and MAXPARMSIDS has to be incremented */ - /* SMSG is situated at the end because its 0 (for compatibility reasons */ - /* (see Info_Mask Bit 4, first IE. then the message type) */ - word parms_id[] = - {MAXPARMSIDS, CPN, 0xff, DSA, OSA, BC, LLC, HLC, ESC_CAUSE, DSP, DT, CHA, - UUI, CONG_RR, CONG_RNR, ESC_CHI, KEY, CHI, CAU, ESC_LAW, - RDN, RDX, CONN_NR, RIN, NI, CAI, ESC_CR, - CST, ESC_PROFILE, 0xff, ESC_MSGTYPE, SMSG}; - /* 14 FTY repl by ESC_CHI */ - /* 18 PI repl by ESC_LAW */ - /* removed OAD changed to 0xff for future use, OAD is multiIE now */ - word multi_fac_id[] = {1, FTY}; - word multi_pi_id[] = {1, PI}; - word multi_CiPN_id[] = {1, OAD}; - word multi_ssext_id[] = {1, ESC_SSEXT}; - - word multi_vswitch_id[] = {1, ESC_VSWITCH}; - - byte * cau; - word ncci; - byte SS_Ind[] = "\x05\x02\x00\x02\x00\x00"; /* Hold_Ind struct*/ - byte CF_Ind[] = "\x09\x02\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; - byte Interr_Err_Ind[] = "\x0a\x02\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; - byte CONF_Ind[] = "\x09\x16\x00\x06\x00\x00\0x00\0x00\0x00\0x00"; - byte force_mt_info = false; - byte dir; - dword d; - word w; - - a = plci->adapter; - Id = ((word)plci->Id<<8)|a->Id; - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[4],0x0000); - - if (plci->sig_remove_id) - { - plci->Sig.RNR = 2; /* discard */ - dbug(1,dprintf("SIG discard while remove pending")); - return; - } - if(plci->tel && plci->SuppState!=CALL_HELD) Id|=EXT_CONTROLLER; - dbug(1,dprintf("SigInd-Id=%08lx,plci=%x,tel=%x,state=0x%x,channels=%d,Discflowcl=%d", - Id,plci->Id,plci->tel,plci->State,plci->channels,plci->hangup_flow_ctrl_timer)); - if(plci->Sig.Ind==CALL_HOLD_ACK && plci->channels) - { - plci->Sig.RNR = 1; - return; - } - if(plci->Sig.Ind==HANGUP && plci->channels) - { - plci->Sig.RNR = 1; - plci->hangup_flow_ctrl_timer++; - /* recover the network layer after timeout */ - if(plci->hangup_flow_ctrl_timer==100) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("Exceptional disc")); - plci->Sig.RNR = 0; - plci->hangup_flow_ctrl_timer = 0; - for (ncci = 1; ncci < MAX_NCCI+1; ncci++) - { - if (a->ncci_plci[ncci] == plci->Id) - { - cleanup_ncci_data (plci, ncci); - if(plci->channels)plci->channels--; - if (plci->appl) - sendf(plci->appl,_DISCONNECT_B3_I, (((dword) ncci) << 16) | Id,0,"ws",0,""); - } - } - if (plci->appl) - sendf(plci->appl, _DISCONNECT_I, Id, 0, "w", 0); - plci_remove(plci); - plci->State=IDLE; - } - return; - } - - /* do first parse the info with no OAD in, because OAD will be converted */ - /* first the multiple facility IE, then mult. progress ind. */ - /* then the parameters for the info_ind + conn_ind */ - IndParse(plci,multi_fac_id,multi_fac_parms,MAX_MULTI_IE); - IndParse(plci,multi_pi_id,multi_pi_parms,MAX_MULTI_IE); - IndParse(plci,multi_ssext_id,multi_ssext_parms,MAX_MULTI_IE); - - IndParse(plci,multi_vswitch_id,multi_vswitch_parms,MAX_MULTI_IE); - - IndParse(plci,parms_id,parms,0); - IndParse(plci,multi_CiPN_id,multi_CiPN_parms,MAX_MULTI_IE); - esc_chi = parms[14]; - esc_law = parms[18]; - pty_cai = parms[24]; - esc_cr = parms[25]; - esc_profile = parms[27]; - if(esc_cr[0] && plci) - { - if(plci->cr_enquiry && plci->appl) - { - plci->cr_enquiry = false; - /* d = MANU_ID */ - /* w = m_command */ - /* b = total length */ - /* b = indication type */ - /* b = length of all IEs */ - /* b = IE1 */ - /* S = IE1 length + cont. */ - /* b = IE2 */ - /* S = IE2 length + cont. */ - sendf(plci->appl, - _MANUFACTURER_I, - Id, - 0, - "dwbbbbSbS",_DI_MANU_ID,plci->m_command, - 2+1+1+esc_cr[0]+1+1+esc_law[0],plci->Sig.Ind,1+1+esc_cr[0]+1+1+esc_law[0],ESC,esc_cr,ESC,esc_law); - } - } - /* create the additional info structure */ - add_i[1] = parms[15]; /* KEY of additional info */ - add_i[2] = parms[11]; /* UUI of additional info */ - ai_len = AddInfo(add_i,multi_fac_parms, esc_chi, facility); - - /* the ESC_LAW indicates if u-Law or a-Law is actually used by the card */ - /* indication returns by the card if requested by the function */ - /* AutomaticLaw() after driver init */ - if (a->automatic_law<4) - { - if(esc_law[0]){ - if(esc_law[2]){ - dbug(0,dprintf("u-Law selected")); - a->u_law = 1; - } - else { - dbug(0,dprintf("a-Law selected")); - a->u_law = 0; - } - a->automatic_law = 4; - if(plci==a->automatic_lawPLCI) { - plci->internal_command = 0; - sig_req(plci,REMOVE,0); - send_req(plci); - a->automatic_lawPLCI = NULL; - } - } - if (esc_profile[0]) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06x] CardProfile: %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx", - UnMapController (a->Id), GET_DWORD (&esc_profile[6]), - GET_DWORD (&esc_profile[10]), GET_DWORD (&esc_profile[14]), - GET_DWORD (&esc_profile[18]), GET_DWORD (&esc_profile[46]))); - - a->profile.Global_Options &= 0x000000ffL; - a->profile.B1_Protocols &= 0x000003ffL; - a->profile.B2_Protocols &= 0x00001fdfL; - a->profile.B3_Protocols &= 0x000000b7L; - - a->profile.Global_Options &= GET_DWORD (&esc_profile[6]) | - GL_BCHANNEL_OPERATION_SUPPORTED; - a->profile.B1_Protocols &= GET_DWORD (&esc_profile[10]); - a->profile.B2_Protocols &= GET_DWORD (&esc_profile[14]); - a->profile.B3_Protocols &= GET_DWORD (&esc_profile[18]); - a->manufacturer_features = GET_DWORD (&esc_profile[46]); - a->man_profile.private_options = 0; - - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_ECHO_CANCELLER) - { - a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_ECHO_CANCELLER; - a->profile.Global_Options |= GL_ECHO_CANCELLER_SUPPORTED; - } - - - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_RTP) - a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_RTP; - a->man_profile.rtp_primary_payloads = GET_DWORD (&esc_profile[50]); - a->man_profile.rtp_additional_payloads = GET_DWORD (&esc_profile[54]); - - - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_T38) - a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_T38; - - - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD) - a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD; - - - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_V18) - a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_V18; - - - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_DTMF_TONE) - a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_DTMF_TONE; - - - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_PIAFS) - a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_PIAFS; - - - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_FAX_PAPER_FORMATS) - a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_FAX_PAPER_FORMATS; - - - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_VOWN) - a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_VOWN; - - - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_FAX_NONSTANDARD) - a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD; - - } - else - { - a->profile.Global_Options &= 0x0000007fL; - a->profile.B1_Protocols &= 0x000003dfL; - a->profile.B2_Protocols &= 0x00001adfL; - a->profile.B3_Protocols &= 0x000000b7L; - a->manufacturer_features &= MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_HARDDTMF; - } - if (a->manufacturer_features & (MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_HARDDTMF | - MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SOFTDTMF_SEND | MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SOFTDTMF_RECEIVE)) - { - a->profile.Global_Options |= GL_DTMF_SUPPORTED; - } - a->manufacturer_features &= ~MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_OOB_CHANNEL; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06x] Profile: %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx", - UnMapController (a->Id), a->profile.Global_Options, - a->profile.B1_Protocols, a->profile.B2_Protocols, - a->profile.B3_Protocols, a->manufacturer_features)); - } - /* codec plci for the handset/hook state support is just an internal id */ - if(plci!=a->AdvCodecPLCI) - { - force_mt_info = SendMultiIE(plci,Id,multi_fac_parms, FTY, 0x20, 0); - force_mt_info |= SendMultiIE(plci,Id,multi_pi_parms, PI, 0x210, 0); - SendSSExtInd(NULL,plci,Id,multi_ssext_parms); - SendInfo(plci,Id, parms, force_mt_info); - - VSwitchReqInd(plci,Id,multi_vswitch_parms); - - } - - /* switch the codec to the b-channel */ - if(esc_chi[0] && plci && !plci->SuppState){ - plci->b_channel = esc_chi[esc_chi[0]]&0x1f; - mixer_set_bchannel_id_esc (plci, plci->b_channel); - dbug(1,dprintf("storeChannel=0x%x",plci->b_channel)); - if(plci->tel==ADV_VOICE && plci->appl) { - SetVoiceChannel(a->AdvCodecPLCI, esc_chi, a); - } - } - - if(plci->appl) plci->appl->Number++; - - switch(plci->Sig.Ind) { - /* Response to Get_Supported_Services request */ - case S_SUPPORTED: - dbug(1,dprintf("S_Supported")); - if(!plci->appl) break; - if(pty_cai[0]==4) - { - PUT_DWORD(&CF_Ind[6],GET_DWORD(&pty_cai[1]) ); - } - else - { - PUT_DWORD(&CF_Ind[6],MASK_TERMINAL_PORTABILITY | MASK_HOLD_RETRIEVE); - } - PUT_WORD (&CF_Ind[1], 0); - PUT_WORD (&CF_Ind[4], 0); - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_R|CONFIRM,Id&0x7,plci->number, "wws",0,3,CF_Ind); - plci_remove(plci); - break; - - /* Supplementary Service rejected */ - case S_SERVICE_REJ: - dbug(1,dprintf("S_Reject=0x%x",pty_cai[5])); - if(!pty_cai[0]) break; - switch (pty_cai[5]) - { - case ECT_EXECUTE: - case THREE_PTY_END: - case THREE_PTY_BEGIN: - if(!plci->relatedPTYPLCI) break; - tplci = plci->relatedPTYPLCI; - rId = ( (word)tplci->Id<<8)|tplci->adapter->Id; - if(tplci->tel) rId|=EXT_CONTROLLER; - if(pty_cai[5]==ECT_EXECUTE) - { - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1],S_ECT); - - plci->vswitchstate=0; - plci->relatedPTYPLCI->vswitchstate=0; - - } - else - { - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1],pty_cai[5]+3); - } - if(pty_cai[2]!=0xff) - { - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[4],0x3600|(word)pty_cai[2]); - } - else - { - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[4],0x300E); - } - plci->relatedPTYPLCI = NULL; - plci->ptyState = 0; - sendf(tplci->appl,_FACILITY_I,rId,0,"ws",3, SS_Ind); - break; - - case CALL_DEFLECTION: - if(pty_cai[2]!=0xff) - { - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[4],0x3600|(word)pty_cai[2]); - } - else - { - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[4],0x300E); - } - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1],pty_cai[5]); - for(i=0; iappl) break; - if(pty_cai[2]!=0xff) - { - PUT_WORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[4],0x3600|(word)pty_cai[2]); - } - else - { - PUT_WORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[4],0x300E); - } - switch (pty_cai[5]) - { - case DEACTIVATION_DIVERSION: - dbug(1,dprintf("Deact_Div")); - Interr_Err_Ind[0]=0x9; - Interr_Err_Ind[3]=0x6; - PUT_WORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[1],S_CALL_FORWARDING_STOP); - break; - case ACTIVATION_DIVERSION: - dbug(1,dprintf("Act_Div")); - Interr_Err_Ind[0]=0x9; - Interr_Err_Ind[3]=0x6; - PUT_WORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[1],S_CALL_FORWARDING_START); - break; - case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFU: - case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFB: - case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFNR: - dbug(1,dprintf("Interr_Div")); - Interr_Err_Ind[0]=0xa; - Interr_Err_Ind[3]=0x7; - PUT_WORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[1],S_INTERROGATE_DIVERSION); - break; - case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_NUM: - dbug(1,dprintf("Interr_Num")); - Interr_Err_Ind[0]=0xa; - Interr_Err_Ind[3]=0x7; - PUT_WORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[1],S_INTERROGATE_NUMBERS); - break; - case CCBS_REQUEST: - dbug(1,dprintf("CCBS Request")); - Interr_Err_Ind[0]=0xd; - Interr_Err_Ind[3]=0xa; - PUT_WORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[1],S_CCBS_REQUEST); - break; - case CCBS_DEACTIVATE: - dbug(1,dprintf("CCBS Deactivate")); - Interr_Err_Ind[0]=0x9; - Interr_Err_Ind[3]=0x6; - PUT_WORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[1],S_CCBS_DEACTIVATE); - break; - case CCBS_INTERROGATE: - dbug(1,dprintf("CCBS Interrogate")); - Interr_Err_Ind[0]=0xb; - Interr_Err_Ind[3]=0x8; - PUT_WORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[1],S_CCBS_INTERROGATE); - break; - } - PUT_DWORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[6],plci->appl->S_Handle); - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_I,Id&0x7,0,"ws",3, Interr_Err_Ind); - plci_remove(plci); - break; - case ACTIVATION_MWI: - case DEACTIVATION_MWI: - if(pty_cai[5]==ACTIVATION_MWI) - { - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1],S_MWI_ACTIVATE); - } - else PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1],S_MWI_DEACTIVATE); - - if(pty_cai[2]!=0xff) - { - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[4],0x3600|(word)pty_cai[2]); - } - else - { - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[4],0x300E); - } - - if(plci->cr_enquiry) - { - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_I,Id&0xf,0,"ws",3, SS_Ind); - plci_remove(plci); - } - else - { - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_I,Id,0,"ws",3, SS_Ind); - } - break; - case CONF_ADD: /* ERROR */ - case CONF_BEGIN: - case CONF_DROP: - case CONF_ISOLATE: - case CONF_REATTACH: - CONF_Ind[0]=9; - CONF_Ind[3]=6; - switch(pty_cai[5]) - { - case CONF_BEGIN: - PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1],S_CONF_BEGIN); - plci->ptyState = 0; - break; - case CONF_DROP: - CONF_Ind[0]=5; - CONF_Ind[3]=2; - PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1],S_CONF_DROP); - plci->ptyState = CONNECTED; - break; - case CONF_ISOLATE: - CONF_Ind[0]=5; - CONF_Ind[3]=2; - PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1],S_CONF_ISOLATE); - plci->ptyState = CONNECTED; - break; - case CONF_REATTACH: - CONF_Ind[0]=5; - CONF_Ind[3]=2; - PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1],S_CONF_REATTACH); - plci->ptyState = CONNECTED; - break; - case CONF_ADD: - PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1],S_CONF_ADD); - plci->relatedPTYPLCI = NULL; - tplci=plci->relatedPTYPLCI; - if(tplci) tplci->ptyState = CONNECTED; - plci->ptyState = CONNECTED; - break; - } - - if(pty_cai[2]!=0xff) - { - PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[4],0x3600|(word)pty_cai[2]); - } - else - { - PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[4],0x3303); /* Time-out: network did not respond - within the required time */ - } - - PUT_DWORD(&CONF_Ind[6],0x0); - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_I,Id,0,"ws",3, CONF_Ind); - break; - } - break; - - /* Supplementary Service indicates success */ - case S_SERVICE: - dbug(1,dprintf("Service_Ind")); - PUT_WORD (&CF_Ind[4], 0); - switch (pty_cai[5]) - { - case THREE_PTY_END: - case THREE_PTY_BEGIN: - case ECT_EXECUTE: - if(!plci->relatedPTYPLCI) break; - tplci = plci->relatedPTYPLCI; - rId = ( (word)tplci->Id<<8)|tplci->adapter->Id; - if(tplci->tel) rId|=EXT_CONTROLLER; - if(pty_cai[5]==ECT_EXECUTE) - { - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1],S_ECT); - - if(plci->vswitchstate!=3) - { - - plci->ptyState = IDLE; - plci->relatedPTYPLCI = NULL; - plci->ptyState = 0; - - } - - dbug(1,dprintf("ECT OK")); - sendf(tplci->appl,_FACILITY_I,rId,0,"ws",3, SS_Ind); - - - - } - else - { - switch (plci->ptyState) - { - case S_3PTY_BEGIN: - plci->ptyState = CONNECTED; - dbug(1,dprintf("3PTY ON")); - break; - - case S_3PTY_END: - plci->ptyState = IDLE; - plci->relatedPTYPLCI = NULL; - plci->ptyState = 0; - dbug(1,dprintf("3PTY OFF")); - break; - } - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1],pty_cai[5]+3); - sendf(tplci->appl,_FACILITY_I,rId,0,"ws",3, SS_Ind); - } - break; - - case CALL_DEFLECTION: - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1],pty_cai[5]); - for(i=0; iappl) break; - PUT_WORD(&CF_Ind[1],pty_cai[5]+2); - PUT_DWORD(&CF_Ind[6],plci->appl->S_Handle); - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_I,Id&0x7,0,"ws",3, CF_Ind); - plci_remove(plci); - break; - - case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFU: - case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFB: - case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFNR: - case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_NUM: - case CCBS_REQUEST: - case CCBS_DEACTIVATE: - case CCBS_INTERROGATE: - if(!plci->appl) break; - switch (pty_cai[5]) - { - case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFU: - case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFB: - case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFNR: - dbug(1,dprintf("Interr_Div")); - PUT_WORD(&pty_cai[1],S_INTERROGATE_DIVERSION); - pty_cai[3]=pty_cai[0]-3; /* Supplementary Service-specific parameter len */ - break; - case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_NUM: - dbug(1,dprintf("Interr_Num")); - PUT_WORD(&pty_cai[1],S_INTERROGATE_NUMBERS); - pty_cai[3]=pty_cai[0]-3; /* Supplementary Service-specific parameter len */ - break; - case CCBS_REQUEST: - dbug(1,dprintf("CCBS Request")); - PUT_WORD(&pty_cai[1],S_CCBS_REQUEST); - pty_cai[3]=pty_cai[0]-3; /* Supplementary Service-specific parameter len */ - break; - case CCBS_DEACTIVATE: - dbug(1,dprintf("CCBS Deactivate")); - PUT_WORD(&pty_cai[1],S_CCBS_DEACTIVATE); - pty_cai[3]=pty_cai[0]-3; /* Supplementary Service-specific parameter len */ - break; - case CCBS_INTERROGATE: - dbug(1,dprintf("CCBS Interrogate")); - PUT_WORD(&pty_cai[1],S_CCBS_INTERROGATE); - pty_cai[3]=pty_cai[0]-3; /* Supplementary Service-specific parameter len */ - break; - } - PUT_WORD(&pty_cai[4],0); /* Supplementary Service Reason */ - PUT_DWORD(&pty_cai[6],plci->appl->S_Handle); - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_I,Id&0x7,0,"wS",3, pty_cai); - plci_remove(plci); - break; - - case ACTIVATION_MWI: - case DEACTIVATION_MWI: - if(pty_cai[5]==ACTIVATION_MWI) - { - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1],S_MWI_ACTIVATE); - } - else PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1],S_MWI_DEACTIVATE); - if(plci->cr_enquiry) - { - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_I,Id&0xf,0,"ws",3, SS_Ind); - plci_remove(plci); - } - else - { - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_I,Id,0,"ws",3, SS_Ind); - } - break; - case MWI_INDICATION: - if(pty_cai[0]>=0x12) - { - PUT_WORD(&pty_cai[3],S_MWI_INDICATE); - pty_cai[2]=pty_cai[0]-2; /* len Parameter */ - pty_cai[5]=pty_cai[0]-5; /* Supplementary Service-specific parameter len */ - if(plci->appl && (a->Notification_Mask[plci->appl->Id-1]&SMASK_MWI)) - { - if(plci->internal_command==GET_MWI_STATE) /* result on Message Waiting Listen */ - { - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_I,Id&0xf,0,"wS",3, &pty_cai[2]); - plci_remove(plci); - return; - } - else sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_I,Id,0,"wS",3, &pty_cai[2]); - pty_cai[0]=0; - } - else - { - for(i=0; iNotification_Mask[i]&SMASK_MWI) - { - sendf(&application[i],_FACILITY_I,Id&0x7,0,"wS",3, &pty_cai[2]); - pty_cai[0]=0; - } - } - } - - if(!pty_cai[0]) - { /* acknowledge */ - facility[2]= 0; /* returncode */ - } - else facility[2]= 0xff; - } - else - { - /* reject */ - facility[2]= 0xff; /* returncode */ - } - facility[0]= 2; - facility[1]= MWI_RESPONSE; /* Function */ - add_p(plci,CAI,facility); - add_p(plci,ESC,multi_ssext_parms[0]); /* remembered parameter -> only one possible */ - sig_req(plci,S_SERVICE,0); - send_req(plci); - plci->command = 0; - next_internal_command (Id, plci); - break; - case CONF_ADD: /* OK */ - case CONF_BEGIN: - case CONF_DROP: - case CONF_ISOLATE: - case CONF_REATTACH: - case CONF_PARTYDISC: - CONF_Ind[0]=9; - CONF_Ind[3]=6; - switch(pty_cai[5]) - { - case CONF_BEGIN: - PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1],S_CONF_BEGIN); - if(pty_cai[0]==6) - { - d=pty_cai[6]; - PUT_DWORD(&CONF_Ind[6],d); /* PartyID */ - } - else - { - PUT_DWORD(&CONF_Ind[6],0x0); - } - break; - case CONF_ISOLATE: - PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1],S_CONF_ISOLATE); - CONF_Ind[0]=5; - CONF_Ind[3]=2; - break; - case CONF_REATTACH: - PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1],S_CONF_REATTACH); - CONF_Ind[0]=5; - CONF_Ind[3]=2; - break; - case CONF_DROP: - PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1],S_CONF_DROP); - CONF_Ind[0]=5; - CONF_Ind[3]=2; - break; - case CONF_ADD: - PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1],S_CONF_ADD); - d=pty_cai[6]; - PUT_DWORD(&CONF_Ind[6],d); /* PartyID */ - tplci=plci->relatedPTYPLCI; - if(tplci) tplci->ptyState = CONNECTED; - break; - case CONF_PARTYDISC: - CONF_Ind[0]=7; - CONF_Ind[3]=4; - PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1],S_CONF_PARTYDISC); - d=pty_cai[6]; - PUT_DWORD(&CONF_Ind[4],d); /* PartyID */ - break; - } - plci->ptyState = CONNECTED; - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_I,Id,0,"ws",3, CONF_Ind); - break; - case CCBS_INFO_RETAIN: - case CCBS_ERASECALLLINKAGEID: - case CCBS_STOP_ALERTING: - CONF_Ind[0]=5; - CONF_Ind[3]=2; - switch(pty_cai[5]) - { - case CCBS_INFO_RETAIN: - PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1],S_CCBS_INFO_RETAIN); - break; - case CCBS_STOP_ALERTING: - PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1],S_CCBS_STOP_ALERTING); - break; - case CCBS_ERASECALLLINKAGEID: - PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1],S_CCBS_ERASECALLLINKAGEID); - CONF_Ind[0]=7; - CONF_Ind[3]=4; - CONF_Ind[6]=0; - CONF_Ind[7]=0; - break; - } - w=pty_cai[6]; - PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[4],w); /* PartyID */ - - if(plci->appl && (a->Notification_Mask[plci->appl->Id-1]&SMASK_CCBS)) - { - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_I,Id,0,"ws",3, CONF_Ind); - } - else - { - for(i=0; iNotification_Mask[i]&SMASK_CCBS) - sendf(&application[i],_FACILITY_I,Id&0x7,0,"ws",3, CONF_Ind); - } - break; - } - break; - case CALL_HOLD_REJ: - cau = parms[7]; - if(cau) - { - i = _L3_CAUSE | cau[2]; - if(cau[2]==0) i = 0x3603; - } - else - { - i = 0x3603; - } - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1],S_HOLD); - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[4],i); - if(plci->SuppState == HOLD_REQUEST) - { - plci->SuppState = IDLE; - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_I,Id,0,"ws",3, SS_Ind); - } - break; - - case CALL_HOLD_ACK: - if(plci->SuppState == HOLD_REQUEST) - { - plci->SuppState = CALL_HELD; - CodecIdCheck(a, plci); - start_internal_command (Id, plci, hold_save_command); - } - break; - - case CALL_RETRIEVE_REJ: - cau = parms[7]; - if(cau) - { - i = _L3_CAUSE | cau[2]; - if(cau[2]==0) i = 0x3603; - } - else - { - i = 0x3603; - } - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1],S_RETRIEVE); - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[4],i); - if(plci->SuppState == RETRIEVE_REQUEST) - { - plci->SuppState = CALL_HELD; - CodecIdCheck(a, plci); - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_I,Id,0,"ws",3, SS_Ind); - } - break; - - case CALL_RETRIEVE_ACK: - PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1],S_RETRIEVE); - if(plci->SuppState == RETRIEVE_REQUEST) - { - plci->SuppState = IDLE; - plci->call_dir |= CALL_DIR_FORCE_OUTG_NL; - plci->b_channel = esc_chi[esc_chi[0]]&0x1f; - if(plci->tel) - { - mixer_set_bchannel_id_esc (plci, plci->b_channel); - dbug(1,dprintf("RetrChannel=0x%x",plci->b_channel)); - SetVoiceChannel(a->AdvCodecPLCI, esc_chi, a); - if(plci->B2_prot==B2_TRANSPARENT && plci->B3_prot==B3_TRANSPARENT) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("Get B-ch")); - start_internal_command (Id, plci, retrieve_restore_command); - } - else - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_I,Id,0,"ws",3, SS_Ind); - } - else - start_internal_command (Id, plci, retrieve_restore_command); - } - break; - - case INDICATE_IND: - if(plci->State != LISTENING) { - sig_req(plci,HANGUP,0); - send_req(plci); - break; - } - cip = find_cip(a,parms[4],parms[6]); - cip_mask = 1L<adapter_disabled) - { - set_c_ind_mask_bit (plci, MAX_APPL); - group_optimization(a, plci); - for(i=0; iCIP_Mask[i]&1 || a->CIP_Mask[i]&cip_mask) - && CPN_filter_ok(parms[0],a,i) - && test_group_ind_mask_bit (plci, i) ) { - dbug(1,dprintf("storedcip_mask[%d]=0x%lx",i,a->CIP_Mask[i] )); - set_c_ind_mask_bit (plci, i); - dump_c_ind_mask (plci); - plci->State = INC_CON_PENDING; - plci->call_dir = (plci->call_dir & ~(CALL_DIR_OUT | CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE)) | - CALL_DIR_IN | CALL_DIR_ANSWER; - if(esc_chi[0]) { - plci->b_channel = esc_chi[esc_chi[0]]&0x1f; - mixer_set_bchannel_id_esc (plci, plci->b_channel); - } - /* if a listen on the ext controller is done, check if hook states */ - /* are supported or if just a on board codec must be activated */ - if(a->codec_listen[i] && !a->AdvSignalPLCI) { - if(a->profile.Global_Options & HANDSET) - plci->tel = ADV_VOICE; - else if(a->profile.Global_Options & ON_BOARD_CODEC) - plci->tel = CODEC; - if(plci->tel) Id|=EXT_CONTROLLER; - a->codec_listen[i] = plci; - } - - sendf(&application[i],_CONNECT_I,Id,0, - "wSSSSSSSbSSSSS", cip, /* CIP */ - parms[0], /* CalledPartyNumber */ - multi_CiPN_parms[0], /* CallingPartyNumber */ - parms[2], /* CalledPartySubad */ - parms[3], /* CallingPartySubad */ - parms[4], /* BearerCapability */ - parms[5], /* LowLC */ - parms[6], /* HighLC */ - ai_len, /* nested struct add_i */ - add_i[0], /* B channel info */ - add_i[1], /* keypad facility */ - add_i[2], /* user user data */ - add_i[3], /* nested facility */ - multi_CiPN_parms[1] /* second CiPN(SCR) */ - ); - SendSSExtInd(&application[i], - plci, - Id, - multi_ssext_parms); - SendSetupInfo(&application[i], - plci, - Id, - parms, - SendMultiIE(plci,Id,multi_pi_parms, PI, 0x210, true)); - } - } - clear_c_ind_mask_bit (plci, MAX_APPL); - dump_c_ind_mask (plci); - } - if(c_ind_mask_empty (plci)) { - sig_req(plci,HANGUP,0); - send_req(plci); - plci->State = IDLE; - } - plci->notifiedcall = 0; - a->listen_active--; - listen_check(a); - break; - - case CALL_PEND_NOTIFY: - plci->notifiedcall = 1; - listen_check(a); - break; - - case CALL_IND: - case CALL_CON: - if(plci->State==ADVANCED_VOICE_SIG || plci->State==ADVANCED_VOICE_NOSIG) - { - if(plci->internal_command==PERM_COD_CONN_PEND) - { - if(plci->State==ADVANCED_VOICE_NOSIG) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("***Codec OK")); - if(a->AdvSignalPLCI) - { - tplci = a->AdvSignalPLCI; - if(tplci->spoofed_msg) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("***Spoofed Msg(0x%x)",tplci->spoofed_msg)); - tplci->command = 0; - tplci->internal_command = 0; - x_Id = ((word)tplci->Id<<8)|tplci->adapter->Id | 0x80; - switch (tplci->spoofed_msg) - { - case CALL_RES: - tplci->command = _CONNECT_I|RESPONSE; - api_load_msg (&tplci->saved_msg, saved_parms); - add_b1(tplci,&saved_parms[1],0,tplci->B1_facilities); - if (tplci->adapter->Info_Mask[tplci->appl->Id-1] & 0x200) - { - /* early B3 connect (CIP mask bit 9) no release after a disc */ - add_p(tplci,LLI,"\x01\x01"); - } - add_s(tplci, CONN_NR, &saved_parms[2]); - add_s(tplci, LLC, &saved_parms[4]); - add_ai(tplci, &saved_parms[5]); - tplci->State = INC_CON_ACCEPT; - sig_req(tplci, CALL_RES,0); - send_req(tplci); - break; - - case AWAITING_SELECT_B: - dbug(1,dprintf("Select_B continue")); - start_internal_command (x_Id, tplci, select_b_command); - break; - - case AWAITING_MANUF_CON: /* Get_Plci per Manufacturer_Req to ext controller */ - if(!tplci->Sig.Id) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("No SigID!")); - sendf(tplci->appl, _MANUFACTURER_R|CONFIRM,x_Id,tplci->number, "dww",_DI_MANU_ID,_MANUFACTURER_R,_OUT_OF_PLCI); - plci_remove(tplci); - break; - } - tplci->command = _MANUFACTURER_R; - api_load_msg (&tplci->saved_msg, saved_parms); - dir = saved_parms[2].info[0]; - if(dir==1) { - sig_req(tplci,CALL_REQ,0); - } - else if(!dir){ - sig_req(tplci,LISTEN_REQ,0); - } - send_req(tplci); - sendf(tplci->appl, _MANUFACTURER_R|CONFIRM,x_Id,tplci->number, "dww",_DI_MANU_ID,_MANUFACTURER_R,0); - break; - - case (CALL_REQ|AWAITING_MANUF_CON): - sig_req(tplci,CALL_REQ,0); - send_req(tplci); - break; - - case CALL_REQ: - if(!tplci->Sig.Id) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("No SigID!")); - sendf(tplci->appl,_CONNECT_R|CONFIRM,tplci->adapter->Id,0,"w",_OUT_OF_PLCI); - plci_remove(tplci); - break; - } - tplci->command = _CONNECT_R; - api_load_msg (&tplci->saved_msg, saved_parms); - add_s(tplci,CPN,&saved_parms[1]); - add_s(tplci,DSA,&saved_parms[3]); - add_ai(tplci,&saved_parms[9]); - sig_req(tplci,CALL_REQ,0); - send_req(tplci); - break; - - case CALL_RETRIEVE: - tplci->command = C_RETRIEVE_REQ; - sig_req(tplci,CALL_RETRIEVE,0); - send_req(tplci); - break; - } - tplci->spoofed_msg = 0; - if (tplci->internal_command == 0) - next_internal_command (x_Id, tplci); - } - } - next_internal_command (Id, plci); - break; - } - dbug(1,dprintf("***Codec Hook Init Req")); - plci->internal_command = PERM_COD_HOOK; - add_p(plci,FTY,"\x01\x09"); /* Get Hook State*/ - sig_req(plci,TEL_CTRL,0); - send_req(plci); - } - } - else if(plci->command != _MANUFACTURER_R /* old style permanent connect */ - && plci->State!=INC_ACT_PENDING) - { - mixer_set_bchannel_id_esc (plci, plci->b_channel); - if(plci->tel == ADV_VOICE && plci->SuppState == IDLE) /* with permanent codec switch on immediately */ - { - chi[2] = plci->b_channel; - SetVoiceChannel(a->AdvCodecPLCI, chi, a); - } - sendf(plci->appl,_CONNECT_ACTIVE_I,Id,0,"Sss",parms[21],"",""); - plci->State = INC_ACT_PENDING; - } - break; - - case TEL_CTRL: - ie = multi_fac_parms[0]; /* inspect the facility hook indications */ - if(plci->State==ADVANCED_VOICE_SIG && ie[0]){ - switch (ie[1]&0x91) { - case 0x80: /* hook off */ - case 0x81: - if(plci->internal_command==PERM_COD_HOOK) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("init:hook_off")); - plci->hook_state = ie[1]; - next_internal_command (Id, plci); - break; - } - else /* ignore doubled hook indications */ - { - if( ((plci->hook_state)&0xf0)==0x80) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("ignore hook")); - break; - } - plci->hook_state = ie[1]&0x91; - } - /* check for incoming call pending */ - /* and signal '+'.Appl must decide */ - /* with connect_res if call must */ - /* accepted or not */ - for(i=0, tplci=NULL;icodec_listen[i] - && (a->codec_listen[i]->State==INC_CON_PENDING - ||a->codec_listen[i]->State==INC_CON_ALERT) ){ - tplci = a->codec_listen[i]; - tplci->appl = &application[i]; - } - } - /* no incoming call, do outgoing call */ - /* and signal '+' if outg. setup */ - if(!a->AdvSignalPLCI && !tplci){ - if((i=get_plci(a))) { - a->AdvSignalPLCI = &a->plci[i-1]; - tplci = a->AdvSignalPLCI; - tplci->tel = ADV_VOICE; - PUT_WORD(&voice_cai[5],a->AdvSignalAppl->MaxDataLength); - if (a->Info_Mask[a->AdvSignalAppl->Id-1] & 0x200){ - /* early B3 connect (CIP mask bit 9) no release after a disc */ - add_p(tplci,LLI,"\x01\x01"); - } - add_p(tplci, CAI, voice_cai); - add_p(tplci, OAD, a->TelOAD); - add_p(tplci, OSA, a->TelOSA); - add_p(tplci,SHIFT|6,NULL); - add_p(tplci,SIN,"\x02\x01\x00"); - add_p(tplci,UID,"\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); - sig_req(tplci,ASSIGN,DSIG_ID); - a->AdvSignalPLCI->internal_command = HOOK_OFF_REQ; - a->AdvSignalPLCI->command = 0; - tplci->appl = a->AdvSignalAppl; - tplci->call_dir = CALL_DIR_OUT | CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE; - send_req(tplci); - } - - } - - if(!tplci) break; - Id = ((word)tplci->Id<<8)|a->Id; - Id|=EXT_CONTROLLER; - sendf(tplci->appl, - _FACILITY_I, - Id, - 0, - "ws", (word)0, "\x01+"); - break; - - case 0x90: /* hook on */ - case 0x91: - if(plci->internal_command==PERM_COD_HOOK) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("init:hook_on")); - plci->hook_state = ie[1]&0x91; - next_internal_command (Id, plci); - break; - } - else /* ignore doubled hook indications */ - { - if( ((plci->hook_state)&0xf0)==0x90) break; - plci->hook_state = ie[1]&0x91; - } - /* hangup the adv. voice call and signal '-' to the appl */ - if(a->AdvSignalPLCI) { - Id = ((word)a->AdvSignalPLCI->Id<<8)|a->Id; - if(plci->tel) Id|=EXT_CONTROLLER; - sendf(a->AdvSignalAppl, - _FACILITY_I, - Id, - 0, - "ws", (word)0, "\x01-"); - a->AdvSignalPLCI->internal_command = HOOK_ON_REQ; - a->AdvSignalPLCI->command = 0; - sig_req(a->AdvSignalPLCI,HANGUP,0); - send_req(a->AdvSignalPLCI); - } - break; - } - } - break; - - case RESUME: - clear_c_ind_mask_bit (plci, (word)(plci->appl->Id-1)); - PUT_WORD(&resume_cau[4],GOOD); - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_I,Id,0,"ws", (word)3, resume_cau); - break; - - case SUSPEND: - clear_c_ind_mask (plci); - - if (plci->NL.Id && !plci->nl_remove_id) { - mixer_remove (plci); - nl_req_ncci(plci,REMOVE,0); - } - if (!plci->sig_remove_id) { - plci->internal_command = 0; - sig_req(plci,REMOVE,0); - } - send_req(plci); - if(!plci->channels) { - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_I,Id,0,"ws", (word)3, "\x05\x04\x00\x02\x00\x00"); - sendf(plci->appl, _DISCONNECT_I, Id, 0, "w", 0); - } - break; - - case SUSPEND_REJ: - break; - - case HANGUP: - plci->hangup_flow_ctrl_timer=0; - if(plci->manufacturer && plci->State==LOCAL_CONNECT) break; - cau = parms[7]; - if(cau) { - i = _L3_CAUSE | cau[2]; - if(cau[2]==0) i = 0; - else if(cau[2]==8) i = _L1_ERROR; - else if(cau[2]==9 || cau[2]==10) i = _L2_ERROR; - else if(cau[2]==5) i = _CAPI_GUARD_ERROR; - } - else { - i = _L3_ERROR; - } - - if(plci->State==INC_CON_PENDING || plci->State==INC_CON_ALERT) - { - for(i=0; iappl) - { - if (plci->State == LISTENING) - { - plci->notifiedcall=0; - a->listen_active--; - } - plci->State = INC_DIS_PENDING; - if(c_ind_mask_empty (plci)) - { - plci->State = IDLE; - if (plci->NL.Id && !plci->nl_remove_id) - { - mixer_remove (plci); - nl_req_ncci(plci,REMOVE,0); - } - if (!plci->sig_remove_id) - { - plci->internal_command = 0; - sig_req(plci,REMOVE,0); - } - send_req(plci); - } - } - else - { - /* collision of DISCONNECT or CONNECT_RES with HANGUP can */ - /* result in a second HANGUP! Don't generate another */ - /* DISCONNECT */ - if(plci->State!=IDLE && plci->State!=INC_DIS_PENDING) - { - if(plci->State==RESUMING) - { - PUT_WORD(&resume_cau[4],i); - sendf(plci->appl,_FACILITY_I,Id,0,"ws", (word)3, resume_cau); - } - plci->State = INC_DIS_PENDING; - sendf(plci->appl,_DISCONNECT_I,Id,0,"w",i); - } - } - break; - - case SSEXT_IND: - SendSSExtInd(NULL,plci,Id,multi_ssext_parms); - break; - - case VSWITCH_REQ: - VSwitchReqInd(plci,Id,multi_vswitch_parms); - break; - case VSWITCH_IND: - if(plci->relatedPTYPLCI && - plci->vswitchstate==3 && - plci->relatedPTYPLCI->vswitchstate==3 && - parms[MAXPARMSIDS-1][0]) - { - add_p(plci->relatedPTYPLCI,SMSG,parms[MAXPARMSIDS-1]); - sig_req(plci->relatedPTYPLCI,VSWITCH_REQ,0); - send_req(plci->relatedPTYPLCI); - } - else VSwitchReqInd(plci,Id,multi_vswitch_parms); - break; - - } -} - - -static void SendSetupInfo(APPL * appl, PLCI * plci, dword Id, byte * * parms, byte Info_Sent_Flag) -{ - word i; - byte * ie; - word Info_Number; - byte * Info_Element; - word Info_Mask = 0; - - dbug(1,dprintf("SetupInfo")); - - for(i=0; iadapter->Info_Mask[appl->Id-1] & Info_Mask) { - sendf(appl,_INFO_I,Id,0,"wS",Info_Number,Info_Element); - } - } - } + byte *parms[MAXPARMSIDS]; + byte *add_i[4]; + byte *multi_fac_parms[MAX_MULTI_IE]; + byte *multi_pi_parms[MAX_MULTI_IE]; + byte *multi_ssext_parms[MAX_MULTI_IE]; + byte *multi_CiPN_parms[MAX_MULTI_IE]; + + byte *multi_vswitch_parms[MAX_MULTI_IE]; + + byte ai_len; + byte *esc_chi = ""; + byte *esc_law = ""; + byte *pty_cai = ""; + byte *esc_cr = ""; + byte *esc_profile = ""; + + byte facility[256]; + PLCI *tplci = NULL; + byte chi[] = "\x02\x18\x01"; + byte voice_cai[] = "\x06\x14\x00\x00\x00\x00\x08"; + byte resume_cau[] = "\x05\x05\x00\x02\x00\x00"; + /* ESC_MSGTYPE must be the last but one message, a new IE has to be */ + /* included before the ESC_MSGTYPE and MAXPARMSIDS has to be incremented */ + /* SMSG is situated at the end because its 0 (for compatibility reasons */ + /* (see Info_Mask Bit 4, first IE. then the message type) */ + word parms_id[] = + {MAXPARMSIDS, CPN, 0xff, DSA, OSA, BC, LLC, HLC, ESC_CAUSE, DSP, DT, CHA, + UUI, CONG_RR, CONG_RNR, ESC_CHI, KEY, CHI, CAU, ESC_LAW, + RDN, RDX, CONN_NR, RIN, NI, CAI, ESC_CR, + CST, ESC_PROFILE, 0xff, ESC_MSGTYPE, SMSG}; + /* 14 FTY repl by ESC_CHI */ + /* 18 PI repl by ESC_LAW */ + /* removed OAD changed to 0xff for future use, OAD is multiIE now */ + word multi_fac_id[] = {1, FTY}; + word multi_pi_id[] = {1, PI}; + word multi_CiPN_id[] = {1, OAD}; + word multi_ssext_id[] = {1, ESC_SSEXT}; + + word multi_vswitch_id[] = {1, ESC_VSWITCH}; + + byte *cau; + word ncci; + byte SS_Ind[] = "\x05\x02\x00\x02\x00\x00"; /* Hold_Ind struct*/ + byte CF_Ind[] = "\x09\x02\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; + byte Interr_Err_Ind[] = "\x0a\x02\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; + byte CONF_Ind[] = "\x09\x16\x00\x06\x00\x00\0x00\0x00\0x00\0x00"; + byte force_mt_info = false; + byte dir; + dword d; + word w; + + a = plci->adapter; + Id = ((word)plci->Id << 8) | a->Id; + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[4], 0x0000); + + if (plci->sig_remove_id) + { + plci->Sig.RNR = 2; /* discard */ + dbug(1, dprintf("SIG discard while remove pending")); + return; + } + if (plci->tel && plci->SuppState != CALL_HELD) Id |= EXT_CONTROLLER; + dbug(1, dprintf("SigInd-Id=%08lx,plci=%x,tel=%x,state=0x%x,channels=%d,Discflowcl=%d", + Id, plci->Id, plci->tel, plci->State, plci->channels, plci->hangup_flow_ctrl_timer)); + if (plci->Sig.Ind == CALL_HOLD_ACK && plci->channels) + { + plci->Sig.RNR = 1; + return; + } + if (plci->Sig.Ind == HANGUP && plci->channels) + { + plci->Sig.RNR = 1; + plci->hangup_flow_ctrl_timer++; + /* recover the network layer after timeout */ + if (plci->hangup_flow_ctrl_timer == 100) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("Exceptional disc")); + plci->Sig.RNR = 0; + plci->hangup_flow_ctrl_timer = 0; + for (ncci = 1; ncci < MAX_NCCI + 1; ncci++) + { + if (a->ncci_plci[ncci] == plci->Id) + { + cleanup_ncci_data(plci, ncci); + if (plci->channels)plci->channels--; + if (plci->appl) + sendf(plci->appl, _DISCONNECT_B3_I, (((dword) ncci) << 16) | Id, 0, "ws", 0, ""); + } + } + if (plci->appl) + sendf(plci->appl, _DISCONNECT_I, Id, 0, "w", 0); + plci_remove(plci); + plci->State = IDLE; + } + return; + } + + /* do first parse the info with no OAD in, because OAD will be converted */ + /* first the multiple facility IE, then mult. progress ind. */ + /* then the parameters for the info_ind + conn_ind */ + IndParse(plci, multi_fac_id, multi_fac_parms, MAX_MULTI_IE); + IndParse(plci, multi_pi_id, multi_pi_parms, MAX_MULTI_IE); + IndParse(plci, multi_ssext_id, multi_ssext_parms, MAX_MULTI_IE); + + IndParse(plci, multi_vswitch_id, multi_vswitch_parms, MAX_MULTI_IE); + + IndParse(plci, parms_id, parms, 0); + IndParse(plci, multi_CiPN_id, multi_CiPN_parms, MAX_MULTI_IE); + esc_chi = parms[14]; + esc_law = parms[18]; + pty_cai = parms[24]; + esc_cr = parms[25]; + esc_profile = parms[27]; + if (esc_cr[0] && plci) + { + if (plci->cr_enquiry && plci->appl) + { + plci->cr_enquiry = false; + /* d = MANU_ID */ + /* w = m_command */ + /* b = total length */ + /* b = indication type */ + /* b = length of all IEs */ + /* b = IE1 */ + /* S = IE1 length + cont. */ + /* b = IE2 */ + /* S = IE2 length + cont. */ + sendf(plci->appl, + _MANUFACTURER_I, + Id, + 0, + "dwbbbbSbS", _DI_MANU_ID, plci->m_command, + 2 + 1 + 1 + esc_cr[0] + 1 + 1 + esc_law[0], plci->Sig.Ind, 1 + 1 + esc_cr[0] + 1 + 1 + esc_law[0], ESC, esc_cr, ESC, esc_law); + } + } + /* create the additional info structure */ + add_i[1] = parms[15]; /* KEY of additional info */ + add_i[2] = parms[11]; /* UUI of additional info */ + ai_len = AddInfo(add_i, multi_fac_parms, esc_chi, facility); + + /* the ESC_LAW indicates if u-Law or a-Law is actually used by the card */ + /* indication returns by the card if requested by the function */ + /* AutomaticLaw() after driver init */ + if (a->automatic_law < 4) + { + if (esc_law[0]) { + if (esc_law[2]) { + dbug(0, dprintf("u-Law selected")); + a->u_law = 1; + } + else { + dbug(0, dprintf("a-Law selected")); + a->u_law = 0; + } + a->automatic_law = 4; + if (plci == a->automatic_lawPLCI) { + plci->internal_command = 0; + sig_req(plci, REMOVE, 0); + send_req(plci); + a->automatic_lawPLCI = NULL; + } + } + if (esc_profile[0]) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06x] CardProfile: %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx", + UnMapController(a->Id), GET_DWORD(&esc_profile[6]), + GET_DWORD(&esc_profile[10]), GET_DWORD(&esc_profile[14]), + GET_DWORD(&esc_profile[18]), GET_DWORD(&esc_profile[46]))); + + a->profile.Global_Options &= 0x000000ffL; + a->profile.B1_Protocols &= 0x000003ffL; + a->profile.B2_Protocols &= 0x00001fdfL; + a->profile.B3_Protocols &= 0x000000b7L; + + a->profile.Global_Options &= GET_DWORD(&esc_profile[6]) | + GL_BCHANNEL_OPERATION_SUPPORTED; + a->profile.B1_Protocols &= GET_DWORD(&esc_profile[10]); + a->profile.B2_Protocols &= GET_DWORD(&esc_profile[14]); + a->profile.B3_Protocols &= GET_DWORD(&esc_profile[18]); + a->manufacturer_features = GET_DWORD(&esc_profile[46]); + a->man_profile.private_options = 0; + + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_ECHO_CANCELLER) + { + a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_ECHO_CANCELLER; + a->profile.Global_Options |= GL_ECHO_CANCELLER_SUPPORTED; + } + + + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_RTP) + a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_RTP; + a->man_profile.rtp_primary_payloads = GET_DWORD(&esc_profile[50]); + a->man_profile.rtp_additional_payloads = GET_DWORD(&esc_profile[54]); + + + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_T38) + a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_T38; + + + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD) + a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD; + + + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_V18) + a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_V18; + + + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_DTMF_TONE) + a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_DTMF_TONE; + + + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_PIAFS) + a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_PIAFS; + + + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_FAX_PAPER_FORMATS) + a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_FAX_PAPER_FORMATS; + + + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_VOWN) + a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_VOWN; + + + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_FAX_NONSTANDARD) + a->man_profile.private_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD; + + } + else + { + a->profile.Global_Options &= 0x0000007fL; + a->profile.B1_Protocols &= 0x000003dfL; + a->profile.B2_Protocols &= 0x00001adfL; + a->profile.B3_Protocols &= 0x000000b7L; + a->manufacturer_features &= MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_HARDDTMF; + } + if (a->manufacturer_features & (MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_HARDDTMF | + MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SOFTDTMF_SEND | MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SOFTDTMF_RECEIVE)) + { + a->profile.Global_Options |= GL_DTMF_SUPPORTED; + } + a->manufacturer_features &= ~MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_OOB_CHANNEL; + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06x] Profile: %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx", + UnMapController(a->Id), a->profile.Global_Options, + a->profile.B1_Protocols, a->profile.B2_Protocols, + a->profile.B3_Protocols, a->manufacturer_features)); + } + /* codec plci for the handset/hook state support is just an internal id */ + if (plci != a->AdvCodecPLCI) + { + force_mt_info = SendMultiIE(plci, Id, multi_fac_parms, FTY, 0x20, 0); + force_mt_info |= SendMultiIE(plci, Id, multi_pi_parms, PI, 0x210, 0); + SendSSExtInd(NULL, plci, Id, multi_ssext_parms); + SendInfo(plci, Id, parms, force_mt_info); + + VSwitchReqInd(plci, Id, multi_vswitch_parms); + + } + + /* switch the codec to the b-channel */ + if (esc_chi[0] && plci && !plci->SuppState) { + plci->b_channel = esc_chi[esc_chi[0]]&0x1f; + mixer_set_bchannel_id_esc(plci, plci->b_channel); + dbug(1, dprintf("storeChannel=0x%x", plci->b_channel)); + if (plci->tel == ADV_VOICE && plci->appl) { + SetVoiceChannel(a->AdvCodecPLCI, esc_chi, a); + } + } + + if (plci->appl) plci->appl->Number++; + + switch (plci->Sig.Ind) { + /* Response to Get_Supported_Services request */ + case S_SUPPORTED: + dbug(1, dprintf("S_Supported")); + if (!plci->appl) break; + if (pty_cai[0] == 4) + { + PUT_DWORD(&CF_Ind[6], GET_DWORD(&pty_cai[1])); + } + else + { + PUT_DWORD(&CF_Ind[6], MASK_TERMINAL_PORTABILITY | MASK_HOLD_RETRIEVE); + } + PUT_WORD(&CF_Ind[1], 0); + PUT_WORD(&CF_Ind[4], 0); + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0x7, plci->number, "wws", 0, 3, CF_Ind); + plci_remove(plci); + break; + + /* Supplementary Service rejected */ + case S_SERVICE_REJ: + dbug(1, dprintf("S_Reject=0x%x", pty_cai[5])); + if (!pty_cai[0]) break; + switch (pty_cai[5]) + { + case ECT_EXECUTE: + case THREE_PTY_END: + case THREE_PTY_BEGIN: + if (!plci->relatedPTYPLCI) break; + tplci = plci->relatedPTYPLCI; + rId = ((word)tplci->Id << 8) | tplci->adapter->Id; + if (tplci->tel) rId |= EXT_CONTROLLER; + if (pty_cai[5] == ECT_EXECUTE) + { + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1], S_ECT); + + plci->vswitchstate = 0; + plci->relatedPTYPLCI->vswitchstate = 0; + + } + else + { + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1], pty_cai[5] + 3); + } + if (pty_cai[2] != 0xff) + { + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[4], 0x3600 | (word)pty_cai[2]); + } + else + { + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[4], 0x300E); + } + plci->relatedPTYPLCI = NULL; + plci->ptyState = 0; + sendf(tplci->appl, _FACILITY_I, rId, 0, "ws", 3, SS_Ind); + break; + + case CALL_DEFLECTION: + if (pty_cai[2] != 0xff) + { + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[4], 0x3600 | (word)pty_cai[2]); + } + else + { + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[4], 0x300E); + } + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1], pty_cai[5]); + for (i = 0; i < max_appl; i++) + { + if (application[i].CDEnable) + { + if (application[i].Id) sendf(&application[i], _FACILITY_I, Id, 0, "ws", 3, SS_Ind); + application[i].CDEnable = false; + } + } + break; + + case DEACTIVATION_DIVERSION: + case ACTIVATION_DIVERSION: + case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFU: + case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFB: + case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFNR: + case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_NUM: + case CCBS_REQUEST: + case CCBS_DEACTIVATE: + case CCBS_INTERROGATE: + if (!plci->appl) break; + if (pty_cai[2] != 0xff) + { + PUT_WORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[4], 0x3600 | (word)pty_cai[2]); + } + else + { + PUT_WORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[4], 0x300E); + } + switch (pty_cai[5]) + { + case DEACTIVATION_DIVERSION: + dbug(1, dprintf("Deact_Div")); + Interr_Err_Ind[0] = 0x9; + Interr_Err_Ind[3] = 0x6; + PUT_WORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[1], S_CALL_FORWARDING_STOP); + break; + case ACTIVATION_DIVERSION: + dbug(1, dprintf("Act_Div")); + Interr_Err_Ind[0] = 0x9; + Interr_Err_Ind[3] = 0x6; + PUT_WORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[1], S_CALL_FORWARDING_START); + break; + case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFU: + case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFB: + case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFNR: + dbug(1, dprintf("Interr_Div")); + Interr_Err_Ind[0] = 0xa; + Interr_Err_Ind[3] = 0x7; + PUT_WORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[1], S_INTERROGATE_DIVERSION); + break; + case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_NUM: + dbug(1, dprintf("Interr_Num")); + Interr_Err_Ind[0] = 0xa; + Interr_Err_Ind[3] = 0x7; + PUT_WORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[1], S_INTERROGATE_NUMBERS); + break; + case CCBS_REQUEST: + dbug(1, dprintf("CCBS Request")); + Interr_Err_Ind[0] = 0xd; + Interr_Err_Ind[3] = 0xa; + PUT_WORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[1], S_CCBS_REQUEST); + break; + case CCBS_DEACTIVATE: + dbug(1, dprintf("CCBS Deactivate")); + Interr_Err_Ind[0] = 0x9; + Interr_Err_Ind[3] = 0x6; + PUT_WORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[1], S_CCBS_DEACTIVATE); + break; + case CCBS_INTERROGATE: + dbug(1, dprintf("CCBS Interrogate")); + Interr_Err_Ind[0] = 0xb; + Interr_Err_Ind[3] = 0x8; + PUT_WORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[1], S_CCBS_INTERROGATE); + break; + } + PUT_DWORD(&Interr_Err_Ind[6], plci->appl->S_Handle); + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0x7, 0, "ws", 3, Interr_Err_Ind); + plci_remove(plci); + break; + case ACTIVATION_MWI: + case DEACTIVATION_MWI: + if (pty_cai[5] == ACTIVATION_MWI) + { + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1], S_MWI_ACTIVATE); + } + else PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1], S_MWI_DEACTIVATE); + + if (pty_cai[2] != 0xff) + { + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[4], 0x3600 | (word)pty_cai[2]); + } + else + { + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[4], 0x300E); + } + + if (plci->cr_enquiry) + { + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0xf, 0, "ws", 3, SS_Ind); + plci_remove(plci); + } + else + { + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id, 0, "ws", 3, SS_Ind); + } + break; + case CONF_ADD: /* ERROR */ + case CONF_BEGIN: + case CONF_DROP: + case CONF_ISOLATE: + case CONF_REATTACH: + CONF_Ind[0] = 9; + CONF_Ind[3] = 6; + switch (pty_cai[5]) + { + case CONF_BEGIN: + PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1], S_CONF_BEGIN); + plci->ptyState = 0; + break; + case CONF_DROP: + CONF_Ind[0] = 5; + CONF_Ind[3] = 2; + PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1], S_CONF_DROP); + plci->ptyState = CONNECTED; + break; + case CONF_ISOLATE: + CONF_Ind[0] = 5; + CONF_Ind[3] = 2; + PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1], S_CONF_ISOLATE); + plci->ptyState = CONNECTED; + break; + case CONF_REATTACH: + CONF_Ind[0] = 5; + CONF_Ind[3] = 2; + PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1], S_CONF_REATTACH); + plci->ptyState = CONNECTED; + break; + case CONF_ADD: + PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1], S_CONF_ADD); + plci->relatedPTYPLCI = NULL; + tplci = plci->relatedPTYPLCI; + if (tplci) tplci->ptyState = CONNECTED; + plci->ptyState = CONNECTED; + break; + } + + if (pty_cai[2] != 0xff) + { + PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[4], 0x3600 | (word)pty_cai[2]); + } + else + { + PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[4], 0x3303); /* Time-out: network did not respond + within the required time */ + } + + PUT_DWORD(&CONF_Ind[6], 0x0); + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id, 0, "ws", 3, CONF_Ind); + break; + } + break; + + /* Supplementary Service indicates success */ + case S_SERVICE: + dbug(1, dprintf("Service_Ind")); + PUT_WORD(&CF_Ind[4], 0); + switch (pty_cai[5]) + { + case THREE_PTY_END: + case THREE_PTY_BEGIN: + case ECT_EXECUTE: + if (!plci->relatedPTYPLCI) break; + tplci = plci->relatedPTYPLCI; + rId = ((word)tplci->Id << 8) | tplci->adapter->Id; + if (tplci->tel) rId |= EXT_CONTROLLER; + if (pty_cai[5] == ECT_EXECUTE) + { + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1], S_ECT); + + if (plci->vswitchstate != 3) + { + + plci->ptyState = IDLE; + plci->relatedPTYPLCI = NULL; + plci->ptyState = 0; + + } + + dbug(1, dprintf("ECT OK")); + sendf(tplci->appl, _FACILITY_I, rId, 0, "ws", 3, SS_Ind); + + + + } + else + { + switch (plci->ptyState) + { + case S_3PTY_BEGIN: + plci->ptyState = CONNECTED; + dbug(1, dprintf("3PTY ON")); + break; + + case S_3PTY_END: + plci->ptyState = IDLE; + plci->relatedPTYPLCI = NULL; + plci->ptyState = 0; + dbug(1, dprintf("3PTY OFF")); + break; + } + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1], pty_cai[5] + 3); + sendf(tplci->appl, _FACILITY_I, rId, 0, "ws", 3, SS_Ind); + } + break; + + case CALL_DEFLECTION: + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1], pty_cai[5]); + for (i = 0; i < max_appl; i++) + { + if (application[i].CDEnable) + { + if (application[i].Id) sendf(&application[i], _FACILITY_I, Id, 0, "ws", 3, SS_Ind); + application[i].CDEnable = false; + } + } + break; + + case DEACTIVATION_DIVERSION: + case ACTIVATION_DIVERSION: + if (!plci->appl) break; + PUT_WORD(&CF_Ind[1], pty_cai[5] + 2); + PUT_DWORD(&CF_Ind[6], plci->appl->S_Handle); + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0x7, 0, "ws", 3, CF_Ind); + plci_remove(plci); + break; + + case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFU: + case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFB: + case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFNR: + case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_NUM: + case CCBS_REQUEST: + case CCBS_DEACTIVATE: + case CCBS_INTERROGATE: + if (!plci->appl) break; + switch (pty_cai[5]) + { + case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFU: + case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFB: + case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_CFNR: + dbug(1, dprintf("Interr_Div")); + PUT_WORD(&pty_cai[1], S_INTERROGATE_DIVERSION); + pty_cai[3] = pty_cai[0] - 3; /* Supplementary Service-specific parameter len */ + break; + case DIVERSION_INTERROGATE_NUM: + dbug(1, dprintf("Interr_Num")); + PUT_WORD(&pty_cai[1], S_INTERROGATE_NUMBERS); + pty_cai[3] = pty_cai[0] - 3; /* Supplementary Service-specific parameter len */ + break; + case CCBS_REQUEST: + dbug(1, dprintf("CCBS Request")); + PUT_WORD(&pty_cai[1], S_CCBS_REQUEST); + pty_cai[3] = pty_cai[0] - 3; /* Supplementary Service-specific parameter len */ + break; + case CCBS_DEACTIVATE: + dbug(1, dprintf("CCBS Deactivate")); + PUT_WORD(&pty_cai[1], S_CCBS_DEACTIVATE); + pty_cai[3] = pty_cai[0] - 3; /* Supplementary Service-specific parameter len */ + break; + case CCBS_INTERROGATE: + dbug(1, dprintf("CCBS Interrogate")); + PUT_WORD(&pty_cai[1], S_CCBS_INTERROGATE); + pty_cai[3] = pty_cai[0] - 3; /* Supplementary Service-specific parameter len */ + break; + } + PUT_WORD(&pty_cai[4], 0); /* Supplementary Service Reason */ + PUT_DWORD(&pty_cai[6], plci->appl->S_Handle); + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0x7, 0, "wS", 3, pty_cai); + plci_remove(plci); + break; + + case ACTIVATION_MWI: + case DEACTIVATION_MWI: + if (pty_cai[5] == ACTIVATION_MWI) + { + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1], S_MWI_ACTIVATE); + } + else PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1], S_MWI_DEACTIVATE); + if (plci->cr_enquiry) + { + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0xf, 0, "ws", 3, SS_Ind); + plci_remove(plci); + } + else + { + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id, 0, "ws", 3, SS_Ind); + } + break; + case MWI_INDICATION: + if (pty_cai[0] >= 0x12) + { + PUT_WORD(&pty_cai[3], S_MWI_INDICATE); + pty_cai[2] = pty_cai[0] - 2; /* len Parameter */ + pty_cai[5] = pty_cai[0] - 5; /* Supplementary Service-specific parameter len */ + if (plci->appl && (a->Notification_Mask[plci->appl->Id - 1] & SMASK_MWI)) + { + if (plci->internal_command == GET_MWI_STATE) /* result on Message Waiting Listen */ + { + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0xf, 0, "wS", 3, &pty_cai[2]); + plci_remove(plci); + return; + } + else sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id, 0, "wS", 3, &pty_cai[2]); + pty_cai[0] = 0; + } + else + { + for (i = 0; i < max_appl; i++) + { + if (a->Notification_Mask[i]&SMASK_MWI) + { + sendf(&application[i], _FACILITY_I, Id & 0x7, 0, "wS", 3, &pty_cai[2]); + pty_cai[0] = 0; + } + } + } + + if (!pty_cai[0]) + { /* acknowledge */ + facility[2] = 0; /* returncode */ + } + else facility[2] = 0xff; + } + else + { + /* reject */ + facility[2] = 0xff; /* returncode */ + } + facility[0] = 2; + facility[1] = MWI_RESPONSE; /* Function */ + add_p(plci, CAI, facility); + add_p(plci, ESC, multi_ssext_parms[0]); /* remembered parameter -> only one possible */ + sig_req(plci, S_SERVICE, 0); + send_req(plci); + plci->command = 0; + next_internal_command(Id, plci); + break; + case CONF_ADD: /* OK */ + case CONF_BEGIN: + case CONF_DROP: + case CONF_ISOLATE: + case CONF_REATTACH: + case CONF_PARTYDISC: + CONF_Ind[0] = 9; + CONF_Ind[3] = 6; + switch (pty_cai[5]) + { + case CONF_BEGIN: + PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1], S_CONF_BEGIN); + if (pty_cai[0] == 6) + { + d = pty_cai[6]; + PUT_DWORD(&CONF_Ind[6], d); /* PartyID */ + } + else + { + PUT_DWORD(&CONF_Ind[6], 0x0); + } + break; + case CONF_ISOLATE: + PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1], S_CONF_ISOLATE); + CONF_Ind[0] = 5; + CONF_Ind[3] = 2; + break; + case CONF_REATTACH: + PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1], S_CONF_REATTACH); + CONF_Ind[0] = 5; + CONF_Ind[3] = 2; + break; + case CONF_DROP: + PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1], S_CONF_DROP); + CONF_Ind[0] = 5; + CONF_Ind[3] = 2; + break; + case CONF_ADD: + PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1], S_CONF_ADD); + d = pty_cai[6]; + PUT_DWORD(&CONF_Ind[6], d); /* PartyID */ + tplci = plci->relatedPTYPLCI; + if (tplci) tplci->ptyState = CONNECTED; + break; + case CONF_PARTYDISC: + CONF_Ind[0] = 7; + CONF_Ind[3] = 4; + PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1], S_CONF_PARTYDISC); + d = pty_cai[6]; + PUT_DWORD(&CONF_Ind[4], d); /* PartyID */ + break; + } + plci->ptyState = CONNECTED; + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id, 0, "ws", 3, CONF_Ind); + break; + case CCBS_INFO_RETAIN: + case CCBS_ERASECALLLINKAGEID: + case CCBS_STOP_ALERTING: + CONF_Ind[0] = 5; + CONF_Ind[3] = 2; + switch (pty_cai[5]) + { + case CCBS_INFO_RETAIN: + PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1], S_CCBS_INFO_RETAIN); + break; + case CCBS_STOP_ALERTING: + PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1], S_CCBS_STOP_ALERTING); + break; + case CCBS_ERASECALLLINKAGEID: + PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[1], S_CCBS_ERASECALLLINKAGEID); + CONF_Ind[0] = 7; + CONF_Ind[3] = 4; + CONF_Ind[6] = 0; + CONF_Ind[7] = 0; + break; + } + w = pty_cai[6]; + PUT_WORD(&CONF_Ind[4], w); /* PartyID */ + + if (plci->appl && (a->Notification_Mask[plci->appl->Id - 1] & SMASK_CCBS)) + { + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id, 0, "ws", 3, CONF_Ind); + } + else + { + for (i = 0; i < max_appl; i++) + if (a->Notification_Mask[i] & SMASK_CCBS) + sendf(&application[i], _FACILITY_I, Id & 0x7, 0, "ws", 3, CONF_Ind); + } + break; + } + break; + case CALL_HOLD_REJ: + cau = parms[7]; + if (cau) + { + i = _L3_CAUSE | cau[2]; + if (cau[2] == 0) i = 0x3603; + } + else + { + i = 0x3603; + } + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1], S_HOLD); + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[4], i); + if (plci->SuppState == HOLD_REQUEST) + { + plci->SuppState = IDLE; + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id, 0, "ws", 3, SS_Ind); + } + break; + + case CALL_HOLD_ACK: + if (plci->SuppState == HOLD_REQUEST) + { + plci->SuppState = CALL_HELD; + CodecIdCheck(a, plci); + start_internal_command(Id, plci, hold_save_command); + } + break; + + case CALL_RETRIEVE_REJ: + cau = parms[7]; + if (cau) + { + i = _L3_CAUSE | cau[2]; + if (cau[2] == 0) i = 0x3603; + } + else + { + i = 0x3603; + } + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1], S_RETRIEVE); + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[4], i); + if (plci->SuppState == RETRIEVE_REQUEST) + { + plci->SuppState = CALL_HELD; + CodecIdCheck(a, plci); + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id, 0, "ws", 3, SS_Ind); + } + break; + + case CALL_RETRIEVE_ACK: + PUT_WORD(&SS_Ind[1], S_RETRIEVE); + if (plci->SuppState == RETRIEVE_REQUEST) + { + plci->SuppState = IDLE; + plci->call_dir |= CALL_DIR_FORCE_OUTG_NL; + plci->b_channel = esc_chi[esc_chi[0]]&0x1f; + if (plci->tel) + { + mixer_set_bchannel_id_esc(plci, plci->b_channel); + dbug(1, dprintf("RetrChannel=0x%x", plci->b_channel)); + SetVoiceChannel(a->AdvCodecPLCI, esc_chi, a); + if (plci->B2_prot == B2_TRANSPARENT && plci->B3_prot == B3_TRANSPARENT) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("Get B-ch")); + start_internal_command(Id, plci, retrieve_restore_command); + } + else + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id, 0, "ws", 3, SS_Ind); + } + else + start_internal_command(Id, plci, retrieve_restore_command); + } + break; + + case INDICATE_IND: + if (plci->State != LISTENING) { + sig_req(plci, HANGUP, 0); + send_req(plci); + break; + } + cip = find_cip(a, parms[4], parms[6]); + cip_mask = 1L << cip; + dbug(1, dprintf("cip=%d,cip_mask=%lx", cip, cip_mask)); + clear_c_ind_mask(plci); + if (!remove_started && !a->adapter_disabled) + { + set_c_ind_mask_bit(plci, MAX_APPL); + group_optimization(a, plci); + for (i = 0; i < max_appl; i++) { + if (application[i].Id + && (a->CIP_Mask[i] & 1 || a->CIP_Mask[i] & cip_mask) + && CPN_filter_ok(parms[0], a, i) + && test_group_ind_mask_bit(plci, i)) { + dbug(1, dprintf("storedcip_mask[%d]=0x%lx", i, a->CIP_Mask[i])); + set_c_ind_mask_bit(plci, i); + dump_c_ind_mask(plci); + plci->State = INC_CON_PENDING; + plci->call_dir = (plci->call_dir & ~(CALL_DIR_OUT | CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE)) | + CALL_DIR_IN | CALL_DIR_ANSWER; + if (esc_chi[0]) { + plci->b_channel = esc_chi[esc_chi[0]] & 0x1f; + mixer_set_bchannel_id_esc(plci, plci->b_channel); + } + /* if a listen on the ext controller is done, check if hook states */ + /* are supported or if just a on board codec must be activated */ + if (a->codec_listen[i] && !a->AdvSignalPLCI) { + if (a->profile.Global_Options & HANDSET) + plci->tel = ADV_VOICE; + else if (a->profile.Global_Options & ON_BOARD_CODEC) + plci->tel = CODEC; + if (plci->tel) Id |= EXT_CONTROLLER; + a->codec_listen[i] = plci; + } + + sendf(&application[i], _CONNECT_I, Id, 0, + "wSSSSSSSbSSSSS", cip, /* CIP */ + parms[0], /* CalledPartyNumber */ + multi_CiPN_parms[0], /* CallingPartyNumber */ + parms[2], /* CalledPartySubad */ + parms[3], /* CallingPartySubad */ + parms[4], /* BearerCapability */ + parms[5], /* LowLC */ + parms[6], /* HighLC */ + ai_len, /* nested struct add_i */ + add_i[0], /* B channel info */ + add_i[1], /* keypad facility */ + add_i[2], /* user user data */ + add_i[3], /* nested facility */ + multi_CiPN_parms[1] /* second CiPN(SCR) */ + ); + SendSSExtInd(&application[i], + plci, + Id, + multi_ssext_parms); + SendSetupInfo(&application[i], + plci, + Id, + parms, + SendMultiIE(plci, Id, multi_pi_parms, PI, 0x210, true)); + } + } + clear_c_ind_mask_bit(plci, MAX_APPL); + dump_c_ind_mask(plci); + } + if (c_ind_mask_empty(plci)) { + sig_req(plci, HANGUP, 0); + send_req(plci); + plci->State = IDLE; + } + plci->notifiedcall = 0; + a->listen_active--; + listen_check(a); + break; + + case CALL_PEND_NOTIFY: + plci->notifiedcall = 1; + listen_check(a); + break; + + case CALL_IND: + case CALL_CON: + if (plci->State == ADVANCED_VOICE_SIG || plci->State == ADVANCED_VOICE_NOSIG) + { + if (plci->internal_command == PERM_COD_CONN_PEND) + { + if (plci->State == ADVANCED_VOICE_NOSIG) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("***Codec OK")); + if (a->AdvSignalPLCI) + { + tplci = a->AdvSignalPLCI; + if (tplci->spoofed_msg) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("***Spoofed Msg(0x%x)", tplci->spoofed_msg)); + tplci->command = 0; + tplci->internal_command = 0; + x_Id = ((word)tplci->Id << 8) | tplci->adapter->Id | 0x80; + switch (tplci->spoofed_msg) + { + case CALL_RES: + tplci->command = _CONNECT_I | RESPONSE; + api_load_msg(&tplci->saved_msg, saved_parms); + add_b1(tplci, &saved_parms[1], 0, tplci->B1_facilities); + if (tplci->adapter->Info_Mask[tplci->appl->Id - 1] & 0x200) + { + /* early B3 connect (CIP mask bit 9) no release after a disc */ + add_p(tplci, LLI, "\x01\x01"); + } + add_s(tplci, CONN_NR, &saved_parms[2]); + add_s(tplci, LLC, &saved_parms[4]); + add_ai(tplci, &saved_parms[5]); + tplci->State = INC_CON_ACCEPT; + sig_req(tplci, CALL_RES, 0); + send_req(tplci); + break; + + case AWAITING_SELECT_B: + dbug(1, dprintf("Select_B continue")); + start_internal_command(x_Id, tplci, select_b_command); + break; + + case AWAITING_MANUF_CON: /* Get_Plci per Manufacturer_Req to ext controller */ + if (!tplci->Sig.Id) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("No SigID!")); + sendf(tplci->appl, _MANUFACTURER_R | CONFIRM, x_Id, tplci->number, "dww", _DI_MANU_ID, _MANUFACTURER_R, _OUT_OF_PLCI); + plci_remove(tplci); + break; + } + tplci->command = _MANUFACTURER_R; + api_load_msg(&tplci->saved_msg, saved_parms); + dir = saved_parms[2].info[0]; + if (dir == 1) { + sig_req(tplci, CALL_REQ, 0); + } + else if (!dir) { + sig_req(tplci, LISTEN_REQ, 0); + } + send_req(tplci); + sendf(tplci->appl, _MANUFACTURER_R | CONFIRM, x_Id, tplci->number, "dww", _DI_MANU_ID, _MANUFACTURER_R, 0); + break; + + case (CALL_REQ | AWAITING_MANUF_CON): + sig_req(tplci, CALL_REQ, 0); + send_req(tplci); + break; + + case CALL_REQ: + if (!tplci->Sig.Id) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("No SigID!")); + sendf(tplci->appl, _CONNECT_R | CONFIRM, tplci->adapter->Id, 0, "w", _OUT_OF_PLCI); + plci_remove(tplci); + break; + } + tplci->command = _CONNECT_R; + api_load_msg(&tplci->saved_msg, saved_parms); + add_s(tplci, CPN, &saved_parms[1]); + add_s(tplci, DSA, &saved_parms[3]); + add_ai(tplci, &saved_parms[9]); + sig_req(tplci, CALL_REQ, 0); + send_req(tplci); + break; + + case CALL_RETRIEVE: + tplci->command = C_RETRIEVE_REQ; + sig_req(tplci, CALL_RETRIEVE, 0); + send_req(tplci); + break; + } + tplci->spoofed_msg = 0; + if (tplci->internal_command == 0) + next_internal_command(x_Id, tplci); + } + } + next_internal_command(Id, plci); + break; + } + dbug(1, dprintf("***Codec Hook Init Req")); + plci->internal_command = PERM_COD_HOOK; + add_p(plci, FTY, "\x01\x09"); /* Get Hook State*/ + sig_req(plci, TEL_CTRL, 0); + send_req(plci); + } + } + else if (plci->command != _MANUFACTURER_R /* old style permanent connect */ + && plci->State != INC_ACT_PENDING) + { + mixer_set_bchannel_id_esc(plci, plci->b_channel); + if (plci->tel == ADV_VOICE && plci->SuppState == IDLE) /* with permanent codec switch on immediately */ + { + chi[2] = plci->b_channel; + SetVoiceChannel(a->AdvCodecPLCI, chi, a); + } + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_ACTIVE_I, Id, 0, "Sss", parms[21], "", ""); + plci->State = INC_ACT_PENDING; + } + break; + + case TEL_CTRL: + ie = multi_fac_parms[0]; /* inspect the facility hook indications */ + if (plci->State == ADVANCED_VOICE_SIG && ie[0]) { + switch (ie[1] & 0x91) { + case 0x80: /* hook off */ + case 0x81: + if (plci->internal_command == PERM_COD_HOOK) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("init:hook_off")); + plci->hook_state = ie[1]; + next_internal_command(Id, plci); + break; + } + else /* ignore doubled hook indications */ + { + if (((plci->hook_state) & 0xf0) == 0x80) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("ignore hook")); + break; + } + plci->hook_state = ie[1]&0x91; + } + /* check for incoming call pending */ + /* and signal '+'.Appl must decide */ + /* with connect_res if call must */ + /* accepted or not */ + for (i = 0, tplci = NULL; i < max_appl; i++) { + if (a->codec_listen[i] + && (a->codec_listen[i]->State == INC_CON_PENDING + || a->codec_listen[i]->State == INC_CON_ALERT)) { + tplci = a->codec_listen[i]; + tplci->appl = &application[i]; + } + } + /* no incoming call, do outgoing call */ + /* and signal '+' if outg. setup */ + if (!a->AdvSignalPLCI && !tplci) { + if ((i = get_plci(a))) { + a->AdvSignalPLCI = &a->plci[i - 1]; + tplci = a->AdvSignalPLCI; + tplci->tel = ADV_VOICE; + PUT_WORD(&voice_cai[5], a->AdvSignalAppl->MaxDataLength); + if (a->Info_Mask[a->AdvSignalAppl->Id - 1] & 0x200) { + /* early B3 connect (CIP mask bit 9) no release after a disc */ + add_p(tplci, LLI, "\x01\x01"); + } + add_p(tplci, CAI, voice_cai); + add_p(tplci, OAD, a->TelOAD); + add_p(tplci, OSA, a->TelOSA); + add_p(tplci, SHIFT | 6, NULL); + add_p(tplci, SIN, "\x02\x01\x00"); + add_p(tplci, UID, "\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); + sig_req(tplci, ASSIGN, DSIG_ID); + a->AdvSignalPLCI->internal_command = HOOK_OFF_REQ; + a->AdvSignalPLCI->command = 0; + tplci->appl = a->AdvSignalAppl; + tplci->call_dir = CALL_DIR_OUT | CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE; + send_req(tplci); + } + + } + + if (!tplci) break; + Id = ((word)tplci->Id << 8) | a->Id; + Id |= EXT_CONTROLLER; + sendf(tplci->appl, + _FACILITY_I, + Id, + 0, + "ws", (word)0, "\x01+"); + break; + + case 0x90: /* hook on */ + case 0x91: + if (plci->internal_command == PERM_COD_HOOK) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("init:hook_on")); + plci->hook_state = ie[1] & 0x91; + next_internal_command(Id, plci); + break; + } + else /* ignore doubled hook indications */ + { + if (((plci->hook_state) & 0xf0) == 0x90) break; + plci->hook_state = ie[1] & 0x91; + } + /* hangup the adv. voice call and signal '-' to the appl */ + if (a->AdvSignalPLCI) { + Id = ((word)a->AdvSignalPLCI->Id << 8) | a->Id; + if (plci->tel) Id |= EXT_CONTROLLER; + sendf(a->AdvSignalAppl, + _FACILITY_I, + Id, + 0, + "ws", (word)0, "\x01-"); + a->AdvSignalPLCI->internal_command = HOOK_ON_REQ; + a->AdvSignalPLCI->command = 0; + sig_req(a->AdvSignalPLCI, HANGUP, 0); + send_req(a->AdvSignalPLCI); + } + break; + } + } + break; + + case RESUME: + clear_c_ind_mask_bit(plci, (word)(plci->appl->Id - 1)); + PUT_WORD(&resume_cau[4], GOOD); + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id, 0, "ws", (word)3, resume_cau); + break; + + case SUSPEND: + clear_c_ind_mask(plci); + + if (plci->NL.Id && !plci->nl_remove_id) { + mixer_remove(plci); + nl_req_ncci(plci, REMOVE, 0); + } + if (!plci->sig_remove_id) { + plci->internal_command = 0; + sig_req(plci, REMOVE, 0); + } + send_req(plci); + if (!plci->channels) { + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id, 0, "ws", (word)3, "\x05\x04\x00\x02\x00\x00"); + sendf(plci->appl, _DISCONNECT_I, Id, 0, "w", 0); + } + break; + + case SUSPEND_REJ: + break; + + case HANGUP: + plci->hangup_flow_ctrl_timer = 0; + if (plci->manufacturer && plci->State == LOCAL_CONNECT) break; + cau = parms[7]; + if (cau) { + i = _L3_CAUSE | cau[2]; + if (cau[2] == 0) i = 0; + else if (cau[2] == 8) i = _L1_ERROR; + else if (cau[2] == 9 || cau[2] == 10) i = _L2_ERROR; + else if (cau[2] == 5) i = _CAPI_GUARD_ERROR; + } + else { + i = _L3_ERROR; + } + + if (plci->State == INC_CON_PENDING || plci->State == INC_CON_ALERT) + { + for (i = 0; i < max_appl; i++) + { + if (test_c_ind_mask_bit(plci, i)) + sendf(&application[i], _DISCONNECT_I, Id, 0, "w", 0); + } + } + else + { + clear_c_ind_mask(plci); + } + if (!plci->appl) + { + if (plci->State == LISTENING) + { + plci->notifiedcall = 0; + a->listen_active--; + } + plci->State = INC_DIS_PENDING; + if (c_ind_mask_empty(plci)) + { + plci->State = IDLE; + if (plci->NL.Id && !plci->nl_remove_id) + { + mixer_remove(plci); + nl_req_ncci(plci, REMOVE, 0); + } + if (!plci->sig_remove_id) + { + plci->internal_command = 0; + sig_req(plci, REMOVE, 0); + } + send_req(plci); + } + } + else + { + /* collision of DISCONNECT or CONNECT_RES with HANGUP can */ + /* result in a second HANGUP! Don't generate another */ + /* DISCONNECT */ + if (plci->State != IDLE && plci->State != INC_DIS_PENDING) + { + if (plci->State == RESUMING) + { + PUT_WORD(&resume_cau[4], i); + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id, 0, "ws", (word)3, resume_cau); + } + plci->State = INC_DIS_PENDING; + sendf(plci->appl, _DISCONNECT_I, Id, 0, "w", i); + } + } + break; + + case SSEXT_IND: + SendSSExtInd(NULL, plci, Id, multi_ssext_parms); + break; + + case VSWITCH_REQ: + VSwitchReqInd(plci, Id, multi_vswitch_parms); + break; + case VSWITCH_IND: + if (plci->relatedPTYPLCI && + plci->vswitchstate == 3 && + plci->relatedPTYPLCI->vswitchstate == 3 && + parms[MAXPARMSIDS - 1][0]) + { + add_p(plci->relatedPTYPLCI, SMSG, parms[MAXPARMSIDS - 1]); + sig_req(plci->relatedPTYPLCI, VSWITCH_REQ, 0); + send_req(plci->relatedPTYPLCI); + } + else VSwitchReqInd(plci, Id, multi_vswitch_parms); + break; + + } +} + + +static void SendSetupInfo(APPL *appl, PLCI *plci, dword Id, byte **parms, byte Info_Sent_Flag) +{ + word i; + byte *ie; + word Info_Number; + byte *Info_Element; + word Info_Mask = 0; + + dbug(1, dprintf("SetupInfo")); + + for (i = 0; i < MAXPARMSIDS; i++) { + ie = parms[i]; + Info_Number = 0; + Info_Element = ie; + if (ie[0]) { + switch (i) { + case 0: + dbug(1, dprintf("CPN ")); + Info_Number = 0x0070; + Info_Mask = 0x80; + Info_Sent_Flag = true; + break; + case 8: /* display */ + dbug(1, dprintf("display(%d)", i)); + Info_Number = 0x0028; + Info_Mask = 0x04; + Info_Sent_Flag = true; + break; + case 16: /* Channel Id */ + dbug(1, dprintf("CHI")); + Info_Number = 0x0018; + Info_Mask = 0x100; + Info_Sent_Flag = true; + mixer_set_bchannel_id(plci, Info_Element); + break; + case 19: /* Redirected Number */ + dbug(1, dprintf("RDN")); + Info_Number = 0x0074; + Info_Mask = 0x400; + Info_Sent_Flag = true; + break; + case 20: /* Redirected Number extended */ + dbug(1, dprintf("RDX")); + Info_Number = 0x0073; + Info_Mask = 0x400; + Info_Sent_Flag = true; + break; + case 22: /* Redirecing Number */ + dbug(1, dprintf("RIN")); + Info_Number = 0x0076; + Info_Mask = 0x400; + Info_Sent_Flag = true; + break; + default: + Info_Number = 0; + break; + } + } + + if (i == MAXPARMSIDS - 2) { /* to indicate the message type "Setup" */ + Info_Number = 0x8000 | 5; + Info_Mask = 0x10; + Info_Element = ""; + } + + if (Info_Sent_Flag && Info_Number) { + if (plci->adapter->Info_Mask[appl->Id - 1] & Info_Mask) { + sendf(appl, _INFO_I, Id, 0, "wS", Info_Number, Info_Element); + } + } + } } static void SendInfo(PLCI *plci, dword Id, byte **parms, byte iesent) { - word i; - word j; - word k; - byte * ie; - word Info_Number; - byte * Info_Element; - word Info_Mask = 0; - static byte charges[5] = {4,0,0,0,0}; - static byte cause[] = {0x02,0x80,0x00}; - APPL *appl; - - dbug(1,dprintf("InfoParse ")); - - if( - !plci->appl - && !plci->State - && plci->Sig.Ind!=NCR_FACILITY - ) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("NoParse ")); - return; - } - cause[2] = 0; - for(i=0; iSig.Ind==NCR_FACILITY) /* check controller broadcast */ - { - for(j=0; jId - && plci->adapter->Info_Mask[appl->Id-1] &Info_Mask) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("NCR_Ind")); - iesent=true; - sendf(&application[j],_INFO_I,Id&0x0f,0,"wS",Info_Number,Info_Element); - } - } - } - else if(!plci->appl) - { /* overlap receiving broadcast */ - if(Info_Number==CPN - || Info_Number==KEY - || Info_Number==NI - || Info_Number==DSP - || Info_Number==UUI ) - { - for(j=0; jadapter->Info_Mask[plci->appl->Id-1] &Info_Mask) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("Std_Ind")); - iesent=true; - sendf(plci->appl,_INFO_I,Id,0,"wS",Info_Number,Info_Element); - } - } + word i; + word j; + word k; + byte *ie; + word Info_Number; + byte *Info_Element; + word Info_Mask = 0; + static byte charges[5] = {4, 0, 0, 0, 0}; + static byte cause[] = {0x02, 0x80, 0x00}; + APPL *appl; + + dbug(1, dprintf("InfoParse ")); + + if ( + !plci->appl + && !plci->State + && plci->Sig.Ind != NCR_FACILITY + ) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("NoParse ")); + return; + } + cause[2] = 0; + for (i = 0; i < MAXPARMSIDS; i++) { + ie = parms[i]; + Info_Number = 0; + Info_Element = ie; + if (ie[0]) { + switch (i) { + case 0: + dbug(1, dprintf("CPN ")); + Info_Number = 0x0070; + Info_Mask = 0x80; + break; + case 7: /* ESC_CAU */ + dbug(1, dprintf("cau(0x%x)", ie[2])); + Info_Number = 0x0008; + Info_Mask = 0x00; + cause[2] = ie[2]; + Info_Element = NULL; + break; + case 8: /* display */ + dbug(1, dprintf("display(%d)", i)); + Info_Number = 0x0028; + Info_Mask = 0x04; + break; + case 9: /* Date display */ + dbug(1, dprintf("date(%d)", i)); + Info_Number = 0x0029; + Info_Mask = 0x02; + break; + case 10: /* charges */ + for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) charges[1 + j] = 0; + for (j = 0; j < ie[0] && !(ie[1 + j] & 0x80); j++); + for (k = 1, j++; j < ie[0] && k <= 4; j++, k++) charges[k] = ie[1 + j]; + Info_Number = 0x4000; + Info_Mask = 0x40; + Info_Element = charges; + break; + case 11: /* user user info */ + dbug(1, dprintf("uui")); + Info_Number = 0x007E; + Info_Mask = 0x08; + break; + case 12: /* congestion receiver ready */ + dbug(1, dprintf("clRDY")); + Info_Number = 0x00B0; + Info_Mask = 0x08; + Info_Element = ""; + break; + case 13: /* congestion receiver not ready */ + dbug(1, dprintf("clNRDY")); + Info_Number = 0x00BF; + Info_Mask = 0x08; + Info_Element = ""; + break; + case 15: /* Keypad Facility */ + dbug(1, dprintf("KEY")); + Info_Number = 0x002C; + Info_Mask = 0x20; + break; + case 16: /* Channel Id */ + dbug(1, dprintf("CHI")); + Info_Number = 0x0018; + Info_Mask = 0x100; + mixer_set_bchannel_id(plci, Info_Element); + break; + case 17: /* if no 1tr6 cause, send full cause, else esc_cause */ + dbug(1, dprintf("q9cau(0x%x)", ie[2])); + if (!cause[2] || cause[2] < 0x80) break; /* eg. layer 1 error */ + Info_Number = 0x0008; + Info_Mask = 0x01; + if (cause[2] != ie[2]) Info_Element = cause; + break; + case 19: /* Redirected Number */ + dbug(1, dprintf("RDN")); + Info_Number = 0x0074; + Info_Mask = 0x400; + break; + case 22: /* Redirecing Number */ + dbug(1, dprintf("RIN")); + Info_Number = 0x0076; + Info_Mask = 0x400; + break; + case 23: /* Notification Indicator */ + dbug(1, dprintf("NI")); + Info_Number = (word)NI; + Info_Mask = 0x210; + break; + case 26: /* Call State */ + dbug(1, dprintf("CST")); + Info_Number = (word)CST; + Info_Mask = 0x01; /* do with cause i.e. for now */ + break; + case MAXPARMSIDS - 2: /* Escape Message Type, must be the last indication */ + dbug(1, dprintf("ESC/MT[0x%x]", ie[3])); + Info_Number = 0x8000 | ie[3]; + if (iesent) Info_Mask = 0xffff; + else Info_Mask = 0x10; + Info_Element = ""; + break; + default: + Info_Number = 0; + Info_Mask = 0; + Info_Element = ""; + break; + } + } + + if (plci->Sig.Ind == NCR_FACILITY) /* check controller broadcast */ + { + for (j = 0; j < max_appl; j++) + { + appl = &application[j]; + if (Info_Number + && appl->Id + && plci->adapter->Info_Mask[appl->Id - 1] & Info_Mask) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("NCR_Ind")); + iesent = true; + sendf(&application[j], _INFO_I, Id & 0x0f, 0, "wS", Info_Number, Info_Element); + } + } + } + else if (!plci->appl) + { /* overlap receiving broadcast */ + if (Info_Number == CPN + || Info_Number == KEY + || Info_Number == NI + || Info_Number == DSP + || Info_Number == UUI) + { + for (j = 0; j < max_appl; j++) + { + if (test_c_ind_mask_bit(plci, j)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("Ovl_Ind")); + iesent = true; + sendf(&application[j], _INFO_I, Id, 0, "wS", Info_Number, Info_Element); + } + } + } + } /* all other signalling states */ + else if (Info_Number + && plci->adapter->Info_Mask[plci->appl->Id - 1] & Info_Mask) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("Std_Ind")); + iesent = true; + sendf(plci->appl, _INFO_I, Id, 0, "wS", Info_Number, Info_Element); + } + } } static byte SendMultiIE(PLCI *plci, dword Id, byte **parms, byte ie_type, dword info_mask, byte setupParse) { - word i; - word j; - byte * ie; - word Info_Number; - byte * Info_Element; - APPL *appl; - word Info_Mask = 0; - byte iesent=0; - - if( - !plci->appl - && !plci->State - && plci->Sig.Ind!=NCR_FACILITY - && !setupParse - ) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("NoM-IEParse ")); - return 0; - } - dbug(1,dprintf("M-IEParse ")); - - for(i=0; iSig.Ind,ie_type)); - Info_Number = (word)ie_type; - Info_Mask = (word)info_mask; - } - - if(plci->Sig.Ind==NCR_FACILITY) /* check controller broadcast */ - { - for(j=0; jId - && plci->adapter->Info_Mask[appl->Id-1] &Info_Mask) - { - iesent = true; - dbug(1,dprintf("Mlt_NCR_Ind")); - sendf(&application[j],_INFO_I,Id&0x0f,0,"wS",Info_Number,Info_Element); - } - } - } - else if(!plci->appl && Info_Number) - { /* overlap receiving broadcast */ - for(j=0; jadapter->Info_Mask[plci->appl->Id-1] &Info_Mask) - { - iesent = true; - dbug(1,dprintf("Mlt_Std_Ind")); - sendf(plci->appl,_INFO_I,Id,0,"wS",Info_Number,Info_Element); - } - } - return iesent; -} - -static void SendSSExtInd(APPL * appl, PLCI * plci, dword Id, byte * * parms) -{ - word i; - /* Format of multi_ssext_parms[i][]: - 0 byte length - 1 byte SSEXTIE - 2 byte SSEXT_REQ/SSEXT_IND - 3 byte length - 4 word SSExtCommand - 6... Params - */ - if( - plci - && plci->State - && plci->Sig.Ind!=NCR_FACILITY - ) - for(i=0;iappl) - { - parms[i][0]=0; /* kill it */ - sendf(plci->appl,_MANUFACTURER_I, - Id, - 0, - "dwS", - _DI_MANU_ID, - _DI_SSEXT_CTRL, - &parms[i][3]); - } - } + word i; + word j; + byte *ie; + word Info_Number; + byte *Info_Element; + APPL *appl; + word Info_Mask = 0; + byte iesent = 0; + + if ( + !plci->appl + && !plci->State + && plci->Sig.Ind != NCR_FACILITY + && !setupParse + ) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("NoM-IEParse ")); + return 0; + } + dbug(1, dprintf("M-IEParse ")); + + for (i = 0; i < MAX_MULTI_IE; i++) + { + ie = parms[i]; + Info_Number = 0; + Info_Element = ie; + if (ie[0]) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[Ind0x%x]:IE=0x%x", plci->Sig.Ind, ie_type)); + Info_Number = (word)ie_type; + Info_Mask = (word)info_mask; + } + + if (plci->Sig.Ind == NCR_FACILITY) /* check controller broadcast */ + { + for (j = 0; j < max_appl; j++) + { + appl = &application[j]; + if (Info_Number + && appl->Id + && plci->adapter->Info_Mask[appl->Id - 1] & Info_Mask) + { + iesent = true; + dbug(1, dprintf("Mlt_NCR_Ind")); + sendf(&application[j], _INFO_I, Id & 0x0f, 0, "wS", Info_Number, Info_Element); + } + } + } + else if (!plci->appl && Info_Number) + { /* overlap receiving broadcast */ + for (j = 0; j < max_appl; j++) + { + if (test_c_ind_mask_bit(plci, j)) + { + iesent = true; + dbug(1, dprintf("Mlt_Ovl_Ind")); + sendf(&application[j] , _INFO_I, Id, 0, "wS", Info_Number, Info_Element); + } + } + } /* all other signalling states */ + else if (Info_Number + && plci->adapter->Info_Mask[plci->appl->Id - 1] & Info_Mask) + { + iesent = true; + dbug(1, dprintf("Mlt_Std_Ind")); + sendf(plci->appl, _INFO_I, Id, 0, "wS", Info_Number, Info_Element); + } + } + return iesent; +} + +static void SendSSExtInd(APPL *appl, PLCI *plci, dword Id, byte **parms) +{ + word i; + /* Format of multi_ssext_parms[i][]: + 0 byte length + 1 byte SSEXTIE + 2 byte SSEXT_REQ/SSEXT_IND + 3 byte length + 4 word SSExtCommand + 6... Params + */ + if ( + plci + && plci->State + && plci->Sig.Ind != NCR_FACILITY + ) + for (i = 0; i < MAX_MULTI_IE; i++) + { + if (parms[i][0] < 6) continue; + if (parms[i][2] == SSEXT_REQ) continue; + + if (appl) + { + parms[i][0] = 0; /* kill it */ + sendf(appl, _MANUFACTURER_I, + Id, + 0, + "dwS", + _DI_MANU_ID, + _DI_SSEXT_CTRL, + &parms[i][3]); + } + else if (plci->appl) + { + parms[i][0] = 0; /* kill it */ + sendf(plci->appl, _MANUFACTURER_I, + Id, + 0, + "dwS", + _DI_MANU_ID, + _DI_SSEXT_CTRL, + &parms[i][3]); + } + } }; static void nl_ind(PLCI *plci) { - byte ch; - word ncci; - dword Id; - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a; - word NCCIcode; - APPL * APPLptr; - word count; - word Num; - word i, ncpi_state; - byte len, ncci_state; - word msg; - word info = 0; - word fax_feature_bits; - byte fax_send_edata_ack; - static byte v120_header_buffer[2 + 3]; - static word fax_info[] = { - 0, /* T30_SUCCESS */ - _FAX_NO_CONNECTION, /* T30_ERR_NO_DIS_RECEIVED */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_TIMEOUT_NO_RESPONSE */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_RESPONSE */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_TOO_MANY_REPEATS */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE */ - _FAX_REMOTE_ABORT, /* T30_ERR_UNEXPECTED_DCN */ - _FAX_LOCAL_ABORT, /* T30_ERR_DTC_UNSUPPORTED */ - _FAX_TRAINING_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_ALL_RATES_FAILED */ - _FAX_TRAINING_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_TOO_MANY_TRAINS */ - _FAX_PARAMETER_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RECEIVE_CORRUPTED */ - _FAX_REMOTE_ABORT, /* T30_ERR_UNEXPECTED_DISC */ - _FAX_LOCAL_ABORT, /* T30_ERR_APPLICATION_DISC */ - _FAX_REMOTE_REJECT, /* T30_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_DIS */ - _FAX_LOCAL_ABORT, /* T30_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_DCS */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_TIMEOUT_NO_COMMAND */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_COMMAND */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_TIMEOUT_COMMAND_TOO_LONG */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_TIMEOUT_RESPONSE_TOO_LONG */ - _FAX_NO_CONNECTION, /* T30_ERR_NOT_IDENTIFIED */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_SUPERVISORY_TIMEOUT */ - _FAX_PARAMETER_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_TOO_LONG_SCAN_LINE */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_PAGE_AFTER_MPS */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_PAGE_AFTER_CFR */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_DCS_AFTER_FTT */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_DCS_AFTER_EOM */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_DCS_AFTER_MPS */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_DCN_AFTER_MCF */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_DCN_AFTER_RTN */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_CFR */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_MCF_AFTER_EOP */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_MCF_AFTER_EOM */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_MCF_AFTER_MPS */ - 0x331d, /* T30_ERR_SUB_SEP_UNSUPPORTED */ - 0x331e, /* T30_ERR_PWD_UNSUPPORTED */ - 0x331f, /* T30_ERR_SUB_SEP_PWD_UNSUPPORTED */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_INVALID_COMMAND_FRAME */ - _FAX_PARAMETER_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_PAGE_CODING */ - _FAX_PARAMETER_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_INVALID_PAGE_CODING */ - _FAX_REMOTE_REJECT, /* T30_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_PAGE_CONFIG */ - _FAX_LOCAL_ABORT, /* T30_ERR_TIMEOUT_FROM_APPLICATION */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_V34FAX_NO_REACTION_ON_MARK */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_V34FAX_TRAINING_TIMEOUT */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_V34FAX_UNEXPECTED_V21 */ - _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_V34FAX_PRIMARY_CTS_ON */ - _FAX_LOCAL_ABORT, /* T30_ERR_V34FAX_TURNAROUND_POLLING */ - _FAX_LOCAL_ABORT /* T30_ERR_V34FAX_V8_INCOMPATIBILITY */ - }; - - byte dtmf_code_buffer[CAPIDTMF_RECV_DIGIT_BUFFER_SIZE + 1]; - - - static word rtp_info[] = { - GOOD, /* RTP_SUCCESS */ - 0x3600 /* RTP_ERR_SSRC_OR_PAYLOAD_CHANGE */ - }; - - static dword udata_forwarding_table[0x100 / sizeof(dword)] = - { - 0x0020301e, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, - 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 - }; - - ch = plci->NL.IndCh; - a = plci->adapter; - ncci = a->ch_ncci[ch]; - Id = (((dword)(ncci ? ncci : ch)) << 16) | (((word) plci->Id) << 8) | a->Id; - if(plci->tel) Id|=EXT_CONTROLLER; - APPLptr = plci->appl; - dbug(1,dprintf("NL_IND-Id(NL:0x%x)=0x%08lx,plci=%x,tel=%x,state=0x%x,ch=0x%x,chs=%d,Ind=%x", - plci->NL.Id,Id,plci->Id,plci->tel,plci->State,ch,plci->channels,plci->NL.Ind &0x0f)); - - /* in the case if no connect_active_Ind was sent to the appl we wait for */ - - if (plci->nl_remove_id) - { - plci->NL.RNR = 2; /* discard */ - dbug(1,dprintf("NL discard while remove pending")); - return; - } - if((plci->NL.Ind &0x0f)==N_CONNECT) - { - if(plci->State==INC_DIS_PENDING - || plci->State==OUTG_DIS_PENDING - || plci->State==IDLE) - { - plci->NL.RNR = 2; /* discard */ - dbug(1,dprintf("discard n_connect")); - return; - } - if(plci->State < INC_ACT_PENDING) - { - plci->NL.RNR = 1; /* flow control */ - channel_x_off (plci, ch, N_XON_CONNECT_IND); - return; - } - } - - if(!APPLptr) /* no application or invalid data */ - { /* while reloading the DSP */ - dbug(1,dprintf("discard1")); - plci->NL.RNR = 2; - return; - } - - if (((plci->NL.Ind &0x0f) == N_UDATA) - && (((plci->B2_prot != B2_SDLC) && ((plci->B1_resource == 17) || (plci->B1_resource == 18))) - || (plci->B2_prot == 7) - || (plci->B3_prot == 7)) ) - { - plci->ncpi_buffer[0] = 0; - - ncpi_state = plci->ncpi_state; - if (plci->NL.complete == 1) - { - byte * data = &plci->NL.RBuffer->P[0]; - - if ((plci->NL.RBuffer->length >= 12) - &&( (*data == DSP_UDATA_INDICATION_DCD_ON) - ||(*data == DSP_UDATA_INDICATION_CTS_ON)) ) - { - word conn_opt, ncpi_opt = 0x00; + byte ch; + word ncci; + dword Id; + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + word NCCIcode; + APPL *APPLptr; + word count; + word Num; + word i, ncpi_state; + byte len, ncci_state; + word msg; + word info = 0; + word fax_feature_bits; + byte fax_send_edata_ack; + static byte v120_header_buffer[2 + 3]; + static word fax_info[] = { + 0, /* T30_SUCCESS */ + _FAX_NO_CONNECTION, /* T30_ERR_NO_DIS_RECEIVED */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_TIMEOUT_NO_RESPONSE */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_RESPONSE */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_TOO_MANY_REPEATS */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE */ + _FAX_REMOTE_ABORT, /* T30_ERR_UNEXPECTED_DCN */ + _FAX_LOCAL_ABORT, /* T30_ERR_DTC_UNSUPPORTED */ + _FAX_TRAINING_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_ALL_RATES_FAILED */ + _FAX_TRAINING_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_TOO_MANY_TRAINS */ + _FAX_PARAMETER_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RECEIVE_CORRUPTED */ + _FAX_REMOTE_ABORT, /* T30_ERR_UNEXPECTED_DISC */ + _FAX_LOCAL_ABORT, /* T30_ERR_APPLICATION_DISC */ + _FAX_REMOTE_REJECT, /* T30_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_DIS */ + _FAX_LOCAL_ABORT, /* T30_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_DCS */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_TIMEOUT_NO_COMMAND */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_COMMAND */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_TIMEOUT_COMMAND_TOO_LONG */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_TIMEOUT_RESPONSE_TOO_LONG */ + _FAX_NO_CONNECTION, /* T30_ERR_NOT_IDENTIFIED */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_SUPERVISORY_TIMEOUT */ + _FAX_PARAMETER_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_TOO_LONG_SCAN_LINE */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_PAGE_AFTER_MPS */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_PAGE_AFTER_CFR */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_DCS_AFTER_FTT */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_DCS_AFTER_EOM */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_DCS_AFTER_MPS */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_DCN_AFTER_MCF */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_DCN_AFTER_RTN */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_CFR */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_MCF_AFTER_EOP */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_MCF_AFTER_EOM */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_RETRY_NO_MCF_AFTER_MPS */ + 0x331d, /* T30_ERR_SUB_SEP_UNSUPPORTED */ + 0x331e, /* T30_ERR_PWD_UNSUPPORTED */ + 0x331f, /* T30_ERR_SUB_SEP_PWD_UNSUPPORTED */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_INVALID_COMMAND_FRAME */ + _FAX_PARAMETER_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_PAGE_CODING */ + _FAX_PARAMETER_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_INVALID_PAGE_CODING */ + _FAX_REMOTE_REJECT, /* T30_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_PAGE_CONFIG */ + _FAX_LOCAL_ABORT, /* T30_ERR_TIMEOUT_FROM_APPLICATION */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_V34FAX_NO_REACTION_ON_MARK */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_V34FAX_TRAINING_TIMEOUT */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_V34FAX_UNEXPECTED_V21 */ + _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR, /* T30_ERR_V34FAX_PRIMARY_CTS_ON */ + _FAX_LOCAL_ABORT, /* T30_ERR_V34FAX_TURNAROUND_POLLING */ + _FAX_LOCAL_ABORT /* T30_ERR_V34FAX_V8_INCOMPATIBILITY */ + }; + + byte dtmf_code_buffer[CAPIDTMF_RECV_DIGIT_BUFFER_SIZE + 1]; + + + static word rtp_info[] = { + GOOD, /* RTP_SUCCESS */ + 0x3600 /* RTP_ERR_SSRC_OR_PAYLOAD_CHANGE */ + }; + + static dword udata_forwarding_table[0x100 / sizeof(dword)] = + { + 0x0020301e, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, + 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 + }; + + ch = plci->NL.IndCh; + a = plci->adapter; + ncci = a->ch_ncci[ch]; + Id = (((dword)(ncci ? ncci : ch)) << 16) | (((word) plci->Id) << 8) | a->Id; + if (plci->tel) Id |= EXT_CONTROLLER; + APPLptr = plci->appl; + dbug(1, dprintf("NL_IND-Id(NL:0x%x)=0x%08lx,plci=%x,tel=%x,state=0x%x,ch=0x%x,chs=%d,Ind=%x", + plci->NL.Id, Id, plci->Id, plci->tel, plci->State, ch, plci->channels, plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f)); + + /* in the case if no connect_active_Ind was sent to the appl we wait for */ + + if (plci->nl_remove_id) + { + plci->NL.RNR = 2; /* discard */ + dbug(1, dprintf("NL discard while remove pending")); + return; + } + if ((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_CONNECT) + { + if (plci->State == INC_DIS_PENDING + || plci->State == OUTG_DIS_PENDING + || plci->State == IDLE) + { + plci->NL.RNR = 2; /* discard */ + dbug(1, dprintf("discard n_connect")); + return; + } + if (plci->State < INC_ACT_PENDING) + { + plci->NL.RNR = 1; /* flow control */ + channel_x_off(plci, ch, N_XON_CONNECT_IND); + return; + } + } + + if (!APPLptr) /* no application or invalid data */ + { /* while reloading the DSP */ + dbug(1, dprintf("discard1")); + plci->NL.RNR = 2; + return; + } + + if (((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_UDATA) + && (((plci->B2_prot != B2_SDLC) && ((plci->B1_resource == 17) || (plci->B1_resource == 18))) + || (plci->B2_prot == 7) + || (plci->B3_prot == 7))) + { + plci->ncpi_buffer[0] = 0; + + ncpi_state = plci->ncpi_state; + if (plci->NL.complete == 1) + { + byte *data = &plci->NL.RBuffer->P[0]; + + if ((plci->NL.RBuffer->length >= 12) + && ((*data == DSP_UDATA_INDICATION_DCD_ON) + || (*data == DSP_UDATA_INDICATION_CTS_ON))) + { + word conn_opt, ncpi_opt = 0x00; /* HexDump ("MDM N_UDATA:", plci->NL.RBuffer->length, data); */ - if (*data == DSP_UDATA_INDICATION_DCD_ON) - plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_MDM_DCD_ON_RECEIVED; - if (*data == DSP_UDATA_INDICATION_CTS_ON) - plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_MDM_CTS_ON_RECEIVED; - - data++; /* indication code */ - data += 2; /* timestamp */ - if ((*data == DSP_CONNECTED_NORM_V18) || (*data == DSP_CONNECTED_NORM_VOWN)) - ncpi_state &= ~(NCPI_MDM_DCD_ON_RECEIVED | NCPI_MDM_CTS_ON_RECEIVED); - data++; /* connected norm */ - conn_opt = GET_WORD(data); - data += 2; /* connected options */ - - PUT_WORD (&(plci->ncpi_buffer[1]), (word)(GET_DWORD(data) & 0x0000FFFF)); - - if (conn_opt & DSP_CONNECTED_OPTION_MASK_V42) - { - ncpi_opt |= MDM_NCPI_ECM_V42; - } - else if (conn_opt & DSP_CONNECTED_OPTION_MASK_MNP) - { - ncpi_opt |= MDM_NCPI_ECM_MNP; - } - else - { - ncpi_opt |= MDM_NCPI_TRANSPARENT; - } - if (conn_opt & DSP_CONNECTED_OPTION_MASK_COMPRESSION) - { - ncpi_opt |= MDM_NCPI_COMPRESSED; - } - PUT_WORD (&(plci->ncpi_buffer[3]), ncpi_opt); - plci->ncpi_buffer[0] = 4; - - plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_IND | NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT | NCPI_VALID_DISC_B3_IND; - } - } - if (plci->B3_prot == 7) - { - if (((a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_ACT_PENDING) || (a->ncci_state[ncci] == OUTG_CON_PENDING)) - && (plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT) - && !(plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT)) - { - a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_ACT_PENDING; - sendf(plci->appl,_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I,Id,0,"S",plci->ncpi_buffer); - plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT; - } - } - - if (!((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | plci->adapter->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id-1]) - & ((1L << PRIVATE_V18) | (1L << PRIVATE_VOWN))) - || !(ncpi_state & NCPI_MDM_DCD_ON_RECEIVED) - || !(ncpi_state & NCPI_MDM_CTS_ON_RECEIVED)) - - { - plci->NL.RNR = 2; - return; - } - } - - if(plci->NL.complete == 2) - { - if (((plci->NL.Ind &0x0f) == N_UDATA) - && !(udata_forwarding_table[plci->RData[0].P[0] >> 5] & (1L << (plci->RData[0].P[0] & 0x1f)))) - { - switch(plci->RData[0].P[0]) - { - - case DTMF_UDATA_INDICATION_FAX_CALLING_TONE: - if (plci->dtmf_rec_active & DTMF_LISTEN_ACTIVE_FLAG) - sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0xffffL, 0,"ws", SELECTOR_DTMF, "\x01X"); - break; - case DTMF_UDATA_INDICATION_ANSWER_TONE: - if (plci->dtmf_rec_active & DTMF_LISTEN_ACTIVE_FLAG) - sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0xffffL, 0,"ws", SELECTOR_DTMF, "\x01Y"); - break; - case DTMF_UDATA_INDICATION_DIGITS_RECEIVED: - dtmf_indication (Id, plci, plci->RData[0].P, plci->RData[0].PLength); - break; - case DTMF_UDATA_INDICATION_DIGITS_SENT: - dtmf_confirmation (Id, plci); - break; - - - case UDATA_INDICATION_MIXER_TAP_DATA: - capidtmf_recv_process_block (&(plci->capidtmf_state), plci->RData[0].P + 1, (word)(plci->RData[0].PLength - 1)); - i = capidtmf_indication (&(plci->capidtmf_state), dtmf_code_buffer + 1); - if (i != 0) - { - dtmf_code_buffer[0] = DTMF_UDATA_INDICATION_DIGITS_RECEIVED; - dtmf_indication (Id, plci, dtmf_code_buffer, (word)(i + 1)); - } - break; - - - case UDATA_INDICATION_MIXER_COEFS_SET: - mixer_indication_coefs_set (Id, plci); - break; - case UDATA_INDICATION_XCONNECT_FROM: - mixer_indication_xconnect_from (Id, plci, plci->RData[0].P, plci->RData[0].PLength); - break; - case UDATA_INDICATION_XCONNECT_TO: - mixer_indication_xconnect_to (Id, plci, plci->RData[0].P, plci->RData[0].PLength); - break; - - - case LEC_UDATA_INDICATION_DISABLE_DETECT: - ec_indication (Id, plci, plci->RData[0].P, plci->RData[0].PLength); - break; - - - - default: - break; - } - } - else - { - if ((plci->RData[0].PLength != 0) - && ((plci->B2_prot == B2_V120_ASYNC) - || (plci->B2_prot == B2_V120_ASYNC_V42BIS) - || (plci->B2_prot == B2_V120_BIT_TRANSPARENT))) - { - - sendf(plci->appl,_DATA_B3_I,Id,0, - "dwww", - plci->RData[1].P, - (plci->NL.RNum < 2) ? 0 : plci->RData[1].PLength, - plci->RNum, - plci->RFlags); - - } - else - { - - sendf(plci->appl,_DATA_B3_I,Id,0, - "dwww", - plci->RData[0].P, - plci->RData[0].PLength, - plci->RNum, - plci->RFlags); - - } - } - return; - } - - fax_feature_bits = 0; - if((plci->NL.Ind &0x0f)==N_CONNECT || - (plci->NL.Ind &0x0f)==N_CONNECT_ACK || - (plci->NL.Ind &0x0f)==N_DISC || - (plci->NL.Ind &0x0f)==N_EDATA || - (plci->NL.Ind &0x0f)==N_DISC_ACK) - { - info = 0; - plci->ncpi_buffer[0] = 0; - switch (plci->B3_prot) { - case 0: /*XPARENT*/ - case 1: /*T.90 NL*/ - break; /* no network control protocol info - jfr */ - case 2: /*ISO8202*/ - case 3: /*X25 DCE*/ - for(i=0; iNL.RLength; i++) plci->ncpi_buffer[4+i] = plci->NL.RBuffer->P[i]; - plci->ncpi_buffer[0] = (byte)(i+3); - plci->ncpi_buffer[1] = (byte)(plci->NL.Ind &N_D_BIT? 1:0); - plci->ncpi_buffer[2] = 0; - plci->ncpi_buffer[3] = 0; - break; - case 4: /*T.30 - FAX*/ - case 5: /*T.30 - FAX*/ - if(plci->NL.RLength>=sizeof(T30_INFO)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("FaxStatus %04x", ((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code)); - len = 9; - PUT_WORD(&(plci->ncpi_buffer[1]),((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->rate_div_2400 * 2400); - fax_feature_bits = GET_WORD(&((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->feature_bits_low); - i = (((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->resolution & T30_RESOLUTION_R8_0770_OR_200) ? 0x0001 : 0x0000; - if (plci->B3_prot == 5) - { - if (!(fax_feature_bits & T30_FEATURE_BIT_ECM)) - i |= 0x8000; /* This is not an ECM connection */ - if (fax_feature_bits & T30_FEATURE_BIT_T6_CODING) - i |= 0x4000; /* This is a connection with MMR compression */ - if (fax_feature_bits & T30_FEATURE_BIT_2D_CODING) - i |= 0x2000; /* This is a connection with MR compression */ - if (fax_feature_bits & T30_FEATURE_BIT_MORE_DOCUMENTS) - i |= 0x0004; /* More documents */ - if (fax_feature_bits & T30_FEATURE_BIT_POLLING) - i |= 0x0002; /* Fax-polling indication */ - } - dbug(1,dprintf("FAX Options %04x %04x",fax_feature_bits,i)); - PUT_WORD(&(plci->ncpi_buffer[3]),i); - PUT_WORD(&(plci->ncpi_buffer[5]),((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->data_format); - plci->ncpi_buffer[7] = ((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->pages_low; - plci->ncpi_buffer[8] = ((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->pages_high; - plci->ncpi_buffer[len] = 0; - if(((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->station_id_len) - { - plci->ncpi_buffer[len] = 20; - for (i = 0; i < T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH; i++) - plci->ncpi_buffer[++len] = ((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->station_id[i]; - } - if (((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_DISC) || ((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_DISC_ACK)) - { - if (((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code < ARRAY_SIZE(fax_info)) - info = fax_info[((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code]; - else - info = _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR; - } - - if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | a->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id-1]) - & ((1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD) | (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD))) - { - i = offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH + ((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->head_line_len; - while (i < plci->NL.RBuffer->length) - plci->ncpi_buffer[++len] = plci->NL.RBuffer->P[i++]; - } - - plci->ncpi_buffer[0] = len; - fax_feature_bits = GET_WORD(&((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->feature_bits_low); - PUT_WORD(&((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->feature_bits_low, fax_feature_bits); - - plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_IND; - if (((plci->NL.Ind &0x0f) == N_CONNECT_ACK) - || (((plci->NL.Ind &0x0f) == N_CONNECT) - && (fax_feature_bits & T30_FEATURE_BIT_POLLING)) - || (((plci->NL.Ind &0x0f) == N_EDATA) - && ((((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code == EDATA_T30_TRAIN_OK) - || (((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code == EDATA_T30_DIS) - || (((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code == EDATA_T30_DTC)))) - { - plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT; - } - if (((plci->NL.Ind &0x0f) == N_DISC) - || ((plci->NL.Ind &0x0f) == N_DISC_ACK) - || (((plci->NL.Ind &0x0f) == N_EDATA) - && (((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code == EDATA_T30_EOP_CAPI))) - { - plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT | NCPI_VALID_DISC_B3_IND; - } - } - break; - - case B3_RTP: - if (((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_DISC) || ((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_DISC_ACK)) - { - if (plci->NL.RLength != 0) - { - info = rtp_info[plci->NL.RBuffer->P[0]]; - plci->ncpi_buffer[0] = plci->NL.RLength - 1; - for (i = 1; i < plci->NL.RLength; i++) - plci->ncpi_buffer[i] = plci->NL.RBuffer->P[i]; - } - } - break; - - } - plci->NL.RNR = 2; - } - switch(plci->NL.Ind &0x0f) { - case N_EDATA: - if ((plci->B3_prot == 4) || (plci->B3_prot == 5)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("EDATA ncci=0x%x state=%d code=%02x", ncci, a->ncci_state[ncci], - ((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code)); - fax_send_edata_ack = (((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->operating_mode == T30_OPERATING_MODE_CAPI_NEG); - - if ((plci->nsf_control_bits & T30_NSF_CONTROL_BIT_ENABLE_NSF) - && (plci->nsf_control_bits & (T30_NSF_CONTROL_BIT_NEGOTIATE_IND | T30_NSF_CONTROL_BIT_NEGOTIATE_RESP)) - && (((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code == EDATA_T30_DIS) - && (a->ncci_state[ncci] == OUTG_CON_PENDING) - && (plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT) - && !(plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_NEGOTIATE_B3_SENT)) - { - ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->code = ((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code; - sendf(plci->appl,_MANUFACTURER_I,Id,0,"dwbS",_DI_MANU_ID,_DI_NEGOTIATE_B3, - (byte)(plci->ncpi_buffer[0] + 1), plci->ncpi_buffer); - plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_NEGOTIATE_B3_SENT; - if (plci->nsf_control_bits & T30_NSF_CONTROL_BIT_NEGOTIATE_RESP) - fax_send_edata_ack = false; - } - - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_FAX_PAPER_FORMATS) - { - switch (((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code) - { - case EDATA_T30_DIS: - if ((a->ncci_state[ncci] == OUTG_CON_PENDING) - && !(GET_WORD(&((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->control_bits_low) & T30_CONTROL_BIT_REQUEST_POLLING) - && (plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT) - && !(plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT)) - { - a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_ACT_PENDING; - if (plci->B3_prot == 4) - sendf(plci->appl,_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I,Id,0,"s",""); - else - sendf(plci->appl,_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I,Id,0,"S",plci->ncpi_buffer); - plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT; - } - break; - - case EDATA_T30_TRAIN_OK: - if ((a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_ACT_PENDING) - && (plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT) - && !(plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT)) - { - if (plci->B3_prot == 4) - sendf(plci->appl,_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I,Id,0,"s",""); - else - sendf(plci->appl,_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I,Id,0,"S",plci->ncpi_buffer); - plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT; - } - break; - - case EDATA_T30_EOP_CAPI: - if (a->ncci_state[ncci] == CONNECTED) - { - sendf(plci->appl,_DISCONNECT_B3_I,Id,0,"wS",GOOD,plci->ncpi_buffer); - a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_DIS_PENDING; - plci->ncpi_state = 0; - fax_send_edata_ack = false; - } - break; - } - } - else - { - switch (((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code) - { - case EDATA_T30_TRAIN_OK: - if ((a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_ACT_PENDING) - && (plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT) - && !(plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT)) - { - if (plci->B3_prot == 4) - sendf(plci->appl,_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I,Id,0,"s",""); - else - sendf(plci->appl,_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I,Id,0,"S",plci->ncpi_buffer); - plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT; - } - break; - } - } - if (fax_send_edata_ack) - { - ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->code = ((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code; - plci->fax_edata_ack_length = 1; - start_internal_command (Id, plci, fax_edata_ack_command); - } - } - else - { - dbug(1,dprintf("EDATA ncci=0x%x state=%d", ncci, a->ncci_state[ncci])); - } - break; - case N_CONNECT: - if (!a->ch_ncci[ch]) - { - ncci = get_ncci (plci, ch, 0); - Id = (Id & 0xffff) | (((dword) ncci) << 16); - } - dbug(1,dprintf("N_CONNECT: ch=%d state=%d plci=%lx plci_Id=%lx plci_State=%d", - ch, a->ncci_state[ncci], a->ncci_plci[ncci], plci->Id, plci->State)); - - msg = _CONNECT_B3_I; - if (a->ncci_state[ncci] == IDLE) - plci->channels++; - else if (plci->B3_prot == 1) - msg = _CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_I; - - a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_CON_PENDING; - if(plci->B3_prot == 4) - sendf(plci->appl,msg,Id,0,"s",""); - else - sendf(plci->appl,msg,Id,0,"S",plci->ncpi_buffer); - break; - case N_CONNECT_ACK: - dbug(1,dprintf("N_connect_Ack")); - if (plci->internal_command_queue[0] - && ((plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_CONNECT_2) - || (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_CONNECT_3) - || (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_CONNECT_4))) - { - (*(plci->internal_command_queue[0]))(Id, plci, 0); - if (!plci->internal_command) - next_internal_command (Id, plci); - break; - } - msg = _CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I; - if (plci->B3_prot == 1) - { - if (a->ncci_state[ncci] != OUTG_CON_PENDING) - msg = _CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_I; - a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_ACT_PENDING; - sendf(plci->appl,msg,Id,0,"S",plci->ncpi_buffer); - } - else if ((plci->B3_prot == 4) || (plci->B3_prot == 5) || (plci->B3_prot == 7)) - { - if ((a->ncci_state[ncci] == OUTG_CON_PENDING) - && (plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT) - && !(plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT)) - { - a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_ACT_PENDING; - if (plci->B3_prot == 4) - sendf(plci->appl,msg,Id,0,"s",""); - else - sendf(plci->appl,msg,Id,0,"S",plci->ncpi_buffer); - plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT; - } - } - else - { - a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_ACT_PENDING; - sendf(plci->appl,msg,Id,0,"S",plci->ncpi_buffer); - } - if (plci->adjust_b_restore) - { - plci->adjust_b_restore = false; - start_internal_command (Id, plci, adjust_b_restore); - } - break; - case N_DISC: - case N_DISC_ACK: - if (plci->internal_command_queue[0] - && ((plci->internal_command == FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_1) - || (plci->internal_command == FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_2) - || (plci->internal_command == FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_3))) - { - (*(plci->internal_command_queue[0]))(Id, plci, 0); - if (!plci->internal_command) - next_internal_command (Id, plci); - } - ncci_state = a->ncci_state[ncci]; - ncci_remove (plci, ncci, false); - - /* with N_DISC or N_DISC_ACK the IDI frees the respective */ - /* channel, so we cannot store the state in ncci_state! The */ - /* information which channel we received a N_DISC is thus */ - /* stored in the inc_dis_ncci_table buffer. */ - for(i=0; plci->inc_dis_ncci_table[i]; i++); - plci->inc_dis_ncci_table[i] = (byte) ncci; - - /* need a connect_b3_ind before a disconnect_b3_ind with FAX */ - if (!plci->channels - && (plci->B1_resource == 16) - && (plci->State <= CONNECTED)) - { - len = 9; - i = ((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->rate_div_2400 * 2400; - PUT_WORD (&plci->ncpi_buffer[1], i); - PUT_WORD (&plci->ncpi_buffer[3], 0); - i = ((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->data_format; - PUT_WORD (&plci->ncpi_buffer[5], i); - PUT_WORD (&plci->ncpi_buffer[7], 0); - plci->ncpi_buffer[len] = 0; - plci->ncpi_buffer[0] = len; - if(plci->B3_prot == 4) - sendf(plci->appl,_CONNECT_B3_I,Id,0,"s",""); - else - { - - if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | a->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id-1]) - & ((1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD) | (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD))) - { - plci->ncpi_buffer[++len] = 0; - plci->ncpi_buffer[++len] = 0; - plci->ncpi_buffer[++len] = 0; - plci->ncpi_buffer[0] = len; - } - - sendf(plci->appl,_CONNECT_B3_I,Id,0,"S",plci->ncpi_buffer); - } - sendf(plci->appl,_DISCONNECT_B3_I,Id,0,"wS",info,plci->ncpi_buffer); - plci->ncpi_state = 0; - sig_req(plci,HANGUP,0); - send_req(plci); - plci->State = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; - /* disc here */ - } - else if ((a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_FAX_PAPER_FORMATS) - && ((plci->B3_prot == 4) || (plci->B3_prot == 5)) - && ((ncci_state == INC_DIS_PENDING) || (ncci_state == IDLE))) - { - if (ncci_state == IDLE) - { - if (plci->channels) - plci->channels--; - if((plci->State==IDLE || plci->State==SUSPENDING) && !plci->channels){ - if(plci->State == SUSPENDING){ - sendf(plci->appl, - _FACILITY_I, - Id & 0xffffL, - 0, - "ws", (word)3, "\x03\x04\x00\x00"); - sendf(plci->appl, _DISCONNECT_I, Id & 0xffffL, 0, "w", 0); - } - plci_remove(plci); - plci->State=IDLE; - } - } - } - else if (plci->channels) - { - sendf(plci->appl,_DISCONNECT_B3_I,Id,0,"wS",info,plci->ncpi_buffer); - plci->ncpi_state = 0; - if ((ncci_state == OUTG_REJ_PENDING) - && ((plci->B3_prot != B3_T90NL) && (plci->B3_prot != B3_ISO8208) && (plci->B3_prot != B3_X25_DCE))) - { - sig_req(plci,HANGUP,0); - send_req(plci); - plci->State = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; - } - } - break; - case N_RESET: - a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_RES_PENDING; - sendf(plci->appl,_RESET_B3_I,Id,0,"S",plci->ncpi_buffer); - break; - case N_RESET_ACK: - a->ncci_state[ncci] = CONNECTED; - sendf(plci->appl,_RESET_B3_I,Id,0,"S",plci->ncpi_buffer); - break; - - case N_UDATA: - if (!(udata_forwarding_table[plci->NL.RBuffer->P[0] >> 5] & (1L << (plci->NL.RBuffer->P[0] & 0x1f)))) - { - plci->RData[0].P = plci->internal_ind_buffer + (-((int)(long)(plci->internal_ind_buffer)) & 3); - plci->RData[0].PLength = INTERNAL_IND_BUFFER_SIZE; - plci->NL.R = plci->RData; - plci->NL.RNum = 1; - return; - } - case N_BDATA: - case N_DATA: - if (((a->ncci_state[ncci] != CONNECTED) && (plci->B2_prot == 1)) /* transparent */ - || (a->ncci_state[ncci] == IDLE) - || (a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_DIS_PENDING)) - { - plci->NL.RNR = 2; - break; - } - if ((a->ncci_state[ncci] != CONNECTED) - && (a->ncci_state[ncci] != OUTG_DIS_PENDING) - && (a->ncci_state[ncci] != OUTG_REJ_PENDING)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("flow control")); - plci->NL.RNR = 1; /* flow control */ - channel_x_off (plci, ch, 0); - break; - } - - NCCIcode = ncci | (((word)a->Id) << 8); - - /* count all buffers within the Application pool */ - /* belonging to the same NCCI. If this is below the */ - /* number of buffers available per NCCI we accept */ - /* this packet, otherwise we reject it */ - count = 0; - Num = 0xffff; - for(i=0; iMaxBuffer; i++) { - if(NCCIcode==APPLptr->DataNCCI[i]) count++; - if(!APPLptr->DataNCCI[i] && Num==0xffff) Num = i; - } - - if(count>=APPLptr->MaxNCCIData || Num==0xffff) - { - dbug(3,dprintf("Flow-Control")); - plci->NL.RNR = 1; - if( ++(APPLptr->NCCIDataFlowCtrlTimer)>= - (word)((a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_OOB_CHANNEL) ? 40 : 2000)) - { - plci->NL.RNR = 2; - dbug(3,dprintf("DiscardData")); - } else { - channel_x_off (plci, ch, 0); - } - break; - } - else - { - APPLptr->NCCIDataFlowCtrlTimer = 0; - } - - plci->RData[0].P = ReceiveBufferGet(APPLptr,Num); - if(!plci->RData[0].P) { - plci->NL.RNR = 1; - channel_x_off (plci, ch, 0); - break; - } - - APPLptr->DataNCCI[Num] = NCCIcode; - APPLptr->DataFlags[Num] = (plci->Id<<8) | (plci->NL.Ind>>4); - dbug(3,dprintf("Buffer(%d), Max = %d",Num,APPLptr->MaxBuffer)); - - plci->RNum = Num; - plci->RFlags = plci->NL.Ind>>4; - plci->RData[0].PLength = APPLptr->MaxDataLength; - plci->NL.R = plci->RData; - if ((plci->NL.RLength != 0) - && ((plci->B2_prot == B2_V120_ASYNC) - || (plci->B2_prot == B2_V120_ASYNC_V42BIS) - || (plci->B2_prot == B2_V120_BIT_TRANSPARENT))) - { - plci->RData[1].P = plci->RData[0].P; - plci->RData[1].PLength = plci->RData[0].PLength; - plci->RData[0].P = v120_header_buffer + (-((unsigned long)v120_header_buffer) & 3); - if ((plci->NL.RBuffer->P[0] & V120_HEADER_EXTEND_BIT) || (plci->NL.RLength == 1)) - plci->RData[0].PLength = 1; - else - plci->RData[0].PLength = 2; - if (plci->NL.RBuffer->P[0] & V120_HEADER_BREAK_BIT) - plci->RFlags |= 0x0010; - if (plci->NL.RBuffer->P[0] & (V120_HEADER_C1_BIT | V120_HEADER_C2_BIT)) - plci->RFlags |= 0x8000; - plci->NL.RNum = 2; - } - else - { - if((plci->NL.Ind &0x0f)==N_UDATA) - plci->RFlags |= 0x0010; - - else if ((plci->B3_prot == B3_RTP) && ((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_BDATA)) - plci->RFlags |= 0x0001; - - plci->NL.RNum = 1; - } - break; - case N_DATA_ACK: - data_ack (plci, ch); - break; - default: - plci->NL.RNR = 2; - break; - } + if (*data == DSP_UDATA_INDICATION_DCD_ON) + plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_MDM_DCD_ON_RECEIVED; + if (*data == DSP_UDATA_INDICATION_CTS_ON) + plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_MDM_CTS_ON_RECEIVED; + + data++; /* indication code */ + data += 2; /* timestamp */ + if ((*data == DSP_CONNECTED_NORM_V18) || (*data == DSP_CONNECTED_NORM_VOWN)) + ncpi_state &= ~(NCPI_MDM_DCD_ON_RECEIVED | NCPI_MDM_CTS_ON_RECEIVED); + data++; /* connected norm */ + conn_opt = GET_WORD(data); + data += 2; /* connected options */ + + PUT_WORD(&(plci->ncpi_buffer[1]), (word)(GET_DWORD(data) & 0x0000FFFF)); + + if (conn_opt & DSP_CONNECTED_OPTION_MASK_V42) + { + ncpi_opt |= MDM_NCPI_ECM_V42; + } + else if (conn_opt & DSP_CONNECTED_OPTION_MASK_MNP) + { + ncpi_opt |= MDM_NCPI_ECM_MNP; + } + else + { + ncpi_opt |= MDM_NCPI_TRANSPARENT; + } + if (conn_opt & DSP_CONNECTED_OPTION_MASK_COMPRESSION) + { + ncpi_opt |= MDM_NCPI_COMPRESSED; + } + PUT_WORD(&(plci->ncpi_buffer[3]), ncpi_opt); + plci->ncpi_buffer[0] = 4; + + plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_IND | NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT | NCPI_VALID_DISC_B3_IND; + } + } + if (plci->B3_prot == 7) + { + if (((a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_ACT_PENDING) || (a->ncci_state[ncci] == OUTG_CON_PENDING)) + && (plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT) + && !(plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT)) + { + a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_ACT_PENDING; + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I, Id, 0, "S", plci->ncpi_buffer); + plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT; + } + } + + if (!((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | plci->adapter->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id - 1]) + & ((1L << PRIVATE_V18) | (1L << PRIVATE_VOWN))) + || !(ncpi_state & NCPI_MDM_DCD_ON_RECEIVED) + || !(ncpi_state & NCPI_MDM_CTS_ON_RECEIVED)) + + { + plci->NL.RNR = 2; + return; + } + } + + if (plci->NL.complete == 2) + { + if (((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_UDATA) + && !(udata_forwarding_table[plci->RData[0].P[0] >> 5] & (1L << (plci->RData[0].P[0] & 0x1f)))) + { + switch (plci->RData[0].P[0]) + { + + case DTMF_UDATA_INDICATION_FAX_CALLING_TONE: + if (plci->dtmf_rec_active & DTMF_LISTEN_ACTIVE_FLAG) + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0xffffL, 0, "ws", SELECTOR_DTMF, "\x01X"); + break; + case DTMF_UDATA_INDICATION_ANSWER_TONE: + if (plci->dtmf_rec_active & DTMF_LISTEN_ACTIVE_FLAG) + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0xffffL, 0, "ws", SELECTOR_DTMF, "\x01Y"); + break; + case DTMF_UDATA_INDICATION_DIGITS_RECEIVED: + dtmf_indication(Id, plci, plci->RData[0].P, plci->RData[0].PLength); + break; + case DTMF_UDATA_INDICATION_DIGITS_SENT: + dtmf_confirmation(Id, plci); + break; + + + case UDATA_INDICATION_MIXER_TAP_DATA: + capidtmf_recv_process_block(&(plci->capidtmf_state), plci->RData[0].P + 1, (word)(plci->RData[0].PLength - 1)); + i = capidtmf_indication(&(plci->capidtmf_state), dtmf_code_buffer + 1); + if (i != 0) + { + dtmf_code_buffer[0] = DTMF_UDATA_INDICATION_DIGITS_RECEIVED; + dtmf_indication(Id, plci, dtmf_code_buffer, (word)(i + 1)); + } + break; + + + case UDATA_INDICATION_MIXER_COEFS_SET: + mixer_indication_coefs_set(Id, plci); + break; + case UDATA_INDICATION_XCONNECT_FROM: + mixer_indication_xconnect_from(Id, plci, plci->RData[0].P, plci->RData[0].PLength); + break; + case UDATA_INDICATION_XCONNECT_TO: + mixer_indication_xconnect_to(Id, plci, plci->RData[0].P, plci->RData[0].PLength); + break; + + + case LEC_UDATA_INDICATION_DISABLE_DETECT: + ec_indication(Id, plci, plci->RData[0].P, plci->RData[0].PLength); + break; + + + + default: + break; + } + } + else + { + if ((plci->RData[0].PLength != 0) + && ((plci->B2_prot == B2_V120_ASYNC) + || (plci->B2_prot == B2_V120_ASYNC_V42BIS) + || (plci->B2_prot == B2_V120_BIT_TRANSPARENT))) + { + + sendf(plci->appl, _DATA_B3_I, Id, 0, + "dwww", + plci->RData[1].P, + (plci->NL.RNum < 2) ? 0 : plci->RData[1].PLength, + plci->RNum, + plci->RFlags); + + } + else + { + + sendf(plci->appl, _DATA_B3_I, Id, 0, + "dwww", + plci->RData[0].P, + plci->RData[0].PLength, + plci->RNum, + plci->RFlags); + + } + } + return; + } + + fax_feature_bits = 0; + if ((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_CONNECT || + (plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_CONNECT_ACK || + (plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_DISC || + (plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_EDATA || + (plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_DISC_ACK) + { + info = 0; + plci->ncpi_buffer[0] = 0; + switch (plci->B3_prot) { + case 0: /*XPARENT*/ + case 1: /*T.90 NL*/ + break; /* no network control protocol info - jfr */ + case 2: /*ISO8202*/ + case 3: /*X25 DCE*/ + for (i = 0; i < plci->NL.RLength; i++) plci->ncpi_buffer[4 + i] = plci->NL.RBuffer->P[i]; + plci->ncpi_buffer[0] = (byte)(i + 3); + plci->ncpi_buffer[1] = (byte)(plci->NL.Ind & N_D_BIT ? 1 : 0); + plci->ncpi_buffer[2] = 0; + plci->ncpi_buffer[3] = 0; + break; + case 4: /*T.30 - FAX*/ + case 5: /*T.30 - FAX*/ + if (plci->NL.RLength >= sizeof(T30_INFO)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("FaxStatus %04x", ((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code)); + len = 9; + PUT_WORD(&(plci->ncpi_buffer[1]), ((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->rate_div_2400 * 2400); + fax_feature_bits = GET_WORD(&((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->feature_bits_low); + i = (((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->resolution & T30_RESOLUTION_R8_0770_OR_200) ? 0x0001 : 0x0000; + if (plci->B3_prot == 5) + { + if (!(fax_feature_bits & T30_FEATURE_BIT_ECM)) + i |= 0x8000; /* This is not an ECM connection */ + if (fax_feature_bits & T30_FEATURE_BIT_T6_CODING) + i |= 0x4000; /* This is a connection with MMR compression */ + if (fax_feature_bits & T30_FEATURE_BIT_2D_CODING) + i |= 0x2000; /* This is a connection with MR compression */ + if (fax_feature_bits & T30_FEATURE_BIT_MORE_DOCUMENTS) + i |= 0x0004; /* More documents */ + if (fax_feature_bits & T30_FEATURE_BIT_POLLING) + i |= 0x0002; /* Fax-polling indication */ + } + dbug(1, dprintf("FAX Options %04x %04x", fax_feature_bits, i)); + PUT_WORD(&(plci->ncpi_buffer[3]), i); + PUT_WORD(&(plci->ncpi_buffer[5]), ((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->data_format); + plci->ncpi_buffer[7] = ((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->pages_low; + plci->ncpi_buffer[8] = ((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->pages_high; + plci->ncpi_buffer[len] = 0; + if (((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->station_id_len) + { + plci->ncpi_buffer[len] = 20; + for (i = 0; i < T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH; i++) + plci->ncpi_buffer[++len] = ((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->station_id[i]; + } + if (((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_DISC) || ((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_DISC_ACK)) + { + if (((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code < ARRAY_SIZE(fax_info)) + info = fax_info[((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code]; + else + info = _FAX_PROTOCOL_ERROR; + } + + if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | a->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id - 1]) + & ((1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD) | (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD))) + { + i = offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH + ((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->head_line_len; + while (i < plci->NL.RBuffer->length) + plci->ncpi_buffer[++len] = plci->NL.RBuffer->P[i++]; + } + + plci->ncpi_buffer[0] = len; + fax_feature_bits = GET_WORD(&((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->feature_bits_low); + PUT_WORD(&((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->feature_bits_low, fax_feature_bits); + + plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_IND; + if (((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_CONNECT_ACK) + || (((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_CONNECT) + && (fax_feature_bits & T30_FEATURE_BIT_POLLING)) + || (((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_EDATA) + && ((((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code == EDATA_T30_TRAIN_OK) + || (((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code == EDATA_T30_DIS) + || (((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code == EDATA_T30_DTC)))) + { + plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT; + } + if (((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_DISC) + || ((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_DISC_ACK) + || (((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_EDATA) + && (((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code == EDATA_T30_EOP_CAPI))) + { + plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT | NCPI_VALID_DISC_B3_IND; + } + } + break; + + case B3_RTP: + if (((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_DISC) || ((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_DISC_ACK)) + { + if (plci->NL.RLength != 0) + { + info = rtp_info[plci->NL.RBuffer->P[0]]; + plci->ncpi_buffer[0] = plci->NL.RLength - 1; + for (i = 1; i < plci->NL.RLength; i++) + plci->ncpi_buffer[i] = plci->NL.RBuffer->P[i]; + } + } + break; + + } + plci->NL.RNR = 2; + } + switch (plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) { + case N_EDATA: + if ((plci->B3_prot == 4) || (plci->B3_prot == 5)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("EDATA ncci=0x%x state=%d code=%02x", ncci, a->ncci_state[ncci], + ((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code)); + fax_send_edata_ack = (((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->operating_mode == T30_OPERATING_MODE_CAPI_NEG); + + if ((plci->nsf_control_bits & T30_NSF_CONTROL_BIT_ENABLE_NSF) + && (plci->nsf_control_bits & (T30_NSF_CONTROL_BIT_NEGOTIATE_IND | T30_NSF_CONTROL_BIT_NEGOTIATE_RESP)) + && (((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code == EDATA_T30_DIS) + && (a->ncci_state[ncci] == OUTG_CON_PENDING) + && (plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT) + && !(plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_NEGOTIATE_B3_SENT)) + { + ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->code = ((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code; + sendf(plci->appl, _MANUFACTURER_I, Id, 0, "dwbS", _DI_MANU_ID, _DI_NEGOTIATE_B3, + (byte)(plci->ncpi_buffer[0] + 1), plci->ncpi_buffer); + plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_NEGOTIATE_B3_SENT; + if (plci->nsf_control_bits & T30_NSF_CONTROL_BIT_NEGOTIATE_RESP) + fax_send_edata_ack = false; + } + + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_FAX_PAPER_FORMATS) + { + switch (((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code) + { + case EDATA_T30_DIS: + if ((a->ncci_state[ncci] == OUTG_CON_PENDING) + && !(GET_WORD(&((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->control_bits_low) & T30_CONTROL_BIT_REQUEST_POLLING) + && (plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT) + && !(plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT)) + { + a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_ACT_PENDING; + if (plci->B3_prot == 4) + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I, Id, 0, "s", ""); + else + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I, Id, 0, "S", plci->ncpi_buffer); + plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT; + } + break; + + case EDATA_T30_TRAIN_OK: + if ((a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_ACT_PENDING) + && (plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT) + && !(plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT)) + { + if (plci->B3_prot == 4) + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I, Id, 0, "s", ""); + else + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I, Id, 0, "S", plci->ncpi_buffer); + plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT; + } + break; + + case EDATA_T30_EOP_CAPI: + if (a->ncci_state[ncci] == CONNECTED) + { + sendf(plci->appl, _DISCONNECT_B3_I, Id, 0, "wS", GOOD, plci->ncpi_buffer); + a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_DIS_PENDING; + plci->ncpi_state = 0; + fax_send_edata_ack = false; + } + break; + } + } + else + { + switch (((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code) + { + case EDATA_T30_TRAIN_OK: + if ((a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_ACT_PENDING) + && (plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT) + && !(plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT)) + { + if (plci->B3_prot == 4) + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I, Id, 0, "s", ""); + else + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I, Id, 0, "S", plci->ncpi_buffer); + plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT; + } + break; + } + } + if (fax_send_edata_ack) + { + ((T30_INFO *)(plci->fax_connect_info_buffer))->code = ((T30_INFO *)plci->NL.RBuffer->P)->code; + plci->fax_edata_ack_length = 1; + start_internal_command(Id, plci, fax_edata_ack_command); + } + } + else + { + dbug(1, dprintf("EDATA ncci=0x%x state=%d", ncci, a->ncci_state[ncci])); + } + break; + case N_CONNECT: + if (!a->ch_ncci[ch]) + { + ncci = get_ncci(plci, ch, 0); + Id = (Id & 0xffff) | (((dword) ncci) << 16); + } + dbug(1, dprintf("N_CONNECT: ch=%d state=%d plci=%lx plci_Id=%lx plci_State=%d", + ch, a->ncci_state[ncci], a->ncci_plci[ncci], plci->Id, plci->State)); + + msg = _CONNECT_B3_I; + if (a->ncci_state[ncci] == IDLE) + plci->channels++; + else if (plci->B3_prot == 1) + msg = _CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_I; + + a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_CON_PENDING; + if (plci->B3_prot == 4) + sendf(plci->appl, msg, Id, 0, "s", ""); + else + sendf(plci->appl, msg, Id, 0, "S", plci->ncpi_buffer); + break; + case N_CONNECT_ACK: + dbug(1, dprintf("N_connect_Ack")); + if (plci->internal_command_queue[0] + && ((plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_CONNECT_2) + || (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_CONNECT_3) + || (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_CONNECT_4))) + { + (*(plci->internal_command_queue[0]))(Id, plci, 0); + if (!plci->internal_command) + next_internal_command(Id, plci); + break; + } + msg = _CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I; + if (plci->B3_prot == 1) + { + if (a->ncci_state[ncci] != OUTG_CON_PENDING) + msg = _CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_I; + a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_ACT_PENDING; + sendf(plci->appl, msg, Id, 0, "S", plci->ncpi_buffer); + } + else if ((plci->B3_prot == 4) || (plci->B3_prot == 5) || (plci->B3_prot == 7)) + { + if ((a->ncci_state[ncci] == OUTG_CON_PENDING) + && (plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT) + && !(plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT)) + { + a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_ACT_PENDING; + if (plci->B3_prot == 4) + sendf(plci->appl, msg, Id, 0, "s", ""); + else + sendf(plci->appl, msg, Id, 0, "S", plci->ncpi_buffer); + plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT; + } + } + else + { + a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_ACT_PENDING; + sendf(plci->appl, msg, Id, 0, "S", plci->ncpi_buffer); + } + if (plci->adjust_b_restore) + { + plci->adjust_b_restore = false; + start_internal_command(Id, plci, adjust_b_restore); + } + break; + case N_DISC: + case N_DISC_ACK: + if (plci->internal_command_queue[0] + && ((plci->internal_command == FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_1) + || (plci->internal_command == FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_2) + || (plci->internal_command == FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_3))) + { + (*(plci->internal_command_queue[0]))(Id, plci, 0); + if (!plci->internal_command) + next_internal_command(Id, plci); + } + ncci_state = a->ncci_state[ncci]; + ncci_remove(plci, ncci, false); + + /* with N_DISC or N_DISC_ACK the IDI frees the respective */ + /* channel, so we cannot store the state in ncci_state! The */ + /* information which channel we received a N_DISC is thus */ + /* stored in the inc_dis_ncci_table buffer. */ + for (i = 0; plci->inc_dis_ncci_table[i]; i++); + plci->inc_dis_ncci_table[i] = (byte) ncci; + + /* need a connect_b3_ind before a disconnect_b3_ind with FAX */ + if (!plci->channels + && (plci->B1_resource == 16) + && (plci->State <= CONNECTED)) + { + len = 9; + i = ((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->rate_div_2400 * 2400; + PUT_WORD(&plci->ncpi_buffer[1], i); + PUT_WORD(&plci->ncpi_buffer[3], 0); + i = ((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->data_format; + PUT_WORD(&plci->ncpi_buffer[5], i); + PUT_WORD(&plci->ncpi_buffer[7], 0); + plci->ncpi_buffer[len] = 0; + plci->ncpi_buffer[0] = len; + if (plci->B3_prot == 4) + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_I, Id, 0, "s", ""); + else + { + + if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | a->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id - 1]) + & ((1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD) | (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD))) + { + plci->ncpi_buffer[++len] = 0; + plci->ncpi_buffer[++len] = 0; + plci->ncpi_buffer[++len] = 0; + plci->ncpi_buffer[0] = len; + } + + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_I, Id, 0, "S", plci->ncpi_buffer); + } + sendf(plci->appl, _DISCONNECT_B3_I, Id, 0, "wS", info, plci->ncpi_buffer); + plci->ncpi_state = 0; + sig_req(plci, HANGUP, 0); + send_req(plci); + plci->State = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; + /* disc here */ + } + else if ((a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_FAX_PAPER_FORMATS) + && ((plci->B3_prot == 4) || (plci->B3_prot == 5)) + && ((ncci_state == INC_DIS_PENDING) || (ncci_state == IDLE))) + { + if (ncci_state == IDLE) + { + if (plci->channels) + plci->channels--; + if ((plci->State == IDLE || plci->State == SUSPENDING) && !plci->channels) { + if (plci->State == SUSPENDING) { + sendf(plci->appl, + _FACILITY_I, + Id & 0xffffL, + 0, + "ws", (word)3, "\x03\x04\x00\x00"); + sendf(plci->appl, _DISCONNECT_I, Id & 0xffffL, 0, "w", 0); + } + plci_remove(plci); + plci->State = IDLE; + } + } + } + else if (plci->channels) + { + sendf(plci->appl, _DISCONNECT_B3_I, Id, 0, "wS", info, plci->ncpi_buffer); + plci->ncpi_state = 0; + if ((ncci_state == OUTG_REJ_PENDING) + && ((plci->B3_prot != B3_T90NL) && (plci->B3_prot != B3_ISO8208) && (plci->B3_prot != B3_X25_DCE))) + { + sig_req(plci, HANGUP, 0); + send_req(plci); + plci->State = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; + } + } + break; + case N_RESET: + a->ncci_state[ncci] = INC_RES_PENDING; + sendf(plci->appl, _RESET_B3_I, Id, 0, "S", plci->ncpi_buffer); + break; + case N_RESET_ACK: + a->ncci_state[ncci] = CONNECTED; + sendf(plci->appl, _RESET_B3_I, Id, 0, "S", plci->ncpi_buffer); + break; + + case N_UDATA: + if (!(udata_forwarding_table[plci->NL.RBuffer->P[0] >> 5] & (1L << (plci->NL.RBuffer->P[0] & 0x1f)))) + { + plci->RData[0].P = plci->internal_ind_buffer + (-((int)(long)(plci->internal_ind_buffer)) & 3); + plci->RData[0].PLength = INTERNAL_IND_BUFFER_SIZE; + plci->NL.R = plci->RData; + plci->NL.RNum = 1; + return; + } + case N_BDATA: + case N_DATA: + if (((a->ncci_state[ncci] != CONNECTED) && (plci->B2_prot == 1)) /* transparent */ + || (a->ncci_state[ncci] == IDLE) + || (a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_DIS_PENDING)) + { + plci->NL.RNR = 2; + break; + } + if ((a->ncci_state[ncci] != CONNECTED) + && (a->ncci_state[ncci] != OUTG_DIS_PENDING) + && (a->ncci_state[ncci] != OUTG_REJ_PENDING)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("flow control")); + plci->NL.RNR = 1; /* flow control */ + channel_x_off(plci, ch, 0); + break; + } + + NCCIcode = ncci | (((word)a->Id) << 8); + + /* count all buffers within the Application pool */ + /* belonging to the same NCCI. If this is below the */ + /* number of buffers available per NCCI we accept */ + /* this packet, otherwise we reject it */ + count = 0; + Num = 0xffff; + for (i = 0; i < APPLptr->MaxBuffer; i++) { + if (NCCIcode == APPLptr->DataNCCI[i]) count++; + if (!APPLptr->DataNCCI[i] && Num == 0xffff) Num = i; + } + + if (count >= APPLptr->MaxNCCIData || Num == 0xffff) + { + dbug(3, dprintf("Flow-Control")); + plci->NL.RNR = 1; + if (++(APPLptr->NCCIDataFlowCtrlTimer) >= + (word)((a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_OOB_CHANNEL) ? 40 : 2000)) + { + plci->NL.RNR = 2; + dbug(3, dprintf("DiscardData")); + } else { + channel_x_off(plci, ch, 0); + } + break; + } + else + { + APPLptr->NCCIDataFlowCtrlTimer = 0; + } + + plci->RData[0].P = ReceiveBufferGet(APPLptr, Num); + if (!plci->RData[0].P) { + plci->NL.RNR = 1; + channel_x_off(plci, ch, 0); + break; + } + + APPLptr->DataNCCI[Num] = NCCIcode; + APPLptr->DataFlags[Num] = (plci->Id << 8) | (plci->NL.Ind >> 4); + dbug(3, dprintf("Buffer(%d), Max = %d", Num, APPLptr->MaxBuffer)); + + plci->RNum = Num; + plci->RFlags = plci->NL.Ind >> 4; + plci->RData[0].PLength = APPLptr->MaxDataLength; + plci->NL.R = plci->RData; + if ((plci->NL.RLength != 0) + && ((plci->B2_prot == B2_V120_ASYNC) + || (plci->B2_prot == B2_V120_ASYNC_V42BIS) + || (plci->B2_prot == B2_V120_BIT_TRANSPARENT))) + { + plci->RData[1].P = plci->RData[0].P; + plci->RData[1].PLength = plci->RData[0].PLength; + plci->RData[0].P = v120_header_buffer + (-((unsigned long)v120_header_buffer) & 3); + if ((plci->NL.RBuffer->P[0] & V120_HEADER_EXTEND_BIT) || (plci->NL.RLength == 1)) + plci->RData[0].PLength = 1; + else + plci->RData[0].PLength = 2; + if (plci->NL.RBuffer->P[0] & V120_HEADER_BREAK_BIT) + plci->RFlags |= 0x0010; + if (plci->NL.RBuffer->P[0] & (V120_HEADER_C1_BIT | V120_HEADER_C2_BIT)) + plci->RFlags |= 0x8000; + plci->NL.RNum = 2; + } + else + { + if ((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_UDATA) + plci->RFlags |= 0x0010; + + else if ((plci->B3_prot == B3_RTP) && ((plci->NL.Ind & 0x0f) == N_BDATA)) + plci->RFlags |= 0x0001; + + plci->NL.RNum = 1; + } + break; + case N_DATA_ACK: + data_ack(plci, ch); + break; + default: + plci->NL.RNR = 2; + break; + } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -/* find a free PLCI */ +/* find a free PLCI */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static word get_plci(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a) { - word i,j; - PLCI * plci; - - dump_plcis (a); - for(i=0;imax_plci && a->plci[i].Id;i++); - if(i==a->max_plci) { - dbug(1,dprintf("get_plci: out of PLCIs")); - return 0; - } - plci = &a->plci[i]; - plci->Id = (byte)(i+1); - - plci->Sig.Id = 0; - plci->NL.Id = 0; - plci->sig_req = 0; - plci->nl_req = 0; - - plci->appl = NULL; - plci->relatedPTYPLCI = NULL; - plci->State = IDLE; - plci->SuppState = IDLE; - plci->channels = 0; - plci->tel = 0; - plci->B1_resource = 0; - plci->B2_prot = 0; - plci->B3_prot = 0; - - plci->command = 0; - plci->m_command = 0; - init_internal_command_queue (plci); - plci->number = 0; - plci->req_in_start = 0; - plci->req_in = 0; - plci->req_out = 0; - plci->msg_in_write_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; - plci->msg_in_read_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; - plci->msg_in_wrap_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; - - plci->data_sent = false; - plci->send_disc = 0; - plci->sig_global_req = 0; - plci->sig_remove_id = 0; - plci->nl_global_req = 0; - plci->nl_remove_id = 0; - plci->adv_nl = 0; - plci->manufacturer = false; - plci->call_dir = CALL_DIR_OUT | CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE; - plci->spoofed_msg = 0; - plci->ptyState = 0; - plci->cr_enquiry = false; - plci->hangup_flow_ctrl_timer = 0; - - plci->ncci_ring_list = 0; - for(j=0;jinc_dis_ncci_table[j] = 0; - clear_c_ind_mask (plci); - set_group_ind_mask (plci); - plci->fax_connect_info_length = 0; - plci->nsf_control_bits = 0; - plci->ncpi_state = 0x00; - plci->ncpi_buffer[0] = 0; - - plci->requested_options_conn = 0; - plci->requested_options = 0; - plci->notifiedcall = 0; - plci->vswitchstate = 0; - plci->vsprot = 0; - plci->vsprotdialect = 0; - init_b1_config (plci); - dbug(1,dprintf("get_plci(%x)",plci->Id)); - return i+1; + word i, j; + PLCI *plci; + + dump_plcis(a); + for (i = 0; i < a->max_plci && a->plci[i].Id; i++); + if (i == a->max_plci) { + dbug(1, dprintf("get_plci: out of PLCIs")); + return 0; + } + plci = &a->plci[i]; + plci->Id = (byte)(i + 1); + + plci->Sig.Id = 0; + plci->NL.Id = 0; + plci->sig_req = 0; + plci->nl_req = 0; + + plci->appl = NULL; + plci->relatedPTYPLCI = NULL; + plci->State = IDLE; + plci->SuppState = IDLE; + plci->channels = 0; + plci->tel = 0; + plci->B1_resource = 0; + plci->B2_prot = 0; + plci->B3_prot = 0; + + plci->command = 0; + plci->m_command = 0; + init_internal_command_queue(plci); + plci->number = 0; + plci->req_in_start = 0; + plci->req_in = 0; + plci->req_out = 0; + plci->msg_in_write_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; + plci->msg_in_read_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; + plci->msg_in_wrap_pos = MSG_IN_QUEUE_SIZE; + + plci->data_sent = false; + plci->send_disc = 0; + plci->sig_global_req = 0; + plci->sig_remove_id = 0; + plci->nl_global_req = 0; + plci->nl_remove_id = 0; + plci->adv_nl = 0; + plci->manufacturer = false; + plci->call_dir = CALL_DIR_OUT | CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE; + plci->spoofed_msg = 0; + plci->ptyState = 0; + plci->cr_enquiry = false; + plci->hangup_flow_ctrl_timer = 0; + + plci->ncci_ring_list = 0; + for (j = 0; j < MAX_CHANNELS_PER_PLCI; j++) plci->inc_dis_ncci_table[j] = 0; + clear_c_ind_mask(plci); + set_group_ind_mask(plci); + plci->fax_connect_info_length = 0; + plci->nsf_control_bits = 0; + plci->ncpi_state = 0x00; + plci->ncpi_buffer[0] = 0; + + plci->requested_options_conn = 0; + plci->requested_options = 0; + plci->notifiedcall = 0; + plci->vswitchstate = 0; + plci->vsprot = 0; + plci->vsprotdialect = 0; + init_b1_config(plci); + dbug(1, dprintf("get_plci(%x)", plci->Id)); + return i + 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* put a parameter in the parameter buffer */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -static void add_p(PLCI * plci, byte code, byte * p) +static void add_p(PLCI *plci, byte code, byte *p) { - word p_length; + word p_length; - p_length = 0; - if(p) p_length = p[0]; - add_ie(plci, code, p, p_length); + p_length = 0; + if (p) p_length = p[0]; + add_ie(plci, code, p, p_length); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* put a structure in the parameter buffer */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -static void add_s(PLCI * plci, byte code, API_PARSE * p) +static void add_s(PLCI *plci, byte code, API_PARSE *p) { - if(p) add_ie(plci, code, p->info, (word)p->length); + if (p) add_ie(plci, code, p->info, (word)p->length); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* put multiple structures in the parameter buffer */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -static void add_ss(PLCI * plci, byte code, API_PARSE * p) +static void add_ss(PLCI *plci, byte code, API_PARSE *p) { - byte i; + byte i; - if(p){ - dbug(1,dprintf("add_ss(%x,len=%d)",code,p->length)); - for(i=2;i<(byte)p->length;i+=p->info[i]+2){ - dbug(1,dprintf("add_ss_ie(%x,len=%d)",p->info[i-1],p->info[i])); - add_ie(plci, p->info[i-1], (byte *)&(p->info[i]), (word)p->info[i]); - } - } + if (p) { + dbug(1, dprintf("add_ss(%x,len=%d)", code, p->length)); + for (i = 2; i < (byte)p->length; i += p->info[i] + 2) { + dbug(1, dprintf("add_ss_ie(%x,len=%d)", p->info[i - 1], p->info[i])); + add_ie(plci, p->info[i - 1], (byte *)&(p->info[i]), (word)p->info[i]); + } + } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* return the channel number sent by the application in a esc_chi */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -static byte getChannel(API_PARSE * p) +static byte getChannel(API_PARSE *p) { - byte i; + byte i; - if(p){ - for(i=2;i<(byte)p->length;i+=p->info[i]+2){ - if(p->info[i]==2){ - if(p->info[i-1]==ESC && p->info[i+1]==CHI) return (p->info[i+2]); - } - } - } - return 0; + if (p) { + for (i = 2; i < (byte)p->length; i += p->info[i] + 2) { + if (p->info[i] == 2) { + if (p->info[i - 1] == ESC && p->info[i + 1] == CHI) return (p->info[i + 2]); + } + } + } + return 0; } @@ -7400,26 +7400,26 @@ static byte getChannel(API_PARSE * p) /* put an information element in the parameter buffer */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -static void add_ie(PLCI * plci, byte code, byte * p, word p_length) +static void add_ie(PLCI *plci, byte code, byte *p, word p_length) { - word i; + word i; - if(!(code &0x80) && !p_length) return; + if (!(code & 0x80) && !p_length) return; - if(plci->req_in==plci->req_in_start) { - plci->req_in +=2; - } - else { - plci->req_in--; - } - plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = code; + if (plci->req_in == plci->req_in_start) { + plci->req_in += 2; + } + else { + plci->req_in--; + } + plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = code; - if(p) { - plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = (byte)p_length; - for(i=0;iRBuffer[plci->req_in++] = p[1+i]; - } + if (p) { + plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = (byte)p_length; + for (i = 0; i < p_length; i++) plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = p[1 + i]; + } - plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = 0; + plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ @@ -7428,15 +7428,15 @@ static void add_ie(PLCI * plci, byte code, byte * p, word p_length) static void add_d(PLCI *plci, word length, byte *p) { - word i; + word i; - if(plci->req_in==plci->req_in_start) { - plci->req_in +=2; - } - else { - plci->req_in--; - } - for(i=0;iRBuffer[plci->req_in++] = p[i]; + if (plci->req_in == plci->req_in_start) { + plci->req_in += 2; + } + else { + plci->req_in--; + } + for (i = 0; i < length; i++) plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = p[i]; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ @@ -7446,19 +7446,19 @@ static void add_d(PLCI *plci, word length, byte *p) static void add_ai(PLCI *plci, API_PARSE *ai) { - word i; - API_PARSE ai_parms[5]; + word i; + API_PARSE ai_parms[5]; - for(i=0;i<5;i++) ai_parms[i].length = 0; + for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) ai_parms[i].length = 0; - if(!ai->length) - return; - if(api_parse(&ai->info[1], (word)ai->length, "ssss", ai_parms)) - return; + if (!ai->length) + return; + if (api_parse(&ai->info[1], (word)ai->length, "ssss", ai_parms)) + return; - add_s (plci,KEY,&ai_parms[1]); - add_s (plci,UUI,&ai_parms[2]); - add_ss(plci,FTY,&ai_parms[3]); + add_s(plci, KEY, &ai_parms[1]); + add_s(plci, UUI, &ai_parms[2]); + add_ss(plci, FTY, &ai_parms[3]); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ @@ -7468,462 +7468,462 @@ static void add_ai(PLCI *plci, API_PARSE *ai) static word add_b1(PLCI *plci, API_PARSE *bp, word b_channel_info, word b1_facilities) { - API_PARSE bp_parms[8]; - API_PARSE mdm_cfg[9]; - API_PARSE global_config[2]; - byte cai[256]; - byte resource[] = {5,9,13,12,16,39,9,17,17,18}; - byte voice_cai[] = "\x06\x14\x00\x00\x00\x00\x08"; - word i; - - API_PARSE mdm_cfg_v18[4]; - word j, n, w; - dword d; - - - for(i=0;i<8;i++) bp_parms[i].length = 0; - for(i=0;i<2;i++) global_config[i].length = 0; - - dbug(1,dprintf("add_b1")); - api_save_msg(bp, "s", &plci->B_protocol); - - if(b_channel_info==2){ - plci->B1_resource = 0; - adjust_b1_facilities (plci, plci->B1_resource, b1_facilities); - add_p(plci, CAI, "\x01\x00"); - dbug(1,dprintf("Cai=1,0 (no resource)")); - return 0; - } - - if(plci->tel == CODEC_PERMANENT) return 0; - else if(plci->tel == CODEC){ - plci->B1_resource = 1; - adjust_b1_facilities (plci, plci->B1_resource, b1_facilities); - add_p(plci, CAI, "\x01\x01"); - dbug(1,dprintf("Cai=1,1 (Codec)")); - return 0; - } - else if(plci->tel == ADV_VOICE){ - plci->B1_resource = add_b1_facilities (plci, 9, (word)(b1_facilities | B1_FACILITY_VOICE)); - adjust_b1_facilities (plci, plci->B1_resource, (word)(b1_facilities | B1_FACILITY_VOICE)); - voice_cai[1] = plci->B1_resource; - PUT_WORD (&voice_cai[5], plci->appl->MaxDataLength); - add_p(plci, CAI, voice_cai); - dbug(1,dprintf("Cai=1,0x%x (AdvVoice)",voice_cai[1])); - return 0; - } - plci->call_dir &= ~(CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE | CALL_DIR_ANSWER); - if (plci->call_dir & CALL_DIR_OUT) - plci->call_dir |= CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE; - else if (plci->call_dir & CALL_DIR_IN) - plci->call_dir |= CALL_DIR_ANSWER; - - if(!bp->length){ - plci->B1_resource = 0x5; - adjust_b1_facilities (plci, plci->B1_resource, b1_facilities); - add_p(plci, CAI, "\x01\x05"); - return 0; - } - - dbug(1,dprintf("b_prot_len=%d",(word)bp->length)); - if(bp->length>256) return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - if(api_parse(&bp->info[1], (word)bp->length, "wwwsssb", bp_parms)) - { - bp_parms[6].length = 0; - if(api_parse(&bp->info[1], (word)bp->length, "wwwsss", bp_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("b-form.!")); - return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - } - else if (api_parse(&bp->info[1], (word)bp->length, "wwwssss", bp_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("b-form.!")); - return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - - if(bp_parms[6].length) - { - if(api_parse(&bp_parms[6].info[1], (word)bp_parms[6].length, "w", global_config)) - { - return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - switch(GET_WORD(global_config[0].info)) - { - case 1: - plci->call_dir = (plci->call_dir & ~CALL_DIR_ANSWER) | CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE; - break; - case 2: - plci->call_dir = (plci->call_dir & ~CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE) | CALL_DIR_ANSWER; - break; - } - } - dbug(1,dprintf("call_dir=%04x", plci->call_dir)); - - - if ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == B1_RTP) - && (plci->adapter->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_RTP))) - { - plci->B1_resource = add_b1_facilities (plci, 31, (word)(b1_facilities & ~B1_FACILITY_VOICE)); - adjust_b1_facilities (plci, plci->B1_resource, (word)(b1_facilities & ~B1_FACILITY_VOICE)); - cai[1] = plci->B1_resource; - cai[2] = 0; - cai[3] = 0; - cai[4] = 0; - PUT_WORD(&cai[5],plci->appl->MaxDataLength); - for (i = 0; i < bp_parms[3].length; i++) - cai[7+i] = bp_parms[3].info[1+i]; - cai[0] = 6 + bp_parms[3].length; - add_p(plci, CAI, cai); - return 0; - } - - - if ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == B1_PIAFS) - && (plci->adapter->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_PIAFS))) - { - plci->B1_resource = add_b1_facilities (plci, 35/* PIAFS HARDWARE FACILITY */, (word)(b1_facilities & ~B1_FACILITY_VOICE)); - adjust_b1_facilities (plci, plci->B1_resource, (word)(b1_facilities & ~B1_FACILITY_VOICE)); - cai[1] = plci->B1_resource; - cai[2] = 0; - cai[3] = 0; - cai[4] = 0; - PUT_WORD(&cai[5],plci->appl->MaxDataLength); - cai[0] = 6; - add_p(plci, CAI, cai); - return 0; - } - - - if ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) >= 32) - || (!((1L << GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info)) & plci->adapter->profile.B1_Protocols) - && ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) != 3) - || !((1L << B1_HDLC) & plci->adapter->profile.B1_Protocols) - || ((bp_parms[3].length != 0) && (GET_WORD(&bp_parms[3].info[1]) != 0) && (GET_WORD(&bp_parms[3].info[1]) != 56000))))) - { - return _B1_NOT_SUPPORTED; - } - plci->B1_resource = add_b1_facilities (plci, resource[GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info)], - (word)(b1_facilities & ~B1_FACILITY_VOICE)); - adjust_b1_facilities (plci, plci->B1_resource, (word)(b1_facilities & ~B1_FACILITY_VOICE)); - cai[0] = 6; - cai[1] = plci->B1_resource; - for (i=2;i", GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[0].info))); - - PUT_WORD (&cai[13], 0); /* Min Tx speed */ - PUT_WORD (&cai[15], GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[0].info)); /* Max Tx speed */ - PUT_WORD (&cai[17], 0); /* Min Rx speed */ - PUT_WORD (&cai[19], GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[0].info)); /* Max Rx speed */ - - cai[3] = 0; /* Async framing parameters */ - switch (GET_WORD (mdm_cfg[2].info)) - { /* Parity */ - case 1: /* odd parity */ - cai[3] |= (DSP_CAI_ASYNC_PARITY_ENABLE | DSP_CAI_ASYNC_PARITY_ODD); - dbug(1,dprintf("MDM: odd parity")); - break; - - case 2: /* even parity */ - cai[3] |= (DSP_CAI_ASYNC_PARITY_ENABLE | DSP_CAI_ASYNC_PARITY_EVEN); - dbug(1,dprintf("MDM: even parity")); - break; - - default: - dbug(1,dprintf("MDM: no parity")); - break; - } - - switch (GET_WORD (mdm_cfg[3].info)) - { /* stop bits */ - case 1: /* 2 stop bits */ - cai[3] |= DSP_CAI_ASYNC_TWO_STOP_BITS; - dbug(1,dprintf("MDM: 2 stop bits")); - break; - - default: - dbug(1,dprintf("MDM: 1 stop bit")); - break; - } - - switch (GET_WORD (mdm_cfg[1].info)) - { /* char length */ - case 5: - cai[3] |= DSP_CAI_ASYNC_CHAR_LENGTH_5; - dbug(1,dprintf("MDM: 5 bits")); - break; - - case 6: - cai[3] |= DSP_CAI_ASYNC_CHAR_LENGTH_6; - dbug(1,dprintf("MDM: 6 bits")); - break; - - case 7: - cai[3] |= DSP_CAI_ASYNC_CHAR_LENGTH_7; - dbug(1,dprintf("MDM: 7 bits")); - break; - - default: - dbug(1,dprintf("MDM: 8 bits")); - break; - } - - cai[7] = 0; /* Line taking options */ - cai[8] = 0; /* Modulation negotiation options */ - cai[9] = 0; /* Modulation options */ - - if (((plci->call_dir & CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE) != 0) ^ ((plci->call_dir & CALL_DIR_OUT) != 0)) - { - cai[9] |= DSP_CAI_MODEM_REVERSE_DIRECTION; - dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: Reverse direction")); - } - - if (GET_WORD (mdm_cfg[4].info) & MDM_CAPI_DISABLE_RETRAIN) - { - cai[9] |= DSP_CAI_MODEM_DISABLE_RETRAIN; - dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: Disable retrain")); - } - - if (GET_WORD (mdm_cfg[4].info) & MDM_CAPI_DISABLE_RING_TONE) - { - cai[7] |= DSP_CAI_MODEM_DISABLE_CALLING_TONE | DSP_CAI_MODEM_DISABLE_ANSWER_TONE; - dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: Disable ring tone")); - } - - if (GET_WORD (mdm_cfg[4].info) & MDM_CAPI_GUARD_1800) - { - cai[8] |= DSP_CAI_MODEM_GUARD_TONE_1800HZ; - dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: 1800 guard tone")); - } - else if (GET_WORD (mdm_cfg[4].info) & MDM_CAPI_GUARD_550 ) - { - cai[8] |= DSP_CAI_MODEM_GUARD_TONE_550HZ; - dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: 550 guard tone")); - } - - if ((GET_WORD (mdm_cfg[5].info) & 0x00ff) == MDM_CAPI_NEG_V100) - { - cai[8] |= DSP_CAI_MODEM_NEGOTIATE_V100; - dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: V100")); - } - else if ((GET_WORD (mdm_cfg[5].info) & 0x00ff) == MDM_CAPI_NEG_MOD_CLASS) - { - cai[8] |= DSP_CAI_MODEM_NEGOTIATE_IN_CLASS; - dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: IN CLASS")); - } - else if ((GET_WORD (mdm_cfg[5].info) & 0x00ff) == MDM_CAPI_NEG_DISABLED) - { - cai[8] |= DSP_CAI_MODEM_NEGOTIATE_DISABLED; - dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: DISABLED")); - } - cai[0] = 20; - - if ((plci->adapter->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_V18)) - && (GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[5].info) & 0x8000)) /* Private V.18 enable */ - { - plci->requested_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_V18; - } - if (GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[5].info) & 0x4000) /* Private VOWN enable */ - plci->requested_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_VOWN; - - if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | plci->adapter->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id-1]) - & ((1L << PRIVATE_V18) | (1L << PRIVATE_VOWN))) - { - if (!api_parse(&bp_parms[3].info[1],(word)bp_parms[3].length,"wwwwwws", mdm_cfg)) - { - i = 27; - if (mdm_cfg[6].length >= 4) - { - d = GET_DWORD(&mdm_cfg[6].info[1]); - cai[7] |= (byte) d; /* line taking options */ - cai[9] |= (byte)(d >> 8); /* modulation options */ - cai[++i] = (byte)(d >> 16); /* vown modulation options */ - cai[++i] = (byte)(d >> 24); - if (mdm_cfg[6].length >= 8) - { - d = GET_DWORD(&mdm_cfg[6].info[5]); - cai[10] |= (byte) d; /* disabled modulations mask */ - cai[11] |= (byte)(d >> 8); - if (mdm_cfg[6].length >= 12) - { - d = GET_DWORD(&mdm_cfg[6].info[9]); - cai[12] = (byte) d; /* enabled modulations mask */ - cai[++i] = (byte)(d >> 8); /* vown enabled modulations */ - cai[++i] = (byte)(d >> 16); - cai[++i] = (byte)(d >> 24); - cai[++i] = 0; - if (mdm_cfg[6].length >= 14) - { - w = GET_WORD(&mdm_cfg[6].info[13]); - if (w != 0) - PUT_WORD(&cai[13], w); /* min tx speed */ - if (mdm_cfg[6].length >= 16) - { - w = GET_WORD(&mdm_cfg[6].info[15]); - if (w != 0) - PUT_WORD(&cai[15], w); /* max tx speed */ - if (mdm_cfg[6].length >= 18) - { - w = GET_WORD(&mdm_cfg[6].info[17]); - if (w != 0) - PUT_WORD(&cai[17], w); /* min rx speed */ - if (mdm_cfg[6].length >= 20) - { - w = GET_WORD(&mdm_cfg[6].info[19]); - if (w != 0) - PUT_WORD(&cai[19], w); /* max rx speed */ - if (mdm_cfg[6].length >= 22) - { - w = GET_WORD(&mdm_cfg[6].info[21]); - cai[23] = (byte)(-((short) w)); /* transmit level */ - if (mdm_cfg[6].length >= 24) - { - w = GET_WORD(&mdm_cfg[6].info[23]); - cai[22] |= (byte) w; /* info options mask */ - cai[21] |= (byte)(w >> 8); /* disabled symbol rates */ - } - } - } - } - } - } - } - } - } - cai[27] = i - 27; - i++; - if (!api_parse(&bp_parms[3].info[1],(word)bp_parms[3].length,"wwwwwwss", mdm_cfg)) - { - if (!api_parse(&mdm_cfg[7].info[1],(word)mdm_cfg[7].length,"sss", mdm_cfg_v18)) - { - for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) - { - cai[i] = (byte)(mdm_cfg_v18[n].length); - for (j = 1; j < ((word)(cai[i] + 1)); j++) - cai[i+j] = mdm_cfg_v18[n].info[j]; - i += cai[i] + 1; - } - } - } - cai[0] = (byte)(i - 1); - } - } - - } - } - if(GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info)==2 || /* V.110 async */ - GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info)==3 ) /* V.110 sync */ - { - if(bp_parms[3].length){ - dbug(1,dprintf("V.110,%d",GET_WORD(&bp_parms[3].info[1]))); - switch(GET_WORD(&bp_parms[3].info[1])){ /* Rate */ - case 0: - case 56000: - if(GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info)==3){ /* V.110 sync 56k */ - dbug(1,dprintf("56k sync HSCX")); - cai[1] = 8; - cai[2] = 0; - cai[3] = 0; - } - else if(GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info)==2){ - dbug(1,dprintf("56k async DSP")); - cai[2] = 9; - } - break; - case 50: cai[2] = 1; break; - case 75: cai[2] = 1; break; - case 110: cai[2] = 1; break; - case 150: cai[2] = 1; break; - case 200: cai[2] = 1; break; - case 300: cai[2] = 1; break; - case 600: cai[2] = 1; break; - case 1200: cai[2] = 2; break; - case 2400: cai[2] = 3; break; - case 4800: cai[2] = 4; break; - case 7200: cai[2] = 10; break; - case 9600: cai[2] = 5; break; - case 12000: cai[2] = 13; break; - case 24000: cai[2] = 0; break; - case 14400: cai[2] = 11; break; - case 19200: cai[2] = 6; break; - case 28800: cai[2] = 12; break; - case 38400: cai[2] = 7; break; - case 48000: cai[2] = 8; break; - case 76: cai[2] = 15; break; /* 75/1200 */ - case 1201: cai[2] = 14; break; /* 1200/75 */ - case 56001: cai[2] = 9; break; /* V.110 56000 */ - - default: - return _B1_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; - } - cai[3] = 0; - if (cai[1] == 13) /* v.110 async */ - { - if (bp_parms[3].length >= 8) - { - switch (GET_WORD (&bp_parms[3].info[3])) - { /* char length */ - case 5: - cai[3] |= DSP_CAI_ASYNC_CHAR_LENGTH_5; - break; - case 6: - cai[3] |= DSP_CAI_ASYNC_CHAR_LENGTH_6; - break; - case 7: - cai[3] |= DSP_CAI_ASYNC_CHAR_LENGTH_7; - break; - } - switch (GET_WORD (&bp_parms[3].info[5])) - { /* Parity */ - case 1: /* odd parity */ - cai[3] |= (DSP_CAI_ASYNC_PARITY_ENABLE | DSP_CAI_ASYNC_PARITY_ODD); - break; - case 2: /* even parity */ - cai[3] |= (DSP_CAI_ASYNC_PARITY_ENABLE | DSP_CAI_ASYNC_PARITY_EVEN); - break; - } - switch (GET_WORD (&bp_parms[3].info[7])) - { /* stop bits */ - case 1: /* 2 stop bits */ - cai[3] |= DSP_CAI_ASYNC_TWO_STOP_BITS; - break; - } - } - } - } - else if(cai[1]==8 || GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info)==3 ){ - dbug(1,dprintf("V.110 default 56k sync")); - cai[1] = 8; - cai[2] = 0; - cai[3] = 0; - } - else { - dbug(1,dprintf("V.110 default 9600 async")); - cai[2] = 5; - } - } - PUT_WORD(&cai[5],plci->appl->MaxDataLength); - dbug(1,dprintf("CAI[%d]=%x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x", cai[0], cai[1], cai[2], cai[3], cai[4], cai[5], cai[6])); + API_PARSE bp_parms[8]; + API_PARSE mdm_cfg[9]; + API_PARSE global_config[2]; + byte cai[256]; + byte resource[] = {5, 9, 13, 12, 16, 39, 9, 17, 17, 18}; + byte voice_cai[] = "\x06\x14\x00\x00\x00\x00\x08"; + word i; + + API_PARSE mdm_cfg_v18[4]; + word j, n, w; + dword d; + + + for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) bp_parms[i].length = 0; + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) global_config[i].length = 0; + + dbug(1, dprintf("add_b1")); + api_save_msg(bp, "s", &plci->B_protocol); + + if (b_channel_info == 2) { + plci->B1_resource = 0; + adjust_b1_facilities(plci, plci->B1_resource, b1_facilities); + add_p(plci, CAI, "\x01\x00"); + dbug(1, dprintf("Cai=1,0 (no resource)")); + return 0; + } + + if (plci->tel == CODEC_PERMANENT) return 0; + else if (plci->tel == CODEC) { + plci->B1_resource = 1; + adjust_b1_facilities(plci, plci->B1_resource, b1_facilities); + add_p(plci, CAI, "\x01\x01"); + dbug(1, dprintf("Cai=1,1 (Codec)")); + return 0; + } + else if (plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) { + plci->B1_resource = add_b1_facilities(plci, 9, (word)(b1_facilities | B1_FACILITY_VOICE)); + adjust_b1_facilities(plci, plci->B1_resource, (word)(b1_facilities | B1_FACILITY_VOICE)); + voice_cai[1] = plci->B1_resource; + PUT_WORD(&voice_cai[5], plci->appl->MaxDataLength); + add_p(plci, CAI, voice_cai); + dbug(1, dprintf("Cai=1,0x%x (AdvVoice)", voice_cai[1])); + return 0; + } + plci->call_dir &= ~(CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE | CALL_DIR_ANSWER); + if (plci->call_dir & CALL_DIR_OUT) + plci->call_dir |= CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE; + else if (plci->call_dir & CALL_DIR_IN) + plci->call_dir |= CALL_DIR_ANSWER; + + if (!bp->length) { + plci->B1_resource = 0x5; + adjust_b1_facilities(plci, plci->B1_resource, b1_facilities); + add_p(plci, CAI, "\x01\x05"); + return 0; + } + + dbug(1, dprintf("b_prot_len=%d", (word)bp->length)); + if (bp->length > 256) return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + if (api_parse(&bp->info[1], (word)bp->length, "wwwsssb", bp_parms)) + { + bp_parms[6].length = 0; + if (api_parse(&bp->info[1], (word)bp->length, "wwwsss", bp_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("b-form.!")); + return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + } + else if (api_parse(&bp->info[1], (word)bp->length, "wwwssss", bp_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("b-form.!")); + return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + + if (bp_parms[6].length) + { + if (api_parse(&bp_parms[6].info[1], (word)bp_parms[6].length, "w", global_config)) + { + return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + switch (GET_WORD(global_config[0].info)) + { + case 1: + plci->call_dir = (plci->call_dir & ~CALL_DIR_ANSWER) | CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE; + break; + case 2: + plci->call_dir = (plci->call_dir & ~CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE) | CALL_DIR_ANSWER; + break; + } + } + dbug(1, dprintf("call_dir=%04x", plci->call_dir)); + + + if ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == B1_RTP) + && (plci->adapter->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_RTP))) + { + plci->B1_resource = add_b1_facilities(plci, 31, (word)(b1_facilities & ~B1_FACILITY_VOICE)); + adjust_b1_facilities(plci, plci->B1_resource, (word)(b1_facilities & ~B1_FACILITY_VOICE)); + cai[1] = plci->B1_resource; + cai[2] = 0; + cai[3] = 0; + cai[4] = 0; + PUT_WORD(&cai[5], plci->appl->MaxDataLength); + for (i = 0; i < bp_parms[3].length; i++) + cai[7 + i] = bp_parms[3].info[1 + i]; + cai[0] = 6 + bp_parms[3].length; + add_p(plci, CAI, cai); + return 0; + } + + + if ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == B1_PIAFS) + && (plci->adapter->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_PIAFS))) + { + plci->B1_resource = add_b1_facilities(plci, 35/* PIAFS HARDWARE FACILITY */, (word)(b1_facilities & ~B1_FACILITY_VOICE)); + adjust_b1_facilities(plci, plci->B1_resource, (word)(b1_facilities & ~B1_FACILITY_VOICE)); + cai[1] = plci->B1_resource; + cai[2] = 0; + cai[3] = 0; + cai[4] = 0; + PUT_WORD(&cai[5], plci->appl->MaxDataLength); + cai[0] = 6; + add_p(plci, CAI, cai); + return 0; + } + + + if ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) >= 32) + || (!((1L << GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info)) & plci->adapter->profile.B1_Protocols) + && ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) != 3) + || !((1L << B1_HDLC) & plci->adapter->profile.B1_Protocols) + || ((bp_parms[3].length != 0) && (GET_WORD(&bp_parms[3].info[1]) != 0) && (GET_WORD(&bp_parms[3].info[1]) != 56000))))) + { + return _B1_NOT_SUPPORTED; + } + plci->B1_resource = add_b1_facilities(plci, resource[GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info)], + (word)(b1_facilities & ~B1_FACILITY_VOICE)); + adjust_b1_facilities(plci, plci->B1_resource, (word)(b1_facilities & ~B1_FACILITY_VOICE)); + cai[0] = 6; + cai[1] = plci->B1_resource; + for (i = 2; i < sizeof(cai); i++) cai[i] = 0; + + if ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == B1_MODEM_ALL_NEGOTIATE) + || (GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == B1_MODEM_ASYNC) + || (GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == B1_MODEM_SYNC_HDLC)) + { /* B1 - modem */ + for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) mdm_cfg[i].length = 0; + + if (bp_parms[3].length) + { + if (api_parse(&bp_parms[3].info[1], (word)bp_parms[3].length, "wwwwww", mdm_cfg)) + { + return (_WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT); + } + + cai[2] = 0; /* Bit rate for adaptation */ + + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM Max Bit Rate:<%d>", GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[0].info))); + + PUT_WORD(&cai[13], 0); /* Min Tx speed */ + PUT_WORD(&cai[15], GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[0].info)); /* Max Tx speed */ + PUT_WORD(&cai[17], 0); /* Min Rx speed */ + PUT_WORD(&cai[19], GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[0].info)); /* Max Rx speed */ + + cai[3] = 0; /* Async framing parameters */ + switch (GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[2].info)) + { /* Parity */ + case 1: /* odd parity */ + cai[3] |= (DSP_CAI_ASYNC_PARITY_ENABLE | DSP_CAI_ASYNC_PARITY_ODD); + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: odd parity")); + break; + + case 2: /* even parity */ + cai[3] |= (DSP_CAI_ASYNC_PARITY_ENABLE | DSP_CAI_ASYNC_PARITY_EVEN); + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: even parity")); + break; + + default: + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: no parity")); + break; + } + + switch (GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[3].info)) + { /* stop bits */ + case 1: /* 2 stop bits */ + cai[3] |= DSP_CAI_ASYNC_TWO_STOP_BITS; + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: 2 stop bits")); + break; + + default: + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: 1 stop bit")); + break; + } + + switch (GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[1].info)) + { /* char length */ + case 5: + cai[3] |= DSP_CAI_ASYNC_CHAR_LENGTH_5; + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: 5 bits")); + break; + + case 6: + cai[3] |= DSP_CAI_ASYNC_CHAR_LENGTH_6; + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: 6 bits")); + break; + + case 7: + cai[3] |= DSP_CAI_ASYNC_CHAR_LENGTH_7; + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: 7 bits")); + break; + + default: + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: 8 bits")); + break; + } + + cai[7] = 0; /* Line taking options */ + cai[8] = 0; /* Modulation negotiation options */ + cai[9] = 0; /* Modulation options */ + + if (((plci->call_dir & CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE) != 0) ^ ((plci->call_dir & CALL_DIR_OUT) != 0)) + { + cai[9] |= DSP_CAI_MODEM_REVERSE_DIRECTION; + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: Reverse direction")); + } + + if (GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[4].info) & MDM_CAPI_DISABLE_RETRAIN) + { + cai[9] |= DSP_CAI_MODEM_DISABLE_RETRAIN; + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: Disable retrain")); + } + + if (GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[4].info) & MDM_CAPI_DISABLE_RING_TONE) + { + cai[7] |= DSP_CAI_MODEM_DISABLE_CALLING_TONE | DSP_CAI_MODEM_DISABLE_ANSWER_TONE; + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: Disable ring tone")); + } + + if (GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[4].info) & MDM_CAPI_GUARD_1800) + { + cai[8] |= DSP_CAI_MODEM_GUARD_TONE_1800HZ; + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: 1800 guard tone")); + } + else if (GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[4].info) & MDM_CAPI_GUARD_550) + { + cai[8] |= DSP_CAI_MODEM_GUARD_TONE_550HZ; + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: 550 guard tone")); + } + + if ((GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[5].info) & 0x00ff) == MDM_CAPI_NEG_V100) + { + cai[8] |= DSP_CAI_MODEM_NEGOTIATE_V100; + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: V100")); + } + else if ((GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[5].info) & 0x00ff) == MDM_CAPI_NEG_MOD_CLASS) + { + cai[8] |= DSP_CAI_MODEM_NEGOTIATE_IN_CLASS; + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: IN CLASS")); + } + else if ((GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[5].info) & 0x00ff) == MDM_CAPI_NEG_DISABLED) + { + cai[8] |= DSP_CAI_MODEM_NEGOTIATE_DISABLED; + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM: DISABLED")); + } + cai[0] = 20; + + if ((plci->adapter->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_V18)) + && (GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[5].info) & 0x8000)) /* Private V.18 enable */ + { + plci->requested_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_V18; + } + if (GET_WORD(mdm_cfg[5].info) & 0x4000) /* Private VOWN enable */ + plci->requested_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_VOWN; + + if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | plci->adapter->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id - 1]) + & ((1L << PRIVATE_V18) | (1L << PRIVATE_VOWN))) + { + if (!api_parse(&bp_parms[3].info[1], (word)bp_parms[3].length, "wwwwwws", mdm_cfg)) + { + i = 27; + if (mdm_cfg[6].length >= 4) + { + d = GET_DWORD(&mdm_cfg[6].info[1]); + cai[7] |= (byte) d; /* line taking options */ + cai[9] |= (byte)(d >> 8); /* modulation options */ + cai[++i] = (byte)(d >> 16); /* vown modulation options */ + cai[++i] = (byte)(d >> 24); + if (mdm_cfg[6].length >= 8) + { + d = GET_DWORD(&mdm_cfg[6].info[5]); + cai[10] |= (byte) d; /* disabled modulations mask */ + cai[11] |= (byte)(d >> 8); + if (mdm_cfg[6].length >= 12) + { + d = GET_DWORD(&mdm_cfg[6].info[9]); + cai[12] = (byte) d; /* enabled modulations mask */ + cai[++i] = (byte)(d >> 8); /* vown enabled modulations */ + cai[++i] = (byte)(d >> 16); + cai[++i] = (byte)(d >> 24); + cai[++i] = 0; + if (mdm_cfg[6].length >= 14) + { + w = GET_WORD(&mdm_cfg[6].info[13]); + if (w != 0) + PUT_WORD(&cai[13], w); /* min tx speed */ + if (mdm_cfg[6].length >= 16) + { + w = GET_WORD(&mdm_cfg[6].info[15]); + if (w != 0) + PUT_WORD(&cai[15], w); /* max tx speed */ + if (mdm_cfg[6].length >= 18) + { + w = GET_WORD(&mdm_cfg[6].info[17]); + if (w != 0) + PUT_WORD(&cai[17], w); /* min rx speed */ + if (mdm_cfg[6].length >= 20) + { + w = GET_WORD(&mdm_cfg[6].info[19]); + if (w != 0) + PUT_WORD(&cai[19], w); /* max rx speed */ + if (mdm_cfg[6].length >= 22) + { + w = GET_WORD(&mdm_cfg[6].info[21]); + cai[23] = (byte)(-((short) w)); /* transmit level */ + if (mdm_cfg[6].length >= 24) + { + w = GET_WORD(&mdm_cfg[6].info[23]); + cai[22] |= (byte) w; /* info options mask */ + cai[21] |= (byte)(w >> 8); /* disabled symbol rates */ + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + cai[27] = i - 27; + i++; + if (!api_parse(&bp_parms[3].info[1], (word)bp_parms[3].length, "wwwwwwss", mdm_cfg)) + { + if (!api_parse(&mdm_cfg[7].info[1], (word)mdm_cfg[7].length, "sss", mdm_cfg_v18)) + { + for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) + { + cai[i] = (byte)(mdm_cfg_v18[n].length); + for (j = 1; j < ((word)(cai[i] + 1)); j++) + cai[i + j] = mdm_cfg_v18[n].info[j]; + i += cai[i] + 1; + } + } + } + cai[0] = (byte)(i - 1); + } + } + + } + } + if (GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == 2 || /* V.110 async */ + GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == 3) /* V.110 sync */ + { + if (bp_parms[3].length) { + dbug(1, dprintf("V.110,%d", GET_WORD(&bp_parms[3].info[1]))); + switch (GET_WORD(&bp_parms[3].info[1])) { /* Rate */ + case 0: + case 56000: + if (GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == 3) { /* V.110 sync 56k */ + dbug(1, dprintf("56k sync HSCX")); + cai[1] = 8; + cai[2] = 0; + cai[3] = 0; + } + else if (GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == 2) { + dbug(1, dprintf("56k async DSP")); + cai[2] = 9; + } + break; + case 50: cai[2] = 1; break; + case 75: cai[2] = 1; break; + case 110: cai[2] = 1; break; + case 150: cai[2] = 1; break; + case 200: cai[2] = 1; break; + case 300: cai[2] = 1; break; + case 600: cai[2] = 1; break; + case 1200: cai[2] = 2; break; + case 2400: cai[2] = 3; break; + case 4800: cai[2] = 4; break; + case 7200: cai[2] = 10; break; + case 9600: cai[2] = 5; break; + case 12000: cai[2] = 13; break; + case 24000: cai[2] = 0; break; + case 14400: cai[2] = 11; break; + case 19200: cai[2] = 6; break; + case 28800: cai[2] = 12; break; + case 38400: cai[2] = 7; break; + case 48000: cai[2] = 8; break; + case 76: cai[2] = 15; break; /* 75/1200 */ + case 1201: cai[2] = 14; break; /* 1200/75 */ + case 56001: cai[2] = 9; break; /* V.110 56000 */ + + default: + return _B1_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; + } + cai[3] = 0; + if (cai[1] == 13) /* v.110 async */ + { + if (bp_parms[3].length >= 8) + { + switch (GET_WORD(&bp_parms[3].info[3])) + { /* char length */ + case 5: + cai[3] |= DSP_CAI_ASYNC_CHAR_LENGTH_5; + break; + case 6: + cai[3] |= DSP_CAI_ASYNC_CHAR_LENGTH_6; + break; + case 7: + cai[3] |= DSP_CAI_ASYNC_CHAR_LENGTH_7; + break; + } + switch (GET_WORD(&bp_parms[3].info[5])) + { /* Parity */ + case 1: /* odd parity */ + cai[3] |= (DSP_CAI_ASYNC_PARITY_ENABLE | DSP_CAI_ASYNC_PARITY_ODD); + break; + case 2: /* even parity */ + cai[3] |= (DSP_CAI_ASYNC_PARITY_ENABLE | DSP_CAI_ASYNC_PARITY_EVEN); + break; + } + switch (GET_WORD(&bp_parms[3].info[7])) + { /* stop bits */ + case 1: /* 2 stop bits */ + cai[3] |= DSP_CAI_ASYNC_TWO_STOP_BITS; + break; + } + } + } + } + else if (cai[1] == 8 || GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == 3) { + dbug(1, dprintf("V.110 default 56k sync")); + cai[1] = 8; + cai[2] = 0; + cai[3] = 0; + } + else { + dbug(1, dprintf("V.110 default 9600 async")); + cai[2] = 5; + } + } + PUT_WORD(&cai[5], plci->appl->MaxDataLength); + dbug(1, dprintf("CAI[%d]=%x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x", cai[0], cai[1], cai[2], cai[3], cai[4], cai[5], cai[6])); /* HexDump ("CAI", sizeof(cai), &cai[0]); */ - add_p(plci, CAI, cai); - return 0; + add_p(plci, CAI, cai); + return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ @@ -7932,624 +7932,624 @@ static word add_b1(PLCI *plci, API_PARSE *bp, word b_channel_info, static word add_b23(PLCI *plci, API_PARSE *bp) { - word i, fax_control_bits; - byte pos, len; - byte SAPI = 0x40; /* default SAPI 16 for x.31 */ - API_PARSE bp_parms[8]; - API_PARSE * b1_config; - API_PARSE * b2_config; - API_PARSE b2_config_parms[8]; - API_PARSE * b3_config; - API_PARSE b3_config_parms[6]; - API_PARSE global_config[2]; - - static byte llc[3] = {2,0,0}; - static byte dlc[20] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; - static byte nlc[256]; - static byte lli[12] = {1,1}; - - const byte llc2_out[] = {1,2,4,6,2,0,0,0, X75_V42BIS,V120_L2,V120_V42BIS,V120_L2,6}; - const byte llc2_in[] = {1,3,4,6,3,0,0,0, X75_V42BIS,V120_L2,V120_V42BIS,V120_L2,6}; - - const byte llc3[] = {4,3,2,2,6,6,0}; - const byte header[] = {0,2,3,3,0,0,0}; - - for(i=0;i<8;i++) bp_parms[i].length = 0; - for(i=0;i<6;i++) b2_config_parms[i].length = 0; - for(i=0;i<5;i++) b3_config_parms[i].length = 0; - - lli[0] = 1; - lli[1] = 1; - if (plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XONOFF_FLOW_CONTROL) - lli[1] |= 2; - if (plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_OOB_CHANNEL) - lli[1] |= 4; - - if ((lli[1] & 0x02) && (diva_xdi_extended_features & DIVA_CAPI_USE_CMA)) { - lli[1] |= 0x10; - if (plci->rx_dma_descriptor <= 0) { - plci->rx_dma_descriptor=diva_get_dma_descriptor(plci,&plci->rx_dma_magic); - if (plci->rx_dma_descriptor >= 0) - plci->rx_dma_descriptor++; - } - if (plci->rx_dma_descriptor > 0) { - lli[0] = 6; - lli[1] |= 0x40; - lli[2] = (byte)(plci->rx_dma_descriptor - 1); - lli[3] = (byte)plci->rx_dma_magic; - lli[4] = (byte)(plci->rx_dma_magic >> 8); - lli[5] = (byte)(plci->rx_dma_magic >> 16); - lli[6] = (byte)(plci->rx_dma_magic >> 24); - } - } - - if (DIVA_CAPI_SUPPORTS_NO_CANCEL(plci->adapter)) { - lli[1] |= 0x20; - } - - dbug(1,dprintf("add_b23")); - api_save_msg(bp, "s", &plci->B_protocol); - - if(!bp->length && plci->tel) - { - plci->adv_nl = true; - dbug(1,dprintf("Default adv.Nl")); - add_p(plci,LLI,lli); - plci->B2_prot = 1 /*XPARENT*/; - plci->B3_prot = 0 /*XPARENT*/; - llc[1] = 2; - llc[2] = 4; - add_p(plci, LLC, llc); - dlc[0] = 2; - PUT_WORD(&dlc[1],plci->appl->MaxDataLength); - add_p(plci, DLC, dlc); - return 0; - } - - if(!bp->length) /*default*/ - { - dbug(1,dprintf("ret default")); - add_p(plci,LLI,lli); - plci->B2_prot = 0 /*X.75 */; - plci->B3_prot = 0 /*XPARENT*/; - llc[1] = 1; - llc[2] = 4; - add_p(plci, LLC, llc); - dlc[0] = 2; - PUT_WORD(&dlc[1],plci->appl->MaxDataLength); - add_p(plci, DLC, dlc); - return 0; - } - dbug(1,dprintf("b_prot_len=%d",(word)bp->length)); - if((word)bp->length > 256) return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - - if(api_parse(&bp->info[1], (word)bp->length, "wwwsssb", bp_parms)) - { - bp_parms[6].length = 0; - if(api_parse(&bp->info[1], (word)bp->length, "wwwsss", bp_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("b-form.!")); - return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - } - else if (api_parse(&bp->info[1], (word)bp->length, "wwwssss", bp_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("b-form.!")); - return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - - if(plci->tel==ADV_VOICE) /* transparent B on advanced voice */ - { - if(GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info)!=1 - || GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info)!=0) return _B2_NOT_SUPPORTED; - plci->adv_nl = true; - } - else if(plci->tel) return _B2_NOT_SUPPORTED; - - - if ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info) == B2_RTP) - && (GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info) == B3_RTP) - && (plci->adapter->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_RTP))) - { - add_p(plci,LLI,lli); - plci->B2_prot = (byte) GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info); - plci->B3_prot = (byte) GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info); - llc[1] = (plci->call_dir & (CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE | CALL_DIR_FORCE_OUTG_NL)) ? 14 : 13; - llc[2] = 4; - add_p(plci, LLC, llc); - dlc[0] = 2; - PUT_WORD(&dlc[1],plci->appl->MaxDataLength); - dlc[3] = 3; /* Addr A */ - dlc[4] = 1; /* Addr B */ - dlc[5] = 7; /* modulo mode */ - dlc[6] = 7; /* window size */ - dlc[7] = 0; /* XID len Lo */ - dlc[8] = 0; /* XID len Hi */ - for (i = 0; i < bp_parms[4].length; i++) - dlc[9+i] = bp_parms[4].info[1+i]; - dlc[0] = (byte)(8 + bp_parms[4].length); - add_p(plci, DLC, dlc); - for (i = 0; i < bp_parms[5].length; i++) - nlc[1+i] = bp_parms[5].info[1+i]; - nlc[0] = (byte)(bp_parms[5].length); - add_p(plci, NLC, nlc); - return 0; - } - - - - if ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info) >= 32) - || (!((1L << GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info)) & plci->adapter->profile.B2_Protocols) - && ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info) != B2_PIAFS) - || !(plci->adapter->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_PIAFS))))) - - { - return _B2_NOT_SUPPORTED; - } - if ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info) >= 32) - || !((1L << GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info)) & plci->adapter->profile.B3_Protocols)) - { - return _B3_NOT_SUPPORTED; - } - if ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info) != B2_SDLC) - && ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == B1_MODEM_ALL_NEGOTIATE) - || (GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == B1_MODEM_ASYNC) - || (GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == B1_MODEM_SYNC_HDLC))) - { - return (add_modem_b23 (plci, bp_parms)); - } - - add_p(plci,LLI,lli); - - plci->B2_prot = (byte) GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info); - plci->B3_prot = (byte) GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info); - if(plci->B2_prot==12) SAPI = 0; /* default SAPI D-channel */ - - if(bp_parms[6].length) - { - if(api_parse(&bp_parms[6].info[1], (word)bp_parms[6].length, "w", global_config)) - { - return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - switch(GET_WORD(global_config[0].info)) - { - case 1: - plci->call_dir = (plci->call_dir & ~CALL_DIR_ANSWER) | CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE; - break; - case 2: - plci->call_dir = (plci->call_dir & ~CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE) | CALL_DIR_ANSWER; - break; - } - } - dbug(1,dprintf("call_dir=%04x", plci->call_dir)); - - - if (plci->B2_prot == B2_PIAFS) - llc[1] = PIAFS_CRC; - else + word i, fax_control_bits; + byte pos, len; + byte SAPI = 0x40; /* default SAPI 16 for x.31 */ + API_PARSE bp_parms[8]; + API_PARSE *b1_config; + API_PARSE *b2_config; + API_PARSE b2_config_parms[8]; + API_PARSE *b3_config; + API_PARSE b3_config_parms[6]; + API_PARSE global_config[2]; + + static byte llc[3] = {2,0,0}; + static byte dlc[20] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; + static byte nlc[256]; + static byte lli[12] = {1,1}; + + const byte llc2_out[] = {1,2,4,6,2,0,0,0, X75_V42BIS,V120_L2,V120_V42BIS,V120_L2,6}; + const byte llc2_in[] = {1,3,4,6,3,0,0,0, X75_V42BIS,V120_L2,V120_V42BIS,V120_L2,6}; + + const byte llc3[] = {4,3,2,2,6,6,0}; + const byte header[] = {0,2,3,3,0,0,0}; + + for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) bp_parms[i].length = 0; + for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) b2_config_parms[i].length = 0; + for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) b3_config_parms[i].length = 0; + + lli[0] = 1; + lli[1] = 1; + if (plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XONOFF_FLOW_CONTROL) + lli[1] |= 2; + if (plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_OOB_CHANNEL) + lli[1] |= 4; + + if ((lli[1] & 0x02) && (diva_xdi_extended_features & DIVA_CAPI_USE_CMA)) { + lli[1] |= 0x10; + if (plci->rx_dma_descriptor <= 0) { + plci->rx_dma_descriptor = diva_get_dma_descriptor(plci, &plci->rx_dma_magic); + if (plci->rx_dma_descriptor >= 0) + plci->rx_dma_descriptor++; + } + if (plci->rx_dma_descriptor > 0) { + lli[0] = 6; + lli[1] |= 0x40; + lli[2] = (byte)(plci->rx_dma_descriptor - 1); + lli[3] = (byte)plci->rx_dma_magic; + lli[4] = (byte)(plci->rx_dma_magic >> 8); + lli[5] = (byte)(plci->rx_dma_magic >> 16); + lli[6] = (byte)(plci->rx_dma_magic >> 24); + } + } + + if (DIVA_CAPI_SUPPORTS_NO_CANCEL(plci->adapter)) { + lli[1] |= 0x20; + } + + dbug(1, dprintf("add_b23")); + api_save_msg(bp, "s", &plci->B_protocol); + + if (!bp->length && plci->tel) + { + plci->adv_nl = true; + dbug(1, dprintf("Default adv.Nl")); + add_p(plci, LLI, lli); + plci->B2_prot = 1 /*XPARENT*/; + plci->B3_prot = 0 /*XPARENT*/; + llc[1] = 2; + llc[2] = 4; + add_p(plci, LLC, llc); + dlc[0] = 2; + PUT_WORD(&dlc[1], plci->appl->MaxDataLength); + add_p(plci, DLC, dlc); + return 0; + } + + if (!bp->length) /*default*/ + { + dbug(1, dprintf("ret default")); + add_p(plci, LLI, lli); + plci->B2_prot = 0 /*X.75 */; + plci->B3_prot = 0 /*XPARENT*/; + llc[1] = 1; + llc[2] = 4; + add_p(plci, LLC, llc); + dlc[0] = 2; + PUT_WORD(&dlc[1], plci->appl->MaxDataLength); + add_p(plci, DLC, dlc); + return 0; + } + dbug(1, dprintf("b_prot_len=%d", (word)bp->length)); + if ((word)bp->length > 256) return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + + if (api_parse(&bp->info[1], (word)bp->length, "wwwsssb", bp_parms)) + { + bp_parms[6].length = 0; + if (api_parse(&bp->info[1], (word)bp->length, "wwwsss", bp_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("b-form.!")); + return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + } + else if (api_parse(&bp->info[1], (word)bp->length, "wwwssss", bp_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("b-form.!")); + return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + + if (plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) /* transparent B on advanced voice */ + { + if (GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info) != 1 + || GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info) != 0) return _B2_NOT_SUPPORTED; + plci->adv_nl = true; + } + else if (plci->tel) return _B2_NOT_SUPPORTED; + + + if ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info) == B2_RTP) + && (GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info) == B3_RTP) + && (plci->adapter->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_RTP))) + { + add_p(plci, LLI, lli); + plci->B2_prot = (byte) GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info); + plci->B3_prot = (byte) GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info); + llc[1] = (plci->call_dir & (CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE | CALL_DIR_FORCE_OUTG_NL)) ? 14 : 13; + llc[2] = 4; + add_p(plci, LLC, llc); + dlc[0] = 2; + PUT_WORD(&dlc[1], plci->appl->MaxDataLength); + dlc[3] = 3; /* Addr A */ + dlc[4] = 1; /* Addr B */ + dlc[5] = 7; /* modulo mode */ + dlc[6] = 7; /* window size */ + dlc[7] = 0; /* XID len Lo */ + dlc[8] = 0; /* XID len Hi */ + for (i = 0; i < bp_parms[4].length; i++) + dlc[9 + i] = bp_parms[4].info[1 + i]; + dlc[0] = (byte)(8 + bp_parms[4].length); + add_p(plci, DLC, dlc); + for (i = 0; i < bp_parms[5].length; i++) + nlc[1 + i] = bp_parms[5].info[1 + i]; + nlc[0] = (byte)(bp_parms[5].length); + add_p(plci, NLC, nlc); + return 0; + } + + + + if ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info) >= 32) + || (!((1L << GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info)) & plci->adapter->profile.B2_Protocols) + && ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info) != B2_PIAFS) + || !(plci->adapter->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_PIAFS))))) + + { + return _B2_NOT_SUPPORTED; + } + if ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info) >= 32) + || !((1L << GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info)) & plci->adapter->profile.B3_Protocols)) + { + return _B3_NOT_SUPPORTED; + } + if ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info) != B2_SDLC) + && ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == B1_MODEM_ALL_NEGOTIATE) + || (GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == B1_MODEM_ASYNC) + || (GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == B1_MODEM_SYNC_HDLC))) + { + return (add_modem_b23(plci, bp_parms)); + } + + add_p(plci, LLI, lli); + + plci->B2_prot = (byte)GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info); + plci->B3_prot = (byte)GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info); + if (plci->B2_prot == 12) SAPI = 0; /* default SAPI D-channel */ + + if (bp_parms[6].length) + { + if (api_parse(&bp_parms[6].info[1], (word)bp_parms[6].length, "w", global_config)) + { + return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + switch (GET_WORD(global_config[0].info)) + { + case 1: + plci->call_dir = (plci->call_dir & ~CALL_DIR_ANSWER) | CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE; + break; + case 2: + plci->call_dir = (plci->call_dir & ~CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE) | CALL_DIR_ANSWER; + break; + } + } + dbug(1, dprintf("call_dir=%04x", plci->call_dir)); + + + if (plci->B2_prot == B2_PIAFS) + llc[1] = PIAFS_CRC; + else /* IMPLEMENT_PIAFS */ - { - llc[1] = (plci->call_dir & (CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE | CALL_DIR_FORCE_OUTG_NL)) ? - llc2_out[GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info)] : llc2_in[GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info)]; - } - llc[2] = llc3[GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info)]; - - add_p(plci, LLC, llc); - - dlc[0] = 2; - PUT_WORD(&dlc[1], plci->appl->MaxDataLength + - header[GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info)]); - - b1_config = &bp_parms[3]; - nlc[0] = 0; - if(plci->B3_prot == 4 - || plci->B3_prot == 5) - { - for (i=0;iadapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_FAX_PAPER_FORMATS) - ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->operating_mode = T30_OPERATING_MODE_CAPI; - ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->rate_div_2400 = 0xff; - if(b1_config->length>=2) - { - ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->rate_div_2400 = (byte)(GET_WORD(&b1_config->info[1])/2400); - } - } - b2_config = &bp_parms[4]; - - - if (llc[1] == PIAFS_CRC) - { - if (plci->B3_prot != B3_TRANSPARENT) - { - return _B_STACK_NOT_SUPPORTED; - } - if(b2_config->length && api_parse(&b2_config->info[1], (word)b2_config->length, "bwww", b2_config_parms)) { - return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - PUT_WORD(&dlc[1],plci->appl->MaxDataLength); - dlc[3] = 0; /* Addr A */ - dlc[4] = 0; /* Addr B */ - dlc[5] = 0; /* modulo mode */ - dlc[6] = 0; /* window size */ - if (b2_config->length >= 7){ - dlc[ 7] = 7; - dlc[ 8] = 0; - dlc[ 9] = b2_config_parms[0].info[0]; /* PIAFS protocol Speed configuration */ - dlc[10] = b2_config_parms[1].info[0]; /* V.42bis P0 */ - dlc[11] = b2_config_parms[1].info[1]; /* V.42bis P0 */ - dlc[12] = b2_config_parms[2].info[0]; /* V.42bis P1 */ - dlc[13] = b2_config_parms[2].info[1]; /* V.42bis P1 */ - dlc[14] = b2_config_parms[3].info[0]; /* V.42bis P2 */ - dlc[15] = b2_config_parms[3].info[1]; /* V.42bis P2 */ - dlc[ 0] = 15; - if(b2_config->length >= 8) { /* PIAFS control abilities */ - dlc[ 7] = 10; - dlc[16] = 2; /* Length of PIAFS extension */ - dlc[17] = PIAFS_UDATA_ABILITIES; /* control (UDATA) ability */ - dlc[18] = b2_config_parms[4].info[0]; /* value */ - dlc[ 0] = 18; - } - } - else /* default values, 64K, variable, no compression */ - { - dlc[ 7] = 7; - dlc[ 8] = 0; - dlc[ 9] = 0x03; /* PIAFS protocol Speed configuration */ - dlc[10] = 0x03; /* V.42bis P0 */ - dlc[11] = 0; /* V.42bis P0 */ - dlc[12] = 0; /* V.42bis P1 */ - dlc[13] = 0; /* V.42bis P1 */ - dlc[14] = 0; /* V.42bis P2 */ - dlc[15] = 0; /* V.42bis P2 */ - dlc[ 0] = 15; - } - add_p(plci, DLC, dlc); - } - else - - if ((llc[1] == V120_L2) || (llc[1] == V120_V42BIS)) - { - if (plci->B3_prot != B3_TRANSPARENT) - return _B_STACK_NOT_SUPPORTED; - - dlc[0] = 6; - PUT_WORD (&dlc[1], GET_WORD (&dlc[1]) + 2); - dlc[3] = 0x08; - dlc[4] = 0x01; - dlc[5] = 127; - dlc[6] = 7; - if (b2_config->length != 0) - { - if((llc[1]==V120_V42BIS) && api_parse(&b2_config->info[1], (word)b2_config->length, "bbbbwww", b2_config_parms)) { - return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - dlc[3] = (byte)((b2_config->info[2] << 3) | ((b2_config->info[1] >> 5) & 0x04)); - dlc[4] = (byte)((b2_config->info[1] << 1) | 0x01); - if (b2_config->info[3] != 128) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("1D-dlc= %x %x %x %x %x", dlc[0], dlc[1], dlc[2], dlc[3], dlc[4])); - return _B2_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; - } - dlc[5] = (byte)(b2_config->info[3] - 1); - dlc[6] = b2_config->info[4]; - if(llc[1]==V120_V42BIS){ - if (b2_config->length >= 10){ - dlc[ 7] = 6; - dlc[ 8] = 0; - dlc[ 9] = b2_config_parms[4].info[0]; - dlc[10] = b2_config_parms[4].info[1]; - dlc[11] = b2_config_parms[5].info[0]; - dlc[12] = b2_config_parms[5].info[1]; - dlc[13] = b2_config_parms[6].info[0]; - dlc[14] = b2_config_parms[6].info[1]; - dlc[ 0] = 14; - dbug(1,dprintf("b2_config_parms[4].info[0] [1]: %x %x", b2_config_parms[4].info[0], b2_config_parms[4].info[1])); - dbug(1,dprintf("b2_config_parms[5].info[0] [1]: %x %x", b2_config_parms[5].info[0], b2_config_parms[5].info[1])); - dbug(1,dprintf("b2_config_parms[6].info[0] [1]: %x %x", b2_config_parms[6].info[0], b2_config_parms[6].info[1])); - } - else { - dlc[ 6] = 14; - } - } - } - } - else - { - if(b2_config->length) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("B2-Config")); - if(llc[1]==X75_V42BIS){ - if(api_parse(&b2_config->info[1], (word)b2_config->length, "bbbbwww", b2_config_parms)) - { - return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - } - else { - if(api_parse(&b2_config->info[1], (word)b2_config->length, "bbbbs", b2_config_parms)) - { - return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - } - /* if B2 Protocol is LAPD, b2_config structure is different */ - if(llc[1]==6) - { - dlc[0] = 4; - if(b2_config->length>=1) dlc[2] = b2_config->info[1]; /* TEI */ - else dlc[2] = 0x01; - if( (b2_config->length>=2) && (plci->B2_prot==12) ) - { - SAPI = b2_config->info[2]; /* SAPI */ - } - dlc[1] = SAPI; - if( (b2_config->length>=3) && (b2_config->info[3]==128) ) - { - dlc[3] = 127; /* Mode */ - } - else - { - dlc[3] = 7; /* Mode */ - } - - if(b2_config->length>=4) dlc[4] = b2_config->info[4]; /* Window */ - else dlc[4] = 1; - dbug(1,dprintf("D-dlc[%d]=%x,%x,%x,%x", dlc[0], dlc[1], dlc[2], dlc[3], dlc[4])); - if(b2_config->length>5) return _B2_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; - } - else - { - dlc[0] = (byte)(b2_config_parms[4].length+6); - dlc[3] = b2_config->info[1]; - dlc[4] = b2_config->info[2]; - if(b2_config->info[3]!=8 && b2_config->info[3]!=128){ - dbug(1,dprintf("1D-dlc= %x %x %x %x %x", dlc[0], dlc[1], dlc[2], dlc[3], dlc[4])); - return _B2_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; - } - - dlc[5] = (byte)(b2_config->info[3]-1); - dlc[6] = b2_config->info[4]; - if(dlc[6]>dlc[5]){ - dbug(1,dprintf("2D-dlc= %x %x %x %x %x %x %x", dlc[0], dlc[1], dlc[2], dlc[3], dlc[4], dlc[5], dlc[6])); - return _B2_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; - } - - if(llc[1]==X75_V42BIS) { - if (b2_config->length >= 10){ - dlc[ 7] = 6; - dlc[ 8] = 0; - dlc[ 9] = b2_config_parms[4].info[0]; - dlc[10] = b2_config_parms[4].info[1]; - dlc[11] = b2_config_parms[5].info[0]; - dlc[12] = b2_config_parms[5].info[1]; - dlc[13] = b2_config_parms[6].info[0]; - dlc[14] = b2_config_parms[6].info[1]; - dlc[ 0] = 14; - dbug(1,dprintf("b2_config_parms[4].info[0] [1]: %x %x", b2_config_parms[4].info[0], b2_config_parms[4].info[1])); - dbug(1,dprintf("b2_config_parms[5].info[0] [1]: %x %x", b2_config_parms[5].info[0], b2_config_parms[5].info[1])); - dbug(1,dprintf("b2_config_parms[6].info[0] [1]: %x %x", b2_config_parms[6].info[0], b2_config_parms[6].info[1])); - } - else { - dlc[ 6] = 14; - } - - } - else { - PUT_WORD(&dlc[7], (word)b2_config_parms[4].length); - for(i=0; ilength) - { - if(plci->B3_prot == 4 - || plci->B3_prot == 5) - { - if(api_parse(&b3_config->info[1], (word)b3_config->length, "wwss", b3_config_parms)) - { - return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - i = GET_WORD((byte *)(b3_config_parms[0].info)); - ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->resolution = (byte)(((i & 0x0001) || - ((plci->B3_prot == 4) && (((byte)(GET_WORD((byte *)b3_config_parms[1].info))) != 5))) ? T30_RESOLUTION_R8_0770_OR_200 : 0); - ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->data_format = (byte)(GET_WORD((byte *)b3_config_parms[1].info)); - fax_control_bits = T30_CONTROL_BIT_ALL_FEATURES; - if ((((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->rate_div_2400 != 0) && (((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->rate_div_2400 <= 6)) - fax_control_bits &= ~T30_CONTROL_BIT_ENABLE_V34FAX; - if (plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_FAX_PAPER_FORMATS) - { - - if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | plci->adapter->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id-1]) - & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_PAPER_FORMATS)) - { - ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->resolution |= T30_RESOLUTION_R8_1540 | - T30_RESOLUTION_R16_1540_OR_400 | T30_RESOLUTION_300_300 | - T30_RESOLUTION_INCH_BASED | T30_RESOLUTION_METRIC_BASED; - } - - ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->recording_properties = - T30_RECORDING_WIDTH_ISO_A3 | - (T30_RECORDING_LENGTH_UNLIMITED << 2) | - (T30_MIN_SCANLINE_TIME_00_00_00 << 4); - } - if(plci->B3_prot == 5) - { - if (i & 0x0002) /* Accept incoming fax-polling requests */ - fax_control_bits |= T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_POLLING; - if (i & 0x2000) /* Do not use MR compression */ - fax_control_bits &= ~T30_CONTROL_BIT_ENABLE_2D_CODING; - if (i & 0x4000) /* Do not use MMR compression */ - fax_control_bits &= ~T30_CONTROL_BIT_ENABLE_T6_CODING; - if (i & 0x8000) /* Do not use ECM */ - fax_control_bits &= ~T30_CONTROL_BIT_ENABLE_ECM; - if (plci->fax_connect_info_length != 0) - { - ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->resolution = ((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->resolution; - ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->data_format = ((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->data_format; - ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->recording_properties = ((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->recording_properties; - fax_control_bits |= GET_WORD(&((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->control_bits_low) & - (T30_CONTROL_BIT_REQUEST_POLLING | T30_CONTROL_BIT_MORE_DOCUMENTS); - } - } - /* copy station id to NLC */ - for(i=0; i < T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH; i++) - { - if(istation_id[i] = ((byte *)b3_config_parms[2].info)[1+i]; - } - else - { - ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->station_id[i] = ' '; - } - } - ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->station_id_len = T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH; - /* copy head line to NLC */ - if(b3_config_parms[3].length) - { - - pos = (byte)(fax_head_line_time (&(((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->station_id[T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH]))); - if (pos != 0) - { - if (CAPI_MAX_DATE_TIME_LENGTH + 2 + b3_config_parms[3].length > CAPI_MAX_HEAD_LINE_SPACE) - pos = 0; - else - { - nlc[1 + offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH + pos++] = ' '; - nlc[1 + offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH + pos++] = ' '; - len = (byte)b3_config_parms[2].length; - if (len > 20) - len = 20; - if (CAPI_MAX_DATE_TIME_LENGTH + 2 + len + 2 + b3_config_parms[3].length <= CAPI_MAX_HEAD_LINE_SPACE) - { - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) - nlc[1 + offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH + pos++] = ((byte *)b3_config_parms[2].info)[1+i]; - nlc[1 + offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH + pos++] = ' '; - nlc[1 + offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH + pos++] = ' '; - } - } - } - - len = (byte)b3_config_parms[3].length; - if (len > CAPI_MAX_HEAD_LINE_SPACE - pos) - len = (byte)(CAPI_MAX_HEAD_LINE_SPACE - pos); - ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->head_line_len = (byte)(pos + len); - nlc[0] += (byte)(pos + len); - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) - nlc[1 + offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH + pos++] = ((byte *)b3_config_parms[3].info)[1+i]; - } else - ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->head_line_len = 0; - - plci->nsf_control_bits = 0; - if(plci->B3_prot == 5) - { - if ((plci->adapter->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD)) - && (GET_WORD((byte *)b3_config_parms[1].info) & 0x8000)) /* Private SUB/SEP/PWD enable */ - { - plci->requested_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD; - } - if ((plci->adapter->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD)) - && (GET_WORD((byte *)b3_config_parms[1].info) & 0x4000)) /* Private non-standard facilities enable */ - { - plci->requested_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD; - } - if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | plci->adapter->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id-1]) - & ((1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD) | (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD))) - { - if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | plci->adapter->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id-1]) - & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD)) - { - fax_control_bits |= T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_SUBADDRESS | T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_PASSWORD; - if (fax_control_bits & T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_POLLING) - fax_control_bits |= T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_SEL_POLLING; - } - len = nlc[0]; - pos = offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH; - if (pos < plci->fax_connect_info_length) - { - for (i = 1 + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos]; i != 0; i--) - nlc[++len] = plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos++]; - } - else - nlc[++len] = 0; - if (pos < plci->fax_connect_info_length) - { - for (i = 1 + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos]; i != 0; i--) - nlc[++len] = plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos++]; - } - else - nlc[++len] = 0; - if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | plci->adapter->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id-1]) - & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD)) - { - if ((pos < plci->fax_connect_info_length) && (plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos] != 0)) - { - if ((plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos] >= 3) && (plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos+1] >= 2)) - plci->nsf_control_bits = GET_WORD(&plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos+2]); - for (i = 1 + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos]; i != 0; i--) - nlc[++len] = plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos++]; - } - else - { - if(api_parse(&b3_config->info[1], (word)b3_config->length, "wwsss", b3_config_parms)) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("non-standard facilities info missing or wrong format")); - nlc[++len] = 0; - } - else - { - if ((b3_config_parms[4].length >= 3) && (b3_config_parms[4].info[1] >= 2)) - plci->nsf_control_bits = GET_WORD(&b3_config_parms[4].info[2]); - nlc[++len] = (byte)(b3_config_parms[4].length); - for (i = 0; i < b3_config_parms[4].length; i++) - nlc[++len] = b3_config_parms[4].info[1+i]; - } - } - } - nlc[0] = len; - if ((plci->nsf_control_bits & T30_NSF_CONTROL_BIT_ENABLE_NSF) - && (plci->nsf_control_bits & T30_NSF_CONTROL_BIT_NEGOTIATE_RESP)) - { - ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->operating_mode = T30_OPERATING_MODE_CAPI_NEG; - } - } - } - - PUT_WORD(&(((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->control_bits_low), fax_control_bits); - len = offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH; - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) - plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[i] = nlc[1+i]; - ((T30_INFO *) plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->head_line_len = 0; - i += ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->head_line_len; - while (i < nlc[0]) - plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = nlc[++i]; - plci->fax_connect_info_length = len; - } - else - { - nlc[0] = 14; - if(b3_config->length!=16) - return _B3_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; - for(i=0; i<12; i++) nlc[1+i] = b3_config->info[1+i]; - if(GET_WORD(&b3_config->info[13])!=8 && GET_WORD(&b3_config->info[13])!=128) - return _B3_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; - nlc[13] = b3_config->info[13]; - if(GET_WORD(&b3_config->info[15])>=nlc[13]) - return _B3_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; - nlc[14] = b3_config->info[15]; - } - } - else - { - if (plci->B3_prot == 4 - || plci->B3_prot == 5 /*T.30 - FAX*/ ) return _B3_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; - } - add_p(plci, NLC, nlc); - return 0; + { + llc[1] = (plci->call_dir & (CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE | CALL_DIR_FORCE_OUTG_NL)) ? + llc2_out[GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info)] : llc2_in[GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info)]; + } + llc[2] = llc3[GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info)]; + + add_p(plci, LLC, llc); + + dlc[0] = 2; + PUT_WORD(&dlc[1], plci->appl->MaxDataLength + + header[GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info)]); + + b1_config = &bp_parms[3]; + nlc[0] = 0; + if (plci->B3_prot == 4 + || plci->B3_prot == 5) + { + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(T30_INFO); i++) nlc[i] = 0; + nlc[0] = sizeof(T30_INFO); + if (plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_FAX_PAPER_FORMATS) + ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->operating_mode = T30_OPERATING_MODE_CAPI; + ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->rate_div_2400 = 0xff; + if (b1_config->length >= 2) + { + ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->rate_div_2400 = (byte)(GET_WORD(&b1_config->info[1]) / 2400); + } + } + b2_config = &bp_parms[4]; + + + if (llc[1] == PIAFS_CRC) + { + if (plci->B3_prot != B3_TRANSPARENT) + { + return _B_STACK_NOT_SUPPORTED; + } + if (b2_config->length && api_parse(&b2_config->info[1], (word)b2_config->length, "bwww", b2_config_parms)) { + return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + PUT_WORD(&dlc[1], plci->appl->MaxDataLength); + dlc[3] = 0; /* Addr A */ + dlc[4] = 0; /* Addr B */ + dlc[5] = 0; /* modulo mode */ + dlc[6] = 0; /* window size */ + if (b2_config->length >= 7) { + dlc[7] = 7; + dlc[8] = 0; + dlc[9] = b2_config_parms[0].info[0]; /* PIAFS protocol Speed configuration */ + dlc[10] = b2_config_parms[1].info[0]; /* V.42bis P0 */ + dlc[11] = b2_config_parms[1].info[1]; /* V.42bis P0 */ + dlc[12] = b2_config_parms[2].info[0]; /* V.42bis P1 */ + dlc[13] = b2_config_parms[2].info[1]; /* V.42bis P1 */ + dlc[14] = b2_config_parms[3].info[0]; /* V.42bis P2 */ + dlc[15] = b2_config_parms[3].info[1]; /* V.42bis P2 */ + dlc[0] = 15; + if (b2_config->length >= 8) { /* PIAFS control abilities */ + dlc[7] = 10; + dlc[16] = 2; /* Length of PIAFS extension */ + dlc[17] = PIAFS_UDATA_ABILITIES; /* control (UDATA) ability */ + dlc[18] = b2_config_parms[4].info[0]; /* value */ + dlc[0] = 18; + } + } + else /* default values, 64K, variable, no compression */ + { + dlc[7] = 7; + dlc[8] = 0; + dlc[9] = 0x03; /* PIAFS protocol Speed configuration */ + dlc[10] = 0x03; /* V.42bis P0 */ + dlc[11] = 0; /* V.42bis P0 */ + dlc[12] = 0; /* V.42bis P1 */ + dlc[13] = 0; /* V.42bis P1 */ + dlc[14] = 0; /* V.42bis P2 */ + dlc[15] = 0; /* V.42bis P2 */ + dlc[0] = 15; + } + add_p(plci, DLC, dlc); + } + else + + if ((llc[1] == V120_L2) || (llc[1] == V120_V42BIS)) + { + if (plci->B3_prot != B3_TRANSPARENT) + return _B_STACK_NOT_SUPPORTED; + + dlc[0] = 6; + PUT_WORD(&dlc[1], GET_WORD(&dlc[1]) + 2); + dlc[3] = 0x08; + dlc[4] = 0x01; + dlc[5] = 127; + dlc[6] = 7; + if (b2_config->length != 0) + { + if ((llc[1] == V120_V42BIS) && api_parse(&b2_config->info[1], (word)b2_config->length, "bbbbwww", b2_config_parms)) { + return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + dlc[3] = (byte)((b2_config->info[2] << 3) | ((b2_config->info[1] >> 5) & 0x04)); + dlc[4] = (byte)((b2_config->info[1] << 1) | 0x01); + if (b2_config->info[3] != 128) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("1D-dlc= %x %x %x %x %x", dlc[0], dlc[1], dlc[2], dlc[3], dlc[4])); + return _B2_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; + } + dlc[5] = (byte)(b2_config->info[3] - 1); + dlc[6] = b2_config->info[4]; + if (llc[1] == V120_V42BIS) { + if (b2_config->length >= 10) { + dlc[7] = 6; + dlc[8] = 0; + dlc[9] = b2_config_parms[4].info[0]; + dlc[10] = b2_config_parms[4].info[1]; + dlc[11] = b2_config_parms[5].info[0]; + dlc[12] = b2_config_parms[5].info[1]; + dlc[13] = b2_config_parms[6].info[0]; + dlc[14] = b2_config_parms[6].info[1]; + dlc[0] = 14; + dbug(1, dprintf("b2_config_parms[4].info[0] [1]: %x %x", b2_config_parms[4].info[0], b2_config_parms[4].info[1])); + dbug(1, dprintf("b2_config_parms[5].info[0] [1]: %x %x", b2_config_parms[5].info[0], b2_config_parms[5].info[1])); + dbug(1, dprintf("b2_config_parms[6].info[0] [1]: %x %x", b2_config_parms[6].info[0], b2_config_parms[6].info[1])); + } + else { + dlc[6] = 14; + } + } + } + } + else + { + if (b2_config->length) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("B2-Config")); + if (llc[1] == X75_V42BIS) { + if (api_parse(&b2_config->info[1], (word)b2_config->length, "bbbbwww", b2_config_parms)) + { + return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + } + else { + if (api_parse(&b2_config->info[1], (word)b2_config->length, "bbbbs", b2_config_parms)) + { + return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + } + /* if B2 Protocol is LAPD, b2_config structure is different */ + if (llc[1] == 6) + { + dlc[0] = 4; + if (b2_config->length >= 1) dlc[2] = b2_config->info[1]; /* TEI */ + else dlc[2] = 0x01; + if ((b2_config->length >= 2) && (plci->B2_prot == 12)) + { + SAPI = b2_config->info[2]; /* SAPI */ + } + dlc[1] = SAPI; + if ((b2_config->length >= 3) && (b2_config->info[3] == 128)) + { + dlc[3] = 127; /* Mode */ + } + else + { + dlc[3] = 7; /* Mode */ + } + + if (b2_config->length >= 4) dlc[4] = b2_config->info[4]; /* Window */ + else dlc[4] = 1; + dbug(1, dprintf("D-dlc[%d]=%x,%x,%x,%x", dlc[0], dlc[1], dlc[2], dlc[3], dlc[4])); + if (b2_config->length > 5) return _B2_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; + } + else + { + dlc[0] = (byte)(b2_config_parms[4].length + 6); + dlc[3] = b2_config->info[1]; + dlc[4] = b2_config->info[2]; + if (b2_config->info[3] != 8 && b2_config->info[3] != 128) { + dbug(1, dprintf("1D-dlc= %x %x %x %x %x", dlc[0], dlc[1], dlc[2], dlc[3], dlc[4])); + return _B2_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; + } + + dlc[5] = (byte)(b2_config->info[3] - 1); + dlc[6] = b2_config->info[4]; + if (dlc[6] > dlc[5]) { + dbug(1, dprintf("2D-dlc= %x %x %x %x %x %x %x", dlc[0], dlc[1], dlc[2], dlc[3], dlc[4], dlc[5], dlc[6])); + return _B2_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; + } + + if (llc[1] == X75_V42BIS) { + if (b2_config->length >= 10) { + dlc[7] = 6; + dlc[8] = 0; + dlc[9] = b2_config_parms[4].info[0]; + dlc[10] = b2_config_parms[4].info[1]; + dlc[11] = b2_config_parms[5].info[0]; + dlc[12] = b2_config_parms[5].info[1]; + dlc[13] = b2_config_parms[6].info[0]; + dlc[14] = b2_config_parms[6].info[1]; + dlc[0] = 14; + dbug(1, dprintf("b2_config_parms[4].info[0] [1]: %x %x", b2_config_parms[4].info[0], b2_config_parms[4].info[1])); + dbug(1, dprintf("b2_config_parms[5].info[0] [1]: %x %x", b2_config_parms[5].info[0], b2_config_parms[5].info[1])); + dbug(1, dprintf("b2_config_parms[6].info[0] [1]: %x %x", b2_config_parms[6].info[0], b2_config_parms[6].info[1])); + } + else { + dlc[6] = 14; + } + + } + else { + PUT_WORD(&dlc[7], (word)b2_config_parms[4].length); + for (i = 0; i < b2_config_parms[4].length; i++) + dlc[11 + i] = b2_config_parms[4].info[1 + i]; + } + } + } + } + add_p(plci, DLC, dlc); + + b3_config = &bp_parms[5]; + if (b3_config->length) + { + if (plci->B3_prot == 4 + || plci->B3_prot == 5) + { + if (api_parse(&b3_config->info[1], (word)b3_config->length, "wwss", b3_config_parms)) + { + return _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + i = GET_WORD((byte *)(b3_config_parms[0].info)); + ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->resolution = (byte)(((i & 0x0001) || + ((plci->B3_prot == 4) && (((byte)(GET_WORD((byte *)b3_config_parms[1].info))) != 5))) ? T30_RESOLUTION_R8_0770_OR_200 : 0); + ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->data_format = (byte)(GET_WORD((byte *)b3_config_parms[1].info)); + fax_control_bits = T30_CONTROL_BIT_ALL_FEATURES; + if ((((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->rate_div_2400 != 0) && (((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->rate_div_2400 <= 6)) + fax_control_bits &= ~T30_CONTROL_BIT_ENABLE_V34FAX; + if (plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_FAX_PAPER_FORMATS) + { + + if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | plci->adapter->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id - 1]) + & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_PAPER_FORMATS)) + { + ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->resolution |= T30_RESOLUTION_R8_1540 | + T30_RESOLUTION_R16_1540_OR_400 | T30_RESOLUTION_300_300 | + T30_RESOLUTION_INCH_BASED | T30_RESOLUTION_METRIC_BASED; + } + + ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->recording_properties = + T30_RECORDING_WIDTH_ISO_A3 | + (T30_RECORDING_LENGTH_UNLIMITED << 2) | + (T30_MIN_SCANLINE_TIME_00_00_00 << 4); + } + if (plci->B3_prot == 5) + { + if (i & 0x0002) /* Accept incoming fax-polling requests */ + fax_control_bits |= T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_POLLING; + if (i & 0x2000) /* Do not use MR compression */ + fax_control_bits &= ~T30_CONTROL_BIT_ENABLE_2D_CODING; + if (i & 0x4000) /* Do not use MMR compression */ + fax_control_bits &= ~T30_CONTROL_BIT_ENABLE_T6_CODING; + if (i & 0x8000) /* Do not use ECM */ + fax_control_bits &= ~T30_CONTROL_BIT_ENABLE_ECM; + if (plci->fax_connect_info_length != 0) + { + ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->resolution = ((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->resolution; + ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->data_format = ((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->data_format; + ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->recording_properties = ((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->recording_properties; + fax_control_bits |= GET_WORD(&((T30_INFO *)plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->control_bits_low) & + (T30_CONTROL_BIT_REQUEST_POLLING | T30_CONTROL_BIT_MORE_DOCUMENTS); + } + } + /* copy station id to NLC */ + for (i = 0; i < T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH; i++) + { + if (i < b3_config_parms[2].length) + { + ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->station_id[i] = ((byte *)b3_config_parms[2].info)[1 + i]; + } + else + { + ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->station_id[i] = ' '; + } + } + ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->station_id_len = T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH; + /* copy head line to NLC */ + if (b3_config_parms[3].length) + { + + pos = (byte)(fax_head_line_time(&(((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->station_id[T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH]))); + if (pos != 0) + { + if (CAPI_MAX_DATE_TIME_LENGTH + 2 + b3_config_parms[3].length > CAPI_MAX_HEAD_LINE_SPACE) + pos = 0; + else + { + nlc[1 + offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH + pos++] = ' '; + nlc[1 + offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH + pos++] = ' '; + len = (byte)b3_config_parms[2].length; + if (len > 20) + len = 20; + if (CAPI_MAX_DATE_TIME_LENGTH + 2 + len + 2 + b3_config_parms[3].length <= CAPI_MAX_HEAD_LINE_SPACE) + { + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) + nlc[1 + offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH + pos++] = ((byte *)b3_config_parms[2].info)[1 + i]; + nlc[1 + offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH + pos++] = ' '; + nlc[1 + offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH + pos++] = ' '; + } + } + } + + len = (byte)b3_config_parms[3].length; + if (len > CAPI_MAX_HEAD_LINE_SPACE - pos) + len = (byte)(CAPI_MAX_HEAD_LINE_SPACE - pos); + ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->head_line_len = (byte)(pos + len); + nlc[0] += (byte)(pos + len); + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) + nlc[1 + offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH + pos++] = ((byte *)b3_config_parms[3].info)[1 + i]; + } else + ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->head_line_len = 0; + + plci->nsf_control_bits = 0; + if (plci->B3_prot == 5) + { + if ((plci->adapter->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD)) + && (GET_WORD((byte *)b3_config_parms[1].info) & 0x8000)) /* Private SUB/SEP/PWD enable */ + { + plci->requested_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD; + } + if ((plci->adapter->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD)) + && (GET_WORD((byte *)b3_config_parms[1].info) & 0x4000)) /* Private non-standard facilities enable */ + { + plci->requested_options |= 1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD; + } + if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | plci->adapter->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id - 1]) + & ((1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD) | (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD))) + { + if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | plci->adapter->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id - 1]) + & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_SUB_SEP_PWD)) + { + fax_control_bits |= T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_SUBADDRESS | T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_PASSWORD; + if (fax_control_bits & T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_POLLING) + fax_control_bits |= T30_CONTROL_BIT_ACCEPT_SEL_POLLING; + } + len = nlc[0]; + pos = offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH; + if (pos < plci->fax_connect_info_length) + { + for (i = 1 + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos]; i != 0; i--) + nlc[++len] = plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos++]; + } + else + nlc[++len] = 0; + if (pos < plci->fax_connect_info_length) + { + for (i = 1 + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos]; i != 0; i--) + nlc[++len] = plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos++]; + } + else + nlc[++len] = 0; + if ((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | plci->adapter->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id - 1]) + & (1L << PRIVATE_FAX_NONSTANDARD)) + { + if ((pos < plci->fax_connect_info_length) && (plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos] != 0)) + { + if ((plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos] >= 3) && (plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos + 1] >= 2)) + plci->nsf_control_bits = GET_WORD(&plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos + 2]); + for (i = 1 + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos]; i != 0; i--) + nlc[++len] = plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[pos++]; + } + else + { + if (api_parse(&b3_config->info[1], (word)b3_config->length, "wwsss", b3_config_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("non-standard facilities info missing or wrong format")); + nlc[++len] = 0; + } + else + { + if ((b3_config_parms[4].length >= 3) && (b3_config_parms[4].info[1] >= 2)) + plci->nsf_control_bits = GET_WORD(&b3_config_parms[4].info[2]); + nlc[++len] = (byte)(b3_config_parms[4].length); + for (i = 0; i < b3_config_parms[4].length; i++) + nlc[++len] = b3_config_parms[4].info[1 + i]; + } + } + } + nlc[0] = len; + if ((plci->nsf_control_bits & T30_NSF_CONTROL_BIT_ENABLE_NSF) + && (plci->nsf_control_bits & T30_NSF_CONTROL_BIT_NEGOTIATE_RESP)) + { + ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->operating_mode = T30_OPERATING_MODE_CAPI_NEG; + } + } + } + + PUT_WORD(&(((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->control_bits_low), fax_control_bits); + len = offsetof(T30_INFO, station_id) + T30_MAX_STATION_ID_LENGTH; + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[i] = nlc[1 + i]; + ((T30_INFO *) plci->fax_connect_info_buffer)->head_line_len = 0; + i += ((T30_INFO *)&nlc[1])->head_line_len; + while (i < nlc[0]) + plci->fax_connect_info_buffer[len++] = nlc[++i]; + plci->fax_connect_info_length = len; + } + else + { + nlc[0] = 14; + if (b3_config->length != 16) + return _B3_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; + for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) nlc[1 + i] = b3_config->info[1 + i]; + if (GET_WORD(&b3_config->info[13]) != 8 && GET_WORD(&b3_config->info[13]) != 128) + return _B3_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; + nlc[13] = b3_config->info[13]; + if (GET_WORD(&b3_config->info[15]) >= nlc[13]) + return _B3_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; + nlc[14] = b3_config->info[15]; + } + } + else + { + if (plci->B3_prot == 4 + || plci->B3_prot == 5 /*T.30 - FAX*/) return _B3_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; + } + add_p(plci, NLC, nlc); + return 0; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ @@ -8567,136 +8567,136 @@ static word add_b23(PLCI *plci, API_PARSE *bp) /* B3 Configuration for modem: */ /* empty */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ -static word add_modem_b23 (PLCI * plci, API_PARSE* bp_parms) -{ - static byte lli[12] = {1,1}; - static byte llc[3] = {2,0,0}; - static byte dlc[16] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; - API_PARSE mdm_config[2]; - word i; - word b2_config = 0; - - for(i=0;i<2;i++) mdm_config[i].length = 0; - for(i=0;iB2_prot = (byte) GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info); - plci->B3_prot = (byte) GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info); - - if ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info) == B2_MODEM_EC_COMPRESSION) && bp_parms[4].length) - { - if (api_parse (&bp_parms[4].info[1], - (word)bp_parms[4].length, "w", - mdm_config)) - { - return (_WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT); - } - b2_config = GET_WORD(mdm_config[0].info); - } - - /* OK, L2 is modem */ - - lli[0] = 1; - lli[1] = 1; - if (plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XONOFF_FLOW_CONTROL) - lli[1] |= 2; - if (plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_OOB_CHANNEL) - lli[1] |= 4; - - if ((lli[1] & 0x02) && (diva_xdi_extended_features & DIVA_CAPI_USE_CMA)) { - lli[1] |= 0x10; - if (plci->rx_dma_descriptor <= 0) { - plci->rx_dma_descriptor=diva_get_dma_descriptor(plci,&plci->rx_dma_magic); - if (plci->rx_dma_descriptor >= 0) - plci->rx_dma_descriptor++; - } - if (plci->rx_dma_descriptor > 0) { - lli[1] |= 0x40; - lli[0] = 6; - lli[2] = (byte)(plci->rx_dma_descriptor - 1); - lli[3] = (byte)plci->rx_dma_magic; - lli[4] = (byte)(plci->rx_dma_magic >> 8); - lli[5] = (byte)(plci->rx_dma_magic >> 16); - lli[6] = (byte)(plci->rx_dma_magic >> 24); - } - } - - if (DIVA_CAPI_SUPPORTS_NO_CANCEL(plci->adapter)) { - lli[1] |= 0x20; - } - - llc[1] = (plci->call_dir & (CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE | CALL_DIR_FORCE_OUTG_NL)) ? - /*V42*/ 10 : /*V42_IN*/ 9; - llc[2] = 4; /* pass L3 always transparent */ - add_p(plci, LLI, lli); - add_p(plci, LLC, llc); - i = 1; - PUT_WORD (&dlc[i], plci->appl->MaxDataLength); - i += 2; - if (GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info) == B2_MODEM_EC_COMPRESSION) - { - if (bp_parms[4].length) - { - dbug(1, dprintf("MDM b2_config=%02x", b2_config)); - dlc[i++] = 3; /* Addr A */ - dlc[i++] = 1; /* Addr B */ - dlc[i++] = 7; /* modulo mode */ - dlc[i++] = 7; /* window size */ - dlc[i++] = 0; /* XID len Lo */ - dlc[i++] = 0; /* XID len Hi */ - - if (b2_config & MDM_B2_DISABLE_V42bis) - { - dlc[i] |= DLC_MODEMPROT_DISABLE_V42_V42BIS; - } - if (b2_config & MDM_B2_DISABLE_MNP) - { - dlc[i] |= DLC_MODEMPROT_DISABLE_MNP_MNP5; - } - if (b2_config & MDM_B2_DISABLE_TRANS) - { - dlc[i] |= DLC_MODEMPROT_REQUIRE_PROTOCOL; - } - if (b2_config & MDM_B2_DISABLE_V42) - { - dlc[i] |= DLC_MODEMPROT_DISABLE_V42_DETECT; - } - if (b2_config & MDM_B2_DISABLE_COMP) - { - dlc[i] |= DLC_MODEMPROT_DISABLE_COMPRESSION; - } - i++; - } - } - else - { - dlc[i++] = 3; /* Addr A */ - dlc[i++] = 1; /* Addr B */ - dlc[i++] = 7; /* modulo mode */ - dlc[i++] = 7; /* window size */ - dlc[i++] = 0; /* XID len Lo */ - dlc[i++] = 0; /* XID len Hi */ - dlc[i++] = DLC_MODEMPROT_DISABLE_V42_V42BIS | - DLC_MODEMPROT_DISABLE_MNP_MNP5 | - DLC_MODEMPROT_DISABLE_V42_DETECT | - DLC_MODEMPROT_DISABLE_COMPRESSION; - } - dlc[0] = (byte)(i - 1); +static word add_modem_b23(PLCI *plci, API_PARSE *bp_parms) +{ + static byte lli[12] = {1,1}; + static byte llc[3] = {2,0,0}; + static byte dlc[16] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; + API_PARSE mdm_config[2]; + word i; + word b2_config = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) mdm_config[i].length = 0; + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(dlc); i++) dlc[i] = 0; + + if (((GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) == B1_MODEM_ALL_NEGOTIATE) + && (GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info) != B2_MODEM_EC_COMPRESSION)) + || ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[0].info) != B1_MODEM_ALL_NEGOTIATE) + && (GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info) != B2_TRANSPARENT))) + { + return (_B_STACK_NOT_SUPPORTED); + } + if ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info) != B3_MODEM) + && (GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info) != B3_TRANSPARENT)) + { + return (_B_STACK_NOT_SUPPORTED); + } + + plci->B2_prot = (byte) GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info); + plci->B3_prot = (byte) GET_WORD(bp_parms[2].info); + + if ((GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info) == B2_MODEM_EC_COMPRESSION) && bp_parms[4].length) + { + if (api_parse(&bp_parms[4].info[1], + (word)bp_parms[4].length, "w", + mdm_config)) + { + return (_WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT); + } + b2_config = GET_WORD(mdm_config[0].info); + } + + /* OK, L2 is modem */ + + lli[0] = 1; + lli[1] = 1; + if (plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XONOFF_FLOW_CONTROL) + lli[1] |= 2; + if (plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_OOB_CHANNEL) + lli[1] |= 4; + + if ((lli[1] & 0x02) && (diva_xdi_extended_features & DIVA_CAPI_USE_CMA)) { + lli[1] |= 0x10; + if (plci->rx_dma_descriptor <= 0) { + plci->rx_dma_descriptor = diva_get_dma_descriptor(plci, &plci->rx_dma_magic); + if (plci->rx_dma_descriptor >= 0) + plci->rx_dma_descriptor++; + } + if (plci->rx_dma_descriptor > 0) { + lli[1] |= 0x40; + lli[0] = 6; + lli[2] = (byte)(plci->rx_dma_descriptor - 1); + lli[3] = (byte)plci->rx_dma_magic; + lli[4] = (byte)(plci->rx_dma_magic >> 8); + lli[5] = (byte)(plci->rx_dma_magic >> 16); + lli[6] = (byte)(plci->rx_dma_magic >> 24); + } + } + + if (DIVA_CAPI_SUPPORTS_NO_CANCEL(plci->adapter)) { + lli[1] |= 0x20; + } + + llc[1] = (plci->call_dir & (CALL_DIR_ORIGINATE | CALL_DIR_FORCE_OUTG_NL)) ? + /*V42*/ 10 : /*V42_IN*/ 9; + llc[2] = 4; /* pass L3 always transparent */ + add_p(plci, LLI, lli); + add_p(plci, LLC, llc); + i = 1; + PUT_WORD(&dlc[i], plci->appl->MaxDataLength); + i += 2; + if (GET_WORD(bp_parms[1].info) == B2_MODEM_EC_COMPRESSION) + { + if (bp_parms[4].length) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("MDM b2_config=%02x", b2_config)); + dlc[i++] = 3; /* Addr A */ + dlc[i++] = 1; /* Addr B */ + dlc[i++] = 7; /* modulo mode */ + dlc[i++] = 7; /* window size */ + dlc[i++] = 0; /* XID len Lo */ + dlc[i++] = 0; /* XID len Hi */ + + if (b2_config & MDM_B2_DISABLE_V42bis) + { + dlc[i] |= DLC_MODEMPROT_DISABLE_V42_V42BIS; + } + if (b2_config & MDM_B2_DISABLE_MNP) + { + dlc[i] |= DLC_MODEMPROT_DISABLE_MNP_MNP5; + } + if (b2_config & MDM_B2_DISABLE_TRANS) + { + dlc[i] |= DLC_MODEMPROT_REQUIRE_PROTOCOL; + } + if (b2_config & MDM_B2_DISABLE_V42) + { + dlc[i] |= DLC_MODEMPROT_DISABLE_V42_DETECT; + } + if (b2_config & MDM_B2_DISABLE_COMP) + { + dlc[i] |= DLC_MODEMPROT_DISABLE_COMPRESSION; + } + i++; + } + } + else + { + dlc[i++] = 3; /* Addr A */ + dlc[i++] = 1; /* Addr B */ + dlc[i++] = 7; /* modulo mode */ + dlc[i++] = 7; /* window size */ + dlc[i++] = 0; /* XID len Lo */ + dlc[i++] = 0; /* XID len Hi */ + dlc[i++] = DLC_MODEMPROT_DISABLE_V42_V42BIS | + DLC_MODEMPROT_DISABLE_MNP_MNP5 | + DLC_MODEMPROT_DISABLE_V42_DETECT | + DLC_MODEMPROT_DISABLE_COMPRESSION; + } + dlc[0] = (byte)(i - 1); /* HexDump ("DLC", sizeof(dlc), &dlc[0]); */ - add_p(plci, DLC, dlc); - return (0); + add_p(plci, DLC, dlc); + return (0); } @@ -8706,20 +8706,20 @@ static word add_modem_b23 (PLCI * plci, API_PARSE* bp_parms) static void sig_req(PLCI *plci, byte req, byte Id) { - if(!plci) return; - if(plci->adapter->adapter_disabled) return; - dbug(1,dprintf("sig_req(%x)",req)); - if (req == REMOVE) - plci->sig_remove_id = plci->Sig.Id; - if(plci->req_in==plci->req_in_start) { - plci->req_in +=2; - plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = 0; - } - PUT_WORD(&plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in_start], plci->req_in-plci->req_in_start-2); - plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = Id; /* sig/nl flag */ - plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = req; /* request */ - plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = 0; /* channel */ - plci->req_in_start = plci->req_in; + if (!plci) return; + if (plci->adapter->adapter_disabled) return; + dbug(1, dprintf("sig_req(%x)", req)); + if (req == REMOVE) + plci->sig_remove_id = plci->Sig.Id; + if (plci->req_in == plci->req_in_start) { + plci->req_in += 2; + plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = 0; + } + PUT_WORD(&plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in_start], plci->req_in-plci->req_in_start - 2); + plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = Id; /* sig/nl flag */ + plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = req; /* request */ + plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = 0; /* channel */ + plci->req_in_start = plci->req_in; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ @@ -8728,198 +8728,198 @@ static void sig_req(PLCI *plci, byte req, byte Id) static void nl_req_ncci(PLCI *plci, byte req, byte ncci) { - if(!plci) return; - if(plci->adapter->adapter_disabled) return; - dbug(1,dprintf("nl_req %02x %02x %02x", plci->Id, req, ncci)); - if (req == REMOVE) - { - plci->nl_remove_id = plci->NL.Id; - ncci_remove (plci, 0, (byte)(ncci != 0)); - ncci = 0; - } - if(plci->req_in==plci->req_in_start) { - plci->req_in +=2; - plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = 0; - } - PUT_WORD(&plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in_start], plci->req_in-plci->req_in_start-2); - plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = 1; /* sig/nl flag */ - plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = req; /* request */ - plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = plci->adapter->ncci_ch[ncci]; /* channel */ - plci->req_in_start = plci->req_in; + if (!plci) return; + if (plci->adapter->adapter_disabled) return; + dbug(1, dprintf("nl_req %02x %02x %02x", plci->Id, req, ncci)); + if (req == REMOVE) + { + plci->nl_remove_id = plci->NL.Id; + ncci_remove(plci, 0, (byte)(ncci != 0)); + ncci = 0; + } + if (plci->req_in == plci->req_in_start) { + plci->req_in += 2; + plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = 0; + } + PUT_WORD(&plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in_start], plci->req_in-plci->req_in_start - 2); + plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = 1; /* sig/nl flag */ + plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = req; /* request */ + plci->RBuffer[plci->req_in++] = plci->adapter->ncci_ch[ncci]; /* channel */ + plci->req_in_start = plci->req_in; } static void send_req(PLCI *plci) { - ENTITY * e; - word l; + ENTITY *e; + word l; /* word i; */ - if(!plci) return; - if(plci->adapter->adapter_disabled) return; - channel_xmit_xon (plci); - - /* if nothing to do, return */ - if(plci->req_in==plci->req_out) return; - dbug(1,dprintf("send_req(in=%d,out=%d)",plci->req_in,plci->req_out)); - - if(plci->nl_req || plci->sig_req) return; - - l = GET_WORD(&plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out]); - plci->req_out += 2; - plci->XData[0].P = &plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out]; - plci->req_out += l; - if(plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out]==1) - { - e = &plci->NL; - plci->req_out++; - e->Req = plci->nl_req = plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out++]; - e->ReqCh = plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out++]; - if(!(e->Id & 0x1f)) - { - e->Id = NL_ID; - plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out-4] = CAI; - plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out-3] = 1; - plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out-2] = (plci->Sig.Id==0xff) ? 0 : plci->Sig.Id; - plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out-1] = 0; - l+=3; - plci->nl_global_req = plci->nl_req; - } - dbug(1,dprintf("%x:NLREQ(%x:%x:%x)",plci->adapter->Id,e->Id,e->Req,e->ReqCh)); - } - else - { - e = &plci->Sig; - if(plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out]) - e->Id = plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out]; - plci->req_out++; - e->Req = plci->sig_req = plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out++]; - e->ReqCh = plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out++]; - if(!(e->Id & 0x1f)) - plci->sig_global_req = plci->sig_req; - dbug(1,dprintf("%x:SIGREQ(%x:%x:%x)",plci->adapter->Id,e->Id,e->Req,e->ReqCh)); - } - plci->XData[0].PLength = l; - e->X = plci->XData; - plci->adapter->request(e); - dbug(1,dprintf("send_ok")); + if (!plci) return; + if (plci->adapter->adapter_disabled) return; + channel_xmit_xon(plci); + + /* if nothing to do, return */ + if (plci->req_in == plci->req_out) return; + dbug(1, dprintf("send_req(in=%d,out=%d)", plci->req_in, plci->req_out)); + + if (plci->nl_req || plci->sig_req) return; + + l = GET_WORD(&plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out]); + plci->req_out += 2; + plci->XData[0].P = &plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out]; + plci->req_out += l; + if (plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out] == 1) + { + e = &plci->NL; + plci->req_out++; + e->Req = plci->nl_req = plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out++]; + e->ReqCh = plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out++]; + if (!(e->Id & 0x1f)) + { + e->Id = NL_ID; + plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out - 4] = CAI; + plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out - 3] = 1; + plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out - 2] = (plci->Sig.Id == 0xff) ? 0 : plci->Sig.Id; + plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out - 1] = 0; + l += 3; + plci->nl_global_req = plci->nl_req; + } + dbug(1, dprintf("%x:NLREQ(%x:%x:%x)", plci->adapter->Id, e->Id, e->Req, e->ReqCh)); + } + else + { + e = &plci->Sig; + if (plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out]) + e->Id = plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out]; + plci->req_out++; + e->Req = plci->sig_req = plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out++]; + e->ReqCh = plci->RBuffer[plci->req_out++]; + if (!(e->Id & 0x1f)) + plci->sig_global_req = plci->sig_req; + dbug(1, dprintf("%x:SIGREQ(%x:%x:%x)", plci->adapter->Id, e->Id, e->Req, e->ReqCh)); + } + plci->XData[0].PLength = l; + e->X = plci->XData; + plci->adapter->request(e); + dbug(1, dprintf("send_ok")); } static void send_data(PLCI *plci) { - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a; - DATA_B3_DESC * data; - NCCI *ncci_ptr; - word ncci; - - if (!plci->nl_req && plci->ncci_ring_list) - { - a = plci->adapter; - ncci = plci->ncci_ring_list; - do - { - ncci = a->ncci_next[ncci]; - ncci_ptr = &(a->ncci[ncci]); - if (!(a->ncci_ch[ncci] - && (a->ch_flow_control[a->ncci_ch[ncci]] & N_OK_FC_PENDING))) - { - if (ncci_ptr->data_pending) - { - if ((a->ncci_state[ncci] == CONNECTED) - || (a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_ACT_PENDING) - || (plci->send_disc == ncci)) - { - data = &(ncci_ptr->DBuffer[ncci_ptr->data_out]); - if ((plci->B2_prot == B2_V120_ASYNC) - || (plci->B2_prot == B2_V120_ASYNC_V42BIS) - || (plci->B2_prot == B2_V120_BIT_TRANSPARENT)) - { - plci->NData[1].P = TransmitBufferGet (plci->appl, data->P); - plci->NData[1].PLength = data->Length; - if (data->Flags & 0x10) - plci->NData[0].P = v120_break_header; - else - plci->NData[0].P = v120_default_header; - plci->NData[0].PLength = 1 ; - plci->NL.XNum = 2; - plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte)((data->Flags&0x07)<<4 |N_DATA); - } - else - { - plci->NData[0].P = TransmitBufferGet (plci->appl, data->P); - plci->NData[0].PLength = data->Length; - if (data->Flags & 0x10) - plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte)N_UDATA; - - else if ((plci->B3_prot == B3_RTP) && (data->Flags & 0x01)) - plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte)N_BDATA; - - else - plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte)((data->Flags&0x07)<<4 |N_DATA); - } - plci->NL.X = plci->NData; - plci->NL.ReqCh = a->ncci_ch[ncci]; - dbug(1,dprintf("%x:DREQ(%x:%x)",a->Id,plci->NL.Id,plci->NL.Req)); - plci->data_sent = true; - plci->data_sent_ptr = data->P; - a->request(&plci->NL); - } - else { - cleanup_ncci_data (plci, ncci); - } - } - else if (plci->send_disc == ncci) - { - /* dprintf("N_DISC"); */ - plci->NData[0].PLength = 0; - plci->NL.ReqCh = a->ncci_ch[ncci]; - plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = N_DISC; - a->request(&plci->NL); - plci->command = _DISCONNECT_B3_R; - plci->send_disc = 0; - } - } - } while (!plci->nl_req && (ncci != plci->ncci_ring_list)); - plci->ncci_ring_list = ncci; - } + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + DATA_B3_DESC *data; + NCCI *ncci_ptr; + word ncci; + + if (!plci->nl_req && plci->ncci_ring_list) + { + a = plci->adapter; + ncci = plci->ncci_ring_list; + do + { + ncci = a->ncci_next[ncci]; + ncci_ptr = &(a->ncci[ncci]); + if (!(a->ncci_ch[ncci] + && (a->ch_flow_control[a->ncci_ch[ncci]] & N_OK_FC_PENDING))) + { + if (ncci_ptr->data_pending) + { + if ((a->ncci_state[ncci] == CONNECTED) + || (a->ncci_state[ncci] == INC_ACT_PENDING) + || (plci->send_disc == ncci)) + { + data = &(ncci_ptr->DBuffer[ncci_ptr->data_out]); + if ((plci->B2_prot == B2_V120_ASYNC) + || (plci->B2_prot == B2_V120_ASYNC_V42BIS) + || (plci->B2_prot == B2_V120_BIT_TRANSPARENT)) + { + plci->NData[1].P = TransmitBufferGet(plci->appl, data->P); + plci->NData[1].PLength = data->Length; + if (data->Flags & 0x10) + plci->NData[0].P = v120_break_header; + else + plci->NData[0].P = v120_default_header; + plci->NData[0].PLength = 1; + plci->NL.XNum = 2; + plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte)((data->Flags & 0x07) << 4 | N_DATA); + } + else + { + plci->NData[0].P = TransmitBufferGet(plci->appl, data->P); + plci->NData[0].PLength = data->Length; + if (data->Flags & 0x10) + plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte)N_UDATA; + + else if ((plci->B3_prot == B3_RTP) && (data->Flags & 0x01)) + plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte)N_BDATA; + + else + plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte)((data->Flags & 0x07) << 4 | N_DATA); + } + plci->NL.X = plci->NData; + plci->NL.ReqCh = a->ncci_ch[ncci]; + dbug(1, dprintf("%x:DREQ(%x:%x)", a->Id, plci->NL.Id, plci->NL.Req)); + plci->data_sent = true; + plci->data_sent_ptr = data->P; + a->request(&plci->NL); + } + else { + cleanup_ncci_data(plci, ncci); + } + } + else if (plci->send_disc == ncci) + { + /* dprintf("N_DISC"); */ + plci->NData[0].PLength = 0; + plci->NL.ReqCh = a->ncci_ch[ncci]; + plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = N_DISC; + a->request(&plci->NL); + plci->command = _DISCONNECT_B3_R; + plci->send_disc = 0; + } + } + } while (!plci->nl_req && (ncci != plci->ncci_ring_list)); + plci->ncci_ring_list = ncci; + } } static void listen_check(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a) { - word i,j; - PLCI * plci; - byte activnotifiedcalls = 0; - - dbug(1,dprintf("listen_check(%d,%d)",a->listen_active,a->max_listen)); - if (!remove_started && !a->adapter_disabled) - { - for(i=0;imax_plci;i++) - { - plci = &(a->plci[i]); - if(plci->notifiedcall) activnotifiedcalls++; - } - dbug(1,dprintf("listen_check(%d)",activnotifiedcalls)); - - for(i=a->listen_active; i < ((word)(a->max_listen+activnotifiedcalls)); i++) { - if((j=get_plci(a))) { - a->listen_active++; - plci = &a->plci[j-1]; - plci->State = LISTENING; - - add_p(plci,OAD,"\x01\xfd"); - - add_p(plci,KEY,"\x04\x43\x41\x32\x30"); - - add_p(plci,CAI,"\x01\xc0"); - add_p(plci,UID,"\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); - add_p(plci,LLI,"\x01\xc4"); /* support Dummy CR FAC + MWI + SpoofNotify */ - add_p(plci,SHIFT|6,NULL); - add_p(plci,SIN,"\x02\x00\x00"); - plci->internal_command = LISTEN_SIG_ASSIGN_PEND; /* do indicate_req if OK */ - sig_req(plci,ASSIGN,DSIG_ID); - send_req(plci); - } - } - } + word i, j; + PLCI *plci; + byte activnotifiedcalls = 0; + + dbug(1, dprintf("listen_check(%d,%d)", a->listen_active, a->max_listen)); + if (!remove_started && !a->adapter_disabled) + { + for (i = 0; i < a->max_plci; i++) + { + plci = &(a->plci[i]); + if (plci->notifiedcall) activnotifiedcalls++; + } + dbug(1, dprintf("listen_check(%d)", activnotifiedcalls)); + + for (i = a->listen_active; i < ((word)(a->max_listen + activnotifiedcalls)); i++) { + if ((j = get_plci(a))) { + a->listen_active++; + plci = &a->plci[j - 1]; + plci->State = LISTENING; + + add_p(plci, OAD, "\x01\xfd"); + + add_p(plci, KEY, "\x04\x43\x41\x32\x30"); + + add_p(plci, CAI, "\x01\xc0"); + add_p(plci, UID, "\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); + add_p(plci, LLI, "\x01\xc4"); /* support Dummy CR FAC + MWI + SpoofNotify */ + add_p(plci, SHIFT | 6, NULL); + add_p(plci, SIN, "\x02\x00\x00"); + plci->internal_command = LISTEN_SIG_ASSIGN_PEND; /* do indicate_req if OK */ + sig_req(plci, ASSIGN, DSIG_ID); + send_req(plci); + } + } + } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ @@ -8928,83 +8928,83 @@ static void listen_check(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a) static void IndParse(PLCI *plci, word *parms_id, byte **parms, byte multiIEsize) { - word ploc; /* points to current location within packet */ - byte w; - byte wlen; - byte codeset,lock; - byte * in; - word i; - word code; - word mIEindex = 0; - ploc = 0; - codeset = 0; - lock = 0; - - in = plci->Sig.RBuffer->P; - for(i=0; iSig.RBuffer->length-1) { - - /* read information element id and length */ - w = in[ploc]; - - if(w & 0x80) { + word ploc; /* points to current location within packet */ + byte w; + byte wlen; + byte codeset, lock; + byte *in; + word i; + word code; + word mIEindex = 0; + ploc = 0; + codeset = 0; + lock = 0; + + in = plci->Sig.RBuffer->P; + for (i = 0; i < parms_id[0]; i++) /* multiIE parms_id contains just the 1st */ + { /* element but parms array is larger */ + parms[i] = (byte *)""; + } + for (i = 0; i < multiIEsize; i++) + { + parms[i] = (byte *)""; + } + + while (ploc < plci->Sig.RBuffer->length - 1) { + + /* read information element id and length */ + w = in[ploc]; + + if (w & 0x80) { /* w &=0xf0; removed, cannot detect congestion levels */ /* upper 4 bit masked with w==SHIFT now */ - wlen = 0; - } - else { - wlen = (byte)(in[ploc+1]+1); - } - /* check if length valid (not exceeding end of packet) */ - if((ploc+wlen) > 270) return ; - if(lock & 0x80) lock &=0x7f; - else codeset = lock; - - if((w&0xf0)==SHIFT) { - codeset = in[ploc]; - if(!(codeset & 0x08)) lock = (byte)(codeset & 7); - codeset &=7; - lock |=0x80; - } - else { - if(w==ESC && wlen>=3) code = in[ploc+2] |0x800; - else code = w; - code |= (codeset<<8); - - for(i=1; i 270) return; + if (lock & 0x80) lock &= 0x7f; + else codeset = lock; + + if ((w & 0xf0) == SHIFT) { + codeset = in[ploc]; + if (!(codeset & 0x08)) lock = (byte)(codeset & 7); + codeset &= 7; + lock |= 0x80; + } + else { + if (w == ESC && wlen >= 3) code = in[ploc + 2] | 0x800; + else code = w; + code |= (codeset << 8); + + for (i = 1; i < parms_id[0] + 1 && parms_id[i] != code; i++); + + if (i < parms_id[0] + 1) { + if (!multiIEsize) { /* with multiIEs use next field index, */ + mIEindex = i - 1; /* with normal IEs use same index like parms_id */ + } + + parms[mIEindex] = &in[ploc + 1]; + dbug(1, dprintf("mIE[%d]=0x%x", *parms[mIEindex], in[ploc])); + if (parms_id[i] == OAD + || parms_id[i] == CONN_NR + || parms_id[i] == CAD) { + if (in[ploc + 2] & 0x80) { + in[ploc + 0] = (byte)(in[ploc + 1] + 1); + in[ploc + 1] = (byte)(in[ploc + 2] & 0x7f); + in[ploc + 2] = 0x80; + parms[mIEindex] = &in[ploc]; + } + } + mIEindex++; /* effects multiIEs only */ + } + } + + ploc += (wlen + 1); + } + return; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ @@ -9013,75 +9013,75 @@ static void IndParse(PLCI *plci, word *parms_id, byte **parms, byte multiIEsize) static byte ie_compare(byte *ie1, byte *ie2) { - word i; - if(!ie1 || ! ie2) return false; - if(!ie1[0]) return false; - for(i=0;i<(word)(ie1[0]+1);i++) if(ie1[i]!=ie2[i]) return false; - return true; + word i; + if (!ie1 || !ie2) return false; + if (!ie1[0]) return false; + for (i = 0; i < (word)(ie1[0] + 1); i++) if (ie1[i] != ie2[i]) return false; + return true; } static word find_cip(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, byte *bc, byte *hlc) { - word i; - word j; + word i; + word j; - for(i=9;i && !ie_compare(bc,cip_bc[i][a->u_law]);i--); + for (i = 9; i && !ie_compare(bc, cip_bc[i][a->u_law]); i--); - for(j=16;j<29 && - (!ie_compare(bc,cip_bc[j][a->u_law]) || !ie_compare(hlc,cip_hlc[j])); j++); - if(j==29) return i; - return j; + for (j = 16; j < 29 && + (!ie_compare(bc, cip_bc[j][a->u_law]) || !ie_compare(hlc, cip_hlc[j])); j++); + if (j == 29) return i; + return j; } -static byte AddInfo(byte **add_i, - byte **fty_i, - byte *esc_chi, - byte *facility) +static byte AddInfo(byte **add_i, + byte **fty_i, + byte *esc_chi, + byte *facility) { - byte i; - byte j; - byte k; - byte flen; - byte len=0; - /* facility is a nested structure */ - /* FTY can be more than once */ + byte i; + byte j; + byte k; + byte flen; + byte len = 0; + /* facility is a nested structure */ + /* FTY can be more than once */ if (esc_chi[0] && !(esc_chi[esc_chi[0]] & 0x7f)) - { - add_i[0] = (byte *)"\x02\x02\x00"; /* use neither b nor d channel */ - } - - else - { - add_i[0] = (byte *)""; - } - if(!fty_i[0][0]) - { - add_i[3] = (byte *)""; - } - else - { /* facility array found */ - for(i=0,j=1;iAdvSignalPLCI) - { - adv_voice_write_coefs (a->AdvSignalPLCI, ADV_VOICE_WRITE_ACTIVATION); - } + byte voice_chi[] = "\x02\x18\x01"; + byte channel; + + channel = chi[chi[0]] & 0x3; + dbug(1, dprintf("ExtDevON(Ch=0x%x)", channel)); + voice_chi[2] = (channel) ? channel : 1; + add_p(plci, FTY, "\x02\x01\x07"); /* B On, default on 1 */ + add_p(plci, ESC, voice_chi); /* Channel */ + sig_req(plci, TEL_CTRL, 0); + send_req(plci); + if (a->AdvSignalPLCI) + { + adv_voice_write_coefs(a->AdvSignalPLCI, ADV_VOICE_WRITE_ACTIVATION); + } } static void VoiceChannelOff(PLCI *plci) { - dbug(1,dprintf("ExtDevOFF")); - add_p(plci,FTY,"\x02\x01\x08"); /* B Off */ - sig_req(plci,TEL_CTRL,0); - send_req(plci); - if(plci->adapter->AdvSignalPLCI) - { - adv_voice_clear_config (plci->adapter->AdvSignalPLCI); - } + dbug(1, dprintf("ExtDevOFF")); + add_p(plci, FTY, "\x02\x01\x08"); /* B Off */ + sig_req(plci, TEL_CTRL, 0); + send_req(plci); + if (plci->adapter->AdvSignalPLCI) + { + adv_voice_clear_config(plci->adapter->AdvSignalPLCI); + } } static word AdvCodecSupport(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, byte hook_listen) { - word j; - PLCI *splci; - - /* check if hardware supports handset with hook states (adv.codec) */ - /* or if just a on board codec is supported */ - /* the advanced codec plci is just for internal use */ - - /* diva Pro with on-board codec: */ - if(a->profile.Global_Options & HANDSET) - { - /* new call, but hook states are already signalled */ - if(a->AdvCodecFLAG) - { - if(a->AdvSignalAppl!=appl || a->AdvSignalPLCI) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("AdvSigPlci=0x%x",a->AdvSignalPLCI)); - return 0x2001; /* codec in use by another application */ - } - if(plci!=NULL) - { - a->AdvSignalPLCI = plci; - plci->tel=ADV_VOICE; - } - return 0; /* adv codec still used */ - } - if((j=get_plci(a))) - { - splci = &a->plci[j-1]; - splci->tel = CODEC_PERMANENT; - /* hook_listen indicates if a facility_req with handset/hook support */ - /* was sent. Otherwise if just a call on an external device was made */ - /* the codec will be used but the hook info will be discarded (just */ - /* the external controller is in use */ - if(hook_listen) splci->State = ADVANCED_VOICE_SIG; - else - { - splci->State = ADVANCED_VOICE_NOSIG; - if(plci) - { - plci->spoofed_msg = SPOOFING_REQUIRED; - } - /* indicate D-ch connect if */ - } /* codec is connected OK */ - if(plci!=NULL) - { - a->AdvSignalPLCI = plci; - plci->tel=ADV_VOICE; - } - a->AdvSignalAppl = appl; - a->AdvCodecFLAG = true; - a->AdvCodecPLCI = splci; - add_p(splci,CAI,"\x01\x15"); - add_p(splci,LLI,"\x01\x00"); - add_p(splci,ESC,"\x02\x18\x00"); - add_p(splci,UID,"\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); - splci->internal_command = PERM_COD_ASSIGN; - dbug(1,dprintf("Codec Assign")); - sig_req(splci,ASSIGN,DSIG_ID); - send_req(splci); - } - else - { - return 0x2001; /* wrong state, no more plcis */ - } - } - else if(a->profile.Global_Options & ON_BOARD_CODEC) - { - if(hook_listen) return 0x300B; /* Facility not supported */ - /* no hook with SCOM */ - if(plci!=NULL) plci->tel = CODEC; - dbug(1,dprintf("S/SCOM codec")); - /* first time we use the scom-s codec we must shut down the internal */ - /* handset application of the card. This can be done by an assign with */ - /* a cai with the 0x80 bit set. Assign return code is 'out of resource'*/ - if(!a->scom_appl_disable){ - if((j=get_plci(a))) { - splci = &a->plci[j-1]; - add_p(splci,CAI,"\x01\x80"); - add_p(splci,UID,"\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); - sig_req(splci,ASSIGN,0xC0); /* 0xc0 is the TEL_ID */ - send_req(splci); - a->scom_appl_disable = true; - } - else{ - return 0x2001; /* wrong state, no more plcis */ - } - } - } - else return 0x300B; /* Facility not supported */ - - return 0; + word j; + PLCI *splci; + + /* check if hardware supports handset with hook states (adv.codec) */ + /* or if just a on board codec is supported */ + /* the advanced codec plci is just for internal use */ + + /* diva Pro with on-board codec: */ + if (a->profile.Global_Options & HANDSET) + { + /* new call, but hook states are already signalled */ + if (a->AdvCodecFLAG) + { + if (a->AdvSignalAppl != appl || a->AdvSignalPLCI) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("AdvSigPlci=0x%x", a->AdvSignalPLCI)); + return 0x2001; /* codec in use by another application */ + } + if (plci != NULL) + { + a->AdvSignalPLCI = plci; + plci->tel = ADV_VOICE; + } + return 0; /* adv codec still used */ + } + if ((j = get_plci(a))) + { + splci = &a->plci[j - 1]; + splci->tel = CODEC_PERMANENT; + /* hook_listen indicates if a facility_req with handset/hook support */ + /* was sent. Otherwise if just a call on an external device was made */ + /* the codec will be used but the hook info will be discarded (just */ + /* the external controller is in use */ + if (hook_listen) splci->State = ADVANCED_VOICE_SIG; + else + { + splci->State = ADVANCED_VOICE_NOSIG; + if (plci) + { + plci->spoofed_msg = SPOOFING_REQUIRED; + } + /* indicate D-ch connect if */ + } /* codec is connected OK */ + if (plci != NULL) + { + a->AdvSignalPLCI = plci; + plci->tel = ADV_VOICE; + } + a->AdvSignalAppl = appl; + a->AdvCodecFLAG = true; + a->AdvCodecPLCI = splci; + add_p(splci, CAI, "\x01\x15"); + add_p(splci, LLI, "\x01\x00"); + add_p(splci, ESC, "\x02\x18\x00"); + add_p(splci, UID, "\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); + splci->internal_command = PERM_COD_ASSIGN; + dbug(1, dprintf("Codec Assign")); + sig_req(splci, ASSIGN, DSIG_ID); + send_req(splci); + } + else + { + return 0x2001; /* wrong state, no more plcis */ + } + } + else if (a->profile.Global_Options & ON_BOARD_CODEC) + { + if (hook_listen) return 0x300B; /* Facility not supported */ + /* no hook with SCOM */ + if (plci != NULL) plci->tel = CODEC; + dbug(1, dprintf("S/SCOM codec")); + /* first time we use the scom-s codec we must shut down the internal */ + /* handset application of the card. This can be done by an assign with */ + /* a cai with the 0x80 bit set. Assign return code is 'out of resource'*/ + if (!a->scom_appl_disable) { + if ((j = get_plci(a))) { + splci = &a->plci[j - 1]; + add_p(splci, CAI, "\x01\x80"); + add_p(splci, UID, "\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); + sig_req(splci, ASSIGN, 0xC0); /* 0xc0 is the TEL_ID */ + send_req(splci); + a->scom_appl_disable = true; + } + else{ + return 0x2001; /* wrong state, no more plcis */ + } + } + } + else return 0x300B; /* Facility not supported */ + + return 0; } static void CodecIdCheck(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci) { - dbug(1,dprintf("CodecIdCheck")); + dbug(1, dprintf("CodecIdCheck")); - if(a->AdvSignalPLCI == plci) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("PLCI owns codec")); - VoiceChannelOff(a->AdvCodecPLCI); - if(a->AdvCodecPLCI->State == ADVANCED_VOICE_NOSIG) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("remove temp codec PLCI")); - plci_remove(a->AdvCodecPLCI); - a->AdvCodecFLAG = 0; - a->AdvCodecPLCI = NULL; - a->AdvSignalAppl = NULL; - } - a->AdvSignalPLCI = NULL; - } + if (a->AdvSignalPLCI == plci) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("PLCI owns codec")); + VoiceChannelOff(a->AdvCodecPLCI); + if (a->AdvCodecPLCI->State == ADVANCED_VOICE_NOSIG) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("remove temp codec PLCI")); + plci_remove(a->AdvCodecPLCI); + a->AdvCodecFLAG = 0; + a->AdvCodecPLCI = NULL; + a->AdvSignalAppl = NULL; + } + a->AdvSignalPLCI = NULL; + } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ask for physical address of card on PCI bus + Ask for physical address of card on PCI bus ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void diva_ask_for_xdi_sdram_bar (DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a, - IDI_SYNC_REQ * preq) { - a->sdram_bar = 0; - if (diva_xdi_extended_features & DIVA_CAPI_XDI_PROVIDES_SDRAM_BAR) { - ENTITY * e = (ENTITY *)preq; +static void diva_ask_for_xdi_sdram_bar(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, + IDI_SYNC_REQ *preq) { + a->sdram_bar = 0; + if (diva_xdi_extended_features & DIVA_CAPI_XDI_PROVIDES_SDRAM_BAR) { + ENTITY *e = (ENTITY *)preq; - e->user[0] = a->Id - 1; - preq->xdi_sdram_bar.info.bar = 0; - preq->xdi_sdram_bar.Req = 0; - preq->xdi_sdram_bar.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_ADAPTER_SDRAM_BAR; + e->user[0] = a->Id - 1; + preq->xdi_sdram_bar.info.bar = 0; + preq->xdi_sdram_bar.Req = 0; + preq->xdi_sdram_bar.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_ADAPTER_SDRAM_BAR; - (*(a->request))(e); + (*(a->request))(e); - a->sdram_bar = preq->xdi_sdram_bar.info.bar; - dbug(3,dprintf("A(%d) SDRAM BAR = %08x", a->Id, a->sdram_bar)); - } + a->sdram_bar = preq->xdi_sdram_bar.info.bar; + dbug(3, dprintf("A(%d) SDRAM BAR = %08x", a->Id, a->sdram_bar)); + } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ask XDI about extended features + Ask XDI about extended features ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void diva_get_extended_adapter_features (DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a) { - IDI_SYNC_REQ * preq; - char buffer[ ((sizeof(preq->xdi_extended_features)+4) > sizeof(ENTITY)) ? (sizeof(preq->xdi_extended_features)+4) : sizeof(ENTITY)]; - - char features[4]; - preq = (IDI_SYNC_REQ *)&buffer[0]; - - if (!diva_xdi_extended_features) { - ENTITY * e = (ENTITY *)preq; - diva_xdi_extended_features |= 0x80000000; - - e->user[0] = a->Id - 1; - preq->xdi_extended_features.Req = 0; - preq->xdi_extended_features.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_EXTENDED_FEATURES; - preq->xdi_extended_features.info.buffer_length_in_bytes = sizeof(features); - preq->xdi_extended_features.info.features = &features[0]; - - (*(a->request))(e); - - if (features[0] & DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURES_VALID) { - /* - Check features located in the byte '0' - */ - if (features[0] & DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_CMA) { - diva_xdi_extended_features |= DIVA_CAPI_USE_CMA; - } - if (features[0] & DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_RX_DMA) { - diva_xdi_extended_features |= DIVA_CAPI_XDI_PROVIDES_RX_DMA; - dbug(1,dprintf("XDI provides RxDMA")); - } - if (features[0] & DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_SDRAM_BAR) { - diva_xdi_extended_features |= DIVA_CAPI_XDI_PROVIDES_SDRAM_BAR; - } - if (features[0] & DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_NO_CANCEL_RC) { - diva_xdi_extended_features |= DIVA_CAPI_XDI_PROVIDES_NO_CANCEL; - dbug(3,dprintf("XDI provides NO_CANCEL_RC feature")); - } - - } - } - - diva_ask_for_xdi_sdram_bar (a, preq); +static void diva_get_extended_adapter_features(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a) { + IDI_SYNC_REQ *preq; + char buffer[((sizeof(preq->xdi_extended_features) + 4) > sizeof(ENTITY)) ? (sizeof(preq->xdi_extended_features) + 4) : sizeof(ENTITY)]; + + char features[4]; + preq = (IDI_SYNC_REQ *)&buffer[0]; + + if (!diva_xdi_extended_features) { + ENTITY *e = (ENTITY *)preq; + diva_xdi_extended_features |= 0x80000000; + + e->user[0] = a->Id - 1; + preq->xdi_extended_features.Req = 0; + preq->xdi_extended_features.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_XDI_GET_EXTENDED_FEATURES; + preq->xdi_extended_features.info.buffer_length_in_bytes = sizeof(features); + preq->xdi_extended_features.info.features = &features[0]; + + (*(a->request))(e); + + if (features[0] & DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURES_VALID) { + /* + Check features located in the byte '0' + */ + if (features[0] & DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_CMA) { + diva_xdi_extended_features |= DIVA_CAPI_USE_CMA; + } + if (features[0] & DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_RX_DMA) { + diva_xdi_extended_features |= DIVA_CAPI_XDI_PROVIDES_RX_DMA; + dbug(1, dprintf("XDI provides RxDMA")); + } + if (features[0] & DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_SDRAM_BAR) { + diva_xdi_extended_features |= DIVA_CAPI_XDI_PROVIDES_SDRAM_BAR; + } + if (features[0] & DIVA_XDI_EXTENDED_FEATURE_NO_CANCEL_RC) { + diva_xdi_extended_features |= DIVA_CAPI_XDI_PROVIDES_NO_CANCEL; + dbug(3, dprintf("XDI provides NO_CANCEL_RC feature")); + } + + } + } + + diva_ask_for_xdi_sdram_bar(a, preq); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ @@ -9310,188 +9310,188 @@ static void diva_get_extended_adapter_features (DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* called from OS specific part after init time to get the Law */ /* a-law (Euro) and u-law (us,japan) use different BCs in the Setup message */ -void AutomaticLaw(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a) -{ - word j; - PLCI *splci; - - if(a->automatic_law) { - return; - } - if((j=get_plci(a))) { - diva_get_extended_adapter_features (a); - splci = &a->plci[j-1]; - a->automatic_lawPLCI = splci; - a->automatic_law = 1; - add_p(splci,CAI,"\x01\x80"); - add_p(splci,UID,"\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); - splci->internal_command = USELAW_REQ; - splci->command = 0; - splci->number = 0; - sig_req(splci,ASSIGN,DSIG_ID); - send_req(splci); - } +void AutomaticLaw(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a) +{ + word j; + PLCI *splci; + + if (a->automatic_law) { + return; + } + if ((j = get_plci(a))) { + diva_get_extended_adapter_features(a); + splci = &a->plci[j - 1]; + a->automatic_lawPLCI = splci; + a->automatic_law = 1; + add_p(splci, CAI, "\x01\x80"); + add_p(splci, UID, "\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); + splci->internal_command = USELAW_REQ; + splci->command = 0; + splci->number = 0; + sig_req(splci, ASSIGN, DSIG_ID); + send_req(splci); + } } /* called from OS specific part if an application sends an Capi20Release */ word CapiRelease(word Id) { - word i, j, appls_found; - PLCI *plci; - APPL *this; - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - - if (!Id) - { - dbug(0,dprintf("A: CapiRelease(Id==0)")); - return (_WRONG_APPL_ID); - } - - this = &application[Id-1]; /* get application pointer */ - - for(i=0,appls_found=0; irequest) - { - a->Info_Mask[Id-1] = 0; - a->CIP_Mask[Id-1] = 0; - a->Notification_Mask[Id-1] = 0; - a->codec_listen[Id-1] = NULL; - a->requested_options_table[Id-1] = 0; - for(j=0; jmax_plci; j++) /* and all PLCIs connected */ - { /* with this application */ - plci = &a->plci[j]; - if(plci->Id) /* if plci owns no application */ - { /* it may be not jet connected */ - if(plci->State==INC_CON_PENDING - || plci->State==INC_CON_ALERT) - { - if(test_c_ind_mask_bit (plci, (word)(Id-1))) - { - clear_c_ind_mask_bit (plci, (word)(Id-1)); - if(c_ind_mask_empty (plci)) - { - sig_req(plci,HANGUP,0); - send_req(plci); - plci->State = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; - } - } - } - if(test_c_ind_mask_bit (plci, (word)(Id-1))) - { - clear_c_ind_mask_bit (plci, (word)(Id-1)); - if(c_ind_mask_empty (plci)) - { - if(!plci->appl) - { - plci_remove(plci); - plci->State = IDLE; - } - } - } - if(plci->appl==this) - { - plci->appl = NULL; - plci_remove(plci); - plci->State = IDLE; - } - } - } - listen_check(a); - - if(a->flag_dynamic_l1_down) - { - if(appls_found==1) /* last application does a capi release */ - { - if((j=get_plci(a))) - { - plci = &a->plci[j-1]; - plci->command = 0; - add_p(plci,OAD,"\x01\xfd"); - add_p(plci,CAI,"\x01\x80"); - add_p(plci,UID,"\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); - add_p(plci,SHIFT|6,NULL); - add_p(plci,SIN,"\x02\x00\x00"); - plci->internal_command = REM_L1_SIG_ASSIGN_PEND; - sig_req(plci,ASSIGN,DSIG_ID); - add_p(plci,FTY,"\x02\xff\x06"); /* l1 down */ - sig_req(plci,SIG_CTRL,0); - send_req(plci); - } - } - } - if(a->AdvSignalAppl==this) - { - this->NullCREnable = false; - if (a->AdvCodecPLCI) - { - plci_remove(a->AdvCodecPLCI); - a->AdvCodecPLCI->tel = 0; - a->AdvCodecPLCI->adv_nl = 0; - } - a->AdvSignalAppl = NULL; - a->AdvSignalPLCI = NULL; - a->AdvCodecFLAG = 0; - a->AdvCodecPLCI = NULL; - } - } - } - - this->Id = 0; - - return GOOD; -} - -static word plci_remove_check(PLCI *plci) -{ - if(!plci) return true; - if(!plci->NL.Id && c_ind_mask_empty (plci)) - { - if(plci->Sig.Id == 0xff) - plci->Sig.Id = 0; - if(!plci->Sig.Id) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("plci_remove_complete(%x)",plci->Id)); - dbug(1,dprintf("tel=0x%x,Sig=0x%x",plci->tel,plci->Sig.Id)); - if (plci->Id) - { - CodecIdCheck(plci->adapter, plci); - clear_b1_config (plci); - ncci_remove (plci, 0, false); - plci_free_msg_in_queue (plci); - channel_flow_control_remove (plci); - plci->Id = 0; - plci->State = IDLE; - plci->channels = 0; - plci->appl = NULL; - plci->notifiedcall = 0; - } - listen_check(plci->adapter); - return true; - } - } - return false; + word i, j, appls_found; + PLCI *plci; + APPL *this; + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + + if (!Id) + { + dbug(0, dprintf("A: CapiRelease(Id==0)")); + return (_WRONG_APPL_ID); + } + + this = &application[Id - 1]; /* get application pointer */ + + for (i = 0, appls_found = 0; i < max_appl; i++) + { + if (application[i].Id) /* an application has been found */ + { + appls_found++; + } + } + + for (i = 0; i < max_adapter; i++) /* scan all adapters... */ + { + a = &adapter[i]; + if (a->request) + { + a->Info_Mask[Id - 1] = 0; + a->CIP_Mask[Id - 1] = 0; + a->Notification_Mask[Id - 1] = 0; + a->codec_listen[Id - 1] = NULL; + a->requested_options_table[Id - 1] = 0; + for (j = 0; j < a->max_plci; j++) /* and all PLCIs connected */ + { /* with this application */ + plci = &a->plci[j]; + if (plci->Id) /* if plci owns no application */ + { /* it may be not jet connected */ + if (plci->State == INC_CON_PENDING + || plci->State == INC_CON_ALERT) + { + if (test_c_ind_mask_bit(plci, (word)(Id - 1))) + { + clear_c_ind_mask_bit(plci, (word)(Id - 1)); + if (c_ind_mask_empty(plci)) + { + sig_req(plci, HANGUP, 0); + send_req(plci); + plci->State = OUTG_DIS_PENDING; + } + } + } + if (test_c_ind_mask_bit(plci, (word)(Id - 1))) + { + clear_c_ind_mask_bit(plci, (word)(Id - 1)); + if (c_ind_mask_empty(plci)) + { + if (!plci->appl) + { + plci_remove(plci); + plci->State = IDLE; + } + } + } + if (plci->appl == this) + { + plci->appl = NULL; + plci_remove(plci); + plci->State = IDLE; + } + } + } + listen_check(a); + + if (a->flag_dynamic_l1_down) + { + if (appls_found == 1) /* last application does a capi release */ + { + if ((j = get_plci(a))) + { + plci = &a->plci[j - 1]; + plci->command = 0; + add_p(plci, OAD, "\x01\xfd"); + add_p(plci, CAI, "\x01\x80"); + add_p(plci, UID, "\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); + add_p(plci, SHIFT | 6, NULL); + add_p(plci, SIN, "\x02\x00\x00"); + plci->internal_command = REM_L1_SIG_ASSIGN_PEND; + sig_req(plci, ASSIGN, DSIG_ID); + add_p(plci, FTY, "\x02\xff\x06"); /* l1 down */ + sig_req(plci, SIG_CTRL, 0); + send_req(plci); + } + } + } + if (a->AdvSignalAppl == this) + { + this->NullCREnable = false; + if (a->AdvCodecPLCI) + { + plci_remove(a->AdvCodecPLCI); + a->AdvCodecPLCI->tel = 0; + a->AdvCodecPLCI->adv_nl = 0; + } + a->AdvSignalAppl = NULL; + a->AdvSignalPLCI = NULL; + a->AdvCodecFLAG = 0; + a->AdvCodecPLCI = NULL; + } + } + } + + this->Id = 0; + + return GOOD; +} + +static word plci_remove_check(PLCI *plci) +{ + if (!plci) return true; + if (!plci->NL.Id && c_ind_mask_empty(plci)) + { + if (plci->Sig.Id == 0xff) + plci->Sig.Id = 0; + if (!plci->Sig.Id) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("plci_remove_complete(%x)", plci->Id)); + dbug(1, dprintf("tel=0x%x,Sig=0x%x", plci->tel, plci->Sig.Id)); + if (plci->Id) + { + CodecIdCheck(plci->adapter, plci); + clear_b1_config(plci); + ncci_remove(plci, 0, false); + plci_free_msg_in_queue(plci); + channel_flow_control_remove(plci); + plci->Id = 0; + plci->State = IDLE; + plci->channels = 0; + plci->appl = NULL; + plci->notifiedcall = 0; + } + listen_check(plci->adapter); + return true; + } + } + return false; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -static byte plci_nl_busy (PLCI *plci) +static byte plci_nl_busy(PLCI *plci) { - /* only applicable for non-multiplexed protocols */ - return (plci->nl_req - || (plci->ncci_ring_list - && plci->adapter->ncci_ch[plci->ncci_ring_list] - && (plci->adapter->ch_flow_control[plci->adapter->ncci_ch[plci->ncci_ring_list]] & N_OK_FC_PENDING))); + /* only applicable for non-multiplexed protocols */ + return (plci->nl_req + || (plci->ncci_ring_list + && plci->adapter->ncci_ch[plci->ncci_ring_list] + && (plci->adapter->ch_flow_control[plci->adapter->ncci_ch[plci->ncci_ring_list]] & N_OK_FC_PENDING))); } @@ -9502,681 +9502,681 @@ static byte plci_nl_busy (PLCI *plci) static struct { - byte send_mask; - byte listen_mask; - byte character; - byte code; + byte send_mask; + byte listen_mask; + byte character; + byte code; } dtmf_digit_map[] = { - { 0x01, 0x01, 0x23, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_HASHMARK }, - { 0x01, 0x01, 0x2a, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_STAR }, - { 0x01, 0x01, 0x30, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_0 }, - { 0x01, 0x01, 0x31, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_1 }, - { 0x01, 0x01, 0x32, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_2 }, - { 0x01, 0x01, 0x33, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_3 }, - { 0x01, 0x01, 0x34, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_4 }, - { 0x01, 0x01, 0x35, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_5 }, - { 0x01, 0x01, 0x36, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_6 }, - { 0x01, 0x01, 0x37, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_7 }, - { 0x01, 0x01, 0x38, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_8 }, - { 0x01, 0x01, 0x39, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_9 }, - { 0x01, 0x01, 0x41, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_A }, - { 0x01, 0x01, 0x42, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_B }, - { 0x01, 0x01, 0x43, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_C }, - { 0x01, 0x01, 0x44, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_D }, - { 0x01, 0x00, 0x61, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_A }, - { 0x01, 0x00, 0x62, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_B }, - { 0x01, 0x00, 0x63, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_C }, - { 0x01, 0x00, 0x64, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_D }, - - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x80, DTMF_SIGNAL_NO_TONE }, - { 0x00, 0x04, 0x81, DTMF_SIGNAL_UNIDENTIFIED_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x82, DTMF_SIGNAL_DIAL_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x83, DTMF_SIGNAL_PABX_INTERNAL_DIAL_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x84, DTMF_SIGNAL_SPECIAL_DIAL_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x85, DTMF_SIGNAL_SECOND_DIAL_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x86, DTMF_SIGNAL_RINGING_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x87, DTMF_SIGNAL_SPECIAL_RINGING_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x88, DTMF_SIGNAL_BUSY_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x89, DTMF_SIGNAL_CONGESTION_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x8a, DTMF_SIGNAL_SPECIAL_INFORMATION_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x8b, DTMF_SIGNAL_COMFORT_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x8c, DTMF_SIGNAL_HOLD_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x8d, DTMF_SIGNAL_RECORD_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x8e, DTMF_SIGNAL_CALLER_WAITING_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x8f, DTMF_SIGNAL_CALL_WAITING_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x90, DTMF_SIGNAL_PAY_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x91, DTMF_SIGNAL_POSITIVE_INDICATION_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x92, DTMF_SIGNAL_NEGATIVE_INDICATION_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x93, DTMF_SIGNAL_WARNING_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x94, DTMF_SIGNAL_INTRUSION_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x95, DTMF_SIGNAL_CALLING_CARD_SERVICE_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x96, DTMF_SIGNAL_PAYPHONE_RECOGNITION_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x97, DTMF_SIGNAL_CPE_ALERTING_SIGNAL }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0x98, DTMF_SIGNAL_OFF_HOOK_WARNING_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0xbf, DTMF_SIGNAL_INTERCEPT_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0xc0, DTMF_SIGNAL_MODEM_CALLING_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0xc1, DTMF_SIGNAL_FAX_CALLING_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0xc2, DTMF_SIGNAL_ANSWER_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0xc3, DTMF_SIGNAL_REVERSED_ANSWER_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0xc4, DTMF_SIGNAL_ANSAM_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0xc5, DTMF_SIGNAL_REVERSED_ANSAM_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0xc6, DTMF_SIGNAL_BELL103_ANSWER_TONE }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0xc7, DTMF_SIGNAL_FAX_FLAGS }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0xc8, DTMF_SIGNAL_G2_FAX_GROUP_ID }, - { 0x00, 0x04, 0xc9, DTMF_SIGNAL_HUMAN_SPEECH }, - { 0x04, 0x04, 0xca, DTMF_SIGNAL_ANSWERING_MACHINE_390 }, - { 0x02, 0x02, 0xf1, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_1 }, - { 0x02, 0x02, 0xf2, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_2 }, - { 0x02, 0x02, 0xf3, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_3 }, - { 0x02, 0x02, 0xf4, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_4 }, - { 0x02, 0x02, 0xf5, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_5 }, - { 0x02, 0x02, 0xf6, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_6 }, - { 0x02, 0x02, 0xf7, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_7 }, - { 0x02, 0x02, 0xf8, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_8 }, - { 0x02, 0x02, 0xf9, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_9 }, - { 0x02, 0x02, 0xfa, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_0 }, - { 0x02, 0x02, 0xfb, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_K1 }, - { 0x02, 0x02, 0xfc, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_K2 }, - { 0x02, 0x02, 0xfd, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_KP }, - { 0x02, 0x02, 0xfe, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_S1 }, - { 0x02, 0x02, 0xff, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_ST }, + { 0x01, 0x01, 0x23, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_HASHMARK }, + { 0x01, 0x01, 0x2a, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_STAR }, + { 0x01, 0x01, 0x30, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_0 }, + { 0x01, 0x01, 0x31, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_1 }, + { 0x01, 0x01, 0x32, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_2 }, + { 0x01, 0x01, 0x33, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_3 }, + { 0x01, 0x01, 0x34, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_4 }, + { 0x01, 0x01, 0x35, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_5 }, + { 0x01, 0x01, 0x36, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_6 }, + { 0x01, 0x01, 0x37, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_7 }, + { 0x01, 0x01, 0x38, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_8 }, + { 0x01, 0x01, 0x39, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_9 }, + { 0x01, 0x01, 0x41, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_A }, + { 0x01, 0x01, 0x42, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_B }, + { 0x01, 0x01, 0x43, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_C }, + { 0x01, 0x01, 0x44, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_D }, + { 0x01, 0x00, 0x61, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_A }, + { 0x01, 0x00, 0x62, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_B }, + { 0x01, 0x00, 0x63, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_C }, + { 0x01, 0x00, 0x64, DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_D }, + + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x80, DTMF_SIGNAL_NO_TONE }, + { 0x00, 0x04, 0x81, DTMF_SIGNAL_UNIDENTIFIED_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x82, DTMF_SIGNAL_DIAL_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x83, DTMF_SIGNAL_PABX_INTERNAL_DIAL_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x84, DTMF_SIGNAL_SPECIAL_DIAL_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x85, DTMF_SIGNAL_SECOND_DIAL_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x86, DTMF_SIGNAL_RINGING_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x87, DTMF_SIGNAL_SPECIAL_RINGING_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x88, DTMF_SIGNAL_BUSY_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x89, DTMF_SIGNAL_CONGESTION_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x8a, DTMF_SIGNAL_SPECIAL_INFORMATION_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x8b, DTMF_SIGNAL_COMFORT_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x8c, DTMF_SIGNAL_HOLD_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x8d, DTMF_SIGNAL_RECORD_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x8e, DTMF_SIGNAL_CALLER_WAITING_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x8f, DTMF_SIGNAL_CALL_WAITING_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x90, DTMF_SIGNAL_PAY_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x91, DTMF_SIGNAL_POSITIVE_INDICATION_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x92, DTMF_SIGNAL_NEGATIVE_INDICATION_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x93, DTMF_SIGNAL_WARNING_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x94, DTMF_SIGNAL_INTRUSION_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x95, DTMF_SIGNAL_CALLING_CARD_SERVICE_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x96, DTMF_SIGNAL_PAYPHONE_RECOGNITION_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x97, DTMF_SIGNAL_CPE_ALERTING_SIGNAL }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0x98, DTMF_SIGNAL_OFF_HOOK_WARNING_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0xbf, DTMF_SIGNAL_INTERCEPT_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0xc0, DTMF_SIGNAL_MODEM_CALLING_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0xc1, DTMF_SIGNAL_FAX_CALLING_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0xc2, DTMF_SIGNAL_ANSWER_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0xc3, DTMF_SIGNAL_REVERSED_ANSWER_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0xc4, DTMF_SIGNAL_ANSAM_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0xc5, DTMF_SIGNAL_REVERSED_ANSAM_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0xc6, DTMF_SIGNAL_BELL103_ANSWER_TONE }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0xc7, DTMF_SIGNAL_FAX_FLAGS }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0xc8, DTMF_SIGNAL_G2_FAX_GROUP_ID }, + { 0x00, 0x04, 0xc9, DTMF_SIGNAL_HUMAN_SPEECH }, + { 0x04, 0x04, 0xca, DTMF_SIGNAL_ANSWERING_MACHINE_390 }, + { 0x02, 0x02, 0xf1, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_1 }, + { 0x02, 0x02, 0xf2, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_2 }, + { 0x02, 0x02, 0xf3, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_3 }, + { 0x02, 0x02, 0xf4, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_4 }, + { 0x02, 0x02, 0xf5, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_5 }, + { 0x02, 0x02, 0xf6, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_6 }, + { 0x02, 0x02, 0xf7, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_7 }, + { 0x02, 0x02, 0xf8, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_8 }, + { 0x02, 0x02, 0xf9, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_9 }, + { 0x02, 0x02, 0xfa, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_0 }, + { 0x02, 0x02, 0xfb, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_K1 }, + { 0x02, 0x02, 0xfc, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_K2 }, + { 0x02, 0x02, 0xfd, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_KP }, + { 0x02, 0x02, 0xfe, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_S1 }, + { 0x02, 0x02, 0xff, DTMF_MF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_ST }, }; #define DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES ARRAY_SIZE(dtmf_digit_map) -static void dtmf_enable_receiver (PLCI *plci, byte enable_mask) +static void dtmf_enable_receiver(PLCI *plci, byte enable_mask) { - word min_digit_duration, min_gap_duration; + word min_digit_duration, min_gap_duration; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_enable_receiver %02x", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, enable_mask)); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_enable_receiver %02x", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, enable_mask)); - if (enable_mask != 0) - { - min_digit_duration = (plci->dtmf_rec_pulse_ms == 0) ? 40 : plci->dtmf_rec_pulse_ms; - min_gap_duration = (plci->dtmf_rec_pause_ms == 0) ? 40 : plci->dtmf_rec_pause_ms; - plci->internal_req_buffer[0] = DTMF_UDATA_REQUEST_ENABLE_RECEIVER; - PUT_WORD (&plci->internal_req_buffer[1], min_digit_duration); - PUT_WORD (&plci->internal_req_buffer[3], min_gap_duration); - plci->NData[0].PLength = 5; + if (enable_mask != 0) + { + min_digit_duration = (plci->dtmf_rec_pulse_ms == 0) ? 40 : plci->dtmf_rec_pulse_ms; + min_gap_duration = (plci->dtmf_rec_pause_ms == 0) ? 40 : plci->dtmf_rec_pause_ms; + plci->internal_req_buffer[0] = DTMF_UDATA_REQUEST_ENABLE_RECEIVER; + PUT_WORD(&plci->internal_req_buffer[1], min_digit_duration); + PUT_WORD(&plci->internal_req_buffer[3], min_gap_duration); + plci->NData[0].PLength = 5; - PUT_WORD (&plci->internal_req_buffer[5], INTERNAL_IND_BUFFER_SIZE); - plci->NData[0].PLength += 2; - capidtmf_recv_enable (&(plci->capidtmf_state), min_digit_duration, min_gap_duration); + PUT_WORD(&plci->internal_req_buffer[5], INTERNAL_IND_BUFFER_SIZE); + plci->NData[0].PLength += 2; + capidtmf_recv_enable(&(plci->capidtmf_state), min_digit_duration, min_gap_duration); - } - else - { - plci->internal_req_buffer[0] = DTMF_UDATA_REQUEST_DISABLE_RECEIVER; - plci->NData[0].PLength = 1; + } + else + { + plci->internal_req_buffer[0] = DTMF_UDATA_REQUEST_DISABLE_RECEIVER; + plci->NData[0].PLength = 1; - capidtmf_recv_disable (&(plci->capidtmf_state)); + capidtmf_recv_disable(&(plci->capidtmf_state)); - } - plci->NData[0].P = plci->internal_req_buffer; - plci->NL.X = plci->NData; - plci->NL.ReqCh = 0; - plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte) N_UDATA; - plci->adapter->request (&plci->NL); + } + plci->NData[0].P = plci->internal_req_buffer; + plci->NL.X = plci->NData; + plci->NL.ReqCh = 0; + plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte) N_UDATA; + plci->adapter->request(&plci->NL); } -static void dtmf_send_digits (PLCI *plci, byte *digit_buffer, word digit_count) +static void dtmf_send_digits(PLCI *plci, byte *digit_buffer, word digit_count) { - word w, i; + word w, i; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_send_digits %d", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, digit_count)); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_send_digits %d", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, digit_count)); - plci->internal_req_buffer[0] = DTMF_UDATA_REQUEST_SEND_DIGITS; - w = (plci->dtmf_send_pulse_ms == 0) ? 40 : plci->dtmf_send_pulse_ms; - PUT_WORD (&plci->internal_req_buffer[1], w); - w = (plci->dtmf_send_pause_ms == 0) ? 40 : plci->dtmf_send_pause_ms; - PUT_WORD (&plci->internal_req_buffer[3], w); - for (i = 0; i < digit_count; i++) - { - w = 0; - while ((w < DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES) - && (digit_buffer[i] != dtmf_digit_map[w].character)) - { - w++; - } - plci->internal_req_buffer[5+i] = (w < DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES) ? - dtmf_digit_map[w].code : DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_STAR; - } - plci->NData[0].PLength = 5 + digit_count; - plci->NData[0].P = plci->internal_req_buffer; - plci->NL.X = plci->NData; - plci->NL.ReqCh = 0; - plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte) N_UDATA; - plci->adapter->request (&plci->NL); + plci->internal_req_buffer[0] = DTMF_UDATA_REQUEST_SEND_DIGITS; + w = (plci->dtmf_send_pulse_ms == 0) ? 40 : plci->dtmf_send_pulse_ms; + PUT_WORD(&plci->internal_req_buffer[1], w); + w = (plci->dtmf_send_pause_ms == 0) ? 40 : plci->dtmf_send_pause_ms; + PUT_WORD(&plci->internal_req_buffer[3], w); + for (i = 0; i < digit_count; i++) + { + w = 0; + while ((w < DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES) + && (digit_buffer[i] != dtmf_digit_map[w].character)) + { + w++; + } + plci->internal_req_buffer[5 + i] = (w < DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES) ? + dtmf_digit_map[w].code : DTMF_DIGIT_TONE_CODE_STAR; + } + plci->NData[0].PLength = 5 + digit_count; + plci->NData[0].P = plci->internal_req_buffer; + plci->NL.X = plci->NData; + plci->NL.ReqCh = 0; + plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte) N_UDATA; + plci->adapter->request(&plci->NL); } -static void dtmf_rec_clear_config (PLCI *plci) +static void dtmf_rec_clear_config(PLCI *plci) { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_rec_clear_config", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - - plci->dtmf_rec_active = 0; - plci->dtmf_rec_pulse_ms = 0; - plci->dtmf_rec_pause_ms = 0; - - capidtmf_init (&(plci->capidtmf_state), plci->adapter->u_law); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_rec_clear_config", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); -} - - -static void dtmf_send_clear_config (PLCI *plci) -{ + plci->dtmf_rec_active = 0; + plci->dtmf_rec_pulse_ms = 0; + plci->dtmf_rec_pause_ms = 0; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_send_clear_config", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + capidtmf_init(&(plci->capidtmf_state), plci->adapter->u_law); - plci->dtmf_send_requests = 0; - plci->dtmf_send_pulse_ms = 0; - plci->dtmf_send_pause_ms = 0; } -static void dtmf_prepare_switch (dword Id, PLCI *plci) +static void dtmf_send_clear_config(PLCI *plci) { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_prepare_switch", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_send_clear_config", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - while (plci->dtmf_send_requests != 0) - dtmf_confirmation (Id, plci); + plci->dtmf_send_requests = 0; + plci->dtmf_send_pulse_ms = 0; + plci->dtmf_send_pause_ms = 0; } -static word dtmf_save_config (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +static void dtmf_prepare_switch(dword Id, PLCI *plci) { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_save_config %02x %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_prepare_switch", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - return (GOOD); + while (plci->dtmf_send_requests != 0) + dtmf_confirmation(Id, plci); } -static word dtmf_restore_config (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +static word dtmf_save_config(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) { - word Info; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_restore_config %02x %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_save_config %02x %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); - Info = GOOD; - if (plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_DTMFR) - { - switch (plci->adjust_b_state) - { - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_1: - plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - { - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_1; - break; - } - dtmf_enable_receiver (plci, plci->dtmf_rec_active); - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_2; - break; - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_2: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Reenable DTMF receiver failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - break; - } - break; - } - } - return (Info); + return (GOOD); } -static void dtmf_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +static word dtmf_restore_config(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) { - word internal_command, Info; - byte mask; - byte result[4]; + word Info; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_command %02x %04x %04x %d %d %d %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command, - plci->dtmf_cmd, plci->dtmf_rec_pulse_ms, plci->dtmf_rec_pause_ms, - plci->dtmf_send_pulse_ms, plci->dtmf_send_pause_ms)); - - Info = GOOD; - result[0] = 2; - PUT_WORD (&result[1], DTMF_SUCCESS); - internal_command = plci->internal_command; - plci->internal_command = 0; - mask = 0x01; - switch (plci->dtmf_cmd) - { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_restore_config %02x %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); - case DTMF_LISTEN_TONE_START: - mask <<= 1; - case DTMF_LISTEN_MF_START: - mask <<= 1; - - case DTMF_LISTEN_START: - switch (internal_command) - { - default: - adjust_b1_resource (Id, plci, NULL, (word)(plci->B1_facilities | - B1_FACILITY_DTMFR), DTMF_COMMAND_1); - case DTMF_COMMAND_1: - if (adjust_b_process (Id, plci, Rc) != GOOD) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Load DTMF failed", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - break; - } - if (plci->internal_command) - return; - case DTMF_COMMAND_2: - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - { - plci->internal_command = DTMF_COMMAND_2; - return; - } - plci->internal_command = DTMF_COMMAND_3; - dtmf_enable_receiver (plci, (byte)(plci->dtmf_rec_active | mask)); - return; - case DTMF_COMMAND_3: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Enable DTMF receiver failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - break; - } - - plci->tone_last_indication_code = DTMF_SIGNAL_NO_TONE; - - plci->dtmf_rec_active |= mask; - break; - } - break; - - - case DTMF_LISTEN_TONE_STOP: - mask <<= 1; - case DTMF_LISTEN_MF_STOP: - mask <<= 1; - - case DTMF_LISTEN_STOP: - switch (internal_command) - { - default: - plci->dtmf_rec_active &= ~mask; - if (plci->dtmf_rec_active) - break; -/* - case DTMF_COMMAND_1: - if (plci->dtmf_rec_active) - { - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - { - plci->internal_command = DTMF_COMMAND_1; - return; - } - plci->dtmf_rec_active &= ~mask; - plci->internal_command = DTMF_COMMAND_2; - dtmf_enable_receiver (plci, false); - return; - } - Rc = OK; - case DTMF_COMMAND_2: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Disable DTMF receiver failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char far *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - break; - } -*/ - adjust_b1_resource (Id, plci, NULL, (word)(plci->B1_facilities & - ~(B1_FACILITY_DTMFX | B1_FACILITY_DTMFR)), DTMF_COMMAND_3); - case DTMF_COMMAND_3: - if (adjust_b_process (Id, plci, Rc) != GOOD) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Unload DTMF failed", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - break; - } - if (plci->internal_command) - return; - break; - } - break; - - - case DTMF_SEND_TONE: - mask <<= 1; - case DTMF_SEND_MF: - mask <<= 1; - - case DTMF_DIGITS_SEND: - switch (internal_command) - { - default: - adjust_b1_resource (Id, plci, NULL, (word)(plci->B1_facilities | - ((plci->dtmf_parameter_length != 0) ? B1_FACILITY_DTMFX | B1_FACILITY_DTMFR : B1_FACILITY_DTMFX)), - DTMF_COMMAND_1); - case DTMF_COMMAND_1: - if (adjust_b_process (Id, plci, Rc) != GOOD) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Load DTMF failed", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - break; - } - if (plci->internal_command) - return; - case DTMF_COMMAND_2: - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - { - plci->internal_command = DTMF_COMMAND_2; - return; - } - plci->dtmf_msg_number_queue[(plci->dtmf_send_requests)++] = plci->number; - plci->internal_command = DTMF_COMMAND_3; - dtmf_send_digits (plci, &plci->saved_msg.parms[3].info[1], plci->saved_msg.parms[3].length); - return; - case DTMF_COMMAND_3: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Send DTMF digits failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - if (plci->dtmf_send_requests != 0) - (plci->dtmf_send_requests)--; - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - break; - } - return; - } - break; - } - sendf (plci->appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffffL, plci->number, - "wws", Info, SELECTOR_DTMF, result); + Info = GOOD; + if (plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_DTMFR) + { + switch (plci->adjust_b_state) + { + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_1: + plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + { + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_1; + break; + } + dtmf_enable_receiver(plci, plci->dtmf_rec_active); + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_2; + break; + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_2: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Reenable DTMF receiver failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + break; + } + break; + } + } + return (Info); } -static byte dtmf_request (dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg) +static void dtmf_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) { - word Info; - word i, j; - byte mask; - API_PARSE dtmf_parms[5]; - byte result[40]; + word internal_command, Info; + byte mask; + byte result[4]; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_request", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_command %02x %04x %04x %d %d %d %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command, + plci->dtmf_cmd, plci->dtmf_rec_pulse_ms, plci->dtmf_rec_pause_ms, + plci->dtmf_send_pulse_ms, plci->dtmf_send_pause_ms)); - Info = GOOD; - result[0] = 2; - PUT_WORD (&result[1], DTMF_SUCCESS); - if (!(a->profile.Global_Options & GL_DTMF_SUPPORTED)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Facility not supported", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - } - else if (api_parse (&msg[1].info[1], msg[1].length, "w", dtmf_parms)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } + Info = GOOD; + result[0] = 2; + PUT_WORD(&result[1], DTMF_SUCCESS); + internal_command = plci->internal_command; + plci->internal_command = 0; + mask = 0x01; + switch (plci->dtmf_cmd) + { - else if ((GET_WORD (dtmf_parms[0].info) == DTMF_GET_SUPPORTED_DETECT_CODES) - || (GET_WORD (dtmf_parms[0].info) == DTMF_GET_SUPPORTED_SEND_CODES)) - { - if (!((a->requested_options_table[appl->Id-1]) - & (1L << PRIVATE_DTMF_TONE))) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: DTMF unknown request %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, GET_WORD (dtmf_parms[0].info))); - PUT_WORD (&result[1], DTMF_UNKNOWN_REQUEST); - } - else - { - for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) - result[4 + i] = 0; - if (GET_WORD (dtmf_parms[0].info) == DTMF_GET_SUPPORTED_DETECT_CODES) - { - for (i = 0; i < DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES; i++) - { - if (dtmf_digit_map[i].listen_mask != 0) - result[4 + (dtmf_digit_map[i].character >> 3)] |= (1 << (dtmf_digit_map[i].character & 0x7)); - } - } - else - { - for (i = 0; i < DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES; i++) - { - if (dtmf_digit_map[i].send_mask != 0) - result[4 + (dtmf_digit_map[i].character >> 3)] |= (1 << (dtmf_digit_map[i].character & 0x7)); - } - } - result[0] = 3 + 32; - result[3] = 32; - } - } + case DTMF_LISTEN_TONE_START: + mask <<= 1; + case DTMF_LISTEN_MF_START: + mask <<= 1; - else if (plci == NULL) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong PLCI", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - } - else + case DTMF_LISTEN_START: + switch (internal_command) + { + default: + adjust_b1_resource(Id, plci, NULL, (word)(plci->B1_facilities | + B1_FACILITY_DTMFR), DTMF_COMMAND_1); + case DTMF_COMMAND_1: + if (adjust_b_process(Id, plci, Rc) != GOOD) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Load DTMF failed", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + break; + } + if (plci->internal_command) + return; + case DTMF_COMMAND_2: + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + { + plci->internal_command = DTMF_COMMAND_2; + return; + } + plci->internal_command = DTMF_COMMAND_3; + dtmf_enable_receiver(plci, (byte)(plci->dtmf_rec_active | mask)); + return; + case DTMF_COMMAND_3: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Enable DTMF receiver failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + break; + } + + plci->tone_last_indication_code = DTMF_SIGNAL_NO_TONE; + + plci->dtmf_rec_active |= mask; + break; + } + break; + + + case DTMF_LISTEN_TONE_STOP: + mask <<= 1; + case DTMF_LISTEN_MF_STOP: + mask <<= 1; + + case DTMF_LISTEN_STOP: + switch (internal_command) + { + default: + plci->dtmf_rec_active &= ~mask; + if (plci->dtmf_rec_active) + break; +/* + case DTMF_COMMAND_1: + if (plci->dtmf_rec_active) { - if (!plci->State - || !plci->NL.Id || plci->nl_remove_id) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong state", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - } - else - { - plci->command = 0; - plci->dtmf_cmd = GET_WORD (dtmf_parms[0].info); - mask = 0x01; - switch (plci->dtmf_cmd) - { - - case DTMF_LISTEN_TONE_START: - case DTMF_LISTEN_TONE_STOP: - mask <<= 1; - case DTMF_LISTEN_MF_START: - case DTMF_LISTEN_MF_STOP: - mask <<= 1; - if (!((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | plci->adapter->requested_options_table[appl->Id-1]) - & (1L << PRIVATE_DTMF_TONE))) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: DTMF unknown request %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, GET_WORD (dtmf_parms[0].info))); - PUT_WORD (&result[1], DTMF_UNKNOWN_REQUEST); - break; - } - - case DTMF_LISTEN_START: - case DTMF_LISTEN_STOP: - if (!(a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_HARDDTMF) - && !(a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SOFTDTMF_RECEIVE)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Facility not supported", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - break; - } - if (mask & DTMF_LISTEN_ACTIVE_FLAG) - { - if (api_parse (&msg[1].info[1], msg[1].length, "wwws", dtmf_parms)) - { - plci->dtmf_rec_pulse_ms = 0; - plci->dtmf_rec_pause_ms = 0; - } - else - { - plci->dtmf_rec_pulse_ms = GET_WORD (dtmf_parms[1].info); - plci->dtmf_rec_pause_ms = GET_WORD (dtmf_parms[2].info); - } - } - start_internal_command (Id, plci, dtmf_command); - return (false); - - - case DTMF_SEND_TONE: - mask <<= 1; - case DTMF_SEND_MF: - mask <<= 1; - if (!((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | plci->adapter->requested_options_table[appl->Id-1]) - & (1L << PRIVATE_DTMF_TONE))) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: DTMF unknown request %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, GET_WORD (dtmf_parms[0].info))); - PUT_WORD (&result[1], DTMF_UNKNOWN_REQUEST); - break; - } - - case DTMF_DIGITS_SEND: - if (api_parse (&msg[1].info[1], msg[1].length, "wwws", dtmf_parms)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - if (mask & DTMF_LISTEN_ACTIVE_FLAG) - { - plci->dtmf_send_pulse_ms = GET_WORD (dtmf_parms[1].info); - plci->dtmf_send_pause_ms = GET_WORD (dtmf_parms[2].info); - } - i = 0; - j = 0; - while ((i < dtmf_parms[3].length) && (j < DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES)) - { - j = 0; - while ((j < DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES) - && ((dtmf_parms[3].info[i+1] != dtmf_digit_map[j].character) - || ((dtmf_digit_map[j].send_mask & mask) == 0))) - { - j++; - } - i++; - } - if (j == DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Incorrect DTMF digit %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, dtmf_parms[3].info[i])); - PUT_WORD (&result[1], DTMF_INCORRECT_DIGIT); - break; - } - if (plci->dtmf_send_requests >= ARRAY_SIZE(plci->dtmf_msg_number_queue)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: DTMF request overrun", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - break; - } - api_save_msg (dtmf_parms, "wwws", &plci->saved_msg); - start_internal_command (Id, plci, dtmf_command); - return (false); - - default: - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: DTMF unknown request %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci->dtmf_cmd)); - PUT_WORD (&result[1], DTMF_UNKNOWN_REQUEST); - } - } - } - sendf (appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffffL, Number, - "wws", Info, SELECTOR_DTMF, result); - return (false); -} - - -static void dtmf_confirmation (dword Id, PLCI *plci) -{ - word i; - byte result[4]; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_confirmation", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - - result[0] = 2; - PUT_WORD (&result[1], DTMF_SUCCESS); - if (plci->dtmf_send_requests != 0) + if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) { - sendf (plci->appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffffL, plci->dtmf_msg_number_queue[0], - "wws", GOOD, SELECTOR_DTMF, result); - (plci->dtmf_send_requests)--; - for (i = 0; i < plci->dtmf_send_requests; i++) - plci->dtmf_msg_number_queue[i] = plci->dtmf_msg_number_queue[i+1]; + plci->internal_command = DTMF_COMMAND_1; + return; } -} - - -static void dtmf_indication (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte *msg, word length) -{ - word i, j, n; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_indication", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - - n = 0; - for (i = 1; i < length; i++) - { - j = 0; - while ((j < DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES) - && ((msg[i] != dtmf_digit_map[j].code) - || ((dtmf_digit_map[j].listen_mask & plci->dtmf_rec_active) == 0))) - { - j++; - } - if (j < DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES) - { - - if ((dtmf_digit_map[j].listen_mask & DTMF_TONE_LISTEN_ACTIVE_FLAG) - && (plci->tone_last_indication_code == DTMF_SIGNAL_NO_TONE) - && (dtmf_digit_map[j].character != DTMF_SIGNAL_UNIDENTIFIED_TONE)) - { - if (n + 1 == i) - { - for (i = length; i > n + 1; i--) - msg[i] = msg[i - 1]; - length++; - i++; - } - msg[++n] = DTMF_SIGNAL_UNIDENTIFIED_TONE; - } - plci->tone_last_indication_code = dtmf_digit_map[j].character; - - msg[++n] = dtmf_digit_map[j].character; - } + plci->dtmf_rec_active &= ~mask; + plci->internal_command = DTMF_COMMAND_2; + dtmf_enable_receiver (plci, false); + return; } - if (n != 0) + Rc = OK; + case DTMF_COMMAND_2: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) { - msg[0] = (byte) n; - sendf (plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0xffffL, 0, "wS", SELECTOR_DTMF, msg); + dbug (1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Disable DTMF receiver failed %02x", + UnMapId (Id), (char far *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + break; } +*/ + adjust_b1_resource(Id, plci, NULL, (word)(plci->B1_facilities & + ~(B1_FACILITY_DTMFX | B1_FACILITY_DTMFR)), DTMF_COMMAND_3); + case DTMF_COMMAND_3: + if (adjust_b_process(Id, plci, Rc) != GOOD) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Unload DTMF failed", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + break; + } + if (plci->internal_command) + return; + break; + } + break; + + + case DTMF_SEND_TONE: + mask <<= 1; + case DTMF_SEND_MF: + mask <<= 1; + + case DTMF_DIGITS_SEND: + switch (internal_command) + { + default: + adjust_b1_resource(Id, plci, NULL, (word)(plci->B1_facilities | + ((plci->dtmf_parameter_length != 0) ? B1_FACILITY_DTMFX | B1_FACILITY_DTMFR : B1_FACILITY_DTMFX)), + DTMF_COMMAND_1); + case DTMF_COMMAND_1: + if (adjust_b_process(Id, plci, Rc) != GOOD) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Load DTMF failed", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + break; + } + if (plci->internal_command) + return; + case DTMF_COMMAND_2: + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + { + plci->internal_command = DTMF_COMMAND_2; + return; + } + plci->dtmf_msg_number_queue[(plci->dtmf_send_requests)++] = plci->number; + plci->internal_command = DTMF_COMMAND_3; + dtmf_send_digits(plci, &plci->saved_msg.parms[3].info[1], plci->saved_msg.parms[3].length); + return; + case DTMF_COMMAND_3: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Send DTMF digits failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + if (plci->dtmf_send_requests != 0) + (plci->dtmf_send_requests)--; + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + break; + } + return; + } + break; + } + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffffL, plci->number, + "wws", Info, SELECTOR_DTMF, result); +} + + +static byte dtmf_request(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg) +{ + word Info; + word i, j; + byte mask; + API_PARSE dtmf_parms[5]; + byte result[40]; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_request", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + + Info = GOOD; + result[0] = 2; + PUT_WORD(&result[1], DTMF_SUCCESS); + if (!(a->profile.Global_Options & GL_DTMF_SUPPORTED)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Facility not supported", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + } + else if (api_parse(&msg[1].info[1], msg[1].length, "w", dtmf_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + + else if ((GET_WORD(dtmf_parms[0].info) == DTMF_GET_SUPPORTED_DETECT_CODES) + || (GET_WORD(dtmf_parms[0].info) == DTMF_GET_SUPPORTED_SEND_CODES)) + { + if (!((a->requested_options_table[appl->Id - 1]) + & (1L << PRIVATE_DTMF_TONE))) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: DTMF unknown request %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, GET_WORD(dtmf_parms[0].info))); + PUT_WORD(&result[1], DTMF_UNKNOWN_REQUEST); + } + else + { + for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) + result[4 + i] = 0; + if (GET_WORD(dtmf_parms[0].info) == DTMF_GET_SUPPORTED_DETECT_CODES) + { + for (i = 0; i < DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES; i++) + { + if (dtmf_digit_map[i].listen_mask != 0) + result[4 + (dtmf_digit_map[i].character >> 3)] |= (1 << (dtmf_digit_map[i].character & 0x7)); + } + } + else + { + for (i = 0; i < DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES; i++) + { + if (dtmf_digit_map[i].send_mask != 0) + result[4 + (dtmf_digit_map[i].character >> 3)] |= (1 << (dtmf_digit_map[i].character & 0x7)); + } + } + result[0] = 3 + 32; + result[3] = 32; + } + } + + else if (plci == NULL) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong PLCI", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + } + else + { + if (!plci->State + || !plci->NL.Id || plci->nl_remove_id) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong state", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + } + else + { + plci->command = 0; + plci->dtmf_cmd = GET_WORD(dtmf_parms[0].info); + mask = 0x01; + switch (plci->dtmf_cmd) + { + + case DTMF_LISTEN_TONE_START: + case DTMF_LISTEN_TONE_STOP: + mask <<= 1; + case DTMF_LISTEN_MF_START: + case DTMF_LISTEN_MF_STOP: + mask <<= 1; + if (!((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | plci->adapter->requested_options_table[appl->Id - 1]) + & (1L << PRIVATE_DTMF_TONE))) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: DTMF unknown request %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, GET_WORD(dtmf_parms[0].info))); + PUT_WORD(&result[1], DTMF_UNKNOWN_REQUEST); + break; + } + + case DTMF_LISTEN_START: + case DTMF_LISTEN_STOP: + if (!(a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_HARDDTMF) + && !(a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SOFTDTMF_RECEIVE)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Facility not supported", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + break; + } + if (mask & DTMF_LISTEN_ACTIVE_FLAG) + { + if (api_parse(&msg[1].info[1], msg[1].length, "wwws", dtmf_parms)) + { + plci->dtmf_rec_pulse_ms = 0; + plci->dtmf_rec_pause_ms = 0; + } + else + { + plci->dtmf_rec_pulse_ms = GET_WORD(dtmf_parms[1].info); + plci->dtmf_rec_pause_ms = GET_WORD(dtmf_parms[2].info); + } + } + start_internal_command(Id, plci, dtmf_command); + return (false); + + + case DTMF_SEND_TONE: + mask <<= 1; + case DTMF_SEND_MF: + mask <<= 1; + if (!((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options | plci->adapter->requested_options_table[appl->Id - 1]) + & (1L << PRIVATE_DTMF_TONE))) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: DTMF unknown request %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, GET_WORD(dtmf_parms[0].info))); + PUT_WORD(&result[1], DTMF_UNKNOWN_REQUEST); + break; + } + + case DTMF_DIGITS_SEND: + if (api_parse(&msg[1].info[1], msg[1].length, "wwws", dtmf_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + if (mask & DTMF_LISTEN_ACTIVE_FLAG) + { + plci->dtmf_send_pulse_ms = GET_WORD(dtmf_parms[1].info); + plci->dtmf_send_pause_ms = GET_WORD(dtmf_parms[2].info); + } + i = 0; + j = 0; + while ((i < dtmf_parms[3].length) && (j < DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES)) + { + j = 0; + while ((j < DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES) + && ((dtmf_parms[3].info[i + 1] != dtmf_digit_map[j].character) + || ((dtmf_digit_map[j].send_mask & mask) == 0))) + { + j++; + } + i++; + } + if (j == DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Incorrect DTMF digit %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, dtmf_parms[3].info[i])); + PUT_WORD(&result[1], DTMF_INCORRECT_DIGIT); + break; + } + if (plci->dtmf_send_requests >= ARRAY_SIZE(plci->dtmf_msg_number_queue)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: DTMF request overrun", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + break; + } + api_save_msg(dtmf_parms, "wwws", &plci->saved_msg); + start_internal_command(Id, plci, dtmf_command); + return (false); + + default: + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: DTMF unknown request %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci->dtmf_cmd)); + PUT_WORD(&result[1], DTMF_UNKNOWN_REQUEST); + } + } + } + sendf(appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffffL, Number, + "wws", Info, SELECTOR_DTMF, result); + return (false); +} + + +static void dtmf_confirmation(dword Id, PLCI *plci) +{ + word i; + byte result[4]; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_confirmation", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + + result[0] = 2; + PUT_WORD(&result[1], DTMF_SUCCESS); + if (plci->dtmf_send_requests != 0) + { + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffffL, plci->dtmf_msg_number_queue[0], + "wws", GOOD, SELECTOR_DTMF, result); + (plci->dtmf_send_requests)--; + for (i = 0; i < plci->dtmf_send_requests; i++) + plci->dtmf_msg_number_queue[i] = plci->dtmf_msg_number_queue[i + 1]; + } +} + + +static void dtmf_indication(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte *msg, word length) +{ + word i, j, n; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_indication", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + + n = 0; + for (i = 1; i < length; i++) + { + j = 0; + while ((j < DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES) + && ((msg[i] != dtmf_digit_map[j].code) + || ((dtmf_digit_map[j].listen_mask & plci->dtmf_rec_active) == 0))) + { + j++; + } + if (j < DTMF_DIGIT_MAP_ENTRIES) + { + + if ((dtmf_digit_map[j].listen_mask & DTMF_TONE_LISTEN_ACTIVE_FLAG) + && (plci->tone_last_indication_code == DTMF_SIGNAL_NO_TONE) + && (dtmf_digit_map[j].character != DTMF_SIGNAL_UNIDENTIFIED_TONE)) + { + if (n + 1 == i) + { + for (i = length; i > n + 1; i--) + msg[i] = msg[i - 1]; + length++; + i++; + } + msg[++n] = DTMF_SIGNAL_UNIDENTIFIED_TONE; + } + plci->tone_last_indication_code = dtmf_digit_map[j].character; + + msg[++n] = dtmf_digit_map[j].character; + } + } + if (n != 0) + { + msg[0] = (byte) n; + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0xffffL, 0, "wS", SELECTOR_DTMF, msg); + } } @@ -10184,90 +10184,90 @@ static void dtmf_indication (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte *msg, word length) /* DTMF parameters */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -static void dtmf_parameter_write (PLCI *plci) +static void dtmf_parameter_write(PLCI *plci) { - word i; - byte parameter_buffer[DTMF_PARAMETER_BUFFER_SIZE + 2]; + word i; + byte parameter_buffer[DTMF_PARAMETER_BUFFER_SIZE + 2]; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_parameter_write", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_parameter_write", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - parameter_buffer[0] = plci->dtmf_parameter_length + 1; - parameter_buffer[1] = DSP_CTRL_SET_DTMF_PARAMETERS; - for (i = 0; i < plci->dtmf_parameter_length; i++) - parameter_buffer[2+i] = plci->dtmf_parameter_buffer[i]; - add_p (plci, FTY, parameter_buffer); - sig_req (plci, TEL_CTRL, 0); - send_req (plci); + parameter_buffer[0] = plci->dtmf_parameter_length + 1; + parameter_buffer[1] = DSP_CTRL_SET_DTMF_PARAMETERS; + for (i = 0; i < plci->dtmf_parameter_length; i++) + parameter_buffer[2 + i] = plci->dtmf_parameter_buffer[i]; + add_p(plci, FTY, parameter_buffer); + sig_req(plci, TEL_CTRL, 0); + send_req(plci); } -static void dtmf_parameter_clear_config (PLCI *plci) +static void dtmf_parameter_clear_config(PLCI *plci) { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_parameter_clear_config", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_parameter_clear_config", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - plci->dtmf_parameter_length = 0; + plci->dtmf_parameter_length = 0; } -static void dtmf_parameter_prepare_switch (dword Id, PLCI *plci) +static void dtmf_parameter_prepare_switch(dword Id, PLCI *plci) { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_parameter_prepare_switch", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_parameter_prepare_switch", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); } -static word dtmf_parameter_save_config (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +static word dtmf_parameter_save_config(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_parameter_save_config %02x %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_parameter_save_config %02x %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); - return (GOOD); + return (GOOD); } -static word dtmf_parameter_restore_config (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +static word dtmf_parameter_restore_config(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) { - word Info; + word Info; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_parameter_restore_config %02x %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: dtmf_parameter_restore_config %02x %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); - Info = GOOD; - if ((plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_DTMFR) - && (plci->dtmf_parameter_length != 0)) - { - switch (plci->adjust_b_state) - { - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_PARAMETER_1: - plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; - if (plci->sig_req) - { - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_PARAMETER_1; - break; - } - dtmf_parameter_write (plci); - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_PARAMETER_2; - break; - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_PARAMETER_2: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Restore DTMF parameters failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - break; - } - break; - } - } - return (Info); + Info = GOOD; + if ((plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_DTMFR) + && (plci->dtmf_parameter_length != 0)) + { + switch (plci->adjust_b_state) + { + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_PARAMETER_1: + plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; + if (plci->sig_req) + { + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_PARAMETER_1; + break; + } + dtmf_parameter_write(plci); + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_PARAMETER_2; + break; + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_PARAMETER_2: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Restore DTMF parameters failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + break; + } + break; + } + } + return (Info); } @@ -10290,3059 +10290,3059 @@ word li_total_channels; /* if channels is provided we accept more than one channel. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -static byte chi_to_channel (byte *chi, dword *pchannelmap) -{ - int p; - int i; - dword map; - byte excl; - byte ofs; - byte ch; - - if (pchannelmap) *pchannelmap = 0; - if(!chi[0]) return 0xff; - excl = 0; - - if(chi[1] & 0x20) { - if(chi[0]==1 && chi[1]==0xac) return 0xfd; /* exclusive d-channel */ - for(i=1; i30) return 0xfe; - map = 0; - for(i=p; i<=chi[0]; i++) { - if ((chi[i] &0x7f) > 31) return 0xfe; - map |= (1L << (chi[i] &0x7f)); - } - } - else { - if(p!=chi[0]) return 0xfe; - if (ch > 31) return 0xfe; - map = (1L << ch); - } - if(chi[p] &0x40) return 0xfe; - } - if (pchannelmap) *pchannelmap = map; - else if (map != ((dword)(1L << ch))) return 0xfe; - return (byte)(excl | ch); - } - else { /* not PRI */ - for(i=1; i 30) return 0xfe; + map = 0; + for (i = p; i <= chi[0]; i++) { + if ((chi[i] & 0x7f) > 31) return 0xfe; + map |= (1L << (chi[i] & 0x7f)); + } + } + else { + if (p != chi[0]) return 0xfe; + if (ch > 31) return 0xfe; + map = (1L << ch); + } + if (chi[p] & 0x40) return 0xfe; + } + if (pchannelmap) *pchannelmap = map; + else if (map != ((dword)(1L << ch))) return 0xfe; + return (byte)(excl | ch); + } + else { /* not PRI */ + for (i = 1; i < chi[0] && !(chi[i] & 0x80); i++); + if (i != chi[0] || !(chi[i] & 0x80)) return 0xfe; + if (chi[1] & 0x08) excl = 0x40; + + switch (chi[1] | 0x98) { + case 0x98: return 0; + case 0x99: + if (pchannelmap) *pchannelmap = 2; + return excl | 1; + case 0x9a: + if (pchannelmap) *pchannelmap = 4; + return excl | 2; + case 0x9b: return 0xff; + case 0x9c: return 0xfd; /* d-ch */ + default: return 0xfe; + } + } +} + + +static void mixer_set_bchannel_id_esc(PLCI *plci, byte bchannel_id) +{ + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + PLCI *splci; + byte old_id; + + a = plci->adapter; + old_id = plci->li_bchannel_id; + if (a->li_pri) + { + if ((old_id != 0) && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (old_id - 1)].plci == plci)) + li_config_table[a->li_base + (old_id - 1)].plci = NULL; + plci->li_bchannel_id = (bchannel_id & 0x1f) + 1; + if (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == NULL) + li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci = plci; + } + else + { + if (((bchannel_id & 0x03) == 1) || ((bchannel_id & 0x03) == 2)) + { + if ((old_id != 0) && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (old_id - 1)].plci == plci)) + li_config_table[a->li_base + (old_id - 1)].plci = NULL; + plci->li_bchannel_id = bchannel_id & 0x03; + if ((a->AdvSignalPLCI != NULL) && (a->AdvSignalPLCI != plci) && (a->AdvSignalPLCI->tel == ADV_VOICE)) + { + splci = a->AdvSignalPLCI; + if (li_config_table[a->li_base + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id)].plci == NULL) + { + if ((splci->li_bchannel_id != 0) + && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (splci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == splci)) + { + li_config_table[a->li_base + (splci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci = NULL; + } + splci->li_bchannel_id = 3 - plci->li_bchannel_id; + li_config_table[a->li_base + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id)].plci = splci; + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: adv_voice_set_bchannel_id_esc %d", + (dword)((splci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(splci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, splci->li_bchannel_id)); + } + } + if (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == NULL) + li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci = plci; + } + } + if ((old_id == 0) && (plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) + && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) + { + mixer_clear_config(plci); + } + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_set_bchannel_id_esc %d %d", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, bchannel_id, plci->li_bchannel_id)); +} + + +static void mixer_set_bchannel_id(PLCI *plci, byte *chi) +{ + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + PLCI *splci; + byte ch, old_id; + + a = plci->adapter; + old_id = plci->li_bchannel_id; + ch = chi_to_channel(chi, NULL); + if (!(ch & 0x80)) + { + if (a->li_pri) + { + if ((old_id != 0) && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (old_id - 1)].plci == plci)) + li_config_table[a->li_base + (old_id - 1)].plci = NULL; + plci->li_bchannel_id = (ch & 0x1f) + 1; + if (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == NULL) + li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci = plci; + } + else + { + if (((ch & 0x1f) == 1) || ((ch & 0x1f) == 2)) + { + if ((old_id != 0) && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (old_id - 1)].plci == plci)) + li_config_table[a->li_base + (old_id - 1)].plci = NULL; + plci->li_bchannel_id = ch & 0x1f; + if ((a->AdvSignalPLCI != NULL) && (a->AdvSignalPLCI != plci) && (a->AdvSignalPLCI->tel == ADV_VOICE)) + { + splci = a->AdvSignalPLCI; + if (li_config_table[a->li_base + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id)].plci == NULL) + { + if ((splci->li_bchannel_id != 0) + && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (splci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == splci)) + { + li_config_table[a->li_base + (splci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci = NULL; + } + splci->li_bchannel_id = 3 - plci->li_bchannel_id; + li_config_table[a->li_base + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id)].plci = splci; + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: adv_voice_set_bchannel_id %d", + (dword)((splci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(splci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, splci->li_bchannel_id)); + } + } + if (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == NULL) + li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci = plci; + } + } + } + if ((old_id == 0) && (plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) + && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) + { + mixer_clear_config(plci); + } + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_set_bchannel_id %02x %d", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, ch, plci->li_bchannel_id)); } -static void mixer_set_bchannel_id_esc (PLCI *plci, byte bchannel_id) -{ - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - PLCI *splci; - byte old_id; +#define MIXER_MAX_DUMP_CHANNELS 34 - a = plci->adapter; - old_id = plci->li_bchannel_id; - if (a->li_pri) - { - if ((old_id != 0) && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (old_id - 1)].plci == plci)) - li_config_table[a->li_base + (old_id - 1)].plci = NULL; - plci->li_bchannel_id = (bchannel_id & 0x1f) + 1; - if (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == NULL) - li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci = plci; - } - else - { - if (((bchannel_id & 0x03) == 1) || ((bchannel_id & 0x03) == 2)) - { - if ((old_id != 0) && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (old_id - 1)].plci == plci)) - li_config_table[a->li_base + (old_id - 1)].plci = NULL; - plci->li_bchannel_id = bchannel_id & 0x03; - if ((a->AdvSignalPLCI != NULL) && (a->AdvSignalPLCI != plci) && (a->AdvSignalPLCI->tel == ADV_VOICE)) - { - splci = a->AdvSignalPLCI; - if (li_config_table[a->li_base + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id)].plci == NULL) - { - if ((splci->li_bchannel_id != 0) - && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (splci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == splci)) - { - li_config_table[a->li_base + (splci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci = NULL; - } - splci->li_bchannel_id = 3 - plci->li_bchannel_id; - li_config_table[a->li_base + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id)].plci = splci; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: adv_voice_set_bchannel_id_esc %d", - (dword)((splci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (splci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, splci->li_bchannel_id)); - } - } - if (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == NULL) - li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci = plci; - } - } - if ((old_id == 0) && (plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) - && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) - { - mixer_clear_config (plci); - } - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_set_bchannel_id_esc %d %d", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, bchannel_id, plci->li_bchannel_id)); +static void mixer_calculate_coefs(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a) +{ + static char hex_digit_table[0x10] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'}; + word n, i, j; + char *p; + char hex_line[2 * MIXER_MAX_DUMP_CHANNELS + MIXER_MAX_DUMP_CHANNELS / 8 + 4]; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_calculate_coefs", + (dword)(UnMapController(a->Id)), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + + for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) + { + li_config_table[i].channel &= LI_CHANNEL_ADDRESSES_SET; + if (li_config_table[i].chflags != 0) + li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED; + else + { + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + if (((li_config_table[i].flag_table[j]) != 0) + || ((li_config_table[j].flag_table[i]) != 0)) + { + li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED; + } + if (((li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE) != 0) + || ((li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE) != 0)) + { + li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_CONFERENCE; + } + } + } + } + for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) + { + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] &= ~(LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC); + if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE) + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_CH_CH; + } + } + for (n = 0; n < li_total_channels; n++) + { + if (li_config_table[n].channel & LI_CHANNEL_CONFERENCE) + { + for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) + { + if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_CONFERENCE) + { + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] |= + li_config_table[i].coef_table[n] & li_config_table[n].coef_table[j]; + } + } + } + } + } + for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) + { + if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) + { + li_config_table[i].coef_table[i] &= ~LI_COEF_CH_CH; + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + if (li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & LI_COEF_CH_CH) + li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + } + if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[i] & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE) + li_config_table[i].coef_table[i] |= LI_COEF_CH_CH; + } + } + for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) + { + if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) + { + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT) + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_CH_CH; + if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_MONITOR) + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_CH_PC; + if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_MIX) + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_PC_CH; + if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_PCCONNECT) + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_PC_PC; + } + if (li_config_table[i].chflags & LI_CHFLAG_MONITOR) + { + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT) + { + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_CH_PC; + if (li_config_table[j].chflags & LI_CHFLAG_MIX) + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC; + } + } + } + if (li_config_table[i].chflags & LI_CHFLAG_MIX) + { + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + if (li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] & LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT) + li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] |= LI_COEF_PC_CH; + } + } + if (li_config_table[i].chflags & LI_CHFLAG_LOOP) + { + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT) + { + for (n = 0; n < li_total_channels; n++) + { + if (li_config_table[n].flag_table[i] & LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT) + { + li_config_table[n].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_CH_CH; + if (li_config_table[j].chflags & LI_CHFLAG_MIX) + { + li_config_table[n].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_PC_CH; + if (li_config_table[n].chflags & LI_CHFLAG_MONITOR) + li_config_table[n].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_PC; + } + else if (li_config_table[n].chflags & LI_CHFLAG_MONITOR) + li_config_table[n].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_CH_PC; + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) + { + if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) + { + if (li_config_table[i].chflags & (LI_CHFLAG_MONITOR | LI_CHFLAG_MIX | LI_CHFLAG_LOOP)) + li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_ACTIVE; + if (li_config_table[i].chflags & LI_CHFLAG_MONITOR) + li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_RX_DATA; + if (li_config_table[i].chflags & LI_CHFLAG_MIX) + li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_TX_DATA; + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + if ((li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & + (LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_PCCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE | LI_FLAG_MONITOR)) + || (li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] & + (LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_PCCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE | LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT | LI_FLAG_MIX))) + { + li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_ACTIVE; + } + if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & (LI_FLAG_PCCONNECT | LI_FLAG_MONITOR)) + li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_RX_DATA; + if (li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] & (LI_FLAG_PCCONNECT | LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT | LI_FLAG_MIX)) + li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_TX_DATA; + } + if (!(li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_ACTIVE)) + { + li_config_table[i].coef_table[i] |= LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC; + li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_TX_DATA | LI_CHANNEL_RX_DATA; + } + } + } + for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) + { + if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) + { + j = 0; + while ((j < li_total_channels) && !(li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT)) + j++; + if (j < li_total_channels) + { + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] &= ~(LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_PC_CH); + if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT) + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_PC_CH; + } + } + } + } + n = li_total_channels; + if (n > MIXER_MAX_DUMP_CHANNELS) + n = MIXER_MAX_DUMP_CHANNELS; + p = hex_line; + for (j = 0; j < n; j++) + { + if ((j & 0x7) == 0) + *(p++) = ' '; + *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[j].curchnl >> 4]; + *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[j].curchnl & 0xf]; + } + *p = '\0'; + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] CURRENT %s", + (dword)(UnMapController(a->Id)), (char *)hex_line)); + p = hex_line; + for (j = 0; j < n; j++) + { + if ((j & 0x7) == 0) + *(p++) = ' '; + *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[j].channel >> 4]; + *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[j].channel & 0xf]; + } + *p = '\0'; + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] CHANNEL %s", + (dword)(UnMapController(a->Id)), (char *)hex_line)); + p = hex_line; + for (j = 0; j < n; j++) + { + if ((j & 0x7) == 0) + *(p++) = ' '; + *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[j].chflags >> 4]; + *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[j].chflags & 0xf]; + } + *p = '\0'; + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] CHFLAG %s", + (dword)(UnMapController(a->Id)), (char *)hex_line)); + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) + { + p = hex_line; + for (j = 0; j < n; j++) + { + if ((j & 0x7) == 0) + *(p++) = ' '; + *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] >> 4]; + *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & 0xf]; + } + *p = '\0'; + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] FLAG[%02x]%s", + (dword)(UnMapController(a->Id)), i, (char *)hex_line)); + } + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) + { + p = hex_line; + for (j = 0; j < n; j++) + { + if ((j & 0x7) == 0) + *(p++) = ' '; + *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] >> 4]; + *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & 0xf]; + } + *p = '\0'; + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] COEF[%02x]%s", + (dword)(UnMapController(a->Id)), i, (char *)hex_line)); + } } -static void mixer_set_bchannel_id (PLCI *plci, byte *chi) +static struct { - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - PLCI *splci; - byte ch, old_id; - - a = plci->adapter; - old_id = plci->li_bchannel_id; - ch = chi_to_channel (chi, NULL); - if (!(ch & 0x80)) - { - if (a->li_pri) - { - if ((old_id != 0) && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (old_id - 1)].plci == plci)) - li_config_table[a->li_base + (old_id - 1)].plci = NULL; - plci->li_bchannel_id = (ch & 0x1f) + 1; - if (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == NULL) - li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci = plci; - } - else - { - if (((ch & 0x1f) == 1) || ((ch & 0x1f) == 2)) - { - if ((old_id != 0) && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (old_id - 1)].plci == plci)) - li_config_table[a->li_base + (old_id - 1)].plci = NULL; - plci->li_bchannel_id = ch & 0x1f; - if ((a->AdvSignalPLCI != NULL) && (a->AdvSignalPLCI != plci) && (a->AdvSignalPLCI->tel == ADV_VOICE)) - { - splci = a->AdvSignalPLCI; - if (li_config_table[a->li_base + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id)].plci == NULL) - { - if ((splci->li_bchannel_id != 0) - && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (splci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == splci)) - { - li_config_table[a->li_base + (splci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci = NULL; - } - splci->li_bchannel_id = 3 - plci->li_bchannel_id; - li_config_table[a->li_base + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id)].plci = splci; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: adv_voice_set_bchannel_id %d", - (dword)((splci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (splci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, splci->li_bchannel_id)); - } - } - if (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == NULL) - li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci = plci; - } - } - } - if ((old_id == 0) && (plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) - && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) - { - mixer_clear_config (plci); - } - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_set_bchannel_id %02x %d", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, ch, plci->li_bchannel_id)); -} - + byte mask; + byte line_flags; +} mixer_write_prog_pri[] = +{ + { LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0 }, + { LI_COEF_CH_PC, MIXER_COEF_LINE_TO_PC_FLAG }, + { LI_COEF_PC_CH, MIXER_COEF_LINE_FROM_PC_FLAG }, + { LI_COEF_PC_PC, MIXER_COEF_LINE_TO_PC_FLAG | MIXER_COEF_LINE_FROM_PC_FLAG } +}; -#define MIXER_MAX_DUMP_CHANNELS 34 +static struct +{ + byte from_ch; + byte to_ch; + byte mask; + byte xconnect_override; +} mixer_write_prog_bri[] = +{ + { 0, 0, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x01 }, /* B to B */ + { 1, 0, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x01 }, /* Alt B to B */ + { 0, 0, LI_COEF_PC_CH, 0x80 }, /* PC to B */ + { 1, 0, LI_COEF_PC_CH, 0x01 }, /* Alt PC to B */ + { 2, 0, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* IC to B */ + { 3, 0, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* Alt IC to B */ + { 0, 0, LI_COEF_CH_PC, 0x80 }, /* B to PC */ + { 1, 0, LI_COEF_CH_PC, 0x01 }, /* Alt B to PC */ + { 0, 0, LI_COEF_PC_PC, 0x01 }, /* PC to PC */ + { 1, 0, LI_COEF_PC_PC, 0x01 }, /* Alt PC to PC */ + { 2, 0, LI_COEF_CH_PC, 0x00 }, /* IC to PC */ + { 3, 0, LI_COEF_CH_PC, 0x00 }, /* Alt IC to PC */ + { 0, 2, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* B to IC */ + { 1, 2, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* Alt B to IC */ + { 0, 2, LI_COEF_PC_CH, 0x00 }, /* PC to IC */ + { 1, 2, LI_COEF_PC_CH, 0x00 }, /* Alt PC to IC */ + { 2, 2, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* IC to IC */ + { 3, 2, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* Alt IC to IC */ + { 1, 1, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x01 }, /* Alt B to Alt B */ + { 0, 1, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x01 }, /* B to Alt B */ + { 1, 1, LI_COEF_PC_CH, 0x80 }, /* Alt PC to Alt B */ + { 0, 1, LI_COEF_PC_CH, 0x01 }, /* PC to Alt B */ + { 3, 1, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* Alt IC to Alt B */ + { 2, 1, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* IC to Alt B */ + { 1, 1, LI_COEF_CH_PC, 0x80 }, /* Alt B to Alt PC */ + { 0, 1, LI_COEF_CH_PC, 0x01 }, /* B to Alt PC */ + { 1, 1, LI_COEF_PC_PC, 0x01 }, /* Alt PC to Alt PC */ + { 0, 1, LI_COEF_PC_PC, 0x01 }, /* PC to Alt PC */ + { 3, 1, LI_COEF_CH_PC, 0x00 }, /* Alt IC to Alt PC */ + { 2, 1, LI_COEF_CH_PC, 0x00 }, /* IC to Alt PC */ + { 1, 3, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* Alt B to Alt IC */ + { 0, 3, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* B to Alt IC */ + { 1, 3, LI_COEF_PC_CH, 0x00 }, /* Alt PC to Alt IC */ + { 0, 3, LI_COEF_PC_CH, 0x00 }, /* PC to Alt IC */ + { 3, 3, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* Alt IC to Alt IC */ + { 2, 3, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 } /* IC to Alt IC */ +}; -static void mixer_calculate_coefs (DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a) +static byte mixer_swapped_index_bri[] = { -static char hex_digit_table[0x10] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'}; - word n, i, j; - char *p; - char hex_line[2 * MIXER_MAX_DUMP_CHANNELS + MIXER_MAX_DUMP_CHANNELS / 8 + 4]; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_calculate_coefs", - (dword)(UnMapController (a->Id)), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - - for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) - { - li_config_table[i].channel &= LI_CHANNEL_ADDRESSES_SET; - if (li_config_table[i].chflags != 0) - li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED; - else - { - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - if (((li_config_table[i].flag_table[j]) != 0) - || ((li_config_table[j].flag_table[i]) != 0)) - { - li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED; - } - if (((li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE) != 0) - || ((li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE) != 0)) - { - li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_CONFERENCE; - } - } - } - } - for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) - { - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] &= ~(LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC); - if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE) - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_CH_CH; - } - } - for (n = 0; n < li_total_channels; n++) - { - if (li_config_table[n].channel & LI_CHANNEL_CONFERENCE) - { - for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) - { - if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_CONFERENCE) - { - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] |= - li_config_table[i].coef_table[n] & li_config_table[n].coef_table[j]; - } - } - } - } - } - for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) - { - if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) - { - li_config_table[i].coef_table[i] &= ~LI_COEF_CH_CH; - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - if (li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & LI_COEF_CH_CH) - li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - } - if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[i] & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE) - li_config_table[i].coef_table[i] |= LI_COEF_CH_CH; - } - } - for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) - { - if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) - { - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT) - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_CH_CH; - if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_MONITOR) - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_CH_PC; - if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_MIX) - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_PC_CH; - if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_PCCONNECT) - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_PC_PC; - } - if (li_config_table[i].chflags & LI_CHFLAG_MONITOR) - { - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT) - { - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_CH_PC; - if (li_config_table[j].chflags & LI_CHFLAG_MIX) - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC; - } - } - } - if (li_config_table[i].chflags & LI_CHFLAG_MIX) - { - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - if (li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] & LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT) - li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] |= LI_COEF_PC_CH; - } - } - if (li_config_table[i].chflags & LI_CHFLAG_LOOP) - { - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT) - { - for (n = 0; n < li_total_channels; n++) - { - if (li_config_table[n].flag_table[i] & LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT) - { - li_config_table[n].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_CH_CH; - if (li_config_table[j].chflags & LI_CHFLAG_MIX) - { - li_config_table[n].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_PC_CH; - if (li_config_table[n].chflags & LI_CHFLAG_MONITOR) - li_config_table[n].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_PC; - } - else if (li_config_table[n].chflags & LI_CHFLAG_MONITOR) - li_config_table[n].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_CH_PC; - } - } - } - } - } - } - } - for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) - { - if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) - { - if (li_config_table[i].chflags & (LI_CHFLAG_MONITOR | LI_CHFLAG_MIX | LI_CHFLAG_LOOP)) - li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_ACTIVE; - if (li_config_table[i].chflags & LI_CHFLAG_MONITOR) - li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_RX_DATA; - if (li_config_table[i].chflags & LI_CHFLAG_MIX) - li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_TX_DATA; - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - if ((li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & - (LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_PCCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE | LI_FLAG_MONITOR)) - || (li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] & - (LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_PCCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE | LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT | LI_FLAG_MIX))) - { - li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_ACTIVE; - } - if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & (LI_FLAG_PCCONNECT | LI_FLAG_MONITOR)) - li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_RX_DATA; - if (li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] & (LI_FLAG_PCCONNECT | LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT | LI_FLAG_MIX)) - li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_TX_DATA; - } - if (!(li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_ACTIVE)) - { - li_config_table[i].coef_table[i] |= LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC; - li_config_table[i].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_TX_DATA | LI_CHANNEL_RX_DATA; - } - } - } - for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) - { - if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) - { - j = 0; - while ((j < li_total_channels) && !(li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT)) - j++; - if (j < li_total_channels) - { - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] &= ~(LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_PC_CH); - if (li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT) - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] |= LI_COEF_PC_CH; - } - } - } - } - n = li_total_channels; - if (n > MIXER_MAX_DUMP_CHANNELS) - n = MIXER_MAX_DUMP_CHANNELS; - p = hex_line; - for (j = 0; j < n; j++) - { - if ((j & 0x7) == 0) - *(p++) = ' '; - *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[j].curchnl >> 4]; - *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[j].curchnl & 0xf]; - } - *p = '\0'; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] CURRENT %s", - (dword)(UnMapController (a->Id)), (char *) hex_line)); - p = hex_line; - for (j = 0; j < n; j++) - { - if ((j & 0x7) == 0) - *(p++) = ' '; - *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[j].channel >> 4]; - *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[j].channel & 0xf]; - } - *p = '\0'; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] CHANNEL %s", - (dword)(UnMapController (a->Id)), (char *) hex_line)); - p = hex_line; - for (j = 0; j < n; j++) - { - if ((j & 0x7) == 0) - *(p++) = ' '; - *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[j].chflags >> 4]; - *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[j].chflags & 0xf]; - } - *p = '\0'; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] CHFLAG %s", - (dword)(UnMapController (a->Id)), (char *) hex_line)); - for (i = 0; i < n; i++) - { - p = hex_line; - for (j = 0; j < n; j++) - { - if ((j & 0x7) == 0) - *(p++) = ' '; - *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] >> 4]; - *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & 0xf]; - } - *p = '\0'; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] FLAG[%02x]%s", - (dword)(UnMapController (a->Id)), i, (char *) hex_line)); - } - for (i = 0; i < n; i++) - { - p = hex_line; - for (j = 0; j < n; j++) - { - if ((j & 0x7) == 0) - *(p++) = ' '; - *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] >> 4]; - *(p++) = hex_digit_table[li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & 0xf]; - } - *p = '\0'; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] COEF[%02x]%s", - (dword)(UnMapController (a->Id)), i, (char *) hex_line)); - } -} - - -static struct -{ - byte mask; - byte line_flags; -} mixer_write_prog_pri[] = -{ - { LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0 }, - { LI_COEF_CH_PC, MIXER_COEF_LINE_TO_PC_FLAG }, - { LI_COEF_PC_CH, MIXER_COEF_LINE_FROM_PC_FLAG }, - { LI_COEF_PC_PC, MIXER_COEF_LINE_TO_PC_FLAG | MIXER_COEF_LINE_FROM_PC_FLAG } -}; + 18, /* B to B */ + 19, /* Alt B to B */ + 20, /* PC to B */ + 21, /* Alt PC to B */ + 22, /* IC to B */ + 23, /* Alt IC to B */ + 24, /* B to PC */ + 25, /* Alt B to PC */ + 26, /* PC to PC */ + 27, /* Alt PC to PC */ + 28, /* IC to PC */ + 29, /* Alt IC to PC */ + 30, /* B to IC */ + 31, /* Alt B to IC */ + 32, /* PC to IC */ + 33, /* Alt PC to IC */ + 34, /* IC to IC */ + 35, /* Alt IC to IC */ + 0, /* Alt B to Alt B */ + 1, /* B to Alt B */ + 2, /* Alt PC to Alt B */ + 3, /* PC to Alt B */ + 4, /* Alt IC to Alt B */ + 5, /* IC to Alt B */ + 6, /* Alt B to Alt PC */ + 7, /* B to Alt PC */ + 8, /* Alt PC to Alt PC */ + 9, /* PC to Alt PC */ + 10, /* Alt IC to Alt PC */ + 11, /* IC to Alt PC */ + 12, /* Alt B to Alt IC */ + 13, /* B to Alt IC */ + 14, /* Alt PC to Alt IC */ + 15, /* PC to Alt IC */ + 16, /* Alt IC to Alt IC */ + 17 /* IC to Alt IC */ +}; static struct { - byte from_ch; - byte to_ch; - byte mask; - byte xconnect_override; -} mixer_write_prog_bri[] = -{ - { 0, 0, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x01 }, /* B to B */ - { 1, 0, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x01 }, /* Alt B to B */ - { 0, 0, LI_COEF_PC_CH, 0x80 }, /* PC to B */ - { 1, 0, LI_COEF_PC_CH, 0x01 }, /* Alt PC to B */ - { 2, 0, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* IC to B */ - { 3, 0, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* Alt IC to B */ - { 0, 0, LI_COEF_CH_PC, 0x80 }, /* B to PC */ - { 1, 0, LI_COEF_CH_PC, 0x01 }, /* Alt B to PC */ - { 0, 0, LI_COEF_PC_PC, 0x01 }, /* PC to PC */ - { 1, 0, LI_COEF_PC_PC, 0x01 }, /* Alt PC to PC */ - { 2, 0, LI_COEF_CH_PC, 0x00 }, /* IC to PC */ - { 3, 0, LI_COEF_CH_PC, 0x00 }, /* Alt IC to PC */ - { 0, 2, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* B to IC */ - { 1, 2, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* Alt B to IC */ - { 0, 2, LI_COEF_PC_CH, 0x00 }, /* PC to IC */ - { 1, 2, LI_COEF_PC_CH, 0x00 }, /* Alt PC to IC */ - { 2, 2, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* IC to IC */ - { 3, 2, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* Alt IC to IC */ - { 1, 1, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x01 }, /* Alt B to Alt B */ - { 0, 1, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x01 }, /* B to Alt B */ - { 1, 1, LI_COEF_PC_CH, 0x80 }, /* Alt PC to Alt B */ - { 0, 1, LI_COEF_PC_CH, 0x01 }, /* PC to Alt B */ - { 3, 1, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* Alt IC to Alt B */ - { 2, 1, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* IC to Alt B */ - { 1, 1, LI_COEF_CH_PC, 0x80 }, /* Alt B to Alt PC */ - { 0, 1, LI_COEF_CH_PC, 0x01 }, /* B to Alt PC */ - { 1, 1, LI_COEF_PC_PC, 0x01 }, /* Alt PC to Alt PC */ - { 0, 1, LI_COEF_PC_PC, 0x01 }, /* PC to Alt PC */ - { 3, 1, LI_COEF_CH_PC, 0x00 }, /* Alt IC to Alt PC */ - { 2, 1, LI_COEF_CH_PC, 0x00 }, /* IC to Alt PC */ - { 1, 3, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* Alt B to Alt IC */ - { 0, 3, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* B to Alt IC */ - { 1, 3, LI_COEF_PC_CH, 0x00 }, /* Alt PC to Alt IC */ - { 0, 3, LI_COEF_PC_CH, 0x00 }, /* PC to Alt IC */ - { 3, 3, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 }, /* Alt IC to Alt IC */ - { 2, 3, LI_COEF_CH_CH, 0x00 } /* IC to Alt IC */ -}; - -static byte mixer_swapped_index_bri[] = -{ - 18, /* B to B */ - 19, /* Alt B to B */ - 20, /* PC to B */ - 21, /* Alt PC to B */ - 22, /* IC to B */ - 23, /* Alt IC to B */ - 24, /* B to PC */ - 25, /* Alt B to PC */ - 26, /* PC to PC */ - 27, /* Alt PC to PC */ - 28, /* IC to PC */ - 29, /* Alt IC to PC */ - 30, /* B to IC */ - 31, /* Alt B to IC */ - 32, /* PC to IC */ - 33, /* Alt PC to IC */ - 34, /* IC to IC */ - 35, /* Alt IC to IC */ - 0, /* Alt B to Alt B */ - 1, /* B to Alt B */ - 2, /* Alt PC to Alt B */ - 3, /* PC to Alt B */ - 4, /* Alt IC to Alt B */ - 5, /* IC to Alt B */ - 6, /* Alt B to Alt PC */ - 7, /* B to Alt PC */ - 8, /* Alt PC to Alt PC */ - 9, /* PC to Alt PC */ - 10, /* Alt IC to Alt PC */ - 11, /* IC to Alt PC */ - 12, /* Alt B to Alt IC */ - 13, /* B to Alt IC */ - 14, /* Alt PC to Alt IC */ - 15, /* PC to Alt IC */ - 16, /* Alt IC to Alt IC */ - 17 /* IC to Alt IC */ -}; - -static struct -{ - byte mask; - byte from_pc; - byte to_pc; -} xconnect_write_prog[] = -{ - { LI_COEF_CH_CH, false, false }, - { LI_COEF_CH_PC, false, true }, - { LI_COEF_PC_CH, true, false }, - { LI_COEF_PC_PC, true, true } -}; - - -static void xconnect_query_addresses (PLCI *plci) -{ - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - word w, ch; - byte *p; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: xconnect_query_addresses", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - - a = plci->adapter; - if (a->li_pri && ((plci->li_bchannel_id == 0) - || (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci != plci))) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06x] %s,%d: Channel id wiped out", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - return; - } - p = plci->internal_req_buffer; - ch = (a->li_pri) ? plci->li_bchannel_id - 1 : 0; - *(p++) = UDATA_REQUEST_XCONNECT_FROM; - w = ch; - *(p++) = (byte) w; - *(p++) = (byte)(w >> 8); - w = ch | XCONNECT_CHANNEL_PORT_PC; - *(p++) = (byte) w; - *(p++) = (byte)(w >> 8); - plci->NData[0].P = plci->internal_req_buffer; - plci->NData[0].PLength = p - plci->internal_req_buffer; - plci->NL.X = plci->NData; - plci->NL.ReqCh = 0; - plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte) N_UDATA; - plci->adapter->request (&plci->NL); -} - - -static void xconnect_write_coefs (PLCI *plci, word internal_command) -{ - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: xconnect_write_coefs %04x", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, internal_command)); - - plci->li_write_command = internal_command; - plci->li_write_channel = 0; -} - - -static byte xconnect_write_coefs_process (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - word w, n, i, j, r, s, to_ch; - dword d; - byte *p; - struct xconnect_transfer_address_s *transfer_address; - byte ch_map[MIXER_CHANNELS_BRI]; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06x] %s,%d: xconnect_write_coefs_process %02x %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->li_write_channel)); - - a = plci->adapter; - if ((plci->li_bchannel_id == 0) - || (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci != plci)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06x] %s,%d: Channel id wiped out", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - return (true); - } - i = a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); - j = plci->li_write_channel; - p = plci->internal_req_buffer; - if (j != 0) - { - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI write coefs failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - return (false); - } - } - if (li_config_table[i].adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) - { - r = 0; - s = 0; - if (j < li_total_channels) - { - if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_ADDRESSES_SET) - { - s = ((li_config_table[i].send_b.card_address.low | li_config_table[i].send_b.card_address.high) ? - (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC) : (LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_PC)) & - ((li_config_table[i].send_pc.card_address.low | li_config_table[i].send_pc.card_address.high) ? - (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC) : (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_PC_CH)); - } - r = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & 0xf) ^ (li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] >> 4)); - while ((j < li_total_channels) - && ((r == 0) - || (!(li_config_table[j].channel & LI_CHANNEL_ADDRESSES_SET)) - || (!li_config_table[j].adapter->li_pri - && (j >= li_config_table[j].adapter->li_base + MIXER_BCHANNELS_BRI)) - || (((li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.low != li_config_table[i].send_b.card_address.low) - || (li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.high != li_config_table[i].send_b.card_address.high)) - && (!(a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_DMACONNECT) - || !(li_config_table[j].adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_DMACONNECT))) - || ((li_config_table[j].adapter->li_base != a->li_base) - && !(r & s & - ((li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.low | li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.high) ? - (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC) : (LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC)) & - ((li_config_table[j].send_pc.card_address.low | li_config_table[j].send_pc.card_address.high) ? - (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC) : (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC)))))) - { - j++; - if (j < li_total_channels) - r = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & 0xf) ^ (li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] >> 4)); - } - } - if (j < li_total_channels) - { - plci->internal_command = plci->li_write_command; - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - return (true); - to_ch = (a->li_pri) ? plci->li_bchannel_id - 1 : 0; - *(p++) = UDATA_REQUEST_XCONNECT_TO; - do - { - if (li_config_table[j].adapter->li_base != a->li_base) - { - r &= s & - ((li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.low | li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.high) ? - (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC) : (LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC)) & - ((li_config_table[j].send_pc.card_address.low | li_config_table[j].send_pc.card_address.high) ? - (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC) : (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC)); - } - n = 0; - do - { - if (r & xconnect_write_prog[n].mask) - { - if (xconnect_write_prog[n].from_pc) - transfer_address = &(li_config_table[j].send_pc); - else - transfer_address = &(li_config_table[j].send_b); - d = transfer_address->card_address.low; - *(p++) = (byte) d; - *(p++) = (byte)(d >> 8); - *(p++) = (byte)(d >> 16); - *(p++) = (byte)(d >> 24); - d = transfer_address->card_address.high; - *(p++) = (byte) d; - *(p++) = (byte)(d >> 8); - *(p++) = (byte)(d >> 16); - *(p++) = (byte)(d >> 24); - d = transfer_address->offset; - *(p++) = (byte) d; - *(p++) = (byte)(d >> 8); - *(p++) = (byte)(d >> 16); - *(p++) = (byte)(d >> 24); - w = xconnect_write_prog[n].to_pc ? to_ch | XCONNECT_CHANNEL_PORT_PC : to_ch; - *(p++) = (byte) w; - *(p++) = (byte)(w >> 8); - w = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & xconnect_write_prog[n].mask) == 0) ? 0x01 : - (li_config_table[i].adapter->u_law ? - (li_config_table[j].adapter->u_law ? 0x80 : 0x86) : - (li_config_table[j].adapter->u_law ? 0x7a : 0x80)); - *(p++) = (byte) w; - *(p++) = (byte) 0; - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] ^= xconnect_write_prog[n].mask << 4; - } - n++; - } while ((n < ARRAY_SIZE(xconnect_write_prog)) - && ((p - plci->internal_req_buffer) + 16 < INTERNAL_REQ_BUFFER_SIZE)); - if (n == ARRAY_SIZE(xconnect_write_prog)) - { - do - { - j++; - if (j < li_total_channels) - r = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & 0xf) ^ (li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] >> 4)); - } while ((j < li_total_channels) - && ((r == 0) - || (!(li_config_table[j].channel & LI_CHANNEL_ADDRESSES_SET)) - || (!li_config_table[j].adapter->li_pri - && (j >= li_config_table[j].adapter->li_base + MIXER_BCHANNELS_BRI)) - || (((li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.low != li_config_table[i].send_b.card_address.low) - || (li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.high != li_config_table[i].send_b.card_address.high)) - && (!(a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_DMACONNECT) - || !(li_config_table[j].adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_DMACONNECT))) - || ((li_config_table[j].adapter->li_base != a->li_base) - && !(r & s & - ((li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.low | li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.high) ? - (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC) : (LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC)) & - ((li_config_table[j].send_pc.card_address.low | li_config_table[j].send_pc.card_address.high) ? - (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC) : (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC)))))); - } - } while ((j < li_total_channels) - && ((p - plci->internal_req_buffer) + 16 < INTERNAL_REQ_BUFFER_SIZE)); - } - else if (j == li_total_channels) - { - plci->internal_command = plci->li_write_command; - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - return (true); - if (a->li_pri) - { - *(p++) = UDATA_REQUEST_SET_MIXER_COEFS_PRI_SYNC; - w = 0; - if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_TX_DATA) - w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_TX_DATA; - if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_RX_DATA) - w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_RX_DATA; - *(p++) = (byte) w; - *(p++) = (byte)(w >> 8); - } - else - { - *(p++) = UDATA_REQUEST_SET_MIXER_COEFS_BRI; - w = 0; - if ((plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) && (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI) - && (ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE + sizeof(word) <= a->adv_voice_coef_length)) - { - w = GET_WORD (a->adv_voice_coef_buffer + ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE); - } - if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_TX_DATA) - w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_TX_DATA; - if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_RX_DATA) - w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_RX_DATA; - *(p++) = (byte) w; - *(p++) = (byte)(w >> 8); - for (j = 0; j < sizeof(ch_map); j += 2) - { - if (plci->li_bchannel_id == 2) - { - ch_map[j] = (byte)(j+1); - ch_map[j+1] = (byte) j; - } - else - { - ch_map[j] = (byte) j; - ch_map[j+1] = (byte)(j+1); - } - } - for (n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(mixer_write_prog_bri); n++) - { - i = a->li_base + ch_map[mixer_write_prog_bri[n].to_ch]; - j = a->li_base + ch_map[mixer_write_prog_bri[n].from_ch]; - if (li_config_table[i].channel & li_config_table[j].channel & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) - { - *p = (mixer_write_prog_bri[n].xconnect_override != 0) ? - mixer_write_prog_bri[n].xconnect_override : - ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & mixer_write_prog_bri[n].mask) ? 0x80 : 0x01); - if ((i >= a->li_base + MIXER_BCHANNELS_BRI) || (j >= a->li_base + MIXER_BCHANNELS_BRI)) - { - w = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & 0xf) ^ (li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] >> 4)); - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] ^= (w & mixer_write_prog_bri[n].mask) << 4; - } - } - else - { - *p = 0x00; - if ((a->AdvSignalPLCI != NULL) && (a->AdvSignalPLCI->tel == ADV_VOICE)) - { - w = (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI) ? n : mixer_swapped_index_bri[n]; - if (ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE + sizeof(word) + w < a->adv_voice_coef_length) - *p = a->adv_voice_coef_buffer[ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE + sizeof(word) + w]; - } - } - p++; - } - } - j = li_total_channels + 1; - } - } - else - { - if (j <= li_total_channels) - { - plci->internal_command = plci->li_write_command; - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - return (true); - if (j < a->li_base) - j = a->li_base; - if (a->li_pri) - { - *(p++) = UDATA_REQUEST_SET_MIXER_COEFS_PRI_SYNC; - w = 0; - if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_TX_DATA) - w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_TX_DATA; - if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_RX_DATA) - w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_RX_DATA; - *(p++) = (byte) w; - *(p++) = (byte)(w >> 8); - for (n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(mixer_write_prog_pri); n++) - { - *(p++) = (byte)((plci->li_bchannel_id - 1) | mixer_write_prog_pri[n].line_flags); - for (j = a->li_base; j < a->li_base + MIXER_CHANNELS_PRI; j++) - { - w = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & 0xf) ^ (li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] >> 4)); - if (w & mixer_write_prog_pri[n].mask) - { - *(p++) = (li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & mixer_write_prog_pri[n].mask) ? 0x80 : 0x01; - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] ^= mixer_write_prog_pri[n].mask << 4; - } - else - *(p++) = 0x00; - } - *(p++) = (byte)((plci->li_bchannel_id - 1) | MIXER_COEF_LINE_ROW_FLAG | mixer_write_prog_pri[n].line_flags); - for (j = a->li_base; j < a->li_base + MIXER_CHANNELS_PRI; j++) - { - w = ((li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] & 0xf) ^ (li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] >> 4)); - if (w & mixer_write_prog_pri[n].mask) - { - *(p++) = (li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] & mixer_write_prog_pri[n].mask) ? 0x80 : 0x01; - li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] ^= mixer_write_prog_pri[n].mask << 4; - } - else - *(p++) = 0x00; - } - } - } - else - { - *(p++) = UDATA_REQUEST_SET_MIXER_COEFS_BRI; - w = 0; - if ((plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) && (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI) - && (ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE + sizeof(word) <= a->adv_voice_coef_length)) - { - w = GET_WORD (a->adv_voice_coef_buffer + ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE); - } - if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_TX_DATA) - w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_TX_DATA; - if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_RX_DATA) - w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_RX_DATA; - *(p++) = (byte) w; - *(p++) = (byte)(w >> 8); - for (j = 0; j < sizeof(ch_map); j += 2) - { - if (plci->li_bchannel_id == 2) - { - ch_map[j] = (byte)(j+1); - ch_map[j+1] = (byte) j; - } - else - { - ch_map[j] = (byte) j; - ch_map[j+1] = (byte)(j+1); - } - } - for (n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(mixer_write_prog_bri); n++) - { - i = a->li_base + ch_map[mixer_write_prog_bri[n].to_ch]; - j = a->li_base + ch_map[mixer_write_prog_bri[n].from_ch]; - if (li_config_table[i].channel & li_config_table[j].channel & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) - { - *p = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & mixer_write_prog_bri[n].mask) ? 0x80 : 0x01); - w = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & 0xf) ^ (li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] >> 4)); - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] ^= (w & mixer_write_prog_bri[n].mask) << 4; - } - else - { - *p = 0x00; - if ((a->AdvSignalPLCI != NULL) && (a->AdvSignalPLCI->tel == ADV_VOICE)) - { - w = (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI) ? n : mixer_swapped_index_bri[n]; - if (ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE + sizeof(word) + w < a->adv_voice_coef_length) - *p = a->adv_voice_coef_buffer[ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE + sizeof(word) + w]; - } - } - p++; - } - } - j = li_total_channels + 1; - } - } - plci->li_write_channel = j; - if (p != plci->internal_req_buffer) - { - plci->NData[0].P = plci->internal_req_buffer; - plci->NData[0].PLength = p - plci->internal_req_buffer; - plci->NL.X = plci->NData; - plci->NL.ReqCh = 0; - plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte) N_UDATA; - plci->adapter->request (&plci->NL); - } - return (true); -} - - -static void mixer_notify_update (PLCI *plci, byte others) -{ - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - word i, w; - PLCI *notify_plci; - byte msg[sizeof(CAPI_MSG_HEADER) + 6]; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_notify_update %d", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, others)); - - a = plci->adapter; - if (a->profile.Global_Options & GL_LINE_INTERCONNECT_SUPPORTED) - { - if (others) - plci->li_notify_update = true; - i = 0; - do - { - notify_plci = NULL; - if (others) - { - while ((i < li_total_channels) && (li_config_table[i].plci == NULL)) - i++; - if (i < li_total_channels) - notify_plci = li_config_table[i++].plci; - } - else - { - if ((plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) - && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) - { - notify_plci = plci; - } - } - if ((notify_plci != NULL) - && !notify_plci->li_notify_update - && (notify_plci->appl != NULL) - && (notify_plci->State) - && notify_plci->NL.Id && !notify_plci->nl_remove_id) - { - notify_plci->li_notify_update = true; - ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->header.length = 18; - ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->header.appl_id = notify_plci->appl->Id; - ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->header.command = _FACILITY_R; - ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->header.number = 0; - ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->header.controller = notify_plci->adapter->Id; - ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->header.plci = notify_plci->Id; - ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->header.ncci = 0; - ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->info.facility_req.Selector = SELECTOR_LINE_INTERCONNECT; - ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->info.facility_req.structs[0] = 3; - PUT_WORD (&(((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->info.facility_req.structs[1]), LI_REQ_SILENT_UPDATE); - ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->info.facility_req.structs[3] = 0; - w = api_put (notify_plci->appl, (CAPI_MSG *) msg); - if (w != _QUEUE_FULL) - { - if (w != 0) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Interconnect notify failed %06x %d", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, - (dword)((notify_plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (notify_plci->adapter->Id)), w)); - } - notify_plci->li_notify_update = false; - } - } - } while (others && (notify_plci != NULL)); - if (others) - plci->li_notify_update = false; - } -} - - -static void mixer_clear_config (PLCI *plci) -{ - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - word i, j; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_clear_config", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - - plci->li_notify_update = false; - plci->li_plci_b_write_pos = 0; - plci->li_plci_b_read_pos = 0; - plci->li_plci_b_req_pos = 0; - a = plci->adapter; - if ((plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) - && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) - { - i = a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); - li_config_table[i].curchnl = 0; - li_config_table[i].channel = 0; - li_config_table[i].chflags = 0; - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] = 0; - li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] = 0; - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] = 0; - li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] = 0; - } - if (!a->li_pri) - { - li_config_table[i].coef_table[i] |= LI_COEF_CH_PC_SET | LI_COEF_PC_CH_SET; - if ((plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) && (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI)) - { - i = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); - li_config_table[i].curchnl = 0; - li_config_table[i].channel = 0; - li_config_table[i].chflags = 0; - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] = 0; - li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] = 0; - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] = 0; - li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] = 0; - } - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) - { - i = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id); - li_config_table[i].curchnl = 0; - li_config_table[i].channel = 0; - li_config_table[i].chflags = 0; - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] = 0; - li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] = 0; - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] = 0; - li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] = 0; - } - } - } - } - } -} - - -static void mixer_prepare_switch (dword Id, PLCI *plci) -{ - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_prepare_switch", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - - do - { - mixer_indication_coefs_set (Id, plci); - } while (plci->li_plci_b_read_pos != plci->li_plci_b_req_pos); -} - - -static word mixer_save_config (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - word i, j; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_save_config %02x %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); - - a = plci->adapter; - if ((plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) - && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) - { - i = a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] &= 0xf; - li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] &= 0xf; - } - if (!a->li_pri) - li_config_table[i].coef_table[i] |= LI_COEF_CH_PC_SET | LI_COEF_PC_CH_SET; - } - return (GOOD); -} - - -static word mixer_restore_config (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - word Info; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_restore_config %02x %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); - - Info = GOOD; - a = plci->adapter; - if ((plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_MIXER) - && (plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) - && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) - { - switch (plci->adjust_b_state) - { - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_1: - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) - { - plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - { - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_1; - break; - } - xconnect_query_addresses (plci); - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_2; - break; - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_5; - Rc = OK; - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_2: - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_3: - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_4: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC) && (Rc != 0)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B query addresses failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - break; - } - if (Rc == OK) - { - if (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_2) - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_3; - else if (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_4) - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_5; - } - else if (Rc == 0) - { - if (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_2) - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_4; - else if (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_3) - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_5; - } - if (plci->adjust_b_state != ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_5) - { - plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; - break; - } - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_5: - xconnect_write_coefs (plci, plci->adjust_b_command); - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_6; - Rc = OK; - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_6: - if (!xconnect_write_coefs_process (Id, plci, Rc)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Write mixer coefs failed", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - break; - } - if (plci->internal_command) - break; - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_7; - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_7: - break; - } - } - return (Info); -} - - -static void mixer_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - word i, internal_command; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_command %02x %04x %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command, - plci->li_cmd)); - - a = plci->adapter; - internal_command = plci->internal_command; - plci->internal_command = 0; - switch (plci->li_cmd) - { - case LI_REQ_CONNECT: - case LI_REQ_DISCONNECT: - case LI_REQ_SILENT_UPDATE: - switch (internal_command) - { - default: - if (plci->li_channel_bits & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) - { - adjust_b1_resource (Id, plci, NULL, (word)(plci->B1_facilities | - B1_FACILITY_MIXER), MIXER_COMMAND_1); - } - case MIXER_COMMAND_1: - if (plci->li_channel_bits & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) - { - if (adjust_b_process (Id, plci, Rc) != GOOD) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Load mixer failed", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - break; - } - if (plci->internal_command) - return; - } - plci->li_plci_b_req_pos = plci->li_plci_b_write_pos; - if ((plci->li_channel_bits & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) - || ((get_b1_facilities (plci, plci->B1_resource) & B1_FACILITY_MIXER) - && (add_b1_facilities (plci, plci->B1_resource, (word)(plci->B1_facilities & - ~B1_FACILITY_MIXER)) == plci->B1_resource))) - { - xconnect_write_coefs (plci, MIXER_COMMAND_2); - } - else - { - do - { - mixer_indication_coefs_set (Id, plci); - } while (plci->li_plci_b_read_pos != plci->li_plci_b_req_pos); - } - case MIXER_COMMAND_2: - if ((plci->li_channel_bits & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) - || ((get_b1_facilities (plci, plci->B1_resource) & B1_FACILITY_MIXER) - && (add_b1_facilities (plci, plci->B1_resource, (word)(plci->B1_facilities & - ~B1_FACILITY_MIXER)) == plci->B1_resource))) - { - if (!xconnect_write_coefs_process (Id, plci, Rc)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Write mixer coefs failed", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - if (plci->li_plci_b_write_pos != plci->li_plci_b_req_pos) - { - do - { - plci->li_plci_b_write_pos = (plci->li_plci_b_write_pos == 0) ? - LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES-1 : plci->li_plci_b_write_pos - 1; - i = (plci->li_plci_b_write_pos == 0) ? - LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES-1 : plci->li_plci_b_write_pos - 1; - } while ((plci->li_plci_b_write_pos != plci->li_plci_b_req_pos) - && !(plci->li_plci_b_queue[i] & LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG)); - } - break; - } - if (plci->internal_command) - return; - } - if (!(plci->li_channel_bits & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED)) - { - adjust_b1_resource (Id, plci, NULL, (word)(plci->B1_facilities & - ~B1_FACILITY_MIXER), MIXER_COMMAND_3); - } - case MIXER_COMMAND_3: - if (!(plci->li_channel_bits & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED)) - { - if (adjust_b_process (Id, plci, Rc) != GOOD) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Unload mixer failed", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - break; - } - if (plci->internal_command) - return; - } - break; - } - break; - } - if ((plci->li_bchannel_id == 0) - || (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci != plci)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06x] %s,%d: Channel id wiped out %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, (int)(plci->li_bchannel_id))); - } - else - { - i = a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); - li_config_table[i].curchnl = plci->li_channel_bits; - if (!a->li_pri && (plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) && (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI)) - { - i = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); - li_config_table[i].curchnl = plci->li_channel_bits; - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) - { - i = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id); - li_config_table[i].curchnl = plci->li_channel_bits; - } - } - } -} - - -static void li_update_connect (dword Id, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, - dword plci_b_id, byte connect, dword li_flags) -{ - word i, ch_a, ch_a_v, ch_a_s, ch_b, ch_b_v, ch_b_s; - PLCI *plci_b; - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a_b; - - a_b = &(adapter[MapController ((byte)(plci_b_id & 0x7f)) - 1]); - plci_b = &(a_b->plci[((plci_b_id >> 8) & 0xff) - 1]); - ch_a = a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); - if (!a->li_pri && (plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) - && (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI) && (Id & EXT_CONTROLLER)) - { - ch_a_v = ch_a + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE; - ch_a_s = (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) ? - a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id) : ch_a_v; - } - else - { - ch_a_v = ch_a; - ch_a_s = ch_a; - } - ch_b = a_b->li_base + (plci_b->li_bchannel_id - 1); - if (!a_b->li_pri && (plci_b->tel == ADV_VOICE) - && (plci_b == a_b->AdvSignalPLCI) && (plci_b_id & EXT_CONTROLLER)) - { - ch_b_v = ch_b + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE; - ch_b_s = (a_b->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) ? - a_b->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (2 - plci_b->li_bchannel_id) : ch_b_v; - } - else - { - ch_b_v = ch_b; - ch_b_s = ch_b; - } - if (connect) - { - li_config_table[ch_a].flag_table[ch_a_v] &= ~LI_FLAG_MONITOR; - li_config_table[ch_a].flag_table[ch_a_s] &= ~LI_FLAG_MONITOR; - li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_a] &= ~(LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT | LI_FLAG_MIX); - li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_a] &= ~(LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT | LI_FLAG_MIX); - } - li_config_table[ch_a].flag_table[ch_b_v] &= ~LI_FLAG_MONITOR; - li_config_table[ch_a].flag_table[ch_b_s] &= ~LI_FLAG_MONITOR; - li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a] &= ~(LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT | LI_FLAG_MIX); - li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a] &= ~(LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT | LI_FLAG_MIX); - if (ch_a_v == ch_b_v) - { - li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_b_v] &= ~LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_b_s] &= ~LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - } - else - { - if (li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_b_v] & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE) - { - for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) - { - if (i != ch_a_v) - li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[i] &= ~LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - } - } - if (li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_b_v] & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE) - { - for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) - { - if (i != ch_a_s) - li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[i] &= ~LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - } - } - if (li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a_v] & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE) - { - for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) - { - if (i != ch_a_v) - li_config_table[i].flag_table[ch_a_v] &= ~LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - } - } - if (li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a_s] & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE) - { - for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) - { - if (i != ch_a_s) - li_config_table[i].flag_table[ch_a_s] &= ~LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - } - } - } - if (li_flags & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE_A_B) - { - li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a_v] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a_v] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a_s] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a_s] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - } - if (li_flags & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE_B_A) - { - li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - } - if (li_flags & LI_FLAG_MONITOR_A) - { - li_config_table[ch_a].flag_table[ch_a_v] |= LI_FLAG_MONITOR; - li_config_table[ch_a].flag_table[ch_a_s] |= LI_FLAG_MONITOR; - } - if (li_flags & LI_FLAG_MONITOR_B) - { - li_config_table[ch_a].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_MONITOR; - li_config_table[ch_a].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_MONITOR; - } - if (li_flags & LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT_A) - { - li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_a] |= LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT; - li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_a] |= LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT; - } - if (li_flags & LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT_B) - { - li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a] |= LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT; - li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a] |= LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT; - } - if (li_flags & LI_FLAG_MIX_A) - { - li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_a] |= LI_FLAG_MIX; - li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_a] |= LI_FLAG_MIX; - } - if (li_flags & LI_FLAG_MIX_B) - { - li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a] |= LI_FLAG_MIX; - li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a] |= LI_FLAG_MIX; - } - if (ch_a_v != ch_a_s) - { - li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_a_s] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_a_v] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - } - if (ch_b_v != ch_b_s) - { - li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - } -} - - -static void li2_update_connect (dword Id, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, - dword plci_b_id, byte connect, dword li_flags) -{ - word ch_a, ch_a_v, ch_a_s, ch_b, ch_b_v, ch_b_s; - PLCI *plci_b; - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a_b; - - a_b = &(adapter[MapController ((byte)(plci_b_id & 0x7f)) - 1]); - plci_b = &(a_b->plci[((plci_b_id >> 8) & 0xff) - 1]); - ch_a = a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); - if (!a->li_pri && (plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) - && (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI) && (Id & EXT_CONTROLLER)) - { - ch_a_v = ch_a + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE; - ch_a_s = (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) ? - a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id) : ch_a_v; - } - else - { - ch_a_v = ch_a; - ch_a_s = ch_a; - } - ch_b = a_b->li_base + (plci_b->li_bchannel_id - 1); - if (!a_b->li_pri && (plci_b->tel == ADV_VOICE) - && (plci_b == a_b->AdvSignalPLCI) && (plci_b_id & EXT_CONTROLLER)) - { - ch_b_v = ch_b + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE; - ch_b_s = (a_b->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) ? - a_b->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (2 - plci_b->li_bchannel_id) : ch_b_v; - } - else - { - ch_b_v = ch_b; - ch_b_s = ch_b; - } - if (connect) - { - li_config_table[ch_b].flag_table[ch_b_v] &= ~LI_FLAG_MONITOR; - li_config_table[ch_b].flag_table[ch_b_s] &= ~LI_FLAG_MONITOR; - li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_b] &= ~LI_FLAG_MIX; - li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_b] &= ~LI_FLAG_MIX; - li_config_table[ch_b].flag_table[ch_b] &= ~LI_FLAG_PCCONNECT; - li_config_table[ch_b].chflags &= ~(LI_CHFLAG_MONITOR | LI_CHFLAG_MIX | LI_CHFLAG_LOOP); - } - li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a_v] &= ~(LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE); - li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a_v] &= ~(LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE); - li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a_s] &= ~(LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE); - li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a_s] &= ~(LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE); - li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_b_v] &= ~(LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE); - li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_b_s] &= ~(LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE); - li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_b_v] &= ~(LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE); - li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_b_s] &= ~(LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE); - if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_INTERCONNECT_A_B) - { - li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a_v] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; - li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a_v] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; - li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a_s] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; - li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a_s] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; - } - if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_INTERCONNECT_B_A) - { - li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; - li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; - li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; - li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; - } - if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_MONITOR_B) - { - li_config_table[ch_b].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_MONITOR; - li_config_table[ch_b].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_MONITOR; - } - if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_MIX_B) - { - li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_b] |= LI_FLAG_MIX; - li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_b] |= LI_FLAG_MIX; - } - if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_MONITOR_X) - li_config_table[ch_b].chflags |= LI_CHFLAG_MONITOR; - if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_MIX_X) - li_config_table[ch_b].chflags |= LI_CHFLAG_MIX; - if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_LOOP_B) - { - li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; - li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; - li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; - li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; - } - if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_LOOP_PC) - li_config_table[ch_b].flag_table[ch_b] |= LI_FLAG_PCCONNECT; - if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_LOOP_X) - li_config_table[ch_b].chflags |= LI_CHFLAG_LOOP; - if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_PCCONNECT_A_B) - li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a_s] |= LI_FLAG_PCCONNECT; - if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_PCCONNECT_B_A) - li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_PCCONNECT; - if (ch_a_v != ch_a_s) - { - li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_a_s] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_a_v] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - } - if (ch_b_v != ch_b_s) - { - li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - } -} - - -static word li_check_main_plci (dword Id, PLCI *plci) -{ - if (plci == NULL) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong PLCI", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - return (_WRONG_IDENTIFIER); - } - if (!plci->State - || !plci->NL.Id || plci->nl_remove_id - || (plci->li_bchannel_id == 0)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong state", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - return (_WRONG_STATE); - } - li_config_table[plci->adapter->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci = plci; - return (GOOD); -} - - -static PLCI *li_check_plci_b (dword Id, PLCI *plci, - dword plci_b_id, word plci_b_write_pos, byte *p_result) -{ - byte ctlr_b; - PLCI *plci_b; - - if (((plci->li_plci_b_read_pos > plci_b_write_pos) ? plci->li_plci_b_read_pos : - LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES + plci->li_plci_b_read_pos) - plci_b_write_pos - 1 < 2) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI request overrun", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - PUT_WORD (p_result, _REQUEST_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_THIS_STATE); - return (NULL); - } - ctlr_b = 0; - if ((plci_b_id & 0x7f) != 0) - { - ctlr_b = MapController ((byte)(plci_b_id & 0x7f)); - if ((ctlr_b > max_adapter) || ((ctlr_b != 0) && (adapter[ctlr_b - 1].request == NULL))) - ctlr_b = 0; - } - if ((ctlr_b == 0) - || (((plci_b_id >> 8) & 0xff) == 0) - || (((plci_b_id >> 8) & 0xff) > adapter[ctlr_b - 1].max_plci)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI invalid second PLCI %08lx", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci_b_id)); - PUT_WORD (p_result, _WRONG_IDENTIFIER); - return (NULL); - } - plci_b = &(adapter[ctlr_b - 1].plci[((plci_b_id >> 8) & 0xff) - 1]); - if (!plci_b->State - || !plci_b->NL.Id || plci_b->nl_remove_id - || (plci_b->li_bchannel_id == 0)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI peer in wrong state %08lx", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci_b_id)); - PUT_WORD (p_result, _REQUEST_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_THIS_STATE); - return (NULL); - } - li_config_table[plci_b->adapter->li_base + (plci_b->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci = plci_b; - if (((byte)(plci_b_id & ~EXT_CONTROLLER)) != - ((byte)(UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id) & ~EXT_CONTROLLER)) - && (!(plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) - || !(plci_b->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT))) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI not on same ctrl %08lx", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci_b_id)); - PUT_WORD (p_result, _WRONG_IDENTIFIER); - return (NULL); - } - if (!(get_b1_facilities (plci_b, add_b1_facilities (plci_b, plci_b->B1_resource, - (word)(plci_b->B1_facilities | B1_FACILITY_MIXER))) & B1_FACILITY_MIXER)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Interconnect peer cannot mix %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci_b->B1_resource)); - PUT_WORD (p_result, _REQUEST_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_THIS_STATE); - return (NULL); - } - return (plci_b); -} - - -static PLCI *li2_check_plci_b (dword Id, PLCI *plci, - dword plci_b_id, word plci_b_write_pos, byte *p_result) -{ - byte ctlr_b; - PLCI *plci_b; - - if (((plci->li_plci_b_read_pos > plci_b_write_pos) ? plci->li_plci_b_read_pos : - LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES + plci->li_plci_b_read_pos) - plci_b_write_pos - 1 < 2) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI request overrun", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - PUT_WORD (p_result, _WRONG_STATE); - return (NULL); - } - ctlr_b = 0; - if ((plci_b_id & 0x7f) != 0) - { - ctlr_b = MapController ((byte)(plci_b_id & 0x7f)); - if ((ctlr_b > max_adapter) || ((ctlr_b != 0) && (adapter[ctlr_b - 1].request == NULL))) - ctlr_b = 0; - } - if ((ctlr_b == 0) - || (((plci_b_id >> 8) & 0xff) == 0) - || (((plci_b_id >> 8) & 0xff) > adapter[ctlr_b - 1].max_plci)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI invalid second PLCI %08lx", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci_b_id)); - PUT_WORD (p_result, _WRONG_IDENTIFIER); - return (NULL); - } - plci_b = &(adapter[ctlr_b - 1].plci[((plci_b_id >> 8) & 0xff) - 1]); - if (!plci_b->State - || !plci_b->NL.Id || plci_b->nl_remove_id - || (plci_b->li_bchannel_id == 0) - || (li_config_table[plci_b->adapter->li_base + (plci_b->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci != plci_b)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI peer in wrong state %08lx", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci_b_id)); - PUT_WORD (p_result, _WRONG_STATE); - return (NULL); - } - if (((byte)(plci_b_id & ~EXT_CONTROLLER)) != - ((byte)(UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id) & ~EXT_CONTROLLER)) - && (!(plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) - || !(plci_b->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT))) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI not on same ctrl %08lx", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci_b_id)); - PUT_WORD (p_result, _WRONG_IDENTIFIER); - return (NULL); - } - if (!(get_b1_facilities (plci_b, add_b1_facilities (plci_b, plci_b->B1_resource, - (word)(plci_b->B1_facilities | B1_FACILITY_MIXER))) & B1_FACILITY_MIXER)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Interconnect peer cannot mix %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci_b->B1_resource)); - PUT_WORD (p_result, _WRONG_STATE); - return (NULL); - } - return (plci_b); -} - - -static byte mixer_request (dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg) -{ - word Info; - word i; - dword d, li_flags, plci_b_id; - PLCI *plci_b; - API_PARSE li_parms[3]; - API_PARSE li_req_parms[3]; - API_PARSE li_participant_struct[2]; - API_PARSE li_participant_parms[3]; - word participant_parms_pos; - byte result_buffer[32]; - byte *result; - word result_pos; - word plci_b_write_pos; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_request", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - - Info = GOOD; - result = result_buffer; - result_buffer[0] = 0; - if (!(a->profile.Global_Options & GL_LINE_INTERCONNECT_SUPPORTED)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Facility not supported", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - } - else if (api_parse (&msg[1].info[1], msg[1].length, "ws", li_parms)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - else - { - result_buffer[0] = 3; - PUT_WORD (&result_buffer[1], GET_WORD (li_parms[0].info)); - result_buffer[3] = 0; - switch (GET_WORD (li_parms[0].info)) - { - case LI_GET_SUPPORTED_SERVICES: - if (appl->appl_flags & APPL_FLAG_OLD_LI_SPEC) - { - result_buffer[0] = 17; - result_buffer[3] = 14; - PUT_WORD (&result_buffer[4], GOOD); - d = 0; - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_MIXER_CH_CH) - d |= LI_CONFERENCING_SUPPORTED; - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_MIXER_CH_PC) - d |= LI_MONITORING_SUPPORTED; - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_MIXER_PC_CH) - d |= LI_ANNOUNCEMENTS_SUPPORTED | LI_MIXING_SUPPORTED; - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) - d |= LI_CROSS_CONTROLLER_SUPPORTED; - PUT_DWORD (&result_buffer[6], d); - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) - { - d = 0; - for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) - { - if ((li_config_table[i].adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) - && (li_config_table[i].adapter->li_pri - || (i < li_config_table[i].adapter->li_base + MIXER_BCHANNELS_BRI))) - { - d++; - } - } - } - else - { - d = a->li_pri ? a->li_channels : MIXER_BCHANNELS_BRI; - } - PUT_DWORD (&result_buffer[10], d / 2); - PUT_DWORD (&result_buffer[14], d); - } - else - { - result_buffer[0] = 25; - result_buffer[3] = 22; - PUT_WORD (&result_buffer[4], GOOD); - d = LI2_ASYMMETRIC_SUPPORTED | LI2_B_LOOPING_SUPPORTED | LI2_X_LOOPING_SUPPORTED; - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_MIXER_CH_PC) - d |= LI2_MONITORING_SUPPORTED | LI2_REMOTE_MONITORING_SUPPORTED; - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_MIXER_PC_CH) - d |= LI2_MIXING_SUPPORTED | LI2_REMOTE_MIXING_SUPPORTED; - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_MIXER_PC_PC) - d |= LI2_PC_LOOPING_SUPPORTED; - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) - d |= LI2_CROSS_CONTROLLER_SUPPORTED; - PUT_DWORD (&result_buffer[6], d); - d = a->li_pri ? a->li_channels : MIXER_BCHANNELS_BRI; - PUT_DWORD (&result_buffer[10], d / 2); - PUT_DWORD (&result_buffer[14], d - 1); - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) - { - d = 0; - for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) - { - if ((li_config_table[i].adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) - && (li_config_table[i].adapter->li_pri - || (i < li_config_table[i].adapter->li_base + MIXER_BCHANNELS_BRI))) - { - d++; - } - } - } - PUT_DWORD (&result_buffer[18], d / 2); - PUT_DWORD (&result_buffer[22], d - 1); - } - break; - - case LI_REQ_CONNECT: - if (li_parms[1].length == 8) - { - appl->appl_flags |= APPL_FLAG_OLD_LI_SPEC; - if (api_parse (&li_parms[1].info[1], li_parms[1].length, "dd", li_req_parms)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - plci_b_id = GET_DWORD (li_req_parms[0].info) & 0xffff; - li_flags = GET_DWORD (li_req_parms[1].info); - Info = li_check_main_plci (Id, plci); - result_buffer[0] = 9; - result_buffer[3] = 6; - PUT_DWORD (&result_buffer[4], plci_b_id); - PUT_WORD (&result_buffer[8], GOOD); - if (Info != GOOD) - break; - result = plci->saved_msg.info; - for (i = 0; i <= result_buffer[0]; i++) - result[i] = result_buffer[i]; - plci_b_write_pos = plci->li_plci_b_write_pos; - plci_b = li_check_plci_b (Id, plci, plci_b_id, plci_b_write_pos, &result[8]); - if (plci_b == NULL) - break; - li_update_connect (Id, a, plci, plci_b_id, true, li_flags); - plci->li_plci_b_queue[plci_b_write_pos] = plci_b_id | LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG; - plci_b_write_pos = (plci_b_write_pos == LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES-1) ? 0 : plci_b_write_pos + 1; - plci->li_plci_b_write_pos = plci_b_write_pos; - } - else - { - appl->appl_flags &= ~APPL_FLAG_OLD_LI_SPEC; - if (api_parse (&li_parms[1].info[1], li_parms[1].length, "ds", li_req_parms)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - li_flags = GET_DWORD (li_req_parms[0].info) & ~(LI2_FLAG_INTERCONNECT_A_B | LI2_FLAG_INTERCONNECT_B_A); - Info = li_check_main_plci (Id, plci); - result_buffer[0] = 7; - result_buffer[3] = 4; - PUT_WORD (&result_buffer[4], Info); - result_buffer[6] = 0; - if (Info != GOOD) - break; - result = plci->saved_msg.info; - for (i = 0; i <= result_buffer[0]; i++) - result[i] = result_buffer[i]; - plci_b_write_pos = plci->li_plci_b_write_pos; - participant_parms_pos = 0; - result_pos = 7; - li2_update_connect (Id, a, plci, UnMapId (Id), true, li_flags); - while (participant_parms_pos < li_req_parms[1].length) - { - result[result_pos] = 6; - result_pos += 7; - PUT_DWORD (&result[result_pos - 6], 0); - PUT_WORD (&result[result_pos - 2], GOOD); - if (api_parse (&li_req_parms[1].info[1 + participant_parms_pos], - (word)(li_parms[1].length - participant_parms_pos), "s", li_participant_struct)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - PUT_WORD (&result[result_pos - 2], _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT); - break; - } - if (api_parse (&li_participant_struct[0].info[1], - li_participant_struct[0].length, "dd", li_participant_parms)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - PUT_WORD (&result[result_pos - 2], _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT); - break; - } - plci_b_id = GET_DWORD (li_participant_parms[0].info) & 0xffff; - li_flags = GET_DWORD (li_participant_parms[1].info); - PUT_DWORD (&result[result_pos - 6], plci_b_id); - if (sizeof(result) - result_pos < 7) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI result overrun", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - PUT_WORD (&result[result_pos - 2], _WRONG_STATE); - break; - } - plci_b = li2_check_plci_b (Id, plci, plci_b_id, plci_b_write_pos, &result[result_pos - 2]); - if (plci_b != NULL) - { - li2_update_connect (Id, a, plci, plci_b_id, true, li_flags); - plci->li_plci_b_queue[plci_b_write_pos] = plci_b_id | - ((li_flags & (LI2_FLAG_INTERCONNECT_A_B | LI2_FLAG_INTERCONNECT_B_A | - LI2_FLAG_PCCONNECT_A_B | LI2_FLAG_PCCONNECT_B_A)) ? 0 : LI_PLCI_B_DISC_FLAG); - plci_b_write_pos = (plci_b_write_pos == LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES-1) ? 0 : plci_b_write_pos + 1; - } - participant_parms_pos = (word)((&li_participant_struct[0].info[1 + li_participant_struct[0].length]) - - (&li_req_parms[1].info[1])); - } - result[0] = (byte)(result_pos - 1); - result[3] = (byte)(result_pos - 4); - result[6] = (byte)(result_pos - 7); - i = (plci_b_write_pos == 0) ? LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES-1 : plci_b_write_pos - 1; - if ((plci_b_write_pos == plci->li_plci_b_read_pos) - || (plci->li_plci_b_queue[i] & LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG)) - { - plci->li_plci_b_queue[plci_b_write_pos] = LI_PLCI_B_SKIP_FLAG | LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG; - plci_b_write_pos = (plci_b_write_pos == LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES-1) ? 0 : plci_b_write_pos + 1; - } - else - plci->li_plci_b_queue[i] |= LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG; - plci->li_plci_b_write_pos = plci_b_write_pos; - } - mixer_calculate_coefs (a); - plci->li_channel_bits = li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].channel; - mixer_notify_update (plci, true); - sendf (appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffffL, Number, - "wwS", Info, SELECTOR_LINE_INTERCONNECT, result); - plci->command = 0; - plci->li_cmd = GET_WORD (li_parms[0].info); - start_internal_command (Id, plci, mixer_command); - return (false); - - case LI_REQ_DISCONNECT: - if (li_parms[1].length == 4) - { - appl->appl_flags |= APPL_FLAG_OLD_LI_SPEC; - if (api_parse (&li_parms[1].info[1], li_parms[1].length, "d", li_req_parms)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - plci_b_id = GET_DWORD (li_req_parms[0].info) & 0xffff; - Info = li_check_main_plci (Id, plci); - result_buffer[0] = 9; - result_buffer[3] = 6; - PUT_DWORD (&result_buffer[4], GET_DWORD (li_req_parms[0].info)); - PUT_WORD (&result_buffer[8], GOOD); - if (Info != GOOD) - break; - result = plci->saved_msg.info; - for (i = 0; i <= result_buffer[0]; i++) - result[i] = result_buffer[i]; - plci_b_write_pos = plci->li_plci_b_write_pos; - plci_b = li_check_plci_b (Id, plci, plci_b_id, plci_b_write_pos, &result[8]); - if (plci_b == NULL) - break; - li_update_connect (Id, a, plci, plci_b_id, false, 0); - plci->li_plci_b_queue[plci_b_write_pos] = plci_b_id | LI_PLCI_B_DISC_FLAG | LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG; - plci_b_write_pos = (plci_b_write_pos == LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES-1) ? 0 : plci_b_write_pos + 1; - plci->li_plci_b_write_pos = plci_b_write_pos; - } - else - { - appl->appl_flags &= ~APPL_FLAG_OLD_LI_SPEC; - if (api_parse (&li_parms[1].info[1], li_parms[1].length, "s", li_req_parms)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - break; - } - Info = li_check_main_plci (Id, plci); - result_buffer[0] = 7; - result_buffer[3] = 4; - PUT_WORD (&result_buffer[4], Info); - result_buffer[6] = 0; - if (Info != GOOD) - break; - result = plci->saved_msg.info; - for (i = 0; i <= result_buffer[0]; i++) - result[i] = result_buffer[i]; - plci_b_write_pos = plci->li_plci_b_write_pos; - participant_parms_pos = 0; - result_pos = 7; - while (participant_parms_pos < li_req_parms[0].length) - { - result[result_pos] = 6; - result_pos += 7; - PUT_DWORD (&result[result_pos - 6], 0); - PUT_WORD (&result[result_pos - 2], GOOD); - if (api_parse (&li_req_parms[0].info[1 + participant_parms_pos], - (word)(li_parms[1].length - participant_parms_pos), "s", li_participant_struct)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - PUT_WORD (&result[result_pos - 2], _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT); - break; - } - if (api_parse (&li_participant_struct[0].info[1], - li_participant_struct[0].length, "d", li_participant_parms)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - PUT_WORD (&result[result_pos - 2], _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT); - break; - } - plci_b_id = GET_DWORD (li_participant_parms[0].info) & 0xffff; - PUT_DWORD (&result[result_pos - 6], plci_b_id); - if (sizeof(result) - result_pos < 7) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI result overrun", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - PUT_WORD (&result[result_pos - 2], _WRONG_STATE); - break; - } - plci_b = li2_check_plci_b (Id, plci, plci_b_id, plci_b_write_pos, &result[result_pos - 2]); - if (plci_b != NULL) - { - li2_update_connect (Id, a, plci, plci_b_id, false, 0); - plci->li_plci_b_queue[plci_b_write_pos] = plci_b_id | LI_PLCI_B_DISC_FLAG; - plci_b_write_pos = (plci_b_write_pos == LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES-1) ? 0 : plci_b_write_pos + 1; - } - participant_parms_pos = (word)((&li_participant_struct[0].info[1 + li_participant_struct[0].length]) - - (&li_req_parms[0].info[1])); - } - result[0] = (byte)(result_pos - 1); - result[3] = (byte)(result_pos - 4); - result[6] = (byte)(result_pos - 7); - i = (plci_b_write_pos == 0) ? LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES-1 : plci_b_write_pos - 1; - if ((plci_b_write_pos == plci->li_plci_b_read_pos) - || (plci->li_plci_b_queue[i] & LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG)) - { - plci->li_plci_b_queue[plci_b_write_pos] = LI_PLCI_B_SKIP_FLAG | LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG; - plci_b_write_pos = (plci_b_write_pos == LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES-1) ? 0 : plci_b_write_pos + 1; - } - else - plci->li_plci_b_queue[i] |= LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG; - plci->li_plci_b_write_pos = plci_b_write_pos; - } - mixer_calculate_coefs (a); - plci->li_channel_bits = li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].channel; - mixer_notify_update (plci, true); - sendf (appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffffL, Number, - "wwS", Info, SELECTOR_LINE_INTERCONNECT, result); - plci->command = 0; - plci->li_cmd = GET_WORD (li_parms[0].info); - start_internal_command (Id, plci, mixer_command); - return (false); - - case LI_REQ_SILENT_UPDATE: - if (!plci || !plci->State - || !plci->NL.Id || plci->nl_remove_id - || (plci->li_bchannel_id == 0) - || (li_config_table[plci->adapter->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci != plci)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong state", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - return (false); - } - plci_b_write_pos = plci->li_plci_b_write_pos; - if (((plci->li_plci_b_read_pos > plci_b_write_pos) ? plci->li_plci_b_read_pos : - LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES + plci->li_plci_b_read_pos) - plci_b_write_pos - 1 < 2) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI request overrun", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - return (false); - } - i = (plci_b_write_pos == 0) ? LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES-1 : plci_b_write_pos - 1; - if ((plci_b_write_pos == plci->li_plci_b_read_pos) - || (plci->li_plci_b_queue[i] & LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG)) - { - plci->li_plci_b_queue[plci_b_write_pos] = LI_PLCI_B_SKIP_FLAG | LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG; - plci_b_write_pos = (plci_b_write_pos == LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES-1) ? 0 : plci_b_write_pos + 1; - } - else - plci->li_plci_b_queue[i] |= LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG; - plci->li_plci_b_write_pos = plci_b_write_pos; - plci->li_channel_bits = li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].channel; - plci->command = 0; - plci->li_cmd = GET_WORD (li_parms[0].info); - start_internal_command (Id, plci, mixer_command); - return (false); - - default: - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI unknown request %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, GET_WORD (li_parms[0].info))); - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - } - } - sendf (appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffffL, Number, - "wwS", Info, SELECTOR_LINE_INTERCONNECT, result); - return (false); -} - - -static void mixer_indication_coefs_set (dword Id, PLCI *plci) -{ - dword d; - byte result[12]; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_indication_coefs_set", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - - if (plci->li_plci_b_read_pos != plci->li_plci_b_req_pos) - { - do - { - d = plci->li_plci_b_queue[plci->li_plci_b_read_pos]; - if (!(d & LI_PLCI_B_SKIP_FLAG)) - { - if (plci->appl->appl_flags & APPL_FLAG_OLD_LI_SPEC) - { - if (d & LI_PLCI_B_DISC_FLAG) - { - result[0] = 5; - PUT_WORD (&result[1], LI_IND_DISCONNECT); - result[3] = 2; - PUT_WORD (&result[4], _LI_USER_INITIATED); - } - else - { - result[0] = 7; - PUT_WORD (&result[1], LI_IND_CONNECT_ACTIVE); - result[3] = 4; - PUT_DWORD (&result[4], d & ~LI_PLCI_B_FLAG_MASK); - } - } - else - { - if (d & LI_PLCI_B_DISC_FLAG) - { - result[0] = 9; - PUT_WORD (&result[1], LI_IND_DISCONNECT); - result[3] = 6; - PUT_DWORD (&result[4], d & ~LI_PLCI_B_FLAG_MASK); - PUT_WORD (&result[8], _LI_USER_INITIATED); - } - else - { - result[0] = 7; - PUT_WORD (&result[1], LI_IND_CONNECT_ACTIVE); - result[3] = 4; - PUT_DWORD (&result[4], d & ~LI_PLCI_B_FLAG_MASK); - } - } - sendf (plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0xffffL, 0, - "ws", SELECTOR_LINE_INTERCONNECT, result); - } - plci->li_plci_b_read_pos = (plci->li_plci_b_read_pos == LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES-1) ? - 0 : plci->li_plci_b_read_pos + 1; - } while (!(d & LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG) && (plci->li_plci_b_read_pos != plci->li_plci_b_req_pos)); - } -} - - -static void mixer_indication_xconnect_from (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte *msg, word length) -{ - word i, j, ch; - struct xconnect_transfer_address_s s, *p; - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_indication_xconnect_from %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, (int) length)); - - a = plci->adapter; - i = 1; - for (i = 1; i < length; i += 16) - { - s.card_address.low = msg[i] | (msg[i+1] << 8) | (((dword)(msg[i+2])) << 16) | (((dword)(msg[i+3])) << 24); - s.card_address.high = msg[i+4] | (msg[i+5] << 8) | (((dword)(msg[i+6])) << 16) | (((dword)(msg[i+7])) << 24); - s.offset = msg[i+8] | (msg[i+9] << 8) | (((dword)(msg[i+10])) << 16) | (((dword)(msg[i+11])) << 24); - ch = msg[i+12] | (msg[i+13] << 8); - j = ch & XCONNECT_CHANNEL_NUMBER_MASK; - if (!a->li_pri && (plci->li_bchannel_id == 2)) - j = 1 - j; - j += a->li_base; - if (ch & XCONNECT_CHANNEL_PORT_PC) - p = &(li_config_table[j].send_pc); - else - p = &(li_config_table[j].send_b); - p->card_address.low = s.card_address.low; - p->card_address.high = s.card_address.high; - p->offset = s.offset; - li_config_table[j].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_ADDRESSES_SET; - } - if (plci->internal_command_queue[0] - && ((plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_2) - || (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_3) - || (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_4))) - { - (*(plci->internal_command_queue[0]))(Id, plci, 0); - if (!plci->internal_command) - next_internal_command (Id, plci); - } - mixer_notify_update (plci, true); -} - - -static void mixer_indication_xconnect_to (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte *msg, word length) -{ - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_indication_xconnect_to %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, (int) length)); - -} - - -static byte mixer_notify_source_removed (PLCI *plci, dword plci_b_id) -{ - word plci_b_write_pos; - - plci_b_write_pos = plci->li_plci_b_write_pos; - if (((plci->li_plci_b_read_pos > plci_b_write_pos) ? plci->li_plci_b_read_pos : - LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES + plci->li_plci_b_read_pos) - plci_b_write_pos - 1 < 1) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI request overrun", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - return (false); - } - plci->li_plci_b_queue[plci_b_write_pos] = plci_b_id | LI_PLCI_B_DISC_FLAG; - plci_b_write_pos = (plci_b_write_pos == LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES-1) ? 0 : plci_b_write_pos + 1; - plci->li_plci_b_write_pos = plci_b_write_pos; - return (true); -} - - -static void mixer_remove (PLCI *plci) -{ - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - PLCI *notify_plci; - dword plci_b_id; - word i, j; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_remove", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - - a = plci->adapter; - plci_b_id = (plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id); - if (a->profile.Global_Options & GL_LINE_INTERCONNECT_SUPPORTED) - { - if ((plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) - && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) - { - i = a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); - if ((li_config_table[i].curchnl | li_config_table[i].channel) & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) - { - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - if ((li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT) - || (li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] & LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT)) - { - notify_plci = li_config_table[j].plci; - if ((notify_plci != NULL) - && (notify_plci != plci) - && (notify_plci->appl != NULL) - && !(notify_plci->appl->appl_flags & APPL_FLAG_OLD_LI_SPEC) - && (notify_plci->State) - && notify_plci->NL.Id && !notify_plci->nl_remove_id) - { - mixer_notify_source_removed (notify_plci, plci_b_id); - } - } - } - mixer_clear_config (plci); - mixer_calculate_coefs (a); - mixer_notify_update (plci, true); - } - li_config_table[i].plci = NULL; - plci->li_bchannel_id = 0; - } - } -} - - -/*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -/* Echo canceller facilities */ -/*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - - -static void ec_write_parameters (PLCI *plci) -{ - word w; - byte parameter_buffer[6]; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: ec_write_parameters", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - - parameter_buffer[0] = 5; - parameter_buffer[1] = DSP_CTRL_SET_LEC_PARAMETERS; - PUT_WORD (¶meter_buffer[2], plci->ec_idi_options); - plci->ec_idi_options &= ~LEC_RESET_COEFFICIENTS; - w = (plci->ec_tail_length == 0) ? 128 : plci->ec_tail_length; - PUT_WORD (¶meter_buffer[4], w); - add_p (plci, FTY, parameter_buffer); - sig_req (plci, TEL_CTRL, 0); - send_req (plci); -} - - -static void ec_clear_config (PLCI *plci) -{ - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: ec_clear_config", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - - plci->ec_idi_options = LEC_ENABLE_ECHO_CANCELLER | - LEC_MANUAL_DISABLE | LEC_ENABLE_NONLINEAR_PROCESSING; - plci->ec_tail_length = 0; -} - - -static void ec_prepare_switch (dword Id, PLCI *plci) -{ - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: ec_prepare_switch", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - -} - - -static word ec_save_config (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: ec_save_config %02x %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); - - return (GOOD); -} - - -static word ec_restore_config (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - word Info; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: ec_restore_config %02x %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); - - Info = GOOD; - if (plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_EC) - { - switch (plci->adjust_b_state) - { - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_EC_1: - plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; - if (plci->sig_req) - { - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_EC_1; - break; - } - ec_write_parameters (plci); - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_EC_2; - break; - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_EC_2: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Restore EC failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - break; - } - break; - } - } - return (Info); -} - - -static void ec_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - word internal_command, Info; - byte result[8]; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: ec_command %02x %04x %04x %04x %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command, - plci->ec_cmd, plci->ec_idi_options, plci->ec_tail_length)); - - Info = GOOD; - if (plci->appl->appl_flags & APPL_FLAG_PRIV_EC_SPEC) - { - result[0] = 2; - PUT_WORD (&result[1], EC_SUCCESS); - } - else - { - result[0] = 5; - PUT_WORD (&result[1], plci->ec_cmd); - result[3] = 2; - PUT_WORD (&result[4], GOOD); - } - internal_command = plci->internal_command; - plci->internal_command = 0; - switch (plci->ec_cmd) - { - case EC_ENABLE_OPERATION: - case EC_FREEZE_COEFFICIENTS: - case EC_RESUME_COEFFICIENT_UPDATE: - case EC_RESET_COEFFICIENTS: - switch (internal_command) - { - default: - adjust_b1_resource (Id, plci, NULL, (word)(plci->B1_facilities | - B1_FACILITY_EC), EC_COMMAND_1); - case EC_COMMAND_1: - if (adjust_b_process (Id, plci, Rc) != GOOD) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Load EC failed", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - break; - } - if (plci->internal_command) - return; - case EC_COMMAND_2: - if (plci->sig_req) - { - plci->internal_command = EC_COMMAND_2; - return; - } - plci->internal_command = EC_COMMAND_3; - ec_write_parameters (plci); - return; - case EC_COMMAND_3: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Enable EC failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - break; - } - break; - } - break; - - case EC_DISABLE_OPERATION: - switch (internal_command) - { - default: - case EC_COMMAND_1: - if (plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_EC) - { - if (plci->sig_req) - { - plci->internal_command = EC_COMMAND_1; - return; - } - plci->internal_command = EC_COMMAND_2; - ec_write_parameters (plci); - return; - } - Rc = OK; - case EC_COMMAND_2: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Disable EC failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - break; - } - adjust_b1_resource (Id, plci, NULL, (word)(plci->B1_facilities & - ~B1_FACILITY_EC), EC_COMMAND_3); - case EC_COMMAND_3: - if (adjust_b_process (Id, plci, Rc) != GOOD) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Unload EC failed", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - break; - } - if (plci->internal_command) - return; - break; - } - break; - } - sendf (plci->appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffffL, plci->number, - "wws", Info, (plci->appl->appl_flags & APPL_FLAG_PRIV_EC_SPEC) ? - PRIV_SELECTOR_ECHO_CANCELLER : SELECTOR_ECHO_CANCELLER, result); -} - - -static byte ec_request (dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg) -{ - word Info; - word opt; - API_PARSE ec_parms[3]; - byte result[16]; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: ec_request", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - - Info = GOOD; - result[0] = 0; - if (!(a->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_ECHO_CANCELLER))) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Facility not supported", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; - } - else - { - if (appl->appl_flags & APPL_FLAG_PRIV_EC_SPEC) - { - if (api_parse (&msg[1].info[1], msg[1].length, "w", ec_parms)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - else - { - if (plci == NULL) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong PLCI", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - } - else if (!plci->State || !plci->NL.Id || plci->nl_remove_id) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong state", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - } - else - { - plci->command = 0; - plci->ec_cmd = GET_WORD (ec_parms[0].info); - plci->ec_idi_options &= ~(LEC_MANUAL_DISABLE | LEC_RESET_COEFFICIENTS); - result[0] = 2; - PUT_WORD (&result[1], EC_SUCCESS); - if (msg[1].length >= 4) - { - opt = GET_WORD (&ec_parms[0].info[2]); - plci->ec_idi_options &= ~(LEC_ENABLE_NONLINEAR_PROCESSING | - LEC_ENABLE_2100HZ_DETECTOR | LEC_REQUIRE_2100HZ_REVERSALS); - if (!(opt & EC_DISABLE_NON_LINEAR_PROCESSING)) - plci->ec_idi_options |= LEC_ENABLE_NONLINEAR_PROCESSING; - if (opt & EC_DETECT_DISABLE_TONE) - plci->ec_idi_options |= LEC_ENABLE_2100HZ_DETECTOR; - if (!(opt & EC_DO_NOT_REQUIRE_REVERSALS)) - plci->ec_idi_options |= LEC_REQUIRE_2100HZ_REVERSALS; - if (msg[1].length >= 6) - { - plci->ec_tail_length = GET_WORD (&ec_parms[0].info[4]); - } - } - switch (plci->ec_cmd) - { - case EC_ENABLE_OPERATION: - plci->ec_idi_options &= ~LEC_FREEZE_COEFFICIENTS; - start_internal_command (Id, plci, ec_command); - return (false); - - case EC_DISABLE_OPERATION: - plci->ec_idi_options = LEC_ENABLE_ECHO_CANCELLER | - LEC_MANUAL_DISABLE | LEC_ENABLE_NONLINEAR_PROCESSING | - LEC_RESET_COEFFICIENTS; - start_internal_command (Id, plci, ec_command); - return (false); - - case EC_FREEZE_COEFFICIENTS: - plci->ec_idi_options |= LEC_FREEZE_COEFFICIENTS; - start_internal_command (Id, plci, ec_command); - return (false); - - case EC_RESUME_COEFFICIENT_UPDATE: - plci->ec_idi_options &= ~LEC_FREEZE_COEFFICIENTS; - start_internal_command (Id, plci, ec_command); - return (false); - - case EC_RESET_COEFFICIENTS: - plci->ec_idi_options |= LEC_RESET_COEFFICIENTS; - start_internal_command (Id, plci, ec_command); - return (false); - - default: - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: EC unknown request %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci->ec_cmd)); - PUT_WORD (&result[1], EC_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION); - } - } - } - } - else - { - if (api_parse (&msg[1].info[1], msg[1].length, "ws", ec_parms)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; - } - else - { - if (GET_WORD (ec_parms[0].info) == EC_GET_SUPPORTED_SERVICES) - { - result[0] = 11; - PUT_WORD (&result[1], EC_GET_SUPPORTED_SERVICES); - result[3] = 8; - PUT_WORD (&result[4], GOOD); - PUT_WORD (&result[6], 0x0007); - PUT_WORD (&result[8], LEC_MAX_SUPPORTED_TAIL_LENGTH); - PUT_WORD (&result[10], 0); - } - else if (plci == NULL) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong PLCI", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; - } - else if (!plci->State || !plci->NL.Id || plci->nl_remove_id) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong state", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - } - else - { - plci->command = 0; - plci->ec_cmd = GET_WORD (ec_parms[0].info); - plci->ec_idi_options &= ~(LEC_MANUAL_DISABLE | LEC_RESET_COEFFICIENTS); - result[0] = 5; - PUT_WORD (&result[1], plci->ec_cmd); - result[3] = 2; - PUT_WORD (&result[4], GOOD); - plci->ec_idi_options &= ~(LEC_ENABLE_NONLINEAR_PROCESSING | - LEC_ENABLE_2100HZ_DETECTOR | LEC_REQUIRE_2100HZ_REVERSALS); - plci->ec_tail_length = 0; - if (ec_parms[1].length >= 2) - { - opt = GET_WORD (&ec_parms[1].info[1]); - if (opt & EC_ENABLE_NON_LINEAR_PROCESSING) - plci->ec_idi_options |= LEC_ENABLE_NONLINEAR_PROCESSING; - if (opt & EC_DETECT_DISABLE_TONE) - plci->ec_idi_options |= LEC_ENABLE_2100HZ_DETECTOR; - if (!(opt & EC_DO_NOT_REQUIRE_REVERSALS)) - plci->ec_idi_options |= LEC_REQUIRE_2100HZ_REVERSALS; - if (ec_parms[1].length >= 4) - { - plci->ec_tail_length = GET_WORD (&ec_parms[1].info[3]); - } - } - switch (plci->ec_cmd) - { - case EC_ENABLE_OPERATION: - plci->ec_idi_options &= ~LEC_FREEZE_COEFFICIENTS; - start_internal_command (Id, plci, ec_command); - return (false); - - case EC_DISABLE_OPERATION: - plci->ec_idi_options = LEC_ENABLE_ECHO_CANCELLER | - LEC_MANUAL_DISABLE | LEC_ENABLE_NONLINEAR_PROCESSING | - LEC_RESET_COEFFICIENTS; - start_internal_command (Id, plci, ec_command); - return (false); - - default: - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: EC unknown request %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci->ec_cmd)); - PUT_WORD (&result[4], _FACILITY_SPECIFIC_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPP); - } - } - } - } - } - sendf (appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffffL, Number, - "wws", Info, (appl->appl_flags & APPL_FLAG_PRIV_EC_SPEC) ? - PRIV_SELECTOR_ECHO_CANCELLER : SELECTOR_ECHO_CANCELLER, result); - return (false); -} - - -static void ec_indication (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte *msg, word length) -{ - byte result[8]; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: ec_indication", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - - if (!(plci->ec_idi_options & LEC_MANUAL_DISABLE)) - { - if (plci->appl->appl_flags & APPL_FLAG_PRIV_EC_SPEC) - { - result[0] = 2; - PUT_WORD (&result[1], 0); - switch (msg[1]) - { - case LEC_DISABLE_TYPE_CONTIGNUOUS_2100HZ: - PUT_WORD (&result[1], EC_BYPASS_DUE_TO_CONTINUOUS_2100HZ); - break; - case LEC_DISABLE_TYPE_REVERSED_2100HZ: - PUT_WORD (&result[1], EC_BYPASS_DUE_TO_REVERSED_2100HZ); - break; - case LEC_DISABLE_RELEASED: - PUT_WORD (&result[1], EC_BYPASS_RELEASED); - break; - } - } - else - { - result[0] = 5; - PUT_WORD (&result[1], EC_BYPASS_INDICATION); - result[3] = 2; - PUT_WORD (&result[4], 0); - switch (msg[1]) - { - case LEC_DISABLE_TYPE_CONTIGNUOUS_2100HZ: - PUT_WORD (&result[4], EC_BYPASS_DUE_TO_CONTINUOUS_2100HZ); - break; - case LEC_DISABLE_TYPE_REVERSED_2100HZ: - PUT_WORD (&result[4], EC_BYPASS_DUE_TO_REVERSED_2100HZ); - break; - case LEC_DISABLE_RELEASED: - PUT_WORD (&result[4], EC_BYPASS_RELEASED); - break; - } - } - sendf (plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0xffffL, 0, "ws", (plci->appl->appl_flags & APPL_FLAG_PRIV_EC_SPEC) ? - PRIV_SELECTOR_ECHO_CANCELLER : SELECTOR_ECHO_CANCELLER, result); - } -} - - - -/*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -/* Advanced voice */ -/*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - -static void adv_voice_write_coefs (PLCI *plci, word write_command) + byte mask; + byte from_pc; + byte to_pc; +} xconnect_write_prog[] = { - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - word i; - byte *p; - - word w, n, j, k; - byte ch_map[MIXER_CHANNELS_BRI]; - - byte coef_buffer[ADV_VOICE_COEF_BUFFER_SIZE + 2]; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: adv_voice_write_coefs %d", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, write_command)); - - a = plci->adapter; - p = coef_buffer + 1; - *(p++) = DSP_CTRL_OLD_SET_MIXER_COEFFICIENTS; - i = 0; - while (i + sizeof(word) <= a->adv_voice_coef_length) - { - PUT_WORD (p, GET_WORD (a->adv_voice_coef_buffer + i)); - p += 2; - i += 2; - } - while (i < ADV_VOICE_OLD_COEF_COUNT * sizeof(word)) - { - PUT_WORD (p, 0x8000); - p += 2; - i += 2; - } + { LI_COEF_CH_CH, false, false }, + { LI_COEF_CH_PC, false, true }, + { LI_COEF_PC_CH, true, false }, + { LI_COEF_PC_PC, true, true } +}; - if (!a->li_pri && (plci->li_bchannel_id == 0)) - { - if ((li_config_table[a->li_base].plci == NULL) && (li_config_table[a->li_base + 1].plci != NULL)) - { - plci->li_bchannel_id = 1; - li_config_table[a->li_base].plci = plci; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: adv_voice_set_bchannel_id %d", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci->li_bchannel_id)); - } - else if ((li_config_table[a->li_base].plci != NULL) && (li_config_table[a->li_base + 1].plci == NULL)) - { - plci->li_bchannel_id = 2; - li_config_table[a->li_base + 1].plci = plci; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: adv_voice_set_bchannel_id %d", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci->li_bchannel_id)); - } - } - if (!a->li_pri && (plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) - && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) - { - i = a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); - switch (write_command) - { - case ADV_VOICE_WRITE_ACTIVATION: - j = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); - k = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id); - if (!(plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_MIXER)) - { - li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE | LI_FLAG_MIX; - li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE | LI_FLAG_MONITOR; - } - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) - { - li_config_table[k].flag_table[i] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE | LI_FLAG_MIX; - li_config_table[i].flag_table[k] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE | LI_FLAG_MONITOR; - li_config_table[k].flag_table[j] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - li_config_table[j].flag_table[k] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; - } - mixer_calculate_coefs (a); - li_config_table[i].curchnl = li_config_table[i].channel; - li_config_table[j].curchnl = li_config_table[j].channel; - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) - li_config_table[k].curchnl = li_config_table[k].channel; - break; - - case ADV_VOICE_WRITE_DEACTIVATION: - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] = 0; - li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] = 0; - } - k = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - li_config_table[k].flag_table[j] = 0; - li_config_table[j].flag_table[k] = 0; - } - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) - { - k = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id); - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - li_config_table[k].flag_table[j] = 0; - li_config_table[j].flag_table[k] = 0; - } - } - mixer_calculate_coefs (a); - break; - } - if (plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_MIXER) - { - w = 0; - if (ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE + sizeof(word) <= a->adv_voice_coef_length) - w = GET_WORD (a->adv_voice_coef_buffer + ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE); - if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_TX_DATA) - w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_TX_DATA; - if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_RX_DATA) - w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_RX_DATA; - *(p++) = (byte) w; - *(p++) = (byte)(w >> 8); - for (j = 0; j < sizeof(ch_map); j += 2) - { - ch_map[j] = (byte)(j + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)); - ch_map[j+1] = (byte)(j + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id)); - } - for (n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(mixer_write_prog_bri); n++) - { - i = a->li_base + ch_map[mixer_write_prog_bri[n].to_ch]; - j = a->li_base + ch_map[mixer_write_prog_bri[n].from_ch]; - if (li_config_table[i].channel & li_config_table[j].channel & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) - { - *(p++) = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & mixer_write_prog_bri[n].mask) ? 0x80 : 0x01); - w = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & 0xf) ^ (li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] >> 4)); - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] ^= (w & mixer_write_prog_bri[n].mask) << 4; - } - else - { - *(p++) = (ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE + sizeof(word) + n < a->adv_voice_coef_length) ? - a->adv_voice_coef_buffer[ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE + sizeof(word) + n] : 0x00; - } - } - } - else - { - for (i = ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE; i < a->adv_voice_coef_length; i++) - *(p++) = a->adv_voice_coef_buffer[i]; - } - } - else - { - for (i = ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE; i < a->adv_voice_coef_length; i++) - *(p++) = a->adv_voice_coef_buffer[i]; - } - coef_buffer[0] = (p - coef_buffer) - 1; - add_p (plci, FTY, coef_buffer); - sig_req (plci, TEL_CTRL, 0); - send_req (plci); +static void xconnect_query_addresses(PLCI *plci) +{ + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + word w, ch; + byte *p; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: xconnect_query_addresses", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + + a = plci->adapter; + if (a->li_pri && ((plci->li_bchannel_id == 0) + || (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci != plci))) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06x] %s,%d: Channel id wiped out", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + return; + } + p = plci->internal_req_buffer; + ch = (a->li_pri) ? plci->li_bchannel_id - 1 : 0; + *(p++) = UDATA_REQUEST_XCONNECT_FROM; + w = ch; + *(p++) = (byte) w; + *(p++) = (byte)(w >> 8); + w = ch | XCONNECT_CHANNEL_PORT_PC; + *(p++) = (byte) w; + *(p++) = (byte)(w >> 8); + plci->NData[0].P = plci->internal_req_buffer; + plci->NData[0].PLength = p - plci->internal_req_buffer; + plci->NL.X = plci->NData; + plci->NL.ReqCh = 0; + plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte) N_UDATA; + plci->adapter->request(&plci->NL); +} + + +static void xconnect_write_coefs(PLCI *plci, word internal_command) +{ + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: xconnect_write_coefs %04x", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, internal_command)); + + plci->li_write_command = internal_command; + plci->li_write_channel = 0; +} + + +static byte xconnect_write_coefs_process(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + word w, n, i, j, r, s, to_ch; + dword d; + byte *p; + struct xconnect_transfer_address_s *transfer_address; + byte ch_map[MIXER_CHANNELS_BRI]; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06x] %s,%d: xconnect_write_coefs_process %02x %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->li_write_channel)); + + a = plci->adapter; + if ((plci->li_bchannel_id == 0) + || (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci != plci)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06x] %s,%d: Channel id wiped out", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + return (true); + } + i = a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); + j = plci->li_write_channel; + p = plci->internal_req_buffer; + if (j != 0) + { + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI write coefs failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + return (false); + } + } + if (li_config_table[i].adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) + { + r = 0; + s = 0; + if (j < li_total_channels) + { + if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_ADDRESSES_SET) + { + s = ((li_config_table[i].send_b.card_address.low | li_config_table[i].send_b.card_address.high) ? + (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC) : (LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_PC)) & + ((li_config_table[i].send_pc.card_address.low | li_config_table[i].send_pc.card_address.high) ? + (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC) : (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_PC_CH)); + } + r = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & 0xf) ^ (li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] >> 4)); + while ((j < li_total_channels) + && ((r == 0) + || (!(li_config_table[j].channel & LI_CHANNEL_ADDRESSES_SET)) + || (!li_config_table[j].adapter->li_pri + && (j >= li_config_table[j].adapter->li_base + MIXER_BCHANNELS_BRI)) + || (((li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.low != li_config_table[i].send_b.card_address.low) + || (li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.high != li_config_table[i].send_b.card_address.high)) + && (!(a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_DMACONNECT) + || !(li_config_table[j].adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_DMACONNECT))) + || ((li_config_table[j].adapter->li_base != a->li_base) + && !(r & s & + ((li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.low | li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.high) ? + (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC) : (LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC)) & + ((li_config_table[j].send_pc.card_address.low | li_config_table[j].send_pc.card_address.high) ? + (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC) : (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC)))))) + { + j++; + if (j < li_total_channels) + r = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & 0xf) ^ (li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] >> 4)); + } + } + if (j < li_total_channels) + { + plci->internal_command = plci->li_write_command; + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + return (true); + to_ch = (a->li_pri) ? plci->li_bchannel_id - 1 : 0; + *(p++) = UDATA_REQUEST_XCONNECT_TO; + do + { + if (li_config_table[j].adapter->li_base != a->li_base) + { + r &= s & + ((li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.low | li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.high) ? + (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC) : (LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC)) & + ((li_config_table[j].send_pc.card_address.low | li_config_table[j].send_pc.card_address.high) ? + (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC) : (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC)); + } + n = 0; + do + { + if (r & xconnect_write_prog[n].mask) + { + if (xconnect_write_prog[n].from_pc) + transfer_address = &(li_config_table[j].send_pc); + else + transfer_address = &(li_config_table[j].send_b); + d = transfer_address->card_address.low; + *(p++) = (byte) d; + *(p++) = (byte)(d >> 8); + *(p++) = (byte)(d >> 16); + *(p++) = (byte)(d >> 24); + d = transfer_address->card_address.high; + *(p++) = (byte) d; + *(p++) = (byte)(d >> 8); + *(p++) = (byte)(d >> 16); + *(p++) = (byte)(d >> 24); + d = transfer_address->offset; + *(p++) = (byte) d; + *(p++) = (byte)(d >> 8); + *(p++) = (byte)(d >> 16); + *(p++) = (byte)(d >> 24); + w = xconnect_write_prog[n].to_pc ? to_ch | XCONNECT_CHANNEL_PORT_PC : to_ch; + *(p++) = (byte) w; + *(p++) = (byte)(w >> 8); + w = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & xconnect_write_prog[n].mask) == 0) ? 0x01 : + (li_config_table[i].adapter->u_law ? + (li_config_table[j].adapter->u_law ? 0x80 : 0x86) : + (li_config_table[j].adapter->u_law ? 0x7a : 0x80)); + *(p++) = (byte) w; + *(p++) = (byte) 0; + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] ^= xconnect_write_prog[n].mask << 4; + } + n++; + } while ((n < ARRAY_SIZE(xconnect_write_prog)) + && ((p - plci->internal_req_buffer) + 16 < INTERNAL_REQ_BUFFER_SIZE)); + if (n == ARRAY_SIZE(xconnect_write_prog)) + { + do + { + j++; + if (j < li_total_channels) + r = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & 0xf) ^ (li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] >> 4)); + } while ((j < li_total_channels) + && ((r == 0) + || (!(li_config_table[j].channel & LI_CHANNEL_ADDRESSES_SET)) + || (!li_config_table[j].adapter->li_pri + && (j >= li_config_table[j].adapter->li_base + MIXER_BCHANNELS_BRI)) + || (((li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.low != li_config_table[i].send_b.card_address.low) + || (li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.high != li_config_table[i].send_b.card_address.high)) + && (!(a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_DMACONNECT) + || !(li_config_table[j].adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_DMACONNECT))) + || ((li_config_table[j].adapter->li_base != a->li_base) + && !(r & s & + ((li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.low | li_config_table[j].send_b.card_address.high) ? + (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC) : (LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC)) & + ((li_config_table[j].send_pc.card_address.low | li_config_table[j].send_pc.card_address.high) ? + (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC | LI_COEF_PC_CH | LI_COEF_PC_PC) : (LI_COEF_CH_CH | LI_COEF_CH_PC)))))); + } + } while ((j < li_total_channels) + && ((p - plci->internal_req_buffer) + 16 < INTERNAL_REQ_BUFFER_SIZE)); + } + else if (j == li_total_channels) + { + plci->internal_command = plci->li_write_command; + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + return (true); + if (a->li_pri) + { + *(p++) = UDATA_REQUEST_SET_MIXER_COEFS_PRI_SYNC; + w = 0; + if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_TX_DATA) + w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_TX_DATA; + if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_RX_DATA) + w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_RX_DATA; + *(p++) = (byte) w; + *(p++) = (byte)(w >> 8); + } + else + { + *(p++) = UDATA_REQUEST_SET_MIXER_COEFS_BRI; + w = 0; + if ((plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) && (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI) + && (ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE + sizeof(word) <= a->adv_voice_coef_length)) + { + w = GET_WORD(a->adv_voice_coef_buffer + ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE); + } + if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_TX_DATA) + w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_TX_DATA; + if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_RX_DATA) + w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_RX_DATA; + *(p++) = (byte) w; + *(p++) = (byte)(w >> 8); + for (j = 0; j < sizeof(ch_map); j += 2) + { + if (plci->li_bchannel_id == 2) + { + ch_map[j] = (byte)(j + 1); + ch_map[j + 1] = (byte) j; + } + else + { + ch_map[j] = (byte) j; + ch_map[j + 1] = (byte)(j + 1); + } + } + for (n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(mixer_write_prog_bri); n++) + { + i = a->li_base + ch_map[mixer_write_prog_bri[n].to_ch]; + j = a->li_base + ch_map[mixer_write_prog_bri[n].from_ch]; + if (li_config_table[i].channel & li_config_table[j].channel & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) + { + *p = (mixer_write_prog_bri[n].xconnect_override != 0) ? + mixer_write_prog_bri[n].xconnect_override : + ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & mixer_write_prog_bri[n].mask) ? 0x80 : 0x01); + if ((i >= a->li_base + MIXER_BCHANNELS_BRI) || (j >= a->li_base + MIXER_BCHANNELS_BRI)) + { + w = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & 0xf) ^ (li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] >> 4)); + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] ^= (w & mixer_write_prog_bri[n].mask) << 4; + } + } + else + { + *p = 0x00; + if ((a->AdvSignalPLCI != NULL) && (a->AdvSignalPLCI->tel == ADV_VOICE)) + { + w = (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI) ? n : mixer_swapped_index_bri[n]; + if (ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE + sizeof(word) + w < a->adv_voice_coef_length) + *p = a->adv_voice_coef_buffer[ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE + sizeof(word) + w]; + } + } + p++; + } + } + j = li_total_channels + 1; + } + } + else + { + if (j <= li_total_channels) + { + plci->internal_command = plci->li_write_command; + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + return (true); + if (j < a->li_base) + j = a->li_base; + if (a->li_pri) + { + *(p++) = UDATA_REQUEST_SET_MIXER_COEFS_PRI_SYNC; + w = 0; + if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_TX_DATA) + w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_TX_DATA; + if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_RX_DATA) + w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_RX_DATA; + *(p++) = (byte) w; + *(p++) = (byte)(w >> 8); + for (n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(mixer_write_prog_pri); n++) + { + *(p++) = (byte)((plci->li_bchannel_id - 1) | mixer_write_prog_pri[n].line_flags); + for (j = a->li_base; j < a->li_base + MIXER_CHANNELS_PRI; j++) + { + w = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & 0xf) ^ (li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] >> 4)); + if (w & mixer_write_prog_pri[n].mask) + { + *(p++) = (li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & mixer_write_prog_pri[n].mask) ? 0x80 : 0x01; + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] ^= mixer_write_prog_pri[n].mask << 4; + } + else + *(p++) = 0x00; + } + *(p++) = (byte)((plci->li_bchannel_id - 1) | MIXER_COEF_LINE_ROW_FLAG | mixer_write_prog_pri[n].line_flags); + for (j = a->li_base; j < a->li_base + MIXER_CHANNELS_PRI; j++) + { + w = ((li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] & 0xf) ^ (li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] >> 4)); + if (w & mixer_write_prog_pri[n].mask) + { + *(p++) = (li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] & mixer_write_prog_pri[n].mask) ? 0x80 : 0x01; + li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] ^= mixer_write_prog_pri[n].mask << 4; + } + else + *(p++) = 0x00; + } + } + } + else + { + *(p++) = UDATA_REQUEST_SET_MIXER_COEFS_BRI; + w = 0; + if ((plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) && (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI) + && (ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE + sizeof(word) <= a->adv_voice_coef_length)) + { + w = GET_WORD(a->adv_voice_coef_buffer + ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE); + } + if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_TX_DATA) + w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_TX_DATA; + if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_RX_DATA) + w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_RX_DATA; + *(p++) = (byte) w; + *(p++) = (byte)(w >> 8); + for (j = 0; j < sizeof(ch_map); j += 2) + { + if (plci->li_bchannel_id == 2) + { + ch_map[j] = (byte)(j + 1); + ch_map[j + 1] = (byte) j; + } + else + { + ch_map[j] = (byte) j; + ch_map[j + 1] = (byte)(j + 1); + } + } + for (n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(mixer_write_prog_bri); n++) + { + i = a->li_base + ch_map[mixer_write_prog_bri[n].to_ch]; + j = a->li_base + ch_map[mixer_write_prog_bri[n].from_ch]; + if (li_config_table[i].channel & li_config_table[j].channel & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) + { + *p = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & mixer_write_prog_bri[n].mask) ? 0x80 : 0x01); + w = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & 0xf) ^ (li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] >> 4)); + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] ^= (w & mixer_write_prog_bri[n].mask) << 4; + } + else + { + *p = 0x00; + if ((a->AdvSignalPLCI != NULL) && (a->AdvSignalPLCI->tel == ADV_VOICE)) + { + w = (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI) ? n : mixer_swapped_index_bri[n]; + if (ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE + sizeof(word) + w < a->adv_voice_coef_length) + *p = a->adv_voice_coef_buffer[ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE + sizeof(word) + w]; + } + } + p++; + } + } + j = li_total_channels + 1; + } + } + plci->li_write_channel = j; + if (p != plci->internal_req_buffer) + { + plci->NData[0].P = plci->internal_req_buffer; + plci->NData[0].PLength = p - plci->internal_req_buffer; + plci->NL.X = plci->NData; + plci->NL.ReqCh = 0; + plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte) N_UDATA; + plci->adapter->request(&plci->NL); + } + return (true); +} + + +static void mixer_notify_update(PLCI *plci, byte others) +{ + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + word i, w; + PLCI *notify_plci; + byte msg[sizeof(CAPI_MSG_HEADER) + 6]; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_notify_update %d", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, others)); + + a = plci->adapter; + if (a->profile.Global_Options & GL_LINE_INTERCONNECT_SUPPORTED) + { + if (others) + plci->li_notify_update = true; + i = 0; + do + { + notify_plci = NULL; + if (others) + { + while ((i < li_total_channels) && (li_config_table[i].plci == NULL)) + i++; + if (i < li_total_channels) + notify_plci = li_config_table[i++].plci; + } + else + { + if ((plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) + && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) + { + notify_plci = plci; + } + } + if ((notify_plci != NULL) + && !notify_plci->li_notify_update + && (notify_plci->appl != NULL) + && (notify_plci->State) + && notify_plci->NL.Id && !notify_plci->nl_remove_id) + { + notify_plci->li_notify_update = true; + ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->header.length = 18; + ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->header.appl_id = notify_plci->appl->Id; + ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->header.command = _FACILITY_R; + ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->header.number = 0; + ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->header.controller = notify_plci->adapter->Id; + ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->header.plci = notify_plci->Id; + ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->header.ncci = 0; + ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->info.facility_req.Selector = SELECTOR_LINE_INTERCONNECT; + ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->info.facility_req.structs[0] = 3; + PUT_WORD(&(((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->info.facility_req.structs[1]), LI_REQ_SILENT_UPDATE); + ((CAPI_MSG *) msg)->info.facility_req.structs[3] = 0; + w = api_put(notify_plci->appl, (CAPI_MSG *) msg); + if (w != _QUEUE_FULL) + { + if (w != 0) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Interconnect notify failed %06x %d", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, + (dword)((notify_plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(notify_plci->adapter->Id)), w)); + } + notify_plci->li_notify_update = false; + } + } + } while (others && (notify_plci != NULL)); + if (others) + plci->li_notify_update = false; + } +} + + +static void mixer_clear_config(PLCI *plci) +{ + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + word i, j; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_clear_config", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + + plci->li_notify_update = false; + plci->li_plci_b_write_pos = 0; + plci->li_plci_b_read_pos = 0; + plci->li_plci_b_req_pos = 0; + a = plci->adapter; + if ((plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) + && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) + { + i = a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); + li_config_table[i].curchnl = 0; + li_config_table[i].channel = 0; + li_config_table[i].chflags = 0; + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] = 0; + li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] = 0; + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] = 0; + li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] = 0; + } + if (!a->li_pri) + { + li_config_table[i].coef_table[i] |= LI_COEF_CH_PC_SET | LI_COEF_PC_CH_SET; + if ((plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) && (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI)) + { + i = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); + li_config_table[i].curchnl = 0; + li_config_table[i].channel = 0; + li_config_table[i].chflags = 0; + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] = 0; + li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] = 0; + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] = 0; + li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] = 0; + } + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) + { + i = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id); + li_config_table[i].curchnl = 0; + li_config_table[i].channel = 0; + li_config_table[i].chflags = 0; + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] = 0; + li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] = 0; + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] = 0; + li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] = 0; + } + } + } + } + } +} + + +static void mixer_prepare_switch(dword Id, PLCI *plci) +{ + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_prepare_switch", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + + do + { + mixer_indication_coefs_set(Id, plci); + } while (plci->li_plci_b_read_pos != plci->li_plci_b_req_pos); +} + + +static word mixer_save_config(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + word i, j; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_save_config %02x %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); + + a = plci->adapter; + if ((plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) + && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) + { + i = a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] &= 0xf; + li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] &= 0xf; + } + if (!a->li_pri) + li_config_table[i].coef_table[i] |= LI_COEF_CH_PC_SET | LI_COEF_PC_CH_SET; + } + return (GOOD); +} + + +static word mixer_restore_config(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + word Info; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_restore_config %02x %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); + + Info = GOOD; + a = plci->adapter; + if ((plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_MIXER) + && (plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) + && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) + { + switch (plci->adjust_b_state) + { + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_1: + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) + { + plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + { + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_1; + break; + } + xconnect_query_addresses(plci); + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_2; + break; + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_5; + Rc = OK; + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_2: + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_3: + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_4: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC) && (Rc != 0)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B query addresses failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + break; + } + if (Rc == OK) + { + if (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_2) + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_3; + else if (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_4) + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_5; + } + else if (Rc == 0) + { + if (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_2) + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_4; + else if (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_3) + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_5; + } + if (plci->adjust_b_state != ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_5) + { + plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; + break; + } + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_5: + xconnect_write_coefs(plci, plci->adjust_b_command); + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_6; + Rc = OK; + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_6: + if (!xconnect_write_coefs_process(Id, plci, Rc)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Write mixer coefs failed", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + break; + } + if (plci->internal_command) + break; + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_7; + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_7: + break; + } + } + return (Info); +} + + +static void mixer_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + word i, internal_command; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_command %02x %04x %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command, + plci->li_cmd)); + + a = plci->adapter; + internal_command = plci->internal_command; + plci->internal_command = 0; + switch (plci->li_cmd) + { + case LI_REQ_CONNECT: + case LI_REQ_DISCONNECT: + case LI_REQ_SILENT_UPDATE: + switch (internal_command) + { + default: + if (plci->li_channel_bits & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) + { + adjust_b1_resource(Id, plci, NULL, (word)(plci->B1_facilities | + B1_FACILITY_MIXER), MIXER_COMMAND_1); + } + case MIXER_COMMAND_1: + if (plci->li_channel_bits & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) + { + if (adjust_b_process(Id, plci, Rc) != GOOD) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Load mixer failed", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + break; + } + if (plci->internal_command) + return; + } + plci->li_plci_b_req_pos = plci->li_plci_b_write_pos; + if ((plci->li_channel_bits & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) + || ((get_b1_facilities(plci, plci->B1_resource) & B1_FACILITY_MIXER) + && (add_b1_facilities(plci, plci->B1_resource, (word)(plci->B1_facilities & + ~B1_FACILITY_MIXER)) == plci->B1_resource))) + { + xconnect_write_coefs(plci, MIXER_COMMAND_2); + } + else + { + do + { + mixer_indication_coefs_set(Id, plci); + } while (plci->li_plci_b_read_pos != plci->li_plci_b_req_pos); + } + case MIXER_COMMAND_2: + if ((plci->li_channel_bits & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) + || ((get_b1_facilities(plci, plci->B1_resource) & B1_FACILITY_MIXER) + && (add_b1_facilities(plci, plci->B1_resource, (word)(plci->B1_facilities & + ~B1_FACILITY_MIXER)) == plci->B1_resource))) + { + if (!xconnect_write_coefs_process(Id, plci, Rc)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Write mixer coefs failed", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + if (plci->li_plci_b_write_pos != plci->li_plci_b_req_pos) + { + do + { + plci->li_plci_b_write_pos = (plci->li_plci_b_write_pos == 0) ? + LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES - 1 : plci->li_plci_b_write_pos - 1; + i = (plci->li_plci_b_write_pos == 0) ? + LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES - 1 : plci->li_plci_b_write_pos - 1; + } while ((plci->li_plci_b_write_pos != plci->li_plci_b_req_pos) + && !(plci->li_plci_b_queue[i] & LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG)); + } + break; + } + if (plci->internal_command) + return; + } + if (!(plci->li_channel_bits & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED)) + { + adjust_b1_resource(Id, plci, NULL, (word)(plci->B1_facilities & + ~B1_FACILITY_MIXER), MIXER_COMMAND_3); + } + case MIXER_COMMAND_3: + if (!(plci->li_channel_bits & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED)) + { + if (adjust_b_process(Id, plci, Rc) != GOOD) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Unload mixer failed", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + break; + } + if (plci->internal_command) + return; + } + break; + } + break; + } + if ((plci->li_bchannel_id == 0) + || (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci != plci)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06x] %s,%d: Channel id wiped out %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, (int)(plci->li_bchannel_id))); + } + else + { + i = a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); + li_config_table[i].curchnl = plci->li_channel_bits; + if (!a->li_pri && (plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) && (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI)) + { + i = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); + li_config_table[i].curchnl = plci->li_channel_bits; + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) + { + i = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id); + li_config_table[i].curchnl = plci->li_channel_bits; + } + } + } +} + + +static void li_update_connect(dword Id, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, + dword plci_b_id, byte connect, dword li_flags) +{ + word i, ch_a, ch_a_v, ch_a_s, ch_b, ch_b_v, ch_b_s; + PLCI *plci_b; + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a_b; + + a_b = &(adapter[MapController((byte)(plci_b_id & 0x7f)) - 1]); + plci_b = &(a_b->plci[((plci_b_id >> 8) & 0xff) - 1]); + ch_a = a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); + if (!a->li_pri && (plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) + && (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI) && (Id & EXT_CONTROLLER)) + { + ch_a_v = ch_a + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE; + ch_a_s = (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) ? + a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id) : ch_a_v; + } + else + { + ch_a_v = ch_a; + ch_a_s = ch_a; + } + ch_b = a_b->li_base + (plci_b->li_bchannel_id - 1); + if (!a_b->li_pri && (plci_b->tel == ADV_VOICE) + && (plci_b == a_b->AdvSignalPLCI) && (plci_b_id & EXT_CONTROLLER)) + { + ch_b_v = ch_b + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE; + ch_b_s = (a_b->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) ? + a_b->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (2 - plci_b->li_bchannel_id) : ch_b_v; + } + else + { + ch_b_v = ch_b; + ch_b_s = ch_b; + } + if (connect) + { + li_config_table[ch_a].flag_table[ch_a_v] &= ~LI_FLAG_MONITOR; + li_config_table[ch_a].flag_table[ch_a_s] &= ~LI_FLAG_MONITOR; + li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_a] &= ~(LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT | LI_FLAG_MIX); + li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_a] &= ~(LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT | LI_FLAG_MIX); + } + li_config_table[ch_a].flag_table[ch_b_v] &= ~LI_FLAG_MONITOR; + li_config_table[ch_a].flag_table[ch_b_s] &= ~LI_FLAG_MONITOR; + li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a] &= ~(LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT | LI_FLAG_MIX); + li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a] &= ~(LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT | LI_FLAG_MIX); + if (ch_a_v == ch_b_v) + { + li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_b_v] &= ~LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_b_s] &= ~LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + } + else + { + if (li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_b_v] & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE) + { + for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) + { + if (i != ch_a_v) + li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[i] &= ~LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + } + } + if (li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_b_v] & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE) + { + for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) + { + if (i != ch_a_s) + li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[i] &= ~LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + } + } + if (li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a_v] & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE) + { + for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) + { + if (i != ch_a_v) + li_config_table[i].flag_table[ch_a_v] &= ~LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + } + } + if (li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a_s] & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE) + { + for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) + { + if (i != ch_a_s) + li_config_table[i].flag_table[ch_a_s] &= ~LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + } + } + } + if (li_flags & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE_A_B) + { + li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a_v] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a_v] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a_s] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a_s] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + } + if (li_flags & LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE_B_A) + { + li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + } + if (li_flags & LI_FLAG_MONITOR_A) + { + li_config_table[ch_a].flag_table[ch_a_v] |= LI_FLAG_MONITOR; + li_config_table[ch_a].flag_table[ch_a_s] |= LI_FLAG_MONITOR; + } + if (li_flags & LI_FLAG_MONITOR_B) + { + li_config_table[ch_a].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_MONITOR; + li_config_table[ch_a].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_MONITOR; + } + if (li_flags & LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT_A) + { + li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_a] |= LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT; + li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_a] |= LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT; + } + if (li_flags & LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT_B) + { + li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a] |= LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT; + li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a] |= LI_FLAG_ANNOUNCEMENT; + } + if (li_flags & LI_FLAG_MIX_A) + { + li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_a] |= LI_FLAG_MIX; + li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_a] |= LI_FLAG_MIX; + } + if (li_flags & LI_FLAG_MIX_B) + { + li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a] |= LI_FLAG_MIX; + li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a] |= LI_FLAG_MIX; + } + if (ch_a_v != ch_a_s) + { + li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_a_s] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_a_v] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + } + if (ch_b_v != ch_b_s) + { + li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + } +} + + +static void li2_update_connect(dword Id, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, + dword plci_b_id, byte connect, dword li_flags) +{ + word ch_a, ch_a_v, ch_a_s, ch_b, ch_b_v, ch_b_s; + PLCI *plci_b; + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a_b; + + a_b = &(adapter[MapController((byte)(plci_b_id & 0x7f)) - 1]); + plci_b = &(a_b->plci[((plci_b_id >> 8) & 0xff) - 1]); + ch_a = a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); + if (!a->li_pri && (plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) + && (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI) && (Id & EXT_CONTROLLER)) + { + ch_a_v = ch_a + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE; + ch_a_s = (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) ? + a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id) : ch_a_v; + } + else + { + ch_a_v = ch_a; + ch_a_s = ch_a; + } + ch_b = a_b->li_base + (plci_b->li_bchannel_id - 1); + if (!a_b->li_pri && (plci_b->tel == ADV_VOICE) + && (plci_b == a_b->AdvSignalPLCI) && (plci_b_id & EXT_CONTROLLER)) + { + ch_b_v = ch_b + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE; + ch_b_s = (a_b->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) ? + a_b->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (2 - plci_b->li_bchannel_id) : ch_b_v; + } + else + { + ch_b_v = ch_b; + ch_b_s = ch_b; + } + if (connect) + { + li_config_table[ch_b].flag_table[ch_b_v] &= ~LI_FLAG_MONITOR; + li_config_table[ch_b].flag_table[ch_b_s] &= ~LI_FLAG_MONITOR; + li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_b] &= ~LI_FLAG_MIX; + li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_b] &= ~LI_FLAG_MIX; + li_config_table[ch_b].flag_table[ch_b] &= ~LI_FLAG_PCCONNECT; + li_config_table[ch_b].chflags &= ~(LI_CHFLAG_MONITOR | LI_CHFLAG_MIX | LI_CHFLAG_LOOP); + } + li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a_v] &= ~(LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE); + li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a_v] &= ~(LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE); + li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a_s] &= ~(LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE); + li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a_s] &= ~(LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE); + li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_b_v] &= ~(LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE); + li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_b_s] &= ~(LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE); + li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_b_v] &= ~(LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE); + li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_b_s] &= ~(LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT | LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE); + if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_INTERCONNECT_A_B) + { + li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a_v] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; + li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a_v] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; + li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_a_s] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; + li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a_s] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; + } + if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_INTERCONNECT_B_A) + { + li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; + li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; + li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; + li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; + } + if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_MONITOR_B) + { + li_config_table[ch_b].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_MONITOR; + li_config_table[ch_b].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_MONITOR; + } + if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_MIX_B) + { + li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_b] |= LI_FLAG_MIX; + li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_b] |= LI_FLAG_MIX; + } + if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_MONITOR_X) + li_config_table[ch_b].chflags |= LI_CHFLAG_MONITOR; + if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_MIX_X) + li_config_table[ch_b].chflags |= LI_CHFLAG_MIX; + if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_LOOP_B) + { + li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; + li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; + li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; + li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT; + } + if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_LOOP_PC) + li_config_table[ch_b].flag_table[ch_b] |= LI_FLAG_PCCONNECT; + if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_LOOP_X) + li_config_table[ch_b].chflags |= LI_CHFLAG_LOOP; + if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_PCCONNECT_A_B) + li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_a_s] |= LI_FLAG_PCCONNECT; + if (li_flags & LI2_FLAG_PCCONNECT_B_A) + li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_PCCONNECT; + if (ch_a_v != ch_a_s) + { + li_config_table[ch_a_v].flag_table[ch_a_s] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + li_config_table[ch_a_s].flag_table[ch_a_v] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + } + if (ch_b_v != ch_b_s) + { + li_config_table[ch_b_v].flag_table[ch_b_s] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + li_config_table[ch_b_s].flag_table[ch_b_v] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + } +} + + +static word li_check_main_plci(dword Id, PLCI *plci) +{ + if (plci == NULL) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong PLCI", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + return (_WRONG_IDENTIFIER); + } + if (!plci->State + || !plci->NL.Id || plci->nl_remove_id + || (plci->li_bchannel_id == 0)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong state", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + return (_WRONG_STATE); + } + li_config_table[plci->adapter->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci = plci; + return (GOOD); +} + + +static PLCI *li_check_plci_b(dword Id, PLCI *plci, + dword plci_b_id, word plci_b_write_pos, byte *p_result) +{ + byte ctlr_b; + PLCI *plci_b; + + if (((plci->li_plci_b_read_pos > plci_b_write_pos) ? plci->li_plci_b_read_pos : + LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES + plci->li_plci_b_read_pos) - plci_b_write_pos - 1 < 2) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI request overrun", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + PUT_WORD(p_result, _REQUEST_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_THIS_STATE); + return (NULL); + } + ctlr_b = 0; + if ((plci_b_id & 0x7f) != 0) + { + ctlr_b = MapController((byte)(plci_b_id & 0x7f)); + if ((ctlr_b > max_adapter) || ((ctlr_b != 0) && (adapter[ctlr_b - 1].request == NULL))) + ctlr_b = 0; + } + if ((ctlr_b == 0) + || (((plci_b_id >> 8) & 0xff) == 0) + || (((plci_b_id >> 8) & 0xff) > adapter[ctlr_b - 1].max_plci)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI invalid second PLCI %08lx", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci_b_id)); + PUT_WORD(p_result, _WRONG_IDENTIFIER); + return (NULL); + } + plci_b = &(adapter[ctlr_b - 1].plci[((plci_b_id >> 8) & 0xff) - 1]); + if (!plci_b->State + || !plci_b->NL.Id || plci_b->nl_remove_id + || (plci_b->li_bchannel_id == 0)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI peer in wrong state %08lx", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci_b_id)); + PUT_WORD(p_result, _REQUEST_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_THIS_STATE); + return (NULL); + } + li_config_table[plci_b->adapter->li_base + (plci_b->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci = plci_b; + if (((byte)(plci_b_id & ~EXT_CONTROLLER)) != + ((byte)(UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id) & ~EXT_CONTROLLER)) + && (!(plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) + || !(plci_b->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT))) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI not on same ctrl %08lx", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci_b_id)); + PUT_WORD(p_result, _WRONG_IDENTIFIER); + return (NULL); + } + if (!(get_b1_facilities(plci_b, add_b1_facilities(plci_b, plci_b->B1_resource, + (word)(plci_b->B1_facilities | B1_FACILITY_MIXER))) & B1_FACILITY_MIXER)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Interconnect peer cannot mix %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci_b->B1_resource)); + PUT_WORD(p_result, _REQUEST_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_THIS_STATE); + return (NULL); + } + return (plci_b); +} + + +static PLCI *li2_check_plci_b(dword Id, PLCI *plci, + dword plci_b_id, word plci_b_write_pos, byte *p_result) +{ + byte ctlr_b; + PLCI *plci_b; + + if (((plci->li_plci_b_read_pos > plci_b_write_pos) ? plci->li_plci_b_read_pos : + LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES + plci->li_plci_b_read_pos) - plci_b_write_pos - 1 < 2) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI request overrun", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + PUT_WORD(p_result, _WRONG_STATE); + return (NULL); + } + ctlr_b = 0; + if ((plci_b_id & 0x7f) != 0) + { + ctlr_b = MapController((byte)(plci_b_id & 0x7f)); + if ((ctlr_b > max_adapter) || ((ctlr_b != 0) && (adapter[ctlr_b - 1].request == NULL))) + ctlr_b = 0; + } + if ((ctlr_b == 0) + || (((plci_b_id >> 8) & 0xff) == 0) + || (((plci_b_id >> 8) & 0xff) > adapter[ctlr_b - 1].max_plci)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI invalid second PLCI %08lx", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci_b_id)); + PUT_WORD(p_result, _WRONG_IDENTIFIER); + return (NULL); + } + plci_b = &(adapter[ctlr_b - 1].plci[((plci_b_id >> 8) & 0xff) - 1]); + if (!plci_b->State + || !plci_b->NL.Id || plci_b->nl_remove_id + || (plci_b->li_bchannel_id == 0) + || (li_config_table[plci_b->adapter->li_base + (plci_b->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci != plci_b)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI peer in wrong state %08lx", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci_b_id)); + PUT_WORD(p_result, _WRONG_STATE); + return (NULL); + } + if (((byte)(plci_b_id & ~EXT_CONTROLLER)) != + ((byte)(UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id) & ~EXT_CONTROLLER)) + && (!(plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) + || !(plci_b->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT))) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI not on same ctrl %08lx", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci_b_id)); + PUT_WORD(p_result, _WRONG_IDENTIFIER); + return (NULL); + } + if (!(get_b1_facilities(plci_b, add_b1_facilities(plci_b, plci_b->B1_resource, + (word)(plci_b->B1_facilities | B1_FACILITY_MIXER))) & B1_FACILITY_MIXER)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Interconnect peer cannot mix %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci_b->B1_resource)); + PUT_WORD(p_result, _WRONG_STATE); + return (NULL); + } + return (plci_b); +} + + +static byte mixer_request(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg) +{ + word Info; + word i; + dword d, li_flags, plci_b_id; + PLCI *plci_b; + API_PARSE li_parms[3]; + API_PARSE li_req_parms[3]; + API_PARSE li_participant_struct[2]; + API_PARSE li_participant_parms[3]; + word participant_parms_pos; + byte result_buffer[32]; + byte *result; + word result_pos; + word plci_b_write_pos; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_request", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + + Info = GOOD; + result = result_buffer; + result_buffer[0] = 0; + if (!(a->profile.Global_Options & GL_LINE_INTERCONNECT_SUPPORTED)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Facility not supported", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + } + else if (api_parse(&msg[1].info[1], msg[1].length, "ws", li_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + else + { + result_buffer[0] = 3; + PUT_WORD(&result_buffer[1], GET_WORD(li_parms[0].info)); + result_buffer[3] = 0; + switch (GET_WORD(li_parms[0].info)) + { + case LI_GET_SUPPORTED_SERVICES: + if (appl->appl_flags & APPL_FLAG_OLD_LI_SPEC) + { + result_buffer[0] = 17; + result_buffer[3] = 14; + PUT_WORD(&result_buffer[4], GOOD); + d = 0; + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_MIXER_CH_CH) + d |= LI_CONFERENCING_SUPPORTED; + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_MIXER_CH_PC) + d |= LI_MONITORING_SUPPORTED; + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_MIXER_PC_CH) + d |= LI_ANNOUNCEMENTS_SUPPORTED | LI_MIXING_SUPPORTED; + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) + d |= LI_CROSS_CONTROLLER_SUPPORTED; + PUT_DWORD(&result_buffer[6], d); + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) + { + d = 0; + for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) + { + if ((li_config_table[i].adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) + && (li_config_table[i].adapter->li_pri + || (i < li_config_table[i].adapter->li_base + MIXER_BCHANNELS_BRI))) + { + d++; + } + } + } + else + { + d = a->li_pri ? a->li_channels : MIXER_BCHANNELS_BRI; + } + PUT_DWORD(&result_buffer[10], d / 2); + PUT_DWORD(&result_buffer[14], d); + } + else + { + result_buffer[0] = 25; + result_buffer[3] = 22; + PUT_WORD(&result_buffer[4], GOOD); + d = LI2_ASYMMETRIC_SUPPORTED | LI2_B_LOOPING_SUPPORTED | LI2_X_LOOPING_SUPPORTED; + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_MIXER_CH_PC) + d |= LI2_MONITORING_SUPPORTED | LI2_REMOTE_MONITORING_SUPPORTED; + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_MIXER_PC_CH) + d |= LI2_MIXING_SUPPORTED | LI2_REMOTE_MIXING_SUPPORTED; + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_MIXER_PC_PC) + d |= LI2_PC_LOOPING_SUPPORTED; + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) + d |= LI2_CROSS_CONTROLLER_SUPPORTED; + PUT_DWORD(&result_buffer[6], d); + d = a->li_pri ? a->li_channels : MIXER_BCHANNELS_BRI; + PUT_DWORD(&result_buffer[10], d / 2); + PUT_DWORD(&result_buffer[14], d - 1); + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) + { + d = 0; + for (i = 0; i < li_total_channels; i++) + { + if ((li_config_table[i].adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT) + && (li_config_table[i].adapter->li_pri + || (i < li_config_table[i].adapter->li_base + MIXER_BCHANNELS_BRI))) + { + d++; + } + } + } + PUT_DWORD(&result_buffer[18], d / 2); + PUT_DWORD(&result_buffer[22], d - 1); + } + break; + + case LI_REQ_CONNECT: + if (li_parms[1].length == 8) + { + appl->appl_flags |= APPL_FLAG_OLD_LI_SPEC; + if (api_parse(&li_parms[1].info[1], li_parms[1].length, "dd", li_req_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + plci_b_id = GET_DWORD(li_req_parms[0].info) & 0xffff; + li_flags = GET_DWORD(li_req_parms[1].info); + Info = li_check_main_plci(Id, plci); + result_buffer[0] = 9; + result_buffer[3] = 6; + PUT_DWORD(&result_buffer[4], plci_b_id); + PUT_WORD(&result_buffer[8], GOOD); + if (Info != GOOD) + break; + result = plci->saved_msg.info; + for (i = 0; i <= result_buffer[0]; i++) + result[i] = result_buffer[i]; + plci_b_write_pos = plci->li_plci_b_write_pos; + plci_b = li_check_plci_b(Id, plci, plci_b_id, plci_b_write_pos, &result[8]); + if (plci_b == NULL) + break; + li_update_connect(Id, a, plci, plci_b_id, true, li_flags); + plci->li_plci_b_queue[plci_b_write_pos] = plci_b_id | LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG; + plci_b_write_pos = (plci_b_write_pos == LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES - 1) ? 0 : plci_b_write_pos + 1; + plci->li_plci_b_write_pos = plci_b_write_pos; + } + else + { + appl->appl_flags &= ~APPL_FLAG_OLD_LI_SPEC; + if (api_parse(&li_parms[1].info[1], li_parms[1].length, "ds", li_req_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + li_flags = GET_DWORD(li_req_parms[0].info) & ~(LI2_FLAG_INTERCONNECT_A_B | LI2_FLAG_INTERCONNECT_B_A); + Info = li_check_main_plci(Id, plci); + result_buffer[0] = 7; + result_buffer[3] = 4; + PUT_WORD(&result_buffer[4], Info); + result_buffer[6] = 0; + if (Info != GOOD) + break; + result = plci->saved_msg.info; + for (i = 0; i <= result_buffer[0]; i++) + result[i] = result_buffer[i]; + plci_b_write_pos = plci->li_plci_b_write_pos; + participant_parms_pos = 0; + result_pos = 7; + li2_update_connect(Id, a, plci, UnMapId(Id), true, li_flags); + while (participant_parms_pos < li_req_parms[1].length) + { + result[result_pos] = 6; + result_pos += 7; + PUT_DWORD(&result[result_pos - 6], 0); + PUT_WORD(&result[result_pos - 2], GOOD); + if (api_parse(&li_req_parms[1].info[1 + participant_parms_pos], + (word)(li_parms[1].length - participant_parms_pos), "s", li_participant_struct)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + PUT_WORD(&result[result_pos - 2], _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT); + break; + } + if (api_parse(&li_participant_struct[0].info[1], + li_participant_struct[0].length, "dd", li_participant_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + PUT_WORD(&result[result_pos - 2], _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT); + break; + } + plci_b_id = GET_DWORD(li_participant_parms[0].info) & 0xffff; + li_flags = GET_DWORD(li_participant_parms[1].info); + PUT_DWORD(&result[result_pos - 6], plci_b_id); + if (sizeof(result) - result_pos < 7) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI result overrun", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + PUT_WORD(&result[result_pos - 2], _WRONG_STATE); + break; + } + plci_b = li2_check_plci_b(Id, plci, plci_b_id, plci_b_write_pos, &result[result_pos - 2]); + if (plci_b != NULL) + { + li2_update_connect(Id, a, plci, plci_b_id, true, li_flags); + plci->li_plci_b_queue[plci_b_write_pos] = plci_b_id | + ((li_flags & (LI2_FLAG_INTERCONNECT_A_B | LI2_FLAG_INTERCONNECT_B_A | + LI2_FLAG_PCCONNECT_A_B | LI2_FLAG_PCCONNECT_B_A)) ? 0 : LI_PLCI_B_DISC_FLAG); + plci_b_write_pos = (plci_b_write_pos == LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES - 1) ? 0 : plci_b_write_pos + 1; + } + participant_parms_pos = (word)((&li_participant_struct[0].info[1 + li_participant_struct[0].length]) - + (&li_req_parms[1].info[1])); + } + result[0] = (byte)(result_pos - 1); + result[3] = (byte)(result_pos - 4); + result[6] = (byte)(result_pos - 7); + i = (plci_b_write_pos == 0) ? LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES - 1 : plci_b_write_pos - 1; + if ((plci_b_write_pos == plci->li_plci_b_read_pos) + || (plci->li_plci_b_queue[i] & LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG)) + { + plci->li_plci_b_queue[plci_b_write_pos] = LI_PLCI_B_SKIP_FLAG | LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG; + plci_b_write_pos = (plci_b_write_pos == LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES - 1) ? 0 : plci_b_write_pos + 1; + } + else + plci->li_plci_b_queue[i] |= LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG; + plci->li_plci_b_write_pos = plci_b_write_pos; + } + mixer_calculate_coefs(a); + plci->li_channel_bits = li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].channel; + mixer_notify_update(plci, true); + sendf(appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffffL, Number, + "wwS", Info, SELECTOR_LINE_INTERCONNECT, result); + plci->command = 0; + plci->li_cmd = GET_WORD(li_parms[0].info); + start_internal_command(Id, plci, mixer_command); + return (false); + + case LI_REQ_DISCONNECT: + if (li_parms[1].length == 4) + { + appl->appl_flags |= APPL_FLAG_OLD_LI_SPEC; + if (api_parse(&li_parms[1].info[1], li_parms[1].length, "d", li_req_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + plci_b_id = GET_DWORD(li_req_parms[0].info) & 0xffff; + Info = li_check_main_plci(Id, plci); + result_buffer[0] = 9; + result_buffer[3] = 6; + PUT_DWORD(&result_buffer[4], GET_DWORD(li_req_parms[0].info)); + PUT_WORD(&result_buffer[8], GOOD); + if (Info != GOOD) + break; + result = plci->saved_msg.info; + for (i = 0; i <= result_buffer[0]; i++) + result[i] = result_buffer[i]; + plci_b_write_pos = plci->li_plci_b_write_pos; + plci_b = li_check_plci_b(Id, plci, plci_b_id, plci_b_write_pos, &result[8]); + if (plci_b == NULL) + break; + li_update_connect(Id, a, plci, plci_b_id, false, 0); + plci->li_plci_b_queue[plci_b_write_pos] = plci_b_id | LI_PLCI_B_DISC_FLAG | LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG; + plci_b_write_pos = (plci_b_write_pos == LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES - 1) ? 0 : plci_b_write_pos + 1; + plci->li_plci_b_write_pos = plci_b_write_pos; + } + else + { + appl->appl_flags &= ~APPL_FLAG_OLD_LI_SPEC; + if (api_parse(&li_parms[1].info[1], li_parms[1].length, "s", li_req_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + break; + } + Info = li_check_main_plci(Id, plci); + result_buffer[0] = 7; + result_buffer[3] = 4; + PUT_WORD(&result_buffer[4], Info); + result_buffer[6] = 0; + if (Info != GOOD) + break; + result = plci->saved_msg.info; + for (i = 0; i <= result_buffer[0]; i++) + result[i] = result_buffer[i]; + plci_b_write_pos = plci->li_plci_b_write_pos; + participant_parms_pos = 0; + result_pos = 7; + while (participant_parms_pos < li_req_parms[0].length) + { + result[result_pos] = 6; + result_pos += 7; + PUT_DWORD(&result[result_pos - 6], 0); + PUT_WORD(&result[result_pos - 2], GOOD); + if (api_parse(&li_req_parms[0].info[1 + participant_parms_pos], + (word)(li_parms[1].length - participant_parms_pos), "s", li_participant_struct)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + PUT_WORD(&result[result_pos - 2], _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT); + break; + } + if (api_parse(&li_participant_struct[0].info[1], + li_participant_struct[0].length, "d", li_participant_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + PUT_WORD(&result[result_pos - 2], _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT); + break; + } + plci_b_id = GET_DWORD(li_participant_parms[0].info) & 0xffff; + PUT_DWORD(&result[result_pos - 6], plci_b_id); + if (sizeof(result) - result_pos < 7) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI result overrun", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + PUT_WORD(&result[result_pos - 2], _WRONG_STATE); + break; + } + plci_b = li2_check_plci_b(Id, plci, plci_b_id, plci_b_write_pos, &result[result_pos - 2]); + if (plci_b != NULL) + { + li2_update_connect(Id, a, plci, plci_b_id, false, 0); + plci->li_plci_b_queue[plci_b_write_pos] = plci_b_id | LI_PLCI_B_DISC_FLAG; + plci_b_write_pos = (plci_b_write_pos == LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES - 1) ? 0 : plci_b_write_pos + 1; + } + participant_parms_pos = (word)((&li_participant_struct[0].info[1 + li_participant_struct[0].length]) - + (&li_req_parms[0].info[1])); + } + result[0] = (byte)(result_pos - 1); + result[3] = (byte)(result_pos - 4); + result[6] = (byte)(result_pos - 7); + i = (plci_b_write_pos == 0) ? LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES - 1 : plci_b_write_pos - 1; + if ((plci_b_write_pos == plci->li_plci_b_read_pos) + || (plci->li_plci_b_queue[i] & LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG)) + { + plci->li_plci_b_queue[plci_b_write_pos] = LI_PLCI_B_SKIP_FLAG | LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG; + plci_b_write_pos = (plci_b_write_pos == LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES - 1) ? 0 : plci_b_write_pos + 1; + } + else + plci->li_plci_b_queue[i] |= LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG; + plci->li_plci_b_write_pos = plci_b_write_pos; + } + mixer_calculate_coefs(a); + plci->li_channel_bits = li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].channel; + mixer_notify_update(plci, true); + sendf(appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffffL, Number, + "wwS", Info, SELECTOR_LINE_INTERCONNECT, result); + plci->command = 0; + plci->li_cmd = GET_WORD(li_parms[0].info); + start_internal_command(Id, plci, mixer_command); + return (false); + + case LI_REQ_SILENT_UPDATE: + if (!plci || !plci->State + || !plci->NL.Id || plci->nl_remove_id + || (plci->li_bchannel_id == 0) + || (li_config_table[plci->adapter->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci != plci)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong state", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + return (false); + } + plci_b_write_pos = plci->li_plci_b_write_pos; + if (((plci->li_plci_b_read_pos > plci_b_write_pos) ? plci->li_plci_b_read_pos : + LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES + plci->li_plci_b_read_pos) - plci_b_write_pos - 1 < 2) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI request overrun", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + return (false); + } + i = (plci_b_write_pos == 0) ? LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES - 1 : plci_b_write_pos - 1; + if ((plci_b_write_pos == plci->li_plci_b_read_pos) + || (plci->li_plci_b_queue[i] & LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG)) + { + plci->li_plci_b_queue[plci_b_write_pos] = LI_PLCI_B_SKIP_FLAG | LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG; + plci_b_write_pos = (plci_b_write_pos == LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES - 1) ? 0 : plci_b_write_pos + 1; + } + else + plci->li_plci_b_queue[i] |= LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG; + plci->li_plci_b_write_pos = plci_b_write_pos; + plci->li_channel_bits = li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].channel; + plci->command = 0; + plci->li_cmd = GET_WORD(li_parms[0].info); + start_internal_command(Id, plci, mixer_command); + return (false); + + default: + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI unknown request %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, GET_WORD(li_parms[0].info))); + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + } + } + sendf(appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffffL, Number, + "wwS", Info, SELECTOR_LINE_INTERCONNECT, result); + return (false); +} + + +static void mixer_indication_coefs_set(dword Id, PLCI *plci) +{ + dword d; + byte result[12]; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_indication_coefs_set", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + + if (plci->li_plci_b_read_pos != plci->li_plci_b_req_pos) + { + do + { + d = plci->li_plci_b_queue[plci->li_plci_b_read_pos]; + if (!(d & LI_PLCI_B_SKIP_FLAG)) + { + if (plci->appl->appl_flags & APPL_FLAG_OLD_LI_SPEC) + { + if (d & LI_PLCI_B_DISC_FLAG) + { + result[0] = 5; + PUT_WORD(&result[1], LI_IND_DISCONNECT); + result[3] = 2; + PUT_WORD(&result[4], _LI_USER_INITIATED); + } + else + { + result[0] = 7; + PUT_WORD(&result[1], LI_IND_CONNECT_ACTIVE); + result[3] = 4; + PUT_DWORD(&result[4], d & ~LI_PLCI_B_FLAG_MASK); + } + } + else + { + if (d & LI_PLCI_B_DISC_FLAG) + { + result[0] = 9; + PUT_WORD(&result[1], LI_IND_DISCONNECT); + result[3] = 6; + PUT_DWORD(&result[4], d & ~LI_PLCI_B_FLAG_MASK); + PUT_WORD(&result[8], _LI_USER_INITIATED); + } + else + { + result[0] = 7; + PUT_WORD(&result[1], LI_IND_CONNECT_ACTIVE); + result[3] = 4; + PUT_DWORD(&result[4], d & ~LI_PLCI_B_FLAG_MASK); + } + } + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0xffffL, 0, + "ws", SELECTOR_LINE_INTERCONNECT, result); + } + plci->li_plci_b_read_pos = (plci->li_plci_b_read_pos == LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES - 1) ? + 0 : plci->li_plci_b_read_pos + 1; + } while (!(d & LI_PLCI_B_LAST_FLAG) && (plci->li_plci_b_read_pos != plci->li_plci_b_req_pos)); + } +} + + +static void mixer_indication_xconnect_from(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte *msg, word length) +{ + word i, j, ch; + struct xconnect_transfer_address_s s, *p; + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_indication_xconnect_from %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, (int)length)); + + a = plci->adapter; + i = 1; + for (i = 1; i < length; i += 16) + { + s.card_address.low = msg[i] | (msg[i + 1] << 8) | (((dword)(msg[i + 2])) << 16) | (((dword)(msg[i + 3])) << 24); + s.card_address.high = msg[i + 4] | (msg[i + 5] << 8) | (((dword)(msg[i + 6])) << 16) | (((dword)(msg[i + 7])) << 24); + s.offset = msg[i + 8] | (msg[i + 9] << 8) | (((dword)(msg[i + 10])) << 16) | (((dword)(msg[i + 11])) << 24); + ch = msg[i + 12] | (msg[i + 13] << 8); + j = ch & XCONNECT_CHANNEL_NUMBER_MASK; + if (!a->li_pri && (plci->li_bchannel_id == 2)) + j = 1 - j; + j += a->li_base; + if (ch & XCONNECT_CHANNEL_PORT_PC) + p = &(li_config_table[j].send_pc); + else + p = &(li_config_table[j].send_b); + p->card_address.low = s.card_address.low; + p->card_address.high = s.card_address.high; + p->offset = s.offset; + li_config_table[j].channel |= LI_CHANNEL_ADDRESSES_SET; + } + if (plci->internal_command_queue[0] + && ((plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_2) + || (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_3) + || (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_4))) + { + (*(plci->internal_command_queue[0]))(Id, plci, 0); + if (!plci->internal_command) + next_internal_command(Id, plci); + } + mixer_notify_update(plci, true); +} + + +static void mixer_indication_xconnect_to(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte *msg, word length) +{ + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_indication_xconnect_to %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, (int) length)); + +} + + +static byte mixer_notify_source_removed(PLCI *plci, dword plci_b_id) +{ + word plci_b_write_pos; + + plci_b_write_pos = plci->li_plci_b_write_pos; + if (((plci->li_plci_b_read_pos > plci_b_write_pos) ? plci->li_plci_b_read_pos : + LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES + plci->li_plci_b_read_pos) - plci_b_write_pos - 1 < 1) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: LI request overrun", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + return (false); + } + plci->li_plci_b_queue[plci_b_write_pos] = plci_b_id | LI_PLCI_B_DISC_FLAG; + plci_b_write_pos = (plci_b_write_pos == LI_PLCI_B_QUEUE_ENTRIES - 1) ? 0 : plci_b_write_pos + 1; + plci->li_plci_b_write_pos = plci_b_write_pos; + return (true); +} + + +static void mixer_remove(PLCI *plci) +{ + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + PLCI *notify_plci; + dword plci_b_id; + word i, j; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: mixer_remove", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + + a = plci->adapter; + plci_b_id = (plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id); + if (a->profile.Global_Options & GL_LINE_INTERCONNECT_SUPPORTED) + { + if ((plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) + && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) + { + i = a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); + if ((li_config_table[i].curchnl | li_config_table[i].channel) & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) + { + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + if ((li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] & LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT) + || (li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] & LI_FLAG_INTERCONNECT)) + { + notify_plci = li_config_table[j].plci; + if ((notify_plci != NULL) + && (notify_plci != plci) + && (notify_plci->appl != NULL) + && !(notify_plci->appl->appl_flags & APPL_FLAG_OLD_LI_SPEC) + && (notify_plci->State) + && notify_plci->NL.Id && !notify_plci->nl_remove_id) + { + mixer_notify_source_removed(notify_plci, plci_b_id); + } + } + } + mixer_clear_config(plci); + mixer_calculate_coefs(a); + mixer_notify_update(plci, true); + } + li_config_table[i].plci = NULL; + plci->li_bchannel_id = 0; + } + } } -static void adv_voice_clear_config (PLCI *plci) -{ - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - - word i, j; +/*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Echo canceller facilities */ +/*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: adv_voice_clear_config", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); +static void ec_write_parameters(PLCI *plci) +{ + word w; + byte parameter_buffer[6]; - a = plci->adapter; - if ((plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) && (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI)) - { - a->adv_voice_coef_length = 0; - - if (!a->li_pri && (plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) - && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) - { - i = a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); - li_config_table[i].curchnl = 0; - li_config_table[i].channel = 0; - li_config_table[i].chflags = 0; - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] = 0; - li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] = 0; - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] = 0; - li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] = 0; - } - li_config_table[i].coef_table[i] |= LI_COEF_CH_PC_SET | LI_COEF_PC_CH_SET; - i = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); - li_config_table[i].curchnl = 0; - li_config_table[i].channel = 0; - li_config_table[i].chflags = 0; - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] = 0; - li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] = 0; - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] = 0; - li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] = 0; - } - if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) - { - i = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id); - li_config_table[i].curchnl = 0; - li_config_table[i].channel = 0; - li_config_table[i].chflags = 0; - for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) - { - li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] = 0; - li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] = 0; - li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] = 0; - li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] = 0; - } - } - } + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: ec_write_parameters", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - } + parameter_buffer[0] = 5; + parameter_buffer[1] = DSP_CTRL_SET_LEC_PARAMETERS; + PUT_WORD(¶meter_buffer[2], plci->ec_idi_options); + plci->ec_idi_options &= ~LEC_RESET_COEFFICIENTS; + w = (plci->ec_tail_length == 0) ? 128 : plci->ec_tail_length; + PUT_WORD(¶meter_buffer[4], w); + add_p(plci, FTY, parameter_buffer); + sig_req(plci, TEL_CTRL, 0); + send_req(plci); } -static void adv_voice_prepare_switch (dword Id, PLCI *plci) +static void ec_clear_config(PLCI *plci) { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: adv_voice_prepare_switch", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: ec_clear_config", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + plci->ec_idi_options = LEC_ENABLE_ECHO_CANCELLER | + LEC_MANUAL_DISABLE | LEC_ENABLE_NONLINEAR_PROCESSING; + plci->ec_tail_length = 0; } -static word adv_voice_save_config (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +static void ec_prepare_switch(dword Id, PLCI *plci) { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: adv_voice_save_config %02x %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: ec_prepare_switch", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - return (GOOD); } -static word adv_voice_restore_config (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - word Info; +static word ec_save_config(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: ec_save_config %02x %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); + + return (GOOD); +} + + +static word ec_restore_config(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + word Info; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: ec_restore_config %02x %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); + + Info = GOOD; + if (plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_EC) + { + switch (plci->adjust_b_state) + { + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_EC_1: + plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; + if (plci->sig_req) + { + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_EC_1; + break; + } + ec_write_parameters(plci); + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_EC_2; + break; + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_EC_2: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Restore EC failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + break; + } + break; + } + } + return (Info); +} + + +static void ec_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + word internal_command, Info; + byte result[8]; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: ec_command %02x %04x %04x %04x %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command, + plci->ec_cmd, plci->ec_idi_options, plci->ec_tail_length)); + + Info = GOOD; + if (plci->appl->appl_flags & APPL_FLAG_PRIV_EC_SPEC) + { + result[0] = 2; + PUT_WORD(&result[1], EC_SUCCESS); + } + else + { + result[0] = 5; + PUT_WORD(&result[1], plci->ec_cmd); + result[3] = 2; + PUT_WORD(&result[4], GOOD); + } + internal_command = plci->internal_command; + plci->internal_command = 0; + switch (plci->ec_cmd) + { + case EC_ENABLE_OPERATION: + case EC_FREEZE_COEFFICIENTS: + case EC_RESUME_COEFFICIENT_UPDATE: + case EC_RESET_COEFFICIENTS: + switch (internal_command) + { + default: + adjust_b1_resource(Id, plci, NULL, (word)(plci->B1_facilities | + B1_FACILITY_EC), EC_COMMAND_1); + case EC_COMMAND_1: + if (adjust_b_process(Id, plci, Rc) != GOOD) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Load EC failed", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + break; + } + if (plci->internal_command) + return; + case EC_COMMAND_2: + if (plci->sig_req) + { + plci->internal_command = EC_COMMAND_2; + return; + } + plci->internal_command = EC_COMMAND_3; + ec_write_parameters(plci); + return; + case EC_COMMAND_3: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Enable EC failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + break; + } + break; + } + break; + + case EC_DISABLE_OPERATION: + switch (internal_command) + { + default: + case EC_COMMAND_1: + if (plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_EC) + { + if (plci->sig_req) + { + plci->internal_command = EC_COMMAND_1; + return; + } + plci->internal_command = EC_COMMAND_2; + ec_write_parameters(plci); + return; + } + Rc = OK; + case EC_COMMAND_2: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Disable EC failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + break; + } + adjust_b1_resource(Id, plci, NULL, (word)(plci->B1_facilities & + ~B1_FACILITY_EC), EC_COMMAND_3); + case EC_COMMAND_3: + if (adjust_b_process(Id, plci, Rc) != GOOD) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Unload EC failed", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + break; + } + if (plci->internal_command) + return; + break; + } + break; + } + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffffL, plci->number, + "wws", Info, (plci->appl->appl_flags & APPL_FLAG_PRIV_EC_SPEC) ? + PRIV_SELECTOR_ECHO_CANCELLER : SELECTOR_ECHO_CANCELLER, result); +} + + +static byte ec_request(dword Id, word Number, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci, APPL *appl, API_PARSE *msg) +{ + word Info; + word opt; + API_PARSE ec_parms[3]; + byte result[16]; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: ec_request", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + + Info = GOOD; + result[0] = 0; + if (!(a->man_profile.private_options & (1L << PRIVATE_ECHO_CANCELLER))) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Facility not supported", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + } + else + { + if (appl->appl_flags & APPL_FLAG_PRIV_EC_SPEC) + { + if (api_parse(&msg[1].info[1], msg[1].length, "w", ec_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + else + { + if (plci == NULL) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong PLCI", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + } + else if (!plci->State || !plci->NL.Id || plci->nl_remove_id) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong state", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + } + else + { + plci->command = 0; + plci->ec_cmd = GET_WORD(ec_parms[0].info); + plci->ec_idi_options &= ~(LEC_MANUAL_DISABLE | LEC_RESET_COEFFICIENTS); + result[0] = 2; + PUT_WORD(&result[1], EC_SUCCESS); + if (msg[1].length >= 4) + { + opt = GET_WORD(&ec_parms[0].info[2]); + plci->ec_idi_options &= ~(LEC_ENABLE_NONLINEAR_PROCESSING | + LEC_ENABLE_2100HZ_DETECTOR | LEC_REQUIRE_2100HZ_REVERSALS); + if (!(opt & EC_DISABLE_NON_LINEAR_PROCESSING)) + plci->ec_idi_options |= LEC_ENABLE_NONLINEAR_PROCESSING; + if (opt & EC_DETECT_DISABLE_TONE) + plci->ec_idi_options |= LEC_ENABLE_2100HZ_DETECTOR; + if (!(opt & EC_DO_NOT_REQUIRE_REVERSALS)) + plci->ec_idi_options |= LEC_REQUIRE_2100HZ_REVERSALS; + if (msg[1].length >= 6) + { + plci->ec_tail_length = GET_WORD(&ec_parms[0].info[4]); + } + } + switch (plci->ec_cmd) + { + case EC_ENABLE_OPERATION: + plci->ec_idi_options &= ~LEC_FREEZE_COEFFICIENTS; + start_internal_command(Id, plci, ec_command); + return (false); + + case EC_DISABLE_OPERATION: + plci->ec_idi_options = LEC_ENABLE_ECHO_CANCELLER | + LEC_MANUAL_DISABLE | LEC_ENABLE_NONLINEAR_PROCESSING | + LEC_RESET_COEFFICIENTS; + start_internal_command(Id, plci, ec_command); + return (false); + + case EC_FREEZE_COEFFICIENTS: + plci->ec_idi_options |= LEC_FREEZE_COEFFICIENTS; + start_internal_command(Id, plci, ec_command); + return (false); + + case EC_RESUME_COEFFICIENT_UPDATE: + plci->ec_idi_options &= ~LEC_FREEZE_COEFFICIENTS; + start_internal_command(Id, plci, ec_command); + return (false); + + case EC_RESET_COEFFICIENTS: + plci->ec_idi_options |= LEC_RESET_COEFFICIENTS; + start_internal_command(Id, plci, ec_command); + return (false); + + default: + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: EC unknown request %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci->ec_cmd)); + PUT_WORD(&result[1], EC_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION); + } + } + } + } + else + { + if (api_parse(&msg[1].info[1], msg[1].length, "ws", ec_parms)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong message format", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _WRONG_MESSAGE_FORMAT; + } + else + { + if (GET_WORD(ec_parms[0].info) == EC_GET_SUPPORTED_SERVICES) + { + result[0] = 11; + PUT_WORD(&result[1], EC_GET_SUPPORTED_SERVICES); + result[3] = 8; + PUT_WORD(&result[4], GOOD); + PUT_WORD(&result[6], 0x0007); + PUT_WORD(&result[8], LEC_MAX_SUPPORTED_TAIL_LENGTH); + PUT_WORD(&result[10], 0); + } + else if (plci == NULL) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong PLCI", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _WRONG_IDENTIFIER; + } + else if (!plci->State || !plci->NL.Id || plci->nl_remove_id) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Wrong state", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + } + else + { + plci->command = 0; + plci->ec_cmd = GET_WORD(ec_parms[0].info); + plci->ec_idi_options &= ~(LEC_MANUAL_DISABLE | LEC_RESET_COEFFICIENTS); + result[0] = 5; + PUT_WORD(&result[1], plci->ec_cmd); + result[3] = 2; + PUT_WORD(&result[4], GOOD); + plci->ec_idi_options &= ~(LEC_ENABLE_NONLINEAR_PROCESSING | + LEC_ENABLE_2100HZ_DETECTOR | LEC_REQUIRE_2100HZ_REVERSALS); + plci->ec_tail_length = 0; + if (ec_parms[1].length >= 2) + { + opt = GET_WORD(&ec_parms[1].info[1]); + if (opt & EC_ENABLE_NON_LINEAR_PROCESSING) + plci->ec_idi_options |= LEC_ENABLE_NONLINEAR_PROCESSING; + if (opt & EC_DETECT_DISABLE_TONE) + plci->ec_idi_options |= LEC_ENABLE_2100HZ_DETECTOR; + if (!(opt & EC_DO_NOT_REQUIRE_REVERSALS)) + plci->ec_idi_options |= LEC_REQUIRE_2100HZ_REVERSALS; + if (ec_parms[1].length >= 4) + { + plci->ec_tail_length = GET_WORD(&ec_parms[1].info[3]); + } + } + switch (plci->ec_cmd) + { + case EC_ENABLE_OPERATION: + plci->ec_idi_options &= ~LEC_FREEZE_COEFFICIENTS; + start_internal_command(Id, plci, ec_command); + return (false); + + case EC_DISABLE_OPERATION: + plci->ec_idi_options = LEC_ENABLE_ECHO_CANCELLER | + LEC_MANUAL_DISABLE | LEC_ENABLE_NONLINEAR_PROCESSING | + LEC_RESET_COEFFICIENTS; + start_internal_command(Id, plci, ec_command); + return (false); + + default: + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: EC unknown request %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci->ec_cmd)); + PUT_WORD(&result[4], _FACILITY_SPECIFIC_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPP); + } + } + } + } + } + sendf(appl, _FACILITY_R | CONFIRM, Id & 0xffffL, Number, + "wws", Info, (appl->appl_flags & APPL_FLAG_PRIV_EC_SPEC) ? + PRIV_SELECTOR_ECHO_CANCELLER : SELECTOR_ECHO_CANCELLER, result); + return (false); +} + + +static void ec_indication(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte *msg, word length) +{ + byte result[8]; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: ec_indication", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + + if (!(plci->ec_idi_options & LEC_MANUAL_DISABLE)) + { + if (plci->appl->appl_flags & APPL_FLAG_PRIV_EC_SPEC) + { + result[0] = 2; + PUT_WORD(&result[1], 0); + switch (msg[1]) + { + case LEC_DISABLE_TYPE_CONTIGNUOUS_2100HZ: + PUT_WORD(&result[1], EC_BYPASS_DUE_TO_CONTINUOUS_2100HZ); + break; + case LEC_DISABLE_TYPE_REVERSED_2100HZ: + PUT_WORD(&result[1], EC_BYPASS_DUE_TO_REVERSED_2100HZ); + break; + case LEC_DISABLE_RELEASED: + PUT_WORD(&result[1], EC_BYPASS_RELEASED); + break; + } + } + else + { + result[0] = 5; + PUT_WORD(&result[1], EC_BYPASS_INDICATION); + result[3] = 2; + PUT_WORD(&result[4], 0); + switch (msg[1]) + { + case LEC_DISABLE_TYPE_CONTIGNUOUS_2100HZ: + PUT_WORD(&result[4], EC_BYPASS_DUE_TO_CONTINUOUS_2100HZ); + break; + case LEC_DISABLE_TYPE_REVERSED_2100HZ: + PUT_WORD(&result[4], EC_BYPASS_DUE_TO_REVERSED_2100HZ); + break; + case LEC_DISABLE_RELEASED: + PUT_WORD(&result[4], EC_BYPASS_RELEASED); + break; + } + } + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0xffffL, 0, "ws", (plci->appl->appl_flags & APPL_FLAG_PRIV_EC_SPEC) ? + PRIV_SELECTOR_ECHO_CANCELLER : SELECTOR_ECHO_CANCELLER, result); + } +} + + + +/*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Advanced voice */ +/*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: adv_voice_restore_config %02x %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); +static void adv_voice_write_coefs(PLCI *plci, word write_command) +{ + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + word i; + byte *p; + + word w, n, j, k; + byte ch_map[MIXER_CHANNELS_BRI]; + + byte coef_buffer[ADV_VOICE_COEF_BUFFER_SIZE + 2]; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: adv_voice_write_coefs %d", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, write_command)); + + a = plci->adapter; + p = coef_buffer + 1; + *(p++) = DSP_CTRL_OLD_SET_MIXER_COEFFICIENTS; + i = 0; + while (i + sizeof(word) <= a->adv_voice_coef_length) + { + PUT_WORD(p, GET_WORD(a->adv_voice_coef_buffer + i)); + p += 2; + i += 2; + } + while (i < ADV_VOICE_OLD_COEF_COUNT * sizeof(word)) + { + PUT_WORD(p, 0x8000); + p += 2; + i += 2; + } + + if (!a->li_pri && (plci->li_bchannel_id == 0)) + { + if ((li_config_table[a->li_base].plci == NULL) && (li_config_table[a->li_base + 1].plci != NULL)) + { + plci->li_bchannel_id = 1; + li_config_table[a->li_base].plci = plci; + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: adv_voice_set_bchannel_id %d", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci->li_bchannel_id)); + } + else if ((li_config_table[a->li_base].plci != NULL) && (li_config_table[a->li_base + 1].plci == NULL)) + { + plci->li_bchannel_id = 2; + li_config_table[a->li_base + 1].plci = plci; + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: adv_voice_set_bchannel_id %d", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, plci->li_bchannel_id)); + } + } + if (!a->li_pri && (plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) + && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) + { + i = a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); + switch (write_command) + { + case ADV_VOICE_WRITE_ACTIVATION: + j = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); + k = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id); + if (!(plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_MIXER)) + { + li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE | LI_FLAG_MIX; + li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE | LI_FLAG_MONITOR; + } + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) + { + li_config_table[k].flag_table[i] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE | LI_FLAG_MIX; + li_config_table[i].flag_table[k] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE | LI_FLAG_MONITOR; + li_config_table[k].flag_table[j] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + li_config_table[j].flag_table[k] |= LI_FLAG_CONFERENCE; + } + mixer_calculate_coefs(a); + li_config_table[i].curchnl = li_config_table[i].channel; + li_config_table[j].curchnl = li_config_table[j].channel; + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) + li_config_table[k].curchnl = li_config_table[k].channel; + break; + + case ADV_VOICE_WRITE_DEACTIVATION: + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] = 0; + li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] = 0; + } + k = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + li_config_table[k].flag_table[j] = 0; + li_config_table[j].flag_table[k] = 0; + } + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) + { + k = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id); + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + li_config_table[k].flag_table[j] = 0; + li_config_table[j].flag_table[k] = 0; + } + } + mixer_calculate_coefs(a); + break; + } + if (plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_MIXER) + { + w = 0; + if (ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE + sizeof(word) <= a->adv_voice_coef_length) + w = GET_WORD(a->adv_voice_coef_buffer + ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE); + if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_TX_DATA) + w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_TX_DATA; + if (li_config_table[i].channel & LI_CHANNEL_RX_DATA) + w |= MIXER_FEATURE_ENABLE_RX_DATA; + *(p++) = (byte) w; + *(p++) = (byte)(w >> 8); + for (j = 0; j < sizeof(ch_map); j += 2) + { + ch_map[j] = (byte)(j + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)); + ch_map[j + 1] = (byte)(j + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id)); + } + for (n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(mixer_write_prog_bri); n++) + { + i = a->li_base + ch_map[mixer_write_prog_bri[n].to_ch]; + j = a->li_base + ch_map[mixer_write_prog_bri[n].from_ch]; + if (li_config_table[i].channel & li_config_table[j].channel & LI_CHANNEL_INVOLVED) + { + *(p++) = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & mixer_write_prog_bri[n].mask) ? 0x80 : 0x01); + w = ((li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] & 0xf) ^ (li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] >> 4)); + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] ^= (w & mixer_write_prog_bri[n].mask) << 4; + } + else + { + *(p++) = (ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE + sizeof(word) + n < a->adv_voice_coef_length) ? + a->adv_voice_coef_buffer[ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE + sizeof(word) + n] : 0x00; + } + } + } + else + { + for (i = ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE; i < a->adv_voice_coef_length; i++) + *(p++) = a->adv_voice_coef_buffer[i]; + } + } + else + + { + for (i = ADV_VOICE_NEW_COEF_BASE; i < a->adv_voice_coef_length; i++) + *(p++) = a->adv_voice_coef_buffer[i]; + } + coef_buffer[0] = (p - coef_buffer) - 1; + add_p(plci, FTY, coef_buffer); + sig_req(plci, TEL_CTRL, 0); + send_req(plci); +} + + +static void adv_voice_clear_config(PLCI *plci) +{ + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + + word i, j; + + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: adv_voice_clear_config", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + + a = plci->adapter; + if ((plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) && (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI)) + { + a->adv_voice_coef_length = 0; + + if (!a->li_pri && (plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) + && (li_config_table[a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) + { + i = a->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); + li_config_table[i].curchnl = 0; + li_config_table[i].channel = 0; + li_config_table[i].chflags = 0; + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] = 0; + li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] = 0; + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] = 0; + li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] = 0; + } + li_config_table[i].coef_table[i] |= LI_COEF_CH_PC_SET | LI_COEF_PC_CH_SET; + i = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1); + li_config_table[i].curchnl = 0; + li_config_table[i].channel = 0; + li_config_table[i].chflags = 0; + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] = 0; + li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] = 0; + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] = 0; + li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] = 0; + } + if (a->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC) + { + i = a->li_base + MIXER_IC_CHANNEL_BASE + (2 - plci->li_bchannel_id); + li_config_table[i].curchnl = 0; + li_config_table[i].channel = 0; + li_config_table[i].chflags = 0; + for (j = 0; j < li_total_channels; j++) + { + li_config_table[i].flag_table[j] = 0; + li_config_table[j].flag_table[i] = 0; + li_config_table[i].coef_table[j] = 0; + li_config_table[j].coef_table[i] = 0; + } + } + } + + } +} + + +static void adv_voice_prepare_switch(dword Id, PLCI *plci) +{ + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: adv_voice_prepare_switch", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + +} + + +static word adv_voice_save_config(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: adv_voice_save_config %02x %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); + + return (GOOD); +} + + +static word adv_voice_restore_config(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + word Info; - Info = GOOD; - a = plci->adapter; - if ((plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_VOICE) - && (plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) && (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI)) - { - switch (plci->adjust_b_state) - { - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_VOICE_1: - plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; - if (plci->sig_req) - { - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_VOICE_1; - break; - } - adv_voice_write_coefs (plci, ADV_VOICE_WRITE_UPDATE); - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_VOICE_2; - break; - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_VOICE_2: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Restore voice config failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - break; - } - break; - } - } - return (Info); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: adv_voice_restore_config %02x %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); + + Info = GOOD; + a = plci->adapter; + if ((plci->B1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_VOICE) + && (plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) && (plci == a->AdvSignalPLCI)) + { + switch (plci->adjust_b_state) + { + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_VOICE_1: + plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; + if (plci->sig_req) + { + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_VOICE_1; + break; + } + adv_voice_write_coefs(plci, ADV_VOICE_WRITE_UPDATE); + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_VOICE_2; + break; + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_VOICE_2: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Restore voice config failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + break; + } + break; + } + } + return (Info); } @@ -13354,1373 +13354,1373 @@ static word adv_voice_restore_config (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) static byte b1_facilities_table[] = { - 0x00, /* 0 No bchannel resources */ - 0x00, /* 1 Codec (automatic law) */ - 0x00, /* 2 Codec (A-law) */ - 0x00, /* 3 Codec (y-law) */ - 0x00, /* 4 HDLC for X.21 */ - 0x00, /* 5 HDLC */ - 0x00, /* 6 External Device 0 */ - 0x00, /* 7 External Device 1 */ - 0x00, /* 8 HDLC 56k */ - 0x00, /* 9 Transparent */ - 0x00, /* 10 Loopback to network */ - 0x00, /* 11 Test pattern to net */ - 0x00, /* 12 Rate adaptation sync */ - 0x00, /* 13 Rate adaptation async */ - 0x00, /* 14 R-Interface */ - 0x00, /* 15 HDLC 128k leased line */ - 0x00, /* 16 FAX */ - 0x00, /* 17 Modem async */ - 0x00, /* 18 Modem sync HDLC */ - 0x00, /* 19 V.110 async HDLC */ - 0x12, /* 20 Adv voice (Trans,mixer) */ - 0x00, /* 21 Codec connected to IC */ - 0x0c, /* 22 Trans,DTMF */ - 0x1e, /* 23 Trans,DTMF+mixer */ - 0x1f, /* 24 Trans,DTMF+mixer+local */ - 0x13, /* 25 Trans,mixer+local */ - 0x12, /* 26 HDLC,mixer */ - 0x12, /* 27 HDLC 56k,mixer */ - 0x2c, /* 28 Trans,LEC+DTMF */ - 0x3e, /* 29 Trans,LEC+DTMF+mixer */ - 0x3f, /* 30 Trans,LEC+DTMF+mixer+local */ - 0x2c, /* 31 RTP,LEC+DTMF */ - 0x3e, /* 32 RTP,LEC+DTMF+mixer */ - 0x3f, /* 33 RTP,LEC+DTMF+mixer+local */ - 0x00, /* 34 Signaling task */ - 0x00, /* 35 PIAFS */ - 0x0c, /* 36 Trans,DTMF+TONE */ - 0x1e, /* 37 Trans,DTMF+TONE+mixer */ - 0x1f /* 38 Trans,DTMF+TONE+mixer+local*/ + 0x00, /* 0 No bchannel resources */ + 0x00, /* 1 Codec (automatic law) */ + 0x00, /* 2 Codec (A-law) */ + 0x00, /* 3 Codec (y-law) */ + 0x00, /* 4 HDLC for X.21 */ + 0x00, /* 5 HDLC */ + 0x00, /* 6 External Device 0 */ + 0x00, /* 7 External Device 1 */ + 0x00, /* 8 HDLC 56k */ + 0x00, /* 9 Transparent */ + 0x00, /* 10 Loopback to network */ + 0x00, /* 11 Test pattern to net */ + 0x00, /* 12 Rate adaptation sync */ + 0x00, /* 13 Rate adaptation async */ + 0x00, /* 14 R-Interface */ + 0x00, /* 15 HDLC 128k leased line */ + 0x00, /* 16 FAX */ + 0x00, /* 17 Modem async */ + 0x00, /* 18 Modem sync HDLC */ + 0x00, /* 19 V.110 async HDLC */ + 0x12, /* 20 Adv voice (Trans,mixer) */ + 0x00, /* 21 Codec connected to IC */ + 0x0c, /* 22 Trans,DTMF */ + 0x1e, /* 23 Trans,DTMF+mixer */ + 0x1f, /* 24 Trans,DTMF+mixer+local */ + 0x13, /* 25 Trans,mixer+local */ + 0x12, /* 26 HDLC,mixer */ + 0x12, /* 27 HDLC 56k,mixer */ + 0x2c, /* 28 Trans,LEC+DTMF */ + 0x3e, /* 29 Trans,LEC+DTMF+mixer */ + 0x3f, /* 30 Trans,LEC+DTMF+mixer+local */ + 0x2c, /* 31 RTP,LEC+DTMF */ + 0x3e, /* 32 RTP,LEC+DTMF+mixer */ + 0x3f, /* 33 RTP,LEC+DTMF+mixer+local */ + 0x00, /* 34 Signaling task */ + 0x00, /* 35 PIAFS */ + 0x0c, /* 36 Trans,DTMF+TONE */ + 0x1e, /* 37 Trans,DTMF+TONE+mixer */ + 0x1f /* 38 Trans,DTMF+TONE+mixer+local*/ }; -static word get_b1_facilities (PLCI * plci, byte b1_resource) +static word get_b1_facilities(PLCI *plci, byte b1_resource) { - word b1_facilities; + word b1_facilities; - b1_facilities = b1_facilities_table[b1_resource]; - if ((b1_resource == 9) || (b1_resource == 20) || (b1_resource == 25)) - { + b1_facilities = b1_facilities_table[b1_resource]; + if ((b1_resource == 9) || (b1_resource == 20) || (b1_resource == 25)) + { - if (!(((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options) & (1L << PRIVATE_DTMF_TONE)) - || (plci->appl && (plci->adapter->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id-1] & (1L << PRIVATE_DTMF_TONE))))) + if (!(((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options) & (1L << PRIVATE_DTMF_TONE)) + || (plci->appl && (plci->adapter->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id - 1] & (1L << PRIVATE_DTMF_TONE))))) - { - if (plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SOFTDTMF_SEND) - b1_facilities |= B1_FACILITY_DTMFX; - if (plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SOFTDTMF_RECEIVE) - b1_facilities |= B1_FACILITY_DTMFR; - } - } - if ((b1_resource == 17) || (b1_resource == 18)) - { - if (plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & (MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_V18 | MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_VOWN)) - b1_facilities |= B1_FACILITY_DTMFX | B1_FACILITY_DTMFR; - } + { + if (plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SOFTDTMF_SEND) + b1_facilities |= B1_FACILITY_DTMFX; + if (plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SOFTDTMF_RECEIVE) + b1_facilities |= B1_FACILITY_DTMFR; + } + } + if ((b1_resource == 17) || (b1_resource == 18)) + { + if (plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & (MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_V18 | MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_VOWN)) + b1_facilities |= B1_FACILITY_DTMFX | B1_FACILITY_DTMFR; + } /* - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: get_b1_facilities %d %04x", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char far *)(FILE_), __LINE__, b1_resource, b1_facilites)); + dbug (1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: get_b1_facilities %d %04x", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char far *)(FILE_), __LINE__, b1_resource, b1_facilites)); */ - return (b1_facilities); -} - - -static byte add_b1_facilities (PLCI * plci, byte b1_resource, word b1_facilities) -{ - byte b; - - switch (b1_resource) - { - case 5: - case 26: - if (b1_facilities & (B1_FACILITY_MIXER | B1_FACILITY_VOICE)) - b = 26; - else - b = 5; - break; - - case 8: - case 27: - if (b1_facilities & (B1_FACILITY_MIXER | B1_FACILITY_VOICE)) - b = 27; - else - b = 8; - break; - - case 9: - case 20: - case 22: - case 23: - case 24: - case 25: - case 28: - case 29: - case 30: - case 36: - case 37: - case 38: - if (b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_EC) - { - if (b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_LOCAL) - b = 30; - else if (b1_facilities & (B1_FACILITY_MIXER | B1_FACILITY_VOICE)) - b = 29; - else - b = 28; - } - - else if ((b1_facilities & (B1_FACILITY_DTMFX | B1_FACILITY_DTMFR | B1_FACILITY_MIXER)) - && (((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options) & (1L << PRIVATE_DTMF_TONE)) - || (plci->appl && (plci->adapter->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id-1] & (1L << PRIVATE_DTMF_TONE))))) - { - if (b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_LOCAL) - b = 38; - else if (b1_facilities & (B1_FACILITY_MIXER | B1_FACILITY_VOICE)) - b = 37; - else - b = 36; - } - - else if (((plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_HARDDTMF) - && !(plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SOFTDTMF_RECEIVE)) - || ((b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_DTMFR) - && ((b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_MIXER) - || !(plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SOFTDTMF_RECEIVE))) - || ((b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_DTMFX) - && ((b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_MIXER) - || !(plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SOFTDTMF_SEND)))) - { - if (b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_LOCAL) - b = 24; - else if (b1_facilities & (B1_FACILITY_MIXER | B1_FACILITY_VOICE)) - b = 23; - else - b = 22; - } - else - { - if (b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_LOCAL) - b = 25; - else if (b1_facilities & (B1_FACILITY_MIXER | B1_FACILITY_VOICE)) - b = 20; - else - b = 9; - } - break; - - case 31: - case 32: - case 33: - if (b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_LOCAL) - b = 33; - else if (b1_facilities & (B1_FACILITY_MIXER | B1_FACILITY_VOICE)) - b = 32; - else - b = 31; - break; - - default: - b = b1_resource; - } - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: add_b1_facilities %d %04x %d %04x", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, - b1_resource, b1_facilities, b, get_b1_facilities (plci, b))); - return (b); -} - - -static void adjust_b1_facilities (PLCI *plci, byte new_b1_resource, word new_b1_facilities) -{ - word removed_facilities; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: adjust_b1_facilities %d %04x %04x", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, new_b1_resource, new_b1_facilities, - new_b1_facilities & get_b1_facilities (plci, new_b1_resource))); - - new_b1_facilities &= get_b1_facilities (plci, new_b1_resource); - removed_facilities = plci->B1_facilities & ~new_b1_facilities; - - if (removed_facilities & B1_FACILITY_EC) - ec_clear_config (plci); - - - if (removed_facilities & B1_FACILITY_DTMFR) - { - dtmf_rec_clear_config (plci); - dtmf_parameter_clear_config (plci); - } - if (removed_facilities & B1_FACILITY_DTMFX) - dtmf_send_clear_config (plci); - - - if (removed_facilities & B1_FACILITY_MIXER) - mixer_clear_config (plci); - - if (removed_facilities & B1_FACILITY_VOICE) - adv_voice_clear_config (plci); - plci->B1_facilities = new_b1_facilities; -} - - -static void adjust_b_clear (PLCI *plci) -{ - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: adjust_b_clear", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - - plci->adjust_b_restore = false; -} - - -static word adjust_b_process (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - word Info; - byte b1_resource; - NCCI * ncci_ptr; - API_PARSE bp[2]; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: adjust_b_process %02x %d", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); - - Info = GOOD; - switch (plci->adjust_b_state) - { - case ADJUST_B_START: - if ((plci->adjust_b_parms_msg == NULL) - && (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_SWITCH_L1) - && ((plci->adjust_b_mode & ~(ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE | ADJUST_B_MODE_SWITCH_L1 | - ADJUST_B_MODE_NO_RESOURCE | ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE)) == 0)) - { - b1_resource = (plci->adjust_b_mode == ADJUST_B_MODE_NO_RESOURCE) ? - 0 : add_b1_facilities (plci, plci->B1_resource, plci->adjust_b_facilities); - if (b1_resource == plci->B1_resource) - { - adjust_b1_facilities (plci, b1_resource, plci->adjust_b_facilities); - break; - } - if (plci->adjust_b_facilities & ~get_b1_facilities (plci, b1_resource)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B nonsupported facilities %d %d %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, - plci->B1_resource, b1_resource, plci->adjust_b_facilities)); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - break; - } - } - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE) - { - - mixer_prepare_switch (Id, plci); - - - dtmf_prepare_switch (Id, plci); - dtmf_parameter_prepare_switch (Id, plci); - - - ec_prepare_switch (Id, plci); - - adv_voice_prepare_switch (Id, plci); - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_SAVE_MIXER_1; - Rc = OK; - case ADJUST_B_SAVE_MIXER_1: - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE) - { - - Info = mixer_save_config (Id, plci, Rc); - if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) - break; - - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_SAVE_DTMF_1; - Rc = OK; - case ADJUST_B_SAVE_DTMF_1: - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE) - { - - Info = dtmf_save_config (Id, plci, Rc); - if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) - break; - - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_REMOVE_L23_1; - case ADJUST_B_REMOVE_L23_1: - if ((plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_REMOVE_L23) - && plci->NL.Id && !plci->nl_remove_id) - { - plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; - if (plci->adjust_b_ncci != 0) - { - ncci_ptr = &(plci->adapter->ncci[plci->adjust_b_ncci]); - while (ncci_ptr->data_pending) - { - plci->data_sent_ptr = ncci_ptr->DBuffer[ncci_ptr->data_out].P; - data_rc (plci, plci->adapter->ncci_ch[plci->adjust_b_ncci]); - } - while (ncci_ptr->data_ack_pending) - data_ack (plci, plci->adapter->ncci_ch[plci->adjust_b_ncci]); - } - nl_req_ncci (plci, REMOVE, - (byte)((plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_CONNECT) ? plci->adjust_b_ncci : 0)); - send_req (plci); - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_REMOVE_L23_2; - break; - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_REMOVE_L23_2; - Rc = OK; - case ADJUST_B_REMOVE_L23_2: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B remove failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - break; - } - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_REMOVE_L23) - { - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - { - plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; - break; - } - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_SAVE_EC_1; - Rc = OK; - case ADJUST_B_SAVE_EC_1: - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE) - { - - Info = ec_save_config (Id, plci, Rc); - if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) - break; - - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_SAVE_DTMF_PARAMETER_1; - Rc = OK; - case ADJUST_B_SAVE_DTMF_PARAMETER_1: - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE) - { - - Info = dtmf_parameter_save_config (Id, plci, Rc); - if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) - break; - - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_SAVE_VOICE_1; - Rc = OK; - case ADJUST_B_SAVE_VOICE_1: - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE) - { - Info = adv_voice_save_config (Id, plci, Rc); - if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) - break; - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_SWITCH_L1_1; - case ADJUST_B_SWITCH_L1_1: - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_SWITCH_L1) - { - if (plci->sig_req) - { - plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; - break; - } - if (plci->adjust_b_parms_msg != NULL) - api_load_msg (plci->adjust_b_parms_msg, bp); - else - api_load_msg (&plci->B_protocol, bp); - Info = add_b1 (plci, bp, - (word)((plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_NO_RESOURCE) ? 2 : 0), - plci->adjust_b_facilities); - if (Info != GOOD) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B invalid L1 parameters %d %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, - plci->B1_resource, plci->adjust_b_facilities)); - break; - } - plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; - sig_req (plci, RESOURCES, 0); - send_req (plci); - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_SWITCH_L1_2; - break; - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_SWITCH_L1_2; - Rc = OK; - case ADJUST_B_SWITCH_L1_2: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B switch failed %02x %d %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, - Rc, plci->B1_resource, plci->adjust_b_facilities)); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - break; - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_VOICE_1; - Rc = OK; - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_VOICE_1: - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_VOICE_2: - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE) - { - Info = adv_voice_restore_config (Id, plci, Rc); - if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) - break; - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_PARAMETER_1; - Rc = OK; - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_PARAMETER_1: - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_PARAMETER_2: - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE) - { - - Info = dtmf_parameter_restore_config (Id, plci, Rc); - if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) - break; - - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_EC_1; - Rc = OK; - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_EC_1: - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_EC_2: - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE) - { - - Info = ec_restore_config (Id, plci, Rc); - if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) - break; - - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_ASSIGN_L23_1; - case ADJUST_B_ASSIGN_L23_1: - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_ASSIGN_L23) - { - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - { - plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; - break; - } - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_CONNECT) - plci->call_dir |= CALL_DIR_FORCE_OUTG_NL; - if (plci->adjust_b_parms_msg != NULL) - api_load_msg (plci->adjust_b_parms_msg, bp); - else - api_load_msg (&plci->B_protocol, bp); - Info = add_b23 (plci, bp); - if (Info != GOOD) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B invalid L23 parameters %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Info)); - break; - } - plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; - nl_req_ncci (plci, ASSIGN, 0); - send_req (plci); - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_ASSIGN_L23_2; - break; - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_ASSIGN_L23_2; - Rc = ASSIGN_OK; - case ADJUST_B_ASSIGN_L23_2: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC) && (Rc != ASSIGN_OK)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B assign failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - break; - } - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_ASSIGN_L23) - { - if (Rc != ASSIGN_OK) - { - plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; - break; - } - } - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_USER_CONNECT) - { - plci->adjust_b_restore = true; - break; - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_CONNECT_1; - case ADJUST_B_CONNECT_1: - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_CONNECT) - { - plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - break; - nl_req_ncci (plci, N_CONNECT, 0); - send_req (plci); - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_CONNECT_2; - break; - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_1; - Rc = OK; - case ADJUST_B_CONNECT_2: - case ADJUST_B_CONNECT_3: - case ADJUST_B_CONNECT_4: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC) && (Rc != 0)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B connect failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - break; - } - if (Rc == OK) - { - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_CONNECT) - { - get_ncci (plci, (byte)(Id >> 16), plci->adjust_b_ncci); - Id = (Id & 0xffff) | (((dword)(plci->adjust_b_ncci)) << 16); - } - if (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_CONNECT_2) - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_CONNECT_3; - else if (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_CONNECT_4) - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_1; - } - else if (Rc == 0) - { - if (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_CONNECT_2) - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_CONNECT_4; - else if (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_CONNECT_3) - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_1; - } - if (plci->adjust_b_state != ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_1) - { - plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; - break; - } - Rc = OK; - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_1: - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_2: - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE) - { - - Info = dtmf_restore_config (Id, plci, Rc); - if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) - break; - - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_1; - Rc = OK; - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_1: - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_2: - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_3: - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_4: - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_5: - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_6: - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_7: - if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE) - { - - Info = mixer_restore_config (Id, plci, Rc); - if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) - break; - - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_END; - case ADJUST_B_END: - break; - } - return (Info); -} - - -static void adjust_b1_resource (dword Id, PLCI *plci, API_SAVE *bp_msg, word b1_facilities, word internal_command) -{ - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: adjust_b1_resource %d %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, - plci->B1_resource, b1_facilities)); - - plci->adjust_b_parms_msg = bp_msg; - plci->adjust_b_facilities = b1_facilities; - plci->adjust_b_command = internal_command; - plci->adjust_b_ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); - if ((bp_msg == NULL) && (plci->B1_resource == 0)) - plci->adjust_b_mode = ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE | ADJUST_B_MODE_NO_RESOURCE | ADJUST_B_MODE_SWITCH_L1; - else - plci->adjust_b_mode = ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE | ADJUST_B_MODE_SWITCH_L1 | ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE; - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_START; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B1 resource %d %04x...", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, - plci->B1_resource, b1_facilities)); -} - - -static void adjust_b_restore (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - word internal_command; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: adjust_b_restore %02x %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); - - internal_command = plci->internal_command; - plci->internal_command = 0; - switch (internal_command) - { - default: - plci->command = 0; - if (plci->req_in != 0) - { - plci->internal_command = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_1; - break; - } - Rc = OK; - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_1: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B enqueued failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - } - plci->adjust_b_parms_msg = NULL; - plci->adjust_b_facilities = plci->B1_facilities; - plci->adjust_b_command = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_2; - plci->adjust_b_ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); - plci->adjust_b_mode = ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE; - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_START; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B restore...", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_2: - if (adjust_b_process (Id, plci, Rc) != GOOD) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B restore failed", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - } - if (plci->internal_command) - break; - break; - } -} - - -static void reset_b3_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - word Info; - word internal_command; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: reset_b3_command %02x %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); - - Info = GOOD; - internal_command = plci->internal_command; - plci->internal_command = 0; - switch (internal_command) - { - default: - plci->command = 0; - plci->adjust_b_parms_msg = NULL; - plci->adjust_b_facilities = plci->B1_facilities; - plci->adjust_b_command = RESET_B3_COMMAND_1; - plci->adjust_b_ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); - plci->adjust_b_mode = ADJUST_B_MODE_REMOVE_L23 | ADJUST_B_MODE_ASSIGN_L23 | ADJUST_B_MODE_CONNECT; - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_START; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Reset B3...", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - case RESET_B3_COMMAND_1: - Info = adjust_b_process (Id, plci, Rc); - if (Info != GOOD) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Reset failed", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - break; - } - if (plci->internal_command) - return; - break; - } + return (b1_facilities); +} + + +static byte add_b1_facilities(PLCI *plci, byte b1_resource, word b1_facilities) +{ + byte b; + + switch (b1_resource) + { + case 5: + case 26: + if (b1_facilities & (B1_FACILITY_MIXER | B1_FACILITY_VOICE)) + b = 26; + else + b = 5; + break; + + case 8: + case 27: + if (b1_facilities & (B1_FACILITY_MIXER | B1_FACILITY_VOICE)) + b = 27; + else + b = 8; + break; + + case 9: + case 20: + case 22: + case 23: + case 24: + case 25: + case 28: + case 29: + case 30: + case 36: + case 37: + case 38: + if (b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_EC) + { + if (b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_LOCAL) + b = 30; + else if (b1_facilities & (B1_FACILITY_MIXER | B1_FACILITY_VOICE)) + b = 29; + else + b = 28; + } + + else if ((b1_facilities & (B1_FACILITY_DTMFX | B1_FACILITY_DTMFR | B1_FACILITY_MIXER)) + && (((plci->requested_options_conn | plci->requested_options) & (1L << PRIVATE_DTMF_TONE)) + || (plci->appl && (plci->adapter->requested_options_table[plci->appl->Id - 1] & (1L << PRIVATE_DTMF_TONE))))) + { + if (b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_LOCAL) + b = 38; + else if (b1_facilities & (B1_FACILITY_MIXER | B1_FACILITY_VOICE)) + b = 37; + else + b = 36; + } + + else if (((plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_HARDDTMF) + && !(plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SOFTDTMF_RECEIVE)) + || ((b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_DTMFR) + && ((b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_MIXER) + || !(plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SOFTDTMF_RECEIVE))) + || ((b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_DTMFX) + && ((b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_MIXER) + || !(plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SOFTDTMF_SEND)))) + { + if (b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_LOCAL) + b = 24; + else if (b1_facilities & (B1_FACILITY_MIXER | B1_FACILITY_VOICE)) + b = 23; + else + b = 22; + } + else + { + if (b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_LOCAL) + b = 25; + else if (b1_facilities & (B1_FACILITY_MIXER | B1_FACILITY_VOICE)) + b = 20; + else + b = 9; + } + break; + + case 31: + case 32: + case 33: + if (b1_facilities & B1_FACILITY_LOCAL) + b = 33; + else if (b1_facilities & (B1_FACILITY_MIXER | B1_FACILITY_VOICE)) + b = 32; + else + b = 31; + break; + + default: + b = b1_resource; + } + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: add_b1_facilities %d %04x %d %04x", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, + b1_resource, b1_facilities, b, get_b1_facilities(plci, b))); + return (b); +} + + +static void adjust_b1_facilities(PLCI *plci, byte new_b1_resource, word new_b1_facilities) +{ + word removed_facilities; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: adjust_b1_facilities %d %04x %04x", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, new_b1_resource, new_b1_facilities, + new_b1_facilities & get_b1_facilities(plci, new_b1_resource))); + + new_b1_facilities &= get_b1_facilities(plci, new_b1_resource); + removed_facilities = plci->B1_facilities & ~new_b1_facilities; + + if (removed_facilities & B1_FACILITY_EC) + ec_clear_config(plci); + + + if (removed_facilities & B1_FACILITY_DTMFR) + { + dtmf_rec_clear_config(plci); + dtmf_parameter_clear_config(plci); + } + if (removed_facilities & B1_FACILITY_DTMFX) + dtmf_send_clear_config(plci); + + + if (removed_facilities & B1_FACILITY_MIXER) + mixer_clear_config(plci); + + if (removed_facilities & B1_FACILITY_VOICE) + adv_voice_clear_config(plci); + plci->B1_facilities = new_b1_facilities; +} + + +static void adjust_b_clear(PLCI *plci) +{ + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: adjust_b_clear", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + + plci->adjust_b_restore = false; +} + + +static word adjust_b_process(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + word Info; + byte b1_resource; + NCCI *ncci_ptr; + API_PARSE bp[2]; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: adjust_b_process %02x %d", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->adjust_b_state)); + + Info = GOOD; + switch (plci->adjust_b_state) + { + case ADJUST_B_START: + if ((plci->adjust_b_parms_msg == NULL) + && (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_SWITCH_L1) + && ((plci->adjust_b_mode & ~(ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE | ADJUST_B_MODE_SWITCH_L1 | + ADJUST_B_MODE_NO_RESOURCE | ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE)) == 0)) + { + b1_resource = (plci->adjust_b_mode == ADJUST_B_MODE_NO_RESOURCE) ? + 0 : add_b1_facilities(plci, plci->B1_resource, plci->adjust_b_facilities); + if (b1_resource == plci->B1_resource) + { + adjust_b1_facilities(plci, b1_resource, plci->adjust_b_facilities); + break; + } + if (plci->adjust_b_facilities & ~get_b1_facilities(plci, b1_resource)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B nonsupported facilities %d %d %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, + plci->B1_resource, b1_resource, plci->adjust_b_facilities)); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + break; + } + } + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE) + { + + mixer_prepare_switch(Id, plci); + + + dtmf_prepare_switch(Id, plci); + dtmf_parameter_prepare_switch(Id, plci); + + + ec_prepare_switch(Id, plci); + + adv_voice_prepare_switch(Id, plci); + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_SAVE_MIXER_1; + Rc = OK; + case ADJUST_B_SAVE_MIXER_1: + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE) + { + + Info = mixer_save_config(Id, plci, Rc); + if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) + break; + + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_SAVE_DTMF_1; + Rc = OK; + case ADJUST_B_SAVE_DTMF_1: + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE) + { + + Info = dtmf_save_config(Id, plci, Rc); + if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) + break; + + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_REMOVE_L23_1; + case ADJUST_B_REMOVE_L23_1: + if ((plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_REMOVE_L23) + && plci->NL.Id && !plci->nl_remove_id) + { + plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; + if (plci->adjust_b_ncci != 0) + { + ncci_ptr = &(plci->adapter->ncci[plci->adjust_b_ncci]); + while (ncci_ptr->data_pending) + { + plci->data_sent_ptr = ncci_ptr->DBuffer[ncci_ptr->data_out].P; + data_rc(plci, plci->adapter->ncci_ch[plci->adjust_b_ncci]); + } + while (ncci_ptr->data_ack_pending) + data_ack(plci, plci->adapter->ncci_ch[plci->adjust_b_ncci]); + } + nl_req_ncci(plci, REMOVE, + (byte)((plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_CONNECT) ? plci->adjust_b_ncci : 0)); + send_req(plci); + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_REMOVE_L23_2; + break; + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_REMOVE_L23_2; + Rc = OK; + case ADJUST_B_REMOVE_L23_2: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B remove failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + break; + } + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_REMOVE_L23) + { + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + { + plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; + break; + } + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_SAVE_EC_1; + Rc = OK; + case ADJUST_B_SAVE_EC_1: + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE) + { + + Info = ec_save_config(Id, plci, Rc); + if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) + break; + + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_SAVE_DTMF_PARAMETER_1; + Rc = OK; + case ADJUST_B_SAVE_DTMF_PARAMETER_1: + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE) + { + + Info = dtmf_parameter_save_config(Id, plci, Rc); + if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) + break; + + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_SAVE_VOICE_1; + Rc = OK; + case ADJUST_B_SAVE_VOICE_1: + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE) + { + Info = adv_voice_save_config(Id, plci, Rc); + if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) + break; + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_SWITCH_L1_1; + case ADJUST_B_SWITCH_L1_1: + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_SWITCH_L1) + { + if (plci->sig_req) + { + plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; + break; + } + if (plci->adjust_b_parms_msg != NULL) + api_load_msg(plci->adjust_b_parms_msg, bp); + else + api_load_msg(&plci->B_protocol, bp); + Info = add_b1(plci, bp, + (word)((plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_NO_RESOURCE) ? 2 : 0), + plci->adjust_b_facilities); + if (Info != GOOD) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B invalid L1 parameters %d %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, + plci->B1_resource, plci->adjust_b_facilities)); + break; + } + plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; + sig_req(plci, RESOURCES, 0); + send_req(plci); + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_SWITCH_L1_2; + break; + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_SWITCH_L1_2; + Rc = OK; + case ADJUST_B_SWITCH_L1_2: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B switch failed %02x %d %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, + Rc, plci->B1_resource, plci->adjust_b_facilities)); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + break; + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_VOICE_1; + Rc = OK; + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_VOICE_1: + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_VOICE_2: + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE) + { + Info = adv_voice_restore_config(Id, plci, Rc); + if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) + break; + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_PARAMETER_1; + Rc = OK; + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_PARAMETER_1: + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_PARAMETER_2: + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE) + { + + Info = dtmf_parameter_restore_config(Id, plci, Rc); + if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) + break; + + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_EC_1; + Rc = OK; + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_EC_1: + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_EC_2: + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE) + { + + Info = ec_restore_config(Id, plci, Rc); + if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) + break; + + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_ASSIGN_L23_1; + case ADJUST_B_ASSIGN_L23_1: + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_ASSIGN_L23) + { + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + { + plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; + break; + } + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_CONNECT) + plci->call_dir |= CALL_DIR_FORCE_OUTG_NL; + if (plci->adjust_b_parms_msg != NULL) + api_load_msg(plci->adjust_b_parms_msg, bp); + else + api_load_msg(&plci->B_protocol, bp); + Info = add_b23(plci, bp); + if (Info != GOOD) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B invalid L23 parameters %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Info)); + break; + } + plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; + nl_req_ncci(plci, ASSIGN, 0); + send_req(plci); + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_ASSIGN_L23_2; + break; + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_ASSIGN_L23_2; + Rc = ASSIGN_OK; + case ADJUST_B_ASSIGN_L23_2: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC) && (Rc != ASSIGN_OK)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B assign failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + break; + } + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_ASSIGN_L23) + { + if (Rc != ASSIGN_OK) + { + plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; + break; + } + } + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_USER_CONNECT) + { + plci->adjust_b_restore = true; + break; + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_CONNECT_1; + case ADJUST_B_CONNECT_1: + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_CONNECT) + { + plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + break; + nl_req_ncci(plci, N_CONNECT, 0); + send_req(plci); + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_CONNECT_2; + break; + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_1; + Rc = OK; + case ADJUST_B_CONNECT_2: + case ADJUST_B_CONNECT_3: + case ADJUST_B_CONNECT_4: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC) && (Rc != 0)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B connect failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + break; + } + if (Rc == OK) + { + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_CONNECT) + { + get_ncci(plci, (byte)(Id >> 16), plci->adjust_b_ncci); + Id = (Id & 0xffff) | (((dword)(plci->adjust_b_ncci)) << 16); + } + if (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_CONNECT_2) + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_CONNECT_3; + else if (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_CONNECT_4) + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_1; + } + else if (Rc == 0) + { + if (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_CONNECT_2) + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_CONNECT_4; + else if (plci->adjust_b_state == ADJUST_B_CONNECT_3) + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_1; + } + if (plci->adjust_b_state != ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_1) + { + plci->internal_command = plci->adjust_b_command; + break; + } + Rc = OK; + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_1: + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_DTMF_2: + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE) + { + + Info = dtmf_restore_config(Id, plci, Rc); + if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) + break; + + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_1; + Rc = OK; + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_1: + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_2: + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_3: + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_4: + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_5: + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_6: + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_MIXER_7: + if (plci->adjust_b_mode & ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE) + { + + Info = mixer_restore_config(Id, plci, Rc); + if ((Info != GOOD) || plci->internal_command) + break; + + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_END; + case ADJUST_B_END: + break; + } + return (Info); +} + + +static void adjust_b1_resource(dword Id, PLCI *plci, API_SAVE *bp_msg, word b1_facilities, word internal_command) +{ + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: adjust_b1_resource %d %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, + plci->B1_resource, b1_facilities)); + + plci->adjust_b_parms_msg = bp_msg; + plci->adjust_b_facilities = b1_facilities; + plci->adjust_b_command = internal_command; + plci->adjust_b_ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); + if ((bp_msg == NULL) && (plci->B1_resource == 0)) + plci->adjust_b_mode = ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE | ADJUST_B_MODE_NO_RESOURCE | ADJUST_B_MODE_SWITCH_L1; + else + plci->adjust_b_mode = ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE | ADJUST_B_MODE_SWITCH_L1 | ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE; + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_START; + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B1 resource %d %04x...", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, + plci->B1_resource, b1_facilities)); +} + + +static void adjust_b_restore(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + word internal_command; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: adjust_b_restore %02x %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); + + internal_command = plci->internal_command; + plci->internal_command = 0; + switch (internal_command) + { + default: + plci->command = 0; + if (plci->req_in != 0) + { + plci->internal_command = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_1; + break; + } + Rc = OK; + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_1: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B enqueued failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + } + plci->adjust_b_parms_msg = NULL; + plci->adjust_b_facilities = plci->B1_facilities; + plci->adjust_b_command = ADJUST_B_RESTORE_2; + plci->adjust_b_ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); + plci->adjust_b_mode = ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE; + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_START; + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B restore...", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + case ADJUST_B_RESTORE_2: + if (adjust_b_process(Id, plci, Rc) != GOOD) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Adjust B restore failed", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + } + if (plci->internal_command) + break; + break; + } +} + + +static void reset_b3_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + word Info; + word internal_command; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: reset_b3_command %02x %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); + + Info = GOOD; + internal_command = plci->internal_command; + plci->internal_command = 0; + switch (internal_command) + { + default: + plci->command = 0; + plci->adjust_b_parms_msg = NULL; + plci->adjust_b_facilities = plci->B1_facilities; + plci->adjust_b_command = RESET_B3_COMMAND_1; + plci->adjust_b_ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); + plci->adjust_b_mode = ADJUST_B_MODE_REMOVE_L23 | ADJUST_B_MODE_ASSIGN_L23 | ADJUST_B_MODE_CONNECT; + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_START; + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Reset B3...", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + case RESET_B3_COMMAND_1: + Info = adjust_b_process(Id, plci, Rc); + if (Info != GOOD) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Reset failed", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + break; + } + if (plci->internal_command) + return; + break; + } /* sendf (plci->appl, _RESET_B3_R | CONFIRM, Id, plci->number, "w", Info);*/ - sendf(plci->appl,_RESET_B3_I,Id,0,"s",""); -} - - -static void select_b_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - word Info; - word internal_command; - byte esc_chi[3]; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: select_b_command %02x %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); - - Info = GOOD; - internal_command = plci->internal_command; - plci->internal_command = 0; - switch (internal_command) - { - default: - plci->command = 0; - plci->adjust_b_parms_msg = &plci->saved_msg; - if ((plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) && (plci == plci->adapter->AdvSignalPLCI)) - plci->adjust_b_facilities = plci->B1_facilities | B1_FACILITY_VOICE; - else - plci->adjust_b_facilities = plci->B1_facilities & ~B1_FACILITY_VOICE; - plci->adjust_b_command = SELECT_B_COMMAND_1; - plci->adjust_b_ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); - if (plci->saved_msg.parms[0].length == 0) - { - plci->adjust_b_mode = ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE | ADJUST_B_MODE_REMOVE_L23 | ADJUST_B_MODE_SWITCH_L1 | - ADJUST_B_MODE_NO_RESOURCE; - } - else - { - plci->adjust_b_mode = ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE | ADJUST_B_MODE_REMOVE_L23 | ADJUST_B_MODE_SWITCH_L1 | - ADJUST_B_MODE_ASSIGN_L23 | ADJUST_B_MODE_USER_CONNECT | ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE; - } - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_START; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Select B protocol...", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - case SELECT_B_COMMAND_1: - Info = adjust_b_process (Id, plci, Rc); - if (Info != GOOD) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: Select B protocol failed", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - break; - } - if (plci->internal_command) - return; - if (plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) - { - esc_chi[0] = 0x02; - esc_chi[1] = 0x18; - esc_chi[2] = plci->b_channel; - SetVoiceChannel (plci->adapter->AdvCodecPLCI, esc_chi, plci->adapter); - } - break; - } - sendf (plci->appl, _SELECT_B_REQ | CONFIRM, Id, plci->number, "w", Info); -} - - -static void fax_connect_ack_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - word internal_command; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: fax_connect_ack_command %02x %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); - - internal_command = plci->internal_command; - plci->internal_command = 0; - switch (internal_command) - { - default: - plci->command = 0; - case FAX_CONNECT_ACK_COMMAND_1: - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - { - plci->internal_command = FAX_CONNECT_ACK_COMMAND_1; - return; - } - plci->internal_command = FAX_CONNECT_ACK_COMMAND_2; - plci->NData[0].P = plci->fax_connect_info_buffer; - plci->NData[0].PLength = plci->fax_connect_info_length; - plci->NL.X = plci->NData; - plci->NL.ReqCh = 0; - plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte) N_CONNECT_ACK; - plci->adapter->request (&plci->NL); - return; - case FAX_CONNECT_ACK_COMMAND_2: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: FAX issue CONNECT ACK failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - break; - } - } - if ((plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT) - && !(plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT)) - { - if (plci->B3_prot == 4) - sendf(plci->appl,_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I,Id,0,"s",""); - else - sendf(plci->appl,_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I,Id,0,"S",plci->ncpi_buffer); - plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT; - } -} - - -static void fax_edata_ack_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - word internal_command; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: fax_edata_ack_command %02x %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); - - internal_command = plci->internal_command; - plci->internal_command = 0; - switch (internal_command) - { - default: - plci->command = 0; - case FAX_EDATA_ACK_COMMAND_1: - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - { - plci->internal_command = FAX_EDATA_ACK_COMMAND_1; - return; - } - plci->internal_command = FAX_EDATA_ACK_COMMAND_2; - plci->NData[0].P = plci->fax_connect_info_buffer; - plci->NData[0].PLength = plci->fax_edata_ack_length; - plci->NL.X = plci->NData; - plci->NL.ReqCh = 0; - plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte) N_EDATA; - plci->adapter->request (&plci->NL); - return; - case FAX_EDATA_ACK_COMMAND_2: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: FAX issue EDATA ACK failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - break; - } - } -} - - -static void fax_connect_info_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - word Info; - word internal_command; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: fax_connect_info_command %02x %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); - - Info = GOOD; - internal_command = plci->internal_command; - plci->internal_command = 0; - switch (internal_command) - { - default: - plci->command = 0; - case FAX_CONNECT_INFO_COMMAND_1: - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - { - plci->internal_command = FAX_CONNECT_INFO_COMMAND_1; - return; - } - plci->internal_command = FAX_CONNECT_INFO_COMMAND_2; - plci->NData[0].P = plci->fax_connect_info_buffer; - plci->NData[0].PLength = plci->fax_connect_info_length; - plci->NL.X = plci->NData; - plci->NL.ReqCh = 0; - plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte) N_EDATA; - plci->adapter->request (&plci->NL); - return; - case FAX_CONNECT_INFO_COMMAND_2: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: FAX setting connect info failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - break; - } - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - { - plci->internal_command = FAX_CONNECT_INFO_COMMAND_2; - return; - } - plci->command = _CONNECT_B3_R; - nl_req_ncci (plci, N_CONNECT, 0); - send_req (plci); - return; - } - sendf (plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_R | CONFIRM, Id, plci->number, "w", Info); + sendf(plci->appl, _RESET_B3_I, Id, 0, "s", ""); +} + + +static void select_b_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + word Info; + word internal_command; + byte esc_chi[3]; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: select_b_command %02x %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); + + Info = GOOD; + internal_command = plci->internal_command; + plci->internal_command = 0; + switch (internal_command) + { + default: + plci->command = 0; + plci->adjust_b_parms_msg = &plci->saved_msg; + if ((plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) && (plci == plci->adapter->AdvSignalPLCI)) + plci->adjust_b_facilities = plci->B1_facilities | B1_FACILITY_VOICE; + else + plci->adjust_b_facilities = plci->B1_facilities & ~B1_FACILITY_VOICE; + plci->adjust_b_command = SELECT_B_COMMAND_1; + plci->adjust_b_ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); + if (plci->saved_msg.parms[0].length == 0) + { + plci->adjust_b_mode = ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE | ADJUST_B_MODE_REMOVE_L23 | ADJUST_B_MODE_SWITCH_L1 | + ADJUST_B_MODE_NO_RESOURCE; + } + else + { + plci->adjust_b_mode = ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE | ADJUST_B_MODE_REMOVE_L23 | ADJUST_B_MODE_SWITCH_L1 | + ADJUST_B_MODE_ASSIGN_L23 | ADJUST_B_MODE_USER_CONNECT | ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE; + } + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_START; + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Select B protocol...", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + case SELECT_B_COMMAND_1: + Info = adjust_b_process(Id, plci, Rc); + if (Info != GOOD) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: Select B protocol failed", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + break; + } + if (plci->internal_command) + return; + if (plci->tel == ADV_VOICE) + { + esc_chi[0] = 0x02; + esc_chi[1] = 0x18; + esc_chi[2] = plci->b_channel; + SetVoiceChannel(plci->adapter->AdvCodecPLCI, esc_chi, plci->adapter); + } + break; + } + sendf(plci->appl, _SELECT_B_REQ | CONFIRM, Id, plci->number, "w", Info); +} + + +static void fax_connect_ack_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + word internal_command; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: fax_connect_ack_command %02x %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); + + internal_command = plci->internal_command; + plci->internal_command = 0; + switch (internal_command) + { + default: + plci->command = 0; + case FAX_CONNECT_ACK_COMMAND_1: + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + { + plci->internal_command = FAX_CONNECT_ACK_COMMAND_1; + return; + } + plci->internal_command = FAX_CONNECT_ACK_COMMAND_2; + plci->NData[0].P = plci->fax_connect_info_buffer; + plci->NData[0].PLength = plci->fax_connect_info_length; + plci->NL.X = plci->NData; + plci->NL.ReqCh = 0; + plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte) N_CONNECT_ACK; + plci->adapter->request(&plci->NL); + return; + case FAX_CONNECT_ACK_COMMAND_2: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: FAX issue CONNECT ACK failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + break; + } + } + if ((plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_VALID_CONNECT_B3_ACT) + && !(plci->ncpi_state & NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT)) + { + if (plci->B3_prot == 4) + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I, Id, 0, "s", ""); + else + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I, Id, 0, "S", plci->ncpi_buffer); + plci->ncpi_state |= NCPI_CONNECT_B3_ACT_SENT; + } +} + + +static void fax_edata_ack_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + word internal_command; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: fax_edata_ack_command %02x %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); + + internal_command = plci->internal_command; + plci->internal_command = 0; + switch (internal_command) + { + default: + plci->command = 0; + case FAX_EDATA_ACK_COMMAND_1: + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + { + plci->internal_command = FAX_EDATA_ACK_COMMAND_1; + return; + } + plci->internal_command = FAX_EDATA_ACK_COMMAND_2; + plci->NData[0].P = plci->fax_connect_info_buffer; + plci->NData[0].PLength = plci->fax_edata_ack_length; + plci->NL.X = plci->NData; + plci->NL.ReqCh = 0; + plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte) N_EDATA; + plci->adapter->request(&plci->NL); + return; + case FAX_EDATA_ACK_COMMAND_2: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: FAX issue EDATA ACK failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + break; + } + } +} + + +static void fax_connect_info_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + word Info; + word internal_command; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: fax_connect_info_command %02x %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); + + Info = GOOD; + internal_command = plci->internal_command; + plci->internal_command = 0; + switch (internal_command) + { + default: + plci->command = 0; + case FAX_CONNECT_INFO_COMMAND_1: + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + { + plci->internal_command = FAX_CONNECT_INFO_COMMAND_1; + return; + } + plci->internal_command = FAX_CONNECT_INFO_COMMAND_2; + plci->NData[0].P = plci->fax_connect_info_buffer; + plci->NData[0].PLength = plci->fax_connect_info_length; + plci->NL.X = plci->NData; + plci->NL.ReqCh = 0; + plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte) N_EDATA; + plci->adapter->request(&plci->NL); + return; + case FAX_CONNECT_INFO_COMMAND_2: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: FAX setting connect info failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + break; + } + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + { + plci->internal_command = FAX_CONNECT_INFO_COMMAND_2; + return; + } + plci->command = _CONNECT_B3_R; + nl_req_ncci(plci, N_CONNECT, 0); + send_req(plci); + return; + } + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_R | CONFIRM, Id, plci->number, "w", Info); +} + + +static void fax_adjust_b23_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + word Info; + word internal_command; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: fax_adjust_b23_command %02x %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); + + Info = GOOD; + internal_command = plci->internal_command; + plci->internal_command = 0; + switch (internal_command) + { + default: + plci->command = 0; + plci->adjust_b_parms_msg = NULL; + plci->adjust_b_facilities = plci->B1_facilities; + plci->adjust_b_command = FAX_ADJUST_B23_COMMAND_1; + plci->adjust_b_ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); + plci->adjust_b_mode = ADJUST_B_MODE_REMOVE_L23 | ADJUST_B_MODE_ASSIGN_L23; + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_START; + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: FAX adjust B23...", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + case FAX_ADJUST_B23_COMMAND_1: + Info = adjust_b_process(Id, plci, Rc); + if (Info != GOOD) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: FAX adjust failed", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + break; + } + if (plci->internal_command) + return; + case FAX_ADJUST_B23_COMMAND_2: + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + { + plci->internal_command = FAX_ADJUST_B23_COMMAND_2; + return; + } + plci->command = _CONNECT_B3_R; + nl_req_ncci(plci, N_CONNECT, 0); + send_req(plci); + return; + } + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_R | CONFIRM, Id, plci->number, "w", Info); +} + + +static void fax_disconnect_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + word internal_command; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: fax_disconnect_command %02x %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); + + internal_command = plci->internal_command; + plci->internal_command = 0; + switch (internal_command) + { + default: + plci->command = 0; + plci->internal_command = FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_1; + return; + case FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_1: + case FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_2: + case FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_3: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC) && (Rc != 0)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: FAX disconnect EDATA failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + break; + } + if (Rc == OK) + { + if ((internal_command == FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_1) + || (internal_command == FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_2)) + { + plci->internal_command = FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_2; + } + } + else if (Rc == 0) + { + if (internal_command == FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_1) + plci->internal_command = FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_3; + } + return; + } +} + + + +static void rtp_connect_b3_req_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + word Info; + word internal_command; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: rtp_connect_b3_req_command %02x %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); + + Info = GOOD; + internal_command = plci->internal_command; + plci->internal_command = 0; + switch (internal_command) + { + default: + plci->command = 0; + case RTP_CONNECT_B3_REQ_COMMAND_1: + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + { + plci->internal_command = RTP_CONNECT_B3_REQ_COMMAND_1; + return; + } + plci->internal_command = RTP_CONNECT_B3_REQ_COMMAND_2; + nl_req_ncci(plci, N_CONNECT, 0); + send_req(plci); + return; + case RTP_CONNECT_B3_REQ_COMMAND_2: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: RTP setting connect info failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + Info = _WRONG_STATE; + break; + } + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + { + plci->internal_command = RTP_CONNECT_B3_REQ_COMMAND_2; + return; + } + plci->internal_command = RTP_CONNECT_B3_REQ_COMMAND_3; + plci->NData[0].PLength = plci->internal_req_buffer[0]; + plci->NData[0].P = plci->internal_req_buffer + 1; + plci->NL.X = plci->NData; + plci->NL.ReqCh = 0; + plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte) N_UDATA; + plci->adapter->request(&plci->NL); + break; + case RTP_CONNECT_B3_REQ_COMMAND_3: + return; + } + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_R | CONFIRM, Id, plci->number, "w", Info); +} + + +static void rtp_connect_b3_res_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + word internal_command; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: rtp_connect_b3_res_command %02x %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); + + internal_command = plci->internal_command; + plci->internal_command = 0; + switch (internal_command) + { + default: + plci->command = 0; + case RTP_CONNECT_B3_RES_COMMAND_1: + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + { + plci->internal_command = RTP_CONNECT_B3_RES_COMMAND_1; + return; + } + plci->internal_command = RTP_CONNECT_B3_RES_COMMAND_2; + nl_req_ncci(plci, N_CONNECT_ACK, (byte)(Id >> 16)); + send_req(plci); + return; + case RTP_CONNECT_B3_RES_COMMAND_2: + if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: RTP setting connect resp info failed %02x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); + break; + } + if (plci_nl_busy(plci)) + { + plci->internal_command = RTP_CONNECT_B3_RES_COMMAND_2; + return; + } + sendf(plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I, Id, 0, "s", ""); + plci->internal_command = RTP_CONNECT_B3_RES_COMMAND_3; + plci->NData[0].PLength = plci->internal_req_buffer[0]; + plci->NData[0].P = plci->internal_req_buffer + 1; + plci->NL.X = plci->NData; + plci->NL.ReqCh = 0; + plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte) N_UDATA; + plci->adapter->request(&plci->NL); + return; + case RTP_CONNECT_B3_RES_COMMAND_3: + return; + } +} + + + +static void hold_save_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + byte SS_Ind[] = "\x05\x02\x00\x02\x00\x00"; /* Hold_Ind struct*/ + word Info; + word internal_command; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: hold_save_command %02x %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); + + Info = GOOD; + internal_command = plci->internal_command; + plci->internal_command = 0; + switch (internal_command) + { + default: + if (!plci->NL.Id) + break; + plci->command = 0; + plci->adjust_b_parms_msg = NULL; + plci->adjust_b_facilities = plci->B1_facilities; + plci->adjust_b_command = HOLD_SAVE_COMMAND_1; + plci->adjust_b_ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); + plci->adjust_b_mode = ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE | ADJUST_B_MODE_REMOVE_L23; + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_START; + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: HOLD save...", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + case HOLD_SAVE_COMMAND_1: + Info = adjust_b_process(Id, plci, Rc); + if (Info != GOOD) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: HOLD save failed", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + break; + } + if (plci->internal_command) + return; + } + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0xffffL, 0, "ws", 3, SS_Ind); +} + + +static void retrieve_restore_command(dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +{ + byte SS_Ind[] = "\x05\x03\x00\x02\x00\x00"; /* Retrieve_Ind struct*/ + word Info; + word internal_command; + + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: retrieve_restore_command %02x %04x", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); + + Info = GOOD; + internal_command = plci->internal_command; + plci->internal_command = 0; + switch (internal_command) + { + default: + plci->command = 0; + plci->adjust_b_parms_msg = NULL; + plci->adjust_b_facilities = plci->B1_facilities; + plci->adjust_b_command = RETRIEVE_RESTORE_COMMAND_1; + plci->adjust_b_ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); + plci->adjust_b_mode = ADJUST_B_MODE_ASSIGN_L23 | ADJUST_B_MODE_USER_CONNECT | ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE; + plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_START; + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: RETRIEVE restore...", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + case RETRIEVE_RESTORE_COMMAND_1: + Info = adjust_b_process(Id, plci, Rc); + if (Info != GOOD) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: RETRIEVE restore failed", + UnMapId(Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + break; + } + if (plci->internal_command) + return; + } + sendf(plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0xffffL, 0, "ws", 3, SS_Ind); } -static void fax_adjust_b23_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) +static void init_b1_config(PLCI *plci) { - word Info; - word internal_command; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: fax_adjust_b23_command %02x %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: init_b1_config", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - Info = GOOD; - internal_command = plci->internal_command; - plci->internal_command = 0; - switch (internal_command) - { - default: - plci->command = 0; - plci->adjust_b_parms_msg = NULL; - plci->adjust_b_facilities = plci->B1_facilities; - plci->adjust_b_command = FAX_ADJUST_B23_COMMAND_1; - plci->adjust_b_ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); - plci->adjust_b_mode = ADJUST_B_MODE_REMOVE_L23 | ADJUST_B_MODE_ASSIGN_L23; - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_START; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: FAX adjust B23...", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - case FAX_ADJUST_B23_COMMAND_1: - Info = adjust_b_process (Id, plci, Rc); - if (Info != GOOD) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: FAX adjust failed", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - break; - } - if (plci->internal_command) - return; - case FAX_ADJUST_B23_COMMAND_2: - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - { - plci->internal_command = FAX_ADJUST_B23_COMMAND_2; - return; - } - plci->command = _CONNECT_B3_R; - nl_req_ncci (plci, N_CONNECT, 0); - send_req (plci); - return; - } - sendf (plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_R | CONFIRM, Id, plci->number, "w", Info); -} - - -static void fax_disconnect_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - word internal_command; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: fax_disconnect_command %02x %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); - - internal_command = plci->internal_command; - plci->internal_command = 0; - switch (internal_command) - { - default: - plci->command = 0; - plci->internal_command = FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_1; - return; - case FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_1: - case FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_2: - case FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_3: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC) && (Rc != 0)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: FAX disconnect EDATA failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - break; - } - if (Rc == OK) - { - if ((internal_command == FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_1) - || (internal_command == FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_2)) - { - plci->internal_command = FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_2; - } - } - else if (Rc == 0) - { - if (internal_command == FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_1) - plci->internal_command = FAX_DISCONNECT_COMMAND_3; - } - return; - } -} - - - -static void rtp_connect_b3_req_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - word Info; - word internal_command; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: rtp_connect_b3_req_command %02x %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); - - Info = GOOD; - internal_command = plci->internal_command; - plci->internal_command = 0; - switch (internal_command) - { - default: - plci->command = 0; - case RTP_CONNECT_B3_REQ_COMMAND_1: - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - { - plci->internal_command = RTP_CONNECT_B3_REQ_COMMAND_1; - return; - } - plci->internal_command = RTP_CONNECT_B3_REQ_COMMAND_2; - nl_req_ncci (plci, N_CONNECT, 0); - send_req (plci); - return; - case RTP_CONNECT_B3_REQ_COMMAND_2: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: RTP setting connect info failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - Info = _WRONG_STATE; - break; - } - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - { - plci->internal_command = RTP_CONNECT_B3_REQ_COMMAND_2; - return; - } - plci->internal_command = RTP_CONNECT_B3_REQ_COMMAND_3; - plci->NData[0].PLength = plci->internal_req_buffer[0]; - plci->NData[0].P = plci->internal_req_buffer + 1; - plci->NL.X = plci->NData; - plci->NL.ReqCh = 0; - plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte) N_UDATA; - plci->adapter->request (&plci->NL); - break; - case RTP_CONNECT_B3_REQ_COMMAND_3: - return; - } - sendf (plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_R | CONFIRM, Id, plci->number, "w", Info); -} - - -static void rtp_connect_b3_res_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - word internal_command; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: rtp_connect_b3_res_command %02x %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); - - internal_command = plci->internal_command; - plci->internal_command = 0; - switch (internal_command) - { - default: - plci->command = 0; - case RTP_CONNECT_B3_RES_COMMAND_1: - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - { - plci->internal_command = RTP_CONNECT_B3_RES_COMMAND_1; - return; - } - plci->internal_command = RTP_CONNECT_B3_RES_COMMAND_2; - nl_req_ncci (plci, N_CONNECT_ACK, (byte)(Id >> 16)); - send_req (plci); - return; - case RTP_CONNECT_B3_RES_COMMAND_2: - if ((Rc != OK) && (Rc != OK_FC)) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: RTP setting connect resp info failed %02x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc)); - break; - } - if (plci_nl_busy (plci)) - { - plci->internal_command = RTP_CONNECT_B3_RES_COMMAND_2; - return; - } - sendf (plci->appl, _CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_I, Id, 0, "s", ""); - plci->internal_command = RTP_CONNECT_B3_RES_COMMAND_3; - plci->NData[0].PLength = plci->internal_req_buffer[0]; - plci->NData[0].P = plci->internal_req_buffer + 1; - plci->NL.X = plci->NData; - plci->NL.ReqCh = 0; - plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte) N_UDATA; - plci->adapter->request (&plci->NL); - return; - case RTP_CONNECT_B3_RES_COMMAND_3: - return; - } -} - - - -static void hold_save_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - byte SS_Ind[] = "\x05\x02\x00\x02\x00\x00"; /* Hold_Ind struct*/ - word Info; - word internal_command; + plci->B1_resource = 0; + plci->B1_facilities = 0; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: hold_save_command %02x %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); + plci->li_bchannel_id = 0; + mixer_clear_config(plci); - Info = GOOD; - internal_command = plci->internal_command; - plci->internal_command = 0; - switch (internal_command) - { - default: - if (!plci->NL.Id) - break; - plci->command = 0; - plci->adjust_b_parms_msg = NULL; - plci->adjust_b_facilities = plci->B1_facilities; - plci->adjust_b_command = HOLD_SAVE_COMMAND_1; - plci->adjust_b_ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); - plci->adjust_b_mode = ADJUST_B_MODE_SAVE | ADJUST_B_MODE_REMOVE_L23; - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_START; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: HOLD save...", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - case HOLD_SAVE_COMMAND_1: - Info = adjust_b_process (Id, plci, Rc); - if (Info != GOOD) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: HOLD save failed", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - break; - } - if (plci->internal_command) - return; - } - sendf (plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0xffffL, 0, "ws", 3, SS_Ind); -} - - -static void retrieve_restore_command (dword Id, PLCI *plci, byte Rc) -{ - byte SS_Ind[] = "\x05\x03\x00\x02\x00\x00"; /* Retrieve_Ind struct*/ - word Info; - word internal_command; - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: retrieve_restore_command %02x %04x", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__, Rc, plci->internal_command)); - - Info = GOOD; - internal_command = plci->internal_command; - plci->internal_command = 0; - switch (internal_command) - { - default: - plci->command = 0; - plci->adjust_b_parms_msg = NULL; - plci->adjust_b_facilities = plci->B1_facilities; - plci->adjust_b_command = RETRIEVE_RESTORE_COMMAND_1; - plci->adjust_b_ncci = (word)(Id >> 16); - plci->adjust_b_mode = ADJUST_B_MODE_ASSIGN_L23 | ADJUST_B_MODE_USER_CONNECT | ADJUST_B_MODE_RESTORE; - plci->adjust_b_state = ADJUST_B_START; - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: RETRIEVE restore...", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - case RETRIEVE_RESTORE_COMMAND_1: - Info = adjust_b_process (Id, plci, Rc); - if (Info != GOOD) - { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: RETRIEVE restore failed", - UnMapId (Id), (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - break; - } - if (plci->internal_command) - return; - } - sendf (plci->appl, _FACILITY_I, Id & 0xffffL, 0, "ws", 3, SS_Ind); -} - - -static void init_b1_config (PLCI *plci) -{ - - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: init_b1_config", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - - plci->B1_resource = 0; - plci->B1_facilities = 0; - plci->li_bchannel_id = 0; - mixer_clear_config (plci); + ec_clear_config(plci); - ec_clear_config (plci); + dtmf_rec_clear_config(plci); + dtmf_send_clear_config(plci); + dtmf_parameter_clear_config(plci); - - dtmf_rec_clear_config (plci); - dtmf_send_clear_config (plci); - dtmf_parameter_clear_config (plci); - - adv_voice_clear_config (plci); - adjust_b_clear (plci); + adv_voice_clear_config(plci); + adjust_b_clear(plci); } -static void clear_b1_config (PLCI *plci) +static void clear_b1_config(PLCI *plci) { - dbug (1, dprintf ("[%06lx] %s,%d: clear_b1_config", - (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController (plci->adapter->Id)), - (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); + dbug(1, dprintf("[%06lx] %s,%d: clear_b1_config", + (dword)((plci->Id << 8) | UnMapController(plci->adapter->Id)), + (char *)(FILE_), __LINE__)); - adv_voice_clear_config (plci); - adjust_b_clear (plci); + adv_voice_clear_config(plci); + adjust_b_clear(plci); - ec_clear_config (plci); + ec_clear_config(plci); - dtmf_rec_clear_config (plci); - dtmf_send_clear_config (plci); - dtmf_parameter_clear_config (plci); + dtmf_rec_clear_config(plci); + dtmf_send_clear_config(plci); + dtmf_parameter_clear_config(plci); - if ((plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) - && (li_config_table[plci->adapter->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) - { - mixer_clear_config (plci); - li_config_table[plci->adapter->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci = NULL; - plci->li_bchannel_id = 0; - } + if ((plci->li_bchannel_id != 0) + && (li_config_table[plci->adapter->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci == plci)) + { + mixer_clear_config(plci); + li_config_table[plci->adapter->li_base + (plci->li_bchannel_id - 1)].plci = NULL; + plci->li_bchannel_id = 0; + } - plci->B1_resource = 0; - plci->B1_facilities = 0; + plci->B1_resource = 0; + plci->B1_facilities = 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- - XON protocol local helpers + XON protocol local helpers ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void channel_flow_control_remove (PLCI * plci) { - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a = plci->adapter; - word i; - for(i=1;ich_flow_plci[i] == plci->Id) { - a->ch_flow_plci[i] = 0; - a->ch_flow_control[i] = 0; - } - } -} - -static void channel_x_on (PLCI * plci, byte ch) { - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a = plci->adapter; - if (a->ch_flow_control[ch] & N_XON_SENT) { - a->ch_flow_control[ch] &= ~N_XON_SENT; - } -} - -static void channel_x_off (PLCI * plci, byte ch, byte flag) { - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a = plci->adapter; - if ((a->ch_flow_control[ch] & N_RX_FLOW_CONTROL_MASK) == 0) { - a->ch_flow_control[ch] |= (N_CH_XOFF | flag); - a->ch_flow_plci[ch] = plci->Id; - a->ch_flow_control_pending++; - } -} - -static void channel_request_xon (PLCI * plci, byte ch) { - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a = plci->adapter; - - if (a->ch_flow_control[ch] & N_CH_XOFF) { - a->ch_flow_control[ch] |= N_XON_REQ; - a->ch_flow_control[ch] &= ~N_CH_XOFF; - a->ch_flow_control[ch] &= ~N_XON_CONNECT_IND; - } -} - -static void channel_xmit_extended_xon (PLCI * plci) { - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a; - int max_ch = ARRAY_SIZE(a->ch_flow_control); - int i, one_requested = 0; - - if ((!plci) || (!plci->Id) || ((a = plci->adapter) == NULL)) { - return; - } - - for (i = 0; i < max_ch; i++) { - if ((a->ch_flow_control[i] & N_CH_XOFF) && - (a->ch_flow_control[i] & N_XON_CONNECT_IND) && - (plci->Id == a->ch_flow_plci[i])) { - channel_request_xon (plci, (byte)i); - one_requested = 1; - } - } - - if (one_requested) { - channel_xmit_xon (plci); - } +static void channel_flow_control_remove(PLCI *plci) { + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a = plci->adapter; + word i; + for (i = 1; i < MAX_NL_CHANNEL + 1; i++) { + if (a->ch_flow_plci[i] == plci->Id) { + a->ch_flow_plci[i] = 0; + a->ch_flow_control[i] = 0; + } + } +} + +static void channel_x_on(PLCI *plci, byte ch) { + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a = plci->adapter; + if (a->ch_flow_control[ch] & N_XON_SENT) { + a->ch_flow_control[ch] &= ~N_XON_SENT; + } +} + +static void channel_x_off(PLCI *plci, byte ch, byte flag) { + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a = plci->adapter; + if ((a->ch_flow_control[ch] & N_RX_FLOW_CONTROL_MASK) == 0) { + a->ch_flow_control[ch] |= (N_CH_XOFF | flag); + a->ch_flow_plci[ch] = plci->Id; + a->ch_flow_control_pending++; + } +} + +static void channel_request_xon(PLCI *plci, byte ch) { + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a = plci->adapter; + + if (a->ch_flow_control[ch] & N_CH_XOFF) { + a->ch_flow_control[ch] |= N_XON_REQ; + a->ch_flow_control[ch] &= ~N_CH_XOFF; + a->ch_flow_control[ch] &= ~N_XON_CONNECT_IND; + } +} + +static void channel_xmit_extended_xon(PLCI *plci) { + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + int max_ch = ARRAY_SIZE(a->ch_flow_control); + int i, one_requested = 0; + + if ((!plci) || (!plci->Id) || ((a = plci->adapter) == NULL)) { + return; + } + + for (i = 0; i < max_ch; i++) { + if ((a->ch_flow_control[i] & N_CH_XOFF) && + (a->ch_flow_control[i] & N_XON_CONNECT_IND) && + (plci->Id == a->ch_flow_plci[i])) { + channel_request_xon(plci, (byte)i); + one_requested = 1; + } + } + + if (one_requested) { + channel_xmit_xon(plci); + } } /* Try to xmit next X_ON - */ -static int find_channel_with_pending_x_on (DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a, PLCI * plci) { - int max_ch = ARRAY_SIZE(a->ch_flow_control); - int i; - - if (!(plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XONOFF_FLOW_CONTROL)) { - return (0); - } - - if (a->last_flow_control_ch >= max_ch) { - a->last_flow_control_ch = 1; - } - for (i=a->last_flow_control_ch; i < max_ch; i++) { - if ((a->ch_flow_control[i] & N_XON_REQ) && - (plci->Id == a->ch_flow_plci[i])) { - a->last_flow_control_ch = i+1; - return (i); - } - } - - for (i = 1; i < a->last_flow_control_ch; i++) { - if ((a->ch_flow_control[i] & N_XON_REQ) && - (plci->Id == a->ch_flow_plci[i])) { - a->last_flow_control_ch = i+1; - return (i); - } - } - - return (0); -} - -static void channel_xmit_xon (PLCI * plci) { - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a = plci->adapter; - byte ch; - - if (plci->nl_req || !plci->NL.Id || plci->nl_remove_id) { - return; - } - if ((ch = (byte)find_channel_with_pending_x_on (a, plci)) == 0) { - return; - } - a->ch_flow_control[ch] &= ~N_XON_REQ; - a->ch_flow_control[ch] |= N_XON_SENT; - - plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte)N_XON; - plci->NL.ReqCh = ch; - plci->NL.X = plci->NData; - plci->NL.XNum = 1; - plci->NData[0].P = &plci->RBuffer[0]; - plci->NData[0].PLength = 0; - - plci->adapter->request(&plci->NL); -} - -static int channel_can_xon (PLCI * plci, byte ch) { - APPL * APPLptr; - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a; - word NCCIcode; - dword count; - word Num; - word i; - - APPLptr = plci->appl; - a = plci->adapter; - - if (!APPLptr) - return (0); - - NCCIcode = a->ch_ncci[ch] | (((word) a->Id) << 8); - - /* count all buffers within the Application pool */ - /* belonging to the same NCCI. XON if a first is */ - /* used. */ - count = 0; - Num = 0xffff; - for(i=0; iMaxBuffer; i++) { - if(NCCIcode==APPLptr->DataNCCI[i]) count++; - if(!APPLptr->DataNCCI[i] && Num==0xffff) Num = i; - } - if ((count > 2) || (Num == 0xffff)) { - return (0); - } - return (1); +*/ +static int find_channel_with_pending_x_on(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, PLCI *plci) { + int max_ch = ARRAY_SIZE(a->ch_flow_control); + int i; + + if (!(plci->adapter->manufacturer_features & MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XONOFF_FLOW_CONTROL)) { + return (0); + } + + if (a->last_flow_control_ch >= max_ch) { + a->last_flow_control_ch = 1; + } + for (i = a->last_flow_control_ch; i < max_ch; i++) { + if ((a->ch_flow_control[i] & N_XON_REQ) && + (plci->Id == a->ch_flow_plci[i])) { + a->last_flow_control_ch = i + 1; + return (i); + } + } + + for (i = 1; i < a->last_flow_control_ch; i++) { + if ((a->ch_flow_control[i] & N_XON_REQ) && + (plci->Id == a->ch_flow_plci[i])) { + a->last_flow_control_ch = i + 1; + return (i); + } + } + + return (0); +} + +static void channel_xmit_xon(PLCI *plci) { + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a = plci->adapter; + byte ch; + + if (plci->nl_req || !plci->NL.Id || plci->nl_remove_id) { + return; + } + if ((ch = (byte)find_channel_with_pending_x_on(a, plci)) == 0) { + return; + } + a->ch_flow_control[ch] &= ~N_XON_REQ; + a->ch_flow_control[ch] |= N_XON_SENT; + + plci->NL.Req = plci->nl_req = (byte)N_XON; + plci->NL.ReqCh = ch; + plci->NL.X = plci->NData; + plci->NL.XNum = 1; + plci->NData[0].P = &plci->RBuffer[0]; + plci->NData[0].PLength = 0; + + plci->adapter->request(&plci->NL); +} + +static int channel_can_xon(PLCI *plci, byte ch) { + APPL *APPLptr; + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + word NCCIcode; + dword count; + word Num; + word i; + + APPLptr = plci->appl; + a = plci->adapter; + + if (!APPLptr) + return (0); + + NCCIcode = a->ch_ncci[ch] | (((word) a->Id) << 8); + + /* count all buffers within the Application pool */ + /* belonging to the same NCCI. XON if a first is */ + /* used. */ + count = 0; + Num = 0xffff; + for (i = 0; i < APPLptr->MaxBuffer; i++) { + if (NCCIcode == APPLptr->DataNCCI[i]) count++; + if (!APPLptr->DataNCCI[i] && Num == 0xffff) Num = i; + } + if ((count > 2) || (Num == 0xffff)) { + return (0); + } + return (1); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -static word CPN_filter_ok(byte *cpn,DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a,word offset) +static word CPN_filter_ok(byte *cpn, DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a, word offset) { - return 1; + return 1; } @@ -14733,116 +14733,116 @@ static word CPN_filter_ok(byte *cpn,DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a,word offset) /* function must be enabled by setting "a->group_optimization_enabled" from the */ /* OS specific part (per adapter). */ /**********************************************************************************/ -static void group_optimization(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a, PLCI * plci) -{ - word i,j,k,busy,group_found; - dword info_mask_group[MAX_CIP_TYPES]; - dword cip_mask_group[MAX_CIP_TYPES]; - word appl_number_group_type[MAX_APPL]; - PLCI *auxplci; - - set_group_ind_mask (plci); /* all APPLs within this inc. call are allowed to dial in */ - - if(!a->group_optimization_enabled) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("No group optimization")); - return; - } - - dbug(1,dprintf("Group optimization = 0x%x...", a->group_optimization_enabled)); - - for(i=0;i 1 && (a->CIP_Mask[i]) && (a->group_optimization_enabled ==1) ) - { - dbug(1,dprintf("Multi-Instance capable, no optimization required")); - return; /* allow good application unfiltered access */ - } - } - for(i=0; iCIP_Mask[i] ) - { - for(k=0,busy=false; kmax_plci; k++) - { - if(a->plci[k].Id) - { - auxplci = &a->plci[k]; - if(auxplci->appl == &application[i]) /* application has a busy PLCI */ - { - busy = true; - dbug(1,dprintf("Appl 0x%x is busy",i+1)); - } - else if(test_c_ind_mask_bit (auxplci, i)) /* application has an incoming call pending */ - { - busy = true; - dbug(1,dprintf("Appl 0x%x has inc. call pending",i+1)); - } - } - } - - for(j=0,group_found=0; j<=(MAX_CIP_TYPES) && !busy &&!group_found; j++) /* build groups with free applications only */ - { - if(j==MAX_CIP_TYPES) /* all groups are in use but group still not found */ - { /* the MAX_CIP_TYPES group enables all calls because of field overflow */ - appl_number_group_type[i] = MAX_CIP_TYPES; - group_found=true; - dbug(1,dprintf("Field overflow appl 0x%x",i+1)); - } - else if( (info_mask_group[j]==a->CIP_Mask[i]) && (cip_mask_group[j]==a->Info_Mask[i]) ) - { /* is group already present ? */ - appl_number_group_type[i] = j|0x80; /* store the group number for each application */ - group_found=true; - dbug(1,dprintf("Group 0x%x found with appl 0x%x, CIP=0x%lx",appl_number_group_type[i],i+1,info_mask_group[j])); - } - else if(!info_mask_group[j]) - { /* establish a new group */ - appl_number_group_type[i] = j|0x80; /* store the group number for each application */ - info_mask_group[j] = a->CIP_Mask[i]; /* store the new CIP mask for the new group */ - cip_mask_group[j] = a->Info_Mask[i]; /* store the new Info_Mask for this new group */ - group_found=true; - dbug(1,dprintf("New Group 0x%x established with appl 0x%x, CIP=0x%lx",appl_number_group_type[i],i+1,info_mask_group[j])); - } - } - } - } - - for(i=0; igroup_optimization_enabled) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("No group optimization")); + return; + } + + dbug(1, dprintf("Group optimization = 0x%x...", a->group_optimization_enabled)); + + for (i = 0; i < MAX_CIP_TYPES; i++) + { + info_mask_group[i] = 0; + cip_mask_group[i] = 0; + } + for (i = 0; i < MAX_APPL; i++) + { + appl_number_group_type[i] = 0; + } + for (i = 0; i < max_appl; i++) /* check if any multi instance capable application is present */ + { /* group_optimization set to 1 means not to optimize multi-instance capable applications (default) */ + if (application[i].Id && (application[i].MaxNCCI) > 1 && (a->CIP_Mask[i]) && (a->group_optimization_enabled == 1)) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("Multi-Instance capable, no optimization required")); + return; /* allow good application unfiltered access */ + } + } + for (i = 0; i < max_appl; i++) /* Build CIP Groups */ + { + if (application[i].Id && a->CIP_Mask[i]) + { + for (k = 0, busy = false; k < a->max_plci; k++) + { + if (a->plci[k].Id) + { + auxplci = &a->plci[k]; + if (auxplci->appl == &application[i]) /* application has a busy PLCI */ + { + busy = true; + dbug(1, dprintf("Appl 0x%x is busy", i + 1)); + } + else if (test_c_ind_mask_bit(auxplci, i)) /* application has an incoming call pending */ + { + busy = true; + dbug(1, dprintf("Appl 0x%x has inc. call pending", i + 1)); + } + } + } + + for (j = 0, group_found = 0; j <= (MAX_CIP_TYPES) && !busy && !group_found; j++) /* build groups with free applications only */ + { + if (j == MAX_CIP_TYPES) /* all groups are in use but group still not found */ + { /* the MAX_CIP_TYPES group enables all calls because of field overflow */ + appl_number_group_type[i] = MAX_CIP_TYPES; + group_found = true; + dbug(1, dprintf("Field overflow appl 0x%x", i + 1)); + } + else if ((info_mask_group[j] == a->CIP_Mask[i]) && (cip_mask_group[j] == a->Info_Mask[i])) + { /* is group already present ? */ + appl_number_group_type[i] = j | 0x80; /* store the group number for each application */ + group_found = true; + dbug(1, dprintf("Group 0x%x found with appl 0x%x, CIP=0x%lx", appl_number_group_type[i], i + 1, info_mask_group[j])); + } + else if (!info_mask_group[j]) + { /* establish a new group */ + appl_number_group_type[i] = j | 0x80; /* store the group number for each application */ + info_mask_group[j] = a->CIP_Mask[i]; /* store the new CIP mask for the new group */ + cip_mask_group[j] = a->Info_Mask[i]; /* store the new Info_Mask for this new group */ + group_found = true; + dbug(1, dprintf("New Group 0x%x established with appl 0x%x, CIP=0x%lx", appl_number_group_type[i], i + 1, info_mask_group[j])); + } + } + } + } + + for (i = 0; i < max_appl; i++) /* Build group_optimization_mask_table */ + { + if (appl_number_group_type[i]) /* application is free, has listens and is member of a group */ + { + if (appl_number_group_type[i] == MAX_CIP_TYPES) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("OverflowGroup 0x%x, valid appl = 0x%x, call enabled", appl_number_group_type[i], i + 1)); + } + else + { + dbug(1, dprintf("Group 0x%x, valid appl = 0x%x", appl_number_group_type[i], i + 1)); + for (j = i + 1; j < max_appl; j++) /* search other group members and mark them as busy */ + { + if (appl_number_group_type[i] == appl_number_group_type[j]) + { + dbug(1, dprintf("Appl 0x%x is member of group 0x%x, no call", j + 1, appl_number_group_type[j])); + clear_group_ind_mask_bit(plci, j); /* disable call on other group members */ + appl_number_group_type[j] = 0; /* remove disabled group member from group list */ + } + } + } + } + else /* application should not get a call */ + { + clear_group_ind_mask_bit(plci, i); + } + } } @@ -14851,201 +14851,201 @@ static void group_optimization(DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER * a, PLCI * plci) /* OS notifies the driver about a application Capi_Register */ word CapiRegister(word id) { - word i,j,appls_found; - - PLCI *plci; - DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; - - for(i=0,appls_found=0; irequest) - { - if(a->flag_dynamic_l1_down) /* remove adapter from L1 tristate (Huntgroup) */ - { - if(!appls_found) /* first application does a capi register */ - { - if((j=get_plci(a))) /* activate L1 of all adapters */ - { - plci = &a->plci[j-1]; - plci->command = 0; - add_p(plci,OAD,"\x01\xfd"); - add_p(plci,CAI,"\x01\x80"); - add_p(plci,UID,"\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); - add_p(plci,SHIFT|6,NULL); - add_p(plci,SIN,"\x02\x00\x00"); - plci->internal_command = START_L1_SIG_ASSIGN_PEND; - sig_req(plci,ASSIGN,DSIG_ID); - add_p(plci,FTY,"\x02\xff\x07"); /* l1 start */ - sig_req(plci,SIG_CTRL,0); - send_req(plci); - } - } - } - } - } - return false; + word i, j, appls_found; + + PLCI *plci; + DIVA_CAPI_ADAPTER *a; + + for (i = 0, appls_found = 0; i < max_appl; i++) + { + if (application[i].Id && (application[i].Id != id)) + { + appls_found++; /* an application has been found */ + } + } + + if (appls_found) return true; + for (i = 0; i < max_adapter; i++) /* scan all adapters... */ + { + a = &adapter[i]; + if (a->request) + { + if (a->flag_dynamic_l1_down) /* remove adapter from L1 tristate (Huntgroup) */ + { + if (!appls_found) /* first application does a capi register */ + { + if ((j = get_plci(a))) /* activate L1 of all adapters */ + { + plci = &a->plci[j - 1]; + plci->command = 0; + add_p(plci, OAD, "\x01\xfd"); + add_p(plci, CAI, "\x01\x80"); + add_p(plci, UID, "\x06\x43\x61\x70\x69\x32\x30"); + add_p(plci, SHIFT | 6, NULL); + add_p(plci, SIN, "\x02\x00\x00"); + plci->internal_command = START_L1_SIG_ASSIGN_PEND; + sig_req(plci, ASSIGN, DSIG_ID); + add_p(plci, FTY, "\x02\xff\x07"); /* l1 start */ + sig_req(plci, SIG_CTRL, 0); + send_req(plci); + } + } + } + } + } + return false; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Functions for virtual Switching e.g. Transfer by join, Conference */ -static void VSwitchReqInd(PLCI *plci, dword Id, byte **parms) -{ - word i; - /* Format of vswitch_t: - 0 byte length - 1 byte VSWITCHIE - 2 byte VSWITCH_REQ/VSWITCH_IND - 3 byte reserved - 4 word VSwitchcommand - 6 word returnerror - 8... Params - */ - if(!plci || - !plci->appl || - !plci->State || - plci->Sig.Ind==NCR_FACILITY - ) - return; - - for(i=0;irelatedPTYPLCI || - (plci->ptyState!=S_ECT && plci->relatedPTYPLCI->ptyState!=S_ECT)) - { /* Error */ - break; - } - /* remember all necessary informations */ - if(parms[i][0]!=11 || parms[i][8]!=3) /* Length Test */ - { - break; - } - if(parms[i][2]==VSWITCH_IND && parms[i][9]==1) - { /* first indication after ECT-Request on Consultation Call */ - plci->vswitchstate=parms[i][9]; - parms[i][9]=2; /* State */ - /* now ask first Call to join */ - } - else if(parms[i][2]==VSWITCH_REQ && parms[i][9]==3) - { /* Answer of VSWITCH_REQ from first Call */ - plci->vswitchstate=parms[i][9]; - /* tell consultation call to join - and the protocol capabilities of the first call */ - } - else - { /* Error */ - break; - } - plci->vsprot=parms[i][10]; /* protocol */ - plci->vsprotdialect=parms[i][11]; /* protocoldialect */ - /* send join request to related PLCI */ - parms[i][1]=VSWITCHIE; - parms[i][2]=VSWITCH_REQ; - - plci->relatedPTYPLCI->command = 0; - plci->relatedPTYPLCI->internal_command = VSWITCH_REQ_PEND; - add_p(plci->relatedPTYPLCI,ESC,&parms[i][0]); - sig_req(plci->relatedPTYPLCI,VSWITCH_REQ,0); - send_req(plci->relatedPTYPLCI); - break; - case VSTRANSPORT: - default: - if(plci->relatedPTYPLCI && - plci->vswitchstate==3 && - plci->relatedPTYPLCI->vswitchstate==3) - { - add_p(plci->relatedPTYPLCI,ESC,&parms[i][0]); - sig_req(plci->relatedPTYPLCI,VSWITCH_REQ,0); - send_req(plci->relatedPTYPLCI); - } - break; - } - parms[i][0]=0; /* kill it */ - } +static void VSwitchReqInd(PLCI *plci, dword Id, byte **parms) +{ + word i; + /* Format of vswitch_t: + 0 byte length + 1 byte VSWITCHIE + 2 byte VSWITCH_REQ/VSWITCH_IND + 3 byte reserved + 4 word VSwitchcommand + 6 word returnerror + 8... Params + */ + if (!plci || + !plci->appl || + !plci->State || + plci->Sig.Ind == NCR_FACILITY + ) + return; + + for (i = 0; i < MAX_MULTI_IE; i++) + { + if (!parms[i][0]) continue; + if (parms[i][0] < 7) + { + parms[i][0] = 0; /* kill it */ + continue; + } + dbug(1, dprintf("VSwitchReqInd(%d)", parms[i][4])); + switch (parms[i][4]) + { + case VSJOIN: + if (!plci->relatedPTYPLCI || + (plci->ptyState != S_ECT && plci->relatedPTYPLCI->ptyState != S_ECT)) + { /* Error */ + break; + } + /* remember all necessary informations */ + if (parms[i][0] != 11 || parms[i][8] != 3) /* Length Test */ + { + break; + } + if (parms[i][2] == VSWITCH_IND && parms[i][9] == 1) + { /* first indication after ECT-Request on Consultation Call */ + plci->vswitchstate = parms[i][9]; + parms[i][9] = 2; /* State */ + /* now ask first Call to join */ + } + else if (parms[i][2] == VSWITCH_REQ && parms[i][9] == 3) + { /* Answer of VSWITCH_REQ from first Call */ + plci->vswitchstate = parms[i][9]; + /* tell consultation call to join + and the protocol capabilities of the first call */ + } + else + { /* Error */ + break; + } + plci->vsprot = parms[i][10]; /* protocol */ + plci->vsprotdialect = parms[i][11]; /* protocoldialect */ + /* send join request to related PLCI */ + parms[i][1] = VSWITCHIE; + parms[i][2] = VSWITCH_REQ; + + plci->relatedPTYPLCI->command = 0; + plci->relatedPTYPLCI->internal_command = VSWITCH_REQ_PEND; + add_p(plci->relatedPTYPLCI, ESC, &parms[i][0]); + sig_req(plci->relatedPTYPLCI, VSWITCH_REQ, 0); + send_req(plci->relatedPTYPLCI); + break; + case VSTRANSPORT: + default: + if (plci->relatedPTYPLCI && + plci->vswitchstate == 3 && + plci->relatedPTYPLCI->vswitchstate == 3) + { + add_p(plci->relatedPTYPLCI, ESC, &parms[i][0]); + sig_req(plci->relatedPTYPLCI, VSWITCH_REQ, 0); + send_req(plci->relatedPTYPLCI); + } + break; + } + parms[i][0] = 0; /* kill it */ + } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -static int diva_get_dma_descriptor (PLCI *plci, dword *dma_magic) { - ENTITY e; - IDI_SYNC_REQ* pReq = (IDI_SYNC_REQ*)&e; - - if (!(diva_xdi_extended_features & DIVA_CAPI_XDI_PROVIDES_RX_DMA)) { - return (-1); - } - - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.Req = 0; - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_OPERATION; - - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.operation = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_ALLOC; - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_number = -1; - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_address = NULL; - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_magic = 0; - - e.user[0] = plci->adapter->Id - 1; - plci->adapter->request((ENTITY*)pReq); - - if (!pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.operation && - (pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_number >= 0) && - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_magic) { - *dma_magic = pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_magic; - dbug(3,dprintf("dma_alloc, a:%d (%d-%08x)", - plci->adapter->Id, - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_number, - *dma_magic)); - return (pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_number); - } else { - dbug(1,dprintf("dma_alloc failed")); - return (-1); - } -} - -static void diva_free_dma_descriptor (PLCI *plci, int nr) { - ENTITY e; - IDI_SYNC_REQ* pReq = (IDI_SYNC_REQ*)&e; - - if (nr < 0) { - return; - } - - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.Req = 0; - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_OPERATION; - - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.operation = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_FREE; - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_number = nr; - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_address = NULL; - pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_magic = 0; - - e.user[0] = plci->adapter->Id - 1; - plci->adapter->request((ENTITY*)pReq); - - if (!pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.operation) { - dbug(1,dprintf("dma_free(%d)", nr)); - } else { - dbug(1,dprintf("dma_free failed (%d)", nr)); - } +static int diva_get_dma_descriptor(PLCI *plci, dword *dma_magic) { + ENTITY e; + IDI_SYNC_REQ *pReq = (IDI_SYNC_REQ *)&e; + + if (!(diva_xdi_extended_features & DIVA_CAPI_XDI_PROVIDES_RX_DMA)) { + return (-1); + } + + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.Req = 0; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_OPERATION; + + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.operation = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_ALLOC; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_number = -1; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_address = NULL; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_magic = 0; + + e.user[0] = plci->adapter->Id - 1; + plci->adapter->request((ENTITY *)pReq); + + if (!pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.operation && + (pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_number >= 0) && + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_magic) { + *dma_magic = pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_magic; + dbug(3, dprintf("dma_alloc, a:%d (%d-%08x)", + plci->adapter->Id, + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_number, + *dma_magic)); + return (pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_number); + } else { + dbug(1, dprintf("dma_alloc failed")); + return (-1); + } +} + +static void diva_free_dma_descriptor(PLCI *plci, int nr) { + ENTITY e; + IDI_SYNC_REQ *pReq = (IDI_SYNC_REQ *)&e; + + if (nr < 0) { + return; + } + + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.Req = 0; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_OPERATION; + + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.operation = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_FREE; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_number = nr; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_address = NULL; + pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.descriptor_magic = 0; + + e.user[0] = plci->adapter->Id - 1; + plci->adapter->request((ENTITY *)pReq); + + if (!pReq->xdi_dma_descriptor_operation.info.operation) { + dbug(1, dprintf("dma_free(%d)", nr)); + } else { + dbug(1, dprintf("dma_free failed (%d)", nr)); + } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/mi_pc.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/mi_pc.h index a861dac1f784b7f7580ed2b0985f58f6f4cbb880..83e9ed8c1bf39dcb8faced87f244d984dbd10661 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/mi_pc.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/mi_pc.h @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -68,30 +68,30 @@ /* CPU exception context structure in MP shared ram after trap */ typedef struct mp_xcptcontext_s MP_XCPTC; struct mp_xcptcontext_s { - dword sr; - dword cr; - dword epc; - dword vaddr; - dword regs[32]; - dword mdlo; - dword mdhi; - dword reseverd; - dword xclass; + dword sr; + dword cr; + dword epc; + dword vaddr; + dword regs[32]; + dword mdlo; + dword mdhi; + dword reseverd; + dword xclass; }; /* boot interface structure for PRI */ struct mp_load { - dword volatile cmd; - dword volatile addr; - dword volatile len; - dword volatile err; - dword volatile live; - dword volatile res1[0x1b]; - dword volatile TrapId; /* has value 0x999999XX on a CPU trap */ - dword volatile res2[0x03]; - MP_XCPTC volatile xcpt; /* contains register dump */ - dword volatile rest[((0x1020>>2)-6) - 0x1b - 1 - 0x03 - (sizeof(MP_XCPTC)>>2)]; - dword volatile signature; - dword data[60000]; /* real interface description */ + dword volatile cmd; + dword volatile addr; + dword volatile len; + dword volatile err; + dword volatile live; + dword volatile res1[0x1b]; + dword volatile TrapId; /* has value 0x999999XX on a CPU trap */ + dword volatile res2[0x03]; + MP_XCPTC volatile xcpt; /* contains register dump */ + dword volatile rest[((0x1020 >> 2) - 6) - 0x1b - 1 - 0x03 - (sizeof(MP_XCPTC) >> 2)]; + dword volatile signature; + dword data[60000]; /* real interface description */ }; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* SERVER 4BRI (Quattro PCI) */ @@ -150,11 +150,11 @@ struct mp_load { #define CS_BASEREG 0x0018 #define BOOT_BASEREG 0x001c #define GTREGS_BASEREG 0x0024 /*GTRegsBase reg-contain the base addr where*/ - /*the GT64010 internal regs where mapped */ + /*the GT64010 internal regs where mapped */ /* * GT64010 internal registers */ - /* DRAM device coding */ +/* DRAM device coding */ #define LOW_RAS0_DREG 0x0400 /*Ras0 low decode address*/ #define HI_RAS0_DREG 0x0404 /*Ras0 high decode address*/ #define LOW_RAS1_DREG 0x0408 /*Ras1 low decode address*/ @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ struct mp_load { #define HI_RAS2_DREG 0x0414 /*Ras2 high decode address*/ #define LOW_RAS3_DREG 0x0418 /*Ras3 low decode address*/ #define HI_RAS3_DREG 0x041c /*Ras3 high decode address*/ - /* I/O CS device coding */ +/* I/O CS device coding */ #define LOW_CS0_DREG 0x0420 /* CS0* low decode register */ #define HI_CS0_DREG 0x0424 /* CS0* high decode register */ #define LOW_CS1_DREG 0x0428 /* CS1* low decode register */ @@ -172,20 +172,20 @@ struct mp_load { #define HI_CS2_DREG 0x0434 /* CS2* high decode register */ #define LOW_CS3_DREG 0x0438 /* CS3* low decode register */ #define HI_CS3_DREG 0x043c /* CS3* high decode register */ - /* Boot PROM device coding */ +/* Boot PROM device coding */ #define LOW_BOOTCS_DREG 0x0440 /* Boot CS low decode register */ #define HI_BOOTCS_DREG 0x0444 /* Boot CS High decode register */ - /* DRAM group coding (for CPU) */ +/* DRAM group coding (for CPU) */ #define LO_RAS10_GREG 0x0008 /*Ras1..0 group low decode address*/ #define HI_RAS10_GREG 0x0010 /*Ras1..0 group high decode address*/ #define LO_RAS32_GREG 0x0018 /*Ras3..2 group low decode address */ #define HI_RAS32_GREG 0x0020 /*Ras3..2 group high decode address */ - /* I/O CS group coding for (CPU) */ +/* I/O CS group coding for (CPU) */ #define LO_CS20_GREG 0x0028 /* CS2..0 group low decode register */ #define HI_CS20_GREG 0x0030 /* CS2..0 group high decode register */ #define LO_CS3B_GREG 0x0038 /* CS3 & PROM group low decode register */ #define HI_CS3B_GREG 0x0040 /* CS3 & PROM group high decode register */ - /* Galileo specific PCI config. */ +/* Galileo specific PCI config. */ #define PCI_TIMEOUT_RET 0x0c04 /* Time Out and retry register */ #define RAS10_BANKSIZE 0x0c08 /* RAS 1..0 group PCI bank size */ #define RAS32_BANKSIZE 0x0c0c /* RAS 3..2 group PCI bank size */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/mntfunc.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/mntfunc.c index a564b7560031dfaac28ad8d7924370f513acb79f..d6072607305cc4085407e5ceec6a8bbffec5683d 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/mntfunc.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/mntfunc.c @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ static dword notify_handle; static DESCRIPTOR DAdapter; static DESCRIPTOR MAdapter; static DESCRIPTOR MaintDescriptor = - { IDI_DIMAINT, 0, 0, (IDI_CALL) diva_maint_prtComp }; +{ IDI_DIMAINT, 0, 0, (IDI_CALL) diva_maint_prtComp }; extern int diva_os_copy_to_user(void *os_handle, void __user *dst, const void *src, int length); @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ static void no_printf(unsigned char *x, ...) /* * DIDD callback function */ -static void *didd_callback(void *context, DESCRIPTOR * adapter, +static void *didd_callback(void *context, DESCRIPTOR *adapter, int removal) { if (adapter->type == IDI_DADAPTER) { @@ -87,20 +87,20 @@ static int DIVA_INIT_FUNCTION connect_didd(void) memcpy(&DAdapter, &DIDD_Table[x], sizeof(DAdapter)); req.didd_notify.e.Req = 0; req.didd_notify.e.Rc = - IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REGISTER_ADAPTER_NOTIFY; + IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REGISTER_ADAPTER_NOTIFY; req.didd_notify.info.callback = (void *)didd_callback; req.didd_notify.info.context = NULL; - DAdapter.request((ENTITY *) & req); + DAdapter.request((ENTITY *)&req); if (req.didd_notify.e.Rc != 0xff) return (0); notify_handle = req.didd_notify.info.handle; /* Register MAINT (me) */ req.didd_add_adapter.e.Req = 0; req.didd_add_adapter.e.Rc = - IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_ADD_ADAPTER; + IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_ADD_ADAPTER; req.didd_add_adapter.info.descriptor = - (void *) &MaintDescriptor; - DAdapter.request((ENTITY *) & req); + (void *) &MaintDescriptor; + DAdapter.request((ENTITY *)&req); if (req.didd_add_adapter.e.Rc != 0xff) return (0); } else if ((DIDD_Table[x].type > 0) @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ static void DIVA_EXIT_FUNCTION disconnect_didd(void) req.didd_notify.e.Req = 0; req.didd_notify.e.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REMOVE_ADAPTER_NOTIFY; req.didd_notify.info.handle = notify_handle; - DAdapter.request((ENTITY *) & req); + DAdapter.request((ENTITY *)&req); req.didd_remove_adapter.e.Req = 0; req.didd_remove_adapter.e.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_DIDD_REMOVE_ADAPTER; req.didd_remove_adapter.info.p_request = - (IDI_CALL) MaintDescriptor.request; - DAdapter.request((ENTITY *) & req); + (IDI_CALL) MaintDescriptor.request; + DAdapter.request((ENTITY *)&req); } /* @@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ int maint_read_write(void __user *buf, int count) return (-EFAULT); } - cmd = *(dword *) & data[0]; /* command */ - id = *(dword *) & data[4]; /* driver id */ - mask = *(dword *) & data[8]; /* mask or size */ + cmd = *(dword *)&data[0]; /* command */ + id = *(dword *)&data[4]; /* driver id */ + mask = *(dword *)&data[8]; /* mask or size */ switch (cmd) { case DITRACE_CMD_GET_DRIVER_INFO: @@ -178,19 +178,19 @@ int maint_read_write(void __user *buf, int count) } break; - /* - Filter commands will ignore the ID due to fact that filtering affects - the B- channel and Audio Tap trace levels only. Also MAINT driver will - select the right trace ID by itself - */ + /* + Filter commands will ignore the ID due to fact that filtering affects + the B- channel and Audio Tap trace levels only. Also MAINT driver will + select the right trace ID by itself + */ case DITRACE_WRITE_SELECTIVE_TRACE_FILTER: if (!mask) { - ret = diva_set_trace_filter (1, "*"); + ret = diva_set_trace_filter(1, "*"); } else if (mask < sizeof(data)) { - if (diva_os_copy_from_user(NULL, data, (char __user *)buf+12, mask)) { + if (diva_os_copy_from_user(NULL, data, (char __user *)buf + 12, mask)) { ret = -EFAULT; } else { - ret = diva_set_trace_filter ((int)mask, data); + ret = diva_set_trace_filter((int)mask, data); } } else { ret = -EINVAL; @@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ int maint_read_write(void __user *buf, int count) break; case DITRACE_READ_SELECTIVE_TRACE_FILTER: - if ((ret = diva_get_trace_filter (sizeof(data), data)) > 0) { - if (diva_os_copy_to_user (NULL, buf, data, ret)) + if ((ret = diva_get_trace_filter(sizeof(data), data)) > 0) { + if (diva_os_copy_to_user(NULL, buf, data, ret)) ret = -EFAULT; } else { ret = -ENODEV; @@ -207,88 +207,88 @@ int maint_read_write(void __user *buf, int count) break; case DITRACE_READ_TRACE_ENTRY:{ - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; - word size; - diva_dbg_entry_head_t *pmsg; - byte *pbuf; + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; + word size; + diva_dbg_entry_head_t *pmsg; + byte *pbuf; - if (!(pbuf = diva_os_malloc(0, mask))) { - return (-ENOMEM); - } + if (!(pbuf = diva_os_malloc(0, mask))) { + return (-ENOMEM); + } - for(;;) { - if (!(pmsg = - diva_maint_get_message(&size, &old_irql))) { - break; - } - if (size > mask) { - diva_maint_ack_message(0, &old_irql); - ret = -EINVAL; - break; - } - ret = size; - memcpy(pbuf, pmsg, size); - diva_maint_ack_message(1, &old_irql); - if ((count < size) || - diva_os_copy_to_user (NULL, buf, (void *) pbuf, size)) - ret = -EFAULT; + for (;;) { + if (!(pmsg = + diva_maint_get_message(&size, &old_irql))) { + break; + } + if (size > mask) { + diva_maint_ack_message(0, &old_irql); + ret = -EINVAL; break; } - diva_os_free(0, pbuf); + ret = size; + memcpy(pbuf, pmsg, size); + diva_maint_ack_message(1, &old_irql); + if ((count < size) || + diva_os_copy_to_user(NULL, buf, (void *) pbuf, size)) + ret = -EFAULT; + break; } + diva_os_free(0, pbuf); + } break; case DITRACE_READ_TRACE_ENTRYS:{ - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; - word size; - diva_dbg_entry_head_t *pmsg; - byte *pbuf = NULL; - int written = 0; + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; + word size; + diva_dbg_entry_head_t *pmsg; + byte *pbuf = NULL; + int written = 0; - if (mask < 4096) { - ret = -EINVAL; + if (mask < 4096) { + ret = -EINVAL; + break; + } + if (!(pbuf = diva_os_malloc(0, mask))) { + return (-ENOMEM); + } + + for (;;) { + if (!(pmsg = + diva_maint_get_message(&size, &old_irql))) { break; } - if (!(pbuf = diva_os_malloc(0, mask))) { - return (-ENOMEM); - } - - for (;;) { - if (!(pmsg = - diva_maint_get_message(&size, &old_irql))) { - break; - } - if ((size + 8) > mask) { - diva_maint_ack_message(0, &old_irql); - break; - } - /* - Write entry length - */ - pbuf[written++] = (byte) size; - pbuf[written++] = (byte) (size >> 8); - pbuf[written++] = 0; - pbuf[written++] = 0; - /* - Write message - */ - memcpy(&pbuf[written], pmsg, size); - diva_maint_ack_message(1, &old_irql); - written += size; - mask -= (size + 4); + if ((size + 8) > mask) { + diva_maint_ack_message(0, &old_irql); + break; } + /* + Write entry length + */ + pbuf[written++] = (byte) size; + pbuf[written++] = (byte) (size >> 8); pbuf[written++] = 0; pbuf[written++] = 0; - pbuf[written++] = 0; - pbuf[written++] = 0; + /* + Write message + */ + memcpy(&pbuf[written], pmsg, size); + diva_maint_ack_message(1, &old_irql); + written += size; + mask -= (size + 4); + } + pbuf[written++] = 0; + pbuf[written++] = 0; + pbuf[written++] = 0; + pbuf[written++] = 0; - if ((count < written) || diva_os_copy_to_user(NULL, buf, (void *) pbuf, written)) { - ret = -EFAULT; - } else { - ret = written; - } - diva_os_free(0, pbuf); + if ((count < written) || diva_os_copy_to_user(NULL, buf, (void *) pbuf, written)) { + ret = -EFAULT; + } else { + ret = written; } + diva_os_free(0, pbuf); + } break; default: @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ int DIVA_INIT_FUNCTION mntfunc_init(int *buffer_length, void **buffer, } else { while ((*buffer_length >= (64 * 1024)) && - (!(*buffer = diva_os_malloc (0, *buffer_length)))) { + (!(*buffer = diva_os_malloc(0, *buffer_length)))) { *buffer_length -= 1024; } @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ int DIVA_INIT_FUNCTION mntfunc_init(int *buffer_length, void **buffer, if (diva_maint_init(*buffer, *buffer_length, (diva_dbg_mem == 0))) { if (!diva_dbg_mem) { - diva_os_free (0, *buffer); + diva_os_free(0, *buffer); } DBG_ERR(("init: maint init failed")); return (0); @@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ int DIVA_INIT_FUNCTION mntfunc_init(int *buffer_length, void **buffer, DBG_ERR(("init: failed to connect to DIDD.")); diva_maint_finit(); if (!diva_dbg_mem) { - diva_os_free (0, *buffer); + diva_os_free(0, *buffer); } return (0); } @@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ void DIVA_EXIT_FUNCTION mntfunc_finit(void) disconnect_didd(); if ((buffer = diva_maint_finit())) { - diva_os_free (0, buffer); + diva_os_free(0, buffer); } memset(&MAdapter, 0, sizeof(MAdapter)); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_4bri.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_4bri.c index cb7616c5b60ac0c711cc4b6736d71cc4f821696c..1891246807edfadffbdb6d1cacb0b9a776217ac3 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_4bri.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_4bri.c @@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ static dword diva_xdiLoadFileLength = 0; extern void prepare_qBri_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); extern void prepare_qBri2_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); extern void diva_xdi_display_adapter_features(int card); -extern void diva_add_slave_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); +extern void diva_add_slave_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); extern int qBri_FPGA_download(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); extern void start_qBri_hardware(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); -extern int diva_card_read_xlog(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); +extern int diva_card_read_xlog(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); /* ** LOCALS @@ -57,23 +57,23 @@ static unsigned long _4bri_v2_bri_bar_length[4] = { }; -static int diva_4bri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); -static int _4bri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); +static int diva_4bri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); +static int _4bri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); static int diva_4bri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, - diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_t * cmd, + diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_t *cmd, int length); -static int diva_4bri_cleanup_slave_adapters(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); -static int diva_4bri_write_fpga_image(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a, - byte * data, dword length); +static int diva_4bri_cleanup_slave_adapters(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); +static int diva_4bri_write_fpga_image(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a, + byte *data, dword length); static int diva_4bri_reset_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); static int diva_4bri_write_sdram_block(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, dword address, - const byte * data, + const byte *data, dword length, dword limit); static int diva_4bri_start_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, dword start_address, dword features); static int check_qBri_interrupt(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); -static int diva_4bri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); +static int diva_4bri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); static int _4bri_is_rev_2_card(int card_ordinal) { @@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ static void diva_4bri_set_addresses(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) a->resources.pci.mem_type_id[MEM_TYPE_PROM] = 0; /* - Set up hardware related pointers - */ + Set up hardware related pointers + */ a->xdi_adapter.Address = a->resources.pci.addr[2]; /* BAR2 SDRAM */ a->xdi_adapter.Address += c_offset; @@ -121,15 +121,15 @@ static void diva_4bri_set_addresses(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) a->xdi_adapter.ram = a->resources.pci.addr[2]; /* BAR2 SDRAM */ a->xdi_adapter.ram += c_offset + (offset - MQ_SHARED_RAM_SIZE); - + a->xdi_adapter.reset = a->resources.pci.addr[0]; /* BAR0 CONFIG */ /* - ctlReg contains the register address for the MIPS CPU reset control - */ + ctlReg contains the register address for the MIPS CPU reset control + */ a->xdi_adapter.ctlReg = a->resources.pci.addr[3]; /* BAR3 CNTRL */ /* - prom contains the register address for FPGA and EEPROM programming - */ + prom contains the register address for FPGA and EEPROM programming + */ a->xdi_adapter.prom = &a->xdi_adapter.reset[0x6E]; } @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ static void diva_4bri_set_addresses(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) ** ** Called by master adapter, that will initialize and add slave adapters */ -int diva_4bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +int diva_4bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { int bar, i; byte __iomem *p; @@ -168,48 +168,48 @@ int diva_4bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) DBG_TRC(("SDRAM_LENGTH=%08x, tasks=%d, factor=%d", bar_length[2], tasks, factor)) - /* - Get Serial Number - The serial number of 4BRI is accessible in accordance with PCI spec - via command register located in configuration space, also we do not - have to map any BAR before we can access it - */ - if (!_4bri_get_serial_number(a)) { - DBG_ERR(("A: 4BRI can't get Serial Number")) - diva_4bri_cleanup_adapter(a); - return (-1); - } + /* + Get Serial Number + The serial number of 4BRI is accessible in accordance with PCI spec + via command register located in configuration space, also we do not + have to map any BAR before we can access it + */ + if (!_4bri_get_serial_number(a)) { + DBG_ERR(("A: 4BRI can't get Serial Number")) + diva_4bri_cleanup_adapter(a); + return (-1); + } /* - Set properties - */ + Set properties + */ a->xdi_adapter.Properties = CardProperties[a->CardOrdinal]; DBG_LOG(("Load %s, SN:%ld, bus:%02x, func:%02x", a->xdi_adapter.Properties.Name, a->xdi_adapter.serialNo, a->resources.pci.bus, a->resources.pci.func)) - /* - First initialization step: get and check hardware resoures. - Do not map resources and do not access card at this step - */ - for (bar = 0; bar < 4; bar++) { - a->resources.pci.bar[bar] = - divasa_get_pci_bar(a->resources.pci.bus, - a->resources.pci.func, bar, - a->resources.pci.hdev); - if (!a->resources.pci.bar[bar] - || (a->resources.pci.bar[bar] == 0xFFFFFFF0)) { - DBG_ERR( - ("A: invalid bar[%d]=%08x", bar, - a->resources.pci.bar[bar])) - return (-1); + /* + First initialization step: get and check hardware resoures. + Do not map resources and do not access card at this step + */ + for (bar = 0; bar < 4; bar++) { + a->resources.pci.bar[bar] = + divasa_get_pci_bar(a->resources.pci.bus, + a->resources.pci.func, bar, + a->resources.pci.hdev); + if (!a->resources.pci.bar[bar] + || (a->resources.pci.bar[bar] == 0xFFFFFFF0)) { + DBG_ERR( + ("A: invalid bar[%d]=%08x", bar, + a->resources.pci.bar[bar])) + return (-1); + } } - } a->resources.pci.irq = - (byte) divasa_get_pci_irq(a->resources.pci.bus, - a->resources.pci.func, - a->resources.pci.hdev); + (byte) divasa_get_pci_irq(a->resources.pci.bus, + a->resources.pci.func, + a->resources.pci.hdev); if (!a->resources.pci.irq) { DBG_ERR(("A: invalid irq")); return (-1); @@ -218,30 +218,30 @@ int diva_4bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) a->xdi_adapter.sdram_bar = a->resources.pci.bar[2]; /* - Map all MEMORY BAR's - */ + Map all MEMORY BAR's + */ for (bar = 0; bar < 4; bar++) { if (bar != 1) { /* ignore I/O */ a->resources.pci.addr[bar] = - divasa_remap_pci_bar(a, bar, a->resources.pci.bar[bar], - bar_length[bar]); + divasa_remap_pci_bar(a, bar, a->resources.pci.bar[bar], + bar_length[bar]); if (!a->resources.pci.addr[bar]) { DBG_ERR(("A: 4BRI: can't map bar[%d]", bar)) - diva_4bri_cleanup_adapter(a); + diva_4bri_cleanup_adapter(a); return (-1); } } } /* - Register I/O port - */ + Register I/O port + */ sprintf(&a->port_name[0], "DIVA 4BRI %ld", (long) a->xdi_adapter.serialNo); if (diva_os_register_io_port(a, 1, a->resources.pci.bar[1], bar_length[1], &a->port_name[0], 1)) { DBG_ERR(("A: 4BRI: can't register bar[1]")) - diva_4bri_cleanup_adapter(a); + diva_4bri_cleanup_adapter(a); return (-1); } @@ -249,23 +249,23 @@ int diva_4bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) (void *) (unsigned long) a->resources.pci.bar[1]; /* - Set cleanup pointer for base adapter only, so slave adapter - will be unable to get cleanup - */ + Set cleanup pointer for base adapter only, so slave adapter + will be unable to get cleanup + */ a->interface.cleanup_adapter_proc = diva_4bri_cleanup_adapter; /* - Create slave adapters - */ + Create slave adapters + */ if (tasks > 1) { if (!(a->slave_adapters[0] = - (diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *) diva_os_malloc(0, sizeof(*a)))) + (diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *) diva_os_malloc(0, sizeof(*a)))) { diva_4bri_cleanup_adapter(a); return (-1); } if (!(a->slave_adapters[1] = - (diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *) diva_os_malloc(0, sizeof(*a)))) + (diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *) diva_os_malloc(0, sizeof(*a)))) { diva_os_free(0, a->slave_adapters[0]); a->slave_adapters[0] = NULL; @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ int diva_4bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) return (-1); } if (!(a->slave_adapters[2] = - (diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *) diva_os_malloc(0, sizeof(*a)))) + (diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *) diva_os_malloc(0, sizeof(*a)))) { diva_os_free(0, a->slave_adapters[0]); diva_os_free(0, a->slave_adapters[1]); @@ -293,10 +293,10 @@ int diva_4bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) adapter_list[3] = a->slave_adapters[2]; /* - Allocate slave list - */ + Allocate slave list + */ quadro_list = - (PADAPTER_LIST_ENTRY) diva_os_malloc(0, sizeof(*quadro_list)); + (PADAPTER_LIST_ENTRY) diva_os_malloc(0, sizeof(*quadro_list)); if (!(a->slave_list = quadro_list)) { for (i = 0; i < (tasks - 1); i++) { diva_os_free(0, a->slave_adapters[i]); @@ -308,14 +308,14 @@ int diva_4bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) memset(quadro_list, 0x00, sizeof(*quadro_list)); /* - Set interfaces - */ + Set interfaces + */ a->xdi_adapter.QuadroList = quadro_list; for (i = 0; i < tasks; i++) { adapter_list[i]->xdi_adapter.ControllerNumber = i; adapter_list[i]->xdi_adapter.tasks = tasks; quadro_list->QuadroAdapter[i] = - &adapter_list[i]->xdi_adapter; + &adapter_list[i]->xdi_adapter; } for (i = 0; i < tasks; i++) { @@ -324,21 +324,21 @@ int diva_4bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) diva_current->dsp_mask = 0x00000003; diva_current->xdi_adapter.a.io = - &diva_current->xdi_adapter; + &diva_current->xdi_adapter; diva_current->xdi_adapter.DIRequest = request; diva_current->interface.cmd_proc = diva_4bri_cmd_card_proc; diva_current->xdi_adapter.Properties = - CardProperties[a->CardOrdinal]; + CardProperties[a->CardOrdinal]; diva_current->CardOrdinal = a->CardOrdinal; diva_current->xdi_adapter.Channels = - CardProperties[a->CardOrdinal].Channels; + CardProperties[a->CardOrdinal].Channels; diva_current->xdi_adapter.e_max = - CardProperties[a->CardOrdinal].E_info; + CardProperties[a->CardOrdinal].E_info; diva_current->xdi_adapter.e_tbl = - diva_os_malloc(0, - diva_current->xdi_adapter.e_max * - sizeof(E_INFO)); + diva_os_malloc(0, + diva_current->xdi_adapter.e_max * + sizeof(E_INFO)); if (!diva_current->xdi_adapter.e_tbl) { diva_4bri_cleanup_slave_adapters(a); @@ -370,8 +370,8 @@ int diva_4bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) strcpy(diva_current->xdi_adapter.req_soft_isr. dpc_thread_name, "kdivas4brid"); - if (diva_os_initialize_soft_isr (&diva_current->xdi_adapter.req_soft_isr, DIDpcRoutine, - &diva_current->xdi_adapter)) { + if (diva_os_initialize_soft_isr(&diva_current->xdi_adapter.req_soft_isr, DIDpcRoutine, + &diva_current->xdi_adapter)) { diva_4bri_cleanup_slave_adapters(a); diva_4bri_cleanup_adapter(a); for (i = 1; i < (tasks - 1); i++) { @@ -381,10 +381,10 @@ int diva_4bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) } /* - Do not initialize second DPC - only one thread will be created - */ + Do not initialize second DPC - only one thread will be created + */ diva_current->xdi_adapter.isr_soft_isr.object = - diva_current->xdi_adapter.req_soft_isr.object; + diva_current->xdi_adapter.req_soft_isr.object; } if (v2) { @@ -397,12 +397,12 @@ int diva_4bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) diva_current = adapter_list[i]; if (i) memcpy(&diva_current->resources, &a->resources, sizeof(divas_card_resources_t)); - diva_current->resources.pci.qoffset = (a->xdi_adapter.MemorySize >> factor); + diva_current->resources.pci.qoffset = (a->xdi_adapter.MemorySize >> factor); } /* - Set up hardware related pointers - */ + Set up hardware related pointers + */ a->xdi_adapter.cfg = (void *) (unsigned long) a->resources.pci.bar[0]; /* BAR0 CONFIG */ a->xdi_adapter.port = (void *) (unsigned long) a->resources.pci.bar[1]; /* BAR1 */ a->xdi_adapter.ctlReg = (void *) (unsigned long) a->resources.pci.bar[3]; /* BAR3 CNTRL */ @@ -415,21 +415,21 @@ int diva_4bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) Slave->sdram_bar = a->xdi_adapter.sdram_bar; if (i) { Slave->serialNo = ((dword) (Slave->ControllerNumber << 24)) | - a->xdi_adapter.serialNo; + a->xdi_adapter.serialNo; Slave->cardType = a->xdi_adapter.cardType; } } /* - reset contains the base address for the PLX 9054 register set - */ + reset contains the base address for the PLX 9054 register set + */ p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RESET(&a->xdi_adapter); WRITE_BYTE(&p[PLX9054_INTCSR], 0x00); /* disable PCI interrupts */ DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RESET(&a->xdi_adapter, p); /* - Set IRQ handler - */ + Set IRQ handler + */ a->xdi_adapter.irq_info.irq_nr = a->resources.pci.irq; sprintf(a->xdi_adapter.irq_info.irq_name, "DIVA 4BRI %ld", (long) a->xdi_adapter.serialNo); @@ -447,8 +447,8 @@ int diva_4bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) a->xdi_adapter.irq_info.registered = 1; /* - Add three slave adapters - */ + Add three slave adapters + */ if (tasks > 1) { diva_add_slave_adapter(adapter_list[1]); diva_add_slave_adapter(adapter_list[2]); @@ -466,33 +466,33 @@ int diva_4bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) ** this is guaranteed by design: cleanup callback is set ** by master adapter only */ -static int diva_4bri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +static int diva_4bri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { int bar; /* - Stop adapter if running - */ + Stop adapter if running + */ if (a->xdi_adapter.Initialized) { diva_4bri_stop_adapter(a); } /* - Remove IRQ handler - */ + Remove IRQ handler + */ if (a->xdi_adapter.irq_info.registered) { diva_os_remove_irq(a, a->xdi_adapter.irq_info.irq_nr); } a->xdi_adapter.irq_info.registered = 0; /* - Free DPC's and spin locks on all adapters - */ + Free DPC's and spin locks on all adapters + */ diva_4bri_cleanup_slave_adapters(a); /* - Unmap all BARS - */ + Unmap all BARS + */ for (bar = 0; bar < 4; bar++) { if (bar != 1) { if (a->resources.pci.bar[bar] @@ -505,8 +505,8 @@ static int diva_4bri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) } /* - Unregister I/O - */ + Unregister I/O + */ if (a->resources.pci.bar[1] && a->resources.pci.addr[1]) { diva_os_register_io_port(a, 0, a->resources.pci.bar[1], _4bri_is_rev_2_card(a-> @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ static int diva_4bri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) return (0); } -static int _4bri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +static int _4bri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { dword data[64]; dword serNo; @@ -551,13 +551,13 @@ static int _4bri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) } if (j >= 5) { DBG_ERR(("EEPROM[%d] read failed (0x%x)", i * 4, addr)) - return (0); + return (0); } PCIread(Bus, Slot, 0x50, &data[i], sizeof(data[i]), hdev); } DBG_BLK(((char *) &data[0], sizeof(data))) - serNo = data[32]; + serNo = data[32]; if (serNo == 0 || serNo == 0xffffffff) serNo = data[63]; @@ -572,13 +572,13 @@ static int _4bri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) DBG_REG(("Serial No. : %ld", a->xdi_adapter.serialNo)) - return (serNo); + return (serNo); } /* ** Release resources of slave adapters */ -static int diva_4bri_cleanup_slave_adapters(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +static int diva_4bri_cleanup_slave_adapters(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *adapter_list[4]; diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *diva_current; @@ -625,24 +625,24 @@ static int diva_4bri_cleanup_slave_adapters(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) static int diva_4bri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, - diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_t * cmd, int length) + diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_t *cmd, int length) { int ret = -1; if (cmd->adapter != a->controller) { DBG_ERR(("A: 4bri_cmd, invalid controller=%d != %d", cmd->adapter, a->controller)) - return (-1); + return (-1); } switch (cmd->command) { case DIVA_XDI_UM_CMD_GET_CARD_ORDINAL: a->xdi_mbox.data_length = sizeof(dword); a->xdi_mbox.data = - diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); + diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); if (a->xdi_mbox.data) { *(dword *) a->xdi_mbox.data = - (dword) a->CardOrdinal; + (dword) a->CardOrdinal; a->xdi_mbox.status = DIVA_XDI_MBOX_BUSY; ret = 0; } @@ -651,10 +651,10 @@ diva_4bri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, case DIVA_XDI_UM_CMD_GET_SERIAL_NR: a->xdi_mbox.data_length = sizeof(dword); a->xdi_mbox.data = - diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); + diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); if (a->xdi_mbox.data) { *(dword *) a->xdi_mbox.data = - (dword) a->xdi_adapter.serialNo; + (dword) a->xdi_adapter.serialNo; a->xdi_mbox.status = DIVA_XDI_MBOX_BUSY; ret = 0; } @@ -663,11 +663,11 @@ diva_4bri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, case DIVA_XDI_UM_CMD_GET_PCI_HW_CONFIG: if (!a->xdi_adapter.ControllerNumber) { /* - Only master adapter can access hardware config - */ + Only master adapter can access hardware config + */ a->xdi_mbox.data_length = sizeof(dword) * 9; a->xdi_mbox.data = - diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); + diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); if (a->xdi_mbox.data) { int i; dword *data = (dword *) a->xdi_mbox.data; @@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ diva_4bri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, if (!a->xdi_adapter.ControllerNumber) { a->xdi_mbox.data_length = sizeof(dword); a->xdi_mbox.data = - diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); + diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); if (a->xdi_mbox.data) { dword *data = (dword *) a->xdi_mbox.data; if (!a->xdi_adapter.ram @@ -709,11 +709,11 @@ diva_4bri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, case DIVA_XDI_UM_CMD_WRITE_FPGA: if (!a->xdi_adapter.ControllerNumber) { ret = - diva_4bri_write_fpga_image(a, - (byte *) & cmd[1], - cmd->command_data. - write_fpga. - image_length); + diva_4bri_write_fpga_image(a, + (byte *)&cmd[1], + cmd->command_data. + write_fpga. + image_length); } break; @@ -754,12 +754,12 @@ diva_4bri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, case DIVA_XDI_UM_CMD_SET_PROTOCOL_FEATURES: if (!a->xdi_adapter.ControllerNumber) { a->xdi_adapter.features = - cmd->command_data.features.features; + cmd->command_data.features.features; a->xdi_adapter.a.protocol_capabilities = - a->xdi_adapter.features; + a->xdi_adapter.features; DBG_TRC(("Set raw protocol features (%08x)", a->xdi_adapter.features)) - ret = 0; + ret = 0; } break; @@ -777,16 +777,16 @@ diva_4bri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, if (!a->xdi_adapter.ControllerNumber && a->xdi_adapter.Address) { if ( - (a->xdi_mbox.data_length = - cmd->command_data.read_sdram.length)) { + (a->xdi_mbox.data_length = + cmd->command_data.read_sdram.length)) { if ( - (a->xdi_mbox.data_length + - cmd->command_data.read_sdram.offset) < - a->xdi_adapter.MemorySize) { + (a->xdi_mbox.data_length + + cmd->command_data.read_sdram.offset) < + a->xdi_adapter.MemorySize) { a->xdi_mbox.data = - diva_os_malloc(0, - a->xdi_mbox. - data_length); + diva_os_malloc(0, + a->xdi_mbox. + data_length); if (a->xdi_mbox.data) { byte __iomem *p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_ADDRESS(&a->xdi_adapter); byte __iomem *src = p; @@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ diva_4bri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, default: DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) invalid cmd=%d", a->controller, cmd->command)) - } + } return (ret); } @@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ void diva_os_set_qBri2_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) } static int -diva_4bri_write_fpga_image(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a, byte * data, +diva_4bri_write_fpga_image(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a, byte *data, dword length) { int ret; @@ -865,12 +865,12 @@ static int diva_4bri_reset_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) if (IoAdapter->Initialized) { DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) can't reset 4BRI adapter - please stop first", IoAdapter->ANum)) - return (-1); + return (-1); } /* - Forget all entities on all adapters - */ + Forget all entities on all adapters + */ for (i = 0; ((i < IoAdapter->tasks) && IoAdapter->QuadroList); i++) { Slave = IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[i]; Slave->e_count = 0; @@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ static int diva_4bri_reset_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) static int diva_4bri_write_sdram_block(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, dword address, - const byte * data, dword length, dword limit) + const byte *data, dword length, dword limit) { byte __iomem *p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter); byte __iomem *mem = p; @@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ diva_4bri_write_sdram_block(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter, p); DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) write 4BRI address=0x%08lx", IoAdapter->ANum, address + length)) - return (-1); + return (-1); } mem += address; @@ -939,14 +939,14 @@ diva_4bri_start_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, byte __iomem *p; /* - start adapter - */ + start adapter + */ start_qBri_hardware(IoAdapter); p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM(IoAdapter); /* - wait for signature in shared memory (max. 3 seconds) - */ + wait for signature in shared memory (max. 3 seconds) + */ signature = (volatile word __iomem *) (&p[0x1E]); for (i = 0; i < 300; ++i) { @@ -954,23 +954,23 @@ diva_4bri_start_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, if (READ_WORD(&signature[0]) == 0x4447) { DBG_TRC(("Protocol startup time %d.%02d seconds", (i / 100), (i % 100))) - started = 1; + started = 1; break; } } for (i = 1; i < IoAdapter->tasks; i++) { IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[i]->features = - IoAdapter->features; + IoAdapter->features; IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[i]->a. - protocol_capabilities = IoAdapter->features; + protocol_capabilities = IoAdapter->features; } if (!started) { DBG_FTL(("%s: Adapter selftest failed, signature=%04x", IoAdapter->Properties.Name, READ_WORD(&signature[0]))) - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM(IoAdapter, p); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM(IoAdapter, p); (*(IoAdapter->trapFnc)) (IoAdapter); IoAdapter->stop(IoAdapter); return (-1); @@ -985,9 +985,9 @@ diva_4bri_start_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, if (check_qBri_interrupt(IoAdapter)) { DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) interrupt test failed", IoAdapter->ANum)) - for (i = 0; i < IoAdapter->tasks; i++) { - IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[i]->Initialized = 0; - } + for (i = 0; i < IoAdapter->tasks; i++) { + IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[i]->Initialized = 0; + } IoAdapter->stop(IoAdapter); return (-1); } @@ -999,7 +999,7 @@ diva_4bri_start_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, DBG_LOG(("A(%d) %s adapter successfully started", IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[i]->ANum, (IoAdapter->tasks == 1) ? "BRI 2.0" : "4BRI")) - diva_xdi_didd_register_adapter(IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[i]->ANum); + diva_xdi_didd_register_adapter(IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[i]->ANum); IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[i]->Properties.Features = (word) features; } @@ -1022,8 +1022,8 @@ static int check_qBri_interrupt(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) WRITE_BYTE(&p[PLX9054_INTCSR], PLX9054_INT_ENABLE); DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RESET(IoAdapter, p); /* - interrupt test - */ + interrupt test + */ a->ReadyInt = 1; a->ram_out(a, &PR_RAM->ReadyInt, 1); @@ -1034,14 +1034,14 @@ static int check_qBri_interrupt(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) dword volatile __iomem *qBriIrq; byte __iomem *p; /* - Reset on-board interrupt register - */ + Reset on-board interrupt register + */ IoAdapter->IrqCount = 0; p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter); qBriIrq = (dword volatile __iomem *) (&p[_4bri_is_rev_2_card - (IoAdapter-> - cardType) ? (MQ2_BREG_IRQ_TEST) - : (MQ_BREG_IRQ_TEST)]); + (IoAdapter-> + cardType) ? (MQ2_BREG_IRQ_TEST) + : (MQ_BREG_IRQ_TEST)]); WRITE_DWORD(qBriIrq, MQ_IRQ_REQ_OFF); DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter, p); @@ -1056,13 +1056,13 @@ static int check_qBri_interrupt(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) #endif /* SUPPORT_INTERRUPT_TEST_ON_4BRI */ } -static void diva_4bri_clear_interrupts(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +static void diva_4bri_clear_interrupts(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter = &a->xdi_adapter; /* - clear any pending interrupt - */ + clear any pending interrupt + */ IoAdapter->disIrq(IoAdapter); IoAdapter->tst_irq(&IoAdapter->a); @@ -1070,13 +1070,13 @@ static void diva_4bri_clear_interrupts(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) IoAdapter->tst_irq(&IoAdapter->a); /* - kill pending dpcs - */ + kill pending dpcs + */ diva_os_cancel_soft_isr(&IoAdapter->req_soft_isr); diva_os_cancel_soft_isr(&IoAdapter->isr_soft_isr); } -static int diva_4bri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +static int diva_4bri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter = &a->xdi_adapter; int i; @@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@ static int diva_4bri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) if (!IoAdapter->Initialized) { DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) can't stop PRI adapter - not running", IoAdapter->ANum)) - return (-1); /* nothing to stop */ + return (-1); /* nothing to stop */ } for (i = 0; i < IoAdapter->tasks; i++) { @@ -1096,8 +1096,8 @@ static int diva_4bri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) } /* - Disconnect Adapters from DIDD - */ + Disconnect Adapters from DIDD + */ for (i = 0; i < IoAdapter->tasks; i++) { diva_xdi_didd_remove_adapter(IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[i]->ANum); } @@ -1105,8 +1105,8 @@ static int diva_4bri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) i = 100; /* - Stop interrupts - */ + Stop interrupts + */ a->clear_interrupts_proc = diva_4bri_clear_interrupts; IoAdapter->a.ReadyInt = 1; IoAdapter->a.ram_inc(&IoAdapter->a, &PR_RAM->ReadyInt); @@ -1119,12 +1119,12 @@ static int diva_4bri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) a->clear_interrupts_proc = NULL; DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) no final interrupt from 4BRI adapter", IoAdapter->ANum)) - } + } IoAdapter->a.ReadyInt = 0; /* - Stop and reset adapter - */ + Stop and reset adapter + */ IoAdapter->stop(IoAdapter); return (0); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_4bri.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_4bri.h index 665f0af27ce7ba103bc7b687464dfa65eb62df02..72253278d4f5cc6bc4e83f7723bbb0b47b2f2dbe 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_4bri.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_4bri.h @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ #ifndef __DIVA_OS_4_BRI_H__ #define __DIVA_OS_4_BRI_H__ -int diva_4bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); +int diva_4bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); #endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_bri.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_bri.c index 08f01993f46b4a91548d27f81e2047fc050d5bc9..20f2653c58fad6fa0644215ecb769b5e7c6f3b31 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_bri.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_bri.c @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ extern void prepare_maestra_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); extern void diva_xdi_display_adapter_features(int card); -extern int diva_card_read_xlog(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); +extern int diva_card_read_xlog(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); /* ** LOCALS @@ -33,20 +33,20 @@ static int bri_bar_length[3] = { 0x80, 0x20 }; -static int diva_bri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); -static dword diva_bri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); +static int diva_bri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); +static dword diva_bri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); static int diva_bri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, - diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_t * cmd, int length); -static int diva_bri_reregister_io(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); + diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_t *cmd, int length); +static int diva_bri_reregister_io(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); static int diva_bri_reset_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); static int diva_bri_write_sdram_block(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, dword address, - const byte * data, dword length); + const byte *data, dword length); static int diva_bri_start_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, dword start_address, dword features); -static int diva_bri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); +static int diva_bri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); -static void diva_bri_set_addresses(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +static void diva_bri_set_addresses(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { a->resources.pci.mem_type_id[MEM_TYPE_RAM] = 0; a->resources.pci.mem_type_id[MEM_TYPE_CFG] = 1; @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ static void diva_bri_set_addresses(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) a->resources.pci.mem_type_id[MEM_TYPE_RESET] = 1; a->resources.pci.mem_type_id[MEM_TYPE_PORT] = 2; a->resources.pci.mem_type_id[MEM_TYPE_CTLREG] = 2; - + a->xdi_adapter.ram = a->resources.pci.addr[0]; a->xdi_adapter.cfg = a->resources.pci.addr[1]; a->xdi_adapter.Address = a->resources.pci.addr[2]; @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ static void diva_bri_set_addresses(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) ** BAR1 - I/O Addr - 0x80 ** BAR2 - I/O Addr - 0x20 */ -int diva_bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +int diva_bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { int bar; dword bar2 = 0, bar2_length = 0xffffffff; @@ -82,75 +82,75 @@ int diva_bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) byte __iomem *p; /* - Set properties - */ + Set properties + */ a->xdi_adapter.Properties = CardProperties[a->CardOrdinal]; DBG_LOG(("Load %s", a->xdi_adapter.Properties.Name)) - /* - Get resources - */ - for (bar = 0; bar < 3; bar++) { - a->resources.pci.bar[bar] = - divasa_get_pci_bar(a->resources.pci.bus, - a->resources.pci.func, bar, - a->resources.pci.hdev); - if (!a->resources.pci.bar[bar]) { - DBG_ERR(("A: can't get BAR[%d]", bar)) - return (-1); + /* + Get resources + */ + for (bar = 0; bar < 3; bar++) { + a->resources.pci.bar[bar] = + divasa_get_pci_bar(a->resources.pci.bus, + a->resources.pci.func, bar, + a->resources.pci.hdev); + if (!a->resources.pci.bar[bar]) { + DBG_ERR(("A: can't get BAR[%d]", bar)) + return (-1); + } } - } a->resources.pci.irq = - (byte) divasa_get_pci_irq(a->resources.pci.bus, - a->resources.pci.func, - a->resources.pci.hdev); + (byte) divasa_get_pci_irq(a->resources.pci.bus, + a->resources.pci.func, + a->resources.pci.hdev); if (!a->resources.pci.irq) { DBG_ERR(("A: invalid irq")); return (-1); } /* - Get length of I/O bar 2 - it is different by older - EEPROM version - */ + Get length of I/O bar 2 - it is different by older + EEPROM version + */ Bus = a->resources.pci.bus; Slot = a->resources.pci.func; hdev = a->resources.pci.hdev; /* - Get plain original values of the BAR2 CDM registers - */ + Get plain original values of the BAR2 CDM registers + */ PCIread(Bus, Slot, 0x18, &bar2, sizeof(bar2), hdev); PCIread(Bus, Slot, 0x04, &cmd_org, sizeof(cmd_org), hdev); /* - Disable device and get BAR2 length - */ + Disable device and get BAR2 length + */ PCIwrite(Bus, Slot, 0x04, &cmd, sizeof(cmd), hdev); PCIwrite(Bus, Slot, 0x18, &bar2_length, sizeof(bar2_length), hdev); PCIread(Bus, Slot, 0x18, &bar2_length, sizeof(bar2_length), hdev); /* - Restore BAR2 and CMD registers - */ + Restore BAR2 and CMD registers + */ PCIwrite(Bus, Slot, 0x18, &bar2, sizeof(bar2), hdev); PCIwrite(Bus, Slot, 0x04, &cmd_org, sizeof(cmd_org), hdev); /* - Calculate BAR2 length - */ + Calculate BAR2 length + */ bar2_length = (~(bar2_length & ~7)) + 1; DBG_LOG(("BAR[2] length=%lx", bar2_length)) - /* - Map and register resources - */ - if (!(a->resources.pci.addr[0] = - divasa_remap_pci_bar(a, 0, a->resources.pci.bar[0], - bri_bar_length[0]))) { - DBG_ERR(("A: BRI, can't map BAR[0]")) - diva_bri_cleanup_adapter(a); - return (-1); - } + /* + Map and register resources + */ + if (!(a->resources.pci.addr[0] = + divasa_remap_pci_bar(a, 0, a->resources.pci.bar[0], + bri_bar_length[0]))) { + DBG_ERR(("A: BRI, can't map BAR[0]")) + diva_bri_cleanup_adapter(a); + return (-1); + } sprintf(&a->port_name[0], "BRI %02x:%02x", a->resources.pci.bus, a->resources.pci.func); @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ int diva_bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) if (diva_os_register_io_port(a, 1, a->resources.pci.bar[1], bri_bar_length[1], &a->port_name[0], 1)) { DBG_ERR(("A: BRI, can't register BAR[1]")) - diva_bri_cleanup_adapter(a); + diva_bri_cleanup_adapter(a); return (-1); } a->resources.pci.addr[1] = (void *) (unsigned long) a->resources.pci.bar[1]; @@ -167,33 +167,33 @@ int diva_bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) if (diva_os_register_io_port(a, 1, a->resources.pci.bar[2], bar2_length, &a->port_name[0], 2)) { DBG_ERR(("A: BRI, can't register BAR[2]")) - diva_bri_cleanup_adapter(a); + diva_bri_cleanup_adapter(a); return (-1); } a->resources.pci.addr[2] = (void *) (unsigned long) a->resources.pci.bar[2]; a->resources.pci.length[2] = bar2_length; /* - Set all memory areas - */ + Set all memory areas + */ diva_bri_set_addresses(a); /* - Get Serial Number - */ + Get Serial Number + */ a->xdi_adapter.serialNo = diva_bri_get_serial_number(a); /* - Register I/O ports with correct name now - */ + Register I/O ports with correct name now + */ if (diva_bri_reregister_io(a)) { diva_bri_cleanup_adapter(a); return (-1); } /* - Initialize OS dependent objects - */ + Initialize OS dependent objects + */ if (diva_os_initialize_spin_lock (&a->xdi_adapter.isr_spin_lock, "isr")) { diva_bri_cleanup_adapter(a); @@ -213,13 +213,13 @@ int diva_bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) return (-1); } /* - Do not initialize second DPC - only one thread will be created - */ + Do not initialize second DPC - only one thread will be created + */ a->xdi_adapter.isr_soft_isr.object = a->xdi_adapter.req_soft_isr.object; /* - Create entity table - */ + Create entity table + */ a->xdi_adapter.Channels = CardProperties[a->CardOrdinal].Channels; a->xdi_adapter.e_max = CardProperties[a->CardOrdinal].E_info; a->xdi_adapter.e_tbl = diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_adapter.e_max * sizeof(E_INFO)); @@ -230,8 +230,8 @@ int diva_bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) memset(a->xdi_adapter.e_tbl, 0x00, a->xdi_adapter.e_max * sizeof(E_INFO)); /* - Set up interface - */ + Set up interface + */ a->xdi_adapter.a.io = &a->xdi_adapter; a->xdi_adapter.DIRequest = request; a->interface.cleanup_adapter_proc = diva_bri_cleanup_adapter; @@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ int diva_bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) a->dsp_mask = 0x00000003; /* - Set IRQ handler - */ + Set IRQ handler + */ a->xdi_adapter.irq_info.irq_nr = a->resources.pci.irq; sprintf(a->xdi_adapter.irq_info.irq_name, "DIVA BRI %ld", (long) a->xdi_adapter.serialNo); @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ int diva_bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) } -static int diva_bri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +static int diva_bri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { int i; @@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ static int diva_bri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) } /* - Remove ISR Handler - */ + Remove ISR Handler + */ if (a->xdi_adapter.irq_info.registered) { diva_os_remove_irq(a, a->xdi_adapter.irq_info.irq_nr); } @@ -300,8 +300,8 @@ static int diva_bri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) } /* - Free OS objects - */ + Free OS objects + */ diva_os_cancel_soft_isr(&a->xdi_adapter.req_soft_isr); diva_os_cancel_soft_isr(&a->xdi_adapter.isr_soft_isr); @@ -312,8 +312,8 @@ static int diva_bri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) diva_os_destroy_spin_lock(&a->xdi_adapter.data_spin_lock, "rm"); /* - Free memory - */ + Free memory + */ if (a->xdi_adapter.e_tbl) { diva_os_free(0, a->xdi_adapter.e_tbl); a->xdi_adapter.e_tbl = NULL; @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ void diva_os_prepare_maestra_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) /* ** Get serial number */ -static dword diva_bri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +static dword diva_bri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { dword serNo = 0; byte __iomem *confIO; @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ static dword diva_bri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) if ((serNo == 0) || (serNo == 0xFFFFFFFF)) { DBG_FTL(("W: BRI use BAR[0] to get card serial number")) - confMem = (word __iomem *)DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM(&a->xdi_adapter); + confMem = (word __iomem *)DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RAM(&a->xdi_adapter); serHi = (word) (READ_WORD(&confMem[0x11]) & 0x0FFF); serLo = (word) (READ_WORD(&confMem[0x13]) & 0x0FFF); serNo = (((dword) serHi) << 16) | ((dword) serLo); @@ -354,14 +354,14 @@ static dword diva_bri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) DBG_LOG(("Serial Number=%ld", serNo)) - return (serNo); + return (serNo); } /* ** Unregister I/O and register it with new name, ** based on Serial Number */ -static int diva_bri_reregister_io(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +static int diva_bri_reregister_io(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { int i; @@ -380,10 +380,10 @@ static int diva_bri_reregister_io(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) a->resources.pci.length[i], &a->port_name[0], i)) { DBG_ERR(("A: failed to reregister BAR[%d]", i)) - return (-1); + return (-1); } a->resources.pci.addr[i] = - (void *) (unsigned long) a->resources.pci.bar[i]; + (void *) (unsigned long) a->resources.pci.bar[i]; } return (0); @@ -394,24 +394,24 @@ static int diva_bri_reregister_io(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) */ static int diva_bri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, - diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_t * cmd, int length) + diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_t *cmd, int length) { int ret = -1; if (cmd->adapter != a->controller) { DBG_ERR(("A: pri_cmd, invalid controller=%d != %d", cmd->adapter, a->controller)) - return (-1); + return (-1); } switch (cmd->command) { case DIVA_XDI_UM_CMD_GET_CARD_ORDINAL: a->xdi_mbox.data_length = sizeof(dword); a->xdi_mbox.data = - diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); + diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); if (a->xdi_mbox.data) { *(dword *) a->xdi_mbox.data = - (dword) a->CardOrdinal; + (dword) a->CardOrdinal; a->xdi_mbox.status = DIVA_XDI_MBOX_BUSY; ret = 0; } @@ -420,10 +420,10 @@ diva_bri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, case DIVA_XDI_UM_CMD_GET_SERIAL_NR: a->xdi_mbox.data_length = sizeof(dword); a->xdi_mbox.data = - diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); + diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); if (a->xdi_mbox.data) { *(dword *) a->xdi_mbox.data = - (dword) a->xdi_adapter.serialNo; + (dword) a->xdi_adapter.serialNo; a->xdi_mbox.status = DIVA_XDI_MBOX_BUSY; ret = 0; } @@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ diva_bri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, case DIVA_XDI_UM_CMD_GET_PCI_HW_CONFIG: a->xdi_mbox.data_length = sizeof(dword) * 9; a->xdi_mbox.data = - diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); + diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); if (a->xdi_mbox.data) { int i; dword *data = (dword *) a->xdi_mbox.data; @@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ diva_bri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, case DIVA_XDI_UM_CMD_GET_CARD_STATE: a->xdi_mbox.data_length = sizeof(dword); a->xdi_mbox.data = - diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); + diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); if (a->xdi_mbox.data) { dword *data = (dword *) a->xdi_mbox.data; if (!a->xdi_adapter.port) { @@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ diva_bri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, ret = diva_bri_write_sdram_block(&a->xdi_adapter, cmd->command_data. write_sdram.offset, - (byte *) & cmd[1], + (byte *)&cmd[1], cmd->command_data. write_sdram.length); break; @@ -489,9 +489,9 @@ diva_bri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, case DIVA_XDI_UM_CMD_SET_PROTOCOL_FEATURES: a->xdi_adapter.features = - cmd->command_data.features.features; + cmd->command_data.features.features; a->xdi_adapter.a.protocol_capabilities = - a->xdi_adapter.features; + a->xdi_adapter.features; DBG_TRC( ("Set raw protocol features (%08x)", a->xdi_adapter.features)) ret = 0; @@ -530,18 +530,18 @@ static int diva_bri_reset_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) diva_os_wait(100); Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT(IoAdapter); addrHi = Port + - ((IoAdapter->Properties.Bus == BUS_PCI) ? M_PCI_ADDRH : ADDRH); + ((IoAdapter->Properties.Bus == BUS_PCI) ? M_PCI_ADDRH : ADDRH); addrLo = Port + ADDR; ioaddr = Port + DATA; /* - recover - */ + recover + */ outpp(addrHi, (byte) 0); outppw(addrLo, (word) 0); outppw(ioaddr, (word) 0); /* - clear shared memory - */ + clear shared memory + */ outpp(addrHi, (byte) ( (IoAdapter->MemoryBase + IoAdapter->MemorySize - @@ -551,8 +551,8 @@ static int diva_bri_reset_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) diva_os_wait(100); /* - clear signature - */ + clear signature + */ outpp(addrHi, (byte) ( (IoAdapter->MemoryBase + IoAdapter->MemorySize - @@ -568,8 +568,8 @@ static int diva_bri_reset_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT(IoAdapter, Port); /* - Forget all outstanding entities - */ + Forget all outstanding entities + */ IoAdapter->e_count = 0; if (IoAdapter->e_tbl) { memset(IoAdapter->e_tbl, 0x00, @@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ static int diva_bri_reset_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) static int diva_bri_write_sdram_block(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, - dword address, const byte * data, dword length) + dword address, const byte *data, dword length) { byte __iomem *addrHi, *addrLo, *ioaddr; byte __iomem *Port; @@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ diva_bri_write_sdram_block(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT(IoAdapter); addrHi = Port + - ((IoAdapter->Properties.Bus == BUS_PCI) ? M_PCI_ADDRH : ADDRH); + ((IoAdapter->Properties.Bus == BUS_PCI) ? M_PCI_ADDRH : ADDRH); addrLo = Port + ADDR; ioaddr = Port + DATA; @@ -651,9 +651,9 @@ diva_bri_start_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, sprintf(IoAdapter->Name, "A(%d)", (int) IoAdapter->ANum); DBG_LOG(("A(%d) start BRI", IoAdapter->ANum)) - Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT(IoAdapter); + Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT(IoAdapter); addrHi = Port + - ((IoAdapter->Properties.Bus == BUS_PCI) ? M_PCI_ADDRH : ADDRH); + ((IoAdapter->Properties.Bus == BUS_PCI) ? M_PCI_ADDRH : ADDRH); addrLo = Port + ADDR; ioaddr = Port + DATA; @@ -666,20 +666,20 @@ diva_bri_start_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT(IoAdapter, Port); /* - start the protocol code - */ + start the protocol code + */ Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter); outpp(Port, 0x08); DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter, Port); Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT(IoAdapter); addrHi = Port + - ((IoAdapter->Properties.Bus == BUS_PCI) ? M_PCI_ADDRH : ADDRH); + ((IoAdapter->Properties.Bus == BUS_PCI) ? M_PCI_ADDRH : ADDRH); addrLo = Port + ADDR; ioaddr = Port + DATA; /* - wait for signature (max. 3 seconds) - */ + wait for signature (max. 3 seconds) + */ for (i = 0; i < 300; ++i) { diva_os_wait(10); outpp(addrHi, @@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ diva_bri_start_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, DBG_LOG( ("Protocol startup time %d.%02d seconds", (i / 100), (i % 100))) - started = 1; + started = 1; break; } } @@ -703,15 +703,15 @@ diva_bri_start_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, DBG_FTL(("A: A(%d) %s: Adapter selftest failed 0x%04X", IoAdapter->ANum, IoAdapter->Properties.Name, test)) - (*(IoAdapter->trapFnc)) (IoAdapter); + (*(IoAdapter->trapFnc)) (IoAdapter); return (-1); } IoAdapter->Initialized = 1; /* - Check Interrupt - */ + Check Interrupt + */ IoAdapter->IrqCount = 0; a->ReadyInt = 1; @@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ diva_bri_start_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, DBG_ERR( ("A: A(%d) interrupt test failed", IoAdapter->ANum)) - IoAdapter->Initialized = 0; + IoAdapter->Initialized = 0; IoAdapter->stop(IoAdapter); return (-1); } @@ -737,21 +737,21 @@ diva_bri_start_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, IoAdapter->Properties.Features = (word) features; diva_xdi_display_adapter_features(IoAdapter->ANum); DBG_LOG(("A(%d) BRI adapter successfully started", IoAdapter->ANum)) - /* - Register with DIDD - */ - diva_xdi_didd_register_adapter(IoAdapter->ANum); + /* + Register with DIDD + */ + diva_xdi_didd_register_adapter(IoAdapter->ANum); return (0); } -static void diva_bri_clear_interrupts(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +static void diva_bri_clear_interrupts(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter = &a->xdi_adapter; /* - clear any pending interrupt - */ + clear any pending interrupt + */ IoAdapter->disIrq(IoAdapter); IoAdapter->tst_irq(&IoAdapter->a); @@ -759,8 +759,8 @@ static void diva_bri_clear_interrupts(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) IoAdapter->tst_irq(&IoAdapter->a); /* - kill pending dpcs - */ + kill pending dpcs + */ diva_os_cancel_soft_isr(&IoAdapter->req_soft_isr); diva_os_cancel_soft_isr(&IoAdapter->isr_soft_isr); } @@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ static void diva_bri_clear_interrupts(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) /* ** Stop card */ -static int diva_bri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +static int diva_bri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter = &a->xdi_adapter; int i = 100; @@ -779,18 +779,18 @@ static int diva_bri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) if (!IoAdapter->Initialized) { DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) can't stop BRI adapter - not running", IoAdapter->ANum)) - return (-1); /* nothing to stop */ + return (-1); /* nothing to stop */ } IoAdapter->Initialized = 0; /* - Disconnect Adapter from DIDD - */ + Disconnect Adapter from DIDD + */ diva_xdi_didd_remove_adapter(IoAdapter->ANum); /* - Stop interrupts - */ + Stop interrupts + */ a->clear_interrupts_proc = diva_bri_clear_interrupts; IoAdapter->a.ReadyInt = 1; IoAdapter->a.ram_inc(&IoAdapter->a, &PR_RAM->ReadyInt); @@ -802,12 +802,12 @@ static int diva_bri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) a->clear_interrupts_proc = NULL; DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) no final interrupt from BRI adapter", IoAdapter->ANum)) - } + } IoAdapter->a.ReadyInt = 0; /* - Stop and reset adapter - */ + Stop and reset adapter + */ IoAdapter->stop(IoAdapter); return (0); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_bri.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_bri.h index a54f0ce58e13eeea658429497223418b898ccbf1..02e7456f8962156e3a77628a97633cc247e708e9 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_bri.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_bri.h @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ #ifndef __DIVA_OS_BRI_REV_1_H__ #define __DIVA_OS_BRI_REV_1_H__ -int diva_bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); +int diva_bri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); #endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_capi.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_capi.h index 726f915a09e5775e6cef5ac767c4d9757bfb7ca4..e72394b95d50ab55dc07d47aaeaa3305971f689e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_capi.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_capi.h @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ /* $Id: os_capi.h,v 1.7 2003/04/12 21:40:49 schindler Exp $ * * ISDN interface module for Eicon active cards DIVA. - * CAPI Interface OS include files - * - * Copyright 2000-2003 by Armin Schindler (mac@melware.de) + * CAPI Interface OS include files + * + * Copyright 2000-2003 by Armin Schindler (mac@melware.de) * Copyright 2000-2003 Cytronics & Melware (info@melware.de) - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. */ -#ifndef __OS_CAPI_H__ +#ifndef __OS_CAPI_H__ #define __OS_CAPI_H__ #include diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_pri.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_pri.c index 5d65405c75f466c3df2aa33faeb62d24dbbe1db4..da4957abb422258c87d8044c17a8390237a976ac 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_pri.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_pri.c @@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ OS Dependent part of XDI driver for DIVA PRI Adapter DSP detection/validation by Anthony Booth (Eicon Networks, www.eicon.com) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define DIVA_PRI_NO_PCI_BIOS_WORKAROUND 1 -extern int diva_card_read_xlog(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); +extern int diva_card_read_xlog(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); /* ** IMPORTS @@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ extern void prepare_pri_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); extern void prepare_pri2_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter); extern void diva_xdi_display_adapter_features(int card); -static int diva_pri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); +static int diva_pri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); static int diva_pri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, - diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_t * cmd, int length); -static int pri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); -static int diva_pri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); -static dword diva_pri_detect_dsps(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); + diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_t *cmd, int length); +static int pri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); +static int diva_pri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); +static dword diva_pri_detect_dsps(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); /* ** Check card revision @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ static int pri_is_rev_2_card(int card_ordinal) return (0); } -static void diva_pri_set_addresses(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +static void diva_pri_set_addresses(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { a->resources.pci.mem_type_id[MEM_TYPE_ADDRESS] = 0; a->resources.pci.mem_type_id[MEM_TYPE_CONTROL] = 2; @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ static void diva_pri_set_addresses(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) a->resources.pci.mem_type_id[MEM_TYPE_RESET] = 2; a->resources.pci.mem_type_id[MEM_TYPE_CFG] = 4; a->resources.pci.mem_type_id[MEM_TYPE_PROM] = 3; - + a->xdi_adapter.Address = a->resources.pci.addr[0]; a->xdi_adapter.Control = a->resources.pci.addr[2]; a->xdi_adapter.Config = a->resources.pci.addr[4]; @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ static void diva_pri_set_addresses(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) ** BAR3 - FLASH (REG), 0x8000 ** BAR4 - CONFIG (CFG), 0x1000 */ -int diva_pri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +int diva_pri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { int bar = 0; int pri_rev_2; @@ -110,59 +110,59 @@ int diva_pri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) bar_length[0] = MP2_MEMORY_SIZE; } /* - Set properties - */ + Set properties + */ a->xdi_adapter.Properties = CardProperties[a->CardOrdinal]; DBG_LOG(("Load %s", a->xdi_adapter.Properties.Name)) - /* - First initialization step: get and check hardware resoures. - Do not map resources and do not acecess card at this step - */ - for (bar = 0; bar < 5; bar++) { - a->resources.pci.bar[bar] = - divasa_get_pci_bar(a->resources.pci.bus, - a->resources.pci.func, bar, - a->resources.pci.hdev); - if (!a->resources.pci.bar[bar] - || (a->resources.pci.bar[bar] == 0xFFFFFFF0)) { - DBG_ERR(("A: invalid bar[%d]=%08x", bar, - a->resources.pci.bar[bar])) - return (-1); + /* + First initialization step: get and check hardware resoures. + Do not map resources and do not acecess card at this step + */ + for (bar = 0; bar < 5; bar++) { + a->resources.pci.bar[bar] = + divasa_get_pci_bar(a->resources.pci.bus, + a->resources.pci.func, bar, + a->resources.pci.hdev); + if (!a->resources.pci.bar[bar] + || (a->resources.pci.bar[bar] == 0xFFFFFFF0)) { + DBG_ERR(("A: invalid bar[%d]=%08x", bar, + a->resources.pci.bar[bar])) + return (-1); + } } - } a->resources.pci.irq = - (byte) divasa_get_pci_irq(a->resources.pci.bus, - a->resources.pci.func, - a->resources.pci.hdev); + (byte) divasa_get_pci_irq(a->resources.pci.bus, + a->resources.pci.func, + a->resources.pci.hdev); if (!a->resources.pci.irq) { DBG_ERR(("A: invalid irq")); return (-1); } /* - Map all BAR's - */ + Map all BAR's + */ for (bar = 0; bar < 5; bar++) { a->resources.pci.addr[bar] = - divasa_remap_pci_bar(a, bar, a->resources.pci.bar[bar], - bar_length[bar]); + divasa_remap_pci_bar(a, bar, a->resources.pci.bar[bar], + bar_length[bar]); if (!a->resources.pci.addr[bar]) { DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d), can't map bar[%d]", a->controller, bar)) - diva_pri_cleanup_adapter(a); + diva_pri_cleanup_adapter(a); return (-1); } } /* - Set all memory areas - */ + Set all memory areas + */ diva_pri_set_addresses(a); /* - Get Serial Number of this adapter - */ + Get Serial Number of this adapter + */ if (pri_get_serial_number(a)) { dword serNo; serNo = a->resources.pci.bar[1] & 0xffff0000; @@ -171,12 +171,12 @@ int diva_pri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) a->xdi_adapter.serialNo = serNo & ~0xFF000000; DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) can't get Serial Number, generated serNo=%ld", a->controller, a->xdi_adapter.serialNo)) - } + } /* - Initialize os objects - */ + Initialize os objects + */ if (diva_os_initialize_spin_lock(&a->xdi_adapter.isr_spin_lock, "isr")) { diva_pri_cleanup_adapter(a); return (-1); @@ -196,20 +196,20 @@ int diva_pri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) } /* - Do not initialize second DPC - only one thread will be created - */ + Do not initialize second DPC - only one thread will be created + */ a->xdi_adapter.isr_soft_isr.object = - a->xdi_adapter.req_soft_isr.object; + a->xdi_adapter.req_soft_isr.object; /* - Next step of card initialization: - set up all interface pointers - */ + Next step of card initialization: + set up all interface pointers + */ a->xdi_adapter.Channels = CardProperties[a->CardOrdinal].Channels; a->xdi_adapter.e_max = CardProperties[a->CardOrdinal].E_info; a->xdi_adapter.e_tbl = - diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_adapter.e_max * sizeof(E_INFO)); + diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_adapter.e_max * sizeof(E_INFO)); if (!a->xdi_adapter.e_tbl) { diva_pri_cleanup_adapter(a); return (-1); @@ -230,16 +230,16 @@ int diva_pri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) a->dsp_mask = diva_pri_detect_dsps(a); /* - Allocate DMA map - */ + Allocate DMA map + */ if (pri_rev_2) { diva_init_dma_map(a->resources.pci.hdev, (struct _diva_dma_map_entry **) &a->xdi_adapter.dma_map, 32); } /* - Set IRQ handler - */ + Set IRQ handler + */ a->xdi_adapter.irq_info.irq_nr = a->resources.pci.irq; sprintf(a->xdi_adapter.irq_info.irq_name, "DIVA PRI %ld", (long) a->xdi_adapter.serialNo); @@ -257,28 +257,28 @@ int diva_pri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) return (0); } -static int diva_pri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +static int diva_pri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { int bar = 0; /* - Stop Adapter if adapter is running - */ + Stop Adapter if adapter is running + */ if (a->xdi_adapter.Initialized) { diva_pri_stop_adapter(a); } /* - Remove ISR Handler - */ + Remove ISR Handler + */ if (a->xdi_adapter.irq_info.registered) { diva_os_remove_irq(a, a->xdi_adapter.irq_info.irq_nr); } a->xdi_adapter.irq_info.registered = 0; /* - Step 1: unmap all BAR's, if any was mapped - */ + Step 1: unmap all BAR's, if any was mapped + */ for (bar = 0; bar < 5; bar++) { if (a->resources.pci.bar[bar] && a->resources.pci.addr[bar]) { @@ -289,8 +289,8 @@ static int diva_pri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) } /* - Free OS objects - */ + Free OS objects + */ diva_os_cancel_soft_isr(&a->xdi_adapter.isr_soft_isr); diva_os_cancel_soft_isr(&a->xdi_adapter.req_soft_isr); @@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ static int diva_pri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) diva_os_destroy_spin_lock(&a->xdi_adapter.data_spin_lock, "rm"); /* - Free memory accupied by XDI adapter - */ + Free memory accupied by XDI adapter + */ if (a->xdi_adapter.e_tbl) { diva_os_free(0, a->xdi_adapter.e_tbl); a->xdi_adapter.e_tbl = NULL; @@ -312,8 +312,8 @@ static int diva_pri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) /* - Free adapter DMA map - */ + Free adapter DMA map + */ diva_free_dma_map(a->resources.pci.hdev, (struct _diva_dma_map_entry *) a->xdi_adapter. dma_map); @@ -321,8 +321,8 @@ static int diva_pri_cleanup_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) /* - Detach this adapter from debug driver - */ + Detach this adapter from debug driver + */ return (0); } @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ static int diva_pri_reset_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) if (IoAdapter->Initialized) { DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) can't reset PRI adapter - please stop first", IoAdapter->ANum)) - return (-1); + return (-1); } boot = (struct mp_load __iomem *) DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter); @@ -360,20 +360,20 @@ static int diva_pri_reset_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter, boot); DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) CPU on PRI %ld is not alive!", IoAdapter->ANum, IoAdapter->serialNo)) - return (-1); + return (-1); } if (READ_DWORD(&boot->err)) { DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) PRI %ld Board Selftest failed, error=%08lx", IoAdapter->ANum, IoAdapter->serialNo, READ_DWORD(&boot->err))) - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter, boot); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter, boot); return (-1); } DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter, boot); /* - Forget all outstanding entities - */ + Forget all outstanding entities + */ IoAdapter->e_count = 0; if (IoAdapter->e_tbl) { memset(IoAdapter->e_tbl, 0x00, @@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ static int diva_pri_reset_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) static int diva_pri_write_sdram_block(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, dword address, - const byte * data, dword length, dword limit) + const byte *data, dword length, dword limit) { byte __iomem *p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter); byte __iomem *mem = p; @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ diva_pri_write_sdram_block(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter, p); DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) write PRI address=0x%08lx", IoAdapter->ANum, address + length)) - return (-1); + return (-1); } mem += address; @@ -443,20 +443,20 @@ diva_pri_start_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter, boot); DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) pri_start_adapter, adapter already running", IoAdapter->ANum)) - return (-1); + return (-1); } if (!boot) { DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter, boot); DBG_ERR(("A: PRI %ld can't start, adapter not mapped", IoAdapter->serialNo)) - return (-1); + return (-1); } sprintf(IoAdapter->Name, "A(%d)", (int) IoAdapter->ANum); DBG_LOG(("A(%d) start PRI at 0x%08lx", IoAdapter->ANum, start_address)) - WRITE_DWORD(&boot->addr, start_address); + WRITE_DWORD(&boot->addr, start_address); WRITE_DWORD(&boot->cmd, 3); for (i = 0; i < 300; ++i) { @@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ diva_pri_start_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, if ((READ_DWORD(&boot->signature) >> 16) == 0x4447) { DBG_LOG(("A(%d) Protocol startup time %d.%02d seconds", IoAdapter->ANum, (i / 100), (i % 100))) - started = 1; + started = 1; break; } } @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ diva_pri_start_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, DBG_ERR(("A(%d) Adapter start failed 0x%08lx, TrapId=%08lx, debug=%08lx", IoAdapter->ANum, READ_DWORD(&boot->signature), TrapId, debug)) - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter, boot); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter, boot); if (IoAdapter->trapFnc) { (*(IoAdapter->trapFnc)) (IoAdapter); } @@ -490,11 +490,11 @@ diva_pri_start_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, IoAdapter->Initialized = true; /* - Check Interrupt - */ + Check Interrupt + */ IoAdapter->IrqCount = 0; p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CFG(IoAdapter); - WRITE_DWORD(p, (dword) ~ 0x03E00000); + WRITE_DWORD(p, (dword)~0x03E00000); DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CFG(IoAdapter, p); a->ReadyInt = 1; a->ram_out(a, &PR_RAM->ReadyInt, 1); @@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ diva_pri_start_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, if (!IoAdapter->IrqCount) { DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) interrupt test failed", IoAdapter->ANum)) - IoAdapter->Initialized = false; + IoAdapter->Initialized = false; IoAdapter->stop(IoAdapter); return (-1); } @@ -514,21 +514,21 @@ diva_pri_start_adapter(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, diva_xdi_display_adapter_features(IoAdapter->ANum); DBG_LOG(("A(%d) PRI adapter successfully started", IoAdapter->ANum)) - /* - Register with DIDD - */ - diva_xdi_didd_register_adapter(IoAdapter->ANum); + /* + Register with DIDD + */ + diva_xdi_didd_register_adapter(IoAdapter->ANum); return (0); } -static void diva_pri_clear_interrupts(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +static void diva_pri_clear_interrupts(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter = &a->xdi_adapter; /* - clear any pending interrupt - */ + clear any pending interrupt + */ IoAdapter->disIrq(IoAdapter); IoAdapter->tst_irq(&IoAdapter->a); @@ -536,8 +536,8 @@ static void diva_pri_clear_interrupts(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) IoAdapter->tst_irq(&IoAdapter->a); /* - kill pending dpcs - */ + kill pending dpcs + */ diva_os_cancel_soft_isr(&IoAdapter->req_soft_isr); diva_os_cancel_soft_isr(&IoAdapter->isr_soft_isr); } @@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ static void diva_pri_clear_interrupts(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) ** Stop Adapter, but do not unmap/unregister - adapter ** will be restarted later */ -static int diva_pri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +static int diva_pri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter = &a->xdi_adapter; int i = 100; @@ -557,18 +557,18 @@ static int diva_pri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) if (!IoAdapter->Initialized) { DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) can't stop PRI adapter - not running", IoAdapter->ANum)) - return (-1); /* nothing to stop */ + return (-1); /* nothing to stop */ } IoAdapter->Initialized = 0; /* - Disconnect Adapter from DIDD - */ + Disconnect Adapter from DIDD + */ diva_xdi_didd_remove_adapter(IoAdapter->ANum); /* - Stop interrupts - */ + Stop interrupts + */ a->clear_interrupts_proc = diva_pri_clear_interrupts; IoAdapter->a.ReadyInt = 1; IoAdapter->a.ram_inc(&IoAdapter->a, &PR_RAM->ReadyInt); @@ -581,12 +581,12 @@ static int diva_pri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) a->clear_interrupts_proc = NULL; DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) no final interrupt from PRI adapter", IoAdapter->ANum)) - } + } IoAdapter->a.ReadyInt = 0; /* - Stop and reset adapter - */ + Stop and reset adapter + */ IoAdapter->stop(IoAdapter); return (0); @@ -600,24 +600,24 @@ static int diva_pri_stop_adapter(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) */ static int diva_pri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, - diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_t * cmd, int length) + diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_t *cmd, int length) { int ret = -1; if (cmd->adapter != a->controller) { DBG_ERR(("A: pri_cmd, invalid controller=%d != %d", cmd->adapter, a->controller)) - return (-1); + return (-1); } switch (cmd->command) { case DIVA_XDI_UM_CMD_GET_CARD_ORDINAL: a->xdi_mbox.data_length = sizeof(dword); a->xdi_mbox.data = - diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); + diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); if (a->xdi_mbox.data) { *(dword *) a->xdi_mbox.data = - (dword) a->CardOrdinal; + (dword) a->CardOrdinal; a->xdi_mbox.status = DIVA_XDI_MBOX_BUSY; ret = 0; } @@ -626,10 +626,10 @@ diva_pri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, case DIVA_XDI_UM_CMD_GET_SERIAL_NR: a->xdi_mbox.data_length = sizeof(dword); a->xdi_mbox.data = - diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); + diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); if (a->xdi_mbox.data) { *(dword *) a->xdi_mbox.data = - (dword) a->xdi_adapter.serialNo; + (dword) a->xdi_adapter.serialNo; a->xdi_mbox.status = DIVA_XDI_MBOX_BUSY; ret = 0; } @@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ diva_pri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, case DIVA_XDI_UM_CMD_GET_PCI_HW_CONFIG: a->xdi_mbox.data_length = sizeof(dword) * 9; a->xdi_mbox.data = - diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); + diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); if (a->xdi_mbox.data) { int i; dword *data = (dword *) a->xdi_mbox.data; @@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ diva_pri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, ret = diva_pri_write_sdram_block(&a->xdi_adapter, cmd->command_data. write_sdram.offset, - (byte *) & cmd[1], + (byte *)&cmd[1], cmd->command_data. write_sdram.length, pri_is_rev_2_card(a-> @@ -683,22 +683,22 @@ diva_pri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, case DIVA_XDI_UM_CMD_SET_PROTOCOL_FEATURES: a->xdi_adapter.features = - cmd->command_data.features.features; + cmd->command_data.features.features; a->xdi_adapter.a.protocol_capabilities = - a->xdi_adapter.features; + a->xdi_adapter.features; DBG_TRC(("Set raw protocol features (%08x)", a->xdi_adapter.features)) - ret = 0; + ret = 0; break; case DIVA_XDI_UM_CMD_GET_CARD_STATE: a->xdi_mbox.data_length = sizeof(dword); a->xdi_mbox.data = - diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); + diva_os_malloc(0, a->xdi_mbox.data_length); if (a->xdi_mbox.data) { dword *data = (dword *) a->xdi_mbox.data; if (!a->xdi_adapter.ram || - !a->xdi_adapter.reset || + !a->xdi_adapter.reset || !a->xdi_adapter.cfg) { *data = 3; } else if (a->xdi_adapter.trapped) { @@ -720,16 +720,16 @@ diva_pri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, case DIVA_XDI_UM_CMD_READ_SDRAM: if (a->xdi_adapter.Address) { if ( - (a->xdi_mbox.data_length = - cmd->command_data.read_sdram.length)) { + (a->xdi_mbox.data_length = + cmd->command_data.read_sdram.length)) { if ( - (a->xdi_mbox.data_length + - cmd->command_data.read_sdram.offset) < - a->xdi_adapter.MemorySize) { + (a->xdi_mbox.data_length + + cmd->command_data.read_sdram.offset) < + a->xdi_adapter.MemorySize) { a->xdi_mbox.data = - diva_os_malloc(0, - a->xdi_mbox. - data_length); + diva_os_malloc(0, + a->xdi_mbox. + data_length); if (a->xdi_mbox.data) { byte __iomem *p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_ADDRESS(&a->xdi_adapter); byte __iomem *src = p; @@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ diva_pri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, default: DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) invalid cmd=%d", a->controller, cmd->command)) - } + } return (ret); } @@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ diva_pri_cmd_card_proc(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, /* ** Get Serial Number */ -static int pri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +static int pri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { byte data[64]; int i; @@ -773,28 +773,28 @@ static int pri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) /* * First set some GT6401x config registers before accessing the BOOT-ROM */ - config = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CONFIG(&a->xdi_adapter); + config = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CONFIG(&a->xdi_adapter); c = READ_BYTE(&config[0xc3c]); if (!(c & 0x08)) { WRITE_BYTE(&config[0xc3c], c); /* Base Address enable register */ } WRITE_BYTE(&config[LOW_BOOTCS_DREG], 0x00); WRITE_BYTE(&config[HI_BOOTCS_DREG], 0xFF); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CONFIG(&a->xdi_adapter, config); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CONFIG(&a->xdi_adapter, config); /* * Read only the last 64 bytes of manufacturing data */ memset(data, '\0', len); - flash = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PROM(&a->xdi_adapter); + flash = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PROM(&a->xdi_adapter); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { data[i] = READ_BYTE(&flash[0x8000 - len + i]); } - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PROM(&a->xdi_adapter, flash); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PROM(&a->xdi_adapter, flash); - config = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CONFIG(&a->xdi_adapter); + config = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CONFIG(&a->xdi_adapter); WRITE_BYTE(&config[LOW_BOOTCS_DREG], 0xFC); /* Disable FLASH EPROM access */ WRITE_BYTE(&config[HI_BOOTCS_DREG], 0xFF); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CONFIG(&a->xdi_adapter, config); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CONFIG(&a->xdi_adapter, config); if (memcmp(&data[48], "DIVAserverPR", 12)) { #if !defined(DIVA_PRI_NO_PCI_BIOS_WORKAROUND) /* { */ @@ -808,11 +808,11 @@ static int pri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) addr1 = a->resources.pci.bar[1]; /* unused */ DBG_ERR(("A: apply Compaq BIOS workaround")) - DBG_LOG(("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", - data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], - data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7])) + DBG_LOG(("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", + data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], + data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7])) - Bus = a->resources.pci.bus; + Bus = a->resources.pci.bus; Slot = a->resources.pci.func; hdev = a->resources.pci.hdev; PCIread(Bus, Slot, 0x04, &cmd_org, sizeof(cmd_org), hdev); @@ -832,69 +832,69 @@ static int pri_get_serial_number(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) a->resources.pci.bar[4] = addr1; /* - Try to read Flash again - */ + Try to read Flash again + */ len = sizeof(data); - config = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CONFIG(&a->xdi_adapter); + config = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CONFIG(&a->xdi_adapter); if (!(config[0xc3c] & 0x08)) { config[0xc3c] |= 0x08; /* Base Address enable register */ } config[LOW_BOOTCS_DREG] = 0x00; config[HI_BOOTCS_DREG] = 0xFF; - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CONFIG(&a->xdi_adapter, config); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CONFIG(&a->xdi_adapter, config); memset(data, '\0', len); - flash = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PROM(&a->xdi_adapter); + flash = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PROM(&a->xdi_adapter); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { data[i] = flash[0x8000 - len + i]; } - DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PROM(&a->xdi_adapter, flash); - config = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CONFIG(&a->xdi_adapter); + DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PROM(&a->xdi_adapter, flash); + config = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CONFIG(&a->xdi_adapter); config[LOW_BOOTCS_DREG] = 0xFC; config[HI_BOOTCS_DREG] = 0xFF; - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CONFIG(&a->xdi_adapter, config); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CONFIG(&a->xdi_adapter, config); if (memcmp(&data[48], "DIVAserverPR", 12)) { DBG_ERR(("A: failed to read serial number")) - DBG_LOG(("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", - data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], - data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7])) - return (-1); + DBG_LOG(("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", + data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], + data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7])) + return (-1); } #else /* } { */ DBG_ERR(("A: failed to read DIVA signature word")) - DBG_LOG(("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", - data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], - data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7])) - DBG_LOG(("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", data[47], data[46], - data[45], data[44])) + DBG_LOG(("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", + data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], + data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7])) + DBG_LOG(("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", data[47], data[46], + data[45], data[44])) #endif /* } */ - } + } a->xdi_adapter.serialNo = - (data[47] << 24) | (data[46] << 16) | (data[45] << 8) | - data[44]; + (data[47] << 24) | (data[46] << 16) | (data[45] << 8) | + data[44]; if (!a->xdi_adapter.serialNo || (a->xdi_adapter.serialNo == 0xffffffff)) { a->xdi_adapter.serialNo = 0; DBG_ERR(("A: failed to read serial number")) - return (-1); + return (-1); } DBG_LOG(("Serial No. : %ld", a->xdi_adapter.serialNo)) - DBG_TRC(("Board Revision : %d.%02d", (int) data[41], - (int) data[40])) - DBG_TRC(("PLD revision : %d.%02d", (int) data[33], - (int) data[32])) - DBG_TRC(("Boot loader version : %d.%02d", (int) data[37], - (int) data[36])) + DBG_TRC(("Board Revision : %d.%02d", (int) data[41], + (int) data[40])) + DBG_TRC(("PLD revision : %d.%02d", (int) data[33], + (int) data[32])) + DBG_TRC(("Boot loader version : %d.%02d", (int) data[37], + (int) data[36])) - DBG_TRC(("Manufacturing Date : %d/%02d/%02d (yyyy/mm/dd)", - (int) ((data[28] > 90) ? 1900 : 2000) + - (int) data[28], (int) data[29], (int) data[30])) + DBG_TRC(("Manufacturing Date : %d/%02d/%02d (yyyy/mm/dd)", + (int) ((data[28] > 90) ? 1900 : 2000) + + (int) data[28], (int) data[29], (int) data[30])) - return (0); + return (0); } void diva_os_prepare_pri2_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) @@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ void diva_os_prepare_pri_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) ** Checks presence of DSP on board */ static int -dsp_check_presence(volatile byte __iomem * addr, volatile byte __iomem * data, int dsp) +dsp_check_presence(volatile byte __iomem *addr, volatile byte __iomem *data, int dsp) { word pattern; @@ -922,7 +922,7 @@ dsp_check_presence(volatile byte __iomem * addr, volatile byte __iomem * data, i if (pattern != DSP_SIGNATURE_PROBE_WORD) { DBG_TRC(("W: DSP[%d] %04x(is) != %04x(should)", dsp, pattern, DSP_SIGNATURE_PROBE_WORD)) - return (-1); + return (-1); } WRITE_WORD(addr, 0x4000); @@ -931,15 +931,15 @@ dsp_check_presence(volatile byte __iomem * addr, volatile byte __iomem * data, i WRITE_WORD(addr, 0x4000); pattern = READ_WORD(data); - if (pattern != (word) ~ DSP_SIGNATURE_PROBE_WORD) { + if (pattern != (word)~DSP_SIGNATURE_PROBE_WORD) { DBG_ERR(("A: DSP[%d] %04x(is) != %04x(should)", - dsp, pattern, (word) ~ DSP_SIGNATURE_PROBE_WORD)) - return (-2); + dsp, pattern, (word)~DSP_SIGNATURE_PROBE_WORD)) + return (-2); } DBG_TRC(("DSP[%d] present", dsp)) - return (0); + return (0); } @@ -952,7 +952,7 @@ dsp_check_presence(volatile byte __iomem * addr, volatile byte __iomem * data, i ** ... ** Bit 29 - DSP30 */ -static dword diva_pri_detect_dsps(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) +static dword diva_pri_detect_dsps(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a) { byte __iomem *base; byte __iomem *p; @@ -1008,8 +1008,8 @@ static dword diva_pri_detect_dsps(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) diva_os_wait(5); /* - Verify modules - */ + Verify modules + */ for (dsp_row = 0; dsp_row < 4; dsp_row++) { row_state = ((ret >> (dsp_row * 7)) & 0x7F); if (row_state && (row_state != 0x7F)) { @@ -1018,35 +1018,35 @@ static dword diva_pri_detect_dsps(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a) DBG_ERR(("A: MODULE[%d]-DSP[%d] failed", dsp_row + 1, dsp_index + 1)) - } + } } } } if (!(ret & 0x10000000)) { DBG_ERR(("A: ON BOARD-DSP[1] failed")) - } + } if (!(ret & 0x20000000)) { DBG_ERR(("A: ON BOARD-DSP[2] failed")) - } + } /* - Print module population now - */ - DBG_LOG(("+-----------------------+")) - DBG_LOG(("| DSP MODULE POPULATION |")) - DBG_LOG(("+-----------------------+")) - DBG_LOG(("| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |")) - DBG_LOG(("+-----------------------+")) - DBG_LOG(("| %s | %s | %s | %s |", - ((ret >> (0 * 7)) & 0x7F) ? "Y" : "N", - ((ret >> (1 * 7)) & 0x7F) ? "Y" : "N", - ((ret >> (2 * 7)) & 0x7F) ? "Y" : "N", - ((ret >> (3 * 7)) & 0x7F) ? "Y" : "N")) + Print module population now + */ DBG_LOG(("+-----------------------+")) - - DBG_LOG(("DSP's(present-absent):%08x-%08x", ret, - ~ret & 0x3fffffff)) - - return (ret); + DBG_LOG(("| DSP MODULE POPULATION |")) + DBG_LOG(("+-----------------------+")) + DBG_LOG(("| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |")) + DBG_LOG(("+-----------------------+")) + DBG_LOG(("| %s | %s | %s | %s |", + ((ret >> (0 * 7)) & 0x7F) ? "Y" : "N", + ((ret >> (1 * 7)) & 0x7F) ? "Y" : "N", + ((ret >> (2 * 7)) & 0x7F) ? "Y" : "N", + ((ret >> (3 * 7)) & 0x7F) ? "Y" : "N")) + DBG_LOG(("+-----------------------+")) + + DBG_LOG(("DSP's(present-absent):%08x-%08x", ret, + ~ret & 0x3fffffff)) + + return (ret); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_pri.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_pri.h index a7c42f94d78a51d0a2af99354aa4951cc78381f5..537c74d042e71432ae8dd085ddadba809ad3bddc 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_pri.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/os_pri.h @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ #ifndef __DIVA_OS_PRI_REV_1_H__ #define __DIVA_OS_PRI_REV_1_H__ -int diva_pri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t * a); +int diva_pri_init_card(diva_os_xdi_adapter_t *a); #endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pc.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pc.h index bf6b0181240044d5309f53a0a4e7735f587efe11..889dc984bbcaf4d5aa3655e273b193b8f90ed85f 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pc.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pc.h @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef PC_H_INCLUDED /* { */ @@ -29,42 +29,42 @@ /* buffer definition */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { - word length; /* length of data/parameter field */ - byte P[270]; /* data/parameter field */ + word length; /* length of data/parameter field */ + byte P[270]; /* data/parameter field */ } PBUFFER; /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* dual port ram structure */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct dual { - byte Req; /* request register */ - byte ReqId; /* request task/entity identification */ - byte Rc; /* return code register */ - byte RcId; /* return code task/entity identification */ - byte Ind; /* Indication register */ - byte IndId; /* Indication task/entity identification */ - byte IMask; /* Interrupt Mask Flag */ - byte RNR; /* Receiver Not Ready (set by PC) */ - byte XLock; /* XBuffer locked Flag */ - byte Int; /* ISDN-S interrupt */ - byte ReqCh; /* Channel field for layer-3 Requests */ - byte RcCh; /* Channel field for layer-3 Returncodes */ - byte IndCh; /* Channel field for layer-3 Indications */ - byte MInd; /* more data indication field */ - word MLength; /* more data total packet length */ - byte ReadyInt; /* request field for ready interrupt */ - byte SWReg; /* Software register for special purposes */ - byte Reserved[11]; /* reserved space */ - byte InterfaceType; /* interface type 1=16K interface */ - word Signature; /* ISDN-S adapter Signature (GD) */ - PBUFFER XBuffer; /* Transmit Buffer */ - PBUFFER RBuffer; /* Receive Buffer */ + byte Req; /* request register */ + byte ReqId; /* request task/entity identification */ + byte Rc; /* return code register */ + byte RcId; /* return code task/entity identification */ + byte Ind; /* Indication register */ + byte IndId; /* Indication task/entity identification */ + byte IMask; /* Interrupt Mask Flag */ + byte RNR; /* Receiver Not Ready (set by PC) */ + byte XLock; /* XBuffer locked Flag */ + byte Int; /* ISDN-S interrupt */ + byte ReqCh; /* Channel field for layer-3 Requests */ + byte RcCh; /* Channel field for layer-3 Returncodes */ + byte IndCh; /* Channel field for layer-3 Indications */ + byte MInd; /* more data indication field */ + word MLength; /* more data total packet length */ + byte ReadyInt; /* request field for ready interrupt */ + byte SWReg; /* Software register for special purposes */ + byte Reserved[11]; /* reserved space */ + byte InterfaceType; /* interface type 1=16K interface */ + word Signature; /* ISDN-S adapter Signature (GD) */ + PBUFFER XBuffer; /* Transmit Buffer */ + PBUFFER RBuffer; /* Receive Buffer */ }; /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* SWReg Values (0 means no command) */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define SWREG_DIE_WITH_LEDON 0x01 -#define SWREG_HALT_CPU 0x02 /* Push CPU into a while(1) loop */ +#define SWREG_HALT_CPU 0x02 /* Push CPU into a while (1) loop */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Id Fields Coding */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ struct dual #define MORE 0xa0 /* more data */ #define SDNCMPL 0xa1 /* sending complete */ #define CL 0xb0 /* congestion level */ - /* codeset 0 */ +/* codeset 0 */ #define SMSG 0x00 /* segmented message */ #define BC 0x04 /* Bearer Capability */ #define CAU 0x08 /* cause */ @@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ struct dual #define NLC 0x21 /* network layer configuration */ #define REDIRECT_IE 0x22 /* redirection request/indication data */ #define REDIRECT_NET_IE 0x23 /* redirection network override data */ - /* codeset 6 */ +/* codeset 6 */ #define SIN 0x01 /* service indicator */ #define CIF 0x02 /* charging information */ #define DATE 0x03 /* date */ @@ -387,13 +387,13 @@ struct dual #define SMASK_CCNR 0x00000200 #define SMASK_CONF 0x00000400 /* ---------------------------------------------- - Types of transfers used to transfer the - information in the 'struct RC->Reserved2[8]' - The information is transferred as 2 dwords - (2 4Byte unsigned values) - First of them is the transfer type. - 2^32-1 possible messages are possible in this way. - The context of the second one had no meaning + Types of transfers used to transfer the + information in the 'struct RC->Reserved2[8]' + The information is transferred as 2 dwords + (2 4Byte unsigned values) + First of them is the transfer type. + 2^32-1 possible messages are possible in this way. + The context of the second one had no meaning ---------------------------------------------- */ #define DIVA_RC_TYPE_NONE 0x00000000 #define DIVA_RC_TYPE_REMOVE_COMPLETE 0x00000008 @@ -402,14 +402,14 @@ struct dual #define DIVA_RC_TYPE_OK_FC 0x0000000b #define DIVA_RC_TYPE_RX_DMA 0x0000000c /* ------------------------------------------------------ - IO Control codes for IN BAND SIGNALING + IO Control codes for IN BAND SIGNALING ------------------------------------------------------ */ #define CTRL_L1_SET_SIG_ID 5 #define CTRL_L1_SET_DAD 6 #define CTRL_L1_RESOURCES 7 /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* ------------------------------------------------------ - Layer 2 types + Layer 2 types ------------------------------------------------------ */ #define X75T 1 /* x.75 for ttx */ #define TRF 2 /* transparent with hdlc framing */ @@ -439,31 +439,31 @@ struct dual #define PIAFS_UDATA_ABILITY_DCDON 0x01 #define PIAFS_UDATA_ABILITY_DDI 0x80 /* -DLC of PIAFS : -Byte | 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ------+-------------------------------------------------------- - 0 | 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Data Link Configuration - 1 | X X X X X X X X Length of IE (at least 15 Bytes) - 2 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 max. information field, LOW byte (not used, fix 73 Bytes) - 3 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 max. information field, HIGH byte (not used, fix 73 Bytes) - 4 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 address A (not used) - 5 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 address B (not used) - 6 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mode (not used, fix 128) - 7 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window Size (not used, fix 127) - 8 | X X X X X X X X XID Length, Low Byte (at least 7 Bytes) - 9 | X X X X X X X X XID Length, High Byte + DLC of PIAFS : + Byte | 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 + -----+-------------------------------------------------------- + 0 | 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Data Link Configuration + 1 | X X X X X X X X Length of IE (at least 15 Bytes) + 2 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 max. information field, LOW byte (not used, fix 73 Bytes) + 3 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 max. information field, HIGH byte (not used, fix 73 Bytes) + 4 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 address A (not used) + 5 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 address B (not used) + 6 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mode (not used, fix 128) + 7 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window Size (not used, fix 127) + 8 | X X X X X X X X XID Length, Low Byte (at least 7 Bytes) + 9 | X X X X X X X X XID Length, High Byte 10 | 0 0 0 0 0 C V S PIAFS Protocol Speed configuration -> Note(1) - | S = 0 -> Protocol Speed is 32K - | S = 1 -> Protocol Speed is 64K - | V = 0 -> Protocol Speed is fixed - | V = 1 -> Protocol Speed is variable - | C = 0 -> speed setting according to standard - | C = 1 -> speed setting for chinese implementation + | S = 0 -> Protocol Speed is 32K + | S = 1 -> Protocol Speed is 64K + | V = 0 -> Protocol Speed is fixed + | V = 1 -> Protocol Speed is variable + | C = 0 -> speed setting according to standard + | C = 1 -> speed setting for chinese implementation 11 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 R T P0 - V42bis Compression enable/disable, Low Byte - | T = 0 -> Transmit Direction enable - | T = 1 -> Transmit Direction disable - | R = 0 -> Receive Direction enable - | R = 1 -> Receive Direction disable + | T = 0 -> Transmit Direction enable + | T = 1 -> Transmit Direction disable + | R = 0 -> Receive Direction enable + | R = 1 -> Receive Direction disable 13 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P0 - V42bis Compression enable/disable, High Byte 14 | X X X X X X X X P1 - V42bis Dictionary Size, Low Byte 15 | X X X X X X X X P1 - V42bis Dictionary Size, High Byte @@ -472,61 +472,61 @@ Byte | 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 18 | X X X X X X X X PIAFS extension length 19 | 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PIAFS extension Id (0x80) - UDATA abilities 20 | U 0 0 0 0 0 0 D UDATA abilities -> Note (2) - | up to now the following Bits are defined: - | D - signal DCD ON - | U - use extensive UDATA control communication - | for DDI test application -+ Note (1): ----------+------+-----------------------------------------+ -| PIAFS Protocol | Bit | | -| Speed configuration | S | Bit 1 - Protocol Speed | -| | | 0 - 32K | -| | | 1 - 64K (default) | -| | V | Bit 2 - Variable Protocol Speed | -| | | 0 - Speed is fix | -| | | 1 - Speed is variable (default) | -| | | OVERWRITES 32k Bit 1 | -| | C | Bit 3 0 - Speed Settings according to | -| | | PIAFS specification | -| | | 1 - Speed setting for chinese | -| | | PIAFS implementation | -| | | Explanation for chinese speed settings: | -| | | if Bit 3 is set the following | -| | | rules apply: | -| | | Bit1=0 Bit2=0: 32k fix | -| | | Bit1=1 Bit2=0: 64k fix | -| | | Bit1=0 Bit2=1: PIAFS is trying | -| | | to negotiate 32k is that is | -| | | not possible it tries to | -| | | negotiate 64k | -| | | Bit1=1 Bit2=1: PIAFS is trying | -| | | to negotiate 64k is that is | -| | | not possible it tries to | -| | | negotiate 32k | -+ Note (2): ----------+------+-----------------------------------------+ -| PIAFS | Bit | this byte defines the usage of UDATA | -| Implementation | | control communication | -| UDATA usage | D | Bit 1 - DCD-ON signalling | -| | | 0 - no DCD-ON is signalled | -| | | (default) | -| | | 1 - DCD-ON will be signalled | -| | U | Bit 8 - DDI test application UDATA | -| | | control communication | -| | | 0 - no UDATA control | -| | | communication (default) | -| | | sets as well the DCD-ON | -| | | signalling | -| | | 1 - UDATA control communication | -| | | ATTENTION: Do not use these | -| | | setting if you | -| | | are not really | -| | | that you need it | -| | | and you know | -| | | exactly what you | -| | | are doing. | -| | | You can easily | -| | | disable any | -| | | data transfer. | -+---------------------+------+-----------------------------------------+ + | up to now the following Bits are defined: + | D - signal DCD ON + | U - use extensive UDATA control communication + | for DDI test application + + Note (1): ----------+------+-----------------------------------------+ + | PIAFS Protocol | Bit | | + | Speed configuration | S | Bit 1 - Protocol Speed | + | | | 0 - 32K | + | | | 1 - 64K (default) | + | | V | Bit 2 - Variable Protocol Speed | + | | | 0 - Speed is fix | + | | | 1 - Speed is variable (default) | + | | | OVERWRITES 32k Bit 1 | + | | C | Bit 3 0 - Speed Settings according to | + | | | PIAFS specification | + | | | 1 - Speed setting for chinese | + | | | PIAFS implementation | + | | | Explanation for chinese speed settings: | + | | | if Bit 3 is set the following | + | | | rules apply: | + | | | Bit1=0 Bit2=0: 32k fix | + | | | Bit1=1 Bit2=0: 64k fix | + | | | Bit1=0 Bit2=1: PIAFS is trying | + | | | to negotiate 32k is that is | + | | | not possible it tries to | + | | | negotiate 64k | + | | | Bit1=1 Bit2=1: PIAFS is trying | + | | | to negotiate 64k is that is | + | | | not possible it tries to | + | | | negotiate 32k | + + Note (2): ----------+------+-----------------------------------------+ + | PIAFS | Bit | this byte defines the usage of UDATA | + | Implementation | | control communication | + | UDATA usage | D | Bit 1 - DCD-ON signalling | + | | | 0 - no DCD-ON is signalled | + | | | (default) | + | | | 1 - DCD-ON will be signalled | + | | U | Bit 8 - DDI test application UDATA | + | | | control communication | + | | | 0 - no UDATA control | + | | | communication (default) | + | | | sets as well the DCD-ON | + | | | signalling | + | | | 1 - UDATA control communication | + | | | ATTENTION: Do not use these | + | | | setting if you | + | | | are not really | + | | | that you need it | + | | | and you know | + | | | exactly what you | + | | | are doing. | + | | | You can easily | + | | | disable any | + | | | data transfer. | + +---------------------+------+-----------------------------------------+ */ /* ------------------------------------------------------ LISTENER DLC DEFINITIONS @@ -712,11 +712,11 @@ Byte | 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 /*#define RESERVED85 0x85*/ #define ADVICE_OF_CHARGE 0x86 /*1111 0001 -to -1111 1111 -F1H - Reserved for network operator use -to -FFH*/ + to + 1111 1111 + F1H - Reserved for network operator use + to + FFH*/ /* Parameter Types */ #define DATE_AND_TIME 1 #define CLI_PARAMETER_TYPE 2 diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pc_init.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pc_init.h index a616fc9d32e93fe12f291b30e7de246a4f4a5a07..d1d00866e8d422fd61eafe4c0288c7a3f8b1fe5e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pc_init.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pc_init.h @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef PC_INIT_H_ @@ -57,15 +57,15 @@ 0x0060 length (8) 0x0061 RBS Answer Delay 0x0062 RBS Config Bit 3, 4: - 0 0 -> Wink Start - 1 0 -> Loop Start - 0 1 -> Ground Start - 1 1 -> reserved - Bit 5, 6: - 0 0 -> Pulse Dial -> Rotary - 1 0 -> DTMF - 0 1 -> MF - 1 1 -> reserved + 0 0 -> Wink Start + 1 0 -> Loop Start + 0 1 -> Ground Start + 1 1 -> reserved + Bit 5, 6: + 0 0 -> Pulse Dial -> Rotary + 1 0 -> DTMF + 0 1 -> MF + 1 1 -> reserved 0x0063 RBS RX Digit Timeout 0x0064 RBS Bearer Capability 0x0065-0x0069 RBS Debug Mask diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pc_maint.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pc_maint.h index 352ab8dafb22f9077a9b91460939c105d4cff29a..496f018fb5a23a532d8c7b50ad8d2e5c2371fde9 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pc_maint.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pc_maint.h @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifdef PLATFORM_GT_32BIT /* #define POINTER_32BIT byte * __ptr32 */ -#define POINTER_32BIT dword +#define POINTER_32BIT dword #else #define POINTER_32BIT byte * #endif @@ -70,91 +70,91 @@ #define NO_EVENT 1 struct DSigStruc { - byte Id; - byte u; - byte listen; - byte active; - byte sin[3]; - byte bc[6]; - byte llc[6]; - byte hlc[6]; - byte oad[20]; + byte Id; + byte u; + byte listen; + byte active; + byte sin[3]; + byte bc[6]; + byte llc[6]; + byte hlc[6]; + byte oad[20]; }; struct BL1Struc { - dword cx_b1; - dword cx_b2; - dword cr_b1; - dword cr_b2; - dword px_b1; - dword px_b2; - dword pr_b1; - dword pr_b2; - word er_b1; - word er_b2; + dword cx_b1; + dword cx_b2; + dword cr_b1; + dword cr_b2; + dword px_b1; + dword px_b2; + dword pr_b1; + dword pr_b2; + word er_b1; + word er_b2; }; struct L2Struc { - dword XTotal; - dword RTotal; - word XError; - word RError; + dword XTotal; + dword RTotal; + word XError; + word RError; }; struct OSStruc { - dword free_n; + dword free_n; }; typedef union { - struct DSigStruc DSigStats; - struct BL1Struc BL1Stats; - struct L2Struc L2Stats; - struct OSStruc OSStats; - byte b[BUFFER_SZ]; - word w[BUFFER_SZ>>1]; - word l[BUFFER_SZ>>2]; /* word is wrong, do not use! Use 'd' instead. */ - dword d[BUFFER_SZ>>2]; + struct DSigStruc DSigStats; + struct BL1Struc BL1Stats; + struct L2Struc L2Stats; + struct OSStruc OSStats; + byte b[BUFFER_SZ]; + word w[BUFFER_SZ >> 1]; + word l[BUFFER_SZ >> 2]; /* word is wrong, do not use! Use 'd' instead. */ + dword d[BUFFER_SZ >> 2]; } BUFFER; typedef union { - struct DSigStruc DSigStats; - struct BL1Struc BL1Stats; - struct L2Struc L2Stats; - struct OSStruc OSStats; - byte b[MIPS_BUFFER_SZ]; - word w[MIPS_BUFFER_SZ>>1]; - word l[BUFFER_SZ>>2]; /* word is wrong, do not use! Use 'd' instead. */ - dword d[MIPS_BUFFER_SZ>>2]; + struct DSigStruc DSigStats; + struct BL1Struc BL1Stats; + struct L2Struc L2Stats; + struct OSStruc OSStats; + byte b[MIPS_BUFFER_SZ]; + word w[MIPS_BUFFER_SZ >> 1]; + word l[BUFFER_SZ >> 2]; /* word is wrong, do not use! Use 'd' instead. */ + dword d[MIPS_BUFFER_SZ >> 2]; } MIPS_BUFFER; #if !defined(MIPS_SCOM) struct pc_maint { - byte req; - byte rc; - POINTER_32BIT mem; - short length; - word port; - byte fill[6]; - BUFFER data; + byte req; + byte rc; + POINTER_32BIT mem; + short length; + word port; + byte fill[6]; + BUFFER data; }; #else struct pc_maint { - byte req; - byte rc; - byte reserved[2]; /* R3000 alignment ... */ - POINTER_32BIT mem; - short length; - word port; - byte fill[4]; /* data at offset 16 */ - BUFFER data; + byte req; + byte rc; + byte reserved[2]; /* R3000 alignment ... */ + POINTER_32BIT mem; + short length; + word port; + byte fill[4]; /* data at offset 16 */ + BUFFER data; }; #endif struct mi_pc_maint { - byte req; - byte rc; - byte reserved[2]; /* R3000 alignment ... */ - POINTER_32BIT mem; - short length; - word port; - byte fill[4]; /* data at offset 16 */ - MIPS_BUFFER data; + byte req; + byte rc; + byte reserved[2]; /* R3000 alignment ... */ + POINTER_32BIT mem; + short length; + word port; + byte fill[4]; /* data at offset 16 */ + MIPS_BUFFER data; }; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pkmaint.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pkmaint.h index 722f85fe42f6ba16f44afc7bea6aea487ddc3df8..cf3fb14a8e6fe68c1794bb39ca5dd84cd1775e4c 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pkmaint.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pkmaint.h @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef __DIVA_XDI_OS_DEPENDENT_PACK_MAIN_ON_BYTE_INC__ @@ -28,17 +28,16 @@ /* - Only one purpose of this compiler dependent file to pack - structures, described in pc_maint.h so that no padding - will be included. + Only one purpose of this compiler dependent file to pack + structures, described in pc_maint.h so that no padding + will be included. - With microsoft compile it is done by "pshpack1.h" and - after is restored by "poppack.h" - */ + With microsoft compile it is done by "pshpack1.h" and + after is restored by "poppack.h" +*/ #include "pc_maint.h" #endif - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/platform.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/platform.h index 15d4942de53bae5badbab4bcac2c254a31628e36..7331c3b14a5fd7a7594c7a2aeb8030595d52b414 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/platform.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/platform.h @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ /* $Id: platform.h,v 2005/01/31 12:22:20 armin Exp $ * * platform.h - * + * * * Copyright 2000-2003 by Armin Schindler (mac@melware.de) - * Copyright 2000 Eicon Networks + * Copyright 2000 Eicon Networks * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. @@ -112,40 +112,40 @@ #define DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CONFIG(a) ((a)->Config) #define DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CONTROL(a) ((a)->Control) -#define DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM(a, x) do { } while(0) -#define DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT(a, x) do { } while(0) -#define DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PROM(a, x) do { } while(0) -#define DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(a, x) do { } while(0) -#define DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RESET(a, x) do { } while(0) -#define DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CFG(a, x) do { } while(0) -#define DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_ADDRESS(a, x) do { } while(0) -#define DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CONFIG(a, x) do { } while(0) -#define DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CONTROL(a, x) do { } while(0) +#define DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RAM(a, x) do { } while (0) +#define DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT(a, x) do { } while (0) +#define DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PROM(a, x) do { } while (0) +#define DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(a, x) do { } while (0) +#define DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RESET(a, x) do { } while (0) +#define DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CFG(a, x) do { } while (0) +#define DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_ADDRESS(a, x) do { } while (0) +#define DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CONFIG(a, x) do { } while (0) +#define DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CONTROL(a, x) do { } while (0) #define DIVA_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE ((dword)(-1)) -#define DIVAS_CONTAINING_RECORD(address, type, field) \ - ((type *)((char*)(address) - (char*)(&((type *)0)->field))) +#define DIVAS_CONTAINING_RECORD(address, type, field) \ + ((type *)((char *)(address) - (char *)(&((type *)0)->field))) -extern int sprintf(char *, const char*, ...); +extern int sprintf(char *, const char *, ...); -typedef void* LIST_ENTRY; +typedef void *LIST_ENTRY; -typedef char DEVICE_NAME[64]; -typedef struct _ISDN_ADAPTER ISDN_ADAPTER; -typedef struct _ISDN_ADAPTER* PISDN_ADAPTER; +typedef char DEVICE_NAME[64]; +typedef struct _ISDN_ADAPTER ISDN_ADAPTER; +typedef struct _ISDN_ADAPTER *PISDN_ADAPTER; -typedef void (* DIVA_DI_PRINTF) (unsigned char *, ...); +typedef void (*DIVA_DI_PRINTF)(unsigned char *, ...); #include "debuglib.h" #define dtrc(p) DBG_PRV0(p) -#define dbug(a,p) DBG_PRV1(p) +#define dbug(a, p) DBG_PRV1(p) -typedef struct e_info_s E_INFO ; +typedef struct e_info_s E_INFO; typedef char diva_os_dependent_devica_name_t[64]; -typedef void* PDEVICE_OBJECT; +typedef void *PDEVICE_OBJECT; struct _diva_os_soft_isr; struct _diva_os_timer; @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ void diva_log_info(unsigned char *, ...); /* ** XDI DIDD Interface */ -void diva_xdi_didd_register_adapter (int card); -void diva_xdi_didd_remove_adapter (int card); +void diva_xdi_didd_register_adapter(int card); +void diva_xdi_didd_remove_adapter(int card); /* ** memory allocation */ -static __inline__ void* diva_os_malloc (unsigned long flags, unsigned long size) +static __inline__ void *diva_os_malloc(unsigned long flags, unsigned long size) { void *ret = NULL; @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ static __inline__ void* diva_os_malloc (unsigned long flags, unsigned long size) } return (ret); } -static __inline__ void diva_os_free (unsigned long flags, void* ptr) +static __inline__ void diva_os_free(unsigned long flags, void *ptr) { vfree(ptr); } @@ -200,34 +200,34 @@ static __inline__ void diva_os_wait(dword mSec) /* ** PCI Configuration space access */ -void PCIwrite (byte bus, byte func, int offset, void* data, int length, void* pci_dev_handle); -void PCIread (byte bus, byte func, int offset, void* data, int length, void* pci_dev_handle); +void PCIwrite(byte bus, byte func, int offset, void *data, int length, void *pci_dev_handle); +void PCIread(byte bus, byte func, int offset, void *data, int length, void *pci_dev_handle); /* ** I/O Port utilities */ -int diva_os_register_io_port (void *adapter, int register, unsigned long port, - unsigned long length, const char* name, int id); +int diva_os_register_io_port(void *adapter, int register, unsigned long port, + unsigned long length, const char *name, int id); /* ** I/O port access abstraction */ -byte inpp (void __iomem *); -word inppw (void __iomem *); -void inppw_buffer (void __iomem *, void*, int); -void outppw (void __iomem *, word); -void outppw_buffer (void __iomem * , void*, int); -void outpp (void __iomem *, word); +byte inpp(void __iomem *); +word inppw(void __iomem *); +void inppw_buffer(void __iomem *, void *, int); +void outppw(void __iomem *, word); +void outppw_buffer(void __iomem * , void*, int); +void outpp(void __iomem *, word); /* -** IRQ +** IRQ */ typedef struct _diva_os_adapter_irq_info { - byte irq_nr; - int registered; - char irq_name[24]; + byte irq_nr; + int registered; + char irq_name[24]; } diva_os_adapter_irq_info_t; -int diva_os_register_irq (void* context, byte irq, const char* name); -void diva_os_remove_irq (void* context, byte irq); +int diva_os_register_irq(void *context, byte irq, const char *name); +void diva_os_remove_irq(void *context, byte irq); #define diva_os_in_irq() in_irq() @@ -236,58 +236,58 @@ void diva_os_remove_irq (void* context, byte irq); */ typedef long diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t; typedef spinlock_t diva_os_spin_lock_t; -static __inline__ int diva_os_initialize_spin_lock (spinlock_t *lock, void * unused) { \ - spin_lock_init (lock); return(0); } -static __inline__ void diva_os_enter_spin_lock (diva_os_spin_lock_t* a, \ - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t* old_irql, \ - void* dbg) { spin_lock_bh(a); } -static __inline__ void diva_os_leave_spin_lock (diva_os_spin_lock_t* a, \ - diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t* old_irql, \ - void* dbg) { spin_unlock_bh(a); } +static __inline__ int diva_os_initialize_spin_lock(spinlock_t *lock, void *unused) { \ + spin_lock_init(lock); return (0); } +static __inline__ void diva_os_enter_spin_lock(diva_os_spin_lock_t *a, \ + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t *old_irql, \ + void *dbg) { spin_lock_bh(a); } +static __inline__ void diva_os_leave_spin_lock(diva_os_spin_lock_t *a, \ + diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t *old_irql, \ + void *dbg) { spin_unlock_bh(a); } -#define diva_os_destroy_spin_lock(a,b) do { } while(0) +#define diva_os_destroy_spin_lock(a, b) do { } while (0) /* ** Deffered processing framework */ -typedef int (*diva_os_isr_callback_t)(struct _ISDN_ADAPTER*); -typedef void (*diva_os_soft_isr_callback_t)(struct _diva_os_soft_isr* psoft_isr, void* context); +typedef int (*diva_os_isr_callback_t)(struct _ISDN_ADAPTER *); +typedef void (*diva_os_soft_isr_callback_t)(struct _diva_os_soft_isr *psoft_isr, void *context); typedef struct _diva_os_soft_isr { - void* object; - diva_os_soft_isr_callback_t callback; - void* callback_context; - char dpc_thread_name[24]; + void *object; + diva_os_soft_isr_callback_t callback; + void *callback_context; + char dpc_thread_name[24]; } diva_os_soft_isr_t; -int diva_os_initialize_soft_isr (diva_os_soft_isr_t* psoft_isr, diva_os_soft_isr_callback_t callback, void* callback_context); -int diva_os_schedule_soft_isr (diva_os_soft_isr_t* psoft_isr); -int diva_os_cancel_soft_isr (diva_os_soft_isr_t* psoft_isr); -void diva_os_remove_soft_isr (diva_os_soft_isr_t* psoft_isr); +int diva_os_initialize_soft_isr(diva_os_soft_isr_t *psoft_isr, diva_os_soft_isr_callback_t callback, void *callback_context); +int diva_os_schedule_soft_isr(diva_os_soft_isr_t *psoft_isr); +int diva_os_cancel_soft_isr(diva_os_soft_isr_t *psoft_isr); +void diva_os_remove_soft_isr(diva_os_soft_isr_t *psoft_isr); /* Get time service - */ -void diva_os_get_time (dword* sec, dword* usec); +*/ +void diva_os_get_time(dword *sec, dword *usec); /* ** atomic operation, fake because we use threads */ typedef int diva_os_atomic_t; static diva_os_atomic_t __inline__ -diva_os_atomic_increment(diva_os_atomic_t* pv) +diva_os_atomic_increment(diva_os_atomic_t *pv) { - *pv += 1; - return (*pv); + *pv += 1; + return (*pv); } static diva_os_atomic_t __inline__ -diva_os_atomic_decrement(diva_os_atomic_t* pv) +diva_os_atomic_decrement(diva_os_atomic_t *pv) { - *pv -= 1; - return (*pv); + *pv -= 1; + return (*pv); } -/* +/* ** CAPI SECTION */ #define NO_CORNETN @@ -319,9 +319,9 @@ diva_os_atomic_decrement(diva_os_atomic_t* pv) #define READ_WORD(addr) readw(addr) #define READ_DWORD(addr) readl(addr) -#define WRITE_BYTE(addr,v) writeb(v,addr) -#define WRITE_WORD(addr,v) writew(v,addr) -#define WRITE_DWORD(addr,v) writel(v,addr) +#define WRITE_BYTE(addr, v) writeb(v, addr) +#define WRITE_WORD(addr, v) writew(v, addr) +#define WRITE_DWORD(addr, v) writel(v, addr) static inline __u16 GET_WORD(void *addr) { @@ -344,10 +344,10 @@ static inline void PUT_DWORD(void *addr, __u32 v) ** 32/64 bit macors */ #ifdef BITS_PER_LONG - #if BITS_PER_LONG > 32 - #define PLATFORM_GT_32BIT - #define ULongToPtr(x) (void *)(unsigned long)(x) - #endif +#if BITS_PER_LONG > 32 +#define PLATFORM_GT_32BIT +#define ULongToPtr(x) (void *)(unsigned long)(x) +#endif #endif /* @@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ static inline void PUT_DWORD(void *addr, __u32 v) */ #define diva_os_dump_file_t char #define diva_os_board_trace_t char -#define diva_os_dump_file(__x__) do { } while(0) +#define diva_os_dump_file(__x__) do { } while (0) /* ** size of internal arrays diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pr_pc.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pr_pc.h index bf49a5af567f3e3d78d51d24523fa69ff2c78192..a08d6d57a486b7b1e038d3d0785b6996912ee352 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pr_pc.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/pr_pc.h @@ -1,76 +1,76 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ struct pr_ram { - word NextReq; /* pointer to next Req Buffer */ - word NextRc; /* pointer to next Rc Buffer */ - word NextInd; /* pointer to next Ind Buffer */ - byte ReqInput; /* number of Req Buffers sent */ - byte ReqOutput; /* number of Req Buffers returned */ - byte ReqReserved; /* number of Req Buffers reserved */ - byte Int; /* ISDN-P interrupt */ - byte XLock; /* Lock field for arbitration */ - byte RcOutput; /* number of Rc buffers received */ - byte IndOutput; /* number of Ind buffers received */ - byte IMask; /* Interrupt Mask Flag */ - byte Reserved1[2]; /* reserved field, do not use */ - byte ReadyInt; /* request field for ready interrupt */ - byte Reserved2[12]; /* reserved field, do not use */ - byte InterfaceType; /* interface type 1=16K interface */ - word Signature; /* ISDN-P initialized indication */ - byte B[1]; /* buffer space for Req,Ind and Rc */ + word NextReq; /* pointer to next Req Buffer */ + word NextRc; /* pointer to next Rc Buffer */ + word NextInd; /* pointer to next Ind Buffer */ + byte ReqInput; /* number of Req Buffers sent */ + byte ReqOutput; /* number of Req Buffers returned */ + byte ReqReserved; /* number of Req Buffers reserved */ + byte Int; /* ISDN-P interrupt */ + byte XLock; /* Lock field for arbitration */ + byte RcOutput; /* number of Rc buffers received */ + byte IndOutput; /* number of Ind buffers received */ + byte IMask; /* Interrupt Mask Flag */ + byte Reserved1[2]; /* reserved field, do not use */ + byte ReadyInt; /* request field for ready interrupt */ + byte Reserved2[12]; /* reserved field, do not use */ + byte InterfaceType; /* interface type 1=16K interface */ + word Signature; /* ISDN-P initialized indication */ + byte B[1]; /* buffer space for Req,Ind and Rc */ }; typedef struct { - word next; - byte Req; - byte ReqId; - byte ReqCh; - byte Reserved1; - word Reference; - byte Reserved[8]; - PBUFFER XBuffer; + word next; + byte Req; + byte ReqId; + byte ReqCh; + byte Reserved1; + word Reference; + byte Reserved[8]; + PBUFFER XBuffer; } REQ; typedef struct { - word next; - byte Rc; - byte RcId; - byte RcCh; - byte Reserved1; - word Reference; - byte Reserved2[8]; + word next; + byte Rc; + byte RcId; + byte RcCh; + byte Reserved1; + word Reference; + byte Reserved2[8]; } RC; typedef struct { - word next; - byte Ind; - byte IndId; - byte IndCh; - byte MInd; - word MLength; - word Reference; - byte RNR; - byte Reserved; - dword Ack; - PBUFFER RBuffer; + word next; + byte Ind; + byte IndId; + byte IndCh; + byte MInd; + word MLength; + word Reference; + byte RNR; + byte Reserved; + dword Ack; + PBUFFER RBuffer; } IND; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/s_4bri.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/s_4bri.c index 25c5d7feb8382df4da3d6054d6234d0273b45563..ec12165fbf62850de5381d67f6044ba6d4f96754 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/s_4bri.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/s_4bri.c @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include "platform.h" @@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ #define MAX_XLOG_SIZE (64 * 1024) /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Recovery XLOG from QBRI Card - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void qBri_cpu_trapped (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - byte __iomem *base ; - word *Xlog ; - dword regs[4], TrapID, offset, size ; - Xdesc xlogDesc ; + Recovery XLOG from QBRI Card + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static void qBri_cpu_trapped(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + byte __iomem *base; + word *Xlog; + dword regs[4], TrapID, offset, size; + Xdesc xlogDesc; int factor = (IoAdapter->tasks == 1) ? 1 : 2; /* @@ -56,211 +56,211 @@ static void qBri_cpu_trapped (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { */ base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CONTROL(IoAdapter); - offset = IoAdapter->ControllerNumber * (IoAdapter->MemorySize >> factor) ; + offset = IoAdapter->ControllerNumber * (IoAdapter->MemorySize >> factor); - TrapID = READ_DWORD(&base[0x80]) ; + TrapID = READ_DWORD(&base[0x80]); - if ( (TrapID == 0x99999999) || (TrapID == 0x99999901) ) + if ((TrapID == 0x99999999) || (TrapID == 0x99999901)) { - dump_trap_frame (IoAdapter, &base[0x90]) ; - IoAdapter->trapped = 1 ; + dump_trap_frame(IoAdapter, &base[0x90]); + IoAdapter->trapped = 1; } regs[0] = READ_DWORD((base + offset) + 0x70); regs[1] = READ_DWORD((base + offset) + 0x74); regs[2] = READ_DWORD((base + offset) + 0x78); regs[3] = READ_DWORD((base + offset) + 0x7c); - regs[0] &= IoAdapter->MemorySize - 1 ; + regs[0] &= IoAdapter->MemorySize - 1; - if ( (regs[0] >= offset) - && (regs[0] < offset + (IoAdapter->MemorySize >> factor) - 1) ) + if ((regs[0] >= offset) + && (regs[0] < offset + (IoAdapter->MemorySize >> factor) - 1)) { - if ( !(Xlog = (word *)diva_os_malloc (0, MAX_XLOG_SIZE)) ) { + if (!(Xlog = (word *)diva_os_malloc(0, MAX_XLOG_SIZE))) { DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CONTROL(IoAdapter, base); - return ; + return; } - size = offset + (IoAdapter->MemorySize >> factor) - regs[0] ; - if ( size > MAX_XLOG_SIZE ) - size = MAX_XLOG_SIZE ; - memcpy_fromio (Xlog, &base[regs[0]], size) ; - xlogDesc.buf = Xlog ; - xlogDesc.cnt = READ_WORD(&base[regs[1] & (IoAdapter->MemorySize - 1)]) ; - xlogDesc.out = READ_WORD(&base[regs[2] & (IoAdapter->MemorySize - 1)]) ; - dump_xlog_buffer (IoAdapter, &xlogDesc) ; - diva_os_free (0, Xlog) ; - IoAdapter->trapped = 2 ; + size = offset + (IoAdapter->MemorySize >> factor) - regs[0]; + if (size > MAX_XLOG_SIZE) + size = MAX_XLOG_SIZE; + memcpy_fromio(Xlog, &base[regs[0]], size); + xlogDesc.buf = Xlog; + xlogDesc.cnt = READ_WORD(&base[regs[1] & (IoAdapter->MemorySize - 1)]); + xlogDesc.out = READ_WORD(&base[regs[2] & (IoAdapter->MemorySize - 1)]); + dump_xlog_buffer(IoAdapter, &xlogDesc); + diva_os_free(0, Xlog); + IoAdapter->trapped = 2; } DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CONTROL(IoAdapter, base); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Reset QBRI Hardware - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void reset_qBri_hardware (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - word volatile __iomem *qBriReset ; - byte volatile __iomem *qBriCntrl ; - byte volatile __iomem *p ; + Reset QBRI Hardware + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static void reset_qBri_hardware(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + word volatile __iomem *qBriReset; + byte volatile __iomem *qBriCntrl; + byte volatile __iomem *p; qBriReset = (word volatile __iomem *)DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PROM(IoAdapter); - WRITE_WORD(qBriReset, READ_WORD(qBriReset) | PLX9054_SOFT_RESET) ; - diva_os_wait (1) ; - WRITE_WORD(qBriReset, READ_WORD(qBriReset) & ~PLX9054_SOFT_RESET) ; - diva_os_wait (1); - WRITE_WORD(qBriReset, READ_WORD(qBriReset) | PLX9054_RELOAD_EEPROM) ; - diva_os_wait (1) ; - WRITE_WORD(qBriReset, READ_WORD(qBriReset) & ~PLX9054_RELOAD_EEPROM) ; - diva_os_wait (1); + WRITE_WORD(qBriReset, READ_WORD(qBriReset) | PLX9054_SOFT_RESET); + diva_os_wait(1); + WRITE_WORD(qBriReset, READ_WORD(qBriReset) & ~PLX9054_SOFT_RESET); + diva_os_wait(1); + WRITE_WORD(qBriReset, READ_WORD(qBriReset) | PLX9054_RELOAD_EEPROM); + diva_os_wait(1); + WRITE_WORD(qBriReset, READ_WORD(qBriReset) & ~PLX9054_RELOAD_EEPROM); + diva_os_wait(1); DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PROM(IoAdapter, qBriReset); qBriCntrl = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter); p = &qBriCntrl[DIVA_4BRI_REVISION(IoAdapter) ? (MQ2_BREG_RISC) : (MQ_BREG_RISC)]; - WRITE_DWORD(p, 0) ; + WRITE_DWORD(p, 0); DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter, qBriCntrl); DBG_TRC(("resetted board @ reset addr 0x%08lx", qBriReset)) - DBG_TRC(("resetted board @ cntrl addr 0x%08lx", p)) -} + DBG_TRC(("resetted board @ cntrl addr 0x%08lx", p)) + } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Start Card CPU - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -void start_qBri_hardware (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - byte volatile __iomem *qBriReset ; - byte volatile __iomem *p ; + Start Card CPU + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +void start_qBri_hardware(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + byte volatile __iomem *qBriReset; + byte volatile __iomem *p; p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter); qBriReset = &p[(DIVA_4BRI_REVISION(IoAdapter)) ? (MQ2_BREG_RISC) : (MQ_BREG_RISC)]; - WRITE_DWORD(qBriReset, MQ_RISC_COLD_RESET_MASK) ; - diva_os_wait (2) ; - WRITE_DWORD(qBriReset, MQ_RISC_WARM_RESET_MASK | MQ_RISC_COLD_RESET_MASK) ; - diva_os_wait (10) ; + WRITE_DWORD(qBriReset, MQ_RISC_COLD_RESET_MASK); + diva_os_wait(2); + WRITE_DWORD(qBriReset, MQ_RISC_WARM_RESET_MASK | MQ_RISC_COLD_RESET_MASK); + diva_os_wait(10); DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter, p); DBG_TRC(("started processor @ addr 0x%08lx", qBriReset)) -} + } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Stop Card CPU - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void stop_qBri_hardware (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - byte volatile __iomem *p ; - dword volatile __iomem *qBriReset ; - dword volatile __iomem *qBriIrq ; - dword volatile __iomem *qBriIsacDspReset ; + Stop Card CPU + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static void stop_qBri_hardware(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + byte volatile __iomem *p; + dword volatile __iomem *qBriReset; + dword volatile __iomem *qBriIrq; + dword volatile __iomem *qBriIsacDspReset; int rev2 = DIVA_4BRI_REVISION(IoAdapter); int reset_offset = rev2 ? (MQ2_BREG_RISC) : (MQ_BREG_RISC); int irq_offset = rev2 ? (MQ2_BREG_IRQ_TEST) : (MQ_BREG_IRQ_TEST); int hw_offset = rev2 ? (MQ2_ISAC_DSP_RESET) : (MQ_ISAC_DSP_RESET); - if ( IoAdapter->ControllerNumber > 0 ) - return ; + if (IoAdapter->ControllerNumber > 0) + return; p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter); qBriReset = (dword volatile __iomem *)&p[reset_offset]; qBriIsacDspReset = (dword volatile __iomem *)&p[hw_offset]; /* * clear interrupt line (reset Local Interrupt Test Register) */ - WRITE_DWORD(qBriReset, 0) ; - WRITE_DWORD(qBriIsacDspReset, 0) ; + WRITE_DWORD(qBriReset, 0); + WRITE_DWORD(qBriIsacDspReset, 0); DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter, p); - + p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RESET(IoAdapter); WRITE_BYTE(&p[PLX9054_INTCSR], 0x00); /* disable PCI interrupts */ DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RESET(IoAdapter, p); - + p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter); qBriIrq = (dword volatile __iomem *)&p[irq_offset]; - WRITE_DWORD(qBriIrq, MQ_IRQ_REQ_OFF) ; + WRITE_DWORD(qBriIrq, MQ_IRQ_REQ_OFF); DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter, p); DBG_TRC(("stopped processor @ addr 0x%08lx", qBriReset)) -} + } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - FPGA download - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + FPGA download + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define FPGA_NAME_OFFSET 0x10 -static byte * qBri_check_FPGAsrc (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, char *FileName, - dword *Length, dword *code) { - byte *File ; - char *fpgaFile, *fpgaType, *fpgaDate, *fpgaTime ; - dword fpgaFlen, fpgaTlen, fpgaDlen, cnt, year, i ; +static byte *qBri_check_FPGAsrc(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, char *FileName, + dword *Length, dword *code) { + byte *File; + char *fpgaFile, *fpgaType, *fpgaDate, *fpgaTime; + dword fpgaFlen, fpgaTlen, fpgaDlen, cnt, year, i; - if (!(File = (byte *)xdiLoadFile (FileName, Length, 0))) { - return (NULL) ; + if (!(File = (byte *)xdiLoadFile(FileName, Length, 0))) { + return (NULL); } /* * scan file until FF and put id string into buffer */ - for ( i = 0 ; File[i] != 0xff ; ) + for (i = 0; File[i] != 0xff;) { - if ( ++i >= *Length ) + if (++i >= *Length) { DBG_FTL(("FPGA download: start of data header not found")) - xdiFreeFile (File) ; - return (NULL) ; + xdiFreeFile(File); + return (NULL); } } - *code = i++ ; + *code = i++; - if ( (File[i] & 0xF0) != 0x20 ) + if ((File[i] & 0xF0) != 0x20) { DBG_FTL(("FPGA download: data header corrupted")) - xdiFreeFile (File) ; - return (NULL) ; + xdiFreeFile(File); + return (NULL); } - fpgaFlen = (dword) File[FPGA_NAME_OFFSET - 1] ; - if ( fpgaFlen == 0 ) - fpgaFlen = 12 ; - fpgaFile = (char *)&File[FPGA_NAME_OFFSET] ; - fpgaTlen = (dword) fpgaFile[fpgaFlen + 2] ; - if ( fpgaTlen == 0 ) - fpgaTlen = 10 ; - fpgaType = (char *)&fpgaFile[fpgaFlen + 3] ; - fpgaDlen = (dword) fpgaType[fpgaTlen + 2] ; - if ( fpgaDlen == 0 ) - fpgaDlen = 11 ; - fpgaDate = (char *)&fpgaType[fpgaTlen + 3] ; - fpgaTime = (char *)&fpgaDate[fpgaDlen + 3] ; - cnt = (dword)(((File[ i ] & 0x0F) << 20) + (File[i + 1] << 12) - + (File[i + 2] << 4) + (File[i + 3] >> 4)) ; - - if ( (dword)(i + (cnt / 8)) > *Length ) + fpgaFlen = (dword)File[FPGA_NAME_OFFSET - 1]; + if (fpgaFlen == 0) + fpgaFlen = 12; + fpgaFile = (char *)&File[FPGA_NAME_OFFSET]; + fpgaTlen = (dword)fpgaFile[fpgaFlen + 2]; + if (fpgaTlen == 0) + fpgaTlen = 10; + fpgaType = (char *)&fpgaFile[fpgaFlen + 3]; + fpgaDlen = (dword) fpgaType[fpgaTlen + 2]; + if (fpgaDlen == 0) + fpgaDlen = 11; + fpgaDate = (char *)&fpgaType[fpgaTlen + 3]; + fpgaTime = (char *)&fpgaDate[fpgaDlen + 3]; + cnt = (dword)(((File[i] & 0x0F) << 20) + (File[i + 1] << 12) + + (File[i + 2] << 4) + (File[i + 3] >> 4)); + + if ((dword)(i + (cnt / 8)) > *Length) { DBG_FTL(("FPGA download: '%s' file too small (%ld < %ld)", - FileName, *Length, code + ((cnt + 7) / 8) )) - xdiFreeFile (File) ; - return (NULL) ; + FileName, *Length, code + ((cnt + 7) / 8))) + xdiFreeFile(File); + return (NULL); } - i = 0 ; + i = 0; do { - while ( (fpgaDate[i] != '\0') - && ((fpgaDate[i] < '0') || (fpgaDate[i] > '9')) ) + while ((fpgaDate[i] != '\0') + && ((fpgaDate[i] < '0') || (fpgaDate[i] > '9'))) { i++; } - year = 0 ; - while ( (fpgaDate[i] >= '0') && (fpgaDate[i] <= '9') ) - year = year * 10 + (fpgaDate[i++] - '0') ; - } while ( (year < 2000) && (fpgaDate[i] != '\0') ); + year = 0; + while ((fpgaDate[i] >= '0') && (fpgaDate[i] <= '9')) + year = year * 10 + (fpgaDate[i++] - '0'); + } while ((year < 2000) && (fpgaDate[i] != '\0')); switch (IoAdapter->cardType) { - case CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_B_2F_PCI: - break; + case CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_B_2F_PCI: + break; - default: - if ( year >= 2001 ) { - IoAdapter->fpga_features |= PCINIT_FPGA_PLX_ACCESS_SUPPORTED ; - } + default: + if (year >= 2001) { + IoAdapter->fpga_features |= PCINIT_FPGA_PLX_ACCESS_SUPPORTED; + } } DBG_LOG(("FPGA[%s] file %s (%s %s) len %d", - fpgaType, fpgaFile, fpgaDate, fpgaTime, cnt)) - return (File) ; + fpgaType, fpgaFile, fpgaDate, fpgaTime, cnt)) + return (File); } /******************************************************************************/ @@ -272,114 +272,114 @@ static byte * qBri_check_FPGAsrc (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter, char *FileName, #define FPGA_DOUT 0x0400 #define FPGA_DIN FPGA_DOUT /* bidirectional I/O */ -int qBri_FPGA_download (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - int bit ; - byte *File ; - dword code, FileLength ; +int qBri_FPGA_download(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + int bit; + byte *File; + dword code, FileLength; word volatile __iomem *addr = (word volatile __iomem *)DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PROM(IoAdapter); - word val, baseval = FPGA_CS | FPGA_PROG ; + word val, baseval = FPGA_CS | FPGA_PROG; if (DIVA_4BRI_REVISION(IoAdapter)) { - char* name; + char *name; switch (IoAdapter->cardType) { - case CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_B_2F_PCI: - name = "dsbri2f.bit"; - break; + case CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_B_2F_PCI: + name = "dsbri2f.bit"; + break; - case CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_B_2M_V2_PCI: - case CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_B_2M_V2_PCI: - name = "dsbri2m.bit"; - break; + case CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_B_2M_V2_PCI: + case CARDTYPE_DIVASRV_VOICE_B_2M_V2_PCI: + name = "dsbri2m.bit"; + break; - default: - name = "ds4bri2.bit"; + default: + name = "ds4bri2.bit"; } - File = qBri_check_FPGAsrc (IoAdapter, name, - &FileLength, &code); + File = qBri_check_FPGAsrc(IoAdapter, name, + &FileLength, &code); } else { - File = qBri_check_FPGAsrc (IoAdapter, "ds4bri.bit", - &FileLength, &code) ; + File = qBri_check_FPGAsrc(IoAdapter, "ds4bri.bit", + &FileLength, &code); } - if ( !File ) { + if (!File) { DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PROM(IoAdapter, addr); - return (0) ; + return (0); } /* * prepare download, pulse PROGRAM pin down. */ - WRITE_WORD(addr, baseval & ~FPGA_PROG) ; /* PROGRAM low pulse */ - WRITE_WORD(addr, baseval) ; /* release */ - diva_os_wait (50) ; /* wait until FPGA finished internal memory clear */ + WRITE_WORD(addr, baseval & ~FPGA_PROG); /* PROGRAM low pulse */ + WRITE_WORD(addr, baseval); /* release */ + diva_os_wait(50); /* wait until FPGA finished internal memory clear */ /* * check done pin, must be low */ - if ( READ_WORD(addr) & FPGA_BUSY ) + if (READ_WORD(addr) & FPGA_BUSY) { DBG_FTL(("FPGA download: acknowledge for FPGA memory clear missing")) - xdiFreeFile (File) ; + xdiFreeFile(File); DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PROM(IoAdapter, addr); - return (0) ; + return (0); } /* * put data onto the FPGA */ - while ( code < FileLength ) + while (code < FileLength) { - val = ((word)File[code++]) << 3 ; + val = ((word)File[code++]) << 3; - for ( bit = 8 ; bit-- > 0 ; val <<= 1 ) /* put byte onto FPGA */ + for (bit = 8; bit-- > 0; val <<= 1) /* put byte onto FPGA */ { - baseval &= ~FPGA_DOUT ; /* clr data bit */ - baseval |= (val & FPGA_DOUT) ; /* copy data bit */ - WRITE_WORD(addr, baseval) ; - WRITE_WORD(addr, baseval | FPGA_CCLK) ; /* set CCLK hi */ - WRITE_WORD(addr, baseval | FPGA_CCLK) ; /* set CCLK hi */ - WRITE_WORD(addr, baseval) ; /* set CCLK lo */ + baseval &= ~FPGA_DOUT; /* clr data bit */ + baseval |= (val & FPGA_DOUT); /* copy data bit */ + WRITE_WORD(addr, baseval); + WRITE_WORD(addr, baseval | FPGA_CCLK); /* set CCLK hi */ + WRITE_WORD(addr, baseval | FPGA_CCLK); /* set CCLK hi */ + WRITE_WORD(addr, baseval); /* set CCLK lo */ } } - xdiFreeFile (File) ; - diva_os_wait (100) ; - val = READ_WORD(addr) ; + xdiFreeFile(File); + diva_os_wait(100); + val = READ_WORD(addr); DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PROM(IoAdapter, addr); - if ( !(val & FPGA_BUSY) ) + if (!(val & FPGA_BUSY)) { DBG_FTL(("FPGA download: chip remains in busy state (0x%04x)", val)) - return (0) ; + return (0); } - return (1) ; + return (1); } -static int load_qBri_hardware (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { +static int load_qBri_hardware(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { return (0); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Card ISR - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static int qBri_ISR (struct _ISDN_ADAPTER* IoAdapter) { - dword volatile __iomem *qBriIrq ; + Card ISR + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static int qBri_ISR(struct _ISDN_ADAPTER *IoAdapter) { + dword volatile __iomem *qBriIrq; - PADAPTER_LIST_ENTRY QuadroList = IoAdapter->QuadroList ; + PADAPTER_LIST_ENTRY QuadroList = IoAdapter->QuadroList; - word i ; - int serviced = 0 ; + word i; + int serviced = 0; byte __iomem *p; p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RESET(IoAdapter); - if ( !(READ_BYTE(&p[PLX9054_INTCSR]) & 0x80) ) { + if (!(READ_BYTE(&p[PLX9054_INTCSR]) & 0x80)) { DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RESET(IoAdapter, p); - return (0) ; + return (0); } DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RESET(IoAdapter, p); @@ -388,34 +388,34 @@ static int qBri_ISR (struct _ISDN_ADAPTER* IoAdapter) { */ p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter); qBriIrq = (dword volatile __iomem *)(&p[DIVA_4BRI_REVISION(IoAdapter) ? (MQ2_BREG_IRQ_TEST) : (MQ_BREG_IRQ_TEST)]); - WRITE_DWORD(qBriIrq, MQ_IRQ_REQ_OFF) ; + WRITE_DWORD(qBriIrq, MQ_IRQ_REQ_OFF); DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter, p); - for ( i = 0 ; i < IoAdapter->tasks; ++i ) + for (i = 0; i < IoAdapter->tasks; ++i) { - IoAdapter = QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[i] ; + IoAdapter = QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[i]; - if ( IoAdapter && IoAdapter->Initialized - && IoAdapter->tst_irq (&IoAdapter->a) ) + if (IoAdapter && IoAdapter->Initialized + && IoAdapter->tst_irq(&IoAdapter->a)) { - IoAdapter->IrqCount++ ; - serviced = 1 ; - diva_os_schedule_soft_isr (&IoAdapter->isr_soft_isr); + IoAdapter->IrqCount++; + serviced = 1; + diva_os_schedule_soft_isr(&IoAdapter->isr_soft_isr); } } - return (serviced) ; + return (serviced); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Does disable the interrupt on the card - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void disable_qBri_interrupt (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - dword volatile __iomem *qBriIrq ; + Does disable the interrupt on the card + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static void disable_qBri_interrupt(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + dword volatile __iomem *qBriIrq; byte __iomem *p; - if ( IoAdapter->ControllerNumber > 0 ) - return ; + if (IoAdapter->ControllerNumber > 0) + return; /* * clear interrupt line (reset Local Interrupt Test Register) */ @@ -425,84 +425,84 @@ static void disable_qBri_interrupt (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter); qBriIrq = (dword volatile __iomem *)(&p[DIVA_4BRI_REVISION(IoAdapter) ? (MQ2_BREG_IRQ_TEST) : (MQ_BREG_IRQ_TEST)]); - WRITE_DWORD(qBriIrq, MQ_IRQ_REQ_OFF) ; + WRITE_DWORD(qBriIrq, MQ_IRQ_REQ_OFF); DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter, p); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Install Adapter Entry Points - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void set_common_qBri_functions (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + Install Adapter Entry Points + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static void set_common_qBri_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { ADAPTER *a; - a = &IoAdapter->a ; + a = &IoAdapter->a; - a->ram_in = mem_in ; - a->ram_inw = mem_inw ; - a->ram_in_buffer = mem_in_buffer ; - a->ram_look_ahead = mem_look_ahead ; - a->ram_out = mem_out ; - a->ram_outw = mem_outw ; - a->ram_out_buffer = mem_out_buffer ; - a->ram_inc = mem_inc ; + a->ram_in = mem_in; + a->ram_inw = mem_inw; + a->ram_in_buffer = mem_in_buffer; + a->ram_look_ahead = mem_look_ahead; + a->ram_out = mem_out; + a->ram_outw = mem_outw; + a->ram_out_buffer = mem_out_buffer; + a->ram_inc = mem_inc; - IoAdapter->out = pr_out ; - IoAdapter->dpc = pr_dpc ; - IoAdapter->tst_irq = scom_test_int ; - IoAdapter->clr_irq = scom_clear_int ; - IoAdapter->pcm = (struct pc_maint *)MIPS_MAINT_OFFS ; + IoAdapter->out = pr_out; + IoAdapter->dpc = pr_dpc; + IoAdapter->tst_irq = scom_test_int; + IoAdapter->clr_irq = scom_clear_int; + IoAdapter->pcm = (struct pc_maint *)MIPS_MAINT_OFFS; - IoAdapter->load = load_qBri_hardware ; + IoAdapter->load = load_qBri_hardware; - IoAdapter->disIrq = disable_qBri_interrupt ; - IoAdapter->rstFnc = reset_qBri_hardware ; - IoAdapter->stop = stop_qBri_hardware ; - IoAdapter->trapFnc = qBri_cpu_trapped ; + IoAdapter->disIrq = disable_qBri_interrupt; + IoAdapter->rstFnc = reset_qBri_hardware; + IoAdapter->stop = stop_qBri_hardware; + IoAdapter->trapFnc = qBri_cpu_trapped; IoAdapter->diva_isr_handler = qBri_ISR; - IoAdapter->a.io = (void*)IoAdapter ; + IoAdapter->a.io = (void *)IoAdapter; } -static void set_qBri_functions (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { +static void set_qBri_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { if (!IoAdapter->tasks) { IoAdapter->tasks = MQ_INSTANCE_COUNT; } - IoAdapter->MemorySize = MQ_MEMORY_SIZE ; - set_common_qBri_functions (IoAdapter) ; - diva_os_set_qBri_functions (IoAdapter) ; + IoAdapter->MemorySize = MQ_MEMORY_SIZE; + set_common_qBri_functions(IoAdapter); + diva_os_set_qBri_functions(IoAdapter); } -static void set_qBri2_functions (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { +static void set_qBri2_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { if (!IoAdapter->tasks) { IoAdapter->tasks = MQ_INSTANCE_COUNT; } IoAdapter->MemorySize = (IoAdapter->tasks == 1) ? BRI2_MEMORY_SIZE : MQ2_MEMORY_SIZE; - set_common_qBri_functions (IoAdapter) ; - diva_os_set_qBri2_functions (IoAdapter) ; + set_common_qBri_functions(IoAdapter); + diva_os_set_qBri2_functions(IoAdapter); } /******************************************************************************/ -void prepare_qBri_functions (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { +void prepare_qBri_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - set_qBri_functions (IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[0]) ; - set_qBri_functions (IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[1]) ; - set_qBri_functions (IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[2]) ; - set_qBri_functions (IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[3]) ; + set_qBri_functions(IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[0]); + set_qBri_functions(IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[1]); + set_qBri_functions(IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[2]); + set_qBri_functions(IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[3]); } -void prepare_qBri2_functions (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { +void prepare_qBri2_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { if (!IoAdapter->tasks) { IoAdapter->tasks = MQ_INSTANCE_COUNT; } - set_qBri2_functions (IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[0]) ; + set_qBri2_functions(IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[0]); if (IoAdapter->tasks > 1) { - set_qBri2_functions (IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[1]) ; - set_qBri2_functions (IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[2]) ; - set_qBri2_functions (IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[3]) ; + set_qBri2_functions(IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[1]); + set_qBri2_functions(IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[2]); + set_qBri2_functions(IoAdapter->QuadroList->QuadroAdapter[3]); } } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/s_bri.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/s_bri.c index 5c87552e8c08dd51caaf5f84a82d3545b0e4e945..6a5bb7462339cc8c4241701d51fd0bdccd246184 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/s_bri.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/s_bri.c @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include "platform.h" @@ -38,154 +38,154 @@ /*****************************************************************************/ #define MAX_XLOG_SIZE (64 * 1024) /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Investigate card state, recovery trace buffer - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void bri_cpu_trapped (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - byte __iomem *addrHi, *addrLo, *ioaddr ; - word *Xlog ; - dword regs[4], i, size ; - Xdesc xlogDesc ; - byte __iomem *Port; + Investigate card state, recovery trace buffer + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static void bri_cpu_trapped(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + byte __iomem *addrHi, *addrLo, *ioaddr; + word *Xlog; + dword regs[4], i, size; + Xdesc xlogDesc; + byte __iomem *Port; /* * first read pointers and trap frame */ - if ( !(Xlog = (word *)diva_os_malloc (0, MAX_XLOG_SIZE)) ) - return ; - Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT(IoAdapter); - addrHi = Port + ((IoAdapter->Properties.Bus == BUS_PCI) ? M_PCI_ADDRH : ADDRH) ; - addrLo = Port + ADDR ; - ioaddr = Port + DATA ; - outpp (addrHi, 0) ; - outppw (addrLo, 0) ; - for ( i = 0 ; i < 0x100 ; Xlog[i++] = inppw(ioaddr) ) ; + if (!(Xlog = (word *)diva_os_malloc(0, MAX_XLOG_SIZE))) + return; + Port = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_PORT(IoAdapter); + addrHi = Port + ((IoAdapter->Properties.Bus == BUS_PCI) ? M_PCI_ADDRH : ADDRH); + addrLo = Port + ADDR; + ioaddr = Port + DATA; + outpp(addrHi, 0); + outppw(addrLo, 0); + for (i = 0; i < 0x100; Xlog[i++] = inppw(ioaddr)); /* * check for trapped MIPS 3xxx CPU, dump only exception frame */ - if ( GET_DWORD(&Xlog[0x80 / sizeof(Xlog[0])]) == 0x99999999 ) - { - dump_trap_frame (IoAdapter, &((byte *)Xlog)[0x90]) ; - IoAdapter->trapped = 1 ; - } - regs[0] = GET_DWORD(&((byte *)Xlog)[0x70]); - regs[1] = GET_DWORD(&((byte *)Xlog)[0x74]); - regs[2] = GET_DWORD(&((byte *)Xlog)[0x78]); - regs[3] = GET_DWORD(&((byte *)Xlog)[0x7c]); - outpp (addrHi, (regs[1] >> 16) & 0x7F) ; - outppw (addrLo, regs[1] & 0xFFFF) ; - xlogDesc.cnt = inppw(ioaddr) ; - outpp (addrHi, (regs[2] >> 16) & 0x7F) ; - outppw (addrLo, regs[2] & 0xFFFF) ; - xlogDesc.out = inppw(ioaddr) ; - xlogDesc.buf = Xlog ; - regs[0] &= IoAdapter->MemorySize - 1 ; - if ( (regs[0] < IoAdapter->MemorySize - 1) ) - { - size = IoAdapter->MemorySize - regs[0] ; - if ( size > MAX_XLOG_SIZE ) - size = MAX_XLOG_SIZE ; - for ( i = 0 ; i < (size / sizeof(*Xlog)) ; regs[0] += 2 ) - { - outpp (addrHi, (regs[0] >> 16) & 0x7F) ; - outppw (addrLo, regs[0] & 0xFFFF) ; - Xlog[i++] = inppw(ioaddr) ; - } - dump_xlog_buffer (IoAdapter, &xlogDesc) ; - diva_os_free (0, Xlog) ; - IoAdapter->trapped = 2 ; - } - outpp (addrHi, (byte)((BRI_UNCACHED_ADDR (IoAdapter->MemoryBase + IoAdapter->MemorySize - - BRI_SHARED_RAM_SIZE)) >> 16)) ; - outppw (addrLo, 0x00) ; - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT(IoAdapter, Port); + if (GET_DWORD(&Xlog[0x80 / sizeof(Xlog[0])]) == 0x99999999) + { + dump_trap_frame(IoAdapter, &((byte *)Xlog)[0x90]); + IoAdapter->trapped = 1; + } + regs[0] = GET_DWORD(&((byte *)Xlog)[0x70]); + regs[1] = GET_DWORD(&((byte *)Xlog)[0x74]); + regs[2] = GET_DWORD(&((byte *)Xlog)[0x78]); + regs[3] = GET_DWORD(&((byte *)Xlog)[0x7c]); + outpp(addrHi, (regs[1] >> 16) & 0x7F); + outppw(addrLo, regs[1] & 0xFFFF); + xlogDesc.cnt = inppw(ioaddr); + outpp(addrHi, (regs[2] >> 16) & 0x7F); + outppw(addrLo, regs[2] & 0xFFFF); + xlogDesc.out = inppw(ioaddr); + xlogDesc.buf = Xlog; + regs[0] &= IoAdapter->MemorySize - 1; + if ((regs[0] < IoAdapter->MemorySize - 1)) + { + size = IoAdapter->MemorySize - regs[0]; + if (size > MAX_XLOG_SIZE) + size = MAX_XLOG_SIZE; + for (i = 0; i < (size / sizeof(*Xlog)); regs[0] += 2) + { + outpp(addrHi, (regs[0] >> 16) & 0x7F); + outppw(addrLo, regs[0] & 0xFFFF); + Xlog[i++] = inppw(ioaddr); + } + dump_xlog_buffer(IoAdapter, &xlogDesc); + diva_os_free(0, Xlog); + IoAdapter->trapped = 2; + } + outpp(addrHi, (byte)((BRI_UNCACHED_ADDR(IoAdapter->MemoryBase + IoAdapter->MemorySize - + BRI_SHARED_RAM_SIZE)) >> 16)); + outppw(addrLo, 0x00); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_PORT(IoAdapter, Port); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- Reset hardware - --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void reset_bri_hardware (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - byte __iomem *p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter); - outpp (p, 0x00) ; - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter, p); + --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static void reset_bri_hardware(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + byte __iomem *p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter); + outpp(p, 0x00); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter, p); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- Halt system - --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void stop_bri_hardware (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - byte __iomem *p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RESET(IoAdapter); - if (p) { - outpp (p, 0x00) ; /* disable interrupts ! */ - } - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RESET(IoAdapter, p); - p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter); - outpp (p, 0x00) ; /* clear int, halt cpu */ - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter, p); + --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static void stop_bri_hardware(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + byte __iomem *p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RESET(IoAdapter); + if (p) { + outpp(p, 0x00); /* disable interrupts ! */ + } + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RESET(IoAdapter, p); + p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter); + outpp(p, 0x00); /* clear int, halt cpu */ + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter, p); } -static int load_bri_hardware (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - return (0); +static int load_bri_hardware(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + return (0); } /******************************************************************************/ -static int bri_ISR (struct _ISDN_ADAPTER* IoAdapter) { - byte __iomem *p; +static int bri_ISR(struct _ISDN_ADAPTER *IoAdapter) { + byte __iomem *p; - p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter); - if ( !(inpp (p) & 0x01) ) { - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter, p); - return (0) ; - } - /* - clear interrupt line - */ - outpp (p, 0x08) ; - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter, p); - IoAdapter->IrqCount++ ; - if ( IoAdapter->Initialized ) { - diva_os_schedule_soft_isr (&IoAdapter->isr_soft_isr); - } - return (1) ; + p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter); + if (!(inpp(p) & 0x01)) { + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter, p); + return (0); + } + /* + clear interrupt line + */ + outpp(p, 0x08); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter, p); + IoAdapter->IrqCount++; + if (IoAdapter->Initialized) { + diva_os_schedule_soft_isr(&IoAdapter->isr_soft_isr); + } + return (1); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Disable IRQ in the card hardware - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void disable_bri_interrupt (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - byte __iomem *p; - p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RESET(IoAdapter); - if ( p ) - { - outpp (p, 0x00) ; /* disable interrupts ! */ - } - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RESET(IoAdapter, p); - p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter); - outpp (p, 0x00) ; /* clear int, halt cpu */ - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter, p); + Disable IRQ in the card hardware + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static void disable_bri_interrupt(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + byte __iomem *p; + p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RESET(IoAdapter); + if (p) + { + outpp(p, 0x00); /* disable interrupts ! */ + } + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RESET(IoAdapter, p); + p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter); + outpp(p, 0x00); /* clear int, halt cpu */ + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CTLREG(IoAdapter, p); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fill card entry points - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -void prepare_maestra_functions (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - ADAPTER *a = &IoAdapter->a ; - a->ram_in = io_in ; - a->ram_inw = io_inw ; - a->ram_in_buffer = io_in_buffer ; - a->ram_look_ahead = io_look_ahead ; - a->ram_out = io_out ; - a->ram_outw = io_outw ; - a->ram_out_buffer = io_out_buffer ; - a->ram_inc = io_inc ; - IoAdapter->MemoryBase = BRI_MEMORY_BASE ; - IoAdapter->MemorySize = BRI_MEMORY_SIZE ; - IoAdapter->out = pr_out ; - IoAdapter->dpc = pr_dpc ; - IoAdapter->tst_irq = scom_test_int ; - IoAdapter->clr_irq = scom_clear_int ; - IoAdapter->pcm = (struct pc_maint *)MIPS_MAINT_OFFS ; - IoAdapter->load = load_bri_hardware ; - IoAdapter->disIrq = disable_bri_interrupt ; - IoAdapter->rstFnc = reset_bri_hardware ; - IoAdapter->stop = stop_bri_hardware ; - IoAdapter->trapFnc = bri_cpu_trapped ; - IoAdapter->diva_isr_handler = bri_ISR; - /* - Prepare OS dependent functions - */ - diva_os_prepare_maestra_functions (IoAdapter); + Fill card entry points + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +void prepare_maestra_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + ADAPTER *a = &IoAdapter->a; + a->ram_in = io_in; + a->ram_inw = io_inw; + a->ram_in_buffer = io_in_buffer; + a->ram_look_ahead = io_look_ahead; + a->ram_out = io_out; + a->ram_outw = io_outw; + a->ram_out_buffer = io_out_buffer; + a->ram_inc = io_inc; + IoAdapter->MemoryBase = BRI_MEMORY_BASE; + IoAdapter->MemorySize = BRI_MEMORY_SIZE; + IoAdapter->out = pr_out; + IoAdapter->dpc = pr_dpc; + IoAdapter->tst_irq = scom_test_int; + IoAdapter->clr_irq = scom_clear_int; + IoAdapter->pcm = (struct pc_maint *)MIPS_MAINT_OFFS; + IoAdapter->load = load_bri_hardware; + IoAdapter->disIrq = disable_bri_interrupt; + IoAdapter->rstFnc = reset_bri_hardware; + IoAdapter->stop = stop_bri_hardware; + IoAdapter->trapFnc = bri_cpu_trapped; + IoAdapter->diva_isr_handler = bri_ISR; + /* + Prepare OS dependent functions + */ + diva_os_prepare_maestra_functions(IoAdapter); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/s_pri.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/s_pri.c index 18f28788857005c9e06a96788913d35094c01bf8..ddd0e0ef8ed78e66d3d59e94c55f58fa3a848126 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/s_pri.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/s_pri.c @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include "platform.h" @@ -38,168 +38,168 @@ /*****************************************************************************/ #define MAX_XLOG_SIZE (64 * 1024) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Does return offset between ADAPTER->ram and real begin of memory - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static dword pri_ram_offset (ADAPTER* a) { - return ((dword)MP_SHARED_RAM_OFFSET); + Does return offset between ADAPTER->ram and real begin of memory + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static dword pri_ram_offset(ADAPTER *a) { + return ((dword)MP_SHARED_RAM_OFFSET); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Recovery XLOG buffer from the card - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void pri_cpu_trapped (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - byte __iomem *base ; - word *Xlog ; - dword regs[4], TrapID, size ; - Xdesc xlogDesc ; + Recovery XLOG buffer from the card + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static void pri_cpu_trapped(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + byte __iomem *base; + word *Xlog; + dword regs[4], TrapID, size; + Xdesc xlogDesc; /* * check for trapped MIPS 46xx CPU, dump exception frame */ - base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter); - TrapID = READ_DWORD(&base[0x80]) ; - if ( (TrapID == 0x99999999) || (TrapID == 0x99999901) ) - { - dump_trap_frame (IoAdapter, &base[0x90]) ; - IoAdapter->trapped = 1 ; - } - regs[0] = READ_DWORD(&base[MP_PROTOCOL_OFFSET + 0x70]); - regs[1] = READ_DWORD(&base[MP_PROTOCOL_OFFSET + 0x74]); - regs[2] = READ_DWORD(&base[MP_PROTOCOL_OFFSET + 0x78]); - regs[3] = READ_DWORD(&base[MP_PROTOCOL_OFFSET + 0x7c]); - regs[0] &= IoAdapter->MemorySize - 1 ; - if ( (regs[0] < IoAdapter->MemorySize - 1) ) - { - if ( !(Xlog = (word *)diva_os_malloc (0, MAX_XLOG_SIZE)) ) { - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter, base); - return ; - } - size = IoAdapter->MemorySize - regs[0] ; - if ( size > MAX_XLOG_SIZE ) - size = MAX_XLOG_SIZE ; - memcpy_fromio(Xlog, &base[regs[0]], size) ; - xlogDesc.buf = Xlog ; - xlogDesc.cnt = READ_WORD(&base[regs[1] & (IoAdapter->MemorySize - 1)]) ; - xlogDesc.out = READ_WORD(&base[regs[2] & (IoAdapter->MemorySize - 1)]) ; - dump_xlog_buffer (IoAdapter, &xlogDesc) ; - diva_os_free (0, Xlog) ; - IoAdapter->trapped = 2 ; - } - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter, base); + base = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter); + TrapID = READ_DWORD(&base[0x80]); + if ((TrapID == 0x99999999) || (TrapID == 0x99999901)) + { + dump_trap_frame(IoAdapter, &base[0x90]); + IoAdapter->trapped = 1; + } + regs[0] = READ_DWORD(&base[MP_PROTOCOL_OFFSET + 0x70]); + regs[1] = READ_DWORD(&base[MP_PROTOCOL_OFFSET + 0x74]); + regs[2] = READ_DWORD(&base[MP_PROTOCOL_OFFSET + 0x78]); + regs[3] = READ_DWORD(&base[MP_PROTOCOL_OFFSET + 0x7c]); + regs[0] &= IoAdapter->MemorySize - 1; + if ((regs[0] < IoAdapter->MemorySize - 1)) + { + if (!(Xlog = (word *)diva_os_malloc(0, MAX_XLOG_SIZE))) { + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter, base); + return; + } + size = IoAdapter->MemorySize - regs[0]; + if (size > MAX_XLOG_SIZE) + size = MAX_XLOG_SIZE; + memcpy_fromio(Xlog, &base[regs[0]], size); + xlogDesc.buf = Xlog; + xlogDesc.cnt = READ_WORD(&base[regs[1] & (IoAdapter->MemorySize - 1)]); + xlogDesc.out = READ_WORD(&base[regs[2] & (IoAdapter->MemorySize - 1)]); + dump_xlog_buffer(IoAdapter, &xlogDesc); + diva_os_free(0, Xlog); + IoAdapter->trapped = 2; + } + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_ADDRESS(IoAdapter, base); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Hardware reset of PRI card - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void reset_pri_hardware (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - byte __iomem *p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RESET(IoAdapter); - WRITE_BYTE(p, _MP_RISC_RESET | _MP_LED1 | _MP_LED2); - diva_os_wait (50) ; - WRITE_BYTE(p, 0x00); - diva_os_wait (50) ; - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RESET(IoAdapter, p); + Hardware reset of PRI card + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static void reset_pri_hardware(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + byte __iomem *p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RESET(IoAdapter); + WRITE_BYTE(p, _MP_RISC_RESET | _MP_LED1 | _MP_LED2); + diva_os_wait(50); + WRITE_BYTE(p, 0x00); + diva_os_wait(50); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RESET(IoAdapter, p); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Stop Card Hardware - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void stop_pri_hardware (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - dword i; - byte __iomem *p; - dword volatile __iomem *cfgReg = (void __iomem *)DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CFG(IoAdapter); - WRITE_DWORD(&cfgReg[3], 0); - WRITE_DWORD(&cfgReg[1], 0); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CFG(IoAdapter, cfgReg); - IoAdapter->a.ram_out (&IoAdapter->a, &RAM->SWReg, SWREG_HALT_CPU) ; - i = 0 ; - while ( (i < 100) && (IoAdapter->a.ram_in (&IoAdapter->a, &RAM->SWReg) != 0) ) - { - diva_os_wait (1) ; - i++ ; - } - DBG_TRC(("%s: PRI stopped (%d)", IoAdapter->Name, i)) - cfgReg = (void __iomem *)DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CFG(IoAdapter); - WRITE_DWORD(&cfgReg[0],((dword)(~0x03E00000))); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CFG(IoAdapter, cfgReg); - diva_os_wait (1) ; - p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RESET(IoAdapter); - WRITE_BYTE(p, _MP_RISC_RESET | _MP_LED1 | _MP_LED2); - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RESET(IoAdapter, p); + Stop Card Hardware + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static void stop_pri_hardware(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + dword i; + byte __iomem *p; + dword volatile __iomem *cfgReg = (void __iomem *)DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CFG(IoAdapter); + WRITE_DWORD(&cfgReg[3], 0); + WRITE_DWORD(&cfgReg[1], 0); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CFG(IoAdapter, cfgReg); + IoAdapter->a.ram_out(&IoAdapter->a, &RAM->SWReg, SWREG_HALT_CPU); + i = 0; + while ((i < 100) && (IoAdapter->a.ram_in(&IoAdapter->a, &RAM->SWReg) != 0)) + { + diva_os_wait(1); + i++; + } + DBG_TRC(("%s: PRI stopped (%d)", IoAdapter->Name, i)) + cfgReg = (void __iomem *)DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CFG(IoAdapter); + WRITE_DWORD(&cfgReg[0], ((dword)(~0x03E00000))); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CFG(IoAdapter, cfgReg); + diva_os_wait(1); + p = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_RESET(IoAdapter); + WRITE_BYTE(p, _MP_RISC_RESET | _MP_LED1 | _MP_LED2); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_RESET(IoAdapter, p); } -static int load_pri_hardware (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - return (0); +static int load_pri_hardware(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + return (0); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - PRI Adapter interrupt Service Routine + PRI Adapter interrupt Service Routine -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static int pri_ISR (struct _ISDN_ADAPTER* IoAdapter) { - byte __iomem *cfg = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CFG(IoAdapter); - if ( !(READ_DWORD(cfg) & 0x80000000) ) { - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CFG(IoAdapter, cfg); - return (0) ; - } - /* - clear interrupt line - */ - WRITE_DWORD(cfg, (dword)~0x03E00000) ; - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CFG(IoAdapter, cfg); - IoAdapter->IrqCount++ ; - if ( IoAdapter->Initialized ) - { - diva_os_schedule_soft_isr (&IoAdapter->isr_soft_isr); - } - return (1) ; +static int pri_ISR(struct _ISDN_ADAPTER *IoAdapter) { + byte __iomem *cfg = DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CFG(IoAdapter); + if (!(READ_DWORD(cfg) & 0x80000000)) { + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CFG(IoAdapter, cfg); + return (0); + } + /* + clear interrupt line + */ + WRITE_DWORD(cfg, (dword)~0x03E00000); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CFG(IoAdapter, cfg); + IoAdapter->IrqCount++; + if (IoAdapter->Initialized) + { + diva_os_schedule_soft_isr(&IoAdapter->isr_soft_isr); + } + return (1); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Disable interrupt in the card hardware - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void disable_pri_interrupt (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - dword volatile __iomem *cfgReg = (dword volatile __iomem *)DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CFG(IoAdapter) ; - WRITE_DWORD(&cfgReg[3], 0); - WRITE_DWORD(&cfgReg[1], 0); - WRITE_DWORD(&cfgReg[0], (dword)(~0x03E00000)) ; - DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CFG(IoAdapter, cfgReg); + Disable interrupt in the card hardware + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static void disable_pri_interrupt(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + dword volatile __iomem *cfgReg = (dword volatile __iomem *)DIVA_OS_MEM_ATTACH_CFG(IoAdapter); + WRITE_DWORD(&cfgReg[3], 0); + WRITE_DWORD(&cfgReg[1], 0); + WRITE_DWORD(&cfgReg[0], (dword)(~0x03E00000)); + DIVA_OS_MEM_DETACH_CFG(IoAdapter, cfgReg); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Install entry points for PRI Adapter - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void prepare_common_pri_functions (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - ADAPTER *a = &IoAdapter->a ; - a->ram_in = mem_in ; - a->ram_inw = mem_inw ; - a->ram_in_buffer = mem_in_buffer ; - a->ram_look_ahead = mem_look_ahead ; - a->ram_out = mem_out ; - a->ram_outw = mem_outw ; - a->ram_out_buffer = mem_out_buffer ; - a->ram_inc = mem_inc ; - a->ram_offset = pri_ram_offset ; - a->ram_out_dw = mem_out_dw; - a->ram_in_dw = mem_in_dw; - a->istream_wakeup = pr_stream; - IoAdapter->out = pr_out ; - IoAdapter->dpc = pr_dpc ; - IoAdapter->tst_irq = scom_test_int ; - IoAdapter->clr_irq = scom_clear_int ; - IoAdapter->pcm = (struct pc_maint *)(MIPS_MAINT_OFFS - - MP_SHARED_RAM_OFFSET) ; - IoAdapter->load = load_pri_hardware ; - IoAdapter->disIrq = disable_pri_interrupt ; - IoAdapter->rstFnc = reset_pri_hardware ; - IoAdapter->stop = stop_pri_hardware ; - IoAdapter->trapFnc = pri_cpu_trapped ; - IoAdapter->diva_isr_handler = pri_ISR; + Install entry points for PRI Adapter + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static void prepare_common_pri_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + ADAPTER *a = &IoAdapter->a; + a->ram_in = mem_in; + a->ram_inw = mem_inw; + a->ram_in_buffer = mem_in_buffer; + a->ram_look_ahead = mem_look_ahead; + a->ram_out = mem_out; + a->ram_outw = mem_outw; + a->ram_out_buffer = mem_out_buffer; + a->ram_inc = mem_inc; + a->ram_offset = pri_ram_offset; + a->ram_out_dw = mem_out_dw; + a->ram_in_dw = mem_in_dw; + a->istream_wakeup = pr_stream; + IoAdapter->out = pr_out; + IoAdapter->dpc = pr_dpc; + IoAdapter->tst_irq = scom_test_int; + IoAdapter->clr_irq = scom_clear_int; + IoAdapter->pcm = (struct pc_maint *)(MIPS_MAINT_OFFS + - MP_SHARED_RAM_OFFSET); + IoAdapter->load = load_pri_hardware; + IoAdapter->disIrq = disable_pri_interrupt; + IoAdapter->rstFnc = reset_pri_hardware; + IoAdapter->stop = stop_pri_hardware; + IoAdapter->trapFnc = pri_cpu_trapped; + IoAdapter->diva_isr_handler = pri_ISR; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Install entry points for PRI Adapter - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -void prepare_pri_functions (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - IoAdapter->MemorySize = MP_MEMORY_SIZE ; - prepare_common_pri_functions (IoAdapter) ; - diva_os_prepare_pri_functions (IoAdapter); + Install entry points for PRI Adapter + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +void prepare_pri_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + IoAdapter->MemorySize = MP_MEMORY_SIZE; + prepare_common_pri_functions(IoAdapter); + diva_os_prepare_pri_functions(IoAdapter); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Install entry points for PRI Rev.2 Adapter - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -void prepare_pri2_functions (PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { - IoAdapter->MemorySize = MP2_MEMORY_SIZE ; - prepare_common_pri_functions (IoAdapter) ; - diva_os_prepare_pri2_functions (IoAdapter); + Install entry points for PRI Rev.2 Adapter + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +void prepare_pri2_functions(PISDN_ADAPTER IoAdapter) { + IoAdapter->MemorySize = MP2_MEMORY_SIZE; + prepare_common_pri_functions(IoAdapter); + diva_os_prepare_pri2_functions(IoAdapter); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/sdp_hdr.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/sdp_hdr.h index 8f61c696b9aa998955be2ee50f869a2b0b0a40b9..5e20f8d68673c7229b6b1f72414262c3b0754cd7 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/sdp_hdr.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/sdp_hdr.h @@ -1,48 +1,48 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifndef __DIVA_SOFT_DSP_TASK_ENTRY_H__ #define __DIVA_SOFT_DSP_TASK_ENTRY_H__ /* - The soft DSP image is described by binary header contained on begin of this - image: -OFFSET FROM IMAGE START | VARIABLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - DIVA_MIPS_TASK_IMAGE_LINK_OFFS | link to the next image + The soft DSP image is described by binary header contained on begin of this + image: + OFFSET FROM IMAGE START | VARIABLE + ------------------------------------------------------------------------ + DIVA_MIPS_TASK_IMAGE_LINK_OFFS | link to the next image ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - DIVA_MIPS_TASK_IMAGE_GP_OFFS | image gp register value, void* + DIVA_MIPS_TASK_IMAGE_GP_OFFS | image gp register value, void* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - DIVA_MIPS_TASK_IMAGE_ENTRY_OFFS | diva_mips_sdp_task_entry_t* + DIVA_MIPS_TASK_IMAGE_ENTRY_OFFS | diva_mips_sdp_task_entry_t* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - DIVA_MIPS_TASK_IMAGE_LOAD_ADDR_OFFS | image image start address (void*) + DIVA_MIPS_TASK_IMAGE_LOAD_ADDR_OFFS | image image start address (void*) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - DIVA_MIPS_TASK_IMAGE_END_ADDR_OFFS | image image end address (void*) + DIVA_MIPS_TASK_IMAGE_END_ADDR_OFFS | image image end address (void*) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - DIVA_MIPS_TASK_IMAGE_ID_STRING_OFFS | image id string char[...]; + DIVA_MIPS_TASK_IMAGE_ID_STRING_OFFS | image id string char[...]; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - */ +*/ #define DIVA_MIPS_TASK_IMAGE_LINK_OFFS 0x6C #define DIVA_MIPS_TASK_IMAGE_GP_OFFS 0x70 #define DIVA_MIPS_TASK_IMAGE_ENTRY_OFFS 0x74 @@ -50,63 +50,63 @@ OFFSET FROM IMAGE START | VARIABLE #define DIVA_MIPS_TASK_IMAGE_END_ADDR_OFFS 0x7c #define DIVA_MIPS_TASK_IMAGE_ID_STRING_OFFS 0x80 /* - This function is called in order to set GP register of this task - This function should be always called before any function of the - task is called - */ -typedef void (*diva_task_set_prog_gp_proc_t)(void* new_gp); + This function is called in order to set GP register of this task + This function should be always called before any function of the + task is called +*/ +typedef void (*diva_task_set_prog_gp_proc_t)(void *new_gp); /* - This function is called to clear .bss at task initialization step - */ -typedef void (*diva_task_sys_reset_proc_t)(void); + This function is called to clear .bss at task initialization step +*/ +typedef void (*diva_task_sys_reset_proc_t)(void); /* - This function is called in order to provide GP of master call to - task, that will be used by calls from the task to the master - */ -typedef void (*diva_task_set_main_gp_proc_t)(void* main_gp); + This function is called in order to provide GP of master call to + task, that will be used by calls from the task to the master +*/ +typedef void (*diva_task_set_main_gp_proc_t)(void *main_gp); /* - This function is called to provide address of 'dprintf' function - to the task - */ + This function is called to provide address of 'dprintf' function + to the task +*/ typedef word (*diva_prt_proc_t)(char *, ...); typedef void (*diva_task_set_prt_proc_t)(diva_prt_proc_t fn); /* - This function is called to set task PID - */ + This function is called to set task PID +*/ typedef void (*diva_task_set_pid_proc_t)(dword id); /* - This function is called for run-time task init - */ + This function is called for run-time task init +*/ typedef int (*diva_task_run_time_init_proc_t)(void*, dword); /* - This function is called from system scheduler or from timer - */ + This function is called from system scheduler or from timer +*/ typedef void (*diva_task_callback_proc_t)(void); /* - This callback is used by task to get current time im mS - */ + This callback is used by task to get current time im mS +*/ typedef dword (*diva_task_get_tick_count_proc_t)(void); typedef void (*diva_task_set_get_time_proc_t)(\ - diva_task_get_tick_count_proc_t fn); + diva_task_get_tick_count_proc_t fn); typedef struct _diva_mips_sdp_task_entry { - diva_task_set_prog_gp_proc_t set_gp_proc; - diva_task_sys_reset_proc_t sys_reset_proc; - diva_task_set_main_gp_proc_t set_main_gp_proc; - diva_task_set_prt_proc_t set_dprintf_proc; - diva_task_set_pid_proc_t set_pid_proc; - diva_task_run_time_init_proc_t run_time_init_proc; - diva_task_callback_proc_t task_callback_proc; - diva_task_callback_proc_t timer_callback_proc; - diva_task_set_get_time_proc_t set_get_time_proc; - void* last_entry_proc; + diva_task_set_prog_gp_proc_t set_gp_proc; + diva_task_sys_reset_proc_t sys_reset_proc; + diva_task_set_main_gp_proc_t set_main_gp_proc; + diva_task_set_prt_proc_t set_dprintf_proc; + diva_task_set_pid_proc_t set_pid_proc; + diva_task_run_time_init_proc_t run_time_init_proc; + diva_task_callback_proc_t task_callback_proc; + diva_task_callback_proc_t timer_callback_proc; + diva_task_set_get_time_proc_t set_get_time_proc; + void *last_entry_proc; } diva_mips_sdp_task_entry_t; /* - 'last_entry_proc' should be set to zero and is used for future extensuios - */ + 'last_entry_proc' should be set to zero and is used for future extensuios +*/ typedef struct _diva_mips_sw_task { - diva_mips_sdp_task_entry_t sdp_entry; - void* sdp_gp_reg; - void* own_gp_reg; + diva_mips_sdp_task_entry_t sdp_entry; + void *sdp_gp_reg; + void *own_gp_reg; } diva_mips_sw_task_t; #if !defined(DIVA_BRI2F_SDP_1_NAME) #define DIVA_BRI2F_SDP_1_NAME "sdp0.2q0" diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/um_idi.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/um_idi.c index ac0bdd1f23fa0ef1c02b7b18775623bf87209546..7cab5c3276c2e16f9e91fb97a635e7ccdf6640b5 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/um_idi.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/um_idi.c @@ -14,30 +14,30 @@ #define DIVAS_MAX_XDI_ADAPTERS 64 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - IMPORTS + IMPORTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern void diva_os_wakeup_read(void *os_context); extern void diva_os_wakeup_close(void *os_context); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - LOCALS + LOCALS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static LIST_HEAD(adapter_q); static diva_os_spin_lock_t adapter_lock; static diva_um_idi_adapter_t *diva_um_idi_find_adapter(dword nr); -static void cleanup_adapter(diva_um_idi_adapter_t * a); -static void cleanup_entity(divas_um_idi_entity_t * e); -static int diva_user_mode_idi_adapter_features(diva_um_idi_adapter_t * a, +static void cleanup_adapter(diva_um_idi_adapter_t *a); +static void cleanup_entity(divas_um_idi_entity_t *e); +static int diva_user_mode_idi_adapter_features(diva_um_idi_adapter_t *a, diva_um_idi_adapter_features_t - * features); -static int process_idi_request(divas_um_idi_entity_t * e, - const diva_um_idi_req_hdr_t * req); -static int process_idi_rc(divas_um_idi_entity_t * e, byte rc); -static int process_idi_ind(divas_um_idi_entity_t * e, byte ind); -static int write_return_code(divas_um_idi_entity_t * e, byte rc); + *features); +static int process_idi_request(divas_um_idi_entity_t *e, + const diva_um_idi_req_hdr_t *req); +static int process_idi_rc(divas_um_idi_entity_t *e, byte rc); +static int process_idi_ind(divas_um_idi_entity_t *e, byte ind); +static int write_return_code(divas_um_idi_entity_t *e, byte rc); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - MAIN + MAIN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int diva_user_mode_idi_init(void) { @@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ int diva_user_mode_idi_init(void) } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Copy adapter features to user supplied buffer + Copy adapter features to user supplied buffer -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int -diva_user_mode_idi_adapter_features(diva_um_idi_adapter_t * a, +diva_user_mode_idi_adapter_features(diva_um_idi_adapter_t *a, diva_um_idi_adapter_features_t * features) { @@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ diva_user_mode_idi_adapter_features(diva_um_idi_adapter_t * a, sync_req.GetName.Req = 0; sync_req.GetName.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_NAME; - (*(a->d.request)) ((ENTITY *) & sync_req); + (*(a->d.request)) ((ENTITY *)&sync_req); strlcpy(features->name, sync_req.GetName.name, sizeof(features->name)); sync_req.GetSerial.Req = 0; sync_req.GetSerial.Rc = IDI_SYNC_REQ_GET_SERIAL; sync_req.GetSerial.serial = 0; - (*(a->d.request)) ((ENTITY *) & sync_req); + (*(a->d.request))((ENTITY *)&sync_req); features->serial_number = sync_req.GetSerial.serial; } @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ diva_user_mode_idi_adapter_features(diva_um_idi_adapter_t * a, } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - REMOVE ADAPTER + REMOVE ADAPTER -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void diva_user_mode_idi_remove_adapter(int adapter_nr) { @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ void diva_user_mode_idi_remove_adapter(int adapter_nr) } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - CALLED ON DRIVER EXIT (UNLOAD) + CALLED ON DRIVER EXIT (UNLOAD) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void diva_user_mode_idi_finit(void) { @@ -116,15 +116,15 @@ void diva_user_mode_idi_finit(void) } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - CREATE AND INIT IDI ADAPTER - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -int diva_user_mode_idi_create_adapter(const DESCRIPTOR * d, int adapter_nr) + CREATE AND INIT IDI ADAPTER + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +int diva_user_mode_idi_create_adapter(const DESCRIPTOR *d, int adapter_nr) { diva_os_spin_lock_magic_t old_irql; diva_um_idi_adapter_t *a = - (diva_um_idi_adapter_t *) diva_os_malloc(0, - sizeof - (diva_um_idi_adapter_t)); + (diva_um_idi_adapter_t *) diva_os_malloc(0, + sizeof + (diva_um_idi_adapter_t)); if (!a) { return (-1); @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ int diva_user_mode_idi_create_adapter(const DESCRIPTOR * d, int adapter_nr) } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Find adapter by Adapter number + Find adapter by Adapter number ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static diva_um_idi_adapter_t *diva_um_idi_find_adapter(dword nr) { @@ -159,14 +159,14 @@ static diva_um_idi_adapter_t *diva_um_idi_find_adapter(dword nr) break; a = NULL; } - return(a); + return (a); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Cleanup this adapter and cleanup/delete all entities assigned - to this adapter + Cleanup this adapter and cleanup/delete all entities assigned + to this adapter ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -static void cleanup_adapter(diva_um_idi_adapter_t * a) +static void cleanup_adapter(diva_um_idi_adapter_t *a) { struct list_head *tmp, *safe; divas_um_idi_entity_t *e; @@ -184,9 +184,9 @@ static void cleanup_adapter(diva_um_idi_adapter_t * a) } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Cleanup, but NOT delete this entity + Cleanup, but NOT delete this entity ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -static void cleanup_entity(divas_um_idi_entity_t * e) +static void cleanup_entity(divas_um_idi_entity_t *e) { e->os_ref = NULL; e->status = 0; @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ static void cleanup_entity(divas_um_idi_entity_t * e) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Create ENTITY, link it to the adapter and remove pointer to entity + Create ENTITY, link it to the adapter and remove pointer to entity ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ void *divas_um_idi_create_entity(dword adapter_nr, void *file) { @@ -236,12 +236,12 @@ void *divas_um_idi_create_entity(dword adapter_nr, void *file) diva_os_enter_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "create_entity"); /* - Look for Adapter requested - */ + Look for Adapter requested + */ if (!(a = diva_um_idi_find_adapter(adapter_nr))) { /* - No adapter was found, or this adapter was removed - */ + No adapter was found, or this adapter was removed + */ diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "create_entity"); DBG_LOG(("A: no adapter(%ld)", adapter_nr)); @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ void *divas_um_idi_create_entity(dword adapter_nr, void *file) } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Unlink entity and free memory + Unlink entity and free memory ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ int divas_um_idi_delete_entity(int adapter_nr, void *entity) { @@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ int divas_um_idi_delete_entity(int adapter_nr, void *entity) } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Called by application to read data from IDI - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + Called by application to read data from IDI + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int diva_um_idi_read(void *entity, void *os_handle, void *dst, @@ -319,20 +319,20 @@ int diva_um_idi_read(void *entity, (a->status & DIVA_UM_IDI_ADAPTER_REMOVED)) { diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "read"); DBG_ERR(("E(%08x) read failed - adapter removed", e)) - return (-1); + return (-1); } DBG_TRC(("A(%d) E(%08x) read(%d)", a->adapter_nr, e, max_length)); /* - Try to read return code first - */ + Try to read return code first + */ data = diva_data_q_get_segment4read(&e->rc); q = &e->rc; /* - No return codes available, read indications now - */ + No return codes available, read indications now + */ if (!data) { if (!(e->status & DIVA_UM_IDI_RC_PENDING)) { DBG_TRC(("A(%d) E(%08x) read data", a->adapter_nr, e)); @@ -348,8 +348,8 @@ int diva_um_idi_read(void *entity, if ((length = diva_data_q_get_segment_length(q)) > max_length) { /* - Not enough space to read message - */ + Not enough space to read message + */ DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) E(%08x) read small buffer", a->adapter_nr, e, ret)); diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, @@ -357,14 +357,14 @@ int diva_um_idi_read(void *entity, return (-2); } /* - Copy it to user, this function does access ONLY locked an verified - memory, also we can access it witch spin lock held - */ + Copy it to user, this function does access ONLY locked an verified + memory, also we can access it witch spin lock held + */ if ((ret = (*cp_fn) (os_handle, dst, data, length)) >= 0) { /* - Acknowledge only if read was successful - */ + Acknowledge only if read was successful + */ diva_data_q_ack_segment4read(q); } } @@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ int diva_um_idi_write(void *entity, (a->status & DIVA_UM_IDI_ADAPTER_REMOVED)) { diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "write"); DBG_ERR(("E(%08x) write failed - adapter removed", e)) - return (-1); + return (-1); } DBG_TRC(("A(%d) E(%08x) write(%d)", a->adapter_nr, e, length)); @@ -416,9 +416,9 @@ int diva_um_idi_write(void *entity, } /* - Copy function does access only locked verified memory, - also it can be called with spin lock held - */ + Copy function does access only locked verified memory, + also it can be called with spin lock held + */ if ((ret = (*cp_fn) (os_handle, e->buffer, src, length)) < 0) { DBG_TRC(("A: A(%d) E(%08x) write error=%d", a->adapter_nr, e, ret)); @@ -426,32 +426,32 @@ int diva_um_idi_write(void *entity, return (ret); } - req = (diva_um_idi_req_hdr_t *) & e->buffer[0]; + req = (diva_um_idi_req_hdr_t *)&e->buffer[0]; switch (req->type) { case DIVA_UM_IDI_GET_FEATURES:{ - DBG_LOG(("A(%d) get_features", a->adapter_nr)); - if (!(data = - diva_data_q_get_segment4write(&e->data))) { - DBG_ERR(("A(%d) get_features, no free buffer", - a->adapter_nr)); - diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, - &old_irql, - "write"); - return (0); - } - diva_user_mode_idi_adapter_features(a, &(((diva_um_idi_ind_hdr_t - *) data)->hdr.features)); - ((diva_um_idi_ind_hdr_t *) data)->type = - DIVA_UM_IDI_IND_FEATURES; - ((diva_um_idi_ind_hdr_t *) data)->data_length = 0; - diva_data_q_ack_segment4write(&e->data, - sizeof(diva_um_idi_ind_hdr_t)); + DBG_LOG(("A(%d) get_features", a->adapter_nr)); + if (!(data = + diva_data_q_get_segment4write(&e->data))) { + DBG_ERR(("A(%d) get_features, no free buffer", + a->adapter_nr)); + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, + &old_irql, + "write"); + return (0); + } + diva_user_mode_idi_adapter_features(a, &(((diva_um_idi_ind_hdr_t + *) data)->hdr.features)); + ((diva_um_idi_ind_hdr_t *) data)->type = + DIVA_UM_IDI_IND_FEATURES; + ((diva_um_idi_ind_hdr_t *) data)->data_length = 0; + diva_data_q_ack_segment4write(&e->data, + sizeof(diva_um_idi_ind_hdr_t)); - diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "write"); + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "write"); - diva_os_wakeup_read(e->os_context); - } + diva_os_wakeup_read(e->os_context); + } break; case DIVA_UM_IDI_REQ: @@ -486,9 +486,9 @@ int diva_um_idi_write(void *entity, } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - CALLBACK FROM XDI - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static void diva_um_idi_xdi_callback(ENTITY * entity) + CALLBACK FROM XDI + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static void diva_um_idi_xdi_callback(ENTITY *entity) { divas_um_idi_entity_t *e = DIVAS_CONTAINING_RECORD(entity, divas_um_idi_entity_t, @@ -529,8 +529,8 @@ static void diva_um_idi_xdi_callback(ENTITY * entity) } } -static int process_idi_request(divas_um_idi_entity_t * e, - const diva_um_idi_req_hdr_t * req) +static int process_idi_request(divas_um_idi_entity_t *e, + const diva_um_idi_req_hdr_t *req) { int assign = 0; byte Req = (byte) req->Req; @@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ static int process_idi_request(divas_um_idi_entity_t * e, e->e.Req = Req; e->e.ReqCh = (byte) req->ReqCh; e->e.X->PLength = (word) req->data_length; - e->e.X->P = (byte *) & req[1]; /* Our buffer is safe */ + e->e.X->P = (byte *)&req[1]; /* Our buffer is safe */ DBG_TRC(("A(%d) E(%08x) request(%02x-%02x-%02x (%d))", e->adapter->adapter_nr, e, e->e.Id, e->e.Req, @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ static int process_idi_request(divas_um_idi_entity_t * e, if (assign) { if (e->e.Rc == OUT_OF_RESOURCES) { /* - XDI has no entities more, call was not forwarded to the card, - no callback will be scheduled - */ + XDI has no entities more, call was not forwarded to the card, + no callback will be scheduled + */ DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) E(%08x) XDI out of entities", e->adapter->adapter_nr, e)); @@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ static int process_idi_request(divas_um_idi_entity_t * e, return (0); } -static int process_idi_rc(divas_um_idi_entity_t * e, byte rc) +static int process_idi_rc(divas_um_idi_entity_t *e, byte rc) { DBG_TRC(("A(%d) E(%08x) rc(%02x-%02x-%02x)", e->adapter->adapter_nr, e, e->e.Id, rc, e->e.RcCh)); @@ -674,20 +674,20 @@ static int process_idi_rc(divas_um_idi_entity_t * e, byte rc) return (1); } -static int process_idi_ind(divas_um_idi_entity_t * e, byte ind) +static int process_idi_ind(divas_um_idi_entity_t *e, byte ind) { int do_wakeup = 0; if (e->e.complete != 0x02) { diva_um_idi_ind_hdr_t *pind = - (diva_um_idi_ind_hdr_t *) - diva_data_q_get_segment4write(&e->data); + (diva_um_idi_ind_hdr_t *) + diva_data_q_get_segment4write(&e->data); if (pind) { e->e.RNum = 1; - e->e.R->P = (byte *) & pind[1]; + e->e.R->P = (byte *)&pind[1]; e->e.R->PLength = - (word) (diva_data_q_get_max_length(&e->data) - - sizeof(*pind)); + (word) (diva_data_q_get_max_length(&e->data) - + sizeof(*pind)); DBG_TRC(("A(%d) E(%08x) ind_1(%02x-%02x-%02x)-[%d-%d]", e->adapter->adapter_nr, e, e->e.Id, ind, e->e.IndCh, e->e.RLength, @@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ static int process_idi_ind(divas_um_idi_entity_t * e, byte ind) } } else { diva_um_idi_ind_hdr_t *pind = - (diva_um_idi_ind_hdr_t *) (e->e.R->P); + (diva_um_idi_ind_hdr_t *) (e->e.R->P); DBG_TRC(("A(%d) E(%08x) ind(%02x-%02x-%02x)-[%d]", e->adapter->adapter_nr, e, e->e.Id, ind, @@ -728,14 +728,14 @@ static int process_idi_ind(divas_um_idi_entity_t * e, byte ind) } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Write return code to the return code queue of entity - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -static int write_return_code(divas_um_idi_entity_t * e, byte rc) + Write return code to the return code queue of entity + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static int write_return_code(divas_um_idi_entity_t *e, byte rc) { diva_um_idi_ind_hdr_t *prc; if (!(prc = - (diva_um_idi_ind_hdr_t *) diva_data_q_get_segment4write(&e->rc))) + (diva_um_idi_ind_hdr_t *) diva_data_q_get_segment4write(&e->rc))) { DBG_ERR(("A: A(%d) E(%08x) rc(%02x) lost", e->adapter->adapter_nr, e, rc)); @@ -753,9 +753,9 @@ static int write_return_code(divas_um_idi_entity_t * e, byte rc) } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Return amount of entries that can be bead from this entity or - -1 if adapter was removed - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + Return amount of entries that can be bead from this entity or + -1 if adapter was removed + -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int diva_user_mode_idi_ind_ready(void *entity, void *os_handle) { divas_um_idi_entity_t *e; @@ -771,16 +771,16 @@ int diva_user_mode_idi_ind_ready(void *entity, void *os_handle) if ((!a) || (a->status & DIVA_UM_IDI_ADAPTER_REMOVED)) { /* - Adapter was unloaded - */ + Adapter was unloaded + */ diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "ind_ready"); return (-1); /* adapter was removed */ } if (e->status & DIVA_UM_IDI_REMOVED) { /* - entity was removed as result of adapter removal - user should assign this entity again - */ + entity was removed as result of adapter removal + user should assign this entity again + */ diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "ind_ready"); return (-1); } @@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ int divas_um_idi_entity_assigned(void *entity) DBG_TRC(("Id:%02x, rc_count:%d, status:%08x", e->e.Id, e->rc_count, e->status)) - diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "assigned?"); + diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "assigned?"); return (ret); } @@ -850,23 +850,23 @@ int divas_um_idi_entity_start_remove(void *entity) if (e->rc_count) { /* - Entity BUSY - */ + Entity BUSY + */ diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "start_remove"); return (1); } if (!e->e.Id) { /* - Remove request was already pending, and arrived now - */ + Remove request was already pending, and arrived now + */ diva_os_leave_spin_lock(&adapter_lock, &old_irql, "start_remove"); return (0); /* REMOVE was pending */ } /* - Now send remove request - */ + Now send remove request + */ e->e.Req = REMOVE; e->e.ReqCh = 0; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/um_idi.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/um_idi.h index 141072f8881ee0eaa5142dc65d423f05981764ef..ffb88f7b42fc51c0332f4aef439d05c811f0e0d3 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/um_idi.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/um_idi.h @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ /* interface between UM IDI core and OS dependent part - */ +*/ int diva_user_mode_idi_init(void); void diva_user_mode_idi_finit(void); void *divas_um_idi_create_entity(dword adapter_nr, void *file); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/xdi_adapter.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/xdi_adapter.h index a3bd163afb8f96b6fe72cac8452a68a3bddf1c6e..d303e65dbe6cec03b871f345c69f64526b0924a1 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/xdi_adapter.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/xdi_adapter.h @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ typedef union _divas_card_resources { } divas_card_resources_t; struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter; -typedef int (*diva_init_card_proc_t) (struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter * a); -typedef int (*diva_cmd_card_proc_t) (struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter * a, - diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_t * data, - int length); -typedef void (*diva_xdi_clear_interrupts_proc_t) (struct - _diva_os_xdi_adapter *); +typedef int (*diva_init_card_proc_t)(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a); +typedef int (*diva_cmd_card_proc_t)(struct _diva_os_xdi_adapter *a, + diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_t *data, + int length); +typedef void (*diva_xdi_clear_interrupts_proc_t)(struct + _diva_os_xdi_adapter *); #define DIVA_XDI_MBOX_BUSY 1 #define DIVA_XDI_MBOX_WAIT_XLOG 2 diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/xdi_msg.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/xdi_msg.h index 3ade28f666983ebfd15aa0ea1c198b73017ddbfd..58368f7b5cba150e736c24d7c5f151347c7f43d8 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/xdi_msg.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/xdi_msg.h @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ /* Set untranslated protocol code features - */ +*/ #define DIVA_XDI_UM_CMD_SET_PROTOCOL_FEATURES 11 typedef struct _diva_xdi_um_cfg_cmd_data_set_features { diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/xdi_vers.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/xdi_vers.h index cf3494185b9d7c571f1f98371c313d522db7185a..b3479e59c7c50d81de4d2f92293e02039a8e32a4 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/xdi_vers.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/xdi_vers.h @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ /* * - Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. + Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002. * - This source file is supplied for the use with - Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. + This source file is supplied for the use with + Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters. * - Eicon File Revision : 2.1 + Eicon File Revision : 2.1 * - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. * - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY - implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - See the GNU General Public License for more details. + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY + implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the GNU General Public License for more details. * - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ -static char diva_xdi_common_code_build[] = "102-52"; +static char diva_xdi_common_code_build[] = "102-52"; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/avmfritz.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/avmfritz.c index 861b6511f3ee15461c660e917932985f765d502c..05ed4d0cb18b0e0195bbceae9fc4d6fea8956a0b 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/avmfritz.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/avmfritz.c @@ -257,10 +257,10 @@ static struct bchannel * Sel_BCS(struct fritzcard *fc, u32 channel) { if (test_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &fc->bch[0].Flags) && - (fc->bch[0].nr & channel)) + (fc->bch[0].nr & channel)) return &fc->bch[0]; else if (test_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &fc->bch[1].Flags) && - (fc->bch[1].nr & channel)) + (fc->bch[1].nr & channel)) return &fc->bch[1]; else return NULL; @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ __write_ctrl_pci(struct fritzcard *fc, struct hdlc_hw *hdlc, u32 channel) { static inline void __write_ctrl_pciv2(struct fritzcard *fc, struct hdlc_hw *hdlc, u32 channel) { outl(hdlc->ctrl.ctrl, fc->addr + (channel == 2 ? AVM_HDLC_STATUS_2 : - AVM_HDLC_STATUS_1)); + AVM_HDLC_STATUS_1)); } void @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ write_ctrl(struct bchannel *bch, int which) { hdlc = &fc->hdlc[(bch->nr - 1) & 1]; pr_debug("%s: hdlc %c wr%x ctrl %x\n", fc->name, '@' + bch->nr, - which, hdlc->ctrl.ctrl); + which, hdlc->ctrl.ctrl); switch (fc->type) { case AVM_FRITZ_PCIV2: __write_ctrl_pciv2(fc, hdlc, bch->nr); @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ static inline u32 __read_status_pciv2(u_long addr, u32 channel) { return inl(addr + (channel == 2 ? AVM_HDLC_STATUS_2 : - AVM_HDLC_STATUS_1)); + AVM_HDLC_STATUS_1)); } @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ modehdlc(struct bchannel *bch, int protocol) hdlc = &fc->hdlc[(bch->nr - 1) & 1]; pr_debug("%s: hdlc %c protocol %x-->%x ch %d\n", fc->name, - '@' + bch->nr, bch->state, protocol, bch->nr); + '@' + bch->nr, bch->state, protocol, bch->nr); hdlc->ctrl.ctrl = 0; switch (protocol) { case -1: /* used for init */ @@ -411,14 +411,14 @@ hdlc_empty_fifo(struct bchannel *bch, int count) } if ((bch->rx_skb->len + count) > bch->maxlen) { pr_debug("%s: overrun %d\n", fc->name, - bch->rx_skb->len + count); + bch->rx_skb->len + count); return; } p = skb_put(bch->rx_skb, count); ptr = (u32 *)p; if (AVM_FRITZ_PCIV2 == fc->type) addr = fc->addr + (bch->nr == 2 ? - AVM_HDLC_FIFO_2 : AVM_HDLC_FIFO_1); + AVM_HDLC_FIFO_2 : AVM_HDLC_FIFO_1); else { addr = fc->addr + CHIP_WINDOW; outl(bch->nr == 2 ? AVM_HDLC_2 : AVM_HDLC_1, fc->addr); @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ hdlc_empty_fifo(struct bchannel *bch, int count) } if (debug & DEBUG_HW_BFIFO) { snprintf(fc->log, LOG_SIZE, "B%1d-recv %s %d ", - bch->nr, fc->name, count); + bch->nr, fc->name, count); print_hex_dump_bytes(fc->log, DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, p, count); } } @@ -460,14 +460,14 @@ hdlc_fill_fifo(struct bchannel *bch) hdlc->ctrl.sr.cmd |= HDLC_CMD_XME; } pr_debug("%s: %s %d/%d/%d", fc->name, __func__, count, - bch->tx_idx, bch->tx_skb->len); + bch->tx_idx, bch->tx_skb->len); ptr = (u32 *)p; bch->tx_idx += count; hdlc->ctrl.sr.xml = ((count == HDLC_FIFO_SIZE) ? 0 : count); if (AVM_FRITZ_PCIV2 == fc->type) { __write_ctrl_pciv2(fc, hdlc, bch->nr); addr = fc->addr + (bch->nr == 2 ? - AVM_HDLC_FIFO_2 : AVM_HDLC_FIFO_1); + AVM_HDLC_FIFO_2 : AVM_HDLC_FIFO_1); } else { __write_ctrl_pci(fc, hdlc, bch->nr); addr = fc->addr + CHIP_WINDOW; @@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ hdlc_fill_fifo(struct bchannel *bch) } if (debug & DEBUG_HW_BFIFO) { snprintf(fc->log, LOG_SIZE, "B%1d-send %s %d ", - bch->nr, fc->name, count); + bch->nr, fc->name, count); print_hex_dump_bytes(fc->log, DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, p, count); } } @@ -528,14 +528,14 @@ HDLC_irq(struct bchannel *bch, u32 stat) if (!bch->rx_skb) goto handle_tx; if ((stat & HDLC_STAT_RME) || test_bit(FLG_TRANSPARENT, - &bch->Flags)) { + &bch->Flags)) { if (((stat & HDLC_STAT_CRCVFRRAB) == - HDLC_STAT_CRCVFR) || + HDLC_STAT_CRCVFR) || test_bit(FLG_TRANSPARENT, &bch->Flags)) { recv_Bchannel(bch, 0); } else { pr_debug("%s: got invalid frame\n", - fc->name); + fc->name); skb_trim(bch->rx_skb, 0); } } @@ -549,11 +549,11 @@ HDLC_irq(struct bchannel *bch, u32 stat) */ if (bch->tx_skb) pr_debug("%s: ch%d XDU len(%d) idx(%d) Flags(%lx)\n", - fc->name, bch->nr, bch->tx_skb->len, - bch->tx_idx, bch->Flags); + fc->name, bch->nr, bch->tx_skb->len, + bch->tx_idx, bch->Flags); else pr_debug("%s: ch%d XDU no tx_skb Flags(%lx)\n", - fc->name, bch->nr, bch->Flags); + fc->name, bch->nr, bch->Flags); if (bch->tx_skb && bch->tx_skb->len) { if (!test_bit(FLG_TRANSPARENT, &bch->Flags)) bch->tx_idx = 0; @@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ avm_l2l1B(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fc->lock, flags); if (!ret) _queue_data(ch, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, - NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + NULL, GFP_KERNEL); break; case PH_DEACTIVATE_REQ: spin_lock_irqsave(&fc->lock, flags); @@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ avm_l2l1B(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) modehdlc(bch, ISDN_P_NONE); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fc->lock, flags); _queue_data(ch, PH_DEACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, - NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + NULL, GFP_KERNEL); ret = 0; break; } @@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ reset_avm(struct fritzcard *fc) mdelay(1); if (debug & DEBUG_HW) pr_notice("%s: S0/S1 %x/%x\n", fc->name, - inb(fc->addr + 2), inb(fc->addr + 3)); + inb(fc->addr + 2), inb(fc->addr + 3)); } static int @@ -761,10 +761,10 @@ init_card(struct fritzcard *fc) reset_avm(fc); /* disable IRQ */ if (fc->type == AVM_FRITZ_PCIV2) ret = request_irq(fc->irq, avm_fritzv2_interrupt, - IRQF_SHARED, fc->name, fc); + IRQF_SHARED, fc->name, fc); else ret = request_irq(fc->irq, avm_fritz_interrupt, - IRQF_SHARED, fc->name, fc); + IRQF_SHARED, fc->name, fc); if (ret) { pr_info("%s: couldn't get interrupt %d\n", fc->name, fc->irq); @@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ init_card(struct fritzcard *fc) msleep_interruptible(10); if (debug & DEBUG_HW) pr_notice("%s: IRQ %d count %d\n", fc->name, - fc->irq, fc->irqcnt); + fc->irq, fc->irqcnt); if (!fc->irqcnt) { pr_info("%s: IRQ(%d) getting no IRQs during init %d\n", fc->name, fc->irq, 3 - cnt); @@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ channel_bctrl(struct bchannel *bch, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) case MISDN_CTRL_GETOP: cq->op = 0; break; - /* Nothing implemented yet */ + /* Nothing implemented yet */ case MISDN_CTRL_FILL_EMPTY: default: pr_info("%s: %s unknown Op %x\n", fc->name, __func__, cq->op); @@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ avm_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u32 cmd, void *arg) break; case CLOSE_CHANNEL: pr_debug("%s: dev(%d) close from %p\n", fc->name, dch->dev.id, - __builtin_return_address(0)); + __builtin_return_address(0)); module_put(THIS_MODULE); break; case CONTROL_CHANNEL: @@ -939,7 +939,7 @@ avm_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u32 cmd, void *arg) break; default: pr_debug("%s: %s unknown command %x\n", - fc->name, __func__, cmd); + fc->name, __func__, cmd); return -EINVAL; } return err; @@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ setup_fritz(struct fritzcard *fc) if (debug & DEBUG_HW) { pr_notice("%s: PCI stat %#x\n", fc->name, val); pr_notice("%s: PCI Class %X Rev %d\n", fc->name, - val & 0xff, (val >> 8) & 0xff); + val & 0xff, (val >> 8) & 0xff); pr_notice("%s: HDLC version %x\n", fc->name, ver & 0xf); } ASSIGN_FUNC(V1, ISAC, fc->isac); @@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ setup_fritz(struct fritzcard *fc) if (debug & DEBUG_HW) { pr_notice("%s: PCI V2 stat %#x\n", fc->name, val); pr_notice("%s: PCI V2 Class %X Rev %d\n", fc->name, - val & 0xff, (val>>8) & 0xff); + val & 0xff, (val >> 8) & 0xff); pr_notice("%s: HDLC version %x\n", fc->name, ver & 0xf); } ASSIGN_FUNC(V2, ISAC, fc->isac); @@ -987,8 +987,8 @@ setup_fritz(struct fritzcard *fc) return -ENODEV; } pr_notice("%s: %s config irq:%d base:0x%X\n", fc->name, - (fc->type == AVM_FRITZ_PCI) ? "AVM Fritz!CARD PCI" : - "AVM Fritz!CARD PCIv2", fc->irq, fc->addr); + (fc->type == AVM_FRITZ_PCI) ? "AVM Fritz!CARD PCI" : + "AVM Fritz!CARD PCIv2", fc->irq, fc->addr); return 0; } @@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ setup_instance(struct fritzcard *card) mISDNisac_init(&card->isac, card); card->isac.dch.dev.Bprotocols = (1 << (ISDN_P_B_RAW & ISDN_P_B_MASK)) | - (1 << (ISDN_P_B_HDLC & ISDN_P_B_MASK)); + (1 << (ISDN_P_B_HDLC & ISDN_P_B_MASK)); card->isac.dch.dev.D.ctrl = avm_dctrl; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { card->bch[i].nr = i + 1; @@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ setup_instance(struct fritzcard *card) if (err) goto error; err = mISDN_register_device(&card->isac.dch.dev, &card->pdev->dev, - card->name); + card->name); if (err) goto error_reg; err = init_card(card); @@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@ fritzpci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) } pr_notice("mISDN: found adapter %s at %s\n", - (char *) ent->driver_data, pci_name(pdev)); + (char *) ent->driver_data, pci_name(pdev)); card->addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 1); card->irq = pdev->irq; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfc_multi.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfc_multi.h index 0c773866efc7babb16ab2d604dca334a9b62d0d5..b0588acbb47d728228651375c4f4ec31f2921fb7 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfc_multi.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfc_multi.h @@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ */ /* -#define MAX_FRAME_SIZE 2048 + #define MAX_FRAME_SIZE 2048 */ struct hfc_chan { struct dchannel *dch; /* link if channel is a D-channel */ struct bchannel *bch; /* link if channel is a B-channel */ - int port; /* the interface port this */ + int port; /* the interface port this */ /* channel is associated with */ int nt_timer; /* -1 if off, 0 if elapsed, >0 if running */ int los, ais, slip_tx, slip_rx, rdi; /* current alarms */ @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ struct hfcm_hw { #define HFC_CFG_REPORT_RDI 8 /* the card should report remote alarm */ #define HFC_CFG_DTMF 9 /* enable DTMF-detection */ #define HFC_CFG_CRC4 10 /* disable CRC-4 Multiframe mode, */ - /* use double frame instead. */ +/* use double frame instead. */ #define HFC_TYPE_E1 1 /* controller is HFC-E1 */ #define HFC_TYPE_4S 4 /* controller is HFC-4S */ @@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ struct hfcm_hw { #define HFC_CHIP_E1CLOCK_GET 10 /* always get clock from E1 interface */ #define HFC_CHIP_E1CLOCK_PUT 11 /* always put clock from E1 interface */ #define HFC_CHIP_WATCHDOG 12 /* whether we should send signals */ - /* to the watchdog */ +/* to the watchdog */ #define HFC_CHIP_B410P 13 /* whether we have a b410p with echocan in */ - /* hw */ +/* hw */ #define HFC_CHIP_PLXSD 14 /* whether we have a Speech-Design PLX */ #define HFC_CHIP_EMBSD 15 /* whether we have a SD Embedded board */ @@ -148,26 +148,26 @@ struct hfc_multi { int io_mode; /* selects mode */ #ifdef HFC_REGISTER_DEBUG void (*HFC_outb)(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, - u_char val, const char *function, int line); + u_char val, const char *function, int line); void (*HFC_outb_nodebug)(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, - u_char val, const char *function, int line); + u_char val, const char *function, int line); u_char (*HFC_inb)(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, - const char *function, int line); + const char *function, int line); u_char (*HFC_inb_nodebug)(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, - const char *function, int line); + const char *function, int line); u_short (*HFC_inw)(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, - const char *function, int line); + const char *function, int line); u_short (*HFC_inw_nodebug)(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, - const char *function, int line); + const char *function, int line); void (*HFC_wait)(struct hfc_multi *hc, - const char *function, int line); + const char *function, int line); void (*HFC_wait_nodebug)(struct hfc_multi *hc, - const char *function, int line); + const char *function, int line); #else void (*HFC_outb)(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, - u_char val); + u_char val); void (*HFC_outb_nodebug)(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, - u_char val); + u_char val); u_char (*HFC_inb)(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg); u_char (*HFC_inb_nodebug)(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg); u_short (*HFC_inw)(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg); @@ -176,9 +176,9 @@ struct hfc_multi { void (*HFC_wait_nodebug)(struct hfc_multi *hc); #endif void (*read_fifo)(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char *data, - int len); + int len); void (*write_fifo)(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char *data, - int len); + int len); u_long pci_origmembase, plx_origmembase; void __iomem *pci_membase; /* PCI memory */ void __iomem *plx_membase; /* PLX memory */ @@ -211,10 +211,10 @@ struct hfc_multi { /* an optical Interface */ int dslot; /* channel # of d-channel (E1) default 16 */ - u_long wdcount; /* every 500 ms we need to */ + u_long wdcount; /* every 500 ms we need to */ /* send the watchdog a signal */ u_char wdbyte; /* watchdog toggle byte */ - u_int activity[8]; /* if there is any action on this */ + u_int activity[8]; /* if there is any action on this */ /* port (will be cleared after */ /* showing led-states) */ int e1_state; /* keep track of last state */ @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ struct hfc_multi { #define PLX_DSP_RES_N PLX_GPIO8 /* GPIO4..8 Enable & Set to OUT, SLAVE_EN_N = 1 */ #define PLX_GPIOC_INIT (PLX_GPIO4_DIR | PLX_GPIO5_DIR | PLX_GPIO6_DIR \ - | PLX_GPIO7_DIR | PLX_GPIO8_DIR | PLX_SLAVE_EN_N) + | PLX_GPIO7_DIR | PLX_GPIO8_DIR | PLX_SLAVE_EN_N) /* PLX Interrupt Control/STATUS */ #define PLX_INTCSR_LINTI1_ENABLE 0x01 @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ struct hfc_multi { /* write only registers */ #define R_CIRM 0x00 #define R_CTRL 0x01 -#define R_BRG_PCM_CFG 0x02 +#define R_BRG_PCM_CFG 0x02 #define R_RAM_ADDR0 0x08 #define R_RAM_ADDR1 0x09 #define R_RAM_ADDR2 0x0A @@ -687,8 +687,8 @@ struct hfc_multi { #define V_NEG_CLK 0x08 #define V_HCLK 0x10 /* -#define V_JATT_AUTO_DEL 0x20 -#define V_JATT_AUTO 0x40 + #define V_JATT_AUTO_DEL 0x20 + #define V_JATT_AUTO 0x40 */ #define V_JATT_OFF 0x80 /* R_STATE */ @@ -1230,4 +1230,3 @@ struct hfc_register_names { {"R_IRQ_FIFO_BL7", 0xCF}, }; #endif /* HFC_REGISTER_DEBUG */ - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfc_multi_8xx.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfc_multi_8xx.h index 45ddced956d53be16560a3d36bf7ccdd4c5090ba..0eafe9f04fca326a40f6e5bb549b78420bd39e26 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfc_multi_8xx.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfc_multi_8xx.h @@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ static void #ifdef HFC_REGISTER_DEBUG HFC_outb_embsd(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, u_char val, - const char *function, int line) + const char *function, int line) #else -HFC_outb_embsd(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, u_char val) + HFC_outb_embsd(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, u_char val) #endif { hc->immap->im_ioport.iop_padat |= PA_XHFC_A0; @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ static u_char #ifdef HFC_REGISTER_DEBUG HFC_inb_embsd(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, const char *function, int line) #else -HFC_inb_embsd(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg) + HFC_inb_embsd(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg) #endif { hc->immap->im_ioport.iop_padat |= PA_XHFC_A0; @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ static u_short #ifdef HFC_REGISTER_DEBUG HFC_inw_embsd(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, const char *function, int line) #else -HFC_inw_embsd(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg) + HFC_inw_embsd(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg) #endif { hc->immap->im_ioport.iop_padat |= PA_XHFC_A0; @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ static void #ifdef HFC_REGISTER_DEBUG HFC_wait_embsd(struct hfc_multi *hc, const char *function, int line) #else -HFC_wait_embsd(struct hfc_multi *hc) + HFC_wait_embsd(struct hfc_multi *hc) #endif { hc->immap->im_ioport.iop_padat |= PA_XHFC_A0; @@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ static int setup_embedded(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct hm_map *m) { printk(KERN_INFO - "HFC-multi: card manufacturer: '%s' card name: '%s' clock: %s\n", - m->vendor_name, m->card_name, m->clock2 ? "double" : "normal"); + "HFC-multi: card manufacturer: '%s' card name: '%s' clock: %s\n", + m->vendor_name, m->card_name, m->clock2 ? "double" : "normal"); hc->pci_dev = NULL; if (m->clock2) @@ -129,20 +129,20 @@ setup_embedded(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct hm_map *m) hc->write_fifo = write_fifo_embsd; hc->xhfc_origmembase = XHFC_MEMBASE + XHFC_OFFSET * hc->id; hc->xhfc_membase = (u_char *)ioremap(hc->xhfc_origmembase, - XHFC_MEMSIZE); + XHFC_MEMSIZE); if (!hc->xhfc_membase) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HFC-multi: failed to remap xhfc address space. " - "(internal error)\n"); + "HFC-multi: failed to remap xhfc address space. " + "(internal error)\n"); return -EIO; } hc->xhfc_memaddr = (u_long *)(hc->xhfc_membase + 4); hc->xhfc_memdata = (u_long *)(hc->xhfc_membase); printk(KERN_INFO - "HFC-multi: xhfc_membase:%#lx xhfc_origmembase:%#lx " - "xhfc_memaddr:%#lx xhfc_memdata:%#lx\n", - (u_long)hc->xhfc_membase, hc->xhfc_origmembase, - (u_long)hc->xhfc_memaddr, (u_long)hc->xhfc_memdata); + "HFC-multi: xhfc_membase:%#lx xhfc_origmembase:%#lx " + "xhfc_memaddr:%#lx xhfc_memdata:%#lx\n", + (u_long)hc->xhfc_membase, hc->xhfc_origmembase, + (u_long)hc->xhfc_memaddr, (u_long)hc->xhfc_memdata); break; default: printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC-multi: Invalid IO mode.\n"); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfc_pci.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfc_pci.h index 3132ddc99fcd73fc785a02bcd457332f41e1fd83..411cd10772e8dc91a14259cae1e0ef3567545990 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfc_pci.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfc_pci.h @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ /* GCI/IOM bus configuration registers */ #define HFCPCI_MST_EMOD 0xB4 #define HFCPCI_MST_MODE 0xB8 -#define HFCPCI_CONNECT 0xBC +#define HFCPCI_CONNECT 0xBC /* Interrupt and status registers */ @@ -189,18 +189,18 @@ struct zt { struct dfifo { u_char data[D_FIFO_SIZE]; /* FIFO data space */ - u_char fill1[0x20A0-D_FIFO_SIZE]; /* reserved, do not use */ + u_char fill1[0x20A0 - D_FIFO_SIZE]; /* reserved, do not use */ u_char f1, f2; /* f pointers */ - u_char fill2[0x20C0-0x20A2]; /* reserved, do not use */ + u_char fill2[0x20C0 - 0x20A2]; /* reserved, do not use */ /* mask index with D_FREG_MASK for access */ - struct zt za[MAX_D_FRAMES+1]; - u_char fill3[0x4000-0x2100]; /* align 16K */ + struct zt za[MAX_D_FRAMES + 1]; + u_char fill3[0x4000 - 0x2100]; /* align 16K */ }; struct bzfifo { - struct zt za[MAX_B_FRAMES+1]; /* only range 0x0..0x1F allowed */ + struct zt za[MAX_B_FRAMES + 1]; /* only range 0x0..0x1F allowed */ u_char f1, f2; /* f pointers */ - u_char fill[0x2100-0x2082]; /* alignment */ + u_char fill[0x2100 - 0x2082]; /* alignment */ }; @@ -224,5 +224,5 @@ union fifo_area { u_char fill[32768]; }; -#define Write_hfc(a, b, c) (writeb(c, (a->hw.pci_io)+b)) -#define Read_hfc(a, b) (readb((a->hw.pci_io)+b)) +#define Write_hfc(a, b, c) (writeb(c, (a->hw.pci_io) + b)) +#define Read_hfc(a, b) (readb((a->hw.pci_io) + b)) diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfcmulti.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfcmulti.c index a440d7fff0ad3ed1b561ce0d41f40d59c0ed10cc..033223180b555911510c5893cc553dfff48e5c3c 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfcmulti.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfcmulti.c @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ * * hwid: * NOTE: only one hwid value must be given once - * Enable special embedded devices with XHFC controllers. + * Enable special embedded devices with XHFC controllers. */ /* @@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ #include /* -#define IRQCOUNT_DEBUG -#define IRQ_DEBUG + #define IRQCOUNT_DEBUG + #define IRQ_DEBUG */ #include "hfc_multi.h" @@ -237,21 +237,21 @@ module_param_array(port, uint, NULL, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR); module_param(hwid, uint, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR); /* The hardware ID */ #ifdef HFC_REGISTER_DEBUG -#define HFC_outb(hc, reg, val) \ +#define HFC_outb(hc, reg, val) \ (hc->HFC_outb(hc, reg, val, __func__, __LINE__)) -#define HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, reg, val) \ +#define HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, reg, val) \ (hc->HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, reg, val, __func__, __LINE__)) -#define HFC_inb(hc, reg) \ +#define HFC_inb(hc, reg) \ (hc->HFC_inb(hc, reg, __func__, __LINE__)) -#define HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, reg) \ +#define HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, reg) \ (hc->HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, reg, __func__, __LINE__)) -#define HFC_inw(hc, reg) \ +#define HFC_inw(hc, reg) \ (hc->HFC_inw(hc, reg, __func__, __LINE__)) -#define HFC_inw_nodebug(hc, reg) \ +#define HFC_inw_nodebug(hc, reg) \ (hc->HFC_inw_nodebug(hc, reg, __func__, __LINE__)) -#define HFC_wait(hc) \ +#define HFC_wait(hc) \ (hc->HFC_wait(hc, __func__, __LINE__)) -#define HFC_wait_nodebug(hc) \ +#define HFC_wait_nodebug(hc) \ (hc->HFC_wait_nodebug(hc, __func__, __LINE__)) #else #define HFC_outb(hc, reg, val) (hc->HFC_outb(hc, reg, val)) @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ static void HFC_outb_pcimem(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, u_char val, const char *function, int line) #else -HFC_outb_pcimem(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, u_char val) + HFC_outb_pcimem(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, u_char val) #endif { writeb(val, hc->pci_membase + reg); @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ static u_char #ifdef HFC_REGISTER_DEBUG HFC_inb_pcimem(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, const char *function, int line) #else -HFC_inb_pcimem(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg) + HFC_inb_pcimem(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg) #endif { return readb(hc->pci_membase + reg); @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ static u_short #ifdef HFC_REGISTER_DEBUG HFC_inw_pcimem(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, const char *function, int line) #else -HFC_inw_pcimem(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg) + HFC_inw_pcimem(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg) #endif { return readw(hc->pci_membase + reg); @@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ static void #ifdef HFC_REGISTER_DEBUG HFC_wait_pcimem(struct hfc_multi *hc, const char *function, int line) #else -HFC_wait_pcimem(struct hfc_multi *hc) + HFC_wait_pcimem(struct hfc_multi *hc) #endif { while (readb(hc->pci_membase + R_STATUS) & V_BUSY) @@ -312,9 +312,9 @@ HFC_wait_pcimem(struct hfc_multi *hc) static void #ifdef HFC_REGISTER_DEBUG HFC_outb_regio(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, u_char val, - const char *function, int line) + const char *function, int line) #else -HFC_outb_regio(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, u_char val) + HFC_outb_regio(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, u_char val) #endif { outb(reg, hc->pci_iobase + 4); @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ static u_char #ifdef HFC_REGISTER_DEBUG HFC_inb_regio(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, const char *function, int line) #else -HFC_inb_regio(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg) + HFC_inb_regio(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg) #endif { outb(reg, hc->pci_iobase + 4); @@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ static u_short #ifdef HFC_REGISTER_DEBUG HFC_inw_regio(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, const char *function, int line) #else -HFC_inw_regio(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg) + HFC_inw_regio(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg) #endif { outb(reg, hc->pci_iobase + 4); @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ static void #ifdef HFC_REGISTER_DEBUG HFC_wait_regio(struct hfc_multi *hc, const char *function, int line) #else -HFC_wait_regio(struct hfc_multi *hc) + HFC_wait_regio(struct hfc_multi *hc) #endif { outb(R_STATUS, hc->pci_iobase + 4); @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ HFC_wait_regio(struct hfc_multi *hc) #ifdef HFC_REGISTER_DEBUG static void HFC_outb_debug(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, u_char val, - const char *function, int line) + const char *function, int line) { char regname[256] = "", bits[9] = "xxxxxxxx"; int i; @@ -377,8 +377,8 @@ HFC_outb_debug(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, u_char val, bits[1] = '0' + (!!(val & 64)); bits[0] = '0' + (!!(val & 128)); printk(KERN_DEBUG - "HFC_outb(chip %d, %02x=%s, 0x%02x=%s); in %s() line %d\n", - hc->id, reg, regname, val, bits, function, line); + "HFC_outb(chip %d, %02x=%s, 0x%02x=%s); in %s() line %d\n", + hc->id, reg, regname, val, bits, function, line); HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, reg, val); } static u_char @@ -407,8 +407,8 @@ HFC_inb_debug(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, const char *function, int line) bits[1] = '0' + (!!(val & 64)); bits[0] = '0' + (!!(val & 128)); printk(KERN_DEBUG - "HFC_inb(chip %d, %02x=%s) = 0x%02x=%s; in %s() line %d\n", - hc->id, reg, regname, val, bits, function, line); + "HFC_inb(chip %d, %02x=%s) = 0x%02x=%s; in %s() line %d\n", + hc->id, reg, regname, val, bits, function, line); return val; } static u_short @@ -429,15 +429,15 @@ HFC_inw_debug(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char reg, const char *function, int line) strcpy(regname, "register"); printk(KERN_DEBUG - "HFC_inw(chip %d, %02x=%s) = 0x%04x; in %s() line %d\n", - hc->id, reg, regname, val, function, line); + "HFC_inw(chip %d, %02x=%s) = 0x%04x; in %s() line %d\n", + hc->id, reg, regname, val, function, line); return val; } static void HFC_wait_debug(struct hfc_multi *hc, const char *function, int line) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "HFC_wait(chip %d); in %s() line %d\n", - hc->id, function, line); + hc->id, function, line); HFC_wait_nodebug(hc); } #endif @@ -446,13 +446,13 @@ HFC_wait_debug(struct hfc_multi *hc, const char *function, int line) static void write_fifo_regio(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char *data, int len) { - outb(A_FIFO_DATA0, (hc->pci_iobase)+4); - while (len>>2) { + outb(A_FIFO_DATA0, (hc->pci_iobase) + 4); + while (len >> 2) { outl(cpu_to_le32(*(u32 *)data), hc->pci_iobase); data += 4; len -= 4; } - while (len>>1) { + while (len >> 1) { outw(cpu_to_le16(*(u16 *)data), hc->pci_iobase); data += 2; len -= 2; @@ -467,15 +467,15 @@ write_fifo_regio(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char *data, int len) static void write_fifo_pcimem(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char *data, int len) { - while (len>>2) { + while (len >> 2) { writel(cpu_to_le32(*(u32 *)data), - hc->pci_membase + A_FIFO_DATA0); + hc->pci_membase + A_FIFO_DATA0); data += 4; len -= 4; } - while (len>>1) { + while (len >> 1) { writew(cpu_to_le16(*(u16 *)data), - hc->pci_membase + A_FIFO_DATA0); + hc->pci_membase + A_FIFO_DATA0); data += 2; len -= 2; } @@ -490,13 +490,13 @@ write_fifo_pcimem(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char *data, int len) static void read_fifo_regio(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char *data, int len) { - outb(A_FIFO_DATA0, (hc->pci_iobase)+4); - while (len>>2) { + outb(A_FIFO_DATA0, (hc->pci_iobase) + 4); + while (len >> 2) { *(u32 *)data = le32_to_cpu(inl(hc->pci_iobase)); data += 4; len -= 4; } - while (len>>1) { + while (len >> 1) { *(u16 *)data = le16_to_cpu(inw(hc->pci_iobase)); data += 2; len -= 2; @@ -512,13 +512,13 @@ read_fifo_regio(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char *data, int len) static void read_fifo_pcimem(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char *data, int len) { - while (len>>2) { + while (len >> 2) { *(u32 *)data = le32_to_cpu(readl(hc->pci_membase + A_FIFO_DATA0)); data += 4; len -= 4; } - while (len>>1) { + while (len >> 1) { *(u16 *)data = le16_to_cpu(readw(hc->pci_membase + A_FIFO_DATA0)); data += 2; @@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ writepcibridge(struct hfc_multi *hc, unsigned char address, unsigned char data) outw(cipv, hc->pci_iobase + 4); /* define a 32 bit dword with 4 identical bytes for write sequence */ datav = data | ((__u32) data << 8) | ((__u32) data << 16) | - ((__u32) data << 24); + ((__u32) data << 24); /* * write this 32 bit dword to the bridge data port @@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ vpm_in(struct hfc_multi *c, int which, unsigned short addr) inline void vpm_out(struct hfc_multi *c, int which, unsigned short addr, - unsigned char data) + unsigned char data) { vpm_write_address(c, addr); @@ -717,11 +717,11 @@ vpm_out(struct hfc_multi *c, int which, unsigned short addr, disablepcibridge(c); { - unsigned char regin; - regin = vpm_in(c, which, addr); - if (regin != data) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "Wrote 0x%x to register 0x%x but got back " - "0x%x\n", data, addr, regin); + unsigned char regin; + regin = vpm_in(c, which, addr); + if (regin != data) + printk(KERN_DEBUG "Wrote 0x%x to register 0x%x but got back " + "0x%x\n", data, addr, regin); } } @@ -853,16 +853,16 @@ vpm_echocan_on(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int taps) #ifdef TXADJ skb = _alloc_mISDN_skb(PH_CONTROL_IND, HFC_VOL_CHANGE_TX, - sizeof(int), &txadj, GFP_ATOMIC); + sizeof(int), &txadj, GFP_ATOMIC); if (skb) recv_Bchannel_skb(bch, skb); #endif - timeslot = ((ch/4)*8) + ((ch%4)*4) + 1; + timeslot = ((ch / 4) * 8) + ((ch % 4) * 4) + 1; unit = ch % 4; printk(KERN_NOTICE "vpm_echocan_on called taps [%d] on timeslot %d\n", - taps, timeslot); + taps, timeslot); vpm_out(hc, unit, timeslot, 0x7e); } @@ -886,16 +886,16 @@ vpm_echocan_off(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch) #ifdef TXADJ skb = _alloc_mISDN_skb(PH_CONTROL_IND, HFC_VOL_CHANGE_TX, - sizeof(int), &txadj, GFP_ATOMIC); + sizeof(int), &txadj, GFP_ATOMIC); if (skb) recv_Bchannel_skb(bch, skb); #endif - timeslot = ((ch/4)*8) + ((ch%4)*4) + 1; + timeslot = ((ch / 4) * 8) + ((ch % 4) * 4) + 1; unit = ch % 4; printk(KERN_NOTICE "vpm_echocan_off called on timeslot %d\n", - timeslot); + timeslot); /* FILLME */ vpm_out(hc, unit, timeslot, 0x01); } @@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ hfcmulti_resync(struct hfc_multi *locked, struct hfc_multi *newmaster, int rm) if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_PLXSD) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: RESYNC(syncmaster=0x%p)\n", - __func__, syncmaster); + __func__, syncmaster); /* select new master */ if (newmaster) { @@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ hfcmulti_resync(struct hfc_multi *locked, struct hfc_multi *newmaster, int rm) if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_E1) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_PLXSD) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "Schedule SYNC_I\n"); + "Schedule SYNC_I\n"); hc->e1_resync |= 1; /* get SYNC_I */ } } @@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ hfcmulti_resync(struct hfc_multi *locked, struct hfc_multi *newmaster, int rm) hc = newmaster; if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_PLXSD) printk(KERN_DEBUG "id=%d (0x%p) = syncronized with " - "interface.\n", hc->id, hc); + "interface.\n", hc->id, hc); /* Enable new sync master */ plx_acc_32 = hc->plx_membase + PLX_GPIOC; pv = readl(plx_acc_32); @@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ hfcmulti_resync(struct hfc_multi *locked, struct hfc_multi *newmaster, int rm) writel(pv, plx_acc_32); /* switch to jatt PLL, if not disabled by RX_SYNC */ if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_E1 - && !test_bit(HFC_CHIP_RX_SYNC, &hc->chip)) { + && !test_bit(HFC_CHIP_RX_SYNC, &hc->chip)) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_PLXSD) printk(KERN_DEBUG "Schedule jatt PLL\n"); hc->e1_resync |= 2; /* switch to jatt */ @@ -978,20 +978,20 @@ hfcmulti_resync(struct hfc_multi *locked, struct hfc_multi *newmaster, int rm) hc = pcmmaster; if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_PLXSD) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "id=%d (0x%p) = PCM master syncronized " - "with QUARTZ\n", hc->id, hc); + "id=%d (0x%p) = PCM master syncronized " + "with QUARTZ\n", hc->id, hc); if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_E1) { /* Use the crystal clock for the PCM master card */ if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_PLXSD) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "Schedule QUARTZ for HFC-E1\n"); + "Schedule QUARTZ for HFC-E1\n"); hc->e1_resync |= 4; /* switch quartz */ } else { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_PLXSD) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "QUARTZ is automatically " - "enabled by HFC-%dS\n", hc->ctype); + "QUARTZ is automatically " + "enabled by HFC-%dS\n", hc->ctype); } plx_acc_32 = hc->plx_membase + PLX_GPIOC; pv = readl(plx_acc_32); @@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ hfcmulti_resync(struct hfc_multi *locked, struct hfc_multi *newmaster, int rm) } else if (!rm) printk(KERN_ERR "%s no pcm master, this MUST " - "not happen!\n", __func__); + "not happen!\n", __func__); } syncmaster = newmaster; @@ -1016,16 +1016,16 @@ plxsd_checksync(struct hfc_multi *hc, int rm) if (syncmaster == NULL) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_PLXSD) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: GOT sync on card %d" - " (id=%d)\n", __func__, hc->id + 1, - hc->id); + " (id=%d)\n", __func__, hc->id + 1, + hc->id); hfcmulti_resync(hc, hc, rm); } } else { if (syncmaster == hc) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_PLXSD) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: LOST sync on card %d" - " (id=%d)\n", __func__, hc->id + 1, - hc->id); + " (id=%d)\n", __func__, hc->id + 1, + hc->id); hfcmulti_resync(hc, NULL, rm); } } @@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@ release_io_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc) if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PLXSD, &hc->chip) && hc->plx_membase) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_PLXSD) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: release PLXSD card %d\n", - __func__, hc->id + 1); + __func__, hc->id + 1); spin_lock_irqsave(&plx_lock, plx_flags); plx_acc_32 = hc->plx_membase + PLX_GPIOC; writel(PLX_GPIOC_INIT, plx_acc_32); @@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ release_io_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc) writel(pv, plx_acc_32); if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: PCM off: PLX_GPIO=%x\n", - __func__, pv); + __func__, pv); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&plx_lock, plx_flags); } @@ -1131,22 +1131,22 @@ init_chip(struct hfc_multi *hc) } rev = HFC_inb(hc, R_CHIP_RV); printk(KERN_INFO - "HFC_multi: detected HFC with chip ID=0x%lx revision=%ld%s\n", - val, rev, (rev == 0 && (hc->ctype != HFC_TYPE_XHFC)) ? - " (old FIFO handling)" : ""); + "HFC_multi: detected HFC with chip ID=0x%lx revision=%ld%s\n", + val, rev, (rev == 0 && (hc->ctype != HFC_TYPE_XHFC)) ? + " (old FIFO handling)" : ""); if (hc->ctype != HFC_TYPE_XHFC && rev == 0) { test_and_set_bit(HFC_CHIP_REVISION0, &hc->chip); printk(KERN_WARNING - "HFC_multi: NOTE: Your chip is revision 0, " - "ask Cologne Chip for update. Newer chips " - "have a better FIFO handling. Old chips " - "still work but may have slightly lower " - "HDLC transmit performance.\n"); + "HFC_multi: NOTE: Your chip is revision 0, " + "ask Cologne Chip for update. Newer chips " + "have a better FIFO handling. Old chips " + "still work but may have slightly lower " + "HDLC transmit performance.\n"); } if (rev > 1) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC_multi: WARNING: This driver doesn't " - "consider chip revision = %ld. The chip / " - "bridge may not work.\n", rev); + "consider chip revision = %ld. The chip / " + "bridge may not work.\n", rev); } /* set s-ram size */ @@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ init_chip(struct hfc_multi *hc) if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_EXRAM_128, &hc->chip)) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: changing to 128K extenal RAM\n", - __func__); + __func__); hc->hw.r_ctrl |= V_EXT_RAM; hc->hw.r_ram_sz = 1; hc->Flen = 0x20; @@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@ init_chip(struct hfc_multi *hc) if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_EXRAM_512, &hc->chip)) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: changing to 512K extenal RAM\n", - __func__); + __func__); hc->hw.r_ctrl |= V_EXT_RAM; hc->hw.r_ram_sz = 2; hc->Flen = 0x20; @@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ init_chip(struct hfc_multi *hc) if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PLXSD, &hc->chip)) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_PLXSD) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: initializing PLXSD card %d\n", - __func__, hc->id + 1); + __func__, hc->id + 1); spin_lock_irqsave(&plx_lock, plx_flags); plx_acc_32 = hc->plx_membase + PLX_GPIOC; writel(PLX_GPIOC_INIT, plx_acc_32); @@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ init_chip(struct hfc_multi *hc) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&plx_lock, plx_flags); if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: slave/term: PLX_GPIO=%x\n", - __func__, pv); + __func__, pv); /* * If we are the 3rd PLXSD card or higher, we must turn * termination of last PLXSD card off. @@ -1225,8 +1225,8 @@ init_chip(struct hfc_multi *hc) if (plx_count >= 3) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_PLXSD) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: card %d is between, so " - "we disable termination\n", - __func__, plx_last_hc->id + 1); + "we disable termination\n", + __func__, plx_last_hc->id + 1); spin_lock_irqsave(&plx_lock, plx_flags); plx_acc_32 = plx_last_hc->plx_membase + PLX_GPIOC; pv = readl(plx_acc_32); @@ -1235,8 +1235,8 @@ init_chip(struct hfc_multi *hc) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&plx_lock, plx_flags); if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: term off: PLX_GPIO=%x\n", - __func__, pv); + "%s: term off: PLX_GPIO=%x\n", + __func__, pv); } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&HFClock, hfc_flags); hc->hw.r_pcm_md0 = V_F0_LEN; /* shift clock for DSP */ @@ -1253,24 +1253,24 @@ init_chip(struct hfc_multi *hc) if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PCM_SLAVE, &hc->chip)) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: setting PCM into slave mode\n", - __func__); + __func__); } else - if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PCM_MASTER, &hc->chip) && !plxsd_master) { - if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: setting PCM into master mode\n", - __func__); - hc->hw.r_pcm_md0 |= V_PCM_MD; - } else { - if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: performing PCM auto detect\n", - __func__); - } + if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PCM_MASTER, &hc->chip) && !plxsd_master) { + if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: setting PCM into master mode\n", + __func__); + hc->hw.r_pcm_md0 |= V_PCM_MD; + } else { + if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: performing PCM auto detect\n", + __func__); + } /* soft reset */ HFC_outb(hc, R_CTRL, hc->hw.r_ctrl); if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_XHFC) HFC_outb(hc, 0x0C /* R_FIFO_THRES */, - 0x11 /* 16 Bytes TX/RX */); + 0x11 /* 16 Bytes TX/RX */); else HFC_outb(hc, R_RAM_SZ, hc->hw.r_ram_sz); HFC_outb(hc, R_FIFO_MD, 0); @@ -1298,13 +1298,13 @@ init_chip(struct hfc_multi *hc) pv |= PLX_SYNC_O_EN; if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: master: PLX_GPIO=%x\n", - __func__, pv); + __func__, pv); } else { pv &= ~(PLX_MASTER_EN | PLX_SLAVE_EN_N); pv &= ~PLX_SYNC_O_EN; if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: slave: PLX_GPIO=%x\n", - __func__, pv); + __func__, pv); } writel(pv, plx_acc_32); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&plx_lock, plx_flags); @@ -1338,7 +1338,7 @@ init_chip(struct hfc_multi *hc) if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_CLOCK2, &hc->chip)) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: setting double clock\n", __func__); + "%s: setting double clock\n", __func__); HFC_outb(hc, R_BRG_PCM_CFG, V_PCM_CLK); } @@ -1360,48 +1360,48 @@ init_chip(struct hfc_multi *hc) val += HFC_inb(hc, R_F0_CNTH) << 8; if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "HFC_multi F0_CNT %ld after reset\n", val); + "HFC_multi F0_CNT %ld after reset\n", val); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hc->lock, flags); set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE); - schedule_timeout((HZ/100)?:1); /* Timeout minimum 10ms */ + schedule_timeout((HZ / 100) ? : 1); /* Timeout minimum 10ms */ spin_lock_irqsave(&hc->lock, flags); val2 = HFC_inb(hc, R_F0_CNTL); val2 += HFC_inb(hc, R_F0_CNTH) << 8; if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "HFC_multi F0_CNT %ld after 10 ms (1st try)\n", - val2); - if (val2 >= val+8) { /* 1 ms */ + "HFC_multi F0_CNT %ld after 10 ms (1st try)\n", + val2); + if (val2 >= val + 8) { /* 1 ms */ /* it counts, so we keep the pcm mode */ if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PCM_MASTER, &hc->chip)) printk(KERN_INFO "controller is PCM bus MASTER\n"); else - if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PCM_SLAVE, &hc->chip)) - printk(KERN_INFO "controller is PCM bus SLAVE\n"); - else { - test_and_set_bit(HFC_CHIP_PCM_SLAVE, &hc->chip); - printk(KERN_INFO "controller is PCM bus SLAVE " - "(auto detected)\n"); - } + if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PCM_SLAVE, &hc->chip)) + printk(KERN_INFO "controller is PCM bus SLAVE\n"); + else { + test_and_set_bit(HFC_CHIP_PCM_SLAVE, &hc->chip); + printk(KERN_INFO "controller is PCM bus SLAVE " + "(auto detected)\n"); + } } else { /* does not count */ if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PCM_MASTER, &hc->chip)) { -controller_fail: + controller_fail: printk(KERN_ERR "HFC_multi ERROR, getting no 125us " - "pulse. Seems that controller fails.\n"); + "pulse. Seems that controller fails.\n"); err = -EIO; goto out; } if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PCM_SLAVE, &hc->chip)) { printk(KERN_INFO "controller is PCM bus SLAVE " - "(ignoring missing PCM clock)\n"); + "(ignoring missing PCM clock)\n"); } else { /* only one pcm master */ if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PLXSD, &hc->chip) - && plxsd_master) { + && plxsd_master) { printk(KERN_ERR "HFC_multi ERROR, no clock " - "on another Speech Design card found. " - "Please be sure to connect PCM cable.\n"); + "on another Speech Design card found. " + "Please be sure to connect PCM cable.\n"); err = -EIO; goto out; } @@ -1416,24 +1416,24 @@ init_chip(struct hfc_multi *hc) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&plx_lock, plx_flags); if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: master: " - "PLX_GPIO=%x\n", __func__, pv); + "PLX_GPIO=%x\n", __func__, pv); } hc->hw.r_pcm_md0 |= V_PCM_MD; HFC_outb(hc, R_PCM_MD0, hc->hw.r_pcm_md0 | 0x00); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hc->lock, flags); set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE); - schedule_timeout((HZ/100)?:1); /* Timeout min. 10ms */ + schedule_timeout((HZ / 100) ?: 1); /* Timeout min. 10ms */ spin_lock_irqsave(&hc->lock, flags); val2 = HFC_inb(hc, R_F0_CNTL); val2 += HFC_inb(hc, R_F0_CNTH) << 8; if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "HFC_multi F0_CNT %ld after " - "10 ms (2nd try)\n", val2); - if (val2 >= val+8) { /* 1 ms */ + "10 ms (2nd try)\n", val2); + if (val2 >= val + 8) { /* 1 ms */ test_and_set_bit(HFC_CHIP_PCM_MASTER, - &hc->chip); + &hc->chip); printk(KERN_INFO "controller is PCM bus MASTER " - "(auto detected)\n"); + "(auto detected)\n"); } else goto controller_fail; } @@ -1451,21 +1451,21 @@ init_chip(struct hfc_multi *hc) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&plx_lock, plx_flags); if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: reset off: PLX_GPIO=%x\n", - __func__, pv); + __func__, pv); } /* pcm id */ if (hc->pcm) printk(KERN_INFO "controller has given PCM BUS ID %d\n", - hc->pcm); + hc->pcm); else { if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PCM_MASTER, &hc->chip) - || test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PLXSD, &hc->chip)) { + || test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PLXSD, &hc->chip)) { PCM_cnt++; /* SD has proprietary bridging */ } hc->pcm = PCM_cnt; printk(KERN_INFO "controller has PCM BUS ID %d " - "(auto selected)\n", hc->pcm); + "(auto selected)\n", hc->pcm); } /* set up timer */ @@ -1480,7 +1480,7 @@ init_chip(struct hfc_multi *hc) if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_DTMF, &hc->chip)) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: enabling DTMF detection " - "for all B-channel\n", __func__); + "for all B-channel\n", __func__); hc->hw.r_dtmf = V_DTMF_EN | V_DTMF_STOP; if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_ULAW, &hc->chip)) hc->hw.r_dtmf |= V_ULAW_SEL; @@ -1527,8 +1527,8 @@ init_chip(struct hfc_multi *hc) if (hc->masterclk >= 0) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: setting ST master clock " - "to port %d (0..%d)\n", - __func__, hc->masterclk, hc->ports-1); + "to port %d (0..%d)\n", + __func__, hc->masterclk, hc->ports - 1); hc->hw.r_st_sync |= (hc->masterclk | V_AUTO_SYNC); HFC_outb(hc, R_ST_SYNC, hc->hw.r_st_sync); } @@ -1539,7 +1539,7 @@ init_chip(struct hfc_multi *hc) HFC_outb(hc, R_IRQMSK_MISC, hc->hw.r_irqmsk_misc); if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "r_irqmsk_misc.2: 0x%x\n", - hc->hw.r_irqmsk_misc); + hc->hw.r_irqmsk_misc); /* RAM access test */ HFC_outb(hc, R_RAM_ADDR0, 0); @@ -1547,7 +1547,7 @@ init_chip(struct hfc_multi *hc) HFC_outb(hc, R_RAM_ADDR2, 0); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_RAM_ADDR0, i); - HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_RAM_DATA, ((i*3)&0xff)); + HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_RAM_DATA, ((i * 3) & 0xff)); } for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_RAM_ADDR0, i); @@ -1555,8 +1555,8 @@ init_chip(struct hfc_multi *hc) rval = HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, R_INT_DATA); if (rval != ((i * 3) & 0xff)) { printk(KERN_DEBUG - "addr:%x val:%x should:%x\n", i, rval, - (i * 3) & 0xff); + "addr:%x val:%x should:%x\n", i, rval, + (i * 3) & 0xff); err++; } } @@ -1585,9 +1585,9 @@ hfcmulti_watchdog(struct hfc_multi *hc) if (hc->wdcount > 10) { hc->wdcount = 0; hc->wdbyte = hc->wdbyte == V_GPIO_OUT2 ? - V_GPIO_OUT3 : V_GPIO_OUT2; + V_GPIO_OUT3 : V_GPIO_OUT2; - /* printk("Sending Watchdog Kill %x\n",hc->wdbyte); */ + /* printk("Sending Watchdog Kill %x\n",hc->wdbyte); */ HFC_outb(hc, R_GPIO_EN0, V_GPIO_EN2 | V_GPIO_EN3); HFC_outb(hc, R_GPIO_OUT0, hc->wdbyte); } @@ -1623,10 +1623,10 @@ hfcmulti_leds(struct hfc_multi *hc) */ if (hc->chan[hc->dslot].sync != 2) { /* no frame sync */ if (hc->chan[hc->dslot].dch->dev.D.protocol - != ISDN_P_NT_E1) { + != ISDN_P_NT_E1) { led[0] = 1; led[1] = 1; - } else if (hc->ledcount>>11) { + } else if (hc->ledcount >> 11) { led[0] = 1; led[1] = 1; } else { @@ -1643,7 +1643,7 @@ hfcmulti_leds(struct hfc_multi *hc) led[3] = 1; } leds = (led[0] | (led[1]<<2) | (led[2]<<1) | (led[3]<<3))^0xF; - /* leds are inverted */ + /* leds are inverted */ if (leds != (int)hc->ledstate) { HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_GPIO_OUT1, leds); hc->ledstate = leds; @@ -1674,7 +1674,7 @@ hfcmulti_leds(struct hfc_multi *hc) /* TE mode: led red */ led[i] = 2; else - if (hc->ledcount>>11) + if (hc->ledcount >> 11) /* led red */ led[i] = 2; else @@ -1700,9 +1700,9 @@ hfcmulti_leds(struct hfc_multi *hc) } } else { leds = ((led[3] > 0) << 0) | ((led[1] > 0) << 1) | - ((led[0] > 0) << 2) | ((led[2] > 0) << 3) | - ((led[3] & 1) << 4) | ((led[1] & 1) << 5) | - ((led[0] & 1) << 6) | ((led[2] & 1) << 7); + ((led[0] > 0) << 2) | ((led[2] > 0) << 3) | + ((led[3] & 1) << 4) | ((led[1] & 1) << 5) | + ((led[0] & 1) << 6) | ((led[2] & 1) << 7); if (leds != (int)hc->ledstate) { HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_GPIO_EN1, leds & 0x0F); HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_GPIO_OUT1, leds >> 4); @@ -1746,13 +1746,13 @@ hfcmulti_leds(struct hfc_multi *hc) } - leds = (led[0] > 0) | ((led[1] > 0)<<1) | ((led[0]&1)<<2) - | ((led[1]&1)<<3); + leds = (led[0] > 0) | ((led[1] > 0) << 1) | ((led[0]&1) << 2) + | ((led[1]&1) << 3); if (leds != (int)hc->ledstate) { HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_GPIO_EN1, - ((led[0] > 0) << 2) | ((led[1] > 0) << 3)); + ((led[0] > 0) << 2) | ((led[1] > 0) << 3)); HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_GPIO_OUT1, - ((led[0] & 1) << 2) | ((led[1] & 1) << 3)); + ((led[0] & 1) << 2) | ((led[1] & 1) << 3)); hc->ledstate = leds; } break; @@ -1784,7 +1784,7 @@ hfcmulti_leds(struct hfc_multi *hc) leddw = lled << 24 | lled << 16 | lled << 8 | lled; if (leddw != hc->ledstate) { /* HFC_outb(hc, R_BRG_PCM_CFG, 1); - HFC_outb(c, R_BRG_PCM_CFG, (0x0 << 6) | 0x3); */ + HFC_outb(c, R_BRG_PCM_CFG, (0x0 << 6) | 0x3); */ /* was _io before */ HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_BRG_PCM_CFG, 1 | V_PCM_CLK); outw(0x4000, hc->pci_iobase + 4); @@ -1826,16 +1826,16 @@ hfcmulti_dtmf(struct hfc_multi *hc) continue; if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_DTMF) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: dtmf channel %d:", - __func__, ch); + __func__, ch); coeff = &(hc->chan[ch].coeff[hc->chan[ch].coeff_count * 16]); dtmf = 1; for (co = 0; co < 8; co++) { /* read W(n-1) coefficient */ - addr = hc->DTMFbase + ((co<<7) | (ch<<2)); + addr = hc->DTMFbase + ((co << 7) | (ch << 2)); HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_RAM_ADDR0, addr); - HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_RAM_ADDR1, addr>>8); - HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_RAM_ADDR2, (addr>>16) - | V_ADDR_INC); + HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_RAM_ADDR1, addr >> 8); + HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_RAM_ADDR2, (addr >> 16) + | V_ADDR_INC); w_float = HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, R_RAM_DATA); w_float |= (HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, R_RAM_DATA) << 8); if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_DTMF) @@ -1845,14 +1845,14 @@ hfcmulti_dtmf(struct hfc_multi *hc) mantissa = w_float & 0x0fff; if (w_float & 0x8000) mantissa |= 0xfffff000; - exponent = (w_float>>12) & 0x7; + exponent = (w_float >> 12) & 0x7; if (exponent) { mantissa ^= 0x1000; - mantissa <<= (exponent-1); + mantissa <<= (exponent - 1); } /* store coefficient */ - coeff[co<<1] = mantissa; + coeff[co << 1] = mantissa; /* read W(n) coefficient */ w_float = HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, R_RAM_DATA); @@ -1864,27 +1864,27 @@ hfcmulti_dtmf(struct hfc_multi *hc) mantissa = w_float & 0x0fff; if (w_float & 0x8000) mantissa |= 0xfffff000; - exponent = (w_float>>12) & 0x7; + exponent = (w_float >> 12) & 0x7; if (exponent) { mantissa ^= 0x1000; - mantissa <<= (exponent-1); + mantissa <<= (exponent - 1); } /* store coefficient */ - coeff[(co<<1)|1] = mantissa; + coeff[(co << 1) | 1] = mantissa; } if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_DTMF) printk(" DTMF ready %08x %08x %08x %08x " - "%08x %08x %08x %08x\n", - coeff[0], coeff[1], coeff[2], coeff[3], - coeff[4], coeff[5], coeff[6], coeff[7]); + "%08x %08x %08x %08x\n", + coeff[0], coeff[1], coeff[2], coeff[3], + coeff[4], coeff[5], coeff[6], coeff[7]); hc->chan[ch].coeff_count++; if (hc->chan[ch].coeff_count == 8) { hc->chan[ch].coeff_count = 0; skb = mI_alloc_skb(512, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: No memory for skb\n", - __func__); + __func__); continue; } hh = mISDN_HEAD_P(skb); @@ -1966,8 +1966,8 @@ hfcmulti_tx(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch) while (f2 != (temp = HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, A_F2))) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_FIFO) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s(card %d): reread f2 because %d!=%d\n", - __func__, hc->id + 1, temp, f2); + "%s(card %d): reread f2 because %d!=%d\n", + __func__, hc->id + 1, temp, f2); f2 = temp; /* repeat until F2 is equal */ } Fspace = f2 - f1 - 1; @@ -1999,7 +1999,7 @@ hfcmulti_tx(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch) while (z2 != (temp = (HFC_inw_nodebug(hc, A_Z2) - hc->Zmin))) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_FIFO) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s(card %d): reread z2 because " - "%d!=%d\n", __func__, hc->id + 1, temp, z2); + "%d!=%d\n", __func__, hc->id + 1, temp, z2); z2 = temp; /* repeat unti Z2 is equal */ } hc->chan[ch].Zfill = z1 - z2; @@ -2023,28 +2023,28 @@ hfcmulti_tx(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch) *txpending && slot_tx >= 0) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MODE) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: reconnecting PCM due to no " - "more FIFO data: channel %d " - "slot_tx %d\n", - __func__, ch, slot_tx); + "%s: reconnecting PCM due to no " + "more FIFO data: channel %d " + "slot_tx %d\n", + __func__, ch, slot_tx); /* connect slot */ if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_XHFC) HFC_outb(hc, A_CON_HDLC, 0xc0 - | 0x07 << 2 | V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); - /* Enable FIFO, no interrupt */ + | 0x07 << 2 | V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); + /* Enable FIFO, no interrupt */ else HFC_outb(hc, A_CON_HDLC, 0xc0 | 0x00 | - V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); - HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_FIFO, ch<<1 | 1); + V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); + HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_FIFO, ch << 1 | 1); HFC_wait_nodebug(hc); if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_XHFC) HFC_outb(hc, A_CON_HDLC, 0xc0 - | 0x07 << 2 | V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); - /* Enable FIFO, no interrupt */ + | 0x07 << 2 | V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); + /* Enable FIFO, no interrupt */ else HFC_outb(hc, A_CON_HDLC, 0xc0 | 0x00 | - V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); - HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_FIFO, ch<<1); + V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); + HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_FIFO, ch << 1); HFC_wait_nodebug(hc); } *txpending = 0; @@ -2054,10 +2054,10 @@ hfcmulti_tx(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch) /* "fill fifo if empty" feature */ if (bch && test_bit(FLG_FILLEMPTY, &bch->Flags) - && !test_bit(FLG_HDLC, &bch->Flags) && z2 == z1) { + && !test_bit(FLG_HDLC, &bch->Flags) && z2 == z1) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_FILL) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: buffer empty, so we have " - "underrun\n", __func__); + "underrun\n", __func__); /* fill buffer, to prevent future underrun */ hc->write_fifo(hc, hc->silence_data, poll >> 1); Zspace -= (poll >> 1); @@ -2065,29 +2065,29 @@ hfcmulti_tx(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch) /* if audio data and connected slot */ if (bch && (!test_bit(FLG_HDLC, &bch->Flags)) && (!*txpending) - && slot_tx >= 0) { + && slot_tx >= 0) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MODE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: disconnecting PCM due to " - "FIFO data: channel %d slot_tx %d\n", - __func__, ch, slot_tx); + "FIFO data: channel %d slot_tx %d\n", + __func__, ch, slot_tx); /* disconnect slot */ if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_XHFC) HFC_outb(hc, A_CON_HDLC, 0x80 - | 0x07 << 2 | V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); - /* Enable FIFO, no interrupt */ + | 0x07 << 2 | V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); + /* Enable FIFO, no interrupt */ else HFC_outb(hc, A_CON_HDLC, 0x80 | 0x00 | - V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); - HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_FIFO, ch<<1 | 1); + V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); + HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_FIFO, ch << 1 | 1); HFC_wait_nodebug(hc); if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_XHFC) HFC_outb(hc, A_CON_HDLC, 0x80 - | 0x07 << 2 | V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); - /* Enable FIFO, no interrupt */ + | 0x07 << 2 | V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); + /* Enable FIFO, no interrupt */ else HFC_outb(hc, A_CON_HDLC, 0x80 | 0x00 | - V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); - HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_FIFO, ch<<1); + V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); + HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_FIFO, ch << 1); HFC_wait_nodebug(hc); } *txpending = 1; @@ -2107,9 +2107,9 @@ hfcmulti_tx(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch) ii = Zspace + i; if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_FIFO) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s(card %d): fifo(%d) has %d bytes space " - "left (z1=%04x, z2=%04x) sending %d of %d bytes %s\n", - __func__, hc->id + 1, ch, Zspace, z1, z2, ii-i, len-i, - temp ? "HDLC" : "TRANS"); + "left (z1=%04x, z2=%04x) sending %d of %d bytes %s\n", + __func__, hc->id + 1, ch, Zspace, z1, z2, ii-i, len-i, + temp ? "HDLC" : "TRANS"); /* Have to prep the audio data */ hc->write_fifo(hc, d, ii - i); @@ -2189,9 +2189,9 @@ hfcmulti_rx(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch) (hc->chan[ch].protocol == ISDN_P_B_RAW) && (hc->chan[ch].slot_rx < 0) && (hc->chan[ch].slot_tx < 0)) - HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_FIFO, 0x20 | (ch<<1) | 1); + HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_FIFO, 0x20 | (ch << 1) | 1); else - HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_FIFO, (ch<<1)|1); + HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_FIFO, (ch << 1) | 1); HFC_wait_nodebug(hc); /* ignore if rx is off BUT change fifo (above) to start pending TX */ @@ -2203,8 +2203,8 @@ hfcmulti_rx(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch) while (f1 != (temp = HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, A_F1))) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_FIFO) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s(card %d): reread f1 because %d!=%d\n", - __func__, hc->id + 1, temp, f1); + "%s(card %d): reread f1 because %d!=%d\n", + __func__, hc->id + 1, temp, f1); f1 = temp; /* repeat until F1 is equal */ } f2 = HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, A_F2); @@ -2213,7 +2213,7 @@ hfcmulti_rx(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch) while (z1 != (temp = (HFC_inw_nodebug(hc, A_Z1) - hc->Zmin))) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_FIFO) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s(card %d): reread z2 because " - "%d!=%d\n", __func__, hc->id + 1, temp, z2); + "%d!=%d\n", __func__, hc->id + 1, temp, z2); z1 = temp; /* repeat until Z1 is equal */ } z2 = HFC_inw_nodebug(hc, A_Z2) - hc->Zmin; @@ -2231,7 +2231,7 @@ hfcmulti_rx(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch) *sp = mI_alloc_skb(maxlen + 3, GFP_ATOMIC); if (*sp == NULL) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: No mem for rx_skb\n", - __func__); + __func__); return; } } @@ -2242,16 +2242,16 @@ hfcmulti_rx(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch) if (dch || test_bit(FLG_HDLC, &bch->Flags)) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_FIFO) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s(card %d): fifo(%d) reading %d " - "bytes (z1=%04x, z2=%04x) HDLC %s (f1=%d, f2=%d) " - "got=%d (again %d)\n", __func__, hc->id + 1, ch, - Zsize, z1, z2, (f1 == f2) ? "fragment" : "COMPLETE", - f1, f2, Zsize + (*sp)->len, again); + "bytes (z1=%04x, z2=%04x) HDLC %s (f1=%d, f2=%d) " + "got=%d (again %d)\n", __func__, hc->id + 1, ch, + Zsize, z1, z2, (f1 == f2) ? "fragment" : "COMPLETE", + f1, f2, Zsize + (*sp)->len, again); /* HDLC */ if ((Zsize + (*sp)->len) > (maxlen + 3)) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_FIFO) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s(card %d): hdlc-frame too large.\n", - __func__, hc->id + 1); + "%s(card %d): hdlc-frame too large.\n", + __func__, hc->id + 1); skb_trim(*sp, 0); HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_INC_RES_FIFO, V_RES_F); HFC_wait_nodebug(hc); @@ -2268,8 +2268,8 @@ hfcmulti_rx(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch) if ((*sp)->len < 4) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_FIFO) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s(card %d): Frame below minimum " - "size\n", __func__, hc->id + 1); + "%s(card %d): Frame below minimum " + "size\n", __func__, hc->id + 1); skb_trim(*sp, 0); goto next_frame; } @@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@ hfcmulti_rx(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch) if ((*sp)->data[(*sp)->len - 1]) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_CRC) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: CRC-error\n", __func__); + "%s: CRC-error\n", __func__); skb_trim(*sp, 0); goto next_frame; } @@ -2287,11 +2287,11 @@ hfcmulti_rx(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch) *sp = mI_alloc_skb(skb->len, GFP_ATOMIC); if (*sp) { memcpy(skb_put(*sp, skb->len), - skb->data, skb->len); + skb->data, skb->len); skb_trim(skb, 0); } else { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: No mem\n", - __func__); + __func__); *sp = skb; skb = NULL; } @@ -2300,7 +2300,7 @@ hfcmulti_rx(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch) } if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_FIFO) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s(card %d):", - __func__, hc->id + 1); + __func__, hc->id + 1); temp = 0; while (temp < (*sp)->len) printk(" %02x", (*sp)->data[temp++]); @@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@ hfcmulti_rx(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch) *sp = mI_alloc_skb(skb->len, GFP_ATOMIC); if (*sp) { memcpy(skb_put(*sp, skb->len), - skb->data, skb->len); + skb->data, skb->len); skb_trim(skb, 0); } else { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: No mem\n", __func__); @@ -2337,9 +2337,9 @@ hfcmulti_rx(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch) } if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_FIFO) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s(card %d): fifo(%d) reading %d bytes " - "(z1=%04x, z2=%04x) TRANS\n", - __func__, hc->id + 1, ch, Zsize, z1, z2); + "%s(card %d): fifo(%d) reading %d bytes " + "(z1=%04x, z2=%04x) TRANS\n", + __func__, hc->id + 1, ch, Zsize, z1, z2); /* only bch is transparent */ recv_Bchannel(bch, hc->chan[ch].Zfill); *sp = skb; @@ -2362,7 +2362,7 @@ signal_state_up(struct dchannel *dch, int info, char *msg) id = TEI_SAPI | (GROUP_TEI << 8); /* manager address */ skb = _alloc_mISDN_skb(MPH_INFORMATION_IND, id, sizeof(data), &data, - GFP_ATOMIC); + GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) return; recv_Dchannel_skb(dch, skb); @@ -2395,10 +2395,10 @@ handle_timer_irq(struct hfc_multi *hc) if (hc->e1_resync & 4) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_PLXSD) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "Enable QUARTZ for HFC-E1\n"); + "Enable QUARTZ for HFC-E1\n"); /* set jatt to quartz */ HFC_outb(hc, R_SYNC_CTRL, V_EXT_CLK_SYNC - | V_JATT_OFF); + | V_JATT_OFF); /* switch to JATT, in case it is not already */ HFC_outb(hc, R_SYNC_OUT, 0); } @@ -2417,14 +2417,14 @@ handle_timer_irq(struct hfc_multi *hc) dch = hc->chan[ch].dch; if (!(--hc->chan[ch].nt_timer)) { schedule_event(dch, - FLG_PHCHANGE); + FLG_PHCHANGE); if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_STATE) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: nt_timer at " - "state %x\n", - __func__, - dch->state); + "%s: nt_timer at " + "state %x\n", + __func__, + dch->state); } } } @@ -2436,10 +2436,10 @@ handle_timer_irq(struct hfc_multi *hc) temp = HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, R_SYNC_STA) & V_SIG_LOS; if (!temp && hc->chan[hc->dslot].los) signal_state_up(dch, L1_SIGNAL_LOS_ON, - "LOS detected"); + "LOS detected"); if (temp && !hc->chan[hc->dslot].los) signal_state_up(dch, L1_SIGNAL_LOS_OFF, - "LOS gone"); + "LOS gone"); hc->chan[hc->dslot].los = temp; } if (test_bit(HFC_CFG_REPORT_AIS, &hc->chan[hc->dslot].cfg)) { @@ -2447,10 +2447,10 @@ handle_timer_irq(struct hfc_multi *hc) temp = HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, R_SYNC_STA) & V_AIS; if (!temp && hc->chan[hc->dslot].ais) signal_state_up(dch, L1_SIGNAL_AIS_ON, - "AIS detected"); + "AIS detected"); if (temp && !hc->chan[hc->dslot].ais) signal_state_up(dch, L1_SIGNAL_AIS_OFF, - "AIS gone"); + "AIS gone"); hc->chan[hc->dslot].ais = temp; } if (test_bit(HFC_CFG_REPORT_SLIP, &hc->chan[hc->dslot].cfg)) { @@ -2458,12 +2458,12 @@ handle_timer_irq(struct hfc_multi *hc) temp = HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, R_SLIP) & V_FOSLIP_RX; if (!temp && hc->chan[hc->dslot].slip_rx) signal_state_up(dch, L1_SIGNAL_SLIP_RX, - " bit SLIP detected RX"); + " bit SLIP detected RX"); hc->chan[hc->dslot].slip_rx = temp; temp = HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, R_SLIP) & V_FOSLIP_TX; if (!temp && hc->chan[hc->dslot].slip_tx) signal_state_up(dch, L1_SIGNAL_SLIP_TX, - " bit SLIP detected TX"); + " bit SLIP detected TX"); hc->chan[hc->dslot].slip_tx = temp; } if (test_bit(HFC_CFG_REPORT_RDI, &hc->chan[hc->dslot].cfg)) { @@ -2471,10 +2471,10 @@ handle_timer_irq(struct hfc_multi *hc) temp = HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, R_RX_SL0_0) & V_A; if (!temp && hc->chan[hc->dslot].rdi) signal_state_up(dch, L1_SIGNAL_RDI_ON, - "RDI detected"); + "RDI detected"); if (temp && !hc->chan[hc->dslot].rdi) signal_state_up(dch, L1_SIGNAL_RDI_OFF, - "RDI gone"); + "RDI gone"); hc->chan[hc->dslot].rdi = temp; } temp = HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, R_JATT_DIR); @@ -2483,13 +2483,13 @@ handle_timer_irq(struct hfc_multi *hc) if ((temp & 0x60) == 0x60) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_SYNC) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: (id=%d) E1 now " - "in clock sync\n", - __func__, hc->id); + "%s: (id=%d) E1 now " + "in clock sync\n", + __func__, hc->id); HFC_outb(hc, R_RX_OFF, - hc->chan[hc->dslot].jitter | V_RX_INIT); + hc->chan[hc->dslot].jitter | V_RX_INIT); HFC_outb(hc, R_TX_OFF, - hc->chan[hc->dslot].jitter | V_RX_INIT); + hc->chan[hc->dslot].jitter | V_RX_INIT); hc->chan[hc->dslot].sync = 1; goto check_framesync; } @@ -2498,20 +2498,20 @@ handle_timer_irq(struct hfc_multi *hc) if ((temp & 0x60) != 0x60) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_SYNC) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: (id=%d) E1 " - "lost clock sync\n", - __func__, hc->id); + "%s: (id=%d) E1 " + "lost clock sync\n", + __func__, hc->id); hc->chan[hc->dslot].sync = 0; break; } -check_framesync: + check_framesync: temp = HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, R_SYNC_STA); if (temp == 0x27) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_SYNC) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: (id=%d) E1 " - "now in frame sync\n", - __func__, hc->id); + "%s: (id=%d) E1 " + "now in frame sync\n", + __func__, hc->id); hc->chan[hc->dslot].sync = 2; } break; @@ -2519,9 +2519,9 @@ handle_timer_irq(struct hfc_multi *hc) if ((temp & 0x60) != 0x60) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_SYNC) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: (id=%d) E1 lost " - "clock & frame sync\n", - __func__, hc->id); + "%s: (id=%d) E1 lost " + "clock & frame sync\n", + __func__, hc->id); hc->chan[hc->dslot].sync = 0; break; } @@ -2529,9 +2529,9 @@ handle_timer_irq(struct hfc_multi *hc) if (temp != 0x27) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_SYNC) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: (id=%d) E1 " - "lost frame sync\n", - __func__, hc->id); + "%s: (id=%d) E1 " + "lost frame sync\n", + __func__, hc->id); hc->chan[hc->dslot].sync = 1; } break; @@ -2559,30 +2559,30 @@ ph_state_irq(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char r_irq_statech) dch = hc->chan[ch].dch; if (r_irq_statech & 1) { HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_ST_SEL, - hc->chan[ch].port); + hc->chan[ch].port); /* undocumented: delay after R_ST_SEL */ udelay(1); /* undocumented: status changes during read */ st_status = HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, A_ST_RD_STATE); while (st_status != (temp = - HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, A_ST_RD_STATE))) { + HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, A_ST_RD_STATE))) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_STATE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: reread " - "STATE because %d!=%d\n", - __func__, temp, - st_status); + "STATE because %d!=%d\n", + __func__, temp, + st_status); st_status = temp; /* repeat */ } /* Speech Design TE-sync indication */ if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PLXSD, &hc->chip) && - dch->dev.D.protocol == ISDN_P_TE_S0) { + dch->dev.D.protocol == ISDN_P_TE_S0) { if (st_status & V_FR_SYNC_ST) hc->syncronized |= - (1 << hc->chan[ch].port); + (1 << hc->chan[ch].port); else hc->syncronized &= - ~(1 << hc->chan[ch].port); + ~(1 << hc->chan[ch].port); } dch->state = st_status & 0x0f; if (dch->dev.D.protocol == ISDN_P_NT_S0) @@ -2591,19 +2591,19 @@ ph_state_irq(struct hfc_multi *hc, u_char r_irq_statech) active = 7; if (dch->state == active) { HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_FIFO, - (ch << 1) | 1); + (ch << 1) | 1); HFC_wait_nodebug(hc); HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, - R_INC_RES_FIFO, V_RES_F); + R_INC_RES_FIFO, V_RES_F); HFC_wait_nodebug(hc); dch->tx_idx = 0; } schedule_event(dch, FLG_PHCHANGE); if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_STATE) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: S/T newstate %x port %d\n", - __func__, dch->state, - hc->chan[ch].port); + "%s: S/T newstate %x port %d\n", + __func__, dch->state, + hc->chan[ch].port); } r_irq_statech >>= 1; } @@ -2665,7 +2665,7 @@ hfcmulti_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) { #ifdef IRQCOUNT_DEBUG static int iq1 = 0, iq2 = 0, iq3 = 0, iq4 = 0, - iq5 = 0, iq6 = 0, iqcnt = 0; + iq5 = 0, iq6 = 0, iqcnt = 0; #endif struct hfc_multi *hc = dev_id; struct dchannel *dch; @@ -2686,7 +2686,7 @@ hfcmulti_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) #ifdef IRQ_DEBUG if (irqsem) printk(KERN_ERR "irq for card %d during irq from " - "card %d, this is no bug.\n", hc->id + 1, irqsem); + "card %d, this is no bug.\n", hc->id + 1, irqsem); irqsem = hc->id + 1; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_MISDN_HFCMULTI_8xx @@ -2719,14 +2719,14 @@ hfcmulti_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) iq6++; if (iqcnt++ > 5000) { printk(KERN_ERR "iq1:%x iq2:%x iq3:%x iq4:%x iq5:%x iq6:%x\n", - iq1, iq2, iq3, iq4, iq5, iq6); + iq1, iq2, iq3, iq4, iq5, iq6); iqcnt = 0; } #endif if (!r_irq_statech && !(status & (V_DTMF_STA | V_LOST_STA | V_EXT_IRQSTA | - V_MISC_IRQSTA | V_FR_IRQSTA))) { + V_MISC_IRQSTA | V_FR_IRQSTA))) { /* irq is not for us */ goto irq_notforus; } @@ -2751,7 +2751,7 @@ hfcmulti_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) dch = hc->chan[hc->dslot].dch; e1_syncsta = HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, R_SYNC_STA); if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PLXSD, &hc->chip) - && hc->e1_getclock) { + && hc->e1_getclock) { if (e1_syncsta & V_FR_SYNC_E1) hc->syncronized = 1; else @@ -2760,12 +2760,12 @@ hfcmulti_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) /* undocumented: status changes during read */ dch->state = HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, R_E1_RD_STA); while (dch->state != (temp = - HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, R_E1_RD_STA))) { + HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, R_E1_RD_STA))) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_STATE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: reread " - "STATE because %d!=%d\n", - __func__, temp, - dch->state); + "STATE because %d!=%d\n", + __func__, temp, + dch->state); dch->state = temp; /* repeat */ } dch->state = HFC_inb_nodebug(hc, R_E1_RD_STA) @@ -2773,8 +2773,8 @@ hfcmulti_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) schedule_event(dch, FLG_PHCHANGE); if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_STATE) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: E1 (id=%d) newstate %x\n", - __func__, hc->id, dch->state); + "%s: E1 (id=%d) newstate %x\n", + __func__, hc->id, dch->state); if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PLXSD, &hc->chip)) plxsd_checksync(hc, 0); } @@ -2792,7 +2792,7 @@ hfcmulti_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) static int irq_proc_cnt; if (!irq_proc_cnt++) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: got V_IRQ_PROC -" - " this should not happen\n", __func__); + " this should not happen\n", __func__); } } @@ -2841,7 +2841,7 @@ hfcmulti_dbusy_timer(struct hfc_multi *hc) */ static int mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, - int bank_tx, int slot_rx, int bank_rx) + int bank_tx, int slot_rx, int bank_rx) { int flow_tx = 0, flow_rx = 0, routing = 0; int oslot_tx, oslot_rx; @@ -2855,28 +2855,28 @@ mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MODE) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: card %d channel %d protocol %x slot old=%d new=%d " - "bank new=%d (TX) slot old=%d new=%d bank new=%d (RX)\n", - __func__, hc->id, ch, protocol, oslot_tx, slot_tx, - bank_tx, oslot_rx, slot_rx, bank_rx); + "%s: card %d channel %d protocol %x slot old=%d new=%d " + "bank new=%d (TX) slot old=%d new=%d bank new=%d (RX)\n", + __func__, hc->id, ch, protocol, oslot_tx, slot_tx, + bank_tx, oslot_rx, slot_rx, bank_rx); if (oslot_tx >= 0 && slot_tx != oslot_tx) { /* remove from slot */ if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MODE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: remove from slot %d (TX)\n", - __func__, oslot_tx); - if (hc->slot_owner[oslot_tx<<1] == ch) { + __func__, oslot_tx); + if (hc->slot_owner[oslot_tx << 1] == ch) { HFC_outb(hc, R_SLOT, oslot_tx << 1); HFC_outb(hc, A_SL_CFG, 0); if (hc->ctype != HFC_TYPE_XHFC) HFC_outb(hc, A_CONF, 0); - hc->slot_owner[oslot_tx<<1] = -1; + hc->slot_owner[oslot_tx << 1] = -1; } else { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MODE) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: we are not owner of this tx slot " - "anymore, channel %d is.\n", - __func__, hc->slot_owner[oslot_tx<<1]); + "%s: we are not owner of this tx slot " + "anymore, channel %d is.\n", + __func__, hc->slot_owner[oslot_tx << 1]); } } @@ -2884,8 +2884,8 @@ mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, /* remove from slot */ if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MODE) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: remove from slot %d (RX)\n", - __func__, oslot_rx); + "%s: remove from slot %d (RX)\n", + __func__, oslot_rx); if (hc->slot_owner[(oslot_rx << 1) | 1] == ch) { HFC_outb(hc, R_SLOT, (oslot_rx << 1) | V_SL_DIR); HFC_outb(hc, A_SL_CFG, 0); @@ -2893,10 +2893,10 @@ mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, } else { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MODE) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: we are not owner of this rx slot " - "anymore, channel %d is.\n", - __func__, - hc->slot_owner[(oslot_rx << 1) | 1]); + "%s: we are not owner of this rx slot " + "anymore, channel %d is.\n", + __func__, + hc->slot_owner[(oslot_rx << 1) | 1]); } } @@ -2917,14 +2917,14 @@ mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, routing = 0x40; /* loop */ if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MODE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: put channel %d to slot %d bank" - " %d flow %02x routing %02x conf %d (TX)\n", - __func__, ch, slot_tx, bank_tx, - flow_tx, routing, conf); + " %d flow %02x routing %02x conf %d (TX)\n", + __func__, ch, slot_tx, bank_tx, + flow_tx, routing, conf); HFC_outb(hc, R_SLOT, slot_tx << 1); - HFC_outb(hc, A_SL_CFG, (ch<<1) | routing); + HFC_outb(hc, A_SL_CFG, (ch << 1) | routing); if (hc->ctype != HFC_TYPE_XHFC) HFC_outb(hc, A_CONF, - (conf < 0) ? 0 : (conf | V_CONF_SL)); + (conf < 0) ? 0 : (conf | V_CONF_SL)); hc->slot_owner[slot_tx << 1] = ch; hc->chan[ch].slot_tx = slot_tx; hc->chan[ch].bank_tx = bank_tx; @@ -2946,12 +2946,12 @@ mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, routing = 0x40; /* loop */ if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MODE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: put channel %d to slot %d bank" - " %d flow %02x routing %02x conf %d (RX)\n", - __func__, ch, slot_rx, bank_rx, - flow_rx, routing, conf); - HFC_outb(hc, R_SLOT, (slot_rx<<1) | V_SL_DIR); - HFC_outb(hc, A_SL_CFG, (ch<<1) | V_CH_DIR | routing); - hc->slot_owner[(slot_rx<<1)|1] = ch; + " %d flow %02x routing %02x conf %d (RX)\n", + __func__, ch, slot_rx, bank_rx, + flow_rx, routing, conf); + HFC_outb(hc, R_SLOT, (slot_rx << 1) | V_SL_DIR); + HFC_outb(hc, A_SL_CFG, (ch << 1) | V_CH_DIR | routing); + hc->slot_owner[(slot_rx << 1) | 1] = ch; hc->chan[ch].slot_rx = slot_rx; hc->chan[ch].bank_rx = bank_rx; } @@ -2967,7 +2967,7 @@ mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, HFC_outb(hc, R_INC_RES_FIFO, V_RES_F); HFC_wait(hc); /* disable RX fifo */ - HFC_outb(hc, R_FIFO, (ch<<1)|1); + HFC_outb(hc, R_FIFO, (ch << 1) | 1); HFC_wait(hc); HFC_outb(hc, A_CON_HDLC, flow_rx | 0x00); HFC_outb(hc, A_SUBCH_CFG, 0); @@ -2976,17 +2976,17 @@ mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, HFC_wait(hc); if (hc->chan[ch].bch && hc->ctype != HFC_TYPE_E1) { hc->hw.a_st_ctrl0[hc->chan[ch].port] &= - ((ch & 0x3) == 0) ? ~V_B1_EN : ~V_B2_EN; + ((ch & 0x3) == 0) ? ~V_B1_EN : ~V_B2_EN; HFC_outb(hc, R_ST_SEL, hc->chan[ch].port); /* undocumented: delay after R_ST_SEL */ udelay(1); HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_CTRL0, - hc->hw.a_st_ctrl0[hc->chan[ch].port]); + hc->hw.a_st_ctrl0[hc->chan[ch].port]); } if (hc->chan[ch].bch) { test_and_clear_bit(FLG_HDLC, &hc->chan[ch].bch->Flags); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_TRANSPARENT, - &hc->chan[ch].bch->Flags); + &hc->chan[ch].bch->Flags); } break; case (ISDN_P_B_RAW): /* B-channel */ @@ -2996,20 +2996,20 @@ mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, (hc->chan[ch].slot_tx < 0)) { printk(KERN_DEBUG - "Setting B-channel %d to echo cancelable " - "state on PCM slot %d\n", ch, - ((ch / 4) * 8) + ((ch % 4) * 4) + 1); + "Setting B-channel %d to echo cancelable " + "state on PCM slot %d\n", ch, + ((ch / 4) * 8) + ((ch % 4) * 4) + 1); printk(KERN_DEBUG - "Enabling pass through for channel\n"); + "Enabling pass through for channel\n"); vpm_out(hc, ch, ((ch / 4) * 8) + - ((ch % 4) * 4) + 1, 0x01); + ((ch % 4) * 4) + 1, 0x01); /* rx path */ /* S/T -> PCM */ HFC_outb(hc, R_FIFO, (ch << 1)); HFC_wait(hc); HFC_outb(hc, A_CON_HDLC, 0xc0 | V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); HFC_outb(hc, R_SLOT, (((ch / 4) * 8) + - ((ch % 4) * 4) + 1) << 1); + ((ch % 4) * 4) + 1) << 1); HFC_outb(hc, A_SL_CFG, 0x80 | (ch << 1)); /* PCM -> FIFO */ @@ -3021,7 +3021,7 @@ mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, HFC_outb(hc, R_INC_RES_FIFO, V_RES_F); HFC_wait(hc); HFC_outb(hc, R_SLOT, ((((ch / 4) * 8) + - ((ch % 4) * 4) + 1) << 1) | 1); + ((ch % 4) * 4) + 1) << 1) | 1); HFC_outb(hc, A_SL_CFG, 0x80 | 0x20 | (ch << 1) | 1); /* tx path */ @@ -3030,7 +3030,7 @@ mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, HFC_wait(hc); HFC_outb(hc, A_CON_HDLC, 0xc0 | V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); HFC_outb(hc, R_SLOT, ((((ch / 4) * 8) + - ((ch % 4) * 4)) << 1) | 1); + ((ch % 4) * 4)) << 1) | 1); HFC_outb(hc, A_SL_CFG, 0x80 | 0x40 | (ch << 1) | 1); /* FIFO -> PCM */ @@ -3044,7 +3044,7 @@ mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, /* tx silence */ HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, A_FIFO_DATA0_NOINC, hc->silence); HFC_outb(hc, R_SLOT, (((ch / 4) * 8) + - ((ch % 4) * 4)) << 1); + ((ch % 4) * 4)) << 1); HFC_outb(hc, A_SL_CFG, 0x80 | 0x20 | (ch << 1)); } else { /* enable TX fifo */ @@ -3052,11 +3052,11 @@ mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, HFC_wait(hc); if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_XHFC) HFC_outb(hc, A_CON_HDLC, flow_tx | 0x07 << 2 | - V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); - /* Enable FIFO, no interrupt */ + V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); + /* Enable FIFO, no interrupt */ else HFC_outb(hc, A_CON_HDLC, flow_tx | 0x00 | - V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); + V_HDLC_TRP | V_IFF); HFC_outb(hc, A_SUBCH_CFG, 0); HFC_outb(hc, A_IRQ_MSK, 0); HFC_outb(hc, R_INC_RES_FIFO, V_RES_F); @@ -3064,15 +3064,15 @@ mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, /* tx silence */ HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, A_FIFO_DATA0_NOINC, hc->silence); /* enable RX fifo */ - HFC_outb(hc, R_FIFO, (ch<<1)|1); + HFC_outb(hc, R_FIFO, (ch << 1) | 1); HFC_wait(hc); if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_XHFC) HFC_outb(hc, A_CON_HDLC, flow_rx | 0x07 << 2 | - V_HDLC_TRP); - /* Enable FIFO, no interrupt*/ + V_HDLC_TRP); + /* Enable FIFO, no interrupt*/ else HFC_outb(hc, A_CON_HDLC, flow_rx | 0x00 | - V_HDLC_TRP); + V_HDLC_TRP); HFC_outb(hc, A_SUBCH_CFG, 0); HFC_outb(hc, A_IRQ_MSK, 0); HFC_outb(hc, R_INC_RES_FIFO, V_RES_F); @@ -3080,16 +3080,16 @@ mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, } if (hc->ctype != HFC_TYPE_E1) { hc->hw.a_st_ctrl0[hc->chan[ch].port] |= - ((ch & 0x3) == 0) ? V_B1_EN : V_B2_EN; + ((ch & 0x3) == 0) ? V_B1_EN : V_B2_EN; HFC_outb(hc, R_ST_SEL, hc->chan[ch].port); /* undocumented: delay after R_ST_SEL */ udelay(1); HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_CTRL0, - hc->hw.a_st_ctrl0[hc->chan[ch].port]); + hc->hw.a_st_ctrl0[hc->chan[ch].port]); } if (hc->chan[ch].bch) test_and_set_bit(FLG_TRANSPARENT, - &hc->chan[ch].bch->Flags); + &hc->chan[ch].bch->Flags); break; case (ISDN_P_B_HDLC): /* B-channel */ case (ISDN_P_TE_S0): /* D-channel */ @@ -3097,7 +3097,7 @@ mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, case (ISDN_P_TE_E1): case (ISDN_P_NT_E1): /* enable TX fifo */ - HFC_outb(hc, R_FIFO, ch<<1); + HFC_outb(hc, R_FIFO, ch << 1); HFC_wait(hc); if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_E1 || hc->chan[ch].bch) { /* E1 or B-channel */ @@ -3112,7 +3112,7 @@ mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, HFC_outb(hc, R_INC_RES_FIFO, V_RES_F); HFC_wait(hc); /* enable RX fifo */ - HFC_outb(hc, R_FIFO, (ch<<1)|1); + HFC_outb(hc, R_FIFO, (ch << 1) | 1); HFC_wait(hc); HFC_outb(hc, A_CON_HDLC, flow_rx | 0x04); if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_E1 || hc->chan[ch].bch) @@ -3126,18 +3126,18 @@ mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, test_and_set_bit(FLG_HDLC, &hc->chan[ch].bch->Flags); if (hc->ctype != HFC_TYPE_E1) { hc->hw.a_st_ctrl0[hc->chan[ch].port] |= - ((ch&0x3) == 0) ? V_B1_EN : V_B2_EN; + ((ch & 0x3) == 0) ? V_B1_EN : V_B2_EN; HFC_outb(hc, R_ST_SEL, hc->chan[ch].port); /* undocumented: delay after R_ST_SEL */ udelay(1); HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_CTRL0, - hc->hw.a_st_ctrl0[hc->chan[ch].port]); + hc->hw.a_st_ctrl0[hc->chan[ch].port]); } } break; default: printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: protocol not known %x\n", - __func__, protocol); + __func__, protocol); hc->chan[ch].protocol = ISDN_P_NONE; return -ENOPROTOOPT; } @@ -3152,7 +3152,7 @@ mode_hfcmulti(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int protocol, int slot_tx, static void hfcmulti_pcm(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int slot_tx, int bank_tx, - int slot_rx, int bank_rx) + int slot_rx, int bank_rx) { if (slot_tx < 0 || slot_rx < 0 || bank_tx < 0 || bank_rx < 0) { /* disable PCM */ @@ -3162,7 +3162,7 @@ hfcmulti_pcm(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int slot_tx, int bank_tx, /* enable pcm */ mode_hfcmulti(hc, ch, hc->chan[ch].protocol, slot_tx, bank_tx, - slot_rx, bank_rx); + slot_rx, bank_rx); } /* @@ -3177,8 +3177,8 @@ hfcmulti_conf(struct hfc_multi *hc, int ch, int num) else hc->chan[ch].conf = -1; mode_hfcmulti(hc, ch, hc->chan[ch].protocol, hc->chan[ch].slot_tx, - hc->chan[ch].bank_tx, hc->chan[ch].slot_rx, - hc->chan[ch].bank_rx); + hc->chan[ch].bank_tx, hc->chan[ch].slot_rx, + hc->chan[ch].bank_rx); } @@ -3207,8 +3207,8 @@ hfcm_l1callback(struct dchannel *dch, u_int cmd) if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_E1) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: HW_RESET_REQ no BRI\n", - __func__); + "%s: HW_RESET_REQ no BRI\n", + __func__); } else { HFC_outb(hc, R_ST_SEL, hc->chan[dch->slot].port); /* undocumented: delay after R_ST_SEL */ @@ -3216,8 +3216,8 @@ hfcm_l1callback(struct dchannel *dch, u_int cmd) HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_WR_STATE, V_ST_LD_STA | 3); /* F3 */ udelay(6); /* wait at least 5,21us */ HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_WR_STATE, 3); - HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_WR_STATE, 3 | (V_ST_ACT*3)); - /* activate */ + HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_WR_STATE, 3 | (V_ST_ACT * 3)); + /* activate */ } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hc->lock, flags); l1_event(dch->l1, HW_POWERUP_IND); @@ -3228,17 +3228,17 @@ hfcm_l1callback(struct dchannel *dch, u_int cmd) if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_E1) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: HW_DEACT_REQ no BRI\n", - __func__); + "%s: HW_DEACT_REQ no BRI\n", + __func__); } else { HFC_outb(hc, R_ST_SEL, hc->chan[dch->slot].port); /* undocumented: delay after R_ST_SEL */ udelay(1); - HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_WR_STATE, V_ST_ACT*2); - /* deactivate */ + HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_WR_STATE, V_ST_ACT * 2); + /* deactivate */ if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PLXSD, &hc->chip)) { hc->syncronized &= - ~(1 << hc->chan[dch->slot].port); + ~(1 << hc->chan[dch->slot].port); plxsd_checksync(hc, 0); } } @@ -3262,8 +3262,8 @@ hfcm_l1callback(struct dchannel *dch, u_int cmd) if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_E1) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: HW_POWERUP_REQ no BRI\n", - __func__); + "%s: HW_POWERUP_REQ no BRI\n", + __func__); } else { HFC_outb(hc, R_ST_SEL, hc->chan[dch->slot].port); /* undocumented: delay after R_ST_SEL */ @@ -3277,17 +3277,17 @@ hfcm_l1callback(struct dchannel *dch, u_int cmd) case PH_ACTIVATE_IND: test_and_set_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, cmd, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, - GFP_ATOMIC); + GFP_ATOMIC); break; case PH_DEACTIVATE_IND: test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, cmd, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, - GFP_ATOMIC); + GFP_ATOMIC); break; default: if (dch->debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: unknown command %x\n", - __func__, cmd); + __func__, cmd); return -1; } return 0; @@ -3332,27 +3332,27 @@ handle_dmsg(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) ret = 0; if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: PH_ACTIVATE port %d (0..%d)\n", - __func__, hc->chan[dch->slot].port, - hc->ports-1); + "%s: PH_ACTIVATE port %d (0..%d)\n", + __func__, hc->chan[dch->slot].port, + hc->ports - 1); /* start activation */ if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_E1) { ph_state_change(dch); if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_STATE) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: E1 report state %x \n", - __func__, dch->state); + "%s: E1 report state %x \n", + __func__, dch->state); } else { HFC_outb(hc, R_ST_SEL, - hc->chan[dch->slot].port); + hc->chan[dch->slot].port); /* undocumented: delay after R_ST_SEL */ udelay(1); HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_WR_STATE, V_ST_LD_STA | 1); - /* G1 */ + /* G1 */ udelay(6); /* wait at least 5,21us */ HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_WR_STATE, 1); HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_WR_STATE, 1 | - (V_ST_ACT*3)); /* activate */ + (V_ST_ACT * 3)); /* activate */ dch->state = 1; } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hc->lock, flags); @@ -3365,22 +3365,22 @@ handle_dmsg(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) spin_lock_irqsave(&hc->lock, flags); if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: PH_DEACTIVATE port %d (0..%d)\n", - __func__, hc->chan[dch->slot].port, - hc->ports-1); + "%s: PH_DEACTIVATE port %d (0..%d)\n", + __func__, hc->chan[dch->slot].port, + hc->ports - 1); /* start deactivation */ if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_E1) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: PH_DEACTIVATE no BRI\n", - __func__); + "%s: PH_DEACTIVATE no BRI\n", + __func__); } else { HFC_outb(hc, R_ST_SEL, - hc->chan[dch->slot].port); + hc->chan[dch->slot].port); /* undocumented: delay after R_ST_SEL */ udelay(1); HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_WR_STATE, V_ST_ACT * 2); - /* deactivate */ + /* deactivate */ dch->state = 1; } skb_queue_purge(&dch->squeue); @@ -3460,28 +3460,28 @@ handle_bmsg(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) case PH_ACTIVATE_REQ: if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: PH_ACTIVATE ch %d (0..32)\n", - __func__, bch->slot); + __func__, bch->slot); spin_lock_irqsave(&hc->lock, flags); /* activate B-channel if not already activated */ if (!test_and_set_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &bch->Flags)) { hc->chan[bch->slot].txpending = 0; ret = mode_hfcmulti(hc, bch->slot, - ch->protocol, - hc->chan[bch->slot].slot_tx, - hc->chan[bch->slot].bank_tx, - hc->chan[bch->slot].slot_rx, - hc->chan[bch->slot].bank_rx); + ch->protocol, + hc->chan[bch->slot].slot_tx, + hc->chan[bch->slot].bank_tx, + hc->chan[bch->slot].slot_rx, + hc->chan[bch->slot].bank_rx); if (!ret) { if (ch->protocol == ISDN_P_B_RAW && !hc->dtmf - && test_bit(HFC_CHIP_DTMF, &hc->chip)) { + && test_bit(HFC_CHIP_DTMF, &hc->chip)) { /* start decoder */ hc->dtmf = 1; if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_DTMF) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: start dtmf decoder\n", - __func__); + "%s: start dtmf decoder\n", + __func__); HFC_outb(hc, R_DTMF, hc->hw.r_dtmf | - V_RST_DTMF); + V_RST_DTMF); } } } else @@ -3489,7 +3489,7 @@ handle_bmsg(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hc->lock, flags); if (!ret) _queue_data(ch, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, - GFP_KERNEL); + GFP_KERNEL); break; case PH_CONTROL_REQ: spin_lock_irqsave(&hc->lock, flags); @@ -3497,20 +3497,20 @@ handle_bmsg(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) case HFC_SPL_LOOP_ON: /* set sample loop */ if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: HFC_SPL_LOOP_ON (len = %d)\n", - __func__, skb->len); + "%s: HFC_SPL_LOOP_ON (len = %d)\n", + __func__, skb->len); ret = 0; break; case HFC_SPL_LOOP_OFF: /* set silence */ if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: HFC_SPL_LOOP_OFF\n", - __func__); + __func__); ret = 0; break; default: printk(KERN_ERR - "%s: unknown PH_CONTROL_REQ info %x\n", - __func__, hh->id); + "%s: unknown PH_CONTROL_REQ info %x\n", + __func__, hh->id); ret = -EINVAL; } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hc->lock, flags); @@ -3518,7 +3518,7 @@ handle_bmsg(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) case PH_DEACTIVATE_REQ: deactivate_bchannel(bch); /* locked there */ _queue_data(ch, PH_DEACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, - GFP_KERNEL); + GFP_KERNEL); ret = 0; break; } @@ -3559,18 +3559,18 @@ channel_bctrl(struct bchannel *bch, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) } if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: RX_OFF request (nr=%d off=%d)\n", - __func__, bch->nr, hc->chan[bch->slot].rx_off); + __func__, bch->nr, hc->chan[bch->slot].rx_off); break; case MISDN_CTRL_FILL_EMPTY: /* fill fifo, if empty */ test_and_set_bit(FLG_FILLEMPTY, &bch->Flags); if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: FILL_EMPTY request (nr=%d " - "off=%d)\n", __func__, bch->nr, !!cq->p1); + "off=%d)\n", __func__, bch->nr, !!cq->p1); break; case MISDN_CTRL_HW_FEATURES: /* fill features structure */ if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: HW_FEATURE request\n", - __func__); + __func__); /* create confirm */ features->hfc_id = hc->id; if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_DTMF, &hc->chip)) @@ -3593,40 +3593,40 @@ channel_bctrl(struct bchannel *bch, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) bank_rx = cq->p2 >> 8; if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: HFC_PCM_CONN slot %d bank %d (TX) " - "slot %d bank %d (RX)\n", - __func__, slot_tx, bank_tx, - slot_rx, bank_rx); + "%s: HFC_PCM_CONN slot %d bank %d (TX) " + "slot %d bank %d (RX)\n", + __func__, slot_tx, bank_tx, + slot_rx, bank_rx); if (slot_tx < hc->slots && bank_tx <= 2 && slot_rx < hc->slots && bank_rx <= 2) hfcmulti_pcm(hc, bch->slot, - slot_tx, bank_tx, slot_rx, bank_rx); + slot_tx, bank_tx, slot_rx, bank_rx); else { printk(KERN_WARNING - "%s: HFC_PCM_CONN slot %d bank %d (TX) " - "slot %d bank %d (RX) out of range\n", - __func__, slot_tx, bank_tx, - slot_rx, bank_rx); + "%s: HFC_PCM_CONN slot %d bank %d (TX) " + "slot %d bank %d (RX) out of range\n", + __func__, slot_tx, bank_tx, + slot_rx, bank_rx); ret = -EINVAL; } break; case MISDN_CTRL_HFC_PCM_DISC: /* release interface from pcm timeslot */ if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: HFC_PCM_DISC\n", - __func__); + __func__); hfcmulti_pcm(hc, bch->slot, -1, 0, -1, 0); break; case MISDN_CTRL_HFC_CONF_JOIN: /* join conference (0..7) */ num = cq->p1 & 0xff; if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: HFC_CONF_JOIN conf %d\n", - __func__, num); + __func__, num); if (num <= 7) hfcmulti_conf(hc, bch->slot, num); else { printk(KERN_WARNING - "%s: HW_CONF_JOIN conf %d out of range\n", - __func__, num); + "%s: HW_CONF_JOIN conf %d out of range\n", + __func__, num); ret = -EINVAL; } break; @@ -3647,7 +3647,7 @@ channel_bctrl(struct bchannel *bch, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) case MISDN_CTRL_HFC_ECHOCAN_OFF: if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: HFC_ECHOCAN_OFF\n", - __func__); + __func__); if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_B410P, &hc->chip)) vpm_echocan_off(hc, bch->slot); else @@ -3655,7 +3655,7 @@ channel_bctrl(struct bchannel *bch, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) break; default: printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: unknown Op %x\n", - __func__, cq->op); + __func__, cq->op); ret = -EINVAL; break; } @@ -3672,7 +3672,7 @@ hfcm_bctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) if (bch->debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: cmd:%x %p\n", - __func__, cmd, arg); + __func__, cmd, arg); switch (cmd) { case CLOSE_CHANNEL: test_and_clear_bit(FLG_OPEN, &bch->Flags); @@ -3690,7 +3690,7 @@ hfcm_bctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) break; default: printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: unknown prim(%x)\n", - __func__, cmd); + __func__, cmd); } return err; } @@ -3717,13 +3717,13 @@ ph_state_change(struct dchannel *dch) if (dch->dev.D.protocol == ISDN_P_TE_E1) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_STATE) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: E1 TE (id=%d) newstate %x\n", - __func__, hc->id, dch->state); + "%s: E1 TE (id=%d) newstate %x\n", + __func__, hc->id, dch->state); } else { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_STATE) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: E1 NT (id=%d) newstate %x\n", - __func__, hc->id, dch->state); + "%s: E1 NT (id=%d) newstate %x\n", + __func__, hc->id, dch->state); } switch (dch->state) { case (1): @@ -3731,16 +3731,16 @@ ph_state_change(struct dchannel *dch) for (i = 1; i <= 31; i++) { /* reset fifos on e1 activation */ HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_FIFO, - (i << 1) | 1); + (i << 1) | 1); HFC_wait_nodebug(hc); HFC_outb_nodebug(hc, R_INC_RES_FIFO, - V_RES_F); + V_RES_F); HFC_wait_nodebug(hc); } } test_and_set_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, - MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); + MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); break; default: @@ -3748,15 +3748,15 @@ ph_state_change(struct dchannel *dch) return; test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, PH_DEACTIVATE_IND, - MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); + MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); } hc->e1_state = dch->state; } else { if (dch->dev.D.protocol == ISDN_P_TE_S0) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_STATE) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: S/T TE newstate %x\n", - __func__, dch->state); + "%s: S/T TE newstate %x\n", + __func__, dch->state); switch (dch->state) { case (0): l1_event(dch->l1, HW_RESET_IND); @@ -3778,38 +3778,38 @@ ph_state_change(struct dchannel *dch) } else { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_STATE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: S/T NT newstate %x\n", - __func__, dch->state); + __func__, dch->state); switch (dch->state) { case (2): if (hc->chan[ch].nt_timer == 0) { hc->chan[ch].nt_timer = -1; HFC_outb(hc, R_ST_SEL, - hc->chan[ch].port); + hc->chan[ch].port); /* undocumented: delay after R_ST_SEL */ udelay(1); HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_WR_STATE, 4 | - V_ST_LD_STA); /* G4 */ + V_ST_LD_STA); /* G4 */ udelay(6); /* wait at least 5,21us */ HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_WR_STATE, 4); dch->state = 4; } else { /* one extra count for the next event */ hc->chan[ch].nt_timer = - nt_t1_count[poll_timer] + 1; + nt_t1_count[poll_timer] + 1; HFC_outb(hc, R_ST_SEL, - hc->chan[ch].port); + hc->chan[ch].port); /* undocumented: delay after R_ST_SEL */ udelay(1); /* allow G2 -> G3 transition */ HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_WR_STATE, 2 | - V_SET_G2_G3); + V_SET_G2_G3); } break; case (1): hc->chan[ch].nt_timer = -1; test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, PH_DEACTIVATE_IND, - MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); + MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); break; case (4): hc->chan[ch].nt_timer = -1; @@ -3818,7 +3818,7 @@ ph_state_change(struct dchannel *dch) hc->chan[ch].nt_timer = -1; test_and_set_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, - MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); + MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); break; } } @@ -3845,7 +3845,7 @@ hfcmulti_initmode(struct dchannel *dch) hc->chan[hc->dslot].conf = -1; if (hc->dslot) { mode_hfcmulti(hc, hc->dslot, dch->dev.D.protocol, - -1, 0, -1, 0); + -1, 0, -1, 0); dch->timer.function = (void *) hfcmulti_dbusy_timer; dch->timer.data = (long) dch; init_timer(&dch->timer); @@ -3887,13 +3887,13 @@ hfcmulti_initmode(struct dchannel *dch) if (dch->dev.D.protocol == ISDN_P_NT_E1) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: E1 port is NT-mode\n", - __func__); + __func__); r_e1_wr_sta = 0; /* G0 */ hc->e1_getclock = 0; } else { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: E1 port is TE-mode\n", - __func__); + __func__); r_e1_wr_sta = 0; /* F0 */ hc->e1_getclock = 1; } @@ -3909,26 +3909,26 @@ hfcmulti_initmode(struct dchannel *dch) /* SLAVE (clock master) */ if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: E1 port is clock master " - "(clock from PCM)\n", __func__); + "%s: E1 port is clock master " + "(clock from PCM)\n", __func__); HFC_outb(hc, R_SYNC_CTRL, V_EXT_CLK_SYNC | V_PCM_SYNC); } else { if (hc->e1_getclock) { /* MASTER (clock slave) */ if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: E1 port is clock slave " - "(clock to PCM)\n", __func__); + "%s: E1 port is clock slave " + "(clock to PCM)\n", __func__); HFC_outb(hc, R_SYNC_CTRL, V_SYNC_OFFS); } else { /* MASTER (clock master) */ if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: E1 port is " - "clock master " - "(clock from QUARTZ)\n", - __func__); + "clock master " + "(clock from QUARTZ)\n", + __func__); HFC_outb(hc, R_SYNC_CTRL, V_EXT_CLK_SYNC | - V_PCM_SYNC | V_JATT_OFF); + V_PCM_SYNC | V_JATT_OFF); HFC_outb(hc, R_SYNC_OUT, 0); } } @@ -3970,8 +3970,8 @@ hfcmulti_initmode(struct dchannel *dch) if (dch->dev.D.protocol == ISDN_P_NT_S0) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: ST port %d is NT-mode\n", - __func__, pt); + "%s: ST port %d is NT-mode\n", + __func__, pt); /* clock delay */ HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_CLK_DLY, clockdelay_nt); a_st_wr_state = 1; /* G1 */ @@ -3979,8 +3979,8 @@ hfcmulti_initmode(struct dchannel *dch) } else { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: ST port %d is TE-mode\n", - __func__, pt); + "%s: ST port %d is TE-mode\n", + __func__, pt); /* clock delay */ HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_CLK_DLY, clockdelay_te); a_st_wr_state = 2; /* F2 */ @@ -3991,7 +3991,7 @@ hfcmulti_initmode(struct dchannel *dch) if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_XHFC) { hc->hw.a_st_ctrl0[pt] |= 0x40 /* V_ST_PU_CTRL */; HFC_outb(hc, 0x35 /* A_ST_CTRL3 */, - 0x7c << 1 /* V_ST_PULSE */); + 0x7c << 1 /* V_ST_PULSE */); } /* line setup */ HFC_outb(hc, A_ST_CTRL0, hc->hw.a_st_ctrl0[pt]); @@ -4013,7 +4013,7 @@ hfcmulti_initmode(struct dchannel *dch) /* unset sync on port */ if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PLXSD, &hc->chip)) { hc->syncronized &= - ~(1 << hc->chan[dch->slot].port); + ~(1 << hc->chan[dch->slot].port); plxsd_checksync(hc, 0); } } @@ -4024,21 +4024,21 @@ hfcmulti_initmode(struct dchannel *dch) static int open_dchannel(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct dchannel *dch, - struct channel_req *rq) + struct channel_req *rq) { int err = 0; u_long flags; if (debug & DEBUG_HW_OPEN) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: dev(%d) open from %p\n", __func__, - dch->dev.id, __builtin_return_address(0)); + dch->dev.id, __builtin_return_address(0)); if (rq->protocol == ISDN_P_NONE) return -EINVAL; if ((dch->dev.D.protocol != ISDN_P_NONE) && (dch->dev.D.protocol != rq->protocol)) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MODE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: change protocol %x to %x\n", - __func__, dch->dev.D.protocol, rq->protocol); + __func__, dch->dev.D.protocol, rq->protocol); } if ((dch->dev.D.protocol == ISDN_P_TE_S0) && (rq->protocol != ISDN_P_TE_S0)) @@ -4060,7 +4060,7 @@ open_dchannel(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct dchannel *dch, ((rq->protocol == ISDN_P_NT_E1) && (dch->state == 1)) || ((rq->protocol == ISDN_P_TE_E1) && (dch->state == 1))) { _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, - 0, NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + 0, NULL, GFP_KERNEL); } rq->ch = &dch->dev.D; if (!try_module_get(THIS_MODULE)) @@ -4070,7 +4070,7 @@ open_dchannel(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct dchannel *dch, static int open_bchannel(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct dchannel *dch, - struct channel_req *rq) + struct channel_req *rq) { struct bchannel *bch; int ch; @@ -4086,7 +4086,7 @@ open_bchannel(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct dchannel *dch, bch = hc->chan[ch].bch; if (!bch) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s:internal error ch %d has no bch\n", - __func__, ch); + __func__, ch); return -EINVAL; } if (test_and_set_bit(FLG_OPEN, &bch->Flags)) @@ -4119,8 +4119,8 @@ channel_dctrl(struct dchannel *dch, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) wd_mode = !!(cq->p1 >> 4); if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: MISDN_CTRL_HFC_WD_INIT mode %s" - ", counter 0x%x\n", __func__, - wd_mode ? "AUTO" : "MANUAL", wd_cnt); + ", counter 0x%x\n", __func__, + wd_mode ? "AUTO" : "MANUAL", wd_cnt); /* set the watchdog timer */ HFC_outb(hc, R_TI_WD, poll_timer | (wd_cnt << 4)); hc->hw.r_bert_wd_md = (wd_mode ? V_AUTO_WD_RES : 0); @@ -4139,12 +4139,12 @@ channel_dctrl(struct dchannel *dch, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) case MISDN_CTRL_HFC_WD_RESET: /* reset the watchdog counter */ if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: MISDN_CTRL_HFC_WD_RESET\n", - __func__); + __func__); HFC_outb(hc, R_BERT_WD_MD, hc->hw.r_bert_wd_md | V_WD_RES); break; default: printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: unknown Op %x\n", - __func__, cq->op); + __func__, cq->op); ret = -EINVAL; break; } @@ -4163,7 +4163,7 @@ hfcm_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) if (dch->debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: cmd:%x %p\n", - __func__, cmd, arg); + __func__, cmd, arg); switch (cmd) { case OPEN_CHANNEL: rq = arg; @@ -4193,8 +4193,8 @@ hfcm_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) case CLOSE_CHANNEL: if (debug & DEBUG_HW_OPEN) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: dev(%d) close from %p\n", - __func__, dch->dev.id, - __builtin_return_address(0)); + __func__, dch->dev.id, + __builtin_return_address(0)); module_put(THIS_MODULE); break; case CONTROL_CHANNEL: @@ -4205,7 +4205,7 @@ hfcm_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) default: if (dch->debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: unknown command %x\n", - __func__, cmd); + __func__, cmd); err = -EINVAL; } return err; @@ -4246,9 +4246,9 @@ init_card(struct hfc_multi *hc) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hc->lock, flags); if (request_irq(hc->irq, hfcmulti_interrupt, IRQF_SHARED, - "HFC-multi", hc)) { + "HFC-multi", hc)) { printk(KERN_WARNING "mISDN: Could not get interrupt %d.\n", - hc->irq); + hc->irq); hc->irq = 0; return -EIO; } @@ -4257,13 +4257,13 @@ init_card(struct hfc_multi *hc) spin_lock_irqsave(&plx_lock, plx_flags); plx_acc = hc->plx_membase + PLX_INTCSR; writew((PLX_INTCSR_PCIINT_ENABLE | PLX_INTCSR_LINTI1_ENABLE), - plx_acc); /* enable PCI & LINT1 irq */ + plx_acc); /* enable PCI & LINT1 irq */ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&plx_lock, plx_flags); } if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: IRQ %d count %d\n", - __func__, hc->irq, hc->irqcnt); + __func__, hc->irq, hc->irqcnt); err = init_chip(hc); if (err) goto error; @@ -4277,14 +4277,14 @@ init_card(struct hfc_multi *hc) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hc->lock, flags); /* printk(KERN_DEBUG "no master irq set!!!\n"); */ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE); - schedule_timeout((100*HZ)/1000); /* Timeout 100ms */ + schedule_timeout((100 * HZ) / 1000); /* Timeout 100ms */ /* turn IRQ off until chip is completely initialized */ spin_lock_irqsave(&hc->lock, flags); disable_hwirq(hc); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hc->lock, flags); if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: IRQ %d count %d\n", - __func__, hc->irq, hc->irqcnt); + __func__, hc->irq, hc->irqcnt); if (hc->irqcnt) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: done\n", __func__); @@ -4297,7 +4297,7 @@ init_card(struct hfc_multi *hc) } printk(KERN_ERR "HFC PCI: IRQ(%d) getting no interrupts during init.\n", - hc->irq); + hc->irq); err = -EIO; @@ -4327,13 +4327,13 @@ init_card(struct hfc_multi *hc) static int setup_pci(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct pci_dev *pdev, - const struct pci_device_id *ent) + const struct pci_device_id *ent) { struct hm_map *m = (struct hm_map *)ent->driver_data; printk(KERN_INFO - "HFC-multi: card manufacturer: '%s' card name: '%s' clock: %s\n", - m->vendor_name, m->card_name, m->clock2 ? "double" : "normal"); + "HFC-multi: card manufacturer: '%s' card name: '%s' clock: %s\n", + m->vendor_name, m->card_name, m->clock2 ? "double" : "normal"); hc->pci_dev = pdev; if (m->clock2) @@ -4380,7 +4380,7 @@ setup_pci(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct pci_dev *pdev, if (!hc->plx_origmembase) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HFC-multi: No IO-Memory for PCI PLX bridge found\n"); + "HFC-multi: No IO-Memory for PCI PLX bridge found\n"); pci_disable_device(hc->pci_dev); return -EIO; } @@ -4388,20 +4388,20 @@ setup_pci(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct pci_dev *pdev, hc->plx_membase = ioremap(hc->plx_origmembase, 0x80); if (!hc->plx_membase) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HFC-multi: failed to remap plx address space. " - "(internal error)\n"); + "HFC-multi: failed to remap plx address space. " + "(internal error)\n"); pci_disable_device(hc->pci_dev); return -EIO; } printk(KERN_INFO - "HFC-multi: plx_membase:%#lx plx_origmembase:%#lx\n", - (u_long)hc->plx_membase, hc->plx_origmembase); + "HFC-multi: plx_membase:%#lx plx_origmembase:%#lx\n", + (u_long)hc->plx_membase, hc->plx_origmembase); hc->pci_origmembase = hc->pci_dev->resource[2].start; - /* MEMBASE 1 is PLX PCI Bridge */ + /* MEMBASE 1 is PLX PCI Bridge */ if (!hc->pci_origmembase) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HFC-multi: No IO-Memory for PCI card found\n"); + "HFC-multi: No IO-Memory for PCI card found\n"); pci_disable_device(hc->pci_dev); return -EIO; } @@ -4409,16 +4409,16 @@ setup_pci(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct pci_dev *pdev, hc->pci_membase = ioremap(hc->pci_origmembase, 0x400); if (!hc->pci_membase) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC-multi: failed to remap io " - "address space. (internal error)\n"); + "address space. (internal error)\n"); pci_disable_device(hc->pci_dev); return -EIO; } printk(KERN_INFO - "card %d: defined at MEMBASE %#lx (%#lx) IRQ %d HZ %d " - "leds-type %d\n", - hc->id, (u_long)hc->pci_membase, hc->pci_origmembase, - hc->pci_dev->irq, HZ, hc->leds); + "card %d: defined at MEMBASE %#lx (%#lx) IRQ %d HZ %d " + "leds-type %d\n", + hc->id, (u_long)hc->pci_membase, hc->pci_origmembase, + hc->pci_dev->irq, HZ, hc->leds); pci_write_config_word(hc->pci_dev, PCI_COMMAND, PCI_ENA_MEMIO); break; case HFC_IO_MODE_PCIMEM: @@ -4431,7 +4431,7 @@ setup_pci(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct pci_dev *pdev, hc->pci_origmembase = hc->pci_dev->resource[1].start; if (!hc->pci_origmembase) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HFC-multi: No IO-Memory for PCI card found\n"); + "HFC-multi: No IO-Memory for PCI card found\n"); pci_disable_device(hc->pci_dev); return -EIO; } @@ -4439,14 +4439,14 @@ setup_pci(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct pci_dev *pdev, hc->pci_membase = ioremap(hc->pci_origmembase, 256); if (!hc->pci_membase) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HFC-multi: failed to remap io address space. " - "(internal error)\n"); + "HFC-multi: failed to remap io address space. " + "(internal error)\n"); pci_disable_device(hc->pci_dev); return -EIO; } printk(KERN_INFO "card %d: defined at MEMBASE %#lx (%#lx) IRQ " - "%d HZ %d leds-type %d\n", hc->id, (u_long)hc->pci_membase, - hc->pci_origmembase, hc->pci_dev->irq, HZ, hc->leds); + "%d HZ %d leds-type %d\n", hc->id, (u_long)hc->pci_membase, + hc->pci_origmembase, hc->pci_dev->irq, HZ, hc->leds); pci_write_config_word(hc->pci_dev, PCI_COMMAND, PCI_ENA_MEMIO); break; case HFC_IO_MODE_REGIO: @@ -4459,23 +4459,23 @@ setup_pci(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct pci_dev *pdev, hc->pci_iobase = (u_int) hc->pci_dev->resource[0].start; if (!hc->pci_iobase) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HFC-multi: No IO for PCI card found\n"); + "HFC-multi: No IO for PCI card found\n"); pci_disable_device(hc->pci_dev); return -EIO; } if (!request_region(hc->pci_iobase, 8, "hfcmulti")) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC-multi: failed to request " - "address space at 0x%08lx (internal error)\n", - hc->pci_iobase); + "address space at 0x%08lx (internal error)\n", + hc->pci_iobase); pci_disable_device(hc->pci_dev); return -EIO; } printk(KERN_INFO - "%s %s: defined at IOBASE %#x IRQ %d HZ %d leds-type %d\n", - m->vendor_name, m->card_name, (u_int) hc->pci_iobase, - hc->pci_dev->irq, HZ, hc->leds); + "%s %s: defined at IOBASE %#x IRQ %d HZ %d leds-type %d\n", + m->vendor_name, m->card_name, (u_int) hc->pci_iobase, + hc->pci_dev->irq, HZ, hc->leds); pci_write_config_word(hc->pci_dev, PCI_COMMAND, PCI_ENA_REGIO); break; default: @@ -4508,17 +4508,17 @@ release_port(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct dchannel *dch) if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: entered for port %d\n", - __func__, pt + 1); + __func__, pt + 1); if (pt >= hc->ports) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: ERROR port out of range (%d).\n", - __func__, pt + 1); + __func__, pt + 1); return; } if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: releasing port=%d\n", - __func__, pt + 1); + __func__, pt + 1); if (dch->dev.D.protocol == ISDN_P_TE_S0) l1_event(dch->l1, CLOSE_CHANNEL); @@ -4548,8 +4548,8 @@ release_port(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct dchannel *dch) if (hc->chan[i].bch) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: free port %d channel %d\n", - __func__, hc->chan[i].port+1, i); + "%s: free port %d channel %d\n", + __func__, hc->chan[i].port + 1, i); pb = hc->chan[i].bch; hc->chan[i].bch = NULL; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hc->lock, flags); @@ -4563,16 +4563,16 @@ release_port(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct dchannel *dch) /* remove sync */ if (test_bit(HFC_CHIP_PLXSD, &hc->chip)) { hc->syncronized &= - ~(1 << hc->chan[ci].port); + ~(1 << hc->chan[ci].port); plxsd_checksync(hc, 1); } /* free channels */ if (hc->chan[ci - 2].bch) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: free port %d channel %d\n", - __func__, hc->chan[ci - 2].port+1, - ci - 2); + "%s: free port %d channel %d\n", + __func__, hc->chan[ci - 2].port + 1, + ci - 2); pb = hc->chan[ci - 2].bch; hc->chan[ci - 2].bch = NULL; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hc->lock, flags); @@ -4584,9 +4584,9 @@ release_port(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct dchannel *dch) if (hc->chan[ci - 1].bch) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: free port %d channel %d\n", - __func__, hc->chan[ci - 1].port+1, - ci - 1); + "%s: free port %d channel %d\n", + __func__, hc->chan[ci - 1].port + 1, + ci - 1); pb = hc->chan[ci - 1].bch; hc->chan[ci - 1].bch = NULL; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hc->lock, flags); @@ -4616,7 +4616,7 @@ release_card(struct hfc_multi *hc) if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: release card (%d) entered\n", - __func__, hc->id); + __func__, hc->id); /* unregister clock source */ if (hc->iclock) @@ -4635,7 +4635,7 @@ release_card(struct hfc_multi *hc) /* disable D-channels & B-channels */ if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: disable all channels (d and b)\n", - __func__); + __func__); for (ch = 0; ch <= 31; ch++) { if (hc->chan[ch].dch) release_port(hc, hc->chan[ch].dch); @@ -4645,7 +4645,7 @@ release_card(struct hfc_multi *hc) if (hc->irq) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: free irq %d\n", - __func__, hc->irq); + __func__, hc->irq); free_irq(hc->irq, hc); hc->irq = 0; @@ -4654,7 +4654,7 @@ release_card(struct hfc_multi *hc) if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: remove instance from list\n", - __func__); + __func__); list_del(&hc->list); if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) @@ -4664,7 +4664,7 @@ release_card(struct hfc_multi *hc) kfree(hc); if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: card successfully removed\n", - __func__); + __func__); } static int @@ -4683,7 +4683,7 @@ init_e1_port(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct hm_map *m) dch->hw = hc; dch->dev.Dprotocols = (1 << ISDN_P_TE_E1) | (1 << ISDN_P_NT_E1); dch->dev.Bprotocols = (1 << (ISDN_P_B_RAW & ISDN_P_B_MASK)) | - (1 << (ISDN_P_B_HDLC & ISDN_P_B_MASK)); + (1 << (ISDN_P_B_HDLC & ISDN_P_B_MASK)); dch->dev.D.send = handle_dmsg; dch->dev.D.ctrl = hfcm_dctrl; dch->dev.nrbchan = (hc->dslot) ? 30 : 31; @@ -4697,14 +4697,14 @@ init_e1_port(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct hm_map *m) bch = kzalloc(sizeof(struct bchannel), GFP_KERNEL); if (!bch) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: no memory for bchannel\n", - __func__); + __func__); ret = -ENOMEM; goto free_chan; } hc->chan[ch].coeff = kzalloc(512, GFP_KERNEL); if (!hc->chan[ch].coeff) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: no memory for coeffs\n", - __func__); + __func__); ret = -ENOMEM; kfree(bch); goto free_chan; @@ -4726,93 +4726,93 @@ init_e1_port(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct hm_map *m) if (port[Port_cnt] & 0x001) { if (!m->opticalsupport) { printk(KERN_INFO - "This board has no optical " - "support\n"); + "This board has no optical " + "support\n"); } else { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: PORT set optical " - "interfacs: card(%d) " - "port(%d)\n", - __func__, - HFC_cnt + 1, 1); + "%s: PORT set optical " + "interfacs: card(%d) " + "port(%d)\n", + __func__, + HFC_cnt + 1, 1); test_and_set_bit(HFC_CFG_OPTICAL, - &hc->chan[hc->dslot].cfg); + &hc->chan[hc->dslot].cfg); } } /* set LOS report */ if (port[Port_cnt] & 0x004) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: PORT set " - "LOS report: card(%d) port(%d)\n", - __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, 1); + "LOS report: card(%d) port(%d)\n", + __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, 1); test_and_set_bit(HFC_CFG_REPORT_LOS, - &hc->chan[hc->dslot].cfg); + &hc->chan[hc->dslot].cfg); } /* set AIS report */ if (port[Port_cnt] & 0x008) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: PORT set " - "AIS report: card(%d) port(%d)\n", - __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, 1); + "AIS report: card(%d) port(%d)\n", + __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, 1); test_and_set_bit(HFC_CFG_REPORT_AIS, - &hc->chan[hc->dslot].cfg); + &hc->chan[hc->dslot].cfg); } /* set SLIP report */ if (port[Port_cnt] & 0x010) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: PORT set SLIP report: " - "card(%d) port(%d)\n", - __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, 1); + "%s: PORT set SLIP report: " + "card(%d) port(%d)\n", + __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, 1); test_and_set_bit(HFC_CFG_REPORT_SLIP, - &hc->chan[hc->dslot].cfg); + &hc->chan[hc->dslot].cfg); } /* set RDI report */ if (port[Port_cnt] & 0x020) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: PORT set RDI report: " - "card(%d) port(%d)\n", - __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, 1); + "%s: PORT set RDI report: " + "card(%d) port(%d)\n", + __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, 1); test_and_set_bit(HFC_CFG_REPORT_RDI, - &hc->chan[hc->dslot].cfg); + &hc->chan[hc->dslot].cfg); } /* set CRC-4 Mode */ if (!(port[Port_cnt] & 0x100)) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: PORT turn on CRC4 report:" - " card(%d) port(%d)\n", - __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, 1); + " card(%d) port(%d)\n", + __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, 1); test_and_set_bit(HFC_CFG_CRC4, - &hc->chan[hc->dslot].cfg); + &hc->chan[hc->dslot].cfg); } else { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: PORT turn off CRC4" - " report: card(%d) port(%d)\n", - __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, 1); + " report: card(%d) port(%d)\n", + __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, 1); } /* set forced clock */ if (port[Port_cnt] & 0x0200) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: PORT force getting clock from " - "E1: card(%d) port(%d)\n", - __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, 1); + "E1: card(%d) port(%d)\n", + __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, 1); test_and_set_bit(HFC_CHIP_E1CLOCK_GET, &hc->chip); } else - if (port[Port_cnt] & 0x0400) { - if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: PORT force putting clock to " - "E1: card(%d) port(%d)\n", - __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, 1); - test_and_set_bit(HFC_CHIP_E1CLOCK_PUT, &hc->chip); - } + if (port[Port_cnt] & 0x0400) { + if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: PORT force putting clock to " + "E1: card(%d) port(%d)\n", + __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, 1); + test_and_set_bit(HFC_CHIP_E1CLOCK_PUT, &hc->chip); + } /* set JATT PLL */ if (port[Port_cnt] & 0x0800) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: PORT disable JATT PLL on " - "E1: card(%d) port(%d)\n", - __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, 1); + "E1: card(%d) port(%d)\n", + __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, 1); test_and_set_bit(HFC_CHIP_RX_SYNC, &hc->chip); } /* set elastic jitter buffer */ @@ -4820,10 +4820,10 @@ init_e1_port(struct hfc_multi *hc, struct hm_map *m) hc->chan[hc->dslot].jitter = (port[Port_cnt]>>12) & 0x3; if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: PORT set elastic " - "buffer to %d: card(%d) port(%d)\n", - __func__, hc->chan[hc->dslot].jitter, - HFC_cnt + 1, 1); + "%s: PORT set elastic " + "buffer to %d: card(%d) port(%d)\n", + __func__, hc->chan[hc->dslot].jitter, + HFC_cnt + 1, 1); } else hc->chan[hc->dslot].jitter = 2; /* default */ snprintf(name, MISDN_MAX_IDLEN - 1, "hfc-e1.%d", HFC_cnt + 1); @@ -4853,7 +4853,7 @@ init_multi_port(struct hfc_multi *hc, int pt) dch->hw = hc; dch->dev.Dprotocols = (1 << ISDN_P_TE_S0) | (1 << ISDN_P_NT_S0); dch->dev.Bprotocols = (1 << (ISDN_P_B_RAW & ISDN_P_B_MASK)) | - (1 << (ISDN_P_B_HDLC & ISDN_P_B_MASK)); + (1 << (ISDN_P_B_HDLC & ISDN_P_B_MASK)); dch->dev.D.send = handle_dmsg; dch->dev.D.ctrl = hfcm_dctrl; dch->dev.nrbchan = 2; @@ -4866,14 +4866,14 @@ init_multi_port(struct hfc_multi *hc, int pt) bch = kzalloc(sizeof(struct bchannel), GFP_KERNEL); if (!bch) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: no memory for bchannel\n", - __func__); + __func__); ret = -ENOMEM; goto free_chan; } hc->chan[i + ch].coeff = kzalloc(512, GFP_KERNEL); if (!hc->chan[i + ch].coeff) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: no memory for coeffs\n", - __func__); + __func__); ret = -ENOMEM; kfree(bch); goto free_chan; @@ -4895,22 +4895,22 @@ init_multi_port(struct hfc_multi *hc, int pt) if (port[Port_cnt] & 0x001) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: PROTOCOL set master clock: " - "card(%d) port(%d)\n", - __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, pt + 1); + "%s: PROTOCOL set master clock: " + "card(%d) port(%d)\n", + __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, pt + 1); if (dch->dev.D.protocol != ISDN_P_TE_S0) { printk(KERN_ERR "Error: Master clock " - "for port(%d) of card(%d) is only" - " possible with TE-mode\n", - pt + 1, HFC_cnt + 1); + "for port(%d) of card(%d) is only" + " possible with TE-mode\n", + pt + 1, HFC_cnt + 1); ret = -EINVAL; goto free_chan; } if (hc->masterclk >= 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "Error: Master clock " - "for port(%d) of card(%d) already " - "defined for port(%d)\n", - pt + 1, HFC_cnt + 1, hc->masterclk+1); + "for port(%d) of card(%d) already " + "defined for port(%d)\n", + pt + 1, HFC_cnt + 1, hc->masterclk + 1); ret = -EINVAL; goto free_chan; } @@ -4920,29 +4920,29 @@ init_multi_port(struct hfc_multi *hc, int pt) if (port[Port_cnt] & 0x002) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: PROTOCOL set non capacitive " - "transmitter: card(%d) port(%d)\n", - __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, pt + 1); + "%s: PROTOCOL set non capacitive " + "transmitter: card(%d) port(%d)\n", + __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, pt + 1); test_and_set_bit(HFC_CFG_NONCAP_TX, - &hc->chan[i + 2].cfg); + &hc->chan[i + 2].cfg); } /* disable E-channel */ if (port[Port_cnt] & 0x004) { if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: PROTOCOL disable E-channel: " - "card(%d) port(%d)\n", - __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, pt + 1); + "%s: PROTOCOL disable E-channel: " + "card(%d) port(%d)\n", + __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, pt + 1); test_and_set_bit(HFC_CFG_DIS_ECHANNEL, - &hc->chan[i + 2].cfg); + &hc->chan[i + 2].cfg); } if (hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_XHFC) { snprintf(name, MISDN_MAX_IDLEN - 1, "xhfc.%d-%d", - HFC_cnt + 1, pt + 1); + HFC_cnt + 1, pt + 1); ret = mISDN_register_device(&dch->dev, NULL, name); } else { snprintf(name, MISDN_MAX_IDLEN - 1, "hfc-%ds.%d-%d", - hc->ctype, HFC_cnt + 1, pt + 1); + hc->ctype, HFC_cnt + 1, pt + 1); ret = mISDN_register_device(&dch->dev, &hc->pci_dev->dev, name); } if (ret) @@ -4956,7 +4956,7 @@ init_multi_port(struct hfc_multi *hc, int pt) static int hfcmulti_init(struct hm_map *m, struct pci_dev *pdev, - const struct pci_device_id *ent) + const struct pci_device_id *ent) { int ret_err = 0; int pt; @@ -4967,22 +4967,22 @@ hfcmulti_init(struct hm_map *m, struct pci_dev *pdev, if (HFC_cnt >= MAX_CARDS) { printk(KERN_ERR "too many cards (max=%d).\n", - MAX_CARDS); + MAX_CARDS); return -EINVAL; } if ((type[HFC_cnt] & 0xff) && (type[HFC_cnt] & 0xff) != m->type) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC-MULTI: Card '%s:%s' type %d found but " - "type[%d] %d was supplied as module parameter\n", - m->vendor_name, m->card_name, m->type, HFC_cnt, - type[HFC_cnt] & 0xff); + "type[%d] %d was supplied as module parameter\n", + m->vendor_name, m->card_name, m->type, HFC_cnt, + type[HFC_cnt] & 0xff); printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC-MULTI: Load module without parameters " - "first, to see cards and their types."); + "first, to see cards and their types."); return -EINVAL; } if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Registering %s:%s chip type %d (0x%x)\n", - __func__, m->vendor_name, m->card_name, m->type, - type[HFC_cnt]); + __func__, m->vendor_name, m->card_name, m->type, + type[HFC_cnt]); /* allocate card+fifo structure */ hc = kzalloc(sizeof(struct hfc_multi), GFP_KERNEL); @@ -5000,13 +5000,13 @@ hfcmulti_init(struct hm_map *m, struct pci_dev *pdev, if (dslot[HFC_cnt] < 0 && hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_E1) { hc->dslot = 0; printk(KERN_INFO "HFC-E1 card has disabled D-channel, but " - "31 B-channels\n"); + "31 B-channels\n"); } if (dslot[HFC_cnt] > 0 && dslot[HFC_cnt] < 32 && hc->ctype == HFC_TYPE_E1) { hc->dslot = dslot[HFC_cnt]; printk(KERN_INFO "HFC-E1 card has alternating D-channel on " - "time slot %d\n", dslot[HFC_cnt]); + "time slot %d\n", dslot[HFC_cnt]); } else hc->dslot = 16; @@ -5019,7 +5019,7 @@ hfcmulti_init(struct hm_map *m, struct pci_dev *pdev, hc->silence = 0x2a; /* alaw silence */ if ((poll >> 1) > sizeof(hc->silence_data)) { printk(KERN_ERR "HFCMULTI error: silence_data too small, " - "please fix\n"); + "please fix\n"); return -EINVAL; } for (i = 0; i < (poll >> 1); i++) @@ -5086,7 +5086,7 @@ hfcmulti_init(struct hm_map *m, struct pci_dev *pdev, for (pt = 0; pt < hc->ports; pt++) { if (Port_cnt >= MAX_PORTS) { printk(KERN_ERR "too many ports (max=%d).\n", - MAX_PORTS); + MAX_PORTS); ret_err = -EINVAL; goto free_card; } @@ -5096,9 +5096,9 @@ hfcmulti_init(struct hm_map *m, struct pci_dev *pdev, ret_err = init_multi_port(hc, pt); if (debug & DEBUG_HFCMULTI_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: Registering D-channel, card(%d) port(%d)" - "result %d\n", - __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, pt, ret_err); + "%s: Registering D-channel, card(%d) port(%d)" + "result %d\n", + __func__, HFC_cnt + 1, pt, ret_err); if (ret_err) { while (pt) { /* release already registered ports */ @@ -5129,7 +5129,7 @@ hfcmulti_init(struct hm_map *m, struct pci_dev *pdev, pmj = ~pmj & 0xf; printk(KERN_INFO "%s: %s DIPs(0x%x) jumpers(0x%x)\n", - m->vendor_name, m->card_name, dips, pmj); + m->vendor_name, m->card_name, dips, pmj); break; case DIP_8S: /* @@ -5151,16 +5151,16 @@ hfcmulti_init(struct hm_map *m, struct pci_dev *pdev, /* disable PCI auxbridge function */ HFC_outb(hc, R_BRG_PCM_CFG, V_PCM_CLK); printk(KERN_INFO "%s: %s DIPs(0x%x)\n", - m->vendor_name, m->card_name, dips); + m->vendor_name, m->card_name, dips); break; case DIP_E1: /* * get DIP Setting for beroNet E1 cards * DIP Setting: collect GPI 4/5/6/7 (R_GPI_IN0) */ - dips = (~HFC_inb(hc, R_GPI_IN0) & 0xF0)>>4; + dips = (~HFC_inb(hc, R_GPI_IN0) & 0xF0) >> 4; printk(KERN_INFO "%s: %s DIPs(0x%x)\n", - m->vendor_name, m->card_name, dips); + m->vendor_name, m->card_name, dips); break; } @@ -5203,9 +5203,9 @@ static void __devexit hfc_remove_pci(struct pci_dev *pdev) if (debug) printk(KERN_INFO "removing hfc_multi card vendor:%x " - "device:%x subvendor:%x subdevice:%x\n", - pdev->vendor, pdev->device, - pdev->subsystem_vendor, pdev->subsystem_device); + "device:%x subvendor:%x subdevice:%x\n", + pdev->vendor, pdev->device, + pdev->subsystem_vendor, pdev->subsystem_device); if (card) { spin_lock_irqsave(&HFClock, flags); @@ -5214,7 +5214,7 @@ static void __devexit hfc_remove_pci(struct pci_dev *pdev) } else { if (debug) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: drvdata already removed\n", - __func__); + __func__); } } @@ -5225,50 +5225,50 @@ static void __devexit hfc_remove_pci(struct pci_dev *pdev) #define VENDOR_PRIM "PrimuX" static const struct hm_map hfcm_map[] = { -/*0*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-1S Card (mini PCI)", 4, 1, 1, 3, 0, DIP_4S, 0, 0}, -/*1*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-2S Card", 4, 2, 1, 3, 0, DIP_4S, 0, 0}, -/*2*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-2S Card (mini PCI)", 4, 2, 1, 3, 0, DIP_4S, 0, 0}, -/*3*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-4S Card", 4, 4, 1, 2, 0, DIP_4S, 0, 0}, -/*4*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-4S Card (mini PCI)", 4, 4, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0}, -/*5*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-4S Eval (old)", 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, -/*6*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-4S IOB4ST", 4, 4, 1, 2, 0, DIP_4S, 0, 0}, -/*7*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-4S", 4, 4, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0}, -/*8*/ {VENDOR_DIG, "HFC-4S Card", 4, 4, 0, 2, 0, 0, HFC_IO_MODE_REGIO, 0}, -/*9*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-4S Swyx 4xS0 SX2 QuadBri", 4, 4, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0}, -/*10*/ {VENDOR_JH, "HFC-4S (junghanns 2.0)", 4, 4, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0}, -/*11*/ {VENDOR_PRIM, "HFC-2S Primux Card", 4, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - -/*12*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-8S Card", 8, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, -/*13*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-8S Card (+)", 8, 8, 1, 8, 0, DIP_8S, - HFC_IO_MODE_REGIO, 0}, -/*14*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-8S Eval (old)", 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, -/*15*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-8S IOB4ST Recording", 8, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - -/*16*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-8S IOB8ST", 8, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, -/*17*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-8S", 8, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, -/*18*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-8S", 8, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - -/*19*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-E1 Card", 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, DIP_E1, 0, 0}, -/*20*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-E1 Card (mini PCI)", 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, -/*21*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-E1+ Card (Dual)", 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, DIP_E1, 0, 0}, -/*22*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-E1 Card (Dual)", 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, DIP_E1, 0, 0}, - -/*23*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-E1 Eval (old)", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, -/*24*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-E1 IOB1E1", 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, -/*25*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-E1", 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - -/*26*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-4S Speech Design", 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, - HFC_IO_MODE_PLXSD, 0}, -/*27*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-E1 Speech Design", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, - HFC_IO_MODE_PLXSD, 0}, -/*28*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-4S OpenVox", 4, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, -/*29*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-2S OpenVox", 4, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, -/*30*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-8S OpenVox", 8, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, -/*31*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "XHFC-4S Speech Design", 5, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, - HFC_IO_MODE_EMBSD, XHFC_IRQ}, -/*32*/ {VENDOR_JH, "HFC-8S (junghanns)", 8, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, -/*33*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-2S Beronet Card PCIe", 4, 2, 1, 3, 0, DIP_4S, 0, 0}, -/*34*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-4S Beronet Card PCIe", 4, 4, 1, 2, 0, DIP_4S, 0, 0}, + /*0*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-1S Card (mini PCI)", 4, 1, 1, 3, 0, DIP_4S, 0, 0}, + /*1*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-2S Card", 4, 2, 1, 3, 0, DIP_4S, 0, 0}, + /*2*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-2S Card (mini PCI)", 4, 2, 1, 3, 0, DIP_4S, 0, 0}, + /*3*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-4S Card", 4, 4, 1, 2, 0, DIP_4S, 0, 0}, + /*4*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-4S Card (mini PCI)", 4, 4, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + /*5*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-4S Eval (old)", 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + /*6*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-4S IOB4ST", 4, 4, 1, 2, 0, DIP_4S, 0, 0}, + /*7*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-4S", 4, 4, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + /*8*/ {VENDOR_DIG, "HFC-4S Card", 4, 4, 0, 2, 0, 0, HFC_IO_MODE_REGIO, 0}, + /*9*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-4S Swyx 4xS0 SX2 QuadBri", 4, 4, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + /*10*/ {VENDOR_JH, "HFC-4S (junghanns 2.0)", 4, 4, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + /*11*/ {VENDOR_PRIM, "HFC-2S Primux Card", 4, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + + /*12*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-8S Card", 8, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + /*13*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-8S Card (+)", 8, 8, 1, 8, 0, DIP_8S, + HFC_IO_MODE_REGIO, 0}, + /*14*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-8S Eval (old)", 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + /*15*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-8S IOB4ST Recording", 8, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + + /*16*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-8S IOB8ST", 8, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + /*17*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-8S", 8, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + /*18*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-8S", 8, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + + /*19*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-E1 Card", 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, DIP_E1, 0, 0}, + /*20*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-E1 Card (mini PCI)", 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + /*21*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-E1+ Card (Dual)", 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, DIP_E1, 0, 0}, + /*22*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-E1 Card (Dual)", 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, DIP_E1, 0, 0}, + + /*23*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-E1 Eval (old)", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + /*24*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-E1 IOB1E1", 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + /*25*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-E1", 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + + /*26*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-4S Speech Design", 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, + HFC_IO_MODE_PLXSD, 0}, + /*27*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-E1 Speech Design", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, + HFC_IO_MODE_PLXSD, 0}, + /*28*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-4S OpenVox", 4, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + /*29*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-2S OpenVox", 4, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + /*30*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "HFC-8S OpenVox", 8, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + /*31*/ {VENDOR_CCD, "XHFC-4S Speech Design", 5, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, + HFC_IO_MODE_EMBSD, XHFC_IRQ}, + /*32*/ {VENDOR_JH, "HFC-8S (junghanns)", 8, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + /*33*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-2S Beronet Card PCIe", 4, 2, 1, 3, 0, DIP_4S, 0, 0}, + /*34*/ {VENDOR_BN, "HFC-4S Beronet Card PCIe", 4, 4, 1, 2, 0, DIP_4S, 0, 0}, }; #undef H @@ -5277,83 +5277,83 @@ static struct pci_device_id hfmultipci_ids[] __devinitdata = { /* Cards with HFC-4S Chip */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BN1SM, 0, 0, H(0)}, /* BN1S mini PCI */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BN1SM, 0, 0, H(0)}, /* BN1S mini PCI */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BN2S, 0, 0, H(1)}, /* BN2S */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BN2S, 0, 0, H(1)}, /* BN2S */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BN2SM, 0, 0, H(2)}, /* BN2S mini PCI */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BN2SM, 0, 0, H(2)}, /* BN2S mini PCI */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BN4S, 0, 0, H(3)}, /* BN4S */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BN4S, 0, 0, H(3)}, /* BN4S */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BN4SM, 0, 0, H(4)}, /* BN4S mini PCI */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BN4SM, 0, 0, H(4)}, /* BN4S mini PCI */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, 0, 0, H(5)}, /* Old Eval */ + PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, 0, 0, H(5)}, /* Old Eval */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_IOB4ST, 0, 0, H(6)}, /* IOB4ST */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_IOB4ST, 0, 0, H(6)}, /* IOB4ST */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, 0, 0, H(7)}, /* 4S */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, 0, 0, H(7)}, /* 4S */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_DIGIUM, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGIUM_HFC4S, - PCI_VENDOR_ID_DIGIUM, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGIUM_HFC4S, 0, 0, H(8)}, + PCI_VENDOR_ID_DIGIUM, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGIUM_HFC4S, 0, 0, H(8)}, { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_SWYX4S, 0, 0, H(9)}, /* 4S Swyx */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_SWYX4S, 0, 0, H(9)}, /* 4S Swyx */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_JH4S20, 0, 0, H(10)}, + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_JH4S20, 0, 0, H(10)}, { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_PMX2S, 0, 0, H(11)}, /* Primux */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_PMX2S, 0, 0, H(11)}, /* Primux */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_OV4S, 0, 0, H(28)}, /* OpenVox 4 */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_OV4S, 0, 0, H(28)}, /* OpenVox 4 */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_OV2S, 0, 0, H(29)}, /* OpenVox 2 */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_OV2S, 0, 0, H(29)}, /* OpenVox 2 */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - 0xb761, 0, 0, H(33)}, /* BN2S PCIe */ + 0xb761, 0, 0, H(33)}, /* BN2S PCIe */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - 0xb762, 0, 0, H(34)}, /* BN4S PCIe */ + 0xb762, 0, 0, H(34)}, /* BN4S PCIe */ /* Cards with HFC-8S Chip */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC8S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BN8S, 0, 0, H(12)}, /* BN8S */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BN8S, 0, 0, H(12)}, /* BN8S */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC8S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BN8SP, 0, 0, H(13)}, /* BN8S+ */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BN8SP, 0, 0, H(13)}, /* BN8S+ */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC8S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC8S, 0, 0, H(14)}, /* old Eval */ + PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC8S, 0, 0, H(14)}, /* old Eval */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC8S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_IOB8STR, 0, 0, H(15)}, /* IOB8ST Recording */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_IOB8STR, 0, 0, H(15)}, /* IOB8ST Recording */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC8S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_IOB8ST, 0, 0, H(16)}, /* IOB8ST */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_IOB8ST, 0, 0, H(16)}, /* IOB8ST */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC8S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_IOB8ST_1, 0, 0, H(17)}, /* IOB8ST */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_IOB8ST_1, 0, 0, H(17)}, /* IOB8ST */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC8S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC8S, 0, 0, H(18)}, /* 8S */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC8S, 0, 0, H(18)}, /* 8S */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC8S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_OV8S, 0, 0, H(30)}, /* OpenVox 8 */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_OV8S, 0, 0, H(30)}, /* OpenVox 8 */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC8S, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_JH8S, 0, 0, H(32)}, /* Junganns 8S */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_JH8S, 0, 0, H(32)}, /* Junganns 8S */ /* Cards with HFC-E1 Chip */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFCE1, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BNE1, 0, 0, H(19)}, /* BNE1 */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BNE1, 0, 0, H(19)}, /* BNE1 */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFCE1, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BNE1M, 0, 0, H(20)}, /* BNE1 mini PCI */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BNE1M, 0, 0, H(20)}, /* BNE1 mini PCI */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFCE1, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BNE1DP, 0, 0, H(21)}, /* BNE1 + (Dual) */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BNE1DP, 0, 0, H(21)}, /* BNE1 + (Dual) */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFCE1, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BNE1D, 0, 0, H(22)}, /* BNE1 (Dual) */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_BNE1D, 0, 0, H(22)}, /* BNE1 (Dual) */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFCE1, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFCE1, 0, 0, H(23)}, /* Old Eval */ + PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFCE1, 0, 0, H(23)}, /* Old Eval */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFCE1, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_IOB1E1, 0, 0, H(24)}, /* IOB1E1 */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_IOB1E1, 0, 0, H(24)}, /* IOB1E1 */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFCE1, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_HFCE1, 0, 0, H(25)}, /* E1 */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_HFCE1, 0, 0, H(25)}, /* E1 */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_PLX, PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_9030, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_SPD4S, 0, 0, H(26)}, /* PLX PCI Bridge */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_SPD4S, 0, 0, H(26)}, /* PLX PCI Bridge */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_PLX, PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_9030, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_SPDE1, 0, 0, H(27)}, /* PLX PCI Bridge */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_SPDE1, 0, 0, H(27)}, /* PLX PCI Bridge */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFCE1, PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, - PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_JHSE1, 0, 0, H(25)}, /* Junghanns E1 */ + PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_CCD_JHSE1, 0, 0, H(25)}, /* Junghanns E1 */ { PCI_VDEVICE(CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S), 0 }, { PCI_VDEVICE(CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC8S), 0 }, @@ -5371,16 +5371,16 @@ hfcmulti_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) int ret; if (m == NULL && ent->vendor == PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD && ( - ent->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S || - ent->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC8S || - ent->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFCE1)) { + ent->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC4S || + ent->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFC8S || + ent->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_HFCE1)) { printk(KERN_ERR - "Unknown HFC multiport controller (vendor:%04x device:%04x " - "subvendor:%04x subdevice:%04x)\n", pdev->vendor, - pdev->device, pdev->subsystem_vendor, - pdev->subsystem_device); + "Unknown HFC multiport controller (vendor:%04x device:%04x " + "subvendor:%04x subdevice:%04x)\n", pdev->vendor, + pdev->device, pdev->subsystem_vendor, + pdev->subsystem_device); printk(KERN_ERR - "Please contact the driver maintainer for support.\n"); + "Please contact the driver maintainer for support.\n"); return -ENODEV; } ret = hfcmulti_init(m, pdev, ent); @@ -5453,7 +5453,7 @@ HFCmulti_init(void) break; default: printk(KERN_ERR - "%s: Wrong poll value (%d).\n", __func__, poll); + "%s: Wrong poll value (%d).\n", __func__, poll); err = -EINVAL; return err; @@ -5485,7 +5485,7 @@ HFCmulti_init(void) err = hfcmulti_init(&m, NULL, NULL); if (err) { printk(KERN_ERR "error registering embedded driver: " - "%x\n", err); + "%x\n", err); return err; } HFC_cnt++; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfcpci.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfcpci.c index 3261de18a91e051dabbe668059462531129479b4..d055ae7fa040ff80fb77841e94e15d66575505ba 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfcpci.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfcpci.c @@ -109,11 +109,11 @@ struct hfcPCI_hw { unsigned char bswapped; unsigned char protocol; int nt_timer; - unsigned char __iomem *pci_io; /* start of PCI IO memory */ + unsigned char __iomem *pci_io; /* start of PCI IO memory */ dma_addr_t dmahandle; void *fifos; /* FIFO memory */ int last_bfifo_cnt[2]; - /* marker saving last b-fifo frame count */ + /* marker saving last b-fifo frame count */ struct timer_list timer; }; @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ reset_hfcpci(struct hfc_pci *hc) disable_hwirq(hc); /* enable memory ports + busmaster */ pci_write_config_word(hc->pdev, PCI_COMMAND, - PCI_ENA_MEMIO + PCI_ENA_MASTER); + PCI_ENA_MEMIO + PCI_ENA_MASTER); val = Read_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_STATUS); printk(KERN_DEBUG "HFC-PCI status(%x) before reset\n", val); hc->hw.cirm = HFCPCI_RESET; /* Reset On */ @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ reset_hfcpci(struct hfc_pci *hc) Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_CTMT, hc->hw.ctmt); hc->hw.int_m1 = HFCPCI_INTS_DTRANS | HFCPCI_INTS_DREC | - HFCPCI_INTS_L1STATE | HFCPCI_INTS_TIMER; + HFCPCI_INTS_L1STATE | HFCPCI_INTS_TIMER; Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_INT_M1, hc->hw.int_m1); /* Clear already pending ints */ @@ -319,10 +319,10 @@ static struct bchannel * Sel_BCS(struct hfc_pci *hc, int channel) { if (test_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &hc->bch[0].Flags) && - (hc->bch[0].nr & channel)) + (hc->bch[0].nr & channel)) return &hc->bch[0]; else if (test_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &hc->bch[1].Flags) && - (hc->bch[1].nr & channel)) + (hc->bch[1].nr & channel)) return &hc->bch[1]; else return NULL; @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ hfcpci_clear_fifo_rx(struct hfc_pci *hc, int fifo) bzr->f2 = bzr->f1; /* init F pointers to remain constant */ bzr->za[MAX_B_FRAMES].z1 = cpu_to_le16(B_FIFO_SIZE + B_SUB_VAL - 1); bzr->za[MAX_B_FRAMES].z2 = cpu_to_le16( - le16_to_cpu(bzr->za[MAX_B_FRAMES].z1)); + le16_to_cpu(bzr->za[MAX_B_FRAMES].z1)); if (fifo_state) hc->hw.fifo_en |= fifo_state; Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_FIFO_EN, hc->hw.fifo_en); @@ -378,11 +378,11 @@ static void hfcpci_clear_fifo_tx(struct hfc_pci *hc, int fifo) Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_FIFO_EN, hc->hw.fifo_en); if (hc->bch[fifo].debug & DEBUG_HW_BCHANNEL) printk(KERN_DEBUG "hfcpci_clear_fifo_tx%d f1(%x) f2(%x) " - "z1(%x) z2(%x) state(%x)\n", - fifo, bzt->f1, bzt->f2, - le16_to_cpu(bzt->za[MAX_B_FRAMES].z1), - le16_to_cpu(bzt->za[MAX_B_FRAMES].z2), - fifo_state); + "z1(%x) z2(%x) state(%x)\n", + fifo, bzt->f1, bzt->f2, + le16_to_cpu(bzt->za[MAX_B_FRAMES].z1), + le16_to_cpu(bzt->za[MAX_B_FRAMES].z2), + fifo_state); bzt->f2 = MAX_B_FRAMES; bzt->f1 = bzt->f2; /* init F pointers to remain constant */ bzt->za[MAX_B_FRAMES].z1 = cpu_to_le16(B_FIFO_SIZE + B_SUB_VAL - 1); @@ -392,10 +392,10 @@ static void hfcpci_clear_fifo_tx(struct hfc_pci *hc, int fifo) Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_FIFO_EN, hc->hw.fifo_en); if (hc->bch[fifo].debug & DEBUG_HW_BCHANNEL) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "hfcpci_clear_fifo_tx%d f1(%x) f2(%x) z1(%x) z2(%x)\n", - fifo, bzt->f1, bzt->f2, - le16_to_cpu(bzt->za[MAX_B_FRAMES].z1), - le16_to_cpu(bzt->za[MAX_B_FRAMES].z2)); + "hfcpci_clear_fifo_tx%d f1(%x) f2(%x) z1(%x) z2(%x)\n", + fifo, bzt->f1, bzt->f2, + le16_to_cpu(bzt->za[MAX_B_FRAMES].z1), + le16_to_cpu(bzt->za[MAX_B_FRAMES].z2)); } /* @@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ static void hfcpci_clear_fifo_tx(struct hfc_pci *hc, int fifo) */ static void hfcpci_empty_bfifo(struct bchannel *bch, struct bzfifo *bz, - u_char *bdata, int count) + u_char *bdata, int count) { u_char *ptr, *ptr1, new_f2; int maxlen, new_z2; @@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ hfcpci_empty_bfifo(struct bchannel *bch, struct bzfifo *bz, (*(bdata + (le16_to_cpu(zp->z1) - B_SUB_VAL)))) { if (bch->debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "hfcpci_empty_fifo: incoming packet " - "invalid length %d or crc\n", count); + "invalid length %d or crc\n", count); #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC bch->err_inv++; #endif @@ -439,10 +439,10 @@ hfcpci_empty_bfifo(struct bchannel *bch, struct bzfifo *bz, maxlen = count; /* complete transfer */ else maxlen = B_FIFO_SIZE + B_SUB_VAL - - le16_to_cpu(zp->z2); /* maximum */ + le16_to_cpu(zp->z2); /* maximum */ ptr1 = bdata + (le16_to_cpu(zp->z2) - B_SUB_VAL); - /* start of data */ + /* start of data */ memcpy(ptr, ptr1, maxlen); /* copy data */ count -= maxlen; @@ -480,33 +480,33 @@ receive_dmsg(struct hfc_pci *hc) rcnt++; if (dch->debug & DEBUG_HW_DCHANNEL) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "hfcpci recd f1(%d) f2(%d) z1(%x) z2(%x) cnt(%d)\n", - df->f1, df->f2, - le16_to_cpu(zp->z1), - le16_to_cpu(zp->z2), - rcnt); + "hfcpci recd f1(%d) f2(%d) z1(%x) z2(%x) cnt(%d)\n", + df->f1, df->f2, + le16_to_cpu(zp->z1), + le16_to_cpu(zp->z2), + rcnt); if ((rcnt > MAX_DFRAME_LEN + 3) || (rcnt < 4) || (df->data[le16_to_cpu(zp->z1)])) { if (dch->debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "empty_fifo hfcpci paket inv. len " - "%d or crc %d\n", - rcnt, - df->data[le16_to_cpu(zp->z1)]); + "empty_fifo hfcpci paket inv. len " + "%d or crc %d\n", + rcnt, + df->data[le16_to_cpu(zp->z1)]); #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC cs->err_rx++; #endif df->f2 = ((df->f2 + 1) & MAX_D_FRAMES) | - (MAX_D_FRAMES + 1); /* next buffer */ + (MAX_D_FRAMES + 1); /* next buffer */ df->za[df->f2 & D_FREG_MASK].z2 = - cpu_to_le16((le16_to_cpu(zp->z2) + rcnt) & - (D_FIFO_SIZE - 1)); + cpu_to_le16((le16_to_cpu(zp->z2) + rcnt) & + (D_FIFO_SIZE - 1)); } else { dch->rx_skb = mI_alloc_skb(rcnt - 3, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!dch->rx_skb) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HFC-PCI: D receive out of memory\n"); + "HFC-PCI: D receive out of memory\n"); break; } total = rcnt; @@ -517,10 +517,10 @@ receive_dmsg(struct hfc_pci *hc) maxlen = rcnt; /* complete transfer */ else maxlen = D_FIFO_SIZE - le16_to_cpu(zp->z2); - /* maximum */ + /* maximum */ ptr1 = df->data + le16_to_cpu(zp->z2); - /* start of data */ + /* start of data */ memcpy(ptr, ptr1, maxlen); /* copy data */ rcnt -= maxlen; @@ -530,9 +530,9 @@ receive_dmsg(struct hfc_pci *hc) memcpy(ptr, ptr1, rcnt); /* rest */ } df->f2 = ((df->f2 + 1) & MAX_D_FRAMES) | - (MAX_D_FRAMES + 1); /* next buffer */ + (MAX_D_FRAMES + 1); /* next buffer */ df->za[df->f2 & D_FREG_MASK].z2 = cpu_to_le16(( - le16_to_cpu(zp->z2) + total) & (D_FIFO_SIZE - 1)); + le16_to_cpu(zp->z2) + total) & (D_FIFO_SIZE - 1)); recv_Dchannel(dch); } } @@ -544,9 +544,9 @@ receive_dmsg(struct hfc_pci *hc) */ static void hfcpci_empty_fifo_trans(struct bchannel *bch, struct bzfifo *rxbz, - struct bzfifo *txbz, u_char *bdata) + struct bzfifo *txbz, u_char *bdata) { - __le16 *z1r, *z2r, *z1t, *z2t; + __le16 *z1r, *z2r, *z1t, *z2t; int new_z2, fcnt_rx, fcnt_tx, maxlen; u_char *ptr, *ptr1; @@ -573,9 +573,9 @@ hfcpci_empty_fifo_trans(struct bchannel *bch, struct bzfifo *rxbz, fcnt_tx = le16_to_cpu(*z2t) - le16_to_cpu(*z1t); if (fcnt_tx <= 0) fcnt_tx += B_FIFO_SIZE; - /* fcnt_tx contains available bytes in tx-fifo */ + /* fcnt_tx contains available bytes in tx-fifo */ fcnt_tx = B_FIFO_SIZE - fcnt_tx; - /* remaining bytes to send (bytes in tx-fifo) */ + /* remaining bytes to send (bytes in tx-fifo) */ bch->rx_skb = mI_alloc_skb(fcnt_rx, GFP_ATOMIC); if (bch->rx_skb) { @@ -584,10 +584,10 @@ hfcpci_empty_fifo_trans(struct bchannel *bch, struct bzfifo *rxbz, maxlen = fcnt_rx; /* complete transfer */ else maxlen = B_FIFO_SIZE + B_SUB_VAL - le16_to_cpu(*z2r); - /* maximum */ + /* maximum */ ptr1 = bdata + (le16_to_cpu(*z2r) - B_SUB_VAL); - /* start of data */ + /* start of data */ memcpy(ptr, ptr1, maxlen); /* copy data */ fcnt_rx -= maxlen; @@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ main_rec_hfcpci(struct bchannel *bch) if (rxbz->f1 != rxbz->f2) { if (bch->debug & DEBUG_HW_BCHANNEL) printk(KERN_DEBUG "hfcpci rec ch(%x) f1(%d) f2(%d)\n", - bch->nr, rxbz->f1, rxbz->f2); + bch->nr, rxbz->f1, rxbz->f2); zp = &rxbz->za[rxbz->f2]; rcnt = le16_to_cpu(zp->z1) - le16_to_cpu(zp->z2); @@ -641,9 +641,9 @@ main_rec_hfcpci(struct bchannel *bch) rcnt++; if (bch->debug & DEBUG_HW_BCHANNEL) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "hfcpci rec ch(%x) z1(%x) z2(%x) cnt(%d)\n", - bch->nr, le16_to_cpu(zp->z1), - le16_to_cpu(zp->z2), rcnt); + "hfcpci rec ch(%x) z1(%x) z2(%x) cnt(%d)\n", + bch->nr, le16_to_cpu(zp->z1), + le16_to_cpu(zp->z2), rcnt); hfcpci_empty_bfifo(bch, rxbz, bdata, rcnt); rcnt = rxbz->f1 - rxbz->f2; if (rcnt < 0) @@ -691,15 +691,15 @@ hfcpci_fill_dfifo(struct hfc_pci *hc) if (dch->debug & DEBUG_HW_DFIFO) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s:f1(%d) f2(%d) z1(f1)(%x)\n", __func__, - df->f1, df->f2, - le16_to_cpu(df->za[df->f1 & D_FREG_MASK].z1)); + df->f1, df->f2, + le16_to_cpu(df->za[df->f1 & D_FREG_MASK].z1)); fcnt = df->f1 - df->f2; /* frame count actually buffered */ if (fcnt < 0) fcnt += (MAX_D_FRAMES + 1); /* if wrap around */ if (fcnt > (MAX_D_FRAMES - 1)) { if (dch->debug & DEBUG_HW_DCHANNEL) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "hfcpci_fill_Dfifo more as 14 frames\n"); + "hfcpci_fill_Dfifo more as 14 frames\n"); #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC cs->err_tx++; #endif @@ -707,25 +707,25 @@ hfcpci_fill_dfifo(struct hfc_pci *hc) } /* now determine free bytes in FIFO buffer */ maxlen = le16_to_cpu(df->za[df->f2 & D_FREG_MASK].z2) - - le16_to_cpu(df->za[df->f1 & D_FREG_MASK].z1) - 1; + le16_to_cpu(df->za[df->f1 & D_FREG_MASK].z1) - 1; if (maxlen <= 0) maxlen += D_FIFO_SIZE; /* count now contains available bytes */ if (dch->debug & DEBUG_HW_DCHANNEL) printk(KERN_DEBUG "hfcpci_fill_Dfifo count(%d/%d)\n", - count, maxlen); + count, maxlen); if (count > maxlen) { if (dch->debug & DEBUG_HW_DCHANNEL) printk(KERN_DEBUG "hfcpci_fill_Dfifo no fifo mem\n"); return; } new_z1 = (le16_to_cpu(df->za[df->f1 & D_FREG_MASK].z1) + count) & - (D_FIFO_SIZE - 1); + (D_FIFO_SIZE - 1); new_f1 = ((df->f1 + 1) & D_FREG_MASK) | (D_FREG_MASK + 1); src = dch->tx_skb->data + dch->tx_idx; /* source pointer */ dst = df->data + le16_to_cpu(df->za[df->f1 & D_FREG_MASK].z1); maxlen = D_FIFO_SIZE - le16_to_cpu(df->za[df->f1 & D_FREG_MASK].z1); - /* end fifo */ + /* end fifo */ if (maxlen > count) maxlen = count; /* limit size */ memcpy(dst, src, maxlen); /* first copy */ @@ -737,9 +737,9 @@ hfcpci_fill_dfifo(struct hfc_pci *hc) memcpy(dst, src, count); } df->za[new_f1 & D_FREG_MASK].z1 = cpu_to_le16(new_z1); - /* for next buffer */ + /* for next buffer */ df->za[df->f1 & D_FREG_MASK].z1 = cpu_to_le16(new_z1); - /* new pos actual buffer */ + /* new pos actual buffer */ df->f1 = new_f1; /* next frame */ dch->tx_idx = dch->tx_skb->len; } @@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ hfcpci_fill_dfifo(struct hfc_pci *hc) static void hfcpci_fill_fifo(struct bchannel *bch) { - struct hfc_pci *hc = bch->hw; + struct hfc_pci *hc = bch->hw; int maxlen, fcnt; int count, new_z1; struct bzfifo *bz; @@ -776,35 +776,35 @@ hfcpci_fill_fifo(struct bchannel *bch) z2t = z1t + 1; if (bch->debug & DEBUG_HW_BCHANNEL) printk(KERN_DEBUG "hfcpci_fill_fifo_trans ch(%x) " - "cnt(%d) z1(%x) z2(%x)\n", bch->nr, count, - le16_to_cpu(*z1t), le16_to_cpu(*z2t)); + "cnt(%d) z1(%x) z2(%x)\n", bch->nr, count, + le16_to_cpu(*z1t), le16_to_cpu(*z2t)); fcnt = le16_to_cpu(*z2t) - le16_to_cpu(*z1t); if (fcnt <= 0) fcnt += B_FIFO_SIZE; - /* fcnt contains available bytes in fifo */ + /* fcnt contains available bytes in fifo */ fcnt = B_FIFO_SIZE - fcnt; - /* remaining bytes to send (bytes in fifo) */ + /* remaining bytes to send (bytes in fifo) */ /* "fill fifo if empty" feature */ if (test_bit(FLG_FILLEMPTY, &bch->Flags) && !fcnt) { /* printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: buffer empty, so we have " - "underrun\n", __func__); */ + "underrun\n", __func__); */ /* fill buffer, to prevent future underrun */ count = HFCPCI_FILLEMPTY; new_z1 = le16_to_cpu(*z1t) + count; - /* new buffer Position */ + /* new buffer Position */ if (new_z1 >= (B_FIFO_SIZE + B_SUB_VAL)) new_z1 -= B_FIFO_SIZE; /* buffer wrap */ dst = bdata + (le16_to_cpu(*z1t) - B_SUB_VAL); maxlen = (B_FIFO_SIZE + B_SUB_VAL) - le16_to_cpu(*z1t); - /* end of fifo */ + /* end of fifo */ if (bch->debug & DEBUG_HW_BFIFO) printk(KERN_DEBUG "hfcpci_FFt fillempty " - "fcnt(%d) maxl(%d) nz1(%x) dst(%p)\n", - fcnt, maxlen, new_z1, dst); + "fcnt(%d) maxl(%d) nz1(%x) dst(%p)\n", + fcnt, maxlen, new_z1, dst); fcnt += count; if (maxlen > count) - maxlen = count; /* limit size */ + maxlen = count; /* limit size */ memset(dst, 0x2a, maxlen); /* first copy */ count -= maxlen; /* remaining bytes */ if (count) { @@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ hfcpci_fill_fifo(struct bchannel *bch) *z1t = cpu_to_le16(new_z1); /* now send data */ } -next_t_frame: + next_t_frame: count = bch->tx_skb->len - bch->tx_idx; /* maximum fill shall be poll*2 */ if (count > (poll << 1) - fcnt) @@ -823,18 +823,18 @@ hfcpci_fill_fifo(struct bchannel *bch) return; /* data is suitable for fifo */ new_z1 = le16_to_cpu(*z1t) + count; - /* new buffer Position */ + /* new buffer Position */ if (new_z1 >= (B_FIFO_SIZE + B_SUB_VAL)) new_z1 -= B_FIFO_SIZE; /* buffer wrap */ src = bch->tx_skb->data + bch->tx_idx; - /* source pointer */ + /* source pointer */ dst = bdata + (le16_to_cpu(*z1t) - B_SUB_VAL); maxlen = (B_FIFO_SIZE + B_SUB_VAL) - le16_to_cpu(*z1t); - /* end of fifo */ + /* end of fifo */ if (bch->debug & DEBUG_HW_BFIFO) printk(KERN_DEBUG "hfcpci_FFt fcnt(%d) " - "maxl(%d) nz1(%x) dst(%p)\n", - fcnt, maxlen, new_z1, dst); + "maxl(%d) nz1(%x) dst(%p)\n", + fcnt, maxlen, new_z1, dst); fcnt += count; bch->tx_idx += count; if (maxlen > count) @@ -859,27 +859,27 @@ hfcpci_fill_fifo(struct bchannel *bch) } if (bch->debug & DEBUG_HW_BCHANNEL) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: ch(%x) f1(%d) f2(%d) z1(f1)(%x)\n", - __func__, bch->nr, bz->f1, bz->f2, - bz->za[bz->f1].z1); + "%s: ch(%x) f1(%d) f2(%d) z1(f1)(%x)\n", + __func__, bch->nr, bz->f1, bz->f2, + bz->za[bz->f1].z1); fcnt = bz->f1 - bz->f2; /* frame count actually buffered */ if (fcnt < 0) fcnt += (MAX_B_FRAMES + 1); /* if wrap around */ if (fcnt > (MAX_B_FRAMES - 1)) { if (bch->debug & DEBUG_HW_BCHANNEL) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "hfcpci_fill_Bfifo more as 14 frames\n"); + "hfcpci_fill_Bfifo more as 14 frames\n"); return; } /* now determine free bytes in FIFO buffer */ maxlen = le16_to_cpu(bz->za[bz->f2].z2) - - le16_to_cpu(bz->za[bz->f1].z1) - 1; + le16_to_cpu(bz->za[bz->f1].z1) - 1; if (maxlen <= 0) maxlen += B_FIFO_SIZE; /* count now contains available bytes */ if (bch->debug & DEBUG_HW_BCHANNEL) printk(KERN_DEBUG "hfcpci_fill_fifo ch(%x) count(%d/%d)\n", - bch->nr, count, maxlen); + bch->nr, count, maxlen); if (maxlen < count) { if (bch->debug & DEBUG_HW_BCHANNEL) @@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ hfcpci_fill_fifo(struct bchannel *bch) return; } new_z1 = le16_to_cpu(bz->za[bz->f1].z1) + count; - /* new buffer Position */ + /* new buffer Position */ if (new_z1 >= (B_FIFO_SIZE + B_SUB_VAL)) new_z1 -= B_FIFO_SIZE; /* buffer wrap */ @@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ hfcpci_fill_fifo(struct bchannel *bch) src = bch->tx_skb->data + bch->tx_idx; /* source pointer */ dst = bdata + (le16_to_cpu(bz->za[bz->f1].z1) - B_SUB_VAL); maxlen = (B_FIFO_SIZE + B_SUB_VAL) - le16_to_cpu(bz->za[bz->f1].z1); - /* end fifo */ + /* end fifo */ if (maxlen > count) maxlen = count; /* limit size */ memcpy(dst, src, maxlen); /* first copy */ @@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ ph_state_te(struct dchannel *dch) { if (dch->debug) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: TE newstate %x\n", - __func__, dch->state); + __func__, dch->state); switch (dch->state) { case 0: l1_event(dch->l1, HW_RESET_IND); @@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ handle_nt_timer3(struct dchannel *dch) { hc->hw.mst_m |= HFCPCI_MASTER; Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_MST_MODE, hc->hw.mst_m); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, - MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); + MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); } static void @@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ ph_state_nt(struct dchannel *dch) if (dch->debug) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: NT newstate %x\n", - __func__, dch->state); + __func__, dch->state); switch (dch->state) { case 2: if (hc->hw.nt_timer < 0) { @@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ ph_state_nt(struct dchannel *dch) hc->hw.ctmt &= ~HFCPCI_AUTO_TIMER; hc->hw.ctmt |= HFCPCI_TIM3_125; Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_CTMT, hc->hw.ctmt | - HFCPCI_CLTIMER); + HFCPCI_CLTIMER); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_HFC_TIMER_T3, &dch->Flags); test_and_set_bit(FLG_HFC_TIMER_T1, &dch->Flags); /* allow G2 -> G3 transition */ @@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ ph_state_nt(struct dchannel *dch) Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_MST_MODE, hc->hw.mst_m); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L2_ACTIVATED, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, PH_DEACTIVATE_IND, - MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); + MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); break; case 4: hc->hw.nt_timer = 0; @@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ ph_state_nt(struct dchannel *dch) case 3: if (!test_and_set_bit(FLG_HFC_TIMER_T3, &dch->Flags)) { if (!test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L2_ACTIVATED, - &dch->Flags)) { + &dch->Flags)) { handle_nt_timer3(dch); break; } @@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ ph_state_nt(struct dchannel *dch) hc->hw.ctmt &= ~HFCPCI_AUTO_TIMER; hc->hw.ctmt |= HFCPCI_TIM3_125; Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_CTMT, hc->hw.ctmt | - HFCPCI_CLTIMER); + HFCPCI_CLTIMER); } break; } @@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ hfc_l1callback(struct dchannel *dch, u_int cmd) hc->hw.mst_m |= HFCPCI_MASTER; Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_MST_MODE, hc->hw.mst_m); Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_STATES, HFCPCI_ACTIVATE | - HFCPCI_DO_ACTION); + HFCPCI_DO_ACTION); l1_event(dch->l1, HW_POWERUP_IND); break; case HW_DEACT_REQ: @@ -1107,17 +1107,17 @@ hfc_l1callback(struct dchannel *dch, u_int cmd) case PH_ACTIVATE_IND: test_and_set_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, cmd, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, - GFP_ATOMIC); + GFP_ATOMIC); break; case PH_DEACTIVATE_IND: test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, cmd, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, - GFP_ATOMIC); + GFP_ATOMIC); break; default: if (dch->debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: unknown command %x\n", - __func__, cmd); + __func__, cmd); return -1; } return 0; @@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@ hfcpci_int(int intno, void *dev_id) val = Read_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_INT_S1); if (hc->dch.debug & DEBUG_HW_DCHANNEL) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "HFC-PCI: stat(%02x) s1(%02x)\n", stat, val); + "HFC-PCI: stat(%02x) s1(%02x)\n", stat, val); } else { /* shared */ spin_unlock(&hc->lock); @@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@ hfcpci_int(int intno, void *dev_id) exval = Read_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_STATES) & 0xf; if (hc->dch.debug & DEBUG_HW_DCHANNEL) printk(KERN_DEBUG "ph_state chg %d->%d\n", - hc->dch.state, exval); + hc->dch.state, exval); hc->dch.state = exval; schedule_event(&hc->dch, FLG_PHCHANGE); val &= ~0x40; @@ -1198,7 +1198,7 @@ hfcpci_int(int intno, void *dev_id) val &= ~0x80; Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_CTMT, hc->hw.ctmt | HFCPCI_CLTIMER); } - if (val & 0x08) { /* B1 rx */ + if (val & 0x08) { /* B1 rx */ bch = Sel_BCS(hc, hc->hw.bswapped ? 2 : 1); if (bch) main_rec_hfcpci(bch); @@ -1257,22 +1257,22 @@ mode_hfcpci(struct bchannel *bch, int bc, int protocol) if (bch->debug & DEBUG_HW_BCHANNEL) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "HFCPCI bchannel protocol %x-->%x ch %x-->%x\n", - bch->state, protocol, bch->nr, bc); + "HFCPCI bchannel protocol %x-->%x ch %x-->%x\n", + bch->state, protocol, bch->nr, bc); fifo2 = bc; - pcm_mode = (bc>>24) & 0xff; + pcm_mode = (bc >> 24) & 0xff; if (pcm_mode) { /* PCM SLOT USE */ if (!test_bit(HFC_CFG_PCM, &hc->cfg)) printk(KERN_WARNING - "%s: pcm channel id without HFC_CFG_PCM\n", - __func__); - rx_slot = (bc>>8) & 0xff; - tx_slot = (bc>>16) & 0xff; + "%s: pcm channel id without HFC_CFG_PCM\n", + __func__); + rx_slot = (bc >> 8) & 0xff; + tx_slot = (bc >> 16) & 0xff; bc = bc & 0xff; } else if (test_bit(HFC_CFG_PCM, &hc->cfg) && (protocol > ISDN_P_NONE)) printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: no pcm channel id but HFC_CFG_PCM\n", - __func__); + __func__); if (hc->chanlimit > 1) { hc->hw.bswapped = 0; /* B1 and B2 normal mode */ hc->hw.sctrl_e &= ~0x80; @@ -1308,11 +1308,11 @@ mode_hfcpci(struct bchannel *bch, int bc, int protocol) if (fifo2 & 2) { hc->hw.fifo_en &= ~HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B2; hc->hw.int_m1 &= ~(HFCPCI_INTS_B2TRANS + - HFCPCI_INTS_B2REC); + HFCPCI_INTS_B2REC); } else { hc->hw.fifo_en &= ~HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B1; hc->hw.int_m1 &= ~(HFCPCI_INTS_B1TRANS + - HFCPCI_INTS_B1REC); + HFCPCI_INTS_B1REC); } #ifdef REVERSE_BITORDER if (bch->nr & 2) @@ -1347,14 +1347,14 @@ mode_hfcpci(struct bchannel *bch, int bc, int protocol) hc->hw.fifo_en |= HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B2; if (!tics) hc->hw.int_m1 |= (HFCPCI_INTS_B2TRANS + - HFCPCI_INTS_B2REC); + HFCPCI_INTS_B2REC); hc->hw.ctmt |= 2; hc->hw.conn &= ~0x18; } else { hc->hw.fifo_en |= HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B1; if (!tics) hc->hw.int_m1 |= (HFCPCI_INTS_B1TRANS + - HFCPCI_INTS_B1REC); + HFCPCI_INTS_B1REC); hc->hw.ctmt |= 1; hc->hw.conn &= ~0x03; } @@ -1376,14 +1376,14 @@ mode_hfcpci(struct bchannel *bch, int bc, int protocol) hc->hw.last_bfifo_cnt[1] = 0; hc->hw.fifo_en |= HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B2; hc->hw.int_m1 |= (HFCPCI_INTS_B2TRANS + - HFCPCI_INTS_B2REC); + HFCPCI_INTS_B2REC); hc->hw.ctmt &= ~2; hc->hw.conn &= ~0x18; } else { hc->hw.last_bfifo_cnt[0] = 0; hc->hw.fifo_en |= HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B1; hc->hw.int_m1 |= (HFCPCI_INTS_B1TRANS + - HFCPCI_INTS_B1REC); + HFCPCI_INTS_B1REC); hc->hw.ctmt &= ~1; hc->hw.conn &= ~0x03; } @@ -1395,7 +1395,7 @@ mode_hfcpci(struct bchannel *bch, int bc, int protocol) } if (test_bit(HFC_CFG_PCM, &hc->cfg)) { if ((protocol == ISDN_P_NONE) || - (protocol == -1)) { /* init case */ + (protocol == -1)) { /* init case */ rx_slot = 0; tx_slot = 0; } else { @@ -1411,18 +1411,18 @@ mode_hfcpci(struct bchannel *bch, int bc, int protocol) hc->hw.conn &= 0xc7; hc->hw.conn |= 0x08; printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Write_hfc: B2_SSL 0x%x\n", - __func__, tx_slot); + __func__, tx_slot); printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Write_hfc: B2_RSL 0x%x\n", - __func__, rx_slot); + __func__, rx_slot); Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_B2_SSL, tx_slot); Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_B2_RSL, rx_slot); } else { hc->hw.conn &= 0xf8; hc->hw.conn |= 0x01; printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Write_hfc: B1_SSL 0x%x\n", - __func__, tx_slot); + __func__, tx_slot); printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Write_hfc: B1_RSL 0x%x\n", - __func__, rx_slot); + __func__, rx_slot); Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_B1_SSL, tx_slot); Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_B1_RSL, rx_slot); } @@ -1447,12 +1447,12 @@ set_hfcpci_rxtest(struct bchannel *bch, int protocol, int chan) if (bch->debug & DEBUG_HW_BCHANNEL) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "HFCPCI bchannel test rx protocol %x-->%x ch %x-->%x\n", - bch->state, protocol, bch->nr, chan); + "HFCPCI bchannel test rx protocol %x-->%x ch %x-->%x\n", + bch->state, protocol, bch->nr, chan); if (bch->nr != chan) { printk(KERN_DEBUG - "HFCPCI rxtest wrong channel parameter %x/%x\n", - bch->nr, chan); + "HFCPCI rxtest wrong channel parameter %x/%x\n", + bch->nr, chan); return -EINVAL; } switch (protocol) { @@ -1543,7 +1543,7 @@ channel_bctrl(struct bchannel *bch, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) test_and_set_bit(FLG_FILLEMPTY, &bch->Flags); if (debug & DEBUG_HW_OPEN) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: FILL_EMPTY request (nr=%d " - "off=%d)\n", __func__, bch->nr, !!cq->p1); + "off=%d)\n", __func__, bch->nr, !!cq->p1); break; default: printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: unknown Op %x\n", __func__, cq->op); @@ -1593,7 +1593,7 @@ hfc_bctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) break; default: printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: unknown prim(%x)\n", - __func__, cmd); + __func__, cmd); } return ret; } @@ -1635,12 +1635,12 @@ hfcpci_l2l1D(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) if (test_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags)) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hc->lock, flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, - MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); + MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); break; } test_and_set_bit(FLG_L2_ACTIVATED, &dch->Flags); Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_STATES, HFCPCI_ACTIVATE | - HFCPCI_DO_ACTION | 1); + HFCPCI_DO_ACTION | 1); } else ret = l1_event(dch->l1, hh->prim); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hc->lock, flags); @@ -1718,12 +1718,12 @@ hfcpci_l2l1B(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hc->lock, flags); if (!ret) _queue_data(ch, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, - NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + NULL, GFP_KERNEL); break; case PH_DEACTIVATE_REQ: deactivate_bchannel(bch); _queue_data(ch, PH_DEACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, - NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + NULL, GFP_KERNEL); ret = 0; break; } @@ -1763,7 +1763,7 @@ init_card(struct hfc_pci *hc) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hc->lock, flags); if (request_irq(hc->irq, hfcpci_int, IRQF_SHARED, "HFC PCI", hc)) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "mISDN: couldn't get interrupt %d\n", hc->irq); + "mISDN: couldn't get interrupt %d\n", hc->irq); return -EIO; } spin_lock_irqsave(&hc->lock, flags); @@ -1779,9 +1779,9 @@ init_card(struct hfc_pci *hc) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hc->lock, flags); /* Timeout 80ms */ current->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE; - schedule_timeout((80*HZ)/1000); + schedule_timeout((80 * HZ) / 1000); printk(KERN_INFO "HFC PCI: IRQ %d count %d\n", - hc->irq, hc->irqcnt); + hc->irq, hc->irqcnt); /* now switch timer interrupt off */ spin_lock_irqsave(&hc->lock, flags); hc->hw.int_m1 &= ~HFCPCI_INTS_TIMER; @@ -1790,8 +1790,8 @@ init_card(struct hfc_pci *hc) Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_MST_MODE, hc->hw.mst_m); if (!hc->irqcnt) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HFC PCI: IRQ(%d) getting no interrupts " - "during init %d\n", hc->irq, 4 - cnt); + "HFC PCI: IRQ(%d) getting no interrupts " + "during init %d\n", hc->irq, 4 - cnt); if (cnt == 1) break; else { @@ -1819,7 +1819,7 @@ channel_ctrl(struct hfc_pci *hc, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) switch (cq->op) { case MISDN_CTRL_GETOP: cq->op = MISDN_CTRL_LOOP | MISDN_CTRL_CONNECT | - MISDN_CTRL_DISCONNECT; + MISDN_CTRL_DISCONNECT; break; case MISDN_CTRL_LOOP: /* channel 0 disabled loop */ @@ -1833,7 +1833,7 @@ channel_ctrl(struct hfc_pci *hc, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) else slot = 0x80; printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Write_hfc: B1_SSL/RSL 0x%x\n", - __func__, slot); + __func__, slot); Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_B1_SSL, slot); Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_B1_RSL, slot); hc->hw.conn = (hc->hw.conn & ~7) | 6; @@ -1845,7 +1845,7 @@ channel_ctrl(struct hfc_pci *hc, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) else slot = 0x81; printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Write_hfc: B2_SSL/RSL 0x%x\n", - __func__, slot); + __func__, slot); Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_B2_SSL, slot); Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_B2_RSL, slot); hc->hw.conn = (hc->hw.conn & ~0x38) | 0x30; @@ -1875,7 +1875,7 @@ channel_ctrl(struct hfc_pci *hc, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) else slot = 0x80; printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Write_hfc: B1_SSL/RSL 0x%x\n", - __func__, slot); + __func__, slot); Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_B1_SSL, slot); Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_B2_RSL, slot); if (test_bit(HFC_CFG_SW_DD_DU, &hc->cfg)) @@ -1883,7 +1883,7 @@ channel_ctrl(struct hfc_pci *hc, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) else slot = 0x81; printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Write_hfc: B2_SSL/RSL 0x%x\n", - __func__, slot); + __func__, slot); Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_B2_SSL, slot); Write_hfc(hc, HFCPCI_B1_RSL, slot); hc->hw.conn = (hc->hw.conn & ~0x3f) | 0x36; @@ -1898,7 +1898,7 @@ channel_ctrl(struct hfc_pci *hc, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) break; default: printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: unknown Op %x\n", - __func__, cq->op); + __func__, cq->op); ret = -EINVAL; break; } @@ -1907,13 +1907,13 @@ channel_ctrl(struct hfc_pci *hc, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) static int open_dchannel(struct hfc_pci *hc, struct mISDNchannel *ch, - struct channel_req *rq) + struct channel_req *rq) { int err = 0; if (debug & DEBUG_HW_OPEN) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: dev(%d) open from %p\n", __func__, - hc->dch.dev.id, __builtin_return_address(0)); + hc->dch.dev.id, __builtin_return_address(0)); if (rq->protocol == ISDN_P_NONE) return -EINVAL; if (rq->adr.channel == 1) { @@ -1949,7 +1949,7 @@ open_dchannel(struct hfc_pci *hc, struct mISDNchannel *ch, if (((ch->protocol == ISDN_P_NT_S0) && (hc->dch.state == 3)) || ((ch->protocol == ISDN_P_TE_S0) && (hc->dch.state == 7))) { _queue_data(ch, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, - 0, NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + 0, NULL, GFP_KERNEL); } rq->ch = ch; if (!try_module_get(THIS_MODULE)) @@ -1991,7 +1991,7 @@ hfc_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) if (dch->debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: cmd:%x %p\n", - __func__, cmd, arg); + __func__, cmd, arg); switch (cmd) { case OPEN_CHANNEL: rq = arg; @@ -2004,8 +2004,8 @@ hfc_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) case CLOSE_CHANNEL: if (debug & DEBUG_HW_OPEN) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: dev(%d) close from %p\n", - __func__, hc->dch.dev.id, - __builtin_return_address(0)); + __func__, hc->dch.dev.id, + __builtin_return_address(0)); module_put(THIS_MODULE); break; case CONTROL_CHANNEL: @@ -2014,7 +2014,7 @@ hfc_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) default: if (dch->debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: unknown command %x\n", - __func__, cmd); + __func__, cmd); return -EINVAL; } return err; @@ -2047,16 +2047,16 @@ setup_hw(struct hfc_pci *hc) /* We silently assume the address is okay if nonzero */ if (!buffer) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HFC-PCI: Error allocating memory for FIFO!\n"); + "HFC-PCI: Error allocating memory for FIFO!\n"); return 1; } hc->hw.fifos = buffer; pci_write_config_dword(hc->pdev, 0x80, hc->hw.dmahandle); hc->hw.pci_io = ioremap((ulong) hc->hw.pci_io, 256); printk(KERN_INFO - "HFC-PCI: defined at mem %#lx fifo %#lx(%#lx) IRQ %d HZ %d\n", - (u_long) hc->hw.pci_io, (u_long) hc->hw.fifos, - (u_long) hc->hw.dmahandle, hc->irq, HZ); + "HFC-PCI: defined at mem %#lx fifo %#lx(%#lx) IRQ %d HZ %d\n", + (u_long) hc->hw.pci_io, (u_long) hc->hw.fifos, + (u_long) hc->hw.dmahandle, hc->irq, HZ); /* enable memory mapped ports, disable busmaster */ pci_write_config_word(hc->pdev, PCI_COMMAND, PCI_ENA_MEMIO); hc->hw.int_m2 = 0; @@ -2113,7 +2113,7 @@ setup_card(struct hfc_pci *card) card->dch.hw = card; card->dch.dev.Dprotocols = (1 << ISDN_P_TE_S0) | (1 << ISDN_P_NT_S0); card->dch.dev.Bprotocols = (1 << (ISDN_P_B_RAW & ISDN_P_B_MASK)) | - (1 << (ISDN_P_B_HDLC & ISDN_P_B_MASK)); + (1 << (ISDN_P_B_HDLC & ISDN_P_B_MASK)); card->dch.dev.D.send = hfcpci_l2l1D; card->dch.dev.D.ctrl = hfc_dctrl; card->dch.dev.nrbchan = 2; @@ -2174,13 +2174,13 @@ static const struct _hfc_map hfc_map[] = {HFC_ANIGMA_MC145575, 0, "Motorola MC145575"}, {HFC_ZOLTRIX_2BD0, 0, "Zoltrix 2BD0"}, {HFC_DIGI_DF_M_IOM2_E, 0, - "Digi International DataFire Micro V IOM2 (Europe)"}, + "Digi International DataFire Micro V IOM2 (Europe)"}, {HFC_DIGI_DF_M_E, 0, - "Digi International DataFire Micro V (Europe)"}, + "Digi International DataFire Micro V (Europe)"}, {HFC_DIGI_DF_M_IOM2_A, 0, - "Digi International DataFire Micro V IOM2 (North America)"}, + "Digi International DataFire Micro V IOM2 (North America)"}, {HFC_DIGI_DF_M_A, 0, - "Digi International DataFire Micro V (North America)"}, + "Digi International DataFire Micro V (North America)"}, {HFC_SITECOM_DC105V2, 0, "Sitecom Connectivity DC-105 ISDN TA"}, {}, }; @@ -2188,51 +2188,51 @@ static const struct _hfc_map hfc_map[] = static struct pci_device_id hfc_ids[] = { { PCI_VDEVICE(CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_2BD0), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[0] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[0] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_B000), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[1] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[1] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_B006), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[2] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[2] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_B007), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[3] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[3] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_B008), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[4] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[4] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_B009), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[5] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[5] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_B00A), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[6] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[6] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_B00B), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[7] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[7] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_B00C), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[8] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[8] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_B100), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[9] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[9] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_B700), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[10] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[10] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_B701), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[11] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[11] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(ABOCOM, PCI_DEVICE_ID_ABOCOM_2BD1), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[12] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[12] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(ASUSTEK, PCI_DEVICE_ID_ASUSTEK_0675), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[13] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[13] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(BERKOM, PCI_DEVICE_ID_BERKOM_T_CONCEPT), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[14] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[14] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(BERKOM, PCI_DEVICE_ID_BERKOM_A1T), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[15] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[15] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(ANIGMA, PCI_DEVICE_ID_ANIGMA_MC145575), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[16] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[16] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(ZOLTRIX, PCI_DEVICE_ID_ZOLTRIX_2BD0), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[17] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[17] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(DIGI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGI_DF_M_IOM2_E), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[18] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[18] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(DIGI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGI_DF_M_E), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[19] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[19] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(DIGI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGI_DF_M_IOM2_A), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[20] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[20] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(DIGI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGI_DF_M_A), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[21] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[21] }, { PCI_VDEVICE(SITECOM, PCI_DEVICE_ID_SITECOM_DC105V2), - (unsigned long) &hfc_map[22] }, + (unsigned long) &hfc_map[22] }, {}, }; @@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@ hfc_remove_pci(struct pci_dev *pdev) else if (debug) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: drvdata already removed\n", - __func__); + __func__); } @@ -2317,7 +2317,7 @@ static void hfcpci_softirq(void *arg) { (void) driver_for_each_device(&hfc_driver.driver, NULL, arg, - _hfcpci_softirq); + _hfcpci_softirq); /* if next event would be in the past ... */ if ((s32)(hfc_jiffies + tics - jiffies) <= 0) @@ -2343,14 +2343,14 @@ HFC_init(void) poll = (tics * 8000) / HZ; if (poll > 256 || poll < 8) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Wrong poll value %d not in range " - "of 8..256.\n", __func__, poll); + "of 8..256.\n", __func__, poll); err = -EINVAL; return err; } } if (poll != HFCPCI_BTRANS_THRESHOLD) { printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Using alternative poll value of %d\n", - __func__, poll); + __func__, poll); hfc_tl.function = (void *)hfcpci_softirq; hfc_tl.data = 0; init_timer(&hfc_tl); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfcsusb.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfcsusb.c index 0e1f4d5b97749493efee0a467e9a8583647d787f..602338734634e184f50d8952911fa1d68d1cb9fd 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfcsusb.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfcsusb.c @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ * poll=, default 128 * n : burst size of PH_DATA_IND at transparent rx data * + * Revision: 0.3.3 (socket), 2008-11-05 */ #include @@ -36,8 +37,6 @@ #include #include "hfcsusb.h" -static const char *hfcsusb_rev = "Revision: 0.3.3 (socket), 2008-11-05"; - static unsigned int debug; static int poll = DEFAULT_TRANSP_BURST_SZ; @@ -76,9 +75,9 @@ ctrl_start_transfer(struct hfcsusb *hw) hw->ctrl_urb->transfer_buffer = NULL; hw->ctrl_urb->transfer_buffer_length = 0; hw->ctrl_write.wIndex = - cpu_to_le16(hw->ctrl_buff[hw->ctrl_out_idx].hfcs_reg); + cpu_to_le16(hw->ctrl_buff[hw->ctrl_out_idx].hfcs_reg); hw->ctrl_write.wValue = - cpu_to_le16(hw->ctrl_buff[hw->ctrl_out_idx].reg_val); + cpu_to_le16(hw->ctrl_buff[hw->ctrl_out_idx].reg_val); usb_submit_urb(hw->ctrl_urb, GFP_ATOMIC); } @@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ static int write_reg(struct hfcsusb *hw, __u8 reg, __u8 val) if (debug & DBG_HFC_CALL_TRACE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s reg(0x%02x) val(0x%02x)\n", - hw->name, __func__, reg, val); + hw->name, __func__, reg, val); spin_lock(&hw->ctrl_lock); if (hw->ctrl_cnt >= HFC_CTRL_BUFSIZE) { @@ -197,8 +196,8 @@ handle_led(struct hfcsusb *hw, int event) if (hw->led_state != tmpled) { if (debug & DBG_HFC_CALL_TRACE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s reg(0x%02x) val(x%02x)\n", - hw->name, __func__, - HFCUSB_P_DATA, hw->led_state); + hw->name, __func__, + HFCUSB_P_DATA, hw->led_state); write_reg(hw, HFCUSB_P_DATA, hw->led_state); } @@ -226,7 +225,7 @@ hfcusb_l2l1B(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hw->lock, flags); if (debug & DBG_HFC_CALL_TRACE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s PH_DATA_REQ ret(%i)\n", - hw->name, __func__, ret); + hw->name, __func__, ret); if (ret > 0) { /* * other l1 drivers don't send early confirms on @@ -245,12 +244,12 @@ hfcusb_l2l1B(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) ret = 0; if (!ret) _queue_data(ch, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, - 0, NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + 0, NULL, GFP_KERNEL); break; case PH_DEACTIVATE_REQ: deactivate_bchannel(bch); _queue_data(ch, PH_DEACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, - 0, NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + 0, NULL, GFP_KERNEL); ret = 0; break; } @@ -271,7 +270,7 @@ hfcsusb_ph_info(struct hfcsusb *hw) int i; phi = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ph_info) + - dch->dev.nrbchan * sizeof(struct ph_info_ch), GFP_ATOMIC); + dch->dev.nrbchan * sizeof(struct ph_info_ch), GFP_ATOMIC); phi->dch.ch.protocol = hw->protocol; phi->dch.ch.Flags = dch->Flags; phi->dch.state = dch->state; @@ -281,8 +280,8 @@ hfcsusb_ph_info(struct hfcsusb *hw) phi->bch[i].Flags = hw->bch[i].Flags; } _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, MPH_INFORMATION_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, - sizeof(struct ph_info_dch) + dch->dev.nrbchan * - sizeof(struct ph_info_ch), phi, GFP_ATOMIC); + sizeof(struct ph_info_dch) + dch->dev.nrbchan * + sizeof(struct ph_info_ch), phi, GFP_ATOMIC); kfree(phi); } @@ -303,7 +302,7 @@ hfcusb_l2l1D(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) case PH_DATA_REQ: if (debug & DBG_HFC_CALL_TRACE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: PH_DATA_REQ\n", - hw->name, __func__); + hw->name, __func__); spin_lock_irqsave(&hw->lock, flags); ret = dchannel_senddata(dch, skb); @@ -317,20 +316,20 @@ hfcusb_l2l1D(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) case PH_ACTIVATE_REQ: if (debug & DBG_HFC_CALL_TRACE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: PH_ACTIVATE_REQ %s\n", - hw->name, __func__, - (hw->protocol == ISDN_P_NT_S0) ? "NT" : "TE"); + hw->name, __func__, + (hw->protocol == ISDN_P_NT_S0) ? "NT" : "TE"); if (hw->protocol == ISDN_P_NT_S0) { ret = 0; if (test_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags)) { _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, - PH_ACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, - NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); + PH_ACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, + NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); } else { hfcsusb_ph_command(hw, - HFC_L1_ACTIVATE_NT); + HFC_L1_ACTIVATE_NT); test_and_set_bit(FLG_L2_ACTIVATED, - &dch->Flags); + &dch->Flags); } } else { hfcsusb_ph_command(hw, HFC_L1_ACTIVATE_TE); @@ -341,7 +340,7 @@ hfcusb_l2l1D(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) case PH_DEACTIVATE_REQ: if (debug & DBG_HFC_CALL_TRACE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: PH_DEACTIVATE_REQ\n", - hw->name, __func__); + hw->name, __func__); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L2_ACTIVATED, &dch->Flags); if (hw->protocol == ISDN_P_NT_S0) { @@ -386,7 +385,7 @@ hfc_l1callback(struct dchannel *dch, u_int cmd) if (debug & DBG_HFC_CALL_TRACE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s cmd 0x%x\n", - hw->name, __func__, cmd); + hw->name, __func__, cmd); switch (cmd) { case INFO3_P8: @@ -411,17 +410,17 @@ hfc_l1callback(struct dchannel *dch, u_int cmd) case PH_ACTIVATE_IND: test_and_set_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, cmd, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, - GFP_ATOMIC); + GFP_ATOMIC); break; case PH_DEACTIVATE_IND: test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, cmd, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, - GFP_ATOMIC); + GFP_ATOMIC); break; default: if (dch->debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: unknown cmd %x\n", - hw->name, __func__, cmd); + hw->name, __func__, cmd); return -1; } hfcsusb_ph_info(hw); @@ -430,14 +429,14 @@ hfc_l1callback(struct dchannel *dch, u_int cmd) static int open_dchannel(struct hfcsusb *hw, struct mISDNchannel *ch, - struct channel_req *rq) + struct channel_req *rq) { int err = 0; if (debug & DEBUG_HW_OPEN) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: dev(%d) open addr(%i) from %p\n", - hw->name, __func__, hw->dch.dev.id, rq->adr.channel, - __builtin_return_address(0)); + hw->name, __func__, hw->dch.dev.id, rq->adr.channel, + __builtin_return_address(0)); if (rq->protocol == ISDN_P_NONE) return -EINVAL; @@ -451,7 +450,7 @@ open_dchannel(struct hfcsusb *hw, struct mISDNchannel *ch, hfcsusb_start_endpoint(hw, HFC_CHAN_E); set_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &hw->ech.Flags); _queue_data(&hw->ech.dev.D, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, - MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); + MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); } else return -EINVAL; } @@ -474,11 +473,11 @@ open_dchannel(struct hfcsusb *hw, struct mISDNchannel *ch, if (((ch->protocol == ISDN_P_NT_S0) && (hw->dch.state == 3)) || ((ch->protocol == ISDN_P_TE_S0) && (hw->dch.state == 7))) _queue_data(ch, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, - 0, NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + 0, NULL, GFP_KERNEL); rq->ch = ch; if (!try_module_get(THIS_MODULE)) printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: %s: cannot get module\n", - hw->name, __func__); + hw->name, __func__); return 0; } @@ -494,7 +493,7 @@ open_bchannel(struct hfcsusb *hw, struct channel_req *rq) if (debug & DBG_HFC_CALL_TRACE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s B%i\n", - hw->name, __func__, rq->adr.channel); + hw->name, __func__, rq->adr.channel); bch = &hw->bch[rq->adr.channel - 1]; if (test_and_set_bit(FLG_OPEN, &bch->Flags)) @@ -511,7 +510,7 @@ open_bchannel(struct hfcsusb *hw, struct channel_req *rq) if (!try_module_get(THIS_MODULE)) printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: %s:cannot get module\n", - hw->name, __func__); + hw->name, __func__); return 0; } @@ -522,16 +521,16 @@ channel_ctrl(struct hfcsusb *hw, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) if (debug & DBG_HFC_CALL_TRACE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s op(0x%x) channel(0x%x)\n", - hw->name, __func__, (cq->op), (cq->channel)); + hw->name, __func__, (cq->op), (cq->channel)); switch (cq->op) { case MISDN_CTRL_GETOP: cq->op = MISDN_CTRL_LOOP | MISDN_CTRL_CONNECT | - MISDN_CTRL_DISCONNECT; + MISDN_CTRL_DISCONNECT; break; default: printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: %s: unknown Op %x\n", - hw->name, __func__, cq->op); + hw->name, __func__, cq->op); ret = -EINVAL; break; } @@ -552,7 +551,7 @@ hfc_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) if (dch->debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: cmd:%x %p\n", - hw->name, __func__, cmd, arg); + hw->name, __func__, cmd, arg); switch (cmd) { case OPEN_CHANNEL: rq = arg; @@ -568,9 +567,9 @@ hfc_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) hw->open--; if (debug & DEBUG_HW_OPEN) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: %s: dev(%d) close from %p (open %d)\n", - hw->name, __func__, hw->dch.dev.id, - __builtin_return_address(0), hw->open); + "%s: %s: dev(%d) close from %p (open %d)\n", + hw->name, __func__, hw->dch.dev.id, + __builtin_return_address(0), hw->open); if (!hw->open) { hfcsusb_stop_endpoint(hw, HFC_CHAN_D); if (hw->fifos[HFCUSB_PCM_RX].pipe) @@ -585,7 +584,7 @@ hfc_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) default: if (dch->debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: unknown command %x\n", - hw->name, __func__, cmd); + hw->name, __func__, cmd); return -EINVAL; } return err; @@ -602,10 +601,10 @@ ph_state_te(struct dchannel *dch) if (debug & DEBUG_HW) { if (dch->state <= HFC_MAX_TE_LAYER1_STATE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: %s\n", hw->name, __func__, - HFC_TE_LAYER1_STATES[dch->state]); + HFC_TE_LAYER1_STATES[dch->state]); else printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: TE F%d\n", - hw->name, __func__, dch->state); + hw->name, __func__, dch->state); } switch (dch->state) { @@ -643,12 +642,12 @@ ph_state_nt(struct dchannel *dch) if (debug & DEBUG_HW) { if (dch->state <= HFC_MAX_NT_LAYER1_STATE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: %s\n", - hw->name, __func__, - HFC_NT_LAYER1_STATES[dch->state]); + hw->name, __func__, + HFC_NT_LAYER1_STATES[dch->state]); else printk(KERN_INFO DRIVER_NAME "%s: %s: NT G%d\n", - hw->name, __func__, dch->state); + hw->name, __func__, dch->state); } switch (dch->state) { @@ -677,7 +676,7 @@ ph_state_nt(struct dchannel *dch) hw->timers &= ~NT_ACTIVATION_TIMER; test_and_set_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, - MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); + MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); handle_led(hw, LED_S0_ON); break; case (4): @@ -712,8 +711,8 @@ hfcsusb_setup_bch(struct bchannel *bch, int protocol) if (debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: protocol %x-->%x B%d\n", - hw->name, __func__, bch->state, protocol, - bch->nr); + hw->name, __func__, bch->state, protocol, + bch->nr); /* setup val for CON_HDLC */ conhdlc = 0; @@ -743,7 +742,7 @@ hfcsusb_setup_bch(struct bchannel *bch, int protocol) default: if (debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: prot not known %x\n", - hw->name, __func__, protocol); + hw->name, __func__, protocol); return -ENOPROTOOPT; } @@ -772,7 +771,7 @@ hfcsusb_setup_bch(struct bchannel *bch, int protocol) handle_led(hw, (bch->nr == 1) ? LED_B1_ON : LED_B2_ON); else handle_led(hw, (bch->nr == 1) ? LED_B1_OFF : - LED_B2_OFF); + LED_B2_OFF); } hfcsusb_ph_info(hw); return 0; @@ -783,7 +782,7 @@ hfcsusb_ph_command(struct hfcsusb *hw, u_char command) { if (debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: %x\n", - hw->name, __func__, command); + hw->name, __func__, command); switch (command) { case HFC_L1_ACTIVATE_TE: @@ -801,15 +800,15 @@ hfcsusb_ph_command(struct hfcsusb *hw, u_char command) case HFC_L1_ACTIVATE_NT: if (hw->dch.state == 3) _queue_data(&hw->dch.dev.D, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, - MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); + MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); else write_reg(hw, HFCUSB_STATES, HFCUSB_ACTIVATE | - HFCUSB_DO_ACTION | HFCUSB_NT_G2_G3); + HFCUSB_DO_ACTION | HFCUSB_NT_G2_G3); break; case HFC_L1_DEACTIVATE_NT: write_reg(hw, HFCUSB_STATES, - HFCUSB_DO_ACTION); + HFCUSB_DO_ACTION); break; } } @@ -830,7 +829,7 @@ channel_bctrl(struct bchannel *bch, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) test_and_set_bit(FLG_FILLEMPTY, &bch->Flags); if (debug & DEBUG_HW_OPEN) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: FILL_EMPTY request (nr=%d " - "off=%d)\n", __func__, bch->nr, !!cq->p1); + "off=%d)\n", __func__, bch->nr, !!cq->p1); break; default: printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: unknown Op %x\n", __func__, cq->op); @@ -843,7 +842,7 @@ channel_bctrl(struct bchannel *bch, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) /* collect data from incoming interrupt or isochron USB data */ static void hfcsusb_rx_frame(struct usb_fifo *fifo, __u8 *data, unsigned int len, - int finish) + int finish) { struct hfcsusb *hw = fifo->hw; struct sk_buff *rx_skb = NULL; @@ -854,9 +853,9 @@ hfcsusb_rx_frame(struct usb_fifo *fifo, __u8 *data, unsigned int len, if (debug & DBG_HFC_CALL_TRACE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: fifo(%i) len(%i) " - "dch(%p) bch(%p) ech(%p)\n", - hw->name, __func__, fifon, len, - fifo->dch, fifo->bch, fifo->ech); + "dch(%p) bch(%p) ech(%p)\n", + hw->name, __func__, fifon, len, + fifo->dch, fifo->bch, fifo->ech); if (!len) return; @@ -896,7 +895,7 @@ hfcsusb_rx_frame(struct usb_fifo *fifo, __u8 *data, unsigned int len, skb_trim(rx_skb, 0); } else { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: No mem for rx_skb\n", - hw->name, __func__); + hw->name, __func__); spin_unlock(&hw->lock); return; } @@ -906,8 +905,8 @@ hfcsusb_rx_frame(struct usb_fifo *fifo, __u8 *data, unsigned int len, /* D/E-Channel SKB range check */ if ((rx_skb->len + len) >= MAX_DFRAME_LEN_L1) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: sbk mem exceeded " - "for fifo(%d) HFCUSB_D_RX\n", - hw->name, __func__, fifon); + "for fifo(%d) HFCUSB_D_RX\n", + hw->name, __func__, fifon); skb_trim(rx_skb, 0); spin_unlock(&hw->lock); return; @@ -916,8 +915,8 @@ hfcsusb_rx_frame(struct usb_fifo *fifo, __u8 *data, unsigned int len, /* B-Channel SKB range check */ if ((rx_skb->len + len) >= (MAX_BCH_SIZE + 3)) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: sbk mem exceeded " - "for fifo(%d) HFCUSB_B_RX\n", - hw->name, __func__, fifon); + "for fifo(%d) HFCUSB_B_RX\n", + hw->name, __func__, fifon); skb_trim(rx_skb, 0); spin_unlock(&hw->lock); return; @@ -930,16 +929,16 @@ hfcsusb_rx_frame(struct usb_fifo *fifo, __u8 *data, unsigned int len, /* we have a complete hdlc packet */ if (finish) { if ((rx_skb->len > 3) && - (!(rx_skb->data[rx_skb->len - 1]))) { + (!(rx_skb->data[rx_skb->len - 1]))) { if (debug & DBG_HFC_FIFO_VERBOSE) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: fifon(%i)" - " new RX len(%i): ", - hw->name, __func__, fifon, - rx_skb->len); + " new RX len(%i): ", + hw->name, __func__, fifon, + rx_skb->len); i = 0; while (i < rx_skb->len) printk("%02x ", - rx_skb->data[i++]); + rx_skb->data[i++]); printk("\n"); } @@ -952,17 +951,17 @@ hfcsusb_rx_frame(struct usb_fifo *fifo, __u8 *data, unsigned int len, recv_Bchannel(fifo->bch, MISDN_ID_ANY); if (fifo->ech) recv_Echannel(fifo->ech, - &hw->dch); + &hw->dch); } else { if (debug & DBG_HFC_FIFO_VERBOSE) { printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: CRC or minlen ERROR fifon(%i) " - "RX len(%i): ", - hw->name, fifon, rx_skb->len); + "%s: CRC or minlen ERROR fifon(%i) " + "RX len(%i): ", + hw->name, fifon, rx_skb->len); i = 0; while (i < rx_skb->len) printk("%02x ", - rx_skb->data[i++]); + rx_skb->data[i++]); printk("\n"); } skb_trim(rx_skb, 0); @@ -984,7 +983,7 @@ fill_isoc_urb(struct urb *urb, struct usb_device *dev, unsigned int pipe, int k; usb_fill_bulk_urb(urb, dev, pipe, buf, packet_size * num_packets, - complete, context); + complete, context); urb->number_of_packets = num_packets; urb->transfer_flags = URB_ISO_ASAP; @@ -1006,7 +1005,7 @@ rx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) struct usb_fifo *fifo = context_iso_urb->owner_fifo; struct hfcsusb *hw = fifo->hw; int k, len, errcode, offset, num_isoc_packets, fifon, maxlen, - status, iso_status, i; + status, iso_status, i; __u8 *buf; static __u8 eof[8]; __u8 s0_state; @@ -1030,8 +1029,8 @@ rx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) if (status == -EXDEV) { if (debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: with -EXDEV " - "urb->status %d, fifonum %d\n", - hw->name, __func__, status, fifon); + "urb->status %d, fifonum %d\n", + hw->name, __func__, status, fifon); /* clear status, so go on with ISO transfers */ status = 0; @@ -1050,18 +1049,18 @@ rx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) if (iso_status && (debug & DBG_HFC_FIFO_VERBOSE)) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: " - "ISO packet %i, status: %i\n", - hw->name, __func__, k, iso_status); + "ISO packet %i, status: %i\n", + hw->name, __func__, k, iso_status); } /* USB data log for every D ISO in */ if ((fifon == HFCUSB_D_RX) && (debug & DBG_HFC_USB_VERBOSE)) { printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: %s: %d (%d/%d) len(%d) ", - hw->name, __func__, urb->start_frame, - k, num_isoc_packets-1, - len); + "%s: %s: %d (%d/%d) len(%d) ", + hw->name, __func__, urb->start_frame, + k, num_isoc_packets - 1, + len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) printk("%x ", buf[i]); printk("\n"); @@ -1082,12 +1081,12 @@ rx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) eof[fifon] = buf[0] & 1; if (len > 2) hfcsusb_rx_frame(fifo, buf + 2, - len - 2, (len < maxlen) - ? eof[fifon] : 0); + len - 2, (len < maxlen) + ? eof[fifon] : 0); } else hfcsusb_rx_frame(fifo, buf, len, - (len < maxlen) ? - eof[fifon] : 0); + (len < maxlen) ? + eof[fifon] : 0); fifo->last_urblen = len; } } @@ -1107,14 +1106,14 @@ rx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) if (errcode < 0) { if (debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: error submitting " - "ISO URB: %d\n", - hw->name, __func__, errcode); + "ISO URB: %d\n", + hw->name, __func__, errcode); } } else { if (status && (debug & DBG_HFC_URB_INFO)) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: rx_iso_complete : " - "urb->status %d, fifonum %d\n", - hw->name, __func__, status, fifon); + "urb->status %d, fifonum %d\n", + hw->name, __func__, status, fifon); } } @@ -1141,8 +1140,8 @@ rx_int_complete(struct urb *urb) if ((!fifo->active) || (urb->status)) { if (debug & DBG_HFC_URB_ERROR) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: %s: RX-Fifo %i is going down (%i)\n", - hw->name, __func__, fifon, urb->status); + "%s: %s: RX-Fifo %i is going down (%i)\n", + hw->name, __func__, fifon, urb->status); fifo->urb->interval = 0; /* cancel automatic rescheduling */ return; @@ -1154,7 +1153,7 @@ rx_int_complete(struct urb *urb) /* USB data log for every D INT in */ if ((fifon == HFCUSB_D_RX) && (debug & DBG_HFC_USB_VERBOSE)) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: D RX INT len(%d) ", - hw->name, __func__, len); + hw->name, __func__, len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) printk("%02x ", buf[i]); printk("\n"); @@ -1174,8 +1173,8 @@ rx_int_complete(struct urb *urb) /* if we have more than the 2 status bytes -> collect data */ if (len > 2) hfcsusb_rx_frame(fifo, buf + 2, - urb->actual_length - 2, - (len < maxlen) ? eof[fifon] : 0); + urb->actual_length - 2, + (len < maxlen) ? eof[fifon] : 0); } else { hfcsusb_rx_frame(fifo, buf, urb->actual_length, (len < maxlen) ? eof[fifon] : 0); @@ -1186,7 +1185,7 @@ rx_int_complete(struct urb *urb) if (status) { if (debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: error resubmitting USB\n", - hw->name, __func__); + hw->name, __func__); } } @@ -1199,7 +1198,7 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) struct hfcsusb *hw = fifo->hw; struct sk_buff *tx_skb; int k, tx_offset, num_isoc_packets, sink, remain, current_len, - errcode, hdlc, i; + errcode, hdlc, i; int *tx_idx; int frame_complete, fifon, status; __u8 threshbit; @@ -1222,7 +1221,7 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) hdlc = test_bit(FLG_HDLC, &fifo->bch->Flags); } else { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: neither BCH nor DCH\n", - hw->name, __func__); + hw->name, __func__); spin_unlock(&hw->lock); return; } @@ -1239,8 +1238,8 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) if (status == -EXDEV) { if (debug & DBG_HFC_URB_ERROR) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: " - "-EXDEV (%i) fifon (%d)\n", - hw->name, __func__, status, fifon); + "-EXDEV (%i) fifon (%d)\n", + hw->name, __func__, status, fifon); /* clear status, so go on with ISO transfers */ status = 0; @@ -1270,8 +1269,8 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) errcode = urb->iso_frame_desc[k].status; if (errcode) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: " - "ISO packet %i, status: %i\n", - hw->name, __func__, k, errcode); + "ISO packet %i, status: %i\n", + hw->name, __func__, k, errcode); } } @@ -1299,7 +1298,7 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) if (hdlc) { /* signal frame completion */ context_iso_urb-> - buffer[tx_offset] = 1; + buffer[tx_offset] = 1; /* add 2 byte flags and 16bit * CRC at end of ISDN frame */ fifo->bit_line += 32; @@ -1319,21 +1318,21 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) if ((fifon == HFCUSB_D_RX) && (debug & DBG_HFC_USB_VERBOSE)) { printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: %s (%d/%d) offs(%d) len(%d) ", - hw->name, __func__, - k, num_isoc_packets-1, - urb->iso_frame_desc[k].offset, - urb->iso_frame_desc[k].length); + "%s: %s (%d/%d) offs(%d) len(%d) ", + hw->name, __func__, + k, num_isoc_packets - 1, + urb->iso_frame_desc[k].offset, + urb->iso_frame_desc[k].length); for (i = urb->iso_frame_desc[k].offset; i < (urb->iso_frame_desc[k].offset - + urb->iso_frame_desc[k].length); + + urb->iso_frame_desc[k].length); i++) printk("%x ", - context_iso_urb->buffer[i]); + context_iso_urb->buffer[i]); printk(" skb->len(%i) tx-idx(%d)\n", - tx_skb->len, *tx_idx); + tx_skb->len, *tx_idx); } tx_offset += (current_len + 1); @@ -1351,13 +1350,13 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) if (debug & DBG_HFC_FIFO_VERBOSE) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: " - "fifon(%i) new TX len(%i): ", - hw->name, __func__, - fifon, tx_skb->len); + "fifon(%i) new TX len(%i): ", + hw->name, __func__, + fifon, tx_skb->len); i = 0; while (i < tx_skb->len) printk("%02x ", - tx_skb->data[i++]); + tx_skb->data[i++]); printk("\n"); } @@ -1366,9 +1365,9 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) if (fifo->dch && get_next_dframe(fifo->dch)) tx_skb = fifo->dch->tx_skb; else if (fifo->bch && - get_next_bframe(fifo->bch)) { + get_next_bframe(fifo->bch)) { if (test_bit(FLG_TRANSPARENT, - &fifo->bch->Flags)) + &fifo->bch->Flags)) confirm_Bsend(fifo->bch); tx_skb = fifo->bch->tx_skb; } @@ -1378,8 +1377,8 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) if (errcode < 0) { if (debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: %s: error submitting ISO URB: %d \n", - hw->name, __func__, errcode); + "%s: %s: error submitting ISO URB: %d \n", + hw->name, __func__, errcode); } /* @@ -1396,9 +1395,9 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) } else { if (status && (debug & DBG_HFC_URB_ERROR)) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: urb->status %s (%i)" - "fifonum=%d\n", - hw->name, __func__, - symbolic(urb_errlist, status), status, fifon); + "fifonum=%d\n", + hw->name, __func__, + symbolic(urb_errlist, status), status, fifon); } spin_unlock(&hw->lock); } @@ -1416,17 +1415,17 @@ start_isoc_chain(struct usb_fifo *fifo, int num_packets_per_urb, if (debug) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: fifo %i\n", - hw->name, __func__, fifo->fifonum); + hw->name, __func__, fifo->fifonum); /* allocate Memory for Iso out Urbs */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (!(fifo->iso[i].urb)) { fifo->iso[i].urb = - usb_alloc_urb(num_packets_per_urb, GFP_KERNEL); + usb_alloc_urb(num_packets_per_urb, GFP_KERNEL); if (!(fifo->iso[i].urb)) { printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: %s: alloc urb for fifo %i failed", - hw->name, __func__, fifo->fifonum); + "%s: %s: alloc urb for fifo %i failed", + hw->name, __func__, fifo->fifonum); } fifo->iso[i].owner_fifo = (struct usb_fifo *) fifo; fifo->iso[i].indx = i; @@ -1436,27 +1435,27 @@ start_isoc_chain(struct usb_fifo *fifo, int num_packets_per_urb, (fifo->usb_packet_maxlen * num_packets_per_urb)) { fill_isoc_urb(fifo->iso[i].urb, - fifo->hw->dev, fifo->pipe, - fifo->iso[i].buffer, - num_packets_per_urb, - fifo->usb_packet_maxlen, - fifo->intervall, complete, - &fifo->iso[i]); + fifo->hw->dev, fifo->pipe, + fifo->iso[i].buffer, + num_packets_per_urb, + fifo->usb_packet_maxlen, + fifo->intervall, complete, + &fifo->iso[i]); memset(fifo->iso[i].buffer, 0, sizeof(fifo->iso[i].buffer)); for (k = 0; k < num_packets_per_urb; k++) { fifo->iso[i].urb-> - iso_frame_desc[k].offset = - k * packet_size; + iso_frame_desc[k].offset = + k * packet_size; fifo->iso[i].urb-> - iso_frame_desc[k].length = - packet_size; + iso_frame_desc[k].length = + packet_size; } } else { printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: %s: ISO Buffer size to small!\n", - hw->name, __func__); + "%s: %s: ISO Buffer size to small!\n", + hw->name, __func__); } } fifo->bit_line = BITLINE_INF; @@ -1466,8 +1465,8 @@ start_isoc_chain(struct usb_fifo *fifo, int num_packets_per_urb, fifo->stop_gracefull = 0; if (errcode < 0) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: %s URB nr:%d\n", - hw->name, __func__, - symbolic(urb_errlist, errcode), i); + hw->name, __func__, + symbolic(urb_errlist, errcode), i); } } return fifo->active; @@ -1492,10 +1491,10 @@ stop_iso_gracefull(struct usb_fifo *fifo) for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { timeout = 3; while (fifo->stop_gracefull && timeout--) - schedule_timeout_interruptible((HZ/1000)*16); + schedule_timeout_interruptible((HZ / 1000) * 16); if (debug && fifo->stop_gracefull) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: ERROR %s for fifo %i.%i\n", - hw->name, __func__, fifo->fifonum, i); + hw->name, __func__, fifo->fifonum, i); } } @@ -1515,7 +1514,7 @@ stop_int_gracefull(struct usb_fifo *fifo) timeout = 3; while (fifo->stop_gracefull && timeout--) - schedule_timeout_interruptible((HZ/1000)*3); + schedule_timeout_interruptible((HZ / 1000) * 3); if (debug && fifo->stop_gracefull) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: ERROR %s for fifo %i\n", hw->name, __func__, fifo->fifonum); @@ -1530,7 +1529,7 @@ start_int_fifo(struct usb_fifo *fifo) if (debug) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: INT IN fifo:%d\n", - hw->name, __func__, fifo->fifonum); + hw->name, __func__, fifo->fifonum); if (!fifo->urb) { fifo->urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -1538,14 +1537,14 @@ start_int_fifo(struct usb_fifo *fifo) return; } usb_fill_int_urb(fifo->urb, fifo->hw->dev, fifo->pipe, - fifo->buffer, fifo->usb_packet_maxlen, - (usb_complete_t)rx_int_complete, fifo, fifo->intervall); + fifo->buffer, fifo->usb_packet_maxlen, + (usb_complete_t)rx_int_complete, fifo, fifo->intervall); fifo->active = 1; fifo->stop_gracefull = 0; errcode = usb_submit_urb(fifo->urb, GFP_KERNEL); if (errcode) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: submit URB: status:%i\n", - hw->name, __func__, errcode); + hw->name, __func__, errcode); fifo->active = 0; } } @@ -1555,7 +1554,7 @@ setPortMode(struct hfcsusb *hw) { if (debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s %s\n", hw->name, __func__, - (hw->protocol == ISDN_P_TE_S0) ? "TE" : "NT"); + (hw->protocol == ISDN_P_TE_S0) ? "TE" : "NT"); if (hw->protocol == ISDN_P_TE_S0) { write_reg(hw, HFCUSB_SCTRL, 0x40); @@ -1589,7 +1588,7 @@ reset_hfcsusb(struct hfcsusb *hw) /* set USB_SIZE to match the wMaxPacketSize for INT or BULK transfers */ write_reg(hw, HFCUSB_USB_SIZE, (hw->packet_size / 8) | - ((hw->packet_size / 8) << 4)); + ((hw->packet_size / 8) << 4)); /* set USB_SIZE_I to match the the wMaxPacketSize for ISO transfers */ write_reg(hw, HFCUSB_USB_SIZE_I, hw->iso_packet_size); @@ -1600,13 +1599,13 @@ reset_hfcsusb(struct hfcsusb *hw) /* init the fifos */ write_reg(hw, HFCUSB_F_THRES, - (HFCUSB_TX_THRESHOLD / 8) | ((HFCUSB_RX_THRESHOLD / 8) << 4)); + (HFCUSB_TX_THRESHOLD / 8) | ((HFCUSB_RX_THRESHOLD / 8) << 4)); fifo = hw->fifos; for (i = 0; i < HFCUSB_NUM_FIFOS; i++) { write_reg(hw, HFCUSB_FIFO, i); /* select the desired fifo */ fifo[i].max_size = - (i <= HFCUSB_B2_RX) ? MAX_BCH_SIZE : MAX_DFRAME_LEN; + (i <= HFCUSB_B2_RX) ? MAX_BCH_SIZE : MAX_DFRAME_LEN; fifo[i].last_urblen = 0; /* set 2 bit for D- & E-channel */ @@ -1615,7 +1614,7 @@ reset_hfcsusb(struct hfcsusb *hw) /* enable all fifos */ if (i == HFCUSB_D_TX) write_reg(hw, HFCUSB_CON_HDLC, - (hw->protocol == ISDN_P_NT_S0) ? 0x08 : 0x09); + (hw->protocol == ISDN_P_NT_S0) ? 0x08 : 0x09); else write_reg(hw, HFCUSB_CON_HDLC, 0x08); write_reg(hw, HFCUSB_INC_RES_F, 2); /* reset the fifo */ @@ -1641,34 +1640,34 @@ hfcsusb_start_endpoint(struct hfcsusb *hw, int channel) /* start rx endpoints using USB INT IN method */ if (hw->cfg_used == CNF_3INT3ISO || hw->cfg_used == CNF_4INT3ISO) - start_int_fifo(hw->fifos + channel*2 + 1); + start_int_fifo(hw->fifos + channel * 2 + 1); /* start rx endpoints using USB ISO IN method */ if (hw->cfg_used == CNF_3ISO3ISO || hw->cfg_used == CNF_4ISO3ISO) { switch (channel) { case HFC_CHAN_D: start_isoc_chain(hw->fifos + HFCUSB_D_RX, - ISOC_PACKETS_D, - (usb_complete_t)rx_iso_complete, - 16); + ISOC_PACKETS_D, + (usb_complete_t)rx_iso_complete, + 16); break; case HFC_CHAN_E: start_isoc_chain(hw->fifos + HFCUSB_PCM_RX, - ISOC_PACKETS_D, - (usb_complete_t)rx_iso_complete, - 16); + ISOC_PACKETS_D, + (usb_complete_t)rx_iso_complete, + 16); break; case HFC_CHAN_B1: start_isoc_chain(hw->fifos + HFCUSB_B1_RX, - ISOC_PACKETS_B, - (usb_complete_t)rx_iso_complete, - 16); + ISOC_PACKETS_B, + (usb_complete_t)rx_iso_complete, + 16); break; case HFC_CHAN_B2: start_isoc_chain(hw->fifos + HFCUSB_B2_RX, - ISOC_PACKETS_B, - (usb_complete_t)rx_iso_complete, - 16); + ISOC_PACKETS_B, + (usb_complete_t)rx_iso_complete, + 16); break; } } @@ -1677,18 +1676,18 @@ hfcsusb_start_endpoint(struct hfcsusb *hw, int channel) switch (channel) { case HFC_CHAN_D: start_isoc_chain(hw->fifos + HFCUSB_D_TX, - ISOC_PACKETS_B, - (usb_complete_t)tx_iso_complete, 1); + ISOC_PACKETS_B, + (usb_complete_t)tx_iso_complete, 1); break; case HFC_CHAN_B1: start_isoc_chain(hw->fifos + HFCUSB_B1_TX, - ISOC_PACKETS_D, - (usb_complete_t)tx_iso_complete, 1); + ISOC_PACKETS_D, + (usb_complete_t)tx_iso_complete, 1); break; case HFC_CHAN_B2: start_isoc_chain(hw->fifos + HFCUSB_B2_TX, - ISOC_PACKETS_B, - (usb_complete_t)tx_iso_complete, 1); + ISOC_PACKETS_B, + (usb_complete_t)tx_iso_complete, 1); break; } } @@ -1709,15 +1708,15 @@ hfcsusb_stop_endpoint(struct hfcsusb *hw, int channel) /* rx endpoints using USB INT IN method */ if (hw->cfg_used == CNF_3INT3ISO || hw->cfg_used == CNF_4INT3ISO) - stop_int_gracefull(hw->fifos + channel*2 + 1); + stop_int_gracefull(hw->fifos + channel * 2 + 1); /* rx endpoints using USB ISO IN method */ if (hw->cfg_used == CNF_3ISO3ISO || hw->cfg_used == CNF_4ISO3ISO) - stop_iso_gracefull(hw->fifos + channel*2 + 1); + stop_iso_gracefull(hw->fifos + channel * 2 + 1); /* tx endpoints using USB ISO OUT method */ if (channel != HFC_CHAN_E) - stop_iso_gracefull(hw->fifos + channel*2); + stop_iso_gracefull(hw->fifos + channel * 2); } @@ -1733,12 +1732,12 @@ setup_hfcsusb(struct hfcsusb *hw) /* check the chip id */ if (read_reg_atomic(hw, HFCUSB_CHIP_ID, &b) != 1) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: cannot read chip id\n", - hw->name, __func__); + hw->name, __func__); return 1; } if (b != HFCUSB_CHIPID) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: Invalid chip id 0x%02x\n", - hw->name, __func__, b); + hw->name, __func__, b); return 1; } @@ -1755,8 +1754,8 @@ setup_hfcsusb(struct hfcsusb *hw) hw->ctrl_write.bRequest = 0; hw->ctrl_write.wLength = 0; usb_fill_control_urb(hw->ctrl_urb, hw->dev, hw->ctrl_out_pipe, - (u_char *)&hw->ctrl_write, NULL, 0, - (usb_complete_t)ctrl_complete, hw); + (u_char *)&hw->ctrl_write, NULL, 0, + (usb_complete_t)ctrl_complete, hw); reset_hfcsusb(hw); return 0; @@ -1807,7 +1806,7 @@ deactivate_bchannel(struct bchannel *bch) if (bch->debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: bch->nr(%i)\n", - hw->name, __func__, bch->nr); + hw->name, __func__, bch->nr); spin_lock_irqsave(&hw->lock, flags); mISDN_clear_bchannel(bch); @@ -1849,7 +1848,7 @@ hfc_bctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) break; default: printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: unknown prim(%x)\n", - __func__, cmd); + __func__, cmd); } return ret; } @@ -1878,7 +1877,7 @@ setup_instance(struct hfcsusb *hw, struct device *parent) mISDN_initdchannel(&hw->ech, MAX_DFRAME_LEN_L1, NULL); hw->dch.dev.Bprotocols = (1 << (ISDN_P_B_RAW & ISDN_P_B_MASK)) | - (1 << (ISDN_P_B_HDLC & ISDN_P_B_MASK)); + (1 << (ISDN_P_B_HDLC & ISDN_P_B_MASK)); hw->dch.dev.nrbchan = 2; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { hw->bch[i].nr = i + 1; @@ -1906,9 +1905,9 @@ setup_instance(struct hfcsusb *hw, struct device *parent) goto out; snprintf(hw->name, MISDN_MAX_IDLEN - 1, "%s.%d", DRIVER_NAME, - hfcsusb_cnt + 1); + hfcsusb_cnt + 1); printk(KERN_INFO "%s: registered as '%s'\n", - DRIVER_NAME, hw->name); + DRIVER_NAME, hw->name); err = mISDN_register_device(&hw->dch.dev, parent, hw->name); if (err) @@ -1938,30 +1937,30 @@ hfcsusb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id) struct usb_host_endpoint *ep; struct hfcsusb_vdata *driver_info; int ifnum = iface->desc.bInterfaceNumber, i, idx, alt_idx, - probe_alt_setting, vend_idx, cfg_used, *vcf, attr, cfg_found, - ep_addr, cmptbl[16], small_match, iso_packet_size, packet_size, - alt_used = 0; + probe_alt_setting, vend_idx, cfg_used, *vcf, attr, cfg_found, + ep_addr, cmptbl[16], small_match, iso_packet_size, packet_size, + alt_used = 0; vend_idx = 0xffff; for (i = 0; hfcsusb_idtab[i].idVendor; i++) { if ((le16_to_cpu(dev->descriptor.idVendor) - == hfcsusb_idtab[i].idVendor) && + == hfcsusb_idtab[i].idVendor) && (le16_to_cpu(dev->descriptor.idProduct) - == hfcsusb_idtab[i].idProduct)) { + == hfcsusb_idtab[i].idProduct)) { vend_idx = i; continue; } } printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: interface(%d) actalt(%d) minor(%d) vend_idx(%d)\n", - __func__, ifnum, iface->desc.bAlternateSetting, - intf->minor, vend_idx); + "%s: interface(%d) actalt(%d) minor(%d) vend_idx(%d)\n", + __func__, ifnum, iface->desc.bAlternateSetting, + intf->minor, vend_idx); if (vend_idx == 0xffff) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "%s: no valid vendor found in USB descriptor\n", - __func__); + "%s: no valid vendor found in USB descriptor\n", + __func__); return -EIO; } /* if vendor and product ID is OK, start probing alternate settings */ @@ -1997,17 +1996,17 @@ hfcsusb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id) if (cmptbl[idx] == EP_NUL) cfg_found = 0; if (attr == USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT - && cmptbl[idx] == EP_INT) + && cmptbl[idx] == EP_INT) cmptbl[idx] = EP_NUL; if (attr == USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK - && cmptbl[idx] == EP_BLK) + && cmptbl[idx] == EP_BLK) cmptbl[idx] = EP_NUL; if (attr == USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_ISOC - && cmptbl[idx] == EP_ISO) + && cmptbl[idx] == EP_ISO) cmptbl[idx] = EP_NUL; if (attr == USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT && - ep->desc.bInterval < vcf[17]) { + ep->desc.bInterval < vcf[17]) { cfg_found = 0; } } @@ -2061,27 +2060,27 @@ hfcsusb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id) switch (ep->desc.bmAttributes) { case USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT: f->pipe = usb_rcvintpipe(dev, - ep->desc.bEndpointAddress); + ep->desc.bEndpointAddress); f->usb_transfer_mode = USB_INT; packet_size = le16_to_cpu(ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize); break; case USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK: if (ep_addr & 0x80) f->pipe = usb_rcvbulkpipe(dev, - ep->desc.bEndpointAddress); + ep->desc.bEndpointAddress); else f->pipe = usb_sndbulkpipe(dev, - ep->desc.bEndpointAddress); + ep->desc.bEndpointAddress); f->usb_transfer_mode = USB_BULK; packet_size = le16_to_cpu(ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize); break; case USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_ISOC: if (ep_addr & 0x80) f->pipe = usb_rcvisocpipe(dev, - ep->desc.bEndpointAddress); + ep->desc.bEndpointAddress); else f->pipe = usb_sndisocpipe(dev, - ep->desc.bEndpointAddress); + ep->desc.bEndpointAddress); f->usb_transfer_mode = USB_ISOC; iso_packet_size = le16_to_cpu(ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize); break; @@ -2093,7 +2092,7 @@ hfcsusb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id) f->fifonum = idx & 7; f->hw = hw; f->usb_packet_maxlen = - le16_to_cpu(ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize); + le16_to_cpu(ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize); f->intervall = ep->desc.bInterval; } ep++; @@ -2115,8 +2114,8 @@ hfcsusb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id) driver_info = (struct hfcsusb_vdata *)hfcsusb_idtab[vend_idx].driver_info; printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s: detected \"%s\" (%s, if=%d alt=%d)\n", - hw->name, __func__, driver_info->vend_name, - conf_str[small_match], ifnum, alt_used); + hw->name, __func__, driver_info->vend_name, + conf_str[small_match], ifnum, alt_used); if (setup_instance(hw, dev->dev.parent)) return -EIO; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfcsusb.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfcsusb.h index 369196adae035919b35120ecabec956940fa03d4..cb1231b08f78b52e416a6cd189c356a8759001a5 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfcsusb.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfcsusb.h @@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ #define NT_ACTIVATION_TIMER 0x01 /* enables NT mode activation Timer */ #define NT_T1_COUNT 10 -#define MAX_BCH_SIZE 2048 /* allowed B-channel packet size */ +#define MAX_BCH_SIZE 2048 /* allowed B-channel packet size */ -#define HFCUSB_RX_THRESHOLD 64 /* threshold for fifo report bit rx */ -#define HFCUSB_TX_THRESHOLD 96 /* threshold for fifo report bit tx */ +#define HFCUSB_RX_THRESHOLD 64 /* threshold for fifo report bit rx */ +#define HFCUSB_TX_THRESHOLD 96 /* threshold for fifo report bit tx */ #define HFCUSB_CHIP_ID 0x16 /* Chip ID register index */ #define HFCUSB_CIRM 0x00 /* cirm register index */ @@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ /* defines how much ISO packets are handled in one URB */ static int iso_packets[8] = - { ISOC_PACKETS_B, ISOC_PACKETS_B, ISOC_PACKETS_B, ISOC_PACKETS_B, - ISOC_PACKETS_D, ISOC_PACKETS_D, ISOC_PACKETS_D, ISOC_PACKETS_D +{ ISOC_PACKETS_B, ISOC_PACKETS_B, ISOC_PACKETS_B, ISOC_PACKETS_B, + ISOC_PACKETS_D, ISOC_PACKETS_D, ISOC_PACKETS_D, ISOC_PACKETS_D }; @@ -100,15 +100,15 @@ static int iso_packets[8] = #define SINK_MIN 48 #define SINK_DMIN 12 #define SINK_DMAX 18 -#define BITLINE_INF (-96*8) +#define BITLINE_INF (-96 * 8) /* HFC-S USB register access by Control-URSs */ -#define write_reg_atomic(a, b, c) \ +#define write_reg_atomic(a, b, c) \ usb_control_msg((a)->dev, (a)->ctrl_out_pipe, 0, 0x40, (c), (b), \ - 0, 0, HFC_CTRL_TIMEOUT) -#define read_reg_atomic(a, b, c) \ + 0, 0, HFC_CTRL_TIMEOUT) +#define read_reg_atomic(a, b, c) \ usb_control_msg((a)->dev, (a)->ctrl_in_pipe, 1, 0xC0, 0, (b), (c), \ - 1, HFC_CTRL_TIMEOUT) + 1, HFC_CTRL_TIMEOUT) #define HFC_CTRL_BUFSIZE 64 struct ctrl_buf { @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ static char *conf_str[] = { #define LED_B2_DATA 10 #define LED_NORMAL 0 /* LEDs are normal */ -#define LED_INVERTED 1 /* LEDs are inverted */ +#define LED_INVERTED 1 /* LEDs are inverted */ /* time in ms to perform a Flashing LED when B-Channel has traffic */ #define LED_TIME 250 @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ struct usb_fifo { __u8 usb_transfer_mode; /* switched between ISO and INT */ struct iso_urb iso[2]; /* two urbs to have one always - one pending */ + one pending */ struct dchannel *dch; /* link to hfcsusb_t->dch */ struct bchannel *bch; /* link to hfcsusb_t->bch */ @@ -339,76 +339,76 @@ static const char *HFC_NT_LAYER1_STATES[HFC_MAX_NT_LAYER1_STATE + 1] = { /* supported devices */ static struct usb_device_id hfcsusb_idtab[] = { { - USB_DEVICE(0x0959, 0x2bd0), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_OFF, {4, 0, 2, 1}, - "ISDN USB TA (Cologne Chip HFC-S USB based)"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x0959, 0x2bd0), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_OFF, {4, 0, 2, 1}, + "ISDN USB TA (Cologne Chip HFC-S USB based)"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x0675, 0x1688), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {1, 2, 0, 0}, - "DrayTek miniVigor 128 USB ISDN TA"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x0675, 0x1688), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {1, 2, 0, 0}, + "DrayTek miniVigor 128 USB ISDN TA"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x07b0, 0x0007), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16}, - "Billion tiny USB ISDN TA 128"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x07b0, 0x0007), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16}, + "Billion tiny USB ISDN TA 128"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x0742, 0x2008), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {4, 0, 2, 1}, - "Stollmann USB TA"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x0742, 0x2008), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {4, 0, 2, 1}, + "Stollmann USB TA"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x0742, 0x2009), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {4, 0, 2, 1}, - "Aceex USB ISDN TA"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x0742, 0x2009), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {4, 0, 2, 1}, + "Aceex USB ISDN TA"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x0742, 0x200A), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {4, 0, 2, 1}, - "OEM USB ISDN TA"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x0742, 0x200A), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {4, 0, 2, 1}, + "OEM USB ISDN TA"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x08e3, 0x0301), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {2, 0, 1, 4}, - "Olitec USB RNIS"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x08e3, 0x0301), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {2, 0, 1, 4}, + "Olitec USB RNIS"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x07fa, 0x0846), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16}, - "Bewan Modem RNIS USB"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x07fa, 0x0846), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16}, + "Bewan Modem RNIS USB"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x07fa, 0x0847), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16}, - "Djinn Numeris USB"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x07fa, 0x0847), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16}, + "Djinn Numeris USB"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x07b0, 0x0006), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16}, - "Twister ISDN TA"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x07b0, 0x0006), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16}, + "Twister ISDN TA"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x071d, 0x1005), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {0x02, 0, 0x01, 0x04}, - "Eicon DIVA USB 4.0"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x071d, 0x1005), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {0x02, 0, 0x01, 0x04}, + "Eicon DIVA USB 4.0"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x0586, 0x0102), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {0x88, -64, -32, -16}, - "ZyXEL OMNI.NET USB II"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x0586, 0x0102), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((struct hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {0x88, -64, -32, -16}, + "ZyXEL OMNI.NET USB II"}), }, { } }; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/iohelper.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/iohelper.h index b438981107ae9b7f06e5c5481678173197de6b4b..c3e7bb1daa243ff5ed91df6e7729737486e98d5a 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/iohelper.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/iohelper.h @@ -27,83 +27,83 @@ #define _IOHELPER_H typedef u8 (read_reg_func)(void *hwp, u8 offset); -typedef void (write_reg_func)(void *hwp, u8 offset, u8 value); -typedef void (fifo_func)(void *hwp, u8 offset, u8 *datap, int size); + typedef void (write_reg_func)(void *hwp, u8 offset, u8 value); + typedef void (fifo_func)(void *hwp, u8 offset, u8 *datap, int size); -struct _ioport { - u32 port; - u32 ale; -}; + struct _ioport { + u32 port; + u32 ale; + }; -#define IOFUNC_IO(name, hws, ap) \ - static u8 Read##name##_IO(void *p, u8 off) {\ - struct hws *hw = p;\ - return inb(hw->ap.port + off);\ - } \ - static void Write##name##_IO(void *p, u8 off, u8 val) {\ - struct hws *hw = p;\ - outb(val, hw->ap.port + off);\ - } \ - static void ReadFiFo##name##_IO(void *p, u8 off, u8 *dp, int size) {\ - struct hws *hw = p;\ - insb(hw->ap.port + off, dp, size);\ - } \ - static void WriteFiFo##name##_IO(void *p, u8 off, u8 *dp, int size) {\ - struct hws *hw = p;\ - outsb(hw->ap.port + off, dp, size);\ +#define IOFUNC_IO(name, hws, ap) \ + static u8 Read##name##_IO(void *p, u8 off) { \ + struct hws *hw = p; \ + return inb(hw->ap.port + off); \ + } \ + static void Write##name##_IO(void *p, u8 off, u8 val) { \ + struct hws *hw = p; \ + outb(val, hw->ap.port + off); \ + } \ + static void ReadFiFo##name##_IO(void *p, u8 off, u8 *dp, int size) { \ + struct hws *hw = p; \ + insb(hw->ap.port + off, dp, size); \ + } \ + static void WriteFiFo##name##_IO(void *p, u8 off, u8 *dp, int size) { \ + struct hws *hw = p; \ + outsb(hw->ap.port + off, dp, size); \ } -#define IOFUNC_IND(name, hws, ap) \ - static u8 Read##name##_IND(void *p, u8 off) {\ - struct hws *hw = p;\ - outb(off, hw->ap.ale);\ - return inb(hw->ap.port);\ - } \ - static void Write##name##_IND(void *p, u8 off, u8 val) {\ - struct hws *hw = p;\ - outb(off, hw->ap.ale);\ - outb(val, hw->ap.port);\ - } \ - static void ReadFiFo##name##_IND(void *p, u8 off, u8 *dp, int size) {\ - struct hws *hw = p;\ - outb(off, hw->ap.ale);\ - insb(hw->ap.port, dp, size);\ - } \ - static void WriteFiFo##name##_IND(void *p, u8 off, u8 *dp, int size) {\ - struct hws *hw = p;\ - outb(off, hw->ap.ale);\ - outsb(hw->ap.port, dp, size);\ +#define IOFUNC_IND(name, hws, ap) \ + static u8 Read##name##_IND(void *p, u8 off) { \ + struct hws *hw = p; \ + outb(off, hw->ap.ale); \ + return inb(hw->ap.port); \ + } \ + static void Write##name##_IND(void *p, u8 off, u8 val) { \ + struct hws *hw = p; \ + outb(off, hw->ap.ale); \ + outb(val, hw->ap.port); \ + } \ + static void ReadFiFo##name##_IND(void *p, u8 off, u8 *dp, int size) { \ + struct hws *hw = p; \ + outb(off, hw->ap.ale); \ + insb(hw->ap.port, dp, size); \ + } \ + static void WriteFiFo##name##_IND(void *p, u8 off, u8 *dp, int size) { \ + struct hws *hw = p; \ + outb(off, hw->ap.ale); \ + outsb(hw->ap.port, dp, size); \ } -#define IOFUNC_MEMIO(name, hws, typ, adr) \ - static u8 Read##name##_MIO(void *p, u8 off) {\ - struct hws *hw = p;\ - return readb(((typ *)hw->adr) + off);\ - } \ - static void Write##name##_MIO(void *p, u8 off, u8 val) {\ - struct hws *hw = p;\ - writeb(val, ((typ *)hw->adr) + off);\ - } \ - static void ReadFiFo##name##_MIO(void *p, u8 off, u8 *dp, int size) {\ - struct hws *hw = p;\ - while (size--)\ - *dp++ = readb(((typ *)hw->adr) + off);\ - } \ - static void WriteFiFo##name##_MIO(void *p, u8 off, u8 *dp, int size) {\ - struct hws *hw = p;\ - while (size--)\ - writeb(*dp++, ((typ *)hw->adr) + off);\ +#define IOFUNC_MEMIO(name, hws, typ, adr) \ + static u8 Read##name##_MIO(void *p, u8 off) { \ + struct hws *hw = p; \ + return readb(((typ *)hw->adr) + off); \ + } \ + static void Write##name##_MIO(void *p, u8 off, u8 val) { \ + struct hws *hw = p; \ + writeb(val, ((typ *)hw->adr) + off); \ + } \ + static void ReadFiFo##name##_MIO(void *p, u8 off, u8 *dp, int size) { \ + struct hws *hw = p; \ + while (size--) \ + *dp++ = readb(((typ *)hw->adr) + off); \ + } \ + static void WriteFiFo##name##_MIO(void *p, u8 off, u8 *dp, int size) { \ + struct hws *hw = p; \ + while (size--) \ + writeb(*dp++, ((typ *)hw->adr) + off); \ } -#define ASSIGN_FUNC(typ, name, dest) do {\ - dest.read_reg = &Read##name##_##typ;\ - dest.write_reg = &Write##name##_##typ;\ - dest.read_fifo = &ReadFiFo##name##_##typ;\ - dest.write_fifo = &WriteFiFo##name##_##typ;\ +#define ASSIGN_FUNC(typ, name, dest) do { \ + dest.read_reg = &Read##name##_##typ; \ + dest.write_reg = &Write##name##_##typ; \ + dest.read_fifo = &ReadFiFo##name##_##typ; \ + dest.write_fifo = &WriteFiFo##name##_##typ; \ } while (0) -#define ASSIGN_FUNC_IPAC(typ, target) do {\ - ASSIGN_FUNC(typ, ISAC, target.isac);\ - ASSIGN_FUNC(typ, IPAC, target);\ +#define ASSIGN_FUNC_IPAC(typ, target) do { \ + ASSIGN_FUNC(typ, ISAC, target.isac); \ + ASSIGN_FUNC(typ, IPAC, target); \ } while (0) #endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/isar.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/isar.h index 9962bdf699c779771442cba029fe45b4427f9767..cadfc49c92077913b8781e1cb71fb3c5fb350802 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/isar.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/isar.h @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ struct isar_hw { #define ISAR_HIS_SDATA 0x20 #define ISAR_HIS_DPS1 0x40 #define ISAR_HIS_DPS2 0x80 -#define SET_DPS(x) ((x<<6) & 0xc0) +#define SET_DPS(x) ((x << 6) & 0xc0) #define ISAR_IIS_MSCMSD 0x3f #define ISAR_IIS_VNR 0x15 diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/mISDNinfineon.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/mISDNinfineon.c index 6218775ce87de3666ad57e219d99fbec2a9edafe..631eb3fa63cf1558d3c044a3e1d3a26f5567f2b8 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/mISDNinfineon.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/mISDNinfineon.c @@ -431,11 +431,11 @@ enable_hwirq(struct inf_hw *hw) break; case INF_GAZEL_R685: outb(GAZEL_ISAC_EN + GAZEL_HSCX_EN + GAZEL_PCI_EN, - (u32)hw->cfg.start + GAZEL_INCSR); + (u32)hw->cfg.start + GAZEL_INCSR); break; case INF_GAZEL_R753: outb(GAZEL_IPAC_EN + GAZEL_PCI_EN, - (u32)hw->cfg.start + GAZEL_INCSR); + (u32)hw->cfg.start + GAZEL_INCSR); break; default: break; @@ -511,21 +511,21 @@ reset_inf(struct inf_hw *hw) /* Workaround PCI9060 */ outb(9, (u32)hw->cfg.start + 0x69); outb(DIVA_RESET_BIT | DIVA_LED_A, - (u32)hw->cfg.start + DIVA_PCI_CTRL); + (u32)hw->cfg.start + DIVA_PCI_CTRL); break; case INF_DIVA201: writel(PITA_PARA_SOFTRESET | PITA_PARA_MPX_MODE, - hw->cfg.p + PITA_MISC_REG); + hw->cfg.p + PITA_MISC_REG); mdelay(1); writel(PITA_PARA_MPX_MODE, hw->cfg.p + PITA_MISC_REG); mdelay(10); break; case INF_DIVA202: writel(PITA_PARA_SOFTRESET | PITA_PARA_MPX_MODE, - hw->cfg.p + PITA_MISC_REG); + hw->cfg.p + PITA_MISC_REG); mdelay(1); writel(PITA_PARA_MPX_MODE | PITA_SER_SOFTRESET, - hw->cfg.p + PITA_MISC_REG); + hw->cfg.p + PITA_MISC_REG); mdelay(10); break; case INF_SPEEDWIN: @@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ init_irq(struct inf_hw *hw) msleep_interruptible(10); if (debug & DEBUG_HW) pr_notice("%s: IRQ %d count %d\n", hw->name, - hw->irq, hw->irqcnt); + hw->irq, hw->irqcnt); if (!hw->irqcnt) { pr_info("%s: IRQ(%d) got no requests during init %d\n", hw->name, hw->irq, 3 - cnt); @@ -672,11 +672,11 @@ setup_io(struct inf_hw *hw) hw->cfg.size = pci_resource_len(hw->pdev, hw->ci->cfg_bar); if (hw->ci->cfg_mode == AM_MEMIO) { if (!request_mem_region(hw->cfg.start, hw->cfg.size, - hw->name)) + hw->name)) err = -EBUSY; } else { if (!request_region(hw->cfg.start, hw->cfg.size, - hw->name)) + hw->name)) err = -EBUSY; } if (err) { @@ -690,8 +690,8 @@ setup_io(struct inf_hw *hw) hw->cfg.mode = hw->ci->cfg_mode; if (debug & DEBUG_HW) pr_notice("%s: IO cfg %lx (%lu bytes) mode%d\n", - hw->name, (ulong)hw->cfg.start, - (ulong)hw->cfg.size, hw->ci->cfg_mode); + hw->name, (ulong)hw->cfg.start, + (ulong)hw->cfg.size, hw->ci->cfg_mode); } if (hw->ci->addr_mode) { @@ -699,11 +699,11 @@ setup_io(struct inf_hw *hw) hw->addr.size = pci_resource_len(hw->pdev, hw->ci->addr_bar); if (hw->ci->addr_mode == AM_MEMIO) { if (!request_mem_region(hw->addr.start, hw->addr.size, - hw->name)) + hw->name)) err = -EBUSY; } else { if (!request_region(hw->addr.start, hw->addr.size, - hw->name)) + hw->name)) err = -EBUSY; } if (err) { @@ -717,8 +717,8 @@ setup_io(struct inf_hw *hw) hw->addr.mode = hw->ci->addr_mode; if (debug & DEBUG_HW) pr_notice("%s: IO addr %lx (%lu bytes) mode%d\n", - hw->name, (ulong)hw->addr.start, - (ulong)hw->addr.size, hw->ci->addr_mode); + hw->name, (ulong)hw->addr.start, + (ulong)hw->addr.size, hw->ci->addr_mode); } @@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ setup_instance(struct inf_hw *card) ulong flags; snprintf(card->name, MISDN_MAX_IDLEN - 1, "%s.%d", card->ci->name, - inf_cnt + 1); + inf_cnt + 1); write_lock_irqsave(&card_lock, flags); list_add_tail(&card->list, &Cards); write_unlock_irqrestore(&card_lock, flags); @@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ setup_instance(struct inf_hw *card) goto error_setup; err = mISDN_register_device(&card->ipac.isac.dch.dev, - &card->pdev->dev, card->name); + &card->pdev->dev, card->name); if (err) goto error; @@ -1099,7 +1099,7 @@ inf_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) return -EINVAL; } else pr_notice("mISDN: found adapter %s at %s\n", - card->ci->full, pci_name(pdev)); + card->ci->full, pci_name(pdev)); card->irq = pdev->irq; pci_set_drvdata(pdev, card); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/mISDNipac.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/mISDNipac.c index d2ffb1d9b8312668098b7c70a73e639bbfc0eeb6..b47e9bed2185a5c944ce7d25b473ed816d560418 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/mISDNipac.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/mISDNipac.c @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ isac_empty_fifo(struct isac_hw *isac, int count) } if ((isac->dch.rx_skb->len + count) >= isac->dch.maxlen) { pr_debug("%s: %s overrun %d\n", isac->name, __func__, - isac->dch.rx_skb->len + count); + isac->dch.rx_skb->len + count); WriteISAC(isac, ISAC_CMDR, 0x80); return; } @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ isac_empty_fifo(struct isac_hw *isac, int count) char pfx[MISDN_MAX_IDLEN + 16]; snprintf(pfx, MISDN_MAX_IDLEN + 15, "D-recv %s %d ", - isac->name, count); + isac->name, count); print_hex_dump_bytes(pfx, DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, ptr, count); } } @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ isac_fill_fifo(struct isac_hw *isac) char pfx[MISDN_MAX_IDLEN + 16]; snprintf(pfx, MISDN_MAX_IDLEN + 15, "D-send %s %d ", - isac->name, count); + isac->name, count); print_hex_dump_bytes(pfx, DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, ptr, count); } } @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ isac_mos_irq(struct isac_hw *isac) } isac->mon_rx[isac->mon_rxp++] = ReadISAC(isac, ISAC_MOR0); pr_debug("%s: ISAC MOR0 %02x\n", isac->name, - isac->mon_rx[isac->mon_rxp - 1]); + isac->mon_rx[isac->mon_rxp - 1]); if (isac->mon_rxp == 1) { isac->mocr |= 0x04; WriteISAC(isac, ISAC_MOCR, isac->mocr); @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ isac_mos_irq(struct isac_hw *isac) } isac->mon_rx[isac->mon_rxp++] = ReadISAC(isac, ISAC_MOR1); pr_debug("%s: ISAC MOR1 %02x\n", isac->name, - isac->mon_rx[isac->mon_rxp - 1]); + isac->mon_rx[isac->mon_rxp - 1]); isac->mocr |= 0x40; WriteISAC(isac, ISAC_MOCR, isac->mocr); } @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ isac_mos_irq(struct isac_hw *isac) WriteISAC(isac, ISAC_MOCR, isac->mocr); if (isac->monitor) { ret = isac->monitor(isac->dch.hw, MONITOR_RX_0, - isac->mon_rx, isac->mon_rxp); + isac->mon_rx, isac->mon_rxp); if (ret) kfree(isac->mon_rx); } else { @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ isac_mos_irq(struct isac_hw *isac) WriteISAC(isac, ISAC_MOCR, isac->mocr); if (isac->monitor) { ret = isac->monitor(isac->dch.hw, MONITOR_RX_1, - isac->mon_rx, isac->mon_rxp); + isac->mon_rx, isac->mon_rxp); if (ret) kfree(isac->mon_rx); } else { @@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ isac_mos_irq(struct isac_hw *isac) } if (val & 0x02) { if ((!isac->mon_tx) || (isac->mon_txc && - (isac->mon_txp >= isac->mon_txc) && !(val & 0x08))) { + (isac->mon_txp >= isac->mon_txc) && !(val & 0x08))) { isac->mocr &= 0xf0; WriteISAC(isac, ISAC_MOCR, isac->mocr); isac->mocr |= 0x0a; @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ isac_mos_irq(struct isac_hw *isac) if (isac->mon_txc && (isac->mon_txp >= isac->mon_txc)) { if (isac->monitor) ret = isac->monitor(isac->dch.hw, - MONITOR_TX_0, NULL, 0); + MONITOR_TX_0, NULL, 0); } kfree(isac->mon_tx); isac->mon_tx = NULL; @@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ isac_mos_irq(struct isac_hw *isac) if (isac->mon_txc && (isac->mon_txp >= isac->mon_txc)) { if (isac->monitor) ret = isac->monitor(isac->dch.hw, - MONITOR_TX_0, NULL, 0); + MONITOR_TX_0, NULL, 0); kfree(isac->mon_tx); isac->mon_tx = NULL; isac->mon_txc = 0; @@ -384,12 +384,12 @@ isac_mos_irq(struct isac_hw *isac) } WriteISAC(isac, ISAC_MOX0, isac->mon_tx[isac->mon_txp++]); pr_debug("%s: ISAC %02x -> MOX0\n", isac->name, - isac->mon_tx[isac->mon_txp - 1]); + isac->mon_tx[isac->mon_txp - 1]); } AfterMOX0: if (val & 0x20) { if ((!isac->mon_tx) || (isac->mon_txc && - (isac->mon_txp >= isac->mon_txc) && !(val & 0x80))) { + (isac->mon_txp >= isac->mon_txc) && !(val & 0x80))) { isac->mocr &= 0x0f; WriteISAC(isac, ISAC_MOCR, isac->mocr); isac->mocr |= 0xa0; @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ isac_mos_irq(struct isac_hw *isac) if (isac->mon_txc && (isac->mon_txp >= isac->mon_txc)) { if (isac->monitor) ret = isac->monitor(isac->dch.hw, - MONITOR_TX_1, NULL, 0); + MONITOR_TX_1, NULL, 0); } kfree(isac->mon_tx); isac->mon_tx = NULL; @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ isac_mos_irq(struct isac_hw *isac) if (isac->mon_txc && (isac->mon_txp >= isac->mon_txc)) { if (isac->monitor) ret = isac->monitor(isac->dch.hw, - MONITOR_TX_1, NULL, 0); + MONITOR_TX_1, NULL, 0); kfree(isac->mon_tx); isac->mon_tx = NULL; isac->mon_txc = 0; @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ isac_mos_irq(struct isac_hw *isac) } WriteISAC(isac, ISAC_MOX1, isac->mon_tx[isac->mon_txp++]); pr_debug("%s: ISAC %02x -> MOX1\n", isac->name, - isac->mon_tx[isac->mon_txp - 1]); + isac->mon_tx[isac->mon_txp - 1]); } AfterMOX1: val = 0; /* dummy to avoid warning */ @@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ isac_cisq_irq(struct isac_hw *isac) { pr_debug("%s: ISAC CIR0 %02X\n", isac->name, val); if (val & 2) { pr_debug("%s: ph_state change %x->%x\n", isac->name, - isac->state, (val >> 2) & 0xf); + isac->state, (val >> 2) & 0xf); isac->state = (val >> 2) & 0xf; isac_ph_state_change(isac); } @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ isacsx_cic_irq(struct isac_hw *isac) pr_debug("%s: ISACX CIR0 %02X\n", isac->name, val); if (val & ISACX_CIR0_CIC0) { pr_debug("%s: ph_state change %x->%x\n", isac->name, - isac->state, val >> 4); + isac->state, val >> 4); isac->state = val >> 4; isac_ph_state_change(isac); } @@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ isacsx_rme_irq(struct isac_hw *isac) if (isac->dch.rx_skb) { skb_trim(isac->dch.rx_skb, isac->dch.rx_skb->len - 1); pr_debug("%s: dchannel received %d\n", isac->name, - isac->dch.rx_skb->len); + isac->dch.rx_skb->len); recv_Dchannel(&isac->dch); } } @@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ isac_ctrl(struct isac_hw *isac, u32 cmd, u_long para) break; default: pr_debug("%s: %s unknown command %x %lx\n", isac->name, - __func__, cmd, para); + __func__, cmd, para); return -1; } return 0; @@ -685,16 +685,16 @@ isac_l1cmd(struct dchannel *dch, u32 cmd) case PH_ACTIVATE_IND: test_and_set_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, cmd, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, - GFP_ATOMIC); + GFP_ATOMIC); break; case PH_DEACTIVATE_IND: test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, cmd, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, - GFP_ATOMIC); + GFP_ATOMIC); break; default: pr_debug("%s: %s unknown command %x\n", isac->name, - __func__, cmd); + __func__, cmd); return -1; } return 0; @@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ dbusy_timer_handler(struct isac_hw *isac) rbch = ReadISAC(isac, ISAC_RBCH); star = ReadISAC(isac, ISAC_STAR); pr_debug("%s: D-Channel Busy RBCH %02x STAR %02x\n", - isac->name, rbch, star); + isac->name, rbch, star); if (rbch & ISAC_RBCH_XAC) /* D-Channel Busy */ test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_BUSY, &isac->dch.Flags); else { @@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ static int open_dchannel(struct isac_hw *isac, struct channel_req *rq) { pr_debug("%s: %s dev(%d) open from %p\n", isac->name, __func__, - isac->dch.dev.id, __builtin_return_address(1)); + isac->dch.dev.id, __builtin_return_address(1)); if (rq->protocol != ISDN_P_TE_S0) return -EINVAL; if (rq->adr.channel == 1) @@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ open_dchannel(struct isac_hw *isac, struct channel_req *rq) rq->ch->protocol = rq->protocol; if (isac->dch.state == 7) _queue_data(rq->ch, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, - 0, NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + 0, NULL, GFP_KERNEL); return 0; } @@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ isac_init(struct isac_hw *isac) val = ReadISAC(isac, ISACX_ID); if (isac->dch.debug & DEBUG_HW) pr_notice("%s: ISACX Design ID %x\n", - isac->name, val & 0x3f); + isac->name, val & 0x3f); val = ReadISAC(isac, ISACX_CIR0); pr_debug("%s: ISACX CIR0 %02X\n", isac->name, val); isac->state = val >> 4; @@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ isac_init(struct isac_hw *isac) val = ReadISAC(isac, ISAC_RBCH); if (isac->dch.debug & DEBUG_HW) pr_notice("%s: ISAC version (%x): %s\n", isac->name, - val, ISACVer[(val >> 5) & 3]); + val, ISACVer[(val >> 5) & 3]); isac->type |= ((val >> 5) & 3); if (!isac->adf2) isac->adf2 = 0x80; @@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ waitforCEC(struct hscx_hw *hx) } if (to < 50) pr_debug("%s: B%1d CEC %d us\n", hx->ip->name, hx->bch.nr, - 50 - to); + 50 - to); if (!to) pr_info("%s: B%1d CEC timeout\n", hx->ip->name, hx->bch.nr); } @@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ waitforXFW(struct hscx_hw *hx) } if (to < 50) pr_debug("%s: B%1d XFW %d us\n", hx->ip->name, hx->bch.nr, - 50 - to); + 50 - to); if (!to) pr_info("%s: B%1d XFW timeout\n", hx->ip->name, hx->bch.nr); } @@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ hscx_empty_fifo(struct hscx_hw *hscx, u8 count) } if ((hscx->bch.rx_skb->len + count) > hscx->bch.maxlen) { pr_debug("%s: overrun %d\n", hscx->ip->name, - hscx->bch.rx_skb->len + count); + hscx->bch.rx_skb->len + count); skb_trim(hscx->bch.rx_skb, 0); hscx_cmdr(hscx, 0x80); /* RMC */ return; @@ -951,16 +951,16 @@ hscx_empty_fifo(struct hscx_hw *hscx, u8 count) if (hscx->ip->type & IPAC_TYPE_IPACX) hscx->ip->read_fifo(hscx->ip->hw, - hscx->off + IPACX_RFIFOB, p, count); + hscx->off + IPACX_RFIFOB, p, count); else hscx->ip->read_fifo(hscx->ip->hw, - hscx->off, p, count); + hscx->off, p, count); hscx_cmdr(hscx, 0x80); /* RMC */ if (hscx->bch.debug & DEBUG_HW_BFIFO) { snprintf(hscx->log, 64, "B%1d-recv %s %d ", - hscx->bch.nr, hscx->ip->name, count); + hscx->bch.nr, hscx->ip->name, count); print_hex_dump_bytes(hscx->log, DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, p, count); } } @@ -984,22 +984,22 @@ hscx_fill_fifo(struct hscx_hw *hscx) more = 1; } pr_debug("%s: B%1d %d/%d/%d\n", hscx->ip->name, hscx->bch.nr, count, - hscx->bch.tx_idx, hscx->bch.tx_skb->len); + hscx->bch.tx_idx, hscx->bch.tx_skb->len); hscx->bch.tx_idx += count; if (hscx->ip->type & IPAC_TYPE_IPACX) hscx->ip->write_fifo(hscx->ip->hw, - hscx->off + IPACX_XFIFOB, p, count); + hscx->off + IPACX_XFIFOB, p, count); else { waitforXFW(hscx); hscx->ip->write_fifo(hscx->ip->hw, - hscx->off, p, count); + hscx->off, p, count); } hscx_cmdr(hscx, more ? 0x08 : 0x0a); if (hscx->bch.debug & DEBUG_HW_BFIFO) { snprintf(hscx->log, 64, "B%1d-send %s %d ", - hscx->bch.nr, hscx->ip->name, count); + hscx->bch.nr, hscx->ip->name, count); print_hex_dump_bytes(hscx->log, DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, p, count); } } @@ -1037,18 +1037,18 @@ ipac_rme(struct hscx_hw *hx) if (!(rstab & 0x80)) { if (hx->bch.debug & DEBUG_HW_BCHANNEL) pr_notice("%s: B%1d invalid frame\n", - hx->ip->name, hx->bch.nr); + hx->ip->name, hx->bch.nr); } if (rstab & 0x40) { if (hx->bch.debug & DEBUG_HW_BCHANNEL) pr_notice("%s: B%1d RDO proto=%x\n", - hx->ip->name, hx->bch.nr, - hx->bch.state); + hx->ip->name, hx->bch.nr, + hx->bch.state); } if (!(rstab & 0x20)) { if (hx->bch.debug & DEBUG_HW_BCHANNEL) pr_notice("%s: B%1d CRC error\n", - hx->ip->name, hx->bch.nr); + hx->ip->name, hx->bch.nr); } hscx_cmdr(hx, 0x80); /* Do RMC */ return; @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ ipac_rme(struct hscx_hw *hx) return; if (hx->bch.rx_skb->len < 2) { pr_debug("%s: B%1d frame to short %d\n", - hx->ip->name, hx->bch.nr, hx->bch.rx_skb->len); + hx->ip->name, hx->bch.nr, hx->bch.rx_skb->len); skb_trim(hx->bch.rx_skb, 0); } else { skb_trim(hx->bch.rx_skb, hx->bch.rx_skb->len - 1); @@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ ipac_irq(struct hscx_hw *hx, u8 ista) if (m & ista) { exirb = ReadHSCX(hx, IPAC_EXIRB); pr_debug("%s: B%1d EXIRB %02x\n", hx->ip->name, - hx->bch.nr, exirb); + hx->bch.nr, exirb); } } else if (hx->bch.nr & 2) { /* HSCX B */ if (ista & (HSCX__EXA | HSCX__ICA)) @@ -1094,7 +1094,7 @@ ipac_irq(struct hscx_hw *hx, u8 ista) if (ista & HSCX__EXB) { exirb = ReadHSCX(hx, IPAC_EXIRB); pr_debug("%s: B%1d EXIRB %02x\n", hx->ip->name, - hx->bch.nr, exirb); + hx->bch.nr, exirb); } istab = ista & 0xF8; } else { /* HSCX A */ @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ ipac_irq(struct hscx_hw *hx, u8 ista) if (ista & HSCX__EXA) { exirb = ReadHSCX(hx, IPAC_EXIRB); pr_debug("%s: B%1d EXIRB %02x\n", hx->ip->name, - hx->bch.nr, exirb); + hx->bch.nr, exirb); } istab = istab & 0xF8; } @@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ ipac_irq(struct hscx_hw *hx, u8 ista) return; } pr_debug("%s: B%1d XDU error at len %d\n", hx->ip->name, - hx->bch.nr, hx->bch.tx_idx); + hx->bch.nr, hx->bch.tx_idx); hx->bch.tx_idx = 0; hscx_cmdr(hx, 0x01); /* XRES */ } @@ -1204,10 +1204,10 @@ mISDNipac_irq(struct ipac_hw *ipac, int maxloop) return IRQ_NONE; if (cnt < maxloop) pr_debug("%s: %d irqloops cpu%d\n", ipac->name, - maxloop - cnt, smp_processor_id()); + maxloop - cnt, smp_processor_id()); if (maxloop && !cnt) pr_notice("%s: %d IRQ LOOP cpu%d\n", ipac->name, - maxloop, smp_processor_id()); + maxloop, smp_processor_id()); return IRQ_HANDLED; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(mISDNipac_irq); @@ -1216,7 +1216,7 @@ static int hscx_mode(struct hscx_hw *hscx, u32 bprotocol) { pr_debug("%s: HSCX %c protocol %x-->%x ch %d\n", hscx->ip->name, - '@' + hscx->bch.nr, hscx->bch.state, bprotocol, hscx->bch.nr); + '@' + hscx->bch.nr, hscx->bch.state, bprotocol, hscx->bch.nr); if (hscx->ip->type & IPAC_TYPE_IPACX) { if (hscx->bch.nr & 1) { /* B1 and ICA */ WriteIPAC(hscx->ip, ISACX_BCHA_TSDP_BC1, 0x80); @@ -1364,7 +1364,7 @@ hscx_l2l1(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) spin_unlock_irqrestore(hx->ip->hwlock, flags); if (!ret) _queue_data(ch, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, - NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + NULL, GFP_KERNEL); break; case PH_DEACTIVATE_REQ: spin_lock_irqsave(hx->ip->hwlock, flags); @@ -1372,7 +1372,7 @@ hscx_l2l1(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) hscx_mode(hx, ISDN_P_NONE); spin_unlock_irqrestore(hx->ip->hwlock, flags); _queue_data(ch, PH_DEACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, - NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + NULL, GFP_KERNEL); ret = 0; break; default: @@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ channel_bctrl(struct bchannel *bch, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) case MISDN_CTRL_GETOP: cq->op = 0; break; - /* Nothing implemented yet */ + /* Nothing implemented yet */ case MISDN_CTRL_FILL_EMPTY: default: pr_info("%s: unknown Op %x\n", __func__, cq->op); @@ -1467,7 +1467,7 @@ hscx_init(struct hscx_hw *hx) pr_debug("%s: HSCX VSTR %02x\n", hx->ip->name, val); if (hx->bch.debug & DEBUG_HW) pr_notice("%s: HSCX version %s\n", hx->ip->name, - HSCXVer[val & 0x0f]); + HSCXVer[val & 0x0f]); } else WriteHSCX(hx, IPAC_CCR1, 0x82); WriteHSCX(hx, IPAC_CCR2, 0x30); @@ -1491,7 +1491,7 @@ ipac_init(struct ipac_hw *ipac) val = ReadIPAC(ipac, IPAC_CONF); /* conf is default 0, but can be overwritten by card setup */ pr_debug("%s: IPAC CONF %02x/%02x\n", ipac->name, - val, ipac->conf); + val, ipac->conf); WriteIPAC(ipac, IPAC_CONF, ipac->conf); val = ReadIPAC(ipac, IPAC_ID); if (ipac->hscx[0].bch.debug & DEBUG_HW) @@ -1569,7 +1569,7 @@ ipac_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u32 cmd, void *arg) break; case CLOSE_CHANNEL: pr_debug("%s: dev(%d) close from %p\n", ipac->name, - dch->dev.id, __builtin_return_address(0)); + dch->dev.id, __builtin_return_address(0)); module_put(ipac->owner); break; case CONTROL_CHANNEL: @@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ mISDNipac_init(struct ipac_hw *ipac, void *hw) ipac->hscx[i].bch.nr = i + 1; set_channelmap(i + 1, ipac->isac.dch.dev.channelmap); list_add(&ipac->hscx[i].bch.ch.list, - &ipac->isac.dch.dev.bchannels); + &ipac->isac.dch.dev.bchannels); mISDN_initbchannel(&ipac->hscx[i].bch, MAX_DATA_MEM); ipac->hscx[i].bch.ch.nr = i + 1; ipac->hscx[i].bch.ch.send = &hscx_l2l1; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/mISDNisar.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/mISDNisar.c index 7034af28d464f225b424b08c1c7c14345bca9826..10446ab404b55e48eb98be5b525ece01864db524 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/mISDNisar.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/mISDNisar.c @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ MODULE_VERSION(ISAR_REV); static const u8 faxmodulation_s[] = "3,24,48,72,73,74,96,97,98,121,122,145,146"; static const u8 faxmodulation[] = {3, 24, 48, 72, 73, 74, 96, 97, 98, 121, - 122, 145, 146}; + 122, 145, 146}; #define FAXMODCNT 13 static void isar_setup(struct isar_hw *); @@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ send_mbox(struct isar_hw *isar, u8 his, u8 creg, u8 len, u8 *msg) while (l < (int)len) { hex_dump_to_buffer(msg + l, len - l, 32, 1, - isar->log, 256, 1); + isar->log, 256, 1); pr_debug("%s: %s %02x: %s\n", isar->name, - __func__, l, isar->log); + __func__, l, isar->log); l += 32; } } @@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ rcv_mbox(struct isar_hw *isar, u8 *msg) while (l < (int)isar->clsb) { hex_dump_to_buffer(msg + l, isar->clsb - l, 32, - 1, isar->log, 256, 1); + 1, isar->log, 256, 1); pr_debug("%s: %s %02x: %s\n", isar->name, - __func__, l, isar->log); + __func__, l, isar->log); l += 32; } } @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ get_irq_infos(struct isar_hw *isar) isar->cmsb = isar->read_reg(isar->hw, ISAR_CTRL_H); isar->clsb = isar->read_reg(isar->hw, ISAR_CTRL_L); pr_debug("%s: rcv_mbox(%02x,%02x,%d)\n", isar->name, - isar->iis, isar->cmsb, isar->clsb); + isar->iis, isar->cmsb, isar->clsb); } /* @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ poll_mbox(struct isar_hw *isar, int maxdelay) rcv_mbox(isar, NULL); } pr_debug("%s: pulled %d bytes after %d us\n", - isar->name, isar->clsb, maxdelay - t); + isar->name, isar->clsb, maxdelay - t); return t; } @@ -200,13 +200,13 @@ load_firmware(struct isar_hw *isar, const u8 *buf, int size) if (1 != isar->version) { pr_err("%s: ISAR wrong version %d firmware download aborted\n", - isar->name, isar->version); + isar->name, isar->version); return -EINVAL; } if (!(saved_debug & DEBUG_HW_FIRMWARE_FIFO)) isar->ch[0].bch.debug &= ~DEBUG_HW_BFIFO; pr_debug("%s: load firmware %d words (%d bytes)\n", - isar->name, size/2, size); + isar->name, size / 2, size); cnt = 0; size /= 2; /* disable ISAR IRQ */ @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ load_firmware(struct isar_hw *isar, const u8 *buf, int size) blk_head.d_key = le16_to_cpu(*sp++); cnt += 3; pr_debug("ISAR firmware block (%#x,%d,%#x)\n", - blk_head.sadr, blk_head.len, blk_head.d_key & 0xff); + blk_head.sadr, blk_head.len, blk_head.d_key & 0xff); left = blk_head.len; if (cnt + left > size) { pr_info("%s: firmware error have %d need %d words\n", @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ load_firmware(struct isar_hw *isar, const u8 *buf, int size) } spin_lock_irqsave(isar->hwlock, flags); if (!send_mbox(isar, ISAR_HIS_DKEY, blk_head.d_key & 0xff, - 0, NULL)) { + 0, NULL)) { pr_info("ISAR send_mbox dkey failed\n"); ret = -ETIME; goto reterror; @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ load_firmware(struct isar_hw *isar, const u8 *buf, int size) cnt += noc; *mp++ = noc; pr_debug("%s: load %3d words at %04x\n", isar->name, - noc, blk_head.sadr); + noc, blk_head.sadr); blk_head.sadr += noc; while (noc) { val = le16_to_cpu(*sp++); @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ load_firmware(struct isar_hw *isar, const u8 *buf, int size) } } pr_debug("%s: ISAR firmware block %d words loaded\n", - isar->name, blk_head.len); + isar->name, blk_head.len); } isar->ch[0].bch.debug = saved_debug; /* 10ms delay */ @@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ load_firmware(struct isar_hw *isar, const u8 *buf, int size) goto reterrflg; } else pr_debug("%s: ISAR general status event %x\n", - isar->name, isar->bstat); + isar->name, isar->bstat); /* 10ms delay */ cnt = 10; while (cnt--) @@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ load_firmware(struct isar_hw *isar, const u8 *buf, int size) } else { if ((isar->cmsb == ISAR_CTRL_SWVER) && (isar->clsb == 1)) { pr_notice("%s: ISAR software version %#x\n", - isar->name, isar->buf[0]); + isar->name, isar->buf[0]); } else { pr_info("%s: ISAR wrong swver response (%x,%x)" " cnt(%d)\n", isar->name, isar->cmsb, @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ isar_rcv_frame(struct isar_ch *ch) switch (ch->bch.state) { case ISDN_P_NONE: pr_debug("%s: ISAR protocol 0 spurious IIS_RDATA %x/%x/%x\n", - ch->is->name, ch->is->iis, ch->is->cmsb, ch->is->clsb); + ch->is->name, ch->is->iis, ch->is->cmsb, ch->is->clsb); ch->is->write_reg(ch->is->hw, ISAR_IIA, 0); break; case ISDN_P_B_RAW: @@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ isar_rcv_frame(struct isar_ch *ch) case ISDN_P_B_MODEM_ASYNC: if (!ch->bch.rx_skb) { ch->bch.rx_skb = mI_alloc_skb(ch->bch.maxlen, - GFP_ATOMIC); + GFP_ATOMIC); if (unlikely(!ch->bch.rx_skb)) { pr_info("%s: B receive out of memory\n", ch->is->name); @@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ isar_rcv_frame(struct isar_ch *ch) case ISDN_P_B_HDLC: if (!ch->bch.rx_skb) { ch->bch.rx_skb = mI_alloc_skb(ch->bch.maxlen, - GFP_ATOMIC); + GFP_ATOMIC); if (unlikely(!ch->bch.rx_skb)) { pr_info("%s: B receive out of memory\n", ch->is->name); @@ -464,14 +464,14 @@ isar_rcv_frame(struct isar_ch *ch) if ((ch->bch.rx_skb->len + ch->is->clsb) > (ch->bch.maxlen + 2)) { pr_debug("%s: incoming packet too large\n", - ch->is->name); + ch->is->name); ch->is->write_reg(ch->is->hw, ISAR_IIA, 0); skb_trim(ch->bch.rx_skb, 0); break; } if (ch->is->cmsb & HDLC_ERROR) { pr_debug("%s: ISAR frame error %x len %d\n", - ch->is->name, ch->is->cmsb, ch->is->clsb); + ch->is->name, ch->is->cmsb, ch->is->clsb); #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC if (ch->is->cmsb & HDLC_ERR_RER) ch->bch.err_inv++; @@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ isar_rcv_frame(struct isar_ch *ch) if (ch->is->cmsb & HDLC_FED) { if (ch->bch.rx_skb->len < 3) { /* last 2 are the FCS */ pr_debug("%s: ISAR frame to short %d\n", - ch->is->name, ch->bch.rx_skb->len); + ch->is->name, ch->bch.rx_skb->len); skb_trim(ch->bch.rx_skb, 0); break; } @@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ isar_rcv_frame(struct isar_ch *ch) case ISDN_P_B_T30_FAX: if (ch->state != STFAX_ACTIV) { pr_debug("%s: isar_rcv_frame: not ACTIV\n", - ch->is->name); + ch->is->name); ch->is->write_reg(ch->is->hw, ISAR_IIA, 0); if (ch->bch.rx_skb) skb_trim(ch->bch.rx_skb, 0); @@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ isar_rcv_frame(struct isar_ch *ch) } if (!ch->bch.rx_skb) { ch->bch.rx_skb = mI_alloc_skb(ch->bch.maxlen, - GFP_ATOMIC); + GFP_ATOMIC); if (unlikely(!ch->bch.rx_skb)) { pr_info("%s: B receive out of memory\n", __func__); @@ -519,14 +519,14 @@ isar_rcv_frame(struct isar_ch *ch) if (ch->cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FRM) { rcv_mbox(ch->is, skb_put(ch->bch.rx_skb, ch->is->clsb)); pr_debug("%s: isar_rcv_frame: %d\n", - ch->is->name, ch->bch.rx_skb->len); + ch->is->name, ch->bch.rx_skb->len); if (ch->is->cmsb & SART_NMD) { /* ABORT */ pr_debug("%s: isar_rcv_frame: no more data\n", - ch->is->name); + ch->is->name); ch->is->write_reg(ch->is->hw, ISAR_IIA, 0); send_mbox(ch->is, SET_DPS(ch->dpath) | - ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, PCTRL_CMD_ESC, - 0, NULL); + ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, PCTRL_CMD_ESC, + 0, NULL); ch->state = STFAX_ESCAPE; /* set_skb_flag(skb, DF_NOMOREDATA); */ } @@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ isar_rcv_frame(struct isar_ch *ch) } if (ch->cmd != PCTRL_CMD_FRH) { pr_debug("%s: isar_rcv_frame: unknown fax mode %x\n", - ch->is->name, ch->cmd); + ch->is->name, ch->cmd); ch->is->write_reg(ch->is->hw, ISAR_IIA, 0); if (ch->bch.rx_skb) skb_trim(ch->bch.rx_skb, 0); @@ -574,12 +574,12 @@ isar_rcv_frame(struct isar_ch *ch) } if (ch->is->cmsb & SART_NMD) { /* ABORT */ pr_debug("%s: isar_rcv_frame: no more data\n", - ch->is->name); + ch->is->name); ch->is->write_reg(ch->is->hw, ISAR_IIA, 0); if (ch->bch.rx_skb) skb_trim(ch->bch.rx_skb, 0); send_mbox(ch->is, SET_DPS(ch->dpath) | - ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, PCTRL_CMD_ESC, 0, NULL); + ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, PCTRL_CMD_ESC, 0, NULL); ch->state = STFAX_ESCAPE; deliver_status(ch, HW_MOD_NOCARR); } @@ -599,14 +599,14 @@ isar_fill_fifo(struct isar_ch *ch) u8 *ptr; pr_debug("%s: ch%d tx_skb %p tx_idx %d\n", - ch->is->name, ch->bch.nr, ch->bch.tx_skb, ch->bch.tx_idx); + ch->is->name, ch->bch.nr, ch->bch.tx_skb, ch->bch.tx_idx); if (!ch->bch.tx_skb) return; count = ch->bch.tx_skb->len - ch->bch.tx_idx; if (count <= 0) return; if (!(ch->is->bstat & - (ch->dpath == 1 ? BSTAT_RDM1 : BSTAT_RDM2))) + (ch->dpath == 1 ? BSTAT_RDM1 : BSTAT_RDM2))) return; if (count > ch->mml) { msb = 0; @@ -618,17 +618,17 @@ isar_fill_fifo(struct isar_ch *ch) if (!ch->bch.tx_idx) { pr_debug("%s: frame start\n", ch->is->name); if ((ch->bch.state == ISDN_P_B_T30_FAX) && - (ch->cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTH)) { + (ch->cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTH)) { if (count > 1) { if ((ptr[0] == 0xff) && (ptr[1] == 0x13)) { /* last frame */ test_and_set_bit(FLG_LASTDATA, - &ch->bch.Flags); + &ch->bch.Flags); pr_debug("%s: set LASTDATA\n", - ch->is->name); + ch->is->name); if (msb == HDLC_FED) test_and_set_bit(FLG_DLEETX, - &ch->bch.Flags); + &ch->bch.Flags); } } } @@ -643,21 +643,21 @@ isar_fill_fifo(struct isar_ch *ch) case ISDN_P_B_L2DTMF: case ISDN_P_B_MODEM_ASYNC: send_mbox(ch->is, SET_DPS(ch->dpath) | ISAR_HIS_SDATA, - 0, count, ptr); + 0, count, ptr); break; case ISDN_P_B_HDLC: send_mbox(ch->is, SET_DPS(ch->dpath) | ISAR_HIS_SDATA, - msb, count, ptr); + msb, count, ptr); break; case ISDN_P_B_T30_FAX: if (ch->state != STFAX_ACTIV) pr_debug("%s: not ACTIV\n", ch->is->name); else if (ch->cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTH) send_mbox(ch->is, SET_DPS(ch->dpath) | ISAR_HIS_SDATA, - msb, count, ptr); + msb, count, ptr); else if (ch->cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTM) send_mbox(ch->is, SET_DPS(ch->dpath) | ISAR_HIS_SDATA, - 0, count, ptr); + 0, count, ptr); else pr_debug("%s: not FTH/FTM\n", ch->is->name); break; @@ -687,8 +687,8 @@ static void send_next(struct isar_ch *ch) { pr_debug("%s: %s ch%d tx_skb %p tx_idx %d\n", - ch->is->name, __func__, ch->bch.nr, - ch->bch.tx_skb, ch->bch.tx_idx); + ch->is->name, __func__, ch->bch.nr, + ch->bch.tx_skb, ch->bch.tx_idx); if (ch->bch.state == ISDN_P_B_T30_FAX) { if (ch->cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTH) { if (test_bit(FLG_LASTDATA, &ch->bch.Flags)) { @@ -713,12 +713,12 @@ send_next(struct isar_ch *ch) else { if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DLEETX, &ch->bch.Flags)) { if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LASTDATA, - &ch->bch.Flags)) { + &ch->bch.Flags)) { if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_NMD_DATA, - &ch->bch.Flags)) { + &ch->bch.Flags)) { u8 zd = 0; send_mbox(ch->is, SET_DPS(ch->dpath) | - ISAR_HIS_SDATA, 0x01, 1, &zd); + ISAR_HIS_SDATA, 0x01, 1, &zd); } test_and_set_bit(FLG_LL_OK, &ch->bch.Flags); } else { @@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ check_send(struct isar_hw *isar, u8 rdm) ch = sel_bch_isar(isar, 1); if (ch && test_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &ch->bch.Flags)) { if (ch->bch.tx_skb && (ch->bch.tx_skb->len > - ch->bch.tx_idx)) + ch->bch.tx_idx)) isar_fill_fifo(ch); else send_next(ch); @@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ check_send(struct isar_hw *isar, u8 rdm) ch = sel_bch_isar(isar, 2); if (ch && test_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &ch->bch.Flags)) { if (ch->bch.tx_skb && (ch->bch.tx_skb->len > - ch->bch.tx_idx)) + ch->bch.tx_idx)) isar_fill_fifo(ch); else send_next(ch); @@ -757,10 +757,10 @@ check_send(struct isar_hw *isar, u8 rdm) } const char *dmril[] = {"NO SPEED", "1200/75", "NODEF2", "75/1200", "NODEF4", - "300", "600", "1200", "2400", "4800", "7200", - "9600nt", "9600t", "12000", "14400", "WRONG"}; + "300", "600", "1200", "2400", "4800", "7200", + "9600nt", "9600t", "12000", "14400", "WRONG"}; const char *dmrim[] = {"NO MOD", "NO DEF", "V32/V32b", "V22", "V21", - "Bell103", "V23", "Bell202", "V17", "V29", "V27ter"}; + "Bell103", "V23", "Bell202", "V17", "V29", "V27ter"}; static void isar_pump_status_rsp(struct isar_ch *ch) { @@ -892,10 +892,10 @@ isar_pump_statev_fax(struct isar_ch *ch, u8 devt) { pr_debug("%s: pump stev LINE_TX_H\n", ch->is->name); ch->state = STFAX_CONT; send_mbox(ch->is, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, - PCTRL_CMD_CONT, 0, NULL); + PCTRL_CMD_CONT, 0, NULL); } else { pr_debug("%s: pump stev LINE_TX_H wrong st %x\n", - ch->is->name, ch->state); + ch->is->name, ch->state); } break; case PSEV_LINE_RX_H: @@ -903,10 +903,10 @@ isar_pump_statev_fax(struct isar_ch *ch, u8 devt) { pr_debug("%s: pump stev LINE_RX_H\n", ch->is->name); ch->state = STFAX_CONT; send_mbox(ch->is, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, - PCTRL_CMD_CONT, 0, NULL); + PCTRL_CMD_CONT, 0, NULL); } else { pr_debug("%s: pump stev LINE_RX_H wrong st %x\n", - ch->is->name, ch->state); + ch->is->name, ch->state); } break; case PSEV_LINE_TX_B: @@ -914,10 +914,10 @@ isar_pump_statev_fax(struct isar_ch *ch, u8 devt) { pr_debug("%s: pump stev LINE_TX_B\n", ch->is->name); ch->state = STFAX_CONT; send_mbox(ch->is, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, - PCTRL_CMD_CONT, 0, NULL); + PCTRL_CMD_CONT, 0, NULL); } else { pr_debug("%s: pump stev LINE_TX_B wrong st %x\n", - ch->is->name, ch->state); + ch->is->name, ch->state); } break; case PSEV_LINE_RX_B: @@ -925,10 +925,10 @@ isar_pump_statev_fax(struct isar_ch *ch, u8 devt) { pr_debug("%s: pump stev LINE_RX_B\n", ch->is->name); ch->state = STFAX_CONT; send_mbox(ch->is, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, - PCTRL_CMD_CONT, 0, NULL); + PCTRL_CMD_CONT, 0, NULL); } else { pr_debug("%s: pump stev LINE_RX_B wrong st %x\n", - ch->is->name, ch->state); + ch->is->name, ch->state); } break; case PSEV_RSP_CONN: @@ -941,19 +941,19 @@ isar_pump_statev_fax(struct isar_ch *ch, u8 devt) { int delay = (ch->mod == 3) ? 1000 : 200; /* 1s (200 ms) Flags before data */ if (test_and_set_bit(FLG_FTI_RUN, - &ch->bch.Flags)) + &ch->bch.Flags)) del_timer(&ch->ftimer); ch->ftimer.expires = - jiffies + ((delay * HZ)/1000); + jiffies + ((delay * HZ) / 1000); test_and_set_bit(FLG_LL_CONN, - &ch->bch.Flags); + &ch->bch.Flags); add_timer(&ch->ftimer); } else { deliver_status(ch, HW_MOD_CONNECT); } } else { pr_debug("%s: pump stev RSP_CONN wrong st %x\n", - ch->is->name, ch->state); + ch->is->name, ch->state); } break; case PSEV_FLAGS_DET: @@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ isar_pump_statev_fax(struct isar_ch *ch, u8 devt) { break; case PSEV_RSP_DISC: pr_debug("%s: pump stev RSP_DISC state(%d)\n", - ch->is->name, ch->state); + ch->is->name, ch->state); if (ch->state == STFAX_ESCAPE) { p1 = 5; switch (ch->newcmd) { @@ -972,7 +972,7 @@ isar_pump_statev_fax(struct isar_ch *ch, u8 devt) { p1 = 2; case PCTRL_CMD_FTH: send_mbox(ch->is, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, - PCTRL_CMD_SILON, 1, &p1); + PCTRL_CMD_SILON, 1, &p1); ch->state = STFAX_SILDET; break; case PCTRL_CMD_FRH: @@ -983,13 +983,13 @@ isar_pump_statev_fax(struct isar_ch *ch, u8 devt) { ch->cmd = ch->newcmd; ch->newcmd = 0; send_mbox(ch->is, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, - ch->cmd, 1, &p1); + ch->cmd, 1, &p1); ch->state = STFAX_LINE; ch->try_mod = 3; break; default: pr_debug("%s: RSP_DISC unknown newcmd %x\n", - ch->is->name, ch->newcmd); + ch->is->name, ch->newcmd); break; } } else if (ch->state == STFAX_ACTIV) { @@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ isar_pump_statev_fax(struct isar_ch *ch, u8 devt) { ch->cmd = ch->newcmd; ch->newcmd = 0; send_mbox(ch->is, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, - ch->cmd, 1, &p1); + ch->cmd, 1, &p1); ch->state = STFAX_LINE; ch->try_mod = 3; } @@ -1026,17 +1026,17 @@ isar_pump_statev_fax(struct isar_ch *ch, u8 devt) { case PSEV_RSP_FCERR: if (ch->state == STFAX_LINE) { pr_debug("%s: pump stev RSP_FCERR try %d\n", - ch->is->name, ch->try_mod); + ch->is->name, ch->try_mod); if (ch->try_mod--) { send_mbox(ch->is, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, - ch->cmd, 1, &ch->mod); + ch->cmd, 1, &ch->mod); break; } } pr_debug("%s: pump stev RSP_FCERR\n", ch->is->name); ch->state = STFAX_ESCAPE; send_mbox(ch->is, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, PCTRL_CMD_ESC, - 0, NULL); + 0, NULL); deliver_status(ch, HW_MOD_FCERROR); break; default: @@ -1057,8 +1057,8 @@ mISDNisar_irq(struct isar_hw *isar) isar_rcv_frame(ch); else { pr_debug("%s: ISAR spurious IIS_RDATA %x/%x/%x\n", - isar->name, isar->iis, isar->cmsb, - isar->clsb); + isar->name, isar->iis, isar->cmsb, + isar->clsb); isar->write_reg(isar->hw, ISAR_IIA, 0); } break; @@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@ mISDNisar_irq(struct isar_hw *isar) } #endif pr_debug("%s: Buffer STEV dpath%d msb(%x)\n", - isar->name, isar->iis>>6, isar->cmsb); + isar->name, isar->iis >> 6, isar->cmsb); isar->write_reg(isar->hw, ISAR_IIA, 0); break; case ISAR_IIS_PSTEV: @@ -1100,16 +1100,16 @@ mISDNisar_irq(struct isar_hw *isar) tt += 7; tt |= DTMF_TONE_VAL; _queue_data(&ch->bch.ch, PH_CONTROL_IND, - MISDN_ID_ANY, sizeof(tt), &tt, - GFP_ATOMIC); + MISDN_ID_ANY, sizeof(tt), &tt, + GFP_ATOMIC); } else pr_debug("%s: ISAR IIS_PSTEV pm %d sta %x\n", - isar->name, ch->bch.state, - isar->cmsb); + isar->name, ch->bch.state, + isar->cmsb); } else { pr_debug("%s: ISAR spurious IIS_PSTEV %x/%x/%x\n", - isar->name, isar->iis, isar->cmsb, - isar->clsb); + isar->name, isar->iis, isar->cmsb, + isar->clsb); isar->write_reg(isar->hw, ISAR_IIA, 0); } break; @@ -1120,8 +1120,8 @@ mISDNisar_irq(struct isar_hw *isar) isar_pump_status_rsp(ch); } else { pr_debug("%s: ISAR spurious IIS_PSTRSP %x/%x/%x\n", - isar->name, isar->iis, isar->cmsb, - isar->clsb); + isar->name, isar->iis, isar->cmsb, + isar->clsb); isar->write_reg(isar->hw, ISAR_IIA, 0); } break; @@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@ mISDNisar_irq(struct isar_hw *isar) default: rcv_mbox(isar, NULL); pr_debug("%s: unhandled msg iis(%x) ctrl(%x/%x)\n", - isar->name, isar->iis, isar->cmsb, isar->clsb); + isar->name, isar->iis, isar->cmsb, isar->clsb); break; } } @@ -1169,11 +1169,11 @@ setup_pump(struct isar_ch *ch) { if (test_bit(FLG_DTMFSEND, &ch->bch.Flags)) { param[0] = 5; /* TOA 5 db */ send_mbox(ch->is, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCFG, - PMOD_DTMF_TRANS, 1, param); + PMOD_DTMF_TRANS, 1, param); } else { param[0] = 40; /* REL -46 dbm */ send_mbox(ch->is, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCFG, - PMOD_DTMF, 1, param); + PMOD_DTMF, 1, param); } case ISDN_P_B_MODEM_ASYNC: ctrl = PMOD_DATAMODEM; @@ -1220,17 +1220,17 @@ setup_sart(struct isar_ch *ch) { switch (ch->bch.state) { case ISDN_P_NONE: send_mbox(ch->is, dps | ISAR_HIS_SARTCFG, SMODE_DISABLE, - 0, NULL); + 0, NULL); break; case ISDN_P_B_RAW: case ISDN_P_B_L2DTMF: send_mbox(ch->is, dps | ISAR_HIS_SARTCFG, SMODE_BINARY, - 2, param); + 2, param); break; case ISDN_P_B_HDLC: case ISDN_P_B_T30_FAX: send_mbox(ch->is, dps | ISAR_HIS_SARTCFG, SMODE_HDLC, - 1, param); + 1, param); break; case ISDN_P_B_MODEM_ASYNC: ctrl = SMODE_V14 | SCTRL_HDMC_BOTH; @@ -1297,7 +1297,7 @@ modeisar(struct isar_ch *ch, u32 bprotocol) if (!test_and_set_bit(ISAR_DP2_USE, &ch->is->Flags)) ch->dpath = 2; else if (!test_and_set_bit(ISAR_DP1_USE, - &ch->is->Flags)) + &ch->is->Flags)) ch->dpath = 1; else { pr_info("modeisar both pathes in use\n"); @@ -1307,7 +1307,7 @@ modeisar(struct isar_ch *ch, u32 bprotocol) test_and_set_bit(FLG_HDLC, &ch->bch.Flags); else test_and_set_bit(FLG_TRANSPARENT, - &ch->bch.Flags); + &ch->bch.Flags); break; case ISDN_P_B_MODEM_ASYNC: case ISDN_P_B_T30_FAX: @@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ modeisar(struct isar_ch *ch, u32 bprotocol) } } pr_debug("%s: ISAR ch%d dp%d protocol %x->%x\n", ch->is->name, - ch->bch.nr, ch->dpath, ch->bch.state, bprotocol); + ch->bch.nr, ch->dpath, ch->bch.state, bprotocol); ch->bch.state = bprotocol; setup_pump(ch); setup_iom2(ch); @@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@ isar_pump_cmd(struct isar_ch *ch, u32 cmd, u8 para) u8 ctrl = 0, nom = 0, p1 = 0; pr_debug("%s: isar_pump_cmd %x/%x state(%x)\n", - ch->is->name, cmd, para, ch->bch.state); + ch->is->name, cmd, para, ch->bch.state); switch (cmd) { case HW_MOD_FTM: if (ch->state == STFAX_READY) { @@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@ isar_pump_cmd(struct isar_ch *ch, u32 cmd, u8 para) ch->newcmd = 0; ch->try_mod = 3; } else if ((ch->state == STFAX_ACTIV) && - (ch->cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTM) && (ch->mod == para)) + (ch->cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTM) && (ch->mod == para)) deliver_status(ch, HW_MOD_CONNECT); else { ch->newmod = para; @@ -1389,8 +1389,8 @@ isar_pump_cmd(struct isar_ch *ch, u32 cmd, u8 para) ch->newcmd = 0; ch->try_mod = 3; } else if ((ch->state == STFAX_ACTIV) && - (ch->cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTH) && (ch->mod == para)) - deliver_status(ch, HW_MOD_CONNECT); + (ch->cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTH) && (ch->mod == para)) + deliver_status(ch, HW_MOD_CONNECT); else { ch->newmod = para; ch->newcmd = PCTRL_CMD_FTH; @@ -1411,7 +1411,7 @@ isar_pump_cmd(struct isar_ch *ch, u32 cmd, u8 para) ch->newcmd = 0; ch->try_mod = 3; } else if ((ch->state == STFAX_ACTIV) && - (ch->cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FRM) && (ch->mod == para)) + (ch->cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FRM) && (ch->mod == para)) deliver_status(ch, HW_MOD_CONNECT); else { ch->newmod = para; @@ -1433,7 +1433,7 @@ isar_pump_cmd(struct isar_ch *ch, u32 cmd, u8 para) ch->newcmd = 0; ch->try_mod = 3; } else if ((ch->state == STFAX_ACTIV) && - (ch->cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FRH) && (ch->mod == para)) + (ch->cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FRH) && (ch->mod == para)) deliver_status(ch, HW_MOD_CONNECT); else { ch->newmod = para; @@ -1464,7 +1464,7 @@ isar_setup(struct isar_hw *isar) for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { /* Buffer Config */ send_mbox(isar, (i ? ISAR_HIS_DPS2 : ISAR_HIS_DPS1) | - ISAR_HIS_P12CFG, 4, 1, &msg); + ISAR_HIS_P12CFG, 4, 1, &msg); isar->ch[i].mml = msg; isar->ch[i].bch.state = 0; isar->ch[i].dpath = i + 1; @@ -1505,7 +1505,7 @@ isar_l2l1(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) spin_unlock_irqrestore(ich->is->hwlock, flags); if (!ret) _queue_data(ch, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, - NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + NULL, GFP_KERNEL); break; case PH_DEACTIVATE_REQ: spin_lock_irqsave(ich->is->hwlock, flags); @@ -1513,15 +1513,15 @@ isar_l2l1(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) modeisar(ich, ISDN_P_NONE); spin_unlock_irqrestore(ich->is->hwlock, flags); _queue_data(ch, PH_DEACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, - NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + NULL, GFP_KERNEL); ret = 0; break; case PH_CONTROL_REQ: val = (u32 *)skb->data; pr_debug("%s: PH_CONTROL | REQUEST %x/%x\n", ich->is->name, - hh->id, *val); + hh->id, *val); if ((hh->id == 0) && ((*val & ~DTMF_TONE_MASK) == - DTMF_TONE_VAL)) { + DTMF_TONE_VAL)) { if (bch->state == ISDN_P_B_L2DTMF) { char tt = *val & DTMF_TONE_MASK; @@ -1541,7 +1541,7 @@ isar_l2l1(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) return -EINVAL; } } else if ((hh->id == HW_MOD_FRM) || (hh->id == HW_MOD_FRH) || - (hh->id == HW_MOD_FTM) || (hh->id == HW_MOD_FTH)) { + (hh->id == HW_MOD_FTM) || (hh->id == HW_MOD_FTH)) { for (id = 0; id < FAXMODCNT; id++) if (faxmodulation[id] == *val) break; @@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ channel_bctrl(struct bchannel *bch, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) case MISDN_CTRL_GETOP: cq->op = 0; break; - /* Nothing implemented yet */ + /* Nothing implemented yet */ case MISDN_CTRL_FILL_EMPTY: default: pr_info("%s: unknown Op %x\n", __func__, cq->op); @@ -1647,7 +1647,7 @@ init_isar(struct isar_hw *isar) isar->version = ISARVersion(isar); if (isar->ch[0].bch.debug & DEBUG_HW) pr_notice("%s: Testing version %d (%d time)\n", - isar->name, isar->version, 3 - cnt); + isar->name, isar->version, 3 - cnt); if (isar->version == 1) break; isar->ctrl(isar->hw, HW_RESET_REQ, 0); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/netjet.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/netjet.c index 5ef9f11ee74bfb0f3facbd95ebfb530139672ba9..dd6de9f7a8a34ed0dd4f808c3b1a9f6783edc442 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/netjet.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/netjet.c @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ fill_mem(struct tiger_ch *bc, u32 idx, u32 cnt, u32 fill) u32 mask = 0xff, val; pr_debug("%s: B%1d fill %02x len %d idx %d/%d\n", card->name, - bc->bch.nr, fill, cnt, idx, card->send.idx); + bc->bch.nr, fill, cnt, idx, card->send.idx); if (bc->bch.nr & 2) { fill <<= 8; mask <<= 8; @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ mode_tiger(struct tiger_ch *bc, u32 protocol) struct tiger_hw *card = bc->bch.hw; pr_debug("%s: B%1d protocol %x-->%x\n", card->name, - bc->bch.nr, bc->bch.state, protocol); + bc->bch.nr, bc->bch.state, protocol); switch (protocol) { case ISDN_P_NONE: if (bc->bch.state == ISDN_P_NONE) @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ mode_tiger(struct tiger_ch *bc, u32 protocol) test_and_set_bit(FLG_TRANSPARENT, &bc->bch.Flags); bc->bch.state = protocol; bc->idx = 0; - bc->free = card->send.size/2; + bc->free = card->send.size / 2; bc->rxstate = 0; bc->txstate = TX_INIT | TX_IDLE; bc->lastrx = -1; @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ mode_tiger(struct tiger_ch *bc, u32 protocol) test_and_set_bit(FLG_HDLC, &bc->bch.Flags); bc->bch.state = protocol; bc->idx = 0; - bc->free = card->send.size/2; + bc->free = card->send.size / 2; bc->rxstate = 0; bc->txstate = TX_INIT | TX_IDLE; isdnhdlc_rcv_init(&bc->hrecv, 0); @@ -273,12 +273,12 @@ mode_tiger(struct tiger_ch *bc, u32 protocol) card->send.idx = (card->send.dmacur - card->send.dmastart) >> 2; card->recv.idx = (card->recv.dmacur - card->recv.dmastart) >> 2; pr_debug("%s: %s ctrl %x irq %02x/%02x idx %d/%d\n", - card->name, __func__, - inb(card->base + NJ_DMACTRL), - inb(card->base + NJ_IRQMASK0), - inb(card->base + NJ_IRQSTAT0), - card->send.idx, - card->recv.idx); + card->name, __func__, + inb(card->base + NJ_DMACTRL), + inb(card->base + NJ_IRQMASK0), + inb(card->base + NJ_IRQSTAT0), + card->send.idx, + card->recv.idx); return 0; } @@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ inittiger(struct tiger_hw *card) int i; card->dma_p = pci_alloc_consistent(card->pdev, NJ_DMA_SIZE, - &card->dma); + &card->dma); if (!card->dma_p) { pr_info("%s: No DMA memory\n", card->name); return -ENOMEM; @@ -344,9 +344,9 @@ inittiger(struct tiger_hw *card) if (debug & DEBUG_HW) pr_notice("%s: send buffer phy %#x - %#x - %#x virt %p" - " size %zu u32\n", card->name, - card->send.dmastart, card->send.dmairq, - card->send.dmaend, card->send.start, card->send.size); + " size %zu u32\n", card->name, + card->send.dmastart, card->send.dmairq, + card->send.dmaend, card->send.start, card->send.size); outl(card->send.dmastart, card->base + NJ_DMA_READ_START); outl(card->send.dmairq, card->base + NJ_DMA_READ_IRQ); @@ -362,9 +362,9 @@ inittiger(struct tiger_hw *card) if (debug & DEBUG_HW) pr_notice("%s: recv buffer phy %#x - %#x - %#x virt %p" - " size %zu u32\n", card->name, - card->recv.dmastart, card->recv.dmairq, - card->recv.dmaend, card->recv.start, card->recv.size); + " size %zu u32\n", card->name, + card->recv.dmastart, card->recv.dmairq, + card->recv.dmaend, card->recv.start, card->recv.size); outl(card->recv.dmastart, card->base + NJ_DMA_WRITE_START); outl(card->recv.dmairq, card->base + NJ_DMA_WRITE_IRQ); @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ read_dma(struct tiger_ch *bc, u32 idx, int cnt) if (test_bit(FLG_TRANSPARENT, &bc->bch.Flags)) { if ((bc->bch.rx_skb->len + cnt) > bc->bch.maxlen) { pr_debug("%s: B%1d overrun %d\n", card->name, - bc->bch.nr, bc->bch.rx_skb->len + cnt); + bc->bch.nr, bc->bch.rx_skb->len + cnt); skb_trim(bc->bch.rx_skb, 0); return; } @@ -418,8 +418,8 @@ read_dma(struct tiger_ch *bc, u32 idx, int cnt) next_frame: if (test_bit(FLG_HDLC, &bc->bch.Flags)) { stat = isdnhdlc_decode(&bc->hrecv, pn, cnt, &i, - bc->bch.rx_skb->data, bc->bch.maxlen); - if (stat > 0) /* valid frame received */ + bc->bch.rx_skb->data, bc->bch.maxlen); + if (stat > 0) /* valid frame received */ p = skb_put(bc->bch.rx_skb, stat); else if (stat == -HDLC_CRC_ERROR) pr_info("%s: B%1d receive frame CRC error\n", @@ -431,14 +431,14 @@ read_dma(struct tiger_ch *bc, u32 idx, int cnt) pr_info("%s: B%1d receive frame too long (> %d)\n", card->name, bc->bch.nr, bc->bch.maxlen); } else - stat = cnt; + stat = cnt; if (stat > 0) { if (debug & DEBUG_HW_BFIFO) { snprintf(card->log, LOG_SIZE, "B%1d-recv %s %d ", - bc->bch.nr, card->name, stat); + bc->bch.nr, card->name, stat); print_hex_dump_bytes(card->log, DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, - p, stat); + p, stat); } recv_Bchannel(&bc->bch, 0); } @@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ read_dma(struct tiger_ch *bc, u32 idx, int cnt) cnt -= i; if (!bc->bch.rx_skb) { bc->bch.rx_skb = mI_alloc_skb(bc->bch.maxlen, - GFP_ATOMIC); + GFP_ATOMIC); if (!bc->bch.rx_skb) { pr_info("%s: B%1d receive out of memory\n", card->name, bc->bch.nr); @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ resync(struct tiger_ch *bc, struct tiger_hw *card) bc->idx = card->recv.size - 1; bc->txstate = TX_RUN; pr_debug("%s: %s B%1d free %d idx %d/%d\n", card->name, - __func__, bc->bch.nr, bc->free, bc->idx, card->send.idx); + __func__, bc->bch.nr, bc->free, bc->idx, card->send.idx); } static int bc_next_frame(struct tiger_ch *); @@ -514,14 +514,14 @@ fill_hdlc_flag(struct tiger_ch *bc) if (bc->free == 0) return; pr_debug("%s: %s B%1d %d state %x idx %d/%d\n", card->name, - __func__, bc->bch.nr, bc->free, bc->txstate, - bc->idx, card->send.idx); + __func__, bc->bch.nr, bc->free, bc->txstate, + bc->idx, card->send.idx); if (bc->txstate & (TX_IDLE | TX_INIT | TX_UNDERRUN)) resync(bc, card); count = isdnhdlc_encode(&bc->hsend, NULL, 0, &i, - bc->hsbuf, bc->free); + bc->hsbuf, bc->free); pr_debug("%s: B%1d hdlc encoded %d flags\n", card->name, - bc->bch.nr, count); + bc->bch.nr, count); bc->free -= count; p = bc->hsbuf; m = (bc->bch.nr & 1) ? 0xffffff00 : 0xffff00ff; @@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ fill_hdlc_flag(struct tiger_ch *bc) } if (debug & DEBUG_HW_BFIFO) { snprintf(card->log, LOG_SIZE, "B%1d-send %s %d ", - bc->bch.nr, card->name, count); + bc->bch.nr, card->name, count); print_hex_dump_bytes(card->log, DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, p, count); } } @@ -554,16 +554,16 @@ fill_dma(struct tiger_ch *bc) if (count <= 0) return; pr_debug("%s: %s B%1d %d/%d/%d/%d state %x idx %d/%d\n", card->name, - __func__, bc->bch.nr, count, bc->free, bc->bch.tx_idx, - bc->bch.tx_skb->len, bc->txstate, bc->idx, card->send.idx); + __func__, bc->bch.nr, count, bc->free, bc->bch.tx_idx, + bc->bch.tx_skb->len, bc->txstate, bc->idx, card->send.idx); if (bc->txstate & (TX_IDLE | TX_INIT | TX_UNDERRUN)) resync(bc, card); p = bc->bch.tx_skb->data + bc->bch.tx_idx; if (test_bit(FLG_HDLC, &bc->bch.Flags)) { count = isdnhdlc_encode(&bc->hsend, p, count, &i, - bc->hsbuf, bc->free); + bc->hsbuf, bc->free); pr_debug("%s: B%1d hdlc encoded %d in %d\n", card->name, - bc->bch.nr, i, count); + bc->bch.nr, i, count); bc->bch.tx_idx += i; bc->free -= count; p = bc->hsbuf; @@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ fill_dma(struct tiger_ch *bc) } if (debug & DEBUG_HW_BFIFO) { snprintf(card->log, LOG_SIZE, "B%1d-send %s %d ", - bc->bch.nr, card->name, count); + bc->bch.nr, card->name, count); print_hex_dump_bytes(card->log, DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, p, count); } if (bc->free) @@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ send_tiger_bc(struct tiger_hw *card, struct tiger_ch *bc) return; } pr_debug("%s: B%1d TX no data free %d idx %d/%d\n", card->name, - bc->bch.nr, bc->free, bc->idx, card->send.idx); + bc->bch.nr, bc->free, bc->idx, card->send.idx); if (!(bc->txstate & (TX_IDLE | TX_INIT))) { fill_mem(bc, bc->idx, bc->free, 0xff); if (bc->free == card->send.size) @@ -706,8 +706,8 @@ nj_irq(int intno, void *dev_id) s0val |= 0x01; /* the 1st read area is free */ pr_debug("%s: DMA Status %02x/%02x/%02x %d/%d\n", card->name, - s1val, s0val, card->last_is0, - card->recv.idx, card->send.idx); + s1val, s0val, card->last_is0, + card->recv.idx, card->send.idx); /* test if we have a DMA interrupt */ if (s0val != card->last_is0) { if ((s0val & NJ_IRQM0_RD_MASK) != @@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ nj_l2l1B(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); if (!ret) _queue_data(ch, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, - NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + NULL, GFP_KERNEL); break; case PH_DEACTIVATE_REQ: spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); @@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ nj_l2l1B(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) mode_tiger(bc, ISDN_P_NONE); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); _queue_data(ch, PH_DEACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, - NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + NULL, GFP_KERNEL); ret = 0; break; } @@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ channel_bctrl(struct tiger_ch *bc, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) case MISDN_CTRL_GETOP: cq->op = 0; break; - /* Nothing implemented yet */ + /* Nothing implemented yet */ case MISDN_CTRL_FILL_EMPTY: default: pr_info("%s: %s unknown Op %x\n", card->name, __func__, cq->op); @@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ nj_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u32 cmd, void *arg) break; case CLOSE_CHANNEL: pr_debug("%s: dev(%d) close from %p\n", card->name, dch->dev.id, - __builtin_return_address(0)); + __builtin_return_address(0)); module_put(THIS_MODULE); break; case CONTROL_CHANNEL: @@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ nj_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u32 cmd, void *arg) break; default: pr_debug("%s: %s unknown command %x\n", - card->name, __func__, cmd); + card->name, __func__, cmd); return -EINVAL; } return err; @@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ nj_release(struct tiger_hw *card) free_irq(card->irq, card); if (card->isac.dch.dev.dev.class) mISDN_unregister_device(&card->isac.dch.dev); - + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { mISDN_freebchannel(&card->bc[i].bch); kfree(card->bc[i].hsbuf); @@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ nj_release(struct tiger_hw *card) } if (card->dma_p) pci_free_consistent(card->pdev, NJ_DMA_SIZE, - card->dma_p, card->dma); + card->dma_p, card->dma); write_lock_irqsave(&card_lock, flags); list_del(&card->list); write_unlock_irqrestore(&card_lock, flags); @@ -1033,14 +1033,14 @@ setup_instance(struct tiger_hw *card) card->bc[i].bch.ch.ctrl = nj_bctrl; card->bc[i].bch.ch.nr = i + 1; list_add(&card->bc[i].bch.ch.list, - &card->isac.dch.dev.bchannels); + &card->isac.dch.dev.bchannels); card->bc[i].bch.hw = card; } err = nj_setup(card); if (err) goto error; err = mISDN_register_device(&card->isac.dch.dev, &card->pdev->dev, - card->name); + card->name); if (err) goto error; err = nj_init_card(card); @@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@ nj_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) } if (pdev->subsystem_vendor == 0xb100 && - pdev->subsystem_device == 0x0003 ) { + pdev->subsystem_device == 0x0003) { pr_notice("Netjet: Digium TDM400P not handled yet\n"); return -ENODEV; } @@ -1094,7 +1094,7 @@ nj_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) } printk(KERN_INFO "nj_probe(mISDN): found adapter at %s\n", - pci_name(pdev)); + pci_name(pdev)); pci_set_master(pdev); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/netjet.h b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/netjet.h index d061ff995607ecb38cd82b69e8e651a93127a4a6..ddd41ef1a70e9eaedf299ae2b776ca2c01bde360 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/netjet.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/netjet.h @@ -55,4 +55,3 @@ /* 2 * 64 byte is a compromise between IRQ count and latency */ #define NJ_DMA_RXSIZE 128 /* 2 * 64 */ #define NJ_DMA_TXSIZE 128 /* 2 * 64 */ - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/speedfax.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/speedfax.c index 4d0d41ea12288985fa5ae44b6767d7b08910f1c3..04689935148bbed08dab33b0854514dce5f82805 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/speedfax.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/speedfax.c @@ -147,10 +147,10 @@ speedfax_irq(int intno, void *dev_id) goto Start_ISAR; if (cnt < irqloops) pr_debug("%s: %d irqloops cpu%d\n", sf->name, - irqloops - cnt, smp_processor_id()); + irqloops - cnt, smp_processor_id()); if (irqloops && !cnt) pr_notice("%s: %d IRQ LOOP cpu%d\n", sf->name, - irqloops, smp_processor_id()); + irqloops, smp_processor_id()); spin_unlock(&sf->lock); return IRQ_HANDLED; } @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ sfax_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u32 cmd, void *arg) break; case CLOSE_CHANNEL: pr_debug("%s: dev(%d) close from %p\n", sf->name, - dch->dev.id, __builtin_return_address(0)); + dch->dev.id, __builtin_return_address(0)); module_put(THIS_MODULE); break; case CONTROL_CHANNEL: @@ -306,10 +306,10 @@ init_card(struct sfax_hw *sf) msleep_interruptible(10); if (debug & DEBUG_HW) pr_notice("%s: IRQ %d count %d\n", sf->name, - sf->irq, sf->irqcnt); + sf->irq, sf->irqcnt); if (!sf->irqcnt) { pr_info("%s: IRQ(%d) got no requests during init %d\n", - sf->name, sf->irq, 3 - cnt); + sf->name, sf->irq, 3 - cnt); } else return 0; } @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ setup_speedfax(struct sfax_hw *sf) if (!request_region(sf->cfg, 256, sf->name)) { pr_info("mISDN: %s config port %x-%x already in use\n", - sf->name, sf->cfg, sf->cfg + 255); + sf->name, sf->cfg, sf->cfg + 255); return -EIO; } outb(0xff, sf->cfg); @@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ setup_instance(struct sfax_hw *card) } if (debug & DEBUG_HW) pr_notice("%s: got firmware %zu bytes\n", - card->name, firmware->size); + card->name, firmware->size); mISDNisac_init(&card->isac, card); @@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ setup_instance(struct sfax_hw *card) for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { set_channelmap(i + 1, card->isac.dch.dev.channelmap); list_add(&card->isar.ch[i].bch.ch.list, - &card->isac.dch.dev.bchannels); + &card->isac.dch.dev.bchannels); } err = setup_speedfax(card); @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ setup_instance(struct sfax_hw *card) if (err) goto error; err = mISDN_register_device(&card->isac.dch.dev, - &card->pdev->dev, card->name); + &card->pdev->dev, card->name); if (err) goto error; err = init_card(card); @@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ sfaxpci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) } pr_notice("mISDN: Speedfax found adapter %s at %s\n", - (char *)ent->driver_data, pci_name(pdev)); + (char *)ent->driver_data, pci_name(pdev)); card->cfg = pci_resource_start(pdev, 0); card->irq = pdev->irq; @@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ Speedfax_init(void) int err; pr_notice("Sedlbauer Speedfax+ Driver Rev. %s\n", - SPEEDFAX_REV); + SPEEDFAX_REV); err = pci_register_driver(&sfaxpci_driver); return err; } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/w6692.c b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/w6692.c index e10e0284533c3f26e0835d8af8972e6e2659e549..7f1e7ba75cd10c149d57c85551c54c02d3ee3db7 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/w6692.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/w6692.c @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ W6692Version(struct w6692_hw *card) val = ReadW6692(card, W_D_RBCH); pr_notice("%s: Winbond W6692 version: %s\n", card->name, - W6692Ver[(val >> 6) & 3]); + W6692Ver[(val >> 6) & 3]); } static void @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ W6692_ph_bh(struct dchannel *dch) break; default: pr_debug("%s: TE unknown state %02x dch state %02x\n", - card->name, card->state, dch->state); + card->name, card->state, dch->state); break; } pr_debug("%s: TE newstate %02x\n", card->name, dch->state); @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ W6692_empty_Dfifo(struct w6692_hw *card, int count) } if ((dch->rx_skb->len + count) >= dch->maxlen) { pr_debug("%s: empty_Dfifo overrun %d\n", card->name, - dch->rx_skb->len + count); + dch->rx_skb->len + count); WriteW6692(card, W_D_CMDR, W_D_CMDR_RACK); return; } @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ W6692_empty_Dfifo(struct w6692_hw *card, int count) WriteW6692(card, W_D_CMDR, W_D_CMDR_RACK); if (debug & DEBUG_HW_DFIFO) { snprintf(card->log, 63, "D-recv %s %d ", - card->name, count); + card->name, count); print_hex_dump_bytes(card->log, DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, ptr, count); } } @@ -312,11 +312,11 @@ W6692_fill_Dfifo(struct w6692_hw *card) del_timer(&dch->timer); } init_timer(&dch->timer); - dch->timer.expires = jiffies + ((DBUSY_TIMER_VALUE * HZ)/1000); + dch->timer.expires = jiffies + ((DBUSY_TIMER_VALUE * HZ) / 1000); add_timer(&dch->timer); if (debug & DEBUG_HW_DFIFO) { snprintf(card->log, 63, "D-send %s %d ", - card->name, count); + card->name, count); print_hex_dump_bytes(card->log, DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, ptr, count); } } @@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ handle_statusD(struct w6692_hw *card) if (exval & W_D_EXI_MOC) { /* MOC - not supported */ v1 = ReadW6692(card, W_MOSR); pr_debug("%s: spurious MOC interrupt MOSR %02x\n", - card->name, v1); + card->name, v1); } if (exval & W_D_EXI_ISC) { /* ISC - Level1 change */ cir = ReadW6692(card, W_CIR); @@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ handle_statusD(struct w6692_hw *card) if (cir & W_CIR_ICC) { v1 = cir & W_CIR_COD_MASK; pr_debug("%s: ph_state_change %x -> %x\n", card->name, - dch->state, v1); + dch->state, v1); card->state = v1; if (card->fmask & led) { switch (v1) { @@ -479,13 +479,13 @@ W6692_empty_Bfifo(struct w6692_ch *wch, int count) if (unlikely(!wch->bch.rx_skb)) { pr_info("%s: B receive out of memory\n", card->name); WriteW6692B(wch, W_B_CMDR, W_B_CMDR_RACK | - W_B_CMDR_RACT); + W_B_CMDR_RACT); return; } } if (wch->bch.rx_skb->len + count > wch->bch.maxlen) { pr_debug("%s: empty_Bfifo incoming packet too large\n", - card->name); + card->name); WriteW6692B(wch, W_B_CMDR, W_B_CMDR_RACK | W_B_CMDR_RACT); skb_trim(wch->bch.rx_skb, 0); return; @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ W6692_empty_Bfifo(struct w6692_ch *wch, int count) WriteW6692B(wch, W_B_CMDR, W_B_CMDR_RACK | W_B_CMDR_RACT); if (debug & DEBUG_HW_DFIFO) { snprintf(card->log, 63, "B%1d-recv %s %d ", - wch->bch.nr, card->name, count); + wch->bch.nr, card->name, count); print_hex_dump_bytes(card->log, DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, ptr, count); } } @@ -520,13 +520,13 @@ W6692_fill_Bfifo(struct w6692_ch *wch) cmd |= W_B_CMDR_XME; pr_debug("%s: fill Bfifo%d/%d\n", card->name, - count, wch->bch.tx_idx); + count, wch->bch.tx_idx); wch->bch.tx_idx += count; outsb(wch->addr + W_B_XFIFO, ptr, count); WriteW6692B(wch, W_B_CMDR, cmd); if (debug & DEBUG_HW_DFIFO) { snprintf(card->log, 63, "B%1d-send %s %d ", - wch->bch.nr, card->name, count); + wch->bch.nr, card->name, count); print_hex_dump_bytes(card->log, DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, ptr, count); } } @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ disable_pots(struct w6692_ch *wch) wch->b_mode &= ~(W_B_MODE_EPCM | W_B_MODE_BSW0); WriteW6692B(wch, W_B_MODE, wch->b_mode); WriteW6692B(wch, W_B_CMDR, W_B_CMDR_RRST | W_B_CMDR_RACT | - W_B_CMDR_XRST); + W_B_CMDR_XRST); return 0; } @@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ w6692_mode(struct w6692_ch *wch, u32 pr) card = wch->bch.hw; pr_debug("%s: B%d protocol %x-->%x\n", card->name, - wch->bch.nr, wch->bch.state, pr); + wch->bch.nr, wch->bch.state, pr); switch (pr) { case ISDN_P_NONE: if ((card->fmask & pots) && (wch->b_mode & W_B_MODE_EPCM)) @@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ w6692_mode(struct w6692_ch *wch, u32 pr) WriteW6692B(wch, W_B_MODE, wch->b_mode); WriteW6692B(wch, W_B_EXIM, 0); WriteW6692B(wch, W_B_CMDR, W_B_CMDR_RRST | W_B_CMDR_RACT | - W_B_CMDR_XRST); + W_B_CMDR_XRST); test_and_set_bit(FLG_TRANSPARENT, &wch->bch.Flags); break; case ISDN_P_B_HDLC: @@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ w6692_mode(struct w6692_ch *wch, u32 pr) WriteW6692B(wch, W_B_ADM2, 0xff); WriteW6692B(wch, W_B_EXIM, 0); WriteW6692B(wch, W_B_CMDR, W_B_CMDR_RRST | W_B_CMDR_RACT | - W_B_CMDR_XRST); + W_B_CMDR_XRST); test_and_set_bit(FLG_HDLC, &wch->bch.Flags); break; default: @@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ W6692B_interrupt(struct w6692_hw *card, int ch) if ((star & W_B_STAR_RDOV) && test_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &wch->bch.Flags)) { pr_debug("%s: B%d RDOV proto=%x\n", card->name, - wch->bch.nr, wch->bch.state); + wch->bch.nr, wch->bch.state); #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC wch->bch.err_rdo++; #endif @@ -675,21 +675,21 @@ W6692B_interrupt(struct w6692_hw *card, int ch) if (test_bit(FLG_HDLC, &wch->bch.Flags)) { if (star & W_B_STAR_CRCE) { pr_debug("%s: B%d CRC error\n", - card->name, wch->bch.nr); + card->name, wch->bch.nr); #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC wch->bch.err_crc++; #endif } if (star & W_B_STAR_RMB) { pr_debug("%s: B%d message abort\n", - card->name, wch->bch.nr); + card->name, wch->bch.nr); #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC wch->bch.err_inv++; #endif } } WriteW6692B(wch, W_B_CMDR, W_B_CMDR_RACK | - W_B_CMDR_RRST | W_B_CMDR_RACT); + W_B_CMDR_RRST | W_B_CMDR_RACT); if (wch->bch.rx_skb) skb_trim(wch->bch.rx_skb, 0); } else { @@ -706,12 +706,12 @@ W6692B_interrupt(struct w6692_hw *card, int ch) star = ReadW6692B(wch, W_B_STAR); if (star & W_B_STAR_RDOV) { pr_debug("%s: B%d RDOV proto=%x\n", card->name, - wch->bch.nr, wch->bch.state); + wch->bch.nr, wch->bch.state); #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC wch->bch.err_rdo++; #endif WriteW6692B(wch, W_B_CMDR, W_B_CMDR_RACK | - W_B_CMDR_RRST | W_B_CMDR_RACT); + W_B_CMDR_RRST | W_B_CMDR_RACT); } else { W6692_empty_Bfifo(wch, W_B_FIFO_THRESH); if (test_bit(FLG_TRANSPARENT, &wch->bch.Flags) && @@ -723,28 +723,28 @@ W6692B_interrupt(struct w6692_hw *card, int ch) /* only if it is not handled yet */ if (!(star & W_B_STAR_RDOV)) { pr_debug("%s: B%d RDOV IRQ proto=%x\n", card->name, - wch->bch.nr, wch->bch.state); + wch->bch.nr, wch->bch.state); #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC wch->bch.err_rdo++; #endif WriteW6692B(wch, W_B_CMDR, W_B_CMDR_RACK | - W_B_CMDR_RRST | W_B_CMDR_RACT); + W_B_CMDR_RRST | W_B_CMDR_RACT); } } if (stat & W_B_EXI_XFR) { if (!(stat & (W_B_EXI_RME | W_B_EXI_RMR))) { star = ReadW6692B(wch, W_B_STAR); pr_debug("%s: B%d star %02x\n", card->name, - wch->bch.nr, star); + wch->bch.nr, star); } if (star & W_B_STAR_XDOW) { pr_debug("%s: B%d XDOW proto=%x\n", card->name, - wch->bch.nr, wch->bch.state); + wch->bch.nr, wch->bch.state); #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC wch->bch.err_xdu++; #endif WriteW6692B(wch, W_B_CMDR, W_B_CMDR_XRST | - W_B_CMDR_RACT); + W_B_CMDR_RACT); /* resend */ if (wch->bch.tx_skb) { if (!test_bit(FLG_TRANSPARENT, &wch->bch.Flags)) @@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ W6692B_interrupt(struct w6692_hw *card, int ch) } if (stat & W_B_EXI_XDUN) { pr_debug("%s: B%d XDUN proto=%x\n", card->name, - wch->bch.nr, wch->bch.state); + wch->bch.nr, wch->bch.state); #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC wch->bch.err_xdu++; #endif @@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ dbusy_timer_handler(struct dchannel *dch) rbch = ReadW6692(card, W_D_RBCH); star = ReadW6692(card, W_D_STAR); pr_debug("%s: D-Channel Busy RBCH %02x STAR %02x\n", - card->name, rbch, star); + card->name, rbch, star); if (star & W_D_STAR_XBZ) /* D-Channel Busy */ test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_BUSY, &dch->Flags); else { @@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ void initW6692(struct w6692_hw *card) val = ReadW6692(card, W_XADDR); if (debug & DEBUG_HW) pr_notice("%s: W_XADDR=%02x\n", - card->name, val); + card->name, val); } } } @@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ init_card(struct w6692_hw *card) msleep_interruptible(10); if (debug & DEBUG_HW) pr_notice("%s: IRQ %d count %d\n", card->name, - card->irq, card->irqcnt); + card->irq, card->irqcnt); if (!card->irqcnt) { pr_info("%s: IRQ(%d) getting no IRQs during init %d\n", card->name, card->irq, 3 - cnt); @@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ w6692_l2l1B(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); if (!ret) _queue_data(ch, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, - NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + NULL, GFP_KERNEL); break; case PH_DEACTIVATE_REQ: spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); @@ -978,7 +978,7 @@ w6692_l2l1B(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) w6692_mode(bc, ISDN_P_NONE); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); _queue_data(ch, PH_DEACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, - NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + NULL, GFP_KERNEL); ret = 0; break; default: @@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ channel_bctrl(struct bchannel *bch, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) case MISDN_CTRL_GETOP: cq->op = 0; break; - /* Nothing implemented yet */ + /* Nothing implemented yet */ case MISDN_CTRL_FILL_EMPTY: default: pr_info("%s: unknown Op %x\n", __func__, cq->op); @@ -1168,16 +1168,16 @@ w6692_l1callback(struct dchannel *dch, u32 cmd) case PH_ACTIVATE_IND: test_and_set_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, cmd, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, - GFP_ATOMIC); + GFP_ATOMIC); break; case PH_DEACTIVATE_IND: test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, cmd, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, - GFP_ATOMIC); + GFP_ATOMIC); break; default: pr_debug("%s: %s unknown command %x\n", card->name, - __func__, cmd); + __func__, cmd); return -1; } return 0; @@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ static int open_dchannel(struct w6692_hw *card, struct channel_req *rq) { pr_debug("%s: %s dev(%d) open from %p\n", card->name, __func__, - card->dch.dev.id, __builtin_return_address(1)); + card->dch.dev.id, __builtin_return_address(1)); if (rq->protocol != ISDN_P_TE_S0) return -EINVAL; if (rq->adr.channel == 1) @@ -1197,7 +1197,7 @@ open_dchannel(struct w6692_hw *card, struct channel_req *rq) rq->ch->protocol = rq->protocol; if (card->dch.state == 7) _queue_data(rq->ch, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, - 0, NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + 0, NULL, GFP_KERNEL); return 0; } @@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ w6692_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u32 cmd, void *arg) break; case CLOSE_CHANNEL: pr_debug("%s: dev(%d) close from %p\n", card->name, - dch->dev.id, __builtin_return_address(0)); + dch->dev.id, __builtin_return_address(0)); module_put(THIS_MODULE); break; case CONTROL_CHANNEL: @@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ setup_w6692(struct w6692_hw *card) if (!request_region(card->addr, 256, card->name)) { pr_info("%s: config port %x-%x already in use\n", card->name, - card->addr, card->addr + 255); + card->addr, card->addr + 255); return -EIO; } W6692Version(card); @@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@ setup_instance(struct w6692_hw *card) if (err) goto error_setup; err = mISDN_register_device(&card->dch.dev, &card->pdev->dev, - card->name); + card->name); if (err) goto error_reg; err = init_card(card); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/amd7930_fn.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/amd7930_fn.c index 5d72783978784ed0bc962b9f43d438ae038d373a..89342f7e0c5b700eb302484ba5eb556ccadacef9 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/amd7930_fn.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/amd7930_fn.c @@ -101,26 +101,26 @@ static WORD initAMD[] = { static void /* macro wWordAMD */ WriteWordAmd7930(struct IsdnCardState *cs, BYTE reg, WORD val) { - wByteAMD(cs, 0x00, reg); - wByteAMD(cs, 0x01, LOBYTE(val)); - wByteAMD(cs, 0x01, HIBYTE(val)); + wByteAMD(cs, 0x00, reg); + wByteAMD(cs, 0x01, LOBYTE(val)); + wByteAMD(cs, 0x01, HIBYTE(val)); } static WORD /* macro rWordAMD */ ReadWordAmd7930(struct IsdnCardState *cs, BYTE reg) { - WORD res; - /* direct access register */ - if(reg < 8) { - res = rByteAMD(cs, reg); - res += 256*rByteAMD(cs, reg); - } - /* indirect access register */ - else { - wByteAMD(cs, 0x00, reg); - res = rByteAMD(cs, 0x01); - res += 256*rByteAMD(cs, 0x01); - } + WORD res; + /* direct access register */ + if (reg < 8) { + res = rByteAMD(cs, reg); + res += 256 * rByteAMD(cs, reg); + } + /* indirect access register */ + else { + wByteAMD(cs, 0x00, reg); + res = rByteAMD(cs, 0x01); + res += 256 * rByteAMD(cs, 0x01); + } return (res); } @@ -131,23 +131,23 @@ Amd7930_ph_command(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char command, char *s) if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "AMD7930: %s: ph_command 0x%02X", s, command); - cs->dc.amd7930.lmr1 = command; - wByteAMD(cs, 0xA3, command); + cs->dc.amd7930.lmr1 = command; + wByteAMD(cs, 0xA3, command); } static BYTE i430States[] = { // to reset F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 AR from - 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x05, 0x00, // init - 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x05, 0x00, // reset - 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x05, 0x04, // F3 - 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // F4 - 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // F5 - 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x05, 0x00, // F6 - 0x11, 0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1B, 0x00, 0x15, 0x00, // F7 - 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, // F8 - 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x00, 0x0A}; // AR + 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x05, 0x00, // init + 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x05, 0x00, // reset + 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x05, 0x04, // F3 + 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // F4 + 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // F5 + 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x05, 0x00, // F6 + 0x11, 0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1B, 0x00, 0x15, 0x00, // F7 + 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, // F8 + 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x00, 0x0A}; // AR /* Row init - reset F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 AR */ @@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ static BYTE stateHelper[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x static void Amd7930_get_state(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { - BYTE lsr = rByteAMD(cs, 0xA1); - cs->dc.amd7930.ph_state = (lsr & 0x7) + 2; - Amd7930_new_ph(cs); + BYTE lsr = rByteAMD(cs, 0xA1); + cs->dc.amd7930.ph_state = (lsr & 0x7) + 2; + Amd7930_new_ph(cs); } @@ -168,65 +168,65 @@ Amd7930_get_state(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { static void Amd7930_new_ph(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { - u_char index = stateHelper[cs->dc.amd7930.old_state]*8 + stateHelper[cs->dc.amd7930.ph_state]-1; - u_char message = i430States[index]; + u_char index = stateHelper[cs->dc.amd7930.old_state] * 8 + stateHelper[cs->dc.amd7930.ph_state] - 1; + u_char message = i430States[index]; - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "AMD7930: new_ph %d, old_ph %d, message %d, index %d", - cs->dc.amd7930.ph_state, cs->dc.amd7930.old_state, message & 0x0f, index); + cs->dc.amd7930.ph_state, cs->dc.amd7930.old_state, message & 0x0f, index); - cs->dc.amd7930.old_state = cs->dc.amd7930.ph_state; + cs->dc.amd7930.old_state = cs->dc.amd7930.ph_state; - /* abort transmit if nessesary */ - if ((message & 0xf0) && (cs->tx_skb)) { - wByteAMD(cs, 0x21, 0xC2); - wByteAMD(cs, 0x21, 0x02); - } + /* abort transmit if nessesary */ + if ((message & 0xf0) && (cs->tx_skb)) { + wByteAMD(cs, 0x21, 0xC2); + wByteAMD(cs, 0x21, 0x02); + } switch (message & 0x0f) { - case (1): - l1_msg(cs, HW_RESET | INDICATION, NULL); - Amd7930_get_state(cs); - break; - case (2): /* init, Card starts in F3 */ - l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; - case (3): - l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (4): - l1_msg(cs, HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM, NULL); - Amd7930_ph_command(cs, 0x50, "HW_ENABLE REQUEST"); - break; - case (5): - l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (6): - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (7): /* init, Card starts in F7 */ - l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL); - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (8): - l1_msg(cs, HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM, NULL); - /* fall through */ - case (9): - Amd7930_ph_command(cs, 0x40, "HW_ENABLE REQ cleared if set"); - l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL); - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO2 | INDICATION, NULL); - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (10): - Amd7930_ph_command(cs, 0x40, "T3 expired, HW_ENABLE REQ cleared"); - cs->dc.amd7930.old_state = 3; - break; - case (11): - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO2 | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - default: - break; + case (1): + l1_msg(cs, HW_RESET | INDICATION, NULL); + Amd7930_get_state(cs); + break; + case (2): /* init, Card starts in F3 */ + l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; + case (3): + l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (4): + l1_msg(cs, HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM, NULL); + Amd7930_ph_command(cs, 0x50, "HW_ENABLE REQUEST"); + break; + case (5): + l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (6): + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (7): /* init, Card starts in F7 */ + l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL); + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (8): + l1_msg(cs, HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM, NULL); + /* fall through */ + case (9): + Amd7930_ph_command(cs, 0x40, "HW_ENABLE REQ cleared if set"); + l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL); + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO2 | INDICATION, NULL); + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (10): + Amd7930_ph_command(cs, 0x40, "T3 expired, HW_ENABLE REQ cleared"); + cs->dc.amd7930.old_state = 3; + break; + case (11): + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO2 | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + default: + break; } } @@ -237,10 +237,10 @@ Amd7930_bh(struct work_struct *work) { struct IsdnCardState *cs = container_of(work, struct IsdnCardState, tqueue); - struct PStack *stptr; + struct PStack *stptr; if (test_and_clear_bit(D_CLEARBUSY, &cs->event)) { - if (cs->debug) + if (cs->debug) debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: bh, D-Channel Busy cleared"); stptr = cs->stlist; while (stptr != NULL) { @@ -249,29 +249,29 @@ Amd7930_bh(struct work_struct *work) } } if (test_and_clear_bit(D_L1STATECHANGE, &cs->event)) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) - debugl1(cs, "AMD7930: bh, D_L1STATECHANGE"); - Amd7930_new_ph(cs); - } - - if (test_and_clear_bit(D_RCVBUFREADY, &cs->event)) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) - debugl1(cs, "AMD7930: bh, D_RCVBUFREADY"); - DChannel_proc_rcv(cs); - } - - if (test_and_clear_bit(D_XMTBUFREADY, &cs->event)) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) - debugl1(cs, "AMD7930: bh, D_XMTBUFREADY"); - DChannel_proc_xmt(cs); - } + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + debugl1(cs, "AMD7930: bh, D_L1STATECHANGE"); + Amd7930_new_ph(cs); + } + + if (test_and_clear_bit(D_RCVBUFREADY, &cs->event)) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + debugl1(cs, "AMD7930: bh, D_RCVBUFREADY"); + DChannel_proc_rcv(cs); + } + + if (test_and_clear_bit(D_XMTBUFREADY, &cs->event)) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + debugl1(cs, "AMD7930: bh, D_XMTBUFREADY"); + DChannel_proc_xmt(cs); + } } static void Amd7930_empty_Dfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int flag) { - BYTE stat, der; + BYTE stat, der; BYTE *ptr; struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -288,54 +288,54 @@ Amd7930_empty_Dfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int flag) /* read D-Channel-Fifo*/ stat = rByteAMD(cs, 0x07); // DSR2 - /* while Data in Fifo ... */ - while ( (stat & 2) && ((ptr-cs->rcvbuf) < MAX_DFRAME_LEN_L1) ) { - *ptr = rByteAMD(cs, 0x04); // DCRB - ptr++; - stat = rByteAMD(cs, 0x07); // DSR2 - cs->rcvidx = ptr - cs->rcvbuf; - - /* Paket ready? */ - if (stat & 1) { - - der = rWordAMD(cs, 0x03); - - /* no errors, packet ok */ - if(!der && !flag) { - rWordAMD(cs, 0x89); // clear DRCR - - if ((cs->rcvidx) > 0) { - if (!(skb = alloc_skb(cs->rcvidx, GFP_ATOMIC))) - printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: Amd7930: empty_Dfifo, D receive out of memory!\n"); - else { - /* Debugging */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO) { - char *t = cs->dlog; - - t += sprintf(t, "Amd7930: empty_Dfifo cnt: %d |", cs->rcvidx); - QuickHex(t, cs->rcvbuf, cs->rcvidx); - debugl1(cs, cs->dlog); - } - /* moves received data in sk-buffer */ - memcpy(skb_put(skb, cs->rcvidx), cs->rcvbuf, cs->rcvidx); - skb_queue_tail(&cs->rq, skb); + /* while Data in Fifo ... */ + while ((stat & 2) && ((ptr-cs->rcvbuf) < MAX_DFRAME_LEN_L1)) { + *ptr = rByteAMD(cs, 0x04); // DCRB + ptr++; + stat = rByteAMD(cs, 0x07); // DSR2 + cs->rcvidx = ptr - cs->rcvbuf; + + /* Paket ready? */ + if (stat & 1) { + + der = rWordAMD(cs, 0x03); + + /* no errors, packet ok */ + if (!der && !flag) { + rWordAMD(cs, 0x89); // clear DRCR + + if ((cs->rcvidx) > 0) { + if (!(skb = alloc_skb(cs->rcvidx, GFP_ATOMIC))) + printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: Amd7930: empty_Dfifo, D receive out of memory!\n"); + else { + /* Debugging */ + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO) { + char *t = cs->dlog; + + t += sprintf(t, "Amd7930: empty_Dfifo cnt: %d |", cs->rcvidx); + QuickHex(t, cs->rcvbuf, cs->rcvidx); + debugl1(cs, cs->dlog); } + /* moves received data in sk-buffer */ + memcpy(skb_put(skb, cs->rcvidx), cs->rcvbuf, cs->rcvidx); + skb_queue_tail(&cs->rq, skb); } - } - /* throw damaged packets away, reset receive-buffer, indicate RX */ - ptr = cs->rcvbuf; - cs->rcvidx = 0; - schedule_event(cs, D_RCVBUFREADY); + } - } - /* Packet to long, overflow */ - if(cs->rcvidx >= MAX_DFRAME_LEN_L1) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "AMD7930: empty_Dfifo L2-Framelength overrun"); + /* throw damaged packets away, reset receive-buffer, indicate RX */ + ptr = cs->rcvbuf; cs->rcvidx = 0; - return; + schedule_event(cs, D_RCVBUFREADY); } + } + /* Packet to long, overflow */ + if (cs->rcvidx >= MAX_DFRAME_LEN_L1) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "AMD7930: empty_Dfifo L2-Framelength overrun"); + cs->rcvidx = 0; + return; + } /* AMD interrupts on */ AmdIrqOn(cs); } @@ -345,9 +345,9 @@ static void Amd7930_fill_Dfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { - WORD dtcrr, dtcrw, len, count; - BYTE txstat, dmr3; - BYTE *ptr, *deb_ptr; + WORD dtcrr, dtcrw, len, count; + BYTE txstat, dmr3; + BYTE *ptr, *deb_ptr; if ((cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) && !(cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO)) debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: fill_Dfifo"); @@ -355,43 +355,43 @@ Amd7930_fill_Dfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs) if ((!cs->tx_skb) || (cs->tx_skb->len <= 0)) return; - dtcrw = 0; - if(!cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen) - /* new Frame */ - len = dtcrw = cs->tx_skb->len; - /* continue frame */ - else len = cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen; + dtcrw = 0; + if (!cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen) + /* new Frame */ + len = dtcrw = cs->tx_skb->len; + /* continue frame */ + else len = cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen; /* AMD interrupts off */ AmdIrqOff(cs); - deb_ptr = ptr = cs->tx_skb->data; - - /* while free place in tx-fifo available and data in sk-buffer */ - txstat = 0x10; - while((txstat & 0x10) && (cs->tx_cnt < len)) { - wByteAMD(cs, 0x04, *ptr); - ptr++; - cs->tx_cnt++; - txstat= rByteAMD(cs, 0x07); - } - count = ptr - cs->tx_skb->data; + deb_ptr = ptr = cs->tx_skb->data; + + /* while free place in tx-fifo available and data in sk-buffer */ + txstat = 0x10; + while ((txstat & 0x10) && (cs->tx_cnt < len)) { + wByteAMD(cs, 0x04, *ptr); + ptr++; + cs->tx_cnt++; + txstat = rByteAMD(cs, 0x07); + } + count = ptr - cs->tx_skb->data; skb_pull(cs->tx_skb, count); - dtcrr = rWordAMD(cs, 0x85); // DTCR - dmr3 = rByteAMD(cs, 0x8E); + dtcrr = rWordAMD(cs, 0x85); // DTCR + dmr3 = rByteAMD(cs, 0x8E); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) { debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: fill_Dfifo, DMR3: 0x%02X, DTCR read: 0x%04X write: 0x%02X 0x%02X", dmr3, dtcrr, LOBYTE(dtcrw), HIBYTE(dtcrw)); - } + } - /* writeing of dtcrw starts transmit */ - if(!cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen) { - wWordAMD(cs, 0x85, dtcrw); - cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen = dtcrw; - } + /* writeing of dtcrw starts transmit */ + if (!cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen) { + wWordAMD(cs, 0x85, dtcrw); + cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen = dtcrw; + } if (test_and_set_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) { debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: fill_Dfifo dbusytimer running"); @@ -409,260 +409,260 @@ Amd7930_fill_Dfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs) debugl1(cs, cs->dlog); } /* AMD interrupts on */ - AmdIrqOn(cs); + AmdIrqOn(cs); } void Amd7930_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, BYTE irflags) { BYTE dsr1, dsr2, lsr; - WORD der; + WORD der; - while (irflags) - { + while (irflags) + { - dsr1 = rByteAMD(cs, 0x02); - der = rWordAMD(cs, 0x03); - dsr2 = rByteAMD(cs, 0x07); - lsr = rByteAMD(cs, 0xA1); + dsr1 = rByteAMD(cs, 0x02); + der = rWordAMD(cs, 0x03); + dsr2 = rByteAMD(cs, 0x07); + lsr = rByteAMD(cs, 0xA1); - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) - debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: interrupt: flags: 0x%02X, DSR1: 0x%02X, DSR2: 0x%02X, LSR: 0x%02X, DER=0x%04X", irflags, dsr1, dsr2, lsr, der); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: interrupt: flags: 0x%02X, DSR1: 0x%02X, DSR2: 0x%02X, LSR: 0x%02X, DER=0x%04X", irflags, dsr1, dsr2, lsr, der); - /* D error -> read DER and DSR2 bit 2 */ - if (der || (dsr2 & 4)) { + /* D error -> read DER and DSR2 bit 2 */ + if (der || (dsr2 & 4)) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: interrupt: D error DER=0x%04X", der); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: interrupt: D error DER=0x%04X", der); + + /* RX, TX abort if collision detected */ + if (der & 2) { + wByteAMD(cs, 0x21, 0xC2); + wByteAMD(cs, 0x21, 0x02); + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) + del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags)) + schedule_event(cs, D_CLEARBUSY); + /* restart frame */ + if (cs->tx_skb) { + skb_push(cs->tx_skb, cs->tx_cnt); + cs->tx_cnt = 0; + cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen = 0; + Amd7930_fill_Dfifo(cs); + } else { + printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: Amd7930 D-Collision, no skb\n"); + debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: interrupt: D-Collision, no skb"); + } + } + /* remove damaged data from fifo */ + Amd7930_empty_Dfifo(cs, 1); - /* RX, TX abort if collision detected */ - if (der & 2) { - wByteAMD(cs, 0x21, 0xC2); - wByteAMD(cs, 0x21, 0x02); if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags)) schedule_event(cs, D_CLEARBUSY); - /* restart frame */ - if (cs->tx_skb) { + /* restart TX-Frame */ + if (cs->tx_skb) { skb_push(cs->tx_skb, cs->tx_cnt); cs->tx_cnt = 0; - cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen = 0; + cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen = 0; Amd7930_fill_Dfifo(cs); - } else { - printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: Amd7930 D-Collision, no skb\n"); - debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: interrupt: D-Collision, no skb"); } - } - /* remove damaged data from fifo */ - Amd7930_empty_Dfifo(cs, 1); - - if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) - del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); - if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags)) - schedule_event(cs, D_CLEARBUSY); - /* restart TX-Frame */ - if (cs->tx_skb) { - skb_push(cs->tx_skb, cs->tx_cnt); - cs->tx_cnt = 0; - cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen = 0; - Amd7930_fill_Dfifo(cs); } - } - /* D TX FIFO empty -> fill */ - if (irflags & 1) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) - debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: interrupt: clear Timer and fill D-TX-FIFO if data"); + /* D TX FIFO empty -> fill */ + if (irflags & 1) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: interrupt: clear Timer and fill D-TX-FIFO if data"); - /* AMD interrupts off */ - AmdIrqOff(cs); + /* AMD interrupts off */ + AmdIrqOff(cs); - if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) - del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); - if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags)) - schedule_event(cs, D_CLEARBUSY); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - if (cs->tx_skb->len) - Amd7930_fill_Dfifo(cs); + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) + del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags)) + schedule_event(cs, D_CLEARBUSY); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + if (cs->tx_skb->len) + Amd7930_fill_Dfifo(cs); + } + /* AMD interrupts on */ + AmdIrqOn(cs); } - /* AMD interrupts on */ - AmdIrqOn(cs); - } - /* D RX FIFO full or tiny packet in Fifo -> empty */ - if ((irflags & 2) || (dsr1 & 2)) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) - debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: interrupt: empty D-FIFO"); - Amd7930_empty_Dfifo(cs, 0); - } + /* D RX FIFO full or tiny packet in Fifo -> empty */ + if ((irflags & 2) || (dsr1 & 2)) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: interrupt: empty D-FIFO"); + Amd7930_empty_Dfifo(cs, 0); + } - /* D-Frame transmit complete */ - if (dsr1 & 64) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) { - debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: interrupt: transmit packet ready"); - } - /* AMD interrupts off */ - AmdIrqOff(cs); + /* D-Frame transmit complete */ + if (dsr1 & 64) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) { + debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: interrupt: transmit packet ready"); + } + /* AMD interrupts off */ + AmdIrqOff(cs); - if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) - del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); - if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags)) - schedule_event(cs, D_CLEARBUSY); + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) + del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags)) + schedule_event(cs, D_CLEARBUSY); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) - debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: interrupt: TX-Packet ready, freeing skb"); - dev_kfree_skb_irq(cs->tx_skb); - cs->tx_cnt = 0; - cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen=0; - cs->tx_skb = NULL; - } - if ((cs->tx_skb = skb_dequeue(&cs->sq))) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) - debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: interrupt: TX-Packet ready, next packet dequeued"); - cs->tx_cnt = 0; - cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen=0; - Amd7930_fill_Dfifo(cs); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: interrupt: TX-Packet ready, freeing skb"); + dev_kfree_skb_irq(cs->tx_skb); + cs->tx_cnt = 0; + cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen = 0; + cs->tx_skb = NULL; + } + if ((cs->tx_skb = skb_dequeue(&cs->sq))) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: interrupt: TX-Packet ready, next packet dequeued"); + cs->tx_cnt = 0; + cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen = 0; + Amd7930_fill_Dfifo(cs); + } + else + schedule_event(cs, D_XMTBUFREADY); + /* AMD interrupts on */ + AmdIrqOn(cs); } - else - schedule_event(cs, D_XMTBUFREADY); - /* AMD interrupts on */ - AmdIrqOn(cs); - } - /* LIU status interrupt -> read LSR, check statechanges */ - if (lsr & 0x38) { - /* AMD interrupts off */ - AmdIrqOff(cs); + /* LIU status interrupt -> read LSR, check statechanges */ + if (lsr & 0x38) { + /* AMD interrupts off */ + AmdIrqOff(cs); - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) - debugl1(cs, "Amd: interrupt: LSR=0x%02X, LIU is in state %d", lsr, ((lsr & 0x7) +2)); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + debugl1(cs, "Amd: interrupt: LSR=0x%02X, LIU is in state %d", lsr, ((lsr & 0x7) + 2)); - cs->dc.amd7930.ph_state = (lsr & 0x7) + 2; + cs->dc.amd7930.ph_state = (lsr & 0x7) + 2; - schedule_event(cs, D_L1STATECHANGE); - /* AMD interrupts on */ - AmdIrqOn(cs); - } + schedule_event(cs, D_L1STATECHANGE); + /* AMD interrupts on */ + AmdIrqOn(cs); + } - /* reads Interrupt-Register again. If there is a new interrupt-flag: restart handler */ - irflags = rByteAMD(cs, 0x00); - } + /* reads Interrupt-Register again. If there is a new interrupt-flag: restart handler */ + irflags = rByteAMD(cs, 0x00); + } } static void Amd7930_l1hw(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) { - struct IsdnCardState *cs = (struct IsdnCardState *) st->l1.hardware; + struct IsdnCardState *cs = (struct IsdnCardState *) st->l1.hardware; struct sk_buff *skb = arg; u_long flags; - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: l1hw called, pr: 0x%04X", pr); switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) - LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) - dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); -#ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "Amd7930: l1hw: PH_DATA Queued", 0); -#endif - } else { - cs->tx_skb = skb; - cs->tx_cnt = 0; - cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen=0; + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) + LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) + dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "Amd7930: l1hw: PH_DATA", 0); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "Amd7930: l1hw: PH_DATA Queued", 0); #endif - Amd7930_fill_Dfifo(cs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: l1hw: l2l1 tx_skb exist this shouldn't happen"); - skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - } - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) - LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) - dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + } else { cs->tx_skb = skb; cs->tx_cnt = 0; - cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen=0; + cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen = 0; #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "Amd7930: l1hw: PH_DATA_PULLED", 0); + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "Amd7930: l1hw: PH_DATA", 0); #endif Amd7930_fill_Dfifo(cs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: l1hw: l2l1 tx_skb exist this shouldn't happen"); + skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); break; - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + } + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) + LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) + dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + cs->tx_skb = skb; + cs->tx_cnt = 0; + cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen = 0; #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: l1hw: -> PH_REQUEST_PULL, skb: %s", (cs->tx_skb)? "yes":"no"); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "Amd7930: l1hw: PH_DATA_PULLED", 0); #endif - if (!cs->tx_skb) { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); - } else - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - break; - case (HW_RESET | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if ((cs->dc.amd7930.ph_state == 8)) { - /* b-channels off, PH-AR cleared - * change to F3 */ - Amd7930_ph_command(cs, 0x20, "HW_RESET REQEST"); //LMR1 bit 5 - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - } else { - Amd7930_ph_command(cs, 0x40, "HW_RESET REQUEST"); - cs->dc.amd7930.ph_state = 2; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - Amd7930_new_ph(cs); - } - break; - case (HW_ENABLE | REQUEST): - cs->dc.amd7930.ph_state = 9; - Amd7930_new_ph(cs); - break; - case (HW_INFO3 | REQUEST): - // automatic - break; - case (HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): - /* not implemented yet */ - break; - case (HW_DEACTIVATE | RESPONSE): - skb_queue_purge(&cs->rq); - skb_queue_purge(&cs->sq); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - dev_kfree_skb(cs->tx_skb); - cs->tx_skb = NULL; - } - if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) - del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); - if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags)) - schedule_event(cs, D_CLEARBUSY); - break; - default: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: l1hw: unknown %04x", pr); - break; + Amd7930_fill_Dfifo(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): +#ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: l1hw: -> PH_REQUEST_PULL, skb: %s", (cs->tx_skb) ? "yes" : "no"); +#endif + if (!cs->tx_skb) { + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + } else + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + break; + case (HW_RESET | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if ((cs->dc.amd7930.ph_state == 8)) { + /* b-channels off, PH-AR cleared + * change to F3 */ + Amd7930_ph_command(cs, 0x20, "HW_RESET REQEST"); //LMR1 bit 5 + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + } else { + Amd7930_ph_command(cs, 0x40, "HW_RESET REQUEST"); + cs->dc.amd7930.ph_state = 2; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + Amd7930_new_ph(cs); + } + break; + case (HW_ENABLE | REQUEST): + cs->dc.amd7930.ph_state = 9; + Amd7930_new_ph(cs); + break; + case (HW_INFO3 | REQUEST): + // automatic + break; + case (HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): + /* not implemented yet */ + break; + case (HW_DEACTIVATE | RESPONSE): + skb_queue_purge(&cs->rq); + skb_queue_purge(&cs->sq); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + dev_kfree_skb(cs->tx_skb); + cs->tx_skb = NULL; + } + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) + del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags)) + schedule_event(cs, D_CLEARBUSY); + break; + default: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: l1hw: unknown %04x", pr); + break; } } @@ -670,16 +670,16 @@ static void setstack_Amd7930(struct PStack *st, struct IsdnCardState *cs) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: setstack called"); - st->l1.l1hw = Amd7930_l1hw; + st->l1.l1hw = Amd7930_l1hw; } static void DC_Close_Amd7930(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: DC_Close called"); } @@ -689,23 +689,23 @@ dbusy_timer_handler(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { u_long flags; struct PStack *stptr; - WORD dtcr, der; - BYTE dsr1, dsr2; + WORD dtcr, der; + BYTE dsr1, dsr2; - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: dbusy_timer expired!"); if (test_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) { spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - /* D Transmit Byte Count Register: - * Counts down packet's number of Bytes, 0 if packet ready */ - dtcr = rWordAMD(cs, 0x85); - dsr1 = rByteAMD(cs, 0x02); - dsr2 = rByteAMD(cs, 0x07); - der = rWordAMD(cs, 0x03); - - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + /* D Transmit Byte Count Register: + * Counts down packet's number of Bytes, 0 if packet ready */ + dtcr = rWordAMD(cs, 0x85); + dsr1 = rByteAMD(cs, 0x02); + dsr2 = rByteAMD(cs, 0x07); + der = rWordAMD(cs, 0x03); + + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: dbusy_timer_handler: DSR1=0x%02X, DSR2=0x%02X, DER=0x%04X, cs->tx_skb->len=%u, tx_stat=%u, dtcr=%u, cs->tx_cnt=%u", dsr1, dsr2, der, cs->tx_skb->len, cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen, dtcr, cs->tx_cnt); if ((cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen - dtcr) < cs->tx_cnt) { /* D-Channel Busy */ @@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ dbusy_timer_handler(struct IsdnCardState *cs) dev_kfree_skb_any(cs->tx_skb); cs->tx_cnt = 0; cs->tx_skb = NULL; - cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen = 0; + cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen = 0; } else { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: Amd7930: D-Channel Busy no skb\n"); debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: D-Channel Busy no skb"); @@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ dbusy_timer_handler(struct IsdnCardState *cs) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); cs->irq_func(cs->irq, cs); - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: dbusy_timer_handler: Transmitter reset"); } } @@ -746,16 +746,16 @@ dbusy_timer_handler(struct IsdnCardState *cs) void Amd7930_init(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { - WORD *ptr; - BYTE cmd, cnt; + WORD *ptr; + BYTE cmd, cnt; - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "Amd7930: initamd called"); - cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen = 0; - cs->dc.amd7930.old_state = 0; - cs->dc.amd7930.lmr1 = 0x40; - cs->dc.amd7930.ph_command = Amd7930_ph_command; + cs->dc.amd7930.tx_xmtlen = 0; + cs->dc.amd7930.old_state = 0; + cs->dc.amd7930.lmr1 = 0x40; + cs->dc.amd7930.ph_command = Amd7930_ph_command; cs->setstack_d = setstack_Amd7930; cs->DC_Close = DC_Close_Amd7930; @@ -763,19 +763,19 @@ void Amd7930_init(struct IsdnCardState *cs) for (ptr = initAMD; *ptr != 0xFFFF; ) { cmd = LOBYTE(*ptr); - /* read */ - if (*ptr++ >= 0x100) { + /* read */ + if (*ptr++ >= 0x100) { if (cmd < 8) - /* reset register */ - rByteAMD(cs, cmd); + /* reset register */ + rByteAMD(cs, cmd); else { wByteAMD(cs, 0x00, cmd); for (cnt = *ptr++; cnt > 0; cnt--) rByteAMD(cs, 0x01); } } - /* write */ - else if (cmd < 8) + /* write */ + else if (cmd < 8) wByteAMD(cs, cmd, LOBYTE(*ptr++)); else { @@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ void Amd7930_init(struct IsdnCardState *cs) void __devinit setup_Amd7930(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { - INIT_WORK(&cs->tqueue, Amd7930_bh); + INIT_WORK(&cs->tqueue, Amd7930_bh); cs->dbusytimer.function = (void *) dbusy_timer_handler; cs->dbusytimer.data = (long) cs; init_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/arcofi.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/arcofi.c index 21cbbe1d55635b8e9d5490efd63c2e352debf98a..29ec2dfbd155521022438964f24ea91ff333926d 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/arcofi.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/arcofi.c @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * */ - + #include #include "hisax.h" #include "isdnl1.h" @@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ static void add_arcofi_timer(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { if (test_and_set_bit(FLG_ARCOFI_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) { del_timer(&cs->dc.isac.arcofitimer); - } + } init_timer(&cs->dc.isac.arcofitimer); - cs->dc.isac.arcofitimer.expires = jiffies + ((ARCOFI_TIMER_VALUE * HZ)/1000); + cs->dc.isac.arcofitimer.expires = jiffies + ((ARCOFI_TIMER_VALUE * HZ) / 1000); add_timer(&cs->dc.isac.arcofitimer); } @@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ send_arcofi(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { cs->dc.isac.mon_txp = 0; cs->dc.isac.mon_txc = cs->dc.isac.arcofi_list->len; memcpy(cs->dc.isac.mon_tx, cs->dc.isac.arcofi_list->msg, cs->dc.isac.mon_txc); - switch(cs->dc.isac.arcofi_bc) { - case 0: break; - case 1: cs->dc.isac.mon_tx[1] |= 0x40; - break; - default: break; + switch (cs->dc.isac.arcofi_bc) { + case 0: break; + case 1: cs->dc.isac.mon_tx[1] |= 0x40; + break; + default: break; } cs->dc.isac.mocr &= 0x0f; cs->dc.isac.mocr |= 0xa0; @@ -58,42 +58,25 @@ arcofi_fsm(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int event, void *data) { cs->dc.isac.arcofi_state = ARCOFI_NOP; test_and_set_bit(FLG_ARCOFI_ERROR, &cs->HW_Flags); wake_up(&cs->dc.isac.arcofi_wait); - return(1); + return (1); } switch (cs->dc.isac.arcofi_state) { - case ARCOFI_NOP: - if (event == ARCOFI_START) { - cs->dc.isac.arcofi_list = data; - cs->dc.isac.arcofi_state = ARCOFI_TRANSMIT; - send_arcofi(cs); - } - break; - case ARCOFI_TRANSMIT: - if (event == ARCOFI_TX_END) { - if (cs->dc.isac.arcofi_list->receive) { - add_arcofi_timer(cs); - cs->dc.isac.arcofi_state = ARCOFI_RECEIVE; - } else { - if (cs->dc.isac.arcofi_list->next) { - cs->dc.isac.arcofi_list = - cs->dc.isac.arcofi_list->next; - send_arcofi(cs); - } else { - if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ARCOFI_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) { - del_timer(&cs->dc.isac.arcofitimer); - } - cs->dc.isac.arcofi_state = ARCOFI_NOP; - wake_up(&cs->dc.isac.arcofi_wait); - } - } - } - break; - case ARCOFI_RECEIVE: - if (event == ARCOFI_RX_END) { + case ARCOFI_NOP: + if (event == ARCOFI_START) { + cs->dc.isac.arcofi_list = data; + cs->dc.isac.arcofi_state = ARCOFI_TRANSMIT; + send_arcofi(cs); + } + break; + case ARCOFI_TRANSMIT: + if (event == ARCOFI_TX_END) { + if (cs->dc.isac.arcofi_list->receive) { + add_arcofi_timer(cs); + cs->dc.isac.arcofi_state = ARCOFI_RECEIVE; + } else { if (cs->dc.isac.arcofi_list->next) { cs->dc.isac.arcofi_list = cs->dc.isac.arcofi_list->next; - cs->dc.isac.arcofi_state = ARCOFI_TRANSMIT; send_arcofi(cs); } else { if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ARCOFI_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) { @@ -103,12 +86,29 @@ arcofi_fsm(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int event, void *data) { wake_up(&cs->dc.isac.arcofi_wait); } } - break; - default: - debugl1(cs, "Arcofi unknown state %x", cs->dc.isac.arcofi_state); - return(2); + } + break; + case ARCOFI_RECEIVE: + if (event == ARCOFI_RX_END) { + if (cs->dc.isac.arcofi_list->next) { + cs->dc.isac.arcofi_list = + cs->dc.isac.arcofi_list->next; + cs->dc.isac.arcofi_state = ARCOFI_TRANSMIT; + send_arcofi(cs); + } else { + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ARCOFI_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) { + del_timer(&cs->dc.isac.arcofitimer); + } + cs->dc.isac.arcofi_state = ARCOFI_NOP; + wake_up(&cs->dc.isac.arcofi_wait); + } + } + break; + default: + debugl1(cs, "Arcofi unknown state %x", cs->dc.isac.arcofi_state); + return (2); } - return(0); + return (0); } static void diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/arcofi.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/arcofi.h index 00c44d3ce97279b3ec3eecce228f7f9e2ad9fc4c..b9c77529fabfdbcfb53ae0541785bbcf2241da93 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/arcofi.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/arcofi.h @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * */ - + #define ARCOFI_USE 1 /* states */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/asuscom.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/asuscom.c index 1f879b500d838998969597e8af63b08ce1912fae..2b74a40ad2a02fb57949086d449ccac6f09f8a78 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/asuscom.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/asuscom.c @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ static const char *Asuscom_revision = "$Revision: $"; -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) #define ASUS_ISAC 0 @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ readreg(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off) } static inline void -readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char * data, int size) +readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size) { byteout(ale, off); insb(adr, data, size); @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ writereg(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char data) } static inline void -writefifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char * data, int size) +writefifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size) { byteout(ale, off); outsb(adr, data, size); @@ -87,13 +87,13 @@ WriteISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) } static void -ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { readfifo(cs->hw.asus.adr, cs->hw.asus.isac, 0, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { writefifo(cs->hw.asus.adr, cs->hw.asus.isac, 0, data, size); } @@ -101,23 +101,23 @@ WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) static u_char ReadISAC_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset) { - return (readreg(cs->hw.asus.adr, cs->hw.asus.isac, offset|0x80)); + return (readreg(cs->hw.asus.adr, cs->hw.asus.isac, offset | 0x80)); } static void WriteISAC_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) { - writereg(cs->hw.asus.adr, cs->hw.asus.isac, offset|0x80, value); + writereg(cs->hw.asus.adr, cs->hw.asus.isac, offset | 0x80, value); } static void -ReadISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { readfifo(cs->hw.asus.adr, cs->hw.asus.isac, 0x80, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { writefifo(cs->hw.asus.adr, cs->hw.asus.isac, 0x80, data, size); } @@ -140,16 +140,16 @@ WriteHSCX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char offset, u_char value) * fast interrupt HSCX stuff goes here */ -#define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.asus.adr, \ - cs->hw.asus.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0)) -#define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.asus.adr, \ - cs->hw.asus.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0), data) +#define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.asus.adr, \ + cs->hw.asus.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0)) +#define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.asus.adr, \ + cs->hw.asus.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0), data) -#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.asus.adr, \ - cs->hw.asus.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) +#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.asus.adr, \ + cs->hw.asus.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) -#define WRITEHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) writefifo(cs->hw.asus.adr, \ - cs->hw.asus.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) +#define WRITEHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) writefifo(cs->hw.asus.adr, \ + cs->hw.asus.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) #include "hscx_irq.c" @@ -162,11 +162,11 @@ asuscom_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); val = readreg(cs->hw.asus.adr, cs->hw.asus.hscx, HSCX_ISTA + 0x40); - Start_HSCX: +Start_HSCX: if (val) hscx_int_main(cs, val); val = readreg(cs->hw.asus.adr, cs->hw.asus.isac, ISAC_ISTA); - Start_ISAC: +Start_ISAC: if (val) isac_interrupt(cs, val); val = readreg(cs->hw.asus.adr, cs->hw.asus.hscx, HSCX_ISTA + 0x40); @@ -274,39 +274,39 @@ Asus_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_asuscom(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_asuscom(cs); - return(0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - cs->debug |= L1_DEB_IPAC; - inithscxisac(cs, 3); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_TEST: - return(0); + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_asuscom(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_asuscom(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + cs->debug |= L1_DEB_IPAC; + inithscxisac(cs, 3); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } - return(0); + return (0); } #ifdef __ISAPNP__ static struct isapnp_device_id asus_ids[] __devinitdata = { { ISAPNP_VENDOR('A', 'S', 'U'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x1688), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('A', 'S', 'U'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x1688), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('A', 'S', 'U'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x1688), (unsigned long) "Asus1688 PnP" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('A', 'S', 'U'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x1690), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('A', 'S', 'U'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x1690), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('A', 'S', 'U'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x1690), (unsigned long) "Asus1690 PnP" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'I', 'E'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0020), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'I', 'E'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0020), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'I', 'E'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0020), (unsigned long) "Isurf2 PnP" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('E', 'L', 'F'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0000), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('E', 'L', 'F'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0000), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('E', 'L', 'F'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0000), (unsigned long) "Iscas TE320" }, { 0, } }; @@ -330,30 +330,30 @@ setup_asuscom(struct IsdnCard *card) #ifdef __ISAPNP__ if (!card->para[1] && isapnp_present()) { struct pnp_dev *pnp_d; - while(ipid->card_vendor) { + while (ipid->card_vendor) { if ((pnp_c = pnp_find_card(ipid->card_vendor, - ipid->card_device, pnp_c))) { + ipid->card_device, pnp_c))) { pnp_d = NULL; if ((pnp_d = pnp_find_dev(pnp_c, - ipid->vendor, ipid->function, pnp_d))) { + ipid->vendor, ipid->function, pnp_d))) { int err; printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: %s detected\n", - (char *)ipid->driver_data); + (char *)ipid->driver_data); pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); err = pnp_activate_dev(pnp_d); - if (err<0) { + if (err < 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: pnp_activate_dev ret(%d)\n", - __func__, err); - return(0); + __func__, err); + return (0); } card->para[1] = pnp_port_start(pnp_d, 0); card->para[0] = pnp_irq(pnp_d, 0); if (!card->para[0] || !card->para[1]) { printk(KERN_ERR "AsusPnP:some resources are missing %ld/%lx\n", - card->para[0], card->para[1]); + card->para[0], card->para[1]); pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); - return(0); + return (0); } break; } else { @@ -362,10 +362,10 @@ setup_asuscom(struct IsdnCard *card) } ipid++; pnp_c = NULL; - } + } if (!ipid->card_vendor) { printk(KERN_INFO "AsusPnP: no ISAPnP card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } } #endif @@ -380,14 +380,14 @@ setup_asuscom(struct IsdnCard *card) return (0); } printk(KERN_INFO "ISDNLink: defined at 0x%x IRQ %d\n", - cs->hw.asus.cfg_reg, cs->irq); + cs->hw.asus.cfg_reg, cs->irq); setup_isac(cs); cs->BC_Read_Reg = &ReadHSCX; cs->BC_Write_Reg = &WriteHSCX; cs->BC_Send_Data = &hscx_fill_fifo; cs->cardmsg = &Asus_card_msg; - val = readreg(cs->hw.asus.cfg_reg + ASUS_IPAC_ALE, - cs->hw.asus.cfg_reg + ASUS_IPAC_DATA, IPAC_ID); + val = readreg(cs->hw.asus.cfg_reg + ASUS_IPAC_ALE, + cs->hw.asus.cfg_reg + ASUS_IPAC_DATA, IPAC_ID); if ((val == 1) || (val == 2)) { cs->subtyp = ASUS_IPAC; cs->hw.asus.adr = cs->hw.asus.cfg_reg + ASUS_IPAC_ALE; @@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ setup_asuscom(struct IsdnCard *card) ISACVersion(cs, "ISDNLink:"); if (HscxVersion(cs, "ISDNLink:")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "ISDNLink: wrong HSCX versions check IO address\n"); + "ISDNLink: wrong HSCX versions check IO address\n"); release_io_asuscom(cs); return (0); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/avm_a1.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/avm_a1.c index eb6b432e261fb79ade9e743b842f3c44f319917e..402d489cbbf144b18449f391f09357651c7845a1 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/avm_a1.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/avm_a1.c @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ static const char *avm_revision = "$Revision: $"; #define AVM_A1_STAT_HSCX 0x02 #define AVM_A1_STAT_TIMER 0x04 -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) static inline u_char @@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ writereg(unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char data) static inline void -read_fifo(unsigned int adr, u_char * data, int size) +read_fifo(unsigned int adr, u_char *data, int size) { insb(adr, data, size); } static void -write_fifo(unsigned int adr, u_char * data, int size) +write_fifo(unsigned int adr, u_char *data, int size) { outsb(adr, data, size); } @@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ WriteISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) } static void -ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { read_fifo(cs->hw.avm.isacfifo, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { write_fifo(cs->hw.avm.isacfifo, data, size); } @@ -158,23 +158,23 @@ AVM_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - return(0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_ioregs(cs, 0x3f); - return(0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - inithscxisac(cs, 1); - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg, 0x16); - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg, 0x1E); - inithscxisac(cs, 2); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_TEST: - return(0); + case CARD_RESET: + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_ioregs(cs, 0x3f); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + inithscxisac(cs, 1); + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg, 0x16); + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg, 0x1E); + inithscxisac(cs, 2); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } - return(0); + return (0); } int __devinit diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/avm_a1p.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/avm_a1p.c index 3039c6d68fc414606240a87f397348f0a5b5917d..39347198d6430068cd85a77d4efcf00e915dd1b8 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/avm_a1p.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/avm_a1p.c @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ #define ASL0_R_ISAC 0x20 /* active low */ #define ASL0_R_HSCX 0x40 /* active low */ #define ASL0_R_TESTBIT 0x80 -#define ASL0_R_IRQPENDING (ASL0_R_ISAC|ASL0_R_HSCX|ASL0_R_TIMER) +#define ASL0_R_IRQPENDING (ASL0_R_ISAC | ASL0_R_HSCX | ASL0_R_TIMER) /* write bits ASL0 */ #define ASL0_W_RESET 0x01 @@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ #define ASL1_W_LED0 0x10 #define ASL1_W_LED1 0x20 #define ASL1_W_ENABLE_S0 0xC0 - -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) + +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) static const char *avm_revision = "$Revision: $"; @@ -61,34 +61,34 @@ static const char *avm_revision = "$Revision: $"; static inline u_char ReadISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset) { - u_char ret; + u_char ret; - offset -= 0x20; - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+ADDRREG_OFFSET,ISAC_REG_OFFSET+offset); - ret = bytein(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+DATAREG_OFFSET); + offset -= 0x20; + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + ADDRREG_OFFSET, ISAC_REG_OFFSET + offset); + ret = bytein(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + DATAREG_OFFSET); return ret; } static inline void WriteISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) { - offset -= 0x20; - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+ADDRREG_OFFSET,ISAC_REG_OFFSET+offset); - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+DATAREG_OFFSET, value); + offset -= 0x20; + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + ADDRREG_OFFSET, ISAC_REG_OFFSET + offset); + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + DATAREG_OFFSET, value); } static inline void -ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+ADDRREG_OFFSET,ISAC_FIFO_OFFSET); - insb(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+DATAREG_OFFSET, data, size); + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + ADDRREG_OFFSET, ISAC_FIFO_OFFSET); + insb(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + DATAREG_OFFSET, data, size); } static inline void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+ADDRREG_OFFSET,ISAC_FIFO_OFFSET); - outsb(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+DATAREG_OFFSET, data, size); + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + ADDRREG_OFFSET, ISAC_FIFO_OFFSET); + outsb(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + DATAREG_OFFSET, data, size); } static inline u_char @@ -96,36 +96,36 @@ ReadHSCX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char offset) { u_char ret; - offset -= 0x20; - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+ADDRREG_OFFSET, - HSCX_REG_OFFSET+hscx*HSCX_CH_DIFF+offset); - ret = bytein(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+DATAREG_OFFSET); + offset -= 0x20; + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + ADDRREG_OFFSET, + HSCX_REG_OFFSET + hscx * HSCX_CH_DIFF + offset); + ret = bytein(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + DATAREG_OFFSET); return ret; } static inline void WriteHSCX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char offset, u_char value) { - offset -= 0x20; - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+ADDRREG_OFFSET, - HSCX_REG_OFFSET+hscx*HSCX_CH_DIFF+offset); - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+DATAREG_OFFSET, value); + offset -= 0x20; + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + ADDRREG_OFFSET, + HSCX_REG_OFFSET + hscx * HSCX_CH_DIFF + offset); + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + DATAREG_OFFSET, value); } static inline void -ReadHSCXfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char * data, int size) +ReadHSCXfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char *data, int size) { - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+ADDRREG_OFFSET, - HSCX_FIFO_OFFSET+hscx*HSCX_CH_DIFF); - insb(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+DATAREG_OFFSET, data, size); + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + ADDRREG_OFFSET, + HSCX_FIFO_OFFSET + hscx * HSCX_CH_DIFF); + insb(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + DATAREG_OFFSET, data, size); } static inline void -WriteHSCXfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char * data, int size) +WriteHSCXfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char *data, int size) { - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+ADDRREG_OFFSET, - HSCX_FIFO_OFFSET+hscx*HSCX_CH_DIFF); - outsb(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+DATAREG_OFFSET, data, size); + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + ADDRREG_OFFSET, + HSCX_FIFO_OFFSET + hscx * HSCX_CH_DIFF); + outsb(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + DATAREG_OFFSET, data, size); } /* @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ WriteHSCXfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char * data, int size) #define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) ReadHSCX(cs, nr, reg) #define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) WriteHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) -#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) ReadHSCXfifo(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) +#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) ReadHSCXfifo(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) #define WRITEHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) WriteHSCXfifo(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) #include "hscx_irq.c" @@ -147,11 +147,11 @@ avm_a1p_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) u_long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - while ((sval = (~bytein(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+ASL0_OFFSET) & ASL0_R_IRQPENDING))) { + while ((sval = (~bytein(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + ASL0_OFFSET) & ASL0_R_IRQPENDING))) { if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_INTSTAT) debugl1(cs, "avm IntStatus %x", sval); if (sval & ASL0_R_HSCX) { - val = ReadHSCX(cs, 1, HSCX_ISTA); + val = ReadHSCX(cs, 1, HSCX_ISTA); if (val) hscx_int_main(cs, val); } @@ -177,38 +177,38 @@ AVM_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+ASL0_OFFSET,0x00); - HZDELAY(HZ / 5 + 1); - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+ASL0_OFFSET,ASL0_W_RESET); - HZDELAY(HZ / 5 + 1); - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+ASL0_OFFSET,0x00); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return 0; - - case CARD_RELEASE: - /* free_irq is done in HiSax_closecard(). */ - /* free_irq(cs->irq, cs); */ - return 0; - - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+ASL0_OFFSET,ASL0_W_TDISABLE|ASL0_W_TRESET|ASL0_W_IRQENABLE); - clear_pending_isac_ints(cs); - clear_pending_hscx_ints(cs); - inithscxisac(cs, 1); - inithscxisac(cs, 2); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return 0; - - case CARD_TEST: - /* we really don't need it for the PCMCIA Version */ - return 0; - - default: - /* all card drivers ignore others, so we do the same */ - return 0; + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + ASL0_OFFSET, 0x00); + HZDELAY(HZ / 5 + 1); + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + ASL0_OFFSET, ASL0_W_RESET); + HZDELAY(HZ / 5 + 1); + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + ASL0_OFFSET, 0x00); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return 0; + + case CARD_RELEASE: + /* free_irq is done in HiSax_closecard(). */ + /* free_irq(cs->irq, cs); */ + return 0; + + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + ASL0_OFFSET, ASL0_W_TDISABLE | ASL0_W_TRESET | ASL0_W_IRQENABLE); + clear_pending_isac_ints(cs); + clear_pending_hscx_ints(cs); + inithscxisac(cs, 1); + inithscxisac(cs, 2); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return 0; + + case CARD_TEST: + /* we really don't need it for the PCMCIA Version */ + return 0; + + default: + /* all card drivers ignore others, so we do the same */ + return 0; } return 0; } @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ int __devinit setup_avm_a1_pcmcia(struct IsdnCard *card) strcpy(tmp, avm_revision); printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: AVM A1 PCMCIA driver Rev. %s\n", - HiSax_getrev(tmp)); + HiSax_getrev(tmp)); if (cs->typ != ISDN_CTYPE_A1_PCMCIA) return (0); @@ -230,20 +230,20 @@ int __devinit setup_avm_a1_pcmcia(struct IsdnCard *card) cs->irq = card->para[0]; - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+ASL1_OFFSET, ASL1_W_ENABLE_S0); - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+ASL0_OFFSET,0x00); + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + ASL1_OFFSET, ASL1_W_ENABLE_S0); + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + ASL0_OFFSET, 0x00); HZDELAY(HZ / 5 + 1); - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+ASL0_OFFSET,ASL0_W_RESET); + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + ASL0_OFFSET, ASL0_W_RESET); HZDELAY(HZ / 5 + 1); - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+ASL0_OFFSET,0x00); + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + ASL0_OFFSET, 0x00); - byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+ASL0_OFFSET, ASL0_W_TDISABLE|ASL0_W_TRESET); + byteout(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + ASL0_OFFSET, ASL0_W_TDISABLE | ASL0_W_TRESET); - model = bytein(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+MODREG_OFFSET); - vers = bytein(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg+VERREG_OFFSET); + model = bytein(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + MODREG_OFFSET); + vers = bytein(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + VERREG_OFFSET); printk(KERN_INFO "AVM A1 PCMCIA: io 0x%x irq %d model %d version %d\n", - cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg, cs->irq, model, vers); + cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg, cs->irq, model, vers); setup_isac(cs); cs->readisac = &ReadISAC; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/avm_pci.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/avm_pci.c index 0e66af1decd43266129c4fc350ea0dbddeee111f..979492d69daee0e6cd6c18b8fb1a30f14f3d27c9 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/avm_pci.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/avm_pci.c @@ -95,14 +95,14 @@ WriteISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) } static void -ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { outb(AVM_ISAC_FIFO, cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + 4); insb(cs->hw.avm.isac, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { outb(AVM_ISAC_FIFO, cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + 4); outsb(cs->hw.avm.isac, data, size); @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ WriteHDLCPnP(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int chan, u_char offset, u_char value) static u_char ReadHDLC_s(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int chan, u_char offset) { - return(0xff & ReadHDLCPCI(cs, chan, offset)); + return (0xff & ReadHDLCPCI(cs, chan, offset)); } static void @@ -164,11 +164,11 @@ static inline struct BCState *Sel_BCS(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int channel) { if (cs->bcs[0].mode && (cs->bcs[0].channel == channel)) - return(&cs->bcs[0]); + return (&cs->bcs[0]); else if (cs->bcs[1].mode && (cs->bcs[1].channel == channel)) - return(&cs->bcs[1]); + return (&cs->bcs[1]); else - return(NULL); + return (NULL); } static void @@ -182,13 +182,13 @@ write_ctrl(struct BCState *bcs, int which) { } else { if (which & 4) WriteHDLCPnP(bcs->cs, bcs->channel, HDLC_STATUS + 2, - bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.mode); + bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.mode); if (which & 2) WriteHDLCPnP(bcs->cs, bcs->channel, HDLC_STATUS + 1, - bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.xml); + bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.xml); if (which & 1) WriteHDLCPnP(bcs->cs, bcs->channel, HDLC_STATUS, - bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.cmd); + bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.cmd); } } @@ -203,41 +203,41 @@ modehdlc(struct BCState *bcs, int mode, int bc) 'A' + hdlc, bcs->mode, mode, hdlc, bc); bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.ctrl = 0; switch (mode) { - case (-1): /* used for init */ - bcs->mode = 1; - bcs->channel = bc; - bc = 0; - case (L1_MODE_NULL): - if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_NULL) - return; - bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.cmd = HDLC_CMD_XRS | HDLC_CMD_RRS; - bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.mode = HDLC_MODE_TRANS; - write_ctrl(bcs, 5); - bcs->mode = L1_MODE_NULL; - bcs->channel = bc; - break; - case (L1_MODE_TRANS): - bcs->mode = mode; - bcs->channel = bc; - bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.cmd = HDLC_CMD_XRS | HDLC_CMD_RRS; - bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.mode = HDLC_MODE_TRANS; - write_ctrl(bcs, 5); - bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.cmd = HDLC_CMD_XRS; - write_ctrl(bcs, 1); - bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.cmd = 0; - schedule_event(bcs, B_XMTBUFREADY); - break; - case (L1_MODE_HDLC): - bcs->mode = mode; - bcs->channel = bc; - bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.cmd = HDLC_CMD_XRS | HDLC_CMD_RRS; - bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.mode = HDLC_MODE_ITF_FLG; - write_ctrl(bcs, 5); - bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.cmd = HDLC_CMD_XRS; - write_ctrl(bcs, 1); - bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.cmd = 0; - schedule_event(bcs, B_XMTBUFREADY); - break; + case (-1): /* used for init */ + bcs->mode = 1; + bcs->channel = bc; + bc = 0; + case (L1_MODE_NULL): + if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_NULL) + return; + bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.cmd = HDLC_CMD_XRS | HDLC_CMD_RRS; + bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.mode = HDLC_MODE_TRANS; + write_ctrl(bcs, 5); + bcs->mode = L1_MODE_NULL; + bcs->channel = bc; + break; + case (L1_MODE_TRANS): + bcs->mode = mode; + bcs->channel = bc; + bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.cmd = HDLC_CMD_XRS | HDLC_CMD_RRS; + bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.mode = HDLC_MODE_TRANS; + write_ctrl(bcs, 5); + bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.cmd = HDLC_CMD_XRS; + write_ctrl(bcs, 1); + bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.cmd = 0; + schedule_event(bcs, B_XMTBUFREADY); + break; + case (L1_MODE_HDLC): + bcs->mode = mode; + bcs->channel = bc; + bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.cmd = HDLC_CMD_XRS | HDLC_CMD_RRS; + bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.mode = HDLC_MODE_ITF_FLG; + write_ctrl(bcs, 5); + bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.cmd = HDLC_CMD_XRS; + write_ctrl(bcs, 1); + bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.cmd = 0; + schedule_event(bcs, B_XMTBUFREADY); + break; } } @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ hdlc_empty_fifo(struct BCState *bcs, int count) register u_int *ptr; u_char *p; u_char idx = bcs->channel ? AVM_HDLC_2 : AVM_HDLC_1; - int cnt=0; + int cnt = 0; struct IsdnCardState *cs = bcs->cs; if ((cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) && !(cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO)) @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ hdlc_empty_fifo(struct BCState *bcs, int count) outl(idx, cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + 4); while (cnt < count) { #ifdef __powerpc__ - *ptr++ = in_be32((unsigned *)(cs->hw.avm.isac +_IO_BASE)); + *ptr++ = in_be32((unsigned *)(cs->hw.avm.isac + _IO_BASE)); #else *ptr++ = inl(cs->hw.avm.isac); #endif /* __powerpc__ */ @@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ static inline void hdlc_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) { struct IsdnCardState *cs = bcs->cs; - int count, cnt =0; + int count, cnt = 0; int fifo_size = 32; u_char *p; u_int *ptr; @@ -323,16 +323,16 @@ hdlc_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) bcs->hw.hdlc.ctrl.sr.xml = ((count == fifo_size) ? 0 : count); write_ctrl(bcs, 3); /* sets the correct index too */ if (cs->subtyp == AVM_FRITZ_PCI) { - while (cnthw.avm.isac +_IO_BASE), *ptr++); + out_be32((unsigned *)(cs->hw.avm.isac + _IO_BASE), *ptr++); #else outl(*ptr++, cs->hw.avm.isac); #endif /* __powerpc__ */ cnt += 4; } } else { - while (cnthw.avm.isac); cnt++; } @@ -369,17 +369,17 @@ HDLC_irq(struct BCState *bcs, u_int stat) { write_ctrl(bcs, 1); bcs->hw.hdlc.rcvidx = 0; } else { - if (!(len = (stat & HDLC_STAT_RML_MASK)>>8)) + if (!(len = (stat & HDLC_STAT_RML_MASK) >> 8)) len = 32; hdlc_empty_fifo(bcs, len); if ((stat & HDLC_STAT_RME) || (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS)) { - if (((stat & HDLC_STAT_CRCVFRRAB)==HDLC_STAT_CRCVFR) || - (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS)) { + if (((stat & HDLC_STAT_CRCVFRRAB) == HDLC_STAT_CRCVFR) || + (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS)) { if (!(skb = dev_alloc_skb(bcs->hw.hdlc.rcvidx))) printk(KERN_WARNING "HDLC: receive out of memory\n"); else { memcpy(skb_put(skb, bcs->hw.hdlc.rcvidx), - bcs->hw.hdlc.rcvbuf, bcs->hw.hdlc.rcvidx); + bcs->hw.hdlc.rcvbuf, bcs->hw.hdlc.rcvidx); skb_queue_tail(&bcs->rqueue, skb); } bcs->hw.hdlc.rcvidx = 0; @@ -418,9 +418,9 @@ HDLC_irq(struct BCState *bcs, u_int stat) { hdlc_fill_fifo(bcs); return; } else { - if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP,&bcs->st->lli.flag) && - (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { - u_long flags; + if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &bcs->st->lli.flag) && + (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { + u_long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->aclock, flags); bcs->ackcnt += bcs->hw.hdlc.count; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->aclock, flags); @@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ HDLC_irq_main(struct IsdnCardState *cs) } else { stat = ReadHDLCPnP(cs, 0, HDLC_STATUS); if (stat & HDLC_INT_RPR) - stat |= (ReadHDLCPnP(cs, 0, HDLC_STATUS+1))<<8; + stat |= (ReadHDLCPnP(cs, 0, HDLC_STATUS + 1)) << 8; } if (stat & HDLC_INT_MASK) { if (!(bcs = Sel_BCS(cs, 0))) { @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ HDLC_irq_main(struct IsdnCardState *cs) } else { stat = ReadHDLCPnP(cs, 1, HDLC_STATUS); if (stat & HDLC_INT_RPR) - stat |= (ReadHDLCPnP(cs, 1, HDLC_STATUS+1))<<8; + stat |= (ReadHDLCPnP(cs, 1, HDLC_STATUS + 1)) << 8; } if (stat & HDLC_INT_MASK) { if (!(bcs = Sel_BCS(cs, 1))) { @@ -486,55 +486,55 @@ hdlc_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); - } else { - bcs->tx_skb = skb; - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - bcs->hw.hdlc.count = 0; - bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "hdlc_l2l1: this shouldn't happen\n"); - } else { - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - bcs->tx_skb = skb; - bcs->hw.hdlc.count = 0; - bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): - if (!bcs->tx_skb) { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); - } else - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - break; - case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - modehdlc(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - modehdlc(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); + } else { + bcs->tx_skb = skb; + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + bcs->hw.hdlc.count = 0; + bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "hdlc_l2l1: this shouldn't happen\n"); + } else { + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + bcs->tx_skb = skb; + bcs->hw.hdlc.count = 0; + bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + if (!bcs->tx_skb) { + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + } else + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + break; + case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + modehdlc(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + modehdlc(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; } } @@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ open_hdlcstate(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct BCState *bcs) } if (!(bcs->blog = kmalloc(MAX_BLOG_SPACE, GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: No memory for bcs->blog\n"); + "HiSax: No memory for bcs->blog\n"); test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag); kfree(bcs->hw.hdlc.rcvbuf); bcs->hw.hdlc.rcvbuf = NULL; @@ -688,34 +688,34 @@ AVM_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_avmpcipnp(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - outb(0, cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + 2); - release_region(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg, 32); - return(0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_avmpcipnp(cs); - clear_pending_isac_ints(cs); - initisac(cs); - inithdlc(cs); - outb(AVM_STATUS0_DIS_TIMER | AVM_STATUS0_RES_TIMER, - cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + 2); - WriteISAC(cs, ISAC_MASK, 0); - outb(AVM_STATUS0_DIS_TIMER | AVM_STATUS0_RES_TIMER | - AVM_STATUS0_ENA_IRQ, cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + 2); - /* RESET Receiver and Transmitter */ - WriteISAC(cs, ISAC_CMDR, 0x41); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_TEST: - return(0); + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_avmpcipnp(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + outb(0, cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + 2); + release_region(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg, 32); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_avmpcipnp(cs); + clear_pending_isac_ints(cs); + initisac(cs); + inithdlc(cs); + outb(AVM_STATUS0_DIS_TIMER | AVM_STATUS0_RES_TIMER, + cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + 2); + WriteISAC(cs, ISAC_MASK, 0); + outb(AVM_STATUS0_DIS_TIMER | AVM_STATUS0_RES_TIMER | + AVM_STATUS0_ENA_IRQ, cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + 2); + /* RESET Receiver and Transmitter */ + WriteISAC(cs, ISAC_CMDR, 0x41); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } - return(0); + return (0); } static int __devinit avm_setup_rest(struct IsdnCardState *cs) @@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ static int __devinit avm_setup_rest(struct IsdnCardState *cs) cs->hw.avm.isac = cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + 0x10; if (!request_region(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg, 32, - (cs->subtyp == AVM_FRITZ_PCI) ? "avm PCI" : "avm PnP")) { + (cs->subtyp == AVM_FRITZ_PCI) ? "avm PCI" : "avm PnP")) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: Fritz!PCI/PNP config port %x-%x already in use\n", cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg, @@ -732,28 +732,28 @@ static int __devinit avm_setup_rest(struct IsdnCardState *cs) return (0); } switch (cs->subtyp) { - case AVM_FRITZ_PCI: + case AVM_FRITZ_PCI: val = inl(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg); printk(KERN_INFO "AVM PCI: stat %#x\n", val); printk(KERN_INFO "AVM PCI: Class %X Rev %d\n", - val & 0xff, (val>>8) & 0xff); + val & 0xff, (val >> 8) & 0xff); cs->BC_Read_Reg = &ReadHDLC_s; cs->BC_Write_Reg = &WriteHDLC_s; break; - case AVM_FRITZ_PNP: + case AVM_FRITZ_PNP: val = inb(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg); ver = inb(cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg + 1); printk(KERN_INFO "AVM PnP: Class %X Rev %d\n", val, ver); cs->BC_Read_Reg = &ReadHDLCPnP; cs->BC_Write_Reg = &WriteHDLCPnP; break; - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING "AVM unknown subtype %d\n", cs->subtyp); - return(0); + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING "AVM unknown subtype %d\n", cs->subtyp); + return (0); } printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: %s config irq:%d base:0x%X\n", - (cs->subtyp == AVM_FRITZ_PCI) ? "AVM Fritz!PCI" : "AVM Fritz!PnP", - cs->irq, cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg); + (cs->subtyp == AVM_FRITZ_PCI) ? "AVM Fritz!PCI" : "AVM Fritz!PnP", + cs->irq, cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg); setup_isac(cs); cs->readisac = &ReadISAC; @@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ static int __devinit avm_setup_rest(struct IsdnCardState *cs) static int __devinit avm_pnp_setup(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { - return(1); /* no-op: success */ + return (1); /* no-op: success */ } #else @@ -784,33 +784,33 @@ static int __devinit avm_pnp_setup(struct IsdnCardState *cs) struct pnp_dev *pnp_avm_d = NULL; if (!isapnp_present()) - return(1); /* no-op: success */ + return (1); /* no-op: success */ if ((pnp_avm_c = pnp_find_card( - ISAPNP_VENDOR('A', 'V', 'M'), - ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0900), pnp_avm_c))) { + ISAPNP_VENDOR('A', 'V', 'M'), + ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0900), pnp_avm_c))) { if ((pnp_avm_d = pnp_find_dev(pnp_avm_c, - ISAPNP_VENDOR('A', 'V', 'M'), - ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0900), pnp_avm_d))) { + ISAPNP_VENDOR('A', 'V', 'M'), + ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0900), pnp_avm_d))) { int err; pnp_disable_dev(pnp_avm_d); err = pnp_activate_dev(pnp_avm_d); - if (err<0) { + if (err < 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: pnp_activate_dev ret(%d)\n", - __func__, err); - return(0); + __func__, err); + return (0); } cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg = pnp_port_start(pnp_avm_d, 0); cs->irq = pnp_irq(pnp_avm_d, 0); if (!cs->irq) { printk(KERN_ERR "FritzPnP:No IRQ\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } if (!cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg) { printk(KERN_ERR "FritzPnP:No IO address\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } cs->subtyp = AVM_FRITZ_PNP; @@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ static int __devinit avm_pnp_setup(struct IsdnCardState *cs) static int __devinit avm_pci_setup(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { - return(1); /* no-op: success */ + return (1); /* no-op: success */ } #else @@ -837,27 +837,27 @@ static struct pci_dev *dev_avm __devinitdata = NULL; static int __devinit avm_pci_setup(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { if ((dev_avm = hisax_find_pci_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_AVM, - PCI_DEVICE_ID_AVM_A1, dev_avm))) { + PCI_DEVICE_ID_AVM_A1, dev_avm))) { if (pci_enable_device(dev_avm)) - return(0); + return (0); cs->irq = dev_avm->irq; if (!cs->irq) { printk(KERN_ERR "FritzPCI: No IRQ for PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg = pci_resource_start(dev_avm, 1); if (!cs->hw.avm.cfg_reg) { printk(KERN_ERR "FritzPCI: No IO-Adr for PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } cs->subtyp = AVM_FRITZ_PCI; } else { printk(KERN_WARNING "FritzPCI: No PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } cs->irq_flags |= IRQF_SHARED; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/avma1_cs.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/avma1_cs.c index 8f0ad2a52e8705adf33ca60624e871107918b315..33e3c94887d86a0bc15c58aefb5d52dcc2dbda70 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/avma1_cs.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/avma1_cs.c @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ * * Author Carsten Paeth * Copyright 1998-2001 by Carsten Paeth - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -39,20 +39,20 @@ module_param(isdnprot, int, 0); /*====================================================================*/ -static int avma1cs_config(struct pcmcia_device *link) __devinit ; +static int avma1cs_config(struct pcmcia_device *link) __devinit; static void avma1cs_release(struct pcmcia_device *link); -static void avma1cs_detach(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev) __devexit ; +static void avma1cs_detach(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev) __devexit; static int __devinit avma1cs_probe(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev) { - dev_dbg(&p_dev->dev, "avma1cs_attach()\n"); + dev_dbg(&p_dev->dev, "avma1cs_attach()\n"); - /* General socket configuration */ - p_dev->config_flags |= CONF_ENABLE_IRQ | CONF_AUTO_SET_IO; - p_dev->config_index = 1; - p_dev->config_regs = PRESENT_OPTION; + /* General socket configuration */ + p_dev->config_flags |= CONF_ENABLE_IRQ | CONF_AUTO_SET_IO; + p_dev->config_index = 1; + p_dev->config_regs = PRESENT_OPTION; - return avma1cs_config(p_dev); + return avma1cs_config(p_dev); } /* avma1cs_attach */ static void __devexit avma1cs_detach(struct pcmcia_device *link) @@ -75,63 +75,63 @@ static int avma1cs_configcheck(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev, void *priv_data) static int __devinit avma1cs_config(struct pcmcia_device *link) { - int i = -1; - char devname[128]; - IsdnCard_t icard; - int busy = 0; - - dev_dbg(&link->dev, "avma1cs_config(0x%p)\n", link); - - devname[0] = 0; - if (link->prod_id[1]) - strlcpy(devname, link->prod_id[1], sizeof(devname)); - - if (pcmcia_loop_config(link, avma1cs_configcheck, NULL)) - return -ENODEV; - - do { - /* - * allocate an interrupt line - */ - if (!link->irq) { - /* undo */ - pcmcia_disable_device(link); - break; - } - - /* - * configure the PCMCIA socket - */ - i = pcmcia_enable_device(link); + int i = -1; + char devname[128]; + IsdnCard_t icard; + int busy = 0; + + dev_dbg(&link->dev, "avma1cs_config(0x%p)\n", link); + + devname[0] = 0; + if (link->prod_id[1]) + strlcpy(devname, link->prod_id[1], sizeof(devname)); + + if (pcmcia_loop_config(link, avma1cs_configcheck, NULL)) + return -ENODEV; + + do { + /* + * allocate an interrupt line + */ + if (!link->irq) { + /* undo */ + pcmcia_disable_device(link); + break; + } + + /* + * configure the PCMCIA socket + */ + i = pcmcia_enable_device(link); + if (i != 0) { + pcmcia_disable_device(link); + break; + } + + } while (0); + + /* If any step failed, release any partially configured state */ if (i != 0) { - pcmcia_disable_device(link); - break; + avma1cs_release(link); + return -ENODEV; } - } while (0); - - /* If any step failed, release any partially configured state */ - if (i != 0) { - avma1cs_release(link); - return -ENODEV; - } - - icard.para[0] = link->irq; - icard.para[1] = link->resource[0]->start; - icard.protocol = isdnprot; - icard.typ = ISDN_CTYPE_A1_PCMCIA; - - i = hisax_init_pcmcia(link, &busy, &icard); - if (i < 0) { - printk(KERN_ERR "avma1_cs: failed to initialize AVM A1 " - "PCMCIA %d at i/o %#x\n", i, - (unsigned int) link->resource[0]->start); - avma1cs_release(link); - return -ENODEV; - } - link->priv = (void *) (unsigned long) i; + icard.para[0] = link->irq; + icard.para[1] = link->resource[0]->start; + icard.protocol = isdnprot; + icard.typ = ISDN_CTYPE_A1_PCMCIA; + + i = hisax_init_pcmcia(link, &busy, &icard); + if (i < 0) { + printk(KERN_ERR "avma1_cs: failed to initialize AVM A1 " + "PCMCIA %d at i/o %#x\n", i, + (unsigned int) link->resource[0]->start); + avma1cs_release(link); + return -ENODEV; + } + link->priv = (void *) (unsigned long) i; - return 0; + return 0; } /* avma1cs_config */ static void avma1cs_release(struct pcmcia_device *link) diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/bkm_a4t.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/bkm_a4t.c index 9f2009c0b69c103711ee0457586df2fd70e87b88..f6bf9c68892ec892a8116d627a9f6b3d17e89169 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/bkm_a4t.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/bkm_a4t.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Roland Klabunde * Copyright by Roland Klabunde - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ readreg(unsigned int ale, unsigned long adr, u_char off) static inline void -readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned long adr, u_char off, u_char * data, int size) +readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned long adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size) { int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ writereg(unsigned int ale, unsigned long adr, u_char off, u_char data) static inline void -writefifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned long adr, u_char off, u_char * data, int size) +writefifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned long adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size) { int i; @@ -83,13 +83,13 @@ WriteISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) } static void -ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { readfifo(cs->hw.ax.isac_ale, cs->hw.ax.isac_adr, 0, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { writefifo(cs->hw.ax.isac_ale, cs->hw.ax.isac_adr, 0, data, size); } @@ -110,15 +110,15 @@ WriteJADE(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int jade, u_char offset, u_char value) * fast interrupt JADE stuff goes here */ -#define READJADE(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.ax.jade_ale,\ - cs->hw.ax.jade_adr, reg + (nr == -1 ? 0 : (nr ? 0xC0 : 0x80))) -#define WRITEJADE(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.ax.jade_ale,\ - cs->hw.ax.jade_adr, reg + (nr == -1 ? 0 : (nr ? 0xC0 : 0x80)), data) +#define READJADE(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.ax.jade_ale, \ + cs->hw.ax.jade_adr, reg + (nr == -1 ? 0 : (nr ? 0xC0 : 0x80))) +#define WRITEJADE(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.ax.jade_ale, \ + cs->hw.ax.jade_adr, reg + (nr == -1 ? 0 : (nr ? 0xC0 : 0x80)), data) -#define READJADEFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.ax.jade_ale,\ - cs->hw.ax.jade_adr, (nr == -1 ? 0 : (nr ? 0xC0 : 0x80)), ptr, cnt) -#define WRITEJADEFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) writefifo( cs->hw.ax.jade_ale,\ - cs->hw.ax.jade_adr, (nr == -1 ? 0 : (nr ? 0xC0 : 0x80)), ptr, cnt) +#define READJADEFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.ax.jade_ale, \ + cs->hw.ax.jade_adr, (nr == -1 ? 0 : (nr ? 0xC0 : 0x80)), ptr, cnt) +#define WRITEJADEFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) writefifo(cs->hw.ax.jade_ale, \ + cs->hw.ax.jade_adr, (nr == -1 ? 0 : (nr ? 0xC0 : 0x80)), ptr, cnt) #include "jade_irq.c" @@ -201,11 +201,11 @@ reset_bkm(struct IsdnCardState *cs) pI20_Regs->i20SysControl = sysRESET | sysCFG; /* Issue ISDN reset */ pI20_Regs->i20GuestControl = guestWAIT_CFG | - g_A4T_JADE_RES | - g_A4T_ISAR_RES | - g_A4T_ISAC_RES | - g_A4T_JADE_BOOTR | - g_A4T_ISAR_BOOTR; + g_A4T_JADE_RES | + g_A4T_ISAR_RES | + g_A4T_ISAC_RES | + g_A4T_JADE_BOOTR | + g_A4T_ISAR_BOOTR; mdelay(10); /* Remove RESET state from ISDN */ @@ -222,33 +222,33 @@ BKM_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - /* Disable ints */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - enable_bkm_int(cs, 0); - reset_bkm(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return (0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - /* Sanity */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - enable_bkm_int(cs, 0); - reset_bkm(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - release_io_bkm(cs); - return (0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - clear_pending_isac_ints(cs); - clear_pending_jade_ints(cs); - initisac(cs); - initjade(cs); - /* Enable ints */ - enable_bkm_int(cs, 1); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return (0); - case CARD_TEST: - return (0); + case CARD_RESET: + /* Disable ints */ + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + enable_bkm_int(cs, 0); + reset_bkm(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + /* Sanity */ + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + enable_bkm_int(cs, 0); + reset_bkm(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + release_io_bkm(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + clear_pending_isac_ints(cs); + clear_pending_jade_ints(cs); + initisac(cs); + initjade(cs); + /* Enable ints */ + enable_bkm_int(cs, 1); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } return (0); } @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ setup_bkm_a4t(struct IsdnCard *card) return (0); while ((dev_a4t = hisax_find_pci_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_ZORAN, - PCI_DEVICE_ID_ZORAN_36120, dev_a4t))) { + PCI_DEVICE_ID_ZORAN_36120, dev_a4t))) { ret = a4t_pci_probe(dev_a4t, cs, &found, &pci_memaddr); if (!ret) return (0); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/bkm_a8.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/bkm_a8.c index e775706c60e3e5979a1f38f0d9d26521b86f6a84..c9c98f071af6cd0b7d776f378d369e80d1c9e812 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/bkm_a8.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/bkm_a8.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Roland Klabunde * Copyright by Roland Klabunde - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ static const char *sct_quadro_subtypes[] = }; -#define wordout(addr,val) outw(val,addr) +#define wordout(addr, val) outw(val, addr) #define wordin(addr) inw(addr) static inline u_char @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ readreg(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off) } static inline void -readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char * data, int size) +readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size) { int i; wordout(ale, off); @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ writereg(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char data) } static inline void -writefifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char * data, int size) +writefifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size) { int i; wordout(ale, off); @@ -87,13 +87,13 @@ WriteISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) } static void -ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { readfifo(cs->hw.ax.base, cs->hw.ax.data_adr, 0x80, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { writefifo(cs->hw.ax.base, cs->hw.ax.data_adr, 0x80, data, size); } @@ -117,21 +117,21 @@ set_ipac_active(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_int active) { /* set irq mask */ writereg(cs->hw.ax.base, cs->hw.ax.data_adr, IPAC_MASK, - active ? 0xc0 : 0xff); + active ? 0xc0 : 0xff); } /* * fast interrupt HSCX stuff goes here */ -#define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.ax.base, \ - cs->hw.ax.data_adr, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0)) -#define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.ax.base, \ - cs->hw.ax.data_adr, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0), data) -#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.ax.base, \ - cs->hw.ax.data_adr, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) -#define WRITEHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) writefifo(cs->hw.ax.base, \ - cs->hw.ax.data_adr, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) +#define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.ax.base, \ + cs->hw.ax.data_adr, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0)) +#define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.ax.base, \ + cs->hw.ax.data_adr, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0), data) +#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.ax.base, \ + cs->hw.ax.data_adr, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) +#define WRITEHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) writefifo(cs->hw.ax.base, \ + cs->hw.ax.data_adr, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) #include "hscx_irq.c" @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ bkm_interrupt_ipac(int intno, void *dev_id) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); return IRQ_NONE; } - Start_IPAC: +Start_IPAC: if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_IPAC) debugl1(cs, "IPAC ISTA %02X", ista); if (ista & 0x0f) { @@ -224,33 +224,33 @@ BKM_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - /* Disable ints */ - set_ipac_active(cs, 0); - enable_bkm_int(cs, 0); - reset_bkm(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return (0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - /* Sanity */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - set_ipac_active(cs, 0); - enable_bkm_int(cs, 0); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - release_io_sct_quadro(cs); - return (0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - cs->debug |= L1_DEB_IPAC; - set_ipac_active(cs, 1); - inithscxisac(cs, 3); - /* Enable ints */ - enable_bkm_int(cs, 1); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return (0); - case CARD_TEST: - return (0); + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + /* Disable ints */ + set_ipac_active(cs, 0); + enable_bkm_int(cs, 0); + reset_bkm(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + /* Sanity */ + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + set_ipac_active(cs, 0); + enable_bkm_int(cs, 0); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + release_io_sct_quadro(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + cs->debug |= L1_DEB_IPAC; + set_ipac_active(cs, 1); + inithscxisac(cs, 3); + /* Enable ints */ + enable_bkm_int(cs, 1); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } return (0); } @@ -260,11 +260,11 @@ sct_alloc_io(u_int adr, u_int len) { if (!request_region(adr, len, "scitel")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: Scitel port %#x-%#x already in use\n", - adr, adr + len); + "HiSax: Scitel port %#x-%#x already in use\n", + adr, adr + len); return (1); } - return(0); + return (0); } static struct pci_dev *dev_a8 __devinitdata = NULL; @@ -298,18 +298,18 @@ setup_sct_quadro(struct IsdnCard *card) return (0); } if ((cs->subtyp != SCT_1) && ((sub_sys_id != PCI_DEVICE_ID_BERKOM_SCITEL_QUADRO) || - (sub_vendor_id != PCI_VENDOR_ID_BERKOM))) + (sub_vendor_id != PCI_VENDOR_ID_BERKOM))) return (0); if (cs->subtyp == SCT_1) { while ((dev_a8 = hisax_find_pci_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_PLX, - PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_9050, dev_a8))) { - + PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_9050, dev_a8))) { + sub_vendor_id = dev_a8->subsystem_vendor; sub_sys_id = dev_a8->subsystem_device; if ((sub_sys_id == PCI_DEVICE_ID_BERKOM_SCITEL_QUADRO) && - (sub_vendor_id == PCI_VENDOR_ID_BERKOM)) { + (sub_vendor_id == PCI_VENDOR_ID_BERKOM)) { if (pci_enable_device(dev_a8)) - return(0); + return (0); pci_ioaddr1 = pci_resource_start(dev_a8, 1); pci_irq = dev_a8->irq; pci_bus = dev_a8->bus->number; @@ -320,23 +320,23 @@ setup_sct_quadro(struct IsdnCard *card) } if (!found) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: Scitel Quadro (%s): " - "Card not found\n", - sct_quadro_subtypes[cs->subtyp]); + "Card not found\n", + sct_quadro_subtypes[cs->subtyp]); return (0); } #ifdef ATTEMPT_PCI_REMAPPING /* HACK: PLX revision 1 bug: PLX address bit 7 must not be set */ if ((pci_ioaddr1 & 0x80) && (dev_a8->revision == 1)) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: Scitel Quadro (%s): " - "PLX rev 1, remapping required!\n", - sct_quadro_subtypes[cs->subtyp]); + "PLX rev 1, remapping required!\n", + sct_quadro_subtypes[cs->subtyp]); /* Restart PCI negotiation */ - pci_write_config_dword(dev_a8, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_1, (u_int) - 1); + pci_write_config_dword(dev_a8, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_1, (u_int)-1); /* Move up by 0x80 byte */ pci_ioaddr1 += 0x80; pci_ioaddr1 &= PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_IO_MASK; pci_write_config_dword(dev_a8, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_1, pci_ioaddr1); - dev_a8->resource[ 1].start = pci_ioaddr1; + dev_a8->resource[1].start = pci_ioaddr1; } #endif /* End HACK */ } @@ -371,39 +371,39 @@ setup_sct_quadro(struct IsdnCard *card) /* pci_ioaddr5 is for the first subdevice only */ cs->hw.ax.plx_adr = pci_ioaddr1; /* Enter all ipac_base addresses */ - switch(cs->subtyp) { - case 1: - cs->hw.ax.base = pci_ioaddr5 + 0x00; - if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr1, 128)) - return(0); - if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr5, 64)) - return(0); - /* disable all IPAC */ - writereg(pci_ioaddr5, pci_ioaddr5 + 4, - IPAC_MASK, 0xFF); - writereg(pci_ioaddr4 + 0x08, pci_ioaddr4 + 0x0c, - IPAC_MASK, 0xFF); - writereg(pci_ioaddr3 + 0x10, pci_ioaddr3 + 0x14, - IPAC_MASK, 0xFF); - writereg(pci_ioaddr2 + 0x20, pci_ioaddr2 + 0x24, - IPAC_MASK, 0xFF); - break; - case 2: - cs->hw.ax.base = pci_ioaddr4 + 0x08; - if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr4, 64)) - return(0); - break; - case 3: - cs->hw.ax.base = pci_ioaddr3 + 0x10; - if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr3, 64)) - return(0); - break; - case 4: - cs->hw.ax.base = pci_ioaddr2 + 0x20; - if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr2, 64)) - return(0); - break; - } + switch (cs->subtyp) { + case 1: + cs->hw.ax.base = pci_ioaddr5 + 0x00; + if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr1, 128)) + return (0); + if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr5, 64)) + return (0); + /* disable all IPAC */ + writereg(pci_ioaddr5, pci_ioaddr5 + 4, + IPAC_MASK, 0xFF); + writereg(pci_ioaddr4 + 0x08, pci_ioaddr4 + 0x0c, + IPAC_MASK, 0xFF); + writereg(pci_ioaddr3 + 0x10, pci_ioaddr3 + 0x14, + IPAC_MASK, 0xFF); + writereg(pci_ioaddr2 + 0x20, pci_ioaddr2 + 0x24, + IPAC_MASK, 0xFF); + break; + case 2: + cs->hw.ax.base = pci_ioaddr4 + 0x08; + if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr4, 64)) + return (0); + break; + case 3: + cs->hw.ax.base = pci_ioaddr3 + 0x10; + if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr3, 64)) + return (0); + break; + case 4: + cs->hw.ax.base = pci_ioaddr2 + 0x20; + if (sct_alloc_io(pci_ioaddr2, 64)) + return (0); + break; + } /* For isac and hscx data path */ cs->hw.ax.data_adr = cs->hw.ax.base + 4; @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ setup_sct_quadro(struct IsdnCard *card) cs->irq_func = &bkm_interrupt_ipac; printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: Scitel Quadro (%s): IPAC Version %d\n", - sct_quadro_subtypes[cs->subtyp], - readreg(cs->hw.ax.base, cs->hw.ax.data_adr, IPAC_ID)); + sct_quadro_subtypes[cs->subtyp], + readreg(cs->hw.ax.base, cs->hw.ax.data_adr, IPAC_ID)); return (1); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/bkm_ax.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/bkm_ax.h index 029e0a27766145d7a3123ee4272b0af7ddbbb6b1..27ff8a88679b052a8c517805d63d0c06fb0c9334 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/bkm_ax.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/bkm_ax.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Roland Klabunde * Copyright by Roland Klabunde - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -32,36 +32,36 @@ /* Application specific registers I20 (Siemens SZB6120H) */ typedef struct { - /* Video front end horizontal configuration register */ + /* Video front end horizontal configuration register */ volatile u_int i20VFEHorzCfg; /* Offset 00 */ - /* Video front end vertical configuration register */ - volatile u_int i20VFEVertCfg; /* Offset 04 */ - /* Video front end scaler and pixel format register */ - volatile u_int i20VFEScaler; /* Offset 08 */ - /* Video display top register */ - volatile u_int i20VDispTop; /* Offset 0C */ - /* Video display bottom register */ - volatile u_int i20VDispBottom; /* Offset 10 */ - /* Video stride, status and frame grab register */ - volatile u_int i20VidFrameGrab;/* Offset 14 */ - /* Video display configuration register */ - volatile u_int i20VDispCfg; /* Offset 18 */ - /* Video masking map top */ - volatile u_int i20VMaskTop; /* Offset 1C */ - /* Video masking map bottom */ - volatile u_int i20VMaskBottom; /* Offset 20 */ - /* Overlay control register */ - volatile u_int i20OvlyControl; /* Offset 24 */ - /* System, PCI and general purpose pins control register */ - volatile u_int i20SysControl; /* Offset 28 */ + /* Video front end vertical configuration register */ + volatile u_int i20VFEVertCfg; /* Offset 04 */ + /* Video front end scaler and pixel format register */ + volatile u_int i20VFEScaler; /* Offset 08 */ + /* Video display top register */ + volatile u_int i20VDispTop; /* Offset 0C */ + /* Video display bottom register */ + volatile u_int i20VDispBottom; /* Offset 10 */ + /* Video stride, status and frame grab register */ + volatile u_int i20VidFrameGrab;/* Offset 14 */ + /* Video display configuration register */ + volatile u_int i20VDispCfg; /* Offset 18 */ + /* Video masking map top */ + volatile u_int i20VMaskTop; /* Offset 1C */ + /* Video masking map bottom */ + volatile u_int i20VMaskBottom; /* Offset 20 */ + /* Overlay control register */ + volatile u_int i20OvlyControl; /* Offset 24 */ + /* System, PCI and general purpose pins control register */ + volatile u_int i20SysControl; /* Offset 28 */ #define sysRESET 0x01000000 /* bit 24:Softreset (Low) */ - /* GPIO 4...0: Output fixed for our cfg! */ + /* GPIO 4...0: Output fixed for our cfg! */ #define sysCFG 0x000000E0 /* GPIO 7,6,5: Input */ /* General purpose pins and guest bus control register */ - volatile u_int i20GuestControl;/* Offset 2C */ + volatile u_int i20GuestControl;/* Offset 2C */ #define guestWAIT_CFG 0x00005555 /* 4 PCI waits for all */ #define guestISDN_INT_E 0x01000000 /* ISDN Int en (low) */ -#define guestVID_INT_E 0x02000000 /* Video interrupt en (low) */ +#define guestVID_INT_E 0x02000000 /* Video interrupt en (low) */ #define guestADI1_INT_R 0x04000000 /* ADI #1 int req (low) */ #define guestADI2_INT_R 0x08000000 /* ADI #2 int req (low) */ #define guestISDN_RES 0x10000000 /* ISDN reset bit (high) */ @@ -78,18 +78,18 @@ typedef struct { #define g_A4T_ISAR_INT_S 0x40000000 /* ISAR interrupt pnd (Low) */ #define g_A4T_ISAC_INT_S 0x80000000 /* ISAC interrupt pnd (Low) */ - volatile u_int i20CodeSource; /* Offset 30 */ - volatile u_int i20CodeXferCtrl;/* Offset 34 */ - volatile u_int i20CodeMemPtr; /* Offset 38 */ + volatile u_int i20CodeSource; /* Offset 30 */ + volatile u_int i20CodeXferCtrl;/* Offset 34 */ + volatile u_int i20CodeMemPtr; /* Offset 38 */ - volatile u_int i20IntStatus; /* Offset 3C */ - volatile u_int i20IntCtrl; /* Offset 40 */ + volatile u_int i20IntStatus; /* Offset 3C */ + volatile u_int i20IntCtrl; /* Offset 40 */ #define intISDN 0x40000000 /* GIRQ1En (ISAC/ADI) (High) */ #define intVID 0x20000000 /* GIRQ0En (VSYNC) (High) */ #define intCOD 0x10000000 /* CodRepIrqEn (High) */ -#define intPCI 0x01000000 /* PCI IntA enable (High) */ +#define intPCI 0x01000000 /* PCI IntA enable (High) */ - volatile u_int i20I2CCtrl; /* Offset 44 */ + volatile u_int i20I2CCtrl; /* Offset 44 */ } I20_REGISTER_FILE, *PI20_REGISTER_FILE; /* @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ typedef struct { */ #define PO_OFFSET 0x00000200 /* Postoffice offset from base */ -#define GCS_0 0x00000000 /* Guest bus chip selects */ +#define GCS_0 0x00000000 /* Guest bus chip selects */ #define GCS_1 0x00100000 #define GCS_2 0x00200000 #define GCS_3 0x00300000 @@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ typedef struct { #define PO_PEND 0x02000000 -#define POSTOFFICE(postoffice) *(volatile unsigned int*)(postoffice) +#define POSTOFFICE(postoffice) *(volatile unsigned int *)(postoffice) -/* Wait unlimited (don't worry) */ -#define __WAITI20__(postoffice) \ -do { \ - while ((POSTOFFICE(postoffice) & PO_PEND)) ; \ -} while (0) +/* Wait unlimited (don't worry) */ +#define __WAITI20__(postoffice) \ + do { \ + while ((POSTOFFICE(postoffice) & PO_PEND)) ; \ + } while (0) #endif /* __BKM_AX_H__ */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/callc.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/callc.c index c4897e1075d8ce9bf9ade33fa76b41e1814ec49b..a47637be0cc558c0b2ea4ccd6209e42445ff80e5 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/callc.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/callc.c @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ hisax_findcard(int driverid) } static __printf(3, 4) void -link_debug(struct Channel *chanp, int direction, char *fmt, ...) + link_debug(struct Channel *chanp, int direction, char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char tmp[16]; @@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ enum { ST_WAIT_DCOMMAND, /* 9 call clear. (receiver), awaiting DCHANNEL message */ ST_WAIT_DRELEASE, /* 10 DISCONNECT sent, awaiting RELEASE */ ST_WAIT_D_REL_CNF, /* 11 RELEASE sent, awaiting RELEASE confirm */ - ST_IN_PROCEED_SEND, /* 12 incoming call, proceeding send */ + ST_IN_PROCEED_SEND, /* 12 incoming call, proceeding send */ }; - + #define STATE_COUNT (ST_IN_PROCEED_SEND + 1) @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ enum { EV_SETUP_CNF, /* 1 */ EV_ACCEPTB, /* 2 */ EV_DISCONNECT_IND, /* 3 */ - EV_RELEASE, /* 4 */ + EV_RELEASE, /* 4 */ EV_LEASED, /* 5 */ EV_LEASED_REL, /* 6 */ EV_SETUP_IND, /* 7 */ @@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ enum { EV_SETUP_ERR, /* 18 */ EV_CONNECT_ERR, /* 19 */ EV_PROCEED, /* 20 */ - EV_ALERT, /* 21 */ - EV_REDIR, /* 22 */ + EV_ALERT, /* 21 */ + EV_REDIR, /* 22 */ }; #define EVENT_COUNT (EV_REDIR + 1) @@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ lli_leased_in(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) ic.parm.setup.si2 = 0; ic.parm.setup.plan = 0; ic.parm.setup.screen = 0; - sprintf(ic.parm.setup.eazmsn,"%d", chanp->chan + 1); - sprintf(ic.parm.setup.phone,"LEASED%d", chanp->cs->myid); + sprintf(ic.parm.setup.eazmsn, "%d", chanp->chan + 1); + sprintf(ic.parm.setup.phone, "LEASED%d", chanp->cs->myid); ret = chanp->cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); if (chanp->debug & 1) link_debug(chanp, 1, "statcallb ret=%d", ret); @@ -356,33 +356,33 @@ lli_deliver_call(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) link_debug(chanp, 1, "statcallb ret=%d", ret); switch (ret) { - case 1: /* OK, someone likes this call */ - FsmDelTimer(&chanp->drel_timer, 61); - FsmChangeState(fi, ST_IN_ALERT_SENT); - chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->d_st, CC_ALERTING | REQUEST, chanp->proc); - break; - case 5: /* direct redirect */ - case 4: /* Proceeding desired */ - FsmDelTimer(&chanp->drel_timer, 61); - FsmChangeState(fi, ST_IN_PROCEED_SEND); - chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->d_st, CC_PROCEED_SEND | REQUEST, chanp->proc); - if (ret == 5) { - memcpy(&chanp->setup, &ic.parm.setup, sizeof(setup_parm)); - chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->d_st, CC_REDIR | REQUEST, chanp->proc); - } - break; - case 2: /* Rejecting Call */ - break; - case 3: /* incomplete number */ - FsmDelTimer(&chanp->drel_timer, 61); - chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->d_st, CC_MORE_INFO | REQUEST, chanp->proc); - break; - case 0: /* OK, nobody likes this call */ - default: /* statcallb problems */ - chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->d_st, CC_IGNORE | REQUEST, chanp->proc); - chanp->cs->cardmsg(chanp->cs, MDL_INFO_REL, (void *) (long)chanp->chan); - FsmChangeState(fi, ST_NULL); - break; + case 1: /* OK, someone likes this call */ + FsmDelTimer(&chanp->drel_timer, 61); + FsmChangeState(fi, ST_IN_ALERT_SENT); + chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->d_st, CC_ALERTING | REQUEST, chanp->proc); + break; + case 5: /* direct redirect */ + case 4: /* Proceeding desired */ + FsmDelTimer(&chanp->drel_timer, 61); + FsmChangeState(fi, ST_IN_PROCEED_SEND); + chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->d_st, CC_PROCEED_SEND | REQUEST, chanp->proc); + if (ret == 5) { + memcpy(&chanp->setup, &ic.parm.setup, sizeof(setup_parm)); + chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->d_st, CC_REDIR | REQUEST, chanp->proc); + } + break; + case 2: /* Rejecting Call */ + break; + case 3: /* incomplete number */ + FsmDelTimer(&chanp->drel_timer, 61); + chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->d_st, CC_MORE_INFO | REQUEST, chanp->proc); + break; + case 0: /* OK, nobody likes this call */ + default: /* statcallb problems */ + chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->d_st, CC_IGNORE | REQUEST, chanp->proc); + chanp->cs->cardmsg(chanp->cs, MDL_INFO_REL, (void *) (long)chanp->chan); + FsmChangeState(fi, ST_NULL); + break; } } else { chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->d_st, CC_IGNORE | REQUEST, chanp->proc); @@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ lli_disconnect_req(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if (chanp->proc) chanp->proc->para.cause = 0x10; /* Normal Call Clearing */ chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->d_st, CC_DISCONNECT | REQUEST, - chanp->proc); + chanp->proc); } } @@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ lli_disconnect_reject(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if (chanp->proc) chanp->proc->para.cause = 0x15; /* Call Rejected */ chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->d_st, CC_DISCONNECT | REQUEST, - chanp->proc); + chanp->proc); } } @@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ static void lli_bhup_disc(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { struct Channel *chanp = fi->userdata; - + if (chanp->debug & 1) link_debug(chanp, 0, "STAT_BHUP"); HL_LL(chanp, ISDN_STAT_BHUP); @@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ lli_abort(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) chanp->b_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->b_st, DL_RELEASE | REQUEST, NULL); lli_bhup_dhup(fi, event, arg); } - + static void lli_release_req(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { @@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ lli_release_req(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) } else { FsmChangeState(fi, ST_WAIT_D_REL_CNF); chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->d_st, CC_RELEASE | REQUEST, - chanp->proc); + chanp->proc); } } @@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ static void lli_bhup_release_req(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { struct Channel *chanp = fi->userdata; - + if (chanp->debug & 1) link_debug(chanp, 0, "STAT_BHUP"); HL_LL(chanp, ISDN_STAT_BHUP); @@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ lli_dchan_not_ready(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if (chanp->debug & 1) link_debug(chanp, 0, "STAT_DHUP"); - HL_LL(chanp, ISDN_STAT_DHUP); + HL_LL(chanp, ISDN_STAT_DHUP); } static void @@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ lli_no_setup_rsp(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if (chanp->debug & 1) link_debug(chanp, 0, "STAT_DHUP"); HL_LL(chanp, ISDN_STAT_DHUP); - lli_close(fi); + lli_close(fi); } static void @@ -768,69 +768,69 @@ lli_failure_a(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static struct FsmNode fnlist[] __initdata = { - {ST_NULL, EV_DIAL, lli_prep_dialout}, - {ST_NULL, EV_RESUME, lli_resume}, - {ST_NULL, EV_SETUP_IND, lli_deliver_call}, - {ST_NULL, EV_LEASED, lli_leased_in}, - {ST_OUT_DIAL, EV_SETUP_CNF, lli_init_bchan_out}, - {ST_OUT_DIAL, EV_HANGUP, lli_disconnect_req}, - {ST_OUT_DIAL, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, lli_release_req}, - {ST_OUT_DIAL, EV_RELEASE, lli_dhup_close}, - {ST_OUT_DIAL, EV_NOSETUP_RSP, lli_no_setup_rsp}, - {ST_OUT_DIAL, EV_SETUP_ERR, lli_error}, - {ST_IN_WAIT_LL, EV_LEASED_REL, lli_failure_l}, - {ST_IN_WAIT_LL, EV_ACCEPTD, lli_setup_rsp}, - {ST_IN_WAIT_LL, EV_HANGUP, lli_reject_req}, - {ST_IN_WAIT_LL, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, lli_release_req}, - {ST_IN_WAIT_LL, EV_RELEASE, lli_dhup_close}, - {ST_IN_WAIT_LL, EV_SETUP_IND, lli_deliver_call}, - {ST_IN_WAIT_LL, EV_SETUP_ERR, lli_error}, - {ST_IN_ALERT_SENT, EV_SETUP_CMPL_IND, lli_init_bchan_in}, - {ST_IN_ALERT_SENT, EV_ACCEPTD, lli_send_dconnect}, - {ST_IN_ALERT_SENT, EV_HANGUP, lli_disconnect_reject}, - {ST_IN_ALERT_SENT, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, lli_release_req}, - {ST_IN_ALERT_SENT, EV_RELEASE, lli_dhup_close}, + {ST_NULL, EV_DIAL, lli_prep_dialout}, + {ST_NULL, EV_RESUME, lli_resume}, + {ST_NULL, EV_SETUP_IND, lli_deliver_call}, + {ST_NULL, EV_LEASED, lli_leased_in}, + {ST_OUT_DIAL, EV_SETUP_CNF, lli_init_bchan_out}, + {ST_OUT_DIAL, EV_HANGUP, lli_disconnect_req}, + {ST_OUT_DIAL, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, lli_release_req}, + {ST_OUT_DIAL, EV_RELEASE, lli_dhup_close}, + {ST_OUT_DIAL, EV_NOSETUP_RSP, lli_no_setup_rsp}, + {ST_OUT_DIAL, EV_SETUP_ERR, lli_error}, + {ST_IN_WAIT_LL, EV_LEASED_REL, lli_failure_l}, + {ST_IN_WAIT_LL, EV_ACCEPTD, lli_setup_rsp}, + {ST_IN_WAIT_LL, EV_HANGUP, lli_reject_req}, + {ST_IN_WAIT_LL, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, lli_release_req}, + {ST_IN_WAIT_LL, EV_RELEASE, lli_dhup_close}, + {ST_IN_WAIT_LL, EV_SETUP_IND, lli_deliver_call}, + {ST_IN_WAIT_LL, EV_SETUP_ERR, lli_error}, + {ST_IN_ALERT_SENT, EV_SETUP_CMPL_IND, lli_init_bchan_in}, + {ST_IN_ALERT_SENT, EV_ACCEPTD, lli_send_dconnect}, + {ST_IN_ALERT_SENT, EV_HANGUP, lli_disconnect_reject}, + {ST_IN_ALERT_SENT, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, lli_release_req}, + {ST_IN_ALERT_SENT, EV_RELEASE, lli_dhup_close}, {ST_IN_ALERT_SENT, EV_REDIR, lli_send_redir}, {ST_IN_PROCEED_SEND, EV_REDIR, lli_send_redir}, {ST_IN_PROCEED_SEND, EV_ALERT, lli_send_alert}, {ST_IN_PROCEED_SEND, EV_ACCEPTD, lli_send_dconnect}, {ST_IN_PROCEED_SEND, EV_HANGUP, lli_disconnect_reject}, {ST_IN_PROCEED_SEND, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, lli_dhup_close}, - {ST_IN_ALERT_SENT, EV_RELEASE, lli_dhup_close}, - {ST_IN_WAIT_CONN_ACK, EV_SETUP_CMPL_IND, lli_init_bchan_in}, - {ST_IN_WAIT_CONN_ACK, EV_HANGUP, lli_disconnect_req}, - {ST_IN_WAIT_CONN_ACK, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, lli_release_req}, - {ST_IN_WAIT_CONN_ACK, EV_RELEASE, lli_dhup_close}, - {ST_IN_WAIT_CONN_ACK, EV_CONNECT_ERR, lli_error}, - {ST_WAIT_BCONN, EV_BC_EST, lli_go_active}, - {ST_WAIT_BCONN, EV_BC_REL, lli_rel_b_disc}, - {ST_WAIT_BCONN, EV_HANGUP, lli_rel_b_disc}, - {ST_WAIT_BCONN, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, lli_rel_b_release_req}, - {ST_WAIT_BCONN, EV_RELEASE, lli_rel_b_dhup}, - {ST_WAIT_BCONN, EV_LEASED_REL, lli_rel_b_fail}, - {ST_WAIT_BCONN, EV_CINF, lli_charge_info}, - {ST_ACTIVE, EV_CINF, lli_charge_info}, - {ST_ACTIVE, EV_BC_REL, lli_bhup_rel_b}, - {ST_ACTIVE, EV_SUSPEND, lli_suspend}, - {ST_ACTIVE, EV_HANGUP, lli_disconn_bchan}, - {ST_ACTIVE, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, lli_release_bchan}, - {ST_ACTIVE, EV_RELEASE, lli_abort}, - {ST_ACTIVE, EV_LEASED_REL, lli_failure_a}, - {ST_WAIT_BRELEASE, EV_BC_REL, lli_bhup_disc}, - {ST_WAIT_BRELEASE, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, lli_bhup_release_req}, - {ST_WAIT_BRELEASE, EV_RELEASE, lli_bhup_dhup}, - {ST_WAIT_BRELEASE, EV_LEASED_REL, lli_bhup_fail}, - {ST_WAIT_BREL_DISC, EV_BC_REL, lli_bhup_release_req}, - {ST_WAIT_BREL_DISC, EV_RELEASE, lli_bhup_dhup}, - {ST_WAIT_DCOMMAND, EV_HANGUP, lli_start_disc}, - {ST_WAIT_DCOMMAND, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, lli_release_req}, - {ST_WAIT_DCOMMAND, EV_RELEASE, lli_dhup_close}, - {ST_WAIT_DCOMMAND, EV_LEASED_REL, lli_failure_l}, - {ST_WAIT_DRELEASE, EV_RELEASE, lli_dhup_close}, - {ST_WAIT_DRELEASE, EV_DIAL, lli_dchan_not_ready}, - /* ETS 300-104 16.1 */ - {ST_WAIT_D_REL_CNF, EV_RELEASE, lli_dhup_close}, - {ST_WAIT_D_REL_CNF, EV_DIAL, lli_dchan_not_ready}, + {ST_IN_ALERT_SENT, EV_RELEASE, lli_dhup_close}, + {ST_IN_WAIT_CONN_ACK, EV_SETUP_CMPL_IND, lli_init_bchan_in}, + {ST_IN_WAIT_CONN_ACK, EV_HANGUP, lli_disconnect_req}, + {ST_IN_WAIT_CONN_ACK, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, lli_release_req}, + {ST_IN_WAIT_CONN_ACK, EV_RELEASE, lli_dhup_close}, + {ST_IN_WAIT_CONN_ACK, EV_CONNECT_ERR, lli_error}, + {ST_WAIT_BCONN, EV_BC_EST, lli_go_active}, + {ST_WAIT_BCONN, EV_BC_REL, lli_rel_b_disc}, + {ST_WAIT_BCONN, EV_HANGUP, lli_rel_b_disc}, + {ST_WAIT_BCONN, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, lli_rel_b_release_req}, + {ST_WAIT_BCONN, EV_RELEASE, lli_rel_b_dhup}, + {ST_WAIT_BCONN, EV_LEASED_REL, lli_rel_b_fail}, + {ST_WAIT_BCONN, EV_CINF, lli_charge_info}, + {ST_ACTIVE, EV_CINF, lli_charge_info}, + {ST_ACTIVE, EV_BC_REL, lli_bhup_rel_b}, + {ST_ACTIVE, EV_SUSPEND, lli_suspend}, + {ST_ACTIVE, EV_HANGUP, lli_disconn_bchan}, + {ST_ACTIVE, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, lli_release_bchan}, + {ST_ACTIVE, EV_RELEASE, lli_abort}, + {ST_ACTIVE, EV_LEASED_REL, lli_failure_a}, + {ST_WAIT_BRELEASE, EV_BC_REL, lli_bhup_disc}, + {ST_WAIT_BRELEASE, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, lli_bhup_release_req}, + {ST_WAIT_BRELEASE, EV_RELEASE, lli_bhup_dhup}, + {ST_WAIT_BRELEASE, EV_LEASED_REL, lli_bhup_fail}, + {ST_WAIT_BREL_DISC, EV_BC_REL, lli_bhup_release_req}, + {ST_WAIT_BREL_DISC, EV_RELEASE, lli_bhup_dhup}, + {ST_WAIT_DCOMMAND, EV_HANGUP, lli_start_disc}, + {ST_WAIT_DCOMMAND, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, lli_release_req}, + {ST_WAIT_DCOMMAND, EV_RELEASE, lli_dhup_close}, + {ST_WAIT_DCOMMAND, EV_LEASED_REL, lli_failure_l}, + {ST_WAIT_DRELEASE, EV_RELEASE, lli_dhup_close}, + {ST_WAIT_DRELEASE, EV_DIAL, lli_dchan_not_ready}, + /* ETS 300-104 16.1 */ + {ST_WAIT_D_REL_CNF, EV_RELEASE, lli_dhup_close}, + {ST_WAIT_D_REL_CNF, EV_DIAL, lli_dchan_not_ready}, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ @@ -855,21 +855,21 @@ release_b_st(struct Channel *chanp) { struct PStack *st = chanp->b_st; - if(test_and_clear_bit(FLG_START_B, &chanp->Flags)) { + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_START_B, &chanp->Flags)) { chanp->bcs->BC_Close(chanp->bcs); switch (chanp->l2_active_protocol) { - case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I): - releasestack_isdnl2(st); - break; - case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC): - case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC_56K): - case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS): - case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM): - case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX): - releasestack_transl2(st); - break; + case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I): + releasestack_isdnl2(st); + break; + case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC): + case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC_56K): + case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS): + case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM): + case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX): + releasestack_transl2(st); + break; } - } + } } static struct Channel @@ -880,9 +880,9 @@ static struct Channel int i; if (test_bit(FLG_TWO_DCHAN, &cs->HW_Flags)) - i=1; + i = 1; else - i=0; + i = 0; if (!bch) { i = 2; /* virtual channel */ @@ -912,10 +912,10 @@ static struct Channel static void stat_redir_result(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int chan, ulong result) { isdn_ctrl ic; - + ic.driver = cs->myid; ic.command = ISDN_STAT_REDIR; - ic.arg = chan; + ic.arg = chan; ic.parm.num[0] = result; cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); } /* stat_redir_result */ @@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ dchan_l3l4(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) struct IsdnCardState *cs = st->l1.hardware; struct Channel *chanp; - if(!pc) + if (!pc) return; if (pr == (CC_SETUP | INDICATION)) { @@ -945,63 +945,63 @@ dchan_l3l4(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) return; switch (pr) { - case (CC_MORE_INFO | INDICATION): - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_SETUP_IND, NULL); - break; - case (CC_DISCONNECT | INDICATION): - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL); - break; - case (CC_RELEASE | CONFIRM): - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_RELEASE, NULL); - break; - case (CC_SUSPEND | CONFIRM): - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_RELEASE, NULL); - break; - case (CC_RESUME | CONFIRM): - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_SETUP_CNF, NULL); - break; - case (CC_RESUME_ERR): - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_RELEASE, NULL); - break; - case (CC_RELEASE | INDICATION): - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_RELEASE, NULL); - break; - case (CC_SETUP_COMPL | INDICATION): - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_SETUP_CMPL_IND, NULL); - break; - case (CC_SETUP | CONFIRM): - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_SETUP_CNF, NULL); - break; - case (CC_CHARGE | INDICATION): - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_CINF, NULL); - break; - case (CC_NOSETUP_RSP): - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_NOSETUP_RSP, NULL); - break; - case (CC_SETUP_ERR): - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_SETUP_ERR, NULL); - break; - case (CC_CONNECT_ERR): - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_CONNECT_ERR, NULL); - break; - case (CC_RELEASE_ERR): - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_RELEASE, NULL); - break; - case (CC_PROCEED_SEND | INDICATION): - case (CC_PROCEEDING | INDICATION): - case (CC_ALERTING | INDICATION): - case (CC_PROGRESS | INDICATION): - case (CC_NOTIFY | INDICATION): - break; - case (CC_REDIR | INDICATION): - stat_redir_result(cs, chanp->chan, pc->redir_result); - break; - default: - if (chanp->debug & 0x800) { - HiSax_putstatus(chanp->cs, "Ch", + case (CC_MORE_INFO | INDICATION): + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_SETUP_IND, NULL); + break; + case (CC_DISCONNECT | INDICATION): + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL); + break; + case (CC_RELEASE | CONFIRM): + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_RELEASE, NULL); + break; + case (CC_SUSPEND | CONFIRM): + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_RELEASE, NULL); + break; + case (CC_RESUME | CONFIRM): + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_SETUP_CNF, NULL); + break; + case (CC_RESUME_ERR): + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_RELEASE, NULL); + break; + case (CC_RELEASE | INDICATION): + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_RELEASE, NULL); + break; + case (CC_SETUP_COMPL | INDICATION): + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_SETUP_CMPL_IND, NULL); + break; + case (CC_SETUP | CONFIRM): + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_SETUP_CNF, NULL); + break; + case (CC_CHARGE | INDICATION): + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_CINF, NULL); + break; + case (CC_NOSETUP_RSP): + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_NOSETUP_RSP, NULL); + break; + case (CC_SETUP_ERR): + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_SETUP_ERR, NULL); + break; + case (CC_CONNECT_ERR): + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_CONNECT_ERR, NULL); + break; + case (CC_RELEASE_ERR): + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_RELEASE, NULL); + break; + case (CC_PROCEED_SEND | INDICATION): + case (CC_PROCEEDING | INDICATION): + case (CC_ALERTING | INDICATION): + case (CC_PROGRESS | INDICATION): + case (CC_NOTIFY | INDICATION): + break; + case (CC_REDIR | INDICATION): + stat_redir_result(cs, chanp->chan, pc->redir_result); + break; + default: + if (chanp->debug & 0x800) { + HiSax_putstatus(chanp->cs, "Ch", "%d L3->L4 unknown primitiv %#x", chanp->chan, pr); - } + } } } @@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@ init_d_st(struct Channel *chanp) } static __printf(2, 3) void -callc_debug(struct FsmInst *fi, char *fmt, ...) + callc_debug(struct FsmInst *fi, char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; struct Channel *chanp = fi->userdata; @@ -1129,8 +1129,8 @@ CallcNewChan(struct IsdnCardState *csta) { return err; printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: 2 channels added\n"); - for (i = 0; i < MAX_WAITING_CALLS; i++) { - err = init_chan(i+2,csta); + for (i = 0; i < MAX_WAITING_CALLS; i++) { + err = init_chan(i + 2, csta); if (err) return err; } @@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ CallcNewChan(struct IsdnCardState *csta) { if (test_bit(FLG_PTP, &csta->channel->d_st->l2.flag)) { printk(KERN_INFO "LAYER2 WATCHING ESTABLISH\n"); csta->channel->d_st->lli.l4l3(csta->channel->d_st, - DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST, NULL); + DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST, NULL); } return (0); } @@ -1187,28 +1187,28 @@ lldata_handler(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) struct sk_buff *skb = arg; switch (pr) { - case (DL_DATA | INDICATION): - if (chanp->data_open) { - if (chanp->debug & 0x800) - link_debug(chanp, 0, "lldata: %d", skb->len); - chanp->cs->iif.rcvcallb_skb(chanp->cs->myid, chanp->chan, skb); - } else { - link_debug(chanp, 0, "lldata: channel not open"); - dev_kfree_skb(skb); - } - break; - case (DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION): - case (DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM): - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_BC_EST, NULL); - break; - case (DL_RELEASE | INDICATION): - case (DL_RELEASE | CONFIRM): - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_BC_REL, NULL); - break; - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING "lldata_handler unknown primitive %#x\n", - pr); - break; + case (DL_DATA | INDICATION): + if (chanp->data_open) { + if (chanp->debug & 0x800) + link_debug(chanp, 0, "lldata: %d", skb->len); + chanp->cs->iif.rcvcallb_skb(chanp->cs->myid, chanp->chan, skb); + } else { + link_debug(chanp, 0, "lldata: channel not open"); + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + } + break; + case (DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION): + case (DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM): + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_BC_EST, NULL); + break; + case (DL_RELEASE | INDICATION): + case (DL_RELEASE | CONFIRM): + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_BC_REL, NULL); + break; + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING "lldata_handler unknown primitive %#x\n", + pr); + break; } } @@ -1219,28 +1219,28 @@ lltrans_handler(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) struct sk_buff *skb = arg; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | INDICATION): - if (chanp->data_open) { - if (chanp->debug & 0x800) - link_debug(chanp, 0, "lltrans: %d", skb->len); - chanp->cs->iif.rcvcallb_skb(chanp->cs->myid, chanp->chan, skb); - } else { - link_debug(chanp, 0, "lltrans: channel not open"); - dev_kfree_skb(skb); - } - break; - case (PH_ACTIVATE | INDICATION): - case (PH_ACTIVATE | CONFIRM): - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_BC_EST, NULL); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION): - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_BC_REL, NULL); - break; - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING "lltrans_handler unknown primitive %#x\n", - pr); - break; + case (PH_DATA | INDICATION): + if (chanp->data_open) { + if (chanp->debug & 0x800) + link_debug(chanp, 0, "lltrans: %d", skb->len); + chanp->cs->iif.rcvcallb_skb(chanp->cs->myid, chanp->chan, skb); + } else { + link_debug(chanp, 0, "lltrans: channel not open"); + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + } + break; + case (PH_ACTIVATE | INDICATION): + case (PH_ACTIVATE | CONFIRM): + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_BC_EST, NULL); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION): + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_BC_REL, NULL); + break; + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING "lltrans_handler unknown primitive %#x\n", + pr); + break; } } @@ -1272,22 +1272,22 @@ init_b_st(struct Channel *chanp, int incoming) else st->l1.bc = chanp->proc->para.bchannel - 1; switch (chanp->l2_active_protocol) { - case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I): - case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC): - st->l1.mode = L1_MODE_HDLC; - break; - case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC_56K): - st->l1.mode = L1_MODE_HDLC_56K; - break; - case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS): - st->l1.mode = L1_MODE_TRANS; - break; - case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM): - st->l1.mode = L1_MODE_V32; - break; - case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX): - st->l1.mode = L1_MODE_FAX; - break; + case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I): + case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC): + st->l1.mode = L1_MODE_HDLC; + break; + case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC_56K): + st->l1.mode = L1_MODE_HDLC_56K; + break; + case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS): + st->l1.mode = L1_MODE_TRANS; + break; + case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM): + st->l1.mode = L1_MODE_V32; + break; + case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX): + st->l1.mode = L1_MODE_FAX; + break; } chanp->bcs->conmsg = NULL; if (chanp->bcs->BC_SetStack(st, chanp->bcs)) @@ -1303,29 +1303,29 @@ init_b_st(struct Channel *chanp, int incoming) st->l2.T203 = 5000; /* 5000 milliseconds */ st->l3.debug = 0; switch (chanp->l2_active_protocol) { - case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I): - sprintf(tmp, "Ch%d X.75", chanp->chan); - setstack_isdnl2(st, tmp); - setstack_l3bc(st, chanp); - st->l2.l2l3 = lldata_handler; - st->lli.userdata = chanp; - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &st->lli.flag); - test_and_set_bit(FLG_LLI_L2WAKEUP, &st->lli.flag); - st->l2.l2m.debug = chanp->debug & 16; - st->l2.debug = chanp->debug & 64; - break; - case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC): - case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC_56K): - case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS): - case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM): - case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX): - st->l1.l1l2 = lltrans_handler; - st->lli.userdata = chanp; - test_and_set_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &st->lli.flag); - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LLI_L2WAKEUP, &st->lli.flag); - setstack_transl2(st); - setstack_l3bc(st, chanp); - break; + case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I): + sprintf(tmp, "Ch%d X.75", chanp->chan); + setstack_isdnl2(st, tmp); + setstack_l3bc(st, chanp); + st->l2.l2l3 = lldata_handler; + st->lli.userdata = chanp; + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &st->lli.flag); + test_and_set_bit(FLG_LLI_L2WAKEUP, &st->lli.flag); + st->l2.l2m.debug = chanp->debug & 16; + st->l2.debug = chanp->debug & 64; + break; + case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC): + case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC_56K): + case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS): + case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM): + case (ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX): + st->l1.l1l2 = lltrans_handler; + st->lli.userdata = chanp; + test_and_set_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &st->lli.flag); + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LLI_L2WAKEUP, &st->lli.flag); + setstack_transl2(st); + setstack_l3bc(st, chanp); + break; } test_and_set_bit(FLG_START_B, &chanp->Flags); return (0); @@ -1338,19 +1338,19 @@ leased_l4l3(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) struct sk_buff *skb = arg; switch (pr) { - case (DL_DATA | REQUEST): - link_debug(chanp, 0, "leased line d-channel DATA"); - dev_kfree_skb(skb); - break; - case (DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST): - st->l2.l2l1(st, PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST, NULL); - break; - case (DL_RELEASE | REQUEST): - break; - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING "transd_l4l3 unknown primitive %#x\n", - pr); - break; + case (DL_DATA | REQUEST): + link_debug(chanp, 0, "leased line d-channel DATA"); + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + break; + case (DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST): + st->l2.l2l1(st, PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST, NULL); + break; + case (DL_RELEASE | REQUEST): + break; + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING "transd_l4l3 unknown primitive %#x\n", + pr); + break; } } @@ -1359,32 +1359,32 @@ leased_l1l2(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) { struct Channel *chanp = (struct Channel *) st->lli.userdata; struct sk_buff *skb = arg; - int i,event = EV_LEASED_REL; + int i, event = EV_LEASED_REL; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | INDICATION): - link_debug(chanp, 0, "leased line d-channel DATA"); - dev_kfree_skb(skb); - break; - case (PH_ACTIVATE | INDICATION): - case (PH_ACTIVATE | CONFIRM): - event = EV_LEASED; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION): - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): - if (test_bit(FLG_TWO_DCHAN, &chanp->cs->HW_Flags)) - i = 1; - else - i = 0; - while (i < 2) { - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, event, NULL); - chanp++; - i++; - } - break; - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING - "transd_l1l2 unknown primitive %#x\n", pr); - break; + case (PH_DATA | INDICATION): + link_debug(chanp, 0, "leased line d-channel DATA"); + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + break; + case (PH_ACTIVATE | INDICATION): + case (PH_ACTIVATE | CONFIRM): + event = EV_LEASED; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION): + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): + if (test_bit(FLG_TWO_DCHAN, &chanp->cs->HW_Flags)) + i = 1; + else + i = 0; + while (i < 2) { + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, event, NULL); + chanp++; + i++; + } + break; + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING + "transd_l1l2 unknown primitive %#x\n", pr); + break; } } @@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ distr_debug(struct IsdnCardState *csta, int debugflags) int i; struct Channel *chanp = csta->channel; - for (i = 0; i < (2 + MAX_WAITING_CALLS) ; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < (2 + MAX_WAITING_CALLS); i++) { chanp[i].debug = debugflags; chanp[i].fi.debug = debugflags & 2; chanp[i].d_st->l2.l2m.debug = debugflags & 8; @@ -1421,9 +1421,9 @@ capi_debug(struct Channel *chanp, capi_msg *cm) { char *t = tmpbuf; - t += QuickHex(t, (u_char *)cm, (cm->Length>50)? 50: cm->Length); + t += QuickHex(t, (u_char *)cm, (cm->Length > 50) ? 50 : cm->Length); t--; - *t= 0; + *t = 0; HiSax_putstatus(chanp->cs, "Ch", "%d CAPIMSG %s", chanp->chan, tmpbuf); } @@ -1431,31 +1431,31 @@ static void lli_got_fac_req(struct Channel *chanp, capi_msg *cm) { if ((cm->para[0] != 3) || (cm->para[1] != 0)) return; - if (cm->para[2]<3) + if (cm->para[2] < 3) return; if (cm->para[4] != 0) return; - switch(cm->para[3]) { - case 4: /* Suspend */ - strncpy(chanp->setup.phone, &cm->para[5], cm->para[5] +1); - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_SUSPEND, cm); - break; - case 5: /* Resume */ - strncpy(chanp->setup.phone, &cm->para[5], cm->para[5] +1); - if (chanp->fi.state == ST_NULL) { - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_RESUME, cm); - } else { - FsmDelTimer(&chanp->dial_timer, 72); - FsmAddTimer(&chanp->dial_timer, 80, EV_RESUME, cm, 73); - } - break; + switch (cm->para[3]) { + case 4: /* Suspend */ + strncpy(chanp->setup.phone, &cm->para[5], cm->para[5] + 1); + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_SUSPEND, cm); + break; + case 5: /* Resume */ + strncpy(chanp->setup.phone, &cm->para[5], cm->para[5] + 1); + if (chanp->fi.state == ST_NULL) { + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_RESUME, cm); + } else { + FsmDelTimer(&chanp->dial_timer, 72); + FsmAddTimer(&chanp->dial_timer, 80, EV_RESUME, cm, 73); + } + break; } } static void lli_got_manufacturer(struct Channel *chanp, struct IsdnCardState *cs, capi_msg *cm) { if ((cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_ELSA) || (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_ELSA_PNP) || - (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_ELSA_PCI)) { + (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_ELSA_PCI)) { if (cs->hw.elsa.MFlag) { cs->cardmsg(cs, CARD_AUX_IND, cm->para); } @@ -1466,14 +1466,14 @@ lli_got_manufacturer(struct Channel *chanp, struct IsdnCardState *cs, capi_msg * /***************************************************************/ /* Limit the available number of channels for the current card */ /***************************************************************/ -static int +static int set_channel_limit(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int chanmax) { isdn_ctrl ic; int i, ii; if ((chanmax < 0) || (chanmax > 2)) - return(-EINVAL); + return (-EINVAL); cs->chanlimit = 0; for (ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++) { ic.driver = cs->myid; @@ -1483,16 +1483,16 @@ set_channel_limit(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int chanmax) ic.parm.num[0] = 0; /* disabled */ else ic.parm.num[0] = 1; /* enabled */ - i = cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); - if (i) return(-EINVAL); - if (ii < chanmax) + i = cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); + if (i) return (-EINVAL); + if (ii < chanmax) cs->chanlimit++; } - return(0); + return (0); } /* set_channel_limit */ int -HiSax_command(isdn_ctrl * ic) +HiSax_command(isdn_ctrl *ic) { struct IsdnCardState *csta = hisax_findcard(ic->driver); struct PStack *st; @@ -1502,236 +1502,236 @@ HiSax_command(isdn_ctrl * ic) if (!csta) { printk(KERN_ERR - "HiSax: if_command %d called with invalid driverId %d!\n", - ic->command, ic->driver); + "HiSax: if_command %d called with invalid driverId %d!\n", + ic->command, ic->driver); return -ENODEV; } switch (ic->command) { - case (ISDN_CMD_SETEAZ): - chanp = csta->channel + ic->arg; + case (ISDN_CMD_SETEAZ): + chanp = csta->channel + ic->arg; + break; + case (ISDN_CMD_SETL2): + chanp = csta->channel + (ic->arg & 0xff); + if (chanp->debug & 1) + link_debug(chanp, 1, "SETL2 card %d %ld", + csta->cardnr + 1, ic->arg >> 8); + chanp->l2_protocol = ic->arg >> 8; + break; + case (ISDN_CMD_SETL3): + chanp = csta->channel + (ic->arg & 0xff); + if (chanp->debug & 1) + link_debug(chanp, 1, "SETL3 card %d %ld", + csta->cardnr + 1, ic->arg >> 8); + chanp->l3_protocol = ic->arg >> 8; + break; + case (ISDN_CMD_DIAL): + chanp = csta->channel + (ic->arg & 0xff); + if (chanp->debug & 1) + link_debug(chanp, 1, "DIAL %s -> %s (%d,%d)", + ic->parm.setup.eazmsn, ic->parm.setup.phone, + ic->parm.setup.si1, ic->parm.setup.si2); + memcpy(&chanp->setup, &ic->parm.setup, sizeof(setup_parm)); + if (!strcmp(chanp->setup.eazmsn, "0")) + chanp->setup.eazmsn[0] = '\0'; + /* this solution is dirty and may be change, if + * we make a callreference based callmanager */ + if (chanp->fi.state == ST_NULL) { + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_DIAL, NULL); + } else { + FsmDelTimer(&chanp->dial_timer, 70); + FsmAddTimer(&chanp->dial_timer, 50, EV_DIAL, NULL, 71); + } + break; + case (ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTB): + chanp = csta->channel + ic->arg; + if (chanp->debug & 1) + link_debug(chanp, 1, "ACCEPTB"); + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_ACCEPTB, NULL); + break; + case (ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTD): + chanp = csta->channel + ic->arg; + memcpy(&chanp->setup, &ic->parm.setup, sizeof(setup_parm)); + if (chanp->debug & 1) + link_debug(chanp, 1, "ACCEPTD"); + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_ACCEPTD, NULL); + break; + case (ISDN_CMD_HANGUP): + chanp = csta->channel + ic->arg; + if (chanp->debug & 1) + link_debug(chanp, 1, "HANGUP"); + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_HANGUP, NULL); + break; + case (CAPI_PUT_MESSAGE): + chanp = csta->channel + ic->arg; + if (chanp->debug & 1) + capi_debug(chanp, &ic->parm.cmsg); + if (ic->parm.cmsg.Length < 8) break; - case (ISDN_CMD_SETL2): - chanp = csta->channel + (ic->arg & 0xff); - if (chanp->debug & 1) - link_debug(chanp, 1, "SETL2 card %d %ld", - csta->cardnr + 1, ic->arg >> 8); - chanp->l2_protocol = ic->arg >> 8; + switch (ic->parm.cmsg.Command) { + case CAPI_FACILITY: + if (ic->parm.cmsg.Subcommand == CAPI_REQ) + lli_got_fac_req(chanp, &ic->parm.cmsg); break; - case (ISDN_CMD_SETL3): - chanp = csta->channel + (ic->arg & 0xff); - if (chanp->debug & 1) - link_debug(chanp, 1, "SETL3 card %d %ld", - csta->cardnr + 1, ic->arg >> 8); - chanp->l3_protocol = ic->arg >> 8; + case CAPI_MANUFACTURER: + if (ic->parm.cmsg.Subcommand == CAPI_REQ) + lli_got_manufacturer(chanp, csta, &ic->parm.cmsg); break; - case (ISDN_CMD_DIAL): - chanp = csta->channel + (ic->arg & 0xff); - if (chanp->debug & 1) - link_debug(chanp, 1, "DIAL %s -> %s (%d,%d)", - ic->parm.setup.eazmsn, ic->parm.setup.phone, - ic->parm.setup.si1, ic->parm.setup.si2); - memcpy(&chanp->setup, &ic->parm.setup, sizeof(setup_parm)); - if (!strcmp(chanp->setup.eazmsn, "0")) - chanp->setup.eazmsn[0] = '\0'; - /* this solution is dirty and may be change, if - * we make a callreference based callmanager */ - if (chanp->fi.state == ST_NULL) { - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_DIAL, NULL); - } else { - FsmDelTimer(&chanp->dial_timer, 70); - FsmAddTimer(&chanp->dial_timer, 50, EV_DIAL, NULL, 71); - } + default: break; - case (ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTB): - chanp = csta->channel + ic->arg; - if (chanp->debug & 1) - link_debug(chanp, 1, "ACCEPTB"); - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_ACCEPTB, NULL); + } + break; + case (ISDN_CMD_IOCTL): + switch (ic->arg) { + case (0): + num = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; + HiSax_reportcard(csta->cardnr, num); break; - case (ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTD): - chanp = csta->channel + ic->arg; - memcpy(&chanp->setup, &ic->parm.setup, sizeof(setup_parm)); - if (chanp->debug & 1) - link_debug(chanp, 1, "ACCEPTD"); - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_ACCEPTD, NULL); + case (1): + num = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; + distr_debug(csta, num); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: debugging flags card %d set to %x\n", + csta->cardnr + 1, num); + HiSax_putstatus(csta, "debugging flags ", + "card %d set to %x", csta->cardnr + 1, num); break; - case (ISDN_CMD_HANGUP): - chanp = csta->channel + ic->arg; - if (chanp->debug & 1) - link_debug(chanp, 1, "HANGUP"); - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_HANGUP, NULL); + case (2): + num = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; + csta->channel[0].b_st->l1.delay = num; + csta->channel[1].b_st->l1.delay = num; + HiSax_putstatus(csta, "delay ", "card %d set to %d ms", + csta->cardnr + 1, num); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: delay card %d set to %d ms\n", + csta->cardnr + 1, num); break; - case (CAPI_PUT_MESSAGE): - chanp = csta->channel + ic->arg; - if (chanp->debug & 1) - capi_debug(chanp, &ic->parm.cmsg); - if (ic->parm.cmsg.Length < 8) - break; - switch(ic->parm.cmsg.Command) { - case CAPI_FACILITY: - if (ic->parm.cmsg.Subcommand == CAPI_REQ) - lli_got_fac_req(chanp, &ic->parm.cmsg); - break; - case CAPI_MANUFACTURER: - if (ic->parm.cmsg.Subcommand == CAPI_REQ) - lli_got_manufacturer(chanp, csta, &ic->parm.cmsg); - break; - default: - break; + case (5): /* set card in leased mode */ + num = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; + if ((num < 1) || (num > 2)) { + HiSax_putstatus(csta, "Set LEASED ", + "wrong channel %d", num); + printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: Set LEASED wrong channel %d\n", + num); + } else { + num--; + chanp = csta->channel + num; + chanp->leased = 1; + HiSax_putstatus(csta, "Card", + "%d channel %d set leased mode\n", + csta->cardnr + 1, num + 1); + chanp->d_st->l1.l1l2 = leased_l1l2; + chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3 = leased_l4l3; + chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->d_st, + DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST, NULL); } break; - case (ISDN_CMD_IOCTL): - switch (ic->arg) { - case (0): - num = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; - HiSax_reportcard(csta->cardnr, num); - break; - case (1): - num = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; - distr_debug(csta, num); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: debugging flags card %d set to %x\n", - csta->cardnr + 1, num); - HiSax_putstatus(csta, "debugging flags ", - "card %d set to %x", csta->cardnr + 1, num); - break; - case (2): - num = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; - csta->channel[0].b_st->l1.delay = num; - csta->channel[1].b_st->l1.delay = num; - HiSax_putstatus(csta, "delay ", "card %d set to %d ms", - csta->cardnr + 1, num); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: delay card %d set to %d ms\n", - csta->cardnr + 1, num); - break; - case (5): /* set card in leased mode */ - num = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; - if ((num <1) || (num > 2)) { - HiSax_putstatus(csta, "Set LEASED ", - "wrong channel %d", num); - printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: Set LEASED wrong channel %d\n", - num); - } else { - num--; - chanp = csta->channel +num; - chanp->leased = 1; - HiSax_putstatus(csta, "Card", - "%d channel %d set leased mode\n", - csta->cardnr + 1, num + 1); - chanp->d_st->l1.l1l2 = leased_l1l2; - chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3 = leased_l4l3; - chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->d_st, - DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST, NULL); - } - break; - case (6): /* set B-channel test loop */ - num = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; - if (csta->stlist) - csta->stlist->l2.l2l1(csta->stlist, - PH_TESTLOOP | REQUEST, (void *) (long)num); - break; - case (7): /* set card in PTP mode */ - num = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; - if (test_bit(FLG_TWO_DCHAN, &csta->HW_Flags)) { - printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax PTP mode only with one TEI possible\n"); - } else if (num) { - test_and_set_bit(FLG_PTP, &csta->channel[0].d_st->l2.flag); - test_and_set_bit(FLG_FIXED_TEI, &csta->channel[0].d_st->l2.flag); - csta->channel[0].d_st->l2.tei = 0; - HiSax_putstatus(csta, "set card ", "in PTP mode"); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: set card in PTP mode\n"); - printk(KERN_INFO "LAYER2 WATCHING ESTABLISH\n"); - csta->channel[0].d_st->lli.l4l3(csta->channel[0].d_st, - DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST, NULL); - } else { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_PTP, &csta->channel[0].d_st->l2.flag); - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_FIXED_TEI, &csta->channel[0].d_st->l2.flag); - HiSax_putstatus(csta, "set card ", "in PTMP mode"); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: set card in PTMP mode\n"); - } - break; - case (8): /* set card in FIXED TEI mode */ - num = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; - chanp = csta->channel + (num & 1); - num = num >>1; - if (num == 127) { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_FIXED_TEI, &chanp->d_st->l2.flag); - chanp->d_st->l2.tei = -1; - HiSax_putstatus(csta, "set card ", "in VAR TEI mode"); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: set card in VAR TEI mode\n"); - } else { - test_and_set_bit(FLG_FIXED_TEI, &chanp->d_st->l2.flag); - chanp->d_st->l2.tei = num; - HiSax_putstatus(csta, "set card ", "in FIXED TEI (%d) mode", num); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: set card in FIXED TEI (%d) mode\n", - num); - } - chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->d_st, - DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST, NULL); - break; - case (11): - num = csta->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX; - csta->debug = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; - csta->debug |= num; - HiSax_putstatus(cards[0].cs, "l1 debugging ", - "flags card %d set to %x", - csta->cardnr + 1, csta->debug); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: l1 debugging flags card %d set to %x\n", - csta->cardnr + 1, csta->debug); - break; - case (13): - csta->channel[0].d_st->l3.debug = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; - csta->channel[1].d_st->l3.debug = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; - HiSax_putstatus(cards[0].cs, "l3 debugging ", - "flags card %d set to %x\n", csta->cardnr + 1, - *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: l3 debugging flags card %d set to %x\n", - csta->cardnr + 1, *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num); - break; - case (10): - i = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; - return(set_channel_limit(csta, i)); - default: - if (csta->auxcmd) - return(csta->auxcmd(csta, ic)); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: invalid ioclt %d\n", - (int) ic->arg); - return (-EINVAL); - } + case (6): /* set B-channel test loop */ + num = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; + if (csta->stlist) + csta->stlist->l2.l2l1(csta->stlist, + PH_TESTLOOP | REQUEST, (void *) (long)num); break; - - case (ISDN_CMD_PROCEED): - chanp = csta->channel + ic->arg; - if (chanp->debug & 1) - link_debug(chanp, 1, "PROCEED"); - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_PROCEED, NULL); + case (7): /* set card in PTP mode */ + num = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; + if (test_bit(FLG_TWO_DCHAN, &csta->HW_Flags)) { + printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax PTP mode only with one TEI possible\n"); + } else if (num) { + test_and_set_bit(FLG_PTP, &csta->channel[0].d_st->l2.flag); + test_and_set_bit(FLG_FIXED_TEI, &csta->channel[0].d_st->l2.flag); + csta->channel[0].d_st->l2.tei = 0; + HiSax_putstatus(csta, "set card ", "in PTP mode"); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: set card in PTP mode\n"); + printk(KERN_INFO "LAYER2 WATCHING ESTABLISH\n"); + csta->channel[0].d_st->lli.l4l3(csta->channel[0].d_st, + DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST, NULL); + } else { + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_PTP, &csta->channel[0].d_st->l2.flag); + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_FIXED_TEI, &csta->channel[0].d_st->l2.flag); + HiSax_putstatus(csta, "set card ", "in PTMP mode"); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: set card in PTMP mode\n"); + } break; - - case (ISDN_CMD_ALERT): - chanp = csta->channel + ic->arg; - if (chanp->debug & 1) - link_debug(chanp, 1, "ALERT"); - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_ALERT, NULL); + case (8): /* set card in FIXED TEI mode */ + num = *(unsigned int *)ic->parm.num; + chanp = csta->channel + (num & 1); + num = num >> 1; + if (num == 127) { + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_FIXED_TEI, &chanp->d_st->l2.flag); + chanp->d_st->l2.tei = -1; + HiSax_putstatus(csta, "set card ", "in VAR TEI mode"); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: set card in VAR TEI mode\n"); + } else { + test_and_set_bit(FLG_FIXED_TEI, &chanp->d_st->l2.flag); + chanp->d_st->l2.tei = num; + HiSax_putstatus(csta, "set card ", "in FIXED TEI (%d) mode", num); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: set card in FIXED TEI (%d) mode\n", + num); + } + chanp->d_st->lli.l4l3(chanp->d_st, + DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST, NULL); break; - - case (ISDN_CMD_REDIR): - chanp = csta->channel + ic->arg; - if (chanp->debug & 1) - link_debug(chanp, 1, "REDIR"); - memcpy(&chanp->setup, &ic->parm.setup, sizeof(setup_parm)); - FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_REDIR, NULL); + case (11): + num = csta->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX; + csta->debug = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; + csta->debug |= num; + HiSax_putstatus(cards[0].cs, "l1 debugging ", + "flags card %d set to %x", + csta->cardnr + 1, csta->debug); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: l1 debugging flags card %d set to %x\n", + csta->cardnr + 1, csta->debug); break; - - /* protocol specific io commands */ - case (ISDN_CMD_PROT_IO): - for (st = csta->stlist; st; st = st->next) - if (st->protocol == (ic->arg & 0xFF)) - return(st->lli.l4l3_proto(st, ic)); - return(-EINVAL); + case (13): + csta->channel[0].d_st->l3.debug = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; + csta->channel[1].d_st->l3.debug = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; + HiSax_putstatus(cards[0].cs, "l3 debugging ", + "flags card %d set to %x\n", csta->cardnr + 1, + *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: l3 debugging flags card %d set to %x\n", + csta->cardnr + 1, *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num); break; + case (10): + i = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; + return (set_channel_limit(csta, i)); default: if (csta->auxcmd) - return(csta->auxcmd(csta, ic)); - return(-EINVAL); + return (csta->auxcmd(csta, ic)); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: invalid ioctl %d\n", + (int) ic->arg); + return (-EINVAL); + } + break; + + case (ISDN_CMD_PROCEED): + chanp = csta->channel + ic->arg; + if (chanp->debug & 1) + link_debug(chanp, 1, "PROCEED"); + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_PROCEED, NULL); + break; + + case (ISDN_CMD_ALERT): + chanp = csta->channel + ic->arg; + if (chanp->debug & 1) + link_debug(chanp, 1, "ALERT"); + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_ALERT, NULL); + break; + + case (ISDN_CMD_REDIR): + chanp = csta->channel + ic->arg; + if (chanp->debug & 1) + link_debug(chanp, 1, "REDIR"); + memcpy(&chanp->setup, &ic->parm.setup, sizeof(setup_parm)); + FsmEvent(&chanp->fi, EV_REDIR, NULL); + break; + + /* protocol specific io commands */ + case (ISDN_CMD_PROT_IO): + for (st = csta->stlist; st; st = st->next) + if (st->protocol == (ic->arg & 0xFF)) + return (st->lli.l4l3_proto(st, ic)); + return (-EINVAL); + break; + default: + if (csta->auxcmd) + return (csta->auxcmd(csta, ic)); + return (-EINVAL); } return (0); } @@ -1747,7 +1747,7 @@ HiSax_writebuf_skb(int id, int chan, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb) if (!csta) { printk(KERN_ERR - "HiSax: if_sendbuf called with invalid driverId!\n"); + "HiSax: if_sendbuf called with invalid driverId!\n"); return -ENODEV; } chanp = csta->channel + chan; @@ -1759,7 +1759,7 @@ HiSax_writebuf_skb(int id, int chan, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb) if (len > MAX_DATA_SIZE) { link_debug(chanp, 1, "writebuf: packet too large (%d bytes)", len); printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax_writebuf: packet too large (%d bytes) !\n", - len); + len); return -EINVAL; } if (len) { @@ -1771,7 +1771,7 @@ HiSax_writebuf_skb(int id, int chan, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb) link_debug(chanp, 1, "writebuf: no buffers for %d bytes", len); return 0; } else if (chanp->debug & 0x800) - link_debug(chanp, 1, "writebuf %d/%d/%d", len, chanp->bcs->tx_cnt,MAX_DATA_MEM); + link_debug(chanp, 1, "writebuf %d/%d/%d", len, chanp->bcs->tx_cnt, MAX_DATA_MEM); nskb = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC); if (nskb) { nskb->truesize = nskb->len; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/config.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/config.c index c110f8679babd4407c44172456272722a879cf8b..b5edc0eeec06face7b51ad12220db56139cec667 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/config.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/config.c @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil * by Kai Germaschewski - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ * 24 Dr Neuhaus Niccy PnP/PCI card p0=irq p1=IO0 p2=IO1 (PnP only) * 25 Teles S0Box p0=irq p1=iobase (from isapnp setup) * 26 AVM A1 PCMCIA (Fritz) p0=irq p1=iobase - * 27 AVM PnP/PCI p0=irq p1=iobase (PCI no parameter) - * 28 Sedlbauer Speed Fax+ p0=irq p1=iobase (from isapnp setup) + * 27 AVM PnP/PCI p0=irq p1=iobase (PCI no parameter) + * 28 Sedlbauer Speed Fax+ p0=irq p1=iobase (from isapnp setup) * 29 Siemens I-Surf p0=irq p1=iobase p2=memory (from isapnp setup) * 30 ACER P10 p0=irq p1=iobase (from isapnp setup) * 31 HST Saphir p0=irq p1=iobase @@ -88,200 +88,200 @@ const char *CardType[] = { "Teles PCMCIA", "ITK ix1-micro Rev.2", "Elsa PCMCIA", "Eicon.Diehl Diva", "ISDNLink", "TeleInt", "Teles 16.3c", "Sedlbauer Speed Card", "USR Sportster", "ith mic Linux", - "Elsa PCI", "Compaq ISA", "NETjet-S", "Teles PCI", + "Elsa PCI", "Compaq ISA", "NETjet-S", "Teles PCI", "Sedlbauer Speed Star (PCMCIA)", "AMD 7930", "NICCY", "S0Box", "AVM A1 (PCMCIA)", "AVM Fritz PnP/PCI", "Sedlbauer Speed Fax +", "Siemens I-Surf", "Acer P10", "HST Saphir", "Telekom A4T", "Scitel Quadro", "Gazel", "HFC 2BDS0 PCI", "Winbond 6692", "HFC 2BDS0 SX", "NETspider-U", "HFC-2BDS0-SP PCMCIA", - "Hotplug", "Formula-n enter:now PCI a/b", + "Hotplug", "Formula-n enter:now PCI a/b", }; #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_ELSA #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_ELSA -#define DEFAULT_CFG {0,0,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {0, 0, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_AVM_A1 #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_A1 -#define DEFAULT_CFG {10,0x340,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {10, 0x340, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_AVM_A1_PCMCIA #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_A1_PCMCIA -#define DEFAULT_CFG {11,0x170,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {11, 0x170, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_FRITZPCI #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_FRITZPCI -#define DEFAULT_CFG {0,0,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {0, 0, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_16_3 #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_16_3 -#define DEFAULT_CFG {15,0x180,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {15, 0x180, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_S0BOX #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_S0BOX -#define DEFAULT_CFG {7,0x378,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {7, 0x378, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_16_0 #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_16_0 -#define DEFAULT_CFG {15,0xd0000,0xd80,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {15, 0xd0000, 0xd80, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_TELESPCI #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_TELESPCI -#define DEFAULT_CFG {0,0,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {0, 0, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_IX1MICROR2 #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_IX1MICROR2 -#define DEFAULT_CFG {5,0x390,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {5, 0x390, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_DIEHLDIVA #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_DIEHLDIVA -#define DEFAULT_CFG {0,0x0,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {0, 0x0, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_ASUSCOM #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_ASUSCOM -#define DEFAULT_CFG {5,0x200,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {5, 0x200, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_TELEINT #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_TELEINT -#define DEFAULT_CFG {5,0x300,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {5, 0x300, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_SEDLBAUER #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_SEDLBAUER -#define DEFAULT_CFG {11,0x270,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {11, 0x270, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_SPORTSTER #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_SPORTSTER -#define DEFAULT_CFG {7,0x268,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {7, 0x268, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_MIC #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_MIC -#define DEFAULT_CFG {12,0x3e0,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {12, 0x3e0, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_NETJET #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_NETJET_S -#define DEFAULT_CFG {0,0,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {0, 0, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_HFCS #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_TELES3C -#define DEFAULT_CFG {5,0x500,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {5, 0x500, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_HFC_PCI #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_HFC_PCI -#define DEFAULT_CFG {0,0,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {0, 0, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_HFC_SX #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_HFC_SX -#define DEFAULT_CFG {5,0x2E0,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {5, 0x2E0, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_NICCY #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_NICCY -#define DEFAULT_CFG {0,0x0,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {0, 0x0, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_ISURF #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_ISURF -#define DEFAULT_CFG {5,0x100,0xc8000,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {5, 0x100, 0xc8000, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_HSTSAPHIR #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_HSTSAPHIR -#define DEFAULT_CFG {5,0x250,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {5, 0x250, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_BKM_A4T #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_BKM_A4T -#define DEFAULT_CFG {0,0x0,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {0, 0x0, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_SCT_QUADRO #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_SCT_QUADRO -#define DEFAULT_CFG {1,0x0,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {1, 0x0, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_GAZEL #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_GAZEL -#define DEFAULT_CFG {15,0x180,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {15, 0x180, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_W6692 #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_W6692 -#define DEFAULT_CFG {0,0,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {0, 0, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_NETJET_U #undef DEFAULT_CARD #undef DEFAULT_CFG #define DEFAULT_CARD ISDN_CTYPE_NETJET_U -#define DEFAULT_CFG {0,0,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {0, 0, 0, 0} #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_1TR6 @@ -306,21 +306,21 @@ const char *CardType[] = { #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_CARD #define DEFAULT_CARD 0 -#define DEFAULT_CFG {0,0,0,0} +#define DEFAULT_CFG {0, 0, 0, 0} #endif -#define FIRST_CARD { \ - DEFAULT_CARD, \ - DEFAULT_PROTO, \ - DEFAULT_CFG, \ - NULL, \ -} +#define FIRST_CARD { \ + DEFAULT_CARD, \ + DEFAULT_PROTO, \ + DEFAULT_CFG, \ + NULL, \ + } struct IsdnCard cards[HISAX_MAX_CARDS] = { FIRST_CARD, }; -#define HISAX_IDSIZE (HISAX_MAX_CARDS*8) +#define HISAX_IDSIZE (HISAX_MAX_CARDS * 8) static char HiSaxID[HISAX_IDSIZE] = { 0, }; static char *HiSax_id = HiSaxID; @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ static void __init HiSaxVersion(void) } #ifndef MODULE -#define MAX_ARG (HISAX_MAX_CARDS*5) +#define MAX_ARG (HISAX_MAX_CARDS * 5) static int __init HiSax_setup(char *line) { int i, j, argc; @@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ static int __init HiSax_setup(char *line) } i++; } - if (str && *str) { + if (str && *str) { if (strlen(str) < HISAX_IDSIZE) strcpy(HiSaxID, str); else @@ -813,11 +813,11 @@ static irqreturn_t card_irq(int intno, void *dev_id) static int init_card(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { - int irq_cnt, cnt = 3, ret; + int irq_cnt, cnt = 3, ret; if (!cs->irq) { ret = cs->cardmsg(cs, CARD_INIT, NULL); - return(ret); + return (ret); } irq_cnt = cs->irq_cnt = 0; printk(KERN_INFO "%s: IRQ %d count %d\n", CardType[cs->typ], @@ -1142,12 +1142,12 @@ static int hisax_cs_setup(int cardnr, struct IsdnCard *card, /* init_card only handles interrupts which are not */ /* used here for the loadable driver */ switch (card->typ) { - case ISDN_CTYPE_DYNAMIC: - ret = 0; - break; - default: - ret = init_card(cs); - break; + case ISDN_CTYPE_DYNAMIC: + ret = 0; + break; + default: + ret = init_card(cs); + break; } if (ret) { closecard(cardnr); @@ -1203,10 +1203,10 @@ static int __ref checkcard(int cardnr, char *id, int *busy_flag, ret = hisax_cs_setup(cardnr, card, cs); goto out; - outf_cs: +outf_cs: kfree(cs); card->cs = NULL; - out: +out: return ret; } @@ -1256,8 +1256,8 @@ static int __init HiSax_inithardware(int *busy_flag) /* make sure we don't oops the module */ if (cards[i].typ > 0 && cards[i].typ <= ISDN_CTYPE_COUNT) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: Card %s not installed !\n", - CardType[cards[i].typ]); + "HiSax: Card %s not installed !\n", + CardType[cards[i].typ]); } HiSax_shiftcards(i); nrcards--; @@ -1521,15 +1521,15 @@ static int __init HiSax_init(void) return -ENODEV; return 0; - out_tei: +out_tei: TeiFree(); - out_isdnl2: +out_isdnl2: Isdnl2Free(); - out_isdnl3: +out_isdnl3: Isdnl3Free(); - out_callc: +out_callc: CallcFree(); - out: +out: return retval; } @@ -1614,7 +1614,7 @@ int hisax_register(struct hisax_d_if *hisax_d_if, struct hisax_b_if *b_if[], sprintf(id, "%s%d", name, i); nrcards++; retval = checkcard(i, id, NULL, hisax_d_if->owner, - hisax_setup_card_dynamic); + hisax_setup_card_dynamic); if (retval == 0) { // yuck cards[i].typ = 0; nrcards--; @@ -1637,7 +1637,7 @@ int hisax_register(struct hisax_d_if *hisax_d_if, struct hisax_b_if *b_if[], hisax_d_if->ifc.l1l2 = hisax_d_l1l2; skb_queue_head_init(&hisax_d_if->erq); clear_bit(0, &hisax_d_if->ph_state); - + return 0; } @@ -1674,7 +1674,7 @@ static void hisax_bh(struct work_struct *work) pr = PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION; for (st = cs->stlist; st; st = st->next) st->l1.l1l2(st, pr, NULL); - + } } @@ -1764,7 +1764,7 @@ static void hisax_b_l1l2(struct hisax_if *ifc, int pr, void *arg) break; case PH_DATA | CONFIRM: bcs->tx_cnt -= (long)arg; - if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP,&bcs->st->lli.flag)) { + if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &bcs->st->lli.flag)) { u_long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->aclock, flags); bcs->ackcnt += (long)arg; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/diva.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/diva.c index 780da9bda915fd153cbc04a9ba4a6f7a1b199647..62a2945fa7f2c2eaa011ab68522ec083c6030a43 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/diva.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/diva.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ static const char *Diva_revision = "$Revision: $"; -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) #define DIVA_HSCX_DATA 0 @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ readreg(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off) } static inline void -readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char * data, int size) +readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size) { byteout(ale, off); insb(adr, data, size); @@ -113,15 +113,15 @@ writefifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size static inline u_char memreadreg(unsigned long adr, u_char off) { - return(*((unsigned char *) - (((unsigned int *)adr) + off))); + return (*((unsigned char *) + (((unsigned int *)adr) + off))); } static inline void memwritereg(unsigned long adr, u_char off, u_char data) { register u_char *p; - + p = (unsigned char *)(((unsigned int *)adr) + off); *p = data; } @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ memwritereg(unsigned long adr, u_char off, u_char data) static u_char ReadISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset) { - return(readreg(cs->hw.diva.isac_adr, cs->hw.diva.isac, offset)); + return (readreg(cs->hw.diva.isac_adr, cs->hw.diva.isac, offset)); } static void @@ -155,23 +155,23 @@ WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) static u_char ReadISAC_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset) { - return (readreg(cs->hw.diva.isac_adr, cs->hw.diva.isac, offset+0x80)); + return (readreg(cs->hw.diva.isac_adr, cs->hw.diva.isac, offset + 0x80)); } static void WriteISAC_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) { - writereg(cs->hw.diva.isac_adr, cs->hw.diva.isac, offset|0x80, value); + writereg(cs->hw.diva.isac_adr, cs->hw.diva.isac, offset | 0x80, value); } static void -ReadISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { readfifo(cs->hw.diva.isac_adr, cs->hw.diva.isac, 0x80, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { writefifo(cs->hw.diva.isac_adr, cs->hw.diva.isac, 0x80, data, size); } @@ -179,47 +179,47 @@ WriteISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) static u_char ReadHSCX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char offset) { - return(readreg(cs->hw.diva.hscx_adr, - cs->hw.diva.hscx, offset + (hscx ? 0x40 : 0))); + return (readreg(cs->hw.diva.hscx_adr, + cs->hw.diva.hscx, offset + (hscx ? 0x40 : 0))); } static void WriteHSCX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char offset, u_char value) { writereg(cs->hw.diva.hscx_adr, - cs->hw.diva.hscx, offset + (hscx ? 0x40 : 0), value); + cs->hw.diva.hscx, offset + (hscx ? 0x40 : 0), value); } static u_char MemReadISAC_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset) { - return (memreadreg(cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, offset+0x80)); + return (memreadreg(cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, offset + 0x80)); } static void MemWriteISAC_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) { - memwritereg(cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, offset|0x80, value); + memwritereg(cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, offset | 0x80, value); } static void -MemReadISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +MemReadISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { - while(size--) + while (size--) *data++ = memreadreg(cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, 0x80); } static void -MemWriteISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +MemWriteISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { - while(size--) + while (size--) memwritereg(cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, 0x80, *data++); } static u_char MemReadHSCX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char offset) { - return(memreadreg(cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, offset + (hscx ? 0x40 : 0))); + return (memreadreg(cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, offset + (hscx ? 0x40 : 0))); } static void @@ -242,47 +242,47 @@ MemWriteISAC_IPACX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) } static void -MemReadISACfifo_IPACX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +MemReadISACfifo_IPACX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { - while(size--) + while (size--) *data++ = memreadreg(cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, 0); } static void -MemWriteISACfifo_IPACX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +MemWriteISACfifo_IPACX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { - while(size--) + while (size--) memwritereg(cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, 0, *data++); } static u_char MemReadHSCX_IPACX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char offset) { - return(memreadreg(cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, offset + - (hscx ? IPACX_OFF_B2 : IPACX_OFF_B1))); + return (memreadreg(cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, offset + + (hscx ? IPACX_OFF_B2 : IPACX_OFF_B1))); } static void MemWriteHSCX_IPACX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char offset, u_char value) { - memwritereg(cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, offset + - (hscx ? IPACX_OFF_B2 : IPACX_OFF_B1), value); + memwritereg(cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, offset + + (hscx ? IPACX_OFF_B2 : IPACX_OFF_B1), value); } /* * fast interrupt HSCX stuff goes here */ -#define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.diva.hscx_adr, \ - cs->hw.diva.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0)) -#define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.diva.hscx_adr, \ - cs->hw.diva.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0), data) +#define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.diva.hscx_adr, \ + cs->hw.diva.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0)) +#define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.diva.hscx_adr, \ + cs->hw.diva.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0), data) -#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.diva.hscx_adr, \ - cs->hw.diva.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) +#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.diva.hscx_adr, \ + cs->hw.diva.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) #define WRITEHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) writefifo(cs->hw.diva.hscx_adr, \ - cs->hw.diva.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) + cs->hw.diva.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) #include "hscx_irq.c" @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ diva_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) struct IsdnCardState *cs = dev_id; u_char val, sval; u_long flags; - int cnt=5; + int cnt = 5; spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); while (((sval = bytein(cs->hw.diva.ctrl)) & DIVA_IRQ_REQ) && cnt) { @@ -320,9 +320,9 @@ static irqreturn_t diva_irq_ipac_isa(int intno, void *dev_id) { struct IsdnCardState *cs = dev_id; - u_char ista,val; + u_char ista, val; u_long flags; - int icnt=5; + int icnt = 5; spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); ista = readreg(cs->hw.diva.isac_adr, cs->hw.diva.isac, IPAC_ISTA); @@ -436,8 +436,8 @@ Memhscx_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) { struct IsdnCardState *cs = bcs->cs; int more, count, cnt; - int fifo_size = test_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags)? 64: 32; - u_char *ptr,*p; + int fifo_size = test_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags) ? 64 : 32; + u_char *ptr, *p; if ((cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) && !(cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO)) debugl1(cs, "hscx_fill_fifo"); @@ -459,9 +459,9 @@ Memhscx_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) skb_pull(bcs->tx_skb, count); bcs->tx_cnt -= count; bcs->hw.hscx.count += count; - while(cnt--) + while (cnt--) memwritereg(cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, bcs->hw.hscx.hscx ? 0x40 : 0, - *p++); + *p++); MemWriteHSCXCMDR(cs, bcs->hw.hscx.hscx, more ? 0x8 : 0xa); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO) { char *t = bcs->blog; @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ Memhscx_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val, u_char hscx) u_char r; struct BCState *bcs = cs->bcs + hscx; struct sk_buff *skb; - int fifo_size = test_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags)? 64: 32; + int fifo_size = test_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags) ? 64 : 32; int count; if (!test_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag)) @@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ Memhscx_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val, u_char hscx) MemWriteHSCXCMDR(cs, hscx, 0x80); } else { count = MemReadHSCX(cs, hscx, HSCX_RBCL) & ( - test_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags)? 0x3f: 0x1f); + test_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags) ? 0x3f : 0x1f); if (count == 0) count = fifo_size; Memhscx_empty_fifo(bcs, count); @@ -539,8 +539,8 @@ Memhscx_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val, u_char hscx) Memhscx_fill_fifo(bcs); return; } else { - if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP,&bcs->st->lli.flag) && - (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { + if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &bcs->st->lli.flag) && + (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { u_long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->aclock, flags); bcs->ackcnt += bcs->hw.hscx.count; @@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ Memhscx_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val, u_char hscx) schedule_event(bcs, B_ACKPENDING); } dev_kfree_skb_irq(bcs->tx_skb); - bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0; + bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0; bcs->tx_skb = NULL; } } @@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ Memhscx_int_main(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) Memhscx_fill_fifo(bcs); else { /* Here we lost an TX interrupt, so - * restart transmitting the whole frame. + * restart transmitting the whole frame. */ if (bcs->tx_skb) { skb_push(bcs->tx_skb, bcs->hw.hscx.count); @@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ Memhscx_int_main(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) Memhscx_fill_fifo(bcs); else { /* Here we lost an TX interrupt, so - * restart transmitting the whole frame. + * restart transmitting the whole frame. */ if (bcs->tx_skb) { skb_push(bcs->tx_skb, bcs->hw.hscx.count); @@ -631,8 +631,8 @@ static irqreturn_t diva_irq_ipac_pci(int intno, void *dev_id) { struct IsdnCardState *cs = dev_id; - u_char ista,val; - int icnt=5; + u_char ista, val; + int icnt = 5; u_char *cfg; u_long flags; @@ -693,11 +693,11 @@ diva_irq_ipacx_pci(int intno, void *dev_id) spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); cfg = (u_char *) cs->hw.diva.pci_cfg; val = *cfg; - if (!(val &PITA_INT0_STATUS)) { + if (!(val & PITA_INT0_STATUS)) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); return IRQ_NONE; // other shared IRQ } - interrupt_ipacx(cs); // handler for chip + interrupt_ipacx(cs); // handler for chip *cfg = PITA_INT0_STATUS; // Reset PLX interrupt spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); return IRQ_HANDLED; @@ -708,11 +708,11 @@ release_io_diva(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { int bytecnt; - if ((cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPAC_PCI) || - (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPACX_PCI) ) { + if ((cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPAC_PCI) || + (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPACX_PCI)) { u_int *cfg = (unsigned int *)cs->hw.diva.pci_cfg; - *cfg = 0; /* disable INT0/1 */ + *cfg = 0; /* disable INT0/1 */ *cfg = 2; /* reset pending INT0 */ if (cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg) iounmap((void *)cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg); @@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ reset_diva(struct IsdnCardState *cs) writereg(cs->hw.diva.isac_adr, cs->hw.diva.isac, IPAC_MASK, 0xc0); } else if (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPAC_PCI) { unsigned int *ireg = (unsigned int *)(cs->hw.diva.pci_cfg + - PITA_MISC_REG); + PITA_MISC_REG); *ireg = PITA_PARA_SOFTRESET | PITA_PARA_MPX_MODE; mdelay(10); *ireg = PITA_PARA_MPX_MODE; @@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ reset_diva(struct IsdnCardState *cs) memwritereg(cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, IPAC_MASK, 0xc0); } else if (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPACX_PCI) { unsigned int *ireg = (unsigned int *)(cs->hw.diva.pci_cfg + - PITA_MISC_REG); + PITA_MISC_REG); *ireg = PITA_PARA_SOFTRESET | PITA_PARA_MPX_MODE; mdelay(10); *ireg = PITA_PARA_MPX_MODE | PITA_SER_SOFTRESET; @@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ diva_led_handler(struct IsdnCardState *cs) if ((cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPAC_ISA) || (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPAC_PCI) || - (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPACX_PCI) ) + (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPACX_PCI)) return; del_timer(&cs->hw.diva.tl); if (cs->hw.diva.status & DIVA_ASSIGN) @@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ diva_led_handler(struct IsdnCardState *cs) blink = 500; } else cs->hw.diva.ctrl_reg &= ~((DIVA_ISA == cs->subtyp) ? - DIVA_ISA_LED_B : DIVA_PCI_LED_B); + DIVA_ISA_LED_B : DIVA_PCI_LED_B); byteout(cs->hw.diva.ctrl, cs->hw.diva.ctrl_reg); if (blink) { @@ -839,69 +839,69 @@ Diva_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_diva(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_diva(cs); - return(0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_diva(cs); - if (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPACX_PCI) { - ireg = (unsigned int *)cs->hw.diva.pci_cfg; - *ireg = PITA_INT0_ENABLE; - init_ipacx(cs, 3); // init chip and enable interrupts - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return (0); - } - if (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPAC_PCI) { - ireg = (unsigned int *)cs->hw.diva.pci_cfg; - *ireg = PITA_INT0_ENABLE; - } - inithscxisac(cs, 3); + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_diva(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_diva(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_diva(cs); + if (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPACX_PCI) { + ireg = (unsigned int *)cs->hw.diva.pci_cfg; + *ireg = PITA_INT0_ENABLE; + init_ipacx(cs, 3); // init chip and enable interrupts spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_TEST: - return(0); - case (MDL_REMOVE | REQUEST): - cs->hw.diva.status = 0; - break; - case (MDL_ASSIGN | REQUEST): - cs->hw.diva.status |= DIVA_ASSIGN; - break; - case MDL_INFO_SETUP: - if ((long)arg) - cs->hw.diva.status |= 0x0200; - else - cs->hw.diva.status |= 0x0100; - break; - case MDL_INFO_CONN: - if ((long)arg) - cs->hw.diva.status |= 0x2000; - else - cs->hw.diva.status |= 0x1000; - break; - case MDL_INFO_REL: - if ((long)arg) { - cs->hw.diva.status &= ~0x2000; - cs->hw.diva.status &= ~0x0200; - } else { - cs->hw.diva.status &= ~0x1000; - cs->hw.diva.status &= ~0x0100; - } - break; + return (0); + } + if (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPAC_PCI) { + ireg = (unsigned int *)cs->hw.diva.pci_cfg; + *ireg = PITA_INT0_ENABLE; + } + inithscxisac(cs, 3); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); + case (MDL_REMOVE | REQUEST): + cs->hw.diva.status = 0; + break; + case (MDL_ASSIGN | REQUEST): + cs->hw.diva.status |= DIVA_ASSIGN; + break; + case MDL_INFO_SETUP: + if ((long)arg) + cs->hw.diva.status |= 0x0200; + else + cs->hw.diva.status |= 0x0100; + break; + case MDL_INFO_CONN: + if ((long)arg) + cs->hw.diva.status |= 0x2000; + else + cs->hw.diva.status |= 0x1000; + break; + case MDL_INFO_REL: + if ((long)arg) { + cs->hw.diva.status &= ~0x2000; + cs->hw.diva.status &= ~0x0200; + } else { + cs->hw.diva.status &= ~0x1000; + cs->hw.diva.status &= ~0x0100; + } + break; } - if ((cs->subtyp != DIVA_IPAC_ISA) && + if ((cs->subtyp != DIVA_IPAC_ISA) && (cs->subtyp != DIVA_IPAC_PCI) && (cs->subtyp != DIVA_IPACX_PCI)) { - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); diva_led_handler(cs); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); } - return(0); + return (0); } static int __devinit setup_diva_common(struct IsdnCardState *cs) @@ -915,21 +915,21 @@ static int __devinit setup_diva_common(struct IsdnCardState *cs) bytecnt = 32; printk(KERN_INFO - "Diva: %s card configured at %#lx IRQ %d\n", - (cs->subtyp == DIVA_PCI) ? "PCI" : - (cs->subtyp == DIVA_ISA) ? "ISA" : - (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPAC_ISA) ? "IPAC ISA" : - (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPAC_PCI) ? "IPAC PCI" : "IPACX PCI", - cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, cs->irq); - if ((cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPAC_PCI) || - (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPACX_PCI) || - (cs->subtyp == DIVA_PCI) ) + "Diva: %s card configured at %#lx IRQ %d\n", + (cs->subtyp == DIVA_PCI) ? "PCI" : + (cs->subtyp == DIVA_ISA) ? "ISA" : + (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPAC_ISA) ? "IPAC ISA" : + (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPAC_PCI) ? "IPAC PCI" : "IPACX PCI", + cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, cs->irq); + if ((cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPAC_PCI) || + (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPACX_PCI) || + (cs->subtyp == DIVA_PCI)) printk(KERN_INFO "Diva: %s space at %#lx\n", - (cs->subtyp == DIVA_PCI) ? "PCI" : - (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPAC_PCI) ? "IPAC PCI" : "IPACX PCI", - cs->hw.diva.pci_cfg); + (cs->subtyp == DIVA_PCI) ? "PCI" : + (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPAC_PCI) ? "IPAC PCI" : "IPACX PCI", + cs->hw.diva.pci_cfg); if ((cs->subtyp != DIVA_IPAC_PCI) && - (cs->subtyp != DIVA_IPACX_PCI) ) { + (cs->subtyp != DIVA_IPACX_PCI)) { if (!request_region(cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg, bytecnt, "diva isdn")) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: %s config port %lx-%lx already in use\n", @@ -973,8 +973,8 @@ static int __devinit setup_diva_common(struct IsdnCardState *cs) cs->BC_Write_Reg = &MemWriteHSCX_IPACX; cs->BC_Send_Data = NULL; // function located in ipacx module cs->irq_func = &diva_irq_ipacx_pci; - printk(KERN_INFO "Diva: IPACX Design Id: %x\n", - MemReadISAC_IPACX(cs, IPACX_ID) &0x3F); + printk(KERN_INFO "Diva: IPACX Design Id: %x\n", + MemReadISAC_IPACX(cs, IPACX_ID) & 0x3F); } else { /* DIVA 2.0 */ cs->hw.diva.tl.function = (void *) diva_led_handler; cs->hw.diva.tl.data = (long) cs; @@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ static int __devinit setup_diva_common(struct IsdnCardState *cs) ISACVersion(cs, "Diva:"); if (HscxVersion(cs, "Diva:")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "Diva: wrong HSCX versions check IO address\n"); + "Diva: wrong HSCX versions check IO address\n"); release_io_diva(cs); return (0); } @@ -1008,9 +1008,9 @@ static int __devinit setup_diva_isa(struct IsdnCard *card) cs->hw.diva.ctrl_reg = 0; cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg = card->para[1]; val = readreg(cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg + DIVA_IPAC_ADR, - cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg + DIVA_IPAC_DATA, IPAC_ID); + cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg + DIVA_IPAC_DATA, IPAC_ID); printk(KERN_INFO "Diva: IPAC version %x\n", val); - if ((val == 1) || (val==2)) { + if ((val == 1) || (val == 2)) { cs->subtyp = DIVA_IPAC_ISA; cs->hw.diva.ctrl = 0; cs->hw.diva.isac = card->para[1] + DIVA_IPAC_DATA; @@ -1043,22 +1043,22 @@ static int __devinit setup_diva_isa(struct IsdnCard *card) #ifdef __ISAPNP__ static struct isapnp_device_id diva_ids[] __devinitdata = { { ISAPNP_VENDOR('G', 'D', 'I'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x51), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('G', 'D', 'I'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x51), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('G', 'D', 'I'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x51), (unsigned long) "Diva picola" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('G', 'D', 'I'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x51), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('E', 'I', 'C'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x51), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('E', 'I', 'C'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x51), (unsigned long) "Diva picola" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('G', 'D', 'I'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x71), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('G', 'D', 'I'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x71), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('G', 'D', 'I'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x71), (unsigned long) "Diva 2.0" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('G', 'D', 'I'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x71), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('E', 'I', 'C'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x71), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('E', 'I', 'C'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x71), (unsigned long) "Diva 2.0" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('G', 'D', 'I'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0xA1), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('G', 'D', 'I'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0xA1), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('G', 'D', 'I'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0xA1), (unsigned long) "Diva 2.01" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('G', 'D', 'I'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0xA1), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('E', 'I', 'C'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0xA1), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('E', 'I', 'C'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0xA1), (unsigned long) "Diva 2.01" }, { 0, } }; @@ -1074,30 +1074,30 @@ static int __devinit setup_diva_isapnp(struct IsdnCard *card) if (!isapnp_present()) return (-1); /* card not found; continue search */ - while(ipid->card_vendor) { + while (ipid->card_vendor) { if ((pnp_c = pnp_find_card(ipid->card_vendor, - ipid->card_device, pnp_c))) { + ipid->card_device, pnp_c))) { pnp_d = NULL; if ((pnp_d = pnp_find_dev(pnp_c, - ipid->vendor, ipid->function, pnp_d))) { + ipid->vendor, ipid->function, pnp_d))) { int err; printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: %s detected\n", - (char *)ipid->driver_data); + (char *)ipid->driver_data); pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); err = pnp_activate_dev(pnp_d); - if (err<0) { + if (err < 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: pnp_activate_dev ret(%d)\n", - __func__, err); - return(0); + __func__, err); + return (0); } card->para[1] = pnp_port_start(pnp_d, 0); card->para[0] = pnp_irq(pnp_d, 0); if (!card->para[0] || !card->para[1]) { printk(KERN_ERR "Diva PnP:some resources are missing %ld/%lx\n", - card->para[0], card->para[1]); - pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); - return(0); + card->para[0], card->para[1]); + pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); + return (0); } cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg = card->para[1]; cs->irq = card->para[0]; @@ -1129,12 +1129,12 @@ static int __devinit setup_diva_isapnp(struct IsdnCard *card) return (1); /* card found */ } else { printk(KERN_ERR "Diva PnP: PnP error card found, no device\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } } ipid++; - pnp_c=NULL; - } + pnp_c = NULL; + } return (-1); /* card not found; continue search */ } @@ -1160,23 +1160,23 @@ static int __devinit setup_diva_pci(struct IsdnCard *card) cs->subtyp = 0; if ((dev_diva = hisax_find_pci_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_EICON, - PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_DIVA20, dev_diva))) { + PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_DIVA20, dev_diva))) { if (pci_enable_device(dev_diva)) - return(0); + return (0); cs->subtyp = DIVA_PCI; cs->irq = dev_diva->irq; cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg = pci_resource_start(dev_diva, 2); } else if ((dev_diva_u = hisax_find_pci_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_EICON, - PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_DIVA20_U, dev_diva_u))) { + PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_DIVA20_U, dev_diva_u))) { if (pci_enable_device(dev_diva_u)) - return(0); + return (0); cs->subtyp = DIVA_PCI; cs->irq = dev_diva_u->irq; cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg = pci_resource_start(dev_diva_u, 2); } else if ((dev_diva201 = hisax_find_pci_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_EICON, - PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_DIVA201, dev_diva201))) { + PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_DIVA201, dev_diva201))) { if (pci_enable_device(dev_diva201)) - return(0); + return (0); cs->subtyp = DIVA_IPAC_PCI; cs->irq = dev_diva201->irq; cs->hw.diva.pci_cfg = @@ -1184,9 +1184,9 @@ static int __devinit setup_diva_pci(struct IsdnCard *card) cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg = (ulong) ioremap(pci_resource_start(dev_diva201, 1), 4096); } else if ((dev_diva202 = hisax_find_pci_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_EICON, - PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_DIVA202, dev_diva202))) { + PCI_DEVICE_ID_EICON_DIVA202, dev_diva202))) { if (pci_enable_device(dev_diva202)) - return(0); + return (0); cs->subtyp = DIVA_IPACX_PCI; cs->irq = dev_diva202->irq; cs->hw.diva.pci_cfg = @@ -1200,18 +1200,18 @@ static int __devinit setup_diva_pci(struct IsdnCard *card) if (!cs->irq) { printk(KERN_WARNING "Diva: No IRQ for PCI card found\n"); iounmap_diva(cs); - return(0); + return (0); } if (!cs->hw.diva.cfg_reg) { printk(KERN_WARNING "Diva: No IO-Adr for PCI card found\n"); iounmap_diva(cs); - return(0); + return (0); } cs->irq_flags |= IRQF_SHARED; if ((cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPAC_PCI) || - (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPACX_PCI) ) { + (cs->subtyp == DIVA_IPACX_PCI)) { cs->hw.diva.ctrl = 0; cs->hw.diva.isac = 0; cs->hw.diva.hscx = 0; @@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ setup_diva(struct IsdnCard *card) strcpy(tmp, Diva_revision); printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: Eicon.Diehl Diva driver Rev. %s\n", HiSax_getrev(tmp)); if (cs->typ != ISDN_CTYPE_DIEHLDIVA) - return(0); + return (0); cs->hw.diva.status = 0; rc = setup_diva_isa(card); @@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ setup_diva(struct IsdnCard *card) ready: if (!have_card) { printk(KERN_WARNING "Diva: No ISA, ISAPNP or PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } return setup_diva_common(card->cs); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/elsa.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/elsa.c index 5d9d338814aa0d09729fbfd4bf52ed0ca35e92ff..64ba26a4afe649818a23565fc4ae6631eaf9d9b1 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/elsa.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/elsa.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ static const char *Elsa_revision = "$Revision: $"; static const char *Elsa_Types[] = {"None", "PC", "PCC-8", "PCC-16", "PCF", "PCF-Pro", - "PCMCIA", "QS 1000", "QS 3000", "Microlink PCI", "QS 3000 PCI", + "PCMCIA", "QS 1000", "QS 3000", "Microlink PCI", "QS 3000 PCI", "PCMCIA-IPAC" }; static const char *ITACVer[] = {"?0?", "?1?", "?2?", "?3?", "?4?", "V2.2", "B1", "A1"}; -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) #define ELSA_ISAC 0 @@ -113,25 +113,25 @@ static const char *ITACVer[] = #if ARCOFI_USE static struct arcofi_msg ARCOFI_XOP_F = - {NULL,0,2,{0xa1,0x3f,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}; /* Normal OP */ +{NULL,0,2,{0xa1,0x3f,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}; /* Normal OP */ static struct arcofi_msg ARCOFI_XOP_1 = - {&ARCOFI_XOP_F,0,2,{0xa1,0x31,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}; /* PWR UP */ -static struct arcofi_msg ARCOFI_SOP_F = - {&ARCOFI_XOP_1,0,10,{0xa1,0x1f,0x00,0x50,0x10,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x02,0x12}}; +{&ARCOFI_XOP_F,0,2,{0xa1,0x31,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}; /* PWR UP */ +static struct arcofi_msg ARCOFI_SOP_F = +{&ARCOFI_XOP_1,0,10,{0xa1,0x1f,0x00,0x50,0x10,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x02,0x12}}; static struct arcofi_msg ARCOFI_COP_9 = - {&ARCOFI_SOP_F,0,10,{0xa1,0x29,0x80,0xcb,0xe9,0x88,0x00,0xc8,0xd8,0x80}}; /* RX */ +{&ARCOFI_SOP_F,0,10,{0xa1,0x29,0x80,0xcb,0xe9,0x88,0x00,0xc8,0xd8,0x80}}; /* RX */ static struct arcofi_msg ARCOFI_COP_8 = - {&ARCOFI_COP_9,0,10,{0xa1,0x28,0x49,0x31,0x8,0x13,0x6e,0x88,0x2a,0x61}}; /* TX */ +{&ARCOFI_COP_9,0,10,{0xa1,0x28,0x49,0x31,0x8,0x13,0x6e,0x88,0x2a,0x61}}; /* TX */ static struct arcofi_msg ARCOFI_COP_7 = - {&ARCOFI_COP_8,0,4,{0xa1,0x27,0x80,0x80,0,0,0,0,0,0}}; /* GZ */ +{&ARCOFI_COP_8,0,4,{0xa1,0x27,0x80,0x80,0,0,0,0,0,0}}; /* GZ */ static struct arcofi_msg ARCOFI_COP_6 = - {&ARCOFI_COP_7,0,6,{0xa1,0x26,0,0,0x82,0x7c,0,0,0,0}}; /* GRL GRH */ +{&ARCOFI_COP_7,0,6,{0xa1,0x26,0,0,0x82,0x7c,0,0,0,0}}; /* GRL GRH */ static struct arcofi_msg ARCOFI_COP_5 = - {&ARCOFI_COP_6,0,4,{0xa1,0x25,0xbb,0x4a,0,0,0,0,0,0}}; /* GTX */ +{&ARCOFI_COP_6,0,4,{0xa1,0x25,0xbb,0x4a,0,0,0,0,0,0}}; /* GTX */ static struct arcofi_msg ARCOFI_VERSION = - {NULL,1,2,{0xa0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}; +{NULL,1,2,{0xa0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}; static struct arcofi_msg ARCOFI_XOP_0 = - {NULL,0,2,{0xa1,0x30,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}; /* PWR Down */ +{NULL,0,2,{0xa1,0x30,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}; /* PWR Down */ static void set_arcofi(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int bc); @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ readreg(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off) } static inline void -readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char * data, int size) +readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size) { byteout(ale, off); insb(adr, data, size); @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ writereg(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char data) } static inline void -writefifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char * data, int size) +writefifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size) { byteout(ale, off); outsb(adr, data, size); @@ -185,13 +185,13 @@ WriteISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) } static void -ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { readfifo(cs->hw.elsa.ale, cs->hw.elsa.isac, 0, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { writefifo(cs->hw.elsa.ale, cs->hw.elsa.isac, 0, data, size); } @@ -199,23 +199,23 @@ WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) static u_char ReadISAC_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset) { - return (readreg(cs->hw.elsa.ale, cs->hw.elsa.isac, offset+0x80)); + return (readreg(cs->hw.elsa.ale, cs->hw.elsa.isac, offset + 0x80)); } static void WriteISAC_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) { - writereg(cs->hw.elsa.ale, cs->hw.elsa.isac, offset|0x80, value); + writereg(cs->hw.elsa.ale, cs->hw.elsa.isac, offset | 0x80, value); } static void -ReadISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { readfifo(cs->hw.elsa.ale, cs->hw.elsa.isac, 0x80, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { writefifo(cs->hw.elsa.ale, cs->hw.elsa.isac, 0x80, data, size); } @@ -267,16 +267,16 @@ TimerRun(struct IsdnCardState *cs) * fast interrupt HSCX stuff goes here */ -#define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.elsa.ale, \ - cs->hw.elsa.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0)) -#define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.elsa.ale, \ - cs->hw.elsa.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0), data) +#define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.elsa.ale, \ + cs->hw.elsa.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0)) +#define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.elsa.ale, \ + cs->hw.elsa.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0), data) -#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.elsa.ale, \ - cs->hw.elsa.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) +#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.elsa.ale, \ + cs->hw.elsa.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) -#define WRITEHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) writefifo(cs->hw.elsa.ale, \ - cs->hw.elsa.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) +#define WRITEHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) writefifo(cs->hw.elsa.ale, \ + cs->hw.elsa.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) #include "hscx_irq.c" @@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ elsa_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) struct IsdnCardState *cs = dev_id; u_long flags; u_char val; - int icnt=5; + int icnt = 5; if ((cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_ELSA_PCMCIA) && (*cs->busy_flag == 1)) { - /* The card tends to generate interrupts while being removed - causing us to just crash the kernel. bad. */ + /* The card tends to generate interrupts while being removed + causing us to just crash the kernel. bad. */ printk(KERN_WARNING "Elsa: card not available!\n"); return IRQ_NONE; } @@ -299,18 +299,18 @@ elsa_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) if (cs->hw.elsa.MFlag) { val = serial_inp(cs, UART_IIR); if (!(val & UART_IIR_NO_INT)) { - debugl1(cs,"IIR %02x", val); + debugl1(cs, "IIR %02x", val); rs_interrupt_elsa(cs); } } #endif val = readreg(cs->hw.elsa.ale, cs->hw.elsa.hscx, HSCX_ISTA + 0x40); - Start_HSCX: +Start_HSCX: if (val) { hscx_int_main(cs, val); } val = readreg(cs->hw.elsa.ale, cs->hw.elsa.isac, ISAC_ISTA); - Start_ISAC: +Start_ISAC: if (val) { isac_interrupt(cs, val); } @@ -364,8 +364,8 @@ elsa_interrupt_ipac(int intno, void *dev_id) { struct IsdnCardState *cs = dev_id; u_long flags; - u_char ista,val; - int icnt=5; + u_char ista, val; + int icnt = 5; spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); if (cs->subtyp == ELSA_QS1000PCI || cs->subtyp == ELSA_QS3000PCI) { @@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ elsa_interrupt_ipac(int intno, void *dev_id) if (cs->hw.elsa.MFlag) { val = serial_inp(cs, UART_IIR); if (!(val & UART_IIR_NO_INT)) { - debugl1(cs,"IIR %02x", val); + debugl1(cs, "IIR %02x", val); rs_interrupt_elsa(cs); } } @@ -444,13 +444,13 @@ release_io_elsa(struct IsdnCardState *cs) writereg(cs->hw.elsa.ale, cs->hw.elsa.isac, IPAC_ATX, 0xff); release_region(cs->hw.elsa.cfg, 0x80); } - if (cs->subtyp == ELSA_PCMCIA_IPAC) { + if (cs->subtyp == ELSA_PCMCIA_IPAC) { writereg(cs->hw.elsa.ale, cs->hw.elsa.isac, IPAC_ATX, 0xff); - } + } if ((cs->subtyp == ELSA_PCFPRO) || - (cs->subtyp == ELSA_QS3000) || - (cs->subtyp == ELSA_PCF) || - (cs->subtyp == ELSA_QS3000PCI)) { + (cs->subtyp == ELSA_QS3000) || + (cs->subtyp == ELSA_PCF) || + (cs->subtyp == ELSA_QS3000PCI)) { bytecnt = 16; #if ARCOFI_USE release_modem(cs); @@ -521,84 +521,84 @@ check_arcofi(struct IsdnCardState *cs) u_char *p; if (!cs->dc.isac.mon_tx) - if (!(cs->dc.isac.mon_tx=kmalloc(MAX_MON_FRAME, GFP_ATOMIC))) { + if (!(cs->dc.isac.mon_tx = kmalloc(MAX_MON_FRAME, GFP_ATOMIC))) { if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) debugl1(cs, "ISAC MON TX out of buffers!"); - return(0); + return (0); } cs->dc.isac.arcofi_bc = 0; arcofi_fsm(cs, ARCOFI_START, &ARCOFI_VERSION); interruptible_sleep_on(&cs->dc.isac.arcofi_wait); if (!test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ARCOFI_ERROR, &cs->HW_Flags)) { - debugl1(cs, "Arcofi response received %d bytes", cs->dc.isac.mon_rxp); - p = cs->dc.isac.mon_rx; - t = tmp; - t += sprintf(tmp, "Arcofi data"); - QuickHex(t, p, cs->dc.isac.mon_rxp); - debugl1(cs, tmp); - if ((cs->dc.isac.mon_rxp == 2) && (cs->dc.isac.mon_rx[0] == 0xa0)) { - switch(cs->dc.isac.mon_rx[1]) { - case 0x80: - debugl1(cs, "Arcofi 2160 detected"); - arcofi_present = 1; - break; - case 0x82: - debugl1(cs, "Arcofi 2165 detected"); - arcofi_present = 2; - break; - case 0x84: - debugl1(cs, "Arcofi 2163 detected"); - arcofi_present = 3; - break; - default: - debugl1(cs, "unknown Arcofi response"); - break; - } - } else - debugl1(cs, "undefined Monitor response"); - cs->dc.isac.mon_rxp = 0; + debugl1(cs, "Arcofi response received %d bytes", cs->dc.isac.mon_rxp); + p = cs->dc.isac.mon_rx; + t = tmp; + t += sprintf(tmp, "Arcofi data"); + QuickHex(t, p, cs->dc.isac.mon_rxp); + debugl1(cs, tmp); + if ((cs->dc.isac.mon_rxp == 2) && (cs->dc.isac.mon_rx[0] == 0xa0)) { + switch (cs->dc.isac.mon_rx[1]) { + case 0x80: + debugl1(cs, "Arcofi 2160 detected"); + arcofi_present = 1; + break; + case 0x82: + debugl1(cs, "Arcofi 2165 detected"); + arcofi_present = 2; + break; + case 0x84: + debugl1(cs, "Arcofi 2163 detected"); + arcofi_present = 3; + break; + default: + debugl1(cs, "unknown Arcofi response"); + break; + } + } else + debugl1(cs, "undefined Monitor response"); + cs->dc.isac.mon_rxp = 0; } else if (cs->dc.isac.mon_tx) { debugl1(cs, "Arcofi not detected"); } if (arcofi_present) { - if (cs->subtyp==ELSA_QS1000) { + if (cs->subtyp == ELSA_QS1000) { cs->subtyp = ELSA_QS3000; printk(KERN_INFO - "Elsa: %s detected modem at 0x%lx\n", - Elsa_Types[cs->subtyp], - cs->hw.elsa.base+8); + "Elsa: %s detected modem at 0x%lx\n", + Elsa_Types[cs->subtyp], + cs->hw.elsa.base + 8); release_region(cs->hw.elsa.base, 8); if (!request_region(cs->hw.elsa.base, 16, "elsa isdn modem")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: %s config port %lx-%lx already in use\n", - Elsa_Types[cs->subtyp], - cs->hw.elsa.base + 8, - cs->hw.elsa.base + 16); + "HiSax: %s config port %lx-%lx already in use\n", + Elsa_Types[cs->subtyp], + cs->hw.elsa.base + 8, + cs->hw.elsa.base + 16); } - } else if (cs->subtyp==ELSA_PCC16) { + } else if (cs->subtyp == ELSA_PCC16) { cs->subtyp = ELSA_PCF; printk(KERN_INFO - "Elsa: %s detected modem at 0x%lx\n", - Elsa_Types[cs->subtyp], - cs->hw.elsa.base+8); + "Elsa: %s detected modem at 0x%lx\n", + Elsa_Types[cs->subtyp], + cs->hw.elsa.base + 8); release_region(cs->hw.elsa.base, 8); if (!request_region(cs->hw.elsa.base, 16, "elsa isdn modem")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: %s config port %lx-%lx already in use\n", - Elsa_Types[cs->subtyp], - cs->hw.elsa.base + 8, - cs->hw.elsa.base + 16); + "HiSax: %s config port %lx-%lx already in use\n", + Elsa_Types[cs->subtyp], + cs->hw.elsa.base + 8, + cs->hw.elsa.base + 16); } } else printk(KERN_INFO - "Elsa: %s detected modem at 0x%lx\n", - Elsa_Types[cs->subtyp], - cs->hw.elsa.base+8); + "Elsa: %s detected modem at 0x%lx\n", + Elsa_Types[cs->subtyp], + cs->hw.elsa.base + 8); arcofi_fsm(cs, ARCOFI_START, &ARCOFI_XOP_0); interruptible_sleep_on(&cs->dc.isac.arcofi_wait); - return(1); + return (1); } - return(0); + return (0); } #endif /* ARCOFI_USE */ @@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ elsa_led_handler(struct IsdnCardState *cs) cs->hw.elsa.ctrl_reg &= ~ELSA_LINE_LED; if ((cs->subtyp == ELSA_QS1000PCI) || - (cs->subtyp == ELSA_QS3000PCI)) { + (cs->subtyp == ELSA_QS3000PCI)) { u_char led = 0xff; if (cs->hw.elsa.ctrl_reg & ELSA_LINE_LED) led ^= ELSA_IPAC_LINE_LED; @@ -650,111 +650,111 @@ Elsa_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_elsa(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_elsa(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + cs->debug |= L1_DEB_IPAC; + reset_elsa(cs); + inithscxisac(cs, 1); + if ((cs->subtyp == ELSA_QS1000) || + (cs->subtyp == ELSA_QS3000)) + { + byteout(cs->hw.elsa.timer, 0); + } + if (cs->hw.elsa.trig) + byteout(cs->hw.elsa.trig, 0xff); + inithscxisac(cs, 2); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + if ((cs->subtyp == ELSA_PCMCIA) || + (cs->subtyp == ELSA_PCMCIA_IPAC) || + (cs->subtyp == ELSA_QS1000PCI)) { + return (0); + } else if (cs->subtyp == ELSA_QS3000PCI) { + ret = 0; + } else { spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_elsa(cs); + cs->hw.elsa.counter = 0; + cs->hw.elsa.ctrl_reg |= ELSA_ENA_TIMER_INT; + cs->hw.elsa.status |= ELIRQF_TIMER_AKTIV; + byteout(cs->hw.elsa.ctrl, cs->hw.elsa.ctrl_reg); + byteout(cs->hw.elsa.timer, 0); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_elsa(cs); - return(0); - case CARD_INIT: + msleep(110); spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - cs->debug |= L1_DEB_IPAC; - reset_elsa(cs); - inithscxisac(cs, 1); - if ((cs->subtyp == ELSA_QS1000) || - (cs->subtyp == ELSA_QS3000)) - { - byteout(cs->hw.elsa.timer, 0); - } - if (cs->hw.elsa.trig) - byteout(cs->hw.elsa.trig, 0xff); - inithscxisac(cs, 2); + cs->hw.elsa.ctrl_reg &= ~ELSA_ENA_TIMER_INT; + byteout(cs->hw.elsa.ctrl, cs->hw.elsa.ctrl_reg); + cs->hw.elsa.status &= ~ELIRQF_TIMER_AKTIV; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_TEST: - if ((cs->subtyp == ELSA_PCMCIA) || - (cs->subtyp == ELSA_PCMCIA_IPAC) || - (cs->subtyp == ELSA_QS1000PCI)) { - return(0); - } else if (cs->subtyp == ELSA_QS3000PCI) { + printk(KERN_INFO "Elsa: %d timer tics in 110 msek\n", + cs->hw.elsa.counter); + if ((cs->hw.elsa.counter > 10) && + (cs->hw.elsa.counter < 16)) { + printk(KERN_INFO "Elsa: timer and irq OK\n"); ret = 0; } else { - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - cs->hw.elsa.counter = 0; - cs->hw.elsa.ctrl_reg |= ELSA_ENA_TIMER_INT; - cs->hw.elsa.status |= ELIRQF_TIMER_AKTIV; - byteout(cs->hw.elsa.ctrl, cs->hw.elsa.ctrl_reg); - byteout(cs->hw.elsa.timer, 0); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - msleep(110); - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - cs->hw.elsa.ctrl_reg &= ~ELSA_ENA_TIMER_INT; - byteout(cs->hw.elsa.ctrl, cs->hw.elsa.ctrl_reg); - cs->hw.elsa.status &= ~ELIRQF_TIMER_AKTIV; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - printk(KERN_INFO "Elsa: %d timer tics in 110 msek\n", - cs->hw.elsa.counter); - if ((cs->hw.elsa.counter > 10) && - (cs->hw.elsa.counter < 16)) { - printk(KERN_INFO "Elsa: timer and irq OK\n"); - ret = 0; - } else { - printk(KERN_WARNING - "Elsa: timer tic problem (%d/12) maybe an IRQ(%d) conflict\n", - cs->hw.elsa.counter, cs->irq); - ret = 1; - } + printk(KERN_WARNING + "Elsa: timer tic problem (%d/12) maybe an IRQ(%d) conflict\n", + cs->hw.elsa.counter, cs->irq); + ret = 1; } + } #if ARCOFI_USE - if (check_arcofi(cs)) { - init_modem(cs); - } + if (check_arcofi(cs)) { + init_modem(cs); + } #endif - elsa_led_handler(cs); - return(ret); - case (MDL_REMOVE | REQUEST): - cs->hw.elsa.status &= 0; - break; - case (MDL_ASSIGN | REQUEST): - cs->hw.elsa.status |= ELSA_ASSIGN; - break; - case MDL_INFO_SETUP: - if ((long) arg) - cs->hw.elsa.status |= 0x0200; - else - cs->hw.elsa.status |= 0x0100; - break; - case MDL_INFO_CONN: - if ((long) arg) - cs->hw.elsa.status |= 0x2000; - else - cs->hw.elsa.status |= 0x1000; - break; - case MDL_INFO_REL: - if ((long) arg) { - cs->hw.elsa.status &= ~0x2000; - cs->hw.elsa.status &= ~0x0200; - } else { - cs->hw.elsa.status &= ~0x1000; - cs->hw.elsa.status &= ~0x0100; - } - break; + elsa_led_handler(cs); + return (ret); + case (MDL_REMOVE | REQUEST): + cs->hw.elsa.status &= 0; + break; + case (MDL_ASSIGN | REQUEST): + cs->hw.elsa.status |= ELSA_ASSIGN; + break; + case MDL_INFO_SETUP: + if ((long) arg) + cs->hw.elsa.status |= 0x0200; + else + cs->hw.elsa.status |= 0x0100; + break; + case MDL_INFO_CONN: + if ((long) arg) + cs->hw.elsa.status |= 0x2000; + else + cs->hw.elsa.status |= 0x1000; + break; + case MDL_INFO_REL: + if ((long) arg) { + cs->hw.elsa.status &= ~0x2000; + cs->hw.elsa.status &= ~0x0200; + } else { + cs->hw.elsa.status &= ~0x1000; + cs->hw.elsa.status &= ~0x0100; + } + break; #if ARCOFI_USE - case CARD_AUX_IND: - if (cs->hw.elsa.MFlag) { - int len; - u_char *msg; - - if (!arg) - return(0); - msg = arg; - len = *msg; - msg++; - modem_write_cmd(cs, msg, len); - } - break; + case CARD_AUX_IND: + if (cs->hw.elsa.MFlag) { + int len; + u_char *msg; + + if (!arg) + return (0); + msg = arg; + len = *msg; + msg++; + modem_write_cmd(cs, msg, len); + } + break; #endif } if (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_ELSA) { @@ -765,14 +765,14 @@ Elsa_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) cs->hw.elsa.status &= ~ELSA_BAD_PWR; } elsa_led_handler(cs); - return(ret); + return (ret); } static unsigned char probe_elsa_adr(unsigned int adr, int typ) { int i, in1, in2, p16_1 = 0, p16_2 = 0, p8_1 = 0, p8_2 = 0, pc_1 = 0, - pc_2 = 0, pfp_1 = 0, pfp_2 = 0; + pc_2 = 0, pfp_1 = 0, pfp_2 = 0; /* In case of the elsa pcmcia card, this region is in use, reserved for us by the card manager. So we do not check it @@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ probe_elsa(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { int i; unsigned int CARD_portlist[] = - {0x160, 0x170, 0x260, 0x360, 0}; + {0x160, 0x170, 0x260, 0x360, 0}; for (i = 0; CARD_portlist[i]; i++) { if ((cs->subtyp = probe_elsa_adr(CARD_portlist[i], cs->typ))) @@ -867,15 +867,15 @@ setup_elsa_isa(struct IsdnCard *card) val = bytein(cs->hw.elsa.cfg); if (cs->subtyp == ELSA_PC) { const u_char CARD_IrqTab[8] = - {7, 3, 5, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0}; + {7, 3, 5, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0}; cs->irq = CARD_IrqTab[(val & ELSA_IRQ_IDX_PC) >> 2]; } else if (cs->subtyp == ELSA_PCC8) { const u_char CARD_IrqTab[8] = - {7, 3, 5, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0}; + {7, 3, 5, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0}; cs->irq = CARD_IrqTab[(val & ELSA_IRQ_IDX_PCC8) >> 4]; } else { const u_char CARD_IrqTab[8] = - {15, 10, 15, 3, 11, 5, 11, 9}; + {15, 10, 15, 3, 11, 5, 11, 9}; cs->irq = CARD_IrqTab[(val & ELSA_IRQ_IDX) >> 3]; } val = bytein(cs->hw.elsa.ale) & ELSA_HW_RELEASE; @@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ setup_elsa_isa(struct IsdnCard *card) val = bytein(cs->hw.elsa.ale) & ELSA_S0_POWER_BAD; if (val) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "Elsa: Microlink S0 bus power bad\n"); + "Elsa: Microlink S0 bus power bad\n"); cs->hw.elsa.status |= ELSA_BAD_PWR; } @@ -904,10 +904,10 @@ setup_elsa_isa(struct IsdnCard *card) #ifdef __ISAPNP__ static struct isapnp_device_id elsa_ids[] __devinitdata = { { ISAPNP_VENDOR('E', 'L', 'S'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0133), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('E', 'L', 'S'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0133), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('E', 'L', 'S'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0133), (unsigned long) "Elsa QS1000" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('E', 'L', 'S'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0134), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('E', 'L', 'S'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0134), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('E', 'L', 'S'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0134), (unsigned long) "Elsa QS3000" }, { 0, } }; @@ -924,31 +924,31 @@ setup_elsa_isapnp(struct IsdnCard *card) #ifdef __ISAPNP__ if (!card->para[1] && isapnp_present()) { struct pnp_dev *pnp_d; - while(ipid->card_vendor) { + while (ipid->card_vendor) { if ((pnp_c = pnp_find_card(ipid->card_vendor, - ipid->card_device, pnp_c))) { + ipid->card_device, pnp_c))) { pnp_d = NULL; if ((pnp_d = pnp_find_dev(pnp_c, - ipid->vendor, ipid->function, pnp_d))) { + ipid->vendor, ipid->function, pnp_d))) { int err; printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: %s detected\n", - (char *)ipid->driver_data); + (char *)ipid->driver_data); pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); err = pnp_activate_dev(pnp_d); - if (err<0) { + if (err < 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: pnp_activate_dev ret(%d)\n", - __func__, err); - return(0); + __func__, err); + return (0); } card->para[1] = pnp_port_start(pnp_d, 0); card->para[0] = pnp_irq(pnp_d, 0); if (!card->para[0] || !card->para[1]) { printk(KERN_ERR "Elsa PnP:some resources are missing %ld/%lx\n", - card->para[0], card->para[1]); + card->para[0], card->para[1]); pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); - return(0); + return (0); } if (ipid->function == ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x133)) cs->subtyp = ELSA_QS1000; @@ -957,20 +957,20 @@ setup_elsa_isapnp(struct IsdnCard *card) break; } else { printk(KERN_ERR "Elsa PnP: PnP error card found, no device\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } } ipid++; - pnp_c=NULL; - } + pnp_c = NULL; + } if (!ipid->card_vendor) { printk(KERN_INFO "Elsa PnP: no ISAPnP card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } } #endif /* __ISAPNP__ */ - if (card->para[1] && card->para[0]) { + if (card->para[1] && card->para[0]) { cs->hw.elsa.base = card->para[1]; cs->irq = card->para[0]; if (!cs->subtyp) @@ -1027,8 +1027,8 @@ setup_elsa_pcmcia(struct IsdnCard *card) } #ifdef CONFIG_PCI -static struct pci_dev *dev_qs1000 __devinitdata = NULL; -static struct pci_dev *dev_qs3000 __devinitdata = NULL; +static struct pci_dev *dev_qs1000 __devinitdata = NULL; +static struct pci_dev *dev_qs3000 __devinitdata = NULL; static int __devinit setup_elsa_pci(struct IsdnCard *card) @@ -1037,33 +1037,33 @@ setup_elsa_pci(struct IsdnCard *card) cs->subtyp = 0; if ((dev_qs1000 = hisax_find_pci_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_ELSA, - PCI_DEVICE_ID_ELSA_MICROLINK, dev_qs1000))) { + PCI_DEVICE_ID_ELSA_MICROLINK, dev_qs1000))) { if (pci_enable_device(dev_qs1000)) - return(0); + return (0); cs->subtyp = ELSA_QS1000PCI; cs->irq = dev_qs1000->irq; cs->hw.elsa.cfg = pci_resource_start(dev_qs1000, 1); cs->hw.elsa.base = pci_resource_start(dev_qs1000, 3); } else if ((dev_qs3000 = hisax_find_pci_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_ELSA, - PCI_DEVICE_ID_ELSA_QS3000, dev_qs3000))) { + PCI_DEVICE_ID_ELSA_QS3000, dev_qs3000))) { if (pci_enable_device(dev_qs3000)) - return(0); + return (0); cs->subtyp = ELSA_QS3000PCI; cs->irq = dev_qs3000->irq; cs->hw.elsa.cfg = pci_resource_start(dev_qs3000, 1); cs->hw.elsa.base = pci_resource_start(dev_qs3000, 3); } else { printk(KERN_WARNING "Elsa: No PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } if (!cs->irq) { printk(KERN_WARNING "Elsa: No IRQ for PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } if (!(cs->hw.elsa.base && cs->hw.elsa.cfg)) { printk(KERN_WARNING "Elsa: No IO-Adr for PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } if ((cs->hw.elsa.cfg & 0xff) || (cs->hw.elsa.base & 0xf)) { printk(KERN_WARNING "Elsa: You may have a wrong PCI bios\n"); @@ -1071,8 +1071,8 @@ setup_elsa_pci(struct IsdnCard *card) printk(KERN_WARNING "Elsa: Documentation/isdn/README.HiSax\n"); } cs->hw.elsa.ale = cs->hw.elsa.base; - cs->hw.elsa.isac = cs->hw.elsa.base +1; - cs->hw.elsa.hscx = cs->hw.elsa.base +1; + cs->hw.elsa.isac = cs->hw.elsa.base + 1; + cs->hw.elsa.hscx = cs->hw.elsa.base + 1; test_and_set_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags); cs->hw.elsa.timer = 0; cs->hw.elsa.trig = 0; @@ -1104,27 +1104,27 @@ setup_elsa_common(struct IsdnCard *card) int bytecnt; switch (cs->subtyp) { - case ELSA_PC: - case ELSA_PCC8: - case ELSA_PCC16: - case ELSA_QS1000: - case ELSA_PCMCIA: - case ELSA_PCMCIA_IPAC: - bytecnt = 8; - break; - case ELSA_PCFPRO: - case ELSA_PCF: - case ELSA_QS3000: - case ELSA_QS3000PCI: - bytecnt = 16; - break; - case ELSA_QS1000PCI: - bytecnt = 2; - break; - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING - "Unknown ELSA subtype %d\n", cs->subtyp); - return (0); + case ELSA_PC: + case ELSA_PCC8: + case ELSA_PCC16: + case ELSA_QS1000: + case ELSA_PCMCIA: + case ELSA_PCMCIA_IPAC: + bytecnt = 8; + break; + case ELSA_PCFPRO: + case ELSA_PCF: + case ELSA_QS3000: + case ELSA_QS3000PCI: + bytecnt = 16; + break; + case ELSA_QS1000PCI: + bytecnt = 2; + break; + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING + "Unknown ELSA subtype %d\n", cs->subtyp); + return (0); } /* In case of the elsa pcmcia card, this region is in use, reserved for us by the card manager. So we do not check it @@ -1140,8 +1140,8 @@ setup_elsa_common(struct IsdnCard *card) if (!request_region(cs->hw.elsa.cfg, 0x80, "elsa isdn pci")) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: ELSA pci port %x-%x already in use\n", - cs->hw.elsa.cfg, - cs->hw.elsa.cfg + 0x80); + cs->hw.elsa.cfg, + cs->hw.elsa.cfg + 0x80); release_region(cs->hw.elsa.base, bytecnt); return (0); } @@ -1166,7 +1166,7 @@ setup_elsa_common(struct IsdnCard *card) return (0); } } - HZDELAY((HZ/100) + 1); /* wait >=10 ms */ + HZDELAY((HZ / 100) + 1); /* wait >=10 ms */ if (TimerRun(cs)) { printk(KERN_WARNING "Elsa: timer do not run down\n"); release_io_elsa(cs); @@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ setup_elsa_common(struct IsdnCard *card) ISACVersion(cs, "Elsa:"); if (HscxVersion(cs, "Elsa:")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "Elsa: wrong HSCX versions check IO address\n"); + "Elsa: wrong HSCX versions check IO address\n"); release_io_elsa(cs); return (0); } @@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@ setup_elsa(struct IsdnCard *card) if (!rc) return (0); - } else + } else return (0); return setup_elsa_common(card); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/elsa_cs.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/elsa_cs.c index f0b6c0ef99bbf58f25cf7ca49a420e31913b6b91..fe254e74a850de001ea8226431755dd560bbb540 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/elsa_cs.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/elsa_cs.c @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ /*====================================================================== - An elsa_cs PCMCIA client driver + An elsa_cs PCMCIA client driver - This driver is for the Elsa PCM ISDN Cards, i.e. the MicroLink + This driver is for the Elsa PCM ISDN Cards, i.e. the MicroLink - The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public - License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file - except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of - the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ + The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public + License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file + except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of + the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ - Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS - IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or - implied. See the License for the specific language governing - rights and limitations under the License. + Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS + IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or + implied. See the License for the specific language governing + rights and limitations under the License. - The initial developer of the original code is David A. Hinds - . Portions created by David A. Hinds - are Copyright (C) 1999 David A. Hinds. All Rights Reserved. + The initial developer of the original code is David A. Hinds + . Portions created by David A. Hinds + are Copyright (C) 1999 David A. Hinds. All Rights Reserved. - Modifications from dummy_cs.c are Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Klaus - Lichtenwalder . All Rights Reserved. + Modifications from dummy_cs.c are Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Klaus + Lichtenwalder . All Rights Reserved. - Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the - terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in - which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the - above. If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file - only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use - your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision - by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice - and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete - the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this - file under either the MPL or the GPL. + Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the + terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in + which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the + above. If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file + only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use + your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision + by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice + and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete + the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this + file under either the MPL or the GPL. -======================================================================*/ + ======================================================================*/ #include #include @@ -63,32 +63,32 @@ MODULE_LICENSE("Dual MPL/GPL"); static int protocol = 2; /* EURO-ISDN Default */ module_param(protocol, int, 0); -static int elsa_cs_config(struct pcmcia_device *link) __devinit ; +static int elsa_cs_config(struct pcmcia_device *link) __devinit; static void elsa_cs_release(struct pcmcia_device *link); static void elsa_cs_detach(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev) __devexit; typedef struct local_info_t { struct pcmcia_device *p_dev; - int busy; - int cardnr; + int busy; + int cardnr; } local_info_t; static int __devinit elsa_cs_probe(struct pcmcia_device *link) { - local_info_t *local; + local_info_t *local; - dev_dbg(&link->dev, "elsa_cs_attach()\n"); + dev_dbg(&link->dev, "elsa_cs_attach()\n"); - /* Allocate space for private device-specific data */ - local = kzalloc(sizeof(local_info_t), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!local) return -ENOMEM; + /* Allocate space for private device-specific data */ + local = kzalloc(sizeof(local_info_t), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!local) return -ENOMEM; - local->p_dev = link; - link->priv = local; + local->p_dev = link; + link->priv = local; - local->cardnr = -1; + local->cardnr = -1; - return elsa_cs_config(link); + return elsa_cs_config(link); } /* elsa_cs_attach */ static void __devexit elsa_cs_detach(struct pcmcia_device *link) @@ -129,64 +129,64 @@ static int elsa_cs_configcheck(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev, void *priv_data) static int __devinit elsa_cs_config(struct pcmcia_device *link) { - int i; - IsdnCard_t icard; - - dev_dbg(&link->dev, "elsa_config(0x%p)\n", link); - - link->config_flags |= CONF_ENABLE_IRQ | CONF_AUTO_SET_IO; - - i = pcmcia_loop_config(link, elsa_cs_configcheck, NULL); - if (i != 0) - goto failed; - - if (!link->irq) - goto failed; - - i = pcmcia_enable_device(link); - if (i != 0) - goto failed; - - icard.para[0] = link->irq; - icard.para[1] = link->resource[0]->start; - icard.protocol = protocol; - icard.typ = ISDN_CTYPE_ELSA_PCMCIA; - - i = hisax_init_pcmcia(link, &(((local_info_t*)link->priv)->busy), &icard); - if (i < 0) { - printk(KERN_ERR "elsa_cs: failed to initialize Elsa " - "PCMCIA %d with %pR\n", i, link->resource[0]); - elsa_cs_release(link); - } else - ((local_info_t*)link->priv)->cardnr = i; - - return 0; + int i; + IsdnCard_t icard; + + dev_dbg(&link->dev, "elsa_config(0x%p)\n", link); + + link->config_flags |= CONF_ENABLE_IRQ | CONF_AUTO_SET_IO; + + i = pcmcia_loop_config(link, elsa_cs_configcheck, NULL); + if (i != 0) + goto failed; + + if (!link->irq) + goto failed; + + i = pcmcia_enable_device(link); + if (i != 0) + goto failed; + + icard.para[0] = link->irq; + icard.para[1] = link->resource[0]->start; + icard.protocol = protocol; + icard.typ = ISDN_CTYPE_ELSA_PCMCIA; + + i = hisax_init_pcmcia(link, &(((local_info_t *)link->priv)->busy), &icard); + if (i < 0) { + printk(KERN_ERR "elsa_cs: failed to initialize Elsa " + "PCMCIA %d with %pR\n", i, link->resource[0]); + elsa_cs_release(link); + } else + ((local_info_t *)link->priv)->cardnr = i; + + return 0; failed: - elsa_cs_release(link); - return -ENODEV; + elsa_cs_release(link); + return -ENODEV; } /* elsa_cs_config */ static void elsa_cs_release(struct pcmcia_device *link) { - local_info_t *local = link->priv; + local_info_t *local = link->priv; - dev_dbg(&link->dev, "elsa_cs_release(0x%p)\n", link); + dev_dbg(&link->dev, "elsa_cs_release(0x%p)\n", link); - if (local) { - if (local->cardnr >= 0) { - /* no unregister function with hisax */ - HiSax_closecard(local->cardnr); + if (local) { + if (local->cardnr >= 0) { + /* no unregister function with hisax */ + HiSax_closecard(local->cardnr); + } } - } - pcmcia_disable_device(link); + pcmcia_disable_device(link); } /* elsa_cs_release */ static int elsa_suspend(struct pcmcia_device *link) { local_info_t *dev = link->priv; - dev->busy = 1; + dev->busy = 1; return 0; } @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ static int elsa_resume(struct pcmcia_device *link) { local_info_t *dev = link->priv; - dev->busy = 0; + dev->busy = 0; return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/elsa_ser.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/elsa_ser.c index 3fa9f6171095c7c838695f13c7148b82810872bd..d4c98d330bfe3223087a3195e25b2e6719ec8065 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/elsa_ser.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/elsa_ser.c @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ #include #define MAX_MODEM_BUF 256 -#define WAKEUP_CHARS (MAX_MODEM_BUF/2) +#define WAKEUP_CHARS (MAX_MODEM_BUF / 2) #define RS_ISR_PASS_LIMIT 256 -#define BASE_BAUD ( 1843200 / 16 ) +#define BASE_BAUD (1843200 / 16) //#define SERIAL_DEBUG_OPEN 1 //#define SERIAL_DEBUG_INTR 1 @@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ #ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG_REG static u_char deb[32]; -const char *ModemIn[] = {"RBR","IER","IIR","LCR","MCR","LSR","MSR","SCR"}; -const char *ModemOut[] = {"THR","IER","FCR","LCR","MCR","LSR","MSR","SCR"}; +const char *ModemIn[] = {"RBR", "IER", "IIR", "LCR", "MCR", "LSR", "MSR", "SCR"}; +const char *ModemOut[] = {"THR", "IER", "FCR", "LCR", "MCR", "LSR", "MSR", "SCR"}; #endif static char *MInit_1 = "AT&F&C1E0&D2\r\0"; @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ static inline unsigned int serial_in(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int offset) { #ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG_REG u_int val = inb(cs->hw.elsa.base + 8 + offset); - debugl1(cs,"in %s %02x",ModemIn[offset], val); - return(val); + debugl1(cs, "in %s %02x", ModemIn[offset], val); + return (val); #else return inb(cs->hw.elsa.base + 8 + offset); #endif @@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ static inline unsigned int serial_inp(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int offset) #ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG_REG #ifdef ELSA_SERIAL_NOPAUSE_IO u_int val = inb(cs->hw.elsa.base + 8 + offset); - debugl1(cs,"inp %s %02x",ModemIn[offset], val); + debugl1(cs, "inp %s %02x", ModemIn[offset], val); #else u_int val = inb_p(cs->hw.elsa.base + 8 + offset); - debugl1(cs,"inP %s %02x",ModemIn[offset], val); + debugl1(cs, "inP %s %02x", ModemIn[offset], val); #endif - return(val); + return (val); #else #ifdef ELSA_SERIAL_NOPAUSE_IO return inb(cs->hw.elsa.base + 8 + offset); @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ static inline unsigned int serial_inp(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int offset) static inline void serial_out(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int offset, int value) { #ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG_REG - debugl1(cs,"out %s %02x",ModemOut[offset], value); + debugl1(cs, "out %s %02x", ModemOut[offset], value); #endif outb(value, cs->hw.elsa.base + 8 + offset); } @@ -89,15 +89,15 @@ static inline void serial_outp(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int offset, { #ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG_REG #ifdef ELSA_SERIAL_NOPAUSE_IO - debugl1(cs,"outp %s %02x",ModemOut[offset], value); + debugl1(cs, "outp %s %02x", ModemOut[offset], value); #else - debugl1(cs,"outP %s %02x",ModemOut[offset], value); + debugl1(cs, "outP %s %02x", ModemOut[offset], value); #endif #endif #ifdef ELSA_SERIAL_NOPAUSE_IO outb(value, cs->hw.elsa.base + 8 + offset); #else - outb_p(value, cs->hw.elsa.base + 8 + offset); + outb_p(value, cs->hw.elsa.base + 8 + offset); #endif } @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ static void change_speed(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int baud) cs->hw.elsa.IER |= UART_IER_MSI; serial_outp(cs, UART_IER, cs->hw.elsa.IER); - debugl1(cs,"modem quot=0x%x", quot); + debugl1(cs, "modem quot=0x%x", quot); serial_outp(cs, UART_LCR, cval | UART_LCR_DLAB);/* set DLAB */ serial_outp(cs, UART_DLL, quot & 0xff); /* LS of divisor */ serial_outp(cs, UART_DLM, quot >> 8); /* MS of divisor */ @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ static void change_speed(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int baud) static int mstartup(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { - int retval=0; + int retval = 0; /* * Clear the FIFO buffers and disable them @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ static int mstartup(struct IsdnCardState *cs) retval = -ENODEV; goto errout; } - + /* * Clear the interrupt registers. */ @@ -167,20 +167,20 @@ static int mstartup(struct IsdnCardState *cs) (void) serial_inp(cs, UART_MSR); /* - * Now, initialize the UART + * Now, initialize the UART */ serial_outp(cs, UART_LCR, UART_LCR_WLEN8); /* reset DLAB */ cs->hw.elsa.MCR = 0; cs->hw.elsa.MCR = UART_MCR_DTR | UART_MCR_RTS | UART_MCR_OUT2; serial_outp(cs, UART_MCR, cs->hw.elsa.MCR); - + /* * Finally, enable interrupts */ cs->hw.elsa.IER = UART_IER_MSI | UART_IER_RLSI | UART_IER_RDI; serial_outp(cs, UART_IER, cs->hw.elsa.IER); /* enable interrupts */ - + /* * And clear the interrupt registers again for luck. */ @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ static int mstartup(struct IsdnCardState *cs) (void)serial_inp(cs, UART_MSR); cs->hw.elsa.transcnt = cs->hw.elsa.transp = 0; - cs->hw.elsa.rcvcnt = cs->hw.elsa.rcvp =0; + cs->hw.elsa.rcvcnt = cs->hw.elsa.rcvp = 0; /* * and set the speed of the serial port @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ static void mshutdown(struct IsdnCardState *cs) #ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG_OPEN printk(KERN_DEBUG"Shutting down serial ...."); #endif - + /* * clear delta_msr_wait queue to avoid mem leaks: we may free the irq * here so the queue might never be waken up @@ -220,17 +220,17 @@ static void mshutdown(struct IsdnCardState *cs) cs->hw.elsa.IER = 0; serial_outp(cs, UART_IER, 0x00); /* disable all intrs */ cs->hw.elsa.MCR &= ~UART_MCR_OUT2; - + /* disable break condition */ serial_outp(cs, UART_LCR, serial_inp(cs, UART_LCR) & ~UART_LCR_SBC); - - cs->hw.elsa.MCR &= ~(UART_MCR_DTR|UART_MCR_RTS); + + cs->hw.elsa.MCR &= ~(UART_MCR_DTR | UART_MCR_RTS); serial_outp(cs, UART_MCR, cs->hw.elsa.MCR); - /* disable FIFO's */ + /* disable FIFO's */ serial_outp(cs, UART_FCR, (UART_FCR_CLEAR_RCVR | UART_FCR_CLEAR_XMIT)); serial_inp(cs, UART_RX); /* read data port to reset things */ - + #ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG_OPEN printk(" done\n"); #endif @@ -238,10 +238,10 @@ static void mshutdown(struct IsdnCardState *cs) static inline int write_modem(struct BCState *bcs) { - int ret=0; + int ret = 0; struct IsdnCardState *cs = bcs->cs; int count, len, fp; - + if (!bcs->tx_skb) return 0; if (bcs->tx_skb->len <= 0) @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ write_modem(struct BCState *bcs) { if (len > MAX_MODEM_BUF - cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) len = MAX_MODEM_BUF - cs->hw.elsa.transcnt; fp = cs->hw.elsa.transcnt + cs->hw.elsa.transp; - fp &= (MAX_MODEM_BUF -1); + fp &= (MAX_MODEM_BUF - 1); count = len; if (count > MAX_MODEM_BUF - fp) { count = MAX_MODEM_BUF - fp; @@ -267,25 +267,25 @@ write_modem(struct BCState *bcs) { skb_pull(bcs->tx_skb, count); cs->hw.elsa.transcnt += count; ret += count; - - if (cs->hw.elsa.transcnt && + + if (cs->hw.elsa.transcnt && !(cs->hw.elsa.IER & UART_IER_THRI)) { - cs->hw.elsa.IER |= UART_IER_THRI; + cs->hw.elsa.IER |= UART_IER_THRI; serial_outp(cs, UART_IER, cs->hw.elsa.IER); } - return(ret); + return (ret); } static inline void modem_fill(struct BCState *bcs) { - + if (bcs->tx_skb) { if (bcs->tx_skb->len) { write_modem(bcs); return; } else { - if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP,&bcs->st->lli.flag) && - (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { + if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &bcs->st->lli.flag) && + (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { u_long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->aclock, flags); bcs->ackcnt += bcs->hw.hscx.count; @@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ static inline void receive_chars(struct IsdnCardState *cs, #endif if (*status & (UART_LSR_BI | UART_LSR_PE | UART_LSR_FE | UART_LSR_OE)) { - + #ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG_INTR printk("handling exept...."); #endif @@ -333,9 +333,9 @@ static inline void receive_chars(struct IsdnCardState *cs, if (!(skb = dev_alloc_skb(cs->hw.elsa.rcvcnt))) printk(KERN_WARNING "ElsaSER: receive out of memory\n"); else { - memcpy(skb_put(skb, cs->hw.elsa.rcvcnt), cs->hw.elsa.rcvbuf, - cs->hw.elsa.rcvcnt); - skb_queue_tail(& cs->hw.elsa.bcs->rqueue, skb); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, cs->hw.elsa.rcvcnt), cs->hw.elsa.rcvbuf, + cs->hw.elsa.rcvcnt); + skb_queue_tail(&cs->hw.elsa.bcs->rqueue, skb); } schedule_event(cs->hw.elsa.bcs, B_RCVBUFREADY); } else { @@ -352,10 +352,10 @@ static inline void receive_chars(struct IsdnCardState *cs, static inline void transmit_chars(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int *intr_done) { int count; - - debugl1(cs, "transmit_chars: p(%x) cnt(%x)", cs->hw.elsa.transp, + + debugl1(cs, "transmit_chars: p(%x) cnt(%x)", cs->hw.elsa.transp, cs->hw.elsa.transcnt); - + if (cs->hw.elsa.transcnt <= 0) { cs->hw.elsa.IER &= ~UART_IER_THRI; serial_out(cs, UART_IER, cs->hw.elsa.IER); @@ -365,11 +365,11 @@ static inline void transmit_chars(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int *intr_done) do { serial_outp(cs, UART_TX, cs->hw.elsa.transbuf[cs->hw.elsa.transp++]); if (cs->hw.elsa.transp >= MAX_MODEM_BUF) - cs->hw.elsa.transp=0; + cs->hw.elsa.transp = 0; if (--cs->hw.elsa.transcnt <= 0) break; } while (--count > 0); - if ((cs->hw.elsa.transcnt < WAKEUP_CHARS) && (cs->hw.elsa.MFlag==2)) + if ((cs->hw.elsa.transcnt < WAKEUP_CHARS) && (cs->hw.elsa.MFlag == 2)) modem_fill(cs->hw.elsa.bcs); #ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG_INTR @@ -388,14 +388,14 @@ static void rs_interrupt_elsa(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { int status, iir, msr; int pass_counter = 0; - + #ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG_INTR printk(KERN_DEBUG "rs_interrupt_single(%d)...", cs->irq); #endif do { status = serial_inp(cs, UART_LSR); - debugl1(cs,"rs LSR %02x", status); + debugl1(cs, "rs LSR %02x", status); #ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG_INTR printk("status = %x...", status); #endif @@ -408,10 +408,10 @@ static void rs_interrupt_elsa(struct IsdnCardState *cs) break; } iir = serial_inp(cs, UART_IIR); - debugl1(cs,"rs IIR %02x", iir); + debugl1(cs, "rs IIR %02x", iir); if ((iir & 0xf) == 0) { msr = serial_inp(cs, UART_MSR); - debugl1(cs,"rs MSR %02x", msr); + debugl1(cs, "rs MSR %02x", msr); } } while (!(iir & UART_IIR_NO_INT)); #ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG_INTR @@ -447,14 +447,14 @@ static void modem_write_cmd(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *buf, int len) { int count, fp; u_char *msg = buf; - + if (!len) return; if (len > (MAX_MODEM_BUF - cs->hw.elsa.transcnt)) { return; } fp = cs->hw.elsa.transcnt + cs->hw.elsa.transp; - fp &= (MAX_MODEM_BUF -1); + fp &= (MAX_MODEM_BUF - 1); count = len; if (count > MAX_MODEM_BUF - fp) { count = MAX_MODEM_BUF - fp; @@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ modem_write_cmd(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *buf, int len) { } memcpy(cs->hw.elsa.transbuf + fp, msg, count); cs->hw.elsa.transcnt += count; - if (cs->hw.elsa.transcnt && + if (cs->hw.elsa.transcnt && !(cs->hw.elsa.IER & UART_IER_THRI)) { cs->hw.elsa.IER |= UART_IER_THRI; serial_outp(cs, UART_IER, cs->hw.elsa.IER); @@ -480,43 +480,43 @@ modem_set_init(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { #define RCV_DELAY 20 modem_write_cmd(cs, MInit_1, strlen(MInit_1)); timeout = 1000; - while(timeout-- && cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) + while (timeout-- && cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) udelay(1000); debugl1(cs, "msi tout=%d", timeout); mdelay(RCV_DELAY); modem_write_cmd(cs, MInit_2, strlen(MInit_2)); timeout = 1000; - while(timeout-- && cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) + while (timeout-- && cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) udelay(1000); debugl1(cs, "msi tout=%d", timeout); mdelay(RCV_DELAY); modem_write_cmd(cs, MInit_3, strlen(MInit_3)); timeout = 1000; - while(timeout-- && cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) + while (timeout-- && cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) udelay(1000); debugl1(cs, "msi tout=%d", timeout); mdelay(RCV_DELAY); modem_write_cmd(cs, MInit_4, strlen(MInit_4)); timeout = 1000; - while(timeout-- && cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) + while (timeout-- && cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) udelay(1000); debugl1(cs, "msi tout=%d", timeout); mdelay(RCV_DELAY); modem_write_cmd(cs, MInit_5, strlen(MInit_5)); timeout = 1000; - while(timeout-- && cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) + while (timeout-- && cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) udelay(1000); debugl1(cs, "msi tout=%d", timeout); mdelay(RCV_DELAY); modem_write_cmd(cs, MInit_6, strlen(MInit_6)); timeout = 1000; - while(timeout-- && cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) + while (timeout-- && cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) udelay(1000); debugl1(cs, "msi tout=%d", timeout); mdelay(RCV_DELAY); modem_write_cmd(cs, MInit_7, strlen(MInit_7)); timeout = 1000; - while(timeout-- && cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) + while (timeout-- && cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) udelay(1000); debugl1(cs, "msi tout=%d", timeout); mdelay(RCV_DELAY); @@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ modem_set_dial(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int outgoing) { modem_write_cmd(cs, MInit_speed28800, strlen(MInit_speed28800)); timeout = 1000; - while(timeout-- && cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) + while (timeout-- && cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) udelay(1000); debugl1(cs, "msi tout=%d", timeout); mdelay(RCV_DELAY); @@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ modem_set_dial(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int outgoing) { else modem_write_cmd(cs, MInit_dialin, strlen(MInit_dialin)); timeout = 1000; - while(timeout-- && cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) + while (timeout-- && cs->hw.elsa.transcnt) udelay(1000); debugl1(cs, "msi tout=%d", timeout); mdelay(RCV_DELAY); @@ -568,15 +568,15 @@ modem_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) set_arcofi(bcs->cs, st->l1.bc); mstartup(bcs->cs); modem_set_dial(bcs->cs, test_bit(FLG_ORIG, &st->l2.flag)); - bcs->cs->hw.elsa.MFlag=2; + bcs->cs->hw.elsa.MFlag = 2; } else if (pr == (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST)) { test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); bcs->cs->dc.isac.arcofi_bc = st->l1.bc; arcofi_fsm(bcs->cs, ARCOFI_START, &ARCOFI_XOP_0); interruptible_sleep_on(&bcs->cs->dc.isac.arcofi_wait); - bcs->cs->hw.elsa.MFlag=1; + bcs->cs->hw.elsa.MFlag = 1; } else { - printk(KERN_WARNING"ElsaSer: unknown pr %x\n", pr); + printk(KERN_WARNING "ElsaSer: unknown pr %x\n", pr); } } @@ -586,27 +586,27 @@ setstack_elsa(struct PStack *st, struct BCState *bcs) bcs->channel = st->l1.bc; switch (st->l1.mode) { - case L1_MODE_HDLC: - case L1_MODE_TRANS: - if (open_hscxstate(st->l1.hardware, bcs)) - return (-1); - st->l2.l2l1 = hscx_l2l1; - break; - case L1_MODE_MODEM: - bcs->mode = L1_MODE_MODEM; - if (!test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag)) { - bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf = bcs->cs->hw.elsa.rcvbuf; - skb_queue_head_init(&bcs->rqueue); - skb_queue_head_init(&bcs->squeue); - } - bcs->tx_skb = NULL; - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - bcs->event = 0; - bcs->hw.hscx.rcvidx = 0; - bcs->tx_cnt = 0; - bcs->cs->hw.elsa.bcs = bcs; - st->l2.l2l1 = modem_l2l1; - break; + case L1_MODE_HDLC: + case L1_MODE_TRANS: + if (open_hscxstate(st->l1.hardware, bcs)) + return (-1); + st->l2.l2l1 = hscx_l2l1; + break; + case L1_MODE_MODEM: + bcs->mode = L1_MODE_MODEM; + if (!test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag)) { + bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf = bcs->cs->hw.elsa.rcvbuf; + skb_queue_head_init(&bcs->rqueue); + skb_queue_head_init(&bcs->squeue); + } + bcs->tx_skb = NULL; + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + bcs->event = 0; + bcs->hw.hscx.rcvidx = 0; + bcs->tx_cnt = 0; + bcs->cs->hw.elsa.bcs = bcs; + st->l2.l2l1 = modem_l2l1; + break; } st->l1.bcs = bcs; setstack_manager(st); @@ -623,15 +623,15 @@ init_modem(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { cs->bcs[0].BC_Close = close_elsastate; cs->bcs[1].BC_Close = close_elsastate; if (!(cs->hw.elsa.rcvbuf = kmalloc(MAX_MODEM_BUF, - GFP_ATOMIC))) { + GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "Elsa: No modem mem hw.elsa.rcvbuf\n"); + "Elsa: No modem mem hw.elsa.rcvbuf\n"); return; } if (!(cs->hw.elsa.transbuf = kmalloc(MAX_MODEM_BUF, - GFP_ATOMIC))) { + GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "Elsa: No modem mem hw.elsa.transbuf\n"); + "Elsa: No modem mem hw.elsa.transbuf\n"); kfree(cs->hw.elsa.rcvbuf); cs->hw.elsa.rcvbuf = NULL; return; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/enternow_pci.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/enternow_pci.c index f55d29d6082635ca327ff610ce1c28fa646e50a8..b1e38b54ebac9dbc7d8dc60742f6b1df0ebde02b 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/enternow_pci.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/enternow_pci.c @@ -97,13 +97,13 @@ static unsigned char ReadByteAmd7930(struct IsdnCardState *cs, unsigned char offset) { /* direct register */ - if(offset < 8) - return (inb(cs->hw.njet.isac + 4*offset)); + if (offset < 8) + return (inb(cs->hw.njet.isac + 4 * offset)); /* indirect register */ else { - outb(offset, cs->hw.njet.isac + 4*AMD_CR); - return(inb(cs->hw.njet.isac + 4*AMD_DR)); + outb(offset, cs->hw.njet.isac + 4 * AMD_CR); + return (inb(cs->hw.njet.isac + 4 * AMD_DR)); } } @@ -112,29 +112,29 @@ static void WriteByteAmd7930(struct IsdnCardState *cs, unsigned char offset, unsigned char value) { /* direct register */ - if(offset < 8) - outb(value, cs->hw.njet.isac + 4*offset); + if (offset < 8) + outb(value, cs->hw.njet.isac + 4 * offset); /* indirect register */ else { - outb(offset, cs->hw.njet.isac + 4*AMD_CR); - outb(value, cs->hw.njet.isac + 4*AMD_DR); + outb(offset, cs->hw.njet.isac + 4 * AMD_CR); + outb(value, cs->hw.njet.isac + 4 * AMD_DR); } } static void enpci_setIrqMask(struct IsdnCardState *cs, unsigned char val) { - if (!val) - outb(0x00, cs->hw.njet.base+NETJET_IRQMASK1); - else - outb(TJ_AMD_IRQ, cs->hw.njet.base+NETJET_IRQMASK1); + if (!val) + outb(0x00, cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_IRQMASK1); + else + outb(TJ_AMD_IRQ, cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_IRQMASK1); } static unsigned char dummyrr(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int chan, unsigned char off) { - return(5); + return (5); } static void dummywr(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int chan, unsigned char off, unsigned char value) @@ -173,70 +173,70 @@ static int enpci_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) { u_long flags; - unsigned char *chan; + unsigned char *chan; if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "enter:now PCI: card_msg: 0x%04X", mt); - switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_enpci(cs); - Amd7930_init(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_netjet(cs); - break; - case CARD_INIT: - reset_enpci(cs); - inittiger(cs); - /* irq must be on here */ - Amd7930_init(cs); - break; - case CARD_TEST: - break; - case MDL_ASSIGN: - /* TEI assigned, LED1 on */ - cs->hw.njet.auxd = TJ_AMD_IRQ << 1; - outb(cs->hw.njet.auxd, cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_AUXDATA); - break; - case MDL_REMOVE: - /* TEI removed, LEDs off */ - cs->hw.njet.auxd = 0; - outb(0x00, cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_AUXDATA); - break; - case MDL_BC_ASSIGN: - /* activate B-channel */ - chan = (unsigned char *)arg; - - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) - debugl1(cs, "enter:now PCI: assign phys. BC %d in AMD LMR1", *chan); - - cs->dc.amd7930.ph_command(cs, (cs->dc.amd7930.lmr1 | (*chan + 1)), "MDL_BC_ASSIGN"); - /* at least one b-channel in use, LED 2 on */ - cs->hw.njet.auxd |= TJ_AMD_IRQ << 2; - outb(cs->hw.njet.auxd, cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_AUXDATA); - break; - case MDL_BC_RELEASE: - /* deactivate B-channel */ - chan = (unsigned char *)arg; - - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) - debugl1(cs, "enter:now PCI: release phys. BC %d in Amd LMR1", *chan); - - cs->dc.amd7930.ph_command(cs, (cs->dc.amd7930.lmr1 & ~(*chan + 1)), "MDL_BC_RELEASE"); - /* no b-channel active -> LED2 off */ - if (!(cs->dc.amd7930.lmr1 & 3)) { - cs->hw.njet.auxd &= ~(TJ_AMD_IRQ << 2); - outb(cs->hw.njet.auxd, cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_AUXDATA); - } - break; - default: - break; + switch (mt) { + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_enpci(cs); + Amd7930_init(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_netjet(cs); + break; + case CARD_INIT: + reset_enpci(cs); + inittiger(cs); + /* irq must be on here */ + Amd7930_init(cs); + break; + case CARD_TEST: + break; + case MDL_ASSIGN: + /* TEI assigned, LED1 on */ + cs->hw.njet.auxd = TJ_AMD_IRQ << 1; + outb(cs->hw.njet.auxd, cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_AUXDATA); + break; + case MDL_REMOVE: + /* TEI removed, LEDs off */ + cs->hw.njet.auxd = 0; + outb(0x00, cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_AUXDATA); + break; + case MDL_BC_ASSIGN: + /* activate B-channel */ + chan = (unsigned char *)arg; + + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + debugl1(cs, "enter:now PCI: assign phys. BC %d in AMD LMR1", *chan); + + cs->dc.amd7930.ph_command(cs, (cs->dc.amd7930.lmr1 | (*chan + 1)), "MDL_BC_ASSIGN"); + /* at least one b-channel in use, LED 2 on */ + cs->hw.njet.auxd |= TJ_AMD_IRQ << 2; + outb(cs->hw.njet.auxd, cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_AUXDATA); + break; + case MDL_BC_RELEASE: + /* deactivate B-channel */ + chan = (unsigned char *)arg; + + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) + debugl1(cs, "enter:now PCI: release phys. BC %d in Amd LMR1", *chan); + + cs->dc.amd7930.ph_command(cs, (cs->dc.amd7930.lmr1 & ~(*chan + 1)), "MDL_BC_RELEASE"); + /* no b-channel active -> LED2 off */ + if (!(cs->dc.amd7930.lmr1 & 3)) { + cs->hw.njet.auxd &= ~(TJ_AMD_IRQ << 2); + outb(cs->hw.njet.auxd, cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_AUXDATA); + } + break; + default: + break; } - return(0); + return (0); } static irqreturn_t @@ -249,32 +249,32 @@ enpci_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); s1val = inb(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_IRQSTAT1); - /* AMD threw an interrupt */ + /* AMD threw an interrupt */ if (!(s1val & TJ_AMD_IRQ)) { - /* read and clear interrupt-register */ + /* read and clear interrupt-register */ ir = ReadByteAmd7930(cs, 0x00); Amd7930_interrupt(cs, ir); s1val = 1; } else s1val = 0; s0val = inb(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_IRQSTAT0); - if ((s0val | s1val)==0) { // shared IRQ + if ((s0val | s1val) == 0) { // shared IRQ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); return IRQ_NONE; - } + } if (s0val) outb(s0val, cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_IRQSTAT0); /* DMA-Interrupt: B-channel-stuff */ /* set bits in sval to indicate which page is free */ if (inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_WRITE_ADR) < - inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_WRITE_IRQ)) + inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_WRITE_IRQ)) /* the 2nd write page is free */ s0val = 0x08; else /* the 1st write page is free */ s0val = 0x04; if (inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_ADR) < - inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_IRQ)) + inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_IRQ)) /* the 2nd read page is free */ s0val = s0val | 0x02; else /* the 1st read page is free */ @@ -287,11 +287,11 @@ enpci_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) } cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 = s0val; if ((cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 & NETJET_IRQM0_READ) != - (cs->hw.njet.last_is0 & NETJET_IRQM0_READ)) + (cs->hw.njet.last_is0 & NETJET_IRQM0_READ)) /* we have a read dma int */ read_tiger(cs); if ((cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 & NETJET_IRQM0_WRITE) != - (cs->hw.njet.last_is0 & NETJET_IRQM0_WRITE)) + (cs->hw.njet.last_is0 & NETJET_IRQM0_WRITE)) /* we have a write dma int */ write_tiger(cs); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); @@ -304,26 +304,26 @@ static int __devinit en_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *dev_netjet, struct IsdnCardState *cs) { if (pci_enable_device(dev_netjet)) - return(0); + return (0); cs->irq = dev_netjet->irq; if (!cs->irq) { printk(KERN_WARNING "enter:now PCI: No IRQ for PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } cs->hw.njet.base = pci_resource_start(dev_netjet, 0); if (!cs->hw.njet.base) { printk(KERN_WARNING "enter:now PCI: No IO-Adr for PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } /* checks Sub-Vendor ID because system crashes with Traverse-Card */ if ((dev_netjet->subsystem_vendor != 0x55) || (dev_netjet->subsystem_device != 0x02)) { printk(KERN_WARNING "enter:now: You tried to load this driver with an incompatible TigerJet-card\n"); printk(KERN_WARNING "Use type=20 for Traverse NetJet PCI Card.\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } - return(1); + return (1); } static void __devinit en_cs_init(struct IsdnCard *card, @@ -356,8 +356,8 @@ static int __devinit en_cs_init_rest(struct IsdnCard *card, const int bytecnt = 256; printk(KERN_INFO - "enter:now PCI: PCI card configured at 0x%lx IRQ %d\n", - cs->hw.njet.base, cs->irq); + "enter:now PCI: PCI card configured at 0x%lx IRQ %d\n", + cs->hw.njet.base, cs->irq); if (!request_region(cs->hw.njet.base, bytecnt, "Fn_ISDN")) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: enter:now config port %lx-%lx already in use\n", @@ -368,13 +368,13 @@ static int __devinit en_cs_init_rest(struct IsdnCard *card, setup_Amd7930(cs); cs->hw.njet.last_is0 = 0; - /* macro rByteAMD */ - cs->readisac = &ReadByteAmd7930; - /* macro wByteAMD */ - cs->writeisac = &WriteByteAmd7930; - cs->dc.amd7930.setIrqMask = &enpci_setIrqMask; + /* macro rByteAMD */ + cs->readisac = &ReadByteAmd7930; + /* macro wByteAMD */ + cs->writeisac = &WriteByteAmd7930; + cs->dc.amd7930.setIrqMask = &enpci_setIrqMask; - cs->BC_Read_Reg = &dummyrr; + cs->BC_Read_Reg = &dummyrr; cs->BC_Write_Reg = &dummywr; cs->BC_Send_Data = &netjet_fill_dma; cs->cardmsg = &enpci_card_msg; @@ -398,27 +398,27 @@ setup_enternow_pci(struct IsdnCard *card) #error "not running on big endian machines now" #endif - strcpy(tmp, enternow_pci_rev); + strcpy(tmp, enternow_pci_rev); printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: Formula-n Europe AG enter:now ISDN PCI driver Rev. %s\n", HiSax_getrev(tmp)); if (cs->typ != ISDN_CTYPE_ENTERNOW) - return(0); + return (0); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); - for ( ;; ) + for (;;) { if ((dev_netjet = hisax_find_pci_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_TIGERJET, - PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGERJET_300, dev_netjet))) { + PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGERJET_300, dev_netjet))) { ret = en_pci_probe(dev_netjet, cs); if (!ret) - return(0); + return (0); } else { - printk(KERN_WARNING "enter:now PCI: No PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + printk(KERN_WARNING "enter:now PCI: No PCI card found\n"); + return (0); } en_cs_init(card, cs); break; } - return en_cs_init_rest(card, cs); + return en_cs_init_rest(card, cs); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/fsm.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/fsm.c index 732ea633758ceac7b2cae2e3bf00d276da0050f1..1bb291021fdbad40ff6c094e4aa23f0cee584112 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/fsm.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/fsm.c @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil * by Kai Germaschewski - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -27,18 +27,18 @@ FsmNew(struct Fsm *fsm, struct FsmNode *fnlist, int fncount) int i; fsm->jumpmatrix = (FSMFNPTR *) - kzalloc(sizeof (FSMFNPTR) * fsm->state_count * fsm->event_count, GFP_KERNEL); + kzalloc(sizeof(FSMFNPTR) * fsm->state_count * fsm->event_count, GFP_KERNEL); if (!fsm->jumpmatrix) return -ENOMEM; - for (i = 0; i < fncount; i++) - if ((fnlist[i].state>=fsm->state_count) || (fnlist[i].event>=fsm->event_count)) { + for (i = 0; i < fncount; i++) + if ((fnlist[i].state >= fsm->state_count) || (fnlist[i].event >= fsm->event_count)) { printk(KERN_ERR "FsmNew Error line %d st(%ld/%ld) ev(%ld/%ld)\n", - i,(long)fnlist[i].state,(long)fsm->state_count, - (long)fnlist[i].event,(long)fsm->event_count); - } else + i, (long)fnlist[i].state, (long)fsm->state_count, + (long)fnlist[i].event, (long)fsm->event_count); + } else fsm->jumpmatrix[fsm->state_count * fnlist[i].event + - fnlist[i].state] = (FSMFNPTR) fnlist[i].routine; + fnlist[i].state] = (FSMFNPTR)fnlist[i].routine; return 0; } @@ -53,24 +53,24 @@ FsmEvent(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { FSMFNPTR r; - if ((fi->state>=fi->fsm->state_count) || (event >= fi->fsm->event_count)) { + if ((fi->state >= fi->fsm->state_count) || (event >= fi->fsm->event_count)) { printk(KERN_ERR "FsmEvent Error st(%ld/%ld) ev(%d/%ld)\n", - (long)fi->state,(long)fi->fsm->state_count,event,(long)fi->fsm->event_count); - return(1); + (long)fi->state, (long)fi->fsm->state_count, event, (long)fi->fsm->event_count); + return (1); } r = fi->fsm->jumpmatrix[fi->fsm->state_count * event + fi->state]; if (r) { if (fi->debug) fi->printdebug(fi, "State %s Event %s", - fi->fsm->strState[fi->state], - fi->fsm->strEvent[event]); + fi->fsm->strState[fi->state], + fi->fsm->strEvent[event]); r(fi, event, arg); return (0); } else { if (fi->debug) fi->printdebug(fi, "State %s Event %s no routine", - fi->fsm->strState[fi->state], - fi->fsm->strEvent[event]); + fi->fsm->strState[fi->state], + fi->fsm->strEvent[event]); return (!0); } } @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ FsmChangeState(struct FsmInst *fi, int newstate) fi->state = newstate; if (fi->debug) fi->printdebug(fi, "ChangeState %s", - fi->fsm->strState[newstate]); + fi->fsm->strState[newstate]); } static void @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ FsmAddTimer(struct FsmTimer *ft, #if FSM_TIMER_DEBUG if (ft->fi->debug) ft->fi->printdebug(ft->fi, "FsmAddTimer %lx %d %d", - (long) ft, millisec, where); + (long) ft, millisec, where); #endif if (timer_pending(&ft->tl)) { @@ -143,13 +143,13 @@ FsmAddTimer(struct FsmTimer *ft, void FsmRestartTimer(struct FsmTimer *ft, - int millisec, int event, void *arg, int where) + int millisec, int event, void *arg, int where) { #if FSM_TIMER_DEBUG if (ft->fi->debug) ft->fi->printdebug(ft->fi, "FsmRestartTimer %lx %d %d", - (long) ft, millisec, where); + (long) ft, millisec, where); #endif if (timer_pending(&ft->tl)) diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/fsm.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/fsm.h index f02f7da1688da64d8bd20b9c865339ccf84b7199..8c7385619a46189ae560dfd7f826e0fd22cd2c93 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/fsm.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/fsm.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil * by Kai Germaschewski - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ struct FsmInst; -typedef void (* FSMFNPTR)(struct FsmInst *, int, void *); +typedef void (*FSMFNPTR)(struct FsmInst *, int, void *); struct Fsm { FSMFNPTR *jumpmatrix; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/gazel.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/gazel.c index 353982fc1436250daae3b7109a3e72e7fd84f515..4fef775625549824e60e61eab9a0c478cccb40fc 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/gazel.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/gazel.c @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * Author BeWan Systems * based on source code from Karsten Keil * Copyright by BeWan Systems - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ static const char *gazel_revision = "$Revision: $"; #define INT_IPAC_EN 0x3 /* enable IT ipac */ -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) static inline u_char @@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ writereg(unsigned int adr, u_short off, u_char data) static inline void -read_fifo(unsigned int adr, u_char * data, int size) +read_fifo(unsigned int adr, u_char *data, int size) { insb(adr, data, size); } static void -write_fifo(unsigned int adr, u_char * data, int size) +write_fifo(unsigned int adr, u_char *data, int size) { outsb(adr, data, size); } @@ -85,14 +85,14 @@ writereg_ipac(unsigned int adr, u_short off, u_char data) static inline void -read_fifo_ipac(unsigned int adr, u_short off, u_char * data, int size) +read_fifo_ipac(unsigned int adr, u_short off, u_char *data, int size) { byteout(adr, off); insb(adr + 4, data, size); } static void -write_fifo_ipac(unsigned int adr, u_short off, u_char * data, int size) +write_fifo_ipac(unsigned int adr, u_short off, u_char *data, int size) { byteout(adr, off); outsb(adr + 4, data, size); @@ -106,13 +106,13 @@ ReadISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset) u_short off2 = offset; switch (cs->subtyp) { - case R647: - off2 = ((off2 << 8 & 0xf000) | (off2 & 0xf)); - case R685: - return (readreg(cs->hw.gazel.isac, off2)); - case R753: - case R742: - return (readreg_ipac(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, 0x80 + off2)); + case R647: + off2 = ((off2 << 8 & 0xf000) | (off2 & 0xf)); + case R685: + return (readreg(cs->hw.gazel.isac, off2)); + case R753: + case R742: + return (readreg_ipac(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, 0x80 + off2)); } return 0; } @@ -123,75 +123,75 @@ WriteISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) u_short off2 = offset; switch (cs->subtyp) { - case R647: - off2 = ((off2 << 8 & 0xf000) | (off2 & 0xf)); - case R685: - writereg(cs->hw.gazel.isac, off2, value); - break; - case R753: - case R742: - writereg_ipac(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, 0x80 + off2, value); - break; + case R647: + off2 = ((off2 << 8 & 0xf000) | (off2 & 0xf)); + case R685: + writereg(cs->hw.gazel.isac, off2, value); + break; + case R753: + case R742: + writereg_ipac(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, 0x80 + off2, value); + break; } } static void -ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { switch (cs->subtyp) { - case R647: - case R685: - read_fifo(cs->hw.gazel.isacfifo, data, size); - break; - case R753: - case R742: - read_fifo_ipac(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, 0x80, data, size); - break; + case R647: + case R685: + read_fifo(cs->hw.gazel.isacfifo, data, size); + break; + case R753: + case R742: + read_fifo_ipac(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, 0x80, data, size); + break; } } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { switch (cs->subtyp) { - case R647: - case R685: - write_fifo(cs->hw.gazel.isacfifo, data, size); - break; - case R753: - case R742: - write_fifo_ipac(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, 0x80, data, size); - break; + case R647: + case R685: + write_fifo(cs->hw.gazel.isacfifo, data, size); + break; + case R753: + case R742: + write_fifo_ipac(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, 0x80, data, size); + break; } } static void -ReadHSCXfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char * data, int size) +ReadHSCXfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char *data, int size) { switch (cs->subtyp) { - case R647: - case R685: - read_fifo(cs->hw.gazel.hscxfifo[hscx], data, size); - break; - case R753: - case R742: - read_fifo_ipac(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, hscx * 0x40, data, size); - break; + case R647: + case R685: + read_fifo(cs->hw.gazel.hscxfifo[hscx], data, size); + break; + case R753: + case R742: + read_fifo_ipac(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, hscx * 0x40, data, size); + break; } } static void -WriteHSCXfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char * data, int size) +WriteHSCXfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char *data, int size) { switch (cs->subtyp) { - case R647: - case R685: - write_fifo(cs->hw.gazel.hscxfifo[hscx], data, size); - break; - case R753: - case R742: - write_fifo_ipac(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, hscx * 0x40, data, size); - break; + case R647: + case R685: + write_fifo(cs->hw.gazel.hscxfifo[hscx], data, size); + break; + case R753: + case R742: + write_fifo_ipac(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, hscx * 0x40, data, size); + break; } } @@ -201,13 +201,13 @@ ReadHSCX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char offset) u_short off2 = offset; switch (cs->subtyp) { - case R647: - off2 = ((off2 << 8 & 0xf000) | (off2 & 0xf)); - case R685: - return (readreg(cs->hw.gazel.hscx[hscx], off2)); - case R753: - case R742: - return (readreg_ipac(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, hscx * 0x40 + off2)); + case R647: + off2 = ((off2 << 8 & 0xf000) | (off2 & 0xf)); + case R685: + return (readreg(cs->hw.gazel.hscx[hscx], off2)); + case R753: + case R742: + return (readreg_ipac(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, hscx * 0x40 + off2)); } return 0; } @@ -218,15 +218,15 @@ WriteHSCX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char offset, u_char value) u_short off2 = offset; switch (cs->subtyp) { - case R647: - off2 = ((off2 << 8 & 0xf000) | (off2 & 0xf)); - case R685: - writereg(cs->hw.gazel.hscx[hscx], off2, value); - break; - case R753: - case R742: - writereg_ipac(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, hscx * 0x40 + off2, value); - break; + case R647: + off2 = ((off2 << 8 & 0xf000) | (off2 & 0xf)); + case R685: + writereg(cs->hw.gazel.hscx[hscx], off2, value); + break; + case R753: + case R742: + writereg_ipac(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, hscx * 0x40 + off2, value); + break; } } @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ gazel_interrupt_ipac(int intno, void *dev_id) u_char ista, val; int count = 0; u_long flags; - + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); ista = ReadISAC(cs, IPAC_ISTA - 0x80); do { @@ -322,25 +322,25 @@ release_io_gazel(struct IsdnCardState *cs) unsigned int i; switch (cs->subtyp) { - case R647: - for (i = 0x0000; i < 0xC000; i += 0x1000) - release_region(i + cs->hw.gazel.hscx[0], 16); - release_region(0xC000 + cs->hw.gazel.hscx[0], 1); - break; - - case R685: - release_region(cs->hw.gazel.hscx[0], 0x100); - release_region(cs->hw.gazel.cfg_reg, 0x80); - break; - - case R753: - release_region(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, 0x8); - release_region(cs->hw.gazel.cfg_reg, 0x80); - break; - - case R742: - release_region(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, 8); - break; + case R647: + for (i = 0x0000; i < 0xC000; i += 0x1000) + release_region(i + cs->hw.gazel.hscx[0], 16); + release_region(0xC000 + cs->hw.gazel.hscx[0], 1); + break; + + case R685: + release_region(cs->hw.gazel.hscx[0], 0x100); + release_region(cs->hw.gazel.cfg_reg, 0x80); + break; + + case R753: + release_region(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, 0x8); + release_region(cs->hw.gazel.cfg_reg, 0x80); + break; + + case R742: + release_region(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, 8); + break; } } @@ -350,49 +350,49 @@ reset_gazel(struct IsdnCardState *cs) unsigned long plxcntrl, addr = cs->hw.gazel.cfg_reg; switch (cs->subtyp) { - case R647: - writereg(addr, 0, 0); - HZDELAY(10); - writereg(addr, 0, 1); - HZDELAY(2); - break; - case R685: - plxcntrl = inl(addr + PLX_CNTRL); - plxcntrl |= (RESET_9050 + RESET_GAZEL); - outl(plxcntrl, addr + PLX_CNTRL); - plxcntrl &= ~(RESET_9050 + RESET_GAZEL); - HZDELAY(4); - outl(plxcntrl, addr + PLX_CNTRL); - HZDELAY(10); - outb(INT_ISAC_EN + INT_HSCX_EN + INT_PCI_EN, addr + PLX_INCSR); - break; - case R753: - plxcntrl = inl(addr + PLX_CNTRL); - plxcntrl |= (RESET_9050 + RESET_GAZEL); - outl(plxcntrl, addr + PLX_CNTRL); - plxcntrl &= ~(RESET_9050 + RESET_GAZEL); - WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_POTA2 - 0x80, 0x20); - HZDELAY(4); - outl(plxcntrl, addr + PLX_CNTRL); - HZDELAY(10); - WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_POTA2 - 0x80, 0x00); - WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_ACFG - 0x80, 0xff); - WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_AOE - 0x80, 0x0); - WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_MASK - 0x80, 0xff); - WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_CONF - 0x80, 0x1); - outb(INT_IPAC_EN + INT_PCI_EN, addr + PLX_INCSR); - WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_MASK - 0x80, 0xc0); - break; - case R742: - WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_POTA2 - 0x80, 0x20); - HZDELAY(4); - WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_POTA2 - 0x80, 0x00); - WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_ACFG - 0x80, 0xff); - WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_AOE - 0x80, 0x0); - WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_MASK - 0x80, 0xff); - WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_CONF - 0x80, 0x1); - WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_MASK - 0x80, 0xc0); - break; + case R647: + writereg(addr, 0, 0); + HZDELAY(10); + writereg(addr, 0, 1); + HZDELAY(2); + break; + case R685: + plxcntrl = inl(addr + PLX_CNTRL); + plxcntrl |= (RESET_9050 + RESET_GAZEL); + outl(plxcntrl, addr + PLX_CNTRL); + plxcntrl &= ~(RESET_9050 + RESET_GAZEL); + HZDELAY(4); + outl(plxcntrl, addr + PLX_CNTRL); + HZDELAY(10); + outb(INT_ISAC_EN + INT_HSCX_EN + INT_PCI_EN, addr + PLX_INCSR); + break; + case R753: + plxcntrl = inl(addr + PLX_CNTRL); + plxcntrl |= (RESET_9050 + RESET_GAZEL); + outl(plxcntrl, addr + PLX_CNTRL); + plxcntrl &= ~(RESET_9050 + RESET_GAZEL); + WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_POTA2 - 0x80, 0x20); + HZDELAY(4); + outl(plxcntrl, addr + PLX_CNTRL); + HZDELAY(10); + WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_POTA2 - 0x80, 0x00); + WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_ACFG - 0x80, 0xff); + WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_AOE - 0x80, 0x0); + WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_MASK - 0x80, 0xff); + WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_CONF - 0x80, 0x1); + outb(INT_IPAC_EN + INT_PCI_EN, addr + PLX_INCSR); + WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_MASK - 0x80, 0xc0); + break; + case R742: + WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_POTA2 - 0x80, 0x20); + HZDELAY(4); + WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_POTA2 - 0x80, 0x00); + WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_ACFG - 0x80, 0xff); + WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_AOE - 0x80, 0x0); + WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_MASK - 0x80, 0xff); + WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_CONF - 0x80, 0x1); + WriteISAC(cs, IPAC_MASK - 0x80, 0xc0); + break; } return (0); } @@ -403,28 +403,28 @@ Gazel_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_gazel(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return (0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_gazel(cs); - return (0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - inithscxisac(cs, 1); - if ((cs->subtyp==R647)||(cs->subtyp==R685)) { - int i; - for (i=0;i<(2+MAX_WAITING_CALLS);i++) { - cs->bcs[i].hw.hscx.tsaxr0 = 0x1f; - cs->bcs[i].hw.hscx.tsaxr1 = 0x23; - } + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_gazel(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_gazel(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + inithscxisac(cs, 1); + if ((cs->subtyp == R647) || (cs->subtyp == R685)) { + int i; + for (i = 0; i < (2 + MAX_WAITING_CALLS); i++) { + cs->bcs[i].hw.hscx.tsaxr0 = 0x1f; + cs->bcs[i].hw.hscx.tsaxr1 = 0x23; } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return (0); - case CARD_TEST: - return (0); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } return (0); } @@ -435,49 +435,49 @@ reserve_regions(struct IsdnCard *card, struct IsdnCardState *cs) unsigned int i, j, base = 0, adr = 0, len = 0; switch (cs->subtyp) { - case R647: - base = cs->hw.gazel.hscx[0]; - if (!request_region(adr = (0xC000 + base), len = 1, "gazel")) - goto error; - for (i = 0x0000; i < 0xC000; i += 0x1000) { - if (!request_region(adr = (i + base), len = 16, "gazel")) - goto error; - } - if (i != 0xC000) { - for (j = 0; j < i; j+= 0x1000) - release_region(j + base, 16); - release_region(0xC000 + base, 1); + case R647: + base = cs->hw.gazel.hscx[0]; + if (!request_region(adr = (0xC000 + base), len = 1, "gazel")) + goto error; + for (i = 0x0000; i < 0xC000; i += 0x1000) { + if (!request_region(adr = (i + base), len = 16, "gazel")) goto error; - } - break; + } + if (i != 0xC000) { + for (j = 0; j < i; j += 0x1000) + release_region(j + base, 16); + release_region(0xC000 + base, 1); + goto error; + } + break; - case R685: - if (!request_region(adr = cs->hw.gazel.hscx[0], len = 0x100, "gazel")) - goto error; - if (!request_region(adr = cs->hw.gazel.cfg_reg, len = 0x80, "gazel")) { - release_region(cs->hw.gazel.hscx[0],0x100); - goto error; - } - break; + case R685: + if (!request_region(adr = cs->hw.gazel.hscx[0], len = 0x100, "gazel")) + goto error; + if (!request_region(adr = cs->hw.gazel.cfg_reg, len = 0x80, "gazel")) { + release_region(cs->hw.gazel.hscx[0], 0x100); + goto error; + } + break; - case R753: - if (!request_region(adr = cs->hw.gazel.ipac, len = 0x8, "gazel")) - goto error; - if (!request_region(adr = cs->hw.gazel.cfg_reg, len = 0x80, "gazel")) { - release_region(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, 8); - goto error; - } - break; + case R753: + if (!request_region(adr = cs->hw.gazel.ipac, len = 0x8, "gazel")) + goto error; + if (!request_region(adr = cs->hw.gazel.cfg_reg, len = 0x80, "gazel")) { + release_region(cs->hw.gazel.ipac, 8); + goto error; + } + break; - case R742: - if (!request_region(adr = cs->hw.gazel.ipac, len = 0x8, "gazel")) - goto error; - break; + case R742: + if (!request_region(adr = cs->hw.gazel.ipac, len = 0x8, "gazel")) + goto error; + break; } return 0; - error: +error: printk(KERN_WARNING "Gazel: io ports 0x%x-0x%x already in use\n", adr, adr + len); return 1; @@ -508,24 +508,24 @@ setup_gazelisa(struct IsdnCard *card, struct IsdnCardState *cs) cs->hw.gazel.hscxfifo[1] = cs->hw.gazel.hscx[1]; switch (cs->subtyp) { - case R647: - printk(KERN_INFO "Gazel: Card ISA R647/R648 found\n"); - cs->dc.isac.adf2 = 0x87; - printk(KERN_INFO - "Gazel: config irq:%d isac:0x%X cfg:0x%X\n", - cs->irq, cs->hw.gazel.isac, cs->hw.gazel.cfg_reg); - printk(KERN_INFO - "Gazel: hscx A:0x%X hscx B:0x%X\n", - cs->hw.gazel.hscx[0], cs->hw.gazel.hscx[1]); - - break; - case R742: - printk(KERN_INFO "Gazel: Card ISA R742 found\n"); - test_and_set_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags); - printk(KERN_INFO - "Gazel: config irq:%d ipac:0x%X\n", - cs->irq, cs->hw.gazel.ipac); - break; + case R647: + printk(KERN_INFO "Gazel: Card ISA R647/R648 found\n"); + cs->dc.isac.adf2 = 0x87; + printk(KERN_INFO + "Gazel: config irq:%d isac:0x%X cfg:0x%X\n", + cs->irq, cs->hw.gazel.isac, cs->hw.gazel.cfg_reg); + printk(KERN_INFO + "Gazel: hscx A:0x%X hscx B:0x%X\n", + cs->hw.gazel.hscx[0], cs->hw.gazel.hscx[1]); + + break; + case R742: + printk(KERN_INFO "Gazel: Card ISA R742 found\n"); + test_and_set_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags); + printk(KERN_INFO + "Gazel: config irq:%d ipac:0x%X\n", + cs->irq, cs->hw.gazel.ipac); + break; } return (0); @@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ setup_gazelpci(struct IsdnCardState *cs) seekcard = PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_R685; for (nbseek = 0; nbseek < 4; nbseek++) { if ((dev_tel = hisax_find_pci_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_PLX, - seekcard, dev_tel))) { + seekcard, dev_tel))) { if (pci_enable_device(dev_tel)) return 1; pci_irq = dev_tel->irq; @@ -559,15 +559,15 @@ setup_gazelpci(struct IsdnCardState *cs) break; else { switch (seekcard) { - case PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_R685: - seekcard = PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_R753; - break; - case PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_R753: - seekcard = PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_DJINN_ITOO; - break; - case PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_DJINN_ITOO: - seekcard = PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_OLITEC; - break; + case PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_R685: + seekcard = PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_R753; + break; + case PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_R753: + seekcard = PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_DJINN_ITOO; + break; + case PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_DJINN_ITOO: + seekcard = PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_OLITEC; + break; } } } @@ -595,27 +595,27 @@ setup_gazelpci(struct IsdnCardState *cs) cs->irq_flags |= IRQF_SHARED; switch (seekcard) { - case PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_R685: - printk(KERN_INFO "Gazel: Card PCI R685 found\n"); - cs->subtyp = R685; - cs->dc.isac.adf2 = 0x87; - printk(KERN_INFO - "Gazel: config irq:%d isac:0x%X cfg:0x%X\n", - cs->irq, cs->hw.gazel.isac, cs->hw.gazel.cfg_reg); - printk(KERN_INFO - "Gazel: hscx A:0x%X hscx B:0x%X\n", - cs->hw.gazel.hscx[0], cs->hw.gazel.hscx[1]); - break; - case PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_R753: - case PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_DJINN_ITOO: - case PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_OLITEC: - printk(KERN_INFO "Gazel: Card PCI R753 found\n"); - cs->subtyp = R753; - test_and_set_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags); - printk(KERN_INFO - "Gazel: config irq:%d ipac:0x%X cfg:0x%X\n", - cs->irq, cs->hw.gazel.ipac, cs->hw.gazel.cfg_reg); - break; + case PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_R685: + printk(KERN_INFO "Gazel: Card PCI R685 found\n"); + cs->subtyp = R685; + cs->dc.isac.adf2 = 0x87; + printk(KERN_INFO + "Gazel: config irq:%d isac:0x%X cfg:0x%X\n", + cs->irq, cs->hw.gazel.isac, cs->hw.gazel.cfg_reg); + printk(KERN_INFO + "Gazel: hscx A:0x%X hscx B:0x%X\n", + cs->hw.gazel.hscx[0], cs->hw.gazel.hscx[1]); + break; + case PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_R753: + case PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_DJINN_ITOO: + case PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_OLITEC: + printk(KERN_INFO "Gazel: Card PCI R753 found\n"); + cs->subtyp = R753; + test_and_set_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags); + printk(KERN_INFO + "Gazel: config irq:%d ipac:0x%X cfg:0x%X\n", + cs->irq, cs->hw.gazel.ipac, cs->hw.gazel.cfg_reg); + break; } return (0); @@ -667,23 +667,23 @@ setup_gazel(struct IsdnCard *card) cs->cardmsg = &Gazel_card_msg; switch (cs->subtyp) { - case R647: - case R685: - cs->irq_func = &gazel_interrupt; - ISACVersion(cs, "Gazel:"); - if (HscxVersion(cs, "Gazel:")) { - printk(KERN_WARNING - "Gazel: wrong HSCX versions check IO address\n"); - release_io_gazel(cs); - return (0); - } - break; - case R742: - case R753: - cs->irq_func = &gazel_interrupt_ipac; - val = ReadISAC(cs, IPAC_ID - 0x80); - printk(KERN_INFO "Gazel: IPAC version %x\n", val); - break; + case R647: + case R685: + cs->irq_func = &gazel_interrupt; + ISACVersion(cs, "Gazel:"); + if (HscxVersion(cs, "Gazel:")) { + printk(KERN_WARNING + "Gazel: wrong HSCX versions check IO address\n"); + release_io_gazel(cs); + return (0); + } + break; + case R742: + case R753: + cs->irq_func = &gazel_interrupt_ipac; + val = ReadISAC(cs, IPAC_ID - 0x80); + printk(KERN_INFO "Gazel: IPAC version %x\n", val); + break; } return (1); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc4s8s_l1.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc4s8s_l1.c index 384d5118e325a992a2c9b9aa2ab56573a3935d84..dea04de8e7ca292005e4a1e1b13774977ffd8c36 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc4s8s_l1.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc4s8s_l1.c @@ -93,32 +93,32 @@ static struct pci_device_id hfc4s8s_ids[] = { .subdevice = 0x08b4, .driver_data = (unsigned long) &((hfc4s8s_param) {CHIP_ID_4S, CLOCKMODE_0, 4, - "HFC-4S Evaluation Board"}), - }, + "HFC-4S Evaluation Board"}), + }, {.vendor = PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, .device = PCI_DEVICE_ID_8S, .subvendor = 0x1397, .subdevice = 0x16b8, .driver_data = (unsigned long) &((hfc4s8s_param) {CHIP_ID_8S, CLOCKMODE_0, 8, - "HFC-8S Evaluation Board"}), - }, + "HFC-8S Evaluation Board"}), + }, {.vendor = PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, .device = PCI_DEVICE_ID_4S, .subvendor = 0x1397, .subdevice = 0xb520, .driver_data = (unsigned long) &((hfc4s8s_param) {CHIP_ID_4S, CLOCKMODE_1, 4, - "IOB4ST"}), - }, + "IOB4ST"}), + }, {.vendor = PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, .device = PCI_DEVICE_ID_8S, .subvendor = 0x1397, .subdevice = 0xb522, .driver_data = (unsigned long) &((hfc4s8s_param) {CHIP_ID_8S, CLOCKMODE_1, 8, - "IOB8ST"}), - }, + "IOB8ST"}), + }, {} }; @@ -203,14 +203,14 @@ typedef struct _hfc4s8s_hw { #ifdef HISAX_HFC4S8S_PCIMEM /* inline functions memory mapped */ /* memory write and dummy IO read to avoid PCI byte merge problems */ -#define Write_hfc8(a,b,c) {(*((volatile u_char *)(a->membase+b)) = c); inb(a->iobase+4);} +#define Write_hfc8(a, b, c) {(*((volatile u_char *)(a->membase + b)) = c); inb(a->iobase + 4);} /* memory write without dummy IO access for fifo data access */ -#define fWrite_hfc8(a,b,c) (*((volatile u_char *)(a->membase+b)) = c) -#define Read_hfc8(a,b) (*((volatile u_char *)(a->membase+b))) -#define Write_hfc16(a,b,c) (*((volatile unsigned short *)(a->membase+b)) = c) -#define Read_hfc16(a,b) (*((volatile unsigned short *)(a->membase+b))) -#define Write_hfc32(a,b,c) (*((volatile unsigned long *)(a->membase+b)) = c) -#define Read_hfc32(a,b) (*((volatile unsigned long *)(a->membase+b))) +#define fWrite_hfc8(a, b, c) (*((volatile u_char *)(a->membase + b)) = c) +#define Read_hfc8(a, b) (*((volatile u_char *)(a->membase + b))) +#define Write_hfc16(a, b, c) (*((volatile unsigned short *)(a->membase + b)) = c) +#define Read_hfc16(a, b) (*((volatile unsigned short *)(a->membase + b))) +#define Write_hfc32(a, b, c) (*((volatile unsigned long *)(a->membase + b)) = c) +#define Read_hfc32(a, b) (*((volatile unsigned long *)(a->membase + b))) #define wait_busy(a) {while ((Read_hfc8(a, R_STATUS) & M_BUSY));} #define PCI_ENA_MEMIO 0x03 @@ -218,87 +218,87 @@ typedef struct _hfc4s8s_hw { /* inline functions io mapped */ static inline void -SetRegAddr(hfc4s8s_hw * a, u_char b) +SetRegAddr(hfc4s8s_hw *a, u_char b) { outb(b, (a->iobase) + 4); } static inline u_char -GetRegAddr(hfc4s8s_hw * a) +GetRegAddr(hfc4s8s_hw *a) { return (inb((volatile u_int) (a->iobase + 4))); } static inline void -Write_hfc8(hfc4s8s_hw * a, u_char b, u_char c) +Write_hfc8(hfc4s8s_hw *a, u_char b, u_char c) { SetRegAddr(a, b); outb(c, a->iobase); } static inline void -fWrite_hfc8(hfc4s8s_hw * a, u_char c) +fWrite_hfc8(hfc4s8s_hw *a, u_char c) { outb(c, a->iobase); } static inline void -Write_hfc16(hfc4s8s_hw * a, u_char b, u_short c) +Write_hfc16(hfc4s8s_hw *a, u_char b, u_short c) { SetRegAddr(a, b); outw(c, a->iobase); } static inline void -Write_hfc32(hfc4s8s_hw * a, u_char b, u_long c) +Write_hfc32(hfc4s8s_hw *a, u_char b, u_long c) { SetRegAddr(a, b); outl(c, a->iobase); } static inline void -fWrite_hfc32(hfc4s8s_hw * a, u_long c) +fWrite_hfc32(hfc4s8s_hw *a, u_long c) { outl(c, a->iobase); } static inline u_char -Read_hfc8(hfc4s8s_hw * a, u_char b) +Read_hfc8(hfc4s8s_hw *a, u_char b) { SetRegAddr(a, b); return (inb((volatile u_int) a->iobase)); } static inline u_char -fRead_hfc8(hfc4s8s_hw * a) +fRead_hfc8(hfc4s8s_hw *a) { return (inb((volatile u_int) a->iobase)); } static inline u_short -Read_hfc16(hfc4s8s_hw * a, u_char b) +Read_hfc16(hfc4s8s_hw *a, u_char b) { SetRegAddr(a, b); return (inw((volatile u_int) a->iobase)); } static inline u_long -Read_hfc32(hfc4s8s_hw * a, u_char b) +Read_hfc32(hfc4s8s_hw *a, u_char b) { SetRegAddr(a, b); return (inl((volatile u_int) a->iobase)); } static inline u_long -fRead_hfc32(hfc4s8s_hw * a) +fRead_hfc32(hfc4s8s_hw *a) { return (inl((volatile u_int) a->iobase)); } static inline void -wait_busy(hfc4s8s_hw * a) +wait_busy(hfc4s8s_hw *a) { SetRegAddr(a, R_STATUS); while (inb((volatile u_int) a->iobase) & M_BUSY); @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ wait_busy(hfc4s8s_hw * a) /* may be updated by the chip during read */ /******************************************************/ static u_char -Read_hfc8_stable(hfc4s8s_hw * hw, int reg) +Read_hfc8_stable(hfc4s8s_hw *hw, int reg) { u_char ref8; u_char in8; @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ Read_hfc8_stable(hfc4s8s_hw * hw, int reg) } static int -Read_hfc16_stable(hfc4s8s_hw * hw, int reg) +Read_hfc16_stable(hfc4s8s_hw *hw, int reg) { int ref16; int in16; @@ -349,67 +349,67 @@ dch_l2l1(struct hisax_d_if *iface, int pr, void *arg) switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - if (!l1->enabled) { - dev_kfree_skb(skb); - break; - } - spin_lock_irqsave(&l1->lock, flags); - skb_queue_tail(&l1->d_tx_queue, skb); - if ((skb_queue_len(&l1->d_tx_queue) == 1) && - (l1->tx_cnt <= 0)) { - l1->hw->mr.r_irq_fifo_blx[l1->st_num] |= - 0x10; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l1->lock, flags); - schedule_work(&l1->hw->tqueue); - } else - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l1->lock, flags); + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + if (!l1->enabled) { + dev_kfree_skb(skb); break; + } + spin_lock_irqsave(&l1->lock, flags); + skb_queue_tail(&l1->d_tx_queue, skb); + if ((skb_queue_len(&l1->d_tx_queue) == 1) && + (l1->tx_cnt <= 0)) { + l1->hw->mr.r_irq_fifo_blx[l1->st_num] |= + 0x10; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l1->lock, flags); + schedule_work(&l1->hw->tqueue); + } else + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l1->lock, flags); + break; - case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): - if (!l1->enabled) - break; - if (!l1->nt_mode) { - if (l1->l1_state < 6) { - spin_lock_irqsave(&l1->lock, - flags); - - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_ST_SEL, - l1->st_num); - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_ST_WR_STA, - 0x60); - mod_timer(&l1->l1_timer, - jiffies + L1_TIMER_T3); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l1->lock, - flags); - } else if (l1->l1_state == 7) - l1->d_if.ifc.l1l2(&l1->d_if.ifc, - PH_ACTIVATE | - INDICATION, - NULL); - } else { - if (l1->l1_state != 3) { - spin_lock_irqsave(&l1->lock, - flags); - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_ST_SEL, - l1->st_num); - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_ST_WR_STA, - 0x60); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l1->lock, - flags); - } else if (l1->l1_state == 3) - l1->d_if.ifc.l1l2(&l1->d_if.ifc, - PH_ACTIVATE | - INDICATION, - NULL); - } + case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): + if (!l1->enabled) break; + if (!l1->nt_mode) { + if (l1->l1_state < 6) { + spin_lock_irqsave(&l1->lock, + flags); + + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_ST_SEL, + l1->st_num); + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_ST_WR_STA, + 0x60); + mod_timer(&l1->l1_timer, + jiffies + L1_TIMER_T3); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l1->lock, + flags); + } else if (l1->l1_state == 7) + l1->d_if.ifc.l1l2(&l1->d_if.ifc, + PH_ACTIVATE | + INDICATION, + NULL); + } else { + if (l1->l1_state != 3) { + spin_lock_irqsave(&l1->lock, + flags); + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_ST_SEL, + l1->st_num); + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_ST_WR_STA, + 0x60); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l1->lock, + flags); + } else if (l1->l1_state == 3) + l1->d_if.ifc.l1l2(&l1->d_if.ifc, + PH_ACTIVATE | + INDICATION, + NULL); + } + break; - default: - printk(KERN_INFO - "HFC-4S/8S: Unknown D-chan cmd 0x%x received, ignored\n", - pr); - break; + default: + printk(KERN_INFO + "HFC-4S/8S: Unknown D-chan cmd 0x%x received, ignored\n", + pr); + break; } if (!l1->enabled) l1->d_if.ifc.l1l2(&l1->d_if.ifc, @@ -430,199 +430,199 @@ bch_l2l1(struct hisax_if *ifc, int pr, void *arg) switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - if (!l1->enabled || (bch->mode == L1_MODE_NULL)) { - dev_kfree_skb(skb); - break; - } - spin_lock_irqsave(&l1->lock, flags); - skb_queue_tail(&bch->tx_queue, skb); - if (!bch->tx_skb && (bch->tx_cnt <= 0)) { - l1->hw->mr.r_irq_fifo_blx[l1->st_num] |= - ((bch->bchan == 1) ? 1 : 4); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l1->lock, flags); - schedule_work(&l1->hw->tqueue); - } else - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l1->lock, flags); + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + if (!l1->enabled || (bch->mode == L1_MODE_NULL)) { + dev_kfree_skb(skb); break; + } + spin_lock_irqsave(&l1->lock, flags); + skb_queue_tail(&bch->tx_queue, skb); + if (!bch->tx_skb && (bch->tx_cnt <= 0)) { + l1->hw->mr.r_irq_fifo_blx[l1->st_num] |= + ((bch->bchan == 1) ? 1 : 4); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l1->lock, flags); + schedule_work(&l1->hw->tqueue); + } else + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l1->lock, flags); + break; - case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): - if (!l1->enabled) - break; - if (pr == (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST)) - mode = L1_MODE_NULL; - - switch (mode) { - case L1_MODE_HDLC: - spin_lock_irqsave(&l1->lock, - flags); - l1->hw->mr.timer_usg_cnt++; - l1->hw->mr. - fifo_slow_timer_service[l1-> - st_num] - |= - ((bch->bchan == - 1) ? 0x2 : 0x8); - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_FIFO, - (l1->st_num * 8 + - ((bch->bchan == - 1) ? 0 : 2))); - wait_busy(l1->hw); - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_CON_HDLC, 0xc); /* HDLC mode, flag fill, connect ST */ - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_SUBCH_CFG, 0); /* 8 bits */ - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_IRQ_MSK, 1); /* enable TX interrupts for hdlc */ - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_INC_RES_FIFO, 2); /* reset fifo */ - wait_busy(l1->hw); - - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_FIFO, - (l1->st_num * 8 + - ((bch->bchan == - 1) ? 1 : 3))); - wait_busy(l1->hw); - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_CON_HDLC, 0xc); /* HDLC mode, flag fill, connect ST */ - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_SUBCH_CFG, 0); /* 8 bits */ - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_IRQ_MSK, 1); /* enable RX interrupts for hdlc */ - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_INC_RES_FIFO, 2); /* reset fifo */ - - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_ST_SEL, - l1->st_num); - l1->hw->mr.r_ctrl0 |= - (bch->bchan & 3); - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_ST_CTRL0, - l1->hw->mr.r_ctrl0); - bch->mode = L1_MODE_HDLC; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l1->lock, - flags); - - bch->b_if.ifc.l1l2(&bch->b_if.ifc, - PH_ACTIVATE | - INDICATION, - NULL); - break; - - case L1_MODE_TRANS: - spin_lock_irqsave(&l1->lock, - flags); - l1->hw->mr. - fifo_rx_trans_enables[l1-> - st_num] - |= - ((bch->bchan == - 1) ? 0x2 : 0x8); - l1->hw->mr.timer_usg_cnt++; - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_FIFO, - (l1->st_num * 8 + - ((bch->bchan == - 1) ? 0 : 2))); - wait_busy(l1->hw); - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_CON_HDLC, 0xf); /* Transparent mode, 1 fill, connect ST */ - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_SUBCH_CFG, 0); /* 8 bits */ - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_IRQ_MSK, 0); /* disable TX interrupts */ - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_INC_RES_FIFO, 2); /* reset fifo */ - wait_busy(l1->hw); - - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_FIFO, - (l1->st_num * 8 + - ((bch->bchan == - 1) ? 1 : 3))); - wait_busy(l1->hw); - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_CON_HDLC, 0xf); /* Transparent mode, 1 fill, connect ST */ - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_SUBCH_CFG, 0); /* 8 bits */ - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_IRQ_MSK, 0); /* disable RX interrupts */ - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_INC_RES_FIFO, 2); /* reset fifo */ - - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_ST_SEL, - l1->st_num); - l1->hw->mr.r_ctrl0 |= - (bch->bchan & 3); - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_ST_CTRL0, - l1->hw->mr.r_ctrl0); - bch->mode = L1_MODE_TRANS; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l1->lock, - flags); - - bch->b_if.ifc.l1l2(&bch->b_if.ifc, - PH_ACTIVATE | - INDICATION, - NULL); - break; - - default: - if (bch->mode == L1_MODE_NULL) - break; - spin_lock_irqsave(&l1->lock, - flags); - l1->hw->mr. - fifo_slow_timer_service[l1-> - st_num] - &= - ~((bch->bchan == - 1) ? 0x3 : 0xc); - l1->hw->mr. - fifo_rx_trans_enables[l1-> - st_num] - &= - ~((bch->bchan == - 1) ? 0x3 : 0xc); - l1->hw->mr.timer_usg_cnt--; - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_FIFO, - (l1->st_num * 8 + - ((bch->bchan == - 1) ? 0 : 2))); - wait_busy(l1->hw); - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_IRQ_MSK, 0); /* disable TX interrupts */ - wait_busy(l1->hw); - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_FIFO, - (l1->st_num * 8 + - ((bch->bchan == - 1) ? 1 : 3))); - wait_busy(l1->hw); - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_IRQ_MSK, 0); /* disable RX interrupts */ - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_ST_SEL, - l1->st_num); - l1->hw->mr.r_ctrl0 &= - ~(bch->bchan & 3); - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_ST_CTRL0, - l1->hw->mr.r_ctrl0); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l1->lock, - flags); - - bch->mode = L1_MODE_NULL; - bch->b_if.ifc.l1l2(&bch->b_if.ifc, - PH_DEACTIVATE | - INDICATION, - NULL); - if (bch->tx_skb) { - dev_kfree_skb(bch->tx_skb); - bch->tx_skb = NULL; - } - if (bch->rx_skb) { - dev_kfree_skb(bch->rx_skb); - bch->rx_skb = NULL; - } - skb_queue_purge(&bch->tx_queue); - bch->tx_cnt = 0; - bch->rx_ptr = NULL; - break; - } + case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): + if (!l1->enabled) + break; + if (pr == (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST)) + mode = L1_MODE_NULL; + + switch (mode) { + case L1_MODE_HDLC: + spin_lock_irqsave(&l1->lock, + flags); + l1->hw->mr.timer_usg_cnt++; + l1->hw->mr. + fifo_slow_timer_service[l1-> + st_num] + |= + ((bch->bchan == + 1) ? 0x2 : 0x8); + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_FIFO, + (l1->st_num * 8 + + ((bch->bchan == + 1) ? 0 : 2))); + wait_busy(l1->hw); + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_CON_HDLC, 0xc); /* HDLC mode, flag fill, connect ST */ + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_SUBCH_CFG, 0); /* 8 bits */ + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_IRQ_MSK, 1); /* enable TX interrupts for hdlc */ + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_INC_RES_FIFO, 2); /* reset fifo */ + wait_busy(l1->hw); - /* timer is only used when at least one b channel */ - /* is set up to transparent mode */ - if (l1->hw->mr.timer_usg_cnt) { - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_IRQMSK_MISC, - M_TI_IRQMSK); - } else { - Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_IRQMSK_MISC, 0); - } + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_FIFO, + (l1->st_num * 8 + + ((bch->bchan == + 1) ? 1 : 3))); + wait_busy(l1->hw); + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_CON_HDLC, 0xc); /* HDLC mode, flag fill, connect ST */ + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_SUBCH_CFG, 0); /* 8 bits */ + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_IRQ_MSK, 1); /* enable RX interrupts for hdlc */ + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_INC_RES_FIFO, 2); /* reset fifo */ + + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_ST_SEL, + l1->st_num); + l1->hw->mr.r_ctrl0 |= + (bch->bchan & 3); + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_ST_CTRL0, + l1->hw->mr.r_ctrl0); + bch->mode = L1_MODE_HDLC; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l1->lock, + flags); + + bch->b_if.ifc.l1l2(&bch->b_if.ifc, + PH_ACTIVATE | + INDICATION, + NULL); + break; + case L1_MODE_TRANS: + spin_lock_irqsave(&l1->lock, + flags); + l1->hw->mr. + fifo_rx_trans_enables[l1-> + st_num] + |= + ((bch->bchan == + 1) ? 0x2 : 0x8); + l1->hw->mr.timer_usg_cnt++; + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_FIFO, + (l1->st_num * 8 + + ((bch->bchan == + 1) ? 0 : 2))); + wait_busy(l1->hw); + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_CON_HDLC, 0xf); /* Transparent mode, 1 fill, connect ST */ + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_SUBCH_CFG, 0); /* 8 bits */ + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_IRQ_MSK, 0); /* disable TX interrupts */ + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_INC_RES_FIFO, 2); /* reset fifo */ + wait_busy(l1->hw); + + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_FIFO, + (l1->st_num * 8 + + ((bch->bchan == + 1) ? 1 : 3))); + wait_busy(l1->hw); + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_CON_HDLC, 0xf); /* Transparent mode, 1 fill, connect ST */ + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_SUBCH_CFG, 0); /* 8 bits */ + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_IRQ_MSK, 0); /* disable RX interrupts */ + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_INC_RES_FIFO, 2); /* reset fifo */ + + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_ST_SEL, + l1->st_num); + l1->hw->mr.r_ctrl0 |= + (bch->bchan & 3); + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_ST_CTRL0, + l1->hw->mr.r_ctrl0); + bch->mode = L1_MODE_TRANS; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l1->lock, + flags); + + bch->b_if.ifc.l1l2(&bch->b_if.ifc, + PH_ACTIVATE | + INDICATION, + NULL); break; default: - printk(KERN_INFO - "HFC-4S/8S: Unknown B-chan cmd 0x%x received, ignored\n", - pr); + if (bch->mode == L1_MODE_NULL) + break; + spin_lock_irqsave(&l1->lock, + flags); + l1->hw->mr. + fifo_slow_timer_service[l1-> + st_num] + &= + ~((bch->bchan == + 1) ? 0x3 : 0xc); + l1->hw->mr. + fifo_rx_trans_enables[l1-> + st_num] + &= + ~((bch->bchan == + 1) ? 0x3 : 0xc); + l1->hw->mr.timer_usg_cnt--; + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_FIFO, + (l1->st_num * 8 + + ((bch->bchan == + 1) ? 0 : 2))); + wait_busy(l1->hw); + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_IRQ_MSK, 0); /* disable TX interrupts */ + wait_busy(l1->hw); + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_FIFO, + (l1->st_num * 8 + + ((bch->bchan == + 1) ? 1 : 3))); + wait_busy(l1->hw); + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_IRQ_MSK, 0); /* disable RX interrupts */ + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_ST_SEL, + l1->st_num); + l1->hw->mr.r_ctrl0 &= + ~(bch->bchan & 3); + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, A_ST_CTRL0, + l1->hw->mr.r_ctrl0); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l1->lock, + flags); + + bch->mode = L1_MODE_NULL; + bch->b_if.ifc.l1l2(&bch->b_if.ifc, + PH_DEACTIVATE | + INDICATION, + NULL); + if (bch->tx_skb) { + dev_kfree_skb(bch->tx_skb); + bch->tx_skb = NULL; + } + if (bch->rx_skb) { + dev_kfree_skb(bch->rx_skb); + bch->rx_skb = NULL; + } + skb_queue_purge(&bch->tx_queue); + bch->tx_cnt = 0; + bch->rx_ptr = NULL; break; + } + + /* timer is only used when at least one b channel */ + /* is set up to transparent mode */ + if (l1->hw->mr.timer_usg_cnt) { + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_IRQMSK_MISC, + M_TI_IRQMSK); + } else { + Write_hfc8(l1->hw, R_IRQMSK_MISC, 0); + } + + break; + + default: + printk(KERN_INFO + "HFC-4S/8S: Unknown B-chan cmd 0x%x received, ignored\n", + pr); + break; } if (!l1->enabled) bch->b_if.ifc.l1l2(&bch->b_if.ifc, @@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ rx_d_frame(struct hfc4s8s_l1 *l1p, int ech) #ifdef HISAX_HFC4S8S_PCIMEM Read_hfc8(l1p->hw, A_FIFO_DATA0); #else - fRead_hfc8(l1p->hw); + fRead_hfc8(l1p->hw); #endif Write_hfc8(l1p->hw, A_INC_RES_FIFO, 1); @@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ rx_d_frame(struct hfc4s8s_l1 *l1p, int ech) while (z1 >= 4) { #ifdef HISAX_HFC4S8S_PCIMEM *((unsigned long *) cp) = - Read_hfc32(l1p->hw, A_FIFO_DATA0); + Read_hfc32(l1p->hw, A_FIFO_DATA0); #else *((unsigned long *) cp) = fRead_hfc32(l1p->hw); #endif @@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ rx_d_frame(struct hfc4s8s_l1 *l1p, int ech) #ifdef HISAX_HFC4S8S_PCIMEM *cp++ = Read_hfc8(l1p->hw, A_FIFO_DATA0); #else - *cp++ = fRead_hfc8(l1p->hw); + *cp++ = fRead_hfc8(l1p->hw); #endif Write_hfc8(l1p->hw, A_INC_RES_FIFO, 1); /* increment f counter */ @@ -866,10 +866,10 @@ rx_b_frame(struct hfc4s8s_btype *bch) while (z1 >= 4) { #ifdef HISAX_HFC4S8S_PCIMEM *((unsigned long *) bch->rx_ptr) = - Read_hfc32(l1->hw, A_FIFO_DATA0); + Read_hfc32(l1->hw, A_FIFO_DATA0); #else *((unsigned long *) bch->rx_ptr) = - fRead_hfc32(l1->hw); + fRead_hfc32(l1->hw); #endif bch->rx_ptr += 4; z1 -= 4; @@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ rx_b_frame(struct hfc4s8s_btype *bch) #ifdef HISAX_HFC4S8S_PCIMEM *(bch->rx_ptr++) = Read_hfc8(l1->hw, A_FIFO_DATA0); #else - *(bch->rx_ptr++) = fRead_hfc8(l1->hw); + *(bch->rx_ptr++) = fRead_hfc8(l1->hw); #endif if (hdlc_complete) { @@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ tx_b_frame(struct hfc4s8s_btype *bch) if (bch->mode == L1_MODE_HDLC) { hdlc_num = Read_hfc8(l1->hw, A_F1) & MAX_F_CNT; hdlc_num -= - (Read_hfc8_stable(l1->hw, A_F2) & MAX_F_CNT); + (Read_hfc8_stable(l1->hw, A_F2) & MAX_F_CNT); if (hdlc_num < 0) hdlc_num += 16; if (hdlc_num >= 15) @@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ tx_b_frame(struct hfc4s8s_btype *bch) if (!(skb = skb_dequeue(&bch->tx_queue))) { l1->hw->mr.fifo_slow_timer_service[l1-> st_num] - &= ~((bch->bchan == 1) ? 1 : 4); + &= ~((bch->bchan == 1) ? 1 : 4); break; /* list empty */ } bch->tx_skb = skb; @@ -1017,10 +1017,10 @@ tx_b_frame(struct hfc4s8s_btype *bch) if (!hdlc_num) l1->hw->mr.fifo_slow_timer_service[l1->st_num] |= - ((bch->bchan == 1) ? 1 : 4); + ((bch->bchan == 1) ? 1 : 4); else l1->hw->mr.fifo_slow_timer_service[l1->st_num] &= - ~((bch->bchan == 1) ? 1 : 4); + ~((bch->bchan == 1) ? 1 : 4); max = Read_hfc16_stable(l1->hw, A_Z2); max -= Read_hfc16(l1->hw, A_Z1); @@ -1055,7 +1055,7 @@ tx_b_frame(struct hfc4s8s_btype *bch) #ifdef HISAX_HFC4S8S_PCIMEM fWrite_hfc8(l1->hw, A_FIFO_DATA0, *cp++); #else - fWrite_hfc8(l1->hw, *cp++); + fWrite_hfc8(l1->hw, *cp++); #endif if (bch->tx_cnt >= skb->len) { @@ -1106,8 +1106,8 @@ hfc4s8s_bh(struct work_struct *work) Write_hfc8(l1p->hw, R_ST_SEL, l1p->st_num); l1p->l1_state = - Read_hfc8(l1p->hw, - A_ST_RD_STA) & 0xf; + Read_hfc8(l1p->hw, + A_ST_RD_STA) & 0xf; if ((oldstate == 3) && (l1p->l1_state != 3)) @@ -1123,12 +1123,12 @@ hfc4s8s_bh(struct work_struct *work) del_timer(&l1p->l1_timer); if (l1p->l1_state == 3) { l1p->d_if.ifc. - l1l2(&l1p-> - d_if.ifc, - PH_ACTIVATE - | - INDICATION, - NULL); + l1l2(&l1p-> + d_if.ifc, + PH_ACTIVATE + | + INDICATION, + NULL); } } else { /* allow transition */ @@ -1148,8 +1148,8 @@ hfc4s8s_bh(struct work_struct *work) Write_hfc8(l1p->hw, R_ST_SEL, l1p->st_num); l1p->l1_state = - Read_hfc8(l1p->hw, - A_ST_RD_STA) & 0xf; + Read_hfc8(l1p->hw, + A_ST_RD_STA) & 0xf; if (((l1p->l1_state == 3) && ((oldstate == 7) || @@ -1165,26 +1165,26 @@ hfc4s8s_bh(struct work_struct *work) del_timer(&l1p-> l1_timer); l1p->d_if.ifc. - l1l2(&l1p-> - d_if.ifc, - PH_ACTIVATE - | - INDICATION, - NULL); + l1l2(&l1p-> + d_if.ifc, + PH_ACTIVATE + | + INDICATION, + NULL); tx_d_frame(l1p); } if (l1p->l1_state == 3) { if (oldstate != 3) l1p->d_if. - ifc. - l1l2 - (&l1p-> - d_if. - ifc, - PH_DEACTIVATE - | - INDICATION, - NULL); + ifc. + l1l2 + (&l1p-> + d_if. + ifc, + PH_DEACTIVATE + | + INDICATION, + NULL); } } printk(KERN_INFO @@ -1209,8 +1209,8 @@ hfc4s8s_bh(struct work_struct *work) *fifo_stat |= hw->mr.fifo_rx_trans_enables[idx]; if (hw->fifo_sched_cnt <= 0) { *fifo_stat |= - hw->mr.fifo_slow_timer_service[l1p-> - st_num]; + hw->mr.fifo_slow_timer_service[l1p-> + st_num]; } } /* ignore fifo 6 (TX E fifo) */ @@ -1288,10 +1288,10 @@ hfc4s8s_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) /* Layer 1 State change */ hw->mr.r_irq_statech |= - (Read_hfc8(hw, R_SCI) & hw->mr.r_irqmsk_statchg); + (Read_hfc8(hw, R_SCI) & hw->mr.r_irqmsk_statchg); if (! (b = (Read_hfc8(hw, R_STATUS) & (M_MISC_IRQSTA | M_FR_IRQSTA))) -&& !hw->mr.r_irq_statech) { + && !hw->mr.r_irq_statech) { #ifndef HISAX_HFC4S8S_PCIMEM SetRegAddr(hw, old_ioreg); #endif @@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ hfc4s8s_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) /* reset the complete chip, don't release the chips irq but disable it */ /***********************************************************************/ static void -chipreset(hfc4s8s_hw * hw) +chipreset(hfc4s8s_hw *hw) { u_long flags; @@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ chipreset(hfc4s8s_hw * hw) /* disable/enable hardware in nt or te mode */ /********************************************/ static void -hfc_hardware_enable(hfc4s8s_hw * hw, int enable, int nt_mode) +hfc_hardware_enable(hfc4s8s_hw *hw, int enable, int nt_mode) { u_long flags; char if_name[40]; @@ -1468,7 +1468,7 @@ hfc_hardware_enable(hfc4s8s_hw * hw, int enable, int nt_mode) /* disable memory mapped ports / io ports */ /******************************************/ static void -release_pci_ports(hfc4s8s_hw * hw) +release_pci_ports(hfc4s8s_hw *hw) { pci_write_config_word(hw->pdev, PCI_COMMAND, 0); #ifdef HISAX_HFC4S8S_PCIMEM @@ -1484,7 +1484,7 @@ release_pci_ports(hfc4s8s_hw * hw) /* enable memory mapped ports / io ports */ /*****************************************/ static void -enable_pci_ports(hfc4s8s_hw * hw) +enable_pci_ports(hfc4s8s_hw *hw) { #ifdef HISAX_HFC4S8S_PCIMEM pci_write_config_word(hw->pdev, PCI_COMMAND, PCI_ENA_MEMIO); @@ -1498,7 +1498,7 @@ enable_pci_ports(hfc4s8s_hw * hw) /* return 0 on success. */ /*************************************/ static int __devinit -setup_instance(hfc4s8s_hw * hw) +setup_instance(hfc4s8s_hw *hw) { int err = -EIO; int i; @@ -1575,7 +1575,7 @@ setup_instance(hfc4s8s_hw * hw) return (0); - out: +out: hw->irq = 0; release_pci_ports(hw); kfree(hw); @@ -1632,7 +1632,7 @@ hfc4s8s_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) card_cnt++; return (err); - out: +out: kfree(hw); return (err); } @@ -1660,10 +1660,10 @@ hfc4s8s_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) } static struct pci_driver hfc4s8s_driver = { - .name = "hfc4s8s_l1", - .probe = hfc4s8s_probe, - .remove = __devexit_p(hfc4s8s_remove), - .id_table = hfc4s8s_ids, + .name = "hfc4s8s_l1", + .probe = hfc4s8s_probe, + .remove = __devexit_p(hfc4s8s_remove), + .id_table = hfc4s8s_ids, }; /**********************/ @@ -1697,7 +1697,7 @@ hfc4s8s_module_init(void) #endif return 0; - out: +out: return (err); } /* hfc4s8s_init_hw */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc4s8s_l1.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc4s8s_l1.h index 9d5d2a56b4e9e7e8d184f92f21498b3360360999..6a8f89113d2f29b2b00e09e17f683e465b756c1c 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc4s8s_l1.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc4s8s_l1.h @@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ /* -* include Genero generated HFC-4S/8S header file hfc48scu.h -* for complete register description. This will define _HFC48SCU_H_ -* to prevent redefinitions -*/ + * include Genero generated HFC-4S/8S header file hfc48scu.h + * for complete register description. This will define _HFC48SCU_H_ + * to prevent redefinitions + */ // #include "hfc48scu.h" diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_2bds0.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_2bds0.c index a16459a1332ceab1be36f77b3eade4ee2c36b885..a756e5cb6871cbbee83810875bfa29ed8ca93529 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_2bds0.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_2bds0.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -18,15 +18,15 @@ #include "isdnl1.h" #include /* -#define KDEBUG_DEF -#include "kdebug.h" + #define KDEBUG_DEF + #include "kdebug.h" */ -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) static void -dummyf(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +dummyf(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: hfcd dummy fifo called\n"); } @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ ReadReg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int data, u_char reg) register u_char ret; if (data) { - if (cs->hw.hfcD.cip != reg) { + if (cs->hw.hfcD.cip != reg) { cs->hw.hfcD.cip = reg; byteout(cs->hw.hfcD.addr | 1, reg); } @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ ReadReg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int data, u_char reg) static inline void WriteReg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int data, u_char reg, u_char value) { - if (cs->hw.hfcD.cip != reg) { + if (cs->hw.hfcD.cip != reg) { cs->hw.hfcD.cip = reg; byteout(cs->hw.hfcD.addr | 1, reg); } @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ WriteReg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int data, u_char reg, u_char value) static u_char readreghfcd(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset) { - return(ReadReg(cs, HFCD_DATA, offset)); + return (ReadReg(cs, HFCD_DATA, offset)); } static void @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ WaitNoBusy(struct IsdnCardState *cs) udelay(1); to--; } - if (!to) + if (!to) printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: WaitNoBusy timeout\n"); return (to); } @@ -114,29 +114,29 @@ SelFiFo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char FiFo) u_char cip; if (cs->hw.hfcD.fifo == FiFo) - return(1); - switch(FiFo) { - case 0: cip = HFCB_FIFO | HFCB_Z1 | HFCB_SEND | HFCB_B1; - break; - case 1: cip = HFCB_FIFO | HFCB_Z1 | HFCB_REC | HFCB_B1; - break; - case 2: cip = HFCB_FIFO | HFCB_Z1 | HFCB_SEND | HFCB_B2; - break; - case 3: cip = HFCB_FIFO | HFCB_Z1 | HFCB_REC | HFCB_B2; - break; - case 4: cip = HFCD_FIFO | HFCD_Z1 | HFCD_SEND; - break; - case 5: cip = HFCD_FIFO | HFCD_Z1 | HFCD_REC; - break; - default: - debugl1(cs, "SelFiFo Error"); - return(0); + return (1); + switch (FiFo) { + case 0: cip = HFCB_FIFO | HFCB_Z1 | HFCB_SEND | HFCB_B1; + break; + case 1: cip = HFCB_FIFO | HFCB_Z1 | HFCB_REC | HFCB_B1; + break; + case 2: cip = HFCB_FIFO | HFCB_Z1 | HFCB_SEND | HFCB_B2; + break; + case 3: cip = HFCB_FIFO | HFCB_Z1 | HFCB_REC | HFCB_B2; + break; + case 4: cip = HFCD_FIFO | HFCD_Z1 | HFCD_SEND; + break; + case 5: cip = HFCD_FIFO | HFCD_Z1 | HFCD_REC; + break; + default: + debugl1(cs, "SelFiFo Error"); + return (0); } cs->hw.hfcD.fifo = FiFo; WaitNoBusy(cs); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, HFCD_DATA, cip, 0); WaitForBusy(cs); - return(2); + return (2); } static int @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ static struct sk_buff int idx; int chksum; u_char stat, cip; - + if ((cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) && !(cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO)) debugl1(cs, "hfc_empty_fifo"); idx = 0; @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ static struct sk_buff WaitForBusy(cs); WaitNoBusy(cs); stat = ReadReg(cs, HFCD_DATA, HFCB_FIFO | HFCB_F2_INC | - HFCB_REC | HFCB_CHANNEL(bcs->channel)); + HFCB_REC | HFCB_CHANNEL(bcs->channel)); WaitForBusy(cs); return (skb); } @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ hfc_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) return; if (bcs->tx_skb->len <= 0) return; - SelFiFo(cs, HFCB_SEND | HFCB_CHANNEL(bcs->channel)); + SelFiFo(cs, HFCB_SEND | HFCB_CHANNEL(bcs->channel)); cip = HFCB_FIFO | HFCB_F1 | HFCB_SEND | HFCB_CHANNEL(bcs->channel); WaitNoBusy(cs); bcs->hw.hfc.f1 = ReadReg(cs, HFCD_DATA, cip); @@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ hfc_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) WaitNoBusy(cs); bcs->hw.hfc.f2 = ReadReg(cs, HFCD_DATA, cip); bcs->hw.hfc.send[bcs->hw.hfc.f1] = ReadZReg(cs, HFCB_FIFO | HFCB_Z1 | HFCB_SEND | HFCB_CHANNEL(bcs->channel)); - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) debugl1(cs, "hfc_fill_fifo %d f1(%d) f2(%d) z1(%x)", bcs->channel, bcs->hw.hfc.f1, bcs->hw.hfc.f2, bcs->hw.hfc.send[bcs->hw.hfc.f1]); @@ -316,8 +316,8 @@ hfc_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC S FIFO channel %d BUSY Error\n", bcs->channel); } else { bcs->tx_cnt -= bcs->tx_skb->len; - if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP,&bcs->st->lli.flag) && - (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { + if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &bcs->st->lli.flag) && + (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { u_long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->aclock, flags); bcs->ackcnt += bcs->tx_skb->len; @@ -339,12 +339,12 @@ static void hfc_send_data(struct BCState *bcs) { struct IsdnCardState *cs = bcs->cs; - + if (!test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { hfc_fill_fifo(bcs); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); } else - debugl1(cs,"send_data %d blocked", bcs->channel); + debugl1(cs, "send_data %d blocked", bcs->channel); } static void @@ -356,10 +356,10 @@ main_rec_2bds0(struct BCState *bcs) int receive, count = 5; struct sk_buff *skb; - Begin: +Begin: count--; if (test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { - debugl1(cs,"rec_data %d blocked", bcs->channel); + debugl1(cs, "rec_data %d blocked", bcs->channel); return; } SelFiFo(cs, HFCB_REC | HFCB_CHANNEL(bcs->channel)); @@ -386,10 +386,10 @@ main_rec_2bds0(struct BCState *bcs) skb_queue_tail(&bcs->rqueue, skb); schedule_event(bcs, B_RCVBUFREADY); } - rcnt = f1 -f2; - if (rcnt<0) + rcnt = f1 - f2; + if (rcnt < 0) rcnt += 32; - if (rcnt>1) + if (rcnt > 1) receive = 1; else receive = 0; @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ main_rec_2bds0(struct BCState *bcs) receive = 0; test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); if (count && receive) - goto Begin; + goto Begin; return; } @@ -412,37 +412,37 @@ mode_2bs0(struct BCState *bcs, int mode, int bc) bcs->mode = mode; bcs->channel = bc; switch (mode) { - case (L1_MODE_NULL): - if (bc) { - cs->hw.hfcD.conn |= 0x18; - cs->hw.hfcD.sctrl &= ~SCTRL_B2_ENA; - } else { - cs->hw.hfcD.conn |= 0x3; - cs->hw.hfcD.sctrl &= ~SCTRL_B1_ENA; - } - break; - case (L1_MODE_TRANS): - if (bc) { - cs->hw.hfcD.ctmt |= 2; - cs->hw.hfcD.conn &= ~0x18; - cs->hw.hfcD.sctrl |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; - } else { - cs->hw.hfcD.ctmt |= 1; - cs->hw.hfcD.conn &= ~0x3; - cs->hw.hfcD.sctrl |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; - } - break; - case (L1_MODE_HDLC): - if (bc) { - cs->hw.hfcD.ctmt &= ~2; - cs->hw.hfcD.conn &= ~0x18; - cs->hw.hfcD.sctrl |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; - } else { - cs->hw.hfcD.ctmt &= ~1; - cs->hw.hfcD.conn &= ~0x3; - cs->hw.hfcD.sctrl |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; - } - break; + case (L1_MODE_NULL): + if (bc) { + cs->hw.hfcD.conn |= 0x18; + cs->hw.hfcD.sctrl &= ~SCTRL_B2_ENA; + } else { + cs->hw.hfcD.conn |= 0x3; + cs->hw.hfcD.sctrl &= ~SCTRL_B1_ENA; + } + break; + case (L1_MODE_TRANS): + if (bc) { + cs->hw.hfcD.ctmt |= 2; + cs->hw.hfcD.conn &= ~0x18; + cs->hw.hfcD.sctrl |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; + } else { + cs->hw.hfcD.ctmt |= 1; + cs->hw.hfcD.conn &= ~0x3; + cs->hw.hfcD.sctrl |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; + } + break; + case (L1_MODE_HDLC): + if (bc) { + cs->hw.hfcD.ctmt &= ~2; + cs->hw.hfcD.conn &= ~0x18; + cs->hw.hfcD.sctrl |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; + } else { + cs->hw.hfcD.ctmt &= ~1; + cs->hw.hfcD.conn &= ~0x3; + cs->hw.hfcD.sctrl |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; + } + break; } WriteReg(cs, HFCD_DATA, HFCD_SCTRL, cs->hw.hfcD.sctrl); WriteReg(cs, HFCD_DATA, HFCD_CTMT, cs->hw.hfcD.ctmt); @@ -457,53 +457,53 @@ hfc_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); - } else { - bcs->tx_skb = skb; + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); + } else { + bcs->tx_skb = skb; // test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "hfc_l2l1: this shouldn't happen\n"); - } else { + bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "hfc_l2l1: this shouldn't happen\n"); + } else { // test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - bcs->tx_skb = skb; - bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): - if (!bcs->tx_skb) { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); - } else - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - break; - case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - mode_2bs0(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - mode_2bs0(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; + bcs->tx_skb = skb; + bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + if (!bcs->tx_skb) { + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + } else + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + break; + case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + mode_2bs0(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + mode_2bs0(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; } } @@ -558,23 +558,23 @@ hfcd_bh(struct work_struct *work) if (test_and_clear_bit(D_L1STATECHANGE, &cs->event)) { switch (cs->dc.hfcd.ph_state) { - case (0): - l1_msg(cs, HW_RESET | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (3): - l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (8): - l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (6): - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO2 | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (7): - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - default: - break; + case (0): + l1_msg(cs, HW_RESET | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (3): + l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (8): + l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (6): + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO2 | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (7): + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + default: + break; } } if (test_and_clear_bit(D_RCVBUFREADY, &cs->event)) @@ -591,12 +591,12 @@ int receive_dmsg(struct IsdnCardState *cs) int rcnt, z1, z2; u_char stat, cip, f1, f2; int chksum; - int count=5; + int count = 5; u_char *ptr; if (test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { debugl1(cs, "rec_dmsg blocked"); - return(1); + return (1); } SelFiFo(cs, 4 | HFCD_REC); cip = HFCD_FIFO | HFCD_F1 | HFCD_REC; @@ -682,8 +682,8 @@ int receive_dmsg(struct IsdnCardState *cs) f2 = cs->readisac(cs, cip) & 0xf; } test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); - return(1); -} + return (1); +} static void hfc_fill_dfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs) @@ -750,23 +750,23 @@ hfc_fill_dfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs) return; } -static +static struct BCState *Sel_BCS(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int channel) { if (cs->bcs[0].mode && (cs->bcs[0].channel == channel)) - return(&cs->bcs[0]); + return (&cs->bcs[0]); else if (cs->bcs[1].mode && (cs->bcs[1].channel == channel)) - return(&cs->bcs[1]); + return (&cs->bcs[1]); else - return(NULL); + return (NULL); } void hfc2bds0_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) { - u_char exval; - struct BCState *bcs; - int count=15; + u_char exval; + struct BCState *bcs; + int count = 15; if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "HFCD irq %x %s", val, @@ -789,25 +789,25 @@ hfc2bds0_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) } if (cs->hw.hfcD.int_s1 & 0x18) { exval = val; - val = cs->hw.hfcD.int_s1; + val = cs->hw.hfcD.int_s1; cs->hw.hfcD.int_s1 = exval; - } + } if (val & 0x08) { - if (!(bcs=Sel_BCS(cs, 0))) { + if (!(bcs = Sel_BCS(cs, 0))) { if (cs->debug) debugl1(cs, "hfcd spurious 0x08 IRQ"); - } else + } else main_rec_2bds0(bcs); } if (val & 0x10) { - if (!(bcs=Sel_BCS(cs, 1))) { + if (!(bcs = Sel_BCS(cs, 1))) { if (cs->debug) debugl1(cs, "hfcd spurious 0x10 IRQ"); - } else + } else main_rec_2bds0(bcs); } if (val & 0x01) { - if (!(bcs=Sel_BCS(cs, 0))) { + if (!(bcs = Sel_BCS(cs, 0))) { if (cs->debug) debugl1(cs, "hfcd spurious 0x01 IRQ"); } else { @@ -816,14 +816,14 @@ hfc2bds0_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) hfc_fill_fifo(bcs); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); } else - debugl1(cs,"fill_data %d blocked", bcs->channel); + debugl1(cs, "fill_data %d blocked", bcs->channel); } else { if ((bcs->tx_skb = skb_dequeue(&bcs->squeue))) { if (!test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { hfc_fill_fifo(bcs); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); } else - debugl1(cs,"fill_data %d blocked", bcs->channel); + debugl1(cs, "fill_data %d blocked", bcs->channel); } else { schedule_event(bcs, B_XMTBUFREADY); } @@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ hfc2bds0_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) } } if (val & 0x02) { - if (!(bcs=Sel_BCS(cs, 1))) { + if (!(bcs = Sel_BCS(cs, 1))) { if (cs->debug) debugl1(cs, "hfcd spurious 0x02 IRQ"); } else { @@ -840,14 +840,14 @@ hfc2bds0_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) hfc_fill_fifo(bcs); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); } else - debugl1(cs,"fill_data %d blocked", bcs->channel); + debugl1(cs, "fill_data %d blocked", bcs->channel); } else { if ((bcs->tx_skb = skb_dequeue(&bcs->squeue))) { if (!test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { hfc_fill_fifo(bcs); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); } else - debugl1(cs,"fill_data %d blocked", bcs->channel); + debugl1(cs, "fill_data %d blocked", bcs->channel); } else { schedule_event(bcs, B_XMTBUFREADY); } @@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ hfc2bds0_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) } else schedule_event(cs, D_XMTBUFREADY); } - afterXPR: + afterXPR: if (cs->hw.hfcD.int_s1 && count--) { val = cs->hw.hfcD.int_s1; cs->hw.hfcD.int_s1 = 0; @@ -905,105 +905,105 @@ HFCD_l1hw(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) struct IsdnCardState *cs = (struct IsdnCardState *) st->l1.hardware; struct sk_buff *skb = arg; u_long flags; - + switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) - LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) - dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) + LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) + dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA Queued", 0); -#endif - } else { - cs->tx_skb = skb; - cs->tx_cnt = 0; -#ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA", 0); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA Queued", 0); #endif - if (!test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { - hfc_fill_dfifo(cs); - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); - } else - debugl1(cs, "hfc_fill_dfifo blocked"); - - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, " l2l1 tx_skb exist this shouldn't happen"); - skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - } - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) - LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) - dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + } else { cs->tx_skb = skb; cs->tx_cnt = 0; #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA_PULLED", 0); + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA", 0); #endif if (!test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { hfc_fill_dfifo(cs); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); } else debugl1(cs, "hfc_fill_dfifo blocked"); + + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, " l2l1 tx_skb exist this shouldn't happen"); + skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); break; - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + } + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) + LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) + dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + cs->tx_skb = skb; + cs->tx_cnt = 0; #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - debugl1(cs, "-> PH_REQUEST_PULL"); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA_PULLED", 0); #endif - if (!cs->tx_skb) { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); - } else - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - break; - case (HW_RESET | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - cs->writeisac(cs, HFCD_STATES, HFCD_LOAD_STATE | 3); /* HFC ST 3 */ - udelay(6); - cs->writeisac(cs, HFCD_STATES, 3); /* HFC ST 2 */ - cs->hw.hfcD.mst_m |= HFCD_MASTER; - cs->writeisac(cs, HFCD_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcD.mst_m); - cs->writeisac(cs, HFCD_STATES, HFCD_ACTIVATE | HFCD_DO_ACTION); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - l1_msg(cs, HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; - case (HW_ENABLE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - cs->writeisac(cs, HFCD_STATES, HFCD_ACTIVATE | HFCD_DO_ACTION); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (HW_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - cs->hw.hfcD.mst_m &= ~HFCD_MASTER; - cs->writeisac(cs, HFCD_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcD.mst_m); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (HW_INFO3 | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - cs->hw.hfcD.mst_m |= HFCD_MASTER; - cs->writeisac(cs, HFCD_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcD.mst_m); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - default: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "hfcd_l1hw unknown pr %4x", pr); - break; + if (!test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { + hfc_fill_dfifo(cs); + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); + } else + debugl1(cs, "hfc_fill_dfifo blocked"); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): +#ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + debugl1(cs, "-> PH_REQUEST_PULL"); +#endif + if (!cs->tx_skb) { + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + } else + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + break; + case (HW_RESET | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + cs->writeisac(cs, HFCD_STATES, HFCD_LOAD_STATE | 3); /* HFC ST 3 */ + udelay(6); + cs->writeisac(cs, HFCD_STATES, 3); /* HFC ST 2 */ + cs->hw.hfcD.mst_m |= HFCD_MASTER; + cs->writeisac(cs, HFCD_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcD.mst_m); + cs->writeisac(cs, HFCD_STATES, HFCD_ACTIVATE | HFCD_DO_ACTION); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + l1_msg(cs, HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; + case (HW_ENABLE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + cs->writeisac(cs, HFCD_STATES, HFCD_ACTIVATE | HFCD_DO_ACTION); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + cs->hw.hfcD.mst_m &= ~HFCD_MASTER; + cs->writeisac(cs, HFCD_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcD.mst_m); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_INFO3 | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + cs->hw.hfcD.mst_m |= HFCD_MASTER; + cs->writeisac(cs, HFCD_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcD.mst_m); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + default: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "hfcd_l1hw unknown pr %4x", pr); + break; } } @@ -1027,11 +1027,11 @@ static unsigned int if (!(send = kmalloc(cnt * sizeof(unsigned int), GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: No memory for hfcd.send\n"); - return(NULL); + return (NULL); } for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) send[i] = 0x1fff; - return(send); + return (send); } void diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_2bds0.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_2bds0.h index 30f1924db91cedd4938e4bad12a859dd87e2de92..8c7582a3c51e284c6ae3686672041827ed45e228 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_2bds0.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_2bds0.h @@ -4,26 +4,26 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * */ -#define HFCD_CIRM 0x18 +#define HFCD_CIRM 0x18 #define HFCD_CTMT 0x19 -#define HFCD_INT_M1 0x1A -#define HFCD_INT_M2 0x1B -#define HFCD_INT_S1 0x1E -#define HFCD_STAT 0x1C -#define HFCD_STAT_DISB 0x1D -#define HFCD_STATES 0x30 -#define HFCD_SCTRL 0x31 -#define HFCD_TEST 0x32 -#define HFCD_SQ 0x34 -#define HFCD_CLKDEL 0x37 +#define HFCD_INT_M1 0x1A +#define HFCD_INT_M2 0x1B +#define HFCD_INT_S1 0x1E +#define HFCD_STAT 0x1C +#define HFCD_STAT_DISB 0x1D +#define HFCD_STATES 0x30 +#define HFCD_SCTRL 0x31 +#define HFCD_TEST 0x32 +#define HFCD_SQ 0x34 +#define HFCD_CLKDEL 0x37 #define HFCD_MST_MODE 0x2E -#define HFCD_CONN 0x2F +#define HFCD_CONN 0x2F #define HFCD_FIFO 0x80 #define HFCD_Z1 0x10 @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ #define HFCD_TRANSB1 0x01 /* CIRM (Write) */ -#define HFCD_RESET 0x08 +#define HFCD_RESET 0x08 #define HFCD_MEM8K 0x10 #define HFCD_INTA 0x01 #define HFCD_INTB 0x02 diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_2bs0.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_2bs0.c index 626f85df302b395964393e4b904c6d22bd5c2c10..838531b6a60e487d69b958bf1fd759d150e54e75 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_2bs0.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_2bs0.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -181,9 +181,9 @@ hfc_empty_fifo(struct BCState *bcs, int count) return (NULL); } if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS) - count -= 1; + count -= 1; else - count -= 3; + count -= 3; if (!(skb = dev_alloc_skb(count))) printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC: receive out of memory\n"); else { @@ -199,35 +199,35 @@ hfc_empty_fifo(struct BCState *bcs, int count) printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC FIFO channel %d BUSY Error\n", bcs->channel); dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); if (bcs->mode != L1_MODE_TRANS) { - WaitNoBusy(cs); - stat = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFC_DATA, HFC_CIP | HFC_F2_INC | HFC_REC | - HFC_CHANNEL(bcs->channel)); - WaitForBusy(cs); + WaitNoBusy(cs); + stat = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFC_DATA, HFC_CIP | HFC_F2_INC | HFC_REC | + HFC_CHANNEL(bcs->channel)); + WaitForBusy(cs); } return (NULL); } if (bcs->mode != L1_MODE_TRANS) { - WaitNoBusy(cs); - chksum = (cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFC_DATA, cip) << 8); - WaitNoBusy(cs); - chksum += cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFC_DATA, cip); - WaitNoBusy(cs); - stat = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFC_DATA, cip); - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "hfc_empty_fifo %d chksum %x stat %x", - bcs->channel, chksum, stat); - if (stat) { - debugl1(cs, "FIFO CRC error"); - dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); - skb = NULL; + WaitNoBusy(cs); + chksum = (cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFC_DATA, cip) << 8); + WaitNoBusy(cs); + chksum += cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFC_DATA, cip); + WaitNoBusy(cs); + stat = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFC_DATA, cip); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "hfc_empty_fifo %d chksum %x stat %x", + bcs->channel, chksum, stat); + if (stat) { + debugl1(cs, "FIFO CRC error"); + dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); + skb = NULL; #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC - bcs->err_crc++; + bcs->err_crc++; #endif - } - WaitNoBusy(cs); - stat = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFC_DATA, HFC_CIP | HFC_F2_INC | HFC_REC | - HFC_CHANNEL(bcs->channel)); - WaitForBusy(cs); + } + WaitNoBusy(cs); + stat = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFC_DATA, HFC_CIP | HFC_F2_INC | HFC_REC | + HFC_CHANNEL(bcs->channel)); + WaitForBusy(cs); } } return (skb); @@ -249,37 +249,37 @@ hfc_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) cip = HFC_CIP | HFC_F1 | HFC_SEND | HFC_CHANNEL(bcs->channel); if ((cip & 0xc3) != (cs->hw.hfc.cip & 0xc3)) { - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, HFC_STATUS, cip, cip); - WaitForBusy(cs); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, HFC_STATUS, cip, cip); + WaitForBusy(cs); } WaitNoBusy(cs); if (bcs->mode != L1_MODE_TRANS) { - bcs->hw.hfc.f1 = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFC_DATA, cip); - cip = HFC_CIP | HFC_F2 | HFC_SEND | HFC_CHANNEL(bcs->channel); - WaitNoBusy(cs); - bcs->hw.hfc.f2 = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFC_DATA, cip); - bcs->hw.hfc.send[bcs->hw.hfc.f1] = ReadZReg(bcs, HFC_Z1 | HFC_SEND | HFC_CHANNEL(bcs->channel)); - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "hfc_fill_fifo %d f1(%d) f2(%d) z1(%x)", - bcs->channel, bcs->hw.hfc.f1, bcs->hw.hfc.f2, - bcs->hw.hfc.send[bcs->hw.hfc.f1]); - fcnt = bcs->hw.hfc.f1 - bcs->hw.hfc.f2; - if (fcnt < 0) - fcnt += 32; - if (fcnt > 30) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "hfc_fill_fifo more as 30 frames"); - return; - } - count = GetFreeFifoBytes(bcs); - } + bcs->hw.hfc.f1 = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFC_DATA, cip); + cip = HFC_CIP | HFC_F2 | HFC_SEND | HFC_CHANNEL(bcs->channel); + WaitNoBusy(cs); + bcs->hw.hfc.f2 = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFC_DATA, cip); + bcs->hw.hfc.send[bcs->hw.hfc.f1] = ReadZReg(bcs, HFC_Z1 | HFC_SEND | HFC_CHANNEL(bcs->channel)); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "hfc_fill_fifo %d f1(%d) f2(%d) z1(%x)", + bcs->channel, bcs->hw.hfc.f1, bcs->hw.hfc.f2, + bcs->hw.hfc.send[bcs->hw.hfc.f1]); + fcnt = bcs->hw.hfc.f1 - bcs->hw.hfc.f2; + if (fcnt < 0) + fcnt += 32; + if (fcnt > 30) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "hfc_fill_fifo more as 30 frames"); + return; + } + count = GetFreeFifoBytes(bcs); + } else { - WaitForBusy(cs); - z1 = ReadZReg(bcs, HFC_Z1 | HFC_REC | HFC_CHANNEL(bcs->channel)); - z2 = ReadZReg(bcs, HFC_Z2 | HFC_REC | HFC_CHANNEL(bcs->channel)); - count = z1 - z2; - if (count < 0) - count += cs->hw.hfc.fifosize; + WaitForBusy(cs); + z1 = ReadZReg(bcs, HFC_Z1 | HFC_REC | HFC_CHANNEL(bcs->channel)); + z2 = ReadZReg(bcs, HFC_Z2 | HFC_REC | HFC_CHANNEL(bcs->channel)); + count = z1 - z2; + if (count < 0) + count += cs->hw.hfc.fifosize; } /* L1_MODE_TRANS */ if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) debugl1(cs, "hfc_fill_fifo %d count(%u/%d)", @@ -305,12 +305,12 @@ hfc_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) dev_kfree_skb_any(bcs->tx_skb); bcs->tx_skb = NULL; if (bcs->mode != L1_MODE_TRANS) { - WaitForBusy(cs); - WaitNoBusy(cs); - cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFC_DATA, HFC_CIP | HFC_F1_INC | HFC_SEND | HFC_CHANNEL(bcs->channel)); + WaitForBusy(cs); + WaitNoBusy(cs); + cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFC_DATA, HFC_CIP | HFC_F1_INC | HFC_SEND | HFC_CHANNEL(bcs->channel)); } - if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP,&bcs->st->lli.flag) && - (count >= 0)) { + if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &bcs->st->lli.flag) && + (count >= 0)) { u_long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->aclock, flags); bcs->ackcnt += count; @@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ main_irq_hfc(struct BCState *bcs) int receive, transmit, count = 5; struct sk_buff *skb; - Begin: +Begin: count--; cip = HFC_CIP | HFC_F1 | HFC_REC | HFC_CHANNEL(bcs->channel); if ((cip & 0xc3) != (cs->hw.hfc.cip & 0xc3)) { @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ main_irq_hfc(struct BCState *bcs) if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) debugl1(cs, "hfc rec %d f1(%d) f2(%d)", bcs->channel, f1, f2); - receive = 1; + receive = 1; } } if (receive || (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS)) { @@ -407,41 +407,41 @@ mode_hfc(struct BCState *bcs, int mode, int bc) bcs->channel = bc; switch (mode) { - case (L1_MODE_NULL): - if (bc) { - cs->hw.hfc.ctmt &= ~1; - cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr &= ~0x03; - } - else { - cs->hw.hfc.ctmt &= ~2; - cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr &= ~0x0c; - } - break; - case (L1_MODE_TRANS): - cs->hw.hfc.ctmt &= ~(1 << bc); /* set HDLC mode */ - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, HFC_STATUS, cs->hw.hfc.ctmt, cs->hw.hfc.ctmt); - hfc_clear_fifo(bcs); /* complete fifo clear */ - if (bc) { - cs->hw.hfc.ctmt |= 1; - cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr &= ~0x03; - cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr |= 0x02; - } else { - cs->hw.hfc.ctmt |= 2; - cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr &= ~0x0c; - cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr |= 0x08; - } - break; - case (L1_MODE_HDLC): - if (bc) { - cs->hw.hfc.ctmt &= ~1; - cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr &= ~0x03; - cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr |= 0x02; - } else { - cs->hw.hfc.ctmt &= ~2; - cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr &= ~0x0c; - cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr |= 0x08; - } - break; + case (L1_MODE_NULL): + if (bc) { + cs->hw.hfc.ctmt &= ~1; + cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr &= ~0x03; + } + else { + cs->hw.hfc.ctmt &= ~2; + cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr &= ~0x0c; + } + break; + case (L1_MODE_TRANS): + cs->hw.hfc.ctmt &= ~(1 << bc); /* set HDLC mode */ + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, HFC_STATUS, cs->hw.hfc.ctmt, cs->hw.hfc.ctmt); + hfc_clear_fifo(bcs); /* complete fifo clear */ + if (bc) { + cs->hw.hfc.ctmt |= 1; + cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr &= ~0x03; + cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr |= 0x02; + } else { + cs->hw.hfc.ctmt |= 2; + cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr &= ~0x0c; + cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr |= 0x08; + } + break; + case (L1_MODE_HDLC): + if (bc) { + cs->hw.hfc.ctmt &= ~1; + cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr &= ~0x03; + cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr |= 0x02; + } else { + cs->hw.hfc.ctmt &= ~2; + cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr &= ~0x0c; + cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr |= 0x08; + } + break; } cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, HFC_STATUS, cs->hw.hfc.ctmt, cs->hw.hfc.ctmt); cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_SPCR, cs->hw.hfc.isac_spcr); @@ -457,53 +457,53 @@ hfc_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); - } else { - bcs->tx_skb = skb; - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "hfc_l2l1: this shouldn't happen\n"); - } else { - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - bcs->tx_skb = skb; - bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): - if (!bcs->tx_skb) { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); - } else - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - break; - case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - mode_hfc(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - mode_hfc(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); + } else { + bcs->tx_skb = skb; + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "hfc_l2l1: this shouldn't happen\n"); + } else { + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + bcs->tx_skb = skb; + bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + if (!bcs->tx_skb) { + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + } else + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + break; + case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + mode_hfc(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + mode_hfc(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; } } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_2bs0.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_2bs0.h index 1a50d4a5c968e60db83431d1748aa086f316e914..1510096363dcda6ef89b35128b0accfc9e6a4cf1 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_2bs0.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_2bs0.h @@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * */ #define HFC_CTMT 0xe0 -#define HFC_CIRM 0xc0 +#define HFC_CIRM 0xc0 #define HFC_CIP 0x80 #define HFC_Z1 0x00 #define HFC_Z2 0x08 @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ #define HFC_TRANSB1 0x01 /* CIRM (Write) */ -#define HFC_RESET 0x08 +#define HFC_RESET 0x08 #define HFC_MEM8K 0x10 #define HFC_INTA 0x01 #define HFC_INTB 0x02 diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_pci.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_pci.c index 0cb0546ead88b9d7a355c2f96c0dbbf541301d64..334fa90bed8ec73a348fcc29d85a7db8324b1ca5 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_pci.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_pci.c @@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ static const PCI_ENTRY id_list[] = {PCI_VENDOR_ID_BERKOM, PCI_DEVICE_ID_BERKOM_A1T, "German telekom", "A1T"}, {PCI_VENDOR_ID_ANIGMA, PCI_DEVICE_ID_ANIGMA_MC145575, "Motorola MC145575", "MC145575"}, {PCI_VENDOR_ID_ZOLTRIX, PCI_DEVICE_ID_ZOLTRIX_2BD0, "Zoltrix", "2BD0"}, - {PCI_VENDOR_ID_DIGI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGI_DF_M_IOM2_E,"Digi International", "Digi DataFire Micro V IOM2 (Europe)"}, - {PCI_VENDOR_ID_DIGI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGI_DF_M_E,"Digi International", "Digi DataFire Micro V (Europe)"}, - {PCI_VENDOR_ID_DIGI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGI_DF_M_IOM2_A,"Digi International", "Digi DataFire Micro V IOM2 (North America)"}, - {PCI_VENDOR_ID_DIGI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGI_DF_M_A,"Digi International", "Digi DataFire Micro V (North America)"}, + {PCI_VENDOR_ID_DIGI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGI_DF_M_IOM2_E, "Digi International", "Digi DataFire Micro V IOM2 (Europe)"}, + {PCI_VENDOR_ID_DIGI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGI_DF_M_E, "Digi International", "Digi DataFire Micro V (Europe)"}, + {PCI_VENDOR_ID_DIGI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGI_DF_M_IOM2_A, "Digi International", "Digi DataFire Micro V IOM2 (North America)"}, + {PCI_VENDOR_ID_DIGI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGI_DF_M_A, "Digi International", "Digi DataFire Micro V (North America)"}, {PCI_VENDOR_ID_SITECOM, PCI_DEVICE_ID_SITECOM_DC105V2, "Sitecom Europe", "DC-105 ISDN PCI"}, {0, 0, NULL, NULL}, }; @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ static void release_io_hfcpci(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: release hfcpci at %p\n", - cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_io); + cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_io); cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m2 = 0; /* interrupt output off ! */ Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_INT_M2, cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m2); Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_CIRM, HFCPCI_RESET); /* Reset On */ @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ release_io_hfcpci(struct IsdnCardState *cs) pci_write_config_word(cs->hw.hfcpci.dev, PCI_COMMAND, 0); /* disable memory mapped ports + busmaster */ del_timer(&cs->hw.hfcpci.timer); pci_free_consistent(cs->hw.hfcpci.dev, 0x8000, - cs->hw.hfcpci.fifos, cs->hw.hfcpci.dma); + cs->hw.hfcpci.fifos, cs->hw.hfcpci.dma); cs->hw.hfcpci.fifos = NULL; iounmap((void *)cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_io); } @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ reset_hfcpci(struct IsdnCardState *cs) Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_CTMT, cs->hw.hfcpci.ctmt); cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 = HFCPCI_INTS_DTRANS | HFCPCI_INTS_DREC | - HFCPCI_INTS_L1STATE | HFCPCI_INTS_TIMER; + HFCPCI_INTS_L1STATE | HFCPCI_INTS_TIMER; Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1); /* Clear already pending ints */ @@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ hfcpci_Timer(struct IsdnCardState *cs) cs->hw.hfcpci.timer.expires = jiffies + 75; /* WD RESET */ /* WriteReg(cs, HFCD_DATA, HFCD_CTMT, cs->hw.hfcpci.ctmt | 0x80); - add_timer(&cs->hw.hfcpci.timer); - */ + add_timer(&cs->hw.hfcpci.timer); +*/ } @@ -215,17 +215,17 @@ Sel_BCS(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int channel) /***************************************/ static void hfcpci_clear_fifo_rx(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int fifo) { u_char fifo_state; - bzfifo_type *bzr; + bzfifo_type *bzr; if (fifo) { - bzr = &((fifo_area *) (cs->hw.hfcpci.fifos))->b_chans.rxbz_b2; + bzr = &((fifo_area *) (cs->hw.hfcpci.fifos))->b_chans.rxbz_b2; fifo_state = cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en & HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B2RX; } else { - bzr = &((fifo_area *) (cs->hw.hfcpci.fifos))->b_chans.rxbz_b1; + bzr = &((fifo_area *) (cs->hw.hfcpci.fifos))->b_chans.rxbz_b1; fifo_state = cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en & HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B1RX; } if (fifo_state) - cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en ^= fifo_state; + cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en ^= fifo_state; Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_FIFO_EN, cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en); cs->hw.hfcpci.last_bfifo_cnt[fifo] = 0; bzr->za[MAX_B_FRAMES].z1 = B_FIFO_SIZE + B_SUB_VAL - 1; @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ static void hfcpci_clear_fifo_rx(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int fifo) bzr->f1 = MAX_B_FRAMES; bzr->f2 = bzr->f1; /* init F pointers to remain constant */ if (fifo_state) - cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en |= fifo_state; + cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en |= fifo_state; Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_FIFO_EN, cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en); } @@ -242,24 +242,24 @@ static void hfcpci_clear_fifo_rx(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int fifo) /***************************************/ static void hfcpci_clear_fifo_tx(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int fifo) { u_char fifo_state; - bzfifo_type *bzt; + bzfifo_type *bzt; if (fifo) { - bzt = &((fifo_area *) (cs->hw.hfcpci.fifos))->b_chans.txbz_b2; + bzt = &((fifo_area *) (cs->hw.hfcpci.fifos))->b_chans.txbz_b2; fifo_state = cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en & HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B2TX; } else { - bzt = &((fifo_area *) (cs->hw.hfcpci.fifos))->b_chans.txbz_b1; + bzt = &((fifo_area *) (cs->hw.hfcpci.fifos))->b_chans.txbz_b1; fifo_state = cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en & HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B1TX; } if (fifo_state) - cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en ^= fifo_state; + cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en ^= fifo_state; Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_FIFO_EN, cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en); bzt->za[MAX_B_FRAMES].z1 = B_FIFO_SIZE + B_SUB_VAL - 1; bzt->za[MAX_B_FRAMES].z2 = bzt->za[MAX_B_FRAMES].z1; bzt->f1 = MAX_B_FRAMES; bzt->f2 = bzt->f1; /* init F pointers to remain constant */ if (fifo_state) - cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en |= fifo_state; + cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en |= fifo_state; Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_FIFO_EN, cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en); } @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ static void hfcpci_clear_fifo_tx(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int fifo) /*********************************************/ static struct sk_buff * -hfcpci_empty_fifo(struct BCState *bcs, bzfifo_type * bz, u_char * bdata, int count) +hfcpci_empty_fifo(struct BCState *bcs, bzfifo_type *bz, u_char *bdata, int count) { u_char *ptr, *ptr1, new_f2; struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ receive_dmsg(struct IsdnCardState *cs) /* check for transparent receive data and read max one threshold size if avail */ /*******************************************************************************/ static int -hfcpci_empty_fifo_trans(struct BCState *bcs, bzfifo_type * bz, u_char * bdata) +hfcpci_empty_fifo_trans(struct BCState *bcs, bzfifo_type *bz, u_char *bdata) { unsigned short *z1r, *z2r; int new_z2, fcnt, maxlen; @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ main_rec_hfcpci(struct BCState *bcs) bdata = ((fifo_area *) (cs->hw.hfcpci.fifos))->b_chans.rxdat_b1; real_fifo = 0; } - Begin: +Begin: count--; if (test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { debugl1(cs, "rec_data %d blocked", bcs->channel); @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ main_rec_hfcpci(struct BCState *bcs) if (rcnt < 0) rcnt += MAX_B_FRAMES + 1; if (cs->hw.hfcpci.last_bfifo_cnt[real_fifo] > rcnt + 1) { - rcnt = 0; + rcnt = 0; hfcpci_clear_fifo_rx(cs, real_fifo); } cs->hw.hfcpci.last_bfifo_cnt[real_fifo] = rcnt; @@ -647,8 +647,8 @@ hfcpci_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) debugl1(cs, "hfcpci_fill_fifo_trans %d frame length %d discarded", bcs->channel, bcs->tx_skb->len); - if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP,&bcs->st->lli.flag) && - (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { + if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &bcs->st->lli.flag) && + (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { u_long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->aclock, flags); bcs->ackcnt += bcs->tx_skb->len; @@ -710,8 +710,8 @@ hfcpci_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) memcpy(dst, src, count); } bcs->tx_cnt -= bcs->tx_skb->len; - if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP,&bcs->st->lli.flag) && - (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { + if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &bcs->st->lli.flag) && + (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { u_long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->aclock, flags); bcs->ackcnt += bcs->tx_skb->len; @@ -736,27 +736,27 @@ dch_nt_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) struct IsdnCardState *cs = (struct IsdnCardState *) st->l1.hardware; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): - case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): - st->l1.l1hw(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_ACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; - case (PH_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): - if (1 & (long) arg) - debugl1(cs, "PH_TEST_LOOP B1"); - if (2 & (long) arg) - debugl1(cs, "PH_TEST_LOOP B2"); - if (!(3 & (long) arg)) - debugl1(cs, "PH_TEST_LOOP DISABLED"); - st->l1.l1hw(st, HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST, arg); - break; - default: - if (cs->debug) - debugl1(cs, "dch_nt_l2l1 msg %04X unhandled", pr); - break; + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + st->l1.l1hw(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_ACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; + case (PH_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): + if (1 & (long) arg) + debugl1(cs, "PH_TEST_LOOP B1"); + if (2 & (long) arg) + debugl1(cs, "PH_TEST_LOOP B2"); + if (!(3 & (long) arg)) + debugl1(cs, "PH_TEST_LOOP DISABLED"); + st->l1.l1hw(st, HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST, arg); + break; + default: + if (cs->debug) + debugl1(cs, "dch_nt_l2l1 msg %04X unhandled", pr); + break; } } @@ -766,14 +766,14 @@ dch_nt_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) /* set/reset echo mode */ /***********************/ static int -hfcpci_auxcmd(struct IsdnCardState *cs, isdn_ctrl * ic) +hfcpci_auxcmd(struct IsdnCardState *cs, isdn_ctrl *ic) { u_long flags; int i = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; if ((ic->arg == 98) && (!(cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 & (HFCPCI_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B2REC + HFCPCI_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B1REC)))) { - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_CLKDEL, CLKDEL_NT); /* ST-Bit delay for NT-Mode */ Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_STATES, HFCPCI_LOAD_STATE | 0); /* HFC ST G0 */ udelay(10); @@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ receive_emsg(struct IsdnCardState *cs) bz = &((fifo_area *) (cs->hw.hfcpci.fifos))->b_chans.rxbz_b2; bdata = ((fifo_area *) (cs->hw.hfcpci.fifos))->b_chans.rxdat_b2; - Begin: +Begin: count--; if (test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { debugl1(cs, "echo_rec_data blocked"); @@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@ hfcpci_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) } else sched_event_D_pci(cs, D_XMTBUFREADY); } - afterXPR: + afterXPR: if (cs->hw.hfcpci.int_s1 && count--) { val = cs->hw.hfcpci.int_s1; cs->hw.hfcpci.int_s1 = 0; @@ -1110,130 +1110,130 @@ HFCPCI_l1hw(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) struct sk_buff *skb = arg; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) - LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) - dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); -#ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA Queued", 0); -#endif - } else { - cs->tx_skb = skb; - cs->tx_cnt = 0; + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) + LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) + dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA", 0); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA Queued", 0); #endif - if (!test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { - hfcpci_fill_dfifo(cs); - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); - } else - debugl1(cs, "hfcpci_fill_dfifo blocked"); - - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, " l2l1 tx_skb exist this shouldn't happen"); - skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - } - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) - LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) - dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + } else { cs->tx_skb = skb; cs->tx_cnt = 0; #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA_PULLED", 0); + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA", 0); #endif if (!test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { hfcpci_fill_dfifo(cs); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); } else debugl1(cs, "hfcpci_fill_dfifo blocked"); + + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, " l2l1 tx_skb exist this shouldn't happen"); + skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); break; - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + } + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) + LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) + dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + cs->tx_skb = skb; + cs->tx_cnt = 0; #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - debugl1(cs, "-> PH_REQUEST_PULL"); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA_PULLED", 0); #endif - if (!cs->tx_skb) { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); - } else - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - break; - case (HW_RESET | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_STATES, HFCPCI_LOAD_STATE | 3); /* HFC ST 3 */ - udelay(6); - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_STATES, 3); /* HFC ST 2 */ - cs->hw.hfcpci.mst_m |= HFCPCI_MASTER; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcpci.mst_m); - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_STATES, HFCPCI_ACTIVATE | HFCPCI_DO_ACTION); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - l1_msg(cs, HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; - case (HW_ENABLE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_STATES, HFCPCI_DO_ACTION); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (HW_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - cs->hw.hfcpci.mst_m &= ~HFCPCI_MASTER; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcpci.mst_m); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (HW_INFO3 | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - cs->hw.hfcpci.mst_m |= HFCPCI_MASTER; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcpci.mst_m); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + if (!test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { + hfcpci_fill_dfifo(cs); + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); + } else + debugl1(cs, "hfcpci_fill_dfifo blocked"); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): +#ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + debugl1(cs, "-> PH_REQUEST_PULL"); +#endif + if (!cs->tx_skb) { + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + } else + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + break; + case (HW_RESET | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_STATES, HFCPCI_LOAD_STATE | 3); /* HFC ST 3 */ + udelay(6); + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_STATES, 3); /* HFC ST 2 */ + cs->hw.hfcpci.mst_m |= HFCPCI_MASTER; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcpci.mst_m); + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_STATES, HFCPCI_ACTIVATE | HFCPCI_DO_ACTION); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + l1_msg(cs, HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; + case (HW_ENABLE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_STATES, HFCPCI_DO_ACTION); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + cs->hw.hfcpci.mst_m &= ~HFCPCI_MASTER; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcpci.mst_m); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_INFO3 | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + cs->hw.hfcpci.mst_m |= HFCPCI_MASTER; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcpci.mst_m); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + switch ((long) arg) { + case (1): + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_B1_SSL, 0x80); /* tx slot */ + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_B1_RSL, 0x80); /* rx slot */ + cs->hw.hfcpci.conn = (cs->hw.hfcpci.conn & ~7) | 1; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_CONNECT, cs->hw.hfcpci.conn); break; - case (HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - switch ((long) arg) { - case (1): - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_B1_SSL, 0x80); /* tx slot */ - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_B1_RSL, 0x80); /* rx slot */ - cs->hw.hfcpci.conn = (cs->hw.hfcpci.conn & ~7) | 1; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_CONNECT, cs->hw.hfcpci.conn); - break; - - case (2): - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_B2_SSL, 0x81); /* tx slot */ - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_B2_RSL, 0x81); /* rx slot */ - cs->hw.hfcpci.conn = (cs->hw.hfcpci.conn & ~0x38) | 0x08; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_CONNECT, cs->hw.hfcpci.conn); - break; - - default: - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "hfcpci_l1hw loop invalid %4lx", (long) arg); - return; - } - cs->hw.hfcpci.trm |= 0x80; /* enable IOM-loop */ - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_TRM, cs->hw.hfcpci.trm); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + + case (2): + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_B2_SSL, 0x81); /* tx slot */ + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_B2_RSL, 0x81); /* rx slot */ + cs->hw.hfcpci.conn = (cs->hw.hfcpci.conn & ~0x38) | 0x08; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_CONNECT, cs->hw.hfcpci.conn); break; + default: + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "hfcpci_l1hw unknown pr %4x", pr); - break; + debugl1(cs, "hfcpci_l1hw loop invalid %4lx", (long) arg); + return; + } + cs->hw.hfcpci.trm |= 0x80; /* enable IOM-loop */ + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_TRM, cs->hw.hfcpci.trm); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + default: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "hfcpci_l1hw unknown pr %4x", pr); + break; } } @@ -1295,83 +1295,83 @@ mode_hfcpci(struct BCState *bcs, int mode, int bc) } } switch (mode) { - case (L1_MODE_NULL): - if (bc) { - cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl &= ~SCTRL_B2_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_r &= ~SCTRL_B2_ENA; - } else { - cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl &= ~SCTRL_B1_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_r &= ~SCTRL_B1_ENA; - } - if (fifo2) { - cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en &= ~HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B2; - cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 &= ~(HFCPCI_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B2REC); - } else { - cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en &= ~HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B1; - cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 &= ~(HFCPCI_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B1REC); - } - break; - case (L1_MODE_TRANS): - hfcpci_clear_fifo_rx(cs, fifo2); - hfcpci_clear_fifo_tx(cs, fifo2); - if (bc) { - cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; - } else { - cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; - } - if (fifo2) { - cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en |= HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B2; - cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 |= (HFCPCI_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B2REC); - cs->hw.hfcpci.ctmt |= 2; - cs->hw.hfcpci.conn &= ~0x18; - } else { - cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en |= HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B1; - cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 |= (HFCPCI_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B1REC); - cs->hw.hfcpci.ctmt |= 1; - cs->hw.hfcpci.conn &= ~0x03; - } - break; - case (L1_MODE_HDLC): - hfcpci_clear_fifo_rx(cs, fifo2); - hfcpci_clear_fifo_tx(cs, fifo2); - if (bc) { - cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; - } else { - cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; - } - if (fifo2) { - cs->hw.hfcpci.last_bfifo_cnt[1] = 0; - cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en |= HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B2; - cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 |= (HFCPCI_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B2REC); - cs->hw.hfcpci.ctmt &= ~2; - cs->hw.hfcpci.conn &= ~0x18; - } else { - cs->hw.hfcpci.last_bfifo_cnt[0] = 0; - cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en |= HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B1; - cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 |= (HFCPCI_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B1REC); - cs->hw.hfcpci.ctmt &= ~1; - cs->hw.hfcpci.conn &= ~0x03; - } - break; - case (L1_MODE_EXTRN): - if (bc) { - cs->hw.hfcpci.conn |= 0x10; - cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en &= ~HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B2; - cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 &= ~(HFCPCI_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B2REC); - } else { - cs->hw.hfcpci.conn |= 0x02; - cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en &= ~HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B1; - cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 &= ~(HFCPCI_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B1REC); - } - break; + case (L1_MODE_NULL): + if (bc) { + cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl &= ~SCTRL_B2_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_r &= ~SCTRL_B2_ENA; + } else { + cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl &= ~SCTRL_B1_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_r &= ~SCTRL_B1_ENA; + } + if (fifo2) { + cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en &= ~HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B2; + cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 &= ~(HFCPCI_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B2REC); + } else { + cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en &= ~HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B1; + cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 &= ~(HFCPCI_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B1REC); + } + break; + case (L1_MODE_TRANS): + hfcpci_clear_fifo_rx(cs, fifo2); + hfcpci_clear_fifo_tx(cs, fifo2); + if (bc) { + cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; + } else { + cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; + } + if (fifo2) { + cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en |= HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B2; + cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 |= (HFCPCI_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B2REC); + cs->hw.hfcpci.ctmt |= 2; + cs->hw.hfcpci.conn &= ~0x18; + } else { + cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en |= HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B1; + cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 |= (HFCPCI_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B1REC); + cs->hw.hfcpci.ctmt |= 1; + cs->hw.hfcpci.conn &= ~0x03; + } + break; + case (L1_MODE_HDLC): + hfcpci_clear_fifo_rx(cs, fifo2); + hfcpci_clear_fifo_tx(cs, fifo2); + if (bc) { + cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; + } else { + cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; + } + if (fifo2) { + cs->hw.hfcpci.last_bfifo_cnt[1] = 0; + cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en |= HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B2; + cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 |= (HFCPCI_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B2REC); + cs->hw.hfcpci.ctmt &= ~2; + cs->hw.hfcpci.conn &= ~0x18; + } else { + cs->hw.hfcpci.last_bfifo_cnt[0] = 0; + cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en |= HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B1; + cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 |= (HFCPCI_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B1REC); + cs->hw.hfcpci.ctmt &= ~1; + cs->hw.hfcpci.conn &= ~0x03; + } + break; + case (L1_MODE_EXTRN): + if (bc) { + cs->hw.hfcpci.conn |= 0x10; + cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en &= ~HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B2; + cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 &= ~(HFCPCI_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B2REC); + } else { + cs->hw.hfcpci.conn |= 0x02; + cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo_en &= ~HFCPCI_FIFOEN_B1; + cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 &= ~(HFCPCI_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B1REC); + } + break; } Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_SCTRL_E, cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_e); Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1); @@ -1393,54 +1393,54 @@ hfcpci_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) struct sk_buff *skb = arg; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); - } else { - bcs->tx_skb = skb; -// test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - printk(KERN_WARNING "hfc_l2l1: this shouldn't happen\n"); - break; - } -// test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); + } else { bcs->tx_skb = skb; +// test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + printk(KERN_WARNING "hfc_l2l1: this shouldn't happen\n"); break; - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): - if (!bcs->tx_skb) { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); - } else - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - break; - case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - mode_hfcpci(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - mode_hfcpci(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; + } +// test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + bcs->tx_skb = skb; + bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + if (!bcs->tx_skb) { + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + } else + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + break; + case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + mode_hfcpci(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + mode_hfcpci(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; } } @@ -1510,57 +1510,57 @@ hfcpci_bh(struct work_struct *work) if (test_and_clear_bit(D_L1STATECHANGE, &cs->event)) { if (!cs->hw.hfcpci.nt_mode) switch (cs->dc.hfcpci.ph_state) { - case (0): - l1_msg(cs, HW_RESET | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (3): - l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (8): - l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (6): - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO2 | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (7): - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - default: - break; - } else { + case (0): + l1_msg(cs, HW_RESET | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (3): + l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (8): + l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (6): + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO2 | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (7): + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + default: + break; + } else { spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); switch (cs->dc.hfcpci.ph_state) { - case (2): - if (cs->hw.hfcpci.nt_timer < 0) { - cs->hw.hfcpci.nt_timer = 0; - cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 &= ~HFCPCI_INTS_TIMER; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1); - /* Clear already pending ints */ - if (Read_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_INT_S1)); - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_STATES, 4 | HFCPCI_LOAD_STATE); - udelay(10); - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_STATES, 4); - cs->dc.hfcpci.ph_state = 4; - } else { - cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 |= HFCPCI_INTS_TIMER; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1); - cs->hw.hfcpci.ctmt &= ~HFCPCI_AUTO_TIMER; - cs->hw.hfcpci.ctmt |= HFCPCI_TIM3_125; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_CTMT, cs->hw.hfcpci.ctmt | HFCPCI_CLTIMER); - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_CTMT, cs->hw.hfcpci.ctmt | HFCPCI_CLTIMER); - cs->hw.hfcpci.nt_timer = NT_T1_COUNT; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_STATES, 2 | HFCPCI_NT_G2_G3); /* allow G2 -> G3 transition */ - } - break; - case (1): - case (3): - case (4): + case (2): + if (cs->hw.hfcpci.nt_timer < 0) { cs->hw.hfcpci.nt_timer = 0; cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 &= ~HFCPCI_INTS_TIMER; Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1); - break; - default: - break; + /* Clear already pending ints */ + if (Read_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_INT_S1)); + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_STATES, 4 | HFCPCI_LOAD_STATE); + udelay(10); + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_STATES, 4); + cs->dc.hfcpci.ph_state = 4; + } else { + cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 |= HFCPCI_INTS_TIMER; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1); + cs->hw.hfcpci.ctmt &= ~HFCPCI_AUTO_TIMER; + cs->hw.hfcpci.ctmt |= HFCPCI_TIM3_125; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_CTMT, cs->hw.hfcpci.ctmt | HFCPCI_CLTIMER); + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_CTMT, cs->hw.hfcpci.ctmt | HFCPCI_CLTIMER); + cs->hw.hfcpci.nt_timer = NT_T1_COUNT; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_STATES, 2 | HFCPCI_NT_G2_G3); /* allow G2 -> G3 transition */ + } + break; + case (1): + case (3): + case (4): + cs->hw.hfcpci.nt_timer = 0; + cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 &= ~HFCPCI_INTS_TIMER; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1); + break; + default: + break; } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); } @@ -1602,30 +1602,30 @@ hfcpci_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "HFCPCI: card_msg %x", mt); switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_hfcpci(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return (0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_hfcpci(cs); - return (0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - inithfcpci(cs); - reset_hfcpci(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - msleep(80); /* Timeout 80ms */ - /* now switch timer interrupt off */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 &= ~HFCPCI_INTS_TIMER; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1); - /* reinit mode reg */ - Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcpci.mst_m); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return (0); - case CARD_TEST: - return (0); + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_hfcpci(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_hfcpci(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + inithfcpci(cs); + reset_hfcpci(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + msleep(80); /* Timeout 80ms */ + /* now switch timer interrupt off */ + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 &= ~HFCPCI_INTS_TIMER; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1); + /* reinit mode reg */ + Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcpci.mst_m); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } return (0); } @@ -1654,13 +1654,13 @@ setup_hfcpci(struct IsdnCard *card) cs->dc.hfcpci.ph_state = 0; cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo = 255; if (cs->typ != ISDN_CTYPE_HFC_PCI) - return(0); + return (0); i = 0; while (id_list[i].vendor_id) { tmp_hfcpci = hisax_find_pci_device(id_list[i].vendor_id, - id_list[i].device_id, - dev_hfcpci); + id_list[i].device_id, + dev_hfcpci); i++; if (tmp_hfcpci) { dma_addr_t dma_mask = DMA_BIT_MASK(32) & ~0x7fffUL; @@ -1668,16 +1668,16 @@ setup_hfcpci(struct IsdnCard *card) continue; if (pci_set_dma_mask(tmp_hfcpci, dma_mask)) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax hfc_pci: No suitable DMA available.\n"); + "HiSax hfc_pci: No suitable DMA available.\n"); continue; } if (pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(tmp_hfcpci, dma_mask)) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax hfc_pci: No suitable consistent DMA available.\n"); + "HiSax hfc_pci: No suitable consistent DMA available.\n"); continue; } pci_set_master(tmp_hfcpci); - if ((card->para[0]) && (card->para[0] != (tmp_hfcpci->resource[ 0].start & PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_IO_MASK))) + if ((card->para[0]) && (card->para[0] != (tmp_hfcpci->resource[0].start & PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_IO_MASK))) continue; else break; @@ -1707,17 +1707,17 @@ setup_hfcpci(struct IsdnCard *card) /* Allocate memory for FIFOS */ cs->hw.hfcpci.fifos = pci_alloc_consistent(cs->hw.hfcpci.dev, - 0x8000, &cs->hw.hfcpci.dma); + 0x8000, &cs->hw.hfcpci.dma); if (!cs->hw.hfcpci.fifos) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC-PCI: Error allocating FIFO memory!\n"); return 0; } if (cs->hw.hfcpci.dma & 0x7fff) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HFC-PCI: Error DMA memory not on 32K boundary (%lx)\n", - (u_long)cs->hw.hfcpci.dma); + "HFC-PCI: Error DMA memory not on 32K boundary (%lx)\n", + (u_long)cs->hw.hfcpci.dma); pci_free_consistent(cs->hw.hfcpci.dev, 0x8000, - cs->hw.hfcpci.fifos, cs->hw.hfcpci.dma); + cs->hw.hfcpci.fifos, cs->hw.hfcpci.dma); return 0; } pci_write_config_dword(cs->hw.hfcpci.dev, 0x80, (u32)cs->hw.hfcpci.dma); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_pci.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_pci.h index 9ef2981e404ed5ba96f87080295eacf3bf46857a..4e58700a3e613dd1440e5771bde478be543b32bc 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_pci.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_pci.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Werner Cornelius * Copyright by Werner Cornelius - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ #define HFCPCI_MST_EMOD 0xB4 #define HFCPCI_MST_MODE 0xB8 -#define HFCPCI_CONNECT 0xBC +#define HFCPCI_CONNECT 0xBC /* Interrupt and status registers */ @@ -64,22 +64,22 @@ #define HFCPCI_TRM 0x48 #define HFCPCI_B_MODE 0x4C #define HFCPCI_CHIP_ID 0x58 -#define HFCPCI_CIRM 0x60 +#define HFCPCI_CIRM 0x60 #define HFCPCI_CTMT 0x64 -#define HFCPCI_INT_M1 0x68 -#define HFCPCI_INT_M2 0x6C -#define HFCPCI_INT_S1 0x78 -#define HFCPCI_INT_S2 0x7C -#define HFCPCI_STATUS 0x70 +#define HFCPCI_INT_M1 0x68 +#define HFCPCI_INT_M2 0x6C +#define HFCPCI_INT_S1 0x78 +#define HFCPCI_INT_S2 0x7C +#define HFCPCI_STATUS 0x70 /* S/T section registers */ -#define HFCPCI_STATES 0xC0 -#define HFCPCI_SCTRL 0xC4 +#define HFCPCI_STATES 0xC0 +#define HFCPCI_SCTRL 0xC4 #define HFCPCI_SCTRL_E 0xC8 #define HFCPCI_SCTRL_R 0xCC -#define HFCPCI_SQ 0xD0 -#define HFCPCI_CLKDEL 0xDC +#define HFCPCI_SQ 0xD0 +#define HFCPCI_CLKDEL 0xDC #define HFCPCI_B1_REC 0xF0 #define HFCPCI_B1_SEND 0xF0 #define HFCPCI_B2_REC 0xF4 @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ /* bits in status register (READ) */ #define HFCPCI_PCI_PROC 0x02 -#define HFCPCI_NBUSY 0x04 +#define HFCPCI_NBUSY 0x04 #define HFCPCI_TIMER_ELAP 0x10 #define HFCPCI_STATINT 0x20 #define HFCPCI_FRAMEINT 0x40 @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ /* bits in CIRM (Write) */ #define HFCPCI_AUX_MSK 0x07 -#define HFCPCI_RESET 0x08 +#define HFCPCI_RESET 0x08 #define HFCPCI_B1_REV 0x40 #define HFCPCI_B2_REV 0x80 @@ -183,53 +183,53 @@ #define D_FREG_MASK 0xF typedef struct { - unsigned short z1; /* Z1 pointer 16 Bit */ - unsigned short z2; /* Z2 pointer 16 Bit */ - } z_type; + unsigned short z1; /* Z1 pointer 16 Bit */ + unsigned short z2; /* Z2 pointer 16 Bit */ +} z_type; typedef struct { - u_char data[D_FIFO_SIZE]; /* FIFO data space */ - u_char fill1[0x20A0-D_FIFO_SIZE]; /* reserved, do not use */ - u_char f1,f2; /* f pointers */ - u_char fill2[0x20C0-0x20A2]; /* reserved, do not use */ - z_type za[MAX_D_FRAMES+1]; /* mask index with D_FREG_MASK for access */ - u_char fill3[0x4000-0x2100]; /* align 16K */ - } dfifo_type; + u_char data[D_FIFO_SIZE]; /* FIFO data space */ + u_char fill1[0x20A0 - D_FIFO_SIZE]; /* reserved, do not use */ + u_char f1, f2; /* f pointers */ + u_char fill2[0x20C0 - 0x20A2]; /* reserved, do not use */ + z_type za[MAX_D_FRAMES + 1]; /* mask index with D_FREG_MASK for access */ + u_char fill3[0x4000 - 0x2100]; /* align 16K */ +} dfifo_type; typedef struct { - z_type za[MAX_B_FRAMES+1]; /* only range 0x0..0x1F allowed */ - u_char f1,f2; /* f pointers */ - u_char fill[0x2100-0x2082]; /* alignment */ - } bzfifo_type; + z_type za[MAX_B_FRAMES + 1]; /* only range 0x0..0x1F allowed */ + u_char f1, f2; /* f pointers */ + u_char fill[0x2100 - 0x2082]; /* alignment */ +} bzfifo_type; typedef union { - struct { - dfifo_type d_tx; /* D-send channel */ - dfifo_type d_rx; /* D-receive channel */ - } d_chan; - struct { - u_char fill1[0x200]; - u_char txdat_b1[B_FIFO_SIZE]; - bzfifo_type txbz_b1; + struct { + dfifo_type d_tx; /* D-send channel */ + dfifo_type d_rx; /* D-receive channel */ + } d_chan; + struct { + u_char fill1[0x200]; + u_char txdat_b1[B_FIFO_SIZE]; + bzfifo_type txbz_b1; - bzfifo_type txbz_b2; - u_char txdat_b2[B_FIFO_SIZE]; + bzfifo_type txbz_b2; + u_char txdat_b2[B_FIFO_SIZE]; - u_char fill2[D_FIFO_SIZE]; + u_char fill2[D_FIFO_SIZE]; - u_char rxdat_b1[B_FIFO_SIZE]; - bzfifo_type rxbz_b1; + u_char rxdat_b1[B_FIFO_SIZE]; + bzfifo_type rxbz_b1; - bzfifo_type rxbz_b2; - u_char rxdat_b2[B_FIFO_SIZE]; - } b_chans; - u_char fill[32768]; - } fifo_area; + bzfifo_type rxbz_b2; + u_char rxdat_b2[B_FIFO_SIZE]; + } b_chans; + u_char fill[32768]; +} fifo_area; -#define Write_hfc(a,b,c) (*(((u_char *)a->hw.hfcpci.pci_io)+b) = c) -#define Read_hfc(a,b) (*(((u_char *)a->hw.hfcpci.pci_io)+b)) +#define Write_hfc(a, b, c) (*(((u_char *)a->hw.hfcpci.pci_io) + b) = c) +#define Read_hfc(a, b) (*(((u_char *)a->hw.hfcpci.pci_io) + b)) extern void main_irq_hcpci(struct BCState *bcs); extern void releasehfcpci(struct IsdnCardState *cs); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_sx.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_sx.c index 156d7c63d944cab5ed911b67b3ce485c2a64acec..4db846be4369b1bd7b894e8a590437b81597ee82 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_sx.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_sx.c @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * Author Werner Cornelius * based on existing driver for CCD HFC PCI cards * Copyright by Werner Cornelius - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -43,16 +43,16 @@ static const char *hfcsx_revision = "$Revision: $"; #undef CCD_DEMO_BOARD #ifdef CCD_DEMO_BOARD static u_char ccd_sp_irqtab[16] = { - 0,0,0,0,0,2,1,0,0,0,3,4,5,0,0,6 + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 6 }; #else /* Teles 16.3c */ static u_char ccd_sp_irqtab[16] = { - 0,0,0,7,0,1,0,0,0,2,3,4,5,0,0,6 + 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 6 }; #endif #define NT_T1_COUNT 20 /* number of 3.125ms interrupts for G2 timeout */ -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) /******************************/ @@ -61,19 +61,19 @@ static u_char ccd_sp_irqtab[16] = { static inline void Write_hfc(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char regnum, u_char val) { - byteout(cs->hw.hfcsx.base+1, regnum); + byteout(cs->hw.hfcsx.base + 1, regnum); byteout(cs->hw.hfcsx.base, val); -} +} static inline u_char Read_hfc(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char regnum) { - u_char ret; + u_char ret; - byteout(cs->hw.hfcsx.base+1, regnum); + byteout(cs->hw.hfcsx.base + 1, regnum); ret = bytein(cs->hw.hfcsx.base); - return(ret); -} + return (ret); +} /**************************************************/ @@ -82,15 +82,15 @@ Read_hfc(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char regnum) static void fifo_select(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char fifo) { - if (fifo == cs->hw.hfcsx.last_fifo) - return; /* still valid */ + if (fifo == cs->hw.hfcsx.last_fifo) + return; /* still valid */ - byteout(cs->hw.hfcsx.base+1, HFCSX_FIF_SEL); + byteout(cs->hw.hfcsx.base + 1, HFCSX_FIF_SEL); byteout(cs->hw.hfcsx.base, fifo); - while (bytein(cs->hw.hfcsx.base+1) & 1); /* wait for busy */ + while (bytein(cs->hw.hfcsx.base + 1) & 1); /* wait for busy */ udelay(4); byteout(cs->hw.hfcsx.base, fifo); - while (bytein(cs->hw.hfcsx.base+1) & 1); /* wait for busy */ + while (bytein(cs->hw.hfcsx.base + 1) & 1); /* wait for busy */ } /******************************************/ @@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ static void reset_fifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char fifo) { fifo_select(cs, fifo); /* first select the fifo */ - byteout(cs->hw.hfcsx.base+1, HFCSX_CIRM); + byteout(cs->hw.hfcsx.base + 1, HFCSX_CIRM); byteout(cs->hw.hfcsx.base, cs->hw.hfcsx.cirm | 0x80); /* reset cmd */ udelay(1); - while (bytein(cs->hw.hfcsx.base+1) & 1); /* wait for busy */ -} + while (bytein(cs->hw.hfcsx.base + 1) & 1); /* wait for busy */ +} /*************************************************************/ @@ -116,56 +116,56 @@ reset_fifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char fifo) static int write_fifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct sk_buff *skb, u_char fifo, int trans_max) { - unsigned short *msp; - int fifo_size, count, z1, z2; + unsigned short *msp; + int fifo_size, count, z1, z2; u_char f_msk, f1, f2, *src; - if (skb->len <= 0) return(0); - if (fifo & 1) return(0); /* no write fifo */ + if (skb->len <= 0) return (0); + if (fifo & 1) return (0); /* no write fifo */ fifo_select(cs, fifo); if (fifo & 4) { - fifo_size = D_FIFO_SIZE; /* D-channel */ - f_msk = MAX_D_FRAMES; - if (trans_max) return(0); /* only HDLC */ + fifo_size = D_FIFO_SIZE; /* D-channel */ + f_msk = MAX_D_FRAMES; + if (trans_max) return (0); /* only HDLC */ } else { - fifo_size = cs->hw.hfcsx.b_fifo_size; /* B-channel */ - f_msk = MAX_B_FRAMES; + fifo_size = cs->hw.hfcsx.b_fifo_size; /* B-channel */ + f_msk = MAX_B_FRAMES; } - z1 = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z1H); + z1 = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z1H); z1 = ((z1 << 8) | Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z1L)); /* Check for transparent mode */ if (trans_max) { - z2 = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z2H); - z2 = ((z2 << 8) | Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z2L)); - count = z2 - z1; - if (count <= 0) - count += fifo_size; /* free bytes */ - if (count < skb->len+1) return(0); /* no room */ - count = fifo_size - count; /* bytes still not send */ - if (count > 2 * trans_max) return(0); /* delay to long */ - count = skb->len; - src = skb->data; - while (count--) - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_DWR, *src++); - return(1); /* success */ + z2 = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z2H); + z2 = ((z2 << 8) | Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z2L)); + count = z2 - z1; + if (count <= 0) + count += fifo_size; /* free bytes */ + if (count < skb->len + 1) return (0); /* no room */ + count = fifo_size - count; /* bytes still not send */ + if (count > 2 * trans_max) return (0); /* delay to long */ + count = skb->len; + src = skb->data; + while (count--) + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_DWR, *src++); + return (1); /* success */ } - msp = ((struct hfcsx_extra *)(cs->hw.hfcsx.extra))->marker; - msp += (((fifo >> 1) & 3) * (MAX_B_FRAMES+1)); + msp = ((struct hfcsx_extra *)(cs->hw.hfcsx.extra))->marker; + msp += (((fifo >> 1) & 3) * (MAX_B_FRAMES + 1)); f1 = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_F1) & f_msk; f2 = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_F2) & f_msk; count = f1 - f2; /* frame count actually buffered */ if (count < 0) count += (f_msk + 1); /* if wrap around */ - if (count > f_msk-1) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO) - debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_write_fifo %d more as %d frames",fifo,f_msk-1); - return(0); + if (count > f_msk - 1) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO) + debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_write_fifo %d more as %d frames", fifo, f_msk - 1); + return (0); } *(msp + f1) = z1; /* remember marker */ @@ -176,134 +176,134 @@ write_fifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct sk_buff *skb, u_char fifo, int trans /* now determine free bytes in FIFO buffer */ count = *(msp + f2) - z1; if (count <= 0) - count += fifo_size; /* count now contains available bytes */ + count += fifo_size; /* count now contains available bytes */ if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO) - debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_write_fifo %d count(%u/%d)", - fifo, skb->len, count); + debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_write_fifo %d count(%u/%d)", + fifo, skb->len, count); if (count < skb->len) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO) - debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_write_fifo %d no fifo mem", fifo); - return(0); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO) + debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_write_fifo %d no fifo mem", fifo); + return (0); } - + count = skb->len; /* get frame len */ src = skb->data; /* source pointer */ while (count--) - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_DWR, *src++); - + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_DWR, *src++); + Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_INCF1); /* increment F1 */ udelay(1); - while (bytein(cs->hw.hfcsx.base+1) & 1); /* wait for busy */ - return(1); -} + while (bytein(cs->hw.hfcsx.base + 1) & 1); /* wait for busy */ + return (1); +} /***************************************************************/ /* read_fifo reads data to an skb from the desired fifo */ /* if no data is available or an error occurs NULL is returned */ /* the skb is not released in any way. */ /***************************************************************/ -static struct sk_buff * +static struct sk_buff * read_fifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char fifo, int trans_max) { int fifo_size, count, z1, z2; u_char f_msk, f1, f2, *dst; struct sk_buff *skb; - if (!(fifo & 1)) return(NULL); /* no read fifo */ + if (!(fifo & 1)) return (NULL); /* no read fifo */ fifo_select(cs, fifo); if (fifo & 4) { - fifo_size = D_FIFO_SIZE; /* D-channel */ - f_msk = MAX_D_FRAMES; - if (trans_max) return(NULL); /* only hdlc */ + fifo_size = D_FIFO_SIZE; /* D-channel */ + f_msk = MAX_D_FRAMES; + if (trans_max) return (NULL); /* only hdlc */ } else { - fifo_size = cs->hw.hfcsx.b_fifo_size; /* B-channel */ - f_msk = MAX_B_FRAMES; + fifo_size = cs->hw.hfcsx.b_fifo_size; /* B-channel */ + f_msk = MAX_B_FRAMES; } /* transparent mode */ if (trans_max) { - z1 = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z1H); - z1 = ((z1 << 8) | Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z1L)); - z2 = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z2H); - z2 = ((z2 << 8) | Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z2L)); - /* now determine bytes in actual FIFO buffer */ - count = z1 - z2; - if (count <= 0) - count += fifo_size; /* count now contains buffered bytes */ - count++; - if (count > trans_max) - count = trans_max; /* limit length */ - skb = dev_alloc_skb(count); - if (skb) { - dst = skb_put(skb, count); - while (count--) - *dst++ = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_DRD); - return skb; - } else - return NULL; /* no memory */ + z1 = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z1H); + z1 = ((z1 << 8) | Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z1L)); + z2 = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z2H); + z2 = ((z2 << 8) | Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z2L)); + /* now determine bytes in actual FIFO buffer */ + count = z1 - z2; + if (count <= 0) + count += fifo_size; /* count now contains buffered bytes */ + count++; + if (count > trans_max) + count = trans_max; /* limit length */ + skb = dev_alloc_skb(count); + if (skb) { + dst = skb_put(skb, count); + while (count--) + *dst++ = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_DRD); + return skb; + } else + return NULL; /* no memory */ } do { - f1 = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_F1) & f_msk; - f2 = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_F2) & f_msk; - - if (f1 == f2) return(NULL); /* no frame available */ - - z1 = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z1H); - z1 = ((z1 << 8) | Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z1L)); - z2 = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z2H); - z2 = ((z2 << 8) | Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z2L)); - - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO) - debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_read_fifo %d f1(%x) f2(%x) z1(f2)(%x) z2(f2)(%x)", - fifo, f1, f2, z1, z2); - /* now determine bytes in actual FIFO buffer */ - count = z1 - z2; - if (count <= 0) - count += fifo_size; /* count now contains buffered bytes */ - count++; - - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO) - debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_read_fifo %d count %u)", - fifo, count); - - if ((count > fifo_size) || (count < 4)) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_read_fifo %d paket inv. len %d ", fifo , count); - while (count) { - count--; /* empty fifo */ - Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_DRD); - } - skb = NULL; - } else - if ((skb = dev_alloc_skb(count - 3))) { - count -= 3; - dst = skb_put(skb, count); - - while (count--) - *dst++ = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_DRD); - - Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_DRD); /* CRC 1 */ - Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_DRD); /* CRC 2 */ - if (Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_DRD)) { - dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb); + f1 = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_F1) & f_msk; + f2 = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_F2) & f_msk; + + if (f1 == f2) return (NULL); /* no frame available */ + + z1 = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z1H); + z1 = ((z1 << 8) | Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z1L)); + z2 = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z2H); + z2 = ((z2 << 8) | Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_Z2L)); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO) - debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_read_fifo %d crc error", fifo); - skb = NULL; - } - } else { - printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC-SX: receive out of memory\n"); - return(NULL); - } - - Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_INCF2); /* increment F2 */ - udelay(1); - while (bytein(cs->hw.hfcsx.base+1) & 1); /* wait for busy */ - udelay(1); + debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_read_fifo %d f1(%x) f2(%x) z1(f2)(%x) z2(f2)(%x)", + fifo, f1, f2, z1, z2); + /* now determine bytes in actual FIFO buffer */ + count = z1 - z2; + if (count <= 0) + count += fifo_size; /* count now contains buffered bytes */ + count++; + + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO) + debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_read_fifo %d count %u)", + fifo, count); + + if ((count > fifo_size) || (count < 4)) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_read_fifo %d paket inv. len %d ", fifo , count); + while (count) { + count--; /* empty fifo */ + Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_DRD); + } + skb = NULL; + } else + if ((skb = dev_alloc_skb(count - 3))) { + count -= 3; + dst = skb_put(skb, count); + + while (count--) + *dst++ = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_DRD); + + Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_DRD); /* CRC 1 */ + Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_DRD); /* CRC 2 */ + if (Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_DRD)) { + dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO) + debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_read_fifo %d crc error", fifo); + skb = NULL; + } + } else { + printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC-SX: receive out of memory\n"); + return (NULL); + } + + Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_FIF_INCF2); /* increment F2 */ + udelay(1); + while (bytein(cs->hw.hfcsx.base + 1) & 1); /* wait for busy */ + udelay(1); } while (!skb); /* retry in case of crc error */ - return(skb); -} + return (skb); +} /******************************************/ /* free hardware resources used by driver */ @@ -328,17 +328,17 @@ release_io_hfcsx(struct IsdnCardState *cs) /**********************************************************/ static int set_fifo_size(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { - - if (cs->hw.hfcsx.b_fifo_size) return(1); /* already determined */ + + if (cs->hw.hfcsx.b_fifo_size) return (1); /* already determined */ if ((cs->hw.hfcsx.chip >> 4) == 9) { - cs->hw.hfcsx.b_fifo_size = B_FIFO_SIZE_32K; - return(1); + cs->hw.hfcsx.b_fifo_size = B_FIFO_SIZE_32K; + return (1); } - cs->hw.hfcsx.b_fifo_size = B_FIFO_SIZE_8K; - cs->hw.hfcsx.cirm |= 0x10; /* only 8K of ram */ - return(0); + cs->hw.hfcsx.b_fifo_size = B_FIFO_SIZE_8K; + cs->hw.hfcsx.cirm |= 0x10; /* only 8K of ram */ + return (0); } @@ -354,15 +354,15 @@ reset_hfcsx(struct IsdnCardState *cs) printk(KERN_INFO "HFC_SX: resetting card\n"); while (1) { - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_CIRM, HFCSX_RESET | cs->hw.hfcsx.cirm ); /* Reset */ - mdelay(30); - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_CIRM, cs->hw.hfcsx.cirm); /* Reset Off */ - mdelay(20); - if (Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_STATUS) & 2) - printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC-SX init bit busy\n"); - cs->hw.hfcsx.last_fifo = 0xff; /* invalidate */ - if (!set_fifo_size(cs)) continue; - break; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_CIRM, HFCSX_RESET | cs->hw.hfcsx.cirm); /* Reset */ + mdelay(30); + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_CIRM, cs->hw.hfcsx.cirm); /* Reset Off */ + mdelay(20); + if (Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_STATUS) & 2) + printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC-SX init bit busy\n"); + cs->hw.hfcsx.last_fifo = 0xff; /* invalidate */ + if (!set_fifo_size(cs)) continue; + break; } cs->hw.hfcsx.trm = 0 + HFCSX_BTRANS_THRESMASK; /* no echo connect , threshold */ @@ -376,8 +376,8 @@ reset_hfcsx(struct IsdnCardState *cs) cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt = HFCSX_TIM3_125 | HFCSX_AUTO_TIMER; Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_CTMT, cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt); - cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 = HFCSX_INTS_DTRANS | HFCSX_INTS_DREC | - HFCSX_INTS_L1STATE | HFCSX_INTS_TIMER; + cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 = HFCSX_INTS_DTRANS | HFCSX_INTS_DREC | + HFCSX_INTS_L1STATE | HFCSX_INTS_TIMER; Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1); /* Clear already pending ints */ @@ -423,8 +423,8 @@ hfcsx_Timer(struct IsdnCardState *cs) cs->hw.hfcsx.timer.expires = jiffies + 75; /* WD RESET */ /* WriteReg(cs, HFCD_DATA, HFCD_CTMT, cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt | 0x80); - add_timer(&cs->hw.hfcsx.timer); - */ + add_timer(&cs->hw.hfcsx.timer); +*/ } /************************************************/ @@ -458,11 +458,11 @@ receive_dmsg(struct IsdnCardState *cs) } do { - skb = read_fifo(cs, HFCSX_SEL_D_RX, 0); - if (skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&cs->rq, skb); - schedule_event(cs, D_RCVBUFREADY); - } + skb = read_fifo(cs, HFCSX_SEL_D_RX, 0); + if (skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&cs->rq, skb); + schedule_event(cs, D_RCVBUFREADY); + } } while (--count && skb); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); @@ -479,20 +479,20 @@ main_rec_hfcsx(struct BCState *bcs) int count = 5; struct sk_buff *skb; - Begin: +Begin: count--; if (test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { debugl1(cs, "rec_data %d blocked", bcs->channel); return; } - skb = read_fifo(cs, ((bcs->channel) && (!cs->hw.hfcsx.bswapped)) ? + skb = read_fifo(cs, ((bcs->channel) && (!cs->hw.hfcsx.bswapped)) ? HFCSX_SEL_B2_RX : HFCSX_SEL_B1_RX, - (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS) ? + (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS) ? HFCSX_BTRANS_THRESHOLD : 0); if (skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&bcs->rqueue, skb); - schedule_event(bcs, B_RCVBUFREADY); + skb_queue_tail(&bcs->rqueue, skb); + schedule_event(bcs, B_RCVBUFREADY); } test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); @@ -513,8 +513,8 @@ hfcsx_fill_dfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs) return; if (write_fifo(cs, cs->tx_skb, HFCSX_SEL_D_TX, 0)) { - dev_kfree_skb_any(cs->tx_skb); - cs->tx_skb = NULL; + dev_kfree_skb_any(cs->tx_skb); + cs->tx_skb = NULL; } return; } @@ -532,24 +532,24 @@ hfcsx_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) if (bcs->tx_skb->len <= 0) return; - if (write_fifo(cs, bcs->tx_skb, - ((bcs->channel) && (!cs->hw.hfcsx.bswapped)) ? + if (write_fifo(cs, bcs->tx_skb, + ((bcs->channel) && (!cs->hw.hfcsx.bswapped)) ? HFCSX_SEL_B2_TX : HFCSX_SEL_B1_TX, - (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS) ? + (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS) ? HFCSX_BTRANS_THRESHOLD : 0)) { - bcs->tx_cnt -= bcs->tx_skb->len; - if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP,&bcs->st->lli.flag) && - (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { - u_long flags; - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->aclock, flags); - bcs->ackcnt += bcs->tx_skb->len; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->aclock, flags); - schedule_event(bcs, B_ACKPENDING); - } - dev_kfree_skb_any(bcs->tx_skb); - bcs->tx_skb = NULL; - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + bcs->tx_cnt -= bcs->tx_skb->len; + if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &bcs->st->lli.flag) && + (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { + u_long flags; + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->aclock, flags); + bcs->ackcnt += bcs->tx_skb->len; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->aclock, flags); + schedule_event(bcs, B_ACKPENDING); + } + dev_kfree_skb_any(bcs->tx_skb); + bcs->tx_skb = NULL; + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); } } @@ -562,27 +562,27 @@ dch_nt_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) struct IsdnCardState *cs = (struct IsdnCardState *) st->l1.hardware; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): - case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): - st->l1.l1hw(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_ACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; - case (PH_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): - if (1 & (long) arg) - debugl1(cs, "PH_TEST_LOOP B1"); - if (2 & (long) arg) - debugl1(cs, "PH_TEST_LOOP B2"); - if (!(3 & (long) arg)) - debugl1(cs, "PH_TEST_LOOP DISABLED"); - st->l1.l1hw(st, HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST, arg); - break; - default: - if (cs->debug) - debugl1(cs, "dch_nt_l2l1 msg %04X unhandled", pr); - break; + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + st->l1.l1hw(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_ACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; + case (PH_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): + if (1 & (long) arg) + debugl1(cs, "PH_TEST_LOOP B1"); + if (2 & (long) arg) + debugl1(cs, "PH_TEST_LOOP B2"); + if (!(3 & (long) arg)) + debugl1(cs, "PH_TEST_LOOP DISABLED"); + st->l1.l1hw(st, HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST, arg); + break; + default: + if (cs->debug) + debugl1(cs, "dch_nt_l2l1 msg %04X unhandled", pr); + break; } } @@ -592,14 +592,14 @@ dch_nt_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) /* set/reset echo mode */ /***********************/ static int -hfcsx_auxcmd(struct IsdnCardState *cs, isdn_ctrl * ic) +hfcsx_auxcmd(struct IsdnCardState *cs, isdn_ctrl *ic) { unsigned long flags; int i = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; if ((ic->arg == 98) && (!(cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 & (HFCSX_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCSX_INTS_B2REC + HFCSX_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCSX_INTS_B1REC)))) { - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_STATES, HFCSX_LOAD_STATE | 0); /* HFC ST G0 */ udelay(10); cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl |= SCTRL_MODE_NT; @@ -660,26 +660,26 @@ receive_emsg(struct IsdnCardState *cs) return; } do { - skb = read_fifo(cs, HFCSX_SEL_B2_RX, 0); - if (skb) { - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) { - ptr = cs->dlog; - if ((skb->len) < MAX_DLOG_SPACE / 3 - 10) { - *ptr++ = 'E'; - *ptr++ = 'C'; - *ptr++ = 'H'; - *ptr++ = 'O'; - *ptr++ = ':'; - ptr += QuickHex(ptr, skb->data, skb->len); - ptr--; - *ptr++ = '\n'; - *ptr = 0; - HiSax_putstatus(cs, NULL, cs->dlog); - } else - HiSax_putstatus(cs, "LogEcho: ", "warning Frame too big (%d)", skb->len); - } - dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); - } + skb = read_fifo(cs, HFCSX_SEL_B2_RX, 0); + if (skb) { + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) { + ptr = cs->dlog; + if ((skb->len) < MAX_DLOG_SPACE / 3 - 10) { + *ptr++ = 'E'; + *ptr++ = 'C'; + *ptr++ = 'H'; + *ptr++ = 'O'; + *ptr++ = ':'; + ptr += QuickHex(ptr, skb->data, skb->len); + ptr--; + *ptr++ = '\n'; + *ptr = 0; + HiSax_putstatus(cs, NULL, cs->dlog); + } else + HiSax_putstatus(cs, "LogEcho: ", "warning Frame too big (%d)", skb->len); + } + dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); + } } while (--count && skb); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); @@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ hfcsx_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) } else schedule_event(cs, D_XMTBUFREADY); } - afterXPR: + afterXPR: if (cs->hw.hfcsx.int_s1 && count--) { val = cs->hw.hfcsx.int_s1; cs->hw.hfcsx.int_s1 = 0; @@ -875,128 +875,128 @@ HFCSX_l1hw(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) - LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) - dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); -#ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA Queued", 0); -#endif - } else { - cs->tx_skb = skb; - cs->tx_cnt = 0; + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) + LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) + dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA", 0); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA Queued", 0); #endif - if (!test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { - hfcsx_fill_dfifo(cs); - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); - } else - debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_fill_dfifo blocked"); - - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, " l2l1 tx_skb exist this shouldn't happen"); - skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - } - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) - LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) - dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + } else { cs->tx_skb = skb; cs->tx_cnt = 0; #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA_PULLED", 0); + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA", 0); #endif if (!test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { - hfcsx_fill_dfifo(cs); + hfcsx_fill_dfifo(cs); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); } else debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_fill_dfifo blocked"); + + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, " l2l1 tx_skb exist this shouldn't happen"); + skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); break; - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + } + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) + LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) + dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + cs->tx_skb = skb; + cs->tx_cnt = 0; #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - debugl1(cs, "-> PH_REQUEST_PULL"); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA_PULLED", 0); #endif - if (!cs->tx_skb) { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); - } else - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - break; - case (HW_RESET | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_STATES, HFCSX_LOAD_STATE | 3); /* HFC ST 3 */ - udelay(6); - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_STATES, 3); /* HFC ST 2 */ - cs->hw.hfcsx.mst_m |= HFCSX_MASTER; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcsx.mst_m); - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_STATES, HFCSX_ACTIVATE | HFCSX_DO_ACTION); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - l1_msg(cs, HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; - case (HW_ENABLE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_STATES, HFCSX_ACTIVATE | HFCSX_DO_ACTION); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (HW_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - cs->hw.hfcsx.mst_m &= ~HFCSX_MASTER; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcsx.mst_m); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (HW_INFO3 | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - cs->hw.hfcsx.mst_m |= HFCSX_MASTER; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcsx.mst_m); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + if (!test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { + hfcsx_fill_dfifo(cs); + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); + } else + debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_fill_dfifo blocked"); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): +#ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + debugl1(cs, "-> PH_REQUEST_PULL"); +#endif + if (!cs->tx_skb) { + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + } else + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + break; + case (HW_RESET | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_STATES, HFCSX_LOAD_STATE | 3); /* HFC ST 3 */ + udelay(6); + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_STATES, 3); /* HFC ST 2 */ + cs->hw.hfcsx.mst_m |= HFCSX_MASTER; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcsx.mst_m); + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_STATES, HFCSX_ACTIVATE | HFCSX_DO_ACTION); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + l1_msg(cs, HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; + case (HW_ENABLE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_STATES, HFCSX_ACTIVATE | HFCSX_DO_ACTION); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + cs->hw.hfcsx.mst_m &= ~HFCSX_MASTER; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcsx.mst_m); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_INFO3 | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + cs->hw.hfcsx.mst_m |= HFCSX_MASTER; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcsx.mst_m); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + switch ((long) arg) { + case (1): + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_B1_SSL, 0x80); /* tx slot */ + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_B1_RSL, 0x80); /* rx slot */ + cs->hw.hfcsx.conn = (cs->hw.hfcsx.conn & ~7) | 1; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_CONNECT, cs->hw.hfcsx.conn); break; - case (HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - switch ((long) arg) { - case (1): - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_B1_SSL, 0x80); /* tx slot */ - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_B1_RSL, 0x80); /* rx slot */ - cs->hw.hfcsx.conn = (cs->hw.hfcsx.conn & ~7) | 1; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_CONNECT, cs->hw.hfcsx.conn); - break; - case (2): - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_B2_SSL, 0x81); /* tx slot */ - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_B2_RSL, 0x81); /* rx slot */ - cs->hw.hfcsx.conn = (cs->hw.hfcsx.conn & ~0x38) | 0x08; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_CONNECT, cs->hw.hfcsx.conn); - break; - default: - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_l1hw loop invalid %4lx", (unsigned long)arg); - return; - } - cs->hw.hfcsx.trm |= 0x80; /* enable IOM-loop */ - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_TRM, cs->hw.hfcsx.trm); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + case (2): + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_B2_SSL, 0x81); /* tx slot */ + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_B2_RSL, 0x81); /* rx slot */ + cs->hw.hfcsx.conn = (cs->hw.hfcsx.conn & ~0x38) | 0x08; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_CONNECT, cs->hw.hfcsx.conn); break; default: + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_l1hw unknown pr %4x", pr); - break; + debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_l1hw loop invalid %4lx", (unsigned long)arg); + return; + } + cs->hw.hfcsx.trm |= 0x80; /* enable IOM-loop */ + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_TRM, cs->hw.hfcsx.trm); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + default: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "hfcsx_l1hw unknown pr %4x", pr); + break; } } @@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ hfcsx_send_data(struct BCState *bcs) struct IsdnCardState *cs = bcs->cs; if (!test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { - hfcsx_fill_fifo(bcs); + hfcsx_fill_fifo(bcs); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); } else debugl1(cs, "send_data %d blocked", bcs->channel); @@ -1058,69 +1058,69 @@ mode_hfcsx(struct BCState *bcs, int mode, int bc) } } switch (mode) { - case (L1_MODE_NULL): - if (bc) { - cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl &= ~SCTRL_B2_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl_r &= ~SCTRL_B2_ENA; - } else { - cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl &= ~SCTRL_B1_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl_r &= ~SCTRL_B1_ENA; - } - if (fifo2) { - cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 &= ~(HFCSX_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCSX_INTS_B2REC); - } else { - cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 &= ~(HFCSX_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCSX_INTS_B1REC); - } - break; - case (L1_MODE_TRANS): - if (bc) { - cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; - } else { - cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; - } - if (fifo2) { - cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 |= (HFCSX_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCSX_INTS_B2REC); - cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt |= 2; - cs->hw.hfcsx.conn &= ~0x18; - } else { - cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 |= (HFCSX_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCSX_INTS_B1REC); - cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt |= 1; - cs->hw.hfcsx.conn &= ~0x03; - } - break; - case (L1_MODE_HDLC): - if (bc) { - cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; - } else { - cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; - } - if (fifo2) { - cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 |= (HFCSX_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCSX_INTS_B2REC); - cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt &= ~2; - cs->hw.hfcsx.conn &= ~0x18; - } else { - cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 |= (HFCSX_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCSX_INTS_B1REC); - cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt &= ~1; - cs->hw.hfcsx.conn &= ~0x03; - } - break; - case (L1_MODE_EXTRN): - if (bc) { - cs->hw.hfcsx.conn |= 0x10; - cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 &= ~(HFCSX_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCSX_INTS_B2REC); - } else { - cs->hw.hfcsx.conn |= 0x02; - cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; - cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 &= ~(HFCSX_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCSX_INTS_B1REC); - } - break; + case (L1_MODE_NULL): + if (bc) { + cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl &= ~SCTRL_B2_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl_r &= ~SCTRL_B2_ENA; + } else { + cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl &= ~SCTRL_B1_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl_r &= ~SCTRL_B1_ENA; + } + if (fifo2) { + cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 &= ~(HFCSX_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCSX_INTS_B2REC); + } else { + cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 &= ~(HFCSX_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCSX_INTS_B1REC); + } + break; + case (L1_MODE_TRANS): + if (bc) { + cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; + } else { + cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; + } + if (fifo2) { + cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 |= (HFCSX_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCSX_INTS_B2REC); + cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt |= 2; + cs->hw.hfcsx.conn &= ~0x18; + } else { + cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 |= (HFCSX_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCSX_INTS_B1REC); + cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt |= 1; + cs->hw.hfcsx.conn &= ~0x03; + } + break; + case (L1_MODE_HDLC): + if (bc) { + cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; + } else { + cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; + } + if (fifo2) { + cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 |= (HFCSX_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCSX_INTS_B2REC); + cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt &= ~2; + cs->hw.hfcsx.conn &= ~0x18; + } else { + cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 |= (HFCSX_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCSX_INTS_B1REC); + cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt &= ~1; + cs->hw.hfcsx.conn &= ~0x03; + } + break; + case (L1_MODE_EXTRN): + if (bc) { + cs->hw.hfcsx.conn |= 0x10; + cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B2_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 &= ~(HFCSX_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCSX_INTS_B2REC); + } else { + cs->hw.hfcsx.conn |= 0x02; + cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl_r |= SCTRL_B1_ENA; + cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 &= ~(HFCSX_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCSX_INTS_B1REC); + } + break; } Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_SCTRL_E, cs->hw.hfcsx.sctrl_e); Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1); @@ -1129,8 +1129,8 @@ mode_hfcsx(struct BCState *bcs, int mode, int bc) Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_CTMT, cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt); Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_CONNECT, cs->hw.hfcsx.conn); if (mode != L1_MODE_EXTRN) { - reset_fifo(cs, fifo2 ? HFCSX_SEL_B2_RX : HFCSX_SEL_B1_RX); - reset_fifo(cs, fifo2 ? HFCSX_SEL_B2_TX : HFCSX_SEL_B1_TX); + reset_fifo(cs, fifo2 ? HFCSX_SEL_B2_RX : HFCSX_SEL_B1_RX); + reset_fifo(cs, fifo2 ? HFCSX_SEL_B2_TX : HFCSX_SEL_B1_TX); } } @@ -1145,53 +1145,53 @@ hfcsx_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); - } else { - bcs->tx_skb = skb; + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); + } else { + bcs->tx_skb = skb; // test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "hfc_l2l1: this shouldn't happen\n"); - } else { + bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "hfc_l2l1: this shouldn't happen\n"); + } else { // test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - bcs->tx_skb = skb; - bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): - if (!bcs->tx_skb) { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); - } else - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - break; - case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - mode_hfcsx(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - mode_hfcsx(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; + bcs->tx_skb = skb; + bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + if (!bcs->tx_skb) { + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + } else + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + break; + case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + mode_hfcsx(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + mode_hfcsx(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; } } @@ -1260,61 +1260,61 @@ hfcsx_bh(struct work_struct *work) if (test_and_clear_bit(D_L1STATECHANGE, &cs->event)) { if (!cs->hw.hfcsx.nt_mode) switch (cs->dc.hfcsx.ph_state) { - case (0): - l1_msg(cs, HW_RESET | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (3): - l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (8): - l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (6): - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO2 | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (7): - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - default: - break; - } else { + case (0): + l1_msg(cs, HW_RESET | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (3): + l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (8): + l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (6): + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO2 | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (7): + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + default: + break; + } else { switch (cs->dc.hfcsx.ph_state) { - case (2): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if (cs->hw.hfcsx.nt_timer < 0) { - cs->hw.hfcsx.nt_timer = 0; - cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 &= ~HFCSX_INTS_TIMER; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1); - /* Clear already pending ints */ - if (Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_INT_S1)); - - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_STATES, 4 | HFCSX_LOAD_STATE); - udelay(10); - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_STATES, 4); - cs->dc.hfcsx.ph_state = 4; - } else { - cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 |= HFCSX_INTS_TIMER; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1); - cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt &= ~HFCSX_AUTO_TIMER; - cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt |= HFCSX_TIM3_125; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_CTMT, cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt | HFCSX_CLTIMER); - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_CTMT, cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt | HFCSX_CLTIMER); - cs->hw.hfcsx.nt_timer = NT_T1_COUNT; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_STATES, 2 | HFCSX_NT_G2_G3); /* allow G2 -> G3 transition */ - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (1): - case (3): - case (4): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + case (2): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if (cs->hw.hfcsx.nt_timer < 0) { cs->hw.hfcsx.nt_timer = 0; cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 &= ~HFCSX_INTS_TIMER; Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - default: - break; + /* Clear already pending ints */ + if (Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_INT_S1)); + + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_STATES, 4 | HFCSX_LOAD_STATE); + udelay(10); + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_STATES, 4); + cs->dc.hfcsx.ph_state = 4; + } else { + cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 |= HFCSX_INTS_TIMER; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1); + cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt &= ~HFCSX_AUTO_TIMER; + cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt |= HFCSX_TIM3_125; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_CTMT, cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt | HFCSX_CLTIMER); + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_CTMT, cs->hw.hfcsx.ctmt | HFCSX_CLTIMER); + cs->hw.hfcsx.nt_timer = NT_T1_COUNT; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_STATES, 2 | HFCSX_NT_G2_G3); /* allow G2 -> G3 transition */ + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (1): + case (3): + case (4): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + cs->hw.hfcsx.nt_timer = 0; + cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 &= ~HFCSX_INTS_TIMER; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + default: + break; } } } @@ -1353,29 +1353,29 @@ hfcsx_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "HFCSX: card_msg %x", mt); switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_hfcsx(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return (0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_hfcsx(cs); - return (0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - inithfcsx(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - msleep(80); /* Timeout 80ms */ - /* now switch timer interrupt off */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 &= ~HFCSX_INTS_TIMER; - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1); - /* reinit mode reg */ - Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcsx.mst_m); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return (0); - case CARD_TEST: - return (0); + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_hfcsx(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_hfcsx(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + inithfcsx(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + msleep(80); /* Timeout 80ms */ + /* now switch timer interrupt off */ + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 &= ~HFCSX_INTS_TIMER; + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1); + /* reinit mode reg */ + Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcsx.mst_m); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } return (0); } @@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ hfcsx_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) #ifdef __ISAPNP__ static struct isapnp_device_id hfc_ids[] __devinitdata = { { ISAPNP_VENDOR('T', 'A', 'G'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x2620), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('T', 'A', 'G'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x2620), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('T', 'A', 'G'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x2620), (unsigned long) "Teles 16.3c2" }, { 0, } }; @@ -1403,30 +1403,30 @@ setup_hfcsx(struct IsdnCard *card) #ifdef __ISAPNP__ if (!card->para[1] && isapnp_present()) { struct pnp_dev *pnp_d; - while(ipid->card_vendor) { + while (ipid->card_vendor) { if ((pnp_c = pnp_find_card(ipid->card_vendor, - ipid->card_device, pnp_c))) { + ipid->card_device, pnp_c))) { pnp_d = NULL; if ((pnp_d = pnp_find_dev(pnp_c, - ipid->vendor, ipid->function, pnp_d))) { + ipid->vendor, ipid->function, pnp_d))) { int err; printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: %s detected\n", - (char *)ipid->driver_data); + (char *)ipid->driver_data); pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); err = pnp_activate_dev(pnp_d); - if (err<0) { + if (err < 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: pnp_activate_dev ret(%d)\n", - __func__, err); - return(0); + __func__, err); + return (0); } card->para[1] = pnp_port_start(pnp_d, 0); card->para[0] = pnp_irq(pnp_d, 0); if (!card->para[0] || !card->para[1]) { printk(KERN_ERR "HFC PnP:some resources are missing %ld/%lx\n", - card->para[0], card->para[1]); + card->para[0], card->para[1]); pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); - return(0); + return (0); } break; } else { @@ -1435,10 +1435,10 @@ setup_hfcsx(struct IsdnCard *card) } ipid++; pnp_c = NULL; - } + } if (!ipid->card_vendor) { printk(KERN_INFO "HFC PnP: no ISAPnP card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } } #endif @@ -1447,47 +1447,47 @@ setup_hfcsx(struct IsdnCard *card) cs->hw.hfcsx.int_s1 = 0; cs->dc.hfcsx.ph_state = 0; cs->hw.hfcsx.fifo = 255; - if ((cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_HFC_SX) || + if ((cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_HFC_SX) || (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_HFC_SP_PCMCIA)) { - if ((!cs->hw.hfcsx.base) || !request_region(cs->hw.hfcsx.base, 2, "HFCSX isdn")) { - printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: HFC-SX io-base %#lx already in use\n", - cs->hw.hfcsx.base); - return(0); + if ((!cs->hw.hfcsx.base) || !request_region(cs->hw.hfcsx.base, 2, "HFCSX isdn")) { + printk(KERN_WARNING + "HiSax: HFC-SX io-base %#lx already in use\n", + cs->hw.hfcsx.base); + return (0); } byteout(cs->hw.hfcsx.base, cs->hw.hfcsx.base & 0xFF); byteout(cs->hw.hfcsx.base + 1, ((cs->hw.hfcsx.base >> 8) & 3) | 0x54); udelay(10); - cs->hw.hfcsx.chip = Read_hfc(cs,HFCSX_CHIP_ID); - switch (cs->hw.hfcsx.chip >> 4) { - case 1: - tmp[0] ='+'; - break; - case 9: - tmp[0] ='P'; - break; - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING - "HFC-SX: invalid chip id 0x%x\n", - cs->hw.hfcsx.chip >> 4); - release_region(cs->hw.hfcsx.base, 2); - return(0); - } + cs->hw.hfcsx.chip = Read_hfc(cs, HFCSX_CHIP_ID); + switch (cs->hw.hfcsx.chip >> 4) { + case 1: + tmp[0] = '+'; + break; + case 9: + tmp[0] = 'P'; + break; + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING + "HFC-SX: invalid chip id 0x%x\n", + cs->hw.hfcsx.chip >> 4); + release_region(cs->hw.hfcsx.base, 2); + return (0); + } if (!ccd_sp_irqtab[cs->irq & 0xF]) { - printk(KERN_WARNING - "HFC_SX: invalid irq %d specified\n",cs->irq & 0xF); - release_region(cs->hw.hfcsx.base, 2); - return(0); - } + printk(KERN_WARNING + "HFC_SX: invalid irq %d specified\n", cs->irq & 0xF); + release_region(cs->hw.hfcsx.base, 2); + return (0); + } if (!(cs->hw.hfcsx.extra = (void *) kmalloc(sizeof(struct hfcsx_extra), GFP_ATOMIC))) { - release_region(cs->hw.hfcsx.base, 2); - printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC-SX: unable to allocate memory\n"); - return(0); + release_region(cs->hw.hfcsx.base, 2); + printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC-SX: unable to allocate memory\n"); + return (0); } printk(KERN_INFO "HFC-S%c chip detected at base 0x%x IRQ %d HZ %d\n", - tmp[0], (u_int) cs->hw.hfcsx.base, cs->irq, HZ); + tmp[0], (u_int) cs->hw.hfcsx.base, cs->irq, HZ); cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m2 = 0; /* disable alle interrupts */ cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1 = 0; Write_hfc(cs, HFCSX_INT_M1, cs->hw.hfcsx.int_m1); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_sx.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_sx.h index 6792f13dc22011f3b57a3da96b793f280e8a9bbc..eee85dbb0883d22ff0ca8df1bbfc284b94651144 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_sx.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_sx.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * Author Werner Cornelius * based on existing driver for CCD HFC PCI cards * Copyright by Werner Cornelius - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ #define HFCSX_MST_EMOD 0x2D #define HFCSX_MST_MODE 0x2E -#define HFCSX_CONNECT 0x2F +#define HFCSX_CONNECT 0x2F /* Interrupt and status registers */ @@ -56,22 +56,22 @@ #define HFCSX_TRM 0x12 #define HFCSX_B_MODE 0x13 #define HFCSX_CHIP_ID 0x16 -#define HFCSX_CIRM 0x18 +#define HFCSX_CIRM 0x18 #define HFCSX_CTMT 0x19 -#define HFCSX_INT_M1 0x1A -#define HFCSX_INT_M2 0x1B -#define HFCSX_INT_S1 0x1E -#define HFCSX_INT_S2 0x1F -#define HFCSX_STATUS 0x1C +#define HFCSX_INT_M1 0x1A +#define HFCSX_INT_M2 0x1B +#define HFCSX_INT_S1 0x1E +#define HFCSX_INT_S2 0x1F +#define HFCSX_STATUS 0x1C /* S/T section registers */ -#define HFCSX_STATES 0x30 -#define HFCSX_SCTRL 0x31 +#define HFCSX_STATES 0x30 +#define HFCSX_SCTRL 0x31 #define HFCSX_SCTRL_E 0x32 #define HFCSX_SCTRL_R 0x33 -#define HFCSX_SQ 0x34 -#define HFCSX_CLKDEL 0x37 +#define HFCSX_SQ 0x34 +#define HFCSX_CLKDEL 0x37 #define HFCSX_B1_REC 0x3C #define HFCSX_B1_SEND 0x3C #define HFCSX_B2_REC 0x3D @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ /* bits in status register (READ) */ #define HFCSX_SX_PROC 0x02 -#define HFCSX_NBUSY 0x04 +#define HFCSX_NBUSY 0x04 #define HFCSX_TIMER_ELAP 0x10 #define HFCSX_STATINT 0x20 #define HFCSX_FRAMEINT 0x40 @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ /* bits in CIRM (Write) */ #define HFCSX_IRQ_SELMSK 0x07 #define HFCSX_IRQ_SELDIS 0x00 -#define HFCSX_RESET 0x08 +#define HFCSX_RESET 0x08 #define HFCSX_FIFO_RESET 0x80 @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ /* structure holding additional dynamic data -> send marker */ /************************************************************/ struct hfcsx_extra { - unsigned short marker[2*(MAX_B_FRAMES+1) + (MAX_D_FRAMES+1)]; + unsigned short marker[2 * (MAX_B_FRAMES + 1) + (MAX_D_FRAMES + 1)]; }; extern void main_irq_hfcsx(struct BCState *bcs); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_usb.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_usb.c index f407de0e006d19edd00cd525318bee6930607551..62c65bdefd8a0d2f7100197b0b5116133205a45d 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_usb.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_usb.c @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ * * See Version Histroy at the bottom of this file * -*/ + */ #include #include @@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ #include "hfc_usb.h" static const char *hfcusb_revision = - "$Revision: $ $Date: 2007/10/14 08:40:29 $ "; + "$Revision: $ $Date: 2007/10/14 08:40:29 $ "; /* Hisax debug support -* debug flags defined in hfc_usb.h as HFCUSB_DBG_[*] -*/ + * debug flags defined in hfc_usb.h as HFCUSB_DBG_[*] + */ #define __debug_variable hfc_debug #include "hisax_debug.h" static u_int debug; @@ -67,70 +67,70 @@ typedef struct { /* VID/PID device list */ static struct usb_device_id hfcusb_idtab[] = { { - USB_DEVICE(0x0959, 0x2bd0), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_OFF, {4, 0, 2, 1}, - "ISDN USB TA (Cologne Chip HFC-S USB based)"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x0959, 0x2bd0), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_OFF, {4, 0, 2, 1}, + "ISDN USB TA (Cologne Chip HFC-S USB based)"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x0675, 0x1688), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {1, 2, 0, 0}, - "DrayTek miniVigor 128 USB ISDN TA"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x0675, 0x1688), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {1, 2, 0, 0}, + "DrayTek miniVigor 128 USB ISDN TA"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x07b0, 0x0007), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16}, - "Billion tiny USB ISDN TA 128"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x07b0, 0x0007), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16}, + "Billion tiny USB ISDN TA 128"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x0742, 0x2008), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {4, 0, 2, 1}, - "Stollmann USB TA"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x0742, 0x2008), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {4, 0, 2, 1}, + "Stollmann USB TA"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x0742, 0x2009), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {4, 0, 2, 1}, - "Aceex USB ISDN TA"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x0742, 0x2009), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {4, 0, 2, 1}, + "Aceex USB ISDN TA"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x0742, 0x200A), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {4, 0, 2, 1}, - "OEM USB ISDN TA"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x0742, 0x200A), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {4, 0, 2, 1}, + "OEM USB ISDN TA"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x08e3, 0x0301), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {2, 0, 1, 4}, - "Olitec USB RNIS"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x08e3, 0x0301), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {2, 0, 1, 4}, + "Olitec USB RNIS"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x07fa, 0x0846), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16}, - "Bewan Modem RNIS USB"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x07fa, 0x0846), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16}, + "Bewan Modem RNIS USB"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x07fa, 0x0847), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16}, - "Djinn Numeris USB"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x07fa, 0x0847), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16}, + "Djinn Numeris USB"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x07b0, 0x0006), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16}, - "Twister ISDN TA"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x07b0, 0x0006), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16}, + "Twister ISDN TA"}), }, { - USB_DEVICE(0x071d, 0x1005), - .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) - {LED_SCHEME1, {0x02, 0, 0x01, 0x04}, - "Eicon DIVA USB 4.0"}), + USB_DEVICE(0x071d, 0x1005), + .driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata) + {LED_SCHEME1, {0x02, 0, 0x01, 0x04}, + "Eicon DIVA USB 4.0"}), }, { } }; @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ typedef struct hfcusb_data { int alt_used; /* used alternate config */ int ctrl_paksize; /* control pipe packet size */ int ctrl_in_pipe, /* handles for control pipe */ - ctrl_out_pipe; + ctrl_out_pipe; int cfg_used; /* configuration index used */ int vend_idx; /* vendor found */ int b_mode[2]; /* B-channel mode */ @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ typedef struct hfcusb_data { } hfcusb_data; -static void collect_rx_frame(usb_fifo * fifo, __u8 * data, int len, +static void collect_rx_frame(usb_fifo *fifo, __u8 *data, int len, int finish); static inline const char * @@ -220,24 +220,24 @@ symbolic(struct hfcusb_symbolic_list list[], const int num) } static void -ctrl_start_transfer(hfcusb_data * hfc) +ctrl_start_transfer(hfcusb_data *hfc) { if (hfc->ctrl_cnt) { hfc->ctrl_urb->pipe = hfc->ctrl_out_pipe; - hfc->ctrl_urb->setup_packet = (u_char *) & hfc->ctrl_write; + hfc->ctrl_urb->setup_packet = (u_char *)&hfc->ctrl_write; hfc->ctrl_urb->transfer_buffer = NULL; hfc->ctrl_urb->transfer_buffer_length = 0; hfc->ctrl_write.wIndex = - cpu_to_le16(hfc->ctrl_buff[hfc->ctrl_out_idx].hfc_reg); + cpu_to_le16(hfc->ctrl_buff[hfc->ctrl_out_idx].hfc_reg); hfc->ctrl_write.wValue = - cpu_to_le16(hfc->ctrl_buff[hfc->ctrl_out_idx].reg_val); + cpu_to_le16(hfc->ctrl_buff[hfc->ctrl_out_idx].reg_val); usb_submit_urb(hfc->ctrl_urb, GFP_ATOMIC); /* start transfer */ } } /* ctrl_start_transfer */ static int -queue_control_request(hfcusb_data * hfc, __u8 reg, __u8 val, int action) +queue_control_request(hfcusb_data *hfc, __u8 reg, __u8 val, int action) { ctrl_buft *buf; @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ ctrl_complete(struct urb *urb) /* write led data to auxport & invert if necessary */ static void -write_led(hfcusb_data * hfc, __u8 led_state) +write_led(hfcusb_data *hfc, __u8 led_state) { if (led_state != hfc->old_led_state) { hfc->old_led_state = led_state; @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ write_led(hfcusb_data * hfc, __u8 led_state) } static void -set_led_bit(hfcusb_data * hfc, signed short led_bits, int on) +set_led_bit(hfcusb_data *hfc, signed short led_bits, int on) { if (on) { if (led_bits < 0) @@ -297,53 +297,53 @@ set_led_bit(hfcusb_data * hfc, signed short led_bits, int on) /* handle LED requests */ static void -handle_led(hfcusb_data * hfc, int event) +handle_led(hfcusb_data *hfc, int event) { hfcsusb_vdata *driver_info = - (hfcsusb_vdata *) hfcusb_idtab[hfc->vend_idx].driver_info; + (hfcsusb_vdata *) hfcusb_idtab[hfc->vend_idx].driver_info; /* if no scheme -> no LED action */ if (driver_info->led_scheme == LED_OFF) return; switch (event) { - case LED_POWER_ON: - set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[0], 1); - set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[1], 0); - set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[2], 0); - set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[3], 0); - break; - case LED_POWER_OFF: - set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[0], 0); - set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[1], 0); - set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[2], 0); - set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[3], 0); - break; - case LED_S0_ON: - set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[1], 1); - break; - case LED_S0_OFF: - set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[1], 0); - break; - case LED_B1_ON: - set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[2], 1); - break; - case LED_B1_OFF: - set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[2], 0); - break; - case LED_B2_ON: - set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[3], 1); - break; - case LED_B2_OFF: - set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[3], 0); - break; + case LED_POWER_ON: + set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[0], 1); + set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[1], 0); + set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[2], 0); + set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[3], 0); + break; + case LED_POWER_OFF: + set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[0], 0); + set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[1], 0); + set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[2], 0); + set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[3], 0); + break; + case LED_S0_ON: + set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[1], 1); + break; + case LED_S0_OFF: + set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[1], 0); + break; + case LED_B1_ON: + set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[2], 1); + break; + case LED_B1_OFF: + set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[2], 0); + break; + case LED_B2_ON: + set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[3], 1); + break; + case LED_B2_OFF: + set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[3], 0); + break; } write_led(hfc, hfc->led_state); } /* ISDN l1 timer T3 expires */ static void -l1_timer_expire_t3(hfcusb_data * hfc) +l1_timer_expire_t3(hfcusb_data *hfc) { hfc->d_if.ifc.l1l2(&hfc->d_if.ifc, PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); @@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ l1_timer_expire_t3(hfcusb_data * hfc) /* ISDN l1 timer T4 expires */ static void -l1_timer_expire_t4(hfcusb_data * hfc) +l1_timer_expire_t4(hfcusb_data *hfc) { hfc->d_if.ifc.l1l2(&hfc->d_if.ifc, PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); @@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ l1_timer_expire_t4(hfcusb_data * hfc) /* S0 state changed */ static void -s0_state_handler(hfcusb_data * hfc, __u8 state) +s0_state_handler(hfcusb_data *hfc, __u8 state) { __u8 old_state; @@ -402,12 +402,12 @@ s0_state_handler(hfcusb_data * hfc, __u8 state) DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_STATES, "HFC-S USB: PH_ACTIVATE | INDICATION sent"); hfc->l1_activated = 1; handle_led(hfc, LED_S0_ON); - } else if (state <= 3 /* && activated */ ) { + } else if (state <= 3 /* && activated */) { if (old_state == 7 || old_state == 8) { DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_STATES, "HFC-S USB: T4 activated"); if (!timer_pending(&hfc->t4_timer)) { hfc->t4_timer.expires = - jiffies + (HFC_TIMER_T4 * HZ) / 1000; + jiffies + (HFC_TIMER_T4 * HZ) / 1000; add_timer(&hfc->t4_timer); } } else { @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ fill_isoc_urb(struct urb *urb, struct usb_device *dev, unsigned int pipe, * gaps in the transfer chain */ static int -start_isoc_chain(usb_fifo * fifo, int num_packets_per_urb, +start_isoc_chain(usb_fifo *fifo, int num_packets_per_urb, usb_complete_t complete, int packet_size) { int i, k, errcode; @@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ start_isoc_chain(usb_fifo * fifo, int num_packets_per_urb, for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (!(fifo->iso[i].purb)) { fifo->iso[i].purb = - usb_alloc_urb(num_packets_per_urb, GFP_KERNEL); + usb_alloc_urb(num_packets_per_urb, GFP_KERNEL); if (!(fifo->iso[i].purb)) { printk(KERN_INFO "alloc urb for fifo %i failed!!!", @@ -487,11 +487,11 @@ start_isoc_chain(usb_fifo * fifo, int num_packets_per_urb, /* defining packet delimeters in fifo->buffer */ for (k = 0; k < num_packets_per_urb; k++) { fifo->iso[i].purb-> - iso_frame_desc[k].offset = - k * packet_size; + iso_frame_desc[k].offset = + k * packet_size; fifo->iso[i].purb-> - iso_frame_desc[k].length = - packet_size; + iso_frame_desc[k].length = + packet_size; } } else { printk(KERN_INFO @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ start_isoc_chain(usb_fifo * fifo, int num_packets_per_urb, /* stops running iso chain and frees their pending urbs */ static void -stop_isoc_chain(usb_fifo * fifo) +stop_isoc_chain(usb_fifo *fifo) { int i; @@ -534,8 +534,8 @@ stop_isoc_chain(usb_fifo * fifo) /* defines how much ISO packets are handled in one URB */ static int iso_packets[8] = - { ISOC_PACKETS_B, ISOC_PACKETS_B, ISOC_PACKETS_B, ISOC_PACKETS_B, - ISOC_PACKETS_D, ISOC_PACKETS_D, ISOC_PACKETS_D, ISOC_PACKETS_D +{ ISOC_PACKETS_B, ISOC_PACKETS_B, ISOC_PACKETS_B, ISOC_PACKETS_B, + ISOC_PACKETS_D, ISOC_PACKETS_D, ISOC_PACKETS_D, ISOC_PACKETS_D }; static void @@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) usb_fifo *fifo = context_iso_urb->owner_fifo; hfcusb_data *hfc = fifo->hfc; int k, tx_offset, num_isoc_packets, sink, len, current_len, - errcode; + errcode; int frame_complete, transp_mode, fifon, status; __u8 threshbit; @@ -565,8 +565,8 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) errcode = urb->iso_frame_desc[k].status; if (errcode) DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_VERBOSE_USB, "HFC-S USB: tx_iso_complete " - "packet %i, status: %i\n", - k, errcode); + "packet %i, status: %i\n", + k, errcode); } // clear status, so go on with ISO transfers @@ -607,8 +607,8 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) if (current_len > 14) current_len = 14; current_len = - (len <= - current_len) ? len : current_len; + (len <= + current_len) ? len : current_len; /* how much bit do we put on the line? */ fifo->bit_line += current_len * 8; @@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) if (!transp_mode) { /* here frame completion */ context_iso_urb-> - buffer[tx_offset] = 1; + buffer[tx_offset] = 1; /* add 2 byte flags and 16bit CRC at end of ISDN frame */ fifo->bit_line += 32; } @@ -632,12 +632,12 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) /* define packet delimeters within the URB buffer */ urb->iso_frame_desc[k].offset = tx_offset; urb->iso_frame_desc[k].length = - current_len + 1; + current_len + 1; tx_offset += (current_len + 1); } else { urb->iso_frame_desc[k].offset = - tx_offset++; + tx_offset++; urb->iso_frame_desc[k].length = 1; fifo->bit_line -= sink; /* we lower data margin every msec */ @@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ rx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) usb_fifo *fifo = context_iso_urb->owner_fifo; hfcusb_data *hfc = fifo->hfc; int k, len, errcode, offset, num_isoc_packets, fifon, maxlen, - status; + status; unsigned int iso_status; __u8 *buf; static __u8 eof[8]; @@ -723,10 +723,10 @@ rx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) if (fifon == HFCUSB_D_RX) { DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_VERBOSE_USB, - "HFC-S USB: ISO-D-RX lst_urblen:%2d " - "act_urblen:%2d max-urblen:%2d EOF:0x%0x", - fifo->last_urblen, len, maxlen, - eof[5]); + "HFC-S USB: ISO-D-RX lst_urblen:%2d " + "act_urblen:%2d max-urblen:%2d EOF:0x%0x", + fifo->last_urblen, len, maxlen, + eof[5]); DBG_PACKET(HFCUSB_DBG_VERBOSE_USB, buf, len); } @@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ rx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb) /* collect rx data from INT- and ISO-URBs */ static void -collect_rx_frame(usb_fifo * fifo, __u8 * data, int len, int finish) +collect_rx_frame(usb_fifo *fifo, __u8 *data, int len, int finish) { hfcusb_data *hfc = fifo->hfc; int transp_mode, fifon; @@ -802,8 +802,8 @@ collect_rx_frame(usb_fifo * fifo, __u8 * data, int len, int finish) memcpy(skb_put(fifo->skbuff, len), data, len); } else { DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_FIFO_ERR, - "HCF-USB: got frame exceeded fifo->max_size(%d) fifo(%d)", - fifo->max_size, fifon); + "HCF-USB: got frame exceeded fifo->max_size(%d) fifo(%d)", + fifo->max_size, fifon); DBG_SKB(HFCUSB_DBG_VERBOSE_USB, fifo->skbuff); skb_trim(fifo->skbuff, 0); } @@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ collect_rx_frame(usb_fifo * fifo, __u8 * data, int len, int finish) /* we have a complete hdlc packet */ if (finish) { if (fifo->skbuff->len > 3 && - !fifo->skbuff->data[fifo->skbuff->len - 1]) { + !fifo->skbuff->data[fifo->skbuff->len - 1]) { if (fifon == HFCUSB_D_RX) { DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_DCHANNEL, @@ -876,10 +876,10 @@ rx_int_complete(struct urb *urb) if (fifon == HFCUSB_D_RX) { DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_VERBOSE_USB, - "HFC-S USB: INT-D-RX lst_urblen:%2d " - "act_urblen:%2d max-urblen:%2d EOF:0x%0x", - fifo->last_urblen, len, maxlen, - eof[5]); + "HFC-S USB: INT-D-RX lst_urblen:%2d " + "act_urblen:%2d max-urblen:%2d EOF:0x%0x", + fifo->last_urblen, len, maxlen, + eof[5]); DBG_PACKET(HFCUSB_DBG_VERBOSE_USB, buf, len); } @@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ rx_int_complete(struct urb *urb) /* start initial INT-URB for certain fifo */ static void -start_int_fifo(usb_fifo * fifo) +start_int_fifo(usb_fifo *fifo) { int errcode; @@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ start_int_fifo(usb_fifo * fifo) } static void -setup_bchannel(hfcusb_data * hfc, int channel, int mode) +setup_bchannel(hfcusb_data *hfc, int channel, int mode) { __u8 val, idx_table[2] = { 0, 2 }; @@ -999,100 +999,100 @@ hfc_usb_l2l1(struct hisax_if *my_hisax_if, int pr, void *arg) hfcusb_data *hfc = fifo->hfc; switch (pr) { - case PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST: - if (fifo->fifonum == HFCUSB_D_TX) { + case PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST: + if (fifo->fifonum == HFCUSB_D_TX) { + DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_STATES, + "HFC_USB: hfc_usb_d_l2l1 D-chan: PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST"); + + if (hfc->l1_state != 3 + && hfc->l1_state != 7) { + hfc->d_if.ifc.l1l2(&hfc->d_if.ifc, + PH_DEACTIVATE | + INDICATION, + NULL); DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_STATES, - "HFC_USB: hfc_usb_d_l2l1 D-chan: PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST"); - - if (hfc->l1_state != 3 - && hfc->l1_state != 7) { - hfc->d_if.ifc.l1l2(&hfc->d_if.ifc, - PH_DEACTIVATE | + "HFC-S USB: PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION sent (not state 3 or 7)"); + } else { + if (hfc->l1_state == 7) { /* l1 already active */ + hfc->d_if.ifc.l1l2(&hfc-> + d_if. + ifc, + PH_ACTIVATE + | INDICATION, NULL); DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_STATES, - "HFC-S USB: PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION sent (not state 3 or 7)"); + "HFC-S USB: PH_ACTIVATE | INDICATION sent again ;)"); } else { - if (hfc->l1_state == 7) { /* l1 already active */ - hfc->d_if.ifc.l1l2(&hfc-> - d_if. - ifc, - PH_ACTIVATE - | - INDICATION, - NULL); - DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_STATES, - "HFC-S USB: PH_ACTIVATE | INDICATION sent again ;)"); - } else { - /* force sending sending INFO1 */ - queue_control_request(hfc, - HFCUSB_STATES, - 0x14, - 1); - mdelay(1); - /* start l1 activation */ - queue_control_request(hfc, - HFCUSB_STATES, - 0x04, - 1); - if (!timer_pending - (&hfc->t3_timer)) { - hfc->t3_timer. - expires = - jiffies + - (HFC_TIMER_T3 * - HZ) / 1000; - add_timer(&hfc-> - t3_timer); - } + /* force sending sending INFO1 */ + queue_control_request(hfc, + HFCUSB_STATES, + 0x14, + 1); + mdelay(1); + /* start l1 activation */ + queue_control_request(hfc, + HFCUSB_STATES, + 0x04, + 1); + if (!timer_pending + (&hfc->t3_timer)) { + hfc->t3_timer. + expires = + jiffies + + (HFC_TIMER_T3 * + HZ) / 1000; + add_timer(&hfc-> + t3_timer); } } - } else { - DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_STATES, - "HFC_USB: hfc_usb_d_l2l1 B-chan: PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST"); - setup_bchannel(hfc, - (fifo->fifonum == - HFCUSB_B1_TX) ? 0 : 1, - (long) arg); - fifo->hif->l1l2(fifo->hif, - PH_ACTIVATE | INDICATION, - NULL); - } - break; - case PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST: - if (fifo->fifonum == HFCUSB_D_TX) { - DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_STATES, - "HFC_USB: hfc_usb_d_l2l1 D-chan: PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST"); - } else { - DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_STATES, - "HFC_USB: hfc_usb_d_l2l1 Bx-chan: PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST"); - setup_bchannel(hfc, - (fifo->fifonum == - HFCUSB_B1_TX) ? 0 : 1, - (int) L1_MODE_NULL); - fifo->hif->l1l2(fifo->hif, - PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, - NULL); - } - break; - case PH_DATA | REQUEST: - if (fifo->skbuff && fifo->delete_flg) { - dev_kfree_skb_any(fifo->skbuff); - fifo->skbuff = NULL; - fifo->delete_flg = 0; } - fifo->skbuff = arg; /* we have a new buffer */ - break; - default: + } else { + DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_STATES, + "HFC_USB: hfc_usb_d_l2l1 B-chan: PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST"); + setup_bchannel(hfc, + (fifo->fifonum == + HFCUSB_B1_TX) ? 0 : 1, + (long) arg); + fifo->hif->l1l2(fifo->hif, + PH_ACTIVATE | INDICATION, + NULL); + } + break; + case PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST: + if (fifo->fifonum == HFCUSB_D_TX) { + DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_STATES, + "HFC_USB: hfc_usb_d_l2l1 D-chan: PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST"); + } else { DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_STATES, - "HFC_USB: hfc_usb_d_l2l1: unknown state : %#x", pr); - break; + "HFC_USB: hfc_usb_d_l2l1 Bx-chan: PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST"); + setup_bchannel(hfc, + (fifo->fifonum == + HFCUSB_B1_TX) ? 0 : 1, + (int) L1_MODE_NULL); + fifo->hif->l1l2(fifo->hif, + PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, + NULL); + } + break; + case PH_DATA | REQUEST: + if (fifo->skbuff && fifo->delete_flg) { + dev_kfree_skb_any(fifo->skbuff); + fifo->skbuff = NULL; + fifo->delete_flg = 0; + } + fifo->skbuff = arg; /* we have a new buffer */ + break; + default: + DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_STATES, + "HFC_USB: hfc_usb_d_l2l1: unknown state : %#x", pr); + break; } } /* initial init HFC-S USB chip registers, HiSax interface, USB URBs */ static int -hfc_usb_init(hfcusb_data * hfc) +hfc_usb_init(hfcusb_data *hfc) { usb_fifo *fifo; int i; @@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ hfc_usb_init(hfcusb_data * hfc) write_usb(hfc, HFCUSB_FIFO, i); /* select the desired fifo */ fifo[i].skbuff = NULL; /* init buffer pointer */ fifo[i].max_size = - (i <= HFCUSB_B2_RX) ? MAX_BCH_SIZE : MAX_DFRAME_LEN; + (i <= HFCUSB_B2_RX) ? MAX_BCH_SIZE : MAX_DFRAME_LEN; fifo[i].last_urblen = 0; /* set 2 bit for D- & E-channel */ write_usb(hfc, HFCUSB_HDLC_PAR, @@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@ hfc_usb_init(hfcusb_data * hfc) usb_fill_control_urb(hfc->ctrl_urb, hfc->dev, hfc->ctrl_out_pipe, - (u_char *) & hfc->ctrl_write, + (u_char *)&hfc->ctrl_write, NULL, 0, ctrl_complete, hfc); /* Init All Fifos */ for (i = 0; i < HFCUSB_NUM_FIFOS; i++) { @@ -1264,9 +1264,9 @@ hfc_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id) struct usb_host_endpoint *ep; int ifnum = iface->desc.bInterfaceNumber; int i, idx, alt_idx, probe_alt_setting, vend_idx, cfg_used, *vcf, - attr, cfg_found, cidx, ep_addr; + attr, cfg_found, cidx, ep_addr; int cmptbl[16], small_match, iso_packet_size, packet_size, - alt_used = 0; + alt_used = 0; hfcsusb_vdata *driver_info; vend_idx = 0xffff; @@ -1309,7 +1309,7 @@ hfc_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id) for (i = 0; i < iface->desc.bNumEndpoints; i++) { ep_addr = - ep->desc.bEndpointAddress; + ep->desc.bEndpointAddress; /* get endpoint base */ idx = ((ep_addr & 0x7f) - 1) * 2; if (ep_addr & 0x80) @@ -1345,7 +1345,7 @@ hfc_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id) if (cfg_used < small_match) { small_match = cfg_used; alt_used = - probe_alt_setting; + probe_alt_setting; iface_used = iface; } } @@ -1376,95 +1376,95 @@ hfc_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id) if (vcf[idx] != EP_NOP && vcf[idx] != EP_NUL) { switch (attr) { - case USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT: - context-> - fifos[cidx]. - pipe = - usb_rcvintpipe - (dev, - ep->desc. - bEndpointAddress); + case USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT: + context-> + fifos[cidx]. + pipe = + usb_rcvintpipe + (dev, + ep->desc. + bEndpointAddress); + context-> + fifos[cidx]. + usb_transfer_mode + = USB_INT; + packet_size = + le16_to_cpu(ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize); + break; + case USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK: + if (ep_addr & 0x80) context-> - fifos[cidx]. - usb_transfer_mode - = USB_INT; - packet_size = - le16_to_cpu(ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize); - break; - case USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK: - if (ep_addr & 0x80) - context-> - fifos - [cidx]. - pipe = - usb_rcvbulkpipe - (dev, - ep-> - desc. - bEndpointAddress); - else - context-> - fifos - [cidx]. - pipe = - usb_sndbulkpipe - (dev, - ep-> - desc. - bEndpointAddress); + fifos + [cidx]. + pipe = + usb_rcvbulkpipe + (dev, + ep-> + desc. + bEndpointAddress); + else context-> - fifos[cidx]. - usb_transfer_mode - = USB_BULK; - packet_size = - le16_to_cpu(ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize); - break; - case USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_ISOC: - if (ep_addr & 0x80) - context-> - fifos - [cidx]. - pipe = - usb_rcvisocpipe - (dev, - ep-> - desc. - bEndpointAddress); - else - context-> - fifos - [cidx]. - pipe = - usb_sndisocpipe - (dev, - ep-> - desc. - bEndpointAddress); + fifos + [cidx]. + pipe = + usb_sndbulkpipe + (dev, + ep-> + desc. + bEndpointAddress); + context-> + fifos[cidx]. + usb_transfer_mode + = USB_BULK; + packet_size = + le16_to_cpu(ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize); + break; + case USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_ISOC: + if (ep_addr & 0x80) context-> - fifos[cidx]. - usb_transfer_mode - = USB_ISOC; - iso_packet_size = - le16_to_cpu(ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize); - break; - default: + fifos + [cidx]. + pipe = + usb_rcvisocpipe + (dev, + ep-> + desc. + bEndpointAddress); + else context-> - fifos[cidx]. - pipe = 0; + fifos + [cidx]. + pipe = + usb_sndisocpipe + (dev, + ep-> + desc. + bEndpointAddress); + context-> + fifos[cidx]. + usb_transfer_mode + = USB_ISOC; + iso_packet_size = + le16_to_cpu(ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize); + break; + default: + context-> + fifos[cidx]. + pipe = 0; } /* switch attribute */ if (context->fifos[cidx].pipe) { context->fifos[cidx]. - fifonum = cidx; + fifonum = cidx; context->fifos[cidx].hfc = - context; + context; context->fifos[cidx].usb_packet_maxlen = - le16_to_cpu(ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize); + le16_to_cpu(ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize); context->fifos[cidx]. - intervall = - ep->desc.bInterval; + intervall = + ep->desc.bInterval; context->fifos[cidx]. - skbuff = NULL; + skbuff = NULL; } } ep++; @@ -1480,14 +1480,14 @@ hfc_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id) /* create the control pipes needed for register access */ context->ctrl_in_pipe = - usb_rcvctrlpipe(context->dev, 0); + usb_rcvctrlpipe(context->dev, 0); context->ctrl_out_pipe = - usb_sndctrlpipe(context->dev, 0); + usb_sndctrlpipe(context->dev, 0); context->ctrl_urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL); driver_info = - (hfcsusb_vdata *) hfcusb_idtab[vend_idx]. - driver_info; + (hfcsusb_vdata *) hfcusb_idtab[vend_idx]. + driver_info; printk(KERN_INFO "HFC-S USB: detected \"%s\"\n", driver_info->vend_name); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_usb.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_usb.h index 2f581c0b469399962313ef24f75e9c471c341fd4..f987bf89da1a7c52cc44f33cc3cb5944fa8f04d5 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_usb.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_usb.h @@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ #define SINK_MIN 48 #define SINK_DMIN 12 #define SINK_DMAX 18 -#define BITLINE_INF (-64*8) +#define BITLINE_INF (-64 * 8) /* HFC-S USB register access by Control-URSs */ -#define write_usb(a,b,c)usb_control_msg((a)->dev,(a)->ctrl_out_pipe,0,0x40,(c),(b),NULL,0,HFC_CTRL_TIMEOUT) -#define read_usb(a,b,c) usb_control_msg((a)->dev,(a)->ctrl_in_pipe,1,0xC0,0,(b),(c),1,HFC_CTRL_TIMEOUT) +#define write_usb(a, b, c) usb_control_msg((a)->dev, (a)->ctrl_out_pipe, 0, 0x40, (c), (b), NULL, 0, HFC_CTRL_TIMEOUT) +#define read_usb(a, b, c) usb_control_msg((a)->dev, (a)->ctrl_in_pipe, 1, 0xC0, 0, (b), (c), 1, HFC_CTRL_TIMEOUT) #define HFC_CTRL_BUFSIZE 32 /* entry and size of output/input control buffer */ @@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ typedef struct { #define LED_B2_OFF 9 #define LED_B2_DATA 10 -#define LED_NORMAL 0 // LEDs are normal -#define LED_INVERTED 1 // LEDs are inverted +#define LED_NORMAL 0 // LEDs are normal +#define LED_INVERTED 1 // LEDs are inverted #endif // __HFC_USB_H__ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfcscard.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfcscard.c index 20d7688b397baee6d9c6b3056f1c142bb4a548a2..a5f048bd2bb3fcc04910e8cc27a6a6f58d561f6e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfcscard.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfcscard.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ hfcs_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) u_long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if ((HFCD_ANYINT | HFCD_BUSY_NBUSY) & - (stat = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFCD_DATA, HFCD_STAT))) { + if ((HFCD_ANYINT | HFCD_BUSY_NBUSY) & + (stat = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFCD_DATA, HFCD_STAT))) { val = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, HFCD_DATA, HFCD_INT_S1); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "HFCS: stat(%02x) s1(%02x)", stat, val); @@ -106,57 +106,57 @@ hfcs_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "HFCS: card_msg %x", mt); switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_hfcs(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_hfcs(cs); - return(0); - case CARD_INIT: - delay = (75*HZ)/100 +1; - mod_timer(&cs->hw.hfcD.timer, jiffies + delay); - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_hfcs(cs); - init2bds0(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - delay = (80*HZ)/1000 +1; - msleep(80); - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - cs->hw.hfcD.ctmt |= HFCD_TIM800; - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, HFCD_DATA, HFCD_CTMT, cs->hw.hfcD.ctmt); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, HFCD_DATA, HFCD_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcD.mst_m); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_TEST: - return(0); + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_hfcs(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_hfcs(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + delay = (75 * HZ) / 100 + 1; + mod_timer(&cs->hw.hfcD.timer, jiffies + delay); + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_hfcs(cs); + init2bds0(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + delay = (80 * HZ) / 1000 + 1; + msleep(80); + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + cs->hw.hfcD.ctmt |= HFCD_TIM800; + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, HFCD_DATA, HFCD_CTMT, cs->hw.hfcD.ctmt); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, HFCD_DATA, HFCD_MST_MODE, cs->hw.hfcD.mst_m); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } - return(0); + return (0); } #ifdef __ISAPNP__ static struct isapnp_device_id hfc_ids[] __devinitdata = { { ISAPNP_VENDOR('A', 'N', 'X'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x1114), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('A', 'N', 'X'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x1114), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('A', 'N', 'X'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x1114), (unsigned long) "Acer P10" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('B', 'I', 'L'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0002), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('B', 'I', 'L'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0002), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('B', 'I', 'L'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0002), (unsigned long) "Billion 2" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('B', 'I', 'L'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0001), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('B', 'I', 'L'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0001), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('B', 'I', 'L'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0001), (unsigned long) "Billion 1" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('T', 'A', 'G'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x7410), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('T', 'A', 'G'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x7410), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('T', 'A', 'G'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x7410), (unsigned long) "IStar PnP" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('T', 'A', 'G'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x2610), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('T', 'A', 'G'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x2610), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('T', 'A', 'G'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x2610), (unsigned long) "Teles 16.3c" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'F', 'M'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0001), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'F', 'M'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0001), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'F', 'M'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0001), (unsigned long) "Tornado Tipa C" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('K', 'Y', 'E'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0001), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('K', 'Y', 'E'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0001), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('K', 'Y', 'E'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0001), (unsigned long) "Genius Speed Surfer" }, { 0, } }; @@ -177,30 +177,30 @@ setup_hfcs(struct IsdnCard *card) #ifdef __ISAPNP__ if (!card->para[1] && isapnp_present()) { struct pnp_dev *pnp_d; - while(ipid->card_vendor) { + while (ipid->card_vendor) { if ((pnp_c = pnp_find_card(ipid->card_vendor, - ipid->card_device, pnp_c))) { + ipid->card_device, pnp_c))) { pnp_d = NULL; if ((pnp_d = pnp_find_dev(pnp_c, - ipid->vendor, ipid->function, pnp_d))) { + ipid->vendor, ipid->function, pnp_d))) { int err; printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: %s detected\n", - (char *)ipid->driver_data); + (char *)ipid->driver_data); pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); err = pnp_activate_dev(pnp_d); - if (err<0) { + if (err < 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: pnp_activate_dev ret(%d)\n", - __func__, err); - return(0); + __func__, err); + return (0); } card->para[1] = pnp_port_start(pnp_d, 0); card->para[0] = pnp_irq(pnp_d, 0); if (!card->para[0] || !card->para[1]) { printk(KERN_ERR "HFC PnP:some resources are missing %ld/%lx\n", - card->para[0], card->para[1]); + card->para[0], card->para[1]); pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); - return(0); + return (0); } break; } else { @@ -209,10 +209,10 @@ setup_hfcs(struct IsdnCard *card) } ipid++; pnp_c = NULL; - } + } if (!ipid->card_vendor) { printk(KERN_INFO "HFC PnP: no ISAPnP card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } } #endif @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ setup_hfcs(struct IsdnCard *card) if (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_TELES3C) { cs->hw.hfcD.bfifosize = 1024 + 512; } else if (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_ACERP10) { - cs->hw.hfcD.bfifosize = 7*1024 + 512; + cs->hw.hfcD.bfifosize = 7 * 1024 + 512; } else return (0); if (!request_region(cs->hw.hfcD.addr, 2, "HFCS isdn")) { diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax.h index aff45a11a92d49f7f5f5dc245a9c709faee38396..6ead6314e6d25977e84902dba491da94610a96ae 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax.h @@ -133,15 +133,15 @@ extern const char *tei_revision; /* include l3dss1 & ni1 specific process structures, but no other defines */ #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_EURO - #define l3dss1_process - #include "l3dss1.h" - #undef l3dss1_process +#define l3dss1_process +#include "l3dss1.h" +#undef l3dss1_process #endif /* CONFIG_HISAX_EURO */ #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_NI1 - #define l3ni1_process - #include "l3ni1.h" - #undef l3ni1_process +#define l3ni1_process +#include "l3ni1.h" +#undef l3ni1_process #endif /* CONFIG_HISAX_NI1 */ #define MAX_DFRAME_LEN 260 @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ extern const char *tei_revision; #define HSCX_BUFMAX 4096 #define MAX_DATA_SIZE (HSCX_BUFMAX - 4) #define MAX_DATA_MEM (HSCX_BUFMAX + 64) -#define RAW_BUFMAX (((HSCX_BUFMAX*6)/5) + 5) +#define RAW_BUFMAX (((HSCX_BUFMAX * 6) / 5) + 5) #define MAX_HEADER_LEN 4 #define MAX_WINDOW 8 #define MAX_MON_FRAME 32 @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ extern const char *tei_revision; struct FsmInst; -typedef void (* FSMFNPTR)(struct FsmInst *, int, void *); +typedef void (*FSMFNPTR)(struct FsmInst *, int, void *); struct Fsm { FSMFNPTR *jumpmatrix; @@ -272,10 +272,10 @@ struct Layer2 { struct Layer3 { void (*l3l4) (struct PStack *, int, void *); - void (*l3ml3) (struct PStack *, int, void *); + void (*l3ml3) (struct PStack *, int, void *); void (*l3l2) (struct PStack *, int, void *); struct FsmInst l3m; - struct FsmTimer l3m_timer; + struct FsmTimer l3m_timer; struct sk_buff_head squeue; struct l3_process *proc; struct l3_process *global; @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ struct Layer3 { struct LLInterface { void (*l4l3) (struct PStack *, int, void *); - int (*l4l3_proto) (struct PStack *, isdn_ctrl *); + int (*l4l3_proto) (struct PStack *, isdn_ctrl *); void *userdata; u_long flag; }; @@ -325,16 +325,16 @@ struct PStack { struct Management ma; int protocol; /* EDSS1, 1TR6 or NI1 */ - /* protocol specific data fields */ - union - { u_char uuuu; /* only as dummy */ + /* protocol specific data fields */ + union + { u_char uuuu; /* only as dummy */ #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_EURO - dss1_stk_priv dss1; /* private dss1 data */ -#endif /* CONFIG_HISAX_EURO */ + dss1_stk_priv dss1; /* private dss1 data */ +#endif /* CONFIG_HISAX_EURO */ #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_NI1 - ni1_stk_priv ni1; /* private ni1 data */ -#endif /* CONFIG_HISAX_NI1 */ - } prot; + ni1_stk_priv ni1; /* private ni1 data */ +#endif /* CONFIG_HISAX_NI1 */ + } prot; }; struct l3_process { @@ -347,18 +347,18 @@ struct l3_process { struct Channel *chan; struct PStack *st; struct l3_process *next; - ulong redir_result; - - /* protocol specific data fields */ - union - { u_char uuuu; /* only when euro not defined, avoiding empty union */ -#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_EURO - dss1_proc_priv dss1; /* private dss1 data */ -#endif /* CONFIG_HISAX_EURO */ + ulong redir_result; + + /* protocol specific data fields */ + union + { u_char uuuu; /* only when euro not defined, avoiding empty union */ +#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_EURO + dss1_proc_priv dss1; /* private dss1 data */ +#endif /* CONFIG_HISAX_EURO */ #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_NI1 - ni1_proc_priv ni1; /* private ni1 data */ -#endif /* CONFIG_HISAX_NI1 */ - } prot; + ni1_proc_priv ni1; /* private ni1 data */ +#endif /* CONFIG_HISAX_NI1 */ + } prot; }; struct hscx_hw { @@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ struct hfc_hw { unsigned char cip; u_char isac_spcr; struct timer_list timer; -}; +}; struct sedl_hw { unsigned int cfg_reg; @@ -693,25 +693,25 @@ struct hfcPCI_hw { unsigned char int_m2; unsigned char int_s1; unsigned char sctrl; - unsigned char sctrl_r; - unsigned char sctrl_e; - unsigned char trm; + unsigned char sctrl_r; + unsigned char sctrl_e; + unsigned char trm; unsigned char stat; unsigned char fifo; - unsigned char fifo_en; - unsigned char bswapped; - unsigned char nt_mode; - int nt_timer; - struct pci_dev *dev; - unsigned char *pci_io; /* start of PCI IO memory */ + unsigned char fifo_en; + unsigned char bswapped; + unsigned char nt_mode; + int nt_timer; + struct pci_dev *dev; + unsigned char *pci_io; /* start of PCI IO memory */ dma_addr_t dma; /* dma handle for Fifos */ - void *fifos; /* FIFO memory */ - int last_bfifo_cnt[2]; /* marker saving last b-fifo frame count */ + void *fifos; /* FIFO memory */ + int last_bfifo_cnt[2]; /* marker saving last b-fifo frame count */ struct timer_list timer; }; struct hfcSX_hw { - unsigned long base; + unsigned long base; unsigned char cirm; unsigned char ctmt; unsigned char conn; @@ -720,18 +720,18 @@ struct hfcSX_hw { unsigned char int_m2; unsigned char int_s1; unsigned char sctrl; - unsigned char sctrl_r; - unsigned char sctrl_e; - unsigned char trm; + unsigned char sctrl_r; + unsigned char sctrl_e; + unsigned char trm; unsigned char stat; unsigned char fifo; - unsigned char bswapped; - unsigned char nt_mode; - unsigned char chip; - int b_fifo_size; - unsigned char last_fifo; - void *extra; - int nt_timer; + unsigned char bswapped; + unsigned char nt_mode; + unsigned char chip; + int b_fifo_size; + unsigned char last_fifo; + void *extra; + int nt_timer; struct timer_list timer; }; @@ -784,13 +784,13 @@ struct bkm_hw { /* Scitel Quadro stuff */ unsigned long plx_adr; unsigned long data_adr; -}; +}; struct gazel_hw { struct pci_dev *dev; unsigned int cfg_reg; unsigned int pciaddr[2]; - signed int ipac; + signed int ipac; signed int isac; signed int hscx[2]; signed int isacfifo; @@ -877,8 +877,8 @@ struct icc_chip { #define HW_ARCOFI 3 #define FLG_TWO_DCHAN 4 #define FLG_L1_DBUSY 5 -#define FLG_DBUSY_TIMER 6 -#define FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC 7 +#define FLG_DBUSY_TIMER 6 +#define FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC 7 #define FLG_ARCOFI_TIMER 8 #define FLG_ARCOFI_ERROR 9 #define FLG_HW_L1_UINT 10 @@ -892,8 +892,8 @@ struct IsdnCardState { u_long irq_flags; u_long HW_Flags; int *busy_flag; - int chanlimit; /* limited number of B-chans to use */ - int logecho; /* log echo if supported by card */ + int chanlimit; /* limited number of B-chans to use */ + int logecho; /* log echo if supported by card */ union { struct elsa_hw elsa; struct teles0_hw teles0; @@ -937,8 +937,8 @@ struct IsdnCardState { void (*DC_Close) (struct IsdnCardState *); irq_handler_t irq_func; int (*auxcmd) (struct IsdnCardState *, isdn_ctrl *); - struct Channel channel[2+MAX_WAITING_CALLS]; - struct BCState bcs[2+MAX_WAITING_CALLS]; + struct Channel channel[2 + MAX_WAITING_CALLS]; + struct BCState bcs[2 + MAX_WAITING_CALLS]; struct PStack *stlist; struct sk_buff_head rq, sq; /* D-channel queues */ int cardnr; @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ struct IsdnCardState { }; -#define schedule_event(s, ev) do {test_and_set_bit(ev, &s->event);schedule_work(&s->tqueue); } while(0) +#define schedule_event(s, ev) do { test_and_set_bit(ev, &s->event); schedule_work(&s->tqueue); } while (0) #define MON0_RX 1 #define MON1_RX 2 @@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@ struct IsdnCardState { #define CARD_IX1MICROR2 0 #endif -#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_DIEHLDIVA +#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_DIEHLDIVA #define CARD_DIEHLDIVA 1 #ifndef ISDN_CHIP_ISAC #define ISDN_CHIP_ISAC 1 @@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ struct IsdnCardState { #define CARD_DIEHLDIVA 0 #endif -#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_ASUSCOM +#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_ASUSCOM #define CARD_ASUSCOM 1 #ifndef ISDN_CHIP_ISAC #define ISDN_CHIP_ISAC 1 @@ -1071,7 +1071,7 @@ struct IsdnCardState { #define CARD_ASUSCOM 0 #endif -#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_TELEINT +#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_TELEINT #define CARD_TELEINT 1 #ifndef ISDN_CHIP_ISAC #define ISDN_CHIP_ISAC 1 @@ -1080,7 +1080,7 @@ struct IsdnCardState { #define CARD_TELEINT 0 #endif -#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_SEDLBAUER +#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_SEDLBAUER #define CARD_SEDLBAUER 1 #ifndef ISDN_CHIP_ISAC #define ISDN_CHIP_ISAC 1 @@ -1089,7 +1089,7 @@ struct IsdnCardState { #define CARD_SEDLBAUER 0 #endif -#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_SPORTSTER +#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_SPORTSTER #define CARD_SPORTSTER 1 #ifndef ISDN_CHIP_ISAC #define ISDN_CHIP_ISAC 1 @@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ struct IsdnCardState { #define CARD_SPORTSTER 0 #endif -#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_MIC +#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_MIC #define CARD_MIC 1 #ifndef ISDN_CHIP_ISAC #define ISDN_CHIP_ISAC 1 @@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@ struct IsdnCardState { #define CARD_MIC 0 #endif -#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_NETJET +#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_NETJET #define CARD_NETJET_S 1 #ifndef ISDN_CHIP_ISAC #define ISDN_CHIP_ISAC 1 @@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ struct IsdnCardState { #define CARD_W6692 0 #endif -#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_NETJET_U +#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_NETJET_U #define CARD_NETJET_U 1 #ifndef ISDN_CHIP_ICC #define ISDN_CHIP_ICC 1 @@ -1269,8 +1269,8 @@ void setstack_l3dc(struct PStack *st, struct Channel *chanp); void setstack_l3bc(struct PStack *st, struct Channel *chanp); void releasestack_isdnl3(struct PStack *st); -u_char *findie(u_char * p, int size, u_char ie, int wanted_set); -int getcallref(u_char * p); +u_char *findie(u_char *p, int size, u_char ie, int wanted_set); +int getcallref(u_char *p); int newcallref(void); int FsmNew(struct Fsm *fsm, struct FsmNode *fnlist, int fncount); @@ -1279,36 +1279,36 @@ int FsmEvent(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg); void FsmChangeState(struct FsmInst *fi, int newstate); void FsmInitTimer(struct FsmInst *fi, struct FsmTimer *ft); int FsmAddTimer(struct FsmTimer *ft, int millisec, int event, - void *arg, int where); + void *arg, int where); void FsmRestartTimer(struct FsmTimer *ft, int millisec, int event, - void *arg, int where); + void *arg, int where); void FsmDelTimer(struct FsmTimer *ft, int where); int jiftime(char *s, long mark); -int HiSax_command(isdn_ctrl * ic); +int HiSax_command(isdn_ctrl *ic); int HiSax_writebuf_skb(int id, int chan, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb); __printf(3, 4) void HiSax_putstatus(struct IsdnCardState *cs, char *head, char *fmt, ...); __printf(3, 0) void VHiSax_putstatus(struct IsdnCardState *cs, char *head, char *fmt, va_list args); void HiSax_reportcard(int cardnr, int sel); -int QuickHex(char *txt, u_char * p, int cnt); -void LogFrame(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * p, int size); +int QuickHex(char *txt, u_char *p, int cnt); +void LogFrame(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *p, int size); void dlogframe(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct sk_buff *skb, int dir); -void iecpy(u_char * dest, u_char * iestart, int ieoffset); +void iecpy(u_char *dest, u_char *iestart, int ieoffset); #endif /* __KERNEL__ */ /* * Busywait delay for `jiffs' jiffies */ -#define HZDELAY(jiffs) do { \ - int tout = jiffs; \ - \ - while (tout--) { \ - int loops = USEC_PER_SEC / HZ; \ - while (loops--) \ - udelay(1); \ - } \ +#define HZDELAY(jiffs) do { \ + int tout = jiffs; \ + \ + while (tout--) { \ + int loops = USEC_PER_SEC / HZ; \ + while (loops--) \ + udelay(1); \ + } \ } while (0) int ll_run(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int addfeatures); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_cfg.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_cfg.h index 17a2fea64efe52700d76ab2b0bdba5b9c29f4581..487dcfe9e718c10a62b4af26a0cc23ea651cb139 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_cfg.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_cfg.h @@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ typedef struct IsdnCardState IsdnCardState_t; typedef struct IsdnCard IsdnCard_t; struct IsdnCard { - int typ; - int protocol; /* EDSS1, 1TR6 or NI1 */ - unsigned long para[4]; + int typ; + int protocol; /* EDSS1, 1TR6 or NI1 */ + unsigned long para[4]; IsdnCardState_t *cs; }; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_debug.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_debug.h index 5ed3b1c44184efdb271c0c5ed2d63b1cefb4b815..7b3093d0856a44eb94b06480aad381eae3270ded 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_debug.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_debug.h @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ * Author Frode Isaksen * Copyright 2001 by Frode Isaksen * 2001 by Kai Germaschewski - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * * How to use: - * + * * Before including this file, you need to * #define __debug_variable my_debug * where my_debug is a variable in your code which @@ -25,45 +25,45 @@ #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_DEBUG -#define DBG(level, format, arg...) do { \ -if (level & __debug_variable) \ -printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: " format "\n" , __func__ , ## arg); \ -} while (0) +#define DBG(level, format, arg...) do { \ + if (level & __debug_variable) \ + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: " format "\n" , __func__ , ## arg); \ + } while (0) -#define DBG_PACKET(level,data,count) \ - if (level & __debug_variable) dump_packet(__func__,data,count) +#define DBG_PACKET(level, data, count) \ + if (level & __debug_variable) dump_packet(__func__, data, count) -#define DBG_SKB(level,skb) \ - if ((level & __debug_variable) && skb) dump_packet(__func__,skb->data,skb->len) +#define DBG_SKB(level, skb) \ + if ((level & __debug_variable) && skb) dump_packet(__func__, skb->data, skb->len) static void __attribute__((unused)) -dump_packet(const char *name,const u_char *data,int pkt_len) +dump_packet(const char *name, const u_char *data, int pkt_len) { #define DUMP_HDR_SIZE 20 #define DUMP_TLR_SIZE 8 if (pkt_len) { - int i,len1,len2; + int i, len1, len2; - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: length=%d,data=",name,pkt_len); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: length=%d,data=", name, pkt_len); - if (pkt_len > DUMP_HDR_SIZE+ DUMP_TLR_SIZE) { + if (pkt_len > DUMP_HDR_SIZE + DUMP_TLR_SIZE) { len1 = DUMP_HDR_SIZE; len2 = DUMP_TLR_SIZE; } else { len1 = pkt_len > DUMP_HDR_SIZE ? DUMP_HDR_SIZE : pkt_len; - len2 = 0; + len2 = 0; } for (i = 0; i < len1; ++i) { - printk ("%.2x", data[i]); + printk("%.2x", data[i]); } if (len2) { - printk (".."); + printk(".."); for (i = pkt_len-DUMP_TLR_SIZE; i < pkt_len; ++i) { - printk ("%.2x", data[i]); + printk("%.2x", data[i]); } } - printk ("\n"); + printk("\n"); } #undef DUMP_HDR_SIZE #undef DUMP_TLR_SIZE @@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ dump_packet(const char *name,const u_char *data,int pkt_len) #else #define DBG(level, format, arg...) do {} while (0) -#define DBG_PACKET(level,data,count) do {} while (0) -#define DBG_SKB(level,skb) do {} while (0) +#define DBG_PACKET(level, data, count) do {} while (0) +#define DBG_SKB(level, skb) do {} while (0) #endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_fcpcipnp.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_fcpcipnp.c index 478ebab54ca4d01b0fa53470ba6811a22179211a..e4f47fe3f7fd00bcfb5f2be03a32dad793f640f5 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_fcpcipnp.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_fcpcipnp.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * Author Kai Germaschewski * Copyright 2001 by Kai Germaschewski * 2001 by Karsten Keil - * + * * based upon Karsten Keil's original avm_pci.c driver * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, fcpci_ids); #ifdef CONFIG_PNP static struct pnp_device_id fcpnp_ids[] __devinitdata = { - { + { .id = "AVM0900", .driver_data = (unsigned long) "Fritz!Card PnP", }, @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); static unsigned char fcpci_read_isac(struct isac *isac, unsigned char offset) { struct fritz_adapter *adapter = isac->priv; - unsigned char idx = (offset > 0x2f) ? + unsigned char idx = (offset > 0x2f) ? AVM_IDX_ISAC_REG_HIGH : AVM_IDX_ISAC_REG_LOW; unsigned char val; unsigned long flags; @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ static unsigned char fcpci_read_isac(struct isac *isac, unsigned char offset) spin_lock_irqsave(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); outb(idx, adapter->io + AVM_INDEX); val = inb(adapter->io + AVM_DATA + (offset & 0xf)); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); DBG(0x1000, " port %#x, value %#x", offset, val); return val; @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ static void fcpci_write_isac(struct isac *isac, unsigned char offset, unsigned char value) { struct fritz_adapter *adapter = isac->priv; - unsigned char idx = (offset > 0x2f) ? + unsigned char idx = (offset > 0x2f) ? AVM_IDX_ISAC_REG_HIGH : AVM_IDX_ISAC_REG_LOW; unsigned long flags; @@ -180,10 +180,10 @@ static void fcpci_write_isac(struct isac *isac, unsigned char offset, spin_lock_irqsave(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); outb(idx, adapter->io + AVM_INDEX); outb(value, adapter->io + AVM_DATA + (offset & 0xf)); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); } -static void fcpci_read_isac_fifo(struct isac *isac, unsigned char * data, +static void fcpci_read_isac_fifo(struct isac *isac, unsigned char *data, int size) { struct fritz_adapter *adapter = isac->priv; @@ -192,10 +192,10 @@ static void fcpci_read_isac_fifo(struct isac *isac, unsigned char * data, spin_lock_irqsave(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); outb(AVM_IDX_ISAC_FIFO, adapter->io + AVM_INDEX); insb(adapter->io + AVM_DATA, data, size); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); } -static void fcpci_write_isac_fifo(struct isac *isac, unsigned char * data, +static void fcpci_write_isac_fifo(struct isac *isac, unsigned char *data, int size) { struct fritz_adapter *adapter = isac->priv; @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ static void fcpci_write_isac_fifo(struct isac *isac, unsigned char * data, spin_lock_irqsave(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); outb(AVM_IDX_ISAC_FIFO, adapter->io + AVM_INDEX); outsb(adapter->io + AVM_DATA, data, size); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); } static u32 fcpci_read_hdlc_status(struct fritz_adapter *adapter, int nr) @@ -254,14 +254,14 @@ static unsigned char fcpci2_read_isac(struct isac *isac, unsigned char offset) spin_lock_irqsave(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); outl(offset, adapter->io + AVM_ISACSX_INDEX); val = inl(adapter->io + AVM_ISACSX_DATA); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); DBG(0x1000, " port %#x, value %#x", offset, val); return val; } -static void fcpci2_write_isac(struct isac *isac, unsigned char offset, +static void fcpci2_write_isac(struct isac *isac, unsigned char offset, unsigned char value) { struct fritz_adapter *adapter = isac->priv; @@ -272,10 +272,10 @@ static void fcpci2_write_isac(struct isac *isac, unsigned char offset, spin_lock_irqsave(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); outl(offset, adapter->io + AVM_ISACSX_INDEX); outl(value, adapter->io + AVM_ISACSX_DATA); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); } -static void fcpci2_read_isac_fifo(struct isac *isac, unsigned char * data, +static void fcpci2_read_isac_fifo(struct isac *isac, unsigned char *data, int size) { struct fritz_adapter *adapter = isac->priv; @@ -286,10 +286,10 @@ static void fcpci2_read_isac_fifo(struct isac *isac, unsigned char * data, outl(0, adapter->io + AVM_ISACSX_INDEX); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) data[i] = inl(adapter->io + AVM_ISACSX_DATA); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); } -static void fcpci2_write_isac_fifo(struct isac *isac, unsigned char * data, +static void fcpci2_write_isac_fifo(struct isac *isac, unsigned char *data, int size) { struct fritz_adapter *adapter = isac->priv; @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ static void fcpci2_write_isac_fifo(struct isac *isac, unsigned char * data, outl(0, adapter->io + AVM_ISACSX_INDEX); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) outl(data[i], adapter->io + AVM_ISACSX_DATA); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->hw_lock, flags); } static u32 fcpci2_read_hdlc_status(struct fritz_adapter *adapter, int nr) @@ -349,10 +349,10 @@ static void __fcpnp_write_ctrl(struct fritz_bcs *bcs, int which) outb(idx, adapter->io + AVM_INDEX); if (which & 4) - outb(bcs->ctrl.sr.mode, + outb(bcs->ctrl.sr.mode, adapter->io + AVM_DATA + HDLC_STATUS + 2); if (which & 2) - outb(bcs->ctrl.sr.xml, + outb(bcs->ctrl.sr.xml, adapter->io + AVM_DATA + HDLC_STATUS + 1); if (which & 1) outb(bcs->ctrl.sr.cmd, @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ static void hdlc_fill_fifo(struct fritz_bcs *bcs) break; case AVM_FRITZ_PCIV2: fcpci2_write_ctrl(bcs, 3); - outsl(adapter->io + + outsl(adapter->io + (bcs->channel ? AVM_HDLC_FIFO_2 : AVM_HDLC_FIFO_1), p, (count + 3) / 4); break; @@ -447,12 +447,12 @@ static inline void hdlc_empty_fifo(struct fritz_bcs *bcs, int count) case AVM_FRITZ_PCI: spin_lock(&adapter->hw_lock); outl(idx, adapter->io + AVM_INDEX); - insl(adapter->io + AVM_DATA + HDLC_FIFO, + insl(adapter->io + AVM_DATA + HDLC_FIFO, p, (count + 3) / 4); spin_unlock(&adapter->hw_lock); break; case AVM_FRITZ_PCIV2: - insl(adapter->io + + insl(adapter->io + (bcs->channel ? AVM_HDLC_FIFO_2 : AVM_HDLC_FIFO_1), p, (count + 3) / 4); break; @@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ static inline void hdlc_rpr_irq(struct fritz_bcs *bcs, u32 stat) hdlc_empty_fifo(bcs, len); if ((stat & HDLC_STAT_RME) || (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS)) { - if (((stat & HDLC_STAT_CRCVFRRAB)== HDLC_STAT_CRCVFR) || + if (((stat & HDLC_STAT_CRCVFRRAB) == HDLC_STAT_CRCVFR) || (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS)) { skb = dev_alloc_skb(bcs->rcvidx); if (!skb) { @@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ static inline void hdlc_rpr_irq(struct fritz_bcs *bcs, u32 stat) static inline void hdlc_xdu_irq(struct fritz_bcs *bcs) { struct fritz_adapter *adapter = bcs->adapter; - + /* Here we lost an TX interrupt, so * restart transmitting the whole frame. @@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ static inline void hdlc_irq(struct fritz_adapter *adapter) static void modehdlc(struct fritz_bcs *bcs, int mode) { struct fritz_adapter *adapter = bcs->adapter; - + DBG(0x40, "hdlc %c mode %d --> %d", 'A' + bcs->channel, bcs->mode, mode); @@ -638,12 +638,12 @@ static void fritz_b_l2l1(struct hisax_if *ifc, int pr, void *arg) break; case PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST: mode = (long) arg; - DBG(4,"B%d,PH_ACTIVATE_REQUEST %d", bcs->channel + 1, mode); + DBG(4, "B%d,PH_ACTIVATE_REQUEST %d", bcs->channel + 1, mode); modehdlc(bcs, mode); B_L1L2(bcs, PH_ACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); break; case PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST: - DBG(4,"B%d,PH_DEACTIVATE_REQUEST", bcs->channel + 1); + DBG(4, "B%d,PH_DEACTIVATE_REQUEST", bcs->channel + 1); modehdlc(bcs, L1_MODE_NULL); B_L1L2(bcs, PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); break; @@ -702,10 +702,10 @@ static inline void fcpci2_init(struct fritz_adapter *adapter) static inline void fcpci_init(struct fritz_adapter *adapter) { - outb(AVM_STATUS0_DIS_TIMER | AVM_STATUS0_RES_TIMER | + outb(AVM_STATUS0_DIS_TIMER | AVM_STATUS0_RES_TIMER | AVM_STATUS0_ENA_IRQ, adapter->io + AVM_STATUS0); - outb(AVM_STATUS1_ENA_IOM | adapter->irq, + outb(AVM_STATUS1_ENA_IOM | adapter->irq, adapter->io + AVM_STATUS1); mdelay(10); } @@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ static int __devinit fcpcipnp_setup(struct fritz_adapter *adapter) u32 val = 0; int retval; - DBG(1,""); + DBG(1, ""); isac_init(&adapter->isac); // FIXME is this okay now @@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ static int __devinit fcpcipnp_setup(struct fritz_adapter *adapter) } DBG(1, "stat %#x Class %X Rev %d", - val, val & 0xff, (val>>8) & 0xff); + val, val & 0xff, (val >> 8) & 0xff); spin_lock_init(&adapter->hw_lock); adapter->isac.priv = adapter; @@ -819,15 +819,15 @@ static int __devinit fcpcipnp_setup(struct fritz_adapter *adapter) return 0; - err_region: +err_region: release_region(adapter->io, 32); - err: +err: return retval; } static void __devexit fcpcipnp_release(struct fritz_adapter *adapter) { - DBG(1,""); + DBG(1, ""); outb(0, adapter->io + AVM_STATUS0); free_irq(adapter->irq, adapter); @@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ static void __devexit fcpcipnp_release(struct fritz_adapter *adapter) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -static struct fritz_adapter * __devinit +static struct fritz_adapter * __devinit new_adapter(void) { struct fritz_adapter *adapter; @@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ new_adapter(void) adapter->isac.hisax_d_if.owner = THIS_MODULE; adapter->isac.hisax_d_if.ifc.priv = &adapter->isac; adapter->isac.hisax_d_if.ifc.l2l1 = isac_d_l2l1; - + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { adapter->bcs[i].adapter = adapter; adapter->bcs[i].channel = i; @@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ new_adapter(void) b_if[i] = &adapter->bcs[i].b_if; if (hisax_register(&adapter->isac.hisax_d_if, b_if, "fcpcipnp", - protocol) != 0) { + protocol) != 0) { kfree(adapter); adapter = NULL; } @@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ static int __devinit fcpci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, pci_set_drvdata(pdev, adapter); - if (pdev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_AVM_A1_V2) + if (pdev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_AVM_A1_V2) adapter->type = AVM_FRITZ_PCIV2; else adapter->type = AVM_FRITZ_PCI; @@ -909,10 +909,10 @@ static int __devinit fcpci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, goto err_free; return 0; - - err_free: + +err_free: delete_adapter(adapter); - err: +err: return retval; } @@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ static int __devinit fcpnp_probe(struct pnp_dev *pdev, const struct pnp_device_i int retval; if (!pdev) - return(-ENODEV); + return (-ENODEV); retval = -ENOMEM; adapter = new_adapter(); @@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ static int __devinit fcpnp_probe(struct pnp_dev *pdev, const struct pnp_device_i retval = pnp_activate_dev(pdev); if (retval < 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: pnp_activate_dev(%s) ret(%d)\n", __func__, - (char *)dev_id->driver_data, retval); + (char *)dev_id->driver_data, retval); goto err_free; } adapter->io = pnp_port_start(pdev, 0); @@ -952,10 +952,10 @@ static int __devinit fcpnp_probe(struct pnp_dev *pdev, const struct pnp_device_i goto err_free; return 0; - - err_free: + +err_free: delete_adapter(adapter); - err: +err: return retval; } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_fcpcipnp.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_fcpcipnp.h index 21fbcedf3a9410a7b35a1dfd964405234c8e77b6..aedef97827fe57f94e24e2d0ff1a75f17e84860d 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_fcpcipnp.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_fcpcipnp.h @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ struct fritz_bcs { int rcvidx; int fifo_size; u_char rcvbuf[HSCX_BUFMAX]; /* B-Channel receive Buffer */ - + int tx_cnt; /* B-Channel transmit counter */ struct sk_buff *tx_skb; /* B-Channel transmit Buffer */ }; @@ -55,4 +55,3 @@ struct fritz_adapter { u32 (*read_hdlc_status) (struct fritz_adapter *adapter, int nr); void (*write_ctrl) (struct fritz_bcs *bcs, int which); }; - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_if.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_if.h index aa7c94037b2b0eff7071302c37a9dd411f61b3e8..7098d6bd5ff20e34416394ec2d2020ee1cd80d8d 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_if.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_if.h @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ /* - * Interface between low level (hardware) drivers and + * Interface between low level (hardware) drivers and * HiSax protocol stack * * Author Kai Germaschewski * Copyright 2001 by Kai Germaschewski - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_isac.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_isac.c index a8447fa2f4705940da20ea3dbc9db9be6c0aa0ce..5154c252a25fe73e8d4af8de96955f2a2f245a69 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_isac.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hisax_isac.c @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ /* - * Driver for ISAC-S and ISAC-SX + * Driver for ISAC-S and ISAC-SX * ISDN Subscriber Access Controller for Terminals * * Author Kai Germaschewski * Copyright 2001 by Kai Germaschewski * 2001 by Karsten Keil - * + * * based upon Karsten Keil's original isac.c driver * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms @@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ static int debug = 1; module_param(debug, int, 0); static char *ISACVer[] = { - "2086/2186 V1.1", - "2085 B1", - "2085 B2", - "2085 V2.3" + "2086/2186 V1.1", + "2085 B1", + "2085 B2", + "2085 V2.3" }; #endif @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ enum { ST_L1_F8, }; -#define L1_STATE_COUNT (ST_L1_F8+1) +#define L1_STATE_COUNT (ST_L1_F8 + 1) static char *strL1State[] = { @@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ static struct FsmNode L1FnList[] __initdata = {ST_L1_F3_PDOWN, EV_PH_AI8, l1_go_f7_act_ind}, {ST_L1_F3_PDOWN, EV_PH_ACTIVATE_REQ, l1_ar8}, {ST_L1_F3_PDOWN, EV_TIMER3, l1_timer3}, - + {ST_L1_F3_PEND_DEACT, EV_PH_RES, l1_di}, {ST_L1_F3_PEND_DEACT, EV_PH_EI, l1_di}, {ST_L1_F3_PEND_DEACT, EV_PH_DC, l1_go_f3pdown}, @@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ static void l1m_debug(struct FsmInst *fi, char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char buf[256]; - + va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); DBG(DBG_L1M, "%s", buf); @@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ static inline void isac_cisq_interrupt(struct isac *isac) } if (val & ISAC_CIR0_CIC1) { val = isac->read_isac(isac, ISAC_CIR1); - DBG(DBG_WARN, "ISAC CIR1 %#x", val ); + DBG(DBG_WARN, "ISAC CIR1 %#x", val); } } @@ -531,10 +531,10 @@ static inline void isac_rme_interrupt(struct isac *isac) unsigned char val; int count; struct sk_buff *skb; - + val = isac->read_isac(isac, ISAC_RSTA); - if ((val & (ISAC_RSTA_RDO | ISAC_RSTA_CRC | ISAC_RSTA_RAB) ) - != ISAC_RSTA_CRC) { + if ((val & (ISAC_RSTA_RDO | ISAC_RSTA_CRC | ISAC_RSTA_RAB)) + != ISAC_RSTA_CRC) { DBG(DBG_WARN, "RSTA %#x, dropped", val); isac->write_isac(isac, ISAC_CMDR, ISAC_CMDR_RMC); goto out; @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ static inline void isac_rme_interrupt(struct isac *isac) memcpy(skb_put(skb, count), isac->rcvbuf, count); DBG_SKB(DBG_RPACKET, skb); D_L1L2(isac, PH_DATA | INDICATION, skb); - out: +out: isac->rcvidx = 0; } @@ -659,10 +659,10 @@ static inline void isacsx_rme_interrupt(struct isac *isac) unsigned char val; val = isac->read_isac(isac, ISACSX_RSTAD); - if ((val & (ISACSX_RSTAD_VFR | - ISACSX_RSTAD_RDO | - ISACSX_RSTAD_CRC | - ISACSX_RSTAD_RAB)) + if ((val & (ISACSX_RSTAD_VFR | + ISACSX_RSTAD_RDO | + ISACSX_RSTAD_CRC | + ISACSX_RSTAD_RAB)) != (ISACSX_RSTAD_VFR | ISACSX_RSTAD_CRC)) { DBG(DBG_WARN, "RSTAD %#x, dropped", val); isac->write_isac(isac, ISACSX_CMDRD, ISACSX_CMDRD_RMC); @@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ static inline void isacsx_rme_interrupt(struct isac *isac) memcpy(skb_put(skb, count), isac->rcvbuf, count); DBG_SKB(DBG_RPACKET, skb); D_L1L2(isac, PH_DATA | INDICATION, skb); - out: +out: isac->rcvidx = 0; } @@ -778,8 +778,8 @@ void isac_setup(struct isac *isac) ph_command(isac, ISAC_CMD_RES); - isac->write_isac(isac, ISAC_MASK, 0xff); - isac->mocr = 0xaa; + isac->write_isac(isac, ISAC_MASK, 0xff); + isac->mocr = 0xaa; if (test_bit(ISAC_IOM1, &isac->flags)) { /* IOM 1 Mode */ isac->write_isac(isac, ISAC_ADF2, 0x0); @@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ void isacsx_setup(struct isac *isac) // all HDLC IRQ unmasked isac->write_isac(isac, ISACSX_MASKD, 0x03); // unmask ICD, CID IRQs - isac->write_isac(isac, ISACSX_MASK, + isac->write_isac(isac, ISACSX_MASK, ~(ISACSX_ISTA_ICD | ISACSX_ISTA_CIC)); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hscx.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hscx.c index 904b9100df95d63fec52ec7c29cac834f6c99b02..3e305fec0ed9947a924ed75f197bd71e99939411 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hscx.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hscx.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ modehscx(struct BCState *bcs, int mode, int bc) cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_XBCH, 0x0); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_RLCR, 0x0); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_CCR1, - test_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags) ? 0x82 : 0x85); + test_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags) ? 0x82 : 0x85); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_CCR2, 0x30); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_XCCR, 7); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_RCCR, 7); @@ -65,27 +65,27 @@ modehscx(struct BCState *bcs, int mode, int bc) if (bc == 0) { cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_TSAX, - test_bit(HW_IOM1, &cs->HW_Flags) ? 0x7 : bcs->hw.hscx.tsaxr0); + test_bit(HW_IOM1, &cs->HW_Flags) ? 0x7 : bcs->hw.hscx.tsaxr0); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_TSAR, - test_bit(HW_IOM1, &cs->HW_Flags) ? 0x7 : bcs->hw.hscx.tsaxr0); + test_bit(HW_IOM1, &cs->HW_Flags) ? 0x7 : bcs->hw.hscx.tsaxr0); } else { cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_TSAX, bcs->hw.hscx.tsaxr1); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_TSAR, bcs->hw.hscx.tsaxr1); } switch (mode) { - case (L1_MODE_NULL): - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_TSAX, 0x1f); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_TSAR, 0x1f); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_MODE, 0x84); - break; - case (L1_MODE_TRANS): - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_MODE, 0xe4); - break; - case (L1_MODE_HDLC): - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_CCR1, - test_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags) ? 0x8a : 0x8d); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_MODE, 0x8c); - break; + case (L1_MODE_NULL): + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_TSAX, 0x1f); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_TSAR, 0x1f); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_MODE, 0x84); + break; + case (L1_MODE_TRANS): + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_MODE, 0xe4); + break; + case (L1_MODE_HDLC): + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_CCR1, + test_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags) ? 0x8a : 0x8d); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_MODE, 0x8c); + break; } if (mode) cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, HSCX_CMDR, 0x41); @@ -100,55 +100,55 @@ hscx_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) struct sk_buff *skb = arg; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); - } else { - bcs->tx_skb = skb; - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0; - bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "hscx_l2l1: this shouldn't happen\n"); - } else { - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - bcs->tx_skb = skb; - bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0; - bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): - if (!bcs->tx_skb) { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); - } else - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - break; - case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - modehscx(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - modehscx(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); + } else { + bcs->tx_skb = skb; + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0; + bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "hscx_l2l1: this shouldn't happen\n"); + } else { + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + bcs->tx_skb = skb; + bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0; + bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + if (!bcs->tx_skb) { + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + } else + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + break; + case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + modehscx(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + modehscx(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; } } @@ -177,13 +177,13 @@ open_hscxstate(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct BCState *bcs) if (!test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag)) { if (!(bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf = kmalloc(HSCX_BUFMAX, GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: No memory for hscx.rcvbuf\n"); + "HiSax: No memory for hscx.rcvbuf\n"); test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag); return (1); } if (!(bcs->blog = kmalloc(MAX_BLOG_SPACE, GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: No memory for bcs->blog\n"); + "HiSax: No memory for bcs->blog\n"); test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag); kfree(bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf); bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf = NULL; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hscx.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hscx.h index 268bfd3549b03d4a67872b6e059c64e857976643..1148b4bbe7117521eb0e59d1084df48379c02f6f 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hscx.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hscx.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hscx_irq.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hscx_irq.c index 2387d76c721a5fb5cd50b437c887b867e7fdd5d8..f398d4838937a3f4eaee68d7dfb2269cbd4ec8c6 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hscx_irq.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hscx_irq.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ hscx_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) { struct IsdnCardState *cs = bcs->cs; int more, count; - int fifo_size = test_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags)? 64: 32; + int fifo_size = test_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags) ? 64 : 32; u_char *ptr; if ((cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) && !(cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO)) @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ hscx_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val, u_char hscx) u_char r; struct BCState *bcs = cs->bcs + hscx; struct sk_buff *skb; - int fifo_size = test_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags)? 64: 32; + int fifo_size = test_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags) ? 64 : 32; int count; if (!test_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag)) @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ hscx_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val, u_char hscx) WriteHSCXCMDR(cs, hscx, 0x80); } else { count = READHSCX(cs, hscx, HSCX_RBCL) & ( - test_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags)? 0x3f: 0x1f); + test_bit(HW_IPAC, &cs->HW_Flags) ? 0x3f : 0x1f); if (count == 0) count = fifo_size; hscx_empty_fifo(bcs, count); @@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ hscx_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val, u_char hscx) hscx_fill_fifo(bcs); return; } else { - if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP,&bcs->st->lli.flag) && - (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { + if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &bcs->st->lli.flag) && + (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { u_long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->aclock, flags); bcs->ackcnt += bcs->hw.hscx.count; @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ hscx_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val, u_char hscx) schedule_event(bcs, B_ACKPENDING); } dev_kfree_skb_irq(bcs->tx_skb); - bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0; + bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0; bcs->tx_skb = NULL; } } @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ hscx_int_main(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) bcs->err_tx++; #endif /* Here we lost an TX interrupt, so - * restart transmitting the whole frame. + * restart transmitting the whole frame. */ if (bcs->tx_skb) { skb_push(bcs->tx_skb, bcs->hw.hscx.count); @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ hscx_int_main(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) hscx_fill_fifo(bcs); else { /* Here we lost an TX interrupt, so - * restart transmitting the whole frame. + * restart transmitting the whole frame. */ #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC bcs->err_tx++; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/icc.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/icc.c index 63057268cc3d7d4211fe0e0d4cc1c5e130ed1771..7be762b17c70c5163caaee37b19dcbc718644300 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/icc.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/icc.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Matt Henderson & Guy Ellis * Copyright by Traverse Technologies Pty Ltd, www.travers.com.au - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -50,30 +50,30 @@ static void icc_new_ph(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { switch (cs->dc.icc.ph_state) { - case (ICC_IND_EI1): - ph_command(cs, ICC_CMD_DI); - l1_msg(cs, HW_RESET | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (ICC_IND_DC): - l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; - case (ICC_IND_DR): - l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (ICC_IND_PU): - l1_msg(cs, HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; - case (ICC_IND_FJ): - l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (ICC_IND_AR): - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO2 | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (ICC_IND_AI): - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4 | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - default: - break; + case (ICC_IND_EI1): + ph_command(cs, ICC_CMD_DI); + l1_msg(cs, HW_RESET | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (ICC_IND_DC): + l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; + case (ICC_IND_DR): + l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (ICC_IND_PU): + l1_msg(cs, HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; + case (ICC_IND_FJ): + l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (ICC_IND_AR): + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO2 | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (ICC_IND_AI): + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4 | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + default: + break; } } @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ icc_bh(struct work_struct *work) struct IsdnCardState *cs = container_of(work, struct IsdnCardState, tqueue); struct PStack *stptr; - + if (test_and_clear_bit(D_CLEARBUSY, &cs->event)) { if (cs->debug) debugl1(cs, "D-Channel Busy cleared"); @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ icc_bh(struct work_struct *work) } } if (test_and_clear_bit(D_L1STATECHANGE, &cs->event)) - icc_new_ph(cs); + icc_new_ph(cs); if (test_and_clear_bit(D_RCVBUFREADY, &cs->event)) DChannel_proc_rcv(cs); if (test_and_clear_bit(D_XMTBUFREADY, &cs->event)) @@ -254,11 +254,11 @@ icc_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) } else schedule_event(cs, D_XMTBUFREADY); } - afterXPR: +afterXPR: if (val & 0x04) { /* CISQ */ exval = cs->readisac(cs, ICC_CIR0); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) - debugl1(cs, "ICC CIR0 %02X", exval ); + debugl1(cs, "ICC CIR0 %02X", exval); if (exval & 2) { cs->dc.icc.ph_state = (exval >> 2) & 0xf; if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ icc_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) if (exval & 1) { exval = cs->readisac(cs, ICC_CIR1); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) - debugl1(cs, "ICC CIR1 %02X", exval ); + debugl1(cs, "ICC CIR1 %02X", exval); } } if (val & 0x02) { /* SIN */ @@ -331,13 +331,13 @@ icc_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) } cs->dc.icc.mon_rx[cs->dc.icc.mon_rxp++] = cs->readisac(cs, ICC_MOR0); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_MONITOR) - debugl1(cs, "ICC MOR0 %02x", cs->dc.icc.mon_rx[cs->dc.icc.mon_rxp -1]); + debugl1(cs, "ICC MOR0 %02x", cs->dc.icc.mon_rx[cs->dc.icc.mon_rxp - 1]); if (cs->dc.icc.mon_rxp == 1) { cs->dc.icc.mocr |= 0x04; cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_MOCR, cs->dc.icc.mocr); } } - afterMONR0: + afterMONR0: if (v1 & 0x80) { if (!cs->dc.icc.mon_rx) { if (!(cs->dc.icc.mon_rx = kmalloc(MAX_MON_FRAME, GFP_ATOMIC))) { @@ -361,11 +361,11 @@ icc_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) } cs->dc.icc.mon_rx[cs->dc.icc.mon_rxp++] = cs->readisac(cs, ICC_MOR1); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_MONITOR) - debugl1(cs, "ICC MOR1 %02x", cs->dc.icc.mon_rx[cs->dc.icc.mon_rxp -1]); + debugl1(cs, "ICC MOR1 %02x", cs->dc.icc.mon_rx[cs->dc.icc.mon_rxp - 1]); cs->dc.icc.mocr |= 0x40; cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_MOCR, cs->dc.icc.mocr); } - afterMONR1: + afterMONR1: if (v1 & 0x04) { cs->dc.icc.mocr &= 0xf0; cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_MOCR, cs->dc.icc.mocr); @@ -381,15 +381,15 @@ icc_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) schedule_event(cs, D_RX_MON1); } if (v1 & 0x02) { - if ((!cs->dc.icc.mon_tx) || (cs->dc.icc.mon_txc && - (cs->dc.icc.mon_txp >= cs->dc.icc.mon_txc) && - !(v1 & 0x08))) { + if ((!cs->dc.icc.mon_tx) || (cs->dc.icc.mon_txc && + (cs->dc.icc.mon_txp >= cs->dc.icc.mon_txc) && + !(v1 & 0x08))) { cs->dc.icc.mocr &= 0xf0; cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_MOCR, cs->dc.icc.mocr); cs->dc.icc.mocr |= 0x0a; cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_MOCR, cs->dc.icc.mocr); if (cs->dc.icc.mon_txc && - (cs->dc.icc.mon_txp >= cs->dc.icc.mon_txc)) + (cs->dc.icc.mon_txp >= cs->dc.icc.mon_txc)) schedule_event(cs, D_TX_MON0); goto AfterMOX0; } @@ -398,21 +398,21 @@ icc_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) goto AfterMOX0; } cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_MOX0, - cs->dc.icc.mon_tx[cs->dc.icc.mon_txp++]); + cs->dc.icc.mon_tx[cs->dc.icc.mon_txp++]); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_MONITOR) - debugl1(cs, "ICC %02x -> MOX0", cs->dc.icc.mon_tx[cs->dc.icc.mon_txp -1]); + debugl1(cs, "ICC %02x -> MOX0", cs->dc.icc.mon_tx[cs->dc.icc.mon_txp - 1]); } - AfterMOX0: + AfterMOX0: if (v1 & 0x20) { - if ((!cs->dc.icc.mon_tx) || (cs->dc.icc.mon_txc && - (cs->dc.icc.mon_txp >= cs->dc.icc.mon_txc) && - !(v1 & 0x80))) { + if ((!cs->dc.icc.mon_tx) || (cs->dc.icc.mon_txc && + (cs->dc.icc.mon_txp >= cs->dc.icc.mon_txc) && + !(v1 & 0x80))) { cs->dc.icc.mocr &= 0x0f; cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_MOCR, cs->dc.icc.mocr); cs->dc.icc.mocr |= 0xa0; cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_MOCR, cs->dc.icc.mocr); if (cs->dc.icc.mon_txc && - (cs->dc.icc.mon_txp >= cs->dc.icc.mon_txc)) + (cs->dc.icc.mon_txp >= cs->dc.icc.mon_txc)) schedule_event(cs, D_TX_MON1); goto AfterMOX1; } @@ -421,11 +421,11 @@ icc_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) goto AfterMOX1; } cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_MOX1, - cs->dc.icc.mon_tx[cs->dc.icc.mon_txp++]); + cs->dc.icc.mon_tx[cs->dc.icc.mon_txp++]); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_MONITOR) - debugl1(cs, "ICC %02x -> MOX1", cs->dc.icc.mon_tx[cs->dc.icc.mon_txp -1]); + debugl1(cs, "ICC %02x -> MOX1", cs->dc.icc.mon_tx[cs->dc.icc.mon_txp - 1]); } - AfterMOX1: + AfterMOX1: #endif } } @@ -440,128 +440,128 @@ ICC_l1hw(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) int val; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA |REQUEST): - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) - LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) - dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); -#ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA Queued", 0); -#endif - } else { - cs->tx_skb = skb; - cs->tx_cnt = 0; + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) + LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) + dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA", 0); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA Queued", 0); #endif - icc_fill_fifo(cs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL |INDICATION): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, " l2l1 tx_skb exist this shouldn't happen"); - skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - } - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) - LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) - dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + } else { cs->tx_skb = skb; cs->tx_cnt = 0; #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA_PULLED", 0); + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA", 0); #endif icc_fill_fifo(cs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, " l2l1 tx_skb exist this shouldn't happen"); + skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); break; - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + } + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) + LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) + dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + cs->tx_skb = skb; + cs->tx_cnt = 0; #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - debugl1(cs, "-> PH_REQUEST_PULL"); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA_PULLED", 0); #endif - if (!cs->tx_skb) { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); - } else - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - break; - case (HW_RESET | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if ((cs->dc.icc.ph_state == ICC_IND_EI1) || - (cs->dc.icc.ph_state == ICC_IND_DR)) - ph_command(cs, ICC_CMD_DI); - else - ph_command(cs, ICC_CMD_RES); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (HW_ENABLE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + icc_fill_fifo(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): +#ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + debugl1(cs, "-> PH_REQUEST_PULL"); +#endif + if (!cs->tx_skb) { + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + } else + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + break; + case (HW_RESET | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if ((cs->dc.icc.ph_state == ICC_IND_EI1) || + (cs->dc.icc.ph_state == ICC_IND_DR)) ph_command(cs, ICC_CMD_DI); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (HW_INFO1 | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - ph_command(cs, ICC_CMD_AR); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (HW_INFO3 | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - ph_command(cs, ICC_CMD_AI); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - val = 0; - if (1 & (long) arg) - val |= 0x0c; - if (2 & (long) arg) - val |= 0x3; - if (test_bit(HW_IOM1, &cs->HW_Flags)) { - /* IOM 1 Mode */ - if (!val) { - cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_SPCR, 0xa); - cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_ADF1, 0x2); - } else { - cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_SPCR, val); - cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_ADF1, 0xa); - } + else + ph_command(cs, ICC_CMD_RES); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_ENABLE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + ph_command(cs, ICC_CMD_DI); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_INFO1 | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + ph_command(cs, ICC_CMD_AR); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_INFO3 | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + ph_command(cs, ICC_CMD_AI); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + val = 0; + if (1 & (long) arg) + val |= 0x0c; + if (2 & (long) arg) + val |= 0x3; + if (test_bit(HW_IOM1, &cs->HW_Flags)) { + /* IOM 1 Mode */ + if (!val) { + cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_SPCR, 0xa); + cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_ADF1, 0x2); } else { - /* IOM 2 Mode */ cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_SPCR, val); - if (val) - cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_ADF1, 0x8); - else - cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_ADF1, 0x0); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (HW_DEACTIVATE | RESPONSE): - skb_queue_purge(&cs->rq); - skb_queue_purge(&cs->sq); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - dev_kfree_skb_any(cs->tx_skb); - cs->tx_skb = NULL; + cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_ADF1, 0xa); } - if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) - del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); - if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags)) - schedule_event(cs, D_CLEARBUSY); - break; - default: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "icc_l1hw unknown %04x", pr); - break; + } else { + /* IOM 2 Mode */ + cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_SPCR, val); + if (val) + cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_ADF1, 0x8); + else + cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_ADF1, 0x0); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_DEACTIVATE | RESPONSE): + skb_queue_purge(&cs->rq); + skb_queue_purge(&cs->sq); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + dev_kfree_skb_any(cs->tx_skb); + cs->tx_skb = NULL; + } + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) + del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags)) + schedule_event(cs, D_CLEARBUSY); + break; + default: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "icc_l1hw unknown %04x", pr); + break; } } @@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ dbusy_timer_handler(struct IsdnCardState *cs) if (test_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) { rbch = cs->readisac(cs, ICC_RBCH); star = cs->readisac(cs, ICC_STAR); - if (cs->debug) + if (cs->debug) debugl1(cs, "D-Channel Busy RBCH %02x STAR %02x", rbch, star); if (rbch & ICC_RBCH_XAC) { /* D-Channel Busy */ @@ -622,8 +622,8 @@ initicc(struct IsdnCardState *cs) cs->DC_Close = DC_Close_icc; cs->dc.icc.mon_tx = NULL; cs->dc.icc.mon_rx = NULL; - cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_MASK, 0xff); - cs->dc.icc.mocr = 0xaa; + cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_MASK, 0xff); + cs->dc.icc.mocr = 0xaa; if (test_bit(HW_IOM1, &cs->HW_Flags)) { /* IOM 1 Mode */ cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_ADF2, 0x0); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/icc.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/icc.h index e7f593967e43ab9b9fb975992c36cbb2e066df1a..f367df5d3669e6846c012dda3529342979b9bc20 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/icc.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/icc.h @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ * * Author Matt Henderson & Guy Ellis * Copyright by Traverse Technologies Pty Ltd, www.travers.com.au - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * - * 1999.7.14 Initial implementation of routines for Siemens ISDN - * Communication Controller PEB 2070 based on the ISAC routines + * 1999.7.14 Initial implementation of routines for Siemens ISDN + * Communication Controller PEB 2070 based on the ISAC routines * written by Karsten Keil. */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/ipac.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/ipac.h index f92a04a9282601b17df66b564ed4004e2df009c9..4f937f02ee34e25413075e6c7e5b6cf4b2b9632c 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/ipac.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/ipac.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/ipacx.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/ipacx.c index 690840444184284f53e94884c88c27de3fa4df65..74feb5c830671340de67784b6f26e2a60251f348 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/ipacx.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/ipacx.c @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -/* +/* * * IPACX specific routines * * Author Joerg Petersohn * Derived from hisax_isac.c, isac.c, hscx.c and others - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ #define D_FIFO_SIZE 32 -// ipacx interrupt mask values +// ipacx interrupt mask values #define _MASK_IMASK 0x2E // global mask #define _MASKB_IMASK 0x0B #define _MASKD_IMASK 0x03 // all on @@ -55,33 +55,33 @@ static void clear_pending_ints(struct IsdnCardState *cs); //---------------------------------------------------------- // Issue Layer 1 command to chip //---------------------------------------------------------- -static void +static void ph_command(struct IsdnCardState *cs, unsigned int command) { - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_ISAC) + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "ph_command (%#x) in (%#x)", command, cs->dc.isac.ph_state); -//################################### +//################################### // printk(KERN_INFO "ph_command (%#x)\n", command); -//################################### +//################################### cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CIX0, (command << 4) | 0x0E); } //---------------------------------------------------------- // Transceiver interrupt handler //---------------------------------------------------------- -static inline void +static inline void cic_int(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { u_char event; event = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_CIR0) >> 4; - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "cic_int(event=%#x)", event); -//######################################### + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "cic_int(event=%#x)", event); +//######################################### // printk(KERN_INFO "cic_int(%x)\n", event); -//######################################### - cs->dc.isac.ph_state = event; - schedule_event(cs, D_L1STATECHANGE); +//######################################### + cs->dc.isac.ph_state = event; + schedule_event(cs, D_L1STATECHANGE); } //========================================================== @@ -99,99 +99,99 @@ dch_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) u_char cda1_cr; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA |REQUEST): - if (cs->debug &DEB_DLOG_HEX) LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); - if (cs->debug &DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); -#ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_LAPD) Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA Queued", 0); -#endif - } else { - cs->tx_skb = skb; - cs->tx_cnt = 0; + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_LAPD) Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA", 0); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA Queued", 0); #endif - dch_fill_fifo(cs); - } - break; - - case (PH_PULL |INDICATION): - if (cs->tx_skb) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, " l2l1 tx_skb exist this shouldn't happen"); - skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); - break; - } - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + } else { cs->tx_skb = skb; cs->tx_cnt = 0; #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA_PULLED", 0); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA", 0); #endif dch_fill_fifo(cs); + } + break; + + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + if (cs->tx_skb) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, " l2l1 tx_skb exist this shouldn't happen"); + skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); break; - - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + } + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + cs->tx_skb = skb; + cs->tx_cnt = 0; #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) debugl1(cs, "-> PH_REQUEST_PULL"); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA_PULLED", 0); #endif - if (!cs->tx_skb) { - clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); - } else - set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - break; - - case (HW_RESET | REQUEST): - case (HW_ENABLE | REQUEST): - if ((cs->dc.isac.ph_state == IPACX_IND_RES) || - (cs->dc.isac.ph_state == IPACX_IND_DR) || - (cs->dc.isac.ph_state == IPACX_IND_DC)) - ph_command(cs, IPACX_CMD_TIM); - else - ph_command(cs, IPACX_CMD_RES); - break; - - case (HW_INFO3 | REQUEST): - ph_command(cs, IPACX_CMD_AR8); - break; - - case (HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CDA_TSDP10, 0x80); // Timeslot 0 is B1 - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CDA_TSDP11, 0x81); // Timeslot 0 is B1 - cda1_cr = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_CDA1_CR); - (void) cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_CDA2_CR); - if ((long)arg &1) { // loop B1 - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CDA1_CR, cda1_cr |0x0a); - } - else { // B1 off - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CDA1_CR, cda1_cr &~0x0a); - } - if ((long)arg &2) { // loop B2 - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CDA1_CR, cda1_cr |0x14); - } - else { // B2 off - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CDA1_CR, cda1_cr &~0x14); - } - break; + dch_fill_fifo(cs); + break; - case (HW_DEACTIVATE | RESPONSE): - skb_queue_purge(&cs->rq); - skb_queue_purge(&cs->sq); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - dev_kfree_skb_any(cs->tx_skb); - cs->tx_skb = NULL; - } - if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) - del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); - break; + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): +#ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) debugl1(cs, "-> PH_REQUEST_PULL"); +#endif + if (!cs->tx_skb) { + clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + } else + set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + break; + + case (HW_RESET | REQUEST): + case (HW_ENABLE | REQUEST): + if ((cs->dc.isac.ph_state == IPACX_IND_RES) || + (cs->dc.isac.ph_state == IPACX_IND_DR) || + (cs->dc.isac.ph_state == IPACX_IND_DC)) + ph_command(cs, IPACX_CMD_TIM); + else + ph_command(cs, IPACX_CMD_RES); + break; + + case (HW_INFO3 | REQUEST): + ph_command(cs, IPACX_CMD_AR8); + break; + + case (HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CDA_TSDP10, 0x80); // Timeslot 0 is B1 + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CDA_TSDP11, 0x81); // Timeslot 0 is B1 + cda1_cr = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_CDA1_CR); + (void) cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_CDA2_CR); + if ((long)arg & 1) { // loop B1 + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CDA1_CR, cda1_cr | 0x0a); + } + else { // B1 off + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CDA1_CR, cda1_cr & ~0x0a); + } + if ((long)arg & 2) { // loop B2 + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CDA1_CR, cda1_cr | 0x14); + } + else { // B2 off + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CDA1_CR, cda1_cr & ~0x14); + } + break; + + case (HW_DEACTIVATE | RESPONSE): + skb_queue_purge(&cs->rq); + skb_queue_purge(&cs->sq); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + dev_kfree_skb_any(cs->tx_skb); + cs->tx_skb = NULL; + } + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) + del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); + break; - default: - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN) debugl1(cs, "dch_l2l1 unknown %04x", pr); - break; + default: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) debugl1(cs, "dch_l2l1 unknown %04x", pr); + break; } } @@ -206,11 +206,11 @@ dbusy_timer_handler(struct IsdnCardState *cs) if (test_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) { rbchd = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_RBCHD); stard = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_STARD); - if (cs->debug) - debugl1(cs, "D-Channel Busy RBCHD %02x STARD %02x", rbchd, stard); - if (!(stard &0x40)) { // D-Channel Busy + if (cs->debug) + debugl1(cs, "D-Channel Busy RBCHD %02x STARD %02x", rbchd, stard); + if (!(stard & 0x40)) { // D-Channel Busy set_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags); - for (st = cs->stlist; st; st = st->next) { + for (st = cs->stlist; st; st = st->next) { st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PAUSE | INDICATION, NULL); // flow control on } } else { @@ -232,30 +232,30 @@ dbusy_timer_handler(struct IsdnCardState *cs) //---------------------------------------------------------- // Fill buffer from receive FIFO //---------------------------------------------------------- -static void +static void dch_empty_fifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int count) { u_char *ptr; - if ((cs->debug &L1_DEB_ISAC) && !(cs->debug &L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO)) + if ((cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) && !(cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO)) debugl1(cs, "dch_empty_fifo()"); - // message too large, remove + // message too large, remove if ((cs->rcvidx + count) >= MAX_DFRAME_LEN_L1) { - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN) + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) debugl1(cs, "dch_empty_fifo() incoming message too large"); - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CMDRD, 0x80); // RMC + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CMDRD, 0x80); // RMC cs->rcvidx = 0; return; } - + ptr = cs->rcvbuf + cs->rcvidx; cs->rcvidx += count; - + cs->readisacfifo(cs, ptr, count); cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CMDRD, 0x80); // RMC - - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO) { + + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO) { char *t = cs->dlog; t += sprintf(t, "dch_empty_fifo() cnt %d", count); @@ -267,15 +267,15 @@ dch_empty_fifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int count) //---------------------------------------------------------- // Fill transmit FIFO //---------------------------------------------------------- -static void +static void dch_fill_fifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { int count; u_char cmd, *ptr; - if ((cs->debug &L1_DEB_ISAC) && !(cs->debug &L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO)) + if ((cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) && !(cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO)) debugl1(cs, "dch_fill_fifo()"); - + if (!cs->tx_skb) return; count = cs->tx_skb->len; if (count <= 0) return; @@ -286,14 +286,14 @@ dch_fill_fifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs) } else { cmd = 0x0A; // XTF | XME } - + ptr = cs->tx_skb->data; skb_pull(cs->tx_skb, count); cs->tx_cnt += count; cs->writeisacfifo(cs, ptr, count); cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CMDRD, cmd); - - // set timeout for transmission contol + + // set timeout for transmission contol if (test_and_set_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) { debugl1(cs, "dch_fill_fifo dbusytimer running"); del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); @@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ dch_fill_fifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs) init_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); cs->dbusytimer.expires = jiffies + ((DBUSY_TIMER_VALUE * HZ)/1000); add_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); - - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO) { + + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO) { char *t = cs->dlog; t += sprintf(t, "dch_fill_fifo() cnt %d", count); @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ dch_fill_fifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs) //---------------------------------------------------------- // D channel interrupt handler //---------------------------------------------------------- -static inline void +static inline void dch_int(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -322,31 +322,31 @@ dch_int(struct IsdnCardState *cs) int count; istad = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_ISTAD); -//############################################## +//############################################## // printk(KERN_WARNING "dch_int(istad=%02x)\n", istad); -//############################################## - - if (istad &0x80) { // RME - rstad = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_RSTAD); - if ((rstad &0xf0) != 0xa0) { // !(VFR && !RDO && CRC && !RAB) - if (!(rstad &0x80)) - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "dch_int(): invalid frame"); - if ((rstad &0x40)) - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "dch_int(): RDO"); - if (!(rstad &0x20)) - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "dch_int(): CRC error"); - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CMDRD, 0x80); // RMC +//############################################## + + if (istad & 0x80) { // RME + rstad = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_RSTAD); + if ((rstad & 0xf0) != 0xa0) { // !(VFR && !RDO && CRC && !RAB) + if (!(rstad & 0x80)) + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "dch_int(): invalid frame"); + if ((rstad & 0x40)) + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "dch_int(): RDO"); + if (!(rstad & 0x20)) + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "dch_int(): CRC error"); + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CMDRD, 0x80); // RMC } else { // received frame ok count = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_RBCLD); - if (count) count--; // RSTAB is last byte - count &= D_FIFO_SIZE-1; + if (count) count--; // RSTAB is last byte + count &= D_FIFO_SIZE - 1; if (count == 0) count = D_FIFO_SIZE; dch_empty_fifo(cs, count); if ((count = cs->rcvidx) > 0) { - cs->rcvidx = 0; + cs->rcvidx = 0; if (!(skb = dev_alloc_skb(count))) printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax dch_int(): receive out of memory\n"); else { @@ -354,57 +354,57 @@ dch_int(struct IsdnCardState *cs) skb_queue_tail(&cs->rq, skb); } } - } - cs->rcvidx = 0; + } + cs->rcvidx = 0; schedule_event(cs, D_RCVBUFREADY); } - if (istad &0x40) { // RPF + if (istad & 0x40) { // RPF dch_empty_fifo(cs, D_FIFO_SIZE); } - if (istad &0x20) { // RFO - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN) debugl1(cs, "dch_int(): RFO"); - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CMDRD, 0x40); //RRES + if (istad & 0x20) { // RFO + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) debugl1(cs, "dch_int(): RFO"); + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CMDRD, 0x40); //RRES } - - if (istad &0x10) { // XPR + + if (istad & 0x10) { // XPR if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags)) schedule_event(cs, D_CLEARBUSY); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - if (cs->tx_skb->len) { - dch_fill_fifo(cs); - goto afterXPR; - } - else { - dev_kfree_skb_irq(cs->tx_skb); - cs->tx_skb = NULL; - cs->tx_cnt = 0; - } - } - if ((cs->tx_skb = skb_dequeue(&cs->sq))) { - cs->tx_cnt = 0; - dch_fill_fifo(cs); - } - else { - schedule_event(cs, D_XMTBUFREADY); - } - } - afterXPR: - - if (istad &0x0C) { // XDU or XMR - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN) debugl1(cs, "dch_int(): XDU"); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - skb_push(cs->tx_skb, cs->tx_cnt); // retransmit - cs->tx_cnt = 0; + if (cs->tx_skb) { + if (cs->tx_skb->len) { + dch_fill_fifo(cs); + goto afterXPR; + } + else { + dev_kfree_skb_irq(cs->tx_skb); + cs->tx_skb = NULL; + cs->tx_cnt = 0; + } + } + if ((cs->tx_skb = skb_dequeue(&cs->sq))) { + cs->tx_cnt = 0; + dch_fill_fifo(cs); + } + else { + schedule_event(cs, D_XMTBUFREADY); + } + } +afterXPR: + + if (istad & 0x0C) { // XDU or XMR + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) debugl1(cs, "dch_int(): XDU"); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + skb_push(cs->tx_skb, cs->tx_cnt); // retransmit + cs->tx_cnt = 0; dch_fill_fifo(cs); } else { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: ISAC XDU no skb\n"); debugl1(cs, "ISAC XDU no skb"); } - } + } } //---------------------------------------------------------- @@ -423,15 +423,15 @@ dch_init(struct IsdnCardState *cs) printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: IPACX ISDN driver v0.1.0\n"); cs->setstack_d = dch_setstack; - + cs->dbusytimer.function = (void *) dbusy_timer_handler; cs->dbusytimer.data = (long) cs; init_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_TR_CONF0, 0x00); // clear LDD - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_TR_CONF2, 0x00); // enable transmitter - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_MODED, 0xC9); // transparent mode 0, RAC, stop/go - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_MON_CR, 0x00); // disable monitor channel + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_TR_CONF0, 0x00); // clear LDD + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_TR_CONF2, 0x00); // enable transmitter + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_MODED, 0xC9); // transparent mode 0, RAC, stop/go + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_MON_CR, 0x00); // disable monitor channel } @@ -450,55 +450,55 @@ bch_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); - } else { - bcs->tx_skb = skb; - set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0; - bch_fill_fifo(bcs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax bch_l2l1(): this shouldn't happen\n"); - } else { - set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - bcs->tx_skb = skb; - bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0; - bch_fill_fifo(bcs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): - if (!bcs->tx_skb) { - clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); - } else - set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - break; - case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - bch_mode(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - bch_mode(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); + } else { + bcs->tx_skb = skb; + set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0; + bch_fill_fifo(bcs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax bch_l2l1(): this shouldn't happen\n"); + } else { + set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + bcs->tx_skb = skb; + bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0; + bch_fill_fifo(bcs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + if (!bcs->tx_skb) { + clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + } else + set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + break; + case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + bch_mode(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + bch_mode(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; } } @@ -513,28 +513,28 @@ bch_empty_fifo(struct BCState *bcs, int count) int cnt; cs = bcs->cs; - hscx = bcs->hw.hscx.hscx; - if ((cs->debug &L1_DEB_HSCX) && !(cs->debug &L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO)) + hscx = bcs->hw.hscx.hscx; + if ((cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) && !(cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO)) debugl1(cs, "bch_empty_fifo()"); - // message too large, remove + // message too large, remove if (bcs->hw.hscx.rcvidx + count > HSCX_BUFMAX) { - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN) + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) debugl1(cs, "bch_empty_fifo() incoming packet too large"); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x80); // RMC + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x80); // RMC bcs->hw.hscx.rcvidx = 0; return; } - + ptr = bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf + bcs->hw.hscx.rcvidx; cnt = count; - while (cnt--) *ptr++ = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_RFIFOB); + while (cnt--) *ptr++ = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_RFIFOB); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x80); // RMC - + ptr = bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf + bcs->hw.hscx.rcvidx; bcs->hw.hscx.rcvidx += count; - - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO) { + + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO) { char *t = bcs->blog; t += sprintf(t, "bch_empty_fifo() B-%d cnt %d", hscx, count); @@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ bch_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) u_char *ptr, *p, hscx; cs = bcs->cs; - if ((cs->debug &L1_DEB_HSCX) && !(cs->debug &L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO)) + if ((cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) && !(cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO)) debugl1(cs, "bch_fill_fifo()"); if (!bcs->tx_skb) return; @@ -567,17 +567,17 @@ bch_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) count = B_FIFO_SIZE; } else { count = bcs->tx_skb->len; - } + } cnt = count; - + p = ptr = bcs->tx_skb->data; skb_pull(bcs->tx_skb, count); bcs->tx_cnt -= count; bcs->hw.hscx.count += count; - while (cnt--) cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_XFIFOB, *p++); + while (cnt--) cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_XFIFOB, *p++); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, (more ? 0x08 : 0x0a)); - - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO) { + + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO) { char *t = bcs->blog; t += sprintf(t, "chb_fill_fifo() B-%d cnt %d", hscx, count); @@ -600,31 +600,31 @@ bch_int(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char hscx) bcs = cs->bcs + hscx; istab = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_ISTAB); -//############################################## +//############################################## // printk(KERN_WARNING "bch_int(istab=%02x)\n", istab); -//############################################## +//############################################## if (!test_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag)) return; - if (istab &0x80) { // RME + if (istab & 0x80) { // RME rstab = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_RSTAB); - if ((rstab &0xf0) != 0xa0) { // !(VFR && !RDO && CRC && !RAB) - if (!(rstab &0x80)) - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "bch_int() B-%d: invalid frame", hscx); - if ((rstab &0x40) && (bcs->mode != L1_MODE_NULL)) - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "bch_int() B-%d: RDO mode=%d", hscx, bcs->mode); - if (!(rstab &0x20)) - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "bch_int() B-%d: CRC error", hscx); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x80); // RMC - } - else { // received frame ok - count = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_RBCLB) &(B_FIFO_SIZE-1); + if ((rstab & 0xf0) != 0xa0) { // !(VFR && !RDO && CRC && !RAB) + if (!(rstab & 0x80)) + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "bch_int() B-%d: invalid frame", hscx); + if ((rstab & 0x40) && (bcs->mode != L1_MODE_NULL)) + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "bch_int() B-%d: RDO mode=%d", hscx, bcs->mode); + if (!(rstab & 0x20)) + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "bch_int() B-%d: CRC error", hscx); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x80); // RMC + } + else { // received frame ok + count = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_RBCLB) & (B_FIFO_SIZE - 1); if (count == 0) count = B_FIFO_SIZE; bch_empty_fifo(bcs, count); if ((count = bcs->hw.hscx.rcvidx - 1) > 0) { - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO) + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO) debugl1(cs, "bch_int Frame %d", count); if (!(skb = dev_alloc_skb(count))) printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax bch_int(): receive frame out of memory\n"); @@ -637,8 +637,8 @@ bch_int(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char hscx) bcs->hw.hscx.rcvidx = 0; schedule_event(bcs, B_RCVBUFREADY); } - - if (istab &0x40) { // RPF + + if (istab & 0x40) { // RPF bch_empty_fifo(bcs, B_FIFO_SIZE); if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS) { // queue every chunk @@ -653,21 +653,21 @@ bch_int(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char hscx) schedule_event(bcs, B_RCVBUFREADY); } } - - if (istab &0x20) { // RFO - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN) + + if (istab & 0x20) { // RFO + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) debugl1(cs, "bch_int() B-%d: RFO error", hscx); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x40); // RRES } - if (istab &0x10) { // XPR + if (istab & 0x10) { // XPR if (bcs->tx_skb) { if (bcs->tx_skb->len) { bch_fill_fifo(bcs); goto afterXPR; } else { - if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP,&bcs->st->lli.flag) && - (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { + if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &bcs->st->lli.flag) && + (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { u_long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->aclock, flags); bcs->ackcnt += bcs->hw.hscx.count; @@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ bch_int(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char hscx) dev_kfree_skb_irq(bcs->tx_skb); bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0; bcs->tx_skb = NULL; - } + } if ((bcs->tx_skb = skb_dequeue(&bcs->squeue))) { bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0; set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); @@ -688,22 +688,22 @@ bch_int(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char hscx) schedule_event(bcs, B_XMTBUFREADY); } } - afterXPR: +afterXPR: - if (istab &0x04) { // XDU - if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS) { + if (istab & 0x04) { // XDU + if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS) { bch_fill_fifo(bcs); - } - else { - if (bcs->tx_skb) { // restart transmitting the whole frame - skb_push(bcs->tx_skb, bcs->hw.hscx.count); - bcs->tx_cnt += bcs->hw.hscx.count; - bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0; - } - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x01); // XRES - if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "bch_int() B-%d XDU error", hscx); - } + } + else { + if (bcs->tx_skb) { // restart transmitting the whole frame + skb_push(bcs->tx_skb, bcs->hw.hscx.count); + bcs->tx_cnt += bcs->hw.hscx.count; + bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0; + } + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x01); // XRES + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "bch_int() B-%d XDU error", hscx); + } } } @@ -715,43 +715,43 @@ bch_mode(struct BCState *bcs, int mode, int bc) struct IsdnCardState *cs = bcs->cs; int hscx = bcs->hw.hscx.hscx; - bc = bc ? 1 : 0; // in case bc is greater than 1 + bc = bc ? 1 : 0; // in case bc is greater than 1 if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) debugl1(cs, "mode_bch() switch B-%d mode %d chan %d", hscx, mode, bc); bcs->mode = mode; bcs->channel = bc; - - // map controller to according timeslot - if (!hscx) - { - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_BCHA_TSDP_BC1, 0x80 | bc); - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_BCHA_CR, 0x88); - } - else - { - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_BCHB_TSDP_BC1, 0x80 | bc); - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_BCHB_CR, 0x88); - } + + // map controller to according timeslot + if (!hscx) + { + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_BCHA_TSDP_BC1, 0x80 | bc); + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_BCHA_CR, 0x88); + } + else + { + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_BCHB_TSDP_BC1, 0x80 | bc); + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_BCHB_CR, 0x88); + } switch (mode) { - case (L1_MODE_NULL): - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_MODEB, 0xC0); // rec off - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_EXMB, 0x30); // std adj. - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_MASKB, 0xFF); // ints off - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x41); // validate adjustments - break; - case (L1_MODE_TRANS): - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_MODEB, 0x88); // ext transp mode - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_EXMB, 0x00); // xxx00000 - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x41); // validate adjustments - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_MASKB, _MASKB_IMASK); - break; - case (L1_MODE_HDLC): - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_MODEB, 0xC8); // transp mode 0 - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_EXMB, 0x01); // idle=hdlc flags crc enabled - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x41); // validate adjustments - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_MASKB, _MASKB_IMASK); - break; + case (L1_MODE_NULL): + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_MODEB, 0xC0); // rec off + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_EXMB, 0x30); // std adj. + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_MASKB, 0xFF); // ints off + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x41); // validate adjustments + break; + case (L1_MODE_TRANS): + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_MODEB, 0x88); // ext transp mode + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_EXMB, 0x00); // xxx00000 + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x41); // validate adjustments + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_MASKB, _MASKB_IMASK); + break; + case (L1_MODE_HDLC): + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_MODEB, 0xC8); // transp mode 0 + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_EXMB, 0x01); // idle=hdlc flags crc enabled + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x41); // validate adjustments + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_MASKB, _MASKB_IMASK); + break; } } @@ -784,13 +784,13 @@ bch_open_state(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct BCState *bcs) if (!test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag)) { if (!(bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf = kmalloc(HSCX_BUFMAX, GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax open_bchstate(): No memory for hscx.rcvbuf\n"); + "HiSax open_bchstate(): No memory for hscx.rcvbuf\n"); clear_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag); return (1); } if (!(bcs->blog = kmalloc(MAX_BLOG_SPACE, GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax open_bchstate: No memory for bcs->blog\n"); + "HiSax open_bchstate: No memory for bcs->blog\n"); clear_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag); kfree(bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf); bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf = NULL; @@ -842,21 +842,21 @@ bch_init(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx) //---------------------------------------------------------- // Main interrupt handler //---------------------------------------------------------- -void +void interrupt_ipacx(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { u_char ista; - + while ((ista = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_ISTA))) { -//################################################# +//################################################# // printk(KERN_WARNING "interrupt_ipacx(ista=%02x)\n", ista); -//################################################# - if (ista &0x80) bch_int(cs, 0); // B channel interrupts - if (ista &0x40) bch_int(cs, 1); - - if (ista &0x01) dch_int(cs); // D channel - if (ista &0x10) cic_int(cs); // Layer 1 state - } +//################################################# + if (ista & 0x80) bch_int(cs, 0); // B channel interrupts + if (ista & 0x40) bch_int(cs, 1); + + if (ista & 0x01) dch_int(cs); // D channel + if (ista & 0x10) cic_int(cs); // Layer 1 state + } } //---------------------------------------------------------- @@ -867,17 +867,17 @@ clear_pending_ints(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { int ista; - // all interrupts off - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_MASK, 0xff); + // all interrupts off + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_MASK, 0xff); cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_MASKD, 0xff); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 0, IPACX_MASKB, 0xff); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, IPACX_MASKB, 0xff); - - ista = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_ISTA); - if (ista &0x80) cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, 0, IPACX_ISTAB); - if (ista &0x40) cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, 1, IPACX_ISTAB); - if (ista &0x10) cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_CIR0); - if (ista &0x01) cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_ISTAD); + + ista = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_ISTA); + if (ista & 0x80) cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, 0, IPACX_ISTAB); + if (ista & 0x40) cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, 1, IPACX_ISTAB); + if (ista & 0x10) cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_CIR0); + if (ista & 0x01) cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_ISTAD); } //---------------------------------------------------------- @@ -887,23 +887,23 @@ clear_pending_ints(struct IsdnCardState *cs) void init_ipacx(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int part) { - if (part &1) { // initialise chip -//################################################## + if (part & 1) { // initialise chip +//################################################## // printk(KERN_INFO "init_ipacx(%x)\n", part); -//################################################## +//################################################## clear_pending_ints(cs); bch_init(cs, 0); bch_init(cs, 1); dch_init(cs); } - if (part &2) { // reenable all interrupts and start chip + if (part & 2) { // reenable all interrupts and start chip cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 0, IPACX_MASKB, _MASKB_IMASK); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, IPACX_MASKB, _MASKB_IMASK); cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_MASKD, _MASKD_IMASK); cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_MASK, _MASK_IMASK); // global mask register // reset HDLC Transmitters/receivers - cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CMDRD, 0x41); + cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CMDRD, 0x41); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 0, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x41); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x41); ph_command(cs, IPACX_CMD_RES); @@ -911,4 +911,3 @@ init_ipacx(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int part) } //----------------- end of file ----------------------- - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/isac.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/isac.c index 2b66728136d5d1e0b659d91872c481aa4bd4a2a9..bcd70a3873074974909630906afcbac98ca6ad4f 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/isac.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/isac.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -49,34 +49,34 @@ static void isac_new_ph(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { switch (cs->dc.isac.ph_state) { - case (ISAC_IND_RS): - case (ISAC_IND_EI): - ph_command(cs, ISAC_CMD_DUI); - l1_msg(cs, HW_RESET | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (ISAC_IND_DID): - l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; - case (ISAC_IND_DR): - l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (ISAC_IND_PU): - l1_msg(cs, HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; - case (ISAC_IND_RSY): - l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (ISAC_IND_ARD): - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO2 | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (ISAC_IND_AI8): - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (ISAC_IND_AI10): - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P10 | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - default: - break; + case (ISAC_IND_RS): + case (ISAC_IND_EI): + ph_command(cs, ISAC_CMD_DUI); + l1_msg(cs, HW_RESET | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (ISAC_IND_DID): + l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; + case (ISAC_IND_DR): + l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (ISAC_IND_PU): + l1_msg(cs, HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; + case (ISAC_IND_RSY): + l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (ISAC_IND_ARD): + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO2 | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (ISAC_IND_AI8): + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (ISAC_IND_AI10): + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P10 | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + default: + break; } } @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ isac_bh(struct work_struct *work) struct IsdnCardState *cs = container_of(work, struct IsdnCardState, tqueue); struct PStack *stptr; - + if (test_and_clear_bit(D_CLEARBUSY, &cs->event)) { if (cs->debug) debugl1(cs, "D-Channel Busy cleared"); @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ isac_bh(struct work_struct *work) } } if (test_and_clear_bit(D_L1STATECHANGE, &cs->event)) - isac_new_ph(cs); + isac_new_ph(cs); if (test_and_clear_bit(D_RCVBUFREADY, &cs->event)) DChannel_proc_rcv(cs); if (test_and_clear_bit(D_XMTBUFREADY, &cs->event)) @@ -257,11 +257,11 @@ isac_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) } else schedule_event(cs, D_XMTBUFREADY); } - afterXPR: +afterXPR: if (val & 0x04) { /* CISQ */ exval = cs->readisac(cs, ISAC_CIR0); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) - debugl1(cs, "ISAC CIR0 %02X", exval ); + debugl1(cs, "ISAC CIR0 %02X", exval); if (exval & 2) { cs->dc.isac.ph_state = (exval >> 2) & 0xf; if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ isac_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) if (exval & 1) { exval = cs->readisac(cs, ISAC_CIR1); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) - debugl1(cs, "ISAC CIR1 %02X", exval ); + debugl1(cs, "ISAC CIR1 %02X", exval); } } if (val & 0x02) { /* SIN */ @@ -334,13 +334,13 @@ isac_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) } cs->dc.isac.mon_rx[cs->dc.isac.mon_rxp++] = cs->readisac(cs, ISAC_MOR0); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_MONITOR) - debugl1(cs, "ISAC MOR0 %02x", cs->dc.isac.mon_rx[cs->dc.isac.mon_rxp -1]); + debugl1(cs, "ISAC MOR0 %02x", cs->dc.isac.mon_rx[cs->dc.isac.mon_rxp - 1]); if (cs->dc.isac.mon_rxp == 1) { cs->dc.isac.mocr |= 0x04; cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MOCR, cs->dc.isac.mocr); } } - afterMONR0: + afterMONR0: if (v1 & 0x80) { if (!cs->dc.isac.mon_rx) { if (!(cs->dc.isac.mon_rx = kmalloc(MAX_MON_FRAME, GFP_ATOMIC))) { @@ -364,11 +364,11 @@ isac_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) } cs->dc.isac.mon_rx[cs->dc.isac.mon_rxp++] = cs->readisac(cs, ISAC_MOR1); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_MONITOR) - debugl1(cs, "ISAC MOR1 %02x", cs->dc.isac.mon_rx[cs->dc.isac.mon_rxp -1]); + debugl1(cs, "ISAC MOR1 %02x", cs->dc.isac.mon_rx[cs->dc.isac.mon_rxp - 1]); cs->dc.isac.mocr |= 0x40; cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MOCR, cs->dc.isac.mocr); } - afterMONR1: + afterMONR1: if (v1 & 0x04) { cs->dc.isac.mocr &= 0xf0; cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MOCR, cs->dc.isac.mocr); @@ -384,15 +384,15 @@ isac_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) schedule_event(cs, D_RX_MON1); } if (v1 & 0x02) { - if ((!cs->dc.isac.mon_tx) || (cs->dc.isac.mon_txc && - (cs->dc.isac.mon_txp >= cs->dc.isac.mon_txc) && - !(v1 & 0x08))) { + if ((!cs->dc.isac.mon_tx) || (cs->dc.isac.mon_txc && + (cs->dc.isac.mon_txp >= cs->dc.isac.mon_txc) && + !(v1 & 0x08))) { cs->dc.isac.mocr &= 0xf0; cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MOCR, cs->dc.isac.mocr); cs->dc.isac.mocr |= 0x0a; cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MOCR, cs->dc.isac.mocr); if (cs->dc.isac.mon_txc && - (cs->dc.isac.mon_txp >= cs->dc.isac.mon_txc)) + (cs->dc.isac.mon_txp >= cs->dc.isac.mon_txc)) schedule_event(cs, D_TX_MON0); goto AfterMOX0; } @@ -401,21 +401,21 @@ isac_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) goto AfterMOX0; } cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MOX0, - cs->dc.isac.mon_tx[cs->dc.isac.mon_txp++]); + cs->dc.isac.mon_tx[cs->dc.isac.mon_txp++]); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_MONITOR) - debugl1(cs, "ISAC %02x -> MOX0", cs->dc.isac.mon_tx[cs->dc.isac.mon_txp -1]); + debugl1(cs, "ISAC %02x -> MOX0", cs->dc.isac.mon_tx[cs->dc.isac.mon_txp - 1]); } - AfterMOX0: + AfterMOX0: if (v1 & 0x20) { - if ((!cs->dc.isac.mon_tx) || (cs->dc.isac.mon_txc && - (cs->dc.isac.mon_txp >= cs->dc.isac.mon_txc) && - !(v1 & 0x80))) { + if ((!cs->dc.isac.mon_tx) || (cs->dc.isac.mon_txc && + (cs->dc.isac.mon_txp >= cs->dc.isac.mon_txc) && + !(v1 & 0x80))) { cs->dc.isac.mocr &= 0x0f; cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MOCR, cs->dc.isac.mocr); cs->dc.isac.mocr |= 0xa0; cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MOCR, cs->dc.isac.mocr); if (cs->dc.isac.mon_txc && - (cs->dc.isac.mon_txp >= cs->dc.isac.mon_txc)) + (cs->dc.isac.mon_txp >= cs->dc.isac.mon_txc)) schedule_event(cs, D_TX_MON1); goto AfterMOX1; } @@ -424,11 +424,11 @@ isac_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val) goto AfterMOX1; } cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MOX1, - cs->dc.isac.mon_tx[cs->dc.isac.mon_txp++]); + cs->dc.isac.mon_tx[cs->dc.isac.mon_txp++]); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_MONITOR) - debugl1(cs, "ISAC %02x -> MOX1", cs->dc.isac.mon_tx[cs->dc.isac.mon_txp -1]); + debugl1(cs, "ISAC %02x -> MOX1", cs->dc.isac.mon_tx[cs->dc.isac.mon_txp - 1]); } - AfterMOX1:; + AfterMOX1:; #endif } } @@ -443,123 +443,123 @@ ISAC_l1hw(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) int val; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA |REQUEST): - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) - LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) - dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) + LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) + dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA Queued", 0); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA Queued", 0); #endif - } else { - cs->tx_skb = skb; - cs->tx_cnt = 0; + } else { + cs->tx_skb = skb; + cs->tx_cnt = 0; #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA", 0); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA", 0); #endif - isac_fill_fifo(cs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL |INDICATION): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, " l2l1 tx_skb exist this shouldn't happen"); - skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); - } else { - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) - LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) - dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); - cs->tx_skb = skb; - cs->tx_cnt = 0; + isac_fill_fifo(cs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, " l2l1 tx_skb exist this shouldn't happen"); + skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); + } else { + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) + LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) + dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + cs->tx_skb = skb; + cs->tx_cnt = 0; #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA_PULLED", 0); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA_PULLED", 0); #endif - isac_fill_fifo(cs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + isac_fill_fifo(cs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - debugl1(cs, "-> PH_REQUEST_PULL"); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + debugl1(cs, "-> PH_REQUEST_PULL"); #endif - if (!cs->tx_skb) { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); - } else - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - break; - case (HW_RESET | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if ((cs->dc.isac.ph_state == ISAC_IND_EI) || - (cs->dc.isac.ph_state == ISAC_IND_DR) || - (cs->dc.isac.ph_state == ISAC_IND_RS)) - ph_command(cs, ISAC_CMD_TIM); - else - ph_command(cs, ISAC_CMD_RS); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (HW_ENABLE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if (!cs->tx_skb) { + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + } else + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + break; + case (HW_RESET | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if ((cs->dc.isac.ph_state == ISAC_IND_EI) || + (cs->dc.isac.ph_state == ISAC_IND_DR) || + (cs->dc.isac.ph_state == ISAC_IND_RS)) ph_command(cs, ISAC_CMD_TIM); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (HW_INFO3 | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - ph_command(cs, ISAC_CMD_AR8); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - val = 0; - if (1 & (long) arg) - val |= 0x0c; - if (2 & (long) arg) - val |= 0x3; - if (test_bit(HW_IOM1, &cs->HW_Flags)) { - /* IOM 1 Mode */ - if (!val) { - cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_SPCR, 0xa); - cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_ADF1, 0x2); - } else { - cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_SPCR, val); - cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_ADF1, 0xa); - } + else + ph_command(cs, ISAC_CMD_RS); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_ENABLE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + ph_command(cs, ISAC_CMD_TIM); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_INFO3 | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + ph_command(cs, ISAC_CMD_AR8); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + val = 0; + if (1 & (long) arg) + val |= 0x0c; + if (2 & (long) arg) + val |= 0x3; + if (test_bit(HW_IOM1, &cs->HW_Flags)) { + /* IOM 1 Mode */ + if (!val) { + cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_SPCR, 0xa); + cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_ADF1, 0x2); } else { - /* IOM 2 Mode */ cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_SPCR, val); - if (val) - cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_ADF1, 0x8); - else - cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_ADF1, 0x0); + cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_ADF1, 0xa); } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (HW_DEACTIVATE | RESPONSE): - skb_queue_purge(&cs->rq); - skb_queue_purge(&cs->sq); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - dev_kfree_skb_any(cs->tx_skb); - cs->tx_skb = NULL; - } - if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) - del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); - if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags)) - schedule_event(cs, D_CLEARBUSY); - break; - default: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "isac_l1hw unknown %04x", pr); - break; + } else { + /* IOM 2 Mode */ + cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_SPCR, val); + if (val) + cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_ADF1, 0x8); + else + cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_ADF1, 0x0); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_DEACTIVATE | RESPONSE): + skb_queue_purge(&cs->rq); + skb_queue_purge(&cs->sq); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + dev_kfree_skb_any(cs->tx_skb); + cs->tx_skb = NULL; + } + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) + del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags)) + schedule_event(cs, D_CLEARBUSY); + break; + default: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "isac_l1hw unknown %04x", pr); + break; } } @@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ dbusy_timer_handler(struct IsdnCardState *cs) if (test_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) { rbch = cs->readisac(cs, ISAC_RBCH); star = cs->readisac(cs, ISAC_STAR); - if (cs->debug) + if (cs->debug) debugl1(cs, "D-Channel Busy RBCH %02x STAR %02x", rbch, star); if (rbch & ISAC_RBCH_XAC) { /* D-Channel Busy */ @@ -620,8 +620,8 @@ void initisac(struct IsdnCardState *cs) cs->DC_Close = DC_Close_isac; cs->dc.isac.mon_tx = NULL; cs->dc.isac.mon_rx = NULL; - cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MASK, 0xff); - cs->dc.isac.mocr = 0xaa; + cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MASK, 0xff); + cs->dc.isac.mocr = 0xaa; if (test_bit(HW_IOM1, &cs->HW_Flags)) { /* IOM 1 Mode */ cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_ADF2, 0x0); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/isac.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/isac.h index 8f8331e44866f99ef45cac8b331a016e515c6e2c..04f16b91b8224be6b774591a1d7c7d2fc00318e7 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/isac.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/isac.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/isar.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/isar.c index d4cce337add2877da0e0e14a4244e149d97701c2..ff5e139f48503c54e695144d6061be65ad1e1e95 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/isar.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/isar.c @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ #define ETX 0x03 #define FAXMODCNT 13 -static const u_char faxmodulation[] = {3,24,48,72,73,74,96,97,98,121,122,145,146}; -static u_int modmask = 0x1fff; -static int frm_extra_delay = 2; -static int para_TOA = 6; -static const u_char *FC1_CMD[] = {"FAE", "FTS", "FRS", "FTM", "FRM", "FTH", "FRH", "CTRL" }; +static const u_char faxmodulation[] = {3, 24, 48, 72, 73, 74, 96, 97, 98, 121, 122, 145, 146}; +static u_int modmask = 0x1fff; +static int frm_extra_delay = 2; +static int para_TOA = 6; +static const u_char *FC1_CMD[] = {"FAE", "FTS", "FRS", "FTM", "FRM", "FTH", "FRH", "CTRL"}; static void isar_setup(struct IsdnCardState *cs); static void isar_pump_cmd(struct BCState *bcs, u_char cmd, u_char para); @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ waitforHIA(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int timeout) } if (!timeout) printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: ISAR waitforHIA timeout\n"); - return(timeout); + return (timeout); } @@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ sendmsg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char his, u_char creg, u_char len, u_char *msg) { int i; - + if (!waitforHIA(cs, 4000)) - return(0); + return (0); #if DUMP_MBOXFRAME if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) debugl1(cs, "sendmsg(%02x,%02x,%d)", his, creg, len); @@ -63,17 +63,17 @@ sendmsg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char his, u_char creg, u_char len, cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 0, ISAR_WADR, 0); if (msg && len) { cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, ISAR_MBOX, msg[0]); - for (i=1; iBC_Write_Reg(cs, 2, ISAR_MBOX, msg[i]); -#if DUMP_MBOXFRAME>1 +#if DUMP_MBOXFRAME > 1 if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO) { char tmp[256], *t; - + i = len; - while (i>0) { + while (i > 0) { t = tmp; t += sprintf(t, "sendmbox cnt %d", len); - QuickHex(t, &msg[len-i], (i>64) ? 64:i); + QuickHex(t, &msg[len-i], (i > 64) ? 64 : i); debugl1(cs, tmp); i -= 64; } @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ sendmsg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char his, u_char creg, u_char len, } cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, ISAR_HIS, his); waitforHIA(cs, 10000); - return(1); + return (1); } /* Call only with IRQ disabled !!! */ @@ -94,17 +94,17 @@ rcv_mbox(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct isar_reg *ireg, u_char *msg) cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, ISAR_RADR, 0); if (msg && ireg->clsb) { msg[0] = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, 1, ISAR_MBOX); - for (i=1; i < ireg->clsb; i++) - msg[i] = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, 2, ISAR_MBOX); -#if DUMP_MBOXFRAME>1 + for (i = 1; i < ireg->clsb; i++) + msg[i] = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, 2, ISAR_MBOX); +#if DUMP_MBOXFRAME > 1 if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO) { char tmp[256], *t; - + i = ireg->clsb; - while (i>0) { + while (i > 0) { t = tmp; t += sprintf(t, "rcv_mbox cnt %d", ireg->clsb); - QuickHex(t, &msg[ireg->clsb-i], (i>64) ? 64:i); + QuickHex(t, &msg[ireg->clsb - i], (i > 64) ? 64 : i); debugl1(cs, tmp); i -= 64; } @@ -130,23 +130,23 @@ get_irq_infos(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct isar_reg *ireg) static int waitrecmsg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *len, - u_char *msg, int maxdelay) + u_char *msg, int maxdelay) { int timeout = 0; struct isar_reg *ir = cs->bcs[0].hw.isar.reg; - - - while((!(cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, 0, ISAR_IRQBIT) & ISAR_IRQSTA)) && - (timeout++ < maxdelay)) + + + while ((!(cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, 0, ISAR_IRQBIT) & ISAR_IRQSTA)) && + (timeout++ < maxdelay)) udelay(1); if (timeout > maxdelay) { printk(KERN_WARNING"isar recmsg IRQSTA timeout\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } get_irq_infos(cs, ir); rcv_mbox(cs, ir, msg); *len = ir->clsb; - return(1); + return (1); } int @@ -167,11 +167,11 @@ ISARVersion(struct IsdnCardState *cs, char *s) cs->debug &= ~(L1_DEB_HSCX | L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO); if (!sendmsg(cs, ISAR_HIS_VNR, 0, 3, msg)) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(-1); + return (-1); } if (!waitrecmsg(cs, &len, tmp, 100000)) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(-2); + return (-2); } cs->debug = debug; if (cs->bcs[0].hw.isar.reg->iis == ISAR_IIS_VNR) { @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ ISARVersion(struct IsdnCardState *cs, char *s) } else ver = -4; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(ver); + return (ver); } static int @@ -196,25 +196,25 @@ isar_load_firmware(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char __user *buf) u_char *msg, *tmpmsg, *mp, tmp[64]; u_long flags; struct isar_reg *ireg = cs->bcs[0].hw.isar.reg; - + struct {u_short sadr; u_short len; u_short d_key; } blk_head; - + #define BLK_HEAD_SIZE 6 if (1 != (ret = ISARVersion(cs, "Testing"))) { printk(KERN_ERR"isar_load_firmware wrong isar version %d\n", ret); - return(1); + return (1); } debug = cs->debug; -#if DBG_LOADFIRM<2 +#if DBG_LOADFIRM < 2 cs->debug &= ~(L1_DEB_HSCX | L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO); #endif - + cfu_ret = copy_from_user(&size, p, sizeof(int)); if (cfu_ret) { - printk(KERN_ERR"isar_load_firmware copy_from_user ret %d\n", cfu_ret); + printk(KERN_ERR "isar_load_firmware copy_from_user ret %d\n", cfu_ret); return -EFAULT; } p += sizeof(int); @@ -241,40 +241,40 @@ isar_load_firmware(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char __user *buf) goto reterror; } #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN - sadr = (blk_head.sadr & 0xff)*256 + blk_head.sadr/256; + sadr = (blk_head.sadr & 0xff) * 256 + blk_head.sadr / 256; blk_head.sadr = sadr; - sadr = (blk_head.len & 0xff)*256 + blk_head.len/256; + sadr = (blk_head.len & 0xff) * 256 + blk_head.len / 256; blk_head.len = sadr; - sadr = (blk_head.d_key & 0xff)*256 + blk_head.d_key/256; + sadr = (blk_head.d_key & 0xff) * 256 + blk_head.d_key / 256; blk_head.d_key = sadr; #endif /* __BIG_ENDIAN */ cnt += BLK_HEAD_SIZE; p += BLK_HEAD_SIZE; printk(KERN_DEBUG"isar firmware block (%#x,%5d,%#x)\n", - blk_head.sadr, blk_head.len, blk_head.d_key & 0xff); + blk_head.sadr, blk_head.len, blk_head.d_key & 0xff); sadr = blk_head.sadr; left = blk_head.len; spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); if (!sendmsg(cs, ISAR_HIS_DKEY, blk_head.d_key & 0xff, 0, NULL)) { printk(KERN_ERR"isar sendmsg dkey failed\n"); - ret = 1;goto reterr_unlock; + ret = 1; goto reterr_unlock; } if (!waitrecmsg(cs, &len, tmp, 100000)) { printk(KERN_ERR"isar waitrecmsg dkey failed\n"); - ret = 1;goto reterr_unlock; + ret = 1; goto reterr_unlock; } if ((ireg->iis != ISAR_IIS_DKEY) || ireg->cmsb || len) { printk(KERN_ERR"isar wrong dkey response (%x,%x,%x)\n", - ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb, len); - ret = 1;goto reterr_unlock; + ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb, len); + ret = 1; goto reterr_unlock; } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - while (left>0) { + while (left > 0) { if (left > 126) noc = 126; else noc = left; - nom = 2*noc; + nom = 2 * noc; mp = msg; *mp++ = sadr / 256; *mp++ = sadr % 256; @@ -290,10 +290,10 @@ isar_load_firmware(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char __user *buf) sp = (u_short *)tmpmsg; #if DBG_LOADFIRM printk(KERN_DEBUG"isar: load %3d words at %04x left %d\n", - noc, sadr, left); + noc, sadr, left); #endif sadr += noc; - while(noc) { + while (noc) { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN *mp++ = *sp % 256; *mp++ = *sp / 256; @@ -307,21 +307,21 @@ isar_load_firmware(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char __user *buf) spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); if (!sendmsg(cs, ISAR_HIS_FIRM, 0, nom, msg)) { printk(KERN_ERR"isar sendmsg prog failed\n"); - ret = 1;goto reterr_unlock; + ret = 1; goto reterr_unlock; } if (!waitrecmsg(cs, &len, tmp, 100000)) { printk(KERN_ERR"isar waitrecmsg prog failed\n"); - ret = 1;goto reterr_unlock; + ret = 1; goto reterr_unlock; } if ((ireg->iis != ISAR_IIS_FIRM) || ireg->cmsb || len) { printk(KERN_ERR"isar wrong prog response (%x,%x,%x)\n", - ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb, len); - ret = 1;goto reterr_unlock; + ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb, len); + ret = 1; goto reterr_unlock; } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); } printk(KERN_DEBUG"isar firmware block %5d words loaded\n", - blk_head.len); + blk_head.len); } /* 10ms delay */ cnt = 10; @@ -333,16 +333,16 @@ isar_load_firmware(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char __user *buf) spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); if (!sendmsg(cs, ISAR_HIS_STDSP, 0, 2, msg)) { printk(KERN_ERR"isar sendmsg start dsp failed\n"); - ret = 1;goto reterr_unlock; + ret = 1; goto reterr_unlock; } if (!waitrecmsg(cs, &len, tmp, 100000)) { printk(KERN_ERR"isar waitrecmsg start dsp failed\n"); - ret = 1;goto reterr_unlock; + ret = 1; goto reterr_unlock; } if ((ireg->iis != ISAR_IIS_STDSP) || ireg->cmsb || len) { printk(KERN_ERR"isar wrong start dsp response (%x,%x,%x)\n", - ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb, len); - ret = 1;goto reterr_unlock; + ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb, len); + ret = 1; goto reterr_unlock; } else printk(KERN_DEBUG"isar start dsp success\n"); /* NORMAL mode entered */ @@ -356,10 +356,10 @@ isar_load_firmware(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char __user *buf) } if (!cnt) { printk(KERN_ERR"isar no general status event received\n"); - ret = 1;goto reterror; + ret = 1; goto reterror; } else { printk(KERN_DEBUG"isar general status event %x\n", - ireg->bstat); + ireg->bstat); } /* 10ms delay */ cnt = 10; @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ isar_load_firmware(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char __user *buf) ireg->iis = 0; if (!sendmsg(cs, ISAR_HIS_DIAG, ISAR_CTRL_STST, 0, NULL)) { printk(KERN_ERR"isar sendmsg self tst failed\n"); - ret = 1;goto reterr_unlock; + ret = 1; goto reterr_unlock; } cnt = 10000; /* max 100 ms */ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); @@ -380,21 +380,21 @@ isar_load_firmware(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char __user *buf) udelay(1000); if (!cnt) { printk(KERN_ERR"isar no self tst response\n"); - ret = 1;goto reterror; + ret = 1; goto reterror; } if ((ireg->cmsb == ISAR_CTRL_STST) && (ireg->clsb == 1) - && (ireg->par[0] == 0)) { + && (ireg->par[0] == 0)) { printk(KERN_DEBUG"isar selftest OK\n"); } else { printk(KERN_DEBUG"isar selftest not OK %x/%x/%x\n", - ireg->cmsb, ireg->clsb, ireg->par[0]); - ret = 1;goto reterror; + ireg->cmsb, ireg->clsb, ireg->par[0]); + ret = 1; goto reterror; } spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); ireg->iis = 0; if (!sendmsg(cs, ISAR_HIS_DIAG, ISAR_CTRL_SWVER, 0, NULL)) { printk(KERN_ERR"isar RQST SVN failed\n"); - ret = 1;goto reterr_unlock; + ret = 1; goto reterr_unlock; } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); cnt = 30000; /* max 300 ms */ @@ -405,15 +405,15 @@ isar_load_firmware(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char __user *buf) udelay(1000); if (!cnt) { printk(KERN_ERR"isar no SVN response\n"); - ret = 1;goto reterror; + ret = 1; goto reterror; } else { if ((ireg->cmsb == ISAR_CTRL_SWVER) && (ireg->clsb == 1)) printk(KERN_DEBUG"isar software version %#x\n", - ireg->par[0]); + ireg->par[0]); else { printk(KERN_ERR"isar wrong swver response (%x,%x) cnt(%d)\n", - ireg->cmsb, ireg->clsb, cnt); - ret = 1;goto reterror; + ireg->cmsb, ireg->clsb, cnt); + ret = 1; goto reterror; } } spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); @@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ isar_load_firmware(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char __user *buf) cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 0, ISAR_IRQBIT, 0); kfree(msg); kfree(tmpmsg); - return(ret); + return (ret); } #define B_LL_NOCARRIER 8 @@ -454,9 +454,9 @@ isar_bh(struct work_struct *work) static void send_DLE_ETX(struct BCState *bcs) { - u_char dleetx[2] = {DLE,ETX}; + u_char dleetx[2] = {DLE, ETX}; struct sk_buff *skb; - + if ((skb = dev_alloc_skb(2))) { memcpy(skb_put(skb, 2), dleetx, 2); skb_queue_tail(&bcs->rqueue, skb); @@ -486,14 +486,14 @@ insert_dle(unsigned char *dest, unsigned char *src, int count) { *dest++ = DLE; } } - + static void isar_rcv_frame(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct BCState *bcs) { u_char *ptr; struct sk_buff *skb; struct isar_reg *ireg = bcs->hw.isar.reg; - + if (!ireg->clsb) { debugl1(cs, "isar zero len frame"); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, ISAR_IIA, 0); @@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ isar_rcv_frame(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct BCState *bcs) debugl1(cs, "isar mode 0 spurious IIS_RDATA %x/%x/%x", ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb, ireg->clsb); printk(KERN_WARNING"isar mode 0 spurious IIS_RDATA %x/%x/%x\n", - ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb, ireg->clsb); + ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb, ireg->clsb); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, ISAR_IIA, 0); break; case L1_MODE_TRANS: @@ -547,11 +547,11 @@ isar_rcv_frame(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct BCState *bcs) if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) debugl1(cs, "isar frame to short %d", bcs->hw.isar.rcvidx); - } else if (!(skb = dev_alloc_skb(bcs->hw.isar.rcvidx-2))) { + } else if (!(skb = dev_alloc_skb(bcs->hw.isar.rcvidx - 2))) { printk(KERN_WARNING "ISAR: receive out of memory\n"); } else { - memcpy(skb_put(skb, bcs->hw.isar.rcvidx-2), - bcs->hw.isar.rcvbuf, bcs->hw.isar.rcvidx-2); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, bcs->hw.isar.rcvidx - 2), + bcs->hw.isar.rcvbuf, bcs->hw.isar.rcvidx - 2); skb_queue_tail(&bcs->rqueue, skb); schedule_event(bcs, B_RCVBUFREADY); } @@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ isar_rcv_frame(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct BCState *bcs) ireg->clsb, bcs->hw.isar.rcvidx); if ((skb = dev_alloc_skb(bcs->hw.isar.rcvidx))) { insert_dle((u_char *)skb_put(skb, bcs->hw.isar.rcvidx), - bcs->hw.isar.rcvbuf, ireg->clsb); + bcs->hw.isar.rcvbuf, ireg->clsb); skb_queue_tail(&bcs->rqueue, skb); schedule_event(bcs, B_RCVBUFREADY); if (ireg->cmsb & SART_NMD) { /* ABORT */ @@ -630,13 +630,13 @@ isar_rcv_frame(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct BCState *bcs) debugl1(cs, "isar frame to short %d", bcs->hw.isar.rcvidx); printk(KERN_WARNING "ISAR: frame to short %d\n", - bcs->hw.isar.rcvidx); + bcs->hw.isar.rcvidx); } else if (!(skb = dev_alloc_skb(len))) { printk(KERN_WARNING "ISAR: receive out of memory\n"); } else { insert_dle((u_char *)skb_put(skb, len), - bcs->hw.isar.rcvbuf, - bcs->hw.isar.rcvidx); + bcs->hw.isar.rcvbuf, + bcs->hw.isar.rcvidx); skb_queue_tail(&bcs->rqueue, skb); schedule_event(bcs, B_RCVBUFREADY); send_DLE_ETX(bcs); @@ -680,8 +680,8 @@ isar_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) return; if (bcs->tx_skb->len <= 0) return; - if (!(bcs->hw.isar.reg->bstat & - (bcs->hw.isar.dpath == 1 ? BSTAT_RDM1 : BSTAT_RDM2))) + if (!(bcs->hw.isar.reg->bstat & + (bcs->hw.isar.dpath == 1 ? BSTAT_RDM1 : BSTAT_RDM2))) return; if (bcs->tx_skb->len > bcs->hw.isar.mml) { msb = 0; @@ -694,51 +694,51 @@ isar_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) if (!bcs->hw.isar.txcnt) { msb |= HDLC_FST; if ((bcs->mode == L1_MODE_FAX) && - (bcs->hw.isar.cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTH)) { + (bcs->hw.isar.cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTH)) { if (bcs->tx_skb->len > 1) { - if ((ptr[0]== 0xff) && (ptr[1] == 0x13)) + if ((ptr[0] == 0xff) && (ptr[1] == 0x13)) /* last frame */ test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_LASTDATA, - &bcs->Flag); - } + &bcs->Flag); + } } } skb_pull(bcs->tx_skb, count); bcs->tx_cnt -= count; bcs->hw.isar.txcnt += count; switch (bcs->mode) { - case L1_MODE_NULL: - printk(KERN_ERR"isar_fill_fifo wrong mode 0\n"); - break; - case L1_MODE_TRANS: - case L1_MODE_V32: - sendmsg(cs, SET_DPS(bcs->hw.isar.dpath) | ISAR_HIS_SDATA, - 0, count, ptr); - break; - case L1_MODE_HDLC: + case L1_MODE_NULL: + printk(KERN_ERR"isar_fill_fifo wrong mode 0\n"); + break; + case L1_MODE_TRANS: + case L1_MODE_V32: + sendmsg(cs, SET_DPS(bcs->hw.isar.dpath) | ISAR_HIS_SDATA, + 0, count, ptr); + break; + case L1_MODE_HDLC: + sendmsg(cs, SET_DPS(bcs->hw.isar.dpath) | ISAR_HIS_SDATA, + msb, count, ptr); + break; + case L1_MODE_FAX: + if (bcs->hw.isar.state != STFAX_ACTIV) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "isar_fill_fifo: not ACTIV"); + } else if (bcs->hw.isar.cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTH) { sendmsg(cs, SET_DPS(bcs->hw.isar.dpath) | ISAR_HIS_SDATA, msb, count, ptr); - break; - case L1_MODE_FAX: - if (bcs->hw.isar.state != STFAX_ACTIV) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "isar_fill_fifo: not ACTIV"); - } else if (bcs->hw.isar.cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTH) { - sendmsg(cs, SET_DPS(bcs->hw.isar.dpath) | ISAR_HIS_SDATA, - msb, count, ptr); - } else if (bcs->hw.isar.cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTM) { - sendmsg(cs, SET_DPS(bcs->hw.isar.dpath) | ISAR_HIS_SDATA, - 0, count, ptr); - } else { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "isar_fill_fifo: not FTH/FTM"); - } - break; - default: - if (cs->debug) - debugl1(cs, "isar_fill_fifo mode(%x) error", bcs->mode); - printk(KERN_ERR"isar_fill_fifo mode(%x) error\n", bcs->mode); - break; + } else if (bcs->hw.isar.cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTM) { + sendmsg(cs, SET_DPS(bcs->hw.isar.dpath) | ISAR_HIS_SDATA, + 0, count, ptr); + } else { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "isar_fill_fifo: not FTH/FTM"); + } + break; + default: + if (cs->debug) + debugl1(cs, "isar_fill_fifo mode(%x) error", bcs->mode); + printk(KERN_ERR"isar_fill_fifo mode(%x) error\n", bcs->mode); + break; } } @@ -746,12 +746,12 @@ static inline struct BCState *sel_bcs_isar(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char dpath) { if ((!dpath) || (dpath == 3)) - return(NULL); + return (NULL); if (cs->bcs[0].hw.isar.dpath == dpath) - return(&cs->bcs[0]); + return (&cs->bcs[0]); if (cs->bcs[1].hw.isar.dpath == dpath) - return(&cs->bcs[1]); - return(NULL); + return (&cs->bcs[1]); + return (NULL); } static void @@ -762,8 +762,8 @@ send_frames(struct BCState *bcs) isar_fill_fifo(bcs); return; } else { - if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP,&bcs->st->lli.flag) && - (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { + if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &bcs->st->lli.flag) && + (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { u_long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->aclock, flags); bcs->ackcnt += bcs->hw.isar.txcnt; @@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ send_frames(struct BCState *bcs) } } dev_kfree_skb_any(bcs->tx_skb); - bcs->hw.isar.txcnt = 0; + bcs->hw.isar.txcnt = 0; bcs->tx_skb = NULL; } } @@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ static inline void check_send(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char rdm) { struct BCState *bcs; - + if (rdm & BSTAT_RDM1) { if ((bcs = sel_bcs_isar(cs, 1))) { if (bcs->mode) { @@ -828,16 +828,16 @@ check_send(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char rdm) } } } - + } static const char *dmril[] = {"NO SPEED", "1200/75", "NODEF2", "75/1200", - "NODEF4", "300", "600", "1200", "2400", - "4800", "7200", "9600nt", "9600t", "12000", - "14400", "WRONG"}; + "NODEF4", "300", "600", "1200", "2400", + "4800", "7200", "9600nt", "9600t", "12000", + "14400", "WRONG"}; static const char *dmrim[] = {"NO MOD", "NO DEF", "V32/V32b", "V22", "V21", - "Bell103", "V23", "Bell202", "V17", "V29", - "V27ter"}; + "Bell103", "V23", "Bell202", "V17", "V29", + "V27ter"}; static void isar_pump_status_rsp(struct BCState *bcs, struct isar_reg *ireg) { @@ -846,48 +846,48 @@ isar_pump_status_rsp(struct BCState *bcs, struct isar_reg *ireg) { u_char rim; if (!test_and_clear_bit(ISAR_RATE_REQ, &bcs->hw.isar.reg->Flags)) - return; + return; if (ril > 14) { if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "wrong pstrsp ril=%d",ril); + debugl1(cs, "wrong pstrsp ril=%d", ril); ril = 15; } - switch(ireg->par[1]) { - case 0: - rim = 0; - break; - case 0x20: - rim = 2; - break; - case 0x40: - rim = 3; - break; - case 0x41: - rim = 4; - break; - case 0x51: - rim = 5; - break; - case 0x61: - rim = 6; - break; - case 0x71: - rim = 7; - break; - case 0x82: - rim = 8; - break; - case 0x92: - rim = 9; - break; - case 0xa2: - rim = 10; - break; - default: - rim = 1; - break; + switch (ireg->par[1]) { + case 0: + rim = 0; + break; + case 0x20: + rim = 2; + break; + case 0x40: + rim = 3; + break; + case 0x41: + rim = 4; + break; + case 0x51: + rim = 5; + break; + case 0x61: + rim = 6; + break; + case 0x71: + rim = 7; + break; + case 0x82: + rim = 8; + break; + case 0x92: + rim = 9; + break; + case 0xa2: + rim = 10; + break; + default: + rim = 1; + break; } - sprintf(bcs->hw.isar.conmsg,"%s %s", dmril[ril], dmrim[rim]); + sprintf(bcs->hw.isar.conmsg, "%s %s", dmril[ril], dmrim[rim]); bcs->conmsg = bcs->hw.isar.conmsg; if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) debugl1(cs, "pump strsp %s", bcs->conmsg); @@ -898,77 +898,77 @@ isar_pump_statev_modem(struct BCState *bcs, u_char devt) { struct IsdnCardState *cs = bcs->cs; u_char dps = SET_DPS(bcs->hw.isar.dpath); - switch(devt) { - case PSEV_10MS_TIMER: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev TIMER"); - break; - case PSEV_CON_ON: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev CONNECT"); - l1_msg_b(bcs->st, PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST, NULL); - break; - case PSEV_CON_OFF: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev NO CONNECT"); - sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PSTREQ, 0, 0, NULL); - l1_msg_b(bcs->st, PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST, NULL); - break; - case PSEV_V24_OFF: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev V24 OFF"); - break; - case PSEV_CTS_ON: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev CTS ON"); - break; - case PSEV_CTS_OFF: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev CTS OFF"); - break; - case PSEV_DCD_ON: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev CARRIER ON"); - test_and_set_bit(ISAR_RATE_REQ, &bcs->hw.isar.reg->Flags); - sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PSTREQ, 0, 0, NULL); - break; - case PSEV_DCD_OFF: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev CARRIER OFF"); - break; - case PSEV_DSR_ON: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev DSR ON"); - break; - case PSEV_DSR_OFF: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev DSR_OFF"); - break; - case PSEV_REM_RET: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev REMOTE RETRAIN"); - break; - case PSEV_REM_REN: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev REMOTE RENEGOTIATE"); - break; - case PSEV_GSTN_CLR: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev GSTN CLEAR"); - break; - default: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "unknown pump stev %x", devt); - break; + switch (devt) { + case PSEV_10MS_TIMER: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev TIMER"); + break; + case PSEV_CON_ON: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev CONNECT"); + l1_msg_b(bcs->st, PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST, NULL); + break; + case PSEV_CON_OFF: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev NO CONNECT"); + sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PSTREQ, 0, 0, NULL); + l1_msg_b(bcs->st, PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST, NULL); + break; + case PSEV_V24_OFF: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev V24 OFF"); + break; + case PSEV_CTS_ON: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev CTS ON"); + break; + case PSEV_CTS_OFF: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev CTS OFF"); + break; + case PSEV_DCD_ON: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev CARRIER ON"); + test_and_set_bit(ISAR_RATE_REQ, &bcs->hw.isar.reg->Flags); + sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PSTREQ, 0, 0, NULL); + break; + case PSEV_DCD_OFF: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev CARRIER OFF"); + break; + case PSEV_DSR_ON: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev DSR ON"); + break; + case PSEV_DSR_OFF: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev DSR_OFF"); + break; + case PSEV_REM_RET: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev REMOTE RETRAIN"); + break; + case PSEV_REM_REN: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev REMOTE RENEGOTIATE"); + break; + case PSEV_GSTN_CLR: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev GSTN CLEAR"); + break; + default: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "unknown pump stev %x", devt); + break; } } static void ll_deliver_faxstat(struct BCState *bcs, u_char status) { - isdn_ctrl ic; + isdn_ctrl ic; struct Channel *chanp = (struct Channel *) bcs->st->lli.userdata; - + if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) debugl1(bcs->cs, "HL->LL FAXIND %x", status); ic.driver = bcs->cs->myid; @@ -984,153 +984,120 @@ isar_pump_statev_fax(struct BCState *bcs, u_char devt) { u_char dps = SET_DPS(bcs->hw.isar.dpath); u_char p1; - switch(devt) { - case PSEV_10MS_TIMER: + switch (devt) { + case PSEV_10MS_TIMER: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev TIMER"); + break; + case PSEV_RSP_READY: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev RSP_READY"); + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_READY; + l1_msg_b(bcs->st, PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST, NULL); + if (test_bit(BC_FLG_ORIG, &bcs->Flag)) { + isar_pump_cmd(bcs, ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FRH, 3); + } else { + isar_pump_cmd(bcs, ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FTH, 3); + } + break; + case PSEV_LINE_TX_H: + if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_LINE) { if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev TIMER"); - break; - case PSEV_RSP_READY: + debugl1(cs, "pump stev LINE_TX_H"); + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_CONT; + sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, PCTRL_CMD_CONT, 0, NULL); + } else { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev LINE_TX_H wrong st %x", + bcs->hw.isar.state); + } + break; + case PSEV_LINE_RX_H: + if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_LINE) { if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev RSP_READY"); - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_READY; - l1_msg_b(bcs->st, PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST, NULL); - if (test_bit(BC_FLG_ORIG, &bcs->Flag)) { - isar_pump_cmd(bcs, ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FRH, 3); - } else { - isar_pump_cmd(bcs, ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FTH, 3); - } - break; - case PSEV_LINE_TX_H: - if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_LINE) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev LINE_TX_H"); - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_CONT; - sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, PCTRL_CMD_CONT, 0, NULL); - } else { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev LINE_TX_H wrong st %x", - bcs->hw.isar.state); - } - break; - case PSEV_LINE_RX_H: - if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_LINE) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev LINE_RX_H"); - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_CONT; - sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, PCTRL_CMD_CONT, 0, NULL); - } else { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev LINE_RX_H wrong st %x", - bcs->hw.isar.state); - } - break; - case PSEV_LINE_TX_B: - if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_LINE) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev LINE_TX_B"); - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_CONT; - sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, PCTRL_CMD_CONT, 0, NULL); - } else { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev LINE_TX_B wrong st %x", - bcs->hw.isar.state); - } - break; - case PSEV_LINE_RX_B: - if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_LINE) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev LINE_RX_B"); - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_CONT; - sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, PCTRL_CMD_CONT, 0, NULL); - } else { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev LINE_RX_B wrong st %x", - bcs->hw.isar.state); - } - break; - case PSEV_RSP_CONN: - if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_CONT) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev RSP_CONN"); - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_ACTIV; - test_and_set_bit(ISAR_RATE_REQ, &bcs->hw.isar.reg->Flags); - sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PSTREQ, 0, 0, NULL); - if (bcs->hw.isar.cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTH) { - /* 1s Flags before data */ - if (test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_FTI_RUN, &bcs->Flag)) - del_timer(&bcs->hw.isar.ftimer); - /* 1000 ms */ - bcs->hw.isar.ftimer.expires = - jiffies + ((1000 * HZ)/1000); - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_LL_CONN, - &bcs->Flag); - add_timer(&bcs->hw.isar.ftimer); - } else { - schedule_event(bcs, B_LL_CONNECT); - } - } else { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev RSP_CONN wrong st %x", - bcs->hw.isar.state); - } - break; - case PSEV_FLAGS_DET: + debugl1(cs, "pump stev LINE_RX_H"); + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_CONT; + sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, PCTRL_CMD_CONT, 0, NULL); + } else { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev LINE_RX_H wrong st %x", + bcs->hw.isar.state); + } + break; + case PSEV_LINE_TX_B: + if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_LINE) { if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev FLAGS_DET"); - break; - case PSEV_RSP_DISC: + debugl1(cs, "pump stev LINE_TX_B"); + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_CONT; + sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, PCTRL_CMD_CONT, 0, NULL); + } else { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev LINE_TX_B wrong st %x", + bcs->hw.isar.state); + } + break; + case PSEV_LINE_RX_B: + if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_LINE) { if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev RSP_DISC"); - if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_ESCAPE) { - p1 = 5; - switch(bcs->hw.isar.newcmd) { - case 0: - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_READY; - break; - case PCTRL_CMD_FTM: - p1 = 2; - case PCTRL_CMD_FTH: - sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, - PCTRL_CMD_SILON, 1, &p1); - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_SILDET; - break; - case PCTRL_CMD_FRM: - if (frm_extra_delay) - mdelay(frm_extra_delay); - case PCTRL_CMD_FRH: - p1 = bcs->hw.isar.mod = bcs->hw.isar.newmod; - bcs->hw.isar.newmod = 0; - bcs->hw.isar.cmd = bcs->hw.isar.newcmd; - bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = 0; - sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, - bcs->hw.isar.cmd, 1, &p1); - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_LINE; - bcs->hw.isar.try_mod = 3; - break; - default: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "RSP_DISC unknown newcmd %x", bcs->hw.isar.newcmd); - break; - } - } else if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_ACTIV) { - if (test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_LL_OK, &bcs->Flag)) { - schedule_event(bcs, B_LL_OK); - } else if (bcs->hw.isar.cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FRM) { - send_DLE_ETX(bcs); - schedule_event(bcs, B_LL_NOCARRIER); - } else { - ll_deliver_faxstat(bcs, ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FCERROR); - } - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_READY; + debugl1(cs, "pump stev LINE_RX_B"); + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_CONT; + sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, PCTRL_CMD_CONT, 0, NULL); + } else { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev LINE_RX_B wrong st %x", + bcs->hw.isar.state); + } + break; + case PSEV_RSP_CONN: + if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_CONT) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev RSP_CONN"); + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_ACTIV; + test_and_set_bit(ISAR_RATE_REQ, &bcs->hw.isar.reg->Flags); + sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PSTREQ, 0, 0, NULL); + if (bcs->hw.isar.cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTH) { + /* 1s Flags before data */ + if (test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_FTI_RUN, &bcs->Flag)) + del_timer(&bcs->hw.isar.ftimer); + /* 1000 ms */ + bcs->hw.isar.ftimer.expires = + jiffies + ((1000 * HZ) / 1000); + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_LL_CONN, + &bcs->Flag); + add_timer(&bcs->hw.isar.ftimer); } else { - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_READY; - ll_deliver_faxstat(bcs, ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FCERROR); + schedule_event(bcs, B_LL_CONNECT); } - break; - case PSEV_RSP_SILDET: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev RSP_SILDET"); - if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_SILDET) { + } else { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev RSP_CONN wrong st %x", + bcs->hw.isar.state); + } + break; + case PSEV_FLAGS_DET: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev FLAGS_DET"); + break; + case PSEV_RSP_DISC: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev RSP_DISC"); + if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_ESCAPE) { + p1 = 5; + switch (bcs->hw.isar.newcmd) { + case 0: + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_READY; + break; + case PCTRL_CMD_FTM: + p1 = 2; + case PCTRL_CMD_FTH: + sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, + PCTRL_CMD_SILON, 1, &p1); + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_SILDET; + break; + case PCTRL_CMD_FRM: + if (frm_extra_delay) + mdelay(frm_extra_delay); + case PCTRL_CMD_FRH: p1 = bcs->hw.isar.mod = bcs->hw.isar.newmod; bcs->hw.isar.newmod = 0; bcs->hw.isar.cmd = bcs->hw.isar.newcmd; @@ -1139,32 +1106,65 @@ isar_pump_statev_fax(struct BCState *bcs, u_char devt) { bcs->hw.isar.cmd, 1, &p1); bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_LINE; bcs->hw.isar.try_mod = 3; - } - break; - case PSEV_RSP_SILOFF: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev RSP_SILOFF"); - break; - case PSEV_RSP_FCERR: - if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_LINE) { + break; + default: if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev RSP_FCERR try %d", - bcs->hw.isar.try_mod); - if (bcs->hw.isar.try_mod--) { - sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, - bcs->hw.isar.cmd, 1, - &bcs->hw.isar.mod); - break; - } + debugl1(cs, "RSP_DISC unknown newcmd %x", bcs->hw.isar.newcmd); + break; } - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev RSP_FCERR"); - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_ESCAPE; - sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, PCTRL_CMD_ESC, 0, NULL); + } else if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_ACTIV) { + if (test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_LL_OK, &bcs->Flag)) { + schedule_event(bcs, B_LL_OK); + } else if (bcs->hw.isar.cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FRM) { + send_DLE_ETX(bcs); + schedule_event(bcs, B_LL_NOCARRIER); + } else { + ll_deliver_faxstat(bcs, ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FCERROR); + } + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_READY; + } else { + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_READY; ll_deliver_faxstat(bcs, ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FCERROR); - break; - default: - break; + } + break; + case PSEV_RSP_SILDET: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev RSP_SILDET"); + if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_SILDET) { + p1 = bcs->hw.isar.mod = bcs->hw.isar.newmod; + bcs->hw.isar.newmod = 0; + bcs->hw.isar.cmd = bcs->hw.isar.newcmd; + bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = 0; + sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, + bcs->hw.isar.cmd, 1, &p1); + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_LINE; + bcs->hw.isar.try_mod = 3; + } + break; + case PSEV_RSP_SILOFF: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev RSP_SILOFF"); + break; + case PSEV_RSP_FCERR: + if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_LINE) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev RSP_FCERR try %d", + bcs->hw.isar.try_mod); + if (bcs->hw.isar.try_mod--) { + sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, + bcs->hw.isar.cmd, 1, + &bcs->hw.isar.mod); + break; + } + } + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev RSP_FCERR"); + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_ESCAPE; + sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, PCTRL_CMD_ESC, 0, NULL); + ll_deliver_faxstat(bcs, ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FCERROR); + break; + default: + break; } } @@ -1178,91 +1178,91 @@ isar_int_main(struct IsdnCardState *cs) get_irq_infos(cs, ireg); switch (ireg->iis & ISAR_IIS_MSCMSD) { - case ISAR_IIS_RDATA: - if ((bcs = sel_bcs_isar(cs, ireg->iis >> 6))) { - isar_rcv_frame(cs, bcs); - } else { - debugl1(cs, "isar spurious IIS_RDATA %x/%x/%x", - ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb, ireg->clsb); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, ISAR_IIA, 0); - } - break; - case ISAR_IIS_GSTEV: + case ISAR_IIS_RDATA: + if ((bcs = sel_bcs_isar(cs, ireg->iis >> 6))) { + isar_rcv_frame(cs, bcs); + } else { + debugl1(cs, "isar spurious IIS_RDATA %x/%x/%x", + ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb, ireg->clsb); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, ISAR_IIA, 0); - ireg->bstat |= ireg->cmsb; - check_send(cs, ireg->cmsb); - break; - case ISAR_IIS_BSTEV: + } + break; + case ISAR_IIS_GSTEV: + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, ISAR_IIA, 0); + ireg->bstat |= ireg->cmsb; + check_send(cs, ireg->cmsb); + break; + case ISAR_IIS_BSTEV: #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC - if ((bcs = sel_bcs_isar(cs, ireg->iis >> 6))) { - if (ireg->cmsb == BSTEV_TBO) - bcs->err_tx++; - if (ireg->cmsb == BSTEV_RBO) - bcs->err_rdo++; - } + if ((bcs = sel_bcs_isar(cs, ireg->iis >> 6))) { + if (ireg->cmsb == BSTEV_TBO) + bcs->err_tx++; + if (ireg->cmsb == BSTEV_RBO) + bcs->err_rdo++; + } #endif - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "Buffer STEV dpath%d msb(%x)", - ireg->iis>>6, ireg->cmsb); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, ISAR_IIA, 0); - break; - case ISAR_IIS_PSTEV: - if ((bcs = sel_bcs_isar(cs, ireg->iis >> 6))) { - rcv_mbox(cs, ireg, (u_char *)ireg->par); - if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_V32) { - isar_pump_statev_modem(bcs, ireg->cmsb); - } else if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_FAX) { - isar_pump_statev_fax(bcs, ireg->cmsb); - } else if (ireg->cmsb == PSEV_10MS_TIMER) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "pump stev TIMER"); - } else { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "isar IIS_PSTEV pmode %d stat %x", - bcs->mode, ireg->cmsb); - } - } else { - debugl1(cs, "isar spurious IIS_PSTEV %x/%x/%x", - ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb, ireg->clsb); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, ISAR_IIA, 0); - } - break; - case ISAR_IIS_PSTRSP: - if ((bcs = sel_bcs_isar(cs, ireg->iis >> 6))) { - rcv_mbox(cs, ireg, (u_char *)ireg->par); - isar_pump_status_rsp(bcs, ireg); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "Buffer STEV dpath%d msb(%x)", + ireg->iis >> 6, ireg->cmsb); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, ISAR_IIA, 0); + break; + case ISAR_IIS_PSTEV: + if ((bcs = sel_bcs_isar(cs, ireg->iis >> 6))) { + rcv_mbox(cs, ireg, (u_char *)ireg->par); + if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_V32) { + isar_pump_statev_modem(bcs, ireg->cmsb); + } else if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_FAX) { + isar_pump_statev_fax(bcs, ireg->cmsb); + } else if (ireg->cmsb == PSEV_10MS_TIMER) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "pump stev TIMER"); } else { - debugl1(cs, "isar spurious IIS_PSTRSP %x/%x/%x", - ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb, ireg->clsb); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, ISAR_IIA, 0); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "isar IIS_PSTEV pmode %d stat %x", + bcs->mode, ireg->cmsb); } - break; - case ISAR_IIS_DIAG: - case ISAR_IIS_BSTRSP: - case ISAR_IIS_IOM2RSP: + } else { + debugl1(cs, "isar spurious IIS_PSTEV %x/%x/%x", + ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb, ireg->clsb); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, ISAR_IIA, 0); + } + break; + case ISAR_IIS_PSTRSP: + if ((bcs = sel_bcs_isar(cs, ireg->iis >> 6))) { rcv_mbox(cs, ireg, (u_char *)ireg->par); - if ((cs->debug & (L1_DEB_HSCX | L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO)) - == L1_DEB_HSCX) { - u_char *tp=debbuf; - - tp += sprintf(debbuf, "msg iis(%x) msb(%x)", - ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb); - QuickHex(tp, (u_char *)ireg->par, ireg->clsb); - debugl1(cs, debbuf); - } - break; - case ISAR_IIS_INVMSG: - rcv_mbox(cs, ireg, debbuf); - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "invalid msg his:%x", - ireg->cmsb); - break; - default: - rcv_mbox(cs, ireg, debbuf); - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "unhandled msg iis(%x) ctrl(%x/%x)", - ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb, ireg->clsb); - break; + isar_pump_status_rsp(bcs, ireg); + } else { + debugl1(cs, "isar spurious IIS_PSTRSP %x/%x/%x", + ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb, ireg->clsb); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, ISAR_IIA, 0); + } + break; + case ISAR_IIS_DIAG: + case ISAR_IIS_BSTRSP: + case ISAR_IIS_IOM2RSP: + rcv_mbox(cs, ireg, (u_char *)ireg->par); + if ((cs->debug & (L1_DEB_HSCX | L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO)) + == L1_DEB_HSCX) { + u_char *tp = debbuf; + + tp += sprintf(debbuf, "msg iis(%x) msb(%x)", + ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb); + QuickHex(tp, (u_char *)ireg->par, ireg->clsb); + debugl1(cs, debbuf); + } + break; + case ISAR_IIS_INVMSG: + rcv_mbox(cs, ireg, debbuf); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "invalid msg his:%x", + ireg->cmsb); + break; + default: + rcv_mbox(cs, ireg, debbuf); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "unhandled msg iis(%x) ctrl(%x/%x)", + ireg->iis, ireg->cmsb, ireg->clsb); + break; } } @@ -1287,42 +1287,42 @@ setup_pump(struct BCState *bcs) { u_char ctrl, param[6]; switch (bcs->mode) { - case L1_MODE_NULL: - case L1_MODE_TRANS: - case L1_MODE_HDLC: - sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCFG, PMOD_BYPASS, 0, NULL); - break; - case L1_MODE_V32: - ctrl = PMOD_DATAMODEM; - if (test_bit(BC_FLG_ORIG, &bcs->Flag)) { - ctrl |= PCTRL_ORIG; - param[5] = PV32P6_CTN; - } else { - param[5] = PV32P6_ATN; - } - param[0] = para_TOA; /* 6 db */ - param[1] = PV32P2_V23R | PV32P2_V22A | PV32P2_V22B | - PV32P2_V22C | PV32P2_V21 | PV32P2_BEL; - param[2] = PV32P3_AMOD | PV32P3_V32B | PV32P3_V23B; - param[3] = PV32P4_UT144; - param[4] = PV32P5_UT144; - sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCFG, ctrl, 6, param); - break; - case L1_MODE_FAX: - ctrl = PMOD_FAX; - if (test_bit(BC_FLG_ORIG, &bcs->Flag)) { - ctrl |= PCTRL_ORIG; - param[1] = PFAXP2_CTN; - } else { - param[1] = PFAXP2_ATN; - } - param[0] = para_TOA; /* 6 db */ - sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCFG, ctrl, 2, param); - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_NULL; - bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = 0; - bcs->hw.isar.newmod = 0; - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_FTI_RUN, &bcs->Flag); - break; + case L1_MODE_NULL: + case L1_MODE_TRANS: + case L1_MODE_HDLC: + sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCFG, PMOD_BYPASS, 0, NULL); + break; + case L1_MODE_V32: + ctrl = PMOD_DATAMODEM; + if (test_bit(BC_FLG_ORIG, &bcs->Flag)) { + ctrl |= PCTRL_ORIG; + param[5] = PV32P6_CTN; + } else { + param[5] = PV32P6_ATN; + } + param[0] = para_TOA; /* 6 db */ + param[1] = PV32P2_V23R | PV32P2_V22A | PV32P2_V22B | + PV32P2_V22C | PV32P2_V21 | PV32P2_BEL; + param[2] = PV32P3_AMOD | PV32P3_V32B | PV32P3_V23B; + param[3] = PV32P4_UT144; + param[4] = PV32P5_UT144; + sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCFG, ctrl, 6, param); + break; + case L1_MODE_FAX: + ctrl = PMOD_FAX; + if (test_bit(BC_FLG_ORIG, &bcs->Flag)) { + ctrl |= PCTRL_ORIG; + param[1] = PFAXP2_CTN; + } else { + param[1] = PFAXP2_ATN; + } + param[0] = para_TOA; /* 6 db */ + sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCFG, ctrl, 2, param); + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_NULL; + bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = 0; + bcs->hw.isar.newmod = 0; + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_FTI_RUN, &bcs->Flag); + break; } udelay(1000); sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PSTREQ, 0, 0, NULL); @@ -1334,31 +1334,31 @@ setup_sart(struct BCState *bcs) { struct IsdnCardState *cs = bcs->cs; u_char dps = SET_DPS(bcs->hw.isar.dpath); u_char ctrl, param[2]; - + switch (bcs->mode) { - case L1_MODE_NULL: - sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_SARTCFG, SMODE_DISABLE, 0, - NULL); - break; - case L1_MODE_TRANS: - sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_SARTCFG, SMODE_BINARY, 2, - "\0\0"); - break; - case L1_MODE_HDLC: - param[0] = 0; - sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_SARTCFG, SMODE_HDLC, 1, - param); - break; - case L1_MODE_V32: - ctrl = SMODE_V14 | SCTRL_HDMC_BOTH; - param[0] = S_P1_CHS_8; - param[1] = S_P2_BFT_DEF; - sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_SARTCFG, ctrl, 2, - param); - break; - case L1_MODE_FAX: - /* SART must not configured with FAX */ - break; + case L1_MODE_NULL: + sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_SARTCFG, SMODE_DISABLE, 0, + NULL); + break; + case L1_MODE_TRANS: + sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_SARTCFG, SMODE_BINARY, 2, + "\0\0"); + break; + case L1_MODE_HDLC: + param[0] = 0; + sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_SARTCFG, SMODE_HDLC, 1, + param); + break; + case L1_MODE_V32: + ctrl = SMODE_V14 | SCTRL_HDMC_BOTH; + param[0] = S_P1_CHS_8; + param[1] = S_P2_BFT_DEF; + sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_SARTCFG, ctrl, 2, + param); + break; + case L1_MODE_FAX: + /* SART must not configured with FAX */ + break; } udelay(1000); sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_BSTREQ, 0, 0, NULL); @@ -1369,23 +1369,23 @@ static void setup_iom2(struct BCState *bcs) { struct IsdnCardState *cs = bcs->cs; u_char dps = SET_DPS(bcs->hw.isar.dpath); - u_char cmsb = IOM_CTRL_ENA, msg[5] = {IOM_P1_TXD,0,0,0,0}; - + u_char cmsb = IOM_CTRL_ENA, msg[5] = {IOM_P1_TXD, 0, 0, 0, 0}; + if (bcs->channel) msg[1] = msg[3] = 1; switch (bcs->mode) { - case L1_MODE_NULL: - cmsb = 0; - /* dummy slot */ - msg[1] = msg[3] = bcs->hw.isar.dpath + 2; - break; - case L1_MODE_TRANS: - case L1_MODE_HDLC: - break; - case L1_MODE_V32: - case L1_MODE_FAX: - cmsb |= IOM_CTRL_ALAW | IOM_CTRL_RCV; - break; + case L1_MODE_NULL: + cmsb = 0; + /* dummy slot */ + msg[1] = msg[3] = bcs->hw.isar.dpath + 2; + break; + case L1_MODE_TRANS: + case L1_MODE_HDLC: + break; + case L1_MODE_V32: + case L1_MODE_FAX: + cmsb |= IOM_CTRL_ALAW | IOM_CTRL_RCV; + break; } sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_IOM2CFG, cmsb, 5, msg); udelay(1000); @@ -1399,40 +1399,40 @@ modeisar(struct BCState *bcs, int mode, int bc) struct IsdnCardState *cs = bcs->cs; /* Here we are selecting the best datapath for requested mode */ - if(bcs->mode == L1_MODE_NULL) { /* New Setup */ + if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_NULL) { /* New Setup */ bcs->channel = bc; switch (mode) { - case L1_MODE_NULL: /* init */ - if (!bcs->hw.isar.dpath) - /* no init for dpath 0 */ - return(0); - break; - case L1_MODE_TRANS: - case L1_MODE_HDLC: - /* best is datapath 2 */ - if (!test_and_set_bit(ISAR_DP2_USE, - &bcs->hw.isar.reg->Flags)) - bcs->hw.isar.dpath = 2; - else if (!test_and_set_bit(ISAR_DP1_USE, - &bcs->hw.isar.reg->Flags)) - bcs->hw.isar.dpath = 1; - else { - printk(KERN_WARNING"isar modeisar both pathes in use\n"); - return(1); - } - break; - case L1_MODE_V32: - case L1_MODE_FAX: - /* only datapath 1 */ - if (!test_and_set_bit(ISAR_DP1_USE, - &bcs->hw.isar.reg->Flags)) - bcs->hw.isar.dpath = 1; - else { - printk(KERN_WARNING"isar modeisar analog functions only with DP1\n"); - debugl1(cs, "isar modeisar analog functions only with DP1"); - return(1); - } - break; + case L1_MODE_NULL: /* init */ + if (!bcs->hw.isar.dpath) + /* no init for dpath 0 */ + return (0); + break; + case L1_MODE_TRANS: + case L1_MODE_HDLC: + /* best is datapath 2 */ + if (!test_and_set_bit(ISAR_DP2_USE, + &bcs->hw.isar.reg->Flags)) + bcs->hw.isar.dpath = 2; + else if (!test_and_set_bit(ISAR_DP1_USE, + &bcs->hw.isar.reg->Flags)) + bcs->hw.isar.dpath = 1; + else { + printk(KERN_WARNING"isar modeisar both pathes in use\n"); + return (1); + } + break; + case L1_MODE_V32: + case L1_MODE_FAX: + /* only datapath 1 */ + if (!test_and_set_bit(ISAR_DP1_USE, + &bcs->hw.isar.reg->Flags)) + bcs->hw.isar.dpath = 1; + else { + printk(KERN_WARNING"isar modeisar analog functions only with DP1\n"); + debugl1(cs, "isar modeisar analog functions only with DP1"); + return (1); + } + break; } } if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) @@ -1450,118 +1450,118 @@ modeisar(struct BCState *bcs, int mode, int bc) test_and_clear_bit(ISAR_DP2_USE, &bcs->hw.isar.reg->Flags); bcs->hw.isar.dpath = 0; } - return(0); + return (0); } static void -isar_pump_cmd(struct BCState *bcs, u_char cmd, u_char para) +isar_pump_cmd(struct BCState *bcs, u_char cmd, u_char para) { struct IsdnCardState *cs = bcs->cs; u_char dps = SET_DPS(bcs->hw.isar.dpath); u_char ctrl = 0, nom = 0, p1 = 0; - switch(cmd) { - case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FTM: - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_FRH_WAIT, &bcs->Flag); - if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_READY) { - p1 = para; - ctrl = PCTRL_CMD_FTM; - nom = 1; - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_LINE; - bcs->hw.isar.cmd = ctrl; - bcs->hw.isar.mod = para; - bcs->hw.isar.newmod = 0; - bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = 0; - bcs->hw.isar.try_mod = 3; - } else if ((bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_ACTIV) && - (bcs->hw.isar.cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTM) && - (bcs->hw.isar.mod == para)) { - ll_deliver_faxstat(bcs, ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_CONNECT); - } else { - bcs->hw.isar.newmod = para; - bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = PCTRL_CMD_FTM; - nom = 0; - ctrl = PCTRL_CMD_ESC; - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_ESCAPE; - } - break; - case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FTH: - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_FRH_WAIT, &bcs->Flag); - if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_READY) { - p1 = para; - ctrl = PCTRL_CMD_FTH; - nom = 1; - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_LINE; - bcs->hw.isar.cmd = ctrl; - bcs->hw.isar.mod = para; - bcs->hw.isar.newmod = 0; - bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = 0; - bcs->hw.isar.try_mod = 3; - } else if ((bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_ACTIV) && - (bcs->hw.isar.cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTH) && - (bcs->hw.isar.mod == para)) { - ll_deliver_faxstat(bcs, ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_CONNECT); - } else { - bcs->hw.isar.newmod = para; - bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = PCTRL_CMD_FTH; - nom = 0; - ctrl = PCTRL_CMD_ESC; - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_ESCAPE; - } - break; - case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FRM: - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_FRH_WAIT, &bcs->Flag); - if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_READY) { - p1 = para; - ctrl = PCTRL_CMD_FRM; - nom = 1; - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_LINE; - bcs->hw.isar.cmd = ctrl; - bcs->hw.isar.mod = para; - bcs->hw.isar.newmod = 0; - bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = 0; - bcs->hw.isar.try_mod = 3; - } else if ((bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_ACTIV) && - (bcs->hw.isar.cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FRM) && - (bcs->hw.isar.mod == para)) { - ll_deliver_faxstat(bcs, ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_CONNECT); - } else { - bcs->hw.isar.newmod = para; - bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = PCTRL_CMD_FRM; - nom = 0; - ctrl = PCTRL_CMD_ESC; - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_ESCAPE; - } - break; - case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FRH: - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_FRH_WAIT, &bcs->Flag); - if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_READY) { - p1 = para; - ctrl = PCTRL_CMD_FRH; - nom = 1; - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_LINE; - bcs->hw.isar.cmd = ctrl; - bcs->hw.isar.mod = para; - bcs->hw.isar.newmod = 0; - bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = 0; - bcs->hw.isar.try_mod = 3; - } else if ((bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_ACTIV) && - (bcs->hw.isar.cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FRH) && - (bcs->hw.isar.mod == para)) { - ll_deliver_faxstat(bcs, ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_CONNECT); - } else { - bcs->hw.isar.newmod = para; - bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = PCTRL_CMD_FRH; - nom = 0; - ctrl = PCTRL_CMD_ESC; - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_ESCAPE; - } - break; - case ISDN_FAXPUMP_HALT: - bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_NULL; + switch (cmd) { + case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FTM: + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_FRH_WAIT, &bcs->Flag); + if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_READY) { + p1 = para; + ctrl = PCTRL_CMD_FTM; + nom = 1; + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_LINE; + bcs->hw.isar.cmd = ctrl; + bcs->hw.isar.mod = para; + bcs->hw.isar.newmod = 0; + bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = 0; + bcs->hw.isar.try_mod = 3; + } else if ((bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_ACTIV) && + (bcs->hw.isar.cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTM) && + (bcs->hw.isar.mod == para)) { + ll_deliver_faxstat(bcs, ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_CONNECT); + } else { + bcs->hw.isar.newmod = para; + bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = PCTRL_CMD_FTM; nom = 0; - ctrl = PCTRL_CMD_HALT; - break; + ctrl = PCTRL_CMD_ESC; + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_ESCAPE; + } + break; + case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FTH: + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_FRH_WAIT, &bcs->Flag); + if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_READY) { + p1 = para; + ctrl = PCTRL_CMD_FTH; + nom = 1; + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_LINE; + bcs->hw.isar.cmd = ctrl; + bcs->hw.isar.mod = para; + bcs->hw.isar.newmod = 0; + bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = 0; + bcs->hw.isar.try_mod = 3; + } else if ((bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_ACTIV) && + (bcs->hw.isar.cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FTH) && + (bcs->hw.isar.mod == para)) { + ll_deliver_faxstat(bcs, ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_CONNECT); + } else { + bcs->hw.isar.newmod = para; + bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = PCTRL_CMD_FTH; + nom = 0; + ctrl = PCTRL_CMD_ESC; + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_ESCAPE; + } + break; + case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FRM: + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_FRH_WAIT, &bcs->Flag); + if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_READY) { + p1 = para; + ctrl = PCTRL_CMD_FRM; + nom = 1; + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_LINE; + bcs->hw.isar.cmd = ctrl; + bcs->hw.isar.mod = para; + bcs->hw.isar.newmod = 0; + bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = 0; + bcs->hw.isar.try_mod = 3; + } else if ((bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_ACTIV) && + (bcs->hw.isar.cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FRM) && + (bcs->hw.isar.mod == para)) { + ll_deliver_faxstat(bcs, ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_CONNECT); + } else { + bcs->hw.isar.newmod = para; + bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = PCTRL_CMD_FRM; + nom = 0; + ctrl = PCTRL_CMD_ESC; + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_ESCAPE; + } + break; + case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FRH: + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_FRH_WAIT, &bcs->Flag); + if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_READY) { + p1 = para; + ctrl = PCTRL_CMD_FRH; + nom = 1; + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_LINE; + bcs->hw.isar.cmd = ctrl; + bcs->hw.isar.mod = para; + bcs->hw.isar.newmod = 0; + bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = 0; + bcs->hw.isar.try_mod = 3; + } else if ((bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_ACTIV) && + (bcs->hw.isar.cmd == PCTRL_CMD_FRH) && + (bcs->hw.isar.mod == para)) { + ll_deliver_faxstat(bcs, ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_CONNECT); + } else { + bcs->hw.isar.newmod = para; + bcs->hw.isar.newcmd = PCTRL_CMD_FRH; + nom = 0; + ctrl = PCTRL_CMD_ESC; + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_ESCAPE; + } + break; + case ISDN_FAXPUMP_HALT: + bcs->hw.isar.state = STFAX_NULL; + nom = 0; + ctrl = PCTRL_CMD_HALT; + break; } if (ctrl) sendmsg(cs, dps | ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL, ctrl, nom, &p1); @@ -1572,10 +1572,10 @@ isar_setup(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { u_char msg; int i; - + /* Dpath 1, 2 */ msg = 61; - for (i=0; i<2; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { /* Buffer Config */ sendmsg(cs, (i ? ISAR_HIS_DPS2 : ISAR_HIS_DPS1) | ISAR_HIS_P12CFG, 4, 1, &msg); @@ -1596,93 +1596,93 @@ isar_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); - } else { - bcs->tx_skb = skb; - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(bcs->cs, "DRQ set BC_FLG_BUSY"); - bcs->hw.isar.txcnt = 0; - bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); - } + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); + } else { + bcs->tx_skb = skb; + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(bcs->cs, "DRQ set BC_FLG_BUSY"); + bcs->hw.isar.txcnt = 0; + bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "isar_l2l1: this shouldn't happen\n"); + } else { + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(bcs->cs, "PUI set BC_FLG_BUSY"); + bcs->tx_skb = skb; + bcs->hw.isar.txcnt = 0; + bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + if (!bcs->tx_skb) { + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + } else + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + break; + case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + bcs->hw.isar.conmsg[0] = 0; + if (test_bit(FLG_ORIG, &st->l2.flag)) + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ORIG, &bcs->Flag); + else + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ORIG, &bcs->Flag); + switch (st->l1.mode) { + case L1_MODE_TRANS: + case L1_MODE_HDLC: + ret = modeisar(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (ret) + l1_msg_b(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST, arg); + else + l1_msg_b(st, PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST, arg); break; - case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "isar_l2l1: this shouldn't happen\n"); - } else { - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(bcs->cs, "PUI set BC_FLG_BUSY"); - bcs->tx_skb = skb; - bcs->hw.isar.txcnt = 0; - bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); - } + case L1_MODE_V32: + case L1_MODE_FAX: + ret = modeisar(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (ret) + l1_msg_b(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST, arg); break; - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): - if (!bcs->tx_skb) { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); - } else - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - break; - case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - bcs->hw.isar.conmsg[0] = 0; - if (test_bit(FLG_ORIG, &st->l2.flag)) - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ORIG, &bcs->Flag); - else - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ORIG, &bcs->Flag); - switch(st->l1.mode) { - case L1_MODE_TRANS: - case L1_MODE_HDLC: - ret = modeisar(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (ret) - l1_msg_b(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST, arg); - else - l1_msg_b(st, PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST, arg); - break; - case L1_MODE_V32: - case L1_MODE_FAX: - ret = modeisar(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (ret) - l1_msg_b(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST, arg); - break; - default: - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - break; - } + default: + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + } + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + switch (st->l1.mode) { + case L1_MODE_TRANS: + case L1_MODE_HDLC: + case L1_MODE_V32: break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - switch(st->l1.mode) { - case L1_MODE_TRANS: - case L1_MODE_HDLC: - case L1_MODE_V32: - break; - case L1_MODE_FAX: - isar_pump_cmd(bcs, ISDN_FAXPUMP_HALT, 0); - break; - } - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(bcs->cs, "PDAC clear BC_FLG_BUSY"); - modeisar(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + case L1_MODE_FAX: + isar_pump_cmd(bcs, ISDN_FAXPUMP_HALT, 0); break; + } + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(bcs->cs, "PDAC clear BC_FLG_BUSY"); + modeisar(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; } } @@ -1751,149 +1751,149 @@ isar_auxcmd(struct IsdnCardState *cs, isdn_ctrl *ic) { if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) debugl1(cs, "isar_auxcmd cmd/ch %x/%ld", ic->command, ic->arg); switch (ic->command) { - case (ISDN_CMD_FAXCMD): - bcs = cs->channel[ic->arg].bcs; - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "isar_auxcmd cmd/subcmd %d/%d", - ic->parm.aux.cmd, ic->parm.aux.subcmd); - switch(ic->parm.aux.cmd) { - case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_CTRL: - if (ic->parm.aux.subcmd == ETX) - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_DLEETX, - &bcs->Flag); - break; - case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FTS: - if (ic->parm.aux.subcmd == AT_QUERY) { + case (ISDN_CMD_FAXCMD): + bcs = cs->channel[ic->arg].bcs; + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "isar_auxcmd cmd/subcmd %d/%d", + ic->parm.aux.cmd, ic->parm.aux.subcmd); + switch (ic->parm.aux.cmd) { + case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_CTRL: + if (ic->parm.aux.subcmd == ETX) + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_DLEETX, + &bcs->Flag); + break; + case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FTS: + if (ic->parm.aux.subcmd == AT_QUERY) { + ic->command = ISDN_STAT_FAXIND; + ic->parm.aux.cmd = ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_OK; + cs->iif.statcallb(ic); + return (0); + } else if (ic->parm.aux.subcmd == AT_EQ_QUERY) { + strcpy(ic->parm.aux.para, "0-255"); + ic->command = ISDN_STAT_FAXIND; + ic->parm.aux.cmd = ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_QUERY; + cs->iif.statcallb(ic); + return (0); + } else if (ic->parm.aux.subcmd == AT_EQ_VALUE) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "isar_auxcmd %s=%d", + FC1_CMD[ic->parm.aux.cmd], ic->parm.aux.para[0]); + if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_READY) { + if (!ic->parm.aux.para[0]) { ic->command = ISDN_STAT_FAXIND; ic->parm.aux.cmd = ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_OK; cs->iif.statcallb(ic); - return(0); - } else if (ic->parm.aux.subcmd == AT_EQ_QUERY) { - strcpy(ic->parm.aux.para, "0-255"); - ic->command = ISDN_STAT_FAXIND; - ic->parm.aux.cmd = ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_QUERY; - cs->iif.statcallb(ic); - return(0); - } else if (ic->parm.aux.subcmd == AT_EQ_VALUE) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "isar_auxcmd %s=%d", - FC1_CMD[ic->parm.aux.cmd], ic->parm.aux.para[0]); - if (bcs->hw.isar.state == STFAX_READY) { - if (! ic->parm.aux.para[0]) { - ic->command = ISDN_STAT_FAXIND; - ic->parm.aux.cmd = ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_OK; - cs->iif.statcallb(ic); - return(0); - } - if (! test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_FTI_RUN, &bcs->Flag)) { - /* n*10 ms */ - bcs->hw.isar.ftimer.expires = - jiffies + ((ic->parm.aux.para[0] * 10 * HZ)/1000); - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_FTI_FTS, &bcs->Flag); - add_timer(&bcs->hw.isar.ftimer); - return(0); - } else { - if (cs->debug) - debugl1(cs, "isar FTS=%d and FTI busy", - ic->parm.aux.para[0]); - } - } else { - if (cs->debug) - debugl1(cs, "isar FTS=%d and isar.state not ready(%x)", - ic->parm.aux.para[0],bcs->hw.isar.state); - } - ic->command = ISDN_STAT_FAXIND; - ic->parm.aux.cmd = ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_ERROR; - cs->iif.statcallb(ic); + return (0); } - break; - case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FRM: - case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FRH: - case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FTM: - case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FTH: - if (ic->parm.aux.subcmd == AT_QUERY) { - sprintf(ic->parm.aux.para, - "%d", bcs->hw.isar.mod); - ic->command = ISDN_STAT_FAXIND; - ic->parm.aux.cmd = ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_QUERY; - cs->iif.statcallb(ic); - return(0); - } else if (ic->parm.aux.subcmd == AT_EQ_QUERY) { - char *p = ic->parm.aux.para; - for(i=0;icommand = ISDN_STAT_FAXIND; - ic->parm.aux.cmd = ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_QUERY; - cs->iif.statcallb(ic); - return(0); - } else if (ic->parm.aux.subcmd == AT_EQ_VALUE) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "isar_auxcmd %s=%d", - FC1_CMD[ic->parm.aux.cmd], ic->parm.aux.para[0]); - for(i=0;iparm.aux.para[0]) - break; - if ((i < FAXMODCNT) && ((1<Flag)) { - isar_pump_cmd(bcs, - ic->parm.aux.cmd, + if (!test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_FTI_RUN, &bcs->Flag)) { + /* n*10 ms */ + bcs->hw.isar.ftimer.expires = + jiffies + ((ic->parm.aux.para[0] * 10 * HZ) / 1000); + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_FTI_FTS, &bcs->Flag); + add_timer(&bcs->hw.isar.ftimer); + return (0); + } else { + if (cs->debug) + debugl1(cs, "isar FTS=%d and FTI busy", ic->parm.aux.para[0]); - return(0); - } } - /* wrong modulation or not activ */ - /* fall through */ - default: - ic->command = ISDN_STAT_FAXIND; - ic->parm.aux.cmd = ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_ERROR; - cs->iif.statcallb(ic); + } else { + if (cs->debug) + debugl1(cs, "isar FTS=%d and isar.state not ready(%x)", + ic->parm.aux.para[0], bcs->hw.isar.state); + } + ic->command = ISDN_STAT_FAXIND; + ic->parm.aux.cmd = ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_ERROR; + cs->iif.statcallb(ic); } break; - case (ISDN_CMD_IOCTL): - switch (ic->arg) { - case 9: /* load firmware */ - features = ISDN_FEATURE_L2_MODEM | - ISDN_FEATURE_L2_FAX | - ISDN_FEATURE_L3_FCLASS1; - memcpy(&adr, ic->parm.num, sizeof(ulong)); - if (isar_load_firmware(cs, (u_char __user *)adr)) - return(1); - else - ll_run(cs, features); - break; - case 20: - features = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; - printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: max modulation old(%04x) new(%04x)\n", - modmask, features); - modmask = features; - break; - case 21: - features = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; - printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: FRM extra delay old(%d) new(%d) ms\n", - frm_extra_delay, features); - if (features >= 0) - frm_extra_delay = features; - break; - case 22: - features = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; - printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: TOA old(%d) new(%d) db\n", - para_TOA, features); - if (features >= 0 && features < 32) - para_TOA = features; - break; - default: - printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: invalid ioctl %d\n", - (int) ic->arg); - return(-EINVAL); + case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FRM: + case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FRH: + case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FTM: + case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FTH: + if (ic->parm.aux.subcmd == AT_QUERY) { + sprintf(ic->parm.aux.para, + "%d", bcs->hw.isar.mod); + ic->command = ISDN_STAT_FAXIND; + ic->parm.aux.cmd = ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_QUERY; + cs->iif.statcallb(ic); + return (0); + } else if (ic->parm.aux.subcmd == AT_EQ_QUERY) { + char *p = ic->parm.aux.para; + for (i = 0; i < FAXMODCNT; i++) + if ((1 << i) & modmask) + p += sprintf(p, "%d,", faxmodulation[i]); + p--; + *p = 0; + ic->command = ISDN_STAT_FAXIND; + ic->parm.aux.cmd = ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_QUERY; + cs->iif.statcallb(ic); + return (0); + } else if (ic->parm.aux.subcmd == AT_EQ_VALUE) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "isar_auxcmd %s=%d", + FC1_CMD[ic->parm.aux.cmd], ic->parm.aux.para[0]); + for (i = 0; i < FAXMODCNT; i++) + if (faxmodulation[i] == ic->parm.aux.para[0]) + break; + if ((i < FAXMODCNT) && ((1 << i) & modmask) && + test_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag)) { + isar_pump_cmd(bcs, + ic->parm.aux.cmd, + ic->parm.aux.para[0]); + return (0); + } } + /* wrong modulation or not activ */ + /* fall through */ + default: + ic->command = ISDN_STAT_FAXIND; + ic->parm.aux.cmd = ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_ERROR; + cs->iif.statcallb(ic); + } + break; + case (ISDN_CMD_IOCTL): + switch (ic->arg) { + case 9: /* load firmware */ + features = ISDN_FEATURE_L2_MODEM | + ISDN_FEATURE_L2_FAX | + ISDN_FEATURE_L3_FCLASS1; + memcpy(&adr, ic->parm.num, sizeof(ulong)); + if (isar_load_firmware(cs, (u_char __user *)adr)) + return (1); + else + ll_run(cs, features); + break; + case 20: + features = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; + printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: max modulation old(%04x) new(%04x)\n", + modmask, features); + modmask = features; + break; + case 21: + features = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; + printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: FRM extra delay old(%d) new(%d) ms\n", + frm_extra_delay, features); + if (features >= 0) + frm_extra_delay = features; + break; + case 22: + features = *(unsigned int *) ic->parm.num; + printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: TOA old(%d) new(%d) db\n", + para_TOA, features); + if (features >= 0 && features < 32) + para_TOA = features; break; default: - return(-EINVAL); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "HiSax: invalid ioctl %d\n", + (int) ic->arg); + return (-EINVAL); + } + break; + default: + return (-EINVAL); } - return(0); + return (0); } void initisar(struct IsdnCardState *cs) diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/isar.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/isar.h index bf767658639285333079e4f293e2a8ccfaf02000..0f4d101faf3715cb261d97e65b18e676e3b3d25e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/isar.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/isar.h @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * */ - + #define ISAR_IRQMSK 0x04 #define ISAR_IRQSTA 0x04 #define ISAR_IRQBIT 0x75 @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ #define ISAR_HIA 0x50 #define ISAR_MBOX 0x4c #define ISAR_WADR 0x4a -#define ISAR_RADR 0x48 +#define ISAR_RADR 0x48 #define ISAR_HIS_VNR 0x14 #define ISAR_HIS_DKEY 0x02 @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ #define ISAR_HIS_TIMERIRQ 0x25 #define ISAR_HIS_P0CFG 0x3c #define ISAR_HIS_P12CFG 0x24 -#define ISAR_HIS_SARTCFG 0x25 -#define ISAR_HIS_PUMPCFG 0x26 -#define ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL 0x2a +#define ISAR_HIS_SARTCFG 0x25 +#define ISAR_HIS_PUMPCFG 0x26 +#define ISAR_HIS_PUMPCTRL 0x2a #define ISAR_HIS_IOM2CFG 0x27 #define ISAR_HIS_IOM2REQ 0x07 #define ISAR_HIS_IOM2CTRL 0x2b @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ #define ISAR_HIS_SDATA 0x20 #define ISAR_HIS_DPS1 0x40 #define ISAR_HIS_DPS2 0x80 -#define SET_DPS(x) ((x<<6) & 0xc0) +#define SET_DPS(x) ((x << 6) & 0xc0) #define ISAR_CMD_TIMERIRQ_OFF 0x20 #define ISAR_CMD_TIMERIRQ_ON 0x21 diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl1.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl1.c index d5eeacf565d696b7af80c762ed5b118fa76fd743..800095781bfb7daa11ee5dba382176f9ba012473 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl1.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl1.c @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * Author Karsten Keil * based on the teles driver from Jan den Ouden * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ enum { ST_L1_F8, }; -#define L1S_STATE_COUNT (ST_L1_F8+1) +#define L1S_STATE_COUNT (ST_L1_F8 + 1) static char *strL1SState[] = { @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ enum { ST_L1_TRANS, }; -#define L1U_STATE_COUNT (ST_L1_TRANS+1) +#define L1U_STATE_COUNT (ST_L1_TRANS + 1) static char *strL1UState[] = { @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ enum { ST_L1_ACTIV, }; -#define L1B_STATE_COUNT (ST_L1_ACTIV+1) +#define L1B_STATE_COUNT (ST_L1_ACTIV + 1) static char *strL1BState[] = { @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ enum { EV_DEACT_CNF, EV_DEACT_IND, EV_POWER_UP, - EV_RSYNC_IND, + EV_RSYNC_IND, EV_INFO2_IND, EV_INFO4_IND, EV_TIMER_DEACT, @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ static char *strL1Event[] = "EV_DEACT_CNF", "EV_DEACT_IND", "EV_POWER_UP", - "EV_RSYNC_IND", + "EV_RSYNC_IND", "EV_INFO2_IND", "EV_INFO4_IND", "EV_TIMER_DEACT", @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ debugl1(struct IsdnCardState *cs, char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char tmp[8]; - + va_start(args, fmt); sprintf(tmp, "Card%d ", cs->cardnr + 1); VHiSax_putstatus(cs, tmp, fmt, args); @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ l1m_debug(struct FsmInst *fi, char *fmt, ...) struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; struct IsdnCardState *cs = st->l1.hardware; char tmp[8]; - + va_start(args, fmt); sprintf(tmp, "Card%d ", cs->cardnr + 1); VHiSax_putstatus(cs, tmp, fmt, args); @@ -209,19 +209,19 @@ DChannel_proc_rcv(struct IsdnCardState *cs) if (stptr) if (test_bit(FLG_L1_ACTTIMER, &stptr->l1.Flags)) - FsmEvent(&stptr->l1.l1m, EV_TIMER_ACT, NULL); + FsmEvent(&stptr->l1.l1m, EV_TIMER_ACT, NULL); while ((skb = skb_dequeue(&cs->rq))) { #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA", 1); #endif stptr = cs->stlist; - if (skb->len<3) { - debugl1(cs, "D-channel frame too short(%d)",skb->len); + if (skb->len < 3) { + debugl1(cs, "D-channel frame too short(%d)", skb->len); dev_kfree_skb(skb); return; } - if ((skb->data[0] & 1) || !(skb->data[1] &1)) { + if ((skb->data[0] & 1) || !(skb->data[1] & 1)) { debugl1(cs, "D-channel frame wrong EA0/EA1"); dev_kfree_skb(skb); return; @@ -378,60 +378,60 @@ static char * l2cmd(u_char cmd) { switch (cmd & ~0x10) { - case 1: - return "RR"; - case 5: - return "RNR"; - case 9: - return "REJ"; - case 0x6f: - return "SABME"; - case 0x0f: - return "DM"; - case 3: - return "UI"; - case 0x43: - return "DISC"; - case 0x63: - return "UA"; - case 0x87: - return "FRMR"; - case 0xaf: - return "XID"; - default: - if (!(cmd & 1)) - return "I"; - else - return "invalid command"; + case 1: + return "RR"; + case 5: + return "RNR"; + case 9: + return "REJ"; + case 0x6f: + return "SABME"; + case 0x0f: + return "DM"; + case 3: + return "UI"; + case 0x43: + return "DISC"; + case 0x63: + return "UA"; + case 0x87: + return "FRMR"; + case 0xaf: + return "XID"; + default: + if (!(cmd & 1)) + return "I"; + else + return "invalid command"; } } static char tmpdeb[32]; static char * -l2frames(u_char * ptr) +l2frames(u_char *ptr) { switch (ptr[2] & ~0x10) { - case 1: - case 5: - case 9: - sprintf(tmpdeb, "%s[%d](nr %d)", l2cmd(ptr[2]), ptr[3] & 1, ptr[3] >> 1); - break; - case 0x6f: - case 0x0f: - case 3: - case 0x43: - case 0x63: - case 0x87: - case 0xaf: - sprintf(tmpdeb, "%s[%d]", l2cmd(ptr[2]), (ptr[2] & 0x10) >> 4); + case 1: + case 5: + case 9: + sprintf(tmpdeb, "%s[%d](nr %d)", l2cmd(ptr[2]), ptr[3] & 1, ptr[3] >> 1); + break; + case 0x6f: + case 0x0f: + case 3: + case 0x43: + case 0x63: + case 0x87: + case 0xaf: + sprintf(tmpdeb, "%s[%d]", l2cmd(ptr[2]), (ptr[2] & 0x10) >> 4); + break; + default: + if (!(ptr[2] & 1)) { + sprintf(tmpdeb, "I[%d](ns %d, nr %d)", ptr[3] & 1, ptr[2] >> 1, ptr[3] >> 1); break; - default: - if (!(ptr[2] & 1)) { - sprintf(tmpdeb, "I[%d](ns %d, nr %d)", ptr[3] & 1, ptr[2] >> 1, ptr[3] >> 1); - break; - } else - return "invalid command"; + } else + return "invalid command"; } @@ -547,24 +547,24 @@ l1_timer3(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_T3RUN, &st->l1.Flags); + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_T3RUN, &st->l1.Flags); if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_ACTIVATING, &st->l1.Flags)) L1deactivated(st->l1.hardware); #ifdef HISAX_UINTERFACE if (!test_bit(FLG_L1_UINT, &st->l1.Flags)) #endif - if (st->l1.l1m.state != ST_L1_F6) { - FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L1_F3); - st->l1.l1hw(st, HW_ENABLE | REQUEST, NULL); - } + if (st->l1.l1m.state != ST_L1_F6) { + FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L1_F3); + st->l1.l1hw(st, HW_ENABLE | REQUEST, NULL); + } } static void l1_timer_act(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; - + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_ACTTIMER, &st->l1.Flags); test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_ACTIVATED, &st->l1.Flags); L1activated(st->l1.hardware); @@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ static void l1_timer_deact(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; - + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_DEACTTIMER, &st->l1.Flags); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_ACTIVATED, &st->l1.Flags); L1deactivated(st->l1.hardware); @@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ static void l1_activate_s(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; - + st->l1.l1hw(st, HW_RESET | REQUEST, NULL); } @@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ static void l1_activate_u(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; - + st->l1.l1hw(st, HW_INFO1 | REQUEST, NULL); } @@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ static struct FsmNode L1BFnList[] __initdata = {ST_L1_WAIT_DEACT, EV_TIMER_DEACT, l1b_timer_deact}, }; -int __init +int __init Isdnl1New(void) { int retval; @@ -803,35 +803,35 @@ dch_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) struct IsdnCardState *cs = (struct IsdnCardState *) st->l1.hardware; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): - case (PH_PULL |INDICATION): - st->l1.l1hw(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): - if (cs->debug) - debugl1(cs, "PH_ACTIVATE_REQ %s", - st->l1.l1m.fsm->strState[st->l1.l1m.state]); - if (test_bit(FLG_L1_ACTIVATED, &st->l1.Flags)) - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_ACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); - else { - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_ACTIVATING, &st->l1.Flags); - FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_PH_ACTIVATE, arg); - } - break; - case (PH_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): - if (1 & (long) arg) - debugl1(cs, "PH_TEST_LOOP B1"); - if (2 & (long) arg) - debugl1(cs, "PH_TEST_LOOP B2"); - if (!(3 & (long) arg)) - debugl1(cs, "PH_TEST_LOOP DISABLED"); - st->l1.l1hw(st, HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST, arg); - break; - default: - if (cs->debug) - debugl1(cs, "dch_l2l1 msg %04X unhandled", pr); - break; + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + st->l1.l1hw(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): + if (cs->debug) + debugl1(cs, "PH_ACTIVATE_REQ %s", + st->l1.l1m.fsm->strState[st->l1.l1m.state]); + if (test_bit(FLG_L1_ACTIVATED, &st->l1.Flags)) + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_ACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + else { + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_ACTIVATING, &st->l1.Flags); + FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_PH_ACTIVATE, arg); + } + break; + case (PH_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): + if (1 & (long) arg) + debugl1(cs, "PH_TEST_LOOP B1"); + if (2 & (long) arg) + debugl1(cs, "PH_TEST_LOOP B2"); + if (!(3 & (long) arg)) + debugl1(cs, "PH_TEST_LOOP DISABLED"); + st->l1.l1hw(st, HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST, arg); + break; + default: + if (cs->debug) + debugl1(cs, "dch_l2l1 msg %04X unhandled", pr); + break; } } @@ -840,35 +840,35 @@ l1_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int pr, void *arg) { struct PStack *st; st = cs->stlist; - + while (st) { - switch(pr) { - case (HW_RESET | INDICATION): - FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_RESET_IND, arg); - break; - case (HW_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): - FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_DEACT_CNF, arg); - break; - case (HW_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION): - FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_DEACT_IND, arg); - break; - case (HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM): - FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_POWER_UP, arg); - break; - case (HW_RSYNC | INDICATION): - FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_RSYNC_IND, arg); - break; - case (HW_INFO2 | INDICATION): - FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_INFO2_IND, arg); - break; - case (HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION): - case (HW_INFO4_P10 | INDICATION): - FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_INFO4_IND, arg); - break; - default: - if (cs->debug) - debugl1(cs, "l1msg %04X unhandled", pr); - break; + switch (pr) { + case (HW_RESET | INDICATION): + FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_RESET_IND, arg); + break; + case (HW_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): + FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_DEACT_CNF, arg); + break; + case (HW_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION): + FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_DEACT_IND, arg); + break; + case (HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM): + FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_POWER_UP, arg); + break; + case (HW_RSYNC | INDICATION): + FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_RSYNC_IND, arg); + break; + case (HW_INFO2 | INDICATION): + FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_INFO2_IND, arg); + break; + case (HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION): + case (HW_INFO4_P10 | INDICATION): + FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_INFO4_IND, arg); + break; + default: + if (cs->debug) + debugl1(cs, "l1msg %04X unhandled", pr); + break; } st = st->next; } @@ -876,13 +876,13 @@ l1_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int pr, void *arg) { void l1_msg_b(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) { - switch(pr) { - case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): - FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_PH_ACTIVATE, NULL); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): - FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_PH_DEACTIVATE, NULL); - break; + switch (pr) { + case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): + FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_PH_ACTIVATE, NULL); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): + FsmEvent(&st->l1.l1m, EV_PH_DEACTIVATE, NULL); + break; } } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl2.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl2.c index cfff0c41d2986da7c3baf404b5e3a63b922127b1..18accb0a79cc51dea2d1851fc9a27891e8d79d6f 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl2.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl2.c @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ * Author Karsten Keil * based on the teles driver from Jan den Ouden * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ enum { ST_L2_8, }; -#define L2_STATE_COUNT (ST_L2_8+1) +#define L2_STATE_COUNT (ST_L2_8 + 1) static char *strL2State[] = { @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ enum { EV_L2_FRAME_ERROR, }; -#define L2_EVENT_COUNT (EV_L2_FRAME_ERROR+1) +#define L2_EVENT_COUNT (EV_L2_FRAME_ERROR + 1) static char *strL2Event[] = { @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ ReleaseWin(struct Layer2 *l2) { int cnt; - if((cnt = freewin1(l2))) + if ((cnt = freewin1(l2))) printk(KERN_WARNING "isdl2 freed %d skbuffs in release\n", cnt); } @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ cansend(struct PStack *st) { unsigned int p1; - if(test_bit(FLG_MOD128, &st->l2.flag)) + if (test_bit(FLG_MOD128, &st->l2.flag)) p1 = (st->l2.vs - st->l2.va) % 128; else p1 = (st->l2.vs - st->l2.va) % 8; @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ l2addrsize(struct Layer2 *l2) } static int -sethdraddr(struct Layer2 *l2, u_char * header, int rsp) +sethdraddr(struct Layer2 *l2, u_char *header, int rsp) { u_char *ptr = header; int crbit = rsp; @@ -226,41 +226,41 @@ enqueue_super(struct PStack *st, #define enqueue_ui(a, b) enqueue_super(a, b) static inline int -IsUI(u_char * data) +IsUI(u_char *data) { return ((data[0] & 0xef) == UI); } static inline int -IsUA(u_char * data) +IsUA(u_char *data) { return ((data[0] & 0xef) == UA); } static inline int -IsDM(u_char * data) +IsDM(u_char *data) { return ((data[0] & 0xef) == DM); } static inline int -IsDISC(u_char * data) +IsDISC(u_char *data) { return ((data[0] & 0xef) == DISC); } static inline int -IsSFrame(u_char * data, struct PStack *st) +IsSFrame(u_char *data, struct PStack *st) { register u_char d = *data; - + if (!test_bit(FLG_MOD128, &st->l2.flag)) d &= 0xf; - return(((d & 0xf3) == 1) && ((d & 0x0c) != 0x0c)); + return (((d & 0xf3) == 1) && ((d & 0x0c) != 0x0c)); } static inline int -IsSABME(u_char * data, struct PStack *st) +IsSABME(u_char *data, struct PStack *st) { u_char d = data[0] & ~0x10; @@ -268,19 +268,19 @@ IsSABME(u_char * data, struct PStack *st) } static inline int -IsREJ(u_char * data, struct PStack *st) +IsREJ(u_char *data, struct PStack *st) { return (test_bit(FLG_MOD128, &st->l2.flag) ? data[0] == REJ : (data[0] & 0xf) == REJ); } static inline int -IsFRMR(u_char * data) +IsFRMR(u_char *data) { return ((data[0] & 0xef) == FRMR); } static inline int -IsRNR(u_char * data, struct PStack *st) +IsRNR(u_char *data, struct PStack *st) { return (test_bit(FLG_MOD128, &st->l2.flag) ? data[0] == RNR : (data[0] & 0xf) == RNR); } @@ -368,14 +368,14 @@ FRMR_error(struct PStack *st, struct sk_buff *skb) return 'N'; else l2m_debug(&st->l2.l2m, "FRMR information %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x", - datap[0], datap[1], datap[2], - datap[3], datap[4]); + datap[0], datap[1], datap[2], + datap[3], datap[4]); } else { if (skb->len < headers + 3) return 'N'; else l2m_debug(&st->l2.l2m, "FRMR information %2x %2x %2x", - datap[0], datap[1], datap[2]); + datap[0], datap[1], datap[2]); } return 0; @@ -384,9 +384,9 @@ FRMR_error(struct PStack *st, struct sk_buff *skb) static unsigned int legalnr(struct PStack *st, unsigned int nr) { - struct Layer2 *l2 = &st->l2; + struct Layer2 *l2 = &st->l2; - if(test_bit(FLG_MOD128, &l2->flag)) + if (test_bit(FLG_MOD128, &l2->flag)) return ((nr - l2->va) % 128) <= ((l2->vs - l2->va) % 128); else return ((nr - l2->va) % 8) <= ((l2->vs - l2->va) % 8); @@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ setva(struct PStack *st, unsigned int nr) spin_lock_irqsave(&l2->lock, flags); while (l2->va != nr) { (l2->va)++; - if(test_bit(FLG_MOD128, &l2->flag)) + if (test_bit(FLG_MOD128, &l2->flag)) l2->va %= 128; else l2->va %= 8; @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ setva(struct PStack *st, unsigned int nr) l2->windowar[l2->sow] = NULL; l2->sow = (l2->sow + 1) % l2->window; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&l2->lock, flags); - if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L2WAKEUP, &st->lli.flag) && (len >=0)) + if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L2WAKEUP, &st->lli.flag) && (len >= 0)) lli_writewakeup(st, len); spin_lock_irqsave(&l2->lock, flags); } @@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ send_uframe(struct PStack *st, u_char cmd, u_char cr) } static inline u_char -get_PollFlag(struct PStack * st, struct sk_buff * skb) +get_PollFlag(struct PStack *st, struct sk_buff *skb) { return (skb->data[l2addrsize(&(st->l2))] & 0x10); } @@ -470,29 +470,29 @@ restart_t200(struct PStack *st, int i) static inline void stop_t200(struct PStack *st, int i) { - if(test_and_clear_bit(FLG_T200_RUN, &st->l2.flag)) + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_T200_RUN, &st->l2.flag)) FsmDelTimer(&st->l2.t200, i); } static inline void st5_dl_release_l2l3(struct PStack *st) { - int pr; + int pr; - if(test_and_clear_bit(FLG_PEND_REL, &st->l2.flag)) - pr = DL_RELEASE | CONFIRM; - else - pr = DL_RELEASE | INDICATION; + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_PEND_REL, &st->l2.flag)) + pr = DL_RELEASE | CONFIRM; + else + pr = DL_RELEASE | INDICATION; - st->l2.l2l3(st, pr, NULL); + st->l2.l2l3(st, pr, NULL); } static inline void lapb_dl_release_l2l3(struct PStack *st, int f) { - if (test_bit(FLG_LAPB, &st->l2.flag)) - st->l2.l2l1(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST, NULL); - st->l2.l2l3(st, DL_RELEASE | f, NULL); + if (test_bit(FLG_LAPB, &st->l2.flag)) + st->l2.l2l1(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST, NULL); + st->l2.l2l3(st, DL_RELEASE | f, NULL); } static void @@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ l2_st8_mdl_error_dm(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) static void l2_go_st3(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { - FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L2_3); + FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L2_3); } static void @@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ l2_mdl_assign(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; - FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L2_3); + FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L2_3); st->l2.l2tei(st, MDL_ASSIGN | INDICATION, NULL); } @@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ l2_restart_multi(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if (est) st->l2.l2l3(st, DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION, NULL); - if ((ST_L2_7==state) || (ST_L2_8 == state)) + if ((ST_L2_7 == state) || (ST_L2_8 == state)) if (!skb_queue_empty(&st->l2.i_queue) && cansend(st)) st->l2.l2l1(st, PH_PULL | REQUEST, NULL); } @@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ l2_connected(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; struct sk_buff *skb = arg; - int pr=-1; + int pr = -1; if (!get_PollFlag(st, skb)) { l2_mdl_error_ua(fi, event, arg); @@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ l2_st5_dm_release(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if (get_PollFlagFree(st, skb)) { stop_t200(st, 7); - if (!test_bit(FLG_L3_INIT, &st->l2.flag)) + if (!test_bit(FLG_L3_INIT, &st->l2.flag)) skb_queue_purge(&st->l2.i_queue); if (test_bit(FLG_LAPB, &st->l2.flag)) st->l2.l2l1(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST, NULL); @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ invoke_retransmission(struct PStack *st, unsigned int nr) if (l2->vs != nr) { while (l2->vs != nr) { (l2->vs)--; - if(test_bit(FLG_MOD128, &l2->flag)) { + if (test_bit(FLG_MOD128, &l2->flag)) { l2->vs %= 128; p1 = (l2->vs - l2->va) % 128; } else { @@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ l2_st7_got_super(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) EV_L2_T203, NULL, 7); } else if ((l2->va != nr) || (typ == RNR)) { setva(st, nr); - if(typ != RR) FsmDelTimer(&st->l2.t203, 9); + if (typ != RR) FsmDelTimer(&st->l2.t203, 9); restart_t200(st, 12); } if (!skb_queue_empty(&st->l2.i_queue) && (typ == RR)) @@ -1080,10 +1080,10 @@ l2_got_iframe(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) } if (test_bit(FLG_OWN_BUSY, &l2->flag)) { dev_kfree_skb(skb); - if(PollFlag) enquiry_response(st); + if (PollFlag) enquiry_response(st); } else if (l2->vr == ns) { (l2->vr)++; - if(test_bit(FLG_MOD128, &l2->flag)) + if (test_bit(FLG_MOD128, &l2->flag)) l2->vr %= 128; else l2->vr %= 8; @@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@ l2_st5_tout_200(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &st->l2.flag) && - test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &st->l2.flag)) { + test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &st->l2.flag)) { FsmAddTimer(&st->l2.t200, st->l2.T200, EV_L2_T200, NULL, 9); } else if (st->l2.rc == st->l2.N200) { FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L2_4); @@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ l2_st6_tout_200(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &st->l2.flag) && - test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &st->l2.flag)) { + test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &st->l2.flag)) { FsmAddTimer(&st->l2.t200, st->l2.T200, EV_L2_T200, NULL, 9); } else if (st->l2.rc == st->l2.N200) { FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L2_4); @@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ l2_st7_tout_200(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &st->l2.flag) && - test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &st->l2.flag)) { + test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &st->l2.flag)) { FsmAddTimer(&st->l2.t200, st->l2.T200, EV_L2_T200, NULL, 9); return; } @@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@ l2_st8_tout_200(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &st->l2.flag) && - test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &st->l2.flag)) { + test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &st->l2.flag)) { FsmAddTimer(&st->l2.t200, st->l2.T200, EV_L2_T200, NULL, 9); return; } @@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ l2_st7_tout_203(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &st->l2.flag) && - test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &st->l2.flag)) { + test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &st->l2.flag)) { FsmAddTimer(&st->l2.t203, st->l2.T203, EV_L2_T203, NULL, 9); return; } @@ -1272,7 +1272,7 @@ l2_pull_iqueue(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) } } spin_lock_irqsave(&l2->lock, flags); - if(test_bit(FLG_MOD128, &l2->flag)) + if (test_bit(FLG_MOD128, &l2->flag)) p1 = (l2->vs - l2->va) % 128; else p1 = (l2->vs - l2->va) % 8; @@ -1445,7 +1445,7 @@ static void l2_st14_persistent_da(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; - + skb_queue_purge(&st->l2.i_queue); skb_queue_purge(&st->l2.ui_queue); if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ESTAB_PEND, &st->l2.flag)) @@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@ l2_set_own_busy(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; - if(!test_and_set_bit(FLG_OWN_BUSY, &st->l2.flag)) { + if (!test_and_set_bit(FLG_OWN_BUSY, &st->l2.flag)) { enquiry_cr(st, RNR, RSP, 0); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ACK_PEND, &st->l2.flag); } @@ -1506,7 +1506,7 @@ l2_clear_own_busy(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; - if(!test_and_clear_bit(FLG_OWN_BUSY, &st->l2.flag)) { + if (!test_and_clear_bit(FLG_OWN_BUSY, &st->l2.flag)) { enquiry_cr(st, RR, RSP, 0); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ACK_PEND, &st->l2.flag); } @@ -1631,76 +1631,76 @@ isdnl2_l1l2(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) int c = 0; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | INDICATION): - datap = skb->data; - len = l2addrsize(&st->l2); - if (skb->len > len) - datap += len; - else { - FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_FRAME_ERROR, (void *) 'N'); - dev_kfree_skb(skb); - return; - } - if (!(*datap & 1)) { /* I-Frame */ - if(!(c = iframe_error(st, skb))) - ret = FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_I, skb); - } else if (IsSFrame(datap, st)) { /* S-Frame */ - if(!(c = super_error(st, skb))) - ret = FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_SUPER, skb); - } else if (IsUI(datap)) { - if(!(c = UI_error(st, skb))) - ret = FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_UI, skb); - } else if (IsSABME(datap, st)) { - if(!(c = unnum_error(st, skb, CMD))) - ret = FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_SABME, skb); - } else if (IsUA(datap)) { - if(!(c = unnum_error(st, skb, RSP))) - ret = FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_UA, skb); - } else if (IsDISC(datap)) { - if(!(c = unnum_error(st, skb, CMD))) - ret = FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_DISC, skb); - } else if (IsDM(datap)) { - if(!(c = unnum_error(st, skb, RSP))) - ret = FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_DM, skb); - } else if (IsFRMR(datap)) { - if(!(c = FRMR_error(st,skb))) - ret = FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_FRMR, skb); - } else { - FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_FRAME_ERROR, (void *) 'L'); - dev_kfree_skb(skb); - ret = 0; - } - if(c) { - dev_kfree_skb(skb); - FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_FRAME_ERROR, (void *)(long)c); - ret = 0; - } - if (ret) - dev_kfree_skb(skb); - break; - case (PH_PULL | CONFIRM): - FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_ACK_PULL, arg); - break; - case (PH_PAUSE | INDICATION): - test_and_set_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &st->l2.flag); - break; - case (PH_PAUSE | CONFIRM): - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &st->l2.flag); - break; - case (PH_ACTIVATE | CONFIRM): - case (PH_ACTIVATE | INDICATION): - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_ACTIV, &st->l2.flag); - if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ESTAB_PEND, &st->l2.flag)) - FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_DL_ESTABLISH_REQ, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION): - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_ACTIV, &st->l2.flag); - FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L1_DEACTIVATE, arg); - break; - default: - l2m_debug(&st->l2.l2m, "l2 unknown pr %04x", pr); - break; + case (PH_DATA | INDICATION): + datap = skb->data; + len = l2addrsize(&st->l2); + if (skb->len > len) + datap += len; + else { + FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_FRAME_ERROR, (void *) 'N'); + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + return; + } + if (!(*datap & 1)) { /* I-Frame */ + if (!(c = iframe_error(st, skb))) + ret = FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_I, skb); + } else if (IsSFrame(datap, st)) { /* S-Frame */ + if (!(c = super_error(st, skb))) + ret = FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_SUPER, skb); + } else if (IsUI(datap)) { + if (!(c = UI_error(st, skb))) + ret = FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_UI, skb); + } else if (IsSABME(datap, st)) { + if (!(c = unnum_error(st, skb, CMD))) + ret = FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_SABME, skb); + } else if (IsUA(datap)) { + if (!(c = unnum_error(st, skb, RSP))) + ret = FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_UA, skb); + } else if (IsDISC(datap)) { + if (!(c = unnum_error(st, skb, CMD))) + ret = FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_DISC, skb); + } else if (IsDM(datap)) { + if (!(c = unnum_error(st, skb, RSP))) + ret = FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_DM, skb); + } else if (IsFRMR(datap)) { + if (!(c = FRMR_error(st, skb))) + ret = FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_FRMR, skb); + } else { + FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_FRAME_ERROR, (void *) 'L'); + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + ret = 0; + } + if (c) { + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_FRAME_ERROR, (void *)(long)c); + ret = 0; + } + if (ret) + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + break; + case (PH_PULL | CONFIRM): + FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_ACK_PULL, arg); + break; + case (PH_PAUSE | INDICATION): + test_and_set_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &st->l2.flag); + break; + case (PH_PAUSE | CONFIRM): + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &st->l2.flag); + break; + case (PH_ACTIVATE | CONFIRM): + case (PH_ACTIVATE | INDICATION): + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_ACTIV, &st->l2.flag); + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ESTAB_PEND, &st->l2.flag)) + FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_DL_ESTABLISH_REQ, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION): + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_ACTIV, &st->l2.flag); + FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L1_DEACTIVATE, arg); + break; + default: + l2m_debug(&st->l2.l2m, "l2 unknown pr %04x", pr); + break; } } @@ -1708,45 +1708,45 @@ static void isdnl2_l3l2(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) { switch (pr) { - case (DL_DATA | REQUEST): - if (FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_DL_DATA, arg)) { - dev_kfree_skb((struct sk_buff *) arg); - } - break; - case (DL_UNIT_DATA | REQUEST): - if (FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_DL_UNIT_DATA, arg)) { - dev_kfree_skb((struct sk_buff *) arg); - } - break; - case (DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST): - if (test_bit(FLG_L1_ACTIV, &st->l2.flag)) { - if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &st->l2.flag) || - test_bit(FLG_ORIG, &st->l2.flag)) { - FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_DL_ESTABLISH_REQ, arg); - } - } else { - if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &st->l2.flag) || - test_bit(FLG_ORIG, &st->l2.flag)) { - test_and_set_bit(FLG_ESTAB_PEND, &st->l2.flag); - } - st->l2.l2l1(st, PH_ACTIVATE, NULL); + case (DL_DATA | REQUEST): + if (FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_DL_DATA, arg)) { + dev_kfree_skb((struct sk_buff *) arg); + } + break; + case (DL_UNIT_DATA | REQUEST): + if (FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_DL_UNIT_DATA, arg)) { + dev_kfree_skb((struct sk_buff *) arg); + } + break; + case (DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST): + if (test_bit(FLG_L1_ACTIV, &st->l2.flag)) { + if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &st->l2.flag) || + test_bit(FLG_ORIG, &st->l2.flag)) { + FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_DL_ESTABLISH_REQ, arg); } - break; - case (DL_RELEASE | REQUEST): - if (test_bit(FLG_LAPB, &st->l2.flag)) { - st->l2.l2l1(st, PH_DEACTIVATE, NULL); + } else { + if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &st->l2.flag) || + test_bit(FLG_ORIG, &st->l2.flag)) { + test_and_set_bit(FLG_ESTAB_PEND, &st->l2.flag); } - FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_DL_RELEASE_REQ, arg); - break; - case (MDL_ASSIGN | REQUEST): - FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_MDL_ASSIGN, arg); - break; - case (MDL_REMOVE | REQUEST): - FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_MDL_REMOVE, arg); - break; - case (MDL_ERROR | RESPONSE): - FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_MDL_ERROR, arg); - break; + st->l2.l2l1(st, PH_ACTIVATE, NULL); + } + break; + case (DL_RELEASE | REQUEST): + if (test_bit(FLG_LAPB, &st->l2.flag)) { + st->l2.l2l1(st, PH_DEACTIVATE, NULL); + } + FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_DL_RELEASE_REQ, arg); + break; + case (MDL_ASSIGN | REQUEST): + FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_MDL_ASSIGN, arg); + break; + case (MDL_REMOVE | REQUEST): + FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_MDL_REMOVE, arg); + break; + case (MDL_ERROR | RESPONSE): + FsmEvent(&st->l2.l2m, EV_L2_MDL_ERROR, arg); + break; } } @@ -1787,7 +1787,7 @@ setstack_isdnl2(struct PStack *st, char *debug_id) if (test_bit(FLG_LAPB, &st->l2.flag)) st->l2.l2m.state = ST_L2_4; else - st->l2.l2m.state = ST_L2_1; + st->l2.l2m.state = ST_L2_1; st->l2.l2m.debug = 0; st->l2.l2m.userdata = st; st->l2.l2m.userint = 0; @@ -1802,16 +1802,16 @@ static void transl2_l3l2(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) { switch (pr) { - case (DL_DATA | REQUEST): - case (DL_UNIT_DATA | REQUEST): - st->l2.l2l1(st, PH_DATA | REQUEST, arg); - break; - case (DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST): - st->l2.l2l1(st, PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST, NULL); - break; - case (DL_RELEASE | REQUEST): - st->l2.l2l1(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST, NULL); - break; + case (DL_DATA | REQUEST): + case (DL_UNIT_DATA | REQUEST): + st->l2.l2l1(st, PH_DATA | REQUEST, arg); + break; + case (DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST): + st->l2.l2l1(st, PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST, NULL); + break; + case (DL_RELEASE | REQUEST): + st->l2.l2l1(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST, NULL); + break; } } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl2.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl2.h index 0cdab1b73fac7c167039f4e9a8ddfab86e9adc2e..7e447fb8ed1deb36f7c0a5943da2c5040bc0a3c0 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl2.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl2.h @@ -23,4 +23,3 @@ #define RSP 1 #define LC_FLUSH_WAIT 1 - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl3.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl3.c index 1c24e4457b6fc628b2d1ceeb318c3e30f71aa832..45b03840f71691b4495fa6004f4e34c5a7e0d0ec 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl3.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl3.c @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ * Author Karsten Keil * based on the teles driver from Jan den Ouden * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ static struct Fsm l3fsm; enum { ST_L3_LC_REL, ST_L3_LC_ESTAB_WAIT, - ST_L3_LC_REL_DELAY, + ST_L3_LC_REL_DELAY, ST_L3_LC_REL_WAIT, ST_L3_LC_ESTAB, }; -#define L3_STATE_COUNT (ST_L3_LC_ESTAB+1) +#define L3_STATE_COUNT (ST_L3_LC_ESTAB + 1) static char *strL3State[] = { @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ enum { EV_TIMEOUT, }; -#define L3_EVENT_COUNT (EV_TIMEOUT+1) +#define L3_EVENT_COUNT (EV_TIMEOUT + 1) static char *strL3Event[] = { @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ static char *strL3Event[] = }; static __printf(2, 3) void -l3m_debug(struct FsmInst *fi, char *fmt, ...) + l3m_debug(struct FsmInst *fi, char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ l3m_debug(struct FsmInst *fi, char *fmt, ...) } u_char * -findie(u_char * p, int size, u_char ie, int wanted_set) +findie(u_char *p, int size, u_char ie, int wanted_set) { int l, codeset, maincodeset; u_char *pend = p + size; @@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ findie(u_char * p, int size, u_char ie, int wanted_set) else { if (codeset == wanted_set) { if (*p == ie) - { /* improved length check (Werner Cornelius) */ - if ((pend - p) < 2) - return(NULL); - if (*(p+1) > (pend - (p+2))) - return(NULL); - return (p); - } - + { /* improved length check (Werner Cornelius) */ + if ((pend - p) < 2) + return (NULL); + if (*(p + 1) > (pend - (p + 2))) + return (NULL); + return (p); + } + if (*p > ie) return (NULL); } @@ -123,16 +123,16 @@ findie(u_char * p, int size, u_char ie, int wanted_set) } int -getcallref(u_char * p) +getcallref(u_char *p) { int l, cr = 0; p++; /* prot discr */ if (*p & 0xfe) /* wrong callref BRI only 1 octet*/ - return(-2); + return (-2); l = 0xf & *p++; /* callref length */ if (!l) /* dummy CallRef */ - return(-1); + return (-1); cr = *p++; return (cr); } @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ void newl3state(struct l3_process *pc, int state) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_STATE) - l3_debug(pc->st, "newstate cr %d %d --> %d", + l3_debug(pc->st, "newstate cr %d %d --> %d", pc->callref & 0x7F, pc->state, state); pc->state = state; @@ -228,8 +228,8 @@ no_l3_proto(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) static int no_l3_proto_spec(struct PStack *st, isdn_ctrl *ic) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: no specific protocol handler for proto %lu\n",ic->arg & 0xFF); - return(-1); + printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: no specific protocol handler for proto %lu\n", ic->arg & 0xFF); + return (-1); } struct l3_process @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ release_l3_process(struct l3_process *p) if (pp) pp->next = np->next; else if (!(p->st->l3.proc = np->next) && - !test_bit(FLG_PTP, &p->st->l2.flag)) { + !test_bit(FLG_PTP, &p->st->l2.flag)) { if (p->debug) l3_debug(p->st, "release_l3_process: last process"); if (skb_queue_empty(&p->st->l3.squeue)) { @@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ release_l3_process(struct l3_process *p) if (p->debug) l3_debug(p->st, "release_l3_process: not release link"); } - } + } kfree(p); return; } @@ -340,42 +340,42 @@ setstack_l3dc(struct PStack *st, struct Channel *chanp) st->l3.l3m.userdata = st; st->l3.l3m.userint = 0; st->l3.l3m.printdebug = l3m_debug; - FsmInitTimer(&st->l3.l3m, &st->l3.l3m_timer); + FsmInitTimer(&st->l3.l3m, &st->l3.l3m_timer); strcpy(st->l3.debug_id, "L3DC "); st->lli.l4l3_proto = no_l3_proto_spec; -#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_EURO +#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_EURO if (st->protocol == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) { setstack_dss1(st); } else #endif -#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_NI1 - if (st->protocol == ISDN_PTYPE_NI1) { - setstack_ni1(st); - } else +#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_NI1 + if (st->protocol == ISDN_PTYPE_NI1) { + setstack_ni1(st); + } else #endif -#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_1TR6 - if (st->protocol == ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6) { - setstack_1tr6(st); - } else +#ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_1TR6 + if (st->protocol == ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6) { + setstack_1tr6(st); + } else #endif - if (st->protocol == ISDN_PTYPE_LEASED) { - st->lli.l4l3 = no_l3_proto; - st->l2.l2l3 = no_l3_proto; - st->l3.l3ml3 = no_l3_proto; - printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: Leased line mode\n"); - } else { - st->lli.l4l3 = no_l3_proto; - st->l2.l2l3 = no_l3_proto; - st->l3.l3ml3 = no_l3_proto; - sprintf(tmp, "protocol %s not supported", - (st->protocol == ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6) ? "1tr6" : - (st->protocol == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) ? "euro" : - (st->protocol == ISDN_PTYPE_NI1) ? "ni1" : - "unknown"); - printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: %s\n", tmp); - st->protocol = -1; - } + if (st->protocol == ISDN_PTYPE_LEASED) { + st->lli.l4l3 = no_l3_proto; + st->l2.l2l3 = no_l3_proto; + st->l3.l3ml3 = no_l3_proto; + printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: Leased line mode\n"); + } else { + st->lli.l4l3 = no_l3_proto; + st->l2.l2l3 = no_l3_proto; + st->l3.l3ml3 = no_l3_proto; + sprintf(tmp, "protocol %s not supported", + (st->protocol == ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6) ? "1tr6" : + (st->protocol == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) ? "euro" : + (st->protocol == ISDN_PTYPE_NI1) ? "ni1" : + "unknown"); + printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: %s\n", tmp); + st->protocol = -1; + } } static void @@ -469,22 +469,22 @@ lc_connected(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) static void lc_start_delay(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { - struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; + struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; - FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L3_LC_REL_DELAY); - FsmAddTimer(&st->l3.l3m_timer, DREL_TIMER_VALUE, EV_TIMEOUT, NULL, 50); + FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L3_LC_REL_DELAY); + FsmAddTimer(&st->l3.l3m_timer, DREL_TIMER_VALUE, EV_TIMEOUT, NULL, 50); } static void lc_start_delay_check(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) /* 20/09/00 - GE timer not user for NI-1 as layer 2 should stay up */ { - struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; + struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; - FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L3_LC_REL_DELAY); - /* 19/09/00 - GE timer not user for NI-1 */ - if (st->protocol != ISDN_PTYPE_NI1) - FsmAddTimer(&st->l3.l3m_timer, DREL_TIMER_VALUE, EV_TIMEOUT, NULL, 50); + FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L3_LC_REL_DELAY); + /* 19/09/00 - GE timer not user for NI-1 */ + if (st->protocol != ISDN_PTYPE_NI1) + FsmAddTimer(&st->l3.l3m_timer, DREL_TIMER_VALUE, EV_TIMEOUT, NULL, 50); } static void @@ -536,9 +536,9 @@ static struct FsmNode L3FnList[] __initdata = {ST_L3_LC_ESTAB_WAIT, EV_RELEASE_IND, lc_release_ind}, {ST_L3_LC_ESTAB, EV_RELEASE_IND, lc_release_ind}, {ST_L3_LC_ESTAB, EV_RELEASE_REQ, lc_start_delay_check}, - {ST_L3_LC_REL_DELAY, EV_RELEASE_IND, lc_release_ind}, - {ST_L3_LC_REL_DELAY, EV_ESTABLISH_REQ, lc_connected}, - {ST_L3_LC_REL_DELAY, EV_TIMEOUT, lc_release_req}, + {ST_L3_LC_REL_DELAY, EV_RELEASE_IND, lc_release_ind}, + {ST_L3_LC_REL_DELAY, EV_ESTABLISH_REQ, lc_connected}, + {ST_L3_LC_REL_DELAY, EV_TIMEOUT, lc_release_req}, {ST_L3_LC_REL_WAIT, EV_RELEASE_CNF, lc_release_cnf}, {ST_L3_LC_REL_WAIT, EV_ESTABLISH_REQ, lc_activate}, }; @@ -548,34 +548,34 @@ void l3_msg(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) { switch (pr) { - case (DL_DATA | REQUEST): - if (st->l3.l3m.state == ST_L3_LC_ESTAB) { - st->l3.l3l2(st, pr, arg); - } else { - struct sk_buff *skb = arg; - - skb_queue_tail(&st->l3.squeue, skb); - FsmEvent(&st->l3.l3m, EV_ESTABLISH_REQ, NULL); - } - break; - case (DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST): + case (DL_DATA | REQUEST): + if (st->l3.l3m.state == ST_L3_LC_ESTAB) { + st->l3.l3l2(st, pr, arg); + } else { + struct sk_buff *skb = arg; + + skb_queue_tail(&st->l3.squeue, skb); FsmEvent(&st->l3.l3m, EV_ESTABLISH_REQ, NULL); - break; - case (DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM): - FsmEvent(&st->l3.l3m, EV_ESTABLISH_CNF, NULL); - break; - case (DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION): - FsmEvent(&st->l3.l3m, EV_ESTABLISH_IND, NULL); - break; - case (DL_RELEASE | INDICATION): - FsmEvent(&st->l3.l3m, EV_RELEASE_IND, NULL); - break; - case (DL_RELEASE | CONFIRM): - FsmEvent(&st->l3.l3m, EV_RELEASE_CNF, NULL); - break; - case (DL_RELEASE | REQUEST): - FsmEvent(&st->l3.l3m, EV_RELEASE_REQ, NULL); - break; + } + break; + case (DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST): + FsmEvent(&st->l3.l3m, EV_ESTABLISH_REQ, NULL); + break; + case (DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM): + FsmEvent(&st->l3.l3m, EV_ESTABLISH_CNF, NULL); + break; + case (DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION): + FsmEvent(&st->l3.l3m, EV_ESTABLISH_IND, NULL); + break; + case (DL_RELEASE | INDICATION): + FsmEvent(&st->l3.l3m, EV_RELEASE_IND, NULL); + break; + case (DL_RELEASE | CONFIRM): + FsmEvent(&st->l3.l3m, EV_RELEASE_CNF, NULL); + break; + case (DL_RELEASE | REQUEST): + FsmEvent(&st->l3.l3m, EV_RELEASE_REQ, NULL); + break; } } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl3.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl3.h index 749498fe6c4b14db730a4a96e6d0883a618c5e56..0edc99d40dc27b45031f01fe7ad195b55882a8a0 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl3.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl3.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * */ -#define SBIT(state) (1< - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ static const char *ISurf_revision = "$Revision: $"; -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) #define ISURF_ISAR_RESET 1 @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ WriteISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) } static void -ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { register int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) @@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { register int i; - for (i = 0; i < size; i++){ - writeb(data[i], cs->hw.isurf.isac);mb(); + for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { + writeb(data[i], cs->hw.isurf.isac); mb(); } } @@ -67,17 +67,17 @@ WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) * mode = 1 access with IRQ off * mode = 2 access with IRQ off and using last offset */ - + static u_char ReadISAR(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mode, u_char offset) -{ - return(readb(cs->hw.isurf.isar + offset)); +{ + return (readb(cs->hw.isurf.isar + offset)); } static void WriteISAR(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mode, u_char offset, u_char value) { - writeb(value, cs->hw.isurf.isar + offset);mb(); + writeb(value, cs->hw.isurf.isar + offset); mb(); } static irqreturn_t @@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ isurf_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); val = readb(cs->hw.isurf.isar + ISAR_IRQBIT); - Start_ISAR: +Start_ISAR: if (val & ISAR_IRQSTA) isar_int_main(cs); val = readb(cs->hw.isurf.isac + ISAC_ISTA); - Start_ISAC: +Start_ISAC: if (val) isac_interrupt(cs, val); val = readb(cs->hw.isurf.isar + ISAR_IRQBIT); @@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ isurf_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) printk(KERN_WARNING "ISurf IRQ LOOP\n"); writeb(0, cs->hw.isurf.isar + ISAR_IRQBIT); mb(); - writeb(0xFF, cs->hw.isurf.isac + ISAC_MASK);mb(); - writeb(0, cs->hw.isurf.isac + ISAC_MASK);mb(); + writeb(0xFF, cs->hw.isurf.isac + ISAC_MASK); mb(); + writeb(0, cs->hw.isurf.isac + ISAC_MASK); mb(); writeb(ISAR_IRQMSK, cs->hw.isurf.isar + ISAR_IRQBIT); mb(); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); return IRQ_HANDLED; @@ -145,31 +145,31 @@ ISurf_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_isurf(cs, ISURF_RESET); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_isurf(cs); - return(0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_isurf(cs, ISURF_RESET); - clear_pending_isac_ints(cs); - writeb(0, cs->hw.isurf.isar+ISAR_IRQBIT);mb(); - initisac(cs); - initisar(cs); - /* Reenable ISAC IRQ */ - cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MASK, 0); - /* RESET Receiver and Transmitter */ - cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_CMDR, 0x41); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_TEST: - return(0); + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_isurf(cs, ISURF_RESET); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_isurf(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_isurf(cs, ISURF_RESET); + clear_pending_isac_ints(cs); + writeb(0, cs->hw.isurf.isar + ISAR_IRQBIT); mb(); + initisac(cs); + initisar(cs); + /* Reenable ISAC IRQ */ + cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MASK, 0); + /* RESET Receiver and Transmitter */ + cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_CMDR, 0x41); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } - return(0); + return (0); } static int @@ -182,15 +182,15 @@ isurf_auxcmd(struct IsdnCardState *cs, isdn_ctrl *ic) { spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); if (!ret) { reset_isurf(cs, ISURF_ISAR_EA | ISURF_ISAC_RESET | - ISURF_ARCOFI_RESET); + ISURF_ARCOFI_RESET); initisac(cs); cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MASK, 0); cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_CMDR, 0x41); } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(ret); + return (ret); } - return(isar_auxcmd(cs, ic)); + return (isar_auxcmd(cs, ic)); } #ifdef __ISAPNP__ @@ -206,9 +206,9 @@ setup_isurf(struct IsdnCard *card) strcpy(tmp, ISurf_revision); printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: ISurf driver Rev. %s\n", HiSax_getrev(tmp)); - - if (cs->typ != ISDN_CTYPE_ISURF) - return(0); + + if (cs->typ != ISDN_CTYPE_ISURF) + return (0); if (card->para[1] && card->para[2]) { cs->hw.isurf.reset = card->para[1]; cs->hw.isurf.phymem = card->para[2]; @@ -221,11 +221,11 @@ setup_isurf(struct IsdnCard *card) cs->subtyp = 0; if ((pnp_c = pnp_find_card( - ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'I', 'E'), - ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0010), pnp_c))) { + ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'I', 'E'), + ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0010), pnp_c))) { if (!(pnp_d = pnp_find_dev(pnp_c, - ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'I', 'E'), - ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0010), pnp_d))) { + ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'I', 'E'), + ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0010), pnp_d))) { printk(KERN_ERR "ISurfPnP: PnP error card found, no device\n"); return (0); } @@ -236,17 +236,17 @@ setup_isurf(struct IsdnCard *card) cs->irq = pnp_irq(pnp_d, 0); if (!cs->irq || !cs->hw.isurf.reset || !cs->hw.isurf.phymem) { printk(KERN_ERR "ISurfPnP:some resources are missing %d/%x/%lx\n", - cs->irq, cs->hw.isurf.reset, cs->hw.isurf.phymem); + cs->irq, cs->hw.isurf.reset, cs->hw.isurf.phymem); pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); - return(0); + return (0); } } else { printk(KERN_INFO "ISurfPnP: no ISAPnP card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } } else { printk(KERN_INFO "ISurfPnP: no ISAPnP bus found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } #else printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: Siemens I-Surf port/mem not set\n"); @@ -255,15 +255,15 @@ setup_isurf(struct IsdnCard *card) } if (!request_region(cs->hw.isurf.reset, 1, "isurf isdn")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: Siemens I-Surf config port %x already in use\n", - cs->hw.isurf.reset); - return (0); + "HiSax: Siemens I-Surf config port %x already in use\n", + cs->hw.isurf.reset); + return (0); } if (!request_region(cs->hw.isurf.phymem, ISURF_IOMEM_SIZE, "isurf iomem")) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: Siemens I-Surf memory region " - "%lx-%lx already in use\n", - cs->hw.isurf.phymem, - cs->hw.isurf.phymem + ISURF_IOMEM_SIZE); + "%lx-%lx already in use\n", + cs->hw.isurf.phymem, + cs->hw.isurf.phymem + ISURF_IOMEM_SIZE); release_region(cs->hw.isurf.reset, 1); return (0); } @@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ setup_isurf(struct IsdnCard *card) ver = ISARVersion(cs, "ISurf:"); if (ver < 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "ISurf: wrong ISAR version (ret = %d)\n", ver); + "ISurf: wrong ISAR version (ret = %d)\n", ver); release_io_isurf(cs); return (0); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/ix1_micro.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/ix1_micro.c index a92bf0d2cab2e6821f940c54221f99223b448d39..5f299f82b801a3554f55f659b1e455014d3ccc70 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/ix1_micro.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/ix1_micro.c @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ * Copyright by Klaus-Peter Nischke, ITK AG * * by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ static const char *ix1_revision = "$Revision: $"; -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) #define SPECIAL_PORT_OFFSET 3 @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ readreg(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off) } static inline void -readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char * data, int size) +readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size) { byteout(ale, off); insb(adr, data, size); @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ writereg(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char data) } static inline void -writefifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char * data, int size) +writefifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size) { byteout(ale, off); outsb(adr, data, size); @@ -85,13 +85,13 @@ WriteISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) } static void -ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { readfifo(cs->hw.ix1.isac_ale, cs->hw.ix1.isac, 0, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { writefifo(cs->hw.ix1.isac_ale, cs->hw.ix1.isac, 0, data, size); } @@ -110,16 +110,16 @@ WriteHSCX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char offset, u_char value) cs->hw.ix1.hscx, offset + (hscx ? 0x40 : 0), value); } -#define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.ix1.hscx_ale, \ - cs->hw.ix1.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0)) -#define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.ix1.hscx_ale, \ - cs->hw.ix1.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0), data) +#define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.ix1.hscx_ale, \ + cs->hw.ix1.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0)) +#define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.ix1.hscx_ale, \ + cs->hw.ix1.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0), data) -#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.ix1.hscx_ale, \ - cs->hw.ix1.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) +#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.ix1.hscx_ale, \ + cs->hw.ix1.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) -#define WRITEHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) writefifo(cs->hw.ix1.hscx_ale, \ - cs->hw.ix1.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) +#define WRITEHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) writefifo(cs->hw.ix1.hscx_ale, \ + cs->hw.ix1.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) #include "hscx_irq.c" @@ -132,11 +132,11 @@ ix1micro_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); val = readreg(cs->hw.ix1.hscx_ale, cs->hw.ix1.hscx, HSCX_ISTA + 0x40); - Start_HSCX: +Start_HSCX: if (val) hscx_int_main(cs, val); val = readreg(cs->hw.ix1.isac_ale, cs->hw.ix1.isac, ISAC_ISTA); - Start_ISAC: +Start_ISAC: if (val) isac_interrupt(cs, val); val = readreg(cs->hw.ix1.hscx_ale, cs->hw.ix1.hscx, HSCX_ISTA + 0x40); @@ -188,33 +188,33 @@ ix1_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - ix1_reset(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_ix1micro(cs); - return(0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - ix1_reset(cs); - inithscxisac(cs, 3); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_TEST: - return(0); + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + ix1_reset(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_ix1micro(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + ix1_reset(cs); + inithscxisac(cs, 3); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } - return(0); + return (0); } #ifdef __ISAPNP__ static struct isapnp_device_id itk_ids[] __devinitdata = { { ISAPNP_VENDOR('I', 'T', 'K'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x25), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('I', 'T', 'K'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x25), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('I', 'T', 'K'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x25), (unsigned long) "ITK micro 2" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('I', 'T', 'K'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x29), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('I', 'T', 'K'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x29), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('I', 'T', 'K'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x29), (unsigned long) "ITK micro 2." }, { 0, } }; @@ -238,30 +238,30 @@ setup_ix1micro(struct IsdnCard *card) #ifdef __ISAPNP__ if (!card->para[1] && isapnp_present()) { struct pnp_dev *pnp_d; - while(ipid->card_vendor) { + while (ipid->card_vendor) { if ((pnp_c = pnp_find_card(ipid->card_vendor, - ipid->card_device, pnp_c))) { + ipid->card_device, pnp_c))) { pnp_d = NULL; if ((pnp_d = pnp_find_dev(pnp_c, - ipid->vendor, ipid->function, pnp_d))) { + ipid->vendor, ipid->function, pnp_d))) { int err; printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: %s detected\n", - (char *)ipid->driver_data); + (char *)ipid->driver_data); pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); err = pnp_activate_dev(pnp_d); - if (err<0) { + if (err < 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: pnp_activate_dev ret(%d)\n", - __func__, err); - return(0); + __func__, err); + return (0); } card->para[1] = pnp_port_start(pnp_d, 0); card->para[0] = pnp_irq(pnp_d, 0); if (!card->para[0] || !card->para[1]) { printk(KERN_ERR "ITK PnP:some resources are missing %ld/%lx\n", - card->para[0], card->para[1]); + card->para[0], card->para[1]); pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); - return(0); + return (0); } break; } else { @@ -270,10 +270,10 @@ setup_ix1micro(struct IsdnCard *card) } ipid++; pnp_c = NULL; - } + } if (!ipid->card_vendor) { printk(KERN_INFO "ITK PnP: no ISAPnP card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } } #endif @@ -287,15 +287,15 @@ setup_ix1micro(struct IsdnCard *card) if (cs->hw.ix1.cfg_reg) { if (!request_region(cs->hw.ix1.cfg_reg, 4, "ix1micro cfg")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: ITK ix1-micro Rev.2 config port " - "%x-%x already in use\n", + "HiSax: ITK ix1-micro Rev.2 config port " + "%x-%x already in use\n", cs->hw.ix1.cfg_reg, cs->hw.ix1.cfg_reg + 4); return (0); } } printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: ITK ix1-micro Rev.2 config irq:%d io:0x%X\n", - cs->irq, cs->hw.ix1.cfg_reg); + cs->irq, cs->hw.ix1.cfg_reg); setup_isac(cs); cs->readisac = &ReadISAC; cs->writeisac = &WriteISAC; @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ setup_ix1micro(struct IsdnCard *card) ISACVersion(cs, "ix1-Micro:"); if (HscxVersion(cs, "ix1-Micro:")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "ix1-Micro: wrong HSCX versions check IO address\n"); + "ix1-Micro: wrong HSCX versions check IO address\n"); release_io_ix1micro(cs); return (0); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/jade.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/jade.c index a06cea09158b06e141e050707c6824c9ee01201d..f946c58d8ab17d86fc8d0242dc25ecc7cbafdb82 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/jade.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/jade.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Roland Klabunde * Copyright by Roland Klabunde - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -23,53 +23,53 @@ int JadeVersion(struct IsdnCardState *cs, char *s) { - int ver; - int to = 50; - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, -1, 0x50, 0x19); - while (to) { - udelay(1); + int ver; + int to = 50; + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, -1, 0x50, 0x19); + while (to) { + udelay(1); + ver = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, -1, 0x60); + to--; + if (ver) + break; + if (!to) { + printk(KERN_INFO "%s JADE version not obtainable\n", s); + return (0); + } + } + /* Wait for the JADE */ + udelay(10); + /* Read version */ ver = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, -1, 0x60); - to--; - if (ver) - break; - if (!to) { - printk(KERN_INFO "%s JADE version not obtainable\n", s); - return (0); - } - } - /* Wait for the JADE */ - udelay(10); - /* Read version */ - ver = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, -1, 0x60); - printk(KERN_INFO "%s JADE version: %d\n", s, ver); - return (1); + printk(KERN_INFO "%s JADE version: %d\n", s, ver); + return (1); } /* Write to indirect accessible jade register set */ static void jade_write_indirect(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char reg, u_char value) { - int to = 50; - u_char ret; + int to = 50; + u_char ret; - /* Write the data */ - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, -1, COMM_JADE+1, value); - /* Say JADE we wanna write indirect reg 'reg' */ - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, -1, COMM_JADE, reg); - to = 50; - /* Wait for RDY goes high */ - while (to) { - udelay(1); - ret = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, -1, COMM_JADE); - to--; - if (ret & 1) - /* Got acknowledge */ - break; - if (!to) { - printk(KERN_INFO "Can not see ready bit from JADE DSP (reg=0x%X, value=0x%X)\n", reg, value); - return; + /* Write the data */ + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, -1, COMM_JADE + 1, value); + /* Say JADE we wanna write indirect reg 'reg' */ + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, -1, COMM_JADE, reg); + to = 50; + /* Wait for RDY goes high */ + while (to) { + udelay(1); + ret = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, -1, COMM_JADE); + to--; + if (ret & 1) + /* Got acknowledge */ + break; + if (!to) { + printk(KERN_INFO "Can not see ready bit from JADE DSP (reg=0x%X, value=0x%X)\n", reg, value); + return; + } } - } } @@ -77,67 +77,67 @@ jade_write_indirect(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char reg, u_char value) static void modejade(struct BCState *bcs, int mode, int bc) { - struct IsdnCardState *cs = bcs->cs; - int jade = bcs->hw.hscx.hscx; + struct IsdnCardState *cs = bcs->cs; + int jade = bcs->hw.hscx.hscx; - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) { - char tmp[40]; - sprintf(tmp, "jade %c mode %d ichan %d", - 'A' + jade, mode, bc); - debugl1(cs, tmp); - } - bcs->mode = mode; - bcs->channel = bc; - - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_MODE, (mode == L1_MODE_TRANS ? jadeMODE_TMO:0x00)); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_CCR0, (jadeCCR0_PU|jadeCCR0_ITF)); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_CCR1, 0x00); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) { + char tmp[40]; + sprintf(tmp, "jade %c mode %d ichan %d", + 'A' + jade, mode, bc); + debugl1(cs, tmp); + } + bcs->mode = mode; + bcs->channel = bc; - jade_write_indirect(cs, jade_HDLC1SERRXPATH, 0x08); - jade_write_indirect(cs, jade_HDLC2SERRXPATH, 0x08); - jade_write_indirect(cs, jade_HDLC1SERTXPATH, 0x00); - jade_write_indirect(cs, jade_HDLC2SERTXPATH, 0x00); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_MODE, (mode == L1_MODE_TRANS ? jadeMODE_TMO : 0x00)); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_CCR0, (jadeCCR0_PU | jadeCCR0_ITF)); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_CCR1, 0x00); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_XCCR, 0x07); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_RCCR, 0x07); + jade_write_indirect(cs, jade_HDLC1SERRXPATH, 0x08); + jade_write_indirect(cs, jade_HDLC2SERRXPATH, 0x08); + jade_write_indirect(cs, jade_HDLC1SERTXPATH, 0x00); + jade_write_indirect(cs, jade_HDLC2SERTXPATH, 0x00); - if (bc == 0) { - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_TSAX, 0x00); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_TSAR, 0x00); - } else { - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_TSAX, 0x04); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_TSAR, 0x04); - } - switch (mode) { + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_XCCR, 0x07); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_RCCR, 0x07); + + if (bc == 0) { + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_TSAX, 0x00); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_TSAR, 0x00); + } else { + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_TSAX, 0x04); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_TSAR, 0x04); + } + switch (mode) { case (L1_MODE_NULL): cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_MODE, jadeMODE_TMO); break; case (L1_MODE_TRANS): - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_MODE, (jadeMODE_TMO|jadeMODE_RAC|jadeMODE_XAC)); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_MODE, (jadeMODE_TMO | jadeMODE_RAC | jadeMODE_XAC)); break; case (L1_MODE_HDLC): - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_MODE, (jadeMODE_RAC|jadeMODE_XAC)); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_MODE, (jadeMODE_RAC | jadeMODE_XAC)); break; - } - if (mode) { - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_RCMD, (jadeRCMD_RRES|jadeRCMD_RMC)); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_XCMD, jadeXCMD_XRES); - /* Unmask ints */ - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_IMR, 0xF8); - } - else - /* Mask ints */ - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_IMR, 0x00); + } + if (mode) { + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_RCMD, (jadeRCMD_RRES | jadeRCMD_RMC)); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_XCMD, jadeXCMD_XRES); + /* Unmask ints */ + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_IMR, 0xF8); + } + else + /* Mask ints */ + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_IMR, 0x00); } static void jade_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) { - struct BCState *bcs = st->l1.bcs; - struct sk_buff *skb = arg; - u_long flags; + struct BCState *bcs = st->l1.bcs; + struct sk_buff *skb = arg; + u_long flags; - switch (pr) { + switch (pr) { case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); if (bcs->tx_skb) { @@ -164,10 +164,10 @@ jade_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) break; case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): if (!bcs->tx_skb) { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); } else - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); break; case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); @@ -187,26 +187,26 @@ jade_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); break; - } + } } static void close_jadestate(struct BCState *bcs) { - modejade(bcs, 0, bcs->channel); - if (test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag)) { - kfree(bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf); - bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf = NULL; - kfree(bcs->blog); - bcs->blog = NULL; - skb_queue_purge(&bcs->rqueue); - skb_queue_purge(&bcs->squeue); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - dev_kfree_skb_any(bcs->tx_skb); - bcs->tx_skb = NULL; - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + modejade(bcs, 0, bcs->channel); + if (test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag)) { + kfree(bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf); + bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf = NULL; + kfree(bcs->blog); + bcs->blog = NULL; + skb_queue_purge(&bcs->rqueue); + skb_queue_purge(&bcs->squeue); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + dev_kfree_skb_any(bcs->tx_skb); + bcs->tx_skb = NULL; + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + } } - } } static int @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ open_jadestate(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct BCState *bcs) } if (!(bcs->blog = kmalloc(MAX_BLOG_SPACE, GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: No memory for bcs->blog\n"); + "HiSax: No memory for bcs->blog\n"); test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag); kfree(bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf); bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf = NULL; @@ -303,12 +303,11 @@ initjade(struct IsdnCardState *cs) cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 0, jade_HDLC_IMR, 0x00); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, jade_HDLC_IMR, 0x00); /* Setup host access to hdlc controller */ - jade_write_indirect(cs, jade_HDLCCNTRACCESS, (jadeINDIRECT_HAH1|jadeINDIRECT_HAH2)); + jade_write_indirect(cs, jade_HDLCCNTRACCESS, (jadeINDIRECT_HAH1 | jadeINDIRECT_HAH2)); /* Unmask HDLC int (don't forget DSP int later on)*/ - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, -1,jade_INT, (jadeINT_HDLC1|jadeINT_HDLC2)); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, -1, jade_INT, (jadeINT_HDLC1 | jadeINT_HDLC2)); - /* once again TRANSPARENT */ + /* once again TRANSPARENT */ modejade(cs->bcs, 0, 0); modejade(cs->bcs + 1, 0, 0); } - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/jade.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/jade.h index 29055e1ee38169889731c5097f2fd464c217c9f6..4b98096a585826aea7f97cf51231ebf95c638871 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/jade.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/jade.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Roland Klabunde * Copyright by Roland Klabunde - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -16,111 +16,111 @@ /* Special registers for access to indirect accessible JADE regs */ #define DIRECT_IO_JADE 0x0000 /* Jade direct io access area */ -#define COMM_JADE 0x0040 /* Jade communication area */ +#define COMM_JADE 0x0040 /* Jade communication area */ /********************************************************************/ -/* JADE-HDLC registers */ +/* JADE-HDLC registers */ /********************************************************************/ -#define jade_HDLC_RFIFO 0x00 /* R */ -#define jade_HDLC_XFIFO 0x00 /* W */ - -#define jade_HDLC_STAR 0x20 /* R */ - #define jadeSTAR_XDOV 0x80 - #define jadeSTAR_XFW 0x40 /* Does not work*/ - #define jadeSTAR_XCEC 0x20 - #define jadeSTAR_RCEC 0x10 - #define jadeSTAR_BSY 0x08 - #define jadeSTAR_RNA 0x04 - #define jadeSTAR_STR 0x02 - #define jadeSTAR_STX 0x01 - -#define jade_HDLC_XCMD 0x20 /* W */ - #define jadeXCMD_XF 0x80 - #define jadeXCMD_XME 0x40 - #define jadeXCMD_XRES 0x20 - #define jadeXCMD_STX 0x01 - -#define jade_HDLC_RSTA 0x21 /* R */ - #define jadeRSTA_VFR 0x80 - #define jadeRSTA_RDO 0x40 - #define jadeRSTA_CRC 0x20 - #define jadeRSTA_RAB 0x10 - #define jadeRSTA_MASK 0xF0 +#define jade_HDLC_RFIFO 0x00 /* R */ +#define jade_HDLC_XFIFO 0x00 /* W */ + +#define jade_HDLC_STAR 0x20 /* R */ +#define jadeSTAR_XDOV 0x80 +#define jadeSTAR_XFW 0x40 /* Does not work*/ +#define jadeSTAR_XCEC 0x20 +#define jadeSTAR_RCEC 0x10 +#define jadeSTAR_BSY 0x08 +#define jadeSTAR_RNA 0x04 +#define jadeSTAR_STR 0x02 +#define jadeSTAR_STX 0x01 + +#define jade_HDLC_XCMD 0x20 /* W */ +#define jadeXCMD_XF 0x80 +#define jadeXCMD_XME 0x40 +#define jadeXCMD_XRES 0x20 +#define jadeXCMD_STX 0x01 + +#define jade_HDLC_RSTA 0x21 /* R */ +#define jadeRSTA_VFR 0x80 +#define jadeRSTA_RDO 0x40 +#define jadeRSTA_CRC 0x20 +#define jadeRSTA_RAB 0x10 +#define jadeRSTA_MASK 0xF0 #define jade_HDLC_MODE 0x22 /* RW*/ - #define jadeMODE_TMO 0x80 - #define jadeMODE_RAC 0x40 - #define jadeMODE_XAC 0x20 - #define jadeMODE_TLP 0x10 - #define jadeMODE_ERFS 0x02 - #define jadeMODE_ETFS 0x01 +#define jadeMODE_TMO 0x80 +#define jadeMODE_RAC 0x40 +#define jadeMODE_XAC 0x20 +#define jadeMODE_TLP 0x10 +#define jadeMODE_ERFS 0x02 +#define jadeMODE_ETFS 0x01 #define jade_HDLC_RBCH 0x24 /* R */ -#define jade_HDLC_RBCL 0x25 /* R */ -#define jade_HDLC_RCMD 0x25 /* W */ - #define jadeRCMD_RMC 0x80 - #define jadeRCMD_RRES 0x40 - #define jadeRCMD_RMD 0x20 - #define jadeRCMD_STR 0x02 +#define jade_HDLC_RBCL 0x25 /* R */ +#define jade_HDLC_RCMD 0x25 /* W */ +#define jadeRCMD_RMC 0x80 +#define jadeRCMD_RRES 0x40 +#define jadeRCMD_RMD 0x20 +#define jadeRCMD_STR 0x02 #define jade_HDLC_CCR0 0x26 /* RW*/ - #define jadeCCR0_PU 0x80 - #define jadeCCR0_ITF 0x40 - #define jadeCCR0_C32 0x20 - #define jadeCCR0_CRL 0x10 - #define jadeCCR0_RCRC 0x08 - #define jadeCCR0_XCRC 0x04 - #define jadeCCR0_RMSB 0x02 - #define jadeCCR0_XMSB 0x01 +#define jadeCCR0_PU 0x80 +#define jadeCCR0_ITF 0x40 +#define jadeCCR0_C32 0x20 +#define jadeCCR0_CRL 0x10 +#define jadeCCR0_RCRC 0x08 +#define jadeCCR0_XCRC 0x04 +#define jadeCCR0_RMSB 0x02 +#define jadeCCR0_XMSB 0x01 #define jade_HDLC_CCR1 0x27 /* RW*/ - #define jadeCCR1_RCS0 0x80 - #define jadeCCR1_RCONT 0x40 - #define jadeCCR1_RFDIS 0x20 - #define jadeCCR1_XCS0 0x10 - #define jadeCCR1_XCONT 0x08 - #define jadeCCR1_XFDIS 0x04 +#define jadeCCR1_RCS0 0x80 +#define jadeCCR1_RCONT 0x40 +#define jadeCCR1_RFDIS 0x20 +#define jadeCCR1_XCS0 0x10 +#define jadeCCR1_XCONT 0x08 +#define jadeCCR1_XFDIS 0x04 #define jade_HDLC_TSAR 0x28 /* RW*/ #define jade_HDLC_TSAX 0x29 /* RW*/ #define jade_HDLC_RCCR 0x2A /* RW*/ #define jade_HDLC_XCCR 0x2B /* RW*/ -#define jade_HDLC_ISR 0x2C /* R */ -#define jade_HDLC_IMR 0x2C /* W */ - #define jadeISR_RME 0x80 - #define jadeISR_RPF 0x40 - #define jadeISR_RFO 0x20 - #define jadeISR_XPR 0x10 - #define jadeISR_XDU 0x08 - #define jadeISR_ALLS 0x04 - -#define jade_INT 0x75 - #define jadeINT_HDLC1 0x02 - #define jadeINT_HDLC2 0x01 - #define jadeINT_DSP 0x04 -#define jade_INTR 0x70 +#define jade_HDLC_ISR 0x2C /* R */ +#define jade_HDLC_IMR 0x2C /* W */ +#define jadeISR_RME 0x80 +#define jadeISR_RPF 0x40 +#define jadeISR_RFO 0x20 +#define jadeISR_XPR 0x10 +#define jadeISR_XDU 0x08 +#define jadeISR_ALLS 0x04 + +#define jade_INT 0x75 +#define jadeINT_HDLC1 0x02 +#define jadeINT_HDLC2 0x01 +#define jadeINT_DSP 0x04 +#define jade_INTR 0x70 /********************************************************************/ -/* Indirect accessible JADE registers of common interest */ +/* Indirect accessible JADE registers of common interest */ /********************************************************************/ #define jade_CHIPVERSIONNR 0x00 /* Does not work*/ -#define jade_HDLCCNTRACCESS 0x10 - #define jadeINDIRECT_HAH1 0x02 - #define jadeINDIRECT_HAH2 0x01 +#define jade_HDLCCNTRACCESS 0x10 +#define jadeINDIRECT_HAH1 0x02 +#define jadeINDIRECT_HAH2 0x01 #define jade_HDLC1SERRXPATH 0x1D #define jade_HDLC1SERTXPATH 0x1E #define jade_HDLC2SERRXPATH 0x1F #define jade_HDLC2SERTXPATH 0x20 - #define jadeINDIRECT_SLIN1 0x10 - #define jadeINDIRECT_SLIN0 0x08 - #define jadeINDIRECT_LMOD1 0x04 - #define jadeINDIRECT_LMOD0 0x02 - #define jadeINDIRECT_HHR 0x01 - #define jadeINDIRECT_HHX 0x01 +#define jadeINDIRECT_SLIN1 0x10 +#define jadeINDIRECT_SLIN0 0x08 +#define jadeINDIRECT_LMOD1 0x04 +#define jadeINDIRECT_LMOD0 0x02 +#define jadeINDIRECT_HHR 0x01 +#define jadeINDIRECT_HHX 0x01 #define jade_RXAUDIOCH1CFG 0x11 #define jade_RXAUDIOCH2CFG 0x14 diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/jade_irq.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/jade_irq.c index 1f201af15a0fd781575060409165ba328f562598..f521fc83dc766d389c7dc650e9fa1a584024b983 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/jade_irq.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/jade_irq.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Roland Klabunde * Copyright by Roland Klabunde - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -13,21 +13,21 @@ static inline void waitforCEC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int jade, int reg) { - int to = 50; - int mask = (reg == jade_HDLC_XCMD ? jadeSTAR_XCEC : jadeSTAR_RCEC); - while ((READJADE(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_STAR) & mask) && to) { - udelay(1); - to--; - } - if (!to) - printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: waitforCEC (jade) timeout\n"); + int to = 50; + int mask = (reg == jade_HDLC_XCMD ? jadeSTAR_XCEC : jadeSTAR_RCEC); + while ((READJADE(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_STAR) & mask) && to) { + udelay(1); + to--; + } + if (!to) + printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: waitforCEC (jade) timeout\n"); } static inline void waitforXFW(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int jade) { - /* Does not work on older jade versions, don't care */ + /* Does not work on older jade versions, don't care */ } static inline void @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ jade_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) bcs->tx_cnt -= count; bcs->hw.hscx.count += count; WRITEJADEFIFO(cs, bcs->hw.hscx.hscx, ptr, count); - WriteJADECMDR(cs, bcs->hw.hscx.hscx, jade_HDLC_XCMD, more ? jadeXCMD_XF : (jadeXCMD_XF|jadeXCMD_XME)); + WriteJADECMDR(cs, bcs->hw.hscx.hscx, jade_HDLC_XCMD, more ? jadeXCMD_XF : (jadeXCMD_XF | jadeXCMD_XME)); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO) { char *t = bcs->blog; @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ jade_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val, u_char jade) int fifo_size = 32; int count; int i_jade = (int) jade; /* To satisfy the compiler */ - + if (!test_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag)) return; @@ -128,13 +128,13 @@ jade_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val, u_char jade) if ((r & 0xf0) != 0xa0) { if (!(r & 0x80)) if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "JADE %s invalid frame", (jade ? "B":"A")); + debugl1(cs, "JADE %s invalid frame", (jade ? "B" : "A")); if ((r & 0x40) && bcs->mode) if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "JADE %c RDO mode=%d", 'A'+jade, bcs->mode); + debugl1(cs, "JADE %c RDO mode=%d", 'A' + jade, bcs->mode); if (!(r & 0x20)) if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "JADE %c CRC error", 'A'+jade); + debugl1(cs, "JADE %c CRC error", 'A' + jade); WriteJADECMDR(cs, jade, jade_HDLC_RCMD, jadeRCMD_RMC); } else { count = READJADE(cs, i_jade, jade_HDLC_RBCL) & 0x1F; @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ jade_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val, u_char jade) if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO) debugl1(cs, "HX Frame %d", count); if (!(skb = dev_alloc_skb(count))) - printk(KERN_WARNING "JADE %s receive out of memory\n", (jade ? "B":"A")); + printk(KERN_WARNING "JADE %s receive out of memory\n", (jade ? "B" : "A")); else { memcpy(skb_put(skb, count), bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf, count); skb_queue_tail(&bcs->rqueue, skb); @@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ jade_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val, u_char jade) jade_fill_fifo(bcs); return; } else { - if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP,&bcs->st->lli.flag) && - (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { + if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &bcs->st->lli.flag) && + (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { u_long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->aclock, flags); bcs->ackcnt += bcs->hw.hscx.count; @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ jade_int_main(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val, int jade) { struct BCState *bcs; bcs = cs->bcs + jade; - + if (val & jadeISR_RFO) { /* handled with RDO */ val &= ~jadeISR_RFO; @@ -216,21 +216,21 @@ jade_int_main(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char val, int jade) jade_fill_fifo(bcs); else { /* Here we lost an TX interrupt, so - * restart transmitting the whole frame. + * restart transmitting the whole frame. */ if (bcs->tx_skb) { - skb_push(bcs->tx_skb, bcs->hw.hscx.count); + skb_push(bcs->tx_skb, bcs->hw.hscx.count); bcs->tx_cnt += bcs->hw.hscx.count; bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0; } WriteJADECMDR(cs, bcs->hw.hscx.hscx, jade_HDLC_XCMD, jadeXCMD_XRES); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "JADE %c EXIR %x Lost TX", 'A'+jade, val); + debugl1(cs, "JADE %c EXIR %x Lost TX", 'A' + jade, val); } } - if (val & (jadeISR_RME|jadeISR_RPF|jadeISR_XPR)) { + if (val & (jadeISR_RME | jadeISR_RPF | jadeISR_XPR)) { if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "JADE %c interrupt %x", 'A'+jade, val); + debugl1(cs, "JADE %c interrupt %x", 'A' + jade, val); jade_interrupt(cs, val, jade); } } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3_1tr6.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3_1tr6.c index ee4dae1382e0958ca831c2fb738953ab0a775fe3..4c1bca5caa1d0075353cc0451922b8624dd111cb 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3_1tr6.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3_1tr6.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ extern char *HiSax_getrev(const char *revision); static const char *l3_1tr6_revision = "$Revision: $"; -#define MsgHead(ptr, cref, mty, dis) \ - *ptr++ = dis; \ - *ptr++ = 0x1; \ - *ptr++ = cref ^ 0x80; \ +#define MsgHead(ptr, cref, mty, dis) \ + *ptr++ = dis; \ + *ptr++ = 0x1; \ + *ptr++ = cref ^ 0x80; \ *ptr++ = mty static void @@ -83,23 +83,23 @@ l3_1tr6_setup_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) pc->para.spv = 0; if (!isdigit(*teln)) { switch (0x5f & *teln) { - case 'S': - pc->para.spv = 1; - break; - case 'C': - channel = 0x08; - case 'P': - channel |= 0x80; - teln++; - if (*teln == '1') - channel |= 0x01; - else - channel |= 0x02; - break; - default: - if (pc->st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_WARN) - l3_debug(pc->st, "Wrong MSN Code"); - break; + case 'S': + pc->para.spv = 1; + break; + case 'C': + channel = 0x08; + case 'P': + channel |= 0x80; + teln++; + if (*teln == '1') + channel |= 0x01; + else + channel |= 0x02; + break; + default: + if (pc->st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_WARN) + l3_debug(pc->st, "Wrong MSN Code"); + break; } teln++; } @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ l3_1tr6_setup(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) return; } if ((pc->para.bchannel = p[2] & 0x3)) - bcfound++; + bcfound++; } else { l3_1tr6_error(pc, "missing setup chanID", skb); return; @@ -525,15 +525,15 @@ l3_1tr6_disconnect_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) cause = pc->para.cause; /* Map DSS1 causes */ switch (cause & 0x7f) { - case 0x10: - clen = 0; - break; - case 0x11: - cause = CAUSE_UserBusy; - break; - case 0x15: - cause = CAUSE_CallRejected; - break; + case 0x10: + clen = 0; + break; + case 0x11: + cause = CAUSE_UserBusy; + break; + case 0x15: + cause = CAUSE_CallRejected; + break; } StopAllL3Timer(pc); MsgHead(p, pc->callref, MT_N1_DISC, PROTO_DIS_N1); @@ -588,12 +588,12 @@ l3_1tr6_t305(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) cause = pc->para.cause; /* Map DSS1 causes */ switch (cause & 0x7f) { - case 0x10: - clen = 0; - break; - case 0x15: - cause = CAUSE_CallRejected; - break; + case 0x10: + clen = 0; + break; + case 0x15: + cause = CAUSE_CallRejected; + break; } MsgHead(p, pc->callref, MT_N1_REL, PROTO_DIS_N1); *p++ = WE0_cause; @@ -647,19 +647,19 @@ l3_1tr6_t308_2(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) static void l3_1tr6_dl_reset(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { - pc->para.cause = CAUSE_LocalProcErr; - l3_1tr6_disconnect_req(pc, pr, NULL); - pc->st->l3.l3l4(pc->st, CC_SETUP_ERR, pc); + pc->para.cause = CAUSE_LocalProcErr; + l3_1tr6_disconnect_req(pc, pr, NULL); + pc->st->l3.l3l4(pc->st, CC_SETUP_ERR, pc); } static void l3_1tr6_dl_release(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { - newl3state(pc, 0); - pc->para.cause = 0x1b; /* Destination out of order */ - pc->para.loc = 0; - pc->st->l3.l3l4(pc->st, CC_RELEASE | INDICATION, pc); - release_l3_process(pc); + newl3state(pc, 0); + pc->para.cause = 0x1b; /* Destination out of order */ + pc->para.loc = 0; + pc->st->l3.l3l4(pc->st, CC_RELEASE | INDICATION, pc); + release_l3_process(pc); } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ @@ -667,9 +667,9 @@ static struct stateentry downstl[] = { {SBIT(0), CC_SETUP | REQUEST, l3_1tr6_setup_req}, - {SBIT(1) | SBIT(2) | SBIT(3) | SBIT(4) | SBIT(6) | SBIT(7) | SBIT(8) | - SBIT(10), - CC_DISCONNECT | REQUEST, l3_1tr6_disconnect_req}, + {SBIT(1) | SBIT(2) | SBIT(3) | SBIT(4) | SBIT(6) | SBIT(7) | SBIT(8) | + SBIT(10), + CC_DISCONNECT | REQUEST, l3_1tr6_disconnect_req}, {SBIT(12), CC_RELEASE | REQUEST, l3_1tr6_release_req}, {SBIT(6), @@ -732,12 +732,12 @@ static struct stateentry datastln1[] = static struct stateentry manstatelist[] = { - {SBIT(2), - DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION, l3_1tr6_dl_reset}, - {ALL_STATES, - DL_RELEASE | INDICATION, l3_1tr6_dl_release}, + {SBIT(2), + DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION, l3_1tr6_dl_reset}, + {ALL_STATES, + DL_RELEASE | INDICATION, l3_1tr6_dl_release}, }; - + /* *INDENT-ON* */ static void @@ -749,16 +749,16 @@ up1tr6(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) char tmp[80]; switch (pr) { - case (DL_DATA | INDICATION): - case (DL_UNIT_DATA | INDICATION): - break; - case (DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM): - case (DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION): - case (DL_RELEASE | INDICATION): - case (DL_RELEASE | CONFIRM): - l3_msg(st, pr, arg); - return; - break; + case (DL_DATA | INDICATION): + case (DL_UNIT_DATA | INDICATION): + break; + case (DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM): + case (DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION): + case (DL_RELEASE | INDICATION): + case (DL_RELEASE | CONFIRM): + l3_msg(st, pr, arg); + return; + break; } if (skb->len < 4) { if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_PROTERR) { @@ -792,12 +792,12 @@ up1tr6(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) dev_kfree_skb(skb); if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { sprintf(tmp, "up1tr6%s N0 mt %x unhandled", - (pr == (DL_DATA | INDICATION)) ? " " : "(broadcast) ", mt); + (pr == (DL_DATA | INDICATION)) ? " " : "(broadcast) ", mt); l3_debug(st, tmp); } } else if (skb->data[0] == PROTO_DIS_N1) { if (!(proc = getl3proc(st, cr))) { - if (mt == MT_N1_SETUP) { + if (mt == MT_N1_SETUP) { if (cr < 128) { if (!(proc = new_l3_process(st, cr))) { if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_PROTERR) { @@ -812,10 +812,10 @@ up1tr6(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) return; } } else if ((mt == MT_N1_REL) || (mt == MT_N1_REL_ACK) || - (mt == MT_N1_CANC_ACK) || (mt == MT_N1_CANC_REJ) || - (mt == MT_N1_REG_ACK) || (mt == MT_N1_REG_REJ) || - (mt == MT_N1_SUSP_ACK) || (mt == MT_N1_RES_REJ) || - (mt == MT_N1_INFO)) { + (mt == MT_N1_CANC_ACK) || (mt == MT_N1_CANC_REJ) || + (mt == MT_N1_REG_ACK) || (mt == MT_N1_REG_REJ) || + (mt == MT_N1_SUSP_ACK) || (mt == MT_N1_RES_REJ) || + (mt == MT_N1_INFO)) { dev_kfree_skb(skb); return; } else { @@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ up1tr6(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) dev_kfree_skb(skb); if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { sprintf(tmp, "up1tr6%sstate %d mt %x unhandled", - (pr == (DL_DATA | INDICATION)) ? " " : "(broadcast) ", + (pr == (DL_DATA | INDICATION)) ? " " : "(broadcast) ", proc->state, mt); l3_debug(st, tmp); } @@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ up1tr6(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) } else { if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { sprintf(tmp, "up1tr6%sstate %d mt %x", - (pr == (DL_DATA | INDICATION)) ? " " : "(broadcast) ", + (pr == (DL_DATA | INDICATION)) ? " " : "(broadcast) ", proc->state, mt); l3_debug(st, tmp); } @@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ down1tr6(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) struct Channel *chan; char tmp[80]; - if ((DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST)== pr) { + if ((DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST) == pr) { l3_msg(st, pr, NULL); return; } else if ((CC_SETUP | REQUEST) == pr) { @@ -905,31 +905,31 @@ down1tr6(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) static void man1tr6(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) { - int i; - struct l3_process *proc = arg; - - if (!proc) { - printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax man1tr6 without proc pr=%04x\n", pr); - return; - } - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(manstatelist); i++) - if ((pr == manstatelist[i].primitive) && - ((1 << proc->state) & manstatelist[i].state)) - break; - if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(manstatelist)) { - if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { - l3_debug(st, "cr %d man1tr6 state %d prim %d unhandled", - proc->callref & 0x7f, proc->state, pr); - } - } else { - if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { - l3_debug(st, "cr %d man1tr6 state %d prim %d", - proc->callref & 0x7f, proc->state, pr); - } - manstatelist[i].rout(proc, pr, arg); - } -} - + int i; + struct l3_process *proc = arg; + + if (!proc) { + printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax man1tr6 without proc pr=%04x\n", pr); + return; + } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(manstatelist); i++) + if ((pr == manstatelist[i].primitive) && + ((1 << proc->state) & manstatelist[i].state)) + break; + if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(manstatelist)) { + if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { + l3_debug(st, "cr %d man1tr6 state %d prim %d unhandled", + proc->callref & 0x7f, proc->state, pr); + } + } else { + if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { + l3_debug(st, "cr %d man1tr6 state %d prim %d", + proc->callref & 0x7f, proc->state, pr); + } + manstatelist[i].rout(proc, pr, arg); + } +} + void setstack_1tr6(struct PStack *st) { diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3dss1.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3dss1.c index 6a8acf65777da9447aa4388b2893fe43328769a3..cda700664e9c96afdc95f7b505ac38a9af894ad8 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3dss1.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3dss1.c @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ * Author Karsten Keil * based on the teles driver from Jan den Ouden * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ static const char *dss1_revision = "$Revision: $"; #define EXT_BEARER_CAPS 1 -#define MsgHead(ptr, cref, mty) \ - *ptr++ = 0x8; \ - if (cref == -1) { \ - *ptr++ = 0x0; \ - } else { \ - *ptr++ = 0x1; \ - *ptr++ = cref^0x80; \ - } \ +#define MsgHead(ptr, cref, mty) \ + *ptr++ = 0x8; \ + if (cref == -1) { \ + *ptr++ = 0x0; \ + } else { \ + *ptr++ = 0x1; \ + *ptr++ = cref^0x80; \ + } \ *ptr++ = mty @@ -49,22 +49,22 @@ static unsigned char new_invoke_id(struct PStack *p) { unsigned char retval; int i; - + i = 32; /* maximum search depth */ retval = p->prot.dss1.last_invoke_id + 1; /* try new id */ while ((i) && (p->prot.dss1.invoke_used[retval >> 3] == 0xFF)) { p->prot.dss1.last_invoke_id = (retval & 0xF8) + 8; i--; - } + } if (i) { while (p->prot.dss1.invoke_used[retval >> 3] & (1 << (retval & 7))) - retval++; + retval++; } else retval = 0; p->prot.dss1.last_invoke_id = retval; p->prot.dss1.invoke_used[retval >> 3] |= (1 << (retval & 7)); - return(retval); + return (retval); } /* new_invoke_id */ /*************************/ @@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ static unsigned char new_invoke_id(struct PStack *p) static void free_invoke_id(struct PStack *p, unsigned char id) { - if (!id) return; /* 0 = invalid value */ + if (!id) return; /* 0 = invalid value */ - p->prot.dss1.invoke_used[id >> 3] &= ~(1 << (id & 7)); -} /* free_invoke_id */ + p->prot.dss1.invoke_used[id >> 3] &= ~(1 << (id & 7)); +} /* free_invoke_id */ /**********************************************************/ @@ -86,26 +86,26 @@ static struct l3_process *dss1_new_l3_process(struct PStack *st, int cr) { struct l3_process *proc; - if (!(proc = new_l3_process(st, cr))) - return(NULL); + if (!(proc = new_l3_process(st, cr))) + return (NULL); - proc->prot.dss1.invoke_id = 0; - proc->prot.dss1.remote_operation = 0; - proc->prot.dss1.uus1_data[0] = '\0'; - - return(proc); + proc->prot.dss1.invoke_id = 0; + proc->prot.dss1.remote_operation = 0; + proc->prot.dss1.uus1_data[0] = '\0'; + + return (proc); } /* dss1_new_l3_process */ /************************************************/ /* free a l3 process and all dss1 specific data */ -/************************************************/ +/************************************************/ static void dss1_release_l3_process(struct l3_process *p) { - free_invoke_id(p->st,p->prot.dss1.invoke_id); - release_l3_process(p); + free_invoke_id(p->st, p->prot.dss1.invoke_id); + release_l3_process(p); } /* dss1_release_l3_process */ - + /********************************************************/ /* search a process with invoke id id and dummy callref */ /********************************************************/ @@ -113,120 +113,120 @@ static struct l3_process * l3dss1_search_dummy_proc(struct PStack *st, int id) { struct l3_process *pc = st->l3.proc; /* start of processes */ - if (!id) return(NULL); + if (!id) return (NULL); - while (pc) - { if ((pc->callref == -1) && (pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id == id)) - return(pc); - pc = pc->next; - } - return(NULL); + while (pc) + { if ((pc->callref == -1) && (pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id == id)) + return (pc); + pc = pc->next; + } + return (NULL); } /* l3dss1_search_dummy_proc */ /*******************************************************************/ /* called when a facility message with a dummy callref is received */ /* and a return result is delivered. id specifies the invoke id. */ -/*******************************************************************/ -static void +/*******************************************************************/ +static void l3dss1_dummy_return_result(struct PStack *st, int id, u_char *p, u_char nlen) { isdn_ctrl ic; - struct IsdnCardState *cs; - struct l3_process *pc = NULL; - - if ((pc = l3dss1_search_dummy_proc(st, id))) - { L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); /* remove timer */ - - cs = pc->st->l1.hardware; - ic.driver = cs->myid; - ic.command = ISDN_STAT_PROT; - ic.arg = DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_RES; - ic.parm.dss1_io.hl_id = pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id; - ic.parm.dss1_io.ll_id = pc->prot.dss1.ll_id; - ic.parm.dss1_io.proc = pc->prot.dss1.proc; - ic.parm.dss1_io.timeout= 0; - ic.parm.dss1_io.datalen = nlen; - ic.parm.dss1_io.data = p; - free_invoke_id(pc->st, pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id); - pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id = 0; /* reset id */ - - cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); - dss1_release_l3_process(pc); - } - else - l3_debug(st, "dummy return result id=0x%x result len=%d",id,nlen); + struct IsdnCardState *cs; + struct l3_process *pc = NULL; + + if ((pc = l3dss1_search_dummy_proc(st, id))) + { L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); /* remove timer */ + + cs = pc->st->l1.hardware; + ic.driver = cs->myid; + ic.command = ISDN_STAT_PROT; + ic.arg = DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_RES; + ic.parm.dss1_io.hl_id = pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id; + ic.parm.dss1_io.ll_id = pc->prot.dss1.ll_id; + ic.parm.dss1_io.proc = pc->prot.dss1.proc; + ic.parm.dss1_io.timeout = 0; + ic.parm.dss1_io.datalen = nlen; + ic.parm.dss1_io.data = p; + free_invoke_id(pc->st, pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id); + pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id = 0; /* reset id */ + + cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); + dss1_release_l3_process(pc); + } + else + l3_debug(st, "dummy return result id=0x%x result len=%d", id, nlen); } /* l3dss1_dummy_return_result */ /*******************************************************************/ /* called when a facility message with a dummy callref is received */ /* and a return error is delivered. id specifies the invoke id. */ -/*******************************************************************/ -static void +/*******************************************************************/ +static void l3dss1_dummy_error_return(struct PStack *st, int id, ulong error) { isdn_ctrl ic; - struct IsdnCardState *cs; - struct l3_process *pc = NULL; - - if ((pc = l3dss1_search_dummy_proc(st, id))) - { L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); /* remove timer */ - - cs = pc->st->l1.hardware; - ic.driver = cs->myid; - ic.command = ISDN_STAT_PROT; - ic.arg = DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_ERR; - ic.parm.dss1_io.hl_id = pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id; - ic.parm.dss1_io.ll_id = pc->prot.dss1.ll_id; - ic.parm.dss1_io.proc = pc->prot.dss1.proc; - ic.parm.dss1_io.timeout= error; - ic.parm.dss1_io.datalen = 0; - ic.parm.dss1_io.data = NULL; - free_invoke_id(pc->st, pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id); - pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id = 0; /* reset id */ - - cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); - dss1_release_l3_process(pc); - } - else - l3_debug(st, "dummy return error id=0x%x error=0x%lx",id,error); + struct IsdnCardState *cs; + struct l3_process *pc = NULL; + + if ((pc = l3dss1_search_dummy_proc(st, id))) + { L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); /* remove timer */ + + cs = pc->st->l1.hardware; + ic.driver = cs->myid; + ic.command = ISDN_STAT_PROT; + ic.arg = DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_ERR; + ic.parm.dss1_io.hl_id = pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id; + ic.parm.dss1_io.ll_id = pc->prot.dss1.ll_id; + ic.parm.dss1_io.proc = pc->prot.dss1.proc; + ic.parm.dss1_io.timeout = error; + ic.parm.dss1_io.datalen = 0; + ic.parm.dss1_io.data = NULL; + free_invoke_id(pc->st, pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id); + pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id = 0; /* reset id */ + + cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); + dss1_release_l3_process(pc); + } + else + l3_debug(st, "dummy return error id=0x%x error=0x%lx", id, error); } /* l3dss1_error_return */ /*******************************************************************/ /* called when a facility message with a dummy callref is received */ /* and a invoke is delivered. id specifies the invoke id. */ -/*******************************************************************/ -static void -l3dss1_dummy_invoke(struct PStack *st, int cr, int id, - int ident, u_char *p, u_char nlen) +/*******************************************************************/ +static void +l3dss1_dummy_invoke(struct PStack *st, int cr, int id, + int ident, u_char *p, u_char nlen) { isdn_ctrl ic; - struct IsdnCardState *cs; - - l3_debug(st, "dummy invoke %s id=0x%x ident=0x%x datalen=%d", - (cr == -1) ? "local" : "broadcast",id,ident,nlen); - if (cr >= -1) return; /* ignore local data */ - - cs = st->l1.hardware; - ic.driver = cs->myid; - ic.command = ISDN_STAT_PROT; - ic.arg = DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_BRD; - ic.parm.dss1_io.hl_id = id; - ic.parm.dss1_io.ll_id = 0; - ic.parm.dss1_io.proc = ident; - ic.parm.dss1_io.timeout= 0; - ic.parm.dss1_io.datalen = nlen; - ic.parm.dss1_io.data = p; - - cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); + struct IsdnCardState *cs; + + l3_debug(st, "dummy invoke %s id=0x%x ident=0x%x datalen=%d", + (cr == -1) ? "local" : "broadcast", id, ident, nlen); + if (cr >= -1) return; /* ignore local data */ + + cs = st->l1.hardware; + ic.driver = cs->myid; + ic.command = ISDN_STAT_PROT; + ic.arg = DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_BRD; + ic.parm.dss1_io.hl_id = id; + ic.parm.dss1_io.ll_id = 0; + ic.parm.dss1_io.proc = ident; + ic.parm.dss1_io.timeout = 0; + ic.parm.dss1_io.datalen = nlen; + ic.parm.dss1_io.data = p; + + cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); } /* l3dss1_dummy_invoke */ static void l3dss1_parse_facility(struct PStack *st, struct l3_process *pc, - int cr, u_char * p) + int cr, u_char *p) { int qd_len = 0; unsigned char nlen = 0, ilen, cp_tag; int ident, id; ulong err_ret; - if (pc) + if (pc) st = pc->st; /* valid Stack */ else if ((!st) || (cr >= 0)) return; /* neither pc nor st specified */ @@ -255,243 +255,243 @@ l3dss1_parse_facility(struct PStack *st, struct l3_process *pc, l3_debug(st, "class and form != 0xA0"); return; } - - cp_tag = *p & 0x1F; /* remember tag value */ - p++; + cp_tag = *p & 0x1F; /* remember tag value */ + + p++; qd_len--; - if (qd_len < 1) - { l3_debug(st, "qd_len < 1"); - return; - } - if (*p & 0x80) - { /* length format indefinite or limited */ - nlen = *p++ & 0x7F; /* number of len bytes or indefinite */ - if ((qd_len-- < ((!nlen) ? 3 : (1 + nlen))) || - (nlen > 1)) - { l3_debug(st, "length format error or not implemented"); - return; - } - if (nlen == 1) - { nlen = *p++; /* complete length */ - qd_len--; - } - else - { qd_len -= 2; /* trailing null bytes */ - if ((*(p+qd_len)) || (*(p+qd_len+1))) - { l3_debug(st,"length format indefinite error"); - return; - } - nlen = qd_len; - } - } - else - { nlen = *p++; - qd_len--; - } - if (qd_len < nlen) - { l3_debug(st, "qd_len < nlen"); - return; - } + if (qd_len < 1) + { l3_debug(st, "qd_len < 1"); + return; + } + if (*p & 0x80) + { /* length format indefinite or limited */ + nlen = *p++ & 0x7F; /* number of len bytes or indefinite */ + if ((qd_len-- < ((!nlen) ? 3 : (1 + nlen))) || + (nlen > 1)) + { l3_debug(st, "length format error or not implemented"); + return; + } + if (nlen == 1) + { nlen = *p++; /* complete length */ + qd_len--; + } + else + { qd_len -= 2; /* trailing null bytes */ + if ((*(p + qd_len)) || (*(p + qd_len + 1))) + { l3_debug(st, "length format indefinite error"); + return; + } + nlen = qd_len; + } + } + else + { nlen = *p++; + qd_len--; + } + if (qd_len < nlen) + { l3_debug(st, "qd_len < nlen"); + return; + } qd_len -= nlen; - if (nlen < 2) - { l3_debug(st, "nlen < 2"); - return; - } - if (*p != 0x02) - { /* invoke identifier tag */ - l3_debug(st, "invoke identifier tag !=0x02"); - return; - } + if (nlen < 2) + { l3_debug(st, "nlen < 2"); + return; + } + if (*p != 0x02) + { /* invoke identifier tag */ + l3_debug(st, "invoke identifier tag !=0x02"); + return; + } p++; nlen--; - if (*p & 0x80) - { /* length format */ - l3_debug(st, "invoke id length format 2"); - return; - } + if (*p & 0x80) + { /* length format */ + l3_debug(st, "invoke id length format 2"); + return; + } ilen = *p++; nlen--; - if (ilen > nlen || ilen == 0) - { l3_debug(st, "ilen > nlen || ilen == 0"); - return; - } + if (ilen > nlen || ilen == 0) + { l3_debug(st, "ilen > nlen || ilen == 0"); + return; + } nlen -= ilen; id = 0; - while (ilen > 0) - { id = (id << 8) | (*p++ & 0xFF); /* invoke identifier */ - ilen--; - } + while (ilen > 0) + { id = (id << 8) | (*p++ & 0xFF); /* invoke identifier */ + ilen--; + } switch (cp_tag) { /* component tag */ - case 1: /* invoke */ - if (nlen < 2) { - l3_debug(st, "nlen < 2 22"); - return; - } - if (*p != 0x02) { /* operation value */ - l3_debug(st, "operation value !=0x02"); - return; - } - p++; - nlen--; - ilen = *p++; - nlen--; - if (ilen > nlen || ilen == 0) { - l3_debug(st, "ilen > nlen || ilen == 0 22"); - return; - } - nlen -= ilen; - ident = 0; - while (ilen > 0) { - ident = (ident << 8) | (*p++ & 0xFF); - ilen--; - } + case 1: /* invoke */ + if (nlen < 2) { + l3_debug(st, "nlen < 2 22"); + return; + } + if (*p != 0x02) { /* operation value */ + l3_debug(st, "operation value !=0x02"); + return; + } + p++; + nlen--; + ilen = *p++; + nlen--; + if (ilen > nlen || ilen == 0) { + l3_debug(st, "ilen > nlen || ilen == 0 22"); + return; + } + nlen -= ilen; + ident = 0; + while (ilen > 0) { + ident = (ident << 8) | (*p++ & 0xFF); + ilen--; + } - if (!pc) - { l3dss1_dummy_invoke(st, cr, id, ident, p, nlen); - return; - } + if (!pc) + { l3dss1_dummy_invoke(st, cr, id, ident, p, nlen); + return; + } #ifdef CONFIG_DE_AOC - { - -#define FOO1(s,a,b) \ - while(nlen > 1) { \ - int ilen = p[1]; \ - if(nlen < ilen+2) { \ - l3_debug(st, "FOO1 nlen < ilen+2"); \ - return; \ - } \ - nlen -= ilen+2; \ - if((*p & 0xFF) == (a)) { \ - int nlen = ilen; \ - p += 2; \ - b; \ - } else { \ - p += ilen+2; \ - } \ - } - - switch (ident) { - case 0x22: /* during */ - FOO1("1A", 0x30, FOO1("1C", 0xA1, FOO1("1D", 0x30, FOO1("1E", 0x02, ( { - ident = 0; - nlen = (nlen)?nlen:0; /* Make gcc happy */ - while (ilen > 0) { - ident = (ident << 8) | *p++; - ilen--; - } - if (ident > pc->para.chargeinfo) { - pc->para.chargeinfo = ident; - st->l3.l3l4(st, CC_CHARGE | INDICATION, pc); - } - if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_CHARGE) { - if (*(p + 2) == 0) { - l3_debug(st, "charging info during %d", pc->para.chargeinfo); - } - else { - l3_debug(st, "charging info final %d", pc->para.chargeinfo); - } - } - } - ))))) - break; - case 0x24: /* final */ - FOO1("2A", 0x30, FOO1("2B", 0x30, FOO1("2C", 0xA1, FOO1("2D", 0x30, FOO1("2E", 0x02, ( { - ident = 0; - nlen = (nlen)?nlen:0; /* Make gcc happy */ - while (ilen > 0) { - ident = (ident << 8) | *p++; - ilen--; - } - if (ident > pc->para.chargeinfo) { - pc->para.chargeinfo = ident; - st->l3.l3l4(st, CC_CHARGE | INDICATION, pc); - } - if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_CHARGE) { - l3_debug(st, "charging info final %d", pc->para.chargeinfo); - } + { + +#define FOO1(s, a, b) \ + while (nlen > 1) { \ + int ilen = p[1]; \ + if (nlen < ilen + 2) { \ + l3_debug(st, "FOO1 nlen < ilen+2"); \ + return; \ + } \ + nlen -= ilen + 2; \ + if ((*p & 0xFF) == (a)) { \ + int nlen = ilen; \ + p += 2; \ + b; \ + } else { \ + p += ilen + 2; \ + } \ + } + + switch (ident) { + case 0x22: /* during */ + FOO1("1A", 0x30, FOO1("1C", 0xA1, FOO1("1D", 0x30, FOO1("1E", 0x02, ( { + ident = 0; + nlen = (nlen) ? nlen : 0; /* Make gcc happy */ + while (ilen > 0) { + ident = (ident << 8) | *p++; + ilen--; + } + if (ident > pc->para.chargeinfo) { + pc->para.chargeinfo = ident; + st->l3.l3l4(st, CC_CHARGE | INDICATION, pc); + } + if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_CHARGE) { + if (*(p + 2) == 0) { + l3_debug(st, "charging info during %d", pc->para.chargeinfo); + } + else { + l3_debug(st, "charging info final %d", pc->para.chargeinfo); + } + } } - )))))) - break; - default: - l3_debug(st, "invoke break invalid ident %02x",ident); - break; - } + ))))) + break; + case 0x24: /* final */ + FOO1("2A", 0x30, FOO1("2B", 0x30, FOO1("2C", 0xA1, FOO1("2D", 0x30, FOO1("2E", 0x02, ( { + ident = 0; + nlen = (nlen) ? nlen : 0; /* Make gcc happy */ + while (ilen > 0) { + ident = (ident << 8) | *p++; + ilen--; + } + if (ident > pc->para.chargeinfo) { + pc->para.chargeinfo = ident; + st->l3.l3l4(st, CC_CHARGE | INDICATION, pc); + } + if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_CHARGE) { + l3_debug(st, "charging info final %d", pc->para.chargeinfo); + } + } + )))))) + break; + default: + l3_debug(st, "invoke break invalid ident %02x", ident); + break; + } #undef FOO1 - } + } #else /* not CONFIG_DE_AOC */ - l3_debug(st, "invoke break"); + l3_debug(st, "invoke break"); #endif /* not CONFIG_DE_AOC */ - break; - case 2: /* return result */ - /* if no process available handle separately */ - if (!pc) - { if (cr == -1) - l3dss1_dummy_return_result(st, id, p, nlen); - return; - } - if ((pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id) && (pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id == id)) - { /* Diversion successful */ - free_invoke_id(st,pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id); - pc->prot.dss1.remote_result = 0; /* success */ - pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id = 0; - pc->redir_result = pc->prot.dss1.remote_result; - st->l3.l3l4(st, CC_REDIR | INDICATION, pc); } /* Diversion successful */ - else - l3_debug(st,"return error unknown identifier"); - break; - case 3: /* return error */ - err_ret = 0; - if (nlen < 2) - { l3_debug(st, "return error nlen < 2"); - return; - } - if (*p != 0x02) - { /* result tag */ - l3_debug(st, "invoke error tag !=0x02"); - return; - } - p++; - nlen--; - if (*p > 4) - { /* length format */ - l3_debug(st, "invoke return errlen > 4 "); - return; - } - ilen = *p++; - nlen--; - if (ilen > nlen || ilen == 0) - { l3_debug(st, "error return ilen > nlen || ilen == 0"); - return; - } - nlen -= ilen; - while (ilen > 0) - { err_ret = (err_ret << 8) | (*p++ & 0xFF); /* error value */ - ilen--; - } - /* if no process available handle separately */ - if (!pc) - { if (cr == -1) - l3dss1_dummy_error_return(st, id, err_ret); - return; - } - if ((pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id) && (pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id == id)) - { /* Deflection error */ - free_invoke_id(st,pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id); - pc->prot.dss1.remote_result = err_ret; /* result */ - pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id = 0; - pc->redir_result = pc->prot.dss1.remote_result; - st->l3.l3l4(st, CC_REDIR | INDICATION, pc); - } /* Deflection error */ - else - l3_debug(st,"return result unknown identifier"); - break; - default: - l3_debug(st, "facility default break tag=0x%02x",cp_tag); - break; + break; + case 2: /* return result */ + /* if no process available handle separately */ + if (!pc) + { if (cr == -1) + l3dss1_dummy_return_result(st, id, p, nlen); + return; + } + if ((pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id) && (pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id == id)) + { /* Diversion successful */ + free_invoke_id(st, pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id); + pc->prot.dss1.remote_result = 0; /* success */ + pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id = 0; + pc->redir_result = pc->prot.dss1.remote_result; + st->l3.l3l4(st, CC_REDIR | INDICATION, pc); } /* Diversion successful */ + else + l3_debug(st, "return error unknown identifier"); + break; + case 3: /* return error */ + err_ret = 0; + if (nlen < 2) + { l3_debug(st, "return error nlen < 2"); + return; + } + if (*p != 0x02) + { /* result tag */ + l3_debug(st, "invoke error tag !=0x02"); + return; + } + p++; + nlen--; + if (*p > 4) + { /* length format */ + l3_debug(st, "invoke return errlen > 4 "); + return; + } + ilen = *p++; + nlen--; + if (ilen > nlen || ilen == 0) + { l3_debug(st, "error return ilen > nlen || ilen == 0"); + return; + } + nlen -= ilen; + while (ilen > 0) + { err_ret = (err_ret << 8) | (*p++ & 0xFF); /* error value */ + ilen--; + } + /* if no process available handle separately */ + if (!pc) + { if (cr == -1) + l3dss1_dummy_error_return(st, id, err_ret); + return; + } + if ((pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id) && (pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id == id)) + { /* Deflection error */ + free_invoke_id(st, pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id); + pc->prot.dss1.remote_result = err_ret; /* result */ + pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id = 0; + pc->redir_result = pc->prot.dss1.remote_result; + st->l3.l3l4(st, CC_REDIR | INDICATION, pc); + } /* Deflection error */ + else + l3_debug(st, "return result unknown identifier"); + break; + default: + l3_debug(st, "facility default break tag=0x%02x", cp_tag); + break; } } @@ -568,21 +568,21 @@ l3dss1_msg_without_setup(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) struct sk_buff *skb; switch (pc->para.cause) { - case 81: /* invalid callreference */ - case 88: /* incomp destination */ - case 96: /* mandory IE missing */ - case 100: /* invalid IE contents */ - case 101: /* incompatible Callstate */ - MsgHead(p, pc->callref, MT_RELEASE_COMPLETE); - *p++ = IE_CAUSE; - *p++ = 0x2; - *p++ = 0x80; - *p++ = pc->para.cause | 0x80; - break; - default: - printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax l3dss1_msg_without_setup wrong cause %d\n", - pc->para.cause); - return; + case 81: /* invalid callreference */ + case 88: /* incomp destination */ + case 96: /* mandory IE missing */ + case 100: /* invalid IE contents */ + case 101: /* incompatible Callstate */ + MsgHead(p, pc->callref, MT_RELEASE_COMPLETE); + *p++ = IE_CAUSE; + *p++ = 0x2; + *p++ = 0x80; + *p++ = pc->para.cause | 0x80; + break; + default: + printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax l3dss1_msg_without_setup wrong cause %d\n", + pc->para.cause); + return; } l = p - tmp; if (!(skb = l3_alloc_skb(l))) @@ -593,42 +593,42 @@ l3dss1_msg_without_setup(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) } static int ie_ALERTING[] = {IE_BEARER, IE_CHANNEL_ID | IE_MANDATORY_1, - IE_FACILITY, IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_SIGNAL, IE_HLC, - IE_USER_USER, -1}; + IE_FACILITY, IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_SIGNAL, IE_HLC, + IE_USER_USER, -1}; static int ie_CALL_PROCEEDING[] = {IE_BEARER, IE_CHANNEL_ID | IE_MANDATORY_1, - IE_FACILITY, IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_HLC, -1}; -static int ie_CONNECT[] = {IE_BEARER, IE_CHANNEL_ID | IE_MANDATORY_1, - IE_FACILITY, IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_DATE, IE_SIGNAL, - IE_CONNECT_PN, IE_CONNECT_SUB, IE_LLC, IE_HLC, IE_USER_USER, -1}; + IE_FACILITY, IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_HLC, -1}; +static int ie_CONNECT[] = {IE_BEARER, IE_CHANNEL_ID | IE_MANDATORY_1, + IE_FACILITY, IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_DATE, IE_SIGNAL, + IE_CONNECT_PN, IE_CONNECT_SUB, IE_LLC, IE_HLC, IE_USER_USER, -1}; static int ie_CONNECT_ACKNOWLEDGE[] = {IE_CHANNEL_ID, IE_DISPLAY, IE_SIGNAL, -1}; static int ie_DISCONNECT[] = {IE_CAUSE | IE_MANDATORY, IE_FACILITY, - IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_SIGNAL, IE_USER_USER, -1}; + IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_SIGNAL, IE_USER_USER, -1}; static int ie_INFORMATION[] = {IE_COMPLETE, IE_DISPLAY, IE_KEYPAD, IE_SIGNAL, - IE_CALLED_PN, -1}; + IE_CALLED_PN, -1}; static int ie_NOTIFY[] = {IE_BEARER, IE_NOTIFY | IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, -1}; static int ie_PROGRESS[] = {IE_BEARER, IE_CAUSE, IE_FACILITY, IE_PROGRESS | - IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, IE_HLC, IE_USER_USER, -1}; + IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, IE_HLC, IE_USER_USER, -1}; static int ie_RELEASE[] = {IE_CAUSE | IE_MANDATORY_1, IE_FACILITY, IE_DISPLAY, - IE_SIGNAL, IE_USER_USER, -1}; -/* a RELEASE_COMPLETE with errors don't require special actions -static int ie_RELEASE_COMPLETE[] = {IE_CAUSE | IE_MANDATORY_1, IE_DISPLAY, IE_SIGNAL, IE_USER_USER, -1}; + IE_SIGNAL, IE_USER_USER, -1}; +/* a RELEASE_COMPLETE with errors don't require special actions + static int ie_RELEASE_COMPLETE[] = {IE_CAUSE | IE_MANDATORY_1, IE_DISPLAY, IE_SIGNAL, IE_USER_USER, -1}; */ -static int ie_RESUME_ACKNOWLEDGE[] = {IE_CHANNEL_ID| IE_MANDATORY, IE_FACILITY, - IE_DISPLAY, -1}; +static int ie_RESUME_ACKNOWLEDGE[] = {IE_CHANNEL_ID | IE_MANDATORY, IE_FACILITY, + IE_DISPLAY, -1}; static int ie_RESUME_REJECT[] = {IE_CAUSE | IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, -1}; static int ie_SETUP[] = {IE_COMPLETE, IE_BEARER | IE_MANDATORY, - IE_CHANNEL_ID| IE_MANDATORY, IE_FACILITY, IE_PROGRESS, - IE_NET_FAC, IE_DISPLAY, IE_KEYPAD, IE_SIGNAL, IE_CALLING_PN, - IE_CALLING_SUB, IE_CALLED_PN, IE_CALLED_SUB, IE_REDIR_NR, - IE_LLC, IE_HLC, IE_USER_USER, -1}; + IE_CHANNEL_ID | IE_MANDATORY, IE_FACILITY, IE_PROGRESS, + IE_NET_FAC, IE_DISPLAY, IE_KEYPAD, IE_SIGNAL, IE_CALLING_PN, + IE_CALLING_SUB, IE_CALLED_PN, IE_CALLED_SUB, IE_REDIR_NR, + IE_LLC, IE_HLC, IE_USER_USER, -1}; static int ie_SETUP_ACKNOWLEDGE[] = {IE_CHANNEL_ID | IE_MANDATORY, IE_FACILITY, - IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_SIGNAL, -1}; + IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_SIGNAL, -1}; static int ie_STATUS[] = {IE_CAUSE | IE_MANDATORY, IE_CALL_STATE | - IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, -1}; + IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, -1}; static int ie_STATUS_ENQUIRY[] = {IE_DISPLAY, -1}; static int ie_SUSPEND_ACKNOWLEDGE[] = {IE_DISPLAY, IE_FACILITY, -1}; static int ie_SUSPEND_REJECT[] = {IE_CAUSE | IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, -1}; -/* not used +/* not used * static int ie_CONGESTION_CONTROL[] = {IE_CONGESTION | IE_MANDATORY, * IE_CAUSE | IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, -1}; * static int ie_USER_INFORMATION[] = {IE_MORE_DATA, IE_USER_USER | IE_MANDATORY, -1}; @@ -636,8 +636,8 @@ static int ie_SUSPEND_REJECT[] = {IE_CAUSE | IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, -1}; * IE_MANDATORY, -1}; */ static int ie_FACILITY[] = {IE_FACILITY | IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, -1}; -static int comp_required[] = {1,2,3,5,6,7,9,10,11,14,15,-1}; -static int l3_valid_states[] = {0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,15,17,19,25,-1}; +static int comp_required[] = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, -1}; +static int l3_valid_states[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 19, 25, -1}; struct ie_len { int ie; @@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ struct ie_len max_ie_len[] = { {IE_LLC, 18}, {IE_HLC, 5}, {IE_USER_USER, 131}, - {-1,0}, + {-1, 0}, }; static int @@ -686,10 +686,10 @@ getmax_ie_len(u_char ie) { int i = 0; while (max_ie_len[i].ie != -1) { if (max_ie_len[i].ie == ie) - return(max_ie_len[i].len); + return (max_ie_len[i].len); i++; } - return(255); + return (255); } static int @@ -699,14 +699,14 @@ ie_in_set(struct l3_process *pc, u_char ie, int *checklist) { while (*checklist != -1) { if ((*checklist & 0xff) == ie) { if (ie & 0x80) - return(-ret); + return (-ret); else - return(ret); + return (ret); } ret++; checklist++; } - return(0); + return (0); } static int @@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ check_infoelements(struct l3_process *pc, struct sk_buff *skb, int *checklist) u_char codeset = 0; u_char old_codeset = 0; u_char codelock = 1; - + p = skb->data; /* skip cr */ p++; @@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ check_infoelements(struct l3_process *pc, struct sk_buff *skb, int *checklist) codelock = 1; if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_CHECK) l3_debug(pc->st, "check IE shift%scodeset %d->%d", - codelock ? " locking ": " ", old_codeset, codeset); + codelock ? " locking " : " ", old_codeset, codeset); p++; continue; } @@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ check_infoelements(struct l3_process *pc, struct sk_buff *skb, int *checklist) if (!codelock) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_CHECK) l3_debug(pc->st, "check IE shift back codeset %d->%d", - codeset, old_codeset); + codeset, old_codeset); codeset = old_codeset; codelock = 1; } @@ -778,17 +778,17 @@ check_infoelements(struct l3_process *pc, struct sk_buff *skb, int *checklist) if (err_compr | err_ureg | err_len | err_seq) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_CHECK) l3_debug(pc->st, "check IE MT(%x) %d/%d/%d/%d", - mt, err_compr, err_ureg, err_len, err_seq); + mt, err_compr, err_ureg, err_len, err_seq); if (err_compr) - return(ERR_IE_COMPREHENSION); + return (ERR_IE_COMPREHENSION); if (err_ureg) - return(ERR_IE_UNRECOGNIZED); + return (ERR_IE_UNRECOGNIZED); if (err_len) - return(ERR_IE_LENGTH); + return (ERR_IE_LENGTH); if (err_seq) - return(ERR_IE_SEQUENCE); - } - return(0); + return (ERR_IE_SEQUENCE); + } + return (0); } /* verify if a message type exists and contain no IE error */ @@ -796,42 +796,42 @@ static int l3dss1_check_messagetype_validity(struct l3_process *pc, int mt, void *arg) { switch (mt) { - case MT_ALERTING: - case MT_CALL_PROCEEDING: - case MT_CONNECT: - case MT_CONNECT_ACKNOWLEDGE: - case MT_DISCONNECT: - case MT_INFORMATION: - case MT_FACILITY: - case MT_NOTIFY: - case MT_PROGRESS: - case MT_RELEASE: - case MT_RELEASE_COMPLETE: - case MT_SETUP: - case MT_SETUP_ACKNOWLEDGE: - case MT_RESUME_ACKNOWLEDGE: - case MT_RESUME_REJECT: - case MT_SUSPEND_ACKNOWLEDGE: - case MT_SUSPEND_REJECT: - case MT_USER_INFORMATION: - case MT_RESTART: - case MT_RESTART_ACKNOWLEDGE: - case MT_CONGESTION_CONTROL: - case MT_STATUS: - case MT_STATUS_ENQUIRY: - if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_CHECK) - l3_debug(pc->st, "l3dss1_check_messagetype_validity mt(%x) OK", mt); - break; - case MT_RESUME: /* RESUME only in user->net */ - case MT_SUSPEND: /* SUSPEND only in user->net */ - default: - if (pc->debug & (L3_DEB_CHECK | L3_DEB_WARN)) - l3_debug(pc->st, "l3dss1_check_messagetype_validity mt(%x) fail", mt); - pc->para.cause = 97; - l3dss1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); - return(1); + case MT_ALERTING: + case MT_CALL_PROCEEDING: + case MT_CONNECT: + case MT_CONNECT_ACKNOWLEDGE: + case MT_DISCONNECT: + case MT_INFORMATION: + case MT_FACILITY: + case MT_NOTIFY: + case MT_PROGRESS: + case MT_RELEASE: + case MT_RELEASE_COMPLETE: + case MT_SETUP: + case MT_SETUP_ACKNOWLEDGE: + case MT_RESUME_ACKNOWLEDGE: + case MT_RESUME_REJECT: + case MT_SUSPEND_ACKNOWLEDGE: + case MT_SUSPEND_REJECT: + case MT_USER_INFORMATION: + case MT_RESTART: + case MT_RESTART_ACKNOWLEDGE: + case MT_CONGESTION_CONTROL: + case MT_STATUS: + case MT_STATUS_ENQUIRY: + if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_CHECK) + l3_debug(pc->st, "l3dss1_check_messagetype_validity mt(%x) OK", mt); + break; + case MT_RESUME: /* RESUME only in user->net */ + case MT_SUSPEND: /* SUSPEND only in user->net */ + default: + if (pc->debug & (L3_DEB_CHECK | L3_DEB_WARN)) + l3_debug(pc->st, "l3dss1_check_messagetype_validity mt(%x) fail", mt); + pc->para.cause = 97; + l3dss1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); + return (1); } - return(0); + return (0); } static void @@ -839,24 +839,24 @@ l3dss1_std_ie_err(struct l3_process *pc, int ret) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_CHECK) l3_debug(pc->st, "check_infoelements ret %d", ret); - switch(ret) { - case 0: - break; - case ERR_IE_COMPREHENSION: - pc->para.cause = 96; - l3dss1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); - break; - case ERR_IE_UNRECOGNIZED: - pc->para.cause = 99; - l3dss1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); - break; - case ERR_IE_LENGTH: - pc->para.cause = 100; - l3dss1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); - break; - case ERR_IE_SEQUENCE: - default: - break; + switch (ret) { + case 0: + break; + case ERR_IE_COMPREHENSION: + pc->para.cause = 96; + l3dss1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); + break; + case ERR_IE_UNRECOGNIZED: + pc->para.cause = 99; + l3dss1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); + break; + case ERR_IE_LENGTH: + pc->para.cause = 100; + l3dss1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); + break; + case ERR_IE_SEQUENCE: + default: + break; } } @@ -878,14 +878,14 @@ l3dss1_get_channel_id(struct l3_process *pc, struct sk_buff *skb) { l3_debug(pc->st, "wrong chid %x", *p); return (-3); } - return(*p & 0x3); + return (*p & 0x3); } else - return(-1); + return (-1); } static int l3dss1_get_cause(struct l3_process *pc, struct sk_buff *skb) { - u_char l, i=0; + u_char l, i = 0; u_char *p; p = skb->data; @@ -894,13 +894,13 @@ l3dss1_get_cause(struct l3_process *pc, struct sk_buff *skb) { if ((p = findie(p, skb->len, IE_CAUSE, 0))) { p++; l = *p++; - if (l>30) - return(1); + if (l > 30) + return (1); if (l) { pc->para.loc = *p++; l--; } else { - return(2); + return (2); } if (l && !(pc->para.loc & 0x80)) { l--; @@ -910,36 +910,36 @@ l3dss1_get_cause(struct l3_process *pc, struct sk_buff *skb) { pc->para.cause = *p++; l--; if (!(pc->para.cause & 0x80)) - return(3); + return (3); } else - return(4); - while (l && (i<6)) { + return (4); + while (l && (i < 6)) { pc->para.diag[i++] = *p++; l--; } } else - return(-1); - return(0); + return (-1); + return (0); } static void l3dss1_msg_with_uus(struct l3_process *pc, u_char cmd) { struct sk_buff *skb; - u_char tmp[16+40]; + u_char tmp[16 + 40]; u_char *p = tmp; int l; MsgHead(p, pc->callref, cmd); - if (pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data[0]) - { *p++ = IE_USER_USER; /* UUS info element */ - *p++ = strlen(pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data) + 1; - *p++ = 0x04; /* IA5 chars */ - strcpy(p,pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data); - p += strlen(pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data); - pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data[0] = '\0'; - } + if (pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data[0]) + { *p++ = IE_USER_USER; /* UUS info element */ + *p++ = strlen(pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data) + 1; + *p++ = 0x04; /* IA5 chars */ + strcpy(p, pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data); + p += strlen(pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data); + pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data[0] = '\0'; + } l = p - tmp; if (!(skb = l3_alloc_skb(l))) @@ -953,7 +953,7 @@ l3dss1_release_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { StopAllL3Timer(pc); newl3state(pc, 19); - if (!pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data[0]) + if (!pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data[0]) l3dss1_message(pc, MT_RELEASE); else l3dss1_msg_with_uus(pc, MT_RELEASE); @@ -966,9 +966,9 @@ l3dss1_release_cmpl(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) struct sk_buff *skb = arg; int ret; - if ((ret = l3dss1_get_cause(pc, skb))>0) { + if ((ret = l3dss1_get_cause(pc, skb)) > 0) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) - l3_debug(pc->st, "RELCMPL get_cause ret(%d)",ret); + l3_debug(pc->st, "RELCMPL get_cause ret(%d)", ret); } else if (ret < 0) pc->para.cause = NO_CAUSE; StopAllL3Timer(pc); @@ -980,7 +980,7 @@ l3dss1_release_cmpl(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) #ifdef EXT_BEARER_CAPS static u_char * -EncodeASyncParams(u_char * p, u_char si2) +EncodeASyncParams(u_char *p, u_char si2) { // 7c 06 88 90 21 42 00 bb p[0] = 0; @@ -1008,38 +1008,38 @@ EncodeASyncParams(u_char * p, u_char si2) p[2] += 3; switch (si2 & 0x07) { - case 0: - p[0] = 66; // 1200 bit/s + case 0: + p[0] = 66; // 1200 bit/s - break; - case 1: - p[0] = 88; // 1200/75 bit/s + break; + case 1: + p[0] = 88; // 1200/75 bit/s - break; - case 2: - p[0] = 87; // 75/1200 bit/s + break; + case 2: + p[0] = 87; // 75/1200 bit/s - break; - case 3: - p[0] = 67; // 2400 bit/s + break; + case 3: + p[0] = 67; // 2400 bit/s - break; - case 4: - p[0] = 69; // 4800 bit/s + break; + case 4: + p[0] = 69; // 4800 bit/s - break; - case 5: - p[0] = 72; // 9600 bit/s + break; + case 5: + p[0] = 72; // 9600 bit/s - break; - case 6: - p[0] = 73; // 14400 bit/s + break; + case 6: + p[0] = 73; // 14400 bit/s - break; - case 7: - p[0] = 75; // 19200 bit/s + break; + case 7: + p[0] = 75; // 19200 bit/s - break; + break; } return p + 3; } @@ -1049,84 +1049,84 @@ EncodeSyncParams(u_char si2, u_char ai) { switch (si2) { - case 0: - return ai + 2; // 1200 bit/s + case 0: + return ai + 2; // 1200 bit/s - case 1: - return ai + 24; // 1200/75 bit/s + case 1: + return ai + 24; // 1200/75 bit/s - case 2: - return ai + 23; // 75/1200 bit/s + case 2: + return ai + 23; // 75/1200 bit/s - case 3: - return ai + 3; // 2400 bit/s + case 3: + return ai + 3; // 2400 bit/s - case 4: - return ai + 5; // 4800 bit/s + case 4: + return ai + 5; // 4800 bit/s - case 5: - return ai + 8; // 9600 bit/s + case 5: + return ai + 8; // 9600 bit/s - case 6: - return ai + 9; // 14400 bit/s + case 6: + return ai + 9; // 14400 bit/s - case 7: - return ai + 11; // 19200 bit/s + case 7: + return ai + 11; // 19200 bit/s - case 8: - return ai + 14; // 48000 bit/s + case 8: + return ai + 14; // 48000 bit/s - case 9: - return ai + 15; // 56000 bit/s + case 9: + return ai + 15; // 56000 bit/s - case 15: - return ai + 40; // negotiate bit/s + case 15: + return ai + 40; // negotiate bit/s - default: - break; + default: + break; } return ai; } static u_char -DecodeASyncParams(u_char si2, u_char * p) +DecodeASyncParams(u_char si2, u_char *p) { u_char info; switch (p[5]) { - case 66: // 1200 bit/s + case 66: // 1200 bit/s - break; // si2 don't change + break; // si2 don't change - case 88: // 1200/75 bit/s + case 88: // 1200/75 bit/s - si2 += 1; - break; - case 87: // 75/1200 bit/s + si2 += 1; + break; + case 87: // 75/1200 bit/s - si2 += 2; - break; - case 67: // 2400 bit/s + si2 += 2; + break; + case 67: // 2400 bit/s - si2 += 3; - break; - case 69: // 4800 bit/s + si2 += 3; + break; + case 69: // 4800 bit/s - si2 += 4; - break; - case 72: // 9600 bit/s + si2 += 4; + break; + case 72: // 9600 bit/s - si2 += 5; - break; - case 73: // 14400 bit/s + si2 += 5; + break; + case 73: // 14400 bit/s - si2 += 6; - break; - case 75: // 19200 bit/s + si2 += 6; + break; + case 75: // 19200 bit/s - si2 += 7; - break; + si2 += 7; + break; } info = p[7] & 0x7f; @@ -1151,39 +1151,39 @@ DecodeSyncParams(u_char si2, u_char info) { info &= 0x7f; switch (info) { - case 40: // bit/s negotiation failed ai := 165 not 175! + case 40: // bit/s negotiation failed ai := 165 not 175! - return si2 + 15; - case 15: // 56000 bit/s failed, ai := 0 not 169 ! + return si2 + 15; + case 15: // 56000 bit/s failed, ai := 0 not 169 ! - return si2 + 9; - case 14: // 48000 bit/s + return si2 + 9; + case 14: // 48000 bit/s - return si2 + 8; - case 11: // 19200 bit/s + return si2 + 8; + case 11: // 19200 bit/s - return si2 + 7; - case 9: // 14400 bit/s + return si2 + 7; + case 9: // 14400 bit/s - return si2 + 6; - case 8: // 9600 bit/s + return si2 + 6; + case 8: // 9600 bit/s - return si2 + 5; - case 5: // 4800 bit/s + return si2 + 5; + case 5: // 4800 bit/s - return si2 + 4; - case 3: // 2400 bit/s + return si2 + 4; + case 3: // 2400 bit/s - return si2 + 3; - case 23: // 75/1200 bit/s + return si2 + 3; + case 23: // 75/1200 bit/s - return si2 + 2; - case 24: // 1200/75 bit/s + return si2 + 2; + case 24: // 1200/75 bit/s - return si2 + 1; - default: // 1200 bit/s + return si2 + 1; + default: // 1200 bit/s - return si2; + return si2; } } @@ -1194,20 +1194,20 @@ DecodeSI2(struct sk_buff *skb) if ((p = findie(skb->data, skb->len, 0x7c, 0))) { switch (p[4] & 0x0f) { - case 0x01: - if (p[1] == 0x04) // sync. Bitratenadaption + case 0x01: + if (p[1] == 0x04) // sync. Bitratenadaption - return DecodeSyncParams(160, p[5]); // V.110/X.30 + return DecodeSyncParams(160, p[5]); // V.110/X.30 - else if (p[1] == 0x06) // async. Bitratenadaption + else if (p[1] == 0x06) // async. Bitratenadaption - return DecodeASyncParams(192, p); // V.110/X.30 + return DecodeASyncParams(192, p); // V.110/X.30 - break; - case 0x08: // if (p[5] == 0x02) // sync. Bitratenadaption - if (p[1] > 3) - return DecodeSyncParams(176, p[5]); // V.120 - break; + break; + case 0x08: // if (p[5] == 0x02) // sync. Bitratenadaption + if (p[1] > 3) + return DecodeSyncParams(176, p[5]); // V.120 + break; } } return 0; @@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ l3dss1_setup_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, u_char *p = tmp; u_char channel = 0; - u_char send_keypad; + u_char send_keypad; u_char screen = 0x80; u_char *teln; u_char *msn; @@ -1237,7 +1237,7 @@ l3dss1_setup_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, teln = pc->para.setup.phone; #ifndef CONFIG_HISAX_NO_KEYPAD - send_keypad = (strchr(teln,'*') || strchr(teln,'#')) ? 1 : 0; + send_keypad = (strchr(teln, '*') || strchr(teln, '#')) ? 1 : 0; #else send_keypad = 0; #endif @@ -1272,7 +1272,7 @@ l3dss1_setup_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, while (*teln) *p++ = (*teln++) & 0x7F; } - + /* * What about info2? Mapping to High-Layer-Compatibility? */ @@ -1280,27 +1280,27 @@ l3dss1_setup_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, /* parse number for special things */ if (!isdigit(*teln)) { switch (0x5f & *teln) { - case 'C': - channel = 0x08; - case 'P': - channel |= 0x80; - teln++; - if (*teln == '1') - channel |= 0x01; - else - channel |= 0x02; - break; - case 'R': - screen = 0xA0; - break; - case 'D': - screen = 0x80; - break; - - default: - if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) - l3_debug(pc->st, "Wrong MSN Code"); - break; + case 'C': + channel = 0x08; + case 'P': + channel |= 0x80; + teln++; + if (*teln == '1') + channel |= 0x01; + else + channel |= 0x02; + break; + case 'R': + screen = 0xA0; + break; + case 'D': + screen = 0x80; + break; + + default: + if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) + l3_debug(pc->st, "Wrong MSN Code"); + break; } teln++; } @@ -1350,15 +1350,15 @@ l3dss1_setup_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, } else sp++; } - - if (!send_keypad) { + + if (!send_keypad) { *p++ = IE_CALLED_PN; *p++ = strlen(teln) + 1; /* Classify as AnyPref. */ *p++ = 0x81; /* Ext = '1'B, Type = '000'B, Plan = '0001'B. */ while (*teln) *p++ = *teln++ & 0x7f; - + if (sub) { *sub++ = '.'; *p++ = IE_CALLED_SUB; @@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ l3dss1_setup_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, while (*sub) *p++ = *sub++ & 0x7f; } - } + } #ifdef EXT_BEARER_CAPS if ((pc->para.setup.si2 >= 160) && (pc->para.setup.si2 <= 175)) { // sync. Bitratenadaption, V.110/X.30 @@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ l3dss1_setup_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, p = EncodeASyncParams(p, pc->para.setup.si2 - 192); #ifndef CONFIG_HISAX_NO_LLC } else { - switch (pc->para.setup.si1) { + switch (pc->para.setup.si1) { case 1: /* Telephony */ *p++ = IE_LLC; *p++ = 0x3; /* Length */ @@ -1413,7 +1413,7 @@ l3dss1_setup_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, *p++ = 0x88; /* Coding Std. CCITT, unrestr. dig. Inform. */ *p++ = 0x90; /* Circuit-Mode 64kbps */ break; - } + } #endif } #endif @@ -1521,7 +1521,7 @@ l3dss1_disconnect(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) cause = 96; else if (ret > 0) cause = 100; - } + } if ((p = findie(skb->data, skb->len, IE_FACILITY, 0))) l3dss1_parse_facility(pc->st, pc, pc->callref, p); ret = check_infoelements(pc, skb, ie_DISCONNECT); @@ -1533,10 +1533,10 @@ l3dss1_disconnect(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) newl3state(pc, 12); if (cause) newl3state(pc, 19); - if (11 != ret) + if (11 != ret) pc->st->l3.l3l4(pc->st, CC_DISCONNECT | INDICATION, pc); - else if (!cause) - l3dss1_release_req(pc, pr, NULL); + else if (!cause) + l3dss1_release_req(pc, pr, NULL); if (cause) { l3dss1_message_cause(pc, MT_RELEASE, cause); L3AddTimer(&pc->timer, T308, CC_T308_1); @@ -1602,56 +1602,56 @@ l3dss1_setup(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) else { pc->para.setup.si2 = 0; switch (p[2] & 0x7f) { - case 0x00: /* Speech */ - case 0x10: /* 3.1 Khz audio */ - pc->para.setup.si1 = 1; - break; - case 0x08: /* Unrestricted digital information */ - pc->para.setup.si1 = 7; + case 0x00: /* Speech */ + case 0x10: /* 3.1 Khz audio */ + pc->para.setup.si1 = 1; + break; + case 0x08: /* Unrestricted digital information */ + pc->para.setup.si1 = 7; /* JIM, 05.11.97 I wanna set service indicator 2 */ #ifdef EXT_BEARER_CAPS - pc->para.setup.si2 = DecodeSI2(skb); + pc->para.setup.si2 = DecodeSI2(skb); #endif - break; - case 0x09: /* Restricted digital information */ - pc->para.setup.si1 = 2; - break; - case 0x11: - /* Unrestr. digital information with - * tones/announcements ( or 7 kHz audio - */ - pc->para.setup.si1 = 3; - break; - case 0x18: /* Video */ - pc->para.setup.si1 = 4; - break; - default: - err = 2; - break; + break; + case 0x09: /* Restricted digital information */ + pc->para.setup.si1 = 2; + break; + case 0x11: + /* Unrestr. digital information with + * tones/announcements ( or 7 kHz audio + */ + pc->para.setup.si1 = 3; + break; + case 0x18: /* Video */ + pc->para.setup.si1 = 4; + break; + default: + err = 2; + break; } switch (p[3] & 0x7f) { - case 0x40: /* packed mode */ - pc->para.setup.si1 = 8; - break; - case 0x10: /* 64 kbit */ - case 0x11: /* 2*64 kbit */ - case 0x13: /* 384 kbit */ - case 0x15: /* 1536 kbit */ - case 0x17: /* 1920 kbit */ - pc->para.moderate = p[3] & 0x7f; - break; - default: - err = 3; - break; + case 0x40: /* packed mode */ + pc->para.setup.si1 = 8; + break; + case 0x10: /* 64 kbit */ + case 0x11: /* 2*64 kbit */ + case 0x13: /* 384 kbit */ + case 0x15: /* 1536 kbit */ + case 0x17: /* 1920 kbit */ + pc->para.moderate = p[3] & 0x7f; + break; + default: + err = 3; + break; } } if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_SI) l3_debug(pc->st, "SI=%d, AI=%d", - pc->para.setup.si1, pc->para.setup.si2); + pc->para.setup.si1, pc->para.setup.si2); if (err) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) l3_debug(pc->st, "setup with wrong bearer(l=%d:%x,%x)", - p[1], p[2], p[3]); + p[1], p[2], p[3]); pc->para.cause = 100; l3dss1_msg_without_setup(pc, pr, NULL); return; @@ -1672,17 +1672,17 @@ l3dss1_setup(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) if ((3 == id) && (0x10 == pc->para.moderate)) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) l3_debug(pc->st, "setup with wrong chid %x", - id); + id); pc->para.cause = 100; l3dss1_msg_without_setup(pc, pr, NULL); return; } bcfound++; - } else - { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) - l3_debug(pc->st, "setup without bchannel, call waiting"); - bcfound++; - } + } else + { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) + l3_debug(pc->st, "setup without bchannel, call waiting"); + bcfound++; + } } else { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) l3_debug(pc->st, "setup with wrong chid ret %d", id); @@ -1757,7 +1757,7 @@ static void l3dss1_disconnect_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { struct sk_buff *skb; - u_char tmp[16+40]; + u_char tmp[16 + 40]; u_char *p = tmp; int l; u_char cause = 16; @@ -1774,14 +1774,14 @@ l3dss1_disconnect_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) *p++ = 0x80; *p++ = cause | 0x80; - if (pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data[0]) - { *p++ = IE_USER_USER; /* UUS info element */ - *p++ = strlen(pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data) + 1; - *p++ = 0x04; /* IA5 chars */ - strcpy(p,pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data); - p += strlen(pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data); - pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data[0] = '\0'; - } + if (pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data[0]) + { *p++ = IE_USER_USER; /* UUS info element */ + *p++ = strlen(pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data) + 1; + *p++ = 0x04; /* IA5 chars */ + strcpy(p, pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data); + p += strlen(pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data); + pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data[0] = '\0'; + } l = p - tmp; if (!(skb = l3_alloc_skb(l))) @@ -1796,12 +1796,12 @@ static void l3dss1_setup_rsp(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { - if (!pc->para.bchannel) - { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) - l3_debug(pc->st, "D-chan connect for waiting call"); - l3dss1_disconnect_req(pc, pr, arg); - return; - } + if (!pc->para.bchannel) + { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) + l3_debug(pc->st, "D-chan connect for waiting call"); + l3dss1_disconnect_req(pc, pr, arg); + return; + } newl3state(pc, 8); l3dss1_message(pc, MT_CONNECT); L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); @@ -1860,26 +1860,26 @@ l3dss1_release(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { struct sk_buff *skb = arg; u_char *p; - int ret, cause=0; + int ret, cause = 0; StopAllL3Timer(pc); - if ((ret = l3dss1_get_cause(pc, skb))>0) { + if ((ret = l3dss1_get_cause(pc, skb)) > 0) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) l3_debug(pc->st, "REL get_cause ret(%d)", ret); - } else if (ret<0) + } else if (ret < 0) pc->para.cause = NO_CAUSE; if ((p = findie(skb->data, skb->len, IE_FACILITY, 0))) { l3dss1_parse_facility(pc->st, pc, pc->callref, p); } - if ((ret<0) && (pc->state != 11)) + if ((ret < 0) && (pc->state != 11)) cause = 96; - else if (ret>0) + else if (ret > 0) cause = 100; ret = check_infoelements(pc, skb, ie_RELEASE); if (ERR_IE_COMPREHENSION == ret) cause = 96; else if ((ERR_IE_UNRECOGNIZED == ret) && (!cause)) - cause = 99; + cause = 99; if (cause) l3dss1_message_cause(pc, MT_RELEASE_COMPLETE, cause); else @@ -1894,10 +1894,10 @@ l3dss1_alert_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { newl3state(pc, 7); - if (!pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data[0]) + if (!pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data[0]) l3dss1_message(pc, MT_ALERTING); else - l3dss1_msg_with_uus(pc, MT_ALERTING); + l3dss1_msg_with_uus(pc, MT_ALERTING); } static void @@ -1906,12 +1906,12 @@ l3dss1_proceed_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, { newl3state(pc, 9); l3dss1_message(pc, MT_CALL_PROCEEDING); - pc->st->l3.l3l4(pc->st, CC_PROCEED_SEND | INDICATION, pc); + pc->st->l3.l3l4(pc->st, CC_PROCEED_SEND | INDICATION, pc); } static void l3dss1_setup_ack_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, - void *arg) + void *arg) { newl3state(pc, 25); L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); @@ -1925,22 +1925,22 @@ l3dss1_setup_ack_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, static void l3dss1_deliver_display(struct l3_process *pc, int pr, u_char *infp) { u_char len; - isdn_ctrl ic; + isdn_ctrl ic; struct IsdnCardState *cs; - char *p; + char *p; - if (*infp++ != IE_DISPLAY) return; - if ((len = *infp++) > 80) return; /* total length <= 82 */ + if (*infp++ != IE_DISPLAY) return; + if ((len = *infp++) > 80) return; /* total length <= 82 */ if (!pc->chan) return; - p = ic.parm.display; - while (len--) - *p++ = *infp++; + p = ic.parm.display; + while (len--) + *p++ = *infp++; *p = '\0'; ic.command = ISDN_STAT_DISPLAY; cs = pc->st->l1.hardware; ic.driver = cs->myid; - ic.arg = pc->chan->chan; + ic.arg = pc->chan->chan; cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); } /* l3dss1_deliver_display */ @@ -1958,37 +1958,37 @@ l3dss1_progress(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) pc->para.cause = 100; } else if (!(p[2] & 0x70)) { switch (p[2]) { - case 0x80: + case 0x80: + case 0x81: + case 0x82: + case 0x84: + case 0x85: + case 0x87: + case 0x8a: + switch (p[3]) { case 0x81: case 0x82: + case 0x83: case 0x84: - case 0x85: - case 0x87: - case 0x8a: - switch (p[3]) { - case 0x81: - case 0x82: - case 0x83: - case 0x84: - case 0x88: - break; - default: - err = 2; - pc->para.cause = 100; - break; - } + case 0x88: break; default: - err = 3; + err = 2; pc->para.cause = 100; break; + } + break; + default: + err = 3; + pc->para.cause = 100; + break; } } } else { pc->para.cause = 96; err = 4; } - if (err) { + if (err) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) l3_debug(pc->st, "progress error %d", err); l3dss1_status_send(pc, pr, NULL); @@ -2015,21 +2015,21 @@ l3dss1_notify(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) pc->para.cause = 100; } else { switch (p[2]) { - case 0x80: - case 0x81: - case 0x82: - break; - default: - pc->para.cause = 100; - err = 2; - break; + case 0x80: + case 0x81: + case 0x82: + break; + default: + pc->para.cause = 100; + err = 2; + break; } } } else { pc->para.cause = 96; err = 3; } - if (err) { + if (err) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) l3_debug(pc->st, "notify error %d", err); l3dss1_status_send(pc, pr, NULL); @@ -2052,7 +2052,7 @@ l3dss1_status_enq(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) ret = check_infoelements(pc, skb, ie_STATUS_ENQUIRY); l3dss1_std_ie_err(pc, ret); pc->para.cause = 30; /* response to STATUS_ENQUIRY */ - l3dss1_status_send(pc, pr, NULL); + l3dss1_status_send(pc, pr, NULL); } static void @@ -2086,68 +2086,68 @@ static void l3dss1_redir_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) struct sk_buff *skb; u_char tmp[128]; u_char *p = tmp; - u_char *subp; - u_char len_phone = 0; - u_char len_sub = 0; - int l; - - - strcpy(pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data,pc->chan->setup.eazmsn); /* copy uus element if available */ - if (!pc->chan->setup.phone[0]) - { pc->para.cause = -1; - l3dss1_disconnect_req(pc,pr,arg); /* disconnect immediately */ - return; - } /* only uus */ - - if (pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id) - free_invoke_id(pc->st,pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id); - - if (!(pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id = new_invoke_id(pc->st))) - return; - - MsgHead(p, pc->callref, MT_FACILITY); - - for (subp = pc->chan->setup.phone; (*subp) && (*subp != '.'); subp++) len_phone++; /* len of phone number */ - if (*subp++ == '.') len_sub = strlen(subp) + 2; /* length including info subaddress element */ + u_char *subp; + u_char len_phone = 0; + u_char len_sub = 0; + int l; + + + strcpy(pc->prot.dss1.uus1_data, pc->chan->setup.eazmsn); /* copy uus element if available */ + if (!pc->chan->setup.phone[0]) + { pc->para.cause = -1; + l3dss1_disconnect_req(pc, pr, arg); /* disconnect immediately */ + return; + } /* only uus */ + + if (pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id) + free_invoke_id(pc->st, pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id); + + if (!(pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id = new_invoke_id(pc->st))) + return; + + MsgHead(p, pc->callref, MT_FACILITY); + + for (subp = pc->chan->setup.phone; (*subp) && (*subp != '.'); subp++) len_phone++; /* len of phone number */ + if (*subp++ == '.') len_sub = strlen(subp) + 2; /* length including info subaddress element */ *p++ = 0x1c; /* Facility info element */ - *p++ = len_phone + len_sub + 2 + 2 + 8 + 3 + 3; /* length of element */ - *p++ = 0x91; /* remote operations protocol */ - *p++ = 0xa1; /* invoke component */ - - *p++ = len_phone + len_sub + 2 + 2 + 8 + 3; /* length of data */ - *p++ = 0x02; /* invoke id tag, integer */ + *p++ = len_phone + len_sub + 2 + 2 + 8 + 3 + 3; /* length of element */ + *p++ = 0x91; /* remote operations protocol */ + *p++ = 0xa1; /* invoke component */ + + *p++ = len_phone + len_sub + 2 + 2 + 8 + 3; /* length of data */ + *p++ = 0x02; /* invoke id tag, integer */ *p++ = 0x01; /* length */ - *p++ = pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id; /* invoke id */ - *p++ = 0x02; /* operation value tag, integer */ + *p++ = pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id; /* invoke id */ + *p++ = 0x02; /* operation value tag, integer */ *p++ = 0x01; /* length */ - *p++ = 0x0D; /* Call Deflect */ - - *p++ = 0x30; /* sequence phone number */ - *p++ = len_phone + 2 + 2 + 3 + len_sub; /* length */ - - *p++ = 0x30; /* Deflected to UserNumber */ - *p++ = len_phone+2+len_sub; /* length */ - *p++ = 0x80; /* NumberDigits */ + *p++ = 0x0D; /* Call Deflect */ + + *p++ = 0x30; /* sequence phone number */ + *p++ = len_phone + 2 + 2 + 3 + len_sub; /* length */ + + *p++ = 0x30; /* Deflected to UserNumber */ + *p++ = len_phone + 2 + len_sub; /* length */ + *p++ = 0x80; /* NumberDigits */ *p++ = len_phone; /* length */ - for (l = 0; l < len_phone; l++) - *p++ = pc->chan->setup.phone[l]; + for (l = 0; l < len_phone; l++) + *p++ = pc->chan->setup.phone[l]; - if (len_sub) - { *p++ = 0x04; /* called party subaddress */ - *p++ = len_sub - 2; - while (*subp) *p++ = *subp++; - } + if (len_sub) + { *p++ = 0x04; /* called party subaddress */ + *p++ = len_sub - 2; + while (*subp) *p++ = *subp++; + } - *p++ = 0x01; /* screening identifier */ - *p++ = 0x01; - *p++ = pc->chan->setup.screen; + *p++ = 0x01; /* screening identifier */ + *p++ = 0x01; + *p++ = pc->chan->setup.screen; l = p - tmp; if (!(skb = l3_alloc_skb(l))) return; memcpy(skb_put(skb, l), tmp, l); - l3_msg(pc->st, DL_DATA | REQUEST, skb); + l3_msg(pc->st, DL_DATA | REQUEST, skb); } /* l3dss1_redir_req */ /********************************************/ @@ -2155,8 +2155,8 @@ static void l3dss1_redir_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) /********************************************/ static void l3dss1_redir_req_early(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { - l3dss1_proceed_req(pc,pr,arg); - l3dss1_redir_req(pc,pr,arg); + l3dss1_proceed_req(pc, pr, arg); + l3dss1_redir_req(pc, pr, arg); } /* l3dss1_redir_req_early */ /***********************************************/ @@ -2166,108 +2166,108 @@ static void l3dss1_redir_req_early(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) /***********************************************/ static int l3dss1_cmd_global(struct PStack *st, isdn_ctrl *ic) { u_char id; - u_char temp[265]; - u_char *p = temp; - int i, l, proc_len; - struct sk_buff *skb; - struct l3_process *pc = NULL; - - switch (ic->arg) - { case DSS1_CMD_INVOKE: - if (ic->parm.dss1_io.datalen < 0) return(-2); /* invalid parameter */ - - for (proc_len = 1, i = ic->parm.dss1_io.proc >> 8; i; i++) - i = i >> 8; /* add one byte */ - l = ic->parm.dss1_io.datalen + proc_len + 8; /* length excluding ie header */ - if (l > 255) - return(-2); /* too long */ - - if (!(id = new_invoke_id(st))) - return(0); /* first get a invoke id -> return if no available */ - - i = -1; - MsgHead(p, i, MT_FACILITY); /* build message head */ - *p++ = 0x1C; /* Facility IE */ - *p++ = l; /* length of ie */ - *p++ = 0x91; /* remote operations */ - *p++ = 0xA1; /* invoke */ - *p++ = l - 3; /* length of invoke */ - *p++ = 0x02; /* invoke id tag */ - *p++ = 0x01; /* length is 1 */ - *p++ = id; /* invoke id */ - *p++ = 0x02; /* operation */ - *p++ = proc_len; /* length of operation */ - - for (i = proc_len; i; i--) - *p++ = (ic->parm.dss1_io.proc >> (i-1)) & 0xFF; - memcpy(p, ic->parm.dss1_io.data, ic->parm.dss1_io.datalen); /* copy data */ - l = (p - temp) + ic->parm.dss1_io.datalen; /* total length */ - - if (ic->parm.dss1_io.timeout > 0) - if (!(pc = dss1_new_l3_process(st, -1))) - { free_invoke_id(st, id); - return(-2); - } - pc->prot.dss1.ll_id = ic->parm.dss1_io.ll_id; /* remember id */ - pc->prot.dss1.proc = ic->parm.dss1_io.proc; /* and procedure */ - - if (!(skb = l3_alloc_skb(l))) - { free_invoke_id(st, id); - if (pc) dss1_release_l3_process(pc); - return(-2); - } - memcpy(skb_put(skb, l), temp, l); - - if (pc) - { pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id = id; /* remember id */ - L3AddTimer(&pc->timer, ic->parm.dss1_io.timeout, CC_TDSS1_IO | REQUEST); - } - - l3_msg(st, DL_DATA | REQUEST, skb); - ic->parm.dss1_io.hl_id = id; /* return id */ - return(0); - - case DSS1_CMD_INVOKE_ABORT: - if ((pc = l3dss1_search_dummy_proc(st, ic->parm.dss1_io.hl_id))) - { L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); /* remove timer */ - dss1_release_l3_process(pc); - return(0); - } - else - { l3_debug(st, "l3dss1_cmd_global abort unknown id"); - return(-2); - } - break; - - default: - l3_debug(st, "l3dss1_cmd_global unknown cmd 0x%lx", ic->arg); - return(-1); - } /* switch ic-> arg */ - return(-1); + u_char temp[265]; + u_char *p = temp; + int i, l, proc_len; + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct l3_process *pc = NULL; + + switch (ic->arg) + { case DSS1_CMD_INVOKE: + if (ic->parm.dss1_io.datalen < 0) return (-2); /* invalid parameter */ + + for (proc_len = 1, i = ic->parm.dss1_io.proc >> 8; i; i++) + i = i >> 8; /* add one byte */ + l = ic->parm.dss1_io.datalen + proc_len + 8; /* length excluding ie header */ + if (l > 255) + return (-2); /* too long */ + + if (!(id = new_invoke_id(st))) + return (0); /* first get a invoke id -> return if no available */ + + i = -1; + MsgHead(p, i, MT_FACILITY); /* build message head */ + *p++ = 0x1C; /* Facility IE */ + *p++ = l; /* length of ie */ + *p++ = 0x91; /* remote operations */ + *p++ = 0xA1; /* invoke */ + *p++ = l - 3; /* length of invoke */ + *p++ = 0x02; /* invoke id tag */ + *p++ = 0x01; /* length is 1 */ + *p++ = id; /* invoke id */ + *p++ = 0x02; /* operation */ + *p++ = proc_len; /* length of operation */ + + for (i = proc_len; i; i--) + *p++ = (ic->parm.dss1_io.proc >> (i - 1)) & 0xFF; + memcpy(p, ic->parm.dss1_io.data, ic->parm.dss1_io.datalen); /* copy data */ + l = (p - temp) + ic->parm.dss1_io.datalen; /* total length */ + + if (ic->parm.dss1_io.timeout > 0) + if (!(pc = dss1_new_l3_process(st, -1))) + { free_invoke_id(st, id); + return (-2); + } + pc->prot.dss1.ll_id = ic->parm.dss1_io.ll_id; /* remember id */ + pc->prot.dss1.proc = ic->parm.dss1_io.proc; /* and procedure */ + + if (!(skb = l3_alloc_skb(l))) + { free_invoke_id(st, id); + if (pc) dss1_release_l3_process(pc); + return (-2); + } + memcpy(skb_put(skb, l), temp, l); + + if (pc) + { pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id = id; /* remember id */ + L3AddTimer(&pc->timer, ic->parm.dss1_io.timeout, CC_TDSS1_IO | REQUEST); + } + + l3_msg(st, DL_DATA | REQUEST, skb); + ic->parm.dss1_io.hl_id = id; /* return id */ + return (0); + + case DSS1_CMD_INVOKE_ABORT: + if ((pc = l3dss1_search_dummy_proc(st, ic->parm.dss1_io.hl_id))) + { L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); /* remove timer */ + dss1_release_l3_process(pc); + return (0); + } + else + { l3_debug(st, "l3dss1_cmd_global abort unknown id"); + return (-2); + } + break; + + default: + l3_debug(st, "l3dss1_cmd_global unknown cmd 0x%lx", ic->arg); + return (-1); + } /* switch ic-> arg */ + return (-1); } /* l3dss1_cmd_global */ -static void +static void l3dss1_io_timer(struct l3_process *pc) { isdn_ctrl ic; - struct IsdnCardState *cs = pc->st->l1.hardware; + struct IsdnCardState *cs = pc->st->l1.hardware; - L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); /* remove timer */ + L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); /* remove timer */ - ic.driver = cs->myid; - ic.command = ISDN_STAT_PROT; - ic.arg = DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_ERR; - ic.parm.dss1_io.hl_id = pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id; - ic.parm.dss1_io.ll_id = pc->prot.dss1.ll_id; - ic.parm.dss1_io.proc = pc->prot.dss1.proc; - ic.parm.dss1_io.timeout= -1; - ic.parm.dss1_io.datalen = 0; - ic.parm.dss1_io.data = NULL; - free_invoke_id(pc->st, pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id); - pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id = 0; /* reset id */ + ic.driver = cs->myid; + ic.command = ISDN_STAT_PROT; + ic.arg = DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_ERR; + ic.parm.dss1_io.hl_id = pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id; + ic.parm.dss1_io.ll_id = pc->prot.dss1.ll_id; + ic.parm.dss1_io.proc = pc->prot.dss1.proc; + ic.parm.dss1_io.timeout = -1; + ic.parm.dss1_io.datalen = 0; + ic.parm.dss1_io.data = NULL; + free_invoke_id(pc->st, pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id); + pc->prot.dss1.invoke_id = 0; /* reset id */ - cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); + cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); - dss1_release_l3_process(pc); + dss1_release_l3_process(pc); } /* l3dss1_io_timer */ static void @@ -2437,12 +2437,12 @@ l3dss1_status(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { u_char *p; struct sk_buff *skb = arg; - int ret; + int ret; u_char cause = 0, callState = 0; - + if ((ret = l3dss1_get_cause(pc, skb))) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) - l3_debug(pc->st, "STATUS get_cause ret(%d)",ret); + l3_debug(pc->st, "STATUS get_cause ret(%d)", ret); if (ret < 0) cause = 96; else if (ret > 0) @@ -2467,9 +2467,9 @@ l3dss1_status(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) } if (cause) { u_char tmp; - + if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) - l3_debug(pc->st, "STATUS error(%d/%d)",ret,cause); + l3_debug(pc->st, "STATUS error(%d/%d)", ret, cause); tmp = pc->para.cause; pc->para.cause = cause; l3dss1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); @@ -2495,10 +2495,10 @@ l3dss1_facility(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { struct sk_buff *skb = arg; int ret; - + ret = check_infoelements(pc, skb, ie_FACILITY); l3dss1_std_ie_err(pc, ret); - { + { u_char *p; if ((p = findie(skb->data, skb->len, IE_FACILITY, 0))) l3dss1_parse_facility(pc->st, pc, pc->callref, p); @@ -2547,7 +2547,7 @@ l3dss1_suspend_ack(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) /* We don't handle suspend_ack for IE errors now */ if ((ret = check_infoelements(pc, skb, ie_SUSPEND_ACKNOWLEDGE))) if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) - l3_debug(pc->st, "SUSPACK check ie(%d)",ret); + l3_debug(pc->st, "SUSPACK check ie(%d)", ret); dss1_release_l3_process(pc); } @@ -2559,8 +2559,8 @@ l3dss1_suspend_rej(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) if ((ret = l3dss1_get_cause(pc, skb))) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) - l3_debug(pc->st, "SUSP_REJ get_cause ret(%d)",ret); - if (ret < 0) + l3_debug(pc->st, "SUSP_REJ get_cause ret(%d)", ret); + if (ret < 0) pc->para.cause = 96; else pc->para.cause = 100; @@ -2651,8 +2651,8 @@ l3dss1_resume_rej(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) if ((ret = l3dss1_get_cause(pc, skb))) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) - l3_debug(pc->st, "RES_REJ get_cause ret(%d)",ret); - if (ret < 0) + l3_debug(pc->st, "RES_REJ get_cause ret(%d)", ret); + if (ret < 0) pc->para.cause = 96; else pc->para.cause = 100; @@ -2729,36 +2729,36 @@ l3dss1_global_restart(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) static void l3dss1_dl_reset(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { - pc->para.cause = 0x29; /* Temporary failure */ - pc->para.loc = 0; - l3dss1_disconnect_req(pc, pr, NULL); - pc->st->l3.l3l4(pc->st, CC_SETUP_ERR, pc); + pc->para.cause = 0x29; /* Temporary failure */ + pc->para.loc = 0; + l3dss1_disconnect_req(pc, pr, NULL); + pc->st->l3.l3l4(pc->st, CC_SETUP_ERR, pc); } static void l3dss1_dl_release(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { - newl3state(pc, 0); - pc->para.cause = 0x1b; /* Destination out of order */ - pc->para.loc = 0; - pc->st->l3.l3l4(pc->st, CC_RELEASE | INDICATION, pc); - release_l3_process(pc); + newl3state(pc, 0); + pc->para.cause = 0x1b; /* Destination out of order */ + pc->para.loc = 0; + pc->st->l3.l3l4(pc->st, CC_RELEASE | INDICATION, pc); + release_l3_process(pc); } static void l3dss1_dl_reestablish(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { - L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); - L3AddTimer(&pc->timer, T309, CC_T309); - l3_msg(pc->st, DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST, NULL); + L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); + L3AddTimer(&pc->timer, T309, CC_T309); + l3_msg(pc->st, DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST, NULL); } - + static void l3dss1_dl_reest_status(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); - - pc->para.cause = 0x1F; /* normal, unspecified */ + + pc->para.cause = 0x1F; /* normal, unspecified */ l3dss1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); } @@ -2791,12 +2791,12 @@ static struct stateentry downstatelist[] = CC_SETUP | RESPONSE, l3dss1_setup_rsp}, {SBIT(10), CC_SUSPEND | REQUEST, l3dss1_suspend_req}, - {SBIT(7) | SBIT(9) | SBIT(25), - CC_REDIR | REQUEST, l3dss1_redir_req}, - {SBIT(6), - CC_REDIR | REQUEST, l3dss1_redir_req_early}, - {SBIT(9) | SBIT(25), - CC_DISCONNECT | REQUEST, l3dss1_disconnect_req}, + {SBIT(7) | SBIT(9) | SBIT(25), + CC_REDIR | REQUEST, l3dss1_redir_req}, + {SBIT(6), + CC_REDIR | REQUEST, l3dss1_redir_req_early}, + {SBIT(9) | SBIT(25), + CC_DISCONNECT | REQUEST, l3dss1_disconnect_req}, {SBIT(25), CC_T302, l3dss1_t302}, {SBIT(1), @@ -2880,20 +2880,20 @@ static struct stateentry globalmes_list[] = {SBIT(0), MT_RESTART, l3dss1_global_restart}, /* {SBIT(1), - MT_RESTART_ACKNOWLEDGE, l3dss1_restart_ack}, + MT_RESTART_ACKNOWLEDGE, l3dss1_restart_ack}, */ }; static struct stateentry manstatelist[] = { - {SBIT(2), - DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION, l3dss1_dl_reset}, - {SBIT(10), - DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM, l3dss1_dl_reest_status}, - {SBIT(10), - DL_RELEASE | INDICATION, l3dss1_dl_reestablish}, - {ALL_STATES, - DL_RELEASE | INDICATION, l3dss1_dl_release}, + {SBIT(2), + DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION, l3dss1_dl_reset}, + {SBIT(10), + DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM, l3dss1_dl_reest_status}, + {SBIT(10), + DL_RELEASE | INDICATION, l3dss1_dl_reestablish}, + {ALL_STATES, + DL_RELEASE | INDICATION, l3dss1_dl_release}, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ @@ -2916,13 +2916,13 @@ global_handler(struct PStack *st, int mt, struct sk_buff *skb) if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(globalmes_list)) { if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { l3_debug(st, "dss1 global state %d mt %x unhandled", - proc->state, mt); + proc->state, mt); } MsgHead(p, proc->callref, MT_STATUS); *p++ = IE_CAUSE; *p++ = 0x2; *p++ = 0x80; - *p++ = 81 |0x80; /* invalid cr */ + *p++ = 81 | 0x80; /* invalid cr */ *p++ = 0x14; /* CallState */ *p++ = 0x1; *p++ = proc->state & 0x3f; @@ -2934,7 +2934,7 @@ global_handler(struct PStack *st, int mt, struct sk_buff *skb) } else { if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { l3_debug(st, "dss1 global %d mt %x", - proc->state, mt); + proc->state, mt); } globalmes_list[i].rout(proc, mt, skb); } @@ -2950,19 +2950,19 @@ dss1up(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) struct l3_process *proc; switch (pr) { - case (DL_DATA | INDICATION): - case (DL_UNIT_DATA | INDICATION): - break; - case (DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM): - case (DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION): - case (DL_RELEASE | INDICATION): - case (DL_RELEASE | CONFIRM): - l3_msg(st, pr, arg); - return; - break; - default: - printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax dss1up unknown pr=%04x\n", pr); - return; + case (DL_DATA | INDICATION): + case (DL_UNIT_DATA | INDICATION): + break; + case (DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM): + case (DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION): + case (DL_RELEASE | INDICATION): + case (DL_RELEASE | CONFIRM): + l3_msg(st, pr, arg); + return; + break; + default: + printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax dss1up unknown pr=%04x\n", pr); + return; } if (skb->len < 3) { l3_debug(st, "dss1up frame too short(%d)", skb->len); @@ -2996,17 +2996,17 @@ dss1up(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) } else if (cr == -1) { /* Dummy Callref */ if (mt == MT_FACILITY) if ((p = findie(skb->data, skb->len, IE_FACILITY, 0))) { - l3dss1_parse_facility(st, NULL, - (pr == (DL_DATA | INDICATION)) ? -1 : -2, p); + l3dss1_parse_facility(st, NULL, + (pr == (DL_DATA | INDICATION)) ? -1 : -2, p); dev_kfree_skb(skb); - return; + return; } if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_WARN) l3_debug(st, "dss1up dummy Callref (no facility msg or ie)"); dev_kfree_skb(skb); return; - } else if ((((skb->data[1] & 0x0f) == 1) && (0==(cr & 0x7f))) || - (((skb->data[1] & 0x0f) == 2) && (0==(cr & 0x7fff)))) { /* Global CallRef */ + } else if ((((skb->data[1] & 0x0f) == 1) && (0 == (cr & 0x7f))) || + (((skb->data[1] & 0x0f) == 2) && (0 == (cr & 0x7fff)))) { /* Global CallRef */ if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) l3_debug(st, "dss1up Global CallRef"); global_handler(st, mt, skb); @@ -3084,8 +3084,8 @@ dss1up(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) dev_kfree_skb(skb); return; } - if ((p = findie(skb->data, skb->len, IE_DISPLAY, 0)) != NULL) - l3dss1_deliver_display(proc, pr, p); /* Display IE included */ + if ((p = findie(skb->data, skb->len, IE_DISPLAY, 0)) != NULL) + l3dss1_deliver_display(proc, pr, p); /* Display IE included */ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(datastatelist); i++) if ((mt == datastatelist[i].primitive) && ((1 << proc->state) & datastatelist[i].state)) @@ -3093,8 +3093,8 @@ dss1up(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(datastatelist)) { if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { l3_debug(st, "dss1up%sstate %d mt %#x unhandled", - (pr == (DL_DATA | INDICATION)) ? " " : "(broadcast) ", - proc->state, mt); + (pr == (DL_DATA | INDICATION)) ? " " : "(broadcast) ", + proc->state, mt); } if ((MT_RELEASE_COMPLETE != mt) && (MT_RELEASE != mt)) { proc->para.cause = 101; @@ -3103,8 +3103,8 @@ dss1up(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) } else { if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { l3_debug(st, "dss1up%sstate %d mt %x", - (pr == (DL_DATA | INDICATION)) ? " " : "(broadcast) ", - proc->state, mt); + (pr == (DL_DATA | INDICATION)) ? " " : "(broadcast) ", + proc->state, mt); } datastatelist[i].rout(proc, pr, skb); } @@ -3140,10 +3140,10 @@ dss1down(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) return; } - if ( pr == (CC_TDSS1_IO | REQUEST)) { - l3dss1_io_timer(proc); /* timer expires */ + if (pr == (CC_TDSS1_IO | REQUEST)) { + l3dss1_io_timer(proc); /* timer expires */ return; - } + } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(downstatelist); i++) if ((pr == downstatelist[i].primitive) && @@ -3152,12 +3152,12 @@ dss1down(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(downstatelist)) { if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { l3_debug(st, "dss1down state %d prim %#x unhandled", - proc->state, pr); + proc->state, pr); } } else { if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { l3_debug(st, "dss1down state %d prim %#x", - proc->state, pr); + proc->state, pr); } downstatelist[i].rout(proc, pr, arg); } @@ -3166,31 +3166,31 @@ dss1down(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) static void dss1man(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) { - int i; - struct l3_process *proc = arg; - - if (!proc) { - printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax dss1man without proc pr=%04x\n", pr); - return; - } - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(manstatelist); i++) - if ((pr == manstatelist[i].primitive) && - ((1 << proc->state) & manstatelist[i].state)) - break; - if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(manstatelist)) { - if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { - l3_debug(st, "cr %d dss1man state %d prim %#x unhandled", - proc->callref & 0x7f, proc->state, pr); - } - } else { - if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { - l3_debug(st, "cr %d dss1man state %d prim %#x", - proc->callref & 0x7f, proc->state, pr); - } - manstatelist[i].rout(proc, pr, arg); - } -} - + int i; + struct l3_process *proc = arg; + + if (!proc) { + printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax dss1man without proc pr=%04x\n", pr); + return; + } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(manstatelist); i++) + if ((pr == manstatelist[i].primitive) && + ((1 << proc->state) & manstatelist[i].state)) + break; + if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(manstatelist)) { + if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { + l3_debug(st, "cr %d dss1man state %d prim %#x unhandled", + proc->callref & 0x7f, proc->state, pr); + } + } else { + if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { + l3_debug(st, "cr %d dss1man state %d prim %#x", + proc->callref & 0x7f, proc->state, pr); + } + manstatelist[i].rout(proc, pr, arg); + } +} + void setstack_dss1(struct PStack *st) { @@ -3205,8 +3205,8 @@ setstack_dss1(struct PStack *st) st->prot.dss1.last_invoke_id = 0; st->prot.dss1.invoke_used[0] = 1; /* Bit 0 must always be set to 1 */ i = 1; - while (i < 32) - st->prot.dss1.invoke_used[i++] = 0; + while (i < 32) + st->prot.dss1.invoke_used[i++] = 0; if (!(st->l3.global = kmalloc(sizeof(struct l3_process), GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax can't get memory for dss1 global CR\n"); @@ -3217,7 +3217,7 @@ setstack_dss1(struct PStack *st) st->l3.global->debug = L3_DEB_WARN; st->l3.global->st = st; st->l3.global->N303 = 1; - st->l3.global->prot.dss1.invoke_id = 0; + st->l3.global->prot.dss1.invoke_id = 0; L3InitTimer(st->l3.global, &st->l3.global->timer); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3dss1.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3dss1.h index 6da47f05ef2aacdfdd973e741c03d81558a61026..a7807e8a94f19e721dfc5c80e3c5678e92f47dcc 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3dss1.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3dss1.h @@ -107,18 +107,18 @@ /* l3dss1 specific data in l3 process */ typedef struct - { unsigned char invoke_id; /* used invoke id in remote ops, 0 = not active */ - ulong ll_id; /* remebered ll id */ - u8 remote_operation; /* handled remote operation, 0 = not active */ - int proc; /* rememered procedure */ - ulong remote_result; /* result of remote operation for statcallb */ - char uus1_data[35]; /* data send during alerting or disconnect */ - } dss1_proc_priv; +{ unsigned char invoke_id; /* used invoke id in remote ops, 0 = not active */ + ulong ll_id; /* remebered ll id */ + u8 remote_operation; /* handled remote operation, 0 = not active */ + int proc; /* rememered procedure */ + ulong remote_result; /* result of remote operation for statcallb */ + char uus1_data[35]; /* data send during alerting or disconnect */ +} dss1_proc_priv; /* l3dss1 specific data in protocol stack */ typedef struct - { unsigned char last_invoke_id; /* last used value for invoking */ - unsigned char invoke_used[32]; /* 256 bits for 256 values */ - } dss1_stk_priv; +{ unsigned char last_invoke_id; /* last used value for invoking */ + unsigned char invoke_used[32]; /* 256 bits for 256 values */ +} dss1_stk_priv; #endif /* only l3dss1_process */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3ni1.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3ni1.c index 092dcbb39d94315b8f018f3cda63c2f33b0aeb90..0df6691d045c298906c95c1b29415ac93ef24878 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3ni1.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3ni1.c @@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ * * Author Matt Henderson & Guy Ellis * Copyright by Traverse Technologies Pty Ltd, www.travers.com.au - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * - * 2000.6.6 Initial implementation of routines for US NI1 - * Layer 3 protocol based on the EURO/DSS1 D-channel protocol - * driver written by Karsten Keil et al. - * NI-1 Hall of Fame - Thanks to.... + * 2000.6.6 Initial implementation of routines for US NI1 + * Layer 3 protocol based on the EURO/DSS1 D-channel protocol + * driver written by Karsten Keil et al. + * NI-1 Hall of Fame - Thanks to.... * Ragnar Paulson - for some handy code fragments * Will Scales - beta tester extraordinaire * Brett Whittacre - beta tester and remote devel system in Vegas @@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ static const char *ni1_revision = "$Revision: $"; #define EXT_BEARER_CAPS 1 -#define MsgHead(ptr, cref, mty) \ - *ptr++ = 0x8; \ - if (cref == -1) { \ - *ptr++ = 0x0; \ - } else { \ - *ptr++ = 0x1; \ - *ptr++ = cref^0x80; \ - } \ +#define MsgHead(ptr, cref, mty) \ + *ptr++ = 0x8; \ + if (cref == -1) { \ + *ptr++ = 0x0; \ + } else { \ + *ptr++ = 0x1; \ + *ptr++ = cref^0x80; \ + } \ *ptr++ = mty @@ -48,22 +48,22 @@ static unsigned char new_invoke_id(struct PStack *p) { unsigned char retval; int i; - + i = 32; /* maximum search depth */ retval = p->prot.ni1.last_invoke_id + 1; /* try new id */ while ((i) && (p->prot.ni1.invoke_used[retval >> 3] == 0xFF)) { p->prot.ni1.last_invoke_id = (retval & 0xF8) + 8; i--; - } + } if (i) { while (p->prot.ni1.invoke_used[retval >> 3] & (1 << (retval & 7))) - retval++; + retval++; } else retval = 0; p->prot.ni1.last_invoke_id = retval; p->prot.ni1.invoke_used[retval >> 3] |= (1 << (retval & 7)); - return(retval); + return (retval); } /* new_invoke_id */ /*************************/ @@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ static unsigned char new_invoke_id(struct PStack *p) static void free_invoke_id(struct PStack *p, unsigned char id) { - if (!id) return; /* 0 = invalid value */ + if (!id) return; /* 0 = invalid value */ - p->prot.ni1.invoke_used[id >> 3] &= ~(1 << (id & 7)); -} /* free_invoke_id */ + p->prot.ni1.invoke_used[id >> 3] &= ~(1 << (id & 7)); +} /* free_invoke_id */ /**********************************************************/ @@ -85,26 +85,26 @@ static struct l3_process *ni1_new_l3_process(struct PStack *st, int cr) { struct l3_process *proc; - if (!(proc = new_l3_process(st, cr))) - return(NULL); + if (!(proc = new_l3_process(st, cr))) + return (NULL); - proc->prot.ni1.invoke_id = 0; - proc->prot.ni1.remote_operation = 0; - proc->prot.ni1.uus1_data[0] = '\0'; - - return(proc); + proc->prot.ni1.invoke_id = 0; + proc->prot.ni1.remote_operation = 0; + proc->prot.ni1.uus1_data[0] = '\0'; + + return (proc); } /* ni1_new_l3_process */ /************************************************/ /* free a l3 process and all ni1 specific data */ -/************************************************/ +/************************************************/ static void ni1_release_l3_process(struct l3_process *p) { - free_invoke_id(p->st,p->prot.ni1.invoke_id); - release_l3_process(p); + free_invoke_id(p->st, p->prot.ni1.invoke_id); + release_l3_process(p); } /* ni1_release_l3_process */ - + /********************************************************/ /* search a process with invoke id id and dummy callref */ /********************************************************/ @@ -112,120 +112,120 @@ static struct l3_process * l3ni1_search_dummy_proc(struct PStack *st, int id) { struct l3_process *pc = st->l3.proc; /* start of processes */ - if (!id) return(NULL); + if (!id) return (NULL); - while (pc) - { if ((pc->callref == -1) && (pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id == id)) - return(pc); - pc = pc->next; - } - return(NULL); + while (pc) + { if ((pc->callref == -1) && (pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id == id)) + return (pc); + pc = pc->next; + } + return (NULL); } /* l3ni1_search_dummy_proc */ /*******************************************************************/ /* called when a facility message with a dummy callref is received */ /* and a return result is delivered. id specifies the invoke id. */ -/*******************************************************************/ -static void +/*******************************************************************/ +static void l3ni1_dummy_return_result(struct PStack *st, int id, u_char *p, u_char nlen) { isdn_ctrl ic; - struct IsdnCardState *cs; - struct l3_process *pc = NULL; - - if ((pc = l3ni1_search_dummy_proc(st, id))) - { L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); /* remove timer */ - - cs = pc->st->l1.hardware; - ic.driver = cs->myid; - ic.command = ISDN_STAT_PROT; - ic.arg = NI1_STAT_INVOKE_RES; - ic.parm.ni1_io.hl_id = pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id; - ic.parm.ni1_io.ll_id = pc->prot.ni1.ll_id; - ic.parm.ni1_io.proc = pc->prot.ni1.proc; - ic.parm.ni1_io.timeout= 0; - ic.parm.ni1_io.datalen = nlen; - ic.parm.ni1_io.data = p; - free_invoke_id(pc->st, pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id); - pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id = 0; /* reset id */ - - cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); - ni1_release_l3_process(pc); - } - else - l3_debug(st, "dummy return result id=0x%x result len=%d",id,nlen); + struct IsdnCardState *cs; + struct l3_process *pc = NULL; + + if ((pc = l3ni1_search_dummy_proc(st, id))) + { L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); /* remove timer */ + + cs = pc->st->l1.hardware; + ic.driver = cs->myid; + ic.command = ISDN_STAT_PROT; + ic.arg = NI1_STAT_INVOKE_RES; + ic.parm.ni1_io.hl_id = pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id; + ic.parm.ni1_io.ll_id = pc->prot.ni1.ll_id; + ic.parm.ni1_io.proc = pc->prot.ni1.proc; + ic.parm.ni1_io.timeout = 0; + ic.parm.ni1_io.datalen = nlen; + ic.parm.ni1_io.data = p; + free_invoke_id(pc->st, pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id); + pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id = 0; /* reset id */ + + cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); + ni1_release_l3_process(pc); + } + else + l3_debug(st, "dummy return result id=0x%x result len=%d", id, nlen); } /* l3ni1_dummy_return_result */ /*******************************************************************/ /* called when a facility message with a dummy callref is received */ /* and a return error is delivered. id specifies the invoke id. */ -/*******************************************************************/ -static void +/*******************************************************************/ +static void l3ni1_dummy_error_return(struct PStack *st, int id, ulong error) { isdn_ctrl ic; - struct IsdnCardState *cs; - struct l3_process *pc = NULL; - - if ((pc = l3ni1_search_dummy_proc(st, id))) - { L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); /* remove timer */ - - cs = pc->st->l1.hardware; - ic.driver = cs->myid; - ic.command = ISDN_STAT_PROT; - ic.arg = NI1_STAT_INVOKE_ERR; - ic.parm.ni1_io.hl_id = pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id; - ic.parm.ni1_io.ll_id = pc->prot.ni1.ll_id; - ic.parm.ni1_io.proc = pc->prot.ni1.proc; - ic.parm.ni1_io.timeout= error; - ic.parm.ni1_io.datalen = 0; - ic.parm.ni1_io.data = NULL; - free_invoke_id(pc->st, pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id); - pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id = 0; /* reset id */ - - cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); - ni1_release_l3_process(pc); - } - else - l3_debug(st, "dummy return error id=0x%x error=0x%lx",id,error); + struct IsdnCardState *cs; + struct l3_process *pc = NULL; + + if ((pc = l3ni1_search_dummy_proc(st, id))) + { L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); /* remove timer */ + + cs = pc->st->l1.hardware; + ic.driver = cs->myid; + ic.command = ISDN_STAT_PROT; + ic.arg = NI1_STAT_INVOKE_ERR; + ic.parm.ni1_io.hl_id = pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id; + ic.parm.ni1_io.ll_id = pc->prot.ni1.ll_id; + ic.parm.ni1_io.proc = pc->prot.ni1.proc; + ic.parm.ni1_io.timeout = error; + ic.parm.ni1_io.datalen = 0; + ic.parm.ni1_io.data = NULL; + free_invoke_id(pc->st, pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id); + pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id = 0; /* reset id */ + + cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); + ni1_release_l3_process(pc); + } + else + l3_debug(st, "dummy return error id=0x%x error=0x%lx", id, error); } /* l3ni1_error_return */ /*******************************************************************/ /* called when a facility message with a dummy callref is received */ /* and a invoke is delivered. id specifies the invoke id. */ -/*******************************************************************/ -static void -l3ni1_dummy_invoke(struct PStack *st, int cr, int id, - int ident, u_char *p, u_char nlen) +/*******************************************************************/ +static void +l3ni1_dummy_invoke(struct PStack *st, int cr, int id, + int ident, u_char *p, u_char nlen) { isdn_ctrl ic; - struct IsdnCardState *cs; - - l3_debug(st, "dummy invoke %s id=0x%x ident=0x%x datalen=%d", - (cr == -1) ? "local" : "broadcast",id,ident,nlen); - if (cr >= -1) return; /* ignore local data */ - - cs = st->l1.hardware; - ic.driver = cs->myid; - ic.command = ISDN_STAT_PROT; - ic.arg = NI1_STAT_INVOKE_BRD; - ic.parm.ni1_io.hl_id = id; - ic.parm.ni1_io.ll_id = 0; - ic.parm.ni1_io.proc = ident; - ic.parm.ni1_io.timeout= 0; - ic.parm.ni1_io.datalen = nlen; - ic.parm.ni1_io.data = p; - - cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); + struct IsdnCardState *cs; + + l3_debug(st, "dummy invoke %s id=0x%x ident=0x%x datalen=%d", + (cr == -1) ? "local" : "broadcast", id, ident, nlen); + if (cr >= -1) return; /* ignore local data */ + + cs = st->l1.hardware; + ic.driver = cs->myid; + ic.command = ISDN_STAT_PROT; + ic.arg = NI1_STAT_INVOKE_BRD; + ic.parm.ni1_io.hl_id = id; + ic.parm.ni1_io.ll_id = 0; + ic.parm.ni1_io.proc = ident; + ic.parm.ni1_io.timeout = 0; + ic.parm.ni1_io.datalen = nlen; + ic.parm.ni1_io.data = p; + + cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); } /* l3ni1_dummy_invoke */ static void l3ni1_parse_facility(struct PStack *st, struct l3_process *pc, - int cr, u_char * p) + int cr, u_char *p) { int qd_len = 0; unsigned char nlen = 0, ilen, cp_tag; int ident, id; ulong err_ret; - if (pc) + if (pc) st = pc->st; /* valid Stack */ else if ((!st) || (cr >= 0)) return; /* neither pc nor st specified */ @@ -254,173 +254,173 @@ l3ni1_parse_facility(struct PStack *st, struct l3_process *pc, l3_debug(st, "class and form != 0xA0"); return; } - - cp_tag = *p & 0x1F; /* remember tag value */ - p++; + cp_tag = *p & 0x1F; /* remember tag value */ + + p++; qd_len--; - if (qd_len < 1) - { l3_debug(st, "qd_len < 1"); - return; - } - if (*p & 0x80) - { /* length format indefinite or limited */ - nlen = *p++ & 0x7F; /* number of len bytes or indefinite */ - if ((qd_len-- < ((!nlen) ? 3 : (1 + nlen))) || - (nlen > 1)) - { l3_debug(st, "length format error or not implemented"); - return; - } - if (nlen == 1) - { nlen = *p++; /* complete length */ - qd_len--; - } - else - { qd_len -= 2; /* trailing null bytes */ - if ((*(p+qd_len)) || (*(p+qd_len+1))) - { l3_debug(st,"length format indefinite error"); - return; - } - nlen = qd_len; - } - } - else - { nlen = *p++; - qd_len--; - } - if (qd_len < nlen) - { l3_debug(st, "qd_len < nlen"); - return; - } + if (qd_len < 1) + { l3_debug(st, "qd_len < 1"); + return; + } + if (*p & 0x80) + { /* length format indefinite or limited */ + nlen = *p++ & 0x7F; /* number of len bytes or indefinite */ + if ((qd_len-- < ((!nlen) ? 3 : (1 + nlen))) || + (nlen > 1)) + { l3_debug(st, "length format error or not implemented"); + return; + } + if (nlen == 1) + { nlen = *p++; /* complete length */ + qd_len--; + } + else + { qd_len -= 2; /* trailing null bytes */ + if ((*(p + qd_len)) || (*(p + qd_len + 1))) + { l3_debug(st, "length format indefinite error"); + return; + } + nlen = qd_len; + } + } + else + { nlen = *p++; + qd_len--; + } + if (qd_len < nlen) + { l3_debug(st, "qd_len < nlen"); + return; + } qd_len -= nlen; - if (nlen < 2) - { l3_debug(st, "nlen < 2"); - return; - } - if (*p != 0x02) - { /* invoke identifier tag */ - l3_debug(st, "invoke identifier tag !=0x02"); - return; - } + if (nlen < 2) + { l3_debug(st, "nlen < 2"); + return; + } + if (*p != 0x02) + { /* invoke identifier tag */ + l3_debug(st, "invoke identifier tag !=0x02"); + return; + } p++; nlen--; - if (*p & 0x80) - { /* length format */ - l3_debug(st, "invoke id length format 2"); - return; - } + if (*p & 0x80) + { /* length format */ + l3_debug(st, "invoke id length format 2"); + return; + } ilen = *p++; nlen--; - if (ilen > nlen || ilen == 0) - { l3_debug(st, "ilen > nlen || ilen == 0"); - return; - } + if (ilen > nlen || ilen == 0) + { l3_debug(st, "ilen > nlen || ilen == 0"); + return; + } nlen -= ilen; id = 0; - while (ilen > 0) - { id = (id << 8) | (*p++ & 0xFF); /* invoke identifier */ - ilen--; - } + while (ilen > 0) + { id = (id << 8) | (*p++ & 0xFF); /* invoke identifier */ + ilen--; + } switch (cp_tag) { /* component tag */ - case 1: /* invoke */ - if (nlen < 2) { - l3_debug(st, "nlen < 2 22"); - return; - } - if (*p != 0x02) { /* operation value */ - l3_debug(st, "operation value !=0x02"); - return; - } - p++; - nlen--; - ilen = *p++; - nlen--; - if (ilen > nlen || ilen == 0) { - l3_debug(st, "ilen > nlen || ilen == 0 22"); - return; - } - nlen -= ilen; - ident = 0; - while (ilen > 0) { - ident = (ident << 8) | (*p++ & 0xFF); - ilen--; - } + case 1: /* invoke */ + if (nlen < 2) { + l3_debug(st, "nlen < 2 22"); + return; + } + if (*p != 0x02) { /* operation value */ + l3_debug(st, "operation value !=0x02"); + return; + } + p++; + nlen--; + ilen = *p++; + nlen--; + if (ilen > nlen || ilen == 0) { + l3_debug(st, "ilen > nlen || ilen == 0 22"); + return; + } + nlen -= ilen; + ident = 0; + while (ilen > 0) { + ident = (ident << 8) | (*p++ & 0xFF); + ilen--; + } - if (!pc) - { - l3ni1_dummy_invoke(st, cr, id, ident, p, nlen); - return; - } - l3_debug(st, "invoke break"); - break; - case 2: /* return result */ - /* if no process available handle separately */ - if (!pc) - { if (cr == -1) - l3ni1_dummy_return_result(st, id, p, nlen); - return; - } - if ((pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id) && (pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id == id)) - { /* Diversion successful */ - free_invoke_id(st,pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id); - pc->prot.ni1.remote_result = 0; /* success */ - pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id = 0; - pc->redir_result = pc->prot.ni1.remote_result; - st->l3.l3l4(st, CC_REDIR | INDICATION, pc); } /* Diversion successful */ - else - l3_debug(st,"return error unknown identifier"); - break; - case 3: /* return error */ - err_ret = 0; - if (nlen < 2) - { l3_debug(st, "return error nlen < 2"); - return; - } - if (*p != 0x02) - { /* result tag */ - l3_debug(st, "invoke error tag !=0x02"); - return; - } - p++; - nlen--; - if (*p > 4) - { /* length format */ - l3_debug(st, "invoke return errlen > 4 "); - return; - } - ilen = *p++; - nlen--; - if (ilen > nlen || ilen == 0) - { l3_debug(st, "error return ilen > nlen || ilen == 0"); - return; - } - nlen -= ilen; - while (ilen > 0) - { err_ret = (err_ret << 8) | (*p++ & 0xFF); /* error value */ - ilen--; - } - /* if no process available handle separately */ - if (!pc) - { if (cr == -1) - l3ni1_dummy_error_return(st, id, err_ret); - return; - } - if ((pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id) && (pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id == id)) - { /* Deflection error */ - free_invoke_id(st,pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id); - pc->prot.ni1.remote_result = err_ret; /* result */ - pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id = 0; - pc->redir_result = pc->prot.ni1.remote_result; - st->l3.l3l4(st, CC_REDIR | INDICATION, pc); - } /* Deflection error */ - else - l3_debug(st,"return result unknown identifier"); - break; - default: - l3_debug(st, "facility default break tag=0x%02x",cp_tag); - break; + if (!pc) + { + l3ni1_dummy_invoke(st, cr, id, ident, p, nlen); + return; + } + l3_debug(st, "invoke break"); + break; + case 2: /* return result */ + /* if no process available handle separately */ + if (!pc) + { if (cr == -1) + l3ni1_dummy_return_result(st, id, p, nlen); + return; + } + if ((pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id) && (pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id == id)) + { /* Diversion successful */ + free_invoke_id(st, pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id); + pc->prot.ni1.remote_result = 0; /* success */ + pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id = 0; + pc->redir_result = pc->prot.ni1.remote_result; + st->l3.l3l4(st, CC_REDIR | INDICATION, pc); } /* Diversion successful */ + else + l3_debug(st, "return error unknown identifier"); + break; + case 3: /* return error */ + err_ret = 0; + if (nlen < 2) + { l3_debug(st, "return error nlen < 2"); + return; + } + if (*p != 0x02) + { /* result tag */ + l3_debug(st, "invoke error tag !=0x02"); + return; + } + p++; + nlen--; + if (*p > 4) + { /* length format */ + l3_debug(st, "invoke return errlen > 4 "); + return; + } + ilen = *p++; + nlen--; + if (ilen > nlen || ilen == 0) + { l3_debug(st, "error return ilen > nlen || ilen == 0"); + return; + } + nlen -= ilen; + while (ilen > 0) + { err_ret = (err_ret << 8) | (*p++ & 0xFF); /* error value */ + ilen--; + } + /* if no process available handle separately */ + if (!pc) + { if (cr == -1) + l3ni1_dummy_error_return(st, id, err_ret); + return; + } + if ((pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id) && (pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id == id)) + { /* Deflection error */ + free_invoke_id(st, pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id); + pc->prot.ni1.remote_result = err_ret; /* result */ + pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id = 0; + pc->redir_result = pc->prot.ni1.remote_result; + st->l3.l3l4(st, CC_REDIR | INDICATION, pc); + } /* Deflection error */ + else + l3_debug(st, "return result unknown identifier"); + break; + default: + l3_debug(st, "facility default break tag=0x%02x", cp_tag); + break; } } @@ -518,21 +518,21 @@ l3ni1_msg_without_setup(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) struct sk_buff *skb; switch (pc->para.cause) { - case 81: /* invalid callreference */ - case 88: /* incomp destination */ - case 96: /* mandory IE missing */ - case 100: /* invalid IE contents */ - case 101: /* incompatible Callstate */ - MsgHead(p, pc->callref, MT_RELEASE_COMPLETE); - *p++ = IE_CAUSE; - *p++ = 0x2; - *p++ = 0x80; - *p++ = pc->para.cause | 0x80; - break; - default: - printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax l3ni1_msg_without_setup wrong cause %d\n", - pc->para.cause); - return; + case 81: /* invalid callreference */ + case 88: /* incomp destination */ + case 96: /* mandory IE missing */ + case 100: /* invalid IE contents */ + case 101: /* incompatible Callstate */ + MsgHead(p, pc->callref, MT_RELEASE_COMPLETE); + *p++ = IE_CAUSE; + *p++ = 0x2; + *p++ = 0x80; + *p++ = pc->para.cause | 0x80; + break; + default: + printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax l3ni1_msg_without_setup wrong cause %d\n", + pc->para.cause); + return; } l = p - tmp; if (!(skb = l3_alloc_skb(l))) @@ -543,42 +543,42 @@ l3ni1_msg_without_setup(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) } static int ie_ALERTING[] = {IE_BEARER, IE_CHANNEL_ID | IE_MANDATORY_1, - IE_FACILITY, IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_SIGNAL, IE_HLC, - IE_USER_USER, -1}; + IE_FACILITY, IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_SIGNAL, IE_HLC, + IE_USER_USER, -1}; static int ie_CALL_PROCEEDING[] = {IE_BEARER, IE_CHANNEL_ID | IE_MANDATORY_1, - IE_FACILITY, IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_HLC, -1}; -static int ie_CONNECT[] = {IE_BEARER, IE_CHANNEL_ID | IE_MANDATORY_1, - IE_FACILITY, IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_DATE, IE_SIGNAL, - IE_CONNECT_PN, IE_CONNECT_SUB, IE_LLC, IE_HLC, IE_USER_USER, -1}; + IE_FACILITY, IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_HLC, -1}; +static int ie_CONNECT[] = {IE_BEARER, IE_CHANNEL_ID | IE_MANDATORY_1, + IE_FACILITY, IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_DATE, IE_SIGNAL, + IE_CONNECT_PN, IE_CONNECT_SUB, IE_LLC, IE_HLC, IE_USER_USER, -1}; static int ie_CONNECT_ACKNOWLEDGE[] = {IE_CHANNEL_ID, IE_DISPLAY, IE_SIGNAL, -1}; static int ie_DISCONNECT[] = {IE_CAUSE | IE_MANDATORY, IE_FACILITY, - IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_SIGNAL, IE_USER_USER, -1}; + IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_SIGNAL, IE_USER_USER, -1}; static int ie_INFORMATION[] = {IE_COMPLETE, IE_DISPLAY, IE_KEYPAD, IE_SIGNAL, - IE_CALLED_PN, -1}; + IE_CALLED_PN, -1}; static int ie_NOTIFY[] = {IE_BEARER, IE_NOTIFY | IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, -1}; static int ie_PROGRESS[] = {IE_BEARER, IE_CAUSE, IE_FACILITY, IE_PROGRESS | - IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, IE_HLC, IE_USER_USER, -1}; + IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, IE_HLC, IE_USER_USER, -1}; static int ie_RELEASE[] = {IE_CAUSE | IE_MANDATORY_1, IE_FACILITY, IE_DISPLAY, - IE_SIGNAL, IE_USER_USER, -1}; -/* a RELEASE_COMPLETE with errors don't require special actions -static int ie_RELEASE_COMPLETE[] = {IE_CAUSE | IE_MANDATORY_1, IE_DISPLAY, IE_SIGNAL, IE_USER_USER, -1}; + IE_SIGNAL, IE_USER_USER, -1}; +/* a RELEASE_COMPLETE with errors don't require special actions + static int ie_RELEASE_COMPLETE[] = {IE_CAUSE | IE_MANDATORY_1, IE_DISPLAY, IE_SIGNAL, IE_USER_USER, -1}; */ -static int ie_RESUME_ACKNOWLEDGE[] = {IE_CHANNEL_ID| IE_MANDATORY, IE_FACILITY, - IE_DISPLAY, -1}; +static int ie_RESUME_ACKNOWLEDGE[] = {IE_CHANNEL_ID | IE_MANDATORY, IE_FACILITY, + IE_DISPLAY, -1}; static int ie_RESUME_REJECT[] = {IE_CAUSE | IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, -1}; static int ie_SETUP[] = {IE_COMPLETE, IE_BEARER | IE_MANDATORY, - IE_CHANNEL_ID| IE_MANDATORY, IE_FACILITY, IE_PROGRESS, - IE_NET_FAC, IE_DISPLAY, IE_KEYPAD, IE_SIGNAL, IE_CALLING_PN, - IE_CALLING_SUB, IE_CALLED_PN, IE_CALLED_SUB, IE_REDIR_NR, - IE_LLC, IE_HLC, IE_USER_USER, -1}; + IE_CHANNEL_ID | IE_MANDATORY, IE_FACILITY, IE_PROGRESS, + IE_NET_FAC, IE_DISPLAY, IE_KEYPAD, IE_SIGNAL, IE_CALLING_PN, + IE_CALLING_SUB, IE_CALLED_PN, IE_CALLED_SUB, IE_REDIR_NR, + IE_LLC, IE_HLC, IE_USER_USER, -1}; static int ie_SETUP_ACKNOWLEDGE[] = {IE_CHANNEL_ID | IE_MANDATORY, IE_FACILITY, - IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_SIGNAL, -1}; + IE_PROGRESS, IE_DISPLAY, IE_SIGNAL, -1}; static int ie_STATUS[] = {IE_CAUSE | IE_MANDATORY, IE_CALL_STATE | - IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, -1}; + IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, -1}; static int ie_STATUS_ENQUIRY[] = {IE_DISPLAY, -1}; static int ie_SUSPEND_ACKNOWLEDGE[] = {IE_DISPLAY, IE_FACILITY, -1}; static int ie_SUSPEND_REJECT[] = {IE_CAUSE | IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, -1}; -/* not used +/* not used * static int ie_CONGESTION_CONTROL[] = {IE_CONGESTION | IE_MANDATORY, * IE_CAUSE | IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, -1}; * static int ie_USER_INFORMATION[] = {IE_MORE_DATA, IE_USER_USER | IE_MANDATORY, -1}; @@ -586,8 +586,8 @@ static int ie_SUSPEND_REJECT[] = {IE_CAUSE | IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, -1}; * IE_MANDATORY, -1}; */ static int ie_FACILITY[] = {IE_FACILITY | IE_MANDATORY, IE_DISPLAY, -1}; -static int comp_required[] = {1,2,3,5,6,7,9,10,11,14,15,-1}; -static int l3_valid_states[] = {0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,15,17,19,25,-1}; +static int comp_required[] = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, -1}; +static int l3_valid_states[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 19, 25, -1}; struct ie_len { int ie; @@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ struct ie_len max_ie_len[] = { {IE_LLC, 18}, {IE_HLC, 5}, {IE_USER_USER, 131}, - {-1,0}, + {-1, 0}, }; static int @@ -636,10 +636,10 @@ getmax_ie_len(u_char ie) { int i = 0; while (max_ie_len[i].ie != -1) { if (max_ie_len[i].ie == ie) - return(max_ie_len[i].len); + return (max_ie_len[i].len); i++; } - return(255); + return (255); } static int @@ -649,14 +649,14 @@ ie_in_set(struct l3_process *pc, u_char ie, int *checklist) { while (*checklist != -1) { if ((*checklist & 0xff) == ie) { if (ie & 0x80) - return(-ret); + return (-ret); else - return(ret); + return (ret); } ret++; checklist++; } - return(0); + return (0); } static int @@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ check_infoelements(struct l3_process *pc, struct sk_buff *skb, int *checklist) u_char codeset = 0; u_char old_codeset = 0; u_char codelock = 1; - + p = skb->data; /* skip cr */ p++; @@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ check_infoelements(struct l3_process *pc, struct sk_buff *skb, int *checklist) codelock = 1; if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_CHECK) l3_debug(pc->st, "check IE shift%scodeset %d->%d", - codelock ? " locking ": " ", old_codeset, codeset); + codelock ? " locking " : " ", old_codeset, codeset); p++; continue; } @@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ check_infoelements(struct l3_process *pc, struct sk_buff *skb, int *checklist) if (!codelock) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_CHECK) l3_debug(pc->st, "check IE shift back codeset %d->%d", - codeset, old_codeset); + codeset, old_codeset); codeset = old_codeset; codelock = 1; } @@ -728,17 +728,17 @@ check_infoelements(struct l3_process *pc, struct sk_buff *skb, int *checklist) if (err_compr | err_ureg | err_len | err_seq) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_CHECK) l3_debug(pc->st, "check IE MT(%x) %d/%d/%d/%d", - mt, err_compr, err_ureg, err_len, err_seq); + mt, err_compr, err_ureg, err_len, err_seq); if (err_compr) - return(ERR_IE_COMPREHENSION); + return (ERR_IE_COMPREHENSION); if (err_ureg) - return(ERR_IE_UNRECOGNIZED); + return (ERR_IE_UNRECOGNIZED); if (err_len) - return(ERR_IE_LENGTH); + return (ERR_IE_LENGTH); if (err_seq) - return(ERR_IE_SEQUENCE); - } - return(0); + return (ERR_IE_SEQUENCE); + } + return (0); } /* verify if a message type exists and contain no IE error */ @@ -746,42 +746,42 @@ static int l3ni1_check_messagetype_validity(struct l3_process *pc, int mt, void *arg) { switch (mt) { - case MT_ALERTING: - case MT_CALL_PROCEEDING: - case MT_CONNECT: - case MT_CONNECT_ACKNOWLEDGE: - case MT_DISCONNECT: - case MT_INFORMATION: - case MT_FACILITY: - case MT_NOTIFY: - case MT_PROGRESS: - case MT_RELEASE: - case MT_RELEASE_COMPLETE: - case MT_SETUP: - case MT_SETUP_ACKNOWLEDGE: - case MT_RESUME_ACKNOWLEDGE: - case MT_RESUME_REJECT: - case MT_SUSPEND_ACKNOWLEDGE: - case MT_SUSPEND_REJECT: - case MT_USER_INFORMATION: - case MT_RESTART: - case MT_RESTART_ACKNOWLEDGE: - case MT_CONGESTION_CONTROL: - case MT_STATUS: - case MT_STATUS_ENQUIRY: - if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_CHECK) - l3_debug(pc->st, "l3ni1_check_messagetype_validity mt(%x) OK", mt); - break; - case MT_RESUME: /* RESUME only in user->net */ - case MT_SUSPEND: /* SUSPEND only in user->net */ - default: - if (pc->debug & (L3_DEB_CHECK | L3_DEB_WARN)) - l3_debug(pc->st, "l3ni1_check_messagetype_validity mt(%x) fail", mt); - pc->para.cause = 97; - l3ni1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); - return(1); + case MT_ALERTING: + case MT_CALL_PROCEEDING: + case MT_CONNECT: + case MT_CONNECT_ACKNOWLEDGE: + case MT_DISCONNECT: + case MT_INFORMATION: + case MT_FACILITY: + case MT_NOTIFY: + case MT_PROGRESS: + case MT_RELEASE: + case MT_RELEASE_COMPLETE: + case MT_SETUP: + case MT_SETUP_ACKNOWLEDGE: + case MT_RESUME_ACKNOWLEDGE: + case MT_RESUME_REJECT: + case MT_SUSPEND_ACKNOWLEDGE: + case MT_SUSPEND_REJECT: + case MT_USER_INFORMATION: + case MT_RESTART: + case MT_RESTART_ACKNOWLEDGE: + case MT_CONGESTION_CONTROL: + case MT_STATUS: + case MT_STATUS_ENQUIRY: + if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_CHECK) + l3_debug(pc->st, "l3ni1_check_messagetype_validity mt(%x) OK", mt); + break; + case MT_RESUME: /* RESUME only in user->net */ + case MT_SUSPEND: /* SUSPEND only in user->net */ + default: + if (pc->debug & (L3_DEB_CHECK | L3_DEB_WARN)) + l3_debug(pc->st, "l3ni1_check_messagetype_validity mt(%x) fail", mt); + pc->para.cause = 97; + l3ni1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); + return (1); } - return(0); + return (0); } static void @@ -789,24 +789,24 @@ l3ni1_std_ie_err(struct l3_process *pc, int ret) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_CHECK) l3_debug(pc->st, "check_infoelements ret %d", ret); - switch(ret) { - case 0: - break; - case ERR_IE_COMPREHENSION: - pc->para.cause = 96; - l3ni1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); - break; - case ERR_IE_UNRECOGNIZED: - pc->para.cause = 99; - l3ni1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); - break; - case ERR_IE_LENGTH: - pc->para.cause = 100; - l3ni1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); - break; - case ERR_IE_SEQUENCE: - default: - break; + switch (ret) { + case 0: + break; + case ERR_IE_COMPREHENSION: + pc->para.cause = 96; + l3ni1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); + break; + case ERR_IE_UNRECOGNIZED: + pc->para.cause = 99; + l3ni1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); + break; + case ERR_IE_LENGTH: + pc->para.cause = 100; + l3ni1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); + break; + case ERR_IE_SEQUENCE: + default: + break; } } @@ -828,14 +828,14 @@ l3ni1_get_channel_id(struct l3_process *pc, struct sk_buff *skb) { l3_debug(pc->st, "wrong chid %x", *p); return (-3); } - return(*p & 0x3); + return (*p & 0x3); } else - return(-1); + return (-1); } static int l3ni1_get_cause(struct l3_process *pc, struct sk_buff *skb) { - u_char l, i=0; + u_char l, i = 0; u_char *p; p = skb->data; @@ -844,13 +844,13 @@ l3ni1_get_cause(struct l3_process *pc, struct sk_buff *skb) { if ((p = findie(p, skb->len, IE_CAUSE, 0))) { p++; l = *p++; - if (l>30) - return(1); + if (l > 30) + return (1); if (l) { pc->para.loc = *p++; l--; } else { - return(2); + return (2); } if (l && !(pc->para.loc & 0x80)) { l--; @@ -860,36 +860,36 @@ l3ni1_get_cause(struct l3_process *pc, struct sk_buff *skb) { pc->para.cause = *p++; l--; if (!(pc->para.cause & 0x80)) - return(3); + return (3); } else - return(4); - while (l && (i<6)) { + return (4); + while (l && (i < 6)) { pc->para.diag[i++] = *p++; l--; } } else - return(-1); - return(0); + return (-1); + return (0); } static void l3ni1_msg_with_uus(struct l3_process *pc, u_char cmd) { struct sk_buff *skb; - u_char tmp[16+40]; + u_char tmp[16 + 40]; u_char *p = tmp; int l; MsgHead(p, pc->callref, cmd); - if (pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data[0]) - { *p++ = IE_USER_USER; /* UUS info element */ - *p++ = strlen(pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data) + 1; - *p++ = 0x04; /* IA5 chars */ - strcpy(p,pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data); - p += strlen(pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data); - pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data[0] = '\0'; - } + if (pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data[0]) + { *p++ = IE_USER_USER; /* UUS info element */ + *p++ = strlen(pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data) + 1; + *p++ = 0x04; /* IA5 chars */ + strcpy(p, pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data); + p += strlen(pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data); + pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data[0] = '\0'; + } l = p - tmp; if (!(skb = l3_alloc_skb(l))) @@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ l3ni1_release_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { StopAllL3Timer(pc); newl3state(pc, 19); - if (!pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data[0]) + if (!pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data[0]) l3ni1_message(pc, MT_RELEASE); else l3ni1_msg_with_uus(pc, MT_RELEASE); @@ -916,9 +916,9 @@ l3ni1_release_cmpl(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) struct sk_buff *skb = arg; int ret; - if ((ret = l3ni1_get_cause(pc, skb))>0) { + if ((ret = l3ni1_get_cause(pc, skb)) > 0) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) - l3_debug(pc->st, "RELCMPL get_cause ret(%d)",ret); + l3_debug(pc->st, "RELCMPL get_cause ret(%d)", ret); } else if (ret < 0) pc->para.cause = NO_CAUSE; StopAllL3Timer(pc); @@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ l3ni1_release_cmpl(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) #if EXT_BEARER_CAPS static u_char * -EncodeASyncParams(u_char * p, u_char si2) +EncodeASyncParams(u_char *p, u_char si2) { // 7c 06 88 90 21 42 00 bb p[0] = 0; @@ -958,38 +958,38 @@ EncodeASyncParams(u_char * p, u_char si2) p[2] += 3; switch (si2 & 0x07) { - case 0: - p[0] = 66; // 1200 bit/s + case 0: + p[0] = 66; // 1200 bit/s - break; - case 1: - p[0] = 88; // 1200/75 bit/s + break; + case 1: + p[0] = 88; // 1200/75 bit/s - break; - case 2: - p[0] = 87; // 75/1200 bit/s + break; + case 2: + p[0] = 87; // 75/1200 bit/s - break; - case 3: - p[0] = 67; // 2400 bit/s + break; + case 3: + p[0] = 67; // 2400 bit/s - break; - case 4: - p[0] = 69; // 4800 bit/s + break; + case 4: + p[0] = 69; // 4800 bit/s - break; - case 5: - p[0] = 72; // 9600 bit/s + break; + case 5: + p[0] = 72; // 9600 bit/s - break; - case 6: - p[0] = 73; // 14400 bit/s + break; + case 6: + p[0] = 73; // 14400 bit/s - break; - case 7: - p[0] = 75; // 19200 bit/s + break; + case 7: + p[0] = 75; // 19200 bit/s - break; + break; } return p + 3; } @@ -999,84 +999,84 @@ EncodeSyncParams(u_char si2, u_char ai) { switch (si2) { - case 0: - return ai + 2; // 1200 bit/s + case 0: + return ai + 2; // 1200 bit/s - case 1: - return ai + 24; // 1200/75 bit/s + case 1: + return ai + 24; // 1200/75 bit/s - case 2: - return ai + 23; // 75/1200 bit/s + case 2: + return ai + 23; // 75/1200 bit/s - case 3: - return ai + 3; // 2400 bit/s + case 3: + return ai + 3; // 2400 bit/s - case 4: - return ai + 5; // 4800 bit/s + case 4: + return ai + 5; // 4800 bit/s - case 5: - return ai + 8; // 9600 bit/s + case 5: + return ai + 8; // 9600 bit/s - case 6: - return ai + 9; // 14400 bit/s + case 6: + return ai + 9; // 14400 bit/s - case 7: - return ai + 11; // 19200 bit/s + case 7: + return ai + 11; // 19200 bit/s - case 8: - return ai + 14; // 48000 bit/s + case 8: + return ai + 14; // 48000 bit/s - case 9: - return ai + 15; // 56000 bit/s + case 9: + return ai + 15; // 56000 bit/s - case 15: - return ai + 40; // negotiate bit/s + case 15: + return ai + 40; // negotiate bit/s - default: - break; + default: + break; } return ai; } static u_char -DecodeASyncParams(u_char si2, u_char * p) +DecodeASyncParams(u_char si2, u_char *p) { u_char info; switch (p[5]) { - case 66: // 1200 bit/s + case 66: // 1200 bit/s - break; // si2 don't change + break; // si2 don't change - case 88: // 1200/75 bit/s + case 88: // 1200/75 bit/s - si2 += 1; - break; - case 87: // 75/1200 bit/s + si2 += 1; + break; + case 87: // 75/1200 bit/s - si2 += 2; - break; - case 67: // 2400 bit/s + si2 += 2; + break; + case 67: // 2400 bit/s - si2 += 3; - break; - case 69: // 4800 bit/s + si2 += 3; + break; + case 69: // 4800 bit/s - si2 += 4; - break; - case 72: // 9600 bit/s + si2 += 4; + break; + case 72: // 9600 bit/s - si2 += 5; - break; - case 73: // 14400 bit/s + si2 += 5; + break; + case 73: // 14400 bit/s - si2 += 6; - break; - case 75: // 19200 bit/s + si2 += 6; + break; + case 75: // 19200 bit/s - si2 += 7; - break; + si2 += 7; + break; } info = p[7] & 0x7f; @@ -1101,39 +1101,39 @@ DecodeSyncParams(u_char si2, u_char info) { info &= 0x7f; switch (info) { - case 40: // bit/s negotiation failed ai := 165 not 175! + case 40: // bit/s negotiation failed ai := 165 not 175! - return si2 + 15; - case 15: // 56000 bit/s failed, ai := 0 not 169 ! + return si2 + 15; + case 15: // 56000 bit/s failed, ai := 0 not 169 ! - return si2 + 9; - case 14: // 48000 bit/s + return si2 + 9; + case 14: // 48000 bit/s - return si2 + 8; - case 11: // 19200 bit/s + return si2 + 8; + case 11: // 19200 bit/s - return si2 + 7; - case 9: // 14400 bit/s + return si2 + 7; + case 9: // 14400 bit/s - return si2 + 6; - case 8: // 9600 bit/s + return si2 + 6; + case 8: // 9600 bit/s - return si2 + 5; - case 5: // 4800 bit/s + return si2 + 5; + case 5: // 4800 bit/s - return si2 + 4; - case 3: // 2400 bit/s + return si2 + 4; + case 3: // 2400 bit/s - return si2 + 3; - case 23: // 75/1200 bit/s + return si2 + 3; + case 23: // 75/1200 bit/s - return si2 + 2; - case 24: // 1200/75 bit/s + return si2 + 2; + case 24: // 1200/75 bit/s - return si2 + 1; - default: // 1200 bit/s + return si2 + 1; + default: // 1200 bit/s - return si2; + return si2; } } @@ -1144,20 +1144,20 @@ DecodeSI2(struct sk_buff *skb) if ((p = findie(skb->data, skb->len, 0x7c, 0))) { switch (p[4] & 0x0f) { - case 0x01: - if (p[1] == 0x04) // sync. Bitratenadaption + case 0x01: + if (p[1] == 0x04) // sync. Bitratenadaption - return DecodeSyncParams(160, p[5]); // V.110/X.30 + return DecodeSyncParams(160, p[5]); // V.110/X.30 - else if (p[1] == 0x06) // async. Bitratenadaption + else if (p[1] == 0x06) // async. Bitratenadaption - return DecodeASyncParams(192, p); // V.110/X.30 + return DecodeASyncParams(192, p); // V.110/X.30 - break; - case 0x08: // if (p[5] == 0x02) // sync. Bitratenadaption - if (p[1] > 3) - return DecodeSyncParams(176, p[5]); // V.120 - break; + break; + case 0x08: // if (p[5] == 0x02) // sync. Bitratenadaption + if (p[1] > 3) + return DecodeSyncParams(176, p[5]); // V.120 + break; } } return 0; @@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@ DecodeSI2(struct sk_buff *skb) static void l3ni1_setup_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, - void *arg) + void *arg) { struct sk_buff *skb; u_char tmp[128]; @@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@ l3ni1_setup_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, case 1: /* Telephony */ *p++ = IE_BEARER; *p++ = 0x3; /* Length */ - *p++ = 0x90; /* 3.1khz Audio */ + *p++ = 0x90; /* 3.1khz Audio */ *p++ = 0x90; /* Circuit-Mode 64kbps */ *p++ = 0xa2; /* u-Law Audio */ break; @@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@ l3ni1_setup_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, } else sp++; } - + *p++ = IE_KEYPAD; *p++ = strlen(teln); while (*teln) @@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@ l3ni1_setup_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, if (sub) *sub++ = '.'; - + #if EXT_BEARER_CAPS if ((pc->para.setup.si2 >= 160) && (pc->para.setup.si2 <= 175)) { // sync. Bitratenadaption, V.110/X.30 @@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@ l3ni1_setup_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, *p++ = 0x21; p = EncodeASyncParams(p, pc->para.setup.si2 - 192); } else { - switch (pc->para.setup.si1) { + switch (pc->para.setup.si1) { case 1: /* Telephony */ *p++ = IE_LLC; *p++ = 0x3; /* Length */ @@ -1266,14 +1266,14 @@ l3ni1_setup_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, *p++ = 0x88; /* Coding Std. CCITT, unrestr. dig. Inform. */ *p++ = 0x90; /* Circuit-Mode 64kbps */ break; - } + } } #endif l = p - tmp; if (!(skb = l3_alloc_skb(l))) -{ + { return; -} + } memcpy(skb_put(skb, l), tmp, l); L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); L3AddTimer(&pc->timer, T303, CC_T303); @@ -1375,7 +1375,7 @@ l3ni1_disconnect(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) cause = 96; else if (ret > 0) cause = 100; - } + } if ((p = findie(skb->data, skb->len, IE_FACILITY, 0))) l3ni1_parse_facility(pc->st, pc, pc->callref, p); ret = check_infoelements(pc, skb, ie_DISCONNECT); @@ -1387,10 +1387,10 @@ l3ni1_disconnect(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) newl3state(pc, 12); if (cause) newl3state(pc, 19); - if (11 != ret) + if (11 != ret) pc->st->l3.l3l4(pc->st, CC_DISCONNECT | INDICATION, pc); - else if (!cause) - l3ni1_release_req(pc, pr, NULL); + else if (!cause) + l3ni1_release_req(pc, pr, NULL); if (cause) { l3ni1_message_cause(pc, MT_RELEASE, cause); L3AddTimer(&pc->timer, T308, CC_T308_1); @@ -1456,56 +1456,56 @@ l3ni1_setup(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) else { pc->para.setup.si2 = 0; switch (p[2] & 0x7f) { - case 0x00: /* Speech */ - case 0x10: /* 3.1 Khz audio */ - pc->para.setup.si1 = 1; - break; - case 0x08: /* Unrestricted digital information */ - pc->para.setup.si1 = 7; + case 0x00: /* Speech */ + case 0x10: /* 3.1 Khz audio */ + pc->para.setup.si1 = 1; + break; + case 0x08: /* Unrestricted digital information */ + pc->para.setup.si1 = 7; /* JIM, 05.11.97 I wanna set service indicator 2 */ #if EXT_BEARER_CAPS - pc->para.setup.si2 = DecodeSI2(skb); + pc->para.setup.si2 = DecodeSI2(skb); #endif - break; - case 0x09: /* Restricted digital information */ - pc->para.setup.si1 = 2; - break; - case 0x11: - /* Unrestr. digital information with - * tones/announcements ( or 7 kHz audio - */ - pc->para.setup.si1 = 3; - break; - case 0x18: /* Video */ - pc->para.setup.si1 = 4; - break; - default: - err = 2; - break; + break; + case 0x09: /* Restricted digital information */ + pc->para.setup.si1 = 2; + break; + case 0x11: + /* Unrestr. digital information with + * tones/announcements ( or 7 kHz audio + */ + pc->para.setup.si1 = 3; + break; + case 0x18: /* Video */ + pc->para.setup.si1 = 4; + break; + default: + err = 2; + break; } switch (p[3] & 0x7f) { - case 0x40: /* packed mode */ - pc->para.setup.si1 = 8; - break; - case 0x10: /* 64 kbit */ - case 0x11: /* 2*64 kbit */ - case 0x13: /* 384 kbit */ - case 0x15: /* 1536 kbit */ - case 0x17: /* 1920 kbit */ - pc->para.moderate = p[3] & 0x7f; - break; - default: - err = 3; - break; + case 0x40: /* packed mode */ + pc->para.setup.si1 = 8; + break; + case 0x10: /* 64 kbit */ + case 0x11: /* 2*64 kbit */ + case 0x13: /* 384 kbit */ + case 0x15: /* 1536 kbit */ + case 0x17: /* 1920 kbit */ + pc->para.moderate = p[3] & 0x7f; + break; + default: + err = 3; + break; } } if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_SI) l3_debug(pc->st, "SI=%d, AI=%d", - pc->para.setup.si1, pc->para.setup.si2); + pc->para.setup.si1, pc->para.setup.si2); if (err) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) l3_debug(pc->st, "setup with wrong bearer(l=%d:%x,%x)", - p[1], p[2], p[3]); + p[1], p[2], p[3]); pc->para.cause = 100; l3ni1_msg_without_setup(pc, pr, NULL); return; @@ -1526,17 +1526,17 @@ l3ni1_setup(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) if ((3 == id) && (0x10 == pc->para.moderate)) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) l3_debug(pc->st, "setup with wrong chid %x", - id); + id); pc->para.cause = 100; l3ni1_msg_without_setup(pc, pr, NULL); return; } bcfound++; - } else - { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) - l3_debug(pc->st, "setup without bchannel, call waiting"); - bcfound++; - } + } else + { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) + l3_debug(pc->st, "setup without bchannel, call waiting"); + bcfound++; + } } else { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) l3_debug(pc->st, "setup with wrong chid ret %d", id); @@ -1611,7 +1611,7 @@ static void l3ni1_disconnect_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { struct sk_buff *skb; - u_char tmp[16+40]; + u_char tmp[16 + 40]; u_char *p = tmp; int l; u_char cause = 16; @@ -1628,14 +1628,14 @@ l3ni1_disconnect_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) *p++ = 0x80; *p++ = cause | 0x80; - if (pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data[0]) - { *p++ = IE_USER_USER; /* UUS info element */ - *p++ = strlen(pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data) + 1; - *p++ = 0x04; /* IA5 chars */ - strcpy(p,pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data); - p += strlen(pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data); - pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data[0] = '\0'; - } + if (pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data[0]) + { *p++ = IE_USER_USER; /* UUS info element */ + *p++ = strlen(pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data) + 1; + *p++ = 0x04; /* IA5 chars */ + strcpy(p, pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data); + p += strlen(pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data); + pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data[0] = '\0'; + } l = p - tmp; if (!(skb = l3_alloc_skb(l))) @@ -1648,18 +1648,18 @@ l3ni1_disconnect_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) static void l3ni1_setup_rsp(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, - void *arg) -{ - if (!pc->para.bchannel) - { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) - l3_debug(pc->st, "D-chan connect for waiting call"); - l3ni1_disconnect_req(pc, pr, arg); - return; - } + void *arg) +{ + if (!pc->para.bchannel) + { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) + l3_debug(pc->st, "D-chan connect for waiting call"); + l3ni1_disconnect_req(pc, pr, arg); + return; + } newl3state(pc, 8); if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) l3_debug(pc->st, "D-chan connect for waiting call"); - l3ni1_message_plus_chid(pc, MT_CONNECT); /* GE 05/09/00 */ + l3ni1_message_plus_chid(pc, MT_CONNECT); /* GE 05/09/00 */ L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); L3AddTimer(&pc->timer, T313, CC_T313); } @@ -1716,26 +1716,26 @@ l3ni1_release(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { struct sk_buff *skb = arg; u_char *p; - int ret, cause=0; + int ret, cause = 0; StopAllL3Timer(pc); - if ((ret = l3ni1_get_cause(pc, skb))>0) { + if ((ret = l3ni1_get_cause(pc, skb)) > 0) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) l3_debug(pc->st, "REL get_cause ret(%d)", ret); - } else if (ret<0) + } else if (ret < 0) pc->para.cause = NO_CAUSE; if ((p = findie(skb->data, skb->len, IE_FACILITY, 0))) { l3ni1_parse_facility(pc->st, pc, pc->callref, p); } - if ((ret<0) && (pc->state != 11)) + if ((ret < 0) && (pc->state != 11)) cause = 96; - else if (ret>0) + else if (ret > 0) cause = 100; ret = check_infoelements(pc, skb, ie_RELEASE); if (ERR_IE_COMPREHENSION == ret) cause = 96; else if ((ERR_IE_UNRECOGNIZED == ret) && (!cause)) - cause = 99; + cause = 99; if (cause) l3ni1_message_cause(pc, MT_RELEASE_COMPLETE, cause); else @@ -1747,27 +1747,27 @@ l3ni1_release(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) static void l3ni1_alert_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, - void *arg) + void *arg) { newl3state(pc, 7); - if (!pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data[0]) + if (!pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data[0]) l3ni1_message(pc, MT_ALERTING); else - l3ni1_msg_with_uus(pc, MT_ALERTING); + l3ni1_msg_with_uus(pc, MT_ALERTING); } static void l3ni1_proceed_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, - void *arg) + void *arg) { newl3state(pc, 9); l3ni1_message(pc, MT_CALL_PROCEEDING); - pc->st->l3.l3l4(pc->st, CC_PROCEED_SEND | INDICATION, pc); + pc->st->l3.l3l4(pc->st, CC_PROCEED_SEND | INDICATION, pc); } static void l3ni1_setup_ack_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, - void *arg) + void *arg) { newl3state(pc, 25); L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); @@ -1781,22 +1781,22 @@ l3ni1_setup_ack_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, static void l3ni1_deliver_display(struct l3_process *pc, int pr, u_char *infp) { u_char len; - isdn_ctrl ic; + isdn_ctrl ic; struct IsdnCardState *cs; - char *p; + char *p; - if (*infp++ != IE_DISPLAY) return; - if ((len = *infp++) > 80) return; /* total length <= 82 */ + if (*infp++ != IE_DISPLAY) return; + if ((len = *infp++) > 80) return; /* total length <= 82 */ if (!pc->chan) return; - p = ic.parm.display; - while (len--) - *p++ = *infp++; + p = ic.parm.display; + while (len--) + *p++ = *infp++; *p = '\0'; ic.command = ISDN_STAT_DISPLAY; cs = pc->st->l1.hardware; ic.driver = cs->myid; - ic.arg = pc->chan->chan; + ic.arg = pc->chan->chan; cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); } /* l3ni1_deliver_display */ @@ -1814,37 +1814,37 @@ l3ni1_progress(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) pc->para.cause = 100; } else if (!(p[2] & 0x70)) { switch (p[2]) { - case 0x80: + case 0x80: + case 0x81: + case 0x82: + case 0x84: + case 0x85: + case 0x87: + case 0x8a: + switch (p[3]) { case 0x81: case 0x82: + case 0x83: case 0x84: - case 0x85: - case 0x87: - case 0x8a: - switch (p[3]) { - case 0x81: - case 0x82: - case 0x83: - case 0x84: - case 0x88: - break; - default: - err = 2; - pc->para.cause = 100; - break; - } + case 0x88: break; default: - err = 3; + err = 2; pc->para.cause = 100; break; + } + break; + default: + err = 3; + pc->para.cause = 100; + break; } } } else { pc->para.cause = 96; err = 4; } - if (err) { + if (err) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) l3_debug(pc->st, "progress error %d", err); l3ni1_status_send(pc, pr, NULL); @@ -1871,21 +1871,21 @@ l3ni1_notify(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) pc->para.cause = 100; } else { switch (p[2]) { - case 0x80: - case 0x81: - case 0x82: - break; - default: - pc->para.cause = 100; - err = 2; - break; + case 0x80: + case 0x81: + case 0x82: + break; + default: + pc->para.cause = 100; + err = 2; + break; } } } else { pc->para.cause = 96; err = 3; } - if (err) { + if (err) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) l3_debug(pc->st, "notify error %d", err); l3ni1_status_send(pc, pr, NULL); @@ -1908,7 +1908,7 @@ l3ni1_status_enq(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) ret = check_infoelements(pc, skb, ie_STATUS_ENQUIRY); l3ni1_std_ie_err(pc, ret); pc->para.cause = 30; /* response to STATUS_ENQUIRY */ - l3ni1_status_send(pc, pr, NULL); + l3ni1_status_send(pc, pr, NULL); } static void @@ -1942,68 +1942,68 @@ static void l3ni1_redir_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) struct sk_buff *skb; u_char tmp[128]; u_char *p = tmp; - u_char *subp; - u_char len_phone = 0; - u_char len_sub = 0; - int l; - - - strcpy(pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data,pc->chan->setup.eazmsn); /* copy uus element if available */ - if (!pc->chan->setup.phone[0]) - { pc->para.cause = -1; - l3ni1_disconnect_req(pc,pr,arg); /* disconnect immediately */ - return; - } /* only uus */ - - if (pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id) - free_invoke_id(pc->st,pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id); - - if (!(pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id = new_invoke_id(pc->st))) - return; - - MsgHead(p, pc->callref, MT_FACILITY); - - for (subp = pc->chan->setup.phone; (*subp) && (*subp != '.'); subp++) len_phone++; /* len of phone number */ - if (*subp++ == '.') len_sub = strlen(subp) + 2; /* length including info subaddress element */ + u_char *subp; + u_char len_phone = 0; + u_char len_sub = 0; + int l; + + + strcpy(pc->prot.ni1.uus1_data, pc->chan->setup.eazmsn); /* copy uus element if available */ + if (!pc->chan->setup.phone[0]) + { pc->para.cause = -1; + l3ni1_disconnect_req(pc, pr, arg); /* disconnect immediately */ + return; + } /* only uus */ + + if (pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id) + free_invoke_id(pc->st, pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id); + + if (!(pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id = new_invoke_id(pc->st))) + return; + + MsgHead(p, pc->callref, MT_FACILITY); + + for (subp = pc->chan->setup.phone; (*subp) && (*subp != '.'); subp++) len_phone++; /* len of phone number */ + if (*subp++ == '.') len_sub = strlen(subp) + 2; /* length including info subaddress element */ *p++ = 0x1c; /* Facility info element */ - *p++ = len_phone + len_sub + 2 + 2 + 8 + 3 + 3; /* length of element */ - *p++ = 0x91; /* remote operations protocol */ - *p++ = 0xa1; /* invoke component */ - - *p++ = len_phone + len_sub + 2 + 2 + 8 + 3; /* length of data */ - *p++ = 0x02; /* invoke id tag, integer */ + *p++ = len_phone + len_sub + 2 + 2 + 8 + 3 + 3; /* length of element */ + *p++ = 0x91; /* remote operations protocol */ + *p++ = 0xa1; /* invoke component */ + + *p++ = len_phone + len_sub + 2 + 2 + 8 + 3; /* length of data */ + *p++ = 0x02; /* invoke id tag, integer */ *p++ = 0x01; /* length */ - *p++ = pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id; /* invoke id */ - *p++ = 0x02; /* operation value tag, integer */ + *p++ = pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id; /* invoke id */ + *p++ = 0x02; /* operation value tag, integer */ *p++ = 0x01; /* length */ - *p++ = 0x0D; /* Call Deflect */ - - *p++ = 0x30; /* sequence phone number */ - *p++ = len_phone + 2 + 2 + 3 + len_sub; /* length */ - - *p++ = 0x30; /* Deflected to UserNumber */ - *p++ = len_phone+2+len_sub; /* length */ - *p++ = 0x80; /* NumberDigits */ + *p++ = 0x0D; /* Call Deflect */ + + *p++ = 0x30; /* sequence phone number */ + *p++ = len_phone + 2 + 2 + 3 + len_sub; /* length */ + + *p++ = 0x30; /* Deflected to UserNumber */ + *p++ = len_phone + 2 + len_sub; /* length */ + *p++ = 0x80; /* NumberDigits */ *p++ = len_phone; /* length */ - for (l = 0; l < len_phone; l++) - *p++ = pc->chan->setup.phone[l]; + for (l = 0; l < len_phone; l++) + *p++ = pc->chan->setup.phone[l]; - if (len_sub) - { *p++ = 0x04; /* called party subaddress */ - *p++ = len_sub - 2; - while (*subp) *p++ = *subp++; - } + if (len_sub) + { *p++ = 0x04; /* called party subaddress */ + *p++ = len_sub - 2; + while (*subp) *p++ = *subp++; + } - *p++ = 0x01; /* screening identifier */ - *p++ = 0x01; - *p++ = pc->chan->setup.screen; + *p++ = 0x01; /* screening identifier */ + *p++ = 0x01; + *p++ = pc->chan->setup.screen; l = p - tmp; if (!(skb = l3_alloc_skb(l))) return; memcpy(skb_put(skb, l), tmp, l); - l3_msg(pc->st, DL_DATA | REQUEST, skb); + l3_msg(pc->st, DL_DATA | REQUEST, skb); } /* l3ni1_redir_req */ /********************************************/ @@ -2011,8 +2011,8 @@ static void l3ni1_redir_req(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) /********************************************/ static void l3ni1_redir_req_early(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { - l3ni1_proceed_req(pc,pr,arg); - l3ni1_redir_req(pc,pr,arg); + l3ni1_proceed_req(pc, pr, arg); + l3ni1_redir_req(pc, pr, arg); } /* l3ni1_redir_req_early */ /***********************************************/ @@ -2022,108 +2022,108 @@ static void l3ni1_redir_req_early(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) /***********************************************/ static int l3ni1_cmd_global(struct PStack *st, isdn_ctrl *ic) { u_char id; - u_char temp[265]; - u_char *p = temp; - int i, l, proc_len; - struct sk_buff *skb; - struct l3_process *pc = NULL; - - switch (ic->arg) - { case NI1_CMD_INVOKE: - if (ic->parm.ni1_io.datalen < 0) return(-2); /* invalid parameter */ - - for (proc_len = 1, i = ic->parm.ni1_io.proc >> 8; i; i++) - i = i >> 8; /* add one byte */ - l = ic->parm.ni1_io.datalen + proc_len + 8; /* length excluding ie header */ - if (l > 255) - return(-2); /* too long */ - - if (!(id = new_invoke_id(st))) - return(0); /* first get a invoke id -> return if no available */ - - i = -1; - MsgHead(p, i, MT_FACILITY); /* build message head */ - *p++ = 0x1C; /* Facility IE */ - *p++ = l; /* length of ie */ - *p++ = 0x91; /* remote operations */ - *p++ = 0xA1; /* invoke */ - *p++ = l - 3; /* length of invoke */ - *p++ = 0x02; /* invoke id tag */ - *p++ = 0x01; /* length is 1 */ - *p++ = id; /* invoke id */ - *p++ = 0x02; /* operation */ - *p++ = proc_len; /* length of operation */ - - for (i = proc_len; i; i--) - *p++ = (ic->parm.ni1_io.proc >> (i-1)) & 0xFF; - memcpy(p, ic->parm.ni1_io.data, ic->parm.ni1_io.datalen); /* copy data */ - l = (p - temp) + ic->parm.ni1_io.datalen; /* total length */ - - if (ic->parm.ni1_io.timeout > 0) - if (!(pc = ni1_new_l3_process(st, -1))) - { free_invoke_id(st, id); - return(-2); - } - pc->prot.ni1.ll_id = ic->parm.ni1_io.ll_id; /* remember id */ - pc->prot.ni1.proc = ic->parm.ni1_io.proc; /* and procedure */ - - if (!(skb = l3_alloc_skb(l))) - { free_invoke_id(st, id); - if (pc) ni1_release_l3_process(pc); - return(-2); - } - memcpy(skb_put(skb, l), temp, l); - - if (pc) - { pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id = id; /* remember id */ - L3AddTimer(&pc->timer, ic->parm.ni1_io.timeout, CC_TNI1_IO | REQUEST); - } - - l3_msg(st, DL_DATA | REQUEST, skb); - ic->parm.ni1_io.hl_id = id; /* return id */ - return(0); - - case NI1_CMD_INVOKE_ABORT: - if ((pc = l3ni1_search_dummy_proc(st, ic->parm.ni1_io.hl_id))) - { L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); /* remove timer */ - ni1_release_l3_process(pc); - return(0); - } - else - { l3_debug(st, "l3ni1_cmd_global abort unknown id"); - return(-2); - } - break; - - default: - l3_debug(st, "l3ni1_cmd_global unknown cmd 0x%lx", ic->arg); - return(-1); - } /* switch ic-> arg */ - return(-1); + u_char temp[265]; + u_char *p = temp; + int i, l, proc_len; + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct l3_process *pc = NULL; + + switch (ic->arg) + { case NI1_CMD_INVOKE: + if (ic->parm.ni1_io.datalen < 0) return (-2); /* invalid parameter */ + + for (proc_len = 1, i = ic->parm.ni1_io.proc >> 8; i; i++) + i = i >> 8; /* add one byte */ + l = ic->parm.ni1_io.datalen + proc_len + 8; /* length excluding ie header */ + if (l > 255) + return (-2); /* too long */ + + if (!(id = new_invoke_id(st))) + return (0); /* first get a invoke id -> return if no available */ + + i = -1; + MsgHead(p, i, MT_FACILITY); /* build message head */ + *p++ = 0x1C; /* Facility IE */ + *p++ = l; /* length of ie */ + *p++ = 0x91; /* remote operations */ + *p++ = 0xA1; /* invoke */ + *p++ = l - 3; /* length of invoke */ + *p++ = 0x02; /* invoke id tag */ + *p++ = 0x01; /* length is 1 */ + *p++ = id; /* invoke id */ + *p++ = 0x02; /* operation */ + *p++ = proc_len; /* length of operation */ + + for (i = proc_len; i; i--) + *p++ = (ic->parm.ni1_io.proc >> (i - 1)) & 0xFF; + memcpy(p, ic->parm.ni1_io.data, ic->parm.ni1_io.datalen); /* copy data */ + l = (p - temp) + ic->parm.ni1_io.datalen; /* total length */ + + if (ic->parm.ni1_io.timeout > 0) + if (!(pc = ni1_new_l3_process(st, -1))) + { free_invoke_id(st, id); + return (-2); + } + pc->prot.ni1.ll_id = ic->parm.ni1_io.ll_id; /* remember id */ + pc->prot.ni1.proc = ic->parm.ni1_io.proc; /* and procedure */ + + if (!(skb = l3_alloc_skb(l))) + { free_invoke_id(st, id); + if (pc) ni1_release_l3_process(pc); + return (-2); + } + memcpy(skb_put(skb, l), temp, l); + + if (pc) + { pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id = id; /* remember id */ + L3AddTimer(&pc->timer, ic->parm.ni1_io.timeout, CC_TNI1_IO | REQUEST); + } + + l3_msg(st, DL_DATA | REQUEST, skb); + ic->parm.ni1_io.hl_id = id; /* return id */ + return (0); + + case NI1_CMD_INVOKE_ABORT: + if ((pc = l3ni1_search_dummy_proc(st, ic->parm.ni1_io.hl_id))) + { L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); /* remove timer */ + ni1_release_l3_process(pc); + return (0); + } + else + { l3_debug(st, "l3ni1_cmd_global abort unknown id"); + return (-2); + } + break; + + default: + l3_debug(st, "l3ni1_cmd_global unknown cmd 0x%lx", ic->arg); + return (-1); + } /* switch ic-> arg */ + return (-1); } /* l3ni1_cmd_global */ -static void +static void l3ni1_io_timer(struct l3_process *pc) { isdn_ctrl ic; - struct IsdnCardState *cs = pc->st->l1.hardware; + struct IsdnCardState *cs = pc->st->l1.hardware; - L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); /* remove timer */ + L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); /* remove timer */ - ic.driver = cs->myid; - ic.command = ISDN_STAT_PROT; - ic.arg = NI1_STAT_INVOKE_ERR; - ic.parm.ni1_io.hl_id = pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id; - ic.parm.ni1_io.ll_id = pc->prot.ni1.ll_id; - ic.parm.ni1_io.proc = pc->prot.ni1.proc; - ic.parm.ni1_io.timeout= -1; - ic.parm.ni1_io.datalen = 0; - ic.parm.ni1_io.data = NULL; - free_invoke_id(pc->st, pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id); - pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id = 0; /* reset id */ + ic.driver = cs->myid; + ic.command = ISDN_STAT_PROT; + ic.arg = NI1_STAT_INVOKE_ERR; + ic.parm.ni1_io.hl_id = pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id; + ic.parm.ni1_io.ll_id = pc->prot.ni1.ll_id; + ic.parm.ni1_io.proc = pc->prot.ni1.proc; + ic.parm.ni1_io.timeout = -1; + ic.parm.ni1_io.datalen = 0; + ic.parm.ni1_io.data = NULL; + free_invoke_id(pc->st, pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id); + pc->prot.ni1.invoke_id = 0; /* reset id */ - cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); + cs->iif.statcallb(&ic); - ni1_release_l3_process(pc); + ni1_release_l3_process(pc); } /* l3ni1_io_timer */ static void @@ -2293,12 +2293,12 @@ l3ni1_status(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { u_char *p; struct sk_buff *skb = arg; - int ret; + int ret; u_char cause = 0, callState = 0; - + if ((ret = l3ni1_get_cause(pc, skb))) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) - l3_debug(pc->st, "STATUS get_cause ret(%d)",ret); + l3_debug(pc->st, "STATUS get_cause ret(%d)", ret); if (ret < 0) cause = 96; else if (ret > 0) @@ -2323,9 +2323,9 @@ l3ni1_status(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) } if (cause) { u_char tmp; - + if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) - l3_debug(pc->st, "STATUS error(%d/%d)",ret,cause); + l3_debug(pc->st, "STATUS error(%d/%d)", ret, cause); tmp = pc->para.cause; pc->para.cause = cause; l3ni1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); @@ -2351,10 +2351,10 @@ l3ni1_facility(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { struct sk_buff *skb = arg; int ret; - + ret = check_infoelements(pc, skb, ie_FACILITY); l3ni1_std_ie_err(pc, ret); - { + { u_char *p; if ((p = findie(skb->data, skb->len, IE_FACILITY, 0))) l3ni1_parse_facility(pc->st, pc, pc->callref, p); @@ -2403,7 +2403,7 @@ l3ni1_suspend_ack(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) /* We don't handle suspend_ack for IE errors now */ if ((ret = check_infoelements(pc, skb, ie_SUSPEND_ACKNOWLEDGE))) if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) - l3_debug(pc->st, "SUSPACK check ie(%d)",ret); + l3_debug(pc->st, "SUSPACK check ie(%d)", ret); ni1_release_l3_process(pc); } @@ -2415,8 +2415,8 @@ l3ni1_suspend_rej(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) if ((ret = l3ni1_get_cause(pc, skb))) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) - l3_debug(pc->st, "SUSP_REJ get_cause ret(%d)",ret); - if (ret < 0) + l3_debug(pc->st, "SUSP_REJ get_cause ret(%d)", ret); + if (ret < 0) pc->para.cause = 96; else pc->para.cause = 100; @@ -2507,8 +2507,8 @@ l3ni1_resume_rej(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) if ((ret = l3ni1_get_cause(pc, skb))) { if (pc->debug & L3_DEB_WARN) - l3_debug(pc->st, "RES_REJ get_cause ret(%d)",ret); - if (ret < 0) + l3_debug(pc->st, "RES_REJ get_cause ret(%d)", ret); + if (ret < 0) pc->para.cause = 96; else pc->para.cause = 100; @@ -2562,7 +2562,7 @@ l3ni1_global_restart(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) up->st->lli.l4l3(up->st, CC_RESTART | REQUEST, up); else if (up->para.bchannel == chan) up->st->lli.l4l3(up->st, CC_RESTART | REQUEST, up); - + up = up->next; } p = tmp; @@ -2586,112 +2586,112 @@ l3ni1_global_restart(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) static void l3ni1_dl_reset(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { - pc->para.cause = 0x29; /* Temporary failure */ - pc->para.loc = 0; - l3ni1_disconnect_req(pc, pr, NULL); - pc->st->l3.l3l4(pc->st, CC_SETUP_ERR, pc); + pc->para.cause = 0x29; /* Temporary failure */ + pc->para.loc = 0; + l3ni1_disconnect_req(pc, pr, NULL); + pc->st->l3.l3l4(pc->st, CC_SETUP_ERR, pc); } static void l3ni1_dl_release(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { - newl3state(pc, 0); - pc->para.cause = 0x1b; /* Destination out of order */ - pc->para.loc = 0; - pc->st->l3.l3l4(pc->st, CC_RELEASE | INDICATION, pc); - release_l3_process(pc); + newl3state(pc, 0); + pc->para.cause = 0x1b; /* Destination out of order */ + pc->para.loc = 0; + pc->st->l3.l3l4(pc->st, CC_RELEASE | INDICATION, pc); + release_l3_process(pc); } static void l3ni1_dl_reestablish(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { - L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); - L3AddTimer(&pc->timer, T309, CC_T309); - l3_msg(pc->st, DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST, NULL); + L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); + L3AddTimer(&pc->timer, T309, CC_T309); + l3_msg(pc->st, DL_ESTABLISH | REQUEST, NULL); } - + static void l3ni1_dl_reest_status(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); - - pc->para.cause = 0x1F; /* normal, unspecified */ + + pc->para.cause = 0x1F; /* normal, unspecified */ l3ni1_status_send(pc, 0, NULL); } -static void l3ni1_SendSpid( struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, struct sk_buff *skb, int iNewState ) +static void l3ni1_SendSpid(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, struct sk_buff *skb, int iNewState) { - u_char * p; - char * pSPID; - struct Channel * pChan = pc->st->lli.userdata; - int l; + u_char *p; + char *pSPID; + struct Channel *pChan = pc->st->lli.userdata; + int l; - if ( skb ) - dev_kfree_skb( skb); + if (skb) + dev_kfree_skb(skb); - if ( !( pSPID = strchr( pChan->setup.eazmsn, ':' ) ) ) + if (!(pSPID = strchr(pChan->setup.eazmsn, ':'))) { - printk( KERN_ERR "SPID not supplied in EAZMSN %s\n", pChan->setup.eazmsn ); - newl3state( pc, 0 ); - pc->st->l3.l3l2( pc->st, DL_RELEASE | REQUEST, NULL ); + printk(KERN_ERR "SPID not supplied in EAZMSN %s\n", pChan->setup.eazmsn); + newl3state(pc, 0); + pc->st->l3.l3l2(pc->st, DL_RELEASE | REQUEST, NULL); return; } - l = strlen( ++pSPID ); - if ( !( skb = l3_alloc_skb( 5+l ) ) ) + l = strlen(++pSPID); + if (!(skb = l3_alloc_skb(5 + l))) { - printk( KERN_ERR "HiSax can't get memory to send SPID\n" ); + printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax can't get memory to send SPID\n"); return; } - p = skb_put( skb, 5 ); + p = skb_put(skb, 5); *p++ = PROTO_DIS_EURO; *p++ = 0; *p++ = MT_INFORMATION; *p++ = IE_SPID; *p++ = l; - memcpy( skb_put( skb, l ), pSPID, l ); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, l), pSPID, l); - newl3state( pc, iNewState ); + newl3state(pc, iNewState); - L3DelTimer( &pc->timer ); - L3AddTimer( &pc->timer, TSPID, CC_TSPID ); + L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); + L3AddTimer(&pc->timer, TSPID, CC_TSPID); - pc->st->l3.l3l2( pc->st, DL_DATA | REQUEST, skb ); + pc->st->l3.l3l2(pc->st, DL_DATA | REQUEST, skb); } -static void l3ni1_spid_send( struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg ) +static void l3ni1_spid_send(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { - l3ni1_SendSpid( pc, pr, arg, 20 ); + l3ni1_SendSpid(pc, pr, arg, 20); } -static void l3ni1_spid_epid( struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg ) +static void l3ni1_spid_epid(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { struct sk_buff *skb = arg; - if ( skb->data[ 1 ] == 0 ) - if ( skb->data[ 3 ] == IE_ENDPOINT_ID ) + if (skb->data[1] == 0) + if (skb->data[3] == IE_ENDPOINT_ID) { - L3DelTimer( &pc->timer ); - newl3state( pc, 0 ); - l3_msg( pc->st, DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM, NULL ); + L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); + newl3state(pc, 0); + l3_msg(pc->st, DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM, NULL); } - dev_kfree_skb( skb); + dev_kfree_skb(skb); } -static void l3ni1_spid_tout( struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg ) +static void l3ni1_spid_tout(struct l3_process *pc, u_char pr, void *arg) { - if ( pc->state < 22 ) - l3ni1_SendSpid( pc, pr, arg, pc->state+1 ); + if (pc->state < 22) + l3ni1_SendSpid(pc, pr, arg, pc->state + 1); else { - L3DelTimer( &pc->timer ); - dev_kfree_skb( arg); + L3DelTimer(&pc->timer); + dev_kfree_skb(arg); - printk( KERN_ERR "SPID not accepted\n" ); - newl3state( pc, 0 ); - pc->st->l3.l3l2( pc->st, DL_RELEASE | REQUEST, NULL ); + printk(KERN_ERR "SPID not accepted\n"); + newl3state(pc, 0); + pc->st->l3.l3l2(pc->st, DL_RELEASE | REQUEST, NULL); } } @@ -2724,12 +2724,12 @@ static struct stateentry downstatelist[] = CC_SETUP | RESPONSE, l3ni1_setup_rsp}, {SBIT(10), CC_SUSPEND | REQUEST, l3ni1_suspend_req}, - {SBIT(7) | SBIT(9) | SBIT(25), - CC_REDIR | REQUEST, l3ni1_redir_req}, - {SBIT(6), - CC_REDIR | REQUEST, l3ni1_redir_req_early}, - {SBIT(9) | SBIT(25), - CC_DISCONNECT | REQUEST, l3ni1_disconnect_req}, + {SBIT(7) | SBIT(9) | SBIT(25), + CC_REDIR | REQUEST, l3ni1_redir_req}, + {SBIT(6), + CC_REDIR | REQUEST, l3ni1_redir_req_early}, + {SBIT(9) | SBIT(25), + CC_DISCONNECT | REQUEST, l3ni1_disconnect_req}, {SBIT(25), CC_T302, l3ni1_t302}, {SBIT(1), @@ -2752,8 +2752,8 @@ static struct stateentry downstatelist[] = CC_T308_2, l3ni1_t308_2}, {SBIT(10), CC_T309, l3ni1_dl_release}, - { SBIT( 20 ) | SBIT( 21 ) | SBIT( 22 ), - CC_TSPID, l3ni1_spid_tout }, + { SBIT(20) | SBIT(21) | SBIT(22), + CC_TSPID, l3ni1_spid_tout }, }; static struct stateentry datastatelist[] = @@ -2815,22 +2815,22 @@ static struct stateentry globalmes_list[] = {SBIT(0), MT_RESTART, l3ni1_global_restart}, /* {SBIT(1), - MT_RESTART_ACKNOWLEDGE, l3ni1_restart_ack}, + MT_RESTART_ACKNOWLEDGE, l3ni1_restart_ack}, */ - { SBIT( 0 ), MT_DL_ESTABLISHED, l3ni1_spid_send }, - { SBIT( 20 ) | SBIT( 21 ) | SBIT( 22 ), MT_INFORMATION, l3ni1_spid_epid }, + { SBIT(0), MT_DL_ESTABLISHED, l3ni1_spid_send }, + { SBIT(20) | SBIT(21) | SBIT(22), MT_INFORMATION, l3ni1_spid_epid }, }; static struct stateentry manstatelist[] = { - {SBIT(2), - DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION, l3ni1_dl_reset}, - {SBIT(10), - DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM, l3ni1_dl_reest_status}, - {SBIT(10), - DL_RELEASE | INDICATION, l3ni1_dl_reestablish}, - {ALL_STATES, - DL_RELEASE | INDICATION, l3ni1_dl_release}, + {SBIT(2), + DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION, l3ni1_dl_reset}, + {SBIT(10), + DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM, l3ni1_dl_reest_status}, + {SBIT(10), + DL_RELEASE | INDICATION, l3ni1_dl_reestablish}, + {ALL_STATES, + DL_RELEASE | INDICATION, l3ni1_dl_release}, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ @@ -2845,7 +2845,7 @@ global_handler(struct PStack *st, int mt, struct sk_buff *skb) int i; struct l3_process *proc = st->l3.global; - if ( skb ) + if (skb) proc->callref = skb->data[2]; /* cr flag */ else proc->callref = 0; @@ -2856,13 +2856,13 @@ global_handler(struct PStack *st, int mt, struct sk_buff *skb) if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(globalmes_list)) { if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { l3_debug(st, "ni1 global state %d mt %x unhandled", - proc->state, mt); + proc->state, mt); } MsgHead(p, proc->callref, MT_STATUS); *p++ = IE_CAUSE; *p++ = 0x2; *p++ = 0x80; - *p++ = 81 |0x80; /* invalid cr */ + *p++ = 81 | 0x80; /* invalid cr */ *p++ = 0x14; /* CallState */ *p++ = 0x1; *p++ = proc->state & 0x3f; @@ -2874,7 +2874,7 @@ global_handler(struct PStack *st, int mt, struct sk_buff *skb) } else { if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { l3_debug(st, "ni1 global %d mt %x", - proc->state, mt); + proc->state, mt); } globalmes_list[i].rout(proc, mt, skb); } @@ -2890,23 +2890,23 @@ ni1up(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) struct l3_process *proc; switch (pr) { - case (DL_DATA | INDICATION): - case (DL_UNIT_DATA | INDICATION): - break; - case (DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION): - case (DL_RELEASE | INDICATION): - case (DL_RELEASE | CONFIRM): - l3_msg(st, pr, arg); - return; - break; + case (DL_DATA | INDICATION): + case (DL_UNIT_DATA | INDICATION): + break; + case (DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION): + case (DL_RELEASE | INDICATION): + case (DL_RELEASE | CONFIRM): + l3_msg(st, pr, arg); + return; + break; - case (DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM): - global_handler( st, MT_DL_ESTABLISHED, NULL ); - return; + case (DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM): + global_handler(st, MT_DL_ESTABLISHED, NULL); + return; - default: - printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax ni1up unknown pr=%04x\n", pr); - return; + default: + printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax ni1up unknown pr=%04x\n", pr); + return; } if (skb->len < 3) { l3_debug(st, "ni1up frame too short(%d)", skb->len); @@ -2941,10 +2941,10 @@ ni1up(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) if (mt == MT_FACILITY) { if ((p = findie(skb->data, skb->len, IE_FACILITY, 0))) { - l3ni1_parse_facility(st, NULL, - (pr == (DL_DATA | INDICATION)) ? -1 : -2, p); + l3ni1_parse_facility(st, NULL, + (pr == (DL_DATA | INDICATION)) ? -1 : -2, p); dev_kfree_skb(skb); - return; + return; } } else @@ -2952,13 +2952,13 @@ ni1up(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) global_handler(st, mt, skb); return; } - + if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_WARN) l3_debug(st, "ni1up dummy Callref (no facility msg or ie)"); dev_kfree_skb(skb); return; - } else if ((((skb->data[1] & 0x0f) == 1) && (0==(cr & 0x7f))) || - (((skb->data[1] & 0x0f) == 2) && (0==(cr & 0x7fff)))) { /* Global CallRef */ + } else if ((((skb->data[1] & 0x0f) == 1) && (0 == (cr & 0x7f))) || + (((skb->data[1] & 0x0f) == 2) && (0 == (cr & 0x7fff)))) { /* Global CallRef */ if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) l3_debug(st, "ni1up Global CallRef"); global_handler(st, mt, skb); @@ -3036,8 +3036,8 @@ ni1up(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) dev_kfree_skb(skb); return; } - if ((p = findie(skb->data, skb->len, IE_DISPLAY, 0)) != NULL) - l3ni1_deliver_display(proc, pr, p); /* Display IE included */ + if ((p = findie(skb->data, skb->len, IE_DISPLAY, 0)) != NULL) + l3ni1_deliver_display(proc, pr, p); /* Display IE included */ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(datastatelist); i++) if ((mt == datastatelist[i].primitive) && ((1 << proc->state) & datastatelist[i].state)) @@ -3045,8 +3045,8 @@ ni1up(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(datastatelist)) { if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { l3_debug(st, "ni1up%sstate %d mt %#x unhandled", - (pr == (DL_DATA | INDICATION)) ? " " : "(broadcast) ", - proc->state, mt); + (pr == (DL_DATA | INDICATION)) ? " " : "(broadcast) ", + proc->state, mt); } if ((MT_RELEASE_COMPLETE != mt) && (MT_RELEASE != mt)) { proc->para.cause = 101; @@ -3055,8 +3055,8 @@ ni1up(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) } else { if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { l3_debug(st, "ni1up%sstate %d mt %x", - (pr == (DL_DATA | INDICATION)) ? " " : "(broadcast) ", - proc->state, mt); + (pr == (DL_DATA | INDICATION)) ? " " : "(broadcast) ", + proc->state, mt); } datastatelist[i].rout(proc, pr, skb); } @@ -3092,10 +3092,10 @@ ni1down(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) return; } - if ( pr == (CC_TNI1_IO | REQUEST)) { - l3ni1_io_timer(proc); /* timer expires */ + if (pr == (CC_TNI1_IO | REQUEST)) { + l3ni1_io_timer(proc); /* timer expires */ return; - } + } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(downstatelist); i++) if ((pr == downstatelist[i].primitive) && @@ -3104,12 +3104,12 @@ ni1down(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(downstatelist)) { if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { l3_debug(st, "ni1down state %d prim %#x unhandled", - proc->state, pr); + proc->state, pr); } } else { if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { l3_debug(st, "ni1down state %d prim %#x", - proc->state, pr); + proc->state, pr); } downstatelist[i].rout(proc, pr, arg); } @@ -3118,31 +3118,31 @@ ni1down(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) static void ni1man(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) { - int i; - struct l3_process *proc = arg; - - if (!proc) { - printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax ni1man without proc pr=%04x\n", pr); - return; - } - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(manstatelist); i++) - if ((pr == manstatelist[i].primitive) && - ((1 << proc->state) & manstatelist[i].state)) - break; - if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(manstatelist)) { - if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { - l3_debug(st, "cr %d ni1man state %d prim %#x unhandled", - proc->callref & 0x7f, proc->state, pr); - } - } else { - if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { - l3_debug(st, "cr %d ni1man state %d prim %#x", - proc->callref & 0x7f, proc->state, pr); - } - manstatelist[i].rout(proc, pr, arg); - } -} - + int i; + struct l3_process *proc = arg; + + if (!proc) { + printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax ni1man without proc pr=%04x\n", pr); + return; + } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(manstatelist); i++) + if ((pr == manstatelist[i].primitive) && + ((1 << proc->state) & manstatelist[i].state)) + break; + if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(manstatelist)) { + if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { + l3_debug(st, "cr %d ni1man state %d prim %#x unhandled", + proc->callref & 0x7f, proc->state, pr); + } + } else { + if (st->l3.debug & L3_DEB_STATE) { + l3_debug(st, "cr %d ni1man state %d prim %#x", + proc->callref & 0x7f, proc->state, pr); + } + manstatelist[i].rout(proc, pr, arg); + } +} + void setstack_ni1(struct PStack *st) { @@ -3157,8 +3157,8 @@ setstack_ni1(struct PStack *st) st->prot.ni1.last_invoke_id = 0; st->prot.ni1.invoke_used[0] = 1; /* Bit 0 must always be set to 1 */ i = 1; - while (i < 32) - st->prot.ni1.invoke_used[i++] = 0; + while (i < 32) + st->prot.ni1.invoke_used[i++] = 0; if (!(st->l3.global = kmalloc(sizeof(struct l3_process), GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_ERR "HiSax can't get memory for ni1 global CR\n"); @@ -3169,7 +3169,7 @@ setstack_ni1(struct PStack *st) st->l3.global->debug = L3_DEB_WARN; st->l3.global->st = st; st->l3.global->N303 = 1; - st->l3.global->prot.ni1.invoke_id = 0; + st->l3.global->prot.ni1.invoke_id = 0; L3InitTimer(st->l3.global, &st->l3.global->timer); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3ni1.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3ni1.h index 4066da2fe5a221c6348a35c056eb8efa326335b7..99d37d2cea4f07660f2c657ca3c53fb576e88746 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3ni1.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/l3ni1.h @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ * * Author Matt Henderson & Guy Ellis * Copyright by Traverse Technologies Pty Ltd, www.travers.com.au - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * - * 2000.6.6 Initial implementation of routines for US NI1 - * Layer 3 protocol based on the EURO/DSS1 D-channel protocol - * driver written by Karsten Keil et al. Thanks also for the + * 2000.6.6 Initial implementation of routines for US NI1 + * Layer 3 protocol based on the EURO/DSS1 D-channel protocol + * driver written by Karsten Keil et al. Thanks also for the * code provided by Ragnar Paulson. * */ @@ -119,18 +119,18 @@ /* l3ni1 specific data in l3 process */ typedef struct - { unsigned char invoke_id; /* used invoke id in remote ops, 0 = not active */ - ulong ll_id; /* remebered ll id */ - u8 remote_operation; /* handled remote operation, 0 = not active */ - int proc; /* rememered procedure */ - ulong remote_result; /* result of remote operation for statcallb */ - char uus1_data[35]; /* data send during alerting or disconnect */ - } ni1_proc_priv; +{ unsigned char invoke_id; /* used invoke id in remote ops, 0 = not active */ + ulong ll_id; /* remebered ll id */ + u8 remote_operation; /* handled remote operation, 0 = not active */ + int proc; /* rememered procedure */ + ulong remote_result; /* result of remote operation for statcallb */ + char uus1_data[35]; /* data send during alerting or disconnect */ +} ni1_proc_priv; /* l3dni1 specific data in protocol stack */ typedef struct - { unsigned char last_invoke_id; /* last used value for invoking */ - unsigned char invoke_used[32]; /* 256 bits for 256 values */ - } ni1_stk_priv; +{ unsigned char last_invoke_id; /* last used value for invoking */ + unsigned char invoke_used[32]; /* 256 bits for 256 values */ +} ni1_stk_priv; #endif /* only l3dni1_process */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/lmgr.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/lmgr.c index d4f86d654de0bde5caa8a2449dfbb3e85db60e98..5b63eb6601aa98e95ee9be822fd4a97ec51f75c5 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/lmgr.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/lmgr.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ static void error_handling_dchan(struct PStack *st, int Error) { switch (Error) { - case 'C': - case 'D': - case 'G': - case 'H': - st->l2.l2tei(st, MDL_ERROR | REQUEST, NULL); - break; + case 'C': + case 'D': + case 'G': + case 'H': + st->l2.l2tei(st, MDL_ERROR | REQUEST, NULL); + break; } } @@ -31,15 +31,15 @@ hisax_manager(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) long Code; switch (pr) { - case (MDL_ERROR | INDICATION): - Code = (long) arg; - HiSax_putstatus(st->l1.hardware, "manager: MDL_ERROR", - " %c %s", (char)Code, + case (MDL_ERROR | INDICATION): + Code = (long) arg; + HiSax_putstatus(st->l1.hardware, "manager: MDL_ERROR", + " %c %s", (char)Code, test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &st->l2.flag) ? "D-channel" : "B-channel"); - if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &st->l2.flag)) - error_handling_dchan(st, Code); - break; + if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &st->l2.flag)) + error_handling_dchan(st, Code); + break; } } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/mic.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/mic.c index 253943029d254b39183ef25199b1e670f639e604..08a6b7fb17f7769e406eb8927d5d0eba9df501e7 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/mic.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/mic.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Stephan von Krawczynski * Copyright by Stephan von Krawczynski - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ static const char *mic_revision = "$Revision: $"; -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) #define MIC_ISAC 2 @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ readreg(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off) } static inline void -readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char * data, int size) +readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size) { byteout(ale, off); insb(adr, data, size); @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ writereg(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char data) } static inline void -writefifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char * data, int size) +writefifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size) { byteout(ale, off); outsb(adr, data, size); @@ -75,13 +75,13 @@ WriteISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) } static void -ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { readfifo(cs->hw.mic.adr, cs->hw.mic.isac, 0, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { writefifo(cs->hw.mic.adr, cs->hw.mic.isac, 0, data, size); } @@ -104,16 +104,16 @@ WriteHSCX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char offset, u_char value) * fast interrupt HSCX stuff goes here */ -#define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.mic.adr, \ - cs->hw.mic.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0)) -#define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.mic.adr, \ - cs->hw.mic.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0), data) +#define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.mic.adr, \ + cs->hw.mic.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0)) +#define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.mic.adr, \ + cs->hw.mic.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0), data) -#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.mic.adr, \ - cs->hw.mic.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) +#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.mic.adr, \ + cs->hw.mic.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) -#define WRITEHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) writefifo(cs->hw.mic.adr, \ - cs->hw.mic.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) +#define WRITEHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) writefifo(cs->hw.mic.adr, \ + cs->hw.mic.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) #include "hscx_irq.c" @@ -126,11 +126,11 @@ mic_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); val = readreg(cs->hw.mic.adr, cs->hw.mic.hscx, HSCX_ISTA + 0x40); - Start_HSCX: +Start_HSCX: if (val) hscx_int_main(cs, val); val = readreg(cs->hw.mic.adr, cs->hw.mic.isac, ISAC_ISTA); - Start_ISAC: +Start_ISAC: if (val) isac_interrupt(cs, val); val = readreg(cs->hw.mic.adr, cs->hw.mic.hscx, HSCX_ISTA + 0x40); @@ -170,21 +170,21 @@ mic_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - return(0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_mic(cs); - return(0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - inithscx(cs); /* /RTSA := ISAC RST */ - inithscxisac(cs, 3); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_TEST: - return(0); + case CARD_RESET: + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_mic(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + inithscx(cs); /* /RTSA := ISAC RST */ + inithscxisac(cs, 3); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } - return(0); + return (0); } int __devinit @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ setup_mic(struct IsdnCard *card) return (0); } printk(KERN_INFO "mic: defined at 0x%x IRQ %d\n", - cs->hw.mic.cfg_reg, cs->irq); + cs->hw.mic.cfg_reg, cs->irq); setup_isac(cs); cs->readisac = &ReadISAC; cs->writeisac = &WriteISAC; @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ setup_mic(struct IsdnCard *card) ISACVersion(cs, "mic:"); if (HscxVersion(cs, "mic:")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "mic: wrong HSCX versions check IO address\n"); + "mic: wrong HSCX versions check IO address\n"); release_io_mic(cs); return (0); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/netjet.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/netjet.c index 644891efc26fb52ba994616878c923b787a5f5a1..b646eed379dfb52134b828d80c61a74262188168 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/netjet.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/netjet.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -31,21 +31,21 @@ u_char NETjet_ReadIC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset) { u_char ret; - + cs->hw.njet.auxd &= 0xfc; - cs->hw.njet.auxd |= (offset>>4) & 3; + cs->hw.njet.auxd |= (offset >> 4) & 3; byteout(cs->hw.njet.auxa, cs->hw.njet.auxd); - ret = bytein(cs->hw.njet.isac + ((offset & 0xf)<<2)); - return(ret); + ret = bytein(cs->hw.njet.isac + ((offset & 0xf) << 2)); + return (ret); } void NETjet_WriteIC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) { cs->hw.njet.auxd &= 0xfc; - cs->hw.njet.auxd |= (offset>>4) & 3; + cs->hw.njet.auxd |= (offset >> 4) & 3; byteout(cs->hw.njet.auxa, cs->hw.njet.auxd); - byteout(cs->hw.njet.isac + ((offset & 0xf)<<2), value); + byteout(cs->hw.njet.isac + ((offset & 0xf) << 2), value); } void @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ NETjet_ReadICfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) insb(cs->hw.njet.isac, data, size); } -void +void NETjet_WriteICfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { cs->hw.njet.auxd &= 0xfc; @@ -66,17 +66,17 @@ NETjet_WriteICfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) static void fill_mem(struct BCState *bcs, u_int *pos, u_int cnt, int chan, u_char fill) { - u_int mask=0x000000ff, val = 0, *p=pos; + u_int mask = 0x000000ff, val = 0, *p = pos; u_int i; - + val |= fill; if (chan) { val <<= 8; mask <<= 8; } mask ^= 0xffffffff; - for (i=0; i bcs->hw.tiger.s_end) p = bcs->hw.tiger.send; @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ static void mode_tiger(struct BCState *bcs, int mode, int bc) { struct IsdnCardState *cs = bcs->cs; - u_char led; + u_char led; if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) debugl1(cs, "Tiger mode %d bchan %d/%d", @@ -95,63 +95,63 @@ mode_tiger(struct BCState *bcs, int mode, int bc) bcs->mode = mode; bcs->channel = bc; switch (mode) { - case (L1_MODE_NULL): - fill_mem(bcs, bcs->hw.tiger.send, - NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE, bc, 0xff); - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(cs, "Tiger stat rec %d/%d send %d", - bcs->hw.tiger.r_tot, bcs->hw.tiger.r_err, - bcs->hw.tiger.s_tot); - if ((cs->bcs[0].mode == L1_MODE_NULL) && - (cs->bcs[1].mode == L1_MODE_NULL)) { - cs->hw.njet.dmactrl = 0; - byteout(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMACTRL, - cs->hw.njet.dmactrl); - byteout(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_IRQMASK0, 0); - } - if (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_NETJET_S) - { - // led off - led = bc & 0x01; - led = 0x01 << (6 + led); // convert to mask - led = ~led; - cs->hw.njet.auxd &= led; - byteout(cs->hw.njet.auxa, cs->hw.njet.auxd); - } - break; - case (L1_MODE_TRANS): - break; - case (L1_MODE_HDLC_56K): - case (L1_MODE_HDLC): + case (L1_MODE_NULL): + fill_mem(bcs, bcs->hw.tiger.send, + NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE, bc, 0xff); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) + debugl1(cs, "Tiger stat rec %d/%d send %d", + bcs->hw.tiger.r_tot, bcs->hw.tiger.r_err, + bcs->hw.tiger.s_tot); + if ((cs->bcs[0].mode == L1_MODE_NULL) && + (cs->bcs[1].mode == L1_MODE_NULL)) { + cs->hw.njet.dmactrl = 0; + byteout(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMACTRL, + cs->hw.njet.dmactrl); + byteout(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_IRQMASK0, 0); + } + if (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_NETJET_S) + { + // led off + led = bc & 0x01; + led = 0x01 << (6 + led); // convert to mask + led = ~led; + cs->hw.njet.auxd &= led; + byteout(cs->hw.njet.auxa, cs->hw.njet.auxd); + } + break; + case (L1_MODE_TRANS): + break; + case (L1_MODE_HDLC_56K): + case (L1_MODE_HDLC): + fill_mem(bcs, bcs->hw.tiger.send, + NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE, bc, 0xff); + bcs->hw.tiger.r_state = HDLC_ZERO_SEARCH; + bcs->hw.tiger.r_tot = 0; + bcs->hw.tiger.r_bitcnt = 0; + bcs->hw.tiger.r_one = 0; + bcs->hw.tiger.r_err = 0; + bcs->hw.tiger.s_tot = 0; + if (!cs->hw.njet.dmactrl) { fill_mem(bcs, bcs->hw.tiger.send, - NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE, bc, 0xff); - bcs->hw.tiger.r_state = HDLC_ZERO_SEARCH; - bcs->hw.tiger.r_tot = 0; - bcs->hw.tiger.r_bitcnt = 0; - bcs->hw.tiger.r_one = 0; - bcs->hw.tiger.r_err = 0; - bcs->hw.tiger.s_tot = 0; - if (! cs->hw.njet.dmactrl) { - fill_mem(bcs, bcs->hw.tiger.send, - NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE, !bc, 0xff); - cs->hw.njet.dmactrl = 1; - byteout(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMACTRL, - cs->hw.njet.dmactrl); - byteout(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_IRQMASK0, 0x0f); + NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE, !bc, 0xff); + cs->hw.njet.dmactrl = 1; + byteout(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMACTRL, + cs->hw.njet.dmactrl); + byteout(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_IRQMASK0, 0x0f); /* was 0x3f now 0x0f for TJ300 and TJ320 GE 13/07/00 */ - } - bcs->hw.tiger.sendp = bcs->hw.tiger.send; - bcs->hw.tiger.free = NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE; - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_EMPTY, &bcs->Flag); - if (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_NETJET_S) - { - // led on - led = bc & 0x01; - led = 0x01 << (6 + led); // convert to mask - cs->hw.njet.auxd |= led; - byteout(cs->hw.njet.auxa, cs->hw.njet.auxd); - } - break; + } + bcs->hw.tiger.sendp = bcs->hw.tiger.send; + bcs->hw.tiger.free = NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE; + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_EMPTY, &bcs->Flag); + if (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_NETJET_S) + { + // led on + led = bc & 0x01; + led = 0x01 << (6 + led); // convert to mask + cs->hw.njet.auxd |= led; + byteout(cs->hw.njet.auxa, cs->hw.njet.auxd); + } + break; } if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) debugl1(cs, "tiger: set %x %x %x %x/%x pulse=%d", @@ -166,15 +166,15 @@ mode_tiger(struct BCState *bcs, int mode, int bc) static void printframe(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *buf, int count, char *s) { char tmp[128]; char *t = tmp; - int i=count,j; + int i = count, j; u_char *p = buf; t += sprintf(t, "tiger %s(%4d)", s, count); - while (i>0) { - if (i>16) - j=16; + while (i > 0) { + if (i > 16) + j = 16; else - j=i; + j = i; QuickHex(t, p, j); debugl1(cs, tmp); p += j; @@ -186,78 +186,78 @@ static void printframe(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *buf, int count, char *s // macro for 64k -#define MAKE_RAW_BYTE for (j=0; j<8; j++) { \ - bitcnt++;\ - s_val >>= 1;\ - if (val & 1) {\ - s_one++;\ - s_val |= 0x80;\ - } else {\ - s_one = 0;\ - s_val &= 0x7f;\ - }\ - if (bitcnt==8) {\ - bcs->hw.tiger.sendbuf[s_cnt++] = s_val;\ - bitcnt = 0;\ - }\ - if (s_one == 5) {\ - s_val >>= 1;\ - s_val &= 0x7f;\ - bitcnt++;\ - s_one = 0;\ - }\ - if (bitcnt==8) {\ - bcs->hw.tiger.sendbuf[s_cnt++] = s_val;\ - bitcnt = 0;\ - }\ - val >>= 1;\ - } +#define MAKE_RAW_BYTE for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { \ + bitcnt++; \ + s_val >>= 1; \ + if (val & 1) { \ + s_one++; \ + s_val |= 0x80; \ + } else { \ + s_one = 0; \ + s_val &= 0x7f; \ + } \ + if (bitcnt == 8) { \ + bcs->hw.tiger.sendbuf[s_cnt++] = s_val; \ + bitcnt = 0; \ + } \ + if (s_one == 5) { \ + s_val >>= 1; \ + s_val &= 0x7f; \ + bitcnt++; \ + s_one = 0; \ + } \ + if (bitcnt == 8) { \ + bcs->hw.tiger.sendbuf[s_cnt++] = s_val; \ + bitcnt = 0; \ + } \ + val >>= 1; \ + } static int make_raw_data(struct BCState *bcs) { // this make_raw is for 64k - register u_int i,s_cnt=0; + register u_int i, s_cnt = 0; register u_char j; register u_char val; register u_char s_one = 0; register u_char s_val = 0; register u_char bitcnt = 0; u_int fcs; - + if (!bcs->tx_skb) { debugl1(bcs->cs, "tiger make_raw: NULL skb"); - return(1); + return (1); } bcs->hw.tiger.sendbuf[s_cnt++] = HDLC_FLAG_VALUE; fcs = PPP_INITFCS; - for (i=0; itx_skb->len; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < bcs->tx_skb->len; i++) { val = bcs->tx_skb->data[i]; - fcs = PPP_FCS (fcs, val); + fcs = PPP_FCS(fcs, val); MAKE_RAW_BYTE; } fcs ^= 0xffff; val = fcs & 0xff; MAKE_RAW_BYTE; - val = (fcs>>8) & 0xff; + val = (fcs >> 8) & 0xff; MAKE_RAW_BYTE; val = HDLC_FLAG_VALUE; - for (j=0; j<8; j++) { + for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { bitcnt++; s_val >>= 1; if (val & 1) s_val |= 0x80; else s_val &= 0x7f; - if (bitcnt==8) { + if (bitcnt == 8) { bcs->hw.tiger.sendbuf[s_cnt++] = s_val; bitcnt = 0; } val >>= 1; } if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(bcs->cs,"tiger make_raw: in %u out %d.%d", + debugl1(bcs->cs, "tiger make_raw: in %u out %d.%d", bcs->tx_skb->len, s_cnt, bitcnt); if (bitcnt) { - while (8>bitcnt++) { + while (8 > bitcnt++) { s_val >>= 1; s_val |= 0x80; } @@ -267,65 +267,65 @@ static int make_raw_data(struct BCState *bcs) { bcs->hw.tiger.sendcnt = s_cnt; bcs->tx_cnt -= bcs->tx_skb->len; bcs->hw.tiger.sp = bcs->hw.tiger.sendbuf; - return(0); + return (0); } // macro for 56k -#define MAKE_RAW_BYTE_56K for (j=0; j<8; j++) { \ - bitcnt++;\ - s_val >>= 1;\ - if (val & 1) {\ - s_one++;\ - s_val |= 0x80;\ - } else {\ - s_one = 0;\ - s_val &= 0x7f;\ - }\ - if (bitcnt==7) {\ - s_val >>= 1;\ - s_val |= 0x80;\ - bcs->hw.tiger.sendbuf[s_cnt++] = s_val;\ - bitcnt = 0;\ - }\ - if (s_one == 5) {\ - s_val >>= 1;\ - s_val &= 0x7f;\ - bitcnt++;\ - s_one = 0;\ - }\ - if (bitcnt==7) {\ - s_val >>= 1;\ - s_val |= 0x80;\ - bcs->hw.tiger.sendbuf[s_cnt++] = s_val;\ - bitcnt = 0;\ - }\ - val >>= 1;\ - } +#define MAKE_RAW_BYTE_56K for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { \ + bitcnt++; \ + s_val >>= 1; \ + if (val & 1) { \ + s_one++; \ + s_val |= 0x80; \ + } else { \ + s_one = 0; \ + s_val &= 0x7f; \ + } \ + if (bitcnt == 7) { \ + s_val >>= 1; \ + s_val |= 0x80; \ + bcs->hw.tiger.sendbuf[s_cnt++] = s_val; \ + bitcnt = 0; \ + } \ + if (s_one == 5) { \ + s_val >>= 1; \ + s_val &= 0x7f; \ + bitcnt++; \ + s_one = 0; \ + } \ + if (bitcnt == 7) { \ + s_val >>= 1; \ + s_val |= 0x80; \ + bcs->hw.tiger.sendbuf[s_cnt++] = s_val; \ + bitcnt = 0; \ + } \ + val >>= 1; \ + } static int make_raw_data_56k(struct BCState *bcs) { // this make_raw is for 56k - register u_int i,s_cnt=0; + register u_int i, s_cnt = 0; register u_char j; register u_char val; register u_char s_one = 0; register u_char s_val = 0; register u_char bitcnt = 0; u_int fcs; - + if (!bcs->tx_skb) { debugl1(bcs->cs, "tiger make_raw_56k: NULL skb"); - return(1); + return (1); } val = HDLC_FLAG_VALUE; - for (j=0; j<8; j++) { + for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { bitcnt++; s_val >>= 1; if (val & 1) s_val |= 0x80; else s_val &= 0x7f; - if (bitcnt==7) { + if (bitcnt == 7) { s_val >>= 1; s_val |= 0x80; bcs->hw.tiger.sendbuf[s_cnt++] = s_val; @@ -334,25 +334,25 @@ static int make_raw_data_56k(struct BCState *bcs) { val >>= 1; }; fcs = PPP_INITFCS; - for (i=0; itx_skb->len; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < bcs->tx_skb->len; i++) { val = bcs->tx_skb->data[i]; - fcs = PPP_FCS (fcs, val); + fcs = PPP_FCS(fcs, val); MAKE_RAW_BYTE_56K; } fcs ^= 0xffff; val = fcs & 0xff; MAKE_RAW_BYTE_56K; - val = (fcs>>8) & 0xff; + val = (fcs >> 8) & 0xff; MAKE_RAW_BYTE_56K; val = HDLC_FLAG_VALUE; - for (j=0; j<8; j++) { + for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { bitcnt++; s_val >>= 1; if (val & 1) s_val |= 0x80; else s_val &= 0x7f; - if (bitcnt==7) { + if (bitcnt == 7) { s_val >>= 1; s_val |= 0x80; bcs->hw.tiger.sendbuf[s_cnt++] = s_val; @@ -361,10 +361,10 @@ static int make_raw_data_56k(struct BCState *bcs) { val >>= 1; } if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(bcs->cs,"tiger make_raw_56k: in %u out %d.%d", + debugl1(bcs->cs, "tiger make_raw_56k: in %u out %d.%d", bcs->tx_skb->len, s_cnt, bitcnt); if (bitcnt) { - while (8>bitcnt++) { + while (8 > bitcnt++) { s_val >>= 1; s_val |= 0x80; } @@ -374,12 +374,12 @@ static int make_raw_data_56k(struct BCState *bcs) { bcs->hw.tiger.sendcnt = s_cnt; bcs->tx_cnt -= bcs->tx_skb->len; bcs->hw.tiger.sp = bcs->hw.tiger.sendbuf; - return(0); + return (0); } static void got_frame(struct BCState *bcs, int count) { struct sk_buff *skb; - + if (!(skb = dev_alloc_skb(count))) printk(KERN_WARNING "TIGER: receive out of memory\n"); else { @@ -388,18 +388,18 @@ static void got_frame(struct BCState *bcs, int count) { } test_and_set_bit(B_RCVBUFREADY, &bcs->event); schedule_work(&bcs->tqueue); - + if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_RECEIVE_FRAME) printframe(bcs->cs, bcs->hw.tiger.rcvbuf, count, "rec"); } -static void read_raw(struct BCState *bcs, u_int *buf, int cnt){ +static void read_raw(struct BCState *bcs, u_int *buf, int cnt) { int i; register u_char j; register u_char val; - u_int *pend = bcs->hw.tiger.rec +NETJET_DMA_RXSIZE -1; + u_int *pend = bcs->hw.tiger.rec + NETJET_DMA_RXSIZE - 1; register u_char state = bcs->hw.tiger.r_state; register u_char r_one = bcs->hw.tiger.r_one; register u_char r_val = bcs->hw.tiger.r_val; @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ static void read_raw(struct BCState *bcs, u_int *buf, int cnt){ int bits; u_char mask; - if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_HDLC) { // it's 64k + if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_HDLC) { // it's 64k mask = 0xff; bits = 8; } @@ -416,8 +416,8 @@ static void read_raw(struct BCState *bcs, u_int *buf, int cnt){ mask = 0x7f; bits = 7; }; - for (i=0;ichannel ? ((*p>>8) & 0xff) : (*p & 0xff); + for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { + val = bcs->channel ? ((*p >> 8) & 0xff) : (*p & 0xff); p++; if (p > pend) p = bcs->hw.tiger.rec; @@ -428,137 +428,137 @@ static void read_raw(struct BCState *bcs, u_int *buf, int cnt){ r_one = 0; continue; } - for (j=0;jcs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(bcs->cs,"tiger read_raw: zBit(%d,%d,%d) %x", - bcs->hw.tiger.r_tot,i,j,val); + debugl1(bcs->cs, "tiger read_raw: zBit(%d,%d,%d) %x", + bcs->hw.tiger.r_tot, i, j, val); } - } else if (state == HDLC_FLAG_SEARCH) { + } else if (state == HDLC_FLAG_SEARCH) { if (val & 1) { r_one++; - if (r_one>6) { - state=HDLC_ZERO_SEARCH; + if (r_one > 6) { + state = HDLC_ZERO_SEARCH; } } else { - if (r_one==6) { - bitcnt=0; - r_val=0; - state=HDLC_FLAG_FOUND; + if (r_one == 6) { + bitcnt = 0; + r_val = 0; + state = HDLC_FLAG_FOUND; if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(bcs->cs,"tiger read_raw: flag(%d,%d,%d) %x", - bcs->hw.tiger.r_tot,i,j,val); + debugl1(bcs->cs, "tiger read_raw: flag(%d,%d,%d) %x", + bcs->hw.tiger.r_tot, i, j, val); } - r_one=0; + r_one = 0; } - } else if (state == HDLC_FLAG_FOUND) { + } else if (state == HDLC_FLAG_FOUND) { if (val & 1) { r_one++; - if (r_one>6) { - state=HDLC_ZERO_SEARCH; + if (r_one > 6) { + state = HDLC_ZERO_SEARCH; } else { r_val >>= 1; r_val |= 0x80; bitcnt++; } } else { - if (r_one==6) { - bitcnt=0; - r_val=0; - r_one=0; + if (r_one == 6) { + bitcnt = 0; + r_val = 0; + r_one = 0; val >>= 1; continue; - } else if (r_one!=5) { + } else if (r_one != 5) { r_val >>= 1; r_val &= 0x7f; bitcnt++; } - r_one=0; + r_one = 0; } if ((state != HDLC_ZERO_SEARCH) && - !(bitcnt & 7)) { - state=HDLC_FRAME_FOUND; + !(bitcnt & 7)) { + state = HDLC_FRAME_FOUND; bcs->hw.tiger.r_fcs = PPP_INITFCS; bcs->hw.tiger.rcvbuf[0] = r_val; - bcs->hw.tiger.r_fcs = PPP_FCS (bcs->hw.tiger.r_fcs, r_val); + bcs->hw.tiger.r_fcs = PPP_FCS(bcs->hw.tiger.r_fcs, r_val); if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(bcs->cs,"tiger read_raw: byte1(%d,%d,%d) rval %x val %x i %x", - bcs->hw.tiger.r_tot,i,j,r_val,val, + debugl1(bcs->cs, "tiger read_raw: byte1(%d,%d,%d) rval %x val %x i %x", + bcs->hw.tiger.r_tot, i, j, r_val, val, bcs->cs->hw.njet.irqstat0); } } else if (state == HDLC_FRAME_FOUND) { if (val & 1) { r_one++; - if (r_one>6) { - state=HDLC_ZERO_SEARCH; - bitcnt=0; + if (r_one > 6) { + state = HDLC_ZERO_SEARCH; + bitcnt = 0; } else { r_val >>= 1; r_val |= 0x80; bitcnt++; } } else { - if (r_one==6) { - r_val=0; - r_one=0; + if (r_one == 6) { + r_val = 0; + r_one = 0; bitcnt++; if (bitcnt & 7) { debugl1(bcs->cs, "tiger: frame not byte aligned"); - state=HDLC_FLAG_SEARCH; + state = HDLC_FLAG_SEARCH; bcs->hw.tiger.r_err++; #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC bcs->err_inv++; #endif } else { if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(bcs->cs,"tiger frame end(%d,%d): fcs(%x) i %x", - i,j,bcs->hw.tiger.r_fcs, bcs->cs->hw.njet.irqstat0); + debugl1(bcs->cs, "tiger frame end(%d,%d): fcs(%x) i %x", + i, j, bcs->hw.tiger.r_fcs, bcs->cs->hw.njet.irqstat0); if (bcs->hw.tiger.r_fcs == PPP_GOODFCS) { - got_frame(bcs, (bitcnt>>3)-3); + got_frame(bcs, (bitcnt >> 3) - 3); } else { if (bcs->cs->debug) { debugl1(bcs->cs, "tiger FCS error"); printframe(bcs->cs, bcs->hw.tiger.rcvbuf, - (bitcnt>>3)-1, "rec"); + (bitcnt >> 3) - 1, "rec"); bcs->hw.tiger.r_err++; } #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC - bcs->err_crc++; + bcs->err_crc++; #endif } - state=HDLC_FLAG_FOUND; + state = HDLC_FLAG_FOUND; } - bitcnt=0; - } else if (r_one==5) { + bitcnt = 0; + } else if (r_one == 5) { val >>= 1; - r_one=0; + r_one = 0; continue; } else { r_val >>= 1; r_val &= 0x7f; bitcnt++; } - r_one=0; + r_one = 0; } if ((state == HDLC_FRAME_FOUND) && - !(bitcnt & 7)) { - if ((bitcnt>>3)>=HSCX_BUFMAX) { + !(bitcnt & 7)) { + if ((bitcnt >> 3) >= HSCX_BUFMAX) { debugl1(bcs->cs, "tiger: frame too big"); - r_val=0; - state=HDLC_FLAG_SEARCH; + r_val = 0; + state = HDLC_FLAG_SEARCH; bcs->hw.tiger.r_err++; #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC bcs->err_inv++; #endif } else { - bcs->hw.tiger.rcvbuf[(bitcnt>>3)-1] = r_val; - bcs->hw.tiger.r_fcs = - PPP_FCS (bcs->hw.tiger.r_fcs, r_val); + bcs->hw.tiger.rcvbuf[(bitcnt >> 3) - 1] = r_val; + bcs->hw.tiger.r_fcs = + PPP_FCS(bcs->hw.tiger.r_fcs, r_val); } } } @@ -574,10 +574,10 @@ static void read_raw(struct BCState *bcs, u_int *buf, int cnt){ void read_tiger(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { u_int *p; - int cnt = NETJET_DMA_RXSIZE/2; - + int cnt = NETJET_DMA_RXSIZE / 2; + if ((cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 & cs->hw.njet.last_is0) & NETJET_IRQM0_READ) { - debugl1(cs,"tiger warn read double dma %x/%x", + debugl1(cs, "tiger warn read double dma %x/%x", cs->hw.njet.irqstat0, cs->hw.njet.last_is0); #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC if (cs->bcs[0].mode) @@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ void read_tiger(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { } else { cs->hw.njet.last_is0 &= ~NETJET_IRQM0_READ; cs->hw.njet.last_is0 |= (cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 & NETJET_IRQM0_READ); - } + } if (cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 & NETJET_IRQM0_READ_1) p = cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.rec + NETJET_DMA_RXSIZE - 1; else @@ -612,20 +612,20 @@ void netjet_fill_dma(struct BCState *bcs) if (!bcs->tx_skb) return; if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(bcs->cs,"tiger fill_dma1: c%d %4lx", bcs->channel, + debugl1(bcs->cs, "tiger fill_dma1: c%d %4lx", bcs->channel, bcs->Flag); if (test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag)) return; if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_HDLC) { // it's 64k if (make_raw_data(bcs)) - return; + return; } else { // it's 56k if (make_raw_data_56k(bcs)) - return; + return; }; if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(bcs->cs,"tiger fill_dma2: c%d %4lx", bcs->channel, + debugl1(bcs->cs, "tiger fill_dma2: c%d %4lx", bcs->channel, bcs->Flag); if (test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_NOFRAME, &bcs->Flag)) { write_raw(bcs, bcs->hw.tiger.sendp, bcs->hw.tiger.free); @@ -633,11 +633,11 @@ void netjet_fill_dma(struct BCState *bcs) p = bus_to_virt(inl(bcs->cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_ADR)); sp = bcs->hw.tiger.sendp; if (p == bcs->hw.tiger.s_end) - p = bcs->hw.tiger.send -1; + p = bcs->hw.tiger.send - 1; if (sp == bcs->hw.tiger.s_end) - sp = bcs->hw.tiger.send -1; + sp = bcs->hw.tiger.send - 1; cnt = p - sp; - if (cnt <0) { + if (cnt < 0) { write_raw(bcs, bcs->hw.tiger.sendp, bcs->hw.tiger.free); } else { p++; @@ -655,30 +655,30 @@ void netjet_fill_dma(struct BCState *bcs) cnt = bcs->hw.tiger.s_end - p; if (cnt < 2) { p = bcs->hw.tiger.send + 1; - cnt = NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE/2 - 2; + cnt = NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE / 2 - 2; } else { p++; p++; - if (cnt <= (NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE/2)) - cnt += NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE/2; + if (cnt <= (NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE / 2)) + cnt += NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE / 2; cnt--; cnt--; } write_raw(bcs, p, cnt); } if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(bcs->cs,"tiger fill_dma3: c%d %4lx", bcs->channel, + debugl1(bcs->cs, "tiger fill_dma3: c%d %4lx", bcs->channel, bcs->Flag); } static void write_raw(struct BCState *bcs, u_int *buf, int cnt) { - u_int mask, val, *p=buf; + u_int mask, val, *p = buf; u_int i, s_cnt; - - if (cnt <= 0) - return; + + if (cnt <= 0) + return; if (test_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag)) { - if (bcs->hw.tiger.sendcnt> cnt) { + if (bcs->hw.tiger.sendcnt > cnt) { s_cnt = cnt; bcs->hw.tiger.sendcnt -= cnt; } else { @@ -689,17 +689,17 @@ static void write_raw(struct BCState *bcs, u_int *buf, int cnt) { mask = 0xffff00ff; else mask = 0xffffff00; - for (i=0; ichannel ? ((bcs->hw.tiger.sp[i] <<8) & 0xff00) : + for (i = 0; i < s_cnt; i++) { + val = bcs->channel ? ((bcs->hw.tiger.sp[i] << 8) & 0xff00) : (bcs->hw.tiger.sp[i]); - *p &= mask; + *p &= mask; *p++ |= val; - if (p>bcs->hw.tiger.s_end) + if (p > bcs->hw.tiger.s_end) p = bcs->hw.tiger.send; } bcs->hw.tiger.s_tot += s_cnt; if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(bcs->cs,"tiger write_raw: c%d %p-%p %d/%d %d %x", bcs->channel, + debugl1(bcs->cs, "tiger write_raw: c%d %p-%p %d/%d %d %x", bcs->channel, buf, p, s_cnt, cnt, bcs->hw.tiger.sendcnt, bcs->cs->hw.njet.irqstat0); if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO) @@ -708,10 +708,10 @@ static void write_raw(struct BCState *bcs, u_int *buf, int cnt) { bcs->hw.tiger.sendp = p; if (!bcs->hw.tiger.sendcnt) { if (!bcs->tx_skb) { - debugl1(bcs->cs,"tiger write_raw: NULL skb s_cnt %d", s_cnt); + debugl1(bcs->cs, "tiger write_raw: NULL skb s_cnt %d", s_cnt); } else { - if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP,&bcs->st->lli.flag) && - (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { + if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &bcs->st->lli.flag) && + (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { u_long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->aclock, flags); bcs->ackcnt += bcs->tx_skb->len; @@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ static void write_raw(struct BCState *bcs, u_int *buf, int cnt) { } test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); bcs->hw.tiger.free = cnt - s_cnt; - if (bcs->hw.tiger.free > (NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE/2)) + if (bcs->hw.tiger.free > (NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE / 2)) test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_HALF, &bcs->Flag); else { test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_HALF, &bcs->Flag); @@ -734,9 +734,9 @@ static void write_raw(struct BCState *bcs, u_int *buf, int cnt) { } else { mask ^= 0xffffffff; if (s_cnt < cnt) { - for (i=s_cnt; ibcs->hw.tiger.s_end) + if (p > bcs->hw.tiger.s_end) p = bcs->hw.tiger.send; } if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) @@ -752,20 +752,20 @@ static void write_raw(struct BCState *bcs, u_int *buf, int cnt) { fill_mem(bcs, buf, cnt, bcs->channel, 0xff); bcs->hw.tiger.free += cnt; if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(bcs->cs,"tiger write_raw: fill half"); + debugl1(bcs->cs, "tiger write_raw: fill half"); } else if (test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_HALF, &bcs->Flag)) { test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_EMPTY, &bcs->Flag); fill_mem(bcs, buf, cnt, bcs->channel, 0xff); if (bcs->cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) - debugl1(bcs->cs,"tiger write_raw: fill full"); + debugl1(bcs->cs, "tiger write_raw: fill full"); } } void write_tiger(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { - u_int *p, cnt = NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE/2; - + u_int *p, cnt = NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE / 2; + if ((cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 & cs->hw.njet.last_is0) & NETJET_IRQM0_WRITE) { - debugl1(cs,"tiger warn write double dma %x/%x", + debugl1(cs, "tiger warn write double dma %x/%x", cs->hw.njet.irqstat0, cs->hw.njet.last_is0); #ifdef ERROR_STATISTIC if (cs->bcs[0].mode) @@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ void write_tiger(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { } else { cs->hw.njet.last_is0 &= ~NETJET_IRQM0_WRITE; cs->hw.njet.last_is0 |= (cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 & NETJET_IRQM0_WRITE); - } + } if (cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 & NETJET_IRQM0_WRITE_1) p = cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.send + NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE - 1; else @@ -797,55 +797,55 @@ tiger_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); - } else { - bcs->tx_skb = skb; - bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "tiger_l2l1: this shouldn't happen\n"); - } else { - bcs->tx_skb = skb; - bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): - if (!bcs->tx_skb) { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); - } else - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - break; - case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - mode_tiger(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); - /* 2001/10/04 Christoph Ersfeld, Formula-n Europe AG */ - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - bcs->cs->cardmsg(bcs->cs, MDL_BC_ASSIGN, (void *)(&st->l1.bc)); - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): - /* 2001/10/04 Christoph Ersfeld, Formula-n Europe AG */ - bcs->cs->cardmsg(bcs->cs, MDL_BC_RELEASE, (void *)(&st->l1.bc)); - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - mode_tiger(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); + } else { + bcs->tx_skb = skb; + bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "tiger_l2l1: this shouldn't happen\n"); + } else { + bcs->tx_skb = skb; + bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + if (!bcs->tx_skb) { + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + } else + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + break; + case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + mode_tiger(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); + /* 2001/10/04 Christoph Ersfeld, Formula-n Europe AG */ + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + bcs->cs->cardmsg(bcs->cs, MDL_BC_ASSIGN, (void *)(&st->l1.bc)); + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): + /* 2001/10/04 Christoph Ersfeld, Formula-n Europe AG */ + bcs->cs->cardmsg(bcs->cs, MDL_BC_RELEASE, (void *)(&st->l1.bc)); + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + mode_tiger(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; } } @@ -908,33 +908,33 @@ setstack_tiger(struct PStack *st, struct BCState *bcs) return (0); } - + void inittiger(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { if (!(cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.send = kmalloc(NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE * sizeof(unsigned int), - GFP_KERNEL | GFP_DMA))) { + GFP_KERNEL | GFP_DMA))) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: No memory for tiger.send\n"); return; } - cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.s_irq = cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.send + NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE/2 - 1; + cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.s_irq = cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.send + NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE / 2 - 1; cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.s_end = cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.send + NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE - 1; cs->bcs[1].hw.tiger.send = cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.send; cs->bcs[1].hw.tiger.s_irq = cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.s_irq; cs->bcs[1].hw.tiger.s_end = cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.s_end; - + memset(cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.send, 0xff, NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE * sizeof(unsigned int)); debugl1(cs, "tiger: send buf %p - %p", cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.send, cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.send + NETJET_DMA_TXSIZE - 1); outl(virt_to_bus(cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.send), - cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_START); + cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_START); outl(virt_to_bus(cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.s_irq), - cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_IRQ); + cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_IRQ); outl(virt_to_bus(cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.s_end), - cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_END); + cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_END); if (!(cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.rec = kmalloc(NETJET_DMA_RXSIZE * sizeof(unsigned int), - GFP_KERNEL | GFP_DMA))) { + GFP_KERNEL | GFP_DMA))) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: No memory for tiger.rec\n"); return; @@ -944,11 +944,11 @@ inittiger(struct IsdnCardState *cs) cs->bcs[1].hw.tiger.rec = cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.rec; memset(cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.rec, 0xff, NETJET_DMA_RXSIZE * sizeof(unsigned int)); outl(virt_to_bus(cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.rec), - cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_WRITE_START); - outl(virt_to_bus(cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.rec + NETJET_DMA_RXSIZE/2 - 1), - cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_WRITE_IRQ); + cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_WRITE_START); + outl(virt_to_bus(cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.rec + NETJET_DMA_RXSIZE / 2 - 1), + cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_WRITE_IRQ); outl(virt_to_bus(cs->bcs[0].hw.tiger.rec + NETJET_DMA_RXSIZE - 1), - cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_WRITE_END); + cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_WRITE_END); debugl1(cs, "tiger: dmacfg %x/%x pulse=%d", inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_WRITE_ADR), inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_ADR), @@ -979,4 +979,3 @@ release_io_netjet(struct IsdnCardState *cs) releasetiger(cs); release_region(cs->hw.njet.base, 256); } - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/netjet.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/netjet.h index 68e504d4ebf9d6700e47efea4374c0565d8098e7..70590d5d5e64129d41589f5eb68e4479bd3b4116 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/netjet.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/netjet.h @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ * Copyright by Karsten Keil * by Matt Henderson, * Traverse Technologies P/L www.traverse.com.au - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * */ -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) #define NETJET_CTRL 0x00 @@ -67,4 +67,3 @@ void netjet_fill_dma(struct BCState *bcs); void netjet_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id); void inittiger(struct IsdnCardState *cs); void release_io_netjet(struct IsdnCardState *cs); - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/niccy.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/niccy.c index ccaa6e13310f5dfa61419296e755f060179b38ff..6569e0315cca2c3a2a0a016ad7dc76cf245f6a99 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/niccy.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/niccy.c @@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. - * + * * Thanks to Dr. Neuhaus and SAGEM for information * */ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ static const char *niccy_revision = "$Revision: $"; -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) #define ISAC_PCI_DATA 0 @@ -53,21 +53,21 @@ static inline u_char readreg(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off) } static inline void readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, - u_char *data, int size) + u_char *data, int size) { byteout(ale, off); insb(adr, data, size); } static inline void writereg(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, - u_char data) + u_char data) { byteout(ale, off); byteout(adr, data); } static inline void writefifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, - u_char *data, int size) + u_char *data, int size) { byteout(ale, off); outsb(adr, data, size); @@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ static void WriteISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) writereg(cs->hw.niccy.isac_ale, cs->hw.niccy.isac, offset, value); } -static void ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +static void ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { readfifo(cs->hw.niccy.isac_ale, cs->hw.niccy.isac, 0, data, size); } -static void WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +static void WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { writefifo(cs->hw.niccy.isac_ale, cs->hw.niccy.isac, 0, data, size); } @@ -98,26 +98,26 @@ static void WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) static u_char ReadHSCX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char offset) { return readreg(cs->hw.niccy.hscx_ale, - cs->hw.niccy.hscx, offset + (hscx ? 0x40 : 0)); + cs->hw.niccy.hscx, offset + (hscx ? 0x40 : 0)); } static void WriteHSCX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char offset, - u_char value) + u_char value) { writereg(cs->hw.niccy.hscx_ale, cs->hw.niccy.hscx, offset + (hscx ? 0x40 : 0), value); } -#define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.niccy.hscx_ale, \ - cs->hw.niccy.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0)) -#define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.niccy.hscx_ale, \ - cs->hw.niccy.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0), data) +#define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.niccy.hscx_ale, \ + cs->hw.niccy.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0)) +#define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.niccy.hscx_ale, \ + cs->hw.niccy.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0), data) -#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.niccy.hscx_ale, \ - cs->hw.niccy.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) +#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.niccy.hscx_ale, \ + cs->hw.niccy.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) #define WRITEHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) writefifo(cs->hw.niccy.hscx_ale, \ - cs->hw.niccy.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) + cs->hw.niccy.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) #include "hscx_irq.c" @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ static irqreturn_t niccy_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) outl(ival, cs->hw.niccy.cfg_reg + PCI_IRQ_CTRL_REG); } val = readreg(cs->hw.niccy.hscx_ale, cs->hw.niccy.hscx, - HSCX_ISTA + 0x40); + HSCX_ISTA + 0x40); Start_HSCX: if (val) hscx_int_main(cs, val); @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ static irqreturn_t niccy_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) if (val) isac_interrupt(cs, val); val = readreg(cs->hw.niccy.hscx_ale, cs->hw.niccy.hscx, - HSCX_ISTA + 0x40); + HSCX_ISTA + 0x40); if (val) { if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) debugl1(cs, "HSCX IntStat after IntRoutine"); @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ static irqreturn_t niccy_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) writereg(cs->hw.niccy.isac_ale, cs->hw.niccy.isac, ISAC_MASK, 0xFF); writereg(cs->hw.niccy.isac_ale, cs->hw.niccy.isac, ISAC_MASK, 0); writereg(cs->hw.niccy.hscx_ale, cs->hw.niccy.hscx, HSCX_MASK, 0); - writereg(cs->hw.niccy.hscx_ale, cs->hw.niccy.hscx, HSCX_MASK + 0x40,0); + writereg(cs->hw.niccy.hscx_ale, cs->hw.niccy.hscx, HSCX_MASK + 0x40, 0); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); return IRQ_HANDLED; } @@ -241,32 +241,32 @@ int __devinit setup_niccy(struct IsdnCard *card) int err; pnp_c = pnp_find_card(ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'D', 'A'), - ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0150), pnp_c); + ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0150), pnp_c); if (pnp_c) { pnp_d = pnp_find_dev(pnp_c, - ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'D', 'A'), - ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0150), pnp_d); + ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'D', 'A'), + ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0150), pnp_d); if (!pnp_d) { printk(KERN_ERR "NiccyPnP: PnP error card " - "found, no device\n"); + "found, no device\n"); return 0; } pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); err = pnp_activate_dev(pnp_d); if (err < 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: pnp_activate_dev " - "ret(%d)\n", __func__, err); + "ret(%d)\n", __func__, err); return 0; } card->para[1] = pnp_port_start(pnp_d, 0); card->para[2] = pnp_port_start(pnp_d, 1); card->para[0] = pnp_irq(pnp_d, 0); if (!card->para[0] || !card->para[1] || - !card->para[2]) { + !card->para[2]) { printk(KERN_ERR "NiccyPnP:some resources are " - "missing %ld/%lx/%lx\n", - card->para[0], card->para[1], - card->para[2]); + "missing %ld/%lx/%lx\n", + card->para[0], card->para[1], + card->para[2]); pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); return 0; } @@ -284,15 +284,15 @@ int __devinit setup_niccy(struct IsdnCard *card) cs->irq = card->para[0]; if (!request_region(cs->hw.niccy.isac, 2, "niccy data")) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: NICCY data port %x-%x " - "already in use\n", - cs->hw.niccy.isac, cs->hw.niccy.isac + 1); + "already in use\n", + cs->hw.niccy.isac, cs->hw.niccy.isac + 1); return 0; } if (!request_region(cs->hw.niccy.isac_ale, 2, "niccy addr")) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: NICCY address port %x-%x " - "already in use\n", - cs->hw.niccy.isac_ale, - cs->hw.niccy.isac_ale + 1); + "already in use\n", + cs->hw.niccy.isac_ale, + cs->hw.niccy.isac_ale + 1); release_region(cs->hw.niccy.isac, 2); return 0; } @@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ int __devinit setup_niccy(struct IsdnCard *card) u_int pci_ioaddr; cs->subtyp = 0; if ((niccy_dev = hisax_find_pci_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_SATSAGEM, - PCI_DEVICE_ID_SATSAGEM_NICCY, - niccy_dev))) { + PCI_DEVICE_ID_SATSAGEM_NICCY, + niccy_dev))) { if (pci_enable_device(niccy_dev)) return 0; /* get IRQ */ @@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ int __devinit setup_niccy(struct IsdnCard *card) #endif /* CONFIG_PCI */ } printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: NICCY %s config irq:%d data:0x%X ale:0x%X\n", - (cs->subtyp == 1) ? "PnP" : "PCI", - cs->irq, cs->hw.niccy.isac, cs->hw.niccy.isac_ale); + (cs->subtyp == 1) ? "PnP" : "PCI", + cs->irq, cs->hw.niccy.isac, cs->hw.niccy.isac_ale); setup_isac(cs); cs->readisac = &ReadISAC; cs->writeisac = &WriteISAC; @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ int __devinit setup_niccy(struct IsdnCard *card) ISACVersion(cs, "Niccy:"); if (HscxVersion(cs, "Niccy:")) { printk(KERN_WARNING "Niccy: wrong HSCX versions check IO " - "address\n"); + "address\n"); release_io_niccy(cs); return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/nj_s.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/nj_s.c index a1b89524b50531ee959d2def44ea42f2bb6fa378..f36ff69c07e1c870c7881c9f7e817d841ff5e0f1 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/nj_s.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/nj_s.c @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ static const char *NETjet_S_revision = "$Revision: $"; static u_char dummyrr(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int chan, u_char off) { - return(5); + return (5); } static void dummywr(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int chan, u_char off, u_char value) @@ -46,48 +46,48 @@ netjet_s_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) s1val = 1; } else s1val = 0; - /* + /* * read/write stat0 is better, because lower IRQ rate * Note the IRQ is on for 125 us if a condition match * thats long on modern CPU and so the IRQ is reentered * all the time. */ s0val = bytein(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_IRQSTAT0); - if ((s0val | s1val)==0) { // shared IRQ + if ((s0val | s1val) == 0) { // shared IRQ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); return IRQ_NONE; - } + } if (s0val) byteout(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_IRQSTAT0, s0val); /* start new code 13/07/00 GE */ /* set bits in sval to indicate which page is free */ if (inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_WRITE_ADR) < - inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_WRITE_IRQ)) + inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_WRITE_IRQ)) /* the 2nd write page is free */ s0val = 0x08; else /* the 1st write page is free */ - s0val = 0x04; + s0val = 0x04; if (inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_ADR) < - inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_IRQ)) + inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_IRQ)) /* the 2nd read page is free */ s0val |= 0x02; else /* the 1st read page is free */ - s0val |= 0x01; + s0val |= 0x01; if (s0val != cs->hw.njet.last_is0) /* we have a DMA interrupt */ { if (test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { printk(KERN_WARNING "nj LOCK_ATOMIC s0val %x->%x\n", - cs->hw.njet.last_is0, s0val); + cs->hw.njet.last_is0, s0val); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); return IRQ_HANDLED; } cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 = s0val; - if ((cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 & NETJET_IRQM0_READ) != - (cs->hw.njet.last_is0 & NETJET_IRQM0_READ)) + if ((cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 & NETJET_IRQM0_READ) != + (cs->hw.njet.last_is0 & NETJET_IRQM0_READ)) /* we have a read dma int */ read_tiger(cs); if ((cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 & NETJET_IRQM0_WRITE) != - (cs->hw.njet.last_is0 & NETJET_IRQM0_WRITE)) + (cs->hw.njet.last_is0 & NETJET_IRQM0_WRITE)) /* we have a write dma int */ write_tiger(cs); /* end new code 13/07/00 GE */ @@ -124,28 +124,28 @@ NETjet_S_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_netjet_s(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_netjet(cs); - return(0); - case CARD_INIT: - reset_netjet_s(cs); - inittiger(cs); - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - clear_pending_isac_ints(cs); - initisac(cs); - /* Reenable all IRQ */ - cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MASK, 0); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_TEST: - return(0); + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_netjet_s(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_netjet(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + reset_netjet_s(cs); + inittiger(cs); + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + clear_pending_isac_ints(cs); + initisac(cs); + /* Reenable all IRQ */ + cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MASK, 0); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } - return(0); + return (0); } static int __devinit njs_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *dev_netjet, @@ -154,17 +154,17 @@ static int __devinit njs_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *dev_netjet, u32 cfg; if (pci_enable_device(dev_netjet)) - return(0); + return (0); pci_set_master(dev_netjet); cs->irq = dev_netjet->irq; if (!cs->irq) { printk(KERN_WARNING "NETjet-S: No IRQ for PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } cs->hw.njet.base = pci_resource_start(dev_netjet, 0); if (!cs->hw.njet.base) { printk(KERN_WARNING "NETjet-S: No IO-Adr for PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } /* the TJ300 and TJ320 must be detected, the IRQ handling is different * unfortunately the chips use the same device ID, but the TJ320 has @@ -177,14 +177,14 @@ static int __devinit njs_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *dev_netjet, cs->subtyp = 0; /* TJ300 */ /* 2001/10/04 Christoph Ersfeld, Formula-n Europe AG www.formula-n.com */ if ((dev_netjet->subsystem_vendor == 0x55) && - (dev_netjet->subsystem_device == 0x02)) { + (dev_netjet->subsystem_device == 0x02)) { printk(KERN_WARNING "Netjet: You tried to load this driver with an incompatible TigerJet-card\n"); printk(KERN_WARNING "Use type=41 for Formula-n enter:now ISDN PCI and compatible\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } /* end new code */ - return(1); + return (1); } static int __devinit njs_cs_init(struct IsdnCard *card, @@ -209,18 +209,18 @@ static int __devinit njs_cs_init(struct IsdnCard *card, byteout(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_IRQMASK1, NETJET_ISACIRQ); byteout(cs->hw.njet.auxa, cs->hw.njet.auxd); - switch ( ( ( NETjet_ReadIC( cs, ISAC_RBCH ) >> 5 ) & 3 ) ) + switch (((NETjet_ReadIC(cs, ISAC_RBCH) >> 5) & 3)) { - case 0 : - return 1; /* end loop */ + case 0: + return 1; /* end loop */ - case 3 : - printk( KERN_WARNING "NETjet-S: NETspider-U PCI card found\n" ); - return -1; /* continue looping */ + case 3: + printk(KERN_WARNING "NETjet-S: NETspider-U PCI card found\n"); + return -1; /* continue looping */ - default : - printk( KERN_WARNING "NETjet-S: No PCI card found\n" ); - return 0; /* end loop & function */ + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING "NETjet-S: No PCI card found\n"); + return 0; /* end loop & function */ } return 1; /* end loop */ } @@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ static int __devinit njs_cs_init_rest(struct IsdnCard *card, const int bytecnt = 256; printk(KERN_INFO - "NETjet-S: %s card configured at %#lx IRQ %d\n", - cs->subtyp ? "TJ320" : "TJ300", cs->hw.njet.base, cs->irq); + "NETjet-S: %s card configured at %#lx IRQ %d\n", + cs->subtyp ? "TJ320" : "TJ300", cs->hw.njet.base, cs->irq); if (!request_region(cs->hw.njet.base, bytecnt, "netjet-s isdn")) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: NETjet-S config port %#lx-%#lx already in use\n", @@ -271,24 +271,24 @@ setup_netjet_s(struct IsdnCard *card) strcpy(tmp, NETjet_S_revision); printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: Traverse Tech. NETjet-S driver Rev. %s\n", HiSax_getrev(tmp)); if (cs->typ != ISDN_CTYPE_NETJET_S) - return(0); + return (0); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); - for ( ;; ) + for (;;) { if ((dev_netjet = hisax_find_pci_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_TIGERJET, - PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGERJET_300, dev_netjet))) { + PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGERJET_300, dev_netjet))) { ret = njs_pci_probe(dev_netjet, cs); if (!ret) - return(0); + return (0); } else { printk(KERN_WARNING "NETjet-S: No PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } ret = njs_cs_init(card, cs); if (!ret) - return(0); + return (0); if (ret > 0) break; /* otherwise, ret < 0, continue looping */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/nj_u.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/nj_u.c index 095e974aed801deaa23ef6ddd3b58594df5cfa50..333484aef425640e7d7cdb13ff7de983b3cb5bfb 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/nj_u.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/nj_u.c @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* $Id: nj_u.c,v 2004/01/13 14:31:26 keil Exp $ +/* $Id: nj_u.c,v 2004/01/13 14:31:26 keil Exp $ * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ static const char *NETjet_U_revision = "$Revision: $"; static u_char dummyrr(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int chan, u_char off) { - return(5); + return (5); } static void dummywr(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int chan, u_char off, u_char value) @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ netjet_u_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); if (!((sval = bytein(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_IRQSTAT1)) & - NETJET_ISACIRQ)) { + NETJET_ISACIRQ)) { val = NETjet_ReadIC(cs, ICC_ISTA); if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "tiger: i1 %x %x", sval, val); @@ -47,17 +47,17 @@ netjet_u_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) /* start new code 13/07/00 GE */ /* set bits in sval to indicate which page is free */ if (inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_WRITE_ADR) < - inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_WRITE_IRQ)) + inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_WRITE_IRQ)) /* the 2nd write page is free */ sval = 0x08; else /* the 1st write page is free */ - sval = 0x04; + sval = 0x04; if (inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_ADR) < - inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_IRQ)) + inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_IRQ)) /* the 2nd read page is free */ sval = sval | 0x02; else /* the 1st read page is free */ - sval = sval | 0x01; + sval = sval | 0x01; if (sval != cs->hw.njet.last_is0) /* we have a DMA interrupt */ { if (test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) { @@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ netjet_u_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) return IRQ_HANDLED; } cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 = sval; - if ((cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 & NETJET_IRQM0_READ) != - (cs->hw.njet.last_is0 & NETJET_IRQM0_READ)) + if ((cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 & NETJET_IRQM0_READ) != + (cs->hw.njet.last_is0 & NETJET_IRQM0_READ)) /* we have a read dma int */ read_tiger(cs); if ((cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 & NETJET_IRQM0_WRITE) != - (cs->hw.njet.last_is0 & NETJET_IRQM0_WRITE)) + (cs->hw.njet.last_is0 & NETJET_IRQM0_WRITE)) /* we have a write dma int */ write_tiger(cs); /* end new code 13/07/00 GE */ @@ -104,45 +104,45 @@ NETjet_U_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_netjet_u(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_netjet(cs); - return(0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - inittiger(cs); - reset_netjet_u(cs); - clear_pending_icc_ints(cs); - initicc(cs); - /* Reenable all IRQ */ - cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_MASK, 0); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_TEST: - return(0); + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_netjet_u(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_netjet(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + inittiger(cs); + reset_netjet_u(cs); + clear_pending_icc_ints(cs); + initicc(cs); + /* Reenable all IRQ */ + cs->writeisac(cs, ICC_MASK, 0); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } - return(0); + return (0); } static int __devinit nju_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *dev_netjet, struct IsdnCardState *cs) { if (pci_enable_device(dev_netjet)) - return(0); + return (0); pci_set_master(dev_netjet); cs->irq = dev_netjet->irq; if (!cs->irq) { printk(KERN_WARNING "NETspider-U: No IRQ for PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } cs->hw.njet.base = pci_resource_start(dev_netjet, 0); if (!cs->hw.njet.base) { printk(KERN_WARNING "NETspider-U: No IO-Adr for PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } return (1); @@ -171,18 +171,18 @@ static int __devinit nju_cs_init(struct IsdnCard *card, byteout(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_IRQMASK1, NETJET_ISACIRQ); byteout(cs->hw.njet.auxa, cs->hw.njet.auxd); - switch ( ( ( NETjet_ReadIC( cs, ICC_RBCH ) >> 5 ) & 3 ) ) + switch (((NETjet_ReadIC(cs, ICC_RBCH) >> 5) & 3)) { - case 3 : - return 1; /* end loop */ + case 3: + return 1; /* end loop */ - case 0 : - printk( KERN_WARNING "NETspider-U: NETjet-S PCI card found\n" ); - return -1; /* continue looping */ + case 0: + printk(KERN_WARNING "NETspider-U: NETjet-S PCI card found\n"); + return -1; /* continue looping */ - default : - printk( KERN_WARNING "NETspider-U: No PCI card found\n" ); - return 0; /* end loop & function */ + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING "NETspider-U: No PCI card found\n"); + return 0; /* end loop & function */ } return 1; /* end loop */ } @@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ static int __devinit nju_cs_init_rest(struct IsdnCard *card, const int bytecnt = 256; printk(KERN_INFO - "NETspider-U: PCI card configured at %#lx IRQ %d\n", - cs->hw.njet.base, cs->irq); + "NETspider-U: PCI card configured at %#lx IRQ %d\n", + cs->hw.njet.base, cs->irq); if (!request_region(cs->hw.njet.base, bytecnt, "netspider-u isdn")) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: NETspider-U config port %#lx-%#lx " @@ -235,19 +235,19 @@ setup_netjet_u(struct IsdnCard *card) strcpy(tmp, NETjet_U_revision); printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: Traverse Tech. NETspider-U driver Rev. %s\n", HiSax_getrev(tmp)); if (cs->typ != ISDN_CTYPE_NETJET_U) - return(0); + return (0); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags); - for ( ;; ) + for (;;) { if ((dev_netjet = hisax_find_pci_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_TIGERJET, - PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGERJET_300, dev_netjet))) { + PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGERJET_300, dev_netjet))) { ret = nju_pci_probe(dev_netjet, cs); if (!ret) - return(0); + return (0); } else { printk(KERN_WARNING "NETspider-U: No PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } ret = nju_cs_init(card, cs); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/q931.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/q931.c index c0771f98fa11ae175e383692329d997e89f1724c..041bf52d9d0acf2a75ec15a702608a269d83d446 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/q931.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/q931.c @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ #include "l3_1tr6.h" void -iecpy(u_char * dest, u_char * iestart, int ieoffset) +iecpy(u_char *dest, u_char *iestart, int ieoffset) { u_char *p; int l; @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ prbits(char *dest, u_char b, int start, int len) static u_char * -skipext(u_char * p) +skipext(u_char *p) { while (!(*p++ & 0x80)); return (p); @@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ struct CauseValue { static int -prcause(char *dest, u_char * p) +prcause(char *dest, u_char *p) { u_char *end; char *dp = dest; @@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ struct MessageType cause_1tr6[] = static int cause_1tr6_len = ARRAY_SIZE(cause_1tr6); static int -prcause_1tr6(char *dest, u_char * p) +prcause_1tr6(char *dest, u_char *p) { char *dp = dest; int i, cause; @@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ prcause_1tr6(char *dest, u_char * p) } static int -prchident(char *dest, u_char * p) +prchident(char *dest, u_char *p) { char *dp = dest; @@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ prchident(char *dest, u_char * p) } static int -prcalled(char *dest, u_char * p) +prcalled(char *dest, u_char *p) { int l; char *dp = dest; @@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ prcalled(char *dest, u_char * p) return (dp - dest); } static int -prcalling(char *dest, u_char * p) +prcalling(char *dest, u_char *p) { int l; char *dp = dest; @@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ prcalling(char *dest, u_char * p) static int -prbearer(char *dest, u_char * p) +prbearer(char *dest, u_char *p) { char *dp = dest, ch; @@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ prbearer(char *dest, u_char * p) static int -prbearer_ni1(char *dest, u_char * p) +prbearer_ni1(char *dest, u_char *p) { char *dp = dest; u_char len; @@ -668,46 +668,46 @@ prbearer_ni1(char *dest, u_char * p) dp += sprintf(dp, " octet 3 "); dp += prbits(dp, *p, 8, 8); switch (*p++) { - case 0x80: - dp += sprintf(dp, " Speech"); - break; - case 0x88: - dp += sprintf(dp, " Unrestricted digital information"); - break; - case 0x90: - dp += sprintf(dp, " 3.1 kHz audio"); - break; - default: - dp += sprintf(dp, " Unknown information-transfer capability"); + case 0x80: + dp += sprintf(dp, " Speech"); + break; + case 0x88: + dp += sprintf(dp, " Unrestricted digital information"); + break; + case 0x90: + dp += sprintf(dp, " 3.1 kHz audio"); + break; + default: + dp += sprintf(dp, " Unknown information-transfer capability"); } *dp++ = '\n'; dp += sprintf(dp, " octet 4 "); dp += prbits(dp, *p, 8, 8); switch (*p++) { - case 0x90: - dp += sprintf(dp, " 64 kbps, circuit mode"); - break; - case 0xc0: - dp += sprintf(dp, " Packet mode"); - break; - default: - dp += sprintf(dp, " Unknown transfer mode"); + case 0x90: + dp += sprintf(dp, " 64 kbps, circuit mode"); + break; + case 0xc0: + dp += sprintf(dp, " Packet mode"); + break; + default: + dp += sprintf(dp, " Unknown transfer mode"); } *dp++ = '\n'; if (len > 2) { dp += sprintf(dp, " octet 5 "); dp += prbits(dp, *p, 8, 8); switch (*p++) { - case 0x21: - dp += sprintf(dp, " Rate adaption\n"); - dp += sprintf(dp, " octet 5a "); - dp += prbits(dp, *p, 8, 8); - break; - case 0xa2: - dp += sprintf(dp, " u-law"); - break; - default: - dp += sprintf(dp, " Unknown UI layer 1 protocol"); + case 0x21: + dp += sprintf(dp, " Rate adaption\n"); + dp += sprintf(dp, " octet 5a "); + dp += prbits(dp, *p, 8, 8); + break; + case 0xa2: + dp += sprintf(dp, " u-law"); + break; + default: + dp += sprintf(dp, " Unknown UI layer 1 protocol"); } *dp++ = '\n'; } @@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ prbearer_ni1(char *dest, u_char * p) } static int -general(char *dest, u_char * p) +general(char *dest, u_char *p) { char *dp = dest; char ch = ' '; @@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ general(char *dest, u_char * p) } static int -general_ni1(char *dest, u_char * p) +general_ni1(char *dest, u_char *p) { char *dp = dest; char ch = ' '; @@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ general_ni1(char *dest, u_char * p) } static int -prcharge(char *dest, u_char * p) +prcharge(char *dest, u_char *p) { char *dp = dest; int l; @@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ prcharge(char *dest, u_char * p) return (dp - dest); } static int -prtext(char *dest, u_char * p) +prtext(char *dest, u_char *p) { char *dp = dest; int l; @@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ prtext(char *dest, u_char * p) } static int -prfeatureind(char *dest, u_char * p) +prfeatureind(char *dest, u_char *p) { char *dp = dest; @@ -817,21 +817,21 @@ prfeatureind(char *dest, u_char * p) } dp += sprintf(dp, " Status: "); switch (*p) { - case 0: - dp += sprintf(dp, "Idle"); - break; - case 1: - dp += sprintf(dp, "Active"); - break; - case 2: - dp += sprintf(dp, "Prompt"); - break; - case 3: - dp += sprintf(dp, "Pending"); - break; - default: - dp += sprintf(dp, "(Reserved)"); - break; + case 0: + dp += sprintf(dp, "Idle"); + break; + case 1: + dp += sprintf(dp, "Active"); + break; + case 2: + dp += sprintf(dp, "Prompt"); + break; + case 3: + dp += sprintf(dp, "Pending"); + break; + default: + dp += sprintf(dp, "(Reserved)"); + break; } *dp++ = '\n'; return (dp - dest); @@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ struct DTag { /* Display tags */ #define DTAGSIZE ARRAY_SIZE(dtaglist) static int -disptext_ni1(char *dest, u_char * p) +disptext_ni1(char *dest, u_char *p) { char *dp = dest; int l, tag, len, i; @@ -902,12 +902,12 @@ disptext_ni1(char *dest, u_char * p) *dp++ = *p++; } dp += sprintf(dp, "\n"); - } + } } return (dp - dest); } static int -display(char *dest, u_char * p) +display(char *dest, u_char *p) { char *dp = dest; char ch = ' '; @@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ display(char *dest, u_char * p) } static int -prfacility(char *dest, u_char * p) +prfacility(char *dest, u_char *p) { char *dp = dest; int l, l2; @@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@ static struct InformationElement we_6[] = #define WE_6_LEN ARRAY_SIZE(we_6) int -QuickHex(char *txt, u_char * p, int cnt) +QuickHex(char *txt, u_char *p, int cnt) { register int i; register char *t = txt; @@ -1163,7 +1163,7 @@ QuickHex(char *txt, u_char * p, int cnt) } void -LogFrame(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * buf, int size) +LogFrame(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *buf, int size) { char *dp; @@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ dlogframe(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct sk_buff *skb, int dir) buf = skb->data; dp += sprintf(dp, "frame %s ", dir ? "network->user" : "user->network"); size = skb->len; - + if (tei == GROUP_TEI) { if (sapi == CTRL_SAPI) { /* sapi 0 */ if (ftyp == 3) { @@ -1291,28 +1291,28 @@ dlogframe(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct sk_buff *skb, int dir) /* Is it a single octet information element? */ if (*buf & 0x80) { switch ((*buf >> 4) & 7) { - case 1: - dp += sprintf(dp, " Shift %x\n", *buf & 0xf); - cs_old = cset; - cset = *buf & 7; - cs_fest = *buf & 8; - break; - case 3: - dp += sprintf(dp, " Congestion level %x\n", *buf & 0xf); - break; - case 2: - if (*buf == 0xa0) { - dp += sprintf(dp, " More data\n"); - break; - } - if (*buf == 0xa1) { - dp += sprintf(dp, " Sending complete\n"); - } - break; - /* fall through */ - default: - dp += sprintf(dp, " Reserved %x\n", *buf); + case 1: + dp += sprintf(dp, " Shift %x\n", *buf & 0xf); + cs_old = cset; + cset = *buf & 7; + cs_fest = *buf & 8; + break; + case 3: + dp += sprintf(dp, " Congestion level %x\n", *buf & 0xf); + break; + case 2: + if (*buf == 0xa0) { + dp += sprintf(dp, " More data\n"); break; + } + if (*buf == 0xa1) { + dp += sprintf(dp, " Sending complete\n"); + } + break; + /* fall through */ + default: + dp += sprintf(dp, " Reserved %x\n", *buf); + break; } buf++; continue; @@ -1366,11 +1366,11 @@ dlogframe(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct sk_buff *skb, int dir) /* display message type if it exists */ if (i == MTSIZE) dp += sprintf(dp, "callref %d %s size %d unknown message type %x!\n", - cr & 0x7f, (cr & 0x80) ? "called" : "caller", + cr & 0x7f, (cr & 0x80) ? "called" : "caller", size, mt); else dp += sprintf(dp, "callref %d %s size %d message type %s\n", - cr & 0x7f, (cr & 0x80) ? "called" : "caller", + cr & 0x7f, (cr & 0x80) ? "called" : "caller", size, mtlist[i].descr); /* display each information element */ @@ -1378,15 +1378,15 @@ dlogframe(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct sk_buff *skb, int dir) /* Is it a single octet information element? */ if (*buf & 0x80) { switch ((*buf >> 4) & 7) { - case 1: - dp += sprintf(dp, " Shift %x\n", *buf & 0xf); - cs_old = cset; - cset = *buf & 7; - cs_fest = *buf & 8; - break; - default: - dp += sprintf(dp, " Unknown single-octet IE %x\n", *buf); - break; + case 1: + dp += sprintf(dp, " Shift %x\n", *buf & 0xf); + cs_old = cset; + cset = *buf & 7; + cs_fest = *buf & 8; + break; + default: + dp += sprintf(dp, " Unknown single-octet IE %x\n", *buf); + break; } buf++; continue; @@ -1452,11 +1452,11 @@ dlogframe(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct sk_buff *skb, int dir) /* display message type if it exists */ if (i == MTSIZE) dp += sprintf(dp, "callref %d %s size %d unknown message type %x!\n", - cr & 0x7f, (cr & 0x80) ? "called" : "caller", + cr & 0x7f, (cr & 0x80) ? "called" : "caller", size, mt); else dp += sprintf(dp, "callref %d %s size %d message type %s\n", - cr & 0x7f, (cr & 0x80) ? "called" : "caller", + cr & 0x7f, (cr & 0x80) ? "called" : "caller", size, mtlist[i].descr); /* display each information element */ @@ -1464,28 +1464,28 @@ dlogframe(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct sk_buff *skb, int dir) /* Is it a single octet information element? */ if (*buf & 0x80) { switch ((*buf >> 4) & 7) { - case 1: - dp += sprintf(dp, " Shift %x\n", *buf & 0xf); - break; - case 3: - dp += sprintf(dp, " Congestion level %x\n", *buf & 0xf); - break; - case 5: - dp += sprintf(dp, " Repeat indicator %x\n", *buf & 0xf); - break; - case 2: - if (*buf == 0xa0) { - dp += sprintf(dp, " More data\n"); - break; - } - if (*buf == 0xa1) { - dp += sprintf(dp, " Sending complete\n"); - } - break; - /* fall through */ - default: - dp += sprintf(dp, " Reserved %x\n", *buf); + case 1: + dp += sprintf(dp, " Shift %x\n", *buf & 0xf); + break; + case 3: + dp += sprintf(dp, " Congestion level %x\n", *buf & 0xf); + break; + case 5: + dp += sprintf(dp, " Repeat indicator %x\n", *buf & 0xf); + break; + case 2: + if (*buf == 0xa0) { + dp += sprintf(dp, " More data\n"); break; + } + if (*buf == 0xa1) { + dp += sprintf(dp, " Sending complete\n"); + } + break; + /* fall through */ + default: + dp += sprintf(dp, " Reserved %x\n", *buf); + break; } buf++; continue; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/s0box.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/s0box.c index 16d00b555c8cfa986dfa24776acc0a9dcdf92b1f..383c4e7ce50b5012c3bd501d4207ea54be7f97d6 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/s0box.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/s0box.c @@ -20,73 +20,73 @@ static const char *s0box_revision = "$Revision: $"; static inline void writereg(unsigned int padr, signed int addr, u_char off, u_char val) { - outb_p(0x1c,padr+2); - outb_p(0x14,padr+2); - outb_p((addr+off)&0x7f,padr); - outb_p(0x16,padr+2); - outb_p(val,padr); - outb_p(0x17,padr+2); - outb_p(0x14,padr+2); - outb_p(0x1c,padr+2); + outb_p(0x1c, padr + 2); + outb_p(0x14, padr + 2); + outb_p((addr + off) & 0x7f, padr); + outb_p(0x16, padr + 2); + outb_p(val, padr); + outb_p(0x17, padr + 2); + outb_p(0x14, padr + 2); + outb_p(0x1c, padr + 2); } static u_char nibtab[] = { 1, 9, 5, 0xd, 3, 0xb, 7, 0xf, - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - 0, 8, 4, 0xc, 2, 0xa, 6, 0xe } ; + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 8, 4, 0xc, 2, 0xa, 6, 0xe }; static inline u_char readreg(unsigned int padr, signed int addr, u_char off) { register u_char n1, n2; - outb_p(0x1c,padr+2); - outb_p(0x14,padr+2); - outb_p((addr+off)|0x80,padr); - outb_p(0x16,padr+2); - outb_p(0x17,padr+2); - n1 = (inb_p(padr+1) >> 3) & 0x17; - outb_p(0x16,padr+2); - n2 = (inb_p(padr+1) >> 3) & 0x17; - outb_p(0x14,padr+2); - outb_p(0x1c,padr+2); + outb_p(0x1c, padr + 2); + outb_p(0x14, padr + 2); + outb_p((addr + off) | 0x80, padr); + outb_p(0x16, padr + 2); + outb_p(0x17, padr + 2); + n1 = (inb_p(padr + 1) >> 3) & 0x17; + outb_p(0x16, padr + 2); + n2 = (inb_p(padr + 1) >> 3) & 0x17; + outb_p(0x14, padr + 2); + outb_p(0x1c, padr + 2); return nibtab[n1] | (nibtab[n2] << 4); } static inline void -read_fifo(unsigned int padr, signed int adr, u_char * data, int size) +read_fifo(unsigned int padr, signed int adr, u_char *data, int size) { int i; register u_char n1, n2; - - outb_p(0x1c, padr+2); - outb_p(0x14, padr+2); - outb_p(adr|0x80, padr); - outb_p(0x16, padr+2); - for (i=0; i> 3) & 0x17; - outb_p(0x16,padr+2); - n2 = (inb_p(padr+1) >> 3) & 0x17; - *(data++)=nibtab[n1] | (nibtab[n2] << 4); + + outb_p(0x1c, padr + 2); + outb_p(0x14, padr + 2); + outb_p(adr | 0x80, padr); + outb_p(0x16, padr + 2); + for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { + outb_p(0x17, padr + 2); + n1 = (inb_p(padr + 1) >> 3) & 0x17; + outb_p(0x16, padr + 2); + n2 = (inb_p(padr + 1) >> 3) & 0x17; + *(data++) = nibtab[n1] | (nibtab[n2] << 4); } - outb_p(0x14,padr+2); - outb_p(0x1c,padr+2); + outb_p(0x14, padr + 2); + outb_p(0x1c, padr + 2); return; } static inline void -write_fifo(unsigned int padr, signed int adr, u_char * data, int size) +write_fifo(unsigned int padr, signed int adr, u_char *data, int size) { int i; - outb_p(0x1c, padr+2); - outb_p(0x14, padr+2); - outb_p(adr&0x7f, padr); - for (i=0; ihw.teles3.cfg_reg, cs->hw.teles3.isacfifo, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { write_fifo(cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg, cs->hw.teles3.isacfifo, data, size); } @@ -150,11 +150,11 @@ s0box_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); val = readreg(cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg, cs->hw.teles3.hscx[1], HSCX_ISTA); - Start_HSCX: +Start_HSCX: if (val) hscx_int_main(cs, val); val = readreg(cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg, cs->hw.teles3.isac, ISAC_ISTA); - Start_ISAC: +Start_ISAC: if (val) isac_interrupt(cs, val); count++; @@ -194,20 +194,20 @@ S0Box_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - break; - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_s0box(cs); - break; - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - inithscxisac(cs, 3); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case CARD_TEST: - break; + case CARD_RESET: + break; + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_s0box(cs); + break; + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + inithscxisac(cs, 3); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case CARD_TEST: + break; } - return(0); + return (0); } int __devinit @@ -229,17 +229,17 @@ setup_s0box(struct IsdnCard *card) cs->hw.teles3.hscxfifo[0] = cs->hw.teles3.hscx[0] + 0x3e; cs->hw.teles3.hscxfifo[1] = cs->hw.teles3.hscx[1] + 0x3e; cs->irq = card->para[0]; - if (!request_region(cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg,8, "S0Box parallel I/O")) { + if (!request_region(cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg, 8, "S0Box parallel I/O")) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: S0Box ports %x-%x already in use\n", - cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg, - cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg + 7); + cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg, + cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg + 7); return 0; } printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: S0Box config irq:%d isac:0x%x cfg:0x%x\n", - cs->irq, - cs->hw.teles3.isac, cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg); + cs->irq, + cs->hw.teles3.isac, cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg); printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: hscx A:0x%x hscx B:0x%x\n", - cs->hw.teles3.hscx[0], cs->hw.teles3.hscx[1]); + cs->hw.teles3.hscx[0], cs->hw.teles3.hscx[1]); setup_isac(cs); cs->readisac = &ReadISAC; cs->writeisac = &WriteISAC; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/saphir.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/saphir.c index b34a81d655b8255d5cb506196ad39df7968fb199..75dcae6d36e0b55d016117982d76b3f8ade315b9 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/saphir.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/saphir.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ static char *saphir_rev = "$Revision: $"; -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) #define ISAC_DATA 0 @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ readreg(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off) } static inline void -readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char * data, int size) +readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size) { byteout(ale, off); insb(adr, data, size); @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ writereg(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char data) } static inline void -writefifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char * data, int size) +writefifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size) { byteout(ale, off); outsb(adr, data, size); @@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ WriteISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) } static void -ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { readfifo(cs->hw.saphir.ale, cs->hw.saphir.isac, 0, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { writefifo(cs->hw.saphir.ale, cs->hw.saphir.isac, 0, data, size); } @@ -92,26 +92,26 @@ static u_char ReadHSCX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char offset) { return (readreg(cs->hw.saphir.ale, cs->hw.saphir.hscx, - offset + (hscx ? 0x40 : 0))); + offset + (hscx ? 0x40 : 0))); } static void WriteHSCX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char offset, u_char value) { writereg(cs->hw.saphir.ale, cs->hw.saphir.hscx, - offset + (hscx ? 0x40 : 0), value); + offset + (hscx ? 0x40 : 0), value); } -#define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.saphir.ale, \ - cs->hw.saphir.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0)) -#define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.saphir.ale, \ - cs->hw.saphir.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0), data) +#define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.saphir.ale, \ + cs->hw.saphir.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0)) +#define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.saphir.ale, \ + cs->hw.saphir.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0), data) -#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.saphir.ale, \ - cs->hw.saphir.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) +#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.saphir.ale, \ + cs->hw.saphir.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) -#define WRITEHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) writefifo(cs->hw.saphir.ale, \ - cs->hw.saphir.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) +#define WRITEHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) writefifo(cs->hw.saphir.ale, \ + cs->hw.saphir.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) #include "hscx_irq.c" @@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ saphir_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); val = readreg(cs->hw.saphir.ale, cs->hw.saphir.hscx, HSCX_ISTA + 0x40); - Start_HSCX: +Start_HSCX: if (val) hscx_int_main(cs, val); val = readreg(cs->hw.saphir.ale, cs->hw.saphir.isac, ISAC_ISTA); - Start_ISAC: +Start_ISAC: if (val) isac_interrupt(cs, val); val = readreg(cs->hw.saphir.ale, cs->hw.saphir.hscx, HSCX_ISTA + 0x40); @@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ saphir_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) goto Start_ISAC; } /* Watchdog */ - if (cs->hw.saphir.timer.function) - mod_timer(&cs->hw.saphir.timer, jiffies+1*HZ); + if (cs->hw.saphir.timer.function) + mod_timer(&cs->hw.saphir.timer, jiffies + 1 * HZ); else printk(KERN_WARNING "saphir: Spurious timer!\n"); writereg(cs->hw.saphir.ale, cs->hw.saphir.hscx, HSCX_MASK, 0xFF); @@ -164,10 +164,10 @@ SaphirWatchDog(struct IsdnCardState *cs) u_long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - /* 5 sec WatchDog, so read at least every 4 sec */ + /* 5 sec WatchDog, so read at least every 4 sec */ cs->readisac(cs, ISAC_RBCH); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - mod_timer(&cs->hw.saphir.timer, jiffies+1*HZ); + mod_timer(&cs->hw.saphir.timer, jiffies + 1 * HZ); } static void @@ -185,24 +185,24 @@ saphir_reset(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { u_char irq_val; - switch(cs->irq) { - case 5: irq_val = 0; - break; - case 3: irq_val = 1; - break; - case 11: - irq_val = 2; - break; - case 12: - irq_val = 3; - break; - case 15: - irq_val = 4; - break; - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: saphir wrong IRQ %d\n", - cs->irq); - return (1); + switch (cs->irq) { + case 5: irq_val = 0; + break; + case 3: irq_val = 1; + break; + case 11: + irq_val = 2; + break; + case 12: + irq_val = 3; + break; + case 15: + irq_val = 4; + break; + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: saphir wrong IRQ %d\n", + cs->irq); + return (1); } byteout(cs->hw.saphir.cfg_reg + IRQ_REG, irq_val); byteout(cs->hw.saphir.cfg_reg + RESET_REG, 1); @@ -220,23 +220,23 @@ saphir_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - saphir_reset(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_saphir(cs); - return(0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - inithscxisac(cs, 3); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_TEST: - return(0); + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + saphir_reset(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_saphir(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + inithscxisac(cs, 3); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } - return(0); + return (0); } @@ -259,9 +259,9 @@ setup_saphir(struct IsdnCard *card) cs->irq = card->para[0]; if (!request_region(cs->hw.saphir.cfg_reg, 6, "saphir")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: HST Saphir config port %x-%x already in use\n", - cs->hw.saphir.cfg_reg, - cs->hw.saphir.cfg_reg + 5); + "HiSax: HST Saphir config port %x-%x already in use\n", + cs->hw.saphir.cfg_reg, + cs->hw.saphir.cfg_reg + 5); return (0); } @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ setup_saphir(struct IsdnCard *card) cs->hw.saphir.timer.function = (void *) SaphirWatchDog; cs->hw.saphir.timer.data = (long) cs; init_timer(&cs->hw.saphir.timer); - cs->hw.saphir.timer.expires = jiffies + 4*HZ; + cs->hw.saphir.timer.expires = jiffies + 4 * HZ; add_timer(&cs->hw.saphir.timer); if (saphir_reset(cs)) { release_io_saphir(cs); @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ setup_saphir(struct IsdnCard *card) ISACVersion(cs, "saphir:"); if (HscxVersion(cs, "saphir:")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "saphir: wrong HSCX versions check IO address\n"); + "saphir: wrong HSCX versions check IO address\n"); release_io_saphir(cs); return (0); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/sedlbauer.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/sedlbauer.c index 69dfc8d29017f62dde23c9fbd7123b17410bcbec..1ee531b6be9978003b2bcbcf695bb425877b83af 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/sedlbauer.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/sedlbauer.c @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ * * Author Marcus Niemann * Copyright by Marcus Niemann - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ * ISDN PC/104 IPAC DIP-SWITCH * Speed Star2 IPAC CARDMGR * Speed PCI IPAC PCI PNP - * Speed Fax+ ISAC_ISAR PCI PNP Full analog support + * Speed Fax+ ISAC_ISAR PCI PNP Full analog support * * Important: * For the sedlbauer speed fax+ to work properly you have to download * the firmware onto the card. * For example: hisaxctrl 9 ISAR.BIN -*/ + */ #include #include "hisax.h" @@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ static const char *Sedlbauer_revision = "$Revision: $"; static const char *Sedlbauer_Types[] = - {"None", "speed card/win", "speed star", "speed fax+", - "speed win II / ISDN PC/104", "speed star II", "speed pci", - "speed fax+ pyramid", "speed fax+ pci", "HST Saphir III"}; +{"None", "speed card/win", "speed star", "speed fax+", + "speed win II / ISDN PC/104", "speed star II", "speed pci", + "speed fax+ pyramid", "speed fax+ pci", "HST Saphir III"}; #define PCI_SUBVENDOR_SPEEDFAX_PYRAMID 0x51 #define PCI_SUBVENDOR_HST_SAPHIR3 0x52 @@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ static const char *Sedlbauer_Types[] = #define PCI_SUB_ID_SEDLBAUER 0x01 #define SEDL_SPEED_CARD_WIN 1 -#define SEDL_SPEED_STAR 2 +#define SEDL_SPEED_STAR 2 #define SEDL_SPEED_FAX 3 -#define SEDL_SPEED_WIN2_PC104 4 -#define SEDL_SPEED_STAR2 5 -#define SEDL_SPEED_PCI 6 +#define SEDL_SPEED_WIN2_PC104 4 +#define SEDL_SPEED_STAR2 5 +#define SEDL_SPEED_PCI 6 #define SEDL_SPEEDFAX_PYRAMID 7 #define SEDL_SPEEDFAX_PCI 8 #define HST_SAPHIR3 9 @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ static const char *Sedlbauer_Types[] = #define SEDL_BUS_PCI 2 #define SEDL_BUS_PCMCIA 3 -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) #define SEDL_HSCX_ISA_RESET_ON 0 @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ readreg(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off) } static inline void -readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char * data, int size) +readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size) { byteout(ale, off); insb(adr, data, size); @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ writereg(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char data) } static inline void -writefifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char * data, int size) +writefifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size) { byteout(ale, off); outsb(adr, data, size); @@ -163,13 +163,13 @@ WriteISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) } static void -ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { readfifo(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.isac, 0, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { writefifo(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.isac, 0, data, size); } @@ -177,23 +177,23 @@ WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) static u_char ReadISAC_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset) { - return (readreg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.isac, offset|0x80)); + return (readreg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.isac, offset | 0x80)); } static void WriteISAC_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) { - writereg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.isac, offset|0x80, value); + writereg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.isac, offset | 0x80, value); } static void -ReadISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { readfifo(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.isac, 0x80, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo_IPAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { writefifo(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.isac, 0x80, data, size); } @@ -220,12 +220,12 @@ WriteHSCX(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx, u_char offset, u_char value) static u_char ReadISAR(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mode, u_char offset) -{ +{ if (mode == 0) return (readreg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.hscx, offset)); else if (mode == 1) byteout(cs->hw.sedl.adr, offset); - return(bytein(cs->hw.sedl.hscx)); + return (bytein(cs->hw.sedl.hscx)); } static void @@ -244,16 +244,16 @@ WriteISAR(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mode, u_char offset, u_char value) * fast interrupt HSCX stuff goes here */ -#define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, \ - cs->hw.sedl.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0)) -#define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, \ - cs->hw.sedl.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0), data) +#define READHSCX(cs, nr, reg) readreg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, \ + cs->hw.sedl.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0)) +#define WRITEHSCX(cs, nr, reg, data) writereg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, \ + cs->hw.sedl.hscx, reg + (nr ? 0x40 : 0), data) -#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.sedl.adr, \ - cs->hw.sedl.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) +#define READHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) readfifo(cs->hw.sedl.adr, \ + cs->hw.sedl.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) -#define WRITEHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) writefifo(cs->hw.sedl.adr, \ - cs->hw.sedl.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) +#define WRITEHSCXFIFO(cs, nr, ptr, cnt) writefifo(cs->hw.sedl.adr, \ + cs->hw.sedl.hscx, (nr ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, cnt) #include "hscx_irq.c" @@ -274,11 +274,11 @@ sedlbauer_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) } val = readreg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.hscx, HSCX_ISTA + 0x40); - Start_HSCX: +Start_HSCX: if (val) hscx_int_main(cs, val); val = readreg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.isac, ISAC_ISTA); - Start_ISAC: +Start_ISAC: if (val) isac_interrupt(cs, val); val = readreg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.hscx, HSCX_ISTA + 0x40); @@ -360,11 +360,11 @@ sedlbauer_interrupt_isar(int intno, void *dev_id) spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); val = readreg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.hscx, ISAR_IRQBIT); - Start_ISAR: +Start_ISAR: if (val & ISAR_IRQSTA) isar_int_main(cs); val = readreg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.isac, ISAC_ISTA); - Start_ISAC: +Start_ISAC: if (val) isac_interrupt(cs, val); val = readreg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.hscx, ISAR_IRQBIT); @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ reset_sedlbauer(struct IsdnCardState *cs) printk(KERN_INFO "Sedlbauer: resetting card\n"); if (!((cs->hw.sedl.bus == SEDL_BUS_PCMCIA) && - (cs->hw.sedl.chip == SEDL_CHIP_ISAC_HSCX))) { + (cs->hw.sedl.chip == SEDL_CHIP_ISAC_HSCX))) { if (cs->hw.sedl.chip == SEDL_CHIP_IPAC) { writereg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.isac, IPAC_POTA2, 0x20); mdelay(2); @@ -423,12 +423,12 @@ reset_sedlbauer(struct IsdnCardState *cs) writereg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.isac, IPAC_MASK, 0xc0); writereg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.isac, IPAC_PCFG, 0x12); } else if ((cs->hw.sedl.chip == SEDL_CHIP_ISAC_ISAR) && - (cs->hw.sedl.bus == SEDL_BUS_PCI)) { - byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg +3, cs->hw.sedl.reset_on); + (cs->hw.sedl.bus == SEDL_BUS_PCI)) { + byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + 3, cs->hw.sedl.reset_on); mdelay(2); - byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg +3, cs->hw.sedl.reset_off); + byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + 3, cs->hw.sedl.reset_off); mdelay(10); - } else { + } else { byteout(cs->hw.sedl.reset_on, SEDL_RESET); /* Reset On */ mdelay(2); byteout(cs->hw.sedl.reset_off, 0); /* Reset Off */ @@ -443,86 +443,86 @@ Sedl_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_sedlbauer(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - if (cs->hw.sedl.bus == SEDL_BUS_PCI) - /* disable all IRQ */ - byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg+ 5, 0); - if (cs->hw.sedl.chip == SEDL_CHIP_ISAC_ISAR) { - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - writereg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.hscx, - ISAR_IRQBIT, 0); - writereg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.isac, - ISAC_MASK, 0xFF); - reset_sedlbauer(cs); - writereg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.hscx, - ISAR_IRQBIT, 0); - writereg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.isac, - ISAC_MASK, 0xFF); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - } - release_io_sedlbauer(cs); - return(0); - case CARD_INIT: + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_sedlbauer(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + if (cs->hw.sedl.bus == SEDL_BUS_PCI) + /* disable all IRQ */ + byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + 5, 0); + if (cs->hw.sedl.chip == SEDL_CHIP_ISAC_ISAR) { spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if (cs->hw.sedl.bus == SEDL_BUS_PCI) - /* enable all IRQ */ - byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg+ 5, 0x02); + writereg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.hscx, + ISAR_IRQBIT, 0); + writereg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.isac, + ISAC_MASK, 0xFF); reset_sedlbauer(cs); - if (cs->hw.sedl.chip == SEDL_CHIP_ISAC_ISAR) { - clear_pending_isac_ints(cs); - writereg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.hscx, - ISAR_IRQBIT, 0); - initisac(cs); - initisar(cs); - /* Reenable all IRQ */ - cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MASK, 0); - /* RESET Receiver and Transmitter */ - cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_CMDR, 0x41); - } else { - inithscxisac(cs, 3); - } + writereg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.hscx, + ISAR_IRQBIT, 0); + writereg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.isac, + ISAC_MASK, 0xFF); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_TEST: - return(0); - case MDL_INFO_CONN: - if (cs->subtyp != SEDL_SPEEDFAX_PYRAMID) - return(0); - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if ((long) arg) - cs->hw.sedl.reset_off &= ~SEDL_ISAR_PCI_LED2; - else - cs->hw.sedl.reset_off &= ~SEDL_ISAR_PCI_LED1; - byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg +3, cs->hw.sedl.reset_off); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case MDL_INFO_REL: - if (cs->subtyp != SEDL_SPEEDFAX_PYRAMID) - return(0); - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if ((long) arg) - cs->hw.sedl.reset_off |= SEDL_ISAR_PCI_LED2; - else - cs->hw.sedl.reset_off |= SEDL_ISAR_PCI_LED1; - byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg +3, cs->hw.sedl.reset_off); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; + } + release_io_sedlbauer(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if (cs->hw.sedl.bus == SEDL_BUS_PCI) + /* enable all IRQ */ + byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + 5, 0x02); + reset_sedlbauer(cs); + if (cs->hw.sedl.chip == SEDL_CHIP_ISAC_ISAR) { + clear_pending_isac_ints(cs); + writereg(cs->hw.sedl.adr, cs->hw.sedl.hscx, + ISAR_IRQBIT, 0); + initisac(cs); + initisar(cs); + /* Reenable all IRQ */ + cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MASK, 0); + /* RESET Receiver and Transmitter */ + cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_CMDR, 0x41); + } else { + inithscxisac(cs, 3); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); + case MDL_INFO_CONN: + if (cs->subtyp != SEDL_SPEEDFAX_PYRAMID) + return (0); + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if ((long) arg) + cs->hw.sedl.reset_off &= ~SEDL_ISAR_PCI_LED2; + else + cs->hw.sedl.reset_off &= ~SEDL_ISAR_PCI_LED1; + byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + 3, cs->hw.sedl.reset_off); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case MDL_INFO_REL: + if (cs->subtyp != SEDL_SPEEDFAX_PYRAMID) + return (0); + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if ((long) arg) + cs->hw.sedl.reset_off |= SEDL_ISAR_PCI_LED2; + else + cs->hw.sedl.reset_off |= SEDL_ISAR_PCI_LED1; + byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + 3, cs->hw.sedl.reset_off); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; } - return(0); + return (0); } #ifdef __ISAPNP__ static struct isapnp_device_id sedl_ids[] __devinitdata = { { ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'A', 'G'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x01), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'A', 'G'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x01), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'A', 'G'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x01), (unsigned long) "Speed win" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'A', 'G'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x02), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'A', 'G'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x02), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('S', 'A', 'G'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x02), (unsigned long) "Speed Fax+" }, { 0, } }; @@ -539,31 +539,31 @@ setup_sedlbauer_isapnp(struct IsdnCard *card, int *bytecnt) if (!isapnp_present()) return -1; - while(ipid->card_vendor) { + while (ipid->card_vendor) { if ((pnp_c = pnp_find_card(ipid->card_vendor, - ipid->card_device, pnp_c))) { + ipid->card_device, pnp_c))) { pnp_d = NULL; if ((pnp_d = pnp_find_dev(pnp_c, - ipid->vendor, ipid->function, pnp_d))) { + ipid->vendor, ipid->function, pnp_d))) { int err; printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: %s detected\n", - (char *)ipid->driver_data); + (char *)ipid->driver_data); pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); err = pnp_activate_dev(pnp_d); - if (err<0) { + if (err < 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: pnp_activate_dev ret(%d)\n", - __func__, err); - return(0); + __func__, err); + return (0); } card->para[1] = pnp_port_start(pnp_d, 0); card->para[0] = pnp_irq(pnp_d, 0); if (!card->para[0] || !card->para[1]) { printk(KERN_ERR "Sedlbauer PnP:some resources are missing %ld/%lx\n", - card->para[0], card->para[1]); + card->para[0], card->para[1]); pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); - return(0); + return (0); } cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg = card->para[1]; cs->irq = card->para[0]; @@ -579,12 +579,12 @@ setup_sedlbauer_isapnp(struct IsdnCard *card, int *bytecnt) return (1); } else { printk(KERN_ERR "Sedlbauer PnP: PnP error card found, no device\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } } ipid++; pnp_c = NULL; - } + } printk(KERN_INFO "Sedlbauer PnP: no ISAPnP card found\n"); return -1; @@ -608,30 +608,30 @@ setup_sedlbauer_pci(struct IsdnCard *card) u16 sub_vendor_id, sub_id; if ((dev_sedl = hisax_find_pci_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_TIGERJET, - PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGERJET_100, dev_sedl))) { + PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGERJET_100, dev_sedl))) { if (pci_enable_device(dev_sedl)) - return(0); + return (0); cs->irq = dev_sedl->irq; if (!cs->irq) { printk(KERN_WARNING "Sedlbauer: No IRQ for PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg = pci_resource_start(dev_sedl, 0); } else { printk(KERN_WARNING "Sedlbauer: No PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } cs->irq_flags |= IRQF_SHARED; cs->hw.sedl.bus = SEDL_BUS_PCI; sub_vendor_id = dev_sedl->subsystem_vendor; sub_id = dev_sedl->subsystem_device; printk(KERN_INFO "Sedlbauer: PCI subvendor:%x subid %x\n", - sub_vendor_id, sub_id); + sub_vendor_id, sub_id); printk(KERN_INFO "Sedlbauer: PCI base adr %#x\n", - cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg); + cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg); if (sub_id != PCI_SUB_ID_SEDLBAUER) { printk(KERN_ERR "Sedlbauer: unknown sub id %#x\n", sub_id); - return(0); + return (0); } if (sub_vendor_id == PCI_SUBVENDOR_SPEEDFAX_PYRAMID) { cs->hw.sedl.chip = SEDL_CHIP_ISAC_ISAR; @@ -647,19 +647,19 @@ setup_sedlbauer_pci(struct IsdnCard *card) cs->subtyp = SEDL_SPEED_PCI; } else { printk(KERN_ERR "Sedlbauer: unknown sub vendor id %#x\n", - sub_vendor_id); - return(0); + sub_vendor_id); + return (0); } cs->hw.sedl.reset_on = SEDL_ISAR_PCI_ISAR_RESET_ON; cs->hw.sedl.reset_off = SEDL_ISAR_PCI_ISAR_RESET_OFF; byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg, 0xff); byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg, 0x00); - byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg+ 2, 0xdd); - byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg+ 5, 0); /* disable all IRQ */ - byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg +3, cs->hw.sedl.reset_on); + byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + 2, 0xdd); + byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + 5, 0); /* disable all IRQ */ + byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + 3, cs->hw.sedl.reset_on); mdelay(2); - byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg +3, cs->hw.sedl.reset_off); + byteout(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + 3, cs->hw.sedl.reset_off); mdelay(10); return (1); @@ -684,20 +684,20 @@ setup_sedlbauer(struct IsdnCard *card) strcpy(tmp, Sedlbauer_revision); printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: Sedlbauer driver Rev. %s\n", HiSax_getrev(tmp)); - - if (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_SEDLBAUER) { - cs->subtyp = SEDL_SPEED_CARD_WIN; + + if (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_SEDLBAUER) { + cs->subtyp = SEDL_SPEED_CARD_WIN; cs->hw.sedl.bus = SEDL_BUS_ISA; cs->hw.sedl.chip = SEDL_CHIP_TEST; - } else if (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_SEDLBAUER_PCMCIA) { - cs->subtyp = SEDL_SPEED_STAR; + } else if (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_SEDLBAUER_PCMCIA) { + cs->subtyp = SEDL_SPEED_STAR; cs->hw.sedl.bus = SEDL_BUS_PCMCIA; cs->hw.sedl.chip = SEDL_CHIP_TEST; - } else if (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_SEDLBAUER_FAX) { - cs->subtyp = SEDL_SPEED_FAX; + } else if (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_SEDLBAUER_FAX) { + cs->subtyp = SEDL_SPEED_FAX; cs->hw.sedl.bus = SEDL_BUS_ISA; cs->hw.sedl.chip = SEDL_CHIP_ISAC_ISAR; - } else + } else return (0); bytecnt = 8; @@ -720,22 +720,22 @@ setup_sedlbauer(struct IsdnCard *card) return (0); bytecnt = 256; - } + } -ready: +ready: /* In case of the sedlbauer pcmcia card, this region is in use, * reserved for us by the card manager. So we do not check it * here, it would fail. */ if (cs->hw.sedl.bus != SEDL_BUS_PCMCIA && - !request_region(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg, bytecnt, "sedlbauer isdn")) { + !request_region(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg, bytecnt, "sedlbauer isdn")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: %s config port %x-%x already in use\n", - CardType[card->typ], - cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg, - cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + bytecnt); - return (0); + "HiSax: %s config port %x-%x already in use\n", + CardType[card->typ], + cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg, + cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + bytecnt); + return (0); } printk(KERN_INFO @@ -753,12 +753,12 @@ setup_sedlbauer(struct IsdnCard *card) * testing ISA and PCMCIA Cards for IPAC, default is ISAC * do not test for PCI card, because ports are different * and PCI card uses only IPAC (for the moment) - */ + */ if (cs->hw.sedl.bus != SEDL_BUS_PCI) { val = readreg(cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + SEDL_IPAC_ANY_ADR, - cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + SEDL_IPAC_ANY_IPAC, IPAC_ID); + cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + SEDL_IPAC_ANY_IPAC, IPAC_ID); printk(KERN_DEBUG "Sedlbauer: testing IPAC version %x\n", val); - if ((val == 1) || (val == 2)) { + if ((val == 1) || (val == 2)) { /* IPAC */ cs->subtyp = SEDL_SPEED_WIN2_PC104; if (cs->hw.sedl.bus == SEDL_BUS_PCMCIA) { @@ -777,16 +777,16 @@ setup_sedlbauer(struct IsdnCard *card) * hw.sedl.chip is now properly set */ printk(KERN_INFO "Sedlbauer: %s detected\n", - Sedlbauer_Types[cs->subtyp]); + Sedlbauer_Types[cs->subtyp]); setup_isac(cs); if (cs->hw.sedl.chip == SEDL_CHIP_IPAC) { if (cs->hw.sedl.bus == SEDL_BUS_PCI) { - cs->hw.sedl.adr = cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + SEDL_IPAC_PCI_ADR; + cs->hw.sedl.adr = cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + SEDL_IPAC_PCI_ADR; cs->hw.sedl.isac = cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + SEDL_IPAC_PCI_IPAC; cs->hw.sedl.hscx = cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + SEDL_IPAC_PCI_IPAC; } else { - cs->hw.sedl.adr = cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + SEDL_IPAC_ANY_ADR; + cs->hw.sedl.adr = cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + SEDL_IPAC_ANY_ADR; cs->hw.sedl.isac = cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + SEDL_IPAC_ANY_IPAC; cs->hw.sedl.hscx = cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + SEDL_IPAC_ANY_IPAC; } @@ -807,22 +807,22 @@ setup_sedlbauer(struct IsdnCard *card) if (cs->hw.sedl.chip == SEDL_CHIP_ISAC_ISAR) { if (cs->hw.sedl.bus == SEDL_BUS_PCI) { cs->hw.sedl.adr = cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + - SEDL_ISAR_PCI_ADR; + SEDL_ISAR_PCI_ADR; cs->hw.sedl.isac = cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + - SEDL_ISAR_PCI_ISAC; + SEDL_ISAR_PCI_ISAC; cs->hw.sedl.hscx = cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + - SEDL_ISAR_PCI_ISAR; + SEDL_ISAR_PCI_ISAR; } else { cs->hw.sedl.adr = cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + - SEDL_ISAR_ISA_ADR; + SEDL_ISAR_ISA_ADR; cs->hw.sedl.isac = cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + - SEDL_ISAR_ISA_ISAC; + SEDL_ISAR_ISA_ISAC; cs->hw.sedl.hscx = cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + - SEDL_ISAR_ISA_ISAR; + SEDL_ISAR_ISA_ISAR; cs->hw.sedl.reset_on = cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + - SEDL_ISAR_ISA_ISAR_RESET_ON; + SEDL_ISAR_ISA_ISAR_RESET_ON; cs->hw.sedl.reset_off = cs->hw.sedl.cfg_reg + - SEDL_ISAR_ISA_ISAR_RESET_OFF; + SEDL_ISAR_ISA_ISAR_RESET_OFF; } cs->bcs[0].hw.isar.reg = &cs->hw.sedl.isar; cs->bcs[1].hw.isar.reg = &cs->hw.sedl.isar; @@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ setup_sedlbauer(struct IsdnCard *card) ver = ISARVersion(cs, "Sedlbauer:"); if (ver < 0) printk(KERN_WARNING - "Sedlbauer: wrong ISAR version (ret = %d)\n", ver); + "Sedlbauer: wrong ISAR version (ret = %d)\n", ver); else break; reset_sedlbauer(cs); @@ -865,10 +865,10 @@ setup_sedlbauer(struct IsdnCard *card) } cs->irq_func = &sedlbauer_interrupt; ISACVersion(cs, "Sedlbauer:"); - + if (HscxVersion(cs, "Sedlbauer:")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "Sedlbauer: wrong HSCX versions check IO address\n"); + "Sedlbauer: wrong HSCX versions check IO address\n"); release_io_sedlbauer(cs); return (0); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/sedlbauer_cs.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/sedlbauer_cs.c index 06473f81f0395fd74d54dd44fd18b72c6a187b82..68f50495d166b25deedab36a5ff7b477b631622f 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/sedlbauer_cs.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/sedlbauer_cs.c @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ /*====================================================================== - A Sedlbauer PCMCIA client driver - - This driver is for the Sedlbauer Speed Star and Speed Star II, - which are ISDN PCMCIA Cards. - - The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public - License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file - except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of - the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ - - Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS - IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or - implied. See the License for the specific language governing - rights and limitations under the License. - - The initial developer of the original code is David A. Hinds - . Portions created by David A. Hinds - are Copyright (C) 1999 David A. Hinds. All Rights Reserved. - - Modifications from dummy_cs.c are Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Marcus Niemann - . All Rights Reserved. - - Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the - terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in - which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the - above. If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file - only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use - your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision - by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice - and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete - the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this - file under either the MPL or the GPL. - -======================================================================*/ + A Sedlbauer PCMCIA client driver + + This driver is for the Sedlbauer Speed Star and Speed Star II, + which are ISDN PCMCIA Cards. + + The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public + License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file + except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of + the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ + + Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS + IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or + implied. See the License for the specific language governing + rights and limitations under the License. + + The initial developer of the original code is David A. Hinds + . Portions created by David A. Hinds + are Copyright (C) 1999 David A. Hinds. All Rights Reserved. + + Modifications from dummy_cs.c are Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Marcus Niemann + . All Rights Reserved. + + Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the + terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in + which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the + above. If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file + only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use + your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision + by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice + and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete + the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this + file under either the MPL or the GPL. + + ======================================================================*/ #include #include @@ -63,32 +63,32 @@ MODULE_LICENSE("Dual MPL/GPL"); static int protocol = 2; /* EURO-ISDN Default */ module_param(protocol, int, 0); -static int sedlbauer_config(struct pcmcia_device *link) __devinit ; +static int sedlbauer_config(struct pcmcia_device *link) __devinit; static void sedlbauer_release(struct pcmcia_device *link); static void sedlbauer_detach(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev) __devexit; typedef struct local_info_t { struct pcmcia_device *p_dev; - int stop; - int cardnr; + int stop; + int cardnr; } local_info_t; static int __devinit sedlbauer_probe(struct pcmcia_device *link) { - local_info_t *local; + local_info_t *local; - dev_dbg(&link->dev, "sedlbauer_attach()\n"); + dev_dbg(&link->dev, "sedlbauer_attach()\n"); - /* Allocate space for private device-specific data */ - local = kzalloc(sizeof(local_info_t), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!local) return -ENOMEM; - local->cardnr = -1; + /* Allocate space for private device-specific data */ + local = kzalloc(sizeof(local_info_t), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!local) return -ENOMEM; + local->cardnr = -1; - local->p_dev = link; - link->priv = local; + local->p_dev = link; + link->priv = local; - return sedlbauer_config(link); + return sedlbauer_config(link); } /* sedlbauer_attach */ static void __devexit sedlbauer_detach(struct pcmcia_device *link) @@ -113,58 +113,58 @@ static int sedlbauer_config_check(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev, void *priv_data) static int __devinit sedlbauer_config(struct pcmcia_device *link) { - int ret; - IsdnCard_t icard; - - dev_dbg(&link->dev, "sedlbauer_config(0x%p)\n", link); - - link->config_flags |= CONF_ENABLE_IRQ | CONF_AUTO_CHECK_VCC | - CONF_AUTO_SET_VPP | CONF_AUTO_AUDIO | CONF_AUTO_SET_IO; - - ret = pcmcia_loop_config(link, sedlbauer_config_check, NULL); - if (ret) - goto failed; - - ret = pcmcia_enable_device(link); - if (ret) - goto failed; - - icard.para[0] = link->irq; - icard.para[1] = link->resource[0]->start; - icard.protocol = protocol; - icard.typ = ISDN_CTYPE_SEDLBAUER_PCMCIA; - - ret = hisax_init_pcmcia(link, - &(((local_info_t *)link->priv)->stop), &icard); - if (ret < 0) { - printk(KERN_ERR "sedlbauer_cs: failed to initialize SEDLBAUER PCMCIA %d with %pR\n", - ret, link->resource[0]); - sedlbauer_release(link); - return -ENODEV; - } else - ((local_info_t *)link->priv)->cardnr = ret; + int ret; + IsdnCard_t icard; + + dev_dbg(&link->dev, "sedlbauer_config(0x%p)\n", link); - return 0; + link->config_flags |= CONF_ENABLE_IRQ | CONF_AUTO_CHECK_VCC | + CONF_AUTO_SET_VPP | CONF_AUTO_AUDIO | CONF_AUTO_SET_IO; + + ret = pcmcia_loop_config(link, sedlbauer_config_check, NULL); + if (ret) + goto failed; + + ret = pcmcia_enable_device(link); + if (ret) + goto failed; + + icard.para[0] = link->irq; + icard.para[1] = link->resource[0]->start; + icard.protocol = protocol; + icard.typ = ISDN_CTYPE_SEDLBAUER_PCMCIA; + + ret = hisax_init_pcmcia(link, + &(((local_info_t *)link->priv)->stop), &icard); + if (ret < 0) { + printk(KERN_ERR "sedlbauer_cs: failed to initialize SEDLBAUER PCMCIA %d with %pR\n", + ret, link->resource[0]); + sedlbauer_release(link); + return -ENODEV; + } else + ((local_info_t *)link->priv)->cardnr = ret; + + return 0; failed: - sedlbauer_release(link); - return -ENODEV; + sedlbauer_release(link); + return -ENODEV; } /* sedlbauer_config */ static void sedlbauer_release(struct pcmcia_device *link) { - local_info_t *local = link->priv; - dev_dbg(&link->dev, "sedlbauer_release(0x%p)\n", link); - - if (local) { - if (local->cardnr >= 0) { - /* no unregister function with hisax */ - HiSax_closecard(local->cardnr); + local_info_t *local = link->priv; + dev_dbg(&link->dev, "sedlbauer_release(0x%p)\n", link); + + if (local) { + if (local->cardnr >= 0) { + /* no unregister function with hisax */ + HiSax_closecard(local->cardnr); + } } - } - pcmcia_disable_device(link); + pcmcia_disable_device(link); } /* sedlbauer_release */ static int sedlbauer_suspend(struct pcmcia_device *link) diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/sportster.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/sportster.c index 0a53759adfa4e72e764d2e25a321cf7d82e41ef3..1267298ef551b0a707cba1f11e92017ad9094743 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/sportster.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/sportster.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ static const char *sportster_revision = "$Revision: $"; -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) #define SPORTSTER_ISAC 0xC000 @@ -33,17 +33,17 @@ static const char *sportster_revision = "$Revision: $"; static inline int calc_off(unsigned int base, unsigned int off) { - return(base + ((off & 0xfc)<<8) + ((off & 3)<<1)); + return (base + ((off & 0xfc) << 8) + ((off & 3) << 1)); } static inline void -read_fifo(unsigned int adr, u_char * data, int size) +read_fifo(unsigned int adr, u_char *data, int size) { insb(adr, data, size); } static void -write_fifo(unsigned int adr, u_char * data, int size) +write_fifo(unsigned int adr, u_char *data, int size) { outsb(adr, data, size); } @@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ WriteISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) } static void -ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { read_fifo(cs->hw.spt.isac, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { write_fifo(cs->hw.spt.isac, data, size); } @@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ sportster_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); val = READHSCX(cs, 1, HSCX_ISTA); - Start_HSCX: +Start_HSCX: if (val) hscx_int_main(cs, val); val = ReadISAC(cs, ISAC_ISTA); - Start_ISAC: +Start_ISAC: if (val) isac_interrupt(cs, val); val = READHSCX(cs, 1, HSCX_ISTA); @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ sportster_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) goto Start_ISAC; } /* get a new irq impulse if there any pending */ - bytein(cs->hw.spt.cfg_reg + SPORTSTER_RES_IRQ +1); + bytein(cs->hw.spt.cfg_reg + SPORTSTER_RES_IRQ + 1); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); return IRQ_HANDLED; } @@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ release_io_sportster(struct IsdnCardState *cs) int i, adr; byteout(cs->hw.spt.cfg_reg + SPORTSTER_RES_IRQ, 0); - for (i=0; i<64; i++) { - adr = cs->hw.spt.cfg_reg + i *1024; + for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { + adr = cs->hw.spt.cfg_reg + i * 1024; release_region(adr, 8); } } @@ -160,51 +160,51 @@ Sportster_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_sportster(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_sportster(cs); - return(0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_sportster(cs); - inithscxisac(cs, 1); - cs->hw.spt.res_irq |= SPORTSTER_INTE; /* IRQ On */ - byteout(cs->hw.spt.cfg_reg + SPORTSTER_RES_IRQ, cs->hw.spt.res_irq); - inithscxisac(cs, 2); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_TEST: - return(0); + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_sportster(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_sportster(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_sportster(cs); + inithscxisac(cs, 1); + cs->hw.spt.res_irq |= SPORTSTER_INTE; /* IRQ On */ + byteout(cs->hw.spt.cfg_reg + SPORTSTER_RES_IRQ, cs->hw.spt.res_irq); + inithscxisac(cs, 2); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } - return(0); + return (0); } static int __devinit get_io_range(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { int i, j, adr; - - for (i=0;i<64;i++) { - adr = cs->hw.spt.cfg_reg + i *1024; + + for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { + adr = cs->hw.spt.cfg_reg + i * 1024; if (!request_region(adr, 8, "sportster")) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: USR Sportster config port " - "%x-%x already in use\n", - adr, adr + 8); + "%x-%x already in use\n", + adr, adr + 8); break; - } + } } - if (i==64) - return(1); + if (i == 64) + return (1); else { - for (j=0; jhw.spt.cfg_reg + j *1024; + for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { + adr = cs->hw.spt.cfg_reg + j * 1024; release_region(adr, 8); } - return(0); + return (0); } } @@ -226,28 +226,28 @@ setup_sportster(struct IsdnCard *card) cs->hw.spt.isac = cs->hw.spt.cfg_reg + SPORTSTER_ISAC; cs->hw.spt.hscx[0] = cs->hw.spt.cfg_reg + SPORTSTER_HSCXA; cs->hw.spt.hscx[1] = cs->hw.spt.cfg_reg + SPORTSTER_HSCXB; - - switch(cs->irq) { - case 5: cs->hw.spt.res_irq = 1; - break; - case 7: cs->hw.spt.res_irq = 2; - break; - case 10:cs->hw.spt.res_irq = 3; - break; - case 11:cs->hw.spt.res_irq = 4; - break; - case 12:cs->hw.spt.res_irq = 5; - break; - case 14:cs->hw.spt.res_irq = 6; - break; - case 15:cs->hw.spt.res_irq = 7; - break; - default:release_io_sportster(cs); - printk(KERN_WARNING "Sportster: wrong IRQ\n"); - return(0); + + switch (cs->irq) { + case 5: cs->hw.spt.res_irq = 1; + break; + case 7: cs->hw.spt.res_irq = 2; + break; + case 10:cs->hw.spt.res_irq = 3; + break; + case 11:cs->hw.spt.res_irq = 4; + break; + case 12:cs->hw.spt.res_irq = 5; + break; + case 14:cs->hw.spt.res_irq = 6; + break; + case 15:cs->hw.spt.res_irq = 7; + break; + default:release_io_sportster(cs); + printk(KERN_WARNING "Sportster: wrong IRQ\n"); + return (0); } printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: USR Sportster config irq:%d cfg:0x%X\n", - cs->irq, cs->hw.spt.cfg_reg); + cs->irq, cs->hw.spt.cfg_reg); setup_isac(cs); cs->readisac = &ReadISAC; cs->writeisac = &WriteISAC; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481.h index b9054cb7a0da36e30b34c9ada29300ec4092e8b2..8cd2d827742697f38c816435c5ae4a4844beb255 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * Author Frode Isaksen * Copyright 2001 by Frode Isaksen * 2001 by Kai Germaschewski - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ #define EP_B2_IN 0x05U /* B2 channel in */ #define EP_D_OUT 0x06U /* D channel out */ #define EP_D_IN 0x07U /* D channel in */ - + // Number of isochronous packets. With 20 packets we get // 50 interrupts/sec for each endpoint. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ #define B_FLOW_ADJUST 2 // Registers that are written using vendor specific device request -// on endpoint 0. +// on endpoint 0. #define LBA 0x02 /* S loopback */ #define SET_DEFAULT 0x06 /* Soft reset */ @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ #define FFMSK_B2 0x50 /* B2 fifo interrupt MASK register */ #define GPIO_DIR 0x52 /* GPIO pins direction registers */ #define GPIO_OUT 0x53 /* GPIO pins output register */ -#define GPIO_IN 0x54 /* GPIO pins input register */ +#define GPIO_IN 0x54 /* GPIO pins input register */ #define TXCI 0x56 /* CI command to be transmitted */ @@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ #define IN_COUNTER_ZEROED 0x02 /* In down-counter reached 0 */ #define OUT_COUNTER_ZEROED 0x01 /* Out down-counter reached 0 */ -#define ANY_REC_INT (IN_OVERRUN+IN_UP+IN_DOWN+IN_COUNTER_ZEROED) -#define ANY_XMIT_INT (OUT_UNDERRUN+OUT_UP+OUT_DOWN+OUT_COUNTER_ZEROED) +#define ANY_REC_INT (IN_OVERRUN + IN_UP + IN_DOWN + IN_COUNTER_ZEROED) +#define ANY_XMIT_INT (OUT_UNDERRUN + OUT_UP + OUT_DOWN + OUT_COUNTER_ZEROED) // Level 1 commands that are sent using the TXCI device request @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ enum { ST_DOUT_NORMAL, ST_DOUT_WAIT_FOR_UNDERRUN, - ST_DOUT_WAIT_FOR_NOT_BUSY, + ST_DOUT_WAIT_FOR_NOT_BUSY, ST_DOUT_WAIT_FOR_STOP, ST_DOUT_WAIT_FOR_RESET, }; @@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ enum { ST_L1_F8, }; -#define L1_STATE_COUNT (ST_L1_F8+1) +#define L1_STATE_COUNT (ST_L1_F8 + 1) -// The first 16 entries match the Level 1 indications that +// The first 16 entries match the Level 1 indications that // are found at offset 4 (CCIST) in the interrupt packet enum { @@ -217,14 +217,14 @@ enum { #define L1_EVENT_COUNT (EV_TIMER3 + 1) -#define ERR(format, arg...) \ -printk(KERN_ERR "%s:%s: " format "\n" , __FILE__, __func__ , ## arg) +#define ERR(format, arg...) \ + printk(KERN_ERR "%s:%s: " format "\n" , __FILE__, __func__ , ## arg) -#define WARNING(format, arg...) \ -printk(KERN_WARNING "%s:%s: " format "\n" , __FILE__, __func__ , ## arg) +#define WARNING(format, arg...) \ + printk(KERN_WARNING "%s:%s: " format "\n" , __FILE__, __func__ , ## arg) -#define INFO(format, arg...) \ -printk(KERN_INFO "%s:%s: " format "\n" , __FILE__, __func__ , ## arg) +#define INFO(format, arg...) \ + printk(KERN_INFO "%s:%s: " format "\n" , __FILE__, __func__ , ## arg) #include #include "fsm.h" @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ printk(KERN_INFO "%s:%s: " format "\n" , __FILE__, __func__ , ## arg) /* Generic FIFO structure */ struct fifo { - u_char r,w,count,size; + u_char r, w, count, size; spinlock_t lock; }; @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ static inline int fifo_add(struct fifo *fifo) index = -1; } else { // Return index where to get the next data to add to the FIFO - index = fifo->w++ & (fifo->size-1); + index = fifo->w++ & (fifo->size - 1); fifo->count++; } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fifo->lock, flags); @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ static inline int fifo_remove(struct fifo *fifo) index = -1; } else { // Return index where to get the next data from the FIFO - index = fifo->r++ & (fifo->size-1); + index = fifo->r++ & (fifo->size - 1); fifo->count--; } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fifo->lock, flags); @@ -311,14 +311,14 @@ typedef struct ctrl_msg { struct usb_ctrlrequest dr; ctrl_complete_t complete; void *context; -} ctrl_msg; +} ctrl_msg; /* FIFO of ctrl messages waiting to be sent */ #define MAX_EP0_MSG 16 struct ctrl_msg_fifo { struct fifo f; struct ctrl_msg data[MAX_EP0_MSG]; -}; +}; #define MAX_DFRAME_LEN_L1 300 #define HSCX_BUFMAX 4096 @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ struct st5481_ctrl { }; struct st5481_intr { - // struct evt_fifo evt_fifo; + // struct evt_fifo evt_fifo; struct urb *urb; }; @@ -407,21 +407,21 @@ struct st5481_adapter { * Submit an URB with error reporting. This is a macro so * the __func__ returns the caller function name. */ -#define SUBMIT_URB(urb, mem_flags) \ -({ \ - int status; \ - if ((status = usb_submit_urb(urb, mem_flags)) < 0) { \ - WARNING("usb_submit_urb failed,status=%d", status); \ - } \ - status; \ -}) +#define SUBMIT_URB(urb, mem_flags) \ + ({ \ + int status; \ + if ((status = usb_submit_urb(urb, mem_flags)) < 0) { \ + WARNING("usb_submit_urb failed,status=%d", status); \ + } \ + status; \ + }) /* * USB double buffering, return the URB index (0 or 1). */ static inline int get_buf_nr(struct urb *urbs[], struct urb *urb) { - return (urbs[0]==urb ? 0 : 1); + return (urbs[0] == urb ? 0 : 1); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ @@ -442,17 +442,17 @@ void st5481_d_exit(void); /* USB */ void st5481_ph_command(struct st5481_adapter *adapter, unsigned int command); -int st5481_setup_isocpipes(struct urb* urb[2], struct usb_device *dev, +int st5481_setup_isocpipes(struct urb *urb[2], struct usb_device *dev, unsigned int pipe, int num_packets, int packet_size, int buf_size, usb_complete_t complete, void *context); -void st5481_release_isocpipes(struct urb* urb[2]); +void st5481_release_isocpipes(struct urb *urb[2]); void st5481_usb_pipe_reset(struct st5481_adapter *adapter, - u_char pipe, ctrl_complete_t complete, void *context); + u_char pipe, ctrl_complete_t complete, void *context); void st5481_usb_device_ctrl_msg(struct st5481_adapter *adapter, - u8 request, u16 value, - ctrl_complete_t complete, void *context); + u8 request, u16 value, + ctrl_complete_t complete, void *context); int st5481_setup_usb(struct st5481_adapter *adapter); void st5481_release_usb(struct st5481_adapter *adapter); void st5481_start(struct st5481_adapter *adapter); @@ -468,18 +468,18 @@ extern int st5481_debug; #ifdef CONFIG_HISAX_DEBUG -#define DBG_ISO_PACKET(level,urb) \ - if (level & __debug_variable) dump_iso_packet(__func__,urb) +#define DBG_ISO_PACKET(level, urb) \ + if (level & __debug_variable) dump_iso_packet(__func__, urb) static void __attribute__((unused)) dump_iso_packet(const char *name, struct urb *urb) { - int i,j; - int len,ofs; + int i, j; + int len, ofs; u_char *data; printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: packets=%d,errors=%d\n", - name,urb->number_of_packets,urb->error_count); + name, urb->number_of_packets, urb->error_count); for (i = 0; i < urb->number_of_packets; ++i) { if (urb->pipe & USB_DIR_IN) { len = urb->iso_frame_desc[i].actual_length; @@ -487,11 +487,11 @@ dump_iso_packet(const char *name, struct urb *urb) len = urb->iso_frame_desc[i].length; } ofs = urb->iso_frame_desc[i].offset; - printk(KERN_DEBUG "len=%.2d,ofs=%.3d ",len,ofs); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "len=%.2d,ofs=%.3d ", len, ofs); if (len) { - data = urb->transfer_buffer+ofs; - for (j=0; j < len; j++) { - printk ("%.2x", data[j]); + data = urb->transfer_buffer + ofs; + for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { + printk("%.2x", data[j]); } } printk("\n"); @@ -513,17 +513,17 @@ static inline const char *ST5481_CMD_string(int evt) case ST5481_CMD_ARL: return "ARL"; case ST5481_CMD_PDN: return "PDN"; }; - - sprintf(s,"0x%x",evt); + + sprintf(s, "0x%x", evt); return s; -} +} #else -#define DBG_ISO_PACKET(level,urb) do {} while (0) +#define DBG_ISO_PACKET(level, urb) do {} while (0) #endif -#endif +#endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481_b.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481_b.c index ed4bc564dc634f455613f57a854995daf51b49e9..409849165838fba631eeb74983c7fc7e8e68b152 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481_b.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481_b.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * Author Frode Isaksen * Copyright 2001 by Frode Isaksen * 2001 by Kai Germaschewski - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -27,33 +27,33 @@ static inline void B_L1L2(struct st5481_bcs *bcs, int pr, void *arg) /* * Encode and transmit next frame. */ -static void usb_b_out(struct st5481_bcs *bcs,int buf_nr) +static void usb_b_out(struct st5481_bcs *bcs, int buf_nr) { struct st5481_b_out *b_out = &bcs->b_out; struct st5481_adapter *adapter = bcs->adapter; struct urb *urb; - unsigned int packet_size,offset; - int len,buf_size,bytes_sent; + unsigned int packet_size, offset; + int len, buf_size, bytes_sent; int i; struct sk_buff *skb; - + if (test_and_set_bit(buf_nr, &b_out->busy)) { - DBG(4,"ep %d urb %d busy",(bcs->channel+1)*2,buf_nr); + DBG(4, "ep %d urb %d busy", (bcs->channel + 1) * 2, buf_nr); return; } urb = b_out->urb[buf_nr]; // Adjust isoc buffer size according to flow state - if(b_out->flow_event & (OUT_DOWN | OUT_UNDERRUN)) { - buf_size = NUM_ISO_PACKETS_B*SIZE_ISO_PACKETS_B_OUT + B_FLOW_ADJUST; + if (b_out->flow_event & (OUT_DOWN | OUT_UNDERRUN)) { + buf_size = NUM_ISO_PACKETS_B * SIZE_ISO_PACKETS_B_OUT + B_FLOW_ADJUST; packet_size = SIZE_ISO_PACKETS_B_OUT + B_FLOW_ADJUST; - DBG(4,"B%d,adjust flow,add %d bytes",bcs->channel+1,B_FLOW_ADJUST); - } else if(b_out->flow_event & OUT_UP){ - buf_size = NUM_ISO_PACKETS_B*SIZE_ISO_PACKETS_B_OUT - B_FLOW_ADJUST; + DBG(4, "B%d,adjust flow,add %d bytes", bcs->channel + 1, B_FLOW_ADJUST); + } else if (b_out->flow_event & OUT_UP) { + buf_size = NUM_ISO_PACKETS_B * SIZE_ISO_PACKETS_B_OUT - B_FLOW_ADJUST; packet_size = SIZE_ISO_PACKETS_B_OUT - B_FLOW_ADJUST; - DBG(4,"B%d,adjust flow,remove %d bytes",bcs->channel+1,B_FLOW_ADJUST); + DBG(4, "B%d,adjust flow,remove %d bytes", bcs->channel + 1, B_FLOW_ADJUST); } else { - buf_size = NUM_ISO_PACKETS_B*SIZE_ISO_PACKETS_B_OUT; + buf_size = NUM_ISO_PACKETS_B * SIZE_ISO_PACKETS_B_OUT; packet_size = 8; } b_out->flow_event = 0; @@ -62,15 +62,15 @@ static void usb_b_out(struct st5481_bcs *bcs,int buf_nr) while (len < buf_size) { if ((skb = b_out->tx_skb)) { DBG_SKB(0x100, skb); - DBG(4,"B%d,len=%d",bcs->channel+1,skb->len); - - if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS) { + DBG(4, "B%d,len=%d", bcs->channel + 1, skb->len); + + if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS) { bytes_sent = buf_size - len; if (skb->len < bytes_sent) bytes_sent = skb->len; { /* swap tx bytes to get hearable audio data */ register unsigned char *src = skb->data; - register unsigned char *dest = urb->transfer_buffer+len; + register unsigned char *dest = urb->transfer_buffer + len; register unsigned int count; for (count = 0; count < bytes_sent; count++) *dest++ = bitrev8(*src++); @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ static void usb_b_out(struct st5481_bcs *bcs,int buf_nr) } else { len += isdnhdlc_encode(&b_out->hdlc_state, skb->data, skb->len, &bytes_sent, - urb->transfer_buffer+len, buf_size-len); + urb->transfer_buffer + len, buf_size-len); } skb_pull(skb, bytes_sent); @@ -90,21 +90,21 @@ static void usb_b_out(struct st5481_bcs *bcs,int buf_nr) B_L1L2(bcs, PH_DATA | CONFIRM, (void *)(unsigned long) skb->truesize); dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); -/* if (!(bcs->tx_skb = skb_dequeue(&bcs->sq))) { */ -/* st5481B_sched_event(bcs, B_XMTBUFREADY); */ -/* } */ +/* if (!(bcs->tx_skb = skb_dequeue(&bcs->sq))) { */ +/* st5481B_sched_event(bcs, B_XMTBUFREADY); */ +/* } */ } } else { if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS) { - memset(urb->transfer_buffer+len, 0xff, buf_size-len); + memset(urb->transfer_buffer + len, 0xff, buf_size-len); len = buf_size; } else { // Send flags len += isdnhdlc_encode(&b_out->hdlc_state, NULL, 0, &bytes_sent, - urb->transfer_buffer+len, buf_size-len); + urb->transfer_buffer + len, buf_size-len); } - } + } } // Prepare the URB @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ static void usb_b_out(struct st5481_bcs *bcs,int buf_nr) urb->number_of_packets = i; urb->dev = adapter->usb_dev; - DBG_ISO_PACKET(0x200,urb); + DBG_ISO_PACKET(0x200, urb); SUBMIT_URB(urb, GFP_NOIO); } @@ -131,12 +131,12 @@ static void st5481B_start_xfer(void *context) { struct st5481_bcs *bcs = context; - DBG(4,"B%d",bcs->channel+1); + DBG(4, "B%d", bcs->channel + 1); // Start transmitting (flags or data) on B channel - usb_b_out(bcs,0); - usb_b_out(bcs,1); + usb_b_out(bcs, 0); + usb_b_out(bcs, 1); } /* @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ static void led_blink(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) } else { leds &= ~GREEN_LED; } - + st5481_usb_device_ctrl_msg(adapter, GPIO_OUT, leds, NULL, NULL); } @@ -168,27 +168,27 @@ static void usb_b_out_complete(struct urb *urb) struct st5481_b_out *b_out = &bcs->b_out; struct st5481_adapter *adapter = bcs->adapter; int buf_nr; - + buf_nr = get_buf_nr(b_out->urb, urb); test_and_clear_bit(buf_nr, &b_out->busy); if (unlikely(urb->status < 0)) { switch (urb->status) { - case -ENOENT: - case -ESHUTDOWN: - case -ECONNRESET: - DBG(4,"urb killed status %d", urb->status); - return; // Give up - default: - WARNING("urb status %d",urb->status); - if (b_out->busy == 0) { - st5481_usb_pipe_reset(adapter, (bcs->channel+1)*2 | USB_DIR_OUT, NULL, NULL); - } - break; + case -ENOENT: + case -ESHUTDOWN: + case -ECONNRESET: + DBG(4, "urb killed status %d", urb->status); + return; // Give up + default: + WARNING("urb status %d", urb->status); + if (b_out->busy == 0) { + st5481_usb_pipe_reset(adapter, (bcs->channel + 1) * 2 | USB_DIR_OUT, NULL, NULL); + } + break; } } - usb_b_out(bcs,buf_nr); + usb_b_out(bcs, buf_nr); if (adapter->number_of_leds == 2) led_blink(adapter); @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ static void st5481B_mode(struct st5481_bcs *bcs, int mode) struct st5481_b_out *b_out = &bcs->b_out; struct st5481_adapter *adapter = bcs->adapter; - DBG(4,"B%d,mode=%d", bcs->channel + 1, mode); + DBG(4, "B%d,mode=%d", bcs->channel + 1, mode); if (bcs->mode == mode) return; @@ -223,14 +223,14 @@ static void st5481B_mode(struct st5481_bcs *bcs, int mode) features |= HDLC_56KBIT; isdnhdlc_out_init(&b_out->hdlc_state, features); } - st5481_usb_pipe_reset(adapter, (bcs->channel+1)*2, NULL, NULL); - + st5481_usb_pipe_reset(adapter, (bcs->channel + 1) * 2, NULL, NULL); + // Enable B channel interrupts - st5481_usb_device_ctrl_msg(adapter, FFMSK_B1+(bcs->channel*2), - OUT_UP+OUT_DOWN+OUT_UNDERRUN, NULL, NULL); + st5481_usb_device_ctrl_msg(adapter, FFMSK_B1 + (bcs->channel * 2), + OUT_UP + OUT_DOWN + OUT_UNDERRUN, NULL, NULL); // Enable B channel FIFOs - st5481_usb_device_ctrl_msg(adapter, OUT_B1_COUNTER+(bcs->channel*2), 32, st5481B_start_xfer, bcs); + st5481_usb_device_ctrl_msg(adapter, OUT_B1_COUNTER+(bcs->channel * 2), 32, st5481B_start_xfer, bcs); if (adapter->number_of_leds == 4) { if (bcs->channel == 0) { adapter->leds |= B1_LED; @@ -240,10 +240,10 @@ static void st5481B_mode(struct st5481_bcs *bcs, int mode) } } else { // Disble B channel interrupts - st5481_usb_device_ctrl_msg(adapter, FFMSK_B1+(bcs->channel*2), 0, NULL, NULL); + st5481_usb_device_ctrl_msg(adapter, FFMSK_B1+(bcs->channel * 2), 0, NULL, NULL); // Disable B channel FIFOs - st5481_usb_device_ctrl_msg(adapter, OUT_B1_COUNTER+(bcs->channel*2), 0, NULL, NULL); + st5481_usb_device_ctrl_msg(adapter, OUT_B1_COUNTER+(bcs->channel * 2), 0, NULL, NULL); if (adapter->number_of_leds == 4) { if (bcs->channel == 0) { @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ static void st5481B_mode(struct st5481_bcs *bcs, int mode) dev_kfree_skb_any(b_out->tx_skb); b_out->tx_skb = NULL; } - + } } @@ -268,9 +268,9 @@ static int st5481_setup_b_out(struct st5481_bcs *bcs) struct usb_interface *intf; struct usb_host_interface *altsetting = NULL; struct usb_host_endpoint *endpoint; - struct st5481_b_out *b_out = &bcs->b_out; + struct st5481_b_out *b_out = &bcs->b_out; - DBG(4,""); + DBG(4, ""); intf = usb_ifnum_to_if(dev, 0); if (intf) @@ -281,11 +281,11 @@ static int st5481_setup_b_out(struct st5481_bcs *bcs) // Allocate URBs and buffers for the B channel out endpoint = &altsetting->endpoint[EP_B1_OUT - 1 + bcs->channel * 2]; - DBG(4,"endpoint address=%02x,packet size=%d", + DBG(4, "endpoint address=%02x,packet size=%d", endpoint->desc.bEndpointAddress, le16_to_cpu(endpoint->desc.wMaxPacketSize)); // Allocate memory for 8000bytes/sec + extra bytes if underrun - return st5481_setup_isocpipes(b_out->urb, dev, + return st5481_setup_isocpipes(b_out->urb, dev, usb_sndisocpipe(dev, endpoint->desc.bEndpointAddress), NUM_ISO_PACKETS_B, SIZE_ISO_PACKETS_B_OUT, NUM_ISO_PACKETS_B * SIZE_ISO_PACKETS_B_OUT + B_FLOW_ADJUST, @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ static void st5481_release_b_out(struct st5481_bcs *bcs) { struct st5481_b_out *b_out = &bcs->b_out; - DBG(4,""); + DBG(4, ""); st5481_release_isocpipes(b_out->urb); } @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ int st5481_setup_b(struct st5481_bcs *bcs) { int retval; - DBG(4,""); + DBG(4, ""); retval = st5481_setup_b_out(bcs); if (retval) @@ -324,9 +324,9 @@ int st5481_setup_b(struct st5481_bcs *bcs) return 0; - err_b_out: +err_b_out: st5481_release_b_out(bcs); - err: +err: return retval; } @@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ int st5481_setup_b(struct st5481_bcs *bcs) */ void st5481_release_b(struct st5481_bcs *bcs) { - DBG(4,""); + DBG(4, ""); st5481_release_in(&bcs->b_in); st5481_release_b_out(bcs); @@ -365,12 +365,12 @@ void st5481_b_l2l1(struct hisax_if *ifc, int pr, void *arg) break; case PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST: mode = (long) arg; - DBG(4,"B%d,PH_ACTIVATE_REQUEST %ld", bcs->channel + 1, mode); + DBG(4, "B%d,PH_ACTIVATE_REQUEST %ld", bcs->channel + 1, mode); st5481B_mode(bcs, mode); B_L1L2(bcs, PH_ACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); break; case PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST: - DBG(4,"B%d,PH_DEACTIVATE_REQUEST", bcs->channel + 1); + DBG(4, "B%d,PH_DEACTIVATE_REQUEST", bcs->channel + 1); st5481B_mode(bcs, L1_MODE_NULL); B_L1L2(bcs, PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); break; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481_d.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481_d.c index db247b79e561eb66277b5918fa4642defcdd7363..e88c5c71fca7824dc514dec64249ca18cdb46b9b 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481_d.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481_d.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * Author Frode Isaksen * Copyright 2001 by Frode Isaksen * 2001 by Kai Germaschewski - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -32,22 +32,22 @@ static char *strL1State[] = static char *strL1Event[] = { - "EV_IND_DP", - "EV_IND_1", - "EV_IND_2", - "EV_IND_3", - "EV_IND_RSY", - "EV_IND_5", - "EV_IND_6", - "EV_IND_7", - "EV_IND_AP", - "EV_IND_9", - "EV_IND_10", - "EV_IND_11", + "EV_IND_DP", + "EV_IND_1", + "EV_IND_2", + "EV_IND_3", + "EV_IND_RSY", + "EV_IND_5", + "EV_IND_6", + "EV_IND_7", + "EV_IND_AP", + "EV_IND_9", + "EV_IND_10", + "EV_IND_11", "EV_IND_AI8", "EV_IND_AI10", "EV_IND_AIL", - "EV_IND_DI", + "EV_IND_DI", "EV_PH_ACTIVATE_REQ", "EV_PH_DEACTIVATE_REQ", "EV_TIMER3", @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ l1_go_f3(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if (fi->state == ST_L1_F7) ph_disconnect(adapter); - + FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L1_F3); D_L1L2(adapter, PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); } @@ -168,11 +168,11 @@ static struct FsmNode L1FnList[] __initdata = }; static __printf(2, 3) -void l1m_debug(struct FsmInst *fi, char *fmt, ...) + void l1m_debug(struct FsmInst *fi, char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char buf[256]; - + va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); DBG(8, "%s", buf); @@ -191,54 +191,54 @@ void l1m_debug(struct FsmInst *fi, char *fmt, ...) L1 FRAME D_OUT_STATE USB D CHANNEL -------- ----------- --- --------- - - FIXME - - -> [xx..xx] SHORT_INIT -> [7Exx..xxC1C27EFF] - SHORT_WAIT_DEN <> OUT_D_COUNTER=16 - - END_OF_SHORT <- DEN_EVENT -> 7Exx - xxxx - xxxx - xxxx - xxxx - xxxx - C1C1 - 7EFF - WAIT_FOR_RESET_IDLE <- D_UNDERRUN <- (8ms) - IDLE <> Reset pipe - - + + FIXME + + -> [xx..xx] SHORT_INIT -> [7Exx..xxC1C27EFF] + SHORT_WAIT_DEN <> OUT_D_COUNTER=16 + + END_OF_SHORT <- DEN_EVENT -> 7Exx + xxxx + xxxx + xxxx + xxxx + xxxx + C1C1 + 7EFF + WAIT_FOR_RESET_IDLE <- D_UNDERRUN <- (8ms) + IDLE <> Reset pipe + + Transmit long frame (>= 16 bytes of encoded data): L1 FRAME D_OUT_STATE USB D CHANNEL -------- ----------- --- --------- - -> [xx...xx] IDLE - WAIT_FOR_STOP <> OUT_D_COUNTER=0 - WAIT_FOR_RESET <> Reset pipe - STOP - INIT_LONG_FRAME -> [7Exx..xx] - WAIT_DEN <> OUT_D_COUNTER=16 - OUT_NORMAL <- DEN_EVENT -> 7Exx - END_OF_FRAME_BUSY -> [xxxx] xxxx - END_OF_FRAME_NOT_BUSY -> [xxxx] xxxx - -> [xxxx] xxxx - -> [C1C2] xxxx - -> [7EFF] xxxx - xxxx - xxxx - .... - xxxx - C1C2 - 7EFF - <- D_UNDERRUN <- (> 8ms) - WAIT_FOR_STOP <> OUT_D_COUNTER=0 - WAIT_FOR_RESET <> Reset pipe - STOP - -*/ + -> [xx...xx] IDLE + WAIT_FOR_STOP <> OUT_D_COUNTER=0 + WAIT_FOR_RESET <> Reset pipe + STOP + INIT_LONG_FRAME -> [7Exx..xx] + WAIT_DEN <> OUT_D_COUNTER=16 + OUT_NORMAL <- DEN_EVENT -> 7Exx + END_OF_FRAME_BUSY -> [xxxx] xxxx + END_OF_FRAME_NOT_BUSY -> [xxxx] xxxx + -> [xxxx] xxxx + -> [C1C2] xxxx + -> [7EFF] xxxx + xxxx + xxxx + .... + xxxx + C1C2 + 7EFF + <- D_UNDERRUN <- (> 8ms) + WAIT_FOR_STOP <> OUT_D_COUNTER=0 + WAIT_FOR_RESET <> Reset pipe + STOP + +*/ static struct Fsm dout_fsm; @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ static char *strDoutState[] = "ST_DOUT_NORMAL", "ST_DOUT_WAIT_FOR_UNDERRUN", - "ST_DOUT_WAIT_FOR_NOT_BUSY", + "ST_DOUT_WAIT_FOR_NOT_BUSY", "ST_DOUT_WAIT_FOR_STOP", "ST_DOUT_WAIT_FOR_RESET", }; @@ -271,11 +271,11 @@ static char *strDoutEvent[] = }; static __printf(2, 3) -void dout_debug(struct FsmInst *fi, char *fmt, ...) + void dout_debug(struct FsmInst *fi, char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char buf[256]; - + va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); DBG(0x2, "%s", buf); @@ -313,19 +313,19 @@ static void usb_d_out(struct st5481_adapter *adapter, int buf_nr) skb = d_out->tx_skb; buf_size = NUM_ISO_PACKETS_D * SIZE_ISO_PACKETS_D_OUT; - + if (skb) { len = isdnhdlc_encode(&d_out->hdlc_state, skb->data, skb->len, &bytes_sent, urb->transfer_buffer, buf_size); - skb_pull(skb,bytes_sent); + skb_pull(skb, bytes_sent); } else { // Send flags or idle len = isdnhdlc_encode(&d_out->hdlc_state, NULL, 0, &bytes_sent, urb->transfer_buffer, buf_size); } - + if (len < buf_size) { FsmChangeState(&d_out->fsm, ST_DOUT_WAIT_FOR_UNDERRUN); } @@ -354,15 +354,15 @@ static void usb_d_out(struct st5481_adapter *adapter, int buf_nr) urb->dev = adapter->usb_dev; // Need to transmit the next buffer 2ms after the DEN_EVENT urb->transfer_flags = 0; - urb->start_frame = usb_get_current_frame_number(adapter->usb_dev)+2; + urb->start_frame = usb_get_current_frame_number(adapter->usb_dev) + 2; - DBG_ISO_PACKET(0x20,urb); + DBG_ISO_PACKET(0x20, urb); if (usb_submit_urb(urb, GFP_KERNEL) < 0) { // There is another URB queued up urb->transfer_flags = URB_ISO_ASAP; SUBMIT_URB(urb, GFP_KERNEL); - } + } } static void fifo_reseted(void *context) @@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ static void usb_d_out_complete(struct urb *urb) struct st5481_adapter *adapter = urb->context; struct st5481_d_out *d_out = &adapter->d_out; long buf_nr; - + DBG(2, ""); buf_nr = get_buf_nr(d_out->urb, urb); @@ -385,17 +385,17 @@ static void usb_d_out_complete(struct urb *urb) if (unlikely(urb->status < 0)) { switch (urb->status) { - case -ENOENT: - case -ESHUTDOWN: - case -ECONNRESET: - DBG(1,"urb killed status %d", urb->status); - break; - default: - WARNING("urb status %d",urb->status); - if (d_out->busy == 0) { - st5481_usb_pipe_reset(adapter, EP_D_OUT | USB_DIR_OUT, fifo_reseted, adapter); - } - break; + case -ENOENT: + case -ESHUTDOWN: + case -ECONNRESET: + DBG(1, "urb killed status %d", urb->status); + break; + default: + WARNING("urb status %d", urb->status); + if (d_out->busy == 0) { + st5481_usb_pipe_reset(adapter, EP_D_OUT | USB_DIR_OUT, fifo_reseted, adapter); + } + break; } return; // Give up } @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ static void dout_start_xmit(struct FsmInst *fsm, int event, void *arg) skb = d_out->tx_skb; - DBG(2,"len=%d",skb->len); + DBG(2, "len=%d", skb->len); isdnhdlc_out_init(&d_out->hdlc_state, HDLC_DCHANNEL | HDLC_BITREVERSE); @@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ static void dout_start_xmit(struct FsmInst *fsm, int event, void *arg) urb->transfer_buffer, 16); skb_pull(skb, bytes_sent); - if(len < 16) + if (len < 16) FsmChangeState(&d_out->fsm, ST_DOUT_SHORT_INIT); else FsmChangeState(&d_out->fsm, ST_DOUT_LONG_INIT); @@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ static void dout_start_xmit(struct FsmInst *fsm, int event, void *arg) urb->dev = adapter->usb_dev; urb->transfer_flags = URB_ISO_ASAP; - DBG_ISO_PACKET(0x20,urb); + DBG_ISO_PACKET(0x20, urb); SUBMIT_URB(urb, GFP_KERNEL); } @@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ static void dout_long_enable_fifo(struct FsmInst *fsm, int event, void *arg) { struct st5481_adapter *adapter = fsm->userdata; struct st5481_d_out *d_out = &adapter->d_out; - + st5481_usb_device_ctrl_msg(adapter, OUT_D_COUNTER, 16, NULL, NULL); FsmChangeState(&d_out->fsm, ST_DOUT_LONG_WAIT_DEN); } @@ -619,8 +619,8 @@ static void ph_connect(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) struct st5481_d_out *d_out = &adapter->d_out; struct st5481_in *d_in = &adapter->d_in; - DBG(8,""); - + DBG(8, ""); + FsmChangeState(&d_out->fsm, ST_DOUT_NONE); // st5481_usb_device_ctrl_msg(adapter, FFMSK_D, OUT_UNDERRUN, NULL, NULL); @@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ static void ph_connect(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) */ static void ph_disconnect(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) { - DBG(8,""); + DBG(8, ""); st5481_in_mode(&adapter->d_in, L1_MODE_NULL); @@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ static int st5481_setup_d_out(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) struct usb_host_endpoint *endpoint; struct st5481_d_out *d_out = &adapter->d_out; - DBG(2,""); + DBG(2, ""); intf = usb_ifnum_to_if(dev, 0); if (intf) @@ -672,10 +672,10 @@ static int st5481_setup_d_out(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) // Allocate URBs and buffers for the D channel out endpoint = &altsetting->endpoint[EP_D_OUT-1]; - DBG(2,"endpoint address=%02x,packet size=%d", + DBG(2, "endpoint address=%02x,packet size=%d", endpoint->desc.bEndpointAddress, le16_to_cpu(endpoint->desc.wMaxPacketSize)); - return st5481_setup_isocpipes(d_out->urb, dev, + return st5481_setup_isocpipes(d_out->urb, dev, usb_sndisocpipe(dev, endpoint->desc.bEndpointAddress), NUM_ISO_PACKETS_D, SIZE_ISO_PACKETS_D_OUT, NUM_ISO_PACKETS_D * SIZE_ISO_PACKETS_D_OUT, @@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ static void st5481_release_d_out(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) { struct st5481_d_out *d_out = &adapter->d_out; - DBG(2,""); + DBG(2, ""); st5481_release_isocpipes(d_out->urb); } @@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ int st5481_setup_d(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) { int retval; - DBG(2,""); + DBG(2, ""); retval = st5481_setup_d_out(adapter); if (retval) @@ -726,15 +726,15 @@ int st5481_setup_d(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) return 0; - err_d_out: +err_d_out: st5481_release_d_out(adapter); - err: +err: return retval; } void st5481_release_d(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) { - DBG(2,""); + DBG(2, ""); st5481_release_in(&adapter->d_in); st5481_release_d_out(adapter); @@ -766,9 +766,9 @@ int __init st5481_d_init(void) return 0; - err_l1: +err_l1: FsmFree(&l1fsm); - err: +err: return retval; } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481_init.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481_init.c index 9f7fd18ff77304a0714d6ebc25a7e23d2978d55f..100296e20dc0d0aa9524231ddaa13bc5b785d384 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481_init.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481_init.c @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ * Author Frode Isaksen * Copyright 2001 by Frode Isaksen * 2001 by Kai Germaschewski - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * */ -/* +/* * TODO: * * b layer1 delay? @@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ static int probe_st5481(struct usb_interface *intf, int retval, i; printk(KERN_INFO "st541: found adapter VendorId %04x, ProductId %04x, LEDs %d\n", - le16_to_cpu(dev->descriptor.idVendor), - le16_to_cpu(dev->descriptor.idProduct), - number_of_leds); + le16_to_cpu(dev->descriptor.idVendor), + le16_to_cpu(dev->descriptor.idProduct), + number_of_leds); adapter = kzalloc(sizeof(struct st5481_adapter), GFP_KERNEL); if (!adapter) @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ static int probe_st5481(struct usb_interface *intf, b_if[i] = &adapter->bcs[i].b_if; if (hisax_register(&adapter->hisax_d_if, b_if, "st5481_usb", - protocol) != 0) + protocol) != 0) goto err_b1; st5481_start(adapter); @@ -113,15 +113,15 @@ static int probe_st5481(struct usb_interface *intf, usb_set_intfdata(intf, adapter); return 0; - err_b1: +err_b1: st5481_release_b(&adapter->bcs[1]); - err_b: +err_b: st5481_release_b(&adapter->bcs[0]); - err_d: +err_d: st5481_release_d(adapter); - err_usb: +err_usb: st5481_release_usb(adapter); - err: +err: kfree(adapter); return -EIO; } @@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ static void disconnect_st5481(struct usb_interface *intf) { struct st5481_adapter *adapter = usb_get_intfdata(intf); - DBG(1,""); + DBG(1, ""); usb_set_intfdata(intf, NULL); if (!adapter) return; - + st5481_stop(adapter); st5481_release_b(&adapter->bcs[1]); st5481_release_b(&adapter->bcs[0]); @@ -157,25 +157,25 @@ static void disconnect_st5481(struct usb_interface *intf) * The last 4 bits in the Product Id is set with 4 pins on the chip. */ static struct usb_device_id st5481_ids[] = { - { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID+0x0) }, - { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID+0x1) }, - { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID+0x2) }, - { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID+0x3) }, - { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID+0x4) }, - { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID+0x5) }, - { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID+0x6) }, - { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID+0x7) }, - { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID+0x8) }, - { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID+0x9) }, - { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID+0xA) }, - { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID+0xB) }, - { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID+0xC) }, - { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID+0xD) }, - { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID+0xE) }, - { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID+0xF) }, + { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID + 0x0) }, + { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID + 0x1) }, + { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID + 0x2) }, + { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID + 0x3) }, + { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID + 0x4) }, + { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID + 0x5) }, + { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID + 0x6) }, + { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID + 0x7) }, + { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID + 0x8) }, + { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID + 0x9) }, + { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID + 0xA) }, + { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID + 0xB) }, + { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID + 0xC) }, + { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID + 0xD) }, + { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID + 0xE) }, + { USB_DEVICE(ST_VENDOR_ID, ST5481_PRODUCT_ID + 0xF) }, { } }; -MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (usb, st5481_ids); +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(usb, st5481_ids); static struct usb_driver st5481_usb_driver = { .name = "st5481_usb", @@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ static int __init st5481_usb_init(void) return 0; - out_d_exit: +out_d_exit: st5481_d_exit(); - out: +out: return retval; } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481_usb.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481_usb.c index 159e8fa00fd67b223b76cb325b5699ae095bb343..017c67ea3f4c7681ef5fb0fbd66b7009b89ed14d 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481_usb.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/st5481_usb.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * Author Frode Isaksen * Copyright 2001 by Frode Isaksen * 2001 by Kai Germaschewski - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ static void usb_next_ctrl_msg(struct urb *urb, } if ((r_index = fifo_remove(&ctrl->msg_fifo.f)) < 0) { - test_and_clear_bit(0,&ctrl->busy); + test_and_clear_bit(0, &ctrl->busy); return; - } - urb->setup_packet = + } + urb->setup_packet = (unsigned char *)&ctrl->msg_fifo.data[r_index]; - - DBG(1,"request=0x%02x,value=0x%04x,index=%x", + + DBG(1, "request=0x%02x,value=0x%04x,index=%x", ((struct ctrl_msg *)urb->setup_packet)->dr.bRequest, ((struct ctrl_msg *)urb->setup_packet)->dr.wValue, ((struct ctrl_msg *)urb->setup_packet)->dr.wIndex); @@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ static void usb_ctrl_msg(struct st5481_adapter *adapter, struct st5481_ctrl *ctrl = &adapter->ctrl; int w_index; struct ctrl_msg *ctrl_msg; - + if ((w_index = fifo_add(&ctrl->msg_fifo.f)) < 0) { WARNING("control msg FIFO full"); return; } - ctrl_msg = &ctrl->msg_fifo.data[w_index]; - + ctrl_msg = &ctrl->msg_fifo.data[w_index]; + ctrl_msg->dr.bRequestType = requesttype; ctrl_msg->dr.bRequest = request; ctrl_msg->dr.wValue = cpu_to_le16p(&value); @@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ static void usb_ctrl_msg(struct st5481_adapter *adapter, * Asynchronous endpoint 0 device request. */ void st5481_usb_device_ctrl_msg(struct st5481_adapter *adapter, - u8 request, u16 value, - ctrl_complete_t complete, void *context) + u8 request, u16 value, + ctrl_complete_t complete, void *context) { - usb_ctrl_msg(adapter, request, - USB_DIR_OUT | USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE, + usb_ctrl_msg(adapter, request, + USB_DIR_OUT | USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE, value, 0, complete, context); } @@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ void st5481_usb_device_ctrl_msg(struct st5481_adapter *adapter, * Asynchronous pipe reset (async version of usb_clear_halt). */ void st5481_usb_pipe_reset(struct st5481_adapter *adapter, - u_char pipe, - ctrl_complete_t complete, void *context) + u_char pipe, + ctrl_complete_t complete, void *context) { - DBG(1,"pipe=%02x",pipe); + DBG(1, "pipe=%02x", pipe); usb_ctrl_msg(adapter, USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE, USB_DIR_OUT | USB_RECIP_ENDPOINT, @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ void st5481_usb_pipe_reset(struct st5481_adapter *adapter, void st5481_ph_command(struct st5481_adapter *adapter, unsigned int command) { - DBG(8,"command=%s", ST5481_CMD_string(command)); + DBG(8, "command=%s", ST5481_CMD_string(command)); st5481_usb_device_ctrl_msg(adapter, TXCI, command, NULL, NULL); } @@ -130,33 +130,33 @@ static void usb_ctrl_complete(struct urb *urb) struct st5481_adapter *adapter = urb->context; struct st5481_ctrl *ctrl = &adapter->ctrl; struct ctrl_msg *ctrl_msg; - + if (unlikely(urb->status < 0)) { switch (urb->status) { - case -ENOENT: - case -ESHUTDOWN: - case -ECONNRESET: - DBG(1,"urb killed status %d", urb->status); - return; // Give up - default: - WARNING("urb status %d",urb->status); - break; + case -ENOENT: + case -ESHUTDOWN: + case -ECONNRESET: + DBG(1, "urb killed status %d", urb->status); + return; // Give up + default: + WARNING("urb status %d", urb->status); + break; } } ctrl_msg = (struct ctrl_msg *)urb->setup_packet; - + if (ctrl_msg->dr.bRequest == USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE) { - /* Special case handling for pipe reset */ + /* Special case handling for pipe reset */ le16_to_cpus(&ctrl_msg->dr.wIndex); usb_reset_endpoint(adapter->usb_dev, ctrl_msg->dr.wIndex); } - + if (ctrl_msg->complete) ctrl_msg->complete(ctrl_msg->context); clear_bit(0, &ctrl->busy); - + // Try to send next control message usb_next_ctrl_msg(urb, adapter); return; @@ -181,23 +181,23 @@ static void usb_int_complete(struct urb *urb) int status; switch (urb->status) { - case 0: - /* success */ - break; - case -ECONNRESET: - case -ENOENT: - case -ESHUTDOWN: - /* this urb is terminated, clean up */ - DBG(2, "urb shutting down with status: %d", urb->status); - return; - default: - WARNING("nonzero urb status received: %d", urb->status); - goto exit; + case 0: + /* success */ + break; + case -ECONNRESET: + case -ENOENT: + case -ESHUTDOWN: + /* this urb is terminated, clean up */ + DBG(2, "urb shutting down with status: %d", urb->status); + return; + default: + WARNING("nonzero urb status received: %d", urb->status); + goto exit; } - + DBG_PACKET(2, data, INT_PKT_SIZE); - + if (urb->actual_length == 0) { goto exit; } @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ static void usb_int_complete(struct urb *urb) FsmEvent(&adapter->d_out.fsm, EV_DOUT_UNDERRUN, NULL); if (irqbyte & OUT_DOWN) -;// printk("OUT_DOWN\n"); + ;// printk("OUT_DOWN\n"); irqbyte = data[MPINT]; if (irqbyte & RXCI_INT) @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ static void usb_int_complete(struct urb *urb) urb->actual_length = 0; exit: - status = usb_submit_urb (urb, GFP_ATOMIC); + status = usb_submit_urb(urb, GFP_ATOMIC); if (status) WARNING("usb_submit_urb failed with result %d", status); } @@ -246,11 +246,11 @@ int st5481_setup_usb(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) int status; struct urb *urb; u8 *buf; - - DBG(2,""); - - if ((status = usb_reset_configuration (dev)) < 0) { - WARNING("reset_configuration failed,status=%d",status); + + DBG(2, ""); + + if ((status = usb_reset_configuration(dev)) < 0) { + WARNING("reset_configuration failed,status=%d", status); return status; } @@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ int st5481_setup_usb(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) return -ENXIO; // Check if the config is sane - if ( altsetting->desc.bNumEndpoints != 7 ) { + if (altsetting->desc.bNumEndpoints != 7) { WARNING("expecting 7 got %d endpoints!", altsetting->desc.bNumEndpoints); return -EINVAL; } @@ -271,8 +271,8 @@ int st5481_setup_usb(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) altsetting->endpoint[4].desc.wMaxPacketSize = __constant_cpu_to_le16(32); // Use alternative setting 3 on interface 0 to have 2B+D - if ((status = usb_set_interface (dev, 0, 3)) < 0) { - WARNING("usb_set_interface failed,status=%d",status); + if ((status = usb_set_interface(dev, 0, 3)) < 0) { + WARNING("usb_set_interface failed,status=%d", status); return status; } @@ -282,36 +282,36 @@ int st5481_setup_usb(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) return -ENOMEM; } ctrl->urb = urb; - + // Fill the control URB - usb_fill_control_urb (urb, dev, - usb_sndctrlpipe(dev, 0), - NULL, NULL, 0, usb_ctrl_complete, adapter); + usb_fill_control_urb(urb, dev, + usb_sndctrlpipe(dev, 0), + NULL, NULL, 0, usb_ctrl_complete, adapter); + - fifo_init(&ctrl->msg_fifo.f, ARRAY_SIZE(ctrl->msg_fifo.data)); // Allocate URBs and buffers for interrupt endpoint urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!urb) { + if (!urb) { return -ENOMEM; } intr->urb = urb; - + buf = kmalloc(INT_PKT_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); if (!buf) { return -ENOMEM; } endpoint = &altsetting->endpoint[EP_INT-1]; - + // Fill the interrupt URB usb_fill_int_urb(urb, dev, - usb_rcvintpipe(dev, endpoint->desc.bEndpointAddress), - buf, INT_PKT_SIZE, - usb_int_complete, adapter, - endpoint->desc.bInterval); - + usb_rcvintpipe(dev, endpoint->desc.bEndpointAddress), + buf, INT_PKT_SIZE, + usb_int_complete, adapter, + endpoint->desc.bInterval); + return 0; } @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ void st5481_release_usb(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) struct st5481_intr *intr = &adapter->intr; struct st5481_ctrl *ctrl = &adapter->ctrl; - DBG(1,""); + DBG(1, ""); // Stop and free Control and Interrupt URBs usb_kill_urb(ctrl->urb); @@ -343,33 +343,33 @@ void st5481_release_usb(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) */ void st5481_start(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) { - static const u8 init_cmd_table[]={ - SET_DEFAULT,0, - STT,0, - SDA_MIN,0x0d, - SDA_MAX,0x29, - SDELAY_VALUE,0x14, - GPIO_DIR,0x01, - GPIO_OUT,RED_LED, + static const u8 init_cmd_table[] = { + SET_DEFAULT, 0, + STT, 0, + SDA_MIN, 0x0d, + SDA_MAX, 0x29, + SDELAY_VALUE, 0x14, + GPIO_DIR, 0x01, + GPIO_OUT, RED_LED, // FFCTRL_OUT_D,4, // FFCTRH_OUT_D,12, - FFCTRL_OUT_B1,6, - FFCTRH_OUT_B1,20, - FFCTRL_OUT_B2,6, - FFCTRH_OUT_B2,20, - MPMSK,RXCI_INT+DEN_INT+DCOLL_INT, + FFCTRL_OUT_B1, 6, + FFCTRH_OUT_B1, 20, + FFCTRL_OUT_B2, 6, + FFCTRH_OUT_B2, 20, + MPMSK, RXCI_INT + DEN_INT + DCOLL_INT, 0 - }; + }; struct st5481_intr *intr = &adapter->intr; int i = 0; - u8 request,value; + u8 request, value; - DBG(8,""); + DBG(8, ""); - adapter->leds = RED_LED; + adapter->leds = RED_LED; // Start receiving on the interrupt endpoint - SUBMIT_URB(intr->urb, GFP_KERNEL); + SUBMIT_URB(intr->urb, GFP_KERNEL); while ((request = init_cmd_table[i++])) { value = init_cmd_table[i++]; @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ void st5481_start(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) */ void st5481_stop(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) { - DBG(8,""); + DBG(8, ""); st5481_usb_device_ctrl_msg(adapter, SET_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL); } @@ -394,22 +394,22 @@ void st5481_stop(struct st5481_adapter *adapter) static void fill_isoc_urb(struct urb *urb, struct usb_device *dev, - unsigned int pipe, void *buf, int num_packets, + unsigned int pipe, void *buf, int num_packets, int packet_size, usb_complete_t complete, - void *context) + void *context) { int k; - urb->dev=dev; - urb->pipe=pipe; + urb->dev = dev; + urb->pipe = pipe; urb->interval = 1; - urb->transfer_buffer=buf; + urb->transfer_buffer = buf; urb->number_of_packets = num_packets; - urb->transfer_buffer_length=num_packets*packet_size; + urb->transfer_buffer_length = num_packets * packet_size; urb->actual_length = 0; - urb->complete=complete; - urb->context=context; - urb->transfer_flags=URB_ISO_ASAP; + urb->complete = complete; + urb->context = context; + urb->transfer_flags = URB_ISO_ASAP; for (k = 0; k < num_packets; k++) { urb->iso_frame_desc[k].offset = packet_size * k; urb->iso_frame_desc[k].length = packet_size; @@ -418,10 +418,10 @@ fill_isoc_urb(struct urb *urb, struct usb_device *dev, } int -st5481_setup_isocpipes(struct urb* urb[2], struct usb_device *dev, - unsigned int pipe, int num_packets, - int packet_size, int buf_size, - usb_complete_t complete, void *context) +st5481_setup_isocpipes(struct urb *urb[2], struct usb_device *dev, + unsigned int pipe, int num_packets, + int packet_size, int buf_size, + usb_complete_t complete, void *context) { int j, retval; unsigned char *buf; @@ -436,15 +436,15 @@ st5481_setup_isocpipes(struct urb* urb[2], struct usb_device *dev, buf = kmalloc(buf_size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!buf) goto err; - + // Fill the isochronous URB - fill_isoc_urb(urb[j], dev, pipe, buf, + fill_isoc_urb(urb[j], dev, pipe, buf, num_packets, packet_size, complete, context); } return 0; - err: +err: for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (urb[j]) { kfree(urb[j]->transfer_buffer); @@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ st5481_setup_isocpipes(struct urb* urb[2], struct usb_device *dev, return retval; } -void st5481_release_isocpipes(struct urb* urb[2]) +void st5481_release_isocpipes(struct urb *urb[2]) { int j; @@ -471,8 +471,8 @@ void st5481_release_isocpipes(struct urb* urb[2]) /* * Decode frames received on the B/D channel. * Note that this function will be called continuously - * with 64Kbit/s / 16Kbit/s of data and hence it will be - * called 50 times per second with 20 ISOC descriptors. + * with 64Kbit/s / 16Kbit/s of data and hence it will be + * called 50 times per second with 20 ISOC descriptors. * Called at interrupt. */ static void usb_in_complete(struct urb *urb) @@ -484,18 +484,18 @@ static void usb_in_complete(struct urb *urb) if (unlikely(urb->status < 0)) { switch (urb->status) { - case -ENOENT: - case -ESHUTDOWN: - case -ECONNRESET: - DBG(1,"urb killed status %d", urb->status); - return; // Give up - default: - WARNING("urb status %d",urb->status); - break; + case -ENOENT: + case -ESHUTDOWN: + case -ECONNRESET: + DBG(1, "urb killed status %d", urb->status); + return; // Give up + default: + WARNING("urb status %d", urb->status); + break; } } - DBG_ISO_PACKET(0x80,urb); + DBG_ISO_PACKET(0x80, urb); len = st5481_isoc_flatten(urb); ptr = urb->transfer_buffer; @@ -506,14 +506,14 @@ static void usb_in_complete(struct urb *urb) len = 0; } else { status = isdnhdlc_decode(&in->hdlc_state, ptr, len, &count, - in->rcvbuf, in->bufsize); + in->rcvbuf, in->bufsize); ptr += count; len -= count; } - + if (status > 0) { // Good frame received - DBG(4,"count=%d",status); + DBG(4, "count=%d", status); DBG_PACKET(0x400, in->rcvbuf, status); if (!(skb = dev_alloc_skb(status))) { WARNING("receive out of memory\n"); @@ -542,14 +542,14 @@ int st5481_setup_in(struct st5481_in *in) struct usb_device *dev = in->adapter->usb_dev; int retval; - DBG(4,""); + DBG(4, ""); in->rcvbuf = kmalloc(in->bufsize, GFP_KERNEL); retval = -ENOMEM; if (!in->rcvbuf) goto err; - retval = st5481_setup_isocpipes(in->urb, dev, + retval = st5481_setup_isocpipes(in->urb, dev, usb_rcvisocpipe(dev, in->ep), in->num_packets, in->packet_size, in->num_packets * in->packet_size, @@ -558,51 +558,51 @@ int st5481_setup_in(struct st5481_in *in) goto err_free; return 0; - err_free: +err_free: kfree(in->rcvbuf); - err: +err: return retval; } void st5481_release_in(struct st5481_in *in) { - DBG(2,""); + DBG(2, ""); st5481_release_isocpipes(in->urb); } /* * Make the transfer_buffer contiguous by - * copying from the iso descriptors if necessary. + * copying from the iso descriptors if necessary. */ static int st5481_isoc_flatten(struct urb *urb) { - struct usb_iso_packet_descriptor *pipd,*pend; - unsigned char *src,*dst; + struct usb_iso_packet_descriptor *pipd, *pend; + unsigned char *src, *dst; unsigned int len; - + if (urb->status < 0) { return urb->status; } for (pipd = &urb->iso_frame_desc[0], pend = &urb->iso_frame_desc[urb->number_of_packets], - dst = urb->transfer_buffer; - pipd < pend; + dst = urb->transfer_buffer; + pipd < pend; pipd++) { - + if (pipd->status < 0) { return (pipd->status); } - + len = pipd->actual_length; pipd->actual_length = 0; - src = urb->transfer_buffer+pipd->offset; + src = urb->transfer_buffer + pipd->offset; if (src != dst) { // Need to copy since isoc buffers not full while (len--) { *dst++ = *src++; - } + } } else { // No need to copy, just update destination buffer dst += len; @@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ static void st5481_start_rcv(void *context) struct st5481_in *in = context; struct st5481_adapter *adapter = in->adapter; - DBG(4,""); + DBG(4, ""); in->urb[0]->dev = adapter->usb_dev; SUBMIT_URB(in->urb[0], GFP_KERNEL); @@ -654,4 +654,3 @@ void st5481_in_mode(struct st5481_in *in, int mode) 0, NULL, NULL); } } - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/tei.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/tei.c index 842f9c9e875dbb1c647e7737c470ed99e5077935..9195f9fd628f9c0c8c013286593a1655a5899bcf 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/tei.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/tei.c @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ * Author Karsten Keil * based on the teles driver from Jan den Ouden * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ enum { ST_TEI_IDVERIFY, }; -#define TEI_STATE_COUNT (ST_TEI_IDVERIFY+1) +#define TEI_STATE_COUNT (ST_TEI_IDVERIFY + 1) static char *strTeiState[] = { @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ enum { EV_T202, }; -#define TEI_EVENT_COUNT (EV_T202+1) +#define TEI_EVENT_COUNT (EV_T202 + 1) static char *strTeiEvent[] = { @@ -130,14 +130,14 @@ tei_id_request(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if (st->l2.tei != -1) { st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "assign request for already asigned tei %d", - st->l2.tei); + "assign request for already assigned tei %d", + st->l2.tei); return; } st->ma.ri = random_ri(); if (st->ma.debug) st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "assign request ri %d", st->ma.ri); + "assign request ri %d", st->ma.ri); put_tei_msg(st, ID_REQUEST, st->ma.ri, 127); FsmChangeState(&st->ma.tei_m, ST_TEI_IDREQ); FsmAddTimer(&st->ma.t202, st->ma.T202, EV_T202, NULL, 1); @@ -156,11 +156,11 @@ tei_id_assign(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) tei = skb->data[4] >> 1; if (st->ma.debug) st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "identity assign ri %d tei %d", ri, tei); + "identity assign ri %d tei %d", ri, tei); if ((ost = findtei(st, tei))) { /* same tei is in use */ if (ri != ost->ma.ri) { st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "possible duplicate assignment tei %d", tei); + "possible duplicate assignment tei %d", tei); ost->l2.l2tei(ost, MDL_ERROR | RESPONSE, NULL); } } else if (ri == st->ma.ri) { @@ -183,14 +183,14 @@ tei_id_test_dup(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) tei = skb->data[4] >> 1; if (st->ma.debug) st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "foreign identity assign ri %d tei %d", ri, tei); + "foreign identity assign ri %d tei %d", ri, tei); if ((ost = findtei(st, tei))) { /* same tei is in use */ if (ri != ost->ma.ri) { /* and it wasn't our request */ st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "possible duplicate assignment tei %d", tei); + "possible duplicate assignment tei %d", tei); FsmEvent(&ost->ma.tei_m, EV_VERIFY, NULL); } - } + } } static void @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ tei_id_denied(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) tei = skb->data[4] >> 1; if (st->ma.debug) st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "identity denied ri %d tei %d", ri, tei); + "identity denied ri %d tei %d", ri, tei); } static void @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ tei_id_chk_req(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) tei = skb->data[4] >> 1; if (st->ma.debug) st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "identity check req tei %d", tei); + "identity check req tei %d", tei); if ((st->l2.tei != -1) && ((tei == GROUP_TEI) || (tei == st->l2.tei))) { FsmDelTimer(&st->ma.t202, 4); FsmChangeState(&st->ma.tei_m, ST_TEI_NOP); @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ tei_id_remove(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) tei = skb->data[4] >> 1; if (st->ma.debug) st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "identity remove tei %d", tei); + "identity remove tei %d", tei); if ((st->l2.tei != -1) && ((tei == GROUP_TEI) || (tei == st->l2.tei))) { FsmDelTimer(&st->ma.t202, 5); FsmChangeState(&st->ma.tei_m, ST_TEI_NOP); @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ tei_id_verify(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if (st->ma.debug) st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "id verify request for tei %d", st->l2.tei); + "id verify request for tei %d", st->l2.tei); put_tei_msg(st, ID_VERIFY, 0, st->l2.tei); FsmChangeState(&st->ma.tei_m, ST_TEI_IDVERIFY); FsmAddTimer(&st->ma.t202, st->ma.T202, EV_T202, NULL, 2); @@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ tei_id_req_tout(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) st->ma.ri = random_ri(); if (st->ma.debug) st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "assign req(%d) ri %d", 4 - st->ma.N202, - st->ma.ri); + "assign req(%d) ri %d", 4 - st->ma.N202, + st->ma.ri); put_tei_msg(st, ID_REQUEST, st->ma.ri, 127); FsmAddTimer(&st->ma.t202, st->ma.T202, EV_T202, NULL, 3); } else { @@ -292,13 +292,13 @@ tei_id_ver_tout(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if (--st->ma.N202) { if (st->ma.debug) st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "id verify req(%d) for tei %d", - 3 - st->ma.N202, st->l2.tei); + "id verify req(%d) for tei %d", + 3 - st->ma.N202, st->l2.tei); put_tei_msg(st, ID_VERIFY, 0, st->l2.tei); FsmAddTimer(&st->ma.t202, st->ma.T202, EV_T202, NULL, 4); } else { st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "verify req for tei %d failed", st->l2.tei); + "verify req for tei %d failed", st->l2.tei); st->l3.l3l2(st, MDL_REMOVE | REQUEST, NULL); cs = (struct IsdnCardState *) st->l1.hardware; cs->cardmsg(cs, MDL_REMOVE | REQUEST, NULL); @@ -320,25 +320,25 @@ tei_l1l2(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) if (pr == (PH_DATA | INDICATION)) { if (skb->len < 3) { st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "short mgr frame %ld/3", skb->len); + "short mgr frame %ld/3", skb->len); } else if ((skb->data[0] != ((TEI_SAPI << 2) | 2)) || (skb->data[1] != ((GROUP_TEI << 1) | 1))) { st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "wrong mgr sapi/tei %x/%x", - skb->data[0], skb->data[1]); + "wrong mgr sapi/tei %x/%x", + skb->data[0], skb->data[1]); } else if ((skb->data[2] & 0xef) != UI) { st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "mgr frame is not ui %x", skb->data[2]); + "mgr frame is not ui %x", skb->data[2]); } else { skb_pull(skb, 3); if (skb->len < 5) { st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "short mgr frame %ld/5", skb->len); + "short mgr frame %ld/5", skb->len); } else if (skb->data[0] != TEI_ENTITY_ID) { /* wrong management entity identifier, ignore */ st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "tei handler wrong entity id %x", - skb->data[0]); + "tei handler wrong entity id %x", + skb->data[0]); } else { mt = skb->data[3]; if (mt == ID_ASSIGNED) @@ -351,13 +351,13 @@ tei_l1l2(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) FsmEvent(&st->ma.tei_m, EV_REMOVE, skb); else { st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "tei handler wrong mt %x\n", mt); + "tei handler wrong mt %x\n", mt); } } } } else { st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "tei handler wrong pr %x\n", pr); + "tei handler wrong pr %x\n", pr); } dev_kfree_skb(skb); } @@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ tei_l2tei(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) if (pr == (MDL_ASSIGN | INDICATION)) { if (st->ma.debug) st->ma.tei_m.printdebug(&st->ma.tei_m, - "fixed assign tei %d", st->l2.tei); + "fixed assign tei %d", st->l2.tei); st->l3.l3l2(st, MDL_ASSIGN | REQUEST, (void *) (long) st->l2.tei); cs = (struct IsdnCardState *) st->l1.hardware; cs->cardmsg(cs, MDL_ASSIGN | REQUEST, NULL); @@ -379,14 +379,14 @@ tei_l2tei(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) return; } switch (pr) { - case (MDL_ASSIGN | INDICATION): - FsmEvent(&st->ma.tei_m, EV_IDREQ, arg); - break; - case (MDL_ERROR | REQUEST): - FsmEvent(&st->ma.tei_m, EV_VERIFY, arg); - break; - default: - break; + case (MDL_ASSIGN | INDICATION): + FsmEvent(&st->ma.tei_m, EV_IDREQ, arg); + break; + case (MDL_ERROR | REQUEST): + FsmEvent(&st->ma.tei_m, EV_VERIFY, arg); + break; + default: + break; } } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/teleint.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/teleint.c index b0ce4ae45cbf4bd9b15089534cb4c6a1fff4a5c2..fa329e27cc5b0c07e78f80e95ae83090de7e090c 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/teleint.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/teleint.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ static const char *TeleInt_revision = "$Revision: $"; -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) static inline u_char @@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ readreg(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off) } static inline void -readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char * data, int size) +readfifo(unsigned int ale, unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char *data, int size) { register u_char ret; register int max_delay = 20000; register int i; - + byteout(ale, off); - for (i = 0; ihw.hfc.cip = 0; readfifo(cs->hw.hfc.addr | 1, cs->hw.hfc.addr, 0, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { cs->hw.hfc.cip = 0; writefifo(cs->hw.hfc.addr | 1, cs->hw.hfc.addr, 0, data, size); @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ TeleInt_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); val = readreg(cs->hw.hfc.addr | 1, cs->hw.hfc.addr, ISAC_ISTA); - Start_ISAC: +Start_ISAC: if (val) isac_interrupt(cs, val); val = readreg(cs->hw.hfc.addr | 1, cs->hw.hfc.addr, ISAC_ISTA); @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ TeleInt_Timer(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { int stat = 0; u_long flags; - + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); if (cs->bcs[0].mode) { stat |= 1; @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ TeleInt_Timer(struct IsdnCardState *cs) main_irq_hfc(&cs->bcs[1]); } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - stat = HZ/100; + stat = HZ / 100; if (!stat) stat = 1; cs->hw.hfc.timer.expires = jiffies + stat; @@ -229,34 +229,34 @@ TeleInt_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) int delay; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_TeleInt(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_TeleInt(cs); - return(0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_TeleInt(cs); - inithfc(cs); - clear_pending_isac_ints(cs); - initisac(cs); - /* Reenable all IRQ */ - cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MASK, 0); - cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_CMDR, 0x41); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - delay = HZ/100; - if (!delay) - delay = 1; - cs->hw.hfc.timer.expires = jiffies + delay; - add_timer(&cs->hw.hfc.timer); - return(0); - case CARD_TEST: - return(0); + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_TeleInt(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_TeleInt(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_TeleInt(cs); + inithfc(cs); + clear_pending_isac_ints(cs); + initisac(cs); + /* Reenable all IRQ */ + cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_MASK, 0); + cs->writeisac(cs, ISAC_CMDR, 0x41); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + delay = HZ / 100; + if (!delay) + delay = 1; + cs->hw.hfc.timer.expires = jiffies + delay; + add_timer(&cs->hw.hfc.timer); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } - return(0); + return (0); } int __devinit @@ -293,34 +293,34 @@ setup_TeleInt(struct IsdnCard *card) byteout(cs->hw.hfc.addr, cs->hw.hfc.addr & 0xff); byteout(cs->hw.hfc.addr | 1, ((cs->hw.hfc.addr & 0x300) >> 8) | 0x54); switch (cs->irq) { - case 3: - cs->hw.hfc.cirm |= HFC_INTA; - break; - case 4: - cs->hw.hfc.cirm |= HFC_INTB; - break; - case 5: - cs->hw.hfc.cirm |= HFC_INTC; - break; - case 7: - cs->hw.hfc.cirm |= HFC_INTD; - break; - case 10: - cs->hw.hfc.cirm |= HFC_INTE; - break; - case 11: - cs->hw.hfc.cirm |= HFC_INTF; - break; - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING "TeleInt: wrong IRQ\n"); - release_io_TeleInt(cs); - return (0); + case 3: + cs->hw.hfc.cirm |= HFC_INTA; + break; + case 4: + cs->hw.hfc.cirm |= HFC_INTB; + break; + case 5: + cs->hw.hfc.cirm |= HFC_INTC; + break; + case 7: + cs->hw.hfc.cirm |= HFC_INTD; + break; + case 10: + cs->hw.hfc.cirm |= HFC_INTE; + break; + case 11: + cs->hw.hfc.cirm |= HFC_INTF; + break; + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING "TeleInt: wrong IRQ\n"); + release_io_TeleInt(cs); + return (0); } byteout(cs->hw.hfc.addr | 1, cs->hw.hfc.cirm); byteout(cs->hw.hfc.addr | 1, cs->hw.hfc.ctmt); printk(KERN_INFO "TeleInt: defined at 0x%x IRQ %d\n", - cs->hw.hfc.addr, cs->irq); + cs->hw.hfc.addr, cs->irq); setup_isac(cs); cs->readisac = &ReadISAC; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/teles0.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/teles0.c index 3ca0bed1b88cab005b8a899b109ec03632038248..49b4a26f91e018be2490c5abf0afee7e65d4bb74 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/teles0.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/teles0.c @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * Author Karsten Keil * based on the teles driver from Jan den Ouden * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ static const char *teles0_revision = "$Revision: $"; #define TELES_IOMEM_SIZE 0x400 -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) static inline u_char @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ writehscx(void __iomem *adr, int hscx, u_char off, u_char data) } static inline void -read_fifo_isac(void __iomem *adr, u_char * data, int size) +read_fifo_isac(void __iomem *adr, u_char *data, int size) { register int i; register u_char __iomem *ad = adr + 0x100; @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ read_fifo_isac(void __iomem *adr, u_char * data, int size) } static inline void -write_fifo_isac(void __iomem *adr, u_char * data, int size) +write_fifo_isac(void __iomem *adr, u_char *data, int size) { register int i; register u_char __iomem *ad = adr + 0x100; @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ write_fifo_isac(void __iomem *adr, u_char * data, int size) } static inline void -read_fifo_hscx(void __iomem *adr, int hscx, u_char * data, int size) +read_fifo_hscx(void __iomem *adr, int hscx, u_char *data, int size) { register int i; register u_char __iomem *ad = adr + (hscx ? 0x1c0 : 0x180); @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ read_fifo_hscx(void __iomem *adr, int hscx, u_char * data, int size) } static inline void -write_fifo_hscx(void __iomem *adr, int hscx, u_char * data, int size) +write_fifo_hscx(void __iomem *adr, int hscx, u_char *data, int size) { int i; register u_char __iomem *ad = adr + (hscx ? 0x1c0 : 0x180); @@ -107,13 +107,13 @@ WriteISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) } static void -ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { read_fifo_isac(cs->hw.teles0.membase, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { write_fifo_isac(cs->hw.teles0.membase, data, size); } @@ -151,11 +151,11 @@ teles0_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); val = readhscx(cs->hw.teles0.membase, 1, HSCX_ISTA); - Start_HSCX: +Start_HSCX: if (val) hscx_int_main(cs, val); val = readisac(cs->hw.teles0.membase, ISAC_ISTA); - Start_ISAC: +Start_ISAC: if (val) isac_interrupt(cs, val); count++; @@ -197,33 +197,33 @@ reset_teles0(struct IsdnCardState *cs) if (cs->hw.teles0.cfg_reg) { switch (cs->irq) { - case 2: - case 9: - cfval = 0x00; - break; - case 3: - cfval = 0x02; - break; - case 4: - cfval = 0x04; - break; - case 5: - cfval = 0x06; - break; - case 10: - cfval = 0x08; - break; - case 11: - cfval = 0x0A; - break; - case 12: - cfval = 0x0C; - break; - case 15: - cfval = 0x0E; - break; - default: - return(1); + case 2: + case 9: + cfval = 0x00; + break; + case 3: + cfval = 0x02; + break; + case 4: + cfval = 0x04; + break; + case 5: + cfval = 0x06; + break; + case 10: + cfval = 0x08; + break; + case 11: + cfval = 0x0A; + break; + case 12: + cfval = 0x0C; + break; + case 15: + cfval = 0x0E; + break; + default: + return (1); } cfval |= ((cs->hw.teles0.phymem >> 9) & 0xF0); byteout(cs->hw.teles0.cfg_reg + 4, cfval); @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ reset_teles0(struct IsdnCardState *cs) HZDELAY(HZ / 5 + 1); writeb(1, cs->hw.teles0.membase + 0x80); mb(); HZDELAY(HZ / 5 + 1); - return(0); + return (0); } static int @@ -244,23 +244,23 @@ Teles_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_teles0(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_teles0(cs); - return(0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - inithscxisac(cs, 3); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_TEST: - return(0); + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_teles0(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_teles0(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + inithscxisac(cs, 3); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } - return(0); + return (0); } int __devinit @@ -283,14 +283,14 @@ setup_teles0(struct IsdnCard *card) if (card->para[1] < 0x10000) { card->para[1] <<= 4; printk(KERN_INFO - "Teles0: membase configured DOSish, assuming 0x%lx\n", + "Teles0: membase configured DOSish, assuming 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long) card->para[1]); } cs->irq = card->para[0]; if (cs->hw.teles0.cfg_reg) { if (!request_region(cs->hw.teles0.cfg_reg, 8, "teles cfg")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: %s config port %x-%x already in use\n", + "HiSax: %s config port %x-%x already in use\n", CardType[card->typ], cs->hw.teles0.cfg_reg, cs->hw.teles0.cfg_reg + 8); @@ -311,8 +311,8 @@ setup_teles0(struct IsdnCard *card) return (0); } val = bytein(cs->hw.teles0.cfg_reg + 2); /* 0x1e=without AB - * 0x1f=with AB - * 0x1c 16.3 ??? + * 0x1f=with AB + * 0x1c 16.3 ??? */ if (val != 0x1e && val != 0x1f) { printk(KERN_WARNING "Teles0: 16.0 Byte at %x is %x\n", @@ -326,10 +326,10 @@ setup_teles0(struct IsdnCard *card) cs->hw.teles0.phymem = card->para[1]; if (!request_mem_region(cs->hw.teles0.phymem, TELES_IOMEM_SIZE, "teles iomem")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: %s memory region %lx-%lx already in use\n", - CardType[card->typ], - cs->hw.teles0.phymem, - cs->hw.teles0.phymem + TELES_IOMEM_SIZE); + "HiSax: %s memory region %lx-%lx already in use\n", + CardType[card->typ], + cs->hw.teles0.phymem, + cs->hw.teles0.phymem + TELES_IOMEM_SIZE); if (cs->hw.teles0.cfg_reg) release_region(cs->hw.teles0.cfg_reg, 8); return (0); @@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ setup_teles0(struct IsdnCard *card) ISACVersion(cs, "Teles0:"); if (HscxVersion(cs, "Teles0:")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "Teles0: wrong HSCX versions check IO/MEM addresses\n"); + "Teles0: wrong HSCX versions check IO/MEM addresses\n"); release_io_teles0(cs); return (0); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/teles3.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/teles3.c index e9f5bb4cdffaabe64f2adf7cc76519d9088e4a78..220b919fafc3b8cb0f1e15be3f79ac19381fcec1 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/teles3.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/teles3.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Karsten Keil * Copyright by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ static const char *teles3_revision = "$Revision: $"; -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) static inline u_char @@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ writereg(unsigned int adr, u_char off, u_char data) static inline void -read_fifo(unsigned int adr, u_char * data, int size) +read_fifo(unsigned int adr, u_char *data, int size) { insb(adr, data, size); } static void -write_fifo(unsigned int adr, u_char * data, int size) +write_fifo(unsigned int adr, u_char *data, int size) { outsb(adr, data, size); } @@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ WriteISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) } static void -ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { read_fifo(cs->hw.teles3.isacfifo, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { write_fifo(cs->hw.teles3.isacfifo, data, size); } @@ -110,11 +110,11 @@ teles3_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); val = readreg(cs->hw.teles3.hscx[1], HSCX_ISTA); - Start_HSCX: +Start_HSCX: if (val) hscx_int_main(cs, val); val = readreg(cs->hw.teles3.isac, ISAC_ISTA); - Start_ISAC: +Start_ISAC: if (val) isac_interrupt(cs, val); count++; @@ -178,33 +178,33 @@ reset_teles3(struct IsdnCardState *cs) if (cs->typ != ISDN_CTYPE_TELESPCMCIA) { if ((cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg) && (cs->typ != ISDN_CTYPE_COMPAQ_ISA)) { switch (cs->irq) { - case 2: - case 9: - irqcfg = 0x00; - break; - case 3: - irqcfg = 0x02; - break; - case 4: - irqcfg = 0x04; - break; - case 5: - irqcfg = 0x06; - break; - case 10: - irqcfg = 0x08; - break; - case 11: - irqcfg = 0x0A; - break; - case 12: - irqcfg = 0x0C; - break; - case 15: - irqcfg = 0x0E; - break; - default: - return(1); + case 2: + case 9: + irqcfg = 0x00; + break; + case 3: + irqcfg = 0x02; + break; + case 4: + irqcfg = 0x04; + break; + case 5: + irqcfg = 0x06; + break; + case 10: + irqcfg = 0x08; + break; + case 11: + irqcfg = 0x0A; + break; + case 12: + irqcfg = 0x0C; + break; + case 15: + irqcfg = 0x0E; + break; + default: + return (1); } byteout(cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg + 4, irqcfg); HZDELAY(HZ / 10 + 1); @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ reset_teles3(struct IsdnCardState *cs) HZDELAY(2); } } - return(0); + return (0); } static int @@ -232,36 +232,36 @@ Teles_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - reset_teles3(cs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_teles3(cs); - return(0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - inithscxisac(cs, 3); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_TEST: - return(0); + case CARD_RESET: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + reset_teles3(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_teles3(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + inithscxisac(cs, 3); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } - return(0); + return (0); } #ifdef __ISAPNP__ static struct isapnp_device_id teles_ids[] __devinitdata = { { ISAPNP_VENDOR('T', 'A', 'G'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x2110), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('T', 'A', 'G'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x2110), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('T', 'A', 'G'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x2110), (unsigned long) "Teles 16.3 PnP" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('C', 'T', 'X'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('C', 'T', 'X'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('C', 'T', 'X'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x0), (unsigned long) "Creatix 16.3 PnP" }, { ISAPNP_VENDOR('C', 'P', 'Q'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x1002), - ISAPNP_VENDOR('C', 'P', 'Q'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x1002), + ISAPNP_VENDOR('C', 'P', 'Q'), ISAPNP_FUNCTION(0x1002), (unsigned long) "Compaq ISDN S0" }, { 0, } }; @@ -286,22 +286,22 @@ setup_teles3(struct IsdnCard *card) #ifdef __ISAPNP__ if (!card->para[1] && isapnp_present()) { struct pnp_dev *pnp_d; - while(ipid->card_vendor) { + while (ipid->card_vendor) { if ((pnp_c = pnp_find_card(ipid->card_vendor, - ipid->card_device, pnp_c))) { + ipid->card_device, pnp_c))) { pnp_d = NULL; if ((pnp_d = pnp_find_dev(pnp_c, - ipid->vendor, ipid->function, pnp_d))) { + ipid->vendor, ipid->function, pnp_d))) { int err; printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: %s detected\n", - (char *)ipid->driver_data); + (char *)ipid->driver_data); pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); err = pnp_activate_dev(pnp_d); - if (err<0) { + if (err < 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: pnp_activate_dev ret(%d)\n", - __func__, err); - return(0); + __func__, err); + return (0); } card->para[3] = pnp_port_start(pnp_d, 2); card->para[2] = pnp_port_start(pnp_d, 1); @@ -309,9 +309,9 @@ setup_teles3(struct IsdnCard *card) card->para[0] = pnp_irq(pnp_d, 0); if (!card->para[0] || !card->para[1] || !card->para[2]) { printk(KERN_ERR "Teles PnP:some resources are missing %ld/%lx/%lx\n", - card->para[0], card->para[1], card->para[2]); + card->para[0], card->para[1], card->para[2]); pnp_disable_dev(pnp_d); - return(0); + return (0); } break; } else { @@ -320,21 +320,21 @@ setup_teles3(struct IsdnCard *card) } ipid++; pnp_c = NULL; - } + } if (!ipid->card_vendor) { printk(KERN_INFO "Teles PnP: no ISAPnP card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } } #endif if (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_16_3) { cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg = card->para[1]; switch (cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg) { - case 0x180: - case 0x280: - case 0x380: - cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg |= 0xc00; - break; + case 0x180: + case 0x280: + case 0x380: + cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg |= 0xc00; + break; } cs->hw.teles3.isac = cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg - 0x420; cs->hw.teles3.hscx[0] = cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg - 0xc20; @@ -374,9 +374,9 @@ setup_teles3(struct IsdnCard *card) if (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_COMPAQ_ISA) { if (!request_region(cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg, 1, "teles3 cfg")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: %s config port %x already in use\n", - CardType[card->typ], - cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg); + "HiSax: %s config port %x already in use\n", + CardType[card->typ], + cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg); return (0); } } else { @@ -385,14 +385,14 @@ setup_teles3(struct IsdnCard *card) "HiSax: %s config port %x-%x already in use\n", CardType[card->typ], cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg, - cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg + 8); + cs->hw.teles3.cfg_reg + 8); return (0); } } } if (!request_region(cs->hw.teles3.isac + 32, 32, "HiSax isac")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: %s isac ports %x-%x already in use\n", + "HiSax: %s isac ports %x-%x already in use\n", CardType[cs->typ], cs->hw.teles3.isac + 32, cs->hw.teles3.isac + 64); @@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ setup_teles3(struct IsdnCard *card) } if (!request_region(cs->hw.teles3.hscx[0] + 32, 32, "HiSax hscx A")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: %s hscx A ports %x-%x already in use\n", + "HiSax: %s hscx A ports %x-%x already in use\n", CardType[cs->typ], cs->hw.teles3.hscx[0] + 32, cs->hw.teles3.hscx[0] + 64); @@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ setup_teles3(struct IsdnCard *card) } if (!request_region(cs->hw.teles3.hscx[1] + 32, 32, "HiSax hscx B")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "HiSax: %s hscx B ports %x-%x already in use\n", + "HiSax: %s hscx B ports %x-%x already in use\n", CardType[cs->typ], cs->hw.teles3.hscx[1] + 32, cs->hw.teles3.hscx[1] + 64); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/teles_cs.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/teles_cs.c index 161a1938552ee6ba836c6a7a4ba6dcd9b459cd15..bfe94284b0d59b9c41b1a1a87d83d1269aff4bd8 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/teles_cs.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/teles_cs.c @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ /* $Id: teles_cs.c,v 2004/01/25 15:07:06 keil Exp $ */ /*====================================================================== - A teles S0 PCMCIA client driver + A teles S0 PCMCIA client driver - Based on skeleton by David Hinds, dhinds@allegro.stanford.edu - Written by Christof Petig, christof.petig@wtal.de - - Also inspired by ELSA PCMCIA driver - by Klaus Lichtenwalder - - Extensions to new hisax_pcmcia by Karsten Keil + Based on skeleton by David Hinds, dhinds@allegro.stanford.edu + Written by Christof Petig, christof.petig@wtal.de - minor changes to be compatible with kernel 2.4.x - by Jan.Schubert@GMX.li + Also inspired by ELSA PCMCIA driver + by Klaus Lichtenwalder -======================================================================*/ + Extensions to new hisax_pcmcia by Karsten Keil + + minor changes to be compatible with kernel 2.4.x + by Jan.Schubert@GMX.li + + ======================================================================*/ #include #include @@ -44,33 +44,33 @@ MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); static int protocol = 2; /* EURO-ISDN Default */ module_param(protocol, int, 0); -static int teles_cs_config(struct pcmcia_device *link) __devinit ; +static int teles_cs_config(struct pcmcia_device *link) __devinit; static void teles_cs_release(struct pcmcia_device *link); -static void teles_detach(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev) __devexit ; +static void teles_detach(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev) __devexit; typedef struct local_info_t { struct pcmcia_device *p_dev; - int busy; - int cardnr; + int busy; + int cardnr; } local_info_t; static int __devinit teles_probe(struct pcmcia_device *link) { - local_info_t *local; + local_info_t *local; - dev_dbg(&link->dev, "teles_attach()\n"); + dev_dbg(&link->dev, "teles_attach()\n"); - /* Allocate space for private device-specific data */ - local = kzalloc(sizeof(local_info_t), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!local) return -ENOMEM; - local->cardnr = -1; + /* Allocate space for private device-specific data */ + local = kzalloc(sizeof(local_info_t), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!local) return -ENOMEM; + local->cardnr = -1; - local->p_dev = link; - link->priv = local; + local->p_dev = link; + link->priv = local; - link->config_flags |= CONF_ENABLE_IRQ | CONF_AUTO_SET_IO; + link->config_flags |= CONF_ENABLE_IRQ | CONF_AUTO_SET_IO; - return teles_cs_config(link); + return teles_cs_config(link); } /* teles_attach */ static void __devexit teles_detach(struct pcmcia_device *link) @@ -111,64 +111,64 @@ static int teles_cs_configcheck(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev, void *priv_data) static int __devinit teles_cs_config(struct pcmcia_device *link) { - int i; - IsdnCard_t icard; - - dev_dbg(&link->dev, "teles_config(0x%p)\n", link); - - i = pcmcia_loop_config(link, teles_cs_configcheck, NULL); - if (i != 0) - goto cs_failed; - - if (!link->irq) - goto cs_failed; - - i = pcmcia_enable_device(link); - if (i != 0) - goto cs_failed; - - icard.para[0] = link->irq; - icard.para[1] = link->resource[0]->start; - icard.protocol = protocol; - icard.typ = ISDN_CTYPE_TELESPCMCIA; - - i = hisax_init_pcmcia(link, &(((local_info_t*)link->priv)->busy), &icard); - if (i < 0) { - printk(KERN_ERR "teles_cs: failed to initialize Teles PCMCIA %d at i/o %#x\n", - i, (unsigned int) link->resource[0]->start); - teles_cs_release(link); - return -ENODEV; - } + int i; + IsdnCard_t icard; + + dev_dbg(&link->dev, "teles_config(0x%p)\n", link); + + i = pcmcia_loop_config(link, teles_cs_configcheck, NULL); + if (i != 0) + goto cs_failed; + + if (!link->irq) + goto cs_failed; + + i = pcmcia_enable_device(link); + if (i != 0) + goto cs_failed; - ((local_info_t*)link->priv)->cardnr = i; - return 0; + icard.para[0] = link->irq; + icard.para[1] = link->resource[0]->start; + icard.protocol = protocol; + icard.typ = ISDN_CTYPE_TELESPCMCIA; + + i = hisax_init_pcmcia(link, &(((local_info_t *)link->priv)->busy), &icard); + if (i < 0) { + printk(KERN_ERR "teles_cs: failed to initialize Teles PCMCIA %d at i/o %#x\n", + i, (unsigned int) link->resource[0]->start); + teles_cs_release(link); + return -ENODEV; + } + + ((local_info_t *)link->priv)->cardnr = i; + return 0; cs_failed: - teles_cs_release(link); - return -ENODEV; + teles_cs_release(link); + return -ENODEV; } /* teles_cs_config */ static void teles_cs_release(struct pcmcia_device *link) { - local_info_t *local = link->priv; + local_info_t *local = link->priv; - dev_dbg(&link->dev, "teles_cs_release(0x%p)\n", link); + dev_dbg(&link->dev, "teles_cs_release(0x%p)\n", link); - if (local) { - if (local->cardnr >= 0) { - /* no unregister function with hisax */ - HiSax_closecard(local->cardnr); + if (local) { + if (local->cardnr >= 0) { + /* no unregister function with hisax */ + HiSax_closecard(local->cardnr); + } } - } - pcmcia_disable_device(link); + pcmcia_disable_device(link); } /* teles_cs_release */ static int teles_suspend(struct pcmcia_device *link) { local_info_t *dev = link->priv; - dev->busy = 1; + dev->busy = 1; return 0; } @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ static int teles_resume(struct pcmcia_device *link) { local_info_t *dev = link->priv; - dev->busy = 0; + dev->busy = 0; return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/telespci.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/telespci.c index b85ceb3746ce02b10d275599804d57d2c097087c..9c002c9dc7715c653957c9017f5c2113b66194ed 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/telespci.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/telespci.c @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ * Karsten Keil * Copyright by Ton van Rosmalen * by Karsten Keil - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ static const char *telespci_revision = "$Revision: $"; #define READ_DATA_HSCX (ZORAN_PO_GID1 | ZORAN_PO_GREG1) #define WRITE_DATA_HSCX (ZORAN_PO_WR | ZORAN_PO_GID1 | ZORAN_PO_GREG1) -#define ZORAN_WAIT_NOBUSY do { \ - portdata = readl(adr + 0x200); \ - } while (portdata & ZORAN_PO_RQ_PEN) +#define ZORAN_WAIT_NOBUSY do { \ + portdata = readl(adr + 0x200); \ + } while (portdata & ZORAN_PO_RQ_PEN) static inline u_char readisac(void __iomem *adr, u_char off) @@ -46,15 +46,15 @@ readisac(void __iomem *adr, u_char off) register unsigned int portdata; ZORAN_WAIT_NOBUSY; - + /* set address for ISAC */ writel(WRITE_ADDR_ISAC | off, adr + 0x200); ZORAN_WAIT_NOBUSY; - + /* read data from ISAC */ writel(READ_DATA_ISAC, adr + 0x200); ZORAN_WAIT_NOBUSY; - return((u_char)(portdata & ZORAN_PO_DMASK)); + return ((u_char)(portdata & ZORAN_PO_DMASK)); } static inline void @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ writeisac(void __iomem *adr, u_char off, u_char data) register unsigned int portdata; ZORAN_WAIT_NOBUSY; - + /* set address for ISAC */ writel(WRITE_ADDR_ISAC | off, adr + 0x200); ZORAN_WAIT_NOBUSY; @@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ readhscx(void __iomem *adr, int hscx, u_char off) ZORAN_WAIT_NOBUSY; /* set address for HSCX */ - writel(WRITE_ADDR_HSCX | ((hscx ? 0x40:0) + off), adr + 0x200); + writel(WRITE_ADDR_HSCX | ((hscx ? 0x40 : 0) + off), adr + 0x200); ZORAN_WAIT_NOBUSY; - + /* read data from HSCX */ writel(READ_DATA_HSCX, adr + 0x200); ZORAN_WAIT_NOBUSY; @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ writehscx(void __iomem *adr, int hscx, u_char off, u_char data) ZORAN_WAIT_NOBUSY; /* set address for HSCX */ - writel(WRITE_ADDR_HSCX | ((hscx ? 0x40:0) + off), adr + 0x200); + writel(WRITE_ADDR_HSCX | ((hscx ? 0x40 : 0) + off), adr + 0x200); ZORAN_WAIT_NOBUSY; /* write data to HSCX */ @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ writehscx(void __iomem *adr, int hscx, u_char off, u_char data) } static inline void -read_fifo_isac(void __iomem *adr, u_char * data, int size) +read_fifo_isac(void __iomem *adr, u_char *data, int size) { register unsigned int portdata; register int i; @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ read_fifo_isac(void __iomem *adr, u_char * data, int size) } static void -write_fifo_isac(void __iomem *adr, u_char * data, int size) +write_fifo_isac(void __iomem *adr, u_char *data, int size) { register unsigned int portdata; register int i; @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ write_fifo_isac(void __iomem *adr, u_char * data, int size) } static inline void -read_fifo_hscx(void __iomem *adr, int hscx, u_char * data, int size) +read_fifo_hscx(void __iomem *adr, int hscx, u_char *data, int size) { register unsigned int portdata; register int i; @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ read_fifo_hscx(void __iomem *adr, int hscx, u_char * data, int size) /* read data from HSCX */ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { /* set address for HSCX fifo */ - writel(WRITE_ADDR_HSCX |(hscx ? 0x5F:0x1F), adr + 0x200); + writel(WRITE_ADDR_HSCX | (hscx ? 0x5F : 0x1F), adr + 0x200); ZORAN_WAIT_NOBUSY; writel(READ_DATA_HSCX, adr + 0x200); ZORAN_WAIT_NOBUSY; @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ read_fifo_hscx(void __iomem *adr, int hscx, u_char * data, int size) } static inline void -write_fifo_hscx(void __iomem *adr, int hscx, u_char * data, int size) +write_fifo_hscx(void __iomem *adr, int hscx, u_char *data, int size) { unsigned int portdata; register int i; @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ write_fifo_hscx(void __iomem *adr, int hscx, u_char * data, int size) /* write data to HSCX */ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { /* set address for HSCX fifo */ - writel(WRITE_ADDR_HSCX |(hscx ? 0x5F:0x1F), adr + 0x200); + writel(WRITE_ADDR_HSCX | (hscx ? 0x5F : 0x1F), adr + 0x200); ZORAN_WAIT_NOBUSY; writel(WRITE_DATA_HSCX | data[i], adr + 0x200); ZORAN_WAIT_NOBUSY; @@ -190,13 +190,13 @@ WriteISAC(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) } static void -ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { read_fifo_isac(cs->hw.teles0.membase, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { write_fifo_isac(cs->hw.teles0.membase, data, size); } @@ -267,20 +267,20 @@ TelesPCI_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) u_long flags; switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - return(0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - release_io_telespci(cs); - return(0); - case CARD_INIT: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - inithscxisac(cs, 3); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - return(0); - case CARD_TEST: - return(0); + case CARD_RESET: + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + release_io_telespci(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + inithscxisac(cs, 3); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } - return(0); + return (0); } static struct pci_dev *dev_tel __devinitdata = NULL; @@ -300,22 +300,22 @@ setup_telespci(struct IsdnCard *card) if (cs->typ != ISDN_CTYPE_TELESPCI) return (0); - if ((dev_tel = hisax_find_pci_device (PCI_VENDOR_ID_ZORAN, PCI_DEVICE_ID_ZORAN_36120, dev_tel))) { + if ((dev_tel = hisax_find_pci_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_ZORAN, PCI_DEVICE_ID_ZORAN_36120, dev_tel))) { if (pci_enable_device(dev_tel)) - return(0); + return (0); cs->irq = dev_tel->irq; if (!cs->irq) { printk(KERN_WARNING "Teles: No IRQ for PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } cs->hw.teles0.membase = ioremap(pci_resource_start(dev_tel, 0), - PAGE_SIZE); + PAGE_SIZE); printk(KERN_INFO "Found: Zoran, base-address: 0x%llx, irq: 0x%x\n", - (unsigned long long)pci_resource_start(dev_tel, 0), - dev_tel->irq); + (unsigned long long)pci_resource_start(dev_tel, 0), + dev_tel->irq); } else { printk(KERN_WARNING "TelesPCI: No PCI card found\n"); - return(0); + return (0); } /* Initialize Zoran PCI controller */ @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ setup_telespci(struct IsdnCard *card) ISACVersion(cs, "TelesPCI:"); if (HscxVersion(cs, "TelesPCI:")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "TelesPCI: wrong HSCX versions check IO/MEM addresses\n"); + "TelesPCI: wrong HSCX versions check IO/MEM addresses\n"); release_io_telespci(cs); return (0); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/w6692.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/w6692.c index e2cfb6f5aa4236ee917480085204623a38a35435..0f0d094af85b2e3427374446110648245cc53e0e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/w6692.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/w6692.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Petr Novak * Copyright by Petr Novak - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -69,33 +69,33 @@ static void W6692_new_ph(struct IsdnCardState *cs) { switch (cs->dc.w6692.ph_state) { - case (W_L1CMD_RST): - ph_command(cs, W_L1CMD_DRC); - l1_msg(cs, HW_RESET | INDICATION, NULL); - /* fallthru */ - case (W_L1IND_CD): - l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; - case (W_L1IND_DRD): - l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (W_L1IND_CE): - l1_msg(cs, HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM, NULL); - break; - case (W_L1IND_LD): - l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (W_L1IND_ARD): - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO2 | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (W_L1IND_AI8): - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - case (W_L1IND_AI10): - l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P10 | INDICATION, NULL); - break; - default: - break; + case (W_L1CMD_RST): + ph_command(cs, W_L1CMD_DRC); + l1_msg(cs, HW_RESET | INDICATION, NULL); + /* fallthru */ + case (W_L1IND_CD): + l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; + case (W_L1IND_DRD): + l1_msg(cs, HW_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (W_L1IND_CE): + l1_msg(cs, HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; + case (W_L1IND_LD): + l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (W_L1IND_ARD): + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO2 | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (W_L1IND_AI8): + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + case (W_L1IND_AI10): + l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P10 | INDICATION, NULL); + break; + default: + break; } } @@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ W6692_bh(struct work_struct *work) if (test_and_clear_bit(D_XMTBUFREADY, &cs->event)) DChannel_proc_xmt(cs); /* - if (test_and_clear_bit(D_RX_MON1, &cs->event)) - arcofi_fsm(cs, ARCOFI_RX_END, NULL); - if (test_and_clear_bit(D_TX_MON1, &cs->event)) - arcofi_fsm(cs, ARCOFI_TX_END, NULL); - */ + if (test_and_clear_bit(D_RX_MON1, &cs->event)) + arcofi_fsm(cs, ARCOFI_RX_END, NULL); + if (test_and_clear_bit(D_TX_MON1, &cs->event)) + arcofi_fsm(cs, ARCOFI_TX_END, NULL); +*/ } static void @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ W6692B_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs) count = bcs->tx_skb->len; if ((cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX) && !(cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO)) - debugl1(cs, "W6692B_fill_fifo%s%d", (more ? " ": " last "), count); + debugl1(cs, "W6692B_fill_fifo%s%d", (more ? " " : " last "), count); ptr = bcs->tx_skb->data; skb_pull(bcs->tx_skb, count); @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ W6692B_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char bchan) struct sk_buff *skb; int count; - bcs = (cs->bcs->channel == bchan) ? cs->bcs : (cs->bcs+1); + bcs = (cs->bcs->channel == bchan) ? cs->bcs : (cs->bcs + 1); val = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, bchan, W_B_EXIR); debugl1(cs, "W6692B chan %d B_EXIR 0x%02X", bchan, val); @@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ W6692B_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char bchan) r = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, bchan, W_B_STAR); if (r & W_B_STAR_RDOV) { if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "W6692 B RDOV(RMR) mode=%d",bcs->mode); + debugl1(cs, "W6692 B RDOV(RMR) mode=%d", bcs->mode); cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, bchan, W_B_CMDR, W_B_CMDR_RACK | W_B_CMDR_RRST | W_B_CMDR_RACT); if (bcs->mode != L1_MODE_TRANS) bcs->hw.w6692.rcvidx = 0; @@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ W6692B_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char bchan) W6692B_fill_fifo(bcs); else { /* Here we lost an TX interrupt, so - * restart transmitting the whole frame. + * restart transmitting the whole frame. */ if (bcs->tx_skb) { skb_push(bcs->tx_skb, bcs->hw.w6692.count); @@ -374,9 +374,9 @@ W6692B_interrupt(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char bchan) W6692B_fill_fifo(bcs); return; } else { - if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP,&bcs->st->lli.flag) && - (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { - u_long flags; + if (test_bit(FLG_LLI_L1WAKEUP, &bcs->st->lli.flag) && + (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) { + u_long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->aclock, flags); bcs->ackcnt += bcs->hw.w6692.count; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->aclock, flags); @@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ W6692_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); return IRQ_NONE; } - StartW6692: +StartW6692: if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "W6692 ISTA %x", val); @@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ W6692_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) } else schedule_event(cs, D_XMTBUFREADY); } - afterXFR: +afterXFR: if (val & (W_INT_XINT0 | W_INT_XINT1)) { /* XINT0/1 - never */ if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "W6692 spurious XINT!"); @@ -564,108 +564,108 @@ W6692_l1hw(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) int val; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) - LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) - dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); -#ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA Queued", 0); -#endif - } else { - cs->tx_skb = skb; - cs->tx_cnt = 0; + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) + LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) + dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA", 0); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA Queued", 0); #endif - W6692_fill_fifo(cs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, " l2l1 tx_skb exist this shouldn't happen"); - skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - } - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) - LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); - if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) - dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + } else { cs->tx_skb = skb; cs->tx_cnt = 0; #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA_PULLED", 0); + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA", 0); #endif W6692_fill_fifo(cs); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, " l2l1 tx_skb exist this shouldn't happen"); + skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); break; - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + } + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) + LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len); + if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) + dlogframe(cs, skb, 0); + cs->tx_skb = skb; + cs->tx_cnt = 0; #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) - debugl1(cs, "-> PH_REQUEST_PULL"); + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA_PULLED", 0); #endif - if (!cs->tx_skb) { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); - } else - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - break; - case (HW_RESET | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - if ((cs->dc.w6692.ph_state == W_L1IND_DRD)) { - ph_command(cs, W_L1CMD_ECK); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - } else { - ph_command(cs, W_L1CMD_RST); - cs->dc.w6692.ph_state = W_L1CMD_RST; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - W6692_new_ph(cs); - } - break; - case (HW_ENABLE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + W6692_fill_fifo(cs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): +#ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG /* psa */ + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) + debugl1(cs, "-> PH_REQUEST_PULL"); +#endif + if (!cs->tx_skb) { + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + } else + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + break; + case (HW_RESET | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + if ((cs->dc.w6692.ph_state == W_L1IND_DRD)) { ph_command(cs, W_L1CMD_ECK); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (HW_INFO3 | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); - ph_command(cs, W_L1CMD_AR8); + } else { + ph_command(cs, W_L1CMD_RST); + cs->dc.w6692.ph_state = W_L1CMD_RST; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): - val = 0; - if (1 & (long) arg) - val |= 0x0c; - if (2 & (long) arg) - val |= 0x3; - /* !!! not implemented yet */ - break; - case (HW_DEACTIVATE | RESPONSE): - skb_queue_purge(&cs->rq); - skb_queue_purge(&cs->sq); - if (cs->tx_skb) { - dev_kfree_skb_any(cs->tx_skb); - cs->tx_skb = NULL; - } - if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) - del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); - if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags)) - schedule_event(cs, D_CLEARBUSY); - break; - default: - if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) - debugl1(cs, "W6692_l1hw unknown %04x", pr); - break; + W6692_new_ph(cs); + } + break; + case (HW_ENABLE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + ph_command(cs, W_L1CMD_ECK); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_INFO3 | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&cs->lock, flags); + ph_command(cs, W_L1CMD_AR8); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (HW_TESTLOOP | REQUEST): + val = 0; + if (1 & (long) arg) + val |= 0x0c; + if (2 & (long) arg) + val |= 0x3; + /* !!! not implemented yet */ + break; + case (HW_DEACTIVATE | RESPONSE): + skb_queue_purge(&cs->rq); + skb_queue_purge(&cs->sq); + if (cs->tx_skb) { + dev_kfree_skb_any(cs->tx_skb); + cs->tx_skb = NULL; + } + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) + del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer); + if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags)) + schedule_event(cs, D_CLEARBUSY); + break; + default: + if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN) + debugl1(cs, "W6692_l1hw unknown %04x", pr); + break; } } @@ -734,17 +734,17 @@ W6692Bmode(struct BCState *bcs, int mode, int bchan) bcs->hw.w6692.bchan = bchan; switch (mode) { - case (L1_MODE_NULL): - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, bchan, W_B_MODE, 0); - break; - case (L1_MODE_TRANS): - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, bchan, W_B_MODE, W_B_MODE_MMS); - break; - case (L1_MODE_HDLC): - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, bchan, W_B_MODE, W_B_MODE_ITF); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, bchan, W_B_ADM1, 0xff); - cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, bchan, W_B_ADM2, 0xff); - break; + case (L1_MODE_NULL): + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, bchan, W_B_MODE, 0); + break; + case (L1_MODE_TRANS): + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, bchan, W_B_MODE, W_B_MODE_MMS); + break; + case (L1_MODE_HDLC): + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, bchan, W_B_MODE, W_B_MODE_ITF); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, bchan, W_B_ADM1, 0xff); + cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, bchan, W_B_ADM2, 0xff); + break; } if (mode) cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, bchan, W_B_CMDR, W_B_CMDR_RRST | @@ -756,59 +756,59 @@ static void W6692_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg) { struct sk_buff *skb = arg; - struct BCState *bcs = st->l1.bcs; + struct BCState *bcs = st->l1.bcs; u_long flags; switch (pr) { - case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); - } else { - bcs->tx_skb = skb; - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - bcs->hw.w6692.count = 0; - bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): - if (bcs->tx_skb) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "W6692_l2l1: this shouldn't happen\n"); - break; - } - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + case (PH_DATA | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + skb_queue_tail(&bcs->squeue, skb); + } else { bcs->tx_skb = skb; + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); bcs->hw.w6692.count = 0; bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - break; - case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): - if (!bcs->tx_skb) { - test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); - } else - test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); - break; - case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - W6692Bmode(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): - l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); - break; - case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): - spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); - test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); - W6692Bmode(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); - st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | INDICATION): + if (bcs->tx_skb) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "W6692_l2l1: this shouldn't happen\n"); break; + } + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + bcs->tx_skb = skb; + bcs->hw.w6692.count = 0; + bcs->cs->BC_Send_Data(bcs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + break; + case (PH_PULL | REQUEST): + if (!bcs->tx_skb) { + test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL); + } else + test_and_set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags); + break; + case (PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + W6692Bmode(bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST): + l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg); + break; + case (PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM): + spin_lock_irqsave(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &bcs->Flag); + test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag); + W6692Bmode(bcs, 0, st->l1.bc); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bcs->cs->lock, flags); + st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL); + break; } } @@ -943,13 +943,13 @@ WriteW6692(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char offset, u_char value) } static void -ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +ReadISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { insb(cs->hw.w6692.iobase + W_D_RFIFO, data, size); } static void -WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char * data, int size) +WriteISACfifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char *data, int size) { outsb(cs->hw.w6692.iobase + W_D_XFIFO, data, size); } @@ -970,26 +970,26 @@ static int w6692_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg) { switch (mt) { - case CARD_RESET: - resetW6692(cs); - return (0); - case CARD_RELEASE: - cs->writeW6692(cs, W_IMASK, 0xff); - release_region(cs->hw.w6692.iobase, 256); - if (cs->subtyp == W6692_USR) { - cs->writeW6692(cs, W_XDATA, 0x04); - } - return (0); - case CARD_INIT: - initW6692(cs, 3); - return (0); - case CARD_TEST: - return (0); + case CARD_RESET: + resetW6692(cs); + return (0); + case CARD_RELEASE: + cs->writeW6692(cs, W_IMASK, 0xff); + release_region(cs->hw.w6692.iobase, 256); + if (cs->subtyp == W6692_USR) { + cs->writeW6692(cs, W_XDATA, 0x04); + } + return (0); + case CARD_INIT: + initW6692(cs, 3); + return (0); + case CARD_TEST: + return (0); } return (0); } -static int id_idx ; +static int id_idx; static struct pci_dev *dev_w6692 __devinitdata = NULL; @@ -1009,8 +1009,8 @@ setup_w6692(struct IsdnCard *card) while (id_list[id_idx].vendor_id) { dev_w6692 = hisax_find_pci_device(id_list[id_idx].vendor_id, - id_list[id_idx].device_id, - dev_w6692); + id_list[id_idx].device_id, + dev_w6692); if (dev_w6692) { if (pci_enable_device(dev_w6692)) continue; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/w6692.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/w6692.h index c79c81e0401f7f7b3acdd423a11e38da3dc66904..024b04d33e431158800d14dab2ba05d81440460e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/w6692.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/w6692.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * * Author Petr Novak * Copyright by Petr Novak - * + * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * @@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ /* B-channel FIFO read/write routines */ -#define READW6692BFIFO(cs,bchan,ptr,count) \ - insb(cs->hw.w6692.iobase+W_B_RFIFO+(bchan?0x40:0),ptr,count) +#define READW6692BFIFO(cs, bchan, ptr, count) \ + insb(cs->hw.w6692.iobase + W_B_RFIFO + (bchan ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, count) -#define WRITEW6692BFIFO(cs,bchan,ptr,count) \ - outsb(cs->hw.w6692.iobase+W_B_XFIFO+(bchan?0x40:0),ptr,count) +#define WRITEW6692BFIFO(cs, bchan, ptr, count) \ + outsb(cs->hw.w6692.iobase + W_B_XFIFO + (bchan ? 0x40 : 0), ptr, count) /* Specifications of W6692 registers */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/boardergo.c b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/boardergo.c index 3eb096f0ae1b848e109685f854cecafda87982c9..2aa2a0e082471e48e8b7ffc5f8845cd03fb6d693 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/boardergo.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/boardergo.c @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ #include "hysdn_defs.h" #include "boardergo.h" -#define byteout(addr,val) outb(val,addr) +#define byteout(addr, val) outb(val, addr) #define bytein(addr) inb(addr) /***************************************************/ @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ ergo_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id) static void ergo_irq_bh(struct work_struct *ugli_api) { - hysdn_card * card = container_of(ugli_api, hysdn_card, irq_queue); + hysdn_card *card = container_of(ugli_api, hysdn_card, irq_queue); tErgDpram *dpr; int again; unsigned long flags; @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ ergo_irq_bh(struct work_struct *ugli_api) /* stop the card (hardware reset) and disable interrupts */ /*********************************************************/ static void -ergo_stopcard(hysdn_card * card) +ergo_stopcard(hysdn_card *card) { unsigned long flags; unsigned char val; @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ ergo_stopcard(hysdn_card * card) /* enable or disable the cards error log. The event is queued if possible */ /**************************************************************************/ static void -ergo_set_errlog_state(hysdn_card * card, int on) +ergo_set_errlog_state(hysdn_card *card, int on) { unsigned long flags; @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ ergo_set_errlog_state(hysdn_card * card, int on) static const char TestText[36] = "This Message is filler, why read it"; static int -ergo_testram(hysdn_card * card) +ergo_testram(hysdn_card *card) { tErgDpram *dpr = card->dpram; @@ -212,12 +212,12 @@ ergo_testram(hysdn_card * card) /*****************************************************************************/ static int ergo_writebootimg(struct HYSDN_CARD *card, unsigned char *buf, - unsigned long offs) + unsigned long offs) { unsigned char *dst; tErgDpram *dpram; int cnt = (BOOT_IMG_SIZE >> 2); /* number of words to move and swap (byte order!) */ - + if (card->debug_flags & LOG_POF_CARD) hysdn_addlog(card, "ERGO: write bootldr offs=0x%lx ", offs); @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ ergo_waitpofready(struct HYSDN_CARD *card) /* enable the cards interrupt */ byteout(card->iobase + PCI9050_INTR_REG, bytein(card->iobase + PCI9050_INTR_REG) | - (PCI9050_INTR_REG_ENPCI | PCI9050_INTR_REG_EN1)); + (PCI9050_INTR_REG_ENPCI | PCI9050_INTR_REG_EN1)); card->irq_enabled = 1; /* we are ready to receive interrupts */ dpr->ToPcFlag = 0; /* reset data indicator */ @@ -363,15 +363,15 @@ ergo_waitpofready(struct HYSDN_CARD *card) dpr->ToPcInt = 1; /* interrupt to E1 for all cards */ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->hysdn_lock, flags); - if ((hynet_enable & (1 << card->myid)) - && (i = hysdn_net_create(card))) + if ((hynet_enable & (1 << card->myid)) + && (i = hysdn_net_create(card))) { ergo_stopcard(card); card->state = CARD_STATE_BOOTERR; return (i); } #ifdef CONFIG_HYSDN_CAPI - if((i = hycapi_capi_create(card))) { + if ((i = hycapi_capi_create(card))) { printk(KERN_WARNING "HYSDN: failed to create capi-interface.\n"); } #endif /* CONFIG_HYSDN_CAPI */ @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ ergo_waitpofready(struct HYSDN_CARD *card) /* Use only during module release. */ /************************************************************************************/ static void -ergo_releasehardware(hysdn_card * card) +ergo_releasehardware(hysdn_card *card) { ergo_stopcard(card); /* first stop the card if not already done */ free_irq(card->irq, card); /* release interrupt */ @@ -410,9 +410,9 @@ ergo_releasehardware(hysdn_card * card) /* Use only during module init. */ /*********************************************************************************/ int -ergo_inithardware(hysdn_card * card) +ergo_inithardware(hysdn_card *card) { - if (!request_region(card->iobase + PCI9050_INTR_REG, 1, "HYSDN")) + if (!request_region(card->iobase + PCI9050_INTR_REG, 1, "HYSDN")) return (-1); if (!request_region(card->iobase + PCI9050_USER_IO, 1, "HYSDN")) { release_region(card->iobase + PCI9050_INTR_REG, 1); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/boardergo.h b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/boardergo.h index c59422aa8c3fbd6b4adb2e034b44962c2ff07954..e99bd81c403485b94518a0e21cd58a7f64168e9f 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/boardergo.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/boardergo.h @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ /* following DPRAM layout copied from OS2-driver boarderg.h */ typedef struct ErgDpram_tag { -/*0000 */ unsigned char ToHyBuf[ERG_TO_HY_BUF_SIZE]; -/*0E00 */ unsigned char ToPcBuf[ERG_TO_PC_BUF_SIZE]; + /*0000 */ unsigned char ToHyBuf[ERG_TO_HY_BUF_SIZE]; + /*0E00 */ unsigned char ToPcBuf[ERG_TO_PC_BUF_SIZE]; /*1C00 */ unsigned char bSoftUart[SIZE_RSV_SOFT_UART]; /* size 0x1B0 */ @@ -37,22 +37,22 @@ typedef struct ErgDpram_tag { /*1DB9 unsigned long ucText[ERRLOG_TEXT_SIZE]; *//* ASCIIZ of len ucTextSize-1 */ /*1DF0 */ -/*1DF0 */ unsigned short volatile ToHyChannel; -/*1DF2 */ unsigned short volatile ToHySize; + /*1DF0 */ unsigned short volatile ToHyChannel; + /*1DF2 */ unsigned short volatile ToHySize; /*1DF4 */ unsigned char volatile ToHyFlag; /* !=0: msg for Hy waiting */ /*1DF5 */ unsigned char volatile ToPcFlag; /* !=0: msg for PC waiting */ -/*1DF6 */ unsigned short volatile ToPcChannel; -/*1DF8 */ unsigned short volatile ToPcSize; + /*1DF6 */ unsigned short volatile ToPcChannel; + /*1DF8 */ unsigned short volatile ToPcSize; /*1DFA */ unsigned char bRes1DBA[0x1E00 - 0x1DFA]; /* 6 bytes */ -/*1E00 */ unsigned char bRestOfEntryTbl[0x1F00 - 0x1E00]; -/*1F00 */ unsigned long TrapTable[62]; + /*1E00 */ unsigned char bRestOfEntryTbl[0x1F00 - 0x1E00]; + /*1F00 */ unsigned long TrapTable[62]; /*1FF8 */ unsigned char bRes1FF8[0x1FFB - 0x1FF8]; /* low part of reset vetor */ -/*1FFB */ unsigned char ToPcIntMetro; + /*1FFB */ unsigned char ToPcIntMetro; /* notes: * - metro has 32-bit boot ram - accessing * ToPcInt and ToHyInt would be the same; @@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ typedef struct ErgDpram_tag { * so E1 side should NOT change this byte * when writing! */ -/*1FFC */ unsigned char volatile ToHyNoDpramErrLog; + /*1FFC */ unsigned char volatile ToHyNoDpramErrLog; /* note: ToHyNoDpramErrLog is used to inform * boot loader, not to use DPRAM based * ErrLog; when DOS driver is rewritten * this becomes obsolete */ -/*1FFD */ unsigned char bRes1FFD; + /*1FFD */ unsigned char bRes1FFD; /*1FFE */ unsigned char ToPcInt; /* E1_intclear; on CHAMP2: E1_intset */ /*1FFF */ unsigned char ToHyInt; @@ -85,16 +85,16 @@ typedef struct ErgDpram_tag { #define PCI9050_INTR_REG 0x4C /* Interrupt register */ #define PCI9050_USER_IO 0x51 /* User I/O register */ - /* bitmask for PCI9050_INTR_REG: */ +/* bitmask for PCI9050_INTR_REG: */ #define PCI9050_INTR_REG_EN1 0x01 /* 1= enable (def.), 0= disable */ #define PCI9050_INTR_REG_POL1 0x02 /* 1= active high (def.), 0= active low */ #define PCI9050_INTR_REG_STAT1 0x04 /* 1= intr. active, 0= intr. not active (def.) */ #define PCI9050_INTR_REG_ENPCI 0x40 /* 1= PCI interrupts enable (def.) */ - /* bitmask for PCI9050_USER_IO: */ +/* bitmask for PCI9050_USER_IO: */ #define PCI9050_USER_IO_EN3 0x02 /* 1= disable , 0= enable (def.) */ #define PCI9050_USER_IO_DIR3 0x04 /* 1= output (def.), 0= input */ #define PCI9050_USER_IO_DAT3 0x08 /* 1= high (def.) , 0= low */ -#define PCI9050_E1_RESET ( PCI9050_USER_IO_DIR3) /* 0x04 */ -#define PCI9050_E1_RUN (PCI9050_USER_IO_DAT3|PCI9050_USER_IO_DIR3) /* 0x0C */ +#define PCI9050_E1_RESET (PCI9050_USER_IO_DIR3) /* 0x04 */ +#define PCI9050_E1_RUN (PCI9050_USER_IO_DAT3 | PCI9050_USER_IO_DIR3) /* 0x0C */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hycapi.c b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hycapi.c index 6299b06ae00912b64471dbb7a86b0ece1ed2ac72..931f916c9c235d33c753a3e8fda8ec6c7aea6eb5 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hycapi.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hycapi.c @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ #include "hysdn_defs.h" #include -static char hycapi_revision[]="$Revision: $"; +static char hycapi_revision[] = "$Revision: $"; -unsigned int hycapi_enable = 0xffffffff; +unsigned int hycapi_enable = 0xffffffff; module_param(hycapi_enable, uint, 0); typedef struct _hycapi_appl { @@ -48,18 +48,18 @@ static u16 hycapi_send_message(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, struct sk_buff *skb); static inline int _hycapi_appCheck(int app_id, int ctrl_no) { - if((ctrl_no <= 0) || (ctrl_no > CAPI_MAXCONTR) || (app_id <= 0) || + if ((ctrl_no <= 0) || (ctrl_no > CAPI_MAXCONTR) || (app_id <= 0) || (app_id > CAPI_MAXAPPL)) { printk(KERN_ERR "HYCAPI: Invalid request app_id %d for controller %d", app_id, ctrl_no); return -1; } - return ((hycapi_applications[app_id-1].ctrl_mask & (1 << (ctrl_no-1))) != 0); + return ((hycapi_applications[app_id - 1].ctrl_mask & (1 << (ctrl_no-1))) != 0); } /****************************** Kernel-Capi callback reset_ctr -******************************/ +******************************/ static void hycapi_reset_ctr(struct capi_ctr *ctrl) @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ hycapi_reset_ctr(struct capi_ctr *ctrl) /****************************** Kernel-Capi callback remove_ctr -******************************/ +******************************/ static void hycapi_remove_ctr(struct capi_ctr *ctrl) @@ -85,25 +85,25 @@ hycapi_remove_ctr(struct capi_ctr *ctrl) hysdn_card *card = NULL; #ifdef HYCAPI_PRINTFNAMES printk(KERN_NOTICE "HYCAPI hycapi_remove_ctr\n"); -#endif +#endif cinfo = (hycapictrl_info *)(ctrl->driverdata); - if(!cinfo) { + if (!cinfo) { printk(KERN_ERR "No hycapictrl_info set!"); return; - } + } card = cinfo->card; capi_ctr_suspend_output(ctrl); - for(i=0; icnr-1]) { - kfree_skb(hycapi_applications[i].listen_req[ctrl->cnr-1]); - hycapi_applications[i].listen_req[ctrl->cnr-1] = NULL; + for (i = 0; i < CAPI_MAXAPPL; i++) { + if (hycapi_applications[i].listen_req[ctrl->cnr - 1]) { + kfree_skb(hycapi_applications[i].listen_req[ctrl->cnr - 1]); + hycapi_applications[i].listen_req[ctrl->cnr - 1] = NULL; } } detach_capi_ctr(ctrl); ctrl->driverdata = NULL; kfree(card->hyctrlinfo); - + card->hyctrlinfo = NULL; } @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ hycapi_sendmsg_internal(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, struct sk_buff *skb) spin_lock_irq(&cinfo->lock); #ifdef HYCAPI_PRINTFNAMES - printk(KERN_NOTICE "hycapi_send_message\n"); + printk(KERN_NOTICE "hycapi_send_message\n"); #endif cinfo->skbs[cinfo->in_idx++] = skb; /* add to buffer list */ if (cinfo->in_idx >= HYSDN_MAX_CAPI_SKB) @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ hycapi_sendmsg_internal(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, struct sk_buff *skb) if (cinfo->sk_count >= HYSDN_MAX_CAPI_SKB) { /* inform upper layers we're full */ printk(KERN_ERR "HYSDN Card%d: CAPI-buffer overrun!\n", - card->myid); + card->myid); capi_ctr_suspend_output(ctrl); } cinfo->tx_skb = skb; @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ re-register any applications in the private list. ************************************************************/ -static void +static void hycapi_register_internal(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, __u16 appl, capi_register_params *rp) { @@ -161,9 +161,9 @@ hycapi_register_internal(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, __u16 appl, __u16 MessageBufferSize = 0; int slen = strlen(ExtFeatureDefaults); #ifdef HYCAPI_PRINTFNAMES - printk(KERN_NOTICE "hycapi_register_appl\n"); + printk(KERN_NOTICE "hycapi_register_appl\n"); #endif - MessageBufferSize = rp->level3cnt * rp->datablkcnt * rp->datablklen; + MessageBufferSize = rp->level3cnt * rp->datablkcnt * rp->datablklen; len = CAPI_MSG_BASELEN + 8 + slen + 1; if (!(skb = alloc_skb(len, GFP_ATOMIC))) { @@ -171,18 +171,18 @@ hycapi_register_internal(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, __u16 appl, card->myid); return; } - memcpy(skb_put(skb,sizeof(__u16)), &len, sizeof(__u16)); - memcpy(skb_put(skb,sizeof(__u16)), &appl, sizeof(__u16)); - memcpy(skb_put(skb,sizeof(__u8)), &_command, sizeof(_command)); - memcpy(skb_put(skb,sizeof(__u8)), &_subcommand, sizeof(_subcommand)); - memcpy(skb_put(skb,sizeof(__u16)), &MessageNumber, sizeof(__u16)); - memcpy(skb_put(skb,sizeof(__u16)), &MessageBufferSize, sizeof(__u16)); - memcpy(skb_put(skb,sizeof(__u16)), &(rp->level3cnt), sizeof(__u16)); - memcpy(skb_put(skb,sizeof(__u16)), &(rp->datablkcnt), sizeof(__u16)); - memcpy(skb_put(skb,sizeof(__u16)), &(rp->datablklen), sizeof(__u16)); - memcpy(skb_put(skb,slen), ExtFeatureDefaults, slen); - hycapi_applications[appl-1].ctrl_mask |= (1 << (ctrl->cnr-1)); - hycapi_send_message(ctrl, skb); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, sizeof(__u16)), &len, sizeof(__u16)); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, sizeof(__u16)), &appl, sizeof(__u16)); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, sizeof(__u8)), &_command, sizeof(_command)); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, sizeof(__u8)), &_subcommand, sizeof(_subcommand)); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, sizeof(__u16)), &MessageNumber, sizeof(__u16)); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, sizeof(__u16)), &MessageBufferSize, sizeof(__u16)); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, sizeof(__u16)), &(rp->level3cnt), sizeof(__u16)); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, sizeof(__u16)), &(rp->datablkcnt), sizeof(__u16)); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, sizeof(__u16)), &(rp->datablklen), sizeof(__u16)); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, slen), ExtFeatureDefaults, slen); + hycapi_applications[appl - 1].ctrl_mask |= (1 << (ctrl->cnr - 1)); + hycapi_send_message(ctrl, skb); } /************************************************************ @@ -200,12 +200,12 @@ static void hycapi_restart_internal(struct capi_ctr *ctrl) #ifdef HYCAPI_PRINTFNAMES printk(KERN_WARNING "HYSDN: hycapi_restart_internal"); #endif - for(i=0; icnr) == 1) { - hycapi_register_internal(ctrl, i+1, + for (i = 0; i < CAPI_MAXAPPL; i++) { + if (_hycapi_appCheck(i + 1, ctrl->cnr) == 1) { + hycapi_register_internal(ctrl, i + 1, &hycapi_applications[i].rp); - if(hycapi_applications[i].listen_req[ctrl->cnr-1]) { - skb = skb_copy(hycapi_applications[i].listen_req[ctrl->cnr-1], GFP_ATOMIC); + if (hycapi_applications[i].listen_req[ctrl->cnr - 1]) { + skb = skb_copy(hycapi_applications[i].listen_req[ctrl->cnr - 1], GFP_ATOMIC); hycapi_sendmsg_internal(ctrl, skb); } } @@ -220,35 +220,35 @@ The application is recorded in the internal list. *************************************************************/ static void -hycapi_register_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, __u16 appl, +hycapi_register_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, __u16 appl, capi_register_params *rp) { int MaxLogicalConnections = 0, MaxBDataBlocks = 0, MaxBDataLen = 0; hycapictrl_info *cinfo = (hycapictrl_info *)(ctrl->driverdata); hysdn_card *card = cinfo->card; int chk = _hycapi_appCheck(appl, ctrl->cnr); - if(chk < 0) { + if (chk < 0) { return; } - if(chk == 1) { + if (chk == 1) { printk(KERN_INFO "HYSDN: apl %d already registered\n", appl); return; } MaxBDataBlocks = rp->datablkcnt > CAPI_MAXDATAWINDOW ? CAPI_MAXDATAWINDOW : rp->datablkcnt; rp->datablkcnt = MaxBDataBlocks; - MaxBDataLen = rp->datablklen < 1024 ? 1024 : rp->datablklen ; + MaxBDataLen = rp->datablklen < 1024 ? 1024 : rp->datablklen; rp->datablklen = MaxBDataLen; - + MaxLogicalConnections = rp->level3cnt; if (MaxLogicalConnections < 0) { - MaxLogicalConnections = card->bchans * -MaxLogicalConnections; + MaxLogicalConnections = card->bchans * -MaxLogicalConnections; } if (MaxLogicalConnections == 0) { MaxLogicalConnections = card->bchans; } - + rp->level3cnt = MaxLogicalConnections; - memcpy(&hycapi_applications[appl-1].rp, + memcpy(&hycapi_applications[appl - 1].rp, rp, sizeof(capi_register_params)); } @@ -279,19 +279,19 @@ static void hycapi_release_internal(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, __u16 appl) card->myid); return; } - memcpy(skb_put(skb,sizeof(__u16)), &len, sizeof(__u16)); - memcpy(skb_put(skb,sizeof(__u16)), &appl, sizeof(__u16)); - memcpy(skb_put(skb,sizeof(__u8)), &_command, sizeof(_command)); - memcpy(skb_put(skb,sizeof(__u8)), &_subcommand, sizeof(_subcommand)); - memcpy(skb_put(skb,sizeof(__u16)), &MessageNumber, sizeof(__u16)); - hycapi_send_message(ctrl, skb); - hycapi_applications[appl-1].ctrl_mask &= ~(1 << (ctrl->cnr-1)); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, sizeof(__u16)), &len, sizeof(__u16)); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, sizeof(__u16)), &appl, sizeof(__u16)); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, sizeof(__u8)), &_command, sizeof(_command)); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, sizeof(__u8)), &_subcommand, sizeof(_subcommand)); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, sizeof(__u16)), &MessageNumber, sizeof(__u16)); + hycapi_send_message(ctrl, skb); + hycapi_applications[appl - 1].ctrl_mask &= ~(1 << (ctrl->cnr - 1)); } /****************************************************************** hycapi_release_appl -Release the application from the internal list an remove it's +Release the application from the internal list an remove it's registration at controller-level ******************************************************************/ @@ -301,15 +301,15 @@ hycapi_release_appl(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, __u16 appl) int chk; chk = _hycapi_appCheck(appl, ctrl->cnr); - if(chk<0) { + if (chk < 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "HYCAPI: Releasing invalid appl %d on controller %d\n", appl, ctrl->cnr); return; } - if(hycapi_applications[appl-1].listen_req[ctrl->cnr-1]) { - kfree_skb(hycapi_applications[appl-1].listen_req[ctrl->cnr-1]); - hycapi_applications[appl-1].listen_req[ctrl->cnr-1] = NULL; + if (hycapi_applications[appl - 1].listen_req[ctrl->cnr - 1]) { + kfree_skb(hycapi_applications[appl - 1].listen_req[ctrl->cnr - 1]); + hycapi_applications[appl - 1].listen_req[ctrl->cnr - 1] = NULL; } - if(chk == 1) + if (chk == 1) { hycapi_release_internal(ctrl, appl); } @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ int hycapi_capi_release(hysdn_card *card) #ifdef HYCAPI_PRINTFNAMES printk(KERN_NOTICE "hycapi_capi_release\n"); #endif - if(cinfo) { + if (cinfo) { ctrl = &cinfo->capi_ctrl; hycapi_remove_ctr(ctrl); } @@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ int hycapi_capi_stop(hysdn_card *card) #ifdef HYCAPI_PRINTFNAMES printk(KERN_NOTICE "hycapi_capi_stop\n"); #endif - if(cinfo) { + if (cinfo) { ctrl = &cinfo->capi_ctrl; /* ctrl->suspend_output(ctrl); */ capi_ctr_down(ctrl); @@ -377,59 +377,59 @@ static u16 hycapi_send_message(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, struct sk_buff *skb) u16 retval = CAPI_NOERROR; appl_id = CAPIMSG_APPID(skb->data); - switch(_hycapi_appCheck(appl_id, ctrl->cnr)) + switch (_hycapi_appCheck(appl_id, ctrl->cnr)) { - case 0: + case 0: /* printk(KERN_INFO "Need to register\n"); */ - hycapi_register_internal(ctrl, - appl_id, - &(hycapi_applications[appl_id-1].rp)); - break; - case 1: - break; - default: - printk(KERN_ERR "HYCAPI: Controller mixup!\n"); - retval = CAPI_ILLAPPNR; - goto out; + hycapi_register_internal(ctrl, + appl_id, + &(hycapi_applications[appl_id - 1].rp)); + break; + case 1: + break; + default: + printk(KERN_ERR "HYCAPI: Controller mixup!\n"); + retval = CAPI_ILLAPPNR; + goto out; } - switch(CAPIMSG_CMD(skb->data)) { - case CAPI_DISCONNECT_B3_RESP: - capilib_free_ncci(&cinfo->ncci_head, appl_id, - CAPIMSG_NCCI(skb->data)); - break; - case CAPI_DATA_B3_REQ: - _len = CAPIMSG_LEN(skb->data); - if (_len > 22) { - _len2 = _len - 22; - skb_copy_from_linear_data(skb, msghead, 22); - skb_copy_to_linear_data_offset(skb, _len2, - msghead, 22); - skb_pull(skb, _len2); - CAPIMSG_SETLEN(skb->data, 22); - retval = capilib_data_b3_req(&cinfo->ncci_head, - CAPIMSG_APPID(skb->data), - CAPIMSG_NCCI(skb->data), - CAPIMSG_MSGID(skb->data)); - } - break; - case CAPI_LISTEN_REQ: - if(hycapi_applications[appl_id-1].listen_req[ctrl->cnr-1]) - { - kfree_skb(hycapi_applications[appl_id-1].listen_req[ctrl->cnr-1]); - hycapi_applications[appl_id-1].listen_req[ctrl->cnr-1] = NULL; - } - if (!(hycapi_applications[appl_id-1].listen_req[ctrl->cnr-1] = skb_copy(skb, GFP_ATOMIC))) - { - printk(KERN_ERR "HYSDN: memory squeeze in private_listen\n"); - } - break; - default: - break; + switch (CAPIMSG_CMD(skb->data)) { + case CAPI_DISCONNECT_B3_RESP: + capilib_free_ncci(&cinfo->ncci_head, appl_id, + CAPIMSG_NCCI(skb->data)); + break; + case CAPI_DATA_B3_REQ: + _len = CAPIMSG_LEN(skb->data); + if (_len > 22) { + _len2 = _len - 22; + skb_copy_from_linear_data(skb, msghead, 22); + skb_copy_to_linear_data_offset(skb, _len2, + msghead, 22); + skb_pull(skb, _len2); + CAPIMSG_SETLEN(skb->data, 22); + retval = capilib_data_b3_req(&cinfo->ncci_head, + CAPIMSG_APPID(skb->data), + CAPIMSG_NCCI(skb->data), + CAPIMSG_MSGID(skb->data)); + } + break; + case CAPI_LISTEN_REQ: + if (hycapi_applications[appl_id - 1].listen_req[ctrl->cnr - 1]) + { + kfree_skb(hycapi_applications[appl_id - 1].listen_req[ctrl->cnr - 1]); + hycapi_applications[appl_id - 1].listen_req[ctrl->cnr - 1] = NULL; + } + if (!(hycapi_applications[appl_id -1].listen_req[ctrl->cnr - 1] = skb_copy(skb, GFP_ATOMIC))) + { + printk(KERN_ERR "HYSDN: memory squeeze in private_listen\n"); + } + break; + default: + break; } - out: +out: if (retval == CAPI_NOERROR) hycapi_sendmsg_internal(ctrl, skb); - else + else dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); return retval; @@ -445,14 +445,14 @@ static int hycapi_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) seq_printf(m, "%-16s %s\n", "name", cinfo->cardname); seq_printf(m, "%-16s 0x%x\n", "io", card->iobase); seq_printf(m, "%-16s %d\n", "irq", card->irq); - + switch (card->brdtype) { - case BD_PCCARD: s = "HYSDN Hycard"; break; - case BD_ERGO: s = "HYSDN Ergo2"; break; - case BD_METRO: s = "HYSDN Metro4"; break; - case BD_CHAMP2: s = "HYSDN Champ2"; break; - case BD_PLEXUS: s = "HYSDN Plexus30"; break; - default: s = "???"; break; + case BD_PCCARD: s = "HYSDN Hycard"; break; + case BD_ERGO: s = "HYSDN Ergo2"; break; + case BD_METRO: s = "HYSDN Metro4"; break; + case BD_CHAMP2: s = "HYSDN Champ2"; break; + case BD_PLEXUS: s = "HYSDN Plexus30"; break; + default: s = "???"; break; } seq_printf(m, "%-16s %s\n", "type", s); if ((s = cinfo->version[VER_DRIVER]) != NULL) @@ -461,9 +461,9 @@ static int hycapi_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) seq_printf(m, "%-16s %s\n", "ver_cardtype", s); if ((s = cinfo->version[VER_SERIAL]) != NULL) seq_printf(m, "%-16s %s\n", "ver_serial", s); - + seq_printf(m, "%-16s %s\n", "cardname", cinfo->cardname); - + return 0; } @@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ on capi-interface registration. static int hycapi_load_firmware(struct capi_ctr *ctrl, capiloaddata *data) { #ifdef HYCAPI_PRINTFNAMES - printk(KERN_NOTICE "hycapi_load_firmware\n"); + printk(KERN_NOTICE "hycapi_load_firmware\n"); #endif return 0; } @@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ static char *hycapi_procinfo(struct capi_ctr *ctrl) { hycapictrl_info *cinfo = (hycapictrl_info *)(ctrl->driverdata); #ifdef HYCAPI_PRINTFNAMES - printk(KERN_NOTICE "hycapi_proc_info\n"); + printk(KERN_NOTICE "hycapi_proc_info\n"); #endif if (!cinfo) return ""; @@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ New nccis are created if necessary. *******************************************************************/ void -hycapi_rx_capipkt(hysdn_card * card, unsigned char *buf, unsigned short len) +hycapi_rx_capipkt(hysdn_card *card, unsigned char *buf, unsigned short len) { struct sk_buff *skb; hycapictrl_info *cinfo = card->hyctrlinfo; @@ -533,24 +533,24 @@ hycapi_rx_capipkt(hysdn_card * card, unsigned char *buf, unsigned short len) __u16 ApplId; __u16 MsgLen, info; __u16 len2, CapiCmd; - __u32 CP64[2] = {0,0}; + __u32 CP64[2] = {0, 0}; #ifdef HYCAPI_PRINTFNAMES - printk(KERN_NOTICE "hycapi_rx_capipkt\n"); + printk(KERN_NOTICE "hycapi_rx_capipkt\n"); #endif - if(!cinfo) { + if (!cinfo) { return; } ctrl = &cinfo->capi_ctrl; - if(len < CAPI_MSG_BASELEN) { + if (len < CAPI_MSG_BASELEN) { printk(KERN_ERR "HYSDN Card%d: invalid CAPI-message, length %d!\n", card->myid, len); return; - } + } MsgLen = CAPIMSG_LEN(buf); ApplId = CAPIMSG_APPID(buf); CapiCmd = CAPIMSG_CMD(buf); - - if((CapiCmd == CAPI_DATA_B3_IND) && (MsgLen < 30)) { + + if ((CapiCmd == CAPI_DATA_B3_IND) && (MsgLen < 30)) { len2 = len + (30 - MsgLen); if (!(skb = alloc_skb(len2, GFP_ATOMIC))) { printk(KERN_ERR "HYSDN Card%d: incoming packet dropped\n", @@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ hycapi_rx_capipkt(hysdn_card * card, unsigned char *buf, unsigned short len) return; } memcpy(skb_put(skb, MsgLen), buf, MsgLen); - memcpy(skb_put(skb, 2*sizeof(__u32)), CP64, 2* sizeof(__u32)); + memcpy(skb_put(skb, 2 * sizeof(__u32)), CP64, 2 * sizeof(__u32)); memcpy(skb_put(skb, len - MsgLen), buf + MsgLen, len - MsgLen); CAPIMSG_SETLEN(skb->data, 30); @@ -570,54 +570,54 @@ hycapi_rx_capipkt(hysdn_card * card, unsigned char *buf, unsigned short len) } memcpy(skb_put(skb, len), buf, len); } - switch(CAPIMSG_CMD(skb->data)) + switch (CAPIMSG_CMD(skb->data)) { - case CAPI_CONNECT_B3_CONF: + case CAPI_CONNECT_B3_CONF: /* Check info-field for error-indication: */ - info = CAPIMSG_U16(skb->data, 12); - switch(info) - { - case 0: - capilib_new_ncci(&cinfo->ncci_head, ApplId, CAPIMSG_NCCI(skb->data), - hycapi_applications[ApplId-1].rp.datablkcnt); - - break; - case 0x0001: - printk(KERN_ERR "HYSDN Card%d: NCPI not supported by current " - "protocol. NCPI ignored.\n", card->myid); - break; - case 0x2001: - printk(KERN_ERR "HYSDN Card%d: Message not supported in" - " current state\n", card->myid); - break; - case 0x2002: - printk(KERN_ERR "HYSDN Card%d: invalid PLCI\n", card->myid); - break; - case 0x2004: - printk(KERN_ERR "HYSDN Card%d: out of NCCI\n", card->myid); - break; - case 0x3008: - printk(KERN_ERR "HYSDN Card%d: NCPI not supported\n", - card->myid); - break; - default: - printk(KERN_ERR "HYSDN Card%d: Info in CONNECT_B3_CONF: %d\n", - card->myid, info); - break; - } + info = CAPIMSG_U16(skb->data, 12); + switch (info) + { + case 0: + capilib_new_ncci(&cinfo->ncci_head, ApplId, CAPIMSG_NCCI(skb->data), + hycapi_applications[ApplId - 1].rp.datablkcnt); + + break; + case 0x0001: + printk(KERN_ERR "HYSDN Card%d: NCPI not supported by current " + "protocol. NCPI ignored.\n", card->myid); break; - case CAPI_CONNECT_B3_IND: - capilib_new_ncci(&cinfo->ncci_head, ApplId, - CAPIMSG_NCCI(skb->data), - hycapi_applications[ApplId-1].rp.datablkcnt); + case 0x2001: + printk(KERN_ERR "HYSDN Card%d: Message not supported in" + " current state\n", card->myid); break; - case CAPI_DATA_B3_CONF: - capilib_data_b3_conf(&cinfo->ncci_head, ApplId, - CAPIMSG_NCCI(skb->data), - CAPIMSG_MSGID(skb->data)); + case 0x2002: + printk(KERN_ERR "HYSDN Card%d: invalid PLCI\n", card->myid); + break; + case 0x2004: + printk(KERN_ERR "HYSDN Card%d: out of NCCI\n", card->myid); + break; + case 0x3008: + printk(KERN_ERR "HYSDN Card%d: NCPI not supported\n", + card->myid); break; default: + printk(KERN_ERR "HYSDN Card%d: Info in CONNECT_B3_CONF: %d\n", + card->myid, info); break; + } + break; + case CAPI_CONNECT_B3_IND: + capilib_new_ncci(&cinfo->ncci_head, ApplId, + CAPIMSG_NCCI(skb->data), + hycapi_applications[ApplId - 1].rp.datablkcnt); + break; + case CAPI_DATA_B3_CONF: + capilib_data_b3_conf(&cinfo->ncci_head, ApplId, + CAPIMSG_NCCI(skb->data), + CAPIMSG_MSGID(skb->data)); + break; + default: + break; } capi_ctr_handle_message(ctrl, ApplId, skb); } @@ -630,13 +630,13 @@ internal queue. *******************************************************************/ -void hycapi_tx_capiack(hysdn_card * card) +void hycapi_tx_capiack(hysdn_card *card) { hycapictrl_info *cinfo = card->hyctrlinfo; #ifdef HYCAPI_PRINTFNAMES - printk(KERN_NOTICE "hycapi_tx_capiack\n"); + printk(KERN_NOTICE "hycapi_tx_capiack\n"); #endif - if(!cinfo) { + if (!cinfo) { return; } spin_lock_irq(&cinfo->lock); @@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ struct sk_buff * hycapi_tx_capiget(hysdn_card *card) { hycapictrl_info *cinfo = card->hyctrlinfo; - if(!cinfo) { + if (!cinfo) { return (struct sk_buff *)NULL; } if (!cinfo->sk_count) @@ -681,10 +681,10 @@ attach the capi-driver to the kernel-capi. int hycapi_init(void) { int i; - for(i=0;ihyctrlinfo; - if(!cinfo) return; + if (!cinfo) return; ctrl = &cinfo->capi_ctrl; - strcpy(ctrl->manu, "Hypercope"); + strcpy(ctrl->manu, "Hypercope"); ctrl->version.majorversion = 2; ctrl->version.minorversion = 0; ctrl->version.majormanuversion = 3; @@ -732,18 +732,18 @@ static void hycapi_fill_profile(hysdn_card *card) (card->faxchans ? B3_PROT_T30 : 0) | (card->faxchans ? B3_PROT_T30EXT : 0) | B3_PROT_ISO8208; -} +} -int +int hycapi_capi_create(hysdn_card *card) { hycapictrl_info *cinfo = NULL; struct capi_ctr *ctrl = NULL; int retval; #ifdef HYCAPI_PRINTFNAMES - printk(KERN_NOTICE "hycapi_capi_create\n"); + printk(KERN_NOTICE "hycapi_capi_create\n"); #endif - if((hycapi_enable & (1 << card->myid)) == 0) { + if ((hycapi_enable & (1 << card->myid)) == 0) { return 1; } if (!card->hyctrlinfo) { @@ -758,12 +758,12 @@ hycapi_capi_create(hysdn_card *card) INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cinfo->ncci_head); switch (card->brdtype) { - case BD_PCCARD: strcpy(cinfo->cardname,"HYSDN Hycard"); break; - case BD_ERGO: strcpy(cinfo->cardname,"HYSDN Ergo2"); break; - case BD_METRO: strcpy(cinfo->cardname,"HYSDN Metro4"); break; - case BD_CHAMP2: strcpy(cinfo->cardname,"HYSDN Champ2"); break; - case BD_PLEXUS: strcpy(cinfo->cardname,"HYSDN Plexus30"); break; - default: strcpy(cinfo->cardname,"HYSDN ???"); break; + case BD_PCCARD: strcpy(cinfo->cardname, "HYSDN Hycard"); break; + case BD_ERGO: strcpy(cinfo->cardname, "HYSDN Ergo2"); break; + case BD_METRO: strcpy(cinfo->cardname, "HYSDN Metro4"); break; + case BD_CHAMP2: strcpy(cinfo->cardname, "HYSDN Champ2"); break; + case BD_PLEXUS: strcpy(cinfo->cardname, "HYSDN Plexus30"); break; + default: strcpy(cinfo->cardname, "HYSDN ???"); break; } ctrl = &cinfo->capi_ctrl; @@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ hycapi_capi_create(hysdn_card *card) ctrl = &card->hyctrlinfo->capi_ctrl; hycapi_fill_profile(card); capi_ctr_ready(ctrl); - hycapi_restart_internal(ctrl); + hycapi_restart_internal(ctrl); /* ctrl->resume_output(ctrl); */ } return 0; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_boot.c b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_boot.c index 4f541ef14f9efd845ba953faadab303478125a24..eda4741e3f2fc19cf19dd62b1506c9cb7ab66500 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_boot.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_boot.c @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ DecryptBuf(struct boot_data *boot, int cnt) /* id. If successful 0 is returned, a negative value shows an error. */ /********************************************************************************/ static int -pof_handle_data(hysdn_card * card, int datlen) +pof_handle_data(hysdn_card *card, int datlen) { struct boot_data *boot = card->boot; /* pointer to boot specific data */ long l; @@ -92,71 +92,71 @@ pof_handle_data(hysdn_card * card, int datlen) /* handle the different record types */ switch (boot->pof_recid) { - case TAG_TIMESTMP: - if (card->debug_flags & LOG_POF_RECORD) - hysdn_addlog(card, "POF created %s", boot->buf.PofTime.DateTimeText); - break; + case TAG_TIMESTMP: + if (card->debug_flags & LOG_POF_RECORD) + hysdn_addlog(card, "POF created %s", boot->buf.PofTime.DateTimeText); + break; + + case TAG_CBOOTDTA: + DecryptBuf(boot, datlen); /* we need to encrypt the buffer */ + case TAG_BOOTDTA: + if (card->debug_flags & LOG_POF_RECORD) + hysdn_addlog(card, "POF got %s len=%d offs=0x%lx", + (boot->pof_recid == TAG_CBOOTDTA) ? "CBOOTDATA" : "BOOTDTA", + datlen, boot->pof_recoffset); + + if (boot->pof_reclen != POF_BOOT_LOADER_TOTAL_SIZE) { + boot->last_error = EPOF_BAD_IMG_SIZE; /* invalid length */ + return (boot->last_error); + } + imgp = boot->buf.BootBuf; /* start of buffer */ + img_len = datlen; /* maximum length to transfer */ + + l = POF_BOOT_LOADER_OFF_IN_PAGE - + (boot->pof_recoffset & (POF_BOOT_LOADER_PAGE_SIZE - 1)); + if (l > 0) { + /* buffer needs to be truncated */ + imgp += l; /* advance pointer */ + img_len -= l; /* adjust len */ + } + /* at this point no special handling for data wrapping over buffer */ + /* is necessary, because the boot image always will be adjusted to */ + /* match a page boundary inside the buffer. */ + /* The buffer for the boot image on the card is filled in 2 cycles */ + /* first the 1024 hi-words are put in the buffer, then the low 1024 */ + /* word are handled in the same way with different offset. */ + + if (img_len > 0) { + /* data available for copy */ + if ((boot->last_error = + card->writebootimg(card, imgp, + (boot->pof_recoffset > POF_BOOT_LOADER_PAGE_SIZE) ? 2 : 0)) < 0) + return (boot->last_error); + } + break; /* end of case boot image hi/lo */ - case TAG_CBOOTDTA: - DecryptBuf(boot, datlen); /* we need to encrypt the buffer */ - case TAG_BOOTDTA: - if (card->debug_flags & LOG_POF_RECORD) - hysdn_addlog(card, "POF got %s len=%d offs=0x%lx", - (boot->pof_recid == TAG_CBOOTDTA) ? "CBOOTDATA" : "BOOTDTA", - datlen, boot->pof_recoffset); + case TAG_CABSDATA: + DecryptBuf(boot, datlen); /* we need to encrypt the buffer */ + case TAG_ABSDATA: + if (card->debug_flags & LOG_POF_RECORD) + hysdn_addlog(card, "POF got %s len=%d offs=0x%lx", + (boot->pof_recid == TAG_CABSDATA) ? "CABSDATA" : "ABSDATA", + datlen, boot->pof_recoffset); - if (boot->pof_reclen != POF_BOOT_LOADER_TOTAL_SIZE) { - boot->last_error = EPOF_BAD_IMG_SIZE; /* invalid length */ - return (boot->last_error); - } - imgp = boot->buf.BootBuf; /* start of buffer */ - img_len = datlen; /* maximum length to transfer */ - - l = POF_BOOT_LOADER_OFF_IN_PAGE - - (boot->pof_recoffset & (POF_BOOT_LOADER_PAGE_SIZE - 1)); - if (l > 0) { - /* buffer needs to be truncated */ - imgp += l; /* advance pointer */ - img_len -= l; /* adjust len */ - } - /* at this point no special handling for data wrapping over buffer */ - /* is necessary, because the boot image always will be adjusted to */ - /* match a page boundary inside the buffer. */ - /* The buffer for the boot image on the card is filled in 2 cycles */ - /* first the 1024 hi-words are put in the buffer, then the low 1024 */ - /* word are handled in the same way with different offset. */ - - if (img_len > 0) { - /* data available for copy */ - if ((boot->last_error = - card->writebootimg(card, imgp, - (boot->pof_recoffset > POF_BOOT_LOADER_PAGE_SIZE) ? 2 : 0)) < 0) - return (boot->last_error); - } - break; /* end of case boot image hi/lo */ - - case TAG_CABSDATA: - DecryptBuf(boot, datlen); /* we need to encrypt the buffer */ - case TAG_ABSDATA: - if (card->debug_flags & LOG_POF_RECORD) - hysdn_addlog(card, "POF got %s len=%d offs=0x%lx", - (boot->pof_recid == TAG_CABSDATA) ? "CABSDATA" : "ABSDATA", - datlen, boot->pof_recoffset); - - if ((boot->last_error = card->writebootseq(card, boot->buf.BootBuf, datlen)) < 0) - return (boot->last_error); /* error writing data */ - - if (boot->pof_recoffset + datlen >= boot->pof_reclen) - return (card->waitpofready(card)); /* data completely spooled, wait for ready */ - - break; /* end of case boot seq data */ + if ((boot->last_error = card->writebootseq(card, boot->buf.BootBuf, datlen)) < 0) + return (boot->last_error); /* error writing data */ - default: - if (card->debug_flags & LOG_POF_RECORD) - hysdn_addlog(card, "POF got data(id=0x%lx) len=%d offs=0x%lx", boot->pof_recid, - datlen, boot->pof_recoffset); + if (boot->pof_recoffset + datlen >= boot->pof_reclen) + return (card->waitpofready(card)); /* data completely spooled, wait for ready */ + + break; /* end of case boot seq data */ + + default: + if (card->debug_flags & LOG_POF_RECORD) + hysdn_addlog(card, "POF got data(id=0x%lx) len=%d offs=0x%lx", boot->pof_recid, + datlen, boot->pof_recoffset); - break; /* simply skip record */ + break; /* simply skip record */ } /* switch boot->pof_recid */ return (0); @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ pof_handle_data(hysdn_card * card, int datlen) /* occurred and booting must be aborted. */ /******************************************************************************/ int -pof_write_buffer(hysdn_card * card, int datlen) +pof_write_buffer(hysdn_card *card, int datlen) { struct boot_data *boot = card->boot; /* pointer to boot specific data */ @@ -184,77 +184,77 @@ pof_write_buffer(hysdn_card * card, int datlen) hysdn_addlog(card, "POF write: got %d bytes ", datlen); switch (boot->pof_state) { - case POF_READ_FILE_HEAD: - if (card->debug_flags & LOG_POF_WRITE) - hysdn_addlog(card, "POF write: checking file header"); - - if (datlen != sizeof(tPofFileHdr)) { - boot->last_error = -EPOF_INTERNAL; - break; - } - if (boot->buf.PofFileHdr.Magic != TAGFILEMAGIC) { - boot->last_error = -EPOF_BAD_MAGIC; - break; - } - /* Setup the new state and vars */ - boot->Nrecs = (unsigned short)(boot->buf.PofFileHdr.N_PofRecs); /* limited to 65535 */ - boot->pof_state = POF_READ_TAG_HEAD; /* now start with single tags */ - boot->last_error = sizeof(tPofRecHdr); /* new length */ + case POF_READ_FILE_HEAD: + if (card->debug_flags & LOG_POF_WRITE) + hysdn_addlog(card, "POF write: checking file header"); + + if (datlen != sizeof(tPofFileHdr)) { + boot->last_error = -EPOF_INTERNAL; + break; + } + if (boot->buf.PofFileHdr.Magic != TAGFILEMAGIC) { + boot->last_error = -EPOF_BAD_MAGIC; + break; + } + /* Setup the new state and vars */ + boot->Nrecs = (unsigned short)(boot->buf.PofFileHdr.N_PofRecs); /* limited to 65535 */ + boot->pof_state = POF_READ_TAG_HEAD; /* now start with single tags */ + boot->last_error = sizeof(tPofRecHdr); /* new length */ + break; + + case POF_READ_TAG_HEAD: + if (card->debug_flags & LOG_POF_WRITE) + hysdn_addlog(card, "POF write: checking tag header"); + + if (datlen != sizeof(tPofRecHdr)) { + boot->last_error = -EPOF_INTERNAL; break; + } + boot->pof_recid = boot->buf.PofRecHdr.PofRecId; /* actual pof recid */ + boot->pof_reclen = boot->buf.PofRecHdr.PofRecDataLen; /* total length */ + boot->pof_recoffset = 0; /* no starting offset */ - case POF_READ_TAG_HEAD: - if (card->debug_flags & LOG_POF_WRITE) - hysdn_addlog(card, "POF write: checking tag header"); - - if (datlen != sizeof(tPofRecHdr)) { - boot->last_error = -EPOF_INTERNAL; - break; - } - boot->pof_recid = boot->buf.PofRecHdr.PofRecId; /* actual pof recid */ - boot->pof_reclen = boot->buf.PofRecHdr.PofRecDataLen; /* total length */ - boot->pof_recoffset = 0; /* no starting offset */ - - if (card->debug_flags & LOG_POF_RECORD) - hysdn_addlog(card, "POF: got record id=0x%lx length=%ld ", - boot->pof_recid, boot->pof_reclen); - - boot->pof_state = POF_READ_TAG_DATA; /* now start with tag data */ - if (boot->pof_reclen < BOOT_BUF_SIZE) - boot->last_error = boot->pof_reclen; /* limit size */ - else - boot->last_error = BOOT_BUF_SIZE; /* maximum */ + if (card->debug_flags & LOG_POF_RECORD) + hysdn_addlog(card, "POF: got record id=0x%lx length=%ld ", + boot->pof_recid, boot->pof_reclen); - if (!boot->last_error) { /* no data inside record */ - boot->pof_state = POF_READ_TAG_HEAD; /* now start with single tags */ - boot->last_error = sizeof(tPofRecHdr); /* new length */ - } - break; + boot->pof_state = POF_READ_TAG_DATA; /* now start with tag data */ + if (boot->pof_reclen < BOOT_BUF_SIZE) + boot->last_error = boot->pof_reclen; /* limit size */ + else + boot->last_error = BOOT_BUF_SIZE; /* maximum */ - case POF_READ_TAG_DATA: - if (card->debug_flags & LOG_POF_WRITE) - hysdn_addlog(card, "POF write: getting tag data"); - - if (datlen != boot->last_error) { - boot->last_error = -EPOF_INTERNAL; - break; - } - if ((boot->last_error = pof_handle_data(card, datlen)) < 0) - return (boot->last_error); /* an error occurred */ - boot->pof_recoffset += datlen; - if (boot->pof_recoffset >= boot->pof_reclen) { - boot->pof_state = POF_READ_TAG_HEAD; /* now start with single tags */ - boot->last_error = sizeof(tPofRecHdr); /* new length */ - } else { - if (boot->pof_reclen - boot->pof_recoffset < BOOT_BUF_SIZE) - boot->last_error = boot->pof_reclen - boot->pof_recoffset; /* limit size */ - else - boot->last_error = BOOT_BUF_SIZE; /* maximum */ - } - break; + if (!boot->last_error) { /* no data inside record */ + boot->pof_state = POF_READ_TAG_HEAD; /* now start with single tags */ + boot->last_error = sizeof(tPofRecHdr); /* new length */ + } + break; - default: - boot->last_error = -EPOF_INTERNAL; /* unknown state */ + case POF_READ_TAG_DATA: + if (card->debug_flags & LOG_POF_WRITE) + hysdn_addlog(card, "POF write: getting tag data"); + + if (datlen != boot->last_error) { + boot->last_error = -EPOF_INTERNAL; break; + } + if ((boot->last_error = pof_handle_data(card, datlen)) < 0) + return (boot->last_error); /* an error occurred */ + boot->pof_recoffset += datlen; + if (boot->pof_recoffset >= boot->pof_reclen) { + boot->pof_state = POF_READ_TAG_HEAD; /* now start with single tags */ + boot->last_error = sizeof(tPofRecHdr); /* new length */ + } else { + if (boot->pof_reclen - boot->pof_recoffset < BOOT_BUF_SIZE) + boot->last_error = boot->pof_reclen - boot->pof_recoffset; /* limit size */ + else + boot->last_error = BOOT_BUF_SIZE; /* maximum */ + } + break; + + default: + boot->last_error = -EPOF_INTERNAL; /* unknown state */ + break; } /* switch (boot->pof_state) */ return (boot->last_error); @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ pof_write_buffer(hysdn_card * card, int datlen) /* occurred. Additionally the pointer to the buffer data area is set on success */ /*******************************************************************************/ int -pof_write_open(hysdn_card * card, unsigned char **bufp) +pof_write_open(hysdn_card *card, unsigned char **bufp) { struct boot_data *boot; /* pointer to boot specific data */ @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ pof_write_open(hysdn_card * card, unsigned char **bufp) /* The return value must be 0 if everything has happened as desired. */ /********************************************************************************/ int -pof_write_close(hysdn_card * card) +pof_write_close(hysdn_card *card) { struct boot_data *boot = card->boot; /* pointer to boot specific data */ @@ -367,27 +367,27 @@ EvalSysrTokData(hysdn_card *card, unsigned char *cp, int len) return (1); } switch (*cp) { - case SYSR_TOK_B_CHAN: /* 1 */ - if (*(cp + 1) != 1) - return (1); /* length invalid */ - card->bchans = *(cp + 2); - break; - - case SYSR_TOK_FAX_CHAN: /* 2 */ - if (*(cp + 1) != 1) - return (1); /* length invalid */ - card->faxchans = *(cp + 2); - break; - - case SYSR_TOK_MAC_ADDR: /* 3 */ - if (*(cp + 1) != 6) - return (1); /* length invalid */ - memcpy(card->mac_addr, cp + 2, 6); - break; - - default: - hysdn_addlog(card, "unknown token 0x%02x length %d", *cp, *(cp + 1)); - break; + case SYSR_TOK_B_CHAN: /* 1 */ + if (*(cp + 1) != 1) + return (1); /* length invalid */ + card->bchans = *(cp + 2); + break; + + case SYSR_TOK_FAX_CHAN: /* 2 */ + if (*(cp + 1) != 1) + return (1); /* length invalid */ + card->faxchans = *(cp + 2); + break; + + case SYSR_TOK_MAC_ADDR: /* 3 */ + if (*(cp + 1) != 6) + return (1); /* length invalid */ + memcpy(card->mac_addr, cp + 2, 6); + break; + + default: + hysdn_addlog(card, "unknown token 0x%02x length %d", *cp, *(cp + 1)); + break; } len -= (*(cp + 1) + 2); /* adjust len */ cp += (*(cp + 1) + 2); /* and pointer */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_defs.h b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_defs.h index 18b801ad97a4b3bec286d7db960d474c51078115..cdac46a21692a97db26cec433d421923710f41f8 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_defs.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_defs.h @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ #define B1_PROT_64KBIT_HDLC 0x0001 #define B1_PROT_64KBIT_TRANSPARENT 0x0002 -#define B1_PROT_V110_ASYNCH 0x0004 +#define B1_PROT_V110_ASYNCH 0x0004 #define B1_PROT_V110_SYNCH 0x0008 #define B1_PROT_T30 0x0010 #define B1_PROT_64KBIT_INV_HDLC 0x0020 @@ -199,14 +199,14 @@ typedef struct HYSDN_CARD { char *version[HYSDN_MAXVERSION]; char infobuf[128]; /* for function procinfo */ - + struct HYSDN_CARD *card; struct capi_ctr capi_ctrl; struct sk_buff *skbs[HYSDN_MAX_CAPI_SKB]; int in_idx, out_idx; /* indexes to buffer ring */ int sk_count; /* number of buffers currently in ring */ struct sk_buff *tx_skb; /* buffer for tx operation */ - + struct list_head ncci_head; } *hyctrlinfo; #endif /* CONFIG_HYSDN_CAPI */ @@ -235,11 +235,11 @@ extern void hysdn_procconf_release(void); /* deinit proc config filesys */ /* hysdn_proclog.c */ extern int hysdn_proclog_init(hysdn_card *); /* init proc log entry */ extern void hysdn_proclog_release(hysdn_card *); /* deinit proc log entry */ -extern void hysdn_addlog(hysdn_card *, char *,...); /* output data to log */ +extern void hysdn_addlog(hysdn_card *, char *, ...); /* output data to log */ extern void hysdn_card_errlog(hysdn_card *, tErrLogEntry *, int); /* output card log */ /* boardergo.c */ -extern int ergo_inithardware(hysdn_card * card); /* get hardware -> module init */ +extern int ergo_inithardware(hysdn_card *card); /* get hardware -> module init */ /* hysdn_boot.c */ extern int pof_write_close(hysdn_card *); /* close proc file after writing pof */ @@ -249,31 +249,31 @@ extern int EvalSysrTokData(hysdn_card *, unsigned char *, int); /* Check Sysrea /* hysdn_sched.c */ extern int hysdn_sched_tx(hysdn_card *, unsigned char *, - unsigned short volatile *, unsigned short volatile *, - unsigned short); + unsigned short volatile *, unsigned short volatile *, + unsigned short); extern int hysdn_sched_rx(hysdn_card *, unsigned char *, unsigned short, - unsigned short); + unsigned short); extern int hysdn_tx_cfgline(hysdn_card *, unsigned char *, - unsigned short); /* send one cfg line */ + unsigned short); /* send one cfg line */ /* hysdn_net.c */ -extern unsigned int hynet_enable; +extern unsigned int hynet_enable; extern int hysdn_net_create(hysdn_card *); /* create a new net device */ extern int hysdn_net_release(hysdn_card *); /* delete the device */ extern char *hysdn_net_getname(hysdn_card *); /* get name of net interface */ extern void hysdn_tx_netack(hysdn_card *); /* acknowledge a packet tx */ extern struct sk_buff *hysdn_tx_netget(hysdn_card *); /* get next network packet */ extern void hysdn_rx_netpkt(hysdn_card *, unsigned char *, - unsigned short); /* rxed packet from network */ + unsigned short); /* rxed packet from network */ #ifdef CONFIG_HYSDN_CAPI -extern unsigned int hycapi_enable; +extern unsigned int hycapi_enable; extern int hycapi_capi_create(hysdn_card *); /* create a new capi device */ extern int hycapi_capi_release(hysdn_card *); /* delete the device */ extern int hycapi_capi_stop(hysdn_card *card); /* suspend */ -extern void hycapi_rx_capipkt(hysdn_card * card, unsigned char * buf, - unsigned short len); -extern void hycapi_tx_capiack(hysdn_card * card); +extern void hycapi_rx_capipkt(hysdn_card *card, unsigned char *buf, + unsigned short len); +extern void hycapi_tx_capiack(hysdn_card *card); extern struct sk_buff *hycapi_tx_capiget(hysdn_card *card); extern int hycapi_init(void); extern void hycapi_cleanup(void); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_init.c b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_init.c index 0ab42ace1692f5d206da70cfe4dce640ef9b3bd0..b61bbb4bb52b96e9590ade19442c2764d07641dd 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_init.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_init.c @@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ hysdn_init(void) hysdn_have_procfs = 1; #ifdef CONFIG_HYSDN_CAPI - if(cardmax > 0) { - if(hycapi_init()) { + if (cardmax > 0) { + if (hycapi_init()) { printk(KERN_ERR "HYCAPI: init failed\n"); if (hysdn_have_procfs) diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_net.c b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_net.c index 11f2cce260054497246fc8b328c632720cdb740c..a0efb4cefa1c3ce467b7f9232d27da2dc5fd3565 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_net.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_net.c @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ #include "hysdn_defs.h" -unsigned int hynet_enable = 0xffffffff; +unsigned int hynet_enable = 0xffffffff; module_param(hynet_enable, uint, 0); #define MAX_SKB_BUFFERS 20 /* number of buffers for keeping TX-data */ @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ net_send_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) /* completion */ /***********************************************************************/ void -hysdn_tx_netack(hysdn_card * card) +hysdn_tx_netack(hysdn_card *card) { struct net_local *lp = card->netif; @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ hysdn_tx_netack(hysdn_card * card) /* we got a packet from the network, go and queue it */ /*****************************************************/ void -hysdn_rx_netpkt(hysdn_card * card, unsigned char *buf, unsigned short len) +hysdn_rx_netpkt(hysdn_card *card, unsigned char *buf, unsigned short len) { struct net_local *lp = card->netif; struct net_device *dev; @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ hysdn_rx_netpkt(hysdn_card * card, unsigned char *buf, unsigned short len) /* return the pointer to a network packet to be send */ /*****************************************************/ struct sk_buff * -hysdn_tx_netget(hysdn_card * card) +hysdn_tx_netget(hysdn_card *card) { struct net_local *lp = card->netif; @@ -229,11 +229,11 @@ hysdn_tx_netget(hysdn_card * card) } /* hysdn_tx_netget */ static const struct net_device_ops hysdn_netdev_ops = { - .ndo_open = net_open, + .ndo_open = net_open, .ndo_stop = net_close, .ndo_start_xmit = net_send_packet, .ndo_change_mtu = eth_change_mtu, - .ndo_set_mac_address = eth_mac_addr, + .ndo_set_mac_address = eth_mac_addr, .ndo_validate_addr = eth_validate_addr, }; @@ -244,13 +244,13 @@ static const struct net_device_ops hysdn_netdev_ops = { /* 0 announces success, else a negative error code will be returned. */ /*****************************************************************************/ int -hysdn_net_create(hysdn_card * card) +hysdn_net_create(hysdn_card *card) { struct net_device *dev; int i; struct net_local *lp; - if(!card) { + if (!card) { printk(KERN_WARNING "No card-pt in hysdn_net_create!\n"); return (-ENOMEM); } @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ hysdn_net_create(hysdn_card * card) /* value 0 announces success, else a negative error code will be returned. */ /***************************************************************************/ int -hysdn_net_release(hysdn_card * card) +hysdn_net_release(hysdn_card *card) { struct net_device *dev = card->netif; @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ hysdn_net_release(hysdn_card * card) /* if the interface is not existing, a "-" is returned. */ /*****************************************************************************/ char * -hysdn_net_getname(hysdn_card * card) +hysdn_net_getname(hysdn_card *card) { struct net_device *dev = card->netif; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_pof.h b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_pof.h index 3a72b908900f2e65812b8711a0910a51b7577c70..f63f5fa59d7ef12b3605358697c9c672a0cbc8d8 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_pof.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_pof.h @@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ #define BOOT_BUF_SIZE 0x1000 /* =4096, maybe moved to other h file */ #define CRYPT_FEEDTERM 0x8142 #define CRYPT_STARTTERM 0x81a5 - /* max. timeout time in seconds - * from end of booting to POF is ready - */ +/* max. timeout time in seconds + * from end of booting to POF is ready + */ #define POF_READY_TIME_OUT_SEC 10 /**********************************/ @@ -36,38 +36,38 @@ */ #define POF_BOOT_LOADER_PAGE_SIZE 0x4000 /* =16384U */ -#define POF_BOOT_LOADER_TOTAL_SIZE (2U*POF_BOOT_LOADER_PAGE_SIZE) +#define POF_BOOT_LOADER_TOTAL_SIZE (2U * POF_BOOT_LOADER_PAGE_SIZE) #define POF_BOOT_LOADER_CODE_SIZE 0x0800 /* =2KB =2048U */ - /* offset in boot page, where loader code may start */ - /* =0x3800= 14336U */ +/* offset in boot page, where loader code may start */ +/* =0x3800= 14336U */ #define POF_BOOT_LOADER_OFF_IN_PAGE (POF_BOOT_LOADER_PAGE_SIZE-POF_BOOT_LOADER_CODE_SIZE) /*--------------------------------------POF file record structs------------*/ typedef struct PofFileHdr_tag { /* Pof file header */ -/*00 */ unsigned long Magic __attribute__((packed)); -/*04 */ unsigned long N_PofRecs __attribute__((packed)); + /*00 */ unsigned long Magic __attribute__((packed)); + /*04 */ unsigned long N_PofRecs __attribute__((packed)); /*08 */ } tPofFileHdr; typedef struct PofRecHdr_tag { /* Pof record header */ -/*00 */ unsigned short PofRecId __attribute__((packed)); -/*02 */ unsigned long PofRecDataLen __attribute__((packed)); + /*00 */ unsigned short PofRecId __attribute__((packed)); + /*02 */ unsigned long PofRecDataLen __attribute__((packed)); /*06 */ } tPofRecHdr; typedef struct PofTimeStamp_tag { -/*00 */ unsigned long UnixTime __attribute__((packed)); + /*00 */ unsigned long UnixTime __attribute__((packed)); /*04 */ unsigned char DateTimeText[0x28]; /* =40 */ /*2C */ } tPofTimeStamp; - /* tPofFileHdr.Magic value: */ +/* tPofFileHdr.Magic value: */ #define TAGFILEMAGIC 0x464F501AUL - /* tPofRecHdr.PofRecId values: */ +/* tPofRecHdr.PofRecId values: */ #define TAG_ABSDATA 0x1000 /* abs. data */ #define TAG_BOOTDTA 0x1001 /* boot data */ #define TAG_COMMENT 0x0020 diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_procconf.c b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_procconf.c index 5fe83bd42061bf7582e68c90c4e001af744c2d3f..8023d2510fbaba2f6bc80bd291bc6cf56ef566f2 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_procconf.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_procconf.c @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ process_line(struct conf_writedata *cnf) /* write conf file -> boot or send cfg line to card */ /****************************************************/ static ssize_t -hysdn_conf_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t * off) +hysdn_conf_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *off) { struct conf_writedata *cnf; int i; @@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ static const struct file_operations conf_fops = .read = hysdn_conf_read, .write = hysdn_conf_write, .open = hysdn_conf_open, - .release = hysdn_conf_close, + .release = hysdn_conf_close, }; /*****************************/ @@ -395,9 +395,9 @@ hysdn_procconf_init(void) sprintf(conf_name, "%s%d", PROC_CONF_BASENAME, card->myid); if ((card->procconf = (void *) proc_create(conf_name, - S_IFREG | S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, - hysdn_proc_entry, - &conf_fops)) != NULL) { + S_IFREG | S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, + hysdn_proc_entry, + &conf_fops)) != NULL) { hysdn_proclog_init(card); /* init the log file entry */ } card = card->next; /* next entry */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_proclog.c b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_proclog.c index 236cc7dadfd09ff13ad6646e1dcfb818dba81efa..ba91333e3e41fca11c05a1cfb69005a235c0819c 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_proclog.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_proclog.c @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ extern struct proc_dir_entry *hysdn_proc_entry; static DEFINE_MUTEX(hysdn_log_mutex); -static void put_log_buffer(hysdn_card * card, char *cp); +static void put_log_buffer(hysdn_card *card, char *cp); /*************************************************/ /* structure keeping ascii log for device output */ @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ struct procdata { /* log function for cards error log interface */ /**********************************************/ void -hysdn_card_errlog(hysdn_card * card, tErrLogEntry * logp, int maxsize) +hysdn_card_errlog(hysdn_card *card, tErrLogEntry *logp, int maxsize) { char buf[ERRLOG_TEXT_SIZE + 40]; @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ hysdn_card_errlog(hysdn_card * card, tErrLogEntry * logp, int maxsize) /* Log function using format specifiers for output */ /***************************************************/ void -hysdn_addlog(hysdn_card * card, char *fmt,...) +hysdn_addlog(hysdn_card *card, char *fmt, ...) { struct procdata *pd = card->proclog; char *cp; @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ hysdn_addlog(hysdn_card * card, char *fmt,...) /* Flushes buffers not longer in use. */ /********************************************/ static void -put_log_buffer(hysdn_card * card, char *cp) +put_log_buffer(hysdn_card *card, char *cp) { struct log_data *ib; struct procdata *pd = card->proclog; @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ put_log_buffer(hysdn_card * card, char *cp) return; /* no open file for read */ if (!(ib = kmalloc(sizeof(struct log_data) + strlen(cp), GFP_ATOMIC))) - return; /* no memory */ + return; /* no memory */ strcpy(ib->log_start, cp); /* set output string */ ib->next = NULL; ib->proc_ctrl = pd; /* point to own control structure */ @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ put_log_buffer(hysdn_card * card, char *cp) /* write log file -> set log level bits */ /****************************************/ static ssize_t -hysdn_log_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t * off) +hysdn_log_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *off) { int rc; unsigned char valbuf[128]; @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ hysdn_log_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t /* read log file */ /******************/ static ssize_t -hysdn_log_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t * off) +hysdn_log_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *off) { struct log_data *inf; int len; @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ hysdn_log_close(struct inode *ino, struct file *filep) /* select/poll routine to be able using select() */ /*************************************************/ static unsigned int -hysdn_log_poll(struct file *file, poll_table * wait) +hysdn_log_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait) { unsigned int mask = 0; struct proc_dir_entry *pde = PDE(file->f_path.dentry->d_inode); @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ static const struct file_operations log_fops = .write = hysdn_log_write, .poll = hysdn_log_poll, .open = hysdn_log_open, - .release = hysdn_log_close, + .release = hysdn_log_close, }; @@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ static const struct file_operations log_fops = /* conf files. */ /***********************************************************************************/ int -hysdn_proclog_init(hysdn_card * card) +hysdn_proclog_init(hysdn_card *card) { struct procdata *pd; @@ -382,8 +382,8 @@ hysdn_proclog_init(hysdn_card * card) if ((pd = kzalloc(sizeof(struct procdata), GFP_KERNEL)) != NULL) { sprintf(pd->log_name, "%s%d", PROC_LOG_BASENAME, card->myid); pd->log = proc_create(pd->log_name, - S_IFREG | S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, hysdn_proc_entry, - &log_fops); + S_IFREG | S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, hysdn_proc_entry, + &log_fops); init_waitqueue_head(&(pd->rd_queue)); @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ hysdn_proclog_init(hysdn_card * card) /* The module counter is assumed to be 0 ! */ /************************************************************************************/ void -hysdn_proclog_release(hysdn_card * card) +hysdn_proclog_release(hysdn_card *card) { struct procdata *pd; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_sched.c b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_sched.c index 3674d30d6a0362c4c0708fbe0011bc753c4046af..31d7c1415543e099761aab0a4a495759abe71bf5 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_sched.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/hysdn_sched.c @@ -29,33 +29,33 @@ /*****************************************************************************/ int hysdn_sched_rx(hysdn_card *card, unsigned char *buf, unsigned short len, - unsigned short chan) + unsigned short chan) { switch (chan) { - case CHAN_NDIS_DATA: - if (hynet_enable & (1 << card->myid)) { - /* give packet to network handler */ - hysdn_rx_netpkt(card, buf, len); - } - break; - - case CHAN_ERRLOG: - hysdn_card_errlog(card, (tErrLogEntry *) buf, len); - if (card->err_log_state == ERRLOG_STATE_ON) - card->err_log_state = ERRLOG_STATE_START; /* start new fetch */ - break; + case CHAN_NDIS_DATA: + if (hynet_enable & (1 << card->myid)) { + /* give packet to network handler */ + hysdn_rx_netpkt(card, buf, len); + } + break; + + case CHAN_ERRLOG: + hysdn_card_errlog(card, (tErrLogEntry *) buf, len); + if (card->err_log_state == ERRLOG_STATE_ON) + card->err_log_state = ERRLOG_STATE_START; /* start new fetch */ + break; #ifdef CONFIG_HYSDN_CAPI - case CHAN_CAPI: + case CHAN_CAPI: /* give packet to CAPI handler */ - if (hycapi_enable & (1 << card->myid)) { - hycapi_rx_capipkt(card, buf, len); - } - break; + if (hycapi_enable & (1 << card->myid)) { + hycapi_rx_capipkt(card, buf, len); + } + break; #endif /* CONFIG_HYSDN_CAPI */ - default: - printk(KERN_INFO "irq message channel %d len %d unhandled \n", chan, len); - break; + default: + printk(KERN_INFO "irq message channel %d len %d unhandled \n", chan, len); + break; } /* switch rx channel */ @@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ hysdn_sched_rx(hysdn_card *card, unsigned char *buf, unsigned short len, /*****************************************************************************/ int hysdn_sched_tx(hysdn_card *card, unsigned char *buf, - unsigned short volatile *len, unsigned short volatile *chan, - unsigned short maxlen) + unsigned short volatile *len, unsigned short volatile *chan, + unsigned short maxlen) { struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ hysdn_sched_tx(hysdn_card *card, unsigned char *buf, return (1); /* tell that data should be send */ } /* error log start and able to send */ /* now handle network interface packets */ - if ((hynet_enable & (1 << card->myid)) && - (skb = hysdn_tx_netget(card)) != NULL) + if ((hynet_enable & (1 << card->myid)) && + (skb = hysdn_tx_netget(card)) != NULL) { if (skb->len <= maxlen) { /* copy the packet to the buffer */ @@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ hysdn_sched_tx(hysdn_card *card, unsigned char *buf, hysdn_tx_netack(card); /* aknowledge packet -> throw away */ } /* send a network packet if available */ #ifdef CONFIG_HYSDN_CAPI - if( ((hycapi_enable & (1 << card->myid))) && - ((skb = hycapi_tx_capiget(card)) != NULL) ) + if (((hycapi_enable & (1 << card->myid))) && + ((skb = hycapi_tx_capiget(card)) != NULL)) { if (skb->len <= maxlen) { skb_copy_from_linear_data(skb, buf, skb->len); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/ince1pc.h b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/ince1pc.h index 7a36694df6d7082ddb254a3a68f5c0f7969a7357..cab68361de6574459d9021bdcdc0b6e31db7f626 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/hysdn/ince1pc.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/hysdn/ince1pc.h @@ -17,30 +17,30 @@ /* basic scalar definitions have same meanning, * but their declaration location depends on environment - */ + */ -/*--------------------------------------channel numbers---------------------*/ +/*--------------------------------------channel numbers---------------------*/ #define CHAN_SYSTEM 0x0001 /* system channel (spooler to spooler) */ #define CHAN_ERRLOG 0x0005 /* error logger */ #define CHAN_CAPI 0x0064 /* CAPI interface */ #define CHAN_NDIS_DATA 0x1001 /* NDIS data transfer */ -/*--------------------------------------POF ready msg-----------------------*/ - /* NOTE: after booting POF sends system ready message to PC: */ +/*--------------------------------------POF ready msg-----------------------*/ +/* NOTE: after booting POF sends system ready message to PC: */ #define RDY_MAGIC 0x52535953UL /* 'SYSR' reversed */ #define RDY_MAGIC_SIZE 4 /* size in bytes */ #define MAX_N_TOK_BYTES 255 #define MIN_RDY_MSG_SIZE RDY_MAGIC_SIZE -#define MAX_RDY_MSG_SIZE (RDY_MAGIC_SIZE+MAX_N_TOK_BYTES) +#define MAX_RDY_MSG_SIZE (RDY_MAGIC_SIZE + MAX_N_TOK_BYTES) #define SYSR_TOK_END 0 #define SYSR_TOK_B_CHAN 1 /* nr. of B-Channels; DataLen=1; def: 2 */ #define SYSR_TOK_FAX_CHAN 2 /* nr. of FAX Channels; DataLen=1; def: 0 */ #define SYSR_TOK_MAC_ADDR 3 /* MAC-Address; DataLen=6; def: auto */ #define SYSR_TOK_ESC 255 /* undefined data size yet */ - /* default values, if not corrected by token: */ +/* default values, if not corrected by token: */ #define SYSR_TOK_B_CHAN_DEF 2 /* assume 2 B-Channels */ #define SYSR_TOK_FAX_CHAN_DEF 1 /* assume 1 FAX Channel */ @@ -70,31 +70,31 @@ * * note: * - for 16-bit FIFO add padding 0 byte to achieve even token data bytes! - */ + */ -/*--------------------------------------error logger------------------------*/ - /* note: pof needs final 0 ! */ +/*--------------------------------------error logger------------------------*/ +/* note: pof needs final 0 ! */ #define ERRLOG_CMD_REQ "ERRLOG ON" #define ERRLOG_CMD_REQ_SIZE 10 /* with final 0 byte ! */ #define ERRLOG_CMD_STOP "ERRLOG OFF" #define ERRLOG_CMD_STOP_SIZE 11 /* with final 0 byte ! */ #define ERRLOG_ENTRY_SIZE 64 /* sizeof(tErrLogEntry) */ - /* remaining text size = 55 */ -#define ERRLOG_TEXT_SIZE (ERRLOG_ENTRY_SIZE-2*4-1) + /* remaining text size = 55 */ +#define ERRLOG_TEXT_SIZE (ERRLOG_ENTRY_SIZE - 2 * 4 - 1) typedef struct ErrLogEntry_tag { - -/*00 */ unsigned long ulErrType; - -/*04 */ unsigned long ulErrSubtype; - -/*08 */ unsigned char ucTextSize; - + + /*00 */ unsigned long ulErrType; + + /*04 */ unsigned long ulErrSubtype; + + /*08 */ unsigned char ucTextSize; + /*09 */ unsigned char ucText[ERRLOG_TEXT_SIZE]; /* ASCIIZ of len ucTextSize-1 */ - -/*40 */ + +/*40 */ } tErrLogEntry; @@ -104,30 +104,30 @@ typedef struct ErrLogEntry_tag { #endif /* */ #endif /* */ -/*--------------------------------------DPRAM boot spooler------------------*/ - /* this is the struture used between pc and - * hyperstone to exchange boot data - */ +/*--------------------------------------DPRAM boot spooler------------------*/ +/* this is the struture used between pc and + * hyperstone to exchange boot data + */ #define DPRAM_SPOOLER_DATA_SIZE 0x20 typedef struct DpramBootSpooler_tag { - -/*00 */ unsigned char Len; - -/*01 */ volatile unsigned char RdPtr; - -/*02 */ unsigned char WrPtr; - -/*03 */ unsigned char Data[DPRAM_SPOOLER_DATA_SIZE]; - -/*23 */ + + /*00 */ unsigned char Len; + + /*01 */ volatile unsigned char RdPtr; + + /*02 */ unsigned char WrPtr; + + /*03 */ unsigned char Data[DPRAM_SPOOLER_DATA_SIZE]; + +/*23 */ } tDpramBootSpooler; #define DPRAM_SPOOLER_MIN_SIZE 5 /* Len+RdPtr+Wrptr+2*data */ #define DPRAM_SPOOLER_DEF_SIZE 0x23 /* current default size */ -/*--------------------------------------HYCARD/ERGO DPRAM SoftUart----------*/ - /* at DPRAM offset 0x1C00: */ +/*--------------------------------------HYCARD/ERGO DPRAM SoftUart----------*/ +/* at DPRAM offset 0x1C00: */ #define SIZE_RSV_SOFT_UART 0x1B0 /* 432 bytes reserved for SoftUart */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_audio.c b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_audio.c index d5013935ac621c14867dde467d6071c78492f550..78ce422147137c97a17391bfbdcfdd65ca2baa5b 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_audio.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_audio.c @@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ isdn_audio_tlookup(const u_char *table, u_char *buff, unsigned long n) "xlatb\n\t" "stosb\n\t" "loop 1b\n\t" - : "=&b"(d0), "=&c"(d1), "=&D"(d2), "=&S"(d3) - : "0"((long) table), "1"(n), "2"((long) buff), "3"((long) buff) - : "memory", "ax"); + : "=&b"(d0), "=&c"(d1), "=&D"(d2), "=&S"(d3) + : "0"((long) table), "1"(n), "2"((long) buff), "3"((long) buff) + : "memory", "ax"); #else while (n--) *buff = table[*(unsigned char *)buff], buff++; @@ -242,27 +242,27 @@ static unsigned char isdn_audio_linear2ulaw(int sample) { static int exp_lut[256] = - { - 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, - 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, - 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, - 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, - 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, - 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, - 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, - 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, - 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, - 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, - 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, - 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, - 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, - 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 - }; + { + 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, + 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, + 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, + 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, + 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, + 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, + 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, + 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, + 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, + 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, + 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, + 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, + 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, + 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, + 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, + 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 + }; int sign, - exponent, - mantissa; + exponent, + mantissa; unsigned char ulawbyte; /* Get the sample into sign-magnitude. */ @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ static int bitmask[9] = }; static int -isdn_audio_get_bits(adpcm_state * s, unsigned char **in, int *len) +isdn_audio_get_bits(adpcm_state *s, unsigned char **in, int *len) { while (s->nleft < s->nbits) { int d = *((*in)++); @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ isdn_audio_get_bits(adpcm_state * s, unsigned char **in, int *len) } static void -isdn_audio_put_bits(int data, int nbits, adpcm_state * s, +isdn_audio_put_bits(int data, int nbits, adpcm_state *s, unsigned char **out, int *len) { s->word = (s->word << nbits) | (data & bitmask[nbits]); @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ isdn_audio_put_bits(int data, int nbits, adpcm_state * s, } adpcm_state * -isdn_audio_adpcm_init(adpcm_state * s, int nbits) +isdn_audio_adpcm_init(adpcm_state *s, int nbits) { if (!s) s = kmalloc(sizeof(adpcm_state), GFP_ATOMIC); @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ isdn_audio_adpcm_init(adpcm_state * s, int nbits) } dtmf_state * -isdn_audio_dtmf_init(dtmf_state * s) +isdn_audio_dtmf_init(dtmf_state *s) { if (!s) s = kmalloc(sizeof(dtmf_state), GFP_ATOMIC); @@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ isdn_audio_dtmf_init(dtmf_state * s) */ int -isdn_audio_adpcm2xlaw(adpcm_state * s, int fmt, unsigned char *in, +isdn_audio_adpcm2xlaw(adpcm_state *s, int fmt, unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int len) { int a = s->a; @@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ isdn_audio_adpcm2xlaw(adpcm_state * s, int fmt, unsigned char *in, a++; if (fmt) *out++ = isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw[ - isdn_audio_linear2ulaw(a << 2)]; + isdn_audio_linear2ulaw(a << 2)]; else *out++ = isdn_audio_linear2ulaw(a << 2); olen++; @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ isdn_audio_adpcm2xlaw(adpcm_state * s, int fmt, unsigned char *in, } int -isdn_audio_xlaw2adpcm(adpcm_state * s, int fmt, unsigned char *in, +isdn_audio_xlaw2adpcm(adpcm_state *s, int fmt, unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int len) { int a = s->a; @@ -403,9 +403,9 @@ isdn_audio_xlaw2adpcm(adpcm_state * s, int fmt, unsigned char *in, while (len--) { int e = 0, - nmax = 1 << (nbits - 1); + nmax = 1 << (nbits - 1); int sign, - delta; + delta; if (fmt) delta = (isdn_audio_alaw_to_s16[*in++] >> 2) - a; @@ -439,26 +439,26 @@ isdn_audio_xlaw2adpcm(adpcm_state * s, int fmt, unsigned char *in, /* * Goertzel algorithm. - * See http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/papers/96/dtmf_ict/ + * See http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/papers/96/dtmf_ict/ * for more info. * Result is stored into an sk_buff and queued up for later * evaluation. */ static void -isdn_audio_goertzel(int *sample, modem_info * info) +isdn_audio_goertzel(int *sample, modem_info *info) { int sk, - sk1, - sk2; + sk1, + sk2; int k, - n; + n; struct sk_buff *skb; int *result; skb = dev_alloc_skb(sizeof(int) * NCOEFF); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "isdn_audio: Could not alloc DTMF result for ttyI%d\n", + "isdn_audio: Could not alloc DTMF result for ttyI%d\n", info->line); return; } @@ -483,16 +483,16 @@ isdn_audio_goertzel(int *sample, modem_info * info) printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_audio: dtmf goertzel overflow, sk2=%d\n", sk2); result[k] = - ((sk * sk) >> AMP_BITS) - - ((((cos2pik[k] * sk) >> 15) * sk2) >> AMP_BITS) + - ((sk2 * sk2) >> AMP_BITS); + ((sk * sk) >> AMP_BITS) - + ((((cos2pik[k] * sk) >> 15) * sk2) >> AMP_BITS) + + ((sk2 * sk2) >> AMP_BITS); } skb_queue_tail(&info->dtmf_queue, skb); isdn_timer_ctrl(ISDN_TIMER_MODEMREAD, 1); } void -isdn_audio_eval_dtmf(modem_info * info) +isdn_audio_eval_dtmf(modem_info *info) { struct sk_buff *skb; int *result; @@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ isdn_audio_eval_dtmf(modem_info * info) * fmt = audio data format (0 = ulaw, 1 = alaw) */ void -isdn_audio_calc_dtmf(modem_info * info, unsigned char *buf, int len, int fmt) +isdn_audio_calc_dtmf(modem_info *info, unsigned char *buf, int len, int fmt) { dtmf_state *s = info->dtmf_state; int i; @@ -605,10 +605,10 @@ isdn_audio_calc_dtmf(modem_info * info, unsigned char *buf, int len, int fmt) for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { if (fmt) s->buf[s->idx++] = - isdn_audio_alaw_to_s16[*buf++] >> (15 - AMP_BITS); + isdn_audio_alaw_to_s16[*buf++] >> (15 - AMP_BITS); else s->buf[s->idx++] = - isdn_audio_ulaw_to_s16[*buf++] >> (15 - AMP_BITS); + isdn_audio_ulaw_to_s16[*buf++] >> (15 - AMP_BITS); } if (s->idx == DTMF_NPOINTS) { isdn_audio_goertzel(s->buf, info); @@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ isdn_audio_calc_dtmf(modem_info * info, unsigned char *buf, int len, int fmt) } silence_state * -isdn_audio_silence_init(silence_state * s) +isdn_audio_silence_init(silence_state *s) { if (!s) s = kmalloc(sizeof(silence_state), GFP_ATOMIC); @@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ isdn_audio_silence_init(silence_state * s) } void -isdn_audio_calc_silence(modem_info * info, unsigned char *buf, int len, int fmt) +isdn_audio_calc_silence(modem_info *info, unsigned char *buf, int len, int fmt) { silence_state *s = info->silence_state; int i; @@ -641,24 +641,24 @@ isdn_audio_calc_silence(modem_info * info, unsigned char *buf, int len, int fmt) for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (fmt) - c = isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw[*buf++]; - else - c = *buf++; + c = isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw[*buf++]; + else + c = *buf++; if (c > 0) c -= 128; c = abs(c); - if (c > (info->emu.vpar[1] * 4)) { + if (c > (info->emu.vpar[1] * 4)) { s->idx = 0; - s->state = 1; + s->state = 1; } else { - if (s->idx < 210000) s->idx++; + if (s->idx < 210000) s->idx++; } } } void -isdn_audio_put_dle_code(modem_info * info, u_char code) +isdn_audio_put_dle_code(modem_info *info, u_char code) { struct sk_buff *skb; int di; @@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ isdn_audio_put_dle_code(modem_info * info, u_char code) skb = dev_alloc_skb(2); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "isdn_audio: Could not alloc skb for ttyI%d\n", + "isdn_audio: Could not alloc skb for ttyI%d\n", info->line); return; } @@ -688,24 +688,24 @@ isdn_audio_put_dle_code(modem_info * info, u_char code) } void -isdn_audio_eval_silence(modem_info * info) +isdn_audio_eval_silence(modem_info *info) { silence_state *s = info->silence_state; char what; what = ' '; - if (s->idx > (info->emu.vpar[2] * 800)) { + if (s->idx > (info->emu.vpar[2] * 800)) { s->idx = 0; - if (!s->state) { /* silence from beginning of rec */ + if (!s->state) { /* silence from beginning of rec */ what = 's'; } else { what = 'q'; } } - if ((what == 's') || (what == 'q')) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "ttyI%d: %s\n", info->line, - (what=='s') ? "silence":"quiet"); - isdn_audio_put_dle_code(info, what); - } + if ((what == 's') || (what == 'q')) { + printk(KERN_DEBUG "ttyI%d: %s\n", info->line, + (what == 's') ? "silence" : "quiet"); + isdn_audio_put_dle_code(info, what); + } } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_bsdcomp.c b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_bsdcomp.c index aa0b6a6f5ef4e0ad4d4607610eb2f3c315e15951..7f3c54d404748107d434bfd253d00166f8728650 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_bsdcomp.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_bsdcomp.c @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ */ /* - * Update: The Berkeley copyright was changed, and the change + * Update: The Berkeley copyright was changed, and the change * is retroactive to all "true" BSD software (ie everything * from UCB as opposed to other peoples code that just carried * the same license). The new copyright doesn't clash with the @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ struct bsd_db { unsigned char maxbits; /* maximum bits/code */ unsigned char debug; /* non-zero if debug desired */ unsigned char unit; /* ppp unit number */ - u16 seqno; /* sequence # of next packet */ + u16 seqno; /* sequence # of next packet */ unsigned int mru; /* size of receive (decompress) bufr */ unsigned int maxmaxcode; /* largest valid code */ unsigned int max_ent; /* largest code in use */ @@ -157,16 +157,16 @@ struct bsd_db { #define MAXCODE(b) ((1 << (b)) - 1) #define BADCODEM1 MAXCODE(MAX_BSD_BITS) -#define BSD_HASH(prefix,suffix,hshift) ((((unsigned long)(suffix))<<(hshift)) \ - ^ (unsigned long)(prefix)) -#define BSD_KEY(prefix,suffix) ((((unsigned long)(suffix)) << 16) \ +#define BSD_HASH(prefix, suffix, hshift) ((((unsigned long)(suffix)) << (hshift)) \ + ^ (unsigned long)(prefix)) +#define BSD_KEY(prefix, suffix) ((((unsigned long)(suffix)) << 16) \ + (unsigned long)(prefix)) #define CHECK_GAP 10000 /* Ratio check interval */ #define RATIO_SCALE_LOG 8 -#define RATIO_SCALE (1<>RATIO_SCALE_LOG) +#define RATIO_SCALE (1 << RATIO_SCALE_LOG) +#define RATIO_MAX (0x7fffffff >> RATIO_SCALE_LOG) /* * clear the dictionary @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ struct bsd_db { static void bsd_clear(struct bsd_db *db) { db->clear_count++; - db->max_ent = FIRST-1; + db->max_ent = FIRST - 1; db->n_bits = BSD_INIT_BITS; db->bytes_out = 0; db->in_count = 0; @@ -197,56 +197,56 @@ static void bsd_clear(struct bsd_db *db) * the absence of CLEAR codes (while packets are incompressible), they * must compute the same ratio. */ -static int bsd_check (struct bsd_db *db) /* 1=output CLEAR */ +static int bsd_check(struct bsd_db *db) /* 1=output CLEAR */ { - unsigned int new_ratio; - - if (db->in_count >= db->checkpoint) - { - /* age the ratio by limiting the size of the counts */ - if (db->in_count >= RATIO_MAX || db->bytes_out >= RATIO_MAX) - { - db->in_count -= (db->in_count >> 2); - db->bytes_out -= (db->bytes_out >> 2); - } - - db->checkpoint = db->in_count + CHECK_GAP; - - if (db->max_ent >= db->maxmaxcode) - { - /* Reset the dictionary only if the ratio is worse, - * or if it looks as if it has been poisoned - * by incompressible data. - * - * This does not overflow, because - * db->in_count <= RATIO_MAX. - */ - - new_ratio = db->in_count << RATIO_SCALE_LOG; - if (db->bytes_out != 0) - { - new_ratio /= db->bytes_out; - } - - if (new_ratio < db->ratio || new_ratio < 1 * RATIO_SCALE) - { - bsd_clear (db); - return 1; - } - db->ratio = new_ratio; - } - } - return 0; + unsigned int new_ratio; + + if (db->in_count >= db->checkpoint) + { + /* age the ratio by limiting the size of the counts */ + if (db->in_count >= RATIO_MAX || db->bytes_out >= RATIO_MAX) + { + db->in_count -= (db->in_count >> 2); + db->bytes_out -= (db->bytes_out >> 2); + } + + db->checkpoint = db->in_count + CHECK_GAP; + + if (db->max_ent >= db->maxmaxcode) + { + /* Reset the dictionary only if the ratio is worse, + * or if it looks as if it has been poisoned + * by incompressible data. + * + * This does not overflow, because + * db->in_count <= RATIO_MAX. + */ + + new_ratio = db->in_count << RATIO_SCALE_LOG; + if (db->bytes_out != 0) + { + new_ratio /= db->bytes_out; + } + + if (new_ratio < db->ratio || new_ratio < 1 * RATIO_SCALE) + { + bsd_clear(db); + return 1; + } + db->ratio = new_ratio; + } + } + return 0; } /* * Return statistics. */ -static void bsd_stats (void *state, struct compstat *stats) +static void bsd_stats(void *state, struct compstat *stats) { struct bsd_db *db = (struct bsd_db *) state; - + stats->unc_bytes = db->uncomp_bytes; stats->unc_packets = db->uncomp_count; stats->comp_bytes = db->comp_bytes; @@ -260,9 +260,9 @@ static void bsd_stats (void *state, struct compstat *stats) /* * Reset state, as on a CCP ResetReq. */ -static void bsd_reset (void *state,unsigned char code, unsigned char id, - unsigned char *data, unsigned len, - struct isdn_ppp_resetparams *rsparm) +static void bsd_reset(void *state, unsigned char code, unsigned char id, + unsigned char *data, unsigned len, + struct isdn_ppp_resetparams *rsparm) { struct bsd_db *db = (struct bsd_db *) state; @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ static void bsd_reset (void *state,unsigned char code, unsigned char id, /* * Release the compression structure */ -static void bsd_free (void *state) +static void bsd_free(void *state) { struct bsd_db *db = (struct bsd_db *) state; @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ static void bsd_free (void *state) /* * Allocate space for a (de) compressor. */ -static void *bsd_alloc (struct isdn_ppp_comp_data *data) +static void *bsd_alloc(struct isdn_ppp_comp_data *data) { int bits; unsigned int hsize, hshift, maxmaxcode; @@ -310,27 +310,27 @@ static void *bsd_alloc (struct isdn_ppp_comp_data *data) int decomp; static unsigned int htab[][2] = { - { 5003 , 4 } , { 5003 , 4 } , { 5003 , 4 } , { 5003 , 4 } , - { 9001 , 5 } , { 18013 , 6 } , { 35023 , 7 } , { 69001 , 8 } + { 5003 , 4 } , { 5003 , 4 } , { 5003 , 4 } , { 5003 , 4 } , + { 9001 , 5 } , { 18013 , 6 } , { 35023 , 7 } , { 69001 , 8 } }; - + if (data->optlen != 1 || data->num != CI_BSD_COMPRESS - || BSD_VERSION(data->options[0]) != BSD_CURRENT_VERSION) + || BSD_VERSION(data->options[0]) != BSD_CURRENT_VERSION) return NULL; bits = BSD_NBITS(data->options[0]); - if(bits < 9 || bits > 15) + if (bits < 9 || bits > 15) return NULL; - hsize = htab[bits-9][0]; - hshift = htab[bits-9][1]; - + hsize = htab[bits - 9][0]; + hshift = htab[bits - 9][1]; + /* * Allocate the main control structure for this instance. */ maxmaxcode = MAXCODE(bits); - db = kzalloc (sizeof (struct bsd_db),GFP_KERNEL); + db = kzalloc(sizeof(struct bsd_db), GFP_KERNEL); if (!db) return NULL; @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ static void *bsd_alloc (struct isdn_ppp_comp_data *data) */ db->dict = vmalloc(hsize * sizeof(struct bsd_dict)); if (!db->dict) { - bsd_free (db); + bsd_free(db); return NULL; } @@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ static void *bsd_alloc (struct isdn_ppp_comp_data *data) else { db->lens = vmalloc((maxmaxcode + 1) * sizeof(db->lens[0])); if (!db->lens) { - bsd_free (db); + bsd_free(db); return (NULL); } } @@ -364,41 +364,41 @@ static void *bsd_alloc (struct isdn_ppp_comp_data *data) /* * Initialize the data information for the compression code */ - db->totlen = sizeof (struct bsd_db) + (sizeof (struct bsd_dict) * hsize); - db->hsize = hsize; - db->hshift = hshift; + db->totlen = sizeof(struct bsd_db) + (sizeof(struct bsd_dict) * hsize); + db->hsize = hsize; + db->hshift = hshift; db->maxmaxcode = maxmaxcode; - db->maxbits = bits; + db->maxbits = bits; - return (void *) db; + return (void *)db; } /* * Initialize the database. */ -static int bsd_init (void *state, struct isdn_ppp_comp_data *data, int unit, int debug) +static int bsd_init(void *state, struct isdn_ppp_comp_data *data, int unit, int debug) { struct bsd_db *db = state; int indx; int decomp; - if(!state || !data) { - printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_bsd_init: [%d] ERR, state %lx data %lx\n",unit,(long)state,(long)data); + if (!state || !data) { + printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_bsd_init: [%d] ERR, state %lx data %lx\n", unit, (long)state, (long)data); return 0; } decomp = db->xmit ? 0 : 1; - + if (data->optlen != 1 || data->num != CI_BSD_COMPRESS - || (BSD_VERSION(data->options[0]) != BSD_CURRENT_VERSION) - || (BSD_NBITS(data->options[0]) != db->maxbits) - || (decomp && db->lens == NULL)) { - printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_bsd: %d %d %d %d %lx\n",data->optlen,data->num,data->options[0],decomp,(unsigned long)db->lens); + || (BSD_VERSION(data->options[0]) != BSD_CURRENT_VERSION) + || (BSD_NBITS(data->options[0]) != db->maxbits) + || (decomp && db->lens == NULL)) { + printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_bsd: %d %d %d %d %lx\n", data->optlen, data->num, data->options[0], decomp, (unsigned long)db->lens); return 0; } if (decomp) - for(indx=LAST;indx>=0;indx--) + for (indx = LAST; indx >= 0; indx--) db->lens[indx] = 1; indx = db->hsize; @@ -411,9 +411,9 @@ static int bsd_init (void *state, struct isdn_ppp_comp_data *data, int unit, int db->mru = 0; db->debug = 1; - - bsd_reset(db,0,0,NULL,0,NULL); - + + bsd_reset(db, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); + return 1; } @@ -421,37 +421,37 @@ static int bsd_init (void *state, struct isdn_ppp_comp_data *data, int unit, int * Obtain pointers to the various structures in the compression tables */ -#define dict_ptrx(p,idx) &(p->dict[idx]) -#define lens_ptrx(p,idx) &(p->lens[idx]) +#define dict_ptrx(p, idx) &(p->dict[idx]) +#define lens_ptrx(p, idx) &(p->lens[idx]) #ifdef DEBUG static unsigned short *lens_ptr(struct bsd_db *db, int idx) { if ((unsigned int) idx > (unsigned int) db->maxmaxcode) { - printk (KERN_DEBUG "<9>ppp: lens_ptr(%d) > max\n", idx); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "<9>ppp: lens_ptr(%d) > max\n", idx); idx = 0; } - return lens_ptrx (db, idx); + return lens_ptrx(db, idx); } static struct bsd_dict *dict_ptr(struct bsd_db *db, int idx) { if ((unsigned int) idx >= (unsigned int) db->hsize) { - printk (KERN_DEBUG "<9>ppp: dict_ptr(%d) > max\n", idx); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "<9>ppp: dict_ptr(%d) > max\n", idx); idx = 0; } - return dict_ptrx (db, idx); + return dict_ptrx(db, idx); } #else -#define lens_ptr(db,idx) lens_ptrx(db,idx) -#define dict_ptr(db,idx) dict_ptrx(db,idx) +#define lens_ptr(db, idx) lens_ptrx(db, idx) +#define dict_ptr(db, idx) dict_ptrx(db, idx) #endif /* * compress a packet */ -static int bsd_compress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff *skb_out,int proto) +static int bsd_compress(void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff *skb_out, int proto) { struct bsd_db *db; int hshift; @@ -463,31 +463,31 @@ static int bsd_compress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff *sk unsigned long fcode; struct bsd_dict *dictp; unsigned char c; - int hval,disp,ilen,mxcode; + int hval, disp, ilen, mxcode; unsigned char *rptr = skb_in->data; int isize = skb_in->len; -#define OUTPUT(ent) \ - { \ - bitno -= n_bits; \ - accm |= ((ent) << bitno); \ - do { \ - if(skb_out && skb_tailroom(skb_out) > 0) \ - *(skb_put(skb_out,1)) = (unsigned char) (accm>>24); \ - accm <<= 8; \ - bitno += 8; \ - } while (bitno <= 24); \ - } +#define OUTPUT(ent) \ + { \ + bitno -= n_bits; \ + accm |= ((ent) << bitno); \ + do { \ + if (skb_out && skb_tailroom(skb_out) > 0) \ + *(skb_put(skb_out, 1)) = (unsigned char)(accm >> 24); \ + accm <<= 8; \ + bitno += 8; \ + } while (bitno <= 24); \ + } /* * If the protocol is not in the range we're interested in, * just return without compressing the packet. If it is, * the protocol becomes the first byte to compress. */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG "bsd_compress called with %x\n",proto); - + printk(KERN_DEBUG "bsd_compress called with %x\n", proto); + ent = proto; - if (proto < 0x21 || proto > 0xf9 || !(proto & 0x1) ) + if (proto < 0x21 || proto > 0xf9 || !(proto & 0x1)) return 0; db = (struct bsd_db *) state; @@ -496,25 +496,25 @@ static int bsd_compress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff *sk n_bits = db->n_bits; bitno = 32; accm = 0; - mxcode = MAXCODE (n_bits); - + mxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits); + /* This is the PPP header information */ - if(skb_out && skb_tailroom(skb_out) >= 2) { - char *v = skb_put(skb_out,2); + if (skb_out && skb_tailroom(skb_out) >= 2) { + char *v = skb_put(skb_out, 2); /* we only push our own data on the header, - AC,PC and protos is pushed by caller */ + AC,PC and protos is pushed by caller */ v[0] = db->seqno >> 8; v[1] = db->seqno; } - ilen = ++isize; /* This is off by one, but that is what is in draft! */ + ilen = ++isize; /* This is off by one, but that is what is in draft! */ while (--ilen > 0) { - c = *rptr++; - fcode = BSD_KEY (ent, c); - hval = BSD_HASH (ent, c, hshift); - dictp = dict_ptr (db, hval); - + c = *rptr++; + fcode = BSD_KEY(ent, c); + hval = BSD_HASH(ent, c, hshift); + dictp = dict_ptr(db, hval); + /* Validate and then check the entry. */ if (dictp->codem1 >= max_ent) goto nomatch; @@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ static int bsd_compress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff *sk ent = dictp->codem1 + 1; continue; /* found (prefix,suffix) */ } - + /* continue probing until a match or invalid entry */ disp = (hval == 0) ? 1 : hval; @@ -531,17 +531,17 @@ static int bsd_compress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff *sk hval += disp; if (hval >= db->hsize) hval -= db->hsize; - dictp = dict_ptr (db, hval); + dictp = dict_ptr(db, hval); if (dictp->codem1 >= max_ent) goto nomatch; } while (dictp->fcode != fcode); ent = dictp->codem1 + 1; /* finally found (prefix,suffix) */ continue; - -nomatch: + + nomatch: OUTPUT(ent); /* output the prefix */ - + /* code -> hashtable */ if (max_ent < db->maxmaxcode) { struct bsd_dict *dictp2; @@ -551,16 +551,16 @@ static int bsd_compress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff *sk /* expand code size if needed */ if (max_ent >= mxcode) { db->n_bits = ++n_bits; - mxcode = MAXCODE (n_bits); + mxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits); } - - /* + + /* * Invalidate old hash table entry using * this code, and then take it over. */ - dictp2 = dict_ptr (db, max_ent + 1); + dictp2 = dict_ptr(db, max_ent + 1); indx = dictp2->cptr; - dictp3 = dict_ptr (db, indx); + dictp3 = dict_ptr(db, indx); if (dictp3->codem1 == max_ent) dictp3->codem1 = BADCODEM1; @@ -571,17 +571,17 @@ static int bsd_compress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff *sk db->max_ent = ++max_ent; if (db->lens) { - unsigned short *len1 = lens_ptr (db, max_ent); - unsigned short *len2 = lens_ptr (db, ent); + unsigned short *len1 = lens_ptr(db, max_ent); + unsigned short *len2 = lens_ptr(db, ent); *len1 = *len2 + 1; } } ent = c; } - + OUTPUT(ent); /* output the last code */ - if(skb_out) + if (skb_out) db->bytes_out += skb_out->len; /* Do not count bytes from here */ db->uncomp_bytes += isize; db->in_count += isize; @@ -596,15 +596,15 @@ static int bsd_compress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff *sk */ if (bsd_check(db)) - OUTPUT (CLEAR); + OUTPUT(CLEAR); /* * Pad dribble bits of last code with ones. * Do not emit a completely useless byte of ones. */ - if (bitno < 32 && skb_out && skb_tailroom(skb_out) > 0) - *(skb_put(skb_out,1)) = (unsigned char) ((accm | (0xff << (bitno-8))) >> 24); - + if (bitno < 32 && skb_out && skb_tailroom(skb_out) > 0) + *(skb_put(skb_out, 1)) = (unsigned char)((accm | (0xff << (bitno - 8))) >> 24); + /* * Increase code size if we would have without the packet * boundary because the decompressor will do so. @@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ static int bsd_compress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff *sk db->n_bits++; /* If output length is too large then this is an incompressible frame. */ - if (!skb_out || (skb_out && skb_out->len >= skb_in->len) ) { + if (!skb_out || (skb_out && skb_out->len >= skb_in->len)) { ++db->incomp_count; db->incomp_bytes += isize; return 0; @@ -631,16 +631,16 @@ static int bsd_compress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff *sk * Update the "BSD Compress" dictionary on the receiver for * incompressible data by pretending to compress the incoming data. */ -static void bsd_incomp (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in,int proto) +static void bsd_incomp(void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, int proto) { - bsd_compress (state, skb_in, NULL, proto); + bsd_compress(state, skb_in, NULL, proto); } /* * Decompress "BSD Compress". */ -static int bsd_decompress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff *skb_out, - struct isdn_ppp_resetparams *rsparm) +static int bsd_decompress(void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff *skb_out, + struct isdn_ppp_resetparams *rsparm) { struct bsd_db *db; unsigned int max_ent; @@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ static int bsd_decompress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff * unsigned int incode; unsigned int oldcode; unsigned int finchar; - unsigned char *p,*ibuf; + unsigned char *p, *ibuf; int ilen; int codelen; int extra; @@ -667,20 +667,20 @@ static int bsd_decompress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff * printk(KERN_DEBUG "bsd_decompress called\n"); - if(!skb_in || !skb_out) { + if (!skb_in || !skb_out) { printk(KERN_ERR "bsd_decompress called with NULL parameter\n"); return DECOMP_ERROR; } - + /* * Get the sequence number. */ - if( (p = skb_pull(skb_in,2)) == NULL) { + if ((p = skb_pull(skb_in, 2)) == NULL) { return DECOMP_ERROR; } - p-=2; - seq = (p[0] << 8) + p[1]; - ilen = skb_in->len; + p -= 2; + seq = (p[0] << 8) + p[1]; + ilen = skb_in->len; ibuf = skb_in->data; /* @@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ static int bsd_decompress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff * if (seq != db->seqno) { if (db->debug) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "bsd_decomp%d: bad sequence # %d, expected %d\n", - db->unit, seq, db->seqno - 1); + db->unit, seq, db->seqno - 1); } return DECOMP_ERROR; } @@ -698,11 +698,11 @@ static int bsd_decompress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff * ++db->seqno; db->bytes_out += ilen; - if(skb_tailroom(skb_out) > 0) - *(skb_put(skb_out,1)) = 0; + if (skb_tailroom(skb_out) > 0) + *(skb_put(skb_out, 1)) = 0; else return DECOMP_ERR_NOMEM; - + oldcode = CLEAR; /* @@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ static int bsd_decompress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff * /* * The dictionary must only be cleared at the end of a packet. */ - + if (incode == CLEAR) { if (ilen > 0) { if (db->debug) @@ -746,16 +746,16 @@ static int bsd_decompress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff * } if ((incode > max_ent + 2) || (incode > db->maxmaxcode) - || (incode > max_ent && oldcode == CLEAR)) { + || (incode > max_ent && oldcode == CLEAR)) { if (db->debug) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "bsd_decomp%d: bad code 0x%x oldcode=0x%x ", - db->unit, incode, oldcode); + db->unit, incode, oldcode); printk(KERN_DEBUG "max_ent=0x%x skb->Len=%d seqno=%d\n", - max_ent, skb_out->len, db->seqno); + max_ent, skb_out->len, db->seqno); } return DECOMP_FATALERROR; /* probably a bug */ } - + /* Special case for KwKwK string. */ if (incode > max_ent) { finchar = oldcode; @@ -765,13 +765,13 @@ static int bsd_decompress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff * extra = 0; } - codelen = *(lens_ptr (db, finchar)); - if( skb_tailroom(skb_out) < codelen + extra) { + codelen = *(lens_ptr(db, finchar)); + if (skb_tailroom(skb_out) < codelen + extra) { if (db->debug) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "bsd_decomp%d: ran out of mru\n", db->unit); #ifdef DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG " len=%d, finchar=0x%x, codelen=%d,skblen=%d\n", - ilen, finchar, codelen, skb_out->len); + ilen, finchar, codelen, skb_out->len); #endif } return DECOMP_FATALERROR; @@ -781,21 +781,21 @@ static int bsd_decompress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff * * Decode this code and install it in the decompressed buffer. */ - p = skb_put(skb_out,codelen); + p = skb_put(skb_out, codelen); p += codelen; while (finchar > LAST) { - struct bsd_dict *dictp2 = dict_ptr (db, finchar); - - dictp = dict_ptr (db, dictp2->cptr); + struct bsd_dict *dictp2 = dict_ptr(db, finchar); + + dictp = dict_ptr(db, dictp2->cptr); #ifdef DEBUG - if (--codelen <= 0 || dictp->codem1 != finchar-1) { + if (--codelen <= 0 || dictp->codem1 != finchar - 1) { if (codelen <= 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "bsd_decomp%d: fell off end of chain ", db->unit); printk(KERN_ERR "0x%x at 0x%x by 0x%x, max_ent=0x%x\n", incode, finchar, dictp2->cptr, max_ent); } else { - if (dictp->codem1 != finchar-1) { - printk(KERN_ERR "bsd_decomp%d: bad code chain 0x%x finchar=0x%x ",db->unit, incode, finchar); + if (dictp->codem1 != finchar - 1) { + printk(KERN_ERR "bsd_decomp%d: bad code chain 0x%x finchar=0x%x ", db->unit, incode, finchar); printk(KERN_ERR "oldcode=0x%x cptr=0x%x codem1=0x%x\n", oldcode, dictp2->cptr, dictp->codem1); } } @@ -810,15 +810,15 @@ static int bsd_decompress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff * } } *--p = finchar; - + #ifdef DEBUG if (--codelen != 0) printk(KERN_ERR "bsd_decomp%d: short by %d after code 0x%x, max_ent=0x%x\n", db->unit, codelen, incode, max_ent); #endif - + if (extra) /* the KwKwK case again */ - *(skb_put(skb_out,1)) = finchar; - + *(skb_put(skb_out, 1)) = finchar; + /* * If not first code in a packet, and * if not out of code space, then allocate a new code. @@ -828,14 +828,14 @@ static int bsd_decompress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff * */ if (oldcode != CLEAR && max_ent < db->maxmaxcode) { struct bsd_dict *dictp2, *dictp3; - u16 *lens1, *lens2; + u16 *lens1, *lens2; unsigned long fcode; int hval, disp, indx; - - fcode = BSD_KEY(oldcode,finchar); - hval = BSD_HASH(oldcode,finchar,db->hshift); - dictp = dict_ptr (db, hval); - + + fcode = BSD_KEY(oldcode, finchar); + hval = BSD_HASH(oldcode, finchar, db->hshift); + dictp = dict_ptr(db, hval); + /* look for a free hash table entry */ if (dictp->codem1 < max_ent) { disp = (hval == 0) ? 1 : hval; @@ -843,18 +843,18 @@ static int bsd_decompress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff * hval += disp; if (hval >= db->hsize) hval -= db->hsize; - dictp = dict_ptr (db, hval); + dictp = dict_ptr(db, hval); } while (dictp->codem1 < max_ent); } - + /* * Invalidate previous hash table entry * assigned this code, and then take it over */ - dictp2 = dict_ptr (db, max_ent + 1); + dictp2 = dict_ptr(db, max_ent + 1); indx = dictp2->cptr; - dictp3 = dict_ptr (db, indx); + dictp3 = dict_ptr(db, indx); if (dictp3->codem1 == max_ent) dictp3->codem1 = BADCODEM1; @@ -865,10 +865,10 @@ static int bsd_decompress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff * db->max_ent = ++max_ent; /* Update the length of this string. */ - lens1 = lens_ptr (db, max_ent); - lens2 = lens_ptr (db, oldcode); + lens1 = lens_ptr(db, max_ent); + lens2 = lens_ptr(db, oldcode); *lens1 = *lens2 + 1; - + /* Expand code size if needed. */ if (max_ent >= MAXCODE(n_bits) && max_ent < db->maxmaxcode) { db->n_bits = ++n_bits; @@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ static int bsd_decompress (void *state, struct sk_buff *skb_in, struct sk_buff * if (bsd_check(db)) { if (db->debug) printk(KERN_DEBUG "bsd_decomp%d: peer should have cleared dictionary on %d\n", - db->unit, db->seqno - 1); + db->unit, db->seqno - 1); } return skb_out->len; } @@ -914,15 +914,15 @@ static struct isdn_ppp_compressor ippp_bsd_compress = { static int __init isdn_bsdcomp_init(void) { - int answer = isdn_ppp_register_compressor (&ippp_bsd_compress); + int answer = isdn_ppp_register_compressor(&ippp_bsd_compress); if (answer == 0) - printk (KERN_INFO "PPP BSD Compression module registered\n"); + printk(KERN_INFO "PPP BSD Compression module registered\n"); return answer; } static void __exit isdn_bsdcomp_exit(void) { - isdn_ppp_unregister_compressor (&ippp_bsd_compress); + isdn_ppp_unregister_compressor(&ippp_bsd_compress); } module_init(isdn_bsdcomp_init); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_common.c b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_common.c index 6ddb795e31c50e371eb36d0dbd3dcda23f11978b..d9f5524593fbb43bcda7953e61937d6324eb03a6 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_common.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_common.c @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ isdn_unlock_drivers(void) #if defined(ISDN_DEBUG_NET_DUMP) || defined(ISDN_DEBUG_MODEM_DUMP) void -isdn_dumppkt(char *s, u_char * p, int len, int dumplen) +isdn_dumppkt(char *s, u_char *p, int len, int dumplen) { int dumpc; @@ -163,58 +163,58 @@ isdn_wildmat(char *s, char *p) register int nostar = 1; if (!(*s) && !(*p)) - return(1); + return (1); for (; *p; s++, p++) switch (*p) { - case '\\': - /* - * Literal match with following character, - * fall through. - */ + case '\\': + /* + * Literal match with following character, + * fall through. + */ + p++; + default: + if (*s != *p) + return (*s == '\0') ? 2 : 1; + continue; + case '?': + /* Match anything. */ + if (*s == '\0') + return (2); + continue; + case '*': + nostar = 0; + /* Trailing star matches everything. */ + return (*++p ? isdn_star(s, p) : 0); + case '[': + /* [^....] means inverse character class. */ + if ((reverse = (p[1] == '^'))) p++; - default: - if (*s != *p) - return (*s == '\0')?2:1; - continue; - case '?': - /* Match anything. */ - if (*s == '\0') - return (2); - continue; - case '*': - nostar = 0; - /* Trailing star matches everything. */ - return (*++p ? isdn_star(s, p) : 0); - case '[': - /* [^....] means inverse character class. */ - if ((reverse = (p[1] == '^'))) - p++; - for (last = 0, matched = 0; *++p && (*p != ']'); last = *p) - /* This next line requires a good C compiler. */ - if (*p == '-' ? *s <= *++p && *s >= last : *s == *p) - matched = 1; - if (matched == reverse) - return (1); - continue; + for (last = 0, matched = 0; *++p && (*p != ']'); last = *p) + /* This next line requires a good C compiler. */ + if (*p == '-' ? *s <= *++p && *s >= last : *s == *p) + matched = 1; + if (matched == reverse) + return (1); + continue; } - return (*s == '\0')?0:nostar; + return (*s == '\0') ? 0 : nostar; } -int isdn_msncmp( const char * msn1, const char * msn2 ) +int isdn_msncmp(const char *msn1, const char *msn2) { - char TmpMsn1[ ISDN_MSNLEN ]; - char TmpMsn2[ ISDN_MSNLEN ]; + char TmpMsn1[ISDN_MSNLEN]; + char TmpMsn2[ISDN_MSNLEN]; char *p; - for ( p = TmpMsn1; *msn1 && *msn1 != ':'; ) // Strip off a SPID + for (p = TmpMsn1; *msn1 && *msn1 != ':';) // Strip off a SPID *p++ = *msn1++; *p = '\0'; - for ( p = TmpMsn2; *msn2 && *msn2 != ':'; ) // Strip off a SPID + for (p = TmpMsn2; *msn2 && *msn2 != ':';) // Strip off a SPID *p++ = *msn2++; *p = '\0'; - return isdn_wildmat( TmpMsn1, TmpMsn2 ); + return isdn_wildmat(TmpMsn1, TmpMsn2); } int @@ -262,8 +262,8 @@ isdn_timer_funct(ulong dummy) isdn_tty_carrier_timeout(); } } - if (tf) - mod_timer(&dev->timer, jiffies+ISDN_TIMER_RES); + if (tf) + mod_timer(&dev->timer, jiffies + ISDN_TIMER_RES); } void @@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ isdn_timer_ctrl(int tf, int onoff) else dev->tflags &= ~tf; if (dev->tflags && !old_tflags) - mod_timer(&dev->timer, jiffies+ISDN_TIMER_RES); + mod_timer(&dev->timer, jiffies + ISDN_TIMER_RES); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->timerlock, flags); } @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ isdn_receive_skb_callback(int di, int channel, struct sk_buff *skb) } /* Update statistics */ dev->ibytes[i] += skb->len; - + /* First, try to deliver data to network-device */ if (isdn_net_rcv_skb(i, skb)) return; @@ -339,40 +339,40 @@ isdn_command(isdn_ctrl *cmd) { if (cmd->driver == -1) { printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_command command(%x) driver -1\n", cmd->command); - return(1); + return (1); } if (!dev->drv[cmd->driver]) { printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_command command(%x) dev->drv[%d] NULL\n", - cmd->command, cmd->driver); - return(1); + cmd->command, cmd->driver); + return (1); } if (!dev->drv[cmd->driver]->interface) { printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_command command(%x) dev->drv[%d]->interface NULL\n", - cmd->command, cmd->driver); - return(1); + cmd->command, cmd->driver); + return (1); } if (cmd->command == ISDN_CMD_SETL2) { int idx = isdn_dc2minor(cmd->driver, cmd->arg & 255); unsigned long l2prot = (cmd->arg >> 8) & 255; unsigned long features = (dev->drv[cmd->driver]->interface->features - >> ISDN_FEATURE_L2_SHIFT) & - ISDN_FEATURE_L2_MASK; + >> ISDN_FEATURE_L2_SHIFT) & + ISDN_FEATURE_L2_MASK; unsigned long l2_feature = (1 << l2prot); switch (l2prot) { - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: /* If V.110 requested, but not supported by * HL-driver, set emulator-flag and change * Layer-2 to transparent */ - if (!(features & l2_feature)) { - dev->v110emu[idx] = l2prot; - cmd->arg = (cmd->arg & 255) | - (ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS << 8); - } else - dev->v110emu[idx] = 0; + if (!(features & l2_feature)) { + dev->v110emu[idx] = l2prot; + cmd->arg = (cmd->arg & 255) | + (ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS << 8); + } else + dev->v110emu[idx] = 0; } } return dev->drv[cmd->driver]->interface->command(cmd); @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ isdn_all_eaz(int di, int ch) } /* - * Begin of a CAPI like LL<->HL interface, currently used only for + * Begin of a CAPI like LL<->HL interface, currently used only for * supplementary service (CAPI 2.0 part III) */ #include @@ -401,17 +401,17 @@ isdn_all_eaz(int di, int ch) static int isdn_capi_rec_hl_msg(capi_msg *cm) { - switch(cm->Command) { - case CAPI_FACILITY: - /* in the moment only handled in tty */ - return(isdn_tty_capi_facility(cm)); - default: - return(-1); + switch (cm->Command) { + case CAPI_FACILITY: + /* in the moment only handled in tty */ + return (isdn_tty_capi_facility(cm)); + default: + return (-1); } } static int -isdn_status_callback(isdn_ctrl * c) +isdn_status_callback(isdn_ctrl *c) { int di; u_long flags; @@ -424,314 +424,314 @@ isdn_status_callback(isdn_ctrl * c) di = c->driver; i = isdn_dc2minor(di, c->arg); switch (c->command) { - case ISDN_STAT_BSENT: - if (i < 0) - return -1; - if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) - return 0; - if (isdn_net_stat_callback(i, c)) - return 0; - if (isdn_v110_stat_callback(i, c)) - return 0; - if (isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c)) - return 0; - wake_up_interruptible(&dev->drv[di]->snd_waitq[c->arg]); - break; - case ISDN_STAT_STAVAIL: - dev->drv[di]->stavail += c->arg; - wake_up_interruptible(&dev->drv[di]->st_waitq); - break; - case ISDN_STAT_RUN: - dev->drv[di]->flags |= DRV_FLAG_RUNNING; - for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) - if (dev->drvmap[i] == di) - isdn_all_eaz(di, dev->chanmap[i]); - set_global_features(); - break; - case ISDN_STAT_STOP: - dev->drv[di]->flags &= ~DRV_FLAG_RUNNING; - break; - case ISDN_STAT_ICALL: - if (i < 0) - return -1; + case ISDN_STAT_BSENT: + if (i < 0) + return -1; + if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) + return 0; + if (isdn_net_stat_callback(i, c)) + return 0; + if (isdn_v110_stat_callback(i, c)) + return 0; + if (isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c)) + return 0; + wake_up_interruptible(&dev->drv[di]->snd_waitq[c->arg]); + break; + case ISDN_STAT_STAVAIL: + dev->drv[di]->stavail += c->arg; + wake_up_interruptible(&dev->drv[di]->st_waitq); + break; + case ISDN_STAT_RUN: + dev->drv[di]->flags |= DRV_FLAG_RUNNING; + for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) + if (dev->drvmap[i] == di) + isdn_all_eaz(di, dev->chanmap[i]); + set_global_features(); + break; + case ISDN_STAT_STOP: + dev->drv[di]->flags &= ~DRV_FLAG_RUNNING; + break; + case ISDN_STAT_ICALL: + if (i < 0) + return -1; #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_STATCALLB - printk(KERN_DEBUG "ICALL (net): %d %ld %s\n", di, c->arg, c->parm.num); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "ICALL (net): %d %ld %s\n", di, c->arg, c->parm.num); #endif - if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) { + if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) { + cmd.driver = di; + cmd.arg = c->arg; + cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_HANGUP; + isdn_command(&cmd); + return 0; + } + /* Try to find a network-interface which will accept incoming call */ + r = ((c->command == ISDN_STAT_ICALLW) ? 0 : isdn_net_find_icall(di, c->arg, i, &c->parm.setup)); + switch (r) { + case 0: + /* No network-device replies. + * Try ttyI's. + * These return 0 on no match, 1 on match and + * 3 on eventually match, if CID is longer. + */ + if (c->command == ISDN_STAT_ICALL) + if ((retval = isdn_tty_find_icall(di, c->arg, &c->parm.setup))) return (retval); +#ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_DIVERSION + if (divert_if) + if ((retval = divert_if->stat_callback(c))) + return (retval); /* processed */ +#endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_DIVERSION */ + if ((!retval) && (dev->drv[di]->flags & DRV_FLAG_REJBUS)) { + /* No tty responding */ cmd.driver = di; cmd.arg = c->arg; cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_HANGUP; isdn_command(&cmd); - return 0; + retval = 2; } - /* Try to find a network-interface which will accept incoming call */ - r = ((c->command == ISDN_STAT_ICALLW) ? 0 : isdn_net_find_icall(di, c->arg, i, &c->parm.setup)); - switch (r) { - case 0: - /* No network-device replies. - * Try ttyI's. - * These return 0 on no match, 1 on match and - * 3 on eventually match, if CID is longer. - */ - if (c->command == ISDN_STAT_ICALL) - if ((retval = isdn_tty_find_icall(di, c->arg, &c->parm.setup))) return(retval); -#ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_DIVERSION - if (divert_if) - if ((retval = divert_if->stat_callback(c))) - return(retval); /* processed */ -#endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_DIVERSION */ - if ((!retval) && (dev->drv[di]->flags & DRV_FLAG_REJBUS)) { - /* No tty responding */ - cmd.driver = di; - cmd.arg = c->arg; - cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_HANGUP; - isdn_command(&cmd); - retval = 2; - } - break; - case 1: - /* Schedule connection-setup */ - isdn_net_dial(); - cmd.driver = di; - cmd.arg = c->arg; - cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTD; - for ( p = dev->netdev; p; p = p->next ) - if ( p->local->isdn_channel == cmd.arg ) - { - strcpy( cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn, p->local->msn ); - isdn_command(&cmd); - retval = 1; - break; - } - break; - - case 2: /* For calling back, first reject incoming call ... */ - case 3: /* Interface found, but down, reject call actively */ - retval = 2; - printk(KERN_INFO "isdn: Rejecting Call\n"); - cmd.driver = di; - cmd.arg = c->arg; - cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_HANGUP; + break; + case 1: + /* Schedule connection-setup */ + isdn_net_dial(); + cmd.driver = di; + cmd.arg = c->arg; + cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTD; + for (p = dev->netdev; p; p = p->next) + if (p->local->isdn_channel == cmd.arg) + { + strcpy(cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn, p->local->msn); isdn_command(&cmd); - if (r == 3) - break; - /* Fall through */ - case 4: - /* ... then start callback. */ - isdn_net_dial(); - break; - case 5: - /* Number would eventually match, if longer */ - retval = 3; + retval = 1; break; - } + } + break; + + case 2: /* For calling back, first reject incoming call ... */ + case 3: /* Interface found, but down, reject call actively */ + retval = 2; + printk(KERN_INFO "isdn: Rejecting Call\n"); + cmd.driver = di; + cmd.arg = c->arg; + cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_HANGUP; + isdn_command(&cmd); + if (r == 3) + break; + /* Fall through */ + case 4: + /* ... then start callback. */ + isdn_net_dial(); + break; + case 5: + /* Number would eventually match, if longer */ + retval = 3; + break; + } #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_STATCALLB - printk(KERN_DEBUG "ICALL: ret=%d\n", retval); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "ICALL: ret=%d\n", retval); #endif - return retval; - break; - case ISDN_STAT_CINF: - if (i < 0) - return -1; + return retval; + break; + case ISDN_STAT_CINF: + if (i < 0) + return -1; #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_STATCALLB - printk(KERN_DEBUG "CINF: %ld %s\n", c->arg, c->parm.num); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "CINF: %ld %s\n", c->arg, c->parm.num); #endif - if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) - return 0; - if (strcmp(c->parm.num, "0")) - isdn_net_stat_callback(i, c); - isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c); - break; - case ISDN_STAT_CAUSE: + if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) + return 0; + if (strcmp(c->parm.num, "0")) + isdn_net_stat_callback(i, c); + isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c); + break; + case ISDN_STAT_CAUSE: #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_STATCALLB - printk(KERN_DEBUG "CAUSE: %ld %s\n", c->arg, c->parm.num); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "CAUSE: %ld %s\n", c->arg, c->parm.num); #endif - printk(KERN_INFO "isdn: %s,ch%ld cause: %s\n", - dev->drvid[di], c->arg, c->parm.num); - isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c); + printk(KERN_INFO "isdn: %s,ch%ld cause: %s\n", + dev->drvid[di], c->arg, c->parm.num); + isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c); #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_DIVERSION - if (divert_if) - divert_if->stat_callback(c); + if (divert_if) + divert_if->stat_callback(c); #endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_DIVERSION */ - break; - case ISDN_STAT_DISPLAY: + break; + case ISDN_STAT_DISPLAY: #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_STATCALLB - printk(KERN_DEBUG "DISPLAY: %ld %s\n", c->arg, c->parm.display); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "DISPLAY: %ld %s\n", c->arg, c->parm.display); #endif - isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c); + isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c); #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_DIVERSION - if (divert_if) - divert_if->stat_callback(c); + if (divert_if) + divert_if->stat_callback(c); #endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_DIVERSION */ - break; - case ISDN_STAT_DCONN: - if (i < 0) - return -1; + break; + case ISDN_STAT_DCONN: + if (i < 0) + return -1; #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_STATCALLB - printk(KERN_DEBUG "DCONN: %ld\n", c->arg); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "DCONN: %ld\n", c->arg); #endif - if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) - return 0; - /* Find any net-device, waiting for D-channel setup */ - if (isdn_net_stat_callback(i, c)) - break; - isdn_v110_stat_callback(i, c); - /* Find any ttyI, waiting for D-channel setup */ - if (isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c)) { - cmd.driver = di; - cmd.arg = c->arg; - cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTB; - isdn_command(&cmd); - break; - } + if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) + return 0; + /* Find any net-device, waiting for D-channel setup */ + if (isdn_net_stat_callback(i, c)) break; - case ISDN_STAT_DHUP: - if (i < 0) - return -1; + isdn_v110_stat_callback(i, c); + /* Find any ttyI, waiting for D-channel setup */ + if (isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c)) { + cmd.driver = di; + cmd.arg = c->arg; + cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTB; + isdn_command(&cmd); + break; + } + break; + case ISDN_STAT_DHUP: + if (i < 0) + return -1; #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_STATCALLB - printk(KERN_DEBUG "DHUP: %ld\n", c->arg); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "DHUP: %ld\n", c->arg); #endif - if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) - return 0; - dev->drv[di]->online &= ~(1 << (c->arg)); - isdn_info_update(); - /* Signal hangup to network-devices */ - if (isdn_net_stat_callback(i, c)) - break; - isdn_v110_stat_callback(i, c); - if (isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c)) - break; -#ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_DIVERSION - if (divert_if) - divert_if->stat_callback(c); -#endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_DIVERSION */ + if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) + return 0; + dev->drv[di]->online &= ~(1 << (c->arg)); + isdn_info_update(); + /* Signal hangup to network-devices */ + if (isdn_net_stat_callback(i, c)) break; + isdn_v110_stat_callback(i, c); + if (isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c)) break; - case ISDN_STAT_BCONN: - if (i < 0) - return -1; +#ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_DIVERSION + if (divert_if) + divert_if->stat_callback(c); +#endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_DIVERSION */ + break; + break; + case ISDN_STAT_BCONN: + if (i < 0) + return -1; #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_STATCALLB - printk(KERN_DEBUG "BCONN: %ld\n", c->arg); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "BCONN: %ld\n", c->arg); #endif - /* Signal B-channel-connect to network-devices */ - if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) - return 0; - dev->drv[di]->online |= (1 << (c->arg)); - isdn_info_update(); - if (isdn_net_stat_callback(i, c)) - break; - isdn_v110_stat_callback(i, c); - if (isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c)) - break; + /* Signal B-channel-connect to network-devices */ + if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) + return 0; + dev->drv[di]->online |= (1 << (c->arg)); + isdn_info_update(); + if (isdn_net_stat_callback(i, c)) + break; + isdn_v110_stat_callback(i, c); + if (isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c)) break; - case ISDN_STAT_BHUP: - if (i < 0) - return -1; + break; + case ISDN_STAT_BHUP: + if (i < 0) + return -1; #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_STATCALLB - printk(KERN_DEBUG "BHUP: %ld\n", c->arg); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "BHUP: %ld\n", c->arg); #endif - if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) - return 0; - dev->drv[di]->online &= ~(1 << (c->arg)); - isdn_info_update(); + if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) + return 0; + dev->drv[di]->online &= ~(1 << (c->arg)); + isdn_info_update(); #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - /* Signal hangup to network-devices */ - if (isdn_net_stat_callback(i, c)) - break; + /* Signal hangup to network-devices */ + if (isdn_net_stat_callback(i, c)) + break; #endif - isdn_v110_stat_callback(i, c); - if (isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c)) - break; + isdn_v110_stat_callback(i, c); + if (isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c)) break; - case ISDN_STAT_NODCH: - if (i < 0) - return -1; + break; + case ISDN_STAT_NODCH: + if (i < 0) + return -1; #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_STATCALLB - printk(KERN_DEBUG "NODCH: %ld\n", c->arg); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "NODCH: %ld\n", c->arg); #endif - if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) - return 0; - if (isdn_net_stat_callback(i, c)) - break; - if (isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c)) - break; + if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) + return 0; + if (isdn_net_stat_callback(i, c)) break; - case ISDN_STAT_ADDCH: - spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->lock, flags); - if (isdn_add_channels(dev->drv[di], di, c->arg, 1)) { - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->lock, flags); - return -1; - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->lock, flags); - isdn_info_update(); + if (isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c)) break; - case ISDN_STAT_DISCH: - spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->lock, flags); - for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) - if ((dev->drvmap[i] == di) && - (dev->chanmap[i] == c->arg)) { - if (c->parm.num[0]) - dev->usage[i] &= ~ISDN_USAGE_DISABLED; - else - if (USG_NONE(dev->usage[i])) { - dev->usage[i] |= ISDN_USAGE_DISABLED; - } - else - retval = -1; - break; - } + break; + case ISDN_STAT_ADDCH: + spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->lock, flags); + if (isdn_add_channels(dev->drv[di], di, c->arg, 1)) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->lock, flags); - isdn_info_update(); - break; - case ISDN_STAT_UNLOAD: - while (dev->drv[di]->locks > 0) { - isdn_unlock_driver(dev->drv[di]); - } - spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->lock, flags); - isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c); - for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) - if (dev->drvmap[i] == di) { - dev->drvmap[i] = -1; - dev->chanmap[i] = -1; + return -1; + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->lock, flags); + isdn_info_update(); + break; + case ISDN_STAT_DISCH: + spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->lock, flags); + for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) + if ((dev->drvmap[i] == di) && + (dev->chanmap[i] == c->arg)) { + if (c->parm.num[0]) dev->usage[i] &= ~ISDN_USAGE_DISABLED; - } - dev->drivers--; - dev->channels -= dev->drv[di]->channels; - kfree(dev->drv[di]->rcverr); - kfree(dev->drv[di]->rcvcount); - for (i = 0; i < dev->drv[di]->channels; i++) - skb_queue_purge(&dev->drv[di]->rpqueue[i]); - kfree(dev->drv[di]->rpqueue); - kfree(dev->drv[di]->rcv_waitq); - kfree(dev->drv[di]); - dev->drv[di] = NULL; - dev->drvid[di][0] = '\0'; - isdn_info_update(); - set_global_features(); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->lock, flags); - return 0; - case ISDN_STAT_L1ERR: - break; - case CAPI_PUT_MESSAGE: - return(isdn_capi_rec_hl_msg(&c->parm.cmsg)); + else + if (USG_NONE(dev->usage[i])) { + dev->usage[i] |= ISDN_USAGE_DISABLED; + } + else + retval = -1; + break; + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->lock, flags); + isdn_info_update(); + break; + case ISDN_STAT_UNLOAD: + while (dev->drv[di]->locks > 0) { + isdn_unlock_driver(dev->drv[di]); + } + spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->lock, flags); + isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c); + for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) + if (dev->drvmap[i] == di) { + dev->drvmap[i] = -1; + dev->chanmap[i] = -1; + dev->usage[i] &= ~ISDN_USAGE_DISABLED; + } + dev->drivers--; + dev->channels -= dev->drv[di]->channels; + kfree(dev->drv[di]->rcverr); + kfree(dev->drv[di]->rcvcount); + for (i = 0; i < dev->drv[di]->channels; i++) + skb_queue_purge(&dev->drv[di]->rpqueue[i]); + kfree(dev->drv[di]->rpqueue); + kfree(dev->drv[di]->rcv_waitq); + kfree(dev->drv[di]); + dev->drv[di] = NULL; + dev->drvid[di][0] = '\0'; + isdn_info_update(); + set_global_features(); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->lock, flags); + return 0; + case ISDN_STAT_L1ERR: + break; + case CAPI_PUT_MESSAGE: + return (isdn_capi_rec_hl_msg(&c->parm.cmsg)); #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_TTY_FAX - case ISDN_STAT_FAXIND: - isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c); - break; + case ISDN_STAT_FAXIND: + isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c); + break; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO - case ISDN_STAT_AUDIO: - isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c); - break; + case ISDN_STAT_AUDIO: + isdn_tty_stat_callback(i, c); + break; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_DIVERSION - case ISDN_STAT_PROT: - case ISDN_STAT_REDIR: - if (divert_if) - return(divert_if->stat_callback(c)); + case ISDN_STAT_PROT: + case ISDN_STAT_REDIR: + if (divert_if) + return (divert_if->stat_callback(c)); #endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_DIVERSION */ - default: - return -1; + default: + return -1; } return 0; } @@ -755,17 +755,17 @@ isdn_getnum(char **p) * isdn_readbchan() tries to get data from the read-queue. * It MUST be called with interrupts off. * - * Be aware that this is not an atomic operation when sleep != 0, even though + * Be aware that this is not an atomic operation when sleep != 0, even though * interrupts are turned off! Well, like that we are currently only called * on behalf of a read system call on raw device files (which are documented * to be dangerous and for debugging purpose only). The inode semaphore * takes care that this is not called for the same minor device number while * we are sleeping, but access is not serialized against simultaneous read() * from the corresponding ttyI device. Can other ugly events, like changes - * of the mapping (di,ch)<->minor, happen during the sleep? --he + * of the mapping (di,ch)<->minor, happen during the sleep? --he */ int -isdn_readbchan(int di, int channel, u_char * buf, u_char * fp, int len, wait_queue_head_t *sleep) +isdn_readbchan(int di, int channel, u_char *buf, u_char *fp, int len, wait_queue_head_t *sleep) { int count; int count_pull; @@ -890,10 +890,10 @@ isdn_readbchan_tty(int di, int channel, struct tty_struct *tty, int cisco_hack) if (!dev->drv[di]) return 0; if (skb_queue_empty(&dev->drv[di]->rpqueue[channel])) - return 0; + return 0; len = tty_buffer_request_room(tty, dev->drv[di]->rcvcount[channel]); - if(len == 0) + if (len == 0) return len; count = 0; @@ -912,7 +912,7 @@ isdn_readbchan_tty(int di, int channel, struct tty_struct *tty, int cisco_hack) count_pull = count_put = 0; while ((count_pull < skb->len) && (len > 0)) { /* push every character but the last to the tty buffer directly */ - if ( count_put ) + if (count_put) tty_insert_flip_char(tty, last, TTY_NORMAL); len--; if (dev->drv[di]->DLEflag & DLEmask) { @@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ isdn_readbchan_tty(int di, int channel, struct tty_struct *tty, int cisco_hack) dflag = 0; } count_put = count_pull; - if(count_put > 1) + if (count_put > 1) tty_insert_flip_string(tty, skb->data, count_put - 1); last = skb->data[count_put - 1]; len -= count_put; @@ -952,7 +952,7 @@ isdn_readbchan_tty(int di, int channel, struct tty_struct *tty, int cisco_hack) /* We got all the data in this buff. * Now we can dequeue it. */ - if(cisco_hack) + if (cisco_hack) tty_insert_flip_char(tty, last, 0xFF); else tty_insert_flip_char(tty, last, TTY_NORMAL); @@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@ isdn_info_update(void) } static ssize_t -isdn_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t * off) +isdn_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *off) { uint minor = iminor(file->f_path.dentry->d_inode); int len = 0; @@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@ isdn_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t * off) len = isdn_readbchan(drvidx, chidx, p, NULL, count, &dev->drv[drvidx]->rcv_waitq[chidx]); *off += len; - if (copy_to_user(buf,p,len)) + if (copy_to_user(buf, p, len)) len = -EFAULT; kfree(p); retval = len; @@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@ isdn_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t * off) if (count > dev->drv[drvidx]->stavail) count = dev->drv[drvidx]->stavail; len = dev->drv[drvidx]->interface->readstat(buf, count, - drvidx, isdn_minor2chan(minor - ISDN_MINOR_CTRL)); + drvidx, isdn_minor2chan(minor - ISDN_MINOR_CTRL)); if (len < 0) { retval = len; goto out; @@ -1158,13 +1158,13 @@ isdn_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t * off) } #endif retval = -ENODEV; - out: +out: mutex_unlock(&isdn_mutex); return retval; } static ssize_t -isdn_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t * off) +isdn_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *off) { uint minor = iminor(file->f_path.dentry->d_inode); int drvidx; @@ -1204,11 +1204,11 @@ isdn_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t * off * if (!(dev->drv[drvidx]->flags & DRV_FLAG_RUNNING)) return -ENODEV; - */ + */ if (dev->drv[drvidx]->interface->writecmd) retval = dev->drv[drvidx]->interface-> writecmd(buf, count, drvidx, - isdn_minor2chan(minor - ISDN_MINOR_CTRL)); + isdn_minor2chan(minor - ISDN_MINOR_CTRL)); else retval = count; goto out; @@ -1220,13 +1220,13 @@ isdn_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t * off } #endif retval = -ENODEV; - out: +out: mutex_unlock(&isdn_mutex); return retval; } static unsigned int -isdn_poll(struct file *file, poll_table * wait) +isdn_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait) { unsigned int mask = 0; unsigned int minor = iminor(file->f_path.dentry->d_inode); @@ -1261,7 +1261,7 @@ isdn_poll(struct file *file, poll_table * wait) } #endif mask = POLLERR; - out: +out: mutex_unlock(&isdn_mutex); return mask; } @@ -1294,38 +1294,38 @@ isdn_ioctl(struct file *file, uint cmd, ulong arg) if (minor == ISDN_MINOR_STATUS) { switch (cmd) { - case IIOCGETDVR: - return (TTY_DV + - (NET_DV << 8) + - (INF_DV << 16)); - case IIOCGETCPS: - if (arg) { - ulong __user *p = argp; - int i; - if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, p, - sizeof(ulong) * ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS * 2)) - return -EFAULT; - for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { - put_user(dev->ibytes[i], p++); - put_user(dev->obytes[i], p++); - } - return 0; - } else - return -EINVAL; - break; + case IIOCGETDVR: + return (TTY_DV + + (NET_DV << 8) + + (INF_DV << 16)); + case IIOCGETCPS: + if (arg) { + ulong __user *p = argp; + int i; + if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, p, + sizeof(ulong) * ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS * 2)) + return -EFAULT; + for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { + put_user(dev->ibytes[i], p++); + put_user(dev->obytes[i], p++); + } + return 0; + } else + return -EINVAL; + break; #ifdef CONFIG_NETDEVICES - case IIOCNETGPN: - /* Get peer phone number of a connected - * isdn network interface */ - if (arg) { - if (copy_from_user(&phone, argp, sizeof(phone))) - return -EFAULT; - return isdn_net_getpeer(&phone, argp); - } else - return -EINVAL; -#endif - default: + case IIOCNETGPN: + /* Get peer phone number of a connected + * isdn network interface */ + if (arg) { + if (copy_from_user(&phone, argp, sizeof(phone))) + return -EFAULT; + return isdn_net_getpeer(&phone, argp); + } else return -EINVAL; +#endif + default: + return -EINVAL; } } if (!dev->drivers) @@ -1347,360 +1347,360 @@ isdn_ioctl(struct file *file, uint cmd, ulong arg) * are serialized by means of a semaphore. */ switch (cmd) { - case IIOCNETDWRSET: - printk(KERN_INFO "INFO: ISDN_DW_ABC_EXTENSION not enabled\n"); - return(-EINVAL); - case IIOCNETLCR: - printk(KERN_INFO "INFO: ISDN_ABC_LCR_SUPPORT not enabled\n"); - return -ENODEV; + case IIOCNETDWRSET: + printk(KERN_INFO "INFO: ISDN_DW_ABC_EXTENSION not enabled\n"); + return (-EINVAL); + case IIOCNETLCR: + printk(KERN_INFO "INFO: ISDN_ABC_LCR_SUPPORT not enabled\n"); + return -ENODEV; #ifdef CONFIG_NETDEVICES - case IIOCNETAIF: - /* Add a network-interface */ - if (arg) { - if (copy_from_user(name, argp, sizeof(name))) - return -EFAULT; - s = name; + case IIOCNETAIF: + /* Add a network-interface */ + if (arg) { + if (copy_from_user(name, argp, sizeof(name))) + return -EFAULT; + s = name; + } else { + s = NULL; + } + ret = mutex_lock_interruptible(&dev->mtx); + if (ret) return ret; + if ((s = isdn_net_new(s, NULL))) { + if (copy_to_user(argp, s, strlen(s) + 1)) { + ret = -EFAULT; + } else { + ret = 0; + } + } else + ret = -ENODEV; + mutex_unlock(&dev->mtx); + return ret; + case IIOCNETASL: + /* Add a slave to a network-interface */ + if (arg) { + if (copy_from_user(bname, argp, sizeof(bname) - 1)) + return -EFAULT; + } else + return -EINVAL; + ret = mutex_lock_interruptible(&dev->mtx); + if (ret) return ret; + if ((s = isdn_net_newslave(bname))) { + if (copy_to_user(argp, s, strlen(s) + 1)) { + ret = -EFAULT; } else { - s = NULL; + ret = 0; } + } else + ret = -ENODEV; + mutex_unlock(&dev->mtx); + return ret; + case IIOCNETDIF: + /* Delete a network-interface */ + if (arg) { + if (copy_from_user(name, argp, sizeof(name))) + return -EFAULT; ret = mutex_lock_interruptible(&dev->mtx); - if( ret ) return ret; - if ((s = isdn_net_new(s, NULL))) { - if (copy_to_user(argp, s, strlen(s) + 1)){ - ret = -EFAULT; - } else { - ret = 0; - } - } else - ret = -ENODEV; + if (ret) return ret; + ret = isdn_net_rm(name); mutex_unlock(&dev->mtx); return ret; - case IIOCNETASL: - /* Add a slave to a network-interface */ - if (arg) { - if (copy_from_user(bname, argp, sizeof(bname) - 1)) + } else + return -EINVAL; + case IIOCNETSCF: + /* Set configurable parameters of a network-interface */ + if (arg) { + if (copy_from_user(&cfg, argp, sizeof(cfg))) + return -EFAULT; + return isdn_net_setcfg(&cfg); + } else + return -EINVAL; + case IIOCNETGCF: + /* Get configurable parameters of a network-interface */ + if (arg) { + if (copy_from_user(&cfg, argp, sizeof(cfg))) + return -EFAULT; + if (!(ret = isdn_net_getcfg(&cfg))) { + if (copy_to_user(argp, &cfg, sizeof(cfg))) return -EFAULT; - } else - return -EINVAL; + } + return ret; + } else + return -EINVAL; + case IIOCNETANM: + /* Add a phone-number to a network-interface */ + if (arg) { + if (copy_from_user(&phone, argp, sizeof(phone))) + return -EFAULT; ret = mutex_lock_interruptible(&dev->mtx); - if( ret ) return ret; - if ((s = isdn_net_newslave(bname))) { - if (copy_to_user(argp, s, strlen(s) + 1)){ - ret = -EFAULT; - } else { - ret = 0; - } - } else - ret = -ENODEV; + if (ret) return ret; + ret = isdn_net_addphone(&phone); mutex_unlock(&dev->mtx); return ret; - case IIOCNETDIF: - /* Delete a network-interface */ - if (arg) { - if (copy_from_user(name, argp, sizeof(name))) - return -EFAULT; - ret = mutex_lock_interruptible(&dev->mtx); - if( ret ) return ret; - ret = isdn_net_rm(name); - mutex_unlock(&dev->mtx); - return ret; - } else - return -EINVAL; - case IIOCNETSCF: - /* Set configurable parameters of a network-interface */ - if (arg) { - if (copy_from_user(&cfg, argp, sizeof(cfg))) - return -EFAULT; - return isdn_net_setcfg(&cfg); - } else - return -EINVAL; - case IIOCNETGCF: - /* Get configurable parameters of a network-interface */ - if (arg) { - if (copy_from_user(&cfg, argp, sizeof(cfg))) - return -EFAULT; - if (!(ret = isdn_net_getcfg(&cfg))) { - if (copy_to_user(argp, &cfg, sizeof(cfg))) - return -EFAULT; - } - return ret; - } else - return -EINVAL; - case IIOCNETANM: - /* Add a phone-number to a network-interface */ - if (arg) { - if (copy_from_user(&phone, argp, sizeof(phone))) - return -EFAULT; - ret = mutex_lock_interruptible(&dev->mtx); - if( ret ) return ret; - ret = isdn_net_addphone(&phone); - mutex_unlock(&dev->mtx); - return ret; - } else - return -EINVAL; - case IIOCNETGNM: - /* Get list of phone-numbers of a network-interface */ - if (arg) { - if (copy_from_user(&phone, argp, sizeof(phone))) - return -EFAULT; - ret = mutex_lock_interruptible(&dev->mtx); - if( ret ) return ret; - ret = isdn_net_getphones(&phone, argp); - mutex_unlock(&dev->mtx); - return ret; - } else - return -EINVAL; - case IIOCNETDNM: - /* Delete a phone-number of a network-interface */ - if (arg) { - if (copy_from_user(&phone, argp, sizeof(phone))) - return -EFAULT; - ret = mutex_lock_interruptible(&dev->mtx); - if( ret ) return ret; - ret = isdn_net_delphone(&phone); - mutex_unlock(&dev->mtx); - return ret; - } else - return -EINVAL; - case IIOCNETDIL: - /* Force dialing of a network-interface */ - if (arg) { - if (copy_from_user(name, argp, sizeof(name))) - return -EFAULT; - return isdn_net_force_dial(name); - } else - return -EINVAL; -#ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_PPP - case IIOCNETALN: - if (!arg) - return -EINVAL; - if (copy_from_user(name, argp, sizeof(name))) + } else + return -EINVAL; + case IIOCNETGNM: + /* Get list of phone-numbers of a network-interface */ + if (arg) { + if (copy_from_user(&phone, argp, sizeof(phone))) return -EFAULT; - return isdn_ppp_dial_slave(name); - case IIOCNETDLN: - if (!arg) - return -EINVAL; - if (copy_from_user(name, argp, sizeof(name))) + ret = mutex_lock_interruptible(&dev->mtx); + if (ret) return ret; + ret = isdn_net_getphones(&phone, argp); + mutex_unlock(&dev->mtx); + return ret; + } else + return -EINVAL; + case IIOCNETDNM: + /* Delete a phone-number of a network-interface */ + if (arg) { + if (copy_from_user(&phone, argp, sizeof(phone))) return -EFAULT; - return isdn_ppp_hangup_slave(name); -#endif - case IIOCNETHUP: - /* Force hangup of a network-interface */ - if (!arg) - return -EINVAL; + ret = mutex_lock_interruptible(&dev->mtx); + if (ret) return ret; + ret = isdn_net_delphone(&phone); + mutex_unlock(&dev->mtx); + return ret; + } else + return -EINVAL; + case IIOCNETDIL: + /* Force dialing of a network-interface */ + if (arg) { if (copy_from_user(name, argp, sizeof(name))) return -EFAULT; - return isdn_net_force_hangup(name); - break; + return isdn_net_force_dial(name); + } else + return -EINVAL; +#ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_PPP + case IIOCNETALN: + if (!arg) + return -EINVAL; + if (copy_from_user(name, argp, sizeof(name))) + return -EFAULT; + return isdn_ppp_dial_slave(name); + case IIOCNETDLN: + if (!arg) + return -EINVAL; + if (copy_from_user(name, argp, sizeof(name))) + return -EFAULT; + return isdn_ppp_hangup_slave(name); +#endif + case IIOCNETHUP: + /* Force hangup of a network-interface */ + if (!arg) + return -EINVAL; + if (copy_from_user(name, argp, sizeof(name))) + return -EFAULT; + return isdn_net_force_hangup(name); + break; #endif /* CONFIG_NETDEVICES */ - case IIOCSETVER: - dev->net_verbose = arg; - printk(KERN_INFO "isdn: Verbose-Level is %d\n", dev->net_verbose); - return 0; - case IIOCSETGST: - if (arg) - dev->global_flags |= ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED; - else - dev->global_flags &= ~ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED; - printk(KERN_INFO "isdn: Global Mode %s\n", - (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) ? "stopped" : "running"); - return 0; - case IIOCSETBRJ: - drvidx = -1; - if (arg) { - int i; - char *p; - if (copy_from_user(&iocts, argp, - sizeof(isdn_ioctl_struct))) - return -EFAULT; - iocts.drvid[sizeof(iocts.drvid)-1] = 0; - if (strlen(iocts.drvid)) { - if ((p = strchr(iocts.drvid, ','))) - *p = 0; - drvidx = -1; - for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_DRIVERS; i++) - if (!(strcmp(dev->drvid[i], iocts.drvid))) { - drvidx = i; - break; - } - } + case IIOCSETVER: + dev->net_verbose = arg; + printk(KERN_INFO "isdn: Verbose-Level is %d\n", dev->net_verbose); + return 0; + case IIOCSETGST: + if (arg) + dev->global_flags |= ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED; + else + dev->global_flags &= ~ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED; + printk(KERN_INFO "isdn: Global Mode %s\n", + (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) ? "stopped" : "running"); + return 0; + case IIOCSETBRJ: + drvidx = -1; + if (arg) { + int i; + char *p; + if (copy_from_user(&iocts, argp, + sizeof(isdn_ioctl_struct))) + return -EFAULT; + iocts.drvid[sizeof(iocts.drvid) - 1] = 0; + if (strlen(iocts.drvid)) { + if ((p = strchr(iocts.drvid, ','))) + *p = 0; + drvidx = -1; + for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_DRIVERS; i++) + if (!(strcmp(dev->drvid[i], iocts.drvid))) { + drvidx = i; + break; + } } - if (drvidx == -1) - return -ENODEV; - if (iocts.arg) - dev->drv[drvidx]->flags |= DRV_FLAG_REJBUS; - else - dev->drv[drvidx]->flags &= ~DRV_FLAG_REJBUS; - return 0; - case IIOCSIGPRF: - dev->profd = current; - return 0; - break; - case IIOCGETPRF: - /* Get all Modem-Profiles */ - if (arg) { - char __user *p = argp; - int i; - - if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, argp, - (ISDN_MODEM_NUMREG + ISDN_MSNLEN + ISDN_LMSNLEN) - * ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS)) + } + if (drvidx == -1) + return -ENODEV; + if (iocts.arg) + dev->drv[drvidx]->flags |= DRV_FLAG_REJBUS; + else + dev->drv[drvidx]->flags &= ~DRV_FLAG_REJBUS; + return 0; + case IIOCSIGPRF: + dev->profd = current; + return 0; + break; + case IIOCGETPRF: + /* Get all Modem-Profiles */ + if (arg) { + char __user *p = argp; + int i; + + if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, argp, + (ISDN_MODEM_NUMREG + ISDN_MSNLEN + ISDN_LMSNLEN) + * ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS)) + return -EFAULT; + + for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { + if (copy_to_user(p, dev->mdm.info[i].emu.profile, + ISDN_MODEM_NUMREG)) + return -EFAULT; + p += ISDN_MODEM_NUMREG; + if (copy_to_user(p, dev->mdm.info[i].emu.pmsn, ISDN_MSNLEN)) return -EFAULT; + p += ISDN_MSNLEN; + if (copy_to_user(p, dev->mdm.info[i].emu.plmsn, ISDN_LMSNLEN)) + return -EFAULT; + p += ISDN_LMSNLEN; + } + return (ISDN_MODEM_NUMREG + ISDN_MSNLEN + ISDN_LMSNLEN) * ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; + } else + return -EINVAL; + break; + case IIOCSETPRF: + /* Set all Modem-Profiles */ + if (arg) { + char __user *p = argp; + int i; + + if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, argp, + (ISDN_MODEM_NUMREG + ISDN_MSNLEN + ISDN_LMSNLEN) + * ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS)) + return -EFAULT; - for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { - if (copy_to_user(p, dev->mdm.info[i].emu.profile, - ISDN_MODEM_NUMREG)) - return -EFAULT; - p += ISDN_MODEM_NUMREG; - if (copy_to_user(p, dev->mdm.info[i].emu.pmsn, ISDN_MSNLEN)) - return -EFAULT; - p += ISDN_MSNLEN; - if (copy_to_user(p, dev->mdm.info[i].emu.plmsn, ISDN_LMSNLEN)) - return -EFAULT; - p += ISDN_LMSNLEN; - } - return (ISDN_MODEM_NUMREG + ISDN_MSNLEN + ISDN_LMSNLEN) * ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; - } else - return -EINVAL; - break; - case IIOCSETPRF: - /* Set all Modem-Profiles */ - if (arg) { - char __user *p = argp; - int i; - - if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, argp, - (ISDN_MODEM_NUMREG + ISDN_MSNLEN + ISDN_LMSNLEN) - * ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS)) + for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { + if (copy_from_user(dev->mdm.info[i].emu.profile, p, + ISDN_MODEM_NUMREG)) + return -EFAULT; + p += ISDN_MODEM_NUMREG; + if (copy_from_user(dev->mdm.info[i].emu.plmsn, p, ISDN_LMSNLEN)) return -EFAULT; + p += ISDN_LMSNLEN; + if (copy_from_user(dev->mdm.info[i].emu.pmsn, p, ISDN_MSNLEN)) + return -EFAULT; + p += ISDN_MSNLEN; + } + return 0; + } else + return -EINVAL; + break; + case IIOCSETMAP: + case IIOCGETMAP: + /* Set/Get MSN->EAZ-Mapping for a driver */ + if (arg) { - for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { - if (copy_from_user(dev->mdm.info[i].emu.profile, p, - ISDN_MODEM_NUMREG)) - return -EFAULT; - p += ISDN_MODEM_NUMREG; - if (copy_from_user(dev->mdm.info[i].emu.plmsn, p, ISDN_LMSNLEN)) - return -EFAULT; - p += ISDN_LMSNLEN; - if (copy_from_user(dev->mdm.info[i].emu.pmsn, p, ISDN_MSNLEN)) - return -EFAULT; - p += ISDN_MSNLEN; - } - return 0; + if (copy_from_user(&iocts, argp, + sizeof(isdn_ioctl_struct))) + return -EFAULT; + iocts.drvid[sizeof(iocts.drvid) - 1] = 0; + if (strlen(iocts.drvid)) { + drvidx = -1; + for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_DRIVERS; i++) + if (!(strcmp(dev->drvid[i], iocts.drvid))) { + drvidx = i; + break; + } } else - return -EINVAL; - break; - case IIOCSETMAP: - case IIOCGETMAP: - /* Set/Get MSN->EAZ-Mapping for a driver */ - if (arg) { + drvidx = 0; + if (drvidx == -1) + return -ENODEV; + if (cmd == IIOCSETMAP) { + int loop = 1; - if (copy_from_user(&iocts, argp, - sizeof(isdn_ioctl_struct))) - return -EFAULT; - iocts.drvid[sizeof(iocts.drvid)-1] = 0; - if (strlen(iocts.drvid)) { - drvidx = -1; - for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_DRIVERS; i++) - if (!(strcmp(dev->drvid[i], iocts.drvid))) { - drvidx = i; + p = (char __user *) iocts.arg; + i = 0; + while (loop) { + int j = 0; + + while (1) { + if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, p, 1)) + return -EFAULT; + get_user(bname[j], p++); + switch (bname[j]) { + case '\0': + loop = 0; + /* Fall through */ + case ',': + bname[j] = '\0'; + strcpy(dev->drv[drvidx]->msn2eaz[i], bname); + j = ISDN_MSNLEN; break; + default: + j++; } - } else - drvidx = 0; - if (drvidx == -1) - return -ENODEV; - if (cmd == IIOCSETMAP) { - int loop = 1; - - p = (char __user *) iocts.arg; - i = 0; - while (loop) { - int j = 0; - - while (1) { - if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, p, 1)) - return -EFAULT; - get_user(bname[j], p++); - switch (bname[j]) { - case '\0': - loop = 0; - /* Fall through */ - case ',': - bname[j] = '\0'; - strcpy(dev->drv[drvidx]->msn2eaz[i], bname); - j = ISDN_MSNLEN; - break; - default: - j++; - } - if (j >= ISDN_MSNLEN) - break; - } - if (++i > 9) + if (j >= ISDN_MSNLEN) break; } - } else { - p = (char __user *) iocts.arg; - for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { - snprintf(bname, sizeof(bname), "%s%s", - strlen(dev->drv[drvidx]->msn2eaz[i]) ? - dev->drv[drvidx]->msn2eaz[i] : "_", - (i < 9) ? "," : "\0"); - if (copy_to_user(p, bname, strlen(bname) + 1)) - return -EFAULT; - p += strlen(bname); - } + if (++i > 9) + break; } - return 0; - } else - return -EINVAL; - case IIOCDBGVAR: - if (arg) { - if (copy_to_user(argp, &dev, sizeof(ulong))) - return -EFAULT; - return 0; - } else - return -EINVAL; - break; - default: - if ((cmd & IIOCDRVCTL) == IIOCDRVCTL) - cmd = ((cmd >> _IOC_NRSHIFT) & _IOC_NRMASK) & ISDN_DRVIOCTL_MASK; - else - return -EINVAL; - if (arg) { - int i; - char *p; - if (copy_from_user(&iocts, argp, sizeof(isdn_ioctl_struct))) - return -EFAULT; - iocts.drvid[sizeof(iocts.drvid)-1] = 0; - if (strlen(iocts.drvid)) { - if ((p = strchr(iocts.drvid, ','))) - *p = 0; - drvidx = -1; - for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_DRIVERS; i++) - if (!(strcmp(dev->drvid[i], iocts.drvid))) { - drvidx = i; - break; - } - } else - drvidx = 0; - if (drvidx == -1) - return -ENODEV; - if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, argp, - sizeof(isdn_ioctl_struct))) - return -EFAULT; - c.driver = drvidx; - c.command = ISDN_CMD_IOCTL; - c.arg = cmd; - memcpy(c.parm.num, &iocts.arg, sizeof(ulong)); - ret = isdn_command(&c); - memcpy(&iocts.arg, c.parm.num, sizeof(ulong)); - if (copy_to_user(argp, &iocts, sizeof(isdn_ioctl_struct))) - return -EFAULT; - return ret; + } else { + p = (char __user *) iocts.arg; + for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { + snprintf(bname, sizeof(bname), "%s%s", + strlen(dev->drv[drvidx]->msn2eaz[i]) ? + dev->drv[drvidx]->msn2eaz[i] : "_", + (i < 9) ? "," : "\0"); + if (copy_to_user(p, bname, strlen(bname) + 1)) + return -EFAULT; + p += strlen(bname); + } + } + return 0; + } else + return -EINVAL; + case IIOCDBGVAR: + if (arg) { + if (copy_to_user(argp, &dev, sizeof(ulong))) + return -EFAULT; + return 0; + } else + return -EINVAL; + break; + default: + if ((cmd & IIOCDRVCTL) == IIOCDRVCTL) + cmd = ((cmd >> _IOC_NRSHIFT) & _IOC_NRMASK) & ISDN_DRVIOCTL_MASK; + else + return -EINVAL; + if (arg) { + int i; + char *p; + if (copy_from_user(&iocts, argp, sizeof(isdn_ioctl_struct))) + return -EFAULT; + iocts.drvid[sizeof(iocts.drvid) - 1] = 0; + if (strlen(iocts.drvid)) { + if ((p = strchr(iocts.drvid, ','))) + *p = 0; + drvidx = -1; + for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_DRIVERS; i++) + if (!(strcmp(dev->drvid[i], iocts.drvid))) { + drvidx = i; + break; + } } else - return -EINVAL; + drvidx = 0; + if (drvidx == -1) + return -ENODEV; + if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, argp, + sizeof(isdn_ioctl_struct))) + return -EFAULT; + c.driver = drvidx; + c.command = ISDN_CMD_IOCTL; + c.arg = cmd; + memcpy(c.parm.num, &iocts.arg, sizeof(ulong)); + ret = isdn_command(&c); + memcpy(&iocts.arg, c.parm.num, sizeof(ulong)); + if (copy_to_user(argp, &iocts, sizeof(isdn_ioctl_struct))) + return -EFAULT; + return ret; + } else + return -EINVAL; } } #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_PPP @@ -1788,7 +1788,7 @@ isdn_open(struct inode *ino, struct file *filep) goto out; } #endif - out: +out: nonseekable_open(ino, filep); mutex_unlock(&isdn_mutex); return retval; @@ -1832,7 +1832,7 @@ isdn_close(struct inode *ino, struct file *filep) isdn_ppp_release(minor - ISDN_MINOR_PPP, filep); #endif - out: +out: mutex_unlock(&isdn_mutex); return 0; } @@ -1868,14 +1868,14 @@ isdn_map_eaz2msn(char *msn, int di) * Find an unused ISDN-channel, whose feature-flags match the * given L2- and L3-protocols. */ -#define L2V (~(ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11096|ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11019|ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11038)) +#define L2V (~(ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11096 | ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11019 | ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11038)) /* * This function must be called with holding the dev->lock. */ int isdn_get_free_channel(int usage, int l2_proto, int l3_proto, int pre_dev - ,int pre_chan, char *msn) + , int pre_chan, char *msn) { int i; ulong features; @@ -1883,7 +1883,7 @@ isdn_get_free_channel(int usage, int l2_proto, int l3_proto, int pre_dev features = ((1 << l2_proto) | (0x10000 << l3_proto)); vfeatures = (((1 << l2_proto) | (0x10000 << l3_proto)) & - ~(ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11096|ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11019|ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11038)); + ~(ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11096 | ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11019 | ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11038)); /* If Layer-2 protocol is V.110, accept drivers with * transparent feature even if these don't support V.110 * because we can emulate this in linklevel. @@ -1893,12 +1893,12 @@ isdn_get_free_channel(int usage, int l2_proto, int l3_proto, int pre_dev (dev->drvmap[i] != -1)) { int d = dev->drvmap[i]; if ((dev->usage[i] & ISDN_USAGE_EXCLUSIVE) && - ((pre_dev != d) || (pre_chan != dev->chanmap[i]))) + ((pre_dev != d) || (pre_chan != dev->chanmap[i]))) continue; if (!strcmp(isdn_map_eaz2msn(msn, d), "-")) continue; if (dev->usage[i] & ISDN_USAGE_DISABLED) - continue; /* usage not allowed */ + continue; /* usage not allowed */ if (dev->drv[d]->flags & DRV_FLAG_RUNNING) { if (((dev->drv[d]->interface->features & features) == features) || (((dev->drv[d]->interface->features & vfeatures) == vfeatures) && @@ -1932,7 +1932,7 @@ isdn_free_channel(int di, int ch, int usage) if ((di < 0) || (ch < 0)) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: called with invalid drv(%d) or channel(%d)\n", - __func__, di, ch); + __func__, di, ch); return; } for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) @@ -1976,7 +1976,7 @@ isdn_unexclusive_channel(int di, int ch) * writebuf replacement for SKB_ABLE drivers */ static int -isdn_writebuf_stub(int drvidx, int chan, const u_char __user * buf, int len) +isdn_writebuf_stub(int drvidx, int chan, const u_char __user *buf, int len) { int ret; int hl = dev->drv[drvidx]->interface->hl_hdrlen; @@ -2026,8 +2026,8 @@ isdn_writebuf_skb_stub(int drvidx, int chan, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb) } else { int hl = dev->drv[drvidx]->interface->hl_hdrlen; - if( skb_headroom(skb) < hl ){ - /* + if (skb_headroom(skb) < hl) { + /* * This should only occur when new HL driver with * increased hl_hdrlen was loaded after netdevice * was created and connected to the new driver. @@ -2035,13 +2035,13 @@ isdn_writebuf_skb_stub(int drvidx, int chan, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb) * The V.110 branch (re-allocates on its own) does * not need this */ - struct sk_buff * skb_tmp; + struct sk_buff *skb_tmp; skb_tmp = skb_realloc_headroom(skb, hl); printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_writebuf_skb_stub: reallocating headroom%s\n", skb_tmp ? "" : " failed"); if (!skb_tmp) return -ENOMEM; /* 0 better? */ ret = dev->drv[drvidx]->interface->writebuf_skb(drvidx, chan, ack, skb_tmp); - if( ret > 0 ){ + if (ret > 0) { dev_kfree_skb(skb); } else { dev_kfree_skb(skb_tmp); @@ -2059,7 +2059,7 @@ isdn_writebuf_skb_stub(int drvidx, int chan, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb) /* For V.110 return unencoded data length */ ret = v110_ret; /* if the complete frame was send we free the skb; - if not upper function will requeue the skb */ + if not upper function will requeue the skb */ if (ret == skb->len) dev_kfree_skb(skb); } @@ -2077,7 +2077,7 @@ isdn_add_channels(isdn_driver_t *d, int drvidx, int n, int adding) init_waitqueue_head(&d->st_waitq); if (d->flags & DRV_FLAG_RUNNING) return -1; - if (n < 1) return 0; + if (n < 1) return 0; m = (adding) ? d->channels + n : n; @@ -2114,7 +2114,7 @@ isdn_add_channels(isdn_driver_t *d, int drvidx, int n, int adding) kfree(d->rcvcount); kfree(d->rcverr); } - return -1; + return -1; } for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { skb_queue_head_init(&d->rpqueue[j]); @@ -2172,45 +2172,45 @@ set_global_features(void) static char *map_drvname(int di) { - if ((di < 0) || (di >= ISDN_MAX_DRIVERS)) - return(NULL); - return(dev->drvid[di]); /* driver name */ + if ((di < 0) || (di >= ISDN_MAX_DRIVERS)) + return (NULL); + return (dev->drvid[di]); /* driver name */ } /* map_drvname */ static int map_namedrv(char *id) { int i; - for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_DRIVERS; i++) - { if (!strcmp(dev->drvid[i],id)) - return(i); - } - return(-1); + for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_DRIVERS; i++) + { if (!strcmp(dev->drvid[i], id)) + return (i); + } + return (-1); } /* map_namedrv */ int DIVERT_REG_NAME(isdn_divert_if *i_div) { - if (i_div->if_magic != DIVERT_IF_MAGIC) - return(DIVERT_VER_ERR); - switch (i_div->cmd) - { - case DIVERT_CMD_REL: - if (divert_if != i_div) - return(DIVERT_REL_ERR); - divert_if = NULL; /* free interface */ - return(DIVERT_NO_ERR); - - case DIVERT_CMD_REG: - if (divert_if) - return(DIVERT_REG_ERR); - i_div->ll_cmd = isdn_command; /* set command function */ - i_div->drv_to_name = map_drvname; - i_div->name_to_drv = map_namedrv; - divert_if = i_div; /* remember interface */ - return(DIVERT_NO_ERR); - - default: - return(DIVERT_CMD_ERR); - } + if (i_div->if_magic != DIVERT_IF_MAGIC) + return (DIVERT_VER_ERR); + switch (i_div->cmd) + { + case DIVERT_CMD_REL: + if (divert_if != i_div) + return (DIVERT_REL_ERR); + divert_if = NULL; /* free interface */ + return (DIVERT_NO_ERR); + + case DIVERT_CMD_REG: + if (divert_if) + return (DIVERT_REG_ERR); + i_div->ll_cmd = isdn_command; /* set command function */ + i_div->drv_to_name = map_drvname; + i_div->name_to_drv = map_namedrv; + divert_if = i_div; /* remember interface */ + return (DIVERT_NO_ERR); + + default: + return (DIVERT_CMD_ERR); + } } /* DIVERT_REG_NAME */ EXPORT_SYMBOL(DIVERT_REG_NAME); @@ -2225,7 +2225,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(isdn_ppp_unregister_compressor); #endif int -register_isdn(isdn_if * i) +register_isdn(isdn_if *i) { isdn_driver_t *d; int j; @@ -2280,10 +2280,10 @@ register_isdn(isdn_if * i) } /* - ***************************************************************************** - * And now the modules code. - ***************************************************************************** - */ +***************************************************************************** +* And now the modules code. +***************************************************************************** +*/ static char * isdn_getrev(const char *revision) diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_common.h b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_common.h index 082735dbb4129a9eebef1706a38979c364ddf59f..9a471f62e1d437ba9bcc52efb2108b173a4ec569 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_common.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_common.h @@ -29,19 +29,19 @@ extern void isdn_lock_drivers(void); extern void isdn_unlock_drivers(void); extern void isdn_free_channel(int di, int ch, int usage); extern void isdn_all_eaz(int di, int ch); -extern int isdn_command(isdn_ctrl *); -extern int isdn_dc2minor(int di, int ch); +extern int isdn_command(isdn_ctrl *); +extern int isdn_dc2minor(int di, int ch); extern void isdn_info_update(void); extern char *isdn_map_eaz2msn(char *msn, int di); extern void isdn_timer_ctrl(int tf, int onoff); extern void isdn_unexclusive_channel(int di, int ch); -extern int isdn_getnum(char **); -extern int isdn_readbchan(int, int, u_char *, u_char *, int, wait_queue_head_t *); -extern int isdn_readbchan_tty(int, int, struct tty_struct *, int); -extern int isdn_get_free_channel(int, int, int, int, int, char *); -extern int isdn_writebuf_skb_stub(int, int, int, struct sk_buff *); -extern int register_isdn(isdn_if * i); -extern int isdn_msncmp( const char *, const char *); +extern int isdn_getnum(char **); +extern int isdn_readbchan(int, int, u_char *, u_char *, int, wait_queue_head_t *); +extern int isdn_readbchan_tty(int, int, struct tty_struct *, int); +extern int isdn_get_free_channel(int, int, int, int, int, char *); +extern int isdn_writebuf_skb_stub(int, int, int, struct sk_buff *); +extern int register_isdn(isdn_if *i); +extern int isdn_msncmp(const char *, const char *); #if defined(ISDN_DEBUG_NET_DUMP) || defined(ISDN_DEBUG_MODEM_DUMP) extern void isdn_dumppkt(char *, u_char *, int, int); #endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_concap.c b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_concap.c index d568689669f87a010d2c2a4cf48078d3458aa736..91d57304d4d312cdebc317fbe6320b21e232d892 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_concap.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_concap.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* $Id: isdn_concap.c,v 2004/01/12 22:37:19 keil Exp $ - * + * * Linux ISDN subsystem, protocol encapsulation * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms @@ -25,57 +25,57 @@ protocols that require for reliable datalink semantics. That means: - before any data is to be submitted the connection must explicitly - be set up. + be set up. - after the successful set up of the connection is signalled the - connection is considered to be reliably up. + connection is considered to be reliably up. - Auto-dialing ist not compatible with this requirements. Thus, auto-dialing + Auto-dialing ist not compatible with this requirements. Thus, auto-dialing is completely bypassed. It might be possible to implement a (non standardized) datalink protocol that provides a reliable data link service while using some auto dialing mechanism. Such a protocol would need an auxiliary channel (i.e. user-user- signaling on the D-channel) while the B-channel is down. - */ +*/ static int isdn_concap_dl_data_req(struct concap_proto *concap, struct sk_buff *skb) { - struct net_device *ndev = concap -> net_dev; + struct net_device *ndev = concap->net_dev; isdn_net_dev *nd = ((isdn_net_local *) netdev_priv(ndev))->netdev; isdn_net_local *lp = isdn_net_get_locked_lp(nd); - IX25DEBUG( "isdn_concap_dl_data_req: %s \n", concap->net_dev->name); + IX25DEBUG("isdn_concap_dl_data_req: %s \n", concap->net_dev->name); if (!lp) { - IX25DEBUG( "isdn_concap_dl_data_req: %s : isdn_net_send_skb returned %d\n", concap -> net_dev -> name, 1); + IX25DEBUG("isdn_concap_dl_data_req: %s : isdn_net_send_skb returned %d\n", concap->net_dev->name, 1); return 1; } lp->huptimer = 0; isdn_net_writebuf_skb(lp, skb); spin_unlock_bh(&lp->xmit_lock); - IX25DEBUG( "isdn_concap_dl_data_req: %s : isdn_net_send_skb returned %d\n", concap -> net_dev -> name, 0); + IX25DEBUG("isdn_concap_dl_data_req: %s : isdn_net_send_skb returned %d\n", concap->net_dev->name, 0); return 0; } static int isdn_concap_dl_connect_req(struct concap_proto *concap) { - struct net_device *ndev = concap -> net_dev; + struct net_device *ndev = concap->net_dev; isdn_net_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); int ret; - IX25DEBUG( "isdn_concap_dl_connect_req: %s \n", ndev -> name); + IX25DEBUG("isdn_concap_dl_connect_req: %s \n", ndev->name); /* dial ... */ - ret = isdn_net_dial_req( lp ); - if ( ret ) IX25DEBUG("dialing failed\n"); + ret = isdn_net_dial_req(lp); + if (ret) IX25DEBUG("dialing failed\n"); return ret; } static int isdn_concap_dl_disconn_req(struct concap_proto *concap) { - IX25DEBUG( "isdn_concap_dl_disconn_req: %s \n", concap -> net_dev -> name); + IX25DEBUG("isdn_concap_dl_disconn_req: %s \n", concap->net_dev->name); - isdn_net_hangup( concap -> net_dev ); + isdn_net_hangup(concap->net_dev); return 0; } @@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ struct concap_device_ops isdn_concap_reliable_dl_dops = { /* The following should better go into a dedicated source file such that this sourcefile does not need to include any protocol specific header files. For now: - */ -struct concap_proto * isdn_concap_new( int encap ) +*/ +struct concap_proto *isdn_concap_new(int encap) { - switch ( encap ) { + switch (encap) { case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_X25IFACE: return isdn_x25iface_proto_new(); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_concap.h b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_concap.h index 6ac7e0445ea5e594383a4db71a80ed06e1c3551a..cd7e3ba74e251ceeb6eaf2cb536aa911d51c97dc 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_concap.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_concap.h @@ -8,6 +8,4 @@ */ extern struct concap_device_ops isdn_concap_reliable_dl_dops; -extern struct concap_proto * isdn_concap_new( int ); - - +extern struct concap_proto *isdn_concap_new(int); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_net.c b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_net.c index 802ab87a78b662052bd2115f1d9bf4fc9ed5ae47..babc621a07fb62c35a905af491294144978d9952 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_net.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_net.c @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * - * Data Over Voice (DOV) support added - Guy Ellis 23-Mar-02 + * Data Over Voice (DOV) support added - Guy Ellis 23-Mar-02 * guy@traverse.com.au * Outgoing calls - looks for a 'V' in first char of dialed number * Incoming calls - checks first character of eaz as follows: @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ * 'B' - accept BOTH DATA and DOV types * * Jan 2001: fix CISCO HDLC Bjoern A. Zeeb - * for info on the protocol, see + * for info on the protocol, see * http://i4l.zabbadoz.net/i4l/cisco-hdlc.txt */ @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ /* - * Outline of new tbusy handling: + * Outline of new tbusy handling: * * Old method, roughly spoken, consisted of setting tbusy when entering * isdn_net_start_xmit() and at several other locations and clearing @@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ * Most of the changes were pretty obvious and basically done by HE already. * * One problem of the isdn net device code is that is uses struct net_device - * for masters and slaves. However, only master interface are registered to - * the network layer, and therefore, it only makes sense to call netif_* + * for masters and slaves. However, only master interface are registered to + * the network layer, and therefore, it only makes sense to call netif_* * functions on them. * * --KG */ -/* +/* * Find out if the netdevice has been ifup-ed yet. * For slaves, look at the corresponding master. */ @@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ static __inline__ int isdn_net_device_started(isdn_net_dev *n) { isdn_net_local *lp = n->local; struct net_device *dev; - - if (lp->master) + + if (lp->master) dev = lp->master; else dev = n->dev; @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ static __inline__ int isdn_net_device_started(isdn_net_dev *n) */ static __inline__ void isdn_net_device_wake_queue(isdn_net_local *lp) { - if (lp->master) + if (lp->master) netif_wake_queue(lp->master); else netif_wake_queue(lp->netdev->dev); @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ static __inline__ void isdn_net_device_stop_queue(isdn_net_local *lp) /* * find out if the net_device which this lp belongs to (lp can be - * master or slave) is busy. It's busy iff all (master and slave) + * master or slave) is busy. It's busy iff all (master and slave) * queues are busy */ static __inline__ int isdn_net_device_busy(isdn_net_local *lp) @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ static __inline__ int isdn_net_device_busy(isdn_net_local *lp) nd = ISDN_MASTER_PRIV(lp)->netdev; else nd = lp->netdev; - + spin_lock_irqsave(&nd->queue_lock, flags); nlp = lp->next; while (nlp != lp) { @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ static __inline__ void isdn_net_dec_frame_cnt(isdn_net_local *lp) } else { isdn_net_device_wake_queue(lp); } - } + } } static __inline__ void isdn_net_zero_frame_cnt(isdn_net_local *lp) @@ -163,36 +163,36 @@ static __inline__ void isdn_net_zero_frame_cnt(isdn_net_local *lp) atomic_set(&lp->frame_cnt, 0); } -/* For 2.2.x we leave the transmitter busy timeout at 2 secs, just +/* For 2.2.x we leave the transmitter busy timeout at 2 secs, just * to be safe. * For 2.3.x we push it up to 20 secs, because call establishment - * (in particular callback) may take such a long time, and we + * (in particular callback) may take such a long time, and we * don't want confusing messages in the log. However, there is a slight * possibility that this large timeout will break other things like MPPP, * which might rely on the tx timeout. If so, we'll find out this way... */ -#define ISDN_NET_TX_TIMEOUT (20*HZ) +#define ISDN_NET_TX_TIMEOUT (20 * HZ) /* Prototypes */ static int isdn_net_force_dial_lp(isdn_net_local *); static netdev_tx_t isdn_net_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *, - struct net_device *); + struct net_device *); static void isdn_net_ciscohdlck_connected(isdn_net_local *lp); static void isdn_net_ciscohdlck_disconnected(isdn_net_local *lp); char *isdn_net_revision = "$Revision: $"; - /* - * Code for raw-networking over ISDN - */ +/* + * Code for raw-networking over ISDN + */ static void isdn_net_unreachable(struct net_device *dev, struct sk_buff *skb, char *reason) { - if(skb) { + if (skb) { u_short proto = ntohs(skb->protocol); @@ -200,13 +200,13 @@ isdn_net_unreachable(struct net_device *dev, struct sk_buff *skb, char *reason) dev->name, (reason != NULL) ? reason : "unknown", (proto != ETH_P_IP) ? "Protocol != ETH_P_IP" : ""); - + dst_link_failure(skb); } else { /* dial not triggered by rawIP packet */ printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_net: %s: %s\n", - dev->name, - (reason != NULL) ? reason : "reason unknown"); + dev->name, + (reason != NULL) ? reason : "reason unknown"); } } @@ -214,14 +214,14 @@ static void isdn_net_reset(struct net_device *dev) { #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - struct concap_device_ops * dops = - ((isdn_net_local *) netdev_priv(dev))->dops; - struct concap_proto * cprot = - ((isdn_net_local *) netdev_priv(dev))->netdev->cprot; + struct concap_device_ops *dops = + ((isdn_net_local *)netdev_priv(dev))->dops; + struct concap_proto *cprot = + ((isdn_net_local *)netdev_priv(dev))->netdev->cprot; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - if( cprot && cprot -> pops && dops ) - cprot -> pops -> restart ( cprot, dev, dops ); + if (cprot && cprot->pops && dops) + cprot->pops->restart(cprot, dev, dops); #endif } @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ isdn_net_open(struct net_device *dev) */ struct in_ifaddr *ifa = in_dev->ifa_list; if (ifa != NULL) - memcpy(dev->dev_addr+2, &ifa->ifa_local, 4); + memcpy(dev->dev_addr + 2, &ifa->ifa_local, 4); } /* If this interface has slaves, start them also */ @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ isdn_net_open(struct net_device *dev) * Assign an ISDN-channel to a net-interface */ static void -isdn_net_bind_channel(isdn_net_local * lp, int idx) +isdn_net_bind_channel(isdn_net_local *lp, int idx) { lp->flags |= ISDN_NET_CONNECTED; lp->isdn_device = dev->drvmap[idx]; @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ isdn_net_bind_channel(isdn_net_local * lp, int idx) * unbind a net-interface (resets interface after an error) */ static void -isdn_net_unbind_channel(isdn_net_local * lp) +isdn_net_unbind_channel(isdn_net_local *lp) { skb_queue_purge(&lp->super_tx_queue); @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ isdn_net_unbind_channel(isdn_net_local * lp) /* Moral equivalent of dev_purge_queues(): BEWARE! This chunk of code cannot be called from hardware interrupt handler. I hope it is true. --ANK - */ + */ qdisc_reset_all_tx(lp->netdev->dev); } lp->dialstate = 0; @@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ isdn_net_autohup(void) isdn_net_hangup(p->dev); } - if(dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED || (ISDN_NET_DIALMODE(*l) == ISDN_NET_DM_OFF)) { + if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED || (ISDN_NET_DIALMODE(*l) == ISDN_NET_DM_OFF)) { isdn_net_hangup(p->dev); break; } @@ -403,143 +403,143 @@ isdn_net_stat_callback(int idx, isdn_ctrl *c) struct concap_proto_ops *pops = cprot ? cprot->pops : NULL; #endif switch (cmd) { - case ISDN_STAT_BSENT: - /* A packet has successfully been sent out */ - if ((lp->flags & ISDN_NET_CONNECTED) && - (!lp->dialstate)) { - isdn_net_dec_frame_cnt(lp); - lp->stats.tx_packets++; - lp->stats.tx_bytes += c->parm.length; - } + case ISDN_STAT_BSENT: + /* A packet has successfully been sent out */ + if ((lp->flags & ISDN_NET_CONNECTED) && + (!lp->dialstate)) { + isdn_net_dec_frame_cnt(lp); + lp->stats.tx_packets++; + lp->stats.tx_bytes += c->parm.length; + } + return 1; + case ISDN_STAT_DCONN: + /* D-Channel is up */ + switch (lp->dialstate) { + case 4: + case 7: + case 8: + lp->dialstate++; return 1; - case ISDN_STAT_DCONN: - /* D-Channel is up */ - switch (lp->dialstate) { - case 4: - case 7: - case 8: - lp->dialstate++; - return 1; - case 12: - lp->dialstate = 5; - return 1; - } - break; - case ISDN_STAT_DHUP: - /* Either D-Channel-hangup or error during dialout */ + case 12: + lp->dialstate = 5; + return 1; + } + break; + case ISDN_STAT_DHUP: + /* Either D-Channel-hangup or error during dialout */ #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - /* If we are not connencted then dialing had - failed. If there are generic encap protocol - receiver routines signal the closure of - the link*/ - - if( !(lp->flags & ISDN_NET_CONNECTED) - && pops && pops -> disconn_ind ) - pops -> disconn_ind(cprot); + /* If we are not connencted then dialing had + failed. If there are generic encap protocol + receiver routines signal the closure of + the link*/ + + if (!(lp->flags & ISDN_NET_CONNECTED) + && pops && pops->disconn_ind) + pops->disconn_ind(cprot); #endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_X25 */ - if ((!lp->dialstate) && (lp->flags & ISDN_NET_CONNECTED)) { - if (lp->p_encap == ISDN_NET_ENCAP_CISCOHDLCK) - isdn_net_ciscohdlck_disconnected(lp); + if ((!lp->dialstate) && (lp->flags & ISDN_NET_CONNECTED)) { + if (lp->p_encap == ISDN_NET_ENCAP_CISCOHDLCK) + isdn_net_ciscohdlck_disconnected(lp); #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_PPP - if (lp->p_encap == ISDN_NET_ENCAP_SYNCPPP) - isdn_ppp_free(lp); + if (lp->p_encap == ISDN_NET_ENCAP_SYNCPPP) + isdn_ppp_free(lp); #endif - isdn_net_lp_disconnected(lp); - isdn_all_eaz(lp->isdn_device, lp->isdn_channel); - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: remote hangup\n", p->dev->name); - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Chargesum is %d\n", p->dev->name, - lp->charge); - isdn_net_unbind_channel(lp); - return 1; - } - break; + isdn_net_lp_disconnected(lp); + isdn_all_eaz(lp->isdn_device, lp->isdn_channel); + printk(KERN_INFO "%s: remote hangup\n", p->dev->name); + printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Chargesum is %d\n", p->dev->name, + lp->charge); + isdn_net_unbind_channel(lp); + return 1; + } + break; #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - case ISDN_STAT_BHUP: - /* B-Channel-hangup */ - /* try if there are generic encap protocol - receiver routines and signal the closure of - the link */ - if( pops && pops -> disconn_ind ){ - pops -> disconn_ind(cprot); - return 1; - } - break; + case ISDN_STAT_BHUP: + /* B-Channel-hangup */ + /* try if there are generic encap protocol + receiver routines and signal the closure of + the link */ + if (pops && pops->disconn_ind) { + pops->disconn_ind(cprot); + return 1; + } + break; #endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_X25 */ - case ISDN_STAT_BCONN: - /* B-Channel is up */ - isdn_net_zero_frame_cnt(lp); - switch (lp->dialstate) { - case 5: - case 6: - case 7: - case 8: - case 9: - case 10: - case 12: - if (lp->dialstate <= 6) { - dev->usage[idx] |= ISDN_USAGE_OUTGOING; - isdn_info_update(); - } else - dev->rx_netdev[idx] = p; - lp->dialstate = 0; - isdn_timer_ctrl(ISDN_TIMER_NETHANGUP, 1); - if (lp->p_encap == ISDN_NET_ENCAP_CISCOHDLCK) - isdn_net_ciscohdlck_connected(lp); - if (lp->p_encap != ISDN_NET_ENCAP_SYNCPPP) { - if (lp->master) { /* is lp a slave? */ - isdn_net_dev *nd = ISDN_MASTER_PRIV(lp)->netdev; - isdn_net_add_to_bundle(nd, lp); - } - } - printk(KERN_INFO "isdn_net: %s connected\n", p->dev->name); - /* If first Chargeinfo comes before B-Channel connect, - * we correct the timestamp here. - */ - lp->chargetime = jiffies; + case ISDN_STAT_BCONN: + /* B-Channel is up */ + isdn_net_zero_frame_cnt(lp); + switch (lp->dialstate) { + case 5: + case 6: + case 7: + case 8: + case 9: + case 10: + case 12: + if (lp->dialstate <= 6) { + dev->usage[idx] |= ISDN_USAGE_OUTGOING; + isdn_info_update(); + } else + dev->rx_netdev[idx] = p; + lp->dialstate = 0; + isdn_timer_ctrl(ISDN_TIMER_NETHANGUP, 1); + if (lp->p_encap == ISDN_NET_ENCAP_CISCOHDLCK) + isdn_net_ciscohdlck_connected(lp); + if (lp->p_encap != ISDN_NET_ENCAP_SYNCPPP) { + if (lp->master) { /* is lp a slave? */ + isdn_net_dev *nd = ISDN_MASTER_PRIV(lp)->netdev; + isdn_net_add_to_bundle(nd, lp); + } + } + printk(KERN_INFO "isdn_net: %s connected\n", p->dev->name); + /* If first Chargeinfo comes before B-Channel connect, + * we correct the timestamp here. + */ + lp->chargetime = jiffies; - /* reset dial-timeout */ - lp->dialstarted = 0; - lp->dialwait_timer = 0; + /* reset dial-timeout */ + lp->dialstarted = 0; + lp->dialwait_timer = 0; #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_PPP - if (lp->p_encap == ISDN_NET_ENCAP_SYNCPPP) - isdn_ppp_wakeup_daemon(lp); + if (lp->p_encap == ISDN_NET_ENCAP_SYNCPPP) + isdn_ppp_wakeup_daemon(lp); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - /* try if there are generic concap receiver routines */ - if( pops ) - if( pops->connect_ind) - pops->connect_ind(cprot); + /* try if there are generic concap receiver routines */ + if (pops) + if (pops->connect_ind) + pops->connect_ind(cprot); #endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_X25 */ - /* ppp needs to do negotiations first */ - if (lp->p_encap != ISDN_NET_ENCAP_SYNCPPP) - isdn_net_device_wake_queue(lp); - return 1; - } - break; - case ISDN_STAT_NODCH: - /* No D-Channel avail. */ - if (lp->dialstate == 4) { - lp->dialstate--; - return 1; - } - break; - case ISDN_STAT_CINF: - /* Charge-info from TelCo. Calculate interval between - * charge-infos and set timestamp for last info for - * usage by isdn_net_autohup() - */ - lp->charge++; - if (lp->hupflags & ISDN_HAVECHARGE) { - lp->hupflags &= ~ISDN_WAITCHARGE; - lp->chargeint = jiffies - lp->chargetime - (2 * HZ); - } - if (lp->hupflags & ISDN_WAITCHARGE) - lp->hupflags |= ISDN_HAVECHARGE; - lp->chargetime = jiffies; - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_net: Got CINF chargetime of %s now %lu\n", - p->dev->name, lp->chargetime); + /* ppp needs to do negotiations first */ + if (lp->p_encap != ISDN_NET_ENCAP_SYNCPPP) + isdn_net_device_wake_queue(lp); return 1; + } + break; + case ISDN_STAT_NODCH: + /* No D-Channel avail. */ + if (lp->dialstate == 4) { + lp->dialstate--; + return 1; + } + break; + case ISDN_STAT_CINF: + /* Charge-info from TelCo. Calculate interval between + * charge-infos and set timestamp for last info for + * usage by isdn_net_autohup() + */ + lp->charge++; + if (lp->hupflags & ISDN_HAVECHARGE) { + lp->hupflags &= ~ISDN_WAITCHARGE; + lp->chargeint = jiffies - lp->chargetime - (2 * HZ); + } + if (lp->hupflags & ISDN_WAITCHARGE) + lp->hupflags |= ISDN_HAVECHARGE; + lp->chargetime = jiffies; + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_net: Got CINF chargetime of %s now %lu\n", + p->dev->name, lp->chargetime); + return 1; } } return 0; @@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ isdn_net_dial(void) int anymore = 0; int i; isdn_ctrl cmd; - u_char *phone_number; + u_char *phone_number; while (p) { isdn_net_local *lp = p->local; @@ -572,249 +572,249 @@ isdn_net_dial(void) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: dialstate=%d\n", p->dev->name, lp->dialstate); #endif switch (lp->dialstate) { - case 0: - /* Nothing to do for this interface */ + case 0: + /* Nothing to do for this interface */ + break; + case 1: + /* Initiate dialout. Set phone-number-pointer to first number + * of interface. + */ + lp->dial = lp->phone[1]; + if (!lp->dial) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: phone number deleted?\n", + p->dev->name); + isdn_net_hangup(p->dev); break; - case 1: - /* Initiate dialout. Set phone-number-pointer to first number - * of interface. - */ - lp->dial = lp->phone[1]; - if (!lp->dial) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: phone number deleted?\n", - p->dev->name); - isdn_net_hangup(p->dev); - break; + } + anymore = 1; + + if (lp->dialtimeout > 0) + if (lp->dialstarted == 0 || time_after(jiffies, lp->dialstarted + lp->dialtimeout + lp->dialwait)) { + lp->dialstarted = jiffies; + lp->dialwait_timer = 0; } - anymore = 1; - if(lp->dialtimeout > 0) - if(lp->dialstarted == 0 || time_after(jiffies, lp->dialstarted + lp->dialtimeout + lp->dialwait)) { - lp->dialstarted = jiffies; - lp->dialwait_timer = 0; + lp->dialstate++; + /* Fall through */ + case 2: + /* Prepare dialing. Clear EAZ, then set EAZ. */ + cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; + cmd.arg = lp->isdn_channel; + cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_CLREAZ; + isdn_command(&cmd); + sprintf(cmd.parm.num, "%s", isdn_map_eaz2msn(lp->msn, cmd.driver)); + cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_SETEAZ; + isdn_command(&cmd); + lp->dialretry = 0; + anymore = 1; + lp->dialstate++; + /* Fall through */ + case 3: + /* Setup interface, dial current phone-number, switch to next number. + * If list of phone-numbers is exhausted, increment + * retry-counter. + */ + if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED || (ISDN_NET_DIALMODE(*lp) == ISDN_NET_DM_OFF)) { + char *s; + if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) + s = "dial suppressed: isdn system stopped"; + else + s = "dial suppressed: dialmode `off'"; + isdn_net_unreachable(p->dev, NULL, s); + isdn_net_hangup(p->dev); + break; + } + cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; + cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_SETL2; + cmd.arg = lp->isdn_channel + (lp->l2_proto << 8); + isdn_command(&cmd); + cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; + cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_SETL3; + cmd.arg = lp->isdn_channel + (lp->l3_proto << 8); + isdn_command(&cmd); + cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; + cmd.arg = lp->isdn_channel; + if (!lp->dial) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: phone number deleted?\n", + p->dev->name); + isdn_net_hangup(p->dev); + break; + } + if (!strncmp(lp->dial->num, "LEASED", strlen("LEASED"))) { + lp->dialstate = 4; + printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Open leased line ...\n", p->dev->name); + } else { + if (lp->dialtimeout > 0) + if (time_after(jiffies, lp->dialstarted + lp->dialtimeout)) { + lp->dialwait_timer = jiffies + lp->dialwait; + lp->dialstarted = 0; + isdn_net_unreachable(p->dev, NULL, "dial: timed out"); + isdn_net_hangup(p->dev); + break; } - lp->dialstate++; - /* Fall through */ - case 2: - /* Prepare dialing. Clear EAZ, then set EAZ. */ - cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; - cmd.arg = lp->isdn_channel; - cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_CLREAZ; - isdn_command(&cmd); - sprintf(cmd.parm.num, "%s", isdn_map_eaz2msn(lp->msn, cmd.driver)); - cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_SETEAZ; - isdn_command(&cmd); - lp->dialretry = 0; - anymore = 1; - lp->dialstate++; - /* Fall through */ - case 3: - /* Setup interface, dial current phone-number, switch to next number. - * If list of phone-numbers is exhausted, increment - * retry-counter. - */ - if(dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED || (ISDN_NET_DIALMODE(*lp) == ISDN_NET_DM_OFF)) { - char *s; - if (dev->global_flags & ISDN_GLOBAL_STOPPED) - s = "dial suppressed: isdn system stopped"; - else - s = "dial suppressed: dialmode `off'"; - isdn_net_unreachable(p->dev, NULL, s); - isdn_net_hangup(p->dev); - break; - } - cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; - cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_SETL2; - cmd.arg = lp->isdn_channel + (lp->l2_proto << 8); - isdn_command(&cmd); - cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; - cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_SETL3; - cmd.arg = lp->isdn_channel + (lp->l3_proto << 8); - isdn_command(&cmd); cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; - cmd.arg = lp->isdn_channel; - if (!lp->dial) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: phone number deleted?\n", - p->dev->name); - isdn_net_hangup(p->dev); - break; + cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_DIAL; + cmd.parm.setup.si2 = 0; + + /* check for DOV */ + phone_number = lp->dial->num; + if ((*phone_number == 'v') || + (*phone_number == 'V')) { /* DOV call */ + cmd.parm.setup.si1 = 1; + } else { /* DATA call */ + cmd.parm.setup.si1 = 7; } - if (!strncmp(lp->dial->num, "LEASED", strlen("LEASED"))) { - lp->dialstate = 4; - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Open leased line ...\n", p->dev->name); - } else { - if(lp->dialtimeout > 0) - if (time_after(jiffies, lp->dialstarted + lp->dialtimeout)) { - lp->dialwait_timer = jiffies + lp->dialwait; - lp->dialstarted = 0; - isdn_net_unreachable(p->dev, NULL, "dial: timed out"); - isdn_net_hangup(p->dev); - break; - } - cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; - cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_DIAL; - cmd.parm.setup.si2 = 0; - - /* check for DOV */ - phone_number = lp->dial->num; - if ((*phone_number == 'v') || - (*phone_number == 'V')) { /* DOV call */ - cmd.parm.setup.si1 = 1; - } else { /* DATA call */ - cmd.parm.setup.si1 = 7; - } + strcpy(cmd.parm.setup.phone, phone_number); + /* + * Switch to next number or back to start if at end of list. + */ + if (!(lp->dial = (isdn_net_phone *) lp->dial->next)) { + lp->dial = lp->phone[1]; + lp->dialretry++; - strcpy(cmd.parm.setup.phone, phone_number); - /* - * Switch to next number or back to start if at end of list. - */ - if (!(lp->dial = (isdn_net_phone *) lp->dial->next)) { - lp->dial = lp->phone[1]; - lp->dialretry++; - - if (lp->dialretry > lp->dialmax) { - if (lp->dialtimeout == 0) { - lp->dialwait_timer = jiffies + lp->dialwait; - lp->dialstarted = 0; - isdn_net_unreachable(p->dev, NULL, "dial: tried all numbers dialmax times"); - } - isdn_net_hangup(p->dev); - break; + if (lp->dialretry > lp->dialmax) { + if (lp->dialtimeout == 0) { + lp->dialwait_timer = jiffies + lp->dialwait; + lp->dialstarted = 0; + isdn_net_unreachable(p->dev, NULL, "dial: tried all numbers dialmax times"); } + isdn_net_hangup(p->dev); + break; } - sprintf(cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn, "%s", - isdn_map_eaz2msn(lp->msn, cmd.driver)); - i = isdn_dc2minor(lp->isdn_device, lp->isdn_channel); - if (i >= 0) { - strcpy(dev->num[i], cmd.parm.setup.phone); - dev->usage[i] |= ISDN_USAGE_OUTGOING; - isdn_info_update(); - } - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: dialing %d %s... %s\n", p->dev->name, - lp->dialretry, cmd.parm.setup.phone, - (cmd.parm.setup.si1 == 1) ? "DOV" : ""); - lp->dtimer = 0; -#ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_NET_DIAL - printk(KERN_DEBUG "dial: d=%d c=%d\n", lp->isdn_device, - lp->isdn_channel); -#endif - isdn_command(&cmd); } - lp->huptimer = 0; - lp->outgoing = 1; - if (lp->chargeint) { - lp->hupflags |= ISDN_HAVECHARGE; - lp->hupflags &= ~ISDN_WAITCHARGE; - } else { - lp->hupflags |= ISDN_WAITCHARGE; - lp->hupflags &= ~ISDN_HAVECHARGE; + sprintf(cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn, "%s", + isdn_map_eaz2msn(lp->msn, cmd.driver)); + i = isdn_dc2minor(lp->isdn_device, lp->isdn_channel); + if (i >= 0) { + strcpy(dev->num[i], cmd.parm.setup.phone); + dev->usage[i] |= ISDN_USAGE_OUTGOING; + isdn_info_update(); } - anymore = 1; - lp->dialstate = - (lp->cbdelay && - (lp->flags & ISDN_NET_CBOUT)) ? 12 : 4; - break; - case 4: - /* Wait for D-Channel-connect. - * If timeout, switch back to state 3. - * Dialmax-handling moved to state 3. - */ - if (lp->dtimer++ > ISDN_TIMER_DTIMEOUT10) - lp->dialstate = 3; - anymore = 1; - break; - case 5: - /* Got D-Channel-Connect, send B-Channel-request */ - cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; - cmd.arg = lp->isdn_channel; - cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTB; - anymore = 1; + printk(KERN_INFO "%s: dialing %d %s... %s\n", p->dev->name, + lp->dialretry, cmd.parm.setup.phone, + (cmd.parm.setup.si1 == 1) ? "DOV" : ""); lp->dtimer = 0; - lp->dialstate++; +#ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_NET_DIAL + printk(KERN_DEBUG "dial: d=%d c=%d\n", lp->isdn_device, + lp->isdn_channel); +#endif isdn_command(&cmd); - break; - case 6: - /* Wait for B- or D-Channel-connect. If timeout, - * switch back to state 3. - */ + } + lp->huptimer = 0; + lp->outgoing = 1; + if (lp->chargeint) { + lp->hupflags |= ISDN_HAVECHARGE; + lp->hupflags &= ~ISDN_WAITCHARGE; + } else { + lp->hupflags |= ISDN_WAITCHARGE; + lp->hupflags &= ~ISDN_HAVECHARGE; + } + anymore = 1; + lp->dialstate = + (lp->cbdelay && + (lp->flags & ISDN_NET_CBOUT)) ? 12 : 4; + break; + case 4: + /* Wait for D-Channel-connect. + * If timeout, switch back to state 3. + * Dialmax-handling moved to state 3. + */ + if (lp->dtimer++ > ISDN_TIMER_DTIMEOUT10) + lp->dialstate = 3; + anymore = 1; + break; + case 5: + /* Got D-Channel-Connect, send B-Channel-request */ + cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; + cmd.arg = lp->isdn_channel; + cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTB; + anymore = 1; + lp->dtimer = 0; + lp->dialstate++; + isdn_command(&cmd); + break; + case 6: + /* Wait for B- or D-Channel-connect. If timeout, + * switch back to state 3. + */ #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_NET_DIAL - printk(KERN_DEBUG "dialtimer2: %d\n", lp->dtimer); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "dialtimer2: %d\n", lp->dtimer); #endif - if (lp->dtimer++ > ISDN_TIMER_DTIMEOUT10) - lp->dialstate = 3; - anymore = 1; - break; - case 7: - /* Got incoming Call, setup L2 and L3 protocols, - * then wait for D-Channel-connect - */ + if (lp->dtimer++ > ISDN_TIMER_DTIMEOUT10) + lp->dialstate = 3; + anymore = 1; + break; + case 7: + /* Got incoming Call, setup L2 and L3 protocols, + * then wait for D-Channel-connect + */ #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_NET_DIAL - printk(KERN_DEBUG "dialtimer4: %d\n", lp->dtimer); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "dialtimer4: %d\n", lp->dtimer); #endif - cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; - cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_SETL2; - cmd.arg = lp->isdn_channel + (lp->l2_proto << 8); - isdn_command(&cmd); - cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; - cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_SETL3; - cmd.arg = lp->isdn_channel + (lp->l3_proto << 8); - isdn_command(&cmd); - if (lp->dtimer++ > ISDN_TIMER_DTIMEOUT15) - isdn_net_hangup(p->dev); - else { - anymore = 1; - lp->dialstate++; - } - break; - case 9: - /* Got incoming D-Channel-Connect, send B-Channel-request */ - cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; - cmd.arg = lp->isdn_channel; - cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTB; - isdn_command(&cmd); + cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; + cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_SETL2; + cmd.arg = lp->isdn_channel + (lp->l2_proto << 8); + isdn_command(&cmd); + cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; + cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_SETL3; + cmd.arg = lp->isdn_channel + (lp->l3_proto << 8); + isdn_command(&cmd); + if (lp->dtimer++ > ISDN_TIMER_DTIMEOUT15) + isdn_net_hangup(p->dev); + else { anymore = 1; - lp->dtimer = 0; lp->dialstate++; - break; - case 8: - case 10: - /* Wait for B- or D-channel-connect */ + } + break; + case 9: + /* Got incoming D-Channel-Connect, send B-Channel-request */ + cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; + cmd.arg = lp->isdn_channel; + cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTB; + isdn_command(&cmd); + anymore = 1; + lp->dtimer = 0; + lp->dialstate++; + break; + case 8: + case 10: + /* Wait for B- or D-channel-connect */ #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_NET_DIAL - printk(KERN_DEBUG "dialtimer4: %d\n", lp->dtimer); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "dialtimer4: %d\n", lp->dtimer); #endif - if (lp->dtimer++ > ISDN_TIMER_DTIMEOUT10) - isdn_net_hangup(p->dev); - else - anymore = 1; - break; - case 11: - /* Callback Delay */ - if (lp->dtimer++ > lp->cbdelay) - lp->dialstate = 1; - anymore = 1; - break; - case 12: - /* Remote does callback. Hangup after cbdelay, then wait for incoming - * call (in state 4). - */ - if (lp->dtimer++ > lp->cbdelay) - { - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: hangup waiting for callback ...\n", p->dev->name); - lp->dtimer = 0; - lp->dialstate = 4; - cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; - cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_HANGUP; - cmd.arg = lp->isdn_channel; - isdn_command(&cmd); - isdn_all_eaz(lp->isdn_device, lp->isdn_channel); - } + if (lp->dtimer++ > ISDN_TIMER_DTIMEOUT10) + isdn_net_hangup(p->dev); + else anymore = 1; - break; - default: - printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_net: Illegal dialstate %d for device %s\n", - lp->dialstate, p->dev->name); + break; + case 11: + /* Callback Delay */ + if (lp->dtimer++ > lp->cbdelay) + lp->dialstate = 1; + anymore = 1; + break; + case 12: + /* Remote does callback. Hangup after cbdelay, then wait for incoming + * call (in state 4). + */ + if (lp->dtimer++ > lp->cbdelay) + { + printk(KERN_INFO "%s: hangup waiting for callback ...\n", p->dev->name); + lp->dtimer = 0; + lp->dialstate = 4; + cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; + cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_HANGUP; + cmd.arg = lp->isdn_channel; + isdn_command(&cmd); + isdn_all_eaz(lp->isdn_device, lp->isdn_channel); + } + anymore = 1; + break; + default: + printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_net: Illegal dialstate %d for device %s\n", + lp->dialstate, p->dev->name); } p = (isdn_net_dev *) p->next; } @@ -839,8 +839,8 @@ isdn_net_hangup(struct net_device *d) isdn_net_local *slp = ISDN_SLAVE_PRIV(lp); if (slp->flags & ISDN_NET_CONNECTED) { printk(KERN_INFO - "isdn_net: hang up slave %s before %s\n", - lp->slave->name, d->name); + "isdn_net: hang up slave %s before %s\n", + lp->slave->name, d->name); isdn_net_hangup(lp->slave); } } @@ -854,8 +854,8 @@ isdn_net_hangup(struct net_device *d) /* try if there are generic encap protocol receiver routines and signal the closure of the link */ - if( pops && pops -> disconn_ind ) - pops -> disconn_ind(cprot); + if (pops && pops->disconn_ind) + pops->disconn_ind(cprot); #endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_X25 */ cmd.driver = lp->isdn_device; @@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ typedef struct { } ip_ports; static void -isdn_net_log_skb(struct sk_buff * skb, isdn_net_local * lp) +isdn_net_log_skb(struct sk_buff *skb, isdn_net_local *lp) { /* hopefully, this was set correctly */ const u_char *p = skb_network_header(skb); @@ -887,72 +887,72 @@ isdn_net_log_skb(struct sk_buff * skb, isdn_net_local * lp) /* This check stolen from 2.1.72 dev_queue_xmit_nit() */ if (p < skb->data || skb->network_header >= skb->tail) { /* fall back to old isdn_net_log_packet method() */ - char * buf = skb->data; + char *buf = skb->data; printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_net: protocol %04x is buggy, dev %s\n", skb->protocol, lp->netdev->dev->name); p = buf; proto = ETH_P_IP; switch (lp->p_encap) { - case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_IPTYP: - proto = ntohs(*(__be16 *)&buf[0]); - p = &buf[2]; - break; - case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_ETHER: - proto = ntohs(*(__be16 *)&buf[12]); - p = &buf[14]; - break; - case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_CISCOHDLC: - proto = ntohs(*(__be16 *)&buf[2]); - p = &buf[4]; - break; + case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_IPTYP: + proto = ntohs(*(__be16 *)&buf[0]); + p = &buf[2]; + break; + case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_ETHER: + proto = ntohs(*(__be16 *)&buf[12]); + p = &buf[14]; + break; + case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_CISCOHDLC: + proto = ntohs(*(__be16 *)&buf[2]); + p = &buf[4]; + break; #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_PPP - case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_SYNCPPP: - proto = ntohs(skb->protocol); - p = &buf[IPPP_MAX_HEADER]; - break; + case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_SYNCPPP: + proto = ntohs(skb->protocol); + p = &buf[IPPP_MAX_HEADER]; + break; #endif } } data_ofs = ((p[0] & 15) * 4); switch (proto) { - case ETH_P_IP: - switch (p[9]) { - case 1: - strcpy(addinfo, " ICMP"); - break; - case 2: - strcpy(addinfo, " IGMP"); - break; - case 4: - strcpy(addinfo, " IPIP"); - break; - case 6: - ipp = (ip_ports *) (&p[data_ofs]); - sprintf(addinfo, " TCP, port: %d -> %d", ntohs(ipp->source), - ntohs(ipp->dest)); - break; - case 8: - strcpy(addinfo, " EGP"); - break; - case 12: - strcpy(addinfo, " PUP"); - break; - case 17: - ipp = (ip_ports *) (&p[data_ofs]); - sprintf(addinfo, " UDP, port: %d -> %d", ntohs(ipp->source), - ntohs(ipp->dest)); - break; - case 22: - strcpy(addinfo, " IDP"); - break; - } - printk(KERN_INFO "OPEN: %pI4 -> %pI4%s\n", - p + 12, p + 16, addinfo); + case ETH_P_IP: + switch (p[9]) { + case 1: + strcpy(addinfo, " ICMP"); + break; + case 2: + strcpy(addinfo, " IGMP"); + break; + case 4: + strcpy(addinfo, " IPIP"); + break; + case 6: + ipp = (ip_ports *) (&p[data_ofs]); + sprintf(addinfo, " TCP, port: %d -> %d", ntohs(ipp->source), + ntohs(ipp->dest)); + break; + case 8: + strcpy(addinfo, " EGP"); + break; + case 12: + strcpy(addinfo, " PUP"); + break; + case 17: + ipp = (ip_ports *) (&p[data_ofs]); + sprintf(addinfo, " UDP, port: %d -> %d", ntohs(ipp->source), + ntohs(ipp->dest)); break; - case ETH_P_ARP: - printk(KERN_INFO "OPEN: ARP %pI4 -> *.*.*.* ?%pI4\n", - p + 14, p + 24); + case 22: + strcpy(addinfo, " IDP"); break; + } + printk(KERN_INFO "OPEN: %pI4 -> %pI4%s\n", + p + 12, p + 16, addinfo); + break; + case ETH_P_ARP: + printk(KERN_INFO "OPEN: ARP %pI4 -> *.*.*.* ?%pI4\n", + p + 14, p + 24); + break; } } @@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ isdn_net_log_skb(struct sk_buff * skb, isdn_net_local * lp) void isdn_net_write_super(isdn_net_local *lp, struct sk_buff *skb) { if (in_irq()) { - // we can't grab the lock from irq context, + // we can't grab the lock from irq context, // so we just queue the packet skb_queue_tail(&lp->super_tx_queue, skb); schedule_work(&lp->tqueue); @@ -993,12 +993,12 @@ static void isdn_net_softint(struct work_struct *work) skb = skb_dequeue(&lp->super_tx_queue); if (!skb) break; - isdn_net_writebuf_skb(lp, skb); + isdn_net_writebuf_skb(lp, skb); } spin_unlock_bh(&lp->xmit_lock); } -/* +/* * all frames sent from the (net) LL to a HL driver should go via this function * it's serialized by the caller holding the lp->xmit_lock spinlock */ @@ -1024,12 +1024,12 @@ void isdn_net_writebuf_skb(isdn_net_local *lp, struct sk_buff *skb) printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: HL driver queue full\n", lp->netdev->dev->name); goto error; } - + lp->transcount += len; isdn_net_inc_frame_cnt(lp); return; - error: +error: dev_kfree_skb(skb); lp->stats.tx_errors++; @@ -1129,14 +1129,14 @@ isdn_net_adjust_hdr(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) } -static void isdn_net_tx_timeout(struct net_device * ndev) +static void isdn_net_tx_timeout(struct net_device *ndev) { isdn_net_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_tx_timeout dev %s dialstate %d\n", ndev->name, lp->dialstate); - if (!lp->dialstate){ + if (!lp->dialstate) { lp->stats.tx_errors++; - /* + /* * There is a certain probability that this currently * works at all because if we always wake up the interface, * then upper layer will try to send the next packet @@ -1149,7 +1149,7 @@ static void isdn_net_tx_timeout(struct net_device * ndev) * * actually, this may not matter at all, because ISDN hardware * should not see transmitter hangs at all IMO - * changed KERN_DEBUG to KERN_WARNING to find out if this is + * changed KERN_DEBUG to KERN_WARNING to find out if this is * ever called --KG */ } @@ -1167,27 +1167,27 @@ isdn_net_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *ndev) { isdn_net_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - struct concap_proto * cprot = lp -> netdev -> cprot; + struct concap_proto *cprot = lp->netdev->cprot; /* At this point hard_start_xmit() passes control to the encapsulation protocol (if present). For X.25 auto-dialing is completly bypassed because: - It does not conform with the semantics of a reliable datalink - service as needed by X.25 PLP. + service as needed by X.25 PLP. - I don't want that the interface starts dialing when the network layer - sends a message which requests to disconnect the lapb link (or if it - sends any other message not resulting in data transmission). + sends a message which requests to disconnect the lapb link (or if it + sends any other message not resulting in data transmission). Instead, dialing will be initiated by the encapsulation protocol entity when a dl_establish request is received from the upper layer. */ - if (cprot && cprot -> pops) { - int ret = cprot -> pops -> encap_and_xmit ( cprot , skb); + if (cprot && cprot->pops) { + int ret = cprot->pops->encap_and_xmit(cprot, skb); if (ret) netif_stop_queue(ndev); return ret; } else #endif - /* auto-dialing xmit function */ + /* auto-dialing xmit function */ { #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_NET_DUMP u_char *buf; @@ -1209,12 +1209,12 @@ isdn_net_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *ndev) if (lp->phone[1]) { ulong flags; - if(lp->dialwait_timer <= 0) - if(lp->dialstarted > 0 && lp->dialtimeout > 0 && time_before(jiffies, lp->dialstarted + lp->dialtimeout + lp->dialwait)) + if (lp->dialwait_timer <= 0) + if (lp->dialstarted > 0 && lp->dialtimeout > 0 && time_before(jiffies, lp->dialstarted + lp->dialtimeout + lp->dialwait)) lp->dialwait_timer = lp->dialstarted + lp->dialtimeout + lp->dialwait; - if(lp->dialwait_timer > 0) { - if(time_before(jiffies, lp->dialwait_timer)) { + if (lp->dialwait_timer > 0) { + if (time_before(jiffies, lp->dialwait_timer)) { isdn_net_unreachable(ndev, skb, "dial rejected: retry-time not reached"); dev_kfree_skb(skb); return NETDEV_TX_OK; @@ -1224,26 +1224,26 @@ isdn_net_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *ndev) /* Grab a free ISDN-Channel */ spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->lock, flags); if (((chi = - isdn_get_free_channel( - ISDN_USAGE_NET, - lp->l2_proto, - lp->l3_proto, - lp->pre_device, - lp->pre_channel, - lp->msn) - ) < 0) && - ((chi = - isdn_get_free_channel( - ISDN_USAGE_NET, - lp->l2_proto, - lp->l3_proto, - lp->pre_device, - lp->pre_channel^1, - lp->msn) - ) < 0)) { + isdn_get_free_channel( + ISDN_USAGE_NET, + lp->l2_proto, + lp->l3_proto, + lp->pre_device, + lp->pre_channel, + lp->msn) + ) < 0) && + ((chi = + isdn_get_free_channel( + ISDN_USAGE_NET, + lp->l2_proto, + lp->l3_proto, + lp->pre_device, + lp->pre_channel^1, + lp->msn) + ) < 0)) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->lock, flags); isdn_net_unreachable(ndev, skb, - "No channel"); + "No channel"); dev_kfree_skb(skb); return NETDEV_TX_OK; } @@ -1290,13 +1290,13 @@ isdn_net_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *ndev) return NETDEV_TX_OK; } } else { - /* Device is connected to an ISDN channel */ + /* Device is connected to an ISDN channel */ ndev->trans_start = jiffies; if (!lp->dialstate) { /* ISDN connection is established, try sending */ int ret; ret = (isdn_net_xmit(ndev, skb)); - if(ret) netif_stop_queue(ndev); + if (ret) netif_stop_queue(ndev); return ret; } else netif_stop_queue(ndev); @@ -1313,13 +1313,13 @@ isdn_net_close(struct net_device *dev) { struct net_device *p; #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - struct concap_proto * cprot = - ((isdn_net_local *) netdev_priv(dev))->netdev->cprot; - /* printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_net_close %s\n" , dev-> name ); */ + struct concap_proto *cprot = + ((isdn_net_local *)netdev_priv(dev))->netdev->cprot; + /* printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_net_close %s\n" , dev-> name); */ #endif #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - if( cprot && cprot -> pops ) cprot -> pops -> close( cprot ); + if (cprot && cprot->pops) cprot->pops->close(cprot); #endif netif_stop_queue(dev); p = MASTER_TO_SLAVE(dev); @@ -1327,10 +1327,10 @@ isdn_net_close(struct net_device *dev) /* If this interface has slaves, stop them also */ while (p) { #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - cprot = ((isdn_net_local *) netdev_priv(p)) - -> netdev -> cprot; - if( cprot && cprot -> pops ) - cprot -> pops -> close( cprot ); + cprot = ((isdn_net_local *)netdev_priv(p)) + ->netdev->cprot; + if (cprot && cprot->pops) + cprot->pops->close(cprot); #endif isdn_net_hangup(p); p = MASTER_TO_SLAVE(p); @@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ isdn_net_type_trans(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) } -/* +/* * CISCO HDLC keepalive specific stuff */ static struct sk_buff* @@ -1417,7 +1417,7 @@ isdn_net_ciscohdlck_alloc_skb(isdn_net_local *lp, int len) skb = alloc_skb(hl + len, GFP_ATOMIC); if (skb) skb_reserve(skb, hl); - else + else printk("isdn out of mem at %s:%d!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); return skb; } @@ -1439,52 +1439,52 @@ isdn_ciscohdlck_dev_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd) switch (cmd) { /* get/set keepalive period */ - case SIOCGKEEPPERIOD: - len = (unsigned long)sizeof(lp->cisco_keepalive_period); - if (copy_to_user(ifr->ifr_data, - &lp->cisco_keepalive_period, len)) - rc = -EFAULT; - break; - case SIOCSKEEPPERIOD: - tmp = lp->cisco_keepalive_period; - len = (unsigned long)sizeof(lp->cisco_keepalive_period); - if (copy_from_user(&period, ifr->ifr_data, len)) - rc = -EFAULT; - if ((period > 0) && (period <= 32767)) - lp->cisco_keepalive_period = period; - else - rc = -EINVAL; - if (!rc && (tmp != lp->cisco_keepalive_period)) { - expires = (unsigned long)(jiffies + - lp->cisco_keepalive_period * HZ); - mod_timer(&lp->cisco_timer, expires); - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Keepalive period set " - "to %d seconds.\n", - dev->name, lp->cisco_keepalive_period); - } - break; + case SIOCGKEEPPERIOD: + len = (unsigned long)sizeof(lp->cisco_keepalive_period); + if (copy_to_user(ifr->ifr_data, + &lp->cisco_keepalive_period, len)) + rc = -EFAULT; + break; + case SIOCSKEEPPERIOD: + tmp = lp->cisco_keepalive_period; + len = (unsigned long)sizeof(lp->cisco_keepalive_period); + if (copy_from_user(&period, ifr->ifr_data, len)) + rc = -EFAULT; + if ((period > 0) && (period <= 32767)) + lp->cisco_keepalive_period = period; + else + rc = -EINVAL; + if (!rc && (tmp != lp->cisco_keepalive_period)) { + expires = (unsigned long)(jiffies + + lp->cisco_keepalive_period * HZ); + mod_timer(&lp->cisco_timer, expires); + printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Keepalive period set " + "to %d seconds.\n", + dev->name, lp->cisco_keepalive_period); + } + break; /* get/set debugging */ - case SIOCGDEBSERINT: - len = (unsigned long)sizeof(lp->cisco_debserint); - if (copy_to_user(ifr->ifr_data, - &lp->cisco_debserint, len)) - rc = -EFAULT; - break; - case SIOCSDEBSERINT: - len = (unsigned long)sizeof(lp->cisco_debserint); - if (copy_from_user(&debserint, - ifr->ifr_data, len)) - rc = -EFAULT; - if ((debserint >= 0) && (debserint <= 64)) - lp->cisco_debserint = debserint; - else - rc = -EINVAL; - break; - - default: + case SIOCGDEBSERINT: + len = (unsigned long)sizeof(lp->cisco_debserint); + if (copy_to_user(ifr->ifr_data, + &lp->cisco_debserint, len)) + rc = -EFAULT; + break; + case SIOCSDEBSERINT: + len = (unsigned long)sizeof(lp->cisco_debserint); + if (copy_from_user(&debserint, + ifr->ifr_data, len)) + rc = -EFAULT; + if ((debserint >= 0) && (debserint <= 64)) + lp->cisco_debserint = debserint; + else rc = -EINVAL; - break; + break; + + default: + rc = -EINVAL; + break; } return (rc); } @@ -1524,30 +1524,30 @@ isdn_net_ciscohdlck_slarp_send_keepalive(unsigned long data) lp->cisco_myseq++; myseq_diff = (lp->cisco_myseq - lp->cisco_mineseen); - if ((lp->cisco_line_state) && ((myseq_diff >= 3)||(myseq_diff <= -3))) { + if ((lp->cisco_line_state) && ((myseq_diff >= 3) || (myseq_diff <= -3))) { /* line up -> down */ lp->cisco_line_state = 0; - printk (KERN_WARNING - "UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface %s," - " changed state to down\n", lp->netdev->dev->name); + printk(KERN_WARNING + "UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface %s," + " changed state to down\n", lp->netdev->dev->name); /* should stop routing higher-level data across */ } else if ((!lp->cisco_line_state) && - (myseq_diff >= 0) && (myseq_diff <= 2)) { + (myseq_diff >= 0) && (myseq_diff <= 2)) { /* line down -> up */ lp->cisco_line_state = 1; - printk (KERN_WARNING - "UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface %s," - " changed state to up\n", lp->netdev->dev->name); + printk(KERN_WARNING + "UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface %s," + " changed state to up\n", lp->netdev->dev->name); /* restart routing higher-level data across */ } if (lp->cisco_debserint) - printk (KERN_DEBUG "%s: HDLC " - "myseq %lu, mineseen %lu%c, yourseen %lu, %s\n", - lp->netdev->dev->name, last_cisco_myseq, lp->cisco_mineseen, - ((last_cisco_myseq == lp->cisco_mineseen) ? '*' : 040), - lp->cisco_yourseq, - ((lp->cisco_line_state) ? "line up" : "line down")); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: HDLC " + "myseq %lu, mineseen %lu%c, yourseen %lu, %s\n", + lp->netdev->dev->name, last_cisco_myseq, lp->cisco_mineseen, + ((last_cisco_myseq == lp->cisco_mineseen) ? '*' : 040), + lp->cisco_yourseq, + ((lp->cisco_line_state) ? "line up" : "line down")); skb = isdn_net_ciscohdlck_alloc_skb(lp, 4 + 14); if (!skb) @@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@ isdn_net_ciscohdlck_slarp_send_keepalive(unsigned long data) isdn_net_write_super(lp, skb); lp->cisco_timer.expires = jiffies + lp->cisco_keepalive_period * HZ; - + add_timer(&lp->cisco_timer); } @@ -1601,7 +1601,7 @@ isdn_net_ciscohdlck_slarp_send_request(isdn_net_local *lp) isdn_net_write_super(lp, skb); } -static void +static void isdn_net_ciscohdlck_connected(isdn_net_local *lp) { lp->cisco_myseq = 0; @@ -1622,7 +1622,7 @@ isdn_net_ciscohdlck_connected(isdn_net_local *lp) add_timer(&lp->cisco_timer); } -static void +static void isdn_net_ciscohdlck_disconnected(isdn_net_local *lp) { del_timer(&lp->cisco_timer); @@ -1703,20 +1703,20 @@ isdn_net_ciscohdlck_slarp_in(isdn_net_local *lp, struct sk_buff *skb) printk(KERN_INFO "%s: got slarp reply: remote ip: %pI4, local ip: %pI4 mask: %pI4\n", lp->netdev->dev->name, addr, &local, mask); break; - slarp_reply_out: + slarp_reply_out: printk(KERN_INFO "%s: got invalid slarp reply (%pI4/%pI4) - ignored\n", lp->netdev->dev->name, addr, mask); break; case CISCO_SLARP_KEEPALIVE: period = (int)((jiffies - lp->cisco_last_slarp_in - + HZ/2 - 1) / HZ); + + HZ / 2 - 1) / HZ); if (lp->cisco_debserint && - (period != lp->cisco_keepalive_period) && - lp->cisco_last_slarp_in) { + (period != lp->cisco_keepalive_period) && + lp->cisco_last_slarp_in) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Keepalive period mismatch - " - "is %d but should be %d.\n", - lp->netdev->dev->name, period, - lp->cisco_keepalive_period); + "is %d but should be %d.\n", + lp->netdev->dev->name, period, + lp->cisco_keepalive_period); } lp->cisco_last_slarp_in = jiffies; my_seq = be32_to_cpup((__be32 *)(p + 0)); @@ -1732,10 +1732,10 @@ static void isdn_net_ciscohdlck_receive(isdn_net_local *lp, struct sk_buff *skb) { unsigned char *p; - u8 addr; - u8 ctrl; - u16 type; - + u8 addr; + u8 ctrl; + u16 type; + if (skb->len < 4) goto out_free; @@ -1745,7 +1745,7 @@ isdn_net_ciscohdlck_receive(isdn_net_local *lp, struct sk_buff *skb) type = be16_to_cpup((__be16 *)(p + 2)); p += 4; skb_pull(skb, 4); - + if (addr != CISCO_ADDR_UNICAST && addr != CISCO_ADDR_BROADCAST) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Unknown Cisco addr 0x%02x\n", lp->netdev->dev->name, addr); @@ -1764,8 +1764,8 @@ isdn_net_ciscohdlck_receive(isdn_net_local *lp, struct sk_buff *skb) case CISCO_TYPE_CDP: if (lp->cisco_debserint) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Received CDP packet. use " - "\"no cdp enable\" on cisco.\n", - lp->netdev->dev->name); + "\"no cdp enable\" on cisco.\n", + lp->netdev->dev->name); goto out_free; default: /* no special cisco protocol */ @@ -1774,7 +1774,7 @@ isdn_net_ciscohdlck_receive(isdn_net_local *lp, struct sk_buff *skb) return; } - out_free: +out_free: kfree_skb(skb); } @@ -1787,7 +1787,7 @@ isdn_net_receive(struct net_device *ndev, struct sk_buff *skb) isdn_net_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); isdn_net_local *olp = lp; /* original 'lp' */ #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - struct concap_proto *cprot = lp -> netdev -> cprot; + struct concap_proto *cprot = lp->netdev->cprot; #endif lp->transcount += skb->len; @@ -1809,60 +1809,60 @@ isdn_net_receive(struct net_device *ndev, struct sk_buff *skb) isdn_dumppkt("R:", skb->data, skb->len, 40); #endif switch (lp->p_encap) { - case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_ETHER: - /* Ethernet over ISDN */ - olp->huptimer = 0; - lp->huptimer = 0; - skb->protocol = isdn_net_type_trans(skb, ndev); - break; - case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_UIHDLC: - /* HDLC with UI-frame (for ispa with -h1 option) */ - olp->huptimer = 0; - lp->huptimer = 0; - skb_pull(skb, 2); - /* Fall through */ - case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_RAWIP: - /* RAW-IP without MAC-Header */ - olp->huptimer = 0; - lp->huptimer = 0; - skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IP); - break; - case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_CISCOHDLCK: - isdn_net_ciscohdlck_receive(lp, skb); - return; - case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_CISCOHDLC: - /* CISCO-HDLC IP with type field and fake I-frame-header */ - skb_pull(skb, 2); - /* Fall through */ - case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_IPTYP: - /* IP with type field */ - olp->huptimer = 0; - lp->huptimer = 0; - skb->protocol = *(__be16 *)&(skb->data[0]); - skb_pull(skb, 2); - if (*(unsigned short *) skb->data == 0xFFFF) - skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_802_3); - break; + case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_ETHER: + /* Ethernet over ISDN */ + olp->huptimer = 0; + lp->huptimer = 0; + skb->protocol = isdn_net_type_trans(skb, ndev); + break; + case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_UIHDLC: + /* HDLC with UI-frame (for ispa with -h1 option) */ + olp->huptimer = 0; + lp->huptimer = 0; + skb_pull(skb, 2); + /* Fall through */ + case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_RAWIP: + /* RAW-IP without MAC-Header */ + olp->huptimer = 0; + lp->huptimer = 0; + skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IP); + break; + case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_CISCOHDLCK: + isdn_net_ciscohdlck_receive(lp, skb); + return; + case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_CISCOHDLC: + /* CISCO-HDLC IP with type field and fake I-frame-header */ + skb_pull(skb, 2); + /* Fall through */ + case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_IPTYP: + /* IP with type field */ + olp->huptimer = 0; + lp->huptimer = 0; + skb->protocol = *(__be16 *)&(skb->data[0]); + skb_pull(skb, 2); + if (*(unsigned short *) skb->data == 0xFFFF) + skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_802_3); + break; #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_PPP - case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_SYNCPPP: - /* huptimer is done in isdn_ppp_push_higher */ - isdn_ppp_receive(lp->netdev, olp, skb); - return; + case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_SYNCPPP: + /* huptimer is done in isdn_ppp_push_higher */ + isdn_ppp_receive(lp->netdev, olp, skb); + return; #endif - default: + default: #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - /* try if there are generic sync_device receiver routines */ - if(cprot) if(cprot -> pops) - if( cprot -> pops -> data_ind){ - cprot -> pops -> data_ind(cprot,skb); - return; - }; + /* try if there are generic sync_device receiver routines */ + if (cprot) if (cprot->pops) + if (cprot->pops->data_ind) { + cprot->pops->data_ind(cprot, skb); + return; + }; #endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_X25 */ - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: unknown encapsulation, dropping\n", - lp->netdev->dev->name); - kfree_skb(skb); - return; + printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: unknown encapsulation, dropping\n", + lp->netdev->dev->name); + kfree_skb(skb); + return; } netif_rx(skb); @@ -1904,48 +1904,48 @@ static int isdn_net_header(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, int len = 0; switch (lp->p_encap) { - case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_ETHER: - len = eth_header(skb, dev, type, daddr, saddr, plen); - break; + case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_ETHER: + len = eth_header(skb, dev, type, daddr, saddr, plen); + break; #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_PPP - case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_SYNCPPP: - /* stick on a fake header to keep fragmentation code happy. */ - len = IPPP_MAX_HEADER; - skb_push(skb,len); - break; + case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_SYNCPPP: + /* stick on a fake header to keep fragmentation code happy. */ + len = IPPP_MAX_HEADER; + skb_push(skb, len); + break; #endif - case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_RAWIP: - printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_net_header called with RAW_IP!\n"); - len = 0; - break; - case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_IPTYP: - /* ethernet type field */ - *((__be16 *)skb_push(skb, 2)) = htons(type); - len = 2; - break; - case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_UIHDLC: - /* HDLC with UI-Frames (for ispa with -h1 option) */ - *((__be16 *)skb_push(skb, 2)) = htons(0x0103); - len = 2; - break; - case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_CISCOHDLC: - case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_CISCOHDLCK: - p = skb_push(skb, 4); - *(u8 *)(p + 0) = CISCO_ADDR_UNICAST; - *(u8 *)(p + 1) = CISCO_CTRL; - *(__be16 *)(p + 2) = cpu_to_be16(type); - p += 4; - len = 4; - break; + case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_RAWIP: + printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_net_header called with RAW_IP!\n"); + len = 0; + break; + case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_IPTYP: + /* ethernet type field */ + *((__be16 *)skb_push(skb, 2)) = htons(type); + len = 2; + break; + case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_UIHDLC: + /* HDLC with UI-Frames (for ispa with -h1 option) */ + *((__be16 *)skb_push(skb, 2)) = htons(0x0103); + len = 2; + break; + case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_CISCOHDLC: + case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_CISCOHDLCK: + p = skb_push(skb, 4); + *(u8 *)(p + 0) = CISCO_ADDR_UNICAST; + *(u8 *)(p + 1) = CISCO_CTRL; + *(__be16 *)(p + 2) = cpu_to_be16(type); + p += 4; + len = 4; + break; #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - default: - /* try if there are generic concap protocol routines */ - if( lp-> netdev -> cprot ){ - printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_net_header called with concap_proto!\n"); - len = 0; - break; - } + default: + /* try if there are generic concap protocol routines */ + if (lp->netdev->cprot) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_net_header called with concap_proto!\n"); + len = 0; break; + } + break; #endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_X25 */ } return len; @@ -2045,12 +2045,12 @@ isdn_net_swapbind(int drvidx) while (p) { if (p->local->pre_device == drvidx) switch (p->local->pre_channel) { - case 0: - p->local->pre_channel = 1; - break; - case 1: - p->local->pre_channel = 0; - break; + case 0: + p->local->pre_channel = 1; + break; + case 1: + p->local->pre_channel = 0; + break; } p = (isdn_net_dev *) p->next; } @@ -2134,7 +2134,7 @@ isdn_net_find_icall(int di, int ch, int idx, setup_parm *setup) ematch = wret = swapped = 0; #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_NET_ICALL printk(KERN_DEBUG "n_fi: di=%d ch=%d idx=%d usg=%d\n", di, ch, idx, - dev->usage[idx]); + dev->usage[idx]); #endif while (p) { int matchret; @@ -2142,32 +2142,32 @@ isdn_net_find_icall(int di, int ch, int idx, setup_parm *setup) /* If last check has triggered as binding-swap, revert it */ switch (swapped) { - case 2: - isdn_net_swap_usage(idx, sidx); - /* fall through */ - case 1: - isdn_net_swapbind(di); - break; + case 2: + isdn_net_swap_usage(idx, sidx); + /* fall through */ + case 1: + isdn_net_swapbind(di); + break; } swapped = 0; - /* check acceptable call types for DOV */ - my_eaz = isdn_map_eaz2msn(lp->msn, di); - if (si1 == 1) { /* it's a DOV call, check if we allow it */ - if (*my_eaz == 'v' || *my_eaz == 'V' || + /* check acceptable call types for DOV */ + my_eaz = isdn_map_eaz2msn(lp->msn, di); + if (si1 == 1) { /* it's a DOV call, check if we allow it */ + if (*my_eaz == 'v' || *my_eaz == 'V' || *my_eaz == 'b' || *my_eaz == 'B') - my_eaz++; /* skip to allow a match */ - else - my_eaz = NULL; /* force non match */ - } else { /* it's a DATA call, check if we allow it */ - if (*my_eaz == 'b' || *my_eaz == 'B') - my_eaz++; /* skip to allow a match */ - } - if (my_eaz) - matchret = isdn_msncmp(eaz, my_eaz); - else - matchret = 1; - if (!matchret) - ematch = 1; + my_eaz++; /* skip to allow a match */ + else + my_eaz = NULL; /* force non match */ + } else { /* it's a DATA call, check if we allow it */ + if (*my_eaz == 'b' || *my_eaz == 'B') + my_eaz++; /* skip to allow a match */ + } + if (my_eaz) + matchret = isdn_msncmp(eaz, my_eaz); + else + matchret = 1; + if (!matchret) + ematch = 1; /* Remember if more numbers eventually can match */ if (matchret > wret) @@ -2181,8 +2181,8 @@ isdn_net_find_icall(int di, int ch, int idx, setup_parm *setup) (USG_NONE(dev->usage[idx]))) || /* and ch. unused or */ ((((lp->dialstate == 4) || (lp->dialstate == 12)) && /* if dialing */ (!(lp->flags & ISDN_NET_CALLBACK))) /* but no callback */ - ))) - { + ))) + { #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_NET_ICALL printk(KERN_DEBUG "n_fi: match1, pdev=%d pch=%d\n", lp->pre_device, lp->pre_channel); @@ -2312,7 +2312,7 @@ isdn_net_find_icall(int di, int ch, int idx, setup_parm *setup) p = (isdn_net_dev *) p->next; continue; } - } + } if (lp->flags & ISDN_NET_CALLBACK) { int chi; /* @@ -2330,18 +2330,18 @@ isdn_net_find_icall(int di, int ch, int idx, setup_parm *setup) if (lp->phone[1]) { /* Grab a free ISDN-Channel */ spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->lock, flags); - if ((chi = - isdn_get_free_channel( - ISDN_USAGE_NET, - lp->l2_proto, - lp->l3_proto, - lp->pre_device, - lp->pre_channel, - lp->msn) - ) < 0) { + if ((chi = + isdn_get_free_channel( + ISDN_USAGE_NET, + lp->l2_proto, + lp->l3_proto, + lp->pre_device, + lp->pre_channel, + lp->msn) + ) < 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_net_find_icall: No channel for %s\n", - p->dev->name); + p->dev->name); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->lock, flags); return 0; } @@ -2363,11 +2363,11 @@ isdn_net_find_icall(int di, int ch, int idx, setup_parm *setup) return (lp->flags & ISDN_NET_CBHUP) ? 2 : 4; } else printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_net: %s: No phone number\n", - p->dev->name); + p->dev->name); return 0; } else { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: call from %s -> %s accepted\n", - p->dev->name, nr, eaz); + p->dev->name, nr, eaz); /* if this interface is dialing, it does it probably on a different device, so free this device */ if ((lp->dialstate == 4) || (lp->dialstate == 12)) { @@ -2377,7 +2377,7 @@ isdn_net_find_icall(int di, int ch, int idx, setup_parm *setup) #endif isdn_net_lp_disconnected(lp); isdn_free_channel(lp->isdn_device, lp->isdn_channel, - ISDN_USAGE_NET); + ISDN_USAGE_NET); } spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->lock, flags); dev->usage[idx] &= ISDN_USAGE_EXCLUSIVE; @@ -2414,7 +2414,7 @@ isdn_net_find_icall(int di, int ch, int idx, setup_parm *setup) /* If none of configured EAZ/MSN matched and not verbose, be silent */ if (!ematch || dev->net_verbose) printk(KERN_INFO "isdn_net: call from %s -> %d %s ignored\n", nr, di, eaz); - return (wret == 2)?5:0; + return (wret == 2) ? 5 : 0; } /* @@ -2439,7 +2439,7 @@ isdn_net_findif(char *name) * from isdn_net_start_xmit(). */ static int -isdn_net_force_dial_lp(isdn_net_local * lp) +isdn_net_force_dial_lp(isdn_net_local *lp) { if ((!(lp->flags & ISDN_NET_CONNECTED)) && !lp->dialstate) { int chi; @@ -2449,14 +2449,14 @@ isdn_net_force_dial_lp(isdn_net_local * lp) /* Grab a free ISDN-Channel */ spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->lock, flags); if ((chi = isdn_get_free_channel( - ISDN_USAGE_NET, - lp->l2_proto, - lp->l3_proto, - lp->pre_device, - lp->pre_channel, - lp->msn)) < 0) { + ISDN_USAGE_NET, + lp->l2_proto, + lp->l3_proto, + lp->pre_device, + lp->pre_channel, + lp->msn)) < 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_net_force_dial: No channel for %s\n", - lp->netdev->dev->name); + lp->netdev->dev->name); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->lock, flags); return -EAGAIN; } @@ -2487,7 +2487,7 @@ isdn_net_force_dial_lp(isdn_net_local * lp) * themselves. */ int -isdn_net_dial_req(isdn_net_local * lp) +isdn_net_dial_req(isdn_net_local *lp) { /* is there a better error code? */ if (!(ISDN_NET_DIALMODE(*lp) == ISDN_NET_DM_AUTO)) return -EBUSY; @@ -2531,7 +2531,7 @@ static void _isdn_setup(struct net_device *dev) ether_setup(dev); /* Setup the generic properties */ - dev->flags = IFF_NOARP|IFF_POINTOPOINT; + dev->flags = IFF_NOARP | IFF_POINTOPOINT; /* isdn prepends a header in the tx path, can't share skbs */ dev->priv_flags &= ~IFF_TX_SKB_SHARING; @@ -2655,7 +2655,7 @@ isdn_net_newslave(char *parm) if (n->local->master) return NULL; /* Master must not be started yet */ - if (isdn_net_device_started(n)) + if (isdn_net_device_started(n)) return NULL; return (isdn_net_new(newname, n->dev)); } @@ -2669,7 +2669,7 @@ isdn_net_newslave(char *parm) * setup first, if only selected parameters are to be changed. */ int -isdn_net_setcfg(isdn_net_ioctl_cfg * cfg) +isdn_net_setcfg(isdn_net_ioctl_cfg *cfg) { isdn_net_dev *p = isdn_net_findif(cfg->name); ulong features; @@ -2692,9 +2692,9 @@ isdn_net_setcfg(isdn_net_ioctl_cfg * cfg) printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_net: No driver with selected features\n"); return -ENODEV; } - if (lp->p_encap != cfg->p_encap){ + if (lp->p_encap != cfg->p_encap) { #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - struct concap_proto * cprot = p -> cprot; + struct concap_proto *cprot = p->cprot; #endif if (isdn_net_device_started(p)) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: cannot change encap when if is up\n", @@ -2702,24 +2702,24 @@ isdn_net_setcfg(isdn_net_ioctl_cfg * cfg) return -EBUSY; } #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - if( cprot && cprot -> pops ) - cprot -> pops -> proto_del ( cprot ); - p -> cprot = NULL; - lp -> dops = NULL; + if (cprot && cprot->pops) + cprot->pops->proto_del(cprot); + p->cprot = NULL; + lp->dops = NULL; /* ... , prepare for configuration of new one ... */ - switch ( cfg -> p_encap ){ + switch (cfg->p_encap) { case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_X25IFACE: - lp -> dops = &isdn_concap_reliable_dl_dops; + lp->dops = &isdn_concap_reliable_dl_dops; } /* ... and allocate new one ... */ - p -> cprot = isdn_concap_new( cfg -> p_encap ); + p->cprot = isdn_concap_new(cfg->p_encap); /* p -> cprot == NULL now if p_encap is not supported by means of the concap_proto mechanism */ /* the protocol is not configured yet; this will happen later when isdn_net_reset() is called */ #endif } - switch ( cfg->p_encap ) { + switch (cfg->p_encap) { case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_SYNCPPP: #ifndef CONFIG_ISDN_PPP printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: SyncPPP support not configured\n", @@ -2743,8 +2743,8 @@ isdn_net_setcfg(isdn_net_ioctl_cfg * cfg) case ISDN_NET_ENCAP_CISCOHDLCK: break; default: - if( cfg->p_encap >= 0 && - cfg->p_encap <= ISDN_NET_ENCAP_MAX_ENCAP ) + if (cfg->p_encap >= 0 && + cfg->p_encap <= ISDN_NET_ENCAP_MAX_ENCAP) break; printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: encapsulation protocol %d not supported\n", @@ -2754,10 +2754,10 @@ isdn_net_setcfg(isdn_net_ioctl_cfg * cfg) if (strlen(cfg->drvid)) { /* A bind has been requested ... */ char *c, - *e; + *e; if (strnlen(cfg->drvid, sizeof(cfg->drvid)) == - sizeof(cfg->drvid)) + sizeof(cfg->drvid)) return -EINVAL; drvidx = -1; chidx = -1; @@ -2789,8 +2789,8 @@ isdn_net_setcfg(isdn_net_ioctl_cfg * cfg) /* If binding is exclusive, try to grab the channel */ spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->lock, flags); if ((i = isdn_get_free_channel(ISDN_USAGE_NET, - lp->l2_proto, lp->l3_proto, drvidx, - chidx, lp->msn)) < 0) { + lp->l2_proto, lp->l3_proto, drvidx, + chidx, lp->msn)) < 0) { /* Grab failed, because desired channel is in use */ lp->exclusive = -1; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->lock, flags); @@ -2834,23 +2834,23 @@ isdn_net_setcfg(isdn_net_ioctl_cfg * cfg) else lp->flags &= ~ISDN_NET_CBHUP; switch (cfg->callback) { - case 0: - lp->flags &= ~(ISDN_NET_CALLBACK | ISDN_NET_CBOUT); - break; - case 1: - lp->flags |= ISDN_NET_CALLBACK; - lp->flags &= ~ISDN_NET_CBOUT; - break; - case 2: - lp->flags |= ISDN_NET_CBOUT; - lp->flags &= ~ISDN_NET_CALLBACK; - break; + case 0: + lp->flags &= ~(ISDN_NET_CALLBACK | ISDN_NET_CBOUT); + break; + case 1: + lp->flags |= ISDN_NET_CALLBACK; + lp->flags &= ~ISDN_NET_CBOUT; + break; + case 2: + lp->flags |= ISDN_NET_CBOUT; + lp->flags &= ~ISDN_NET_CALLBACK; + break; } lp->flags &= ~ISDN_NET_DIALMODE_MASK; /* first all bits off */ if (cfg->dialmode && !(cfg->dialmode & ISDN_NET_DIALMODE_MASK)) { /* old isdnctrl version, where only 0 or 1 is given */ printk(KERN_WARNING - "Old isdnctrl version detected! Please update.\n"); + "Old isdnctrl version detected! Please update.\n"); lp->flags |= ISDN_NET_DM_OFF; /* turn on `off' bit */ } else { @@ -2871,13 +2871,13 @@ isdn_net_setcfg(isdn_net_ioctl_cfg * cfg) if (cfg->p_encap != lp->p_encap) { if (cfg->p_encap == ISDN_NET_ENCAP_RAWIP) { p->dev->header_ops = NULL; - p->dev->flags = IFF_NOARP|IFF_POINTOPOINT; + p->dev->flags = IFF_NOARP | IFF_POINTOPOINT; } else { p->dev->header_ops = &isdn_header_ops; if (cfg->p_encap == ISDN_NET_ENCAP_ETHER) p->dev->flags = IFF_BROADCAST | IFF_MULTICAST; else - p->dev->flags = IFF_NOARP|IFF_POINTOPOINT; + p->dev->flags = IFF_NOARP | IFF_POINTOPOINT; } } lp->p_encap = cfg->p_encap; @@ -2890,7 +2890,7 @@ isdn_net_setcfg(isdn_net_ioctl_cfg * cfg) * Perform get-interface-parameters.ioctl */ int -isdn_net_getcfg(isdn_net_ioctl_cfg * cfg) +isdn_net_getcfg(isdn_net_ioctl_cfg *cfg) { isdn_net_dev *p = isdn_net_findif(cfg->name); @@ -2924,7 +2924,7 @@ isdn_net_getcfg(isdn_net_ioctl_cfg * cfg) cfg->triggercps = lp->triggercps; cfg->slavedelay = lp->slavedelay / HZ; cfg->chargeint = (lp->hupflags & ISDN_CHARGEHUP) ? - (lp->chargeint / HZ) : 0; + (lp->chargeint / HZ) : 0; cfg->pppbind = lp->pppbind; cfg->dialtimeout = lp->dialtimeout >= 0 ? lp->dialtimeout / HZ : -1; cfg->dialwait = lp->dialwait / HZ; @@ -2951,7 +2951,7 @@ isdn_net_getcfg(isdn_net_ioctl_cfg * cfg) * Add a phone-number to an interface. */ int -isdn_net_addphone(isdn_net_ioctl_phone * phone) +isdn_net_addphone(isdn_net_ioctl_phone *phone) { isdn_net_dev *p = isdn_net_findif(phone->name); isdn_net_phone *n; @@ -2972,7 +2972,7 @@ isdn_net_addphone(isdn_net_ioctl_phone * phone) * This might sleep and must be called with the isdn semaphore down. */ int -isdn_net_getphones(isdn_net_ioctl_phone * phone, char __user *phones) +isdn_net_getphones(isdn_net_ioctl_phone *phone, char __user *phones) { isdn_net_dev *p = isdn_net_findif(phone->name); int inout = phone->outgoing & 1; @@ -3015,15 +3015,15 @@ isdn_net_getpeer(isdn_net_ioctl_phone *phone, isdn_net_ioctl_phone __user *peer) /* * Theoretical race: while this executes, the remote number might * become invalid (hang up) or change (new connection), resulting - * in (partially) wrong number copied to user. This race + * in (partially) wrong number copied to user. This race * currently ignored. */ ch = p->local->isdn_channel; dv = p->local->isdn_device; - if(ch < 0 && dv < 0) + if (ch < 0 && dv < 0) return -ENOTCONN; idx = isdn_dc2minor(dv, ch); - if (idx <0 ) + if (idx < 0) return -ENODEV; /* for pre-bound channels, we need this extra check */ if (strncmp(dev->num[idx], "???", 3) == 0) @@ -3038,7 +3038,7 @@ isdn_net_getpeer(isdn_net_ioctl_phone *phone, isdn_net_ioctl_phone __user *peer) * Delete a phone-number from an interface. */ int -isdn_net_delphone(isdn_net_ioctl_phone * phone) +isdn_net_delphone(isdn_net_ioctl_phone *phone) { isdn_net_dev *p = isdn_net_findif(phone->name); int inout = phone->outgoing & 1; @@ -3071,7 +3071,7 @@ isdn_net_delphone(isdn_net_ioctl_phone * phone) * Delete all phone-numbers of an interface. */ static int -isdn_net_rmallphone(isdn_net_dev * p) +isdn_net_rmallphone(isdn_net_dev *p) { isdn_net_phone *n; isdn_net_phone *m; @@ -3118,7 +3118,7 @@ isdn_net_force_hangup(char *name) * Helper-function for isdn_net_rm: Do the real work. */ static int -isdn_net_realrm(isdn_net_dev * p, isdn_net_dev * q) +isdn_net_realrm(isdn_net_dev *p, isdn_net_dev *q) { u_long flags; @@ -3126,8 +3126,8 @@ isdn_net_realrm(isdn_net_dev * p, isdn_net_dev * q) return -EBUSY; } #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - if( p -> cprot && p -> cprot -> pops ) - p -> cprot -> pops -> proto_del ( p -> cprot ); + if (p->cprot && p->cprot->pops) + p->cprot->pops->proto_del(p->cprot); #endif /* Free all phone-entries */ isdn_net_rmallphone(p); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_net.h b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_net.h index 7511f08effa5300fed35f561695f154567b83618..cca6d68da171619fec67705759e259db102500a3 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_net.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_net.h @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ * */ - /* Definitions for hupflags: */ +/* Definitions for hupflags: */ #define ISDN_WAITCHARGE 1 /* did not get a charge info yet */ #define ISDN_HAVECHARGE 2 /* We know a charge info */ #define ISDN_CHARGEHUP 4 /* We want to use the charge mechanism */ @@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ extern void isdn_net_write_super(isdn_net_local *lp, struct sk_buff *skb); #define ISDN_MASTER_PRIV(lp) ((isdn_net_local *) netdev_priv(lp->master)) #define ISDN_SLAVE_PRIV(lp) ((isdn_net_local *) netdev_priv(lp->slave)) -#define MASTER_TO_SLAVE(master) \ - (((isdn_net_local *) netdev_priv(master))->slave) +#define MASTER_TO_SLAVE(master) \ + (((isdn_net_local *) netdev_priv(master))->slave) /* * is this particular channel busy? @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ static __inline__ int isdn_net_lp_busy(isdn_net_local *lp) { if (atomic_read(&lp->frame_cnt) < ISDN_NET_MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH) return 0; - else + else return 1; } @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ static __inline__ int isdn_net_lp_busy(isdn_net_local *lp) * For the given net device, this will get a non-busy channel out of the * corresponding bundle. The returned channel is locked. */ -static __inline__ isdn_net_local * isdn_net_get_locked_lp(isdn_net_dev *nd) +static __inline__ isdn_net_local *isdn_net_get_locked_lp(isdn_net_dev *nd) { unsigned long flags; isdn_net_local *lp; @@ -149,4 +149,3 @@ static __inline__ void isdn_net_rm_from_bundle(isdn_net_local *lp) // __func__, master_lp->netdev->queue); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&master_lp->netdev->queue_lock, flags); } - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_ppp.c b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_ppp.c index 1b002b0002a4eed4815db25d8dc98000115b8fd0..a1e76015082177c25a7befa7c401d8ea1713446e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_ppp.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_ppp.c @@ -28,18 +28,18 @@ /* Prototypes */ static int isdn_ppp_fill_rq(unsigned char *buf, int len, int proto, int slot); static int isdn_ppp_closewait(int slot); -static void isdn_ppp_push_higher(isdn_net_dev * net_dev, isdn_net_local * lp, +static void isdn_ppp_push_higher(isdn_net_dev *net_dev, isdn_net_local *lp, struct sk_buff *skb, int proto); static int isdn_ppp_if_get_unit(char *namebuf); -static int isdn_ppp_set_compressor(struct ippp_struct *is,struct isdn_ppp_comp_data *); +static int isdn_ppp_set_compressor(struct ippp_struct *is, struct isdn_ppp_comp_data *); static struct sk_buff *isdn_ppp_decompress(struct sk_buff *, - struct ippp_struct *,struct ippp_struct *,int *proto); -static void isdn_ppp_receive_ccp(isdn_net_dev * net_dev, isdn_net_local * lp, - struct sk_buff *skb,int proto); -static struct sk_buff *isdn_ppp_compress(struct sk_buff *skb_in,int *proto, - struct ippp_struct *is,struct ippp_struct *master,int type); + struct ippp_struct *, struct ippp_struct *, int *proto); +static void isdn_ppp_receive_ccp(isdn_net_dev *net_dev, isdn_net_local *lp, + struct sk_buff *skb, int proto); +static struct sk_buff *isdn_ppp_compress(struct sk_buff *skb_in, int *proto, + struct ippp_struct *is, struct ippp_struct *master, int type); static void isdn_ppp_send_ccp(isdn_net_dev *net_dev, isdn_net_local *lp, - struct sk_buff *skb); + struct sk_buff *skb); /* New CCP stuff */ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_kickup(struct ippp_struct *is); @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_free_state(struct ippp_struct *is, unsigned char id); static void isdn_ppp_ccp_timer_callback(unsigned long closure); static struct ippp_ccp_reset_state *isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_alloc_state(struct ippp_struct *is, - unsigned char id); + unsigned char id); static void isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_trans(struct ippp_struct *is, struct isdn_ppp_resetparams *rp); static void isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_ack_rcvd(struct ippp_struct *is, @@ -61,17 +61,17 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_ack_rcvd(struct ippp_struct *is, #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_MPP -static ippp_bundle * isdn_ppp_bundle_arr = NULL; - +static ippp_bundle *isdn_ppp_bundle_arr = NULL; + static int isdn_ppp_mp_bundle_array_init(void); -static int isdn_ppp_mp_init( isdn_net_local * lp, ippp_bundle * add_to ); -static void isdn_ppp_mp_receive(isdn_net_dev * net_dev, isdn_net_local * lp, - struct sk_buff *skb); -static void isdn_ppp_mp_cleanup( isdn_net_local * lp ); +static int isdn_ppp_mp_init(isdn_net_local *lp, ippp_bundle *add_to); +static void isdn_ppp_mp_receive(isdn_net_dev *net_dev, isdn_net_local *lp, + struct sk_buff *skb); +static void isdn_ppp_mp_cleanup(isdn_net_local *lp); static int isdn_ppp_bundle(struct ippp_struct *, int unit); #endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_MPP */ - + char *isdn_ppp_revision = "$Revision: $"; static struct ippp_struct *ippp_table[ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS]; @@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ static struct isdn_ppp_compressor *ipc_head = NULL; * frame log (debug) */ static void -isdn_ppp_frame_log(char *info, char *data, int len, int maxlen,int unit,int slot) +isdn_ppp_frame_log(char *info, char *data, int len, int maxlen, int unit, int slot) { int cnt, - j, - i; + j, + i; char buf[80]; if (len < maxlen) @@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ isdn_ppp_frame_log(char *info, char *data, int len, int maxlen,int unit,int slot for (i = 0, cnt = 0; cnt < maxlen; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 16 && cnt < maxlen; j++, cnt++) - sprintf(buf + j * 3, "%02x ", (unsigned char) data[cnt]); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "[%d/%d].%s[%d]: %s\n",unit,slot, info, i, buf); + sprintf(buf + j * 3, "%02x ", (unsigned char)data[cnt]); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "[%d/%d].%s[%d]: %s\n", unit, slot, info, i, buf); } } @@ -105,13 +105,13 @@ isdn_ppp_frame_log(char *info, char *data, int len, int maxlen,int unit,int slot * in this case we bind another lp to the master device */ int -isdn_ppp_free(isdn_net_local * lp) +isdn_ppp_free(isdn_net_local *lp) { struct ippp_struct *is; if (lp->ppp_slot < 0 || lp->ppp_slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: ppp_slot(%d) out of range\n", - __func__, lp->ppp_slot); + __func__, lp->ppp_slot); return 0; } @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ isdn_ppp_free(isdn_net_local * lp) #endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_MPP */ if (lp->ppp_slot < 0 || lp->ppp_slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: ppp_slot(%d) now invalid\n", - __func__, lp->ppp_slot); + __func__, lp->ppp_slot); return 0; } is = ippp_table[lp->ppp_slot]; @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ isdn_ppp_free(isdn_net_local * lp) * no additional lock is needed */ int -isdn_ppp_bind(isdn_net_local * lp) +isdn_ppp_bind(isdn_net_local *lp) { int i; int unit = 0; @@ -195,11 +195,11 @@ isdn_ppp_bind(isdn_net_local * lp) unit = isdn_ppp_if_get_unit(lp->netdev->dev->name); if (unit < 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_ppp_bind: illegal interface name %s.\n", - lp->netdev->dev->name); + lp->netdev->dev->name); retval = -1; goto out; } - + lp->ppp_slot = i; is = ippp_table[i]; is->lp = lp; @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ isdn_ppp_bind(isdn_net_local * lp) retval = lp->ppp_slot; - out: +out: return retval; } @@ -223,11 +223,11 @@ isdn_ppp_bind(isdn_net_local * lp) */ void -isdn_ppp_wakeup_daemon(isdn_net_local * lp) +isdn_ppp_wakeup_daemon(isdn_net_local *lp) { if (lp->ppp_slot < 0 || lp->ppp_slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: ppp_slot(%d) out of range\n", - __func__, lp->ppp_slot); + __func__, lp->ppp_slot); return; } ippp_table[lp->ppp_slot]->state = IPPP_OPEN | IPPP_CONNECT | IPPP_NOBLOCK; @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ isdn_ppp_closewait(int slot) if (slot < 0 || slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: slot(%d) out of range\n", - __func__, slot); + __func__, slot); return 0; } is = ippp_table[slot]; @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ isdn_ppp_open(int min, struct file *file) return -EBUSY; } is = file->private_data = ippp_table[slot]; - + printk(KERN_DEBUG "ippp, open, slot: %d, minor: %d, state: %04x\n", slot, min, is->state); @@ -385,21 +385,21 @@ isdn_ppp_release(int min, struct file *file) #endif /* TODO: if this was the previous master: link the stuff to the new master */ - if(is->comp_stat) + if (is->comp_stat) is->compressor->free(is->comp_stat); - if(is->link_comp_stat) + if (is->link_comp_stat) is->link_compressor->free(is->link_comp_stat); - if(is->link_decomp_stat) + if (is->link_decomp_stat) is->link_decompressor->free(is->link_decomp_stat); - if(is->decomp_stat) + if (is->decomp_stat) is->decompressor->free(is->decomp_stat); - is->compressor = is->link_compressor = NULL; - is->decompressor = is->link_decompressor = NULL; + is->compressor = is->link_compressor = NULL; + is->decompressor = is->link_decompressor = NULL; is->comp_stat = is->link_comp_stat = NULL; - is->decomp_stat = is->link_decomp_stat = NULL; + is->decomp_stat = is->link_decomp_stat = NULL; /* Clean up if necessary */ - if(is->reset) + if (is->reset) isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_free(is); /* this slot is ready for new connections */ @@ -423,9 +423,9 @@ get_arg(void __user *b, void *val, int len) * set arg .. ioctl helper */ static int -set_arg(void __user *b, void *val,int len) +set_arg(void __user *b, void *val, int len) { - if(len <= 0) + if (len <= 0) len = sizeof(void *); if (copy_to_user(b, val, len)) return -EFAULT; @@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ int isdn_ppp_ioctl(int min, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { unsigned long val; - int r,i,j; + int r, i, j; struct ippp_struct *is; isdn_net_local *lp; struct isdn_ppp_comp_data data; @@ -487,177 +487,177 @@ isdn_ppp_ioctl(int min, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) return -EINVAL; switch (cmd) { - case PPPIOCBUNDLE: + case PPPIOCBUNDLE: #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_MPP - if (!(is->state & IPPP_CONNECT)) - return -EINVAL; - if ((r = get_arg(argp, &val, sizeof(val) ))) - return r; - printk(KERN_DEBUG "iPPP-bundle: minor: %d, slave unit: %d, master unit: %d\n", - (int) min, (int) is->unit, (int) val); - return isdn_ppp_bundle(is, val); + if (!(is->state & IPPP_CONNECT)) + return -EINVAL; + if ((r = get_arg(argp, &val, sizeof(val)))) + return r; + printk(KERN_DEBUG "iPPP-bundle: minor: %d, slave unit: %d, master unit: %d\n", + (int) min, (int) is->unit, (int) val); + return isdn_ppp_bundle(is, val); #else - return -1; + return -1; #endif - break; - case PPPIOCGUNIT: /* get ppp/isdn unit number */ - if ((r = set_arg(argp, &is->unit, sizeof(is->unit) ))) - return r; - break; - case PPPIOCGIFNAME: - if(!lp) - return -EINVAL; - if ((r = set_arg(argp, lp->netdev->dev->name, - strlen(lp->netdev->dev->name)))) - return r; - break; - case PPPIOCGMPFLAGS: /* get configuration flags */ - if ((r = set_arg(argp, &is->mpppcfg, sizeof(is->mpppcfg) ))) - return r; - break; - case PPPIOCSMPFLAGS: /* set configuration flags */ - if ((r = get_arg(argp, &val, sizeof(val) ))) - return r; - is->mpppcfg = val; - break; - case PPPIOCGFLAGS: /* get configuration flags */ - if ((r = set_arg(argp, &is->pppcfg,sizeof(is->pppcfg) ))) - return r; - break; - case PPPIOCSFLAGS: /* set configuration flags */ - if ((r = get_arg(argp, &val, sizeof(val) ))) { - return r; - } - if (val & SC_ENABLE_IP && !(is->pppcfg & SC_ENABLE_IP) && (is->state & IPPP_CONNECT)) { - if (lp) { - /* OK .. we are ready to send buffers */ - is->pppcfg = val; /* isdn_ppp_xmit test for SC_ENABLE_IP !!! */ - netif_wake_queue(lp->netdev->dev); - break; - } - } - is->pppcfg = val; - break; - case PPPIOCGIDLE: /* get idle time information */ + break; + case PPPIOCGUNIT: /* get ppp/isdn unit number */ + if ((r = set_arg(argp, &is->unit, sizeof(is->unit)))) + return r; + break; + case PPPIOCGIFNAME: + if (!lp) + return -EINVAL; + if ((r = set_arg(argp, lp->netdev->dev->name, + strlen(lp->netdev->dev->name)))) + return r; + break; + case PPPIOCGMPFLAGS: /* get configuration flags */ + if ((r = set_arg(argp, &is->mpppcfg, sizeof(is->mpppcfg)))) + return r; + break; + case PPPIOCSMPFLAGS: /* set configuration flags */ + if ((r = get_arg(argp, &val, sizeof(val)))) + return r; + is->mpppcfg = val; + break; + case PPPIOCGFLAGS: /* get configuration flags */ + if ((r = set_arg(argp, &is->pppcfg, sizeof(is->pppcfg)))) + return r; + break; + case PPPIOCSFLAGS: /* set configuration flags */ + if ((r = get_arg(argp, &val, sizeof(val)))) { + return r; + } + if (val & SC_ENABLE_IP && !(is->pppcfg & SC_ENABLE_IP) && (is->state & IPPP_CONNECT)) { if (lp) { - struct ppp_idle pidle; - pidle.xmit_idle = pidle.recv_idle = lp->huptimer; - if ((r = set_arg(argp, &pidle,sizeof(struct ppp_idle)))) - return r; + /* OK .. we are ready to send buffers */ + is->pppcfg = val; /* isdn_ppp_xmit test for SC_ENABLE_IP !!! */ + netif_wake_queue(lp->netdev->dev); + break; } - break; - case PPPIOCSMRU: /* set receive unit size for PPP */ - if ((r = get_arg(argp, &val, sizeof(val) ))) - return r; - is->mru = val; - break; - case PPPIOCSMPMRU: - break; - case PPPIOCSMPMTU: - break; - case PPPIOCSMAXCID: /* set the maximum compression slot id */ - if ((r = get_arg(argp, &val, sizeof(val) ))) + } + is->pppcfg = val; + break; + case PPPIOCGIDLE: /* get idle time information */ + if (lp) { + struct ppp_idle pidle; + pidle.xmit_idle = pidle.recv_idle = lp->huptimer; + if ((r = set_arg(argp, &pidle, sizeof(struct ppp_idle)))) return r; - val++; - if (is->maxcid != val) { + } + break; + case PPPIOCSMRU: /* set receive unit size for PPP */ + if ((r = get_arg(argp, &val, sizeof(val)))) + return r; + is->mru = val; + break; + case PPPIOCSMPMRU: + break; + case PPPIOCSMPMTU: + break; + case PPPIOCSMAXCID: /* set the maximum compression slot id */ + if ((r = get_arg(argp, &val, sizeof(val)))) + return r; + val++; + if (is->maxcid != val) { #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_PPP_VJ - struct slcompress *sltmp; + struct slcompress *sltmp; #endif - if (is->debug & 0x1) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "ippp, ioctl: changed MAXCID to %ld\n", val); - is->maxcid = val; + if (is->debug & 0x1) + printk(KERN_DEBUG "ippp, ioctl: changed MAXCID to %ld\n", val); + is->maxcid = val; #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_PPP_VJ - sltmp = slhc_init(16, val); - if (!sltmp) { - printk(KERN_ERR "ippp, can't realloc slhc struct\n"); - return -ENOMEM; - } - if (is->slcomp) - slhc_free(is->slcomp); - is->slcomp = sltmp; -#endif - } - break; - case PPPIOCGDEBUG: - if ((r = set_arg(argp, &is->debug, sizeof(is->debug) ))) - return r; - break; - case PPPIOCSDEBUG: - if ((r = get_arg(argp, &val, sizeof(val) ))) - return r; - is->debug = val; - break; - case PPPIOCGCOMPRESSORS: - { - unsigned long protos[8] = {0,}; - struct isdn_ppp_compressor *ipc = ipc_head; - while(ipc) { - j = ipc->num / (sizeof(long)*8); - i = ipc->num % (sizeof(long)*8); - if(j < 8) - protos[j] |= (0x1<next; - } - if ((r = set_arg(argp,protos,8*sizeof(long) ))) - return r; + sltmp = slhc_init(16, val); + if (!sltmp) { + printk(KERN_ERR "ippp, can't realloc slhc struct\n"); + return -ENOMEM; } - break; - case PPPIOCSCOMPRESSOR: - if ((r = get_arg(argp, &data, sizeof(struct isdn_ppp_comp_data)))) - return r; - return isdn_ppp_set_compressor(is, &data); - case PPPIOCGCALLINFO: - { - struct pppcallinfo pci; - memset((char *) &pci,0,sizeof(struct pppcallinfo)); - if(lp) - { - strncpy(pci.local_num,lp->msn,63); - if(lp->dial) { - strncpy(pci.remote_num,lp->dial->num,63); - } - pci.charge_units = lp->charge; - if(lp->outgoing) - pci.calltype = CALLTYPE_OUTGOING; - else - pci.calltype = CALLTYPE_INCOMING; - if(lp->flags & ISDN_NET_CALLBACK) - pci.calltype |= CALLTYPE_CALLBACK; - } - return set_arg(argp,&pci,sizeof(struct pppcallinfo)); + if (is->slcomp) + slhc_free(is->slcomp); + is->slcomp = sltmp; +#endif + } + break; + case PPPIOCGDEBUG: + if ((r = set_arg(argp, &is->debug, sizeof(is->debug)))) + return r; + break; + case PPPIOCSDEBUG: + if ((r = get_arg(argp, &val, sizeof(val)))) + return r; + is->debug = val; + break; + case PPPIOCGCOMPRESSORS: + { + unsigned long protos[8] = {0,}; + struct isdn_ppp_compressor *ipc = ipc_head; + while (ipc) { + j = ipc->num / (sizeof(long) * 8); + i = ipc->num % (sizeof(long) * 8); + if (j < 8) + protos[j] |= (0x1 << i); + ipc = ipc->next; + } + if ((r = set_arg(argp, protos, 8 * sizeof(long)))) + return r; + } + break; + case PPPIOCSCOMPRESSOR: + if ((r = get_arg(argp, &data, sizeof(struct isdn_ppp_comp_data)))) + return r; + return isdn_ppp_set_compressor(is, &data); + case PPPIOCGCALLINFO: + { + struct pppcallinfo pci; + memset((char *)&pci, 0, sizeof(struct pppcallinfo)); + if (lp) + { + strncpy(pci.local_num, lp->msn, 63); + if (lp->dial) { + strncpy(pci.remote_num, lp->dial->num, 63); } + pci.charge_units = lp->charge; + if (lp->outgoing) + pci.calltype = CALLTYPE_OUTGOING; + else + pci.calltype = CALLTYPE_INCOMING; + if (lp->flags & ISDN_NET_CALLBACK) + pci.calltype |= CALLTYPE_CALLBACK; + } + return set_arg(argp, &pci, sizeof(struct pppcallinfo)); + } #ifdef CONFIG_IPPP_FILTER - case PPPIOCSPASS: - { - struct sock_filter *code; - int len = get_filter(argp, &code); - if (len < 0) - return len; - kfree(is->pass_filter); - is->pass_filter = code; - is->pass_len = len; - break; - } - case PPPIOCSACTIVE: - { - struct sock_filter *code; - int len = get_filter(argp, &code); - if (len < 0) - return len; - kfree(is->active_filter); - is->active_filter = code; - is->active_len = len; - break; - } + case PPPIOCSPASS: + { + struct sock_filter *code; + int len = get_filter(argp, &code); + if (len < 0) + return len; + kfree(is->pass_filter); + is->pass_filter = code; + is->pass_len = len; + break; + } + case PPPIOCSACTIVE: + { + struct sock_filter *code; + int len = get_filter(argp, &code); + if (len < 0) + return len; + kfree(is->active_filter); + is->active_filter = code; + is->active_len = len; + break; + } #endif /* CONFIG_IPPP_FILTER */ - default: - break; + default: + break; } return 0; } unsigned int -isdn_ppp_poll(struct file *file, poll_table * wait) +isdn_ppp_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait) { u_int mask; struct ippp_buf_queue *bf, *bl; @@ -668,13 +668,13 @@ isdn_ppp_poll(struct file *file, poll_table * wait) if (is->debug & 0x2) printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_ppp_poll: minor: %d\n", - iminor(file->f_path.dentry->d_inode)); + iminor(file->f_path.dentry->d_inode)); /* just registers wait_queue hook. This doesn't really wait. */ poll_wait(file, &is->wq, wait); if (!(is->state & IPPP_OPEN)) { - if(is->state == IPPP_CLOSEWAIT) + if (is->state == IPPP_CLOSEWAIT) return POLLHUP; printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_ppp: device not open\n"); return POLLERR; @@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ isdn_ppp_write(int min, struct file *file, const char __user *buf, int count) return 0; if ((dev->drv[lp->isdn_device]->flags & DRV_FLAG_RUNNING) && - lp->dialstate == 0 && + lp->dialstate == 0 && (lp->flags & ISDN_NET_CONNECTED)) { unsigned short hl; struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ isdn_ppp_write(int min, struct file *file, const char __user *buf, int count) * 16 bytes, now we are looking what the driver want */ hl = dev->drv[lp->isdn_device]->interface->hl_hdrlen; - skb = alloc_skb(hl+count, GFP_ATOMIC); + skb = alloc_skb(hl + count, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_ppp_write: out of memory!\n"); return count; @@ -850,10 +850,10 @@ isdn_ppp_write(int min, struct file *file, const char __user *buf, int count) } if (is->debug & 0x40) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "ppp xmit: len %d\n", (int) skb->len); - isdn_ppp_frame_log("xmit", skb->data, skb->len, 32,is->unit,lp->ppp_slot); + isdn_ppp_frame_log("xmit", skb->data, skb->len, 32, is->unit, lp->ppp_slot); } - isdn_ppp_send_ccp(lp->netdev,lp,skb); /* keeps CCP/compression states in sync */ + isdn_ppp_send_ccp(lp->netdev, lp, skb); /* keeps CCP/compression states in sync */ isdn_net_write_super(lp, skb); } @@ -869,10 +869,10 @@ int isdn_ppp_init(void) { int i, - j; - + j; + #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_MPP - if( isdn_ppp_mp_bundle_array_init() < 0 ) + if (isdn_ppp_mp_bundle_array_init() < 0) return -ENOMEM; #endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_MPP */ @@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ isdn_ppp_init(void) for (j = 0; j < NUM_RCV_BUFFS; j++) { ippp_table[i]->rq[j].buf = NULL; ippp_table[i]->rq[j].last = ippp_table[i]->rq + - (NUM_RCV_BUFFS + j - 1) % NUM_RCV_BUFFS; + (NUM_RCV_BUFFS + j - 1) % NUM_RCV_BUFFS; ippp_table[i]->rq[j].next = ippp_table[i]->rq + (j + 1) % NUM_RCV_BUFFS; } } @@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ isdn_ppp_cleanup(void) * check for address/control field and skip if allowed * retval != 0 -> discard packet silently */ -static int isdn_ppp_skip_ac(struct ippp_struct *is, struct sk_buff *skb) +static int isdn_ppp_skip_ac(struct ippp_struct *is, struct sk_buff *skb) { if (skb->len < 1) return -1; @@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ static int isdn_ppp_skip_ac(struct ippp_struct *is, struct sk_buff *skb) // skip address/control (AC) field skb_pull(skb, 2); - } else { + } else { if (is->pppcfg & SC_REJ_COMP_AC) // if AC compression was not negotiated, but used, discard packet return -1; @@ -942,10 +942,10 @@ static int isdn_ppp_skip_ac(struct ippp_struct *is, struct sk_buff *skb) * get the PPP protocol header and pull skb * retval < 0 -> discard packet silently */ -static int isdn_ppp_strip_proto(struct sk_buff *skb) +static int isdn_ppp_strip_proto(struct sk_buff *skb) { int proto; - + if (skb->len < 1) return -1; @@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ static int isdn_ppp_strip_proto(struct sk_buff *skb) /* * handler for incoming packets on a syncPPP interface */ -void isdn_ppp_receive(isdn_net_dev * net_dev, isdn_net_local * lp, struct sk_buff *skb) +void isdn_ppp_receive(isdn_net_dev *net_dev, isdn_net_local *lp, struct sk_buff *skb) { struct ippp_struct *is; int slot; @@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ void isdn_ppp_receive(isdn_net_dev * net_dev, isdn_net_local * lp, struct sk_buf slot = lp->ppp_slot; if (slot < 0 || slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS) { printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_ppp_receive: lp->ppp_slot(%d)\n", - lp->ppp_slot); + lp->ppp_slot); kfree_skb(skb); return; } @@ -985,35 +985,35 @@ void isdn_ppp_receive(isdn_net_dev * net_dev, isdn_net_local * lp, struct sk_buf if (is->debug & 0x4) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "ippp_receive: is:%08lx lp:%08lx slot:%d unit:%d len:%d\n", - (long)is,(long)lp,lp->ppp_slot,is->unit,(int) skb->len); - isdn_ppp_frame_log("receive", skb->data, skb->len, 32,is->unit,lp->ppp_slot); - } - - if (isdn_ppp_skip_ac(is, skb) < 0) { - kfree_skb(skb); - return; - } - proto = isdn_ppp_strip_proto(skb); - if (proto < 0) { - kfree_skb(skb); - return; - } - + (long)is, (long)lp, lp->ppp_slot, is->unit, (int)skb->len); + isdn_ppp_frame_log("receive", skb->data, skb->len, 32, is->unit, lp->ppp_slot); + } + + if (isdn_ppp_skip_ac(is, skb) < 0) { + kfree_skb(skb); + return; + } + proto = isdn_ppp_strip_proto(skb); + if (proto < 0) { + kfree_skb(skb); + return; + } + #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_MPP - if (is->compflags & SC_LINK_DECOMP_ON) { - skb = isdn_ppp_decompress(skb, is, NULL, &proto); - if (!skb) // decompression error - return; - } - - if (!(is->mpppcfg & SC_REJ_MP_PROT)) { // we agreed to receive MPPP - if (proto == PPP_MP) { - isdn_ppp_mp_receive(net_dev, lp, skb); - return; - } - } + if (is->compflags & SC_LINK_DECOMP_ON) { + skb = isdn_ppp_decompress(skb, is, NULL, &proto); + if (!skb) // decompression error + return; + } + + if (!(is->mpppcfg & SC_REJ_MP_PROT)) { // we agreed to receive MPPP + if (proto == PPP_MP) { + isdn_ppp_mp_receive(net_dev, lp, skb); + return; + } + } #endif - isdn_ppp_push_higher(net_dev, lp, skb, proto); + isdn_ppp_push_higher(net_dev, lp, skb, proto); } /* @@ -1022,116 +1022,116 @@ void isdn_ppp_receive(isdn_net_dev * net_dev, isdn_net_local * lp, struct sk_buf * note: net_dev has to be master net_dev */ static void -isdn_ppp_push_higher(isdn_net_dev * net_dev, isdn_net_local * lp, struct sk_buff *skb, int proto) +isdn_ppp_push_higher(isdn_net_dev *net_dev, isdn_net_local *lp, struct sk_buff *skb, int proto) { struct net_device *dev = net_dev->dev; - struct ippp_struct *is, *mis; + struct ippp_struct *is, *mis; isdn_net_local *mlp = NULL; int slot; slot = lp->ppp_slot; if (slot < 0 || slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS) { printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_ppp_push_higher: lp->ppp_slot(%d)\n", - lp->ppp_slot); + lp->ppp_slot); goto drop_packet; } is = ippp_table[slot]; - - if (lp->master) { // FIXME? + + if (lp->master) { // FIXME? mlp = ISDN_MASTER_PRIV(lp); - slot = mlp->ppp_slot; - if (slot < 0 || slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS) { - printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_ppp_push_higher: master->ppp_slot(%d)\n", - lp->ppp_slot); + slot = mlp->ppp_slot; + if (slot < 0 || slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS) { + printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_ppp_push_higher: master->ppp_slot(%d)\n", + lp->ppp_slot); goto drop_packet; - } - } - mis = ippp_table[slot]; + } + } + mis = ippp_table[slot]; if (is->debug & 0x10) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "push, skb %d %04x\n", (int) skb->len, proto); - isdn_ppp_frame_log("rpush", skb->data, skb->len, 32,is->unit,lp->ppp_slot); + isdn_ppp_frame_log("rpush", skb->data, skb->len, 32, is->unit, lp->ppp_slot); } if (mis->compflags & SC_DECOMP_ON) { skb = isdn_ppp_decompress(skb, is, mis, &proto); if (!skb) // decompression error - return; - } + return; + } switch (proto) { - case PPP_IPX: /* untested */ - if (is->debug & 0x20) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_ppp: IPX\n"); - skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IPX); - break; - case PPP_IP: - if (is->debug & 0x20) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_ppp: IP\n"); - skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IP); - break; - case PPP_COMP: - case PPP_COMPFRAG: - printk(KERN_INFO "isdn_ppp: unexpected compressed frame dropped\n"); - goto drop_packet; + case PPP_IPX: /* untested */ + if (is->debug & 0x20) + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_ppp: IPX\n"); + skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IPX); + break; + case PPP_IP: + if (is->debug & 0x20) + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_ppp: IP\n"); + skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IP); + break; + case PPP_COMP: + case PPP_COMPFRAG: + printk(KERN_INFO "isdn_ppp: unexpected compressed frame dropped\n"); + goto drop_packet; #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_PPP_VJ - case PPP_VJC_UNCOMP: - if (is->debug & 0x20) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_ppp: VJC_UNCOMP\n"); + case PPP_VJC_UNCOMP: + if (is->debug & 0x20) + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_ppp: VJC_UNCOMP\n"); + if (net_dev->local->ppp_slot < 0) { + printk(KERN_ERR "%s: net_dev->local->ppp_slot(%d) out of range\n", + __func__, net_dev->local->ppp_slot); + goto drop_packet; + } + if (slhc_remember(ippp_table[net_dev->local->ppp_slot]->slcomp, skb->data, skb->len) <= 0) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_ppp: received illegal VJC_UNCOMP frame!\n"); + goto drop_packet; + } + skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IP); + break; + case PPP_VJC_COMP: + if (is->debug & 0x20) + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_ppp: VJC_COMP\n"); + { + struct sk_buff *skb_old = skb; + int pkt_len; + skb = dev_alloc_skb(skb_old->len + 128); + + if (!skb) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet.\n", dev->name); + skb = skb_old; + goto drop_packet; + } + skb_put(skb, skb_old->len + 128); + skb_copy_from_linear_data(skb_old, skb->data, + skb_old->len); if (net_dev->local->ppp_slot < 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: net_dev->local->ppp_slot(%d) out of range\n", - __func__, net_dev->local->ppp_slot); + __func__, net_dev->local->ppp_slot); goto drop_packet; } - if (slhc_remember(ippp_table[net_dev->local->ppp_slot]->slcomp, skb->data, skb->len) <= 0) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_ppp: received illegal VJC_UNCOMP frame!\n"); + pkt_len = slhc_uncompress(ippp_table[net_dev->local->ppp_slot]->slcomp, + skb->data, skb_old->len); + kfree_skb(skb_old); + if (pkt_len < 0) goto drop_packet; - } + + skb_trim(skb, pkt_len); skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IP); - break; - case PPP_VJC_COMP: - if (is->debug & 0x20) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_ppp: VJC_COMP\n"); - { - struct sk_buff *skb_old = skb; - int pkt_len; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(skb_old->len + 128); - - if (!skb) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet.\n", dev->name); - skb = skb_old; - goto drop_packet; - } - skb_put(skb, skb_old->len + 128); - skb_copy_from_linear_data(skb_old, skb->data, - skb_old->len); - if (net_dev->local->ppp_slot < 0) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: net_dev->local->ppp_slot(%d) out of range\n", - __func__, net_dev->local->ppp_slot); - goto drop_packet; - } - pkt_len = slhc_uncompress(ippp_table[net_dev->local->ppp_slot]->slcomp, - skb->data, skb_old->len); - kfree_skb(skb_old); - if (pkt_len < 0) - goto drop_packet; - - skb_trim(skb, pkt_len); - skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IP); - } - break; + } + break; #endif - case PPP_CCP: - case PPP_CCPFRAG: - isdn_ppp_receive_ccp(net_dev,lp,skb,proto); - /* Dont pop up ResetReq/Ack stuff to the daemon any - longer - the job is done already */ - if(skb->data[0] == CCP_RESETREQ || - skb->data[0] == CCP_RESETACK) - break; - /* fall through */ - default: - isdn_ppp_fill_rq(skb->data, skb->len, proto, lp->ppp_slot); /* push data to pppd device */ - kfree_skb(skb); - return; + case PPP_CCP: + case PPP_CCPFRAG: + isdn_ppp_receive_ccp(net_dev, lp, skb, proto); + /* Dont pop up ResetReq/Ack stuff to the daemon any + longer - the job is done already */ + if (skb->data[0] == CCP_RESETREQ || + skb->data[0] == CCP_RESETACK) + break; + /* fall through */ + default: + isdn_ppp_fill_rq(skb->data, skb->len, proto, lp->ppp_slot); /* push data to pppd device */ + kfree_skb(skb); + return; } #ifdef CONFIG_IPPP_FILTER @@ -1156,7 +1156,7 @@ isdn_ppp_push_higher(isdn_net_dev * net_dev, isdn_net_local * lp, struct sk_buff if (!(is->active_filter && sk_run_filter(skb, is->active_filter) == 0)) { if (is->debug & 0x2) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "IPPP: link-active filter: reseting huptimer.\n"); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "IPPP: link-active filter: resetting huptimer.\n"); lp->huptimer = 0; if (mlp) mlp->huptimer = 0; @@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@ isdn_ppp_push_higher(isdn_net_dev * net_dev, isdn_net_local * lp, struct sk_buff /* net_dev->local->stats.rx_packets++; done in isdn_net.c */ return; - drop_packet: +drop_packet: net_dev->local->stats.rx_dropped++; kfree_skb(skb); } @@ -1183,11 +1183,11 @@ isdn_ppp_push_higher(isdn_net_dev * net_dev, isdn_net_local * lp, struct sk_buff * checks whether we have enough space at the beginning of the skb * and allocs a new SKB if necessary */ -static unsigned char *isdn_ppp_skb_push(struct sk_buff **skb_p,int len) +static unsigned char *isdn_ppp_skb_push(struct sk_buff **skb_p, int len) { struct sk_buff *skb = *skb_p; - if(skb_headroom(skb) < len) { + if (skb_headroom(skb) < len) { struct sk_buff *nskb = skb_realloc_headroom(skb, len); if (!nskb) { @@ -1195,12 +1195,12 @@ static unsigned char *isdn_ppp_skb_push(struct sk_buff **skb_p,int len) dev_kfree_skb(skb); return NULL; } - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_ppp_skb_push:under %d %d\n",skb_headroom(skb),len); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_ppp_skb_push:under %d %d\n", skb_headroom(skb), len); dev_kfree_skb(skb); *skb_p = nskb; return skb_push(nskb, len); } - return skb_push(skb,len); + return skb_push(skb, len); } /* @@ -1214,10 +1214,10 @@ static unsigned char *isdn_ppp_skb_push(struct sk_buff **skb_p,int len) int isdn_ppp_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) { - isdn_net_local *lp,*mlp; + isdn_net_local *lp, *mlp; isdn_net_dev *nd; unsigned int proto = PPP_IP; /* 0x21 */ - struct ippp_struct *ipt,*ipts; + struct ippp_struct *ipt, *ipts; int slot, retval = NETDEV_TX_OK; mlp = netdev_priv(netdev); @@ -1226,7 +1226,7 @@ isdn_ppp_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) slot = mlp->ppp_slot; if (slot < 0 || slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS) { printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_ppp_xmit: lp->ppp_slot(%d)\n", - mlp->ppp_slot); + mlp->ppp_slot); kfree_skb(skb); goto out; } @@ -1240,17 +1240,17 @@ isdn_ppp_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) } switch (ntohs(skb->protocol)) { - case ETH_P_IP: - proto = PPP_IP; - break; - case ETH_P_IPX: - proto = PPP_IPX; /* untested */ - break; - default: - printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_ppp: skipped unsupported protocol: %#x.\n", - skb->protocol); - dev_kfree_skb(skb); - goto out; + case ETH_P_IP: + proto = PPP_IP; + break; + case ETH_P_IPX: + proto = PPP_IPX; /* untested */ + break; + default: + printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_ppp: skipped unsupported protocol: %#x.\n", + skb->protocol); + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + goto out; } lp = isdn_net_get_locked_lp(nd); @@ -1264,7 +1264,7 @@ isdn_ppp_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) slot = lp->ppp_slot; if (slot < 0 || slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS) { printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_ppp_xmit: lp->ppp_slot(%d)\n", - lp->ppp_slot); + lp->ppp_slot); kfree_skb(skb); goto unlock; } @@ -1277,7 +1277,7 @@ isdn_ppp_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) /* Pull off the fake header we stuck on earlier to keep * the fragmentation code happy. */ - skb_pull(skb,IPPP_MAX_HEADER); + skb_pull(skb, IPPP_MAX_HEADER); #ifdef CONFIG_IPPP_FILTER /* check if we should pass this packet @@ -1302,7 +1302,7 @@ isdn_ppp_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) if (!(ipt->active_filter && sk_run_filter(skb, ipt->active_filter) == 0)) { if (ipt->debug & 0x4) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "IPPP: link-active filter: reseting huptimer.\n"); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "IPPP: link-active filter: resetting huptimer.\n"); lp->huptimer = 0; } skb_pull(skb, 4); @@ -1312,26 +1312,26 @@ isdn_ppp_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) if (ipt->debug & 0x4) printk(KERN_DEBUG "xmit skb, len %d\n", (int) skb->len); - if (ipts->debug & 0x40) - isdn_ppp_frame_log("xmit0", skb->data, skb->len, 32,ipts->unit,lp->ppp_slot); + if (ipts->debug & 0x40) + isdn_ppp_frame_log("xmit0", skb->data, skb->len, 32, ipts->unit, lp->ppp_slot); #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_PPP_VJ if (proto == PPP_IP && ipts->pppcfg & SC_COMP_TCP) { /* ipts here? probably yes, but check this again */ struct sk_buff *new_skb; - unsigned short hl; + unsigned short hl; /* * we need to reserve enough space in front of * sk_buff. old call to dev_alloc_skb only reserved * 16 bytes, now we are looking what the driver want. */ hl = dev->drv[lp->isdn_device]->interface->hl_hdrlen + IPPP_MAX_HEADER; - /* + /* * Note: hl might still be insufficient because the method * above does not account for a possibible MPPP slave channel * which had larger HL header space requirements than the * master. */ - new_skb = alloc_skb(hl+skb->len, GFP_ATOMIC); + new_skb = alloc_skb(hl + skb->len, GFP_ATOMIC); if (new_skb) { u_char *buf; int pktlen; @@ -1342,9 +1342,9 @@ isdn_ppp_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) buf = skb->data; pktlen = slhc_compress(ipts->slcomp, skb->data, skb->len, new_skb->data, - &buf, !(ipts->pppcfg & SC_NO_TCP_CCID)); + &buf, !(ipts->pppcfg & SC_NO_TCP_CCID)); - if (buf != skb->data) { + if (buf != skb->data) { if (new_skb->data != buf) printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_ppp: FATAL error after slhc_compress!!\n"); dev_kfree_skb(skb); @@ -1369,11 +1369,11 @@ isdn_ppp_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) /* * normal (single link) or bundle compression */ - if(ipts->compflags & SC_COMP_ON) { + if (ipts->compflags & SC_COMP_ON) { /* We send compressed only if both down- und upstream compression is negotiated, that means, CCP is up */ - if(ipts->compflags & SC_DECOMP_ON) { - skb = isdn_ppp_compress(skb,&proto,ipt,ipts,0); + if (ipts->compflags & SC_DECOMP_ON) { + skb = isdn_ppp_compress(skb, &proto, ipt, ipts, 0); } else { printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_ppp: CCP not yet up - sending as-is\n"); } @@ -1389,7 +1389,7 @@ isdn_ppp_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) ipts->mp_seqno++; if (ipt->mpppcfg & SC_OUT_SHORT_SEQ) { unsigned char *data = isdn_ppp_skb_push(&skb, 3); - if(!data) + if (!data) goto unlock; mp_seqno &= 0xfff; data[0] = MP_BEGIN_FRAG | MP_END_FRAG | ((mp_seqno >> 8) & 0xf); /* (B)egin & (E)ndbit .. */ @@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ isdn_ppp_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) data[2] = proto; /* PID compression */ } else { unsigned char *data = isdn_ppp_skb_push(&skb, 5); - if(!data) + if (!data) goto unlock; data[0] = MP_BEGIN_FRAG | MP_END_FRAG; /* (B)egin & (E)ndbit .. */ data[1] = (mp_seqno >> 16) & 0xff; /* sequence number: 24bit */ @@ -1412,25 +1412,25 @@ isdn_ppp_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) /* * 'link in bundle' compression ... */ - if(ipt->compflags & SC_LINK_COMP_ON) - skb = isdn_ppp_compress(skb,&proto,ipt,ipts,1); + if (ipt->compflags & SC_LINK_COMP_ON) + skb = isdn_ppp_compress(skb, &proto, ipt, ipts, 1); - if( (ipt->pppcfg & SC_COMP_PROT) && (proto <= 0xff) ) { - unsigned char *data = isdn_ppp_skb_push(&skb,1); - if(!data) + if ((ipt->pppcfg & SC_COMP_PROT) && (proto <= 0xff)) { + unsigned char *data = isdn_ppp_skb_push(&skb, 1); + if (!data) goto unlock; data[0] = proto & 0xff; } else { - unsigned char *data = isdn_ppp_skb_push(&skb,2); - if(!data) + unsigned char *data = isdn_ppp_skb_push(&skb, 2); + if (!data) goto unlock; data[0] = (proto >> 8) & 0xff; data[1] = proto & 0xff; } - if(!(ipt->pppcfg & SC_COMP_AC)) { - unsigned char *data = isdn_ppp_skb_push(&skb,2); - if(!data) + if (!(ipt->pppcfg & SC_COMP_AC)) { + unsigned char *data = isdn_ppp_skb_push(&skb, 2); + if (!data) goto unlock; data[0] = 0xff; /* All Stations */ data[1] = 0x03; /* Unnumbered information */ @@ -1440,14 +1440,14 @@ isdn_ppp_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) if (ipts->debug & 0x40) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "skb xmit: len: %d\n", (int) skb->len); - isdn_ppp_frame_log("xmit", skb->data, skb->len, 32,ipt->unit,lp->ppp_slot); + isdn_ppp_frame_log("xmit", skb->data, skb->len, 32, ipt->unit, lp->ppp_slot); } - + isdn_net_writebuf_skb(lp, skb); - unlock: +unlock: spin_unlock_bh(&lp->xmit_lock); - out: +out: return retval; } @@ -1488,12 +1488,12 @@ int isdn_ppp_autodial_filter(struct sk_buff *skb, isdn_net_local *lp) p++; *p = htons(proto); } - + drop |= is->pass_filter - && sk_run_filter(skb, is->pass_filter) == 0; + && sk_run_filter(skb, is->pass_filter) == 0; drop |= is->active_filter - && sk_run_filter(skb, is->active_filter) == 0; - + && sk_run_filter(skb, is->active_filter) == 0; + skb_push(skb, IPPP_MAX_HEADER - 4); return drop; } @@ -1502,8 +1502,8 @@ int isdn_ppp_autodial_filter(struct sk_buff *skb, isdn_net_local *lp) /* this is _not_ rfc1990 header, but something we convert both short and long * headers to for convinience's sake: - * byte 0 is flags as in rfc1990 - * bytes 1...4 is 24-bit seqence number converted to host byte order + * byte 0 is flags as in rfc1990 + * bytes 1...4 is 24-bit seqence number converted to host byte order */ #define MP_HEADER_LEN 5 @@ -1511,51 +1511,51 @@ int isdn_ppp_autodial_filter(struct sk_buff *skb, isdn_net_local *lp) #define MP_SHORTSEQ_MASK 0x00000fff #define MP_LONGSEQ_MAX MP_LONGSEQ_MASK #define MP_SHORTSEQ_MAX MP_SHORTSEQ_MASK -#define MP_LONGSEQ_MAXBIT ((MP_LONGSEQ_MASK+1)>>1) -#define MP_SHORTSEQ_MAXBIT ((MP_SHORTSEQ_MASK+1)>>1) +#define MP_LONGSEQ_MAXBIT ((MP_LONGSEQ_MASK + 1) >> 1) +#define MP_SHORTSEQ_MAXBIT ((MP_SHORTSEQ_MASK + 1) >> 1) /* sequence-wrap safe comparisons (for long sequence)*/ -#define MP_LT(a,b) ((a-b)&MP_LONGSEQ_MAXBIT) -#define MP_LE(a,b) !((b-a)&MP_LONGSEQ_MAXBIT) -#define MP_GT(a,b) ((b-a)&MP_LONGSEQ_MAXBIT) -#define MP_GE(a,b) !((a-b)&MP_LONGSEQ_MAXBIT) +#define MP_LT(a, b) ((a - b) & MP_LONGSEQ_MAXBIT) +#define MP_LE(a, b) !((b - a) & MP_LONGSEQ_MAXBIT) +#define MP_GT(a, b) ((b - a) & MP_LONGSEQ_MAXBIT) +#define MP_GE(a, b) !((a - b) & MP_LONGSEQ_MAXBIT) -#define MP_SEQ(f) ((*(u32*)(f->data+1))) +#define MP_SEQ(f) ((*(u32 *)(f->data + 1))) #define MP_FLAGS(f) (f->data[0]) static int isdn_ppp_mp_bundle_array_init(void) { int i; - int sz = ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS*sizeof(ippp_bundle); - if( (isdn_ppp_bundle_arr = kzalloc(sz, GFP_KERNEL)) == NULL ) + int sz = ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS * sizeof(ippp_bundle); + if ((isdn_ppp_bundle_arr = kzalloc(sz, GFP_KERNEL)) == NULL) return -ENOMEM; - for( i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++ ) + for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) spin_lock_init(&isdn_ppp_bundle_arr[i].lock); return 0; } -static ippp_bundle * isdn_ppp_mp_bundle_alloc(void) +static ippp_bundle *isdn_ppp_mp_bundle_alloc(void) { int i; - for( i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++ ) + for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) if (isdn_ppp_bundle_arr[i].ref_ct <= 0) return (isdn_ppp_bundle_arr + i); return NULL; } -static int isdn_ppp_mp_init( isdn_net_local * lp, ippp_bundle * add_to ) +static int isdn_ppp_mp_init(isdn_net_local *lp, ippp_bundle *add_to) { - struct ippp_struct * is; + struct ippp_struct *is; if (lp->ppp_slot < 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: lp->ppp_slot(%d) out of range\n", - __func__, lp->ppp_slot); - return(-EINVAL); + __func__, lp->ppp_slot); + return (-EINVAL); } is = ippp_table[lp->ppp_slot]; if (add_to) { - if( lp->netdev->pb ) + if (lp->netdev->pb) lp->netdev->pb->ref_ct--; lp->netdev->pb = add_to; } else { /* first link in a bundle */ @@ -1568,76 +1568,76 @@ static int isdn_ppp_mp_init( isdn_net_local * lp, ippp_bundle * add_to ) lp->netdev->pb->seq = UINT_MAX; } lp->netdev->pb->ref_ct++; - + is->last_link_seqno = 0; return 0; } -static u32 isdn_ppp_mp_get_seq( int short_seq, - struct sk_buff * skb, u32 last_seq ); -static struct sk_buff * isdn_ppp_mp_discard( ippp_bundle * mp, - struct sk_buff * from, struct sk_buff * to ); -static void isdn_ppp_mp_reassembly( isdn_net_dev * net_dev, isdn_net_local * lp, - struct sk_buff * from, struct sk_buff * to ); -static void isdn_ppp_mp_free_skb( ippp_bundle * mp, struct sk_buff * skb ); -static void isdn_ppp_mp_print_recv_pkt( int slot, struct sk_buff * skb ); - -static void isdn_ppp_mp_receive(isdn_net_dev * net_dev, isdn_net_local * lp, - struct sk_buff *skb) +static u32 isdn_ppp_mp_get_seq(int short_seq, + struct sk_buff *skb, u32 last_seq); +static struct sk_buff *isdn_ppp_mp_discard(ippp_bundle *mp, + struct sk_buff *from, struct sk_buff *to); +static void isdn_ppp_mp_reassembly(isdn_net_dev *net_dev, isdn_net_local *lp, + struct sk_buff *from, struct sk_buff *to); +static void isdn_ppp_mp_free_skb(ippp_bundle *mp, struct sk_buff *skb); +static void isdn_ppp_mp_print_recv_pkt(int slot, struct sk_buff *skb); + +static void isdn_ppp_mp_receive(isdn_net_dev *net_dev, isdn_net_local *lp, + struct sk_buff *skb) { struct ippp_struct *is; - isdn_net_local * lpq; - ippp_bundle * mp; - isdn_mppp_stats * stats; - struct sk_buff * newfrag, * frag, * start, *nextf; + isdn_net_local *lpq; + ippp_bundle *mp; + isdn_mppp_stats *stats; + struct sk_buff *newfrag, *frag, *start, *nextf; u32 newseq, minseq, thisseq; unsigned long flags; int slot; spin_lock_irqsave(&net_dev->pb->lock, flags); - mp = net_dev->pb; - stats = &mp->stats; + mp = net_dev->pb; + stats = &mp->stats; slot = lp->ppp_slot; if (slot < 0 || slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: lp->ppp_slot(%d)\n", - __func__, lp->ppp_slot); + __func__, lp->ppp_slot); stats->frame_drops++; dev_kfree_skb(skb); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->lock, flags); return; } is = ippp_table[slot]; - if( ++mp->frames > stats->max_queue_len ) + if (++mp->frames > stats->max_queue_len) stats->max_queue_len = mp->frames; - + if (is->debug & 0x8) isdn_ppp_mp_print_recv_pkt(lp->ppp_slot, skb); - newseq = isdn_ppp_mp_get_seq(is->mpppcfg & SC_IN_SHORT_SEQ, - skb, is->last_link_seqno); + newseq = isdn_ppp_mp_get_seq(is->mpppcfg & SC_IN_SHORT_SEQ, + skb, is->last_link_seqno); /* if this packet seq # is less than last already processed one, - * toss it right away, but check for sequence start case first + * toss it right away, but check for sequence start case first */ - if( mp->seq > MP_LONGSEQ_MAX && (newseq & MP_LONGSEQ_MAXBIT) ) { + if (mp->seq > MP_LONGSEQ_MAX && (newseq & MP_LONGSEQ_MAXBIT)) { mp->seq = newseq; /* the first packet: required for * rfc1990 non-compliant clients -- * prevents constant packet toss */ - } else if( MP_LT(newseq, mp->seq) ) { + } else if (MP_LT(newseq, mp->seq)) { stats->frame_drops++; isdn_ppp_mp_free_skb(mp, skb); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->lock, flags); return; } - + /* find the minimum received sequence number over all links */ is->last_link_seqno = minseq = newseq; for (lpq = net_dev->queue;;) { slot = lpq->ppp_slot; if (slot < 0 || slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: lpq->ppp_slot(%d)\n", - __func__, lpq->ppp_slot); + __func__, lpq->ppp_slot); } else { u32 lls = ippp_table[slot]->last_link_seqno; if (MP_LT(lls, minseq)) @@ -1651,17 +1651,17 @@ static void isdn_ppp_mp_receive(isdn_net_dev * net_dev, isdn_net_local * lp, * packets */ newfrag = skb; - /* if this new fragment is before the first one, then enqueue it now. */ - if ((frag = mp->frags) == NULL || MP_LT(newseq, MP_SEQ(frag))) { + /* if this new fragment is before the first one, then enqueue it now. */ + if ((frag = mp->frags) == NULL || MP_LT(newseq, MP_SEQ(frag))) { newfrag->next = frag; - mp->frags = frag = newfrag; - newfrag = NULL; - } + mp->frags = frag = newfrag; + newfrag = NULL; + } - start = MP_FLAGS(frag) & MP_BEGIN_FRAG && - MP_SEQ(frag) == mp->seq ? frag : NULL; + start = MP_FLAGS(frag) & MP_BEGIN_FRAG && + MP_SEQ(frag) == mp->seq ? frag : NULL; - /* + /* * main fragment traversing loop * * try to accomplish several tasks: @@ -1675,71 +1675,71 @@ static void isdn_ppp_mp_receive(isdn_net_dev * net_dev, isdn_net_local * lp, * come to complete such sequence and it should be discarded * * loop completes when we accomplished the following tasks: - * - new fragment is inserted in the proper sequence ('newfrag' is + * - new fragment is inserted in the proper sequence ('newfrag' is * set to NULL) - * - we hit a gap in the sequence, so no reassembly/processing is + * - we hit a gap in the sequence, so no reassembly/processing is * possible ('start' would be set to NULL) * * algorithm for this code is derived from code in the book * 'PPP Design And Debugging' by James Carlson (Addison-Wesley) */ - while (start != NULL || newfrag != NULL) { - - thisseq = MP_SEQ(frag); - nextf = frag->next; - - /* drop any duplicate fragments */ - if (newfrag != NULL && thisseq == newseq) { - isdn_ppp_mp_free_skb(mp, newfrag); - newfrag = NULL; - } - - /* insert new fragment before next element if possible. */ - if (newfrag != NULL && (nextf == NULL || - MP_LT(newseq, MP_SEQ(nextf)))) { - newfrag->next = nextf; - frag->next = nextf = newfrag; - newfrag = NULL; - } - - if (start != NULL) { - /* check for misplaced start */ - if (start != frag && (MP_FLAGS(frag) & MP_BEGIN_FRAG)) { + while (start != NULL || newfrag != NULL) { + + thisseq = MP_SEQ(frag); + nextf = frag->next; + + /* drop any duplicate fragments */ + if (newfrag != NULL && thisseq == newseq) { + isdn_ppp_mp_free_skb(mp, newfrag); + newfrag = NULL; + } + + /* insert new fragment before next element if possible. */ + if (newfrag != NULL && (nextf == NULL || + MP_LT(newseq, MP_SEQ(nextf)))) { + newfrag->next = nextf; + frag->next = nextf = newfrag; + newfrag = NULL; + } + + if (start != NULL) { + /* check for misplaced start */ + if (start != frag && (MP_FLAGS(frag) & MP_BEGIN_FRAG)) { printk(KERN_WARNING"isdn_mppp(seq %d): new " - "BEGIN flag with no prior END", thisseq); + "BEGIN flag with no prior END", thisseq); stats->seqerrs++; stats->frame_drops++; - start = isdn_ppp_mp_discard(mp, start,frag); + start = isdn_ppp_mp_discard(mp, start, frag); nextf = frag->next; - } - } else if (MP_LE(thisseq, minseq)) { - if (MP_FLAGS(frag) & MP_BEGIN_FRAG) + } + } else if (MP_LE(thisseq, minseq)) { + if (MP_FLAGS(frag) & MP_BEGIN_FRAG) start = frag; - else { + else { if (MP_FLAGS(frag) & MP_END_FRAG) - stats->frame_drops++; - if( mp->frags == frag ) - mp->frags = nextf; + stats->frame_drops++; + if (mp->frags == frag) + mp->frags = nextf; isdn_ppp_mp_free_skb(mp, frag); frag = nextf; continue; - } + } } - + /* if start is non-null and we have end fragment, then - * we have full reassembly sequence -- reassemble + * we have full reassembly sequence -- reassemble * and process packet now */ - if (start != NULL && (MP_FLAGS(frag) & MP_END_FRAG)) { - minseq = mp->seq = (thisseq+1) & MP_LONGSEQ_MASK; - /* Reassemble the packet then dispatch it */ + if (start != NULL && (MP_FLAGS(frag) & MP_END_FRAG)) { + minseq = mp->seq = (thisseq + 1) & MP_LONGSEQ_MASK; + /* Reassemble the packet then dispatch it */ isdn_ppp_mp_reassembly(net_dev, lp, start, nextf); - - start = NULL; - frag = NULL; - mp->frags = nextf; - } + start = NULL; + frag = NULL; + + mp->frags = nextf; + } /* check if need to update start pointer: if we just * reassembled the packet and sequence is contiguous @@ -1749,48 +1749,48 @@ static void isdn_ppp_mp_receive(isdn_net_dev * net_dev, isdn_net_local * lp, * if sequence is not contiguous, either clear everything * below low watermark and set start to the next frag or * clear start ptr. - */ - if (nextf != NULL && - ((thisseq+1) & MP_LONGSEQ_MASK) == MP_SEQ(nextf)) { - /* if we just reassembled and the next one is here, + */ + if (nextf != NULL && + ((thisseq + 1) & MP_LONGSEQ_MASK) == MP_SEQ(nextf)) { + /* if we just reassembled and the next one is here, * then start another reassembly. */ - if (frag == NULL) { + if (frag == NULL) { if (MP_FLAGS(nextf) & MP_BEGIN_FRAG) - start = nextf; + start = nextf; else { - printk(KERN_WARNING"isdn_mppp(seq %d):" - " END flag with no following " - "BEGIN", thisseq); + printk(KERN_WARNING"isdn_mppp(seq %d):" + " END flag with no following " + "BEGIN", thisseq); stats->seqerrs++; } } - } else { - if ( nextf != NULL && frag != NULL && - MP_LT(thisseq, minseq)) { + } else { + if (nextf != NULL && frag != NULL && + MP_LT(thisseq, minseq)) { /* we've got a break in the sequence * and we not at the end yet * and we did not just reassembled *(if we did, there wouldn't be anything before) - * and we below the low watermark - * discard all the frames below low watermark + * and we below the low watermark + * discard all the frames below low watermark * and start over */ stats->frame_drops++; - mp->frags = isdn_ppp_mp_discard(mp,start,nextf); + mp->frags = isdn_ppp_mp_discard(mp, start, nextf); } /* break in the sequence, no reassembly */ - start = NULL; - } - - frag = nextf; - } /* while -- main loop */ - - if (mp->frags == NULL) - mp->frags = frag; - - /* rather straighforward way to deal with (not very) possible + start = NULL; + } + + frag = nextf; + } /* while -- main loop */ + + if (mp->frags == NULL) + mp->frags = frag; + + /* rather straighforward way to deal with (not very) possible * queue overflow */ if (mp->frames > MP_MAX_QUEUE_LEN) { stats->overflows++; @@ -1803,11 +1803,11 @@ static void isdn_ppp_mp_receive(isdn_net_dev * net_dev, isdn_net_local * lp, spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->lock, flags); } -static void isdn_ppp_mp_cleanup( isdn_net_local * lp ) +static void isdn_ppp_mp_cleanup(isdn_net_local *lp) { - struct sk_buff * frag = lp->netdev->pb->frags; - struct sk_buff * nextfrag; - while( frag ) { + struct sk_buff *frag = lp->netdev->pb->frags; + struct sk_buff *nextfrag; + while (frag) { nextfrag = frag->next; isdn_ppp_mp_free_skb(lp->netdev->pb, frag); frag = nextfrag; @@ -1815,117 +1815,117 @@ static void isdn_ppp_mp_cleanup( isdn_net_local * lp ) lp->netdev->pb->frags = NULL; } -static u32 isdn_ppp_mp_get_seq( int short_seq, - struct sk_buff * skb, u32 last_seq ) +static u32 isdn_ppp_mp_get_seq(int short_seq, + struct sk_buff *skb, u32 last_seq) { u32 seq; int flags = skb->data[0] & (MP_BEGIN_FRAG | MP_END_FRAG); - - if( !short_seq ) + + if (!short_seq) { seq = ntohl(*(__be32 *)skb->data) & MP_LONGSEQ_MASK; - skb_push(skb,1); + skb_push(skb, 1); } else { - /* convert 12-bit short seq number to 24-bit long one - */ + /* convert 12-bit short seq number to 24-bit long one + */ seq = ntohs(*(__be16 *)skb->data) & MP_SHORTSEQ_MASK; - + /* check for seqence wrap */ - if( !(seq & MP_SHORTSEQ_MAXBIT) && - (last_seq & MP_SHORTSEQ_MAXBIT) && - (unsigned long)last_seq <= MP_LONGSEQ_MAX ) - seq |= (last_seq + MP_SHORTSEQ_MAX+1) & - (~MP_SHORTSEQ_MASK & MP_LONGSEQ_MASK); + if (!(seq & MP_SHORTSEQ_MAXBIT) && + (last_seq & MP_SHORTSEQ_MAXBIT) && + (unsigned long)last_seq <= MP_LONGSEQ_MAX) + seq |= (last_seq + MP_SHORTSEQ_MAX + 1) & + (~MP_SHORTSEQ_MASK & MP_LONGSEQ_MASK); else seq |= last_seq & (~MP_SHORTSEQ_MASK & MP_LONGSEQ_MASK); - + skb_push(skb, 3); /* put converted seqence back in skb */ } - *(u32*)(skb->data+1) = seq; /* put seqence back in _host_ byte + *(u32 *)(skb->data + 1) = seq; /* put seqence back in _host_ byte * order */ skb->data[0] = flags; /* restore flags */ return seq; } -struct sk_buff * isdn_ppp_mp_discard( ippp_bundle * mp, - struct sk_buff * from, struct sk_buff * to ) +struct sk_buff *isdn_ppp_mp_discard(ippp_bundle *mp, + struct sk_buff *from, struct sk_buff *to) { - if( from ) + if (from) while (from != to) { - struct sk_buff * next = from->next; + struct sk_buff *next = from->next; isdn_ppp_mp_free_skb(mp, from); - from = next; + from = next; } return from; } -void isdn_ppp_mp_reassembly( isdn_net_dev * net_dev, isdn_net_local * lp, - struct sk_buff * from, struct sk_buff * to ) +void isdn_ppp_mp_reassembly(isdn_net_dev *net_dev, isdn_net_local *lp, + struct sk_buff *from, struct sk_buff *to) { - ippp_bundle * mp = net_dev->pb; + ippp_bundle *mp = net_dev->pb; int proto; - struct sk_buff * skb; + struct sk_buff *skb; unsigned int tot_len; if (lp->ppp_slot < 0 || lp->ppp_slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: lp->ppp_slot(%d) out of range\n", - __func__, lp->ppp_slot); + __func__, lp->ppp_slot); return; } - if( MP_FLAGS(from) == (MP_BEGIN_FRAG | MP_END_FRAG) ) { - if( ippp_table[lp->ppp_slot]->debug & 0x40 ) + if (MP_FLAGS(from) == (MP_BEGIN_FRAG | MP_END_FRAG)) { + if (ippp_table[lp->ppp_slot]->debug & 0x40) printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_mppp: reassembly: frame %d, " - "len %d\n", MP_SEQ(from), from->len ); + "len %d\n", MP_SEQ(from), from->len); skb = from; skb_pull(skb, MP_HEADER_LEN); - mp->frames--; + mp->frames--; } else { - struct sk_buff * frag; + struct sk_buff *frag; int n; - for(tot_len=n=0, frag=from; frag != to; frag=frag->next, n++) + for (tot_len = n = 0, frag = from; frag != to; frag = frag->next, n++) tot_len += frag->len - MP_HEADER_LEN; - if( ippp_table[lp->ppp_slot]->debug & 0x40 ) + if (ippp_table[lp->ppp_slot]->debug & 0x40) printk(KERN_DEBUG"isdn_mppp: reassembling frames %d " - "to %d, len %d\n", MP_SEQ(from), - (MP_SEQ(from)+n-1) & MP_LONGSEQ_MASK, tot_len ); - if( (skb = dev_alloc_skb(tot_len)) == NULL ) { + "to %d, len %d\n", MP_SEQ(from), + (MP_SEQ(from) + n - 1) & MP_LONGSEQ_MASK, tot_len); + if ((skb = dev_alloc_skb(tot_len)) == NULL) { printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_mppp: cannot allocate sk buff " - "of size %d\n", tot_len); + "of size %d\n", tot_len); isdn_ppp_mp_discard(mp, from, to); return; } - while( from != to ) { + while (from != to) { unsigned int len = from->len - MP_HEADER_LEN; skb_copy_from_linear_data_offset(from, MP_HEADER_LEN, - skb_put(skb,len), + skb_put(skb, len), len); frag = from->next; isdn_ppp_mp_free_skb(mp, from); - from = frag; + from = frag; } } - proto = isdn_ppp_strip_proto(skb); + proto = isdn_ppp_strip_proto(skb); isdn_ppp_push_higher(net_dev, lp, skb, proto); } -static void isdn_ppp_mp_free_skb(ippp_bundle * mp, struct sk_buff * skb) +static void isdn_ppp_mp_free_skb(ippp_bundle *mp, struct sk_buff *skb) { dev_kfree_skb(skb); mp->frames--; } -static void isdn_ppp_mp_print_recv_pkt( int slot, struct sk_buff * skb ) +static void isdn_ppp_mp_print_recv_pkt(int slot, struct sk_buff *skb) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "mp_recv: %d/%d -> %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", - slot, (int) skb->len, - (int) skb->data[0], (int) skb->data[1], (int) skb->data[2], - (int) skb->data[3], (int) skb->data[4], (int) skb->data[5]); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "mp_recv: %d/%d -> %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", + slot, (int) skb->len, + (int) skb->data[0], (int) skb->data[1], (int) skb->data[2], + (int) skb->data[3], (int) skb->data[4], (int) skb->data[5]); } static int @@ -1944,18 +1944,18 @@ isdn_ppp_bundle(struct ippp_struct *is, int unit) return -EINVAL; } - spin_lock_irqsave(&p->pb->lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&p->pb->lock, flags); nlp = is->lp; lp = p->queue; - if( nlp->ppp_slot < 0 || nlp->ppp_slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS || - lp->ppp_slot < 0 || lp->ppp_slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS ) { + if (nlp->ppp_slot < 0 || nlp->ppp_slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS || + lp->ppp_slot < 0 || lp->ppp_slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS) { printk(KERN_ERR "ippp_bundle: binding to invalid slot %d\n", - nlp->ppp_slot < 0 || nlp->ppp_slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS ? - nlp->ppp_slot : lp->ppp_slot ); + nlp->ppp_slot < 0 || nlp->ppp_slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS ? + nlp->ppp_slot : lp->ppp_slot); rc = -EINVAL; goto out; - } + } isdn_net_add_to_bundle(p, nlp); @@ -1971,9 +1971,9 @@ isdn_ppp_bundle(struct ippp_struct *is, int unit) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&p->pb->lock, flags); return rc; } - + #endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_MPP */ - + /* * network device ioctl handlers */ @@ -2020,7 +2020,7 @@ isdn_ppp_dev_ioctl_stats(int slot, struct ifreq *ifr, struct net_device *dev) int isdn_ppp_dev_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd) { - int error=0; + int error = 0; int len; isdn_net_local *lp = netdev_priv(dev); @@ -2030,18 +2030,18 @@ isdn_ppp_dev_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd) switch (cmd) { #define PPP_VERSION "2.3.7" - case SIOCGPPPVER: - len = strlen(PPP_VERSION) + 1; - if (copy_to_user(ifr->ifr_data, PPP_VERSION, len)) - error = -EFAULT; - break; + case SIOCGPPPVER: + len = strlen(PPP_VERSION) + 1; + if (copy_to_user(ifr->ifr_data, PPP_VERSION, len)) + error = -EFAULT; + break; - case SIOCGPPPSTATS: - error = isdn_ppp_dev_ioctl_stats(lp->ppp_slot, ifr, dev); - break; - default: - error = -EINVAL; - break; + case SIOCGPPPSTATS: + error = isdn_ppp_dev_ioctl_stats(lp->ppp_slot, ifr, dev); + break; + default: + error = -EINVAL; + break; } return error; } @@ -2050,9 +2050,9 @@ static int isdn_ppp_if_get_unit(char *name) { int len, - i, - unit = 0, - deci; + i, + unit = 0, + deci; len = strlen(name); @@ -2129,7 +2129,7 @@ isdn_ppp_hangup_slave(char *name) break; } else if (mlp->flags & ISDN_NET_CONNECTED) break; - + sdev = mlp->slave; } if (!sdev) @@ -2202,8 +2202,8 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_xmit_reset(struct ippp_struct *is, int proto, /* Alloc large enough skb */ hl = dev->drv[lp->isdn_device]->interface->hl_hdrlen; - skb = alloc_skb(len + hl + 16,GFP_ATOMIC); - if(!skb) { + skb = alloc_skb(len + hl + 16, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!skb) { printk(KERN_WARNING "ippp: CCP cannot send reset - out of memory\n"); return; @@ -2211,7 +2211,7 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_xmit_reset(struct ippp_struct *is, int proto, skb_reserve(skb, hl); /* We may need to stuff an address and control field first */ - if(!(is->pppcfg & SC_COMP_AC)) { + if (!(is->pppcfg & SC_COMP_AC)) { p = skb_put(skb, 2); *p++ = 0xff; *p++ = 0x03; @@ -2228,14 +2228,14 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_xmit_reset(struct ippp_struct *is, int proto, *p++ = (cnt & 0xff); /* Now stuff remaining bytes */ - if(len) { + if (len) { p = skb_put(skb, len); memcpy(p, data, len); } /* skb is now ready for xmit */ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Sending CCP Frame:\n"); - isdn_ppp_frame_log("ccp-xmit", skb->data, skb->len, 32, is->unit,lp->ppp_slot); + isdn_ppp_frame_log("ccp-xmit", skb->data, skb->len, 32, is->unit, lp->ppp_slot); isdn_net_write_super(lp, skb); } @@ -2245,7 +2245,7 @@ static struct ippp_ccp_reset *isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_alloc(struct ippp_struct *is) { struct ippp_ccp_reset *r; r = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ippp_ccp_reset), GFP_KERNEL); - if(!r) { + if (!r) { printk(KERN_ERR "ippp_ccp: failed to allocate reset data" " structure - no mem\n"); return NULL; @@ -2262,8 +2262,8 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_free(struct ippp_struct *is) printk(KERN_DEBUG "ippp_ccp: freeing reset data structure %p\n", is->reset); - for(id = 0; id < 256; id++) { - if(is->reset->rs[id]) { + for (id = 0; id < 256; id++) { + if (is->reset->rs[id]) { isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_free_state(is, (unsigned char)id); } } @@ -2277,11 +2277,11 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_free_state(struct ippp_struct *is, { struct ippp_ccp_reset_state *rs; - if(is->reset->rs[id]) { + if (is->reset->rs[id]) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "ippp_ccp: freeing state for id %d\n", id); rs = is->reset->rs[id]; /* Make sure the kernel will not call back later */ - if(rs->ta) + if (rs->ta) del_timer(&rs->timer); is->reset->rs[id] = NULL; kfree(rs); @@ -2297,13 +2297,13 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_timer_callback(unsigned long closure) struct ippp_ccp_reset_state *rs = (struct ippp_ccp_reset_state *)closure; - if(!rs) { + if (!rs) { printk(KERN_ERR "ippp_ccp: timer cb with zero closure.\n"); return; } - if(rs->ta && rs->state == CCPResetSentReq) { + if (rs->ta && rs->state == CCPResetSentReq) { /* We are correct here */ - if(!rs->expra) { + if (!rs->expra) { /* Hmm, there is no Ack really expected. We can clean up the state now, it will be reallocated if the decompressor insists on another reset */ @@ -2317,7 +2317,7 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_timer_callback(unsigned long closure) isdn_ppp_ccp_xmit_reset(rs->is, PPP_CCP, CCP_RESETREQ, rs->id, rs->data, rs->dlen); /* Restart timer */ - rs->timer.expires = jiffies + HZ*5; + rs->timer.expires = jiffies + HZ * 5; add_timer(&rs->timer); } else { printk(KERN_WARNING "ippp_ccp: timer cb in wrong state %d\n", @@ -2327,16 +2327,16 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_timer_callback(unsigned long closure) /* Allocate a new reset transaction state */ static struct ippp_ccp_reset_state *isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_alloc_state(struct ippp_struct *is, - unsigned char id) + unsigned char id) { struct ippp_ccp_reset_state *rs; - if(is->reset->rs[id]) { + if (is->reset->rs[id]) { printk(KERN_WARNING "ippp_ccp: old state exists for id %d\n", id); return NULL; } else { rs = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ippp_ccp_reset_state), GFP_KERNEL); - if(!rs) + if (!rs) return NULL; rs->state = CCPResetIdle; rs->is = is; @@ -2357,21 +2357,21 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_trans(struct ippp_struct *is, { struct ippp_ccp_reset_state *rs; - if(rp->valid) { + if (rp->valid) { /* The decompressor defines parameters by itself */ - if(rp->rsend) { + if (rp->rsend) { /* And he wants us to send a request */ - if(!(rp->idval)) { + if (!(rp->idval)) { printk(KERN_ERR "ippp_ccp: decompressor must" " specify reset id\n"); return; } - if(is->reset->rs[rp->id]) { + if (is->reset->rs[rp->id]) { /* There is already a transaction in existence for this id. May be still waiting for a Ack or may be wrong. */ rs = is->reset->rs[rp->id]; - if(rs->state == CCPResetSentReq && rs->ta) { + if (rs->state == CCPResetSentReq && rs->ta) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "ippp_ccp: reset" " trans still in progress" " for id %d\n", rp->id); @@ -2385,14 +2385,14 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_trans(struct ippp_struct *is, printk(KERN_DEBUG "ippp_ccp: new trans for id" " %d to be started\n", rp->id); rs = isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_alloc_state(is, rp->id); - if(!rs) { + if (!rs) { printk(KERN_ERR "ippp_ccp: out of mem" " allocing ccp trans\n"); return; } rs->state = CCPResetSentReq; rs->expra = rp->expra; - if(rp->dtval) { + if (rp->dtval) { rs->dlen = rp->dlen; memcpy(rs->data, rp->data, rp->dlen); } @@ -2401,7 +2401,7 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_trans(struct ippp_struct *is, CCP_RESETREQ, rs->id, rs->data, rs->dlen); /* Start the timer */ - rs->timer.expires = jiffies + 5*HZ; + rs->timer.expires = jiffies + 5 * HZ; add_timer(&rs->timer); rs->ta = 1; } @@ -2413,12 +2413,12 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_trans(struct ippp_struct *is, care about them, so we just send the minimal requests and increase ids only when an Ack is received for a given id */ - if(is->reset->rs[is->reset->lastid]) { + if (is->reset->rs[is->reset->lastid]) { /* There is already a transaction in existence for this id. May be still waiting for a Ack or may be wrong. */ rs = is->reset->rs[is->reset->lastid]; - if(rs->state == CCPResetSentReq && rs->ta) { + if (rs->state == CCPResetSentReq && rs->ta) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "ippp_ccp: reset" " trans still in progress" " for id %d\n", rp->id); @@ -2432,7 +2432,7 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_trans(struct ippp_struct *is, " %d to be started\n", is->reset->lastid); rs = isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_alloc_state(is, is->reset->lastid); - if(!rs) { + if (!rs) { printk(KERN_ERR "ippp_ccp: out of mem" " allocing ccp trans\n"); return; @@ -2446,7 +2446,7 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_trans(struct ippp_struct *is, isdn_ppp_ccp_xmit_reset(is, PPP_CCP, CCP_RESETREQ, rs->id, NULL, 0); /* Start the timer */ - rs->timer.expires = jiffies + 5*HZ; + rs->timer.expires = jiffies + 5 * HZ; add_timer(&rs->timer); rs->ta = 1; } @@ -2460,17 +2460,17 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_ack_rcvd(struct ippp_struct *is, { struct ippp_ccp_reset_state *rs = is->reset->rs[id]; - if(rs) { - if(rs->ta && rs->state == CCPResetSentReq) { + if (rs) { + if (rs->ta && rs->state == CCPResetSentReq) { /* Great, we are correct */ - if(!rs->expra) + if (!rs->expra) printk(KERN_DEBUG "ippp_ccp: ResetAck received" " for id %d but not expected\n", id); } else { printk(KERN_INFO "ippp_ccp: ResetAck received out of" "sync for id %d\n", id); } - if(rs->ta) { + if (rs->ta) { rs->ta = 0; del_timer(&rs->timer); } @@ -2483,7 +2483,7 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_ack_rcvd(struct ippp_struct *is, is->reset->lastid++; } -/* +/* * decompress packet * * if master = 0, we're trying to uncompress an per-link compressed packet, @@ -2495,8 +2495,8 @@ static void isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_ack_rcvd(struct ippp_struct *is, * NULL if decompression error */ -static struct sk_buff *isdn_ppp_decompress(struct sk_buff *skb,struct ippp_struct *is,struct ippp_struct *master, - int *proto) +static struct sk_buff *isdn_ppp_decompress(struct sk_buff *skb, struct ippp_struct *is, struct ippp_struct *master, + int *proto) { void *stat = NULL; struct isdn_ppp_compressor *ipc = NULL; @@ -2506,8 +2506,8 @@ static struct sk_buff *isdn_ppp_decompress(struct sk_buff *skb,struct ippp_struc struct isdn_ppp_resetparams rsparm; unsigned char rsdata[IPPP_RESET_MAXDATABYTES]; - if(!master) { - // per-link decompression + if (!master) { + // per-link decompression stat = is->link_decomp_stat; ipc = is->link_decompressor; ri = is; @@ -2524,28 +2524,28 @@ static struct sk_buff *isdn_ppp_decompress(struct sk_buff *skb,struct ippp_struc } BUG_ON(!stat); // if we have a compressor, stat has been set as well - if((master && *proto == PPP_COMP) || (!master && *proto == PPP_COMPFRAG) ) { + if ((master && *proto == PPP_COMP) || (!master && *proto == PPP_COMPFRAG)) { // compressed packets are compressed by their protocol type // Set up reset params for the decompressor - memset(&rsparm, 0, sizeof(rsparm)); - rsparm.data = rsdata; - rsparm.maxdlen = IPPP_RESET_MAXDATABYTES; - - skb_out = dev_alloc_skb(is->mru + PPP_HDRLEN); - if (!skb_out) { - kfree_skb(skb); - printk(KERN_ERR "ippp: decomp memory allocation failure\n"); + memset(&rsparm, 0, sizeof(rsparm)); + rsparm.data = rsdata; + rsparm.maxdlen = IPPP_RESET_MAXDATABYTES; + + skb_out = dev_alloc_skb(is->mru + PPP_HDRLEN); + if (!skb_out) { + kfree_skb(skb); + printk(KERN_ERR "ippp: decomp memory allocation failure\n"); return NULL; - } + } len = ipc->decompress(stat, skb, skb_out, &rsparm); kfree_skb(skb); if (len <= 0) { - switch(len) { + switch (len) { case DECOMP_ERROR: printk(KERN_INFO "ippp: decomp wants reset %s params\n", rsparm.valid ? "with" : "without"); - + isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_trans(ri, &rsparm); break; case DECOMP_FATALERROR: @@ -2563,7 +2563,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *isdn_ppp_decompress(struct sk_buff *skb,struct ippp_struc return NULL; } return skb_out; - } else { + } else { // uncompressed packets are fed through the decompressor to // update the decompressor state ipc->incomp(stat, skb, *proto); @@ -2572,31 +2572,31 @@ static struct sk_buff *isdn_ppp_decompress(struct sk_buff *skb,struct ippp_struc } /* - * compress a frame + * compress a frame * type=0: normal/bundle compression * =1: link compression * returns original skb if we haven't compressed the frame * and a new skb pointer if we've done it */ -static struct sk_buff *isdn_ppp_compress(struct sk_buff *skb_in,int *proto, - struct ippp_struct *is,struct ippp_struct *master,int type) +static struct sk_buff *isdn_ppp_compress(struct sk_buff *skb_in, int *proto, + struct ippp_struct *is, struct ippp_struct *master, int type) { - int ret; - int new_proto; - struct isdn_ppp_compressor *compressor; - void *stat; - struct sk_buff *skb_out; + int ret; + int new_proto; + struct isdn_ppp_compressor *compressor; + void *stat; + struct sk_buff *skb_out; /* we do not compress control protocols */ - if(*proto < 0 || *proto > 0x3fff) { - return skb_in; - } + if (*proto < 0 || *proto > 0x3fff) { + return skb_in; + } - if(type) { /* type=1 => Link compression */ + if (type) { /* type=1 => Link compression */ return skb_in; } else { - if(!master) { + if (!master) { compressor = is->compressor; stat = is->comp_stat; } @@ -2607,90 +2607,90 @@ static struct sk_buff *isdn_ppp_compress(struct sk_buff *skb_in,int *proto, new_proto = PPP_COMP; } - if(!compressor) { + if (!compressor) { printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_ppp: No compressor set!\n"); return skb_in; } - if(!stat) { + if (!stat) { printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_ppp: Compressor not initialized?\n"); return skb_in; } /* Allow for at least 150 % expansion (for now) */ - skb_out = alloc_skb(skb_in->len + skb_in->len/2 + 32 + - skb_headroom(skb_in), GFP_ATOMIC); - if(!skb_out) + skb_out = alloc_skb(skb_in->len + skb_in->len / 2 + 32 + + skb_headroom(skb_in), GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!skb_out) return skb_in; skb_reserve(skb_out, skb_headroom(skb_in)); - ret = (compressor->compress)(stat,skb_in,skb_out,*proto); - if(!ret) { + ret = (compressor->compress)(stat, skb_in, skb_out, *proto); + if (!ret) { dev_kfree_skb(skb_out); return skb_in; } - + dev_kfree_skb(skb_in); *proto = new_proto; return skb_out; } /* - * we received a CCP frame .. + * we received a CCP frame .. * not a clean solution, but we MUST handle a few cases in the kernel */ static void isdn_ppp_receive_ccp(isdn_net_dev *net_dev, isdn_net_local *lp, - struct sk_buff *skb,int proto) + struct sk_buff *skb, int proto) { struct ippp_struct *is; struct ippp_struct *mis; int len; struct isdn_ppp_resetparams rsparm; - unsigned char rsdata[IPPP_RESET_MAXDATABYTES]; + unsigned char rsdata[IPPP_RESET_MAXDATABYTES]; printk(KERN_DEBUG "Received CCP frame from peer slot(%d)\n", - lp->ppp_slot); + lp->ppp_slot); if (lp->ppp_slot < 0 || lp->ppp_slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: lp->ppp_slot(%d) out of range\n", - __func__, lp->ppp_slot); + __func__, lp->ppp_slot); return; } is = ippp_table[lp->ppp_slot]; - isdn_ppp_frame_log("ccp-rcv", skb->data, skb->len, 32, is->unit,lp->ppp_slot); + isdn_ppp_frame_log("ccp-rcv", skb->data, skb->len, 32, is->unit, lp->ppp_slot); - if(lp->master) { + if (lp->master) { int slot = ISDN_MASTER_PRIV(lp)->ppp_slot; if (slot < 0 || slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: slot(%d) out of range\n", - __func__, slot); + __func__, slot); return; - } + } mis = ippp_table[slot]; } else mis = is; - switch(skb->data[0]) { + switch (skb->data[0]) { case CCP_CONFREQ: - if(is->debug & 0x10) + if (is->debug & 0x10) printk(KERN_DEBUG "Disable compression here!\n"); - if(proto == PPP_CCP) - mis->compflags &= ~SC_COMP_ON; + if (proto == PPP_CCP) + mis->compflags &= ~SC_COMP_ON; else - is->compflags &= ~SC_LINK_COMP_ON; + is->compflags &= ~SC_LINK_COMP_ON; break; case CCP_TERMREQ: case CCP_TERMACK: - if(is->debug & 0x10) + if (is->debug & 0x10) printk(KERN_DEBUG "Disable (de)compression here!\n"); - if(proto == PPP_CCP) - mis->compflags &= ~(SC_DECOMP_ON|SC_COMP_ON); + if (proto == PPP_CCP) + mis->compflags &= ~(SC_DECOMP_ON | SC_COMP_ON); else - is->compflags &= ~(SC_LINK_DECOMP_ON|SC_LINK_COMP_ON); + is->compflags &= ~(SC_LINK_DECOMP_ON | SC_LINK_COMP_ON); break; case CCP_CONFACK: /* if we RECEIVE an ackowledge we enable the decompressor */ - if(is->debug & 0x10) + if (is->debug & 0x10) printk(KERN_DEBUG "Enable decompression here!\n"); - if(proto == PPP_CCP) { + if (proto == PPP_CCP) { if (!mis->decompressor) break; mis->compflags |= SC_DECOMP_ON; @@ -2706,11 +2706,11 @@ static void isdn_ppp_receive_ccp(isdn_net_dev *net_dev, isdn_net_local *lp, len = (skb->data[2] << 8) | skb->data[3]; len -= 4; - if(proto == PPP_CCP) { + if (proto == PPP_CCP) { /* If a reset Ack was outstanding for this id, then clean up the state engine */ isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_ack_rcvd(mis, skb->data[1]); - if(mis->decompressor && mis->decomp_stat) + if (mis->decompressor && mis->decomp_stat) mis->decompressor-> reset(mis->decomp_stat, skb->data[0], @@ -2722,7 +2722,7 @@ static void isdn_ppp_receive_ccp(isdn_net_dev *net_dev, isdn_net_local *lp, } else { isdn_ppp_ccp_reset_ack_rcvd(is, skb->data[1]); - if(is->link_decompressor && is->link_decomp_stat) + if (is->link_decompressor && is->link_decomp_stat) is->link_decompressor-> reset(is->link_decomp_stat, skb->data[0], @@ -2740,12 +2740,12 @@ static void isdn_ppp_receive_ccp(isdn_net_dev *net_dev, isdn_net_local *lp, /* Set up reset params for the reset entry */ memset(&rsparm, 0, sizeof(rsparm)); rsparm.data = rsdata; - rsparm.maxdlen = IPPP_RESET_MAXDATABYTES; + rsparm.maxdlen = IPPP_RESET_MAXDATABYTES; /* Isolate data length */ len = (skb->data[2] << 8) | skb->data[3]; len -= 4; - if(proto == PPP_CCP) { - if(mis->compressor && mis->comp_stat) + if (proto == PPP_CCP) { + if (mis->compressor && mis->comp_stat) mis->compressor-> reset(mis->comp_stat, skb->data[0], @@ -2754,7 +2754,7 @@ static void isdn_ppp_receive_ccp(isdn_net_dev *net_dev, isdn_net_local *lp, len, &rsparm); } else { - if(is->link_compressor && is->link_comp_stat) + if (is->link_compressor && is->link_comp_stat) is->link_compressor-> reset(is->link_comp_stat, skb->data[0], @@ -2763,9 +2763,9 @@ static void isdn_ppp_receive_ccp(isdn_net_dev *net_dev, isdn_net_local *lp, len, &rsparm); } /* Ack the Req as specified by rsparm */ - if(rsparm.valid) { + if (rsparm.valid) { /* Compressor reset handler decided how to answer */ - if(rsparm.rsend) { + if (rsparm.rsend) { /* We should send a Frame */ isdn_ppp_ccp_xmit_reset(is, proto, CCP_RESETACK, rsparm.idval ? rsparm.id @@ -2817,69 +2817,69 @@ static void isdn_ppp_receive_ccp(isdn_net_dev *net_dev, isdn_net_local *lp, static void isdn_ppp_send_ccp(isdn_net_dev *net_dev, isdn_net_local *lp, struct sk_buff *skb) { - struct ippp_struct *mis,*is; + struct ippp_struct *mis, *is; int proto, slot = lp->ppp_slot; unsigned char *data; - if(!skb || skb->len < 3) + if (!skb || skb->len < 3) return; if (slot < 0 || slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: lp->ppp_slot(%d) out of range\n", - __func__, slot); + __func__, slot); return; - } + } is = ippp_table[slot]; /* Daemon may send with or without address and control field comp */ data = skb->data; - if(!(is->pppcfg & SC_COMP_AC) && data[0] == 0xff && data[1] == 0x03) { + if (!(is->pppcfg & SC_COMP_AC) && data[0] == 0xff && data[1] == 0x03) { data += 2; - if(skb->len < 5) + if (skb->len < 5) return; } - proto = ((int)data[0]<<8)+data[1]; - if(proto != PPP_CCP && proto != PPP_CCPFRAG) + proto = ((int)data[0]<<8) + data[1]; + if (proto != PPP_CCP && proto != PPP_CCPFRAG) return; printk(KERN_DEBUG "Received CCP frame from daemon:\n"); - isdn_ppp_frame_log("ccp-xmit", skb->data, skb->len, 32, is->unit,lp->ppp_slot); + isdn_ppp_frame_log("ccp-xmit", skb->data, skb->len, 32, is->unit, lp->ppp_slot); if (lp->master) { slot = ISDN_MASTER_PRIV(lp)->ppp_slot; if (slot < 0 || slot >= ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: slot(%d) out of range\n", - __func__, slot); + __func__, slot); return; - } + } mis = ippp_table[slot]; } else mis = is; if (mis != is) printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_ppp: Ouch! Master CCP sends on slave slot!\n"); - - switch(data[2]) { + + switch (data[2]) { case CCP_CONFREQ: - if(is->debug & 0x10) + if (is->debug & 0x10) printk(KERN_DEBUG "Disable decompression here!\n"); - if(proto == PPP_CCP) + if (proto == PPP_CCP) is->compflags &= ~SC_DECOMP_ON; else is->compflags &= ~SC_LINK_DECOMP_ON; break; case CCP_TERMREQ: case CCP_TERMACK: - if(is->debug & 0x10) + if (is->debug & 0x10) printk(KERN_DEBUG "Disable (de)compression here!\n"); - if(proto == PPP_CCP) - is->compflags &= ~(SC_DECOMP_ON|SC_COMP_ON); + if (proto == PPP_CCP) + is->compflags &= ~(SC_DECOMP_ON | SC_COMP_ON); else - is->compflags &= ~(SC_LINK_DECOMP_ON|SC_LINK_COMP_ON); + is->compflags &= ~(SC_LINK_DECOMP_ON | SC_LINK_COMP_ON); break; case CCP_CONFACK: /* if we SEND an ackowledge we can/must enable the compressor */ - if(is->debug & 0x10) + if (is->debug & 0x10) printk(KERN_DEBUG "Enable compression here!\n"); - if(proto == PPP_CCP) { + if (proto == PPP_CCP) { if (!is->compressor) break; is->compflags |= SC_COMP_ON; @@ -2891,21 +2891,21 @@ static void isdn_ppp_send_ccp(isdn_net_dev *net_dev, isdn_net_local *lp, struct break; case CCP_RESETACK: /* If we send a ACK we should reset our compressor */ - if(is->debug & 0x10) + if (is->debug & 0x10) printk(KERN_DEBUG "Reset decompression state here!\n"); printk(KERN_DEBUG "ResetAck from daemon passed by\n"); - if(proto == PPP_CCP) { + if (proto == PPP_CCP) { /* link to master? */ - if(is->compressor && is->comp_stat) + if (is->compressor && is->comp_stat) is->compressor->reset(is->comp_stat, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); - is->compflags &= ~SC_COMP_DISCARD; + is->compflags &= ~SC_COMP_DISCARD; } else { - if(is->link_compressor && is->link_comp_stat) + if (is->link_compressor && is->link_comp_stat) is->link_compressor->reset(is->link_comp_stat, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); - is->compflags &= ~SC_LINK_COMP_DISCARD; + is->compflags &= ~SC_LINK_COMP_DISCARD; } break; case CCP_RESETREQ: @@ -2919,7 +2919,7 @@ int isdn_ppp_register_compressor(struct isdn_ppp_compressor *ipc) { ipc->next = ipc_head; ipc->prev = NULL; - if(ipc_head) { + if (ipc_head) { ipc_head->prev = ipc; } ipc_head = ipc; @@ -2928,11 +2928,11 @@ int isdn_ppp_register_compressor(struct isdn_ppp_compressor *ipc) int isdn_ppp_unregister_compressor(struct isdn_ppp_compressor *ipc) { - if(ipc->prev) + if (ipc->prev) ipc->prev->next = ipc->next; else ipc_head = ipc->next; - if(ipc->next) + if (ipc->next) ipc->next->prev = ipc->prev; ipc->prev = ipc->next = NULL; return 0; @@ -2945,26 +2945,26 @@ static int isdn_ppp_set_compressor(struct ippp_struct *is, struct isdn_ppp_comp_ void *stat; int num = data->num; - if(is->debug & 0x10) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "[%d] Set %s type %d\n",is->unit, - (data->flags&IPPP_COMP_FLAG_XMIT)?"compressor":"decompressor",num); + if (is->debug & 0x10) + printk(KERN_DEBUG "[%d] Set %s type %d\n", is->unit, + (data->flags & IPPP_COMP_FLAG_XMIT) ? "compressor" : "decompressor", num); /* If is has no valid reset state vector, we cannot allocate a decompressor. The decompressor would cause reset transactions sooner or later, and they need that vector. */ - if(!(data->flags & IPPP_COMP_FLAG_XMIT) && !is->reset) { + if (!(data->flags & IPPP_COMP_FLAG_XMIT) && !is->reset) { printk(KERN_ERR "ippp_ccp: no reset data structure - can't" " allow decompression.\n"); return -ENOMEM; } - while(ipc) { - if(ipc->num == num) { + while (ipc) { + if (ipc->num == num) { stat = ipc->alloc(data); - if(stat) { - ret = ipc->init(stat,data,is->unit,0); - if(!ret) { + if (stat) { + ret = ipc->init(stat, data, is->unit, 0); + if (!ret) { printk(KERN_ERR "Can't init (de)compression!\n"); ipc->free(stat); stat = NULL; @@ -2976,32 +2976,32 @@ static int isdn_ppp_set_compressor(struct ippp_struct *is, struct isdn_ppp_comp_ break; } - if(data->flags & IPPP_COMP_FLAG_XMIT) { - if(data->flags & IPPP_COMP_FLAG_LINK) { - if(is->link_comp_stat) + if (data->flags & IPPP_COMP_FLAG_XMIT) { + if (data->flags & IPPP_COMP_FLAG_LINK) { + if (is->link_comp_stat) is->link_compressor->free(is->link_comp_stat); is->link_comp_stat = stat; - is->link_compressor = ipc; + is->link_compressor = ipc; } else { - if(is->comp_stat) + if (is->comp_stat) is->compressor->free(is->comp_stat); is->comp_stat = stat; - is->compressor = ipc; + is->compressor = ipc; } } - else { - if(data->flags & IPPP_COMP_FLAG_LINK) { - if(is->link_decomp_stat) + else { + if (data->flags & IPPP_COMP_FLAG_LINK) { + if (is->link_decomp_stat) is->link_decompressor->free(is->link_decomp_stat); is->link_decomp_stat = stat; - is->link_decompressor = ipc; + is->link_decompressor = ipc; } else { - if(is->decomp_stat) + if (is->decomp_stat) is->decompressor->free(is->decomp_stat); is->decomp_stat = stat; - is->decompressor = ipc; + is->decompressor = ipc; } } return 0; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_ppp.h b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_ppp.h index 8cc05c7ccf78adc0e197d17523a91f8cc1eb7dc3..4e9b8935a4ebbbb91e0d1e2554527d011dac5eea 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_ppp.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_ppp.h @@ -39,5 +39,3 @@ extern int isdn_ppp_unregister_compressor(struct isdn_ppp_compressor *ipc); #define IPPP_ASSIGNED 0x10 #define IPPP_MAX_HEADER 10 - - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_tty.c b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_tty.c index ac4840124bc0d869db9159d3c38efddca5f04b70..3831abdbc66fa8bc9258eec0b7ef0b2691116c3e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_tty.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_tty.c @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ char *isdn_tty_revision = "$Revision: $"; * isdn_tty_readmodem(). */ static int -isdn_tty_try_read(modem_info * info, struct sk_buff *skb) +isdn_tty_try_read(modem_info *info, struct sk_buff *skb) { int c; int len; @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ isdn_tty_try_read(modem_info * info, struct sk_buff *skb) last = *dp; } else { #endif - if(len > 1) + if (len > 1) tty_insert_flip_string(tty, skb->data, len - 1); last = skb->data[len - 1]; #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ isdn_tty_rcv_skb(int i, int di, int channel, struct sk_buff *skb) info = &dev->mdm.info[midx]; #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO ifmt = 1; - + if ((info->vonline) && (!info->emu.vpar[4])) isdn_audio_calc_dtmf(info, skb->data, skb->len, ifmt); if ((info->vonline & 1) && (info->emu.vpar[1])) @@ -213,29 +213,29 @@ isdn_tty_rcv_skb(int i, int di, int channel, struct sk_buff *skb) if (info->vonline & 1) { /* voice conversion/compression */ switch (info->emu.vpar[3]) { - case 2: - case 3: - case 4: - /* adpcm - * Since compressed data takes less - * space, we can overwrite the buffer. - */ - skb_trim(skb, isdn_audio_xlaw2adpcm(info->adpcmr, - ifmt, - skb->data, - skb->data, - skb->len)); - break; - case 5: - /* a-law */ - if (!ifmt) - isdn_audio_ulaw2alaw(skb->data, skb->len); - break; - case 6: - /* u-law */ - if (ifmt) - isdn_audio_alaw2ulaw(skb->data, skb->len); - break; + case 2: + case 3: + case 4: + /* adpcm + * Since compressed data takes less + * space, we can overwrite the buffer. + */ + skb_trim(skb, isdn_audio_xlaw2adpcm(info->adpcmr, + ifmt, + skb->data, + skb->data, + skb->len)); + break; + case 5: + /* a-law */ + if (!ifmt) + isdn_audio_ulaw2alaw(skb->data, skb->len); + break; + case 6: + /* u-law */ + if (ifmt) + isdn_audio_alaw2ulaw(skb->data, skb->len); + break; } ISDN_AUDIO_SKB_DLECOUNT(skb) = isdn_tty_countDLE(skb->data, skb->len); @@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ isdn_tty_rcv_skb(int i, int di, int channel, struct sk_buff *skb) } static void -isdn_tty_cleanup_xmit(modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_cleanup_xmit(modem_info *info) { skb_queue_purge(&info->xmit_queue); #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO @@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ isdn_tty_cleanup_xmit(modem_info * info) } static void -isdn_tty_tint(modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_tint(modem_info *info) { struct sk_buff *skb = skb_dequeue(&info->xmit_queue); int len, slen; @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ isdn_tty_countDLE(unsigned char *buf, int len) * DLE-decoding when sending audio-data. */ static int -isdn_tty_handleDLEdown(modem_info * info, atemu * m, int len) +isdn_tty_handleDLEdown(modem_info *info, atemu *m, int len) { unsigned char *p = &info->xmit_buf[info->xmit_count]; int count = 0; @@ -334,42 +334,42 @@ isdn_tty_handleDLEdown(modem_info * info, atemu * m, int len) if (m->lastDLE) { m->lastDLE = 0; switch (*p) { - case DLE: - /* Escape code */ - if (len > 1) - memmove(p, p + 1, len - 1); - p--; - count++; - break; - case ETX: - /* End of data */ - info->vonline |= 4; - return count; - case DC4: - /* Abort RX */ - info->vonline &= ~1; + case DLE: + /* Escape code */ + if (len > 1) + memmove(p, p + 1, len - 1); + p--; + count++; + break; + case ETX: + /* End of data */ + info->vonline |= 4; + return count; + case DC4: + /* Abort RX */ + info->vonline &= ~1; #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_MODEM_VOICE - printk(KERN_DEBUG - "DLEdown: got DLE-DC4, send DLE-ETX on ttyI%d\n", - info->line); + printk(KERN_DEBUG + "DLEdown: got DLE-DC4, send DLE-ETX on ttyI%d\n", + info->line); #endif - isdn_tty_at_cout("\020\003", info); - if (!info->vonline) { + isdn_tty_at_cout("\020\003", info); + if (!info->vonline) { #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_MODEM_VOICE - printk(KERN_DEBUG - "DLEdown: send VCON on ttyI%d\n", - info->line); + printk(KERN_DEBUG + "DLEdown: send VCON on ttyI%d\n", + info->line); #endif - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\nVCON\r\n", info); - } - /* Fall through */ - case 'q': - case 's': - /* Silence */ - if (len > 1) - memmove(p, p + 1, len - 1); - p--; - break; + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\nVCON\r\n", info); + } + /* Fall through */ + case 'q': + case 's': + /* Silence */ + if (len > 1) + memmove(p, p + 1, len - 1); + p--; + break; } } else { if (*p == DLE) @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ static int voice_cf[7] = * T.70 if necessary, and finally queues it up for sending via isdn_tty_tint. */ static void -isdn_tty_senddown(modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_senddown(modem_info *info) { int buflen; int skb_res; @@ -440,9 +440,9 @@ isdn_tty_senddown(modem_info * info) #endif if (!(buflen = info->xmit_count)) return; - if ((info->emu.mdmreg[REG_CTS] & BIT_CTS) != 0) + if ((info->emu.mdmreg[REG_CTS] & BIT_CTS) != 0) info->msr &= ~UART_MSR_CTS; - info->lsr &= ~UART_LSR_TEMT; + info->lsr &= ~UART_LSR_TEMT; /* info->xmit_count is modified here and in isdn_tty_write(). * So we return here if isdn_tty_write() is in the * critical section. @@ -485,32 +485,32 @@ isdn_tty_senddown(modem_info * info) /* voice conversion/decompression */ switch (info->emu.vpar[3]) { - case 2: - case 3: - case 4: - /* adpcm, compatible to ZyXel 1496 modem - * with ROM revision 6.01 - */ - audio_len = isdn_audio_adpcm2xlaw(info->adpcms, - ifmt, - skb->data, - skb_put(skb, audio_len), - buflen); - skb_pull(skb, buflen); - skb_trim(skb, audio_len); - break; - case 5: - /* a-law */ - if (!ifmt) - isdn_audio_alaw2ulaw(skb->data, - buflen); - break; - case 6: - /* u-law */ - if (ifmt) - isdn_audio_ulaw2alaw(skb->data, - buflen); - break; + case 2: + case 3: + case 4: + /* adpcm, compatible to ZyXel 1496 modem + * with ROM revision 6.01 + */ + audio_len = isdn_audio_adpcm2xlaw(info->adpcms, + ifmt, + skb->data, + skb_put(skb, audio_len), + buflen); + skb_pull(skb, buflen); + skb_trim(skb, audio_len); + break; + case 5: + /* a-law */ + if (!ifmt) + isdn_audio_alaw2ulaw(skb->data, + buflen); + break; + case 6: + /* u-law */ + if (ifmt) + isdn_audio_ulaw2alaw(skb->data, + buflen); + break; } } #endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO */ @@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ isdn_tty_modem_do_ncarrier(unsigned long data) * low. */ static void -isdn_tty_modem_ncarrier(modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_modem_ncarrier(modem_info *info) { if (info->ncarrier) { info->nc_timer.expires = jiffies + HZ; @@ -568,30 +568,30 @@ isdn_calc_usage(int si, int l2) #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO if (si == 1) { - switch(l2) { - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM: - usg = ISDN_USAGE_MODEM; - break; + switch (l2) { + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM: + usg = ISDN_USAGE_MODEM; + break; #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_TTY_FAX - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX: - usg = ISDN_USAGE_FAX; - break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX: + usg = ISDN_USAGE_FAX; + break; #endif - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS: - default: - usg = ISDN_USAGE_VOICE; - break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS: + default: + usg = ISDN_USAGE_VOICE; + break; } } #endif - return(usg); + return (usg); } /* isdn_tty_dial() performs dialing of a tty an the necessary * setup of the lower levels before that. */ static void -isdn_tty_dial(char *n, modem_info * info, atemu * m) +isdn_tty_dial(char *n, modem_info *info, atemu *m) { int usg = ISDN_USAGE_MODEM; int si = 7; @@ -608,10 +608,10 @@ isdn_tty_dial(char *n, modem_info * info, atemu * m) } usg = isdn_calc_usage(si, l2); #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO - if ((si == 1) && - (l2 != ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM) + if ((si == 1) && + (l2 != ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM) #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_TTY_FAX - && (l2 != ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX) + && (l2 != ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX) #endif ) { l2 = ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS; @@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ isdn_tty_dial(char *n, modem_info * info, atemu * m) * and some cleanup is done also. */ void -isdn_tty_modem_hup(modem_info * info, int local) +isdn_tty_modem_hup(modem_info *info, int local) { isdn_ctrl cmd; int di, ch; @@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ isdn_tty_modem_hup(modem_info * info, int local) info->adpcmr = NULL; #endif if ((info->msr & UART_MSR_RI) && - (info->emu.mdmreg[REG_RUNG] & BIT_RUNG)) + (info->emu.mdmreg[REG_RUNG] & BIT_RUNG)) isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_RUNG, info); info->msr &= ~(UART_MSR_DCD | UART_MSR_RI); info->lsr |= UART_LSR_TEMT; @@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ isdn_tty_modem_hup(modem_info * info, int local) } /* - * Begin of a CAPI like interface, currently used only for + * Begin of a CAPI like interface, currently used only for * supplementary service (CAPI 2.0 part III) */ #include @@ -754,16 +754,16 @@ isdn_tty_modem_hup(modem_info * info, int local) int isdn_tty_capi_facility(capi_msg *cm) { - return(-1); /* dummy */ + return (-1); /* dummy */ } /* isdn_tty_suspend() tries to suspend the current tty connection */ static void -isdn_tty_suspend(char *id, modem_info * info, atemu * m) +isdn_tty_suspend(char *id, modem_info *info, atemu *m) { isdn_ctrl cmd; - + int l; if (!info) @@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ isdn_tty_suspend(char *id, modem_info * info, atemu * m) #endif l = strlen(id); if ((info->isdn_driver >= 0)) { - cmd.parm.cmsg.Length = l+18; + cmd.parm.cmsg.Length = l + 18; cmd.parm.cmsg.Command = CAPI_FACILITY; cmd.parm.cmsg.Subcommand = CAPI_REQ; cmd.parm.cmsg.adr.Controller = info->isdn_driver + 1; @@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ isdn_tty_suspend(char *id, modem_info * info, atemu * m) */ static void -isdn_tty_resume(char *id, modem_info * info, atemu * m) +isdn_tty_resume(char *id, modem_info *info, atemu *m) { int usg = ISDN_USAGE_MODEM; int si = 7; @@ -819,10 +819,10 @@ isdn_tty_resume(char *id, modem_info * info, atemu * m) } usg = isdn_calc_usage(si, l2); #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO - if ((si == 1) && - (l2 != ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM) + if ((si == 1) && + (l2 != ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM) #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_TTY_FAX - && (l2 != ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX) + && (l2 != ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX) #endif ) { l2 = ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS; @@ -864,18 +864,18 @@ isdn_tty_resume(char *id, modem_info * info, atemu * m) isdn_command(&cmd); cmd.driver = info->isdn_driver; cmd.arg = info->isdn_channel; - cmd.parm.cmsg.Length = l+18; + cmd.parm.cmsg.Length = l + 18; cmd.parm.cmsg.Command = CAPI_FACILITY; cmd.parm.cmsg.Subcommand = CAPI_REQ; cmd.parm.cmsg.adr.Controller = info->isdn_driver + 1; cmd.parm.cmsg.para[0] = 3; /* 16 bit 0x0003 suplementary service */ cmd.parm.cmsg.para[1] = 0; - cmd.parm.cmsg.para[2] = l+3; + cmd.parm.cmsg.para[2] = l + 3; cmd.parm.cmsg.para[3] = 5; /* 16 bit 0x0005 Resume */ cmd.parm.cmsg.para[4] = 0; cmd.parm.cmsg.para[5] = l; strncpy(&cmd.parm.cmsg.para[6], id, l); - cmd.command =CAPI_PUT_MESSAGE; + cmd.command = CAPI_PUT_MESSAGE; info->dialing = 1; // strcpy(dev->num[i], n); isdn_info_update(); @@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ isdn_tty_resume(char *id, modem_info * info, atemu * m) */ static void -isdn_tty_send_msg(modem_info * info, atemu * m, char *msg) +isdn_tty_send_msg(modem_info *info, atemu *m, char *msg) { int usg = ISDN_USAGE_MODEM; int si = 7; @@ -912,10 +912,10 @@ isdn_tty_send_msg(modem_info * info, atemu * m, char *msg) } usg = isdn_calc_usage(si, l2); #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO - if ((si == 1) && - (l2 != ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM) + if ((si == 1) && + (l2 != ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM) #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_TTY_FAX - && (l2 != ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX) + && (l2 != ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX) #endif ) { l2 = ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS; @@ -956,14 +956,14 @@ isdn_tty_send_msg(modem_info * info, atemu * m, char *msg) isdn_command(&cmd); cmd.driver = info->isdn_driver; cmd.arg = info->isdn_channel; - cmd.parm.cmsg.Length = l+14; + cmd.parm.cmsg.Length = l + 14; cmd.parm.cmsg.Command = CAPI_MANUFACTURER; cmd.parm.cmsg.Subcommand = CAPI_REQ; cmd.parm.cmsg.adr.Controller = info->isdn_driver + 1; - cmd.parm.cmsg.para[0] = l+1; + cmd.parm.cmsg.para[0] = l + 1; strncpy(&cmd.parm.cmsg.para[1], msg, l); - cmd.parm.cmsg.para[l+1] = 0xd; - cmd.command =CAPI_PUT_MESSAGE; + cmd.parm.cmsg.para[l + 1] = 0xd; + cmd.command = CAPI_PUT_MESSAGE; /* info->dialing = 1; strcpy(dev->num[i], n); isdn_info_update(); @@ -978,7 +978,7 @@ isdn_tty_paranoia_check(modem_info *info, char *name, const char *routine) #ifdef MODEM_PARANOIA_CHECK if (!info) { printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_tty: null info_struct for %s in %s\n", - name, routine); + name, routine); return 1; } if (info->magic != ISDN_ASYNC_MAGIC) { @@ -995,11 +995,11 @@ isdn_tty_paranoia_check(modem_info *info, char *name, const char *routine) * the specified baud rate for a serial port. */ static void -isdn_tty_change_speed(modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_change_speed(modem_info *info) { uint cflag, - cval, - quot; + cval, + quot; int i; if (!info->tty || !info->tty->termios) @@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ isdn_tty_change_speed(modem_info * info) } static int -isdn_tty_startup(modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_startup(modem_info *info) { if (info->flags & ISDN_ASYNC_INITIALIZED) return 0; @@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ isdn_tty_startup(modem_info * info) * DTR is dropped if the hangup on close termio flag is on. */ static void -isdn_tty_shutdown(modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_shutdown(modem_info *info) { if (!(info->flags & ISDN_ASYNC_INITIALIZED)) return; @@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@ isdn_tty_shutdown(modem_info * info) * - If dialing, abort dial. */ static int -isdn_tty_write(struct tty_struct *tty, const u_char * buf, int count) +isdn_tty_write(struct tty_struct *tty, const u_char *buf, int count) { int c; int total = 0; @@ -1176,27 +1176,27 @@ isdn_tty_write(struct tty_struct *tty, const u_char * buf, int count) } } } else - if (TTY_IS_FCLASS1(info)) { - int cc = isdn_tty_handleDLEdown(info, m, c); - - if (info->vonline & 4) { /* ETX seen */ - isdn_ctrl c; - - c.command = ISDN_CMD_FAXCMD; - c.driver = info->isdn_driver; - c.arg = info->isdn_channel; - c.parm.aux.cmd = ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_CTRL; - c.parm.aux.subcmd = ETX; - isdn_command(&c); - } - info->vonline = 0; + if (TTY_IS_FCLASS1(info)) { + int cc = isdn_tty_handleDLEdown(info, m, c); + + if (info->vonline & 4) { /* ETX seen */ + isdn_ctrl c; + + c.command = ISDN_CMD_FAXCMD; + c.driver = info->isdn_driver; + c.arg = info->isdn_channel; + c.parm.aux.cmd = ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_CTRL; + c.parm.aux.subcmd = ETX; + isdn_command(&c); + } + info->vonline = 0; #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_MODEM_VOICE - printk(KERN_DEBUG "fax dle cc/c %d/%d\n", cc, c); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "fax dle cc/c %d/%d\n", cc, c); #endif - info->xmit_count += cc; - } else + info->xmit_count += cc; + } else #endif - info->xmit_count += c; + info->xmit_count += c; } else { info->msr |= UART_MSR_CTS; info->lsr |= UART_LSR_TEMT; @@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ isdn_tty_unthrottle(struct tty_struct *tty) * allows RS485 driver to be written in user space. */ static int -isdn_tty_get_lsr_info(modem_info * info, uint __user * value) +isdn_tty_get_lsr_info(modem_info *info, uint __user *value) { u_char status; uint result; @@ -1363,16 +1363,16 @@ isdn_tty_tiocmget(struct tty_struct *tty) status = info->msr; mutex_unlock(&modem_info_mutex); return ((control & UART_MCR_RTS) ? TIOCM_RTS : 0) - | ((control & UART_MCR_DTR) ? TIOCM_DTR : 0) - | ((status & UART_MSR_DCD) ? TIOCM_CAR : 0) - | ((status & UART_MSR_RI) ? TIOCM_RNG : 0) - | ((status & UART_MSR_DSR) ? TIOCM_DSR : 0) - | ((status & UART_MSR_CTS) ? TIOCM_CTS : 0); + | ((control & UART_MCR_DTR) ? TIOCM_DTR : 0) + | ((status & UART_MSR_DCD) ? TIOCM_CAR : 0) + | ((status & UART_MSR_RI) ? TIOCM_RNG : 0) + | ((status & UART_MSR_DSR) ? TIOCM_DSR : 0) + | ((status & UART_MSR_CTS) ? TIOCM_CTS : 0); } static int isdn_tty_tiocmset(struct tty_struct *tty, - unsigned int set, unsigned int clear) + unsigned int set, unsigned int clear) { modem_info *info = (modem_info *) tty->driver_data; @@ -1422,34 +1422,34 @@ isdn_tty_ioctl(struct tty_struct *tty, uint cmd, ulong arg) if (tty->flags & (1 << TTY_IO_ERROR)) return -EIO; switch (cmd) { - case TCSBRK: /* SVID version: non-zero arg --> no break */ + case TCSBRK: /* SVID version: non-zero arg --> no break */ #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_MODEM_IOCTL - printk(KERN_DEBUG "ttyI%d ioctl TCSBRK\n", info->line); -#endif - retval = tty_check_change(tty); - if (retval) - return retval; - tty_wait_until_sent(tty, 0); - return 0; - case TCSBRKP: /* support for POSIX tcsendbreak() */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG "ttyI%d ioctl TCSBRK\n", info->line); +#endif + retval = tty_check_change(tty); + if (retval) + return retval; + tty_wait_until_sent(tty, 0); + return 0; + case TCSBRKP: /* support for POSIX tcsendbreak() */ #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_MODEM_IOCTL - printk(KERN_DEBUG "ttyI%d ioctl TCSBRKP\n", info->line); -#endif - retval = tty_check_change(tty); - if (retval) - return retval; - tty_wait_until_sent(tty, 0); - return 0; - case TIOCSERGETLSR: /* Get line status register */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG "ttyI%d ioctl TCSBRKP\n", info->line); +#endif + retval = tty_check_change(tty); + if (retval) + return retval; + tty_wait_until_sent(tty, 0); + return 0; + case TIOCSERGETLSR: /* Get line status register */ #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_MODEM_IOCTL - printk(KERN_DEBUG "ttyI%d ioctl TIOCSERGETLSR\n", info->line); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "ttyI%d ioctl TIOCSERGETLSR\n", info->line); #endif - return isdn_tty_get_lsr_info(info, (uint __user *) arg); - default: + return isdn_tty_get_lsr_info(info, (uint __user *) arg); + default: #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_MODEM_IOCTL - printk(KERN_DEBUG "UNKNOWN ioctl 0x%08x on ttyi%d\n", cmd, info->line); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "UNKNOWN ioctl 0x%08x on ttyi%d\n", cmd, info->line); #endif - return -ENOIOCTLCMD; + return -ENOIOCTLCMD; } return 0; } @@ -1479,7 +1479,7 @@ isdn_tty_set_termios(struct tty_struct *tty, struct ktermios *old_termios) * ------------------------------------------------------------ */ static int -isdn_tty_block_til_ready(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *filp, modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_block_til_ready(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *filp, modem_info *info) { DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, NULL); int do_clocal = 0; @@ -1600,7 +1600,7 @@ isdn_tty_open(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *filp) return -ENODEV; } #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_MODEM_OPEN - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty_open %s, count = %d\n", tty->name, + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty_open %s, count = %d\n", tty->name, info->count); #endif info->count++; @@ -1700,7 +1700,7 @@ isdn_tty_close(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *filp) timeout = jiffies + HZ; while (!(info->lsr & UART_LSR_TEMT)) { schedule_timeout_interruptible(20); - if (time_after(jiffies,timeout)) + if (time_after(jiffies, timeout)) break; } } @@ -1743,7 +1743,7 @@ isdn_tty_hangup(struct tty_struct *tty) /* This routine initializes all emulator-data. */ static void -isdn_tty_reset_profile(atemu * m) +isdn_tty_reset_profile(atemu *m) { m->profile[0] = 0; m->profile[1] = 0; @@ -1773,7 +1773,7 @@ isdn_tty_reset_profile(atemu * m) #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO static void -isdn_tty_modem_reset_vpar(atemu * m) +isdn_tty_modem_reset_vpar(atemu *m) { m->vpar[0] = 2; /* Voice-device (2 = phone line) */ m->vpar[1] = 0; /* Silence detection level (0 = none ) */ @@ -1786,7 +1786,7 @@ isdn_tty_modem_reset_vpar(atemu * m) #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_TTY_FAX static void -isdn_tty_modem_reset_faxpar(modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_modem_reset_faxpar(modem_info *info) { T30_s *f = info->fax; @@ -1819,7 +1819,7 @@ isdn_tty_modem_reset_faxpar(modem_info * info) #endif static void -isdn_tty_modem_reset_regs(modem_info * info, int force) +isdn_tty_modem_reset_regs(modem_info *info, int force) { atemu *m = &info->emu; if ((m->mdmreg[REG_DTRR] & BIT_DTRR) || force) { @@ -1838,7 +1838,7 @@ isdn_tty_modem_reset_regs(modem_info * info, int force) } static void -modem_write_profile(atemu * m) +modem_write_profile(atemu *m) { memcpy(m->profile, m->mdmreg, ISDN_MODEM_NUMREG); memcpy(m->pmsn, m->msn, ISDN_MSNLEN); @@ -1848,7 +1848,7 @@ modem_write_profile(atemu * m) } static const struct tty_operations modem_ops = { - .open = isdn_tty_open, + .open = isdn_tty_open, .close = isdn_tty_close, .write = isdn_tty_write, .flush_chars = isdn_tty_flush_chars, @@ -1948,7 +1948,7 @@ isdn_tty_modem_init(void) kfree(info->xmit_buf - 4); } tty_unregister_driver(m->tty_modem); - err: +err: put_tty_driver(m->tty_modem); m->tty_modem = NULL; return retval; @@ -2018,8 +2018,8 @@ isdn_tty_match_icall(char *cid, atemu *emu, int di) int tmp; tmp = isdn_msncmp(cid, isdn_map_eaz2msn(emu->msn, di)); #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_MODEM_ICALL - printk(KERN_DEBUG "m_fi: mmsn=%s -> tmp=%d\n", - isdn_map_eaz2msn(emu->msn, di), tmp); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "m_fi: mmsn=%s -> tmp=%d\n", + isdn_map_eaz2msn(emu->msn, di), tmp); #endif return tmp; } @@ -2068,8 +2068,8 @@ isdn_tty_find_icall(int di, int ch, setup_parm *setup) for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { modem_info *info = &dev->mdm.info[i]; - if (info->count == 0) - continue; + if (info->count == 0) + continue; if ((info->emu.mdmreg[REG_SI1] & si2bit[si1]) && /* SI1 is matching */ (info->emu.mdmreg[REG_SI2] == si2)) { /* SI2 is matching */ idx = isdn_dc2minor(di, ch); @@ -2096,7 +2096,7 @@ isdn_tty_find_icall(int di, int ch, setup_parm *setup) info->drv_index = idx; dev->m_idx[idx] = info->line; dev->usage[idx] &= ISDN_USAGE_EXCLUSIVE; - dev->usage[idx] |= isdn_calc_usage(si1, info->emu.mdmreg[REG_L2PROT]); + dev->usage[idx] |= isdn_calc_usage(si1, info->emu.mdmreg[REG_L2PROT]); strcpy(dev->num[idx], nr); strcpy(info->emu.cpn, eaz); info->emu.mdmreg[REG_SI1I] = si2bit[si1]; @@ -2116,11 +2116,11 @@ isdn_tty_find_icall(int di, int ch, setup_parm *setup) } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->lock, flags); printk(KERN_INFO "isdn_tty: call from %s -> %s %s\n", nr, eaz, - ((dev->drv[di]->flags & DRV_FLAG_REJBUS) && (wret != 2))? "rejected" : "ignored"); - return (wret == 2)?3:0; + ((dev->drv[di]->flags & DRV_FLAG_REJBUS) && (wret != 2)) ? "rejected" : "ignored"); + return (wret == 2) ? 3 : 0; } -#define TTY_IS_ACTIVE(info) \ +#define TTY_IS_ACTIVE(info) \ (info->flags & (ISDN_ASYNC_NORMAL_ACTIVE | ISDN_ASYNC_CALLOUT_ACTIVE)) int @@ -2135,174 +2135,174 @@ isdn_tty_stat_callback(int i, isdn_ctrl *c) if ((mi = dev->m_idx[i]) >= 0) { info = &dev->mdm.info[mi]; switch (c->command) { - case ISDN_STAT_CINF: - printk(KERN_DEBUG "CHARGEINFO on ttyI%d: %ld %s\n", info->line, c->arg, c->parm.num); - info->emu.charge = (unsigned) simple_strtoul(c->parm.num, &e, 10); - if (e == (char *)c->parm.num) - info->emu.charge = 0; - - break; - case ISDN_STAT_BSENT: -#ifdef ISDN_TTY_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "tty_STAT_BSENT ttyI%d\n", info->line); -#endif - if ((info->isdn_driver == c->driver) && - (info->isdn_channel == c->arg)) { - info->msr |= UART_MSR_CTS; - if (info->send_outstanding) - if (!(--info->send_outstanding)) - info->lsr |= UART_LSR_TEMT; - isdn_tty_tint(info); - return 1; - } - break; - case ISDN_STAT_CAUSE: + case ISDN_STAT_CINF: + printk(KERN_DEBUG "CHARGEINFO on ttyI%d: %ld %s\n", info->line, c->arg, c->parm.num); + info->emu.charge = (unsigned) simple_strtoul(c->parm.num, &e, 10); + if (e == (char *)c->parm.num) + info->emu.charge = 0; + + break; + case ISDN_STAT_BSENT: #ifdef ISDN_TTY_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "tty_STAT_CAUSE ttyI%d\n", info->line); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "tty_STAT_BSENT ttyI%d\n", info->line); #endif - /* Signal cause to tty-device */ - strncpy(info->last_cause, c->parm.num, 5); + if ((info->isdn_driver == c->driver) && + (info->isdn_channel == c->arg)) { + info->msr |= UART_MSR_CTS; + if (info->send_outstanding) + if (!(--info->send_outstanding)) + info->lsr |= UART_LSR_TEMT; + isdn_tty_tint(info); return 1; - case ISDN_STAT_DISPLAY: + } + break; + case ISDN_STAT_CAUSE: #ifdef ISDN_TTY_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "tty_STAT_DISPLAY ttyI%d\n", info->line); -#endif - /* Signal display to tty-device */ - if ((info->emu.mdmreg[REG_DISPLAY] & BIT_DISPLAY) && - !(info->emu.mdmreg[REG_RESPNUM] & BIT_RESPNUM)) { - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); - isdn_tty_at_cout("DISPLAY: ", info); - isdn_tty_at_cout(c->parm.display, info); - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); - } - return 1; - case ISDN_STAT_DCONN: + printk(KERN_DEBUG "tty_STAT_CAUSE ttyI%d\n", info->line); +#endif + /* Signal cause to tty-device */ + strncpy(info->last_cause, c->parm.num, 5); + return 1; + case ISDN_STAT_DISPLAY: #ifdef ISDN_TTY_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "tty_STAT_DCONN ttyI%d\n", info->line); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "tty_STAT_DISPLAY ttyI%d\n", info->line); #endif - if (TTY_IS_ACTIVE(info)) { - if (info->dialing == 1) { - info->dialing = 2; - return 1; - } + /* Signal display to tty-device */ + if ((info->emu.mdmreg[REG_DISPLAY] & BIT_DISPLAY) && + !(info->emu.mdmreg[REG_RESPNUM] & BIT_RESPNUM)) { + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); + isdn_tty_at_cout("DISPLAY: ", info); + isdn_tty_at_cout(c->parm.display, info); + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); + } + return 1; + case ISDN_STAT_DCONN: +#ifdef ISDN_TTY_STAT_DEBUG + printk(KERN_DEBUG "tty_STAT_DCONN ttyI%d\n", info->line); +#endif + if (TTY_IS_ACTIVE(info)) { + if (info->dialing == 1) { + info->dialing = 2; + return 1; } - break; - case ISDN_STAT_DHUP: + } + break; + case ISDN_STAT_DHUP: #ifdef ISDN_TTY_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "tty_STAT_DHUP ttyI%d\n", info->line); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "tty_STAT_DHUP ttyI%d\n", info->line); #endif - if (TTY_IS_ACTIVE(info)) { - if (info->dialing == 1) - isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_BUSY, info); - if (info->dialing > 1) - isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_NO_CARRIER, info); - info->dialing = 0; + if (TTY_IS_ACTIVE(info)) { + if (info->dialing == 1) + isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_BUSY, info); + if (info->dialing > 1) + isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_NO_CARRIER, info); + info->dialing = 0; #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_MODEM_HUP - printk(KERN_DEBUG "Mhup in ISDN_STAT_DHUP\n"); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "Mhup in ISDN_STAT_DHUP\n"); #endif - isdn_tty_modem_hup(info, 0); - return 1; - } - break; - case ISDN_STAT_BCONN: + isdn_tty_modem_hup(info, 0); + return 1; + } + break; + case ISDN_STAT_BCONN: #ifdef ISDN_TTY_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "tty_STAT_BCONN ttyI%d\n", info->line); -#endif - /* Wake up any processes waiting - * for incoming call of this device when - * DCD follow the state of incoming carrier - */ - if (info->blocked_open && - (info->emu.mdmreg[REG_DCD] & BIT_DCD)) { - wake_up_interruptible(&info->open_wait); - } + printk(KERN_DEBUG "tty_STAT_BCONN ttyI%d\n", info->line); +#endif + /* Wake up any processes waiting + * for incoming call of this device when + * DCD follow the state of incoming carrier + */ + if (info->blocked_open && + (info->emu.mdmreg[REG_DCD] & BIT_DCD)) { + wake_up_interruptible(&info->open_wait); + } - /* Schedule CONNECT-Message to any tty - * waiting for it and - * set DCD-bit of its modem-status. - */ - if (TTY_IS_ACTIVE(info) || - (info->blocked_open && (info->emu.mdmreg[REG_DCD] & BIT_DCD))) { - info->msr |= UART_MSR_DCD; - info->emu.charge = 0; - if (info->dialing & 0xf) - info->last_dir = 1; - else - info->last_dir = 0; - info->dialing = 0; - info->rcvsched = 1; - if (USG_MODEM(dev->usage[i])) { - if (info->emu.mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] == ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM) { - strcpy(info->emu.connmsg, c->parm.num); - isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_CONNECT, info); - } else - isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_CONNECT64000, info); - } - if (USG_VOICE(dev->usage[i])) - isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_VCON, info); - return 1; + /* Schedule CONNECT-Message to any tty + * waiting for it and + * set DCD-bit of its modem-status. + */ + if (TTY_IS_ACTIVE(info) || + (info->blocked_open && (info->emu.mdmreg[REG_DCD] & BIT_DCD))) { + info->msr |= UART_MSR_DCD; + info->emu.charge = 0; + if (info->dialing & 0xf) + info->last_dir = 1; + else + info->last_dir = 0; + info->dialing = 0; + info->rcvsched = 1; + if (USG_MODEM(dev->usage[i])) { + if (info->emu.mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] == ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM) { + strcpy(info->emu.connmsg, c->parm.num); + isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_CONNECT, info); + } else + isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_CONNECT64000, info); } - break; - case ISDN_STAT_BHUP: + if (USG_VOICE(dev->usage[i])) + isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_VCON, info); + return 1; + } + break; + case ISDN_STAT_BHUP: #ifdef ISDN_TTY_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "tty_STAT_BHUP ttyI%d\n", info->line); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "tty_STAT_BHUP ttyI%d\n", info->line); #endif - if (TTY_IS_ACTIVE(info)) { + if (TTY_IS_ACTIVE(info)) { #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_MODEM_HUP - printk(KERN_DEBUG "Mhup in ISDN_STAT_BHUP\n"); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "Mhup in ISDN_STAT_BHUP\n"); #endif - isdn_tty_modem_hup(info, 0); - return 1; - } - break; - case ISDN_STAT_NODCH: + isdn_tty_modem_hup(info, 0); + return 1; + } + break; + case ISDN_STAT_NODCH: #ifdef ISDN_TTY_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "tty_STAT_NODCH ttyI%d\n", info->line); -#endif - if (TTY_IS_ACTIVE(info)) { - if (info->dialing) { - info->dialing = 0; - info->last_l2 = -1; - info->last_si = 0; - sprintf(info->last_cause, "0000"); - isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_NO_DIALTONE, info); - } - isdn_tty_modem_hup(info, 0); - return 1; + printk(KERN_DEBUG "tty_STAT_NODCH ttyI%d\n", info->line); +#endif + if (TTY_IS_ACTIVE(info)) { + if (info->dialing) { + info->dialing = 0; + info->last_l2 = -1; + info->last_si = 0; + sprintf(info->last_cause, "0000"); + isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_NO_DIALTONE, info); } - break; - case ISDN_STAT_UNLOAD: + isdn_tty_modem_hup(info, 0); + return 1; + } + break; + case ISDN_STAT_UNLOAD: #ifdef ISDN_TTY_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "tty_STAT_UNLOAD ttyI%d\n", info->line); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "tty_STAT_UNLOAD ttyI%d\n", info->line); #endif - for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { - info = &dev->mdm.info[i]; - if (info->isdn_driver == c->driver) { - if (info->online) - isdn_tty_modem_hup(info, 1); - } + for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { + info = &dev->mdm.info[i]; + if (info->isdn_driver == c->driver) { + if (info->online) + isdn_tty_modem_hup(info, 1); } - return 1; + } + return 1; #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_TTY_FAX - case ISDN_STAT_FAXIND: - if (TTY_IS_ACTIVE(info)) { - isdn_tty_fax_command(info, c); - } - break; + case ISDN_STAT_FAXIND: + if (TTY_IS_ACTIVE(info)) { + isdn_tty_fax_command(info, c); + } + break; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO - case ISDN_STAT_AUDIO: - if (TTY_IS_ACTIVE(info)) { - switch(c->parm.num[0]) { - case ISDN_AUDIO_DTMF: - if (info->vonline) { - isdn_audio_put_dle_code(info, + case ISDN_STAT_AUDIO: + if (TTY_IS_ACTIVE(info)) { + switch (c->parm.num[0]) { + case ISDN_AUDIO_DTMF: + if (info->vonline) { + isdn_audio_put_dle_code(info, c->parm.num[1]); - } - break; } + break; } - break; + } + break; #endif } } @@ -2311,16 +2311,16 @@ isdn_tty_stat_callback(int i, isdn_ctrl *c) /********************************************************************* Modem-Emulator-Routines - *********************************************************************/ +*********************************************************************/ -#define cmdchar(c) ((c>=' ')&&(c<=0x7f)) +#define cmdchar(c) ((c >= ' ') && (c <= 0x7f)) /* * Put a message from the AT-emulator into receive-buffer of tty, * convert CR, LF, and BS to values in modem-registers 3, 4 and 5. */ void -isdn_tty_at_cout(char *msg, modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_at_cout(char *msg, modem_info *info) { struct tty_struct *tty; atemu *m = &info->emu; @@ -2348,7 +2348,7 @@ isdn_tty_at_cout(char *msg, modem_info * info) /* use queue instead of direct, if online and */ /* data is in queue or buffer is full */ if (info->online && ((tty_buffer_request_room(tty, l) < l) || - !skb_queue_empty(&dev->drv[info->isdn_driver]->rpqueue[info->isdn_channel]))) { + !skb_queue_empty(&dev->drv[info->isdn_driver]->rpqueue[info->isdn_channel]))) { skb = alloc_skb(l, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&info->readlock, flags); @@ -2363,22 +2363,22 @@ isdn_tty_at_cout(char *msg, modem_info * info) for (p = msg; *p; p++) { switch (*p) { - case '\r': - c = m->mdmreg[REG_CR]; - break; - case '\n': - c = m->mdmreg[REG_LF]; - break; - case '\b': - c = m->mdmreg[REG_BS]; - break; - default: - c = *p; + case '\r': + c = m->mdmreg[REG_CR]; + break; + case '\n': + c = m->mdmreg[REG_LF]; + break; + case '\b': + c = m->mdmreg[REG_BS]; + break; + default: + c = *p; } if (skb) { *sp++ = c; } else { - if(tty_insert_flip_char(tty, c, TTY_NORMAL) == 0) + if (tty_insert_flip_char(tty, c, TTY_NORMAL) == 0) break; } } @@ -2400,7 +2400,7 @@ isdn_tty_at_cout(char *msg, modem_info * info) * Perform ATH Hangup */ static void -isdn_tty_on_hook(modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_on_hook(modem_info *info) { if (info->isdn_channel >= 0) { #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_MODEM_HUP @@ -2416,8 +2416,8 @@ isdn_tty_off_hook(void) printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty_off_hook\n"); } -#define PLUSWAIT1 (HZ/2) /* 0.5 sec. */ -#define PLUSWAIT2 (HZ*3/2) /* 1.5 sec */ +#define PLUSWAIT1 (HZ / 2) /* 0.5 sec. */ +#define PLUSWAIT2 (HZ * 3 / 2) /* 1.5 sec */ /* * Check Buffer for Modem-escape-sequence, activate timer-callback to @@ -2431,7 +2431,7 @@ isdn_tty_off_hook(void) * lastplus timestamp of last character */ static void -isdn_tty_check_esc(const u_char * p, u_char plus, int count, int *pluscount, +isdn_tty_check_esc(const u_char *p, u_char plus, int count, int *pluscount, u_long *lastplus) { if (plus > 127) @@ -2471,69 +2471,69 @@ isdn_tty_check_esc(const u_char * p, u_char plus, int count, int *pluscount, */ static void -isdn_tty_modem_result(int code, modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_modem_result(int code, modem_info *info) { atemu *m = &info->emu; static char *msg[] = - {"OK", "CONNECT", "RING", "NO CARRIER", "ERROR", - "CONNECT 64000", "NO DIALTONE", "BUSY", "NO ANSWER", - "RINGING", "NO MSN/EAZ", "VCON", "RUNG"}; - char s[ISDN_MSNLEN+10]; + {"OK", "CONNECT", "RING", "NO CARRIER", "ERROR", + "CONNECT 64000", "NO DIALTONE", "BUSY", "NO ANSWER", + "RINGING", "NO MSN/EAZ", "VCON", "RUNG"}; + char s[ISDN_MSNLEN + 10]; switch (code) { - case RESULT_RING: - m->mdmreg[REG_RINGCNT]++; - if (m->mdmreg[REG_RINGCNT] == m->mdmreg[REG_RINGATA]) - /* Automatically accept incoming call */ - isdn_tty_cmd_ATA(info); - break; - case RESULT_NO_CARRIER: + case RESULT_RING: + m->mdmreg[REG_RINGCNT]++; + if (m->mdmreg[REG_RINGCNT] == m->mdmreg[REG_RINGATA]) + /* Automatically accept incoming call */ + isdn_tty_cmd_ATA(info); + break; + case RESULT_NO_CARRIER: #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_MODEM_HUP - printk(KERN_DEBUG "modem_result: NO CARRIER %d %d\n", - (info->flags & ISDN_ASYNC_CLOSING), - (!info->tty)); -#endif - m->mdmreg[REG_RINGCNT] = 0; - del_timer(&info->nc_timer); - info->ncarrier = 0; - if ((info->flags & ISDN_ASYNC_CLOSING) || (!info->tty)) { - return; - } + printk(KERN_DEBUG "modem_result: NO CARRIER %d %d\n", + (info->flags & ISDN_ASYNC_CLOSING), + (!info->tty)); +#endif + m->mdmreg[REG_RINGCNT] = 0; + del_timer(&info->nc_timer); + info->ncarrier = 0; + if ((info->flags & ISDN_ASYNC_CLOSING) || (!info->tty)) { + return; + } #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO - if (info->vonline & 1) { + if (info->vonline & 1) { #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_MODEM_VOICE - printk(KERN_DEBUG "res3: send DLE-ETX on ttyI%d\n", - info->line); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "res3: send DLE-ETX on ttyI%d\n", + info->line); #endif - /* voice-recording, add DLE-ETX */ - isdn_tty_at_cout("\020\003", info); - } - if (info->vonline & 2) { + /* voice-recording, add DLE-ETX */ + isdn_tty_at_cout("\020\003", info); + } + if (info->vonline & 2) { #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_MODEM_VOICE - printk(KERN_DEBUG "res3: send DLE-DC4 on ttyI%d\n", - info->line); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "res3: send DLE-DC4 on ttyI%d\n", + info->line); #endif - /* voice-playing, add DLE-DC4 */ - isdn_tty_at_cout("\020\024", info); - } + /* voice-playing, add DLE-DC4 */ + isdn_tty_at_cout("\020\024", info); + } #endif - break; - case RESULT_CONNECT: - case RESULT_CONNECT64000: - sprintf(info->last_cause, "0000"); - if (!info->online) - info->online = 2; - break; - case RESULT_VCON: + break; + case RESULT_CONNECT: + case RESULT_CONNECT64000: + sprintf(info->last_cause, "0000"); + if (!info->online) + info->online = 2; + break; + case RESULT_VCON: #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_MODEM_VOICE - printk(KERN_DEBUG "res3: send VCON on ttyI%d\n", - info->line); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "res3: send VCON on ttyI%d\n", + info->line); #endif - sprintf(info->last_cause, "0000"); - if (!info->online) - info->online = 1; - break; - } /* switch(code) */ + sprintf(info->last_cause, "0000"); + if (!info->online) + info->online = 1; + break; + } /* switch (code) */ if (m->mdmreg[REG_RESP] & BIT_RESP) { /* Show results */ @@ -2543,87 +2543,87 @@ isdn_tty_modem_result(int code, modem_info * info) isdn_tty_at_cout(s, info); } else { if (code == RESULT_RING) { - /* return if "show RUNG" and ringcounter>1 */ - if ((m->mdmreg[REG_RUNG] & BIT_RUNG) && + /* return if "show RUNG" and ringcounter>1 */ + if ((m->mdmreg[REG_RUNG] & BIT_RUNG) && (m->mdmreg[REG_RINGCNT] > 1)) - return; - /* print CID, _before_ _every_ ring */ - if (!(m->mdmreg[REG_CIDONCE] & BIT_CIDONCE)) { - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\nCALLER NUMBER: ", info); - isdn_tty_at_cout(dev->num[info->drv_index], info); - if (m->mdmreg[REG_CDN] & BIT_CDN) { - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\nCALLED NUMBER: ", info); - isdn_tty_at_cout(info->emu.cpn, info); - } - } + return; + /* print CID, _before_ _every_ ring */ + if (!(m->mdmreg[REG_CIDONCE] & BIT_CIDONCE)) { + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\nCALLER NUMBER: ", info); + isdn_tty_at_cout(dev->num[info->drv_index], info); + if (m->mdmreg[REG_CDN] & BIT_CDN) { + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\nCALLED NUMBER: ", info); + isdn_tty_at_cout(info->emu.cpn, info); + } + } } isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); isdn_tty_at_cout(msg[code], info); switch (code) { - case RESULT_CONNECT: - switch (m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT]) { - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM: - isdn_tty_at_cout(" ", info); - isdn_tty_at_cout(m->connmsg, info); - break; - } + case RESULT_CONNECT: + switch (m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT]) { + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM: + isdn_tty_at_cout(" ", info); + isdn_tty_at_cout(m->connmsg, info); break; - case RESULT_RING: - /* Append CPN, if enabled */ - if ((m->mdmreg[REG_CPN] & BIT_CPN)) { - sprintf(s, "/%s", m->cpn); - isdn_tty_at_cout(s, info); - } - /* Print CID only once, _after_ 1st RING */ - if ((m->mdmreg[REG_CIDONCE] & BIT_CIDONCE) && - (m->mdmreg[REG_RINGCNT] == 1)) { - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); - isdn_tty_at_cout("CALLER NUMBER: ", info); - isdn_tty_at_cout(dev->num[info->drv_index], info); - if (m->mdmreg[REG_CDN] & BIT_CDN) { - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\nCALLED NUMBER: ", info); - isdn_tty_at_cout(info->emu.cpn, info); - } + } + break; + case RESULT_RING: + /* Append CPN, if enabled */ + if ((m->mdmreg[REG_CPN] & BIT_CPN)) { + sprintf(s, "/%s", m->cpn); + isdn_tty_at_cout(s, info); + } + /* Print CID only once, _after_ 1st RING */ + if ((m->mdmreg[REG_CIDONCE] & BIT_CIDONCE) && + (m->mdmreg[REG_RINGCNT] == 1)) { + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); + isdn_tty_at_cout("CALLER NUMBER: ", info); + isdn_tty_at_cout(dev->num[info->drv_index], info); + if (m->mdmreg[REG_CDN] & BIT_CDN) { + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\nCALLED NUMBER: ", info); + isdn_tty_at_cout(info->emu.cpn, info); } + } + break; + case RESULT_NO_CARRIER: + case RESULT_NO_DIALTONE: + case RESULT_BUSY: + case RESULT_NO_ANSWER: + m->mdmreg[REG_RINGCNT] = 0; + /* Append Cause-Message if enabled */ + if (m->mdmreg[REG_RESPXT] & BIT_RESPXT) { + sprintf(s, "/%s", info->last_cause); + isdn_tty_at_cout(s, info); + } + break; + case RESULT_CONNECT64000: + /* Append Protocol to CONNECT message */ + switch (m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT]) { + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75UI: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75BUI: + isdn_tty_at_cout("/X.75", info); break; - case RESULT_NO_CARRIER: - case RESULT_NO_DIALTONE: - case RESULT_BUSY: - case RESULT_NO_ANSWER: - m->mdmreg[REG_RINGCNT] = 0; - /* Append Cause-Message if enabled */ - if (m->mdmreg[REG_RESPXT] & BIT_RESPXT) { - sprintf(s, "/%s", info->last_cause); - isdn_tty_at_cout(s, info); - } + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: + isdn_tty_at_cout("/HDLC", info); break; - case RESULT_CONNECT64000: - /* Append Protocol to CONNECT message */ - switch (m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT]) { - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75UI: - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75BUI: - isdn_tty_at_cout("/X.75", info); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: - isdn_tty_at_cout("/HDLC", info); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: - isdn_tty_at_cout("/V110/9600", info); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: - isdn_tty_at_cout("/V110/19200", info); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: - isdn_tty_at_cout("/V110/38400", info); - break; - } - if (m->mdmreg[REG_T70] & BIT_T70) { - isdn_tty_at_cout("/T.70", info); - if (m->mdmreg[REG_T70] & BIT_T70_EXT) - isdn_tty_at_cout("+", info); - } + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: + isdn_tty_at_cout("/V110/9600", info); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: + isdn_tty_at_cout("/V110/19200", info); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: + isdn_tty_at_cout("/V110/38400", info); break; + } + if (m->mdmreg[REG_T70] & BIT_T70) { + isdn_tty_at_cout("/T.70", info); + if (m->mdmreg[REG_T70] & BIT_T70_EXT) + isdn_tty_at_cout("+", info); + } + break; } isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); } @@ -2645,7 +2645,7 @@ isdn_tty_modem_result(int code, modem_info * info) * Display a modem-register-value. */ static void -isdn_tty_show_profile(int ridx, modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_show_profile(int ridx, modem_info *info) { char v[6]; @@ -2664,7 +2664,7 @@ isdn_tty_get_msnstr(char *n, char **p) while (((*p[0] >= '0' && *p[0] <= '9') || /* Why a comma ??? */ (*p[0] == ',') || (*p[0] == ':')) && - (limit--)) + (limit--)) *n++ = *p[0]++; *n = '\0'; } @@ -2673,20 +2673,20 @@ isdn_tty_get_msnstr(char *n, char **p) * Get phone-number from modem-commandbuffer */ static void -isdn_tty_getdial(char *p, char *q,int cnt) +isdn_tty_getdial(char *p, char *q, int cnt) { int first = 1; int limit = ISDN_MSNLEN - 1; /* MUST match the size of interface var to avoid - buffer overflow */ + buffer overflow */ - while (strchr(" 0123456789,#.*WPTSR-", *p) && *p && --cnt>0) { + while (strchr(" 0123456789,#.*WPTSR-", *p) && *p && --cnt > 0) { if ((*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') || ((*p == 'S') && first) || ((*p == 'R') && first) || (*p == '*') || (*p == '#')) { *q++ = *p; limit--; } - if(!limit) + if (!limit) break; p++; first = 0; @@ -2698,7 +2698,7 @@ isdn_tty_getdial(char *p, char *q,int cnt) #define PARSE_ERROR1 { isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_ERROR, info); return 1; } static void -isdn_tty_report(modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_report(modem_info *info) { atemu *m = &info->emu; char s[80]; @@ -2710,39 +2710,39 @@ isdn_tty_report(modem_info * info) isdn_tty_at_cout(s, info); isdn_tty_at_cout(" Layer-2 Protocol: ", info); switch (info->last_l2) { - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: - isdn_tty_at_cout("X.75i", info); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75UI: - isdn_tty_at_cout("X.75ui", info); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75BUI: - isdn_tty_at_cout("X.75bui", info); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: - isdn_tty_at_cout("HDLC", info); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: - isdn_tty_at_cout("V.110 9600 Baud", info); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: - isdn_tty_at_cout("V.110 19200 Baud", info); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: - isdn_tty_at_cout("V.110 38400 Baud", info); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS: - isdn_tty_at_cout("transparent", info); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM: - isdn_tty_at_cout("modem", info); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX: - isdn_tty_at_cout("fax", info); - break; - default: - isdn_tty_at_cout("unknown", info); - break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: + isdn_tty_at_cout("X.75i", info); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75UI: + isdn_tty_at_cout("X.75ui", info); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75BUI: + isdn_tty_at_cout("X.75bui", info); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: + isdn_tty_at_cout("HDLC", info); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: + isdn_tty_at_cout("V.110 9600 Baud", info); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: + isdn_tty_at_cout("V.110 19200 Baud", info); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: + isdn_tty_at_cout("V.110 38400 Baud", info); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS: + isdn_tty_at_cout("transparent", info); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM: + isdn_tty_at_cout("modem", info); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX: + isdn_tty_at_cout("fax", info); + break; + default: + isdn_tty_at_cout("unknown", info); + break; } if (m->mdmreg[REG_T70] & BIT_T70) { isdn_tty_at_cout("/T.70", info); @@ -2752,19 +2752,19 @@ isdn_tty_report(modem_info * info) isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); isdn_tty_at_cout(" Service: ", info); switch (info->last_si) { - case 1: - isdn_tty_at_cout("audio\r\n", info); - break; - case 5: - isdn_tty_at_cout("btx\r\n", info); - break; - case 7: - isdn_tty_at_cout("data\r\n", info); - break; - default: - sprintf(s, "%d\r\n", info->last_si); - isdn_tty_at_cout(s, info); - break; + case 1: + isdn_tty_at_cout("audio\r\n", info); + break; + case 5: + isdn_tty_at_cout("btx\r\n", info); + break; + case 7: + isdn_tty_at_cout("data\r\n", info); + break; + default: + sprintf(s, "%d\r\n", info->last_si); + isdn_tty_at_cout(s, info); + break; } sprintf(s, " Hangup location: %s\r\n", info->last_lhup ? "local" : "remote"); isdn_tty_at_cout(s, info); @@ -2776,7 +2776,7 @@ isdn_tty_report(modem_info * info) * Parse AT&.. commands. */ static int -isdn_tty_cmd_ATand(char **p, modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_cmd_ATand(char **p, modem_info *info) { atemu *m = &info->emu; int i; @@ -2785,224 +2785,224 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_ATand(char **p, modem_info * info) #define MAXRB (sizeof(rb) - 1) switch (*p[0]) { - case 'B': - /* &B - Set Buffersize */ - p[0]++; - i = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((i < 0) || (i > ISDN_SERIAL_XMIT_MAX)) - PARSE_ERROR1; + case 'B': + /* &B - Set Buffersize */ + p[0]++; + i = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((i < 0) || (i > ISDN_SERIAL_XMIT_MAX)) + PARSE_ERROR1; #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO - if ((m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] & 1) && (i > VBUF)) - PARSE_ERROR1; + if ((m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] & 1) && (i > VBUF)) + PARSE_ERROR1; #endif - m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] = i / 16; - info->xmit_size = m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] * 16; - switch (m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT]) { - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: - info->xmit_size /= 10; - } - break; - case 'C': - /* &C - DCD Status */ - p[0]++; - switch (isdn_getnum(p)) { - case 0: - m->mdmreg[REG_DCD] &= ~BIT_DCD; - break; - case 1: - m->mdmreg[REG_DCD] |= BIT_DCD; - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1 - } + m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] = i / 16; + info->xmit_size = m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] * 16; + switch (m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT]) { + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: + info->xmit_size /= 10; + } + break; + case 'C': + /* &C - DCD Status */ + p[0]++; + switch (isdn_getnum(p)) { + case 0: + m->mdmreg[REG_DCD] &= ~BIT_DCD; break; - case 'D': - /* &D - Set DTR-Low-behavior */ - p[0]++; - switch (isdn_getnum(p)) { - case 0: - m->mdmreg[REG_DTRHUP] &= ~BIT_DTRHUP; - m->mdmreg[REG_DTRR] &= ~BIT_DTRR; - break; - case 2: - m->mdmreg[REG_DTRHUP] |= BIT_DTRHUP; - m->mdmreg[REG_DTRR] &= ~BIT_DTRR; - break; - case 3: - m->mdmreg[REG_DTRHUP] |= BIT_DTRHUP; - m->mdmreg[REG_DTRR] |= BIT_DTRR; - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1 - } + case 1: + m->mdmreg[REG_DCD] |= BIT_DCD; break; - case 'E': - /* &E -Set EAZ/MSN */ - p[0]++; - isdn_tty_get_msnstr(m->msn, p); + default: + PARSE_ERROR1 + } + break; + case 'D': + /* &D - Set DTR-Low-behavior */ + p[0]++; + switch (isdn_getnum(p)) { + case 0: + m->mdmreg[REG_DTRHUP] &= ~BIT_DTRHUP; + m->mdmreg[REG_DTRR] &= ~BIT_DTRR; break; - case 'F': - /* &F -Set Factory-Defaults */ - p[0]++; - if (info->msr & UART_MSR_DCD) - PARSE_ERROR1; - isdn_tty_reset_profile(m); - isdn_tty_modem_reset_regs(info, 1); + case 2: + m->mdmreg[REG_DTRHUP] |= BIT_DTRHUP; + m->mdmreg[REG_DTRR] &= ~BIT_DTRR; + break; + case 3: + m->mdmreg[REG_DTRHUP] |= BIT_DTRHUP; + m->mdmreg[REG_DTRR] |= BIT_DTRR; break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1 + } + break; + case 'E': + /* &E -Set EAZ/MSN */ + p[0]++; + isdn_tty_get_msnstr(m->msn, p); + break; + case 'F': + /* &F -Set Factory-Defaults */ + p[0]++; + if (info->msr & UART_MSR_DCD) + PARSE_ERROR1; + isdn_tty_reset_profile(m); + isdn_tty_modem_reset_regs(info, 1); + break; #ifdef DUMMY_HAYES_AT - case 'K': - /* only for be compilant with common scripts */ - /* &K Flowcontrol - no function */ - p[0]++; - isdn_getnum(p); + case 'K': + /* only for be compilant with common scripts */ + /* &K Flowcontrol - no function */ + p[0]++; + isdn_getnum(p); + break; +#endif + case 'L': + /* &L -Set Numbers to listen on */ + p[0]++; + i = 0; + while (*p[0] && (strchr("0123456789,-*[]?;", *p[0])) && + (i < ISDN_LMSNLEN - 1)) + m->lmsn[i++] = *p[0]++; + m->lmsn[i] = '\0'; + break; + case 'R': + /* &R - Set V.110 bitrate adaption */ + p[0]++; + i = isdn_getnum(p); + switch (i) { + case 0: + /* Switch off V.110, back to X.75 */ + m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I; + m->mdmreg[REG_SI2] = 0; + info->xmit_size = m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] * 16; break; -#endif - case 'L': - /* &L -Set Numbers to listen on */ - p[0]++; - i = 0; - while (*p[0] && (strchr("0123456789,-*[]?;", *p[0])) && - (i < ISDN_LMSNLEN - 1)) - m->lmsn[i++] = *p[0]++; - m->lmsn[i] = '\0'; - break; - case 'R': - /* &R - Set V.110 bitrate adaption */ - p[0]++; - i = isdn_getnum(p); - switch (i) { - case 0: - /* Switch off V.110, back to X.75 */ - m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I; - m->mdmreg[REG_SI2] = 0; - info->xmit_size = m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] * 16; - break; - case 9600: - m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096; - m->mdmreg[REG_SI2] = 197; - info->xmit_size = m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] * 16 / 10; - break; - case 19200: - m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019; - m->mdmreg[REG_SI2] = 199; - info->xmit_size = m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] * 16 / 10; - break; - case 38400: - m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038; - m->mdmreg[REG_SI2] = 198; /* no existing standard for this */ - info->xmit_size = m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] * 16 / 10; - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; - } - /* Switch off T.70 */ - m->mdmreg[REG_T70] &= ~(BIT_T70 | BIT_T70_EXT); - /* Set Service 7 */ - m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] |= 4; + case 9600: + m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096; + m->mdmreg[REG_SI2] = 197; + info->xmit_size = m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] * 16 / 10; break; - case 'S': - /* &S - Set Windowsize */ - p[0]++; - i = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((i > 0) && (i < 9)) - m->mdmreg[REG_WSIZE] = i; - else - PARSE_ERROR1; + case 19200: + m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019; + m->mdmreg[REG_SI2] = 199; + info->xmit_size = m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] * 16 / 10; break; - case 'V': - /* &V - Show registers */ - p[0]++; - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); - for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MODEM_NUMREG; i++) { - sprintf(rb, "S%02d=%03d%s", i, - m->mdmreg[i], ((i + 1) % 10) ? " " : "\r\n"); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rb, info); - } - sprintf(rb, "\r\nEAZ/MSN: %.50s\r\n", - strlen(m->msn) ? m->msn : "None"); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rb, info); - if (strlen(m->lmsn)) { - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\nListen: ", info); - isdn_tty_at_cout(m->lmsn, info); - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); - } + case 38400: + m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038; + m->mdmreg[REG_SI2] = 198; /* no existing standard for this */ + info->xmit_size = m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] * 16 / 10; break; - case 'W': - /* &W - Write Profile */ + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; + } + /* Switch off T.70 */ + m->mdmreg[REG_T70] &= ~(BIT_T70 | BIT_T70_EXT); + /* Set Service 7 */ + m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] |= 4; + break; + case 'S': + /* &S - Set Windowsize */ + p[0]++; + i = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((i > 0) && (i < 9)) + m->mdmreg[REG_WSIZE] = i; + else + PARSE_ERROR1; + break; + case 'V': + /* &V - Show registers */ + p[0]++; + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); + for (i = 0; i < ISDN_MODEM_NUMREG; i++) { + sprintf(rb, "S%02d=%03d%s", i, + m->mdmreg[i], ((i + 1) % 10) ? " " : "\r\n"); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rb, info); + } + sprintf(rb, "\r\nEAZ/MSN: %.50s\r\n", + strlen(m->msn) ? m->msn : "None"); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rb, info); + if (strlen(m->lmsn)) { + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\nListen: ", info); + isdn_tty_at_cout(m->lmsn, info); + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); + } + break; + case 'W': + /* &W - Write Profile */ + p[0]++; + switch (*p[0]) { + case '0': p[0]++; - switch (*p[0]) { - case '0': - p[0]++; - modem_write_profile(m); - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; - } + modem_write_profile(m); break; - case 'X': - /* &X - Switch to BTX-Mode and T.70 */ - p[0]++; - switch (isdn_getnum(p)) { - case 0: - m->mdmreg[REG_T70] &= ~(BIT_T70 | BIT_T70_EXT); - info->xmit_size = m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] * 16; - break; - case 1: - m->mdmreg[REG_T70] |= BIT_T70; - m->mdmreg[REG_T70] &= ~BIT_T70_EXT; - m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I; - info->xmit_size = 112; - m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] = 4; - m->mdmreg[REG_SI2] = 0; - break; - case 2: - m->mdmreg[REG_T70] |= (BIT_T70 | BIT_T70_EXT); - m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I; - info->xmit_size = 112; - m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] = 4; - m->mdmreg[REG_SI2] = 0; - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; - } + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + case 'X': + /* &X - Switch to BTX-Mode and T.70 */ + p[0]++; + switch (isdn_getnum(p)) { + case 0: + m->mdmreg[REG_T70] &= ~(BIT_T70 | BIT_T70_EXT); + info->xmit_size = m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] * 16; + break; + case 1: + m->mdmreg[REG_T70] |= BIT_T70; + m->mdmreg[REG_T70] &= ~BIT_T70_EXT; + m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I; + info->xmit_size = 112; + m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] = 4; + m->mdmreg[REG_SI2] = 0; + break; + case 2: + m->mdmreg[REG_T70] |= (BIT_T70 | BIT_T70_EXT); + m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I; + info->xmit_size = 112; + m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] = 4; + m->mdmreg[REG_SI2] = 0; break; default: PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } static int -isdn_tty_check_ats(int mreg, int mval, modem_info * info, atemu * m) +isdn_tty_check_ats(int mreg, int mval, modem_info *info, atemu *m) { /* Some plausibility checks */ switch (mreg) { - case REG_L2PROT: - if (mval > ISDN_PROTO_L2_MAX) - return 1; - break; - case REG_PSIZE: - if ((mval * 16) > ISDN_SERIAL_XMIT_MAX) - return 1; + case REG_L2PROT: + if (mval > ISDN_PROTO_L2_MAX) + return 1; + break; + case REG_PSIZE: + if ((mval * 16) > ISDN_SERIAL_XMIT_MAX) + return 1; #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO - if ((m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] & 1) && (mval > VBUFX)) - return 1; -#endif - info->xmit_size = mval * 16; - switch (m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT]) { - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: - info->xmit_size /= 10; - } - break; - case REG_SI1I: - case REG_PLAN: - case REG_SCREEN: - /* readonly registers */ + if ((m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] & 1) && (mval > VBUFX)) return 1; +#endif + info->xmit_size = mval * 16; + switch (m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT]) { + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: + info->xmit_size /= 10; + } + break; + case REG_SI1I: + case REG_PLAN: + case REG_SCREEN: + /* readonly registers */ + return 1; } return 0; } @@ -3011,7 +3011,7 @@ isdn_tty_check_ats(int mreg, int mval, modem_info * info, atemu * m) * Perform ATS command */ static int -isdn_tty_cmd_ATS(char **p, modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_cmd_ATS(char **p, modem_info *info) { atemu *m = &info->emu; int bitpos; @@ -3023,52 +3023,52 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_ATS(char **p, modem_info * info) if (mreg < 0 || mreg >= ISDN_MODEM_NUMREG) PARSE_ERROR1; switch (*p[0]) { + case '=': + p[0]++; + mval = isdn_getnum(p); + if (mval < 0 || mval > 255) + PARSE_ERROR1; + if (isdn_tty_check_ats(mreg, mval, info, m)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + m->mdmreg[mreg] = mval; + break; + case '.': + /* Set/Clear a single bit */ + p[0]++; + bitpos = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((bitpos < 0) || (bitpos > 7)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + switch (*p[0]) { case '=': p[0]++; - mval = isdn_getnum(p); - if (mval < 0 || mval > 255) + bval = isdn_getnum(p); + if (bval < 0 || bval > 1) PARSE_ERROR1; + if (bval) + mval = m->mdmreg[mreg] | (1 << bitpos); + else + mval = m->mdmreg[mreg] & ~(1 << bitpos); if (isdn_tty_check_ats(mreg, mval, info, m)) PARSE_ERROR1; m->mdmreg[mreg] = mval; break; - case '.': - /* Set/Clear a single bit */ - p[0]++; - bitpos = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((bitpos < 0) || (bitpos > 7)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - switch (*p[0]) { - case '=': - p[0]++; - bval = isdn_getnum(p); - if (bval < 0 || bval > 1) - PARSE_ERROR1; - if (bval) - mval = m->mdmreg[mreg] | (1 << bitpos); - else - mval = m->mdmreg[mreg] & ~(1 << bitpos); - if (isdn_tty_check_ats(mreg, mval, info, m)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - m->mdmreg[mreg] = mval; - break; - case '?': - p[0]++; - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); - isdn_tty_at_cout((m->mdmreg[mreg] & (1 << bitpos)) ? "1" : "0", - info); - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; - } - break; case '?': p[0]++; - isdn_tty_show_profile(mreg, info); + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); + isdn_tty_at_cout((m->mdmreg[mreg] & (1 << bitpos)) ? "1" : "0", + info); break; default: PARSE_ERROR1; - break; + } + break; + case '?': + p[0]++; + isdn_tty_show_profile(mreg, info); + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; + break; } return 0; } @@ -3077,7 +3077,7 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_ATS(char **p, modem_info * info) * Perform ATA command */ static void -isdn_tty_cmd_ATA(modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_cmd_ATA(modem_info *info) { atemu *m = &info->emu; isdn_ctrl cmd; @@ -3131,7 +3131,7 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_ATA(modem_info * info) * Parse AT+F.. commands */ static int -isdn_tty_cmd_PLUSF(char **p, modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_cmd_PLUSF(char **p, modem_info *info) { atemu *m = &info->emu; char rs[20]; @@ -3139,81 +3139,81 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_PLUSF(char **p, modem_info * info) if (!strncmp(p[0], "CLASS", 5)) { p[0] += 5; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': - p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", - (m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] & 1) ? 8 : 0); + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", + (m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] & 1) ? 8 : 0); #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_TTY_FAX - if (TTY_IS_FCLASS2(info)) - sprintf(rs, "\r\n2"); - else if (TTY_IS_FCLASS1(info)) - sprintf(rs, "\r\n1"); + if (TTY_IS_FCLASS2(info)) + sprintf(rs, "\r\n2"); + else if (TTY_IS_FCLASS1(info)) + sprintf(rs, "\r\n1"); #endif - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + switch (*p[0]) { + case '0': p[0]++; - switch (*p[0]) { - case '0': - p[0]++; - m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I; - m->mdmreg[REG_L3PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L3_TRANS; - m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] = 4; - info->xmit_size = - m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] * 16; - break; + m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I; + m->mdmreg[REG_L3PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L3_TRANS; + m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] = 4; + info->xmit_size = + m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] * 16; + break; #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_TTY_FAX - case '1': - p[0]++; - if (!(dev->global_features & - ISDN_FEATURE_L3_FCLASS1)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] = 1; - m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX; - m->mdmreg[REG_L3PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L3_FCLASS1; - info->xmit_size = - m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] * 16; - break; - case '2': - p[0]++; - if (!(dev->global_features & - ISDN_FEATURE_L3_FCLASS2)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] = 1; - m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX; - m->mdmreg[REG_L3PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L3_FCLASS2; - info->xmit_size = - m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] * 16; - break; + case '1': + p[0]++; + if (!(dev->global_features & + ISDN_FEATURE_L3_FCLASS1)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] = 1; + m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX; + m->mdmreg[REG_L3PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L3_FCLASS1; + info->xmit_size = + m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] * 16; + break; + case '2': + p[0]++; + if (!(dev->global_features & + ISDN_FEATURE_L3_FCLASS2)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] = 1; + m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX; + m->mdmreg[REG_L3PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L3_FCLASS2; + info->xmit_size = + m->mdmreg[REG_PSIZE] * 16; + break; #endif - case '8': - p[0]++; - /* L2 will change on dialout with si=1 */ - m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I; - m->mdmreg[REG_L3PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L3_TRANS; - m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] = 5; - info->xmit_size = VBUF; - break; - case '?': - p[0]++; - strcpy(rs, "\r\n0,"); + case '8': + p[0]++; + /* L2 will change on dialout with si=1 */ + m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I; + m->mdmreg[REG_L3PROT] = ISDN_PROTO_L3_TRANS; + m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] = 5; + info->xmit_size = VBUF; + break; + case '?': + p[0]++; + strcpy(rs, "\r\n0,"); #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_TTY_FAX - if (dev->global_features & - ISDN_FEATURE_L3_FCLASS1) - strcat(rs, "1,"); - if (dev->global_features & - ISDN_FEATURE_L3_FCLASS2) - strcat(rs, "2,"); -#endif - strcat(rs, "8"); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; - } + if (dev->global_features & + ISDN_FEATURE_L3_FCLASS1) + strcat(rs, "1,"); + if (dev->global_features & + ISDN_FEATURE_L3_FCLASS2) + strcat(rs, "2,"); +#endif + strcat(rs, "8"); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); break; default: PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -3228,12 +3228,12 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_PLUSF(char **p, modem_info * info) * Parse AT+V.. commands */ static int -isdn_tty_cmd_PLUSV(char **p, modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_cmd_PLUSV(char **p, modem_info *info) { atemu *m = &info->emu; isdn_ctrl cmd; static char *vcmd[] = - {"NH", "IP", "LS", "RX", "SD", "SM", "TX", "DD", NULL}; + {"NH", "IP", "LS", "RX", "SD", "SM", "TX", "DD", NULL}; int i; int par1; int par2; @@ -3248,256 +3248,256 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_PLUSV(char **p, modem_info * info) i++; } switch (i) { - case 0: - /* AT+VNH - Auto hangup feature */ + case 0: + /* AT+VNH - Auto hangup feature */ + switch (*p[0]) { + case '?': + p[0]++; + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n1", info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': - p[0]++; - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n1", info); - break; - case '=': - p[0]++; - switch (*p[0]) { - case '1': - p[0]++; - break; - case '?': - p[0]++; - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n1", info); - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; - } - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + case '1': + p[0]++; + break; + case '?': + p[0]++; + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n1", info); + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } break; - case 1: - /* AT+VIP - Reset all voice parameters */ - isdn_tty_modem_reset_vpar(m); + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + case 1: + /* AT+VIP - Reset all voice parameters */ + isdn_tty_modem_reset_vpar(m); + break; + case 2: + /* AT+VLS - Select device, accept incoming call */ + switch (*p[0]) { + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", m->vpar[0]); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); break; - case 2: - /* AT+VLS - Select device, accept incoming call */ + case '=': + p[0]++; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': - p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", m->vpar[0]); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': - p[0]++; - switch (*p[0]) { - case '0': - p[0]++; - m->vpar[0] = 0; - break; - case '2': - p[0]++; - m->vpar[0] = 2; - break; - case '?': - p[0]++; - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n0,2", info); - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; - } - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; - } - break; - case 3: - /* AT+VRX - Start recording */ - if (!m->vpar[0]) - PARSE_ERROR1; - if (info->online != 1) { - isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_NO_ANSWER, info); - return 1; - } - info->dtmf_state = isdn_audio_dtmf_init(info->dtmf_state); - if (!info->dtmf_state) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_tty: Couldn't malloc dtmf state\n"); + case '0': + p[0]++; + m->vpar[0] = 0; + break; + case '2': + p[0]++; + m->vpar[0] = 2; + break; + case '?': + p[0]++; + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n0,2", info); + break; + default: PARSE_ERROR1; } - info->silence_state = isdn_audio_silence_init(info->silence_state); - if (!info->silence_state) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_tty: Couldn't malloc silence state\n"); + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + case 3: + /* AT+VRX - Start recording */ + if (!m->vpar[0]) + PARSE_ERROR1; + if (info->online != 1) { + isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_NO_ANSWER, info); + return 1; + } + info->dtmf_state = isdn_audio_dtmf_init(info->dtmf_state); + if (!info->dtmf_state) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_tty: Couldn't malloc dtmf state\n"); + PARSE_ERROR1; + } + info->silence_state = isdn_audio_silence_init(info->silence_state); + if (!info->silence_state) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_tty: Couldn't malloc silence state\n"); + PARSE_ERROR1; + } + if (m->vpar[3] < 5) { + info->adpcmr = isdn_audio_adpcm_init(info->adpcmr, m->vpar[3]); + if (!info->adpcmr) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_tty: Couldn't malloc adpcm state\n"); PARSE_ERROR1; } - if (m->vpar[3] < 5) { - info->adpcmr = isdn_audio_adpcm_init(info->adpcmr, m->vpar[3]); - if (!info->adpcmr) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_tty: Couldn't malloc adpcm state\n"); - PARSE_ERROR1; - } - } + } #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_AT - printk(KERN_DEBUG "AT: +VRX\n"); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "AT: +VRX\n"); #endif - info->vonline |= 1; - isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_CONNECT, info); - return 0; + info->vonline |= 1; + isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_CONNECT, info); + return 0; + break; + case 4: + /* AT+VSD - Silence detection */ + switch (*p[0]) { + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n<%d>,<%d>", + m->vpar[1], + m->vpar[2]); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); break; - case 4: - /* AT+VSD - Silence detection */ - switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': - p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n<%d>,<%d>", - m->vpar[1], - m->vpar[2]); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': - p[0]++; - if ((*p[0]>='0') && (*p[0]<='9')) { - par1 = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((par1 < 0) || (par1 > 31)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - if (*p[0] != ',') - PARSE_ERROR1; - p[0]++; - par2 = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((par2 < 0) || (par2 > 255)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - m->vpar[1] = par1; - m->vpar[2] = par2; - break; - } else - if (*p[0] == '?') { - p[0]++; - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n<0-31>,<0-255>", - info); - break; - } else + case '=': + p[0]++; + if ((*p[0] >= '0') && (*p[0] <= '9')) { + par1 = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((par1 < 0) || (par1 > 31)) PARSE_ERROR1; - break; - default: + if (*p[0] != ',') PARSE_ERROR1; - } - break; - case 5: - /* AT+VSM - Select compression */ - switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': - p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n<%d>,<%d><8000>", - m->vpar[3], - m->vpar[1]); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': + p[0]++; + par2 = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((par2 < 0) || (par2 > 255)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + m->vpar[1] = par1; + m->vpar[2] = par2; + break; + } else + if (*p[0] == '?') { p[0]++; - switch (*p[0]) { - case '2': - case '3': - case '4': - case '5': - case '6': - par1 = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((par1 < 2) || (par1 > 6)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - m->vpar[3] = par1; - break; - case '?': - p[0]++; - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n2;ADPCM;2;0;(8000)\r\n", - info); - isdn_tty_at_cout("3;ADPCM;3;0;(8000)\r\n", - info); - isdn_tty_at_cout("4;ADPCM;4;0;(8000)\r\n", - info); - isdn_tty_at_cout("5;ALAW;8;0;(8000)\r\n", - info); - isdn_tty_at_cout("6;ULAW;8;0;(8000)\r\n", - info); - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; - } + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n<0-31>,<0-255>", + info); break; - default: + } else PARSE_ERROR1; - } break; - case 6: - /* AT+VTX - Start sending */ - if (!m->vpar[0]) + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + case 5: + /* AT+VSM - Select compression */ + switch (*p[0]) { + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n<%d>,<%d><8000>", + m->vpar[3], + m->vpar[1]); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + switch (*p[0]) { + case '2': + case '3': + case '4': + case '5': + case '6': + par1 = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((par1 < 2) || (par1 > 6)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + m->vpar[3] = par1; + break; + case '?': + p[0]++; + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n2;ADPCM;2;0;(8000)\r\n", + info); + isdn_tty_at_cout("3;ADPCM;3;0;(8000)\r\n", + info); + isdn_tty_at_cout("4;ADPCM;4;0;(8000)\r\n", + info); + isdn_tty_at_cout("5;ALAW;8;0;(8000)\r\n", + info); + isdn_tty_at_cout("6;ULAW;8;0;(8000)\r\n", + info); + break; + default: PARSE_ERROR1; - if (info->online != 1) { - isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_NO_ANSWER, info); - return 1; } - info->dtmf_state = isdn_audio_dtmf_init(info->dtmf_state); - if (!info->dtmf_state) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_tty: Couldn't malloc dtmf state\n"); + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + case 6: + /* AT+VTX - Start sending */ + if (!m->vpar[0]) + PARSE_ERROR1; + if (info->online != 1) { + isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_NO_ANSWER, info); + return 1; + } + info->dtmf_state = isdn_audio_dtmf_init(info->dtmf_state); + if (!info->dtmf_state) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_tty: Couldn't malloc dtmf state\n"); + PARSE_ERROR1; + } + if (m->vpar[3] < 5) { + info->adpcms = isdn_audio_adpcm_init(info->adpcms, m->vpar[3]); + if (!info->adpcms) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_tty: Couldn't malloc adpcm state\n"); PARSE_ERROR1; } - if (m->vpar[3] < 5) { - info->adpcms = isdn_audio_adpcm_init(info->adpcms, m->vpar[3]); - if (!info->adpcms) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_tty: Couldn't malloc adpcm state\n"); - PARSE_ERROR1; - } - } + } #ifdef ISDN_DEBUG_AT - printk(KERN_DEBUG "AT: +VTX\n"); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "AT: +VTX\n"); #endif - m->lastDLE = 0; - info->vonline |= 2; - isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_CONNECT, info); - return 0; + m->lastDLE = 0; + info->vonline |= 2; + isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_CONNECT, info); + return 0; + break; + case 7: + /* AT+VDD - DTMF detection */ + switch (*p[0]) { + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n<%d>,<%d>", + m->vpar[4], + m->vpar[5]); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); break; - case 7: - /* AT+VDD - DTMF detection */ - switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': - p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n<%d>,<%d>", - m->vpar[4], - m->vpar[5]); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': - p[0]++; - if ((*p[0]>='0') && (*p[0]<='9')) { - if (info->online != 1) - PARSE_ERROR1; - par1 = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((par1 < 0) || (par1 > 15)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - if (*p[0] != ',') - PARSE_ERROR1; - p[0]++; - par2 = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((par2 < 0) || (par2 > 255)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - m->vpar[4] = par1; - m->vpar[5] = par2; - cmd.driver = info->isdn_driver; - cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_AUDIO; - cmd.arg = info->isdn_channel + (ISDN_AUDIO_SETDD << 8); - cmd.parm.num[0] = par1; - cmd.parm.num[1] = par2; - isdn_command(&cmd); - break; - } else - if (*p[0] == '?') { - p[0]++; - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n<0-15>,<0-255>", - info); - break; - } else + case '=': + p[0]++; + if ((*p[0] >= '0') && (*p[0] <= '9')) { + if (info->online != 1) + PARSE_ERROR1; + par1 = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((par1 < 0) || (par1 > 15)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + if (*p[0] != ',') PARSE_ERROR1; + p[0]++; + par2 = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((par2 < 0) || (par2 > 255)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + m->vpar[4] = par1; + m->vpar[5] = par2; + cmd.driver = info->isdn_driver; + cmd.command = ISDN_CMD_AUDIO; + cmd.arg = info->isdn_channel + (ISDN_AUDIO_SETDD << 8); + cmd.parm.num[0] = par1; + cmd.parm.num[1] = par2; + isdn_command(&cmd); + break; + } else + if (*p[0] == '?') { + p[0]++; + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n<0-15>,<0-255>", + info); break; - default: + } else PARSE_ERROR1; - } break; default: PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -3507,7 +3507,7 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_PLUSV(char **p, modem_info * info) * Parse and perform an AT-command-line. */ static void -isdn_tty_parse_at(modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_parse_at(modem_info *info) { atemu *m = &info->emu; char *p; @@ -3518,188 +3518,188 @@ isdn_tty_parse_at(modem_info * info) #endif for (p = &m->mdmcmd[2]; *p;) { switch (*p) { - case ' ': - p++; + case ' ': + p++; + break; + case 'A': + /* A - Accept incoming call */ + p++; + isdn_tty_cmd_ATA(info); + return; + break; + case 'D': + /* D - Dial */ + if (info->msr & UART_MSR_DCD) + PARSE_ERROR; + if (info->msr & UART_MSR_RI) { + isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_NO_CARRIER, info); + return; + } + isdn_tty_getdial(++p, ds, sizeof ds); + p += strlen(p); + if (!strlen(m->msn)) + isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_NO_MSN_EAZ, info); + else if (strlen(ds)) + isdn_tty_dial(ds, info, m); + else + PARSE_ERROR; + return; + case 'E': + /* E - Turn Echo on/off */ + p++; + switch (isdn_getnum(&p)) { + case 0: + m->mdmreg[REG_ECHO] &= ~BIT_ECHO; break; - case 'A': - /* A - Accept incoming call */ + case 1: + m->mdmreg[REG_ECHO] |= BIT_ECHO; + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR; + } + break; + case 'H': + /* H - On/Off-hook */ + p++; + switch (*p) { + case '0': p++; - isdn_tty_cmd_ATA(info); - return; + isdn_tty_on_hook(info); break; - case 'D': - /* D - Dial */ - if (info->msr & UART_MSR_DCD) - PARSE_ERROR; - if (info->msr & UART_MSR_RI) { - isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_NO_CARRIER, info); - return; - } - isdn_tty_getdial(++p, ds, sizeof ds); - p += strlen(p); - if (!strlen(m->msn)) - isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_NO_MSN_EAZ, info); - else if (strlen(ds)) - isdn_tty_dial(ds, info, m); - else - PARSE_ERROR; - return; - case 'E': - /* E - Turn Echo on/off */ + case '1': p++; - switch (isdn_getnum(&p)) { - case 0: - m->mdmreg[REG_ECHO] &= ~BIT_ECHO; - break; - case 1: - m->mdmreg[REG_ECHO] |= BIT_ECHO; - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR; - } + isdn_tty_off_hook(); break; - case 'H': - /* H - On/Off-hook */ + default: + isdn_tty_on_hook(info); + break; + } + break; + case 'I': + /* I - Information */ + p++; + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\nLinux ISDN", info); + switch (*p) { + case '0': + case '1': p++; - switch (*p) { - case '0': - p++; - isdn_tty_on_hook(info); - break; - case '1': - p++; - isdn_tty_off_hook(); - break; - default: - isdn_tty_on_hook(info); - break; - } break; - case 'I': - /* I - Information */ + case '2': p++; - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\nLinux ISDN", info); - switch (*p) { - case '0': - case '1': - p++; - break; - case '2': - p++; - isdn_tty_report(info); - break; - case '3': - p++; - snprintf(ds, sizeof(ds), "\r\n%d", info->emu.charge); - isdn_tty_at_cout(ds, info); - break; - default:; - } + isdn_tty_report(info); break; -#ifdef DUMMY_HAYES_AT - case 'L': - case 'M': - /* only for be compilant with common scripts */ - /* no function */ + case '3': p++; - isdn_getnum(&p); + snprintf(ds, sizeof(ds), "\r\n%d", info->emu.charge); + isdn_tty_at_cout(ds, info); break; + default:; + } + break; +#ifdef DUMMY_HAYES_AT + case 'L': + case 'M': + /* only for be compilant with common scripts */ + /* no function */ + p++; + isdn_getnum(&p); + break; #endif - case 'O': - /* O - Go online */ - p++; - if (info->msr & UART_MSR_DCD) - /* if B-Channel is up */ - isdn_tty_modem_result((m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] == ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM) ? RESULT_CONNECT:RESULT_CONNECT64000, info); - else - isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_NO_CARRIER, info); + case 'O': + /* O - Go online */ + p++; + if (info->msr & UART_MSR_DCD) + /* if B-Channel is up */ + isdn_tty_modem_result((m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] == ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM) ? RESULT_CONNECT : RESULT_CONNECT64000, info); + else + isdn_tty_modem_result(RESULT_NO_CARRIER, info); + return; + case 'Q': + /* Q - Turn Emulator messages on/off */ + p++; + switch (isdn_getnum(&p)) { + case 0: + m->mdmreg[REG_RESP] |= BIT_RESP; + break; + case 1: + m->mdmreg[REG_RESP] &= ~BIT_RESP; + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR; + } + break; + case 'S': + /* S - Set/Get Register */ + p++; + if (isdn_tty_cmd_ATS(&p, info)) return; - case 'Q': - /* Q - Turn Emulator messages on/off */ - p++; - switch (isdn_getnum(&p)) { - case 0: - m->mdmreg[REG_RESP] |= BIT_RESP; - break; - case 1: - m->mdmreg[REG_RESP] &= ~BIT_RESP; - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR; - } + break; + case 'V': + /* V - Numeric or ASCII Emulator-messages */ + p++; + switch (isdn_getnum(&p)) { + case 0: + m->mdmreg[REG_RESP] |= BIT_RESPNUM; + break; + case 1: + m->mdmreg[REG_RESP] &= ~BIT_RESPNUM; break; - case 'S': - /* S - Set/Get Register */ + default: + PARSE_ERROR; + } + break; + case 'Z': + /* Z - Load Registers from Profile */ + p++; + if (info->msr & UART_MSR_DCD) { + info->online = 0; + isdn_tty_on_hook(info); + } + isdn_tty_modem_reset_regs(info, 1); + break; + case '+': + p++; + switch (*p) { +#ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO + case 'F': p++; - if (isdn_tty_cmd_ATS(&p, info)) + if (isdn_tty_cmd_PLUSF(&p, info)) return; break; case 'V': - /* V - Numeric or ASCII Emulator-messages */ + if ((!(m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] & 1)) || + (m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] == ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM)) + PARSE_ERROR; p++; - switch (isdn_getnum(&p)) { - case 0: - m->mdmreg[REG_RESP] |= BIT_RESPNUM; - break; - case 1: - m->mdmreg[REG_RESP] &= ~BIT_RESPNUM; - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR; - } + if (isdn_tty_cmd_PLUSV(&p, info)) + return; break; - case 'Z': - /* Z - Load Registers from Profile */ +#endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO */ + case 'S': /* SUSPEND */ p++; - if (info->msr & UART_MSR_DCD) { - info->online = 0; - isdn_tty_on_hook(info); - } - isdn_tty_modem_reset_regs(info, 1); + isdn_tty_get_msnstr(ds, &p); + isdn_tty_suspend(ds, info, m); break; - case '+': + case 'R': /* RESUME */ p++; - switch (*p) { -#ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO - case 'F': - p++; - if (isdn_tty_cmd_PLUSF(&p, info)) - return; - break; - case 'V': - if ((!(m->mdmreg[REG_SI1] & 1)) || - (m->mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] == ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM)) - PARSE_ERROR; - p++; - if (isdn_tty_cmd_PLUSV(&p, info)) - return; - break; -#endif /* CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO */ - case 'S': /* SUSPEND */ - p++; - isdn_tty_get_msnstr(ds, &p); - isdn_tty_suspend(ds, info, m); - break; - case 'R': /* RESUME */ - p++; - isdn_tty_get_msnstr(ds, &p); - isdn_tty_resume(ds, info, m); - break; - case 'M': /* MESSAGE */ - p++; - isdn_tty_send_msg(info, m, p); - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR; - } + isdn_tty_get_msnstr(ds, &p); + isdn_tty_resume(ds, info, m); break; - case '&': + case 'M': /* MESSAGE */ p++; - if (isdn_tty_cmd_ATand(&p, info)) - return; + isdn_tty_send_msg(info, m, p); break; default: PARSE_ERROR; + } + break; + case '&': + p++; + if (isdn_tty_cmd_ATand(&p, info)) + return; + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR; } } #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_AUDIO @@ -3711,7 +3711,7 @@ isdn_tty_parse_at(modem_info * info) /* Need own toupper() because standard-toupper is not available * within modules. */ -#define my_toupper(c) (((c>='a')&&(c<='z'))?(c&0xdf):c) +#define my_toupper(c) (((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) ? (c & 0xdf) : c) /* * Perform line-editing of AT-commands @@ -3722,7 +3722,7 @@ isdn_tty_parse_at(modem_info * info) * channel index to line (minor-device) */ static int -isdn_tty_edit_at(const char *p, int count, modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_edit_at(const char *p, int count, modem_info *info) { atemu *m = &info->emu; int total = 0; @@ -3765,23 +3765,23 @@ isdn_tty_edit_at(const char *p, int count, modem_info * info) if (m->mdmcmdl < 255) { c = my_toupper(c); switch (m->mdmcmdl) { - case 1: - if (c == 'T') { - m->mdmcmd[m->mdmcmdl] = c; - m->mdmcmd[++m->mdmcmdl] = 0; - break; - } else - m->mdmcmdl = 0; - /* Fall through, check for 'A' */ - case 0: - if (c == 'A') { - m->mdmcmd[m->mdmcmdl] = c; - m->mdmcmd[++m->mdmcmdl] = 0; - } + case 1: + if (c == 'T') { + m->mdmcmd[m->mdmcmdl] = c; + m->mdmcmd[++m->mdmcmdl] = 0; break; - default: + } else + m->mdmcmdl = 0; + /* Fall through, check for 'A' */ + case 0: + if (c == 'A') { m->mdmcmd[m->mdmcmdl] = c; m->mdmcmd[++m->mdmcmdl] = 0; + } + break; + default: + m->mdmcmd[m->mdmcmdl] = c; + m->mdmcmd[++m->mdmcmdl] = 0; } } } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_tty.h b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_tty.h index 692c74d6b74964fb4a9f35464f2795411bb50a42..a6f801d2263b9880b5ed659ff52de4459f991ffa 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_tty.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_tty.h @@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ #define RESULT_VCON 11 #define RESULT_RUNG 12 -#define TTY_IS_FCLASS1(info) \ - ((info->emu.mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] == ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX) && \ +#define TTY_IS_FCLASS1(info) \ + ((info->emu.mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] == ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX) && \ (info->emu.mdmreg[REG_L3PROT] == ISDN_PROTO_L3_FCLASS1)) -#define TTY_IS_FCLASS2(info) \ - ((info->emu.mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] == ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX) && \ +#define TTY_IS_FCLASS2(info) \ + ((info->emu.mdmreg[REG_L2PROT] == ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX) && \ (info->emu.mdmreg[REG_L3PROT] == ISDN_PROTO_L3_FCLASS2)) extern void isdn_tty_modem_escape(void); @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ extern void isdn_tty_readmodem(void); extern int isdn_tty_find_icall(int, int, setup_parm *); extern int isdn_tty_stat_callback(int, isdn_ctrl *); extern int isdn_tty_rcv_skb(int, int, int, struct sk_buff *); -extern int isdn_tty_capi_facility(capi_msg *cm); +extern int isdn_tty_capi_facility(capi_msg *cm); extern void isdn_tty_at_cout(char *, modem_info *); extern void isdn_tty_modem_hup(modem_info *, int); #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_TTY_FAX diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_ttyfax.c b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_ttyfax.c index 4c41f191d4e274fcd2b8c7aa8240378b5544b389..47aae4916730a2b8e6860b6e979ecabcd1dbf55b 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_ttyfax.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_ttyfax.c @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ isdn_getrev(const char *revision) */ static void -isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(int code, modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(int code, modem_info *info) { atemu *m = &info->emu; T30_s *f = info->fax; @@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(int code, modem_info * info) char *rp; int i; static char *msg[] = - {"OK", "ERROR", "+FCON", "+FCSI:", "+FDIS:", - "+FHNG:", "+FDCS:", "CONNECT", "+FTSI:", - "+FCFR", "+FPTS:", "+FET:"}; + {"OK", "ERROR", "+FCON", "+FCSI:", "+FDIS:", + "+FHNG:", "+FDCS:", "CONNECT", "+FTSI:", + "+FCFR", "+FPTS:", "+FET:"}; isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); @@ -64,95 +64,95 @@ isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(int code, modem_info * info) #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_CMD_DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax send %s on ttyI%d\n", - msg[code], info->line); + msg[code], info->line); #endif switch (code) { - case 0: /* OK */ - break; - case 1: /* ERROR */ - break; - case 2: /* +FCON */ - /* Append CPN, if enabled */ - if ((m->mdmreg[REG_CPNFCON] & BIT_CPNFCON) && - (!(dev->usage[info->isdn_channel] & ISDN_USAGE_OUTGOING))) { - sprintf(rs, "/%s", m->cpn); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - } - info->online = 1; - f->fet = 0; - if (f->phase == ISDN_FAX_PHASE_A) - f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_B; - break; - case 3: /* +FCSI */ - case 8: /* +FTSI */ - sprintf(rs, "\"%s\"", f->r_id); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case 4: /* +FDIS */ - rs[0] = 0; - rp = &f->r_resolution; - for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { - sprintf(rss, "%c%s", rp[i] + 48, - (i < 7) ? "," : ""); - strcat(rs, rss); - } + case 0: /* OK */ + break; + case 1: /* ERROR */ + break; + case 2: /* +FCON */ + /* Append CPN, if enabled */ + if ((m->mdmreg[REG_CPNFCON] & BIT_CPNFCON) && + (!(dev->usage[info->isdn_channel] & ISDN_USAGE_OUTGOING))) { + sprintf(rs, "/%s", m->cpn); isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + } + info->online = 1; + f->fet = 0; + if (f->phase == ISDN_FAX_PHASE_A) + f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_B; + break; + case 3: /* +FCSI */ + case 8: /* +FTSI */ + sprintf(rs, "\"%s\"", f->r_id); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case 4: /* +FDIS */ + rs[0] = 0; + rp = &f->r_resolution; + for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { + sprintf(rss, "%c%s", rp[i] + 48, + (i < 7) ? "," : ""); + strcat(rs, rss); + } + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_CMD_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax DIS=%s on ttyI%d\n", - rs, info->line); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax DIS=%s on ttyI%d\n", + rs, info->line); #endif - break; - case 5: /* +FHNG */ - sprintf(rs, "%d", f->code); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - info->faxonline = 0; - break; - case 6: /* +FDCS */ - rs[0] = 0; - rp = &f->r_resolution; - for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { - sprintf(rss, "%c%s", rp[i] + 48, - (i < 7) ? "," : ""); - strcat(rs, rss); - } - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case 5: /* +FHNG */ + sprintf(rs, "%d", f->code); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + info->faxonline = 0; + break; + case 6: /* +FDCS */ + rs[0] = 0; + rp = &f->r_resolution; + for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { + sprintf(rss, "%c%s", rp[i] + 48, + (i < 7) ? "," : ""); + strcat(rs, rss); + } + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_CMD_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax DCS=%s on ttyI%d\n", - rs, info->line); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax DCS=%s on ttyI%d\n", + rs, info->line); #endif - break; - case 7: /* CONNECT */ - info->faxonline |= 2; - break; - case 9: /* FCFR */ - break; - case 10: /* FPTS */ - isdn_tty_at_cout("1", info); - break; - case 11: /* FET */ - sprintf(rs, "%d", f->fet); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; + break; + case 7: /* CONNECT */ + info->faxonline |= 2; + break; + case 9: /* FCFR */ + break; + case 10: /* FPTS */ + isdn_tty_at_cout("1", info); + break; + case 11: /* FET */ + sprintf(rs, "%d", f->fet); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; } isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); switch (code) { - case 7: /* CONNECT */ - info->online = 2; - if (info->faxonline & 1) { - sprintf(rs, "%c", XON); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - } - break; + case 7: /* CONNECT */ + info->online = 2; + if (info->faxonline & 1) { + sprintf(rs, "%c", XON); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + } + break; } } static int -isdn_tty_fax_command1(modem_info * info, isdn_ctrl * c) +isdn_tty_fax_command1(modem_info *info, isdn_ctrl *c) { static char *msg[] = - {"OK", "CONNECT", "NO CARRIER", "ERROR", "FCERROR"}; + {"OK", "CONNECT", "NO CARRIER", "ERROR", "FCERROR"}; #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_CMD_DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: FCLASS1 cmd(%d)\n", c->parm.aux.cmd); @@ -165,30 +165,30 @@ isdn_tty_fax_command1(modem_info * info, isdn_ctrl * c) isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); } switch (c->parm.aux.cmd) { - case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_CONNECT: - info->online = 2; - break; - case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_OK: - case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FCERROR: - case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_ERROR: - case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_NOCARR: - break; - case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_QUERY: + case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_CONNECT: + info->online = 2; + break; + case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_OK: + case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FCERROR: + case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_ERROR: + case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_NOCARR: + break; + case ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_QUERY: + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); + if (!c->parm.aux.para[0]) { + isdn_tty_at_cout(msg[ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_ERROR], info); isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); - if (!c->parm.aux.para[0]) { - isdn_tty_at_cout(msg[ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_ERROR], info); - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n", info); - } else { - isdn_tty_at_cout(c->parm.aux.para, info); - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\nOK\r\n", info); - } - break; + } else { + isdn_tty_at_cout(c->parm.aux.para, info); + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\nOK\r\n", info); + } + break; } return (0); } int -isdn_tty_fax_command(modem_info * info, isdn_ctrl * c) +isdn_tty_fax_command(modem_info *info, isdn_ctrl *c) { T30_s *f = info->fax; char rs[10]; @@ -201,78 +201,78 @@ isdn_tty_fax_command(modem_info * info, isdn_ctrl * c) f->r_code, info->line); #endif switch (f->r_code) { - case ISDN_TTY_FAX_FCON: - info->faxonline = 1; - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(2, info); /* +FCON */ - return (0); - case ISDN_TTY_FAX_FCON_I: - info->faxonline = 16; - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(2, info); /* +FCON */ - return (0); - case ISDN_TTY_FAX_RID: - if (info->faxonline & 1) - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(3, info); /* +FCSI */ - if (info->faxonline & 16) - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(8, info); /* +FTSI */ - return (0); - case ISDN_TTY_FAX_DIS: - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(4, info); /* +FDIS */ - return (0); - case ISDN_TTY_FAX_HNG: - if (f->phase == ISDN_FAX_PHASE_C) { - if (f->direction == ISDN_TTY_FAX_CONN_IN) { - sprintf(rs, "%c%c", DLE, ETX); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - } else { - sprintf(rs, "%c", 0x18); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - } - info->faxonline &= ~2; /* leave data mode */ - info->online = 1; - } - f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_E; - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(5, info); /* +FHNG */ - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(0, info); /* OK */ - return (0); - case ISDN_TTY_FAX_DCS: - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(6, info); /* +FDCS */ - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(7, info); /* CONNECT */ - f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_C; - return (0); - case ISDN_TTY_FAX_TRAIN_OK: - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(6, info); /* +FDCS */ - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(0, info); /* OK */ - return (0); - case ISDN_TTY_FAX_SENT: - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(0, info); /* OK */ - return (0); - case ISDN_TTY_FAX_CFR: - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(9, info); /* +FCFR */ - return (0); - case ISDN_TTY_FAX_ET: - sprintf(rs, "%c%c", DLE, ETX); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(10, info); /* +FPTS */ - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(11, info); /* +FET */ - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(0, info); /* OK */ - info->faxonline &= ~2; /* leave data mode */ - info->online = 1; - f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_D; - return (0); - case ISDN_TTY_FAX_PTS: - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(10, info); /* +FPTS */ - if (f->direction == ISDN_TTY_FAX_CONN_OUT) { - if (f->fet == 1) - f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_B; - if (f->fet == 0) - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(0, info); /* OK */ + case ISDN_TTY_FAX_FCON: + info->faxonline = 1; + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(2, info); /* +FCON */ + return (0); + case ISDN_TTY_FAX_FCON_I: + info->faxonline = 16; + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(2, info); /* +FCON */ + return (0); + case ISDN_TTY_FAX_RID: + if (info->faxonline & 1) + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(3, info); /* +FCSI */ + if (info->faxonline & 16) + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(8, info); /* +FTSI */ + return (0); + case ISDN_TTY_FAX_DIS: + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(4, info); /* +FDIS */ + return (0); + case ISDN_TTY_FAX_HNG: + if (f->phase == ISDN_FAX_PHASE_C) { + if (f->direction == ISDN_TTY_FAX_CONN_IN) { + sprintf(rs, "%c%c", DLE, ETX); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + } else { + sprintf(rs, "%c", 0x18); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); } - return (0); - case ISDN_TTY_FAX_EOP: info->faxonline &= ~2; /* leave data mode */ info->online = 1; - f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_D; - return (0); + } + f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_E; + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(5, info); /* +FHNG */ + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(0, info); /* OK */ + return (0); + case ISDN_TTY_FAX_DCS: + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(6, info); /* +FDCS */ + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(7, info); /* CONNECT */ + f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_C; + return (0); + case ISDN_TTY_FAX_TRAIN_OK: + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(6, info); /* +FDCS */ + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(0, info); /* OK */ + return (0); + case ISDN_TTY_FAX_SENT: + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(0, info); /* OK */ + return (0); + case ISDN_TTY_FAX_CFR: + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(9, info); /* +FCFR */ + return (0); + case ISDN_TTY_FAX_ET: + sprintf(rs, "%c%c", DLE, ETX); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(10, info); /* +FPTS */ + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(11, info); /* +FET */ + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(0, info); /* OK */ + info->faxonline &= ~2; /* leave data mode */ + info->online = 1; + f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_D; + return (0); + case ISDN_TTY_FAX_PTS: + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(10, info); /* +FPTS */ + if (f->direction == ISDN_TTY_FAX_CONN_OUT) { + if (f->fet == 1) + f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_B; + if (f->fet == 0) + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(0, info); /* OK */ + } + return (0); + case ISDN_TTY_FAX_EOP: + info->faxonline &= ~2; /* leave data mode */ + info->online = 1; + f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_D; + return (0); } return (-1); @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ isdn_tty_fax_command(modem_info * info, isdn_ctrl * c) void -isdn_tty_fax_bitorder(modem_info * info, struct sk_buff *skb) +isdn_tty_fax_bitorder(modem_info *info, struct sk_buff *skb) { __u8 LeftMask; __u8 RightMask; @@ -292,10 +292,10 @@ isdn_tty_fax_bitorder(modem_info * info, struct sk_buff *skb) for (i = 0; i < skb->len; i++) { Data = skb->data[i]; for ( - LeftMask = 0x80, RightMask = 0x01; - LeftMask > RightMask; - LeftMask >>= 1, RightMask <<= 1 - ) { + LeftMask = 0x80, RightMask = 0x01; + LeftMask > RightMask; + LeftMask >>= 1, RightMask <<= 1 + ) { fBit = (Data & LeftMask); if (Data & RightMask) Data |= LeftMask; @@ -317,10 +317,10 @@ isdn_tty_fax_bitorder(modem_info * info, struct sk_buff *skb) */ static int -isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS1(char **p, modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS1(char **p, modem_info *info) { static char *cmd[] = - {"AE", "TS", "RS", "TM", "RM", "TH", "RH"}; + {"AE", "TS", "RS", "TM", "RM", "TH", "RH"}; isdn_ctrl c; int par, i; u_long flags; @@ -337,28 +337,28 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS1(char **p, modem_info * info) p[0] += 2; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': - p[0]++; - c.parm.aux.subcmd = AT_QUERY; - break; - case '=': + case '?': + p[0]++; + c.parm.aux.subcmd = AT_QUERY; + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + if (*p[0] == '?') { p[0]++; - if (*p[0] == '?') { - p[0]++; - c.parm.aux.subcmd = AT_EQ_QUERY; - } else { - par = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((par < 0) || (par > 255)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - c.parm.aux.subcmd = AT_EQ_VALUE; - c.parm.aux.para[0] = par; - } - break; - case 0: - c.parm.aux.subcmd = AT_COMMAND; - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + c.parm.aux.subcmd = AT_EQ_QUERY; + } else { + par = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((par < 0) || (par > 255)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + c.parm.aux.subcmd = AT_EQ_VALUE; + c.parm.aux.para[0] = par; + } + break; + case 0: + c.parm.aux.subcmd = AT_COMMAND; + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } c.command = ISDN_CMD_FAXCMD; #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_CMD_DEBUG @@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS1(char **p, modem_info * info) */ static int -isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info *info) { atemu *m = &info->emu; T30_s *f = info->fax; @@ -418,25 +418,25 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) char rs[50]; char rss[50]; int maxdccval[] = - {1, 5, 2, 2, 3, 2, 0, 7}; + {1, 5, 2, 2, 3, 2, 0, 7}; /* FAA still unchanged */ if (!strncmp(p[0], "AA", 2)) { /* TODO */ p[0] += 2; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': - p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", 0); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': - p[0]++; - par = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((par < 0) || (par > 255)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - break; - default: + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", 0); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + par = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((par < 0) || (par > 255)) PARSE_ERROR1; + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -444,29 +444,29 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) if (!strncmp(p[0], "BADLIN", 6)) { p[0] += 6; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->badlin); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + if (*p[0] == '?') { p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->badlin); + sprintf(rs, "\r\n0-255"); isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': - p[0]++; - if (*p[0] == '?') { - p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n0-255"); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - } else { - par = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((par < 0) || (par > 255)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - f->badlin = par; + } else { + par = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((par < 0) || (par > 255)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + f->badlin = par; #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FBADLIN=%d\n", par); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FBADLIN=%d\n", par); #endif - } - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -474,29 +474,29 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) if (!strncmp(p[0], "BADMUL", 6)) { p[0] += 6; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->badmul); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + if (*p[0] == '?') { p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->badmul); + sprintf(rs, "\r\n0-255"); isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': - p[0]++; - if (*p[0] == '?') { - p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n0-255"); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - } else { - par = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((par < 0) || (par > 255)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - f->badmul = par; + } else { + par = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((par < 0) || (par > 255)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + f->badmul = par; #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FBADMUL=%d\n", par); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FBADMUL=%d\n", par); #endif - } - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -504,29 +504,29 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) if (!strncmp(p[0], "BOR", 3)) { p[0] += 3; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->bor); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + if (*p[0] == '?') { p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->bor); + sprintf(rs, "\r\n0,1"); isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': - p[0]++; - if (*p[0] == '?') { - p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n0,1"); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - } else { - par = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((par < 0) || (par > 1)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - f->bor = par; + } else { + par = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((par < 0) || (par > 1)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + f->bor = par; #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FBOR=%d\n", par); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FBOR=%d\n", par); #endif - } - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -534,29 +534,29 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) if (!strncmp(p[0], "NBC", 3)) { p[0] += 3; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->nbc); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + if (*p[0] == '?') { p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->nbc); + sprintf(rs, "\r\n0,1"); isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': - p[0]++; - if (*p[0] == '?') { - p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n0,1"); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - } else { - par = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((par < 0) || (par > 1)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - f->nbc = par; + } else { + par = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((par < 0) || (par > 1)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + f->nbc = par; #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FNBC=%d\n", par); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FNBC=%d\n", par); #endif - } - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -576,36 +576,36 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) int i, r; p[0] += 3; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n\"%s\"", f->pollid); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + if (*p[0] == '?') { p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n\"%s\"", f->pollid); + sprintf(rs, "\r\n\"STRING\""); isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': - p[0]++; - if (*p[0] == '?') { + } else { + if (*p[0] == '"') p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n\"STRING\""); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - } else { - if (*p[0] == '"') - p[0]++; - for (i = 0; (*p[0]) && i < (FAXIDLEN - 1) && (*p[0] != '"'); i++) { - f->pollid[i] = *p[0]++; - } - if (*p[0] == '"') - p[0]++; - for (r = i; r < FAXIDLEN; r++) { - f->pollid[r] = 32; - } - f->pollid[FAXIDLEN - 1] = 0; + for (i = 0; (*p[0]) && i < (FAXIDLEN - 1) && (*p[0] != '"'); i++) { + f->pollid[i] = *p[0]++; + } + if (*p[0] == '"') + p[0]++; + for (r = i; r < FAXIDLEN; r++) { + f->pollid[r] = 32; + } + f->pollid[FAXIDLEN - 1] = 0; #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax local poll ID rx \"%s\"\n", f->pollid); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax local poll ID rx \"%s\"\n", f->pollid); #endif - } - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -613,29 +613,29 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) if (!strncmp(p[0], "CQ", 2)) { p[0] += 2; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->cq); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + if (*p[0] == '?') { p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->cq); + sprintf(rs, "\r\n0,1,2"); isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': - p[0]++; - if (*p[0] == '?') { - p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n0,1,2"); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - } else { - par = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((par < 0) || (par > 2)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - f->cq = par; + } else { + par = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((par < 0) || (par > 2)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + f->cq = par; #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FCQ=%d\n", par); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FCQ=%d\n", par); #endif - } - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -643,29 +643,29 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) if (!strncmp(p[0], "CR", 2)) { p[0] += 2; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->cr); /* read actual value from struct and print */ + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + if (*p[0] == '?') { p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->cr); /* read actual value from struct and print */ + sprintf(rs, "\r\n0,1"); /* display online help */ isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': - p[0]++; - if (*p[0] == '?') { - p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n0,1"); /* display online help */ - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - } else { - par = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((par < 0) || (par > 1)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - f->cr = par; + } else { + par = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((par < 0) || (par > 1)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + f->cr = par; #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FCR=%d\n", par); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FCR=%d\n", par); #endif - } - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -673,29 +673,29 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) if (!strncmp(p[0], "CTCRTY", 6)) { p[0] += 6; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->ctcrty); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + if (*p[0] == '?') { p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->ctcrty); + sprintf(rs, "\r\n0-255"); isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': - p[0]++; - if (*p[0] == '?') { - p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n0-255"); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - } else { - par = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((par < 0) || (par > 255)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - f->ctcrty = par; + } else { + par = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((par < 0) || (par > 255)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + f->ctcrty = par; #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FCTCRTY=%d\n", par); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FCTCRTY=%d\n", par); #endif - } - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -706,42 +706,42 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) p[0] += 3; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': - p[0]++; - strcpy(rs, "\r\n"); - for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { - sprintf(rss, "%c%s", rp[i] + 48, - (i < 7) ? "," : ""); - strcat(rs, rss); - } - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': + case '?': + p[0]++; + strcpy(rs, "\r\n"); + for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { + sprintf(rss, "%c%s", rp[i] + 48, + (i < 7) ? "," : ""); + strcat(rs, rss); + } + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + if (*p[0] == '?') { + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n(0,1),(0-5),(0-2),(0-2),(0-3),(0-2),(0),(0-7)", info); p[0]++; - if (*p[0] == '?') { - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n(0,1),(0-5),(0-2),(0-2),(0-3),(0-2),(0),(0-7)", info); - p[0]++; - } else { - for (i = 0; (((*p[0] >= '0') && (*p[0] <= '9')) || (*p[0] == ',')) && (i < 8); i++) { - if (*p[0] != ',') { - if ((*p[0] - 48) > maxdccval[i]) { - PARSE_ERROR1; - } - rp[i] = *p[0] - 48; - p[0]++; - if (*p[0] == ',') - p[0]++; - } else + } else { + for (i = 0; (((*p[0] >= '0') && (*p[0] <= '9')) || (*p[0] == ',')) && (i < 8); i++) { + if (*p[0] != ',') { + if ((*p[0] - 48) > maxdccval[i]) { + PARSE_ERROR1; + } + rp[i] = *p[0] - 48; + p[0]++; + if (*p[0] == ',') p[0]++; - } + } else + p[0]++; + } #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FDCC capabilities DCE=%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n", - rp[0], rp[1], rp[2], rp[3], rp[4], rp[5], rp[6], rp[7]); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FDCC capabilities DCE=%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n", + rp[0], rp[1], rp[2], rp[3], rp[4], rp[5], rp[6], rp[7]); #endif - } - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -752,42 +752,42 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) p[0] += 3; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': - p[0]++; - strcpy(rs, "\r\n"); - for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { - sprintf(rss, "%c%s", rp[i] + 48, - (i < 7) ? "," : ""); - strcat(rs, rss); - } - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': + case '?': + p[0]++; + strcpy(rs, "\r\n"); + for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { + sprintf(rss, "%c%s", rp[i] + 48, + (i < 7) ? "," : ""); + strcat(rs, rss); + } + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + if (*p[0] == '?') { + isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n(0,1),(0-5),(0-2),(0-2),(0-3),(0-2),(0),(0-7)", info); p[0]++; - if (*p[0] == '?') { - isdn_tty_at_cout("\r\n(0,1),(0-5),(0-2),(0-2),(0-3),(0-2),(0),(0-7)", info); - p[0]++; - } else { - for (i = 0; (((*p[0] >= '0') && (*p[0] <= '9')) || (*p[0] == ',')) && (i < 8); i++) { - if (*p[0] != ',') { - if ((*p[0] - 48) > maxdccval[i]) { - PARSE_ERROR1; - } - rp[i] = *p[0] - 48; - p[0]++; - if (*p[0] == ',') - p[0]++; - } else + } else { + for (i = 0; (((*p[0] >= '0') && (*p[0] <= '9')) || (*p[0] == ',')) && (i < 8); i++) { + if (*p[0] != ',') { + if ((*p[0] - 48) > maxdccval[i]) { + PARSE_ERROR1; + } + rp[i] = *p[0] - 48; + p[0]++; + if (*p[0] == ',') p[0]++; - } + } else + p[0]++; + } #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FDIS session parms=%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n", - rp[0], rp[1], rp[2], rp[3], rp[4], rp[5], rp[6], rp[7]); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FDIS session parms=%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n", + rp[0], rp[1], rp[2], rp[3], rp[4], rp[5], rp[6], rp[7]); #endif - } - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -808,18 +808,18 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_C; } else if (f->phase == ISDN_FAX_PHASE_D) { switch (f->fet) { - case 0: /* next page will be received */ - f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_C; - isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(7, info); /* CONNECT */ - break; - case 1: /* next doc will be received */ - f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_B; - break; - case 2: /* fax session is terminating */ - f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_E; - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + case 0: /* next page will be received */ + f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_C; + isdn_tty_fax_modem_result(7, info); /* CONNECT */ + break; + case 1: /* next doc will be received */ + f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_B; + break; + case 2: /* fax session is terminating */ + f->phase = ISDN_FAX_PHASE_E; + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } } } else { @@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) /* DT=df,vr,wd,ln - TX phase C data command (release DCE to proceed with negotiation) */ if (!strncmp(p[0], "DT", 2)) { int i, val[] = - {4, 0, 2, 3}; + {4, 0, 2, 3}; char *rp = &f->resolution; p[0] += 2; @@ -872,29 +872,29 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) if (!strncmp(p[0], "ECM", 3)) { p[0] += 3; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->ecm); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + if (*p[0] == '?') { p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->ecm); + sprintf(rs, "\r\n0,2"); isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': - p[0]++; - if (*p[0] == '?') { - p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n0,2"); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - } else { - par = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((par != 0) && (par != 2)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - f->ecm = par; + } else { + par = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((par != 0) && (par != 2)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + f->ecm = par; #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FECM=%d\n", par); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FECM=%d\n", par); #endif - } - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -938,36 +938,36 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) int i, r; p[0] += 3; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n\"%s\"", f->id); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + if (*p[0] == '?') { p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n\"%s\"", f->id); + sprintf(rs, "\r\n\"STRING\""); isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': - p[0]++; - if (*p[0] == '?') { + } else { + if (*p[0] == '"') p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n\"STRING\""); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - } else { - if (*p[0] == '"') - p[0]++; - for (i = 0; (*p[0]) && i < (FAXIDLEN - 1) && (*p[0] != '"'); i++) { - f->id[i] = *p[0]++; - } - if (*p[0] == '"') - p[0]++; - for (r = i; r < FAXIDLEN; r++) { - f->id[r] = 32; - } - f->id[FAXIDLEN - 1] = 0; + for (i = 0; (*p[0]) && i < (FAXIDLEN - 1) && (*p[0] != '"'); i++) { + f->id[i] = *p[0]++; + } + if (*p[0] == '"') + p[0]++; + for (r = i; r < FAXIDLEN; r++) { + f->id[r] = 32; + } + f->id[FAXIDLEN - 1] = 0; #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax local ID \"%s\"\n", f->id); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax local ID \"%s\"\n", f->id); #endif - } - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -994,29 +994,29 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) if (!strncmp(p[0], "MINSP", 5)) { p[0] += 5; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->minsp); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + if (*p[0] == '?') { p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->minsp); + sprintf(rs, "\r\n0-5"); isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': - p[0]++; - if (*p[0] == '?') { - p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n0-5"); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - } else { - par = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((par < 0) || (par > 5)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - f->minsp = par; + } else { + par = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((par < 0) || (par > 5)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + f->minsp = par; #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FMINSP=%d\n", par); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FMINSP=%d\n", par); #endif - } - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -1024,29 +1024,29 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) if (!strncmp(p[0], "PHCTO", 5)) { p[0] += 5; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->phcto); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + if (*p[0] == '?') { p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->phcto); + sprintf(rs, "\r\n0-255"); isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': - p[0]++; - if (*p[0] == '?') { - p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n0-255"); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - } else { - par = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((par < 0) || (par > 255)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - f->phcto = par; + } else { + par = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((par < 0) || (par > 255)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + f->phcto = par; #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FPHCTO=%d\n", par); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FPHCTO=%d\n", par); #endif - } - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -1055,29 +1055,29 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) if (!strncmp(p[0], "REL", 3)) { p[0] += 3; switch (*p[0]) { - case '?': + case '?': + p[0]++; + sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->rel); + isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); + break; + case '=': + p[0]++; + if (*p[0] == '?') { p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n%d", f->rel); + sprintf(rs, "\r\n0,1"); isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - break; - case '=': - p[0]++; - if (*p[0] == '?') { - p[0]++; - sprintf(rs, "\r\n0,1"); - isdn_tty_at_cout(rs, info); - } else { - par = isdn_getnum(p); - if ((par < 0) || (par > 1)) - PARSE_ERROR1; - f->rel = par; + } else { + par = isdn_getnum(p); + if ((par < 0) || (par > 1)) + PARSE_ERROR1; + f->rel = par; #ifdef ISDN_TTY_FAX_STAT_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FREL=%d\n", par); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FREL=%d\n", par); #endif - } - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + } + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -1100,11 +1100,11 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_tty: Fax FTBC=%c\n", *p[0]); #endif switch (*p[0]) { - case '0': - p[0]++; - break; - default: - PARSE_ERROR1; + case '0': + p[0]++; + break; + default: + PARSE_ERROR1; } return 0; } @@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@ isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(char **p, modem_info * info) } int -isdn_tty_cmd_PLUSF_FAX(char **p, modem_info * info) +isdn_tty_cmd_PLUSF_FAX(char **p, modem_info *info) { if (TTY_IS_FCLASS2(info)) return (isdn_tty_cmd_FCLASS2(p, info)); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_ttyfax.h b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_ttyfax.h index 757a890100209c7a7d7af6c0ce976d4fcf4401fa..ccda4fcf8f7be451c8ba090bef4871c507fdd00b 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_ttyfax.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_ttyfax.h @@ -15,4 +15,3 @@ #define XON 0x11 #define XOFF 0x13 #define DC2 0x12 - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_v110.c b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_v110.c index c5d02b6aafabb614ed731ff9318b9e7281ec93a2..52827a80c51f4bc2528be2af0b5c9886eb36a1d5 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_v110.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_v110.c @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ char *isdn_v110_revision = "$Revision: $"; #define V110_19200 15 #define V110_9600 3 -/* - * The following data are precoded matrices, online and offline matrix +/* + * The following data are precoded matrices, online and offline matrix * for 9600, 19200 und 38400, respectively */ static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600[] = @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_38400[] = static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_38400[] = {0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xfd, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}; -/* +/* * FlipBits reorders sequences of keylen bits in one byte. * E.g. source order 7654321 will be converted to 45670123 when keylen = 4, * and to 67452301 when keylen = 2. This is necessary because ordering on @@ -103,18 +103,18 @@ isdn_v110_open(unsigned char key, int hdrlen, int maxsize) v->decodelen = 0; switch (key) { - case V110_38400: - v->OnlineFrame = V110_OnMatrix_38400; - v->OfflineFrame = V110_OffMatrix_38400; - break; - case V110_19200: - v->OnlineFrame = V110_OnMatrix_19200; - v->OfflineFrame = V110_OffMatrix_19200; - break; - default: - v->OnlineFrame = V110_OnMatrix_9600; - v->OfflineFrame = V110_OffMatrix_9600; - break; + case V110_38400: + v->OnlineFrame = V110_OnMatrix_38400; + v->OfflineFrame = V110_OffMatrix_38400; + break; + case V110_19200: + v->OnlineFrame = V110_OnMatrix_19200; + v->OfflineFrame = V110_OffMatrix_19200; + break; + default: + v->OnlineFrame = V110_OnMatrix_9600; + v->OfflineFrame = V110_OffMatrix_9600; + break; } v->framelen = v->nbytes * 10; v->SyncInit = 5; @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ isdn_v110_open(unsigned char key, int hdrlen, int maxsize) /* isdn_v110_close frees private V.110 data structures */ void -isdn_v110_close(isdn_v110_stream * v) +isdn_v110_close(isdn_v110_stream *v) { if (v == NULL) return; @@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ isdn_v110_close(isdn_v110_stream * v) } -/* - * ValidHeaderBytes return the number of valid bytes in v->decodebuf +/* + * ValidHeaderBytes return the number of valid bytes in v->decodebuf */ static int -ValidHeaderBytes(isdn_v110_stream * v) +ValidHeaderBytes(isdn_v110_stream *v) { int i; for (i = 0; (i < v->decodelen) && (i < v->nbytes); i++) @@ -157,11 +157,11 @@ ValidHeaderBytes(isdn_v110_stream * v) return i; } -/* - * SyncHeader moves the decodebuf ptr to the next valid header +/* + * SyncHeader moves the decodebuf ptr to the next valid header */ static void -SyncHeader(isdn_v110_stream * v) +SyncHeader(isdn_v110_stream *v) { unsigned char *rbuf = v->decodebuf; int len = v->decodelen; @@ -185,9 +185,9 @@ SyncHeader(isdn_v110_stream * v) only complete matices must be given. From these, netto data is extracted and returned in buf. The return-value is the bytecount of the decoded data. - */ +*/ static int -DecodeMatrix(isdn_v110_stream * v, unsigned char *m, int len, unsigned char *buf) +DecodeMatrix(isdn_v110_stream *v, unsigned char *m, int len, unsigned char *buf) { int line = 0; int buflen = 0; @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ DecodeMatrix(isdn_v110_stream * v, unsigned char *m, int len, unsigned char *buf printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdn_v110: DecodeMatrix, V110 Bad Header\n"); /* returning now is not the right thing, though :-( */ #endif - } + } line++; /* next line of matrix */ continue; } else if ((line % 10) == 5) { /* in line 5 there's only e-bits ! */ @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ DecodeMatrix(isdn_v110_stream * v, unsigned char *m, int len, unsigned char *buf continue; } else if (!introducer) { /* every byte starts with 10 (stopbit, startbit) */ introducer = (m[line] & mbit) ? 0 : 1; /* current bit of the matrix */ - next_byte: + next_byte: if (mbit > 2) { /* was it the last bit in this line ? */ mbit >>= 1; /* no -> take next */ continue; @@ -246,13 +246,13 @@ DecodeMatrix(isdn_v110_stream * v, unsigned char *m, int len, unsigned char *buf return buflen; /* return number of bytes in the output buffer */ } -/* - * DecodeStream receives V.110 coded data from the input stream. It recovers the +/* + * DecodeStream receives V.110 coded data from the input stream. It recovers the * original frames. * The input stream doesn't need to be framed */ struct sk_buff * -isdn_v110_decode(isdn_v110_stream * v, struct sk_buff *skb) +isdn_v110_decode(isdn_v110_stream *v, struct sk_buff *skb) { int i; int j; @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ isdn_v110_decode(isdn_v110_stream * v, struct sk_buff *skb) /* copy new data to decode-buffer */ memcpy(&(v->decodebuf[v->decodelen]), rbuf, len); v->decodelen += len; - ReSync: +ReSync: if (v->decodelen < v->nbytes) { /* got a new header ? */ dev_kfree_skb(skb); return NULL; /* no, try later */ @@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ isdn_v110_decode(isdn_v110_stream * v, struct sk_buff *skb) /* EncodeMatrix takes input data in buf, len is the bytecount. Data is encoded into v110 frames in m. Return value is the number of matrix-lines generated. - */ +*/ static int EncodeMatrix(unsigned char *buf, int len, unsigned char *m, int mlen) { @@ -333,14 +333,14 @@ EncodeMatrix(unsigned char *buf, int len, unsigned char *m, int mlen) while ((i < len) && (line < mlen)) { /* while we still have input data */ switch (line % 10) { /* in which line of the matrix are we? */ - case 0: - m[line++] = 0x00; /* line 0 is always 0 */ - mbit = 128; /* go on with the 7th bit */ - break; - case 5: - m[line++] = 0xbf; /* line 5 is always 10111111 */ - mbit = 128; /* go on with the 7th bit */ - break; + case 0: + m[line++] = 0x00; /* line 0 is always 0 */ + mbit = 128; /* go on with the 7th bit */ + break; + case 5: + m[line++] = 0xbf; /* line 5 is always 10111111 */ + mbit = 128; /* go on with the 7th bit */ + break; } if (line >= mlen) { printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_v110 (EncodeMatrix): buffer full!\n"); @@ -348,16 +348,16 @@ EncodeMatrix(unsigned char *buf, int len, unsigned char *m, int mlen) } next_bit: switch (mbit) { /* leftmost or rightmost bit ? */ - case 1: - line++; /* rightmost -> go to next line */ - if (line >= mlen) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_v110 (EncodeMatrix): buffer full!\n"); - return line; - } - case 128: - m[line] = 128; /* leftmost -> set byte to 1000000 */ - mbit = 64; /* current bit in the matrix line */ - continue; + case 1: + line++; /* rightmost -> go to next line */ + if (line >= mlen) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_v110 (EncodeMatrix): buffer full!\n"); + return line; + } + case 128: + m[line] = 128; /* leftmost -> set byte to 1000000 */ + mbit = 64; /* current bit in the matrix line */ + continue; } if (introducer) { /* set 110 sequence ? */ introducer--; /* set on digit less */ @@ -384,24 +384,24 @@ EncodeMatrix(unsigned char *buf, int len, unsigned char *m, int mlen) /* if necessary, generate remaining lines of the matrix... */ if ((line) && ((line + 10) < mlen)) switch (++line % 10) { - case 1: - m[line++] = 0xfe; - case 2: - m[line++] = 0xfe; - case 3: - m[line++] = 0xfe; - case 4: - m[line++] = 0xfe; - case 5: - m[line++] = 0xbf; - case 6: - m[line++] = 0xfe; - case 7: - m[line++] = 0xfe; - case 8: - m[line++] = 0xfe; - case 9: - m[line++] = 0xfe; + case 1: + m[line++] = 0xfe; + case 2: + m[line++] = 0xfe; + case 3: + m[line++] = 0xfe; + case 4: + m[line++] = 0xfe; + case 5: + m[line++] = 0xbf; + case 6: + m[line++] = 0xfe; + case 7: + m[line++] = 0xfe; + case 8: + m[line++] = 0xfe; + case 9: + m[line++] = 0xfe; } return line; /* that's how many lines we have */ } @@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ isdn_v110_idle(isdn_v110_stream *v) } struct sk_buff * -isdn_v110_encode(isdn_v110_stream * v, struct sk_buff *skb) +isdn_v110_encode(isdn_v110_stream *v, struct sk_buff *skb) { int i; int j; @@ -524,93 +524,93 @@ isdn_v110_stat_callback(int idx, isdn_ctrl *c) if (idx < 0) return 0; switch (c->command) { - case ISDN_STAT_BSENT: - /* Keep the send-queue of the driver filled - * with frames: - * If number of outstanding frames < 3, - * send down an Idle-Frame (or an Sync-Frame, if - * v->SyncInit != 0). - */ - if (!(v = dev->v110[idx])) - return 0; - atomic_inc(&dev->v110use[idx]); - for (i=0; i * v->framelen < c->parm.length; i++) { - if (v->skbidle > 0) { - v->skbidle--; - ret = 1; + case ISDN_STAT_BSENT: + /* Keep the send-queue of the driver filled + * with frames: + * If number of outstanding frames < 3, + * send down an Idle-Frame (or an Sync-Frame, if + * v->SyncInit != 0). + */ + if (!(v = dev->v110[idx])) + return 0; + atomic_inc(&dev->v110use[idx]); + for (i = 0; i * v->framelen < c->parm.length; i++) { + if (v->skbidle > 0) { + v->skbidle--; + ret = 1; + } else { + if (v->skbuser > 0) + v->skbuser--; + ret = 0; + } + } + for (i = v->skbuser + v->skbidle; i < 2; i++) { + struct sk_buff *skb; + if (v->SyncInit > 0) + skb = isdn_v110_sync(v); + else + skb = isdn_v110_idle(v); + if (skb) { + if (dev->drv[c->driver]->interface->writebuf_skb(c->driver, c->arg, 1, skb) <= 0) { + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + break; } else { - if (v->skbuser > 0) - v->skbuser--; - ret = 0; + if (v->SyncInit) + v->SyncInit--; + v->skbidle++; } + } else + break; + } + atomic_dec(&dev->v110use[idx]); + return ret; + case ISDN_STAT_DHUP: + case ISDN_STAT_BHUP: + while (1) { + atomic_inc(&dev->v110use[idx]); + if (atomic_dec_and_test(&dev->v110use[idx])) { + isdn_v110_close(dev->v110[idx]); + dev->v110[idx] = NULL; + break; + } + mdelay(1); + } + break; + case ISDN_STAT_BCONN: + if (dev->v110emu[idx] && (dev->v110[idx] == NULL)) { + int hdrlen = dev->drv[c->driver]->interface->hl_hdrlen; + int maxsize = dev->drv[c->driver]->interface->maxbufsize; + atomic_inc(&dev->v110use[idx]); + switch (dev->v110emu[idx]) { + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: + dev->v110[idx] = isdn_v110_open(V110_9600, hdrlen, maxsize); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: + dev->v110[idx] = isdn_v110_open(V110_19200, hdrlen, maxsize); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: + dev->v110[idx] = isdn_v110_open(V110_38400, hdrlen, maxsize); + break; + default:; } - for (i = v->skbuser + v->skbidle; i < 2; i++) { - struct sk_buff *skb; - if (v->SyncInit > 0) - skb = isdn_v110_sync(v); - else - skb = isdn_v110_idle(v); - if (skb) { + if ((v = dev->v110[idx])) { + while (v->SyncInit) { + struct sk_buff *skb = isdn_v110_sync(v); if (dev->drv[c->driver]->interface->writebuf_skb(c->driver, c->arg, 1, skb) <= 0) { dev_kfree_skb(skb); + /* Unable to send, try later */ break; - } else { - if (v->SyncInit) - v->SyncInit--; - v->skbidle++; } - } else - break; - } - atomic_dec(&dev->v110use[idx]); - return ret; - case ISDN_STAT_DHUP: - case ISDN_STAT_BHUP: - while (1) { - atomic_inc(&dev->v110use[idx]); - if (atomic_dec_and_test(&dev->v110use[idx])) { - isdn_v110_close(dev->v110[idx]); - dev->v110[idx] = NULL; - break; + v->SyncInit--; + v->skbidle++; } - mdelay(1); - } - break; - case ISDN_STAT_BCONN: - if (dev->v110emu[idx] && (dev->v110[idx] == NULL)) { - int hdrlen = dev->drv[c->driver]->interface->hl_hdrlen; - int maxsize = dev->drv[c->driver]->interface->maxbufsize; - atomic_inc(&dev->v110use[idx]); - switch (dev->v110emu[idx]) { - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096: - dev->v110[idx] = isdn_v110_open(V110_9600, hdrlen, maxsize); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019: - dev->v110[idx] = isdn_v110_open(V110_19200, hdrlen, maxsize); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038: - dev->v110[idx] = isdn_v110_open(V110_38400, hdrlen, maxsize); - break; - default:; - } - if ((v = dev->v110[idx])) { - while (v->SyncInit) { - struct sk_buff *skb = isdn_v110_sync(v); - if (dev->drv[c->driver]->interface->writebuf_skb(c->driver, c->arg, 1, skb) <= 0) { - dev_kfree_skb(skb); - /* Unable to send, try later */ - break; - } - v->SyncInit--; - v->skbidle++; - } - } else - printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_v110: Couldn't open stream for chan %d\n", idx); - atomic_dec(&dev->v110use[idx]); - } - break; - default: - return 0; + } else + printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_v110: Couldn't open stream for chan %d\n", idx); + atomic_dec(&dev->v110use[idx]); + } + break; + default: + return 0; } return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_v110.h b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_v110.h index 08f274bbc438e139e57dffe34138fcb45aa38b45..de774ab598c9947659414a64a0238a8d5502959d 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_v110.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_v110.h @@ -12,18 +12,18 @@ #ifndef _isdn_v110_h_ #define _isdn_v110_h_ -/* - * isdn_v110_encode will take raw data and encode it using V.110 +/* + * isdn_v110_encode will take raw data and encode it using V.110 */ extern struct sk_buff *isdn_v110_encode(isdn_v110_stream *, struct sk_buff *); -/* +/* * isdn_v110_decode receives V.110 coded data from the stream and rebuilds * frames from them. The source stream doesn't need to be framed. */ extern struct sk_buff *isdn_v110_decode(isdn_v110_stream *, struct sk_buff *); extern int isdn_v110_stat_callback(int, isdn_ctrl *); -extern void isdn_v110_close(isdn_v110_stream * v); +extern void isdn_v110_close(isdn_v110_stream *v); #endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_x25iface.c b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_x25iface.c index fd10d7c785d4d7717de45c36c399fe33b19b7823..e2d4e58230f581c2f1ac7a86f89e44e8fe529f05 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_x25iface.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_x25iface.c @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ #include "isdn_x25iface.h" /* for debugging messages not to cause an oops when device pointer is NULL*/ -#define MY_DEVNAME(dev) ( (dev) ? (dev)->name : "DEVICE UNSPECIFIED" ) +#define MY_DEVNAME(dev) ((dev) ? (dev)->name : "DEVICE UNSPECIFIED") typedef struct isdn_x25iface_proto_data { @@ -34,22 +34,22 @@ typedef struct isdn_x25iface_proto_data { enum wan_states state; /* Private stuff, not to be accessed via proto_data. We provide the other storage for the concap_proto instance here as well, - enabling us to allocate both with just one kmalloc(): */ + enabling us to allocate both with just one kmalloc(): */ struct concap_proto priv; } ix25_pdata_t; /* is now in header file (extern): struct concap_proto * isdn_x25iface_proto_new(void); */ -static void isdn_x25iface_proto_del( struct concap_proto * ); -static int isdn_x25iface_proto_close( struct concap_proto * ); -static int isdn_x25iface_proto_restart( struct concap_proto *, - struct net_device *, - struct concap_device_ops *); -static int isdn_x25iface_xmit( struct concap_proto *, struct sk_buff * ); -static int isdn_x25iface_receive( struct concap_proto *, struct sk_buff * ); -static int isdn_x25iface_connect_ind( struct concap_proto * ); -static int isdn_x25iface_disconn_ind( struct concap_proto * ); +static void isdn_x25iface_proto_del(struct concap_proto *); +static int isdn_x25iface_proto_close(struct concap_proto *); +static int isdn_x25iface_proto_restart(struct concap_proto *, + struct net_device *, + struct concap_device_ops *); +static int isdn_x25iface_xmit(struct concap_proto *, struct sk_buff *); +static int isdn_x25iface_receive(struct concap_proto *, struct sk_buff *); +static int isdn_x25iface_connect_ind(struct concap_proto *); +static int isdn_x25iface_disconn_ind(struct concap_proto *); static struct concap_proto_ops ix25_pops = { @@ -64,65 +64,65 @@ static struct concap_proto_ops ix25_pops = { }; /* error message helper function */ -static void illegal_state_warn( unsigned state, unsigned char firstbyte) +static void illegal_state_warn(unsigned state, unsigned char firstbyte) { - printk( KERN_WARNING "isdn_x25iface: firstbyte %x illegal in" - "current state %d\n",firstbyte, state ); + printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_x25iface: firstbyte %x illegal in" + "current state %d\n", firstbyte, state); } /* check protocol data field for consistency */ -static int pdata_is_bad( ix25_pdata_t * pda ){ +static int pdata_is_bad(ix25_pdata_t *pda) { - if( pda && pda -> magic == ISDN_X25IFACE_MAGIC ) return 0; - printk( KERN_WARNING - "isdn_x25iface_xxx: illegal pointer to proto data\n" ); + if (pda && pda->magic == ISDN_X25IFACE_MAGIC) return 0; + printk(KERN_WARNING + "isdn_x25iface_xxx: illegal pointer to proto data\n"); return 1; } /* create a new x25 interface protocol instance */ -struct concap_proto * isdn_x25iface_proto_new(void) +struct concap_proto *isdn_x25iface_proto_new(void) { - ix25_pdata_t * tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(ix25_pdata_t),GFP_KERNEL); + ix25_pdata_t *tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(ix25_pdata_t), GFP_KERNEL); IX25DEBUG("isdn_x25iface_proto_new\n"); - if( tmp ){ - tmp -> magic = ISDN_X25IFACE_MAGIC; - tmp -> state = WAN_UNCONFIGURED; + if (tmp) { + tmp->magic = ISDN_X25IFACE_MAGIC; + tmp->state = WAN_UNCONFIGURED; /* private data space used to hold the concap_proto data. Only to be accessed via the returned pointer */ spin_lock_init(&tmp->priv.lock); - tmp -> priv.dops = NULL; - tmp -> priv.net_dev = NULL; - tmp -> priv.pops = &ix25_pops; - tmp -> priv.flags = 0; - tmp -> priv.proto_data = tmp; - return( &(tmp -> priv) ); + tmp->priv.dops = NULL; + tmp->priv.net_dev = NULL; + tmp->priv.pops = &ix25_pops; + tmp->priv.flags = 0; + tmp->priv.proto_data = tmp; + return (&(tmp->priv)); } return NULL; }; -/* close the x25iface encapsulation protocol +/* close the x25iface encapsulation protocol */ -static int isdn_x25iface_proto_close(struct concap_proto *cprot){ +static int isdn_x25iface_proto_close(struct concap_proto *cprot) { ix25_pdata_t *tmp; - int ret = 0; + int ret = 0; ulong flags; - if( ! cprot ){ - printk( KERN_ERR "isdn_x25iface_proto_close: " - "invalid concap_proto pointer\n" ); + if (!cprot) { + printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_x25iface_proto_close: " + "invalid concap_proto pointer\n"); return -1; } - IX25DEBUG( "isdn_x25iface_proto_close %s \n", MY_DEVNAME(cprot -> net_dev) ); + IX25DEBUG("isdn_x25iface_proto_close %s \n", MY_DEVNAME(cprot->net_dev)); spin_lock_irqsave(&cprot->lock, flags); - cprot -> dops = NULL; - cprot -> net_dev = NULL; - tmp = cprot -> proto_data; - if( pdata_is_bad( tmp ) ){ + cprot->dops = NULL; + cprot->net_dev = NULL; + tmp = cprot->proto_data; + if (pdata_is_bad(tmp)) { ret = -1; } else { - tmp -> state = WAN_UNCONFIGURED; + tmp->state = WAN_UNCONFIGURED; } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cprot->lock, flags); return ret; @@ -130,100 +130,100 @@ static int isdn_x25iface_proto_close(struct concap_proto *cprot){ /* Delete the x25iface encapsulation protocol instance */ -static void isdn_x25iface_proto_del(struct concap_proto *cprot){ +static void isdn_x25iface_proto_del(struct concap_proto *cprot) { + + ix25_pdata_t *tmp; - ix25_pdata_t * tmp; - - IX25DEBUG( "isdn_x25iface_proto_del \n" ); - if( ! cprot ){ - printk( KERN_ERR "isdn_x25iface_proto_del: " - "concap_proto pointer is NULL\n" ); + IX25DEBUG("isdn_x25iface_proto_del \n"); + if (!cprot) { + printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_x25iface_proto_del: " + "concap_proto pointer is NULL\n"); return; } - tmp = cprot -> proto_data; - if( tmp == NULL ){ - printk( KERN_ERR "isdn_x25iface_proto_del: inconsistent " - "proto_data pointer (maybe already deleted?)\n"); + tmp = cprot->proto_data; + if (tmp == NULL) { + printk(KERN_ERR "isdn_x25iface_proto_del: inconsistent " + "proto_data pointer (maybe already deleted?)\n"); return; } /* close if the protocol is still open */ - if( cprot -> dops ) isdn_x25iface_proto_close(cprot); + if (cprot->dops) isdn_x25iface_proto_close(cprot); /* freeing the storage should be sufficient now. But some additional settings might help to catch wild pointer bugs */ - tmp -> magic = 0; - cprot -> proto_data = NULL; + tmp->magic = 0; + cprot->proto_data = NULL; - kfree( tmp ); + kfree(tmp); return; } /* (re-)initialize the data structures for x25iface encapsulation */ static int isdn_x25iface_proto_restart(struct concap_proto *cprot, - struct net_device *ndev, - struct concap_device_ops *dops) + struct net_device *ndev, + struct concap_device_ops *dops) { - ix25_pdata_t * pda = cprot -> proto_data ; + ix25_pdata_t *pda = cprot->proto_data; ulong flags; - IX25DEBUG( "isdn_x25iface_proto_restart %s \n", MY_DEVNAME(ndev) ); + IX25DEBUG("isdn_x25iface_proto_restart %s \n", MY_DEVNAME(ndev)); - if ( pdata_is_bad( pda ) ) return -1; + if (pdata_is_bad(pda)) return -1; - if( !( dops && dops -> data_req && dops -> connect_req - && dops -> disconn_req ) ){ - printk( KERN_WARNING "isdn_x25iface_restart: required dops" - " missing\n" ); + if (!(dops && dops->data_req && dops->connect_req + && dops->disconn_req)) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_x25iface_restart: required dops" + " missing\n"); isdn_x25iface_proto_close(cprot); return -1; } spin_lock_irqsave(&cprot->lock, flags); - cprot -> net_dev = ndev; - cprot -> pops = &ix25_pops; - cprot -> dops = dops; - pda -> state = WAN_DISCONNECTED; + cprot->net_dev = ndev; + cprot->pops = &ix25_pops; + cprot->dops = dops; + pda->state = WAN_DISCONNECTED; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cprot->lock, flags); return 0; } -/* deliver a dl_data frame received from i4l HL driver to the network layer +/* deliver a dl_data frame received from i4l HL driver to the network layer */ static int isdn_x25iface_receive(struct concap_proto *cprot, struct sk_buff *skb) { - IX25DEBUG( "isdn_x25iface_receive %s \n", MY_DEVNAME(cprot->net_dev) ); - if ( ( (ix25_pdata_t*) (cprot->proto_data) ) - -> state == WAN_CONNECTED ){ - if( skb_push(skb, 1)){ + IX25DEBUG("isdn_x25iface_receive %s \n", MY_DEVNAME(cprot->net_dev)); + if (((ix25_pdata_t *)(cprot->proto_data)) + ->state == WAN_CONNECTED) { + if (skb_push(skb, 1)) { skb->data[0] = X25_IFACE_DATA; skb->protocol = x25_type_trans(skb, cprot->net_dev); netif_rx(skb); return 0; } } - printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_x25iface_receive %s: not connected, skb dropped\n", MY_DEVNAME(cprot->net_dev) ); + printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_x25iface_receive %s: not connected, skb dropped\n", MY_DEVNAME(cprot->net_dev)); dev_kfree_skb(skb); return -1; } -/* a connection set up is indicated by lower layer +/* a connection set up is indicated by lower layer */ static int isdn_x25iface_connect_ind(struct concap_proto *cprot) { - struct sk_buff * skb; - enum wan_states *state_p - = &( ( (ix25_pdata_t*) (cprot->proto_data) ) -> state); - IX25DEBUG( "isdn_x25iface_connect_ind %s \n" - , MY_DEVNAME(cprot->net_dev) ); - if( *state_p == WAN_UNCONFIGURED ){ - printk(KERN_WARNING + struct sk_buff *skb; + enum wan_states *state_p + = &(((ix25_pdata_t *)(cprot->proto_data))->state); + IX25DEBUG("isdn_x25iface_connect_ind %s \n" + , MY_DEVNAME(cprot->net_dev)); + if (*state_p == WAN_UNCONFIGURED) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_x25iface_connect_ind while unconfigured %s\n" - , MY_DEVNAME(cprot->net_dev) ); + , MY_DEVNAME(cprot->net_dev)); return -1; } *state_p = WAN_CONNECTED; skb = dev_alloc_skb(1); - if( skb ){ + if (skb) { *(skb_put(skb, 1)) = X25_IFACE_CONNECT; skb->protocol = x25_type_trans(skb, cprot->net_dev); netif_rx(skb); @@ -231,28 +231,28 @@ static int isdn_x25iface_connect_ind(struct concap_proto *cprot) } else { printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_x25iface_connect_ind: " " out of memory -- disconnecting\n"); - cprot -> dops -> disconn_req(cprot); + cprot->dops->disconn_req(cprot); return -1; } } - -/* a disconnect is indicated by lower layer + +/* a disconnect is indicated by lower layer */ static int isdn_x25iface_disconn_ind(struct concap_proto *cprot) { struct sk_buff *skb; - enum wan_states *state_p - = &( ( (ix25_pdata_t*) (cprot->proto_data) ) -> state); - IX25DEBUG( "isdn_x25iface_disconn_ind %s \n", MY_DEVNAME(cprot -> net_dev) ); - if( *state_p == WAN_UNCONFIGURED ){ - printk(KERN_WARNING + enum wan_states *state_p + = &(((ix25_pdata_t *)(cprot->proto_data))->state); + IX25DEBUG("isdn_x25iface_disconn_ind %s \n", MY_DEVNAME(cprot->net_dev)); + if (*state_p == WAN_UNCONFIGURED) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_x25iface_disconn_ind while unconfigured\n"); return -1; } - if(! cprot -> net_dev) return -1; + if (!cprot->net_dev) return -1; *state_p = WAN_DISCONNECTED; skb = dev_alloc_skb(1); - if( skb ){ + if (skb) { *(skb_put(skb, 1)) = X25_IFACE_DISCONNECT; skb->protocol = x25_type_trans(skb, cprot->net_dev); netif_rx(skb); @@ -266,57 +266,57 @@ static int isdn_x25iface_disconn_ind(struct concap_proto *cprot) /* process a frame handed over to us from linux network layer. First byte semantics as defined in Documentation/networking/x25-iface.txt - */ +*/ static int isdn_x25iface_xmit(struct concap_proto *cprot, struct sk_buff *skb) { unsigned char firstbyte = skb->data[0]; - enum wan_states *state = &((ix25_pdata_t*)cprot->proto_data)->state; + enum wan_states *state = &((ix25_pdata_t *)cprot->proto_data)->state; int ret = 0; IX25DEBUG("isdn_x25iface_xmit: %s first=%x state=%d\n", - MY_DEVNAME(cprot->net_dev), firstbyte, *state); - switch ( firstbyte ){ + MY_DEVNAME(cprot->net_dev), firstbyte, *state); + switch (firstbyte) { case X25_IFACE_DATA: - if( *state == WAN_CONNECTED ){ + if (*state == WAN_CONNECTED) { skb_pull(skb, 1); - cprot -> net_dev -> trans_start = jiffies; - ret = ( cprot -> dops -> data_req(cprot, skb) ); + cprot->net_dev->trans_start = jiffies; + ret = (cprot->dops->data_req(cprot, skb)); /* prepare for future retransmissions */ - if( ret ) skb_push(skb,1); + if (ret) skb_push(skb, 1); return ret; } - illegal_state_warn( *state, firstbyte ); + illegal_state_warn(*state, firstbyte); break; case X25_IFACE_CONNECT: - if( *state == WAN_DISCONNECTED ){ + if (*state == WAN_DISCONNECTED) { *state = WAN_CONNECTING; - ret = cprot -> dops -> connect_req(cprot); - if(ret){ + ret = cprot->dops->connect_req(cprot); + if (ret) { /* reset state and notify upper layer about * immidiatly failed attempts */ isdn_x25iface_disconn_ind(cprot); } } else { - illegal_state_warn( *state, firstbyte ); + illegal_state_warn(*state, firstbyte); } break; case X25_IFACE_DISCONNECT: - switch ( *state ){ - case WAN_DISCONNECTED: + switch (*state) { + case WAN_DISCONNECTED: /* Should not happen. However, give upper layer a chance to recover from inconstistency but don't trust the lower layer sending the disconn_confirm when already disconnected */ printk(KERN_WARNING "isdn_x25iface_xmit: disconnect " - " requested while disconnected\n" ); + " requested while disconnected\n"); isdn_x25iface_disconn_ind(cprot); break; /* prevent infinite loops */ case WAN_CONNECTING: case WAN_CONNECTED: *state = WAN_DISCONNECTED; - cprot -> dops -> disconn_req(cprot); + cprot->dops->disconn_req(cprot); break; default: - illegal_state_warn( *state, firstbyte ); + illegal_state_warn(*state, firstbyte); } break; case X25_IFACE_PARAMS: diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_x25iface.h b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_x25iface.h index 41a3d497746635ab153cb3083733429f4099cf29..0b26e3b336e7cce117d1db52abd9a45999077a19 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_x25iface.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_x25iface.h @@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ #define ISDN_X25IFACE_MAGIC 0x1e75a2b9 /* #define DEBUG_ISDN_X25 if you want isdn_x25 debugging messages */ #ifdef DEBUG_ISDN_X25 -# define IX25DEBUG(fmt,args...) printk(KERN_DEBUG fmt , ## args) +# define IX25DEBUG(fmt, args...) printk(KERN_DEBUG fmt, ##args) #else -# define IX25DEBUG(fmt,args...) +# define IX25DEBUG(fmt, args...) #endif #include @@ -23,17 +23,9 @@ #include #include -extern struct concap_proto_ops * isdn_x25iface_concap_proto_ops_pt; -extern struct concap_proto * isdn_x25iface_proto_new(void); +extern struct concap_proto_ops *isdn_x25iface_concap_proto_ops_pt; +extern struct concap_proto *isdn_x25iface_proto_new(void); #endif - - - - - - - - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdnhdlc.c b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdnhdlc.c index c989aa35dc2fc56ede0c29eafb8e34cd378bf1ae..027d1c5906790123356aa15edd25ce2a35febd76 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdnhdlc.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/i4l/isdnhdlc.c @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ check_frame(struct isdnhdlc_vars *hdlc) { int status; - if (hdlc->dstpos < 2) /* too small - framing error */ + if (hdlc->dstpos < 2) /* too small - framing error */ status = -HDLC_FRAMING_ERROR; else if (hdlc->crc != 0xf0b8) /* crc error */ status = -HDLC_CRC_ERROR; @@ -127,9 +127,9 @@ check_frame(struct isdnhdlc_vars *hdlc) dsize - destination buffer size returns - number of decoded bytes in the destination buffer and status flag. - */ +*/ int isdnhdlc_decode(struct isdnhdlc_vars *hdlc, const u8 *src, int slen, - int *count, u8 *dst, int dsize) + int *count, u8 *dst, int dsize) { int status = 0; @@ -145,28 +145,28 @@ int isdnhdlc_decode(struct isdnhdlc_vars *hdlc, const u8 *src, int slen, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0xf8, 0xfc, 0xfe, 0xff }; -#define handle_fast_flag(h) \ - do {\ - if (h->cbin == fast_flag[h->bit_shift]) {\ - h->ffvalue = fast_flag_value[h->bit_shift];\ - h->state = HDLC_FAST_FLAG;\ - h->ffbit_shift = h->bit_shift;\ - h->bit_shift = 1;\ - } else {\ - h->state = HDLC_GET_DATA;\ - h->data_received = 0;\ - } \ +#define handle_fast_flag(h) \ + do { \ + if (h->cbin == fast_flag[h->bit_shift]) { \ + h->ffvalue = fast_flag_value[h->bit_shift]; \ + h->state = HDLC_FAST_FLAG; \ + h->ffbit_shift = h->bit_shift; \ + h->bit_shift = 1; \ + } else { \ + h->state = HDLC_GET_DATA; \ + h->data_received = 0; \ + } \ } while (0) -#define handle_abort(h) \ - do {\ - h->shift_reg = fast_abort[h->ffbit_shift - 1];\ - h->hdlc_bits1 = h->ffbit_shift - 2;\ - if (h->hdlc_bits1 < 0)\ - h->hdlc_bits1 = 0;\ - h->data_bits = h->ffbit_shift - 1;\ - h->state = HDLC_GET_DATA;\ - h->data_received = 0;\ +#define handle_abort(h) \ + do { \ + h->shift_reg = fast_abort[h->ffbit_shift - 1]; \ + h->hdlc_bits1 = h->ffbit_shift - 2; \ + if (h->hdlc_bits1 < 0) \ + h->hdlc_bits1 = 0; \ + h->data_bits = h->ffbit_shift - 1; \ + h->state = HDLC_GET_DATA; \ + h->data_received = 0; \ } while (0) *count = slen; @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ int isdnhdlc_decode(struct isdnhdlc_vars *hdlc, const u8 *src, int slen, if ((!hdlc->do_adapt56) && (++hdlc->hdlc_bits1 >= 8) && (hdlc->bit_shift == 1)) - hdlc->state = HDLC_FAST_IDLE; + hdlc->state = HDLC_FAST_IDLE; } hdlc->cbin <<= 1; hdlc->bit_shift--; @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ int isdnhdlc_decode(struct isdnhdlc_vars *hdlc, const u8 *src, int slen, hdlc->data_bits = 0; hdlc->data_received = 1; hdlc->crc = crc_ccitt_byte(hdlc->crc, - hdlc->shift_reg); + hdlc->shift_reg); /* good byte received */ if (hdlc->dstpos < dsize) @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(isdnhdlc_decode); returns - number of encoded bytes in the destination buffer */ int isdnhdlc_encode(struct isdnhdlc_vars *hdlc, const u8 *src, u16 slen, - int *count, u8 *dst, int dsize) + int *count, u8 *dst, int dsize) { static const unsigned char xfast_flag_value[] = { 0x7e, 0x3f, 0x9f, 0xcf, 0xe7, 0xf3, 0xf9, 0xfc, 0x7e @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ int isdnhdlc_encode(struct isdnhdlc_vars *hdlc, const u8 *src, u16 slen, } if (hdlc->bit_shift == 8) hdlc->crc = crc_ccitt_byte(hdlc->crc, - hdlc->shift_reg); + hdlc->shift_reg); if (hdlc->shift_reg & 0x01) { hdlc->hdlc_bits1++; hdlc->cbin++; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/icn/icn.c b/drivers/isdn/icn/icn.c index 1f355bb85e54b25393d0abcb277ea152018f008c..e74df7c4658f1b987acf6dec2b855419fb9a174a 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/icn/icn.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/icn/icn.c @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ static int icn_addcard(int, char *, char *); * channel = channel number */ static void -icn_free_queue(icn_card * card, int channel) +icn_free_queue(icn_card *card, int channel) { struct sk_buff_head *queue = &card->spqueue[channel]; struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ icn_shiftout(unsigned short port, * disable a cards shared memory */ static inline void -icn_disable_ram(icn_card * card) +icn_disable_ram(icn_card *card) { OUTB_P(0, ICN_MAPRAM); } @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ icn_disable_ram(icn_card * card) * enable a cards shared memory */ static inline void -icn_enable_ram(icn_card * card) +icn_enable_ram(icn_card *card) { OUTB_P(0xff, ICN_MAPRAM); } @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ icn_enable_ram(icn_card * card) * must called with holding the devlock */ static inline void -icn_map_channel(icn_card * card, int channel) +icn_map_channel(icn_card *card, int channel) { #ifdef MAP_DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG "icn_map_channel %d %d\n", dev.channel, channel); @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ icn_map_channel(icn_card * card, int channel) * must called with holding the devlock */ static inline int -icn_lock_channel(icn_card * card, int channel) +icn_lock_channel(icn_card *card, int channel) { register int retval; @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ icn_release_channel(void) * Return 1 on success, 0 on failure. */ static inline int -icn_trymaplock_channel(icn_card * card, int channel) +icn_trymaplock_channel(icn_card *card, int channel) { ulong flags; @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ icn_trymaplock_channel(icn_card * card, int channel) * then map same or other channel without locking. */ static inline void -icn_maprelease_channel(icn_card * card, int channel) +icn_maprelease_channel(icn_card *card, int channel) { ulong flags; @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ icn_maprelease_channel(icn_card * card, int channel) */ static void -icn_pollbchan_receive(int channel, icn_card * card) +icn_pollbchan_receive(int channel, icn_card *card) { int mch = channel + ((card->secondhalf) ? 2 : 0); int eflag; @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ icn_pollbchan_receive(int channel, icn_card * card) */ static void -icn_pollbchan_send(int channel, icn_card * card) +icn_pollbchan_send(int channel, icn_card *card) { int mch = channel + ((card->secondhalf) ? 2 : 0); int cnt; @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ icn_pollbchan_send(int channel, icn_card * card) !skb_queue_empty(&card->spqueue[channel]))) return; if (icn_trymaplock_channel(card, mch)) { - while (sbfree && + while (sbfree && (card->sndcount[channel] || !skb_queue_empty(&card->spqueue[channel]) || card->xskb[channel])) { @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ icn_pollbchan_send(int channel, icn_card * card) /* Pop ACK-flag off skb. * Store length to xlen. */ - if (*(skb_pull(skb,1))) + if (*(skb_pull(skb, 1))) card->xlen[channel] = skb->len; else card->xlen[channel] = 0; @@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ icn_pollbchan(unsigned long data) if (card->flags & (ICN_FLAGS_B1ACTIVE | ICN_FLAGS_B2ACTIVE)) { /* schedule b-channel polling again */ spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); - mod_timer(&card->rb_timer, jiffies+ICN_TIMER_BCREAD); + mod_timer(&card->rb_timer, jiffies + ICN_TIMER_BCREAD); card->flags |= ICN_FLAGS_RBTIMER; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); } else @@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ static icn_stat icn_stat_table[] = {"E_L1: ACT FAIL", ISDN_STAT_BHUP, 8}, /* Layer-1 activation failed */ {"E_L2: DATA LIN", ISDN_STAT_BHUP, 8}, /* Layer-2 data link lost */ {"E_L1: ACTIVATION FAILED", - ISDN_STAT_BHUP, 8}, /* Layer-1 activation failed */ + ISDN_STAT_BHUP, 8}, /* Layer-1 activation failed */ {NULL, 0, -1} }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ @@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ static icn_stat icn_stat_table[] = */ static void -icn_parse_status(u_char * status, int channel, icn_card * card) +icn_parse_status(u_char *status, int channel, icn_card *card) { icn_stat *s = icn_stat_table; int action = -1; @@ -465,128 +465,128 @@ icn_parse_status(u_char * status, int channel, icn_card * card) cmd.driver = card->myid; cmd.arg = channel; switch (action) { - case 11: - spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); - icn_free_queue(card,channel); - card->rcvidx[channel] = 0; - - if (card->flags & - ((channel)?ICN_FLAGS_B2ACTIVE:ICN_FLAGS_B1ACTIVE)) { - - isdn_ctrl ncmd; - - card->flags &= ~((channel)? - ICN_FLAGS_B2ACTIVE:ICN_FLAGS_B1ACTIVE); - - memset(&ncmd, 0, sizeof(ncmd)); - - ncmd.driver = card->myid; - ncmd.arg = channel; - ncmd.command = ISDN_STAT_BHUP; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - } else - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); - break; - case 1: - spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); - icn_free_queue(card,channel); - card->flags |= (channel) ? - ICN_FLAGS_B2ACTIVE : ICN_FLAGS_B1ACTIVE; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); - break; - case 2: - spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); + case 11: + spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); + icn_free_queue(card, channel); + card->rcvidx[channel] = 0; + + if (card->flags & + ((channel) ? ICN_FLAGS_B2ACTIVE : ICN_FLAGS_B1ACTIVE)) { + + isdn_ctrl ncmd; + card->flags &= ~((channel) ? - ICN_FLAGS_B2ACTIVE : ICN_FLAGS_B1ACTIVE); - icn_free_queue(card, channel); - card->rcvidx[channel] = 0; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); - break; - case 3: - { - char *t = status + 6; - char *s = strchr(t, ','); - - *s++ = '\0'; - strlcpy(cmd.parm.setup.phone, t, - sizeof(cmd.parm.setup.phone)); - s = strchr(t = s, ','); - *s++ = '\0'; - if (!strlen(t)) - cmd.parm.setup.si1 = 0; - else - cmd.parm.setup.si1 = - simple_strtoul(t, NULL, 10); - s = strchr(t = s, ','); - *s++ = '\0'; - if (!strlen(t)) - cmd.parm.setup.si2 = 0; - else - cmd.parm.setup.si2 = - simple_strtoul(t, NULL, 10); - strlcpy(cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn, s, - sizeof(cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn)); - } - cmd.parm.setup.plan = 0; - cmd.parm.setup.screen = 0; - break; - case 4: - sprintf(cmd.parm.setup.phone, "LEASED%d", card->myid); - sprintf(cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn, "%d", channel + 1); - cmd.parm.setup.si1 = 7; - cmd.parm.setup.si2 = 0; - cmd.parm.setup.plan = 0; - cmd.parm.setup.screen = 0; - break; - case 5: - strlcpy(cmd.parm.num, status + 3, sizeof(cmd.parm.num)); - break; - case 6: - snprintf(cmd.parm.num, sizeof(cmd.parm.num), "%d", - (int) simple_strtoul(status + 7, NULL, 16)); - break; - case 7: - status += 3; - if (strlen(status) == 4) - snprintf(cmd.parm.num, sizeof(cmd.parm.num), "%s%c%c", - status + 2, *status, *(status + 1)); - else - strlcpy(cmd.parm.num, status + 1, sizeof(cmd.parm.num)); - break; - case 8: - spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); - card->flags &= ~ICN_FLAGS_B1ACTIVE; - icn_free_queue(card, 0); - card->rcvidx[0] = 0; + ICN_FLAGS_B2ACTIVE : ICN_FLAGS_B1ACTIVE); + + memset(&ncmd, 0, sizeof(ncmd)); + + ncmd.driver = card->myid; + ncmd.arg = channel; + ncmd.command = ISDN_STAT_BHUP; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); - cmd.arg = 0; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; - cmd.arg = 0; - cmd.driver = card->myid; card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_BHUP; - spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); - card->flags &= ~ICN_FLAGS_B2ACTIVE; - icn_free_queue(card, 1); - card->rcvidx[1] = 0; + } else spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); - cmd.arg = 1; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; - cmd.arg = 1; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - break; + break; + case 1: + spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); + icn_free_queue(card, channel); + card->flags |= (channel) ? + ICN_FLAGS_B2ACTIVE : ICN_FLAGS_B1ACTIVE; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); + break; + case 2: + spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); + card->flags &= ~((channel) ? + ICN_FLAGS_B2ACTIVE : ICN_FLAGS_B1ACTIVE); + icn_free_queue(card, channel); + card->rcvidx[channel] = 0; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); + break; + case 3: + { + char *t = status + 6; + char *s = strchr(t, ','); + + *s++ = '\0'; + strlcpy(cmd.parm.setup.phone, t, + sizeof(cmd.parm.setup.phone)); + s = strchr(t = s, ','); + *s++ = '\0'; + if (!strlen(t)) + cmd.parm.setup.si1 = 0; + else + cmd.parm.setup.si1 = + simple_strtoul(t, NULL, 10); + s = strchr(t = s, ','); + *s++ = '\0'; + if (!strlen(t)) + cmd.parm.setup.si2 = 0; + else + cmd.parm.setup.si2 = + simple_strtoul(t, NULL, 10); + strlcpy(cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn, s, + sizeof(cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn)); + } + cmd.parm.setup.plan = 0; + cmd.parm.setup.screen = 0; + break; + case 4: + sprintf(cmd.parm.setup.phone, "LEASED%d", card->myid); + sprintf(cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn, "%d", channel + 1); + cmd.parm.setup.si1 = 7; + cmd.parm.setup.si2 = 0; + cmd.parm.setup.plan = 0; + cmd.parm.setup.screen = 0; + break; + case 5: + strlcpy(cmd.parm.num, status + 3, sizeof(cmd.parm.num)); + break; + case 6: + snprintf(cmd.parm.num, sizeof(cmd.parm.num), "%d", + (int) simple_strtoul(status + 7, NULL, 16)); + break; + case 7: + status += 3; + if (strlen(status) == 4) + snprintf(cmd.parm.num, sizeof(cmd.parm.num), "%s%c%c", + status + 2, *status, *(status + 1)); + else + strlcpy(cmd.parm.num, status + 1, sizeof(cmd.parm.num)); + break; + case 8: + spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); + card->flags &= ~ICN_FLAGS_B1ACTIVE; + icn_free_queue(card, 0); + card->rcvidx[0] = 0; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); + cmd.arg = 0; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; + cmd.arg = 0; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_BHUP; + spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); + card->flags &= ~ICN_FLAGS_B2ACTIVE; + icn_free_queue(card, 1); + card->rcvidx[1] = 0; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); + cmd.arg = 1; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; + cmd.arg = 1; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + break; } card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); return; } static void -icn_putmsg(icn_card * card, unsigned char c) +icn_putmsg(icn_card *card, unsigned char c) { ulong flags; @@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ icn_polldchan(unsigned long data) add_timer(&card->rb_timer); } /* schedule again */ - mod_timer(&card->st_timer, jiffies+ICN_TIMER_DCREAD); + mod_timer(&card->st_timer, jiffies + ICN_TIMER_DCREAD); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); } @@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ icn_polldchan(unsigned long data) */ static int -icn_sendbuf(int channel, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb, icn_card * card) +icn_sendbuf(int channel, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb, icn_card *card) { int len = skb->len; unsigned long flags; @@ -718,13 +718,13 @@ icn_sendbuf(int channel, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb, icn_card * card) return 0; if (card->sndcount[channel] > ICN_MAX_SQUEUE) return 0; - #warning TODO test headroom or use skb->nb to flag ACK +#warning TODO test headroom or use skb->nb to flag ACK nskb = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC); if (nskb) { /* Push ACK flag as one * byte in front of data. */ - *(skb_push(nskb, 1)) = ack?1:0; + *(skb_push(nskb, 1)) = ack ? 1 : 0; skb_queue_tail(&card->spqueue[channel], nskb); dev_kfree_skb(skb); } else @@ -785,20 +785,20 @@ icn_check_loader(int cardnumber) */ #ifdef BOOT_DEBUG -#define SLEEP(sec) { \ -int slsec = sec; \ - printk(KERN_DEBUG "SLEEP(%d)\n",slsec); \ - while (slsec) { \ - msleep_interruptible(1000); \ - slsec--; \ - } \ -} +#define SLEEP(sec) { \ + int slsec = sec; \ + printk(KERN_DEBUG "SLEEP(%d)\n", slsec); \ + while (slsec) { \ + msleep_interruptible(1000); \ + slsec--; \ + } \ + } #else #define SLEEP(sec) #endif static int -icn_loadboot(u_char __user * buffer, icn_card * card) +icn_loadboot(u_char __user *buffer, icn_card *card) { int ret; u_char *codebuf; @@ -896,14 +896,14 @@ icn_loadboot(u_char __user * buffer, icn_card * card) SLEEP(1); ret = (icn_check_loader(1)); - out_kfree: +out_kfree: kfree(codebuf); - out: +out: return ret; } static int -icn_loadproto(u_char __user * buffer, icn_card * card) +icn_loadproto(u_char __user *buffer, icn_card *card) { register u_char __user *p = buffer; u_char codebuf[256]; @@ -1004,7 +1004,7 @@ icn_loadproto(u_char __user * buffer, icn_card * card) /* Read the Status-replies from the Interface */ static int -icn_readstatus(u_char __user *buf, int len, icn_card * card) +icn_readstatus(u_char __user *buf, int len, icn_card *card) { int count; u_char __user *p; @@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ icn_readstatus(u_char __user *buf, int len, icn_card * card) /* Put command-strings into the command-queue of the Interface */ static int -icn_writecmd(const u_char * buf, int len, int user, icn_card * card) +icn_writecmd(const u_char *buf, int len, int user, icn_card *card) { int mch = card->secondhalf ? 2 : 0; int pp; @@ -1057,9 +1057,9 @@ icn_writecmd(const u_char * buf, int len, int user, icn_card * card) icn_putmsg(card, '>'); for (p = msg, pp = readb(&cmd_i), i = count; i > 0; i--, p++, pp - ++) { + ++) { writeb((*p == '\n') ? 0xff : *p, - &dev.shmem->comm_buffers.pcio_buf[pp & 0xff]); + &dev.shmem->comm_buffers.pcio_buf[pp & 0xff]); len--; xcount++; icn_putmsg(card, *p); @@ -1093,7 +1093,7 @@ icn_writecmd(const u_char * buf, int len, int user, icn_card * card) * Delete card's pending timers, send STOP to linklevel */ static void -icn_stopcard(icn_card * card) +icn_stopcard(icn_card *card) { unsigned long flags; isdn_ctrl cmd; @@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@ icn_disable_cards(void) } static int -icn_command(isdn_ctrl * c, icn_card * card) +icn_command(isdn_ctrl *c, icn_card *card) { ulong a; ulong flags; @@ -1161,275 +1161,275 @@ icn_command(isdn_ctrl * c, icn_card * card) char __user *arg; switch (c->command) { - case ISDN_CMD_IOCTL: - memcpy(&a, c->parm.num, sizeof(ulong)); - arg = (char __user *)a; - switch (c->arg) { - case ICN_IOCTL_SETMMIO: - if (dev.memaddr != (a & 0x0ffc000)) { - if (!request_mem_region(a & 0x0ffc000, 0x4000, "icn-isdn (all cards)")) { - printk(KERN_WARNING - "icn: memory at 0x%08lx in use.\n", - a & 0x0ffc000); - return -EINVAL; - } - release_mem_region(a & 0x0ffc000, 0x4000); - icn_stopallcards(); - spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); - if (dev.mvalid) { - iounmap(dev.shmem); - release_mem_region(dev.memaddr, 0x4000); - } - dev.mvalid = 0; - dev.memaddr = a & 0x0ffc000; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); - printk(KERN_INFO - "icn: (%s) mmio set to 0x%08lx\n", - CID, - dev.memaddr); - } - break; - case ICN_IOCTL_GETMMIO: - return (long) dev.memaddr; - case ICN_IOCTL_SETPORT: - if (a == 0x300 || a == 0x310 || a == 0x320 || a == 0x330 - || a == 0x340 || a == 0x350 || a == 0x360 || - a == 0x308 || a == 0x318 || a == 0x328 || a == 0x338 - || a == 0x348 || a == 0x358 || a == 0x368) { - if (card->port != (unsigned short) a) { - if (!request_region((unsigned short) a, ICN_PORTLEN, "icn-isdn")) { - printk(KERN_WARNING - "icn: (%s) ports 0x%03x-0x%03x in use.\n", - CID, (int) a, (int) a + ICN_PORTLEN); - return -EINVAL; - } - release_region((unsigned short) a, ICN_PORTLEN); - icn_stopcard(card); - spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); - if (card->rvalid) - release_region(card->port, ICN_PORTLEN); - card->port = (unsigned short) a; - card->rvalid = 0; - if (card->doubleS0) { - card->other->port = (unsigned short) a; - card->other->rvalid = 0; - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); - printk(KERN_INFO - "icn: (%s) port set to 0x%03x\n", - CID, card->port); - } - } else + case ISDN_CMD_IOCTL: + memcpy(&a, c->parm.num, sizeof(ulong)); + arg = (char __user *)a; + switch (c->arg) { + case ICN_IOCTL_SETMMIO: + if (dev.memaddr != (a & 0x0ffc000)) { + if (!request_mem_region(a & 0x0ffc000, 0x4000, "icn-isdn (all cards)")) { + printk(KERN_WARNING + "icn: memory at 0x%08lx in use.\n", + a & 0x0ffc000); + return -EINVAL; + } + release_mem_region(a & 0x0ffc000, 0x4000); + icn_stopallcards(); + spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); + if (dev.mvalid) { + iounmap(dev.shmem); + release_mem_region(dev.memaddr, 0x4000); + } + dev.mvalid = 0; + dev.memaddr = a & 0x0ffc000; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); + printk(KERN_INFO + "icn: (%s) mmio set to 0x%08lx\n", + CID, + dev.memaddr); + } + break; + case ICN_IOCTL_GETMMIO: + return (long) dev.memaddr; + case ICN_IOCTL_SETPORT: + if (a == 0x300 || a == 0x310 || a == 0x320 || a == 0x330 + || a == 0x340 || a == 0x350 || a == 0x360 || + a == 0x308 || a == 0x318 || a == 0x328 || a == 0x338 + || a == 0x348 || a == 0x358 || a == 0x368) { + if (card->port != (unsigned short) a) { + if (!request_region((unsigned short) a, ICN_PORTLEN, "icn-isdn")) { + printk(KERN_WARNING + "icn: (%s) ports 0x%03x-0x%03x in use.\n", + CID, (int) a, (int) a + ICN_PORTLEN); return -EINVAL; - break; - case ICN_IOCTL_GETPORT: - return (int) card->port; - case ICN_IOCTL_GETDOUBLE: - return (int) card->doubleS0; - case ICN_IOCTL_DEBUGVAR: - if (copy_to_user(arg, - &card, - sizeof(ulong))) - return -EFAULT; - a += sizeof(ulong); - { - ulong l = (ulong) & dev; - if (copy_to_user(arg, - &l, - sizeof(ulong))) - return -EFAULT; } - return 0; - case ICN_IOCTL_LOADBOOT: - if (dev.firstload) { - icn_disable_cards(); - dev.firstload = 0; - } - icn_stopcard(card); - return (icn_loadboot(arg, card)); - case ICN_IOCTL_LOADPROTO: + release_region((unsigned short) a, ICN_PORTLEN); icn_stopcard(card); - if ((i = (icn_loadproto(arg, card)))) - return i; - if (card->doubleS0) - i = icn_loadproto(arg + ICN_CODE_STAGE2, card->other); - return i; - break; - case ICN_IOCTL_ADDCARD: - if (!dev.firstload) - return -EBUSY; - if (copy_from_user(&cdef, - arg, - sizeof(cdef))) - return -EFAULT; - return (icn_addcard(cdef.port, cdef.id1, cdef.id2)); - break; - case ICN_IOCTL_LEASEDCFG: - if (a) { - if (!card->leased) { - card->leased = 1; - while (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_UNKNOWN) { - msleep_interruptible(ICN_BOOT_TIMEOUT1); - } - msleep_interruptible(ICN_BOOT_TIMEOUT1); - sprintf(cbuf, "00;FV2ON\n01;EAZ%c\n02;EAZ%c\n", - (a & 1)?'1':'C', (a & 2)?'2':'C'); - i = icn_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); - printk(KERN_INFO - "icn: (%s) Leased-line mode enabled\n", - CID); - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_RUN; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.arg = 0; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - } - } else { - if (card->leased) { - card->leased = 0; - sprintf(cbuf, "00;FV2OFF\n"); - i = icn_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); - printk(KERN_INFO - "icn: (%s) Leased-line mode disabled\n", - CID); - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_RUN; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.arg = 0; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - } + spin_lock_irqsave(&card->lock, flags); + if (card->rvalid) + release_region(card->port, ICN_PORTLEN); + card->port = (unsigned short) a; + card->rvalid = 0; + if (card->doubleS0) { + card->other->port = (unsigned short) a; + card->other->rvalid = 0; } - return 0; - default: - return -EINVAL; - } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->lock, flags); + printk(KERN_INFO + "icn: (%s) port set to 0x%03x\n", + CID, card->port); + } + } else + return -EINVAL; break; - case ISDN_CMD_DIAL: - if (!(card->flags & ICN_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - if (card->leased) - break; - if ((c->arg & 255) < ICN_BCH) { - char *p; - char dial[50]; - char dcode[4]; - - a = c->arg; - p = c->parm.setup.phone; - if (*p == 's' || *p == 'S') { - /* Dial for SPV */ - p++; - strcpy(dcode, "SCA"); - } else - /* Normal Dial */ - strcpy(dcode, "CAL"); - strcpy(dial, p); - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;D%s_R%s,%02d,%02d,%s\n", (int) (a + 1), - dcode, dial, c->parm.setup.si1, - c->parm.setup.si2, c->parm.setup.eazmsn); - i = icn_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); + case ICN_IOCTL_GETPORT: + return (int) card->port; + case ICN_IOCTL_GETDOUBLE: + return (int) card->doubleS0; + case ICN_IOCTL_DEBUGVAR: + if (copy_to_user(arg, + &card, + sizeof(ulong))) + return -EFAULT; + a += sizeof(ulong); + { + ulong l = (ulong)&dev; + if (copy_to_user(arg, + &l, + sizeof(ulong))) + return -EFAULT; } + return 0; + case ICN_IOCTL_LOADBOOT: + if (dev.firstload) { + icn_disable_cards(); + dev.firstload = 0; + } + icn_stopcard(card); + return (icn_loadboot(arg, card)); + case ICN_IOCTL_LOADPROTO: + icn_stopcard(card); + if ((i = (icn_loadproto(arg, card)))) + return i; + if (card->doubleS0) + i = icn_loadproto(arg + ICN_CODE_STAGE2, card->other); + return i; + break; + case ICN_IOCTL_ADDCARD: + if (!dev.firstload) + return -EBUSY; + if (copy_from_user(&cdef, + arg, + sizeof(cdef))) + return -EFAULT; + return (icn_addcard(cdef.port, cdef.id1, cdef.id2)); break; - case ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTD: - if (!(card->flags & ICN_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - if (c->arg < ICN_BCH) { - a = c->arg + 1; - if (card->fw_rev >= 300) { - switch (card->l2_proto[a - 1]) { - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BX75\n", (int) a); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BTRA\n", (int) a); - break; + case ICN_IOCTL_LEASEDCFG: + if (a) { + if (!card->leased) { + card->leased = 1; + while (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_UNKNOWN) { + msleep_interruptible(ICN_BOOT_TIMEOUT1); } + msleep_interruptible(ICN_BOOT_TIMEOUT1); + sprintf(cbuf, "00;FV2ON\n01;EAZ%c\n02;EAZ%c\n", + (a & 1) ? '1' : 'C', (a & 2) ? '2' : 'C'); i = icn_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); + printk(KERN_INFO + "icn: (%s) Leased-line mode enabled\n", + CID); + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_RUN; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + cmd.arg = 0; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + } + } else { + if (card->leased) { + card->leased = 0; + sprintf(cbuf, "00;FV2OFF\n"); + i = icn_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); + printk(KERN_INFO + "icn: (%s) Leased-line mode disabled\n", + CID); + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_RUN; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + cmd.arg = 0; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); } - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;DCON_R\n", (int) a); - i = icn_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); } + return 0; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + break; + case ISDN_CMD_DIAL: + if (!(card->flags & ICN_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if (card->leased) break; - case ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTB: - if (!(card->flags & ICN_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - if (c->arg < ICN_BCH) { - a = c->arg + 1; - if (card->fw_rev >= 300) - switch (card->l2_proto[a - 1]) { - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BCON_R,BX75\n", (int) a); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BCON_R,BTRA\n", (int) a); - break; - } else - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BCON_R\n", (int) a); + if ((c->arg & 255) < ICN_BCH) { + char *p; + char dial[50]; + char dcode[4]; + + a = c->arg; + p = c->parm.setup.phone; + if (*p == 's' || *p == 'S') { + /* Dial for SPV */ + p++; + strcpy(dcode, "SCA"); + } else + /* Normal Dial */ + strcpy(dcode, "CAL"); + strcpy(dial, p); + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;D%s_R%s,%02d,%02d,%s\n", (int) (a + 1), + dcode, dial, c->parm.setup.si1, + c->parm.setup.si2, c->parm.setup.eazmsn); + i = icn_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); + } + break; + case ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTD: + if (!(card->flags & ICN_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if (c->arg < ICN_BCH) { + a = c->arg + 1; + if (card->fw_rev >= 300) { + switch (card->l2_proto[a - 1]) { + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BX75\n", (int) a); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BTRA\n", (int) a); + break; + } i = icn_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); } + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;DCON_R\n", (int) a); + i = icn_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); + } + break; + case ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTB: + if (!(card->flags & ICN_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if (c->arg < ICN_BCH) { + a = c->arg + 1; + if (card->fw_rev >= 300) + switch (card->l2_proto[a - 1]) { + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BCON_R,BX75\n", (int) a); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BCON_R,BTRA\n", (int) a); + break; + } else + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BCON_R\n", (int) a); + i = icn_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); + } + break; + case ISDN_CMD_HANGUP: + if (!(card->flags & ICN_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if (c->arg < ICN_BCH) { + a = c->arg + 1; + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BDIS_R\n%02d;DDIS_R\n", (int) a, (int) a); + i = icn_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); + } + break; + case ISDN_CMD_SETEAZ: + if (!(card->flags & ICN_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if (card->leased) break; - case ISDN_CMD_HANGUP: - if (!(card->flags & ICN_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - if (c->arg < ICN_BCH) { - a = c->arg + 1; - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BDIS_R\n%02d;DDIS_R\n", (int) a, (int) a); - i = icn_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); - } + if (c->arg < ICN_BCH) { + a = c->arg + 1; + if (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) { + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;MS%s%s\n", (int) a, + c->parm.num[0] ? "N" : "ALL", c->parm.num); + } else + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;EAZ%s\n", (int) a, + c->parm.num[0] ? (char *)(c->parm.num) : "0123456789"); + i = icn_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); + } + break; + case ISDN_CMD_CLREAZ: + if (!(card->flags & ICN_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if (card->leased) break; - case ISDN_CMD_SETEAZ: - if (!(card->flags & ICN_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - if (card->leased) + if (c->arg < ICN_BCH) { + a = c->arg + 1; + if (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;MSNC\n", (int) a); + else + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;EAZC\n", (int) a); + i = icn_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); + } + break; + case ISDN_CMD_SETL2: + if (!(card->flags & ICN_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if ((c->arg & 255) < ICN_BCH) { + a = c->arg; + switch (a >> 8) { + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BX75\n", (int) (a & 255) + 1); break; - if (c->arg < ICN_BCH) { - a = c->arg + 1; - if (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) { - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;MS%s%s\n", (int) a, - c->parm.num[0] ? "N" : "ALL", c->parm.num); - } else - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;EAZ%s\n", (int) a, - c->parm.num[0] ? (char *)(c->parm.num) : "0123456789"); - i = icn_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); - } - break; - case ISDN_CMD_CLREAZ: - if (!(card->flags & ICN_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - if (card->leased) + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BTRA\n", (int) (a & 255) + 1); break; - if (c->arg < ICN_BCH) { - a = c->arg + 1; - if (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;MSNC\n", (int) a); - else - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;EAZC\n", (int) a); - i = icn_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); - } - break; - case ISDN_CMD_SETL2: - if (!(card->flags & ICN_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - if ((c->arg & 255) < ICN_BCH) { - a = c->arg; - switch (a >> 8) { - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BX75\n", (int) (a & 255) + 1); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BTRA\n", (int) (a & 255) + 1); - break; - default: - return -EINVAL; - } - i = icn_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); - card->l2_proto[a & 255] = (a >> 8); + default: + return -EINVAL; } - break; - case ISDN_CMD_SETL3: - if (!(card->flags & ICN_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - return 0; - default: - return -EINVAL; + i = icn_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); + card->l2_proto[a & 255] = (a >> 8); + } + break; + case ISDN_CMD_SETL3: + if (!(card->flags & ICN_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + return 0; + default: + return -EINVAL; } return 0; } @@ -1454,7 +1454,7 @@ icn_findcard(int driverid) * Wrapper functions for interface to linklevel */ static int -if_command(isdn_ctrl * c) +if_command(isdn_ctrl *c) { icn_card *card = icn_findcard(c->driver); @@ -1537,9 +1537,9 @@ icn_initcard(int port, char *id) card->interface.writecmd = if_writecmd; card->interface.readstat = if_readstatus; card->interface.features = ISDN_FEATURE_L2_X75I | - ISDN_FEATURE_L2_HDLC | - ISDN_FEATURE_L3_TRANS | - ISDN_FEATURE_P_UNKNOWN; + ISDN_FEATURE_L2_HDLC | + ISDN_FEATURE_L3_TRANS | + ISDN_FEATURE_P_UNKNOWN; card->ptype = ISDN_PTYPE_UNKNOWN; strlcpy(card->interface.id, id, sizeof(card->interface.id)); card->msg_buf_write = card->msg_buf; @@ -1619,7 +1619,7 @@ icn_setup(char *line) icn_id2 = sid2; } } - return(1); + return (1); } __setup("icn=", icn_setup); #endif /* MODULE */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/icn/icn.h b/drivers/isdn/icn/icn.h index 7d7245fb0b32971d40110972a6ff7abf4363fa97..b713466997a0d2016b9b4a19e0430ac1c342dbe8 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/icn/icn.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/icn/icn.h @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ typedef struct icn_cdef { /* some useful macros for debugging */ #ifdef ICN_DEBUG_PORT -#define OUTB_P(v,p) {printk(KERN_DEBUG "icn: outb_p(0x%02x,0x%03x)\n",v,p); outb_p(v,p);} +#define OUTB_P(v, p) {printk(KERN_DEBUG "icn: outb_p(0x%02x,0x%03x)\n", v, p); outb_p(v, p);} #else #define OUTB_P outb #endif @@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ typedef struct icn_cdef { #define ICN_BOOT_TIMEOUT1 1000 /* Delay for Boot-download (msecs) */ -#define ICN_TIMER_BCREAD (HZ/100) /* B-Channel poll-cycle */ -#define ICN_TIMER_DCREAD (HZ/2) /* D-Channel poll-cycle */ +#define ICN_TIMER_BCREAD (HZ / 100) /* B-Channel poll-cycle */ +#define ICN_TIMER_DCREAD (HZ / 2) /* D-Channel poll-cycle */ #define ICN_CODE_STAGE1 4096 /* Size of bootcode */ #define ICN_CODE_STAGE2 65536 /* Size of protocol-code */ @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ typedef struct icn_card { int myid; /* Driver-Nr. assigned by linklevel */ int rvalid; /* IO-portregion has been requested */ int leased; /* Flag: This Adapter is connected */ - /* to a leased line */ + /* to a leased line */ unsigned short flags; /* Statusflags */ int doubleS0; /* Flag: ICN4B */ int secondhalf; /* Flag: Second half of a doubleS0 */ @@ -197,16 +197,16 @@ static icn_dev dev; /* Macros for accessing ports */ #define ICN_CFG (card->port) -#define ICN_MAPRAM (card->port+1) -#define ICN_RUN (card->port+2) -#define ICN_BANK (card->port+3) +#define ICN_MAPRAM (card->port + 1) +#define ICN_RUN (card->port + 2) +#define ICN_BANK (card->port + 3) /* Return true, if there is a free transmit-buffer */ -#define sbfree (((readb(&dev.shmem->data_control.scns)+1) & 0xf) != \ +#define sbfree (((readb(&dev.shmem->data_control.scns) + 1) & 0xf) != \ readb(&dev.shmem->data_control.scnr)) /* Switch to next transmit-buffer */ -#define sbnext (writeb((readb(&dev.shmem->data_control.scns)+1) & 0xf, \ +#define sbnext (writeb((readb(&dev.shmem->data_control.scns) + 1) & 0xf, \ &dev.shmem->data_control.scns)) /* Shortcuts for transmit-buffer-access */ @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ static icn_dev dev; readb(&dev.shmem->data_control.ecns)) /* Switch to next receive-buffer */ -#define rbnext (writeb((readb(&dev.shmem->data_control.ecnr)+1) & 0xf, \ +#define rbnext (writeb((readb(&dev.shmem->data_control.ecnr) + 1) & 0xf, \ &dev.shmem->data_control.ecnr)) /* Shortcuts for receive-buffer-access */ @@ -234,18 +234,18 @@ static icn_dev dev; #define cmd_i (dev.shmem->comm_control.pcio_i) /* Return free space in command-buffer */ -#define cmd_free ((readb(&cmd_i)>=readb(&cmd_o))? \ - 0x100-readb(&cmd_i)+readb(&cmd_o): \ - readb(&cmd_o)-readb(&cmd_i)) +#define cmd_free ((readb(&cmd_i) >= readb(&cmd_o)) ? \ + 0x100 - readb(&cmd_i) + readb(&cmd_o) : \ + readb(&cmd_o) - readb(&cmd_i)) /* Shortcuts for message-buffer-access */ #define msg_o (dev.shmem->comm_control.iopc_o) #define msg_i (dev.shmem->comm_control.iopc_i) /* Return length of Message, if avail. */ -#define msg_avail ((readb(&msg_o)>readb(&msg_i))? \ - 0x100-readb(&msg_o)+readb(&msg_i): \ - readb(&msg_i)-readb(&msg_o)) +#define msg_avail ((readb(&msg_o) > readb(&msg_i)) ? \ + 0x100 - readb(&msg_o) + readb(&msg_i) : \ + readb(&msg_i) - readb(&msg_o)) #define CID (card->interface.id) diff --git a/drivers/isdn/isdnloop/isdnloop.c b/drivers/isdn/isdnloop/isdnloop.c index d497db0a26d0f4cb5daebcb937423b899319a347..5405ec644db3ee910df3765499300f11f7d1832c 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/isdnloop/isdnloop.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/isdnloop/isdnloop.c @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ static int isdnloop_addcard(char *); * channel = channel number */ static void -isdnloop_free_queue(isdnloop_card * card, int channel) +isdnloop_free_queue(isdnloop_card *card, int channel) { struct sk_buff_head *queue = &card->bqueue[channel]; @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ isdnloop_free_queue(isdnloop_card * card, int channel) * ch = channel number (0-based) */ static void -isdnloop_bchan_send(isdnloop_card * card, int ch) +isdnloop_bchan_send(isdnloop_card *card, int ch) { isdnloop_card *rcard = card->rcard[ch]; int rch = card->rch[ch], len, ack; @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ isdnloop_bchan_send(isdnloop_card * card, int ch) ack = *(skb->head); /* used as scratch area */ cmd.driver = card->myid; cmd.arg = ch; - if (rcard){ + if (rcard) { rcard->interface.rcvcallb_skb(rcard->myid, rch, skb); } else { printk(KERN_WARNING "isdnloop: no rcard, skb dropped\n"); @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ isdnloop_pollbchan(unsigned long data) * cmd = pointer to struct to be filled. */ static void -isdnloop_parse_setup(char *setup, isdn_ctrl * cmd) +isdnloop_parse_setup(char *setup, isdn_ctrl *cmd) { char *t = setup; char *s = strchr(t, ','); @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ isdnloop_parse_setup(char *setup, isdn_ctrl * cmd) cmd->parm.setup.si2 = 0; else cmd->parm.setup.si2 = - simple_strtoul(t, NULL, 10); + simple_strtoul(t, NULL, 10); strlcpy(cmd->parm.setup.eazmsn, s, sizeof(cmd->parm.setup.eazmsn)); cmd->parm.setup.plan = 0; cmd->parm.setup.screen = 0; @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ static isdnloop_stat isdnloop_stat_table[] = {"E_L1: ACT FAIL", ISDN_STAT_BHUP, 8}, /* Layer-1 activation failed */ {"E_L2: DATA LIN", ISDN_STAT_BHUP, 8}, /* Layer-2 data link lost */ {"E_L1: ACTIVATION FAILED", - ISDN_STAT_BHUP, 8}, /* Layer-1 activation failed */ + ISDN_STAT_BHUP, 8}, /* Layer-1 activation failed */ {NULL, 0, -1} }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ static isdnloop_stat isdnloop_stat_table[] = * card = card where message comes from. */ static void -isdnloop_parse_status(u_char * status, int channel, isdnloop_card * card) +isdnloop_parse_status(u_char *status, int channel, isdnloop_card *card) { isdnloop_stat *s = isdnloop_stat_table; int action = -1; @@ -202,69 +202,69 @@ isdnloop_parse_status(u_char * status, int channel, isdnloop_card * card) cmd.driver = card->myid; cmd.arg = channel; switch (action) { - case 1: - /* BCON_x */ - card->flags |= (channel) ? - ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_B2ACTIVE : ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_B1ACTIVE; - break; - case 2: - /* BDIS_x */ - card->flags &= ~((channel) ? - ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_B2ACTIVE : ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_B1ACTIVE); - isdnloop_free_queue(card, channel); - break; - case 3: - /* DCAL_I and DSCA_I */ - isdnloop_parse_setup(status + 6, &cmd); - break; - case 4: - /* FCALL */ - sprintf(cmd.parm.setup.phone, "LEASED%d", card->myid); - sprintf(cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn, "%d", channel + 1); - cmd.parm.setup.si1 = 7; - cmd.parm.setup.si2 = 0; - cmd.parm.setup.plan = 0; - cmd.parm.setup.screen = 0; - break; - case 5: - /* CIF */ - strlcpy(cmd.parm.num, status + 3, sizeof(cmd.parm.num)); - break; - case 6: - /* AOC */ - snprintf(cmd.parm.num, sizeof(cmd.parm.num), "%d", - (int) simple_strtoul(status + 7, NULL, 16)); - break; - case 7: - /* CAU */ - status += 3; - if (strlen(status) == 4) - snprintf(cmd.parm.num, sizeof(cmd.parm.num), "%s%c%c", - status + 2, *status, *(status + 1)); - else - strlcpy(cmd.parm.num, status + 1, sizeof(cmd.parm.num)); - break; - case 8: - /* Misc Errors on L1 and L2 */ - card->flags &= ~ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_B1ACTIVE; - isdnloop_free_queue(card, 0); - cmd.arg = 0; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; - cmd.arg = 0; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_BHUP; - card->flags &= ~ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_B2ACTIVE; - isdnloop_free_queue(card, 1); - cmd.arg = 1; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; - cmd.arg = 1; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - break; + case 1: + /* BCON_x */ + card->flags |= (channel) ? + ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_B2ACTIVE : ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_B1ACTIVE; + break; + case 2: + /* BDIS_x */ + card->flags &= ~((channel) ? + ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_B2ACTIVE : ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_B1ACTIVE); + isdnloop_free_queue(card, channel); + break; + case 3: + /* DCAL_I and DSCA_I */ + isdnloop_parse_setup(status + 6, &cmd); + break; + case 4: + /* FCALL */ + sprintf(cmd.parm.setup.phone, "LEASED%d", card->myid); + sprintf(cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn, "%d", channel + 1); + cmd.parm.setup.si1 = 7; + cmd.parm.setup.si2 = 0; + cmd.parm.setup.plan = 0; + cmd.parm.setup.screen = 0; + break; + case 5: + /* CIF */ + strlcpy(cmd.parm.num, status + 3, sizeof(cmd.parm.num)); + break; + case 6: + /* AOC */ + snprintf(cmd.parm.num, sizeof(cmd.parm.num), "%d", + (int) simple_strtoul(status + 7, NULL, 16)); + break; + case 7: + /* CAU */ + status += 3; + if (strlen(status) == 4) + snprintf(cmd.parm.num, sizeof(cmd.parm.num), "%s%c%c", + status + 2, *status, *(status + 1)); + else + strlcpy(cmd.parm.num, status + 1, sizeof(cmd.parm.num)); + break; + case 8: + /* Misc Errors on L1 and L2 */ + card->flags &= ~ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_B1ACTIVE; + isdnloop_free_queue(card, 0); + cmd.arg = 0; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; + cmd.arg = 0; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_BHUP; + card->flags &= ~ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_B2ACTIVE; + isdnloop_free_queue(card, 1); + cmd.arg = 1; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_DHUP; + cmd.arg = 1; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + break; } card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); } @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ isdnloop_parse_status(u_char * status, int channel, isdnloop_card * card) * c = char to store. */ static void -isdnloop_putmsg(isdnloop_card * card, unsigned char c) +isdnloop_putmsg(isdnloop_card *card, unsigned char c) { ulong flags; @@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ isdnloop_polldchan(unsigned long data) card->imsg[card->iptr] = 0; card->iptr = 0; if (card->imsg[0] == '0' && card->imsg[1] >= '0' && - card->imsg[1] <= '2' && card->imsg[2] == ';') { + card->imsg[1] <= '2' && card->imsg[2] == ';') { ch = (card->imsg[1] - '0') - 1; p = &card->imsg[3]; isdnloop_parse_status(p, ch, card); @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ isdnloop_polldchan(unsigned long data) * Number of bytes transferred, -E??? on error */ static int -isdnloop_sendbuf(int channel, struct sk_buff *skb, isdnloop_card * card) +isdnloop_sendbuf(int channel, struct sk_buff *skb, isdnloop_card *card) { int len = skb->len; unsigned long flags; @@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ isdnloop_sendbuf(int channel, struct sk_buff *skb, isdnloop_card * card) * number of bytes actually transferred. */ static int -isdnloop_readstatus(u_char __user *buf, int len, isdnloop_card * card) +isdnloop_readstatus(u_char __user *buf, int len, isdnloop_card *card) { int count; u_char __user *p; @@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ isdnloop_readstatus(u_char __user *buf, int len, isdnloop_card * card) * 0 on success, 1 on memory squeeze. */ static int -isdnloop_fake(isdnloop_card * card, char *s, int ch) +isdnloop_fake(isdnloop_card *card, char *s, int ch) { struct sk_buff *skb; int len = strlen(s) + ((ch >= 0) ? 3 : 0); @@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ static isdnloop_stat isdnloop_cmd_table[] = * card = pointer to card struct. */ static void -isdnloop_fake_err(isdnloop_card * card) +isdnloop_fake_err(isdnloop_card *card) { char buf[60]; @@ -543,19 +543,19 @@ static u_char ctable_1t[] = * Pointer to buffer containing the assembled message. */ static char * -isdnloop_unicause(isdnloop_card * card, int loc, int cau) +isdnloop_unicause(isdnloop_card *card, int loc, int cau) { static char buf[6]; switch (card->ptype) { - case ISDN_PTYPE_EURO: - sprintf(buf, "E%02X%02X", (loc) ? 4 : 2, ctable_eu[cau]); - break; - case ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6: - sprintf(buf, "%02X44", ctable_1t[cau]); - break; - default: - return ("0000"); + case ISDN_PTYPE_EURO: + sprintf(buf, "E%02X%02X", (loc) ? 4 : 2, ctable_eu[cau]); + break; + case ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6: + sprintf(buf, "%02X44", ctable_1t[cau]); + break; + default: + return ("0000"); } return (buf); } @@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ isdnloop_unicause(isdnloop_card * card, int loc, int cau) * ch = channel (0-based) */ static void -isdnloop_atimeout(isdnloop_card * card, int ch) +isdnloop_atimeout(isdnloop_card *card, int ch) { unsigned long flags; char buf[60]; @@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ isdnloop_atimeout1(unsigned long data) * ch = channel to watch for. */ static void -isdnloop_start_ctimer(isdnloop_card * card, int ch) +isdnloop_start_ctimer(isdnloop_card *card, int ch) { unsigned long flags; @@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ isdnloop_start_ctimer(isdnloop_card * card, int ch) * ch = channel (0-based). */ static void -isdnloop_kill_ctimer(isdnloop_card * card, int ch) +isdnloop_kill_ctimer(isdnloop_card *card, int ch) { unsigned long flags; @@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ static u_char bit2si[] = * 3 = found matching number but SI does not match. */ static int -isdnloop_try_call(isdnloop_card * card, char *p, int lch, isdn_ctrl * cmd) +isdnloop_try_call(isdnloop_card *card, char *p, int lch, isdn_ctrl *cmd) { isdnloop_card *cc = cards; unsigned long flags; @@ -686,19 +686,19 @@ isdnloop_try_call(isdnloop_card * card, char *p, int lch, isdn_ctrl * cmd) continue; num_match = 0; switch (cc->ptype) { - case ISDN_PTYPE_EURO: - for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) - if (!(strcmp(cc->s0num[i], cmd->parm.setup.phone))) - num_match = 1; - break; - case ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6: - e = cc->eazlist[ch]; - while (*e) { - sprintf(nbuf, "%s%c", cc->s0num[0], *e); - if (!(strcmp(nbuf, cmd->parm.setup.phone))) - num_match = 1; - e++; - } + case ISDN_PTYPE_EURO: + for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) + if (!(strcmp(cc->s0num[i], cmd->parm.setup.phone))) + num_match = 1; + break; + case ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6: + e = cc->eazlist[ch]; + while (*e) { + sprintf(nbuf, "%s%c", cc->s0num[0], *e); + if (!(strcmp(nbuf, cmd->parm.setup.phone))) + num_match = 1; + e++; + } } if (num_match) { spin_lock_irqsave(&card->isdnloop_lock, flags); @@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ isdnloop_try_call(isdnloop_card * card, char *p, int lch, isdn_ctrl * cmd) * pointer to new phone number. */ static char * -isdnloop_vstphone(isdnloop_card * card, char *phone, int caller) +isdnloop_vstphone(isdnloop_card *card, char *phone, int caller) { int i; static char nphone[30]; @@ -751,22 +751,22 @@ isdnloop_vstphone(isdnloop_card * card, char *phone, int caller) return ""; } switch (card->ptype) { - case ISDN_PTYPE_EURO: - if (caller) { - for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) - if (!(strcmp(card->s0num[i], phone))) - return (phone); - return (card->s0num[0]); - } - return (phone); - break; - case ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6: - if (caller) { - sprintf(nphone, "%s%c", card->s0num[0], phone[0]); - return (nphone); - } else - return (&phone[strlen(phone) - 1]); - break; + case ISDN_PTYPE_EURO: + if (caller) { + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) + if (!(strcmp(card->s0num[i], phone))) + return (phone); + return (card->s0num[0]); + } + return (phone); + break; + case ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6: + if (caller) { + sprintf(nphone, "%s%c", card->s0num[0], phone[0]); + return (nphone); + } else + return (&phone[strlen(phone) - 1]); + break; } return ""; } @@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ isdnloop_vstphone(isdnloop_card * card, char *phone, int caller) * card = pointer to card struct. */ static void -isdnloop_parse_cmd(isdnloop_card * card) +isdnloop_parse_cmd(isdnloop_card *card) { char *p = card->omsg; isdn_ctrl cmd; @@ -813,141 +813,141 @@ isdnloop_parse_cmd(isdnloop_card * card) if (action == -1) return; switch (action) { - case 1: - /* 0x;BCON_R */ - if (card->rcard[ch - 1]) { - isdnloop_fake(card->rcard[ch - 1], "BCON_I", - card->rch[ch - 1] + 1); - isdnloop_fake(card, "BCON_C", ch); - } - break; - case 17: - /* 0x;BCON_I */ - if (card->rcard[ch - 1]) { - isdnloop_fake(card->rcard[ch - 1], "BCON_C", - card->rch[ch - 1] + 1); - } - break; - case 2: - /* 0x;BDIS_R */ - isdnloop_fake(card, "BDIS_C", ch); - if (card->rcard[ch - 1]) { - isdnloop_fake(card->rcard[ch - 1], "BDIS_I", - card->rch[ch - 1] + 1); - } - break; - case 16: - /* 0x;DCON_R */ - isdnloop_kill_ctimer(card, ch - 1); - if (card->rcard[ch - 1]) { - isdnloop_kill_ctimer(card->rcard[ch - 1], card->rch[ch - 1]); - isdnloop_fake(card->rcard[ch - 1], "DCON_C", - card->rch[ch - 1] + 1); - isdnloop_fake(card, "DCON_C", ch); - } - break; - case 3: - /* 0x;DDIS_R */ - isdnloop_kill_ctimer(card, ch - 1); - if (card->rcard[ch - 1]) { - isdnloop_kill_ctimer(card->rcard[ch - 1], card->rch[ch - 1]); - isdnloop_fake(card->rcard[ch - 1], "DDIS_I", - card->rch[ch - 1] + 1); - card->rcard[ch - 1] = NULL; - } - isdnloop_fake(card, "DDIS_C", ch); - break; - case 4: - /* 0x;DSCA_Rdd,yy,zz,oo */ - if (card->ptype != ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6) { - isdnloop_fake_err(card); - return; - } + case 1: + /* 0x;BCON_R */ + if (card->rcard[ch - 1]) { + isdnloop_fake(card->rcard[ch - 1], "BCON_I", + card->rch[ch - 1] + 1); + isdnloop_fake(card, "BCON_C", ch); + } + break; + case 17: + /* 0x;BCON_I */ + if (card->rcard[ch - 1]) { + isdnloop_fake(card->rcard[ch - 1], "BCON_C", + card->rch[ch - 1] + 1); + } + break; + case 2: + /* 0x;BDIS_R */ + isdnloop_fake(card, "BDIS_C", ch); + if (card->rcard[ch - 1]) { + isdnloop_fake(card->rcard[ch - 1], "BDIS_I", + card->rch[ch - 1] + 1); + } + break; + case 16: + /* 0x;DCON_R */ + isdnloop_kill_ctimer(card, ch - 1); + if (card->rcard[ch - 1]) { + isdnloop_kill_ctimer(card->rcard[ch - 1], card->rch[ch - 1]); + isdnloop_fake(card->rcard[ch - 1], "DCON_C", + card->rch[ch - 1] + 1); + isdnloop_fake(card, "DCON_C", ch); + } + break; + case 3: + /* 0x;DDIS_R */ + isdnloop_kill_ctimer(card, ch - 1); + if (card->rcard[ch - 1]) { + isdnloop_kill_ctimer(card->rcard[ch - 1], card->rch[ch - 1]); + isdnloop_fake(card->rcard[ch - 1], "DDIS_I", + card->rch[ch - 1] + 1); + card->rcard[ch - 1] = NULL; + } + isdnloop_fake(card, "DDIS_C", ch); + break; + case 4: + /* 0x;DSCA_Rdd,yy,zz,oo */ + if (card->ptype != ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6) { + isdnloop_fake_err(card); + return; + } + /* Fall through */ + case 5: + /* 0x;DCAL_Rdd,yy,zz,oo */ + p += 6; + switch (isdnloop_try_call(card, p, ch - 1, &cmd)) { + case 0: + /* Alerting */ + sprintf(buf, "D%s_I%s,%02d,%02d,%s", + (action == 4) ? "SCA" : "CAL", + isdnloop_vstphone(card, cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn, 1), + cmd.parm.setup.si1, + cmd.parm.setup.si2, + isdnloop_vstphone(card->rcard[ch - 1], + cmd.parm.setup.phone, 0)); + isdnloop_fake(card->rcard[ch - 1], buf, card->rch[ch - 1] + 1); /* Fall through */ - case 5: - /* 0x;DCAL_Rdd,yy,zz,oo */ - p += 6; - switch (isdnloop_try_call(card, p, ch - 1, &cmd)) { - case 0: - /* Alerting */ - sprintf(buf, "D%s_I%s,%02d,%02d,%s", - (action == 4) ? "SCA" : "CAL", - isdnloop_vstphone(card, cmd.parm.setup.eazmsn, 1), - cmd.parm.setup.si1, - cmd.parm.setup.si2, - isdnloop_vstphone(card->rcard[ch - 1], - cmd.parm.setup.phone, 0)); - isdnloop_fake(card->rcard[ch - 1], buf, card->rch[ch - 1] + 1); - /* Fall through */ - case 3: - /* si1 does not match, don't alert but start timer */ - isdnloop_start_ctimer(card, ch - 1); - break; - case 1: - /* Remote busy */ - isdnloop_fake(card, "DDIS_I", ch); - sprintf(buf, "CAU%s", isdnloop_unicause(card, 1, 1)); - isdnloop_fake(card, buf, ch); - break; - case 2: - /* No such user */ - isdnloop_fake(card, "DDIS_I", ch); - sprintf(buf, "CAU%s", isdnloop_unicause(card, 1, 2)); - isdnloop_fake(card, buf, ch); - break; - } - break; - case 6: - /* 0x;EAZC */ - card->eazlist[ch - 1][0] = '\0'; - break; - case 7: - /* 0x;EAZ */ - p += 3; - strcpy(card->eazlist[ch - 1], p); - break; - case 8: - /* 0x;SEEAZ */ - sprintf(buf, "EAZ-LIST: %s", card->eazlist[ch - 1]); - isdnloop_fake(card, buf, ch + 1); - break; - case 9: - /* 0x;MSN */ - break; - case 10: - /* 0x;MSNALL */ - break; - case 11: - /* 0x;SETSIL */ - p += 6; - i = 0; - while (strchr("0157", *p)) { - if (i) - card->sil[ch - 1] |= si2bit[*p - '0']; - i = (*p++ == '0'); - } - if (*p) - isdnloop_fake_err(card); - break; - case 12: - /* 0x;SEESIL */ - sprintf(buf, "SIN-LIST: "); - p = buf + 10; - for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) - if (card->sil[ch - 1] & (1 << i)) - p += sprintf(p, "%02d", bit2si[i]); - isdnloop_fake(card, buf, ch + 1); - break; - case 13: - /* 0x;SILC */ - card->sil[ch - 1] = 0; + case 3: + /* si1 does not match, don't alert but start timer */ + isdnloop_start_ctimer(card, ch - 1); break; - case 14: - /* 00;FV2ON */ + case 1: + /* Remote busy */ + isdnloop_fake(card, "DDIS_I", ch); + sprintf(buf, "CAU%s", isdnloop_unicause(card, 1, 1)); + isdnloop_fake(card, buf, ch); break; - case 15: - /* 00;FV2OFF */ + case 2: + /* No such user */ + isdnloop_fake(card, "DDIS_I", ch); + sprintf(buf, "CAU%s", isdnloop_unicause(card, 1, 2)); + isdnloop_fake(card, buf, ch); break; + } + break; + case 6: + /* 0x;EAZC */ + card->eazlist[ch - 1][0] = '\0'; + break; + case 7: + /* 0x;EAZ */ + p += 3; + strcpy(card->eazlist[ch - 1], p); + break; + case 8: + /* 0x;SEEAZ */ + sprintf(buf, "EAZ-LIST: %s", card->eazlist[ch - 1]); + isdnloop_fake(card, buf, ch + 1); + break; + case 9: + /* 0x;MSN */ + break; + case 10: + /* 0x;MSNALL */ + break; + case 11: + /* 0x;SETSIL */ + p += 6; + i = 0; + while (strchr("0157", *p)) { + if (i) + card->sil[ch - 1] |= si2bit[*p - '0']; + i = (*p++ == '0'); + } + if (*p) + isdnloop_fake_err(card); + break; + case 12: + /* 0x;SEESIL */ + sprintf(buf, "SIN-LIST: "); + p = buf + 10; + for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) + if (card->sil[ch - 1] & (1 << i)) + p += sprintf(p, "%02d", bit2si[i]); + isdnloop_fake(card, buf, ch + 1); + break; + case 13: + /* 0x;SILC */ + card->sil[ch - 1] = 0; + break; + case 14: + /* 00;FV2ON */ + break; + case 15: + /* 00;FV2OFF */ + break; } } @@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ isdnloop_parse_cmd(isdnloop_card * card) * number of bytes transferred (currently always equals len). */ static int -isdnloop_writecmd(const u_char * buf, int len, int user, isdnloop_card * card) +isdnloop_writecmd(const u_char *buf, int len, int user, isdnloop_card *card) { int xcount = 0; int ocount = 1; @@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@ isdnloop_writecmd(const u_char * buf, int len, int user, isdnloop_card * card) * Delete card's pending timers, send STOP to linklevel */ static void -isdnloop_stopcard(isdnloop_card * card) +isdnloop_stopcard(isdnloop_card *card) { unsigned long flags; isdn_ctrl cmd; @@ -1061,7 +1061,7 @@ isdnloop_stopallcards(void) * 0 on success, -E??? otherwise. */ static int -isdnloop_start(isdnloop_card * card, isdnloop_sdef * sdefp) +isdnloop_start(isdnloop_card *card, isdnloop_sdef *sdefp) { unsigned long flags; isdnloop_sdef sdef; @@ -1073,40 +1073,40 @@ isdnloop_start(isdnloop_card * card, isdnloop_sdef * sdefp) return -EFAULT; spin_lock_irqsave(&card->isdnloop_lock, flags); switch (sdef.ptype) { - case ISDN_PTYPE_EURO: - if (isdnloop_fake(card, "DRV1.23EC-Q.931-CAPI-CNS-BASIS-20.02.96", - -1)) { - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->isdnloop_lock, flags); - return -ENOMEM; - } - card->sil[0] = card->sil[1] = 4; - if (isdnloop_fake(card, "TEI OK", 0)) { - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->isdnloop_lock, flags); - return -ENOMEM; - } - for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) - strcpy(card->s0num[i], sdef.num[i]); - break; - case ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6: - if (isdnloop_fake(card, "DRV1.04TC-1TR6-CAPI-CNS-BASIS-29.11.95", - -1)) { - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->isdnloop_lock, flags); - return -ENOMEM; - } - card->sil[0] = card->sil[1] = 4; - if (isdnloop_fake(card, "TEI OK", 0)) { - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->isdnloop_lock, flags); - return -ENOMEM; - } - strcpy(card->s0num[0], sdef.num[0]); - card->s0num[1][0] = '\0'; - card->s0num[2][0] = '\0'; - break; - default: + case ISDN_PTYPE_EURO: + if (isdnloop_fake(card, "DRV1.23EC-Q.931-CAPI-CNS-BASIS-20.02.96", + -1)) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->isdnloop_lock, flags); - printk(KERN_WARNING "isdnloop: Illegal D-channel protocol %d\n", - sdef.ptype); - return -EINVAL; + return -ENOMEM; + } + card->sil[0] = card->sil[1] = 4; + if (isdnloop_fake(card, "TEI OK", 0)) { + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->isdnloop_lock, flags); + return -ENOMEM; + } + for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) + strcpy(card->s0num[i], sdef.num[i]); + break; + case ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6: + if (isdnloop_fake(card, "DRV1.04TC-1TR6-CAPI-CNS-BASIS-29.11.95", + -1)) { + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->isdnloop_lock, flags); + return -ENOMEM; + } + card->sil[0] = card->sil[1] = 4; + if (isdnloop_fake(card, "TEI OK", 0)) { + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->isdnloop_lock, flags); + return -ENOMEM; + } + strcpy(card->s0num[0], sdef.num[0]); + card->s0num[1][0] = '\0'; + card->s0num[2][0] = '\0'; + break; + default: + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&card->isdnloop_lock, flags); + printk(KERN_WARNING "isdnloop: Illegal D-channel protocol %d\n", + sdef.ptype); + return -EINVAL; } init_timer(&card->st_timer); card->st_timer.expires = jiffies + ISDNLOOP_TIMER_DCREAD; @@ -1122,7 +1122,7 @@ isdnloop_start(isdnloop_card * card, isdnloop_sdef * sdefp) * Main handler for commands sent by linklevel. */ static int -isdnloop_command(isdn_ctrl * c, isdnloop_card * card) +isdnloop_command(isdn_ctrl *c, isdnloop_card *card) { ulong a; int i; @@ -1131,215 +1131,215 @@ isdnloop_command(isdn_ctrl * c, isdnloop_card * card) isdnloop_cdef cdef; switch (c->command) { - case ISDN_CMD_IOCTL: - memcpy(&a, c->parm.num, sizeof(ulong)); - switch (c->arg) { - case ISDNLOOP_IOCTL_DEBUGVAR: - return (ulong) card; - case ISDNLOOP_IOCTL_STARTUP: - if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, (void *) a, sizeof(isdnloop_sdef))) - return -EFAULT; - return (isdnloop_start(card, (isdnloop_sdef *) a)); - break; - case ISDNLOOP_IOCTL_ADDCARD: - if (copy_from_user((char *)&cdef, - (char *)a, - sizeof(cdef))) - return -EFAULT; - return (isdnloop_addcard(cdef.id1)); - break; - case ISDNLOOP_IOCTL_LEASEDCFG: - if (a) { - if (!card->leased) { - card->leased = 1; - while (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_UNKNOWN) - schedule_timeout_interruptible(10); - schedule_timeout_interruptible(10); - sprintf(cbuf, "00;FV2ON\n01;EAZ1\n02;EAZ2\n"); - i = isdnloop_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); - printk(KERN_INFO - "isdnloop: (%s) Leased-line mode enabled\n", - CID); - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_RUN; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.arg = 0; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - } - } else { - if (card->leased) { - card->leased = 0; - sprintf(cbuf, "00;FV2OFF\n"); - i = isdnloop_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); - printk(KERN_INFO - "isdnloop: (%s) Leased-line mode disabled\n", - CID); - cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_RUN; - cmd.driver = card->myid; - cmd.arg = 0; - card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); - } - } - return 0; - default: - return -EINVAL; + case ISDN_CMD_IOCTL: + memcpy(&a, c->parm.num, sizeof(ulong)); + switch (c->arg) { + case ISDNLOOP_IOCTL_DEBUGVAR: + return (ulong) card; + case ISDNLOOP_IOCTL_STARTUP: + if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, (void *) a, sizeof(isdnloop_sdef))) + return -EFAULT; + return (isdnloop_start(card, (isdnloop_sdef *) a)); + break; + case ISDNLOOP_IOCTL_ADDCARD: + if (copy_from_user((char *)&cdef, + (char *)a, + sizeof(cdef))) + return -EFAULT; + return (isdnloop_addcard(cdef.id1)); + break; + case ISDNLOOP_IOCTL_LEASEDCFG: + if (a) { + if (!card->leased) { + card->leased = 1; + while (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_UNKNOWN) + schedule_timeout_interruptible(10); + schedule_timeout_interruptible(10); + sprintf(cbuf, "00;FV2ON\n01;EAZ1\n02;EAZ2\n"); + i = isdnloop_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); + printk(KERN_INFO + "isdnloop: (%s) Leased-line mode enabled\n", + CID); + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_RUN; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + cmd.arg = 0; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + } + } else { + if (card->leased) { + card->leased = 0; + sprintf(cbuf, "00;FV2OFF\n"); + i = isdnloop_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); + printk(KERN_INFO + "isdnloop: (%s) Leased-line mode disabled\n", + CID); + cmd.command = ISDN_STAT_RUN; + cmd.driver = card->myid; + cmd.arg = 0; + card->interface.statcallb(&cmd); + } } + return 0; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + break; + case ISDN_CMD_DIAL: + if (!(card->flags & ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if (card->leased) break; - case ISDN_CMD_DIAL: - if (!(card->flags & ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - if (card->leased) - break; - if ((c->arg & 255) < ISDNLOOP_BCH) { - char *p; - char dial[50]; - char dcode[4]; - - a = c->arg; - p = c->parm.setup.phone; - if (*p == 's' || *p == 'S') { - /* Dial for SPV */ - p++; - strcpy(dcode, "SCA"); - } else - /* Normal Dial */ - strcpy(dcode, "CAL"); - strcpy(dial, p); - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;D%s_R%s,%02d,%02d,%s\n", (int) (a + 1), - dcode, dial, c->parm.setup.si1, + if ((c->arg & 255) < ISDNLOOP_BCH) { + char *p; + char dial[50]; + char dcode[4]; + + a = c->arg; + p = c->parm.setup.phone; + if (*p == 's' || *p == 'S') { + /* Dial for SPV */ + p++; + strcpy(dcode, "SCA"); + } else + /* Normal Dial */ + strcpy(dcode, "CAL"); + strcpy(dial, p); + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;D%s_R%s,%02d,%02d,%s\n", (int) (a + 1), + dcode, dial, c->parm.setup.si1, c->parm.setup.si2, c->parm.setup.eazmsn); + i = isdnloop_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); + } + break; + case ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTD: + if (!(card->flags & ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if (c->arg < ISDNLOOP_BCH) { + a = c->arg + 1; + cbuf[0] = 0; + switch (card->l2_proto[a - 1]) { + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BX75\n", (int) a); + break; +#ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X25DTE: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BX2T\n", (int) a); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X25DCE: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BX2C\n", (int) a); + break; +#endif + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BTRA\n", (int) a); + break; + } + if (strlen(cbuf)) i = isdnloop_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;DCON_R\n", (int) a); + i = isdnloop_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); + } + break; + case ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTB: + if (!(card->flags & ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if (c->arg < ISDNLOOP_BCH) { + a = c->arg + 1; + switch (card->l2_proto[a - 1]) { + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BCON_R,BX75\n", (int) a); + break; +#ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X25DTE: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BCON_R,BX2T\n", (int) a); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X25DCE: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BCON_R,BX2C\n", (int) a); + break; +#endif + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BCON_R,BTRA\n", (int) a); + break; + default: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BCON_R\n", (int) a); } + printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdnloop writecmd '%s'\n", cbuf); + i = isdnloop_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); break; - case ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTD: + case ISDN_CMD_HANGUP: if (!(card->flags & ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_RUNNING)) return -ENODEV; if (c->arg < ISDNLOOP_BCH) { a = c->arg + 1; - cbuf[0] = 0; - switch (card->l2_proto[a - 1]) { - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BX75\n", (int) a); - break; -#ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X25DTE: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BX2T\n", (int) a); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X25DCE: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BX2C\n", (int) a); - break; -#endif - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BTRA\n", (int) a); - break; - } - if (strlen(cbuf)) - i = isdnloop_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;DCON_R\n", (int) a); + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BDIS_R\n%02d;DDIS_R\n", (int) a, (int) a); i = isdnloop_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); } break; - case ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTB: + case ISDN_CMD_SETEAZ: if (!(card->flags & ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_RUNNING)) return -ENODEV; + if (card->leased) + break; if (c->arg < ISDNLOOP_BCH) { a = c->arg + 1; - switch (card->l2_proto[a - 1]) { - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BCON_R,BX75\n", (int) a); - break; -#ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X25DTE: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BCON_R,BX2T\n", (int) a); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X25DCE: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BCON_R,BX2C\n", (int) a); - break; -#endif - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BCON_R,BTRA\n", (int) a); - break; - default: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BCON_R\n", (int) a); - } - printk(KERN_DEBUG "isdnloop writecmd '%s'\n", cbuf); + if (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) { + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;MS%s%s\n", (int) a, + c->parm.num[0] ? "N" : "ALL", c->parm.num); + } else + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;EAZ%s\n", (int) a, + c->parm.num[0] ? c->parm.num : (u_char *) "0123456789"); i = isdnloop_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); - break; - case ISDN_CMD_HANGUP: - if (!(card->flags & ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - if (c->arg < ISDNLOOP_BCH) { - a = c->arg + 1; - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BDIS_R\n%02d;DDIS_R\n", (int) a, (int) a); - i = isdnloop_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); - } - break; - case ISDN_CMD_SETEAZ: - if (!(card->flags & ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - if (card->leased) - break; - if (c->arg < ISDNLOOP_BCH) { - a = c->arg + 1; - if (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) { - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;MS%s%s\n", (int) a, - c->parm.num[0] ? "N" : "ALL", c->parm.num); - } else - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;EAZ%s\n", (int) a, - c->parm.num[0] ? c->parm.num : (u_char *) "0123456789"); - i = isdnloop_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); - } - break; + } + break; case ISDN_CMD_CLREAZ: - if (!(card->flags & ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - if (card->leased) - break; - if (c->arg < ISDNLOOP_BCH) { - a = c->arg + 1; - if (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;MSNC\n", (int) a); - else - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;EAZC\n", (int) a); - i = isdnloop_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); - } + if (!(card->flags & ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if (card->leased) break; + if (c->arg < ISDNLOOP_BCH) { + a = c->arg + 1; + if (card->ptype == ISDN_PTYPE_EURO) + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;MSNC\n", (int) a); + else + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;EAZC\n", (int) a); + i = isdnloop_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); + } + break; case ISDN_CMD_SETL2: - if (!(card->flags & ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - if ((c->arg & 255) < ISDNLOOP_BCH) { - a = c->arg; - switch (a >> 8) { - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BX75\n", (int) (a & 255) + 1); - break; + if (!(card->flags & ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + if ((c->arg & 255) < ISDNLOOP_BCH) { + a = c->arg; + switch (a >> 8) { + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BX75\n", (int) (a & 255) + 1); + break; #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X25DTE: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BX2T\n", (int) (a & 255) + 1); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X25DCE: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BX2C\n", (int) (a & 255) + 1); - break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X25DTE: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BX2T\n", (int) (a & 255) + 1); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X25DCE: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BX2C\n", (int) (a & 255) + 1); + break; #endif - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BTRA\n", (int) (a & 255) + 1); - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS: - sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BTRA\n", (int) (a & 255) + 1); - break; - default: - return -EINVAL; - } - i = isdnloop_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); - card->l2_proto[a & 255] = (a >> 8); + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BTRA\n", (int) (a & 255) + 1); + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS: + sprintf(cbuf, "%02d;BTRA\n", (int) (a & 255) + 1); + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; } - break; + i = isdnloop_writecmd(cbuf, strlen(cbuf), 0, card); + card->l2_proto[a & 255] = (a >> 8); + } + break; case ISDN_CMD_SETL3: - if (!(card->flags & ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_RUNNING)) - return -ENODEV; - return 0; + if (!(card->flags & ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_RUNNING)) + return -ENODEV; + return 0; default: - return -EINVAL; - } + return -EINVAL; + } } return 0; } @@ -1364,7 +1364,7 @@ isdnloop_findcard(int driverid) * Wrapper functions for interface to linklevel */ static int -if_command(isdn_ctrl * c) +if_command(isdn_ctrl *c) { isdnloop_card *card = isdnloop_findcard(c->driver); @@ -1434,12 +1434,12 @@ isdnloop_initcard(char *id) if (!(card = kzalloc(sizeof(isdnloop_card), GFP_KERNEL))) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "isdnloop: (%s) Could not allocate card-struct.\n", id); + "isdnloop: (%s) Could not allocate card-struct.\n", id); return (isdnloop_card *) 0; } card->interface.owner = THIS_MODULE; card->interface.channels = ISDNLOOP_BCH; - card->interface.hl_hdrlen = 1; /* scratch area for storing ack flag*/ + card->interface.hl_hdrlen = 1; /* scratch area for storing ack flag*/ card->interface.maxbufsize = 4000; card->interface.command = if_command; card->interface.writebuf_skb = if_sendbuf; @@ -1447,12 +1447,12 @@ isdnloop_initcard(char *id) card->interface.readstat = if_readstatus; card->interface.features = ISDN_FEATURE_L2_X75I | #ifdef CONFIG_ISDN_X25 - ISDN_FEATURE_L2_X25DTE | - ISDN_FEATURE_L2_X25DCE | + ISDN_FEATURE_L2_X25DTE | + ISDN_FEATURE_L2_X25DCE | #endif - ISDN_FEATURE_L2_HDLC | - ISDN_FEATURE_L3_TRANS | - ISDN_FEATURE_P_UNKNOWN; + ISDN_FEATURE_L2_HDLC | + ISDN_FEATURE_L3_TRANS | + ISDN_FEATURE_P_UNKNOWN; card->ptype = ISDN_PTYPE_UNKNOWN; strlcpy(card->interface.id, id, sizeof(card->interface.id)); card->msg_buf_write = card->msg_buf; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/isdnloop/isdnloop.h b/drivers/isdn/isdnloop/isdnloop.h index 0d458a86f5299b086e6b5792b9814b35915e2c4f..e9e035552bb467e9f5a017919fa7972cdae58b84 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/isdnloop/isdnloop.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/isdnloop/isdnloop.h @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ typedef struct isdnloop_sdef { #define ISDNLOOP_FLAGS_RBTIMER 8 /* scheduling of B-Channel-poll */ #define ISDNLOOP_TIMER_BCREAD 1 /* B-Channel poll-cycle */ #define ISDNLOOP_TIMER_DCREAD (HZ/2) /* D-Channel poll-cycle */ -#define ISDNLOOP_TIMER_ALERTWAIT (10*HZ) /* Alert timeout */ +#define ISDNLOOP_TIMER_ALERTWAIT (10 * HZ) /* Alert timeout */ #define ISDNLOOP_MAX_SQUEUE 65536 /* Max. outstanding send-data */ #define ISDNLOOP_BCH 2 /* channels per card */ @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ typedef struct isdnloop_card { struct timer_list st_timer; /* Timer for Status-Polls */ struct timer_list rb_timer; /* Timer for B-Channel-Polls */ struct timer_list - c_timer[ISDNLOOP_BCH]; /* Timer for Alerting */ + c_timer[ISDNLOOP_BCH]; /* Timer for Alerting */ int l2_proto[ISDNLOOP_BCH]; /* Current layer-2-protocol */ isdn_if interface; /* Interface to upper layer */ int iptr; /* Index to imsg-buffer */ @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ typedef struct isdnloop_card { char *msg_buf_end; /* Pointer to end of statusbuffer */ int sndcount[ISDNLOOP_BCH]; /* Byte-counters for B-Ch.-send */ struct sk_buff_head - bqueue[ISDNLOOP_BCH]; /* B-Channel queues */ + bqueue[ISDNLOOP_BCH]; /* B-Channel queues */ struct sk_buff_head dqueue; /* D-Channel queue */ spinlock_t isdnloop_lock; } isdnloop_card; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/clock.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/clock.c index 7418f2d811d8ff3f4e189db7d8cc6d136173ca10..693fb7c9b59a11591325e0a131091d34b2ac5dca 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/clock.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/clock.c @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ * Quick API description: * * A clock source registers using mISDN_register_clock: - * name = text string to name clock source + * name = text string to name clock source * priority = value to priorize clock sources (0 = default) * ctl = callback function to enable/disable clock source * priv = private pointer of clock source - * return = pointer to clock source structure; + * return = pointer to clock source structure; * * Note: Callback 'ctl' can be called before mISDN_register_clock returns! * Also it can be called during mISDN_unregister_clock. @@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ select_iclock(void) /* last used clock source still exists but changes, disable */ if (*debug & DEBUG_CLOCK) printk(KERN_DEBUG "Old clock source '%s' disable.\n", - lastclock->name); + lastclock->name); lastclock->ctl(lastclock->priv, 0); } if (bestclock && bestclock != iclock_current) { /* new clock source selected, enable */ if (*debug & DEBUG_CLOCK) printk(KERN_DEBUG "New clock source '%s' enable.\n", - bestclock->name); + bestclock->name); bestclock->ctl(bestclock->priv, 1); } if (bestclock != iclock_current) { @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ struct mISDNclock printk(KERN_ERR "%s: No memory for clock entry.\n", __func__); return NULL; } - strncpy(iclock->name, name, sizeof(iclock->name)-1); + strncpy(iclock->name, name, sizeof(iclock->name) - 1); iclock->pri = pri; iclock->priv = priv; iclock->ctl = ctl; @@ -123,13 +123,13 @@ mISDN_unregister_clock(struct mISDNclock *iclock) if (*debug & (DEBUG_CORE | DEBUG_CLOCK)) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s %d\n", __func__, iclock->name, - iclock->pri); + iclock->pri); write_lock_irqsave(&iclock_lock, flags); if (iclock_current == iclock) { if (*debug & DEBUG_CLOCK) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "Current clock source '%s' unregisters.\n", - iclock->name); + "Current clock source '%s' unregisters.\n", + iclock->name); iclock->ctl(iclock->priv, 0); } list_del(&iclock->list); @@ -149,9 +149,9 @@ mISDN_clock_update(struct mISDNclock *iclock, int samples, struct timeval *tv) write_lock_irqsave(&iclock_lock, flags); if (iclock_current != iclock) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: '%s' sends us clock updates, but we do " - "listen to '%s'. This is a bug!\n", __func__, - iclock->name, - iclock_current ? iclock_current->name : "nothing"); + "listen to '%s'. This is a bug!\n", __func__, + iclock->name, + iclock_current ? iclock_current->name : "nothing"); iclock->ctl(iclock->priv, 0); write_unlock_irqrestore(&iclock_lock, flags); return; @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ mISDN_clock_update(struct mISDNclock *iclock, int samples, struct timeval *tv) iclock_tv_valid = 1; if (*debug & DEBUG_CLOCK) printk("Received first clock from source '%s'.\n", - iclock_current ? iclock_current->name : "nothing"); + iclock_current ? iclock_current->name : "nothing"); } write_unlock_irqrestore(&iclock_lock, flags); } @@ -215,4 +215,3 @@ mISDN_clock_get(void) return count; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(mISDN_clock_get); - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/core.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/core.c index afeebb00fe0bcafc8e690e199613daa54d6e901e..a24530f05db01b46c9d8dda1c5f6a53ba9fa6fc2 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/core.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/core.c @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ static void mISDN_dev_release(struct device *dev) } static ssize_t _show_id(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) + struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { struct mISDNdevice *mdev = dev_to_mISDN(dev); @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ static ssize_t _show_id(struct device *dev, } static ssize_t _show_nrbchan(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) + struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { struct mISDNdevice *mdev = dev_to_mISDN(dev); @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ static ssize_t _show_nrbchan(struct device *dev, } static ssize_t _show_d_protocols(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) + struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { struct mISDNdevice *mdev = dev_to_mISDN(dev); @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ static ssize_t _show_d_protocols(struct device *dev, } static ssize_t _show_b_protocols(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) + struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { struct mISDNdevice *mdev = dev_to_mISDN(dev); @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ static ssize_t _show_b_protocols(struct device *dev, } static ssize_t _show_protocol(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) + struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { struct mISDNdevice *mdev = dev_to_mISDN(dev); @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ static ssize_t _show_protocol(struct device *dev, } static ssize_t _show_name(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) + struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { strcpy(buf, dev_name(dev)); return strlen(buf); @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ static ssize_t _show_name(struct device *dev, #if 0 /* hangs */ static ssize_t _set_name(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, - const char *buf, size_t count) + const char *buf, size_t count) { int err = 0; char *out = kmalloc(count + 1, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ static struct device_attribute mISDN_dev_attrs[] = { __ATTR(channelmap, S_IRUGO, _show_channelmap, NULL), __ATTR(nrbchan, S_IRUGO, _show_nrbchan, NULL), __ATTR(name, S_IRUGO, _show_name, NULL), -/* __ATTR(name, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, _show_name, _set_name), */ +/* __ATTR(name, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, _show_name, _set_name), */ {} }; @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ struct mISDNdevice *get_mdevice(u_int id) { return dev_to_mISDN(class_find_device(&mISDN_class, NULL, &id, - _get_mdevice)); + _get_mdevice)); } static int @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ get_free_devid(void) int mISDN_register_device(struct mISDNdevice *dev, - struct device *parent, char *name) + struct device *parent, char *name) { int err; @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ mISDN_register_device(struct mISDNdevice *dev, dev_set_name(&dev->dev, "mISDN%d", dev->id); if (debug & DEBUG_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "mISDN_register %s %d\n", - dev_name(&dev->dev), dev->id); + dev_name(&dev->dev), dev->id); err = create_stack(dev); if (err) goto error1; @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ void mISDN_unregister_device(struct mISDNdevice *dev) { if (debug & DEBUG_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "mISDN_unregister %s %d\n", - dev_name(&dev->dev), dev->id); + dev_name(&dev->dev), dev->id); /* sysfs_remove_link(&dev->dev.kobj, "device"); */ device_del(&dev->dev); dev_set_drvdata(&dev->dev, NULL); @@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ get_Bprotocol4id(u_int id) if (id < ISDN_P_B_START || id > 63) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s id not in range %d\n", - __func__, id); + __func__, id); return NULL; } m = 1 << (id & ISDN_P_B_MASK); @@ -326,12 +326,12 @@ mISDN_register_Bprotocol(struct Bprotocol *bp) if (debug & DEBUG_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s/%x\n", __func__, - bp->name, bp->Bprotocols); + bp->name, bp->Bprotocols); old = get_Bprotocol4mask(bp->Bprotocols); if (old) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "register duplicate protocol old %s/%x new %s/%x\n", - old->name, old->Bprotocols, bp->name, bp->Bprotocols); + "register duplicate protocol old %s/%x new %s/%x\n", + old->name, old->Bprotocols, bp->name, bp->Bprotocols); return -EBUSY; } write_lock_irqsave(&bp_lock, flags); @@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ mISDN_unregister_Bprotocol(struct Bprotocol *bp) if (debug & DEBUG_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s/%x\n", __func__, bp->name, - bp->Bprotocols); + bp->Bprotocols); write_lock_irqsave(&bp_lock, flags); list_del(&bp->list); write_unlock_irqrestore(&bp_lock, flags); @@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ mISDNInit(void) int err; printk(KERN_INFO "Modular ISDN core version %d.%d.%d\n", - MISDN_MAJOR_VERSION, MISDN_MINOR_VERSION, MISDN_RELEASE); + MISDN_MAJOR_VERSION, MISDN_MINOR_VERSION, MISDN_RELEASE); mISDN_init_clock(&debug); mISDN_initstack(&debug); err = class_register(&mISDN_class); @@ -406,4 +406,3 @@ static void mISDN_cleanup(void) module_init(mISDNInit); module_exit(mISDN_cleanup); - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/core.h b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/core.h index 7ac2f81a812b0f32eab886684800ab4c937158d4..52695bb81ee7a80721fb22d76980d85300096f03 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/core.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/core.h @@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ extern int get_mdevice_count(void); #define MGR_OPT_NETWORK 25 extern int connect_Bstack(struct mISDNdevice *, struct mISDNchannel *, - u_int, struct sockaddr_mISDN *); + u_int, struct sockaddr_mISDN *); extern int connect_layer1(struct mISDNdevice *, struct mISDNchannel *, - u_int, struct sockaddr_mISDN *); + u_int, struct sockaddr_mISDN *); extern int create_l2entity(struct mISDNdevice *, struct mISDNchannel *, - u_int, struct sockaddr_mISDN *); + u_int, struct sockaddr_mISDN *); extern int create_stack(struct mISDNdevice *); extern int create_teimanager(struct mISDNdevice *); @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ extern void mISDN_timer_cleanup(void); extern int l1_init(u_int *); extern void l1_cleanup(void); -extern int Isdnl2_Init(u_int *); +extern int Isdnl2_Init(u_int *); extern void Isdnl2_cleanup(void); extern void mISDN_init_clock(u_int *); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp.h b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp.h index 8549431430f02ae5a3bb5e2de91c3780c2e76eb4..afe4173ae00770524eb5a3faf59d1eb98b4c0486 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp.h @@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ * bit 1 = enable hfc hardware acceleration for all channels * */ -#define DSP_OPT_ULAW (1<<0) -#define DSP_OPT_NOHARDWARE (1<<1) +#define DSP_OPT_ULAW (1 << 0) +#define DSP_OPT_NOHARDWARE (1 << 1) #include #include @@ -97,12 +97,12 @@ struct dsp_conf_member { struct dsp_conf { struct list_head list; u32 id; - /* all cmx stacks with the same ID are - connected */ + /* all cmx stacks with the same ID are + connected */ struct list_head mlist; int software; /* conf is processed by software */ int hardware; /* conf is processed by hardware */ - /* note: if both unset, has only one member */ + /* note: if both unset, has only one member */ }; @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ struct dsp_dtmf { int hardware; /* dtmf uses hardware decoding */ int size; /* number of bytes in buffer */ signed short buffer[DSP_DTMF_NPOINTS]; - /* buffers one full dtmf frame */ + /* buffers one full dtmf frame */ u8 lastwhat, lastdigit; int count; u8 digits[16]; /* dtmf result */ @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ struct dsp { u32 conf_id; struct dsp_conf *conf; struct dsp_conf_member - *member; + *member; /* buffer stuff */ int rx_W; /* current write pos for data without timestamp */ @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ struct dsp { u8 rx_buff[CMX_BUFF_SIZE]; int last_tx; /* if set, we transmitted last poll interval */ int cmx_delay; /* initial delay of buffers, - or 0 for dynamic jitter buffer */ + or 0 for dynamic jitter buffer */ int tx_dejitter; /* if set, dejitter tx buffer */ int tx_data; /* enables tx-data of CMX to upper layer */ @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ struct dsp { int bf_sync; struct dsp_pipeline - pipeline; + pipeline; }; /* functions */ @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ extern int dsp_cmx_del_conf(struct dsp_conf *conf); extern void dsp_dtmf_goertzel_init(struct dsp *dsp); extern void dsp_dtmf_hardware(struct dsp *dsp); extern u8 *dsp_dtmf_goertzel_decode(struct dsp *dsp, u8 *data, int len, - int fmt); + int fmt); extern int dsp_tone(struct dsp *dsp, int tone); extern void dsp_tone_copy(struct dsp *dsp, u8 *data, int len); @@ -270,7 +270,6 @@ extern int dsp_pipeline_init(struct dsp_pipeline *pipeline); extern void dsp_pipeline_destroy(struct dsp_pipeline *pipeline); extern int dsp_pipeline_build(struct dsp_pipeline *pipeline, const char *cfg); extern void dsp_pipeline_process_tx(struct dsp_pipeline *pipeline, u8 *data, - int len); + int len); extern void dsp_pipeline_process_rx(struct dsp_pipeline *pipeline, u8 *data, - int len, unsigned int txlen); - + int len, unsigned int txlen); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_audio.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_audio.c index b8f18bd09e430225ad89e82c125773d94ed41cec..06022952a43780a6048f1890486cd1e713eab43b 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_audio.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_audio.c @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ static inline unsigned char linear2alaw(short int linear) } /* Convert the scaled magnitude to segment number. */ - for (seg = 0; seg < 8; seg++) { + for (seg = 0; seg < 8; seg++) { if (pcm_val <= seg_end[seg]) break; } @@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ dsp_audio_generate_mix_table(void) sample = 32767; if (sample < -32768) sample = -32768; - dsp_audio_mix_law[(i<<8)|j] = + dsp_audio_mix_law[(i << 8) | j] = dsp_audio_s16_to_law[sample & 0xffff]; j++; } @@ -431,4 +431,3 @@ dsp_change_volume(struct sk_buff *skb, int volume) i++; } } - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_biquad.h b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_biquad.h index 038191bc45f5ace94f2bab57910a60f5f8a6ae1a..c0c933a5d197bae993c71d88ae45527a0488cc27 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_biquad.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_biquad.h @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ struct biquad2_state { }; static inline void biquad2_init(struct biquad2_state *bq, - int32_t gain, int32_t a1, int32_t a2, int32_t b1, int32_t b2) + int32_t gain, int32_t a1, int32_t a2, int32_t b1, int32_t b2) { bq->gain = gain; bq->a1 = a1; @@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ static inline int16_t biquad2(struct biquad2_state *bq, int16_t sample) int32_t y; int32_t z0; - z0 = sample*bq->gain + bq->z1*bq->a1 + bq->z2*bq->a2; - y = z0 + bq->z1*bq->b1 + bq->z2*bq->b2; + z0 = sample * bq->gain + bq->z1 * bq->a1 + bq->z2 * bq->a2; + y = z0 + bq->z1 * bq->b1 + bq->z2 * bq->b2; bq->z2 = bq->z1; bq->z1 = z0 >> 15; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c index 18e411e95bba95b59f9fd9b78de3cfbebf50833b..0aa572f3858da771e1bea19ebaef5eb39f346d3a 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c @@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ static const u32 bf_sbox[256 * 4] = { #define GET32_1(x) (((x) >> (16)) & (0xff)) #define GET32_0(x) (((x) >> (24)) & (0xff)) -#define bf_F(x) (((S[GET32_0(x)] + S[256 + GET32_1(x)]) ^ \ - S[512 + GET32_2(x)]) + S[768 + GET32_3(x)]) +#define bf_F(x) (((S[GET32_0(x)] + S[256 + GET32_1(x)]) ^ \ + S[512 + GET32_2(x)]) + S[768 + GET32_3(x)]) #define EROUND(a, b, n) do { b ^= P[n]; a ^= bf_F(b); } while (0) #define DROUND(a, b, n) do { a ^= bf_F(b); b ^= P[n]; } while (0) @@ -388,17 +388,17 @@ dsp_bf_encrypt(struct dsp *dsp, u8 *data, int len) j = 0; /* transcode 9 samples xlaw to 8 bytes */ yl = dsp_audio_law2seven[bf_data_in[0]]; - yl = (yl<<7) | dsp_audio_law2seven[bf_data_in[1]]; - yl = (yl<<7) | dsp_audio_law2seven[bf_data_in[2]]; - yl = (yl<<7) | dsp_audio_law2seven[bf_data_in[3]]; + yl = (yl << 7) | dsp_audio_law2seven[bf_data_in[1]]; + yl = (yl << 7) | dsp_audio_law2seven[bf_data_in[2]]; + yl = (yl << 7) | dsp_audio_law2seven[bf_data_in[3]]; nibble = dsp_audio_law2seven[bf_data_in[4]]; yr = nibble; - yl = (yl<<4) | (nibble>>3); - yr = (yr<<7) | dsp_audio_law2seven[bf_data_in[5]]; - yr = (yr<<7) | dsp_audio_law2seven[bf_data_in[6]]; - yr = (yr<<7) | dsp_audio_law2seven[bf_data_in[7]]; - yr = (yr<<7) | dsp_audio_law2seven[bf_data_in[8]]; - yr = (yr<<1) | (bf_data_in[0] & 1); + yl = (yl << 4) | (nibble >> 3); + yr = (yr << 7) | dsp_audio_law2seven[bf_data_in[5]]; + yr = (yr << 7) | dsp_audio_law2seven[bf_data_in[6]]; + yr = (yr << 7) | dsp_audio_law2seven[bf_data_in[7]]; + yr = (yr << 7) | dsp_audio_law2seven[bf_data_in[8]]; + yr = (yr << 1) | (bf_data_in[0] & 1); /* fill unused bit with random noise of audio input */ /* encrypt */ @@ -423,24 +423,24 @@ dsp_bf_encrypt(struct dsp *dsp, u8 *data, int len) yr ^= P[17]; /* calculate 3-bit checksumme */ - cs = yl ^ (yl>>3) ^ (yl>>6) ^ (yl>>9) ^ (yl>>12) ^ (yl>>15) - ^ (yl>>18) ^ (yl>>21) ^ (yl>>24) ^ (yl>>27) ^ (yl>>30) - ^ (yr<<2) ^ (yr>>1) ^ (yr>>4) ^ (yr>>7) ^ (yr>>10) - ^ (yr>>13) ^ (yr>>16) ^ (yr>>19) ^ (yr>>22) ^ (yr>>25) - ^ (yr>>28) ^ (yr>>31); + cs = yl ^ (yl >> 3) ^ (yl >> 6) ^ (yl >> 9) ^ (yl >> 12) ^ (yl >> 15) + ^ (yl >> 18) ^ (yl >> 21) ^ (yl >> 24) ^ (yl >> 27) ^ (yl >> 30) + ^ (yr << 2) ^ (yr >> 1) ^ (yr >> 4) ^ (yr >> 7) ^ (yr >> 10) + ^ (yr >> 13) ^ (yr >> 16) ^ (yr >> 19) ^ (yr >> 22) ^ (yr >> 25) + ^ (yr >> 28) ^ (yr >> 31); /* * transcode 8 crypted bytes to 9 data bytes with sync * and checksum information */ - bf_crypt_out[0] = (yl>>25) | 0x80; - bf_crypt_out[1] = (yl>>18) & 0x7f; - bf_crypt_out[2] = (yl>>11) & 0x7f; - bf_crypt_out[3] = (yl>>4) & 0x7f; - bf_crypt_out[4] = ((yl<<3) & 0x78) | ((yr>>29) & 0x07); - bf_crypt_out[5] = ((yr>>22) & 0x7f) | ((cs<<5) & 0x80); - bf_crypt_out[6] = ((yr>>15) & 0x7f) | ((cs<<6) & 0x80); - bf_crypt_out[7] = ((yr>>8) & 0x7f) | (cs<<7); + bf_crypt_out[0] = (yl >> 25) | 0x80; + bf_crypt_out[1] = (yl >> 18) & 0x7f; + bf_crypt_out[2] = (yl >> 11) & 0x7f; + bf_crypt_out[3] = (yl >> 4) & 0x7f; + bf_crypt_out[4] = ((yl << 3) & 0x78) | ((yr >> 29) & 0x07); + bf_crypt_out[5] = ((yr >> 22) & 0x7f) | ((cs << 5) & 0x80); + bf_crypt_out[6] = ((yr >> 15) & 0x7f) | ((cs << 6) & 0x80); + bf_crypt_out[7] = ((yr >> 8) & 0x7f) | (cs << 7); bf_crypt_out[8] = yr; } @@ -474,45 +474,45 @@ dsp_bf_decrypt(struct dsp *dsp, u8 *data, int len) * shift upper bit and rotate data to buffer ring * send current decrypted data */ - sync = (sync<<1) | ((*data)>>7); + sync = (sync << 1) | ((*data) >> 7); bf_crypt_inring[j++ & 15] = *data; *data++ = bf_data_out[k++]; i++; if (k == 9) k = 0; /* repeat if no sync has been found */ /* check if not in sync */ - if ((sync&0x1f0) != 0x100) + if ((sync & 0x1f0) != 0x100) continue; j -= 9; /* transcode receive data to 64 bit block of encrypted data */ yl = bf_crypt_inring[j++ & 15]; - yl = (yl<<7) | bf_crypt_inring[j++ & 15]; /* bit7 = 0 */ - yl = (yl<<7) | bf_crypt_inring[j++ & 15]; /* bit7 = 0 */ - yl = (yl<<7) | bf_crypt_inring[j++ & 15]; /* bit7 = 0 */ + yl = (yl << 7) | bf_crypt_inring[j++ & 15]; /* bit7 = 0 */ + yl = (yl << 7) | bf_crypt_inring[j++ & 15]; /* bit7 = 0 */ + yl = (yl << 7) | bf_crypt_inring[j++ & 15]; /* bit7 = 0 */ nibble = bf_crypt_inring[j++ & 15]; /* bit7 = 0 */ yr = nibble; - yl = (yl<<4) | (nibble>>3); + yl = (yl << 4) | (nibble >> 3); cs2 = bf_crypt_inring[j++ & 15]; - yr = (yr<<7) | (cs2 & 0x7f); + yr = (yr << 7) | (cs2 & 0x7f); cs1 = bf_crypt_inring[j++ & 15]; - yr = (yr<<7) | (cs1 & 0x7f); + yr = (yr << 7) | (cs1 & 0x7f); cs0 = bf_crypt_inring[j++ & 15]; - yr = (yr<<7) | (cs0 & 0x7f); - yr = (yr<<8) | bf_crypt_inring[j++ & 15]; + yr = (yr << 7) | (cs0 & 0x7f); + yr = (yr << 8) | bf_crypt_inring[j++ & 15]; /* calculate 3-bit checksumme */ - cs = yl ^ (yl>>3) ^ (yl>>6) ^ (yl>>9) ^ (yl>>12) ^ (yl>>15) - ^ (yl>>18) ^ (yl>>21) ^ (yl>>24) ^ (yl>>27) ^ (yl>>30) - ^ (yr<<2) ^ (yr>>1) ^ (yr>>4) ^ (yr>>7) ^ (yr>>10) - ^ (yr>>13) ^ (yr>>16) ^ (yr>>19) ^ (yr>>22) ^ (yr>>25) - ^ (yr>>28) ^ (yr>>31); + cs = yl ^ (yl >> 3) ^ (yl >> 6) ^ (yl >> 9) ^ (yl >> 12) ^ (yl >> 15) + ^ (yl >> 18) ^ (yl >> 21) ^ (yl >> 24) ^ (yl >> 27) ^ (yl >> 30) + ^ (yr << 2) ^ (yr >> 1) ^ (yr >> 4) ^ (yr >> 7) ^ (yr >> 10) + ^ (yr >> 13) ^ (yr >> 16) ^ (yr >> 19) ^ (yr >> 22) ^ (yr >> 25) + ^ (yr >> 28) ^ (yr >> 31); /* check if frame is valid */ - if ((cs&0x7) != (((cs2>>5)&4) | ((cs1>>6)&2) | (cs0 >> 7))) { + if ((cs & 0x7) != (((cs2 >> 5) & 4) | ((cs1 >> 6) & 2) | (cs0 >> 7))) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_BLOWFISH) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "DSP BLOWFISH: received corrupt frame, " - "checksumme is not correct\n"); + "DSP BLOWFISH: received corrupt frame, " + "checksumme is not correct\n"); continue; } @@ -537,17 +537,17 @@ dsp_bf_decrypt(struct dsp *dsp, u8 *data, int len) DROUND(yr, yl, 0); /* transcode 8 crypted bytes to 9 sample bytes */ - bf_data_out[0] = dsp_audio_seven2law[(yl>>25) & 0x7f]; - bf_data_out[1] = dsp_audio_seven2law[(yl>>18) & 0x7f]; - bf_data_out[2] = dsp_audio_seven2law[(yl>>11) & 0x7f]; - bf_data_out[3] = dsp_audio_seven2law[(yl>>4) & 0x7f]; - bf_data_out[4] = dsp_audio_seven2law[((yl<<3) & 0x78) | - ((yr>>29) & 0x07)]; - - bf_data_out[5] = dsp_audio_seven2law[(yr>>22) & 0x7f]; - bf_data_out[6] = dsp_audio_seven2law[(yr>>15) & 0x7f]; - bf_data_out[7] = dsp_audio_seven2law[(yr>>8) & 0x7f]; - bf_data_out[8] = dsp_audio_seven2law[(yr>>1) & 0x7f]; + bf_data_out[0] = dsp_audio_seven2law[(yl >> 25) & 0x7f]; + bf_data_out[1] = dsp_audio_seven2law[(yl >> 18) & 0x7f]; + bf_data_out[2] = dsp_audio_seven2law[(yl >> 11) & 0x7f]; + bf_data_out[3] = dsp_audio_seven2law[(yl >> 4) & 0x7f]; + bf_data_out[4] = dsp_audio_seven2law[((yl << 3) & 0x78) | + ((yr >> 29) & 0x07)]; + + bf_data_out[5] = dsp_audio_seven2law[(yr >> 22) & 0x7f]; + bf_data_out[6] = dsp_audio_seven2law[(yr >> 15) & 0x7f]; + bf_data_out[7] = dsp_audio_seven2law[(yr >> 8) & 0x7f]; + bf_data_out[8] = dsp_audio_seven2law[(yr >> 1) & 0x7f]; k = 0; /* start with new decoded frame */ } @@ -631,9 +631,9 @@ dsp_bf_init(struct dsp *dsp, const u8 *key, uint keylen) /* Actual subkey generation */ for (j = 0, i = 0; i < 16 + 2; i++) { temp = (((u32)key[j] << 24) | - ((u32)key[(j + 1) % keylen] << 16) | - ((u32)key[(j + 2) % keylen] << 8) | - ((u32)key[(j + 3) % keylen])); + ((u32)key[(j + 1) % keylen] << 16) | + ((u32)key[(j + 2) % keylen] << 8) | + ((u32)key[(j + 3) % keylen])); P[i] = P[i] ^ temp; j = (j + 4) % keylen; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_cmx.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_cmx.c index 4d395dea32f3ebedd3c3db7d5e2bbbb3161d51b8..334feab060a13274ecc87806e79404dbaeb10fad 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_cmx.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_cmx.c @@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ dsp_cmx_debug(struct dsp *dsp) printk(KERN_DEBUG "-----Current DSP\n"); list_for_each_entry(odsp, &dsp_ilist, list) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "* %s hardecho=%d softecho=%d txmix=%d", - odsp->name, odsp->echo.hardware, odsp->echo.software, - odsp->tx_mix); + odsp->name, odsp->echo.hardware, odsp->echo.software, + odsp->tx_mix); if (odsp->conf) printk(" (Conf %d)", odsp->conf->id); if (dsp == odsp) @@ -178,14 +178,14 @@ dsp_cmx_debug(struct dsp *dsp) printk(KERN_DEBUG "* Conf %d (%p)\n", conf->id, conf); list_for_each_entry(member, &conf->mlist, list) { printk(KERN_DEBUG - " - member = %s (slot_tx %d, bank_tx %d, " - "slot_rx %d, bank_rx %d hfc_conf %d " - "tx_data %d rx_is_off %d)%s\n", - member->dsp->name, member->dsp->pcm_slot_tx, - member->dsp->pcm_bank_tx, member->dsp->pcm_slot_rx, - member->dsp->pcm_bank_rx, member->dsp->hfc_conf, - member->dsp->tx_data, member->dsp->rx_is_off, - (member->dsp == dsp) ? " *this*" : ""); + " - member = %s (slot_tx %d, bank_tx %d, " + "slot_rx %d, bank_rx %d hfc_conf %d " + "tx_data %d rx_is_off %d)%s\n", + member->dsp->name, member->dsp->pcm_slot_tx, + member->dsp->pcm_bank_tx, member->dsp->pcm_slot_rx, + member->dsp->pcm_bank_rx, member->dsp->hfc_conf, + member->dsp->tx_data, member->dsp->rx_is_off, + (member->dsp == dsp) ? " *this*" : ""); } } printk(KERN_DEBUG "-----end\n"); @@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ dsp_cmx_add_conf_member(struct dsp *dsp, struct dsp_conf *conf) } if (dsp->member) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: dsp is already member in a conf.\n", - __func__); + __func__); return -EINVAL; } if (dsp->conf) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: dsp is already in a conf.\n", - __func__); + __func__); return -EINVAL; } @@ -268,19 +268,19 @@ dsp_cmx_del_conf_member(struct dsp *dsp) if (!dsp) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: dsp is 0.\n", - __func__); + __func__); return -EINVAL; } if (!dsp->conf) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: dsp is not in a conf.\n", - __func__); + __func__); return -EINVAL; } if (list_empty(&dsp->conf->mlist)) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: dsp has linked an empty conf.\n", - __func__); + __func__); return -EINVAL; } @@ -295,8 +295,8 @@ dsp_cmx_del_conf_member(struct dsp *dsp) } } printk(KERN_WARNING - "%s: dsp is not present in its own conf_meber list.\n", - __func__); + "%s: dsp is not present in its own conf_meber list.\n", + __func__); return -EINVAL; } @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ static struct dsp_conf if (!id) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: id is 0.\n", - __func__); + __func__); return NULL; } @@ -338,13 +338,13 @@ dsp_cmx_del_conf(struct dsp_conf *conf) { if (!conf) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: conf is null.\n", - __func__); + __func__); return -EINVAL; } if (!list_empty(&conf->mlist)) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: conf not empty.\n", - __func__); + __func__); return -EINVAL; } list_del(&conf->list); @@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ dsp_cmx_del_conf(struct dsp_conf *conf) */ static void dsp_cmx_hw_message(struct dsp *dsp, u32 message, u32 param1, u32 param2, - u32 param3, u32 param4) + u32 param3, u32 param4) { struct mISDN_ctrl_req cq; @@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) int freeunits[8]; u_char freeslots[256]; int same_hfc = -1, same_pcm = -1, current_conf = -1, - all_conf = 1, tx_data = 0; + all_conf = 1, tx_data = 0; /* dsp gets updated (no conf) */ if (!conf) { @@ -397,17 +397,17 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) return; if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s checking dsp %s\n", - __func__, dsp->name); -one_member: + __func__, dsp->name); + one_member: /* remove HFC conference if enabled */ if (dsp->hfc_conf >= 0) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s removing %s from HFC conf %d " - "because dsp is split\n", __func__, - dsp->name, dsp->hfc_conf); + "%s removing %s from HFC conf %d " + "because dsp is split\n", __func__, + dsp->name, dsp->hfc_conf); dsp_cmx_hw_message(dsp, MISDN_CTRL_HFC_CONF_SPLIT, - 0, 0, 0, 0); + 0, 0, 0, 0); dsp->hfc_conf = -1; } /* process hw echo */ @@ -418,12 +418,12 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) if (dsp->pcm_slot_tx >= 0 || dsp->pcm_slot_rx >= 0) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s removing %s from" - " PCM slot %d (TX) %d (RX) because" - " dsp is split (no echo)\n", - __func__, dsp->name, - dsp->pcm_slot_tx, dsp->pcm_slot_rx); + " PCM slot %d (TX) %d (RX) because" + " dsp is split (no echo)\n", + __func__, dsp->name, + dsp->pcm_slot_tx, dsp->pcm_slot_rx); dsp_cmx_hw_message(dsp, MISDN_CTRL_HFC_PCM_DISC, - 0, 0, 0, 0); + 0, 0, 0, 0); dsp->pcm_slot_tx = -1; dsp->pcm_bank_tx = -1; dsp->pcm_slot_rx = -1; @@ -447,11 +447,11 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) dsp->pcm_bank_rx = 2; if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s refresh %s for echo using slot %d\n", - __func__, dsp->name, - dsp->pcm_slot_tx); + "%s refresh %s for echo using slot %d\n", + __func__, dsp->name, + dsp->pcm_slot_tx); dsp_cmx_hw_message(dsp, MISDN_CTRL_HFC_PCM_CONN, - dsp->pcm_slot_tx, 2, dsp->pcm_slot_rx, 2); + dsp->pcm_slot_tx, 2, dsp->pcm_slot_rx, 2); dsp->echo.hardware = 1; return; } @@ -479,8 +479,8 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) if (i == ii) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s no slot available for echo\n", - __func__); + "%s no slot available for echo\n", + __func__); /* no more slots available */ dsp->echo.software = 1; return; @@ -492,10 +492,10 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) dsp->pcm_bank_rx = 2; if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s assign echo for %s using slot %d\n", - __func__, dsp->name, dsp->pcm_slot_tx); + "%s assign echo for %s using slot %d\n", + __func__, dsp->name, dsp->pcm_slot_tx); dsp_cmx_hw_message(dsp, MISDN_CTRL_HFC_PCM_CONN, - dsp->pcm_slot_tx, 2, dsp->pcm_slot_rx, 2); + dsp->pcm_slot_tx, 2, dsp->pcm_slot_rx, 2); dsp->echo.hardware = 1; return; } @@ -503,11 +503,11 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) /* conf gets updated (all members) */ if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s checking conference %d\n", - __func__, conf->id); + __func__, conf->id); if (list_empty(&conf->mlist)) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: conference whithout members\n", - __func__); + __func__); return; } member = list_entry(conf->mlist.next, struct dsp_conf_member, list); @@ -519,25 +519,25 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) if (member->dsp->tx_mix) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s dsp %s cannot form a conf, because " - "tx_mix is turned on\n", __func__, - member->dsp->name); -conf_software: + "%s dsp %s cannot form a conf, because " + "tx_mix is turned on\n", __func__, + member->dsp->name); + conf_software: list_for_each_entry(member, &conf->mlist, list) { dsp = member->dsp; /* remove HFC conference if enabled */ if (dsp->hfc_conf >= 0) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s removing %s from HFC " - "conf %d because not " - "possible with hardware\n", - __func__, - dsp->name, - dsp->hfc_conf); + "%s removing %s from HFC " + "conf %d because not " + "possible with hardware\n", + __func__, + dsp->name, + dsp->hfc_conf); dsp_cmx_hw_message(dsp, - MISDN_CTRL_HFC_CONF_SPLIT, - 0, 0, 0, 0); + MISDN_CTRL_HFC_CONF_SPLIT, + 0, 0, 0, 0); dsp->hfc_conf = -1; } /* remove PCM slot if assigned */ @@ -545,16 +545,16 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) dsp->pcm_slot_rx >= 0) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s removing " - "%s from PCM slot %d (TX)" - " slot %d (RX) because not" - " possible with hardware\n", - __func__, - dsp->name, - dsp->pcm_slot_tx, - dsp->pcm_slot_rx); + "%s from PCM slot %d (TX)" + " slot %d (RX) because not" + " possible with hardware\n", + __func__, + dsp->name, + dsp->pcm_slot_tx, + dsp->pcm_slot_rx); dsp_cmx_hw_message(dsp, - MISDN_CTRL_HFC_PCM_DISC, - 0, 0, 0, 0); + MISDN_CTRL_HFC_PCM_DISC, + 0, 0, 0, 0); dsp->pcm_slot_tx = -1; dsp->pcm_bank_tx = -1; dsp->pcm_slot_rx = -1; @@ -569,79 +569,79 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) if (member->dsp->echo.hardware || member->dsp->echo.software) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s dsp %s cannot form a conf, because " - "echo is turned on\n", __func__, - member->dsp->name); + "%s dsp %s cannot form a conf, because " + "echo is turned on\n", __func__, + member->dsp->name); goto conf_software; } /* check if member has tx_mix turned on */ if (member->dsp->tx_mix) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s dsp %s cannot form a conf, because " - "tx_mix is turned on\n", - __func__, member->dsp->name); + "%s dsp %s cannot form a conf, because " + "tx_mix is turned on\n", + __func__, member->dsp->name); goto conf_software; } /* check if member changes volume at an not suppoted level */ if (member->dsp->tx_volume) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s dsp %s cannot form a conf, because " - "tx_volume is changed\n", - __func__, member->dsp->name); + "%s dsp %s cannot form a conf, because " + "tx_volume is changed\n", + __func__, member->dsp->name); goto conf_software; } if (member->dsp->rx_volume) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s dsp %s cannot form a conf, because " - "rx_volume is changed\n", - __func__, member->dsp->name); + "%s dsp %s cannot form a conf, because " + "rx_volume is changed\n", + __func__, member->dsp->name); goto conf_software; } /* check if tx-data turned on */ if (member->dsp->tx_data) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s dsp %s tx_data is turned on\n", - __func__, member->dsp->name); + "%s dsp %s tx_data is turned on\n", + __func__, member->dsp->name); tx_data = 1; } /* check if pipeline exists */ if (member->dsp->pipeline.inuse) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s dsp %s cannot form a conf, because " - "pipeline exists\n", __func__, - member->dsp->name); + "%s dsp %s cannot form a conf, because " + "pipeline exists\n", __func__, + member->dsp->name); goto conf_software; } /* check if encryption is enabled */ if (member->dsp->bf_enable) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s dsp %s cannot form a " - "conf, because encryption is enabled\n", - __func__, member->dsp->name); + "conf, because encryption is enabled\n", + __func__, member->dsp->name); goto conf_software; } /* check if member is on a card with PCM support */ if (member->dsp->features.pcm_id < 0) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s dsp %s cannot form a conf, because " - "dsp has no PCM bus\n", - __func__, member->dsp->name); + "%s dsp %s cannot form a conf, because " + "dsp has no PCM bus\n", + __func__, member->dsp->name); goto conf_software; } /* check if relations are on the same PCM bus */ if (member->dsp->features.pcm_id != same_pcm) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s dsp %s cannot form a conf, because " - "dsp is on a different PCM bus than the " - "first dsp\n", - __func__, member->dsp->name); + "%s dsp %s cannot form a conf, because " + "dsp is on a different PCM bus than the " + "first dsp\n", + __func__, member->dsp->name); goto conf_software; } /* determine if members are on the same hfc chip */ @@ -665,12 +665,12 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) if (memb == 1) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s conf %d cannot form a HW conference, " - "because dsp is alone\n", __func__, conf->id); + "%s conf %d cannot form a HW conference, " + "because dsp is alone\n", __func__, conf->id); conf->hardware = 0; conf->software = 0; member = list_entry(conf->mlist.next, struct dsp_conf_member, - list); + list); dsp = member->dsp; goto one_member; } @@ -684,30 +684,30 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) /* if we have only two members */ if (memb == 2) { member = list_entry(conf->mlist.next, struct dsp_conf_member, - list); + list); nextm = list_entry(member->list.next, struct dsp_conf_member, - list); + list); /* remove HFC conference if enabled */ if (member->dsp->hfc_conf >= 0) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s removing %s from HFC conf %d because " - "two parties require only a PCM slot\n", - __func__, member->dsp->name, - member->dsp->hfc_conf); + "%s removing %s from HFC conf %d because " + "two parties require only a PCM slot\n", + __func__, member->dsp->name, + member->dsp->hfc_conf); dsp_cmx_hw_message(member->dsp, - MISDN_CTRL_HFC_CONF_SPLIT, 0, 0, 0, 0); + MISDN_CTRL_HFC_CONF_SPLIT, 0, 0, 0, 0); member->dsp->hfc_conf = -1; } if (nextm->dsp->hfc_conf >= 0) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s removing %s from HFC conf %d because " - "two parties require only a PCM slot\n", - __func__, nextm->dsp->name, - nextm->dsp->hfc_conf); + "%s removing %s from HFC conf %d because " + "two parties require only a PCM slot\n", + __func__, nextm->dsp->name, + nextm->dsp->hfc_conf); dsp_cmx_hw_message(nextm->dsp, - MISDN_CTRL_HFC_CONF_SPLIT, 0, 0, 0, 0); + MISDN_CTRL_HFC_CONF_SPLIT, 0, 0, 0, 0); nextm->dsp->hfc_conf = -1; } /* if members have two banks (and not on the same chip) */ @@ -733,15 +733,15 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) /* all members have same slot */ if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s dsp %s & %s stay joined on " - "PCM slot %d bank %d (TX) bank %d " - "(RX) (on different chips)\n", - __func__, - member->dsp->name, - nextm->dsp->name, - member->dsp->pcm_slot_tx, - member->dsp->pcm_bank_tx, - member->dsp->pcm_bank_rx); + "%s dsp %s & %s stay joined on " + "PCM slot %d bank %d (TX) bank %d " + "(RX) (on different chips)\n", + __func__, + member->dsp->name, + nextm->dsp->name, + member->dsp->pcm_slot_tx, + member->dsp->pcm_bank_tx, + member->dsp->pcm_bank_rx); conf->hardware = 0; conf->software = 1; return; @@ -773,10 +773,10 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) if (i == ii) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s no slot available for " - "%s & %s\n", __func__, - member->dsp->name, - nextm->dsp->name); + "%s no slot available for " + "%s & %s\n", __func__, + member->dsp->name, + nextm->dsp->name); /* no more slots available */ goto conf_software; } @@ -791,23 +791,23 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) nextm->dsp->pcm_bank_tx = 0; if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s adding %s & %s to new PCM slot %d " - "(TX and RX on different chips) because " - "both members have not same slots\n", - __func__, - member->dsp->name, - nextm->dsp->name, - member->dsp->pcm_slot_tx); + "%s adding %s & %s to new PCM slot %d " + "(TX and RX on different chips) because " + "both members have not same slots\n", + __func__, + member->dsp->name, + nextm->dsp->name, + member->dsp->pcm_slot_tx); dsp_cmx_hw_message(member->dsp, MISDN_CTRL_HFC_PCM_CONN, - member->dsp->pcm_slot_tx, member->dsp->pcm_bank_tx, - member->dsp->pcm_slot_rx, member->dsp->pcm_bank_rx); + member->dsp->pcm_slot_tx, member->dsp->pcm_bank_tx, + member->dsp->pcm_slot_rx, member->dsp->pcm_bank_rx); dsp_cmx_hw_message(nextm->dsp, MISDN_CTRL_HFC_PCM_CONN, - nextm->dsp->pcm_slot_tx, nextm->dsp->pcm_bank_tx, - nextm->dsp->pcm_slot_rx, nextm->dsp->pcm_bank_rx); + nextm->dsp->pcm_slot_tx, nextm->dsp->pcm_bank_tx, + nextm->dsp->pcm_slot_rx, nextm->dsp->pcm_bank_rx); conf->hardware = 1; conf->software = tx_data; return; - /* if members have one bank (or on the same chip) */ + /* if members have one bank (or on the same chip) */ } else { /* if both members have different crossed slots */ if (member->dsp->pcm_slot_tx >= 0 && @@ -827,13 +827,13 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) /* all members have same slot */ if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s dsp %s & %s stay joined on PCM " - "slot %d (TX) %d (RX) on same chip " - "or one bank PCM)\n", __func__, - member->dsp->name, - nextm->dsp->name, - member->dsp->pcm_slot_tx, - member->dsp->pcm_slot_rx); + "%s dsp %s & %s stay joined on PCM " + "slot %d (TX) %d (RX) on same chip " + "or one bank PCM)\n", __func__, + member->dsp->name, + nextm->dsp->name, + member->dsp->pcm_slot_tx, + member->dsp->pcm_slot_rx); conf->hardware = 0; conf->software = 1; return; @@ -865,14 +865,14 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) if (i1 == ii) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s no slot available " - "for %s & %s\n", __func__, - member->dsp->name, - nextm->dsp->name); + "%s no slot available " + "for %s & %s\n", __func__, + member->dsp->name, + nextm->dsp->name); /* no more slots available */ goto conf_software; } - i2 = i1+1; + i2 = i1 + 1; while (i2 < ii) { if (freeslots[i2]) break; @@ -881,11 +881,11 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) if (i2 == ii) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s no slot available " - "for %s & %s\n", - __func__, - member->dsp->name, - nextm->dsp->name); + "%s no slot available " + "for %s & %s\n", + __func__, + member->dsp->name, + nextm->dsp->name); /* no more slots available */ goto conf_software; } @@ -900,20 +900,20 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) nextm->dsp->pcm_bank_tx = 0; if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s adding %s & %s to new PCM slot %d " - "(TX) %d (RX) on same chip or one bank " - "PCM, because both members have not " - "crossed slots\n", __func__, - member->dsp->name, - nextm->dsp->name, - member->dsp->pcm_slot_tx, - member->dsp->pcm_slot_rx); + "%s adding %s & %s to new PCM slot %d " + "(TX) %d (RX) on same chip or one bank " + "PCM, because both members have not " + "crossed slots\n", __func__, + member->dsp->name, + nextm->dsp->name, + member->dsp->pcm_slot_tx, + member->dsp->pcm_slot_rx); dsp_cmx_hw_message(member->dsp, MISDN_CTRL_HFC_PCM_CONN, - member->dsp->pcm_slot_tx, member->dsp->pcm_bank_tx, - member->dsp->pcm_slot_rx, member->dsp->pcm_bank_rx); + member->dsp->pcm_slot_tx, member->dsp->pcm_bank_tx, + member->dsp->pcm_slot_rx, member->dsp->pcm_bank_rx); dsp_cmx_hw_message(nextm->dsp, MISDN_CTRL_HFC_PCM_CONN, - nextm->dsp->pcm_slot_tx, nextm->dsp->pcm_bank_tx, - nextm->dsp->pcm_slot_rx, nextm->dsp->pcm_bank_rx); + nextm->dsp->pcm_slot_tx, nextm->dsp->pcm_bank_tx, + nextm->dsp->pcm_slot_rx, nextm->dsp->pcm_bank_rx); conf->hardware = 1; conf->software = tx_data; return; @@ -929,10 +929,10 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) if (same_hfc < 0) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s conference %d cannot be formed, because " - "members are on different chips or not " - "on HFC chip\n", - __func__, conf->id); + "%s conference %d cannot be formed, because " + "members are on different chips or not " + "on HFC chip\n", + __func__, conf->id); goto conf_software; } @@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) * if there is an existing conference, but not all members have joined */ if (current_conf >= 0) { -join_members: + join_members: list_for_each_entry(member, &conf->mlist, list) { /* if no conference engine on our chip, change to * software */ @@ -966,10 +966,10 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) * slot will be overwritten. */ if ( - dsp != member->dsp && - /* dsp must be on the same PCM */ - member->dsp->features.pcm_id == - dsp->features.pcm_id) { + dsp != member->dsp && + /* dsp must be on the same PCM */ + member->dsp->features.pcm_id == + dsp->features.pcm_id) { /* dsp must be on a slot */ if (dsp->pcm_slot_tx >= 0 && dsp->pcm_slot_tx < @@ -992,16 +992,16 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) /* no more slots available */ if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s conference %d cannot be formed," - " because no slot free\n", - __func__, conf->id); + "%s conference %d cannot be formed," + " because no slot free\n", + __func__, conf->id); goto conf_software; } if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s changing dsp %s to HW conference " - "%d slot %d\n", __func__, - member->dsp->name, current_conf, i); + "%s changing dsp %s to HW conference " + "%d slot %d\n", __func__, + member->dsp->name, current_conf, i); /* assign free slot & set PCM & join conf */ member->dsp->pcm_slot_tx = i; member->dsp->pcm_slot_rx = i; @@ -1009,9 +1009,9 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) member->dsp->pcm_bank_rx = 2; member->dsp->hfc_conf = current_conf; dsp_cmx_hw_message(member->dsp, MISDN_CTRL_HFC_PCM_CONN, - i, 2, i, 2); + i, 2, i, 2); dsp_cmx_hw_message(member->dsp, - MISDN_CTRL_HFC_CONF_JOIN, current_conf, 0, 0, 0); + MISDN_CTRL_HFC_CONF_JOIN, current_conf, 0, 0, 0); } return; } @@ -1040,9 +1040,9 @@ dsp_cmx_hardware(struct dsp_conf *conf, struct dsp *dsp) /* no more conferences available */ if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s conference %d cannot be formed, because " - "no conference number free\n", - __func__, conf->id); + "%s conference %d cannot be formed, because " + "no conference number free\n", + __func__, conf->id); goto conf_software; } /* join all members */ @@ -1070,7 +1070,7 @@ dsp_cmx_conf(struct dsp *dsp, u32 conf_id) if (dsp->conf_id) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG "removing us from conference %d\n", - dsp->conf->id); + dsp->conf->id); /* remove us from conf */ conf = dsp->conf; err = dsp_cmx_del_conf_member(dsp); @@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@ dsp_cmx_conf(struct dsp *dsp, u32 conf_id) if (list_empty(&conf->mlist)) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "conference is empty, so we remove it.\n"); + "conference is empty, so we remove it.\n"); err = dsp_cmx_del_conf(conf); if (err) return err; @@ -1102,29 +1102,29 @@ dsp_cmx_conf(struct dsp *dsp, u32 conf_id) /* now add us to conf */ if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG "searching conference %d\n", - conf_id); + conf_id); conf = dsp_cmx_search_conf(conf_id); if (!conf) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "conference doesn't exist yet, creating.\n"); + "conference doesn't exist yet, creating.\n"); /* the conference doesn't exist, so we create */ conf = dsp_cmx_new_conf(conf_id); if (!conf) return -EINVAL; } else if (!list_empty(&conf->mlist)) { member = list_entry(conf->mlist.next, struct dsp_conf_member, - list); + list); if (dsp->hdlc && !member->dsp->hdlc) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "cannot join transparent conference.\n"); + "cannot join transparent conference.\n"); return -EINVAL; } if (!dsp->hdlc && member->dsp->hdlc) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "cannot join hdlc conference.\n"); + "cannot join hdlc conference.\n"); return -EINVAL; } } @@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ dsp_cmx_conf(struct dsp *dsp, u32 conf_id) if (list_empty(&conf->mlist)) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "we are alone in this conference, so exit.\n"); + "we are alone in this conference, so exit.\n"); /* update hardware */ dsp_cmx_hardware(NULL, dsp); return 0; @@ -1166,7 +1166,7 @@ showdelay(struct dsp *dsp, int samples, int delay) sdelay = delay * 50 / (dsp_poll << 2); printk(KERN_DEBUG "DELAY (%s) %3d >%s\n", dsp->name, delay, - sdelay > 50 ? "..." : bar + 50 - sdelay); + sdelay > 50 ? "..." : bar + 50 - sdelay); } #endif @@ -1188,9 +1188,9 @@ dsp_cmx_receive(struct dsp *dsp, struct sk_buff *skb) /* half of the buffer should be larger than maximum packet size */ if (len >= CMX_BUFF_HALF) { printk(KERN_ERR - "%s line %d: packet from card is too large (%d bytes). " - "please make card send smaller packets OR increase " - "CMX_BUFF_SIZE\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, len); + "%s line %d: packet from card is too large (%d bytes). " + "please make card send smaller packets OR increase " + "CMX_BUFF_SIZE\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, len); return; } @@ -1228,9 +1228,9 @@ dsp_cmx_receive(struct dsp *dsp, struct sk_buff *skb) if (((dsp->rx_W-dsp->rx_R) & CMX_BUFF_MASK) >= CMX_BUFF_HALF) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CLOCK) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "cmx_receive(dsp=%lx): UNDERRUN (or overrun the " - "maximum delay), adjusting read pointer! " - "(inst %s)\n", (u_long)dsp, dsp->name); + "cmx_receive(dsp=%lx): UNDERRUN (or overrun the " + "maximum delay), adjusting read pointer! " + "(inst %s)\n", (u_long)dsp, dsp->name); /* flush rx buffer and set delay to dsp_poll / 2 */ if (dsp->features.unordered) { dsp->rx_R = (hh->id & CMX_BUFF_MASK); @@ -1255,27 +1255,27 @@ dsp_cmx_receive(struct dsp *dsp, struct sk_buff *skb) (dsp->cmx_delay << 1)) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CLOCK) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "cmx_receive(dsp=%lx): OVERRUN (because " - "twice the delay is reached), adjusting " - "read pointer! (inst %s)\n", - (u_long)dsp, dsp->name); - /* flush buffer */ - if (dsp->features.unordered) { - dsp->rx_R = (hh->id & CMX_BUFF_MASK); - dsp->rx_W = (dsp->rx_R + dsp->cmx_delay) - & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - } else { - dsp->rx_R = 0; - dsp->rx_W = dsp->cmx_delay; + "cmx_receive(dsp=%lx): OVERRUN (because " + "twice the delay is reached), adjusting " + "read pointer! (inst %s)\n", + (u_long)dsp, dsp->name); + /* flush buffer */ + if (dsp->features.unordered) { + dsp->rx_R = (hh->id & CMX_BUFF_MASK); + dsp->rx_W = (dsp->rx_R + dsp->cmx_delay) + & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + } else { + dsp->rx_R = 0; + dsp->rx_W = dsp->cmx_delay; + } + memset(dsp->rx_buff, dsp_silence, sizeof(dsp->rx_buff)); } - memset(dsp->rx_buff, dsp_silence, sizeof(dsp->rx_buff)); - } /* show where to write */ #ifdef CMX_DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG - "cmx_receive(dsp=%lx): rx_R(dsp)=%05x rx_W(dsp)=%05x len=%d %s\n", - (u_long)dsp, dsp->rx_R, dsp->rx_W, len, dsp->name); + "cmx_receive(dsp=%lx): rx_R(dsp)=%05x rx_W(dsp)=%05x len=%d %s\n", + (u_long)dsp, dsp->rx_R, dsp->rx_W, len, dsp->name); #endif /* write data into rx_buffer */ @@ -1290,7 +1290,7 @@ dsp_cmx_receive(struct dsp *dsp, struct sk_buff *skb) } /* increase write-pointer */ - dsp->rx_W = ((dsp->rx_W+len) & CMX_BUFF_MASK); + dsp->rx_W = ((dsp->rx_W + len) & CMX_BUFF_MASK); #ifdef CMX_DELAY_DEBUG showdelay(dsp, len, (dsp->rx_W-dsp->rx_R) & CMX_BUFF_MASK); #endif @@ -1319,7 +1319,7 @@ dsp_cmx_send_member(struct dsp *dsp, int len, s32 *c, int members) return; } if (((dsp->conf && dsp->conf->hardware) || /* hardware conf */ - dsp->echo.hardware) && /* OR hardware echo */ + dsp->echo.hardware) && /* OR hardware echo */ dsp->tx_R == dsp->tx_W && /* AND no tx-data */ !(dsp->tone.tone && dsp->tone.software)) { /* AND not soft tones */ if (!dsp->tx_data) { /* no tx_data for user space required */ @@ -1334,8 +1334,8 @@ dsp_cmx_send_member(struct dsp *dsp, int len, s32 *c, int members) #ifdef CMX_DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG - "SEND members=%d dsp=%s, conf=%p, rx_R=%05x rx_W=%05x\n", - members, dsp->name, conf, dsp->rx_R, dsp->rx_W); + "SEND members=%d dsp=%s, conf=%p, rx_R=%05x rx_W=%05x\n", + members, dsp->name, conf, dsp->rx_R, dsp->rx_W); #endif /* preload if we have delay set */ @@ -1349,8 +1349,8 @@ dsp_cmx_send_member(struct dsp *dsp, int len, s32 *c, int members) nskb = mI_alloc_skb(len + preload, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!nskb) { printk(KERN_ERR - "FATAL ERROR in mISDN_dsp.o: cannot alloc %d bytes\n", - len + preload); + "FATAL ERROR in mISDN_dsp.o: cannot alloc %d bytes\n", + len + preload); return; } hh = mISDN_HEAD_P(nskb); @@ -1386,22 +1386,22 @@ dsp_cmx_send_member(struct dsp *dsp, int len, s32 *c, int members) if (!dsp->tx_mix && t != tt) { /* -> send tx-data and continue when not enough */ #ifdef CMX_TX_DEBUG - sprintf(debugbuf, "TX sending (%04x-%04x)%p: ", t, tt, p); + sprintf(debugbuf, "TX sending (%04x-%04x)%p: ", t, tt, p); #endif while (r != rr && t != tt) { #ifdef CMX_TX_DEBUG if (strlen(debugbuf) < 48) - sprintf(debugbuf+strlen(debugbuf), " %02x", - p[t]); + sprintf(debugbuf + strlen(debugbuf), " %02x", + p[t]); #endif *d++ = p[t]; /* write tx_buff */ - t = (t+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - r = (r+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + t = (t + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + r = (r + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; } if (r == rr) { dsp->tx_R = t; #ifdef CMX_TX_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s\n", debugbuf); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s\n", debugbuf); #endif goto send_packet; } @@ -1417,29 +1417,29 @@ dsp_cmx_send_member(struct dsp *dsp, int len, s32 *c, int members) /* -> send tx-data if available or use 0-volume */ while (r != rr && t != tt) { *d++ = p[t]; /* write tx_buff */ - t = (t+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - r = (r+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + t = (t + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + r = (r + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; } if (r != rr) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CLOCK) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: RX empty\n", - __func__); - memset(d, dsp_silence, (rr-r)&CMX_BUFF_MASK); + __func__); + memset(d, dsp_silence, (rr - r) & CMX_BUFF_MASK); } - /* -> if echo is enabled */ + /* -> if echo is enabled */ } else { /* * -> mix tx-data with echo if available, * or use echo only */ while (r != rr && t != tt) { - *d++ = dsp_audio_mix_law[(p[t]<<8)|q[r]]; - t = (t+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - r = (r+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + *d++ = dsp_audio_mix_law[(p[t] << 8) | q[r]]; + t = (t + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + r = (r + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; } while (r != rr) { *d++ = q[r]; /* echo */ - r = (r+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + r = (r + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; } } dsp->tx_R = t; @@ -1449,63 +1449,63 @@ dsp_cmx_send_member(struct dsp *dsp, int len, s32 *c, int members) #ifdef CMX_CONF_DEBUG if (0) { #else - if (members == 2) { + if (members == 2) { #endif - /* "other" becomes other party */ - other = (list_entry(conf->mlist.next, - struct dsp_conf_member, list))->dsp; - if (other == member) - other = (list_entry(conf->mlist.prev, - struct dsp_conf_member, list))->dsp; - o_q = other->rx_buff; /* received data */ - o_rr = (other->rx_R + len) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + /* "other" becomes other party */ + other = (list_entry(conf->mlist.next, + struct dsp_conf_member, list))->dsp; + if (other == member) + other = (list_entry(conf->mlist.prev, + struct dsp_conf_member, list))->dsp; + o_q = other->rx_buff; /* received data */ + o_rr = (other->rx_R + len) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; /* end of rx-pointer */ - o_r = (o_rr - rr + r) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + o_r = (o_rr - rr + r) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; /* start rx-pointer at current read position*/ - /* -> if echo is NOT enabled */ - if (!dsp->echo.software) { - /* - * -> copy other member's rx-data, - * if tx-data is available, mix - */ - while (o_r != o_rr && t != tt) { - *d++ = dsp_audio_mix_law[(p[t]<<8)|o_q[o_r]]; - t = (t+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - o_r = (o_r+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - } - while (o_r != o_rr) { - *d++ = o_q[o_r]; - o_r = (o_r+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - } - /* -> if echo is enabled */ - } else { - /* - * -> mix other member's rx-data with echo, - * if tx-data is available, mix - */ - while (r != rr && t != tt) { - sample = dsp_audio_law_to_s32[p[t]] + - dsp_audio_law_to_s32[q[r]] + - dsp_audio_law_to_s32[o_q[o_r]]; - if (sample < -32768) - sample = -32768; - else if (sample > 32767) - sample = 32767; - *d++ = dsp_audio_s16_to_law[sample & 0xffff]; - /* tx-data + rx_data + echo */ - t = (t+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - r = (r+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - o_r = (o_r+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - } - while (r != rr) { - *d++ = dsp_audio_mix_law[(q[r]<<8)|o_q[o_r]]; - r = (r+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - o_r = (o_r+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + /* -> if echo is NOT enabled */ + if (!dsp->echo.software) { + /* + * -> copy other member's rx-data, + * if tx-data is available, mix + */ + while (o_r != o_rr && t != tt) { + *d++ = dsp_audio_mix_law[(p[t] << 8) | o_q[o_r]]; + t = (t + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + o_r = (o_r + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + } + while (o_r != o_rr) { + *d++ = o_q[o_r]; + o_r = (o_r + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + } + /* -> if echo is enabled */ + } else { + /* + * -> mix other member's rx-data with echo, + * if tx-data is available, mix + */ + while (r != rr && t != tt) { + sample = dsp_audio_law_to_s32[p[t]] + + dsp_audio_law_to_s32[q[r]] + + dsp_audio_law_to_s32[o_q[o_r]]; + if (sample < -32768) + sample = -32768; + else if (sample > 32767) + sample = 32767; + *d++ = dsp_audio_s16_to_law[sample & 0xffff]; + /* tx-data + rx_data + echo */ + t = (t + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + r = (r + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + o_r = (o_r + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + } + while (r != rr) { + *d++ = dsp_audio_mix_law[(q[r] << 8) | o_q[o_r]]; + r = (r + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + o_r = (o_r + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + } } + dsp->tx_R = t; + goto send_packet; } - dsp->tx_R = t; - goto send_packet; - } #ifdef DSP_NEVER_DEFINED } #endif @@ -1518,15 +1518,15 @@ dsp_cmx_send_member(struct dsp *dsp, int len, s32 *c, int members) */ while (r != rr && t != tt) { sample = dsp_audio_law_to_s32[p[t]] + *c++ - - dsp_audio_law_to_s32[q[r]]; + dsp_audio_law_to_s32[q[r]]; if (sample < -32768) sample = -32768; else if (sample > 32767) sample = 32767; *d++ = dsp_audio_s16_to_law[sample & 0xffff]; - /* conf-rx+tx */ - r = (r+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - t = (t+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + /* conf-rx+tx */ + r = (r + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + t = (t + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; } while (r != rr) { sample = *c++ - dsp_audio_law_to_s32[q[r]]; @@ -1535,10 +1535,10 @@ dsp_cmx_send_member(struct dsp *dsp, int len, s32 *c, int members) else if (sample > 32767) sample = 32767; *d++ = dsp_audio_s16_to_law[sample & 0xffff]; - /* conf-rx */ - r = (r+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + /* conf-rx */ + r = (r + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; } - /* -> if echo is enabled */ + /* -> if echo is enabled */ } else { /* * -> encode conf-data, if tx-data @@ -1551,9 +1551,9 @@ dsp_cmx_send_member(struct dsp *dsp, int len, s32 *c, int members) else if (sample > 32767) sample = 32767; *d++ = dsp_audio_s16_to_law[sample & 0xffff]; - /* conf(echo)+tx */ - t = (t+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - r = (r+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + /* conf(echo)+tx */ + t = (t + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + r = (r + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; } while (r != rr) { sample = *c++; @@ -1562,8 +1562,8 @@ dsp_cmx_send_member(struct dsp *dsp, int len, s32 *c, int members) else if (sample > 32767) sample = 32767; *d++ = dsp_audio_s16_to_law[sample & 0xffff]; - /* conf(echo) */ - r = (r+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + /* conf(echo) */ + r = (r + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; } } dsp->tx_R = t; @@ -1587,14 +1587,14 @@ dsp_cmx_send_member(struct dsp *dsp, int len, s32 *c, int members) txskb = mI_alloc_skb(len, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!txskb) { printk(KERN_ERR - "FATAL ERROR in mISDN_dsp.o: " - "cannot alloc %d bytes\n", len); + "FATAL ERROR in mISDN_dsp.o: " + "cannot alloc %d bytes\n", len); } else { thh = mISDN_HEAD_P(txskb); thh->prim = DL_DATA_REQ; thh->id = 0; - memcpy(skb_put(txskb, len), nskb->data+preload, - len); + memcpy(skb_put(txskb, len), nskb->data + preload, + len); /* queue (trigger later) */ skb_queue_tail(&dsp->sendq, txskb); } @@ -1608,7 +1608,7 @@ dsp_cmx_send_member(struct dsp *dsp, int len, s32 *c, int members) /* pipeline */ if (dsp->pipeline.inuse) dsp_pipeline_process_tx(&dsp->pipeline, nskb->data, - nskb->len); + nskb->len); /* crypt */ if (dsp->bf_enable) dsp_bf_encrypt(dsp, nskb->data, nskb->len); @@ -1621,7 +1621,7 @@ static u32 jittercount; /* counter for jitter check */ struct timer_list dsp_spl_tl; u32 dsp_spl_jiffies; /* calculate the next time to fire */ static u16 dsp_count; /* last sample count */ -static int dsp_count_valid ; /* if we have last sample count */ +static int dsp_count_valid; /* if we have last sample count */ void dsp_cmx_send(void *arg) @@ -1630,7 +1630,7 @@ dsp_cmx_send(void *arg) struct dsp_conf_member *member; struct dsp *dsp; int mustmix, members; - static s32 mixbuffer[MAX_POLL+100]; + static s32 mixbuffer[MAX_POLL + 100]; s32 *c; u8 *p, *q; int r, rr; @@ -1675,9 +1675,9 @@ dsp_cmx_send(void *arg) #ifdef CMX_CONF_DEBUG if (conf->software && members > 1) #else - if (conf->software && members > 2) + if (conf->software && members > 2) #endif - mustmix = 1; + mustmix = 1; } /* transmission required */ @@ -1698,265 +1698,263 @@ dsp_cmx_send(void *arg) #ifdef CMX_CONF_DEBUG if (conf->software && members > 1) { #else - if (conf->software && members > 2) { + if (conf->software && members > 2) { #endif - /* check for hdlc conf */ - member = list_entry(conf->mlist.next, - struct dsp_conf_member, list); - if (member->dsp->hdlc) - continue; - /* mix all data */ - memset(mixbuffer, 0, length*sizeof(s32)); - list_for_each_entry(member, &conf->mlist, list) { - dsp = member->dsp; - /* get range of data to mix */ - c = mixbuffer; - q = dsp->rx_buff; - r = dsp->rx_R; - rr = (r + length) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - /* add member's data */ - while (r != rr) { - *c++ += dsp_audio_law_to_s32[q[r]]; - r = (r+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + /* check for hdlc conf */ + member = list_entry(conf->mlist.next, + struct dsp_conf_member, list); + if (member->dsp->hdlc) + continue; + /* mix all data */ + memset(mixbuffer, 0, length * sizeof(s32)); + list_for_each_entry(member, &conf->mlist, list) { + dsp = member->dsp; + /* get range of data to mix */ + c = mixbuffer; + q = dsp->rx_buff; + r = dsp->rx_R; + rr = (r + length) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + /* add member's data */ + while (r != rr) { + *c++ += dsp_audio_law_to_s32[q[r]]; + r = (r + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + } } - } - - /* process each member */ - list_for_each_entry(member, &conf->mlist, list) { - /* transmission */ - dsp_cmx_send_member(member->dsp, length, - mixbuffer, members); - } - } - } - /* delete rx-data, increment buffers, change pointers */ - list_for_each_entry(dsp, &dsp_ilist, list) { - if (dsp->hdlc) - continue; - p = dsp->rx_buff; - q = dsp->tx_buff; - r = dsp->rx_R; - /* move receive pointer when receiving */ - if (!dsp->rx_is_off) { - rr = (r + length) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - /* delete rx-data */ - while (r != rr) { - p[r] = dsp_silence; - r = (r+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + /* process each member */ + list_for_each_entry(member, &conf->mlist, list) { + /* transmission */ + dsp_cmx_send_member(member->dsp, length, + mixbuffer, members); + } } - /* increment rx-buffer pointer */ - dsp->rx_R = r; /* write incremented read pointer */ } - /* check current rx_delay */ - delay = (dsp->rx_W-dsp->rx_R) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - if (delay >= CMX_BUFF_HALF) - delay = 0; /* will be the delay before next write */ - /* check for lower delay */ - if (delay < dsp->rx_delay[0]) - dsp->rx_delay[0] = delay; - /* check current tx_delay */ - delay = (dsp->tx_W-dsp->tx_R) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - if (delay >= CMX_BUFF_HALF) - delay = 0; /* will be the delay before next write */ - /* check for lower delay */ - if (delay < dsp->tx_delay[0]) - dsp->tx_delay[0] = delay; - if (jittercheck) { - /* find the lowest of all rx_delays */ - delay = dsp->rx_delay[0]; - i = 1; - while (i < MAX_SECONDS_JITTER_CHECK) { - if (delay > dsp->rx_delay[i]) - delay = dsp->rx_delay[i]; - i++; - } - /* - * remove rx_delay only if we have delay AND we - * have not preset cmx_delay AND - * the delay is greater dsp_poll - */ - if (delay > dsp_poll && !dsp->cmx_delay) { - if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CLOCK) - printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s lowest rx_delay of %d bytes for" - " dsp %s are now removed.\n", - __func__, delay, - dsp->name); - r = dsp->rx_R; - rr = (r + delay - (dsp_poll >> 1)) - & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + /* delete rx-data, increment buffers, change pointers */ + list_for_each_entry(dsp, &dsp_ilist, list) { + if (dsp->hdlc) + continue; + p = dsp->rx_buff; + q = dsp->tx_buff; + r = dsp->rx_R; + /* move receive pointer when receiving */ + if (!dsp->rx_is_off) { + rr = (r + length) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; /* delete rx-data */ while (r != rr) { p[r] = dsp_silence; - r = (r+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + r = (r + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; } /* increment rx-buffer pointer */ - dsp->rx_R = r; - /* write incremented read pointer */ - } - /* find the lowest of all tx_delays */ - delay = dsp->tx_delay[0]; - i = 1; - while (i < MAX_SECONDS_JITTER_CHECK) { - if (delay > dsp->tx_delay[i]) - delay = dsp->tx_delay[i]; - i++; + dsp->rx_R = r; /* write incremented read pointer */ } - /* - * remove delay only if we have delay AND we - * have enabled tx_dejitter - */ - if (delay > dsp_poll && dsp->tx_dejitter) { - if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CLOCK) - printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s lowest tx_delay of %d bytes for" - " dsp %s are now removed.\n", - __func__, delay, - dsp->name); - r = dsp->tx_R; - rr = (r + delay - (dsp_poll >> 1)) - & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - /* delete tx-data */ - while (r != rr) { - q[r] = dsp_silence; - r = (r+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + + /* check current rx_delay */ + delay = (dsp->rx_W-dsp->rx_R) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + if (delay >= CMX_BUFF_HALF) + delay = 0; /* will be the delay before next write */ + /* check for lower delay */ + if (delay < dsp->rx_delay[0]) + dsp->rx_delay[0] = delay; + /* check current tx_delay */ + delay = (dsp->tx_W-dsp->tx_R) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + if (delay >= CMX_BUFF_HALF) + delay = 0; /* will be the delay before next write */ + /* check for lower delay */ + if (delay < dsp->tx_delay[0]) + dsp->tx_delay[0] = delay; + if (jittercheck) { + /* find the lowest of all rx_delays */ + delay = dsp->rx_delay[0]; + i = 1; + while (i < MAX_SECONDS_JITTER_CHECK) { + if (delay > dsp->rx_delay[i]) + delay = dsp->rx_delay[i]; + i++; } - /* increment rx-buffer pointer */ - dsp->tx_R = r; - /* write incremented read pointer */ - } - /* scroll up delays */ - i = MAX_SECONDS_JITTER_CHECK - 1; - while (i) { - dsp->rx_delay[i] = dsp->rx_delay[i-1]; - dsp->tx_delay[i] = dsp->tx_delay[i-1]; - i--; + /* + * remove rx_delay only if we have delay AND we + * have not preset cmx_delay AND + * the delay is greater dsp_poll + */ + if (delay > dsp_poll && !dsp->cmx_delay) { + if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CLOCK) + printk(KERN_DEBUG + "%s lowest rx_delay of %d bytes for" + " dsp %s are now removed.\n", + __func__, delay, + dsp->name); + r = dsp->rx_R; + rr = (r + delay - (dsp_poll >> 1)) + & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + /* delete rx-data */ + while (r != rr) { + p[r] = dsp_silence; + r = (r + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + } + /* increment rx-buffer pointer */ + dsp->rx_R = r; + /* write incremented read pointer */ + } + /* find the lowest of all tx_delays */ + delay = dsp->tx_delay[0]; + i = 1; + while (i < MAX_SECONDS_JITTER_CHECK) { + if (delay > dsp->tx_delay[i]) + delay = dsp->tx_delay[i]; + i++; + } + /* + * remove delay only if we have delay AND we + * have enabled tx_dejitter + */ + if (delay > dsp_poll && dsp->tx_dejitter) { + if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CLOCK) + printk(KERN_DEBUG + "%s lowest tx_delay of %d bytes for" + " dsp %s are now removed.\n", + __func__, delay, + dsp->name); + r = dsp->tx_R; + rr = (r + delay - (dsp_poll >> 1)) + & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + /* delete tx-data */ + while (r != rr) { + q[r] = dsp_silence; + r = (r + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + } + /* increment rx-buffer pointer */ + dsp->tx_R = r; + /* write incremented read pointer */ + } + /* scroll up delays */ + i = MAX_SECONDS_JITTER_CHECK - 1; + while (i) { + dsp->rx_delay[i] = dsp->rx_delay[i - 1]; + dsp->tx_delay[i] = dsp->tx_delay[i - 1]; + i--; + } + dsp->tx_delay[0] = CMX_BUFF_HALF; /* (infinite) delay */ + dsp->rx_delay[0] = CMX_BUFF_HALF; /* (infinite) delay */ } - dsp->tx_delay[0] = CMX_BUFF_HALF; /* (infinite) delay */ - dsp->rx_delay[0] = CMX_BUFF_HALF; /* (infinite) delay */ } - } - /* if next event would be in the past ... */ - if ((s32)(dsp_spl_jiffies+dsp_tics-jiffies) <= 0) - dsp_spl_jiffies = jiffies + 1; - else - dsp_spl_jiffies += dsp_tics; + /* if next event would be in the past ... */ + if ((s32)(dsp_spl_jiffies + dsp_tics-jiffies) <= 0) + dsp_spl_jiffies = jiffies + 1; + else + dsp_spl_jiffies += dsp_tics; - dsp_spl_tl.expires = dsp_spl_jiffies; - add_timer(&dsp_spl_tl); + dsp_spl_tl.expires = dsp_spl_jiffies; + add_timer(&dsp_spl_tl); - /* unlock */ - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dsp_lock, flags); -} + /* unlock */ + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dsp_lock, flags); + } /* * audio data is transmitted from upper layer to the dsp */ -void -dsp_cmx_transmit(struct dsp *dsp, struct sk_buff *skb) -{ - u_int w, ww; - u8 *d, *p; - int space; /* todo: , l = skb->len; */ + void + dsp_cmx_transmit(struct dsp *dsp, struct sk_buff *skb) + { + u_int w, ww; + u8 *d, *p; + int space; /* todo: , l = skb->len; */ #ifdef CMX_TX_DEBUG - char debugbuf[256] = ""; + char debugbuf[256] = ""; #endif - /* check if there is enough space, and then copy */ - w = dsp->tx_W; - ww = dsp->tx_R; - p = dsp->tx_buff; - d = skb->data; - space = (ww - w - 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - /* write-pointer should not overrun nor reach read pointer */ - if (space < skb->len) { - /* write to the space we have left */ - ww = (ww - 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; /* end one byte prior tx_R */ - if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CLOCK) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: TX overflow space=%d skb->len=" - "%d, w=0x%04x, ww=0x%04x\n", __func__, space, - skb->len, w, ww); - } else - /* write until all byte are copied */ - ww = (w + skb->len) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - dsp->tx_W = ww; - - /* show current buffer */ + /* check if there is enough space, and then copy */ + w = dsp->tx_W; + ww = dsp->tx_R; + p = dsp->tx_buff; + d = skb->data; + space = (ww - w - 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + /* write-pointer should not overrun nor reach read pointer */ + if (space < skb->len) { + /* write to the space we have left */ + ww = (ww - 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; /* end one byte prior tx_R */ + if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CLOCK) + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: TX overflow space=%d skb->len=" + "%d, w=0x%04x, ww=0x%04x\n", __func__, space, + skb->len, w, ww); + } else + /* write until all byte are copied */ + ww = (w + skb->len) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + dsp->tx_W = ww; + + /* show current buffer */ #ifdef CMX_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG - "cmx_transmit(dsp=%lx) %d bytes to 0x%x-0x%x. %s\n", - (u_long)dsp, (ww-w)&CMX_BUFF_MASK, w, ww, dsp->name); + printk(KERN_DEBUG + "cmx_transmit(dsp=%lx) %d bytes to 0x%x-0x%x. %s\n", + (u_long)dsp, (ww - w) & CMX_BUFF_MASK, w, ww, dsp->name); #endif - /* copy transmit data to tx-buffer */ + /* copy transmit data to tx-buffer */ #ifdef CMX_TX_DEBUG - sprintf(debugbuf, "TX getting (%04x-%04x)%p: ", w, ww, p); + sprintf(debugbuf, "TX getting (%04x-%04x)%p: ", w, ww, p); #endif - while (w != ww) { + while (w != ww) { #ifdef CMX_TX_DEBUG - if (strlen(debugbuf) < 48) - sprintf(debugbuf+strlen(debugbuf), " %02x", *d); + if (strlen(debugbuf) < 48) + sprintf(debugbuf + strlen(debugbuf), " %02x", *d); #endif - p[w] = *d++; - w = (w+1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; - } + p[w] = *d++; + w = (w + 1) & CMX_BUFF_MASK; + } #ifdef CMX_TX_DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s\n", debugbuf); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s\n", debugbuf); #endif -} + } /* * hdlc data is received from card and sent to all members. */ -void -dsp_cmx_hdlc(struct dsp *dsp, struct sk_buff *skb) -{ - struct sk_buff *nskb = NULL; - struct dsp_conf_member *member; - struct mISDNhead *hh; - - /* not if not active */ - if (!dsp->b_active) - return; + void + dsp_cmx_hdlc(struct dsp *dsp, struct sk_buff *skb) + { + struct sk_buff *nskb = NULL; + struct dsp_conf_member *member; + struct mISDNhead *hh; + + /* not if not active */ + if (!dsp->b_active) + return; - /* check if we have sompen */ - if (skb->len < 1) - return; + /* check if we have sompen */ + if (skb->len < 1) + return; - /* no conf */ - if (!dsp->conf) { - /* in case of software echo */ - if (dsp->echo.software) { - nskb = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC); - if (nskb) { - hh = mISDN_HEAD_P(nskb); - hh->prim = PH_DATA_REQ; - hh->id = 0; - skb_queue_tail(&dsp->sendq, nskb); - schedule_work(&dsp->workq); + /* no conf */ + if (!dsp->conf) { + /* in case of software echo */ + if (dsp->echo.software) { + nskb = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (nskb) { + hh = mISDN_HEAD_P(nskb); + hh->prim = PH_DATA_REQ; + hh->id = 0; + skb_queue_tail(&dsp->sendq, nskb); + schedule_work(&dsp->workq); + } } + return; } - return; - } - /* in case of hardware conference */ - if (dsp->conf->hardware) - return; - list_for_each_entry(member, &dsp->conf->mlist, list) { - if (dsp->echo.software || member->dsp != dsp) { - nskb = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC); - if (nskb) { - hh = mISDN_HEAD_P(nskb); - hh->prim = PH_DATA_REQ; - hh->id = 0; - skb_queue_tail(&member->dsp->sendq, nskb); - schedule_work(&member->dsp->workq); + /* in case of hardware conference */ + if (dsp->conf->hardware) + return; + list_for_each_entry(member, &dsp->conf->mlist, list) { + if (dsp->echo.software || member->dsp != dsp) { + nskb = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (nskb) { + hh = mISDN_HEAD_P(nskb); + hh->prim = PH_DATA_REQ; + hh->id = 0; + skb_queue_tail(&member->dsp->sendq, nskb); + schedule_work(&member->dsp->workq); + } } } } -} - - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_core.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_core.c index 0c41553ce6847ad4ae12669ecc81737e8d2e2273..2ac2d7a25a9f53103eb4d95b5e919aaa4067fd1b 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_core.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_core.c @@ -218,20 +218,20 @@ dsp_rx_off_member(struct dsp *dsp) if (!dsp->ch.peer) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: no peer, no rx_off\n", - __func__); + __func__); return; } cq.op = MISDN_CTRL_RX_OFF; cq.p1 = rx_off; if (dsp->ch.peer->ctrl(dsp->ch.peer, CONTROL_CHANNEL, &cq)) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: 2nd CONTROL_CHANNEL failed\n", - __func__); + __func__); return; } dsp->rx_is_off = rx_off; if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s set rx_off = %d\n", - __func__, dsp->name, rx_off); + __func__, dsp->name, rx_off); } static void dsp_rx_off(struct dsp *dsp) @@ -263,19 +263,19 @@ dsp_fill_empty(struct dsp *dsp) if (!dsp->ch.peer) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: no peer, no fill_empty\n", - __func__); + __func__); return; } cq.op = MISDN_CTRL_FILL_EMPTY; cq.p1 = 1; if (dsp->ch.peer->ctrl(dsp->ch.peer, CONTROL_CHANNEL, &cq)) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: CONTROL_CHANNEL failed\n", - __func__); + __func__); return; } if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s set fill_empty = 1\n", - __func__, dsp->name); + __func__, dsp->name); } static int @@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ dsp_control_req(struct dsp *dsp, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) if (len == sizeof(int)) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_NOTICE "changing DTMF Threshold " - "to %d\n", *((int *)data)); + "to %d\n", *((int *)data)); dsp->dtmf.treshold = (*(int *)data) * 10000; } dsp->dtmf.enable = 1; @@ -331,19 +331,19 @@ dsp_control_req(struct dsp *dsp, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) goto conf_split; if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: join conference %d\n", - __func__, *((u32 *)data)); + __func__, *((u32 *)data)); ret = dsp_cmx_conf(dsp, *((u32 *)data)); - /* dsp_cmx_hardware will also be called here */ + /* dsp_cmx_hardware will also be called here */ dsp_rx_off(dsp); if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) dsp_cmx_debug(dsp); break; case DSP_CONF_SPLIT: /* remove from conference */ -conf_split: + conf_split: if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: release conference\n", __func__); ret = dsp_cmx_conf(dsp, 0); - /* dsp_cmx_hardware will also be called here */ + /* dsp_cmx_hardware will also be called here */ if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CMX) dsp_cmx_debug(dsp); dsp_rx_off(dsp); @@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ dsp_control_req(struct dsp *dsp, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) } if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: turn tone 0x%x on\n", - __func__, *((int *)skb->data)); + __func__, *((int *)skb->data)); ret = dsp_tone(dsp, *((int *)data)); if (!ret) { dsp_cmx_hardware(dsp->conf, dsp); @@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ dsp_control_req(struct dsp *dsp, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) dsp_cmx_hardware(dsp->conf, dsp); dsp_rx_off(dsp); /* reset tx buffers (user space data) */ -tone_off: + tone_off: dsp->rx_W = 0; dsp->rx_R = 0; break; @@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ dsp_control_req(struct dsp *dsp, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) dsp->tx_volume = *((int *)data); if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: change tx vol to %d\n", - __func__, dsp->tx_volume); + __func__, dsp->tx_volume); dsp_cmx_hardware(dsp->conf, dsp); dsp_dtmf_hardware(dsp); dsp_rx_off(dsp); @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ dsp_control_req(struct dsp *dsp, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) dsp->rx_volume = *((int *)data); if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: change rx vol to %d\n", - __func__, dsp->tx_volume); + __func__, dsp->tx_volume); dsp_cmx_hardware(dsp->conf, dsp); dsp_dtmf_hardware(dsp); dsp_rx_off(dsp); @@ -439,14 +439,14 @@ dsp_control_req(struct dsp *dsp, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) case DSP_RECEIVE_ON: /* enable receive to user space */ if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: enable receive to user " - "space\n", __func__); + "space\n", __func__); dsp->rx_disabled = 0; dsp_rx_off(dsp); break; case DSP_RECEIVE_OFF: /* disable receive to user space */ if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: disable receive to " - "user space\n", __func__); + "user space\n", __func__); dsp->rx_disabled = 1; dsp_rx_off(dsp); break; @@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ dsp_control_req(struct dsp *dsp, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) } if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: enable mixing of " - "tx-data with conf mebers\n", __func__); + "tx-data with conf mebers\n", __func__); dsp->tx_mix = 1; dsp_cmx_hardware(dsp->conf, dsp); dsp_rx_off(dsp); @@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ dsp_control_req(struct dsp *dsp, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) } if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: disable mixing of " - "tx-data with conf mebers\n", __func__); + "tx-data with conf mebers\n", __func__); dsp->tx_mix = 0; dsp_cmx_hardware(dsp->conf, dsp); dsp_rx_off(dsp); @@ -507,18 +507,18 @@ dsp_control_req(struct dsp *dsp, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) break; } dsp->cmx_delay = (*((int *)data)) << 3; - /* milliseconds to samples */ - if (dsp->cmx_delay >= (CMX_BUFF_HALF>>1)) + /* milliseconds to samples */ + if (dsp->cmx_delay >= (CMX_BUFF_HALF >> 1)) /* clip to half of maximum usable buffer - (half of half buffer) */ - dsp->cmx_delay = (CMX_BUFF_HALF>>1) - 1; + (half of half buffer) */ + dsp->cmx_delay = (CMX_BUFF_HALF >> 1) - 1; if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: use delay algorithm to " - "compensate jitter (%d samples)\n", - __func__, dsp->cmx_delay); + "compensate jitter (%d samples)\n", + __func__, dsp->cmx_delay); break; case DSP_JITTER: /* use dynamic jitter algorithm instead of - delay algorithm */ + delay algorithm */ if (dsp->hdlc) { ret = -EINVAL; break; @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ dsp_control_req(struct dsp *dsp, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) dsp->cmx_delay = 0; if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: use jitter algorithm to " - "compensate jitter\n", __func__); + "compensate jitter\n", __func__); break; case DSP_TX_DEJITTER: /* use dynamic jitter algorithm for tx-buffer */ if (dsp->hdlc) { @@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ dsp_control_req(struct dsp *dsp, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) dsp->tx_dejitter = 1; if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: use dejitter on TX " - "buffer\n", __func__); + "buffer\n", __func__); break; case DSP_TX_DEJ_OFF: /* use tx-buffer without dejittering*/ if (dsp->hdlc) { @@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ dsp_control_req(struct dsp *dsp, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) dsp->tx_dejitter = 0; if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: use TX buffer without " - "dejittering\n", __func__); + "dejittering\n", __func__); break; case DSP_PIPELINE_CFG: if (dsp->hdlc) { @@ -555,13 +555,13 @@ dsp_control_req(struct dsp *dsp, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) } if (len > 0 && ((char *)data)[len - 1]) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: pipeline config string " - "is not NULL terminated!\n", __func__); + "is not NULL terminated!\n", __func__); ret = -EINVAL; } else { dsp->pipeline.inuse = 1; dsp_cmx_hardware(dsp->conf, dsp); ret = dsp_pipeline_build(&dsp->pipeline, - len > 0 ? data : NULL); + len > 0 ? data : NULL); dsp_cmx_hardware(dsp->conf, dsp); dsp_rx_off(dsp); } @@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ dsp_control_req(struct dsp *dsp, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) } if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: turn blowfish on (key " - "not shown)\n", __func__); + "not shown)\n", __func__); ret = dsp_bf_init(dsp, (u8 *)data, len); /* set new cont */ if (!ret) @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ dsp_control_req(struct dsp *dsp, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) cont = DSP_BF_REJECT; /* send indication if it worked to set it */ nskb = _alloc_mISDN_skb(PH_CONTROL_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, - sizeof(int), &cont, GFP_ATOMIC); + sizeof(int), &cont, GFP_ATOMIC); if (nskb) { if (dsp->up) { if (dsp->up->send(dsp->up, nskb)) @@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ dsp_control_req(struct dsp *dsp, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) default: if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: ctrl req %x unhandled\n", - __func__, cont); + __func__, cont); ret = -EINVAL; } return ret; @@ -630,14 +630,14 @@ get_features(struct mISDNchannel *ch) if (!ch->peer) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: no peer, no features\n", - __func__); + __func__); return; } memset(&cq, 0, sizeof(cq)); cq.op = MISDN_CTRL_GETOP; if (ch->peer->ctrl(ch->peer, CONTROL_CHANNEL, &cq) < 0) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: CONTROL_CHANNEL failed\n", - __func__); + __func__); return; } if (cq.op & MISDN_CTRL_RX_OFF) @@ -651,12 +651,12 @@ get_features(struct mISDNchannel *ch) *((u_long *)&cq.p1) = (u_long)&dsp->features; if (ch->peer->ctrl(ch->peer, CONTROL_CHANNEL, &cq)) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: 2nd CONTROL_CHANNEL failed\n", - __func__); + __func__); } } else if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: features not supported for %s\n", - __func__, dsp->name); + __func__, dsp->name); } static int @@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ dsp_function(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) hh = mISDN_HEAD_P(skb); switch (hh->prim) { - /* FROM DOWN */ + /* FROM DOWN */ case (PH_DATA_CNF): dsp->data_pending = 0; /* trigger next hdlc frame, if any */ @@ -690,8 +690,8 @@ dsp_function(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) if (dsp->rx_is_off) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: rx-data during rx_off" - " for %s\n", - __func__, dsp->name); + " for %s\n", + __func__, dsp->name); } if (dsp->hdlc) { /* hdlc */ @@ -716,14 +716,14 @@ dsp_function(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) /* pipeline */ if (dsp->pipeline.inuse) dsp_pipeline_process_rx(&dsp->pipeline, skb->data, - skb->len, hh->id); + skb->len, hh->id); /* change volume if requested */ if (dsp->rx_volume) dsp_change_volume(skb, dsp->rx_volume); /* check if dtmf soft decoding is turned on */ if (dsp->dtmf.software) { digits = dsp_dtmf_goertzel_decode(dsp, skb->data, - skb->len, (dsp_options&DSP_OPT_ULAW) ? 1 : 0); + skb->len, (dsp_options & DSP_OPT_ULAW) ? 1 : 0); } /* we need to process receive data if software */ if (dsp->conf && dsp->conf->software) { @@ -740,16 +740,16 @@ dsp_function(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) struct sk_buff *nskb; if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_DTMF) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: digit" - "(%c) to layer %s\n", - __func__, *digits, dsp->name); + "(%c) to layer %s\n", + __func__, *digits, dsp->name); k = *digits | DTMF_TONE_VAL; nskb = _alloc_mISDN_skb(PH_CONTROL_IND, - MISDN_ID_ANY, sizeof(int), &k, - GFP_ATOMIC); + MISDN_ID_ANY, sizeof(int), &k, + GFP_ATOMIC); if (nskb) { if (dsp->up) { if (dsp->up->send( - dsp->up, nskb)) + dsp->up, nskb)) dev_kfree_skb(nskb); } else dev_kfree_skb(nskb); @@ -768,34 +768,34 @@ dsp_function(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) case (PH_CONTROL_IND): if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_DTMFCOEFF) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: PH_CONTROL INDICATION " - "received: %x (len %d) %s\n", __func__, - hh->id, skb->len, dsp->name); + "received: %x (len %d) %s\n", __func__, + hh->id, skb->len, dsp->name); switch (hh->id) { case (DTMF_HFC_COEF): /* getting coefficients */ if (!dsp->dtmf.hardware) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_DTMFCOEFF) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: ignoring DTMF " - "coefficients from HFC\n", - __func__); + "coefficients from HFC\n", + __func__); break; } digits = dsp_dtmf_goertzel_decode(dsp, skb->data, - skb->len, 2); + skb->len, 2); while (*digits) { int k; struct sk_buff *nskb; if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_DTMF) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: digit" - "(%c) to layer %s\n", - __func__, *digits, dsp->name); + "(%c) to layer %s\n", + __func__, *digits, dsp->name); k = *digits | DTMF_TONE_VAL; nskb = _alloc_mISDN_skb(PH_CONTROL_IND, - MISDN_ID_ANY, sizeof(int), &k, - GFP_ATOMIC); + MISDN_ID_ANY, sizeof(int), &k, + GFP_ATOMIC); if (nskb) { if (dsp->up) { if (dsp->up->send( - dsp->up, nskb)) + dsp->up, nskb)) dev_kfree_skb(nskb); } else dev_kfree_skb(nskb); @@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ dsp_function(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) dsp->tx_volume = *((int *)skb->data); if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: change tx volume to " - "%d\n", __func__, dsp->tx_volume); + "%d\n", __func__, dsp->tx_volume); dsp_cmx_hardware(dsp->conf, dsp); dsp_dtmf_hardware(dsp); dsp_rx_off(dsp); @@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ dsp_function(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) default: if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: ctrl ind %x unhandled " - "%s\n", __func__, hh->id, dsp->name); + "%s\n", __func__, hh->id, dsp->name); ret = -EINVAL; } break; @@ -829,13 +829,13 @@ dsp_function(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) case (PH_ACTIVATE_CNF): if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: b_channel is now active %s\n", - __func__, dsp->name); + __func__, dsp->name); /* bchannel now active */ spin_lock_irqsave(&dsp_lock, flags); dsp->b_active = 1; dsp->data_pending = 0; dsp->rx_init = 1; - /* rx_W and rx_R will be adjusted on first frame */ + /* rx_W and rx_R will be adjusted on first frame */ dsp->rx_W = 0; dsp->rx_R = 0; memset(dsp->rx_buff, 0, sizeof(dsp->rx_buff)); @@ -845,8 +845,8 @@ dsp_function(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dsp_lock, flags); if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: done with activation, sending " - "confirm to user space. %s\n", __func__, - dsp->name); + "confirm to user space. %s\n", __func__, + dsp->name); /* send activation to upper layer */ hh->prim = DL_ESTABLISH_CNF; if (dsp->up) @@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ dsp_function(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) case (PH_DEACTIVATE_CNF): if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: b_channel is now inactive %s\n", - __func__, dsp->name); + __func__, dsp->name); /* bchannel now inactive */ spin_lock_irqsave(&dsp_lock, flags); dsp->b_active = 0; @@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ dsp_function(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) if (dsp->up) return dsp->up->send(dsp->up, skb); break; - /* FROM UP */ + /* FROM UP */ case (DL_DATA_REQ): case (PH_DATA_REQ): if (skb->len < 1) { @@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ dsp_function(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) case (PH_ACTIVATE_REQ): if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: activating b_channel %s\n", - __func__, dsp->name); + __func__, dsp->name); if (dsp->dtmf.hardware || dsp->dtmf.software) dsp_dtmf_goertzel_init(dsp); get_features(ch); @@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ dsp_function(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) case (PH_DEACTIVATE_REQ): if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: releasing b_channel %s\n", - __func__, dsp->name); + __func__, dsp->name); spin_lock_irqsave(&dsp_lock, flags); dsp->tone.tone = 0; dsp->tone.hardware = 0; @@ -939,7 +939,7 @@ dsp_function(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) default: if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: msg %x unhandled %s\n", - __func__, hh->prim, dsp->name); + __func__, hh->prim, dsp->name); ret = -EINVAL; } if (!ret) @@ -978,7 +978,7 @@ dsp_ctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) skb_queue_purge(&dsp->sendq); if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CTRL) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: releasing member %s\n", - __func__, dsp->name); + __func__, dsp->name); dsp->b_active = 0; dsp_cmx_conf(dsp, 0); /* dsp_cmx_hardware will also be called here */ @@ -986,13 +986,13 @@ dsp_ctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CTRL) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: remove & destroy object %s\n", - __func__, dsp->name); + __func__, dsp->name); list_del(&dsp->list); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dsp_lock, flags); if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CTRL) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: dsp instance released\n", - __func__); + __func__); vfree(dsp); module_put(THIS_MODULE); break; @@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@ dsp_send_bh(struct work_struct *work) if (dsp->data_pending) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_CORE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: fifo full %s, this is " - "no bug!\n", __func__, dsp->name); + "no bug!\n", __func__, dsp->name); /* flush transparent data, if not acked */ dev_kfree_skb(skb); continue; @@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ dspcreate(struct channel_req *crq) u_long flags; if (crq->protocol != ISDN_P_B_L2DSP - && crq->protocol != ISDN_P_B_L2DSPHDLC) + && crq->protocol != ISDN_P_B_L2DSPHDLC) return -EPROTONOSUPPORT; ndsp = vzalloc(sizeof(struct dsp)); if (!ndsp) { @@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@ dspcreate(struct channel_req *crq) } if (!try_module_get(THIS_MODULE)) printk(KERN_WARNING "%s:cannot get module\n", - __func__); + __func__); sprintf(ndsp->name, "DSP_C%x(0x%p)", ndsp->up->st->dev->id + 1, ndsp); @@ -1095,7 +1095,7 @@ dspcreate(struct channel_req *crq) if (dtmfthreshold < 20 || dtmfthreshold > 500) dtmfthreshold = 200; - ndsp->dtmf.treshold = dtmfthreshold*10000; + ndsp->dtmf.treshold = dtmfthreshold * 10000; /* init pipeline append to list */ spin_lock_irqsave(&dsp_lock, flags); @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ dspcreate(struct channel_req *crq) static struct Bprotocol DSP = { .Bprotocols = (1 << (ISDN_P_B_L2DSP & ISDN_P_B_MASK)) - | (1 << (ISDN_P_B_L2DSPHDLC & ISDN_P_B_MASK)), + | (1 << (ISDN_P_B_L2DSPHDLC & ISDN_P_B_MASK)), .name = "dsp", .create = dspcreate }; @@ -1119,7 +1119,7 @@ static int __init dsp_init(void) int err; int tics; - printk(KERN_INFO "DSP modul %s\n", mISDN_dsp_revision); + printk(KERN_INFO "DSP module %s\n", mISDN_dsp_revision); dsp_options = options; dsp_debug = debug; @@ -1129,21 +1129,21 @@ static int __init dsp_init(void) if (dsp_poll) { if (dsp_poll > MAX_POLL) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Wrong poll value (%d), use %d " - "maximum.\n", __func__, poll, MAX_POLL); + "maximum.\n", __func__, poll, MAX_POLL); err = -EINVAL; return err; } if (dsp_poll < 8) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Wrong poll value (%d), use 8 " - "minimum.\n", __func__, dsp_poll); + "minimum.\n", __func__, dsp_poll); err = -EINVAL; return err; } dsp_tics = poll * HZ / 8000; if (dsp_tics * 8000 != poll * HZ) { printk(KERN_INFO "mISDN_dsp: Cannot clock every %d " - "samples (0,125 ms). It is not a multiple of " - "%d HZ.\n", poll, HZ); + "samples (0,125 ms). It is not a multiple of " + "%d HZ.\n", poll, HZ); err = -EINVAL; return err; } @@ -1162,14 +1162,14 @@ static int __init dsp_init(void) } if (dsp_poll == 0) { printk(KERN_INFO "mISDN_dsp: There is no multiple of kernel " - "clock that equals exactly the duration of 8-256 " - "samples. (Choose kernel clock speed like 100, 250, " - "300, 1000)\n"); + "clock that equals exactly the duration of 8-256 " + "samples. (Choose kernel clock speed like 100, 250, " + "300, 1000)\n"); err = -EINVAL; return err; } printk(KERN_INFO "mISDN_dsp: DSP clocks every %d samples. This equals " - "%d jiffies.\n", dsp_poll, dsp_tics); + "%d jiffies.\n", dsp_poll, dsp_tics); spin_lock_init(&dsp_lock); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dsp_ilist); @@ -1177,8 +1177,8 @@ static int __init dsp_init(void) /* init conversion tables */ dsp_audio_generate_law_tables(); - dsp_silence = (dsp_options&DSP_OPT_ULAW) ? 0xff : 0x2a; - dsp_audio_law_to_s32 = (dsp_options&DSP_OPT_ULAW) ? + dsp_silence = (dsp_options & DSP_OPT_ULAW) ? 0xff : 0x2a; + dsp_audio_law_to_s32 = (dsp_options & DSP_OPT_ULAW) ? dsp_audio_ulaw_to_s32 : dsp_audio_alaw_to_s32; dsp_audio_generate_s2law_table(); dsp_audio_generate_seven(); @@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ static int __init dsp_init(void) err = dsp_pipeline_module_init(); if (err) { printk(KERN_ERR "mISDN_dsp: Can't initialize pipeline, " - "error(%d)\n", err); + "error(%d)\n", err); return err; } @@ -1221,11 +1221,11 @@ static void __exit dsp_cleanup(void) if (!list_empty(&dsp_ilist)) { printk(KERN_ERR "mISDN_dsp: Audio DSP object inst list not " - "empty.\n"); + "empty.\n"); } if (!list_empty(&conf_ilist)) { printk(KERN_ERR "mISDN_dsp: Conference list not empty. Not " - "all memory freed.\n"); + "all memory freed.\n"); } dsp_pipeline_module_exit(); @@ -1233,4 +1233,3 @@ static void __exit dsp_cleanup(void) module_init(dsp_init); module_exit(dsp_cleanup); - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_dtmf.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_dtmf.c index 5b484c3f4af6072bf3f93b611ba21a29877687ae..887860bdc63bbe88f046bf7fac1c1dfa503eccd2 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_dtmf.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_dtmf.c @@ -61,31 +61,31 @@ void dsp_dtmf_hardware(struct dsp *dsp) if (dsp->tx_volume) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_DTMF) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s dsp %s cannot do hardware DTMF, " - "because tx_volume is changed\n", - __func__, dsp->name); + "because tx_volume is changed\n", + __func__, dsp->name); hardware = 0; } if (dsp->rx_volume) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_DTMF) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s dsp %s cannot do hardware DTMF, " - "because rx_volume is changed\n", - __func__, dsp->name); + "because rx_volume is changed\n", + __func__, dsp->name); hardware = 0; } /* check if encryption is enabled */ if (dsp->bf_enable) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_DTMF) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s dsp %s cannot do hardware DTMF, " - "because encryption is enabled\n", - __func__, dsp->name); + "because encryption is enabled\n", + __func__, dsp->name); hardware = 0; } /* check if pipeline exists */ if (dsp->pipeline.inuse) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_DTMF) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s dsp %s cannot do hardware DTMF, " - "because pipeline exists.\n", - __func__, dsp->name); + "because pipeline exists.\n", + __func__, dsp->name); hardware = 0; } @@ -150,23 +150,23 @@ u8 if (len < 64) { if (len > 0) printk(KERN_ERR "%s: coefficients have invalid " - "size. (is=%d < must=%d)\n", - __func__, len, 64); + "size. (is=%d < must=%d)\n", + __func__, len, 64); return dsp->dtmf.digits; } hfccoeff = (s32 *)data; for (k = 0; k < NCOEFF; k++) { - sk2 = (*hfccoeff++)>>4; - sk = (*hfccoeff++)>>4; + sk2 = (*hfccoeff++) >> 4; + sk = (*hfccoeff++) >> 4; if (sk > 32767 || sk < -32767 || sk2 > 32767 || sk2 < -32767) printk(KERN_WARNING - "DTMF-Detection overflow\n"); + "DTMF-Detection overflow\n"); /* compute |X(k)|**2 */ result[k] = - (sk * sk) - - (((cos2pik[k] * sk) >> 15) * sk2) + - (sk2 * sk2); + (sk * sk) - + (((cos2pik[k] * sk) >> 15) * sk2) + + (sk2 * sk2); } data += 64; len -= 64; @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ u8 buf = dsp->dtmf.buffer; cos2pik_ = cos2pik[k]; for (n = 0; n < DSP_DTMF_NPOINTS; n++) { - sk = ((cos2pik_*sk1)>>15) - sk2 + (*buf++); + sk = ((cos2pik_ * sk1) >> 15) - sk2 + (*buf++); sk2 = sk1; sk1 = sk; } @@ -224,14 +224,14 @@ u8 if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_DTMFCOEFF) printk(KERN_DEBUG "a %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d" - " tr:%3d r %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d\n", - result[0]/10000, result[1]/10000, result[2]/10000, - result[3]/10000, result[4]/10000, result[5]/10000, - result[6]/10000, result[7]/10000, tresh/10000, - result[0]/(tresh/100), result[1]/(tresh/100), - result[2]/(tresh/100), result[3]/(tresh/100), - result[4]/(tresh/100), result[5]/(tresh/100), - result[6]/(tresh/100), result[7]/(tresh/100)); + " tr:%3d r %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d\n", + result[0] / 10000, result[1] / 10000, result[2] / 10000, + result[3] / 10000, result[4] / 10000, result[5] / 10000, + result[6] / 10000, result[7] / 10000, tresh / 10000, + result[0] / (tresh / 100), result[1] / (tresh / 100), + result[2] / (tresh / 100), result[3] / (tresh / 100), + result[4] / (tresh / 100), result[5] / (tresh / 100), + result[6] / (tresh / 100), result[7] / (tresh / 100)); /* calc digit (lowgroup/highgroup) */ lowgroup = -1; @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ u8 break; /* noise in between */ } /* good level found. This is allowed only one time per group */ - if (i < NCOEFF/2) { + if (i < NCOEFF / 2) { /* lowgroup */ if (lowgroup >= 0) { /* Bad. Another tone found. */ @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ u8 highgroup = -1; break; } else - highgroup = i-(NCOEFF/2); + highgroup = i - (NCOEFF / 2); } } @@ -285,13 +285,13 @@ u8 if (what) { if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_DTMF) printk(KERN_DEBUG "DTMF digit: %c\n", - what); - if ((strlen(dsp->dtmf.digits)+1) - < sizeof(dsp->dtmf.digits)) { + what); + if ((strlen(dsp->dtmf.digits) + 1) + < sizeof(dsp->dtmf.digits)) { dsp->dtmf.digits[strlen( - dsp->dtmf.digits)+1] = '\0'; + dsp->dtmf.digits) + 1] = '\0'; dsp->dtmf.digits[strlen( - dsp->dtmf.digits)] = what; + dsp->dtmf.digits)] = what; } } } @@ -302,5 +302,3 @@ u8 goto again; } - - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_ecdis.h b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_ecdis.h index 21dbd153ee26b32c9169eb6ccc1aab33e9f43b57..fed99ac7f6a4bc982d229eb804111f32e507d1e4 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_ecdis.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_ecdis.h @@ -46,15 +46,15 @@ struct ec_disable_detector_state { static inline void echo_can_disable_detector_init(struct ec_disable_detector_state *det) { - /* Elliptic notch */ - /* This is actually centred at 2095Hz, but gets the balance we want, due - to the asymmetric walls of the notch */ + /* Elliptic notch */ + /* This is actually centred at 2095Hz, but gets the balance we want, due + to the asymmetric walls of the notch */ biquad2_init(&det->notch, - (int32_t) (-0.7600000*32768.0), - (int32_t) (-0.1183852*32768.0), - (int32_t) (-0.5104039*32768.0), - (int32_t) (0.1567596*32768.0), - (int32_t) (1.0000000*32768.0)); + (int32_t)(-0.7600000 * 32768.0), + (int32_t)(-0.1183852 * 32768.0), + (int32_t)(-0.5104039 * 32768.0), + (int32_t)(0.1567596 * 32768.0), + (int32_t)(1.0000000 * 32768.0)); det->channel_level = 0; det->notch_level = 0; @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ echo_can_disable_detector_init(struct ec_disable_detector_state *det) static inline int echo_can_disable_detector_update(struct ec_disable_detector_state *det, -int16_t amp) + int16_t amp) { int16_t notched; @@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ int16_t amp) det->notch_level += ((abs(notched) - det->notch_level) >> 4); if (det->channel_level > 280) { /* There is adequate energy in the channel. - Is it mostly at 2100Hz? */ - if (det->notch_level*6 < det->channel_level) { + Is it mostly at 2100Hz? */ + if (det->notch_level * 6 < det->channel_level) { /* The notch says yes, so we have the tone. */ if (!det->tone_present) { /* Do we get a kick every 450+-25ms? */ - if (det->tone_cycle_duration >= 425*8 - && det->tone_cycle_duration <= 475*8) { + if (det->tone_cycle_duration >= 425 * 8 + && det->tone_cycle_duration <= 475 * 8) { det->good_cycles++; if (det->good_cycles > 2) det->hit = TRUE; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_hwec.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_hwec.c index 806a997fe7cc2907c7c21fb1cc130845b2cdcc9a..a6e87076acc23419efcc66f57fe0731b9d975572 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_hwec.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_hwec.c @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void dsp_hwec_enable(struct dsp *dsp, const char *arg) if (!dsp) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed to enable hwec: dsp is NULL\n", - __func__); + __func__); return; } @@ -93,13 +93,13 @@ void dsp_hwec_enable(struct dsp *dsp, const char *arg) _do: printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: enabling hwec with deftaps=%d\n", - __func__, deftaps); + __func__, deftaps); memset(&cq, 0, sizeof(cq)); cq.op = MISDN_CTRL_HFC_ECHOCAN_ON; cq.p1 = deftaps; if (!dsp->ch.peer->ctrl(&dsp->ch, CONTROL_CHANNEL, &cq)) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: CONTROL_CHANNEL failed\n", - __func__); + __func__); return; } } @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ void dsp_hwec_disable(struct dsp *dsp) if (!dsp) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed to disable hwec: dsp is NULL\n", - __func__); + __func__); return; } @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ void dsp_hwec_disable(struct dsp *dsp) cq.op = MISDN_CTRL_HFC_ECHOCAN_OFF; if (!dsp->ch.peer->ctrl(&dsp->ch, CONTROL_CHANNEL, &cq)) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: CONTROL_CHANNEL failed\n", - __func__); + __func__); return; } } @@ -135,4 +135,3 @@ void dsp_hwec_exit(void) { mISDN_dsp_element_unregister(dsp_hwec); } - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_hwec.h b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_hwec.h index eebe80c3f713334213aca184ebe9e8325dd23c4b..bbca1eb5a8889afbb3a828455c81be8bdfba6d04 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_hwec.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_hwec.h @@ -7,4 +7,3 @@ extern void dsp_hwec_enable(struct dsp *dsp, const char *arg); extern void dsp_hwec_disable(struct dsp *dsp); extern int dsp_hwec_init(void); extern void dsp_hwec_exit(void); - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_pipeline.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_pipeline.c index b6c9a5889346418f3f8532b3febd94554c5c3e7f..88305c9cbff5334a474345a16860b6f727d3e614 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_pipeline.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_pipeline.c @@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ attr_show_args(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) *buf = 0; for (i = 0; i < elem->num_args; i++) p += sprintf(p, "Name: %s\n%s%s%sDescription: %s\n\n", - elem->args[i].name, - elem->args[i].def ? "Default: " : "", - elem->args[i].def ? elem->args[i].def : "", - elem->args[i].def ? "\n" : "", - elem->args[i].desc); + elem->args[i].name, + elem->args[i].def ? "Default: " : "", + elem->args[i].def ? elem->args[i].def : "", + elem->args[i].def ? "\n" : "", + elem->args[i].desc); return p - buf; } @@ -106,17 +106,17 @@ int mISDN_dsp_element_register(struct mISDN_dsp_element *elem) ret = device_register(&entry->dev); if (ret) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed to register %s\n", - __func__, elem->name); + __func__, elem->name); goto err1; } list_add_tail(&entry->list, &dsp_elements); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(element_attributes); ++i) { ret = device_create_file(&entry->dev, - &element_attributes[i]); + &element_attributes[i]); if (ret) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed to create device file\n", - __func__); + __func__); goto err2; } } @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ void mISDN_dsp_element_unregister(struct mISDN_dsp_element *elem) device_unregister(&entry->dev); #ifdef PIPELINE_DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s unregistered\n", - __func__, elem->name); + __func__, elem->name); #endif return; } @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ void dsp_pipeline_module_exit(void) list_for_each_entry_safe(entry, n, &dsp_elements, list) { list_del(&entry->list); printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: element was still registered: %s\n", - __func__, entry->elem->name); + __func__, entry->elem->name); kfree(entry); } @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ static inline void _dsp_pipeline_destroy(struct dsp_pipeline *pipeline) list_del(&entry->list); if (entry->elem == dsp_hwec) dsp_hwec_disable(container_of(pipeline, struct dsp, - pipeline)); + pipeline)); else entry->elem->free(entry->p); kfree(entry); @@ -271,11 +271,11 @@ int dsp_pipeline_build(struct dsp_pipeline *pipeline, const char *cfg) elem = entry->elem; pipeline_entry = kmalloc(sizeof(struct - dsp_pipeline_entry), GFP_ATOMIC); + dsp_pipeline_entry), GFP_ATOMIC); if (!pipeline_entry) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed to add " - "entry to pipeline: %s (out of " - "memory)\n", __func__, elem->name); + "entry to pipeline: %s (out of " + "memory)\n", __func__, elem->name); incomplete = 1; goto _out; } @@ -285,26 +285,26 @@ int dsp_pipeline_build(struct dsp_pipeline *pipeline, const char *cfg) /* This is a hack to make the hwec available as a pipeline module */ dsp_hwec_enable(container_of(pipeline, - struct dsp, pipeline), args); + struct dsp, pipeline), args); list_add_tail(&pipeline_entry->list, - &pipeline->list); + &pipeline->list); } else { pipeline_entry->p = elem->new(args); if (pipeline_entry->p) { list_add_tail(&pipeline_entry-> - list, &pipeline->list); + list, &pipeline->list); #ifdef PIPELINE_DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: created " - "instance of %s%s%s\n", - __func__, name, args ? - " with args " : "", args ? - args : ""); + "instance of %s%s%s\n", + __func__, name, args ? + " with args " : "", args ? + args : ""); #endif } else { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed " - "to add entry to pipeline: " - "%s (new() returned NULL)\n", - __func__, elem->name); + "to add entry to pipeline: " + "%s (new() returned NULL)\n", + __func__, elem->name); kfree(pipeline_entry); incomplete = 1; } @@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ int dsp_pipeline_build(struct dsp_pipeline *pipeline, const char *cfg) found = 0; else { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: element not found, skipping: " - "%s\n", __func__, name); + "%s\n", __func__, name); incomplete = 1; } } @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ int dsp_pipeline_build(struct dsp_pipeline *pipeline, const char *cfg) #ifdef PIPELINE_DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: dsp pipeline built%s: %s\n", - __func__, incomplete ? " incomplete" : "", cfg); + __func__, incomplete ? " incomplete" : "", cfg); #endif kfree(dup); return 0; @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ void dsp_pipeline_process_tx(struct dsp_pipeline *pipeline, u8 *data, int len) } void dsp_pipeline_process_rx(struct dsp_pipeline *pipeline, u8 *data, int len, - unsigned int txlen) + unsigned int txlen) { struct dsp_pipeline_entry *entry; @@ -360,5 +360,3 @@ void dsp_pipeline_process_rx(struct dsp_pipeline *pipeline, u8 *data, int len, if (entry->elem->process_rx) entry->elem->process_rx(entry->p, data, len, txlen); } - - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c index 4e4440e8bae52ec13738a9cf79a70d9ce1f65e20..057e0d6a369b64a52aa24717b282d23be5a27405 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c @@ -239,120 +239,120 @@ static struct pattern { u32 seq[10]; } pattern[] = { {TONE_GERMAN_DIALTONE, - {DATA_GA, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {SIZE_GA, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {1900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_GA, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {SIZE_GA, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {1900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_GERMAN_OLDDIALTONE, - {DATA_GO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {SIZE_GO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {1998, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_GO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {SIZE_GO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {1998, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_AMERICAN_DIALTONE, - {DATA_DT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {SIZE_DT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {8000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_DT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {SIZE_DT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {8000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_GERMAN_DIALPBX, - {DATA_GA, DATA_S, DATA_GA, DATA_S, DATA_GA, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, - NULL}, - {SIZE_GA, SIZE_S, SIZE_GA, SIZE_S, SIZE_GA, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, - NULL}, - {2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_GA, DATA_S, DATA_GA, DATA_S, DATA_GA, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, + NULL}, + {SIZE_GA, SIZE_S, SIZE_GA, SIZE_S, SIZE_GA, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, + NULL}, + {2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_GERMAN_OLDDIALPBX, - {DATA_GO, DATA_S, DATA_GO, DATA_S, DATA_GO, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, - NULL}, - {SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, - NULL}, - {2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_GO, DATA_S, DATA_GO, DATA_S, DATA_GO, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, + NULL}, + {SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, + NULL}, + {2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_AMERICAN_DIALPBX, - {DATA_DT, DATA_S, DATA_DT, DATA_S, DATA_DT, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, - NULL}, - {SIZE_DT, SIZE_S, SIZE_DT, SIZE_S, SIZE_DT, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, - NULL}, - {2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_DT, DATA_S, DATA_DT, DATA_S, DATA_DT, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, + NULL}, + {SIZE_DT, SIZE_S, SIZE_DT, SIZE_S, SIZE_DT, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, + NULL}, + {2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_GERMAN_RINGING, - {DATA_GA, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {SIZE_GA, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {8000, 32000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_GA, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {SIZE_GA, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {8000, 32000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_GERMAN_OLDRINGING, - {DATA_GO, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {8000, 40000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_GO, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {8000, 40000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_AMERICAN_RINGING, - {DATA_RI, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {SIZE_RI, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {8000, 32000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_RI, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {SIZE_RI, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {8000, 32000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_GERMAN_RINGPBX, - {DATA_GA, DATA_S, DATA_GA, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {SIZE_GA, SIZE_S, SIZE_GA, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {4000, 4000, 4000, 28000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_GA, DATA_S, DATA_GA, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {SIZE_GA, SIZE_S, SIZE_GA, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {4000, 4000, 4000, 28000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_GERMAN_OLDRINGPBX, - {DATA_GO, DATA_S, DATA_GO, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {4000, 4000, 4000, 28000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_GO, DATA_S, DATA_GO, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {4000, 4000, 4000, 28000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_AMERICAN_RINGPBX, - {DATA_RI, DATA_S, DATA_RI, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {SIZE_RI, SIZE_S, SIZE_RI, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {4000, 4000, 4000, 28000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_RI, DATA_S, DATA_RI, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {SIZE_RI, SIZE_S, SIZE_RI, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {4000, 4000, 4000, 28000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_GERMAN_BUSY, - {DATA_GA, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {SIZE_GA, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {4000, 4000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_GA, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {SIZE_GA, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {4000, 4000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_GERMAN_OLDBUSY, - {DATA_GO, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {1000, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_GO, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {1000, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_AMERICAN_BUSY, - {DATA_BU, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {SIZE_BU, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {4000, 4000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_BU, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {SIZE_BU, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {4000, 4000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_GERMAN_HANGUP, - {DATA_GA, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {SIZE_GA, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {4000, 4000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_GA, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {SIZE_GA, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {4000, 4000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_GERMAN_OLDHANGUP, - {DATA_GO, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {1000, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_GO, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {1000, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_AMERICAN_HANGUP, - {DATA_DT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {SIZE_DT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {8000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_DT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {SIZE_DT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {8000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_SPECIAL_INFO, - {DATA_S1, DATA_S2, DATA_S3, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {SIZE_S1, SIZE_S2, SIZE_S3, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {2666, 2666, 2666, 8002, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_S1, DATA_S2, DATA_S3, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {SIZE_S1, SIZE_S2, SIZE_S3, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {2666, 2666, 2666, 8002, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_GERMAN_GASSENBESETZT, - {DATA_GA, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {SIZE_GA, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {2000, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_GA, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {SIZE_GA, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {2000, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {TONE_GERMAN_AUFSCHALTTON, - {DATA_GO, DATA_S, DATA_GO, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {1000, 5000, 1000, 17000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {DATA_GO, DATA_S, DATA_GO, DATA_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, SIZE_GO, SIZE_S, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {1000, 5000, 1000, 17000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {0, - {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, - {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, + {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, + {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, }; /****************** @@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ void dsp_tone_copy(struct dsp *dsp, u8 *data, int len) /* process pattern */ pat = (struct pattern *)tone->pattern; - /* points to the current pattern */ + /* points to the current pattern */ index = tone->index; /* gives current sequence index */ count = tone->count; /* gives current sample */ @@ -404,19 +404,19 @@ void dsp_tone_copy(struct dsp *dsp, u8 *data, int len) break; if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_TONE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: reaching next sequence " - "(index=%d)\n", __func__, index); + "(index=%d)\n", __func__, index); count -= pat->seq[index]; index++; } /* calculate start and number of samples */ start = count % (*(pat->siz[index])); num = len; - if (num+count > pat->seq[index]) + if (num + count > pat->seq[index]) num = pat->seq[index] - count; - if (num+start > (*(pat->siz[index]))) + if (num + start > (*(pat->siz[index]))) num = (*(pat->siz[index])) - start; /* copy memory */ - memcpy(data, pat->data[index]+start, num); + memcpy(data, pat->data[index] + start, num); /* reduce length */ data += num; count += num; @@ -441,8 +441,8 @@ dsp_tone_hw_message(struct dsp *dsp, u8 *sample, int len) /* unlocking is not required, because we don't expect a response */ nskb = _alloc_mISDN_skb(PH_CONTROL_REQ, - (len) ? HFC_SPL_LOOP_ON : HFC_SPL_LOOP_OFF, len, sample, - GFP_ATOMIC); + (len) ? HFC_SPL_LOOP_ON : HFC_SPL_LOOP_OFF, len, sample, + GFP_ATOMIC); if (nskb) { if (dsp->ch.peer) { if (dsp->ch.recv(dsp->ch.peer, nskb)) @@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ dsp_tone(struct dsp *dsp, int tone) } if (dsp_debug & DEBUG_DSP_TONE) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: now starting tone %d (index=%d)\n", - __func__, tone, 0); + __func__, tone, 0); tonet->tone = tone; tonet->pattern = pat; tonet->index = 0; @@ -550,8 +550,3 @@ dsp_tone(struct dsp *dsp, int tone) return 0; } - - - - - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/fsm.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/fsm.c index b5d6553f2dc81f3c8eec355c56c1b67b3e248a86..26477d48bbda99cba2697e93f075703047098bab 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/fsm.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/fsm.c @@ -28,23 +28,23 @@ void mISDN_FsmNew(struct Fsm *fsm, - struct FsmNode *fnlist, int fncount) + struct FsmNode *fnlist, int fncount) { int i; fsm->jumpmatrix = kzalloc(sizeof(FSMFNPTR) * fsm->state_count * - fsm->event_count, GFP_KERNEL); + fsm->event_count, GFP_KERNEL); for (i = 0; i < fncount; i++) if ((fnlist[i].state >= fsm->state_count) || (fnlist[i].event >= fsm->event_count)) { printk(KERN_ERR - "mISDN_FsmNew Error: %d st(%ld/%ld) ev(%ld/%ld)\n", - i, (long)fnlist[i].state, (long)fsm->state_count, - (long)fnlist[i].event, (long)fsm->event_count); + "mISDN_FsmNew Error: %d st(%ld/%ld) ev(%ld/%ld)\n", + i, (long)fnlist[i].state, (long)fsm->state_count, + (long)fnlist[i].event, (long)fsm->event_count); } else fsm->jumpmatrix[fsm->state_count * fnlist[i].event + - fnlist[i].state] = (FSMFNPTR) fnlist[i].routine; + fnlist[i].state] = (FSMFNPTR) fnlist[i].routine; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(mISDN_FsmNew); @@ -63,24 +63,24 @@ mISDN_FsmEvent(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if ((fi->state >= fi->fsm->state_count) || (event >= fi->fsm->event_count)) { printk(KERN_ERR - "mISDN_FsmEvent Error st(%ld/%ld) ev(%d/%ld)\n", - (long)fi->state, (long)fi->fsm->state_count, event, - (long)fi->fsm->event_count); + "mISDN_FsmEvent Error st(%ld/%ld) ev(%d/%ld)\n", + (long)fi->state, (long)fi->fsm->state_count, event, + (long)fi->fsm->event_count); return 1; } r = fi->fsm->jumpmatrix[fi->fsm->state_count * event + fi->state]; if (r) { if (fi->debug) fi->printdebug(fi, "State %s Event %s", - fi->fsm->strState[fi->state], - fi->fsm->strEvent[event]); + fi->fsm->strState[fi->state], + fi->fsm->strEvent[event]); r(fi, event, arg); return 0; } else { if (fi->debug) fi->printdebug(fi, "State %s Event %s no action", - fi->fsm->strState[fi->state], - fi->fsm->strEvent[event]); + fi->fsm->strState[fi->state], + fi->fsm->strEvent[event]); return 1; } } @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ mISDN_FsmChangeState(struct FsmInst *fi, int newstate) fi->state = newstate; if (fi->debug) fi->printdebug(fi, "ChangeState %s", - fi->fsm->strState[newstate]); + fi->fsm->strState[newstate]); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(mISDN_FsmChangeState); @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ mISDN_FsmDelTimer(struct FsmTimer *ft, int where) #if FSM_TIMER_DEBUG if (ft->fi->debug) ft->fi->printdebug(ft->fi, "mISDN_FsmDelTimer %lx %d", - (long) ft, where); + (long) ft, where); #endif del_timer(&ft->tl); } @@ -134,21 +134,21 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(mISDN_FsmDelTimer); int mISDN_FsmAddTimer(struct FsmTimer *ft, - int millisec, int event, void *arg, int where) + int millisec, int event, void *arg, int where) { #if FSM_TIMER_DEBUG if (ft->fi->debug) ft->fi->printdebug(ft->fi, "mISDN_FsmAddTimer %lx %d %d", - (long) ft, millisec, where); + (long) ft, millisec, where); #endif if (timer_pending(&ft->tl)) { if (ft->fi->debug) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "mISDN_FsmAddTimer: timer already active!\n"); + "mISDN_FsmAddTimer: timer already active!\n"); ft->fi->printdebug(ft->fi, - "mISDN_FsmAddTimer already active!"); + "mISDN_FsmAddTimer already active!"); } return -1; } @@ -163,13 +163,13 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(mISDN_FsmAddTimer); void mISDN_FsmRestartTimer(struct FsmTimer *ft, - int millisec, int event, void *arg, int where) + int millisec, int event, void *arg, int where) { #if FSM_TIMER_DEBUG if (ft->fi->debug) ft->fi->printdebug(ft->fi, "mISDN_FsmRestartTimer %lx %d %d", - (long) ft, millisec, where); + (long) ft, millisec, where); #endif if (timer_pending(&ft->tl)) diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/hwchannel.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/hwchannel.c index f6e108d0125f140f13312de658ddcbb02b6f590f..c74c363554c4c9506f328968b048682ebd4cdabd 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/hwchannel.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/hwchannel.c @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ recv_Bchannel(struct bchannel *bch, unsigned int id) hh->id = id; if (bch->rcount >= 64) { printk(KERN_WARNING "B-channel %p receive queue overflow, " - "flushing!\n", bch); + "flushing!\n", bch); skb_queue_purge(&bch->rqueue); bch->rcount = 0; return; @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ recv_Bchannel_skb(struct bchannel *bch, struct sk_buff *skb) { if (bch->rcount >= 64) { printk(KERN_WARNING "B-channel %p receive queue overflow, " - "flushing!\n", bch); + "flushing!\n", bch); skb_queue_purge(&bch->rqueue); bch->rcount = 0; } @@ -247,10 +247,10 @@ confirm_Dsend(struct dchannel *dch) struct sk_buff *skb; skb = _alloc_mISDN_skb(PH_DATA_CNF, mISDN_HEAD_ID(dch->tx_skb), - 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); + 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: no skb id %x\n", __func__, - mISDN_HEAD_ID(dch->tx_skb)); + mISDN_HEAD_ID(dch->tx_skb)); return; } skb_queue_tail(&dch->rqueue, skb); @@ -279,15 +279,15 @@ confirm_Bsend(struct bchannel *bch) if (bch->rcount >= 64) { printk(KERN_WARNING "B-channel %p receive queue overflow, " - "flushing!\n", bch); + "flushing!\n", bch); skb_queue_purge(&bch->rqueue); bch->rcount = 0; } skb = _alloc_mISDN_skb(PH_DATA_CNF, mISDN_HEAD_ID(bch->tx_skb), - 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); + 0, NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: no skb id %x\n", __func__, - mISDN_HEAD_ID(bch->tx_skb)); + mISDN_HEAD_ID(bch->tx_skb)); return; } bch->rcount++; @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ dchannel_senddata(struct dchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) } if (skb->len > ch->maxlen) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: skb too large(%d/%d)\n", - __func__, skb->len, ch->maxlen); + __func__, skb->len, ch->maxlen); return -EINVAL; } /* HW lock must be obtained */ @@ -376,15 +376,15 @@ bchannel_senddata(struct bchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) } if (skb->len > ch->maxlen) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: skb too large(%d/%d)\n", - __func__, skb->len, ch->maxlen); + __func__, skb->len, ch->maxlen); return -EINVAL; } /* HW lock must be obtained */ /* check for pending next_skb */ if (ch->next_skb) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "%s: next_skb exist ERROR (skb->len=%d next_skb->len=%d)\n", - __func__, skb->len, ch->next_skb->len); + "%s: next_skb exist ERROR (skb->len=%d next_skb->len=%d)\n", + __func__, skb->len, ch->next_skb->len); return -EBUSY; } if (test_and_set_bit(FLG_TX_BUSY, &ch->Flags)) { diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip.h b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip.h index bc26c890d9a281b663c3ec5b832cc845ba6729de..661c060ada49fcea3cd9957a063be9eac8fbf683 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip.h @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ /* enable to disorder received bchannels by sequence 2143658798... */ /* -#define REORDER_DEBUG + #define REORDER_DEBUG */ /* frames */ @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ /* channel structure */ struct l1oip_chan { - struct dchannel *dch; - struct bchannel *bch; + struct dchannel *dch; + struct bchannel *bch; u32 tx_counter; /* counts xmit bytes/packets */ u32 rx_counter; /* counts recv bytes/packets */ u32 codecstate; /* used by codec to save data */ @@ -60,19 +60,19 @@ struct l1oip { int limit; /* limit number of bchannels */ /* timer */ - struct timer_list keep_tl; - struct timer_list timeout_tl; + struct timer_list keep_tl; + struct timer_list timeout_tl; int timeout_on; struct work_struct workq; /* socket */ - struct socket *socket; /* if set, socket is created */ - struct completion socket_complete;/* completion of sock thread */ + struct socket *socket; /* if set, socket is created */ + struct completion socket_complete;/* completion of sock thread */ struct task_struct *socket_thread; - spinlock_t socket_lock; /* access sock outside thread */ + spinlock_t socket_lock; /* access sock outside thread */ u32 remoteip; /* if all set, ip is assigned */ - u16 localport; /* must always be set */ - u16 remoteport; /* must always be set */ + u16 localport; /* must always be set */ + u16 remoteport; /* must always be set */ struct sockaddr_in sin_local; /* local socket name */ struct sockaddr_in sin_remote; /* remote socket name */ struct msghdr sendmsg; /* ip message to send */ @@ -88,4 +88,3 @@ extern int l1oip_alaw_to_ulaw(u8 *data, int len, u8 *result); extern int l1oip_ulaw_to_alaw(u8 *data, int len, u8 *result); extern void l1oip_4bit_free(void); extern int l1oip_4bit_alloc(int ulaw); - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_codec.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_codec.c index 5a89972624d8c9ac0cf399b11caba2c3098138b0..a601c8472220764c99d004dddf54c238437d1f06 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_codec.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_codec.c @@ -27,22 +27,22 @@ /* -How the codec works: --------------------- + How the codec works: + -------------------- -The volume is increased to increase the dynamic range of the audio signal. -Each sample is converted to a-LAW with only 16 steps of level resolution. -A pair of two samples are stored in one byte. + The volume is increased to increase the dynamic range of the audio signal. + Each sample is converted to a-LAW with only 16 steps of level resolution. + A pair of two samples are stored in one byte. -The first byte is stored in the upper bits, the second byte is stored in the -lower bits. + The first byte is stored in the upper bits, the second byte is stored in the + lower bits. -To speed up compression and decompression, two lookup tables are formed: + To speed up compression and decompression, two lookup tables are formed: -- 16 bits index for two samples (law encoded) with 8 bit compressed result. -- 8 bits index for one compressed data with 16 bits decompressed result. + - 16 bits index for two samples (law encoded) with 8 bit compressed result. + - 8 bits index for one compressed data with 16 bits decompressed result. -NOTE: The bytes are handled as they are law-encoded. + NOTE: The bytes are handled as they are law-encoded. */ @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ l1oip_law_to_4bit(u8 *data, int len, u8 *result, u32 *state) /* send saved byte and first input byte */ if (*state) { - *result++ = table_com[(((*state)<<8)&0xff00) | (*data++)]; + *result++ = table_com[(((*state) << 8) & 0xff00) | (*data++)]; len--; o++; } @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ l1oip_4bit_to_law(u8 *data, int len, u8 *result) while (i < len) { r = table_dec[*data++]; - *result++ = r>>8; + *result++ = r >> 8; *result++ = r; i++; } @@ -345,8 +345,8 @@ l1oip_4bit_alloc(int ulaw) c = alaw_to_4bit[i1]; i2 = 0; while (i2 < 256) { - table_com[(i1<<8) | i2] |= (c<<4); - table_com[(i2<<8) | i1] |= c; + table_com[(i1 << 8) | i2] |= (c << 4); + table_com[(i2 << 8) | i1] |= c; i2++; } i1++; @@ -361,8 +361,8 @@ l1oip_4bit_alloc(int ulaw) sample = _4bit_to_alaw[i1]; i2 = 0; while (i2 < 16) { - table_dec[(i1<<4) | i2] |= (sample<<8); - table_dec[(i2<<4) | i1] |= sample; + table_dec[(i1 << 4) | i2] |= (sample << 8); + table_dec[(i2 << 4) | i1] |= sample; i2++; } i1++; @@ -370,5 +370,3 @@ l1oip_4bit_alloc(int ulaw) return 0; } - - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_core.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_core.c index 22f8ec8b9247af6de560b9bc1e095c66cf6668b5..0f88acf1185f9589a1dca75b61db5d45960a1648 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_core.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_core.c @@ -24,63 +24,63 @@ /* module parameters: * type: - Value 1 = BRI - Value 2 = PRI - Value 3 = BRI (multi channel frame, not supported yet) - Value 4 = PRI (multi channel frame, not supported yet) - A multi channel frame reduces overhead to a single frame for all - b-channels, but increases delay. - (NOTE: Multi channel frames are not implemented yet.) + Value 1 = BRI + Value 2 = PRI + Value 3 = BRI (multi channel frame, not supported yet) + Value 4 = PRI (multi channel frame, not supported yet) + A multi channel frame reduces overhead to a single frame for all + b-channels, but increases delay. + (NOTE: Multi channel frames are not implemented yet.) * codec: - Value 0 = transparent (default) - Value 1 = transfer ALAW - Value 2 = transfer ULAW - Value 3 = transfer generic 4 bit compression. + Value 0 = transparent (default) + Value 1 = transfer ALAW + Value 2 = transfer ULAW + Value 3 = transfer generic 4 bit compression. * ulaw: - 0 = we use a-Law (default) - 1 = we use u-Law + 0 = we use a-Law (default) + 1 = we use u-Law * limit: - limitation of B-channels to control bandwidth (1...126) - BRI: 1 or 2 - PRI: 1-30, 31-126 (126, because dchannel ist not counted here) - Also limited ressources are used for stack, resulting in less channels. - It is possible to have more channels than 30 in PRI mode, this must - be supported by the application. + limitation of B-channels to control bandwidth (1...126) + BRI: 1 or 2 + PRI: 1-30, 31-126 (126, because dchannel ist not counted here) + Also limited ressources are used for stack, resulting in less channels. + It is possible to have more channels than 30 in PRI mode, this must + be supported by the application. * ip: - byte representation of remote ip address ( -> 127,0,0,1) - If not given or four 0, no remote address is set. - For multiple interfaces, concat ip addresses. (127,0,0,1,127,0,0,1) + byte representation of remote ip address ( -> 127,0,0,1) + If not given or four 0, no remote address is set. + For multiple interfaces, concat ip addresses. (127,0,0,1,127,0,0,1) * port: - port number (local interface) - If not given or 0, port 931 is used for fist instance, 932 for next... - For multiple interfaces, different ports must be given. + port number (local interface) + If not given or 0, port 931 is used for fist instance, 932 for next... + For multiple interfaces, different ports must be given. * remoteport: - port number (remote interface) - If not given or 0, remote port equals local port - For multiple interfaces on equal sites, different ports must be given. + port number (remote interface) + If not given or 0, remote port equals local port + For multiple interfaces on equal sites, different ports must be given. * ondemand: - 0 = fixed (always transmit packets, even when remote side timed out) - 1 = on demand (only transmit packets, when remote side is detected) - the default is 0 - NOTE: ID must also be set for on demand. + 0 = fixed (always transmit packets, even when remote side timed out) + 1 = on demand (only transmit packets, when remote side is detected) + the default is 0 + NOTE: ID must also be set for on demand. * id: - optional value to identify frames. This value must be equal on both - peers and should be random. If omitted or 0, no ID is transmitted. + optional value to identify frames. This value must be equal on both + peers and should be random. If omitted or 0, no ID is transmitted. * debug: - NOTE: only one debug value must be given for all cards - enable debugging (see l1oip.h for debug options) + NOTE: only one debug value must be given for all cards + enable debugging (see l1oip.h for debug options) -Special mISDN controls: + Special mISDN controls: op = MISDN_CTRL_SETPEER* p1 = bytes 0-3 : remote IP address in network order (left element first) @@ -91,133 +91,133 @@ Special mISDN controls: op = MISDN_CTRL_UNSETPEER* * Use l1oipctrl for comfortable setting or removing ip address. - (Layer 1 Over IP CTRL) + (Layer 1 Over IP CTRL) -L1oIP-Protocol --------------- + L1oIP-Protocol + -------------- -Frame Header: + Frame Header: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -+---------------+ -|Ver|T|I|Coding | -+---------------+ -| ID byte 3 * | -+---------------+ -| ID byte 2 * | -+---------------+ -| ID byte 1 * | -+---------------+ -| ID byte 0 * | -+---------------+ -|M| Channel | -+---------------+ -| Length * | -+---------------+ -| Time Base MSB | -+---------------+ -| Time Base LSB | -+---------------+ -| Data.... | - -... - -| | -+---------------+ -|M| Channel | -+---------------+ -| Length * | -+---------------+ -| Time Base MSB | -+---------------+ -| Time Base LSB | -+---------------+ -| Data.... | - -... - - -* Only included in some cases. - -- Ver = Version -If version is missmatch, the frame must be ignored. - -- T = Type of interface -Must be 0 for S0 or 1 for E1. - -- I = Id present -If bit is set, four ID bytes are included in frame. - -- ID = Connection ID -Additional ID to prevent Denial of Service attacs. Also it prevents hijacking -connections with dynamic IP. The ID should be random and must not be 0. - -- Coding = Type of codec -Must be 0 for no transcoding. Also for D-channel and other HDLC frames. + +---------------+ + |Ver|T|I|Coding | + +---------------+ + | ID byte 3 * | + +---------------+ + | ID byte 2 * | + +---------------+ + | ID byte 1 * | + +---------------+ + | ID byte 0 * | + +---------------+ + |M| Channel | + +---------------+ + | Length * | + +---------------+ + | Time Base MSB | + +---------------+ + | Time Base LSB | + +---------------+ + | Data.... | + + ... + + | | + +---------------+ + |M| Channel | + +---------------+ + | Length * | + +---------------+ + | Time Base MSB | + +---------------+ + | Time Base LSB | + +---------------+ + | Data.... | + + ... + + + * Only included in some cases. + + - Ver = Version + If version is missmatch, the frame must be ignored. + + - T = Type of interface + Must be 0 for S0 or 1 for E1. + + - I = Id present + If bit is set, four ID bytes are included in frame. + + - ID = Connection ID + Additional ID to prevent Denial of Service attacs. Also it prevents hijacking + connections with dynamic IP. The ID should be random and must not be 0. + + - Coding = Type of codec + Must be 0 for no transcoding. Also for D-channel and other HDLC frames. 1 and 2 are reserved for explicitly use of a-LAW or u-LAW codec. 3 is used for generic table compressor. -- M = More channels to come. If this flag is 1, the following byte contains -the length of the channel data. After the data block, the next channel will -be defined. The flag for the last channel block (or if only one channel is -transmitted), must be 0 and no length is given. + - M = More channels to come. If this flag is 1, the following byte contains + the length of the channel data. After the data block, the next channel will + be defined. The flag for the last channel block (or if only one channel is + transmitted), must be 0 and no length is given. -- Channel = Channel number -0 reserved -1-3 channel data for S0 (3 is D-channel) -1-31 channel data for E1 (16 is D-channel) -32-127 channel data for extended E1 (16 is D-channel) + - Channel = Channel number + 0 reserved + 1-3 channel data for S0 (3 is D-channel) + 1-31 channel data for E1 (16 is D-channel) + 32-127 channel data for extended E1 (16 is D-channel) -- The length is used if the M-flag is 1. It is used to find the next channel -inside frame. -NOTE: A value of 0 equals 256 bytes of data. + - The length is used if the M-flag is 1. It is used to find the next channel + inside frame. + NOTE: A value of 0 equals 256 bytes of data. -> For larger data blocks, a single frame must be used. -> For larger streams, a single frame or multiple blocks with same channel ID - must be used. + must be used. -- Time Base = Timestamp of first sample in frame -The "Time Base" is used to rearange packets and to detect packet loss. -The 16 bits are sent in network order (MSB first) and count 1/8000 th of a -second. This causes a wrap around each 8,192 seconds. There is no requirement -for the initial "Time Base", but 0 should be used for the first packet. -In case of HDLC data, this timestamp counts the packet or byte number. + - Time Base = Timestamp of first sample in frame + The "Time Base" is used to rearange packets and to detect packet loss. + The 16 bits are sent in network order (MSB first) and count 1/8000 th of a + second. This causes a wrap around each 8,192 seconds. There is no requirement + for the initial "Time Base", but 0 should be used for the first packet. + In case of HDLC data, this timestamp counts the packet or byte number. -Two Timers: + Two Timers: -After initialisation, a timer of 15 seconds is started. Whenever a packet is -transmitted, the timer is reset to 15 seconds again. If the timer expires, an -empty packet is transmitted. This keep the connection alive. + After initialisation, a timer of 15 seconds is started. Whenever a packet is + transmitted, the timer is reset to 15 seconds again. If the timer expires, an + empty packet is transmitted. This keep the connection alive. -When a valid packet is received, a timer 65 seconds is started. The interface -become ACTIVE. If the timer expires, the interface becomes INACTIVE. + When a valid packet is received, a timer 65 seconds is started. The interface + become ACTIVE. If the timer expires, the interface becomes INACTIVE. -Dynamic IP handling: + Dynamic IP handling: -To allow dynamic IP, the ID must be non 0. In this case, any packet with the -correct port number and ID will be accepted. If the remote side changes its IP -the new IP is used for all transmitted packets until it changes again. + To allow dynamic IP, the ID must be non 0. In this case, any packet with the + correct port number and ID will be accepted. If the remote side changes its IP + the new IP is used for all transmitted packets until it changes again. -On Demand: + On Demand: -If the ondemand parameter is given, the remote IP is set to 0 on timeout. -This will stop keepalive traffic to remote. If the remote is online again, -traffic will continue to the remote address. This is useful for road warriors. -This feature only works with ID set, otherwhise it is highly unsecure. + If the ondemand parameter is given, the remote IP is set to 0 on timeout. + This will stop keepalive traffic to remote. If the remote is online again, + traffic will continue to the remote address. This is useful for road warriors. + This feature only works with ID set, otherwhise it is highly unsecure. -Socket and Thread ------------------ + Socket and Thread + ----------------- -The complete socket opening and closing is done by a thread. -When the thread opened a socket, the hc->socket descriptor is set. Whenever a -packet shall be sent to the socket, the hc->socket must be checked wheter not -NULL. To prevent change in socket descriptor, the hc->socket_lock must be used. -To change the socket, a recall of l1oip_socket_open() will safely kill the -socket process and create a new one. + The complete socket opening and closing is done by a thread. + When the thread opened a socket, the hc->socket descriptor is set. Whenever a + packet shall be sent to the socket, the hc->socket must be checked wheter not + NULL. To prevent change in socket descriptor, the hc->socket_lock must be used. + To change the socket, a recall of l1oip_socket_open() will safely kill the + socket process and create a new one. */ @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ static struct list_head l1oip_ilist; #define MAX_CARDS 16 static u_int type[MAX_CARDS]; static u_int codec[MAX_CARDS]; -static u_int ip[MAX_CARDS*4]; +static u_int ip[MAX_CARDS * 4]; static u_int port[MAX_CARDS]; static u_int remoteport[MAX_CARDS]; static u_int ondemand[MAX_CARDS]; @@ -274,26 +274,26 @@ module_param(debug, uint, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR); */ static int l1oip_socket_send(struct l1oip *hc, u8 localcodec, u8 channel, u32 chanmask, - u16 timebase, u8 *buf, int len) + u16 timebase, u8 *buf, int len) { u8 *p; int multi = 0; - u8 frame[len+32]; + u8 frame[len + 32]; struct socket *socket = NULL; if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: sending data to socket (len = %d)\n", - __func__, len); + __func__, len); p = frame; /* restart timer */ - if ((int)(hc->keep_tl.expires-jiffies) < 5*HZ) { + if ((int)(hc->keep_tl.expires-jiffies) < 5 * HZ) { del_timer(&hc->keep_tl); - hc->keep_tl.expires = jiffies + L1OIP_KEEPALIVE*HZ; + hc->keep_tl.expires = jiffies + L1OIP_KEEPALIVE * HZ; add_timer(&hc->keep_tl); } else - hc->keep_tl.expires = jiffies + L1OIP_KEEPALIVE*HZ; + hc->keep_tl.expires = jiffies + L1OIP_KEEPALIVE * HZ; if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: resetting timer\n", __func__); @@ -302,25 +302,25 @@ l1oip_socket_send(struct l1oip *hc, u8 localcodec, u8 channel, u32 chanmask, if (!hc->sin_remote.sin_addr.s_addr || !hc->sin_remote.sin_port) { if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: dropping frame, because remote " - "IP is not set.\n", __func__); + "IP is not set.\n", __func__); return len; } /* assemble frame */ - *p++ = (L1OIP_VERSION<<6) /* version and coding */ - | (hc->pri ? 0x20 : 0x00) /* type */ - | (hc->id ? 0x10 : 0x00) /* id */ - | localcodec; + *p++ = (L1OIP_VERSION << 6) /* version and coding */ + | (hc->pri ? 0x20 : 0x00) /* type */ + | (hc->id ? 0x10 : 0x00) /* id */ + | localcodec; if (hc->id) { - *p++ = hc->id>>24; /* id */ - *p++ = hc->id>>16; - *p++ = hc->id>>8; + *p++ = hc->id >> 24; /* id */ + *p++ = hc->id >> 16; + *p++ = hc->id >> 8; *p++ = hc->id; } *p++ = (multi == 1) ? 0x80 : 0x00 + channel; /* m-flag, channel */ if (multi == 1) *p++ = len; /* length */ - *p++ = timebase>>8; /* time base */ + *p++ = timebase >> 8; /* time base */ *p++ = timebase; if (buf && len) { /* add data to frame */ @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ l1oip_socket_send(struct l1oip *hc, u8 localcodec, u8 channel, u32 chanmask, l1oip_alaw_to_ulaw(buf, len, p); else if (localcodec == 3) len = l1oip_law_to_4bit(buf, len, p, - &hc->chan[channel].codecstate); + &hc->chan[channel].codecstate); else memcpy(p, buf, len); } @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ l1oip_socket_send(struct l1oip *hc, u8 localcodec, u8 channel, u32 chanmask, /* send packet */ if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: sending packet to socket (len " - "= %d)\n", __func__, len); + "= %d)\n", __func__, len); hc->sendiov.iov_base = frame; hc->sendiov.iov_len = len; len = kernel_sendmsg(socket, &hc->sendmsg, &hc->sendiov, 1, len); @@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ l1oip_socket_send(struct l1oip *hc, u8 localcodec, u8 channel, u32 chanmask, */ static void l1oip_socket_recv(struct l1oip *hc, u8 remotecodec, u8 channel, u16 timebase, - u8 *buf, int len) + u8 *buf, int len) { struct sk_buff *nskb; struct bchannel *bch; @@ -376,34 +376,34 @@ l1oip_socket_recv(struct l1oip *hc, u8 remotecodec, u8 channel, u16 timebase, if (len == 0) { if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: received empty keepalive data, " - "ignoring\n", __func__); + "ignoring\n", __func__); return; } if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: received data, sending to mISDN (%d)\n", - __func__, len); + __func__, len); if (channel < 1 || channel > 127) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: packet error - channel %d out of " - "range\n", __func__, channel); + "range\n", __func__, channel); return; } dch = hc->chan[channel].dch; bch = hc->chan[channel].bch; if (!dch && !bch) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: packet error - channel %d not in " - "stack\n", __func__, channel); + "stack\n", __func__, channel); return; } /* prepare message */ - nskb = mI_alloc_skb((remotecodec == 3) ? (len<<1) : len, GFP_ATOMIC); + nskb = mI_alloc_skb((remotecodec == 3) ? (len << 1) : len, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!nskb) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: No mem for skb.\n", __func__); return; } - p = skb_put(nskb, (remotecodec == 3) ? (len<<1) : len); + p = skb_put(nskb, (remotecodec == 3) ? (len << 1) : len); if (remotecodec == 1 && ulaw) l1oip_alaw_to_ulaw(buf, len, p); @@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ l1oip_socket_recv(struct l1oip *hc, u8 remotecodec, u8 channel, u16 timebase, rx_counter = (rx_counter & 0xffff0000) | timebase; else - rx_counter = ((rx_counter & 0xffff0000)+0x10000) + rx_counter = ((rx_counter & 0xffff0000) + 0x10000) | timebase; } else { /* time has changed backwards */ @@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ l1oip_socket_recv(struct l1oip *hc, u8 remotecodec, u8 channel, u16 timebase, rx_counter = (rx_counter & 0xffff0000) | timebase; else - rx_counter = ((rx_counter & 0xffff0000)-0x10000) + rx_counter = ((rx_counter & 0xffff0000) - 0x10000) | timebase; } hc->chan[channel].rx_counter = rx_counter; @@ -476,42 +476,42 @@ l1oip_socket_parse(struct l1oip *hc, struct sockaddr_in *sin, u8 *buf, int len) if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: received frame, parsing... (%d)\n", - __func__, len); + __func__, len); /* check length */ - if (len < 1+1+2) { + if (len < 1 + 1 + 2) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: packet error - length %d below " - "4 bytes\n", __func__, len); + "4 bytes\n", __func__, len); return; } /* check version */ - if (((*buf)>>6) != L1OIP_VERSION) { + if (((*buf) >> 6) != L1OIP_VERSION) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: packet error - unknown version %d\n", - __func__, buf[0]>>6); + __func__, buf[0]>>6); return; } /* check type */ - if (((*buf)&0x20) && !hc->pri) { + if (((*buf) & 0x20) && !hc->pri) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: packet error - received E1 packet " - "on S0 interface\n", __func__); + "on S0 interface\n", __func__); return; } - if (!((*buf)&0x20) && hc->pri) { + if (!((*buf) & 0x20) && hc->pri) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: packet error - received S0 packet " - "on E1 interface\n", __func__); + "on E1 interface\n", __func__); return; } /* get id flag */ - packet_id = (*buf>>4)&1; + packet_id = (*buf >> 4) & 1; /* check coding */ remotecodec = (*buf) & 0x0f; if (remotecodec > 3) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: packet error - remotecodec %d " - "unsupported\n", __func__, remotecodec); + "unsupported\n", __func__, remotecodec); return; } buf++; @@ -521,12 +521,12 @@ l1oip_socket_parse(struct l1oip *hc, struct sockaddr_in *sin, u8 *buf, int len) if (packet_id) { if (!hc->id) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: packet error - packet has id " - "0x%x, but we have not\n", __func__, packet_id); + "0x%x, but we have not\n", __func__, packet_id); return; } if (len < 4) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: packet error - packet too " - "short for ID value\n", __func__); + "short for ID value\n", __func__); return; } packet_id = (*buf++) << 24; @@ -537,14 +537,14 @@ l1oip_socket_parse(struct l1oip *hc, struct sockaddr_in *sin, u8 *buf, int len) if (packet_id != hc->id) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: packet error - ID mismatch, " - "got 0x%x, we 0x%x\n", - __func__, packet_id, hc->id); + "got 0x%x, we 0x%x\n", + __func__, packet_id, hc->id); return; } } else { if (hc->id) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: packet error - packet has no " - "ID, but we have\n", __func__); + "ID, but we have\n", __func__); return; } } @@ -552,13 +552,13 @@ l1oip_socket_parse(struct l1oip *hc, struct sockaddr_in *sin, u8 *buf, int len) multiframe: if (len < 1) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: packet error - packet too short, " - "channel expected at position %d.\n", - __func__, len-len_start+1); + "channel expected at position %d.\n", + __func__, len-len_start + 1); return; } /* get channel and multiframe flag */ - channel = *buf&0x7f; + channel = *buf & 0x7f; m = *buf >> 7; buf++; len--; @@ -567,8 +567,8 @@ l1oip_socket_parse(struct l1oip *hc, struct sockaddr_in *sin, u8 *buf, int len) if (m) { if (len < 1) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: packet error - packet too " - "short, length expected at position %d.\n", - __func__, len_start-len-1); + "short, length expected at position %d.\n", + __func__, len_start - len - 1); return; } @@ -576,26 +576,26 @@ l1oip_socket_parse(struct l1oip *hc, struct sockaddr_in *sin, u8 *buf, int len) len--; if (mlen == 0) mlen = 256; - if (len < mlen+3) { + if (len < mlen + 3) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: packet error - length %d at " - "position %d exceeds total length %d.\n", - __func__, mlen, len_start-len-1, len_start); + "position %d exceeds total length %d.\n", + __func__, mlen, len_start-len - 1, len_start); return; } - if (len == mlen+3) { + if (len == mlen + 3) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: packet error - length %d at " - "position %d will not allow additional " - "packet.\n", - __func__, mlen, len_start-len+1); + "position %d will not allow additional " + "packet.\n", + __func__, mlen, len_start-len + 1); return; } } else - mlen = len-2; /* single frame, subtract timebase */ + mlen = len - 2; /* single frame, subtract timebase */ if (len < 2) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: packet error - packet too short, time " - "base expected at position %d.\n", - __func__, len-len_start+1); + "base expected at position %d.\n", + __func__, len-len_start + 1); return; } @@ -606,12 +606,12 @@ l1oip_socket_parse(struct l1oip *hc, struct sockaddr_in *sin, u8 *buf, int len) /* if inactive, we send up a PH_ACTIVATE and activate */ if (!test_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags)) { - if (debug & (DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG|DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET)) + if (debug & (DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG | DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET)) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: interface become active due to " - "received packet\n", __func__); + "received packet\n", __func__); test_and_set_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, - NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); + NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); } /* distribute packet */ @@ -624,24 +624,24 @@ l1oip_socket_parse(struct l1oip *hc, struct sockaddr_in *sin, u8 *buf, int len) goto multiframe; /* restart timer */ - if ((int)(hc->timeout_tl.expires-jiffies) < 5*HZ || !hc->timeout_on) { + if ((int)(hc->timeout_tl.expires-jiffies) < 5 * HZ || !hc->timeout_on) { hc->timeout_on = 1; del_timer(&hc->timeout_tl); - hc->timeout_tl.expires = jiffies + L1OIP_TIMEOUT*HZ; + hc->timeout_tl.expires = jiffies + L1OIP_TIMEOUT * HZ; add_timer(&hc->timeout_tl); } else /* only adjust timer */ - hc->timeout_tl.expires = jiffies + L1OIP_TIMEOUT*HZ; + hc->timeout_tl.expires = jiffies + L1OIP_TIMEOUT * HZ; /* if ip or source port changes */ if ((hc->sin_remote.sin_addr.s_addr != sin->sin_addr.s_addr) - || (hc->sin_remote.sin_port != sin->sin_port)) { + || (hc->sin_remote.sin_port != sin->sin_port)) { if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: remote address changes from " - "0x%08x to 0x%08x (port %d to %d)\n", __func__, - ntohl(hc->sin_remote.sin_addr.s_addr), - ntohl(sin->sin_addr.s_addr), - ntohs(hc->sin_remote.sin_port), - ntohs(sin->sin_port)); + "0x%08x to 0x%08x (port %d to %d)\n", __func__, + ntohl(hc->sin_remote.sin_addr.s_addr), + ntohl(sin->sin_addr.s_addr), + ntohs(hc->sin_remote.sin_port), + ntohs(sin->sin_port)); hc->sin_remote.sin_addr.s_addr = sin->sin_addr.s_addr; hc->sin_remote.sin_port = sin->sin_port; } @@ -694,9 +694,9 @@ l1oip_socket_thread(void *data) /* bind to incomming port */ if (socket->ops->bind(socket, (struct sockaddr *)&hc->sin_local, - sizeof(hc->sin_local))) { + sizeof(hc->sin_local))) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Failed to bind socket to port %d.\n", - __func__, hc->localport); + __func__, hc->localport); ret = -EINVAL; goto fail; } @@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ l1oip_socket_thread(void *data) /* read loop */ if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: socket created and open\n", - __func__); + __func__); while (!signal_pending(current)) { struct kvec iov = { .iov_base = recvbuf, @@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ l1oip_socket_thread(void *data) } else { if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET) printk(KERN_WARNING - "%s: broken pipe on socket\n", __func__); + "%s: broken pipe on socket\n", __func__); } } @@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ l1oip_socket_thread(void *data) /* if hc->socket is NULL, it is in use until it is given back */ while (!hc->socket) { spin_unlock(&hc->socket_lock); - schedule_timeout(HZ/10); + schedule_timeout(HZ / 10); spin_lock(&hc->socket_lock); } hc->socket = NULL; @@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ l1oip_socket_thread(void *data) if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: socket thread terminating\n", - __func__); + __func__); fail: /* free recvbuf */ @@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ l1oip_socket_thread(void *data) if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: socket thread terminated\n", - __func__); + __func__); return ret; } @@ -787,19 +787,19 @@ l1oip_socket_close(struct l1oip *hc) if (hc->socket_thread) { if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: socket thread exists, " - "killing...\n", __func__); + "killing...\n", __func__); send_sig(SIGTERM, hc->socket_thread, 0); wait_for_completion(&hc->socket_complete); } /* if active, we send up a PH_DEACTIVATE and deactivate */ if (test_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags)) { - if (debug & (DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG|DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET)) + if (debug & (DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG | DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET)) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: interface become deactivated " - "due to timeout\n", __func__); + "due to timeout\n", __func__); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, PH_DEACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, - NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); + NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); } } @@ -813,11 +813,11 @@ l1oip_socket_open(struct l1oip *hc) /* create receive process */ hc->socket_thread = kthread_run(l1oip_socket_thread, hc, "l1oip_%s", - hc->name); + hc->name); if (IS_ERR(hc->socket_thread)) { int err = PTR_ERR(hc->socket_thread); printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Failed (%d) to create socket process.\n", - __func__, err); + __func__, err); hc->socket_thread = NULL; sock_release(hc->socket); return err; @@ -834,9 +834,9 @@ l1oip_send_bh(struct work_struct *work) { struct l1oip *hc = container_of(work, struct l1oip, workq); - if (debug & (DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG|DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET)) + if (debug & (DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG | DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET)) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: keepalive timer expired, sending empty " - "frame on dchannel\n", __func__); + "frame on dchannel\n", __func__); /* send an empty l1oip frame at D-channel */ l1oip_socket_send(hc, 0, hc->d_idx, 0, 0, NULL, 0); @@ -862,25 +862,25 @@ l1oip_timeout(void *data) if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: timeout timer expired, turn layer one " - "down.\n", __func__); + "down.\n", __func__); hc->timeout_on = 0; /* state that timer must be initialized next time */ /* if timeout, we send up a PH_DEACTIVATE and deactivate */ if (test_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags)) { - if (debug & (DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG|DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET)) + if (debug & (DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG | DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET)) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: interface become deactivated " - "due to timeout\n", __func__); + "due to timeout\n", __func__); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags); _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, PH_DEACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, - NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); + NULL, GFP_ATOMIC); } /* if we have ondemand set, we remove ip address */ if (hc->ondemand) { if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: on demand causes ip address to " - "be removed\n", __func__); + "be removed\n", __func__); hc->sin_remote.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; } } @@ -904,12 +904,12 @@ handle_dmsg(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) case PH_DATA_REQ: if (skb->len < 1) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: skb too small\n", - __func__); + __func__); break; } if (skb->len > MAX_DFRAME_LEN_L1 || skb->len > L1OIP_MAX_LEN) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: skb too large\n", - __func__); + __func__); break; } /* send frame */ @@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ handle_dmsg(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) while (l) { ll = (l < L1OIP_MAX_PERFRAME) ? l : L1OIP_MAX_PERFRAME; l1oip_socket_send(hc, 0, dch->slot, 0, - hc->chan[dch->slot].tx_counter++, p, ll); + hc->chan[dch->slot].tx_counter++, p, ll); p += ll; l -= ll; } @@ -926,9 +926,9 @@ handle_dmsg(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) queue_ch_frame(ch, PH_DATA_CNF, hh->id, skb); return 0; case PH_ACTIVATE_REQ: - if (debug & (DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG|DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET)) + if (debug & (DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG | DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET)) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: PH_ACTIVATE channel %d (1..%d)\n" - , __func__, dch->slot, hc->b_num+1); + , __func__, dch->slot, hc->b_num + 1); skb_trim(skb, 0); if (test_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags)) queue_ch_frame(ch, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, hh->id, skb); @@ -936,10 +936,10 @@ handle_dmsg(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) queue_ch_frame(ch, PH_DEACTIVATE_IND, hh->id, skb); return 0; case PH_DEACTIVATE_REQ: - if (debug & (DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG|DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET)) + if (debug & (DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG | DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET)) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: PH_DEACTIVATE channel %d " - "(1..%d)\n", __func__, dch->slot, - hc->b_num+1); + "(1..%d)\n", __func__, dch->slot, + hc->b_num + 1); skb_trim(skb, 0); if (test_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags)) queue_ch_frame(ch, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, hh->id, skb); @@ -971,26 +971,26 @@ channel_dctrl(struct dchannel *dch, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) hc->remoteport = hc->localport; if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: got new ip address from user " - "space.\n", __func__); + "space.\n", __func__); l1oip_socket_open(hc); break; case MISDN_CTRL_UNSETPEER: if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: removing ip address.\n", - __func__); + __func__); hc->remoteip = 0; l1oip_socket_open(hc); break; case MISDN_CTRL_GETPEER: if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: getting ip address.\n", - __func__); + __func__); cq->p1 = hc->remoteip; cq->p2 = hc->remoteport | (hc->localport << 16); break; default: printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: unknown Op %x\n", - __func__, cq->op); + __func__, cq->op); ret = -EINVAL; break; } @@ -1002,21 +1002,21 @@ open_dchannel(struct l1oip *hc, struct dchannel *dch, struct channel_req *rq) { if (debug & DEBUG_HW_OPEN) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: dev(%d) open from %p\n", __func__, - dch->dev.id, __builtin_return_address(0)); + dch->dev.id, __builtin_return_address(0)); if (rq->protocol == ISDN_P_NONE) return -EINVAL; if ((dch->dev.D.protocol != ISDN_P_NONE) && (dch->dev.D.protocol != rq->protocol)) { if (debug & DEBUG_HW_OPEN) printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: change protocol %x to %x\n", - __func__, dch->dev.D.protocol, rq->protocol); + __func__, dch->dev.D.protocol, rq->protocol); } if (dch->dev.D.protocol != rq->protocol) dch->dev.D.protocol = rq->protocol; if (test_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &dch->Flags)) { _queue_data(&dch->dev.D, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, MISDN_ID_ANY, - 0, NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + 0, NULL, GFP_KERNEL); } rq->ch = &dch->dev.D; if (!try_module_get(THIS_MODULE)) @@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@ open_bchannel(struct l1oip *hc, struct dchannel *dch, struct channel_req *rq) bch = hc->chan[ch].bch; if (!bch) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s:internal error ch %d has no bch\n", - __func__, ch); + __func__, ch); return -EINVAL; } if (test_and_set_bit(FLG_OPEN, &bch->Flags)) @@ -1061,7 +1061,7 @@ l1oip_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) if (dch->debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: cmd:%x %p\n", - __func__, cmd, arg); + __func__, cmd, arg); switch (cmd) { case OPEN_CHANNEL: rq = arg; @@ -1089,8 +1089,8 @@ l1oip_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) case CLOSE_CHANNEL: if (debug & DEBUG_HW_OPEN) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: dev(%d) close from %p\n", - __func__, dch->dev.id, - __builtin_return_address(0)); + __func__, dch->dev.id, + __builtin_return_address(0)); module_put(THIS_MODULE); break; case CONTROL_CHANNEL: @@ -1099,7 +1099,7 @@ l1oip_dctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) default: if (dch->debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: unknown command %x\n", - __func__, cmd); + __func__, cmd); err = -EINVAL; } return err; @@ -1112,48 +1112,38 @@ handle_bmsg(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) struct l1oip *hc = bch->hw; int ret = -EINVAL; struct mISDNhead *hh = mISDN_HEAD_P(skb); - int l, ll, i; + int l, ll; unsigned char *p; switch (hh->prim) { case PH_DATA_REQ: if (skb->len <= 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: skb too small\n", - __func__); + __func__); break; } if (skb->len > MAX_DFRAME_LEN_L1 || skb->len > L1OIP_MAX_LEN) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: skb too large\n", - __func__); + __func__); break; } /* check for AIS / ulaw-silence */ - p = skb->data; l = skb->len; - for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { - if (*p++ != 0xff) - break; - } - if (i == l) { + if (!memchr_inv(skb->data, 0xff, l)) { if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: got AIS, not sending, " - "but counting\n", __func__); + "but counting\n", __func__); hc->chan[bch->slot].tx_counter += l; skb_trim(skb, 0); queue_ch_frame(ch, PH_DATA_CNF, hh->id, skb); return 0; } /* check for silence */ - p = skb->data; l = skb->len; - for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { - if (*p++ != 0x2a) - break; - } - if (i == l) { + if (!memchr_inv(skb->data, 0x2a, l)) { if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: got silence, not sending" - ", but counting\n", __func__); + ", but counting\n", __func__); hc->chan[bch->slot].tx_counter += l; skb_trim(skb, 0); queue_ch_frame(ch, PH_DATA_CNF, hh->id, skb); @@ -1166,7 +1156,7 @@ handle_bmsg(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) while (l) { ll = (l < L1OIP_MAX_PERFRAME) ? l : L1OIP_MAX_PERFRAME; l1oip_socket_send(hc, hc->codec, bch->slot, 0, - hc->chan[bch->slot].tx_counter, p, ll); + hc->chan[bch->slot].tx_counter, p, ll); hc->chan[bch->slot].tx_counter += ll; p += ll; l -= ll; @@ -1175,19 +1165,19 @@ handle_bmsg(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) queue_ch_frame(ch, PH_DATA_CNF, hh->id, skb); return 0; case PH_ACTIVATE_REQ: - if (debug & (DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG|DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET)) + if (debug & (DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG | DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET)) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: PH_ACTIVATE channel %d (1..%d)\n" - , __func__, bch->slot, hc->b_num+1); + , __func__, bch->slot, hc->b_num + 1); hc->chan[bch->slot].codecstate = 0; test_and_set_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &bch->Flags); skb_trim(skb, 0); queue_ch_frame(ch, PH_ACTIVATE_IND, hh->id, skb); return 0; case PH_DEACTIVATE_REQ: - if (debug & (DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG|DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET)) + if (debug & (DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG | DEBUG_L1OIP_SOCKET)) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: PH_DEACTIVATE channel %d " - "(1..%d)\n", __func__, bch->slot, - hc->b_num+1); + "(1..%d)\n", __func__, bch->slot, + hc->b_num + 1); test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ACTIVE, &bch->Flags); skb_trim(skb, 0); queue_ch_frame(ch, PH_DEACTIVATE_IND, hh->id, skb); @@ -1212,14 +1202,14 @@ channel_bctrl(struct bchannel *bch, struct mISDN_ctrl_req *cq) case MISDN_CTRL_HW_FEATURES: /* fill features structure */ if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_MSG) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: HW_FEATURE request\n", - __func__); + __func__); /* create confirm */ features->unclocked = 1; features->unordered = 1; break; default: printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: unknown Op %x\n", - __func__, cq->op); + __func__, cq->op); ret = -EINVAL; break; } @@ -1234,7 +1224,7 @@ l1oip_bctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) if (bch->debug & DEBUG_HW) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: cmd:%x %p\n", - __func__, cmd, arg); + __func__, cmd, arg); switch (cmd) { case CLOSE_CHANNEL: test_and_clear_bit(FLG_OPEN, &bch->Flags); @@ -1249,7 +1239,7 @@ l1oip_bctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) break; default: printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: unknown prim(%x)\n", - __func__, cmd); + __func__, cmd); } return err; } @@ -1340,18 +1330,18 @@ init_card(struct l1oip *hc, int pri, int bundle) break; default: printk(KERN_ERR "Codec(%d) not supported.\n", - codec[l1oip_cnt]); + codec[l1oip_cnt]); return -EINVAL; } hc->codec = codec[l1oip_cnt]; if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: using codec %d\n", - __func__, hc->codec); + __func__, hc->codec); if (id[l1oip_cnt] == 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING "Warning: No 'id' value given or " - "0, this is highly unsecure. Please use 32 " - "bit randmom number 0x...\n"); + "0, this is highly unsecure. Please use 32 " + "bit randmom number 0x...\n"); } hc->id = id[l1oip_cnt]; if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_INIT) @@ -1360,7 +1350,7 @@ init_card(struct l1oip *hc, int pri, int bundle) hc->ondemand = ondemand[l1oip_cnt]; if (hc->ondemand && !hc->id) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: ondemand option only allowed in " - "conjunction with non 0 ID\n", __func__); + "conjunction with non 0 ID\n", __func__); return -EINVAL; } @@ -1368,37 +1358,37 @@ init_card(struct l1oip *hc, int pri, int bundle) hc->b_num = limit[l1oip_cnt]; if (!pri && hc->b_num > 2) { printk(KERN_ERR "Maximum limit for BRI interface is 2 " - "channels.\n"); + "channels.\n"); return -EINVAL; } if (pri && hc->b_num > 126) { printk(KERN_ERR "Maximum limit for PRI interface is 126 " - "channels.\n"); + "channels.\n"); return -EINVAL; } if (pri && hc->b_num > 30) { printk(KERN_WARNING "Maximum limit for BRI interface is 30 " - "channels.\n"); + "channels.\n"); printk(KERN_WARNING "Your selection of %d channels must be " - "supported by application.\n", hc->limit); + "supported by application.\n", hc->limit); } - hc->remoteip = ip[l1oip_cnt<<2] << 24 - | ip[(l1oip_cnt<<2)+1] << 16 - | ip[(l1oip_cnt<<2)+2] << 8 - | ip[(l1oip_cnt<<2)+3]; - hc->localport = port[l1oip_cnt]?:(L1OIP_DEFAULTPORT+l1oip_cnt); + hc->remoteip = ip[l1oip_cnt << 2] << 24 + | ip[(l1oip_cnt << 2) + 1] << 16 + | ip[(l1oip_cnt << 2) + 2] << 8 + | ip[(l1oip_cnt << 2) + 3]; + hc->localport = port[l1oip_cnt]?:(L1OIP_DEFAULTPORT + l1oip_cnt); if (remoteport[l1oip_cnt]) hc->remoteport = remoteport[l1oip_cnt]; else hc->remoteport = hc->localport; if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: using local port %d remote ip " - "%d.%d.%d.%d port %d ondemand %d\n", __func__, - hc->localport, hc->remoteip >> 24, - (hc->remoteip >> 16) & 0xff, - (hc->remoteip >> 8) & 0xff, hc->remoteip & 0xff, - hc->remoteport, hc->ondemand); + "%d.%d.%d.%d port %d ondemand %d\n", __func__, + hc->localport, hc->remoteip >> 24, + (hc->remoteip >> 16) & 0xff, + (hc->remoteip >> 8) & 0xff, hc->remoteip & 0xff, + hc->remoteport, hc->ondemand); dch = kzalloc(sizeof(struct dchannel), GFP_KERNEL); if (!dch) @@ -1411,7 +1401,7 @@ init_card(struct l1oip *hc, int pri, int bundle) else dch->dev.Dprotocols = (1 << ISDN_P_TE_S0) | (1 << ISDN_P_NT_S0); dch->dev.Bprotocols = (1 << (ISDN_P_B_RAW & ISDN_P_B_MASK)) | - (1 << (ISDN_P_B_HDLC & ISDN_P_B_MASK)); + (1 << (ISDN_P_B_HDLC & ISDN_P_B_MASK)); dch->dev.D.send = handle_dmsg; dch->dev.D.ctrl = l1oip_dctrl; dch->dev.nrbchan = hc->b_num; @@ -1424,7 +1414,7 @@ init_card(struct l1oip *hc, int pri, int bundle) bch = kzalloc(sizeof(struct bchannel), GFP_KERNEL); if (!bch) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: no memory for bchannel\n", - __func__); + __func__); return -ENOMEM; } bch->nr = i + ch; @@ -1447,7 +1437,7 @@ init_card(struct l1oip *hc, int pri, int bundle) if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Setting up network card(%d)\n", - __func__, l1oip_cnt + 1); + __func__, l1oip_cnt + 1); ret = l1oip_socket_open(hc); if (ret) return ret; @@ -1455,7 +1445,7 @@ init_card(struct l1oip *hc, int pri, int bundle) hc->keep_tl.function = (void *)l1oip_keepalive; hc->keep_tl.data = (ulong)hc; init_timer(&hc->keep_tl); - hc->keep_tl.expires = jiffies + 2*HZ; /* two seconds first time */ + hc->keep_tl.expires = jiffies + 2 * HZ; /* two seconds first time */ add_timer(&hc->keep_tl); hc->timeout_tl.function = (void *)l1oip_timeout; @@ -1474,7 +1464,7 @@ l1oip_init(void) int ret; printk(KERN_INFO "mISDN: Layer-1-over-IP driver Rev. %s\n", - l1oip_revision); + l1oip_revision); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&l1oip_ilist); spin_lock_init(&l1oip_lock); @@ -1503,16 +1493,16 @@ l1oip_init(void) break; default: printk(KERN_ERR "Card type(%d) not supported.\n", - type[l1oip_cnt] & 0xff); + type[l1oip_cnt] & 0xff); l1oip_cleanup(); return -EINVAL; } if (debug & DEBUG_L1OIP_INIT) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: interface %d is %s with %s.\n", - __func__, l1oip_cnt, pri ? "PRI" : "BRI", - bundle ? "bundled IP packet for all B-channels" : - "separate IP packets for every B-channel"); + __func__, l1oip_cnt, pri ? "PRI" : "BRI", + bundle ? "bundled IP packet for all B-channels" : + "separate IP packets for every B-channel"); hc = kzalloc(sizeof(struct l1oip), GFP_ATOMIC); if (!hc) { @@ -1540,4 +1530,3 @@ l1oip_init(void) module_init(l1oip_init); module_exit(l1oip_cleanup); - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/layer1.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/layer1.c index 5cc7c001c523e3e7c73730c4822fe317d7ca1ef4..0fc49b37551449802701dd8c027ee25912e1e559 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/layer1.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/layer1.c @@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ static u_int *debug; struct layer1 { - u_long Flags; - struct FsmInst l1m; - struct FsmTimer timer; - int delay; - struct dchannel *dch; - dchannel_l1callback *dcb; + u_long Flags; + struct FsmInst l1m; + struct FsmTimer timer; + int delay; + struct dchannel *dch; + dchannel_l1callback *dcb; }; #define TIMER3_VALUE 7000 @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ enum { ST_L1_F8, }; -#define L1S_STATE_COUNT (ST_L1_F8+1) +#define L1S_STATE_COUNT (ST_L1_F8 + 1) static char *strL1SState[] = { @@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ l1_event(struct layer1 *l1, u_int event) default: if (*debug & DEBUG_L1) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s %x unhandled\n", - __func__, event); + __func__, event); err = -EINVAL; } return err; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/layer1.h b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/layer1.h index 9c8125fd89af1b8eab6219e881262da905974aba..d1d332ced05f6bff715b360032a77e2fbccd668f 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/layer1.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/layer1.h @@ -23,4 +23,3 @@ #define FLG_L1_PULL_REQ 6 #define FLG_L1_UINT 7 #define FLG_L1_DBLOCKED 8 - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/layer2.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/layer2.c index 5bc00156315e431633b207734de440c135e7d854..39d7375fa551ea60a6888232b8a05b4068dbd60b 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/layer2.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/layer2.c @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ enum { EV_L2_FRAME_ERROR, }; -#define L2_EVENT_COUNT (EV_L2_FRAME_ERROR+1) +#define L2_EVENT_COUNT (EV_L2_FRAME_ERROR + 1) static char *strL2Event[] = { @@ -281,9 +281,9 @@ l2mgr(struct layer2 *l2, u_int prim, void *arg) { long c = (long)arg; printk(KERN_WARNING - "l2mgr: addr:%x prim %x %c\n", l2->id, prim, (char)c); + "l2mgr: addr:%x prim %x %c\n", l2->id, prim, (char)c); if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &l2->flag) && - !test_bit(FLG_FIXED_TEI, &l2->flag)) { + !test_bit(FLG_FIXED_TEI, &l2->flag)) { switch (c) { case 'C': case 'D': @@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ ReleaseWin(struct layer2 *l2) if (cnt) printk(KERN_WARNING - "isdnl2 freed %d skbuffs in release\n", cnt); + "isdnl2 freed %d skbuffs in release\n", cnt); } inline unsigned int @@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ inline int IsRNR(u_char *data, struct layer2 *l2) { return test_bit(FLG_MOD128, &l2->flag) ? - data[0] == RNR : (data[0] & 0xf) == RNR; + data[0] == RNR : (data[0] & 0xf) == RNR; } static int @@ -543,15 +543,15 @@ FRMR_error(struct layer2 *l2, struct sk_buff *skb) return 'N'; else if (*debug & DEBUG_L2) l2m_debug(&l2->l2m, - "FRMR information %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x", - datap[0], datap[1], datap[2], datap[3], datap[4]); + "FRMR information %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x", + datap[0], datap[1], datap[2], datap[3], datap[4]); } else { if (skb->len < headers + 3) return 'N'; else if (*debug & DEBUG_L2) l2m_debug(&l2->l2m, - "FRMR information %2x %2x %2x", - datap[0], datap[1], datap[2]); + "FRMR information %2x %2x %2x", + datap[0], datap[1], datap[2]); } return 0; } @@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ send_uframe(struct layer2 *l2, struct sk_buff *skb, u_char cmd, u_char cr) skb = mI_alloc_skb(i, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: can't alloc skbuff\n", - __func__); + __func__); return; } } @@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ l2_st5_dm_release(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) skb_queue_purge(&l2->i_queue); if (test_bit(FLG_LAPB, &l2->flag)) l2down_create(l2, PH_DEACTIVATE_REQ, - l2_newid(l2), 0, NULL); + l2_newid(l2), 0, NULL); st5_dl_release_l2l3(l2); mISDN_FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L2_4); if (l2->tm) @@ -1090,7 +1090,7 @@ enquiry_cr(struct layer2 *l2, u_char typ, u_char cr, u_char pf) skb = mI_alloc_skb(i, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "isdnl2 can't alloc sbbuff for enquiry_cr\n"); + "isdnl2 can't alloc sbbuff for enquiry_cr\n"); return; } memcpy(skb_put(skb, i), tmp, i); @@ -1149,8 +1149,8 @@ invoke_retransmission(struct layer2 *l2, unsigned int nr) skb_queue_head(&l2->i_queue, l2->windowar[p1]); else printk(KERN_WARNING - "%s: windowar[%d] is NULL\n", - __func__, p1); + "%s: windowar[%d] is NULL\n", + __func__, p1); l2->windowar[p1] = NULL; } mISDN_FsmEvent(&l2->l2m, EV_L2_ACK_PULL, NULL); @@ -1199,13 +1199,13 @@ l2_st7_got_super(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) invoke_retransmission(l2, nr); stop_t200(l2, 10); if (mISDN_FsmAddTimer(&l2->t203, l2->T203, - EV_L2_T203, NULL, 6)) + EV_L2_T203, NULL, 6)) l2m_debug(&l2->l2m, "Restart T203 ST7 REJ"); } else if ((nr == l2->vs) && (typ == RR)) { setva(l2, nr); stop_t200(l2, 11); mISDN_FsmRestartTimer(&l2->t203, l2->T203, - EV_L2_T203, NULL, 7); + EV_L2_T203, NULL, 7); } else if ((l2->va != nr) || (typ == RNR)) { setva(l2, nr); if (typ != RR) @@ -1303,7 +1303,7 @@ l2_got_iframe(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if (nr == l2->vs) { stop_t200(l2, 13); mISDN_FsmRestartTimer(&l2->t203, l2->T203, - EV_L2_T203, NULL, 7); + EV_L2_T203, NULL, 7); } else if (nr != l2->va) restart_t200(l2, 14); } @@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@ l2_st5_tout_200(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) struct layer2 *l2 = fi->userdata; if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &l2->flag) && - test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &l2->flag)) { + test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &l2->flag)) { mISDN_FsmAddTimer(&l2->t200, l2->T200, EV_L2_T200, NULL, 9); } else if (l2->rc == l2->N200) { mISDN_FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L2_4); @@ -1352,7 +1352,7 @@ l2_st5_tout_200(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) l2mgr(l2, MDL_ERROR_IND, (void *) 'G'); if (test_bit(FLG_LAPB, &l2->flag)) l2down_create(l2, PH_DEACTIVATE_REQ, - l2_newid(l2), 0, NULL); + l2_newid(l2), 0, NULL); st5_dl_release_l2l3(l2); if (l2->tm) l2_tei(l2, MDL_STATUS_DOWN_IND, 0); @@ -1360,7 +1360,7 @@ l2_st5_tout_200(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) l2->rc++; mISDN_FsmAddTimer(&l2->t200, l2->T200, EV_L2_T200, NULL, 9); send_uframe(l2, NULL, (test_bit(FLG_MOD128, &l2->flag) ? - SABME : SABM) | 0x10, CMD); + SABME : SABM) | 0x10, CMD); } } @@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@ l2_st6_tout_200(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) struct layer2 *l2 = fi->userdata; if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &l2->flag) && - test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &l2->flag)) { + test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &l2->flag)) { mISDN_FsmAddTimer(&l2->t200, l2->T200, EV_L2_T200, NULL, 9); } else if (l2->rc == l2->N200) { mISDN_FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L2_4); @@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ l2_st6_tout_200(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) } else { l2->rc++; mISDN_FsmAddTimer(&l2->t200, l2->T200, EV_L2_T200, - NULL, 9); + NULL, 9); send_uframe(l2, NULL, DISC | 0x10, CMD); } } @@ -1393,7 +1393,7 @@ l2_st7_tout_200(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) struct layer2 *l2 = fi->userdata; if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &l2->flag) && - test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &l2->flag)) { + test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &l2->flag)) { mISDN_FsmAddTimer(&l2->t200, l2->T200, EV_L2_T200, NULL, 9); return; } @@ -1410,7 +1410,7 @@ l2_st8_tout_200(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) struct layer2 *l2 = fi->userdata; if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &l2->flag) && - test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &l2->flag)) { + test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &l2->flag)) { mISDN_FsmAddTimer(&l2->t200, l2->T200, EV_L2_T200, NULL, 9); return; } @@ -1431,7 +1431,7 @@ l2_st7_tout_203(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) struct layer2 *l2 = fi->userdata; if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &l2->flag) && - test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &l2->flag)) { + test_bit(FLG_DCHAN_BUSY, &l2->flag)) { mISDN_FsmAddTimer(&l2->t203, l2->T203, EV_L2_T203, NULL, 9); return; } @@ -1462,7 +1462,7 @@ l2_pull_iqueue(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) p1 = (p1 + l2->sow) % l2->window; if (l2->windowar[p1]) { printk(KERN_WARNING "isdnl2 try overwrite ack queue entry %d\n", - p1); + p1); dev_kfree_skb(l2->windowar[p1]); } l2->windowar[p1] = skb; @@ -1482,7 +1482,7 @@ l2_pull_iqueue(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) memcpy(skb_push(nskb, i), header, i); else { printk(KERN_WARNING - "isdnl2 pull_iqueue skb header(%d/%d) too short\n", i, p1); + "isdnl2 pull_iqueue skb header(%d/%d) too short\n", i, p1); oskb = nskb; nskb = mI_alloc_skb(oskb->len + i, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!nskb) { @@ -1537,7 +1537,7 @@ l2_st8_got_super(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) } else { stop_t200(l2, 16); mISDN_FsmAddTimer(&l2->t203, l2->T203, - EV_L2_T203, NULL, 5); + EV_L2_T203, NULL, 5); setva(l2, nr); } invoke_retransmission(l2, nr); @@ -1858,7 +1858,7 @@ ph_data_indication(struct layer2 *l2, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) ptei = *datap++; if ((psapi & 1) || !(ptei & 1)) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "l2 D-channel frame wrong EA0/EA1\n"); + "l2 D-channel frame wrong EA0/EA1\n"); return ret; } psapi >>= 2; @@ -1867,7 +1867,7 @@ ph_data_indication(struct layer2 *l2, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) /* not our business */ if (*debug & DEBUG_L2) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: sapi %d/%d mismatch\n", - __func__, psapi, l2->sapi); + __func__, psapi, l2->sapi); dev_kfree_skb(skb); return 0; } @@ -1875,7 +1875,7 @@ ph_data_indication(struct layer2 *l2, struct mISDNhead *hh, struct sk_buff *skb) /* not our business */ if (*debug & DEBUG_L2) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: tei %d/%d mismatch\n", - __func__, ptei, l2->tei); + __func__, ptei, l2->tei); dev_kfree_skb(skb); return 0; } @@ -1927,11 +1927,11 @@ l2_send(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) { struct layer2 *l2 = container_of(ch, struct layer2, ch); struct mISDNhead *hh = mISDN_HEAD_P(skb); - int ret = -EINVAL; + int ret = -EINVAL; if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_RECV) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: prim(%x) id(%x) sapi(%d) tei(%d)\n", - __func__, hh->prim, hh->id, l2->sapi, l2->tei); + __func__, hh->prim, hh->id, l2->sapi, l2->tei); switch (hh->prim) { case PH_DATA_IND: ret = ph_data_indication(l2, hh, skb); @@ -1944,7 +1944,7 @@ l2_send(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) l2up_create(l2, MPH_ACTIVATE_IND, 0, NULL); if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_ESTAB_PEND, &l2->flag)) ret = mISDN_FsmEvent(&l2->l2m, - EV_L2_DL_ESTABLISH_REQ, skb); + EV_L2_DL_ESTABLISH_REQ, skb); break; case PH_DEACTIVATE_IND: test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_ACTIV, &l2->flag); @@ -1967,30 +1967,30 @@ l2_send(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) test_and_set_bit(FLG_ORIG, &l2->flag); if (test_bit(FLG_L1_ACTIV, &l2->flag)) { if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &l2->flag) || - test_bit(FLG_ORIG, &l2->flag)) + test_bit(FLG_ORIG, &l2->flag)) ret = mISDN_FsmEvent(&l2->l2m, - EV_L2_DL_ESTABLISH_REQ, skb); + EV_L2_DL_ESTABLISH_REQ, skb); } else { if (test_bit(FLG_LAPD, &l2->flag) || - test_bit(FLG_ORIG, &l2->flag)) { + test_bit(FLG_ORIG, &l2->flag)) { test_and_set_bit(FLG_ESTAB_PEND, - &l2->flag); + &l2->flag); } ret = l2down(l2, PH_ACTIVATE_REQ, l2_newid(l2), - skb); + skb); } break; case DL_RELEASE_REQ: if (test_bit(FLG_LAPB, &l2->flag)) l2down_create(l2, PH_DEACTIVATE_REQ, - l2_newid(l2), 0, NULL); + l2_newid(l2), 0, NULL); ret = mISDN_FsmEvent(&l2->l2m, EV_L2_DL_RELEASE_REQ, - skb); + skb); break; default: if (*debug & DEBUG_L2) l2m_debug(&l2->l2m, "l2 unknown pr %04x", - hh->prim); + hh->prim); } if (ret) { dev_kfree_skb(skb); @@ -2038,7 +2038,7 @@ release_l2(struct layer2 *l2) TEIrelease(l2); if (l2->ch.st) l2->ch.st->dev->D.ctrl(&l2->ch.st->dev->D, - CLOSE_CHANNEL, NULL); + CLOSE_CHANNEL, NULL); } kfree(l2); } @@ -2058,7 +2058,7 @@ l2_ctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) set_channel_address(&l2->ch, l2->sapi, l2->tei); info = DL_INFO_L2_CONNECT; l2up_create(l2, DL_INFORMATION_IND, - sizeof(info), &info); + sizeof(info), &info); } break; case CLOSE_CHANNEL: @@ -2072,7 +2072,7 @@ l2_ctrl(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int cmd, void *arg) struct layer2 * create_l2(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int protocol, u_long options, int tei, - int sapi) + int sapi) { struct layer2 *l2; struct channel_req rq; @@ -2151,7 +2151,7 @@ create_l2(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int protocol, u_long options, int tei, break; default: printk(KERN_ERR "layer2 create failed prt %x\n", - protocol); + protocol); kfree(l2); return NULL; } @@ -2162,8 +2162,8 @@ create_l2(struct mISDNchannel *ch, u_int protocol, u_long options, int tei, InitWin(l2); l2->l2m.fsm = &l2fsm; if (test_bit(FLG_LAPB, &l2->flag) || - test_bit(FLG_PTP, &l2->flag) || - test_bit(FLG_LAPD_NET, &l2->flag)) + test_bit(FLG_PTP, &l2->flag) || + test_bit(FLG_LAPD_NET, &l2->flag)) l2->l2m.state = ST_L2_4; else l2->l2m.state = ST_L2_1; @@ -2219,4 +2219,3 @@ Isdnl2_cleanup(void) TEIFree(); mISDN_FsmFree(&l2fsm); } - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/layer2.h b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/layer2.h index 9547fb3707a31f6ad60f1b051d6c22892de49029..fe68d94c1b7389cd4db8542462a44f127ef55792 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/layer2.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/layer2.h @@ -87,18 +87,18 @@ enum { ST_L2_8, }; -#define L2_STATE_COUNT (ST_L2_8+1) +#define L2_STATE_COUNT (ST_L2_8 + 1) extern struct layer2 *create_l2(struct mISDNchannel *, u_int, - u_long, int, int); + u_long, int, int); extern int tei_l2(struct layer2 *, u_int, u_long arg); /* from tei.c */ -extern int l2_tei(struct layer2 *, u_int, u_long arg); -extern void TEIrelease(struct layer2 *); -extern int TEIInit(u_int *); -extern void TEIFree(void); +extern int l2_tei(struct layer2 *, u_int, u_long arg); +extern void TEIrelease(struct layer2 *); +extern int TEIInit(u_int *); +extern void TEIFree(void); #define MAX_L2HEADER_LEN 4 diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/socket.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/socket.c index 738ea8dd0adfdd113134eff884dfd6c62cebc494..abe2d699b6f3aa751231697545f9a8204a2c5e5c 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/socket.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/socket.c @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ mISDN_sock_cmsg(struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, struct sk_buff *skb) static int mISDN_sock_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, - struct msghdr *msg, size_t len, int flags) + struct msghdr *msg, size_t len, int flags) { struct sk_buff *skb; struct sock *sk = sock->sk; @@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ mISDN_sock_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, if (*debug & DEBUG_SOCKET) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: len %d, flags %x ch.nr %d, proto %x\n", - __func__, (int)len, flags, _pms(sk)->ch.nr, - sk->sk_protocol); + __func__, (int)len, flags, _pms(sk)->ch.nr, + sk->sk_protocol); if (flags & (MSG_OOB)) return -EOPNOTSUPP; @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ mISDN_sock_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, } else { if (msg->msg_namelen) printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: too small namelen %d\n", - __func__, msg->msg_namelen); + __func__, msg->msg_namelen); msg->msg_namelen = 0; } @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ mISDN_sock_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, return -ENOSPC; } memcpy(skb_push(skb, MISDN_HEADER_LEN), mISDN_HEAD_P(skb), - MISDN_HEADER_LEN); + MISDN_HEADER_LEN); err = skb_copy_datagram_iovec(skb, 0, msg->msg_iov, copied); @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ mISDN_sock_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, static int mISDN_sock_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, - struct msghdr *msg, size_t len) + struct msghdr *msg, size_t len) { struct sock *sk = sock->sk; struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -188,13 +188,13 @@ mISDN_sock_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, if (*debug & DEBUG_SOCKET) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: len %d flags %x ch %d proto %x\n", - __func__, (int)len, msg->msg_flags, _pms(sk)->ch.nr, - sk->sk_protocol); + __func__, (int)len, msg->msg_flags, _pms(sk)->ch.nr, + sk->sk_protocol); if (msg->msg_flags & MSG_OOB) return -EOPNOTSUPP; - if (msg->msg_flags & ~(MSG_DONTWAIT|MSG_NOSIGNAL|MSG_ERRQUEUE)) + if (msg->msg_flags & ~(MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL | MSG_ERRQUEUE)) return -EINVAL; if (len < MISDN_HEADER_LEN) @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ mISDN_sock_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, if (*debug & DEBUG_SOCKET) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: ID:%x\n", - __func__, mISDN_HEAD_ID(skb)); + __func__, mISDN_HEAD_ID(skb)); err = -ENODEV; if (!_pms(sk)->ch.peer) @@ -312,16 +312,16 @@ data_sock_ioctl_bound(struct sock *sk, unsigned int cmd, void __user *p) } if ((sk->sk_protocol & ~ISDN_P_B_MASK) == ISDN_P_B_START) { list_for_each_entry_safe(bchan, next, - &_pms(sk)->dev->bchannels, list) { + &_pms(sk)->dev->bchannels, list) { if (bchan->nr == cq.channel) { err = bchan->ctrl(bchan, - CONTROL_CHANNEL, &cq); + CONTROL_CHANNEL, &cq); break; } } } else err = _pms(sk)->dev->D.ctrl(&_pms(sk)->dev->D, - CONTROL_CHANNEL, &cq); + CONTROL_CHANNEL, &cq); if (err) break; if (copy_to_user(p, &cq, sizeof(cq))) @@ -338,11 +338,11 @@ data_sock_ioctl_bound(struct sock *sk, unsigned int cmd, void __user *p) break; } err = _pms(sk)->dev->teimgr->ctrl(_pms(sk)->dev->teimgr, - CONTROL_CHANNEL, val); + CONTROL_CHANNEL, val); break; case IMHOLD_L1: if (sk->sk_protocol != ISDN_P_LAPD_NT - && sk->sk_protocol != ISDN_P_LAPD_TE) { + && sk->sk_protocol != ISDN_P_LAPD_TE) { err = -EINVAL; break; } @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ data_sock_ioctl_bound(struct sock *sk, unsigned int cmd, void __user *p) break; } err = _pms(sk)->dev->teimgr->ctrl(_pms(sk)->dev->teimgr, - CONTROL_CHANNEL, val); + CONTROL_CHANNEL, val); break; default: err = -EINVAL; @@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ data_sock_ioctl_bound(struct sock *sk, unsigned int cmd, void __user *p) static int data_sock_ioctl(struct socket *sock, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { - int err = 0, id; + int err = 0, id; struct sock *sk = sock->sk; struct mISDNdevice *dev; struct mISDNversion ver; @@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ data_sock_ioctl(struct socket *sock, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) di.Bprotocols = dev->Bprotocols | get_all_Bprotocols(); di.protocol = dev->D.protocol; memcpy(di.channelmap, dev->channelmap, - sizeof(di.channelmap)); + sizeof(di.channelmap)); di.nrbchan = dev->nrbchan; strcpy(di.name, dev_name(&dev->dev)); if (copy_to_user((void __user *)arg, &di, sizeof(di))) @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ data_sock_ioctl(struct socket *sock, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) default: if (sk->sk_state == MISDN_BOUND) err = data_sock_ioctl_bound(sk, cmd, - (void __user *)arg); + (void __user *)arg); else err = -ENOTCONN; } @@ -418,14 +418,14 @@ data_sock_ioctl(struct socket *sock, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) } static int data_sock_setsockopt(struct socket *sock, int level, int optname, - char __user *optval, unsigned int len) + char __user *optval, unsigned int len) { struct sock *sk = sock->sk; int err = 0, opt = 0; if (*debug & DEBUG_SOCKET) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s(%p, %d, %x, %p, %d)\n", __func__, sock, - level, optname, optval, len); + level, optname, optval, len); lock_sock(sk); @@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ static int data_sock_setsockopt(struct socket *sock, int level, int optname, } static int data_sock_getsockopt(struct socket *sock, int level, int optname, - char __user *optval, int __user *optlen) + char __user *optval, int __user *optlen) { struct sock *sk = sock->sk; int len, opt; @@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ data_sock_bind(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *addr, int addr_len) if (csk->sk_protocol >= ISDN_P_B_START) continue; if (IS_ISDN_P_TE(csk->sk_protocol) - == IS_ISDN_P_TE(sk->sk_protocol)) + == IS_ISDN_P_TE(sk->sk_protocol)) continue; read_unlock_bh(&data_sockets.lock); err = -EBUSY; @@ -535,14 +535,14 @@ data_sock_bind(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *addr, int addr_len) case ISDN_P_NT_E1: mISDN_sock_unlink(&data_sockets, sk); err = connect_layer1(_pms(sk)->dev, &_pms(sk)->ch, - sk->sk_protocol, maddr); + sk->sk_protocol, maddr); if (err) mISDN_sock_link(&data_sockets, sk); break; case ISDN_P_LAPD_TE: case ISDN_P_LAPD_NT: err = create_l2entity(_pms(sk)->dev, &_pms(sk)->ch, - sk->sk_protocol, maddr); + sk->sk_protocol, maddr); break; case ISDN_P_B_RAW: case ISDN_P_B_HDLC: @@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ data_sock_bind(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *addr, int addr_len) case ISDN_P_B_L2DSP: case ISDN_P_B_L2DSPHDLC: err = connect_Bstack(_pms(sk)->dev, &_pms(sk)->ch, - sk->sk_protocol, maddr); + sk->sk_protocol, maddr); break; default: err = -EPROTONOSUPPORT; @@ -568,9 +568,9 @@ data_sock_bind(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *addr, int addr_len) static int data_sock_getname(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *addr, - int *addr_len, int peer) + int *addr_len, int peer) { - struct sockaddr_mISDN *maddr = (struct sockaddr_mISDN *) addr; + struct sockaddr_mISDN *maddr = (struct sockaddr_mISDN *) addr; struct sock *sk = sock->sk; if (!_pms(sk)->dev) @@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ base_sock_release(struct socket *sock) static int base_sock_ioctl(struct socket *sock, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { - int err = 0, id; + int err = 0, id; struct mISDNdevice *dev; struct mISDNversion ver; @@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ base_sock_ioctl(struct socket *sock, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) di.Bprotocols = dev->Bprotocols | get_all_Bprotocols(); di.protocol = dev->D.protocol; memcpy(di.channelmap, dev->channelmap, - sizeof(di.channelmap)); + sizeof(di.channelmap)); di.nrbchan = dev->nrbchan; strcpy(di.name, dev_name(&dev->dev)); if (copy_to_user((void __user *)arg, &di, sizeof(di))) @@ -692,20 +692,20 @@ base_sock_ioctl(struct socket *sock, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) err = -ENODEV; break; case IMSETDEVNAME: - { - struct mISDN_devrename dn; - if (copy_from_user(&dn, (void __user *)arg, - sizeof(dn))) { - err = -EFAULT; - break; - } - dev = get_mdevice(dn.id); - if (dev) - err = device_rename(&dev->dev, dn.name); - else - err = -ENODEV; + { + struct mISDN_devrename dn; + if (copy_from_user(&dn, (void __user *)arg, + sizeof(dn))) { + err = -EFAULT; + break; } - break; + dev = get_mdevice(dn.id); + if (dev) + err = device_rename(&dev->dev, dn.name); + else + err = -ENODEV; + } + break; default: err = -EINVAL; } @@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ mISDN_sock_create(struct net *net, struct socket *sock, int proto, int kern) { int err = -EPROTONOSUPPORT; - switch (proto) { + switch (proto) { case ISDN_P_BASE: err = base_sock_create(net, sock, proto); break; @@ -838,4 +838,3 @@ misdn_sock_cleanup(void) { sock_unregister(PF_ISDN); } - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/stack.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/stack.c index a5b632e6755264bb33205f55cb62fc85a1f42b43..1a0ae4445ff2b47c4202359e6bba0b0f5bf8f336 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/stack.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/stack.c @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ _queue_message(struct mISDNstack *st, struct sk_buff *skb) if (*debug & DEBUG_QUEUE_FUNC) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s prim(%x) id(%x) %p\n", - __func__, hh->prim, hh->id, skb); + __func__, hh->prim, hh->id, skb); skb_queue_tail(&st->msgq, skb); if (likely(!test_bit(mISDN_STACK_STOPPED, &st->status))) { test_and_set_bit(mISDN_STACK_WORK, &st->status); @@ -109,15 +109,15 @@ send_layer2(struct mISDNstack *st, struct sk_buff *skb) if (ret) { if (*debug & DEBUG_SEND_ERR) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s ch%d prim(%x) addr(%x)" - " err %d\n", - __func__, ch->nr, - hh->prim, ch->addr, ret); + "%s ch%d prim(%x) addr(%x)" + " err %d\n", + __func__, ch->nr, + hh->prim, ch->addr, ret); dev_kfree_skb(cskb); } } else { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s ch%d addr %x no mem\n", - __func__, ch->nr, ch->addr); + __func__, ch->nr, ch->addr); goto out; } } @@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ send_layer2(struct mISDNstack *st, struct sk_buff *skb) skb = NULL; else if (*debug & DEBUG_SEND_ERR) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s ch%d mgr prim(%x) addr(%x) err %d\n", - __func__, ch->nr, hh->prim, ch->addr, ret); + "%s ch%d mgr prim(%x) addr(%x) err %d\n", + __func__, ch->nr, hh->prim, ch->addr, ret); } out: mutex_unlock(&st->lmutex); @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ send_msg_to_layer(struct mISDNstack *st, struct sk_buff *skb) lm = hh->prim & MISDN_LAYERMASK; if (*debug & DEBUG_QUEUE_FUNC) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s prim(%x) id(%x) %p\n", - __func__, hh->prim, hh->id, skb); + __func__, hh->prim, hh->id, skb); if (lm == 0x1) { if (!hlist_empty(&st->l1sock.head)) { __net_timestamp(skb); @@ -172,9 +172,9 @@ send_msg_to_layer(struct mISDNstack *st, struct sk_buff *skb) return ch->send(ch, skb); else printk(KERN_WARNING - "%s: dev(%s) prim(%x) id(%x) no channel\n", - __func__, dev_name(&st->dev->dev), hh->prim, - hh->id); + "%s: dev(%s) prim(%x) id(%x) no channel\n", + __func__, dev_name(&st->dev->dev), hh->prim, + hh->id); } else if (lm == 0x8) { WARN_ON(lm == 0x8); ch = get_channel4id(st, hh->id); @@ -182,13 +182,13 @@ send_msg_to_layer(struct mISDNstack *st, struct sk_buff *skb) return ch->send(ch, skb); else printk(KERN_WARNING - "%s: dev(%s) prim(%x) id(%x) no channel\n", - __func__, dev_name(&st->dev->dev), hh->prim, - hh->id); + "%s: dev(%s) prim(%x) id(%x) no channel\n", + __func__, dev_name(&st->dev->dev), hh->prim, + hh->id); } else { /* broadcast not handled yet */ printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: dev(%s) prim %x not delivered\n", - __func__, dev_name(&st->dev->dev), hh->prim); + __func__, dev_name(&st->dev->dev), hh->prim); } return -ESRCH; } @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ mISDNStackd(void *data) sigfillset(¤t->blocked); if (*debug & DEBUG_MSG_THREAD) printk(KERN_DEBUG "mISDNStackd %s started\n", - dev_name(&st->dev->dev)); + dev_name(&st->dev->dev)); if (st->notify != NULL) { complete(st->notify); @@ -226,13 +226,13 @@ mISDNStackd(void *data) skb = skb_dequeue(&st->msgq); if (!skb) { test_and_clear_bit(mISDN_STACK_WORK, - &st->status); + &st->status); /* test if a race happens */ skb = skb_dequeue(&st->msgq); if (!skb) continue; test_and_set_bit(mISDN_STACK_WORK, - &st->status); + &st->status); } #ifdef MISDN_MSG_STATS st->msg_cnt++; @@ -241,20 +241,20 @@ mISDNStackd(void *data) if (unlikely(err)) { if (*debug & DEBUG_SEND_ERR) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: %s prim(%x) id(%x) " - "send call(%d)\n", - __func__, dev_name(&st->dev->dev), - mISDN_HEAD_PRIM(skb), - mISDN_HEAD_ID(skb), err); + "%s: %s prim(%x) id(%x) " + "send call(%d)\n", + __func__, dev_name(&st->dev->dev), + mISDN_HEAD_PRIM(skb), + mISDN_HEAD_ID(skb), err); dev_kfree_skb(skb); continue; } if (unlikely(test_bit(mISDN_STACK_STOPPED, - &st->status))) { + &st->status))) { test_and_clear_bit(mISDN_STACK_WORK, - &st->status); + &st->status); test_and_clear_bit(mISDN_STACK_RUNNING, - &st->status); + &st->status); break; } } @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ mISDNStackd(void *data) test_and_set_bit(mISDN_STACK_RUNNING, &st->status); if (!skb_queue_empty(&st->msgq)) test_and_set_bit(mISDN_STACK_WORK, - &st->status); + &st->status); } if (test_bit(mISDN_STACK_ABORT, &st->status)) break; @@ -283,10 +283,10 @@ mISDNStackd(void *data) #endif test_and_clear_bit(mISDN_STACK_ACTIVE, &st->status); wait_event_interruptible(st->workq, (st->status & - mISDN_STACK_ACTION_MASK)); + mISDN_STACK_ACTION_MASK)); if (*debug & DEBUG_MSG_THREAD) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s wake status %08lx\n", - __func__, dev_name(&st->dev->dev), st->status); + __func__, dev_name(&st->dev->dev), st->status); test_and_set_bit(mISDN_STACK_ACTIVE, &st->status); test_and_clear_bit(mISDN_STACK_WAKEUP, &st->status); @@ -300,17 +300,17 @@ mISDNStackd(void *data) } #ifdef MISDN_MSG_STATS printk(KERN_DEBUG "mISDNStackd daemon for %s proceed %d " - "msg %d sleep %d stopped\n", - dev_name(&st->dev->dev), st->msg_cnt, st->sleep_cnt, - st->stopped_cnt); + "msg %d sleep %d stopped\n", + dev_name(&st->dev->dev), st->msg_cnt, st->sleep_cnt, + st->stopped_cnt); printk(KERN_DEBUG - "mISDNStackd daemon for %s utime(%ld) stime(%ld)\n", - dev_name(&st->dev->dev), st->thread->utime, st->thread->stime); + "mISDNStackd daemon for %s utime(%ld) stime(%ld)\n", + dev_name(&st->dev->dev), st->thread->utime, st->thread->stime); printk(KERN_DEBUG - "mISDNStackd daemon for %s nvcsw(%ld) nivcsw(%ld)\n", - dev_name(&st->dev->dev), st->thread->nvcsw, st->thread->nivcsw); + "mISDNStackd daemon for %s nvcsw(%ld) nivcsw(%ld)\n", + dev_name(&st->dev->dev), st->thread->nvcsw, st->thread->nivcsw); printk(KERN_DEBUG "mISDNStackd daemon for %s killed now\n", - dev_name(&st->dev->dev)); + dev_name(&st->dev->dev)); #endif test_and_set_bit(mISDN_STACK_KILLED, &st->status); test_and_clear_bit(mISDN_STACK_RUNNING, &st->status); @@ -401,15 +401,15 @@ create_stack(struct mISDNdevice *dev) newst->own.recv = mISDN_queue_message; if (*debug & DEBUG_CORE_FUNC) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: st(%s)\n", __func__, - dev_name(&newst->dev->dev)); + dev_name(&newst->dev->dev)); newst->notify = &done; newst->thread = kthread_run(mISDNStackd, (void *)newst, "mISDN_%s", - dev_name(&newst->dev->dev)); + dev_name(&newst->dev->dev)); if (IS_ERR(newst->thread)) { err = PTR_ERR(newst->thread); printk(KERN_ERR - "mISDN:cannot create kernel thread for %s (%d)\n", - dev_name(&newst->dev->dev), err); + "mISDN:cannot create kernel thread for %s (%d)\n", + dev_name(&newst->dev->dev), err); delete_teimanager(dev->teimgr); kfree(newst); } else @@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ create_stack(struct mISDNdevice *dev) int connect_layer1(struct mISDNdevice *dev, struct mISDNchannel *ch, - u_int protocol, struct sockaddr_mISDN *adr) + u_int protocol, struct sockaddr_mISDN *adr) { struct mISDN_sock *msk = container_of(ch, struct mISDN_sock, ch); struct channel_req rq; @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ connect_layer1(struct mISDNdevice *dev, struct mISDNchannel *ch, if (*debug & DEBUG_CORE_FUNC) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s proto(%x) adr(%d %d %d %d)\n", - __func__, dev_name(&dev->dev), protocol, adr->dev, - adr->channel, adr->sapi, adr->tei); + __func__, dev_name(&dev->dev), protocol, adr->dev, + adr->channel, adr->sapi, adr->tei); switch (protocol) { case ISDN_P_NT_S0: case ISDN_P_NT_E1: @@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ connect_layer1(struct mISDNdevice *dev, struct mISDNchannel *ch, rq.adr.channel = adr->channel; err = dev->D.ctrl(&dev->D, OPEN_CHANNEL, &rq); printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: ret %d (dev %d)\n", __func__, err, - dev->id); + dev->id); if (err) return err; write_lock_bh(&dev->D.st->l1sock.lock); @@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ connect_layer1(struct mISDNdevice *dev, struct mISDNchannel *ch, int connect_Bstack(struct mISDNdevice *dev, struct mISDNchannel *ch, - u_int protocol, struct sockaddr_mISDN *adr) + u_int protocol, struct sockaddr_mISDN *adr) { struct channel_req rq, rq2; int pmask, err; @@ -465,9 +465,9 @@ connect_Bstack(struct mISDNdevice *dev, struct mISDNchannel *ch, if (*debug & DEBUG_CORE_FUNC) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s proto(%x) adr(%d %d %d %d)\n", - __func__, dev_name(&dev->dev), protocol, - adr->dev, adr->channel, adr->sapi, - adr->tei); + __func__, dev_name(&dev->dev), protocol, + adr->dev, adr->channel, adr->sapi, + adr->tei); ch->st = dev->D.st; pmask = 1 << (protocol & ISDN_P_B_MASK); if (pmask & dev->Bprotocols) { @@ -514,16 +514,16 @@ connect_Bstack(struct mISDNdevice *dev, struct mISDNchannel *ch, int create_l2entity(struct mISDNdevice *dev, struct mISDNchannel *ch, - u_int protocol, struct sockaddr_mISDN *adr) + u_int protocol, struct sockaddr_mISDN *adr) { struct channel_req rq; int err; if (*debug & DEBUG_CORE_FUNC) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s proto(%x) adr(%d %d %d %d)\n", - __func__, dev_name(&dev->dev), protocol, - adr->dev, adr->channel, adr->sapi, - adr->tei); + __func__, dev_name(&dev->dev), protocol, + adr->dev, adr->channel, adr->sapi, + adr->tei); rq.protocol = ISDN_P_TE_S0; if (dev->Dprotocols & (1 << ISDN_P_TE_E1)) rq.protocol = ISDN_P_TE_E1; @@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ delete_channel(struct mISDNchannel *ch) } if (*debug & DEBUG_CORE_FUNC) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: st(%s) protocol(%x)\n", __func__, - dev_name(&ch->st->dev->dev), ch->protocol); + dev_name(&ch->st->dev->dev), ch->protocol); if (ch->protocol >= ISDN_P_B_START) { if (ch->peer) { ch->peer->ctrl(ch->peer, CLOSE_CHANNEL, NULL); @@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ delete_channel(struct mISDNchannel *ch) pch->ctrl(pch, CLOSE_CHANNEL, NULL); } else printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: no l2 channel\n", - __func__); + __func__); break; case ISDN_P_LAPD_NT: pch = ch->st->dev->teimgr; @@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ delete_channel(struct mISDNchannel *ch) pch->ctrl(pch, CLOSE_CHANNEL, NULL); } else printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: no l2 channel\n", - __func__); + __func__); break; default: break; @@ -626,14 +626,14 @@ delete_stack(struct mISDNdevice *dev) if (*debug & DEBUG_CORE_FUNC) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: st(%s)\n", __func__, - dev_name(&st->dev->dev)); + dev_name(&st->dev->dev)); if (dev->teimgr) delete_teimanager(dev->teimgr); if (st->thread) { if (st->notify) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: notifier in use\n", - __func__); - complete(st->notify); + __func__); + complete(st->notify); } st->notify = &done; test_and_set_bit(mISDN_STACK_ABORT, &st->status); @@ -643,10 +643,10 @@ delete_stack(struct mISDNdevice *dev) } if (!list_empty(&st->layer2)) printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: layer2 list not empty\n", - __func__); + __func__); if (!hlist_empty(&st->l1sock.head)) printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: layer1 list not empty\n", - __func__); + __func__); kfree(st); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/tei.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/tei.c index 687c9b6264ab027fee9d1ed355239711236f34be..ba2bc0c776e29f50dde8f20f4cd8252275c84c8c 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/tei.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/tei.c @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ #define DATIMER_VAL 10000 -static u_int *debug; +static u_int *debug; static struct Fsm deactfsm = {NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}; static struct Fsm teifsmu = {NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}; @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ enum { ST_L1_DEACT_PENDING, ST_L1_ACTIV, }; -#define DEACT_STATE_COUNT (ST_L1_ACTIV+1) +#define DEACT_STATE_COUNT (ST_L1_ACTIV + 1) static char *strDeactState[] = { @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ enum { EV_DATIMER, }; -#define DEACT_EVENT_COUNT (EV_DATIMER+1) +#define DEACT_EVENT_COUNT (EV_DATIMER + 1) static char *strDeactEvent[] = { @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ da_deactivate(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) /* All TEI are inactiv */ if (!test_bit(OPTION_L1_HOLD, &mgr->options)) { mISDN_FsmAddTimer(&mgr->datimer, DATIMER_VAL, EV_DATIMER, - NULL, 1); + NULL, 1); mISDN_FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L1_DEACT_PENDING); } } @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ da_ui(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if (!test_bit(OPTION_L1_HOLD, &mgr->options)) { mISDN_FsmDelTimer(&mgr->datimer, 2); mISDN_FsmAddTimer(&mgr->datimer, DATIMER_VAL, EV_DATIMER, - NULL, 2); + NULL, 2); } } @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ da_timer(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) /* All TEI are inactiv */ mISDN_FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L1_DEACT); _queue_data(&mgr->ch, PH_DEACTIVATE_REQ, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, NULL, - GFP_ATOMIC); + GFP_ATOMIC); } static struct FsmNode DeactFnList[] = @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ enum { ST_TEI_IDVERIFY, }; -#define TEI_STATE_COUNT (ST_TEI_IDVERIFY+1) +#define TEI_STATE_COUNT (ST_TEI_IDVERIFY + 1) static char *strTeiState[] = { @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ enum { EV_TIMER, }; -#define TEI_EVENT_COUNT (EV_TIMER+1) +#define TEI_EVENT_COUNT (EV_TIMER + 1) static char *strTeiEvent[] = { @@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ get_free_id(struct manager *mgr) list_for_each_entry(l2, &mgr->layer2, list) { if (l2->ch.nr > 63) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "%s: more as 63 layer2 for one device\n", - __func__); + "%s: more as 63 layer2 for one device\n", + __func__); return -EBUSY; } test_and_set_bit(l2->ch.nr, (u_long *)&ids); @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ get_free_id(struct manager *mgr) if (!test_bit(i, (u_long *)&ids)) return i; printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: more as 63 layer2 for one device\n", - __func__); + __func__); return -EBUSY; } @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ get_free_tei(struct manager *mgr) if (!test_bit(i, (u_long *)&ids)) return i + 64; printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: more as 63 dynamic tei for one device\n", - __func__); + __func__); return -1; } @@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ mgr_send_down(struct manager *mgr, struct sk_buff *skb) skb_queue_tail(&mgr->sendq, skb); if (!test_bit(MGR_PH_ACTIVE, &mgr->options)) { _queue_data(&mgr->ch, PH_ACTIVATE_REQ, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, - NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + NULL, GFP_KERNEL); } else { do_send(mgr); } @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ dl_unit_data(struct manager *mgr, struct sk_buff *skb) return -EINVAL; if (!test_bit(MGR_PH_ACTIVE, &mgr->options)) _queue_data(&mgr->ch, PH_ACTIVATE_REQ, MISDN_ID_ANY, 0, - NULL, GFP_KERNEL); + NULL, GFP_KERNEL); skb_push(skb, 3); skb->data[0] = 0x02; /* SAPI 0 C/R = 1 */ skb->data[1] = 0xff; /* TEI 127 */ @@ -468,14 +468,14 @@ tei_id_request(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if (tm->l2->tei != GROUP_TEI) { tm->tei_m.printdebug(&tm->tei_m, - "assign request for already assigned tei %d", - tm->l2->tei); + "assign request for already assigned tei %d", + tm->l2->tei); return; } tm->ri = random_ri(); if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_TEI) tm->tei_m.printdebug(&tm->tei_m, - "assign request ri %d", tm->ri); + "assign request ri %d", tm->ri); put_tei_msg(tm->mgr, ID_REQUEST, tm->ri, GROUP_TEI); mISDN_FsmChangeState(fi, ST_TEI_IDREQ); mISDN_FsmAddTimer(&tm->timer, tm->tval, EV_TIMER, NULL, 1); @@ -496,12 +496,12 @@ tei_id_assign(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) tei = *dp >> 1; if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_TEI) tm->tei_m.printdebug(fi, "identity assign ri %d tei %d", - ri, tei); + ri, tei); l2 = findtei(tm->mgr, tei); if (l2) { /* same tei is in use */ if (ri != l2->tm->ri) { tm->tei_m.printdebug(fi, - "possible duplicate assignment tei %d", tei); + "possible duplicate assignment tei %d", tei); tei_l2(l2, MDL_ERROR_RSP, 0); } } else if (ri == tm->ri) { @@ -525,12 +525,12 @@ tei_id_test_dup(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) tei = *dp >> 1; if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_TEI) tm->tei_m.printdebug(fi, "foreign identity assign ri %d tei %d", - ri, tei); + ri, tei); l2 = findtei(tm->mgr, tei); if (l2) { /* same tei is in use */ if (ri != l2->tm->ri) { /* and it wasn't our request */ tm->tei_m.printdebug(fi, - "possible duplicate assignment tei %d", tei); + "possible duplicate assignment tei %d", tei); mISDN_FsmEvent(&l2->tm->tei_m, EV_VERIFY, NULL); } } @@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ tei_id_denied(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) tei = *dp >> 1; if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_TEI) tm->tei_m.printdebug(fi, "identity denied ri %d tei %d", - ri, tei); + ri, tei); } static void @@ -559,11 +559,11 @@ tei_id_chk_req(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) u_char *dp = arg; int tei; - tei = *(dp+3) >> 1; + tei = *(dp + 3) >> 1; if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_TEI) tm->tei_m.printdebug(fi, "identity check req tei %d", tei); if ((tm->l2->tei != GROUP_TEI) && ((tei == GROUP_TEI) || - (tei == tm->l2->tei))) { + (tei == tm->l2->tei))) { mISDN_FsmDelTimer(&tm->timer, 4); mISDN_FsmChangeState(&tm->tei_m, ST_TEI_NOP); put_tei_msg(tm->mgr, ID_CHK_RES, random_ri(), tm->l2->tei); @@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ tei_id_remove(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) u_char *dp = arg; int tei; - tei = *(dp+3) >> 1; + tei = *(dp + 3) >> 1; if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_TEI) tm->tei_m.printdebug(fi, "identity remove tei %d", tei); if ((tm->l2->tei != GROUP_TEI) && @@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ tei_id_verify(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_TEI) tm->tei_m.printdebug(fi, "id verify request for tei %d", - tm->l2->tei); + tm->l2->tei); put_tei_msg(tm->mgr, ID_VERIFY, 0, tm->l2->tei); mISDN_FsmChangeState(&tm->tei_m, ST_TEI_IDVERIFY); mISDN_FsmAddTimer(&tm->timer, tm->tval, EV_TIMER, NULL, 2); @@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ tei_id_req_tout(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) tm->ri = random_ri(); if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_TEI) tm->tei_m.printdebug(fi, "assign req(%d) ri %d", - 4 - tm->nval, tm->ri); + 4 - tm->nval, tm->ri); put_tei_msg(tm->mgr, ID_REQUEST, tm->ri, GROUP_TEI); mISDN_FsmAddTimer(&tm->timer, tm->tval, EV_TIMER, NULL, 3); } else { @@ -629,13 +629,13 @@ tei_id_ver_tout(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if (--tm->nval) { if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_TEI) tm->tei_m.printdebug(fi, - "id verify req(%d) for tei %d", - 3 - tm->nval, tm->l2->tei); + "id verify req(%d) for tei %d", + 3 - tm->nval, tm->l2->tei); put_tei_msg(tm->mgr, ID_VERIFY, 0, tm->l2->tei); mISDN_FsmAddTimer(&tm->timer, tm->tval, EV_TIMER, NULL, 4); } else { tm->tei_m.printdebug(fi, "verify req for tei %d failed", - tm->l2->tei); + tm->l2->tei); tei_l2(tm->l2, MDL_REMOVE_REQ, 0); mISDN_FsmChangeState(fi, ST_TEI_NOP); } @@ -673,14 +673,14 @@ tei_assign_req(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if (tm->l2->tei == GROUP_TEI) { tm->tei_m.printdebug(&tm->tei_m, - "net tei assign request without tei"); + "net tei assign request without tei"); return; } tm->ri = ((unsigned int) *dp++ << 8); tm->ri += *dp++; if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_TEI) tm->tei_m.printdebug(&tm->tei_m, - "net assign request ri %d teim %d", tm->ri, *dp); + "net assign request ri %d teim %d", tm->ri, *dp); put_tei_msg(tm->mgr, ID_ASSIGNED, tm->ri, tm->l2->tei); mISDN_FsmChangeState(fi, ST_TEI_NOP); } @@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ tei_id_chk_req_net(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_TEI) tm->tei_m.printdebug(fi, "id check request for tei %d", - tm->l2->tei); + tm->l2->tei); tm->rcnt = 0; put_tei_msg(tm->mgr, ID_CHK_REQ, 0, tm->l2->tei); mISDN_FsmChangeState(&tm->tei_m, ST_TEI_IDVERIFY); @@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ tei_id_verify_net(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) tei = dp[3] >> 1; if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_TEI) tm->tei_m.printdebug(fi, "identity verify req tei %d/%d", - tei, tm->l2->tei); + tei, tm->l2->tei); if (tei == tm->l2->tei) tei_id_chk_req_net(fi, event, arg); } @@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ tei_id_ver_tout_net(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) if (tm->rcnt == 1) { if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_TEI) tm->tei_m.printdebug(fi, - "check req for tei %d successful\n", tm->l2->tei); + "check req for tei %d successful\n", tm->l2->tei); mISDN_FsmChangeState(fi, ST_TEI_NOP); } else if (tm->rcnt > 1) { /* duplicate assignment; remove */ @@ -745,13 +745,13 @@ tei_id_ver_tout_net(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) } else if (--tm->nval) { if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_TEI) tm->tei_m.printdebug(fi, - "id check req(%d) for tei %d", - 3 - tm->nval, tm->l2->tei); + "id check req(%d) for tei %d", + 3 - tm->nval, tm->l2->tei); put_tei_msg(tm->mgr, ID_CHK_REQ, 0, tm->l2->tei); mISDN_FsmAddTimer(&tm->timer, tm->tval, EV_TIMER, NULL, 4); } else { tm->tei_m.printdebug(fi, "check req for tei %d failed", - tm->l2->tei); + tm->l2->tei); mISDN_FsmChangeState(fi, ST_TEI_NOP); tei_l2remove(tm->l2); } @@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ create_new_tei(struct manager *mgr, int tei, int sapi) if ((tei >= 0) && (tei < 64)) test_and_set_bit(OPTION_L2_FIXEDTEI, &opt); if (mgr->ch.st->dev->Dprotocols - & ((1 << ISDN_P_TE_E1) | (1 << ISDN_P_NT_E1))) + & ((1 << ISDN_P_TE_E1) | (1 << ISDN_P_NT_E1))) test_and_set_bit(OPTION_L2_PMX, &opt); l2 = create_l2(mgr->up, ISDN_P_LAPD_NT, opt, tei, sapi); if (!l2) { @@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ ph_data_ind(struct manager *mgr, struct sk_buff *skb) if (skb->len < 8) { if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_TEI) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: short mgr frame %d/8\n", - __func__, skb->len); + __func__, skb->len); goto done; } @@ -979,15 +979,15 @@ static int create_teimgr(struct manager *mgr, struct channel_req *crq) { struct layer2 *l2; - u_long opt = 0; + u_long opt = 0; u_long flags; int id; if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_TEI) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %s proto(%x) adr(%d %d %d %d)\n", - __func__, dev_name(&mgr->ch.st->dev->dev), - crq->protocol, crq->adr.dev, crq->adr.channel, - crq->adr.sapi, crq->adr.tei); + __func__, dev_name(&mgr->ch.st->dev->dev), + crq->protocol, crq->adr.dev, crq->adr.channel, + crq->adr.sapi, crq->adr.tei); if (crq->adr.tei > GROUP_TEI) return -EINVAL; if (crq->adr.tei < 64) @@ -1001,8 +1001,8 @@ create_teimgr(struct manager *mgr, struct channel_req *crq) return -EINVAL; if (mgr->up) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "%s: only one network manager is allowed\n", - __func__); + "%s: only one network manager is allowed\n", + __func__); return -EBUSY; } } else if (test_bit(MGR_OPT_USER, &mgr->options)) { @@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ create_teimgr(struct manager *mgr, struct channel_req *crq) test_and_set_bit(MGR_OPT_USER, &mgr->options); } if (mgr->ch.st->dev->Dprotocols - & ((1 << ISDN_P_TE_E1) | (1 << ISDN_P_NT_E1))) + & ((1 << ISDN_P_TE_E1) | (1 << ISDN_P_NT_E1))) test_and_set_bit(OPTION_L2_PMX, &opt); if ((crq->protocol == ISDN_P_LAPD_NT) && (crq->adr.tei == 127)) { mgr->up = crq->ch; @@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ create_teimgr(struct manager *mgr, struct channel_req *crq) return 0; } l2 = create_l2(crq->ch, crq->protocol, opt, - crq->adr.tei, crq->adr.sapi); + crq->adr.tei, crq->adr.sapi); if (!l2) return -ENOMEM; l2->tm = kzalloc(sizeof(struct teimgr), GFP_KERNEL); @@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@ mgr_send(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) mgr = container_of(ch, struct manager, ch); if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_RECV) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: prim(%x) id(%x)\n", - __func__, hh->prim, hh->id); + __func__, hh->prim, hh->id); switch (hh->prim) { case PH_DATA_IND: mISDN_FsmEvent(&mgr->deact, EV_UI, NULL); @@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@ check_data(struct manager *mgr, struct sk_buff *skb) if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_CTRL) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: prim(%x) id(%x)\n", - __func__, hh->prim, hh->id); + __func__, hh->prim, hh->id); if (test_bit(MGR_OPT_USER, &mgr->options)) return -ENOTCONN; if (hh->prim != PH_DATA_IND) @@ -1201,12 +1201,12 @@ check_data(struct manager *mgr, struct sk_buff *skb) /* We got a SABME for a fixed TEI */ if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_CTRL) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: SABME sapi(%d) tei(%d)\n", - __func__, sapi, tei); + __func__, sapi, tei); l2 = create_new_tei(mgr, tei, sapi); if (!l2) { if (*debug & DEBUG_L2_CTRL) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: failed to create new tei\n", - __func__); + __func__); return -ENOMEM; } ret = l2->ch.send(&l2->ch, skb); @@ -1285,15 +1285,15 @@ mgr_bcast(struct mISDNchannel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) if (ret) { if (*debug & DEBUG_SEND_ERR) printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s ch%d prim(%x) addr(%x)" - " err %d\n", - __func__, l2->ch.nr, - hh->prim, l2->ch.addr, ret); + "%s ch%d prim(%x) addr(%x)" + " err %d\n", + __func__, l2->ch.nr, + hh->prim, l2->ch.addr, ret); } else cskb = NULL; } else { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s ch%d addr %x no mem\n", - __func__, ch->nr, ch->addr); + __func__, ch->nr, ch->addr); goto out; } } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/timerdev.c b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/timerdev.c index 859c81e9483bd760cf48d401457d06c07efadfd4..1094667d8f31aa7f920e9f8f778720f060c950dd 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/mISDN/timerdev.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/mISDN/timerdev.c @@ -98,13 +98,13 @@ mISDN_read(struct file *filep, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *off) if (*debug & DEBUG_TIMER) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s(%p, %p, %d, %p)\n", __func__, - filep, buf, (int)count, off); + filep, buf, (int)count, off); if (list_empty(&dev->expired) && (dev->work == 0)) { if (filep->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) return -EAGAIN; wait_event_interruptible(dev->wait, (dev->work || - !list_empty(&dev->expired))); + !list_empty(&dev->expired))); if (signal_pending(current)) return -ERESTARTSYS; } @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ mISDN_poll(struct file *filep, poll_table *wait) mask |= (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM); if (*debug & DEBUG_TIMER) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s work(%d) empty(%d)\n", __func__, - dev->work, list_empty(&dev->expired)); + dev->work, list_empty(&dev->expired)); } return mask; } @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ dev_expire_timer(unsigned long data) static int misdn_add_timer(struct mISDNtimerdev *dev, int timeout) { - int id; + int id; u_long flags; struct mISDNtimer *timer; @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ mISDN_ioctl(struct file *filep, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) if (*debug & DEBUG_TIMER) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s(%p, %x, %lx)\n", __func__, - filep, cmd, arg); + filep, cmd, arg); mutex_lock(&mISDN_mutex); switch (cmd) { case IMADDTIMER: @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ mISDN_ioctl(struct file *filep, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) id = misdn_add_timer(dev, tout); if (*debug & DEBUG_TIMER) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s add %d id %d\n", __func__, - tout, id); + tout, id); if (id < 0) { ret = id; break; diff --git a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/callbacks.c b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/callbacks.c index 976143b2346d06247e54256515fec879e2ab5180..efb6d6a3639ae4755fecd8b5606cfdd8d6e3e7ee 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/callbacks.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/callbacks.c @@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ * Callbacks for the FSM * * Copyright (C) 1996 Universidade de Lisboa - * + * * Written by Pedro Roque Marques (roque@di.fc.ul.pt) * - * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of + * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of * the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. */ /* * Fix: 19981230 - Carlos Morgado - * Port of Nelson Escravana's fix to CalledPN + * Port of Nelson Escravana's fix to CalledPN * NULL pointer dereference in cb_in_1 (originally fixed in 2.0) */ @@ -39,86 +39,86 @@ ushort last_ref_num = 1; * */ -void cb_out_1(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, - struct callb_data *cbdata) +void cb_out_1(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, + struct callb_data *cbdata) { struct sk_buff *skb; int len; - ushort refnum; + ushort refnum; #ifdef DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "Called Party Number: %s\n", - cbdata->data.setup.CalledPN); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "Called Party Number: %s\n", + cbdata->data.setup.CalledPN); #endif - /* - * hdr - kmalloc in capi_conn_req - * - kfree when msg has been sent - */ + /* + * hdr - kmalloc in capi_conn_req + * - kfree when msg has been sent + */ - if ((len = capi_conn_req(cbdata->data.setup.CalledPN, &skb, + if ((len = capi_conn_req(cbdata->data.setup.CalledPN, &skb, chan->proto)) < 0) - { - printk("capi_conn_req failed\n"); - return; - } + { + printk("capi_conn_req failed\n"); + return; + } - refnum = last_ref_num++ & 0x7fffU; + refnum = last_ref_num++ & 0x7fffU; - chan->callref = 0; - chan->layer2link = 0; - chan->snum = 0; - chan->s_refnum = refnum; + chan->callref = 0; + chan->layer2link = 0; + chan->snum = 0; + chan->s_refnum = refnum; - pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_CONN_REQ, refnum, skb, len); + pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_CONN_REQ, refnum, skb, len); } /* * rcv CONNECT * will go into ACTIVE state * send CONN_ACTIVE_RESP - * send Select protocol request + * send Select protocol request */ -void cb_out_2(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, - struct callb_data *data) +void cb_out_2(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, + struct callb_data *data) { - isdn_ctrl ictl; - struct sk_buff *skb; + isdn_ctrl ictl; + struct sk_buff *skb; int len; - ushort refnum; + ushort refnum; - if ((len=capi_conn_active_resp(chan, &skb)) < 0) - { - printk("capi_conn_active_req failed\n"); - return; - } + if ((len = capi_conn_active_resp(chan, &skb)) < 0) + { + printk("capi_conn_active_req failed\n"); + return; + } - refnum = last_ref_num++ & 0x7fffU; - chan->s_refnum = refnum; + refnum = last_ref_num++ & 0x7fffU; + chan->s_refnum = refnum; - pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_CONN_ACTV_RESP, refnum, skb, len); + pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_CONN_ACTV_RESP, refnum, skb, len); - ictl.command = ISDN_STAT_DCONN; - ictl.driver=dev->id; - ictl.arg=chan->id; - dev->dev_if->statcallb(&ictl); + ictl.command = ISDN_STAT_DCONN; + ictl.driver = dev->id; + ictl.arg = chan->id; + dev->dev_if->statcallb(&ictl); - /* ACTIVE D-channel */ + /* ACTIVE D-channel */ - /* Select protocol */ + /* Select protocol */ - if ((len=capi_select_proto_req(chan, &skb, 1 /*outgoing*/)) < 0) { - printk("capi_select_proto_req failed\n"); - return; - } + if ((len = capi_select_proto_req(chan, &skb, 1 /*outgoing*/)) < 0) { + printk("capi_select_proto_req failed\n"); + return; + } - refnum = last_ref_num++ & 0x7fffU; - chan->s_refnum = refnum; + refnum = last_ref_num++ & 0x7fffU; + chan->s_refnum = refnum; - pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_SELP_REQ, refnum, skb, len); + pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_SELP_REQ, refnum, skb, len); } @@ -127,22 +127,22 @@ void cb_out_2(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, * inform user */ -void cb_in_1(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, - struct callb_data *cbdata) +void cb_in_1(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, + struct callb_data *cbdata) { - isdn_ctrl ictl; - unsigned short refnum; - struct sk_buff *skb; + isdn_ctrl ictl; + unsigned short refnum; + struct sk_buff *skb; int len; - ictl.command = ISDN_STAT_ICALL; - ictl.driver=dev->id; - ictl.arg=chan->id; - - /* - * ictl.num >= strlen() + strlen() + 5 - */ + ictl.command = ISDN_STAT_ICALL; + ictl.driver = dev->id; + ictl.arg = chan->id; + + /* + * ictl.num >= strlen() + strlen() + 5 + */ if (cbdata->data.setup.CallingPN == NULL) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "NULL CallingPN to phone; using 0\n"); @@ -167,18 +167,18 @@ void cb_in_1(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, printk(KERN_DEBUG "statstr: %s\n", ictl.num); #endif - dev->dev_if->statcallb(&ictl); + dev->dev_if->statcallb(&ictl); + - - if ((len=capi_conn_resp(chan, &skb)) < 0) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "capi_conn_resp failed\n"); - return; + if ((len = capi_conn_resp(chan, &skb)) < 0) { + printk(KERN_DEBUG "capi_conn_resp failed\n"); + return; } - refnum = last_ref_num++ & 0x7fffU; - chan->s_refnum = refnum; + refnum = last_ref_num++ & 0x7fffU; + chan->s_refnum = refnum; - pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_CONN_RESP, refnum, skb, len); + pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_CONN_RESP, refnum, skb, len); } /* @@ -187,24 +187,24 @@ void cb_in_1(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, * send CONNECT message CONNECT_ACTIVE_REQ in CAPI */ -void cb_in_2(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, +void cb_in_2(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct callb_data *data) { - unsigned short refnum; + unsigned short refnum; struct sk_buff *skb; - int len; - - if ((len = capi_conn_active_req(chan, &skb)) < 0) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "capi_conn_active_req failed\n"); - return; - } + int len; + + if ((len = capi_conn_active_req(chan, &skb)) < 0) { + printk(KERN_DEBUG "capi_conn_active_req failed\n"); + return; + } - refnum = last_ref_num++ & 0x7fffU; - chan->s_refnum = refnum; + refnum = last_ref_num++ & 0x7fffU; + chan->s_refnum = refnum; printk(KERN_DEBUG "sending MSG_CONN_ACTV_REQ\n"); - pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_CONN_ACTV_REQ, refnum, skb, len); + pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_CONN_ACTV_REQ, refnum, skb, len); } /* @@ -213,23 +213,23 @@ void cb_in_2(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, * */ -void cb_in_3(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, +void cb_in_3(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct callb_data *data) { - unsigned short refnum; - struct sk_buff *skb; + unsigned short refnum; + struct sk_buff *skb; int len; - - if ((len = capi_select_proto_req(chan, &skb, 0 /*incoming*/)) < 0) - { - printk("capi_select_proto_req failed\n"); - return; - } - refnum = last_ref_num++ & 0x7fffU; - chan->s_refnum = refnum; + if ((len = capi_select_proto_req(chan, &skb, 0 /*incoming*/)) < 0) + { + printk("capi_select_proto_req failed\n"); + return; + } + + refnum = last_ref_num++ & 0x7fffU; + chan->s_refnum = refnum; - pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_SELP_REQ, refnum, skb, len); + pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_SELP_REQ, refnum, skb, len); } @@ -239,52 +239,52 @@ void cb_in_3(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, * send disconnect resp * send msg to user */ -void cb_disc_1(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, +void cb_disc_1(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct callb_data *data) { - struct sk_buff *skb; + struct sk_buff *skb; int len; - ushort refnum; - isdn_ctrl ictl; - - if ((len = capi_disc_resp(chan, &skb)) < 0) { - printk("capi_disc_resp failed\n"); - return; - } - - refnum = last_ref_num++ & 0x7fffU; - chan->s_refnum = refnum; - - pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_DISC_RESP, refnum, skb, len); - - ictl.command = ISDN_STAT_BHUP; - ictl.driver=dev->id; - ictl.arg=chan->id; - dev->dev_if->statcallb(&ictl); + ushort refnum; + isdn_ctrl ictl; + + if ((len = capi_disc_resp(chan, &skb)) < 0) { + printk("capi_disc_resp failed\n"); + return; + } + + refnum = last_ref_num++ & 0x7fffU; + chan->s_refnum = refnum; + + pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_DISC_RESP, refnum, skb, len); + + ictl.command = ISDN_STAT_BHUP; + ictl.driver = dev->id; + ictl.arg = chan->id; + dev->dev_if->statcallb(&ictl); } - + /* * User HANGUP on active/call proceeding state * send disc.req */ -void cb_disc_2(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, +void cb_disc_2(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct callb_data *data) { - struct sk_buff *skb; + struct sk_buff *skb; int len; - ushort refnum; + ushort refnum; - if ((len = capi_disc_req(chan->callref, &skb, CAUSE_NORMAL)) < 0) - { - printk("capi_disc_req failed\n"); - return; - } + if ((len = capi_disc_req(chan->callref, &skb, CAUSE_NORMAL)) < 0) + { + printk("capi_disc_req failed\n"); + return; + } - refnum = last_ref_num++ & 0x7fffU; - chan->s_refnum = refnum; + refnum = last_ref_num++ & 0x7fffU; + chan->s_refnum = refnum; - pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_DISC_REQ, refnum, skb, len); + pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_DISC_REQ, refnum, skb, len); } /* @@ -292,18 +292,18 @@ void cb_disc_2(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, * Problem: when the HL driver sends the disc req itself * LL receives BHUP */ -void cb_disc_3(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, +void cb_disc_3(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct callb_data *data) { - isdn_ctrl ictl; + isdn_ctrl ictl; - ictl.command = ISDN_STAT_BHUP; - ictl.driver=dev->id; - ictl.arg=chan->id; - dev->dev_if->statcallb(&ictl); + ictl.command = ISDN_STAT_BHUP; + ictl.driver = dev->id; + ictl.arg = chan->id; + dev->dev_if->statcallb(&ictl); } -void cb_notdone(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, +void cb_notdone(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct callb_data *data) { } @@ -311,38 +311,35 @@ void cb_notdone(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, /* * send activate b-chan protocol */ -void cb_selp_1(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, - struct callb_data *data) +void cb_selp_1(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, + struct callb_data *data) { - struct sk_buff *skb; + struct sk_buff *skb; int len; - ushort refnum; + ushort refnum; - if ((len = capi_activate_transp_req(chan, &skb)) < 0) - { - printk("capi_conn_activate_transp_req failed\n"); - return; - } + if ((len = capi_activate_transp_req(chan, &skb)) < 0) + { + printk("capi_conn_activate_transp_req failed\n"); + return; + } - refnum = last_ref_num++ & 0x7fffU; - chan->s_refnum = refnum; + refnum = last_ref_num++ & 0x7fffU; + chan->s_refnum = refnum; - pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_ACT_TRANSP_REQ, refnum, skb, len); + pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_ACT_TRANSP_REQ, refnum, skb, len); } /* * Inform User that the B-channel is available */ -void cb_open(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, - struct callb_data *data) +void cb_open(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, + struct callb_data *data) { - isdn_ctrl ictl; + isdn_ctrl ictl; - ictl.command = ISDN_STAT_BCONN; - ictl.driver=dev->id; - ictl.arg=chan->id; - dev->dev_if->statcallb(&ictl); + ictl.command = ISDN_STAT_BCONN; + ictl.driver = dev->id; + ictl.arg = chan->id; + dev->dev_if->statcallb(&ictl); } - - - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/callbacks.h b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/callbacks.h index 17aa0f54bfc3ce7d8c4c9935ebf2ab0f740f4fdb..a036b4a7ffad8a5935c4309a2b22f477fd9d62bb 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/callbacks.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/callbacks.h @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ * Callbacks prototypes for FSM * * Copyright (C) 1996 Universidade de Lisboa - * + * * Written by Pedro Roque Marques (roque@di.fc.ul.pt) * - * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of + * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of * the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. */ @@ -13,34 +13,32 @@ #define CALLBACKS_H -extern void cb_out_1(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, +extern void cb_out_1(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct callb_data *data); -extern void cb_out_2(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, +extern void cb_out_2(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct callb_data *data); -extern void cb_in_1(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, +extern void cb_in_1(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct callb_data *data); -extern void cb_in_2(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, +extern void cb_in_2(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct callb_data *data); -extern void cb_in_3(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, +extern void cb_in_3(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct callb_data *data); -extern void cb_disc_1(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, +extern void cb_disc_1(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct callb_data *data); -extern void cb_disc_2(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, +extern void cb_disc_2(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct callb_data *data); -extern void cb_disc_3(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, +extern void cb_disc_3(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct callb_data *data); -extern void cb_notdone(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, +extern void cb_notdone(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct callb_data *data); -extern void cb_selp_1(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, +extern void cb_selp_1(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct callb_data *data); -extern void cb_open(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan* chan, +extern void cb_open(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct callb_data *data); #endif - - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/capi.c b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/capi.c index ac5a91ccde8102b18a3ae39a7a309e6137f9b978..4e3cbf857d6066cfceff3ff3422c9b5cfdbd3318 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/capi.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/capi.c @@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ * Portugal Telecom CAPI 2.0 * * Copyright (C) 1996 Universidade de Lisboa - * + * * Written by Pedro Roque Marques (roque@di.fc.ul.pt) * - * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of + * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of * the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * * Not compatible with the AVM Gmbh. CAPI 2.0 @@ -51,39 +51,39 @@ * */ -int capi_conn_req(const char * calledPN, struct sk_buff **skb, int proto) +int capi_conn_req(const char *calledPN, struct sk_buff **skb, int proto) { - ushort len; - - /* - * length - * AppInfoMask - 2 - * BC0 - 3 - * BC1 - 1 - * Chan - 2 - * Keypad - 1 - * CPN - 1 - * CPSA - 1 - * CalledPN - 2 + strlen - * CalledPSA - 1 - * rest... - 4 - * ---------------- - * Total 18 + strlen - */ - - len = 18 + strlen(calledPN); + ushort len; + + /* + * length + * AppInfoMask - 2 + * BC0 - 3 + * BC1 - 1 + * Chan - 2 + * Keypad - 1 + * CPN - 1 + * CPSA - 1 + * CalledPN - 2 + strlen + * CalledPSA - 1 + * rest... - 4 + * ---------------- + * Total 18 + strlen + */ + + len = 18 + strlen(calledPN); if (proto == ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS) len++; if ((*skb = dev_alloc_skb(len)) == NULL) { - - printk(KERN_WARNING "capi_conn_req: alloc_skb failed\n"); + + printk(KERN_WARNING "capi_conn_req: alloc_skb failed\n"); return -1; } - /* InfoElmMask */ - *((ushort*) skb_put(*skb, 2)) = AppInfoMask; + /* InfoElmMask */ + *((ushort *)skb_put(*skb, 2)) = AppInfoMask; if (proto == ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS) { @@ -101,162 +101,162 @@ int capi_conn_req(const char * calledPN, struct sk_buff **skb, int proto) *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x90; /* BC0.Octect4 */ } - /* Bearer Capability - Optional*/ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* BC1.Length = 0 */ + /* Bearer Capability - Optional*/ + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* BC1.Length = 0 */ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 1; /* ChannelID.Length = 1 */ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x83; /* Basic Interface - Any Channel */ + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 1; /* ChannelID.Length = 1 */ + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x83; /* Basic Interface - Any Channel */ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* Keypad.Length = 0 */ - + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* Keypad.Length = 0 */ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* CallingPN.Length = 0 */ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* CallingPSA.Length = 0 */ - /* Called Party Number */ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = strlen(calledPN) + 1; - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x81; - memcpy(skb_put(*skb, strlen(calledPN)), calledPN, strlen(calledPN)); + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* CallingPN.Length = 0 */ + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* CallingPSA.Length = 0 */ - /* '#' */ + /* Called Party Number */ + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = strlen(calledPN) + 1; + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x81; + memcpy(skb_put(*skb, strlen(calledPN)), calledPN, strlen(calledPN)); - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* CalledPSA.Length = 0 */ + /* '#' */ - /* LLC.Length = 0; */ - /* HLC0.Length = 0; */ - /* HLC1.Length = 0; */ - /* UTUS.Length = 0; */ - memset(skb_put(*skb, 4), 0, 4); + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* CalledPSA.Length = 0 */ - return len; + /* LLC.Length = 0; */ + /* HLC0.Length = 0; */ + /* HLC1.Length = 0; */ + /* UTUS.Length = 0; */ + memset(skb_put(*skb, 4), 0, 4); + + return len; } -int capi_conn_resp(struct pcbit_chan* chan, struct sk_buff **skb) +int capi_conn_resp(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff **skb) { - + if ((*skb = dev_alloc_skb(5)) == NULL) { - + printk(KERN_WARNING "capi_conn_resp: alloc_skb failed\n"); return -1; } - *((ushort*) skb_put(*skb, 2) ) = chan->callref; - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x01; /* ACCEPT_CALL */ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; + *((ushort *)skb_put(*skb, 2)) = chan->callref; + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x01; /* ACCEPT_CALL */ + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; - return 5; + return 5; } -int capi_conn_active_req(struct pcbit_chan* chan, struct sk_buff **skb) +int capi_conn_active_req(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff **skb) { - /* - * 8 bytes - */ - + /* + * 8 bytes + */ + if ((*skb = dev_alloc_skb(8)) == NULL) { - + printk(KERN_WARNING "capi_conn_active_req: alloc_skb failed\n"); return -1; } - *((ushort*) skb_put(*skb, 2) ) = chan->callref; + *((ushort *)skb_put(*skb, 2)) = chan->callref; #ifdef DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "Call Reference: %04x\n", chan->callref); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "Call Reference: %04x\n", chan->callref); #endif - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* BC.Length = 0; */ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* ConnectedPN.Length = 0 */ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* PSA.Length */ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* LLC.Length = 0; */ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* HLC.Length = 0; */ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* UTUS.Length = 0; */ + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* BC.Length = 0; */ + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* ConnectedPN.Length = 0 */ + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* PSA.Length */ + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* LLC.Length = 0; */ + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* HLC.Length = 0; */ + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* UTUS.Length = 0; */ return 8; } -int capi_conn_active_resp(struct pcbit_chan* chan, struct sk_buff **skb) +int capi_conn_active_resp(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff **skb) { - /* - * 2 bytes - */ - + /* + * 2 bytes + */ + if ((*skb = dev_alloc_skb(2)) == NULL) { - + printk(KERN_WARNING "capi_conn_active_resp: alloc_skb failed\n"); return -1; } - *((ushort*) skb_put(*skb, 2) ) = chan->callref; + *((ushort *)skb_put(*skb, 2)) = chan->callref; - return 2; + return 2; } -int capi_select_proto_req(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff **skb, - int outgoing) +int capi_select_proto_req(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff **skb, + int outgoing) { - /* - * 18 bytes - */ + /* + * 18 bytes + */ if ((*skb = dev_alloc_skb(18)) == NULL) { - + printk(KERN_WARNING "capi_select_proto_req: alloc_skb failed\n"); return -1; } - *((ushort*) skb_put(*skb, 2) ) = chan->callref; + *((ushort *)skb_put(*skb, 2)) = chan->callref; - /* Layer2 protocol */ + /* Layer2 protocol */ - switch (chan->proto) { - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x05; /* LAPB */ - break; - case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x02; - break; + switch (chan->proto) { + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I: + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x05; /* LAPB */ + break; + case ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC: + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x02; + break; case ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS: - /* + /* * Voice (a-law) */ *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x06; break; - default: -#ifdef DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "Transparent\n"); + default: +#ifdef DEBUG + printk(KERN_DEBUG "Transparent\n"); #endif - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x03; - break; - } - - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = (outgoing ? 0x02 : 0x42); /* Don't ask */ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x00; - - *((ushort *) skb_put(*skb, 2)) = MRU; - - - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x08; /* Modulo */ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x07; /* Max Window */ - - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x01; /* No Layer3 Protocol */ - - /* - * 2 - layer3 MTU [10] - * - Modulo [12] - * - Window - * - layer1 proto [14] - * - bitrate - * - sub-channel [16] - * - layer1dataformat [17] - */ - - memset(skb_put(*skb, 8), 0, 8); - - return 18; + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x03; + break; + } + + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = (outgoing ? 0x02 : 0x42); /* Don't ask */ + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x00; + + *((ushort *) skb_put(*skb, 2)) = MRU; + + + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x08; /* Modulo */ + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x07; /* Max Window */ + + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x01; /* No Layer3 Protocol */ + + /* + * 2 - layer3 MTU [10] + * - Modulo [12] + * - Window + * - layer1 proto [14] + * - bitrate + * - sub-channel [16] + * - layer1dataformat [17] + */ + + memset(skb_put(*skb, 8), 0, 8); + + return 18; } @@ -264,45 +264,45 @@ int capi_activate_transp_req(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff **skb) { if ((*skb = dev_alloc_skb(7)) == NULL) { - + printk(KERN_WARNING "capi_activate_transp_req: alloc_skb failed\n"); return -1; } - *((ushort*) skb_put(*skb, 2) ) = chan->callref; + *((ushort *)skb_put(*skb, 2)) = chan->callref; - - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = chan->layer2link; /* Layer2 id */ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x00; /* Transmit by default */ - *((ushort *) skb_put(*skb, 2)) = MRU; + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = chan->layer2link; /* Layer2 id */ + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x00; /* Transmit by default */ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x01; /* Enables reception*/ + *((ushort *) skb_put(*skb, 2)) = MRU; - return 7; + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x01; /* Enables reception*/ + + return 7; } -int capi_tdata_req(struct pcbit_chan* chan, struct sk_buff *skb) +int capi_tdata_req(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff *skb) { ushort data_len; - - /* - * callref - 2 + + /* + * callref - 2 * layer2link - 1 - * wBlockLength - 2 + * wBlockLength - 2 * data - 4 * sernum - 1 */ - + data_len = skb->len; - if(skb_headroom(skb) < 10) + if (skb_headroom(skb) < 10) { printk(KERN_CRIT "No headspace (%u) on headroom %p for capi header\n", skb_headroom(skb), skb); } else - { + { skb_push(skb, 10); } @@ -318,58 +318,58 @@ int capi_tdata_req(struct pcbit_chan* chan, struct sk_buff *skb) return 10; } -int capi_tdata_resp(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff ** skb) - +int capi_tdata_resp(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff **skb) + { if ((*skb = dev_alloc_skb(4)) == NULL) { - + printk(KERN_WARNING "capi_tdata_resp: alloc_skb failed\n"); return -1; } - *((ushort*) skb_put(*skb, 2) ) = chan->callref; + *((ushort *)skb_put(*skb, 2)) = chan->callref; - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = chan->layer2link; - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = chan->r_refnum; + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = chan->layer2link; + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = chan->r_refnum; - return (*skb)->len; + return (*skb)->len; } int capi_disc_req(ushort callref, struct sk_buff **skb, u_char cause) { if ((*skb = dev_alloc_skb(6)) == NULL) { - + printk(KERN_WARNING "capi_disc_req: alloc_skb failed\n"); return -1; } - *((ushort*) skb_put(*skb, 2) ) = callref; + *((ushort *)skb_put(*skb, 2)) = callref; - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 2; /* Cause.Length = 2; */ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x80; - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x80 | cause; + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 2; /* Cause.Length = 2; */ + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x80; + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0x80 | cause; - /* - * Change it: we should send 'Sic transit gloria Mundi' here ;-) - */ + /* + * Change it: we should send 'Sic transit gloria Mundi' here ;-) + */ - *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* UTUS.Length = 0; */ + *(skb_put(*skb, 1)) = 0; /* UTUS.Length = 0; */ - return 6; + return 6; } int capi_disc_resp(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff **skb) { if ((*skb = dev_alloc_skb(2)) == NULL) { - + printk(KERN_WARNING "capi_disc_resp: alloc_skb failed\n"); return -1; } - *((ushort*) skb_put(*skb, 2)) = chan->callref; + *((ushort *)skb_put(*skb, 2)) = chan->callref; - return 2; + return 2; } @@ -378,57 +378,57 @@ int capi_disc_resp(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff **skb) * */ -int capi_decode_conn_ind(struct pcbit_chan * chan, - struct sk_buff *skb, - struct callb_data *info) +int capi_decode_conn_ind(struct pcbit_chan *chan, + struct sk_buff *skb, + struct callb_data *info) { - int CIlen, len; + int CIlen, len; - /* Call Reference [CAPI] */ - chan->callref = *((ushort*) skb->data); - skb_pull(skb, 2); + /* Call Reference [CAPI] */ + chan->callref = *((ushort *)skb->data); + skb_pull(skb, 2); #ifdef DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "Call Reference: %04x\n", chan->callref); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "Call Reference: %04x\n", chan->callref); #endif - /* Channel Identification */ + /* Channel Identification */ - /* Expect - Len = 1 - Octect 3 = 0100 10CC - [ 7 Basic, 4 , 2-1 chan ] - */ + /* Expect + Len = 1 + Octect 3 = 0100 10CC - [ 7 Basic, 4 , 2-1 chan ] + */ - CIlen = skb->data[0]; + CIlen = skb->data[0]; #ifdef DEBUG - if (CIlen == 1) { + if (CIlen == 1) { - if ( ((skb->data[1]) & 0xFC) == 0x48 ) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "decode_conn_ind: chan ok\n"); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "phyChan = %d\n", skb->data[1] & 0x03); - } + if (((skb->data[1]) & 0xFC) == 0x48) + printk(KERN_DEBUG "decode_conn_ind: chan ok\n"); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "phyChan = %d\n", skb->data[1] & 0x03); + } else printk(KERN_DEBUG "conn_ind: CIlen = %d\n", CIlen); #endif - skb_pull(skb, CIlen + 1); + skb_pull(skb, CIlen + 1); - /* Calling Party Number */ - /* An "additional service" as far as Portugal Telecom is concerned */ + /* Calling Party Number */ + /* An "additional service" as far as Portugal Telecom is concerned */ - len = skb->data[0]; + len = skb->data[0]; if (len > 0) { int count = 1; - + #ifdef DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG "CPN: Octect 3 %02x\n", skb->data[1]); #endif if ((skb->data[1] & 0x80) == 0) count = 2; - + if (!(info->data.setup.CallingPN = kmalloc(len - count + 1, GFP_ATOMIC))) return -1; - + skb_copy_from_linear_data_offset(skb, count + 1, info->data.setup.CallingPN, len - count); @@ -442,22 +442,22 @@ int capi_decode_conn_ind(struct pcbit_chan * chan, skb_pull(skb, len + 1); - /* Calling Party Subaddress */ - skb_pull(skb, skb->data[0] + 1); + /* Calling Party Subaddress */ + skb_pull(skb, skb->data[0] + 1); - /* Called Party Number */ + /* Called Party Number */ - len = skb->data[0]; + len = skb->data[0]; if (len > 0) { int count = 1; - + if ((skb->data[1] & 0x80) == 0) count = 2; - + if (!(info->data.setup.CalledPN = kmalloc(len - count + 1, GFP_ATOMIC))) return -1; - + skb_copy_from_linear_data_offset(skb, count + 1, info->data.setup.CalledPN, len - count); @@ -471,73 +471,73 @@ int capi_decode_conn_ind(struct pcbit_chan * chan, skb_pull(skb, len + 1); - /* Called Party Subaddress */ - skb_pull(skb, skb->data[0] + 1); + /* Called Party Subaddress */ + skb_pull(skb, skb->data[0] + 1); - /* LLC */ - skb_pull(skb, skb->data[0] + 1); + /* LLC */ + skb_pull(skb, skb->data[0] + 1); - /* HLC */ - skb_pull(skb, skb->data[0] + 1); + /* HLC */ + skb_pull(skb, skb->data[0] + 1); - /* U2U */ - skb_pull(skb, skb->data[0] + 1); + /* U2U */ + skb_pull(skb, skb->data[0] + 1); - return 0; + return 0; } /* * returns errcode */ -int capi_decode_conn_conf(struct pcbit_chan * chan, struct sk_buff *skb, - int *complete) +int capi_decode_conn_conf(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff *skb, + int *complete) { - int errcode; - - chan->callref = *((ushort *) skb->data); /* Update CallReference */ - skb_pull(skb, 2); + int errcode; + + chan->callref = *((ushort *)skb->data); /* Update CallReference */ + skb_pull(skb, 2); + + errcode = *((ushort *) skb->data); /* read errcode */ + skb_pull(skb, 2); - errcode = *((ushort *) skb->data); /* read errcode */ - skb_pull(skb, 2); + *complete = *(skb->data); + skb_pull(skb, 1); - *complete = *(skb->data); - skb_pull(skb, 1); + /* FIX ME */ + /* This is actually a firmware bug */ + if (!*complete) + { + printk(KERN_DEBUG "complete=%02x\n", *complete); + *complete = 1; + } - /* FIX ME */ - /* This is actually a firmware bug */ - if (!*complete) - { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "complete=%02x\n", *complete); - *complete = 1; - } + /* Optional Bearer Capability */ + skb_pull(skb, *(skb->data) + 1); - /* Optional Bearer Capability */ - skb_pull(skb, *(skb->data) + 1); - - /* Channel Identification */ - skb_pull(skb, *(skb->data) + 1); + /* Channel Identification */ + skb_pull(skb, *(skb->data) + 1); - /* High Layer Compatibility follows */ - skb_pull(skb, *(skb->data) + 1); + /* High Layer Compatibility follows */ + skb_pull(skb, *(skb->data) + 1); - return errcode; + return errcode; } -int capi_decode_conn_actv_ind(struct pcbit_chan * chan, struct sk_buff *skb) +int capi_decode_conn_actv_ind(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff *skb) { - ushort len; + ushort len; #ifdef DEBUG - char str[32]; + char str[32]; #endif - /* Yet Another Bearer Capability */ - skb_pull(skb, *(skb->data) + 1); - + /* Yet Another Bearer Capability */ + skb_pull(skb, *(skb->data) + 1); - /* Connected Party Number */ - len=*(skb->data); + + /* Connected Party Number */ + len = *(skb->data); #ifdef DEBUG if (len > 1 && len < 31) { @@ -549,106 +549,101 @@ int capi_decode_conn_actv_ind(struct pcbit_chan * chan, struct sk_buff *skb) printk(KERN_DEBUG "actv_ind CPN len = %d\n", len); #endif - skb_pull(skb, len + 1); + skb_pull(skb, len + 1); - /* Connected Subaddress */ - skb_pull(skb, *(skb->data) + 1); + /* Connected Subaddress */ + skb_pull(skb, *(skb->data) + 1); - /* Low Layer Capability */ - skb_pull(skb, *(skb->data) + 1); + /* Low Layer Capability */ + skb_pull(skb, *(skb->data) + 1); - /* High Layer Capability */ - skb_pull(skb, *(skb->data) + 1); + /* High Layer Capability */ + skb_pull(skb, *(skb->data) + 1); - return 0; + return 0; } -int capi_decode_conn_actv_conf(struct pcbit_chan * chan, struct sk_buff *skb) +int capi_decode_conn_actv_conf(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff *skb) { - ushort errcode; - - errcode = *((ushort*) skb->data); - skb_pull(skb, 2); - - /* Channel Identification - skb_pull(skb, skb->data[0] + 1); - */ - return errcode; + ushort errcode; + + errcode = *((ushort *)skb->data); + skb_pull(skb, 2); + + /* Channel Identification + skb_pull(skb, skb->data[0] + 1); + */ + return errcode; } int capi_decode_sel_proto_conf(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff *skb) { - ushort errcode; - - chan->layer2link = *(skb->data); - skb_pull(skb, 1); + ushort errcode; - errcode = *((ushort*) skb->data); - skb_pull(skb, 2); + chan->layer2link = *(skb->data); + skb_pull(skb, 1); - return errcode; + errcode = *((ushort *)skb->data); + skb_pull(skb, 2); + + return errcode; } int capi_decode_actv_trans_conf(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff *skb) { - ushort errcode; + ushort errcode; - if (chan->layer2link != *(skb->data) ) - printk("capi_decode_actv_trans_conf: layer2link doesn't match\n"); + if (chan->layer2link != *(skb->data)) + printk("capi_decode_actv_trans_conf: layer2link doesn't match\n"); - skb_pull(skb, 1); + skb_pull(skb, 1); - errcode = *((ushort*) skb->data); - skb_pull(skb, 2); + errcode = *((ushort *)skb->data); + skb_pull(skb, 2); - return errcode; + return errcode; } int capi_decode_disc_ind(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff *skb) { - ushort len; + ushort len; #ifdef DEBUG - int i; + int i; #endif - /* Cause */ - - len = *(skb->data); - skb_pull(skb, 1); + /* Cause */ + + len = *(skb->data); + skb_pull(skb, 1); #ifdef DEBUG - for (i=0; idata + i)); + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) + printk(KERN_DEBUG "Cause Octect %d: %02x\n", i + 3, + *(skb->data + i)); #endif - skb_pull(skb, len); + skb_pull(skb, len); - return 0; + return 0; } #ifdef DEBUG int capi_decode_debug_188(u_char *hdr, ushort hdrlen) { - char str[64]; - int len; - - len = hdr[0]; - - if (len < 64 && len == hdrlen - 1) { - memcpy(str, hdr + 1, hdrlen - 1); - str[hdrlen - 1] = 0; - printk("%s\n", str); - } - else - printk("debug message incorrect\n"); - - return 0; -} -#endif - - + char str[64]; + int len; + len = hdr[0]; + if (len < 64 && len == hdrlen - 1) { + memcpy(str, hdr + 1, hdrlen - 1); + str[hdrlen - 1] = 0; + printk("%s\n", str); + } + else + printk("debug message incorrect\n"); + return 0; +} +#endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/capi.h b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/capi.h index df8e73c04d7fc2052cc0b86ad6d9eed8a789967a..635f63476944d934d4f9a1a7fa41f222f9a7a4ed 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/capi.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/capi.h @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ * CAPI encode/decode prototypes and defines * * Copyright (C) 1996 Universidade de Lisboa - * + * * Written by Pedro Roque Marques (roque@di.fc.ul.pt) * - * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of + * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of * the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. */ @@ -15,42 +15,42 @@ #define REQ_CAUSE 0x01 #define REQ_DISPLAY 0x04 -#define REQ_USER_TO_USER 0x08 +#define REQ_USER_TO_USER 0x08 -#define AppInfoMask REQ_CAUSE|REQ_DISPLAY|REQ_USER_TO_USER +#define AppInfoMask REQ_CAUSE | REQ_DISPLAY | REQ_USER_TO_USER /* Connection Setup */ -extern int capi_conn_req(const char * calledPN, struct sk_buff **buf, +extern int capi_conn_req(const char *calledPN, struct sk_buff **buf, int proto); -extern int capi_decode_conn_conf(struct pcbit_chan * chan, struct sk_buff *skb, - int *complete); +extern int capi_decode_conn_conf(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff *skb, + int *complete); -extern int capi_decode_conn_ind(struct pcbit_chan * chan, struct sk_buff *skb, +extern int capi_decode_conn_ind(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff *skb, struct callb_data *info); -extern int capi_conn_resp(struct pcbit_chan* chan, struct sk_buff **skb); +extern int capi_conn_resp(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff **skb); -extern int capi_conn_active_req(struct pcbit_chan* chan, struct sk_buff **skb); -extern int capi_decode_conn_actv_conf(struct pcbit_chan * chan, +extern int capi_conn_active_req(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff **skb); +extern int capi_decode_conn_actv_conf(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff *skb); -extern int capi_decode_conn_actv_ind(struct pcbit_chan * chan, +extern int capi_decode_conn_actv_ind(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff *skb); -extern int capi_conn_active_resp(struct pcbit_chan* chan, +extern int capi_conn_active_resp(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff **skb); /* Data */ extern int capi_select_proto_req(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff **skb, int outgoing); -extern int capi_decode_sel_proto_conf(struct pcbit_chan *chan, +extern int capi_decode_sel_proto_conf(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff *skb); -extern int capi_activate_transp_req(struct pcbit_chan *chan, +extern int capi_activate_transp_req(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff **skb); -extern int capi_decode_actv_trans_conf(struct pcbit_chan *chan, +extern int capi_decode_actv_trans_conf(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff *skb); -extern int capi_tdata_req(struct pcbit_chan* chan, struct sk_buff *skb); -extern int capi_tdata_resp(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff ** skb); +extern int capi_tdata_req(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff *skb); +extern int capi_tdata_resp(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff **skb); /* Connection Termination */ extern int capi_disc_req(ushort callref, struct sk_buff **skb, u_char cause); @@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ extern int capi_disc_resp(struct pcbit_chan *chan, struct sk_buff **skb); extern int capi_decode_debug_188(u_char *hdr, ushort hdrlen); #endif -static inline struct pcbit_chan * +static inline struct pcbit_chan * capi_channel(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct sk_buff *skb) { ushort callref; - callref = *((ushort*) skb->data); + callref = *((ushort *)skb->data); skb_pull(skb, 2); if (dev->b1->callref == callref) @@ -79,9 +79,3 @@ capi_channel(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct sk_buff *skb) } #endif - - - - - - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/drv.c b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/drv.c index 1507d2e83fbb0d5acf9486e37d1fdf1583fd1a48..1eaf622739037dc26960f4b3d2ae5ba165830d21 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/drv.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/drv.c @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ * PCBIT-D interface with isdn4linux * * Copyright (C) 1996 Universidade de Lisboa - * + * * Written by Pedro Roque Marques (roque@di.fc.ul.pt) * - * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of + * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of * the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. */ @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ * * Nuno Grilo * fixed msn_list NULL pointer dereference. - * + * */ #include @@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ extern ushort last_ref_num; -static int pcbit_ioctl(isdn_ctrl* ctl); +static int pcbit_ioctl(isdn_ctrl *ctl); -static char* pcbit_devname[MAX_PCBIT_CARDS] = { +static char *pcbit_devname[MAX_PCBIT_CARDS] = { "pcbit0", "pcbit1", "pcbit2", @@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ static char* pcbit_devname[MAX_PCBIT_CARDS] = { * prototypes */ -static int pcbit_command(isdn_ctrl* ctl); -static int pcbit_stat(u_char __user * buf, int len, int, int); +static int pcbit_command(isdn_ctrl *ctl); +static int pcbit_stat(u_char __user *buf, int len, int, int); static int pcbit_xmit(int driver, int chan, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb); static int pcbit_writecmd(const u_char __user *, int, int, int); -static int set_protocol_running(struct pcbit_dev * dev); +static int set_protocol_running(struct pcbit_dev *dev); static void pcbit_clear_msn(struct pcbit_dev *dev); static void pcbit_set_msn(struct pcbit_dev *dev, char *list); @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ int pcbit_init_dev(int board, int mem_base, int irq) struct pcbit_dev *dev; isdn_if *dev_if; - if ((dev=kzalloc(sizeof(struct pcbit_dev), GFP_KERNEL)) == NULL) + if ((dev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct pcbit_dev), GFP_KERNEL)) == NULL) { printk("pcbit_init: couldn't malloc pcbit_dev struct\n"); return -ENOMEM; @@ -83,19 +83,19 @@ int pcbit_init_dev(int board, int mem_base, int irq) init_waitqueue_head(&dev->set_running_wq); spin_lock_init(&dev->lock); - if (mem_base >= 0xA0000 && mem_base <= 0xFFFFF ) { + if (mem_base >= 0xA0000 && mem_base <= 0xFFFFF) { dev->ph_mem = mem_base; if (!request_mem_region(dev->ph_mem, 4096, "PCBIT mem")) { printk(KERN_WARNING - "PCBIT: memory region %lx-%lx already in use\n", - dev->ph_mem, dev->ph_mem + 4096); + "PCBIT: memory region %lx-%lx already in use\n", + dev->ph_mem, dev->ph_mem + 4096); kfree(dev); dev_pcbit[board] = NULL; return -EACCES; } dev->sh_mem = ioremap(dev->ph_mem, 4096); } - else + else { printk("memory address invalid"); kfree(dev); @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ int pcbit_init_dev(int board, int mem_base, int irq) kfree(dev); return -ENOMEM; } - + dev->b2 = kzalloc(sizeof(struct pcbit_chan), GFP_KERNEL); if (!dev->b2) { printk("pcbit_init: couldn't malloc pcbit_chan struct\n"); @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ int pcbit_init_dev(int board, int mem_base, int irq) * interrupts */ - if (request_irq(irq, &pcbit_irq_handler, 0, pcbit_devname[board], dev) != 0) + if (request_irq(irq, &pcbit_irq_handler, 0, pcbit_devname[board], dev) != 0) { kfree(dev->b1); kfree(dev->b2); @@ -168,16 +168,16 @@ int pcbit_init_dev(int board, int mem_base, int irq) dev_if->owner = THIS_MODULE; dev_if->channels = 2; - - dev_if->features = (ISDN_FEATURE_P_EURO | ISDN_FEATURE_L3_TRANS | - ISDN_FEATURE_L2_HDLC | ISDN_FEATURE_L2_TRANS ); + + dev_if->features = (ISDN_FEATURE_P_EURO | ISDN_FEATURE_L3_TRANS | + ISDN_FEATURE_L2_HDLC | ISDN_FEATURE_L2_TRANS); dev_if->writebuf_skb = pcbit_xmit; dev_if->hl_hdrlen = 16; dev_if->maxbufsize = MAXBUFSIZE; dev_if->command = pcbit_command; - + dev_if->writecmd = pcbit_writecmd; dev_if->readstat = pcbit_stat; @@ -211,12 +211,12 @@ int pcbit_init_dev(int board, int mem_base, int irq) #ifdef MODULE void pcbit_terminate(int board) { - struct pcbit_dev * dev; + struct pcbit_dev *dev; dev = dev_pcbit[board]; if (dev) { - /* unregister_isdn(dev->dev_if); */ + /* unregister_isdn(dev->dev_if); */ free_irq(dev->irq, dev); pcbit_clear_msn(dev); kfree(dev->dev_if); @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ void pcbit_terminate(int board) } #endif -static int pcbit_command(isdn_ctrl* ctl) +static int pcbit_command(isdn_ctrl *ctl) { - struct pcbit_dev *dev; + struct pcbit_dev *dev; struct pcbit_chan *chan; struct callb_data info; @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ static int pcbit_command(isdn_ctrl* ctl) chan = (ctl->arg & 0x0F) ? dev->b2 : dev->b1; - switch(ctl->command) { + switch (ctl->command) { case ISDN_CMD_IOCTL: return pcbit_ioctl(ctl); break; @@ -299,10 +299,10 @@ static int pcbit_command(isdn_ctrl* ctl) static void pcbit_block_timer(unsigned long data) { struct pcbit_chan *chan; - struct pcbit_dev * dev; + struct pcbit_dev *dev; isdn_ctrl ictl; - chan = (struct pcbit_chan *) data; + chan = (struct pcbit_chan *)data; dev = chan2dev(chan); @@ -316,12 +316,12 @@ static void pcbit_block_timer(unsigned long data) #ifdef DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG "pcbit_block_timer\n"); -#endif +#endif chan->queued = 0; ictl.driver = dev->id; ictl.command = ISDN_STAT_BSENT; ictl.arg = chan->id; - dev->dev_if->statcallb(&ictl); + dev->dev_if->statcallb(&ictl); } #endif @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ static int pcbit_xmit(int driver, int chnum, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb) { ushort hdrlen; int refnum, len; - struct pcbit_chan * chan; + struct pcbit_chan *chan; struct pcbit_dev *dev; dev = finddev(driver); @@ -345,10 +345,10 @@ static int pcbit_xmit(int driver, int chnum, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb) if (chan->fsm_state != ST_ACTIVE) return -1; - if (chan->queued >= MAX_QUEUED ) + if (chan->queued >= MAX_QUEUED) { #ifdef DEBUG_QUEUE - printk(KERN_DEBUG + printk(KERN_DEBUG "pcbit: %d packets already in queue - write fails\n", chan->queued); #endif @@ -365,14 +365,14 @@ static int pcbit_xmit(int driver, int chnum, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb) chan->block_timer.expires = jiffies + 1 * HZ; add_timer(&chan->block_timer); } -#endif - return 0; +#endif + return 0; } chan->queued++; - - len = skb->len; + + len = skb->len; hdrlen = capi_tdata_req(chan, skb); @@ -386,10 +386,10 @@ static int pcbit_xmit(int driver, int chnum, int ack, struct sk_buff *skb) static int pcbit_writecmd(const u_char __user *buf, int len, int driver, int channel) { - struct pcbit_dev * dev; + struct pcbit_dev *dev; int i, j; - const u_char * loadbuf; - u_char * ptr = NULL; + const u_char *loadbuf; + u_char *ptr = NULL; u_char *cbuf; int errstat; @@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ static int pcbit_writecmd(const u_char __user *buf, int len, int driver, int cha return -ENODEV; } - switch(dev->l2_state) { + switch (dev->l2_state) { case L2_LWMODE: /* check (size <= rdp_size); write buf into board */ if (len < 0 || len > BANK4 + 1 || len > 1024) @@ -422,19 +422,19 @@ static int pcbit_writecmd(const u_char __user *buf, int len, int driver, int cha /* this is the hard part */ /* dumb board */ /* get it into kernel space */ - if ((ptr = kmalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL))==NULL) + if ((ptr = kmalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL)) == NULL) return -ENOMEM; if (copy_from_user(ptr, buf, len)) { kfree(ptr); return -EFAULT; } loadbuf = ptr; - + errstat = 0; - for (i=0; i < len; i++) + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { - for(j=0; j < LOAD_RETRY; j++) + for (j = 0; j < LOAD_RETRY; j++) if (!(readb(dev->sh_mem + dev->loadptr))) break; @@ -464,9 +464,9 @@ static int pcbit_writecmd(const u_char __user *buf, int len, int driver, int cha * */ -void pcbit_l3_receive(struct pcbit_dev * dev, ulong msg, - struct sk_buff * skb, - ushort hdr_len, ushort refnum) +void pcbit_l3_receive(struct pcbit_dev *dev, ulong msg, + struct sk_buff *skb, + ushort hdr_len, ushort refnum) { struct pcbit_chan *chan; struct sk_buff *skb2; @@ -475,11 +475,11 @@ void pcbit_l3_receive(struct pcbit_dev * dev, ulong msg, int complete, err; isdn_ctrl ictl; - switch(msg) { + switch (msg) { case MSG_TDATA_IND: if (!(chan = capi_channel(dev, skb))) { - printk(KERN_WARNING + printk(KERN_WARNING "CAPI header: unknown channel id\n"); break; } @@ -488,30 +488,30 @@ void pcbit_l3_receive(struct pcbit_dev * dev, ulong msg, dev->dev_if->rcvcallb_skb(dev->id, chan->id, skb); - if (capi_tdata_resp(chan, &skb2) > 0) - pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_TDATA_RESP, refnum, + if (capi_tdata_resp(chan, &skb2) > 0) + pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_TDATA_RESP, refnum, skb2, skb2->len); return; - break; + break; case MSG_TDATA_CONF: if (!(chan = capi_channel(dev, skb))) { - printk(KERN_WARNING + printk(KERN_WARNING "CAPI header: unknown channel id\n"); break; } #ifdef DEBUG - if ( (*((ushort *) (skb->data + 2) )) != 0) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "TDATA_CONF error\n"); + if ((*((ushort *)(skb->data + 2))) != 0) { + printk(KERN_DEBUG "TDATA_CONF error\n"); } #endif #ifdef BLOCK_TIMER - if (chan->queued == MAX_QUEUED) { - del_timer(&chan->block_timer); + if (chan->queued == MAX_QUEUED) { + del_timer(&chan->block_timer); chan->block_timer.function = NULL; } - -#endif + +#endif chan->queued--; ictl.driver = dev->id; @@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ void pcbit_l3_receive(struct pcbit_dev * dev, ulong msg, case MSG_CONN_IND: /* * channel: 1st not used will do - * if both are used we're in trouble + * if both are used we're in trouble */ if (!dev->b1->fsm_state) @@ -531,12 +531,12 @@ void pcbit_l3_receive(struct pcbit_dev * dev, ulong msg, else if (!dev->b2->fsm_state) chan = dev->b2; else { - printk(KERN_INFO + printk(KERN_INFO "Incoming connection: no channels available"); - if ((len = capi_disc_req(*(ushort*)(skb->data), &skb2, CAUSE_NOCHAN)) > 0) + if ((len = capi_disc_req(*(ushort *)(skb->data), &skb2, CAUSE_NOCHAN)) > 0) pcbit_l2_write(dev, MSG_DISC_REQ, refnum, skb2, len); - break; + break; } cbdata.data.setup.CalledPN = NULL; @@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ void pcbit_l3_receive(struct pcbit_dev * dev, ulong msg, pcbit_fsm_event(dev, chan, EV_NET_SETUP, NULL); - if (pcbit_check_msn(dev, cbdata.data.setup.CallingPN)) + if (pcbit_check_msn(dev, cbdata.data.setup.CallingPN)) pcbit_fsm_event(dev, chan, EV_USR_PROCED_REQ, &cbdata); else pcbit_fsm_event(dev, chan, EV_USR_RELEASE_REQ, NULL); @@ -555,26 +555,26 @@ void pcbit_l3_receive(struct pcbit_dev * dev, ulong msg, kfree(cbdata.data.setup.CalledPN); kfree(cbdata.data.setup.CallingPN); break; - + case MSG_CONN_CONF: - /* + /* * We should be able to find the channel by the message * reference number. The current version of the firmware * doesn't sent the ref number correctly. */ #ifdef DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "refnum=%04x b1=%04x b2=%04x\n", refnum, - dev->b1->s_refnum, + printk(KERN_DEBUG "refnum=%04x b1=%04x b2=%04x\n", refnum, + dev->b1->s_refnum, dev->b2->s_refnum); #endif /* We just try to find a channel in the right state */ if (dev->b1->fsm_state == ST_CALL_INIT) chan = dev->b1; - else { + else { if (dev->b2->s_refnum == ST_CALL_INIT) chan = dev->b2; - else { + else { chan = NULL; printk(KERN_WARNING "Connection Confirm - no channel in Call Init state\n"); break; @@ -589,18 +589,18 @@ void pcbit_l3_receive(struct pcbit_dev * dev, ulong msg, pcbit_fsm_event(dev, chan, EV_NET_CALL_PROC, NULL); else pcbit_fsm_event(dev, chan, EV_NET_SETUP_ACK, NULL); - break; + break; case MSG_CONN_ACTV_IND: if (!(chan = capi_channel(dev, skb))) { - printk(KERN_WARNING + printk(KERN_WARNING "CAPI header: unknown channel id\n"); break; } - + if (capi_decode_conn_actv_ind(chan, skb)) { printk("error in capi_decode_conn_actv_ind\n"); - /* pcbit_fsm_event(dev, chan, EV_ERROR, NULL); */ + /* pcbit_fsm_event(dev, chan, EV_ERROR, NULL); */ break; } chan->r_refnum = refnum; @@ -609,14 +609,14 @@ void pcbit_l3_receive(struct pcbit_dev * dev, ulong msg, case MSG_CONN_ACTV_CONF: if (!(chan = capi_channel(dev, skb))) { - printk(KERN_WARNING + printk(KERN_WARNING "CAPI header: unknown channel id\n"); break; } if (capi_decode_conn_actv_conf(chan, skb) == 0) pcbit_fsm_event(dev, chan, EV_NET_CONN_ACK, NULL); - + else printk(KERN_DEBUG "decode_conn_actv_conf failed\n"); break; @@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ void pcbit_l3_receive(struct pcbit_dev * dev, ulong msg, case MSG_SELP_CONF: if (!(chan = capi_channel(dev, skb))) { - printk(KERN_WARNING + printk(KERN_WARNING "CAPI header: unknown channel id\n"); break; } @@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ void pcbit_l3_receive(struct pcbit_dev * dev, ulong msg, break; case MSG_ACT_TRANSP_CONF: if (!(chan = capi_channel(dev, skb))) { - printk(KERN_WARNING + printk(KERN_WARNING "CAPI header: unknown channel id\n"); break; } @@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ void pcbit_l3_receive(struct pcbit_dev * dev, ulong msg, case MSG_DISC_IND: if (!(chan = capi_channel(dev, skb))) { - printk(KERN_WARNING + printk(KERN_WARNING "CAPI header: unknown channel id\n"); break; } @@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ void pcbit_l3_receive(struct pcbit_dev * dev, ulong msg, break; case MSG_DISC_CONF: if (!(chan = capi_channel(dev, skb))) { - printk(KERN_WARNING + printk(KERN_WARNING "CAPI header: unknown channel id\n"); break; } @@ -711,24 +711,24 @@ static int pcbit_stat(u_char __user *buf, int len, int driver, int channel) stat_count = STATBUF_LEN - stat_st + stat_end; /* FIXME: should we sleep and wait for more cookies ? */ - if (len > stat_count) + if (len > stat_count) len = stat_count; if (stat_st < stat_end) { if (copy_to_user(buf, statbuf + stat_st, len)) return -EFAULT; - stat_st += len; + stat_st += len; } else { if (len > STATBUF_LEN - stat_st) { if (copy_to_user(buf, statbuf + stat_st, - STATBUF_LEN - stat_st)) + STATBUF_LEN - stat_st)) return -EFAULT; if (copy_to_user(buf, statbuf, - len - (STATBUF_LEN - stat_st))) + len - (STATBUF_LEN - stat_st))) return -EFAULT; stat_st = len - (STATBUF_LEN - stat_st); @@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ static int pcbit_stat(u_char __user *buf, int len, int driver, int channel) return -EFAULT; stat_st += len; - + if (stat_st == STATBUF_LEN) stat_st = 0; } @@ -756,27 +756,27 @@ static void pcbit_logstat(struct pcbit_dev *dev, char *str) int i; isdn_ctrl ictl; - for (i=stat_end; iid; - ictl.arg=strlen(str); + ictl.command = ISDN_STAT_STAVAIL; + ictl.driver = dev->id; + ictl.arg = strlen(str); dev->dev_if->statcallb(&ictl); } - -void pcbit_state_change(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan * chan, + +void pcbit_state_change(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, unsigned short i, unsigned short ev, unsigned short f) { char buf[256]; - + sprintf(buf, "change on device: %d channel:%d\n%s -> %s -> %s\n", - dev->id, chan->id, + dev->id, chan->id, isdn_state_table[i], strisdnevent(ev), isdn_state_table[f] ); @@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ void pcbit_state_change(struct pcbit_dev * dev, struct pcbit_chan * chan, static void set_running_timeout(unsigned long ptr) { - struct pcbit_dev * dev; + struct pcbit_dev *dev; #ifdef DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG "set_running_timeout\n"); @@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ static void set_running_timeout(unsigned long ptr) wake_up_interruptible(&dev->set_running_wq); } -static int set_protocol_running(struct pcbit_dev * dev) +static int set_protocol_running(struct pcbit_dev *dev) { isdn_ctrl ctl; @@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ static int set_protocol_running(struct pcbit_dev * dev) dev->l2_state = L2_STARTING; - writeb((0x80U | ((dev->rcv_seq & 0x07) << 3) | (dev->send_seq & 0x07)), + writeb((0x80U | ((dev->rcv_seq & 0x07) << 3) | (dev->send_seq & 0x07)), dev->sh_mem + BANK4); add_timer(&dev->set_running_timer); @@ -830,8 +830,8 @@ static int set_protocol_running(struct pcbit_dev * dev) dev->writeptr = dev->sh_mem; dev->readptr = dev->sh_mem + BANK2; - - /* tell the good news to the upper layer */ + + /* tell the good news to the upper layer */ ctl.driver = dev->id; ctl.command = ISDN_STAT_RUN; @@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ static int set_protocol_running(struct pcbit_dev * dev) dev->l2_state = L2_DOWN; #ifdef DEBUG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "Bank3 = %02x\n", + printk(KERN_DEBUG "Bank3 = %02x\n", readb(dev->sh_mem + BANK3)); #endif writeb(0x40, dev->sh_mem + BANK4); @@ -862,13 +862,13 @@ static int set_protocol_running(struct pcbit_dev * dev) return 0; } -static int pcbit_ioctl(isdn_ctrl* ctl) +static int pcbit_ioctl(isdn_ctrl *ctl) { - struct pcbit_dev * dev; + struct pcbit_dev *dev; struct pcbit_ioctl *cmd; dev = finddev(ctl->driver); - + if (!dev) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "pcbit_ioctl: unknown device\n"); @@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ static int pcbit_ioctl(isdn_ctrl* ctl) cmd = (struct pcbit_ioctl *) ctl->parm.num; - switch(ctl->arg) { + switch (ctl->arg) { case PCBIT_IOCTL_GETSTAT: cmd->info.l2_status = dev->l2_state; break; @@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ static int pcbit_ioctl(isdn_ctrl* ctl) dev->writeptr = dev->sh_mem; dev->readptr = dev->sh_mem + BANK2; - + dev->l2_state = L2_LOADING; break; @@ -907,21 +907,21 @@ static int pcbit_ioctl(isdn_ctrl* ctl) dev->loadptr = LOAD_ZONE_START; dev->l2_state = L2_FWMODE; - break; + break; case PCBIT_IOCTL_ENDLOAD: if (dev->l2_state == L2_RUNNING) return -EBUSY; dev->l2_state = L2_DOWN; - break; + break; - case PCBIT_IOCTL_SETBYTE: + case PCBIT_IOCTL_SETBYTE: if (dev->l2_state == L2_RUNNING) return -EBUSY; /* check addr */ if (cmd->info.rdp_byte.addr > BANK4) return -EFAULT; - + writeb(cmd->info.rdp_byte.value, dev->sh_mem + cmd->info.rdp_byte.addr); break; case PCBIT_IOCTL_GETBYTE: @@ -935,10 +935,10 @@ static int pcbit_ioctl(isdn_ctrl* ctl) printk("getbyte: invalid addr %04x\n", cmd->info.rdp_byte.addr); return -EFAULT; } - - cmd->info.rdp_byte.value = readb(dev->sh_mem + cmd->info.rdp_byte.addr); + + cmd->info.rdp_byte.value = readb(dev->sh_mem + cmd->info.rdp_byte.addr); break; - case PCBIT_IOCTL_RUNNING: + case PCBIT_IOCTL_RUNNING: if (dev->l2_state == L2_RUNNING) return -EBUSY; return set_protocol_running(dev); @@ -972,25 +972,25 @@ static int pcbit_ioctl(isdn_ctrl* ctl) return 0; } -/* +/* * MSN list handling * * if null reject all calls - * if first entry has null MSN accept all calls + * if first entry has null MSN accept all calls */ static void pcbit_clear_msn(struct pcbit_dev *dev) { struct msn_entry *ptr, *back; - for (ptr=dev->msn_list; ptr; ) + for (ptr = dev->msn_list; ptr;) { back = ptr->next; kfree(ptr); ptr = back; } - dev->msn_list = NULL; + dev->msn_list = NULL; } static void pcbit_set_msn(struct pcbit_dev *dev, char *list) @@ -1016,12 +1016,12 @@ static void pcbit_set_msn(struct pcbit_dev *dev, char *list) } if (dev->msn_list) - for (back=dev->msn_list; back->next; back=back->next); - + for (back = dev->msn_list; back->next; back = back->next); + sp = list; do { - cp=strchr(sp, ','); + cp = strchr(sp, ','); if (cp) len = cp - sp; else @@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ static void pcbit_set_msn(struct pcbit_dev *dev, char *list) return; } ptr->next = NULL; - + ptr->msn = kmalloc(len, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!ptr->msn) { printk(KERN_WARNING "kmalloc failed\n"); @@ -1054,7 +1054,7 @@ static void pcbit_set_msn(struct pcbit_dev *dev, char *list) back->next = ptr; back = ptr; sp += len; - } while(cp); + } while (cp); } /* @@ -1063,12 +1063,12 @@ static void pcbit_set_msn(struct pcbit_dev *dev, char *list) static int pcbit_check_msn(struct pcbit_dev *dev, char *msn) { struct msn_entry *ptr; - - for (ptr=dev->msn_list; ptr; ptr=ptr->next) { - if (ptr->msn == NULL) + for (ptr = dev->msn_list; ptr; ptr = ptr->next) { + + if (ptr->msn == NULL) return 1; - + if (strcmp(ptr->msn, msn) == 0) return 1; } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/edss1.c b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/edss1.c index 80c9c16fd5ef3fdc1c07a2d0f63eefbbe2b28cfb..b2262ba6f0c9a6b9f5d5b2b82db16a8aecd0d633 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/edss1.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/edss1.c @@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ * base: ITU-T Rec Q.931 * * Copyright (C) 1996 Universidade de Lisboa - * + * * Written by Pedro Roque Marques (roque@di.fc.ul.pt) * - * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of + * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of * the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. */ @@ -34,145 +34,145 @@ const char * const isdn_state_table[] = { - "Closed", - "Call initiated", - "Overlap sending", - "Outgoing call proceeding", - "NOT DEFINED", - "Call delivered", - "Call present", - "Call received", - "Connect request", - "Incoming call proceeding", - "Active", - "Disconnect request", - "Disconnect indication", - "NOT DEFINED", - "NOT DEFINED", - "Suspend request", - "NOT DEFINED", - "Resume request", - "NOT DEFINED", - "Release Request", - "NOT DEFINED", - "NOT DEFINED", - "NOT DEFINED", - "NOT DEFINED", - "NOT DEFINED", - "Overlap receiving", - "Select protocol on B-Channel", - "Activate B-channel protocol" + "Closed", + "Call initiated", + "Overlap sending", + "Outgoing call proceeding", + "NOT DEFINED", + "Call delivered", + "Call present", + "Call received", + "Connect request", + "Incoming call proceeding", + "Active", + "Disconnect request", + "Disconnect indication", + "NOT DEFINED", + "NOT DEFINED", + "Suspend request", + "NOT DEFINED", + "Resume request", + "NOT DEFINED", + "Release Request", + "NOT DEFINED", + "NOT DEFINED", + "NOT DEFINED", + "NOT DEFINED", + "NOT DEFINED", + "Overlap receiving", + "Select protocol on B-Channel", + "Activate B-channel protocol" }; #ifdef DEBUG_ERRS static struct CauseValue { - byte nr; - char *descr; -} cvlist[]={ - {0x01,"Unallocated (unassigned) number"}, - {0x02,"No route to specified transit network"}, - {0x03,"No route to destination"}, - {0x04,"Send special information tone"}, - {0x05,"Misdialled trunk prefix"}, - {0x06,"Channel unacceptable"}, - {0x07,"Channel awarded and being delivered in an established channel"}, - {0x08,"Preemption"}, - {0x09,"Preemption - circuit reserved for reuse"}, - {0x10,"Normal call clearing"}, - {0x11,"User busy"}, - {0x12,"No user responding"}, - {0x13,"No answer from user (user alerted)"}, - {0x14,"Subscriber absent"}, - {0x15,"Call rejected"}, - {0x16,"Number changed"}, - {0x1a,"non-selected user clearing"}, - {0x1b,"Destination out of order"}, - {0x1c,"Invalid number format (address incomplete)"}, - {0x1d,"Facility rejected"}, - {0x1e,"Response to Status enquiry"}, - {0x1f,"Normal, unspecified"}, - {0x22,"No circuit/channel available"}, - {0x26,"Network out of order"}, - {0x27,"Permanent frame mode connection out-of-service"}, - {0x28,"Permanent frame mode connection operational"}, - {0x29,"Temporary failure"}, - {0x2a,"Switching equipment congestion"}, - {0x2b,"Access information discarded"}, - {0x2c,"Requested circuit/channel not available"}, - {0x2e,"Precedence call blocked"}, - {0x2f,"Resource unavailable, unspecified"}, - {0x31,"Quality of service unavailable"}, - {0x32,"Requested facility not subscribed"}, - {0x35,"Outgoing calls barred within CUG"}, - {0x37,"Incoming calls barred within CUG"}, - {0x39,"Bearer capability not authorized"}, - {0x3a,"Bearer capability not presently available"}, - {0x3e,"Inconsistency in designated outgoing access information and subscriber class"}, - {0x3f,"Service or option not available, unspecified"}, - {0x41,"Bearer capability not implemented"}, - {0x42,"Channel type not implemented"}, - {0x43,"Requested facility not implemented"}, - {0x44,"Only restricted digital information bearer capability is available"}, - {0x4f,"Service or option not implemented"}, - {0x51,"Invalid call reference value"}, - {0x52,"Identified channel does not exist"}, - {0x53,"A suspended call exists, but this call identity does not"}, - {0x54,"Call identity in use"}, - {0x55,"No call suspended"}, - {0x56,"Call having the requested call identity has been cleared"}, - {0x57,"User not member of CUG"}, - {0x58,"Incompatible destination"}, - {0x5a,"Non-existent CUG"}, - {0x5b,"Invalid transit network selection"}, - {0x5f,"Invalid message, unspecified"}, - {0x60,"Mandatory information element is missing"}, - {0x61,"Message type non-existent or not implemented"}, - {0x62,"Message not compatible with call state or message type non-existent or not implemented"}, - {0x63,"Information element/parameter non-existent or not implemented"}, - {0x64,"Invalid information element contents"}, - {0x65,"Message not compatible with call state"}, - {0x66,"Recovery on timer expiry"}, - {0x67,"Parameter non-existent or not implemented - passed on"}, - {0x6e,"Message with unrecognized parameter discarded"}, - {0x6f,"Protocol error, unspecified"}, - {0x7f,"Interworking, unspecified"} + byte nr; + char *descr; +} cvlist[] = { + {0x01, "Unallocated (unassigned) number"}, + {0x02, "No route to specified transit network"}, + {0x03, "No route to destination"}, + {0x04, "Send special information tone"}, + {0x05, "Misdialled trunk prefix"}, + {0x06, "Channel unacceptable"}, + {0x07, "Channel awarded and being delivered in an established channel"}, + {0x08, "Preemption"}, + {0x09, "Preemption - circuit reserved for reuse"}, + {0x10, "Normal call clearing"}, + {0x11, "User busy"}, + {0x12, "No user responding"}, + {0x13, "No answer from user (user alerted)"}, + {0x14, "Subscriber absent"}, + {0x15, "Call rejected"}, + {0x16, "Number changed"}, + {0x1a, "non-selected user clearing"}, + {0x1b, "Destination out of order"}, + {0x1c, "Invalid number format (address incomplete)"}, + {0x1d, "Facility rejected"}, + {0x1e, "Response to Status enquiry"}, + {0x1f, "Normal, unspecified"}, + {0x22, "No circuit/channel available"}, + {0x26, "Network out of order"}, + {0x27, "Permanent frame mode connection out-of-service"}, + {0x28, "Permanent frame mode connection operational"}, + {0x29, "Temporary failure"}, + {0x2a, "Switching equipment congestion"}, + {0x2b, "Access information discarded"}, + {0x2c, "Requested circuit/channel not available"}, + {0x2e, "Precedence call blocked"}, + {0x2f, "Resource unavailable, unspecified"}, + {0x31, "Quality of service unavailable"}, + {0x32, "Requested facility not subscribed"}, + {0x35, "Outgoing calls barred within CUG"}, + {0x37, "Incoming calls barred within CUG"}, + {0x39, "Bearer capability not authorized"}, + {0x3a, "Bearer capability not presently available"}, + {0x3e, "Inconsistency in designated outgoing access information and subscriber class"}, + {0x3f, "Service or option not available, unspecified"}, + {0x41, "Bearer capability not implemented"}, + {0x42, "Channel type not implemented"}, + {0x43, "Requested facility not implemented"}, + {0x44, "Only restricted digital information bearer capability is available"}, + {0x4f, "Service or option not implemented"}, + {0x51, "Invalid call reference value"}, + {0x52, "Identified channel does not exist"}, + {0x53, "A suspended call exists, but this call identity does not"}, + {0x54, "Call identity in use"}, + {0x55, "No call suspended"}, + {0x56, "Call having the requested call identity has been cleared"}, + {0x57, "User not member of CUG"}, + {0x58, "Incompatible destination"}, + {0x5a, "Non-existent CUG"}, + {0x5b, "Invalid transit network selection"}, + {0x5f, "Invalid message, unspecified"}, + {0x60, "Mandatory information element is missing"}, + {0x61, "Message type non-existent or not implemented"}, + {0x62, "Message not compatible with call state or message type non-existent or not implemented"}, + {0x63, "Information element/parameter non-existent or not implemented"}, + {0x64, "Invalid information element contents"}, + {0x65, "Message not compatible with call state"}, + {0x66, "Recovery on timer expiry"}, + {0x67, "Parameter non-existent or not implemented - passed on"}, + {0x6e, "Message with unrecognized parameter discarded"}, + {0x6f, "Protocol error, unspecified"}, + {0x7f, "Interworking, unspecified"} }; #endif static struct isdn_event_desc { - unsigned short ev; - char * desc; -} isdn_event_table [] = { - {EV_USR_SETUP_REQ, "CC->L3: Setup Request"}, - {EV_USR_SETUP_RESP, "CC->L3: Setup Response"}, - {EV_USR_PROCED_REQ, "CC->L3: Proceeding Request"}, - {EV_USR_RELEASE_REQ, "CC->L3: Release Request"}, - - {EV_NET_SETUP, "NET->TE: setup "}, - {EV_NET_CALL_PROC, "NET->TE: call proceeding"}, - {EV_NET_SETUP_ACK, "NET->TE: setup acknowledge (more info needed)"}, - {EV_NET_CONN, "NET->TE: connect"}, - {EV_NET_CONN_ACK, "NET->TE: connect acknowledge"}, - {EV_NET_DISC, "NET->TE: disconnect indication"}, - {EV_NET_RELEASE, "NET->TE: release"}, - {EV_NET_RELEASE_COMP, "NET->TE: release complete"}, - {EV_NET_SELP_RESP, "Board: Select B-channel protocol ack"}, - {EV_NET_ACTV_RESP, "Board: Activate B-channel protocol ack"}, - {EV_TIMER, "Timeout"}, - {0, "NULL"} + unsigned short ev; + char *desc; +} isdn_event_table[] = { + {EV_USR_SETUP_REQ, "CC->L3: Setup Request"}, + {EV_USR_SETUP_RESP, "CC->L3: Setup Response"}, + {EV_USR_PROCED_REQ, "CC->L3: Proceeding Request"}, + {EV_USR_RELEASE_REQ, "CC->L3: Release Request"}, + + {EV_NET_SETUP, "NET->TE: setup "}, + {EV_NET_CALL_PROC, "NET->TE: call proceeding"}, + {EV_NET_SETUP_ACK, "NET->TE: setup acknowledge (more info needed)"}, + {EV_NET_CONN, "NET->TE: connect"}, + {EV_NET_CONN_ACK, "NET->TE: connect acknowledge"}, + {EV_NET_DISC, "NET->TE: disconnect indication"}, + {EV_NET_RELEASE, "NET->TE: release"}, + {EV_NET_RELEASE_COMP, "NET->TE: release complete"}, + {EV_NET_SELP_RESP, "Board: Select B-channel protocol ack"}, + {EV_NET_ACTV_RESP, "Board: Activate B-channel protocol ack"}, + {EV_TIMER, "Timeout"}, + {0, "NULL"} }; -char * strisdnevent(ushort ev) +char *strisdnevent(ushort ev) { - struct isdn_event_desc * entry; - - for (entry = isdn_event_table; entry->ev; entry++) - if (entry->ev == ev) - break; + struct isdn_event_desc *entry; + + for (entry = isdn_event_table; entry->ev; entry++) + if (entry->ev == ev) + break; - return entry->desc; + return entry->desc; } /* @@ -180,130 +180,130 @@ char * strisdnevent(ushort ev) */ static struct fsm_timer_entry fsm_timers[] = { - {ST_CALL_PROC, 10}, - {ST_DISC_REQ, 2}, - {ST_ACTIVE_SELP, 5}, - {ST_ACTIVE_ACTV, 5}, - {ST_INCM_PROC, 10}, - {ST_CONN_REQ, 2}, - {0xff, 0} + {ST_CALL_PROC, 10}, + {ST_DISC_REQ, 2}, + {ST_ACTIVE_SELP, 5}, + {ST_ACTIVE_ACTV, 5}, + {ST_INCM_PROC, 10}, + {ST_CONN_REQ, 2}, + {0xff, 0} }; static struct fsm_entry fsm_table[] = { /* Connect Phase */ - /* Outgoing */ - {ST_NULL, ST_CALL_INIT, EV_USR_SETUP_REQ, cb_out_1}, + /* Outgoing */ + {ST_NULL, ST_CALL_INIT, EV_USR_SETUP_REQ, cb_out_1}, - {ST_CALL_INIT, ST_OVER_SEND, EV_NET_SETUP_ACK, cb_notdone}, - {ST_CALL_INIT, ST_CALL_PROC, EV_NET_CALL_PROC, NULL}, - {ST_CALL_INIT, ST_NULL, EV_NET_DISC, cb_out_2}, + {ST_CALL_INIT, ST_OVER_SEND, EV_NET_SETUP_ACK, cb_notdone}, + {ST_CALL_INIT, ST_CALL_PROC, EV_NET_CALL_PROC, NULL}, + {ST_CALL_INIT, ST_NULL, EV_NET_DISC, cb_out_2}, - {ST_CALL_PROC, ST_ACTIVE_SELP, EV_NET_CONN, cb_out_2}, - {ST_CALL_PROC, ST_NULL, EV_NET_DISC, cb_disc_1}, - {ST_CALL_PROC, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_USR_RELEASE_REQ, cb_disc_2}, + {ST_CALL_PROC, ST_ACTIVE_SELP, EV_NET_CONN, cb_out_2}, + {ST_CALL_PROC, ST_NULL, EV_NET_DISC, cb_disc_1}, + {ST_CALL_PROC, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_USR_RELEASE_REQ, cb_disc_2}, - /* Incoming */ - {ST_NULL, ST_CALL_PRES, EV_NET_SETUP, NULL}, + /* Incoming */ + {ST_NULL, ST_CALL_PRES, EV_NET_SETUP, NULL}, - {ST_CALL_PRES, ST_INCM_PROC, EV_USR_PROCED_REQ, cb_in_1}, - {ST_CALL_PRES, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_USR_RELEASE_REQ, cb_disc_2}, + {ST_CALL_PRES, ST_INCM_PROC, EV_USR_PROCED_REQ, cb_in_1}, + {ST_CALL_PRES, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_USR_RELEASE_REQ, cb_disc_2}, - {ST_INCM_PROC, ST_CONN_REQ, EV_USR_SETUP_RESP, cb_in_2}, - {ST_INCM_PROC, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_USR_RELEASE_REQ, cb_disc_2}, + {ST_INCM_PROC, ST_CONN_REQ, EV_USR_SETUP_RESP, cb_in_2}, + {ST_INCM_PROC, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_USR_RELEASE_REQ, cb_disc_2}, - {ST_CONN_REQ, ST_ACTIVE_SELP, EV_NET_CONN_ACK, cb_in_3}, + {ST_CONN_REQ, ST_ACTIVE_SELP, EV_NET_CONN_ACK, cb_in_3}, - /* Active */ - {ST_ACTIVE, ST_NULL, EV_NET_DISC, cb_disc_1}, - {ST_ACTIVE, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_USR_RELEASE_REQ, cb_disc_2}, - {ST_ACTIVE, ST_NULL, EV_NET_RELEASE, cb_disc_3}, + /* Active */ + {ST_ACTIVE, ST_NULL, EV_NET_DISC, cb_disc_1}, + {ST_ACTIVE, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_USR_RELEASE_REQ, cb_disc_2}, + {ST_ACTIVE, ST_NULL, EV_NET_RELEASE, cb_disc_3}, - /* Disconnect */ + /* Disconnect */ - {ST_DISC_REQ, ST_NULL, EV_NET_DISC, cb_disc_1}, - {ST_DISC_REQ, ST_NULL, EV_NET_RELEASE, cb_disc_3}, + {ST_DISC_REQ, ST_NULL, EV_NET_DISC, cb_disc_1}, + {ST_DISC_REQ, ST_NULL, EV_NET_RELEASE, cb_disc_3}, - /* protocol selection */ - {ST_ACTIVE_SELP, ST_ACTIVE_ACTV, EV_NET_SELP_RESP, cb_selp_1}, - {ST_ACTIVE_SELP, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_USR_RELEASE_REQ, cb_disc_2}, + /* protocol selection */ + {ST_ACTIVE_SELP, ST_ACTIVE_ACTV, EV_NET_SELP_RESP, cb_selp_1}, + {ST_ACTIVE_SELP, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_USR_RELEASE_REQ, cb_disc_2}, - {ST_ACTIVE_ACTV, ST_ACTIVE, EV_NET_ACTV_RESP, cb_open}, - {ST_ACTIVE_ACTV, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_USR_RELEASE_REQ, cb_disc_2}, + {ST_ACTIVE_ACTV, ST_ACTIVE, EV_NET_ACTV_RESP, cb_open}, + {ST_ACTIVE_ACTV, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_USR_RELEASE_REQ, cb_disc_2}, - /* Timers */ - {ST_CALL_PROC, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_TIMER, cb_disc_2}, - {ST_DISC_REQ, ST_NULL, EV_TIMER, cb_disc_3}, - {ST_ACTIVE_SELP, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_TIMER, cb_disc_2}, - {ST_ACTIVE_ACTV, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_TIMER, cb_disc_2}, - {ST_INCM_PROC, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_TIMER, cb_disc_2}, - {ST_CONN_REQ, ST_CONN_REQ, EV_TIMER, cb_in_2}, - - {0xff, 0, 0, NULL} + /* Timers */ + {ST_CALL_PROC, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_TIMER, cb_disc_2}, + {ST_DISC_REQ, ST_NULL, EV_TIMER, cb_disc_3}, + {ST_ACTIVE_SELP, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_TIMER, cb_disc_2}, + {ST_ACTIVE_ACTV, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_TIMER, cb_disc_2}, + {ST_INCM_PROC, ST_DISC_REQ, EV_TIMER, cb_disc_2}, + {ST_CONN_REQ, ST_CONN_REQ, EV_TIMER, cb_in_2}, + + {0xff, 0, 0, NULL} }; static void pcbit_fsm_timer(unsigned long data) { - struct pcbit_dev *dev; - struct pcbit_chan *chan; + struct pcbit_dev *dev; + struct pcbit_chan *chan; - chan = (struct pcbit_chan *) data; + chan = (struct pcbit_chan *) data; - del_timer(&chan->fsm_timer); - chan->fsm_timer.function = NULL; + del_timer(&chan->fsm_timer); + chan->fsm_timer.function = NULL; - dev = chan2dev(chan); + dev = chan2dev(chan); - if (dev == NULL) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "pcbit: timer for unknown device\n"); - return; - } + if (dev == NULL) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "pcbit: timer for unknown device\n"); + return; + } - pcbit_fsm_event(dev, chan, EV_TIMER, NULL); + pcbit_fsm_event(dev, chan, EV_TIMER, NULL); } void pcbit_fsm_event(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, - unsigned short event, struct callb_data *data) + unsigned short event, struct callb_data *data) { - struct fsm_entry * action; + struct fsm_entry *action; struct fsm_timer_entry *tentry; unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->lock, flags); - for (action = fsm_table; action->init != 0xff; action++) - if (action->init == chan->fsm_state && action->event == event) - break; - + for (action = fsm_table; action->init != 0xff; action++) + if (action->init == chan->fsm_state && action->event == event) + break; + if (action->init == 0xff) { - + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->lock, flags); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "fsm error: event %x on state %x\n", - event, chan->fsm_state); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "fsm error: event %x on state %x\n", + event, chan->fsm_state); return; } - if (chan->fsm_timer.function) { - del_timer(&chan->fsm_timer); - chan->fsm_timer.function = NULL; - } + if (chan->fsm_timer.function) { + del_timer(&chan->fsm_timer); + chan->fsm_timer.function = NULL; + } chan->fsm_state = action->final; - + pcbit_state_change(dev, chan, action->init, event, action->final); - for (tentry = fsm_timers; tentry->init != 0xff; tentry++) - if (tentry->init == chan->fsm_state) - break; + for (tentry = fsm_timers; tentry->init != 0xff; tentry++) + if (tentry->init == chan->fsm_state) + break; - if (tentry->init != 0xff) { - init_timer(&chan->fsm_timer); - chan->fsm_timer.function = &pcbit_fsm_timer; - chan->fsm_timer.data = (ulong) chan; - chan->fsm_timer.expires = jiffies + tentry->timeout * HZ; - add_timer(&chan->fsm_timer); - } + if (tentry->init != 0xff) { + init_timer(&chan->fsm_timer); + chan->fsm_timer.function = &pcbit_fsm_timer; + chan->fsm_timer.data = (ulong) chan; + chan->fsm_timer.expires = jiffies + tentry->timeout * HZ; + add_timer(&chan->fsm_timer); + } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->lock, flags); @@ -311,7 +311,3 @@ void pcbit_fsm_event(struct pcbit_dev *dev, struct pcbit_chan *chan, action->callb(dev, chan, data); } - - - - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/edss1.h b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/edss1.h index 39f8346e28c593b90bca541aefacd86cb9b7effa..2f6b3a8edfba6af5c2cb4627ef57a73df083ad80 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/edss1.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/edss1.h @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ * DSS.1 module definitions * * Copyright (C) 1996 Universidade de Lisboa - * + * * Written by Pedro Roque Marques (roque@di.fc.ul.pt) * - * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of + * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of * the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. */ @@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ /* * Cause values * only the ones we use - */ + */ -#define CAUSE_NORMAL 0x10U +#define CAUSE_NORMAL 0x10U #define CAUSE_NOCHAN 0x22U struct callb_data { @@ -94,9 +94,6 @@ extern const char * const isdn_state_table[]; void pcbit_fsm_event(struct pcbit_dev *, struct pcbit_chan *, unsigned short event, struct callb_data *); -char * strisdnevent(ushort ev); +char *strisdnevent(ushort ev); #endif - - - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/layer2.c b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/layer2.c index 30f0f45e3139293a68007236f1c12bb80156f56e..682911f8113821368c3599b77e27a7e8475211c2 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/layer2.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/layer2.c @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ /* * 19991203 - Fernando Carvalho - takion@superbofh.org * Hacked to compile with egcs and run with current version of isdn modules -*/ + */ /* * Based on documentation provided by Inesc: @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ pcbit_l2_write(struct pcbit_dev *dev, ulong msg, ushort refnum, struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned short hdr_len) { struct frame_buf *frame, - *ptr; + *ptr; unsigned long flags; if (dev->l2_state != L2_RUNNING && dev->l2_state != L2_LOADING) { @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ pcbit_l2_write(struct pcbit_dev *dev, ulong msg, ushort refnum, return -1; } if ((frame = kmalloc(sizeof(struct frame_buf), - GFP_ATOMIC)) == NULL) { + GFP_ATOMIC)) == NULL) { printk(KERN_WARNING "pcbit_2_write: kmalloc failed\n"); dev_kfree_skb(skb); return -1; @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ pcbit_transmit(struct pcbit_dev *dev) int flen; /* fragment frame length including all headers */ int free; int count, - cp_len; + cp_len; unsigned long flags; unsigned short tt; @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ pcbit_transmit(struct pcbit_dev *dev) /* Type 0 frame */ - ulong msg; + ulong msg; if (frame->skb) flen = FRAME_HDR_LEN + PREHDR_LEN + frame->skb->len; @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ pcbit_transmit(struct pcbit_dev *dev) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->lock, flags); #ifdef DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG "unacked %d free %d write_queue %s\n", - unacked, dev->free, dev->write_queue ? "not empty" : + unacked, dev->free, dev->write_queue ? "not empty" : "empty"); #endif } @@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ pcbit_deliver(struct work_struct *work) SET_MSG_CMD(msg, frame->skb->data[2]); SET_MSG_SCMD(msg, frame->skb->data[3]); - frame->refnum = *((ushort *) frame->skb->data + 4); - frame->msg = *((ulong *) & msg); + frame->refnum = *((ushort *)frame->skb->data + 4); + frame->msg = *((ulong *)&msg); skb_pull(frame->skb, 6); @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ pcbit_receive(struct pcbit_dev *dev) { unsigned short tt; u_char cpu, - proc; + proc; struct frame_buf *frame = NULL; unsigned long flags; u_char type1; @@ -378,10 +378,10 @@ pcbit_receive(struct pcbit_dev *dev) frame->dt_len = pcbit_readw(dev); /* - * 0 sized packet - * I don't know if they are an error or not... - * But they are very frequent - * Not documented + * 0 sized packet + * I don't know if they are an error or not... + * But they are very frequent + * Not documented */ if (frame->hdr_len == 0) { @@ -499,8 +499,8 @@ pcbit_irq_handler(int interrupt, void *devptr) { struct pcbit_dev *dev; u_char info, - ack_seq, - read_seq; + ack_seq, + read_seq; dev = (struct pcbit_dev *) devptr; @@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ static void pcbit_recv_ack(struct pcbit_dev *dev, unsigned char ack) { int i, - count; + count; int unacked; unacked = (dev->send_seq + (8 - dev->unack_seq)) & 0x07; @@ -678,13 +678,13 @@ pcbit_recv_ack(struct pcbit_dev *dev, unsigned char ack) if (dev->send_seq > dev->unack_seq) { if (ack <= dev->unack_seq || ack > dev->send_seq) { printk(KERN_DEBUG - "layer 2 ack unacceptable - dev %d", + "layer 2 ack unacceptable - dev %d", dev->id); pcbit_l2_error(dev); } else if (ack > dev->send_seq && ack <= dev->unack_seq) { printk(KERN_DEBUG - "layer 2 ack unacceptable - dev %d", + "layer 2 ack unacceptable - dev %d", dev->id); pcbit_l2_error(dev); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/layer2.h b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/layer2.h index 2ac295e1a6e554d998d63cd240ddc44fff71806c..be1327bc162a8d5510c4dac06e87ab0f0d1565cb 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/layer2.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/layer2.h @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ * PCBIT-D low-layer interface definitions * * Copyright (C) 1996 Universidade de Lisboa - * + * * Written by Pedro Roque Marques (roque@di.fc.ul.pt) * - * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of + * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of * the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. */ /* * 19991203 - Fernando Carvalho - takion@superbofh.org * Hacked to compile with egcs and run with current version of isdn modules -*/ + */ #ifndef LAYER2_H #define LAYER2_H @@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ /* TAM - XX - C - S - NUM */ #define PREHDR_LEN 8 -/* TT - M - I - TH - TD */ -#define FRAME_HDR_LEN 8 +/* TT - M - I - TH - TD */ +#define FRAME_HDR_LEN 8 #define MSG_CONN_REQ 0x08000100 #define MSG_CONN_CONF 0x00000101 @@ -84,21 +84,21 @@ #define MSG_DEBUG_188 0x0000ff00 /* - - long 4 3 2 1 - Intel 1 2 3 4 + + long 4 3 2 1 + Intel 1 2 3 4 */ #ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN -#define SET_MSG_SCMD(msg, ch) (msg = (msg & 0xffffff00) | (((ch) & 0xff))) -#define SET_MSG_CMD(msg, ch) (msg = (msg & 0xffff00ff) | (((ch) & 0xff) << 8)) -#define SET_MSG_PROC(msg, ch) (msg = (msg & 0xff00ffff) | (((ch) & 0xff) << 16)) -#define SET_MSG_CPU(msg, ch) (msg = (msg & 0x00ffffff) | (((ch) & 0xff) << 24)) +#define SET_MSG_SCMD(msg, ch) (msg = (msg & 0xffffff00) | (((ch) & 0xff))) +#define SET_MSG_CMD(msg, ch) (msg = (msg & 0xffff00ff) | (((ch) & 0xff) << 8)) +#define SET_MSG_PROC(msg, ch) (msg = (msg & 0xff00ffff) | (((ch) & 0xff) << 16)) +#define SET_MSG_CPU(msg, ch) (msg = (msg & 0x00ffffff) | (((ch) & 0xff) << 24)) -#define GET_MSG_SCMD(msg) ((msg) & 0xFF) -#define GET_MSG_CMD(msg) ((msg) >> 8 & 0xFF) -#define GET_MSG_PROC(msg) ((msg) >> 16 & 0xFF) -#define GET_MSG_CPU(msg) ((msg) >> 24) +#define GET_MSG_SCMD(msg) ((msg) & 0xFF) +#define GET_MSG_CMD(msg) ((msg) >> 8 & 0xFF) +#define GET_MSG_PROC(msg) ((msg) >> 16 & 0xFF) +#define GET_MSG_CPU(msg) ((msg) >> 24) #else #error "Non-Intel CPU" @@ -109,60 +109,60 @@ #define SCHED_READ 0x01 #define SCHED_WRITE 0x02 -#define SET_RUN_TIMEOUT 2*HZ /* 2 seconds */ - +#define SET_RUN_TIMEOUT 2 * HZ /* 2 seconds */ + struct frame_buf { - ulong msg; - unsigned int refnum; - unsigned int dt_len; - unsigned int hdr_len; - struct sk_buff *skb; + ulong msg; + unsigned int refnum; + unsigned int dt_len; + unsigned int hdr_len; + struct sk_buff *skb; unsigned int copied; - struct frame_buf * next; + struct frame_buf *next; }; -extern int pcbit_l2_write(struct pcbit_dev * dev, ulong msg, ushort refnum, - struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned short hdr_len); +extern int pcbit_l2_write(struct pcbit_dev *dev, ulong msg, ushort refnum, + struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned short hdr_len); extern irqreturn_t pcbit_irq_handler(int interrupt, void *); -extern struct pcbit_dev * dev_pcbit[MAX_PCBIT_CARDS]; +extern struct pcbit_dev *dev_pcbit[MAX_PCBIT_CARDS]; #ifdef DEBUG static __inline__ void log_state(struct pcbit_dev *dev) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "writeptr = %ld\n", + printk(KERN_DEBUG "writeptr = %ld\n", (ulong) (dev->writeptr - dev->sh_mem)); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "readptr = %ld\n", + printk(KERN_DEBUG "readptr = %ld\n", (ulong) (dev->readptr - (dev->sh_mem + BANK2))); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "{rcv_seq=%01x, send_seq=%01x, unack_seq=%01x}\n", + printk(KERN_DEBUG "{rcv_seq=%01x, send_seq=%01x, unack_seq=%01x}\n", dev->rcv_seq, dev->send_seq, dev->unack_seq); } #endif -static __inline__ struct pcbit_dev * chan2dev(struct pcbit_chan * chan) +static __inline__ struct pcbit_dev *chan2dev(struct pcbit_chan *chan) { - struct pcbit_dev * dev; - int i; + struct pcbit_dev *dev; + int i; - for (i=0; ib1 == chan || dev->b2 == chan) - return dev; - return NULL; + for (i = 0; i < MAX_PCBIT_CARDS; i++) + if ((dev = dev_pcbit[i])) + if (dev->b1 == chan || dev->b2 == chan) + return dev; + return NULL; } -static __inline__ struct pcbit_dev * finddev(int id) +static __inline__ struct pcbit_dev *finddev(int id) { - struct pcbit_dev * dev; - int i; - - for (i=0; iid == id) - return dev; - return NULL; + struct pcbit_dev *dev; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < MAX_PCBIT_CARDS; i++) + if ((dev = dev_pcbit[i])) + if (dev->id == id) + return dev; + return NULL; } @@ -172,117 +172,110 @@ static __inline__ struct pcbit_dev * finddev(int id) static __inline__ void pcbit_writeb(struct pcbit_dev *dev, unsigned char dt) { - writeb(dt, dev->writeptr++); - if (dev->writeptr == dev->sh_mem + BANKLEN) - dev->writeptr = dev->sh_mem; + writeb(dt, dev->writeptr++); + if (dev->writeptr == dev->sh_mem + BANKLEN) + dev->writeptr = dev->sh_mem; } static __inline__ void pcbit_writew(struct pcbit_dev *dev, unsigned short dt) { - int dist; - - dist = BANKLEN - (dev->writeptr - dev->sh_mem); - switch (dist) { - case 2: - writew(dt, dev->writeptr); - dev->writeptr = dev->sh_mem; - break; - case 1: - writeb((u_char) (dt & 0x00ffU), dev->writeptr); - dev->writeptr = dev->sh_mem; - writeb((u_char) (dt >> 8), dev->writeptr++); - break; - default: - writew(dt, dev->writeptr); - dev->writeptr += 2; - break; - }; + int dist; + + dist = BANKLEN - (dev->writeptr - dev->sh_mem); + switch (dist) { + case 2: + writew(dt, dev->writeptr); + dev->writeptr = dev->sh_mem; + break; + case 1: + writeb((u_char) (dt & 0x00ffU), dev->writeptr); + dev->writeptr = dev->sh_mem; + writeb((u_char) (dt >> 8), dev->writeptr++); + break; + default: + writew(dt, dev->writeptr); + dev->writeptr += 2; + break; + }; } -static __inline__ void memcpy_topcbit(struct pcbit_dev * dev, u_char * data, +static __inline__ void memcpy_topcbit(struct pcbit_dev *dev, u_char *data, int len) { - int diff; - - diff = len - (BANKLEN - (dev->writeptr - dev->sh_mem) ); - - if (diff > 0) - { - memcpy_toio(dev->writeptr, data, len - diff); - memcpy_toio(dev->sh_mem, data + (len - diff), diff); - dev->writeptr = dev->sh_mem + diff; - } - else - { - memcpy_toio(dev->writeptr, data, len); - - dev->writeptr += len; - if (diff == 0) - dev->writeptr = dev->sh_mem; - } + int diff; + + diff = len - (BANKLEN - (dev->writeptr - dev->sh_mem)); + + if (diff > 0) + { + memcpy_toio(dev->writeptr, data, len - diff); + memcpy_toio(dev->sh_mem, data + (len - diff), diff); + dev->writeptr = dev->sh_mem + diff; + } + else + { + memcpy_toio(dev->writeptr, data, len); + + dev->writeptr += len; + if (diff == 0) + dev->writeptr = dev->sh_mem; + } } static __inline__ unsigned char pcbit_readb(struct pcbit_dev *dev) { - unsigned char val; + unsigned char val; - val = readb(dev->readptr++); - if (dev->readptr == dev->sh_mem + BANK2 + BANKLEN) - dev->readptr = dev->sh_mem + BANK2; + val = readb(dev->readptr++); + if (dev->readptr == dev->sh_mem + BANK2 + BANKLEN) + dev->readptr = dev->sh_mem + BANK2; - return val; + return val; } static __inline__ unsigned short pcbit_readw(struct pcbit_dev *dev) { - int dist; - unsigned short val; - - dist = BANKLEN - ( dev->readptr - (dev->sh_mem + BANK2 ) ); - switch (dist) { - case 2: - val = readw(dev->readptr); - dev->readptr = dev->sh_mem + BANK2; - break; - case 1: - val = readb(dev->readptr); - dev->readptr = dev->sh_mem + BANK2; - val = (readb(dev->readptr++) << 8) | val; - break; - default: - val = readw(dev->readptr); - dev->readptr += 2; - break; - }; - return val; + int dist; + unsigned short val; + + dist = BANKLEN - (dev->readptr - (dev->sh_mem + BANK2)); + switch (dist) { + case 2: + val = readw(dev->readptr); + dev->readptr = dev->sh_mem + BANK2; + break; + case 1: + val = readb(dev->readptr); + dev->readptr = dev->sh_mem + BANK2; + val = (readb(dev->readptr++) << 8) | val; + break; + default: + val = readw(dev->readptr); + dev->readptr += 2; + break; + }; + return val; } -static __inline__ void memcpy_frompcbit(struct pcbit_dev * dev, u_char * data, int len) +static __inline__ void memcpy_frompcbit(struct pcbit_dev *dev, u_char *data, int len) { - int diff; - - diff = len - (BANKLEN - (dev->readptr - (dev->sh_mem + BANK2) ) ); - if (diff > 0) - { - memcpy_fromio(data, dev->readptr, len - diff); - memcpy_fromio(data + (len - diff), dev->sh_mem + BANK2 , diff); - dev->readptr = dev->sh_mem + BANK2 + diff; - } - else - { - memcpy_fromio(data, dev->readptr, len); - dev->readptr += len; - if (diff == 0) - dev->readptr = dev->sh_mem + BANK2; - } + int diff; + + diff = len - (BANKLEN - (dev->readptr - (dev->sh_mem + BANK2))); + if (diff > 0) + { + memcpy_fromio(data, dev->readptr, len - diff); + memcpy_fromio(data + (len - diff), dev->sh_mem + BANK2 , diff); + dev->readptr = dev->sh_mem + BANK2 + diff; + } + else + { + memcpy_fromio(data, dev->readptr, len); + dev->readptr += len; + if (diff == 0) + dev->readptr = dev->sh_mem + BANK2; + } } #endif - - - - - - - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/module.c b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/module.c index 04ea241ff176fad600990888fe822ab31e09026a..0a59bd0b8210f334ab74674534c7664e2f6acada 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/pcbit/module.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/pcbit/module.c @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ * PCBIT-D module support * * Copyright (C) 1996 Universidade de Lisboa - * + * * Written by Pedro Roque Marques (roque@di.fc.ul.pt) * - * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of + * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of * the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. */ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module_param_array(mem, int, NULL, 0); module_param_array(irq, int, NULL, 0); static int num_boards; -struct pcbit_dev * dev_pcbit[MAX_PCBIT_CARDS]; +struct pcbit_dev *dev_pcbit[MAX_PCBIT_CARDS]; static int __init pcbit_init(void) { @@ -37,26 +37,26 @@ static int __init pcbit_init(void) num_boards = 0; - printk(KERN_NOTICE + printk(KERN_NOTICE "PCBIT-D device driver v 0.5-fjpc0 19991204 - " "Copyright (C) 1996 Universidade de Lisboa\n"); - if (mem[0] || irq[0]) + if (mem[0] || irq[0]) { - for (board=0; board < MAX_PCBIT_CARDS && mem[board] && irq[board]; board++) + for (board = 0; board < MAX_PCBIT_CARDS && mem[board] && irq[board]; board++) { if (!mem[board]) mem[board] = 0xD0000; if (!irq[board]) irq[board] = 5; - + if (pcbit_init_dev(board, mem[board], irq[board]) == 0) num_boards++; - - else + + else { - printk(KERN_WARNING - "pcbit_init failed for dev %d", + printk(KERN_WARNING + "pcbit_init failed for dev %d", board + 1); return -EIO; } @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ static int __init pcbit_init(void) if (!num_boards) { - printk(KERN_INFO + printk(KERN_INFO "Trying to detect board using default settings\n"); if (pcbit_init_dev(0, 0xD0000, 5) == 0) num_boards++; @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ static void __exit pcbit_exit(void) for (board = 0; board < num_boards; board++) pcbit_terminate(board); - printk(KERN_NOTICE + printk(KERN_NOTICE "PCBIT-D module unloaded\n"); #endif } @@ -95,20 +95,20 @@ static int __init pcbit_setup(char *line) { int i, j, argc; char *str; - int ints[MAX_PARA+1]; + int ints[MAX_PARA + 1]; str = get_options(line, MAX_PARA, ints); argc = ints[0]; i = 0; j = 1; - while (argc && (icommand) { + switch (cmd->command) { case ISDN_CMD_IOCTL: { - unsigned long cmdptr; + unsigned long cmdptr; scs_ioctl ioc; memcpy(&cmdptr, cmd->parm.num, sizeof(unsigned long)); if (copy_from_user(&ioc, (scs_ioctl __user *)cmdptr, sizeof(scs_ioctl))) { pr_debug("%s: Failed to verify user space 0x%lx\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, cmdptr); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, cmdptr); return -EFAULT; } return sc_ioctl(card, &ioc); @@ -133,76 +133,76 @@ int command(isdn_ctrl *cmd) /* * start the onboard firmware */ -int startproc(int card) +int startproc(int card) { int status; - if(!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { + if (!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { pr_debug("Invalid param: %d is not a valid card id\n", card); return -ENODEV; } /* - * send start msg + * send start msg */ - status = sendmessage(card, CMPID,cmReqType2, - cmReqClass0, - cmReqStartProc, - 0,0,NULL); + status = sendmessage(card, CMPID, cmReqType2, + cmReqClass0, + cmReqStartProc, + 0, 0, NULL); pr_debug("%s: Sent startProc\n", sc_adapter[card]->devicename); - + return status; } /* - * Dials the number passed in + * Dials the number passed in */ static int dial(int card, unsigned long channel, setup_parm setup) { int status; char Phone[48]; - - if(!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { + + if (!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { pr_debug("Invalid param: %d is not a valid card id\n", card); return -ENODEV; } - /*extract ISDN number to dial from eaz/msn string*/ - strcpy(Phone,setup.phone); + /*extract ISDN number to dial from eaz/msn string*/ + strcpy(Phone, setup.phone); /*send the connection message*/ - status = sendmessage(card, CEPID,ceReqTypePhy, - ceReqClass1, - ceReqPhyConnect, - (unsigned char) channel+1, - strlen(Phone), - (unsigned int *) Phone); + status = sendmessage(card, CEPID, ceReqTypePhy, + ceReqClass1, + ceReqPhyConnect, + (unsigned char)channel + 1, + strlen(Phone), + (unsigned int *)Phone); pr_debug("%s: Dialing %s on channel %lu\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, Phone, channel+1); - + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, Phone, channel + 1); + return status; } /* - * Answer an incoming call + * Answer an incoming call */ static int answer(int card, unsigned long channel) { - if(!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { + if (!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { pr_debug("Invalid param: %d is not a valid card id\n", card); return -ENODEV; } - if(setup_buffers(card, channel+1)) { - hangup(card, channel+1); + if (setup_buffers(card, channel + 1)) { + hangup(card, channel + 1); return -ENOBUFS; } - indicate_status(card, ISDN_STAT_BCONN,channel,NULL); + indicate_status(card, ISDN_STAT_BCONN, channel, NULL); pr_debug("%s: Answered incoming call on channel %lu\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, channel+1); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, channel + 1); return 0; } @@ -213,19 +213,19 @@ static int hangup(int card, unsigned long channel) { int status; - if(!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { + if (!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { pr_debug("Invalid param: %d is not a valid card id\n", card); return -ENODEV; } status = sendmessage(card, CEPID, ceReqTypePhy, - ceReqClass1, - ceReqPhyDisconnect, - (unsigned char) channel+1, - 0, - NULL); + ceReqClass1, + ceReqPhyDisconnect, + (unsigned char)channel + 1, + 0, + NULL); pr_debug("%s: Sent HANGUP message to channel %lu\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, channel+1); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, channel + 1); return status; } @@ -234,10 +234,10 @@ static int hangup(int card, unsigned long channel) */ static int setl2(int card, unsigned long arg) { - int status =0; - int protocol,channel; + int status = 0; + int protocol, channel; - if(!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { + if (!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { pr_debug("Invalid param: %d is not a valid card id\n", card); return -ENODEV; } @@ -249,14 +249,14 @@ static int setl2(int card, unsigned long arg) * check that the adapter is also set to the correct protocol */ pr_debug("%s: Sending GetFrameFormat for channel %d\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, channel+1); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, channel + 1); status = sendmessage(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeCall, - ceReqClass0, - ceReqCallGetFrameFormat, - (unsigned char)channel+1, - 1, - (unsigned int *) protocol); - if(status) + ceReqClass0, + ceReqCallGetFrameFormat, + (unsigned char)channel + 1, + 1, + (unsigned int *)protocol); + if (status) return status; return 0; } @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ static int setl3(int card, unsigned long channel) { int protocol = channel >> 8; - if(!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { + if (!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { pr_debug("Invalid param: %d is not a valid card id\n", card); return -ENODEV; } @@ -279,26 +279,26 @@ static int setl3(int card, unsigned long channel) static int acceptb(int card, unsigned long channel) { - if(!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { + if (!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { pr_debug("Invalid param: %d is not a valid card id\n", card); return -ENODEV; } - if(setup_buffers(card, channel+1)) + if (setup_buffers(card, channel + 1)) { - hangup(card, channel+1); + hangup(card, channel + 1); return -ENOBUFS; } pr_debug("%s: B-Channel connection accepted on channel %lu\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, channel+1); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, channel + 1); indicate_status(card, ISDN_STAT_BCONN, channel, NULL); return 0; } static int clreaz(int card, unsigned long arg) { - if(!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { + if (!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { pr_debug("Invalid param: %d is not a valid card id\n", card); return -ENODEV; } @@ -306,13 +306,13 @@ static int clreaz(int card, unsigned long arg) strcpy(sc_adapter[card]->channel[arg].eazlist, ""); sc_adapter[card]->channel[arg].eazclear = 1; pr_debug("%s: EAZ List cleared for channel %lu\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, arg+1); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, arg + 1); return 0; } static int seteaz(int card, unsigned long arg, char *num) { - if(!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { + if (!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { pr_debug("Invalid param: %d is not a valid card id\n", card); return -ENODEV; } @@ -320,8 +320,8 @@ static int seteaz(int card, unsigned long arg, char *num) strcpy(sc_adapter[card]->channel[arg].eazlist, num); sc_adapter[card]->channel[arg].eazclear = 0; pr_debug("%s: EAZ list for channel %lu set to: %s\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, arg+1, - sc_adapter[card]->channel[arg].eazlist); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, arg + 1, + sc_adapter[card]->channel[arg].eazlist); return 0; } @@ -329,14 +329,14 @@ int reset(int card) { unsigned long flags; - if(!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { + if (!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { pr_debug("Invalid param: %d is not a valid card id\n", card); return -ENODEV; } indicate_status(card, ISDN_STAT_STOP, 0, NULL); - if(sc_adapter[card]->EngineUp) { + if (sc_adapter[card]->EngineUp) { del_timer(&sc_adapter[card]->stat_timer); } @@ -350,14 +350,14 @@ int reset(int card) add_timer(&sc_adapter[card]->reset_timer); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sc_adapter[card]->lock, flags); - outb(0x1,sc_adapter[card]->ioport[SFT_RESET]); + outb(0x1, sc_adapter[card]->ioport[SFT_RESET]); pr_debug("%s: Adapter Reset\n", sc_adapter[card]->devicename); return 0; } -void flushreadfifo (int card) +void flushreadfifo(int card) { - while(inb(sc_adapter[card]->ioport[FIFO_STATUS]) & RF_HAS_DATA) + while (inb(sc_adapter[card]->ioport[FIFO_STATUS]) & RF_HAS_DATA) inb(sc_adapter[card]->ioport[FIFO_READ]); } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/sc/event.c b/drivers/isdn/sc/event.c index 498f4039ece251b1d99c7cf9ab0c929d5d964f42..717003a3bdf4957835f43eab78eff4f8abc62f5e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/sc/event.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/sc/event.c @@ -38,26 +38,26 @@ static char *events[] = { "ISDN_STAT_STAVAIL", "ISDN_STAT_CAUSE" }; #endif -int indicate_status(int card, int event,ulong Channel,char *Data) +int indicate_status(int card, int event, ulong Channel, char *Data) { isdn_ctrl cmd; #ifdef DEBUG pr_debug("%s: Indicating event %s on Channel %d\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, events[event-256], Channel); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, events[event - 256], Channel); #endif - if (Data != NULL){ + if (Data != NULL) { pr_debug("%s: Event data: %s\n", sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - Data); + Data); switch (event) { - case ISDN_STAT_BSENT: - memcpy(&cmd.parm.length, Data, sizeof(cmd.parm.length)); - break; - case ISDN_STAT_ICALL: - memcpy(&cmd.parm.setup, Data, sizeof(cmd.parm.setup)); - break; - default: - strcpy(cmd.parm.num, Data); + case ISDN_STAT_BSENT: + memcpy(&cmd.parm.length, Data, sizeof(cmd.parm.length)); + break; + case ISDN_STAT_ICALL: + memcpy(&cmd.parm.setup, Data, sizeof(cmd.parm.setup)); + break; + default: + strcpy(cmd.parm.num, Data); } } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/sc/hardware.h b/drivers/isdn/sc/hardware.h index 627324856ead85eda13819ad15a5235009a2a8a2..81fbe78701f05dec006406386b12b3cb1f9fdc8e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/sc/hardware.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/sc/hardware.h @@ -105,6 +105,6 @@ */ /* Determine if a channel number is valid for the adapter */ -#define IS_VALID_CHANNEL(y,x) ((x>0) && (x <= sc_adapter[y]->channels)) +#define IS_VALID_CHANNEL(y, x) ((x > 0) && (x <= sc_adapter[y]->channels)) #endif diff --git a/drivers/isdn/sc/init.c b/drivers/isdn/sc/init.c index 023de789f2505b82f9782805c825609ce1328e91..6b580b2c717f4c2c1cb951c1e020c2181beebaf0 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/sc/init.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/sc/init.c @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ static const char version[] = "2.0b1"; static const char *boardname[] = { "DataCommute/BRI", "DataCommute/PRI", "TeleCommute/BRI" }; /* insmod set parameters */ -static unsigned int io[] = {0,0,0,0}; -static unsigned char irq[] = {0,0,0,0}; -static unsigned long ram[] = {0,0,0,0}; +static unsigned int io[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; +static unsigned char irq[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; +static unsigned long ram[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; static bool do_reset = 0; module_param_array(io, int, NULL, 0); @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ static int __init sc_init(void) #endif pr_info("Copyright (C) 1996 SpellCaster Telecommunications Inc.\n"); - while(b++ < MAX_CARDS - 1) { + while (b++ < MAX_CARDS - 1) { pr_debug("Probing for adapter #%d\n", b); /* * Initialize reusable variables @@ -72,17 +72,17 @@ static int __init sc_init(void) channels = 0; pgport = 0; - /* - * See if we should probe for IO base + /* + * See if we should probe for IO base */ pr_debug("I/O Base for board %d is 0x%x, %s probe\n", b, io[b], - io[b] == 0 ? "will" : "won't"); - if(io[b]) { + io[b] == 0 ? "will" : "won't"); + if (io[b]) { /* * No, I/O Base has been provided */ - for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_IO_REGS - 1 ; i++) { - if(!request_region(io[b] + i * 0x400, 1, "sc test")) { + for (i = 0; i < MAX_IO_REGS - 1; i++) { + if (!request_region(io[b] + i * 0x400, 1, "sc test")) { pr_debug("request_region for 0x%x failed\n", io[b] + i * 0x400); io[b] = 0; break; @@ -93,13 +93,13 @@ static int __init sc_init(void) /* * Confirm the I/O Address with a test */ - if(io[b] == 0) { + if (io[b] == 0) { pr_debug("I/O Address invalid.\n"); continue; } outb(0x18, io[b] + 0x400 * EXP_PAGE0); - if(inb(io[b] + 0x400 * EXP_PAGE0) != 0x18) { + if (inb(io[b] + 0x400 * EXP_PAGE0) != 0x18) { pr_debug("I/O Base 0x%x fails test\n", io[b] + 0x400 * EXP_PAGE0); continue; @@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ static int __init sc_init(void) /* * Yes, probe for I/O Base */ - if(probe_exhasted) { + if (probe_exhasted) { pr_debug("All probe addresses exhasted, skipping\n"); continue; } pr_debug("Probing for I/O...\n"); - for (i = last_base ; i <= IOBASE_MAX ; i += IOBASE_OFFSET) { + for (i = last_base; i <= IOBASE_MAX; i += IOBASE_OFFSET) { int found_io = 1; if (i == IOBASE_MAX) { probe_exhasted = 1; /* No more addresses to probe */ @@ -122,19 +122,19 @@ static int __init sc_init(void) } last_base = i + IOBASE_OFFSET; pr_debug(" checking 0x%x...", i); - for ( j = 0 ; j < MAX_IO_REGS - 1 ; j++) { - if(!request_region(i + j * 0x400, 1, "sc test")) { + for (j = 0; j < MAX_IO_REGS - 1; j++) { + if (!request_region(i + j * 0x400, 1, "sc test")) { pr_debug("Failed\n"); found_io = 0; break; } else release_region(i + j * 0x400, 1); - } + } - if(found_io) { + if (found_io) { io[b] = i; outb(0x18, io[b] + 0x400 * EXP_PAGE0); - if(inb(io[b] + 0x400 * EXP_PAGE0) != 0x18) { + if (inb(io[b] + 0x400 * EXP_PAGE0) != 0x18) { pr_debug("Failed by test\n"); continue; } @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ static int __init sc_init(void) break; } } - if(probe_exhasted) { + if (probe_exhasted) { continue; } } @@ -150,23 +150,23 @@ static int __init sc_init(void) /* * See if we should probe for shared RAM */ - if(do_reset) { + if (do_reset) { pr_debug("Doing a SAFE probe reset\n"); outb(0xFF, io[b] + RESET_OFFSET); msleep_interruptible(10000); } pr_debug("RAM Base for board %d is 0x%lx, %s probe\n", b, - ram[b], ram[b] == 0 ? "will" : "won't"); + ram[b], ram[b] == 0 ? "will" : "won't"); - if(ram[b]) { + if (ram[b]) { /* * No, the RAM base has been provided * Just look for a signature and ID the * board model */ - if(request_region(ram[b], SRAM_PAGESIZE, "sc test")) { + if (request_region(ram[b], SRAM_PAGESIZE, "sc test")) { pr_debug("request_region for RAM base 0x%lx succeeded\n", ram[b]); - model = identify_board(ram[b], io[b]); + model = identify_board(ram[b], io[b]); release_region(ram[b], SRAM_PAGESIZE); } } @@ -175,15 +175,15 @@ static int __init sc_init(void) * Yes, probe for free RAM and look for * a signature and id the board model */ - for (i = SRAM_MIN ; i < SRAM_MAX ; i += SRAM_PAGESIZE) { + for (i = SRAM_MIN; i < SRAM_MAX; i += SRAM_PAGESIZE) { pr_debug("Checking RAM address 0x%x...\n", i); - if(request_region(i, SRAM_PAGESIZE, "sc test")) { + if (request_region(i, SRAM_PAGESIZE, "sc test")) { pr_debug(" request_region succeeded\n"); model = identify_board(i, io[b]); release_region(i, SRAM_PAGESIZE); if (model >= 0) { pr_debug(" Identified a %s\n", - boardname[model]); + boardname[model]); ram[b] = i; break; } @@ -196,19 +196,19 @@ static int __init sc_init(void) /* * See if we found free RAM and the board model */ - if(!ram[b] || model < 0) { + if (!ram[b] || model < 0) { /* * Nope, there was no place in RAM for the * board, or it couldn't be identified */ - pr_debug("Failed to find an adapter at 0x%lx\n", ram[b]); - continue; + pr_debug("Failed to find an adapter at 0x%lx\n", ram[b]); + continue; } /* * Set the board's magic number, memory size and page register */ - switch(model) { + switch (model) { case PRI_BOARD: channels = 23; magic = 0x20000; @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ static int __init sc_init(void) features = BRI_FEATURES; break; } - switch(ram[b] >> 12 & 0x0F) { + switch (ram[b] >> 12 & 0x0F) { case 0x0: pr_debug("RAM Page register set to EXP_PAGE0\n"); pgport = EXP_PAGE0; @@ -250,12 +250,12 @@ static int __init sc_init(void) continue; } - pr_debug("current IRQ: %d b: %d\n",irq[b],b); + pr_debug("current IRQ: %d b: %d\n", irq[b], b); /* * Make sure we got an IRQ */ - if(!irq[b]) { + if (!irq[b]) { /* * No interrupt could be used */ @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ static int __init sc_init(void) } spin_lock_init(&sc_adapter[cinst]->lock); - if(!register_isdn(interface)) { + if (!register_isdn(interface)) { /* * Oops, couldn't register for some reason */ @@ -344,30 +344,30 @@ static int __init sc_init(void) kfree(interface); kfree(sc_adapter[cinst]); continue; - + } sc_adapter[cinst]->iobase = io[b]; - for(i = 0 ; i < MAX_IO_REGS - 1 ; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < MAX_IO_REGS - 1; i++) { sc_adapter[cinst]->ioport[i] = io[b] + i * 0x400; request_region(sc_adapter[cinst]->ioport[i], 1, - interface->id); + interface->id); pr_debug("Requesting I/O Port %#x\n", - sc_adapter[cinst]->ioport[i]); + sc_adapter[cinst]->ioport[i]); } sc_adapter[cinst]->ioport[IRQ_SELECT] = io[b] + 0x2; request_region(sc_adapter[cinst]->ioport[IRQ_SELECT], 1, - interface->id); + interface->id); pr_debug("Requesting I/O Port %#x\n", - sc_adapter[cinst]->ioport[IRQ_SELECT]); + sc_adapter[cinst]->ioport[IRQ_SELECT]); sc_adapter[cinst]->rambase = ram[b]; request_region(sc_adapter[cinst]->rambase, SRAM_PAGESIZE, - interface->id); + interface->id); - pr_info(" %s (%d) - %s %d channels IRQ %d, I/O Base 0x%x, RAM Base 0x%lx\n", + pr_info(" %s (%d) - %s %d channels IRQ %d, I/O Base 0x%x, RAM Base 0x%lx\n", sc_adapter[cinst]->devicename, sc_adapter[cinst]->driverId, boardname[model], channels, irq[b], io[b], ram[b]); - + /* * reset the adapter to put things in motion */ @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ static int __init sc_init(void) cinst++; status = 0; } - if (status) + if (status) pr_info("Failed to find any adapters, driver unloaded\n"); return status; } @@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ static void __exit sc_exit(void) { int i, j; - for(i = 0 ; i < cinst ; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < cinst; i++) { pr_debug("Cleaning up after adapter %d\n", i); /* * kill the timers @@ -417,14 +417,14 @@ static void __exit sc_exit(void) /* * Release the I/O Port regions */ - for(j = 0 ; j < MAX_IO_REGS - 1; j++) { + for (j = 0; j < MAX_IO_REGS - 1; j++) { release_region(sc_adapter[i]->ioport[j], 1); pr_debug("Releasing I/O Port %#x\n", - sc_adapter[i]->ioport[j]); + sc_adapter[i]->ioport[j]); } release_region(sc_adapter[i]->ioport[IRQ_SELECT], 1); pr_debug("Releasing I/O Port %#x\n", - sc_adapter[i]->ioport[IRQ_SELECT]); + sc_adapter[i]->ioport[IRQ_SELECT]); /* * Release any memory we alloced @@ -447,19 +447,19 @@ static int identify_board(unsigned long rambase, unsigned int iobase) int x; pr_debug("Attempting to identify adapter @ 0x%lx io 0x%x\n", - rambase, iobase); + rambase, iobase); /* * Enable the base pointer */ outb(rambase >> 12, iobase + 0x2c00); - switch(rambase >> 12 & 0x0F) { + switch (rambase >> 12 & 0x0F) { case 0x0: pgport = iobase + PG0_OFFSET; pr_debug("Page Register offset is 0x%x\n", PG0_OFFSET); break; - + case 0x4: pgport = iobase + PG1_OFFSET; pr_debug("Page Register offset is 0x%x\n", PG1_OFFSET); @@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ static int identify_board(unsigned long rambase, unsigned int iobase) msleep_interruptible(1000); sig = readl(rambase + SIG_OFFSET); pr_debug("Looking for a signature, got 0x%lx\n", sig); - if(sig == SIGNATURE) + if (sig == SIGNATURE) return PRI_BOARD; /* @@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ static int identify_board(unsigned long rambase, unsigned int iobase) msleep_interruptible(1000); sig = readl(rambase + SIG_OFFSET); pr_debug("Looking for a signature, got 0x%lx\n", sig); - if(sig == SIGNATURE) + if (sig == SIGNATURE) return BRI_BOARD; return -1; @@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ static int identify_board(unsigned long rambase, unsigned int iobase) */ sig = readl(rambase + SIG_OFFSET); pr_debug("Looking for a signature, got 0x%lx\n", sig); - if(sig != SIGNATURE) + if (sig != SIGNATURE) return -1; dpm = (DualPortMemory *) rambase; @@ -523,11 +523,11 @@ static int identify_board(unsigned long rambase, unsigned int iobase) * Wait for the response */ x = 0; - while((inb(iobase + FIFOSTAT_OFFSET) & RF_HAS_DATA) && x < 100) { + while ((inb(iobase + FIFOSTAT_OFFSET) & RF_HAS_DATA) && x < 100) { schedule_timeout_interruptible(1); x++; } - if(x == 100) { + if (x == 100) { pr_debug("Timeout waiting for response\n"); return -1; } @@ -540,11 +540,11 @@ static int identify_board(unsigned long rambase, unsigned int iobase) hwci.st_u_sense ? "S/T" : "U", hwci.ram_size, hwci.serial_no, hwci.part_no, hwci.rev_no); - if(!strncmp(PRI_PARTNO, hwci.part_no, 6)) + if (!strncmp(PRI_PARTNO, hwci.part_no, 6)) return PRI_BOARD; - if(!strncmp(BRI_PARTNO, hwci.part_no, 6)) + if (!strncmp(BRI_PARTNO, hwci.part_no, 6)) return BRI_BOARD; - + return -1; } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/sc/interrupt.c b/drivers/isdn/sc/interrupt.c index f0225bc0f2670ce2f0fde9b5d276f26151c6a046..e80cc76bc3142f79f5df99f5173559ab938a6029 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/sc/interrupt.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/sc/interrupt.c @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ #include /* - * + * */ irqreturn_t interrupt_handler(int dummy, void *card_inst) { @@ -31,15 +31,15 @@ irqreturn_t interrupt_handler(int dummy, void *card_inst) int channel; int card = (int)(unsigned long) card_inst; - if(!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { + if (!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { pr_debug("Invalid param: %d is not a valid card id\n", card); return IRQ_NONE; } pr_debug("%s: Entered Interrupt handler\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); - - /* + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + + /* * Pull all of the waiting messages off the response queue */ while (!receivemessage(card, &rcvmsg)) { @@ -47,31 +47,31 @@ irqreturn_t interrupt_handler(int dummy, void *card_inst) * Push the message to the adapter structure for * send_and_receive to snoop */ - if(sc_adapter[card]->want_async_messages) + if (sc_adapter[card]->want_async_messages) memcpy(&(sc_adapter[card]->async_msg), - &rcvmsg, sizeof(RspMessage)); + &rcvmsg, sizeof(RspMessage)); channel = (unsigned int) rcvmsg.phy_link_no; - + /* * Trap Invalid request messages */ - if(IS_CM_MESSAGE(rcvmsg, 0, 0, Invalid)) { - pr_debug("%s: Invalid request Message, rsp_status = %d\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - rcvmsg.rsp_status); - break; + if (IS_CM_MESSAGE(rcvmsg, 0, 0, Invalid)) { + pr_debug("%s: Invalid request Message, rsp_status = %d\n", + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + rcvmsg.rsp_status); + break; } - + /* * Check for a linkRead message */ if (IS_CE_MESSAGE(rcvmsg, Lnk, 1, Read)) { pr_debug("%s: Received packet 0x%x bytes long at 0x%lx\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - rcvmsg.msg_data.response.msg_len, - rcvmsg.msg_data.response.buff_offset); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + rcvmsg.msg_data.response.msg_len, + rcvmsg.msg_data.response.buff_offset); rcvpkt(card, &rcvmsg); continue; @@ -80,49 +80,49 @@ irqreturn_t interrupt_handler(int dummy, void *card_inst) /* * Handle a write acknoledgement */ - if(IS_CE_MESSAGE(rcvmsg, Lnk, 1, Write)) { + if (IS_CE_MESSAGE(rcvmsg, Lnk, 1, Write)) { pr_debug("%s: Packet Send ACK on channel %d\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - rcvmsg.phy_link_no); - sc_adapter[card]->channel[rcvmsg.phy_link_no-1].free_sendbufs++; + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + rcvmsg.phy_link_no); + sc_adapter[card]->channel[rcvmsg.phy_link_no - 1].free_sendbufs++; continue; } /* * Handle a connection message */ - if (IS_CE_MESSAGE(rcvmsg, Phy, 1, Connect)) + if (IS_CE_MESSAGE(rcvmsg, Phy, 1, Connect)) { unsigned int callid; - setup_parm setup; + setup_parm setup; pr_debug("%s: Connect message: line %d: status %d: cause 0x%x\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - rcvmsg.phy_link_no, - rcvmsg.rsp_status, - rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[2]); - - memcpy(&callid,rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array,sizeof(int)); - if(callid>=0x8000 && callid<=0xFFFF) - { + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + rcvmsg.phy_link_no, + rcvmsg.rsp_status, + rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[2]); + + memcpy(&callid, rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array, sizeof(int)); + if (callid >= 0x8000 && callid <= 0xFFFF) + { pr_debug("%s: Got Dial-Out Rsp\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); indicate_status(card, ISDN_STAT_DCONN, - (unsigned long)rcvmsg.phy_link_no-1,NULL); - + (unsigned long)rcvmsg.phy_link_no - 1, NULL); + } - else if(callid>=0x0000 && callid<=0x7FFF) + else if (callid >= 0x0000 && callid <= 0x7FFF) { int len; pr_debug("%s: Got Incoming Call\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); len = strlcpy(setup.phone, &(rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[4]), - sizeof(setup.phone)); + sizeof(setup.phone)); if (len >= sizeof(setup.phone)) continue; len = strlcpy(setup.eazmsn, - sc_adapter[card]->channel[rcvmsg.phy_link_no - 1].dn, - sizeof(setup.eazmsn)); + sc_adapter[card]->channel[rcvmsg.phy_link_no - 1].dn, + sizeof(setup.eazmsn)); if (len >= sizeof(setup.eazmsn)) continue; setup.si1 = 7; @@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ irqreturn_t interrupt_handler(int dummy, void *card_inst) setup.plan = 0; setup.screen = 0; - indicate_status(card, ISDN_STAT_ICALL,(unsigned long)rcvmsg.phy_link_no-1,(char *)&setup); - indicate_status(card, ISDN_STAT_DCONN,(unsigned long)rcvmsg.phy_link_no-1,NULL); + indicate_status(card, ISDN_STAT_ICALL, (unsigned long)rcvmsg.phy_link_no - 1, (char *)&setup); + indicate_status(card, ISDN_STAT_DCONN, (unsigned long)rcvmsg.phy_link_no - 1, NULL); } continue; } @@ -139,16 +139,16 @@ irqreturn_t interrupt_handler(int dummy, void *card_inst) /* * Handle a disconnection message */ - if (IS_CE_MESSAGE(rcvmsg, Phy, 1, Disconnect)) + if (IS_CE_MESSAGE(rcvmsg, Phy, 1, Disconnect)) { pr_debug("%s: disconnect message: line %d: status %d: cause 0x%x\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - rcvmsg.phy_link_no, - rcvmsg.rsp_status, - rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[2]); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + rcvmsg.phy_link_no, + rcvmsg.rsp_status, + rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[2]); - indicate_status(card, ISDN_STAT_BHUP,(unsigned long)rcvmsg.phy_link_no-1,NULL); - indicate_status(card, ISDN_STAT_DHUP,(unsigned long)rcvmsg.phy_link_no-1,NULL); + indicate_status(card, ISDN_STAT_BHUP, (unsigned long)rcvmsg.phy_link_no - 1, NULL); + indicate_status(card, ISDN_STAT_DHUP, (unsigned long)rcvmsg.phy_link_no - 1, NULL); continue; } @@ -158,10 +158,10 @@ irqreturn_t interrupt_handler(int dummy, void *card_inst) */ if (IS_CM_MESSAGE(rcvmsg, 5, 0, MiscEngineUp)) { pr_debug("%s: Received EngineUp message\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); sc_adapter[card]->EngineUp = 1; - sendmessage(card, CEPID,ceReqTypeCall,ceReqClass0,ceReqCallGetMyNumber,1,0,NULL); - sendmessage(card, CEPID,ceReqTypeCall,ceReqClass0,ceReqCallGetMyNumber,2,0,NULL); + sendmessage(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeCall, ceReqClass0, ceReqCallGetMyNumber, 1, 0, NULL); + sendmessage(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeCall, ceReqClass0, ceReqCallGetMyNumber, 2, 0, NULL); init_timer(&sc_adapter[card]->stat_timer); sc_adapter[card]->stat_timer.function = check_phystat; sc_adapter[card]->stat_timer.data = card; @@ -175,25 +175,25 @@ irqreturn_t interrupt_handler(int dummy, void *card_inst) */ if (IS_CM_MESSAGE(rcvmsg, 2, 0, StartProc)) { pr_debug("%s: StartProc Response Status %d\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - rcvmsg.rsp_status); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + rcvmsg.rsp_status); continue; } /* * Handle a GetMyNumber Rsp */ - if (IS_CE_MESSAGE(rcvmsg,Call,0,GetMyNumber)){ + if (IS_CE_MESSAGE(rcvmsg, Call, 0, GetMyNumber)) { strlcpy(sc_adapter[card]->channel[rcvmsg.phy_link_no - 1].dn, rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array, sizeof(rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array)); continue; } - + /* * PhyStatus response */ - if(IS_CE_MESSAGE(rcvmsg, Phy, 2, Status)) { + if (IS_CE_MESSAGE(rcvmsg, Phy, 2, Status)) { unsigned int b1stat, b2stat; /* @@ -204,30 +204,30 @@ irqreturn_t interrupt_handler(int dummy, void *card_inst) sc_adapter[card]->nphystat = (b2stat >> 8) | b1stat; /* endian?? */ pr_debug("%s: PhyStat is 0x%2x\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - sc_adapter[card]->nphystat); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + sc_adapter[card]->nphystat); continue; } - /* + /* * Handle a GetFramFormat */ - if(IS_CE_MESSAGE(rcvmsg, Call, 0, GetFrameFormat)) { - if(rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[0] != HDLC_PROTO) { + if (IS_CE_MESSAGE(rcvmsg, Call, 0, GetFrameFormat)) { + if (rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[0] != HDLC_PROTO) { unsigned int proto = HDLC_PROTO; /* * Set board format to HDLC if it wasn't already */ pr_debug("%s: current frame format: 0x%x, will change to HDLC\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[0]); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[0]); sendmessage(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeCall, - ceReqClass0, - ceReqCallSetFrameFormat, - (unsigned char) channel +1, - 1,&proto); - } + ceReqClass0, + ceReqCallSetFrameFormat, + (unsigned char)channel + 1, + 1, &proto); + } continue; } @@ -235,13 +235,13 @@ irqreturn_t interrupt_handler(int dummy, void *card_inst) * Hmm... */ pr_debug("%s: Received unhandled message (%d,%d,%d) link %d\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - rcvmsg.type, rcvmsg.class, rcvmsg.code, - rcvmsg.phy_link_no); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + rcvmsg.type, rcvmsg.class, rcvmsg.code, + rcvmsg.phy_link_no); } /* while */ pr_debug("%s: Exiting Interrupt Handler\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); return IRQ_HANDLED; } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/sc/ioctl.c b/drivers/isdn/sc/ioctl.c index 4cfdbe08ffd1b91a1dbab0c4a46f0a29f7fb37bb..e63983aa1d276996030158112987c3255aa2174d 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/sc/ioctl.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/sc/ioctl.c @@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ int sc_ioctl(int card, scs_ioctl *data) if (!rcvmsg) return -ENOMEM; - switch(data->command) { + switch (data->command) { case SCIOCRESET: /* Perform a hard reset of the adapter */ { pr_debug("%s: SCIOCRESET: ioctl received\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); sc_adapter[card]->StartOnReset = 0; kfree(rcvmsg); return reset(card); @@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ int sc_ioctl(int card, scs_ioctl *data) return -ENOMEM; } pr_debug("%s: SCIOLOAD: ioctl received\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); - if(sc_adapter[card]->EngineUp) { + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + if (sc_adapter[card]->EngineUp) { pr_debug("%s: SCIOCLOAD: command failed, LoadProc while engine running.\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); kfree(rcvmsg); kfree(srec); return -1; @@ -69,18 +69,18 @@ int sc_ioctl(int card, scs_ioctl *data) } status = send_and_receive(card, CMPID, cmReqType2, cmReqClass0, cmReqLoadProc, - 0, SCIOC_SRECSIZE, srec, rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); + 0, SCIOC_SRECSIZE, srec, rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); kfree(rcvmsg); kfree(srec); - if(status) { - pr_debug("%s: SCIOCLOAD: command failed, status = %d\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, status); + if (status) { + pr_debug("%s: SCIOCLOAD: command failed, status = %d\n", + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, status); return -1; } else { pr_debug("%s: SCIOCLOAD: command successful\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); return 0; } } @@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ int sc_ioctl(int card, scs_ioctl *data) { kfree(rcvmsg); pr_debug("%s: SCIOSTART: ioctl received\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); - if(sc_adapter[card]->EngineUp) { + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + if (sc_adapter[card]->EngineUp) { pr_debug("%s: SCIOCSTART: command failed, engine already running.\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); return -1; } @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ int sc_ioctl(int card, scs_ioctl *data) case SCIOCSETSWITCH: { pr_debug("%s: SCIOSETSWITCH: ioctl received\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); /* * Get the switch type from user space @@ -115,41 +115,41 @@ int sc_ioctl(int card, scs_ioctl *data) } pr_debug("%s: SCIOCSETSWITCH: setting switch type to %d\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - switchtype); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + switchtype); status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeCall, ceReqClass0, ceReqCallSetSwitchType, - 0, sizeof(char),&switchtype, rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); - if(!status && !(rcvmsg->rsp_status)) { + 0, sizeof(char), &switchtype, rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); + if (!status && !(rcvmsg->rsp_status)) { pr_debug("%s: SCIOCSETSWITCH: command successful\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); kfree(rcvmsg); return 0; } else { pr_debug("%s: SCIOCSETSWITCH: command failed (status = %d)\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, status); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, status); kfree(rcvmsg); return status; } } - + case SCIOCGETSWITCH: { pr_debug("%s: SCIOGETSWITCH: ioctl received\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); /* * Get the switch type from the board */ - status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeCall, ceReqClass0, - ceReqCallGetSwitchType, 0, 0, NULL, rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); + status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeCall, ceReqClass0, + ceReqCallGetSwitchType, 0, 0, NULL, rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); if (!status && !(rcvmsg->rsp_status)) { pr_debug("%s: SCIOCGETSWITCH: command successful\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); } else { pr_debug("%s: SCIOCGETSWITCH: command failed (status = %d)\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, status); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, status); kfree(rcvmsg); return status; } @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ int sc_ioctl(int card, scs_ioctl *data) case SCIOCGETSPID: { pr_debug("%s: SCIOGETSPID: ioctl received\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); spid = kzalloc(SCIOC_SPIDSIZE, GFP_KERNEL); if (!spid) { @@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ int sc_ioctl(int card, scs_ioctl *data) * Get the spid from the board */ status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeCall, ceReqClass0, ceReqCallGetSPID, - data->channel, 0, NULL, rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); + data->channel, 0, NULL, rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); if (!status) { pr_debug("%s: SCIOCGETSPID: command successful\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); } else { pr_debug("%s: SCIOCGETSPID: command failed (status = %d)\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, status); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, status); kfree(spid); kfree(rcvmsg); return status; @@ -208,12 +208,12 @@ int sc_ioctl(int card, scs_ioctl *data) kfree(spid); kfree(rcvmsg); return 0; - } + } case SCIOCSETSPID: { pr_debug("%s: DCBIOSETSPID: ioctl received\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); /* * Get the spid from user space @@ -224,21 +224,21 @@ int sc_ioctl(int card, scs_ioctl *data) return PTR_ERR(spid); } - pr_debug("%s: SCIOCSETSPID: setting channel %d spid to %s\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, data->channel, spid); - status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeCall, - ceReqClass0, ceReqCallSetSPID, data->channel, - strlen(spid), spid, rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); - if(!status && !(rcvmsg->rsp_status)) { - pr_debug("%s: SCIOCSETSPID: command successful\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + pr_debug("%s: SCIOCSETSPID: setting channel %d spid to %s\n", + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, data->channel, spid); + status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeCall, + ceReqClass0, ceReqCallSetSPID, data->channel, + strlen(spid), spid, rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); + if (!status && !(rcvmsg->rsp_status)) { + pr_debug("%s: SCIOCSETSPID: command successful\n", + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); kfree(rcvmsg); kfree(spid); return 0; } else { pr_debug("%s: SCIOCSETSPID: command failed (status = %d)\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, status); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, status); kfree(rcvmsg); kfree(spid); return status; @@ -248,20 +248,20 @@ int sc_ioctl(int card, scs_ioctl *data) case SCIOCGETDN: { pr_debug("%s: SCIOGETDN: ioctl received\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); /* * Get the dn from the board */ status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeCall, ceReqClass0, ceReqCallGetMyNumber, - data->channel, 0, NULL, rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); + data->channel, 0, NULL, rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); if (!status) { pr_debug("%s: SCIOCGETDN: command successful\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); } else { pr_debug("%s: SCIOCGETDN: command failed (status = %d)\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, status); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, status); kfree(rcvmsg); return status; } @@ -283,12 +283,12 @@ int sc_ioctl(int card, scs_ioctl *data) } kfree(dn); return 0; - } + } case SCIOCSETDN: { pr_debug("%s: SCIOSETDN: ioctl received\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); /* * Get the spid from user space @@ -299,21 +299,21 @@ int sc_ioctl(int card, scs_ioctl *data) return PTR_ERR(dn); } - pr_debug("%s: SCIOCSETDN: setting channel %d dn to %s\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, data->channel, dn); - status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeCall, - ceReqClass0, ceReqCallSetMyNumber, data->channel, - strlen(dn),dn,rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); - if(!status && !(rcvmsg->rsp_status)) { - pr_debug("%s: SCIOCSETDN: command successful\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + pr_debug("%s: SCIOCSETDN: setting channel %d dn to %s\n", + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, data->channel, dn); + status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeCall, + ceReqClass0, ceReqCallSetMyNumber, data->channel, + strlen(dn), dn, rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); + if (!status && !(rcvmsg->rsp_status)) { + pr_debug("%s: SCIOCSETDN: command successful\n", + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); kfree(rcvmsg); kfree(dn); return 0; } else { pr_debug("%s: SCIOCSETDN: command failed (status = %d)\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, status); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, status); kfree(rcvmsg); kfree(dn); return status; @@ -323,11 +323,11 @@ int sc_ioctl(int card, scs_ioctl *data) case SCIOCTRACE: pr_debug("%s: SCIOTRACE: ioctl received\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); /* sc_adapter[card]->trace = !sc_adapter[card]->trace; pr_debug("%s: SCIOCTRACE: tracing turned %s\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - sc_adapter[card]->trace ? "ON" : "OFF"); */ + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + sc_adapter[card]->trace ? "ON" : "OFF"); */ break; case SCIOCSTAT: @@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ int sc_ioctl(int card, scs_ioctl *data) boardInfo *bi; pr_debug("%s: SCIOSTAT: ioctl received\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); bi = kzalloc(sizeof(boardInfo), GFP_KERNEL); if (!bi) { @@ -358,20 +358,20 @@ int sc_ioctl(int card, scs_ioctl *data) case SCIOCGETSPEED: { pr_debug("%s: SCIOGETSPEED: ioctl received\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); /* * Get the speed from the board */ - status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeCall, ceReqClass0, - ceReqCallGetCallType, data->channel, 0, NULL, rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); + status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeCall, ceReqClass0, + ceReqCallGetCallType, data->channel, 0, NULL, rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); if (!status && !(rcvmsg->rsp_status)) { pr_debug("%s: SCIOCGETSPEED: command successful\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); } else { pr_debug("%s: SCIOCGETSPEED: command failed (status = %d)\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, status); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, status); kfree(rcvmsg); return status; } @@ -392,12 +392,12 @@ int sc_ioctl(int card, scs_ioctl *data) case SCIOCSETSPEED: pr_debug("%s: SCIOCSETSPEED: ioctl received\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); break; case SCIOCLOOPTST: pr_debug("%s: SCIOCLOOPTST: ioctl received\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); break; default: @@ -432,32 +432,32 @@ static int GetStatus(int card, boardInfo *bi) * Get the current PhyStats and LnkStats */ status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypePhy, ceReqClass2, - ceReqPhyStatus, 0, 0, NULL, &rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); - if(!status) { - if(sc_adapter[card]->model < PRI_BOARD) { + ceReqPhyStatus, 0, 0, NULL, &rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); + if (!status) { + if (sc_adapter[card]->model < PRI_BOARD) { bi->l1_status = rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[2]; - for(i = 0 ; i < BRI_CHANNELS ; i++) + for (i = 0; i < BRI_CHANNELS; i++) bi->status.bristats[i].phy_stat = rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[i]; } else { bi->l1_status = rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[0]; bi->l2_status = rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[1]; - for(i = 0 ; i < PRI_CHANNELS ; i++) - bi->status.pristats[i].phy_stat = - rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[i+2]; + for (i = 0; i < PRI_CHANNELS; i++) + bi->status.pristats[i].phy_stat = + rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[i + 2]; } } - + /* * Get the call types for each channel */ - for (i = 0 ; i < sc_adapter[card]->nChannels ; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < sc_adapter[card]->nChannels; i++) { status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeCall, ceReqClass0, - ceReqCallGetCallType, 0, 0, NULL, &rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); - if(!status) { + ceReqCallGetCallType, 0, 0, NULL, &rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); + if (!status) { if (sc_adapter[card]->model == PRI_BOARD) { - bi->status.pristats[i].call_type = + bi->status.pristats[i].call_type = rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[0]; } else { @@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ static int GetStatus(int card, boardInfo *bi) } } } - + /* * If PRI, get the call states and service states for each channel */ @@ -475,10 +475,10 @@ static int GetStatus(int card, boardInfo *bi) * Get the call states */ status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeStat, ceReqClass2, - ceReqPhyChCallState, 0, 0, NULL, &rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); - if(!status) { - for( i = 0 ; i < PRI_CHANNELS ; i++ ) - bi->status.pristats[i].call_state = + ceReqPhyChCallState, 0, 0, NULL, &rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); + if (!status) { + for (i = 0; i < PRI_CHANNELS; i++) + bi->status.pristats[i].call_state = rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[i]; } @@ -486,27 +486,27 @@ static int GetStatus(int card, boardInfo *bi) * Get the service states */ status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeStat, ceReqClass2, - ceReqPhyChServState, 0, 0, NULL, &rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); - if(!status) { - for( i = 0 ; i < PRI_CHANNELS ; i++ ) - bi->status.pristats[i].serv_state = + ceReqPhyChServState, 0, 0, NULL, &rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); + if (!status) { + for (i = 0; i < PRI_CHANNELS; i++) + bi->status.pristats[i].serv_state = rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[i]; } /* * Get the link stats for the channels */ - for (i = 1 ; i <= PRI_CHANNELS ; i++) { + for (i = 1; i <= PRI_CHANNELS; i++) { status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeLnk, ceReqClass0, - ceReqLnkGetStats, i, 0, NULL, &rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); + ceReqLnkGetStats, i, 0, NULL, &rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); if (!status) { - bi->status.pristats[i-1].link_stats.tx_good = + bi->status.pristats[i - 1].link_stats.tx_good = (unsigned long)rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[0]; - bi->status.pristats[i-1].link_stats.tx_bad = + bi->status.pristats[i - 1].link_stats.tx_bad = (unsigned long)rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[4]; - bi->status.pristats[i-1].link_stats.rx_good = + bi->status.pristats[i - 1].link_stats.rx_good = (unsigned long)rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[8]; - bi->status.pristats[i-1].link_stats.rx_bad = + bi->status.pristats[i - 1].link_stats.rx_bad = (unsigned long)rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[12]; } } @@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ static int GetStatus(int card, boardInfo *bi) * Link stats for the D channel */ status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeLnk, ceReqClass0, - ceReqLnkGetStats, 0, 0, NULL, &rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); + ceReqLnkGetStats, 0, 0, NULL, &rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); if (!status) { bi->dch_stats.tx_good = (unsigned long)rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[0]; bi->dch_stats.tx_bad = (unsigned long)rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[4]; @@ -534,49 +534,49 @@ static int GetStatus(int card, boardInfo *bi) * Get the link stats for the channels */ status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeLnk, ceReqClass0, - ceReqLnkGetStats, 0, 0, NULL, &rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); + ceReqLnkGetStats, 0, 0, NULL, &rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); if (!status) { bi->dch_stats.tx_good = (unsigned long)rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[0]; bi->dch_stats.tx_bad = (unsigned long)rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[4]; bi->dch_stats.rx_good = (unsigned long)rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[8]; bi->dch_stats.rx_bad = (unsigned long)rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[12]; - bi->status.bristats[0].link_stats.tx_good = + bi->status.bristats[0].link_stats.tx_good = (unsigned long)rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[16]; - bi->status.bristats[0].link_stats.tx_bad = + bi->status.bristats[0].link_stats.tx_bad = (unsigned long)rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[20]; - bi->status.bristats[0].link_stats.rx_good = + bi->status.bristats[0].link_stats.rx_good = (unsigned long)rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[24]; - bi->status.bristats[0].link_stats.rx_bad = + bi->status.bristats[0].link_stats.rx_bad = (unsigned long)rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[28]; - bi->status.bristats[1].link_stats.tx_good = + bi->status.bristats[1].link_stats.tx_good = (unsigned long)rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[32]; - bi->status.bristats[1].link_stats.tx_bad = + bi->status.bristats[1].link_stats.tx_bad = (unsigned long)rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[36]; - bi->status.bristats[1].link_stats.rx_good = + bi->status.bristats[1].link_stats.rx_good = (unsigned long)rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[40]; - bi->status.bristats[1].link_stats.rx_bad = + bi->status.bristats[1].link_stats.rx_bad = (unsigned long)rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array[44]; } /* * Get the SPIDs */ - for (i = 0 ; i < BRI_CHANNELS ; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < BRI_CHANNELS; i++) { status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeCall, ceReqClass0, - ceReqCallGetSPID, i+1, 0, NULL, &rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); + ceReqCallGetSPID, i + 1, 0, NULL, &rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); if (!status) strcpy(bi->status.bristats[i].spid, rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array); } - + /* * Get the DNs */ - for (i = 0 ; i < BRI_CHANNELS ; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < BRI_CHANNELS; i++) { status = send_and_receive(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeCall, ceReqClass0, - ceReqCallGetMyNumber, i+1, 0, NULL, &rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); + ceReqCallGetMyNumber, i + 1, 0, NULL, &rcvmsg, SAR_TIMEOUT); if (!status) strcpy(bi->status.bristats[i].dn, rcvmsg.msg_data.byte_array); } - + return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/isdn/sc/message.c b/drivers/isdn/sc/message.c index 0b4c4f15abdd59496129f9103417c7ae55fc187a..9679a1902b325f150b8ef4d0854cb03a4f78993c 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/sc/message.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/sc/message.c @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ /* * receive a message from the board */ -int receivemessage(int card, RspMessage *rspmsg) +int receivemessage(int card, RspMessage *rspmsg) { DualPortMemory *dpm; unsigned long flags; @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ int receivemessage(int card, RspMessage *rspmsg) pr_debug("Invalid param: %d is not a valid card id\n", card); return -EINVAL; } - + pr_debug("%s: Entered receivemessage\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); /* * See if there are messages waiting @@ -47,47 +47,47 @@ int receivemessage(int card, RspMessage *rspmsg) */ spin_lock_irqsave(&sc_adapter[card]->lock, flags); outb((sc_adapter[card]->shmem_magic >> 14) | 0x80, - sc_adapter[card]->ioport[sc_adapter[card]->shmem_pgport]); + sc_adapter[card]->ioport[sc_adapter[card]->shmem_pgport]); dpm = (DualPortMemory *) sc_adapter[card]->rambase; - memcpy_fromio(rspmsg, &(dpm->rsp_queue[dpm->rsp_tail]), - MSG_LEN); - dpm->rsp_tail = (dpm->rsp_tail+1) % MAX_MESSAGES; + memcpy_fromio(rspmsg, &(dpm->rsp_queue[dpm->rsp_tail]), + MSG_LEN); + dpm->rsp_tail = (dpm->rsp_tail + 1) % MAX_MESSAGES; inb(sc_adapter[card]->ioport[FIFO_READ]); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sc_adapter[card]->lock, flags); /* * Tell the board that the message is received */ pr_debug("%s: Received Message seq:%d pid:%d time:%d cmd:%d " - "cnt:%d (type,class,code):(%d,%d,%d) " - "link:%d stat:0x%x\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - rspmsg->sequence_no, - rspmsg->process_id, - rspmsg->time_stamp, - rspmsg->cmd_sequence_no, - rspmsg->msg_byte_cnt, - rspmsg->type, - rspmsg->class, - rspmsg->code, - rspmsg->phy_link_no, - rspmsg->rsp_status); + "cnt:%d (type,class,code):(%d,%d,%d) " + "link:%d stat:0x%x\n", + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + rspmsg->sequence_no, + rspmsg->process_id, + rspmsg->time_stamp, + rspmsg->cmd_sequence_no, + rspmsg->msg_byte_cnt, + rspmsg->type, + rspmsg->class, + rspmsg->code, + rspmsg->phy_link_no, + rspmsg->rsp_status); return 0; } return -ENOMSG; } - + /* * send a message to the board */ int sendmessage(int card, unsigned int procid, - unsigned int type, - unsigned int class, + unsigned int type, + unsigned int class, unsigned int code, - unsigned int link, - unsigned int data_len, - unsigned int *data) + unsigned int link, + unsigned int data_len, + unsigned int *data) { DualPortMemory *dpm; ReqMessage sndmsg; @@ -102,15 +102,15 @@ int sendmessage(int card, * Make sure we only send CEPID messages when the engine is up * and CMPID messages when it is down */ - if(sc_adapter[card]->EngineUp && procid == CMPID) { + if (sc_adapter[card]->EngineUp && procid == CMPID) { pr_debug("%s: Attempt to send CM message with engine up\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); return -ESRCH; } - if(!sc_adapter[card]->EngineUp && procid == CEPID) { + if (!sc_adapter[card]->EngineUp && procid == CEPID) { pr_debug("%s: Attempt to send CE message with engine down\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); return -ESRCH; } @@ -142,39 +142,39 @@ int sendmessage(int card, */ spin_lock_irqsave(&sc_adapter[card]->lock, flags); outb((sc_adapter[card]->shmem_magic >> 14) | 0x80, - sc_adapter[card]->ioport[sc_adapter[card]->shmem_pgport]); + sc_adapter[card]->ioport[sc_adapter[card]->shmem_pgport]); dpm = (DualPortMemory *) sc_adapter[card]->rambase; /* Fix me */ - memcpy_toio(&(dpm->req_queue[dpm->req_head]),&sndmsg,MSG_LEN); - dpm->req_head = (dpm->req_head+1) % MAX_MESSAGES; + memcpy_toio(&(dpm->req_queue[dpm->req_head]), &sndmsg, MSG_LEN); + dpm->req_head = (dpm->req_head + 1) % MAX_MESSAGES; outb(sndmsg.sequence_no, sc_adapter[card]->ioport[FIFO_WRITE]); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sc_adapter[card]->lock, flags); - + pr_debug("%s: Sent Message seq:%d pid:%d time:%d " - "cnt:%d (type,class,code):(%d,%d,%d) " - "link:%d\n ", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - sndmsg.sequence_no, - sndmsg.process_id, - sndmsg.time_stamp, - sndmsg.msg_byte_cnt, - sndmsg.type, - sndmsg.class, - sndmsg.code, - sndmsg.phy_link_no); - + "cnt:%d (type,class,code):(%d,%d,%d) " + "link:%d\n ", + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + sndmsg.sequence_no, + sndmsg.process_id, + sndmsg.time_stamp, + sndmsg.msg_byte_cnt, + sndmsg.type, + sndmsg.class, + sndmsg.code, + sndmsg.phy_link_no); + return 0; } int send_and_receive(int card, - unsigned int procid, - unsigned char type, - unsigned char class, - unsigned char code, - unsigned char link, - unsigned char data_len, - unsigned char *data, - RspMessage *mesgdata, - int timeout) + unsigned int procid, + unsigned char type, + unsigned char class, + unsigned char code, + unsigned char link, + unsigned char data_len, + unsigned char *data, + RspMessage *mesgdata, + int timeout) { int retval; int tries; @@ -185,12 +185,12 @@ int send_and_receive(int card, } sc_adapter[card]->want_async_messages = 1; - retval = sendmessage(card, procid, type, class, code, link, - data_len, (unsigned int *) data); - + retval = sendmessage(card, procid, type, class, code, link, + data_len, (unsigned int *) data); + if (retval) { pr_debug("%s: SendMessage failed in SAR\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); sc_adapter[card]->want_async_messages = 0; return -EIO; } @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ int send_and_receive(int card, /* wait for the response */ while (tries < timeout) { schedule_timeout_interruptible(1); - + pr_debug("SAR waiting..\n"); /* @@ -214,14 +214,14 @@ int send_and_receive(int card, * Got it! */ pr_debug("%s: Got ASYNC message\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); memcpy(mesgdata, &(sc_adapter[card]->async_msg), - sizeof(RspMessage)); + sizeof(RspMessage)); sc_adapter[card]->want_async_messages = 0; return 0; } - tries++; + tries++; } pr_debug("%s: SAR message timeout\n", sc_adapter[card]->devicename); diff --git a/drivers/isdn/sc/message.h b/drivers/isdn/sc/message.h index 8eb15e7306b251a5095fe030b164f7e550511056..5e6f4a5c15f8d8a1110787bc0733d4e34bc102d4 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/sc/message.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/sc/message.h @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ /* * Board message macros, defines and structures */ - + #ifndef MESSAGE_H #define MESSAGE_H @@ -36,19 +36,19 @@ * Macro to determine if a message is a loader message */ #define IS_CM_MESSAGE(mesg, tx, cx, dx) \ - ((mesg.type == cmRspType##tx) \ - &&(mesg.class == cmRspClass##cx) \ - &&(mesg.code == cmRsp##dx)) + ((mesg.type == cmRspType##tx) \ + && (mesg.class == cmRspClass##cx) \ + && (mesg.code == cmRsp##dx)) /* * Macro to determine if a message is a firmware message */ #define IS_CE_MESSAGE(mesg, tx, cx, dx) \ - ((mesg.type == ceRspType##tx) \ - &&(mesg.class == ceRspClass##cx) \ - &&(mesg.code == ceRsp##tx##dx)) + ((mesg.type == ceRspType##tx) \ + && (mesg.class == ceRspClass##cx) \ + && (mesg.code == ceRsp##tx##dx)) -/* +/* * Loader Request and Response Messages */ @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ typedef struct { } LLData; -/* +/* * Message payload template for an HWConfig message */ typedef struct { diff --git a/drivers/isdn/sc/packet.c b/drivers/isdn/sc/packet.c index 5ff6ae8684403fd83e48050d6e56552a473a7336..2446957085e0cfcfd5190aab2940600ae62d186d 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/sc/packet.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/sc/packet.c @@ -29,27 +29,27 @@ int sndpkt(int devId, int channel, int ack, struct sk_buff *data) card = get_card_from_id(devId); - if(!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { + if (!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { pr_debug("invalid param: %d is not a valid card id\n", card); return -ENODEV; } pr_debug("%s: sndpkt: frst = 0x%lx nxt = %d f = %d n = %d\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - sc_adapter[card]->channel[channel].first_sendbuf, - sc_adapter[card]->channel[channel].next_sendbuf, - sc_adapter[card]->channel[channel].free_sendbufs, - sc_adapter[card]->channel[channel].num_sendbufs); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + sc_adapter[card]->channel[channel].first_sendbuf, + sc_adapter[card]->channel[channel].next_sendbuf, + sc_adapter[card]->channel[channel].free_sendbufs, + sc_adapter[card]->channel[channel].num_sendbufs); - if(!sc_adapter[card]->channel[channel].free_sendbufs) { + if (!sc_adapter[card]->channel[channel].free_sendbufs) { pr_debug("%s: out of TX buffers\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); return -EINVAL; } - if(data->len > BUFFER_SIZE) { + if (data->len > BUFFER_SIZE) { pr_debug("%s: data overflows buffer size (data > buffer)\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); return -EINVAL; } @@ -57,24 +57,24 @@ int sndpkt(int devId, int channel, int ack, struct sk_buff *data) BUFFER_SIZE + sc_adapter[card]->channel[channel].first_sendbuf; ReqLnkWrite.msg_len = data->len; /* sk_buff size */ pr_debug("%s: writing %d bytes to buffer offset 0x%lx\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - ReqLnkWrite.msg_len, ReqLnkWrite.buff_offset); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + ReqLnkWrite.msg_len, ReqLnkWrite.buff_offset); memcpy_toshmem(card, (char *)ReqLnkWrite.buff_offset, data->data, ReqLnkWrite.msg_len); /* * sendmessage */ pr_debug("%s: sndpkt size=%d, buf_offset=0x%lx buf_indx=%d\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - ReqLnkWrite.msg_len, ReqLnkWrite.buff_offset, - sc_adapter[card]->channel[channel].next_sendbuf); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + ReqLnkWrite.msg_len, ReqLnkWrite.buff_offset, + sc_adapter[card]->channel[channel].next_sendbuf); status = sendmessage(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeLnk, ceReqClass1, ceReqLnkWrite, - channel+1, sizeof(LLData), (unsigned int*)&ReqLnkWrite); + channel + 1, sizeof(LLData), (unsigned int *)&ReqLnkWrite); len = data->len; - if(status) { + if (status) { pr_debug("%s: failed to send packet, status = %d\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, status); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, status); return -1; } else { @@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ int sndpkt(int devId, int channel, int ack, struct sk_buff *data) ++sc_adapter[card]->channel[channel].next_sendbuf == sc_adapter[card]->channel[channel].num_sendbufs ? 0 : sc_adapter[card]->channel[channel].next_sendbuf; - pr_debug("%s: packet sent successfully\n", sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + pr_debug("%s: packet sent successfully\n", sc_adapter[card]->devicename); dev_kfree_skb(data); - indicate_status(card,ISDN_STAT_BSENT,channel, (char *)&len); + indicate_status(card, ISDN_STAT_BSENT, channel, (char *)&len); } return len; } @@ -95,49 +95,49 @@ void rcvpkt(int card, RspMessage *rcvmsg) LLData newll; struct sk_buff *skb; - if(!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { + if (!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { pr_debug("invalid param: %d is not a valid card id\n", card); return; } - switch(rcvmsg->rsp_status){ + switch (rcvmsg->rsp_status) { case 0x01: case 0x02: case 0x70: pr_debug("%s: error status code: 0x%x\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, rcvmsg->rsp_status); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, rcvmsg->rsp_status); return; - case 0x00: - if (!(skb = dev_alloc_skb(rcvmsg->msg_data.response.msg_len))) { + case 0x00: + if (!(skb = dev_alloc_skb(rcvmsg->msg_data.response.msg_len))) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: rcvpkt out of memory, dropping packet\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); return; } skb_put(skb, rcvmsg->msg_data.response.msg_len); pr_debug("%s: getting data from offset: 0x%lx\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - rcvmsg->msg_data.response.buff_offset); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + rcvmsg->msg_data.response.buff_offset); memcpy_fromshmem(card, - skb_put(skb, rcvmsg->msg_data.response.msg_len), - (char *)rcvmsg->msg_data.response.buff_offset, - rcvmsg->msg_data.response.msg_len); + skb_put(skb, rcvmsg->msg_data.response.msg_len), + (char *)rcvmsg->msg_data.response.buff_offset, + rcvmsg->msg_data.response.msg_len); sc_adapter[card]->card->rcvcallb_skb(sc_adapter[card]->driverId, - rcvmsg->phy_link_no-1, skb); + rcvmsg->phy_link_no - 1, skb); case 0x03: /* - * Recycle the buffer - */ + * Recycle the buffer + */ pr_debug("%s: buffer size : %d\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, BUFFER_SIZE); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, BUFFER_SIZE); /* memset_shmem(card, rcvmsg->msg_data.response.buff_offset, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); */ newll.buff_offset = rcvmsg->msg_data.response.buff_offset; newll.msg_len = BUFFER_SIZE; pr_debug("%s: recycled buffer at offset 0x%lx size %d\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - newll.buff_offset, newll.msg_len); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + newll.buff_offset, newll.msg_len); sendmessage(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeLnk, ceReqClass1, ceReqLnkRead, - rcvmsg->phy_link_no, sizeof(LLData), (unsigned int *)&newll); + rcvmsg->phy_link_no, sizeof(LLData), (unsigned int *)&newll); } } @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ int setup_buffers(int card, int c) unsigned int buffer_size; LLData RcvBuffOffset; - if(!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { + if (!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { pr_debug("invalid param: %d is not a valid card id\n", card); return -ENODEV; } @@ -157,49 +157,48 @@ int setup_buffers(int card, int c) * Calculate the buffer offsets (send/recv/send/recv) */ pr_debug("%s: setting up channel buffer space in shared RAM\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); buffer_size = BUFFER_SIZE; nBuffers = ((sc_adapter[card]->ramsize - BUFFER_BASE) / buffer_size) / 2; nBuffers = nBuffers > BUFFERS_MAX ? BUFFERS_MAX : nBuffers; pr_debug("%s: calculating buffer space: %d buffers, %d big\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - nBuffers, buffer_size); - if(nBuffers < 2) { + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + nBuffers, buffer_size); + if (nBuffers < 2) { pr_debug("%s: not enough buffer space\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); return -1; } cBase = (nBuffers * buffer_size) * (c - 1); pr_debug("%s: channel buffer offset from shared RAM: 0x%x\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, cBase); - sc_adapter[card]->channel[c-1].first_sendbuf = BUFFER_BASE + cBase; - sc_adapter[card]->channel[c-1].num_sendbufs = nBuffers / 2; - sc_adapter[card]->channel[c-1].free_sendbufs = nBuffers / 2; - sc_adapter[card]->channel[c-1].next_sendbuf = 0; + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, cBase); + sc_adapter[card]->channel[c - 1].first_sendbuf = BUFFER_BASE + cBase; + sc_adapter[card]->channel[c - 1].num_sendbufs = nBuffers / 2; + sc_adapter[card]->channel[c - 1].free_sendbufs = nBuffers / 2; + sc_adapter[card]->channel[c - 1].next_sendbuf = 0; pr_debug("%s: send buffer setup complete: first=0x%lx n=%d f=%d, nxt=%d\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - sc_adapter[card]->channel[c-1].first_sendbuf, - sc_adapter[card]->channel[c-1].num_sendbufs, - sc_adapter[card]->channel[c-1].free_sendbufs, - sc_adapter[card]->channel[c-1].next_sendbuf); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + sc_adapter[card]->channel[c - 1].first_sendbuf, + sc_adapter[card]->channel[c - 1].num_sendbufs, + sc_adapter[card]->channel[c - 1].free_sendbufs, + sc_adapter[card]->channel[c - 1].next_sendbuf); /* * Prep the receive buffers */ pr_debug("%s: adding %d RecvBuffers:\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, nBuffers /2); - for (i = 0 ; i < nBuffers / 2; i++) { - RcvBuffOffset.buff_offset = - ((sc_adapter[card]->channel[c-1].first_sendbuf + - (nBuffers / 2) * buffer_size) + (buffer_size * i)); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, nBuffers / 2); + for (i = 0; i < nBuffers / 2; i++) { + RcvBuffOffset.buff_offset = + ((sc_adapter[card]->channel[c - 1].first_sendbuf + + (nBuffers / 2) * buffer_size) + (buffer_size * i)); RcvBuffOffset.msg_len = buffer_size; pr_debug("%s: adding RcvBuffer #%d offset=0x%lx sz=%d bufsz:%d\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - i + 1, RcvBuffOffset.buff_offset, - RcvBuffOffset.msg_len,buffer_size); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + i + 1, RcvBuffOffset.buff_offset, + RcvBuffOffset.msg_len, buffer_size); sendmessage(card, CEPID, ceReqTypeLnk, ceReqClass1, ceReqLnkRead, - c, sizeof(LLData), (unsigned int *)&RcvBuffOffset); - } + c, sizeof(LLData), (unsigned int *)&RcvBuffOffset); + } return 0; } - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/sc/scioc.h b/drivers/isdn/sc/scioc.h index dfb107a6de446dd0dd7956e3278908a58338dba3..a50e143779e7324f37d99caa151b154400902ff7 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/sc/scioc.h +++ b/drivers/isdn/sc/scioc.h @@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ #define SCIOCGETSWITCH 0x06 /* Get switch type */ #define SCIOCSETSWITCH 0x07 /* Set switch type */ #define SCIOCGETSPID 0x08 /* Get channel SPID */ -#define SCIOCSETSPID 0x09 /* Set channel SPID */ +#define SCIOCSETSPID 0x09 /* Set channel SPID */ #define SCIOCGETDN 0x0A /* Get channel DN */ -#define SCIOCSETDN 0x0B /* Set channel DN */ +#define SCIOCSETDN 0x0B /* Set channel DN */ #define SCIOCTRACE 0x0C /* Toggle trace mode */ #define SCIOCSTAT 0x0D /* Get line status */ #define SCIOCGETSPEED 0x0E /* Set channel speed */ @@ -108,4 +108,3 @@ typedef struct { } boardInfo; #endif /* __ISDN_SC_SCIOC_H__ */ - diff --git a/drivers/isdn/sc/shmem.c b/drivers/isdn/sc/shmem.c index 7f16d75d2d89fa1137cad8651e765eb9b4a512e2..d24506ceb6e8764b4b19c775c68ead3334fbe18e 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/sc/shmem.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/sc/shmem.c @@ -42,22 +42,22 @@ void memcpy_toshmem(int card, void *dest, const void *src, size_t n) * determine the page to load from the address */ ch = (unsigned long) dest / SRAM_PAGESIZE; - pr_debug("%s: loaded page %d\n", sc_adapter[card]->devicename,ch); + pr_debug("%s: loaded page %d\n", sc_adapter[card]->devicename, ch); /* * Block interrupts and load the page */ spin_lock_irqsave(&sc_adapter[card]->lock, flags); outb(((sc_adapter[card]->shmem_magic + ch * SRAM_PAGESIZE) >> 14) | 0x80, - sc_adapter[card]->ioport[sc_adapter[card]->shmem_pgport]); + sc_adapter[card]->ioport[sc_adapter[card]->shmem_pgport]); memcpy_toio((void __iomem *)(sc_adapter[card]->rambase + dest_rem), src, n); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sc_adapter[card]->lock, flags); - pr_debug("%s: set page to %#x\n",sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - ((sc_adapter[card]->shmem_magic + ch * SRAM_PAGESIZE)>>14)|0x80); + pr_debug("%s: set page to %#x\n", sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + ((sc_adapter[card]->shmem_magic + ch * SRAM_PAGESIZE) >> 14) | 0x80); pr_debug("%s: copying %zu bytes from %#lx to %#lx\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, n, - (unsigned long) src, - sc_adapter[card]->rambase + ((unsigned long) dest %0x4000)); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, n, + (unsigned long) src, + sc_adapter[card]->rambase + ((unsigned long) dest % 0x4000)); } /* @@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ void memcpy_fromshmem(int card, void *dest, const void *src, size_t n) unsigned long flags; unsigned char ch; - if(!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { + if (!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { pr_debug("Invalid param: %d is not a valid card id\n", card); return; } - if(n > SRAM_PAGESIZE) { + if (n > SRAM_PAGESIZE) { return; } @@ -81,24 +81,24 @@ void memcpy_fromshmem(int card, void *dest, const void *src, size_t n) * determine the page to load from the address */ ch = (unsigned long) src / SRAM_PAGESIZE; - pr_debug("%s: loaded page %d\n", sc_adapter[card]->devicename,ch); - - + pr_debug("%s: loaded page %d\n", sc_adapter[card]->devicename, ch); + + /* * Block interrupts and load the page */ spin_lock_irqsave(&sc_adapter[card]->lock, flags); outb(((sc_adapter[card]->shmem_magic + ch * SRAM_PAGESIZE) >> 14) | 0x80, - sc_adapter[card]->ioport[sc_adapter[card]->shmem_pgport]); - memcpy_fromio(dest,(void *)(sc_adapter[card]->rambase + - ((unsigned long) src % 0x4000)), n); + sc_adapter[card]->ioport[sc_adapter[card]->shmem_pgport]); + memcpy_fromio(dest, (void *)(sc_adapter[card]->rambase + + ((unsigned long) src % 0x4000)), n); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sc_adapter[card]->lock, flags); - pr_debug("%s: set page to %#x\n",sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - ((sc_adapter[card]->shmem_magic + ch * SRAM_PAGESIZE)>>14)|0x80); + pr_debug("%s: set page to %#x\n", sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + ((sc_adapter[card]->shmem_magic + ch * SRAM_PAGESIZE) >> 14) | 0x80); /* pr_debug("%s: copying %d bytes from %#x to %#x\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, n, - sc_adapter[card]->rambase + ((unsigned long) src %0x4000), (unsigned long) dest); */ + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, n, + sc_adapter[card]->rambase + ((unsigned long) src %0x4000), (unsigned long) dest); */ } #if 0 @@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ void memset_shmem(int card, void *dest, int c, size_t n) unsigned long flags; unsigned char ch; - if(!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { + if (!IS_VALID_CARD(card)) { pr_debug("Invalid param: %d is not a valid card id\n", card); return; } - if(n > SRAM_PAGESIZE) { + if (n > SRAM_PAGESIZE) { return; } @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ void memset_shmem(int card, void *dest, int c, size_t n) * determine the page to load from the address */ ch = (unsigned long) dest / SRAM_PAGESIZE; - pr_debug("%s: loaded page %d\n",sc_adapter[card]->devicename,ch); + pr_debug("%s: loaded page %d\n", sc_adapter[card]->devicename, ch); /* * Block interrupts and load the page @@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ void memset_shmem(int card, void *dest, int c, size_t n) spin_lock_irqsave(&sc_adapter[card]->lock, flags); outb(((sc_adapter[card]->shmem_magic + ch * SRAM_PAGESIZE) >> 14) | 0x80, - sc_adapter[card]->ioport[sc_adapter[card]->shmem_pgport]); + sc_adapter[card]->ioport[sc_adapter[card]->shmem_pgport]); memset_io(sc_adapter[card]->rambase + - ((unsigned long) dest % 0x4000), c, n); - pr_debug("%s: set page to %#x\n",sc_adapter[card]->devicename, - ((sc_adapter[card]->shmem_magic + ch * SRAM_PAGESIZE)>>14)|0x80); + ((unsigned long) dest % 0x4000), c, n); + pr_debug("%s: set page to %#x\n", sc_adapter[card]->devicename, + ((sc_adapter[card]->shmem_magic + ch * SRAM_PAGESIZE) >> 14) | 0x80); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sc_adapter[card]->lock, flags); } #endif /* 0 */ diff --git a/drivers/isdn/sc/timer.c b/drivers/isdn/sc/timer.c index 91fbe0dc28ec75a655b68b31fbe69c8241c3563b..6fbac2230d7e7344d7d50b37ceb32c220cdbd41b 100644 --- a/drivers/isdn/sc/timer.c +++ b/drivers/isdn/sc/timer.c @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ static void setup_ports(int card) /* And the IRQ */ outb((sc_adapter[card]->interrupt | 0x80), - sc_adapter[card]->ioport[IRQ_SELECT]); + sc_adapter[card]->ioport[IRQ_SELECT]); } /* @@ -50,18 +50,18 @@ void sc_check_reset(unsigned long data) int card = (unsigned int) data; pr_debug("%s: check_timer timer called\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename); /* Setup the io ports */ setup_ports(card); spin_lock_irqsave(&sc_adapter[card]->lock, flags); outb(sc_adapter[card]->ioport[sc_adapter[card]->shmem_pgport], - (sc_adapter[card]->shmem_magic>>14) | 0x80); + (sc_adapter[card]->shmem_magic >> 14) | 0x80); sig = (unsigned long) *((unsigned long *)(sc_adapter[card]->rambase + SIG_OFFSET)); /* check the signature */ - if(sig == SIGNATURE) { + if (sig == SIGNATURE) { flushreadfifo(card); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sc_adapter[card]->lock, flags); /* See if we need to do a startproc */ @@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ void sc_check_reset(unsigned long data) startproc(card); } else { pr_debug("%s: No signature yet, waiting another %lu jiffies.\n", - sc_adapter[card]->devicename, CHECKRESET_TIME); - mod_timer(&sc_adapter[card]->reset_timer, jiffies+CHECKRESET_TIME); + sc_adapter[card]->devicename, CHECKRESET_TIME); + mod_timer(&sc_adapter[card]->reset_timer, jiffies + CHECKRESET_TIME); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sc_adapter[card]->lock, flags); } } @@ -91,19 +91,19 @@ void check_phystat(unsigned long data) int card = (unsigned int) data; pr_debug("%s: Checking status...\n", sc_adapter[card]->devicename); - /* + /* * check the results of the last PhyStat and change only if * has changed drastically */ if (sc_adapter[card]->nphystat && !sc_adapter[card]->phystat) { /* All is well */ pr_debug("PhyStat transition to RUN\n"); - pr_info("%s: Switch contacted, transmitter enabled\n", + pr_info("%s: Switch contacted, transmitter enabled\n", sc_adapter[card]->devicename); indicate_status(card, ISDN_STAT_RUN, 0, NULL); } else if (!sc_adapter[card]->nphystat && sc_adapter[card]->phystat) { /* All is not well */ pr_debug("PhyStat transition to STOP\n"); - pr_info("%s: Switch connection lost, transmitter disabled\n", + pr_info("%s: Switch connection lost, transmitter disabled\n", sc_adapter[card]->devicename); indicate_status(card, ISDN_STAT_STOP, 0, NULL); @@ -113,11 +113,10 @@ void check_phystat(unsigned long data) /* Reinitialize the timer */ spin_lock_irqsave(&sc_adapter[card]->lock, flags); - mod_timer(&sc_adapter[card]->stat_timer, jiffies+CHECKSTAT_TIME); + mod_timer(&sc_adapter[card]->stat_timer, jiffies + CHECKSTAT_TIME); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sc_adapter[card]->lock, flags); /* Send a new cePhyStatus message */ - sendmessage(card, CEPID,ceReqTypePhy,ceReqClass2, - ceReqPhyStatus,0,0,NULL); + sendmessage(card, CEPID, ceReqTypePhy, ceReqClass2, + ceReqPhyStatus, 0, 0, NULL); } - diff --git a/drivers/net/bonding/bond_3ad.c b/drivers/net/bonding/bond_3ad.c index 0ae0d7c54ccf647e91792edfa14dc32d900ec877..793b00138275324b808797b40e3f5fd3c6997d3e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/bonding/bond_3ad.c +++ b/drivers/net/bonding/bond_3ad.c @@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ static void __attach_bond_to_agg(struct port *port) static void __detach_bond_from_agg(struct port *port) { port = NULL; /* just to satisfy the compiler */ - // This function does nothing sience the parser/multiplexer of the receive + // This function does nothing since the parser/multiplexer of the receive // and the parser/multiplexer of the aggregator are already combined } diff --git a/drivers/net/bonding/bond_alb.c b/drivers/net/bonding/bond_alb.c index f820b26b9db3562e7878feffceeba32f13a0d4f3..9abfde4793166f8d323ad9a229d7a1ec09ab2fab 100644 --- a/drivers/net/bonding/bond_alb.c +++ b/drivers/net/bonding/bond_alb.c @@ -180,11 +180,9 @@ static int tlb_initialize(struct bonding *bond) int i; new_hashtbl = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!new_hashtbl) { - pr_err("%s: Error: Failed to allocate TLB hash table\n", - bond->dev->name); + if (!new_hashtbl) return -1; - } + _lock_tx_hashtbl_bh(bond); bond_info->tx_hashtbl = new_hashtbl; @@ -784,11 +782,9 @@ static int rlb_initialize(struct bonding *bond) int i; new_hashtbl = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!new_hashtbl) { - pr_err("%s: Error: Failed to allocate RLB hash table\n", - bond->dev->name); + if (!new_hashtbl) return -1; - } + _lock_rx_hashtbl_bh(bond); bond_info->rx_hashtbl = new_hashtbl; diff --git a/drivers/net/bonding/bond_main.c b/drivers/net/bonding/bond_main.c index 435984ad8b2f1a8bedd54ba49eb4269f3991bd3a..0730203a19f21c6019499c9b487a1f87fabd984e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/bonding/bond_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/bonding/bond_main.c @@ -766,18 +766,30 @@ static void __bond_resend_igmp_join_requests(struct net_device *dev) */ static void bond_resend_igmp_join_requests(struct bonding *bond) { - struct net_device *vlan_dev; + struct net_device *bond_dev, *vlan_dev, *master_dev; struct vlan_entry *vlan; read_lock(&bond->lock); + bond_dev = bond->dev; + /* rejoin all groups on bond device */ - __bond_resend_igmp_join_requests(bond->dev); + __bond_resend_igmp_join_requests(bond_dev); + + /* + * if bond is enslaved to a bridge, + * then rejoin all groups on its master + */ + master_dev = bond_dev->master; + if (master_dev) + if ((master_dev->priv_flags & IFF_EBRIDGE) + && (bond_dev->priv_flags & IFF_BRIDGE_PORT)) + __bond_resend_igmp_join_requests(master_dev); /* rejoin all groups on vlan devices */ list_for_each_entry(vlan, &bond->vlan_list, vlan_list) { rcu_read_lock(); - vlan_dev = __vlan_find_dev_deep(bond->dev, + vlan_dev = __vlan_find_dev_deep(bond_dev, vlan->vlan_id); rcu_read_unlock(); if (vlan_dev) diff --git a/drivers/net/caif/caif_hsi.c b/drivers/net/caif/caif_hsi.c index c998e1afebc6831be282088a379d98ee8978c491..9a66e2a910ae21f586ff59439b8116fe891d4c95 100644 --- a/drivers/net/caif/caif_hsi.c +++ b/drivers/net/caif/caif_hsi.c @@ -426,6 +426,35 @@ static int cfhsi_rx_desc(struct cfhsi_desc *desc, struct cfhsi *cfhsi) return xfer_sz; } +static int cfhsi_rx_desc_len(struct cfhsi_desc *desc) +{ + int xfer_sz = 0; + int nfrms = 0; + u16 *plen; + + if ((desc->header & ~CFHSI_PIGGY_DESC) || + (desc->offset > CFHSI_MAX_EMB_FRM_SZ)) { + + pr_err("Invalid descriptor. %x %x\n", desc->header, + desc->offset); + return -EPROTO; + } + + /* Calculate transfer length. */ + plen = desc->cffrm_len; + while (nfrms < CFHSI_MAX_PKTS && *plen) { + xfer_sz += *plen; + plen++; + nfrms++; + } + + if (xfer_sz % 4) { + pr_err("Invalid payload len: %d, ignored.\n", xfer_sz); + return -EPROTO; + } + return xfer_sz; +} + static int cfhsi_rx_pld(struct cfhsi_desc *desc, struct cfhsi *cfhsi) { int rx_sz = 0; @@ -517,8 +546,10 @@ static int cfhsi_rx_pld(struct cfhsi_desc *desc, struct cfhsi *cfhsi) static void cfhsi_rx_done(struct cfhsi *cfhsi) { int res; - int desc_pld_len = 0; + int desc_pld_len = 0, rx_len, rx_state; struct cfhsi_desc *desc = NULL; + u8 *rx_ptr, *rx_buf; + struct cfhsi_desc *piggy_desc = NULL; desc = (struct cfhsi_desc *)cfhsi->rx_buf; @@ -534,65 +565,71 @@ static void cfhsi_rx_done(struct cfhsi *cfhsi) spin_unlock_bh(&cfhsi->lock); if (cfhsi->rx_state.state == CFHSI_RX_STATE_DESC) { - desc_pld_len = cfhsi_rx_desc(desc, cfhsi); - if (desc_pld_len == -ENOMEM) - goto restart; - if (desc_pld_len == -EPROTO) + desc_pld_len = cfhsi_rx_desc_len(desc); + + if (desc_pld_len < 0) goto out_of_sync; + + rx_buf = cfhsi->rx_buf; + rx_len = desc_pld_len; + if (desc_pld_len > 0 && (desc->header & CFHSI_PIGGY_DESC)) + rx_len += CFHSI_DESC_SZ; + if (desc_pld_len == 0) + rx_buf = cfhsi->rx_flip_buf; } else { - int pld_len; + rx_buf = cfhsi->rx_flip_buf; - if (!cfhsi->rx_state.piggy_desc) { - pld_len = cfhsi_rx_pld(desc, cfhsi); - if (pld_len == -ENOMEM) - goto restart; - if (pld_len == -EPROTO) - goto out_of_sync; - cfhsi->rx_state.pld_len = pld_len; - } else { - pld_len = cfhsi->rx_state.pld_len; - } + rx_len = CFHSI_DESC_SZ; + if (cfhsi->rx_state.pld_len > 0 && + (desc->header & CFHSI_PIGGY_DESC)) { - if ((pld_len > 0) && (desc->header & CFHSI_PIGGY_DESC)) { - struct cfhsi_desc *piggy_desc; piggy_desc = (struct cfhsi_desc *) (desc->emb_frm + CFHSI_MAX_EMB_FRM_SZ + - pld_len); + cfhsi->rx_state.pld_len); + cfhsi->rx_state.piggy_desc = true; - /* Extract piggy-backed descriptor. */ - desc_pld_len = cfhsi_rx_desc(piggy_desc, cfhsi); - if (desc_pld_len == -ENOMEM) - goto restart; + /* Extract payload len from piggy-backed descriptor. */ + desc_pld_len = cfhsi_rx_desc_len(piggy_desc); + if (desc_pld_len < 0) + goto out_of_sync; + + if (desc_pld_len > 0) + rx_len = desc_pld_len; + + if (desc_pld_len > 0 && + (piggy_desc->header & CFHSI_PIGGY_DESC)) + rx_len += CFHSI_DESC_SZ; /* * Copy needed information from the piggy-backed * descriptor to the descriptor in the start. */ - memcpy((u8 *)desc, (u8 *)piggy_desc, + memcpy(rx_buf, (u8 *)piggy_desc, CFHSI_DESC_SHORT_SZ); - + /* Mark no embedded frame here */ + piggy_desc->offset = 0; if (desc_pld_len == -EPROTO) goto out_of_sync; } } - memset(&cfhsi->rx_state, 0, sizeof(cfhsi->rx_state)); if (desc_pld_len) { - cfhsi->rx_state.state = CFHSI_RX_STATE_PAYLOAD; - cfhsi->rx_ptr = cfhsi->rx_buf + CFHSI_DESC_SZ; - cfhsi->rx_len = desc_pld_len; + rx_state = CFHSI_RX_STATE_PAYLOAD; + rx_ptr = rx_buf + CFHSI_DESC_SZ; } else { - cfhsi->rx_state.state = CFHSI_RX_STATE_DESC; - cfhsi->rx_ptr = cfhsi->rx_buf; - cfhsi->rx_len = CFHSI_DESC_SZ; + rx_state = CFHSI_RX_STATE_DESC; + rx_ptr = rx_buf; + rx_len = CFHSI_DESC_SZ; } + /* Initiate next read */ if (test_bit(CFHSI_AWAKE, &cfhsi->bits)) { /* Set up new transfer. */ dev_dbg(&cfhsi->ndev->dev, "%s: Start RX.\n", - __func__); - res = cfhsi->dev->cfhsi_rx(cfhsi->rx_ptr, cfhsi->rx_len, + __func__); + + res = cfhsi->dev->cfhsi_rx(rx_ptr, rx_len, cfhsi->dev); if (WARN_ON(res < 0)) { dev_err(&cfhsi->ndev->dev, "%s: RX error %d.\n", @@ -601,16 +638,32 @@ static void cfhsi_rx_done(struct cfhsi *cfhsi) cfhsi->ndev->stats.rx_dropped++; } } - return; -restart: - if (++cfhsi->rx_state.retries > CFHSI_MAX_RX_RETRIES) { - dev_err(&cfhsi->ndev->dev, "%s: No memory available " - "in %d iterations.\n", - __func__, CFHSI_MAX_RX_RETRIES); - BUG(); + if (cfhsi->rx_state.state == CFHSI_RX_STATE_DESC) { + /* Extract payload from descriptor */ + if (cfhsi_rx_desc(desc, cfhsi) < 0) + goto out_of_sync; + } else { + /* Extract payload */ + if (cfhsi_rx_pld(desc, cfhsi) < 0) + goto out_of_sync; + if (piggy_desc) { + /* Extract any payload in piggyback descriptor. */ + if (cfhsi_rx_desc(piggy_desc, cfhsi) < 0) + goto out_of_sync; + } } - mod_timer(&cfhsi->rx_slowpath_timer, jiffies + 1); + + /* Update state info */ + memset(&cfhsi->rx_state, 0, sizeof(cfhsi->rx_state)); + cfhsi->rx_state.state = rx_state; + cfhsi->rx_ptr = rx_ptr; + cfhsi->rx_len = rx_len; + cfhsi->rx_state.pld_len = desc_pld_len; + cfhsi->rx_state.piggy_desc = desc->header & CFHSI_PIGGY_DESC; + + if (rx_buf != cfhsi->rx_buf) + swap(cfhsi->rx_buf, cfhsi->rx_flip_buf); return; out_of_sync: @@ -1040,6 +1093,12 @@ int cfhsi_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) goto err_alloc_rx; } + cfhsi->rx_flip_buf = kzalloc(CFHSI_BUF_SZ_RX, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!cfhsi->rx_flip_buf) { + res = -ENODEV; + goto err_alloc_rx_flip; + } + /* Pre-calculate inactivity timeout. */ if (inactivity_timeout != -1) { cfhsi->inactivity_timeout = @@ -1138,6 +1197,8 @@ int cfhsi_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) err_activate: destroy_workqueue(cfhsi->wq); err_create_wq: + kfree(cfhsi->rx_flip_buf); + err_alloc_rx_flip: kfree(cfhsi->rx_buf); err_alloc_rx: kfree(cfhsi->tx_buf); diff --git a/drivers/net/can/Kconfig b/drivers/net/can/Kconfig index ab45758c49a4938fbcee5e4f7304a7c76b59915e..bb709fd66993cd7f519186a549bd4b73e9609b3b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/can/Kconfig @@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ config CAN_FLEXCAN Say Y here if you want to support for Freescale FlexCAN. config PCH_CAN - tristate "PCH CAN" + tristate "Intel EG20T PCH CAN controller" depends on CAN_DEV && PCI ---help--- - This driver is for PCH CAN of Topcliff which is an IOH for x86 - embedded processor. + This driver is for PCH CAN of Topcliff (Intel EG20T PCH) which + is an IOH for x86 embedded processor (Intel Atom E6xx series). This driver can access CAN bus. source "drivers/net/can/mscan/Kconfig" diff --git a/drivers/net/can/bfin_can.c b/drivers/net/can/bfin_can.c index 349e0fabb63abb8b589d49dceab652a73a52aca5..3f88473423e9c5e40005c4cb1c781dbbba70faba 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/bfin_can.c +++ b/drivers/net/can/bfin_can.c @@ -82,8 +82,7 @@ static int bfin_can_set_bittiming(struct net_device *dev) bfin_write(®->clock, clk); bfin_write(®->timing, timing); - dev_info(dev->dev.parent, "setting CLOCK=0x%04x TIMING=0x%04x\n", - clk, timing); + netdev_info(dev, "setting CLOCK=0x%04x TIMING=0x%04x\n", clk, timing); return 0; } @@ -108,8 +107,7 @@ static void bfin_can_set_reset_mode(struct net_device *dev) while (!(bfin_read(®->control) & CCA)) { udelay(10); if (--timeout == 0) { - dev_err(dev->dev.parent, - "fail to enter configuration mode\n"); + netdev_err(dev, "fail to enter configuration mode\n"); BUG(); } } @@ -165,8 +163,7 @@ static void bfin_can_set_normal_mode(struct net_device *dev) while (bfin_read(®->status) & CCA) { udelay(10); if (--timeout == 0) { - dev_err(dev->dev.parent, - "fail to leave configuration mode\n"); + netdev_err(dev, "fail to leave configuration mode\n"); BUG(); } } @@ -224,6 +221,20 @@ static int bfin_can_set_mode(struct net_device *dev, enum can_mode mode) return 0; } +static int bfin_can_get_berr_counter(const struct net_device *dev, + struct can_berr_counter *bec) +{ + struct bfin_can_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev); + struct bfin_can_regs __iomem *reg = priv->membase; + + u16 cec = bfin_read(®->cec); + + bec->txerr = cec >> 8; + bec->rxerr = cec; + + return 0; +} + static int bfin_can_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) { struct bfin_can_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev); @@ -331,7 +342,7 @@ static int bfin_can_err(struct net_device *dev, u16 isrc, u16 status) if (isrc & RMLIS) { /* data overrun interrupt */ - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "data overrun interrupt\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "data overrun interrupt\n"); cf->can_id |= CAN_ERR_CRTL; cf->data[1] = CAN_ERR_CRTL_RX_OVERFLOW; stats->rx_over_errors++; @@ -339,7 +350,7 @@ static int bfin_can_err(struct net_device *dev, u16 isrc, u16 status) } if (isrc & BOIS) { - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "bus-off mode interrupt\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "bus-off mode interrupt\n"); state = CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF; cf->can_id |= CAN_ERR_BUSOFF; can_bus_off(dev); @@ -347,13 +358,12 @@ static int bfin_can_err(struct net_device *dev, u16 isrc, u16 status) if (isrc & EPIS) { /* error passive interrupt */ - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "error passive interrupt\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "error passive interrupt\n"); state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_PASSIVE; } if ((isrc & EWTIS) || (isrc & EWRIS)) { - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, - "Error Warning Transmit/Receive Interrupt\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "Error Warning Transmit/Receive Interrupt\n"); state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_WARNING; } @@ -509,6 +519,7 @@ struct net_device *alloc_bfin_candev(void) priv->can.bittiming_const = &bfin_can_bittiming_const; priv->can.do_set_bittiming = bfin_can_set_bittiming; priv->can.do_set_mode = bfin_can_set_mode; + priv->can.do_get_berr_counter = bfin_can_get_berr_counter; priv->can.ctrlmode_supported = CAN_CTRLMODE_3_SAMPLES; return dev; @@ -636,8 +647,7 @@ static int bfin_can_suspend(struct platform_device *pdev, pm_message_t mesg) while (!(bfin_read(®->intr) & SMACK)) { udelay(10); if (--timeout == 0) { - dev_err(dev->dev.parent, - "fail to enter sleep mode\n"); + netdev_err(dev, "fail to enter sleep mode\n"); BUG(); } } diff --git a/drivers/net/can/cc770/cc770.c b/drivers/net/can/cc770/cc770.c index c30f0e6f104875a3b5fad4789904d0e048504da6..d42a6a7396f22ea7325a690d5e061f8f995aca1b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/cc770/cc770.c +++ b/drivers/net/can/cc770/cc770.c @@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ #include #include #include -#include #include #include "cc770.h" diff --git a/drivers/net/can/dev.c b/drivers/net/can/dev.c index 120f1ab5a2ce0d945ba76878afcc0b2352a11f18..c5fe3a3db8c919fe397e9e6515c9f9eb8dd6df1c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/dev.c +++ b/drivers/net/can/dev.c @@ -130,13 +130,13 @@ static int can_calc_bittiming(struct net_device *dev, struct can_bittiming *bt) /* Error in one-tenth of a percent */ error = (best_error * 1000) / bt->bitrate; if (error > CAN_CALC_MAX_ERROR) { - dev_err(dev->dev.parent, - "bitrate error %ld.%ld%% too high\n", - error / 10, error % 10); + netdev_err(dev, + "bitrate error %ld.%ld%% too high\n", + error / 10, error % 10); return -EDOM; } else { - dev_warn(dev->dev.parent, "bitrate error %ld.%ld%%\n", - error / 10, error % 10); + netdev_warn(dev, "bitrate error %ld.%ld%%\n", + error / 10, error % 10); } } @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ static int can_calc_bittiming(struct net_device *dev, struct can_bittiming *bt) #else /* !CONFIG_CAN_CALC_BITTIMING */ static int can_calc_bittiming(struct net_device *dev, struct can_bittiming *bt) { - dev_err(dev->dev.parent, "bit-timing calculation not available\n"); + netdev_err(dev, "bit-timing calculation not available\n"); return -EINVAL; } #endif /* CONFIG_CAN_CALC_BITTIMING */ @@ -313,8 +313,7 @@ void can_put_echo_skb(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, priv->echo_skb[idx] = skb; } else { /* locking problem with netif_stop_queue() ?? */ - dev_err(dev->dev.parent, "%s: BUG! echo_skb is occupied!\n", - __func__); + netdev_err(dev, "%s: BUG! echo_skb is occupied!\n", __func__); kfree_skb(skb); } } @@ -327,16 +326,24 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(can_put_echo_skb); * is handled in the device driver. The driver must protect * access to priv->echo_skb, if necessary. */ -void can_get_echo_skb(struct net_device *dev, unsigned int idx) +unsigned int can_get_echo_skb(struct net_device *dev, unsigned int idx) { struct can_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev); BUG_ON(idx >= priv->echo_skb_max); if (priv->echo_skb[idx]) { + struct sk_buff *skb = priv->echo_skb[idx]; + struct can_frame *cf = (struct can_frame *)skb->data; + u8 dlc = cf->can_dlc; + netif_rx(priv->echo_skb[idx]); priv->echo_skb[idx] = NULL; + + return dlc; } + + return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(can_get_echo_skb); @@ -392,7 +399,7 @@ void can_restart(unsigned long data) stats->rx_bytes += cf->can_dlc; restart: - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "restarted\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "restarted\n"); priv->can_stats.restarts++; /* Now restart the device */ @@ -400,7 +407,7 @@ void can_restart(unsigned long data) netif_carrier_on(dev); if (err) - dev_err(dev->dev.parent, "Error %d during restart", err); + netdev_err(dev, "Error %d during restart", err); } int can_restart_now(struct net_device *dev) @@ -433,7 +440,7 @@ void can_bus_off(struct net_device *dev) { struct can_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev); - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "bus-off\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "bus-off\n"); netif_carrier_off(dev); priv->can_stats.bus_off++; @@ -545,7 +552,7 @@ int open_candev(struct net_device *dev) struct can_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev); if (!priv->bittiming.tq && !priv->bittiming.bitrate) { - dev_err(dev->dev.parent, "bit-timing not yet defined\n"); + netdev_err(dev, "bit-timing not yet defined\n"); return -EINVAL; } diff --git a/drivers/net/can/flexcan.c b/drivers/net/can/flexcan.c index 96d235799ec1f294a3a692a8a1273b42ab8bc154..1efb08386c61680db10a9d7afc895a656b60128f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/flexcan.c +++ b/drivers/net/can/flexcan.c @@ -272,7 +272,6 @@ static int flexcan_get_berr_counter(const struct net_device *dev, static int flexcan_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) { const struct flexcan_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev); - struct net_device_stats *stats = &dev->stats; struct flexcan_regs __iomem *regs = priv->base; struct can_frame *cf = (struct can_frame *)skb->data; u32 can_id; @@ -302,14 +301,11 @@ static int flexcan_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) flexcan_write(data, ®s->cantxfg[FLEXCAN_TX_BUF_ID].data[1]); } + can_put_echo_skb(skb, dev, 0); + flexcan_write(can_id, ®s->cantxfg[FLEXCAN_TX_BUF_ID].can_id); flexcan_write(ctrl, ®s->cantxfg[FLEXCAN_TX_BUF_ID].can_ctrl); - kfree_skb(skb); - - /* tx_packets is incremented in flexcan_irq */ - stats->tx_bytes += cf->can_dlc; - return NETDEV_TX_OK; } @@ -322,34 +318,34 @@ static void do_bus_err(struct net_device *dev, cf->can_id |= CAN_ERR_PROT | CAN_ERR_BUSERROR; if (reg_esr & FLEXCAN_ESR_BIT1_ERR) { - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "BIT1_ERR irq\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "BIT1_ERR irq\n"); cf->data[2] |= CAN_ERR_PROT_BIT1; tx_errors = 1; } if (reg_esr & FLEXCAN_ESR_BIT0_ERR) { - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "BIT0_ERR irq\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "BIT0_ERR irq\n"); cf->data[2] |= CAN_ERR_PROT_BIT0; tx_errors = 1; } if (reg_esr & FLEXCAN_ESR_ACK_ERR) { - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "ACK_ERR irq\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "ACK_ERR irq\n"); cf->can_id |= CAN_ERR_ACK; cf->data[3] |= CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_ACK; tx_errors = 1; } if (reg_esr & FLEXCAN_ESR_CRC_ERR) { - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "CRC_ERR irq\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "CRC_ERR irq\n"); cf->data[2] |= CAN_ERR_PROT_BIT; cf->data[3] |= CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_CRC_SEQ; rx_errors = 1; } if (reg_esr & FLEXCAN_ESR_FRM_ERR) { - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "FRM_ERR irq\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "FRM_ERR irq\n"); cf->data[2] |= CAN_ERR_PROT_FORM; rx_errors = 1; } if (reg_esr & FLEXCAN_ESR_STF_ERR) { - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "STF_ERR irq\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "STF_ERR irq\n"); cf->data[2] |= CAN_ERR_PROT_STUFF; rx_errors = 1; } @@ -396,7 +392,7 @@ static void do_state(struct net_device *dev, */ if (new_state >= CAN_STATE_ERROR_WARNING && new_state <= CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF) { - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "Error Warning IRQ\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "Error Warning IRQ\n"); priv->can.can_stats.error_warning++; cf->can_id |= CAN_ERR_CRTL; @@ -412,7 +408,7 @@ static void do_state(struct net_device *dev, */ if (new_state >= CAN_STATE_ERROR_PASSIVE && new_state <= CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF) { - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "Error Passive IRQ\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "Error Passive IRQ\n"); priv->can.can_stats.error_passive++; cf->can_id |= CAN_ERR_CRTL; @@ -422,8 +418,8 @@ static void do_state(struct net_device *dev, } break; case CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF: - dev_err(dev->dev.parent, - "BUG! hardware recovered automatically from BUS_OFF\n"); + netdev_err(dev, "BUG! " + "hardware recovered automatically from BUS_OFF\n"); break; default: break; @@ -432,7 +428,7 @@ static void do_state(struct net_device *dev, /* process state changes depending on the new state */ switch (new_state) { case CAN_STATE_ERROR_ACTIVE: - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "Error Active\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "Error Active\n"); cf->can_id |= CAN_ERR_PROT; cf->data[2] = CAN_ERR_PROT_ACTIVE; break; @@ -614,7 +610,7 @@ static irqreturn_t flexcan_irq(int irq, void *dev_id) /* transmission complete interrupt */ if (reg_iflag1 & (1 << FLEXCAN_TX_BUF_ID)) { - /* tx_bytes is incremented in flexcan_start_xmit */ + stats->tx_bytes += can_get_echo_skb(dev, 0); stats->tx_packets++; flexcan_write((1 << FLEXCAN_TX_BUF_ID), ®s->iflag1); netif_wake_queue(dev); @@ -653,12 +649,12 @@ static void flexcan_set_bittiming(struct net_device *dev) if (priv->can.ctrlmode & CAN_CTRLMODE_3_SAMPLES) reg |= FLEXCAN_CTRL_SMP; - dev_info(dev->dev.parent, "writing ctrl=0x%08x\n", reg); + netdev_info(dev, "writing ctrl=0x%08x\n", reg); flexcan_write(reg, ®s->ctrl); /* print chip status */ - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "%s: mcr=0x%08x ctrl=0x%08x\n", __func__, - flexcan_read(®s->mcr), flexcan_read(®s->ctrl)); + netdev_dbg(dev, "%s: mcr=0x%08x ctrl=0x%08x\n", __func__, + flexcan_read(®s->mcr), flexcan_read(®s->ctrl)); } /* @@ -684,9 +680,8 @@ static int flexcan_chip_start(struct net_device *dev) reg_mcr = flexcan_read(®s->mcr); if (reg_mcr & FLEXCAN_MCR_SOFTRST) { - dev_err(dev->dev.parent, - "Failed to softreset can module (mcr=0x%08x)\n", - reg_mcr); + netdev_err(dev, "Failed to softreset can module (mcr=0x%08x)\n", + reg_mcr); err = -ENODEV; goto out; } @@ -702,13 +697,14 @@ static int flexcan_chip_start(struct net_device *dev) * only supervisor access * enable warning int * choose format C + * disable local echo * */ reg_mcr = flexcan_read(®s->mcr); reg_mcr |= FLEXCAN_MCR_FRZ | FLEXCAN_MCR_FEN | FLEXCAN_MCR_HALT | FLEXCAN_MCR_SUPV | FLEXCAN_MCR_WRN_EN | - FLEXCAN_MCR_IDAM_C; - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "%s: writing mcr=0x%08x", __func__, reg_mcr); + FLEXCAN_MCR_IDAM_C | FLEXCAN_MCR_SRX_DIS; + netdev_dbg(dev, "%s: writing mcr=0x%08x", __func__, reg_mcr); flexcan_write(reg_mcr, ®s->mcr); /* @@ -734,7 +730,7 @@ static int flexcan_chip_start(struct net_device *dev) /* save for later use */ priv->reg_ctrl_default = reg_ctrl; - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "%s: writing ctrl=0x%08x", __func__, reg_ctrl); + netdev_dbg(dev, "%s: writing ctrl=0x%08x", __func__, reg_ctrl); flexcan_write(reg_ctrl, ®s->ctrl); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(regs->cantxfg); i++) { @@ -766,8 +762,8 @@ static int flexcan_chip_start(struct net_device *dev) flexcan_write(FLEXCAN_IFLAG_DEFAULT, ®s->imask1); /* print chip status */ - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "%s: reading mcr=0x%08x ctrl=0x%08x\n", - __func__, flexcan_read(®s->mcr), flexcan_read(®s->ctrl)); + netdev_dbg(dev, "%s: reading mcr=0x%08x ctrl=0x%08x\n", __func__, + flexcan_read(®s->mcr), flexcan_read(®s->ctrl)); return 0; @@ -905,8 +901,7 @@ static int __devinit register_flexcandev(struct net_device *dev) */ reg = flexcan_read(®s->mcr); if (!(reg & FLEXCAN_MCR_FEN)) { - dev_err(dev->dev.parent, - "Could not enable RX FIFO, unsupported core\n"); + netdev_err(dev, "Could not enable RX FIFO, unsupported core\n"); err = -ENODEV; goto out; } @@ -975,7 +970,7 @@ static int __devinit flexcan_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) goto failed_map; } - dev = alloc_candev(sizeof(struct flexcan_priv), 0); + dev = alloc_candev(sizeof(struct flexcan_priv), 1); if (!dev) { err = -ENOMEM; goto failed_alloc; @@ -983,7 +978,7 @@ static int __devinit flexcan_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) dev->netdev_ops = &flexcan_netdev_ops; dev->irq = irq; - dev->flags |= IFF_ECHO; /* we support local echo in hardware */ + dev->flags |= IFF_ECHO; priv = netdev_priv(dev); priv->can.clock.freq = clock_freq; diff --git a/drivers/net/can/mcp251x.c b/drivers/net/can/mcp251x.c index 330140ee266dfe7d19e9ba4be07dd3a384b6605e..346785c56a2579956d664da920f5c62bd3c13056 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/mcp251x.c +++ b/drivers/net/can/mcp251x.c @@ -712,8 +712,7 @@ static void mcp251x_error_skb(struct net_device *net, int can_id, int data1) frame->data[1] = data1; netif_rx_ni(skb); } else { - dev_err(&net->dev, - "cannot allocate error skb\n"); + netdev_err(net, "cannot allocate error skb\n"); } } diff --git a/drivers/net/can/mscan/mscan.c b/drivers/net/can/mscan/mscan.c index 1c82dd8b896e773ec38fc4177ddb6e77db559f9a..41a2a2dda7ea73e09550ee9eee43b162ba73a402 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/mscan/mscan.c +++ b/drivers/net/can/mscan/mscan.c @@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ static int mscan_set_mode(struct net_device *dev, u8 mode) * any, at once. */ if (i >= MSCAN_SET_MODE_RETRIES) - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, - "device failed to enter sleep mode. " - "We proceed anyhow.\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, + "device failed to enter sleep mode. " + "We proceed anyhow.\n"); else priv->can.state = CAN_STATE_SLEEPING; } @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ static netdev_tx_t mscan_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) switch (hweight8(i)) { case 0: netif_stop_queue(dev); - dev_err(dev->dev.parent, "Tx Ring full when queue awake!\n"); + netdev_err(dev, "Tx Ring full when queue awake!\n"); return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; case 1: /* @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ static void mscan_get_err_frame(struct net_device *dev, struct can_frame *frame, struct net_device_stats *stats = &dev->stats; enum can_state old_state; - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "error interrupt (canrflg=%#x)\n", canrflg); + netdev_dbg(dev, "error interrupt (canrflg=%#x)\n", canrflg); frame->can_id = CAN_ERR_FLAG; if (canrflg & MSCAN_OVRIF) { @@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ static int mscan_rx_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int quota) skb = alloc_can_skb(dev, &frame); if (!skb) { if (printk_ratelimit()) - dev_notice(dev->dev.parent, "packet dropped\n"); + netdev_notice(dev, "packet dropped\n"); stats->rx_dropped++; out_8(®s->canrflg, canrflg); continue; @@ -551,8 +551,7 @@ static int mscan_do_set_bittiming(struct net_device *dev) BTR1_SET_TSEG2(bt->phase_seg2) | BTR1_SET_SAM(priv->can.ctrlmode & CAN_CTRLMODE_3_SAMPLES)); - dev_info(dev->dev.parent, "setting BTR0=0x%02x BTR1=0x%02x\n", - btr0, btr1); + netdev_info(dev, "setting BTR0=0x%02x BTR1=0x%02x\n", btr0, btr1); out_8(®s->canbtr0, btr0); out_8(®s->canbtr1, btr1); @@ -560,6 +559,18 @@ static int mscan_do_set_bittiming(struct net_device *dev) return 0; } +static int mscan_get_berr_counter(const struct net_device *dev, + struct can_berr_counter *bec) +{ + struct mscan_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev); + struct mscan_regs __iomem *regs = priv->reg_base; + + bec->txerr = in_8(®s->cantxerr); + bec->rxerr = in_8(®s->canrxerr); + + return 0; +} + static int mscan_open(struct net_device *dev) { int ret; @@ -575,7 +586,7 @@ static int mscan_open(struct net_device *dev) ret = request_irq(dev->irq, mscan_isr, 0, dev->name, dev); if (ret < 0) { - dev_err(dev->dev.parent, "failed to attach interrupt\n"); + netdev_err(dev, "failed to attach interrupt\n"); goto exit_napi_disable; } @@ -639,8 +650,10 @@ int register_mscandev(struct net_device *dev, int mscan_clksrc) else ctl1 &= ~MSCAN_CLKSRC; - if (priv->type == MSCAN_TYPE_MPC5121) + if (priv->type == MSCAN_TYPE_MPC5121) { + priv->can.do_get_berr_counter = mscan_get_berr_counter; ctl1 |= MSCAN_BORM; /* bus-off recovery upon request */ + } ctl1 |= MSCAN_CANE; out_8(®s->canctl1, ctl1); diff --git a/drivers/net/can/pch_can.c b/drivers/net/can/pch_can.c index 6edc25e0dd15250286919650c8f575f9cb334b02..2bb215e00eb120feb7bac1d3c094aa8f2989fffd 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/pch_can.c +++ b/drivers/net/can/pch_can.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2010 Intel Corporation. - * Copyright (C) 2010 OKI SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. + * Copyright (C) 2010 LAPIS SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by diff --git a/drivers/net/can/sja1000/Kconfig b/drivers/net/can/sja1000/Kconfig index 36e9d594069dba65e91c6b51733280db257d7fb6..b60d6c5f29a0ef90e0a0e312ad231a9aaa23f992 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/sja1000/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/can/sja1000/Kconfig @@ -43,12 +43,33 @@ config CAN_EMS_PCI CPC-PCIe and CPC-104P cards from EMS Dr. Thomas Wuensche (http://www.ems-wuensche.de). +config CAN_PEAK_PCMCIA + tristate "PEAK PCAN-PC Card" + depends on PCMCIA + ---help--- + This driver is for the PCAN-PC Card PCMCIA adapter (1 or 2 channels) + from PEAK-System (http://www.peak-system.com). To compile this + driver as a module, choose M here: the module will be called + peak_pcmcia. + config CAN_PEAK_PCI - tristate "PEAK PCAN PCI/PCIe Cards" + tristate "PEAK PCAN-PCI/PCIe/miniPCI Cards" depends on PCI ---help--- - This driver is for the PCAN PCI/PCIe cards (1, 2, 3 or 4 channels) - from PEAK Systems (http://www.peak-system.com). + This driver is for the PCAN-PCI/PCIe/miniPCI cards + (1, 2, 3 or 4 channels) from PEAK-System Technik + (http://www.peak-system.com). + +config CAN_PEAK_PCIEC + bool "PEAK PCAN-ExpressCard Cards" + depends on CAN_PEAK_PCI + select I2C + select I2C_ALGOBIT + default y + ---help--- + Say Y here if you want to use a PCAN-ExpressCard from PEAK-System + Technik. This will also automatically select I2C and I2C_ALGO + configuration options. config CAN_KVASER_PCI tristate "Kvaser PCIcanx and Kvaser PCIcan PCI Cards" @@ -71,6 +92,7 @@ config CAN_PLX_PCI - esd CAN-PCIe/2000 - Marathon CAN-bus-PCI card (http://www.marathon.ru/) - TEWS TECHNOLOGIES TPMC810 card (http://www.tews.com/) + - IXXAT Automation PC-I 04/PCI card (http://www.ixxat.com/) config CAN_TSCAN1 tristate "TS-CAN1 PC104 boards" diff --git a/drivers/net/can/sja1000/Makefile b/drivers/net/can/sja1000/Makefile index 0604f240c8b18bed52e52d4c6220af41cdf56f30..b3d05cbfec3668cfc8df21989adc8b6643465ae3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/sja1000/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/can/sja1000/Makefile @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_CAN_SJA1000_OF_PLATFORM) += sja1000_of_platform.o obj-$(CONFIG_CAN_EMS_PCMCIA) += ems_pcmcia.o obj-$(CONFIG_CAN_EMS_PCI) += ems_pci.o obj-$(CONFIG_CAN_KVASER_PCI) += kvaser_pci.o +obj-$(CONFIG_CAN_PEAK_PCMCIA) += peak_pcmcia.o obj-$(CONFIG_CAN_PEAK_PCI) += peak_pci.o obj-$(CONFIG_CAN_PLX_PCI) += plx_pci.o obj-$(CONFIG_CAN_TSCAN1) += tscan1.o diff --git a/drivers/net/can/sja1000/peak_pci.c b/drivers/net/can/sja1000/peak_pci.c index 214795945bc449d79329bbf2b82500eb9e1f19a3..5f92b865f64be4afcc855b5598a5dc8c719a5421 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/sja1000/peak_pci.c +++ b/drivers/net/can/sja1000/peak_pci.c @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2007, 2011 Wolfgang Grandegger + * Copyright (C) 2012 Stephane Grosjean * * Derived from the PCAN project file driver/src/pcan_pci.c: * @@ -13,10 +14,6 @@ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, - * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include @@ -26,22 +23,26 @@ #include #include #include +#include +#include #include #include #include "sja1000.h" MODULE_AUTHOR("Wolfgang Grandegger "); -MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Socket-CAN driver for PEAK PCAN PCI/PCIe cards"); -MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE("PEAK PCAN PCI/PCIe CAN card"); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Socket-CAN driver for PEAK PCAN PCI family cards"); +MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE("PEAK PCAN PCI/PCIe/PCIeC miniPCI CAN cards"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); #define DRV_NAME "peak_pci" +struct peak_pciec_card; struct peak_pci_chan { void __iomem *cfg_base; /* Common for all channels */ struct net_device *prev_dev; /* Chain of network devices */ u16 icr_mask; /* Interrupt mask for fast ack */ + struct peak_pciec_card *pciec_card; /* only for PCIeC LEDs */ }; #define PEAK_PCI_CAN_CLOCK (16000000 / 2) @@ -61,16 +62,464 @@ struct peak_pci_chan { #define PEAK_PCI_VENDOR_ID 0x001C /* The PCI device and vendor IDs */ #define PEAK_PCI_DEVICE_ID 0x0001 /* for PCI/PCIe slot cards */ +#define PEAK_PCIEC_DEVICE_ID 0x0002 /* for ExpressCard slot cards */ +#define PEAK_PCIE_DEVICE_ID 0x0003 /* for nextgen PCIe slot cards */ +#define PEAK_MPCI_DEVICE_ID 0x0008 /* The miniPCI slot cards */ + +#define PEAK_PCI_CHAN_MAX 4 -static const u16 peak_pci_icr_masks[] = {0x02, 0x01, 0x40, 0x80}; +static const u16 peak_pci_icr_masks[PEAK_PCI_CHAN_MAX] = { + 0x02, 0x01, 0x40, 0x80 +}; static DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE(peak_pci_tbl) = { {PEAK_PCI_VENDOR_ID, PEAK_PCI_DEVICE_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID,}, + {PEAK_PCI_VENDOR_ID, PEAK_PCIE_DEVICE_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID,}, + {PEAK_PCI_VENDOR_ID, PEAK_MPCI_DEVICE_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID,}, +#ifdef CONFIG_CAN_PEAK_PCIEC + {PEAK_PCI_VENDOR_ID, PEAK_PCIEC_DEVICE_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID,}, +#endif {0,} }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, peak_pci_tbl); +#ifdef CONFIG_CAN_PEAK_PCIEC +/* + * PCAN-ExpressCard needs I2C bit-banging configuration option. + */ + +/* GPIOICR byte access offsets */ +#define PITA_GPOUT 0x18 /* GPx output value */ +#define PITA_GPIN 0x19 /* GPx input value */ +#define PITA_GPOEN 0x1A /* configure GPx as ouput pin */ + +/* I2C GP bits */ +#define PITA_GPIN_SCL 0x01 /* Serial Clock Line */ +#define PITA_GPIN_SDA 0x04 /* Serial DAta line */ + +#define PCA9553_1_SLAVEADDR (0xC4 >> 1) + +/* PCA9553 LS0 fields values */ +enum { + PCA9553_LOW, + PCA9553_HIGHZ, + PCA9553_PWM0, + PCA9553_PWM1 +}; + +/* LEDs control */ +#define PCA9553_ON PCA9553_LOW +#define PCA9553_OFF PCA9553_HIGHZ +#define PCA9553_SLOW PCA9553_PWM0 +#define PCA9553_FAST PCA9553_PWM1 + +#define PCA9553_LED(c) (1 << (c)) +#define PCA9553_LED_STATE(s, c) ((s) << ((c) << 1)) + +#define PCA9553_LED_ON(c) PCA9553_LED_STATE(PCA9553_ON, c) +#define PCA9553_LED_OFF(c) PCA9553_LED_STATE(PCA9553_OFF, c) +#define PCA9553_LED_SLOW(c) PCA9553_LED_STATE(PCA9553_SLOW, c) +#define PCA9553_LED_FAST(c) PCA9553_LED_STATE(PCA9553_FAST, c) +#define PCA9553_LED_MASK(c) PCA9553_LED_STATE(0x03, c) + +#define PCA9553_LED_OFF_ALL (PCA9553_LED_OFF(0) | PCA9553_LED_OFF(1)) + +#define PCA9553_LS0_INIT 0x40 /* initial value (!= from 0x00) */ + +struct peak_pciec_chan { + struct net_device *netdev; + unsigned long prev_rx_bytes; + unsigned long prev_tx_bytes; +}; + +struct peak_pciec_card { + void __iomem *cfg_base; /* Common for all channels */ + void __iomem *reg_base; /* first channel base address */ + u8 led_cache; /* leds state cache */ + + /* PCIExpressCard i2c data */ + struct i2c_algo_bit_data i2c_bit; + struct i2c_adapter led_chip; + struct delayed_work led_work; /* led delayed work */ + int chan_count; + struct peak_pciec_chan channel[PEAK_PCI_CHAN_MAX]; +}; + +/* "normal" pci register write callback is overloaded for leds control */ +static void peak_pci_write_reg(const struct sja1000_priv *priv, + int port, u8 val); + +static inline void pita_set_scl_highz(struct peak_pciec_card *card) +{ + u8 gp_outen = readb(card->cfg_base + PITA_GPOEN) & ~PITA_GPIN_SCL; + writeb(gp_outen, card->cfg_base + PITA_GPOEN); +} + +static inline void pita_set_sda_highz(struct peak_pciec_card *card) +{ + u8 gp_outen = readb(card->cfg_base + PITA_GPOEN) & ~PITA_GPIN_SDA; + writeb(gp_outen, card->cfg_base + PITA_GPOEN); +} + +static void peak_pciec_init_pita_gpio(struct peak_pciec_card *card) +{ + /* raise SCL & SDA GPIOs to high-Z */ + pita_set_scl_highz(card); + pita_set_sda_highz(card); +} + +static void pita_setsda(void *data, int state) +{ + struct peak_pciec_card *card = (struct peak_pciec_card *)data; + u8 gp_out, gp_outen; + + /* set output sda always to 0 */ + gp_out = readb(card->cfg_base + PITA_GPOUT) & ~PITA_GPIN_SDA; + writeb(gp_out, card->cfg_base + PITA_GPOUT); + + /* control output sda with GPOEN */ + gp_outen = readb(card->cfg_base + PITA_GPOEN); + if (state) + gp_outen &= ~PITA_GPIN_SDA; + else + gp_outen |= PITA_GPIN_SDA; + + writeb(gp_outen, card->cfg_base + PITA_GPOEN); +} + +static void pita_setscl(void *data, int state) +{ + struct peak_pciec_card *card = (struct peak_pciec_card *)data; + u8 gp_out, gp_outen; + + /* set output scl always to 0 */ + gp_out = readb(card->cfg_base + PITA_GPOUT) & ~PITA_GPIN_SCL; + writeb(gp_out, card->cfg_base + PITA_GPOUT); + + /* control output scl with GPOEN */ + gp_outen = readb(card->cfg_base + PITA_GPOEN); + if (state) + gp_outen &= ~PITA_GPIN_SCL; + else + gp_outen |= PITA_GPIN_SCL; + + writeb(gp_outen, card->cfg_base + PITA_GPOEN); +} + +static int pita_getsda(void *data) +{ + struct peak_pciec_card *card = (struct peak_pciec_card *)data; + + /* set tristate */ + pita_set_sda_highz(card); + + return (readb(card->cfg_base + PITA_GPIN) & PITA_GPIN_SDA) ? 1 : 0; +} + +static int pita_getscl(void *data) +{ + struct peak_pciec_card *card = (struct peak_pciec_card *)data; + + /* set tristate */ + pita_set_scl_highz(card); + + return (readb(card->cfg_base + PITA_GPIN) & PITA_GPIN_SCL) ? 1 : 0; +} + +/* + * write commands to the LED chip though the I2C-bus of the PCAN-PCIeC + */ +static int peak_pciec_write_pca9553(struct peak_pciec_card *card, + u8 offset, u8 data) +{ + u8 buffer[2] = { + offset, + data + }; + struct i2c_msg msg = { + .addr = PCA9553_1_SLAVEADDR, + .len = 2, + .buf = buffer, + }; + int ret; + + /* cache led mask */ + if ((offset == 5) && (data == card->led_cache)) + return 0; + + ret = i2c_transfer(&card->led_chip, &msg, 1); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + + if (offset == 5) + card->led_cache = data; + + return 0; +} + +/* + * delayed work callback used to control the LEDs + */ +static void peak_pciec_led_work(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct peak_pciec_card *card = + container_of(work, struct peak_pciec_card, led_work.work); + struct net_device *netdev; + u8 new_led = card->led_cache; + int i, up_count = 0; + + /* first check what is to do */ + for (i = 0; i < card->chan_count; i++) { + /* default is: not configured */ + new_led &= ~PCA9553_LED_MASK(i); + new_led |= PCA9553_LED_ON(i); + + netdev = card->channel[i].netdev; + if (!netdev || !(netdev->flags & IFF_UP)) + continue; + + up_count++; + + /* no activity (but configured) */ + new_led &= ~PCA9553_LED_MASK(i); + new_led |= PCA9553_LED_SLOW(i); + + /* if bytes counters changed, set fast blinking led */ + if (netdev->stats.rx_bytes != card->channel[i].prev_rx_bytes) { + card->channel[i].prev_rx_bytes = netdev->stats.rx_bytes; + new_led &= ~PCA9553_LED_MASK(i); + new_led |= PCA9553_LED_FAST(i); + } + if (netdev->stats.tx_bytes != card->channel[i].prev_tx_bytes) { + card->channel[i].prev_tx_bytes = netdev->stats.tx_bytes; + new_led &= ~PCA9553_LED_MASK(i); + new_led |= PCA9553_LED_FAST(i); + } + } + + /* check if LS0 settings changed, only update i2c if so */ + peak_pciec_write_pca9553(card, 5, new_led); + + /* restart timer (except if no more configured channels) */ + if (up_count) + schedule_delayed_work(&card->led_work, HZ); +} + +/* + * set LEDs blinking state + */ +static void peak_pciec_set_leds(struct peak_pciec_card *card, u8 led_mask, u8 s) +{ + u8 new_led = card->led_cache; + int i; + + /* first check what is to do */ + for (i = 0; i < card->chan_count; i++) + if (led_mask & PCA9553_LED(i)) { + new_led &= ~PCA9553_LED_MASK(i); + new_led |= PCA9553_LED_STATE(s, i); + } + + /* check if LS0 settings changed, only update i2c if so */ + peak_pciec_write_pca9553(card, 5, new_led); +} + +/* + * start one second delayed work to control LEDs + */ +static void peak_pciec_start_led_work(struct peak_pciec_card *card) +{ + if (!delayed_work_pending(&card->led_work)) + schedule_delayed_work(&card->led_work, HZ); +} + +/* + * stop LEDs delayed work + */ +static void peak_pciec_stop_led_work(struct peak_pciec_card *card) +{ + cancel_delayed_work_sync(&card->led_work); +} + +/* + * initialize the PCA9553 4-bit I2C-bus LED chip + */ +static int peak_pciec_init_leds(struct peak_pciec_card *card) +{ + int err; + + /* prescaler for frequency 0: "SLOW" = 1 Hz = "44" */ + err = peak_pciec_write_pca9553(card, 1, 44 / 1); + if (err) + return err; + + /* duty cycle 0: 50% */ + err = peak_pciec_write_pca9553(card, 2, 0x80); + if (err) + return err; + + /* prescaler for frequency 1: "FAST" = 5 Hz */ + err = peak_pciec_write_pca9553(card, 3, 44 / 5); + if (err) + return err; + + /* duty cycle 1: 50% */ + err = peak_pciec_write_pca9553(card, 4, 0x80); + if (err) + return err; + + /* switch LEDs to initial state */ + return peak_pciec_write_pca9553(card, 5, PCA9553_LS0_INIT); +} + +/* + * restore LEDs state to off peak_pciec_leds_exit + */ +static void peak_pciec_leds_exit(struct peak_pciec_card *card) +{ + /* switch LEDs to off */ + peak_pciec_write_pca9553(card, 5, PCA9553_LED_OFF_ALL); +} + +/* + * normal write sja1000 register method overloaded to catch when controller + * is started or stopped, to control leds + */ +static void peak_pciec_write_reg(const struct sja1000_priv *priv, + int port, u8 val) +{ + struct peak_pci_chan *chan = priv->priv; + struct peak_pciec_card *card = chan->pciec_card; + int c = (priv->reg_base - card->reg_base) / PEAK_PCI_CHAN_SIZE; + + /* sja1000 register changes control the leds state */ + if (port == REG_MOD) + switch (val) { + case MOD_RM: + /* Reset Mode: set led on */ + peak_pciec_set_leds(card, PCA9553_LED(c), PCA9553_ON); + break; + case 0x00: + /* Normal Mode: led slow blinking and start led timer */ + peak_pciec_set_leds(card, PCA9553_LED(c), PCA9553_SLOW); + peak_pciec_start_led_work(card); + break; + default: + break; + } + + /* call base function */ + peak_pci_write_reg(priv, port, val); +} + +static struct i2c_algo_bit_data peak_pciec_i2c_bit_ops = { + .setsda = pita_setsda, + .setscl = pita_setscl, + .getsda = pita_getsda, + .getscl = pita_getscl, + .udelay = 10, + .timeout = HZ, +}; + +static int peak_pciec_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct net_device *dev) +{ + struct sja1000_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev); + struct peak_pci_chan *chan = priv->priv; + struct peak_pciec_card *card; + int err; + + /* copy i2c object address from 1st channel */ + if (chan->prev_dev) { + struct sja1000_priv *prev_priv = netdev_priv(chan->prev_dev); + struct peak_pci_chan *prev_chan = prev_priv->priv; + + card = prev_chan->pciec_card; + if (!card) + return -ENODEV; + + /* channel is the first one: do the init part */ + } else { + /* create the bit banging I2C adapter structure */ + card = kzalloc(sizeof(struct peak_pciec_card), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!card) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, + "failed allocating memory for i2c chip\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + card->cfg_base = chan->cfg_base; + card->reg_base = priv->reg_base; + + card->led_chip.owner = THIS_MODULE; + card->led_chip.dev.parent = &pdev->dev; + card->led_chip.algo_data = &card->i2c_bit; + strncpy(card->led_chip.name, "peak_i2c", + sizeof(card->led_chip.name)); + + card->i2c_bit = peak_pciec_i2c_bit_ops; + card->i2c_bit.udelay = 10; + card->i2c_bit.timeout = HZ; + card->i2c_bit.data = card; + + peak_pciec_init_pita_gpio(card); + + err = i2c_bit_add_bus(&card->led_chip); + if (err) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "i2c init failed\n"); + goto pciec_init_err_1; + } + + err = peak_pciec_init_leds(card); + if (err) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "leds hardware init failed\n"); + goto pciec_init_err_2; + } + + INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&card->led_work, peak_pciec_led_work); + /* PCAN-ExpressCard needs its own callback for leds */ + priv->write_reg = peak_pciec_write_reg; + } + + chan->pciec_card = card; + card->channel[card->chan_count++].netdev = dev; + + return 0; + +pciec_init_err_2: + i2c_del_adapter(&card->led_chip); + +pciec_init_err_1: + peak_pciec_init_pita_gpio(card); + kfree(card); + + return err; +} + +static void peak_pciec_remove(struct peak_pciec_card *card) +{ + peak_pciec_stop_led_work(card); + peak_pciec_leds_exit(card); + i2c_del_adapter(&card->led_chip); + peak_pciec_init_pita_gpio(card); + kfree(card); +} + +#else /* CONFIG_CAN_PEAK_PCIEC */ + +/* + * Placebo functions when PCAN-ExpressCard support is not selected + */ +static inline int peak_pciec_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct net_device *dev) +{ + return -ENODEV; +} + +static inline void peak_pciec_remove(struct peak_pciec_card *card) +{ +} +#endif /* CONFIG_CAN_PEAK_PCIEC */ + static u8 peak_pci_read_reg(const struct sja1000_priv *priv, int port) { return readb(priv->reg_base + (port << 2)); @@ -188,17 +637,31 @@ static int __devinit peak_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev); + /* Create chain of SJA1000 devices */ + chan->prev_dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + pci_set_drvdata(pdev, dev); + + /* + * PCAN-ExpressCard needs some additional i2c init. + * This must be done *before* register_sja1000dev() but + * *after* devices linkage + */ + if (pdev->device == PEAK_PCIEC_DEVICE_ID) { + err = peak_pciec_probe(pdev, dev); + if (err) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, + "failed to probe device (err %d)\n", + err); + goto failure_free_dev; + } + } + err = register_sja1000dev(dev); if (err) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "failed to register device\n"); - free_sja1000dev(dev); - goto failure_remove_channels; + goto failure_free_dev; } - /* Create chain of SJA1000 devices */ - chan->prev_dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); - pci_set_drvdata(pdev, dev); - dev_info(&pdev->dev, "%s at reg_base=0x%p cfg_base=0x%p irq=%d\n", dev->name, priv->reg_base, chan->cfg_base, dev->irq); @@ -209,10 +672,15 @@ static int __devinit peak_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, return 0; +failure_free_dev: + pci_set_drvdata(pdev, chan->prev_dev); + free_sja1000dev(dev); + failure_remove_channels: /* Disable interrupts */ writew(0x0, cfg_base + PITA_ICR + 2); + chan = NULL; for (dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); dev; dev = chan->prev_dev) { unregister_sja1000dev(dev); free_sja1000dev(dev); @@ -220,6 +688,10 @@ static int __devinit peak_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, chan = priv->priv; } + /* free any PCIeC resources too */ + if (chan && chan->pciec_card) + peak_pciec_remove(chan->pciec_card); + pci_iounmap(pdev, reg_base); failure_unmap_cfg_base: @@ -251,8 +723,13 @@ static void __devexit peak_pci_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) unregister_sja1000dev(dev); free_sja1000dev(dev); dev = chan->prev_dev; - if (!dev) + + if (!dev) { + /* do that only for first channel */ + if (chan->pciec_card) + peak_pciec_remove(chan->pciec_card); break; + } priv = netdev_priv(dev); chan = priv->priv; } diff --git a/drivers/net/can/sja1000/peak_pcmcia.c b/drivers/net/can/sja1000/peak_pcmcia.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ec6bd9d1b2af93edd67c4c8083e5c90648bbc581 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/can/sja1000/peak_pcmcia.c @@ -0,0 +1,753 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Stephane Grosjean + * + * CAN driver for PEAK-System PCAN-PC Card + * Derived from the PCAN project file driver/src/pcan_pccard.c + * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 PEAK System-Technik GmbH + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the version 2 of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + */ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "sja1000.h" + +MODULE_AUTHOR("Stephane Grosjean "); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("CAN driver for PEAK-System PCAN-PC Cards"); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); +MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE("PEAK PCAN-PC Card"); + +/* PEAK-System PCMCIA driver name */ +#define PCC_NAME "peak_pcmcia" + +#define PCC_CHAN_MAX 2 + +#define PCC_CAN_CLOCK (16000000 / 2) + +#define PCC_MANF_ID 0x0377 +#define PCC_CARD_ID 0x0001 + +#define PCC_CHAN_SIZE 0x20 +#define PCC_CHAN_OFF(c) ((c) * PCC_CHAN_SIZE) +#define PCC_COMN_OFF (PCC_CHAN_OFF(PCC_CHAN_MAX)) +#define PCC_COMN_SIZE 0x40 + +/* common area registers */ +#define PCC_CCR 0x00 +#define PCC_CSR 0x02 +#define PCC_CPR 0x04 +#define PCC_SPI_DIR 0x06 +#define PCC_SPI_DOR 0x08 +#define PCC_SPI_ADR 0x0a +#define PCC_SPI_IR 0x0c +#define PCC_FW_MAJOR 0x10 +#define PCC_FW_MINOR 0x12 + +/* CCR bits */ +#define PCC_CCR_CLK_16 0x00 +#define PCC_CCR_CLK_10 0x01 +#define PCC_CCR_CLK_21 0x02 +#define PCC_CCR_CLK_8 0x03 +#define PCC_CCR_CLK_MASK PCC_CCR_CLK_8 + +#define PCC_CCR_RST_CHAN(c) (0x01 << ((c) + 2)) +#define PCC_CCR_RST_ALL (PCC_CCR_RST_CHAN(0) | PCC_CCR_RST_CHAN(1)) +#define PCC_CCR_RST_MASK PCC_CCR_RST_ALL + +/* led selection bits */ +#define PCC_LED(c) (1 << (c)) +#define PCC_LED_ALL (PCC_LED(0) | PCC_LED(1)) + +/* led state value */ +#define PCC_LED_ON 0x00 +#define PCC_LED_FAST 0x01 +#define PCC_LED_SLOW 0x02 +#define PCC_LED_OFF 0x03 + +#define PCC_CCR_LED_CHAN(s, c) ((s) << (((c) + 2) << 1)) + +#define PCC_CCR_LED_ON_CHAN(c) PCC_CCR_LED_CHAN(PCC_LED_ON, c) +#define PCC_CCR_LED_FAST_CHAN(c) PCC_CCR_LED_CHAN(PCC_LED_FAST, c) +#define PCC_CCR_LED_SLOW_CHAN(c) PCC_CCR_LED_CHAN(PCC_LED_SLOW, c) +#define PCC_CCR_LED_OFF_CHAN(c) PCC_CCR_LED_CHAN(PCC_LED_OFF, c) +#define PCC_CCR_LED_MASK_CHAN(c) PCC_CCR_LED_OFF_CHAN(c) +#define PCC_CCR_LED_OFF_ALL (PCC_CCR_LED_OFF_CHAN(0) | \ + PCC_CCR_LED_OFF_CHAN(1)) +#define PCC_CCR_LED_MASK PCC_CCR_LED_OFF_ALL + +#define PCC_CCR_INIT (PCC_CCR_CLK_16 | PCC_CCR_RST_ALL | PCC_CCR_LED_OFF_ALL) + +/* CSR bits */ +#define PCC_CSR_SPI_BUSY 0x04 + +/* time waiting for SPI busy (prevent from infinite loop) */ +#define PCC_SPI_MAX_BUSY_WAIT_MS 3 + +/* max count of reading the SPI status register waiting for a change */ +/* (prevent from infinite loop) */ +#define PCC_WRITE_MAX_LOOP 1000 + +/* max nb of int handled by that isr in one shot (prevent from infinite loop) */ +#define PCC_ISR_MAX_LOOP 10 + +/* EEPROM chip instruction set */ +/* note: EEPROM Read/Write instructions include A8 bit */ +#define PCC_EEP_WRITE(a) (0x02 | (((a) & 0x100) >> 5)) +#define PCC_EEP_READ(a) (0x03 | (((a) & 0x100) >> 5)) +#define PCC_EEP_WRDI 0x04 /* EEPROM Write Disable */ +#define PCC_EEP_RDSR 0x05 /* EEPROM Read Status Register */ +#define PCC_EEP_WREN 0x06 /* EEPROM Write Enable */ + +/* EEPROM Status Register bits */ +#define PCC_EEP_SR_WEN 0x02 /* EEPROM SR Write Enable bit */ +#define PCC_EEP_SR_WIP 0x01 /* EEPROM SR Write In Progress bit */ + +/* + * The board configuration is probably following: + * RX1 is connected to ground. + * TX1 is not connected. + * CLKO is not connected. + * Setting the OCR register to 0xDA is a good idea. + * This means normal output mode, push-pull and the correct polarity. + */ +#define PCC_OCR (OCR_TX0_PUSHPULL | OCR_TX1_PUSHPULL) + +/* + * In the CDR register, you should set CBP to 1. + * You will probably also want to set the clock divider value to 7 + * (meaning direct oscillator output) because the second SJA1000 chip + * is driven by the first one CLKOUT output. + */ +#define PCC_CDR (CDR_CBP | CDR_CLKOUT_MASK) + +struct pcan_channel { + struct net_device *netdev; + unsigned long prev_rx_bytes; + unsigned long prev_tx_bytes; +}; + +/* PCAN-PC Card private structure */ +struct pcan_pccard { + struct pcmcia_device *pdev; + int chan_count; + struct pcan_channel channel[PCC_CHAN_MAX]; + u8 ccr; + u8 fw_major; + u8 fw_minor; + void __iomem *ioport_addr; + struct timer_list led_timer; +}; + +static struct pcmcia_device_id pcan_table[] = { + PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(PCC_MANF_ID, PCC_CARD_ID), + PCMCIA_DEVICE_NULL, +}; + +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pcmcia, pcan_table); + +static void pcan_set_leds(struct pcan_pccard *card, u8 mask, u8 state); + +/* + * start timer which controls leds state + */ +static void pcan_start_led_timer(struct pcan_pccard *card) +{ + if (!timer_pending(&card->led_timer)) + mod_timer(&card->led_timer, jiffies + HZ); +} + +/* + * stop the timer which controls leds state + */ +static void pcan_stop_led_timer(struct pcan_pccard *card) +{ + del_timer_sync(&card->led_timer); +} + +/* + * read a sja1000 register + */ +static u8 pcan_read_canreg(const struct sja1000_priv *priv, int port) +{ + return ioread8(priv->reg_base + port); +} + +/* + * write a sja1000 register + */ +static void pcan_write_canreg(const struct sja1000_priv *priv, int port, u8 v) +{ + struct pcan_pccard *card = priv->priv; + int c = (priv->reg_base - card->ioport_addr) / PCC_CHAN_SIZE; + + /* sja1000 register changes control the leds state */ + if (port == REG_MOD) + switch (v) { + case MOD_RM: + /* Reset Mode: set led on */ + pcan_set_leds(card, PCC_LED(c), PCC_LED_ON); + break; + case 0x00: + /* Normal Mode: led slow blinking and start led timer */ + pcan_set_leds(card, PCC_LED(c), PCC_LED_SLOW); + pcan_start_led_timer(card); + break; + default: + break; + } + + iowrite8(v, priv->reg_base + port); +} + +/* + * read a register from the common area + */ +static u8 pcan_read_reg(struct pcan_pccard *card, int port) +{ + return ioread8(card->ioport_addr + PCC_COMN_OFF + port); +} + +/* + * write a register into the common area + */ +static void pcan_write_reg(struct pcan_pccard *card, int port, u8 v) +{ + /* cache ccr value */ + if (port == PCC_CCR) { + if (card->ccr == v) + return; + card->ccr = v; + } + + iowrite8(v, card->ioport_addr + PCC_COMN_OFF + port); +} + +/* + * check whether the card is present by checking its fw version numbers + * against values read at probing time. + */ +static inline int pcan_pccard_present(struct pcan_pccard *card) +{ + return ((pcan_read_reg(card, PCC_FW_MAJOR) == card->fw_major) && + (pcan_read_reg(card, PCC_FW_MINOR) == card->fw_minor)); +} + +/* + * wait for SPI engine while it is busy + */ +static int pcan_wait_spi_busy(struct pcan_pccard *card) +{ + unsigned long timeout = jiffies + + msecs_to_jiffies(PCC_SPI_MAX_BUSY_WAIT_MS) + 1; + + /* be sure to read status at least once after sleeping */ + while (pcan_read_reg(card, PCC_CSR) & PCC_CSR_SPI_BUSY) { + if (time_after(jiffies, timeout)) + return -EBUSY; + schedule(); + } + + return 0; +} + +/* + * write data in device eeprom + */ +static int pcan_write_eeprom(struct pcan_pccard *card, u16 addr, u8 v) +{ + u8 status; + int err, i; + + /* write instruction enabling write */ + pcan_write_reg(card, PCC_SPI_IR, PCC_EEP_WREN); + err = pcan_wait_spi_busy(card); + if (err) + goto we_spi_err; + + /* wait until write enabled */ + for (i = 0; i < PCC_WRITE_MAX_LOOP; i++) { + /* write instruction reading the status register */ + pcan_write_reg(card, PCC_SPI_IR, PCC_EEP_RDSR); + err = pcan_wait_spi_busy(card); + if (err) + goto we_spi_err; + + /* get status register value and check write enable bit */ + status = pcan_read_reg(card, PCC_SPI_DIR); + if (status & PCC_EEP_SR_WEN) + break; + } + + if (i >= PCC_WRITE_MAX_LOOP) { + dev_err(&card->pdev->dev, + "stop waiting to be allowed to write in eeprom\n"); + return -EIO; + } + + /* set address and data */ + pcan_write_reg(card, PCC_SPI_ADR, addr & 0xff); + pcan_write_reg(card, PCC_SPI_DOR, v); + + /* + * write instruction with bit[3] set according to address value: + * if addr refers to upper half of the memory array: bit[3] = 1 + */ + pcan_write_reg(card, PCC_SPI_IR, PCC_EEP_WRITE(addr)); + err = pcan_wait_spi_busy(card); + if (err) + goto we_spi_err; + + /* wait while write in progress */ + for (i = 0; i < PCC_WRITE_MAX_LOOP; i++) { + /* write instruction reading the status register */ + pcan_write_reg(card, PCC_SPI_IR, PCC_EEP_RDSR); + err = pcan_wait_spi_busy(card); + if (err) + goto we_spi_err; + + /* get status register value and check write in progress bit */ + status = pcan_read_reg(card, PCC_SPI_DIR); + if (!(status & PCC_EEP_SR_WIP)) + break; + } + + if (i >= PCC_WRITE_MAX_LOOP) { + dev_err(&card->pdev->dev, + "stop waiting for write in eeprom to complete\n"); + return -EIO; + } + + /* write instruction disabling write */ + pcan_write_reg(card, PCC_SPI_IR, PCC_EEP_WRDI); + err = pcan_wait_spi_busy(card); + if (err) + goto we_spi_err; + + return 0; + +we_spi_err: + dev_err(&card->pdev->dev, + "stop waiting (spi engine always busy) err %d\n", err); + + return err; +} + +static void pcan_set_leds(struct pcan_pccard *card, u8 led_mask, u8 state) +{ + u8 ccr = card->ccr; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < card->chan_count; i++) + if (led_mask & PCC_LED(i)) { + /* clear corresponding led bits in ccr */ + ccr &= ~PCC_CCR_LED_MASK_CHAN(i); + /* then set new bits */ + ccr |= PCC_CCR_LED_CHAN(state, i); + } + + /* real write only if something has changed in ccr */ + pcan_write_reg(card, PCC_CCR, ccr); +} + +/* + * enable/disable CAN connectors power + */ +static inline void pcan_set_can_power(struct pcan_pccard *card, int onoff) +{ + int err; + + err = pcan_write_eeprom(card, 0, !!onoff); + if (err) + dev_err(&card->pdev->dev, + "failed setting power %s to can connectors (err %d)\n", + (onoff) ? "on" : "off", err); +} + +/* + * set leds state according to channel activity + */ +static void pcan_led_timer(unsigned long arg) +{ + struct pcan_pccard *card = (struct pcan_pccard *)arg; + struct net_device *netdev; + int i, up_count = 0; + u8 ccr; + + ccr = card->ccr; + for (i = 0; i < card->chan_count; i++) { + /* default is: not configured */ + ccr &= ~PCC_CCR_LED_MASK_CHAN(i); + ccr |= PCC_CCR_LED_ON_CHAN(i); + + netdev = card->channel[i].netdev; + if (!netdev || !(netdev->flags & IFF_UP)) + continue; + + up_count++; + + /* no activity (but configured) */ + ccr &= ~PCC_CCR_LED_MASK_CHAN(i); + ccr |= PCC_CCR_LED_SLOW_CHAN(i); + + /* if bytes counters changed, set fast blinking led */ + if (netdev->stats.rx_bytes != card->channel[i].prev_rx_bytes) { + card->channel[i].prev_rx_bytes = netdev->stats.rx_bytes; + ccr &= ~PCC_CCR_LED_MASK_CHAN(i); + ccr |= PCC_CCR_LED_FAST_CHAN(i); + } + if (netdev->stats.tx_bytes != card->channel[i].prev_tx_bytes) { + card->channel[i].prev_tx_bytes = netdev->stats.tx_bytes; + ccr &= ~PCC_CCR_LED_MASK_CHAN(i); + ccr |= PCC_CCR_LED_FAST_CHAN(i); + } + } + + /* write the new leds state */ + pcan_write_reg(card, PCC_CCR, ccr); + + /* restart timer (except if no more configured channels) */ + if (up_count) + mod_timer(&card->led_timer, jiffies + HZ); +} + +/* + * interrupt service routine + */ +static irqreturn_t pcan_isr(int irq, void *dev_id) +{ + struct pcan_pccard *card = dev_id; + int irq_handled; + + /* prevent from infinite loop */ + for (irq_handled = 0; irq_handled < PCC_ISR_MAX_LOOP; irq_handled++) { + /* handle shared interrupt and next loop */ + int nothing_to_handle = 1; + int i; + + /* check interrupt for each channel */ + for (i = 0; i < card->chan_count; i++) { + struct net_device *netdev; + + /* + * check whether the card is present before calling + * sja1000_interrupt() to speed up hotplug detection + */ + if (!pcan_pccard_present(card)) { + /* card unplugged during isr */ + return IRQ_NONE; + } + + /* + * should check whether all or SJA1000_MAX_IRQ + * interrupts have been handled: loop again to be sure. + */ + netdev = card->channel[i].netdev; + if (netdev && + sja1000_interrupt(irq, netdev) == IRQ_HANDLED) + nothing_to_handle = 0; + } + + if (nothing_to_handle) + break; + } + + return (irq_handled) ? IRQ_HANDLED : IRQ_NONE; +} + +/* + * free all resources used by the channels and switch off leds and can power + */ +static void pcan_free_channels(struct pcan_pccard *card) +{ + int i; + u8 led_mask = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < card->chan_count; i++) { + struct net_device *netdev; + char name[IFNAMSIZ]; + + led_mask |= PCC_LED(i); + + netdev = card->channel[i].netdev; + if (!netdev) + continue; + + strncpy(name, netdev->name, IFNAMSIZ); + + unregister_sja1000dev(netdev); + + free_sja1000dev(netdev); + + dev_info(&card->pdev->dev, "%s removed\n", name); + } + + /* do it only if device not removed */ + if (pcan_pccard_present(card)) { + pcan_set_leds(card, led_mask, PCC_LED_OFF); + pcan_set_can_power(card, 0); + } +} + +/* + * check if a CAN controller is present at the specified location + */ +static inline int pcan_channel_present(struct sja1000_priv *priv) +{ + /* make sure SJA1000 is in reset mode */ + pcan_write_canreg(priv, REG_MOD, 1); + pcan_write_canreg(priv, REG_CDR, CDR_PELICAN); + + /* read reset-values */ + if (pcan_read_canreg(priv, REG_CDR) == CDR_PELICAN) + return 1; + + return 0; +} + +static int pcan_add_channels(struct pcan_pccard *card) +{ + struct pcmcia_device *pdev = card->pdev; + int i, err = 0; + u8 ccr = PCC_CCR_INIT; + + /* init common registers (reset channels and leds off) */ + card->ccr = ~ccr; + pcan_write_reg(card, PCC_CCR, ccr); + + /* wait 2ms before unresetting channels */ + mdelay(2); + + ccr &= ~PCC_CCR_RST_ALL; + pcan_write_reg(card, PCC_CCR, ccr); + + /* create one network device per channel detected */ + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(card->channel); i++) { + struct net_device *netdev; + struct sja1000_priv *priv; + + netdev = alloc_sja1000dev(0); + if (!netdev) { + err = -ENOMEM; + break; + } + + /* update linkages */ + priv = netdev_priv(netdev); + priv->priv = card; + SET_NETDEV_DEV(netdev, &pdev->dev); + + priv->irq_flags = IRQF_SHARED; + netdev->irq = pdev->irq; + priv->reg_base = card->ioport_addr + PCC_CHAN_OFF(i); + + /* check if channel is present */ + if (!pcan_channel_present(priv)) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "channel %d not present\n", i); + free_sja1000dev(netdev); + continue; + } + + priv->read_reg = pcan_read_canreg; + priv->write_reg = pcan_write_canreg; + priv->can.clock.freq = PCC_CAN_CLOCK; + priv->ocr = PCC_OCR; + priv->cdr = PCC_CDR; + + /* Neither a slave device distributes the clock */ + if (i > 0) + priv->cdr |= CDR_CLK_OFF; + + priv->flags |= SJA1000_CUSTOM_IRQ_HANDLER; + + /* register SJA1000 device */ + err = register_sja1000dev(netdev); + if (err) { + free_sja1000dev(netdev); + continue; + } + + card->channel[i].netdev = netdev; + card->chan_count++; + + /* set corresponding led on in the new ccr */ + ccr &= ~PCC_CCR_LED_OFF_CHAN(i); + + dev_info(&pdev->dev, + "%s on channel %d at 0x%p irq %d\n", + netdev->name, i, priv->reg_base, pdev->irq); + } + + /* write new ccr (change leds state) */ + pcan_write_reg(card, PCC_CCR, ccr); + + return err; +} + +static int pcan_conf_check(struct pcmcia_device *pdev, void *priv_data) +{ + pdev->resource[0]->flags &= ~IO_DATA_PATH_WIDTH; + pdev->resource[0]->flags |= IO_DATA_PATH_WIDTH_8; /* only */ + pdev->io_lines = 10; + + /* This reserves IO space but doesn't actually enable it */ + return pcmcia_request_io(pdev); +} + +/* + * free all resources used by the device + */ +static void pcan_free(struct pcmcia_device *pdev) +{ + struct pcan_pccard *card = pdev->priv; + + if (!card) + return; + + free_irq(pdev->irq, card); + pcan_stop_led_timer(card); + + pcan_free_channels(card); + + ioport_unmap(card->ioport_addr); + + kfree(card); + pdev->priv = NULL; +} + +/* + * setup PCMCIA socket and probe for PEAK-System PC-CARD + */ +static int __devinit pcan_probe(struct pcmcia_device *pdev) +{ + struct pcan_pccard *card; + int err; + + pdev->config_flags |= CONF_ENABLE_IRQ | CONF_AUTO_SET_IO; + + err = pcmcia_loop_config(pdev, pcan_conf_check, NULL); + if (err) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "pcmcia_loop_config() error %d\n", err); + goto probe_err_1; + } + + if (!pdev->irq) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "no irq assigned\n"); + err = -ENODEV; + goto probe_err_1; + } + + err = pcmcia_enable_device(pdev); + if (err) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "pcmcia_enable_device failed err=%d\n", + err); + goto probe_err_1; + } + + card = kzalloc(sizeof(struct pcan_pccard), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!card) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "couldn't allocate card memory\n"); + err = -ENOMEM; + goto probe_err_2; + } + + card->pdev = pdev; + pdev->priv = card; + + /* sja1000 api uses iomem */ + card->ioport_addr = ioport_map(pdev->resource[0]->start, + resource_size(pdev->resource[0])); + if (!card->ioport_addr) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "couldn't map io port into io memory\n"); + err = -ENOMEM; + goto probe_err_3; + } + card->fw_major = pcan_read_reg(card, PCC_FW_MAJOR); + card->fw_minor = pcan_read_reg(card, PCC_FW_MINOR); + + /* display board name and firware version */ + dev_info(&pdev->dev, "PEAK-System pcmcia card %s fw %d.%d\n", + pdev->prod_id[1] ? pdev->prod_id[1] : "PCAN-PC Card", + card->fw_major, card->fw_minor); + + /* detect available channels */ + pcan_add_channels(card); + if (!card->chan_count) + goto probe_err_4; + + /* init the timer which controls the leds */ + init_timer(&card->led_timer); + card->led_timer.function = pcan_led_timer; + card->led_timer.data = (unsigned long)card; + + /* request the given irq */ + err = request_irq(pdev->irq, &pcan_isr, IRQF_SHARED, PCC_NAME, card); + if (err) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "couldn't request irq%d\n", pdev->irq); + goto probe_err_5; + } + + /* power on the connectors */ + pcan_set_can_power(card, 1); + + return 0; + +probe_err_5: + /* unregister can devices from network */ + pcan_free_channels(card); + +probe_err_4: + ioport_unmap(card->ioport_addr); + +probe_err_3: + kfree(card); + pdev->priv = NULL; + +probe_err_2: + pcmcia_disable_device(pdev); + +probe_err_1: + return err; +} + +/* + * release claimed resources + */ +static void pcan_remove(struct pcmcia_device *pdev) +{ + pcan_free(pdev); + pcmcia_disable_device(pdev); +} + +static struct pcmcia_driver pcan_driver = { + .name = PCC_NAME, + .probe = pcan_probe, + .remove = pcan_remove, + .id_table = pcan_table, +}; + +static int __init pcan_init(void) +{ + return pcmcia_register_driver(&pcan_driver); +} +module_init(pcan_init); + +static void __exit pcan_exit(void) +{ + pcmcia_unregister_driver(&pcan_driver); +} +module_exit(pcan_exit); diff --git a/drivers/net/can/sja1000/plx_pci.c b/drivers/net/can/sja1000/plx_pci.c index c7f3d4ea11672761cf7c9241db738e463cbb00ca..a227586ddd52a6e16a835f5da903963ac748eef6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/sja1000/plx_pci.c +++ b/drivers/net/can/sja1000/plx_pci.c @@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE("Adlink PCI-7841/cPCI-7841, " "TEWS TECHNOLOGIES TPMC810, " "esd CAN-PCI/CPCI/PCI104/200, " "esd CAN-PCI/PMC/266, " - "esd CAN-PCIe/2000") + "esd CAN-PCIe/2000, " + "IXXAT PC-I 04/PCI") MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); #define PLX_PCI_MAX_CHAN 2 @@ -121,6 +122,10 @@ struct plx_pci_card { #define ESD_PCI_SUB_SYS_ID_PCIE2000 0x0200 #define ESD_PCI_SUB_SYS_ID_PCI104200 0x0501 +#define IXXAT_PCI_VENDOR_ID 0x10b5 +#define IXXAT_PCI_DEVICE_ID 0x9050 +#define IXXAT_PCI_SUB_SYS_ID 0x2540 + #define MARATHON_PCI_DEVICE_ID 0x2715 #define TEWS_PCI_VENDOR_ID 0x1498 @@ -193,6 +198,14 @@ static struct plx_pci_card_info plx_pci_card_info_esd2000 __devinitdata = { /* based on PEX8311 */ }; +static struct plx_pci_card_info plx_pci_card_info_ixxat __devinitdata = { + "IXXAT PC-I 04/PCI", 2, + PLX_PCI_CAN_CLOCK, PLX_PCI_OCR, PLX_PCI_CDR, + {0, 0x00, 0x00}, { {2, 0x00, 0x80}, {2, 0x200, 0x80} }, + &plx_pci_reset_common + /* based on PLX9050 */ +}; + static struct plx_pci_card_info plx_pci_card_info_marathon __devinitdata = { "Marathon CAN-bus-PCI", 2, PLX_PCI_CAN_CLOCK, PLX_PCI_OCR, PLX_PCI_CDR, @@ -266,6 +279,13 @@ static DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE(plx_pci_tbl) = { 0, 0, (kernel_ulong_t)&plx_pci_card_info_esd2000 }, + { + /* IXXAT PC-I 04/PCI card */ + IXXAT_PCI_VENDOR_ID, IXXAT_PCI_DEVICE_ID, + PCI_ANY_ID, IXXAT_PCI_SUB_SYS_ID, + 0, 0, + (kernel_ulong_t)&plx_pci_card_info_ixxat + }, { /* Marathon CAN-bus-PCI card */ PCI_VENDOR_ID_PLX, MARATHON_PCI_DEVICE_ID, diff --git a/drivers/net/can/sja1000/sja1000.c b/drivers/net/can/sja1000/sja1000.c index 192b0d118df46d4136c5bd5bab872f35d51bcbc7..5e10472371eda2db2764e5976b55e58d9f70f044 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/sja1000/sja1000.c +++ b/drivers/net/can/sja1000/sja1000.c @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ static void set_reset_mode(struct net_device *dev) status = priv->read_reg(priv, REG_MOD); } - dev_err(dev->dev.parent, "setting SJA1000 into reset mode failed!\n"); + netdev_err(dev, "setting SJA1000 into reset mode failed!\n"); } static void set_normal_mode(struct net_device *dev) @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ static void set_normal_mode(struct net_device *dev) status = priv->read_reg(priv, REG_MOD); } - dev_err(dev->dev.parent, "setting SJA1000 into normal mode failed!\n"); + netdev_err(dev, "setting SJA1000 into normal mode failed!\n"); } static void sja1000_start(struct net_device *dev) @@ -214,8 +214,7 @@ static int sja1000_set_bittiming(struct net_device *dev) if (priv->can.ctrlmode & CAN_CTRLMODE_3_SAMPLES) btr1 |= 0x80; - dev_info(dev->dev.parent, - "setting BTR0=0x%02x BTR1=0x%02x\n", btr0, btr1); + netdev_info(dev, "setting BTR0=0x%02x BTR1=0x%02x\n", btr0, btr1); priv->write_reg(priv, REG_BTR0, btr0); priv->write_reg(priv, REG_BTR1, btr1); @@ -383,7 +382,7 @@ static int sja1000_err(struct net_device *dev, uint8_t isrc, uint8_t status) if (isrc & IRQ_DOI) { /* data overrun interrupt */ - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "data overrun interrupt\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "data overrun interrupt\n"); cf->can_id |= CAN_ERR_CRTL; cf->data[1] = CAN_ERR_CRTL_RX_OVERFLOW; stats->rx_over_errors++; @@ -393,7 +392,7 @@ static int sja1000_err(struct net_device *dev, uint8_t isrc, uint8_t status) if (isrc & IRQ_EI) { /* error warning interrupt */ - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "error warning interrupt\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "error warning interrupt\n"); if (status & SR_BS) { state = CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF; @@ -434,7 +433,7 @@ static int sja1000_err(struct net_device *dev, uint8_t isrc, uint8_t status) } if (isrc & IRQ_EPI) { /* error passive interrupt */ - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "error passive interrupt\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "error passive interrupt\n"); if (status & SR_ES) state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_PASSIVE; else @@ -442,7 +441,7 @@ static int sja1000_err(struct net_device *dev, uint8_t isrc, uint8_t status) } if (isrc & IRQ_ALI) { /* arbitration lost interrupt */ - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "arbitration lost interrupt\n"); + netdev_dbg(dev, "arbitration lost interrupt\n"); alc = priv->read_reg(priv, REG_ALC); priv->can.can_stats.arbitration_lost++; stats->tx_errors++; @@ -503,7 +502,7 @@ irqreturn_t sja1000_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) return IRQ_NONE; if (isrc & IRQ_WUI) - dev_warn(dev->dev.parent, "wakeup interrupt\n"); + netdev_warn(dev, "wakeup interrupt\n"); if (isrc & IRQ_TI) { /* transmission complete interrupt */ @@ -533,7 +532,7 @@ irqreturn_t sja1000_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) priv->post_irq(priv); if (n >= SJA1000_MAX_IRQ) - dev_dbg(dev->dev.parent, "%d messages handled in ISR", n); + netdev_dbg(dev, "%d messages handled in ISR", n); return (n) ? IRQ_HANDLED : IRQ_NONE; } diff --git a/drivers/net/can/slcan.c b/drivers/net/can/slcan.c index 3f1ebcc2cb831af2f09add75d793fd9b1d67f57b..98a5a7d867f5049d12afd2c9ccc944d1f18c8faf 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/slcan.c +++ b/drivers/net/can/slcan.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /* * slcan.c - serial line CAN interface driver (using tty line discipline) * - * This file is derived from linux/drivers/net/slip.c + * This file is derived from linux/drivers/net/slip/slip.c * * slip.c Authors : Laurence Culhane * Fred N. van Kempen @@ -639,10 +639,8 @@ static int __init slcan_init(void) printk(KERN_INFO "slcan: %d dynamic interface channels.\n", maxdev); slcan_devs = kzalloc(sizeof(struct net_device *)*maxdev, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!slcan_devs) { - printk(KERN_ERR "slcan: can't allocate slcan device array!\n"); + if (!slcan_devs) return -ENOMEM; - } /* Fill in our line protocol discipline, and register it */ status = tty_register_ldisc(N_SLCAN, &slc_ldisc); diff --git a/drivers/net/can/ti_hecc.c b/drivers/net/can/ti_hecc.c index 5a2e1e3588a194a387660c0dd8715f5eb27fc39f..4accd7ec69543facab276fe3d6d2fd8b902c3604 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/ti_hecc.c +++ b/drivers/net/can/ti_hecc.c @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ static int ti_hecc_set_btc(struct ti_hecc_priv *priv) if (bit_timing->brp > 4) can_btc |= HECC_CANBTC_SAM; else - dev_warn(priv->ndev->dev.parent, "WARN: Triple" \ + netdev_warn(priv->ndev, "WARN: Triple" "sampling not set due to h/w limitations"); } can_btc |= ((bit_timing->sjw - 1) & 0x3) << 8; @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ static int ti_hecc_set_btc(struct ti_hecc_priv *priv) /* ERM being set to 0 by default meaning resync at falling edge */ hecc_write(priv, HECC_CANBTC, can_btc); - dev_info(priv->ndev->dev.parent, "setting CANBTC=%#x\n", can_btc); + netdev_info(priv->ndev, "setting CANBTC=%#x\n", can_btc); return 0; } @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ static void ti_hecc_reset(struct net_device *ndev) u32 cnt; struct ti_hecc_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); - dev_dbg(ndev->dev.parent, "resetting hecc ...\n"); + netdev_dbg(ndev, "resetting hecc ...\n"); hecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANMC, HECC_CANMC_SRES); /* Set change control request and wait till enabled */ @@ -458,6 +458,17 @@ static int ti_hecc_do_set_mode(struct net_device *ndev, enum can_mode mode) return ret; } +static int ti_hecc_get_berr_counter(const struct net_device *ndev, + struct can_berr_counter *bec) +{ + struct ti_hecc_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + + bec->txerr = hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANTEC); + bec->rxerr = hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANREC); + + return 0; +} + /* * ti_hecc_xmit: HECC Transmit * @@ -496,7 +507,7 @@ static netdev_tx_t ti_hecc_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *ndev) if (unlikely(hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANME) & mbx_mask)) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->mbx_lock, flags); netif_stop_queue(ndev); - dev_err(priv->ndev->dev.parent, + netdev_err(priv->ndev, "BUG: TX mbx not ready tx_head=%08X, tx_tail=%08X\n", priv->tx_head, priv->tx_tail); return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; @@ -550,7 +561,7 @@ static int ti_hecc_rx_pkt(struct ti_hecc_priv *priv, int mbxno) skb = alloc_can_skb(priv->ndev, &cf); if (!skb) { if (printk_ratelimit()) - dev_err(priv->ndev->dev.parent, + netdev_err(priv->ndev, "ti_hecc_rx_pkt: alloc_can_skb() failed\n"); return -ENOMEM; } @@ -668,7 +679,7 @@ static int ti_hecc_error(struct net_device *ndev, int int_status, skb = alloc_can_err_skb(ndev, &cf); if (!skb) { if (printk_ratelimit()) - dev_err(priv->ndev->dev.parent, + netdev_err(priv->ndev, "ti_hecc_error: alloc_can_err_skb() failed\n"); return -ENOMEM; } @@ -684,7 +695,7 @@ static int ti_hecc_error(struct net_device *ndev, int int_status, cf->data[1] |= CAN_ERR_CRTL_RX_WARNING; } hecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANES, HECC_CANES_EW); - dev_dbg(priv->ndev->dev.parent, "Error Warning interrupt\n"); + netdev_dbg(priv->ndev, "Error Warning interrupt\n"); hecc_clear_bit(priv, HECC_CANMC, HECC_CANMC_CCR); } @@ -699,7 +710,7 @@ static int ti_hecc_error(struct net_device *ndev, int int_status, cf->data[1] |= CAN_ERR_CRTL_RX_PASSIVE; } hecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANES, HECC_CANES_EP); - dev_dbg(priv->ndev->dev.parent, "Error passive interrupt\n"); + netdev_dbg(priv->ndev, "Error passive interrupt\n"); hecc_clear_bit(priv, HECC_CANMC, HECC_CANMC_CCR); } @@ -825,7 +836,7 @@ static int ti_hecc_open(struct net_device *ndev) err = request_irq(ndev->irq, ti_hecc_interrupt, IRQF_SHARED, ndev->name, ndev); if (err) { - dev_err(ndev->dev.parent, "error requesting interrupt\n"); + netdev_err(ndev, "error requesting interrupt\n"); return err; } @@ -834,7 +845,7 @@ static int ti_hecc_open(struct net_device *ndev) /* Open common can device */ err = open_candev(ndev); if (err) { - dev_err(ndev->dev.parent, "open_candev() failed %d\n", err); + netdev_err(ndev, "open_candev() failed %d\n", err); ti_hecc_transceiver_switch(priv, 0); free_irq(ndev->irq, ndev); return err; @@ -923,6 +934,7 @@ static int ti_hecc_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) priv->can.bittiming_const = &ti_hecc_bittiming_const; priv->can.do_set_mode = ti_hecc_do_set_mode; priv->can.do_get_state = ti_hecc_get_state; + priv->can.do_get_berr_counter = ti_hecc_get_berr_counter; priv->can.ctrlmode_supported = CAN_CTRLMODE_3_SAMPLES; spin_lock_init(&priv->mbx_lock); diff --git a/drivers/net/can/usb/Kconfig b/drivers/net/can/usb/Kconfig index 04525495b15bec744b2db5ceebe5b48dae650dfa..0a6876841c20b62ab75f49e41b33ca6c45afbf12 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/usb/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/can/usb/Kconfig @@ -13,4 +13,10 @@ config CAN_ESD_USB2 This driver supports the CAN-USB/2 interface from esd electronic system design gmbh (http://www.esd.eu). +config CAN_PEAK_USB + tristate "PEAK PCAN-USB/USB Pro interfaces" + ---help--- + This driver supports the PCAN-USB and PCAN-USB Pro adapters + from PEAK-System Technik (http://www.peak-system.com). + endmenu diff --git a/drivers/net/can/usb/Makefile b/drivers/net/can/usb/Makefile index fce3cf11719f972505a65c60d4947c3d4deb279f..da6d1d3b2969939758b6165c67ce3278a1e3e831 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/usb/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/can/usb/Makefile @@ -4,5 +4,6 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_CAN_EMS_USB) += ems_usb.o obj-$(CONFIG_CAN_ESD_USB2) += esd_usb2.o +obj-$(CONFIG_CAN_PEAK_USB) += peak_usb/ ccflags-$(CONFIG_CAN_DEBUG_DEVICES) := -DDEBUG diff --git a/drivers/net/can/usb/ems_usb.c b/drivers/net/can/usb/ems_usb.c index 7dae64d44e83f70392ef13caad9cec152b480e5c..7ae65fc80032c851ca1ad48151140927deabc7ea 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/usb/ems_usb.c +++ b/drivers/net/can/usb/ems_usb.c @@ -288,8 +288,7 @@ static void ems_usb_read_interrupt_callback(struct urb *urb) return; default: - dev_info(netdev->dev.parent, "Rx interrupt aborted %d\n", - urb->status); + netdev_info(netdev, "Rx interrupt aborted %d\n", urb->status); break; } @@ -298,8 +297,7 @@ static void ems_usb_read_interrupt_callback(struct urb *urb) if (err == -ENODEV) netif_device_detach(netdev); else if (err) - dev_err(netdev->dev.parent, - "failed resubmitting intr urb: %d\n", err); + netdev_err(netdev, "failed resubmitting intr urb: %d\n", err); } static void ems_usb_rx_can_msg(struct ems_usb *dev, struct ems_cpc_msg *msg) @@ -431,8 +429,7 @@ static void ems_usb_read_bulk_callback(struct urb *urb) return; default: - dev_info(netdev->dev.parent, "Rx URB aborted (%d)\n", - urb->status); + netdev_info(netdev, "Rx URB aborted (%d)\n", urb->status); goto resubmit_urb; } @@ -477,7 +474,7 @@ static void ems_usb_read_bulk_callback(struct urb *urb) msg_count--; if (start > urb->transfer_buffer_length) { - dev_err(netdev->dev.parent, "format error\n"); + netdev_err(netdev, "format error\n"); break; } } @@ -493,8 +490,8 @@ static void ems_usb_read_bulk_callback(struct urb *urb) if (retval == -ENODEV) netif_device_detach(netdev); else if (retval) - dev_err(netdev->dev.parent, - "failed resubmitting read bulk urb: %d\n", retval); + netdev_err(netdev, + "failed resubmitting read bulk urb: %d\n", retval); } /* @@ -521,8 +518,7 @@ static void ems_usb_write_bulk_callback(struct urb *urb) return; if (urb->status) - dev_info(netdev->dev.parent, "Tx URB aborted (%d)\n", - urb->status); + netdev_info(netdev, "Tx URB aborted (%d)\n", urb->status); netdev->trans_start = jiffies; @@ -605,18 +601,18 @@ static int ems_usb_start(struct ems_usb *dev) /* create a URB, and a buffer for it */ urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL); if (!urb) { - dev_err(netdev->dev.parent, - "No memory left for URBs\n"); - return -ENOMEM; + netdev_err(netdev, "No memory left for URBs\n"); + err = -ENOMEM; + break; } buf = usb_alloc_coherent(dev->udev, RX_BUFFER_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL, &urb->transfer_dma); if (!buf) { - dev_err(netdev->dev.parent, - "No memory left for USB buffer\n"); + netdev_err(netdev, "No memory left for USB buffer\n"); usb_free_urb(urb); - return -ENOMEM; + err = -ENOMEM; + break; } usb_fill_bulk_urb(urb, dev->udev, usb_rcvbulkpipe(dev->udev, 2), @@ -639,13 +635,13 @@ static int ems_usb_start(struct ems_usb *dev) /* Did we submit any URBs */ if (i == 0) { - dev_warn(netdev->dev.parent, "couldn't setup read URBs\n"); + netdev_warn(netdev, "couldn't setup read URBs\n"); return err; } /* Warn if we've couldn't transmit all the URBs */ if (i < MAX_RX_URBS) - dev_warn(netdev->dev.parent, "rx performance may be slow\n"); + netdev_warn(netdev, "rx performance may be slow\n"); /* Setup and start interrupt URB */ usb_fill_int_urb(dev->intr_urb, dev->udev, @@ -656,8 +652,7 @@ static int ems_usb_start(struct ems_usb *dev) err = usb_submit_urb(dev->intr_urb, GFP_KERNEL); if (err) { - dev_warn(netdev->dev.parent, "intr URB submit failed: %d\n", - err); + netdev_warn(netdev, "intr URB submit failed: %d\n", err); return err; } @@ -686,7 +681,7 @@ static int ems_usb_start(struct ems_usb *dev) return 0; failed: - dev_warn(netdev->dev.parent, "couldn't submit control: %d\n", err); + netdev_warn(netdev, "couldn't submit control: %d\n", err); return err; } @@ -726,8 +721,7 @@ static int ems_usb_open(struct net_device *netdev) if (err == -ENODEV) netif_device_detach(dev->netdev); - dev_warn(netdev->dev.parent, "couldn't start device: %d\n", - err); + netdev_warn(netdev, "couldn't start device: %d\n", err); close_candev(netdev); @@ -760,13 +754,13 @@ static netdev_tx_t ems_usb_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *ne /* create a URB, and a buffer for it, and copy the data to the URB */ urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!urb) { - dev_err(netdev->dev.parent, "No memory left for URBs\n"); + netdev_err(netdev, "No memory left for URBs\n"); goto nomem; } buf = usb_alloc_coherent(dev->udev, size, GFP_ATOMIC, &urb->transfer_dma); if (!buf) { - dev_err(netdev->dev.parent, "No memory left for USB buffer\n"); + netdev_err(netdev, "No memory left for USB buffer\n"); usb_free_urb(urb); goto nomem; } @@ -809,7 +803,7 @@ static netdev_tx_t ems_usb_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *ne usb_unanchor_urb(urb); usb_free_coherent(dev->udev, size, buf, urb->transfer_dma); - dev_warn(netdev->dev.parent, "couldn't find free context\n"); + netdev_warn(netdev, "couldn't find free context\n"); return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; } @@ -840,7 +834,7 @@ static netdev_tx_t ems_usb_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *ne if (err == -ENODEV) { netif_device_detach(netdev); } else { - dev_warn(netdev->dev.parent, "failed tx_urb %d\n", err); + netdev_warn(netdev, "failed tx_urb %d\n", err); stats->tx_dropped++; } @@ -880,7 +874,7 @@ static int ems_usb_close(struct net_device *netdev) /* Set CAN controller to reset mode */ if (ems_usb_write_mode(dev, SJA1000_MOD_RM)) - dev_warn(netdev->dev.parent, "couldn't stop device"); + netdev_warn(netdev, "couldn't stop device"); close_candev(netdev); @@ -917,7 +911,7 @@ static int ems_usb_set_mode(struct net_device *netdev, enum can_mode mode) switch (mode) { case CAN_MODE_START: if (ems_usb_write_mode(dev, SJA1000_MOD_NORMAL)) - dev_warn(netdev->dev.parent, "couldn't start device"); + netdev_warn(netdev, "couldn't start device"); if (netif_queue_stopped(netdev)) netif_wake_queue(netdev); @@ -942,8 +936,7 @@ static int ems_usb_set_bittiming(struct net_device *netdev) if (dev->can.ctrlmode & CAN_CTRLMODE_3_SAMPLES) btr1 |= 0x80; - dev_info(netdev->dev.parent, "setting BTR0=0x%02x BTR1=0x%02x\n", - btr0, btr1); + netdev_info(netdev, "setting BTR0=0x%02x BTR1=0x%02x\n", btr0, btr1); dev->active_params.msg.can_params.cc_params.sja1000.btr0 = btr0; dev->active_params.msg.can_params.cc_params.sja1000.btr1 = btr1; @@ -1048,15 +1041,13 @@ static int ems_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, err = ems_usb_command_msg(dev, &dev->active_params); if (err) { - dev_err(netdev->dev.parent, - "couldn't initialize controller: %d\n", err); + netdev_err(netdev, "couldn't initialize controller: %d\n", err); goto cleanup_tx_msg_buffer; } err = register_candev(netdev); if (err) { - dev_err(netdev->dev.parent, - "couldn't register CAN device: %d\n", err); + netdev_err(netdev, "couldn't register CAN device: %d\n", err); goto cleanup_tx_msg_buffer; } diff --git a/drivers/net/can/usb/esd_usb2.c b/drivers/net/can/usb/esd_usb2.c index 92774637aad8cfe434a2a1f5e753c308b5c9cd9d..09b1da5bc51266b490ffc9291e675d3c368548b4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/usb/esd_usb2.c +++ b/drivers/net/can/usb/esd_usb2.c @@ -470,8 +470,7 @@ static void esd_usb2_write_bulk_callback(struct urb *urb) return; if (urb->status) - dev_info(netdev->dev.parent, "Tx URB aborted (%d)\n", - urb->status); + netdev_info(netdev, "Tx URB aborted (%d)\n", urb->status); netdev->trans_start = jiffies; } @@ -651,7 +650,7 @@ static int esd_usb2_start(struct esd_usb2_net_priv *priv) if (err == -ENODEV) netif_device_detach(netdev); - dev_err(netdev->dev.parent, "couldn't start device: %d\n", err); + netdev_err(netdev, "couldn't start device: %d\n", err); return err; } @@ -687,8 +686,7 @@ static int esd_usb2_open(struct net_device *netdev) /* finally start device */ err = esd_usb2_start(priv); if (err) { - dev_warn(netdev->dev.parent, - "couldn't start device: %d\n", err); + netdev_warn(netdev, "couldn't start device: %d\n", err); close_candev(netdev); return err; } @@ -721,7 +719,7 @@ static netdev_tx_t esd_usb2_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, /* create a URB, and a buffer for it, and copy the data to the URB */ urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!urb) { - dev_err(netdev->dev.parent, "No memory left for URBs\n"); + netdev_err(netdev, "No memory left for URBs\n"); stats->tx_dropped++; dev_kfree_skb(skb); goto nourbmem; @@ -730,7 +728,7 @@ static netdev_tx_t esd_usb2_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, buf = usb_alloc_coherent(dev->udev, size, GFP_ATOMIC, &urb->transfer_dma); if (!buf) { - dev_err(netdev->dev.parent, "No memory left for USB buffer\n"); + netdev_err(netdev, "No memory left for USB buffer\n"); stats->tx_dropped++; dev_kfree_skb(skb); goto nobufmem; @@ -766,7 +764,7 @@ static netdev_tx_t esd_usb2_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, * This may never happen. */ if (!context) { - dev_warn(netdev->dev.parent, "couldn't find free context\n"); + netdev_warn(netdev, "couldn't find free context\n"); ret = NETDEV_TX_BUSY; goto releasebuf; } @@ -806,7 +804,7 @@ static netdev_tx_t esd_usb2_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, if (err == -ENODEV) netif_device_detach(netdev); else - dev_warn(netdev->dev.parent, "failed tx_urb %d\n", err); + netdev_warn(netdev, "failed tx_urb %d\n", err); goto releasebuf; } @@ -845,7 +843,7 @@ static int esd_usb2_close(struct net_device *netdev) for (i = 0; i <= ESD_MAX_ID_SEGMENT; i++) msg.msg.filter.mask[i] = 0; if (esd_usb2_send_msg(priv->usb2, &msg) < 0) - dev_err(netdev->dev.parent, "sending idadd message failed\n"); + netdev_err(netdev, "sending idadd message failed\n"); /* set CAN controller to reset mode */ msg.msg.hdr.len = 2; @@ -854,7 +852,7 @@ static int esd_usb2_close(struct net_device *netdev) msg.msg.setbaud.rsvd = 0; msg.msg.setbaud.baud = cpu_to_le32(ESD_USB2_NO_BAUDRATE); if (esd_usb2_send_msg(priv->usb2, &msg) < 0) - dev_err(netdev->dev.parent, "sending setbaud message failed\n"); + netdev_err(netdev, "sending setbaud message failed\n"); priv->can.state = CAN_STATE_STOPPED; @@ -910,7 +908,7 @@ static int esd_usb2_set_bittiming(struct net_device *netdev) msg.msg.setbaud.rsvd = 0; msg.msg.setbaud.baud = cpu_to_le32(canbtr); - dev_info(netdev->dev.parent, "setting BTR=%#x\n", canbtr); + netdev_info(netdev, "setting BTR=%#x\n", canbtr); return esd_usb2_send_msg(priv->usb2, &msg); } @@ -988,15 +986,14 @@ static int esd_usb2_probe_one_net(struct usb_interface *intf, int index) err = register_candev(netdev); if (err) { - dev_err(&intf->dev, - "couldn't register CAN device: %d\n", err); + dev_err(&intf->dev, "couldn't register CAN device: %d\n", err); free_candev(netdev); err = -ENOMEM; goto done; } dev->nets[index] = priv; - dev_info(netdev->dev.parent, "device %s registered\n", netdev->name); + netdev_info(netdev, "device %s registered\n", netdev->name); done: return err; diff --git a/drivers/net/can/usb/peak_usb/Makefile b/drivers/net/can/usb/peak_usb/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1aefbc88d6437e151754103c025126033b9d51bb --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/can/usb/peak_usb/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +obj-$(CONFIG_CAN_PEAK_USB) += peak_usb.o +peak_usb-y = pcan_usb_core.o pcan_usb.o pcan_usb_pro.o diff --git a/drivers/net/can/usb/peak_usb/pcan_usb.c b/drivers/net/can/usb/peak_usb/pcan_usb.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..86f26a1ede4c18a233a85310b0bfb5f9a92da856 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/can/usb/peak_usb/pcan_usb.c @@ -0,0 +1,899 @@ +/* + * CAN driver for PEAK System PCAN-USB adapter + * Derived from the PCAN project file driver/src/pcan_usb.c + * + * Copyright (C) 2003-2010 PEAK System-Technik GmbH + * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Stephane Grosjean + * + * Many thanks to Klaus Hitschler + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published + * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + */ +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "pcan_usb_core.h" + +MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE("PEAK-System PCAN-USB adapter"); + +/* PCAN-USB Endpoints */ +#define PCAN_USB_EP_CMDOUT 1 +#define PCAN_USB_EP_CMDIN (PCAN_USB_EP_CMDOUT | USB_DIR_IN) +#define PCAN_USB_EP_MSGOUT 2 +#define PCAN_USB_EP_MSGIN (PCAN_USB_EP_MSGOUT | USB_DIR_IN) + +/* PCAN-USB command struct */ +#define PCAN_USB_CMD_FUNC 0 +#define PCAN_USB_CMD_NUM 1 +#define PCAN_USB_CMD_ARGS 2 +#define PCAN_USB_CMD_ARGS_LEN 14 +#define PCAN_USB_CMD_LEN (PCAN_USB_CMD_ARGS + \ + PCAN_USB_CMD_ARGS_LEN) + +/* PCAN-USB command timeout (ms.) */ +#define PCAN_USB_COMMAND_TIMEOUT 1000 + +/* PCAN-USB startup timeout (ms.) */ +#define PCAN_USB_STARTUP_TIMEOUT 10 + +/* PCAN-USB rx/tx buffers size */ +#define PCAN_USB_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 64 +#define PCAN_USB_TX_BUFFER_SIZE 64 + +#define PCAN_USB_MSG_HEADER_LEN 2 + +/* PCAN-USB adapter internal clock (MHz) */ +#define PCAN_USB_CRYSTAL_HZ 16000000 + +/* PCAN-USB USB message record status/len field */ +#define PCAN_USB_STATUSLEN_TIMESTAMP (1 << 7) +#define PCAN_USB_STATUSLEN_INTERNAL (1 << 6) +#define PCAN_USB_STATUSLEN_EXT_ID (1 << 5) +#define PCAN_USB_STATUSLEN_RTR (1 << 4) +#define PCAN_USB_STATUSLEN_DLC (0xf) + +/* PCAN-USB error flags */ +#define PCAN_USB_ERROR_TXFULL 0x01 +#define PCAN_USB_ERROR_RXQOVR 0x02 +#define PCAN_USB_ERROR_BUS_LIGHT 0x04 +#define PCAN_USB_ERROR_BUS_HEAVY 0x08 +#define PCAN_USB_ERROR_BUS_OFF 0x10 +#define PCAN_USB_ERROR_RXQEMPTY 0x20 +#define PCAN_USB_ERROR_QOVR 0x40 +#define PCAN_USB_ERROR_TXQFULL 0x80 + +/* SJA1000 modes */ +#define SJA1000_MODE_NORMAL 0x00 +#define SJA1000_MODE_INIT 0x01 + +/* + * tick duration = 42.666 us => + * (tick_number * 44739243) >> 20 ~ (tick_number * 42666) / 1000 + * accuracy = 10^-7 + */ +#define PCAN_USB_TS_DIV_SHIFTER 20 +#define PCAN_USB_TS_US_PER_TICK 44739243 + +/* PCAN-USB messages record types */ +#define PCAN_USB_REC_ERROR 1 +#define PCAN_USB_REC_ANALOG 2 +#define PCAN_USB_REC_BUSLOAD 3 +#define PCAN_USB_REC_TS 4 +#define PCAN_USB_REC_BUSEVT 5 + +/* private to PCAN-USB adapter */ +struct pcan_usb { + struct peak_usb_device dev; + struct peak_time_ref time_ref; + struct timer_list restart_timer; +}; + +/* incoming message context for decoding */ +struct pcan_usb_msg_context { + u16 ts16; + u8 prev_ts8; + u8 *ptr; + u8 *end; + u8 rec_cnt; + u8 rec_idx; + u8 rec_data_idx; + struct net_device *netdev; + struct pcan_usb *pdev; +}; + +/* + * send a command + */ +static int pcan_usb_send_cmd(struct peak_usb_device *dev, u8 f, u8 n, u8 *p) +{ + int err; + int actual_length; + + /* usb device unregistered? */ + if (!(dev->state & PCAN_USB_STATE_CONNECTED)) + return 0; + + dev->cmd_buf[PCAN_USB_CMD_FUNC] = f; + dev->cmd_buf[PCAN_USB_CMD_NUM] = n; + + if (p) + memcpy(dev->cmd_buf + PCAN_USB_CMD_ARGS, + p, PCAN_USB_CMD_ARGS_LEN); + + err = usb_bulk_msg(dev->udev, + usb_sndbulkpipe(dev->udev, PCAN_USB_EP_CMDOUT), + dev->cmd_buf, PCAN_USB_CMD_LEN, &actual_length, + PCAN_USB_COMMAND_TIMEOUT); + if (err) + netdev_err(dev->netdev, + "sending cmd f=0x%x n=0x%x failure: %d\n", + f, n, err); + return err; +} + +/* + * send a command then wait for its response + */ +static int pcan_usb_wait_rsp(struct peak_usb_device *dev, u8 f, u8 n, u8 *p) +{ + int err; + int actual_length; + + /* usb device unregistered? */ + if (!(dev->state & PCAN_USB_STATE_CONNECTED)) + return 0; + + /* first, send command */ + err = pcan_usb_send_cmd(dev, f, n, NULL); + if (err) + return err; + + err = usb_bulk_msg(dev->udev, + usb_rcvbulkpipe(dev->udev, PCAN_USB_EP_CMDIN), + dev->cmd_buf, PCAN_USB_CMD_LEN, &actual_length, + PCAN_USB_COMMAND_TIMEOUT); + if (err) + netdev_err(dev->netdev, + "waiting rsp f=0x%x n=0x%x failure: %d\n", f, n, err); + else if (p) + memcpy(p, dev->cmd_buf + PCAN_USB_CMD_ARGS, + PCAN_USB_CMD_ARGS_LEN); + + return err; +} + +static int pcan_usb_set_sja1000(struct peak_usb_device *dev, u8 mode) +{ + u8 args[PCAN_USB_CMD_ARGS_LEN] = { + [1] = mode, + }; + + return pcan_usb_send_cmd(dev, 9, 2, args); +} + +static int pcan_usb_set_bus(struct peak_usb_device *dev, u8 onoff) +{ + u8 args[PCAN_USB_CMD_ARGS_LEN] = { + [0] = !!onoff, + }; + + return pcan_usb_send_cmd(dev, 3, 2, args); +} + +static int pcan_usb_set_silent(struct peak_usb_device *dev, u8 onoff) +{ + u8 args[PCAN_USB_CMD_ARGS_LEN] = { + [0] = !!onoff, + }; + + return pcan_usb_send_cmd(dev, 3, 3, args); +} + +static int pcan_usb_set_ext_vcc(struct peak_usb_device *dev, u8 onoff) +{ + u8 args[PCAN_USB_CMD_ARGS_LEN] = { + [0] = !!onoff, + }; + + return pcan_usb_send_cmd(dev, 10, 2, args); +} + +/* + * set bittiming value to can + */ +static int pcan_usb_set_bittiming(struct peak_usb_device *dev, + struct can_bittiming *bt) +{ + u8 args[PCAN_USB_CMD_ARGS_LEN]; + u8 btr0, btr1; + + btr0 = ((bt->brp - 1) & 0x3f) | (((bt->sjw - 1) & 0x3) << 6); + btr1 = ((bt->prop_seg + bt->phase_seg1 - 1) & 0xf) | + (((bt->phase_seg2 - 1) & 0x7) << 4); + if (dev->can.ctrlmode & CAN_CTRLMODE_3_SAMPLES) + btr1 |= 0x80; + + netdev_info(dev->netdev, "setting BTR0=0x%02x BTR1=0x%02x\n", + btr0, btr1); + + args[0] = btr1; + args[1] = btr0; + + return pcan_usb_send_cmd(dev, 1, 2, args); +} + +/* + * init/reset can + */ +static int pcan_usb_write_mode(struct peak_usb_device *dev, u8 onoff) +{ + int err; + + err = pcan_usb_set_bus(dev, onoff); + if (err) + return err; + + if (!onoff) { + err = pcan_usb_set_sja1000(dev, SJA1000_MODE_INIT); + } else { + /* the PCAN-USB needs time to init */ + set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE); + schedule_timeout(msecs_to_jiffies(PCAN_USB_STARTUP_TIMEOUT)); + } + + return err; +} + +/* + * handle end of waiting for the device to reset + */ +static void pcan_usb_restart(unsigned long arg) +{ + /* notify candev and netdev */ + peak_usb_restart_complete((struct peak_usb_device *)arg); +} + +/* + * handle the submission of the restart urb + */ +static void pcan_usb_restart_pending(struct urb *urb) +{ + struct pcan_usb *pdev = urb->context; + + /* the PCAN-USB needs time to restart */ + mod_timer(&pdev->restart_timer, + jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(PCAN_USB_STARTUP_TIMEOUT)); + + /* can delete usb resources */ + peak_usb_async_complete(urb); +} + +/* + * handle asynchronous restart + */ +static int pcan_usb_restart_async(struct peak_usb_device *dev, struct urb *urb, + u8 *buf) +{ + struct pcan_usb *pdev = container_of(dev, struct pcan_usb, dev); + + if (timer_pending(&pdev->restart_timer)) + return -EBUSY; + + /* set bus on */ + buf[PCAN_USB_CMD_FUNC] = 3; + buf[PCAN_USB_CMD_NUM] = 2; + buf[PCAN_USB_CMD_ARGS] = 1; + + usb_fill_bulk_urb(urb, dev->udev, + usb_sndbulkpipe(dev->udev, PCAN_USB_EP_CMDOUT), + buf, PCAN_USB_CMD_LEN, + pcan_usb_restart_pending, pdev); + + return usb_submit_urb(urb, GFP_ATOMIC); +} + +/* + * read serial number from device + */ +static int pcan_usb_get_serial(struct peak_usb_device *dev, u32 *serial_number) +{ + u8 args[PCAN_USB_CMD_ARGS_LEN]; + int err; + + err = pcan_usb_wait_rsp(dev, 6, 1, args); + if (err) { + netdev_err(dev->netdev, "getting serial failure: %d\n", err); + } else if (serial_number) { + u32 tmp32; + + memcpy(&tmp32, args, 4); + *serial_number = le32_to_cpu(tmp32); + } + + return err; +} + +/* + * read device id from device + */ +static int pcan_usb_get_device_id(struct peak_usb_device *dev, u32 *device_id) +{ + u8 args[PCAN_USB_CMD_ARGS_LEN]; + int err; + + err = pcan_usb_wait_rsp(dev, 4, 1, args); + if (err) + netdev_err(dev->netdev, "getting device id failure: %d\n", err); + else if (device_id) + *device_id = args[0]; + + return err; +} + +/* + * update current time ref with received timestamp + */ +static int pcan_usb_update_ts(struct pcan_usb_msg_context *mc) +{ + u16 tmp16; + + if ((mc->ptr+2) > mc->end) + return -EINVAL; + + memcpy(&tmp16, mc->ptr, 2); + + mc->ts16 = le16_to_cpu(tmp16); + + if (mc->rec_idx > 0) + peak_usb_update_ts_now(&mc->pdev->time_ref, mc->ts16); + else + peak_usb_set_ts_now(&mc->pdev->time_ref, mc->ts16); + + return 0; +} + +/* + * decode received timestamp + */ +static int pcan_usb_decode_ts(struct pcan_usb_msg_context *mc, u8 first_packet) +{ + /* only 1st packet supplies a word timestamp */ + if (first_packet) { + u16 tmp16; + + if ((mc->ptr + 2) > mc->end) + return -EINVAL; + + memcpy(&tmp16, mc->ptr, 2); + mc->ptr += 2; + + mc->ts16 = le16_to_cpu(tmp16); + mc->prev_ts8 = mc->ts16 & 0x00ff; + } else { + u8 ts8; + + if ((mc->ptr + 1) > mc->end) + return -EINVAL; + + ts8 = *mc->ptr++; + + if (ts8 < mc->prev_ts8) + mc->ts16 += 0x100; + + mc->ts16 &= 0xff00; + mc->ts16 |= ts8; + mc->prev_ts8 = ts8; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int pcan_usb_decode_error(struct pcan_usb_msg_context *mc, u8 n, + u8 status_len) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct can_frame *cf; + struct timeval tv; + enum can_state new_state; + + /* ignore this error until 1st ts received */ + if (n == PCAN_USB_ERROR_QOVR) + if (!mc->pdev->time_ref.tick_count) + return 0; + + new_state = mc->pdev->dev.can.state; + + switch (mc->pdev->dev.can.state) { + case CAN_STATE_ERROR_ACTIVE: + if (n & PCAN_USB_ERROR_BUS_LIGHT) { + new_state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_WARNING; + break; + } + + case CAN_STATE_ERROR_WARNING: + if (n & PCAN_USB_ERROR_BUS_HEAVY) { + new_state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_PASSIVE; + break; + } + if (n & PCAN_USB_ERROR_BUS_OFF) { + new_state = CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF; + break; + } + if (n & (PCAN_USB_ERROR_RXQOVR | PCAN_USB_ERROR_QOVR)) { + /* + * trick to bypass next comparison and process other + * errors + */ + new_state = CAN_STATE_MAX; + break; + } + if ((n & PCAN_USB_ERROR_BUS_LIGHT) == 0) { + /* no error (back to active state) */ + mc->pdev->dev.can.state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_ACTIVE; + return 0; + } + break; + + case CAN_STATE_ERROR_PASSIVE: + if (n & PCAN_USB_ERROR_BUS_OFF) { + new_state = CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF; + break; + } + if (n & PCAN_USB_ERROR_BUS_LIGHT) { + new_state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_WARNING; + break; + } + if (n & (PCAN_USB_ERROR_RXQOVR | PCAN_USB_ERROR_QOVR)) { + /* + * trick to bypass next comparison and process other + * errors + */ + new_state = CAN_STATE_MAX; + break; + } + + if ((n & PCAN_USB_ERROR_BUS_HEAVY) == 0) { + /* no error (back to active state) */ + mc->pdev->dev.can.state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_ACTIVE; + return 0; + } + break; + + default: + /* do nothing waiting for restart */ + return 0; + } + + /* donot post any error if current state didn't change */ + if (mc->pdev->dev.can.state == new_state) + return 0; + + /* allocate an skb to store the error frame */ + skb = alloc_can_err_skb(mc->netdev, &cf); + if (!skb) + return -ENOMEM; + + switch (new_state) { + case CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF: + cf->can_id |= CAN_ERR_BUSOFF; + can_bus_off(mc->netdev); + break; + + case CAN_STATE_ERROR_PASSIVE: + cf->can_id |= CAN_ERR_CRTL; + cf->data[1] |= CAN_ERR_CRTL_TX_PASSIVE | + CAN_ERR_CRTL_RX_PASSIVE; + mc->pdev->dev.can.can_stats.error_passive++; + break; + + case CAN_STATE_ERROR_WARNING: + cf->can_id |= CAN_ERR_CRTL; + cf->data[1] |= CAN_ERR_CRTL_TX_WARNING | + CAN_ERR_CRTL_RX_WARNING; + mc->pdev->dev.can.can_stats.error_warning++; + break; + + default: + /* CAN_STATE_MAX (trick to handle other errors) */ + cf->can_id |= CAN_ERR_CRTL; + cf->data[1] |= CAN_ERR_CRTL_RX_OVERFLOW; + mc->netdev->stats.rx_over_errors++; + mc->netdev->stats.rx_errors++; + + new_state = mc->pdev->dev.can.state; + break; + } + + mc->pdev->dev.can.state = new_state; + + if (status_len & PCAN_USB_STATUSLEN_TIMESTAMP) { + peak_usb_get_ts_tv(&mc->pdev->time_ref, mc->ts16, &tv); + skb->tstamp = timeval_to_ktime(tv); + } + + netif_rx(skb); + mc->netdev->stats.rx_packets++; + mc->netdev->stats.rx_bytes += cf->can_dlc; + + return 0; +} + +/* + * decode non-data usb message + */ +static int pcan_usb_decode_status(struct pcan_usb_msg_context *mc, + u8 status_len) +{ + u8 rec_len = status_len & PCAN_USB_STATUSLEN_DLC; + u8 f, n; + int err; + + /* check whether function and number can be read */ + if ((mc->ptr + 2) > mc->end) + return -EINVAL; + + f = mc->ptr[PCAN_USB_CMD_FUNC]; + n = mc->ptr[PCAN_USB_CMD_NUM]; + mc->ptr += PCAN_USB_CMD_ARGS; + + if (status_len & PCAN_USB_STATUSLEN_TIMESTAMP) { + int err = pcan_usb_decode_ts(mc, !mc->rec_idx); + + if (err) + return err; + } + + switch (f) { + case PCAN_USB_REC_ERROR: + err = pcan_usb_decode_error(mc, n, status_len); + if (err) + return err; + break; + + case PCAN_USB_REC_ANALOG: + /* analog values (ignored) */ + rec_len = 2; + break; + + case PCAN_USB_REC_BUSLOAD: + /* bus load (ignored) */ + rec_len = 1; + break; + + case PCAN_USB_REC_TS: + /* only timestamp */ + if (pcan_usb_update_ts(mc)) + return -EINVAL; + break; + + case PCAN_USB_REC_BUSEVT: + /* error frame/bus event */ + if (n & PCAN_USB_ERROR_TXQFULL) + netdev_dbg(mc->netdev, "device Tx queue full)\n"); + break; + default: + netdev_err(mc->netdev, "unexpected function %u\n", f); + break; + } + + if ((mc->ptr + rec_len) > mc->end) + return -EINVAL; + + mc->ptr += rec_len; + + return 0; +} + +/* + * decode data usb message + */ +static int pcan_usb_decode_data(struct pcan_usb_msg_context *mc, u8 status_len) +{ + u8 rec_len = status_len & PCAN_USB_STATUSLEN_DLC; + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct can_frame *cf; + struct timeval tv; + + skb = alloc_can_skb(mc->netdev, &cf); + if (!skb) + return -ENOMEM; + + if (status_len & PCAN_USB_STATUSLEN_EXT_ID) { + u32 tmp32; + + if ((mc->ptr + 4) > mc->end) + goto decode_failed; + + memcpy(&tmp32, mc->ptr, 4); + mc->ptr += 4; + + cf->can_id = le32_to_cpu(tmp32 >> 3) | CAN_EFF_FLAG; + } else { + u16 tmp16; + + if ((mc->ptr + 2) > mc->end) + goto decode_failed; + + memcpy(&tmp16, mc->ptr, 2); + mc->ptr += 2; + + cf->can_id = le16_to_cpu(tmp16 >> 5); + } + + cf->can_dlc = get_can_dlc(rec_len); + + /* first data packet timestamp is a word */ + if (pcan_usb_decode_ts(mc, !mc->rec_data_idx)) + goto decode_failed; + + /* read data */ + memset(cf->data, 0x0, sizeof(cf->data)); + if (status_len & PCAN_USB_STATUSLEN_RTR) { + cf->can_id |= CAN_RTR_FLAG; + } else { + if ((mc->ptr + rec_len) > mc->end) + goto decode_failed; + + memcpy(cf->data, mc->ptr, rec_len); + mc->ptr += rec_len; + } + + /* convert timestamp into kernel time */ + peak_usb_get_ts_tv(&mc->pdev->time_ref, mc->ts16, &tv); + skb->tstamp = timeval_to_ktime(tv); + + /* push the skb */ + netif_rx(skb); + + /* update statistics */ + mc->netdev->stats.rx_packets++; + mc->netdev->stats.rx_bytes += cf->can_dlc; + + return 0; + +decode_failed: + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + return -EINVAL; +} + +/* + * process incoming message + */ +static int pcan_usb_decode_msg(struct peak_usb_device *dev, u8 *ibuf, u32 lbuf) +{ + struct pcan_usb_msg_context mc = { + .rec_cnt = ibuf[1], + .ptr = ibuf + PCAN_USB_MSG_HEADER_LEN, + .end = ibuf + lbuf, + .netdev = dev->netdev, + .pdev = container_of(dev, struct pcan_usb, dev), + }; + int err; + + for (err = 0; mc.rec_idx < mc.rec_cnt && !err; mc.rec_idx++) { + u8 sl = *mc.ptr++; + + /* handle status and error frames here */ + if (sl & PCAN_USB_STATUSLEN_INTERNAL) { + err = pcan_usb_decode_status(&mc, sl); + /* handle normal can frames here */ + } else { + err = pcan_usb_decode_data(&mc, sl); + mc.rec_data_idx++; + } + } + + return err; +} + +/* + * process any incoming buffer + */ +static int pcan_usb_decode_buf(struct peak_usb_device *dev, struct urb *urb) +{ + int err = 0; + + if (urb->actual_length > PCAN_USB_MSG_HEADER_LEN) { + err = pcan_usb_decode_msg(dev, urb->transfer_buffer, + urb->actual_length); + + } else if (urb->actual_length > 0) { + netdev_err(dev->netdev, "usb message length error (%u)\n", + urb->actual_length); + err = -EINVAL; + } + + return err; +} + +/* + * process outgoing packet + */ +static int pcan_usb_encode_msg(struct peak_usb_device *dev, struct sk_buff *skb, + u8 *obuf, size_t *size) +{ + struct net_device *netdev = dev->netdev; + struct net_device_stats *stats = &netdev->stats; + struct can_frame *cf = (struct can_frame *)skb->data; + u8 *pc; + + obuf[0] = 2; + obuf[1] = 1; + + pc = obuf + PCAN_USB_MSG_HEADER_LEN; + + /* status/len byte */ + *pc = cf->can_dlc; + if (cf->can_id & CAN_RTR_FLAG) + *pc |= PCAN_USB_STATUSLEN_RTR; + + /* can id */ + if (cf->can_id & CAN_EFF_FLAG) { + __le32 tmp32 = cpu_to_le32((cf->can_id & CAN_ERR_MASK) << 3); + + *pc |= PCAN_USB_STATUSLEN_EXT_ID; + memcpy(++pc, &tmp32, 4); + pc += 4; + } else { + __le16 tmp16 = cpu_to_le16((cf->can_id & CAN_ERR_MASK) << 5); + + memcpy(++pc, &tmp16, 2); + pc += 2; + } + + /* can data */ + if (!(cf->can_id & CAN_RTR_FLAG)) { + memcpy(pc, cf->data, cf->can_dlc); + pc += cf->can_dlc; + } + + obuf[(*size)-1] = (u8)(stats->tx_packets & 0xff); + + return 0; +} + +/* + * start interface + */ +static int pcan_usb_start(struct peak_usb_device *dev) +{ + struct pcan_usb *pdev = container_of(dev, struct pcan_usb, dev); + + /* number of bits used in timestamps read from adapter struct */ + peak_usb_init_time_ref(&pdev->time_ref, &pcan_usb); + + /* if revision greater than 3, can put silent mode on/off */ + if (dev->device_rev > 3) { + int err; + + err = pcan_usb_set_silent(dev, + dev->can.ctrlmode & CAN_CTRLMODE_LISTENONLY); + if (err) + return err; + } + + return pcan_usb_set_ext_vcc(dev, 0); +} + +static int pcan_usb_init(struct peak_usb_device *dev) +{ + struct pcan_usb *pdev = container_of(dev, struct pcan_usb, dev); + u32 serial_number; + int err; + + /* initialize a timer needed to wait for hardware restart */ + init_timer(&pdev->restart_timer); + pdev->restart_timer.function = pcan_usb_restart; + pdev->restart_timer.data = (unsigned long)dev; + + /* + * explicit use of dev_xxx() instead of netdev_xxx() here: + * information displayed are related to the device itself, not + * to the canx netdevice. + */ + err = pcan_usb_get_serial(dev, &serial_number); + if (err) { + dev_err(dev->netdev->dev.parent, + "unable to read %s serial number (err %d)\n", + pcan_usb.name, err); + return err; + } + + dev_info(dev->netdev->dev.parent, + "PEAK-System %s adapter hwrev %u serial %08X (%u channel)\n", + pcan_usb.name, dev->device_rev, serial_number, + pcan_usb.ctrl_count); + + return 0; +} + +/* + * probe function for new PCAN-USB usb interface + */ +static int pcan_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf) +{ + struct usb_host_interface *if_desc; + int i; + + if_desc = intf->altsetting; + + /* check interface endpoint addresses */ + for (i = 0; i < if_desc->desc.bNumEndpoints; i++) { + struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *ep = &if_desc->endpoint[i].desc; + + switch (ep->bEndpointAddress) { + case PCAN_USB_EP_CMDOUT: + case PCAN_USB_EP_CMDIN: + case PCAN_USB_EP_MSGOUT: + case PCAN_USB_EP_MSGIN: + break; + default: + return -ENODEV; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +/* + * describe the PCAN-USB adapter + */ +struct peak_usb_adapter pcan_usb = { + .name = "PCAN-USB", + .device_id = PCAN_USB_PRODUCT_ID, + .ctrl_count = 1, + .clock = { + .freq = PCAN_USB_CRYSTAL_HZ / 2 , + }, + .bittiming_const = { + .name = "pcan_usb", + .tseg1_min = 1, + .tseg1_max = 16, + .tseg2_min = 1, + .tseg2_max = 8, + .sjw_max = 4, + .brp_min = 1, + .brp_max = 64, + .brp_inc = 1, + }, + + /* size of device private data */ + .sizeof_dev_private = sizeof(struct pcan_usb), + + /* timestamps usage */ + .ts_used_bits = 16, + .ts_period = 24575, /* calibration period in ts. */ + .us_per_ts_scale = PCAN_USB_TS_US_PER_TICK, /* us=(ts*scale) */ + .us_per_ts_shift = PCAN_USB_TS_DIV_SHIFTER, /* >> shift */ + + /* give here messages in/out endpoints */ + .ep_msg_in = PCAN_USB_EP_MSGIN, + .ep_msg_out = {PCAN_USB_EP_MSGOUT}, + + /* size of rx/tx usb buffers */ + .rx_buffer_size = PCAN_USB_RX_BUFFER_SIZE, + .tx_buffer_size = PCAN_USB_TX_BUFFER_SIZE, + + /* device callbacks */ + .intf_probe = pcan_usb_probe, + .dev_init = pcan_usb_init, + .dev_set_bus = pcan_usb_write_mode, + .dev_set_bittiming = pcan_usb_set_bittiming, + .dev_get_device_id = pcan_usb_get_device_id, + .dev_decode_buf = pcan_usb_decode_buf, + .dev_encode_msg = pcan_usb_encode_msg, + .dev_start = pcan_usb_start, + .dev_restart_async = pcan_usb_restart_async, +}; diff --git a/drivers/net/can/usb/peak_usb/pcan_usb_core.c b/drivers/net/can/usb/peak_usb/pcan_usb_core.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2f91f737871889e59f83b227abed4751f04c171 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/can/usb/peak_usb/pcan_usb_core.c @@ -0,0 +1,951 @@ +/* + * CAN driver for PEAK System USB adapters + * Derived from the PCAN project file driver/src/pcan_usb_core.c + * + * Copyright (C) 2003-2010 PEAK System-Technik GmbH + * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Stephane Grosjean + * + * Many thanks to Klaus Hitschler + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published + * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + */ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "pcan_usb_core.h" + +MODULE_AUTHOR("Stephane Grosjean "); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("CAN driver for PEAK-System USB adapters"); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); + +/* Table of devices that work with this driver */ +static struct usb_device_id peak_usb_table[] = { + {USB_DEVICE(PCAN_USB_VENDOR_ID, PCAN_USB_PRODUCT_ID)}, + {USB_DEVICE(PCAN_USB_VENDOR_ID, PCAN_USBPRO_PRODUCT_ID)}, + {} /* Terminating entry */ +}; + +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(usb, peak_usb_table); + +/* List of supported PCAN-USB adapters (NULL terminated list) */ +static struct peak_usb_adapter *peak_usb_adapters_list[] = { + &pcan_usb, + &pcan_usb_pro, + NULL, +}; + +/* + * dump memory + */ +#define DUMP_WIDTH 16 +void dump_mem(char *prompt, void *p, int l) +{ + pr_info("%s dumping %s (%d bytes):\n", + PCAN_USB_DRIVER_NAME, prompt ? prompt : "memory", l); + print_hex_dump(KERN_INFO, PCAN_USB_DRIVER_NAME " ", DUMP_PREFIX_NONE, + DUMP_WIDTH, 1, p, l, false); +} + +/* + * initialize a time_ref object with usb adapter own settings + */ +void peak_usb_init_time_ref(struct peak_time_ref *time_ref, + struct peak_usb_adapter *adapter) +{ + if (time_ref) { + memset(time_ref, 0, sizeof(struct peak_time_ref)); + time_ref->adapter = adapter; + } +} + +static void peak_usb_add_us(struct timeval *tv, u32 delta_us) +{ + /* number of s. to add to final time */ + u32 delta_s = delta_us / 1000000; + + delta_us -= delta_s * 1000000; + + tv->tv_usec += delta_us; + if (tv->tv_usec >= 1000000) { + tv->tv_usec -= 1000000; + delta_s++; + } + tv->tv_sec += delta_s; +} + +/* + * sometimes, another now may be more recent than current one... + */ +void peak_usb_update_ts_now(struct peak_time_ref *time_ref, u32 ts_now) +{ + time_ref->ts_dev_2 = ts_now; + + /* should wait at least two passes before computing */ + if (time_ref->tv_host.tv_sec > 0) { + u32 delta_ts = time_ref->ts_dev_2 - time_ref->ts_dev_1; + + if (time_ref->ts_dev_2 < time_ref->ts_dev_1) + delta_ts &= (1 << time_ref->adapter->ts_used_bits) - 1; + + time_ref->ts_total += delta_ts; + } +} + +/* + * register device timestamp as now + */ +void peak_usb_set_ts_now(struct peak_time_ref *time_ref, u32 ts_now) +{ + if (time_ref->tv_host_0.tv_sec == 0) { + /* use monotonic clock to correctly compute further deltas */ + time_ref->tv_host_0 = ktime_to_timeval(ktime_get()); + time_ref->tv_host.tv_sec = 0; + } else { + /* + * delta_us should not be >= 2^32 => delta_s should be < 4294 + * handle 32-bits wrapping here: if count of s. reaches 4200, + * reset counters and change time base + */ + if (time_ref->tv_host.tv_sec != 0) { + u32 delta_s = time_ref->tv_host.tv_sec + - time_ref->tv_host_0.tv_sec; + if (delta_s > 4200) { + time_ref->tv_host_0 = time_ref->tv_host; + time_ref->ts_total = 0; + } + } + + time_ref->tv_host = ktime_to_timeval(ktime_get()); + time_ref->tick_count++; + } + + time_ref->ts_dev_1 = time_ref->ts_dev_2; + peak_usb_update_ts_now(time_ref, ts_now); +} + +/* + * compute timeval according to current ts and time_ref data + */ +void peak_usb_get_ts_tv(struct peak_time_ref *time_ref, u32 ts, + struct timeval *tv) +{ + /* protect from getting timeval before setting now */ + if (time_ref->tv_host.tv_sec > 0) { + u64 delta_us; + + delta_us = ts - time_ref->ts_dev_2; + if (ts < time_ref->ts_dev_2) + delta_us &= (1 << time_ref->adapter->ts_used_bits) - 1; + + delta_us += time_ref->ts_total; + + delta_us *= time_ref->adapter->us_per_ts_scale; + delta_us >>= time_ref->adapter->us_per_ts_shift; + + *tv = time_ref->tv_host_0; + peak_usb_add_us(tv, (u32)delta_us); + } else { + *tv = ktime_to_timeval(ktime_get()); + } +} + +/* + * callback for bulk Rx urb + */ +static void peak_usb_read_bulk_callback(struct urb *urb) +{ + struct peak_usb_device *dev = urb->context; + struct net_device *netdev; + int err; + + netdev = dev->netdev; + + if (!netif_device_present(netdev)) + return; + + /* check reception status */ + switch (urb->status) { + case 0: + /* success */ + break; + + case -EILSEQ: + case -ENOENT: + case -ECONNRESET: + case -ESHUTDOWN: + return; + + default: + if (net_ratelimit()) + netdev_err(netdev, + "Rx urb aborted (%d)\n", urb->status); + goto resubmit_urb; + } + + /* protect from any incoming empty msgs */ + if ((urb->actual_length > 0) && (dev->adapter->dev_decode_buf)) { + /* handle these kinds of msgs only if _start callback called */ + if (dev->state & PCAN_USB_STATE_STARTED) { + err = dev->adapter->dev_decode_buf(dev, urb); + if (err) + dump_mem("received usb message", + urb->transfer_buffer, + urb->transfer_buffer_length); + } + } + +resubmit_urb: + usb_fill_bulk_urb(urb, dev->udev, + usb_rcvbulkpipe(dev->udev, dev->ep_msg_in), + urb->transfer_buffer, dev->adapter->rx_buffer_size, + peak_usb_read_bulk_callback, dev); + + usb_anchor_urb(urb, &dev->rx_submitted); + err = usb_submit_urb(urb, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!err) + return; + + usb_unanchor_urb(urb); + + if (err == -ENODEV) + netif_device_detach(netdev); + else + netdev_err(netdev, "failed resubmitting read bulk urb: %d\n", + err); +} + +/* + * callback for bulk Tx urb + */ +static void peak_usb_write_bulk_callback(struct urb *urb) +{ + struct peak_tx_urb_context *context = urb->context; + struct peak_usb_device *dev; + struct net_device *netdev; + + BUG_ON(!context); + + dev = context->dev; + netdev = dev->netdev; + + atomic_dec(&dev->active_tx_urbs); + + if (!netif_device_present(netdev)) + return; + + /* check tx status */ + switch (urb->status) { + case 0: + /* transmission complete */ + netdev->stats.tx_packets++; + netdev->stats.tx_bytes += context->dlc; + + /* prevent tx timeout */ + netdev->trans_start = jiffies; + break; + + default: + if (net_ratelimit()) + netdev_err(netdev, "Tx urb aborted (%d)\n", + urb->status); + case -EPROTO: + case -ENOENT: + case -ECONNRESET: + case -ESHUTDOWN: + + break; + } + + /* should always release echo skb and corresponding context */ + can_get_echo_skb(netdev, context->echo_index); + context->echo_index = PCAN_USB_MAX_TX_URBS; + + /* do wakeup tx queue in case of success only */ + if (!urb->status) + netif_wake_queue(netdev); +} + +/* + * called by netdev to send one skb on the CAN interface. + */ +static netdev_tx_t peak_usb_ndo_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, + struct net_device *netdev) +{ + struct peak_usb_device *dev = netdev_priv(netdev); + struct peak_tx_urb_context *context = NULL; + struct net_device_stats *stats = &netdev->stats; + struct can_frame *cf = (struct can_frame *)skb->data; + struct urb *urb; + u8 *obuf; + int i, err; + size_t size = dev->adapter->tx_buffer_size; + + if (can_dropped_invalid_skb(netdev, skb)) + return NETDEV_TX_OK; + + for (i = 0; i < PCAN_USB_MAX_TX_URBS; i++) + if (dev->tx_contexts[i].echo_index == PCAN_USB_MAX_TX_URBS) { + context = dev->tx_contexts + i; + break; + } + + if (!context) { + /* should not occur except during restart */ + return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; + } + + urb = context->urb; + obuf = urb->transfer_buffer; + + err = dev->adapter->dev_encode_msg(dev, skb, obuf, &size); + if (err) { + if (net_ratelimit()) + netdev_err(netdev, "packet dropped\n"); + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + stats->tx_dropped++; + return NETDEV_TX_OK; + } + + context->echo_index = i; + context->dlc = cf->can_dlc; + + usb_anchor_urb(urb, &dev->tx_submitted); + + can_put_echo_skb(skb, netdev, context->echo_index); + + atomic_inc(&dev->active_tx_urbs); + + err = usb_submit_urb(urb, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (err) { + can_free_echo_skb(netdev, context->echo_index); + + usb_unanchor_urb(urb); + + /* this context is not used in fact */ + context->echo_index = PCAN_USB_MAX_TX_URBS; + + atomic_dec(&dev->active_tx_urbs); + + switch (err) { + case -ENODEV: + netif_device_detach(netdev); + break; + default: + netdev_warn(netdev, "tx urb submitting failed err=%d\n", + err); + case -ENOENT: + /* cable unplugged */ + stats->tx_dropped++; + } + } else { + netdev->trans_start = jiffies; + + /* slow down tx path */ + if (atomic_read(&dev->active_tx_urbs) >= PCAN_USB_MAX_TX_URBS) + netif_stop_queue(netdev); + } + + return NETDEV_TX_OK; +} + +/* + * start the CAN interface. + * Rx and Tx urbs are allocated here. Rx urbs are submitted here. + */ +static int peak_usb_start(struct peak_usb_device *dev) +{ + struct net_device *netdev = dev->netdev; + int err, i; + + for (i = 0; i < PCAN_USB_MAX_RX_URBS; i++) { + struct urb *urb; + u8 *buf; + + /* create a URB, and a buffer for it, to receive usb messages */ + urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!urb) { + netdev_err(netdev, "No memory left for URBs\n"); + err = -ENOMEM; + break; + } + + buf = kmalloc(dev->adapter->rx_buffer_size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!buf) { + netdev_err(netdev, "No memory left for USB buffer\n"); + usb_free_urb(urb); + err = -ENOMEM; + break; + } + + usb_fill_bulk_urb(urb, dev->udev, + usb_rcvbulkpipe(dev->udev, dev->ep_msg_in), + buf, dev->adapter->rx_buffer_size, + peak_usb_read_bulk_callback, dev); + + /* ask last usb_free_urb() to also kfree() transfer_buffer */ + urb->transfer_flags |= URB_FREE_BUFFER; + usb_anchor_urb(urb, &dev->rx_submitted); + + err = usb_submit_urb(urb, GFP_KERNEL); + if (err) { + if (err == -ENODEV) + netif_device_detach(dev->netdev); + + usb_unanchor_urb(urb); + kfree(buf); + usb_free_urb(urb); + break; + } + + /* drop reference, USB core will take care of freeing it */ + usb_free_urb(urb); + } + + /* did we submit any URBs? Warn if we was not able to submit all urbs */ + if (i < PCAN_USB_MAX_RX_URBS) { + if (i == 0) { + netdev_err(netdev, "couldn't setup any rx URB\n"); + return err; + } + + netdev_warn(netdev, "rx performance may be slow\n"); + } + + /* pre-alloc tx buffers and corresponding urbs */ + for (i = 0; i < PCAN_USB_MAX_TX_URBS; i++) { + struct peak_tx_urb_context *context; + struct urb *urb; + u8 *buf; + + /* create a URB and a buffer for it, to transmit usb messages */ + urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!urb) { + netdev_err(netdev, "No memory left for URBs\n"); + err = -ENOMEM; + break; + } + + buf = kmalloc(dev->adapter->tx_buffer_size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!buf) { + netdev_err(netdev, "No memory left for USB buffer\n"); + usb_free_urb(urb); + err = -ENOMEM; + break; + } + + context = dev->tx_contexts + i; + context->dev = dev; + context->urb = urb; + + usb_fill_bulk_urb(urb, dev->udev, + usb_sndbulkpipe(dev->udev, dev->ep_msg_out), + buf, dev->adapter->tx_buffer_size, + peak_usb_write_bulk_callback, context); + + /* ask last usb_free_urb() to also kfree() transfer_buffer */ + urb->transfer_flags |= URB_FREE_BUFFER; + } + + /* warn if we were not able to allocate enough tx contexts */ + if (i < PCAN_USB_MAX_TX_URBS) { + if (i == 0) { + netdev_err(netdev, "couldn't setup any tx URB\n"); + return err; + } + + netdev_warn(netdev, "tx performance may be slow\n"); + } + + if (dev->adapter->dev_start) { + err = dev->adapter->dev_start(dev); + if (err) + goto failed; + } + + dev->state |= PCAN_USB_STATE_STARTED; + + /* can set bus on now */ + if (dev->adapter->dev_set_bus) { + err = dev->adapter->dev_set_bus(dev, 1); + if (err) + goto failed; + } + + dev->can.state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_ACTIVE; + + return 0; + +failed: + if (err == -ENODEV) + netif_device_detach(dev->netdev); + + netdev_warn(netdev, "couldn't submit control: %d\n", err); + + return err; +} + +/* + * called by netdev to open the corresponding CAN interface. + */ +static int peak_usb_ndo_open(struct net_device *netdev) +{ + struct peak_usb_device *dev = netdev_priv(netdev); + int err; + + /* common open */ + err = open_candev(netdev); + if (err) + return err; + + /* finally start device */ + err = peak_usb_start(dev); + if (err) { + netdev_err(netdev, "couldn't start device: %d\n", err); + close_candev(netdev); + return err; + } + + dev->open_time = jiffies; + netif_start_queue(netdev); + + return 0; +} + +/* + * unlink in-flight Rx and Tx urbs and free their memory. + */ +static void peak_usb_unlink_all_urbs(struct peak_usb_device *dev) +{ + int i; + + /* free all Rx (submitted) urbs */ + usb_kill_anchored_urbs(&dev->rx_submitted); + + /* free unsubmitted Tx urbs first */ + for (i = 0; i < PCAN_USB_MAX_TX_URBS; i++) { + struct urb *urb = dev->tx_contexts[i].urb; + + if (!urb || + dev->tx_contexts[i].echo_index != PCAN_USB_MAX_TX_URBS) { + /* + * this urb is already released or always submitted, + * let usb core free by itself + */ + continue; + } + + usb_free_urb(urb); + dev->tx_contexts[i].urb = NULL; + } + + /* then free all submitted Tx urbs */ + usb_kill_anchored_urbs(&dev->tx_submitted); + atomic_set(&dev->active_tx_urbs, 0); +} + +/* + * called by netdev to close the corresponding CAN interface. + */ +static int peak_usb_ndo_stop(struct net_device *netdev) +{ + struct peak_usb_device *dev = netdev_priv(netdev); + + dev->state &= ~PCAN_USB_STATE_STARTED; + netif_stop_queue(netdev); + + /* unlink all pending urbs and free used memory */ + peak_usb_unlink_all_urbs(dev); + + if (dev->adapter->dev_stop) + dev->adapter->dev_stop(dev); + + close_candev(netdev); + + dev->open_time = 0; + dev->can.state = CAN_STATE_STOPPED; + + /* can set bus off now */ + if (dev->adapter->dev_set_bus) { + int err = dev->adapter->dev_set_bus(dev, 0); + if (err) + return err; + } + + return 0; +} + +/* + * handle end of waiting for the device to reset + */ +void peak_usb_restart_complete(struct peak_usb_device *dev) +{ + /* finally MUST update can state */ + dev->can.state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_ACTIVE; + + /* netdev queue can be awaken now */ + netif_wake_queue(dev->netdev); +} + +void peak_usb_async_complete(struct urb *urb) +{ + kfree(urb->transfer_buffer); + usb_free_urb(urb); +} + +/* + * device (auto-)restart mechanism runs in a timer context => + * MUST handle restart with asynchronous usb transfers + */ +static int peak_usb_restart(struct peak_usb_device *dev) +{ + struct urb *urb; + int err; + u8 *buf; + + /* + * if device doesn't define any asynchronous restart handler, simply + * wake the netdev queue up + */ + if (!dev->adapter->dev_restart_async) { + peak_usb_restart_complete(dev); + return 0; + } + + /* first allocate a urb to handle the asynchronous steps */ + urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!urb) { + netdev_err(dev->netdev, "no memory left for urb\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + /* also allocate enough space for the commands to send */ + buf = kmalloc(PCAN_USB_MAX_CMD_LEN, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!buf) { + netdev_err(dev->netdev, "no memory left for async cmd\n"); + usb_free_urb(urb); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + /* call the device specific handler for the restart */ + err = dev->adapter->dev_restart_async(dev, urb, buf); + if (!err) + return 0; + + kfree(buf); + usb_free_urb(urb); + + return err; +} + +/* + * candev callback used to change CAN mode. + * Warning: this is called from a timer context! + */ +static int peak_usb_set_mode(struct net_device *netdev, enum can_mode mode) +{ + struct peak_usb_device *dev = netdev_priv(netdev); + int err = 0; + + if (!dev->open_time) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (mode) { + case CAN_MODE_START: + err = peak_usb_restart(dev); + if (err) + netdev_err(netdev, "couldn't start device (err %d)\n", + err); + break; + + default: + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + } + + return err; +} + +/* + * candev callback used to set device bitrate. + */ +static int peak_usb_set_bittiming(struct net_device *netdev) +{ + struct peak_usb_device *dev = netdev_priv(netdev); + struct can_bittiming *bt = &dev->can.bittiming; + + if (dev->adapter->dev_set_bittiming) { + int err = dev->adapter->dev_set_bittiming(dev, bt); + + if (err) + netdev_info(netdev, "couldn't set bitrate (err %d)\n", + err); + return err; + } + + return 0; +} + +static const struct net_device_ops peak_usb_netdev_ops = { + .ndo_open = peak_usb_ndo_open, + .ndo_stop = peak_usb_ndo_stop, + .ndo_start_xmit = peak_usb_ndo_start_xmit, +}; + +/* + * create one device which is attached to CAN controller #ctrl_idx of the + * usb adapter. + */ +static int peak_usb_create_dev(struct peak_usb_adapter *peak_usb_adapter, + struct usb_interface *intf, int ctrl_idx) +{ + struct usb_device *usb_dev = interface_to_usbdev(intf); + int sizeof_candev = peak_usb_adapter->sizeof_dev_private; + struct peak_usb_device *dev; + struct net_device *netdev; + int i, err; + u16 tmp16; + + if (sizeof_candev < sizeof(struct peak_usb_device)) + sizeof_candev = sizeof(struct peak_usb_device); + + netdev = alloc_candev(sizeof_candev, PCAN_USB_MAX_TX_URBS); + if (!netdev) { + dev_err(&intf->dev, "%s: couldn't alloc candev\n", + PCAN_USB_DRIVER_NAME); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + dev = netdev_priv(netdev); + + /* allocate a buffer large enough to send commands */ + dev->cmd_buf = kmalloc(PCAN_USB_MAX_CMD_LEN, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!dev->cmd_buf) { + dev_err(&intf->dev, "%s: couldn't alloc cmd buffer\n", + PCAN_USB_DRIVER_NAME); + err = -ENOMEM; + goto lbl_set_intf_data; + } + + dev->udev = usb_dev; + dev->netdev = netdev; + dev->adapter = peak_usb_adapter; + dev->ctrl_idx = ctrl_idx; + dev->state = PCAN_USB_STATE_CONNECTED; + + dev->ep_msg_in = peak_usb_adapter->ep_msg_in; + dev->ep_msg_out = peak_usb_adapter->ep_msg_out[ctrl_idx]; + + dev->can.clock = peak_usb_adapter->clock; + dev->can.bittiming_const = &peak_usb_adapter->bittiming_const; + dev->can.do_set_bittiming = peak_usb_set_bittiming; + dev->can.do_set_mode = peak_usb_set_mode; + dev->can.ctrlmode_supported = CAN_CTRLMODE_3_SAMPLES | + CAN_CTRLMODE_LISTENONLY; + + netdev->netdev_ops = &peak_usb_netdev_ops; + + netdev->flags |= IFF_ECHO; /* we support local echo */ + + init_usb_anchor(&dev->rx_submitted); + + init_usb_anchor(&dev->tx_submitted); + atomic_set(&dev->active_tx_urbs, 0); + + for (i = 0; i < PCAN_USB_MAX_TX_URBS; i++) + dev->tx_contexts[i].echo_index = PCAN_USB_MAX_TX_URBS; + + dev->prev_siblings = usb_get_intfdata(intf); + usb_set_intfdata(intf, dev); + + SET_NETDEV_DEV(netdev, &intf->dev); + + err = register_candev(netdev); + if (err) { + dev_err(&intf->dev, "couldn't register CAN device: %d\n", err); + goto lbl_free_cmd_buf; + } + + if (dev->prev_siblings) + (dev->prev_siblings)->next_siblings = dev; + + /* keep hw revision into the netdevice */ + tmp16 = le16_to_cpu(usb_dev->descriptor.bcdDevice); + dev->device_rev = tmp16 >> 8; + + if (dev->adapter->dev_init) { + err = dev->adapter->dev_init(dev); + if (err) + goto lbl_free_cmd_buf; + } + + /* set bus off */ + if (dev->adapter->dev_set_bus) { + err = dev->adapter->dev_set_bus(dev, 0); + if (err) + goto lbl_free_cmd_buf; + } + + /* get device number early */ + if (dev->adapter->dev_get_device_id) + dev->adapter->dev_get_device_id(dev, &dev->device_number); + + netdev_info(netdev, "attached to %s channel %u (device %u)\n", + peak_usb_adapter->name, ctrl_idx, dev->device_number); + + return 0; + +lbl_free_cmd_buf: + kfree(dev->cmd_buf); + +lbl_set_intf_data: + usb_set_intfdata(intf, dev->prev_siblings); + free_candev(netdev); + + return err; +} + +/* + * called by the usb core when the device is unplugged from the system + */ +static void peak_usb_disconnect(struct usb_interface *intf) +{ + struct peak_usb_device *dev; + + /* unregister as many netdev devices as siblings */ + for (dev = usb_get_intfdata(intf); dev; dev = dev->prev_siblings) { + struct net_device *netdev = dev->netdev; + char name[IFNAMSIZ]; + + dev->state &= ~PCAN_USB_STATE_CONNECTED; + strncpy(name, netdev->name, IFNAMSIZ); + + unregister_netdev(netdev); + free_candev(netdev); + + kfree(dev->cmd_buf); + dev->next_siblings = NULL; + if (dev->adapter->dev_free) + dev->adapter->dev_free(dev); + + dev_info(&intf->dev, "%s removed\n", name); + } + + usb_set_intfdata(intf, NULL); +} + +/* + * probe function for new PEAK-System devices + */ +static int peak_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, + const struct usb_device_id *id) +{ + struct usb_device *usb_dev = interface_to_usbdev(intf); + struct peak_usb_adapter *peak_usb_adapter, **pp; + int i, err = -ENOMEM; + + usb_dev = interface_to_usbdev(intf); + + /* get corresponding PCAN-USB adapter */ + for (pp = peak_usb_adapters_list; *pp; pp++) + if ((*pp)->device_id == usb_dev->descriptor.idProduct) + break; + + peak_usb_adapter = *pp; + if (!peak_usb_adapter) { + /* should never come except device_id bad usage in this file */ + pr_err("%s: didn't find device id. 0x%x in devices list\n", + PCAN_USB_DRIVER_NAME, usb_dev->descriptor.idProduct); + return -ENODEV; + } + + /* got corresponding adapter: check if it handles current interface */ + if (peak_usb_adapter->intf_probe) { + err = peak_usb_adapter->intf_probe(intf); + if (err) + return err; + } + + for (i = 0; i < peak_usb_adapter->ctrl_count; i++) { + err = peak_usb_create_dev(peak_usb_adapter, intf, i); + if (err) { + /* deregister already created devices */ + peak_usb_disconnect(intf); + break; + } + } + + return err; +} + +/* usb specific object needed to register this driver with the usb subsystem */ +static struct usb_driver peak_usb_driver = { + .name = PCAN_USB_DRIVER_NAME, + .disconnect = peak_usb_disconnect, + .probe = peak_usb_probe, + .id_table = peak_usb_table, +}; + +static int __init peak_usb_init(void) +{ + int err; + + /* register this driver with the USB subsystem */ + err = usb_register(&peak_usb_driver); + if (err) + pr_err("%s: usb_register failed (err %d)\n", + PCAN_USB_DRIVER_NAME, err); + + return err; +} + +static int peak_usb_do_device_exit(struct device *d, void *arg) +{ + struct usb_interface *intf = to_usb_interface(d); + struct peak_usb_device *dev; + + /* stop as many netdev devices as siblings */ + for (dev = usb_get_intfdata(intf); dev; dev = dev->prev_siblings) { + struct net_device *netdev = dev->netdev; + + if (netif_device_present(netdev)) + if (dev->adapter->dev_exit) + dev->adapter->dev_exit(dev); + } + + return 0; +} + +static void __exit peak_usb_exit(void) +{ + int err; + + /* last chance do send any synchronous commands here */ + err = driver_for_each_device(&peak_usb_driver.drvwrap.driver, NULL, + NULL, peak_usb_do_device_exit); + if (err) + pr_err("%s: failed to stop all can devices (err %d)\n", + PCAN_USB_DRIVER_NAME, err); + + /* deregister this driver with the USB subsystem */ + usb_deregister(&peak_usb_driver); + + pr_info("%s: PCAN-USB interfaces driver unloaded\n", + PCAN_USB_DRIVER_NAME); +} + +module_init(peak_usb_init); +module_exit(peak_usb_exit); diff --git a/drivers/net/can/usb/peak_usb/pcan_usb_core.h b/drivers/net/can/usb/peak_usb/pcan_usb_core.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a948c5a894011f1a297470f80dafbe9422213df3 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/can/usb/peak_usb/pcan_usb_core.h @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +/* + * CAN driver for PEAK System USB adapters + * Derived from the PCAN project file driver/src/pcan_usb_core.c + * + * Copyright (C) 2003-2010 PEAK System-Technik GmbH + * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Stephane Grosjean + * + * Many thanks to Klaus Hitschler + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published + * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + */ +#ifndef PCAN_USB_CORE_H +#define PCAN_USB_CORE_H + +/* PEAK-System vendor id. */ +#define PCAN_USB_VENDOR_ID 0x0c72 + +/* supported device ids. */ +#define PCAN_USB_PRODUCT_ID 0x000c +#define PCAN_USBPRO_PRODUCT_ID 0x000d + +#define PCAN_USB_DRIVER_NAME "peak_usb" + +/* number of urbs that are submitted for rx/tx per channel */ +#define PCAN_USB_MAX_RX_URBS 4 +#define PCAN_USB_MAX_TX_URBS 10 + +/* usb adapters maximum channels per usb interface */ +#define PCAN_USB_MAX_CHANNEL 2 + +/* maximum length of the usb commands sent to/received from the devices */ +#define PCAN_USB_MAX_CMD_LEN 32 + +struct peak_usb_device; + +/* PEAK-System USB adapter descriptor */ +struct peak_usb_adapter { + char *name; + u32 device_id; + struct can_clock clock; + struct can_bittiming_const bittiming_const; + unsigned int ctrl_count; + + int (*intf_probe)(struct usb_interface *intf); + + int (*dev_init)(struct peak_usb_device *dev); + void (*dev_exit)(struct peak_usb_device *dev); + void (*dev_free)(struct peak_usb_device *dev); + int (*dev_open)(struct peak_usb_device *dev); + int (*dev_close)(struct peak_usb_device *dev); + int (*dev_set_bittiming)(struct peak_usb_device *dev, + struct can_bittiming *bt); + int (*dev_set_bus)(struct peak_usb_device *dev, u8 onoff); + int (*dev_get_device_id)(struct peak_usb_device *dev, u32 *device_id); + int (*dev_decode_buf)(struct peak_usb_device *dev, struct urb *urb); + int (*dev_encode_msg)(struct peak_usb_device *dev, struct sk_buff *skb, + u8 *obuf, size_t *size); + int (*dev_start)(struct peak_usb_device *dev); + int (*dev_stop)(struct peak_usb_device *dev); + int (*dev_restart_async)(struct peak_usb_device *dev, struct urb *urb, + u8 *buf); + u8 ep_msg_in; + u8 ep_msg_out[PCAN_USB_MAX_CHANNEL]; + u8 ts_used_bits; + u32 ts_period; + u8 us_per_ts_shift; + u32 us_per_ts_scale; + + int rx_buffer_size; + int tx_buffer_size; + int sizeof_dev_private; +}; + +extern struct peak_usb_adapter pcan_usb; +extern struct peak_usb_adapter pcan_usb_pro; + +struct peak_time_ref { + struct timeval tv_host_0, tv_host; + u32 ts_dev_1, ts_dev_2; + u64 ts_total; + u32 tick_count; + struct peak_usb_adapter *adapter; +}; + +struct peak_tx_urb_context { + struct peak_usb_device *dev; + u32 echo_index; + u8 dlc; + struct urb *urb; +}; + +#define PCAN_USB_STATE_CONNECTED 0x00000001 +#define PCAN_USB_STATE_STARTED 0x00000002 + +/* PEAK-System USB device */ +struct peak_usb_device { + struct can_priv can; + struct peak_usb_adapter *adapter; + unsigned int ctrl_idx; + int open_time; + u32 state; + + struct sk_buff *echo_skb[PCAN_USB_MAX_TX_URBS]; + + struct usb_device *udev; + struct net_device *netdev; + + atomic_t active_tx_urbs; + struct usb_anchor tx_submitted; + struct peak_tx_urb_context tx_contexts[PCAN_USB_MAX_TX_URBS]; + + u8 *cmd_buf; + struct usb_anchor rx_submitted; + + u32 device_number; + u8 device_rev; + + u8 ep_msg_in; + u8 ep_msg_out; + + u16 bus_load; + + struct peak_usb_device *prev_siblings; + struct peak_usb_device *next_siblings; +}; + +void dump_mem(char *prompt, void *p, int l); + +/* common timestamp management */ +void peak_usb_init_time_ref(struct peak_time_ref *time_ref, + struct peak_usb_adapter *adapter); +void peak_usb_update_ts_now(struct peak_time_ref *time_ref, u32 ts_now); +void peak_usb_set_ts_now(struct peak_time_ref *time_ref, u32 ts_now); +void peak_usb_get_ts_tv(struct peak_time_ref *time_ref, u32 ts, + struct timeval *tv); + +void peak_usb_async_complete(struct urb *urb); +void peak_usb_restart_complete(struct peak_usb_device *dev); +#endif diff --git a/drivers/net/can/usb/peak_usb/pcan_usb_pro.c b/drivers/net/can/usb/peak_usb/pcan_usb_pro.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5234586dff15d32a4ac63dc42246a414ada41760 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/can/usb/peak_usb/pcan_usb_pro.c @@ -0,0 +1,1036 @@ +/* + * CAN driver for PEAK System PCAN-USB Pro adapter + * Derived from the PCAN project file driver/src/pcan_usbpro.c + * + * Copyright (C) 2003-2011 PEAK System-Technik GmbH + * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Stephane Grosjean + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published + * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + */ +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "pcan_usb_core.h" +#include "pcan_usb_pro.h" + +MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE("PEAK-System PCAN-USB Pro adapter"); + +/* PCAN-USB Pro Endpoints */ +#define PCAN_USBPRO_EP_CMDOUT 1 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_EP_CMDIN (PCAN_USBPRO_EP_CMDOUT | USB_DIR_IN) +#define PCAN_USBPRO_EP_MSGOUT_0 2 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_EP_MSGIN (PCAN_USBPRO_EP_MSGOUT_0 | USB_DIR_IN) +#define PCAN_USBPRO_EP_MSGOUT_1 3 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_EP_UNUSED (PCAN_USBPRO_EP_MSGOUT_1 | USB_DIR_IN) + +#define PCAN_USBPRO_CHANNEL_COUNT 2 + +/* PCAN-USB Pro adapter internal clock (MHz) */ +#define PCAN_USBPRO_CRYSTAL_HZ 56000000 + +/* PCAN-USB Pro command timeout (ms.) */ +#define PCAN_USBPRO_COMMAND_TIMEOUT 1000 + +/* PCAN-USB Pro rx/tx buffers size */ +#define PCAN_USBPRO_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_TX_BUFFER_SIZE 64 + +#define PCAN_USBPRO_MSG_HEADER_LEN 4 + +/* some commands responses need to be re-submitted */ +#define PCAN_USBPRO_RSP_SUBMIT_MAX 2 + +#define PCAN_USBPRO_RTR 0x01 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_EXT 0x02 + +#define PCAN_USBPRO_CMD_BUFFER_SIZE 512 + +/* handle device specific info used by the netdevices */ +struct pcan_usb_pro_interface { + struct peak_usb_device *dev[PCAN_USBPRO_CHANNEL_COUNT]; + struct peak_time_ref time_ref; + int cm_ignore_count; + int dev_opened_count; +}; + +/* device information */ +struct pcan_usb_pro_device { + struct peak_usb_device dev; + struct pcan_usb_pro_interface *usb_if; + u32 cached_ccbt; +}; + +/* internal structure used to handle messages sent to bulk urb */ +struct pcan_usb_pro_msg { + u8 *rec_ptr; + int rec_buffer_size; + int rec_buffer_len; + union { + u16 *rec_cnt_rd; + u32 *rec_cnt; + u8 *rec_buffer; + } u; +}; + +/* records sizes table indexed on message id. (8-bits value) */ +static u16 pcan_usb_pro_sizeof_rec[256] = { + [PCAN_USBPRO_SETBTR] = sizeof(struct pcan_usb_pro_btr), + [PCAN_USBPRO_SETBUSACT] = sizeof(struct pcan_usb_pro_busact), + [PCAN_USBPRO_SETSILENT] = sizeof(struct pcan_usb_pro_silent), + [PCAN_USBPRO_SETFILTR] = sizeof(struct pcan_usb_pro_filter), + [PCAN_USBPRO_SETTS] = sizeof(struct pcan_usb_pro_setts), + [PCAN_USBPRO_GETDEVID] = sizeof(struct pcan_usb_pro_devid), + [PCAN_USBPRO_SETLED] = sizeof(struct pcan_usb_pro_setled), + [PCAN_USBPRO_RXMSG8] = sizeof(struct pcan_usb_pro_rxmsg), + [PCAN_USBPRO_RXMSG4] = sizeof(struct pcan_usb_pro_rxmsg) - 4, + [PCAN_USBPRO_RXMSG0] = sizeof(struct pcan_usb_pro_rxmsg) - 8, + [PCAN_USBPRO_RXRTR] = sizeof(struct pcan_usb_pro_rxmsg) - 8, + [PCAN_USBPRO_RXSTATUS] = sizeof(struct pcan_usb_pro_rxstatus), + [PCAN_USBPRO_RXTS] = sizeof(struct pcan_usb_pro_rxts), + [PCAN_USBPRO_TXMSG8] = sizeof(struct pcan_usb_pro_txmsg), + [PCAN_USBPRO_TXMSG4] = sizeof(struct pcan_usb_pro_txmsg) - 4, + [PCAN_USBPRO_TXMSG0] = sizeof(struct pcan_usb_pro_txmsg) - 8, +}; + +/* + * initialize PCAN-USB Pro message data structure + */ +static u8 *pcan_msg_init(struct pcan_usb_pro_msg *pm, void *buffer_addr, + int buffer_size) +{ + if (buffer_size < PCAN_USBPRO_MSG_HEADER_LEN) + return NULL; + + pm->u.rec_buffer = (u8 *)buffer_addr; + pm->rec_buffer_size = pm->rec_buffer_len = buffer_size; + pm->rec_ptr = pm->u.rec_buffer + PCAN_USBPRO_MSG_HEADER_LEN; + + return pm->rec_ptr; +} + +static u8 *pcan_msg_init_empty(struct pcan_usb_pro_msg *pm, + void *buffer_addr, int buffer_size) +{ + u8 *pr = pcan_msg_init(pm, buffer_addr, buffer_size); + + if (pr) { + pm->rec_buffer_len = PCAN_USBPRO_MSG_HEADER_LEN; + *pm->u.rec_cnt = 0; + } + return pr; +} + +/* + * add one record to a message being built + */ +static int pcan_msg_add_rec(struct pcan_usb_pro_msg *pm, u8 id, ...) +{ + int len, i; + u8 *pc; + va_list ap; + + va_start(ap, id); + + pc = pm->rec_ptr + 1; + + i = 0; + switch (id) { + case PCAN_USBPRO_TXMSG8: + i += 4; + case PCAN_USBPRO_TXMSG4: + i += 4; + case PCAN_USBPRO_TXMSG0: + *pc++ = va_arg(ap, int); + *pc++ = va_arg(ap, int); + *pc++ = va_arg(ap, int); + *(u32 *)pc = cpu_to_le32(va_arg(ap, u32)); + pc += 4; + memcpy(pc, va_arg(ap, int *), i); + pc += i; + break; + + case PCAN_USBPRO_SETBTR: + case PCAN_USBPRO_GETDEVID: + *pc++ = va_arg(ap, int); + pc += 2; + *(u32 *)pc = cpu_to_le32(va_arg(ap, u32)); + pc += 4; + break; + + case PCAN_USBPRO_SETFILTR: + case PCAN_USBPRO_SETBUSACT: + case PCAN_USBPRO_SETSILENT: + *pc++ = va_arg(ap, int); + *(u16 *)pc = cpu_to_le16(va_arg(ap, int)); + pc += 2; + break; + + case PCAN_USBPRO_SETLED: + *pc++ = va_arg(ap, int); + *(u16 *)pc = cpu_to_le16(va_arg(ap, int)); + pc += 2; + *(u32 *)pc = cpu_to_le32(va_arg(ap, u32)); + pc += 4; + break; + + case PCAN_USBPRO_SETTS: + pc++; + *(u16 *)pc = cpu_to_le16(va_arg(ap, int)); + pc += 2; + break; + + default: + pr_err("%s: %s(): unknown data type %02Xh (%d)\n", + PCAN_USB_DRIVER_NAME, __func__, id, id); + pc--; + break; + } + + len = pc - pm->rec_ptr; + if (len > 0) { + *pm->u.rec_cnt = cpu_to_le32(*pm->u.rec_cnt+1); + *pm->rec_ptr = id; + + pm->rec_ptr = pc; + pm->rec_buffer_len += len; + } + + va_end(ap); + + return len; +} + +/* + * send PCAN-USB Pro command synchronously + */ +static int pcan_usb_pro_send_cmd(struct peak_usb_device *dev, + struct pcan_usb_pro_msg *pum) +{ + int actual_length; + int err; + + /* usb device unregistered? */ + if (!(dev->state & PCAN_USB_STATE_CONNECTED)) + return 0; + + err = usb_bulk_msg(dev->udev, + usb_sndbulkpipe(dev->udev, PCAN_USBPRO_EP_CMDOUT), + pum->u.rec_buffer, pum->rec_buffer_len, + &actual_length, PCAN_USBPRO_COMMAND_TIMEOUT); + if (err) + netdev_err(dev->netdev, "sending command failure: %d\n", err); + + return err; +} + +/* + * wait for PCAN-USB Pro command response + */ +static int pcan_usb_pro_wait_rsp(struct peak_usb_device *dev, + struct pcan_usb_pro_msg *pum) +{ + u8 req_data_type, req_channel; + int actual_length; + int i, err = 0; + + /* usb device unregistered? */ + if (!(dev->state & PCAN_USB_STATE_CONNECTED)) + return 0; + + req_data_type = pum->u.rec_buffer[4]; + req_channel = pum->u.rec_buffer[5]; + + *pum->u.rec_cnt = 0; + for (i = 0; !err && i < PCAN_USBPRO_RSP_SUBMIT_MAX; i++) { + struct pcan_usb_pro_msg rsp; + union pcan_usb_pro_rec *pr; + u32 r, rec_cnt; + u16 rec_len; + u8 *pc; + + err = usb_bulk_msg(dev->udev, + usb_rcvbulkpipe(dev->udev, PCAN_USBPRO_EP_CMDIN), + pum->u.rec_buffer, pum->rec_buffer_len, + &actual_length, PCAN_USBPRO_COMMAND_TIMEOUT); + if (err) { + netdev_err(dev->netdev, "waiting rsp error %d\n", err); + break; + } + + if (actual_length == 0) + continue; + + err = -EBADMSG; + if (actual_length < PCAN_USBPRO_MSG_HEADER_LEN) { + netdev_err(dev->netdev, + "got abnormal too small rsp (len=%d)\n", + actual_length); + break; + } + + pc = pcan_msg_init(&rsp, pum->u.rec_buffer, + actual_length); + + rec_cnt = le32_to_cpu(*rsp.u.rec_cnt); + + /* loop on records stored into message */ + for (r = 0; r < rec_cnt; r++) { + pr = (union pcan_usb_pro_rec *)pc; + rec_len = pcan_usb_pro_sizeof_rec[pr->data_type]; + if (!rec_len) { + netdev_err(dev->netdev, + "got unprocessed record in msg\n"); + dump_mem("rcvd rsp msg", pum->u.rec_buffer, + actual_length); + break; + } + + /* check if response corresponds to request */ + if (pr->data_type != req_data_type) + netdev_err(dev->netdev, + "got unwanted rsp %xh: ignored\n", + pr->data_type); + + /* check if channel in response corresponds too */ + else if ((req_channel != 0xff) && \ + (pr->bus_act.channel != req_channel)) + netdev_err(dev->netdev, + "got rsp %xh but on chan%u: ignored\n", + req_data_type, pr->bus_act.channel); + + /* got the response */ + else + return 0; + + /* otherwise, go on with next record in message */ + pc += rec_len; + } + } + + return (i >= PCAN_USBPRO_RSP_SUBMIT_MAX) ? -ERANGE : err; +} + +static int pcan_usb_pro_send_req(struct peak_usb_device *dev, int req_id, + int req_value, void *req_addr, int req_size) +{ + int err; + u8 req_type; + unsigned int p; + + /* usb device unregistered? */ + if (!(dev->state & PCAN_USB_STATE_CONNECTED)) + return 0; + + memset(req_addr, '\0', req_size); + + req_type = USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_OTHER; + + switch (req_id) { + case PCAN_USBPRO_REQ_FCT: + p = usb_sndctrlpipe(dev->udev, 0); + break; + + default: + p = usb_rcvctrlpipe(dev->udev, 0); + req_type |= USB_DIR_IN; + break; + } + + err = usb_control_msg(dev->udev, p, req_id, req_type, req_value, 0, + req_addr, req_size, 2 * USB_CTRL_GET_TIMEOUT); + if (err < 0) { + netdev_info(dev->netdev, + "unable to request usb[type=%d value=%d] err=%d\n", + req_id, req_value, err); + return err; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int pcan_usb_pro_set_ts(struct peak_usb_device *dev, u16 onoff) +{ + struct pcan_usb_pro_msg um; + + pcan_msg_init_empty(&um, dev->cmd_buf, PCAN_USB_MAX_CMD_LEN); + pcan_msg_add_rec(&um, PCAN_USBPRO_SETTS, onoff); + + return pcan_usb_pro_send_cmd(dev, &um); +} + +static int pcan_usb_pro_set_bitrate(struct peak_usb_device *dev, u32 ccbt) +{ + struct pcan_usb_pro_device *pdev = + container_of(dev, struct pcan_usb_pro_device, dev); + struct pcan_usb_pro_msg um; + + pcan_msg_init_empty(&um, dev->cmd_buf, PCAN_USB_MAX_CMD_LEN); + pcan_msg_add_rec(&um, PCAN_USBPRO_SETBTR, dev->ctrl_idx, ccbt); + + /* cache the CCBT value to reuse it before next buson */ + pdev->cached_ccbt = ccbt; + + return pcan_usb_pro_send_cmd(dev, &um); +} + +static int pcan_usb_pro_set_bus(struct peak_usb_device *dev, u8 onoff) +{ + struct pcan_usb_pro_msg um; + + /* if bus=on, be sure the bitrate being set before! */ + if (onoff) { + struct pcan_usb_pro_device *pdev = + container_of(dev, struct pcan_usb_pro_device, dev); + + pcan_usb_pro_set_bitrate(dev, pdev->cached_ccbt); + } + + pcan_msg_init_empty(&um, dev->cmd_buf, PCAN_USB_MAX_CMD_LEN); + pcan_msg_add_rec(&um, PCAN_USBPRO_SETBUSACT, dev->ctrl_idx, onoff); + + return pcan_usb_pro_send_cmd(dev, &um); +} + +static int pcan_usb_pro_set_silent(struct peak_usb_device *dev, u8 onoff) +{ + struct pcan_usb_pro_msg um; + + pcan_msg_init_empty(&um, dev->cmd_buf, PCAN_USB_MAX_CMD_LEN); + pcan_msg_add_rec(&um, PCAN_USBPRO_SETSILENT, dev->ctrl_idx, onoff); + + return pcan_usb_pro_send_cmd(dev, &um); +} + +static int pcan_usb_pro_set_filter(struct peak_usb_device *dev, u16 filter_mode) +{ + struct pcan_usb_pro_msg um; + + pcan_msg_init_empty(&um, dev->cmd_buf, PCAN_USB_MAX_CMD_LEN); + pcan_msg_add_rec(&um, PCAN_USBPRO_SETFILTR, dev->ctrl_idx, filter_mode); + + return pcan_usb_pro_send_cmd(dev, &um); +} + +static int pcan_usb_pro_set_led(struct peak_usb_device *dev, u8 mode, + u32 timeout) +{ + struct pcan_usb_pro_msg um; + + pcan_msg_init_empty(&um, dev->cmd_buf, PCAN_USB_MAX_CMD_LEN); + pcan_msg_add_rec(&um, PCAN_USBPRO_SETLED, dev->ctrl_idx, mode, timeout); + + return pcan_usb_pro_send_cmd(dev, &um); +} + +static int pcan_usb_pro_get_device_id(struct peak_usb_device *dev, + u32 *device_id) +{ + struct pcan_usb_pro_devid *pdn; + struct pcan_usb_pro_msg um; + int err; + u8 *pc; + + pc = pcan_msg_init_empty(&um, dev->cmd_buf, PCAN_USB_MAX_CMD_LEN); + pcan_msg_add_rec(&um, PCAN_USBPRO_GETDEVID, dev->ctrl_idx); + + err = pcan_usb_pro_send_cmd(dev, &um); + if (err) + return err; + + err = pcan_usb_pro_wait_rsp(dev, &um); + if (err) + return err; + + pdn = (struct pcan_usb_pro_devid *)pc; + if (device_id) + *device_id = le32_to_cpu(pdn->serial_num); + + return err; +} + +static int pcan_usb_pro_set_bittiming(struct peak_usb_device *dev, + struct can_bittiming *bt) +{ + u32 ccbt; + + ccbt = (dev->can.ctrlmode & CAN_CTRLMODE_3_SAMPLES) ? 0x00800000 : 0; + ccbt |= (bt->sjw - 1) << 24; + ccbt |= (bt->phase_seg2 - 1) << 20; + ccbt |= (bt->prop_seg + bt->phase_seg1 - 1) << 16; /* = tseg1 */ + ccbt |= bt->brp - 1; + + netdev_info(dev->netdev, "setting ccbt=0x%08x\n", ccbt); + + return pcan_usb_pro_set_bitrate(dev, ccbt); +} + +static void pcan_usb_pro_restart_complete(struct urb *urb) +{ + /* can delete usb resources */ + peak_usb_async_complete(urb); + + /* notify candev and netdev */ + peak_usb_restart_complete(urb->context); +} + +/* + * handle restart but in asynchronously way + */ +static int pcan_usb_pro_restart_async(struct peak_usb_device *dev, + struct urb *urb, u8 *buf) +{ + struct pcan_usb_pro_msg um; + + pcan_msg_init_empty(&um, buf, PCAN_USB_MAX_CMD_LEN); + pcan_msg_add_rec(&um, PCAN_USBPRO_SETBUSACT, dev->ctrl_idx, 1); + + usb_fill_bulk_urb(urb, dev->udev, + usb_sndbulkpipe(dev->udev, PCAN_USBPRO_EP_CMDOUT), + buf, PCAN_USB_MAX_CMD_LEN, + pcan_usb_pro_restart_complete, dev); + + return usb_submit_urb(urb, GFP_ATOMIC); +} + +static void pcan_usb_pro_drv_loaded(struct peak_usb_device *dev, int loaded) +{ + u8 buffer[16]; + + buffer[0] = 0; + buffer[1] = !!loaded; + + pcan_usb_pro_send_req(dev, PCAN_USBPRO_REQ_FCT, + PCAN_USBPRO_FCT_DRVLD, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); +} + +static inline +struct pcan_usb_pro_interface *pcan_usb_pro_dev_if(struct peak_usb_device *dev) +{ + struct pcan_usb_pro_device *pdev = + container_of(dev, struct pcan_usb_pro_device, dev); + return pdev->usb_if; +} + +static int pcan_usb_pro_handle_canmsg(struct pcan_usb_pro_interface *usb_if, + struct pcan_usb_pro_rxmsg *rx) +{ + const unsigned int ctrl_idx = (rx->len >> 4) & 0x0f; + struct peak_usb_device *dev = usb_if->dev[ctrl_idx]; + struct net_device *netdev = dev->netdev; + struct can_frame *can_frame; + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct timeval tv; + + skb = alloc_can_skb(netdev, &can_frame); + if (!skb) + return -ENOMEM; + + can_frame->can_id = le32_to_cpu(rx->id); + can_frame->can_dlc = rx->len & 0x0f; + + if (rx->flags & PCAN_USBPRO_EXT) + can_frame->can_id |= CAN_EFF_FLAG; + + if (rx->flags & PCAN_USBPRO_RTR) + can_frame->can_id |= CAN_RTR_FLAG; + else + memcpy(can_frame->data, rx->data, can_frame->can_dlc); + + peak_usb_get_ts_tv(&usb_if->time_ref, le32_to_cpu(rx->ts32), &tv); + skb->tstamp = timeval_to_ktime(tv); + + netif_rx(skb); + netdev->stats.rx_packets++; + netdev->stats.rx_bytes += can_frame->can_dlc; + + return 0; +} + +static int pcan_usb_pro_handle_error(struct pcan_usb_pro_interface *usb_if, + struct pcan_usb_pro_rxstatus *er) +{ + const u32 raw_status = le32_to_cpu(er->status); + const unsigned int ctrl_idx = (er->channel >> 4) & 0x0f; + struct peak_usb_device *dev = usb_if->dev[ctrl_idx]; + struct net_device *netdev = dev->netdev; + struct can_frame *can_frame; + enum can_state new_state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_ACTIVE; + u8 err_mask = 0; + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct timeval tv; + + /* nothing should be sent while in BUS_OFF state */ + if (dev->can.state == CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF) + return 0; + + if (!raw_status) { + /* no error bit (back to active state) */ + dev->can.state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_ACTIVE; + return 0; + } + + if (raw_status & (PCAN_USBPRO_STATUS_OVERRUN | + PCAN_USBPRO_STATUS_QOVERRUN)) { + /* trick to bypass next comparison and process other errors */ + new_state = CAN_STATE_MAX; + } + + if (raw_status & PCAN_USBPRO_STATUS_BUS) { + new_state = CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF; + } else if (raw_status & PCAN_USBPRO_STATUS_ERROR) { + u32 rx_err_cnt = (le32_to_cpu(er->err_frm) & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; + u32 tx_err_cnt = (le32_to_cpu(er->err_frm) & 0xff000000) >> 24; + + if (rx_err_cnt > 127) + err_mask |= CAN_ERR_CRTL_RX_PASSIVE; + else if (rx_err_cnt > 96) + err_mask |= CAN_ERR_CRTL_RX_WARNING; + + if (tx_err_cnt > 127) + err_mask |= CAN_ERR_CRTL_TX_PASSIVE; + else if (tx_err_cnt > 96) + err_mask |= CAN_ERR_CRTL_TX_WARNING; + + if (err_mask & (CAN_ERR_CRTL_RX_WARNING | + CAN_ERR_CRTL_TX_WARNING)) + new_state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_WARNING; + else if (err_mask & (CAN_ERR_CRTL_RX_PASSIVE | + CAN_ERR_CRTL_TX_PASSIVE)) + new_state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_PASSIVE; + } + + /* donot post any error if current state didn't change */ + if (dev->can.state == new_state) + return 0; + + /* allocate an skb to store the error frame */ + skb = alloc_can_err_skb(netdev, &can_frame); + if (!skb) + return -ENOMEM; + + switch (new_state) { + case CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF: + can_frame->can_id |= CAN_ERR_BUSOFF; + can_bus_off(netdev); + break; + + case CAN_STATE_ERROR_PASSIVE: + can_frame->can_id |= CAN_ERR_CRTL; + can_frame->data[1] |= err_mask; + dev->can.can_stats.error_passive++; + break; + + case CAN_STATE_ERROR_WARNING: + can_frame->can_id |= CAN_ERR_CRTL; + can_frame->data[1] |= err_mask; + dev->can.can_stats.error_warning++; + break; + + case CAN_STATE_ERROR_ACTIVE: + break; + + default: + /* CAN_STATE_MAX (trick to handle other errors) */ + if (raw_status & PCAN_USBPRO_STATUS_OVERRUN) { + can_frame->can_id |= CAN_ERR_PROT; + can_frame->data[2] |= CAN_ERR_PROT_OVERLOAD; + netdev->stats.rx_over_errors++; + netdev->stats.rx_errors++; + } + + if (raw_status & PCAN_USBPRO_STATUS_QOVERRUN) { + can_frame->can_id |= CAN_ERR_CRTL; + can_frame->data[1] |= CAN_ERR_CRTL_RX_OVERFLOW; + netdev->stats.rx_over_errors++; + netdev->stats.rx_errors++; + } + + new_state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_ACTIVE; + break; + } + + dev->can.state = new_state; + + peak_usb_get_ts_tv(&usb_if->time_ref, le32_to_cpu(er->ts32), &tv); + skb->tstamp = timeval_to_ktime(tv); + netif_rx(skb); + netdev->stats.rx_packets++; + netdev->stats.rx_bytes += can_frame->can_dlc; + + return 0; +} + +static void pcan_usb_pro_handle_ts(struct pcan_usb_pro_interface *usb_if, + struct pcan_usb_pro_rxts *ts) +{ + /* should wait until clock is stabilized */ + if (usb_if->cm_ignore_count > 0) + usb_if->cm_ignore_count--; + else + peak_usb_set_ts_now(&usb_if->time_ref, + le32_to_cpu(ts->ts64[1])); +} + +/* + * callback for bulk IN urb + */ +static int pcan_usb_pro_decode_buf(struct peak_usb_device *dev, struct urb *urb) +{ + struct pcan_usb_pro_interface *usb_if = pcan_usb_pro_dev_if(dev); + struct net_device *netdev = dev->netdev; + struct pcan_usb_pro_msg usb_msg; + u8 *rec_ptr, *msg_end; + u16 rec_cnt; + int err = 0; + + rec_ptr = pcan_msg_init(&usb_msg, urb->transfer_buffer, + urb->actual_length); + if (!rec_ptr) { + netdev_err(netdev, "bad msg hdr len %d\n", urb->actual_length); + return -EINVAL; + } + + /* loop reading all the records from the incoming message */ + msg_end = urb->transfer_buffer + urb->actual_length; + rec_cnt = le16_to_cpu(*usb_msg.u.rec_cnt_rd); + for (; rec_cnt > 0; rec_cnt--) { + union pcan_usb_pro_rec *pr = (union pcan_usb_pro_rec *)rec_ptr; + u16 sizeof_rec = pcan_usb_pro_sizeof_rec[pr->data_type]; + + if (!sizeof_rec) { + netdev_err(netdev, + "got unsupported rec in usb msg:\n"); + err = -ENOTSUPP; + break; + } + + /* check if the record goes out of current packet */ + if (rec_ptr + sizeof_rec > msg_end) { + netdev_err(netdev, + "got frag rec: should inc usb rx buf size\n"); + err = -EBADMSG; + break; + } + + switch (pr->data_type) { + case PCAN_USBPRO_RXMSG8: + case PCAN_USBPRO_RXMSG4: + case PCAN_USBPRO_RXMSG0: + case PCAN_USBPRO_RXRTR: + err = pcan_usb_pro_handle_canmsg(usb_if, &pr->rx_msg); + if (err < 0) + goto fail; + break; + + case PCAN_USBPRO_RXSTATUS: + err = pcan_usb_pro_handle_error(usb_if, &pr->rx_status); + if (err < 0) + goto fail; + break; + + case PCAN_USBPRO_RXTS: + pcan_usb_pro_handle_ts(usb_if, &pr->rx_ts); + break; + + default: + netdev_err(netdev, + "unhandled rec type 0x%02x (%d): ignored\n", + pr->data_type, pr->data_type); + break; + } + + rec_ptr += sizeof_rec; + } + +fail: + if (err) + dump_mem("received msg", + urb->transfer_buffer, urb->actual_length); + + return err; +} + +static int pcan_usb_pro_encode_msg(struct peak_usb_device *dev, + struct sk_buff *skb, u8 *obuf, size_t *size) +{ + struct can_frame *cf = (struct can_frame *)skb->data; + u8 data_type, len, flags; + struct pcan_usb_pro_msg usb_msg; + + pcan_msg_init_empty(&usb_msg, obuf, *size); + + if ((cf->can_id & CAN_RTR_FLAG) || (cf->can_dlc == 0)) + data_type = PCAN_USBPRO_TXMSG0; + else if (cf->can_dlc <= 4) + data_type = PCAN_USBPRO_TXMSG4; + else + data_type = PCAN_USBPRO_TXMSG8; + + len = (dev->ctrl_idx << 4) | (cf->can_dlc & 0x0f); + + flags = 0; + if (cf->can_id & CAN_EFF_FLAG) + flags |= 0x02; + if (cf->can_id & CAN_RTR_FLAG) + flags |= 0x01; + + pcan_msg_add_rec(&usb_msg, data_type, 0, flags, len, cf->can_id, + cf->data); + + *size = usb_msg.rec_buffer_len; + + return 0; +} + +static int pcan_usb_pro_start(struct peak_usb_device *dev) +{ + struct pcan_usb_pro_device *pdev = + container_of(dev, struct pcan_usb_pro_device, dev); + int err; + + err = pcan_usb_pro_set_silent(dev, + dev->can.ctrlmode & CAN_CTRLMODE_LISTENONLY); + if (err) + return err; + + /* filter mode: 0-> All OFF; 1->bypass */ + err = pcan_usb_pro_set_filter(dev, 1); + if (err) + return err; + + /* opening first device: */ + if (pdev->usb_if->dev_opened_count == 0) { + /* reset time_ref */ + peak_usb_init_time_ref(&pdev->usb_if->time_ref, &pcan_usb_pro); + + /* ask device to send ts messages */ + err = pcan_usb_pro_set_ts(dev, 1); + } + + pdev->usb_if->dev_opened_count++; + + return err; +} + +/* + * stop interface + * (last chance before set bus off) + */ +static int pcan_usb_pro_stop(struct peak_usb_device *dev) +{ + struct pcan_usb_pro_device *pdev = + container_of(dev, struct pcan_usb_pro_device, dev); + + /* turn off ts msgs for that interface if no other dev opened */ + if (pdev->usb_if->dev_opened_count == 1) + pcan_usb_pro_set_ts(dev, 0); + + pdev->usb_if->dev_opened_count--; + + return 0; +} + +/* + * called when probing to initialize a device object. + */ +static int pcan_usb_pro_init(struct peak_usb_device *dev) +{ + struct pcan_usb_pro_interface *usb_if; + struct pcan_usb_pro_device *pdev = + container_of(dev, struct pcan_usb_pro_device, dev); + + /* do this for 1st channel only */ + if (!dev->prev_siblings) { + struct pcan_usb_pro_fwinfo fi; + struct pcan_usb_pro_blinfo bi; + int err; + + /* allocate netdevices common structure attached to first one */ + usb_if = kzalloc(sizeof(struct pcan_usb_pro_interface), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!usb_if) + return -ENOMEM; + + /* number of ts msgs to ignore before taking one into account */ + usb_if->cm_ignore_count = 5; + + /* + * explicit use of dev_xxx() instead of netdev_xxx() here: + * information displayed are related to the device itself, not + * to the canx netdevices. + */ + err = pcan_usb_pro_send_req(dev, PCAN_USBPRO_REQ_INFO, + PCAN_USBPRO_INFO_FW, + &fi, sizeof(fi)); + if (err) { + dev_err(dev->netdev->dev.parent, + "unable to read %s firmware info (err %d)\n", + pcan_usb_pro.name, err); + return err; + } + + err = pcan_usb_pro_send_req(dev, PCAN_USBPRO_REQ_INFO, + PCAN_USBPRO_INFO_BL, + &bi, sizeof(bi)); + if (err) { + dev_err(dev->netdev->dev.parent, + "unable to read %s bootloader info (err %d)\n", + pcan_usb_pro.name, err); + return err; + } + + dev_info(dev->netdev->dev.parent, + "PEAK-System %s hwrev %u serial %08X.%08X (%u channels)\n", + pcan_usb_pro.name, + bi.hw_rev, bi.serial_num_hi, bi.serial_num_lo, + pcan_usb_pro.ctrl_count); + + /* tell the device the can driver is running */ + pcan_usb_pro_drv_loaded(dev, 1); + } else { + usb_if = pcan_usb_pro_dev_if(dev->prev_siblings); + } + + pdev->usb_if = usb_if; + usb_if->dev[dev->ctrl_idx] = dev; + + /* set LED in default state (end of init phase) */ + pcan_usb_pro_set_led(dev, 0, 1); + + return 0; +} + +static void pcan_usb_pro_exit(struct peak_usb_device *dev) +{ + struct pcan_usb_pro_device *pdev = + container_of(dev, struct pcan_usb_pro_device, dev); + + /* + * when rmmod called before unplug and if down, should reset things + * before leaving + */ + if (dev->can.state != CAN_STATE_STOPPED) { + /* set bus off on the corresponding channel */ + pcan_usb_pro_set_bus(dev, 0); + } + + /* if channel #0 (only) */ + if (dev->ctrl_idx == 0) { + /* turn off calibration message if any device were opened */ + if (pdev->usb_if->dev_opened_count > 0) + pcan_usb_pro_set_ts(dev, 0); + + /* tell the PCAN-USB Pro device the driver is being unloaded */ + pcan_usb_pro_drv_loaded(dev, 0); + } +} + +/* + * called when PCAN-USB Pro adapter is unplugged + */ +static void pcan_usb_pro_free(struct peak_usb_device *dev) +{ + /* last device: can free pcan_usb_pro_interface object now */ + if (!dev->prev_siblings && !dev->next_siblings) + kfree(pcan_usb_pro_dev_if(dev)); +} + +/* + * probe function for new PCAN-USB Pro usb interface + */ +static int pcan_usb_pro_probe(struct usb_interface *intf) +{ + struct usb_host_interface *if_desc; + int i; + + if_desc = intf->altsetting; + + /* check interface endpoint addresses */ + for (i = 0; i < if_desc->desc.bNumEndpoints; i++) { + struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *ep = &if_desc->endpoint[i].desc; + + /* + * below is the list of valid ep addreses. Any other ep address + * is considered as not-CAN interface address => no dev created + */ + switch (ep->bEndpointAddress) { + case PCAN_USBPRO_EP_CMDOUT: + case PCAN_USBPRO_EP_CMDIN: + case PCAN_USBPRO_EP_MSGOUT_0: + case PCAN_USBPRO_EP_MSGOUT_1: + case PCAN_USBPRO_EP_MSGIN: + case PCAN_USBPRO_EP_UNUSED: + break; + default: + return -ENODEV; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +/* + * describe the PCAN-USB Pro adapter + */ +struct peak_usb_adapter pcan_usb_pro = { + .name = "PCAN-USB Pro", + .device_id = PCAN_USBPRO_PRODUCT_ID, + .ctrl_count = PCAN_USBPRO_CHANNEL_COUNT, + .clock = { + .freq = PCAN_USBPRO_CRYSTAL_HZ, + }, + .bittiming_const = { + .name = "pcan_usb_pro", + .tseg1_min = 1, + .tseg1_max = 16, + .tseg2_min = 1, + .tseg2_max = 8, + .sjw_max = 4, + .brp_min = 1, + .brp_max = 1024, + .brp_inc = 1, + }, + + /* size of device private data */ + .sizeof_dev_private = sizeof(struct pcan_usb_pro_device), + + /* timestamps usage */ + .ts_used_bits = 32, + .ts_period = 1000000, /* calibration period in ts. */ + .us_per_ts_scale = 1, /* us = (ts * scale) >> shift */ + .us_per_ts_shift = 0, + + /* give here messages in/out endpoints */ + .ep_msg_in = PCAN_USBPRO_EP_MSGIN, + .ep_msg_out = {PCAN_USBPRO_EP_MSGOUT_0, PCAN_USBPRO_EP_MSGOUT_1}, + + /* size of rx/tx usb buffers */ + .rx_buffer_size = PCAN_USBPRO_RX_BUFFER_SIZE, + .tx_buffer_size = PCAN_USBPRO_TX_BUFFER_SIZE, + + /* device callbacks */ + .intf_probe = pcan_usb_pro_probe, + .dev_init = pcan_usb_pro_init, + .dev_exit = pcan_usb_pro_exit, + .dev_free = pcan_usb_pro_free, + .dev_set_bus = pcan_usb_pro_set_bus, + .dev_set_bittiming = pcan_usb_pro_set_bittiming, + .dev_get_device_id = pcan_usb_pro_get_device_id, + .dev_decode_buf = pcan_usb_pro_decode_buf, + .dev_encode_msg = pcan_usb_pro_encode_msg, + .dev_start = pcan_usb_pro_start, + .dev_stop = pcan_usb_pro_stop, + .dev_restart_async = pcan_usb_pro_restart_async, +}; diff --git a/drivers/net/can/usb/peak_usb/pcan_usb_pro.h b/drivers/net/can/usb/peak_usb/pcan_usb_pro.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a869918c5620ea8977e9c12e47cd1fadb9b0cea1 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/can/usb/peak_usb/pcan_usb_pro.h @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +/* + * CAN driver for PEAK System PCAN-USB Pro adapter + * Derived from the PCAN project file driver/src/pcan_usbpro_fw.h + * + * Copyright (C) 2003-2011 PEAK System-Technik GmbH + * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Stephane Grosjean + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published + * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + */ +#ifndef PCAN_USB_PRO_H +#define PCAN_USB_PRO_H + +/* + * USB Vendor request data types + */ +#define PCAN_USBPRO_REQ_INFO 0 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_REQ_FCT 2 + +/* Vendor Request value for XXX_INFO */ +#define PCAN_USBPRO_INFO_BL 0 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_INFO_FW 1 + +/* Vendor Request value for XXX_FCT */ +#define PCAN_USBPRO_FCT_DRVLD 5 /* tell device driver is loaded */ + +/* PCAN_USBPRO_INFO_BL vendor request record type */ +struct __packed pcan_usb_pro_blinfo { + u32 ctrl_type; + u8 version[4]; + u8 day; + u8 month; + u8 year; + u8 dummy; + u32 serial_num_hi; + u32 serial_num_lo; + u32 hw_type; + u32 hw_rev; +}; + +/* PCAN_USBPRO_INFO_FW vendor request record type */ +struct __packed pcan_usb_pro_fwinfo { + u32 ctrl_type; + u8 version[4]; + u8 day; + u8 month; + u8 year; + u8 dummy; + u32 fw_type; +}; + +/* + * USB Command record types + */ +#define PCAN_USBPRO_SETBTR 0x02 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_SETBUSACT 0x04 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_SETSILENT 0x05 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_SETFILTR 0x0a +#define PCAN_USBPRO_SETTS 0x10 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_GETDEVID 0x12 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_SETLED 0x1C +#define PCAN_USBPRO_RXMSG8 0x80 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_RXMSG4 0x81 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_RXMSG0 0x82 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_RXRTR 0x83 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_RXSTATUS 0x84 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_RXTS 0x85 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_TXMSG8 0x41 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_TXMSG4 0x42 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_TXMSG0 0x43 + +/* record structures */ +struct __packed pcan_usb_pro_btr { + u8 data_type; + u8 channel; + u16 dummy; + u32 CCBT; +}; + +struct __packed pcan_usb_pro_busact { + u8 data_type; + u8 channel; + u16 onoff; +}; + +struct __packed pcan_usb_pro_silent { + u8 data_type; + u8 channel; + u16 onoff; +}; + +struct __packed pcan_usb_pro_filter { + u8 data_type; + u8 dummy; + u16 filter_mode; +}; + +struct __packed pcan_usb_pro_setts { + u8 data_type; + u8 dummy; + u16 mode; +}; + +struct __packed pcan_usb_pro_devid { + u8 data_type; + u8 channel; + u16 dummy; + u32 serial_num; +}; + +struct __packed pcan_usb_pro_setled { + u8 data_type; + u8 channel; + u16 mode; + u32 timeout; +}; + +struct __packed pcan_usb_pro_rxmsg { + u8 data_type; + u8 client; + u8 flags; + u8 len; + u32 ts32; + u32 id; + + u8 data[8]; +}; + +#define PCAN_USBPRO_STATUS_ERROR 0x0001 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_STATUS_BUS 0x0002 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_STATUS_OVERRUN 0x0004 +#define PCAN_USBPRO_STATUS_QOVERRUN 0x0008 + +struct __packed pcan_usb_pro_rxstatus { + u8 data_type; + u8 channel; + u16 status; + u32 ts32; + u32 err_frm; +}; + +struct __packed pcan_usb_pro_rxts { + u8 data_type; + u8 dummy[3]; + u32 ts64[2]; +}; + +struct __packed pcan_usb_pro_txmsg { + u8 data_type; + u8 client; + u8 flags; + u8 len; + u32 id; + u8 data[8]; +}; + +union pcan_usb_pro_rec { + u8 data_type; + struct pcan_usb_pro_btr btr; + struct pcan_usb_pro_busact bus_act; + struct pcan_usb_pro_silent silent_mode; + struct pcan_usb_pro_filter filter_mode; + struct pcan_usb_pro_setts ts; + struct pcan_usb_pro_devid dev_id; + struct pcan_usb_pro_setled set_led; + struct pcan_usb_pro_rxmsg rx_msg; + struct pcan_usb_pro_rxstatus rx_status; + struct pcan_usb_pro_rxts rx_ts; + struct pcan_usb_pro_txmsg tx_msg; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/drivers/net/dummy.c b/drivers/net/dummy.c index 087648ea1edb0ff015ce8abce33ef7ea7a71e0d2..d5c6d92f1ee77b1df16d59faf4c18e6d5889c07c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/dummy.c +++ b/drivers/net/dummy.c @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ static int dummy_set_address(struct net_device *dev, void *p) if (!is_valid_ether_addr(sa->sa_data)) return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; + dev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, sa->sa_data, ETH_ALEN); return 0; } @@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ static void dummy_setup(struct net_device *dev) dev->flags &= ~IFF_MULTICAST; dev->features |= NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_FRAGLIST | NETIF_F_TSO; dev->features |= NETIF_F_HW_CSUM | NETIF_F_HIGHDMA | NETIF_F_LLTX; - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); } static int dummy_validate(struct nlattr *tb[], struct nlattr *data[]) diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c501.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c501.c index 68da81d476f3b7e5888457507fa7ea4830f16ed6..bf73e1a02293647a49e9b2b4abcc465149377b94 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c501.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c501.c @@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ static void el_receive(struct net_device *dev) */ outb(AX_SYS, AX_CMD); - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len+2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2); /* * Start of frame diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c509.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c509.c index 92053e6fc980a95b6ae6f5836ff1fdce5d1f79e2..41719da2e17864e6815e5bf5b2c0ef20062ba703 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c509.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c509.c @@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ el3_rx(struct net_device *dev) short pkt_len = rx_status & 0x7ff; struct sk_buff *skb; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len+5); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 5); if (el3_debug > 4) pr_debug("Receiving packet size %d status %4.4x.\n", pkt_len, rx_status); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c515.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c515.c index f67a5d3a200c45c43242a89395c55b16b8cff8c1..59e1e001bc3f538d67f210a46646283890e8832b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c515.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c515.c @@ -826,11 +826,10 @@ static int corkscrew_open(struct net_device *dev) vp->rx_ring[i].next = 0; vp->rx_ring[i].status = 0; /* Clear complete bit. */ vp->rx_ring[i].length = PKT_BUF_SZ | 0x80000000; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(PKT_BUF_SZ); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, PKT_BUF_SZ); vp->rx_skbuff[i] = skb; if (skb == NULL) break; /* Bad news! */ - skb->dev = dev; /* Mark as being used by this device. */ skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* Align IP on 16 byte boundaries */ vp->rx_ring[i].addr = isa_virt_to_bus(skb->data); } @@ -1295,7 +1294,7 @@ static int corkscrew_rx(struct net_device *dev) short pkt_len = rx_status & 0x1fff; struct sk_buff *skb; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 5 + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 5 + 2); if (corkscrew_debug > 4) pr_debug("Receiving packet size %d status %4.4x.\n", pkt_len, rx_status); @@ -1368,7 +1367,7 @@ static int boomerang_rx(struct net_device *dev) /* Check if the packet is long enough to just accept without copying to a properly sized skbuff. */ if (pkt_len < rx_copybreak && - (skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 4)) != NULL) { + (skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 4)) != NULL) { skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* Align IP on 16 byte boundaries */ /* 'skb_put()' points to the start of sk_buff data area. */ memcpy(skb_put(skb, pkt_len), @@ -1403,10 +1402,9 @@ static int boomerang_rx(struct net_device *dev) struct sk_buff *skb; entry = vp->dirty_rx % RX_RING_SIZE; if (vp->rx_skbuff[entry] == NULL) { - skb = dev_alloc_skb(PKT_BUF_SZ); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, PKT_BUF_SZ); if (skb == NULL) break; /* Bad news! */ - skb->dev = dev; /* Mark as being used by this device. */ skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* Align IP on 16 byte boundaries */ vp->rx_ring[entry].addr = isa_virt_to_bus(skb->data); vp->rx_skbuff[entry] = skb; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c574_cs.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c574_cs.c index 9c01bc9235b36cc7c1c5acfd857e6d4b1f5ab1b9..e61b2f82ba3a8d001e4f0824b22e70e1ef0b2391 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c574_cs.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c574_cs.c @@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@ static int el3_rx(struct net_device *dev, int worklimit) short pkt_len = rx_status & 0x7ff; struct sk_buff *skb; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len+5); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 5); pr_debug(" Receiving packet size %d status %4.4x.\n", pkt_len, rx_status); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c589_cs.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c589_cs.c index da410f036869cd4cb4f9368acfc4441c027f2278..b23253b9f74235f75bab3ea5355d7aed7d3fbcfe 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c589_cs.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c589_cs.c @@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ static int el3_rx(struct net_device *dev) short pkt_len = rx_status & 0x7ff; struct sk_buff *skb; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len+5); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 5); netdev_dbg(dev, " Receiving packet size %d status %4.4x.\n", pkt_len, rx_status); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c59x.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c59x.c index f9b74c0a84926eb0cfb93dea482719a4be797202..e463d10368294a57ceaeb17aa3ba27f21dad0bca 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c59x.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/3c59x.c @@ -1121,10 +1121,9 @@ static int __devinit vortex_probe1(struct device *gendev, dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*vp)); retval = -ENOMEM; - if (!dev) { - pr_err(PFX "unable to allocate etherdev, aborting\n"); + if (!dev) goto out; - } + SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, gendev); vp = netdev_priv(dev); @@ -2500,7 +2499,7 @@ static int vortex_rx(struct net_device *dev) int pkt_len = rx_status & 0x1fff; struct sk_buff *skb; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 5); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 5); if (vortex_debug > 4) pr_debug("Receiving packet size %d status %4.4x.\n", pkt_len, rx_status); @@ -2579,7 +2578,8 @@ boomerang_rx(struct net_device *dev) /* Check if the packet is long enough to just accept without copying to a properly sized skbuff. */ - if (pkt_len < rx_copybreak && (skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { + if (pkt_len < rx_copybreak && + (skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* Align IP on 16 byte boundaries */ pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(VORTEX_PCI(vp), dma, PKT_BUF_SZ, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); /* 'skb_put()' points to the start of sk_buff data area. */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/Kconfig b/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/Kconfig index a8bb30cf512dcbe8e0f8c7e58081e42ff6a6a817..bad4fa6815c597133d7971f2555f9f141b83a712 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/Kconfig @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ config VORTEX available from . More specific information is in and in the comments at - the beginning of . + the beginning of . To compile this support as a module, choose M here. diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/typhoon.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/typhoon.c index 6d6bc754b1a8e9f3fd49255aaadfe5620c49d567..1234a14b2b73b0bc2a0e478c6910c0b45dcfab07 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/typhoon.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/3com/typhoon.c @@ -966,18 +966,6 @@ typhoon_get_stats(struct net_device *dev) return stats; } -static int -typhoon_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *addr) -{ - struct sockaddr *saddr = (struct sockaddr *) addr; - - if(netif_running(dev)) - return -EBUSY; - - memcpy(dev->dev_addr, saddr->sa_data, dev->addr_len); - return 0; -} - static void typhoon_get_drvinfo(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_drvinfo *info) { @@ -1607,7 +1595,7 @@ typhoon_alloc_rx_skb(struct typhoon *tp, u32 idx) le32_to_cpu(indexes->rxBuffCleared)) return -ENOMEM; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(PKT_BUF_SZ); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(tp->dev, PKT_BUF_SZ); if(!skb) return -ENOMEM; @@ -1618,7 +1606,6 @@ typhoon_alloc_rx_skb(struct typhoon *tp, u32 idx) skb_reserve(skb, 2); #endif - skb->dev = tp->dev; dma_addr = pci_map_single(tp->pdev, skb->data, PKT_BUF_SZ, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); @@ -1673,7 +1660,7 @@ typhoon_rx(struct typhoon *tp, struct basic_ring *rxRing, volatile __le32 * read pkt_len = le16_to_cpu(rx->frameLen); if(pkt_len < rx_copybreak && - (new_skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { + (new_skb = netdev_alloc_skb(tp->dev, pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { skb_reserve(new_skb, 2); pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(tp->pdev, dma_addr, PKT_BUF_SZ, @@ -2267,7 +2254,7 @@ static const struct net_device_ops typhoon_netdev_ops = { .ndo_tx_timeout = typhoon_tx_timeout, .ndo_get_stats = typhoon_get_stats, .ndo_validate_addr = eth_validate_addr, - .ndo_set_mac_address = typhoon_set_mac_address, + .ndo_set_mac_address = eth_mac_addr, .ndo_change_mtu = eth_change_mtu, }; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/8390/ax88796.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/8390/ax88796.c index 0f92e3567f687ea6e9107d7786cc808a792ab025..c30adcc9828a401955a575dc67583f90aa470096 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/8390/ax88796.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/8390/ax88796.c @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* drivers/net/ax88796.c +/* drivers/net/ethernet/8390/ax88796.c * * Copyright 2005,2007 Simtec Electronics * Ben Dooks diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/8390/axnet_cs.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/8390/axnet_cs.c index bba51cdc74a1a37dfc7560dc0fa0f5ad5db5b8cc..c5bd8eb7a9f598d14665c31cfba6f9ff49f83f46 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/8390/axnet_cs.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/8390/axnet_cs.c @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ static int get_prom(struct pcmcia_device *link) unsigned int ioaddr = dev->base_addr; int i, j; - /* This is based on drivers/net/ne.c */ + /* This is based on drivers/net/ethernet/8390/ne.c */ struct { u_char value, offset; } program_seq[] = { @@ -1408,7 +1408,7 @@ static void ei_receive(struct net_device *dev) { struct sk_buff *skb; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len+2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2); if (skb == NULL) { if (ei_debug > 1) diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/8390/lib8390.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/8390/lib8390.c index 05ae21435bfddf9abd98e98ef00a98f065f8bdf0..e77f624e819476214ea146b7cc46b511420df4f7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/8390/lib8390.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/8390/lib8390.c @@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ static void ei_receive(struct net_device *dev) } else if ((pkt_stat & 0x0F) == ENRSR_RXOK) { struct sk_buff *skb; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len+2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2); if (skb == NULL) { if (ei_debug > 1) netdev_dbg(dev, "Couldn't allocate a sk_buff of size %d\n", diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/8390/pcnet_cs.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/8390/pcnet_cs.c index 053b2551a72d43f013ea3aa357f151fed6579d51..f2a4e5de18c4197f0ef3fd17cdf0a0186887864d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/8390/pcnet_cs.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/8390/pcnet_cs.c @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ static hw_info_t *get_prom(struct pcmcia_device *link) u_char prom[32]; int i, j; - /* This is lifted straight from drivers/net/ne.c */ + /* This is lifted straight from drivers/net/ethernet/8390/ne.c */ struct { u_char value, offset; } program_seq[] = { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/Kconfig b/drivers/net/ethernet/Kconfig index 3474a61d470501adb915b6dc2e0cef487672a971..c63a64cb608546b0a13fcd48842998786261dca9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/Kconfig @@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ config NET_NETX source "drivers/net/ethernet/nuvoton/Kconfig" source "drivers/net/ethernet/nvidia/Kconfig" +source "drivers/net/ethernet/nxp/Kconfig" source "drivers/net/ethernet/octeon/Kconfig" source "drivers/net/ethernet/oki-semi/Kconfig" diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/Makefile b/drivers/net/ethernet/Makefile index 08d5f03888777b1a977d0c07c7bc8248971a4ae3..9676a5109d94a42d7ed8ee35a9a6ddbe776ecac7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/Makefile @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_NET_VENDOR_NATSEMI) += natsemi/ obj-$(CONFIG_NET_NETX) += netx-eth.o obj-$(CONFIG_NET_VENDOR_NUVOTON) += nuvoton/ obj-$(CONFIG_NET_VENDOR_NVIDIA) += nvidia/ +obj-$(CONFIG_LPC_ENET) += nxp/ obj-$(CONFIG_OCTEON_MGMT_ETHERNET) += octeon/ obj-$(CONFIG_NET_VENDOR_OKI) += oki-semi/ obj-$(CONFIG_ETHOC) += ethoc.o diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/adaptec/starfire.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/adaptec/starfire.c index cb4f38a17f2006aa5fa4971c7a260d6d5957fff1..d896816512ca952f943b9bbe04e27686a0bab7fd 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/adaptec/starfire.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/adaptec/starfire.c @@ -686,10 +686,9 @@ static int __devinit starfire_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, } dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*np)); - if (!dev) { - printk(KERN_ERR DRV_NAME " %d: cannot alloc etherdev, aborting\n", card_idx); + if (!dev) return -ENOMEM; - } + SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev); irq = pdev->irq; @@ -1180,12 +1179,11 @@ static void init_ring(struct net_device *dev) /* Fill in the Rx buffers. Handle allocation failure gracefully. */ for (i = 0; i < RX_RING_SIZE; i++) { - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(np->rx_buf_sz); + struct sk_buff *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, np->rx_buf_sz); np->rx_info[i].skb = skb; if (skb == NULL) break; np->rx_info[i].mapping = pci_map_single(np->pci_dev, skb->data, np->rx_buf_sz, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); - skb->dev = dev; /* Mark as being used by this device. */ /* Grrr, we cannot offset to correctly align the IP header. */ np->rx_ring[i].rxaddr = cpu_to_dma(np->rx_info[i].mapping | RxDescValid); } @@ -1473,7 +1471,7 @@ static int __netdev_rx(struct net_device *dev, int *quota) /* Check if the packet is long enough to accept without copying to a minimally-sized skbuff. */ if (pkt_len < rx_copybreak && - (skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { + (skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* 16 byte align the IP header */ pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(np->pci_dev, np->rx_info[entry].mapping, @@ -1597,13 +1595,12 @@ static void refill_rx_ring(struct net_device *dev) for (; np->cur_rx - np->dirty_rx > 0; np->dirty_rx++) { entry = np->dirty_rx % RX_RING_SIZE; if (np->rx_info[entry].skb == NULL) { - skb = dev_alloc_skb(np->rx_buf_sz); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, np->rx_buf_sz); np->rx_info[entry].skb = skb; if (skb == NULL) break; /* Better luck next round. */ np->rx_info[entry].mapping = pci_map_single(np->pci_dev, skb->data, np->rx_buf_sz, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); - skb->dev = dev; /* Mark as being used by this device. */ np->rx_ring[entry].rxaddr = cpu_to_dma(np->rx_info[entry].mapping | RxDescValid); } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/adi/bfin_mac.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/adi/bfin_mac.c index d812a103e032788ee6b3456dc6bb29e33c0decdb..ab4daeccdf98a58eb4c5d849c77e09dd2a13b6c8 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/adi/bfin_mac.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/adi/bfin_mac.c @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ static void desc_list_free(void) } } -static int desc_list_init(void) +static int desc_list_init(struct net_device *dev) { int i; struct sk_buff *new_skb; @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ static int desc_list_init(void) struct dma_descriptor *b = &(r->desc_b); /* allocate a new skb for next time receive */ - new_skb = dev_alloc_skb(PKT_BUF_SZ + NET_IP_ALIGN); + new_skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, PKT_BUF_SZ + NET_IP_ALIGN); if (!new_skb) { pr_notice("init: low on mem - packet dropped\n"); goto init_error; @@ -621,6 +621,7 @@ static int bfin_mac_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *p) if (netif_running(dev)) return -EBUSY; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, dev->addr_len); + dev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; setup_mac_addr(dev->dev_addr); return 0; } @@ -1090,7 +1091,7 @@ static void bfin_mac_rx(struct net_device *dev) /* allocate a new skb for next time receive */ skb = current_rx_ptr->skb; - new_skb = dev_alloc_skb(PKT_BUF_SZ + NET_IP_ALIGN); + new_skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, PKT_BUF_SZ + NET_IP_ALIGN); if (!new_skb) { netdev_notice(dev, "rx: low on mem - packet dropped\n"); dev->stats.rx_dropped++; @@ -1397,7 +1398,7 @@ static int bfin_mac_open(struct net_device *dev) } /* initial rx and tx list */ - ret = desc_list_init(); + ret = desc_list_init(dev); if (ret) return ret; @@ -1467,10 +1468,8 @@ static int __devinit bfin_mac_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) int rc; ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct bfin_mac_local)); - if (!ndev) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Cannot allocate net device!\n"); + if (!ndev) return -ENOMEM; - } SET_NETDEV_DEV(ndev, &pdev->dev); platform_set_drvdata(pdev, ndev); @@ -1496,12 +1495,14 @@ static int __devinit bfin_mac_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) * Grab the MAC from the board somehow * this is done in the arch/blackfin/mach-bfxxx/boards/eth_mac.c */ - if (!is_valid_ether_addr(ndev->dev_addr)) - bfin_get_ether_addr(ndev->dev_addr); - - /* If still not valid, get a random one */ - if (!is_valid_ether_addr(ndev->dev_addr)) - random_ether_addr(ndev->dev_addr); + if (!is_valid_ether_addr(ndev->dev_addr)) { + if (bfin_get_ether_addr(ndev->dev_addr) || + !is_valid_ether_addr(ndev->dev_addr)) { + /* Still not valid, get a random one */ + netdev_warn(ndev, "Setting Ethernet MAC to a random one\n"); + eth_hw_addr_random(ndev); + } + } setup_mac_addr(ndev->dev_addr); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/adi/bfin_mac.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/adi/bfin_mac.h index f8559ac9a4034fbf7fe8038f9d352dc978ec7835..960905c0822389cee89101671fea646ce5d140a2 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/adi/bfin_mac.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/adi/bfin_mac.h @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ struct bfin_mac_local { #endif }; -extern void bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr); +extern int bfin_get_ether_addr(char *addr); #endif diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/aeroflex/greth.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/aeroflex/greth.c index c885aa905decb01c1399ea50639cc2d734d3b419..3485011780893b2a8f2113c7c0f68a682120522a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/aeroflex/greth.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/aeroflex/greth.c @@ -785,7 +785,6 @@ static int greth_rx(struct net_device *dev, int limit) } else { skb_reserve(skb, NET_IP_ALIGN); - skb->dev = dev; dma_sync_single_for_cpu(greth->dev, dma_addr, @@ -1018,7 +1017,7 @@ static int greth_set_mac_add(struct net_device *dev, void *p) regs = (struct greth_regs *) greth->regs; if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, dev->addr_len); GRETH_REGSAVE(regs->esa_msb, dev->dev_addr[0] << 8 | dev->dev_addr[1]); @@ -1422,7 +1421,7 @@ static int __devinit greth_of_probe(struct platform_device *ofdev) SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, greth->dev); if (netif_msg_probe(greth)) - dev_dbg(greth->dev, "reseting controller.\n"); + dev_dbg(greth->dev, "resetting controller.\n"); /* Reset the controller. */ GRETH_REGSAVE(regs->control, GRETH_RESET); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/alteon/acenic.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/alteon/acenic.c index f872748ab4e6f7ad64343d714032e524024ad193..6c3b1c0adaa0e589563f080ca62e8eb4f69f0907 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/alteon/acenic.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/alteon/acenic.c @@ -463,11 +463,8 @@ static int __devinit acenic_probe_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, static int boards_found; dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct ace_private)); - if (dev == NULL) { - printk(KERN_ERR "acenic: Unable to allocate " - "net_device structure!\n"); + if (dev == NULL) return -ENOMEM; - } SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/7990.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/7990.c index 60b35fb5f524abe02c9d09d0a64036593d1b956a..1b046f58d58fa7c20384a6192da4e30fc4ad6208 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/7990.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/7990.c @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ static int lance_rx (struct net_device *dev) if (bits & LE_R1_EOP) dev->stats.rx_errors++; } else { int len = (rd->mblength & 0xfff) - 4; - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb (len+2); + struct sk_buff *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, len + 2); if (!skb) { printk ("%s: Memory squeeze, deferring packet.\n", diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/Kconfig b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/Kconfig index 238b537b68fe27349ffdfaa4a6c6fc316bea18f5..8350f4b37a8a00727afb56000a5c88856abad925 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/Kconfig @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ config DEPCA If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from as well as - . + . To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module will be called depca. diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/a2065.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/a2065.c index 825e5d4ef4c3ba739640186f8f8b57f5fb5f56b8..689dfcafc6d47ed843f35ffd1a9ab09517f36d43 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/a2065.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/a2065.c @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ static int lance_rx(struct net_device *dev) dev->stats.rx_errors++; } else { int len = (rd->mblength & 0xfff) - 4; - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(len + 2); + struct sk_buff *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, len + 2); if (!skb) { netdev_warn(dev, "Memory squeeze, deferring packet\n"); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/am79c961a.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/am79c961a.c index 7d5ded80d2d7164341646307b3ebf1f6bc0ea562..cc7b9e46780c2c7cfbcbd94b8607fa154b49d2ed 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/am79c961a.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/am79c961a.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * linux/drivers/net/am79c961.c + * linux/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/am79c961a.c * * by Russell King 1995-2001. * @@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ am79c961_rx(struct net_device *dev, struct dev_priv *priv) } len = am_readword(dev, hdraddr + 6); - skb = dev_alloc_skb(len + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, len + 2); if (skb) { skb_reserve(skb, 2); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/am79c961a.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/am79c961a.h index fd634d32756bddcfcbe7b1d79f1b1b3105d32162..9f384b79507bd9e43cf377eeeb3e7b26c5324664 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/am79c961a.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/am79c961a.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * linux/drivers/net/arm/am79c961a.h + * linux/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/am79c961a.h * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/amd8111e.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/amd8111e.c index 33e0a8c20f6b42db39ae423fbed5e30e9c100656..9f62504d008691244ba81d495b47ff64d16a882a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/amd8111e.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/amd8111e.c @@ -336,7 +336,8 @@ static int amd8111e_init_ring(struct net_device *dev) /* Allocating receive skbs */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_RX_BUFFERS; i++) { - if (!(lp->rx_skbuff[i] = dev_alloc_skb(lp->rx_buff_len))) { + lp->rx_skbuff[i] = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, lp->rx_buff_len); + if (!lp->rx_skbuff[i]) { /* Release previos allocated skbs */ for(--i; i >= 0 ;i--) dev_kfree_skb(lp->rx_skbuff[i]); @@ -768,7 +769,8 @@ static int amd8111e_rx_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) } if(--rx_pkt_limit < 0) goto rx_not_empty; - if(!(new_skb = dev_alloc_skb(lp->rx_buff_len))){ + new_skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, lp->rx_buff_len); + if (!new_skb) { /* if allocation fail, ignore that pkt and go to next one */ lp->rx_ring[rx_index].rx_flags &= RESET_RX_FLAGS; @@ -1859,7 +1861,6 @@ static int __devinit amd8111e_probe_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct amd8111e_priv)); if (!dev) { - printk(KERN_ERR "amd8111e: Etherdev alloc failed, exiting.\n"); err = -ENOMEM; goto err_free_reg; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/ariadne.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/ariadne.c index eb18e1fe65c89ef88296b3eec49b22b76ad91aee..f4c228e4d76c89351001cffb9817af870a675da0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/ariadne.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/ariadne.c @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ static int ariadne_rx(struct net_device *dev) short pkt_len = swapw(priv->rx_ring[entry]->RMD3); struct sk_buff *skb; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2); if (skb == NULL) { netdev_warn(dev, "Memory squeeze, deferring packet\n"); for (i = 0; i < RX_RING_SIZE; i++) diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/atarilance.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/atarilance.c index 15bfa28d6c53a0ef36eede8105eb7703b397ba91..70ed79c46245a4b3bdbe71b3eddf2258cf23e929 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/atarilance.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/atarilance.c @@ -997,7 +997,7 @@ static int lance_rx( struct net_device *dev ) dev->stats.rx_errors++; } else { - skb = dev_alloc_skb( pkt_len+2 ); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2); if (skb == NULL) { DPRINTK( 1, ( "%s: Memory squeeze, deferring packet.\n", dev->name )); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/au1000_eth.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/au1000_eth.c index 8b95dd314253ab4e36bbbcb01b09a7c35d8e8585..397596b078d9415d7b3431f78b140542da88e2be 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/au1000_eth.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/au1000_eth.c @@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ static int au1000_rx(struct net_device *dev) /* good frame */ frmlen = (status & RX_FRAME_LEN_MASK); frmlen -= 4; /* Remove FCS */ - skb = dev_alloc_skb(frmlen + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, frmlen + 2); if (skb == NULL) { netdev_err(dev, "Memory squeeze, dropping packet.\n"); dev->stats.rx_dropped++; @@ -1077,7 +1077,6 @@ static int __devinit au1000_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct au1000_private)); if (!dev) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "alloc_etherdev failed\n"); err = -ENOMEM; goto err_alloc; } @@ -1130,9 +1129,6 @@ static int __devinit au1000_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) au1000_setup_hw_rings(aup, aup->macdma); - /* set a random MAC now in case platform_data doesn't provide one */ - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); - writel(0, aup->enable); aup->mac_enabled = 0; @@ -1142,8 +1138,12 @@ static int __devinit au1000_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) " PHY search on MAC0\n"); aup->phy1_search_mac0 = 1; } else { - if (is_valid_ether_addr(pd->mac)) + if (is_valid_ether_addr(pd->mac)) { memcpy(dev->dev_addr, pd->mac, 6); + } else { + /* Set a random MAC since no valid provided by platform_data. */ + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); + } aup->phy_static_config = pd->phy_static_config; aup->phy_search_highest_addr = pd->phy_search_highest_addr; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/declance.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/declance.c index 73f8d4fa682dabfff623cbfddaca87dcf56190de..7dc508e5c72e89e0b7d964c98d4e1aef09e60cb2 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/declance.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/declance.c @@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ static int lance_rx(struct net_device *dev) dev->stats.rx_errors++; } else { len = (*rds_ptr(rd, mblength, lp->type) & 0xfff) - 4; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(len + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, len + 2); if (skb == 0) { printk("%s: Memory squeeze, deferring packet.\n", @@ -1052,8 +1052,6 @@ static int __devinit dec_lance_probe(struct device *bdev, const int type) dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct lance_private)); if (!dev) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Unable to allocate etherdev, aborting.\n", - name); ret = -ENOMEM; goto err_out; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/depca.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/depca.c index 681970c07f22337ba70acdcd7ef59f290b09b155..86dd95766a64f6575bda9b36cfb5ff2dfbf630a6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/depca.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/depca.c @@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ static int depca_rx(struct net_device *dev) short len, pkt_len = readw(&lp->rx_ring[entry].msg_length) - 4; struct sk_buff *skb; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2); if (skb != NULL) { unsigned char *buf; skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* 16 byte align the IP header */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/hplance.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/hplance.c index 86aa0d546a5b09f697c0ded4d73926214d013eec..4e2d68a4de8aae7fb9404067d18508cbf8be4d19 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/hplance.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/hplance.c @@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ static int __devinit hplance_init_one(struct dio_dev *d, { struct net_device *dev; int err = -ENOMEM; - int i; dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct hplance_private)); if (!dev) @@ -107,13 +106,8 @@ static int __devinit hplance_init_one(struct dio_dev *d, dio_set_drvdata(d, dev); - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: %s; select code %d, addr %2.2x", dev->name, d->name, d->scode, dev->dev_addr[0]); - - for (i=1; i<6; i++) { - printk(":%2.2x", dev->dev_addr[i]); - } - - printk(", irq %d\n", d->ipl); + printk(KERN_INFO "%s: %s; select code %d, addr %pM, irq %d\n", + dev->name, d->name, d->scode, dev->dev_addr, d->ipl); return 0; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/ni65.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/ni65.c index 6e6aa7213aab50a7c6118819b5cf83c862510922..013b651085369c83e20db7b4c5f868c382c5dccd 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/ni65.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/ni65.c @@ -621,10 +621,8 @@ static void *ni65_alloc_mem(struct net_device *dev,char *what,int size,int type) } else { ret = ptr = kmalloc(T_BUF_SIZE,GFP_KERNEL | GFP_DMA); - if(!ret) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: unable to allocate %s memory.\n",dev->name,what); + if(!ret) return NULL; - } } if( (u32) virt_to_phys(ptr+size) > 0x1000000) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: unable to allocate %s memory in lower 16MB!\n",dev->name,what); @@ -1091,7 +1089,7 @@ static void ni65_recv_intr(struct net_device *dev,int csr0) if (skb) skb_reserve(skb,16); #else - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(len+2); + struct sk_buff *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, len + 2); #endif if(skb) { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/nmclan_cs.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/nmclan_cs.c index 6be0dd67631a448cdeafb39ce23185ae150c22ed..ebdb9e238a8d822e1863aa26adfb99563ed47ece 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/nmclan_cs.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/nmclan_cs.c @@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@ static int mace_rx(struct net_device *dev, unsigned char RxCnt) pr_debug(" receiving packet size 0x%X rx_status" " 0x%X.\n", pkt_len, rx_status); - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len+2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2); if (skb != NULL) { skb_reserve(skb, 2); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/pcnet32.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/pcnet32.c index 20e6dab0186c78da49d43e14b5f66370936c7cf3..86b6d8e4e6cd594ec39bdb5ca41fe130008fac64 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/pcnet32.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/pcnet32.c @@ -588,11 +588,11 @@ static void pcnet32_realloc_rx_ring(struct net_device *dev, /* now allocate any new buffers needed */ for (; new < size; new++) { struct sk_buff *rx_skbuff; - new_skb_list[new] = dev_alloc_skb(PKT_BUF_SKB); + new_skb_list[new] = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, PKT_BUF_SKB); rx_skbuff = new_skb_list[new]; if (!rx_skbuff) { /* keep the original lists and buffers */ - netif_err(lp, drv, dev, "%s dev_alloc_skb failed\n", + netif_err(lp, drv, dev, "%s netdev_alloc_skb failed\n", __func__); goto free_all_new; } @@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ static int pcnet32_loopback_test(struct net_device *dev, uint64_t * data1) /* Initialize Transmit buffers. */ size = data_len + 15; for (x = 0; x < numbuffs; x++) { - skb = dev_alloc_skb(size); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, size); if (!skb) { netif_printk(lp, hw, KERN_DEBUG, dev, "Cannot allocate skb at line: %d!\n", @@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@ static void pcnet32_rx_entry(struct net_device *dev, if (pkt_len > rx_copybreak) { struct sk_buff *newskb; - newskb = dev_alloc_skb(PKT_BUF_SKB); + newskb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, PKT_BUF_SKB); if (newskb) { skb_reserve(newskb, NET_IP_ALIGN); skb = lp->rx_skbuff[entry]; @@ -1172,7 +1172,7 @@ static void pcnet32_rx_entry(struct net_device *dev, } else skb = NULL; } else - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + NET_IP_ALIGN); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + NET_IP_ALIGN); if (skb == NULL) { netif_err(lp, drv, dev, "Memory squeeze, dropping packet\n"); @@ -1649,8 +1649,6 @@ pcnet32_probe1(unsigned long ioaddr, int shared, struct pci_dev *pdev) dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*lp)); if (!dev) { - if (pcnet32_debug & NETIF_MSG_PROBE) - pr_err("Memory allocation failed\n"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto err_release_region; } @@ -2273,11 +2271,11 @@ static int pcnet32_init_ring(struct net_device *dev) for (i = 0; i < lp->rx_ring_size; i++) { struct sk_buff *rx_skbuff = lp->rx_skbuff[i]; if (rx_skbuff == NULL) { - lp->rx_skbuff[i] = dev_alloc_skb(PKT_BUF_SKB); + lp->rx_skbuff[i] = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, PKT_BUF_SKB); rx_skbuff = lp->rx_skbuff[i]; if (!rx_skbuff) { /* there is not much we can do at this point */ - netif_err(lp, drv, dev, "%s dev_alloc_skb failed\n", + netif_err(lp, drv, dev, "%s netdev_alloc_skb failed\n", __func__); return -1; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/sun3lance.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/sun3lance.c index 080b71fcc6833d41a12c5fffa48e57812ce51a96..74b3891b64836485143db3dca11948f29f95b683 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/sun3lance.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/sun3lance.c @@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ static int lance_rx( struct net_device *dev ) dev->stats.rx_errors++; } else { - skb = dev_alloc_skb( pkt_len+2 ); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2); if (skb == NULL) { DPRINTK( 1, ( "%s: Memory squeeze, deferring packet.\n", dev->name )); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/sunlance.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/sunlance.c index 7ea16d32a5f5cd49aafb3fbc6e71368c23147674..e3fe3504e198f400916b7b1f506da18c26330900 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/sunlance.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amd/sunlance.c @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ static void lance_rx_dvma(struct net_device *dev) if (bits & LE_R1_EOP) dev->stats.rx_errors++; } else { len = (rd->mblength & 0xfff) - 4; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(len + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, len + 2); if (skb == NULL) { printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Memory squeeze, deferring packet.\n", @@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ static void lance_rx_pio(struct net_device *dev) if (bits & LE_R1_EOP) dev->stats.rx_errors++; } else { len = (sbus_readw(&rd->mblength) & 0xfff) - 4; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(len + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, len + 2); if (skb == NULL) { printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Memory squeeze, deferring packet.\n", diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/apple/bmac.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/apple/bmac.c index d070b229dbf753b9f59afeef69f7391ec32f71a3..855bdafb1a8759dec969cd5c84a212df0ed7daaf 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/apple/bmac.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/apple/bmac.c @@ -607,8 +607,9 @@ bmac_init_tx_ring(struct bmac_data *bp) } static int -bmac_init_rx_ring(struct bmac_data *bp) +bmac_init_rx_ring(struct net_device *dev) { + struct bmac_data *bp = netdev_priv(dev); volatile struct dbdma_regs __iomem *rd = bp->rx_dma; int i; struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -618,7 +619,7 @@ bmac_init_rx_ring(struct bmac_data *bp) (N_RX_RING + 1) * sizeof(struct dbdma_cmd)); for (i = 0; i < N_RX_RING; i++) { if ((skb = bp->rx_bufs[i]) == NULL) { - bp->rx_bufs[i] = skb = dev_alloc_skb(RX_BUFLEN+2); + bp->rx_bufs[i] = skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, RX_BUFLEN + 2); if (skb != NULL) skb_reserve(skb, 2); } @@ -722,7 +723,7 @@ static irqreturn_t bmac_rxdma_intr(int irq, void *dev_id) ++dev->stats.rx_dropped; } if ((skb = bp->rx_bufs[i]) == NULL) { - bp->rx_bufs[i] = skb = dev_alloc_skb(RX_BUFLEN+2); + bp->rx_bufs[i] = skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, RX_BUFLEN + 2); if (skb != NULL) skb_reserve(bp->rx_bufs[i], 2); } @@ -1208,7 +1209,7 @@ static void bmac_reset_and_enable(struct net_device *dev) spin_lock_irqsave(&bp->lock, flags); bmac_enable_and_reset_chip(dev); bmac_init_tx_ring(bp); - bmac_init_rx_ring(bp); + bmac_init_rx_ring(dev); bmac_init_chip(dev); bmac_start_chip(dev); bmwrite(dev, INTDISABLE, EnableNormal); @@ -1218,7 +1219,7 @@ static void bmac_reset_and_enable(struct net_device *dev) * It seems that the bmac can't receive until it's transmitted * a packet. So we give it a dummy packet to transmit. */ - skb = dev_alloc_skb(ETHERMINPACKET); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, ETHERMINPACKET); if (skb != NULL) { data = skb_put(skb, ETHERMINPACKET); memset(data, 0, ETHERMINPACKET); @@ -1269,10 +1270,8 @@ static int __devinit bmac_probe(struct macio_dev *mdev, const struct of_device_i memcpy(addr, prop_addr, sizeof(addr)); dev = alloc_etherdev(PRIV_BYTES); - if (!dev) { - printk(KERN_ERR "BMAC: alloc_etherdev failed, out of memory\n"); + if (!dev) return -ENOMEM; - } bp = netdev_priv(dev); SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &mdev->ofdev.dev); @@ -1660,10 +1659,8 @@ static int __init bmac_init(void) { if (bmac_emergency_rxbuf == NULL) { bmac_emergency_rxbuf = kmalloc(RX_BUFLEN, GFP_KERNEL); - if (bmac_emergency_rxbuf == NULL) { - printk(KERN_ERR "BMAC: can't allocate emergency RX buffer\n"); + if (bmac_emergency_rxbuf == NULL) return -ENOMEM; - } } return macio_register_driver(&bmac_driver); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/apple/mace.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/apple/mace.c index bec87bd9195c018872cd3e1c218b893962e3f7a3..e1df4b76c8850bab2d3a4af5f8e08b1a7def77eb 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/apple/mace.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/apple/mace.c @@ -136,10 +136,8 @@ static int __devinit mace_probe(struct macio_dev *mdev, const struct of_device_i */ if (dummy_buf == NULL) { dummy_buf = kmalloc(RX_BUFLEN+2, GFP_KERNEL); - if (dummy_buf == NULL) { - printk(KERN_ERR "MACE: couldn't allocate dummy buffer\n"); + if (dummy_buf == NULL) return -ENOMEM; - } } if (macio_request_resources(mdev, "mace")) { @@ -149,7 +147,6 @@ static int __devinit mace_probe(struct macio_dev *mdev, const struct of_device_i dev = alloc_etherdev(PRIV_BYTES); if (!dev) { - printk(KERN_ERR "MACE: can't allocate ethernet device !\n"); rc = -ENOMEM; goto err_release; } @@ -447,7 +444,7 @@ static int mace_open(struct net_device *dev) memset((char *)mp->rx_cmds, 0, N_RX_RING * sizeof(struct dbdma_cmd)); cp = mp->rx_cmds; for (i = 0; i < N_RX_RING - 1; ++i) { - skb = dev_alloc_skb(RX_BUFLEN + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, RX_BUFLEN + 2); if (!skb) { data = dummy_buf; } else { @@ -959,7 +956,7 @@ static irqreturn_t mace_rxdma_intr(int irq, void *dev_id) cp = mp->rx_cmds + i; skb = mp->rx_bufs[i]; if (!skb) { - skb = dev_alloc_skb(RX_BUFLEN + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, RX_BUFLEN + 2); if (skb) { skb_reserve(skb, 2); mp->rx_bufs[i] = skb; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/apple/macmace.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/apple/macmace.c index 7cf81bbffe0e6121689514bcc965d6024701f585..ab7ff8645ab1641478cbe73825dde81d9a1dab7c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/apple/macmace.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/apple/macmace.c @@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ static void mace_dma_rx_frame(struct net_device *dev, struct mace_frame *mf) } else { unsigned int frame_length = mf->rcvcnt + ((frame_status & 0x0F) << 8 ); - skb = dev_alloc_skb(frame_length + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, frame_length + 2); if (!skb) { dev->stats.rx_dropped++; return; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1c/atl1c_hw.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1c/atl1c_hw.c index 23f2ab0f2fa84148890d634b9fe935de75929a41..bd1667cbffa65f56482794e34cf953bca4bdf20b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1c/atl1c_hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1c/atl1c_hw.c @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ int atl1c_read_mac_addr(struct atl1c_hw *hw) random_ether_addr(hw->perm_mac_addr); memcpy(hw->mac_addr, hw->perm_mac_addr, sizeof(hw->perm_mac_addr)); - return 0; + return err; } /* diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1c/atl1c_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1c/atl1c_main.c index 47a9bb2c813cb0fa2fba319044510c2e93e00412..1ef0c9275deefee39bdca1df04d7240b6adeba52 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1c/atl1c_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1c/atl1c_main.c @@ -468,6 +468,7 @@ static int atl1c_set_mac_addr(struct net_device *netdev, void *p) memcpy(netdev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, netdev->addr_len); memcpy(adapter->hw.mac_addr, addr->sa_data, netdev->addr_len); + netdev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; atl1c_hw_set_mac_addr(&adapter->hw); @@ -1765,7 +1766,7 @@ static int atl1c_alloc_rx_buffer(struct atl1c_adapter *adapter, const int ringid while (next_info->flags & ATL1C_BUFFER_FREE) { rfd_desc = ATL1C_RFD_DESC(rfd_ring, rfd_next_to_use); - skb = dev_alloc_skb(adapter->rx_buffer_len); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(adapter->netdev, adapter->rx_buffer_len); if (unlikely(!skb)) { if (netif_msg_rx_err(adapter)) dev_warn(&pdev->dev, "alloc rx buffer failed\n"); @@ -2685,7 +2686,6 @@ static int __devinit atl1c_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, netdev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct atl1c_adapter)); if (netdev == NULL) { err = -ENOMEM; - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "etherdev alloc failed\n"); goto err_alloc_etherdev; } @@ -2742,10 +2742,9 @@ static int __devinit atl1c_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, err = -EIO; goto err_reset; } - if (atl1c_read_mac_addr(&adapter->hw) != 0) { - err = -EIO; - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "get mac address failed\n"); - goto err_eeprom; + if (atl1c_read_mac_addr(&adapter->hw)) { + /* got a random MAC address, set NET_ADDR_RANDOM to netdev */ + netdev->addr_assign_type |= NET_ADDR_RANDOM; } memcpy(netdev->dev_addr, adapter->hw.mac_addr, netdev->addr_len); memcpy(netdev->perm_addr, adapter->hw.mac_addr, netdev->addr_len); @@ -2770,7 +2769,6 @@ static int __devinit atl1c_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, err_reset: err_register: err_sw_init: -err_eeprom: iounmap(adapter->hw.hw_addr); err_init_netdev: err_ioremap: diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1e/atl1e_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1e/atl1e_main.c index c915c0873810ddb7c561aa416b34c416c5fb8b42..93ff2b231284e6f93ad8bdc0ca957bcdeaa7dfe3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1e/atl1e_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1e/atl1e_main.c @@ -2300,7 +2300,6 @@ static int __devinit atl1e_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, netdev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct atl1e_adapter)); if (netdev == NULL) { err = -ENOMEM; - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "etherdev alloc failed\n"); goto err_alloc_etherdev; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atl1.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atl1.c index 9bd2049766480331e6a0f3355ac84174a822e9d5..40ac414365490b59ac1eacab9fbd11123af39f23 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atl1.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atl1.c @@ -534,14 +534,17 @@ static int atl1_get_permanent_address(struct atl1_hw *hw) */ static s32 atl1_read_mac_addr(struct atl1_hw *hw) { + s32 ret = 0; u16 i; - if (atl1_get_permanent_address(hw)) + if (atl1_get_permanent_address(hw)) { random_ether_addr(hw->perm_mac_addr); + ret = 1; + } for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) hw->mac_addr[i] = hw->perm_mac_addr[i]; - return 0; + return ret; } /* @@ -3007,7 +3010,10 @@ static int __devinit atl1_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, } /* copy the MAC address out of the EEPROM */ - atl1_read_mac_addr(&adapter->hw); + if (atl1_read_mac_addr(&adapter->hw)) { + /* mark random mac */ + netdev->addr_assign_type |= NET_ADDR_RANDOM; + } memcpy(netdev->dev_addr, adapter->hw.mac_addr, netdev->addr_len); if (!is_valid_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr)) { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atl2.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atl2.c index 071f4c858969dad5ff166d69f62073f4c0518b09..6762dc406b25ab10c1424e899f8d16913088c35e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atl2.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atl2.c @@ -2258,7 +2258,7 @@ static int get_permanent_address(struct atl2_hw *hw) u32 Addr[2]; u32 i, Control; u16 Register; - u8 EthAddr[NODE_ADDRESS_SIZE]; + u8 EthAddr[ETH_ALEN]; bool KeyValid; if (is_valid_ether_addr(hw->perm_mac_addr)) @@ -2299,7 +2299,7 @@ static int get_permanent_address(struct atl2_hw *hw) *(u16 *) &EthAddr[0] = SHORTSWAP(*(u16 *) &Addr[1]); if (is_valid_ether_addr(EthAddr)) { - memcpy(hw->perm_mac_addr, EthAddr, NODE_ADDRESS_SIZE); + memcpy(hw->perm_mac_addr, EthAddr, ETH_ALEN); return 0; } return 1; @@ -2334,7 +2334,7 @@ static int get_permanent_address(struct atl2_hw *hw) *(u32 *) &EthAddr[2] = LONGSWAP(Addr[0]); *(u16 *) &EthAddr[0] = SHORTSWAP(*(u16 *)&Addr[1]); if (is_valid_ether_addr(EthAddr)) { - memcpy(hw->perm_mac_addr, EthAddr, NODE_ADDRESS_SIZE); + memcpy(hw->perm_mac_addr, EthAddr, ETH_ALEN); return 0; } /* maybe MAC-address is from BIOS */ @@ -2344,7 +2344,7 @@ static int get_permanent_address(struct atl2_hw *hw) *(u16 *) &EthAddr[0] = SHORTSWAP(*(u16 *) &Addr[1]); if (is_valid_ether_addr(EthAddr)) { - memcpy(hw->perm_mac_addr, EthAddr, NODE_ADDRESS_SIZE); + memcpy(hw->perm_mac_addr, EthAddr, ETH_ALEN); return 0; } @@ -2358,8 +2358,6 @@ static int get_permanent_address(struct atl2_hw *hw) */ static s32 atl2_read_mac_addr(struct atl2_hw *hw) { - u16 i; - if (get_permanent_address(hw)) { /* for test */ /* FIXME: shouldn't we use random_ether_addr() here? */ @@ -2371,8 +2369,7 @@ static s32 atl2_read_mac_addr(struct atl2_hw *hw) hw->perm_mac_addr[5] = 0x38; } - for (i = 0; i < NODE_ADDRESS_SIZE; i++) - hw->mac_addr[i] = hw->perm_mac_addr[i]; + memcpy(hw->mac_addr, hw->perm_mac_addr, ETH_ALEN); return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atl2.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atl2.h index bf9016ebdd9bd637884bb598e9af61e2829cd205..3ebe19f7242b6da9cd5d3290674f85cb9e164013 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atl2.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atl2.h @@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ extern int ethtool_ioctl(struct ifreq *ifr); #define PCI_COMMAND_REGISTER PCI_COMMAND #define CMD_MEM_WRT_INVALIDATE PCI_COMMAND_INVALIDATE -#define ETH_ADDR_LEN ETH_ALEN #define ATL2_WRITE_REG(a, reg, value) (iowrite32((value), \ ((a)->hw_addr + (reg)))) @@ -429,8 +428,8 @@ struct atl2_hw { u8 flash_vendor; u8 dma_fairness; - u8 mac_addr[NODE_ADDRESS_SIZE]; - u8 perm_mac_addr[NODE_ADDRESS_SIZE]; + u8 mac_addr[ETH_ALEN]; + u8 perm_mac_addr[ETH_ALEN]; /* FIXME */ /* bool phy_preamble_sup; */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atlx.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atlx.c index 8ff7411094d58d545b5845874adc164b54e7c07f..3cd8837236dc1de68727991cc399b6906e30d5c3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atlx.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atlx.c @@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ static int atlx_set_mac(struct net_device *netdev, void *p) memcpy(netdev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, netdev->addr_len); memcpy(adapter->hw.mac_addr, addr->sa_data, netdev->addr_len); + netdev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; atlx_set_mac_addr(&adapter->hw); return 0; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atlx.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atlx.h index 14054b75aa62684424fedaff97147cbfde1db46e..448f5dcc02e662eb1441745b5705e46952274a29 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atlx.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atlx/atlx.h @@ -484,7 +484,6 @@ /* For checksumming, the sum of all words in the EEPROM should equal 0xBABA */ #define EEPROM_SUM 0xBABA -#define NODE_ADDRESS_SIZE 6 struct atlx_spi_flash_dev { const char *manu_name; /* manufacturer id */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/b44.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/b44.c index cab87456a34a33a54a328d48fefd9086eb936b6d..46b8b7d81633eaa95fb4755a2225494a8b93856a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/b44.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/b44.c @@ -2138,7 +2138,6 @@ static int __devinit b44_init_one(struct ssb_device *sdev, dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*bp)); if (!dev) { - dev_err(sdev->dev, "Etherdev alloc failed, aborting\n"); err = -ENOMEM; goto out; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2.c index 021fb818007a7932fa9eb918d188f9507aff517d..8297e2868736382a5301a31d56711a7c3a9ae4b3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2.c @@ -2625,10 +2625,8 @@ bnx2_alloc_bad_rbuf(struct bnx2 *bp) u32 val; good_mbuf = kmalloc(512 * sizeof(u16), GFP_KERNEL); - if (good_mbuf == NULL) { - pr_err("Failed to allocate memory in %s\n", __func__); + if (good_mbuf == NULL) return -ENOMEM; - } REG_WR(bp, BNX2_MISC_ENABLE_SET_BITS, BNX2_MISC_ENABLE_SET_BITS_RX_MBUF_ENABLE); @@ -6248,7 +6246,16 @@ static int bnx2_setup_int_mode(struct bnx2 *bp, int dis_msi) { int cpus = num_online_cpus(); - int msix_vecs = min(cpus + 1, RX_MAX_RINGS); + int msix_vecs; + + if (!bp->num_req_rx_rings) + msix_vecs = max(cpus + 1, bp->num_req_tx_rings); + else if (!bp->num_req_tx_rings) + msix_vecs = max(cpus, bp->num_req_rx_rings); + else + msix_vecs = max(bp->num_req_rx_rings, bp->num_req_tx_rings); + + msix_vecs = min(msix_vecs, RX_MAX_RINGS); bp->irq_tbl[0].handler = bnx2_interrupt; strcpy(bp->irq_tbl[0].name, bp->dev->name); @@ -6272,10 +6279,18 @@ bnx2_setup_int_mode(struct bnx2 *bp, int dis_msi) } } - bp->num_tx_rings = rounddown_pow_of_two(bp->irq_nvecs); + if (!bp->num_req_tx_rings) + bp->num_tx_rings = rounddown_pow_of_two(bp->irq_nvecs); + else + bp->num_tx_rings = min(bp->irq_nvecs, bp->num_req_tx_rings); + + if (!bp->num_req_rx_rings) + bp->num_rx_rings = bp->irq_nvecs; + else + bp->num_rx_rings = min(bp->irq_nvecs, bp->num_req_rx_rings); + netif_set_real_num_tx_queues(bp->dev, bp->num_tx_rings); - bp->num_rx_rings = bp->irq_nvecs; return netif_set_real_num_rx_queues(bp->dev, bp->num_rx_rings); } @@ -6550,6 +6565,9 @@ bnx2_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) } txbd->tx_bd_vlan_tag_flags |= TX_BD_FLAGS_END; + /* Sync BD data before updating TX mailbox */ + wmb(); + netdev_tx_sent_queue(txq, skb->len); prod = NEXT_TX_BD(prod); @@ -7164,7 +7182,7 @@ bnx2_get_ringparam(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_ringparam *ering) } static int -bnx2_change_ring_size(struct bnx2 *bp, u32 rx, u32 tx) +bnx2_change_ring_size(struct bnx2 *bp, u32 rx, u32 tx, bool reset_irq) { if (netif_running(bp->dev)) { /* Reset will erase chipset stats; save them */ @@ -7172,7 +7190,12 @@ bnx2_change_ring_size(struct bnx2 *bp, u32 rx, u32 tx) bnx2_netif_stop(bp, true); bnx2_reset_chip(bp, BNX2_DRV_MSG_CODE_RESET); - __bnx2_free_irq(bp); + if (reset_irq) { + bnx2_free_irq(bp); + bnx2_del_napi(bp); + } else { + __bnx2_free_irq(bp); + } bnx2_free_skbs(bp); bnx2_free_mem(bp); } @@ -7181,9 +7204,16 @@ bnx2_change_ring_size(struct bnx2 *bp, u32 rx, u32 tx) bp->tx_ring_size = tx; if (netif_running(bp->dev)) { - int rc; + int rc = 0; + + if (reset_irq) { + rc = bnx2_setup_int_mode(bp, disable_msi); + bnx2_init_napi(bp); + } + + if (!rc) + rc = bnx2_alloc_mem(bp); - rc = bnx2_alloc_mem(bp); if (!rc) rc = bnx2_request_irq(bp); @@ -7219,7 +7249,8 @@ bnx2_set_ringparam(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_ringparam *ering) return -EINVAL; } - rc = bnx2_change_ring_size(bp, ering->rx_pending, ering->tx_pending); + rc = bnx2_change_ring_size(bp, ering->rx_pending, ering->tx_pending, + false); return rc; } @@ -7607,6 +7638,54 @@ bnx2_set_features(struct net_device *dev, netdev_features_t features) return 0; } +static void bnx2_get_channels(struct net_device *dev, + struct ethtool_channels *channels) +{ + struct bnx2 *bp = netdev_priv(dev); + u32 max_rx_rings = 1; + u32 max_tx_rings = 1; + + if ((bp->flags & BNX2_FLAG_MSIX_CAP) && !disable_msi) { + max_rx_rings = RX_MAX_RINGS; + max_tx_rings = TX_MAX_RINGS; + } + + channels->max_rx = max_rx_rings; + channels->max_tx = max_tx_rings; + channels->max_other = 0; + channels->max_combined = 0; + channels->rx_count = bp->num_rx_rings; + channels->tx_count = bp->num_tx_rings; + channels->other_count = 0; + channels->combined_count = 0; +} + +static int bnx2_set_channels(struct net_device *dev, + struct ethtool_channels *channels) +{ + struct bnx2 *bp = netdev_priv(dev); + u32 max_rx_rings = 1; + u32 max_tx_rings = 1; + int rc = 0; + + if ((bp->flags & BNX2_FLAG_MSIX_CAP) && !disable_msi) { + max_rx_rings = RX_MAX_RINGS; + max_tx_rings = TX_MAX_RINGS; + } + if (channels->rx_count > max_rx_rings || + channels->tx_count > max_tx_rings) + return -EINVAL; + + bp->num_req_rx_rings = channels->rx_count; + bp->num_req_tx_rings = channels->tx_count; + + if (netif_running(dev)) + rc = bnx2_change_ring_size(bp, bp->rx_ring_size, + bp->tx_ring_size, true); + + return rc; +} + static const struct ethtool_ops bnx2_ethtool_ops = { .get_settings = bnx2_get_settings, .set_settings = bnx2_set_settings, @@ -7631,6 +7710,8 @@ static const struct ethtool_ops bnx2_ethtool_ops = { .set_phys_id = bnx2_set_phys_id, .get_ethtool_stats = bnx2_get_ethtool_stats, .get_sset_count = bnx2_get_sset_count, + .get_channels = bnx2_get_channels, + .set_channels = bnx2_set_channels, }; /* Called with rtnl_lock */ @@ -7692,7 +7773,7 @@ bnx2_change_mac_addr(struct net_device *dev, void *p) struct bnx2 *bp = netdev_priv(dev); if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, dev->addr_len); if (netif_running(dev)) @@ -7712,7 +7793,8 @@ bnx2_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu) return -EINVAL; dev->mtu = new_mtu; - return bnx2_change_ring_size(bp, bp->rx_ring_size, bp->tx_ring_size); + return bnx2_change_ring_size(bp, bp->rx_ring_size, bp->tx_ring_size, + false); } #ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2.h index 1db2d51ba3f16cd017a7d01a9bd95f37c8011c95..dc06bda73be70a6ce78d4f288b6b8185bc9a1ac7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2.h @@ -6933,6 +6933,9 @@ struct bnx2 { u8 num_tx_rings; u8 num_rx_rings; + int num_req_tx_rings; + int num_req_rx_rings; + u32 leds_save; u32 idle_chk_status_idx; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x.h index 8c73d34b2ff1d59b4b9f9766244d96b16ca00dd6..e37161f19250c278c69459fc9a08b86661c13c9a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* bnx2x.h: Broadcom Everest network driver. * - * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ * (you will need to reboot afterwards) */ /* #define BNX2X_STOP_ON_ERROR */ -#define DRV_MODULE_VERSION "1.70.35-0" -#define DRV_MODULE_RELDATE "2011/11/10" +#define DRV_MODULE_VERSION "1.72.10-0" +#define DRV_MODULE_RELDATE "2012/02/20" #define BNX2X_BC_VER 0x040200 #if defined(CONFIG_DCB) @@ -58,18 +58,22 @@ #define DRV_MODULE_NAME "bnx2x" /* for messages that are currently off */ -#define BNX2X_MSG_OFF 0 -#define BNX2X_MSG_MCP 0x010000 /* was: NETIF_MSG_HW */ -#define BNX2X_MSG_STATS 0x020000 /* was: NETIF_MSG_TIMER */ -#define BNX2X_MSG_NVM 0x040000 /* was: NETIF_MSG_HW */ -#define BNX2X_MSG_DMAE 0x080000 /* was: NETIF_MSG_HW */ -#define BNX2X_MSG_SP 0x100000 /* was: NETIF_MSG_INTR */ -#define BNX2X_MSG_FP 0x200000 /* was: NETIF_MSG_INTR */ +#define BNX2X_MSG_OFF 0x0 +#define BNX2X_MSG_MCP 0x0010000 /* was: NETIF_MSG_HW */ +#define BNX2X_MSG_STATS 0x0020000 /* was: NETIF_MSG_TIMER */ +#define BNX2X_MSG_NVM 0x0040000 /* was: NETIF_MSG_HW */ +#define BNX2X_MSG_DMAE 0x0080000 /* was: NETIF_MSG_HW */ +#define BNX2X_MSG_SP 0x0100000 /* was: NETIF_MSG_INTR */ +#define BNX2X_MSG_FP 0x0200000 /* was: NETIF_MSG_INTR */ +#define BNX2X_MSG_IOV 0x0800000 +#define BNX2X_MSG_IDLE 0x2000000 /* used for idle check*/ +#define BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL 0x4000000 +#define BNX2X_MSG_DCB 0x8000000 /* regular debug print */ #define DP(__mask, fmt, ...) \ do { \ - if (bp->msg_enable & (__mask)) \ + if (unlikely(bp->msg_enable & (__mask))) \ pr_notice("[%s:%d(%s)]" fmt, \ __func__, __LINE__, \ bp->dev ? (bp->dev->name) : "?", \ @@ -78,14 +82,14 @@ do { \ #define DP_CONT(__mask, fmt, ...) \ do { \ - if (bp->msg_enable & (__mask)) \ + if (unlikely(bp->msg_enable & (__mask))) \ pr_cont(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0) /* errors debug print */ #define BNX2X_DBG_ERR(fmt, ...) \ do { \ - if (netif_msg_probe(bp)) \ + if (unlikely(netif_msg_probe(bp))) \ pr_err("[%s:%d(%s)]" fmt, \ __func__, __LINE__, \ bp->dev ? (bp->dev->name) : "?", \ @@ -108,7 +112,7 @@ do { \ /* before we have a dev->name use dev_info() */ #define BNX2X_DEV_INFO(fmt, ...) \ do { \ - if (netif_msg_probe(bp)) \ + if (unlikely(netif_msg_probe(bp))) \ dev_info(&bp->pdev->dev, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0) @@ -341,6 +345,7 @@ union db_prod { #define SGE_PAGE_SIZE PAGE_SIZE #define SGE_PAGE_SHIFT PAGE_SHIFT #define SGE_PAGE_ALIGN(addr) PAGE_ALIGN((typeof(PAGE_SIZE))(addr)) +#define SGE_PAGES (SGE_PAGE_SIZE * PAGES_PER_SGE) /* SGE ring related macros */ #define NUM_RX_SGE_PAGES 2 @@ -445,6 +450,8 @@ struct bnx2x_agg_info { u16 vlan_tag; u16 len_on_bd; u32 rxhash; + u16 gro_size; + u16 full_page; }; #define Q_STATS_OFFSET32(stat_name) \ @@ -473,6 +480,11 @@ struct bnx2x_fp_txdata { int txq_index; }; +enum bnx2x_tpa_mode_t { + TPA_MODE_LRO, + TPA_MODE_GRO +}; + struct bnx2x_fastpath { struct bnx2x *bp; /* parent */ @@ -489,6 +501,8 @@ struct bnx2x_fastpath { dma_addr_t status_blk_mapping; + enum bnx2x_tpa_mode_t mode; + u8 max_cos; /* actual number of active tx coses */ struct bnx2x_fp_txdata txdata[BNX2X_MULTI_TX_COS]; @@ -540,6 +554,7 @@ struct bnx2x_fastpath { struct ustorm_per_queue_stats old_uclient; struct xstorm_per_queue_stats old_xclient; struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats eth_q_stats; + struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats_old eth_q_stats_old; /* The size is calculated using the following: sizeof name field from netdev structure + @@ -1046,7 +1061,6 @@ struct bnx2x_slowpath { struct nig_stats nig_stats; struct host_port_stats port_stats; struct host_func_stats func_stats; - struct host_func_stats func_stats_base; u32 wb_comp; u32 wb_data[4]; @@ -1088,7 +1102,8 @@ enum bnx2x_recovery_state { BNX2X_RECOVERY_DONE, BNX2X_RECOVERY_INIT, BNX2X_RECOVERY_WAIT, - BNX2X_RECOVERY_FAILED + BNX2X_RECOVERY_FAILED, + BNX2X_RECOVERY_NIC_LOADING }; /* @@ -1198,6 +1213,9 @@ struct bnx2x { #define ETH_MIN_PACKET_SIZE 60 #define ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 1500 #define ETH_MAX_JUMBO_PACKET_SIZE 9600 +/* TCP with Timestamp Option (32) + IPv6 (40) */ +#define ETH_MAX_TPA_HEADER_SIZE 72 +#define ETH_MIN_TPA_HEADER_SIZE 40 /* Max supported alignment is 256 (8 shift) */ #define BNX2X_RX_ALIGN_SHIFT min(8, L1_CACHE_SHIFT) @@ -1268,6 +1286,7 @@ struct bnx2x { #define NO_MCP_FLAG (1 << 9) #define BP_NOMCP(bp) (bp->flags & NO_MCP_FLAG) +#define GRO_ENABLE_FLAG (1 << 10) #define MF_FUNC_DIS (1 << 11) #define OWN_CNIC_IRQ (1 << 12) #define NO_ISCSI_OOO_FLAG (1 << 13) @@ -1316,6 +1335,8 @@ struct bnx2x { u8 wol; + bool gro_check; + int rx_ring_size; u16 tx_quick_cons_trip_int; @@ -1461,6 +1482,11 @@ struct bnx2x { u16 stats_counter; struct bnx2x_eth_stats eth_stats; + struct host_func_stats func_stats; + struct bnx2x_eth_stats_old eth_stats_old; + struct bnx2x_net_stats_old net_stats_old; + struct bnx2x_fw_port_stats_old fw_stats_old; + bool stats_init; struct z_stream_s *strm; void *gunzip_buf; @@ -2073,8 +2099,6 @@ static inline u32 reg_poll(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 reg, u32 expected, int ms, #define BNX2X_VPD_LEN 128 #define VENDOR_ID_LEN 4 -int bnx2x_close(struct net_device *dev); - /* Congestion management fairness mode */ #define CMNG_FNS_NONE 0 #define CMNG_FNS_MINMAX 1 @@ -2094,14 +2118,22 @@ void bnx2x_set_ethtool_ops(struct net_device *netdev); void bnx2x_notify_link_changed(struct bnx2x *bp); -#define BNX2X_MF_PROTOCOL(bp) \ +#define BNX2X_MF_SD_PROTOCOL(bp) \ ((bp)->mf_config[BP_VN(bp)] & FUNC_MF_CFG_PROTOCOL_MASK) #ifdef BCM_CNIC -#define BNX2X_IS_MF_PROTOCOL_ISCSI(bp) \ - (BNX2X_MF_PROTOCOL(bp) == FUNC_MF_CFG_PROTOCOL_ISCSI) +#define BNX2X_IS_MF_SD_PROTOCOL_ISCSI(bp) \ + (BNX2X_MF_SD_PROTOCOL(bp) == FUNC_MF_CFG_PROTOCOL_ISCSI) + +#define BNX2X_IS_MF_SD_PROTOCOL_FCOE(bp) \ + (BNX2X_MF_SD_PROTOCOL(bp) == FUNC_MF_CFG_PROTOCOL_FCOE) + +#define IS_MF_ISCSI_SD(bp) (IS_MF_SD(bp) && BNX2X_IS_MF_SD_PROTOCOL_ISCSI(bp)) +#define IS_MF_FCOE_SD(bp) (IS_MF_SD(bp) && BNX2X_IS_MF_SD_PROTOCOL_FCOE(bp)) -#define IS_MF_ISCSI_SD(bp) (IS_MF_SD(bp) && BNX2X_IS_MF_PROTOCOL_ISCSI(bp)) +#define IS_MF_STORAGE_SD(bp) (IS_MF_SD(bp) && \ + (BNX2X_IS_MF_SD_PROTOCOL_ISCSI(bp) || \ + BNX2X_IS_MF_SD_PROTOCOL_FCOE(bp))) #endif #endif /* bnx2x.h */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_cmn.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_cmn.c index 99389c8dda21f07df46f85bb48d3d5bf5184f61c..f1f3ca65667ac379a0cdc7c435f92be3b721f623 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_cmn.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_cmn.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* bnx2x_cmn.c: Broadcom Everest network driver. * - * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -31,46 +31,6 @@ -/** - * bnx2x_bz_fp - zero content of the fastpath structure. - * - * @bp: driver handle - * @index: fastpath index to be zeroed - * - * Makes sure the contents of the bp->fp[index].napi is kept - * intact. - */ -static inline void bnx2x_bz_fp(struct bnx2x *bp, int index) -{ - struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp = &bp->fp[index]; - struct napi_struct orig_napi = fp->napi; - /* bzero bnx2x_fastpath contents */ - memset(fp, 0, sizeof(*fp)); - - /* Restore the NAPI object as it has been already initialized */ - fp->napi = orig_napi; - - fp->bp = bp; - fp->index = index; - if (IS_ETH_FP(fp)) - fp->max_cos = bp->max_cos; - else - /* Special queues support only one CoS */ - fp->max_cos = 1; - - /* - * set the tpa flag for each queue. The tpa flag determines the queue - * minimal size so it must be set prior to queue memory allocation - */ - fp->disable_tpa = ((bp->flags & TPA_ENABLE_FLAG) == 0); - -#ifdef BCM_CNIC - /* We don't want TPA on an FCoE L2 ring */ - if (IS_FCOE_FP(fp)) - fp->disable_tpa = 1; -#endif -} - /** * bnx2x_move_fp - move content of the fastpath structure. * @@ -115,11 +75,10 @@ static u16 bnx2x_free_tx_pkt(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_fp_txdata *txdata, /* prefetch skb end pointer to speedup dev_kfree_skb() */ prefetch(&skb->end); - DP(BNX2X_MSG_FP, "fp[%d]: pkt_idx %d buff @(%p)->skb %p\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_DONE, "fp[%d]: pkt_idx %d buff @(%p)->skb %p\n", txdata->txq_index, idx, tx_buf, skb); /* unmap first bd */ - DP(BNX2X_MSG_OFF, "free bd_idx %d\n", bd_idx); tx_start_bd = &txdata->tx_desc_ring[bd_idx].start_bd; dma_unmap_single(&bp->pdev->dev, BD_UNMAP_ADDR(tx_start_bd), BD_UNMAP_LEN(tx_start_bd), DMA_TO_DEVICE); @@ -150,7 +109,6 @@ static u16 bnx2x_free_tx_pkt(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_fp_txdata *txdata, /* now free frags */ while (nbd > 0) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_OFF, "free frag bd_idx %d\n", bd_idx); tx_data_bd = &txdata->tx_desc_ring[bd_idx].reg_bd; dma_unmap_page(&bp->pdev->dev, BD_UNMAP_ADDR(tx_data_bd), BD_UNMAP_LEN(tx_data_bd), DMA_TO_DEVICE); @@ -160,10 +118,11 @@ static u16 bnx2x_free_tx_pkt(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_fp_txdata *txdata, /* release skb */ WARN_ON(!skb); - if (skb) { + if (likely(skb)) { (*pkts_compl)++; (*bytes_compl) += skb->len; } + dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); tx_buf->first_bd = 0; tx_buf->skb = NULL; @@ -191,8 +150,8 @@ int bnx2x_tx_int(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_fp_txdata *txdata) pkt_cons = TX_BD(sw_cons); - DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_DONE, "queue[%d]: hw_cons %u sw_cons %u " - " pkt_cons %u\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_DONE, + "queue[%d]: hw_cons %u sw_cons %u pkt_cons %u\n", txdata->txq_index, hw_cons, sw_cons, pkt_cons); bd_cons = bnx2x_free_tx_pkt(bp, txdata, pkt_cons, @@ -249,13 +208,11 @@ static inline void bnx2x_update_last_max_sge(struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, fp->last_max_sge = idx; } -static void bnx2x_update_sge_prod(struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, - struct eth_fast_path_rx_cqe *fp_cqe) +static inline void bnx2x_update_sge_prod(struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, + u16 sge_len, + struct eth_end_agg_rx_cqe *cqe) { struct bnx2x *bp = fp->bp; - u16 sge_len = SGE_PAGE_ALIGN(le16_to_cpu(fp_cqe->pkt_len) - - le16_to_cpu(fp_cqe->len_on_bd)) >> - SGE_PAGE_SHIFT; u16 last_max, last_elem, first_elem; u16 delta = 0; u16 i; @@ -266,15 +223,15 @@ static void bnx2x_update_sge_prod(struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, /* First mark all used pages */ for (i = 0; i < sge_len; i++) BIT_VEC64_CLEAR_BIT(fp->sge_mask, - RX_SGE(le16_to_cpu(fp_cqe->sgl_or_raw_data.sgl[i]))); + RX_SGE(le16_to_cpu(cqe->sgl_or_raw_data.sgl[i]))); DP(NETIF_MSG_RX_STATUS, "fp_cqe->sgl[%d] = %d\n", - sge_len - 1, le16_to_cpu(fp_cqe->sgl_or_raw_data.sgl[sge_len - 1])); + sge_len - 1, le16_to_cpu(cqe->sgl_or_raw_data.sgl[sge_len - 1])); /* Here we assume that the last SGE index is the biggest */ prefetch((void *)(fp->sge_mask)); bnx2x_update_last_max_sge(fp, - le16_to_cpu(fp_cqe->sgl_or_raw_data.sgl[sge_len - 1])); + le16_to_cpu(cqe->sgl_or_raw_data.sgl[sge_len - 1])); last_max = RX_SGE(fp->last_max_sge); last_elem = last_max >> BIT_VEC64_ELEM_SHIFT; @@ -368,6 +325,22 @@ static void bnx2x_tpa_start(struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, u16 queue, tpa_info->len_on_bd = le16_to_cpu(cqe->len_on_bd); tpa_info->placement_offset = cqe->placement_offset; tpa_info->rxhash = bnx2x_get_rxhash(bp, cqe); + if (fp->mode == TPA_MODE_GRO) { + u16 gro_size = le16_to_cpu(cqe->pkt_len_or_gro_seg_len); + tpa_info->full_page = + SGE_PAGE_SIZE * PAGES_PER_SGE / gro_size * gro_size; + /* + * FW 7.2.16 BUG workaround: + * if SGE size is (exactly) multiple gro_size + * fw will place one less frag on SGE. + * the calculation is done only for potentially + * dangerous MTUs. + */ + if (unlikely(bp->gro_check)) + if (!(SGE_PAGE_SIZE * PAGES_PER_SGE % gro_size)) + tpa_info->full_page -= gro_size; + tpa_info->gro_size = gro_size; + } #ifdef BNX2X_STOP_ON_ERROR fp->tpa_queue_used |= (1 << queue); @@ -424,25 +397,40 @@ static inline u16 bnx2x_set_lro_mss(struct bnx2x *bp, u16 parsing_flags, } static int bnx2x_fill_frag_skb(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, - u16 queue, struct sk_buff *skb, + struct bnx2x_agg_info *tpa_info, + u16 pages, + struct sk_buff *skb, struct eth_end_agg_rx_cqe *cqe, u16 cqe_idx) { struct sw_rx_page *rx_pg, old_rx_pg; - u32 i, frag_len, frag_size, pages; - int err; - int j; - struct bnx2x_agg_info *tpa_info = &fp->tpa_info[queue]; + u32 i, frag_len, frag_size; + int err, j, frag_id = 0; u16 len_on_bd = tpa_info->len_on_bd; + u16 full_page = 0, gro_size = 0; frag_size = le16_to_cpu(cqe->pkt_len) - len_on_bd; - pages = SGE_PAGE_ALIGN(frag_size) >> SGE_PAGE_SHIFT; + + if (fp->mode == TPA_MODE_GRO) { + gro_size = tpa_info->gro_size; + full_page = tpa_info->full_page; + } /* This is needed in order to enable forwarding support */ - if (frag_size) + if (frag_size) { skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_size = bnx2x_set_lro_mss(bp, tpa_info->parsing_flags, len_on_bd); + /* set for GRO */ + if (fp->mode == TPA_MODE_GRO) + skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_type = + (GET_FLAG(tpa_info->parsing_flags, + PARSING_FLAGS_OVER_ETHERNET_PROTOCOL) == + PRS_FLAG_OVERETH_IPV6) ? + SKB_GSO_TCPV6 : SKB_GSO_TCPV4; + } + + #ifdef BNX2X_STOP_ON_ERROR if (pages > min_t(u32, 8, MAX_SKB_FRAGS)*SGE_PAGE_SIZE*PAGES_PER_SGE) { BNX2X_ERR("SGL length is too long: %d. CQE index is %d\n", @@ -459,7 +447,12 @@ static int bnx2x_fill_frag_skb(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, /* FW gives the indices of the SGE as if the ring is an array (meaning that "next" element will consume 2 indices) */ - frag_len = min(frag_size, (u32)(SGE_PAGE_SIZE*PAGES_PER_SGE)); + if (fp->mode == TPA_MODE_GRO) + frag_len = min_t(u32, frag_size, (u32)full_page); + else /* LRO */ + frag_len = min_t(u32, frag_size, + (u32)(SGE_PAGE_SIZE * PAGES_PER_SGE)); + rx_pg = &fp->rx_page_ring[sge_idx]; old_rx_pg = *rx_pg; @@ -475,9 +468,21 @@ static int bnx2x_fill_frag_skb(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, dma_unmap_page(&bp->pdev->dev, dma_unmap_addr(&old_rx_pg, mapping), SGE_PAGE_SIZE*PAGES_PER_SGE, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - /* Add one frag and update the appropriate fields in the skb */ - skb_fill_page_desc(skb, j, old_rx_pg.page, 0, frag_len); + if (fp->mode == TPA_MODE_LRO) + skb_fill_page_desc(skb, j, old_rx_pg.page, 0, frag_len); + else { /* GRO */ + int rem; + int offset = 0; + for (rem = frag_len; rem > 0; rem -= gro_size) { + int len = rem > gro_size ? gro_size : rem; + skb_fill_page_desc(skb, frag_id++, + old_rx_pg.page, offset, len); + if (offset) + get_page(old_rx_pg.page); + offset += len; + } + } skb->data_len += frag_len; skb->truesize += SGE_PAGE_SIZE * PAGES_PER_SGE; @@ -489,18 +494,17 @@ static int bnx2x_fill_frag_skb(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, return 0; } -static void bnx2x_tpa_stop(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, - u16 queue, struct eth_end_agg_rx_cqe *cqe, - u16 cqe_idx) +static inline void bnx2x_tpa_stop(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, + struct bnx2x_agg_info *tpa_info, + u16 pages, + struct eth_end_agg_rx_cqe *cqe, + u16 cqe_idx) { - struct bnx2x_agg_info *tpa_info = &fp->tpa_info[queue]; struct sw_rx_bd *rx_buf = &tpa_info->first_buf; - u32 pad = tpa_info->placement_offset; + u8 pad = tpa_info->placement_offset; u16 len = tpa_info->len_on_bd; struct sk_buff *skb = NULL; - u8 *data = rx_buf->data; - /* alloc new skb */ - u8 *new_data; + u8 *new_data, *data = rx_buf->data; u8 old_tpa_state = tpa_info->tpa_state; tpa_info->tpa_state = BNX2X_TPA_STOP; @@ -525,8 +529,7 @@ static void bnx2x_tpa_stop(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, if (likely(skb)) { #ifdef BNX2X_STOP_ON_ERROR if (pad + len > fp->rx_buf_size) { - BNX2X_ERR("skb_put is about to fail... " - "pad %d len %d rx_buf_size %d\n", + BNX2X_ERR("skb_put is about to fail... pad %d len %d rx_buf_size %d\n", pad, len, fp->rx_buf_size); bnx2x_panic(); return; @@ -540,13 +543,14 @@ static void bnx2x_tpa_stop(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, bp->dev); skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY; - if (!bnx2x_fill_frag_skb(bp, fp, queue, skb, cqe, cqe_idx)) { + if (!bnx2x_fill_frag_skb(bp, fp, tpa_info, pages, + skb, cqe, cqe_idx)) { if (tpa_info->parsing_flags & PARSING_FLAGS_VLAN) __vlan_hwaccel_put_tag(skb, tpa_info->vlan_tag); napi_gro_receive(&fp->napi, skb); } else { - DP(NETIF_MSG_RX_STATUS, "Failed to allocate new pages" - " - dropping packet!\n"); + DP(NETIF_MSG_RX_STATUS, + "Failed to allocate new pages - dropping packet!\n"); dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); } @@ -605,7 +609,7 @@ int bnx2x_rx_int(struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, int budget) struct eth_fast_path_rx_cqe *cqe_fp; u8 cqe_fp_flags; enum eth_rx_cqe_type cqe_fp_type; - u16 len, pad; + u16 len, pad, queue; u8 *data; #ifdef BNX2X_STOP_ON_ERROR @@ -622,28 +626,32 @@ int bnx2x_rx_int(struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, int budget) cqe_fp_flags = cqe_fp->type_error_flags; cqe_fp_type = cqe_fp_flags & ETH_FAST_PATH_RX_CQE_TYPE; - DP(NETIF_MSG_RX_STATUS, "CQE type %x err %x status %x" - " queue %x vlan %x len %u\n", CQE_TYPE(cqe_fp_flags), + DP(NETIF_MSG_RX_STATUS, + "CQE type %x err %x status %x queue %x vlan %x len %u\n", + CQE_TYPE(cqe_fp_flags), cqe_fp_flags, cqe_fp->status_flags, le32_to_cpu(cqe_fp->rss_hash_result), - le16_to_cpu(cqe_fp->vlan_tag), le16_to_cpu(cqe_fp->pkt_len)); + le16_to_cpu(cqe_fp->vlan_tag), + le16_to_cpu(cqe_fp->pkt_len_or_gro_seg_len)); /* is this a slowpath msg? */ if (unlikely(CQE_TYPE_SLOW(cqe_fp_type))) { bnx2x_sp_event(fp, cqe); goto next_cqe; } + rx_buf = &fp->rx_buf_ring[bd_cons]; data = rx_buf->data; if (!CQE_TYPE_FAST(cqe_fp_type)) { + struct bnx2x_agg_info *tpa_info; + u16 frag_size, pages; #ifdef BNX2X_STOP_ON_ERROR /* sanity check */ if (fp->disable_tpa && (CQE_TYPE_START(cqe_fp_type) || CQE_TYPE_STOP(cqe_fp_type))) - BNX2X_ERR("START/STOP packet while " - "disable_tpa type %x\n", + BNX2X_ERR("START/STOP packet while disable_tpa type %x\n", CQE_TYPE(cqe_fp_type)); #endif @@ -656,28 +664,38 @@ int bnx2x_rx_int(struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, int budget) bnx2x_tpa_start(fp, queue, bd_cons, bd_prod, cqe_fp); + goto next_rx; - } else { - u16 queue = - cqe->end_agg_cqe.queue_index; - DP(NETIF_MSG_RX_STATUS, - "calling tpa_stop on queue %d\n", - queue); - bnx2x_tpa_stop(bp, fp, queue, - &cqe->end_agg_cqe, - comp_ring_cons); + } + queue = cqe->end_agg_cqe.queue_index; + tpa_info = &fp->tpa_info[queue]; + DP(NETIF_MSG_RX_STATUS, + "calling tpa_stop on queue %d\n", + queue); + + frag_size = le16_to_cpu(cqe->end_agg_cqe.pkt_len) - + tpa_info->len_on_bd; + + if (fp->mode == TPA_MODE_GRO) + pages = (frag_size + tpa_info->full_page - 1) / + tpa_info->full_page; + else + pages = SGE_PAGE_ALIGN(frag_size) >> + SGE_PAGE_SHIFT; + + bnx2x_tpa_stop(bp, fp, tpa_info, pages, + &cqe->end_agg_cqe, comp_ring_cons); #ifdef BNX2X_STOP_ON_ERROR - if (bp->panic) - return 0; + if (bp->panic) + return 0; #endif - bnx2x_update_sge_prod(fp, cqe_fp); - goto next_cqe; - } + bnx2x_update_sge_prod(fp, pages, &cqe->end_agg_cqe); + goto next_cqe; } /* non TPA */ - len = le16_to_cpu(cqe_fp->pkt_len); + len = le16_to_cpu(cqe_fp->pkt_len_or_gro_seg_len); pad = cqe_fp->placement_offset; dma_sync_single_for_cpu(&bp->pdev->dev, dma_unmap_addr(rx_buf, mapping), @@ -687,7 +705,7 @@ int bnx2x_rx_int(struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, int budget) prefetch(data + pad); /* speedup eth_type_trans() */ /* is this an error packet? */ if (unlikely(cqe_fp_flags & ETH_RX_ERROR_FALGS)) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_RX_ERR, + DP(NETIF_MSG_RX_ERR | NETIF_MSG_RX_STATUS, "ERROR flags %x rx packet %u\n", cqe_fp_flags, sw_comp_cons); fp->eth_q_stats.rx_err_discard_pkt++; @@ -701,7 +719,7 @@ int bnx2x_rx_int(struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, int budget) (len <= RX_COPY_THRESH)) { skb = netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align(bp->dev, len); if (skb == NULL) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_RX_ERR, + DP(NETIF_MSG_RX_ERR | NETIF_MSG_RX_STATUS, "ERROR packet dropped because of alloc failure\n"); fp->eth_q_stats.rx_skb_alloc_failed++; goto reuse_rx; @@ -722,9 +740,8 @@ int bnx2x_rx_int(struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, int budget) } skb_reserve(skb, pad); } else { - DP(NETIF_MSG_RX_ERR, - "ERROR packet dropped because " - "of alloc failure\n"); + DP(NETIF_MSG_RX_ERR | NETIF_MSG_RX_STATUS, + "ERROR packet dropped because of alloc failure\n"); fp->eth_q_stats.rx_skb_alloc_failed++; reuse_rx: bnx2x_reuse_rx_data(fp, bd_cons, bd_prod); @@ -793,8 +810,8 @@ static irqreturn_t bnx2x_msix_fp_int(int irq, void *fp_cookie) struct bnx2x *bp = fp->bp; u8 cos; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_FP, "got an MSI-X interrupt on IDX:SB " - "[fp %d fw_sd %d igusb %d]\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_INTR, + "got an MSI-X interrupt on IDX:SB [fp %d fw_sd %d igusb %d]\n", fp->index, fp->fw_sb_id, fp->igu_sb_id); bnx2x_ack_sb(bp, fp->igu_sb_id, USTORM_ID, 0, IGU_INT_DISABLE, 0); @@ -1007,10 +1024,8 @@ void bnx2x_init_rx_rings(struct bnx2x *bp) first_buf->data = kmalloc(fp->rx_buf_size + NET_SKB_PAD, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!first_buf->data) { - BNX2X_ERR("Failed to allocate TPA " - "skb pool for queue[%d] - " - "disabling TPA on this " - "queue!\n", j); + BNX2X_ERR("Failed to allocate TPA skb pool for queue[%d] - disabling TPA on this queue!\n", + j); bnx2x_free_tpa_pool(bp, fp, i); fp->disable_tpa = 1; break; @@ -1030,10 +1045,10 @@ void bnx2x_init_rx_rings(struct bnx2x *bp) i < MAX_RX_SGE_CNT*NUM_RX_SGE_PAGES; i++) { if (bnx2x_alloc_rx_sge(bp, fp, ring_prod) < 0) { - BNX2X_ERR("was only able to allocate " - "%d rx sges\n", i); - BNX2X_ERR("disabling TPA for " - "queue[%d]\n", j); + BNX2X_ERR("was only able to allocate %d rx sges\n", + i); + BNX2X_ERR("disabling TPA for queue[%d]\n", + j); /* Cleanup already allocated elements */ bnx2x_free_rx_sge_range(bp, fp, ring_prod); @@ -1188,8 +1203,8 @@ static void bnx2x_free_msix_irqs(struct bnx2x *bp, int nvecs) for_each_eth_queue(bp, i) { if (nvecs == offset) return; - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN, "about to release fp #%d->%d " - "irq\n", i, bp->msix_table[offset].vector); + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN, "about to release fp #%d->%d irq\n", + i, bp->msix_table[offset].vector); free_irq(bp->msix_table[offset++].vector, &bp->fp[i]); } @@ -1211,21 +1226,21 @@ int bnx2x_enable_msix(struct bnx2x *bp) int msix_vec = 0, i, rc, req_cnt; bp->msix_table[msix_vec].entry = msix_vec; - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "msix_table[0].entry = %d (slowpath)\n", + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("msix_table[0].entry = %d (slowpath)\n", bp->msix_table[0].entry); msix_vec++; #ifdef BCM_CNIC bp->msix_table[msix_vec].entry = msix_vec; - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "msix_table[%d].entry = %d (CNIC)\n", + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("msix_table[%d].entry = %d (CNIC)\n", bp->msix_table[msix_vec].entry, bp->msix_table[msix_vec].entry); msix_vec++; #endif /* We need separate vectors for ETH queues only (not FCoE) */ for_each_eth_queue(bp, i) { bp->msix_table[msix_vec].entry = msix_vec; - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "msix_table[%d].entry = %d " - "(fastpath #%u)\n", msix_vec, msix_vec, i); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("msix_table[%d].entry = %d (fastpath #%u)\n", + msix_vec, msix_vec, i); msix_vec++; } @@ -1241,14 +1256,12 @@ int bnx2x_enable_msix(struct bnx2x *bp) /* how less vectors we will have? */ int diff = req_cnt - rc; - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, - "Trying to use less MSI-X vectors: %d\n", rc); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("Trying to use less MSI-X vectors: %d\n", rc); rc = pci_enable_msix(bp->pdev, &bp->msix_table[0], rc); if (rc) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, - "MSI-X is not attainable rc %d\n", rc); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("MSI-X is not attainable rc %d\n", rc); return rc; } /* @@ -1256,13 +1269,13 @@ int bnx2x_enable_msix(struct bnx2x *bp) */ bp->num_queues -= diff; - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "New queue configuration set: %d\n", + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("New queue configuration set: %d\n", bp->num_queues); } else if (rc) { /* fall to INTx if not enough memory */ if (rc == -ENOMEM) bp->flags |= DISABLE_MSI_FLAG; - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "MSI-X is not attainable rc %d\n", rc); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("MSI-X is not attainable rc %d\n", rc); return rc; } @@ -1305,8 +1318,7 @@ static int bnx2x_req_msix_irqs(struct bnx2x *bp) i = BNX2X_NUM_ETH_QUEUES(bp); offset = 1 + CNIC_PRESENT; - netdev_info(bp->dev, "using MSI-X IRQs: sp %d fp[%d] %d" - " ... fp[%d] %d\n", + netdev_info(bp->dev, "using MSI-X IRQs: sp %d fp[%d] %d ... fp[%d] %d\n", bp->msix_table[0].vector, 0, bp->msix_table[offset].vector, i - 1, bp->msix_table[offset + i - 1].vector); @@ -1320,7 +1332,7 @@ int bnx2x_enable_msi(struct bnx2x *bp) rc = pci_enable_msi(bp->pdev); if (rc) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "MSI is not attainable\n"); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("MSI is not attainable\n"); return -1; } bp->flags |= USING_MSI_FLAG; @@ -1441,8 +1453,8 @@ void bnx2x_set_num_queues(struct bnx2x *bp) } #ifdef BCM_CNIC - /* override in ISCSI SD mod */ - if (IS_MF_ISCSI_SD(bp)) + /* override in STORAGE SD mode */ + if (IS_MF_STORAGE_SD(bp)) bp->num_queues = 1; #endif /* Add special queues */ @@ -1497,7 +1509,7 @@ static inline int bnx2x_set_real_num_queues(struct bnx2x *bp) return rc; } - DP(NETIF_MSG_DRV, "Setting real num queues to (tx, rx) (%d, %d)\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "Setting real num queues to (tx, rx) (%d, %d)\n", tx, rx); return rc; @@ -1562,7 +1574,7 @@ static inline int bnx2x_init_rss_pf(struct bnx2x *bp) int bnx2x_config_rss_pf(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 *ind_table, bool config_hash) { - struct bnx2x_config_rss_params params = {0}; + struct bnx2x_config_rss_params params = {NULL}; int i; /* Although RSS is meaningless when there is a single HW queue we @@ -1625,7 +1637,7 @@ int bnx2x_config_rss_pf(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 *ind_table, bool config_hash) static inline int bnx2x_init_hw(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 load_code) { - struct bnx2x_func_state_params func_params = {0}; + struct bnx2x_func_state_params func_params = {NULL}; /* Prepare parameters for function state transitions */ __set_bit(RAMROD_COMP_WAIT, &func_params.ramrod_flags); @@ -1646,7 +1658,7 @@ static void bnx2x_squeeze_objects(struct bnx2x *bp) { int rc; unsigned long ramrod_flags = 0, vlan_mac_flags = 0; - struct bnx2x_mcast_ramrod_params rparam = {0}; + struct bnx2x_mcast_ramrod_params rparam = {NULL}; struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *mac_obj = &bp->fp->mac_obj; /***************** Cleanup MACs' object first *************************/ @@ -1678,8 +1690,8 @@ static void bnx2x_squeeze_objects(struct bnx2x *bp) /* Add a DEL command... */ rc = bnx2x_config_mcast(bp, &rparam, BNX2X_MCAST_CMD_DEL); if (rc < 0) - BNX2X_ERR("Failed to add a new DEL command to a multi-cast " - "object: %d\n", rc); + BNX2X_ERR("Failed to add a new DEL command to a multi-cast object: %d\n", + rc); /* ...and wait until all pending commands are cleared */ rc = bnx2x_config_mcast(bp, &rparam, BNX2X_MCAST_CMD_CONT); @@ -1717,8 +1729,10 @@ int bnx2x_nic_load(struct bnx2x *bp, int load_mode) int i, rc; #ifdef BNX2X_STOP_ON_ERROR - if (unlikely(bp->panic)) + if (unlikely(bp->panic)) { + BNX2X_ERR("Can't load NIC when there is panic\n"); return -EPERM; + } #endif bp->state = BNX2X_STATE_OPENING_WAIT4_LOAD; @@ -1738,6 +1752,7 @@ int bnx2x_nic_load(struct bnx2x *bp, int load_mode) * allocated only once, fp index, max_cos, bp pointer. * Also set fp->disable_tpa. */ + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "num queues: %d", bp->num_queues); for_each_queue(bp, i) bnx2x_bz_fp(bp, i); @@ -1766,12 +1781,27 @@ int bnx2x_nic_load(struct bnx2x *bp, int load_mode) bnx2x_napi_enable(bp); + /* set pf load just before approaching the MCP */ + bnx2x_set_pf_load(bp); + /* Send LOAD_REQUEST command to MCP * Returns the type of LOAD command: * if it is the first port to be initialized * common blocks should be initialized, otherwise - not */ if (!BP_NOMCP(bp)) { + /* init fw_seq */ + bp->fw_seq = + (SHMEM_RD(bp, func_mb[BP_FW_MB_IDX(bp)].drv_mb_header) & + DRV_MSG_SEQ_NUMBER_MASK); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("fw_seq 0x%08x\n", bp->fw_seq); + + /* Get current FW pulse sequence */ + bp->fw_drv_pulse_wr_seq = + (SHMEM_RD(bp, func_mb[BP_FW_MB_IDX(bp)].drv_pulse_mb) & + DRV_PULSE_SEQ_MASK); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("drv_pulse 0x%x\n", bp->fw_drv_pulse_wr_seq); + load_code = bnx2x_fw_command(bp, DRV_MSG_CODE_LOAD_REQ, 0); if (!load_code) { BNX2X_ERR("MCP response failure, aborting\n"); @@ -1779,9 +1809,33 @@ int bnx2x_nic_load(struct bnx2x *bp, int load_mode) LOAD_ERROR_EXIT(bp, load_error1); } if (load_code == FW_MSG_CODE_DRV_LOAD_REFUSED) { + BNX2X_ERR("Driver load refused\n"); rc = -EBUSY; /* other port in diagnostic mode */ LOAD_ERROR_EXIT(bp, load_error1); } + if (load_code != FW_MSG_CODE_DRV_LOAD_COMMON_CHIP && + load_code != FW_MSG_CODE_DRV_LOAD_COMMON) { + /* build FW version dword */ + u32 my_fw = (BCM_5710_FW_MAJOR_VERSION) + + (BCM_5710_FW_MINOR_VERSION << 8) + + (BCM_5710_FW_REVISION_VERSION << 16) + + (BCM_5710_FW_ENGINEERING_VERSION << 24); + + /* read loaded FW from chip */ + u32 loaded_fw = REG_RD(bp, XSEM_REG_PRAM); + + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "loaded fw %x, my fw %x", + loaded_fw, my_fw); + + /* abort nic load if version mismatch */ + if (my_fw != loaded_fw) { + BNX2X_ERR("bnx2x with FW %x already loaded, " + "which mismatches my %x FW. aborting", + loaded_fw, my_fw); + rc = -EBUSY; + LOAD_ERROR_EXIT(bp, load_error2); + } + } } else { int path = BP_PATH(bp); @@ -1816,7 +1870,7 @@ int bnx2x_nic_load(struct bnx2x *bp, int load_mode) } else bp->port.pmf = 0; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "pmf %d\n", bp->port.pmf); + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "pmf %d\n", bp->port.pmf); /* Init Function state controlling object */ bnx2x__init_func_obj(bp); @@ -1832,6 +1886,7 @@ int bnx2x_nic_load(struct bnx2x *bp, int load_mode) /* Connect to IRQs */ rc = bnx2x_setup_irqs(bp); if (rc) { + BNX2X_ERR("IRQs setup failed\n"); bnx2x_fw_command(bp, DRV_MSG_CODE_LOAD_DONE, 0); LOAD_ERROR_EXIT(bp, load_error2); } @@ -1882,21 +1937,27 @@ int bnx2x_nic_load(struct bnx2x *bp, int load_mode) for_each_nondefault_queue(bp, i) { rc = bnx2x_setup_queue(bp, &bp->fp[i], 0); - if (rc) + if (rc) { + BNX2X_ERR("Queue setup failed\n"); LOAD_ERROR_EXIT(bp, load_error4); + } } rc = bnx2x_init_rss_pf(bp); - if (rc) + if (rc) { + BNX2X_ERR("PF RSS init failed\n"); LOAD_ERROR_EXIT(bp, load_error4); + } /* Now when Clients are configured we are ready to work */ bp->state = BNX2X_STATE_OPEN; /* Configure a ucast MAC */ rc = bnx2x_set_eth_mac(bp, true); - if (rc) + if (rc) { + BNX2X_ERR("Setting Ethernet MAC failed\n"); LOAD_ERROR_EXIT(bp, load_error4); + } if (bp->pending_max) { bnx2x_update_max_mf_config(bp, bp->pending_max); @@ -1948,7 +2009,15 @@ int bnx2x_nic_load(struct bnx2x *bp, int load_mode) if (bp->state == BNX2X_STATE_OPEN) bnx2x_cnic_notify(bp, CNIC_CTL_START_CMD); #endif - bnx2x_inc_load_cnt(bp); + + /* mark driver is loaded in shmem2 */ + if (SHMEM2_HAS(bp, drv_capabilities_flag)) { + u32 val; + val = SHMEM2_RD(bp, drv_capabilities_flag[BP_FW_MB_IDX(bp)]); + SHMEM2_WR(bp, drv_capabilities_flag[BP_FW_MB_IDX(bp)], + val | DRV_FLAGS_CAPABILITIES_LOADED_SUPPORTED | + DRV_FLAGS_CAPABILITIES_LOADED_L2); + } /* Wait for all pending SP commands to complete */ if (!bnx2x_wait_sp_comp(bp, ~0x0UL)) { @@ -1988,6 +2057,8 @@ int bnx2x_nic_load(struct bnx2x *bp, int load_mode) bp->port.pmf = 0; load_error1: bnx2x_napi_disable(bp); + /* clear pf_load status, as it was already set */ + bnx2x_clear_pf_load(bp); load_error0: bnx2x_free_mem(bp); @@ -2001,6 +2072,14 @@ int bnx2x_nic_unload(struct bnx2x *bp, int unload_mode) int i; bool global = false; + /* mark driver is unloaded in shmem2 */ + if (SHMEM2_HAS(bp, drv_capabilities_flag)) { + u32 val; + val = SHMEM2_RD(bp, drv_capabilities_flag[BP_FW_MB_IDX(bp)]); + SHMEM2_WR(bp, drv_capabilities_flag[BP_FW_MB_IDX(bp)], + val & ~DRV_FLAGS_CAPABILITIES_LOADED_L2); + } + if ((bp->state == BNX2X_STATE_CLOSED) || (bp->state == BNX2X_STATE_ERROR)) { /* We can get here if the driver has been unloaded @@ -2015,8 +2094,8 @@ int bnx2x_nic_unload(struct bnx2x *bp, int unload_mode) bnx2x_release_leader_lock(bp); smp_mb(); - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "Releasing a leadership...\n"); - + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN, "Releasing a leadership...\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("Can't unload in closed or error state\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -2045,6 +2124,7 @@ int bnx2x_nic_unload(struct bnx2x *bp, int unload_mode) bnx2x_drv_pulse(bp); bnx2x_stats_handle(bp, STATS_EVENT_STOP); + bnx2x_save_statistics(bp); /* Cleanup the chip if needed */ if (unload_mode != UNLOAD_RECOVERY) @@ -2108,7 +2188,7 @@ int bnx2x_nic_unload(struct bnx2x *bp, int unload_mode) /* The last driver must disable a "close the gate" if there is no * parity attention or "process kill" pending. */ - if (!bnx2x_dec_load_cnt(bp) && bnx2x_reset_is_done(bp, BP_PATH(bp))) + if (!bnx2x_clear_pf_load(bp) && bnx2x_reset_is_done(bp, BP_PATH(bp))) bnx2x_disable_close_the_gate(bp); return 0; @@ -2120,7 +2200,7 @@ int bnx2x_set_power_state(struct bnx2x *bp, pci_power_t state) /* If there is no power capability, silently succeed */ if (!bp->pm_cap) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "No power capability. Breaking.\n"); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("No power capability. Breaking.\n"); return 0; } @@ -2161,6 +2241,7 @@ int bnx2x_set_power_state(struct bnx2x *bp, pci_power_t state) break; default: + dev_err(&bp->pdev->dev, "Can't support state = %d\n", state); return -EINVAL; } return 0; @@ -2230,7 +2311,7 @@ int bnx2x_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) if (!(bnx2x_has_rx_work(fp) || bnx2x_has_tx_work(fp))) { napi_complete(napi); /* Re-enable interrupts */ - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, + DP(NETIF_MSG_RX_STATUS, "Update index to %d\n", fp->fp_hc_idx); bnx2x_ack_sb(bp, fp->igu_sb_id, USTORM_ID, le16_to_cpu(fp->fp_hc_idx), @@ -2264,9 +2345,8 @@ static noinline u16 bnx2x_tx_split(struct bnx2x *bp, h_tx_bd->nbd = cpu_to_le16(nbd); h_tx_bd->nbytes = cpu_to_le16(hlen); - DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_QUEUED, "TSO split header size is %d " - "(%x:%x) nbd %d\n", h_tx_bd->nbytes, h_tx_bd->addr_hi, - h_tx_bd->addr_lo, h_tx_bd->nbd); + DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_QUEUED, "TSO split header size is %d (%x:%x) nbd %d\n", + h_tx_bd->nbytes, h_tx_bd->addr_hi, h_tx_bd->addr_lo, h_tx_bd->nbd); /* now get a new data BD * (after the pbd) and fill it */ @@ -2406,8 +2486,7 @@ static int bnx2x_pkt_req_lin(struct bnx2x *bp, struct sk_buff *skb, exit_lbl: if (unlikely(to_copy)) DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_QUEUED, - "Linearization IS REQUIRED for %s packet. " - "num_frags %d hlen %d first_bd_sz %d\n", + "Linearization IS REQUIRED for %s packet. num_frags %d hlen %d first_bd_sz %d\n", (xmit_type & XMIT_GSO) ? "LSO" : "non-LSO", skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags, hlen, first_bd_sz); @@ -2615,7 +2694,7 @@ netdev_tx_t bnx2x_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) #endif /* enable this debug print to view the transmission queue being used - DP(BNX2X_MSG_FP, "indices: txq %d, fp %d, txdata %d\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_QUEUED, "indices: txq %d, fp %d, txdata %d\n", txq_index, fp_index, txdata_index); */ /* locate the fastpath and the txdata */ @@ -2623,8 +2702,8 @@ netdev_tx_t bnx2x_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) txdata = &fp->txdata[txdata_index]; /* enable this debug print to view the tranmission details - DP(BNX2X_MSG_FP,"transmitting packet cid %d fp index %d txdata_index %d" - " tx_data ptr %p fp pointer %p\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_QUEUED, + "transmitting packet cid %d fp index %d txdata_index %d tx_data ptr %p fp pointer %p\n", txdata->cid, fp_index, txdata_index, txdata, fp); */ if (unlikely(bnx2x_tx_avail(bp, txdata) < @@ -2635,8 +2714,8 @@ netdev_tx_t bnx2x_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; } - DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_QUEUED, "queue[%d]: SKB: summed %x protocol %x " - "protocol(%x,%x) gso type %x xmit_type %x\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_QUEUED, + "queue[%d]: SKB: summed %x protocol %x protocol(%x,%x) gso type %x xmit_type %x\n", txq_index, skb->ip_summed, skb->protocol, ipv6_hdr(skb)->nexthdr, ip_hdr(skb)->protocol, skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_type, xmit_type); @@ -2658,8 +2737,8 @@ netdev_tx_t bnx2x_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) /* Statistics of linearization */ bp->lin_cnt++; if (skb_linearize(skb) != 0) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_QUEUED, "SKB linearization failed - " - "silently dropping this SKB\n"); + DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_QUEUED, + "SKB linearization failed - silently dropping this SKB\n"); dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); return NETDEV_TX_OK; } @@ -2669,8 +2748,8 @@ netdev_tx_t bnx2x_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) mapping = dma_map_single(&bp->pdev->dev, skb->data, skb_headlen(skb), DMA_TO_DEVICE); if (unlikely(dma_mapping_error(&bp->pdev->dev, mapping))) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_QUEUED, "SKB mapping failed - " - "silently dropping this SKB\n"); + DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_QUEUED, + "SKB mapping failed - silently dropping this SKB\n"); dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); return NETDEV_TX_OK; } @@ -2765,8 +2844,8 @@ netdev_tx_t bnx2x_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) tx_start_bd->nbytes = cpu_to_le16(skb_headlen(skb)); pkt_size = tx_start_bd->nbytes; - DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_QUEUED, "first bd @%p addr (%x:%x) nbd %d" - " nbytes %d flags %x vlan %x\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_QUEUED, + "first bd @%p addr (%x:%x) nbd %d nbytes %d flags %x vlan %x\n", tx_start_bd, tx_start_bd->addr_hi, tx_start_bd->addr_lo, le16_to_cpu(tx_start_bd->nbd), le16_to_cpu(tx_start_bd->nbytes), tx_start_bd->bd_flags.as_bitfield, @@ -2809,8 +2888,8 @@ netdev_tx_t bnx2x_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) if (unlikely(dma_mapping_error(&bp->pdev->dev, mapping))) { unsigned int pkts_compl = 0, bytes_compl = 0; - DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_QUEUED, "Unable to map page - " - "dropping packet...\n"); + DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_QUEUED, + "Unable to map page - dropping packet...\n"); /* we need unmap all buffers already mapped * for this SKB; @@ -2866,8 +2945,7 @@ netdev_tx_t bnx2x_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) if (pbd_e1x) DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_QUEUED, - "PBD (E1X) @%p ip_data %x ip_hlen %u ip_id %u lso_mss %u" - " tcp_flags %x xsum %x seq %u hlen %u\n", + "PBD (E1X) @%p ip_data %x ip_hlen %u ip_id %u lso_mss %u tcp_flags %x xsum %x seq %u hlen %u\n", pbd_e1x, pbd_e1x->global_data, pbd_e1x->ip_hlen_w, pbd_e1x->ip_id, pbd_e1x->lso_mss, pbd_e1x->tcp_flags, pbd_e1x->tcp_pseudo_csum, pbd_e1x->tcp_send_seq, @@ -2943,23 +3021,22 @@ int bnx2x_setup_tc(struct net_device *dev, u8 num_tc) /* requested to support too many traffic classes */ if (num_tc > bp->max_cos) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_ERR, "support for too many traffic classes" - " requested: %d. max supported is %d\n", - num_tc, bp->max_cos); + BNX2X_ERR("support for too many traffic classes requested: %d. max supported is %d\n", + num_tc, bp->max_cos); return -EINVAL; } /* declare amount of supported traffic classes */ if (netdev_set_num_tc(dev, num_tc)) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_TX_ERR, "failed to declare %d traffic classes\n", - num_tc); + BNX2X_ERR("failed to declare %d traffic classes\n", num_tc); return -EINVAL; } /* configure priority to traffic class mapping */ for (prio = 0; prio < BNX2X_MAX_PRIORITY; prio++) { netdev_set_prio_tc_map(dev, prio, bp->prio_to_cos[prio]); - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "mapping priority %d to tc %d\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP | NETIF_MSG_IFUP, + "mapping priority %d to tc %d\n", prio, bp->prio_to_cos[prio]); } @@ -2979,7 +3056,8 @@ int bnx2x_setup_tc(struct net_device *dev, u8 num_tc) count = BNX2X_NUM_ETH_QUEUES(bp); offset = cos * MAX_TXQS_PER_COS; netdev_set_tc_queue(dev, cos, count, offset); - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "mapping tc %d to offset %d count %d\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP | NETIF_MSG_IFUP, + "mapping tc %d to offset %d count %d\n", cos, offset, count); } @@ -2993,12 +3071,16 @@ int bnx2x_change_mac_addr(struct net_device *dev, void *p) struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(dev); int rc = 0; - if (!bnx2x_is_valid_ether_addr(bp, addr->sa_data)) + if (!bnx2x_is_valid_ether_addr(bp, addr->sa_data)) { + BNX2X_ERR("Requested MAC address is not valid\n"); return -EINVAL; + } #ifdef BCM_CNIC - if (IS_MF_ISCSI_SD(bp) && !is_zero_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) + if (IS_MF_STORAGE_SD(bp) && !is_zero_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) { + BNX2X_ERR("Can't configure non-zero address on iSCSI or FCoE functions in MF-SD mode\n"); return -EINVAL; + } #endif if (netif_running(dev)) { @@ -3007,6 +3089,7 @@ int bnx2x_change_mac_addr(struct net_device *dev, void *p) return rc; } + dev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, dev->addr_len); if (netif_running(dev)) @@ -3071,7 +3154,7 @@ static void bnx2x_free_fp_mem_at(struct bnx2x *bp, int fp_index) for_each_cos_in_tx_queue(fp, cos) { struct bnx2x_fp_txdata *txdata = &fp->txdata[cos]; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN, "freeing tx memory of fp %d cos %d cid %d\n", fp_index, cos, txdata->cid); @@ -3116,15 +3199,22 @@ static int bnx2x_alloc_fp_mem_at(struct bnx2x *bp, int index) int rx_ring_size = 0; #ifdef BCM_CNIC - if (!bp->rx_ring_size && IS_MF_ISCSI_SD(bp)) { + if (!bp->rx_ring_size && IS_MF_STORAGE_SD(bp)) { rx_ring_size = MIN_RX_SIZE_NONTPA; bp->rx_ring_size = rx_ring_size; } else #endif if (!bp->rx_ring_size) { + u32 cfg = SHMEM_RD(bp, + dev_info.port_hw_config[BP_PORT(bp)].default_cfg); rx_ring_size = MAX_RX_AVAIL/BNX2X_NUM_RX_QUEUES(bp); + /* Dercease ring size for 1G functions */ + if ((cfg & PORT_HW_CFG_NET_SERDES_IF_MASK) == + PORT_HW_CFG_NET_SERDES_IF_SGMII) + rx_ring_size /= 10; + /* allocate at least number of buffers required by FW */ rx_ring_size = max_t(int, bp->disable_tpa ? MIN_RX_SIZE_NONTPA : MIN_RX_SIZE_TPA, rx_ring_size); @@ -3163,8 +3253,8 @@ static int bnx2x_alloc_fp_mem_at(struct bnx2x *bp, int index) for_each_cos_in_tx_queue(fp, cos) { struct bnx2x_fp_txdata *txdata = &fp->txdata[cos]; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "allocating tx memory of " - "fp %d cos %d\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, + "allocating tx memory of fp %d cos %d\n", index, cos); BNX2X_ALLOC(txdata->tx_buf_ring, @@ -3401,6 +3491,7 @@ int bnx2x_fcoe_get_wwn(struct net_device *dev, u64 *wwn, int type) cp->fcoe_wwn_port_name_lo); break; default: + BNX2X_ERR("Wrong WWN type requested - %d\n", type); return -EINVAL; } @@ -3414,13 +3505,15 @@ int bnx2x_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu) struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(dev); if (bp->recovery_state != BNX2X_RECOVERY_DONE) { - pr_err("Handling parity error recovery. Try again later\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("Can't perform change MTU during parity recovery\n"); return -EAGAIN; } if ((new_mtu > ETH_MAX_JUMBO_PACKET_SIZE) || - ((new_mtu + ETH_HLEN) < ETH_MIN_PACKET_SIZE)) + ((new_mtu + ETH_HLEN) < ETH_MIN_PACKET_SIZE)) { + BNX2X_ERR("Can't support requested MTU size\n"); return -EINVAL; + } /* This does not race with packet allocation * because the actual alloc size is @@ -3428,17 +3521,21 @@ int bnx2x_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu) */ dev->mtu = new_mtu; + bp->gro_check = bnx2x_need_gro_check(new_mtu); + return bnx2x_reload_if_running(dev); } netdev_features_t bnx2x_fix_features(struct net_device *dev, - netdev_features_t features) + netdev_features_t features) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(dev); /* TPA requires Rx CSUM offloading */ - if (!(features & NETIF_F_RXCSUM) || bp->disable_tpa) + if (!(features & NETIF_F_RXCSUM) || bp->disable_tpa) { features &= ~NETIF_F_LRO; + features &= ~NETIF_F_GRO; + } return features; } @@ -3454,6 +3551,11 @@ int bnx2x_set_features(struct net_device *dev, netdev_features_t features) else flags &= ~TPA_ENABLE_FLAG; + if (features & NETIF_F_GRO) + flags |= GRO_ENABLE_FLAG; + else + flags &= ~GRO_ENABLE_FLAG; + if (features & NETIF_F_LOOPBACK) { if (bp->link_params.loopback_mode != LOOPBACK_BMAC) { bp->link_params.loopback_mode = LOOPBACK_BMAC; @@ -3541,7 +3643,7 @@ int bnx2x_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev) bp = netdev_priv(dev); if (bp->recovery_state != BNX2X_RECOVERY_DONE) { - pr_err("Handling parity error recovery. Try again later\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("Handling parity error recovery. Try again later\n"); return -EAGAIN; } @@ -3557,8 +3659,6 @@ int bnx2x_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev) bnx2x_set_power_state(bp, PCI_D0); netif_device_attach(dev); - /* Since the chip was reset, clear the FW sequence number */ - bp->fw_seq = 0; rc = bnx2x_nic_load(bp, LOAD_OPEN); rtnl_unlock(); @@ -3588,8 +3688,9 @@ static inline void storm_memset_hc_timeout(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 port, u32 addr = BAR_CSTRORM_INTMEM + CSTORM_STATUS_BLOCK_DATA_TIMEOUT_OFFSET(fw_sb_id, sb_index); REG_WR8(bp, addr, ticks); - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "port %x fw_sb_id %d sb_index %d ticks %d\n", - port, fw_sb_id, sb_index, ticks); + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, + "port %x fw_sb_id %d sb_index %d ticks %d\n", + port, fw_sb_id, sb_index, ticks); } static inline void storm_memset_hc_disable(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 port, @@ -3604,8 +3705,9 @@ static inline void storm_memset_hc_disable(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 port, flags &= ~HC_INDEX_DATA_HC_ENABLED; flags |= enable_flag; REG_WR16(bp, addr, flags); - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "port %x fw_sb_id %d sb_index %d disable %d\n", - port, fw_sb_id, sb_index, disable); + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, + "port %x fw_sb_id %d sb_index %d disable %d\n", + port, fw_sb_id, sb_index, disable); } void bnx2x_update_coalesce_sb_index(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 fw_sb_id, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_cmn.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_cmn.h index 4f40f7d7d8c6647652fc09b2d240e5c7c224530c..8b163388659a63fa3fe8b056873065f02f679bdc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_cmn.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_cmn.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* bnx2x_cmn.h: Broadcom Everest network driver. * - * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -379,8 +379,8 @@ void bnx2x_set_q_rx_mode(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 cl_id, unsigned long ramrod_flags); /* Parity errors related */ -void bnx2x_inc_load_cnt(struct bnx2x *bp); -u32 bnx2x_dec_load_cnt(struct bnx2x *bp); +void bnx2x_set_pf_load(struct bnx2x *bp); +bool bnx2x_clear_pf_load(struct bnx2x *bp); bool bnx2x_chk_parity_attn(struct bnx2x *bp, bool *global, bool print); bool bnx2x_reset_is_done(struct bnx2x *bp, int engine); void bnx2x_set_reset_in_progress(struct bnx2x *bp); @@ -534,8 +534,9 @@ int bnx2x_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu); */ int bnx2x_fcoe_get_wwn(struct net_device *dev, u64 *wwn, int type); #endif + netdev_features_t bnx2x_fix_features(struct net_device *dev, - netdev_features_t features); + netdev_features_t features); int bnx2x_set_features(struct net_device *dev, netdev_features_t features); /** @@ -597,7 +598,7 @@ static inline void bnx2x_igu_ack_sb_gen(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 igu_sb_id, (update << IGU_REGULAR_BUPDATE_SHIFT) | (op << IGU_REGULAR_ENABLE_INT_SHIFT)); - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "write 0x%08x to IGU addr 0x%x\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_INTR, "write 0x%08x to IGU addr 0x%x\n", cmd_data.sb_id_and_flags, igu_addr); REG_WR(bp, igu_addr, cmd_data.sb_id_and_flags); @@ -614,8 +615,7 @@ static inline void bnx2x_igu_clear_sb_gen(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 func, u32 igu_addr_ctl = IGU_REG_COMMAND_REG_CTRL; u32 igu_addr_ack = IGU_REG_CSTORM_TYPE_0_SB_CLEANUP + (idu_sb_id/32)*4; u32 sb_bit = 1 << (idu_sb_id%32); - u32 func_encode = func | - ((is_Pf == true ? 1 : 0) << IGU_FID_ENCODE_IS_PF_SHIFT); + u32 func_encode = func | (is_Pf ? 1 : 0) << IGU_FID_ENCODE_IS_PF_SHIFT; u32 addr_encode = IGU_CMD_E2_PROD_UPD_BASE + idu_sb_id; /* Not supported in BC mode */ @@ -648,8 +648,8 @@ static inline void bnx2x_igu_clear_sb_gen(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 func, if (!(REG_RD(bp, igu_addr_ack) & sb_bit)) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "Unable to finish IGU cleanup: " - "idu_sb_id %d offset %d bit %d (cnt %d)\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, + "Unable to finish IGU cleanup: idu_sb_id %d offset %d bit %d (cnt %d)\n", idu_sb_id, idu_sb_id/32, idu_sb_id%32, cnt); } } @@ -668,8 +668,6 @@ static inline void bnx2x_hc_ack_sb(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 sb_id, (update << IGU_ACK_REGISTER_UPDATE_INDEX_SHIFT) | (op << IGU_ACK_REGISTER_INTERRUPT_MODE_SHIFT)); - DP(BNX2X_MSG_OFF, "write 0x%08x to HC addr 0x%x\n", - (*(u32 *)&igu_ack), hc_addr); REG_WR(bp, hc_addr, (*(u32 *)&igu_ack)); /* Make sure that ACK is written */ @@ -703,9 +701,6 @@ static inline u16 bnx2x_hc_ack_int(struct bnx2x *bp) COMMAND_REG_SIMD_MASK); u32 result = REG_RD(bp, hc_addr); - DP(BNX2X_MSG_OFF, "read 0x%08x from HC addr 0x%x\n", - result, hc_addr); - barrier(); return result; } @@ -715,7 +710,7 @@ static inline u16 bnx2x_igu_ack_int(struct bnx2x *bp) u32 igu_addr = (BAR_IGU_INTMEM + IGU_REG_SISR_MDPC_WMASK_LSB_UPPER*8); u32 result = REG_RD(bp, igu_addr); - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "read 0x%08x from IGU addr 0x%x\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_INTR, "read 0x%08x from IGU addr 0x%x\n", result, igu_addr); barrier(); @@ -893,13 +888,16 @@ static inline int bnx2x_alloc_rx_sge(struct bnx2x *bp, struct eth_rx_sge *sge = &fp->rx_sge_ring[index]; dma_addr_t mapping; - if (unlikely(page == NULL)) + if (unlikely(page == NULL)) { + BNX2X_ERR("Can't alloc sge\n"); return -ENOMEM; + } mapping = dma_map_page(&bp->pdev->dev, page, 0, SGE_PAGE_SIZE*PAGES_PER_SGE, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); if (unlikely(dma_mapping_error(&bp->pdev->dev, mapping))) { __free_pages(page, PAGES_PER_SGE_SHIFT); + BNX2X_ERR("Can't map sge\n"); return -ENOMEM; } @@ -929,6 +927,7 @@ static inline int bnx2x_alloc_rx_data(struct bnx2x *bp, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); if (unlikely(dma_mapping_error(&bp->pdev->dev, mapping))) { kfree(data); + BNX2X_ERR("Can't map rx data\n"); return -ENOMEM; } @@ -971,7 +970,7 @@ static inline void bnx2x_reuse_rx_data(struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, */ static inline int bnx2x_func_start(struct bnx2x *bp) { - struct bnx2x_func_state_params func_params = {0}; + struct bnx2x_func_state_params func_params = {NULL}; struct bnx2x_func_start_params *start_params = &func_params.params.start; @@ -984,10 +983,11 @@ static inline int bnx2x_func_start(struct bnx2x *bp) /* Function parameters */ start_params->mf_mode = bp->mf_mode; start_params->sd_vlan_tag = bp->mf_ov; - if (CHIP_IS_E1x(bp)) - start_params->network_cos_mode = OVERRIDE_COS; - else + + if (CHIP_IS_E2(bp) || CHIP_IS_E3(bp)) start_params->network_cos_mode = STATIC_COS; + else /* CHIP_IS_E1X */ + start_params->network_cos_mode = FW_WRR; return bnx2x_func_state_change(bp, &func_params); } @@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@ static inline int bnx2x_alloc_rx_bds(struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, { struct bnx2x *bp = fp->bp; u16 ring_prod, cqe_ring_prod; - int i; + int i, failure_cnt = 0; fp->rx_comp_cons = 0; cqe_ring_prod = ring_prod = 0; @@ -1152,18 +1152,17 @@ static inline int bnx2x_alloc_rx_bds(struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, */ for (i = 0; i < rx_ring_size; i++) { if (bnx2x_alloc_rx_data(bp, fp, ring_prod) < 0) { - fp->eth_q_stats.rx_skb_alloc_failed++; + failure_cnt++; continue; } ring_prod = NEXT_RX_IDX(ring_prod); cqe_ring_prod = NEXT_RCQ_IDX(cqe_ring_prod); - WARN_ON(ring_prod <= (i - fp->eth_q_stats.rx_skb_alloc_failed)); + WARN_ON(ring_prod <= (i - failure_cnt)); } - if (fp->eth_q_stats.rx_skb_alloc_failed) - BNX2X_ERR("was only able to allocate " - "%d rx skbs on queue[%d]\n", - (i - fp->eth_q_stats.rx_skb_alloc_failed), fp->index); + if (failure_cnt) + BNX2X_ERR("was only able to allocate %d rx skbs on queue[%d]\n", + i - failure_cnt, fp->index); fp->rx_bd_prod = ring_prod; /* Limit the CQE producer by the CQE ring size */ @@ -1171,7 +1170,9 @@ static inline int bnx2x_alloc_rx_bds(struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, cqe_ring_prod); fp->rx_pkt = fp->rx_calls = 0; - return i - fp->eth_q_stats.rx_skb_alloc_failed; + fp->eth_q_stats.rx_skb_alloc_failed += failure_cnt; + + return i - failure_cnt; } /* Statistics ID are global per chip/path, while Client IDs for E1x are per @@ -1297,7 +1298,7 @@ static inline void bnx2x_init_txdata(struct bnx2x *bp, txdata->txq_index = txq_index; txdata->tx_cons_sb = tx_cons_sb; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "created tx data cid %d, txq %d\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "created tx data cid %d, txq %d\n", txdata->cid, txdata->txq_index); } @@ -1342,7 +1343,7 @@ static inline void bnx2x_init_fcoe_fp(struct bnx2x *bp) bnx2x_init_txdata(bp, &bnx2x_fcoe(bp, txdata[0]), fp->cid, FCOE_TXQ_IDX(bp), BNX2X_FCOE_L2_TX_INDEX); - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "created fcoe tx data (fp index %d)\n", fp->index); + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "created fcoe tx data (fp index %d)\n", fp->index); /* qZone id equals to FW (per path) client id */ bnx2x_fcoe(bp, cl_qzone_id) = bnx2x_fp_qzone_id(fp); @@ -1361,8 +1362,8 @@ static inline void bnx2x_init_fcoe_fp(struct bnx2x *bp) BP_FUNC(bp), bnx2x_sp(bp, q_rdata), bnx2x_sp_mapping(bp, q_rdata), q_type); - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "queue[%d]: bnx2x_init_sb(%p,%p) cl_id %d fw_sb %d " - "igu_sb %d\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, + "queue[%d]: bnx2x_init_sb(%p,%p) cl_id %d fw_sb %d igu_sb %d\n", fp->index, bp, fp->status_blk.e2_sb, fp->cl_id, fp->fw_sb_id, fp->igu_sb_id); } @@ -1375,8 +1376,7 @@ static inline int bnx2x_clean_tx_queue(struct bnx2x *bp, while (bnx2x_has_tx_work_unload(txdata)) { if (!cnt) { - BNX2X_ERR("timeout waiting for queue[%d]: " - "txdata->tx_pkt_prod(%d) != txdata->tx_pkt_cons(%d)\n", + BNX2X_ERR("timeout waiting for queue[%d]: txdata->tx_pkt_prod(%d) != txdata->tx_pkt_cons(%d)\n", txdata->txq_index, txdata->tx_pkt_prod, txdata->tx_pkt_cons); #ifdef BNX2X_STOP_ON_ERROR @@ -1453,8 +1453,8 @@ static inline bool bnx2x_wait_sp_comp(struct bnx2x *bp, unsigned long mask) netif_addr_lock_bh(bp->dev); if (bp->sp_state & mask) { - BNX2X_ERR("Filtering completion timed out. sp_state 0x%lx, " - "mask 0x%lx\n", bp->sp_state, mask); + BNX2X_ERR("Filtering completion timed out. sp_state 0x%lx, mask 0x%lx\n", + bp->sp_state, mask); netif_addr_unlock_bh(bp->dev); return false; } @@ -1490,13 +1490,113 @@ static inline u16 bnx2x_extract_max_cfg(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 mf_cfg) u16 max_cfg = (mf_cfg & FUNC_MF_CFG_MAX_BW_MASK) >> FUNC_MF_CFG_MAX_BW_SHIFT; if (!max_cfg) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP | BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "Max BW configured to 0 - using 100 instead\n"); max_cfg = 100; } return max_cfg; } +/* checks if HW supports GRO for given MTU */ +static inline bool bnx2x_mtu_allows_gro(int mtu) +{ + /* gro frags per page */ + int fpp = SGE_PAGE_SIZE / (mtu - ETH_MAX_TPA_HEADER_SIZE); + + /* + * 1. number of frags should not grow above MAX_SKB_FRAGS + * 2. frag must fit the page + */ + return mtu <= SGE_PAGE_SIZE && (U_ETH_SGL_SIZE * fpp) <= MAX_SKB_FRAGS; +} + +static inline bool bnx2x_need_gro_check(int mtu) +{ + return (SGE_PAGES / (mtu - ETH_MAX_TPA_HEADER_SIZE - 1)) != + (SGE_PAGES / (mtu - ETH_MIN_TPA_HEADER_SIZE + 1)); +} + +/** + * bnx2x_bz_fp - zero content of the fastpath structure. + * + * @bp: driver handle + * @index: fastpath index to be zeroed + * + * Makes sure the contents of the bp->fp[index].napi is kept + * intact. + */ +static inline void bnx2x_bz_fp(struct bnx2x *bp, int index) +{ + struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp = &bp->fp[index]; + struct napi_struct orig_napi = fp->napi; + /* bzero bnx2x_fastpath contents */ + if (bp->stats_init) + memset(fp, 0, sizeof(*fp)); + else { + /* Keep Queue statistics */ + struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats *tmp_eth_q_stats; + struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats_old *tmp_eth_q_stats_old; + + tmp_eth_q_stats = kzalloc(sizeof(struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (tmp_eth_q_stats) + memcpy(tmp_eth_q_stats, &fp->eth_q_stats, + sizeof(struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats)); + + tmp_eth_q_stats_old = + kzalloc(sizeof(struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats_old), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (tmp_eth_q_stats_old) + memcpy(tmp_eth_q_stats_old, &fp->eth_q_stats_old, + sizeof(struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats_old)); + + memset(fp, 0, sizeof(*fp)); + + if (tmp_eth_q_stats) { + memcpy(&fp->eth_q_stats, tmp_eth_q_stats, + sizeof(struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats)); + kfree(tmp_eth_q_stats); + } + + if (tmp_eth_q_stats_old) { + memcpy(&fp->eth_q_stats_old, tmp_eth_q_stats_old, + sizeof(struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats_old)); + kfree(tmp_eth_q_stats_old); + } + + } + + /* Restore the NAPI object as it has been already initialized */ + fp->napi = orig_napi; + + fp->bp = bp; + fp->index = index; + if (IS_ETH_FP(fp)) + fp->max_cos = bp->max_cos; + else + /* Special queues support only one CoS */ + fp->max_cos = 1; + + /* + * set the tpa flag for each queue. The tpa flag determines the queue + * minimal size so it must be set prior to queue memory allocation + */ + fp->disable_tpa = !(bp->flags & TPA_ENABLE_FLAG || + (bp->flags & GRO_ENABLE_FLAG && + bnx2x_mtu_allows_gro(bp->dev->mtu))); + if (bp->flags & TPA_ENABLE_FLAG) + fp->mode = TPA_MODE_LRO; + else if (bp->flags & GRO_ENABLE_FLAG) + fp->mode = TPA_MODE_GRO; + +#ifdef BCM_CNIC + /* We don't want TPA on an FCoE L2 ring */ + if (IS_FCOE_FP(fp)) + fp->disable_tpa = 1; +#endif +} + +#ifdef BCM_CNIC /** * bnx2x_get_iscsi_info - update iSCSI params according to licensing info. * @@ -1504,7 +1604,7 @@ static inline u16 bnx2x_extract_max_cfg(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 mf_cfg) * */ void bnx2x_get_iscsi_info(struct bnx2x *bp); - +#endif /* returns func by VN for current port */ static inline int func_by_vn(struct bnx2x *bp, int vn) { @@ -1545,7 +1645,7 @@ static inline void bnx2x_update_drv_flags(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 flags, u32 set) { if (SHMEM2_HAS(bp, drv_flags)) { u32 drv_flags; - bnx2x_acquire_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_DRV_FLAGS); + bnx2x_acquire_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_DRV_FLAGS); drv_flags = SHMEM2_RD(bp, drv_flags); if (set) @@ -1554,8 +1654,8 @@ static inline void bnx2x_update_drv_flags(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 flags, u32 set) RESET_FLAGS(drv_flags, flags); SHMEM2_WR(bp, drv_flags, drv_flags); - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "drv_flags 0x%08x\n", drv_flags); - bnx2x_release_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_DRV_FLAGS); + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "drv_flags 0x%08x\n", drv_flags); + bnx2x_release_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_DRV_FLAGS); } } @@ -1564,7 +1664,7 @@ static inline bool bnx2x_is_valid_ether_addr(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 *addr) if (is_valid_ether_addr(addr)) return true; #ifdef BCM_CNIC - if (is_zero_ether_addr(addr) && IS_MF_ISCSI_SD(bp)) + if (is_zero_ether_addr(addr) && IS_MF_STORAGE_SD(bp)) return true; #endif return false; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_dcb.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_dcb.c index 6d82ade4c31c0ab9e676774c3c2c073a3cd50d9f..4f9244bd7530877ff791defbe2082a0c2e9aa480 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_dcb.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_dcb.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* bnx2x_dcb.c: Broadcom Everest network driver. * - * Copyright 2009-2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright 2009-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license * agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you @@ -121,26 +121,6 @@ static void bnx2x_pfc_clear(struct bnx2x *bp) { struct bnx2x_nig_brb_pfc_port_params nig_params = {0}; nig_params.pause_enable = 1; -#ifdef BNX2X_SAFC - if (bp->flags & SAFC_TX_FLAG) { - u32 high = 0, low = 0; - int i; - - for (i = 0; i < BNX2X_MAX_PRIORITY; i++) { - if (bp->pri_map[i] == 1) - high |= (1 << i); - if (bp->pri_map[i] == 0) - low |= (1 << i); - } - - nig_params.llfc_low_priority_classes = high; - nig_params.llfc_low_priority_classes = low; - - nig_params.pause_enable = 0; - nig_params.llfc_enable = 1; - nig_params.llfc_out_en = 1; - } -#endif /* BNX2X_SAFC */ bnx2x_acquire_phy_lock(bp); bp->link_params.feature_config_flags &= ~FEATURE_CONFIG_PFC_ENABLED; bnx2x_update_pfc(&bp->link_params, &bp->link_vars, &nig_params); @@ -167,27 +147,27 @@ static void bnx2x_dump_dcbx_drv_param(struct bnx2x *bp, DCBX_PRI_PG_GET(features->ets.pri_pg_tbl, i)); /* pfc */ - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "dcbx_features.pfc.pri_en_bitmap %x\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "dcbx_features.pfc.pri_en_bitmap %x\n", features->pfc.pri_en_bitmap); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "dcbx_features.pfc.pfc_caps %x\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "dcbx_features.pfc.pfc_caps %x\n", features->pfc.pfc_caps); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "dcbx_features.pfc.enabled %x\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "dcbx_features.pfc.enabled %x\n", features->pfc.enabled); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "dcbx_features.app.default_pri %x\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "dcbx_features.app.default_pri %x\n", features->app.default_pri); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "dcbx_features.app.tc_supported %x\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "dcbx_features.app.tc_supported %x\n", features->app.tc_supported); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "dcbx_features.app.enabled %x\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "dcbx_features.app.enabled %x\n", features->app.enabled); for (i = 0; i < DCBX_MAX_APP_PROTOCOL; i++) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "dcbx_features.app.app_pri_tbl[%x].app_id %x\n", i, features->app.app_pri_tbl[i].app_id); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "dcbx_features.app.app_pri_tbl[%x].pri_bitmap %x\n", i, features->app.app_pri_tbl[i].pri_bitmap); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "dcbx_features.app.app_pri_tbl[%x].appBitfield %x\n", i, features->app.app_pri_tbl[i].appBitfield); } @@ -221,13 +201,16 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbx_get_ap_feature(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 *ttp = bp->dcbx_port_params.app.traffic_type_priority; if (GET_FLAGS(error, DCBX_LOCAL_APP_ERROR)) - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "DCBX_LOCAL_APP_ERROR\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "DCBX_LOCAL_APP_ERROR\n"); if (GET_FLAGS(error, DCBX_LOCAL_APP_MISMATCH)) - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "DCBX_LOCAL_APP_MISMATCH\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "DCBX_LOCAL_APP_MISMATCH\n"); + if (GET_FLAGS(error, DCBX_REMOTE_APP_TLV_NOT_FOUND)) + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "DCBX_REMOTE_APP_TLV_NOT_FOUND\n"); if (app->enabled && - !GET_FLAGS(error, DCBX_LOCAL_APP_ERROR | DCBX_LOCAL_APP_MISMATCH)) { + !GET_FLAGS(error, DCBX_LOCAL_APP_ERROR | DCBX_LOCAL_APP_MISMATCH | + DCBX_REMOTE_APP_TLV_NOT_FOUND)) { bp->dcbx_port_params.app.enabled = true; @@ -256,7 +239,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbx_get_ap_feature(struct bnx2x *bp, LLFC_TRAFFIC_TYPE_ISCSI); } } else { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "DCBX_LOCAL_APP_DISABLED\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "DCBX_LOCAL_APP_DISABLED\n"); bp->dcbx_port_params.app.enabled = false; for (index = 0 ; index < LLFC_DRIVER_TRAFFIC_TYPE_MAX; index++) ttp[index] = INVALID_TRAFFIC_TYPE_PRIORITY; @@ -276,8 +259,10 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbx_get_ets_feature(struct bnx2x *bp, if (GET_FLAGS(error, DCBX_LOCAL_ETS_ERROR)) - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "DCBX_LOCAL_ETS_ERROR\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "DCBX_LOCAL_ETS_ERROR\n"); + if (GET_FLAGS(error, DCBX_REMOTE_ETS_TLV_NOT_FOUND)) + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "DCBX_REMOTE_ETS_TLV_NOT_FOUND\n"); /* Clean up old settings of ets on COS */ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(bp->dcbx_port_params.ets.cos_params) ; i++) { @@ -287,10 +272,10 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbx_get_ets_feature(struct bnx2x *bp, cos_params[i].pri_bitmask = 0; } - if (bp->dcbx_port_params.app.enabled && - !GET_FLAGS(error, DCBX_LOCAL_ETS_ERROR) && - ets->enabled) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "DCBX_LOCAL_ETS_ENABLE\n"); + if (bp->dcbx_port_params.app.enabled && ets->enabled && + !GET_FLAGS(error, + DCBX_LOCAL_ETS_ERROR | DCBX_REMOTE_ETS_TLV_NOT_FOUND)) { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "DCBX_LOCAL_ETS_ENABLE\n"); bp->dcbx_port_params.ets.enabled = true; bnx2x_dcbx_get_ets_pri_pg_tbl(bp, @@ -305,7 +290,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbx_get_ets_feature(struct bnx2x *bp, ets, pg_pri_orginal_spread); } else { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "DCBX_LOCAL_ETS_DISABLED\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "DCBX_LOCAL_ETS_DISABLED\n"); bp->dcbx_port_params.ets.enabled = false; ets->pri_pg_tbl[0] = 0; @@ -319,16 +304,18 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbx_get_pfc_feature(struct bnx2x *bp, { if (GET_FLAGS(error, DCBX_LOCAL_PFC_ERROR)) - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "DCBX_LOCAL_PFC_ERROR\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "DCBX_LOCAL_PFC_ERROR\n"); - if (bp->dcbx_port_params.app.enabled && - !GET_FLAGS(error, DCBX_LOCAL_PFC_ERROR | DCBX_LOCAL_PFC_MISMATCH) && - pfc->enabled) { + if (GET_FLAGS(error, DCBX_REMOTE_PFC_TLV_NOT_FOUND)) + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "DCBX_REMOTE_PFC_TLV_NOT_FOUND\n"); + if (bp->dcbx_port_params.app.enabled && pfc->enabled && + !GET_FLAGS(error, DCBX_LOCAL_PFC_ERROR | DCBX_LOCAL_PFC_MISMATCH | + DCBX_REMOTE_PFC_TLV_NOT_FOUND)) { bp->dcbx_port_params.pfc.enabled = true; bp->dcbx_port_params.pfc.priority_non_pauseable_mask = ~(pfc->pri_en_bitmap); } else { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "DCBX_LOCAL_PFC_DISABLED\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "DCBX_LOCAL_PFC_DISABLED\n"); bp->dcbx_port_params.pfc.enabled = false; bp->dcbx_port_params.pfc.priority_non_pauseable_mask = 0; } @@ -352,7 +339,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbx_map_nw(struct bnx2x *bp) for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(bp->dcbx_port_params.ets.cos_params); i++) { if (cos_params[i].pri_bitmask & nw_prio) { /* extend the bitmask with unmapped */ - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "cos %d extended with 0x%08x\n", i, unmapped); cos_params[i].pri_bitmask |= unmapped; break; @@ -443,18 +430,18 @@ static void bnx2x_pfc_set_pfc(struct bnx2x *bp) static int bnx2x_dcbx_stop_hw_tx(struct bnx2x *bp) { - struct bnx2x_func_state_params func_params = {0}; + struct bnx2x_func_state_params func_params = {NULL}; func_params.f_obj = &bp->func_obj; func_params.cmd = BNX2X_F_CMD_TX_STOP; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "STOP TRAFFIC\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "STOP TRAFFIC\n"); return bnx2x_func_state_change(bp, &func_params); } static int bnx2x_dcbx_resume_hw_tx(struct bnx2x *bp) { - struct bnx2x_func_state_params func_params = {0}; + struct bnx2x_func_state_params func_params = {NULL}; struct bnx2x_func_tx_start_params *tx_params = &func_params.params.tx_start; @@ -463,7 +450,7 @@ static int bnx2x_dcbx_resume_hw_tx(struct bnx2x *bp) bnx2x_dcbx_fw_struct(bp, tx_params); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "START TRAFFIC\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "START TRAFFIC\n"); return bnx2x_func_state_change(bp, &func_params); } @@ -529,7 +516,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbx_2cos_limit_update_ets_config(struct bnx2x *bp) /* * In E3B0 the configuration may have more than 2 COS. */ -void bnx2x_dcbx_update_ets_config(struct bnx2x *bp) +static void bnx2x_dcbx_update_ets_config(struct bnx2x *bp) { struct bnx2x_dcbx_pg_params *ets = &(bp->dcbx_port_params.ets); struct bnx2x_ets_params ets_params = { 0 }; @@ -588,7 +575,7 @@ static int bnx2x_dcbx_read_shmem_remote_mib(struct bnx2x *bp) u32 dcbx_remote_mib_offset = SHMEM2_RD(bp, dcbx_remote_mib_offset); int rc; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "dcbx_remote_mib_offset 0x%x\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "dcbx_remote_mib_offset 0x%x\n", dcbx_remote_mib_offset); if (SHMEM_DCBX_REMOTE_MIB_NONE == dcbx_remote_mib_offset) { @@ -617,7 +604,7 @@ static int bnx2x_dcbx_read_shmem_neg_results(struct bnx2x *bp) u32 dcbx_neg_res_offset = SHMEM2_RD(bp, dcbx_neg_res_offset); int rc; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "dcbx_neg_res_offset 0x%x\n", dcbx_neg_res_offset); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "dcbx_neg_res_offset 0x%x\n", dcbx_neg_res_offset); if (SHMEM_DCBX_NEG_RES_NONE == dcbx_neg_res_offset) { BNX2X_ERR("FW doesn't support dcbx_neg_res_offset\n"); @@ -693,7 +680,7 @@ static inline void bnx2x_dcbx_update_tc_mapping(struct bnx2x *bp) if (bp->dcbx_port_params.ets.cos_params[cos].pri_bitmask & (1 << prio)) { bp->prio_to_cos[prio] = cos; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "tx_mapping %d --> %d\n", prio, cos); } } @@ -712,7 +699,7 @@ void bnx2x_dcbx_set_params(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 state) switch (state) { case BNX2X_DCBX_STATE_NEG_RECEIVED: { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "BNX2X_DCBX_STATE_NEG_RECEIVED\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "BNX2X_DCBX_STATE_NEG_RECEIVED\n"); #ifdef BCM_DCBNL /** * Delete app tlvs from dcbnl before reading new @@ -762,7 +749,7 @@ void bnx2x_dcbx_set_params(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 state) return; } case BNX2X_DCBX_STATE_TX_PAUSED: - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "BNX2X_DCBX_STATE_TX_PAUSED\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "BNX2X_DCBX_STATE_TX_PAUSED\n"); bnx2x_pfc_set_pfc(bp); bnx2x_dcbx_update_ets_params(bp); @@ -770,7 +757,7 @@ void bnx2x_dcbx_set_params(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 state) return; case BNX2X_DCBX_STATE_TX_RELEASED: - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "BNX2X_DCBX_STATE_TX_RELEASED\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "BNX2X_DCBX_STATE_TX_RELEASED\n"); bnx2x_fw_command(bp, DRV_MSG_CODE_DCBX_PMF_DRV_OK, 0); #ifdef BCM_DCBNL /* @@ -861,7 +848,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbx_admin_mib_updated_params(struct bnx2x *bp, DCBX_PG_BW_SET(af->ets.pg_bw_tbl, i, (u8)dp->admin_configuration_bw_precentage[i]); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "pg_bw_tbl[%d] = %02x\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "pg_bw_tbl[%d] = %02x\n", i, DCBX_PG_BW_GET(af->ets.pg_bw_tbl, i)); } @@ -869,7 +856,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbx_admin_mib_updated_params(struct bnx2x *bp, DCBX_PRI_PG_SET(af->ets.pri_pg_tbl, i, (u8)dp->admin_configuration_ets_pg[i]); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "pri_pg_tbl[%d] = %02x\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "pri_pg_tbl[%d] = %02x\n", i, DCBX_PRI_PG_GET(af->ets.pri_pg_tbl, i)); } @@ -923,7 +910,7 @@ void bnx2x_dcbx_set_state(struct bnx2x *bp, bool dcb_on, u32 dcbx_enabled) bp->dcb_state = false; bp->dcbx_enabled = BNX2X_DCBX_ENABLED_INVALID; } - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "DCB state [%s:%s]\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "DCB state [%s:%s]\n", dcb_on ? "ON" : "OFF", dcbx_enabled == BNX2X_DCBX_ENABLED_OFF ? "user-mode" : dcbx_enabled == BNX2X_DCBX_ENABLED_ON_NEG_OFF ? "on-chip static" : @@ -945,30 +932,30 @@ void bnx2x_dcbx_init_params(struct bnx2x *bp) bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_application_priority_tx_enable = 1; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_ets_reco_valid = 1; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_app_priority_willing = 1; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_bw_precentage[0] = 00; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_bw_precentage[1] = 50; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_bw_precentage[2] = 50; + bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_bw_precentage[0] = 100; + bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_bw_precentage[1] = 0; + bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_bw_precentage[2] = 0; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_bw_precentage[3] = 0; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_bw_precentage[4] = 0; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_bw_precentage[5] = 0; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_bw_precentage[6] = 0; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_bw_precentage[7] = 0; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_ets_pg[0] = 1; + bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_ets_pg[0] = 0; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_ets_pg[1] = 0; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_ets_pg[2] = 0; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_ets_pg[3] = 2; + bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_ets_pg[3] = 0; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_ets_pg[4] = 0; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_ets_pg[5] = 0; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_ets_pg[6] = 0; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_configuration_ets_pg[7] = 0; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_bw_precentage[0] = 0; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_bw_precentage[1] = 1; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_bw_precentage[2] = 2; + bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_bw_precentage[0] = 100; + bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_bw_precentage[1] = 0; + bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_bw_precentage[2] = 0; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_bw_precentage[3] = 0; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_bw_precentage[4] = 7; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_bw_precentage[5] = 5; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_bw_precentage[6] = 6; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_bw_precentage[7] = 7; + bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_bw_precentage[4] = 0; + bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_bw_precentage[5] = 0; + bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_bw_precentage[6] = 0; + bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_bw_precentage[7] = 0; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_ets_pg[0] = 0; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_ets_pg[1] = 1; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_ets_pg[2] = 2; @@ -977,25 +964,12 @@ void bnx2x_dcbx_init_params(struct bnx2x *bp) bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_ets_pg[5] = 5; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_ets_pg[6] = 6; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_recommendation_ets_pg[7] = 7; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_pfc_bitmap = 0x8; /* FCoE(3) enable */ - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[0].valid = 1; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[1].valid = 1; + bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_pfc_bitmap = 0x0; + bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[0].valid = 0; + bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[1].valid = 0; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[2].valid = 0; bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[3].valid = 0; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[0].priority = 3; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[1].priority = 0; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[2].priority = 0; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[3].priority = 0; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[0].traffic_type = 0; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[1].traffic_type = 1; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[2].traffic_type = 0; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[3].traffic_type = 0; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[0].app_id = 0x8906; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[1].app_id = 3260; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[2].app_id = 0; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[3].app_id = 0; - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_default_priority = - bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[1].priority; + bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_default_priority = 0; } void bnx2x_dcbx_init(struct bnx2x *bp) @@ -1011,7 +985,7 @@ void bnx2x_dcbx_init(struct bnx2x *bp) * the function is pmf * shmem2 contains DCBX support fields */ - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "dcb_state %d bp->port.pmf %d\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "dcb_state %d bp->port.pmf %d\n", bp->dcb_state, bp->port.pmf); if (bp->dcb_state == BNX2X_DCB_STATE_ON && bp->port.pmf && @@ -1019,7 +993,7 @@ void bnx2x_dcbx_init(struct bnx2x *bp) dcbx_lldp_params_offset = SHMEM2_RD(bp, dcbx_lldp_params_offset); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "dcbx_lldp_params_offset 0x%x\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "dcbx_lldp_params_offset 0x%x\n", dcbx_lldp_params_offset); bnx2x_update_drv_flags(bp, 1 << DRV_FLAGS_DCB_CONFIGURED, 0); @@ -1041,38 +1015,36 @@ bnx2x_dcbx_print_cos_params(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 pri = 0; u8 cos = 0; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "pfc_fw_cfg->dcb_version %x\n", pfc_fw_cfg->dcb_version); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, - "pdev->params.dcbx_port_params.pfc." - "priority_non_pauseable_mask %x\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, + "pdev->params.dcbx_port_params.pfc.priority_non_pauseable_mask %x\n", bp->dcbx_port_params.pfc.priority_non_pauseable_mask); for (cos = 0 ; cos < bp->dcbx_port_params.ets.num_of_cos ; cos++) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "pdev->params.dcbx_port_params.ets." - "cos_params[%d].pri_bitmask %x\n", cos, - bp->dcbx_port_params.ets.cos_params[cos].pri_bitmask); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, + "pdev->params.dcbx_port_params.ets.cos_params[%d].pri_bitmask %x\n", + cos, bp->dcbx_port_params.ets.cos_params[cos].pri_bitmask); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "pdev->params.dcbx_port_params.ets." - "cos_params[%d].bw_tbl %x\n", cos, - bp->dcbx_port_params.ets.cos_params[cos].bw_tbl); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, + "pdev->params.dcbx_port_params.ets.cos_params[%d].bw_tbl %x\n", + cos, bp->dcbx_port_params.ets.cos_params[cos].bw_tbl); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "pdev->params.dcbx_port_params.ets." - "cos_params[%d].strict %x\n", cos, - bp->dcbx_port_params.ets.cos_params[cos].strict); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, + "pdev->params.dcbx_port_params.ets.cos_params[%d].strict %x\n", + cos, bp->dcbx_port_params.ets.cos_params[cos].strict); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "pdev->params.dcbx_port_params.ets." - "cos_params[%d].pauseable %x\n", cos, - bp->dcbx_port_params.ets.cos_params[cos].pauseable); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, + "pdev->params.dcbx_port_params.ets.cos_params[%d].pauseable %x\n", + cos, bp->dcbx_port_params.ets.cos_params[cos].pauseable); } for (pri = 0; pri < LLFC_DRIVER_TRAFFIC_TYPE_MAX; pri++) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, - "pfc_fw_cfg->traffic_type_to_priority_cos[%d]." - "priority %x\n", pri, - pfc_fw_cfg->traffic_type_to_priority_cos[pri].priority); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, + "pfc_fw_cfg->traffic_type_to_priority_cos[%d].priority %x\n", + pri, pfc_fw_cfg->traffic_type_to_priority_cos[pri].priority); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "pfc_fw_cfg->traffic_type_to_priority_cos[%d].cos %x\n", pri, pfc_fw_cfg->traffic_type_to_priority_cos[pri].cos); } @@ -1119,7 +1091,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbx_get_num_pg_traf_type(struct bnx2x *bp, help_data->num_of_pg++; } } - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "add_traf_type %d pg_found %s num_of_pg %d\n", add_traf_type, (false == pg_found) ? "NO" : "YES", help_data->num_of_pg); @@ -1312,8 +1284,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbx_2cos_limit_cee_single_pg_to_cos_params(struct bnx2x *bp, } if (i == LLFC_DRIVER_TRAFFIC_TYPE_MAX) - BNX2X_ERR("Invalid value for pri_join_mask -" - " could not find a priority\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("Invalid value for pri_join_mask - could not find a priority\n"); cos_data->data[0].pri_join_mask = pri_mask_without_pri; cos_data->data[1].pri_join_mask = pri_tested; @@ -1626,8 +1597,10 @@ static int bnx2x_dcbx_spread_strict_pri(struct bnx2x *bp, num_of_app_pri--; } - if (num_spread_of_entries) + if (num_spread_of_entries) { + BNX2X_ERR("Didn't succeed to spread strict priorities\n"); return -EINVAL; + } return 0; } @@ -1675,8 +1648,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbx_cee_fill_cos_params(struct bnx2x *bp, if (help_data->num_of_pg > DCBX_COS_MAX_NUM_E3B0) { if (bnx2x_dcbx_join_pgs(bp, ets, help_data, DCBX_COS_MAX_NUM_E3B0)) { - BNX2X_ERR("Unable to reduce the number of PGs -" - "we will disables ETS\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("Unable to reduce the number of PGs - we will disables ETS\n"); bnx2x_dcbx_ets_disabled_entry_data(bp, cos_data, pri_join_mask); return; @@ -1776,24 +1748,24 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbx_fill_cos_params(struct bnx2x *bp, if (p->pauseable && DCBX_PFC_PRI_GET_NON_PAUSE(bp, p->pri_bitmask) != 0) - BNX2X_ERR("Inconsistent config for " - "pausable COS %d\n", i); + BNX2X_ERR("Inconsistent config for pausable COS %d\n", + i); if (!p->pauseable && DCBX_PFC_PRI_GET_PAUSE(bp, p->pri_bitmask) != 0) - BNX2X_ERR("Inconsistent config for " - "nonpausable COS %d\n", i); + BNX2X_ERR("Inconsistent config for nonpausable COS %d\n", + i); } } if (p->pauseable) - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "COS %d PAUSABLE prijoinmask 0x%x\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "COS %d PAUSABLE prijoinmask 0x%x\n", i, cos_data.data[i].pri_join_mask); else - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "COS %d NONPAUSABLE prijoinmask " - "0x%x\n", - i, cos_data.data[i].pri_join_mask); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, + "COS %d NONPAUSABLE prijoinmask 0x%x\n", + i, cos_data.data[i].pri_join_mask); } bp->dcbx_port_params.ets.num_of_cos = cos_data.num_of_cos ; @@ -1808,7 +1780,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbx_get_ets_pri_pg_tbl(struct bnx2x *bp, for (i = 0; i < DCBX_MAX_NUM_PRI_PG_ENTRIES; i++) { set_configuration_ets_pg[i] = DCBX_PRI_PG_GET(pri_pg_tbl, i); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "set_configuration_ets_pg[%d] = 0x%x\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "set_configuration_ets_pg[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, set_configuration_ets_pg[i]); } } @@ -1904,14 +1876,14 @@ static inline bool bnx2x_dcbnl_set_valid(struct bnx2x *bp) static u8 bnx2x_dcbnl_get_state(struct net_device *netdev) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "state = %d\n", bp->dcb_state); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "state = %d\n", bp->dcb_state); return bp->dcb_state; } static u8 bnx2x_dcbnl_set_state(struct net_device *netdev, u8 state) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "state = %s\n", state ? "on" : "off"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "state = %s\n", state ? "on" : "off"); bnx2x_dcbx_set_state(bp, (state ? true : false), bp->dcbx_enabled); return 0; @@ -1921,7 +1893,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbnl_get_perm_hw_addr(struct net_device *netdev, u8 *perm_addr) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "GET-PERM-ADDR\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "GET-PERM-ADDR\n"); /* first the HW mac address */ memcpy(perm_addr, netdev->dev_addr, netdev->addr_len); @@ -1938,7 +1910,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbnl_set_pg_tccfg_tx(struct net_device *netdev, int prio, { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "prio[%d] = %d\n", prio, pgid); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "prio[%d] = %d\n", prio, pgid); if (!bnx2x_dcbnl_set_valid(bp) || prio >= DCBX_MAX_NUM_PRI_PG_ENTRIES) return; @@ -1963,7 +1935,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbnl_set_pg_bwgcfg_tx(struct net_device *netdev, int pgid, u8 bw_pct) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "pgid[%d] = %d\n", pgid, bw_pct); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "pgid[%d] = %d\n", pgid, bw_pct); if (!bnx2x_dcbnl_set_valid(bp) || pgid >= DCBX_MAX_NUM_PG_BW_ENTRIES) return; @@ -1977,14 +1949,14 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbnl_set_pg_tccfg_rx(struct net_device *netdev, int prio, u8 up_map) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Nothing to set; No RX support\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "Nothing to set; No RX support\n"); } static void bnx2x_dcbnl_set_pg_bwgcfg_rx(struct net_device *netdev, int pgid, u8 bw_pct) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Nothing to set; No RX support\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "Nothing to set; No RX support\n"); } static void bnx2x_dcbnl_get_pg_tccfg_tx(struct net_device *netdev, int prio, @@ -1992,7 +1964,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbnl_get_pg_tccfg_tx(struct net_device *netdev, int prio, u8 *up_map) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "prio = %d\n", prio); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "prio = %d\n", prio); /** * bw_pct ingnored - band-width percentage devision between user @@ -2018,7 +1990,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbnl_get_pg_bwgcfg_tx(struct net_device *netdev, int pgid, u8 *bw_pct) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "pgid = %d\n", pgid); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "pgid = %d\n", pgid); *bw_pct = 0; @@ -2033,7 +2005,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbnl_get_pg_tccfg_rx(struct net_device *netdev, int prio, u8 *up_map) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Nothing to get; No RX support\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "Nothing to get; No RX support\n"); *prio_type = *pgid = *bw_pct = *up_map = 0; } @@ -2042,7 +2014,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbnl_get_pg_bwgcfg_rx(struct net_device *netdev, int pgid, u8 *bw_pct) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Nothing to get; No RX support\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "Nothing to get; No RX support\n"); *bw_pct = 0; } @@ -2051,7 +2023,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbnl_set_pfc_cfg(struct net_device *netdev, int prio, u8 setting) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "prio[%d] = %d\n", prio, setting); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "prio[%d] = %d\n", prio, setting); if (!bnx2x_dcbnl_set_valid(bp) || prio >= MAX_PFC_PRIORITIES) return; @@ -2066,7 +2038,7 @@ static void bnx2x_dcbnl_get_pfc_cfg(struct net_device *netdev, int prio, u8 *setting) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "prio = %d\n", prio); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "prio = %d\n", prio); *setting = 0; @@ -2081,21 +2053,21 @@ static u8 bnx2x_dcbnl_set_all(struct net_device *netdev) struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); int rc = 0; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "SET-ALL\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "SET-ALL\n"); if (!bnx2x_dcbnl_set_valid(bp)) return 1; if (bp->recovery_state != BNX2X_RECOVERY_DONE) { - netdev_err(bp->dev, "Handling parity error recovery. " - "Try again later\n"); + netdev_err(bp->dev, + "Handling parity error recovery. Try again later\n"); return 1; } if (netif_running(bp->dev)) { bnx2x_nic_unload(bp, UNLOAD_NORMAL); rc = bnx2x_nic_load(bp, LOAD_NORMAL); } - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "set_dcbx_params done (%d)\n", rc); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "set_dcbx_params done (%d)\n", rc); if (rc) return 1; @@ -2134,22 +2106,25 @@ static u8 bnx2x_dcbnl_get_cap(struct net_device *netdev, int capid, u8 *cap) *cap = BNX2X_DCBX_CAPS; break; default: + BNX2X_ERR("Non valid capability ID\n"); rval = -EINVAL; break; } - } else + } else { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "DCB disabled\n"); rval = -EINVAL; + } - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "capid %d:%x\n", capid, *cap); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "capid %d:%x\n", capid, *cap); return rval; } -static u8 bnx2x_dcbnl_get_numtcs(struct net_device *netdev, int tcid, u8 *num) +static int bnx2x_dcbnl_get_numtcs(struct net_device *netdev, int tcid, u8 *num) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); u8 rval = 0; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "tcid %d\n", tcid); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "tcid %d\n", tcid); if (bp->dcb_state) { switch (tcid) { @@ -2162,26 +2137,29 @@ static u8 bnx2x_dcbnl_get_numtcs(struct net_device *netdev, int tcid, u8 *num) DCBX_COS_MAX_NUM_E2; break; default: + BNX2X_ERR("Non valid TC-ID\n"); rval = -EINVAL; break; } - } else + } else { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "DCB disabled\n"); rval = -EINVAL; + } return rval; } -static u8 bnx2x_dcbnl_set_numtcs(struct net_device *netdev, int tcid, u8 num) +static int bnx2x_dcbnl_set_numtcs(struct net_device *netdev, int tcid, u8 num) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "num tcs = %d; Not supported\n", num); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "num tcs = %d; Not supported\n", num); return -EINVAL; } static u8 bnx2x_dcbnl_get_pfc_state(struct net_device *netdev) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "state = %d\n", bp->dcbx_local_feat.pfc.enabled); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "state = %d\n", bp->dcbx_local_feat.pfc.enabled); if (!bp->dcb_state) return 0; @@ -2192,7 +2170,7 @@ static u8 bnx2x_dcbnl_get_pfc_state(struct net_device *netdev) static void bnx2x_dcbnl_set_pfc_state(struct net_device *netdev, u8 state) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "state = %s\n", state ? "on" : "off"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "state = %s\n", state ? "on" : "off"); if (!bnx2x_dcbnl_set_valid(bp)) return; @@ -2269,9 +2247,11 @@ static int bnx2x_set_admin_app_up(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 idtype, u16 idval, u8 up) bnx2x_admin_app_set_ent( &bp->dcbx_config_params.admin_priority_app_table[ff], idtype, idval, up); - else + else { /* app table is full */ + BNX2X_ERR("Application table is too large\n"); return -EBUSY; + } /* up configured, if not 0 make sure feature is enabled */ if (up) @@ -2285,11 +2265,13 @@ static u8 bnx2x_dcbnl_set_app_up(struct net_device *netdev, u8 idtype, { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "app_type %d, app_id %x, prio bitmap %d\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "app_type %d, app_id %x, prio bitmap %d\n", idtype, idval, up); - if (!bnx2x_dcbnl_set_valid(bp)) + if (!bnx2x_dcbnl_set_valid(bp)) { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "dcbnl call not valid\n"); return -EINVAL; + } /* verify idtype */ switch (idtype) { @@ -2297,6 +2279,7 @@ static u8 bnx2x_dcbnl_set_app_up(struct net_device *netdev, u8 idtype, case DCB_APP_IDTYPE_PORTNUM: break; default: + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "Wrong ID type\n"); return -EINVAL; } return bnx2x_set_admin_app_up(bp, idtype, idval, up); @@ -2318,13 +2301,13 @@ static u8 bnx2x_dcbnl_get_dcbx(struct net_device *netdev) static u8 bnx2x_dcbnl_set_dcbx(struct net_device *netdev, u8 state) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "state = %02x\n", state); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "state = %02x\n", state); /* set dcbx mode */ if ((state & BNX2X_DCBX_CAPS) != state) { - BNX2X_ERR("Requested DCBX mode %x is beyond advertised " - "capabilities\n", state); + BNX2X_ERR("Requested DCBX mode %x is beyond advertised capabilities\n", + state); return 1; } @@ -2348,7 +2331,7 @@ static u8 bnx2x_dcbnl_get_featcfg(struct net_device *netdev, int featid, struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); u8 rval = 0; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "featid %d\n", featid); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "featid %d\n", featid); if (bp->dcb_state) { *flags = 0; @@ -2374,11 +2357,14 @@ static u8 bnx2x_dcbnl_get_featcfg(struct net_device *netdev, int featid, *flags |= DCB_FEATCFG_ERROR; break; default: + BNX2X_ERR("Non valid featrue-ID\n"); rval = -EINVAL; break; } - } else + } else { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "DCB disabled\n"); rval = -EINVAL; + } return rval; } @@ -2389,7 +2375,7 @@ static u8 bnx2x_dcbnl_set_featcfg(struct net_device *netdev, int featid, struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); u8 rval = 0; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "featid = %d flags = %02x\n", featid, flags); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "featid = %d flags = %02x\n", featid, flags); /* ignore the 'advertise' flag */ if (bnx2x_dcbnl_set_valid(bp)) { @@ -2412,11 +2398,14 @@ static u8 bnx2x_dcbnl_set_featcfg(struct net_device *netdev, int featid, flags & DCB_FEATCFG_WILLING ? 1 : 0; break; default: + BNX2X_ERR("Non valid featrue-ID\n"); rval = -EINVAL; break; } - } else + } else { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "dcbnl call not valid\n"); rval = -EINVAL; + } return rval; } @@ -2427,7 +2416,7 @@ static int bnx2x_peer_appinfo(struct net_device *netdev, int i; struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "APP-INFO\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "APP-INFO\n"); info->willing = (bp->dcbx_remote_flags & DCBX_APP_REM_WILLING) ?: 0; info->error = (bp->dcbx_remote_flags & DCBX_APP_RX_ERROR) ?: 0; @@ -2446,7 +2435,7 @@ static int bnx2x_peer_apptable(struct net_device *netdev, int i, j; struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "APP-TABLE\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "APP-TABLE\n"); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < DCBX_MAX_APP_PROTOCOL; i++) { struct dcbx_app_priority_entry *ent = diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_dcb.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_dcb.h index 2ab9254e2d5eff4b7cf9ccb5a02cc38df66a9f06..06c7a043594809dd254f48b7a6250c662d5084d3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_dcb.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_dcb.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* bnx2x_dcb.h: Broadcom Everest network driver. * - * Copyright 2009-2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright 2009-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license * agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_dump.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_dump.h index b983825d0ee98b2f7d2b9026b8965c8878aa56ec..3e4cff9b1ebee60a4fa4cedbb90fdeaecc73b580 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_dump.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_dump.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* bnx2x_dump.h: Broadcom Everest network driver. * - * Copyright (c) 2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom Corporation * * Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license * agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_ethtool.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_ethtool.c index 31a8b38ab15ebc2bff2bf19fa7110359827d0555..2cc0a1703970d9b5ae3bd22dc9cac4cfefa4a8de 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_ethtool.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* bnx2x_ethtool.c: Broadcom Everest network driver. * - * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -175,7 +175,11 @@ static const struct { { STATS_OFFSET32(total_tpa_aggregated_frames_hi), 8, STATS_FLAGS_FUNC, "tpa_aggregated_frames"}, { STATS_OFFSET32(total_tpa_bytes_hi), - 8, STATS_FLAGS_FUNC, "tpa_bytes"} + 8, STATS_FLAGS_FUNC, "tpa_bytes"}, + { STATS_OFFSET32(recoverable_error), + 4, STATS_FLAGS_FUNC, "recoverable_errors" }, + { STATS_OFFSET32(unrecoverable_error), + 4, STATS_FLAGS_FUNC, "unrecoverable_errors" }, }; #define BNX2X_NUM_STATS ARRAY_SIZE(bnx2x_stats_arr) @@ -218,20 +222,23 @@ static int bnx2x_get_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) (SUPPORTED_TP | SUPPORTED_FIBRE)); cmd->advertising = bp->port.advertising[cfg_idx]; - if ((bp->state == BNX2X_STATE_OPEN) && - !(bp->flags & MF_FUNC_DIS) && - (bp->link_vars.link_up)) { - ethtool_cmd_speed_set(cmd, bp->link_vars.line_speed); - cmd->duplex = bp->link_vars.duplex; + if ((bp->state == BNX2X_STATE_OPEN) && (bp->link_vars.link_up)) { + if (!(bp->flags & MF_FUNC_DIS)) { + ethtool_cmd_speed_set(cmd, bp->link_vars.line_speed); + cmd->duplex = bp->link_vars.duplex; + } else { + ethtool_cmd_speed_set( + cmd, bp->link_params.req_line_speed[cfg_idx]); + cmd->duplex = bp->link_params.req_duplex[cfg_idx]; + } + + if (IS_MF(bp) && !BP_NOMCP(bp)) + ethtool_cmd_speed_set(cmd, bnx2x_get_mf_speed(bp)); } else { - ethtool_cmd_speed_set( - cmd, bp->link_params.req_line_speed[cfg_idx]); - cmd->duplex = bp->link_params.req_duplex[cfg_idx]; + cmd->duplex = DUPLEX_UNKNOWN; + ethtool_cmd_speed_set(cmd, SPEED_UNKNOWN); } - if (IS_MF(bp)) - ethtool_cmd_speed_set(cmd, bnx2x_get_mf_speed(bp)); - cmd->port = bnx2x_get_port_type(bp); cmd->phy_address = bp->mdio.prtad; @@ -242,10 +249,38 @@ static int bnx2x_get_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) else cmd->autoneg = AUTONEG_DISABLE; + /* Publish LP advertised speeds and FC */ + if (bp->link_vars.link_status & LINK_STATUS_AUTO_NEGOTIATE_COMPLETE) { + u32 status = bp->link_vars.link_status; + + cmd->lp_advertising |= ADVERTISED_Autoneg; + if (status & LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_SYMMETRIC_PAUSE) + cmd->lp_advertising |= ADVERTISED_Pause; + if (status & LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_ASYMMETRIC_PAUSE) + cmd->lp_advertising |= ADVERTISED_Asym_Pause; + + if (status & LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_10THD_CAPABLE) + cmd->lp_advertising |= ADVERTISED_10baseT_Half; + if (status & LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_10TFD_CAPABLE) + cmd->lp_advertising |= ADVERTISED_10baseT_Full; + if (status & LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_100TXHD_CAPABLE) + cmd->lp_advertising |= ADVERTISED_100baseT_Half; + if (status & LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_100TXFD_CAPABLE) + cmd->lp_advertising |= ADVERTISED_100baseT_Full; + if (status & LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_1000THD_CAPABLE) + cmd->lp_advertising |= ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Half; + if (status & LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_1000TFD_CAPABLE) + cmd->lp_advertising |= ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Full; + if (status & LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_2500XFD_CAPABLE) + cmd->lp_advertising |= ADVERTISED_2500baseX_Full; + if (status & LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_10GXFD_CAPABLE) + cmd->lp_advertising |= ADVERTISED_10000baseT_Full; + } + cmd->maxtxpkt = 0; cmd->maxrxpkt = 0; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "ethtool_cmd: cmd %d\n" + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "ethtool_cmd: cmd %d\n" " supported 0x%x advertising 0x%x speed %u\n" " duplex %d port %d phy_address %d transceiver %d\n" " autoneg %d maxtxpkt %d maxrxpkt %d\n", @@ -266,7 +301,7 @@ static int bnx2x_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) if (IS_MF_SD(bp)) return 0; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "ethtool_cmd: cmd %d\n" + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "ethtool_cmd: cmd %d\n" " supported 0x%x advertising 0x%x speed %u\n" " duplex %d port %d phy_address %d transceiver %d\n" " autoneg %d maxtxpkt %d maxrxpkt %d\n", @@ -277,6 +312,10 @@ static int bnx2x_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) speed = ethtool_cmd_speed(cmd); + /* If recieved a request for an unknown duplex, assume full*/ + if (cmd->duplex == DUPLEX_UNKNOWN) + cmd->duplex = DUPLEX_FULL; + if (IS_MF_SI(bp)) { u32 part; u32 line_speed = bp->link_vars.line_speed; @@ -286,18 +325,17 @@ static int bnx2x_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) line_speed = 10000; if (bp->common.bc_ver < REQ_BC_VER_4_SET_MF_BW) { - BNX2X_DEV_INFO("To set speed BC %X or higher " - "is required, please upgrade BC\n", - REQ_BC_VER_4_SET_MF_BW); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, + "To set speed BC %X or higher is required, please upgrade BC\n", + REQ_BC_VER_4_SET_MF_BW); return -EINVAL; } part = (speed * 100) / line_speed; if (line_speed < speed || !part) { - BNX2X_DEV_INFO("Speed setting should be in a range " - "from 1%% to 100%% " - "of actual line speed\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, + "Speed setting should be in a range from 1%% to 100%% of actual line speed\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -319,7 +357,7 @@ static int bnx2x_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) if (!(bp->port.supported[0] & SUPPORTED_TP || bp->port.supported[1] & SUPPORTED_TP)) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Unsupported port type\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "Unsupported port type\n"); return -EINVAL; } bp->link_params.multi_phy_config &= @@ -339,7 +377,7 @@ static int bnx2x_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) if (!(bp->port.supported[0] & SUPPORTED_FIBRE || bp->port.supported[1] & SUPPORTED_FIBRE)) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Unsupported port type\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "Unsupported port type\n"); return -EINVAL; } bp->link_params.multi_phy_config &= @@ -353,7 +391,7 @@ static int bnx2x_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) PORT_HW_CFG_PHY_SELECTION_SECOND_PHY; break; default: - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Unsupported port type\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "Unsupported port type\n"); return -EINVAL; } /* Save new config in case command complete successully */ @@ -362,7 +400,7 @@ static int bnx2x_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) cfg_idx = bnx2x_get_link_cfg_idx(bp); /* Restore old config in case command failed */ bp->link_params.multi_phy_config = old_multi_phy_config; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "cfg_idx = %x\n", cfg_idx); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "cfg_idx = %x\n", cfg_idx); if (cmd->autoneg == AUTONEG_ENABLE) { u32 an_supported_speed = bp->port.supported[cfg_idx]; @@ -371,14 +409,14 @@ static int bnx2x_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) an_supported_speed |= (SUPPORTED_100baseT_Half | SUPPORTED_100baseT_Full); if (!(bp->port.supported[cfg_idx] & SUPPORTED_Autoneg)) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Autoneg not supported\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "Autoneg not supported\n"); return -EINVAL; } /* advertise the requested speed and duplex if supported */ if (cmd->advertising & ~an_supported_speed) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Advertisement parameters " - "are not supported\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, + "Advertisement parameters are not supported\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -427,7 +465,7 @@ static int bnx2x_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) if (cmd->duplex == DUPLEX_FULL) { if (!(bp->port.supported[cfg_idx] & SUPPORTED_10baseT_Full)) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "10M full not supported\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -437,7 +475,7 @@ static int bnx2x_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) } else { if (!(bp->port.supported[cfg_idx] & SUPPORTED_10baseT_Half)) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "10M half not supported\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -451,7 +489,7 @@ static int bnx2x_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) if (cmd->duplex == DUPLEX_FULL) { if (!(bp->port.supported[cfg_idx] & SUPPORTED_100baseT_Full)) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "100M full not supported\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -461,7 +499,7 @@ static int bnx2x_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) } else { if (!(bp->port.supported[cfg_idx] & SUPPORTED_100baseT_Half)) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "100M half not supported\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -473,13 +511,15 @@ static int bnx2x_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) case SPEED_1000: if (cmd->duplex != DUPLEX_FULL) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "1G half not supported\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, + "1G half not supported\n"); return -EINVAL; } if (!(bp->port.supported[cfg_idx] & SUPPORTED_1000baseT_Full)) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "1G full not supported\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, + "1G full not supported\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -489,14 +529,14 @@ static int bnx2x_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) case SPEED_2500: if (cmd->duplex != DUPLEX_FULL) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "2.5G half not supported\n"); return -EINVAL; } if (!(bp->port.supported[cfg_idx] & SUPPORTED_2500baseX_Full)) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "2.5G full not supported\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -507,13 +547,15 @@ static int bnx2x_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) case SPEED_10000: if (cmd->duplex != DUPLEX_FULL) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "10G half not supported\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, + "10G half not supported\n"); return -EINVAL; } if (!(bp->port.supported[cfg_idx] & SUPPORTED_10000baseT_Full)) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "10G full not supported\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, + "10G full not supported\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -522,7 +564,7 @@ static int bnx2x_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) break; default: - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Unsupported speed %u\n", speed); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "Unsupported speed %u\n", speed); return -EINVAL; } @@ -531,7 +573,7 @@ static int bnx2x_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) bp->port.advertising[cfg_idx] = advertising; } - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "req_line_speed %d\n" + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "req_line_speed %d\n" " req_duplex %d advertising 0x%x\n", bp->link_params.req_line_speed[cfg_idx], bp->link_params.req_duplex[cfg_idx], @@ -774,14 +816,8 @@ static void bnx2x_get_drvinfo(struct net_device *dev, strlcpy(info->version, DRV_MODULE_VERSION, sizeof(info->version)); phy_fw_ver[0] = '\0'; - if (bp->port.pmf) { - bnx2x_acquire_phy_lock(bp); - bnx2x_get_ext_phy_fw_version(&bp->link_params, - (bp->state != BNX2X_STATE_CLOSED), - phy_fw_ver, PHY_FW_VER_LEN); - bnx2x_release_phy_lock(bp); - } - + bnx2x_get_ext_phy_fw_version(&bp->link_params, + phy_fw_ver, PHY_FW_VER_LEN); strlcpy(info->fw_version, bp->fw_ver, sizeof(info->fw_version)); snprintf(info->fw_version + strlen(bp->fw_ver), 32 - strlen(bp->fw_ver), "bc %d.%d.%d%s%s", @@ -817,13 +853,16 @@ static int bnx2x_set_wol(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_wolinfo *wol) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(dev); - if (wol->wolopts & ~WAKE_MAGIC) + if (wol->wolopts & ~WAKE_MAGIC) { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "WOL not supproted\n"); return -EINVAL; + } if (wol->wolopts & WAKE_MAGIC) { - if (bp->flags & NO_WOL_FLAG) + if (bp->flags & NO_WOL_FLAG) { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "WOL not supproted\n"); return -EINVAL; - + } bp->wol = 1; } else bp->wol = 0; @@ -882,11 +921,27 @@ static int bnx2x_get_eeprom_len(struct net_device *dev) return bp->common.flash_size; } +/* Per pf misc lock must be aquired before the per port mcp lock. Otherwise, had + * we done things the other way around, if two pfs from the same port would + * attempt to access nvram at the same time, we could run into a scenario such + * as: + * pf A takes the port lock. + * pf B succeeds in taking the same lock since they are from the same port. + * pf A takes the per pf misc lock. Performs eeprom access. + * pf A finishes. Unlocks the per pf misc lock. + * Pf B takes the lock and proceeds to perform it's own access. + * pf A unlocks the per port lock, while pf B is still working (!). + * mcp takes the per port lock and corrupts pf B's access (and/or has it's own + * acess corrupted by pf B).* + */ static int bnx2x_acquire_nvram_lock(struct bnx2x *bp) { int port = BP_PORT(bp); int count, i; - u32 val = 0; + u32 val; + + /* acquire HW lock: protect against other PFs in PF Direct Assignment */ + bnx2x_acquire_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_NVRAM); /* adjust timeout for emulation/FPGA */ count = BNX2X_NVRAM_TIMEOUT_COUNT; @@ -906,7 +961,8 @@ static int bnx2x_acquire_nvram_lock(struct bnx2x *bp) } if (!(val & (MCPR_NVM_SW_ARB_ARB_ARB1 << port))) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_NVM, "cannot get access to nvram interface\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + "cannot get access to nvram interface\n"); return -EBUSY; } @@ -917,7 +973,7 @@ static int bnx2x_release_nvram_lock(struct bnx2x *bp) { int port = BP_PORT(bp); int count, i; - u32 val = 0; + u32 val; /* adjust timeout for emulation/FPGA */ count = BNX2X_NVRAM_TIMEOUT_COUNT; @@ -937,10 +993,13 @@ static int bnx2x_release_nvram_lock(struct bnx2x *bp) } if (val & (MCPR_NVM_SW_ARB_ARB_ARB1 << port)) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_NVM, "cannot free access to nvram interface\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + "cannot free access to nvram interface\n"); return -EBUSY; } + /* release HW lock: protect against other PFs in PF Direct Assignment */ + bnx2x_release_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_NVRAM); return 0; } @@ -1009,7 +1068,9 @@ static int bnx2x_nvram_read_dword(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 offset, __be32 *ret_val, break; } } - + if (rc == -EBUSY) + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + "nvram read timeout expired\n"); return rc; } @@ -1021,15 +1082,15 @@ static int bnx2x_nvram_read(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 offset, u8 *ret_buf, __be32 val; if ((offset & 0x03) || (buf_size & 0x03) || (buf_size == 0)) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, "Invalid parameter: offset 0x%x buf_size 0x%x\n", offset, buf_size); return -EINVAL; } if (offset + buf_size > bp->common.flash_size) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_NVM, "Invalid parameter: offset (0x%x) +" - " buf_size (0x%x) > flash_size (0x%x)\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + "Invalid parameter: offset (0x%x) + buf_size (0x%x) > flash_size (0x%x)\n", offset, buf_size, bp->common.flash_size); return -EINVAL; } @@ -1074,10 +1135,13 @@ static int bnx2x_get_eeprom(struct net_device *dev, struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(dev); int rc; - if (!netif_running(dev)) + if (!netif_running(dev)) { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + "cannot access eeprom when the interface is down\n"); return -EAGAIN; + } - DP(BNX2X_MSG_NVM, "ethtool_eeprom: cmd %d\n" + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, "ethtool_eeprom: cmd %d\n" " magic 0x%x offset 0x%x (%d) len 0x%x (%d)\n", eeprom->cmd, eeprom->magic, eeprom->offset, eeprom->offset, eeprom->len, eeprom->len); @@ -1126,6 +1190,9 @@ static int bnx2x_nvram_write_dword(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 offset, u32 val, } } + if (rc == -EBUSY) + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + "nvram write timeout expired\n"); return rc; } @@ -1140,8 +1207,8 @@ static int bnx2x_nvram_write1(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 offset, u8 *data_buf, __be32 val; if (offset + buf_size > bp->common.flash_size) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_NVM, "Invalid parameter: offset (0x%x) +" - " buf_size (0x%x) > flash_size (0x%x)\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + "Invalid parameter: offset (0x%x) + buf_size (0x%x) > flash_size (0x%x)\n", offset, buf_size, bp->common.flash_size); return -EINVAL; } @@ -1189,15 +1256,15 @@ static int bnx2x_nvram_write(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 offset, u8 *data_buf, return bnx2x_nvram_write1(bp, offset, data_buf, buf_size); if ((offset & 0x03) || (buf_size & 0x03) || (buf_size == 0)) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, "Invalid parameter: offset 0x%x buf_size 0x%x\n", offset, buf_size); return -EINVAL; } if (offset + buf_size > bp->common.flash_size) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_NVM, "Invalid parameter: offset (0x%x) +" - " buf_size (0x%x) > flash_size (0x%x)\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + "Invalid parameter: offset (0x%x) + buf_size (0x%x) > flash_size (0x%x)\n", offset, buf_size, bp->common.flash_size); return -EINVAL; } @@ -1245,10 +1312,13 @@ static int bnx2x_set_eeprom(struct net_device *dev, int port = BP_PORT(bp); int rc = 0; u32 ext_phy_config; - if (!netif_running(dev)) + if (!netif_running(dev)) { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + "cannot access eeprom when the interface is down\n"); return -EAGAIN; + } - DP(BNX2X_MSG_NVM, "ethtool_eeprom: cmd %d\n" + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, "ethtool_eeprom: cmd %d\n" " magic 0x%x offset 0x%x (%d) len 0x%x (%d)\n", eeprom->cmd, eeprom->magic, eeprom->offset, eeprom->offset, eeprom->len, eeprom->len); @@ -1257,8 +1327,11 @@ static int bnx2x_set_eeprom(struct net_device *dev, /* PHY eeprom can be accessed only by the PMF */ if ((eeprom->magic >= 0x50485900) && (eeprom->magic <= 0x504859FF) && - !bp->port.pmf) + !bp->port.pmf) { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + "wrong magic or interface is not pmf\n"); return -EINVAL; + } ext_phy_config = SHMEM_RD(bp, @@ -1370,7 +1443,8 @@ static int bnx2x_set_ringparam(struct net_device *dev, struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(dev); if (bp->recovery_state != BNX2X_RECOVERY_DONE) { - pr_err("Handling parity error recovery. Try again later\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, + "Handling parity error recovery. Try again later\n"); return -EAGAIN; } @@ -1378,8 +1452,10 @@ static int bnx2x_set_ringparam(struct net_device *dev, (ering->rx_pending < (bp->disable_tpa ? MIN_RX_SIZE_NONTPA : MIN_RX_SIZE_TPA)) || (ering->tx_pending > MAX_TX_AVAIL) || - (ering->tx_pending <= MAX_SKB_FRAGS + 4)) + (ering->tx_pending <= MAX_SKB_FRAGS + 4)) { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "Command parameters not supported\n"); return -EINVAL; + } bp->rx_ring_size = ering->rx_pending; bp->tx_ring_size = ering->tx_pending; @@ -1392,15 +1468,22 @@ static void bnx2x_get_pauseparam(struct net_device *dev, { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(dev); int cfg_idx = bnx2x_get_link_cfg_idx(bp); + int cfg_reg; + epause->autoneg = (bp->link_params.req_flow_ctrl[cfg_idx] == BNX2X_FLOW_CTRL_AUTO); - epause->rx_pause = ((bp->link_vars.flow_ctrl & BNX2X_FLOW_CTRL_RX) == + if (!epause->autoneg) + cfg_reg = bp->link_params.req_flow_ctrl[cfg_idx]; + else + cfg_reg = bp->link_params.req_fc_auto_adv; + + epause->rx_pause = ((cfg_reg & BNX2X_FLOW_CTRL_RX) == BNX2X_FLOW_CTRL_RX); - epause->tx_pause = ((bp->link_vars.flow_ctrl & BNX2X_FLOW_CTRL_TX) == + epause->tx_pause = ((cfg_reg & BNX2X_FLOW_CTRL_TX) == BNX2X_FLOW_CTRL_TX); - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "ethtool_pauseparam: cmd %d\n" + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "ethtool_pauseparam: cmd %d\n" " autoneg %d rx_pause %d tx_pause %d\n", epause->cmd, epause->autoneg, epause->rx_pause, epause->tx_pause); } @@ -1413,7 +1496,7 @@ static int bnx2x_set_pauseparam(struct net_device *dev, if (IS_MF(bp)) return 0; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "ethtool_pauseparam: cmd %d\n" + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "ethtool_pauseparam: cmd %d\n" " autoneg %d rx_pause %d tx_pause %d\n", epause->cmd, epause->autoneg, epause->rx_pause, epause->tx_pause); @@ -1430,7 +1513,7 @@ static int bnx2x_set_pauseparam(struct net_device *dev, if (epause->autoneg) { if (!(bp->port.supported[cfg_idx] & SUPPORTED_Autoneg)) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "autoneg not supported\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "autoneg not supported\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -1440,7 +1523,7 @@ static int bnx2x_set_pauseparam(struct net_device *dev, } } - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "req_flow_ctrl 0x%x\n", bp->link_params.req_flow_ctrl[cfg_idx]); if (netif_running(dev)) { @@ -1572,8 +1655,11 @@ static int bnx2x_test_registers(struct bnx2x *bp) { BNX2X_CHIP_MASK_ALL, 0xffffffff, 0, 0x00000000 } }; - if (!netif_running(bp->dev)) + if (!netif_running(bp->dev)) { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + "cannot access eeprom when the interface is down\n"); return rc; + } if (CHIP_IS_E1(bp)) hw = BNX2X_CHIP_MASK_E1; @@ -1618,7 +1704,7 @@ static int bnx2x_test_registers(struct bnx2x *bp) /* verify value is as expected */ if ((val & mask) != (wr_val & mask)) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "offset 0x%x: val 0x%x != 0x%x mask 0x%x\n", offset, val, wr_val, mask); goto test_reg_exit; @@ -1672,8 +1758,11 @@ static int bnx2x_test_memory(struct bnx2x *bp) { NULL, 0xffffffff, {0, 0, 0, 0} } }; - if (!netif_running(bp->dev)) + if (!netif_running(bp->dev)) { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + "cannot access eeprom when the interface is down\n"); return rc; + } if (CHIP_IS_E1(bp)) index = BNX2X_CHIP_E1_OFST; @@ -1688,7 +1777,7 @@ static int bnx2x_test_memory(struct bnx2x *bp) for (i = 0; prty_tbl[i].offset != 0xffffffff; i++) { val = REG_RD(bp, prty_tbl[i].offset); if (val & ~(prty_tbl[i].hw_mask[index])) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "%s is 0x%x\n", prty_tbl[i].name, val); goto test_mem_exit; } @@ -1703,7 +1792,7 @@ static int bnx2x_test_memory(struct bnx2x *bp) for (i = 0; prty_tbl[i].offset != 0xffffffff; i++) { val = REG_RD(bp, prty_tbl[i].offset); if (val & ~(prty_tbl[i].hw_mask[index])) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "%s is 0x%x\n", prty_tbl[i].name, val); goto test_mem_exit; } @@ -1724,7 +1813,7 @@ static void bnx2x_wait_for_link(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 link_up, u8 is_serdes) msleep(20); if (cnt <= 0 && bnx2x_link_test(bp, is_serdes)) - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Timeout waiting for link up\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "Timeout waiting for link up\n"); } } @@ -1774,6 +1863,7 @@ static int bnx2x_run_loopback(struct bnx2x *bp, int loopback_mode) bnx2x_phy_init(&bp->link_params, &bp->link_vars); break; default: + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "Command parameters not supported\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -1782,6 +1872,7 @@ static int bnx2x_run_loopback(struct bnx2x *bp, int loopback_mode) bp->dev->mtu : ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE) + ETH_HLEN); skb = netdev_alloc_skb(bp->dev, fp_rx->rx_buf_size); if (!skb) { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "Can't allocate skb\n"); rc = -ENOMEM; goto test_loopback_exit; } @@ -1796,7 +1887,7 @@ static int bnx2x_run_loopback(struct bnx2x *bp, int loopback_mode) if (unlikely(dma_mapping_error(&bp->pdev->dev, mapping))) { rc = -ENOMEM; dev_kfree_skb(skb); - BNX2X_ERR("Unable to map SKB\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "Unable to map SKB\n"); goto test_loopback_exit; } @@ -1879,7 +1970,7 @@ static int bnx2x_run_loopback(struct bnx2x *bp, int loopback_mode) if (!CQE_TYPE_FAST(cqe_fp_type) || (cqe_fp_flags & ETH_RX_ERROR_FALGS)) goto test_loopback_rx_exit; - len = le16_to_cpu(cqe->fast_path_cqe.pkt_len); + len = le16_to_cpu(cqe->fast_path_cqe.pkt_len_or_gro_seg_len); if (len != pkt_size) goto test_loopback_rx_exit; @@ -1926,13 +2017,13 @@ static int bnx2x_test_loopback(struct bnx2x *bp) res = bnx2x_run_loopback(bp, BNX2X_PHY_LOOPBACK); if (res) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_PROBE, " PHY loopback failed (res %d)\n", res); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, " PHY loopback failed (res %d)\n", res); rc |= BNX2X_PHY_LOOPBACK_FAILED; } res = bnx2x_run_loopback(bp, BNX2X_MAC_LOOPBACK); if (res) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_PROBE, " MAC loopback failed (res %d)\n", res); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, " MAC loopback failed (res %d)\n", res); rc |= BNX2X_MAC_LOOPBACK_FAILED; } @@ -1958,23 +2049,33 @@ static int bnx2x_test_nvram(struct bnx2x *bp) { 0x708, 0x70 }, /* manuf_key_info */ { 0, 0 } }; - __be32 buf[0x350 / 4]; - u8 *data = (u8 *)buf; + __be32 *buf; + u8 *data; int i, rc; u32 magic, crc; if (BP_NOMCP(bp)) return 0; + buf = kmalloc(0x350, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!buf) { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, "kmalloc failed\n"); + rc = -ENOMEM; + goto test_nvram_exit; + } + data = (u8 *)buf; + rc = bnx2x_nvram_read(bp, 0, data, 4); if (rc) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_PROBE, "magic value read (rc %d)\n", rc); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + "magic value read (rc %d)\n", rc); goto test_nvram_exit; } magic = be32_to_cpu(buf[0]); if (magic != 0x669955aa) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_PROBE, "magic value (0x%08x)\n", magic); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + "wrong magic value (0x%08x)\n", magic); rc = -ENODEV; goto test_nvram_exit; } @@ -1984,31 +2085,35 @@ static int bnx2x_test_nvram(struct bnx2x *bp) rc = bnx2x_nvram_read(bp, nvram_tbl[i].offset, data, nvram_tbl[i].size); if (rc) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_PROBE, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, "nvram_tbl[%d] read data (rc %d)\n", i, rc); goto test_nvram_exit; } crc = ether_crc_le(nvram_tbl[i].size, data); if (crc != CRC32_RESIDUAL) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_PROBE, - "nvram_tbl[%d] crc value (0x%08x)\n", i, crc); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + "nvram_tbl[%d] wrong crc value (0x%08x)\n", i, crc); rc = -ENODEV; goto test_nvram_exit; } } test_nvram_exit: + kfree(buf); return rc; } /* Send an EMPTY ramrod on the first queue */ static int bnx2x_test_intr(struct bnx2x *bp) { - struct bnx2x_queue_state_params params = {0}; + struct bnx2x_queue_state_params params = {NULL}; - if (!netif_running(bp->dev)) + if (!netif_running(bp->dev)) { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + "cannot access eeprom when the interface is down\n"); return -ENODEV; + } params.q_obj = &bp->fp->q_obj; params.cmd = BNX2X_Q_CMD_EMPTY; @@ -2024,7 +2129,8 @@ static void bnx2x_self_test(struct net_device *dev, struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(dev); u8 is_serdes; if (bp->recovery_state != BNX2X_RECOVERY_DONE) { - pr_err("Handling parity error recovery. Try again later\n"); + netdev_err(bp->dev, + "Handling parity error recovery. Try again later\n"); etest->flags |= ETH_TEST_FL_FAILED; return; } @@ -2237,11 +2343,16 @@ static int bnx2x_set_phys_id(struct net_device *dev, { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(dev); - if (!netif_running(dev)) + if (!netif_running(dev)) { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL | BNX2X_MSG_NVM, + "cannot access eeprom when the interface is down\n"); return -EAGAIN; + } - if (!bp->port.pmf) + if (!bp->port.pmf) { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "Interface is not pmf\n"); return -EOPNOTSUPP; + } switch (state) { case ETHTOOL_ID_ACTIVE: @@ -2278,6 +2389,7 @@ static int bnx2x_get_rxnfc(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_rxnfc *info, return 0; default: + DP(BNX2X_MSG_ETHTOOL, "Command parameters not supported\n"); return -EOPNOTSUPP; } } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_fw_defs.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_fw_defs.h index 998652a1b8588bc2eeae19ff32b7f661779fa807..cd6dfa9eaa3aa24c122316c9e4d052ca93d6c47d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_fw_defs.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_fw_defs.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* bnx2x_fw_defs.h: Broadcom Everest network driver. * - * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -243,18 +243,6 @@ (IRO[48].base + ((funcId) * IRO[48].m1)) #define COMMON_ASM_INVALID_ASSERT_OPCODE 0x0 -/** -* This file defines HSI constants for the ETH flow -*/ -#ifdef _EVEREST_MICROCODE -#include "Microcode\Generated\DataTypes\eth_rx_bd.h" -#include "Microcode\Generated\DataTypes\eth_tx_bd.h" -#include "Microcode\Generated\DataTypes\eth_rx_cqe.h" -#include "Microcode\Generated\DataTypes\eth_rx_sge.h" -#include "Microcode\Generated\DataTypes\eth_rx_cqe_next_page.h" -#endif - - /* Ethernet Ring parameters */ #define X_ETH_LOCAL_RING_SIZE 13 #define FIRST_BD_IN_PKT 0 diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_fw_file_hdr.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_fw_file_hdr.h index f4a07fbaed05d4fb68d4ba3460c7223ad032c700..4bed52ba300d4acbe466b4f0930f2fc5c7993e74 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_fw_file_hdr.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_fw_file_hdr.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* bnx2x_fw_file_hdr.h: FW binary file header structure. * - * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_hsi.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_hsi.h index 3e30c8642c2658bfe7b928294971d7a0cc6cb2d6..5d71b7d43237f807cb45d1cc1e764d5439451c35 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_hsi.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_hsi.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* bnx2x_hsi.h: Broadcom Everest network driver. * - * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -34,9 +34,10 @@ struct license_key { }; -#define PORT_0 0 -#define PORT_1 1 -#define PORT_MAX 2 +#define PORT_0 0 +#define PORT_1 1 +#define PORT_MAX 2 +#define NVM_PATH_MAX 2 /**************************************************************************** * Shared HW configuration * @@ -618,12 +619,6 @@ struct port_hw_cfg { /* port 0: 0x12c port 1: 0x2bc */ #define PORT_HW_CFG_ENABLE_CMS_DISABLED 0x00000000 #define PORT_HW_CFG_ENABLE_CMS_ENABLED 0x00200000 - /* Enable RJ45 magjack pair swapping on 10GBase-T PHY, 84833 only */ - #define PORT_HW_CFG_RJ45_PR_SWP_MASK 0x00400000 - #define PORT_HW_CFG_RJ45_PR_SWP_SHIFT 22 - #define PORT_HW_CFG_RJ45_PR_SWP_DISABLED 0x00000000 - #define PORT_HW_CFG_RJ45_PR_SWP_ENABLED 0x00400000 - /* Determine the Serdes electrical interface */ #define PORT_HW_CFG_NET_SERDES_IF_MASK 0x0F000000 #define PORT_HW_CFG_NET_SERDES_IF_SHIFT 24 @@ -898,11 +893,6 @@ struct port_feat_cfg { /* port 0: 0x454 port 1: 0x4c8 */ #define PORT_FEAT_CFG_DCBX_DISABLED 0x00000000 #define PORT_FEAT_CFG_DCBX_ENABLED 0x00000100 - #define PORT_FEAT_CFG_AUTOGREEN_MASK 0x00000200 - #define PORT_FEAT_CFG_AUTOGREEN_SHIFT 9 - #define PORT_FEAT_CFG_AUTOGREEN_DISABLED 0x00000000 - #define PORT_FEAT_CFG_AUTOGREEN_ENABLED 0x00000200 - #define PORT_FEATURE_EN_SIZE_MASK 0x0f000000 #define PORT_FEATURE_EN_SIZE_SHIFT 24 #define PORT_FEATURE_WOL_ENABLED 0x01000000 @@ -1139,8 +1129,7 @@ struct shm_dev_info { /* size */ #define FW_ACK_NUM_OF_POLL (FW_ACK_TIME_OUT_MS/FW_ACK_POLL_TIME_MS) -/* LED Blink rate that will achieve ~15.9Hz */ -#define LED_BLINK_RATE_VAL 480 +#define MFW_TRACE_SIGNATURE 0x54524342 /**************************************************************************** * Driver <-> FW Mailbox * @@ -1407,7 +1396,7 @@ struct port_mf_cfg { #define PORT_MF_CFG_E1HOV_TAG_SHIFT 0 #define PORT_MF_CFG_E1HOV_TAG_DEFAULT PORT_MF_CFG_E1HOV_TAG_MASK - u32 reserved[3]; + u32 reserved[1]; }; @@ -1493,7 +1482,8 @@ struct func_ext_cfg { struct mf_cfg { struct shared_mf_cfg shared_mf_config; /* 0x4 */ - struct port_mf_cfg port_mf_config[PORT_MAX]; /* 0x10 * 2 = 0x20 */ + /* 0x8*2*2=0x20 */ + struct port_mf_cfg port_mf_config[NVM_PATH_MAX][PORT_MAX]; /* for all chips, there are 8 mf functions */ struct func_mf_cfg func_mf_config[E1H_FUNC_MAX]; /* 0x18 * 8 = 0xc0 */ /* @@ -1845,6 +1835,9 @@ struct lldp_local_mib { #define DCBX_LOCAL_PFC_MISMATCH 0x00000010 #define DCBX_LOCAL_APP_MISMATCH 0x00000020 #define DCBX_REMOTE_MIB_ERROR 0x00000040 + #define DCBX_REMOTE_ETS_TLV_NOT_FOUND 0x00000080 + #define DCBX_REMOTE_PFC_TLV_NOT_FOUND 0x00000100 + #define DCBX_REMOTE_APP_TLV_NOT_FOUND 0x00000200 struct dcbx_features features; u32 suffix_seq_num; }; @@ -2002,6 +1995,7 @@ struct shmem2_region { #define DRV_INFO_CONTROL_VER_SHIFT 0 #define DRV_INFO_CONTROL_OP_CODE_MASK 0x0000ff00 #define DRV_INFO_CONTROL_OP_CODE_SHIFT 8 + u32 ibft_host_addr; /* initialized by option ROM */ }; @@ -2700,8 +2694,8 @@ union drv_info_to_mcp { struct iscsi_stats_info iscsi_stat; }; #define BCM_5710_FW_MAJOR_VERSION 7 -#define BCM_5710_FW_MINOR_VERSION 0 -#define BCM_5710_FW_REVISION_VERSION 29 +#define BCM_5710_FW_MINOR_VERSION 2 +#define BCM_5710_FW_REVISION_VERSION 16 #define BCM_5710_FW_ENGINEERING_VERSION 0 #define BCM_5710_FW_COMPILE_FLAGS 1 @@ -3308,8 +3302,10 @@ struct client_init_rx_data { #define CLIENT_INIT_RX_DATA_TPA_EN_IPV4_SHIFT 0 #define CLIENT_INIT_RX_DATA_TPA_EN_IPV6 (0x1<<1) #define CLIENT_INIT_RX_DATA_TPA_EN_IPV6_SHIFT 1 -#define CLIENT_INIT_RX_DATA_RESERVED5 (0x3F<<2) -#define CLIENT_INIT_RX_DATA_RESERVED5_SHIFT 2 +#define CLIENT_INIT_RX_DATA_TPA_MODE (0x1<<2) +#define CLIENT_INIT_RX_DATA_TPA_MODE_SHIFT 2 +#define CLIENT_INIT_RX_DATA_RESERVED5 (0x1F<<3) +#define CLIENT_INIT_RX_DATA_RESERVED5_SHIFT 3 u8 vmqueue_mode_en_flg; u8 extra_data_over_sgl_en_flg; u8 cache_line_alignment_log_size; @@ -3324,7 +3320,7 @@ struct client_init_rx_data { u8 outer_vlan_removal_enable_flg; u8 status_block_id; u8 rx_sb_index_number; - u8 reserved0; + u8 dont_verify_rings_pause_thr_flg; u8 max_tpa_queues; u8 silent_vlan_removal_flg; __le16 max_bytes_on_bd; @@ -3657,7 +3653,7 @@ struct eth_fast_path_rx_cqe { u8 placement_offset; __le32 rss_hash_result; __le16 vlan_tag; - __le16 pkt_len; + __le16 pkt_len_or_gro_seg_len; __le16 len_on_bd; struct parsing_flags pars_flags; union eth_sgl_or_raw_data sgl_or_raw_data; @@ -4214,6 +4210,15 @@ enum set_mac_action_type { }; +/* + * Ethernet TPA Modes + */ +enum tpa_mode { + TPA_LRO, + TPA_GRO, + MAX_TPA_MODE}; + + /* * tpa update ramrod data */ @@ -4224,7 +4229,8 @@ struct tpa_update_ramrod_data { u8 max_tpa_queues; u8 max_sges_for_packet; u8 complete_on_both_clients; - __le16 reserved1; + u8 dont_verify_rings_pause_thr_flg; + u8 tpa_mode; __le16 sge_buff_size; __le16 max_agg_size; __le32 sge_page_base_lo; @@ -4447,13 +4453,13 @@ enum common_spqe_cmd_id { RAMROD_CMD_ID_COMMON_UNUSED, RAMROD_CMD_ID_COMMON_FUNCTION_START, RAMROD_CMD_ID_COMMON_FUNCTION_STOP, + RAMROD_CMD_ID_COMMON_FUNCTION_UPDATE, RAMROD_CMD_ID_COMMON_CFC_DEL, RAMROD_CMD_ID_COMMON_CFC_DEL_WB, RAMROD_CMD_ID_COMMON_STAT_QUERY, RAMROD_CMD_ID_COMMON_STOP_TRAFFIC, RAMROD_CMD_ID_COMMON_START_TRAFFIC, RAMROD_CMD_ID_COMMON_RESERVED1, - RAMROD_CMD_ID_COMMON_RESERVED2, MAX_COMMON_SPQE_CMD_ID }; @@ -4733,8 +4739,8 @@ enum event_ring_opcode { EVENT_RING_OPCODE_MALICIOUS_VF, EVENT_RING_OPCODE_FORWARD_SETUP, EVENT_RING_OPCODE_RSS_UPDATE_RULES, + EVENT_RING_OPCODE_FUNCTION_UPDATE, EVENT_RING_OPCODE_RESERVED1, - EVENT_RING_OPCODE_RESERVED2, EVENT_RING_OPCODE_SET_MAC, EVENT_RING_OPCODE_CLASSIFICATION_RULES, EVENT_RING_OPCODE_FILTERS_RULES, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_init.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_init.h index 4d748e77d1acc806754eb2b4066d4fc5a24075e9..29f5c3cca31a1a6b809749c560058a89341f5e6d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_init.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_init.h @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /* bnx2x_init.h: Broadcom Everest network driver. * Structures and macroes needed during the initialization. * - * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_init_ops.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_init_ops.h index 7ec1724753ad225665e3e342298ecc1361ca8667..fe66d902dc6224b8199dbd856ef0eebf9f2dde3b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_init_ops.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_init_ops.h @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ * Static functions needed during the initialization. * This file is "included" in bnx2x_main.c. * - * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ static void bnx2x_write_big_buf(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 addr, u32 len, { if (bp->dmae_ready) bnx2x_write_dmae_phys_len(bp, GUNZIP_PHYS(bp), addr, len); - else if (wb) - /* - * Wide bus registers with no dmae need to be written - * using indirect write. - */ + + /* in E1 chips BIOS initiated ZLR may interrupt widebus writes */ + else if (wb && CHIP_IS_E1(bp)) bnx2x_init_ind_wr(bp, addr, GUNZIP_BUF(bp), len); + + /* in later chips PXP root complex handles BIOS ZLR w/o interrupting */ else bnx2x_init_str_wr(bp, addr, GUNZIP_BUF(bp), len); } @@ -99,8 +99,14 @@ static void bnx2x_write_big_buf_wb(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 addr, u32 len) { if (bp->dmae_ready) bnx2x_write_dmae_phys_len(bp, GUNZIP_PHYS(bp), addr, len); - else + + /* in E1 chips BIOS initiated ZLR may interrupt widebus writes */ + else if (CHIP_IS_E1(bp)) bnx2x_init_ind_wr(bp, addr, GUNZIP_BUF(bp), len); + + /* in later chips PXP root complex handles BIOS ZLR w/o interrupting */ + else + bnx2x_init_str_wr(bp, addr, GUNZIP_BUF(bp), len); } static void bnx2x_init_wr_64(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 addr, @@ -177,8 +183,14 @@ static void bnx2x_init_wr_wb(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 addr, { if (bp->dmae_ready) VIRT_WR_DMAE_LEN(bp, data, addr, len, 0); - else + + /* in E1 chips BIOS initiated ZLR may interrupt widebus writes */ + else if (CHIP_IS_E1(bp)) bnx2x_init_ind_wr(bp, addr, data, len); + + /* in later chips PXP root complex handles BIOS ZLR w/o interrupting */ + else + bnx2x_init_str_wr(bp, addr, data, len); } static void bnx2x_wr_64(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 reg, u32 val_lo, @@ -840,25 +852,15 @@ static void bnx2x_qm_init_cid_count(struct bnx2x *bp, int qm_cid_count, } } -static void bnx2x_qm_set_ptr_table(struct bnx2x *bp, int qm_cid_count) +static void bnx2x_qm_set_ptr_table(struct bnx2x *bp, int qm_cid_count, + u32 base_reg, u32 reg) { int i; - u32 wb_data[2]; - - wb_data[0] = wb_data[1] = 0; - + u32 wb_data[2] = {0, 0}; for (i = 0; i < 4 * QM_QUEUES_PER_FUNC; i++) { - REG_WR(bp, QM_REG_BASEADDR + i*4, + REG_WR(bp, base_reg + i*4, qm_cid_count * 4 * (i % QM_QUEUES_PER_FUNC)); - bnx2x_init_ind_wr(bp, QM_REG_PTRTBL + i*8, - wb_data, 2); - - if (CHIP_IS_E1H(bp)) { - REG_WR(bp, QM_REG_BASEADDR_EXT_A + i*4, - qm_cid_count * 4 * (i % QM_QUEUES_PER_FUNC)); - bnx2x_init_ind_wr(bp, QM_REG_PTRTBL_EXT_A + i*8, - wb_data, 2); - } + bnx2x_init_wr_wb(bp, reg + i*8, wb_data, 2); } } @@ -873,7 +875,12 @@ static void bnx2x_qm_init_ptr_table(struct bnx2x *bp, int qm_cid_count, case INITOP_INIT: /* set in the init-value array */ case INITOP_SET: - bnx2x_qm_set_ptr_table(bp, qm_cid_count); + bnx2x_qm_set_ptr_table(bp, qm_cid_count, + QM_REG_BASEADDR, QM_REG_PTRTBL); + if (CHIP_IS_E1H(bp)) + bnx2x_qm_set_ptr_table(bp, qm_cid_count, + QM_REG_BASEADDR_EXT_A, + QM_REG_PTRTBL_EXT_A); break; case INITOP_CLEAR: break; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_link.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_link.c index 2091e5dbbcdd9f50d0d0dec422cd2e1c3aac2d4f..beb4cdbdb6e1a5f06b980c9fad75f41faf65a154 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_link.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_link.c @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* Copyright 2008-2011 Broadcom Corporation +/* Copyright 2008-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license * agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you @@ -1612,6 +1612,9 @@ static void bnx2x_umac_enable(struct link_params *params, if (!(vars->flow_ctrl & BNX2X_FLOW_CTRL_RX)) val |= UMAC_COMMAND_CONFIG_REG_PAUSE_IGNORE; + if (vars->duplex == DUPLEX_HALF) + val |= UMAC_COMMAND_CONFIG_REG_HD_ENA; + REG_WR(bp, umac_base + UMAC_REG_COMMAND_CONFIG, val); udelay(50); @@ -3635,45 +3638,50 @@ static void bnx2x_pause_resolve(struct link_vars *vars, u32 pause_result) vars->link_status |= LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_ASYMMETRIC_PAUSE; } -static u8 bnx2x_ext_phy_resolve_fc(struct bnx2x_phy *phy, - struct link_params *params, - struct link_vars *vars) +static void bnx2x_ext_phy_update_adv_fc(struct bnx2x_phy *phy, + struct link_params *params, + struct link_vars *vars) { - struct bnx2x *bp = params->bp; u16 ld_pause; /* local */ u16 lp_pause; /* link partner */ u16 pause_result; - u8 ret = 0; - /* read twice */ + struct bnx2x *bp = params->bp; + if (phy->type == PORT_HW_CFG_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM54618SE) { + bnx2x_cl22_read(bp, phy, 0x4, &ld_pause); + bnx2x_cl22_read(bp, phy, 0x5, &lp_pause); + } else { + bnx2x_cl45_read(bp, phy, + MDIO_AN_DEVAD, + MDIO_AN_REG_ADV_PAUSE, &ld_pause); + bnx2x_cl45_read(bp, phy, + MDIO_AN_DEVAD, + MDIO_AN_REG_LP_AUTO_NEG, &lp_pause); + } + pause_result = (ld_pause & + MDIO_AN_REG_ADV_PAUSE_MASK) >> 8; + pause_result |= (lp_pause & + MDIO_AN_REG_ADV_PAUSE_MASK) >> 10; + DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Ext PHY pause result 0x%x\n", pause_result); + bnx2x_pause_resolve(vars, pause_result); +} +static u8 bnx2x_ext_phy_resolve_fc(struct bnx2x_phy *phy, + struct link_params *params, + struct link_vars *vars) +{ + u8 ret = 0; vars->flow_ctrl = BNX2X_FLOW_CTRL_NONE; - - if (phy->req_flow_ctrl != BNX2X_FLOW_CTRL_AUTO) + if (phy->req_flow_ctrl != BNX2X_FLOW_CTRL_AUTO) { + /* Update the advertised flow-controled of LD/LP in AN */ + if (phy->req_line_speed == SPEED_AUTO_NEG) + bnx2x_ext_phy_update_adv_fc(phy, params, vars); + /* But set the flow-control result as the requested one */ vars->flow_ctrl = phy->req_flow_ctrl; - else if (phy->req_line_speed != SPEED_AUTO_NEG) + } else if (phy->req_line_speed != SPEED_AUTO_NEG) vars->flow_ctrl = params->req_fc_auto_adv; else if (vars->link_status & LINK_STATUS_AUTO_NEGOTIATE_COMPLETE) { ret = 1; - if (phy->type == PORT_HW_CFG_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM54618SE) { - bnx2x_cl22_read(bp, phy, - 0x4, &ld_pause); - bnx2x_cl22_read(bp, phy, - 0x5, &lp_pause); - } else { - bnx2x_cl45_read(bp, phy, - MDIO_AN_DEVAD, - MDIO_AN_REG_ADV_PAUSE, &ld_pause); - bnx2x_cl45_read(bp, phy, - MDIO_AN_DEVAD, - MDIO_AN_REG_LP_AUTO_NEG, &lp_pause); - } - pause_result = (ld_pause & - MDIO_AN_REG_ADV_PAUSE_MASK) >> 8; - pause_result |= (lp_pause & - MDIO_AN_REG_ADV_PAUSE_MASK) >> 10; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Ext PHY pause result 0x%x\n", - pause_result); - bnx2x_pause_resolve(vars, pause_result); + bnx2x_ext_phy_update_adv_fc(phy, params, vars); } return ret; } @@ -3785,7 +3793,7 @@ static void bnx2x_warpcore_enable_AN_KR(struct bnx2x_phy *phy, /* Enable Autoneg */ bnx2x_cl45_write(bp, phy, MDIO_AN_DEVAD, - MDIO_WC_REG_IEEE0BLK_MIICNTL, 0x1000); + MDIO_WC_REG_IEEE0BLK_MIICNTL, 0x1200); } @@ -5216,22 +5224,69 @@ static int bnx2x_direct_parallel_detect_used(struct bnx2x_phy *phy, return 0; } +static void bnx2x_update_adv_fc(struct bnx2x_phy *phy, + struct link_params *params, + struct link_vars *vars, + u32 gp_status) +{ + u16 ld_pause; /* local driver */ + u16 lp_pause; /* link partner */ + u16 pause_result; + struct bnx2x *bp = params->bp; + if ((gp_status & + (MDIO_GP_STATUS_TOP_AN_STATUS1_CL73_AUTONEG_COMPLETE | + MDIO_GP_STATUS_TOP_AN_STATUS1_CL73_MR_LP_NP_AN_ABLE)) == + (MDIO_GP_STATUS_TOP_AN_STATUS1_CL73_AUTONEG_COMPLETE | + MDIO_GP_STATUS_TOP_AN_STATUS1_CL73_MR_LP_NP_AN_ABLE)) { + + CL22_RD_OVER_CL45(bp, phy, + MDIO_REG_BANK_CL73_IEEEB1, + MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_ADV1, + &ld_pause); + CL22_RD_OVER_CL45(bp, phy, + MDIO_REG_BANK_CL73_IEEEB1, + MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_LP_ADV1, + &lp_pause); + pause_result = (ld_pause & + MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_ADV1_PAUSE_MASK) >> 8; + pause_result |= (lp_pause & + MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_LP_ADV1_PAUSE_MASK) >> 10; + DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "pause_result CL73 0x%x\n", pause_result); + } else { + CL22_RD_OVER_CL45(bp, phy, + MDIO_REG_BANK_COMBO_IEEE0, + MDIO_COMBO_IEEE0_AUTO_NEG_ADV, + &ld_pause); + CL22_RD_OVER_CL45(bp, phy, + MDIO_REG_BANK_COMBO_IEEE0, + MDIO_COMBO_IEEE0_AUTO_NEG_LINK_PARTNER_ABILITY1, + &lp_pause); + pause_result = (ld_pause & + MDIO_COMBO_IEEE0_AUTO_NEG_ADV_PAUSE_MASK)>>5; + pause_result |= (lp_pause & + MDIO_COMBO_IEEE0_AUTO_NEG_ADV_PAUSE_MASK)>>7; + DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "pause_result CL37 0x%x\n", pause_result); + } + bnx2x_pause_resolve(vars, pause_result); + +} + static void bnx2x_flow_ctrl_resolve(struct bnx2x_phy *phy, struct link_params *params, struct link_vars *vars, u32 gp_status) { struct bnx2x *bp = params->bp; - u16 ld_pause; /* local driver */ - u16 lp_pause; /* link partner */ - u16 pause_result; - vars->flow_ctrl = BNX2X_FLOW_CTRL_NONE; /* resolve from gp_status in case of AN complete and not sgmii */ - if (phy->req_flow_ctrl != BNX2X_FLOW_CTRL_AUTO) + if (phy->req_flow_ctrl != BNX2X_FLOW_CTRL_AUTO) { + /* Update the advertised flow-controled of LD/LP in AN */ + if (phy->req_line_speed == SPEED_AUTO_NEG) + bnx2x_update_adv_fc(phy, params, vars, gp_status); + /* But set the flow-control result as the requested one */ vars->flow_ctrl = phy->req_flow_ctrl; - else if (phy->req_line_speed != SPEED_AUTO_NEG) + } else if (phy->req_line_speed != SPEED_AUTO_NEG) vars->flow_ctrl = params->req_fc_auto_adv; else if ((gp_status & MDIO_AN_CL73_OR_37_COMPLETE) && (!(vars->phy_flags & PHY_SGMII_FLAG))) { @@ -5239,45 +5294,7 @@ static void bnx2x_flow_ctrl_resolve(struct bnx2x_phy *phy, vars->flow_ctrl = params->req_fc_auto_adv; return; } - if ((gp_status & - (MDIO_GP_STATUS_TOP_AN_STATUS1_CL73_AUTONEG_COMPLETE | - MDIO_GP_STATUS_TOP_AN_STATUS1_CL73_MR_LP_NP_AN_ABLE)) == - (MDIO_GP_STATUS_TOP_AN_STATUS1_CL73_AUTONEG_COMPLETE | - MDIO_GP_STATUS_TOP_AN_STATUS1_CL73_MR_LP_NP_AN_ABLE)) { - - CL22_RD_OVER_CL45(bp, phy, - MDIO_REG_BANK_CL73_IEEEB1, - MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_ADV1, - &ld_pause); - CL22_RD_OVER_CL45(bp, phy, - MDIO_REG_BANK_CL73_IEEEB1, - MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_LP_ADV1, - &lp_pause); - pause_result = (ld_pause & - MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_ADV1_PAUSE_MASK) - >> 8; - pause_result |= (lp_pause & - MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_LP_ADV1_PAUSE_MASK) - >> 10; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "pause_result CL73 0x%x\n", - pause_result); - } else { - CL22_RD_OVER_CL45(bp, phy, - MDIO_REG_BANK_COMBO_IEEE0, - MDIO_COMBO_IEEE0_AUTO_NEG_ADV, - &ld_pause); - CL22_RD_OVER_CL45(bp, phy, - MDIO_REG_BANK_COMBO_IEEE0, - MDIO_COMBO_IEEE0_AUTO_NEG_LINK_PARTNER_ABILITY1, - &lp_pause); - pause_result = (ld_pause & - MDIO_COMBO_IEEE0_AUTO_NEG_ADV_PAUSE_MASK)>>5; - pause_result |= (lp_pause & - MDIO_COMBO_IEEE0_AUTO_NEG_ADV_PAUSE_MASK)>>7; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "pause_result CL37 0x%x\n", - pause_result); - } - bnx2x_pause_resolve(vars, pause_result); + bnx2x_update_adv_fc(phy, params, vars, gp_status); } DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "flow_ctrl 0x%x\n", vars->flow_ctrl); } @@ -5496,6 +5513,33 @@ static int bnx2x_link_settings_status(struct bnx2x_phy *phy, } } + /* Read LP advertised speeds*/ + if (SINGLE_MEDIA_DIRECT(params) && + (vars->link_status & LINK_STATUS_AUTO_NEGOTIATE_COMPLETE)) { + u16 val; + + CL22_RD_OVER_CL45(bp, phy, MDIO_REG_BANK_CL73_IEEEB1, + MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_LP_ADV2, &val); + + if (val & MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_ADV2_ADVR_1000M_KX) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_1000TFD_CAPABLE; + if (val & (MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_ADV2_ADVR_10G_KX4 | + MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_ADV2_ADVR_10G_KR)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_10GXFD_CAPABLE; + + CL22_RD_OVER_CL45(bp, phy, MDIO_REG_BANK_OVER_1G, + MDIO_OVER_1G_LP_UP1, &val); + + if (val & MDIO_OVER_1G_UP1_2_5G) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_2500XFD_CAPABLE; + if (val & (MDIO_OVER_1G_UP1_10G | MDIO_OVER_1G_UP1_10GH)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_10GXFD_CAPABLE; + } + DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "duplex %x flow_ctrl 0x%x link_status 0x%x\n", vars->duplex, vars->flow_ctrl, vars->link_status); return rc; @@ -5553,6 +5597,34 @@ static int bnx2x_warpcore_read_status(struct bnx2x_phy *phy, } } + if ((vars->link_status & LINK_STATUS_AUTO_NEGOTIATE_COMPLETE) && + SINGLE_MEDIA_DIRECT(params)) { + u16 val; + + bnx2x_cl45_read(bp, phy, MDIO_AN_DEVAD, + MDIO_AN_REG_LP_AUTO_NEG2, &val); + + if (val & MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_ADV2_ADVR_1000M_KX) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_1000TFD_CAPABLE; + if (val & (MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_ADV2_ADVR_10G_KX4 | + MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_ADV2_ADVR_10G_KR)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_10GXFD_CAPABLE; + + bnx2x_cl45_read(bp, phy, MDIO_WC_DEVAD, + MDIO_WC_REG_DIGITAL3_LP_UP1, &val); + + if (val & MDIO_OVER_1G_UP1_2_5G) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_2500XFD_CAPABLE; + if (val & (MDIO_OVER_1G_UP1_10G | MDIO_OVER_1G_UP1_10GH)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_10GXFD_CAPABLE; + + } + + if (lane < 2) { bnx2x_cl45_read(bp, phy, MDIO_WC_DEVAD, MDIO_WC_REG_GP2_STATUS_GP_2_2, &gp_speed); @@ -5970,8 +6042,8 @@ static int bnx2x_null_format_ver(u32 spirom_ver, u8 *str, u16 *len) return 0; } -int bnx2x_get_ext_phy_fw_version(struct link_params *params, u8 driver_loaded, - u8 *version, u16 len) +int bnx2x_get_ext_phy_fw_version(struct link_params *params, u8 *version, + u16 len) { struct bnx2x *bp; u32 spirom_ver = 0; @@ -6418,7 +6490,9 @@ static int bnx2x_update_link_down(struct link_params *params, LINK_STATUS_AUTO_NEGOTIATE_COMPLETE | LINK_STATUS_RX_FLOW_CONTROL_FLAG_MASK | LINK_STATUS_TX_FLOW_CONTROL_FLAG_MASK | - LINK_STATUS_PARALLEL_DETECTION_FLAG_MASK); + LINK_STATUS_PARALLEL_DETECTION_FLAG_MASK | + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_SYMMETRIC_PAUSE | + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_ASYMMETRIC_PAUSE); vars->line_speed = 0; bnx2x_update_mng(params, vars->link_status); @@ -7367,6 +7441,19 @@ static u8 bnx2x_8073_read_status(struct bnx2x_phy *phy, bnx2x_8073_resolve_fc(phy, params, vars); vars->duplex = DUPLEX_FULL; } + + if (vars->link_status & LINK_STATUS_AUTO_NEGOTIATE_COMPLETE) { + bnx2x_cl45_read(bp, phy, MDIO_AN_DEVAD, + MDIO_AN_REG_LP_AUTO_NEG2, &val1); + + if (val1 & (1<<5)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_1000TFD_CAPABLE; + if (val1 & (1<<7)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_10GXFD_CAPABLE; + } + return link_up; } @@ -9405,13 +9492,8 @@ static int bnx2x_848xx_cmn_config_init(struct bnx2x_phy *phy, { struct bnx2x *bp = params->bp; u16 autoneg_val, an_1000_val, an_10_100_val, an_10g_val; - u16 tmp_req_line_speed; - tmp_req_line_speed = phy->req_line_speed; - if (phy->type == PORT_HW_CFG_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM84833) { - if (phy->req_line_speed == SPEED_10000) - phy->req_line_speed = SPEED_AUTO_NEG; - } else { + if (phy->type != PORT_HW_CFG_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM84833) { /* Save spirom version */ bnx2x_save_848xx_spirom_version(phy, bp, params->port); } @@ -9555,8 +9637,6 @@ static int bnx2x_848xx_cmn_config_init(struct bnx2x_phy *phy, MDIO_AN_REG_8481_10GBASE_T_AN_CTRL, 1); - phy->req_line_speed = tmp_req_line_speed; - return 0; } @@ -9948,6 +10028,42 @@ static u8 bnx2x_848xx_read_status(struct bnx2x_phy *phy, DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "BCM84823: link speed is %d\n", vars->line_speed); bnx2x_ext_phy_resolve_fc(phy, params, vars); + + /* Read LP advertised speeds */ + bnx2x_cl45_read(bp, phy, MDIO_AN_DEVAD, + MDIO_AN_REG_CL37_FC_LP, &val); + if (val & (1<<5)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_10THD_CAPABLE; + if (val & (1<<6)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_10TFD_CAPABLE; + if (val & (1<<7)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_100TXHD_CAPABLE; + if (val & (1<<8)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_100TXFD_CAPABLE; + if (val & (1<<9)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_100T4_CAPABLE; + + bnx2x_cl45_read(bp, phy, MDIO_AN_DEVAD, + MDIO_AN_REG_1000T_STATUS, &val); + + if (val & (1<<10)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_1000THD_CAPABLE; + if (val & (1<<11)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_1000TFD_CAPABLE; + + bnx2x_cl45_read(bp, phy, MDIO_AN_DEVAD, + MDIO_AN_REG_MASTER_STATUS, &val); + + if (val & (1<<11)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_10GXFD_CAPABLE; } return link_up; @@ -10571,6 +10687,35 @@ static u8 bnx2x_54618se_read_status(struct bnx2x_phy *phy, } bnx2x_ext_phy_resolve_fc(phy, params, vars); + + if (vars->link_status & LINK_STATUS_AUTO_NEGOTIATE_COMPLETE) { + /* report LP advertised speeds */ + bnx2x_cl22_read(bp, phy, 0x5, &val); + + if (val & (1<<5)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_10THD_CAPABLE; + if (val & (1<<6)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_10TFD_CAPABLE; + if (val & (1<<7)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_100TXHD_CAPABLE; + if (val & (1<<8)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_100TXFD_CAPABLE; + if (val & (1<<9)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_100T4_CAPABLE; + + bnx2x_cl22_read(bp, phy, 0xa, &val); + if (val & (1<<10)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_1000THD_CAPABLE; + if (val & (1<<11)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_1000TFD_CAPABLE; + } } return link_up; } @@ -10699,6 +10844,11 @@ static u8 bnx2x_7101_read_status(struct bnx2x_phy *phy, val2, (val2 & (1<<14))); bnx2x_ext_phy_10G_an_resolve(bp, phy, vars); bnx2x_ext_phy_resolve_fc(phy, params, vars); + + /* read LP advertised speeds */ + if (val2 & (1<<11)) + vars->link_status |= + LINK_STATUS_LINK_PARTNER_10GXFD_CAPABLE; } return link_up; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_link.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_link.h index e02a68a7fb85f112953384bb96154547f8a8c2d5..7ba557a610da1ea27d301b38814c28f299e0c0b4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_link.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_link.h @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* Copyright 2008-2011 Broadcom Corporation +/* Copyright 2008-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license * agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you @@ -337,8 +337,8 @@ int bnx2x_phy_write(struct link_params *params, u8 phy_addr, void bnx2x_link_status_update(struct link_params *input, struct link_vars *output); /* returns string representing the fw_version of the external phy */ -int bnx2x_get_ext_phy_fw_version(struct link_params *params, u8 driver_loaded, - u8 *version, u16 len); +int bnx2x_get_ext_phy_fw_version(struct link_params *params, u8 *version, + u16 len); /* Set/Unset the led Basically, the CLC takes care of the led for the link, but in case one needs diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_main.c index b69f8762b33958a5ae04480f88d59b903bbf8716..f7f9aa807264f51d8faef59a1f7297fa509d1b4f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_main.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* bnx2x_main.c: Broadcom Everest network driver. * - * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -375,9 +375,6 @@ void bnx2x_post_dmae(struct bnx2x *bp, struct dmae_command *dmae, int idx) cmd_offset = (DMAE_REG_CMD_MEM + sizeof(struct dmae_command) * idx); for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(struct dmae_command)/4); i++) { REG_WR(bp, cmd_offset + i*4, *(((u32 *)dmae) + i)); - - DP(BNX2X_MSG_OFF, "DMAE cmd[%d].%d (0x%08x) : 0x%08x\n", - idx, i, cmd_offset + i*4, *(((u32 *)dmae) + i)); } REG_WR(bp, dmae_reg_go_c[idx], 1); } @@ -442,10 +439,6 @@ static int bnx2x_issue_dmae_with_comp(struct bnx2x *bp, int cnt = CHIP_REV_IS_SLOW(bp) ? (400000) : 4000; int rc = 0; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_OFF, "data before [0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x]\n", - bp->slowpath->wb_data[0], bp->slowpath->wb_data[1], - bp->slowpath->wb_data[2], bp->slowpath->wb_data[3]); - /* * Lock the dmae channel. Disable BHs to prevent a dead-lock * as long as this code is called both from syscall context and @@ -462,9 +455,10 @@ static int bnx2x_issue_dmae_with_comp(struct bnx2x *bp, /* wait for completion */ udelay(5); while ((*wb_comp & ~DMAE_PCI_ERR_FLAG) != DMAE_COMP_VAL) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_OFF, "wb_comp 0x%08x\n", *wb_comp); - if (!cnt) { + if (!cnt || + (bp->recovery_state != BNX2X_RECOVERY_DONE && + bp->recovery_state != BNX2X_RECOVERY_NIC_LOADING)) { BNX2X_ERR("DMAE timeout!\n"); rc = DMAE_TIMEOUT; goto unlock; @@ -477,10 +471,6 @@ static int bnx2x_issue_dmae_with_comp(struct bnx2x *bp, rc = DMAE_PCI_ERROR; } - DP(BNX2X_MSG_OFF, "data after [0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x]\n", - bp->slowpath->wb_data[0], bp->slowpath->wb_data[1], - bp->slowpath->wb_data[2], bp->slowpath->wb_data[3]); - unlock: spin_unlock_bh(&bp->dmae_lock); return rc; @@ -494,9 +484,10 @@ void bnx2x_write_dmae(struct bnx2x *bp, dma_addr_t dma_addr, u32 dst_addr, if (!bp->dmae_ready) { u32 *data = bnx2x_sp(bp, wb_data[0]); - DP(BNX2X_MSG_OFF, "DMAE is not ready (dst_addr %08x len32 %d)" - " using indirect\n", dst_addr, len32); - bnx2x_init_ind_wr(bp, dst_addr, data, len32); + if (CHIP_IS_E1(bp)) + bnx2x_init_ind_wr(bp, dst_addr, data, len32); + else + bnx2x_init_str_wr(bp, dst_addr, data, len32); return; } @@ -524,10 +515,13 @@ void bnx2x_read_dmae(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 src_addr, u32 len32) u32 *data = bnx2x_sp(bp, wb_data[0]); int i; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_OFF, "DMAE is not ready (src_addr %08x len32 %d)" - " using indirect\n", src_addr, len32); - for (i = 0; i < len32; i++) - data[i] = bnx2x_reg_rd_ind(bp, src_addr + i*4); + if (CHIP_IS_E1(bp)) + for (i = 0; i < len32; i++) + data[i] = bnx2x_reg_rd_ind(bp, src_addr + i*4); + else + for (i = 0; i < len32; i++) + data[i] = REG_RD(bp, src_addr + i*4); + return; } @@ -609,8 +603,7 @@ static int bnx2x_mc_assert(struct bnx2x *bp) XSTORM_ASSERT_LIST_OFFSET(i) + 12); if (row0 != COMMON_ASM_INVALID_ASSERT_OPCODE) { - BNX2X_ERR("XSTORM_ASSERT_INDEX 0x%x = 0x%08x" - " 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", + BNX2X_ERR("XSTORM_ASSERT_INDEX 0x%x = 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", i, row3, row2, row1, row0); rc++; } else { @@ -637,8 +630,7 @@ static int bnx2x_mc_assert(struct bnx2x *bp) TSTORM_ASSERT_LIST_OFFSET(i) + 12); if (row0 != COMMON_ASM_INVALID_ASSERT_OPCODE) { - BNX2X_ERR("TSTORM_ASSERT_INDEX 0x%x = 0x%08x" - " 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", + BNX2X_ERR("TSTORM_ASSERT_INDEX 0x%x = 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", i, row3, row2, row1, row0); rc++; } else { @@ -665,8 +657,7 @@ static int bnx2x_mc_assert(struct bnx2x *bp) CSTORM_ASSERT_LIST_OFFSET(i) + 12); if (row0 != COMMON_ASM_INVALID_ASSERT_OPCODE) { - BNX2X_ERR("CSTORM_ASSERT_INDEX 0x%x = 0x%08x" - " 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", + BNX2X_ERR("CSTORM_ASSERT_INDEX 0x%x = 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", i, row3, row2, row1, row0); rc++; } else { @@ -693,8 +684,7 @@ static int bnx2x_mc_assert(struct bnx2x *bp) USTORM_ASSERT_LIST_OFFSET(i) + 12); if (row0 != COMMON_ASM_INVALID_ASSERT_OPCODE) { - BNX2X_ERR("USTORM_ASSERT_INDEX 0x%x = 0x%08x" - " 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", + BNX2X_ERR("USTORM_ASSERT_INDEX 0x%x = 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", i, row3, row2, row1, row0); rc++; } else { @@ -723,13 +713,23 @@ void bnx2x_fw_dump_lvl(struct bnx2x *bp, const char *lvl) val = REG_RD(bp, MCP_REG_MCPR_CPU_PROGRAM_COUNTER); if (val == REG_RD(bp, MCP_REG_MCPR_CPU_PROGRAM_COUNTER)) - printk("%s" "MCP PC at 0x%x\n", lvl, val); + BNX2X_ERR("%s" "MCP PC at 0x%x\n", lvl, val); if (BP_PATH(bp) == 0) trace_shmem_base = bp->common.shmem_base; else trace_shmem_base = SHMEM2_RD(bp, other_shmem_base_addr); - addr = trace_shmem_base - 0x0800 + 4; + addr = trace_shmem_base - 0x800; + + /* validate TRCB signature */ + mark = REG_RD(bp, addr); + if (mark != MFW_TRACE_SIGNATURE) { + BNX2X_ERR("Trace buffer signature is missing."); + return ; + } + + /* read cyclic buffer pointer */ + addr += 4; mark = REG_RD(bp, addr); mark = (CHIP_IS_E1x(bp) ? MCP_REG_MCPR_SCRATCH : MCP_A_REG_MCPR_SCRATCH) + ((mark + 0x3) & ~0x3) - 0x08000000; @@ -768,14 +768,14 @@ void bnx2x_panic_dump(struct bnx2x *bp) #endif bp->stats_state = STATS_STATE_DISABLED; + bp->eth_stats.unrecoverable_error++; DP(BNX2X_MSG_STATS, "stats_state - DISABLED\n"); BNX2X_ERR("begin crash dump -----------------\n"); /* Indices */ /* Common */ - BNX2X_ERR("def_idx(0x%x) def_att_idx(0x%x) attn_state(0x%x)" - " spq_prod_idx(0x%x) next_stats_cnt(0x%x)\n", + BNX2X_ERR("def_idx(0x%x) def_att_idx(0x%x) attn_state(0x%x) spq_prod_idx(0x%x) next_stats_cnt(0x%x)\n", bp->def_idx, bp->def_att_idx, bp->attn_state, bp->spq_prod_idx, bp->stats_counter); BNX2X_ERR("DSB: attn bits(0x%x) ack(0x%x) id(0x%x) idx(0x%x)\n", @@ -822,14 +822,11 @@ void bnx2x_panic_dump(struct bnx2x *bp) struct bnx2x_fp_txdata txdata; /* Rx */ - BNX2X_ERR("fp%d: rx_bd_prod(0x%x) rx_bd_cons(0x%x)" - " rx_comp_prod(0x%x)" - " rx_comp_cons(0x%x) *rx_cons_sb(0x%x)\n", + BNX2X_ERR("fp%d: rx_bd_prod(0x%x) rx_bd_cons(0x%x) rx_comp_prod(0x%x) rx_comp_cons(0x%x) *rx_cons_sb(0x%x)\n", i, fp->rx_bd_prod, fp->rx_bd_cons, fp->rx_comp_prod, fp->rx_comp_cons, le16_to_cpu(*fp->rx_cons_sb)); - BNX2X_ERR(" rx_sge_prod(0x%x) last_max_sge(0x%x)" - " fp_hc_idx(0x%x)\n", + BNX2X_ERR(" rx_sge_prod(0x%x) last_max_sge(0x%x) fp_hc_idx(0x%x)\n", fp->rx_sge_prod, fp->last_max_sge, le16_to_cpu(fp->fp_hc_idx)); @@ -837,9 +834,7 @@ void bnx2x_panic_dump(struct bnx2x *bp) for_each_cos_in_tx_queue(fp, cos) { txdata = fp->txdata[cos]; - BNX2X_ERR("fp%d: tx_pkt_prod(0x%x) tx_pkt_cons(0x%x)" - " tx_bd_prod(0x%x) tx_bd_cons(0x%x)" - " *tx_cons_sb(0x%x)\n", + BNX2X_ERR("fp%d: tx_pkt_prod(0x%x) tx_pkt_cons(0x%x) tx_bd_prod(0x%x) tx_bd_cons(0x%x) *tx_cons_sb(0x%x)\n", i, txdata.tx_pkt_prod, txdata.tx_pkt_cons, txdata.tx_bd_prod, txdata.tx_bd_cons, @@ -881,9 +876,7 @@ void bnx2x_panic_dump(struct bnx2x *bp) j * sizeof(u32)); if (!CHIP_IS_E1x(bp)) { - pr_cont("pf_id(0x%x) vf_id(0x%x) vf_valid(0x%x) " - "vnic_id(0x%x) same_igu_sb_1b(0x%x) " - "state(0x%x)\n", + pr_cont("pf_id(0x%x) vf_id(0x%x) vf_valid(0x%x) vnic_id(0x%x) same_igu_sb_1b(0x%x) state(0x%x)\n", sb_data_e2.common.p_func.pf_id, sb_data_e2.common.p_func.vf_id, sb_data_e2.common.p_func.vf_valid, @@ -891,9 +884,7 @@ void bnx2x_panic_dump(struct bnx2x *bp) sb_data_e2.common.same_igu_sb_1b, sb_data_e2.common.state); } else { - pr_cont("pf_id(0x%x) vf_id(0x%x) vf_valid(0x%x) " - "vnic_id(0x%x) same_igu_sb_1b(0x%x) " - "state(0x%x)\n", + pr_cont("pf_id(0x%x) vf_id(0x%x) vf_valid(0x%x) vnic_id(0x%x) same_igu_sb_1b(0x%x) state(0x%x)\n", sb_data_e1x.common.p_func.pf_id, sb_data_e1x.common.p_func.vf_id, sb_data_e1x.common.p_func.vf_valid, @@ -904,21 +895,17 @@ void bnx2x_panic_dump(struct bnx2x *bp) /* SB_SMs data */ for (j = 0; j < HC_SB_MAX_SM; j++) { - pr_cont("SM[%d] __flags (0x%x) " - "igu_sb_id (0x%x) igu_seg_id(0x%x) " - "time_to_expire (0x%x) " - "timer_value(0x%x)\n", j, - hc_sm_p[j].__flags, - hc_sm_p[j].igu_sb_id, - hc_sm_p[j].igu_seg_id, - hc_sm_p[j].time_to_expire, - hc_sm_p[j].timer_value); + pr_cont("SM[%d] __flags (0x%x) igu_sb_id (0x%x) igu_seg_id(0x%x) time_to_expire (0x%x) timer_value(0x%x)\n", + j, hc_sm_p[j].__flags, + hc_sm_p[j].igu_sb_id, + hc_sm_p[j].igu_seg_id, + hc_sm_p[j].time_to_expire, + hc_sm_p[j].timer_value); } /* Indecies data */ for (j = 0; j < loop; j++) { - pr_cont("INDEX[%d] flags (0x%x) " - "timeout (0x%x)\n", j, + pr_cont("INDEX[%d] flags (0x%x) timeout (0x%x)\n", j, hc_index_p[j].flags, hc_index_p[j].timeout); } @@ -972,8 +959,7 @@ void bnx2x_panic_dump(struct bnx2x *bp) struct sw_tx_bd *sw_bd = &txdata->tx_buf_ring[j]; - BNX2X_ERR("fp%d: txdata %d, " - "packet[%x]=[%p,%x]\n", + BNX2X_ERR("fp%d: txdata %d, packet[%x]=[%p,%x]\n", i, cos, j, sw_bd->skb, sw_bd->first_bd); } @@ -983,8 +969,7 @@ void bnx2x_panic_dump(struct bnx2x *bp) for (j = start; j != end; j = TX_BD(j + 1)) { u32 *tx_bd = (u32 *)&txdata->tx_desc_ring[j]; - BNX2X_ERR("fp%d: txdata %d, tx_bd[%x]=" - "[%x:%x:%x:%x]\n", + BNX2X_ERR("fp%d: txdata %d, tx_bd[%x]=[%x:%x:%x:%x]\n", i, cos, j, tx_bd[0], tx_bd[1], tx_bd[2], tx_bd[3]); } @@ -1003,8 +988,8 @@ void bnx2x_panic_dump(struct bnx2x *bp) * initialization. */ #define FLR_WAIT_USEC 10000 /* 10 miliseconds */ -#define FLR_WAIT_INTERAVAL 50 /* usec */ -#define FLR_POLL_CNT (FLR_WAIT_USEC/FLR_WAIT_INTERAVAL) /* 200 */ +#define FLR_WAIT_INTERVAL 50 /* usec */ +#define FLR_POLL_CNT (FLR_WAIT_USEC/FLR_WAIT_INTERVAL) /* 200 */ struct pbf_pN_buf_regs { int pN; @@ -1037,7 +1022,7 @@ static void bnx2x_pbf_pN_buf_flushed(struct bnx2x *bp, while ((crd != init_crd) && ((u32)SUB_S32(crd_freed, crd_freed_start) < (init_crd - crd_start))) { if (cur_cnt--) { - udelay(FLR_WAIT_INTERAVAL); + udelay(FLR_WAIT_INTERVAL); crd = REG_RD(bp, regs->crd); crd_freed = REG_RD(bp, regs->crd_freed); } else { @@ -1051,7 +1036,7 @@ static void bnx2x_pbf_pN_buf_flushed(struct bnx2x *bp, } } DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "Waited %d*%d usec for PBF tx buffer[%d]\n", - poll_count-cur_cnt, FLR_WAIT_INTERAVAL, regs->pN); + poll_count-cur_cnt, FLR_WAIT_INTERVAL, regs->pN); } static void bnx2x_pbf_pN_cmd_flushed(struct bnx2x *bp, @@ -1069,7 +1054,7 @@ static void bnx2x_pbf_pN_cmd_flushed(struct bnx2x *bp, while (occup && ((u32)SUB_S32(freed, freed_start) < to_free)) { if (cur_cnt--) { - udelay(FLR_WAIT_INTERAVAL); + udelay(FLR_WAIT_INTERVAL); occup = REG_RD(bp, regs->lines_occup); freed = REG_RD(bp, regs->lines_freed); } else { @@ -1083,7 +1068,7 @@ static void bnx2x_pbf_pN_cmd_flushed(struct bnx2x *bp, } } DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "Waited %d*%d usec for PBF cmd queue[%d]\n", - poll_count-cur_cnt, FLR_WAIT_INTERAVAL, regs->pN); + poll_count-cur_cnt, FLR_WAIT_INTERVAL, regs->pN); } static inline u32 bnx2x_flr_clnup_reg_poll(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 reg, @@ -1093,7 +1078,7 @@ static inline u32 bnx2x_flr_clnup_reg_poll(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 reg, u32 val; while ((val = REG_RD(bp, reg)) != expected && cur_cnt--) - udelay(FLR_WAIT_INTERAVAL); + udelay(FLR_WAIT_INTERVAL); return val; } @@ -1206,7 +1191,7 @@ static inline int bnx2x_send_final_clnup(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 clnup_func, int ret = 0; if (REG_RD(bp, comp_addr)) { - BNX2X_ERR("Cleanup complete is not 0\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("Cleanup complete was not 0 before sending\n"); return 1; } @@ -1215,11 +1200,13 @@ static inline int bnx2x_send_final_clnup(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 clnup_func, op_gen.command |= OP_GEN_AGG_VECT(clnup_func); op_gen.command |= 1 << SDM_OP_GEN_AGG_VECT_IDX_VALID_SHIFT; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "FW Final cleanup\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "sending FW Final cleanup\n"); REG_WR(bp, XSDM_REG_OPERATION_GEN, op_gen.command); if (bnx2x_flr_clnup_reg_poll(bp, comp_addr, 1, poll_cnt) != 1) { BNX2X_ERR("FW final cleanup did not succeed\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "At timeout completion address contained %x\n", + (REG_RD(bp, comp_addr))); ret = 1; } /* Zero completion for nxt FLR */ @@ -1330,6 +1317,7 @@ static int bnx2x_pf_flr_clnup(struct bnx2x *bp) REG_WR(bp, PGLUE_B_REG_INTERNAL_PFID_ENABLE_TARGET_READ, 1); /* Poll HW usage counters */ + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "Polling usage counters\n"); if (bnx2x_poll_hw_usage_counters(bp, poll_cnt)) return -EBUSY; @@ -1388,8 +1376,8 @@ static void bnx2x_hc_int_enable(struct bnx2x *bp) HC_CONFIG_0_REG_ATTN_BIT_EN_0); if (!CHIP_IS_E1(bp)) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_INTR, "write %x to HC %d (addr 0x%x)\n", - val, port, addr); + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, + "write %x to HC %d (addr 0x%x)\n", val, port, addr); REG_WR(bp, addr, val); @@ -1400,8 +1388,9 @@ static void bnx2x_hc_int_enable(struct bnx2x *bp) if (CHIP_IS_E1(bp)) REG_WR(bp, HC_REG_INT_MASK + port*4, 0x1FFFF); - DP(NETIF_MSG_INTR, "write %x to HC %d (addr 0x%x) mode %s\n", - val, port, addr, (msix ? "MSI-X" : (msi ? "MSI" : "INTx"))); + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, + "write %x to HC %d (addr 0x%x) mode %s\n", val, port, addr, + (msix ? "MSI-X" : (msi ? "MSI" : "INTx"))); REG_WR(bp, addr, val); /* @@ -1456,7 +1445,7 @@ static void bnx2x_igu_int_enable(struct bnx2x *bp) IGU_PF_CONF_SINGLE_ISR_EN); } - DP(NETIF_MSG_INTR, "write 0x%x to IGU mode %s\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "write 0x%x to IGU mode %s\n", val, (msix ? "MSI-X" : (msi ? "MSI" : "INTx"))); REG_WR(bp, IGU_REG_PF_CONFIGURATION, val); @@ -1514,7 +1503,8 @@ static void bnx2x_hc_int_disable(struct bnx2x *bp) HC_CONFIG_0_REG_INT_LINE_EN_0 | HC_CONFIG_0_REG_ATTN_BIT_EN_0); - DP(NETIF_MSG_INTR, "write %x to HC %d (addr 0x%x)\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN, + "write %x to HC %d (addr 0x%x)\n", val, port, addr); /* flush all outstanding writes */ @@ -1533,7 +1523,7 @@ static void bnx2x_igu_int_disable(struct bnx2x *bp) IGU_PF_CONF_INT_LINE_EN | IGU_PF_CONF_ATTN_BIT_EN); - DP(NETIF_MSG_INTR, "write %x to IGU\n", val); + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN, "write %x to IGU\n", val); /* flush all outstanding writes */ mmiowb(); @@ -1592,11 +1582,12 @@ static bool bnx2x_trylock_hw_lock(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 resource) int func = BP_FUNC(bp); u32 hw_lock_control_reg; - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "Trying to take a lock on resource %d\n", resource); + DP(NETIF_MSG_HW | NETIF_MSG_IFUP, + "Trying to take a lock on resource %d\n", resource); /* Validating that the resource is within range */ if (resource > HW_LOCK_MAX_RESOURCE_VALUE) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, + DP(NETIF_MSG_HW | NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "resource(0x%x) > HW_LOCK_MAX_RESOURCE_VALUE(0x%x)\n", resource, HW_LOCK_MAX_RESOURCE_VALUE); return false; @@ -1614,7 +1605,8 @@ static bool bnx2x_trylock_hw_lock(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 resource) if (lock_status & resource_bit) return true; - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "Failed to get a lock on resource %d\n", resource); + DP(NETIF_MSG_HW | NETIF_MSG_IFUP, + "Failed to get a lock on resource %d\n", resource); return false; } @@ -1675,7 +1667,7 @@ void bnx2x_sp_event(struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, union eth_rx_cqe *rr_cqe) break; case (RAMROD_CMD_ID_ETH_TX_QUEUE_SETUP): - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "got MULTI[%d] tx-only setup ramrod\n", cid); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "got MULTI[%d] tx-only setup ramrod\n", cid); drv_cmd = BNX2X_Q_CMD_SETUP_TX_ONLY; break; @@ -1817,8 +1809,7 @@ int bnx2x_acquire_hw_lock(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 resource) /* Validating that the resource is within range */ if (resource > HW_LOCK_MAX_RESOURCE_VALUE) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, - "resource(0x%x) > HW_LOCK_MAX_RESOURCE_VALUE(0x%x)\n", + BNX2X_ERR("resource(0x%x) > HW_LOCK_MAX_RESOURCE_VALUE(0x%x)\n", resource, HW_LOCK_MAX_RESOURCE_VALUE); return -EINVAL; } @@ -1833,7 +1824,7 @@ int bnx2x_acquire_hw_lock(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 resource) /* Validating that the resource is not already taken */ lock_status = REG_RD(bp, hw_lock_control_reg); if (lock_status & resource_bit) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "lock_status 0x%x resource_bit 0x%x\n", + BNX2X_ERR("lock_status 0x%x resource_bit 0x%x\n", lock_status, resource_bit); return -EEXIST; } @@ -1848,7 +1839,7 @@ int bnx2x_acquire_hw_lock(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 resource) msleep(5); } - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "Timeout\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("Timeout\n"); return -EAGAIN; } @@ -1864,12 +1855,9 @@ int bnx2x_release_hw_lock(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 resource) int func = BP_FUNC(bp); u32 hw_lock_control_reg; - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "Releasing a lock on resource %d\n", resource); - /* Validating that the resource is within range */ if (resource > HW_LOCK_MAX_RESOURCE_VALUE) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, - "resource(0x%x) > HW_LOCK_MAX_RESOURCE_VALUE(0x%x)\n", + BNX2X_ERR("resource(0x%x) > HW_LOCK_MAX_RESOURCE_VALUE(0x%x)\n", resource, HW_LOCK_MAX_RESOURCE_VALUE); return -EINVAL; } @@ -1884,7 +1872,7 @@ int bnx2x_release_hw_lock(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 resource) /* Validating that the resource is currently taken */ lock_status = REG_RD(bp, hw_lock_control_reg); if (!(lock_status & resource_bit)) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "lock_status 0x%x resource_bit 0x%x\n", + BNX2X_ERR("lock_status 0x%x resource_bit 0x%x. unlock was called but lock wasn't taken!\n", lock_status, resource_bit); return -EFAULT; } @@ -1945,7 +1933,8 @@ int bnx2x_set_gpio(struct bnx2x *bp, int gpio_num, u32 mode, u8 port) switch (mode) { case MISC_REGISTERS_GPIO_OUTPUT_LOW: - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Set GPIO %d (shift %d) -> output low\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + "Set GPIO %d (shift %d) -> output low\n", gpio_num, gpio_shift); /* clear FLOAT and set CLR */ gpio_reg &= ~(gpio_mask << MISC_REGISTERS_GPIO_FLOAT_POS); @@ -1953,7 +1942,8 @@ int bnx2x_set_gpio(struct bnx2x *bp, int gpio_num, u32 mode, u8 port) break; case MISC_REGISTERS_GPIO_OUTPUT_HIGH: - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Set GPIO %d (shift %d) -> output high\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + "Set GPIO %d (shift %d) -> output high\n", gpio_num, gpio_shift); /* clear FLOAT and set SET */ gpio_reg &= ~(gpio_mask << MISC_REGISTERS_GPIO_FLOAT_POS); @@ -1961,7 +1951,8 @@ int bnx2x_set_gpio(struct bnx2x *bp, int gpio_num, u32 mode, u8 port) break; case MISC_REGISTERS_GPIO_INPUT_HI_Z: - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Set GPIO %d (shift %d) -> input\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + "Set GPIO %d (shift %d) -> input\n", gpio_num, gpio_shift); /* set FLOAT */ gpio_reg |= (gpio_mask << MISC_REGISTERS_GPIO_FLOAT_POS); @@ -2045,16 +2036,18 @@ int bnx2x_set_gpio_int(struct bnx2x *bp, int gpio_num, u32 mode, u8 port) switch (mode) { case MISC_REGISTERS_GPIO_INT_OUTPUT_CLR: - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Clear GPIO INT %d (shift %d) -> " - "output low\n", gpio_num, gpio_shift); + DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + "Clear GPIO INT %d (shift %d) -> output low\n", + gpio_num, gpio_shift); /* clear SET and set CLR */ gpio_reg &= ~(gpio_mask << MISC_REGISTERS_GPIO_INT_SET_POS); gpio_reg |= (gpio_mask << MISC_REGISTERS_GPIO_INT_CLR_POS); break; case MISC_REGISTERS_GPIO_INT_OUTPUT_SET: - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Set GPIO INT %d (shift %d) -> " - "output high\n", gpio_num, gpio_shift); + DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + "Set GPIO INT %d (shift %d) -> output high\n", + gpio_num, gpio_shift); /* clear CLR and set SET */ gpio_reg &= ~(gpio_mask << MISC_REGISTERS_GPIO_INT_CLR_POS); gpio_reg |= (gpio_mask << MISC_REGISTERS_GPIO_INT_SET_POS); @@ -2087,21 +2080,21 @@ static int bnx2x_set_spio(struct bnx2x *bp, int spio_num, u32 mode) switch (mode) { case MISC_REGISTERS_SPIO_OUTPUT_LOW: - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Set SPIO %d -> output low\n", spio_num); + DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "Set SPIO %d -> output low\n", spio_num); /* clear FLOAT and set CLR */ spio_reg &= ~(spio_mask << MISC_REGISTERS_SPIO_FLOAT_POS); spio_reg |= (spio_mask << MISC_REGISTERS_SPIO_CLR_POS); break; case MISC_REGISTERS_SPIO_OUTPUT_HIGH: - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Set SPIO %d -> output high\n", spio_num); + DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "Set SPIO %d -> output high\n", spio_num); /* clear FLOAT and set SET */ spio_reg &= ~(spio_mask << MISC_REGISTERS_SPIO_FLOAT_POS); spio_reg |= (spio_mask << MISC_REGISTERS_SPIO_SET_POS); break; case MISC_REGISTERS_SPIO_INPUT_HI_Z: - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "Set SPIO %d -> input\n", spio_num); + DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "Set SPIO %d -> input\n", spio_num); /* set FLOAT */ spio_reg |= (spio_mask << MISC_REGISTERS_SPIO_FLOAT_POS); break; @@ -2543,7 +2536,7 @@ static void bnx2x_pmf_update(struct bnx2x *bp) u32 val; bp->port.pmf = 1; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "pmf %d\n", bp->port.pmf); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_MCP, "pmf %d\n", bp->port.pmf); /* * We need the mb() to ensure the ordering between the writing to @@ -2688,6 +2681,8 @@ static inline unsigned long bnx2x_get_q_flags(struct bnx2x *bp, if (!fp->disable_tpa) { __set_bit(BNX2X_Q_FLG_TPA, &flags); __set_bit(BNX2X_Q_FLG_TPA_IPV6, &flags); + if (fp->mode == TPA_MODE_GRO) + __set_bit(BNX2X_Q_FLG_TPA_GRO, &flags); } if (leading) { @@ -2784,6 +2779,7 @@ static void bnx2x_pf_rx_q_prep(struct bnx2x *bp, rxq_init->sge_buf_sz = sge_sz; rxq_init->max_sges_pkt = max_sge; rxq_init->rss_engine_id = BP_FUNC(bp); + rxq_init->mcast_engine_id = BP_FUNC(bp); /* Maximum number or simultaneous TPA aggregation for this Queue. * @@ -3121,12 +3117,12 @@ static void bnx2x_dcc_event(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 dcc_event) * locks */ if (bp->mf_config[BP_VN(bp)] & FUNC_MF_CFG_FUNC_DISABLED) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN, "mf_cfg function disabled\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_MCP, "mf_cfg function disabled\n"); bp->flags |= MF_FUNC_DIS; bnx2x_e1h_disable(bp); } else { - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "mf_cfg function enabled\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_MCP, "mf_cfg function enabled\n"); bp->flags &= ~MF_FUNC_DIS; bnx2x_e1h_enable(bp); @@ -3153,7 +3149,7 @@ static inline struct eth_spe *bnx2x_sp_get_next(struct bnx2x *bp) if (bp->spq_prod_bd == bp->spq_last_bd) { bp->spq_prod_bd = bp->spq; bp->spq_prod_idx = 0; - DP(NETIF_MSG_TIMER, "end of spq\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "end of spq\n"); } else { bp->spq_prod_bd++; bp->spq_prod_idx++; @@ -3222,8 +3218,10 @@ int bnx2x_sp_post(struct bnx2x *bp, int command, int cid, bool common = bnx2x_is_contextless_ramrod(command, cmd_type); #ifdef BNX2X_STOP_ON_ERROR - if (unlikely(bp->panic)) + if (unlikely(bp->panic)) { + BNX2X_ERR("Can't post SP when there is panic\n"); return -EIO; + } #endif spin_lock_bh(&bp->spq_lock); @@ -3270,9 +3268,8 @@ int bnx2x_sp_post(struct bnx2x *bp, int command, int cid, atomic_dec(&bp->cq_spq_left); - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP/*NETIF_MSG_TIMER*/, - "SPQE[%x] (%x:%x) (cmd, common?) (%d,%d) hw_cid %x data (%x:%x) " - "type(0x%x) left (CQ, EQ) (%x,%x)\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, + "SPQE[%x] (%x:%x) (cmd, common?) (%d,%d) hw_cid %x data (%x:%x) type(0x%x) left (CQ, EQ) (%x,%x)\n", bp->spq_prod_idx, (u32)U64_HI(bp->spq_mapping), (u32)(U64_LO(bp->spq_mapping) + (void *)bp->spq_prod_bd - (void *)bp->spq), command, common, @@ -3464,9 +3461,8 @@ static inline void bnx2x_fan_failure(struct bnx2x *bp) ext_phy_config); /* log the failure */ - netdev_err(bp->dev, "Fan Failure on Network Controller has caused" - " the driver to shutdown the card to prevent permanent" - " damage. Please contact OEM Support for assistance\n"); + netdev_err(bp->dev, "Fan Failure on Network Controller has caused the driver to shutdown the card to prevent permanent damage.\n" + "Please contact OEM Support for assistance\n"); /* * Scheudle device reset (unload) @@ -3709,11 +3705,11 @@ static inline void bnx2x_attn_int_deasserted3(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 attn) */ void bnx2x_set_reset_global(struct bnx2x *bp) { - u32 val = REG_RD(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG); - + u32 val; + bnx2x_acquire_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RECOVERY_REG); + val = REG_RD(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG); REG_WR(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG, val | BNX2X_GLOBAL_RESET_BIT); - barrier(); - mmiowb(); + bnx2x_release_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RECOVERY_REG); } /* @@ -3723,11 +3719,11 @@ void bnx2x_set_reset_global(struct bnx2x *bp) */ static inline void bnx2x_clear_reset_global(struct bnx2x *bp) { - u32 val = REG_RD(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG); - + u32 val; + bnx2x_acquire_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RECOVERY_REG); + val = REG_RD(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG); REG_WR(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG, val & (~BNX2X_GLOBAL_RESET_BIT)); - barrier(); - mmiowb(); + bnx2x_release_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RECOVERY_REG); } /* @@ -3750,15 +3746,17 @@ static inline bool bnx2x_reset_is_global(struct bnx2x *bp) */ static inline void bnx2x_set_reset_done(struct bnx2x *bp) { - u32 val = REG_RD(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG); + u32 val; u32 bit = BP_PATH(bp) ? BNX2X_PATH1_RST_IN_PROG_BIT : BNX2X_PATH0_RST_IN_PROG_BIT; + bnx2x_acquire_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RECOVERY_REG); + val = REG_RD(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG); /* Clear the bit */ val &= ~bit; REG_WR(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG, val); - barrier(); - mmiowb(); + + bnx2x_release_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RECOVERY_REG); } /* @@ -3768,15 +3766,16 @@ static inline void bnx2x_set_reset_done(struct bnx2x *bp) */ void bnx2x_set_reset_in_progress(struct bnx2x *bp) { - u32 val = REG_RD(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG); + u32 val; u32 bit = BP_PATH(bp) ? BNX2X_PATH1_RST_IN_PROG_BIT : BNX2X_PATH0_RST_IN_PROG_BIT; + bnx2x_acquire_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RECOVERY_REG); + val = REG_RD(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG); /* Set the bit */ val |= bit; REG_WR(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG, val); - barrier(); - mmiowb(); + bnx2x_release_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RECOVERY_REG); } /* @@ -3794,25 +3793,28 @@ bool bnx2x_reset_is_done(struct bnx2x *bp, int engine) } /* - * Increment the load counter for the current engine. + * set pf load for the current pf. * * should be run under rtnl lock */ -void bnx2x_inc_load_cnt(struct bnx2x *bp) +void bnx2x_set_pf_load(struct bnx2x *bp) { - u32 val1, val = REG_RD(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG); + u32 val1, val; u32 mask = BP_PATH(bp) ? BNX2X_PATH1_LOAD_CNT_MASK : BNX2X_PATH0_LOAD_CNT_MASK; u32 shift = BP_PATH(bp) ? BNX2X_PATH1_LOAD_CNT_SHIFT : BNX2X_PATH0_LOAD_CNT_SHIFT; - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "Old GEN_REG_VAL=0x%08x\n", val); + bnx2x_acquire_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RECOVERY_REG); + val = REG_RD(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG); + + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "Old GEN_REG_VAL=0x%08x\n", val); /* get the current counter value */ val1 = (val & mask) >> shift; - /* increment... */ - val1++; + /* set bit of that PF */ + val1 |= (1 << bp->pf_num); /* clear the old value */ val &= ~mask; @@ -3821,34 +3823,35 @@ void bnx2x_inc_load_cnt(struct bnx2x *bp) val |= ((val1 << shift) & mask); REG_WR(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG, val); - barrier(); - mmiowb(); + bnx2x_release_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RECOVERY_REG); } /** - * bnx2x_dec_load_cnt - decrement the load counter + * bnx2x_clear_pf_load - clear pf load mark * * @bp: driver handle * * Should be run under rtnl lock. * Decrements the load counter for the current engine. Returns - * the new counter value. + * whether other functions are still loaded */ -u32 bnx2x_dec_load_cnt(struct bnx2x *bp) +bool bnx2x_clear_pf_load(struct bnx2x *bp) { - u32 val1, val = REG_RD(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG); + u32 val1, val; u32 mask = BP_PATH(bp) ? BNX2X_PATH1_LOAD_CNT_MASK : BNX2X_PATH0_LOAD_CNT_MASK; u32 shift = BP_PATH(bp) ? BNX2X_PATH1_LOAD_CNT_SHIFT : BNX2X_PATH0_LOAD_CNT_SHIFT; - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "Old GEN_REG_VAL=0x%08x\n", val); + bnx2x_acquire_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RECOVERY_REG); + val = REG_RD(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG); + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN, "Old GEN_REG_VAL=0x%08x\n", val); /* get the current counter value */ val1 = (val & mask) >> shift; - /* decrement... */ - val1--; + /* clear bit of that PF */ + val1 &= ~(1 << bp->pf_num); /* clear the old value */ val &= ~mask; @@ -3857,18 +3860,16 @@ u32 bnx2x_dec_load_cnt(struct bnx2x *bp) val |= ((val1 << shift) & mask); REG_WR(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG, val); - barrier(); - mmiowb(); - - return val1; + bnx2x_release_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RECOVERY_REG); + return val1 != 0; } /* - * Read the load counter for the current engine. + * Read the load status for the current engine. * * should be run under rtnl lock */ -static inline u32 bnx2x_get_load_cnt(struct bnx2x *bp, int engine) +static inline bool bnx2x_get_load_status(struct bnx2x *bp, int engine) { u32 mask = (engine ? BNX2X_PATH1_LOAD_CNT_MASK : BNX2X_PATH0_LOAD_CNT_MASK); @@ -3876,27 +3877,28 @@ static inline u32 bnx2x_get_load_cnt(struct bnx2x *bp, int engine) BNX2X_PATH0_LOAD_CNT_SHIFT); u32 val = REG_RD(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG); - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "GLOB_REG=0x%08x\n", val); + DP(NETIF_MSG_HW | NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "GLOB_REG=0x%08x\n", val); val = (val & mask) >> shift; - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "load_cnt for engine %d = %d\n", engine, val); + DP(NETIF_MSG_HW | NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "load mask for engine %d = 0x%x\n", + engine, val); - return val; + return val != 0; } /* - * Reset the load counter for the current engine. - * - * should be run under rtnl lock + * Reset the load status for the current engine. */ -static inline void bnx2x_clear_load_cnt(struct bnx2x *bp) +static inline void bnx2x_clear_load_status(struct bnx2x *bp) { - u32 val = REG_RD(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG); + u32 val; u32 mask = (BP_PATH(bp) ? BNX2X_PATH1_LOAD_CNT_MASK : - BNX2X_PATH0_LOAD_CNT_MASK); - + BNX2X_PATH0_LOAD_CNT_MASK); + bnx2x_acquire_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RECOVERY_REG); + val = REG_RD(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG); REG_WR(bp, BNX2X_RECOVERY_GLOB_REG, val & (~mask)); + bnx2x_release_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RECOVERY_REG); } static inline void _print_next_block(int idx, const char *blk) @@ -4168,9 +4170,8 @@ static inline bool bnx2x_parity_attn(struct bnx2x *bp, bool *global, bool print, (sig[3] & HW_PRTY_ASSERT_SET_3) || (sig[4] & HW_PRTY_ASSERT_SET_4)) { int par_num = 0; - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "Was parity error: HW block parity attention: " - "[0]:0x%08x [1]:0x%08x [2]:0x%08x [3]:0x%08x " - "[4]:0x%08x\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "Was parity error: HW block parity attention:\n" + "[0]:0x%08x [1]:0x%08x [2]:0x%08x [3]:0x%08x [4]:0x%08x\n", sig[0] & HW_PRTY_ASSERT_SET_0, sig[1] & HW_PRTY_ASSERT_SET_1, sig[2] & HW_PRTY_ASSERT_SET_2, @@ -4240,34 +4241,25 @@ static inline void bnx2x_attn_int_deasserted4(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 attn) val = REG_RD(bp, PGLUE_B_REG_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_CLR); BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE hw attention 0x%x\n", val); if (val & PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_ADDRESS_ERROR) - BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_" - "ADDRESS_ERROR\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_ADDRESS_ERROR\n"); if (val & PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_INCORRECT_RCV_BEHAVIOR) - BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_" - "INCORRECT_RCV_BEHAVIOR\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_INCORRECT_RCV_BEHAVIOR\n"); if (val & PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_WAS_ERROR_ATTN) - BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_" - "WAS_ERROR_ATTN\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_WAS_ERROR_ATTN\n"); if (val & PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_VF_LENGTH_VIOLATION_ATTN) - BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_" - "VF_LENGTH_VIOLATION_ATTN\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_VF_LENGTH_VIOLATION_ATTN\n"); if (val & PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_VF_GRC_SPACE_VIOLATION_ATTN) - BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_" - "VF_GRC_SPACE_VIOLATION_ATTN\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_VF_GRC_SPACE_VIOLATION_ATTN\n"); if (val & PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_VF_MSIX_BAR_VIOLATION_ATTN) - BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_" - "VF_MSIX_BAR_VIOLATION_ATTN\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_VF_MSIX_BAR_VIOLATION_ATTN\n"); if (val & PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_TCPL_ERROR_ATTN) - BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_" - "TCPL_ERROR_ATTN\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_TCPL_ERROR_ATTN\n"); if (val & PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_TCPL_IN_TWO_RCBS_ATTN) - BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_" - "TCPL_IN_TWO_RCBS_ATTN\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_TCPL_IN_TWO_RCBS_ATTN\n"); if (val & PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_CSSNOOP_FIFO_OVERFLOW) - BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_" - "CSSNOOP_FIFO_OVERFLOW\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("PGLUE_B_PGLUE_B_INT_STS_REG_CSSNOOP_FIFO_OVERFLOW\n"); } if (attn & AEU_INPUTS_ATTN_BITS_ATC_HW_INTERRUPT) { val = REG_RD(bp, ATC_REG_ATC_INT_STS_CLR); @@ -4275,19 +4267,15 @@ static inline void bnx2x_attn_int_deasserted4(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 attn) if (val & ATC_ATC_INT_STS_REG_ADDRESS_ERROR) BNX2X_ERR("ATC_ATC_INT_STS_REG_ADDRESS_ERROR\n"); if (val & ATC_ATC_INT_STS_REG_ATC_TCPL_TO_NOT_PEND) - BNX2X_ERR("ATC_ATC_INT_STS_REG" - "_ATC_TCPL_TO_NOT_PEND\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("ATC_ATC_INT_STS_REG_ATC_TCPL_TO_NOT_PEND\n"); if (val & ATC_ATC_INT_STS_REG_ATC_GPA_MULTIPLE_HITS) - BNX2X_ERR("ATC_ATC_INT_STS_REG_" - "ATC_GPA_MULTIPLE_HITS\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("ATC_ATC_INT_STS_REG_ATC_GPA_MULTIPLE_HITS\n"); if (val & ATC_ATC_INT_STS_REG_ATC_RCPL_TO_EMPTY_CNT) - BNX2X_ERR("ATC_ATC_INT_STS_REG_" - "ATC_RCPL_TO_EMPTY_CNT\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("ATC_ATC_INT_STS_REG_ATC_RCPL_TO_EMPTY_CNT\n"); if (val & ATC_ATC_INT_STS_REG_ATC_TCPL_ERROR) BNX2X_ERR("ATC_ATC_INT_STS_REG_ATC_TCPL_ERROR\n"); if (val & ATC_ATC_INT_STS_REG_ATC_IREQ_LESS_THAN_STU) - BNX2X_ERR("ATC_ATC_INT_STS_REG_" - "ATC_IREQ_LESS_THAN_STU\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("ATC_ATC_INT_STS_REG_ATC_IREQ_LESS_THAN_STU\n"); } if (attn & (AEU_INPUTS_ATTN_BITS_PGLUE_PARITY_ERROR | @@ -4346,8 +4334,7 @@ static void bnx2x_attn_int_deasserted(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 deasserted) if (deasserted & (1 << index)) { group_mask = &bp->attn_group[index]; - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "group[%d]: %08x %08x " - "%08x %08x %08x\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "group[%d]: %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n", index, group_mask->sig[0], group_mask->sig[1], group_mask->sig[2], group_mask->sig[3], @@ -4507,6 +4494,7 @@ static inline void bnx2x_handle_classification_eqe(struct bnx2x *bp, switch (elem->message.data.eth_event.echo >> BNX2X_SWCID_SHIFT) { case BNX2X_FILTER_MAC_PENDING: + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "Got SETUP_MAC completions\n"); #ifdef BCM_CNIC if (cid == BNX2X_ISCSI_ETH_CID) vlan_mac_obj = &bp->iscsi_l2_mac_obj; @@ -4516,6 +4504,7 @@ static inline void bnx2x_handle_classification_eqe(struct bnx2x *bp, break; case BNX2X_FILTER_MCAST_PENDING: + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "Got SETUP_MCAST completions\n"); /* This is only relevant for 57710 where multicast MACs are * configured as unicast MACs using the same ramrod. */ @@ -4617,7 +4606,8 @@ static void bnx2x_eq_int(struct bnx2x *bp) /* handle eq element */ switch (opcode) { case EVENT_RING_OPCODE_STAT_QUERY: - DP(NETIF_MSG_TIMER, "got statistics comp event %d\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP | BNX2X_MSG_STATS, + "got statistics comp event %d\n", bp->stats_comp++); /* nothing to do with stats comp */ goto next_spqe; @@ -4644,7 +4634,7 @@ static void bnx2x_eq_int(struct bnx2x *bp) goto next_spqe; case EVENT_RING_OPCODE_STOP_TRAFFIC: - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "got STOP TRAFFIC\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP | BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "got STOP TRAFFIC\n"); if (f_obj->complete_cmd(bp, f_obj, BNX2X_F_CMD_TX_STOP)) break; @@ -4652,21 +4642,23 @@ static void bnx2x_eq_int(struct bnx2x *bp) goto next_spqe; case EVENT_RING_OPCODE_START_TRAFFIC: - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "got START TRAFFIC\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP | BNX2X_MSG_DCB, "got START TRAFFIC\n"); if (f_obj->complete_cmd(bp, f_obj, BNX2X_F_CMD_TX_START)) break; bnx2x_dcbx_set_params(bp, BNX2X_DCBX_STATE_TX_RELEASED); goto next_spqe; case EVENT_RING_OPCODE_FUNCTION_START: - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "got FUNC_START ramrod\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP | NETIF_MSG_IFUP, + "got FUNC_START ramrod\n"); if (f_obj->complete_cmd(bp, f_obj, BNX2X_F_CMD_START)) break; goto next_spqe; case EVENT_RING_OPCODE_FUNCTION_STOP: - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "got FUNC_STOP ramrod\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP | NETIF_MSG_IFUP, + "got FUNC_STOP ramrod\n"); if (f_obj->complete_cmd(bp, f_obj, BNX2X_F_CMD_STOP)) break; @@ -4748,7 +4740,7 @@ static void bnx2x_sp_task(struct work_struct *work) /* if (status == 0) */ /* BNX2X_ERR("spurious slowpath interrupt!\n"); */ - DP(NETIF_MSG_INTR, "got a slowpath interrupt (status 0x%x)\n", status); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "got a slowpath interrupt (status 0x%x)\n", status); /* HW attentions */ if (status & BNX2X_DEF_SB_ATT_IDX) { @@ -4782,7 +4774,7 @@ static void bnx2x_sp_task(struct work_struct *work) } if (unlikely(status)) - DP(NETIF_MSG_INTR, "got an unknown interrupt! (status 0x%x)\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "got an unknown interrupt! (status 0x%x)\n", status); bnx2x_ack_sb(bp, bp->igu_dsb_id, ATTENTION_ID, @@ -5060,7 +5052,7 @@ static void bnx2x_init_sb(struct bnx2x *bp, dma_addr_t mapping, int vfid, bnx2x_setup_ndsb_state_machine(&hc_sm_p[SM_TX_ID], igu_sb_id, igu_seg_id); - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "Init FW SB %d\n", fw_sb_id); + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "Init FW SB %d\n", fw_sb_id); /* write indecies to HW */ bnx2x_wr_fp_sb_data(bp, fw_sb_id, sb_data_p, data_size); @@ -5410,6 +5402,7 @@ static void bnx2x_init_eth_fp(struct bnx2x *bp, int fp_idx) /* init shortcut */ fp->ustorm_rx_prods_offset = bnx2x_rx_ustorm_prods_offset(fp); + /* Setup SB indicies */ fp->rx_cons_sb = BNX2X_RX_SB_INDEX; @@ -5437,8 +5430,7 @@ static void bnx2x_init_eth_fp(struct bnx2x *bp, int fp_idx) */ bnx2x_init_vlan_mac_fp_objs(fp, BNX2X_OBJ_TYPE_RX_TX); - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "queue[%d]: bnx2x_init_sb(%p,%p) " - "cl_id %d fw_sb %d igu_sb %d\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "queue[%d]: bnx2x_init_sb(%p,%p) cl_id %d fw_sb %d igu_sb %d\n", fp_idx, bp, fp->status_blk.e2_sb, fp->cl_id, fp->fw_sb_id, fp->igu_sb_id); bnx2x_init_sb(bp, fp->status_blk_mapping, BNX2X_VF_ID_INVALID, false, @@ -5525,8 +5517,7 @@ static int bnx2x_gunzip_init(struct bnx2x *bp) bp->gunzip_buf = NULL; gunzip_nomem1: - netdev_err(bp->dev, "Cannot allocate firmware buffer for" - " un-compression\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("Cannot allocate firmware buffer for un-compression\n"); return -ENOMEM; } @@ -5578,8 +5569,8 @@ static int bnx2x_gunzip(struct bnx2x *bp, const u8 *zbuf, int len) bp->gunzip_outlen = (FW_BUF_SIZE - bp->strm->avail_out); if (bp->gunzip_outlen & 0x3) - netdev_err(bp->dev, "Firmware decompression error:" - " gunzip_outlen (%d) not aligned\n", + netdev_err(bp->dev, + "Firmware decompression error: gunzip_outlen (%d) not aligned\n", bp->gunzip_outlen); bp->gunzip_outlen >>= 2; @@ -5998,7 +5989,7 @@ static int bnx2x_init_hw_common(struct bnx2x *bp) { u32 val; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_MCP, "starting common init func %d\n", BP_ABS_FUNC(bp)); + DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "starting common init func %d\n", BP_ABS_FUNC(bp)); /* * take the UNDI lock to protect undi_unload flow from accessing @@ -6322,9 +6313,9 @@ static int bnx2x_init_hw_common(struct bnx2x *bp) if (sizeof(union cdu_context) != 1024) /* we currently assume that a context is 1024 bytes */ - dev_alert(&bp->pdev->dev, "please adjust the size " - "of cdu_context(%ld)\n", - (long)sizeof(union cdu_context)); + dev_alert(&bp->pdev->dev, + "please adjust the size of cdu_context(%ld)\n", + (long)sizeof(union cdu_context)); bnx2x_init_block(bp, BLOCK_CDU, PHASE_COMMON); val = (4 << 24) + (0 << 12) + 1024; @@ -6453,7 +6444,7 @@ static int bnx2x_init_hw_port(struct bnx2x *bp) bnx2x__link_reset(bp); - DP(BNX2X_MSG_MCP, "starting port init port %d\n", port); + DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "starting port init port %d\n", port); REG_WR(bp, NIG_REG_MASK_INTERRUPT_PORT0 + port*4, 0); @@ -6674,13 +6665,16 @@ static int bnx2x_init_hw_func(struct bnx2x *bp) u16 cdu_ilt_start; u32 addr, val; u32 main_mem_base, main_mem_size, main_mem_prty_clr; - int i, main_mem_width; + int i, main_mem_width, rc; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_MCP, "starting func init func %d\n", func); + DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "starting func init func %d\n", func); /* FLR cleanup - hmmm */ - if (!CHIP_IS_E1x(bp)) - bnx2x_pf_flr_clnup(bp); + if (!CHIP_IS_E1x(bp)) { + rc = bnx2x_pf_flr_clnup(bp); + if (rc) + return rc; + } /* set MSI reconfigure capability */ if (bp->common.int_block == INT_BLOCK_HC) { @@ -6933,9 +6927,9 @@ static int bnx2x_init_hw_func(struct bnx2x *bp) val = REG_RD(bp, main_mem_prty_clr); if (val) - DP(BNX2X_MSG_MCP, "Hmmm... Parity errors in HC " - "block during " - "function init (0x%x)!\n", val); + DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, + "Hmmm... Parity errors in HC block during function init (0x%x)!\n", + val); /* Clear "false" parity errors in MSI-X table */ for (i = main_mem_base; @@ -7063,6 +7057,7 @@ static inline int bnx2x_alloc_fw_stats_mem(struct bnx2x *bp) alloc_mem_err: BNX2X_PCI_FREE(bp->fw_stats, bp->fw_stats_mapping, bp->fw_stats_data_sz + bp->fw_stats_req_sz); + BNX2X_ERR("Can't allocate memory\n"); return -ENOMEM; } @@ -7089,6 +7084,11 @@ int bnx2x_alloc_mem(struct bnx2x *bp) BNX2X_PCI_ALLOC(bp->slowpath, &bp->slowpath_mapping, sizeof(struct bnx2x_slowpath)); +#ifdef BCM_CNIC + /* write address to which L5 should insert its values */ + bp->cnic_eth_dev.addr_drv_info_to_mcp = &bp->slowpath->drv_info_to_mcp; +#endif + /* Allocated memory for FW statistics */ if (bnx2x_alloc_fw_stats_mem(bp)) goto alloc_mem_err; @@ -7121,6 +7121,7 @@ int bnx2x_alloc_mem(struct bnx2x *bp) alloc_mem_err: bnx2x_free_mem(bp); + BNX2X_ERR("Can't allocate memory\n"); return -ENOMEM; } @@ -7186,8 +7187,9 @@ int bnx2x_set_eth_mac(struct bnx2x *bp, bool set) unsigned long ramrod_flags = 0; #ifdef BCM_CNIC - if (is_zero_ether_addr(bp->dev->dev_addr) && IS_MF_ISCSI_SD(bp)) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "Ignoring Zero MAC for iSCSI SD mode\n"); + if (is_zero_ether_addr(bp->dev->dev_addr) && IS_MF_STORAGE_SD(bp)) { + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP | NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN, + "Ignoring Zero MAC for STORAGE SD mode\n"); return 0; } #endif @@ -7220,14 +7222,13 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_set_int_mode(struct bnx2x *bp) /* falling through... */ case INT_MODE_INTx: bp->num_queues = 1 + NON_ETH_CONTEXT_USE; - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "set number of queues to 1\n"); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("set number of queues to 1\n"); break; default: /* Set number of queues according to bp->multi_mode value */ bnx2x_set_num_queues(bp); - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "set number of queues to %d\n", - bp->num_queues); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("set number of queues to %d\n", bp->num_queues); /* if we can't use MSI-X we only need one fp, * so try to enable MSI-X with the requested number of fp's @@ -7235,13 +7236,9 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_set_int_mode(struct bnx2x *bp) */ if (bnx2x_enable_msix(bp)) { /* failed to enable MSI-X */ - if (bp->multi_mode) - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, - "Multi requested but failed to " - "enable MSI-X (%d), " - "set number of queues to %d\n", - bp->num_queues, - 1 + NON_ETH_CONTEXT_USE); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("Failed to enable MSI-X (%d), set number of queues to %d\n", + bp->num_queues, 1 + NON_ETH_CONTEXT_USE); + bp->num_queues = 1 + NON_ETH_CONTEXT_USE; /* Try to enable MSI */ @@ -7279,8 +7276,7 @@ void bnx2x_ilt_set_info(struct bnx2x *bp) #endif ilt_client->end = line - 1; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "ilt client[CDU]: start %d, end %d, psz 0x%x, " - "flags 0x%x, hw psz %d\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "ilt client[CDU]: start %d, end %d, psz 0x%x, flags 0x%x, hw psz %d\n", ilt_client->start, ilt_client->end, ilt_client->page_size, @@ -7301,8 +7297,8 @@ void bnx2x_ilt_set_info(struct bnx2x *bp) ilt_client->end = line - 1; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "ilt client[QM]: start %d, end %d, psz 0x%x, " - "flags 0x%x, hw psz %d\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, + "ilt client[QM]: start %d, end %d, psz 0x%x, flags 0x%x, hw psz %d\n", ilt_client->start, ilt_client->end, ilt_client->page_size, @@ -7320,8 +7316,8 @@ void bnx2x_ilt_set_info(struct bnx2x *bp) line += SRC_ILT_LINES; ilt_client->end = line - 1; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "ilt client[SRC]: start %d, end %d, psz 0x%x, " - "flags 0x%x, hw psz %d\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, + "ilt client[SRC]: start %d, end %d, psz 0x%x, flags 0x%x, hw psz %d\n", ilt_client->start, ilt_client->end, ilt_client->page_size, @@ -7342,8 +7338,8 @@ void bnx2x_ilt_set_info(struct bnx2x *bp) line += TM_ILT_LINES; ilt_client->end = line - 1; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "ilt client[TM]: start %d, end %d, psz 0x%x, " - "flags 0x%x, hw psz %d\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, + "ilt client[TM]: start %d, end %d, psz 0x%x, flags 0x%x, hw psz %d\n", ilt_client->start, ilt_client->end, ilt_client->page_size, @@ -7404,7 +7400,7 @@ static inline void bnx2x_pf_q_prep_init(struct bnx2x *bp, /* set maximum number of COSs supported by this queue */ init_params->max_cos = fp->max_cos; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "fp: %d setting queue params max cos to: %d\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "fp: %d setting queue params max cos to: %d\n", fp->index, init_params->max_cos); /* set the context pointers queue object */ @@ -7435,9 +7431,8 @@ int bnx2x_setup_tx_only(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, /* Set Tx TX_ONLY_SETUP parameters */ bnx2x_pf_tx_q_prep(bp, fp, &tx_only_params->txq_params, tx_index); - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "preparing to send tx-only ramrod for connection:" - "cos %d, primary cid %d, cid %d, " - "client id %d, sp-client id %d, flags %lx\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, + "preparing to send tx-only ramrod for connection: cos %d, primary cid %d, cid %d, client id %d, sp-client id %d, flags %lx\n", tx_index, q_params->q_obj->cids[FIRST_TX_COS_INDEX], q_params->q_obj->cids[tx_index], q_params->q_obj->cl_id, tx_only_params->gen_params.spcl_id, tx_only_params->flags); @@ -7461,7 +7456,7 @@ int bnx2x_setup_tx_only(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, int bnx2x_setup_queue(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, bool leading) { - struct bnx2x_queue_state_params q_params = {0}; + struct bnx2x_queue_state_params q_params = {NULL}; struct bnx2x_queue_setup_params *setup_params = &q_params.params.setup; struct bnx2x_queue_setup_tx_only_params *tx_only_params = @@ -7469,7 +7464,7 @@ int bnx2x_setup_queue(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, int rc; u8 tx_index; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "setting up queue %d\n", fp->index); + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "setting up queue %d\n", fp->index); /* reset IGU state skip FCoE L2 queue */ if (!IS_FCOE_FP(fp)) @@ -7493,7 +7488,7 @@ int bnx2x_setup_queue(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, return rc; } - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "init complete\n"); + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "init complete\n"); /* Now move the Queue to the SETUP state... */ @@ -7544,10 +7539,10 @@ static int bnx2x_stop_queue(struct bnx2x *bp, int index) { struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp = &bp->fp[index]; struct bnx2x_fp_txdata *txdata; - struct bnx2x_queue_state_params q_params = {0}; + struct bnx2x_queue_state_params q_params = {NULL}; int rc, tx_index; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "stopping queue %d cid %d\n", index, fp->cid); + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN, "stopping queue %d cid %d\n", index, fp->cid); q_params.q_obj = &fp->q_obj; /* We want to wait for completion in this context */ @@ -7562,7 +7557,7 @@ static int bnx2x_stop_queue(struct bnx2x *bp, int index) /* ascertain this is a normal queue*/ txdata = &fp->txdata[tx_index]; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "stopping tx-only queue %d\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN, "stopping tx-only queue %d\n", txdata->txq_index); /* send halt terminate on tx-only connection */ @@ -7720,7 +7715,7 @@ static void bnx2x_reset_port(struct bnx2x *bp) static inline int bnx2x_reset_hw(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 load_code) { - struct bnx2x_func_state_params func_params = {0}; + struct bnx2x_func_state_params func_params = {NULL}; /* Prepare parameters for function state transitions */ __set_bit(RAMROD_COMP_WAIT, &func_params.ramrod_flags); @@ -7735,7 +7730,7 @@ static inline int bnx2x_reset_hw(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 load_code) static inline int bnx2x_func_stop(struct bnx2x *bp) { - struct bnx2x_func_state_params func_params = {0}; + struct bnx2x_func_state_params func_params = {NULL}; int rc; /* Prepare parameters for function state transitions */ @@ -7754,8 +7749,7 @@ static inline int bnx2x_func_stop(struct bnx2x *bp) #ifdef BNX2X_STOP_ON_ERROR return rc; #else - BNX2X_ERR("FUNC_STOP ramrod failed. Running a dry " - "transaction\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("FUNC_STOP ramrod failed. Running a dry transaction\n"); __set_bit(RAMROD_DRV_CLR_ONLY, &func_params.ramrod_flags); return bnx2x_func_state_change(bp, &func_params); #endif @@ -7818,14 +7812,12 @@ u32 bnx2x_send_unload_req(struct bnx2x *bp, int unload_mode) else { int path = BP_PATH(bp); - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN, "NO MCP - load counts[%d] " - "%d, %d, %d\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN, "NO MCP - load counts[%d] %d, %d, %d\n", path, load_count[path][0], load_count[path][1], load_count[path][2]); load_count[path][0]--; load_count[path][1 + port]--; - DP(NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN, "NO MCP - new load counts[%d] " - "%d, %d, %d\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN, "NO MCP - new load counts[%d] %d, %d, %d\n", path, load_count[path][0], load_count[path][1], load_count[path][2]); if (load_count[path][0] == 0) @@ -7888,16 +7880,17 @@ static inline int bnx2x_func_wait_started(struct bnx2x *bp) if (bnx2x_func_get_state(bp, &bp->func_obj) != BNX2X_F_STATE_STARTED) { #ifdef BNX2X_STOP_ON_ERROR + BNX2X_ERR("Wrong function state\n"); return -EBUSY; #else /* * Failed to complete the transaction in a "good way" * Force both transactions with CLR bit */ - struct bnx2x_func_state_params func_params = {0}; + struct bnx2x_func_state_params func_params = {NULL}; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "Hmmm... unexpected function state! " - "Forcing STARTED-->TX_ST0PPED-->STARTED\n"); + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN, + "Hmmm... unexpected function state! Forcing STARTED-->TX_ST0PPED-->STARTED\n"); func_params.f_obj = &bp->func_obj; __set_bit(RAMROD_DRV_CLR_ONLY, @@ -7921,7 +7914,7 @@ void bnx2x_chip_cleanup(struct bnx2x *bp, int unload_mode) int port = BP_PORT(bp); int i, rc = 0; u8 cos; - struct bnx2x_mcast_ramrod_params rparam = {0}; + struct bnx2x_mcast_ramrod_params rparam = {NULL}; u32 reset_code; /* Wait until tx fastpath tasks complete */ @@ -7948,8 +7941,8 @@ void bnx2x_chip_cleanup(struct bnx2x *bp, int unload_mode) rc = bnx2x_del_all_macs(bp, &bp->fp[0].mac_obj, BNX2X_UC_LIST_MAC, true); if (rc < 0) - BNX2X_ERR("Failed to schedule DEL commands for UC MACs list: " - "%d\n", rc); + BNX2X_ERR("Failed to schedule DEL commands for UC MACs list: %d\n", + rc); /* Disable LLH */ if (!CHIP_IS_E1(bp)) @@ -8042,7 +8035,7 @@ void bnx2x_disable_close_the_gate(struct bnx2x *bp) { u32 val; - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "Disabling \"close the gates\"\n"); + DP(NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN, "Disabling \"close the gates\"\n"); if (CHIP_IS_E1(bp)) { int port = BP_PORT(bp); @@ -8095,7 +8088,7 @@ static void bnx2x_set_234_gates(struct bnx2x *bp, bool close) (val & ~(u32)IGU_BLOCK_CONFIGURATION_REG_BLOCK_ENABLE)); } - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "%s gates #2, #3 and #4\n", + DP(NETIF_MSG_HW | NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "%s gates #2, #3 and #4\n", close ? "closing" : "opening"); mmiowb(); } @@ -8137,7 +8130,7 @@ static void bnx2x_reset_mcp_prep(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 *magic_val) u32 shmem; u32 validity_offset; - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "Starting\n"); + DP(NETIF_MSG_HW | NETIF_MSG_IFUP, "Starting\n"); /* Set `magic' bit in order to save MF config */ if (!CHIP_IS_E1(bp)) @@ -8374,12 +8367,8 @@ static int bnx2x_process_kill(struct bnx2x *bp, bool global) } while (cnt-- > 0); if (cnt <= 0) { - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "Tetris buffer didn't get empty or there" - " are still" - " outstanding read requests after 1s!\n"); - DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "sr_cnt=0x%08x, blk_cnt=0x%08x," - " port_is_idle_0=0x%08x," - " port_is_idle_1=0x%08x, pgl_exp_rom2=0x%08x\n", + BNX2X_ERR("Tetris buffer didn't get empty or there are still outstanding read requests after 1s!\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("sr_cnt=0x%08x, blk_cnt=0x%08x, port_is_idle_0=0x%08x, port_is_idle_1=0x%08x, pgl_exp_rom2=0x%08x\n", sr_cnt, blk_cnt, port_is_idle_0, port_is_idle_1, pgl_exp_rom2); return -EAGAIN; @@ -8445,13 +8434,38 @@ int bnx2x_leader_reset(struct bnx2x *bp) { int rc = 0; bool global = bnx2x_reset_is_global(bp); + u32 load_code; + + /* if not going to reset MCP - load "fake" driver to reset HW while + * driver is owner of the HW + */ + if (!global && !BP_NOMCP(bp)) { + load_code = bnx2x_fw_command(bp, DRV_MSG_CODE_LOAD_REQ, 0); + if (!load_code) { + BNX2X_ERR("MCP response failure, aborting\n"); + rc = -EAGAIN; + goto exit_leader_reset; + } + if ((load_code != FW_MSG_CODE_DRV_LOAD_COMMON_CHIP) && + (load_code != FW_MSG_CODE_DRV_LOAD_COMMON)) { + BNX2X_ERR("MCP unexpected resp, aborting\n"); + rc = -EAGAIN; + goto exit_leader_reset2; + } + load_code = bnx2x_fw_command(bp, DRV_MSG_CODE_LOAD_DONE, 0); + if (!load_code) { + BNX2X_ERR("MCP response failure, aborting\n"); + rc = -EAGAIN; + goto exit_leader_reset2; + } + } /* Try to recover after the failure */ if (bnx2x_process_kill(bp, global)) { - netdev_err(bp->dev, "Something bad had happen on engine %d! " - "Aii!\n", BP_PATH(bp)); + BNX2X_ERR("Something bad had happen on engine %d! Aii!\n", + BP_PATH(bp)); rc = -EAGAIN; - goto exit_leader_reset; + goto exit_leader_reset2; } /* @@ -8462,6 +8476,12 @@ int bnx2x_leader_reset(struct bnx2x *bp) if (global) bnx2x_clear_reset_global(bp); +exit_leader_reset2: + /* unload "fake driver" if it was loaded */ + if (!global && !BP_NOMCP(bp)) { + bnx2x_fw_command(bp, DRV_MSG_CODE_UNLOAD_REQ_WOL_MCP, 0); + bnx2x_fw_command(bp, DRV_MSG_CODE_UNLOAD_DONE, 0); + } exit_leader_reset: bp->is_leader = 0; bnx2x_release_leader_lock(bp); @@ -8498,13 +8518,16 @@ static inline void bnx2x_recovery_failed(struct bnx2x *bp) static void bnx2x_parity_recover(struct bnx2x *bp) { bool global = false; + u32 error_recovered, error_unrecovered; + bool is_parity; DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "Handling parity\n"); while (1) { switch (bp->recovery_state) { case BNX2X_RECOVERY_INIT: DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "State is BNX2X_RECOVERY_INIT\n"); - bnx2x_chk_parity_attn(bp, &global, false); + is_parity = bnx2x_chk_parity_attn(bp, &global, false); + WARN_ON(!is_parity); /* Try to get a LEADER_LOCK HW lock */ if (bnx2x_trylock_leader_lock(bp)) { @@ -8528,15 +8551,6 @@ static void bnx2x_parity_recover(struct bnx2x *bp) bp->recovery_state = BNX2X_RECOVERY_WAIT; - /* - * Reset MCP command sequence number and MCP mail box - * sequence as we are going to reset the MCP. - */ - if (global) { - bp->fw_seq = 0; - bp->fw_drv_pulse_wr_seq = 0; - } - /* Ensure "is_leader", MCP command sequence and * "recovery_state" update values are seen on other * CPUs. @@ -8548,10 +8562,10 @@ static void bnx2x_parity_recover(struct bnx2x *bp) DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "State is BNX2X_RECOVERY_WAIT\n"); if (bp->is_leader) { int other_engine = BP_PATH(bp) ? 0 : 1; - u32 other_load_counter = - bnx2x_get_load_cnt(bp, other_engine); - u32 load_counter = - bnx2x_get_load_cnt(bp, BP_PATH(bp)); + bool other_load_status = + bnx2x_get_load_status(bp, other_engine); + bool load_status = + bnx2x_get_load_status(bp, BP_PATH(bp)); global = bnx2x_reset_is_global(bp); /* @@ -8562,8 +8576,8 @@ static void bnx2x_parity_recover(struct bnx2x *bp) * the the gates will remain closed for that * engine. */ - if (load_counter || - (global && other_load_counter)) { + if (load_status || + (global && other_load_status)) { /* Wait until all other functions get * down. */ @@ -8620,13 +8634,32 @@ static void bnx2x_parity_recover(struct bnx2x *bp) return; } - if (bnx2x_nic_load(bp, LOAD_NORMAL)) - bnx2x_recovery_failed(bp); - else { + error_recovered = + bp->eth_stats.recoverable_error; + error_unrecovered = + bp->eth_stats.unrecoverable_error; + bp->recovery_state = + BNX2X_RECOVERY_NIC_LOADING; + if (bnx2x_nic_load(bp, LOAD_NORMAL)) { + error_unrecovered++; + netdev_err(bp->dev, + "Recovery failed. Power cycle needed\n"); + /* Disconnect this device */ + netif_device_detach(bp->dev); + /* Shut down the power */ + bnx2x_set_power_state( + bp, PCI_D3hot); + smp_mb(); + } else { bp->recovery_state = BNX2X_RECOVERY_DONE; + error_recovered++; smp_mb(); } + bp->eth_stats.recoverable_error = + error_recovered; + bp->eth_stats.unrecoverable_error = + error_unrecovered; return; } @@ -8637,6 +8670,8 @@ static void bnx2x_parity_recover(struct bnx2x *bp) } } +static int bnx2x_close(struct net_device *dev); + /* bnx2x_nic_unload() flushes the bnx2x_wq, thus reset task is * scheduled on a general queue in order to prevent a dead lock. */ @@ -8651,8 +8686,7 @@ static void bnx2x_sp_rtnl_task(struct work_struct *work) /* if stop on error is defined no recovery flows should be executed */ #ifdef BNX2X_STOP_ON_ERROR - BNX2X_ERR("recovery flow called but STOP_ON_ERROR defined " - "so reset not done to allow debug dump,\n" + BNX2X_ERR("recovery flow called but STOP_ON_ERROR defined so reset not done to allow debug dump,\n" "you will need to reboot when done\n"); goto sp_rtnl_not_reset; #endif @@ -8695,7 +8729,7 @@ static void bnx2x_sp_rtnl_task(struct work_struct *work) * damage */ if (test_and_clear_bit(BNX2X_SP_RTNL_FAN_FAILURE, &bp->sp_rtnl_state)) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "fan failure detected. Unloading driver\n"); + DP(NETIF_MSG_HW, "fan failure detected. Unloading driver\n"); netif_device_detach(bp->dev); bnx2x_close(bp->dev); } @@ -8782,11 +8816,13 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_undi_unload(struct bnx2x *bp) { u32 val; - /* Check if there is any driver already loaded */ - val = REG_RD(bp, MISC_REG_UNPREPARED); - if (val == 0x1) { + /* possibly another driver is trying to reset the chip */ + bnx2x_acquire_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RESET); + + /* check if doorbell queue is reset */ + if (REG_RD(bp, GRCBASE_MISC + MISC_REGISTERS_RESET_REG_1_SET) + & MISC_REGISTERS_RESET_REG_1_RST_DORQ) { - bnx2x_acquire_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RESET); /* * Check if it is the UNDI driver * UNDI driver initializes CID offset for normal bell to 0x7 @@ -8874,14 +8910,11 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_undi_unload(struct bnx2x *bp) /* restore our func and fw_seq */ bp->pf_num = orig_pf_num; - bp->fw_seq = - (SHMEM_RD(bp, func_mb[bp->pf_num].drv_mb_header) & - DRV_MSG_SEQ_NUMBER_MASK); } - - /* now it's safe to release the lock */ - bnx2x_release_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RESET); } + + /* now it's safe to release the lock */ + bnx2x_release_hw_lock(bp, HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RESET); } static void __devinit bnx2x_get_common_hwinfo(struct bnx2x *bp) @@ -8924,6 +8957,8 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_get_common_hwinfo(struct bnx2x *bp) bp->pfid = bp->pf_num; /* 0..7 */ } + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("pf_id: %x", bp->pfid); + bp->link_params.chip_id = bp->common.chip_id; BNX2X_DEV_INFO("chip ID is 0x%x\n", id); @@ -8981,8 +9016,8 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_get_common_hwinfo(struct bnx2x *bp) if (val < BNX2X_BC_VER) { /* for now only warn * later we might need to enforce this */ - BNX2X_ERR("This driver needs bc_ver %X but found %X, " - "please upgrade BC\n", BNX2X_BC_VER, val); + BNX2X_ERR("This driver needs bc_ver %X but found %X, please upgrade BC\n", + BNX2X_BC_VER, val); } bp->link_params.feature_config_flags |= (val >= REQ_BC_VER_4_VRFY_FIRST_PHY_OPT_MDL) ? @@ -9123,8 +9158,7 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_link_settings_supported(struct bnx2x *bp, } if (!(bp->port.supported[0] || bp->port.supported[1])) { - BNX2X_ERR("NVRAM config error. BAD phy config." - "PHY1 config 0x%x, PHY2 config 0x%x\n", + BNX2X_ERR("NVRAM config error. BAD phy config. PHY1 config 0x%x, PHY2 config 0x%x\n", SHMEM_RD(bp, dev_info.port_hw_config[port].external_phy_config), SHMEM_RD(bp, @@ -9212,6 +9246,11 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_link_settings_requested(struct bnx2x *bp) SPEED_AUTO_NEG; bp->port.advertising[idx] |= bp->port.supported[idx]; + if (bp->link_params.phy[EXT_PHY1].type == + PORT_HW_CFG_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM84833) + bp->port.advertising[idx] |= + (SUPPORTED_100baseT_Half | + SUPPORTED_100baseT_Full); } else { /* force 10G, no AN */ bp->link_params.req_line_speed[idx] = @@ -9231,9 +9270,7 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_link_settings_requested(struct bnx2x *bp) (ADVERTISED_10baseT_Full | ADVERTISED_TP); } else { - BNX2X_ERR("NVRAM config error. " - "Invalid link_config 0x%x" - " speed_cap_mask 0x%x\n", + BNX2X_ERR("NVRAM config error. Invalid link_config 0x%x speed_cap_mask 0x%x\n", link_config, bp->link_params.speed_cap_mask[idx]); return; @@ -9250,9 +9287,7 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_link_settings_requested(struct bnx2x *bp) (ADVERTISED_10baseT_Half | ADVERTISED_TP); } else { - BNX2X_ERR("NVRAM config error. " - "Invalid link_config 0x%x" - " speed_cap_mask 0x%x\n", + BNX2X_ERR("NVRAM config error. Invalid link_config 0x%x speed_cap_mask 0x%x\n", link_config, bp->link_params.speed_cap_mask[idx]); return; @@ -9268,9 +9303,7 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_link_settings_requested(struct bnx2x *bp) (ADVERTISED_100baseT_Full | ADVERTISED_TP); } else { - BNX2X_ERR("NVRAM config error. " - "Invalid link_config 0x%x" - " speed_cap_mask 0x%x\n", + BNX2X_ERR("NVRAM config error. Invalid link_config 0x%x speed_cap_mask 0x%x\n", link_config, bp->link_params.speed_cap_mask[idx]); return; @@ -9288,9 +9321,7 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_link_settings_requested(struct bnx2x *bp) (ADVERTISED_100baseT_Half | ADVERTISED_TP); } else { - BNX2X_ERR("NVRAM config error. " - "Invalid link_config 0x%x" - " speed_cap_mask 0x%x\n", + BNX2X_ERR("NVRAM config error. Invalid link_config 0x%x speed_cap_mask 0x%x\n", link_config, bp->link_params.speed_cap_mask[idx]); return; @@ -9306,9 +9337,7 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_link_settings_requested(struct bnx2x *bp) (ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Full | ADVERTISED_TP); } else { - BNX2X_ERR("NVRAM config error. " - "Invalid link_config 0x%x" - " speed_cap_mask 0x%x\n", + BNX2X_ERR("NVRAM config error. Invalid link_config 0x%x speed_cap_mask 0x%x\n", link_config, bp->link_params.speed_cap_mask[idx]); return; @@ -9324,9 +9353,7 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_link_settings_requested(struct bnx2x *bp) (ADVERTISED_2500baseX_Full | ADVERTISED_TP); } else { - BNX2X_ERR("NVRAM config error. " - "Invalid link_config 0x%x" - " speed_cap_mask 0x%x\n", + BNX2X_ERR("NVRAM config error. Invalid link_config 0x%x speed_cap_mask 0x%x\n", link_config, bp->link_params.speed_cap_mask[idx]); return; @@ -9342,9 +9369,7 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_link_settings_requested(struct bnx2x *bp) (ADVERTISED_10000baseT_Full | ADVERTISED_FIBRE); } else { - BNX2X_ERR("NVRAM config error. " - "Invalid link_config 0x%x" - " speed_cap_mask 0x%x\n", + BNX2X_ERR("NVRAM config error. Invalid link_config 0x%x speed_cap_mask 0x%x\n", link_config, bp->link_params.speed_cap_mask[idx]); return; @@ -9355,8 +9380,7 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_link_settings_requested(struct bnx2x *bp) break; default: - BNX2X_ERR("NVRAM config error. " - "BAD link speed link_config 0x%x\n", + BNX2X_ERR("NVRAM config error. BAD link speed link_config 0x%x\n", link_config); bp->link_params.req_line_speed[idx] = SPEED_AUTO_NEG; @@ -9374,8 +9398,7 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_link_settings_requested(struct bnx2x *bp) BNX2X_FLOW_CTRL_NONE; } - BNX2X_DEV_INFO("req_line_speed %d req_duplex %d req_flow_ctrl" - " 0x%x advertising 0x%x\n", + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("req_line_speed %d req_duplex %d req_flow_ctrl 0x%x advertising 0x%x\n", bp->link_params.req_line_speed[idx], bp->link_params.req_duplex[idx], bp->link_params.req_flow_ctrl[idx], @@ -9424,8 +9447,7 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_get_port_hwinfo(struct bnx2x *bp) bp->wol = (!(bp->flags & NO_WOL_FLAG) && (config & PORT_FEATURE_WOL_ENABLED)); - BNX2X_DEV_INFO("lane_config 0x%08x " - "speed_cap_mask0 0x%08x link_config0 0x%08x\n", + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("lane_config 0x%08x speed_cap_mask0 0x%08x link_config0 0x%08x\n", bp->link_params.lane_config, bp->link_params.speed_cap_mask[0], bp->port.link_config[0]); @@ -9467,6 +9489,7 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_get_port_hwinfo(struct bnx2x *bp) void bnx2x_get_iscsi_info(struct bnx2x *bp) { + u32 no_flags = NO_ISCSI_FLAG; #ifdef BCM_CNIC int port = BP_PORT(bp); @@ -9486,12 +9509,28 @@ void bnx2x_get_iscsi_info(struct bnx2x *bp) * disable the feature. */ if (!bp->cnic_eth_dev.max_iscsi_conn) - bp->flags |= NO_ISCSI_FLAG; + bp->flags |= no_flags; #else - bp->flags |= NO_ISCSI_FLAG; + bp->flags |= no_flags; #endif } +#ifdef BCM_CNIC +static void __devinit bnx2x_get_ext_wwn_info(struct bnx2x *bp, int func) +{ + /* Port info */ + bp->cnic_eth_dev.fcoe_wwn_port_name_hi = + MF_CFG_RD(bp, func_ext_config[func].fcoe_wwn_port_name_upper); + bp->cnic_eth_dev.fcoe_wwn_port_name_lo = + MF_CFG_RD(bp, func_ext_config[func].fcoe_wwn_port_name_lower); + + /* Node info */ + bp->cnic_eth_dev.fcoe_wwn_node_name_hi = + MF_CFG_RD(bp, func_ext_config[func].fcoe_wwn_node_name_upper); + bp->cnic_eth_dev.fcoe_wwn_node_name_lo = + MF_CFG_RD(bp, func_ext_config[func].fcoe_wwn_node_name_lower); +} +#endif static void __devinit bnx2x_get_fcoe_info(struct bnx2x *bp) { #ifdef BCM_CNIC @@ -9534,24 +9573,11 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_get_fcoe_info(struct bnx2x *bp) * Read the WWN info only if the FCoE feature is enabled for * this function. */ - if (cfg & MACP_FUNC_CFG_FLAGS_FCOE_OFFLOAD) { - /* Port info */ - bp->cnic_eth_dev.fcoe_wwn_port_name_hi = - MF_CFG_RD(bp, func_ext_config[func]. - fcoe_wwn_port_name_upper); - bp->cnic_eth_dev.fcoe_wwn_port_name_lo = - MF_CFG_RD(bp, func_ext_config[func]. - fcoe_wwn_port_name_lower); - - /* Node info */ - bp->cnic_eth_dev.fcoe_wwn_node_name_hi = - MF_CFG_RD(bp, func_ext_config[func]. - fcoe_wwn_node_name_upper); - bp->cnic_eth_dev.fcoe_wwn_node_name_lo = - MF_CFG_RD(bp, func_ext_config[func]. - fcoe_wwn_node_name_lower); - } - } + if (cfg & MACP_FUNC_CFG_FLAGS_FCOE_OFFLOAD) + bnx2x_get_ext_wwn_info(bp, func); + + } else if (IS_MF_FCOE_SD(bp)) + bnx2x_get_ext_wwn_info(bp, func); BNX2X_DEV_INFO("max_fcoe_conn 0x%x\n", bp->cnic_eth_dev.max_fcoe_conn); @@ -9592,7 +9618,7 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_get_mac_hwinfo(struct bnx2x *bp) if (BP_NOMCP(bp)) { BNX2X_ERROR("warning: random MAC workaround active\n"); - random_ether_addr(bp->dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(bp->dev); } else if (IS_MF(bp)) { val2 = MF_CFG_RD(bp, func_mf_config[func].mac_upper); val = MF_CFG_RD(bp, func_mf_config[func].mac_lower); @@ -9604,8 +9630,11 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_get_mac_hwinfo(struct bnx2x *bp) /* * iSCSI and FCoE NPAR MACs: if there is no either iSCSI or * FCoE MAC then the appropriate feature should be disabled. + * + * In non SD mode features configuration comes from + * struct func_ext_config. */ - if (IS_MF_SI(bp)) { + if (!IS_MF_SD(bp)) { u32 cfg = MF_CFG_RD(bp, func_ext_config[func].func_cfg); if (cfg & MACP_FUNC_CFG_FLAGS_ISCSI_OFFLOAD) { val2 = MF_CFG_RD(bp, func_ext_config[func]. @@ -9629,16 +9658,25 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_get_mac_hwinfo(struct bnx2x *bp) } else bp->flags |= NO_FCOE_FLAG; - } else { /* SD mode */ - if (BNX2X_IS_MF_PROTOCOL_ISCSI(bp)) { - /* use primary mac as iscsi mac */ - memcpy(iscsi_mac, bp->dev->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN); + } else { /* SD MODE */ + if (IS_MF_STORAGE_SD(bp)) { + if (BNX2X_IS_MF_SD_PROTOCOL_ISCSI(bp)) { + /* use primary mac as iscsi mac */ + memcpy(iscsi_mac, bp->dev->dev_addr, + ETH_ALEN); + + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("SD ISCSI MODE\n"); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("Read iSCSI MAC: %pM\n", + iscsi_mac); + } else { /* FCoE */ + memcpy(fip_mac, bp->dev->dev_addr, + ETH_ALEN); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("SD FCoE MODE\n"); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("Read FIP MAC: %pM\n", + fip_mac); + } /* Zero primary MAC configuration */ memset(bp->dev->dev_addr, 0, ETH_ALEN); - - BNX2X_DEV_INFO("SD ISCSI MODE\n"); - BNX2X_DEV_INFO("Read iSCSI MAC: %pM\n", - iscsi_mac); } } #endif @@ -9667,10 +9705,6 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_get_mac_hwinfo(struct bnx2x *bp) memcpy(bp->dev->perm_addr, bp->dev->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN); #ifdef BCM_CNIC - /* Set the FCoE MAC in MF_SD mode */ - if (!CHIP_IS_E1x(bp) && IS_MF_SD(bp)) - memcpy(fip_mac, bp->dev->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN); - /* Disable iSCSI if MAC configuration is * invalid. */ @@ -9690,10 +9724,11 @@ static void __devinit bnx2x_get_mac_hwinfo(struct bnx2x *bp) if (!bnx2x_is_valid_ether_addr(bp, bp->dev->dev_addr)) dev_err(&bp->pdev->dev, - "bad Ethernet MAC address configuration: " - "%pM, change it manually before bringing up " - "the appropriate network interface\n", + "bad Ethernet MAC address configuration: %pM\n" + "change it manually before bringing up the appropriate network interface\n", bp->dev->dev_addr); + + } static int __devinit bnx2x_get_hwinfo(struct bnx2x *bp) @@ -9814,8 +9849,7 @@ static int __devinit bnx2x_get_hwinfo(struct bnx2x *bp) bp->mf_config[vn] = MF_CFG_RD(bp, func_mf_config[func].config); } else - BNX2X_DEV_INFO("illegal MAC address " - "for SI\n"); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("illegal MAC address for SI\n"); break; case SHARED_FEAT_CFG_FORCE_SF_MODE_MF_ALLOWED: /* get OV configuration */ @@ -9833,7 +9867,7 @@ static int __devinit bnx2x_get_hwinfo(struct bnx2x *bp) default: /* Unknown configuration: reset mf_config */ bp->mf_config[vn] = 0; - BNX2X_DEV_INFO("unkown MF mode 0x%x\n", val); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("unknown MF mode 0x%x\n", val); } } @@ -9848,25 +9882,24 @@ static int __devinit bnx2x_get_hwinfo(struct bnx2x *bp) bp->mf_ov = val; bp->path_has_ovlan = true; - BNX2X_DEV_INFO("MF OV for func %d is %d " - "(0x%04x)\n", func, bp->mf_ov, - bp->mf_ov); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("MF OV for func %d is %d (0x%04x)\n", + func, bp->mf_ov, bp->mf_ov); } else { dev_err(&bp->pdev->dev, - "No valid MF OV for func %d, " - "aborting\n", func); + "No valid MF OV for func %d, aborting\n", + func); return -EPERM; } break; case MULTI_FUNCTION_SI: - BNX2X_DEV_INFO("func %d is in MF " - "switch-independent mode\n", func); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("func %d is in MF switch-independent mode\n", + func); break; default: if (vn) { dev_err(&bp->pdev->dev, - "VN %d is in a single function mode, " - "aborting\n", vn); + "VN %d is in a single function mode, aborting\n", + vn); return -EPERM; } break; @@ -9902,16 +9935,6 @@ static int __devinit bnx2x_get_hwinfo(struct bnx2x *bp) bnx2x_get_cnic_info(bp); - /* Get current FW pulse sequence */ - if (!BP_NOMCP(bp)) { - int mb_idx = BP_FW_MB_IDX(bp); - - bp->fw_drv_pulse_wr_seq = - (SHMEM_RD(bp, func_mb[mb_idx].drv_pulse_mb) & - DRV_PULSE_SEQ_MASK); - BNX2X_DEV_INFO("drv_pulse 0x%x\n", bp->fw_drv_pulse_wr_seq); - } - return rc; } @@ -10080,35 +10103,26 @@ static int __devinit bnx2x_init_bp(struct bnx2x *bp) if (!BP_NOMCP(bp)) bnx2x_undi_unload(bp); - /* init fw_seq after undi_unload! */ - if (!BP_NOMCP(bp)) { - bp->fw_seq = - (SHMEM_RD(bp, func_mb[BP_FW_MB_IDX(bp)].drv_mb_header) & - DRV_MSG_SEQ_NUMBER_MASK); - BNX2X_DEV_INFO("fw_seq 0x%08x\n", bp->fw_seq); - } - if (CHIP_REV_IS_FPGA(bp)) dev_err(&bp->pdev->dev, "FPGA detected\n"); if (BP_NOMCP(bp) && (func == 0)) - dev_err(&bp->pdev->dev, "MCP disabled, " - "must load devices in order!\n"); + dev_err(&bp->pdev->dev, "MCP disabled, must load devices in order!\n"); bp->multi_mode = multi_mode; bp->disable_tpa = disable_tpa; #ifdef BCM_CNIC - bp->disable_tpa |= IS_MF_ISCSI_SD(bp); + bp->disable_tpa |= IS_MF_STORAGE_SD(bp); #endif /* Set TPA flags */ if (bp->disable_tpa) { - bp->flags &= ~TPA_ENABLE_FLAG; + bp->flags &= ~(TPA_ENABLE_FLAG | GRO_ENABLE_FLAG); bp->dev->features &= ~NETIF_F_LRO; } else { - bp->flags |= TPA_ENABLE_FLAG; + bp->flags |= (TPA_ENABLE_FLAG | GRO_ENABLE_FLAG); bp->dev->features |= NETIF_F_LRO; } @@ -10150,6 +10164,8 @@ static int __devinit bnx2x_init_bp(struct bnx2x *bp) if (CHIP_IS_E3B0(bp)) bp->max_cos = BNX2X_MULTI_TX_COS_E3B0; + bp->gro_check = bnx2x_need_gro_check(bp->dev->mtu); + return rc; } @@ -10168,14 +10184,16 @@ static int bnx2x_open(struct net_device *dev) struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(dev); bool global = false; int other_engine = BP_PATH(bp) ? 0 : 1; - u32 other_load_counter, load_counter; + bool other_load_status, load_status; + + bp->stats_init = true; netif_carrier_off(dev); bnx2x_set_power_state(bp, PCI_D0); - other_load_counter = bnx2x_get_load_cnt(bp, other_engine); - load_counter = bnx2x_get_load_cnt(bp, BP_PATH(bp)); + other_load_status = bnx2x_get_load_status(bp, other_engine); + load_status = bnx2x_get_load_status(bp, BP_PATH(bp)); /* * If parity had happen during the unload, then attentions @@ -10201,8 +10219,8 @@ static int bnx2x_open(struct net_device *dev) * global blocks only the first in the chip should try * to recover. */ - if ((!load_counter && - (!global || !other_load_counter)) && + if ((!load_status && + (!global || !other_load_status)) && bnx2x_trylock_leader_lock(bp) && !bnx2x_leader_reset(bp)) { netdev_info(bp->dev, "Recovered in open\n"); @@ -10213,10 +10231,8 @@ static int bnx2x_open(struct net_device *dev) bnx2x_set_power_state(bp, PCI_D3hot); bp->recovery_state = BNX2X_RECOVERY_FAILED; - netdev_err(bp->dev, "Recovery flow hasn't been properly" - " completed yet. Try again later. If u still see this" - " message after a few retries then power cycle is" - " required.\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("Recovery flow hasn't been properly completed yet. Try again later.\n" + "If you still see this message after a few retries then power cycle is required.\n"); return -EAGAIN; } while (0); @@ -10226,7 +10242,7 @@ static int bnx2x_open(struct net_device *dev) } /* called with rtnl_lock */ -int bnx2x_close(struct net_device *dev) +static int bnx2x_close(struct net_device *dev) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(dev); @@ -10315,7 +10331,7 @@ static inline int bnx2x_set_uc_list(struct bnx2x *bp) static inline int bnx2x_set_mc_list(struct bnx2x *bp) { struct net_device *dev = bp->dev; - struct bnx2x_mcast_ramrod_params rparam = {0}; + struct bnx2x_mcast_ramrod_params rparam = {NULL}; int rc = 0; rparam.mcast_obj = &bp->mcast_obj; @@ -10323,8 +10339,7 @@ static inline int bnx2x_set_mc_list(struct bnx2x *bp) /* first, clear all configured multicast MACs */ rc = bnx2x_config_mcast(bp, &rparam, BNX2X_MCAST_CMD_DEL); if (rc < 0) { - BNX2X_ERR("Failed to clear multicast " - "configuration: %d\n", rc); + BNX2X_ERR("Failed to clear multicast configuration: %d\n", rc); return rc; } @@ -10332,8 +10347,8 @@ static inline int bnx2x_set_mc_list(struct bnx2x *bp) if (netdev_mc_count(dev)) { rc = bnx2x_init_mcast_macs_list(bp, &rparam); if (rc) { - BNX2X_ERR("Failed to create multicast MACs " - "list: %d\n", rc); + BNX2X_ERR("Failed to create multicast MACs list: %d\n", + rc); return rc; } @@ -10341,8 +10356,8 @@ static inline int bnx2x_set_mc_list(struct bnx2x *bp) rc = bnx2x_config_mcast(bp, &rparam, BNX2X_MCAST_CMD_ADD); if (rc < 0) - BNX2X_ERR("Failed to set a new multicast " - "configuration: %d\n", rc); + BNX2X_ERR("Failed to set a new multicast configuration: %d\n", + rc); bnx2x_free_mcast_macs_list(&rparam); } @@ -10426,8 +10441,9 @@ static int bnx2x_mdio_write(struct net_device *netdev, int prtad, int devad, struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(netdev); int rc; - DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, "mdio_write: prtad 0x%x, devad 0x%x, addr 0x%x," - " value 0x%x\n", prtad, devad, addr, value); + DP(NETIF_MSG_LINK, + "mdio_write: prtad 0x%x, devad 0x%x, addr 0x%x, value 0x%x\n", + prtad, devad, addr, value); /* The HW expects different devad if CL22 is used */ devad = (devad == MDIO_DEVAD_NONE) ? DEFAULT_PHY_DEV_ADDR : devad; @@ -10468,8 +10484,10 @@ static int bnx2x_validate_addr(struct net_device *dev) { struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(dev); - if (!bnx2x_is_valid_ether_addr(bp, dev->dev_addr)) + if (!bnx2x_is_valid_ether_addr(bp, dev->dev_addr)) { + BNX2X_ERR("Non-valid Ethernet address\n"); return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; + } return 0; } @@ -10503,8 +10521,7 @@ static inline int bnx2x_set_coherency_mask(struct bnx2x *bp) if (dma_set_mask(dev, DMA_BIT_MASK(64)) == 0) { bp->flags |= USING_DAC_FLAG; if (dma_set_coherent_mask(dev, DMA_BIT_MASK(64)) != 0) { - dev_err(dev, "dma_set_coherent_mask failed, " - "aborting\n"); + dev_err(dev, "dma_set_coherent_mask failed, aborting\n"); return -EIO; } } else if (dma_set_mask(dev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32)) != 0) { @@ -10521,6 +10538,7 @@ static int __devinit bnx2x_init_dev(struct pci_dev *pdev, { struct bnx2x *bp; int rc; + u32 pci_cfg_dword; bool chip_is_e1x = (board_type == BCM57710 || board_type == BCM57711 || board_type == BCM57711E); @@ -10531,7 +10549,6 @@ static int __devinit bnx2x_init_dev(struct pci_dev *pdev, bp->dev = dev; bp->pdev = pdev; bp->flags = 0; - bp->pf_num = PCI_FUNC(pdev->devfn); rc = pci_enable_device(pdev); if (rc) { @@ -10575,7 +10592,7 @@ static int __devinit bnx2x_init_dev(struct pci_dev *pdev, } if (!pci_is_pcie(pdev)) { - dev_err(&bp->pdev->dev, "Not PCI Express, aborting\n"); + dev_err(&bp->pdev->dev, "Not PCI Express, aborting\n"); rc = -EIO; goto err_out_release; } @@ -10598,6 +10615,21 @@ static int __devinit bnx2x_init_dev(struct pci_dev *pdev, goto err_out_release; } + /* In E1/E1H use pci device function given by kernel. + * In E2/E3 read physical function from ME register since these chips + * support Physical Device Assignment where kernel BDF maybe arbitrary + * (depending on hypervisor). + */ + if (chip_is_e1x) + bp->pf_num = PCI_FUNC(pdev->devfn); + else {/* chip is E2/3*/ + pci_read_config_dword(bp->pdev, + PCICFG_ME_REGISTER, &pci_cfg_dword); + bp->pf_num = (u8)((pci_cfg_dword & ME_REG_ABS_PF_NUM) >> + ME_REG_ABS_PF_NUM_SHIFT); + } + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("me reg PF num: %d\n", bp->pf_num); + bnx2x_set_power_state(bp, PCI_D0); /* clean indirect addresses */ @@ -10627,7 +10659,7 @@ static int __devinit bnx2x_init_dev(struct pci_dev *pdev, REG_WR(bp, PGLUE_B_REG_INTERNAL_PFID_ENABLE_TARGET_READ, 1); /* Reset the load counter */ - bnx2x_clear_load_cnt(bp); + bnx2x_clear_load_status(bp); dev->watchdog_timeo = TX_TIMEOUT; @@ -10637,8 +10669,9 @@ static int __devinit bnx2x_init_dev(struct pci_dev *pdev, dev->priv_flags |= IFF_UNICAST_FLT; dev->hw_features = NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_IP_CSUM | NETIF_F_IPV6_CSUM | - NETIF_F_TSO | NETIF_F_TSO_ECN | NETIF_F_TSO6 | NETIF_F_LRO | - NETIF_F_RXCSUM | NETIF_F_RXHASH | NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_TX; + NETIF_F_TSO | NETIF_F_TSO_ECN | NETIF_F_TSO6 | + NETIF_F_RXCSUM | NETIF_F_LRO | NETIF_F_GRO | + NETIF_F_RXHASH | NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_TX; dev->vlan_features = NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_IP_CSUM | NETIF_F_IPV6_CSUM | NETIF_F_TSO | NETIF_F_TSO_ECN | NETIF_F_TSO6 | NETIF_F_HIGHDMA; @@ -10697,8 +10730,10 @@ static int bnx2x_check_firmware(struct bnx2x *bp) int i; const u8 *fw_ver; - if (firmware->size < sizeof(struct bnx2x_fw_file_hdr)) + if (firmware->size < sizeof(struct bnx2x_fw_file_hdr)) { + BNX2X_ERR("Wrong FW size\n"); return -EINVAL; + } fw_hdr = (struct bnx2x_fw_file_hdr *)firmware->data; sections = (struct bnx2x_fw_file_section *)fw_hdr; @@ -10709,8 +10744,7 @@ static int bnx2x_check_firmware(struct bnx2x *bp) offset = be32_to_cpu(sections[i].offset); len = be32_to_cpu(sections[i].len); if (offset + len > firmware->size) { - dev_err(&bp->pdev->dev, - "Section %d length is out of bounds\n", i); + BNX2X_ERR("Section %d length is out of bounds\n", i); return -EINVAL; } } @@ -10722,8 +10756,7 @@ static int bnx2x_check_firmware(struct bnx2x *bp) for (i = 0; i < be32_to_cpu(fw_hdr->init_ops_offsets.len) / 2; i++) { if (be16_to_cpu(ops_offsets[i]) > num_ops) { - dev_err(&bp->pdev->dev, - "Section offset %d is out of bounds\n", i); + BNX2X_ERR("Section offset %d is out of bounds\n", i); return -EINVAL; } } @@ -10735,10 +10768,9 @@ static int bnx2x_check_firmware(struct bnx2x *bp) (fw_ver[1] != BCM_5710_FW_MINOR_VERSION) || (fw_ver[2] != BCM_5710_FW_REVISION_VERSION) || (fw_ver[3] != BCM_5710_FW_ENGINEERING_VERSION)) { - dev_err(&bp->pdev->dev, - "Bad FW version:%d.%d.%d.%d. Should be %d.%d.%d.%d\n", - fw_ver[0], fw_ver[1], fw_ver[2], - fw_ver[3], BCM_5710_FW_MAJOR_VERSION, + BNX2X_ERR("Bad FW version:%d.%d.%d.%d. Should be %d.%d.%d.%d\n", + fw_ver[0], fw_ver[1], fw_ver[2], fw_ver[3], + BCM_5710_FW_MAJOR_VERSION, BCM_5710_FW_MINOR_VERSION, BCM_5710_FW_REVISION_VERSION, BCM_5710_FW_ENGINEERING_VERSION); @@ -10814,15 +10846,13 @@ static inline void be16_to_cpu_n(const u8 *_source, u8 *_target, u32 n) do { \ u32 len = be32_to_cpu(fw_hdr->arr.len); \ bp->arr = kmalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL); \ - if (!bp->arr) { \ - pr_err("Failed to allocate %d bytes for "#arr"\n", len); \ + if (!bp->arr) \ goto lbl; \ - } \ func(bp->firmware->data + be32_to_cpu(fw_hdr->arr.offset), \ (u8 *)bp->arr, len); \ } while (0) -int bnx2x_init_firmware(struct bnx2x *bp) +static int bnx2x_init_firmware(struct bnx2x *bp) { const char *fw_file_name; struct bnx2x_fw_file_hdr *fw_hdr; @@ -11054,14 +11084,12 @@ static int __devinit bnx2x_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, /* dev zeroed in init_etherdev */ dev = alloc_etherdev_mqs(sizeof(*bp), tx_count, rx_count); - if (!dev) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Cannot allocate net device\n"); + if (!dev) return -ENOMEM; - } bp = netdev_priv(dev); - DP(NETIF_MSG_DRV, "Allocated netdev with %d tx and %d rx queues\n", + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("Allocated netdev with %d tx and %d rx queues\n", tx_count, rx_count); bp->igu_sb_cnt = max_non_def_sbs; @@ -11074,7 +11102,7 @@ static int __devinit bnx2x_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, return rc; } - DP(NETIF_MSG_DRV, "max_non_def_sbs %d\n", max_non_def_sbs); + BNX2X_DEV_INFO("max_non_def_sbs %d\n", max_non_def_sbs); rc = bnx2x_init_bp(bp); if (rc) @@ -11129,7 +11157,8 @@ static int __devinit bnx2x_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, bnx2x_get_pcie_width_speed(bp, &pcie_width, &pcie_speed); - netdev_info(dev, "%s (%c%d) PCI-E x%d %s found at mem %lx, IRQ %d, node addr %pM\n", + BNX2X_DEV_INFO( + "%s (%c%d) PCI-E x%d %s found at mem %lx, IRQ %d, node addr %pM\n", board_info[ent->driver_data].name, (CHIP_REV(bp) >> 12) + 'A', (CHIP_METAL(bp) >> 4), pcie_width, @@ -11263,29 +11292,11 @@ static void bnx2x_eeh_recover(struct bnx2x *bp) mutex_init(&bp->port.phy_mutex); - bp->common.shmem_base = REG_RD(bp, MISC_REG_SHARED_MEM_ADDR); - bp->link_params.shmem_base = bp->common.shmem_base; - BNX2X_DEV_INFO("shmem offset is 0x%x\n", bp->common.shmem_base); - - if (!bp->common.shmem_base || - (bp->common.shmem_base < 0xA0000) || - (bp->common.shmem_base >= 0xC0000)) { - BNX2X_DEV_INFO("MCP not active\n"); - bp->flags |= NO_MCP_FLAG; - return; - } val = SHMEM_RD(bp, validity_map[BP_PORT(bp)]); if ((val & (SHR_MEM_VALIDITY_DEV_INFO | SHR_MEM_VALIDITY_MB)) != (SHR_MEM_VALIDITY_DEV_INFO | SHR_MEM_VALIDITY_MB)) BNX2X_ERR("BAD MCP validity signature\n"); - - if (!BP_NOMCP(bp)) { - bp->fw_seq = - (SHMEM_RD(bp, func_mb[BP_FW_MB_IDX(bp)].drv_mb_header) & - DRV_MSG_SEQ_NUMBER_MASK); - BNX2X_DEV_INFO("fw_seq 0x%08x\n", bp->fw_seq); - } } /** @@ -11366,8 +11377,7 @@ static void bnx2x_io_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev) struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(dev); if (bp->recovery_state != BNX2X_RECOVERY_DONE) { - netdev_err(bp->dev, "Handling parity error recovery. " - "Try again later\n"); + netdev_err(bp->dev, "Handling parity error recovery. Try again later\n"); return; } @@ -11518,7 +11528,7 @@ static void bnx2x_cnic_sp_post(struct bnx2x *bp, int count) spe = bnx2x_sp_get_next(bp); *spe = *bp->cnic_kwq_cons; - DP(NETIF_MSG_TIMER, "pending on SPQ %d, on KWQ %d count %d\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "pending on SPQ %d, on KWQ %d count %d\n", bp->cnic_spq_pending, bp->cnic_kwq_pending, count); if (bp->cnic_kwq_cons == bp->cnic_kwq_last) @@ -11537,10 +11547,18 @@ static int bnx2x_cnic_sp_queue(struct net_device *dev, int i; #ifdef BNX2X_STOP_ON_ERROR - if (unlikely(bp->panic)) + if (unlikely(bp->panic)) { + BNX2X_ERR("Can't post to SP queue while panic\n"); return -EIO; + } #endif + if ((bp->recovery_state != BNX2X_RECOVERY_DONE) && + (bp->recovery_state != BNX2X_RECOVERY_NIC_LOADING)) { + BNX2X_ERR("Handling parity error recovery. Try again later\n"); + return -EAGAIN; + } + spin_lock_bh(&bp->spq_lock); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { @@ -11553,7 +11571,7 @@ static int bnx2x_cnic_sp_queue(struct net_device *dev, bp->cnic_kwq_pending++; - DP(NETIF_MSG_TIMER, "L5 SPQE %x %x %x:%x pos %d\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "L5 SPQE %x %x %x:%x pos %d\n", spe->hdr.conn_and_cmd_data, spe->hdr.type, spe->data.update_data_addr.hi, spe->data.update_data_addr.lo, @@ -11834,8 +11852,10 @@ static int bnx2x_register_cnic(struct net_device *dev, struct cnic_ops *ops, struct bnx2x *bp = netdev_priv(dev); struct cnic_eth_dev *cp = &bp->cnic_eth_dev; - if (ops == NULL) + if (ops == NULL) { + BNX2X_ERR("NULL ops received\n"); return -EINVAL; + } bp->cnic_kwq = kzalloc(PAGE_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); if (!bp->cnic_kwq) @@ -11918,8 +11938,8 @@ struct cnic_eth_dev *bnx2x_cnic_probe(struct net_device *dev) if (NO_FCOE(bp)) cp->drv_state |= CNIC_DRV_STATE_NO_FCOE; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "page_size %d, tbl_offset %d, tbl_lines %d, " - "starting cid %d\n", + BNX2X_DEV_INFO( + "page_size %d, tbl_offset %d, tbl_lines %d, starting cid %d\n", cp->ctx_blk_size, cp->ctx_tbl_offset, cp->ctx_tbl_len, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_reg.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_reg.h index dddbcf6e154ec58d8d1f0720706df5ad0076c338..fd7fb45818491b7fc6c206bb7f1958cc9aa38183 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_reg.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_reg.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* bnx2x_reg.h: Broadcom Everest network driver. * - * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -4812,6 +4812,7 @@ The fields are: [4:0] - tail pointer; 10:5] - Link List size; 15:11] - header pointer. */ #define UCM_REG_XX_TABLE 0xe0300 +#define UMAC_COMMAND_CONFIG_REG_HD_ENA (0x1<<10) #define UMAC_COMMAND_CONFIG_REG_IGNORE_TX_PAUSE (0x1<<28) #define UMAC_COMMAND_CONFIG_REG_LOOP_ENA (0x1<<15) #define UMAC_COMMAND_CONFIG_REG_NO_LGTH_CHECK (0x1<<24) @@ -5731,6 +5732,7 @@ #define MISC_REGISTERS_GPIO_PORT_SHIFT 4 #define MISC_REGISTERS_GPIO_SET_POS 8 #define MISC_REGISTERS_RESET_REG_1_CLEAR 0x588 +#define MISC_REGISTERS_RESET_REG_1_RST_DORQ (0x1<<19) #define MISC_REGISTERS_RESET_REG_1_RST_HC (0x1<<29) #define MISC_REGISTERS_RESET_REG_1_RST_NIG (0x1<<7) #define MISC_REGISTERS_RESET_REG_1_RST_PXP (0x1<<26) @@ -5783,15 +5785,17 @@ #define MISC_REGISTERS_SPIO_OUTPUT_HIGH 1 #define MISC_REGISTERS_SPIO_OUTPUT_LOW 0 #define MISC_REGISTERS_SPIO_SET_POS 8 -#define HW_LOCK_DRV_FLAGS 10 #define HW_LOCK_MAX_RESOURCE_VALUE 31 +#define HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_DRV_FLAGS 10 #define HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_GPIO 1 #define HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_MDIO 0 +#define HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_NVRAM 12 #define HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_PORT0_ATT_MASK 3 #define HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RECOVERY_LEADER_0 8 #define HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RECOVERY_LEADER_1 9 -#define HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_SPIO 2 +#define HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RECOVERY_REG 11 #define HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_RESET 5 +#define HW_LOCK_RESOURCE_SPIO 2 #define AEU_INPUTS_ATTN_BITS_ATC_HW_INTERRUPT (0x1<<4) #define AEU_INPUTS_ATTN_BITS_ATC_PARITY_ERROR (0x1<<5) #define AEU_INPUTS_ATTN_BITS_BRB_PARITY_ERROR (0x1<<18) @@ -6023,7 +6027,8 @@ #define PCICFG_MSI_CONTROL_64_BIT_ADDR_CAP (0x1<<23) #define PCICFG_MSI_CONTROL_MSI_PVMASK_CAPABLE (0x1<<24) #define PCICFG_GRC_ADDRESS 0x78 -#define PCICFG_GRC_DATA 0x80 +#define PCICFG_GRC_DATA 0x80 +#define PCICFG_ME_REGISTER 0x98 #define PCICFG_MSIX_CAP_ID_OFFSET 0xa0 #define PCICFG_MSIX_CONTROL_TABLE_SIZE (0x7ff<<16) #define PCICFG_MSIX_CONTROL_RESERVED (0x7<<27) @@ -6401,6 +6406,7 @@ #define MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_LP_ADV1_ASYMMETRIC 0x0800 #define MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_LP_ADV1_PAUSE_BOTH 0x0C00 #define MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_LP_ADV1_PAUSE_MASK 0x0C00 +#define MDIO_CL73_IEEEB1_AN_LP_ADV2 0x04 #define MDIO_REG_BANK_RX0 0x80b0 #define MDIO_RX0_RX_STATUS 0x10 @@ -6794,14 +6800,16 @@ Theotherbitsarereservedandshouldbezero*/ #define MDIO_AN_REG_ADV_PAUSE_MASK 0x0C00 #define MDIO_AN_REG_ADV 0x0011 #define MDIO_AN_REG_ADV2 0x0012 -#define MDIO_AN_REG_LP_AUTO_NEG 0x0013 +#define MDIO_AN_REG_LP_AUTO_NEG 0x0013 +#define MDIO_AN_REG_LP_AUTO_NEG2 0x0014 #define MDIO_AN_REG_MASTER_STATUS 0x0021 /*bcm*/ #define MDIO_AN_REG_LINK_STATUS 0x8304 #define MDIO_AN_REG_CL37_CL73 0x8370 #define MDIO_AN_REG_CL37_AN 0xffe0 #define MDIO_AN_REG_CL37_FC_LD 0xffe4 -#define MDIO_AN_REG_CL37_FC_LP 0xffe5 +#define MDIO_AN_REG_CL37_FC_LP 0xffe5 +#define MDIO_AN_REG_1000T_STATUS 0xffea #define MDIO_AN_REG_8073_2_5G 0x8329 #define MDIO_AN_REG_8073_BAM 0x8350 @@ -6966,6 +6974,7 @@ Theotherbitsarereservedandshouldbezero*/ #define MDIO_WC_REG_SERDESDIGITAL_MISC1 0x8308 #define MDIO_WC_REG_SERDESDIGITAL_MISC2 0x8309 #define MDIO_WC_REG_DIGITAL3_UP1 0x8329 +#define MDIO_WC_REG_DIGITAL3_LP_UP1 0x832c #define MDIO_WC_REG_DIGITAL4_MISC3 0x833c #define MDIO_WC_REG_DIGITAL5_MISC6 0x8345 #define MDIO_WC_REG_DIGITAL5_MISC7 0x8349 diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_sp.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_sp.c index 94110e9ce51d89d9ba19ffd7e8ed6adc47cb5a06..3f52fadee3edb15c1628099b06fd8786940219ef 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_sp.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_sp.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* bnx2x_sp.c: Broadcom Everest network driver. * - * Copyright 2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license * agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you @@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ static inline void bnx2x_exe_queue_init(struct bnx2x *bp, o->execute = exec; o->get = get; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "Setup the execution queue with the chunk " - "length of %d\n", exe_len); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "Setup the execution queue with the chunk length of %d\n", + exe_len); } static inline void bnx2x_exe_queue_free_elem(struct bnx2x *bp, @@ -203,8 +203,7 @@ static inline int bnx2x_exe_queue_step(struct bnx2x *bp, */ if (!list_empty(&o->pending_comp)) { if (test_bit(RAMROD_DRV_CLR_ONLY, ramrod_flags)) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "RAMROD_DRV_CLR_ONLY requested: " - "resetting pending_comp\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "RAMROD_DRV_CLR_ONLY requested: resetting a pending_comp list\n"); __bnx2x_exe_queue_reset_pending(bp, o); } else { spin_unlock_bh(&o->lock); @@ -476,11 +475,14 @@ static int bnx2x_get_n_elements(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, } /* check_add() callbacks */ -static int bnx2x_check_mac_add(struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, +static int bnx2x_check_mac_add(struct bnx2x *bp, + struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, union bnx2x_classification_ramrod_data *data) { struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_registry_elem *pos; + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "Checking MAC %pM for ADD command\n", data->mac.mac); + if (!is_valid_ether_addr(data->mac.mac)) return -EINVAL; @@ -492,11 +494,14 @@ static int bnx2x_check_mac_add(struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, return 0; } -static int bnx2x_check_vlan_add(struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, +static int bnx2x_check_vlan_add(struct bnx2x *bp, + struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, union bnx2x_classification_ramrod_data *data) { struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_registry_elem *pos; + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "Checking VLAN %d for ADD command\n", data->vlan.vlan); + list_for_each_entry(pos, &o->head, link) if (data->vlan.vlan == pos->u.vlan.vlan) return -EEXIST; @@ -504,11 +509,15 @@ static int bnx2x_check_vlan_add(struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, return 0; } -static int bnx2x_check_vlan_mac_add(struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, +static int bnx2x_check_vlan_mac_add(struct bnx2x *bp, + struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, union bnx2x_classification_ramrod_data *data) { struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_registry_elem *pos; + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "Checking VLAN_MAC (%pM, %d) for ADD command\n", + data->vlan_mac.mac, data->vlan_mac.vlan); + list_for_each_entry(pos, &o->head, link) if ((data->vlan_mac.vlan == pos->u.vlan_mac.vlan) && (!memcmp(data->vlan_mac.mac, pos->u.vlan_mac.mac, @@ -521,11 +530,14 @@ static int bnx2x_check_vlan_mac_add(struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, /* check_del() callbacks */ static struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_registry_elem * - bnx2x_check_mac_del(struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, + bnx2x_check_mac_del(struct bnx2x *bp, + struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, union bnx2x_classification_ramrod_data *data) { struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_registry_elem *pos; + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "Checking MAC %pM for DEL command\n", data->mac.mac); + list_for_each_entry(pos, &o->head, link) if (!memcmp(data->mac.mac, pos->u.mac.mac, ETH_ALEN)) return pos; @@ -534,11 +546,14 @@ static struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_registry_elem * } static struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_registry_elem * - bnx2x_check_vlan_del(struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, + bnx2x_check_vlan_del(struct bnx2x *bp, + struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, union bnx2x_classification_ramrod_data *data) { struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_registry_elem *pos; + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "Checking VLAN %d for DEL command\n", data->vlan.vlan); + list_for_each_entry(pos, &o->head, link) if (data->vlan.vlan == pos->u.vlan.vlan) return pos; @@ -547,11 +562,15 @@ static struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_registry_elem * } static struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_registry_elem * - bnx2x_check_vlan_mac_del(struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, + bnx2x_check_vlan_mac_del(struct bnx2x *bp, + struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, union bnx2x_classification_ramrod_data *data) { struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_registry_elem *pos; + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "Checking VLAN_MAC (%pM, %d) for DEL command\n", + data->vlan_mac.mac, data->vlan_mac.vlan); + list_for_each_entry(pos, &o->head, link) if ((data->vlan_mac.vlan == pos->u.vlan_mac.vlan) && (!memcmp(data->vlan_mac.mac, pos->u.vlan_mac.mac, @@ -562,7 +581,8 @@ static struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_registry_elem * } /* check_move() callback */ -static bool bnx2x_check_move(struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *src_o, +static bool bnx2x_check_move(struct bnx2x *bp, + struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *src_o, struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *dst_o, union bnx2x_classification_ramrod_data *data) { @@ -572,10 +592,10 @@ static bool bnx2x_check_move(struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *src_o, /* Check if we can delete the requested configuration from the first * object. */ - pos = src_o->check_del(src_o, data); + pos = src_o->check_del(bp, src_o, data); /* check if configuration can be added */ - rc = dst_o->check_add(dst_o, data); + rc = dst_o->check_add(bp, dst_o, data); /* If this classification can not be added (is already set) * or can't be deleted - return an error. @@ -587,6 +607,7 @@ static bool bnx2x_check_move(struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *src_o, } static bool bnx2x_check_move_always_err( + struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *src_o, struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *dst_o, union bnx2x_classification_ramrod_data *data) @@ -611,12 +632,6 @@ static inline u8 bnx2x_vlan_mac_get_rx_tx_flag(struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o) return rx_tx_flag; } -/* LLH CAM line allocations */ -enum { - LLH_CAM_ISCSI_ETH_LINE = 0, - LLH_CAM_ETH_LINE, - LLH_CAM_MAX_PF_LINE = NIG_REG_LLH1_FUNC_MEM_SIZE / 2 -}; static inline void bnx2x_set_mac_in_nig(struct bnx2x *bp, bool add, unsigned char *dev_addr, int index) @@ -625,7 +640,7 @@ static inline void bnx2x_set_mac_in_nig(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 reg_offset = BP_PORT(bp) ? NIG_REG_LLH1_FUNC_MEM : NIG_REG_LLH0_FUNC_MEM; - if (!IS_MF_SI(bp) || index > LLH_CAM_MAX_PF_LINE) + if (!IS_MF_SI(bp) || index > BNX2X_LLH_CAM_MAX_PF_LINE) return; DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "Going to %s LLH configuration at entry %d\n", @@ -731,9 +746,10 @@ static void bnx2x_set_one_mac_e2(struct bnx2x *bp, if (cmd != BNX2X_VLAN_MAC_MOVE) { if (test_bit(BNX2X_ISCSI_ETH_MAC, vlan_mac_flags)) bnx2x_set_mac_in_nig(bp, add, mac, - LLH_CAM_ISCSI_ETH_LINE); + BNX2X_LLH_CAM_ISCSI_ETH_LINE); else if (test_bit(BNX2X_ETH_MAC, vlan_mac_flags)) - bnx2x_set_mac_in_nig(bp, add, mac, LLH_CAM_ETH_LINE); + bnx2x_set_mac_in_nig(bp, add, mac, + BNX2X_LLH_CAM_ETH_LINE); } /* Reset the ramrod data buffer for the first rule */ @@ -745,7 +761,7 @@ static void bnx2x_set_one_mac_e2(struct bnx2x *bp, &rule_entry->mac.header); DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "About to %s MAC %pM for Queue %d\n", - add ? "add" : "delete", mac, raw->cl_id); + (add ? "add" : "delete"), mac, raw->cl_id); /* Set a MAC itself */ bnx2x_set_fw_mac_addr(&rule_entry->mac.mac_msb, @@ -838,7 +854,7 @@ static inline void bnx2x_vlan_mac_set_rdata_e1x(struct bnx2x *bp, cfg_entry); DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "%s MAC %pM CLID %d CAM offset %d\n", - add ? "setting" : "clearing", + (add ? "setting" : "clearing"), mac, raw->cl_id, cam_offset); } @@ -869,7 +885,7 @@ static void bnx2x_set_one_mac_e1x(struct bnx2x *bp, /* Reset the ramrod data buffer */ memset(config, 0, sizeof(*config)); - bnx2x_vlan_mac_set_rdata_e1x(bp, o, BNX2X_FILTER_MAC_PENDING, + bnx2x_vlan_mac_set_rdata_e1x(bp, o, raw->state, cam_offset, add, elem->cmd_data.vlan_mac.u.mac.mac, 0, ETH_VLAN_FILTER_ANY_VLAN, config); @@ -1157,10 +1173,9 @@ static inline int bnx2x_validate_vlan_mac_add(struct bnx2x *bp, int rc; /* Check the registry */ - rc = o->check_add(o, &elem->cmd_data.vlan_mac.u); + rc = o->check_add(bp, o, &elem->cmd_data.vlan_mac.u); if (rc) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "ADD command is not allowed considering " - "current registry state\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "ADD command is not allowed considering current registry state.\n"); return rc; } @@ -1211,10 +1226,9 @@ static inline int bnx2x_validate_vlan_mac_del(struct bnx2x *bp, /* If this classification can not be deleted (doesn't exist) * - return a BNX2X_EXIST. */ - pos = o->check_del(o, &elem->cmd_data.vlan_mac.u); + pos = o->check_del(bp, o, &elem->cmd_data.vlan_mac.u); if (!pos) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "DEL command is not allowed considering " - "current registry state\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "DEL command is not allowed considering current registry state\n"); return -EEXIST; } @@ -1274,9 +1288,9 @@ static inline int bnx2x_validate_vlan_mac_move(struct bnx2x *bp, * Check if we can perform this operation based on the current registry * state. */ - if (!src_o->check_move(src_o, dest_o, &elem->cmd_data.vlan_mac.u)) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "MOVE command is not allowed considering " - "current registry state\n"); + if (!src_o->check_move(bp, src_o, dest_o, + &elem->cmd_data.vlan_mac.u)) { + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "MOVE command is not allowed considering current registry state\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -1290,8 +1304,7 @@ static inline int bnx2x_validate_vlan_mac_move(struct bnx2x *bp, /* Check DEL on source */ query_elem.cmd_data.vlan_mac.cmd = BNX2X_VLAN_MAC_DEL; if (src_exeq->get(src_exeq, &query_elem)) { - BNX2X_ERR("There is a pending DEL command on the source " - "queue already\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("There is a pending DEL command on the source queue already\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -1304,8 +1317,7 @@ static inline int bnx2x_validate_vlan_mac_move(struct bnx2x *bp, /* Check ADD on destination */ query_elem.cmd_data.vlan_mac.cmd = BNX2X_VLAN_MAC_ADD; if (dest_exeq->get(dest_exeq, &query_elem)) { - BNX2X_ERR("There is a pending ADD command on the " - "destination queue already\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("There is a pending ADD command on the destination queue already\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -1480,12 +1492,10 @@ static int bnx2x_optimize_vlan_mac(struct bnx2x *bp, &pos->cmd_data.vlan_mac.vlan_mac_flags)) { if ((query.cmd_data.vlan_mac.cmd == BNX2X_VLAN_MAC_ADD) && !o->put_credit(o)) { - BNX2X_ERR("Failed to return the credit for the " - "optimized ADD command\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("Failed to return the credit for the optimized ADD command\n"); return -EINVAL; } else if (!o->get_credit(o)) { /* VLAN_MAC_DEL */ - BNX2X_ERR("Failed to recover the credit from " - "the optimized DEL command\n"); + BNX2X_ERR("Failed to recover the credit from the optimized DEL command\n"); return -EINVAL; } } @@ -1551,7 +1561,7 @@ static inline int bnx2x_vlan_mac_get_registry_elem( reg_elem->vlan_mac_flags = elem->cmd_data.vlan_mac.vlan_mac_flags; } else /* DEL, RESTORE */ - reg_elem = o->check_del(o, &elem->cmd_data.vlan_mac.u); + reg_elem = o->check_del(bp, o, &elem->cmd_data.vlan_mac.u); *re = reg_elem; return 0; @@ -1649,7 +1659,8 @@ static int bnx2x_execute_vlan_mac(struct bnx2x *bp, cmd = elem->cmd_data.vlan_mac.cmd; if ((cmd == BNX2X_VLAN_MAC_DEL) || (cmd == BNX2X_VLAN_MAC_MOVE)) { - reg_elem = o->check_del(o, &elem->cmd_data.vlan_mac.u); + reg_elem = o->check_del(bp, o, + &elem->cmd_data.vlan_mac.u); WARN_ON(!reg_elem); @@ -1680,7 +1691,7 @@ static int bnx2x_execute_vlan_mac(struct bnx2x *bp, if (!restore && ((cmd == BNX2X_VLAN_MAC_ADD) || (cmd == BNX2X_VLAN_MAC_MOVE))) { - reg_elem = o->check_del(cam_obj, + reg_elem = o->check_del(bp, cam_obj, &elem->cmd_data.vlan_mac.u); if (reg_elem) { list_del(®_elem->link); @@ -1755,8 +1766,7 @@ int bnx2x_config_vlan_mac( rc = 1; if (test_bit(RAMROD_DRV_CLR_ONLY, ramrod_flags)) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "RAMROD_DRV_CLR_ONLY requested: " - "clearing a pending bit.\n"); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "RAMROD_DRV_CLR_ONLY requested: clearing a pending bit.\n"); raw->clear_pending(raw); } @@ -1836,6 +1846,7 @@ static int bnx2x_vlan_mac_del_all(struct bnx2x *bp, rc = exeq->remove(bp, exeq->owner, exeq_pos); if (rc) { BNX2X_ERR("Failed to remove command\n"); + spin_unlock_bh(&exeq->lock); return rc; } list_del(&exeq_pos->link); @@ -2153,12 +2164,10 @@ static int bnx2x_set_rx_mode_e1x(struct bnx2x *bp, mac_filters->unmatched_unicast & ~mask; DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "drop_ucast 0x%x\ndrop_mcast 0x%x\n accp_ucast 0x%x\n" - "accp_mcast 0x%x\naccp_bcast 0x%x\n", - mac_filters->ucast_drop_all, - mac_filters->mcast_drop_all, - mac_filters->ucast_accept_all, - mac_filters->mcast_accept_all, - mac_filters->bcast_accept_all); + "accp_mcast 0x%x\naccp_bcast 0x%x\n", + mac_filters->ucast_drop_all, mac_filters->mcast_drop_all, + mac_filters->ucast_accept_all, mac_filters->mcast_accept_all, + mac_filters->bcast_accept_all); /* write the MAC filter structure*/ __storm_memset_mac_filters(bp, mac_filters, p->func_id); @@ -2307,8 +2316,7 @@ static int bnx2x_set_rx_mode_e2(struct bnx2x *bp, */ bnx2x_rx_mode_set_rdata_hdr_e2(p->cid, &data->header, rule_idx); - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "About to configure %d rules, rx_accept_flags 0x%lx, " - "tx_accept_flags 0x%lx\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "About to configure %d rules, rx_accept_flags 0x%lx, tx_accept_flags 0x%lx\n", data->header.rule_cnt, p->rx_accept_flags, p->tx_accept_flags); @@ -2441,8 +2449,8 @@ static int bnx2x_mcast_enqueue_cmd(struct bnx2x *bp, if (!new_cmd) return -ENOMEM; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "About to enqueue a new %d command. " - "macs_list_len=%d\n", cmd, macs_list_len); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "About to enqueue a new %d command. macs_list_len=%d\n", + cmd, macs_list_len); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&new_cmd->data.macs_head); @@ -2657,7 +2665,7 @@ static inline void bnx2x_mcast_hdl_pending_add_e2(struct bnx2x *bp, cnt++; DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "About to configure %pM mcast MAC\n", - pmac_pos->mac); + pmac_pos->mac); list_del(&pmac_pos->link); @@ -3181,8 +3189,8 @@ static int bnx2x_mcast_validate_e1(struct bnx2x *bp, * matter. */ if (p->mcast_list_len > o->max_cmd_len) { - BNX2X_ERR("Can't configure more than %d multicast MACs" - "on 57710\n", o->max_cmd_len); + BNX2X_ERR("Can't configure more than %d multicast MACs on 57710\n", + o->max_cmd_len); return -EINVAL; } /* Every configured MAC should be cleared if DEL command is @@ -3430,7 +3438,7 @@ static inline int bnx2x_mcast_refresh_registry_e1(struct bnx2x *bp, &data->config_table[i].lsb_mac_addr, elem->mac); DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "Adding registry entry for [%pM]\n", - elem->mac); + elem->mac); list_add_tail(&elem->link, &o->registry.exact_match.macs); } @@ -3571,9 +3579,8 @@ int bnx2x_config_mcast(struct bnx2x *bp, if ((!p->mcast_list_len) && (!o->check_sched(o))) return 0; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "o->total_pending_num=%d p->mcast_list_len=%d " - "o->max_cmd_len=%d\n", o->total_pending_num, - p->mcast_list_len, o->max_cmd_len); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "o->total_pending_num=%d p->mcast_list_len=%d o->max_cmd_len=%d\n", + o->total_pending_num, p->mcast_list_len, o->max_cmd_len); /* Enqueue the current command to the pending list if we can't complete * it in the current iteration @@ -4298,9 +4305,8 @@ static int bnx2x_queue_comp_cmd(struct bnx2x *bp, unsigned long cur_pending = o->pending; if (!test_and_clear_bit(cmd, &cur_pending)) { - BNX2X_ERR("Bad MC reply %d for queue %d in state %d " - "pending 0x%lx, next_state %d\n", cmd, - o->cids[BNX2X_PRIMARY_CID_INDEX], + BNX2X_ERR("Bad MC reply %d for queue %d in state %d pending 0x%lx, next_state %d\n", + cmd, o->cids[BNX2X_PRIMARY_CID_INDEX], o->state, cur_pending, o->next_state); return -EINVAL; } @@ -4312,13 +4318,13 @@ static int bnx2x_queue_comp_cmd(struct bnx2x *bp, BNX2X_ERR("illegal value for next tx_only: %d. max cos was %d", o->next_tx_only, o->max_cos); - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "Completing command %d for queue %d, " - "setting state to %d\n", cmd, - o->cids[BNX2X_PRIMARY_CID_INDEX], o->next_state); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, + "Completing command %d for queue %d, setting state to %d\n", + cmd, o->cids[BNX2X_PRIMARY_CID_INDEX], o->next_state); if (o->next_tx_only) /* print num tx-only if any exist */ DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "primary cid %d: num tx-only cons %d\n", - o->cids[BNX2X_PRIMARY_CID_INDEX], o->next_tx_only); + o->cids[BNX2X_PRIMARY_CID_INDEX], o->next_tx_only); o->state = o->next_state; o->num_tx_only = o->next_tx_only; @@ -4430,9 +4436,10 @@ static void bnx2x_q_fill_init_rx_data(struct bnx2x_queue_sp_obj *o, struct client_init_rx_data *rx_data, unsigned long *flags) { - /* Rx data */ rx_data->tpa_en = test_bit(BNX2X_Q_FLG_TPA, flags) * CLIENT_INIT_RX_DATA_TPA_EN_IPV4; + rx_data->tpa_en |= test_bit(BNX2X_Q_FLG_TPA_GRO, flags) * + CLIENT_INIT_RX_DATA_TPA_MODE; rx_data->vmqueue_mode_en_flg = 0; rx_data->cache_line_alignment_log_size = @@ -4476,7 +4483,7 @@ static void bnx2x_q_fill_init_rx_data(struct bnx2x_queue_sp_obj *o, rx_data->is_leading_rss = test_bit(BNX2X_Q_FLG_LEADING_RSS, flags); if (test_bit(BNX2X_Q_FLG_MCAST, flags)) { - rx_data->approx_mcast_engine_id = o->func_id; + rx_data->approx_mcast_engine_id = params->mcast_engine_id; rx_data->is_approx_mcast = 1; } @@ -4532,8 +4539,10 @@ static void bnx2x_q_fill_setup_tx_only(struct bnx2x *bp, &data->tx, &cmd_params->params.tx_only.flags); - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "cid %d, tx bd page lo %x hi %x\n",cmd_params->q_obj->cids[0], - data->tx.tx_bd_page_base.lo, data->tx.tx_bd_page_base.hi); + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "cid %d, tx bd page lo %x hi %x", + cmd_params->q_obj->cids[0], + data->tx.tx_bd_page_base.lo, + data->tx.tx_bd_page_base.hi); } /** @@ -4680,10 +4689,8 @@ static inline int bnx2x_q_send_setup_tx_only(struct bnx2x *bp, /* Fill the ramrod data */ bnx2x_q_fill_setup_tx_only(bp, params, rdata); - DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "sending tx-only ramrod: cid %d, client-id %d," - "sp-client id %d, cos %d\n", - o->cids[cid_index], - rdata->general.client_id, + DP(BNX2X_MSG_SP, "sending tx-only ramrod: cid %d, client-id %d, sp-client id %d, cos %d\n", + o->cids[cid_index], rdata->general.client_id, rdata->general.sp_client_id, rdata->general.cos); /* @@ -5184,13 +5191,6 @@ void bnx2x_init_queue_obj(struct bnx2x *bp, obj->set_pending = bnx2x_queue_set_pending; } -void bnx2x_queue_set_cos_cid(struct bnx2x *bp, - struct bnx2x_queue_sp_obj *obj, - u32 cid, u8 index) -{ - obj->cids[index] = cid; -} - /********************** Function state object *********************************/ enum bnx2x_func_state bnx2x_func_get_state(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_func_sp_obj *o) @@ -5232,9 +5232,9 @@ static inline int bnx2x_func_state_change_comp(struct bnx2x *bp, unsigned long cur_pending = o->pending; if (!test_and_clear_bit(cmd, &cur_pending)) { - BNX2X_ERR("Bad MC reply %d for func %d in state %d " - "pending 0x%lx, next_state %d\n", cmd, BP_FUNC(bp), - o->state, cur_pending, o->next_state); + BNX2X_ERR("Bad MC reply %d for func %d in state %d pending 0x%lx, next_state %d\n", + cmd, BP_FUNC(bp), o->state, + cur_pending, o->next_state); return -EINVAL; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_sp.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_sp.h index 66da39f0c84a4f4b476eaaea82af8afcc21b0fe9..61a7670adfcd743486720eb9f6aa755e8926ee3c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_sp.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_sp.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* bnx2x_sp.h: Broadcom Everest network driver. * - * Copyright 2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license * agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you @@ -315,7 +315,8 @@ struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj { * @return zero if the element may be added */ - int (*check_add)(struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, + int (*check_add)(struct bnx2x *bp, + struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, union bnx2x_classification_ramrod_data *data); /** @@ -324,7 +325,8 @@ struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj { * @return true if the element may be deleted */ struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_registry_elem * - (*check_del)(struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, + (*check_del)(struct bnx2x *bp, + struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o, union bnx2x_classification_ramrod_data *data); /** @@ -332,7 +334,8 @@ struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj { * * @return true if the element may be deleted */ - bool (*check_move)(struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *src_o, + bool (*check_move)(struct bnx2x *bp, + struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *src_o, struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *dst_o, union bnx2x_classification_ramrod_data *data); @@ -423,6 +426,13 @@ struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj { int (*wait)(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_vlan_mac_obj *o); }; +enum { + BNX2X_LLH_CAM_ISCSI_ETH_LINE = 0, + BNX2X_LLH_CAM_ETH_LINE, + BNX2X_LLH_CAM_MAX_PF_LINE = NIG_REG_LLH1_FUNC_MEM_SIZE / 2 +}; + + /** RX_MODE verbs:DROP_ALL/ACCEPT_ALL/ACCEPT_ALL_MULTI/ACCEPT_ALL_VLAN/NORMAL */ /* RX_MODE ramrod spesial flags: set in rx_mode_flags field in @@ -774,6 +784,7 @@ enum bnx2x_queue_cmd { enum { BNX2X_Q_FLG_TPA, BNX2X_Q_FLG_TPA_IPV6, + BNX2X_Q_FLG_TPA_GRO, BNX2X_Q_FLG_STATS, BNX2X_Q_FLG_ZERO_STATS, BNX2X_Q_FLG_ACTIVE, @@ -803,10 +814,10 @@ enum bnx2x_q_type { }; #define BNX2X_PRIMARY_CID_INDEX 0 -#define BNX2X_MULTI_TX_COS_E1X 1 +#define BNX2X_MULTI_TX_COS_E1X 3 /* QM only */ #define BNX2X_MULTI_TX_COS_E2_E3A0 2 #define BNX2X_MULTI_TX_COS_E3B0 3 -#define BNX2X_MULTI_TX_COS BNX2X_MULTI_TX_COS_E3B0 +#define BNX2X_MULTI_TX_COS 3 /* Maximum possible */ struct bnx2x_queue_init_params { @@ -889,6 +900,9 @@ struct bnx2x_rxq_setup_params { u8 max_tpa_queues; u8 rss_engine_id; + /* valid iff BNX2X_Q_FLG_MCAST */ + u8 mcast_engine_id; + u8 cache_line_log; u8 sb_cq_index; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_stats.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_stats.c index a766b25eec5fd20130efb99a545543e006286998..e1c9310fb07cad5cad61518a08c0b9974f8e8eff 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_stats.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_stats.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* bnx2x_stats.c: Broadcom Everest network driver. * - * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ static void bnx2x_storm_stats_post(struct bnx2x *bp) bp->fw_stats_req->hdr.drv_stats_counter = cpu_to_le16(bp->stats_counter++); - DP(NETIF_MSG_TIMER, "Sending statistics ramrod %d\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_STATS, "Sending statistics ramrod %d\n", bp->fw_stats_req->hdr.drv_stats_counter); @@ -128,6 +128,8 @@ static void bnx2x_hw_stats_post(struct bnx2x *bp) } else if (bp->func_stx) { *stats_comp = 0; + memcpy(bnx2x_sp(bp, func_stats), &bp->func_stats, + sizeof(bp->func_stats)); bnx2x_post_dmae(bp, dmae, INIT_DMAE_C(bp)); } } @@ -161,7 +163,7 @@ static void bnx2x_stats_pmf_update(struct bnx2x *bp) u32 *stats_comp = bnx2x_sp(bp, stats_comp); /* sanity */ - if (!IS_MF(bp) || !bp->port.pmf || !bp->port.port_stx) { + if (!bp->port.pmf || !bp->port.port_stx) { BNX2X_ERR("BUG!\n"); return; } @@ -626,31 +628,30 @@ static void bnx2x_mstat_stats_update(struct bnx2x *bp) tx_stat_dot3statsinternalmactransmiterrors); ADD_STAT64(stats_tx.tx_gtufl, tx_stat_mac_ufl); - ADD_64(estats->etherstatspkts1024octetsto1522octets_hi, - new->stats_tx.tx_gt1518_hi, - estats->etherstatspkts1024octetsto1522octets_lo, - new->stats_tx.tx_gt1518_lo); + estats->etherstatspkts1024octetsto1522octets_hi = + pstats->mac_stx[1].tx_stat_etherstatspkts1024octetsto1522octets_hi; + estats->etherstatspkts1024octetsto1522octets_lo = + pstats->mac_stx[1].tx_stat_etherstatspkts1024octetsto1522octets_lo; - ADD_64(estats->etherstatspktsover1522octets_hi, - new->stats_tx.tx_gt2047_hi, - estats->etherstatspktsover1522octets_lo, - new->stats_tx.tx_gt2047_lo); + estats->etherstatspktsover1522octets_hi = + pstats->mac_stx[1].tx_stat_mac_2047_hi; + estats->etherstatspktsover1522octets_lo = + pstats->mac_stx[1].tx_stat_mac_2047_lo; ADD_64(estats->etherstatspktsover1522octets_hi, - new->stats_tx.tx_gt4095_hi, + pstats->mac_stx[1].tx_stat_mac_4095_hi, estats->etherstatspktsover1522octets_lo, - new->stats_tx.tx_gt4095_lo); + pstats->mac_stx[1].tx_stat_mac_4095_lo); ADD_64(estats->etherstatspktsover1522octets_hi, - new->stats_tx.tx_gt9216_hi, + pstats->mac_stx[1].tx_stat_mac_9216_hi, estats->etherstatspktsover1522octets_lo, - new->stats_tx.tx_gt9216_lo); - + pstats->mac_stx[1].tx_stat_mac_9216_lo); ADD_64(estats->etherstatspktsover1522octets_hi, - new->stats_tx.tx_gt16383_hi, + pstats->mac_stx[1].tx_stat_mac_16383_hi, estats->etherstatspktsover1522octets_lo, - new->stats_tx.tx_gt16383_lo); + pstats->mac_stx[1].tx_stat_mac_16383_lo); estats->pause_frames_received_hi = pstats->mac_stx[1].rx_stat_mac_xpf_hi; @@ -803,8 +804,9 @@ static int bnx2x_storm_stats_update(struct bnx2x *bp) &bp->fw_stats_data->port.tstorm_port_statistics; struct tstorm_per_pf_stats *tfunc = &bp->fw_stats_data->pf.tstorm_pf_statistics; - struct host_func_stats *fstats = bnx2x_sp(bp, func_stats); + struct host_func_stats *fstats = &bp->func_stats; struct bnx2x_eth_stats *estats = &bp->eth_stats; + struct bnx2x_eth_stats_old *estats_old = &bp->eth_stats_old; struct stats_counter *counters = &bp->fw_stats_data->storm_counters; int i; u16 cur_stats_counter; @@ -818,48 +820,35 @@ static int bnx2x_storm_stats_update(struct bnx2x *bp) /* are storm stats valid? */ if (le16_to_cpu(counters->xstats_counter) != cur_stats_counter) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_STATS, "stats not updated by xstorm" - " xstorm counter (0x%x) != stats_counter (0x%x)\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_STATS, + "stats not updated by xstorm xstorm counter (0x%x) != stats_counter (0x%x)\n", le16_to_cpu(counters->xstats_counter), bp->stats_counter); return -EAGAIN; } if (le16_to_cpu(counters->ustats_counter) != cur_stats_counter) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_STATS, "stats not updated by ustorm" - " ustorm counter (0x%x) != stats_counter (0x%x)\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_STATS, + "stats not updated by ustorm ustorm counter (0x%x) != stats_counter (0x%x)\n", le16_to_cpu(counters->ustats_counter), bp->stats_counter); return -EAGAIN; } if (le16_to_cpu(counters->cstats_counter) != cur_stats_counter) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_STATS, "stats not updated by cstorm" - " cstorm counter (0x%x) != stats_counter (0x%x)\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_STATS, + "stats not updated by cstorm cstorm counter (0x%x) != stats_counter (0x%x)\n", le16_to_cpu(counters->cstats_counter), bp->stats_counter); return -EAGAIN; } if (le16_to_cpu(counters->tstats_counter) != cur_stats_counter) { - DP(BNX2X_MSG_STATS, "stats not updated by tstorm" - " tstorm counter (0x%x) != stats_counter (0x%x)\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_STATS, + "stats not updated by tstorm tstorm counter (0x%x) != stats_counter (0x%x)\n", le16_to_cpu(counters->tstats_counter), bp->stats_counter); return -EAGAIN; } - memcpy(&(fstats->total_bytes_received_hi), - &(bnx2x_sp(bp, func_stats_base)->total_bytes_received_hi), - sizeof(struct host_func_stats) - 2*sizeof(u32)); estats->error_bytes_received_hi = 0; estats->error_bytes_received_lo = 0; - estats->etherstatsoverrsizepkts_hi = 0; - estats->etherstatsoverrsizepkts_lo = 0; - estats->no_buff_discard_hi = 0; - estats->no_buff_discard_lo = 0; - estats->total_tpa_aggregations_hi = 0; - estats->total_tpa_aggregations_lo = 0; - estats->total_tpa_aggregated_frames_hi = 0; - estats->total_tpa_aggregated_frames_lo = 0; - estats->total_tpa_bytes_hi = 0; - estats->total_tpa_bytes_lo = 0; for_each_eth_queue(bp, i) { struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp = &bp->fp[i]; @@ -876,29 +865,22 @@ static int bnx2x_storm_stats_update(struct bnx2x *bp) xstorm_queue_statistics; struct xstorm_per_queue_stats *old_xclient = &fp->old_xclient; struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats *qstats = &fp->eth_q_stats; + struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats_old *qstats_old = &fp->eth_q_stats_old; + u32 diff; - DP(BNX2X_MSG_STATS, "queue[%d]: ucast_sent 0x%x, " - "bcast_sent 0x%x mcast_sent 0x%x\n", + DP(BNX2X_MSG_STATS, "queue[%d]: ucast_sent 0x%x, bcast_sent 0x%x mcast_sent 0x%x\n", i, xclient->ucast_pkts_sent, xclient->bcast_pkts_sent, xclient->mcast_pkts_sent); DP(BNX2X_MSG_STATS, "---------------\n"); - qstats->total_broadcast_bytes_received_hi = - le32_to_cpu(tclient->rcv_bcast_bytes.hi); - qstats->total_broadcast_bytes_received_lo = - le32_to_cpu(tclient->rcv_bcast_bytes.lo); - - qstats->total_multicast_bytes_received_hi = - le32_to_cpu(tclient->rcv_mcast_bytes.hi); - qstats->total_multicast_bytes_received_lo = - le32_to_cpu(tclient->rcv_mcast_bytes.lo); - - qstats->total_unicast_bytes_received_hi = - le32_to_cpu(tclient->rcv_ucast_bytes.hi); - qstats->total_unicast_bytes_received_lo = - le32_to_cpu(tclient->rcv_ucast_bytes.lo); + UPDATE_QSTAT(tclient->rcv_bcast_bytes, + total_broadcast_bytes_received); + UPDATE_QSTAT(tclient->rcv_mcast_bytes, + total_multicast_bytes_received); + UPDATE_QSTAT(tclient->rcv_ucast_bytes, + total_unicast_bytes_received); /* * sum to total_bytes_received all @@ -931,9 +913,9 @@ static int bnx2x_storm_stats_update(struct bnx2x *bp) total_multicast_packets_received); UPDATE_EXTEND_TSTAT(rcv_bcast_pkts, total_broadcast_packets_received); - UPDATE_EXTEND_TSTAT(pkts_too_big_discard, - etherstatsoverrsizepkts); - UPDATE_EXTEND_TSTAT(no_buff_discard, no_buff_discard); + UPDATE_EXTEND_E_TSTAT(pkts_too_big_discard, + etherstatsoverrsizepkts); + UPDATE_EXTEND_E_TSTAT(no_buff_discard, no_buff_discard); SUB_EXTEND_USTAT(ucast_no_buff_pkts, total_unicast_packets_received); @@ -941,24 +923,17 @@ static int bnx2x_storm_stats_update(struct bnx2x *bp) total_multicast_packets_received); SUB_EXTEND_USTAT(bcast_no_buff_pkts, total_broadcast_packets_received); - UPDATE_EXTEND_USTAT(ucast_no_buff_pkts, no_buff_discard); - UPDATE_EXTEND_USTAT(mcast_no_buff_pkts, no_buff_discard); - UPDATE_EXTEND_USTAT(bcast_no_buff_pkts, no_buff_discard); - - qstats->total_broadcast_bytes_transmitted_hi = - le32_to_cpu(xclient->bcast_bytes_sent.hi); - qstats->total_broadcast_bytes_transmitted_lo = - le32_to_cpu(xclient->bcast_bytes_sent.lo); - - qstats->total_multicast_bytes_transmitted_hi = - le32_to_cpu(xclient->mcast_bytes_sent.hi); - qstats->total_multicast_bytes_transmitted_lo = - le32_to_cpu(xclient->mcast_bytes_sent.lo); - - qstats->total_unicast_bytes_transmitted_hi = - le32_to_cpu(xclient->ucast_bytes_sent.hi); - qstats->total_unicast_bytes_transmitted_lo = - le32_to_cpu(xclient->ucast_bytes_sent.lo); + UPDATE_EXTEND_E_USTAT(ucast_no_buff_pkts, no_buff_discard); + UPDATE_EXTEND_E_USTAT(mcast_no_buff_pkts, no_buff_discard); + UPDATE_EXTEND_E_USTAT(bcast_no_buff_pkts, no_buff_discard); + + UPDATE_QSTAT(xclient->bcast_bytes_sent, + total_broadcast_bytes_transmitted); + UPDATE_QSTAT(xclient->mcast_bytes_sent, + total_multicast_bytes_transmitted); + UPDATE_QSTAT(xclient->ucast_bytes_sent, + total_unicast_bytes_transmitted); + /* * sum to total_bytes_transmitted all * unicast/multicast/broadcast @@ -994,110 +969,54 @@ static int bnx2x_storm_stats_update(struct bnx2x *bp) total_transmitted_dropped_packets_error); /* TPA aggregations completed */ - UPDATE_EXTEND_USTAT(coalesced_events, total_tpa_aggregations); + UPDATE_EXTEND_E_USTAT(coalesced_events, total_tpa_aggregations); /* Number of network frames aggregated by TPA */ - UPDATE_EXTEND_USTAT(coalesced_pkts, - total_tpa_aggregated_frames); + UPDATE_EXTEND_E_USTAT(coalesced_pkts, + total_tpa_aggregated_frames); /* Total number of bytes in completed TPA aggregations */ - qstats->total_tpa_bytes_lo = - le32_to_cpu(uclient->coalesced_bytes.lo); - qstats->total_tpa_bytes_hi = - le32_to_cpu(uclient->coalesced_bytes.hi); - - /* TPA stats per-function */ - ADD_64(estats->total_tpa_aggregations_hi, - qstats->total_tpa_aggregations_hi, - estats->total_tpa_aggregations_lo, - qstats->total_tpa_aggregations_lo); - ADD_64(estats->total_tpa_aggregated_frames_hi, - qstats->total_tpa_aggregated_frames_hi, - estats->total_tpa_aggregated_frames_lo, - qstats->total_tpa_aggregated_frames_lo); - ADD_64(estats->total_tpa_bytes_hi, - qstats->total_tpa_bytes_hi, - estats->total_tpa_bytes_lo, - qstats->total_tpa_bytes_lo); - - ADD_64(fstats->total_bytes_received_hi, - qstats->total_bytes_received_hi, - fstats->total_bytes_received_lo, - qstats->total_bytes_received_lo); - ADD_64(fstats->total_bytes_transmitted_hi, - qstats->total_bytes_transmitted_hi, - fstats->total_bytes_transmitted_lo, - qstats->total_bytes_transmitted_lo); - ADD_64(fstats->total_unicast_packets_received_hi, - qstats->total_unicast_packets_received_hi, - fstats->total_unicast_packets_received_lo, - qstats->total_unicast_packets_received_lo); - ADD_64(fstats->total_multicast_packets_received_hi, - qstats->total_multicast_packets_received_hi, - fstats->total_multicast_packets_received_lo, - qstats->total_multicast_packets_received_lo); - ADD_64(fstats->total_broadcast_packets_received_hi, - qstats->total_broadcast_packets_received_hi, - fstats->total_broadcast_packets_received_lo, - qstats->total_broadcast_packets_received_lo); - ADD_64(fstats->total_unicast_packets_transmitted_hi, - qstats->total_unicast_packets_transmitted_hi, - fstats->total_unicast_packets_transmitted_lo, - qstats->total_unicast_packets_transmitted_lo); - ADD_64(fstats->total_multicast_packets_transmitted_hi, - qstats->total_multicast_packets_transmitted_hi, - fstats->total_multicast_packets_transmitted_lo, - qstats->total_multicast_packets_transmitted_lo); - ADD_64(fstats->total_broadcast_packets_transmitted_hi, - qstats->total_broadcast_packets_transmitted_hi, - fstats->total_broadcast_packets_transmitted_lo, - qstats->total_broadcast_packets_transmitted_lo); - ADD_64(fstats->valid_bytes_received_hi, - qstats->valid_bytes_received_hi, - fstats->valid_bytes_received_lo, - qstats->valid_bytes_received_lo); - - ADD_64(estats->etherstatsoverrsizepkts_hi, - qstats->etherstatsoverrsizepkts_hi, - estats->etherstatsoverrsizepkts_lo, - qstats->etherstatsoverrsizepkts_lo); - ADD_64(estats->no_buff_discard_hi, qstats->no_buff_discard_hi, - estats->no_buff_discard_lo, qstats->no_buff_discard_lo); + UPDATE_QSTAT(uclient->coalesced_bytes, total_tpa_bytes); + + UPDATE_ESTAT_QSTAT_64(total_tpa_bytes); + + UPDATE_FSTAT_QSTAT(total_bytes_received); + UPDATE_FSTAT_QSTAT(total_bytes_transmitted); + UPDATE_FSTAT_QSTAT(total_unicast_packets_received); + UPDATE_FSTAT_QSTAT(total_multicast_packets_received); + UPDATE_FSTAT_QSTAT(total_broadcast_packets_received); + UPDATE_FSTAT_QSTAT(total_unicast_packets_transmitted); + UPDATE_FSTAT_QSTAT(total_multicast_packets_transmitted); + UPDATE_FSTAT_QSTAT(total_broadcast_packets_transmitted); + UPDATE_FSTAT_QSTAT(valid_bytes_received); } - ADD_64(fstats->total_bytes_received_hi, + ADD_64(estats->total_bytes_received_hi, estats->rx_stat_ifhcinbadoctets_hi, - fstats->total_bytes_received_lo, + estats->total_bytes_received_lo, estats->rx_stat_ifhcinbadoctets_lo); - ADD_64(fstats->total_bytes_received_hi, + ADD_64(estats->total_bytes_received_hi, le32_to_cpu(tfunc->rcv_error_bytes.hi), - fstats->total_bytes_received_lo, + estats->total_bytes_received_lo, le32_to_cpu(tfunc->rcv_error_bytes.lo)); - memcpy(estats, &(fstats->total_bytes_received_hi), - sizeof(struct host_func_stats) - 2*sizeof(u32)); - ADD_64(estats->error_bytes_received_hi, le32_to_cpu(tfunc->rcv_error_bytes.hi), estats->error_bytes_received_lo, le32_to_cpu(tfunc->rcv_error_bytes.lo)); - ADD_64(estats->etherstatsoverrsizepkts_hi, - estats->rx_stat_dot3statsframestoolong_hi, - estats->etherstatsoverrsizepkts_lo, - estats->rx_stat_dot3statsframestoolong_lo); + UPDATE_ESTAT(etherstatsoverrsizepkts, rx_stat_dot3statsframestoolong); + ADD_64(estats->error_bytes_received_hi, estats->rx_stat_ifhcinbadoctets_hi, estats->error_bytes_received_lo, estats->rx_stat_ifhcinbadoctets_lo); if (bp->port.pmf) { - estats->mac_filter_discard = - le32_to_cpu(tport->mac_filter_discard); - estats->mf_tag_discard = - le32_to_cpu(tport->mf_tag_discard); - estats->brb_truncate_discard = - le32_to_cpu(tport->brb_truncate_discard); - estats->mac_discard = le32_to_cpu(tport->mac_discard); + struct bnx2x_fw_port_stats_old *fwstats = &bp->fw_stats_old; + UPDATE_FW_STAT(mac_filter_discard); + UPDATE_FW_STAT(mf_tag_discard); + UPDATE_FW_STAT(brb_truncate_discard); + UPDATE_FW_STAT(mac_discard); } fstats->host_func_stats_start = ++fstats->host_func_stats_end; @@ -1131,7 +1050,7 @@ static void bnx2x_net_stats_update(struct bnx2x *bp) tmp = estats->mac_discard; for_each_rx_queue(bp, i) tmp += le32_to_cpu(bp->fp[i].old_tclient.checksum_discard); - nstats->rx_dropped = tmp; + nstats->rx_dropped = tmp + bp->net_stats_old.rx_dropped; nstats->tx_dropped = 0; @@ -1179,17 +1098,15 @@ static void bnx2x_drv_stats_update(struct bnx2x *bp) struct bnx2x_eth_stats *estats = &bp->eth_stats; int i; - estats->driver_xoff = 0; - estats->rx_err_discard_pkt = 0; - estats->rx_skb_alloc_failed = 0; - estats->hw_csum_err = 0; for_each_queue(bp, i) { struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats *qstats = &bp->fp[i].eth_q_stats; + struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats_old *qstats_old = + &bp->fp[i].eth_q_stats_old; - estats->driver_xoff += qstats->driver_xoff; - estats->rx_err_discard_pkt += qstats->rx_err_discard_pkt; - estats->rx_skb_alloc_failed += qstats->rx_skb_alloc_failed; - estats->hw_csum_err += qstats->hw_csum_err; + UPDATE_ESTAT_QSTAT(driver_xoff); + UPDATE_ESTAT_QSTAT(rx_err_discard_pkt); + UPDATE_ESTAT_QSTAT(rx_skb_alloc_failed); + UPDATE_ESTAT_QSTAT(hw_csum_err); } } @@ -1231,51 +1148,9 @@ static void bnx2x_stats_update(struct bnx2x *bp) if (netif_msg_timer(bp)) { struct bnx2x_eth_stats *estats = &bp->eth_stats; - int i, cos; netdev_dbg(bp->dev, "brb drops %u brb truncate %u\n", estats->brb_drop_lo, estats->brb_truncate_lo); - - for_each_eth_queue(bp, i) { - struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp = &bp->fp[i]; - struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats *qstats = &fp->eth_q_stats; - - pr_debug("%s: rx usage(%4u) *rx_cons_sb(%u) rx pkt(%lu) rx calls(%lu %lu)\n", - fp->name, (le16_to_cpu(*fp->rx_cons_sb) - - fp->rx_comp_cons), - le16_to_cpu(*fp->rx_cons_sb), - bnx2x_hilo(&qstats-> - total_unicast_packets_received_hi), - fp->rx_calls, fp->rx_pkt); - } - - for_each_eth_queue(bp, i) { - struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp = &bp->fp[i]; - struct bnx2x_fp_txdata *txdata; - struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats *qstats = &fp->eth_q_stats; - struct netdev_queue *txq; - - pr_debug("%s: tx pkt(%lu) (Xoff events %u)", - fp->name, - bnx2x_hilo( - &qstats->total_unicast_packets_transmitted_hi), - qstats->driver_xoff); - - for_each_cos_in_tx_queue(fp, cos) { - txdata = &fp->txdata[cos]; - txq = netdev_get_tx_queue(bp->dev, - FP_COS_TO_TXQ(fp, cos)); - - pr_debug("%d: tx avail(%4u) *tx_cons_sb(%u) tx calls (%lu) %s\n", - cos, - bnx2x_tx_avail(bp, txdata), - le16_to_cpu(*txdata->tx_cons_sb), - txdata->tx_pkt, - (netif_tx_queue_stopped(txq) ? - "Xoff" : "Xon") - ); - } - } } bnx2x_hw_stats_post(bp); @@ -1434,63 +1309,6 @@ static void bnx2x_port_stats_base_init(struct bnx2x *bp) bnx2x_stats_comp(bp); } -static void bnx2x_func_stats_base_init(struct bnx2x *bp) -{ - int vn, vn_max = IS_MF(bp) ? BP_MAX_VN_NUM(bp) : E1VN_MAX; - u32 func_stx; - - /* sanity */ - if (!bp->port.pmf || !bp->func_stx) { - BNX2X_ERR("BUG!\n"); - return; - } - - /* save our func_stx */ - func_stx = bp->func_stx; - - for (vn = VN_0; vn < vn_max; vn++) { - int mb_idx = BP_FW_MB_IDX_VN(bp, vn); - - bp->func_stx = SHMEM_RD(bp, func_mb[mb_idx].fw_mb_param); - bnx2x_func_stats_init(bp); - bnx2x_hw_stats_post(bp); - bnx2x_stats_comp(bp); - } - - /* restore our func_stx */ - bp->func_stx = func_stx; -} - -static void bnx2x_func_stats_base_update(struct bnx2x *bp) -{ - struct dmae_command *dmae = &bp->stats_dmae; - u32 *stats_comp = bnx2x_sp(bp, stats_comp); - - /* sanity */ - if (!bp->func_stx) { - BNX2X_ERR("BUG!\n"); - return; - } - - bp->executer_idx = 0; - memset(dmae, 0, sizeof(struct dmae_command)); - - dmae->opcode = bnx2x_dmae_opcode(bp, DMAE_SRC_GRC, DMAE_DST_PCI, - true, DMAE_COMP_PCI); - dmae->src_addr_lo = bp->func_stx >> 2; - dmae->src_addr_hi = 0; - dmae->dst_addr_lo = U64_LO(bnx2x_sp_mapping(bp, func_stats_base)); - dmae->dst_addr_hi = U64_HI(bnx2x_sp_mapping(bp, func_stats_base)); - dmae->len = sizeof(struct host_func_stats) >> 2; - dmae->comp_addr_lo = U64_LO(bnx2x_sp_mapping(bp, stats_comp)); - dmae->comp_addr_hi = U64_HI(bnx2x_sp_mapping(bp, stats_comp)); - dmae->comp_val = DMAE_COMP_VAL; - - *stats_comp = 0; - bnx2x_hw_stats_post(bp); - bnx2x_stats_comp(bp); -} - /** * This function will prepare the statistics ramrod data the way * we will only have to increment the statistics counter and @@ -1641,6 +1459,10 @@ void bnx2x_stats_init(struct bnx2x *bp) DP(BNX2X_MSG_STATS, "port_stx 0x%x func_stx 0x%x\n", bp->port.port_stx, bp->func_stx); + /* pmf should retrieve port statistics from SP on a non-init*/ + if (!bp->stats_init && bp->port.pmf && bp->port.port_stx) + bnx2x_stats_handle(bp, STATS_EVENT_PMF); + port = BP_PORT(bp); /* port stats */ memset(&(bp->port.old_nig_stats), 0, sizeof(struct nig_stats)); @@ -1662,24 +1484,80 @@ void bnx2x_stats_init(struct bnx2x *bp) memset(&fp->old_tclient, 0, sizeof(fp->old_tclient)); memset(&fp->old_uclient, 0, sizeof(fp->old_uclient)); memset(&fp->old_xclient, 0, sizeof(fp->old_xclient)); - memset(&fp->eth_q_stats, 0, sizeof(fp->eth_q_stats)); + if (bp->stats_init) { + memset(&fp->eth_q_stats, 0, sizeof(fp->eth_q_stats)); + memset(&fp->eth_q_stats_old, 0, + sizeof(fp->eth_q_stats_old)); + } } /* Prepare statistics ramrod data */ bnx2x_prep_fw_stats_req(bp); memset(&bp->dev->stats, 0, sizeof(bp->dev->stats)); - memset(&bp->eth_stats, 0, sizeof(bp->eth_stats)); + if (bp->stats_init) { + memset(&bp->net_stats_old, 0, sizeof(bp->net_stats_old)); + memset(&bp->fw_stats_old, 0, sizeof(bp->fw_stats_old)); + memset(&bp->eth_stats_old, 0, sizeof(bp->eth_stats_old)); + memset(&bp->eth_stats, 0, sizeof(bp->eth_stats)); + memset(&bp->func_stats, 0, sizeof(bp->func_stats)); + + /* Clean SP from previous statistics */ + if (bp->func_stx) { + memset(bnx2x_sp(bp, func_stats), 0, + sizeof(struct host_func_stats)); + bnx2x_func_stats_init(bp); + bnx2x_hw_stats_post(bp); + bnx2x_stats_comp(bp); + } + } bp->stats_state = STATS_STATE_DISABLED; - if (bp->port.pmf) { - if (bp->port.port_stx) - bnx2x_port_stats_base_init(bp); + if (bp->port.pmf && bp->port.port_stx) + bnx2x_port_stats_base_init(bp); - if (bp->func_stx) - bnx2x_func_stats_base_init(bp); + /* mark the end of statistics initializiation */ + bp->stats_init = false; +} + +void bnx2x_save_statistics(struct bnx2x *bp) +{ + int i; + struct net_device_stats *nstats = &bp->dev->stats; + + /* save queue statistics */ + for_each_eth_queue(bp, i) { + struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp = &bp->fp[i]; + struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats *qstats = &fp->eth_q_stats; + struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats_old *qstats_old = &fp->eth_q_stats_old; + + UPDATE_QSTAT_OLD(total_unicast_bytes_received_hi); + UPDATE_QSTAT_OLD(total_unicast_bytes_received_lo); + UPDATE_QSTAT_OLD(total_broadcast_bytes_received_hi); + UPDATE_QSTAT_OLD(total_broadcast_bytes_received_lo); + UPDATE_QSTAT_OLD(total_multicast_bytes_received_hi); + UPDATE_QSTAT_OLD(total_multicast_bytes_received_lo); + UPDATE_QSTAT_OLD(total_unicast_bytes_transmitted_hi); + UPDATE_QSTAT_OLD(total_unicast_bytes_transmitted_lo); + UPDATE_QSTAT_OLD(total_broadcast_bytes_transmitted_hi); + UPDATE_QSTAT_OLD(total_broadcast_bytes_transmitted_lo); + UPDATE_QSTAT_OLD(total_multicast_bytes_transmitted_hi); + UPDATE_QSTAT_OLD(total_multicast_bytes_transmitted_lo); + UPDATE_QSTAT_OLD(total_tpa_bytes_hi); + UPDATE_QSTAT_OLD(total_tpa_bytes_lo); + } + + /* save net_device_stats statistics */ + bp->net_stats_old.rx_dropped = nstats->rx_dropped; - } else if (bp->func_stx) - bnx2x_func_stats_base_update(bp); + /* store port firmware statistics */ + if (bp->port.pmf && IS_MF(bp)) { + struct bnx2x_eth_stats *estats = &bp->eth_stats; + struct bnx2x_fw_port_stats_old *fwstats = &bp->fw_stats_old; + UPDATE_FW_STAT_OLD(mac_filter_discard); + UPDATE_FW_STAT_OLD(mf_tag_discard); + UPDATE_FW_STAT_OLD(brb_truncate_discard); + UPDATE_FW_STAT_OLD(mac_discard); + } } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_stats.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_stats.h index 683deb053109d817aa578906f4f6874c0ec994b5..2b46e1eb7fd1dab6a5c42928df90f90d91bd3e03 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_stats.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_stats.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* bnx2x_stats.h: Broadcom Everest network driver. * - * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -199,6 +199,10 @@ struct bnx2x_eth_stats { u32 pfc_frames_received_lo; u32 pfc_frames_sent_hi; u32 pfc_frames_sent_lo; + + /* Recovery */ + u32 recoverable_error; + u32 unrecoverable_error; }; @@ -260,6 +264,69 @@ struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats { u32 total_tpa_bytes_lo; }; +struct bnx2x_eth_stats_old { + u32 rx_stat_dot3statsframestoolong_hi; + u32 rx_stat_dot3statsframestoolong_lo; +}; + +struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats_old { + /* Fields to perserve over fw reset*/ + u32 total_unicast_bytes_received_hi; + u32 total_unicast_bytes_received_lo; + u32 total_broadcast_bytes_received_hi; + u32 total_broadcast_bytes_received_lo; + u32 total_multicast_bytes_received_hi; + u32 total_multicast_bytes_received_lo; + u32 total_unicast_bytes_transmitted_hi; + u32 total_unicast_bytes_transmitted_lo; + u32 total_broadcast_bytes_transmitted_hi; + u32 total_broadcast_bytes_transmitted_lo; + u32 total_multicast_bytes_transmitted_hi; + u32 total_multicast_bytes_transmitted_lo; + u32 total_tpa_bytes_hi; + u32 total_tpa_bytes_lo; + + /* Fields to perserve last of */ + u32 total_bytes_received_hi; + u32 total_bytes_received_lo; + u32 total_bytes_transmitted_hi; + u32 total_bytes_transmitted_lo; + u32 total_unicast_packets_received_hi; + u32 total_unicast_packets_received_lo; + u32 total_multicast_packets_received_hi; + u32 total_multicast_packets_received_lo; + u32 total_broadcast_packets_received_hi; + u32 total_broadcast_packets_received_lo; + u32 total_unicast_packets_transmitted_hi; + u32 total_unicast_packets_transmitted_lo; + u32 total_multicast_packets_transmitted_hi; + u32 total_multicast_packets_transmitted_lo; + u32 total_broadcast_packets_transmitted_hi; + u32 total_broadcast_packets_transmitted_lo; + u32 valid_bytes_received_hi; + u32 valid_bytes_received_lo; + + u32 total_tpa_bytes_hi_old; + u32 total_tpa_bytes_lo_old; + + u32 driver_xoff_old; + u32 rx_err_discard_pkt_old; + u32 rx_skb_alloc_failed_old; + u32 hw_csum_err_old; +}; + +struct bnx2x_net_stats_old { + u32 rx_dropped; +}; + +struct bnx2x_fw_port_stats_old { + u32 mac_filter_discard; + u32 mf_tag_discard; + u32 brb_truncate_discard; + u32 mac_discard; +}; + + /**************************************************************************** * Macros ****************************************************************************/ @@ -344,6 +411,12 @@ struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats { ADD_EXTEND_64(qstats->t##_hi, qstats->t##_lo, diff); \ } while (0) +#define UPDATE_EXTEND_E_TSTAT(s, t) \ + do { \ + UPDATE_EXTEND_TSTAT(s, t); \ + ADD_EXTEND_64(estats->t##_hi, estats->t##_lo, diff); \ + } while (0) + #define UPDATE_EXTEND_USTAT(s, t) \ do { \ diff = le32_to_cpu(uclient->s) - le32_to_cpu(old_uclient->s); \ @@ -351,6 +424,12 @@ struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats { ADD_EXTEND_64(qstats->t##_hi, qstats->t##_lo, diff); \ } while (0) +#define UPDATE_EXTEND_E_USTAT(s, t) \ + do { \ + UPDATE_EXTEND_USTAT(s, t); \ + ADD_EXTEND_64(estats->t##_hi, estats->t##_lo, diff); \ + } while (0) + #define UPDATE_EXTEND_XSTAT(s, t) \ do { \ diff = le32_to_cpu(xclient->s) - le32_to_cpu(old_xclient->s); \ @@ -358,6 +437,66 @@ struct bnx2x_eth_q_stats { ADD_EXTEND_64(qstats->t##_hi, qstats->t##_lo, diff); \ } while (0) +#define UPDATE_QSTAT(s, t) \ + do { \ + qstats->t##_hi = qstats_old->t##_hi + le32_to_cpu(s.hi); \ + qstats->t##_lo = qstats_old->t##_lo + le32_to_cpu(s.lo); \ + } while (0) + +#define UPDATE_QSTAT_OLD(f) \ + do { \ + qstats_old->f = qstats->f; \ + } while (0) + +#define UPDATE_ESTAT_QSTAT_64(s) \ + do { \ + ADD_64(estats->s##_hi, qstats->s##_hi, \ + estats->s##_lo, qstats->s##_lo); \ + SUB_64(estats->s##_hi, qstats_old->s##_hi_old, \ + estats->s##_lo, qstats_old->s##_lo_old); \ + qstats_old->s##_hi_old = qstats->s##_hi; \ + qstats_old->s##_lo_old = qstats->s##_lo; \ + } while (0) + +#define UPDATE_ESTAT_QSTAT(s) \ + do { \ + estats->s += qstats->s; \ + estats->s -= qstats_old->s##_old; \ + qstats_old->s##_old = qstats->s; \ + } while (0) + +#define UPDATE_FSTAT_QSTAT(s) \ + do { \ + ADD_64(fstats->s##_hi, qstats->s##_hi, \ + fstats->s##_lo, qstats->s##_lo); \ + SUB_64(fstats->s##_hi, qstats_old->s##_hi, \ + fstats->s##_lo, qstats_old->s##_lo); \ + estats->s##_hi = fstats->s##_hi; \ + estats->s##_lo = fstats->s##_lo; \ + qstats_old->s##_hi = qstats->s##_hi; \ + qstats_old->s##_lo = qstats->s##_lo; \ + } while (0) + +#define UPDATE_FW_STAT(s) \ + do { \ + estats->s = le32_to_cpu(tport->s) + fwstats->s; \ + } while (0) + +#define UPDATE_FW_STAT_OLD(f) \ + do { \ + fwstats->f = estats->f; \ + } while (0) + +#define UPDATE_ESTAT(s, t) \ + do { \ + SUB_64(estats->s##_hi, estats_old->t##_hi, \ + estats->s##_lo, estats_old->t##_lo); \ + ADD_64(estats->s##_hi, estats->t##_hi, \ + estats->s##_lo, estats->t##_lo); \ + estats_old->t##_hi = estats->t##_hi; \ + estats_old->t##_lo = estats->t##_lo; \ + } while (0) + /* minuend -= subtrahend */ #define SUB_64(m_hi, s_hi, m_lo, s_lo) \ do { \ @@ -384,4 +523,10 @@ void bnx2x_stats_init(struct bnx2x *bp); void bnx2x_stats_handle(struct bnx2x *bp, enum bnx2x_stats_event event); +/** + * bnx2x_save_statistics - save statistics when unloading. + * + * @bp: driver handle + */ +void bnx2x_save_statistics(struct bnx2x *bp); #endif /* BNX2X_STATS_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/cnic.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/cnic.c index 818a573669e6b0b4cdd27fda3ca111ff6c133931..7b65716b8734451356d9f49584db8bdb55615776 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/cnic.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/cnic.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* cnic.c: Broadcom CNIC core network driver. * - * Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -380,6 +380,8 @@ static int cnic_iscsi_nl_msg_recv(struct cnic_dev *dev, u32 msg_type, if (cnic_in_use(csk) && test_bit(SK_F_CONNECT_START, &csk->flags)) { + csk->vlan_id = path_resp->vlan_id; + memcpy(csk->ha, path_resp->mac_addr, 6); if (test_bit(SK_F_IPV6, &csk->flags)) memcpy(&csk->src_ip[0], &path_resp->src.v6_addr, @@ -2521,12 +2523,35 @@ static void cnic_bnx2x_kwqe_err(struct cnic_dev *dev, struct kwqe *kwqe) u32 cid; u32 opcode = KWQE_OPCODE(kwqe->kwqe_op_flag); u32 layer_code = kwqe->kwqe_op_flag & KWQE_LAYER_MASK; + u32 kcqe_op; int ulp_type; cid = kwqe->kwqe_info0; memset(&kcqe, 0, sizeof(kcqe)); - if (layer_code == KWQE_FLAGS_LAYER_MASK_L5_ISCSI) { + if (layer_code == KWQE_FLAGS_LAYER_MASK_L5_FCOE) { + u32 l5_cid = 0; + + ulp_type = CNIC_ULP_FCOE; + if (opcode == FCOE_KWQE_OPCODE_DISABLE_CONN) { + struct fcoe_kwqe_conn_enable_disable *req; + + req = (struct fcoe_kwqe_conn_enable_disable *) kwqe; + kcqe_op = FCOE_KCQE_OPCODE_DISABLE_CONN; + cid = req->context_id; + l5_cid = req->conn_id; + } else if (opcode == FCOE_KWQE_OPCODE_DESTROY) { + kcqe_op = FCOE_KCQE_OPCODE_DESTROY_FUNC; + } else { + return; + } + kcqe.kcqe_op_flag = kcqe_op << KCQE_FLAGS_OPCODE_SHIFT; + kcqe.kcqe_op_flag |= KCQE_FLAGS_LAYER_MASK_L5_FCOE; + kcqe.kcqe_info1 = FCOE_KCQE_COMPLETION_STATUS_NIC_ERROR; + kcqe.kcqe_info2 = cid; + kcqe.kcqe_info0 = l5_cid; + + } else if (layer_code == KWQE_FLAGS_LAYER_MASK_L5_ISCSI) { ulp_type = CNIC_ULP_ISCSI; if (opcode == ISCSI_KWQE_OPCODE_UPDATE_CONN) cid = kwqe->kwqe_info1; @@ -2539,7 +2564,6 @@ static void cnic_bnx2x_kwqe_err(struct cnic_dev *dev, struct kwqe *kwqe) } else if (layer_code == KWQE_FLAGS_LAYER_MASK_L4) { struct l4_kcq *l4kcqe = (struct l4_kcq *) &kcqe; - u32 kcqe_op; ulp_type = CNIC_ULP_L4; if (opcode == L4_KWQE_OPCODE_VALUE_CONNECT1) @@ -2686,9 +2710,17 @@ static int cnic_submit_bnx2x_fcoe_kwqes(struct cnic_dev *dev, opcode); break; } - if (ret < 0) + if (ret < 0) { netdev_err(dev->netdev, "KWQE(0x%x) failed\n", opcode); + + /* Possibly bnx2x parity error, send completion + * to ulp drivers with error code to speed up + * cleanup and reset recovery. + */ + if (ret == -EIO || ret == -EAGAIN) + cnic_bnx2x_kwqe_err(dev, kwqe); + } i += work; } return 0; @@ -3901,6 +3933,8 @@ static void cnic_cm_process_kcqe(struct cnic_dev *dev, struct kcqe *kcqe) case L4_KCQE_OPCODE_VALUE_CONNECT_COMPLETE: if (l4kcqe->status == 0) set_bit(SK_F_OFFLD_COMPLETE, &csk->flags); + else if (l4kcqe->status == L4_KCQE_COMPLETION_STATUS_NIC_ERROR) + set_bit(SK_F_HW_ERR, &csk->flags); smp_mb__before_clear_bit(); clear_bit(SK_F_OFFLD_SCHED, &csk->flags); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/cnic_defs.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/cnic_defs.h index 86936f6b6dbcbea1e9eb7cf07b0bca239ee9e51a..06ca00266d70fee861473830cfda954995cce27e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/cnic_defs.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/cnic_defs.h @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /* cnic.c: Broadcom CNIC core network driver. * - * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Broadcom Corporation + * Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ #define FCOE_KCQE_COMPLETION_STATUS_ERROR (0x1) #define FCOE_KCQE_COMPLETION_STATUS_CTX_ALLOC_FAILURE (0x3) +#define FCOE_KCQE_COMPLETION_STATUS_NIC_ERROR (0x5) /* KCQ (kernel completion queue) response op codes */ #define L4_KCQE_OPCODE_VALUE_CLOSE_COMP (53) @@ -1392,9 +1393,9 @@ struct xstorm_fcoe_extra_ag_context_section { #define __XSTORM_FCOE_EXTRA_AG_CONTEXT_SECTION_RESERVED_DA_EXPIRATION_FLAG_SHIFT 7 #endif u32 snd_nxt; - u32 tx_wnd; - u32 __reserved55; - u32 local_adv_wnd; + u32 __xfrqe_bd_addr_lo; + u32 __xfrqe_bd_addr_hi; + u32 __xfrqe_data1; #if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN) u8 __agg_val8_th; u8 __tx_dest; @@ -1480,13 +1481,13 @@ struct xstorm_fcoe_extra_ag_context_section { #endif u32 __tcp_agg_vars6; #if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN) - u16 __agg_misc6; + u16 __xfrqe_mng; u16 __tcp_agg_vars7; #elif defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN) u16 __tcp_agg_vars7; - u16 __agg_misc6; + u16 __xfrqe_mng; #endif - u32 __agg_val10; + u32 __xfrqe_data0; u32 __agg_val10_th; #if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN) u16 __reserved3; @@ -1706,11 +1707,11 @@ struct xstorm_fcoe_ag_context { #define XSTORM_FCOE_AG_CONTEXT_AGG_MISC3 (0xFF<<24) #define XSTORM_FCOE_AG_CONTEXT_AGG_MISC3_SHIFT 24 #if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN) - u16 agg_misc0; + u16 __cache_wqe_db; u16 sq_prod; #elif defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN) u16 sq_prod; - u16 agg_misc0; + u16 __cache_wqe_db; #endif #if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN) u8 agg_val3; @@ -3016,8 +3017,8 @@ struct fcoe_tce_tx_wr_rx_rd_const { #define FCOE_TCE_TX_WR_RX_RD_CONST_RSRV1_SHIFT 5 #define FCOE_TCE_TX_WR_RX_RD_CONST_TX_SEQ_INIT (0x1<<6) #define FCOE_TCE_TX_WR_RX_RD_CONST_TX_SEQ_INIT_SHIFT 6 -#define FCOE_TCE_TX_WR_RX_RD_CONST_RSRV2 (0x1<<7) -#define FCOE_TCE_TX_WR_RX_RD_CONST_RSRV2_SHIFT 7 +#define FCOE_TCE_TX_WR_RX_RD_CONST_TX_COMP_TRNS (0x1<<7) +#define FCOE_TCE_TX_WR_RX_RD_CONST_TX_COMP_TRNS_SHIFT 7 __le16 rsrv3; __le32 verify_tx_seq; }; @@ -4298,7 +4299,7 @@ struct xstorm_eth_context_section { #endif #if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN) u16 reserved_vlan_type; - u16 params; + u16 vlan_params; #define XSTORM_ETH_CONTEXT_SECTION_VLAN_ID (0xFFF<<0) #define XSTORM_ETH_CONTEXT_SECTION_VLAN_ID_SHIFT 0 #define XSTORM_ETH_CONTEXT_SECTION_CFI (0x1<<12) @@ -4306,7 +4307,7 @@ struct xstorm_eth_context_section { #define XSTORM_ETH_CONTEXT_SECTION_PRIORITY (0x7<<13) #define XSTORM_ETH_CONTEXT_SECTION_PRIORITY_SHIFT 13 #elif defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN) - u16 params; + u16 vlan_params; #define XSTORM_ETH_CONTEXT_SECTION_VLAN_ID (0xFFF<<0) #define XSTORM_ETH_CONTEXT_SECTION_VLAN_ID_SHIFT 0 #define XSTORM_ETH_CONTEXT_SECTION_CFI (0x1<<12) diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/cnic_if.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/cnic_if.h index 1517763d4e555507146de73464ce3abe347863b6..60deb84d36bd651d0f09d08cc5792165dfdd0674 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/cnic_if.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/cnic_if.h @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ #ifndef CNIC_IF_H #define CNIC_IF_H -#define CNIC_MODULE_VERSION "2.5.8" -#define CNIC_MODULE_RELDATE "Jan 3, 2012" +#define CNIC_MODULE_VERSION "2.5.9" +#define CNIC_MODULE_RELDATE "Feb 8, 2012" #define CNIC_ULP_RDMA 0 #define CNIC_ULP_ISCSI 1 diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/sb1250-mac.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/sb1250-mac.c index 084904ceaa301b4fd76f00a8411433ec1711b49e..49e7a258da8aa91554410900a4d23036e13e85c5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/sb1250-mac.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/sb1250-mac.c @@ -2623,8 +2623,6 @@ static int __devinit sbmac_probe(struct platform_device *pldev) */ dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct sbmac_softc)); if (!dev) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: unable to allocate etherdev\n", - dev_name(&pldev->dev)); err = -ENOMEM; goto out_unmap; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/tg3.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/tg3.c index 35c2a202d67aa643a452e245293d5e7fdd748e39..b0657466041d733900199124ffab0f6dbaf088af 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/tg3.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/tg3.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 David S. Miller (davem@redhat.com) * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (jgarzik@pobox.com) * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc. - * Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Broadcom Corporation. + * Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Broadcom Corporation. * * Firmware is: * Derived from proprietary unpublished source code, @@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ static inline void _tg3_flag_clear(enum TG3_FLAGS flag, unsigned long *bits) #define TG3_RAW_IP_ALIGN 2 #define TG3_FW_UPDATE_TIMEOUT_SEC 5 +#define TG3_FW_UPDATE_FREQ_SEC (TG3_FW_UPDATE_TIMEOUT_SEC / 2) #define FIRMWARE_TG3 "tigon/tg3.bin" #define FIRMWARE_TG3TSO "tigon/tg3_tso.bin" @@ -1453,33 +1454,23 @@ static void tg3_wait_for_event_ack(struct tg3 *tp) } /* tp->lock is held. */ -static void tg3_ump_link_report(struct tg3 *tp) +static void tg3_phy_gather_ump_data(struct tg3 *tp, u32 *data) { - u32 reg; - u32 val; - - if (!tg3_flag(tp, 5780_CLASS) || !tg3_flag(tp, ENABLE_ASF)) - return; - - tg3_wait_for_event_ack(tp); - - tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FW_CMD_MBOX, FWCMD_NICDRV_LINK_UPDATE); - - tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FW_CMD_LEN_MBOX, 14); + u32 reg, val; val = 0; if (!tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMCR, ®)) val = reg << 16; if (!tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, ®)) val |= (reg & 0xffff); - tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FW_CMD_DATA_MBOX, val); + *data++ = val; val = 0; if (!tg3_readphy(tp, MII_ADVERTISE, ®)) val = reg << 16; if (!tg3_readphy(tp, MII_LPA, ®)) val |= (reg & 0xffff); - tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FW_CMD_DATA_MBOX + 4, val); + *data++ = val; val = 0; if (!(tp->phy_flags & TG3_PHYFLG_MII_SERDES)) { @@ -1488,13 +1479,33 @@ static void tg3_ump_link_report(struct tg3 *tp) if (!tg3_readphy(tp, MII_STAT1000, ®)) val |= (reg & 0xffff); } - tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FW_CMD_DATA_MBOX + 8, val); + *data++ = val; if (!tg3_readphy(tp, MII_PHYADDR, ®)) val = reg << 16; else val = 0; - tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FW_CMD_DATA_MBOX + 12, val); + *data++ = val; +} + +/* tp->lock is held. */ +static void tg3_ump_link_report(struct tg3 *tp) +{ + u32 data[4]; + + if (!tg3_flag(tp, 5780_CLASS) || !tg3_flag(tp, ENABLE_ASF)) + return; + + tg3_phy_gather_ump_data(tp, data); + + tg3_wait_for_event_ack(tp); + + tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FW_CMD_MBOX, FWCMD_NICDRV_LINK_UPDATE); + tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FW_CMD_LEN_MBOX, 14); + tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FW_CMD_DATA_MBOX + 0x0, data[0]); + tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FW_CMD_DATA_MBOX + 0x4, data[1]); + tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FW_CMD_DATA_MBOX + 0x8, data[2]); + tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FW_CMD_DATA_MBOX + 0xc, data[3]); tg3_generate_fw_event(tp); } @@ -1809,13 +1820,13 @@ static void tg3_adjust_link(struct net_device *dev) (6 << TX_LENGTHS_IPG_SHIFT) | (32 << TX_LENGTHS_SLOT_TIME_SHIFT))); - if ((phydev->link && tp->link_config.active_speed == SPEED_INVALID) || - (!phydev->link && tp->link_config.active_speed != SPEED_INVALID) || + if (phydev->link != tp->old_link || phydev->speed != tp->link_config.active_speed || phydev->duplex != tp->link_config.active_duplex || oldflowctrl != tp->link_config.active_flowctrl) linkmesg = 1; + tp->old_link = phydev->link; tp->link_config.active_speed = phydev->speed; tp->link_config.active_duplex = phydev->duplex; @@ -1884,10 +1895,10 @@ static void tg3_phy_start(struct tg3 *tp) if (tp->phy_flags & TG3_PHYFLG_IS_LOW_POWER) { tp->phy_flags &= ~TG3_PHYFLG_IS_LOW_POWER; - phydev->speed = tp->link_config.orig_speed; - phydev->duplex = tp->link_config.orig_duplex; - phydev->autoneg = tp->link_config.orig_autoneg; - phydev->advertising = tp->link_config.orig_advertising; + phydev->speed = tp->link_config.speed; + phydev->duplex = tp->link_config.duplex; + phydev->autoneg = tp->link_config.autoneg; + phydev->advertising = tp->link_config.advertising; } phy_start(phydev); @@ -2709,9 +2720,6 @@ static int tg3_5700_link_polarity(struct tg3 *tp, u32 speed) return 0; } -static int tg3_setup_phy(struct tg3 *, int); -static int tg3_halt_cpu(struct tg3 *, u32); - static void tg3_power_down_phy(struct tg3 *tp, bool do_low_power) { u32 val; @@ -2978,177 +2986,430 @@ static int tg3_nvram_read_be32(struct tg3 *tp, u32 offset, __be32 *val) return res; } -#define RX_CPU_SCRATCH_BASE 0x30000 -#define RX_CPU_SCRATCH_SIZE 0x04000 -#define TX_CPU_SCRATCH_BASE 0x34000 -#define TX_CPU_SCRATCH_SIZE 0x04000 - -/* tp->lock is held. */ -static int tg3_halt_cpu(struct tg3 *tp, u32 offset) +static int tg3_nvram_write_block_using_eeprom(struct tg3 *tp, + u32 offset, u32 len, u8 *buf) { - int i; + int i, j, rc = 0; + u32 val; - BUG_ON(offset == TX_CPU_BASE && tg3_flag(tp, 5705_PLUS)); + for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) { + u32 addr; + __be32 data; - if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5906) { - u32 val = tr32(GRC_VCPU_EXT_CTRL); + addr = offset + i; - tw32(GRC_VCPU_EXT_CTRL, val | GRC_VCPU_EXT_CTRL_HALT_CPU); - return 0; - } - if (offset == RX_CPU_BASE) { - for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { - tw32(offset + CPU_STATE, 0xffffffff); - tw32(offset + CPU_MODE, CPU_MODE_HALT); - if (tr32(offset + CPU_MODE) & CPU_MODE_HALT) - break; - } + memcpy(&data, buf + i, 4); - tw32(offset + CPU_STATE, 0xffffffff); - tw32_f(offset + CPU_MODE, CPU_MODE_HALT); - udelay(10); - } else { - for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { - tw32(offset + CPU_STATE, 0xffffffff); - tw32(offset + CPU_MODE, CPU_MODE_HALT); - if (tr32(offset + CPU_MODE) & CPU_MODE_HALT) + /* + * The SEEPROM interface expects the data to always be opposite + * the native endian format. We accomplish this by reversing + * all the operations that would have been performed on the + * data from a call to tg3_nvram_read_be32(). + */ + tw32(GRC_EEPROM_DATA, swab32(be32_to_cpu(data))); + + val = tr32(GRC_EEPROM_ADDR); + tw32(GRC_EEPROM_ADDR, val | EEPROM_ADDR_COMPLETE); + + val &= ~(EEPROM_ADDR_ADDR_MASK | EEPROM_ADDR_DEVID_MASK | + EEPROM_ADDR_READ); + tw32(GRC_EEPROM_ADDR, val | + (0 << EEPROM_ADDR_DEVID_SHIFT) | + (addr & EEPROM_ADDR_ADDR_MASK) | + EEPROM_ADDR_START | + EEPROM_ADDR_WRITE); + + for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { + val = tr32(GRC_EEPROM_ADDR); + + if (val & EEPROM_ADDR_COMPLETE) break; + msleep(1); + } + if (!(val & EEPROM_ADDR_COMPLETE)) { + rc = -EBUSY; + break; } } - if (i >= 10000) { - netdev_err(tp->dev, "%s timed out, %s CPU\n", - __func__, offset == RX_CPU_BASE ? "RX" : "TX"); - return -ENODEV; - } - - /* Clear firmware's nvram arbitration. */ - if (tg3_flag(tp, NVRAM)) - tw32(NVRAM_SWARB, SWARB_REQ_CLR0); - return 0; + return rc; } -struct fw_info { - unsigned int fw_base; - unsigned int fw_len; - const __be32 *fw_data; -}; - -/* tp->lock is held. */ -static int tg3_load_firmware_cpu(struct tg3 *tp, u32 cpu_base, - u32 cpu_scratch_base, int cpu_scratch_size, - struct fw_info *info) +/* offset and length are dword aligned */ +static int tg3_nvram_write_block_unbuffered(struct tg3 *tp, u32 offset, u32 len, + u8 *buf) { - int err, lock_err, i; - void (*write_op)(struct tg3 *, u32, u32); + int ret = 0; + u32 pagesize = tp->nvram_pagesize; + u32 pagemask = pagesize - 1; + u32 nvram_cmd; + u8 *tmp; - if (cpu_base == TX_CPU_BASE && tg3_flag(tp, 5705_PLUS)) { - netdev_err(tp->dev, - "%s: Trying to load TX cpu firmware which is 5705\n", - __func__); - return -EINVAL; - } + tmp = kmalloc(pagesize, GFP_KERNEL); + if (tmp == NULL) + return -ENOMEM; - if (tg3_flag(tp, 5705_PLUS)) - write_op = tg3_write_mem; - else - write_op = tg3_write_indirect_reg32; + while (len) { + int j; + u32 phy_addr, page_off, size; - /* It is possible that bootcode is still loading at this point. - * Get the nvram lock first before halting the cpu. - */ - lock_err = tg3_nvram_lock(tp); - err = tg3_halt_cpu(tp, cpu_base); - if (!lock_err) - tg3_nvram_unlock(tp); - if (err) - goto out; + phy_addr = offset & ~pagemask; - for (i = 0; i < cpu_scratch_size; i += sizeof(u32)) - write_op(tp, cpu_scratch_base + i, 0); - tw32(cpu_base + CPU_STATE, 0xffffffff); - tw32(cpu_base + CPU_MODE, tr32(cpu_base+CPU_MODE)|CPU_MODE_HALT); - for (i = 0; i < (info->fw_len / sizeof(u32)); i++) - write_op(tp, (cpu_scratch_base + - (info->fw_base & 0xffff) + - (i * sizeof(u32))), - be32_to_cpu(info->fw_data[i])); + for (j = 0; j < pagesize; j += 4) { + ret = tg3_nvram_read_be32(tp, phy_addr + j, + (__be32 *) (tmp + j)); + if (ret) + break; + } + if (ret) + break; - err = 0; + page_off = offset & pagemask; + size = pagesize; + if (len < size) + size = len; -out: - return err; -} + len -= size; -/* tp->lock is held. */ -static int tg3_load_5701_a0_firmware_fix(struct tg3 *tp) -{ - struct fw_info info; - const __be32 *fw_data; - int err, i; + memcpy(tmp + page_off, buf, size); - fw_data = (void *)tp->fw->data; + offset = offset + (pagesize - page_off); - /* Firmware blob starts with version numbers, followed by - start address and length. We are setting complete length. - length = end_address_of_bss - start_address_of_text. - Remainder is the blob to be loaded contiguously - from start address. */ + tg3_enable_nvram_access(tp); - info.fw_base = be32_to_cpu(fw_data[1]); - info.fw_len = tp->fw->size - 12; - info.fw_data = &fw_data[3]; + /* + * Before we can erase the flash page, we need + * to issue a special "write enable" command. + */ + nvram_cmd = NVRAM_CMD_WREN | NVRAM_CMD_GO | NVRAM_CMD_DONE; - err = tg3_load_firmware_cpu(tp, RX_CPU_BASE, - RX_CPU_SCRATCH_BASE, RX_CPU_SCRATCH_SIZE, - &info); - if (err) - return err; + if (tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, nvram_cmd)) + break; - err = tg3_load_firmware_cpu(tp, TX_CPU_BASE, - TX_CPU_SCRATCH_BASE, TX_CPU_SCRATCH_SIZE, - &info); - if (err) - return err; + /* Erase the target page */ + tw32(NVRAM_ADDR, phy_addr); - /* Now startup only the RX cpu. */ - tw32(RX_CPU_BASE + CPU_STATE, 0xffffffff); - tw32_f(RX_CPU_BASE + CPU_PC, info.fw_base); + nvram_cmd = NVRAM_CMD_GO | NVRAM_CMD_DONE | NVRAM_CMD_WR | + NVRAM_CMD_FIRST | NVRAM_CMD_LAST | NVRAM_CMD_ERASE; - for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { - if (tr32(RX_CPU_BASE + CPU_PC) == info.fw_base) + if (tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, nvram_cmd)) break; - tw32(RX_CPU_BASE + CPU_STATE, 0xffffffff); - tw32(RX_CPU_BASE + CPU_MODE, CPU_MODE_HALT); - tw32_f(RX_CPU_BASE + CPU_PC, info.fw_base); - udelay(1000); - } - if (i >= 5) { - netdev_err(tp->dev, "%s fails to set RX CPU PC, is %08x " - "should be %08x\n", __func__, - tr32(RX_CPU_BASE + CPU_PC), info.fw_base); - return -ENODEV; - } - tw32(RX_CPU_BASE + CPU_STATE, 0xffffffff); - tw32_f(RX_CPU_BASE + CPU_MODE, 0x00000000); - return 0; -} + /* Issue another write enable to start the write. */ + nvram_cmd = NVRAM_CMD_WREN | NVRAM_CMD_GO | NVRAM_CMD_DONE; -/* tp->lock is held. */ -static int tg3_load_tso_firmware(struct tg3 *tp) -{ - struct fw_info info; - const __be32 *fw_data; - unsigned long cpu_base, cpu_scratch_base, cpu_scratch_size; - int err, i; + if (tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, nvram_cmd)) + break; - if (tg3_flag(tp, HW_TSO_1) || - tg3_flag(tp, HW_TSO_2) || - tg3_flag(tp, HW_TSO_3)) - return 0; + for (j = 0; j < pagesize; j += 4) { + __be32 data; - fw_data = (void *)tp->fw->data; + data = *((__be32 *) (tmp + j)); + + tw32(NVRAM_WRDATA, be32_to_cpu(data)); + + tw32(NVRAM_ADDR, phy_addr + j); + + nvram_cmd = NVRAM_CMD_GO | NVRAM_CMD_DONE | + NVRAM_CMD_WR; + + if (j == 0) + nvram_cmd |= NVRAM_CMD_FIRST; + else if (j == (pagesize - 4)) + nvram_cmd |= NVRAM_CMD_LAST; + + ret = tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, nvram_cmd); + if (ret) + break; + } + if (ret) + break; + } + + nvram_cmd = NVRAM_CMD_WRDI | NVRAM_CMD_GO | NVRAM_CMD_DONE; + tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, nvram_cmd); + + kfree(tmp); + + return ret; +} + +/* offset and length are dword aligned */ +static int tg3_nvram_write_block_buffered(struct tg3 *tp, u32 offset, u32 len, + u8 *buf) +{ + int i, ret = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4, offset += 4) { + u32 page_off, phy_addr, nvram_cmd; + __be32 data; + + memcpy(&data, buf + i, 4); + tw32(NVRAM_WRDATA, be32_to_cpu(data)); + + page_off = offset % tp->nvram_pagesize; + + phy_addr = tg3_nvram_phys_addr(tp, offset); + + nvram_cmd = NVRAM_CMD_GO | NVRAM_CMD_DONE | NVRAM_CMD_WR; + + if (page_off == 0 || i == 0) + nvram_cmd |= NVRAM_CMD_FIRST; + if (page_off == (tp->nvram_pagesize - 4)) + nvram_cmd |= NVRAM_CMD_LAST; + + if (i == (len - 4)) + nvram_cmd |= NVRAM_CMD_LAST; + + if ((nvram_cmd & NVRAM_CMD_FIRST) || + !tg3_flag(tp, FLASH) || + !tg3_flag(tp, 57765_PLUS)) + tw32(NVRAM_ADDR, phy_addr); + + if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5752 && + !tg3_flag(tp, 5755_PLUS) && + (tp->nvram_jedecnum == JEDEC_ST) && + (nvram_cmd & NVRAM_CMD_FIRST)) { + u32 cmd; + + cmd = NVRAM_CMD_WREN | NVRAM_CMD_GO | NVRAM_CMD_DONE; + ret = tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, cmd); + if (ret) + break; + } + if (!tg3_flag(tp, FLASH)) { + /* We always do complete word writes to eeprom. */ + nvram_cmd |= (NVRAM_CMD_FIRST | NVRAM_CMD_LAST); + } + + ret = tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, nvram_cmd); + if (ret) + break; + } + return ret; +} + +/* offset and length are dword aligned */ +static int tg3_nvram_write_block(struct tg3 *tp, u32 offset, u32 len, u8 *buf) +{ + int ret; + + if (tg3_flag(tp, EEPROM_WRITE_PROT)) { + tw32_f(GRC_LOCAL_CTRL, tp->grc_local_ctrl & + ~GRC_LCLCTRL_GPIO_OUTPUT1); + udelay(40); + } + + if (!tg3_flag(tp, NVRAM)) { + ret = tg3_nvram_write_block_using_eeprom(tp, offset, len, buf); + } else { + u32 grc_mode; + + ret = tg3_nvram_lock(tp); + if (ret) + return ret; + + tg3_enable_nvram_access(tp); + if (tg3_flag(tp, 5750_PLUS) && !tg3_flag(tp, PROTECTED_NVRAM)) + tw32(NVRAM_WRITE1, 0x406); + + grc_mode = tr32(GRC_MODE); + tw32(GRC_MODE, grc_mode | GRC_MODE_NVRAM_WR_ENABLE); + + if (tg3_flag(tp, NVRAM_BUFFERED) || !tg3_flag(tp, FLASH)) { + ret = tg3_nvram_write_block_buffered(tp, offset, len, + buf); + } else { + ret = tg3_nvram_write_block_unbuffered(tp, offset, len, + buf); + } + + grc_mode = tr32(GRC_MODE); + tw32(GRC_MODE, grc_mode & ~GRC_MODE_NVRAM_WR_ENABLE); + + tg3_disable_nvram_access(tp); + tg3_nvram_unlock(tp); + } + + if (tg3_flag(tp, EEPROM_WRITE_PROT)) { + tw32_f(GRC_LOCAL_CTRL, tp->grc_local_ctrl); + udelay(40); + } + + return ret; +} + +#define RX_CPU_SCRATCH_BASE 0x30000 +#define RX_CPU_SCRATCH_SIZE 0x04000 +#define TX_CPU_SCRATCH_BASE 0x34000 +#define TX_CPU_SCRATCH_SIZE 0x04000 + +/* tp->lock is held. */ +static int tg3_halt_cpu(struct tg3 *tp, u32 offset) +{ + int i; + + BUG_ON(offset == TX_CPU_BASE && tg3_flag(tp, 5705_PLUS)); + + if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5906) { + u32 val = tr32(GRC_VCPU_EXT_CTRL); + + tw32(GRC_VCPU_EXT_CTRL, val | GRC_VCPU_EXT_CTRL_HALT_CPU); + return 0; + } + if (offset == RX_CPU_BASE) { + for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { + tw32(offset + CPU_STATE, 0xffffffff); + tw32(offset + CPU_MODE, CPU_MODE_HALT); + if (tr32(offset + CPU_MODE) & CPU_MODE_HALT) + break; + } + + tw32(offset + CPU_STATE, 0xffffffff); + tw32_f(offset + CPU_MODE, CPU_MODE_HALT); + udelay(10); + } else { + for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { + tw32(offset + CPU_STATE, 0xffffffff); + tw32(offset + CPU_MODE, CPU_MODE_HALT); + if (tr32(offset + CPU_MODE) & CPU_MODE_HALT) + break; + } + } + + if (i >= 10000) { + netdev_err(tp->dev, "%s timed out, %s CPU\n", + __func__, offset == RX_CPU_BASE ? "RX" : "TX"); + return -ENODEV; + } + + /* Clear firmware's nvram arbitration. */ + if (tg3_flag(tp, NVRAM)) + tw32(NVRAM_SWARB, SWARB_REQ_CLR0); + return 0; +} + +struct fw_info { + unsigned int fw_base; + unsigned int fw_len; + const __be32 *fw_data; +}; + +/* tp->lock is held. */ +static int tg3_load_firmware_cpu(struct tg3 *tp, u32 cpu_base, + u32 cpu_scratch_base, int cpu_scratch_size, + struct fw_info *info) +{ + int err, lock_err, i; + void (*write_op)(struct tg3 *, u32, u32); + + if (cpu_base == TX_CPU_BASE && tg3_flag(tp, 5705_PLUS)) { + netdev_err(tp->dev, + "%s: Trying to load TX cpu firmware which is 5705\n", + __func__); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (tg3_flag(tp, 5705_PLUS)) + write_op = tg3_write_mem; + else + write_op = tg3_write_indirect_reg32; + + /* It is possible that bootcode is still loading at this point. + * Get the nvram lock first before halting the cpu. + */ + lock_err = tg3_nvram_lock(tp); + err = tg3_halt_cpu(tp, cpu_base); + if (!lock_err) + tg3_nvram_unlock(tp); + if (err) + goto out; + + for (i = 0; i < cpu_scratch_size; i += sizeof(u32)) + write_op(tp, cpu_scratch_base + i, 0); + tw32(cpu_base + CPU_STATE, 0xffffffff); + tw32(cpu_base + CPU_MODE, tr32(cpu_base+CPU_MODE)|CPU_MODE_HALT); + for (i = 0; i < (info->fw_len / sizeof(u32)); i++) + write_op(tp, (cpu_scratch_base + + (info->fw_base & 0xffff) + + (i * sizeof(u32))), + be32_to_cpu(info->fw_data[i])); + + err = 0; + +out: + return err; +} + +/* tp->lock is held. */ +static int tg3_load_5701_a0_firmware_fix(struct tg3 *tp) +{ + struct fw_info info; + const __be32 *fw_data; + int err, i; + + fw_data = (void *)tp->fw->data; + + /* Firmware blob starts with version numbers, followed by + start address and length. We are setting complete length. + length = end_address_of_bss - start_address_of_text. + Remainder is the blob to be loaded contiguously + from start address. */ + + info.fw_base = be32_to_cpu(fw_data[1]); + info.fw_len = tp->fw->size - 12; + info.fw_data = &fw_data[3]; + + err = tg3_load_firmware_cpu(tp, RX_CPU_BASE, + RX_CPU_SCRATCH_BASE, RX_CPU_SCRATCH_SIZE, + &info); + if (err) + return err; + + err = tg3_load_firmware_cpu(tp, TX_CPU_BASE, + TX_CPU_SCRATCH_BASE, TX_CPU_SCRATCH_SIZE, + &info); + if (err) + return err; + + /* Now startup only the RX cpu. */ + tw32(RX_CPU_BASE + CPU_STATE, 0xffffffff); + tw32_f(RX_CPU_BASE + CPU_PC, info.fw_base); + + for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { + if (tr32(RX_CPU_BASE + CPU_PC) == info.fw_base) + break; + tw32(RX_CPU_BASE + CPU_STATE, 0xffffffff); + tw32(RX_CPU_BASE + CPU_MODE, CPU_MODE_HALT); + tw32_f(RX_CPU_BASE + CPU_PC, info.fw_base); + udelay(1000); + } + if (i >= 5) { + netdev_err(tp->dev, "%s fails to set RX CPU PC, is %08x " + "should be %08x\n", __func__, + tr32(RX_CPU_BASE + CPU_PC), info.fw_base); + return -ENODEV; + } + tw32(RX_CPU_BASE + CPU_STATE, 0xffffffff); + tw32_f(RX_CPU_BASE + CPU_MODE, 0x00000000); + + return 0; +} + +/* tp->lock is held. */ +static int tg3_load_tso_firmware(struct tg3 *tp) +{ + struct fw_info info; + const __be32 *fw_data; + unsigned long cpu_base, cpu_scratch_base, cpu_scratch_size; + int err, i; + + if (tg3_flag(tp, HW_TSO_1) || + tg3_flag(tp, HW_TSO_2) || + tg3_flag(tp, HW_TSO_3)) + return 0; + + fw_data = (void *)tp->fw->data; /* Firmware blob starts with version numbers, followed by start address and length. We are setting complete length. @@ -3264,6 +3525,8 @@ static int tg3_power_up(struct tg3 *tp) return err; } +static int tg3_setup_phy(struct tg3 *, int); + static int tg3_power_down_prepare(struct tg3 *tp) { u32 misc_host_ctrl; @@ -3302,10 +3565,10 @@ static int tg3_power_down_prepare(struct tg3 *tp) tp->phy_flags |= TG3_PHYFLG_IS_LOW_POWER; - tp->link_config.orig_speed = phydev->speed; - tp->link_config.orig_duplex = phydev->duplex; - tp->link_config.orig_autoneg = phydev->autoneg; - tp->link_config.orig_advertising = phydev->advertising; + tp->link_config.speed = phydev->speed; + tp->link_config.duplex = phydev->duplex; + tp->link_config.autoneg = phydev->autoneg; + tp->link_config.advertising = phydev->advertising; advertising = ADVERTISED_TP | ADVERTISED_Pause | @@ -3338,19 +3601,11 @@ static int tg3_power_down_prepare(struct tg3 *tp) } else { do_low_power = true; - if (!(tp->phy_flags & TG3_PHYFLG_IS_LOW_POWER)) { + if (!(tp->phy_flags & TG3_PHYFLG_IS_LOW_POWER)) tp->phy_flags |= TG3_PHYFLG_IS_LOW_POWER; - tp->link_config.orig_speed = tp->link_config.speed; - tp->link_config.orig_duplex = tp->link_config.duplex; - tp->link_config.orig_autoneg = tp->link_config.autoneg; - } - if (!(tp->phy_flags & TG3_PHYFLG_ANY_SERDES)) { - tp->link_config.speed = SPEED_10; - tp->link_config.duplex = DUPLEX_HALF; - tp->link_config.autoneg = AUTONEG_ENABLE; + if (!(tp->phy_flags & TG3_PHYFLG_ANY_SERDES)) tg3_setup_phy(tp, 0); - } } if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5906) { @@ -3559,8 +3814,8 @@ static void tg3_aux_stat_to_speed_duplex(struct tg3 *tp, u32 val, u16 *speed, u8 DUPLEX_HALF; break; } - *speed = SPEED_INVALID; - *duplex = DUPLEX_INVALID; + *speed = SPEED_UNKNOWN; + *duplex = DUPLEX_UNKNOWN; break; } } @@ -3640,51 +3895,33 @@ static int tg3_phy_autoneg_cfg(struct tg3 *tp, u32 advertise, u32 flowctrl) static void tg3_phy_copper_begin(struct tg3 *tp) { - u32 new_adv; - int i; + if (tp->link_config.autoneg == AUTONEG_ENABLE || + (tp->phy_flags & TG3_PHYFLG_IS_LOW_POWER)) { + u32 adv, fc; - if (tp->phy_flags & TG3_PHYFLG_IS_LOW_POWER) { - new_adv = ADVERTISED_10baseT_Half | - ADVERTISED_10baseT_Full; - if (tg3_flag(tp, WOL_SPEED_100MB)) - new_adv |= ADVERTISED_100baseT_Half | - ADVERTISED_100baseT_Full; - - tg3_phy_autoneg_cfg(tp, new_adv, - FLOW_CTRL_TX | FLOW_CTRL_RX); - } else if (tp->link_config.speed == SPEED_INVALID) { - if (tp->phy_flags & TG3_PHYFLG_10_100_ONLY) - tp->link_config.advertising &= - ~(ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Half | - ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Full); + if (tp->phy_flags & TG3_PHYFLG_IS_LOW_POWER) { + adv = ADVERTISED_10baseT_Half | + ADVERTISED_10baseT_Full; + if (tg3_flag(tp, WOL_SPEED_100MB)) + adv |= ADVERTISED_100baseT_Half | + ADVERTISED_100baseT_Full; - tg3_phy_autoneg_cfg(tp, tp->link_config.advertising, - tp->link_config.flowctrl); - } else { - /* Asking for a specific link mode. */ - if (tp->link_config.speed == SPEED_1000) { - if (tp->link_config.duplex == DUPLEX_FULL) - new_adv = ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Full; - else - new_adv = ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Half; - } else if (tp->link_config.speed == SPEED_100) { - if (tp->link_config.duplex == DUPLEX_FULL) - new_adv = ADVERTISED_100baseT_Full; - else - new_adv = ADVERTISED_100baseT_Half; + fc = FLOW_CTRL_TX | FLOW_CTRL_RX; } else { - if (tp->link_config.duplex == DUPLEX_FULL) - new_adv = ADVERTISED_10baseT_Full; - else - new_adv = ADVERTISED_10baseT_Half; + adv = tp->link_config.advertising; + if (tp->phy_flags & TG3_PHYFLG_10_100_ONLY) + adv &= ~(ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Half | + ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Full); + + fc = tp->link_config.flowctrl; } - tg3_phy_autoneg_cfg(tp, new_adv, - tp->link_config.flowctrl); - } + tg3_phy_autoneg_cfg(tp, adv, fc); - if (tp->link_config.autoneg == AUTONEG_DISABLE && - tp->link_config.speed != SPEED_INVALID) { + tg3_writephy(tp, MII_BMCR, + BMCR_ANENABLE | BMCR_ANRESTART); + } else { + int i; u32 bmcr, orig_bmcr; tp->link_config.active_speed = tp->link_config.speed; @@ -3726,9 +3963,6 @@ static void tg3_phy_copper_begin(struct tg3 *tp) tg3_writephy(tp, MII_BMCR, bmcr); udelay(40); } - } else { - tg3_writephy(tp, MII_BMCR, - BMCR_ANENABLE | BMCR_ANRESTART); } } @@ -3778,7 +4012,16 @@ static bool tg3_phy_copper_an_config_ok(struct tg3 *tp, u32 *lcladv) if (tg3_readphy(tp, MII_CTRL1000, &tg3_ctrl)) return false; - tg3_ctrl &= (ADVERTISE_1000HALF | ADVERTISE_1000FULL); + if (tgtadv && + (tp->pci_chip_rev_id == CHIPREV_ID_5701_A0 || + tp->pci_chip_rev_id == CHIPREV_ID_5701_B0)) { + tgtadv |= CTL1000_AS_MASTER | CTL1000_ENABLE_MASTER; + tg3_ctrl &= (ADVERTISE_1000HALF | ADVERTISE_1000FULL | + CTL1000_AS_MASTER | CTL1000_ENABLE_MASTER); + } else { + tg3_ctrl &= (ADVERTISE_1000HALF | ADVERTISE_1000FULL); + } + if (tg3_ctrl != tgtadv) return false; } @@ -3909,8 +4152,8 @@ static int tg3_setup_copper_phy(struct tg3 *tp, int force_reset) } current_link_up = 0; - current_speed = SPEED_INVALID; - current_duplex = DUPLEX_INVALID; + current_speed = SPEED_UNKNOWN; + current_duplex = DUPLEX_UNKNOWN; tp->phy_flags &= ~TG3_PHYFLG_MDIX_STATE; tp->link_config.rmt_adv = 0; @@ -4806,8 +5049,8 @@ static int tg3_setup_fiber_phy(struct tg3 *tp, int force_reset) LED_CTRL_LNKLED_OVERRIDE | LED_CTRL_1000MBPS_ON)); } else { - tp->link_config.active_speed = SPEED_INVALID; - tp->link_config.active_duplex = DUPLEX_INVALID; + tp->link_config.active_speed = SPEED_UNKNOWN; + tp->link_config.active_duplex = DUPLEX_UNKNOWN; tw32(MAC_LED_CTRL, (tp->led_ctrl | LED_CTRL_LNKLED_OVERRIDE | LED_CTRL_TRAFFIC_OVERRIDE)); @@ -4855,8 +5098,8 @@ static int tg3_setup_fiber_mii_phy(struct tg3 *tp, int force_reset) tg3_phy_reset(tp); current_link_up = 0; - current_speed = SPEED_INVALID; - current_duplex = DUPLEX_INVALID; + current_speed = SPEED_UNKNOWN; + current_duplex = DUPLEX_UNKNOWN; tp->link_config.rmt_adv = 0; err |= tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &bmsr); @@ -5685,6 +5928,9 @@ static int tg3_rx(struct tg3_napi *tnapi, int budget) /* Refill RX ring(s). */ if (!tg3_flag(tp, ENABLE_RSS)) { + /* Sync BD data before updating mailbox */ + wmb(); + if (work_mask & RXD_OPAQUE_RING_STD) { tpr->rx_std_prod_idx = std_prod_idx & tp->rx_std_ring_mask; @@ -5921,6 +6167,7 @@ static inline void tg3_reset_task_cancel(struct tg3 *tp) { cancel_work_sync(&tp->reset_task); tg3_flag_clear(tp, RESET_TASK_PENDING); + tg3_flag_clear(tp, TX_RECOVERY_PENDING); } static int tg3_poll_msix(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) @@ -6292,33 +6539,6 @@ static irqreturn_t tg3_test_isr(int irq, void *dev_id) return IRQ_RETVAL(0); } -static int tg3_init_hw(struct tg3 *, int); -static int tg3_halt(struct tg3 *, int, int); - -/* Restart hardware after configuration changes, self-test, etc. - * Invoked with tp->lock held. - */ -static int tg3_restart_hw(struct tg3 *tp, int reset_phy) - __releases(tp->lock) - __acquires(tp->lock) -{ - int err; - - err = tg3_init_hw(tp, reset_phy); - if (err) { - netdev_err(tp->dev, - "Failed to re-initialize device, aborting\n"); - tg3_halt(tp, RESET_KIND_SHUTDOWN, 1); - tg3_full_unlock(tp); - del_timer_sync(&tp->timer); - tp->irq_sync = 0; - tg3_napi_enable(tp); - dev_close(tp->dev); - tg3_full_lock(tp, 0); - } - return err; -} - #ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER static void tg3_poll_controller(struct net_device *dev) { @@ -6330,50 +6550,6 @@ static void tg3_poll_controller(struct net_device *dev) } #endif -static void tg3_reset_task(struct work_struct *work) -{ - struct tg3 *tp = container_of(work, struct tg3, reset_task); - int err; - - tg3_full_lock(tp, 0); - - if (!netif_running(tp->dev)) { - tg3_flag_clear(tp, RESET_TASK_PENDING); - tg3_full_unlock(tp); - return; - } - - tg3_full_unlock(tp); - - tg3_phy_stop(tp); - - tg3_netif_stop(tp); - - tg3_full_lock(tp, 1); - - if (tg3_flag(tp, TX_RECOVERY_PENDING)) { - tp->write32_tx_mbox = tg3_write32_tx_mbox; - tp->write32_rx_mbox = tg3_write_flush_reg32; - tg3_flag_set(tp, MBOX_WRITE_REORDER); - tg3_flag_clear(tp, TX_RECOVERY_PENDING); - } - - tg3_halt(tp, RESET_KIND_SHUTDOWN, 0); - err = tg3_init_hw(tp, 1); - if (err) - goto out; - - tg3_netif_start(tp); - -out: - tg3_full_unlock(tp); - - if (!err) - tg3_phy_start(tp); - - tg3_flag_clear(tp, RESET_TASK_PENDING); -} - static void tg3_tx_timeout(struct net_device *dev) { struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev); @@ -6745,7 +6921,6 @@ static netdev_tx_t tg3_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) ((skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags == 0) ? TXD_FLAG_END : 0), mss, vlan)) { would_hit_hwbug = 1; - /* Now loop through additional data fragments, and queue them. */ } else if (skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags > 0) { u32 tmp_mss = mss; @@ -6754,6 +6929,9 @@ static netdev_tx_t tg3_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) !tg3_flag(tp, HW_TSO_3)) tmp_mss = 0; + /* Now loop through additional data + * fragments, and queue them. + */ last = skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags - 1; for (i = 0; i <= last; i++) { skb_frag_t *frag = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i]; @@ -6795,6 +6973,9 @@ static netdev_tx_t tg3_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) skb_tx_timestamp(skb); netdev_tx_sent_queue(txq, skb->len); + /* Sync BD data before updating mailbox */ + wmb(); + /* Packets are ready, update Tx producer idx local and on card. */ tw32_tx_mbox(tnapi->prodmbox, entry); @@ -6993,66 +7174,6 @@ static int tg3_set_features(struct net_device *dev, netdev_features_t features) return 0; } -static inline void tg3_set_mtu(struct net_device *dev, struct tg3 *tp, - int new_mtu) -{ - dev->mtu = new_mtu; - - if (new_mtu > ETH_DATA_LEN) { - if (tg3_flag(tp, 5780_CLASS)) { - netdev_update_features(dev); - tg3_flag_clear(tp, TSO_CAPABLE); - } else { - tg3_flag_set(tp, JUMBO_RING_ENABLE); - } - } else { - if (tg3_flag(tp, 5780_CLASS)) { - tg3_flag_set(tp, TSO_CAPABLE); - netdev_update_features(dev); - } - tg3_flag_clear(tp, JUMBO_RING_ENABLE); - } -} - -static int tg3_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu) -{ - struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - int err; - - if (new_mtu < TG3_MIN_MTU || new_mtu > TG3_MAX_MTU(tp)) - return -EINVAL; - - if (!netif_running(dev)) { - /* We'll just catch it later when the - * device is up'd. - */ - tg3_set_mtu(dev, tp, new_mtu); - return 0; - } - - tg3_phy_stop(tp); - - tg3_netif_stop(tp); - - tg3_full_lock(tp, 1); - - tg3_halt(tp, RESET_KIND_SHUTDOWN, 1); - - tg3_set_mtu(dev, tp, new_mtu); - - err = tg3_restart_hw(tp, 0); - - if (!err) - tg3_netif_start(tp); - - tg3_full_unlock(tp); - - if (!err) - tg3_phy_start(tp); - - return err; -} - static void tg3_rx_prodring_free(struct tg3 *tp, struct tg3_rx_prodring_set *tpr) { @@ -7908,7 +8029,7 @@ static int tg3_halt(struct tg3 *tp, int kind, int silent) if (tp->hw_stats) { /* Save the stats across chip resets... */ - tg3_get_nstats(tp, &tp->net_stats_prev), + tg3_get_nstats(tp, &tp->net_stats_prev); tg3_get_estats(tp, &tp->estats_prev); /* And make sure the next sample is new data */ @@ -7928,7 +8049,7 @@ static int tg3_set_mac_addr(struct net_device *dev, void *p) int err = 0, skip_mac_1 = 0; if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, dev->addr_len); @@ -7976,7 +8097,6 @@ static void tg3_set_bdinfo(struct tg3 *tp, u32 bdinfo_addr, nic_addr); } -static void __tg3_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *); static void __tg3_set_coalesce(struct tg3 *tp, struct ethtool_coalesce *ec) { int i; @@ -8213,6 +8333,93 @@ static void tg3_setup_rxbd_thresholds(struct tg3 *tp) tw32(JMB_REPLENISH_LWM, bdcache_maxcnt); } +static inline u32 calc_crc(unsigned char *buf, int len) +{ + u32 reg; + u32 tmp; + int j, k; + + reg = 0xffffffff; + + for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { + reg ^= buf[j]; + + for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { + tmp = reg & 0x01; + + reg >>= 1; + + if (tmp) + reg ^= 0xedb88320; + } + } + + return ~reg; +} + +static void tg3_set_multi(struct tg3 *tp, unsigned int accept_all) +{ + /* accept or reject all multicast frames */ + tw32(MAC_HASH_REG_0, accept_all ? 0xffffffff : 0); + tw32(MAC_HASH_REG_1, accept_all ? 0xffffffff : 0); + tw32(MAC_HASH_REG_2, accept_all ? 0xffffffff : 0); + tw32(MAC_HASH_REG_3, accept_all ? 0xffffffff : 0); +} + +static void __tg3_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *dev) +{ + struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + u32 rx_mode; + + rx_mode = tp->rx_mode & ~(RX_MODE_PROMISC | + RX_MODE_KEEP_VLAN_TAG); + +#if !defined(CONFIG_VLAN_8021Q) && !defined(CONFIG_VLAN_8021Q_MODULE) + /* When ASF is in use, we always keep the RX_MODE_KEEP_VLAN_TAG + * flag clear. + */ + if (!tg3_flag(tp, ENABLE_ASF)) + rx_mode |= RX_MODE_KEEP_VLAN_TAG; +#endif + + if (dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC) { + /* Promiscuous mode. */ + rx_mode |= RX_MODE_PROMISC; + } else if (dev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI) { + /* Accept all multicast. */ + tg3_set_multi(tp, 1); + } else if (netdev_mc_empty(dev)) { + /* Reject all multicast. */ + tg3_set_multi(tp, 0); + } else { + /* Accept one or more multicast(s). */ + struct netdev_hw_addr *ha; + u32 mc_filter[4] = { 0, }; + u32 regidx; + u32 bit; + u32 crc; + + netdev_for_each_mc_addr(ha, dev) { + crc = calc_crc(ha->addr, ETH_ALEN); + bit = ~crc & 0x7f; + regidx = (bit & 0x60) >> 5; + bit &= 0x1f; + mc_filter[regidx] |= (1 << bit); + } + + tw32(MAC_HASH_REG_0, mc_filter[0]); + tw32(MAC_HASH_REG_1, mc_filter[1]); + tw32(MAC_HASH_REG_2, mc_filter[2]); + tw32(MAC_HASH_REG_3, mc_filter[3]); + } + + if (rx_mode != tp->rx_mode) { + tp->rx_mode = rx_mode; + tw32_f(MAC_RX_MODE, rx_mode); + udelay(10); + } +} + static void tg3_rss_init_dflt_indir_tbl(struct tg3 *tp) { int i; @@ -8688,9 +8895,6 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp, int reset_phy) if (tg3_flag(tp, PCI_EXPRESS)) rdmac_mode |= RDMAC_MODE_FIFO_LONG_BURST; - if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_57766) - rdmac_mode |= RDMAC_MODE_JMB_2K_MMRR; - if (tg3_flag(tp, HW_TSO_1) || tg3_flag(tp, HW_TSO_2) || tg3_flag(tp, HW_TSO_3)) @@ -9037,12 +9241,8 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp, int reset_phy) } if (!tg3_flag(tp, USE_PHYLIB)) { - if (tp->phy_flags & TG3_PHYFLG_IS_LOW_POWER) { + if (tp->phy_flags & TG3_PHYFLG_IS_LOW_POWER) tp->phy_flags &= ~TG3_PHYFLG_IS_LOW_POWER; - tp->link_config.speed = tp->link_config.orig_speed; - tp->link_config.duplex = tp->link_config.orig_duplex; - tp->link_config.autoneg = tp->link_config.orig_autoneg; - } err = tg3_setup_phy(tp, 0); if (err) @@ -9303,46 +9503,148 @@ static void tg3_timer(unsigned long __opaque) tg3_serdes_parallel_detect(tp); } - tp->timer_counter = tp->timer_multiplier; + tp->timer_counter = tp->timer_multiplier; + } + + /* Heartbeat is only sent once every 2 seconds. + * + * The heartbeat is to tell the ASF firmware that the host + * driver is still alive. In the event that the OS crashes, + * ASF needs to reset the hardware to free up the FIFO space + * that may be filled with rx packets destined for the host. + * If the FIFO is full, ASF will no longer function properly. + * + * Unintended resets have been reported on real time kernels + * where the timer doesn't run on time. Netpoll will also have + * same problem. + * + * The new FWCMD_NICDRV_ALIVE3 command tells the ASF firmware + * to check the ring condition when the heartbeat is expiring + * before doing the reset. This will prevent most unintended + * resets. + */ + if (!--tp->asf_counter) { + if (tg3_flag(tp, ENABLE_ASF) && !tg3_flag(tp, ENABLE_APE)) { + tg3_wait_for_event_ack(tp); + + tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FW_CMD_MBOX, + FWCMD_NICDRV_ALIVE3); + tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FW_CMD_LEN_MBOX, 4); + tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FW_CMD_DATA_MBOX, + TG3_FW_UPDATE_TIMEOUT_SEC); + + tg3_generate_fw_event(tp); + } + tp->asf_counter = tp->asf_multiplier; + } + + spin_unlock(&tp->lock); + +restart_timer: + tp->timer.expires = jiffies + tp->timer_offset; + add_timer(&tp->timer); +} + +static void __devinit tg3_timer_init(struct tg3 *tp) +{ + if (tg3_flag(tp, TAGGED_STATUS) && + GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5717 && + !tg3_flag(tp, 57765_CLASS)) + tp->timer_offset = HZ; + else + tp->timer_offset = HZ / 10; + + BUG_ON(tp->timer_offset > HZ); + + tp->timer_multiplier = (HZ / tp->timer_offset); + tp->asf_multiplier = (HZ / tp->timer_offset) * + TG3_FW_UPDATE_FREQ_SEC; + + init_timer(&tp->timer); + tp->timer.data = (unsigned long) tp; + tp->timer.function = tg3_timer; +} + +static void tg3_timer_start(struct tg3 *tp) +{ + tp->asf_counter = tp->asf_multiplier; + tp->timer_counter = tp->timer_multiplier; + + tp->timer.expires = jiffies + tp->timer_offset; + add_timer(&tp->timer); +} + +static void tg3_timer_stop(struct tg3 *tp) +{ + del_timer_sync(&tp->timer); +} + +/* Restart hardware after configuration changes, self-test, etc. + * Invoked with tp->lock held. + */ +static int tg3_restart_hw(struct tg3 *tp, int reset_phy) + __releases(tp->lock) + __acquires(tp->lock) +{ + int err; + + err = tg3_init_hw(tp, reset_phy); + if (err) { + netdev_err(tp->dev, + "Failed to re-initialize device, aborting\n"); + tg3_halt(tp, RESET_KIND_SHUTDOWN, 1); + tg3_full_unlock(tp); + tg3_timer_stop(tp); + tp->irq_sync = 0; + tg3_napi_enable(tp); + dev_close(tp->dev); + tg3_full_lock(tp, 0); + } + return err; +} + +static void tg3_reset_task(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct tg3 *tp = container_of(work, struct tg3, reset_task); + int err; + + tg3_full_lock(tp, 0); + + if (!netif_running(tp->dev)) { + tg3_flag_clear(tp, RESET_TASK_PENDING); + tg3_full_unlock(tp); + return; + } + + tg3_full_unlock(tp); + + tg3_phy_stop(tp); + + tg3_netif_stop(tp); + + tg3_full_lock(tp, 1); + + if (tg3_flag(tp, TX_RECOVERY_PENDING)) { + tp->write32_tx_mbox = tg3_write32_tx_mbox; + tp->write32_rx_mbox = tg3_write_flush_reg32; + tg3_flag_set(tp, MBOX_WRITE_REORDER); + tg3_flag_clear(tp, TX_RECOVERY_PENDING); } - /* Heartbeat is only sent once every 2 seconds. - * - * The heartbeat is to tell the ASF firmware that the host - * driver is still alive. In the event that the OS crashes, - * ASF needs to reset the hardware to free up the FIFO space - * that may be filled with rx packets destined for the host. - * If the FIFO is full, ASF will no longer function properly. - * - * Unintended resets have been reported on real time kernels - * where the timer doesn't run on time. Netpoll will also have - * same problem. - * - * The new FWCMD_NICDRV_ALIVE3 command tells the ASF firmware - * to check the ring condition when the heartbeat is expiring - * before doing the reset. This will prevent most unintended - * resets. - */ - if (!--tp->asf_counter) { - if (tg3_flag(tp, ENABLE_ASF) && !tg3_flag(tp, ENABLE_APE)) { - tg3_wait_for_event_ack(tp); + tg3_halt(tp, RESET_KIND_SHUTDOWN, 0); + err = tg3_init_hw(tp, 1); + if (err) + goto out; - tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FW_CMD_MBOX, - FWCMD_NICDRV_ALIVE3); - tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FW_CMD_LEN_MBOX, 4); - tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FW_CMD_DATA_MBOX, - TG3_FW_UPDATE_TIMEOUT_SEC); + tg3_netif_start(tp); - tg3_generate_fw_event(tp); - } - tp->asf_counter = tp->asf_multiplier; - } +out: + tg3_full_unlock(tp); - spin_unlock(&tp->lock); + if (!err) + tg3_phy_start(tp); -restart_timer: - tp->timer.expires = jiffies + tp->timer_offset; - add_timer(&tp->timer); + tg3_flag_clear(tp, RESET_TASK_PENDING); } static int tg3_request_irq(struct tg3 *tp, int irq_num) @@ -9399,7 +9701,7 @@ static int tg3_test_interrupt(struct tg3 *tp) } err = request_irq(tnapi->irq_vec, tg3_test_isr, - IRQF_SHARED | IRQF_SAMPLE_RANDOM, dev->name, tnapi); + IRQF_SHARED, dev->name, tnapi); if (err) return err; @@ -9710,24 +10012,6 @@ static int tg3_open(struct net_device *dev) if (err) { tg3_halt(tp, RESET_KIND_SHUTDOWN, 1); tg3_free_rings(tp); - } else { - if (tg3_flag(tp, TAGGED_STATUS) && - GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5717 && - !tg3_flag(tp, 57765_CLASS)) - tp->timer_offset = HZ; - else - tp->timer_offset = HZ / 10; - - BUG_ON(tp->timer_offset > HZ); - tp->timer_counter = tp->timer_multiplier = - (HZ / tp->timer_offset); - tp->asf_counter = tp->asf_multiplier = - ((HZ / tp->timer_offset) * 2); - - init_timer(&tp->timer); - tp->timer.expires = jiffies + tp->timer_offset; - tp->timer.data = (unsigned long) tp; - tp->timer.function = tg3_timer; } tg3_full_unlock(tp); @@ -9759,7 +10043,7 @@ static int tg3_open(struct net_device *dev) tg3_full_lock(tp, 0); - add_timer(&tp->timer); + tg3_timer_start(tp); tg3_flag_set(tp, INIT_COMPLETE); tg3_enable_ints(tp); @@ -9804,7 +10088,7 @@ static int tg3_close(struct net_device *dev) netif_tx_stop_all_queues(dev); - del_timer_sync(&tp->timer); + tg3_timer_stop(tp); tg3_phy_stop(tp); @@ -9878,9 +10162,6 @@ static void tg3_get_estats(struct tg3 *tp, struct tg3_ethtool_stats *estats) struct tg3_ethtool_stats *old_estats = &tp->estats_prev; struct tg3_hw_stats *hw_stats = tp->hw_stats; - if (!hw_stats) - return; - ESTAT_ADD(rx_octets); ESTAT_ADD(rx_fragments); ESTAT_ADD(rx_ucast_packets); @@ -10016,105 +10297,6 @@ static void tg3_get_nstats(struct tg3 *tp, struct rtnl_link_stats64 *stats) stats->tx_dropped = tp->tx_dropped; } -static inline u32 calc_crc(unsigned char *buf, int len) -{ - u32 reg; - u32 tmp; - int j, k; - - reg = 0xffffffff; - - for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { - reg ^= buf[j]; - - for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { - tmp = reg & 0x01; - - reg >>= 1; - - if (tmp) - reg ^= 0xedb88320; - } - } - - return ~reg; -} - -static void tg3_set_multi(struct tg3 *tp, unsigned int accept_all) -{ - /* accept or reject all multicast frames */ - tw32(MAC_HASH_REG_0, accept_all ? 0xffffffff : 0); - tw32(MAC_HASH_REG_1, accept_all ? 0xffffffff : 0); - tw32(MAC_HASH_REG_2, accept_all ? 0xffffffff : 0); - tw32(MAC_HASH_REG_3, accept_all ? 0xffffffff : 0); -} - -static void __tg3_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *dev) -{ - struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - u32 rx_mode; - - rx_mode = tp->rx_mode & ~(RX_MODE_PROMISC | - RX_MODE_KEEP_VLAN_TAG); - -#if !defined(CONFIG_VLAN_8021Q) && !defined(CONFIG_VLAN_8021Q_MODULE) - /* When ASF is in use, we always keep the RX_MODE_KEEP_VLAN_TAG - * flag clear. - */ - if (!tg3_flag(tp, ENABLE_ASF)) - rx_mode |= RX_MODE_KEEP_VLAN_TAG; -#endif - - if (dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC) { - /* Promiscuous mode. */ - rx_mode |= RX_MODE_PROMISC; - } else if (dev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI) { - /* Accept all multicast. */ - tg3_set_multi(tp, 1); - } else if (netdev_mc_empty(dev)) { - /* Reject all multicast. */ - tg3_set_multi(tp, 0); - } else { - /* Accept one or more multicast(s). */ - struct netdev_hw_addr *ha; - u32 mc_filter[4] = { 0, }; - u32 regidx; - u32 bit; - u32 crc; - - netdev_for_each_mc_addr(ha, dev) { - crc = calc_crc(ha->addr, ETH_ALEN); - bit = ~crc & 0x7f; - regidx = (bit & 0x60) >> 5; - bit &= 0x1f; - mc_filter[regidx] |= (1 << bit); - } - - tw32(MAC_HASH_REG_0, mc_filter[0]); - tw32(MAC_HASH_REG_1, mc_filter[1]); - tw32(MAC_HASH_REG_2, mc_filter[2]); - tw32(MAC_HASH_REG_3, mc_filter[3]); - } - - if (rx_mode != tp->rx_mode) { - tp->rx_mode = rx_mode; - tw32_f(MAC_RX_MODE, rx_mode); - udelay(10); - } -} - -static void tg3_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *dev) -{ - struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - - if (!netif_running(dev)) - return; - - tg3_full_lock(tp, 0); - __tg3_set_rx_mode(dev); - tg3_full_unlock(tp); -} - static int tg3_get_regs_len(struct net_device *dev) { return TG3_REG_BLK_SIZE; @@ -10209,8 +10391,6 @@ static int tg3_get_eeprom(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_eeprom *eeprom, return 0; } -static int tg3_nvram_write_block(struct tg3 *tp, u32 offset, u32 len, u8 *buf); - static int tg3_set_eeprom(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_eeprom *eeprom, u8 *data) { struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev); @@ -10324,8 +10504,8 @@ static int tg3_get_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) cmd->eth_tp_mdix = ETH_TP_MDI; } } else { - ethtool_cmd_speed_set(cmd, SPEED_INVALID); - cmd->duplex = DUPLEX_INVALID; + ethtool_cmd_speed_set(cmd, SPEED_UNKNOWN); + cmd->duplex = DUPLEX_UNKNOWN; cmd->eth_tp_mdix = ETH_TP_MDI_INVALID; } cmd->phy_address = tp->phy_addr; @@ -10407,18 +10587,14 @@ static int tg3_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) if (cmd->autoneg == AUTONEG_ENABLE) { tp->link_config.advertising = (cmd->advertising | ADVERTISED_Autoneg); - tp->link_config.speed = SPEED_INVALID; - tp->link_config.duplex = DUPLEX_INVALID; + tp->link_config.speed = SPEED_UNKNOWN; + tp->link_config.duplex = DUPLEX_UNKNOWN; } else { tp->link_config.advertising = 0; tp->link_config.speed = speed; tp->link_config.duplex = cmd->duplex; } - tp->link_config.orig_speed = tp->link_config.speed; - tp->link_config.orig_duplex = tp->link_config.duplex; - tp->link_config.orig_autoneg = tp->link_config.autoneg; - if (netif_running(dev)) tg3_setup_phy(tp, 1); @@ -10665,10 +10841,10 @@ static int tg3_set_pauseparam(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_pauseparam if (!epause->autoneg) tg3_setup_flow_control(tp, 0, 0); } else { - tp->link_config.orig_advertising &= + tp->link_config.advertising &= ~(ADVERTISED_Pause | ADVERTISED_Asym_Pause); - tp->link_config.orig_advertising |= newadv; + tp->link_config.advertising |= newadv; } } else { int irq_sync = 0; @@ -10845,7 +11021,10 @@ static void tg3_get_ethtool_stats(struct net_device *dev, { struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - tg3_get_estats(tp, (struct tg3_ethtool_stats *)tmp_stats); + if (tp->hw_stats) + tg3_get_estats(tp, (struct tg3_ethtool_stats *)tmp_stats); + else + memset(tmp_stats, 0, sizeof(struct tg3_ethtool_stats)); } static __be32 *tg3_vpd_readblock(struct tg3 *tp, u32 *vpdlen) @@ -11554,6 +11733,10 @@ static int tg3_run_loopback(struct tg3 *tp, u32 pktsz, bool tso_loopback) } else { num_pkts = 1; data_off = ETH_HLEN; + + if (tg3_flag(tp, USE_JUMBO_BDFLAG) && + tx_len > VLAN_ETH_FRAME_LEN) + base_flags |= TXD_FLAG_JMB_PKT; } for (i = data_off; i < tx_len; i++) @@ -11586,6 +11769,9 @@ static int tg3_run_loopback(struct tg3 *tp, u32 pktsz, bool tso_loopback) tnapi->tx_prod++; + /* Sync BD data before updating mailbox */ + wmb(); + tw32_tx_mbox(tnapi->prodmbox, tnapi->tx_prod); tr32_mailbox(tnapi->prodmbox); @@ -11684,6 +11870,10 @@ static int tg3_test_loopback(struct tg3 *tp, u64 *data, bool do_extlpbk) { int err = -EIO; u32 eee_cap; + u32 jmb_pkt_sz = 9000; + + if (tp->dma_limit) + jmb_pkt_sz = tp->dma_limit - ETH_HLEN; eee_cap = tp->phy_flags & TG3_PHYFLG_EEE_CAP; tp->phy_flags &= ~TG3_PHYFLG_EEE_CAP; @@ -11727,7 +11917,7 @@ static int tg3_test_loopback(struct tg3 *tp, u64 *data, bool do_extlpbk) data[0] |= TG3_STD_LOOPBACK_FAILED; if (tg3_flag(tp, JUMBO_RING_ENABLE) && - tg3_run_loopback(tp, 9000 + ETH_HLEN, false)) + tg3_run_loopback(tp, jmb_pkt_sz + ETH_HLEN, false)) data[0] |= TG3_JMB_LOOPBACK_FAILED; tg3_mac_loopback(tp, false); @@ -11752,7 +11942,7 @@ static int tg3_test_loopback(struct tg3 *tp, u64 *data, bool do_extlpbk) tg3_run_loopback(tp, ETH_FRAME_LEN, true)) data[1] |= TG3_TSO_LOOPBACK_FAILED; if (tg3_flag(tp, JUMBO_RING_ENABLE) && - tg3_run_loopback(tp, 9000 + ETH_HLEN, false)) + tg3_run_loopback(tp, jmb_pkt_sz + ETH_HLEN, false)) data[1] |= TG3_JMB_LOOPBACK_FAILED; if (do_extlpbk) { @@ -11770,7 +11960,7 @@ static int tg3_test_loopback(struct tg3 *tp, u64 *data, bool do_extlpbk) tg3_run_loopback(tp, ETH_FRAME_LEN, true)) data[2] |= TG3_TSO_LOOPBACK_FAILED; if (tg3_flag(tp, JUMBO_RING_ENABLE) && - tg3_run_loopback(tp, 9000 + ETH_HLEN, false)) + tg3_run_loopback(tp, jmb_pkt_sz + ETH_HLEN, false)) data[2] |= TG3_JMB_LOOPBACK_FAILED; } @@ -12026,6 +12216,117 @@ static const struct ethtool_ops tg3_ethtool_ops = { .set_rxfh_indir = tg3_set_rxfh_indir, }; +static struct rtnl_link_stats64 *tg3_get_stats64(struct net_device *dev, + struct rtnl_link_stats64 *stats) +{ + struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + + if (!tp->hw_stats) + return &tp->net_stats_prev; + + spin_lock_bh(&tp->lock); + tg3_get_nstats(tp, stats); + spin_unlock_bh(&tp->lock); + + return stats; +} + +static void tg3_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *dev) +{ + struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + + if (!netif_running(dev)) + return; + + tg3_full_lock(tp, 0); + __tg3_set_rx_mode(dev); + tg3_full_unlock(tp); +} + +static inline void tg3_set_mtu(struct net_device *dev, struct tg3 *tp, + int new_mtu) +{ + dev->mtu = new_mtu; + + if (new_mtu > ETH_DATA_LEN) { + if (tg3_flag(tp, 5780_CLASS)) { + netdev_update_features(dev); + tg3_flag_clear(tp, TSO_CAPABLE); + } else { + tg3_flag_set(tp, JUMBO_RING_ENABLE); + } + } else { + if (tg3_flag(tp, 5780_CLASS)) { + tg3_flag_set(tp, TSO_CAPABLE); + netdev_update_features(dev); + } + tg3_flag_clear(tp, JUMBO_RING_ENABLE); + } +} + +static int tg3_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu) +{ + struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + int err, reset_phy = 0; + + if (new_mtu < TG3_MIN_MTU || new_mtu > TG3_MAX_MTU(tp)) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!netif_running(dev)) { + /* We'll just catch it later when the + * device is up'd. + */ + tg3_set_mtu(dev, tp, new_mtu); + return 0; + } + + tg3_phy_stop(tp); + + tg3_netif_stop(tp); + + tg3_full_lock(tp, 1); + + tg3_halt(tp, RESET_KIND_SHUTDOWN, 1); + + tg3_set_mtu(dev, tp, new_mtu); + + /* Reset PHY, otherwise the read DMA engine will be in a mode that + * breaks all requests to 256 bytes. + */ + if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_57766) + reset_phy = 1; + + err = tg3_restart_hw(tp, reset_phy); + + if (!err) + tg3_netif_start(tp); + + tg3_full_unlock(tp); + + if (!err) + tg3_phy_start(tp); + + return err; +} + +static const struct net_device_ops tg3_netdev_ops = { + .ndo_open = tg3_open, + .ndo_stop = tg3_close, + .ndo_start_xmit = tg3_start_xmit, + .ndo_get_stats64 = tg3_get_stats64, + .ndo_validate_addr = eth_validate_addr, + .ndo_set_rx_mode = tg3_set_rx_mode, + .ndo_set_mac_address = tg3_set_mac_addr, + .ndo_do_ioctl = tg3_ioctl, + .ndo_tx_timeout = tg3_tx_timeout, + .ndo_change_mtu = tg3_change_mtu, + .ndo_fix_features = tg3_fix_features, + .ndo_set_features = tg3_set_features, +#ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER + .ndo_poll_controller = tg3_poll_controller, +#endif +}; + static void __devinit tg3_get_eeprom_size(struct tg3 *tp) { u32 cursize, val, magic; @@ -12703,266 +13004,18 @@ static void __devinit tg3_nvram_init(struct tg3 *tp) else tg3_get_nvram_info(tp); - if (tp->nvram_size == 0) - tg3_get_nvram_size(tp); - - tg3_disable_nvram_access(tp); - tg3_nvram_unlock(tp); - - } else { - tg3_flag_clear(tp, NVRAM); - tg3_flag_clear(tp, NVRAM_BUFFERED); - - tg3_get_eeprom_size(tp); - } -} - -static int tg3_nvram_write_block_using_eeprom(struct tg3 *tp, - u32 offset, u32 len, u8 *buf) -{ - int i, j, rc = 0; - u32 val; - - for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) { - u32 addr; - __be32 data; - - addr = offset + i; - - memcpy(&data, buf + i, 4); - - /* - * The SEEPROM interface expects the data to always be opposite - * the native endian format. We accomplish this by reversing - * all the operations that would have been performed on the - * data from a call to tg3_nvram_read_be32(). - */ - tw32(GRC_EEPROM_DATA, swab32(be32_to_cpu(data))); - - val = tr32(GRC_EEPROM_ADDR); - tw32(GRC_EEPROM_ADDR, val | EEPROM_ADDR_COMPLETE); - - val &= ~(EEPROM_ADDR_ADDR_MASK | EEPROM_ADDR_DEVID_MASK | - EEPROM_ADDR_READ); - tw32(GRC_EEPROM_ADDR, val | - (0 << EEPROM_ADDR_DEVID_SHIFT) | - (addr & EEPROM_ADDR_ADDR_MASK) | - EEPROM_ADDR_START | - EEPROM_ADDR_WRITE); - - for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { - val = tr32(GRC_EEPROM_ADDR); - - if (val & EEPROM_ADDR_COMPLETE) - break; - msleep(1); - } - if (!(val & EEPROM_ADDR_COMPLETE)) { - rc = -EBUSY; - break; - } - } - - return rc; -} - -/* offset and length are dword aligned */ -static int tg3_nvram_write_block_unbuffered(struct tg3 *tp, u32 offset, u32 len, - u8 *buf) -{ - int ret = 0; - u32 pagesize = tp->nvram_pagesize; - u32 pagemask = pagesize - 1; - u32 nvram_cmd; - u8 *tmp; - - tmp = kmalloc(pagesize, GFP_KERNEL); - if (tmp == NULL) - return -ENOMEM; - - while (len) { - int j; - u32 phy_addr, page_off, size; - - phy_addr = offset & ~pagemask; - - for (j = 0; j < pagesize; j += 4) { - ret = tg3_nvram_read_be32(tp, phy_addr + j, - (__be32 *) (tmp + j)); - if (ret) - break; - } - if (ret) - break; - - page_off = offset & pagemask; - size = pagesize; - if (len < size) - size = len; - - len -= size; - - memcpy(tmp + page_off, buf, size); - - offset = offset + (pagesize - page_off); - - tg3_enable_nvram_access(tp); - - /* - * Before we can erase the flash page, we need - * to issue a special "write enable" command. - */ - nvram_cmd = NVRAM_CMD_WREN | NVRAM_CMD_GO | NVRAM_CMD_DONE; - - if (tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, nvram_cmd)) - break; - - /* Erase the target page */ - tw32(NVRAM_ADDR, phy_addr); - - nvram_cmd = NVRAM_CMD_GO | NVRAM_CMD_DONE | NVRAM_CMD_WR | - NVRAM_CMD_FIRST | NVRAM_CMD_LAST | NVRAM_CMD_ERASE; - - if (tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, nvram_cmd)) - break; - - /* Issue another write enable to start the write. */ - nvram_cmd = NVRAM_CMD_WREN | NVRAM_CMD_GO | NVRAM_CMD_DONE; - - if (tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, nvram_cmd)) - break; - - for (j = 0; j < pagesize; j += 4) { - __be32 data; - - data = *((__be32 *) (tmp + j)); - - tw32(NVRAM_WRDATA, be32_to_cpu(data)); - - tw32(NVRAM_ADDR, phy_addr + j); - - nvram_cmd = NVRAM_CMD_GO | NVRAM_CMD_DONE | - NVRAM_CMD_WR; - - if (j == 0) - nvram_cmd |= NVRAM_CMD_FIRST; - else if (j == (pagesize - 4)) - nvram_cmd |= NVRAM_CMD_LAST; - - if ((ret = tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, nvram_cmd))) - break; - } - if (ret) - break; - } - - nvram_cmd = NVRAM_CMD_WRDI | NVRAM_CMD_GO | NVRAM_CMD_DONE; - tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, nvram_cmd); - - kfree(tmp); - - return ret; -} - -/* offset and length are dword aligned */ -static int tg3_nvram_write_block_buffered(struct tg3 *tp, u32 offset, u32 len, - u8 *buf) -{ - int i, ret = 0; - - for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4, offset += 4) { - u32 page_off, phy_addr, nvram_cmd; - __be32 data; - - memcpy(&data, buf + i, 4); - tw32(NVRAM_WRDATA, be32_to_cpu(data)); - - page_off = offset % tp->nvram_pagesize; - - phy_addr = tg3_nvram_phys_addr(tp, offset); - - tw32(NVRAM_ADDR, phy_addr); - - nvram_cmd = NVRAM_CMD_GO | NVRAM_CMD_DONE | NVRAM_CMD_WR; - - if (page_off == 0 || i == 0) - nvram_cmd |= NVRAM_CMD_FIRST; - if (page_off == (tp->nvram_pagesize - 4)) - nvram_cmd |= NVRAM_CMD_LAST; - - if (i == (len - 4)) - nvram_cmd |= NVRAM_CMD_LAST; - - if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5752 && - !tg3_flag(tp, 5755_PLUS) && - (tp->nvram_jedecnum == JEDEC_ST) && - (nvram_cmd & NVRAM_CMD_FIRST)) { - - if ((ret = tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, - NVRAM_CMD_WREN | NVRAM_CMD_GO | - NVRAM_CMD_DONE))) - - break; - } - if (!tg3_flag(tp, FLASH)) { - /* We always do complete word writes to eeprom. */ - nvram_cmd |= (NVRAM_CMD_FIRST | NVRAM_CMD_LAST); - } - - if ((ret = tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, nvram_cmd))) - break; - } - return ret; -} - -/* offset and length are dword aligned */ -static int tg3_nvram_write_block(struct tg3 *tp, u32 offset, u32 len, u8 *buf) -{ - int ret; - - if (tg3_flag(tp, EEPROM_WRITE_PROT)) { - tw32_f(GRC_LOCAL_CTRL, tp->grc_local_ctrl & - ~GRC_LCLCTRL_GPIO_OUTPUT1); - udelay(40); - } - - if (!tg3_flag(tp, NVRAM)) { - ret = tg3_nvram_write_block_using_eeprom(tp, offset, len, buf); - } else { - u32 grc_mode; - - ret = tg3_nvram_lock(tp); - if (ret) - return ret; - - tg3_enable_nvram_access(tp); - if (tg3_flag(tp, 5750_PLUS) && !tg3_flag(tp, PROTECTED_NVRAM)) - tw32(NVRAM_WRITE1, 0x406); - - grc_mode = tr32(GRC_MODE); - tw32(GRC_MODE, grc_mode | GRC_MODE_NVRAM_WR_ENABLE); - - if (tg3_flag(tp, NVRAM_BUFFERED) || !tg3_flag(tp, FLASH)) { - ret = tg3_nvram_write_block_buffered(tp, offset, len, - buf); - } else { - ret = tg3_nvram_write_block_unbuffered(tp, offset, len, - buf); - } - - grc_mode = tr32(GRC_MODE); - tw32(GRC_MODE, grc_mode & ~GRC_MODE_NVRAM_WR_ENABLE); + if (tp->nvram_size == 0) + tg3_get_nvram_size(tp); tg3_disable_nvram_access(tp); tg3_nvram_unlock(tp); - } - if (tg3_flag(tp, EEPROM_WRITE_PROT)) { - tw32_f(GRC_LOCAL_CTRL, tp->grc_local_ctrl); - udelay(40); - } + } else { + tg3_flag_clear(tp, NVRAM); + tg3_flag_clear(tp, NVRAM_BUFFERED); - return ret; + tg3_get_eeprom_size(tp); + } } struct subsys_tbl_ent { @@ -13315,14 +13368,13 @@ static void __devinit tg3_phy_init_link_config(struct tg3 *tp) adv |= ADVERTISED_FIBRE; tp->link_config.advertising = adv; - tp->link_config.speed = SPEED_INVALID; - tp->link_config.duplex = DUPLEX_INVALID; + tp->link_config.speed = SPEED_UNKNOWN; + tp->link_config.duplex = DUPLEX_UNKNOWN; tp->link_config.autoneg = AUTONEG_ENABLE; - tp->link_config.active_speed = SPEED_INVALID; - tp->link_config.active_duplex = DUPLEX_INVALID; - tp->link_config.orig_speed = SPEED_INVALID; - tp->link_config.orig_duplex = DUPLEX_INVALID; - tp->link_config.orig_autoneg = AUTONEG_INVALID; + tp->link_config.active_speed = SPEED_UNKNOWN; + tp->link_config.active_duplex = DUPLEX_UNKNOWN; + + tp->old_link = -1; } static int __devinit tg3_phy_probe(struct tg3 *tp) @@ -13819,8 +13871,6 @@ static void __devinit tg3_read_fw_ver(struct tg3 *tp) tp->fw_ver[TG3_VER_SIZE - 1] = 0; } -static struct pci_dev * __devinit tg3_find_peer(struct tg3 *); - static inline u32 tg3_rx_ret_ring_size(struct tg3 *tp) { if (tg3_flag(tp, LRG_PROD_RING_CAP)) @@ -13838,49 +13888,50 @@ static DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE(tg3_write_reorder_chipsets) = { { }, }; -static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(struct tg3 *tp) +static struct pci_dev * __devinit tg3_find_peer(struct tg3 *tp) { - u32 misc_ctrl_reg; - u32 pci_state_reg, grc_misc_cfg; - u32 val; - u16 pci_cmd; - int err; + struct pci_dev *peer; + unsigned int func, devnr = tp->pdev->devfn & ~7; - /* Force memory write invalidate off. If we leave it on, - * then on 5700_BX chips we have to enable a workaround. - * The workaround is to set the TG3PCI_DMA_RW_CTRL boundary - * to match the cacheline size. The Broadcom driver have this - * workaround but turns MWI off all the times so never uses - * it. This seems to suggest that the workaround is insufficient. + for (func = 0; func < 8; func++) { + peer = pci_get_slot(tp->pdev->bus, devnr | func); + if (peer && peer != tp->pdev) + break; + pci_dev_put(peer); + } + /* 5704 can be configured in single-port mode, set peer to + * tp->pdev in that case. */ - pci_read_config_word(tp->pdev, PCI_COMMAND, &pci_cmd); - pci_cmd &= ~PCI_COMMAND_INVALIDATE; - pci_write_config_word(tp->pdev, PCI_COMMAND, pci_cmd); + if (!peer) { + peer = tp->pdev; + return peer; + } - /* Important! -- Make sure register accesses are byteswapped - * correctly. Also, for those chips that require it, make - * sure that indirect register accesses are enabled before - * the first operation. + /* + * We don't need to keep the refcount elevated; there's no way + * to remove one half of this device without removing the other */ - pci_read_config_dword(tp->pdev, TG3PCI_MISC_HOST_CTRL, - &misc_ctrl_reg); - tp->misc_host_ctrl |= (misc_ctrl_reg & - MISC_HOST_CTRL_CHIPREV); - pci_write_config_dword(tp->pdev, TG3PCI_MISC_HOST_CTRL, - tp->misc_host_ctrl); + pci_dev_put(peer); + + return peer; +} - tp->pci_chip_rev_id = (misc_ctrl_reg >> - MISC_HOST_CTRL_CHIPREV_SHIFT); +static void __devinit tg3_detect_asic_rev(struct tg3 *tp, u32 misc_ctrl_reg) +{ + tp->pci_chip_rev_id = misc_ctrl_reg >> MISC_HOST_CTRL_CHIPREV_SHIFT; if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_USE_PROD_ID_REG) { - u32 prod_id_asic_rev; + u32 reg; + + /* All devices that use the alternate + * ASIC REV location have a CPMU. + */ + tg3_flag_set(tp, CPMU_PRESENT); if (tp->pdev->device == TG3PCI_DEVICE_TIGON3_5717 || tp->pdev->device == TG3PCI_DEVICE_TIGON3_5718 || tp->pdev->device == TG3PCI_DEVICE_TIGON3_5719 || tp->pdev->device == TG3PCI_DEVICE_TIGON3_5720) - pci_read_config_dword(tp->pdev, - TG3PCI_GEN2_PRODID_ASICREV, - &prod_id_asic_rev); + reg = TG3PCI_GEN2_PRODID_ASICREV; else if (tp->pdev->device == TG3PCI_DEVICE_TIGON3_57781 || tp->pdev->device == TG3PCI_DEVICE_TIGON3_57785 || tp->pdev->device == TG3PCI_DEVICE_TIGON3_57761 || @@ -13891,14 +13942,11 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(struct tg3 *tp) tp->pdev->device == TG3PCI_DEVICE_TIGON3_57766 || tp->pdev->device == TG3PCI_DEVICE_TIGON3_57782 || tp->pdev->device == TG3PCI_DEVICE_TIGON3_57786) - pci_read_config_dword(tp->pdev, - TG3PCI_GEN15_PRODID_ASICREV, - &prod_id_asic_rev); + reg = TG3PCI_GEN15_PRODID_ASICREV; else - pci_read_config_dword(tp->pdev, TG3PCI_PRODID_ASICREV, - &prod_id_asic_rev); + reg = TG3PCI_PRODID_ASICREV; - tp->pci_chip_rev_id = prod_id_asic_rev; + pci_read_config_dword(tp->pdev, reg, &tp->pci_chip_rev_id); } /* Wrong chip ID in 5752 A0. This code can be removed later @@ -13907,6 +13955,77 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(struct tg3 *tp) if (tp->pci_chip_rev_id == CHIPREV_ID_5752_A0_HW) tp->pci_chip_rev_id = CHIPREV_ID_5752_A0; + if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5717 || + GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5719 || + GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5720) + tg3_flag_set(tp, 5717_PLUS); + + if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_57765 || + GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_57766) + tg3_flag_set(tp, 57765_CLASS); + + if (tg3_flag(tp, 57765_CLASS) || tg3_flag(tp, 5717_PLUS)) + tg3_flag_set(tp, 57765_PLUS); + + /* Intentionally exclude ASIC_REV_5906 */ + if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5755 || + GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5787 || + GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5784 || + GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5761 || + GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5785 || + GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_57780 || + tg3_flag(tp, 57765_PLUS)) + tg3_flag_set(tp, 5755_PLUS); + + if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5780 || + GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5714) + tg3_flag_set(tp, 5780_CLASS); + + if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750 || + GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5752 || + GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5906 || + tg3_flag(tp, 5755_PLUS) || + tg3_flag(tp, 5780_CLASS)) + tg3_flag_set(tp, 5750_PLUS); + + if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705 || + tg3_flag(tp, 5750_PLUS)) + tg3_flag_set(tp, 5705_PLUS); +} + +static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(struct tg3 *tp) +{ + u32 misc_ctrl_reg; + u32 pci_state_reg, grc_misc_cfg; + u32 val; + u16 pci_cmd; + int err; + + /* Force memory write invalidate off. If we leave it on, + * then on 5700_BX chips we have to enable a workaround. + * The workaround is to set the TG3PCI_DMA_RW_CTRL boundary + * to match the cacheline size. The Broadcom driver have this + * workaround but turns MWI off all the times so never uses + * it. This seems to suggest that the workaround is insufficient. + */ + pci_read_config_word(tp->pdev, PCI_COMMAND, &pci_cmd); + pci_cmd &= ~PCI_COMMAND_INVALIDATE; + pci_write_config_word(tp->pdev, PCI_COMMAND, pci_cmd); + + /* Important! -- Make sure register accesses are byteswapped + * correctly. Also, for those chips that require it, make + * sure that indirect register accesses are enabled before + * the first operation. + */ + pci_read_config_dword(tp->pdev, TG3PCI_MISC_HOST_CTRL, + &misc_ctrl_reg); + tp->misc_host_ctrl |= (misc_ctrl_reg & + MISC_HOST_CTRL_CHIPREV); + pci_write_config_dword(tp->pdev, TG3PCI_MISC_HOST_CTRL, + tp->misc_host_ctrl); + + tg3_detect_asic_rev(tp, misc_ctrl_reg); + /* If we have 5702/03 A1 or A2 on certain ICH chipsets, * we need to disable memory and use config. cycles * only to access all registers. The 5702/03 chips @@ -14003,9 +14122,7 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(struct tg3 *tp) * Any tg3 device found behind the bridge will also need the 40-bit * DMA workaround. */ - if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5780 || - GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5714) { - tg3_flag_set(tp, 5780_CLASS); + if (tg3_flag(tp, 5780_CLASS)) { tg3_flag_set(tp, 40BIT_DMA_BUG); tp->msi_cap = pci_find_capability(tp->pdev, PCI_CAP_ID_MSI); } else { @@ -14031,39 +14148,6 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(struct tg3 *tp) GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5714) tp->pdev_peer = tg3_find_peer(tp); - if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5717 || - GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5719 || - GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5720) - tg3_flag_set(tp, 5717_PLUS); - - if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_57765 || - GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_57766) - tg3_flag_set(tp, 57765_CLASS); - - if (tg3_flag(tp, 57765_CLASS) || tg3_flag(tp, 5717_PLUS)) - tg3_flag_set(tp, 57765_PLUS); - - /* Intentionally exclude ASIC_REV_5906 */ - if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5755 || - GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5787 || - GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5784 || - GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5761 || - GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5785 || - GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_57780 || - tg3_flag(tp, 57765_PLUS)) - tg3_flag_set(tp, 5755_PLUS); - - if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750 || - GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5752 || - GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5906 || - tg3_flag(tp, 5755_PLUS) || - tg3_flag(tp, 5780_CLASS)) - tg3_flag_set(tp, 5750_PLUS); - - if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705 || - tg3_flag(tp, 5750_PLUS)) - tg3_flag_set(tp, 5705_PLUS); - /* Determine TSO capabilities */ if (tp->pci_chip_rev_id == CHIPREV_ID_5719_A0) ; /* Do nothing. HW bug. */ @@ -14135,8 +14219,6 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(struct tg3 *tp) if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5719) tp->dma_limit = TG3_TX_BD_DMA_MAX_4K; - else if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_57766) - tp->dma_limit = TG3_TX_BD_DMA_MAX_2K; if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5717 || GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5719 || @@ -14160,12 +14242,6 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(struct tg3 *tp) tg3_flag_set(tp, PCI_EXPRESS); - if (tp->pci_chip_rev_id == CHIPREV_ID_5719_A0) { - int readrq = pcie_get_readrq(tp->pdev); - if (readrq > 2048) - pcie_set_readrq(tp->pdev, 2048); - } - pci_read_config_word(tp->pdev, pci_pcie_cap(tp->pdev) + PCI_EXP_LNKCTL, &lnkctl); @@ -14395,13 +14471,6 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(struct tg3 *tp) tg3_ape_lock_init(tp); } - if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5784 || - GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5761 || - GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5785 || - GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_57780 || - tg3_flag(tp, 57765_PLUS)) - tg3_flag_set(tp, CPMU_PRESENT); - /* Set up tp->grc_local_ctrl before calling * tg3_pwrsrc_switch_to_vmain(). GPIO1 driven high * will bring 5700's external PHY out of reset. @@ -15336,34 +15405,6 @@ static char * __devinit tg3_bus_string(struct tg3 *tp, char *str) return str; } -static struct pci_dev * __devinit tg3_find_peer(struct tg3 *tp) -{ - struct pci_dev *peer; - unsigned int func, devnr = tp->pdev->devfn & ~7; - - for (func = 0; func < 8; func++) { - peer = pci_get_slot(tp->pdev->bus, devnr | func); - if (peer && peer != tp->pdev) - break; - pci_dev_put(peer); - } - /* 5704 can be configured in single-port mode, set peer to - * tp->pdev in that case. - */ - if (!peer) { - peer = tp->pdev; - return peer; - } - - /* - * We don't need to keep the refcount elevated; there's no way - * to remove one half of this device without removing the other - */ - pci_dev_put(peer); - - return peer; -} - static void __devinit tg3_init_coal(struct tg3 *tp) { struct ethtool_coalesce *ec = &tp->coal; @@ -15395,39 +15436,6 @@ static void __devinit tg3_init_coal(struct tg3 *tp) } } -static struct rtnl_link_stats64 *tg3_get_stats64(struct net_device *dev, - struct rtnl_link_stats64 *stats) -{ - struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - - if (!tp->hw_stats) - return &tp->net_stats_prev; - - spin_lock_bh(&tp->lock); - tg3_get_nstats(tp, stats); - spin_unlock_bh(&tp->lock); - - return stats; -} - -static const struct net_device_ops tg3_netdev_ops = { - .ndo_open = tg3_open, - .ndo_stop = tg3_close, - .ndo_start_xmit = tg3_start_xmit, - .ndo_get_stats64 = tg3_get_stats64, - .ndo_validate_addr = eth_validate_addr, - .ndo_set_rx_mode = tg3_set_rx_mode, - .ndo_set_mac_address = tg3_set_mac_addr, - .ndo_do_ioctl = tg3_ioctl, - .ndo_tx_timeout = tg3_tx_timeout, - .ndo_change_mtu = tg3_change_mtu, - .ndo_fix_features = tg3_fix_features, - .ndo_set_features = tg3_set_features, -#ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER - .ndo_poll_controller = tg3_poll_controller, -#endif -}; - static int __devinit tg3_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) { @@ -15472,7 +15480,6 @@ static int __devinit tg3_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, dev = alloc_etherdev_mq(sizeof(*tp), TG3_IRQ_MAX_VECS); if (!dev) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Etherdev alloc failed, aborting\n"); err = -ENOMEM; goto err_out_power_down; } @@ -15729,6 +15736,8 @@ static int __devinit tg3_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, tg3_frob_aux_power(tp, false); } + tg3_timer_init(tp); + err = register_netdev(dev); if (err) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Cannot register net device, aborting\n"); @@ -15854,7 +15863,7 @@ static int tg3_suspend(struct device *device) tg3_phy_stop(tp); tg3_netif_stop(tp); - del_timer_sync(&tp->timer); + tg3_timer_stop(tp); tg3_full_lock(tp, 1); tg3_disable_ints(tp); @@ -15878,8 +15887,7 @@ static int tg3_suspend(struct device *device) if (err2) goto out; - tp->timer.expires = jiffies + tp->timer_offset; - add_timer(&tp->timer); + tg3_timer_start(tp); netif_device_attach(dev); tg3_netif_start(tp); @@ -15913,8 +15921,7 @@ static int tg3_resume(struct device *device) if (err) goto out; - tp->timer.expires = jiffies + tp->timer_offset; - add_timer(&tp->timer); + tg3_timer_start(tp); tg3_netif_start(tp); @@ -15962,11 +15969,10 @@ static pci_ers_result_t tg3_io_error_detected(struct pci_dev *pdev, tg3_netif_stop(tp); - del_timer_sync(&tp->timer); + tg3_timer_stop(tp); /* Want to make sure that the reset task doesn't run */ tg3_reset_task_cancel(tp); - tg3_flag_clear(tp, TX_RECOVERY_PENDING); netif_device_detach(netdev); @@ -16059,8 +16065,7 @@ static void tg3_io_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev) netif_device_attach(netdev); - tp->timer.expires = jiffies + tp->timer_offset; - add_timer(&tp->timer); + tg3_timer_start(tp); tg3_netif_start(tp); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/tg3.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/tg3.h index aea8f72c24fa15a4eb5c1ca0ea527c374ed434ff..66bcfca5526114d07c080e2641eff1f4e60ca49d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/tg3.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/tg3.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 David S. Miller (davem@redhat.com) * Copyright (C) 2001 Jeff Garzik (jgarzik@pobox.com) * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc. - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Broadcom Corporation. + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Broadcom Corporation. */ #ifndef _T3_H @@ -2702,19 +2702,8 @@ struct tg3_link_config { u8 active_flowctrl; u8 active_duplex; -#define SPEED_INVALID 0xffff -#define DUPLEX_INVALID 0xff -#define AUTONEG_INVALID 0xff u16 active_speed; u32 rmt_adv; - - /* When we go in and out of low power mode we need - * to swap with this state. - */ - u16 orig_speed; - u8 orig_duplex; - u8 orig_autoneg; - u32 orig_advertising; }; struct tg3_bufmgr_config { @@ -3075,6 +3064,7 @@ struct tg3 { struct mii_bus *mdio_bus; int mdio_irq[PHY_MAX_ADDR]; + int old_link; u8 phy_addr; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bfa_cee.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bfa_cee.c index 29f284f79e02ace82f607509a5b27d21c3cb993b..689e5e19cc0ba7a10061d3952f36a713da6dea0a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bfa_cee.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bfa_cee.c @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ bfa_nw_cee_get_attr(struct bfa_cee *cee, struct bfa_cee_attr *attr, if (!bfa_nw_ioc_is_operational(cee->ioc)) return BFA_STATUS_IOC_FAILURE; - if (cee->get_attr_pending == true) + if (cee->get_attr_pending) return BFA_STATUS_DEVBUSY; cee->get_attr_pending = true; @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ bfa_cee_notify(void *arg, enum bfa_ioc_event event) switch (event) { case BFA_IOC_E_DISABLED: case BFA_IOC_E_FAILED: - if (cee->get_attr_pending == true) { + if (cee->get_attr_pending) { cee->get_attr_status = BFA_STATUS_FAILED; cee->get_attr_pending = false; if (cee->cbfn.get_attr_cbfn) { @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ bfa_cee_notify(void *arg, enum bfa_ioc_event event) BFA_STATUS_FAILED); } } - if (cee->get_stats_pending == true) { + if (cee->get_stats_pending) { cee->get_stats_status = BFA_STATUS_FAILED; cee->get_stats_pending = false; if (cee->cbfn.get_stats_cbfn) { @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ bfa_cee_notify(void *arg, enum bfa_ioc_event event) BFA_STATUS_FAILED); } } - if (cee->reset_stats_pending == true) { + if (cee->reset_stats_pending) { cee->reset_stats_status = BFA_STATUS_FAILED; cee->reset_stats_pending = false; if (cee->cbfn.reset_stats_cbfn) { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bfa_defs.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bfa_defs.h index 871c6309334c60b72d3b819aa10178ed231a4109..48f87733739032756eb0b95af19f831991f051f5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bfa_defs.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bfa_defs.h @@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ enum bfa_mode { #define BFA_FLASH_PART_ENTRY_SIZE 32 /* partition entry size */ #define BFA_FLASH_PART_MAX 32 /* maximal # of partitions */ #define BFA_TOTAL_FLASH_SIZE 0x400000 +#define BFA_FLASH_PART_FWIMG 2 #define BFA_FLASH_PART_MFG 7 /* diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bfa_ioc.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bfa_ioc.c index abfad275b5f35e610bec06075c211720b3ff20f0..77977d735dd7167dc8fe1f2690c87912ce1ecf0e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bfa_ioc.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bfa_ioc.c @@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ static void bfa_iocpf_sm_mismatch_entry(struct bfa_iocpf *iocpf) { /* Call only the first time sm enters fwmismatch state. */ - if (iocpf->fw_mismatch_notified == false) + if (!iocpf->fw_mismatch_notified) bfa_ioc_pf_fwmismatch(iocpf->ioc); iocpf->fw_mismatch_notified = true; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bnad.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bnad.c index be7d91e4b7852701005947bcefe09aa5bf1d39f3..ff78f770dec91e12e9a816c413b768d31481acd4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bnad.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bnad.c @@ -3284,7 +3284,6 @@ bnad_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, */ netdev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct bnad)); if (!netdev) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "netdev allocation failed\n"); err = -ENOMEM; return err; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bnad_debugfs.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bnad_debugfs.c index 592ad3929f530461b71a4412a8ad11d6d63527cd..c9fdceb135f3958702863a25c9151611adf06077 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bnad_debugfs.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bnad_debugfs.c @@ -62,8 +62,6 @@ bnad_debugfs_open_fwtrc(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) if (!fw_debug->debug_buffer) { kfree(fw_debug); fw_debug = NULL; - pr_warn("bna %s: Failed to allocate fwtrc buffer\n", - pci_name(bnad->pcidev)); return -ENOMEM; } @@ -105,8 +103,6 @@ bnad_debugfs_open_fwsave(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) if (!fw_debug->debug_buffer) { kfree(fw_debug); fw_debug = NULL; - pr_warn("bna %s: Failed to allocate fwsave buffer\n", - pci_name(bnad->pcidev)); return -ENOMEM; } @@ -208,8 +204,6 @@ bnad_debugfs_open_drvinfo(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) if (!drv_info->debug_buffer) { kfree(drv_info); drv_info = NULL; - pr_warn("bna %s: Failed to allocate drv info buffer\n", - pci_name(bnad->pcidev)); return -ENOMEM; } @@ -348,11 +342,8 @@ bnad_debugfs_write_regrd(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, /* Allocate memory to store the user space buf */ kern_buf = kzalloc(nbytes, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!kern_buf) { - pr_warn("bna %s: Failed to allocate user buffer\n", - pci_name(bnad->pcidev)); + if (!kern_buf) return -ENOMEM; - } if (copy_from_user(kern_buf, (void __user *)buf, nbytes)) { kfree(kern_buf); @@ -373,11 +364,8 @@ bnad_debugfs_write_regrd(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, bnad->reglen = 0; bnad->regdata = kzalloc(len << 2, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!bnad->regdata) { - pr_warn("bna %s: Failed to allocate regrd buffer\n", - pci_name(bnad->pcidev)); + if (!bnad->regdata) return -ENOMEM; - } bnad->reglen = len << 2; rb = bfa_ioc_bar0(ioc); @@ -421,11 +409,8 @@ bnad_debugfs_write_regwr(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, /* Allocate memory to store the user space buf */ kern_buf = kzalloc(nbytes, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!kern_buf) { - pr_warn("bna %s: Failed to allocate user buffer\n", - pci_name(bnad->pcidev)); + if (!kern_buf) return -ENOMEM; - } if (copy_from_user(kern_buf, (void __user *)buf, nbytes)) { kfree(kern_buf); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bnad_ethtool.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bnad_ethtool.c index 803ea32aa99d31c2e6545ab9e86374154a657cdf..ab753d7334a62bb61616276a34a1aa51654f93b7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bnad_ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/brocade/bna/bnad_ethtool.c @@ -1070,6 +1070,47 @@ bnad_set_eeprom(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_eeprom *eeprom, return ret; } +static int +bnad_flash_device(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_flash *eflash) +{ + struct bnad *bnad = netdev_priv(netdev); + struct bnad_iocmd_comp fcomp; + const struct firmware *fw; + int ret = 0; + + ret = request_firmware(&fw, eflash->data, &bnad->pcidev->dev); + if (ret) { + pr_err("BNA: Can't locate firmware %s\n", eflash->data); + goto out; + } + + fcomp.bnad = bnad; + fcomp.comp_status = 0; + + init_completion(&fcomp.comp); + spin_lock_irq(&bnad->bna_lock); + ret = bfa_nw_flash_update_part(&bnad->bna.flash, BFA_FLASH_PART_FWIMG, + bnad->id, (u8 *)fw->data, fw->size, 0, + bnad_cb_completion, &fcomp); + if (ret != BFA_STATUS_OK) { + pr_warn("BNA: Flash update failed with err: %d\n", ret); + ret = -EIO; + spin_unlock_irq(&bnad->bna_lock); + goto out; + } + + spin_unlock_irq(&bnad->bna_lock); + wait_for_completion(&fcomp.comp); + if (fcomp.comp_status != BFA_STATUS_OK) { + ret = -EIO; + pr_warn("BNA: Firmware image update to flash failed with: %d\n", + fcomp.comp_status); + } +out: + release_firmware(fw); + return ret; +} + static const struct ethtool_ops bnad_ethtool_ops = { .get_settings = bnad_get_settings, .set_settings = bnad_set_settings, @@ -1088,6 +1129,7 @@ static const struct ethtool_ops bnad_ethtool_ops = { .get_eeprom_len = bnad_get_eeprom_len, .get_eeprom = bnad_get_eeprom, .set_eeprom = bnad_set_eeprom, + .flash_device = bnad_flash_device, }; void diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/cadence/at91_ether.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/cadence/at91_ether.c index 1a5b6efa0120358b39adcfcf7f9d3a1c518d78d3..906117016fc4427d63a1a81be78fe03069591a31 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/cadence/at91_ether.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/cadence/at91_ether.c @@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ static void at91ether_rx(struct net_device *dev) while (dlist->descriptors[lp->rxBuffIndex].addr & EMAC_DESC_DONE) { p_recv = dlist->recv_buf[lp->rxBuffIndex]; pktlen = dlist->descriptors[lp->rxBuffIndex].size & 0x7ff; /* Length of frame including FCS */ - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pktlen + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pktlen + 2); if (skb != NULL) { skb_reserve(skb, 2); memcpy(skb_put(skb, pktlen), p_recv, pktlen); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/cadence/macb.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/cadence/macb.c index 23200680d4c16e08ab0b384b93340e81fb12f04f..c4834c23be35bb7715ab4698897007267cf34f6d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/cadence/macb.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/cadence/macb.c @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ static void __init macb_get_hwaddr(struct macb *bp) memcpy(bp->dev->dev_addr, addr, sizeof(addr)); } else { netdev_info(bp->dev, "invalid hw address, using random\n"); - random_ether_addr(bp->dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(bp->dev); } } @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ static int macb_rx_frame(struct macb *bp, unsigned int first_frag, netdev_dbg(bp->dev, "macb_rx_frame frags %u - %u (len %u)\n", first_frag, last_frag, len); - skb = dev_alloc_skb(len + RX_OFFSET); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(bp->dev, len + RX_OFFSET); if (!skb) { bp->stats.rx_dropped++; for (frag = first_frag; ; frag = NEXT_RX(frag)) { @@ -1308,10 +1308,8 @@ static int __init macb_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) err = -ENOMEM; dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*bp)); - if (!dev) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "etherdev alloc failed, aborting.\n"); + if (!dev) goto err_out; - } SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/calxeda/xgmac.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/calxeda/xgmac.c index 1fce186a9031db45ada0c6ef553d3013d0866a57..11f667f6131abf97c34faf9f5bac9dec887f17f3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/calxeda/xgmac.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/calxeda/xgmac.c @@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@ static int xgmac_open(struct net_device *dev) * address using the following linux command: * ifconfig eth0 hw ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx */ if (!is_valid_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr)) { - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); netdev_dbg(priv->dev, "generated random MAC address %pM\n", dev->dev_addr); } @@ -1482,6 +1482,7 @@ static int xgmac_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *p) if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; + dev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, dev->addr_len); xgmac_set_mac_addr(ioaddr, dev->dev_addr, 0); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c index 857cc254cab8795362dc07373631aae04d404b6b..63bfdd10bd6d857b33cb52f4702919f1843fd094 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c @@ -2499,7 +2499,7 @@ static int cxgb_set_mac_addr(struct net_device *dev, void *p) struct sockaddr *addr = p; if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, dev->addr_len); t3_mac_set_address(&pi->mac, LAN_MAC_IDX, dev->dev_addr); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb3/version.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb3/version.h index 8bda06e366c826592067c2755a1fc04bf2eca6a2..165bfb91487a4a03b09450e440ff5552387b7019 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb3/version.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb3/version.h @@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ #define DRV_DESC "Chelsio T3 Network Driver" #define DRV_NAME "cxgb3" /* Driver version */ -#define DRV_VERSION "1.1.4-ko" +#define DRV_VERSION "1.1.5-ko" /* Firmware version */ #define FW_VERSION_MAJOR 7 -#define FW_VERSION_MINOR 10 +#define FW_VERSION_MINOR 12 #define FW_VERSION_MICRO 0 #endif /* __CHELSIO_VERSION_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb4/cxgb4_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb4/cxgb4_main.c index 9d76e59d9526164ca9cfc247769315d04b8c4fca..05ff076af06d92fe024199cba9f68f6e1847b299 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb4/cxgb4_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb4/cxgb4_main.c @@ -2811,7 +2811,7 @@ static int cxgb_set_mac_addr(struct net_device *dev, void *p) struct port_info *pi = netdev_priv(dev); if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; ret = t4_change_mac(pi->adapter, pi->adapter->fn, pi->viid, pi->xact_addr_filt, addr->sa_data, true, true); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb4vf/cxgb4vf_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb4vf/cxgb4vf_main.c index d963c1d57f71590afef3aabc94b81a686c8ed061..25e3308fc9d8af2307cec26f3e7ea3ba69b6f33a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb4vf/cxgb4vf_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb4vf/cxgb4vf_main.c @@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ static int cxgb4vf_set_mac_addr(struct net_device *dev, void *_addr) struct port_info *pi = netdev_priv(dev); if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; ret = t4vf_change_mac(pi->adapter, pi->viid, pi->xact_addr_filt, addr->sa_data, true); @@ -2596,8 +2596,6 @@ static int __devinit cxgb4vf_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, netdev = alloc_etherdev_mq(sizeof(struct port_info), MAX_PORT_QSETS); if (netdev == NULL) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot allocate netdev for" - " port %d\n", port_id); t4vf_free_vi(adapter, viid); err = -ENOMEM; goto err_free_dev; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/cirrus/cs89x0.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/cirrus/cs89x0.c index f328da24c8fa5b66266d0c9e3b374424161b50a2..d5ff93653e4ce0af7ca54fa84a182b32bebf0860 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/cirrus/cs89x0.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/cirrus/cs89x0.c @@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ dma_rx(struct net_device *dev) } /* Malloc up new buffer. */ - skb = dev_alloc_skb(length + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, length + 2); if (skb == NULL) { if (net_debug) /* I don't think we want to do this to a stressed system */ printk("%s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet.\n", dev->name); @@ -1616,7 +1616,7 @@ net_rx(struct net_device *dev) } /* Malloc up new buffer. */ - skb = dev_alloc_skb(length + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, length + 2); if (skb == NULL) { #if 0 /* Again, this seems a cruel thing to do */ printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet.\n", dev->name); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/cirrus/ep93xx_eth.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/cirrus/ep93xx_eth.c index 4317af8d2f0aa1b3eaa1d5d1d40c21b33a5ed4d2..78c55213eaf7c59e9a865fc48942c112a6e2f7c0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/cirrus/ep93xx_eth.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/cirrus/ep93xx_eth.c @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ static int ep93xx_rx(struct net_device *dev, int processed, int budget) if (rstat0 & RSTAT0_CRCI) length -= 4; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(length + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, length + 2); if (likely(skb != NULL)) { struct ep93xx_rdesc *rxd = &ep->descs->rdesc[entry]; skb_reserve(skb, 2); @@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ static int ep93xx_eth_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) ep->mdc_divisor = 40; /* Max HCLK 100 MHz, min MDIO clk 2.5 MHz. */ if (is_zero_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr)) - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); err = register_netdev(dev); if (err) { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/cirrus/mac89x0.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/cirrus/mac89x0.c index 83781f316d1f7e91eebbbb739f35a352b149c9e8..932fdccc339aea30e95d39e668adbdc565dd2f3d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/cirrus/mac89x0.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/cirrus/mac89x0.c @@ -591,11 +591,15 @@ static void set_multicast_list(struct net_device *dev) static int set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *addr) { + struct sockaddr *saddr = addr; int i; - printk("%s: Setting MAC address to ", dev->name); - for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) - printk(" %2.2x", dev->dev_addr[i] = ((unsigned char *)addr)[i]); - printk(".\n"); + + if (!is_valid_ether_addr(saddr->sa_data)) + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; + + memcpy(dev->dev_addr, saddr->sa_data, ETH_ALEN); + printk("%s: Setting MAC address to %pM\n", dev->name, dev->dev_addr); + /* set the Ethernet address */ for (i=0; i < ETH_ALEN/2; i++) writereg(dev, PP_IA+i*2, dev->dev_addr[i*2] | (dev->dev_addr[i*2+1] << 8)); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/enic.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/enic.h index c52295cd05ef009b368555e8b716bc082ad6caf5..afe9b1662b8cef8c2ba09c73febdca3583f2642a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/enic.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/enic.h @@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ #define DRV_NAME "enic" #define DRV_DESCRIPTION "Cisco VIC Ethernet NIC Driver" -#define DRV_VERSION "" +#define DRV_VERSION "" #define DRV_COPYRIGHT "Copyright 2008-2011 Cisco Systems, Inc" #define ENIC_BARS_MAX 6 #define ENIC_WQ_MAX 1 -#define ENIC_RQ_MAX 1 +#define ENIC_RQ_MAX 8 #define ENIC_CQ_MAX (ENIC_WQ_MAX + ENIC_RQ_MAX) #define ENIC_INTR_MAX (ENIC_CQ_MAX + 2) diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/enic_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/enic_main.c index 0e4edd3b6bee0275cf3ca0c01ffd1f1f60ec9d49..77b4e873f91c04fa8f6d3d3853c63513c1ea2af0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/enic_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/enic_main.c @@ -865,6 +865,7 @@ static int enic_set_mac_addr(struct net_device *netdev, char *addr) } memcpy(netdev->dev_addr, addr, netdev->addr_len); + netdev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; return 0; } @@ -1068,9 +1069,18 @@ static int enic_set_vf_mac(struct net_device *netdev, int vf, u8 *mac) if (err) return err; - if (is_valid_ether_addr(mac)) { - memcpy(pp->vf_mac, mac, ETH_ALEN); - return 0; + if (is_valid_ether_addr(mac) || is_zero_ether_addr(mac)) { + if (vf == PORT_SELF_VF) { + memcpy(pp->vf_mac, mac, ETH_ALEN); + return 0; + } else { + /* + * For sriov vf's set the mac in hw + */ + ENIC_DEVCMD_PROXY_BY_INDEX(vf, err, enic, + vnic_dev_set_mac_addr, mac); + return enic_dev_status_to_errno(err); + } } else return -EINVAL; } @@ -1114,12 +1124,23 @@ static int enic_set_vf_port(struct net_device *netdev, int vf, nla_data(port[IFLA_PORT_HOST_UUID]), PORT_UUID_MAX); } - /* Special case handling: mac came from IFLA_VF_MAC */ - if (!is_zero_ether_addr(prev_pp.vf_mac)) - memcpy(pp->mac_addr, prev_pp.vf_mac, ETH_ALEN); + if (vf == PORT_SELF_VF) { + /* Special case handling: mac came from IFLA_VF_MAC */ + if (!is_zero_ether_addr(prev_pp.vf_mac)) + memcpy(pp->mac_addr, prev_pp.vf_mac, ETH_ALEN); - if (vf == PORT_SELF_VF && is_zero_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr)) - random_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr); + if (is_zero_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr)) + eth_hw_addr_random(netdev); + } else { + /* SR-IOV VF: get mac from adapter */ + ENIC_DEVCMD_PROXY_BY_INDEX(vf, err, enic, + vnic_dev_get_mac_addr, pp->mac_addr); + if (err) { + netdev_err(netdev, "Error getting mac for vf %d\n", vf); + memcpy(pp, &prev_pp, sizeof(*pp)); + return enic_dev_status_to_errno(err); + } + } err = enic_process_set_pp_request(enic, vf, &prev_pp, &restore_pp); if (err) { @@ -1147,7 +1168,8 @@ static int enic_set_vf_port(struct net_device *netdev, int vf, } } - memset(pp->vf_mac, 0, ETH_ALEN); + if (vf == PORT_SELF_VF) + memset(pp->vf_mac, 0, ETH_ALEN); return err; } @@ -2280,10 +2302,8 @@ static int __devinit enic_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, */ netdev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct enic)); - if (!netdev) { - pr_err("Etherdev alloc failed, aborting\n"); + if (!netdev) return -ENOMEM; - } pci_set_drvdata(pdev, netdev); @@ -2388,7 +2408,6 @@ static int __devinit enic_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, /* Allocate structure for port profiles */ enic->pp = kcalloc(num_pps, sizeof(*enic->pp), GFP_KERNEL); if (!enic->pp) { - pr_err("port profile alloc failed, aborting\n"); err = -ENOMEM; goto err_out_disable_sriov_pp; } @@ -2433,7 +2452,7 @@ static int __devinit enic_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, * called later by an upper layer. */ - if (!enic_is_dynamic(enic) && !enic_is_sriov_vf(enic)) { + if (!enic_is_dynamic(enic)) { err = vnic_dev_init(enic->vdev, 0); if (err) { dev_err(dev, "vNIC dev init failed, aborting\n"); @@ -2466,11 +2485,6 @@ static int __devinit enic_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, enic->port_mtu = enic->config.mtu; (void)enic_change_mtu(netdev, enic->port_mtu); -#ifdef CONFIG_PCI_IOV - if (enic_is_sriov_vf(enic) && is_zero_ether_addr(enic->mac_addr)) - random_ether_addr(enic->mac_addr); -#endif - err = enic_set_mac_addr(netdev, enic->mac_addr); if (err) { dev_err(dev, "Invalid MAC address, aborting\n"); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/enic_pp.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/enic_pp.c index c347b6236f8fb90f0169e70e293fb2b8ce0ccc39..dafea1ecb7b1cf03db3f26182f6a8b199fa3c338 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/enic_pp.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/enic_pp.c @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ static int enic_pp_disassociate(struct enic *enic, int vf, if (!is_zero_ether_addr(pp->mac_addr)) ENIC_DEVCMD_PROXY_BY_INDEX(vf, err, enic, vnic_dev_del_addr, pp->mac_addr); - else if (!is_zero_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr)) + else if (vf == PORT_SELF_VF && !is_zero_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr)) ENIC_DEVCMD_PROXY_BY_INDEX(vf, err, enic, vnic_dev_del_addr, netdev->dev_addr); @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ static int enic_pp_associate(struct enic *enic, int vf, if (!is_zero_ether_addr(pp->mac_addr)) ENIC_DEVCMD_PROXY_BY_INDEX(vf, err, enic, vnic_dev_add_addr, pp->mac_addr); - else if (!is_zero_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr)) + else if (vf == PORT_SELF_VF && !is_zero_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr)) ENIC_DEVCMD_PROXY_BY_INDEX(vf, err, enic, vnic_dev_add_addr, netdev->dev_addr); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/enic_res.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/enic_res.c index 4a35367de790f957d6a64c1c665ed396979b3bfa..31d658880c3cfae3cc5a8e8935a68722e8e95ab6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/enic_res.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/enic_res.c @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ int enic_get_vnic_config(struct enic *enic) struct vnic_enet_config *c = &enic->config; int err; - err = vnic_dev_mac_addr(enic->vdev, enic->mac_addr); + err = vnic_dev_get_mac_addr(enic->vdev, enic->mac_addr); if (err) { dev_err(enic_get_dev(enic), "Error getting MAC addr, %d\n", err); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_dev.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_dev.c index 31e7f9bc2067306f9bca7d2011d2fbb0251eabec..605b22283be1b0db0dfc66f8311674411c1723b6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_dev.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_dev.c @@ -439,11 +439,12 @@ int vnic_dev_fw_info(struct vnic_dev *vdev, a1 = sizeof(struct vnic_devcmd_fw_info); /* only get fw_info once and cache it */ - err = vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_MCPU_FW_INFO, &a0, &a1, wait); - if (err == ERR_ECMDUNKNOWN) { + if (vnic_dev_capable(vdev, CMD_MCPU_FW_INFO)) + err = vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_MCPU_FW_INFO, + &a0, &a1, wait); + else err = vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_MCPU_FW_INFO_OLD, &a0, &a1, wait); - } } *fw_info = vdev->fw_info; @@ -504,13 +505,11 @@ int vnic_dev_enable_wait(struct vnic_dev *vdev) { u64 a0 = 0, a1 = 0; int wait = 1000; - int err; - err = vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_ENABLE_WAIT, &a0, &a1, wait); - if (err == ERR_ECMDUNKNOWN) + if (vnic_dev_capable(vdev, CMD_ENABLE_WAIT)) + return vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_ENABLE_WAIT, &a0, &a1, wait); + else return vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_ENABLE, &a0, &a1, wait); - - return err; } int vnic_dev_disable(struct vnic_dev *vdev) @@ -574,16 +573,15 @@ int vnic_dev_hang_reset(struct vnic_dev *vdev, int arg) int wait = 1000; int err; - err = vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_HANG_RESET, &a0, &a1, wait); - if (err == ERR_ECMDUNKNOWN) { + if (vnic_dev_capable(vdev, CMD_HANG_RESET)) { + return vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_HANG_RESET, + &a0, &a1, wait); + } else { err = vnic_dev_soft_reset(vdev, arg); if (err) return err; - return vnic_dev_init(vdev, 0); } - - return err; } int vnic_dev_hang_reset_done(struct vnic_dev *vdev, int *done) @@ -594,11 +592,13 @@ int vnic_dev_hang_reset_done(struct vnic_dev *vdev, int *done) *done = 0; - err = vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_HANG_RESET_STATUS, &a0, &a1, wait); - if (err) { - if (err == ERR_ECMDUNKNOWN) - return vnic_dev_soft_reset_done(vdev, done); - return err; + if (vnic_dev_capable(vdev, CMD_HANG_RESET_STATUS)) { + err = vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_HANG_RESET_STATUS, + &a0, &a1, wait); + if (err) + return err; + } else { + return vnic_dev_soft_reset_done(vdev, done); } *done = (a0 == 0); @@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ int vnic_dev_hang_notify(struct vnic_dev *vdev) return vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_HANG_NOTIFY, &a0, &a1, wait); } -int vnic_dev_mac_addr(struct vnic_dev *vdev, u8 *mac_addr) +int vnic_dev_get_mac_addr(struct vnic_dev *vdev, u8 *mac_addr) { u64 a0, a1; int wait = 1000; @@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ int vnic_dev_mac_addr(struct vnic_dev *vdev, u8 *mac_addr) for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) mac_addr[i] = 0; - err = vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_MAC_ADDR, &a0, &a1, wait); + err = vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_GET_MAC_ADDR, &a0, &a1, wait); if (err) return err; @@ -691,13 +691,12 @@ int vnic_dev_set_ig_vlan_rewrite_mode(struct vnic_dev *vdev, { u64 a0 = ig_vlan_rewrite_mode, a1 = 0; int wait = 1000; - int err; - err = vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_IG_VLAN_REWRITE_MODE, &a0, &a1, wait); - if (err == ERR_ECMDUNKNOWN) + if (vnic_dev_capable(vdev, CMD_IG_VLAN_REWRITE_MODE)) + return vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_IG_VLAN_REWRITE_MODE, + &a0, &a1, wait); + else return 0; - - return err; } static int vnic_dev_notify_setcmd(struct vnic_dev *vdev, @@ -804,7 +803,7 @@ int vnic_dev_init(struct vnic_dev *vdev, int arg) /* Emulate these for old CMD_INIT_v1 which * didn't pass a0 so no CMD_INITF_*. */ - vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_MAC_ADDR, &a0, &a1, wait); + vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_GET_MAC_ADDR, &a0, &a1, wait); vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_ADDR_ADD, &a0, &a1, wait); } } @@ -835,7 +834,10 @@ int vnic_dev_intr_coal_timer_info(struct vnic_dev *vdev) memset(vdev->args, 0, sizeof(vdev->args)); - err = _vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_INTR_COAL_CONVERT, wait); + if (vnic_dev_capable(vdev, CMD_INTR_COAL_CONVERT)) + err = _vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_INTR_COAL_CONVERT, wait); + else + err = ERR_ECMDUNKNOWN; /* Use defaults when firmware doesn't support the devcmd at all or * supports it for only specific hardware @@ -848,9 +850,11 @@ int vnic_dev_intr_coal_timer_info(struct vnic_dev *vdev) return 0; } - vdev->intr_coal_timer_info.mul = (u32) vdev->args[0]; - vdev->intr_coal_timer_info.div = (u32) vdev->args[1]; - vdev->intr_coal_timer_info.max_usec = (u32) vdev->args[2]; + if (!err) { + vdev->intr_coal_timer_info.mul = (u32) vdev->args[0]; + vdev->intr_coal_timer_info.div = (u32) vdev->args[1]; + vdev->intr_coal_timer_info.max_usec = (u32) vdev->args[2]; + } return err; } @@ -1019,3 +1023,15 @@ int vnic_dev_deinit_done(struct vnic_dev *vdev, int *status) { return vnic_dev_cmd_status(vdev, CMD_DEINIT, status); } + +int vnic_dev_set_mac_addr(struct vnic_dev *vdev, u8 *mac_addr) +{ + u64 a0, a1; + int wait = 1000; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) + ((u8 *)&a0)[i] = mac_addr[i]; + + return vnic_dev_cmd(vdev, CMD_SET_MAC_ADDR, &a0, &a1, wait); +} diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_dev.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_dev.h index 6a138b625d130af9f56a3fad61e62be6d9be7e49..f3d9b79ba77e653d13fa4630354641d2f7a0d304 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_dev.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_dev.h @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ int vnic_dev_packet_filter(struct vnic_dev *vdev, int directed, int multicast, int broadcast, int promisc, int allmulti); int vnic_dev_add_addr(struct vnic_dev *vdev, u8 *addr); int vnic_dev_del_addr(struct vnic_dev *vdev, u8 *addr); -int vnic_dev_mac_addr(struct vnic_dev *vdev, u8 *mac_addr); +int vnic_dev_get_mac_addr(struct vnic_dev *vdev, u8 *mac_addr); int vnic_dev_notify_set(struct vnic_dev *vdev, u16 intr); int vnic_dev_notify_unset(struct vnic_dev *vdev); int vnic_dev_link_status(struct vnic_dev *vdev); @@ -131,5 +131,6 @@ int vnic_dev_init_prov2(struct vnic_dev *vdev, u8 *buf, u32 len); int vnic_dev_enable2(struct vnic_dev *vdev, int active); int vnic_dev_enable2_done(struct vnic_dev *vdev, int *status); int vnic_dev_deinit_done(struct vnic_dev *vdev, int *status); +int vnic_dev_set_mac_addr(struct vnic_dev *vdev, u8 *mac_addr); #endif /* _VNIC_DEV_H_ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_devcmd.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_devcmd.h index 8025e8808d61718d1bade2124dde9a89d3abbd3f..23d555255cf8ed99ef3c949ceeb0c3b42822ff9b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_devcmd.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_devcmd.h @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ enum vnic_devcmd_cmd { CMD_HANG_NOTIFY = _CMDC(_CMD_DIR_NONE, _CMD_VTYPE_ALL, 8), /* MAC address in (u48)a0 */ - CMD_MAC_ADDR = _CMDC(_CMD_DIR_READ, + CMD_GET_MAC_ADDR = _CMDC(_CMD_DIR_READ, _CMD_VTYPE_ENET | _CMD_VTYPE_FC, 9), /* add addr from (u48)a0 */ @@ -337,6 +337,15 @@ enum vnic_devcmd_cmd { * (u32)a2 = maximum timer value in usec */ CMD_INTR_COAL_CONVERT = _CMDC(_CMD_DIR_READ, _CMD_VTYPE_ALL, 50), + + /* + * cmd_set_mac_addr + * set mac address + * in: + * (u48)a0 = mac addr + * + */ + CMD_SET_MAC_ADDR = _CMDC(_CMD_DIR_WRITE, _CMD_VTYPE_ENET, 55), }; /* CMD_ENABLE2 flags */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_rq.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_rq.c index 34105e0951a5d40a24ef80e2e40bf1b24c898df3..7e1488fc8ab28bc3ab6c5f6565e9cf61c70f62d9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_rq.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_rq.c @@ -38,10 +38,8 @@ static int vnic_rq_alloc_bufs(struct vnic_rq *rq) for (i = 0; i < blks; i++) { rq->bufs[i] = kzalloc(VNIC_RQ_BUF_BLK_SZ(count), GFP_ATOMIC); - if (!rq->bufs[i]) { - pr_err("Failed to alloc rq_bufs\n"); + if (!rq->bufs[i]) return -ENOMEM; - } } for (i = 0; i < blks; i++) { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_wq.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_wq.c index df61bd932ea622ef71b591406383f749db3f7fba..5e0d7a2be9bc4a95c32864ba7fc25d14b0b5f3c9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_wq.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/cisco/enic/vnic_wq.c @@ -38,10 +38,8 @@ static int vnic_wq_alloc_bufs(struct vnic_wq *wq) for (i = 0; i < blks; i++) { wq->bufs[i] = kzalloc(VNIC_WQ_BUF_BLK_SZ(count), GFP_ATOMIC); - if (!wq->bufs[i]) { - pr_err("Failed to alloc wq_bufs\n"); + if (!wq->bufs[i]) return -ENOMEM; - } } for (i = 0; i < blks; i++) { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/davicom/dm9000.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/davicom/dm9000.c index f801754c71a7eac0754434e9077ab34092709b36..36499d5edd95b002e8fa59e91512f322ef1f4fca 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/davicom/dm9000.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/davicom/dm9000.c @@ -1028,7 +1028,7 @@ dm9000_rx(struct net_device *dev) /* Move data from DM9000 */ if (GoodPacket && - ((skb = dev_alloc_skb(RxLen + 4)) != NULL)) { + ((skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, RxLen + 4)) != NULL)) { skb_reserve(skb, 2); rdptr = (u8 *) skb_put(skb, RxLen - 4); @@ -1373,10 +1373,8 @@ dm9000_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) /* Init network device */ ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct board_info)); - if (!ndev) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "could not allocate device.\n"); + if (!ndev) return -ENOMEM; - } SET_NETDEV_DEV(ndev, &pdev->dev); @@ -1587,7 +1585,7 @@ dm9000_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) dev_warn(db->dev, "%s: Invalid ethernet MAC address. Please " "set using ifconfig\n", ndev->name); - random_ether_addr(ndev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(ndev); mac_src = "random"; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/ewrk3.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/ewrk3.c index f9df5e4d0341eccf98f76557689f4e469355479c..1879f84a25a313efe12cecc31fac76955b123179 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/ewrk3.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/ewrk3.c @@ -986,8 +986,10 @@ static int ewrk3_rx(struct net_device *dev) dev->stats.rx_fifo_errors++; } else { struct sk_buff *skb; + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, + pkt_len + 2); - if ((skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { + if (skb != NULL) { unsigned char *p; skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* Align to 16 bytes */ p = skb_put(skb, pkt_len); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/21142.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/21142.c index 25b8deedbef8b7541da6775a4de8db3723155079..369858272650e2e8c3e590a83e3a1c123d5c5149 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/21142.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/21142.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - drivers/net/tulip/21142.c + drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/21142.c Copyright 2000,2001 The Linux Kernel Team Written/copyright 1994-2001 by Donald Becker. diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/de2104x.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/de2104x.c index 1eb46a0bb488f86ec4df92b24ec1673b6e2c3599..68f1c39184df6581ac84f4c249f27a6999caa07c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/de2104x.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/de2104x.c @@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ static void de_rx (struct de_private *de) rx_tail, status, len, copying_skb); buflen = copying_skb ? (len + RX_OFFSET) : de->rx_buf_sz; - copy_skb = dev_alloc_skb (buflen); + copy_skb = netdev_alloc_skb(de->dev, buflen); if (unlikely(!copy_skb)) { de->net_stats.rx_dropped++; drop = 1; @@ -1283,12 +1283,10 @@ static int de_refill_rx (struct de_private *de) for (i = 0; i < DE_RX_RING_SIZE; i++) { struct sk_buff *skb; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(de->rx_buf_sz); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(de->dev, de->rx_buf_sz); if (!skb) goto err_out; - skb->dev = de->dev; - de->rx_skb[i].mapping = pci_map_single(de->pdev, skb->data, de->rx_buf_sz, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); de->rx_skb[i].skb = skb; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/de4x5.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/de4x5.c index 4d71f5ae20c8f78fd6ee5571f343d0fc1ea54370..18b106cc6d2bbe3db4adcb8b37668443d3381b3d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/de4x5.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/de4x5.c @@ -3598,7 +3598,7 @@ de4x5_alloc_rx_buff(struct net_device *dev, int index, int len) struct sk_buff *ret; u_long i=0, tmp; - p = dev_alloc_skb(IEEE802_3_SZ + DE4X5_ALIGN + 2); + p = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, IEEE802_3_SZ + DE4X5_ALIGN + 2); if (!p) return NULL; tmp = virt_to_bus(p->data); @@ -3618,7 +3618,7 @@ de4x5_alloc_rx_buff(struct net_device *dev, int index, int len) #else if (lp->state != OPEN) return (struct sk_buff *)1; /* Fake out the open */ - p = dev_alloc_skb(len + 2); + p = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, len + 2); if (!p) return NULL; skb_reserve(p, 2); /* Align */ @@ -5234,11 +5234,7 @@ de4x5_dbg_open(struct net_device *dev) if (de4x5_debug & DEBUG_OPEN) { printk("%s: de4x5 opening with irq %d\n",dev->name,dev->irq); - printk("\tphysical address: "); - for (i=0;i<6;i++) { - printk("%2.2x:",(short)dev->dev_addr[i]); - } - printk("\n"); + printk("\tphysical address: %pM\n", dev->dev_addr); printk("Descriptor head addresses:\n"); printk("\t0x%8.8lx 0x%8.8lx\n",(u_long)lp->rx_ring,(u_long)lp->tx_ring); printk("Descriptor addresses:\nRX: "); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/dmfe.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/dmfe.c index 51f7542eb451a048f851ae1979565008d1840b47..1eccf494548575b6879d5aa78378bb220f271c0c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/dmfe.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/dmfe.c @@ -325,8 +325,8 @@ static irqreturn_t dmfe_interrupt(int , void *); #ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER static void poll_dmfe (struct net_device *dev); #endif -static void dmfe_descriptor_init(struct dmfe_board_info *, unsigned long); -static void allocate_rx_buffer(struct dmfe_board_info *); +static void dmfe_descriptor_init(struct net_device *, unsigned long); +static void allocate_rx_buffer(struct net_device *); static void update_cr6(u32, unsigned long); static void send_filter_frame(struct DEVICE *); static void dm9132_id_table(struct DEVICE *); @@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ static void dmfe_init_dm910x(struct DEVICE *dev) db->op_mode = db->media_mode; /* Force Mode */ /* Initialize Transmit/Receive decriptor and CR3/4 */ - dmfe_descriptor_init(db, ioaddr); + dmfe_descriptor_init(dev, ioaddr); /* Init CR6 to program DM910x operation */ update_cr6(db->cr6_data, ioaddr); @@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ static irqreturn_t dmfe_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) /* reallocate rx descriptor buffer */ if (db->rx_avail_cntcr5_data & 0x01) @@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ static void dmfe_rx_packet(struct DEVICE *dev, struct dmfe_board_info * db) /* Good packet, send to upper layer */ /* Shorst packet used new SKB */ if ((rxlen < RX_COPY_SIZE) && - ((newskb = dev_alloc_skb(rxlen + 2)) + ((newskb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, rxlen + 2)) != NULL)) { skb = newskb; @@ -1364,8 +1364,9 @@ static void dmfe_reuse_skb(struct dmfe_board_info *db, struct sk_buff * skb) * Using Chain structure, and allocate Tx/Rx buffer */ -static void dmfe_descriptor_init(struct dmfe_board_info *db, unsigned long ioaddr) +static void dmfe_descriptor_init(struct net_device *dev, unsigned long ioaddr) { + struct dmfe_board_info *db = netdev_priv(dev); struct tx_desc *tmp_tx; struct rx_desc *tmp_rx; unsigned char *tmp_buf; @@ -1421,7 +1422,7 @@ static void dmfe_descriptor_init(struct dmfe_board_info *db, unsigned long ioadd tmp_rx->next_rx_desc = db->first_rx_desc; /* pre-allocate Rx buffer */ - allocate_rx_buffer(db); + allocate_rx_buffer(dev); } @@ -1551,15 +1552,16 @@ static void send_filter_frame(struct DEVICE *dev) * As possible as allocate maxiumn Rx buffer */ -static void allocate_rx_buffer(struct dmfe_board_info *db) +static void allocate_rx_buffer(struct net_device *dev) { + struct dmfe_board_info *db = netdev_priv(dev); struct rx_desc *rxptr; struct sk_buff *skb; rxptr = db->rx_insert_ptr; while(db->rx_avail_cnt < RX_DESC_CNT) { - if ( ( skb = dev_alloc_skb(RX_ALLOC_SIZE) ) == NULL ) + if ( ( skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, RX_ALLOC_SIZE) ) == NULL ) break; rxptr->rx_skb_ptr = skb; /* FIXME (?) */ rxptr->rdes2 = cpu_to_le32( pci_map_single(db->pdev, skb->data, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/eeprom.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/eeprom.c index 14d5b611783d53fc7b27ccacfcbc5f102d88f2f3..ed7d1dcd95669279ae3393d3b03802af6e8ef5bc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/eeprom.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/eeprom.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - drivers/net/tulip/eeprom.c + drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/eeprom.c Copyright 2000,2001 The Linux Kernel Team Written/copyright 1994-2001 by Donald Becker. diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/interrupt.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/interrupt.c index 4fb8c8c0a4207a621387563a1bc0d86073751dcc..28a5e425fecf04fd6199ffb4d518f7e4210d1123 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/interrupt.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/interrupt.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - drivers/net/tulip/interrupt.c + drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/interrupt.c Copyright 2000,2001 The Linux Kernel Team Written/copyright 1994-2001 by Donald Becker. @@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ int tulip_refill_rx(struct net_device *dev) struct sk_buff *skb; dma_addr_t mapping; - skb = tp->rx_buffers[entry].skb = dev_alloc_skb(PKT_BUF_SZ); + skb = tp->rx_buffers[entry].skb = + netdev_alloc_skb(dev, PKT_BUF_SZ); if (skb == NULL) break; @@ -77,7 +78,6 @@ int tulip_refill_rx(struct net_device *dev) PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); tp->rx_buffers[entry].mapping = mapping; - skb->dev = dev; /* Mark as being used by this device. */ tp->rx_ring[entry].buffer1 = cpu_to_le32(mapping); refilled++; } @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ int tulip_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) /* Check if the packet is long enough to accept without copying to a minimally-sized skbuff. */ if (pkt_len < tulip_rx_copybreak && - (skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { + (skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* 16 byte align the IP header */ pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(tp->pdev, tp->rx_buffers[entry].mapping, @@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ static int tulip_rx(struct net_device *dev) /* Check if the packet is long enough to accept without copying to a minimally-sized skbuff. */ if (pkt_len < tulip_rx_copybreak && - (skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { + (skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* 16 byte align the IP header */ pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(tp->pdev, tp->rx_buffers[entry].mapping, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/media.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/media.c index beeb17b52ad436b441dcb18a8c81f3fd50b2a8af..ae937c6749e7847facb80b06553c356dd32c627d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/media.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/media.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - drivers/net/tulip/media.c + drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/media.c Copyright 2000,2001 The Linux Kernel Team Written/copyright 1994-2001 by Donald Becker. diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/pnic.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/pnic.c index 9c16e4ad02a66886c0866b5612bce141cb8600e1..5364563c4378a921ca41dc3c53c3cab07e339dd4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/pnic.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/pnic.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - drivers/net/tulip/pnic.c + drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/pnic.c Copyright 2000,2001 The Linux Kernel Team Written/copyright 1994-2001 by Donald Becker. diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/pnic2.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/pnic2.c index 04a7e477eaffd0ed217a10f61024197f29244ab9..5895fc43f6e0de4af0f779cd77e2a022a67ea624 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/pnic2.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/pnic2.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - drivers/net/tulip/pnic2.c + drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/pnic2.c Copyright 2000,2001 The Linux Kernel Team Written/copyright 1994-2001 by Donald Becker. diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/timer.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/timer.c index 19078d28ffb9694c8ca76ad3d31be3d813d47fdd..768379b8aee9f171626efaf6407b6d7601e8f3c6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/timer.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/timer.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - drivers/net/tulip/timer.c + drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/timer.c Copyright 2000,2001 The Linux Kernel Team Written/copyright 1994-2001 by Donald Becker. diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/tulip.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/tulip.h index fb3887c18dc690adeddd7e2d01058cd268155d3c..38431a155f093582c1fd7830d3d9f1944eb40645 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/tulip.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/tulip.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - drivers/net/tulip/tulip.h + drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/tulip.h Copyright 2000,2001 The Linux Kernel Team Written/copyright 1994-2001 by Donald Becker. diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/tulip_core.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/tulip_core.c index 4eb0d76145c2347cf5060223f6003a94bfbb7857..fea3641d939871cf9dff0c1d500b8f4e59528b09 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/tulip_core.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/tulip_core.c @@ -636,16 +636,15 @@ static void tulip_init_ring(struct net_device *dev) dma_addr_t mapping; /* Note the receive buffer must be longword aligned. - dev_alloc_skb() provides 16 byte alignment. But do *not* + netdev_alloc_skb() provides 16 byte alignment. But do *not* use skb_reserve() to align the IP header! */ - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(PKT_BUF_SZ); + struct sk_buff *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, PKT_BUF_SZ); tp->rx_buffers[i].skb = skb; if (skb == NULL) break; mapping = pci_map_single(tp->pdev, skb->data, PKT_BUF_SZ, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); tp->rx_buffers[i].mapping = mapping; - skb->dev = dev; /* Mark as being used by this device. */ tp->rx_ring[i].status = cpu_to_le32(DescOwned); /* Owned by Tulip chip */ tp->rx_ring[i].buffer1 = cpu_to_le32(mapping); } @@ -1424,10 +1423,8 @@ static int __devinit tulip_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev, /* alloc_etherdev ensures aligned and zeroed private structures */ dev = alloc_etherdev (sizeof (*tp)); - if (!dev) { - pr_err("ether device alloc failed, aborting\n"); + if (!dev) return -ENOMEM; - } SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev); if (pci_resource_len (pdev, 0) < tulip_tbl[chip_idx].io_size) { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/uli526x.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/uli526x.c index 48b0b6566eef2105399e3bc06ddae226e94cde0d..fc4001f6a5e43e56ebf4cb4eca556f4432272574 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/uli526x.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/uli526x.c @@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ static irqreturn_t uli526x_interrupt(int, void *); #ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER static void uli526x_poll(struct net_device *dev); #endif -static void uli526x_descriptor_init(struct uli526x_board_info *, unsigned long); -static void allocate_rx_buffer(struct uli526x_board_info *); +static void uli526x_descriptor_init(struct net_device *, unsigned long); +static void allocate_rx_buffer(struct net_device *); static void update_cr6(u32, unsigned long); static void send_filter_frame(struct net_device *, int); static u16 phy_read(unsigned long, u8, u8, u32); @@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ static void uli526x_init(struct net_device *dev) db->op_mode = db->media_mode; /* Force Mode */ /* Initialize Transmit/Receive decriptor and CR3/4 */ - uli526x_descriptor_init(db, ioaddr); + uli526x_descriptor_init(dev, ioaddr); /* Init CR6 to program M526X operation */ update_cr6(db->cr6_data, ioaddr); @@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ static irqreturn_t uli526x_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) /* reallocate rx descriptor buffer */ if (db->rx_avail_cntcr5_data & 0x01) @@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ static void uli526x_rx_packet(struct net_device *dev, struct uli526x_board_info /* Good packet, send to upper layer */ /* Shorst packet used new SKB */ if ((rxlen < RX_COPY_SIZE) && - (((new_skb = dev_alloc_skb(rxlen + 2)) != NULL))) { + (((new_skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, rxlen + 2)) != NULL))) { skb = new_skb; /* size less than COPY_SIZE, allocate a rxlen SKB */ skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* 16byte align */ @@ -1289,8 +1289,9 @@ static void uli526x_reuse_skb(struct uli526x_board_info *db, struct sk_buff * sk * Using Chain structure, and allocate Tx/Rx buffer */ -static void uli526x_descriptor_init(struct uli526x_board_info *db, unsigned long ioaddr) +static void uli526x_descriptor_init(struct net_device *dev, unsigned long ioaddr) { + struct uli526x_board_info *db = netdev_priv(dev); struct tx_desc *tmp_tx; struct rx_desc *tmp_rx; unsigned char *tmp_buf; @@ -1343,7 +1344,7 @@ static void uli526x_descriptor_init(struct uli526x_board_info *db, unsigned long tmp_rx->next_rx_desc = db->first_rx_desc; /* pre-allocate Rx buffer */ - allocate_rx_buffer(db); + allocate_rx_buffer(dev); } @@ -1433,15 +1434,17 @@ static void send_filter_frame(struct net_device *dev, int mc_cnt) * As possible as allocate maxiumn Rx buffer */ -static void allocate_rx_buffer(struct uli526x_board_info *db) +static void allocate_rx_buffer(struct net_device *dev) { + struct uli526x_board_info *db = netdev_priv(dev); struct rx_desc *rxptr; struct sk_buff *skb; rxptr = db->rx_insert_ptr; while(db->rx_avail_cnt < RX_DESC_CNT) { - if ( ( skb = dev_alloc_skb(RX_ALLOC_SIZE) ) == NULL ) + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, RX_ALLOC_SIZE); + if (skb == NULL) break; rxptr->rx_skb_ptr = skb; /* FIXME (?) */ rxptr->rdes2 = cpu_to_le32(pci_map_single(db->pdev, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/winbond-840.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/winbond-840.c index 52da7b2fe3b6123c32749bd29a4a13c7e94be128..2ac6fff0363a7172dbc218f28b62ccd6c8f3868a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/winbond-840.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/winbond-840.c @@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ static void init_rxtx_rings(struct net_device *dev) /* Fill in the Rx buffers. Handle allocation failure gracefully. */ for (i = 0; i < RX_RING_SIZE; i++) { - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(np->rx_buf_sz); + struct sk_buff *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, np->rx_buf_sz); np->rx_skbuff[i] = skb; if (skb == NULL) break; @@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@ static int netdev_rx(struct net_device *dev) /* Check if the packet is long enough to accept without copying to a minimally-sized skbuff. */ if (pkt_len < rx_copybreak && - (skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { + (skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* 16 byte align the IP header */ pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(np->pci_dev,np->rx_addr[entry], np->rx_skbuff[entry]->len, @@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@ static int netdev_rx(struct net_device *dev) struct sk_buff *skb; entry = np->dirty_rx % RX_RING_SIZE; if (np->rx_skbuff[entry] == NULL) { - skb = dev_alloc_skb(np->rx_buf_sz); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, np->rx_buf_sz); np->rx_skbuff[entry] = skb; if (skb == NULL) break; /* Better luck next round. */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/xircom_cb.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/xircom_cb.c index 988b8eb24d373c9e05107a80e312a7551f6ddff8..fdb329fe6e8ea8564bb7afb5a5718388ca314164 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/xircom_cb.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/xircom_cb.c @@ -222,10 +222,9 @@ static int __devinit xircom_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_ is available. */ dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct xircom_private)); - if (!dev) { - pr_err("%s: failed to allocate etherdev\n", __func__); + if (!dev) goto device_fail; - } + private = netdev_priv(dev); /* Allocate the send/receive buffers */ @@ -1085,7 +1084,7 @@ investigate_read_descriptor(struct net_device *dev, struct xircom_private *card, pkt_len = 1518; } - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2); if (skb == NULL) { dev->stats.rx_dropped++; goto out; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dlink/de600.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dlink/de600.c index c24fab1e9cbe5f32fef5372f91b781db18e0553a..682750c052c846839be5b648b53778e7b7941150 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dlink/de600.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dlink/de600.c @@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ static void de600_rx_intr(struct net_device *dev) return; } - skb = dev_alloc_skb(size+2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, size + 2); if (skb == NULL) { printk("%s: Couldn't allocate a sk_buff of size %d.\n", dev->name, size); return; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dlink/de620.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dlink/de620.c index 3b934ab784d39f4270ffc45025673921f84cb65e..afc5aaac6b600fd904738c0dfcc66ba13de4ced4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dlink/de620.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dlink/de620.c @@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ static int de620_rx_intr(struct net_device *dev) printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Illegal packet size: %d!\n", dev->name, size); } else { /* Good packet? */ - skb = dev_alloc_skb(size+2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, size + 2); if (skb == NULL) { /* Yeah, but no place to put it... */ printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Couldn't allocate a sk_buff of size %d.\n", dev->name, size); dev->stats.rx_dropped++; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dlink/sundance.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dlink/sundance.c index 28a3a9b50b8b2856ecac014cc6797b53f7930a7f..d783f4f96ec0963b36f235105294c648893c777b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dlink/sundance.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dlink/sundance.c @@ -1020,11 +1020,11 @@ static void init_ring(struct net_device *dev) /* Fill in the Rx buffers. Handle allocation failure gracefully. */ for (i = 0; i < RX_RING_SIZE; i++) { - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(np->rx_buf_sz + 2); + struct sk_buff *skb = + netdev_alloc_skb(dev, np->rx_buf_sz + 2); np->rx_skbuff[i] = skb; if (skb == NULL) break; - skb->dev = dev; /* Mark as being used by this device. */ skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* 16 byte align the IP header. */ np->rx_ring[i].frag[0].addr = cpu_to_le32( dma_map_single(&np->pci_dev->dev, skb->data, @@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ static void rx_poll(unsigned long data) /* Check if the packet is long enough to accept without copying to a minimally-sized skbuff. */ if (pkt_len < rx_copybreak && - (skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { + (skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* 16 byte align the IP header */ dma_sync_single_for_cpu(&np->pci_dev->dev, le32_to_cpu(desc->frag[0].addr), @@ -1411,11 +1411,10 @@ static void refill_rx (struct net_device *dev) struct sk_buff *skb; entry = np->dirty_rx % RX_RING_SIZE; if (np->rx_skbuff[entry] == NULL) { - skb = dev_alloc_skb(np->rx_buf_sz + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, np->rx_buf_sz + 2); np->rx_skbuff[entry] = skb; if (skb == NULL) break; /* Better luck next round. */ - skb->dev = dev; /* Mark as being used by this device. */ skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* Align IP on 16 byte boundaries */ np->rx_ring[entry].frag[0].addr = cpu_to_le32( dma_map_single(&np->pci_dev->dev, skb->data, @@ -1602,7 +1601,7 @@ static int sundance_set_mac_addr(struct net_device *dev, void *data) const struct sockaddr *addr = data; if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, ETH_ALEN); __set_mac_addr(dev); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/dnet.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/dnet.c index 925c9bafc9b99519183eccc42b1b564a4bda3001..b276469f74e9908487f6a9555fddcdbdd8a5b3f1 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/dnet.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/dnet.c @@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ static int dnet_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) printk(KERN_ERR "%s packet receive error %x\n", __func__, cmd_word); - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 5); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 5); if (skb != NULL) { /* Align IP on 16 byte boundaries */ skb_reserve(skb, 2); @@ -854,10 +854,8 @@ static int __devinit dnet_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) err = -ENOMEM; dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*bp)); - if (!dev) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "etherdev alloc failed, aborting.\n"); + if (!dev) goto err_out_release_mem; - } /* TODO: Actually, we have some interesting features... */ dev->features |= 0; @@ -897,7 +895,7 @@ static int __devinit dnet_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) if (!is_valid_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr)) { /* choose a random ethernet address */ - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); __dnet_set_hwaddr(bp); } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be.h index cbdec2536da6e92f99d1f2839a87541f3a4a43d5..9576ac002c23eb8df17cacb49b0d58e7e16d4a90 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be.h @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ #include "be_hw.h" -#define DRV_VER "4.0.100u" +#define DRV_VER "4.2.116u" #define DRV_NAME "be2net" #define BE_NAME "ServerEngines BladeEngine2 10Gbps NIC" #define BE3_NAME "ServerEngines BladeEngine3 10Gbps NIC" @@ -52,6 +52,10 @@ #define OC_DEVICE_ID3 0xe220 /* Device id for Lancer cards */ #define OC_DEVICE_ID4 0xe228 /* Device id for VF in Lancer */ #define OC_DEVICE_ID5 0x720 /* Device Id for Skyhawk cards */ +#define OC_SUBSYS_DEVICE_ID1 0xE602 +#define OC_SUBSYS_DEVICE_ID2 0xE642 +#define OC_SUBSYS_DEVICE_ID3 0xE612 +#define OC_SUBSYS_DEVICE_ID4 0xE652 static inline char *nic_name(struct pci_dev *pdev) { @@ -74,11 +78,14 @@ static inline char *nic_name(struct pci_dev *pdev) /* Number of bytes of an RX frame that are copied to skb->data */ #define BE_HDR_LEN ((u16) 64) +/* allocate extra space to allow tunneling decapsulation without head reallocation */ +#define BE_RX_SKB_ALLOC_SIZE (BE_HDR_LEN + 64) + #define BE_MAX_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE 9018 #define BE_MIN_MTU 256 #define BE_NUM_VLANS_SUPPORTED 64 -#define BE_MAX_EQD 96 +#define BE_MAX_EQD 96u #define BE_MAX_TX_FRAG_COUNT 30 #define EVNT_Q_LEN 1024 @@ -89,12 +96,16 @@ static inline char *nic_name(struct pci_dev *pdev) #define MCC_Q_LEN 128 /* total size not to exceed 8 pages */ #define MCC_CQ_LEN 256 -#define MAX_RSS_QS 4 /* BE limit is 4 queues/port */ +#define BE3_MAX_RSS_QS 8 +#define BE2_MAX_RSS_QS 4 +#define MAX_RSS_QS BE3_MAX_RSS_QS #define MAX_RX_QS (MAX_RSS_QS + 1) /* RSS qs + 1 def Rx */ + #define MAX_TX_QS 8 -#define BE_MAX_MSIX_VECTORS (MAX_RX_QS + 1)/* RX + TX */ +#define MAX_MSIX_VECTORS MAX_RSS_QS +#define BE_TX_BUDGET 256 #define BE_NAPI_WEIGHT 64 -#define MAX_RX_POST BE_NAPI_WEIGHT /* Frags posted at a time */ +#define MAX_RX_POST BE_NAPI_WEIGHT /* Frags posted at a time */ #define RX_FRAGS_REFILL_WM (RX_Q_LEN - MAX_RX_POST) #define FW_VER_LEN 32 @@ -162,13 +173,16 @@ struct be_eq_obj { /* Adaptive interrupt coalescing (AIC) info */ bool enable_aic; - u16 min_eqd; /* in usecs */ - u16 max_eqd; /* in usecs */ - u16 cur_eqd; /* in usecs */ - u8 eq_idx; + u32 min_eqd; /* in usecs */ + u32 max_eqd; /* in usecs */ + u32 eqd; /* configured val when aic is off */ + u32 cur_eqd; /* in usecs */ + u8 idx; /* array index */ + u16 tx_budget; struct napi_struct napi; -}; + struct be_adapter *adapter; +} ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp; struct be_mcc_obj { struct be_queue_info q; @@ -194,7 +208,7 @@ struct be_tx_obj { /* Remember the skbs that were transmitted */ struct sk_buff *sent_skb_list[TX_Q_LEN]; struct be_tx_stats stats; -}; +} ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp; /* Struct to remember the pages posted for rx frags */ struct be_rx_page_info { @@ -212,8 +226,6 @@ struct be_rx_stats { u32 rx_drops_no_skbs; /* skb allocation errors */ u32 rx_drops_no_frags; /* HW has no fetched frags */ u32 rx_post_fail; /* page post alloc failures */ - u32 rx_polls; /* NAPI calls */ - u32 rx_events; u32 rx_compl; u32 rx_mcast_pkts; u32 rx_compl_err; /* completions with err set */ @@ -246,23 +258,19 @@ struct be_rx_obj { struct be_queue_info cq; struct be_rx_compl_info rxcp; struct be_rx_page_info page_info_tbl[RX_Q_LEN]; - struct be_eq_obj rx_eq; struct be_rx_stats stats; u8 rss_id; bool rx_post_starved; /* Zero rx frags have been posted to BE */ - u32 cache_line_barrier[16]; -}; +} ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp; struct be_drv_stats { u32 be_on_die_temperature; - u32 tx_events; u32 eth_red_drops; u32 rx_drops_no_pbuf; u32 rx_drops_no_txpb; u32 rx_drops_no_erx_descr; u32 rx_drops_no_tpre_descr; u32 rx_drops_too_many_frags; - u32 rx_drops_invalid_ring; u32 forwarded_packets; u32 rx_drops_mtu; u32 rx_crc_errors; @@ -273,7 +281,7 @@ struct be_drv_stats { u32 rx_in_range_errors; u32 rx_out_range_errors; u32 rx_frame_too_long; - u32 rx_address_match_errors; + u32 rx_address_mismatch_drops; u32 rx_dropped_too_small; u32 rx_dropped_too_short; u32 rx_dropped_header_too_small; @@ -295,11 +303,15 @@ struct be_vf_cfg { unsigned char mac_addr[ETH_ALEN]; int if_handle; int pmac_id; + u16 def_vid; u16 vlan_tag; u32 tx_rate; }; #define BE_FLAGS_LINK_STATUS_INIT 1 +#define BE_FLAGS_WORKER_SCHEDULED (1 << 3) +#define BE_UC_PMAC_COUNT 30 +#define BE_VF_UC_PMAC_COUNT 2 struct be_adapter { struct pci_dev *pdev; @@ -318,20 +330,19 @@ struct be_adapter { spinlock_t mcc_lock; /* For serializing mcc cmds to BE card */ spinlock_t mcc_cq_lock; - struct msix_entry msix_entries[BE_MAX_MSIX_VECTORS]; u32 num_msix_vec; + u32 num_evt_qs; + struct be_eq_obj eq_obj[MAX_MSIX_VECTORS]; + struct msix_entry msix_entries[MAX_MSIX_VECTORS]; bool isr_registered; /* TX Rings */ - struct be_eq_obj tx_eq; + u32 num_tx_qs; struct be_tx_obj tx_obj[MAX_TX_QS]; - u8 num_tx_qs; - - u32 cache_line_break[8]; /* Rx rings */ - struct be_rx_obj rx_obj[MAX_RX_QS]; u32 num_rx_qs; + struct be_rx_obj rx_obj[MAX_RX_QS]; u32 big_page_size; /* Compounded page size shared by rx wrbs */ u8 eq_next_idx; @@ -353,7 +364,7 @@ struct be_adapter { /* Ethtool knobs and info */ char fw_ver[FW_VER_LEN]; int if_handle; /* Used to configure filtering */ - u32 pmac_id; /* MAC addr handle used by BE card */ + u32 *pmac_id; /* MAC addr handle used by BE card */ u32 beacon_state; /* for set_phys_id */ bool eeh_err; @@ -361,7 +372,6 @@ struct be_adapter { bool fw_timeout; u32 port_num; bool promiscuous; - bool wol; u32 function_mode; u32 function_caps; u32 rx_fc; /* Rx flow control */ @@ -382,6 +392,10 @@ struct be_adapter { u32 sli_family; u8 hba_port_num; u16 pvid; + u8 wol_cap; + bool wol; + u32 max_pmac_cnt; /* Max secondary UC MACs programmable */ + u32 uc_macs; /* Count of secondary UC MAC programmed */ }; #define be_physfn(adapter) (!adapter->is_virtfn) @@ -402,24 +416,34 @@ struct be_adapter { extern const struct ethtool_ops be_ethtool_ops; #define msix_enabled(adapter) (adapter->num_msix_vec > 0) -#define tx_stats(txo) (&txo->stats) -#define rx_stats(rxo) (&rxo->stats) +#define num_irqs(adapter) (msix_enabled(adapter) ? \ + adapter->num_msix_vec : 1) +#define tx_stats(txo) (&(txo)->stats) +#define rx_stats(rxo) (&(rxo)->stats) -#define BE_SET_NETDEV_OPS(netdev, ops) (netdev->netdev_ops = ops) +/* The default RXQ is the last RXQ */ +#define default_rxo(adpt) (&adpt->rx_obj[adpt->num_rx_qs - 1]) #define for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) \ for (i = 0, rxo = &adapter->rx_obj[i]; i < adapter->num_rx_qs; \ i++, rxo++) -/* Just skip the first default non-rss queue */ +/* Skip the default non-rss queue (last one)*/ #define for_all_rss_queues(adapter, rxo, i) \ - for (i = 0, rxo = &adapter->rx_obj[i+1]; i < (adapter->num_rx_qs - 1);\ + for (i = 0, rxo = &adapter->rx_obj[i]; i < (adapter->num_rx_qs - 1);\ i++, rxo++) #define for_all_tx_queues(adapter, txo, i) \ for (i = 0, txo = &adapter->tx_obj[i]; i < adapter->num_tx_qs; \ i++, txo++) +#define for_all_evt_queues(adapter, eqo, i) \ + for (i = 0, eqo = &adapter->eq_obj[i]; i < adapter->num_evt_qs; \ + i++, eqo++) + +#define is_mcc_eqo(eqo) (eqo->idx == 0) +#define mcc_eqo(adapter) (&adapter->eq_obj[0]) + #define PAGE_SHIFT_4K 12 #define PAGE_SIZE_4K (1 << PAGE_SHIFT_4K) @@ -428,10 +452,6 @@ extern const struct ethtool_ops be_ethtool_ops; ((u32)((((size_t)(_address) & (PAGE_SIZE_4K - 1)) + \ (size) + (PAGE_SIZE_4K - 1)) >> PAGE_SHIFT_4K)) -/* Byte offset into the page corresponding to given address */ -#define OFFSET_IN_PAGE(addr) \ - ((size_t)(addr) & (PAGE_SIZE_4K-1)) - /* Returns bit offset within a DWORD of a bitfield */ #define AMAP_BIT_OFFSET(_struct, field) \ (((size_t)&(((_struct *)0)->field))%32) @@ -539,9 +559,28 @@ static inline bool be_error(struct be_adapter *adapter) return adapter->eeh_err || adapter->ue_detected || adapter->fw_timeout; } +static inline bool be_is_wol_excluded(struct be_adapter *adapter) +{ + struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev; + + if (!be_physfn(adapter)) + return true; + + switch (pdev->subsystem_device) { + case OC_SUBSYS_DEVICE_ID1: + case OC_SUBSYS_DEVICE_ID2: + case OC_SUBSYS_DEVICE_ID3: + case OC_SUBSYS_DEVICE_ID4: + return true; + default: + return false; + } +} + extern void be_cq_notify(struct be_adapter *adapter, u16 qid, bool arm, u16 num_popped); extern void be_link_status_update(struct be_adapter *adapter, u8 link_status); extern void be_parse_stats(struct be_adapter *adapter); extern int be_load_fw(struct be_adapter *adapter, u8 *func); +extern bool be_is_wol_supported(struct be_adapter *adapter); #endif /* BE_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be_cmds.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be_cmds.c index 0fcb45624796c29942a30125439d6eeb5ab1d407..67b030d72df1599e68f9fa4becfa49f82a8b5140 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be_cmds.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be_cmds.c @@ -235,10 +235,10 @@ void be_async_mcc_disable(struct be_adapter *adapter) adapter->mcc_obj.rearm_cq = false; } -int be_process_mcc(struct be_adapter *adapter, int *status) +int be_process_mcc(struct be_adapter *adapter) { struct be_mcc_compl *compl; - int num = 0; + int num = 0, status = 0; struct be_mcc_obj *mcc_obj = &adapter->mcc_obj; spin_lock_bh(&adapter->mcc_cq_lock); @@ -252,32 +252,32 @@ int be_process_mcc(struct be_adapter *adapter, int *status) be_async_grp5_evt_process(adapter, compl->flags, compl); } else if (compl->flags & CQE_FLAGS_COMPLETED_MASK) { - *status = be_mcc_compl_process(adapter, compl); + status = be_mcc_compl_process(adapter, compl); atomic_dec(&mcc_obj->q.used); } be_mcc_compl_use(compl); num++; } + if (num) + be_cq_notify(adapter, mcc_obj->cq.id, mcc_obj->rearm_cq, num); + spin_unlock_bh(&adapter->mcc_cq_lock); - return num; + return status; } /* Wait till no more pending mcc requests are present */ static int be_mcc_wait_compl(struct be_adapter *adapter) { #define mcc_timeout 120000 /* 12s timeout */ - int i, num, status = 0; + int i, status = 0; struct be_mcc_obj *mcc_obj = &adapter->mcc_obj; for (i = 0; i < mcc_timeout; i++) { if (be_error(adapter)) return -EIO; - num = be_process_mcc(adapter, &status); - if (num) - be_cq_notify(adapter, mcc_obj->cq.id, - mcc_obj->rearm_cq, num); + status = be_process_mcc(adapter); if (atomic_read(&mcc_obj->q.used) == 0) break; @@ -726,9 +726,8 @@ int be_cmd_pmac_del(struct be_adapter *adapter, u32 if_id, int pmac_id, u32 dom) } /* Uses Mbox */ -int be_cmd_cq_create(struct be_adapter *adapter, - struct be_queue_info *cq, struct be_queue_info *eq, - bool sol_evts, bool no_delay, int coalesce_wm) +int be_cmd_cq_create(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_queue_info *cq, + struct be_queue_info *eq, bool no_delay, int coalesce_wm) { struct be_mcc_wrb *wrb; struct be_cmd_req_cq_create *req; @@ -759,7 +758,6 @@ int be_cmd_cq_create(struct be_adapter *adapter, ctxt, 1); AMAP_SET_BITS(struct amap_cq_context_lancer, eqid, ctxt, eq->id); - AMAP_SET_BITS(struct amap_cq_context_lancer, armed, ctxt, 1); } else { AMAP_SET_BITS(struct amap_cq_context_be, coalescwm, ctxt, coalesce_wm); @@ -768,11 +766,8 @@ int be_cmd_cq_create(struct be_adapter *adapter, AMAP_SET_BITS(struct amap_cq_context_be, count, ctxt, __ilog2_u32(cq->len/256)); AMAP_SET_BITS(struct amap_cq_context_be, valid, ctxt, 1); - AMAP_SET_BITS(struct amap_cq_context_be, solevent, - ctxt, sol_evts); AMAP_SET_BITS(struct amap_cq_context_be, eventable, ctxt, 1); AMAP_SET_BITS(struct amap_cq_context_be, eqid, ctxt, eq->id); - AMAP_SET_BITS(struct amap_cq_context_be, armed, ctxt, 1); } be_dws_cpu_to_le(ctxt, sizeof(req->context)); @@ -973,7 +968,7 @@ int be_cmd_txq_create(struct be_adapter *adapter, /* Uses MCC */ int be_cmd_rxq_create(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_queue_info *rxq, u16 cq_id, u16 frag_size, - u16 max_frame_size, u32 if_id, u32 rss, u8 *rss_id) + u32 if_id, u32 rss, u8 *rss_id) { struct be_mcc_wrb *wrb; struct be_cmd_req_eth_rx_create *req; @@ -997,7 +992,7 @@ int be_cmd_rxq_create(struct be_adapter *adapter, req->num_pages = 2; be_cmd_page_addrs_prepare(req->pages, ARRAY_SIZE(req->pages), q_mem); req->interface_id = cpu_to_le32(if_id); - req->max_frame_size = cpu_to_le16(max_frame_size); + req->max_frame_size = cpu_to_le16(BE_MAX_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE); req->rss_queue = cpu_to_le32(rss); status = be_mcc_notify_wait(adapter); @@ -1257,11 +1252,13 @@ int be_cmd_link_status_query(struct be_adapter *adapter, u8 *mac_speed, } req = embedded_payload(wrb); + be_wrb_cmd_hdr_prepare(&req->hdr, CMD_SUBSYSTEM_COMMON, + OPCODE_COMMON_NTWK_LINK_STATUS_QUERY, sizeof(*req), wrb, NULL); + if (adapter->generation == BE_GEN3 || lancer_chip(adapter)) req->hdr.version = 1; - be_wrb_cmd_hdr_prepare(&req->hdr, CMD_SUBSYSTEM_COMMON, - OPCODE_COMMON_NTWK_LINK_STATUS_QUERY, sizeof(*req), wrb, NULL); + req->hdr.domain = dom; status = be_mcc_notify_wait(adapter); if (!status) { @@ -1697,7 +1694,8 @@ int be_cmd_rss_config(struct be_adapter *adapter, u8 *rsstable, u16 table_size) OPCODE_ETH_RSS_CONFIG, sizeof(*req), wrb, NULL); req->if_id = cpu_to_le32(adapter->if_handle); - req->enable_rss = cpu_to_le16(RSS_ENABLE_TCP_IPV4 | RSS_ENABLE_IPV4); + req->enable_rss = cpu_to_le16(RSS_ENABLE_TCP_IPV4 | RSS_ENABLE_IPV4 | + RSS_ENABLE_TCP_IPV6 | RSS_ENABLE_IPV6); req->cpu_table_size_log2 = cpu_to_le16(fls(table_size) - 1); memcpy(req->cpu_table, rsstable, table_size); memcpy(req->hash, myhash, sizeof(myhash)); @@ -2298,52 +2296,81 @@ int be_cmd_req_native_mode(struct be_adapter *adapter) /* Uses synchronous MCCQ */ int be_cmd_get_mac_from_list(struct be_adapter *adapter, u32 domain, - u32 *pmac_id) + bool *pmac_id_active, u32 *pmac_id, u8 *mac) { struct be_mcc_wrb *wrb; struct be_cmd_req_get_mac_list *req; int status; int mac_count; + struct be_dma_mem get_mac_list_cmd; + int i; + + memset(&get_mac_list_cmd, 0, sizeof(struct be_dma_mem)); + get_mac_list_cmd.size = sizeof(struct be_cmd_resp_get_mac_list); + get_mac_list_cmd.va = pci_alloc_consistent(adapter->pdev, + get_mac_list_cmd.size, + &get_mac_list_cmd.dma); + + if (!get_mac_list_cmd.va) { + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, + "Memory allocation failure during GET_MAC_LIST\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } spin_lock_bh(&adapter->mcc_lock); wrb = wrb_from_mccq(adapter); if (!wrb) { status = -EBUSY; - goto err; + goto out; } - req = embedded_payload(wrb); + + req = get_mac_list_cmd.va; be_wrb_cmd_hdr_prepare(&req->hdr, CMD_SUBSYSTEM_COMMON, OPCODE_COMMON_GET_MAC_LIST, sizeof(*req), - wrb, NULL); + wrb, &get_mac_list_cmd); req->hdr.domain = domain; + req->mac_type = MAC_ADDRESS_TYPE_NETWORK; + req->perm_override = 1; status = be_mcc_notify_wait(adapter); if (!status) { struct be_cmd_resp_get_mac_list *resp = - embedded_payload(wrb); - int i; - u8 *ctxt = &resp->context[0][0]; - status = -EIO; - mac_count = resp->mac_count; - be_dws_le_to_cpu(&resp->context, sizeof(resp->context)); + get_mac_list_cmd.va; + mac_count = resp->true_mac_count + resp->pseudo_mac_count; + /* Mac list returned could contain one or more active mac_ids + * or one or more pseudo permanant mac addresses. If an active + * mac_id is present, return first active mac_id found + */ for (i = 0; i < mac_count; i++) { - if (!AMAP_GET_BITS(struct amap_get_mac_list_context, - act, ctxt)) { - *pmac_id = AMAP_GET_BITS - (struct amap_get_mac_list_context, - macid, ctxt); - status = 0; - break; + struct get_list_macaddr *mac_entry; + u16 mac_addr_size; + u32 mac_id; + + mac_entry = &resp->macaddr_list[i]; + mac_addr_size = le16_to_cpu(mac_entry->mac_addr_size); + /* mac_id is a 32 bit value and mac_addr size + * is 6 bytes + */ + if (mac_addr_size == sizeof(u32)) { + *pmac_id_active = true; + mac_id = mac_entry->mac_addr_id.s_mac_id.mac_id; + *pmac_id = le32_to_cpu(mac_id); + goto out; } - ctxt += sizeof(struct amap_get_mac_list_context) / 8; } + /* If no active mac_id found, return first pseudo mac addr */ + *pmac_id_active = false; + memcpy(mac, resp->macaddr_list[0].mac_addr_id.macaddr, + ETH_ALEN); } -err: +out: spin_unlock_bh(&adapter->mcc_lock); + pci_free_consistent(adapter->pdev, get_mac_list_cmd.size, + get_mac_list_cmd.va, get_mac_list_cmd.dma); return status; } @@ -2391,3 +2418,141 @@ int be_cmd_set_mac_list(struct be_adapter *adapter, u8 *mac_array, spin_unlock_bh(&adapter->mcc_lock); return status; } + +int be_cmd_set_hsw_config(struct be_adapter *adapter, u16 pvid, + u32 domain, u16 intf_id) +{ + struct be_mcc_wrb *wrb; + struct be_cmd_req_set_hsw_config *req; + void *ctxt; + int status; + + spin_lock_bh(&adapter->mcc_lock); + + wrb = wrb_from_mccq(adapter); + if (!wrb) { + status = -EBUSY; + goto err; + } + + req = embedded_payload(wrb); + ctxt = &req->context; + + be_wrb_cmd_hdr_prepare(&req->hdr, CMD_SUBSYSTEM_COMMON, + OPCODE_COMMON_SET_HSW_CONFIG, sizeof(*req), wrb, NULL); + + req->hdr.domain = domain; + AMAP_SET_BITS(struct amap_set_hsw_context, interface_id, ctxt, intf_id); + if (pvid) { + AMAP_SET_BITS(struct amap_set_hsw_context, pvid_valid, ctxt, 1); + AMAP_SET_BITS(struct amap_set_hsw_context, pvid, ctxt, pvid); + } + + be_dws_cpu_to_le(req->context, sizeof(req->context)); + status = be_mcc_notify_wait(adapter); + +err: + spin_unlock_bh(&adapter->mcc_lock); + return status; +} + +/* Get Hyper switch config */ +int be_cmd_get_hsw_config(struct be_adapter *adapter, u16 *pvid, + u32 domain, u16 intf_id) +{ + struct be_mcc_wrb *wrb; + struct be_cmd_req_get_hsw_config *req; + void *ctxt; + int status; + u16 vid; + + spin_lock_bh(&adapter->mcc_lock); + + wrb = wrb_from_mccq(adapter); + if (!wrb) { + status = -EBUSY; + goto err; + } + + req = embedded_payload(wrb); + ctxt = &req->context; + + be_wrb_cmd_hdr_prepare(&req->hdr, CMD_SUBSYSTEM_COMMON, + OPCODE_COMMON_GET_HSW_CONFIG, sizeof(*req), wrb, NULL); + + req->hdr.domain = domain; + AMAP_SET_BITS(struct amap_get_hsw_req_context, interface_id, ctxt, + intf_id); + AMAP_SET_BITS(struct amap_get_hsw_req_context, pvid_valid, ctxt, 1); + be_dws_cpu_to_le(req->context, sizeof(req->context)); + + status = be_mcc_notify_wait(adapter); + if (!status) { + struct be_cmd_resp_get_hsw_config *resp = + embedded_payload(wrb); + be_dws_le_to_cpu(&resp->context, + sizeof(resp->context)); + vid = AMAP_GET_BITS(struct amap_get_hsw_resp_context, + pvid, &resp->context); + *pvid = le16_to_cpu(vid); + } + +err: + spin_unlock_bh(&adapter->mcc_lock); + return status; +} + +int be_cmd_get_acpi_wol_cap(struct be_adapter *adapter) +{ + struct be_mcc_wrb *wrb; + struct be_cmd_req_acpi_wol_magic_config_v1 *req; + int status; + int payload_len = sizeof(*req); + struct be_dma_mem cmd; + + memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(struct be_dma_mem)); + cmd.size = sizeof(struct be_cmd_resp_acpi_wol_magic_config_v1); + cmd.va = pci_alloc_consistent(adapter->pdev, cmd.size, + &cmd.dma); + if (!cmd.va) { + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, + "Memory allocation failure\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + if (mutex_lock_interruptible(&adapter->mbox_lock)) + return -1; + + wrb = wrb_from_mbox(adapter); + if (!wrb) { + status = -EBUSY; + goto err; + } + + req = cmd.va; + + be_wrb_cmd_hdr_prepare(&req->hdr, CMD_SUBSYSTEM_ETH, + OPCODE_ETH_ACPI_WOL_MAGIC_CONFIG, + payload_len, wrb, &cmd); + + req->hdr.version = 1; + req->query_options = BE_GET_WOL_CAP; + + status = be_mbox_notify_wait(adapter); + if (!status) { + struct be_cmd_resp_acpi_wol_magic_config_v1 *resp; + resp = (struct be_cmd_resp_acpi_wol_magic_config_v1 *) cmd.va; + + /* the command could succeed misleadingly on old f/w + * which is not aware of the V1 version. fake an error. */ + if (resp->hdr.response_length < payload_len) { + status = -1; + goto err; + } + adapter->wol_cap = resp->wol_settings; + } +err: + mutex_unlock(&adapter->mbox_lock); + pci_free_consistent(adapter->pdev, cmd.size, cmd.va, cmd.dma); + return status; +} diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be_cmds.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be_cmds.h index dca89249088f6b7cd4439a1a2048aec059047ba5..d5b680c56af04756d58600619fc34c5fd6a895a0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be_cmds.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be_cmds.h @@ -191,6 +191,8 @@ struct be_mcc_mailbox { #define OPCODE_COMMON_GET_CNTL_ADDITIONAL_ATTRIBUTES 121 #define OPCODE_COMMON_GET_MAC_LIST 147 #define OPCODE_COMMON_SET_MAC_LIST 148 +#define OPCODE_COMMON_GET_HSW_CONFIG 152 +#define OPCODE_COMMON_SET_HSW_CONFIG 153 #define OPCODE_COMMON_READ_OBJECT 171 #define OPCODE_COMMON_WRITE_OBJECT 172 @@ -592,8 +594,8 @@ struct be_port_rxf_stats_v0 { u32 rx_in_range_errors; /* dword 10*/ u32 rx_out_range_errors; /* dword 11*/ u32 rx_frame_too_long; /* dword 12*/ - u32 rx_address_match_errors; /* dword 13*/ - u32 rx_vlan_mismatch; /* dword 14*/ + u32 rx_address_mismatch_drops; /* dword 13*/ + u32 rx_vlan_mismatch_drops; /* dword 14*/ u32 rx_dropped_too_small; /* dword 15*/ u32 rx_dropped_too_short; /* dword 16*/ u32 rx_dropped_header_too_small; /* dword 17*/ @@ -799,8 +801,8 @@ struct lancer_pport_stats { u32 rx_control_frames_unknown_opcode_hi; u32 rx_in_range_errors; u32 rx_out_of_range_errors; - u32 rx_address_match_errors; - u32 rx_vlan_mismatch_errors; + u32 rx_address_mismatch_drops; + u32 rx_vlan_mismatch_drops; u32 rx_dropped_too_small; u32 rx_dropped_too_short; u32 rx_dropped_header_too_small; @@ -1206,6 +1208,33 @@ struct be_cmd_req_acpi_wol_magic_config{ u8 rsvd2[2]; } __packed; +struct be_cmd_req_acpi_wol_magic_config_v1 { + struct be_cmd_req_hdr hdr; + u8 rsvd0[2]; + u8 query_options; + u8 rsvd1[5]; + u32 rsvd2[288]; + u8 magic_mac[6]; + u8 rsvd3[22]; +} __packed; + +struct be_cmd_resp_acpi_wol_magic_config_v1 { + struct be_cmd_resp_hdr hdr; + u8 rsvd0[2]; + u8 wol_settings; + u8 rsvd1[5]; + u32 rsvd2[295]; +} __packed; + +#define BE_GET_WOL_CAP 2 + +#define BE_WOL_CAP 0x1 +#define BE_PME_D0_CAP 0x8 +#define BE_PME_D1_CAP 0x10 +#define BE_PME_D2_CAP 0x20 +#define BE_PME_D3HOT_CAP 0x40 +#define BE_PME_D3COLD_CAP 0x80 + /********************** LoopBack test *********************/ struct be_cmd_req_loopback_test { struct be_cmd_req_hdr hdr; @@ -1346,22 +1375,36 @@ struct be_cmd_resp_set_func_cap { /******************** GET/SET_MACLIST **************************/ #define BE_MAX_MAC 64 -struct amap_get_mac_list_context { - u8 macid[31]; - u8 act; -} __packed; - struct be_cmd_req_get_mac_list { struct be_cmd_req_hdr hdr; - u32 rsvd; + u8 mac_type; + u8 perm_override; + u16 iface_id; + u32 mac_id; + u32 rsvd[3]; +} __packed; + +struct get_list_macaddr { + u16 mac_addr_size; + union { + u8 macaddr[6]; + struct { + u8 rsvd[2]; + u32 mac_id; + } __packed s_mac_id; + } __packed mac_addr_id; } __packed; struct be_cmd_resp_get_mac_list { struct be_cmd_resp_hdr hdr; - u8 mac_count; - u8 rsvd1; - u16 rsvd2; - u8 context[sizeof(struct amap_get_mac_list_context) / 8][BE_MAX_MAC]; + struct get_list_macaddr fd_macaddr; /* Factory default mac */ + struct get_list_macaddr macid_macaddr; /* soft mac */ + u8 true_mac_count; + u8 pseudo_mac_count; + u8 mac_list_size; + u8 rsvd; + /* perm override mac */ + struct get_list_macaddr macaddr_list[BE_MAX_MAC]; } __packed; struct be_cmd_req_set_mac_list { @@ -1372,6 +1415,55 @@ struct be_cmd_req_set_mac_list { struct macaddr mac[BE_MAX_MAC]; } __packed; +/*********************** HSW Config ***********************/ +struct amap_set_hsw_context { + u8 interface_id[16]; + u8 rsvd0[14]; + u8 pvid_valid; + u8 rsvd1; + u8 rsvd2[16]; + u8 pvid[16]; + u8 rsvd3[32]; + u8 rsvd4[32]; + u8 rsvd5[32]; +} __packed; + +struct be_cmd_req_set_hsw_config { + struct be_cmd_req_hdr hdr; + u8 context[sizeof(struct amap_set_hsw_context) / 8]; +} __packed; + +struct be_cmd_resp_set_hsw_config { + struct be_cmd_resp_hdr hdr; + u32 rsvd; +}; + +struct amap_get_hsw_req_context { + u8 interface_id[16]; + u8 rsvd0[14]; + u8 pvid_valid; + u8 pport; +} __packed; + +struct amap_get_hsw_resp_context { + u8 rsvd1[16]; + u8 pvid[16]; + u8 rsvd2[32]; + u8 rsvd3[32]; + u8 rsvd4[32]; +} __packed; + +struct be_cmd_req_get_hsw_config { + struct be_cmd_req_hdr hdr; + u8 context[sizeof(struct amap_get_hsw_req_context) / 8]; +} __packed; + +struct be_cmd_resp_get_hsw_config { + struct be_cmd_resp_hdr hdr; + u8 context[sizeof(struct amap_get_hsw_resp_context) / 8]; + u32 rsvd; +}; + /*************** HW Stats Get v1 **********************************/ #define BE_TXP_SW_SZ 48 struct be_port_rxf_stats_v1 { @@ -1384,7 +1476,7 @@ struct be_port_rxf_stats_v1 { u32 rx_in_range_errors; u32 rx_out_range_errors; u32 rx_frame_too_long; - u32 rx_address_match_errors; + u32 rx_address_mismatch_drops; u32 rx_dropped_too_small; u32 rx_dropped_too_short; u32 rx_dropped_header_too_small; @@ -1492,8 +1584,7 @@ extern int be_cmd_eq_create(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_queue_info *eq, int eq_delay); extern int be_cmd_cq_create(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_queue_info *cq, struct be_queue_info *eq, - bool sol_evts, bool no_delay, - int num_cqe_dma_coalesce); + bool no_delay, int num_cqe_dma_coalesce); extern int be_cmd_mccq_create(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_queue_info *mccq, struct be_queue_info *cq); @@ -1502,8 +1593,7 @@ extern int be_cmd_txq_create(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_queue_info *cq); extern int be_cmd_rxq_create(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_queue_info *rxq, u16 cq_id, - u16 frag_size, u16 max_frame_size, u32 if_id, - u32 rss, u8 *rss_id); + u16 frag_size, u32 if_id, u32 rss, u8 *rss_id); extern int be_cmd_q_destroy(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_queue_info *q, int type); extern int be_cmd_rxq_destroy(struct be_adapter *adapter, @@ -1532,7 +1622,7 @@ extern int be_cmd_query_fw_cfg(struct be_adapter *adapter, extern int be_cmd_reset_function(struct be_adapter *adapter); extern int be_cmd_rss_config(struct be_adapter *adapter, u8 *rsstable, u16 table_size); -extern int be_process_mcc(struct be_adapter *adapter, int *status); +extern int be_process_mcc(struct be_adapter *adapter); extern int be_cmd_set_beacon_state(struct be_adapter *adapter, u8 port_num, u8 beacon, u8 status, u8 state); extern int be_cmd_get_beacon_state(struct be_adapter *adapter, @@ -1575,7 +1665,12 @@ extern int be_cmd_req_native_mode(struct be_adapter *adapter); extern int be_cmd_get_reg_len(struct be_adapter *adapter, u32 *log_size); extern void be_cmd_get_regs(struct be_adapter *adapter, u32 buf_len, void *buf); extern int be_cmd_get_mac_from_list(struct be_adapter *adapter, u32 domain, - u32 *pmac_id); + bool *pmac_id_active, u32 *pmac_id, u8 *mac); extern int be_cmd_set_mac_list(struct be_adapter *adapter, u8 *mac_array, u8 mac_count, u32 domain); +extern int be_cmd_set_hsw_config(struct be_adapter *adapter, u16 pvid, + u32 domain, u16 intf_id); +extern int be_cmd_get_hsw_config(struct be_adapter *adapter, u16 *pvid, + u32 domain, u16 intf_id); +extern int be_cmd_get_acpi_wol_cap(struct be_adapter *adapter); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be_ethtool.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be_ethtool.c index 802e5ddef8a8c48aa48ad4ae2adafc35ff8b5f84..c1ff73cb0e6283fec963df11eb1676c282bbf3a8 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be_ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be_ethtool.c @@ -37,20 +37,46 @@ enum {DRVSTAT_TX, DRVSTAT_RX, DRVSTAT}; FIELDINFO(struct be_drv_stats, field) static const struct be_ethtool_stat et_stats[] = { - {DRVSTAT_INFO(tx_events)}, {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_crc_errors)}, {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_alignment_symbol_errors)}, {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_pause_frames)}, {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_control_frames)}, + /* Received packets dropped when the Ethernet length field + * is not equal to the actual Ethernet data length. + */ {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_in_range_errors)}, + /* Received packets dropped when their length field is >= 1501 bytes + * and <= 1535 bytes. + */ {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_out_range_errors)}, + /* Received packets dropped when they are longer than 9216 bytes */ {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_frame_too_long)}, - {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_address_match_errors)}, + /* Received packets dropped when they don't pass the unicast or + * multicast address filtering. + */ + {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_address_mismatch_drops)}, + /* Received packets dropped when IP packet length field is less than + * the IP header length field. + */ {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_dropped_too_small)}, + /* Received packets dropped when IP length field is greater than + * the actual packet length. + */ {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_dropped_too_short)}, + /* Received packets dropped when the IP header length field is less + * than 5. + */ {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_dropped_header_too_small)}, + /* Received packets dropped when the TCP header length field is less + * than 5 or the TCP header length + IP header length is more + * than IP packet length. + */ {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_dropped_tcp_length)}, {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_dropped_runt)}, + /* Number of received packets dropped when a fifo for descriptors going + * into the packet demux block overflows. In normal operation, this + * fifo must never overflow. + */ {DRVSTAT_INFO(rxpp_fifo_overflow_drop)}, {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_input_fifo_overflow_drop)}, {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_ip_checksum_errs)}, @@ -59,16 +85,35 @@ static const struct be_ethtool_stat et_stats[] = { {DRVSTAT_INFO(tx_pauseframes)}, {DRVSTAT_INFO(tx_controlframes)}, {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_priority_pause_frames)}, + /* Received packets dropped when an internal fifo going into + * main packet buffer tank (PMEM) overflows. + */ {DRVSTAT_INFO(pmem_fifo_overflow_drop)}, {DRVSTAT_INFO(jabber_events)}, + /* Received packets dropped due to lack of available HW packet buffers + * used to temporarily hold the received packets. + */ {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_drops_no_pbuf)}, - {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_drops_no_txpb)}, + /* Received packets dropped due to input receive buffer + * descriptor fifo overflowing. + */ {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_drops_no_erx_descr)}, + /* Packets dropped because the internal FIFO to the offloaded TCP + * receive processing block is full. This could happen only for + * offloaded iSCSI or FCoE trarffic. + */ {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_drops_no_tpre_descr)}, + /* Received packets dropped when they need more than 8 + * receive buffers. This cannot happen as the driver configures + * 2048 byte receive buffers. + */ {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_drops_too_many_frags)}, - {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_drops_invalid_ring)}, {DRVSTAT_INFO(forwarded_packets)}, + /* Received packets dropped when the frame length + * is more than 9018 bytes + */ {DRVSTAT_INFO(rx_drops_mtu)}, + /* Number of packets dropped due to random early drop function */ {DRVSTAT_INFO(eth_red_drops)}, {DRVSTAT_INFO(be_on_die_temperature)} }; @@ -80,12 +125,17 @@ static const struct be_ethtool_stat et_stats[] = { static const struct be_ethtool_stat et_rx_stats[] = { {DRVSTAT_RX_INFO(rx_bytes)},/* If moving this member see above note */ {DRVSTAT_RX_INFO(rx_pkts)}, /* If moving this member see above note */ - {DRVSTAT_RX_INFO(rx_polls)}, - {DRVSTAT_RX_INFO(rx_events)}, {DRVSTAT_RX_INFO(rx_compl)}, {DRVSTAT_RX_INFO(rx_mcast_pkts)}, + /* Number of page allocation failures while posting receive buffers + * to HW. + */ {DRVSTAT_RX_INFO(rx_post_fail)}, + /* Recevied packets dropped due to skb allocation failure */ {DRVSTAT_RX_INFO(rx_drops_no_skbs)}, + /* Received packets dropped due to lack of available fetched buffers + * posted by the driver. + */ {DRVSTAT_RX_INFO(rx_drops_no_frags)} }; #define ETHTOOL_RXSTATS_NUM (ARRAY_SIZE(et_rx_stats)) @@ -97,9 +147,13 @@ static const struct be_ethtool_stat et_tx_stats[] = { {DRVSTAT_TX_INFO(tx_compl)}, /* If moving this member see above note */ {DRVSTAT_TX_INFO(tx_bytes)}, {DRVSTAT_TX_INFO(tx_pkts)}, + /* Number of skbs queued for trasmission by the driver */ {DRVSTAT_TX_INFO(tx_reqs)}, + /* Number of TX work request blocks DMAed to HW */ {DRVSTAT_TX_INFO(tx_wrbs)}, - {DRVSTAT_TX_INFO(tx_compl)}, + /* Number of times the TX queue was stopped due to lack + * of spaces in the TXQ. + */ {DRVSTAT_TX_INFO(tx_stops)} }; #define ETHTOOL_TXSTATS_NUM (ARRAY_SIZE(et_tx_stats)) @@ -232,86 +286,42 @@ be_get_regs(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_regs *regs, void *buf) } } -static int -be_get_coalesce(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_coalesce *coalesce) +static int be_get_coalesce(struct net_device *netdev, + struct ethtool_coalesce *et) { struct be_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); - struct be_eq_obj *rx_eq = &adapter->rx_obj[0].rx_eq; - struct be_eq_obj *tx_eq = &adapter->tx_eq; + struct be_eq_obj *eqo = &adapter->eq_obj[0]; + - coalesce->rx_coalesce_usecs = rx_eq->cur_eqd; - coalesce->rx_coalesce_usecs_high = rx_eq->max_eqd; - coalesce->rx_coalesce_usecs_low = rx_eq->min_eqd; + et->rx_coalesce_usecs = eqo->cur_eqd; + et->rx_coalesce_usecs_high = eqo->max_eqd; + et->rx_coalesce_usecs_low = eqo->min_eqd; - coalesce->tx_coalesce_usecs = tx_eq->cur_eqd; - coalesce->tx_coalesce_usecs_high = tx_eq->max_eqd; - coalesce->tx_coalesce_usecs_low = tx_eq->min_eqd; + et->tx_coalesce_usecs = eqo->cur_eqd; + et->tx_coalesce_usecs_high = eqo->max_eqd; + et->tx_coalesce_usecs_low = eqo->min_eqd; - coalesce->use_adaptive_rx_coalesce = rx_eq->enable_aic; - coalesce->use_adaptive_tx_coalesce = tx_eq->enable_aic; + et->use_adaptive_rx_coalesce = eqo->enable_aic; + et->use_adaptive_tx_coalesce = eqo->enable_aic; return 0; } -/* - * This routine is used to set interrup coalescing delay +/* TX attributes are ignored. Only RX attributes are considered + * eqd cmd is issued in the worker thread. */ -static int -be_set_coalesce(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_coalesce *coalesce) +static int be_set_coalesce(struct net_device *netdev, + struct ethtool_coalesce *et) { struct be_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); - struct be_rx_obj *rxo; - struct be_eq_obj *rx_eq; - struct be_eq_obj *tx_eq = &adapter->tx_eq; - u32 rx_max, rx_min, rx_cur; - int status = 0, i; - u32 tx_cur; - - if (coalesce->use_adaptive_tx_coalesce == 1) - return -EINVAL; - - for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) { - rx_eq = &rxo->rx_eq; - - if (!rx_eq->enable_aic && coalesce->use_adaptive_rx_coalesce) - rx_eq->cur_eqd = 0; - rx_eq->enable_aic = coalesce->use_adaptive_rx_coalesce; - - rx_max = coalesce->rx_coalesce_usecs_high; - rx_min = coalesce->rx_coalesce_usecs_low; - rx_cur = coalesce->rx_coalesce_usecs; - - if (rx_eq->enable_aic) { - if (rx_max > BE_MAX_EQD) - rx_max = BE_MAX_EQD; - if (rx_min > rx_max) - rx_min = rx_max; - rx_eq->max_eqd = rx_max; - rx_eq->min_eqd = rx_min; - if (rx_eq->cur_eqd > rx_max) - rx_eq->cur_eqd = rx_max; - if (rx_eq->cur_eqd < rx_min) - rx_eq->cur_eqd = rx_min; - } else { - if (rx_cur > BE_MAX_EQD) - rx_cur = BE_MAX_EQD; - if (rx_eq->cur_eqd != rx_cur) { - status = be_cmd_modify_eqd(adapter, rx_eq->q.id, - rx_cur); - if (!status) - rx_eq->cur_eqd = rx_cur; - } - } - } - - tx_cur = coalesce->tx_coalesce_usecs; - - if (tx_cur > BE_MAX_EQD) - tx_cur = BE_MAX_EQD; - if (tx_eq->cur_eqd != tx_cur) { - status = be_cmd_modify_eqd(adapter, tx_eq->q.id, tx_cur); - if (!status) - tx_eq->cur_eqd = tx_cur; + struct be_eq_obj *eqo; + int i; + + for_all_evt_queues(adapter, eqo, i) { + eqo->enable_aic = et->use_adaptive_rx_coalesce; + eqo->max_eqd = min(et->rx_coalesce_usecs_high, BE_MAX_EQD); + eqo->min_eqd = min(et->rx_coalesce_usecs_low, eqo->max_eqd); + eqo->eqd = et->rx_coalesce_usecs; } return 0; @@ -590,26 +600,16 @@ be_set_phys_id(struct net_device *netdev, return 0; } -static bool -be_is_wol_supported(struct be_adapter *adapter) -{ - if (!be_physfn(adapter)) - return false; - else - return true; -} static void be_get_wol(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_wolinfo *wol) { struct be_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); - if (be_is_wol_supported(adapter)) - wol->supported = WAKE_MAGIC; - - if (adapter->wol) - wol->wolopts = WAKE_MAGIC; - else + if (be_is_wol_supported(adapter)) { + wol->supported |= WAKE_MAGIC; + wol->wolopts |= WAKE_MAGIC; + } else wol->wolopts = 0; memset(&wol->sopass, 0, sizeof(wol->sopass)); } @@ -620,9 +620,14 @@ be_set_wol(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_wolinfo *wol) struct be_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); if (wol->wolopts & ~WAKE_MAGIC) - return -EINVAL; + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + + if (!be_is_wol_supported(adapter)) { + dev_warn(&adapter->pdev->dev, "WOL not supported\n"); + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + } - if ((wol->wolopts & WAKE_MAGIC) && be_is_wol_supported(adapter)) + if (wol->wolopts & WAKE_MAGIC) adapter->wol = true; else adapter->wol = false; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be_main.c index e703d64434f89cec738cf2a28fc3b37167fb4c11..528a886bc2cdb8f7bc51cbc1f7c62bd2ccaa3a87 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be_main.c @@ -127,9 +127,11 @@ static inline bool be_is_mc(struct be_adapter *adapter) { static void be_queue_free(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_queue_info *q) { struct be_dma_mem *mem = &q->dma_mem; - if (mem->va) + if (mem->va) { dma_free_coherent(&adapter->pdev->dev, mem->size, mem->va, mem->dma); + mem->va = NULL; + } } static int be_queue_alloc(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_queue_info *q, @@ -144,7 +146,7 @@ static int be_queue_alloc(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_queue_info *q, mem->va = dma_alloc_coherent(&adapter->pdev->dev, mem->size, &mem->dma, GFP_KERNEL); if (!mem->va) - return -1; + return -ENOMEM; memset(mem->va, 0, mem->size); return 0; } @@ -233,7 +235,7 @@ static int be_mac_addr_set(struct net_device *netdev, void *p) struct sockaddr *addr = p; int status = 0; u8 current_mac[ETH_ALEN]; - u32 pmac_id = adapter->pmac_id; + u32 pmac_id = adapter->pmac_id[0]; if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; @@ -246,7 +248,7 @@ static int be_mac_addr_set(struct net_device *netdev, void *p) if (memcmp(addr->sa_data, current_mac, ETH_ALEN)) { status = be_cmd_pmac_add(adapter, (u8 *)addr->sa_data, - adapter->if_handle, &adapter->pmac_id, 0); + adapter->if_handle, &adapter->pmac_id[0], 0); if (status) goto err; @@ -286,7 +288,9 @@ static void populate_be2_stats(struct be_adapter *adapter) drvs->rx_input_fifo_overflow_drop = port_stats->rx_input_fifo_overflow; drvs->rx_dropped_header_too_small = port_stats->rx_dropped_header_too_small; - drvs->rx_address_match_errors = port_stats->rx_address_match_errors; + drvs->rx_address_mismatch_drops = + port_stats->rx_address_mismatch_drops + + port_stats->rx_vlan_mismatch_drops; drvs->rx_alignment_symbol_errors = port_stats->rx_alignment_symbol_errors; @@ -298,9 +302,7 @@ static void populate_be2_stats(struct be_adapter *adapter) else drvs->jabber_events = rxf_stats->port0_jabber_events; drvs->rx_drops_no_pbuf = rxf_stats->rx_drops_no_pbuf; - drvs->rx_drops_no_txpb = rxf_stats->rx_drops_no_txpb; drvs->rx_drops_no_erx_descr = rxf_stats->rx_drops_no_erx_descr; - drvs->rx_drops_invalid_ring = rxf_stats->rx_drops_invalid_ring; drvs->forwarded_packets = rxf_stats->forwarded_packets; drvs->rx_drops_mtu = rxf_stats->rx_drops_mtu; drvs->rx_drops_no_tpre_descr = rxf_stats->rx_drops_no_tpre_descr; @@ -337,7 +339,7 @@ static void populate_be3_stats(struct be_adapter *adapter) port_stats->rx_dropped_header_too_small; drvs->rx_input_fifo_overflow_drop = port_stats->rx_input_fifo_overflow_drop; - drvs->rx_address_match_errors = port_stats->rx_address_match_errors; + drvs->rx_address_mismatch_drops = port_stats->rx_address_mismatch_drops; drvs->rx_alignment_symbol_errors = port_stats->rx_alignment_symbol_errors; drvs->rxpp_fifo_overflow_drop = port_stats->rxpp_fifo_overflow_drop; @@ -345,9 +347,7 @@ static void populate_be3_stats(struct be_adapter *adapter) drvs->tx_controlframes = port_stats->tx_controlframes; drvs->jabber_events = port_stats->jabber_events; drvs->rx_drops_no_pbuf = rxf_stats->rx_drops_no_pbuf; - drvs->rx_drops_no_txpb = rxf_stats->rx_drops_no_txpb; drvs->rx_drops_no_erx_descr = rxf_stats->rx_drops_no_erx_descr; - drvs->rx_drops_invalid_ring = rxf_stats->rx_drops_invalid_ring; drvs->forwarded_packets = rxf_stats->forwarded_packets; drvs->rx_drops_mtu = rxf_stats->rx_drops_mtu; drvs->rx_drops_no_tpre_descr = rxf_stats->rx_drops_no_tpre_descr; @@ -380,13 +380,14 @@ static void populate_lancer_stats(struct be_adapter *adapter) drvs->rx_dropped_header_too_small = pport_stats->rx_dropped_header_too_small; drvs->rx_input_fifo_overflow_drop = pport_stats->rx_fifo_overflow; - drvs->rx_address_match_errors = pport_stats->rx_address_match_errors; + drvs->rx_address_mismatch_drops = + pport_stats->rx_address_mismatch_drops + + pport_stats->rx_vlan_mismatch_drops; drvs->rx_alignment_symbol_errors = pport_stats->rx_symbol_errors_lo; drvs->rxpp_fifo_overflow_drop = pport_stats->rx_fifo_overflow; drvs->tx_pauseframes = pport_stats->tx_pause_frames_lo; drvs->tx_controlframes = pport_stats->tx_control_frames_lo; drvs->jabber_events = pport_stats->rx_jabbers; - drvs->rx_drops_invalid_ring = pport_stats->rx_drops_invalid_queue; drvs->forwarded_packets = pport_stats->num_forwards_lo; drvs->rx_drops_mtu = pport_stats->rx_drops_mtu_lo; drvs->rx_drops_too_many_frags = @@ -884,6 +885,29 @@ static void be_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *netdev) goto done; } + if (netdev_uc_count(netdev) != adapter->uc_macs) { + struct netdev_hw_addr *ha; + int i = 1; /* First slot is claimed by the Primary MAC */ + + for (; adapter->uc_macs > 0; adapter->uc_macs--, i++) { + be_cmd_pmac_del(adapter, adapter->if_handle, + adapter->pmac_id[i], 0); + } + + if (netdev_uc_count(netdev) > adapter->max_pmac_cnt) { + be_cmd_rx_filter(adapter, IFF_PROMISC, ON); + adapter->promiscuous = true; + goto done; + } + + netdev_for_each_uc_addr(ha, adapter->netdev) { + adapter->uc_macs++; /* First slot is for Primary MAC */ + be_cmd_pmac_add(adapter, (u8 *)ha->addr, + adapter->if_handle, + &adapter->pmac_id[adapter->uc_macs], 0); + } + } + be_cmd_rx_filter(adapter, IFF_MULTICAST, ON); done: return; @@ -954,14 +978,21 @@ static int be_set_vf_vlan(struct net_device *netdev, return -EINVAL; if (vlan) { - adapter->vf_cfg[vf].vlan_tag = vlan; - adapter->vlans_added++; + if (adapter->vf_cfg[vf].vlan_tag != vlan) { + /* If this is new value, program it. Else skip. */ + adapter->vf_cfg[vf].vlan_tag = vlan; + + status = be_cmd_set_hsw_config(adapter, vlan, + vf + 1, adapter->vf_cfg[vf].if_handle); + } } else { + /* Reset Transparent Vlan Tagging. */ adapter->vf_cfg[vf].vlan_tag = 0; - adapter->vlans_added--; + vlan = adapter->vf_cfg[vf].def_vid; + status = be_cmd_set_hsw_config(adapter, vlan, vf + 1, + adapter->vf_cfg[vf].if_handle); } - status = be_vid_config(adapter, true, vf); if (status) dev_info(&adapter->pdev->dev, @@ -997,18 +1028,24 @@ static int be_set_vf_tx_rate(struct net_device *netdev, return status; } -static void be_rx_eqd_update(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_rx_obj *rxo) +static void be_eqd_update(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_eq_obj *eqo) { - struct be_eq_obj *rx_eq = &rxo->rx_eq; - struct be_rx_stats *stats = rx_stats(rxo); + struct be_rx_stats *stats = rx_stats(&adapter->rx_obj[eqo->idx]); ulong now = jiffies; ulong delta = now - stats->rx_jiffies; u64 pkts; unsigned int start, eqd; - if (!rx_eq->enable_aic) + if (!eqo->enable_aic) { + eqd = eqo->eqd; + goto modify_eqd; + } + + if (eqo->idx >= adapter->num_rx_qs) return; + stats = rx_stats(&adapter->rx_obj[eqo->idx]); + /* Wrapped around */ if (time_before(now, stats->rx_jiffies)) { stats->rx_jiffies = now; @@ -1027,17 +1064,16 @@ static void be_rx_eqd_update(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_rx_obj *rxo) stats->rx_pps = (unsigned long)(pkts - stats->rx_pkts_prev) / (delta / HZ); stats->rx_pkts_prev = pkts; stats->rx_jiffies = now; - eqd = stats->rx_pps / 110000; - eqd = eqd << 3; - if (eqd > rx_eq->max_eqd) - eqd = rx_eq->max_eqd; - if (eqd < rx_eq->min_eqd) - eqd = rx_eq->min_eqd; + eqd = (stats->rx_pps / 110000) << 3; + eqd = min(eqd, eqo->max_eqd); + eqd = max(eqd, eqo->min_eqd); if (eqd < 10) eqd = 0; - if (eqd != rx_eq->cur_eqd) { - be_cmd_modify_eqd(adapter, rx_eq->q.id, eqd); - rx_eq->cur_eqd = eqd; + +modify_eqd: + if (eqd != eqo->cur_eqd) { + be_cmd_modify_eqd(adapter, eqo->q.id, eqd); + eqo->cur_eqd = eqd; } } @@ -1065,11 +1101,10 @@ static inline bool csum_passed(struct be_rx_compl_info *rxcp) (rxcp->ip_csum || rxcp->ipv6); } -static struct be_rx_page_info * -get_rx_page_info(struct be_adapter *adapter, - struct be_rx_obj *rxo, - u16 frag_idx) +static struct be_rx_page_info *get_rx_page_info(struct be_rx_obj *rxo, + u16 frag_idx) { + struct be_adapter *adapter = rxo->adapter; struct be_rx_page_info *rx_page_info; struct be_queue_info *rxq = &rxo->q; @@ -1088,16 +1123,15 @@ get_rx_page_info(struct be_adapter *adapter, } /* Throwaway the data in the Rx completion */ -static void be_rx_compl_discard(struct be_adapter *adapter, - struct be_rx_obj *rxo, - struct be_rx_compl_info *rxcp) +static void be_rx_compl_discard(struct be_rx_obj *rxo, + struct be_rx_compl_info *rxcp) { struct be_queue_info *rxq = &rxo->q; struct be_rx_page_info *page_info; u16 i, num_rcvd = rxcp->num_rcvd; for (i = 0; i < num_rcvd; i++) { - page_info = get_rx_page_info(adapter, rxo, rxcp->rxq_idx); + page_info = get_rx_page_info(rxo, rxcp->rxq_idx); put_page(page_info->page); memset(page_info, 0, sizeof(*page_info)); index_inc(&rxcp->rxq_idx, rxq->len); @@ -1108,8 +1142,8 @@ static void be_rx_compl_discard(struct be_adapter *adapter, * skb_fill_rx_data forms a complete skb for an ether frame * indicated by rxcp. */ -static void skb_fill_rx_data(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_rx_obj *rxo, - struct sk_buff *skb, struct be_rx_compl_info *rxcp) +static void skb_fill_rx_data(struct be_rx_obj *rxo, struct sk_buff *skb, + struct be_rx_compl_info *rxcp) { struct be_queue_info *rxq = &rxo->q; struct be_rx_page_info *page_info; @@ -1117,7 +1151,7 @@ static void skb_fill_rx_data(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_rx_obj *rxo, u16 hdr_len, curr_frag_len, remaining; u8 *start; - page_info = get_rx_page_info(adapter, rxo, rxcp->rxq_idx); + page_info = get_rx_page_info(rxo, rxcp->rxq_idx); start = page_address(page_info->page) + page_info->page_offset; prefetch(start); @@ -1154,7 +1188,7 @@ static void skb_fill_rx_data(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_rx_obj *rxo, index_inc(&rxcp->rxq_idx, rxq->len); remaining = rxcp->pkt_size - curr_frag_len; for (i = 1, j = 0; i < rxcp->num_rcvd; i++) { - page_info = get_rx_page_info(adapter, rxo, rxcp->rxq_idx); + page_info = get_rx_page_info(rxo, rxcp->rxq_idx); curr_frag_len = min(remaining, rx_frag_size); /* Coalesce all frags from the same physical page in one slot */ @@ -1182,21 +1216,21 @@ static void skb_fill_rx_data(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_rx_obj *rxo, } /* Process the RX completion indicated by rxcp when GRO is disabled */ -static void be_rx_compl_process(struct be_adapter *adapter, - struct be_rx_obj *rxo, - struct be_rx_compl_info *rxcp) +static void be_rx_compl_process(struct be_rx_obj *rxo, + struct be_rx_compl_info *rxcp) { + struct be_adapter *adapter = rxo->adapter; struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; struct sk_buff *skb; - skb = netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align(netdev, BE_HDR_LEN); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align(netdev, BE_RX_SKB_ALLOC_SIZE); if (unlikely(!skb)) { rx_stats(rxo)->rx_drops_no_skbs++; - be_rx_compl_discard(adapter, rxo, rxcp); + be_rx_compl_discard(rxo, rxcp); return; } - skb_fill_rx_data(adapter, rxo, skb, rxcp); + skb_fill_rx_data(rxo, skb, rxcp); if (likely((netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXCSUM) && csum_passed(rxcp))) skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY; @@ -1204,7 +1238,7 @@ static void be_rx_compl_process(struct be_adapter *adapter, skb_checksum_none_assert(skb); skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, netdev); - if (adapter->netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXHASH) + if (netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXHASH) skb->rxhash = rxcp->rss_hash; @@ -1215,26 +1249,25 @@ static void be_rx_compl_process(struct be_adapter *adapter, } /* Process the RX completion indicated by rxcp when GRO is enabled */ -static void be_rx_compl_process_gro(struct be_adapter *adapter, - struct be_rx_obj *rxo, - struct be_rx_compl_info *rxcp) +void be_rx_compl_process_gro(struct be_rx_obj *rxo, struct napi_struct *napi, + struct be_rx_compl_info *rxcp) { + struct be_adapter *adapter = rxo->adapter; struct be_rx_page_info *page_info; struct sk_buff *skb = NULL; struct be_queue_info *rxq = &rxo->q; - struct be_eq_obj *eq_obj = &rxo->rx_eq; u16 remaining, curr_frag_len; u16 i, j; - skb = napi_get_frags(&eq_obj->napi); + skb = napi_get_frags(napi); if (!skb) { - be_rx_compl_discard(adapter, rxo, rxcp); + be_rx_compl_discard(rxo, rxcp); return; } remaining = rxcp->pkt_size; for (i = 0, j = -1; i < rxcp->num_rcvd; i++) { - page_info = get_rx_page_info(adapter, rxo, rxcp->rxq_idx); + page_info = get_rx_page_info(rxo, rxcp->rxq_idx); curr_frag_len = min(remaining, rx_frag_size); @@ -1267,12 +1300,11 @@ static void be_rx_compl_process_gro(struct be_adapter *adapter, if (rxcp->vlanf) __vlan_hwaccel_put_tag(skb, rxcp->vlan_tag); - napi_gro_frags(&eq_obj->napi); + napi_gro_frags(napi); } -static void be_parse_rx_compl_v1(struct be_adapter *adapter, - struct be_eth_rx_compl *compl, - struct be_rx_compl_info *rxcp) +static void be_parse_rx_compl_v1(struct be_eth_rx_compl *compl, + struct be_rx_compl_info *rxcp) { rxcp->pkt_size = AMAP_GET_BITS(struct amap_eth_rx_compl_v1, pktsize, compl); @@ -1303,9 +1335,8 @@ static void be_parse_rx_compl_v1(struct be_adapter *adapter, rxcp->port = AMAP_GET_BITS(struct amap_eth_rx_compl_v1, port, compl); } -static void be_parse_rx_compl_v0(struct be_adapter *adapter, - struct be_eth_rx_compl *compl, - struct be_rx_compl_info *rxcp) +static void be_parse_rx_compl_v0(struct be_eth_rx_compl *compl, + struct be_rx_compl_info *rxcp) { rxcp->pkt_size = AMAP_GET_BITS(struct amap_eth_rx_compl_v0, pktsize, compl); @@ -1351,9 +1382,9 @@ static struct be_rx_compl_info *be_rx_compl_get(struct be_rx_obj *rxo) be_dws_le_to_cpu(compl, sizeof(*compl)); if (adapter->be3_native) - be_parse_rx_compl_v1(adapter, compl, rxcp); + be_parse_rx_compl_v1(compl, rxcp); else - be_parse_rx_compl_v0(adapter, compl, rxcp); + be_parse_rx_compl_v0(compl, rxcp); if (rxcp->vlanf) { /* vlanf could be wrongly set in some cards. @@ -1392,7 +1423,6 @@ static inline struct page *be_alloc_pages(u32 size, gfp_t gfp) static void be_post_rx_frags(struct be_rx_obj *rxo, gfp_t gfp) { struct be_adapter *adapter = rxo->adapter; - struct be_rx_page_info *page_info_tbl = rxo->page_info_tbl; struct be_rx_page_info *page_info = NULL, *prev_page_info = NULL; struct be_queue_info *rxq = &rxo->q; struct page *pagep = NULL; @@ -1434,7 +1464,7 @@ static void be_post_rx_frags(struct be_rx_obj *rxo, gfp_t gfp) prev_page_info = page_info; queue_head_inc(rxq); - page_info = &page_info_tbl[rxq->head]; + page_info = &rxo->page_info_tbl[rxq->head]; } if (pagep) prev_page_info->last_page_user = true; @@ -1496,62 +1526,51 @@ static u16 be_tx_compl_process(struct be_adapter *adapter, return num_wrbs; } -static inline struct be_eq_entry *event_get(struct be_eq_obj *eq_obj) +/* Return the number of events in the event queue */ +static inline int events_get(struct be_eq_obj *eqo) { - struct be_eq_entry *eqe = queue_tail_node(&eq_obj->q); + struct be_eq_entry *eqe; + int num = 0; - if (!eqe->evt) - return NULL; + do { + eqe = queue_tail_node(&eqo->q); + if (eqe->evt == 0) + break; - rmb(); - eqe->evt = le32_to_cpu(eqe->evt); - queue_tail_inc(&eq_obj->q); - return eqe; + rmb(); + eqe->evt = 0; + num++; + queue_tail_inc(&eqo->q); + } while (true); + + return num; } -static int event_handle(struct be_adapter *adapter, - struct be_eq_obj *eq_obj, - bool rearm) +static int event_handle(struct be_eq_obj *eqo) { - struct be_eq_entry *eqe; - u16 num = 0; + bool rearm = false; + int num = events_get(eqo); - while ((eqe = event_get(eq_obj)) != NULL) { - eqe->evt = 0; - num++; - } - - /* Deal with any spurious interrupts that come - * without events - */ + /* Deal with any spurious interrupts that come without events */ if (!num) rearm = true; - be_eq_notify(adapter, eq_obj->q.id, rearm, true, num); + be_eq_notify(eqo->adapter, eqo->q.id, rearm, true, num); if (num) - napi_schedule(&eq_obj->napi); + napi_schedule(&eqo->napi); return num; } -/* Just read and notify events without processing them. - * Used at the time of destroying event queues */ -static void be_eq_clean(struct be_adapter *adapter, - struct be_eq_obj *eq_obj) +/* Leaves the EQ is disarmed state */ +static void be_eq_clean(struct be_eq_obj *eqo) { - struct be_eq_entry *eqe; - u16 num = 0; + int num = events_get(eqo); - while ((eqe = event_get(eq_obj)) != NULL) { - eqe->evt = 0; - num++; - } - - if (num) - be_eq_notify(adapter, eq_obj->q.id, false, true, num); + be_eq_notify(eqo->adapter, eqo->q.id, false, true, num); } -static void be_rx_q_clean(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_rx_obj *rxo) +static void be_rx_cq_clean(struct be_rx_obj *rxo) { struct be_rx_page_info *page_info; struct be_queue_info *rxq = &rxo->q; @@ -1561,14 +1580,14 @@ static void be_rx_q_clean(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_rx_obj *rxo) /* First cleanup pending rx completions */ while ((rxcp = be_rx_compl_get(rxo)) != NULL) { - be_rx_compl_discard(adapter, rxo, rxcp); - be_cq_notify(adapter, rx_cq->id, false, 1); + be_rx_compl_discard(rxo, rxcp); + be_cq_notify(rxo->adapter, rx_cq->id, false, 1); } /* Then free posted rx buffer that were not used */ tail = (rxq->head + rxq->len - atomic_read(&rxq->used)) % rxq->len; for (; atomic_read(&rxq->used) > 0; index_inc(&tail, rxq->len)) { - page_info = get_rx_page_info(adapter, rxo, tail); + page_info = get_rx_page_info(rxo, tail); put_page(page_info->page); memset(page_info, 0, sizeof(*page_info)); } @@ -1576,52 +1595,104 @@ static void be_rx_q_clean(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_rx_obj *rxo) rxq->tail = rxq->head = 0; } -static void be_tx_compl_clean(struct be_adapter *adapter, - struct be_tx_obj *txo) +static void be_tx_compl_clean(struct be_adapter *adapter) { - struct be_queue_info *tx_cq = &txo->cq; - struct be_queue_info *txq = &txo->q; + struct be_tx_obj *txo; + struct be_queue_info *txq; struct be_eth_tx_compl *txcp; u16 end_idx, cmpl = 0, timeo = 0, num_wrbs = 0; - struct sk_buff **sent_skbs = txo->sent_skb_list; struct sk_buff *sent_skb; bool dummy_wrb; + int i, pending_txqs; /* Wait for a max of 200ms for all the tx-completions to arrive. */ do { - while ((txcp = be_tx_compl_get(tx_cq))) { - end_idx = AMAP_GET_BITS(struct amap_eth_tx_compl, - wrb_index, txcp); - num_wrbs += be_tx_compl_process(adapter, txo, end_idx); - cmpl++; - } - if (cmpl) { - be_cq_notify(adapter, tx_cq->id, false, cmpl); - atomic_sub(num_wrbs, &txq->used); - cmpl = 0; - num_wrbs = 0; + pending_txqs = adapter->num_tx_qs; + + for_all_tx_queues(adapter, txo, i) { + txq = &txo->q; + while ((txcp = be_tx_compl_get(&txo->cq))) { + end_idx = + AMAP_GET_BITS(struct amap_eth_tx_compl, + wrb_index, txcp); + num_wrbs += be_tx_compl_process(adapter, txo, + end_idx); + cmpl++; + } + if (cmpl) { + be_cq_notify(adapter, txo->cq.id, false, cmpl); + atomic_sub(num_wrbs, &txq->used); + cmpl = 0; + num_wrbs = 0; + } + if (atomic_read(&txq->used) == 0) + pending_txqs--; } - if (atomic_read(&txq->used) == 0 || ++timeo > 200) + if (pending_txqs == 0 || ++timeo > 200) break; mdelay(1); } while (true); - if (atomic_read(&txq->used)) - dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, "%d pending tx-completions\n", - atomic_read(&txq->used)); + for_all_tx_queues(adapter, txo, i) { + txq = &txo->q; + if (atomic_read(&txq->used)) + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, "%d pending tx-compls\n", + atomic_read(&txq->used)); + + /* free posted tx for which compls will never arrive */ + while (atomic_read(&txq->used)) { + sent_skb = txo->sent_skb_list[txq->tail]; + end_idx = txq->tail; + num_wrbs = wrb_cnt_for_skb(adapter, sent_skb, + &dummy_wrb); + index_adv(&end_idx, num_wrbs - 1, txq->len); + num_wrbs = be_tx_compl_process(adapter, txo, end_idx); + atomic_sub(num_wrbs, &txq->used); + } + } +} + +static void be_evt_queues_destroy(struct be_adapter *adapter) +{ + struct be_eq_obj *eqo; + int i; + + for_all_evt_queues(adapter, eqo, i) { + be_eq_clean(eqo); + if (eqo->q.created) + be_cmd_q_destroy(adapter, &eqo->q, QTYPE_EQ); + be_queue_free(adapter, &eqo->q); + } +} + +static int be_evt_queues_create(struct be_adapter *adapter) +{ + struct be_queue_info *eq; + struct be_eq_obj *eqo; + int i, rc; + + adapter->num_evt_qs = num_irqs(adapter); + + for_all_evt_queues(adapter, eqo, i) { + eqo->adapter = adapter; + eqo->tx_budget = BE_TX_BUDGET; + eqo->idx = i; + eqo->max_eqd = BE_MAX_EQD; + eqo->enable_aic = true; + + eq = &eqo->q; + rc = be_queue_alloc(adapter, eq, EVNT_Q_LEN, + sizeof(struct be_eq_entry)); + if (rc) + return rc; - /* free posted tx for which compls will never arrive */ - while (atomic_read(&txq->used)) { - sent_skb = sent_skbs[txq->tail]; - end_idx = txq->tail; - index_adv(&end_idx, - wrb_cnt_for_skb(adapter, sent_skb, &dummy_wrb) - 1, - txq->len); - num_wrbs = be_tx_compl_process(adapter, txo, end_idx); - atomic_sub(num_wrbs, &txq->used); + rc = be_cmd_eq_create(adapter, eq, eqo->cur_eqd); + if (rc) + return rc; } + return 0; } static void be_mcc_queues_destroy(struct be_adapter *adapter) @@ -1644,22 +1715,19 @@ static int be_mcc_queues_create(struct be_adapter *adapter) { struct be_queue_info *q, *cq; - /* Alloc MCC compl queue */ cq = &adapter->mcc_obj.cq; if (be_queue_alloc(adapter, cq, MCC_CQ_LEN, sizeof(struct be_mcc_compl))) goto err; - /* Ask BE to create MCC compl queue; share TX's eq */ - if (be_cmd_cq_create(adapter, cq, &adapter->tx_eq.q, false, true, 0)) + /* Use the default EQ for MCC completions */ + if (be_cmd_cq_create(adapter, cq, &mcc_eqo(adapter)->q, true, 0)) goto mcc_cq_free; - /* Alloc MCC queue */ q = &adapter->mcc_obj.q; if (be_queue_alloc(adapter, q, MCC_Q_LEN, sizeof(struct be_mcc_wrb))) goto mcc_cq_destroy; - /* Ask BE to create MCC queue */ if (be_cmd_mccq_create(adapter, q, cq)) goto mcc_q_free; @@ -1692,14 +1760,6 @@ static void be_tx_queues_destroy(struct be_adapter *adapter) be_cmd_q_destroy(adapter, q, QTYPE_CQ); be_queue_free(adapter, q); } - - /* Clear any residual events */ - be_eq_clean(adapter, &adapter->tx_eq); - - q = &adapter->tx_eq.q; - if (q->created) - be_cmd_q_destroy(adapter, q, QTYPE_EQ); - be_queue_free(adapter, q); } static int be_num_txqs_want(struct be_adapter *adapter) @@ -1712,10 +1772,10 @@ static int be_num_txqs_want(struct be_adapter *adapter) return MAX_TX_QS; } -/* One TX event queue is shared by all TX compl qs */ -static int be_tx_queues_create(struct be_adapter *adapter) +static int be_tx_cqs_create(struct be_adapter *adapter) { - struct be_queue_info *eq, *q, *cq; + struct be_queue_info *cq, *eq; + int status; struct be_tx_obj *txo; u8 i; @@ -1727,192 +1787,109 @@ static int be_tx_queues_create(struct be_adapter *adapter) rtnl_unlock(); } - adapter->tx_eq.max_eqd = 0; - adapter->tx_eq.min_eqd = 0; - adapter->tx_eq.cur_eqd = 96; - adapter->tx_eq.enable_aic = false; + for_all_tx_queues(adapter, txo, i) { + cq = &txo->cq; + status = be_queue_alloc(adapter, cq, TX_CQ_LEN, + sizeof(struct be_eth_tx_compl)); + if (status) + return status; - eq = &adapter->tx_eq.q; - if (be_queue_alloc(adapter, eq, EVNT_Q_LEN, - sizeof(struct be_eq_entry))) - return -1; + /* If num_evt_qs is less than num_tx_qs, then more than + * one txq share an eq + */ + eq = &adapter->eq_obj[i % adapter->num_evt_qs].q; + status = be_cmd_cq_create(adapter, cq, eq, false, 3); + if (status) + return status; + } + return 0; +} - if (be_cmd_eq_create(adapter, eq, adapter->tx_eq.cur_eqd)) - goto err; - adapter->tx_eq.eq_idx = adapter->eq_next_idx++; +static int be_tx_qs_create(struct be_adapter *adapter) +{ + struct be_tx_obj *txo; + int i, status; for_all_tx_queues(adapter, txo, i) { - cq = &txo->cq; - if (be_queue_alloc(adapter, cq, TX_CQ_LEN, - sizeof(struct be_eth_tx_compl))) - goto err; - - if (be_cmd_cq_create(adapter, cq, eq, false, false, 3)) - goto err; + status = be_queue_alloc(adapter, &txo->q, TX_Q_LEN, + sizeof(struct be_eth_wrb)); + if (status) + return status; - q = &txo->q; - if (be_queue_alloc(adapter, q, TX_Q_LEN, - sizeof(struct be_eth_wrb))) - goto err; + status = be_cmd_txq_create(adapter, &txo->q, &txo->cq); + if (status) + return status; } - return 0; -err: - be_tx_queues_destroy(adapter); - return -1; + return 0; } -static void be_rx_queues_destroy(struct be_adapter *adapter) +static void be_rx_cqs_destroy(struct be_adapter *adapter) { struct be_queue_info *q; struct be_rx_obj *rxo; int i; for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) { - be_queue_free(adapter, &rxo->q); - q = &rxo->cq; if (q->created) be_cmd_q_destroy(adapter, q, QTYPE_CQ); be_queue_free(adapter, q); - - q = &rxo->rx_eq.q; - if (q->created) - be_cmd_q_destroy(adapter, q, QTYPE_EQ); - be_queue_free(adapter, q); } } -static u32 be_num_rxqs_want(struct be_adapter *adapter) +static int be_rx_cqs_create(struct be_adapter *adapter) { - if ((adapter->function_caps & BE_FUNCTION_CAPS_RSS) && - !sriov_enabled(adapter) && be_physfn(adapter)) { - return 1 + MAX_RSS_QS; /* one default non-RSS queue */ - } else { - dev_warn(&adapter->pdev->dev, - "No support for multiple RX queues\n"); - return 1; - } -} - -static int be_rx_queues_create(struct be_adapter *adapter) -{ - struct be_queue_info *eq, *q, *cq; + struct be_queue_info *eq, *cq; struct be_rx_obj *rxo; int rc, i; - adapter->num_rx_qs = min(be_num_rxqs_want(adapter), - msix_enabled(adapter) ? - adapter->num_msix_vec - 1 : 1); - if (adapter->num_rx_qs != MAX_RX_QS) - dev_warn(&adapter->pdev->dev, - "Can create only %d RX queues", adapter->num_rx_qs); + /* We'll create as many RSS rings as there are irqs. + * But when there's only one irq there's no use creating RSS rings + */ + adapter->num_rx_qs = (num_irqs(adapter) > 1) ? + num_irqs(adapter) + 1 : 1; adapter->big_page_size = (1 << get_order(rx_frag_size)) * PAGE_SIZE; for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) { rxo->adapter = adapter; - rxo->rx_eq.max_eqd = BE_MAX_EQD; - rxo->rx_eq.enable_aic = true; - - /* EQ */ - eq = &rxo->rx_eq.q; - rc = be_queue_alloc(adapter, eq, EVNT_Q_LEN, - sizeof(struct be_eq_entry)); - if (rc) - goto err; - - rc = be_cmd_eq_create(adapter, eq, rxo->rx_eq.cur_eqd); - if (rc) - goto err; - - rxo->rx_eq.eq_idx = adapter->eq_next_idx++; - - /* CQ */ cq = &rxo->cq; rc = be_queue_alloc(adapter, cq, RX_CQ_LEN, sizeof(struct be_eth_rx_compl)); if (rc) - goto err; - - rc = be_cmd_cq_create(adapter, cq, eq, false, false, 3); - if (rc) - goto err; + return rc; - /* Rx Q - will be created in be_open() */ - q = &rxo->q; - rc = be_queue_alloc(adapter, q, RX_Q_LEN, - sizeof(struct be_eth_rx_d)); + eq = &adapter->eq_obj[i % adapter->num_evt_qs].q; + rc = be_cmd_cq_create(adapter, cq, eq, false, 3); if (rc) - goto err; - + return rc; } - return 0; -err: - be_rx_queues_destroy(adapter); - return -1; -} + if (adapter->num_rx_qs != MAX_RX_QS) + dev_info(&adapter->pdev->dev, + "Created only %d receive queues", adapter->num_rx_qs); -static bool event_peek(struct be_eq_obj *eq_obj) -{ - struct be_eq_entry *eqe = queue_tail_node(&eq_obj->q); - if (!eqe->evt) - return false; - else - return true; + return 0; } static irqreturn_t be_intx(int irq, void *dev) { struct be_adapter *adapter = dev; - struct be_rx_obj *rxo; - int isr, i, tx = 0 , rx = 0; - - if (lancer_chip(adapter)) { - if (event_peek(&adapter->tx_eq)) - tx = event_handle(adapter, &adapter->tx_eq, false); - for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) { - if (event_peek(&rxo->rx_eq)) - rx |= event_handle(adapter, &rxo->rx_eq, true); - } - - if (!(tx || rx)) - return IRQ_NONE; - - } else { - isr = ioread32(adapter->csr + CEV_ISR0_OFFSET + - (adapter->tx_eq.q.id / 8) * CEV_ISR_SIZE); - if (!isr) - return IRQ_NONE; - - if ((1 << adapter->tx_eq.eq_idx & isr)) - event_handle(adapter, &adapter->tx_eq, false); - - for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) { - if ((1 << rxo->rx_eq.eq_idx & isr)) - event_handle(adapter, &rxo->rx_eq, true); - } - } - - return IRQ_HANDLED; -} - -static irqreturn_t be_msix_rx(int irq, void *dev) -{ - struct be_rx_obj *rxo = dev; - struct be_adapter *adapter = rxo->adapter; - - event_handle(adapter, &rxo->rx_eq, true); + int num_evts; - return IRQ_HANDLED; + /* With INTx only one EQ is used */ + num_evts = event_handle(&adapter->eq_obj[0]); + if (num_evts) + return IRQ_HANDLED; + else + return IRQ_NONE; } -static irqreturn_t be_msix_tx_mcc(int irq, void *dev) +static irqreturn_t be_msix(int irq, void *dev) { - struct be_adapter *adapter = dev; - - event_handle(adapter, &adapter->tx_eq, false); + struct be_eq_obj *eqo = dev; + event_handle(eqo); return IRQ_HANDLED; } @@ -1921,16 +1898,14 @@ static inline bool do_gro(struct be_rx_compl_info *rxcp) return (rxcp->tcpf && !rxcp->err) ? true : false; } -static int be_poll_rx(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) +static int be_process_rx(struct be_rx_obj *rxo, struct napi_struct *napi, + int budget) { - struct be_eq_obj *rx_eq = container_of(napi, struct be_eq_obj, napi); - struct be_rx_obj *rxo = container_of(rx_eq, struct be_rx_obj, rx_eq); struct be_adapter *adapter = rxo->adapter; struct be_queue_info *rx_cq = &rxo->cq; struct be_rx_compl_info *rxcp; u32 work_done; - rx_stats(rxo)->rx_polls++; for (work_done = 0; work_done < budget; work_done++) { rxcp = be_rx_compl_get(rxo); if (!rxcp) @@ -1942,7 +1917,7 @@ static int be_poll_rx(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) /* Discard compl with partial DMA Lancer B0 */ if (unlikely(!rxcp->pkt_size)) { - be_rx_compl_discard(adapter, rxo, rxcp); + be_rx_compl_discard(rxo, rxcp); goto loop_continue; } @@ -1951,94 +1926,96 @@ static int be_poll_rx(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) */ if (unlikely(rxcp->port != adapter->port_num && !lancer_chip(adapter))) { - be_rx_compl_discard(adapter, rxo, rxcp); + be_rx_compl_discard(rxo, rxcp); goto loop_continue; } if (do_gro(rxcp)) - be_rx_compl_process_gro(adapter, rxo, rxcp); + be_rx_compl_process_gro(rxo, napi, rxcp); else - be_rx_compl_process(adapter, rxo, rxcp); + be_rx_compl_process(rxo, rxcp); loop_continue: be_rx_stats_update(rxo, rxcp); } - be_cq_notify(adapter, rx_cq->id, false, work_done); + if (work_done) { + be_cq_notify(adapter, rx_cq->id, true, work_done); - /* Refill the queue */ - if (work_done && atomic_read(&rxo->q.used) < RX_FRAGS_REFILL_WM) - be_post_rx_frags(rxo, GFP_ATOMIC); - - /* All consumed */ - if (work_done < budget) { - napi_complete(napi); - /* Arm CQ */ - be_cq_notify(adapter, rx_cq->id, true, 0); + if (atomic_read(&rxo->q.used) < RX_FRAGS_REFILL_WM) + be_post_rx_frags(rxo, GFP_ATOMIC); } + return work_done; } -/* As TX and MCC share the same EQ check for both TX and MCC completions. - * For TX/MCC we don't honour budget; consume everything - */ -static int be_poll_tx_mcc(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) +static bool be_process_tx(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_tx_obj *txo, + int budget, int idx) { - struct be_eq_obj *tx_eq = container_of(napi, struct be_eq_obj, napi); - struct be_adapter *adapter = - container_of(tx_eq, struct be_adapter, tx_eq); - struct be_mcc_obj *mcc_obj = &adapter->mcc_obj; - struct be_tx_obj *txo; struct be_eth_tx_compl *txcp; - int tx_compl, mcc_compl, status = 0; - u8 i; - u16 num_wrbs; + int num_wrbs = 0, work_done; - for_all_tx_queues(adapter, txo, i) { - tx_compl = 0; - num_wrbs = 0; - while ((txcp = be_tx_compl_get(&txo->cq))) { - num_wrbs += be_tx_compl_process(adapter, txo, + for (work_done = 0; work_done < budget; work_done++) { + txcp = be_tx_compl_get(&txo->cq); + if (!txcp) + break; + num_wrbs += be_tx_compl_process(adapter, txo, AMAP_GET_BITS(struct amap_eth_tx_compl, wrb_index, txcp)); - tx_compl++; - } - if (tx_compl) { - be_cq_notify(adapter, txo->cq.id, true, tx_compl); - - atomic_sub(num_wrbs, &txo->q.used); + } - /* As Tx wrbs have been freed up, wake up netdev queue - * if it was stopped due to lack of tx wrbs. */ - if (__netif_subqueue_stopped(adapter->netdev, i) && - atomic_read(&txo->q.used) < txo->q.len / 2) { - netif_wake_subqueue(adapter->netdev, i); - } + if (work_done) { + be_cq_notify(adapter, txo->cq.id, true, work_done); + atomic_sub(num_wrbs, &txo->q.used); - u64_stats_update_begin(&tx_stats(txo)->sync_compl); - tx_stats(txo)->tx_compl += tx_compl; - u64_stats_update_end(&tx_stats(txo)->sync_compl); + /* As Tx wrbs have been freed up, wake up netdev queue + * if it was stopped due to lack of tx wrbs. */ + if (__netif_subqueue_stopped(adapter->netdev, idx) && + atomic_read(&txo->q.used) < txo->q.len / 2) { + netif_wake_subqueue(adapter->netdev, idx); } + + u64_stats_update_begin(&tx_stats(txo)->sync_compl); + tx_stats(txo)->tx_compl += work_done; + u64_stats_update_end(&tx_stats(txo)->sync_compl); } + return (work_done < budget); /* Done */ +} - mcc_compl = be_process_mcc(adapter, &status); +int be_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) +{ + struct be_eq_obj *eqo = container_of(napi, struct be_eq_obj, napi); + struct be_adapter *adapter = eqo->adapter; + int max_work = 0, work, i; + bool tx_done; - if (mcc_compl) { - be_cq_notify(adapter, mcc_obj->cq.id, true, mcc_compl); + /* Process all TXQs serviced by this EQ */ + for (i = eqo->idx; i < adapter->num_tx_qs; i += adapter->num_evt_qs) { + tx_done = be_process_tx(adapter, &adapter->tx_obj[i], + eqo->tx_budget, i); + if (!tx_done) + max_work = budget; } - napi_complete(napi); + /* This loop will iterate twice for EQ0 in which + * completions of the last RXQ (default one) are also processed + * For other EQs the loop iterates only once + */ + for (i = eqo->idx; i < adapter->num_rx_qs; i += adapter->num_evt_qs) { + work = be_process_rx(&adapter->rx_obj[i], napi, budget); + max_work = max(work, max_work); + } - /* Arm CQ again to regenerate EQEs for Lancer in INTx mode */ - if (lancer_chip(adapter) && !msix_enabled(adapter)) { - for_all_tx_queues(adapter, txo, i) - be_cq_notify(adapter, txo->cq.id, true, 0); + if (is_mcc_eqo(eqo)) + be_process_mcc(adapter); - be_cq_notify(adapter, mcc_obj->cq.id, true, 0); + if (max_work < budget) { + napi_complete(napi); + be_eq_notify(adapter, eqo->q.id, true, false, 0); + } else { + /* As we'll continue in polling mode, count and clear events */ + be_eq_notify(adapter, eqo->q.id, false, false, events_get(eqo)); } - - be_eq_notify(adapter, tx_eq->q.id, true, false, 0); - adapter->drv_stats.tx_events++; - return 1; + return max_work; } void be_detect_dump_ue(struct be_adapter *adapter) @@ -2113,12 +2090,24 @@ static void be_msix_disable(struct be_adapter *adapter) } } +static uint be_num_rss_want(struct be_adapter *adapter) +{ + if ((adapter->function_caps & BE_FUNCTION_CAPS_RSS) && + adapter->num_vfs == 0 && be_physfn(adapter) && + !be_is_mc(adapter)) + return (adapter->be3_native) ? BE3_MAX_RSS_QS : BE2_MAX_RSS_QS; + else + return 0; +} + static void be_msix_enable(struct be_adapter *adapter) { -#define BE_MIN_MSIX_VECTORS (1 + 1) /* Rx + Tx */ +#define BE_MIN_MSIX_VECTORS 1 int i, status, num_vec; - num_vec = be_num_rxqs_want(adapter) + 1; + /* If RSS queues are not used, need a vec for default RX Q */ + num_vec = min(be_num_rss_want(adapter), num_online_cpus()); + num_vec = max(num_vec, BE_MIN_MSIX_VECTORS); for (i = 0; i < num_vec; i++) adapter->msix_entries[i].entry = i; @@ -2186,60 +2175,31 @@ static void be_sriov_disable(struct be_adapter *adapter) } static inline int be_msix_vec_get(struct be_adapter *adapter, - struct be_eq_obj *eq_obj) + struct be_eq_obj *eqo) { - return adapter->msix_entries[eq_obj->eq_idx].vector; -} - -static int be_request_irq(struct be_adapter *adapter, - struct be_eq_obj *eq_obj, - void *handler, char *desc, void *context) -{ - struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; - int vec; - - sprintf(eq_obj->desc, "%s-%s", netdev->name, desc); - vec = be_msix_vec_get(adapter, eq_obj); - return request_irq(vec, handler, 0, eq_obj->desc, context); -} - -static void be_free_irq(struct be_adapter *adapter, struct be_eq_obj *eq_obj, - void *context) -{ - int vec = be_msix_vec_get(adapter, eq_obj); - free_irq(vec, context); + return adapter->msix_entries[eqo->idx].vector; } static int be_msix_register(struct be_adapter *adapter) { - struct be_rx_obj *rxo; - int status, i; - char qname[10]; - - status = be_request_irq(adapter, &adapter->tx_eq, be_msix_tx_mcc, "tx", - adapter); - if (status) - goto err; + struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; + struct be_eq_obj *eqo; + int status, i, vec; - for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) { - sprintf(qname, "rxq%d", i); - status = be_request_irq(adapter, &rxo->rx_eq, be_msix_rx, - qname, rxo); + for_all_evt_queues(adapter, eqo, i) { + sprintf(eqo->desc, "%s-q%d", netdev->name, i); + vec = be_msix_vec_get(adapter, eqo); + status = request_irq(vec, be_msix, 0, eqo->desc, eqo); if (status) goto err_msix; } return 0; - err_msix: - be_free_irq(adapter, &adapter->tx_eq, adapter); - - for (i--, rxo = &adapter->rx_obj[i]; i >= 0; i--, rxo--) - be_free_irq(adapter, &rxo->rx_eq, rxo); - -err: - dev_warn(&adapter->pdev->dev, - "MSIX Request IRQ failed - err %d\n", status); + for (i--, eqo = &adapter->eq_obj[i]; i >= 0; i--, eqo--) + free_irq(be_msix_vec_get(adapter, eqo), eqo); + dev_warn(&adapter->pdev->dev, "MSIX Request IRQ failed - err %d\n", + status); be_msix_disable(adapter); return status; } @@ -2275,7 +2235,7 @@ static int be_irq_register(struct be_adapter *adapter) static void be_irq_unregister(struct be_adapter *adapter) { struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; - struct be_rx_obj *rxo; + struct be_eq_obj *eqo; int i; if (!adapter->isr_registered) @@ -2288,16 +2248,14 @@ static void be_irq_unregister(struct be_adapter *adapter) } /* MSIx */ - be_free_irq(adapter, &adapter->tx_eq, adapter); - - for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) - be_free_irq(adapter, &rxo->rx_eq, rxo); + for_all_evt_queues(adapter, eqo, i) + free_irq(be_msix_vec_get(adapter, eqo), eqo); done: adapter->isr_registered = false; } -static void be_rx_queues_clear(struct be_adapter *adapter) +static void be_rx_qs_destroy(struct be_adapter *adapter) { struct be_queue_info *q; struct be_rx_obj *rxo; @@ -2312,76 +2270,67 @@ static void be_rx_queues_clear(struct be_adapter *adapter) * arrive */ mdelay(1); - be_rx_q_clean(adapter, rxo); + be_rx_cq_clean(rxo); } - - /* Clear any residual events */ - q = &rxo->rx_eq.q; - if (q->created) - be_eq_clean(adapter, &rxo->rx_eq); + be_queue_free(adapter, q); } } static int be_close(struct net_device *netdev) { struct be_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); - struct be_rx_obj *rxo; - struct be_tx_obj *txo; - struct be_eq_obj *tx_eq = &adapter->tx_eq; - int vec, i; + struct be_eq_obj *eqo; + int i; be_async_mcc_disable(adapter); if (!lancer_chip(adapter)) be_intr_set(adapter, false); - for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) - napi_disable(&rxo->rx_eq.napi); - - napi_disable(&tx_eq->napi); - - if (lancer_chip(adapter)) { - be_cq_notify(adapter, adapter->mcc_obj.cq.id, false, 0); - for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) - be_cq_notify(adapter, rxo->cq.id, false, 0); - for_all_tx_queues(adapter, txo, i) - be_cq_notify(adapter, txo->cq.id, false, 0); + for_all_evt_queues(adapter, eqo, i) { + napi_disable(&eqo->napi); + if (msix_enabled(adapter)) + synchronize_irq(be_msix_vec_get(adapter, eqo)); + else + synchronize_irq(netdev->irq); + be_eq_clean(eqo); } - if (msix_enabled(adapter)) { - vec = be_msix_vec_get(adapter, tx_eq); - synchronize_irq(vec); - - for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) { - vec = be_msix_vec_get(adapter, &rxo->rx_eq); - synchronize_irq(vec); - } - } else { - synchronize_irq(netdev->irq); - } be_irq_unregister(adapter); /* Wait for all pending tx completions to arrive so that * all tx skbs are freed. */ - for_all_tx_queues(adapter, txo, i) - be_tx_compl_clean(adapter, txo); + be_tx_compl_clean(adapter); - be_rx_queues_clear(adapter); + be_rx_qs_destroy(adapter); return 0; } -static int be_rx_queues_setup(struct be_adapter *adapter) +static int be_rx_qs_create(struct be_adapter *adapter) { struct be_rx_obj *rxo; int rc, i, j; u8 rsstable[128]; for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) { + rc = be_queue_alloc(adapter, &rxo->q, RX_Q_LEN, + sizeof(struct be_eth_rx_d)); + if (rc) + return rc; + } + + /* The FW would like the default RXQ to be created first */ + rxo = default_rxo(adapter); + rc = be_cmd_rxq_create(adapter, &rxo->q, rxo->cq.id, rx_frag_size, + adapter->if_handle, false, &rxo->rss_id); + if (rc) + return rc; + + for_all_rss_queues(adapter, rxo, i) { rc = be_cmd_rxq_create(adapter, &rxo->q, rxo->cq.id, - rx_frag_size, BE_MAX_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE, - adapter->if_handle, - (i > 0) ? 1 : 0/* rss enable */, &rxo->rss_id); + rx_frag_size, adapter->if_handle, + true, &rxo->rss_id); if (rc) return rc; } @@ -2395,48 +2344,47 @@ static int be_rx_queues_setup(struct be_adapter *adapter) } } rc = be_cmd_rss_config(adapter, rsstable, 128); - if (rc) return rc; } /* First time posting */ - for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) { + for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) be_post_rx_frags(rxo, GFP_KERNEL); - napi_enable(&rxo->rx_eq.napi); - } return 0; } static int be_open(struct net_device *netdev) { struct be_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); - struct be_eq_obj *tx_eq = &adapter->tx_eq; + struct be_eq_obj *eqo; struct be_rx_obj *rxo; + struct be_tx_obj *txo; u8 link_status; int status, i; - status = be_rx_queues_setup(adapter); + status = be_rx_qs_create(adapter); if (status) goto err; - napi_enable(&tx_eq->napi); - be_irq_register(adapter); if (!lancer_chip(adapter)) be_intr_set(adapter, true); - /* The evt queues are created in unarmed state; arm them */ - for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) { - be_eq_notify(adapter, rxo->rx_eq.q.id, true, false, 0); + for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) be_cq_notify(adapter, rxo->cq.id, true, 0); - } - be_eq_notify(adapter, tx_eq->q.id, true, false, 0); - /* Now that interrupts are on we can process async mcc */ + for_all_tx_queues(adapter, txo, i) + be_cq_notify(adapter, txo->cq.id, true, 0); + be_async_mcc_enable(adapter); + for_all_evt_queues(adapter, eqo, i) { + napi_enable(&eqo->napi); + be_eq_notify(adapter, eqo->q.id, true, false, 0); + } + status = be_cmd_link_status_query(adapter, NULL, NULL, &link_status, 0); if (!status) @@ -2540,17 +2488,32 @@ static void be_vf_clear(struct be_adapter *adapter) static int be_clear(struct be_adapter *adapter) { + int i = 1; + + if (adapter->flags & BE_FLAGS_WORKER_SCHEDULED) { + cancel_delayed_work_sync(&adapter->work); + adapter->flags &= ~BE_FLAGS_WORKER_SCHEDULED; + } + if (sriov_enabled(adapter)) be_vf_clear(adapter); + for (; adapter->uc_macs > 0; adapter->uc_macs--, i++) + be_cmd_pmac_del(adapter, adapter->if_handle, + adapter->pmac_id[i], 0); + be_cmd_if_destroy(adapter, adapter->if_handle, 0); be_mcc_queues_destroy(adapter); - be_rx_queues_destroy(adapter); + be_rx_cqs_destroy(adapter); be_tx_queues_destroy(adapter); + be_evt_queues_destroy(adapter); /* tell fw we're done with firing cmds */ be_cmd_fw_clean(adapter); + + be_msix_disable(adapter); + kfree(adapter->pmac_id); return 0; } @@ -2569,7 +2532,7 @@ static int be_vf_setup(struct be_adapter *adapter) { struct be_vf_cfg *vf_cfg; u32 cap_flags, en_flags, vf; - u16 lnk_speed; + u16 def_vlan, lnk_speed; int status; be_vf_setup_init(adapter); @@ -2593,6 +2556,12 @@ static int be_vf_setup(struct be_adapter *adapter) if (status) goto err; vf_cfg->tx_rate = lnk_speed * 10; + + status = be_cmd_get_hsw_config(adapter, &def_vlan, + vf + 1, vf_cfg->if_handle); + if (status) + goto err; + vf_cfg->def_vid = def_vlan; } return 0; err: @@ -2609,19 +2578,28 @@ static void be_setup_init(struct be_adapter *adapter) adapter->eq_next_idx = 0; } -static int be_configure_mac_from_list(struct be_adapter *adapter, u8 *mac) +static int be_add_mac_from_list(struct be_adapter *adapter, u8 *mac) { u32 pmac_id; - int status = be_cmd_get_mac_from_list(adapter, 0, &pmac_id); - if (status != 0) - goto do_none; - status = be_cmd_mac_addr_query(adapter, mac, - MAC_ADDRESS_TYPE_NETWORK, - false, adapter->if_handle, pmac_id); + int status; + bool pmac_id_active; + + status = be_cmd_get_mac_from_list(adapter, 0, &pmac_id_active, + &pmac_id, mac); if (status != 0) goto do_none; - status = be_cmd_pmac_add(adapter, mac, adapter->if_handle, - &adapter->pmac_id, 0); + + if (pmac_id_active) { + status = be_cmd_mac_addr_query(adapter, mac, + MAC_ADDRESS_TYPE_NETWORK, + false, adapter->if_handle, pmac_id); + + if (!status) + adapter->pmac_id[0] = pmac_id; + } else { + status = be_cmd_pmac_add(adapter, mac, + adapter->if_handle, &adapter->pmac_id[0], 0); + } do_none: return status; } @@ -2631,24 +2609,29 @@ static int be_setup(struct be_adapter *adapter) struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; u32 cap_flags, en_flags; u32 tx_fc, rx_fc; - int status, i; + int status; u8 mac[ETH_ALEN]; - struct be_tx_obj *txo; be_setup_init(adapter); be_cmd_req_native_mode(adapter); - status = be_tx_queues_create(adapter); - if (status != 0) + be_msix_enable(adapter); + + status = be_evt_queues_create(adapter); + if (status) goto err; - status = be_rx_queues_create(adapter); - if (status != 0) + status = be_tx_cqs_create(adapter); + if (status) + goto err; + + status = be_rx_cqs_create(adapter); + if (status) goto err; status = be_mcc_queues_create(adapter); - if (status != 0) + if (status) goto err; memset(mac, 0, ETH_ALEN); @@ -2670,23 +2653,17 @@ static int be_setup(struct be_adapter *adapter) } status = be_cmd_if_create(adapter, cap_flags, en_flags, netdev->dev_addr, &adapter->if_handle, - &adapter->pmac_id, 0); + &adapter->pmac_id[0], 0); if (status != 0) goto err; - for_all_tx_queues(adapter, txo, i) { - status = be_cmd_txq_create(adapter, &txo->q, &txo->cq); - if (status) - goto err; - } - /* The VF's permanent mac queried from card is incorrect. * For BEx: Query the mac configued by the PF using if_handle * For Lancer: Get and use mac_list to obtain mac address. */ if (!be_physfn(adapter)) { if (lancer_chip(adapter)) - status = be_configure_mac_from_list(adapter, mac); + status = be_add_mac_from_list(adapter, mac); else status = be_cmd_mac_addr_query(adapter, mac, MAC_ADDRESS_TYPE_NETWORK, false, @@ -2697,6 +2674,10 @@ static int be_setup(struct be_adapter *adapter) } } + status = be_tx_qs_create(adapter); + if (status) + goto err; + be_cmd_get_fw_ver(adapter, adapter->fw_ver, NULL); status = be_vid_config(adapter, false, 0); @@ -2726,6 +2707,9 @@ static int be_setup(struct be_adapter *adapter) goto err; } + schedule_delayed_work(&adapter->work, msecs_to_jiffies(1000)); + adapter->flags |= BE_FLAGS_WORKER_SCHEDULED; + return 0; err: be_clear(adapter); @@ -2736,12 +2720,13 @@ static int be_setup(struct be_adapter *adapter) static void be_netpoll(struct net_device *netdev) { struct be_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); - struct be_rx_obj *rxo; + struct be_eq_obj *eqo; int i; - event_handle(adapter, &adapter->tx_eq, false); - for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) - event_handle(adapter, &rxo->rx_eq, true); + for_all_evt_queues(adapter, eqo, i) + event_handle(eqo); + + return; } #endif @@ -3102,7 +3087,7 @@ static const struct net_device_ops be_netdev_ops = { static void be_netdev_init(struct net_device *netdev) { struct be_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); - struct be_rx_obj *rxo; + struct be_eq_obj *eqo; int i; netdev->hw_features |= NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_TSO | NETIF_F_TSO6 | @@ -3117,20 +3102,18 @@ static void be_netdev_init(struct net_device *netdev) netdev->vlan_features |= NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_TSO | NETIF_F_TSO6 | NETIF_F_IP_CSUM | NETIF_F_IPV6_CSUM; + netdev->priv_flags |= IFF_UNICAST_FLT; + netdev->flags |= IFF_MULTICAST; netif_set_gso_max_size(netdev, 65535); - BE_SET_NETDEV_OPS(netdev, &be_netdev_ops); + netdev->netdev_ops = &be_netdev_ops; SET_ETHTOOL_OPS(netdev, &be_ethtool_ops); - for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) - netif_napi_add(netdev, &rxo->rx_eq.napi, be_poll_rx, - BE_NAPI_WEIGHT); - - netif_napi_add(netdev, &adapter->tx_eq.napi, be_poll_tx_mcc, - BE_NAPI_WEIGHT); + for_all_evt_queues(adapter, eqo, i) + netif_napi_add(netdev, &eqo->napi, be_poll, BE_NAPI_WEIGHT); } static void be_unmap_pci_bars(struct be_adapter *adapter) @@ -3289,8 +3272,6 @@ static void __devexit be_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) if (!adapter) return; - cancel_delayed_work_sync(&adapter->work); - unregister_netdev(adapter->netdev); be_clear(adapter); @@ -3301,8 +3282,6 @@ static void __devexit be_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) be_sriov_disable(adapter); - be_msix_disable(adapter); - pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); pci_release_regions(pdev); pci_disable_device(pdev); @@ -3310,6 +3289,12 @@ static void __devexit be_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) free_netdev(adapter->netdev); } +bool be_is_wol_supported(struct be_adapter *adapter) +{ + return ((adapter->wol_cap & BE_WOL_CAP) && + !be_is_wol_excluded(adapter)) ? true : false; +} + static int be_get_config(struct be_adapter *adapter) { int status; @@ -3320,14 +3305,36 @@ static int be_get_config(struct be_adapter *adapter) return status; if (adapter->function_mode & FLEX10_MODE) - adapter->max_vlans = BE_NUM_VLANS_SUPPORTED/4; + adapter->max_vlans = BE_NUM_VLANS_SUPPORTED/8; else adapter->max_vlans = BE_NUM_VLANS_SUPPORTED; + if (be_physfn(adapter)) + adapter->max_pmac_cnt = BE_UC_PMAC_COUNT; + else + adapter->max_pmac_cnt = BE_VF_UC_PMAC_COUNT; + + /* primary mac needs 1 pmac entry */ + adapter->pmac_id = kcalloc(adapter->max_pmac_cnt + 1, + sizeof(u32), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!adapter->pmac_id) + return -ENOMEM; + status = be_cmd_get_cntl_attributes(adapter); if (status) return status; + status = be_cmd_get_acpi_wol_cap(adapter); + if (status) { + /* in case of a failure to get wol capabillities + * check the exclusion list to determine WOL capability */ + if (!be_is_wol_excluded(adapter)) + adapter->wol_cap |= BE_WOL_CAP; + } + + if (be_is_wol_supported(adapter)) + adapter->wol = true; + return 0; } @@ -3469,6 +3476,7 @@ static void be_worker(struct work_struct *work) struct be_adapter *adapter = container_of(work, struct be_adapter, work.work); struct be_rx_obj *rxo; + struct be_eq_obj *eqo; int i; if (lancer_chip(adapter)) @@ -3479,15 +3487,7 @@ static void be_worker(struct work_struct *work) /* when interrupts are not yet enabled, just reap any pending * mcc completions */ if (!netif_running(adapter->netdev)) { - int mcc_compl, status = 0; - - mcc_compl = be_process_mcc(adapter, &status); - - if (mcc_compl) { - struct be_mcc_obj *mcc_obj = &adapter->mcc_obj; - be_cq_notify(adapter, mcc_obj->cq.id, false, mcc_compl); - } - + be_process_mcc(adapter); goto reschedule; } @@ -3500,14 +3500,15 @@ static void be_worker(struct work_struct *work) } for_all_rx_queues(adapter, rxo, i) { - be_rx_eqd_update(adapter, rxo); - if (rxo->rx_post_starved) { rxo->rx_post_starved = false; be_post_rx_frags(rxo, GFP_KERNEL); } } + for_all_evt_queues(adapter, eqo, i) + be_eqd_update(adapter, eqo); + reschedule: adapter->work_counter++; schedule_delayed_work(&adapter->work, msecs_to_jiffies(1000)); @@ -3593,6 +3594,12 @@ static int __devinit be_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, if (status) goto ctrl_clean; + /* The INTR bit may be set in the card when probed by a kdump kernel + * after a crash. + */ + if (!lancer_chip(adapter)) + be_intr_set(adapter, false); + status = be_stats_init(adapter); if (status) goto ctrl_clean; @@ -3601,14 +3608,6 @@ static int __devinit be_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, if (status) goto stats_clean; - /* The INTR bit may be set in the card when probed by a kdump kernel - * after a crash. - */ - if (!lancer_chip(adapter)) - be_intr_set(adapter, false); - - be_msix_enable(adapter); - INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&adapter->work, be_worker); adapter->rx_fc = adapter->tx_fc = true; @@ -3621,9 +3620,9 @@ static int __devinit be_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, if (status != 0) goto unsetup; - dev_info(&pdev->dev, "%s port %d\n", nic_name(pdev), adapter->port_num); + dev_info(&pdev->dev, "%s: %s port %d\n", netdev->name, nic_name(pdev), + adapter->port_num); - schedule_delayed_work(&adapter->work, msecs_to_jiffies(100)); return 0; unsetup: @@ -3653,7 +3652,6 @@ static int be_suspend(struct pci_dev *pdev, pm_message_t state) struct be_adapter *adapter = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; - cancel_delayed_work_sync(&adapter->work); if (adapter->wol) be_setup_wol(adapter, true); @@ -3665,7 +3663,6 @@ static int be_suspend(struct pci_dev *pdev, pm_message_t state) } be_clear(adapter); - be_msix_disable(adapter); pci_save_state(pdev); pci_disable_device(pdev); pci_set_power_state(pdev, pci_choose_state(pdev, state)); @@ -3687,7 +3684,6 @@ static int be_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev) pci_set_power_state(pdev, 0); pci_restore_state(pdev); - be_msix_enable(adapter); /* tell fw we're ready to fire cmds */ status = be_cmd_fw_init(adapter); if (status) @@ -3704,7 +3700,6 @@ static int be_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev) if (adapter->wol) be_setup_wol(adapter, false); - schedule_delayed_work(&adapter->work, msecs_to_jiffies(100)); return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ethoc.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ethoc.c index 60f0e788cc256c9887361f28c078b3c20ce64a3a..a38167810546f69c793c436b90ac92eea25972cb 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ethoc.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ethoc.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * linux/drivers/net/ethoc.c + * linux/drivers/net/ethernet/ethoc.c * * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Avionic Design Development GmbH * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Avionic Design GmbH @@ -776,10 +776,16 @@ static int ethoc_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *addr) struct ethoc *priv = netdev_priv(dev); u8 *mac = (u8 *)addr; + if (!is_valid_ether_addr(mac)) + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; + ethoc_write(priv, MAC_ADDR0, (mac[2] << 24) | (mac[3] << 16) | (mac[4] << 8) | (mac[5] << 0)); ethoc_write(priv, MAC_ADDR1, (mac[0] << 8) | (mac[1] << 0)); + memcpy(dev->dev_addr, mac, ETH_ALEN); + dev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; + return 0; } @@ -909,11 +915,11 @@ static int __devinit ethoc_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) unsigned int phy; int num_bd; int ret = 0; + bool random_mac = false; /* allocate networking device */ netdev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct ethoc)); if (!netdev) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot allocate network device\n"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto out; } @@ -1050,10 +1056,19 @@ static int __devinit ethoc_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) /* Check the MAC again for validity, if it still isn't choose and * program a random one. */ - if (!is_valid_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr)) + if (!is_valid_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr)) { random_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr); + random_mac = true; + } + + ret = ethoc_set_mac_address(netdev, netdev->dev_addr); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&netdev->dev, "failed to set MAC address\n"); + goto error; + } - ethoc_set_mac_address(netdev, netdev->dev_addr); + if (random_mac) + netdev->addr_assign_type |= NET_ADDR_RANDOM; /* register MII bus */ priv->mdio = mdiobus_alloc(); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/faraday/ftgmac100.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/faraday/ftgmac100.c index 47f85c337cf75cac6034990e68e978367886a0db..16b07048274ce89764eb8dddbcd9adec913eada5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/faraday/ftgmac100.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/faraday/ftgmac100.c @@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@ static int ftgmac100_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) netdev_info(netdev, "irq %d, mapped at %p\n", priv->irq, priv->base); if (!is_valid_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr)) { - random_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(netdev); netdev_info(netdev, "generated random MAC address %pM\n", netdev->dev_addr); } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/faraday/ftmac100.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/faraday/ftmac100.c index bb336a0959c9147624ff6c23d63ee71138f7663d..829b1092fd78c3b6c3d442ed581e34c496786a8b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/faraday/ftmac100.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/faraday/ftmac100.c @@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ static int ftmac100_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) netdev_info(netdev, "irq %d, mapped at %p\n", priv->irq, priv->base); if (!is_valid_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr)) { - random_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(netdev); netdev_info(netdev, "generated random MAC address %pM\n", netdev->dev_addr); } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/fealnx.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/fealnx.c index c82d444b582d52533dbbd8072ceccc0613b1a12c..1637b986229269b4c3f7b7dcc8f1eeac62b4a915 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/fealnx.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/fealnx.c @@ -1070,14 +1070,13 @@ static void allocate_rx_buffers(struct net_device *dev) while (np->really_rx_count != RX_RING_SIZE) { struct sk_buff *skb; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(np->rx_buf_sz); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, np->rx_buf_sz); if (skb == NULL) break; /* Better luck next round. */ while (np->lack_rxbuf->skbuff) np->lack_rxbuf = np->lack_rxbuf->next_desc_logical; - skb->dev = dev; /* Mark as being used by this device. */ np->lack_rxbuf->skbuff = skb; np->lack_rxbuf->buffer = pci_map_single(np->pci_dev, skb->data, np->rx_buf_sz, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); @@ -1265,7 +1264,7 @@ static void init_ring(struct net_device *dev) /* allocate skb for rx buffers */ for (i = 0; i < RX_RING_SIZE; i++) { - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(np->rx_buf_sz); + struct sk_buff *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, np->rx_buf_sz); if (skb == NULL) { np->lack_rxbuf = &np->rx_ring[i]; @@ -1274,7 +1273,6 @@ static void init_ring(struct net_device *dev) ++np->really_rx_count; np->rx_ring[i].skbuff = skb; - skb->dev = dev; /* Mark as being used by this device. */ np->rx_ring[i].buffer = pci_map_single(np->pci_dev, skb->data, np->rx_buf_sz, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); np->rx_ring[i].status = RXOWN; @@ -1704,7 +1702,7 @@ static int netdev_rx(struct net_device *dev) /* Check if the packet is long enough to accept without copying to a minimally-sized skbuff. */ if (pkt_len < rx_copybreak && - (skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { + (skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* 16 byte align the IP header */ pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(np->pci_dev, np->cur_rx->buffer, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec.c index e92ef1bd732a4fe9cf4f0ad8569117bb711eea31..a12b3f5bc025a1dd84d80d51ab7d6ecf29f7f6c9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec.c @@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ fec_enet_rx(struct net_device *ndev) * include that when passing upstream as it messes up * bridging applications. */ - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len - 4 + NET_IP_ALIGN); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(ndev, pkt_len - 4 + NET_IP_ALIGN); if (unlikely(!skb)) { printk("%s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet.\n", @@ -1210,7 +1210,7 @@ static int fec_enet_alloc_buffers(struct net_device *ndev) bdp = fep->rx_bd_base; for (i = 0; i < RX_RING_SIZE; i++) { - skb = dev_alloc_skb(FEC_ENET_RX_FRSIZE); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(ndev, FEC_ENET_RX_FRSIZE); if (!skb) { fec_enet_free_buffers(ndev); return -ENOMEM; @@ -1739,21 +1739,6 @@ static struct platform_driver fec_driver = { .remove = __devexit_p(fec_drv_remove), }; -static int __init -fec_enet_module_init(void) -{ - printk(KERN_INFO "FEC Ethernet Driver\n"); - - return platform_driver_register(&fec_driver); -} - -static void __exit -fec_enet_cleanup(void) -{ - platform_driver_unregister(&fec_driver); -} - -module_exit(fec_enet_cleanup); -module_init(fec_enet_module_init); +module_platform_driver(fec_driver); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec_mpc52xx.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec_mpc52xx.c index 30745b56fe5d6d5d11193eb966699bf6aed55fc7..7b34d8c698dae663cd3ebf259e4918696b7c9585 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec_mpc52xx.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec_mpc52xx.c @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ static int mpc52xx_fec_alloc_rx_buffers(struct net_device *dev, struct bcom_task struct sk_buff *skb; while (!bcom_queue_full(rxtsk)) { - skb = dev_alloc_skb(FEC_RX_BUFFER_SIZE); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, FEC_RX_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!skb) return -EAGAIN; @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ static irqreturn_t mpc52xx_fec_rx_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) /* skbs are allocated on open, so now we allocate a new one, * and remove the old (with the packet) */ - skb = dev_alloc_skb(FEC_RX_BUFFER_SIZE); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, FEC_RX_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!skb) { /* Can't get a new one : reuse the same & drop pkt */ dev_notice(&dev->dev, "Low memory - dropped packet.\n"); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec_mpc52xx.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec_mpc52xx.h index 41d2dffde55b2cd644f7b267d2833e9565265a5a..10afa54dd06257cba21180e198bd4e220dbe5832 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec_mpc52xx.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec_mpc52xx.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/drivers/net/fec_mpc52xx/fec.h + * drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec_mpc52xx.h * * Driver for the MPC5200 Fast Ethernet Controller * diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fs_enet/fec.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fs_enet/fec.h index e980527e2b994b7891c119041ad18edc7d67ca00..b9fe5bde432a773e696e1287e5d8a683e2596a07 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fs_enet/fec.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fs_enet/fec.h @@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ #define FEC_ECNTRL_ETHER_EN 0x00000002 #define FEC_ECNTRL_RESET 0x00000001 +/* RMII mode enabled only when MII_MODE bit is set too. */ +#define FEC_RCNTRL_RMII_MODE (0x00000100 | \ + FEC_RCNTRL_MII_MODE | FEC_RCNTRL_FCE) +#define FEC_RCNTRL_FCE 0x00000020 #define FEC_RCNTRL_BC_REJ 0x00000010 #define FEC_RCNTRL_PROM 0x00000008 #define FEC_RCNTRL_MII_MODE 0x00000004 @@ -33,8 +37,6 @@ #define FEC_TCNTRL_HBC 0x00000002 #define FEC_TCNTRL_GTS 0x00000001 - - /* * Delay to wait for FEC reset command to complete (in us) */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fs_enet/fs_enet-main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fs_enet/fs_enet-main.c index 910a8e18a9ae435807af5aa91812bba14b99d82c..e4e6cd2c5f829f7fd1a1bde5366a7bacab8b3f54 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fs_enet/fs_enet-main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fs_enet/fs_enet-main.c @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ static int fs_enet_rx_napi(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) if (pkt_len <= fpi->rx_copybreak) { /* +2 to make IP header L1 cache aligned */ - skbn = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2); + skbn = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2); if (skbn != NULL) { skb_reserve(skbn, 2); /* align IP header */ skb_copy_from_linear_data(skb, @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ static int fs_enet_rx_napi(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) skbn = skbt; } } else { - skbn = dev_alloc_skb(ENET_RX_FRSIZE); + skbn = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, ENET_RX_FRSIZE); if (skbn) skb_align(skbn, ENET_RX_ALIGN); @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ static int fs_enet_rx_non_napi(struct net_device *dev) if (pkt_len <= fpi->rx_copybreak) { /* +2 to make IP header L1 cache aligned */ - skbn = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2); + skbn = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2); if (skbn != NULL) { skb_reserve(skbn, 2); /* align IP header */ skb_copy_from_linear_data(skb, @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ static int fs_enet_rx_non_napi(struct net_device *dev) skbn = skbt; } } else { - skbn = dev_alloc_skb(ENET_RX_FRSIZE); + skbn = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, ENET_RX_FRSIZE); if (skbn) skb_align(skbn, ENET_RX_ALIGN); @@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ void fs_init_bds(struct net_device *dev) * Initialize the receive buffer descriptors. */ for (i = 0, bdp = fep->rx_bd_base; i < fep->rx_ring; i++, bdp++) { - skb = dev_alloc_skb(ENET_RX_FRSIZE); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, ENET_RX_FRSIZE); if (skb == NULL) { dev_warn(fep->dev, "Memory squeeze, unable to allocate skb\n"); @@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *tx_skb_align_workaround(struct net_device *dev, struct fs_enet_private *fep = netdev_priv(dev); /* Alloc new skb */ - new_skb = dev_alloc_skb(skb->len + 4); + new_skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, skb->len + 4); if (!new_skb) { if (net_ratelimit()) { dev_warn(fep->dev, @@ -790,16 +790,20 @@ static int fs_init_phy(struct net_device *dev) { struct fs_enet_private *fep = netdev_priv(dev); struct phy_device *phydev; + phy_interface_t iface; fep->oldlink = 0; fep->oldspeed = 0; fep->oldduplex = -1; + iface = fep->fpi->use_rmii ? + PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_RMII : PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_MII; + phydev = of_phy_connect(dev, fep->fpi->phy_node, &fs_adjust_link, 0, - PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_MII); + iface); if (!phydev) { phydev = of_phy_connect_fixed_link(dev, &fs_adjust_link, - PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_MII); + iface); } if (!phydev) { dev_err(&dev->dev, "Could not attach to PHY\n"); @@ -1007,6 +1011,7 @@ static int __devinit fs_enet_probe(struct platform_device *ofdev) struct fs_platform_info *fpi; const u32 *data; const u8 *mac_addr; + const char *phy_connection_type; int privsize, len, ret = -ENODEV; match = of_match_device(fs_enet_match, &ofdev->dev); @@ -1035,6 +1040,13 @@ static int __devinit fs_enet_probe(struct platform_device *ofdev) NULL))) goto out_free_fpi; + if (of_device_is_compatible(ofdev->dev.of_node, "fsl,mpc5125-fec")) { + phy_connection_type = of_get_property(ofdev->dev.of_node, + "phy-connection-type", NULL); + if (phy_connection_type && !strcmp("rmii", phy_connection_type)) + fpi->use_rmii = 1; + } + privsize = sizeof(*fep) + sizeof(struct sk_buff **) * (fpi->rx_ring + fpi->tx_ring); @@ -1150,6 +1162,10 @@ static struct of_device_id fs_enet_match[] = { .compatible = "fsl,mpc5121-fec", .data = (void *)&fs_fec_ops, }, + { + .compatible = "fsl,mpc5125-fec", + .data = (void *)&fs_fec_ops, + }, #else { .compatible = "fsl,pq1-fec-enet", diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fs_enet/mac-fec.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fs_enet/mac-fec.c index b9fbc83d64a7faa09acfdc2537427bda5f4c6f14..9ae6cdbcac2ea910c5b967bbc3ee2e6356b05f3b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fs_enet/mac-fec.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fs_enet/mac-fec.c @@ -322,10 +322,11 @@ static void restart(struct net_device *dev) FW(fecp, r_cntrl, FEC_RCNTRL_MII_MODE); /* MII enable */ #else /* - * Only set MII mode - do not touch maximum frame length + * Only set MII/RMII mode - do not touch maximum frame length * configured before. */ - FS(fecp, r_cntrl, FEC_RCNTRL_MII_MODE); + FS(fecp, r_cntrl, fpi->use_rmii ? + FEC_RCNTRL_RMII_MODE : FEC_RCNTRL_MII_MODE); #endif /* * adjust to duplex mode @@ -381,7 +382,9 @@ static void stop(struct net_device *dev) /* shut down FEC1? that's where the mii bus is */ if (fpi->has_phy) { - FS(fecp, r_cntrl, FEC_RCNTRL_MII_MODE); /* MII enable */ + FS(fecp, r_cntrl, fpi->use_rmii ? + FEC_RCNTRL_RMII_MODE : + FEC_RCNTRL_MII_MODE); /* MII/RMII enable */ FS(fecp, ecntrl, FEC_ECNTRL_PINMUX | FEC_ECNTRL_ETHER_EN); FW(fecp, ievent, FEC_ENET_MII); FW(fecp, mii_speed, feci->mii_speed); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar.c index 39d160d353a41f3afbefcedb35f2397f5ec1ecb5..d9428f0e738a2edf2267055ab1e2008d63d2ff3f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/gianfar.c + * drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar.c * * Gianfar Ethernet Driver * This driver is designed for the non-CPM ethernet controllers @@ -104,10 +104,7 @@ #include "fsl_pq_mdio.h" #define TX_TIMEOUT (1*HZ) -#undef BRIEF_GFAR_ERRORS -#undef VERBOSE_GFAR_ERRORS -const char gfar_driver_name[] = "Gianfar Ethernet"; const char gfar_driver_version[] = "1.3"; static int gfar_enet_open(struct net_device *dev); @@ -1755,9 +1752,12 @@ static void free_skb_resources(struct gfar_private *priv) /* Go through all the buffer descriptors and free their data buffers */ for (i = 0; i < priv->num_tx_queues; i++) { + struct netdev_queue *txq; tx_queue = priv->tx_queue[i]; + txq = netdev_get_tx_queue(tx_queue->dev, tx_queue->qindex); if(tx_queue->tx_skbuff) free_skb_tx_queue(tx_queue); + netdev_tx_reset_queue(txq); } for (i = 0; i < priv->num_rx_queues; i++) { @@ -2217,6 +2217,8 @@ static int gfar_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) lstatus |= BD_LFLAG(TXBD_CRC | TXBD_READY) | skb_headlen(skb); } + netdev_tx_sent_queue(txq, skb->len); + /* * We can work in parallel with gfar_clean_tx_ring(), except * when modifying num_txbdfree. Note that we didn't grab the lock @@ -2460,6 +2462,7 @@ static void gfar_align_skb(struct sk_buff *skb) static int gfar_clean_tx_ring(struct gfar_priv_tx_q *tx_queue) { struct net_device *dev = tx_queue->dev; + struct netdev_queue *txq; struct gfar_private *priv = netdev_priv(dev); struct gfar_priv_rx_q *rx_queue = NULL; struct txbd8 *bdp, *next = NULL; @@ -2471,10 +2474,13 @@ static int gfar_clean_tx_ring(struct gfar_priv_tx_q *tx_queue) int frags = 0, nr_txbds = 0; int i; int howmany = 0; + int tqi = tx_queue->qindex; + unsigned int bytes_sent = 0; u32 lstatus; size_t buflen; - rx_queue = priv->rx_queue[tx_queue->qindex]; + rx_queue = priv->rx_queue[tqi]; + txq = netdev_get_tx_queue(dev, tqi); bdp = tx_queue->dirty_tx; skb_dirtytx = tx_queue->skb_dirtytx; @@ -2533,6 +2539,8 @@ static int gfar_clean_tx_ring(struct gfar_priv_tx_q *tx_queue) bdp = next_txbd(bdp, base, tx_ring_size); } + bytes_sent += skb->len; + /* * If there's room in the queue (limit it to rx_buffer_size) * we add this skb back into the pool, if it's the right size @@ -2557,13 +2565,15 @@ static int gfar_clean_tx_ring(struct gfar_priv_tx_q *tx_queue) } /* If we freed a buffer, we can restart transmission, if necessary */ - if (__netif_subqueue_stopped(dev, tx_queue->qindex) && tx_queue->num_txbdfree) - netif_wake_subqueue(dev, tx_queue->qindex); + if (netif_tx_queue_stopped(txq) && tx_queue->num_txbdfree) + netif_wake_subqueue(dev, tqi); /* Update dirty indicators */ tx_queue->skb_dirtytx = skb_dirtytx; tx_queue->dirty_tx = bdp; + netdev_tx_completed_queue(txq, howmany, bytes_sent); + return howmany; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar.h index 40c33a7554c057c01273062339f8e8f5836626a4..fc2488adca366f15af3503d582c8251e39812c17 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/gianfar.h + * drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar.h * * Gianfar Ethernet Driver * Driver for FEC on MPC8540 and TSEC on MPC8540/MPC8560 @@ -78,11 +78,8 @@ struct ethtool_rx_list { #define INCREMENTAL_BUFFER_SIZE 512 #define PHY_INIT_TIMEOUT 100000 -#define GFAR_PHY_CHANGE_TIME 2 -#define DEVICE_NAME "%s: Gianfar Ethernet Controller Version 1.2, " #define DRV_NAME "gfar-enet" -extern const char gfar_driver_name[]; extern const char gfar_driver_version[]; /* MAXIMUM NUMBER OF QUEUES SUPPORTED */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar_ethtool.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar_ethtool.c index 5a3b2e5b28802d67028212996974bf04d7fd8cca..8d74efd04bb9bc478a0a576d27740d5f22dcb385 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar_ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar_ethtool.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/gianfar_ethtool.c + * drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar_ethtool.c * * Gianfar Ethernet Driver * Ethtool support for Gianfar Enet @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ static void gfar_gringparam(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_ringparam *rv static int gfar_sringparam(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_ringparam *rvals); static void gfar_gdrvinfo(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_drvinfo *drvinfo); -static char stat_gstrings[][ETH_GSTRING_LEN] = { +static const char stat_gstrings[][ETH_GSTRING_LEN] = { "rx-dropped-by-kernel", "rx-large-frame-errors", "rx-short-frame-errors", diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar_ptp.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar_ptp.c index 83e0ed757e338aa14a453d2800e31c8efe9eab5a..5fd620bec15cfeb993313b9052fc64894967cd74 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar_ptp.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar_ptp.c @@ -564,6 +564,6 @@ static struct platform_driver gianfar_ptp_driver = { module_platform_driver(gianfar_ptp_driver); -MODULE_AUTHOR("Richard Cochran "); +MODULE_AUTHOR("Richard Cochran "); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("PTP clock using the eTSEC"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar_sysfs.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar_sysfs.c index 64f4094ac7f16f63ca2227d966e5d59b5d689325..cd14a4d449c2b6cfee53e24f63e8499582a70a33 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar_sysfs.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar_sysfs.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/gianfar_sysfs.c + * drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/gianfar_sysfs.c * * Gianfar Ethernet Driver * This driver is designed for the non-CPM ethernet controllers diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/ucc_geth.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/ucc_geth.c index ba2dc083bfc007fa416e3c714dd1e6350d59e99b..4e3cd2f8debb544d4d90cfdedd2e045db6d7cdc6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/ucc_geth.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/ucc_geth.c @@ -214,8 +214,9 @@ static struct sk_buff *get_new_skb(struct ucc_geth_private *ugeth, skb = __skb_dequeue(&ugeth->rx_recycle); if (!skb) - skb = dev_alloc_skb(ugeth->ug_info->uf_info.max_rx_buf_length + - UCC_GETH_RX_DATA_BUF_ALIGNMENT); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(ugeth->ndev, + ugeth->ug_info->uf_info.max_rx_buf_length + + UCC_GETH_RX_DATA_BUF_ALIGNMENT); if (skb == NULL) return NULL; @@ -227,8 +228,6 @@ static struct sk_buff *get_new_skb(struct ucc_geth_private *ugeth, (((unsigned)skb->data) & (UCC_GETH_RX_DATA_BUF_ALIGNMENT - 1))); - skb->dev = ugeth->ndev; - out_be32(&((struct qe_bd __iomem *)bd)->buf, dma_map_single(ugeth->dev, skb->data, @@ -1857,11 +1856,93 @@ static int ugeth_82xx_filtering_clear_addr_in_paddr(struct ucc_geth_private *uge return hw_clear_addr_in_paddr(ugeth, paddr_num);/* clear in hardware */ } -static void ucc_geth_memclean(struct ucc_geth_private *ugeth) +static void ucc_geth_free_rx(struct ucc_geth_private *ugeth) +{ + struct ucc_geth_info *ug_info; + struct ucc_fast_info *uf_info; + u16 i, j; + u8 __iomem *bd; + + + ug_info = ugeth->ug_info; + uf_info = &ug_info->uf_info; + + for (i = 0; i < ugeth->ug_info->numQueuesRx; i++) { + if (ugeth->p_rx_bd_ring[i]) { + /* Return existing data buffers in ring */ + bd = ugeth->p_rx_bd_ring[i]; + for (j = 0; j < ugeth->ug_info->bdRingLenRx[i]; j++) { + if (ugeth->rx_skbuff[i][j]) { + dma_unmap_single(ugeth->dev, + in_be32(&((struct qe_bd __iomem *)bd)->buf), + ugeth->ug_info-> + uf_info.max_rx_buf_length + + UCC_GETH_RX_DATA_BUF_ALIGNMENT, + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + dev_kfree_skb_any( + ugeth->rx_skbuff[i][j]); + ugeth->rx_skbuff[i][j] = NULL; + } + bd += sizeof(struct qe_bd); + } + + kfree(ugeth->rx_skbuff[i]); + + if (ugeth->ug_info->uf_info.bd_mem_part == + MEM_PART_SYSTEM) + kfree((void *)ugeth->rx_bd_ring_offset[i]); + else if (ugeth->ug_info->uf_info.bd_mem_part == + MEM_PART_MURAM) + qe_muram_free(ugeth->rx_bd_ring_offset[i]); + ugeth->p_rx_bd_ring[i] = NULL; + } + } + +} + +static void ucc_geth_free_tx(struct ucc_geth_private *ugeth) { + struct ucc_geth_info *ug_info; + struct ucc_fast_info *uf_info; u16 i, j; u8 __iomem *bd; + ug_info = ugeth->ug_info; + uf_info = &ug_info->uf_info; + + for (i = 0; i < ugeth->ug_info->numQueuesTx; i++) { + bd = ugeth->p_tx_bd_ring[i]; + if (!bd) + continue; + for (j = 0; j < ugeth->ug_info->bdRingLenTx[i]; j++) { + if (ugeth->tx_skbuff[i][j]) { + dma_unmap_single(ugeth->dev, + in_be32(&((struct qe_bd __iomem *)bd)->buf), + (in_be32((u32 __iomem *)bd) & + BD_LENGTH_MASK), + DMA_TO_DEVICE); + dev_kfree_skb_any(ugeth->tx_skbuff[i][j]); + ugeth->tx_skbuff[i][j] = NULL; + } + } + + kfree(ugeth->tx_skbuff[i]); + + if (ugeth->p_tx_bd_ring[i]) { + if (ugeth->ug_info->uf_info.bd_mem_part == + MEM_PART_SYSTEM) + kfree((void *)ugeth->tx_bd_ring_offset[i]); + else if (ugeth->ug_info->uf_info.bd_mem_part == + MEM_PART_MURAM) + qe_muram_free(ugeth->tx_bd_ring_offset[i]); + ugeth->p_tx_bd_ring[i] = NULL; + } + } + +} + +static void ucc_geth_memclean(struct ucc_geth_private *ugeth) +{ if (!ugeth) return; @@ -1928,64 +2009,8 @@ static void ucc_geth_memclean(struct ucc_geth_private *ugeth) kfree(ugeth->p_init_enet_param_shadow); ugeth->p_init_enet_param_shadow = NULL; } - for (i = 0; i < ugeth->ug_info->numQueuesTx; i++) { - bd = ugeth->p_tx_bd_ring[i]; - if (!bd) - continue; - for (j = 0; j < ugeth->ug_info->bdRingLenTx[i]; j++) { - if (ugeth->tx_skbuff[i][j]) { - dma_unmap_single(ugeth->dev, - in_be32(&((struct qe_bd __iomem *)bd)->buf), - (in_be32((u32 __iomem *)bd) & - BD_LENGTH_MASK), - DMA_TO_DEVICE); - dev_kfree_skb_any(ugeth->tx_skbuff[i][j]); - ugeth->tx_skbuff[i][j] = NULL; - } - } - - kfree(ugeth->tx_skbuff[i]); - - if (ugeth->p_tx_bd_ring[i]) { - if (ugeth->ug_info->uf_info.bd_mem_part == - MEM_PART_SYSTEM) - kfree((void *)ugeth->tx_bd_ring_offset[i]); - else if (ugeth->ug_info->uf_info.bd_mem_part == - MEM_PART_MURAM) - qe_muram_free(ugeth->tx_bd_ring_offset[i]); - ugeth->p_tx_bd_ring[i] = NULL; - } - } - for (i = 0; i < ugeth->ug_info->numQueuesRx; i++) { - if (ugeth->p_rx_bd_ring[i]) { - /* Return existing data buffers in ring */ - bd = ugeth->p_rx_bd_ring[i]; - for (j = 0; j < ugeth->ug_info->bdRingLenRx[i]; j++) { - if (ugeth->rx_skbuff[i][j]) { - dma_unmap_single(ugeth->dev, - in_be32(&((struct qe_bd __iomem *)bd)->buf), - ugeth->ug_info-> - uf_info.max_rx_buf_length + - UCC_GETH_RX_DATA_BUF_ALIGNMENT, - DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - dev_kfree_skb_any( - ugeth->rx_skbuff[i][j]); - ugeth->rx_skbuff[i][j] = NULL; - } - bd += sizeof(struct qe_bd); - } - - kfree(ugeth->rx_skbuff[i]); - - if (ugeth->ug_info->uf_info.bd_mem_part == - MEM_PART_SYSTEM) - kfree((void *)ugeth->rx_bd_ring_offset[i]); - else if (ugeth->ug_info->uf_info.bd_mem_part == - MEM_PART_MURAM) - qe_muram_free(ugeth->rx_bd_ring_offset[i]); - ugeth->p_rx_bd_ring[i] = NULL; - } - } + ucc_geth_free_tx(ugeth); + ucc_geth_free_rx(ugeth); while (!list_empty(&ugeth->group_hash_q)) put_enet_addr_container(ENET_ADDR_CONT_ENTRY (dequeue(&ugeth->group_hash_q))); @@ -2211,6 +2236,171 @@ static int ucc_struct_init(struct ucc_geth_private *ugeth) return 0; } +static int ucc_geth_alloc_tx(struct ucc_geth_private *ugeth) +{ + struct ucc_geth_info *ug_info; + struct ucc_fast_info *uf_info; + int length; + u16 i, j; + u8 __iomem *bd; + + ug_info = ugeth->ug_info; + uf_info = &ug_info->uf_info; + + /* Allocate Tx bds */ + for (j = 0; j < ug_info->numQueuesTx; j++) { + /* Allocate in multiple of + UCC_GETH_TX_BD_RING_SIZE_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT, + according to spec */ + length = ((ug_info->bdRingLenTx[j] * sizeof(struct qe_bd)) + / UCC_GETH_TX_BD_RING_SIZE_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT) + * UCC_GETH_TX_BD_RING_SIZE_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT; + if ((ug_info->bdRingLenTx[j] * sizeof(struct qe_bd)) % + UCC_GETH_TX_BD_RING_SIZE_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT) + length += UCC_GETH_TX_BD_RING_SIZE_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT; + if (uf_info->bd_mem_part == MEM_PART_SYSTEM) { + u32 align = 4; + if (UCC_GETH_TX_BD_RING_ALIGNMENT > 4) + align = UCC_GETH_TX_BD_RING_ALIGNMENT; + ugeth->tx_bd_ring_offset[j] = + (u32) kmalloc((u32) (length + align), GFP_KERNEL); + + if (ugeth->tx_bd_ring_offset[j] != 0) + ugeth->p_tx_bd_ring[j] = + (u8 __iomem *)((ugeth->tx_bd_ring_offset[j] + + align) & ~(align - 1)); + } else if (uf_info->bd_mem_part == MEM_PART_MURAM) { + ugeth->tx_bd_ring_offset[j] = + qe_muram_alloc(length, + UCC_GETH_TX_BD_RING_ALIGNMENT); + if (!IS_ERR_VALUE(ugeth->tx_bd_ring_offset[j])) + ugeth->p_tx_bd_ring[j] = + (u8 __iomem *) qe_muram_addr(ugeth-> + tx_bd_ring_offset[j]); + } + if (!ugeth->p_tx_bd_ring[j]) { + if (netif_msg_ifup(ugeth)) + ugeth_err + ("%s: Can not allocate memory for Tx bd rings.", + __func__); + return -ENOMEM; + } + /* Zero unused end of bd ring, according to spec */ + memset_io((void __iomem *)(ugeth->p_tx_bd_ring[j] + + ug_info->bdRingLenTx[j] * sizeof(struct qe_bd)), 0, + length - ug_info->bdRingLenTx[j] * sizeof(struct qe_bd)); + } + + /* Init Tx bds */ + for (j = 0; j < ug_info->numQueuesTx; j++) { + /* Setup the skbuff rings */ + ugeth->tx_skbuff[j] = kmalloc(sizeof(struct sk_buff *) * + ugeth->ug_info->bdRingLenTx[j], + GFP_KERNEL); + + if (ugeth->tx_skbuff[j] == NULL) { + if (netif_msg_ifup(ugeth)) + ugeth_err("%s: Could not allocate tx_skbuff", + __func__); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + for (i = 0; i < ugeth->ug_info->bdRingLenTx[j]; i++) + ugeth->tx_skbuff[j][i] = NULL; + + ugeth->skb_curtx[j] = ugeth->skb_dirtytx[j] = 0; + bd = ugeth->confBd[j] = ugeth->txBd[j] = ugeth->p_tx_bd_ring[j]; + for (i = 0; i < ug_info->bdRingLenTx[j]; i++) { + /* clear bd buffer */ + out_be32(&((struct qe_bd __iomem *)bd)->buf, 0); + /* set bd status and length */ + out_be32((u32 __iomem *)bd, 0); + bd += sizeof(struct qe_bd); + } + bd -= sizeof(struct qe_bd); + /* set bd status and length */ + out_be32((u32 __iomem *)bd, T_W); /* for last BD set Wrap bit */ + } + + return 0; +} + +static int ucc_geth_alloc_rx(struct ucc_geth_private *ugeth) +{ + struct ucc_geth_info *ug_info; + struct ucc_fast_info *uf_info; + int length; + u16 i, j; + u8 __iomem *bd; + + ug_info = ugeth->ug_info; + uf_info = &ug_info->uf_info; + + /* Allocate Rx bds */ + for (j = 0; j < ug_info->numQueuesRx; j++) { + length = ug_info->bdRingLenRx[j] * sizeof(struct qe_bd); + if (uf_info->bd_mem_part == MEM_PART_SYSTEM) { + u32 align = 4; + if (UCC_GETH_RX_BD_RING_ALIGNMENT > 4) + align = UCC_GETH_RX_BD_RING_ALIGNMENT; + ugeth->rx_bd_ring_offset[j] = + (u32) kmalloc((u32) (length + align), GFP_KERNEL); + if (ugeth->rx_bd_ring_offset[j] != 0) + ugeth->p_rx_bd_ring[j] = + (u8 __iomem *)((ugeth->rx_bd_ring_offset[j] + + align) & ~(align - 1)); + } else if (uf_info->bd_mem_part == MEM_PART_MURAM) { + ugeth->rx_bd_ring_offset[j] = + qe_muram_alloc(length, + UCC_GETH_RX_BD_RING_ALIGNMENT); + if (!IS_ERR_VALUE(ugeth->rx_bd_ring_offset[j])) + ugeth->p_rx_bd_ring[j] = + (u8 __iomem *) qe_muram_addr(ugeth-> + rx_bd_ring_offset[j]); + } + if (!ugeth->p_rx_bd_ring[j]) { + if (netif_msg_ifup(ugeth)) + ugeth_err + ("%s: Can not allocate memory for Rx bd rings.", + __func__); + return -ENOMEM; + } + } + + /* Init Rx bds */ + for (j = 0; j < ug_info->numQueuesRx; j++) { + /* Setup the skbuff rings */ + ugeth->rx_skbuff[j] = kmalloc(sizeof(struct sk_buff *) * + ugeth->ug_info->bdRingLenRx[j], + GFP_KERNEL); + + if (ugeth->rx_skbuff[j] == NULL) { + if (netif_msg_ifup(ugeth)) + ugeth_err("%s: Could not allocate rx_skbuff", + __func__); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + for (i = 0; i < ugeth->ug_info->bdRingLenRx[j]; i++) + ugeth->rx_skbuff[j][i] = NULL; + + ugeth->skb_currx[j] = 0; + bd = ugeth->rxBd[j] = ugeth->p_rx_bd_ring[j]; + for (i = 0; i < ug_info->bdRingLenRx[j]; i++) { + /* set bd status and length */ + out_be32((u32 __iomem *)bd, R_I); + /* clear bd buffer */ + out_be32(&((struct qe_bd __iomem *)bd)->buf, 0); + bd += sizeof(struct qe_bd); + } + bd -= sizeof(struct qe_bd); + /* set bd status and length */ + out_be32((u32 __iomem *)bd, R_W); /* for last BD set Wrap bit */ + } + + return 0; +} + static int ucc_geth_startup(struct ucc_geth_private *ugeth) { struct ucc_geth_82xx_address_filtering_pram __iomem *p_82xx_addr_filt; @@ -2223,11 +2413,10 @@ static int ucc_geth_startup(struct ucc_geth_private *ugeth) int ret_val = -EINVAL; u32 remoder = UCC_GETH_REMODER_INIT; u32 init_enet_pram_offset, cecr_subblock, command; - u32 ifstat, i, j, size, l2qt, l3qt, length; + u32 ifstat, i, j, size, l2qt, l3qt; u16 temoder = UCC_GETH_TEMODER_INIT; u16 test; u8 function_code = 0; - u8 __iomem *bd; u8 __iomem *endOfRing; u8 numThreadsRxNumerical, numThreadsTxNumerical; @@ -2367,142 +2556,13 @@ static int ucc_geth_startup(struct ucc_geth_private *ugeth) UCC_GETH_STATISTICS_GATHERING_MODE_HARDWARE), 0, &uf_regs->upsmr, &ug_regs->uescr); - /* Allocate Tx bds */ - for (j = 0; j < ug_info->numQueuesTx; j++) { - /* Allocate in multiple of - UCC_GETH_TX_BD_RING_SIZE_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT, - according to spec */ - length = ((ug_info->bdRingLenTx[j] * sizeof(struct qe_bd)) - / UCC_GETH_TX_BD_RING_SIZE_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT) - * UCC_GETH_TX_BD_RING_SIZE_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT; - if ((ug_info->bdRingLenTx[j] * sizeof(struct qe_bd)) % - UCC_GETH_TX_BD_RING_SIZE_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT) - length += UCC_GETH_TX_BD_RING_SIZE_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT; - if (uf_info->bd_mem_part == MEM_PART_SYSTEM) { - u32 align = 4; - if (UCC_GETH_TX_BD_RING_ALIGNMENT > 4) - align = UCC_GETH_TX_BD_RING_ALIGNMENT; - ugeth->tx_bd_ring_offset[j] = - (u32) kmalloc((u32) (length + align), GFP_KERNEL); - - if (ugeth->tx_bd_ring_offset[j] != 0) - ugeth->p_tx_bd_ring[j] = - (u8 __iomem *)((ugeth->tx_bd_ring_offset[j] + - align) & ~(align - 1)); - } else if (uf_info->bd_mem_part == MEM_PART_MURAM) { - ugeth->tx_bd_ring_offset[j] = - qe_muram_alloc(length, - UCC_GETH_TX_BD_RING_ALIGNMENT); - if (!IS_ERR_VALUE(ugeth->tx_bd_ring_offset[j])) - ugeth->p_tx_bd_ring[j] = - (u8 __iomem *) qe_muram_addr(ugeth-> - tx_bd_ring_offset[j]); - } - if (!ugeth->p_tx_bd_ring[j]) { - if (netif_msg_ifup(ugeth)) - ugeth_err - ("%s: Can not allocate memory for Tx bd rings.", - __func__); - return -ENOMEM; - } - /* Zero unused end of bd ring, according to spec */ - memset_io((void __iomem *)(ugeth->p_tx_bd_ring[j] + - ug_info->bdRingLenTx[j] * sizeof(struct qe_bd)), 0, - length - ug_info->bdRingLenTx[j] * sizeof(struct qe_bd)); - } - - /* Allocate Rx bds */ - for (j = 0; j < ug_info->numQueuesRx; j++) { - length = ug_info->bdRingLenRx[j] * sizeof(struct qe_bd); - if (uf_info->bd_mem_part == MEM_PART_SYSTEM) { - u32 align = 4; - if (UCC_GETH_RX_BD_RING_ALIGNMENT > 4) - align = UCC_GETH_RX_BD_RING_ALIGNMENT; - ugeth->rx_bd_ring_offset[j] = - (u32) kmalloc((u32) (length + align), GFP_KERNEL); - if (ugeth->rx_bd_ring_offset[j] != 0) - ugeth->p_rx_bd_ring[j] = - (u8 __iomem *)((ugeth->rx_bd_ring_offset[j] + - align) & ~(align - 1)); - } else if (uf_info->bd_mem_part == MEM_PART_MURAM) { - ugeth->rx_bd_ring_offset[j] = - qe_muram_alloc(length, - UCC_GETH_RX_BD_RING_ALIGNMENT); - if (!IS_ERR_VALUE(ugeth->rx_bd_ring_offset[j])) - ugeth->p_rx_bd_ring[j] = - (u8 __iomem *) qe_muram_addr(ugeth-> - rx_bd_ring_offset[j]); - } - if (!ugeth->p_rx_bd_ring[j]) { - if (netif_msg_ifup(ugeth)) - ugeth_err - ("%s: Can not allocate memory for Rx bd rings.", - __func__); - return -ENOMEM; - } - } - - /* Init Tx bds */ - for (j = 0; j < ug_info->numQueuesTx; j++) { - /* Setup the skbuff rings */ - ugeth->tx_skbuff[j] = kmalloc(sizeof(struct sk_buff *) * - ugeth->ug_info->bdRingLenTx[j], - GFP_KERNEL); - - if (ugeth->tx_skbuff[j] == NULL) { - if (netif_msg_ifup(ugeth)) - ugeth_err("%s: Could not allocate tx_skbuff", - __func__); - return -ENOMEM; - } - - for (i = 0; i < ugeth->ug_info->bdRingLenTx[j]; i++) - ugeth->tx_skbuff[j][i] = NULL; - - ugeth->skb_curtx[j] = ugeth->skb_dirtytx[j] = 0; - bd = ugeth->confBd[j] = ugeth->txBd[j] = ugeth->p_tx_bd_ring[j]; - for (i = 0; i < ug_info->bdRingLenTx[j]; i++) { - /* clear bd buffer */ - out_be32(&((struct qe_bd __iomem *)bd)->buf, 0); - /* set bd status and length */ - out_be32((u32 __iomem *)bd, 0); - bd += sizeof(struct qe_bd); - } - bd -= sizeof(struct qe_bd); - /* set bd status and length */ - out_be32((u32 __iomem *)bd, T_W); /* for last BD set Wrap bit */ - } - - /* Init Rx bds */ - for (j = 0; j < ug_info->numQueuesRx; j++) { - /* Setup the skbuff rings */ - ugeth->rx_skbuff[j] = kmalloc(sizeof(struct sk_buff *) * - ugeth->ug_info->bdRingLenRx[j], - GFP_KERNEL); - - if (ugeth->rx_skbuff[j] == NULL) { - if (netif_msg_ifup(ugeth)) - ugeth_err("%s: Could not allocate rx_skbuff", - __func__); - return -ENOMEM; - } - - for (i = 0; i < ugeth->ug_info->bdRingLenRx[j]; i++) - ugeth->rx_skbuff[j][i] = NULL; + ret_val = ucc_geth_alloc_tx(ugeth); + if (ret_val != 0) + return ret_val; - ugeth->skb_currx[j] = 0; - bd = ugeth->rxBd[j] = ugeth->p_rx_bd_ring[j]; - for (i = 0; i < ug_info->bdRingLenRx[j]; i++) { - /* set bd status and length */ - out_be32((u32 __iomem *)bd, R_I); - /* clear bd buffer */ - out_be32(&((struct qe_bd __iomem *)bd)->buf, 0); - bd += sizeof(struct qe_bd); - } - bd -= sizeof(struct qe_bd); - /* set bd status and length */ - out_be32((u32 __iomem *)bd, R_W); /* for last BD set Wrap bit */ - } + ret_val = ucc_geth_alloc_rx(ugeth); + if (ret_val != 0) + return ret_val; /* * Global PRAM diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/fujitsu/at1700.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/fujitsu/at1700.c index 7c6c908bdf02c4374604d76697df2b4168f5c7d4..586b46fd4eed18782faffab05914f084701b07ec 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/fujitsu/at1700.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/fujitsu/at1700.c @@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ net_rx(struct net_device *dev) dev->stats.rx_errors++; break; } - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len+3); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 3); if (skb == NULL) { printk("%s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet (len %d).\n", dev->name, pkt_len); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/fujitsu/eth16i.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/fujitsu/eth16i.c index b0e2313af3d1d9674c20290c944afd8c373e3f08..c3f0178fb5cb07dbc3e10b959e45492968821d05 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/fujitsu/eth16i.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/fujitsu/eth16i.c @@ -1164,7 +1164,7 @@ static void eth16i_rx(struct net_device *dev) else { /* Ok so now we should have a good packet */ struct sk_buff *skb; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 3); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 3); if( skb == NULL ) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Could'n allocate memory for packet (len %d)\n", dev->name, pkt_len); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/fujitsu/fmvj18x_cs.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/fujitsu/fmvj18x_cs.c index ee84b472cee60c377556495ff54504e8a4f6b7f8..0230319ddb59eef8780e1be5ee7032ec0ee9a993 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/fujitsu/fmvj18x_cs.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/fujitsu/fmvj18x_cs.c @@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ static void fjn_rx(struct net_device *dev) dev->stats.rx_errors++; break; } - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len+2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2); if (skb == NULL) { netdev_notice(dev, "Memory squeeze, dropping packet (len %d)\n", pkt_len); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/hp/hp100.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/hp/hp100.c index 6a5ee0776b2897e400ccdda6828f8c954c28d4d6..d496673f0908ee62ac591da615e08f6f3cfbd64f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/hp/hp100.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/hp/hp100.c @@ -1274,7 +1274,7 @@ static int hp100_build_rx_pdl(hp100_ring_t * ringptr, /* Note: This depends on the alloc_skb functions allocating more * space than requested, i.e. aligning to 16bytes */ - ringptr->skb = dev_alloc_skb(roundup(MAX_ETHER_SIZE + 2, 4)); + ringptr->skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, roundup(MAX_ETHER_SIZE + 2, 4)); if (NULL != ringptr->skb) { /* @@ -1284,7 +1284,6 @@ static int hp100_build_rx_pdl(hp100_ring_t * ringptr, */ skb_reserve(ringptr->skb, 2); - ringptr->skb->dev = dev; ringptr->skb->data = (u_char *) skb_put(ringptr->skb, MAX_ETHER_SIZE); /* ringptr->pdl points to the beginning of the PDL, i.e. the PDH */ @@ -1817,7 +1816,7 @@ static void hp100_rx(struct net_device *dev) #endif /* Now we allocate the skb and transfer the data into it. */ - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len+2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2); if (skb == NULL) { /* Not enough memory->drop packet */ #ifdef HP100_DEBUG printk("hp100: %s: rx: couldn't allocate a sk_buff of size %d\n", @@ -2992,7 +2991,6 @@ static int __init hp100_isa_init(void) for (i = 0; i < HP100_DEVICES && hp100_port[i] != -1; ++i) { dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct hp100_private)); if (!dev) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "hp100: no memory for network device\n"); while (cards > 0) cleanup_dev(hp100_devlist[--cards]); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/3c505.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/3c505.c index ba82a266051ddfa6a22a84412f79b1f64455de16..6a5c21b82c511563b48ef9e807fab0e6b8ae5e2a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/3c505.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/3c505.c @@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ static void receive_packet(struct net_device *dev, int len) unsigned long flags; rlen = (len + 1) & ~1; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(rlen + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, rlen + 2); if (!skb) { pr_warning("%s: memory squeeze, dropping packet\n", dev->name); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/3c507.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/3c507.c index 1e945551c144e6b720c833febc903ec2860296da..ed6925f11479fc51f9eba55451ac4b7ce742d5f8 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/3c507.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/3c507.c @@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ static void el16_rx(struct net_device *dev) struct sk_buff *skb; pkt_len &= 0x3fff; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len+2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2); if (skb == NULL) { pr_err("%s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet.\n", dev->name); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/3c523.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/3c523.c index d70d3df4c9855e735b100d6d372b10d6ac1b0595..8451ecd4c1ec7e819862001bca9bfd591727b8f0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/3c523.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/3c523.c @@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ static void elmc_rcv_int(struct net_device *dev) if ((totlen = rbd->status) & RBD_LAST) { /* the first and the last buffer? */ totlen &= RBD_MASK; /* length of this frame */ rbd->status = 0; - skb = (struct sk_buff *) dev_alloc_skb(totlen + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, totlen + 2); if (skb != NULL) { skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* 16 byte alignment */ skb_put(skb,totlen); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/3c527.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/3c527.c index 474b5e71a53a7da43df83fdfda311675b9d3f91c..ef43f3e951c5d6c2394168bd10b9fc133213c554 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/3c527.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/3c527.c @@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@ static void mc32_rx_ring(struct net_device *dev) /* Try to save time by avoiding a copy on big frames */ if ((length > RX_COPYBREAK) && - ((newskb=dev_alloc_skb(1532)) != NULL)) + ((newskb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, 1532)) != NULL)) { skb=lp->rx_ring[rx_ring_tail].skb; skb_put(skb, length); @@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ static void mc32_rx_ring(struct net_device *dev) } else { - skb=dev_alloc_skb(length+2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, length + 2); if(skb==NULL) { dev->stats.rx_dropped++; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/82596.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/82596.c index f2408a4d5d9c914c9cd1e96cf19cbb5abe701926..6aa927af382c7bff2a0b1b0d96bca0e2026f30ae 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/82596.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/82596.c @@ -549,14 +549,13 @@ static inline int init_rx_bufs(struct net_device *dev) /* First build the Receive Buffer Descriptor List */ for (i = 0, rbd = lp->rbds; i < rx_ring_size; i++, rbd++) { - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(PKT_BUF_SZ); + struct sk_buff *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, PKT_BUF_SZ); if (skb == NULL) { remove_rx_bufs(dev); return -ENOMEM; } - skb->dev = dev; rbd->v_next = rbd+1; rbd->b_next = WSWAPrbd(virt_to_bus(rbd+1)); rbd->b_addr = WSWAPrbd(virt_to_bus(rbd)); @@ -810,7 +809,7 @@ static inline int i596_rx(struct net_device *dev) struct sk_buff *newskb; /* Get fresh skbuff to replace filled one. */ - newskb = dev_alloc_skb(PKT_BUF_SZ); + newskb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, PKT_BUF_SZ); if (newskb == NULL) { skb = NULL; /* drop pkt */ goto memory_squeeze; @@ -819,7 +818,6 @@ static inline int i596_rx(struct net_device *dev) skb_put(skb, pkt_len); rx_in_place = 1; rbd->skb = newskb; - newskb->dev = dev; rbd->v_data = newskb->data; rbd->b_data = WSWAPchar(virt_to_bus(newskb->data)); #ifdef __mc68000__ @@ -827,7 +825,7 @@ static inline int i596_rx(struct net_device *dev) #endif } else - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2); memory_squeeze: if (skb == NULL) { /* XXX tulip.c can defer packets here!! */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/eepro.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/eepro.c index 114cda7721fe5d155a46045894b386efa850c545..7a4ad4a079171b6b60aab46c4c999d926fd73a7b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/eepro.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/eepro.c @@ -1563,7 +1563,7 @@ eepro_rx(struct net_device *dev) dev->stats.rx_bytes+=rcv_size; rcv_size &= 0x3fff; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(rcv_size+5); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, rcv_size + 5); if (skb == NULL) { printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet.\n", dev->name); dev->stats.rx_dropped++; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/eexpress.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/eexpress.c index 3a9580f3d4dd247f61054069a943b2384f399438..3fc649e54a3245ad13b654e2d1932e33f712accb 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/eexpress.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/eexpress.c @@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ static void eexp_hw_rx_pio(struct net_device *dev) { struct sk_buff *skb; pkt_len &= 0x3fff; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len+16); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 16); if (skb == NULL) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet\n",dev->name); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/ether1.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/ether1.c index 42e90a97c7a5e6f965cdcc7e6615699a14f7f4e5..406a12b464042026b74e687709b5c5ffb3388614 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/ether1.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/ether1.c @@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ ether1_recv_done (struct net_device *dev) struct sk_buff *skb; length = (length + 1) & ~1; - skb = dev_alloc_skb (length + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, length + 2); if (skb) { skb_reserve (skb, 2); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/lp486e.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/lp486e.c index 414044b3cb113e384ab2ed902305a9ec4e267ef7..6c2952c8ea15edbc0a1e10c08a3e3b1f94fd8086 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/lp486e.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/lp486e.c @@ -454,8 +454,6 @@ init_rx_bufs(struct net_device *dev, int num) { } rfd->rbd = rbd; - } else { - printk("Could not kmalloc rbd\n"); } } lp->rbd_tail->next = rfd->rbd; @@ -658,7 +656,7 @@ i596_rx_one(struct net_device *dev, struct i596_private *lp, if (rfd->stat & RFD_STAT_OK) { /* a good frame */ int pkt_len = (rfd->count & 0x3fff); - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len); + struct sk_buff *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len); (*frames)++; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/ni52.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/ni52.c index c0893715ef478c1d088e68971c3642d2921d4695..272976e1bb0f79dc5460c79a991555c3174e21c1 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/ni52.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/ni52.c @@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ static void ni52_rcv_int(struct net_device *dev) /* the first and the last buffer? */ totlen &= RBD_MASK; /* length of this frame */ writew(0x00, &rbd->status); - skb = (struct sk_buff *)dev_alloc_skb(totlen+2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, totlen + 2); if (skb != NULL) { skb_reserve(skb, 2); skb_put(skb, totlen); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/sun3_82586.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/sun3_82586.c index 6ef5e11d1c84a1f018e5b24344c7c4279b6bde16..cae17f4bc93e1d8a2cb76e9e382d7b70209bcc64 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/sun3_82586.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/sun3_82586.c @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ static int automatic_resume = 0; /* experimental .. better should be zero */ static int rfdadd = 0; /* rfdadd=1 may be better for 8K MEM cards */ static int fifo=0x8; /* don't change */ -#include #include #include #include @@ -779,7 +778,7 @@ static void sun3_82586_rcv_int(struct net_device *dev) { totlen &= RBD_MASK; /* length of this frame */ rbd->status = 0; - skb = (struct sk_buff *) dev_alloc_skb(totlen+2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, totlen + 2); if(skb != NULL) { skb_reserve(skb,2); @@ -1151,28 +1150,6 @@ static void set_multicast_list(struct net_device *dev) netif_wake_queue(dev); } -#ifdef MODULE -#error This code is not currently supported as a module -static struct net_device *dev_sun3_82586; - -int init_module(void) -{ - dev_sun3_82586 = sun3_82586_probe(-1); - if (IS_ERR(dev_sun3_82586)) - return PTR_ERR(dev_sun3_82586); - return 0; -} - -void cleanup_module(void) -{ - unsigned long ioaddr = dev_sun3_82586->base_addr; - unregister_netdev(dev_sun3_82586); - release_region(ioaddr, SUN3_82586_TOTAL_SIZE); - iounmap((void *)ioaddr); - free_netdev(dev_sun3_82586); -} -#endif /* MODULE */ - #if 0 /* * DUMP .. we expect a not running CMD unit and enough space @@ -1209,5 +1186,3 @@ void sun3_82586_dump(struct net_device *dev,void *ptr) printk("\n"); } #endif - -MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/znet.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/znet.c index 962b4c421f3fce4bcbf605b7aa1a18a9a94cf53c..a43649735a04d93f706818d1cfde7c1b77539d1a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/znet.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/znet.c @@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ static void znet_rx(struct net_device *dev) /* Malloc up new buffer. */ struct sk_buff *skb; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len); if (skb == NULL) { if (znet_debug) printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet.\n", dev->name); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/Kconfig b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/Kconfig index 9e16f3fa97b2c7ec918347de09887f4d04ad18d3..b9773d2291927e4164197b20ca78a00694c6528d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/Kconfig @@ -29,10 +29,6 @@ config IBMVETH To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module will be called ibmveth. -config ISERIES_VETH - tristate "iSeries Virtual Ethernet driver support" - depends on PPC_ISERIES - source "drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/Kconfig" config EHEA diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/Makefile b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/Makefile index 5a7d4e9ac8035b3e9e34c6f683362a7edaef5bb6..2f04e71a5926c788bef7fc0a96b3bb5239d07958 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/Makefile @@ -3,6 +3,5 @@ # obj-$(CONFIG_IBMVETH) += ibmveth.o -obj-$(CONFIG_ISERIES_VETH) += iseries_veth.o obj-$(CONFIG_IBM_EMAC) += emac/ obj-$(CONFIG_EHEA) += ehea/ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea.h index 6650068c996c48158c3b09c8975b912440e00aff..b8e46cc31e53ecc385c7fcf5740a2bc0f0eed2d6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * linux/drivers/net/ehea/ehea.h + * linux/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea.h * * eHEA ethernet device driver for IBM eServer System p * diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_ethtool.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_ethtool.c index 6bdd8e36e564c4868eac9259b63a81c23f345337..95837b99a464865a7ca47273cb49ce9b3200136b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_ethtool.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * linux/drivers/net/ehea/ehea_ethtool.c + * linux/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_ethtool.c * * eHEA ethernet device driver for IBM eServer System p * diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_hw.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_hw.h index 1a2fe4dc3eb352b715da3942cd0d2c3444aa865d..180d4128a7113f6fd320f7a1555072ed1477d323 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_hw.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_hw.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * linux/drivers/net/ehea/ehea_hw.h + * linux/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_hw.h * * eHEA ethernet device driver for IBM eServer System p * diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_main.c index e6893cdfd13b9bd16ce628b7fc697f2ef940a188..3516e17a399d3137ccf0e2eea06318c0171aeba4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_main.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * linux/drivers/net/ehea/ehea_main.c + * linux/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_main.c * * eHEA ethernet device driver for IBM eServer System p * @@ -2982,7 +2982,6 @@ static struct ehea_port *ehea_setup_single_port(struct ehea_adapter *adapter, dev = alloc_etherdev_mq(sizeof(struct ehea_port), EHEA_MAX_PORT_RES); if (!dev) { - pr_err("no mem for net_device\n"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto out_err; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_phyp.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_phyp.c index 0506967b90441e743563f1cdeb27eb40a84d1f63..30f903332e927c58d8ad3f736620640a50163b94 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_phyp.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_phyp.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * linux/drivers/net/ehea/ehea_phyp.c + * linux/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_phyp.c * * eHEA ethernet device driver for IBM eServer System p * diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_phyp.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_phyp.h index 2f8174c248bcdd64f9c59694926034e93d7b2131..52c456ec4d6cf811567f82f80477b4e32910ee9a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_phyp.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_phyp.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * linux/drivers/net/ehea/ehea_phyp.h + * linux/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_phyp.h * * eHEA ethernet device driver for IBM eServer System p * diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_qmr.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_qmr.c index c25b05b94daae698e0b8640e40da8614ea9ad4f7..4fb47f14dbfe5250be0476efebe45130c7eed476 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_qmr.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_qmr.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * linux/drivers/net/ehea/ehea_qmr.c + * linux/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_qmr.c * * eHEA ethernet device driver for IBM eServer System p * diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_qmr.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_qmr.h index 337a47ecf4aac5dc88778ddb77bef2e68f2e877e..8e4a70c20ab7735a0e5d80ba50277a68a36409c2 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_qmr.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_qmr.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * linux/drivers/net/ehea/ehea_qmr.h + * linux/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/ehea/ehea_qmr.h * * eHEA ethernet device driver for IBM eServer System p * diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/core.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/core.c index 2abce965c7bdf81105238bdc890581141b3ecb85..a0fe6e3fce61a5ad7b4b17b7de723e0798ab9086 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/core.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/core.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/ibm_newemac/core.c + * drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/core.c * * Driver for PowerPC 4xx on-chip ethernet controller. * @@ -434,6 +434,11 @@ static inline u32 emac_iff2rmr(struct net_device *ndev) else if (!netdev_mc_empty(ndev)) r |= EMAC_RMR_MAE; + if (emac_has_feature(dev, EMAC_APM821XX_REQ_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE)) { + r &= ~EMAC4_RMR_MJS_MASK; + r |= EMAC4_RMR_MJS(ndev->mtu); + } + return r; } @@ -965,6 +970,7 @@ static int emac_resize_rx_ring(struct emac_instance *dev, int new_mtu) int rx_sync_size = emac_rx_sync_size(new_mtu); int rx_skb_size = emac_rx_skb_size(new_mtu); int i, ret = 0; + int mr1_jumbo_bit_change = 0; mutex_lock(&dev->link_lock); emac_netif_stop(dev); @@ -1013,7 +1019,15 @@ static int emac_resize_rx_ring(struct emac_instance *dev, int new_mtu) } skip: /* Check if we need to change "Jumbo" bit in MR1 */ - if ((new_mtu > ETH_DATA_LEN) ^ (dev->ndev->mtu > ETH_DATA_LEN)) { + if (emac_has_feature(dev, EMAC_APM821XX_REQ_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE)) { + mr1_jumbo_bit_change = (new_mtu > ETH_DATA_LEN) || + (dev->ndev->mtu > ETH_DATA_LEN); + } else { + mr1_jumbo_bit_change = (new_mtu > ETH_DATA_LEN) ^ + (dev->ndev->mtu > ETH_DATA_LEN); + } + + if (mr1_jumbo_bit_change) { /* This is to prevent starting RX channel in emac_rx_enable() */ set_bit(MAL_COMMAC_RX_STOPPED, &dev->commac.flags); @@ -2471,6 +2485,7 @@ static int __devinit emac_init_phy(struct emac_instance *dev) /* Disable any PHY features not supported by the platform */ dev->phy.def->features &= ~dev->phy_feat_exc; + dev->phy.features &= ~dev->phy_feat_exc; /* Setup initial link parameters */ if (dev->phy.features & SUPPORTED_Autoneg) { @@ -2568,6 +2583,11 @@ static int __devinit emac_init_config(struct emac_instance *dev) if (of_device_is_compatible(np, "ibm,emac-405ex") || of_device_is_compatible(np, "ibm,emac-405exr")) dev->features |= EMAC_FTR_440EP_PHY_CLK_FIX; + if (of_device_is_compatible(np, "ibm,emac-apm821xx")) { + dev->features |= (EMAC_APM821XX_REQ_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE | + EMAC_FTR_APM821XX_NO_HALF_DUPLEX | + EMAC_FTR_460EX_PHY_CLK_FIX); + } } else if (of_device_is_compatible(np, "ibm,emac4")) { dev->features |= EMAC_FTR_EMAC4; if (of_device_is_compatible(np, "ibm,emac-440gx")) @@ -2706,11 +2726,9 @@ static int __devinit emac_probe(struct platform_device *ofdev) /* Allocate our net_device structure */ err = -ENOMEM; ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct emac_instance)); - if (!ndev) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: could not allocate ethernet device!\n", - np->full_name); + if (!ndev) goto err_gone; - } + dev = netdev_priv(ndev); dev->ndev = ndev; dev->ofdev = ofdev; @@ -2818,6 +2836,13 @@ static int __devinit emac_probe(struct platform_device *ofdev) dev->stop_timeout = STOP_TIMEOUT_100; INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&dev->link_work, emac_link_timer); + /* Some SoCs like APM821xx does not support Half Duplex mode. */ + if (emac_has_feature(dev, EMAC_FTR_APM821XX_NO_HALF_DUPLEX)) { + dev->phy_feat_exc = (SUPPORTED_1000baseT_Half | + SUPPORTED_100baseT_Half | + SUPPORTED_10baseT_Half); + } + /* Find PHY if any */ err = emac_init_phy(dev); if (err != 0) diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/core.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/core.h index fa3ec57935fafa74537c0bc5b61fc3ee9d0f363f..70074792bdefdc24c30aca7b4181073dc9bb7ffc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/core.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/core.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/ibm_newemac/core.h + * drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/core.h * * Driver for PowerPC 4xx on-chip ethernet controller. * @@ -325,7 +325,14 @@ struct emac_instance { * Set if we need phy clock workaround for 460ex or 460gt */ #define EMAC_FTR_460EX_PHY_CLK_FIX 0x00000400 - +/* + * APM821xx requires Jumbo frame size set explicitly + */ +#define EMAC_APM821XX_REQ_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE 0x00000800 +/* + * APM821xx does not support Half Duplex mode + */ +#define EMAC_FTR_APM821XX_NO_HALF_DUPLEX 0x00001000 /* Right now, we don't quite handle the always/possible masks on the * most optimal way as we don't have a way to say something like @@ -353,7 +360,9 @@ enum { EMAC_FTR_NO_FLOW_CONTROL_40x | #endif EMAC_FTR_460EX_PHY_CLK_FIX | - EMAC_FTR_440EP_PHY_CLK_FIX, + EMAC_FTR_440EP_PHY_CLK_FIX | + EMAC_APM821XX_REQ_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE | + EMAC_FTR_APM821XX_NO_HALF_DUPLEX, }; static inline int emac_has_feature(struct emac_instance *dev, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/debug.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/debug.c index 8c6c1e2a87503e2f647fedd44c77dbb2ffcfb3c9..b16b4828b64d234ef2af3b9333b56e3e6e6b7924 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/debug.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/debug.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/ibm_newemac/debug.c + * drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/debug.c * * Driver for PowerPC 4xx on-chip ethernet controller, debug print routines. * diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/debug.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/debug.h index 90477fe69d0ce83df515e5c8be9e4db374907afa..59a92d5870b5535826a6fec333f27d1796e062db 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/debug.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/debug.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/ibm_newemac/debug.h + * drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/debug.h * * Driver for PowerPC 4xx on-chip ethernet controller, debug print routines. * diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/emac.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/emac.h index 1568278d759a893589196c505251c92ad5e3c587..5afcc27ceebb6872bfb9cd2cda8abda2fcdae934 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/emac.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/emac.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/ibm_newemac/emac.h + * drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/emac.h * * Register definitions for PowerPC 4xx on-chip ethernet contoller * @@ -212,6 +212,8 @@ struct emac_regs { #define EMAC4_RMR_RFAF_64_1024 0x00000006 #define EMAC4_RMR_RFAF_128_2048 0x00000007 #define EMAC4_RMR_BASE EMAC4_RMR_RFAF_128_2048 +#define EMAC4_RMR_MJS_MASK 0x0001fff8 +#define EMAC4_RMR_MJS(s) (((s) << 3) & EMAC4_RMR_MJS_MASK) /* EMACx_ISR & EMACx_ISER */ #define EMAC4_ISR_TXPE 0x20000000 diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/mal.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/mal.c index f3c50b97ec61b589b4f45d472881a0a62cba469d..479e43e2f1ef842cee474af85625cebd8ed30606 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/mal.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/mal.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/ibm_newemac/mal.c + * drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/mal.c * * Memory Access Layer (MAL) support * diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/mal.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/mal.h index d06f985bda321aac1277a30297e1b2f9527d02e3..e431a32e3d69180297fc9b74c4198abbe25a37ff 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/mal.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/mal.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/ibm_newemac/mal.h + * drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/mal.h * * Memory Access Layer (MAL) support * diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/phy.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/phy.c index ab4e5969fe65e3cc9ef3faf67b57c92f91aeb73c..d3b9d103353ed12fd6f05caabc8a517687d4dce8 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/phy.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/phy.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/ibm_newemac/phy.c + * drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/phy.c * * Driver for PowerPC 4xx on-chip ethernet controller, PHY support. * Borrowed from sungem_phy.c, though I only kept the generic MII diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/phy.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/phy.h index 5d2bf4cbe50b9fb2ee365d1f30f7b0dee7d064fb..d7e41ec37467cf4781a08c3492bb7ddd14abb846 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/phy.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/phy.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/ibm_newemac/phy.h + * drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/phy.h * * Driver for PowerPC 4xx on-chip ethernet controller, PHY support * diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/rgmii.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/rgmii.c index 4fa53f3def64390703f74d1579e46230a785305a..d3123282e18ec3b8de290899bd6117df14995fa3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/rgmii.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/rgmii.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/ibm_newemac/rgmii.c + * drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/rgmii.c * * Driver for PowerPC 4xx on-chip ethernet controller, RGMII bridge support. * @@ -237,11 +237,8 @@ static int __devinit rgmii_probe(struct platform_device *ofdev) rc = -ENOMEM; dev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct rgmii_instance), GFP_KERNEL); - if (dev == NULL) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: could not allocate RGMII device!\n", - np->full_name); + if (dev == NULL) goto err_gone; - } mutex_init(&dev->lock); dev->ofdev = ofdev; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/rgmii.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/rgmii.h index 9296b6c5f92054033235c06f1f965c4ddcce648e..668bceeff4a2112eb98eece3405c9594dd8accef 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/rgmii.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/rgmii.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/ibm_newemac/rgmii.h + * drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/rgmii.h * * Driver for PowerPC 4xx on-chip ethernet controller, RGMII bridge support. * diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/tah.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/tah.c index 5f51bf7c9dc518105f9f298e27a1d923521aa01d..872912ef518d163f6a4df7108e53fad0bb658afc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/tah.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/tah.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/ibm_newemac/tah.c + * drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/tah.c * * Driver for PowerPC 4xx on-chip ethernet controller, TAH support. * @@ -96,11 +96,8 @@ static int __devinit tah_probe(struct platform_device *ofdev) rc = -ENOMEM; dev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct tah_instance), GFP_KERNEL); - if (dev == NULL) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: could not allocate TAH device!\n", - np->full_name); + if (dev == NULL) goto err_gone; - } mutex_init(&dev->lock); dev->ofdev = ofdev; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/tah.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/tah.h index 3437ab4964c713e76bc5d17d6099237d5af7d0bf..350b7096a041a310f620911f7f2e448bc7d4e8ca 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/tah.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/tah.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/ibm_newemac/tah.h + * drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/tah.h * * Driver for PowerPC 4xx on-chip ethernet controller, TAH support. * diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/zmii.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/zmii.c index 97449e786d61545a5ddef11cba01a2badea51270..415e9b4d54086ce6e7e8a2afdeeb2ea1582a2f10 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/zmii.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/zmii.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/ibm_newemac/zmii.c + * drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/zmii.c * * Driver for PowerPC 4xx on-chip ethernet controller, ZMII bridge support. * @@ -240,11 +240,8 @@ static int __devinit zmii_probe(struct platform_device *ofdev) rc = -ENOMEM; dev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct zmii_instance), GFP_KERNEL); - if (dev == NULL) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: could not allocate ZMII device!\n", - np->full_name); + if (dev == NULL) goto err_gone; - } mutex_init(&dev->lock); dev->ofdev = ofdev; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/zmii.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/zmii.h index ceaed823a83c081edbef4a24838bbf34ec797043..455bfb0854934d684164d5105faa45ae89df03bb 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/zmii.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/zmii.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/ibm_newemac/zmii.h + * drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/emac/zmii.h * * Driver for PowerPC 4xx on-chip ethernet controller, ZMII bridge support. * diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/iseries_veth.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/iseries_veth.c deleted file mode 100644 index acc31af6594a243b91d7c9f666363581f68ddf05..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/iseries_veth.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1710 +0,0 @@ -/* File veth.c created by Kyle A. Lucke on Mon Aug 7 2000. */ -/* - * IBM eServer iSeries Virtual Ethernet Device Driver - * Copyright (C) 2001 Kyle A. Lucke (klucke@us.ibm.com), IBM Corp. - * Substantially cleaned up by: - * Copyright (C) 2003 David Gibson , IBM Corporation. - * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Michael Ellerman, IBM Corporation. - * - * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as - * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the - * License, or (at your option) any later version. - * - * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but - * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - * General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 - * USA - * - * - * This module implements the virtual ethernet device for iSeries LPAR - * Linux. It uses hypervisor message passing to implement an - * ethernet-like network device communicating between partitions on - * the iSeries. - * - * The iSeries LPAR hypervisor currently allows for up to 16 different - * virtual ethernets. These are all dynamically configurable on - * OS/400 partitions, but dynamic configuration is not supported under - * Linux yet. An ethXX network device will be created for each - * virtual ethernet this partition is connected to. - * - * - This driver is responsible for routing packets to and from other - * partitions. The MAC addresses used by the virtual ethernets - * contains meaning and must not be modified. - * - * - Having 2 virtual ethernets to the same remote partition DOES NOT - * double the available bandwidth. The 2 devices will share the - * available hypervisor bandwidth. - * - * - If you send a packet to your own mac address, it will just be - * dropped, you won't get it on the receive side. - * - * - Multicast is implemented by sending the frame frame to every - * other partition. It is the responsibility of the receiving - * partition to filter the addresses desired. - * - * Tunable parameters: - * - * VETH_NUMBUFFERS: This compile time option defaults to 120. It - * controls how much memory Linux will allocate per remote partition - * it is communicating with. It can be thought of as the maximum - * number of packets outstanding to a remote partition at a time. - */ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#undef DEBUG - -MODULE_AUTHOR("Kyle Lucke "); -MODULE_DESCRIPTION("iSeries Virtual ethernet driver"); -MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); - -#define VETH_EVENT_CAP (0) -#define VETH_EVENT_FRAMES (1) -#define VETH_EVENT_MONITOR (2) -#define VETH_EVENT_FRAMES_ACK (3) - -#define VETH_MAX_ACKS_PER_MSG (20) -#define VETH_MAX_FRAMES_PER_MSG (6) - -struct veth_frames_data { - u32 addr[VETH_MAX_FRAMES_PER_MSG]; - u16 len[VETH_MAX_FRAMES_PER_MSG]; - u32 eofmask; -}; -#define VETH_EOF_SHIFT (32-VETH_MAX_FRAMES_PER_MSG) - -struct veth_frames_ack_data { - u16 token[VETH_MAX_ACKS_PER_MSG]; -}; - -struct veth_cap_data { - u8 caps_version; - u8 rsvd1; - u16 num_buffers; - u16 ack_threshold; - u16 rsvd2; - u32 ack_timeout; - u32 rsvd3; - u64 rsvd4[3]; -}; - -struct veth_lpevent { - struct HvLpEvent base_event; - union { - struct veth_cap_data caps_data; - struct veth_frames_data frames_data; - struct veth_frames_ack_data frames_ack_data; - } u; - -}; - -#define DRV_NAME "iseries_veth" -#define DRV_VERSION "2.0" - -#define VETH_NUMBUFFERS (120) -#define VETH_ACKTIMEOUT (1000000) /* microseconds */ -#define VETH_MAX_MCAST (12) - -#define VETH_MAX_MTU (9000) - -#if VETH_NUMBUFFERS < 10 -#define ACK_THRESHOLD (1) -#elif VETH_NUMBUFFERS < 20 -#define ACK_THRESHOLD (4) -#elif VETH_NUMBUFFERS < 40 -#define ACK_THRESHOLD (10) -#else -#define ACK_THRESHOLD (20) -#endif - -#define VETH_STATE_SHUTDOWN (0x0001) -#define VETH_STATE_OPEN (0x0002) -#define VETH_STATE_RESET (0x0004) -#define VETH_STATE_SENTMON (0x0008) -#define VETH_STATE_SENTCAPS (0x0010) -#define VETH_STATE_GOTCAPACK (0x0020) -#define VETH_STATE_GOTCAPS (0x0040) -#define VETH_STATE_SENTCAPACK (0x0080) -#define VETH_STATE_READY (0x0100) - -struct veth_msg { - struct veth_msg *next; - struct veth_frames_data data; - int token; - int in_use; - struct sk_buff *skb; - struct device *dev; -}; - -struct veth_lpar_connection { - HvLpIndex remote_lp; - struct delayed_work statemachine_wq; - struct veth_msg *msgs; - int num_events; - struct veth_cap_data local_caps; - - struct kobject kobject; - struct timer_list ack_timer; - - struct timer_list reset_timer; - unsigned int reset_timeout; - unsigned long last_contact; - int outstanding_tx; - - spinlock_t lock; - unsigned long state; - HvLpInstanceId src_inst; - HvLpInstanceId dst_inst; - struct veth_lpevent cap_event, cap_ack_event; - u16 pending_acks[VETH_MAX_ACKS_PER_MSG]; - u32 num_pending_acks; - - int num_ack_events; - struct veth_cap_data remote_caps; - u32 ack_timeout; - - struct veth_msg *msg_stack_head; -}; - -struct veth_port { - struct device *dev; - u64 mac_addr; - HvLpIndexMap lpar_map; - - /* queue_lock protects the stopped_map and dev's queue. */ - spinlock_t queue_lock; - HvLpIndexMap stopped_map; - - /* mcast_gate protects promiscuous, num_mcast & mcast_addr. */ - rwlock_t mcast_gate; - int promiscuous; - int num_mcast; - u64 mcast_addr[VETH_MAX_MCAST]; - - struct kobject kobject; -}; - -static HvLpIndex this_lp; -static struct veth_lpar_connection *veth_cnx[HVMAXARCHITECTEDLPS]; /* = 0 */ -static struct net_device *veth_dev[HVMAXARCHITECTEDVIRTUALLANS]; /* = 0 */ - -static int veth_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev); -static void veth_recycle_msg(struct veth_lpar_connection *, struct veth_msg *); -static void veth_wake_queues(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx); -static void veth_stop_queues(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx); -static void veth_receive(struct veth_lpar_connection *, struct veth_lpevent *); -static void veth_release_connection(struct kobject *kobject); -static void veth_timed_ack(unsigned long ptr); -static void veth_timed_reset(unsigned long ptr); - -/* - * Utility functions - */ - -#define veth_info(fmt, args...) \ - printk(KERN_INFO DRV_NAME ": " fmt, ## args) - -#define veth_error(fmt, args...) \ - printk(KERN_ERR DRV_NAME ": Error: " fmt, ## args) - -#ifdef DEBUG -#define veth_debug(fmt, args...) \ - printk(KERN_DEBUG DRV_NAME ": " fmt, ## args) -#else -#define veth_debug(fmt, args...) do {} while (0) -#endif - -/* You must hold the connection's lock when you call this function. */ -static inline void veth_stack_push(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx, - struct veth_msg *msg) -{ - msg->next = cnx->msg_stack_head; - cnx->msg_stack_head = msg; -} - -/* You must hold the connection's lock when you call this function. */ -static inline struct veth_msg *veth_stack_pop(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx) -{ - struct veth_msg *msg; - - msg = cnx->msg_stack_head; - if (msg) - cnx->msg_stack_head = cnx->msg_stack_head->next; - - return msg; -} - -/* You must hold the connection's lock when you call this function. */ -static inline int veth_stack_is_empty(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx) -{ - return cnx->msg_stack_head == NULL; -} - -static inline HvLpEvent_Rc -veth_signalevent(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx, u16 subtype, - HvLpEvent_AckInd ackind, HvLpEvent_AckType acktype, - u64 token, - u64 data1, u64 data2, u64 data3, u64 data4, u64 data5) -{ - return HvCallEvent_signalLpEventFast(cnx->remote_lp, - HvLpEvent_Type_VirtualLan, - subtype, ackind, acktype, - cnx->src_inst, - cnx->dst_inst, - token, data1, data2, data3, - data4, data5); -} - -static inline HvLpEvent_Rc veth_signaldata(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx, - u16 subtype, u64 token, void *data) -{ - u64 *p = (u64 *) data; - - return veth_signalevent(cnx, subtype, HvLpEvent_AckInd_NoAck, - HvLpEvent_AckType_ImmediateAck, - token, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4]); -} - -struct veth_allocation { - struct completion c; - int num; -}; - -static void veth_complete_allocation(void *parm, int number) -{ - struct veth_allocation *vc = (struct veth_allocation *)parm; - - vc->num = number; - complete(&vc->c); -} - -static int veth_allocate_events(HvLpIndex rlp, int number) -{ - struct veth_allocation vc = - { COMPLETION_INITIALIZER_ONSTACK(vc.c), 0 }; - - mf_allocate_lp_events(rlp, HvLpEvent_Type_VirtualLan, - sizeof(struct veth_lpevent), number, - &veth_complete_allocation, &vc); - wait_for_completion(&vc.c); - - return vc.num; -} - -/* - * sysfs support - */ - -struct veth_cnx_attribute { - struct attribute attr; - ssize_t (*show)(struct veth_lpar_connection *, char *buf); - ssize_t (*store)(struct veth_lpar_connection *, const char *buf); -}; - -static ssize_t veth_cnx_attribute_show(struct kobject *kobj, - struct attribute *attr, char *buf) -{ - struct veth_cnx_attribute *cnx_attr; - struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx; - - cnx_attr = container_of(attr, struct veth_cnx_attribute, attr); - cnx = container_of(kobj, struct veth_lpar_connection, kobject); - - if (!cnx_attr->show) - return -EIO; - - return cnx_attr->show(cnx, buf); -} - -#define CUSTOM_CNX_ATTR(_name, _format, _expression) \ -static ssize_t _name##_show(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx, char *buf)\ -{ \ - return sprintf(buf, _format, _expression); \ -} \ -struct veth_cnx_attribute veth_cnx_attr_##_name = __ATTR_RO(_name) - -#define SIMPLE_CNX_ATTR(_name) \ - CUSTOM_CNX_ATTR(_name, "%lu\n", (unsigned long)cnx->_name) - -SIMPLE_CNX_ATTR(outstanding_tx); -SIMPLE_CNX_ATTR(remote_lp); -SIMPLE_CNX_ATTR(num_events); -SIMPLE_CNX_ATTR(src_inst); -SIMPLE_CNX_ATTR(dst_inst); -SIMPLE_CNX_ATTR(num_pending_acks); -SIMPLE_CNX_ATTR(num_ack_events); -CUSTOM_CNX_ATTR(ack_timeout, "%d\n", jiffies_to_msecs(cnx->ack_timeout)); -CUSTOM_CNX_ATTR(reset_timeout, "%d\n", jiffies_to_msecs(cnx->reset_timeout)); -CUSTOM_CNX_ATTR(state, "0x%.4lX\n", cnx->state); -CUSTOM_CNX_ATTR(last_contact, "%d\n", cnx->last_contact ? - jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - cnx->last_contact) : 0); - -#define GET_CNX_ATTR(_name) (&veth_cnx_attr_##_name.attr) - -static struct attribute *veth_cnx_default_attrs[] = { - GET_CNX_ATTR(outstanding_tx), - GET_CNX_ATTR(remote_lp), - GET_CNX_ATTR(num_events), - GET_CNX_ATTR(reset_timeout), - GET_CNX_ATTR(last_contact), - GET_CNX_ATTR(state), - GET_CNX_ATTR(src_inst), - GET_CNX_ATTR(dst_inst), - GET_CNX_ATTR(num_pending_acks), - GET_CNX_ATTR(num_ack_events), - GET_CNX_ATTR(ack_timeout), - NULL -}; - -static const struct sysfs_ops veth_cnx_sysfs_ops = { - .show = veth_cnx_attribute_show -}; - -static struct kobj_type veth_lpar_connection_ktype = { - .release = veth_release_connection, - .sysfs_ops = &veth_cnx_sysfs_ops, - .default_attrs = veth_cnx_default_attrs -}; - -struct veth_port_attribute { - struct attribute attr; - ssize_t (*show)(struct veth_port *, char *buf); - ssize_t (*store)(struct veth_port *, const char *buf); -}; - -static ssize_t veth_port_attribute_show(struct kobject *kobj, - struct attribute *attr, char *buf) -{ - struct veth_port_attribute *port_attr; - struct veth_port *port; - - port_attr = container_of(attr, struct veth_port_attribute, attr); - port = container_of(kobj, struct veth_port, kobject); - - if (!port_attr->show) - return -EIO; - - return port_attr->show(port, buf); -} - -#define CUSTOM_PORT_ATTR(_name, _format, _expression) \ -static ssize_t _name##_show(struct veth_port *port, char *buf) \ -{ \ - return sprintf(buf, _format, _expression); \ -} \ -struct veth_port_attribute veth_port_attr_##_name = __ATTR_RO(_name) - -#define SIMPLE_PORT_ATTR(_name) \ - CUSTOM_PORT_ATTR(_name, "%lu\n", (unsigned long)port->_name) - -SIMPLE_PORT_ATTR(promiscuous); -SIMPLE_PORT_ATTR(num_mcast); -CUSTOM_PORT_ATTR(lpar_map, "0x%X\n", port->lpar_map); -CUSTOM_PORT_ATTR(stopped_map, "0x%X\n", port->stopped_map); -CUSTOM_PORT_ATTR(mac_addr, "0x%llX\n", port->mac_addr); - -#define GET_PORT_ATTR(_name) (&veth_port_attr_##_name.attr) -static struct attribute *veth_port_default_attrs[] = { - GET_PORT_ATTR(mac_addr), - GET_PORT_ATTR(lpar_map), - GET_PORT_ATTR(stopped_map), - GET_PORT_ATTR(promiscuous), - GET_PORT_ATTR(num_mcast), - NULL -}; - -static const struct sysfs_ops veth_port_sysfs_ops = { - .show = veth_port_attribute_show -}; - -static struct kobj_type veth_port_ktype = { - .sysfs_ops = &veth_port_sysfs_ops, - .default_attrs = veth_port_default_attrs -}; - -/* - * LPAR connection code - */ - -static inline void veth_kick_statemachine(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx) -{ - schedule_delayed_work(&cnx->statemachine_wq, 0); -} - -static void veth_take_cap(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx, - struct veth_lpevent *event) -{ - unsigned long flags; - - spin_lock_irqsave(&cnx->lock, flags); - /* Receiving caps may mean the other end has just come up, so - * we need to reload the instance ID of the far end */ - cnx->dst_inst = - HvCallEvent_getTargetLpInstanceId(cnx->remote_lp, - HvLpEvent_Type_VirtualLan); - - if (cnx->state & VETH_STATE_GOTCAPS) { - veth_error("Received a second capabilities from LPAR %d.\n", - cnx->remote_lp); - event->base_event.xRc = HvLpEvent_Rc_BufferNotAvailable; - HvCallEvent_ackLpEvent((struct HvLpEvent *) event); - } else { - memcpy(&cnx->cap_event, event, sizeof(cnx->cap_event)); - cnx->state |= VETH_STATE_GOTCAPS; - veth_kick_statemachine(cnx); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cnx->lock, flags); -} - -static void veth_take_cap_ack(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx, - struct veth_lpevent *event) -{ - unsigned long flags; - - spin_lock_irqsave(&cnx->lock, flags); - if (cnx->state & VETH_STATE_GOTCAPACK) { - veth_error("Received a second capabilities ack from LPAR %d.\n", - cnx->remote_lp); - } else { - memcpy(&cnx->cap_ack_event, event, - sizeof(cnx->cap_ack_event)); - cnx->state |= VETH_STATE_GOTCAPACK; - veth_kick_statemachine(cnx); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cnx->lock, flags); -} - -static void veth_take_monitor_ack(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx, - struct veth_lpevent *event) -{ - unsigned long flags; - - spin_lock_irqsave(&cnx->lock, flags); - veth_debug("cnx %d: lost connection.\n", cnx->remote_lp); - - /* Avoid kicking the statemachine once we're shutdown. - * It's unnecessary and it could break veth_stop_connection(). */ - - if (! (cnx->state & VETH_STATE_SHUTDOWN)) { - cnx->state |= VETH_STATE_RESET; - veth_kick_statemachine(cnx); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cnx->lock, flags); -} - -static void veth_handle_ack(struct veth_lpevent *event) -{ - HvLpIndex rlp = event->base_event.xTargetLp; - struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx = veth_cnx[rlp]; - - BUG_ON(! cnx); - - switch (event->base_event.xSubtype) { - case VETH_EVENT_CAP: - veth_take_cap_ack(cnx, event); - break; - case VETH_EVENT_MONITOR: - veth_take_monitor_ack(cnx, event); - break; - default: - veth_error("Unknown ack type %d from LPAR %d.\n", - event->base_event.xSubtype, rlp); - } -} - -static void veth_handle_int(struct veth_lpevent *event) -{ - HvLpIndex rlp = event->base_event.xSourceLp; - struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx = veth_cnx[rlp]; - unsigned long flags; - int i, acked = 0; - - BUG_ON(! cnx); - - switch (event->base_event.xSubtype) { - case VETH_EVENT_CAP: - veth_take_cap(cnx, event); - break; - case VETH_EVENT_MONITOR: - /* do nothing... this'll hang out here til we're dead, - * and the hypervisor will return it for us. */ - break; - case VETH_EVENT_FRAMES_ACK: - spin_lock_irqsave(&cnx->lock, flags); - - for (i = 0; i < VETH_MAX_ACKS_PER_MSG; ++i) { - u16 msgnum = event->u.frames_ack_data.token[i]; - - if (msgnum < VETH_NUMBUFFERS) { - veth_recycle_msg(cnx, cnx->msgs + msgnum); - cnx->outstanding_tx--; - acked++; - } - } - - if (acked > 0) { - cnx->last_contact = jiffies; - veth_wake_queues(cnx); - } - - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cnx->lock, flags); - break; - case VETH_EVENT_FRAMES: - veth_receive(cnx, event); - break; - default: - veth_error("Unknown interrupt type %d from LPAR %d.\n", - event->base_event.xSubtype, rlp); - } -} - -static void veth_handle_event(struct HvLpEvent *event) -{ - struct veth_lpevent *veth_event = (struct veth_lpevent *)event; - - if (hvlpevent_is_ack(event)) - veth_handle_ack(veth_event); - else - veth_handle_int(veth_event); -} - -static int veth_process_caps(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx) -{ - struct veth_cap_data *remote_caps = &cnx->remote_caps; - int num_acks_needed; - - /* Convert timer to jiffies */ - cnx->ack_timeout = remote_caps->ack_timeout * HZ / 1000000; - - if ( (remote_caps->num_buffers == 0) || - (remote_caps->ack_threshold > VETH_MAX_ACKS_PER_MSG) || - (remote_caps->ack_threshold == 0) || - (cnx->ack_timeout == 0) ) { - veth_error("Received incompatible capabilities from LPAR %d.\n", - cnx->remote_lp); - return HvLpEvent_Rc_InvalidSubtypeData; - } - - num_acks_needed = (remote_caps->num_buffers - / remote_caps->ack_threshold) + 1; - - /* FIXME: locking on num_ack_events? */ - if (cnx->num_ack_events < num_acks_needed) { - int num; - - num = veth_allocate_events(cnx->remote_lp, - num_acks_needed-cnx->num_ack_events); - if (num > 0) - cnx->num_ack_events += num; - - if (cnx->num_ack_events < num_acks_needed) { - veth_error("Couldn't allocate enough ack events " - "for LPAR %d.\n", cnx->remote_lp); - - return HvLpEvent_Rc_BufferNotAvailable; - } - } - - - return HvLpEvent_Rc_Good; -} - -/* FIXME: The gotos here are a bit dubious */ -static void veth_statemachine(struct work_struct *work) -{ - struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx = - container_of(work, struct veth_lpar_connection, - statemachine_wq.work); - int rlp = cnx->remote_lp; - int rc; - - spin_lock_irq(&cnx->lock); - - restart: - if (cnx->state & VETH_STATE_RESET) { - if (cnx->state & VETH_STATE_OPEN) - HvCallEvent_closeLpEventPath(cnx->remote_lp, - HvLpEvent_Type_VirtualLan); - - /* - * Reset ack data. This prevents the ack_timer actually - * doing anything, even if it runs one more time when - * we drop the lock below. - */ - memset(&cnx->pending_acks, 0xff, sizeof (cnx->pending_acks)); - cnx->num_pending_acks = 0; - - cnx->state &= ~(VETH_STATE_RESET | VETH_STATE_SENTMON - | VETH_STATE_OPEN | VETH_STATE_SENTCAPS - | VETH_STATE_GOTCAPACK | VETH_STATE_GOTCAPS - | VETH_STATE_SENTCAPACK | VETH_STATE_READY); - - /* Clean up any leftover messages */ - if (cnx->msgs) { - int i; - for (i = 0; i < VETH_NUMBUFFERS; ++i) - veth_recycle_msg(cnx, cnx->msgs + i); - } - - cnx->outstanding_tx = 0; - veth_wake_queues(cnx); - - /* Drop the lock so we can do stuff that might sleep or - * take other locks. */ - spin_unlock_irq(&cnx->lock); - - del_timer_sync(&cnx->ack_timer); - del_timer_sync(&cnx->reset_timer); - - spin_lock_irq(&cnx->lock); - - if (cnx->state & VETH_STATE_RESET) - goto restart; - - /* Hack, wait for the other end to reset itself. */ - if (! (cnx->state & VETH_STATE_SHUTDOWN)) { - schedule_delayed_work(&cnx->statemachine_wq, 5 * HZ); - goto out; - } - } - - if (cnx->state & VETH_STATE_SHUTDOWN) - /* It's all over, do nothing */ - goto out; - - if ( !(cnx->state & VETH_STATE_OPEN) ) { - if (! cnx->msgs || (cnx->num_events < (2 + VETH_NUMBUFFERS)) ) - goto cant_cope; - - HvCallEvent_openLpEventPath(rlp, HvLpEvent_Type_VirtualLan); - cnx->src_inst = - HvCallEvent_getSourceLpInstanceId(rlp, - HvLpEvent_Type_VirtualLan); - cnx->dst_inst = - HvCallEvent_getTargetLpInstanceId(rlp, - HvLpEvent_Type_VirtualLan); - cnx->state |= VETH_STATE_OPEN; - } - - if ( (cnx->state & VETH_STATE_OPEN) && - !(cnx->state & VETH_STATE_SENTMON) ) { - rc = veth_signalevent(cnx, VETH_EVENT_MONITOR, - HvLpEvent_AckInd_DoAck, - HvLpEvent_AckType_DeferredAck, - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); - - if (rc == HvLpEvent_Rc_Good) { - cnx->state |= VETH_STATE_SENTMON; - } else { - if ( (rc != HvLpEvent_Rc_PartitionDead) && - (rc != HvLpEvent_Rc_PathClosed) ) - veth_error("Error sending monitor to LPAR %d, " - "rc = %d\n", rlp, rc); - - /* Oh well, hope we get a cap from the other - * end and do better when that kicks us */ - goto out; - } - } - - if ( (cnx->state & VETH_STATE_OPEN) && - !(cnx->state & VETH_STATE_SENTCAPS)) { - u64 *rawcap = (u64 *)&cnx->local_caps; - - rc = veth_signalevent(cnx, VETH_EVENT_CAP, - HvLpEvent_AckInd_DoAck, - HvLpEvent_AckType_ImmediateAck, - 0, rawcap[0], rawcap[1], rawcap[2], - rawcap[3], rawcap[4]); - - if (rc == HvLpEvent_Rc_Good) { - cnx->state |= VETH_STATE_SENTCAPS; - } else { - if ( (rc != HvLpEvent_Rc_PartitionDead) && - (rc != HvLpEvent_Rc_PathClosed) ) - veth_error("Error sending caps to LPAR %d, " - "rc = %d\n", rlp, rc); - - /* Oh well, hope we get a cap from the other - * end and do better when that kicks us */ - goto out; - } - } - - if ((cnx->state & VETH_STATE_GOTCAPS) && - !(cnx->state & VETH_STATE_SENTCAPACK)) { - struct veth_cap_data *remote_caps = &cnx->remote_caps; - - memcpy(remote_caps, &cnx->cap_event.u.caps_data, - sizeof(*remote_caps)); - - spin_unlock_irq(&cnx->lock); - rc = veth_process_caps(cnx); - spin_lock_irq(&cnx->lock); - - /* We dropped the lock, so recheck for anything which - * might mess us up */ - if (cnx->state & (VETH_STATE_RESET|VETH_STATE_SHUTDOWN)) - goto restart; - - cnx->cap_event.base_event.xRc = rc; - HvCallEvent_ackLpEvent((struct HvLpEvent *)&cnx->cap_event); - if (rc == HvLpEvent_Rc_Good) - cnx->state |= VETH_STATE_SENTCAPACK; - else - goto cant_cope; - } - - if ((cnx->state & VETH_STATE_GOTCAPACK) && - (cnx->state & VETH_STATE_GOTCAPS) && - !(cnx->state & VETH_STATE_READY)) { - if (cnx->cap_ack_event.base_event.xRc == HvLpEvent_Rc_Good) { - /* Start the ACK timer */ - cnx->ack_timer.expires = jiffies + cnx->ack_timeout; - add_timer(&cnx->ack_timer); - cnx->state |= VETH_STATE_READY; - } else { - veth_error("Caps rejected by LPAR %d, rc = %d\n", - rlp, cnx->cap_ack_event.base_event.xRc); - goto cant_cope; - } - } - - out: - spin_unlock_irq(&cnx->lock); - return; - - cant_cope: - /* FIXME: we get here if something happens we really can't - * cope with. The link will never work once we get here, and - * all we can do is not lock the rest of the system up */ - veth_error("Unrecoverable error on connection to LPAR %d, shutting down" - " (state = 0x%04lx)\n", rlp, cnx->state); - cnx->state |= VETH_STATE_SHUTDOWN; - spin_unlock_irq(&cnx->lock); -} - -static int veth_init_connection(u8 rlp) -{ - struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx; - struct veth_msg *msgs; - int i; - - if ( (rlp == this_lp) || - ! HvLpConfig_doLpsCommunicateOnVirtualLan(this_lp, rlp) ) - return 0; - - cnx = kzalloc(sizeof(*cnx), GFP_KERNEL); - if (! cnx) - return -ENOMEM; - - cnx->remote_lp = rlp; - spin_lock_init(&cnx->lock); - INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&cnx->statemachine_wq, veth_statemachine); - - init_timer(&cnx->ack_timer); - cnx->ack_timer.function = veth_timed_ack; - cnx->ack_timer.data = (unsigned long) cnx; - - init_timer(&cnx->reset_timer); - cnx->reset_timer.function = veth_timed_reset; - cnx->reset_timer.data = (unsigned long) cnx; - cnx->reset_timeout = 5 * HZ * (VETH_ACKTIMEOUT / 1000000); - - memset(&cnx->pending_acks, 0xff, sizeof (cnx->pending_acks)); - - veth_cnx[rlp] = cnx; - - /* This gets us 1 reference, which is held on behalf of the driver - * infrastructure. It's released at module unload. */ - kobject_init(&cnx->kobject, &veth_lpar_connection_ktype); - - msgs = kcalloc(VETH_NUMBUFFERS, sizeof(struct veth_msg), GFP_KERNEL); - if (! msgs) { - veth_error("Can't allocate buffers for LPAR %d.\n", rlp); - return -ENOMEM; - } - - cnx->msgs = msgs; - - for (i = 0; i < VETH_NUMBUFFERS; i++) { - msgs[i].token = i; - veth_stack_push(cnx, msgs + i); - } - - cnx->num_events = veth_allocate_events(rlp, 2 + VETH_NUMBUFFERS); - - if (cnx->num_events < (2 + VETH_NUMBUFFERS)) { - veth_error("Can't allocate enough events for LPAR %d.\n", rlp); - return -ENOMEM; - } - - cnx->local_caps.num_buffers = VETH_NUMBUFFERS; - cnx->local_caps.ack_threshold = ACK_THRESHOLD; - cnx->local_caps.ack_timeout = VETH_ACKTIMEOUT; - - return 0; -} - -static void veth_stop_connection(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx) -{ - if (!cnx) - return; - - spin_lock_irq(&cnx->lock); - cnx->state |= VETH_STATE_RESET | VETH_STATE_SHUTDOWN; - veth_kick_statemachine(cnx); - spin_unlock_irq(&cnx->lock); - - /* ensure the statemachine runs now and waits for its completion */ - flush_delayed_work_sync(&cnx->statemachine_wq); -} - -static void veth_destroy_connection(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx) -{ - if (!cnx) - return; - - if (cnx->num_events > 0) - mf_deallocate_lp_events(cnx->remote_lp, - HvLpEvent_Type_VirtualLan, - cnx->num_events, - NULL, NULL); - if (cnx->num_ack_events > 0) - mf_deallocate_lp_events(cnx->remote_lp, - HvLpEvent_Type_VirtualLan, - cnx->num_ack_events, - NULL, NULL); - - kfree(cnx->msgs); - veth_cnx[cnx->remote_lp] = NULL; - kfree(cnx); -} - -static void veth_release_connection(struct kobject *kobj) -{ - struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx; - cnx = container_of(kobj, struct veth_lpar_connection, kobject); - veth_stop_connection(cnx); - veth_destroy_connection(cnx); -} - -/* - * net_device code - */ - -static int veth_open(struct net_device *dev) -{ - netif_start_queue(dev); - return 0; -} - -static int veth_close(struct net_device *dev) -{ - netif_stop_queue(dev); - return 0; -} - -static int veth_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu) -{ - if ((new_mtu < 68) || (new_mtu > VETH_MAX_MTU)) - return -EINVAL; - dev->mtu = new_mtu; - return 0; -} - -static void veth_set_multicast_list(struct net_device *dev) -{ - struct veth_port *port = netdev_priv(dev); - unsigned long flags; - - write_lock_irqsave(&port->mcast_gate, flags); - - if ((dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC) || (dev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI) || - (netdev_mc_count(dev) > VETH_MAX_MCAST)) { - port->promiscuous = 1; - } else { - struct netdev_hw_addr *ha; - - port->promiscuous = 0; - - /* Update table */ - port->num_mcast = 0; - - netdev_for_each_mc_addr(ha, dev) { - u8 *addr = ha->addr; - u64 xaddr = 0; - - memcpy(&xaddr, addr, ETH_ALEN); - port->mcast_addr[port->num_mcast] = xaddr; - port->num_mcast++; - } - } - - write_unlock_irqrestore(&port->mcast_gate, flags); -} - -static void veth_get_drvinfo(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_drvinfo *info) -{ - strncpy(info->driver, DRV_NAME, sizeof(info->driver) - 1); - info->driver[sizeof(info->driver) - 1] = '\0'; - strncpy(info->version, DRV_VERSION, sizeof(info->version) - 1); - info->version[sizeof(info->version) - 1] = '\0'; -} - -static int veth_get_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *ecmd) -{ - ecmd->supported = (SUPPORTED_1000baseT_Full - | SUPPORTED_Autoneg | SUPPORTED_FIBRE); - ecmd->advertising = (SUPPORTED_1000baseT_Full - | SUPPORTED_Autoneg | SUPPORTED_FIBRE); - ecmd->port = PORT_FIBRE; - ecmd->transceiver = XCVR_INTERNAL; - ecmd->phy_address = 0; - ecmd->speed = SPEED_1000; - ecmd->duplex = DUPLEX_FULL; - ecmd->autoneg = AUTONEG_ENABLE; - ecmd->maxtxpkt = 120; - ecmd->maxrxpkt = 120; - return 0; -} - -static const struct ethtool_ops ops = { - .get_drvinfo = veth_get_drvinfo, - .get_settings = veth_get_settings, - .get_link = ethtool_op_get_link, -}; - -static const struct net_device_ops veth_netdev_ops = { - .ndo_open = veth_open, - .ndo_stop = veth_close, - .ndo_start_xmit = veth_start_xmit, - .ndo_change_mtu = veth_change_mtu, - .ndo_set_rx_mode = veth_set_multicast_list, - .ndo_set_mac_address = NULL, - .ndo_validate_addr = eth_validate_addr, -}; - -static struct net_device *veth_probe_one(int vlan, - struct vio_dev *vio_dev) -{ - struct net_device *dev; - struct veth_port *port; - struct device *vdev = &vio_dev->dev; - int i, rc; - const unsigned char *mac_addr; - - mac_addr = vio_get_attribute(vio_dev, "local-mac-address", NULL); - if (mac_addr == NULL) - mac_addr = vio_get_attribute(vio_dev, "mac-address", NULL); - if (mac_addr == NULL) { - veth_error("Unable to fetch MAC address from device tree.\n"); - return NULL; - } - - dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof (struct veth_port)); - if (! dev) { - veth_error("Unable to allocate net_device structure!\n"); - return NULL; - } - - port = netdev_priv(dev); - - spin_lock_init(&port->queue_lock); - rwlock_init(&port->mcast_gate); - port->stopped_map = 0; - - for (i = 0; i < HVMAXARCHITECTEDLPS; i++) { - HvLpVirtualLanIndexMap map; - - if (i == this_lp) - continue; - map = HvLpConfig_getVirtualLanIndexMapForLp(i); - if (map & (0x8000 >> vlan)) - port->lpar_map |= (1 << i); - } - port->dev = vdev; - - memcpy(dev->dev_addr, mac_addr, ETH_ALEN); - - dev->mtu = VETH_MAX_MTU; - - memcpy(&port->mac_addr, mac_addr, ETH_ALEN); - - dev->netdev_ops = &veth_netdev_ops; - SET_ETHTOOL_OPS(dev, &ops); - - SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, vdev); - - rc = register_netdev(dev); - if (rc != 0) { - veth_error("Failed registering net device for vlan%d.\n", vlan); - free_netdev(dev); - return NULL; - } - - kobject_init(&port->kobject, &veth_port_ktype); - if (0 != kobject_add(&port->kobject, &dev->dev.kobj, "veth_port")) - veth_error("Failed adding port for %s to sysfs.\n", dev->name); - - veth_info("%s attached to iSeries vlan %d (LPAR map = 0x%.4X)\n", - dev->name, vlan, port->lpar_map); - - return dev; -} - -/* - * Tx path - */ - -static int veth_transmit_to_one(struct sk_buff *skb, HvLpIndex rlp, - struct net_device *dev) -{ - struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx = veth_cnx[rlp]; - struct veth_port *port = netdev_priv(dev); - HvLpEvent_Rc rc; - struct veth_msg *msg = NULL; - unsigned long flags; - - if (! cnx) - return 0; - - spin_lock_irqsave(&cnx->lock, flags); - - if (! (cnx->state & VETH_STATE_READY)) - goto no_error; - - if ((skb->len - ETH_HLEN) > VETH_MAX_MTU) - goto drop; - - msg = veth_stack_pop(cnx); - if (! msg) - goto drop; - - msg->in_use = 1; - msg->skb = skb_get(skb); - - msg->data.addr[0] = dma_map_single(port->dev, skb->data, - skb->len, DMA_TO_DEVICE); - - if (dma_mapping_error(port->dev, msg->data.addr[0])) - goto recycle_and_drop; - - msg->dev = port->dev; - msg->data.len[0] = skb->len; - msg->data.eofmask = 1 << VETH_EOF_SHIFT; - - rc = veth_signaldata(cnx, VETH_EVENT_FRAMES, msg->token, &msg->data); - - if (rc != HvLpEvent_Rc_Good) - goto recycle_and_drop; - - /* If the timer's not already running, start it now. */ - if (0 == cnx->outstanding_tx) - mod_timer(&cnx->reset_timer, jiffies + cnx->reset_timeout); - - cnx->last_contact = jiffies; - cnx->outstanding_tx++; - - if (veth_stack_is_empty(cnx)) - veth_stop_queues(cnx); - - no_error: - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cnx->lock, flags); - return 0; - - recycle_and_drop: - veth_recycle_msg(cnx, msg); - drop: - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cnx->lock, flags); - return 1; -} - -static void veth_transmit_to_many(struct sk_buff *skb, - HvLpIndexMap lpmask, - struct net_device *dev) -{ - int i, success, error; - - success = error = 0; - - for (i = 0; i < HVMAXARCHITECTEDLPS; i++) { - if ((lpmask & (1 << i)) == 0) - continue; - - if (veth_transmit_to_one(skb, i, dev)) - error = 1; - else - success = 1; - } - - if (error) - dev->stats.tx_errors++; - - if (success) { - dev->stats.tx_packets++; - dev->stats.tx_bytes += skb->len; - } -} - -static int veth_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) -{ - unsigned char *frame = skb->data; - struct veth_port *port = netdev_priv(dev); - HvLpIndexMap lpmask; - - if (is_unicast_ether_addr(frame)) { - /* unicast packet */ - HvLpIndex rlp = frame[5]; - - if ( ! ((1 << rlp) & port->lpar_map) ) { - dev_kfree_skb(skb); - return NETDEV_TX_OK; - } - - lpmask = 1 << rlp; - } else { - lpmask = port->lpar_map; - } - - veth_transmit_to_many(skb, lpmask, dev); - - dev_kfree_skb(skb); - - return NETDEV_TX_OK; -} - -/* You must hold the connection's lock when you call this function. */ -static void veth_recycle_msg(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx, - struct veth_msg *msg) -{ - u32 dma_address, dma_length; - - if (msg->in_use) { - msg->in_use = 0; - dma_address = msg->data.addr[0]; - dma_length = msg->data.len[0]; - - if (!dma_mapping_error(msg->dev, dma_address)) - dma_unmap_single(msg->dev, dma_address, dma_length, - DMA_TO_DEVICE); - - if (msg->skb) { - dev_kfree_skb_any(msg->skb); - msg->skb = NULL; - } - - memset(&msg->data, 0, sizeof(msg->data)); - veth_stack_push(cnx, msg); - } else if (cnx->state & VETH_STATE_OPEN) { - veth_error("Non-pending frame (# %d) acked by LPAR %d.\n", - cnx->remote_lp, msg->token); - } -} - -static void veth_wake_queues(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx) -{ - int i; - - for (i = 0; i < HVMAXARCHITECTEDVIRTUALLANS; i++) { - struct net_device *dev = veth_dev[i]; - struct veth_port *port; - unsigned long flags; - - if (! dev) - continue; - - port = netdev_priv(dev); - - if (! (port->lpar_map & (1<remote_lp))) - continue; - - spin_lock_irqsave(&port->queue_lock, flags); - - port->stopped_map &= ~(1 << cnx->remote_lp); - - if (0 == port->stopped_map && netif_queue_stopped(dev)) { - veth_debug("cnx %d: woke queue for %s.\n", - cnx->remote_lp, dev->name); - netif_wake_queue(dev); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->queue_lock, flags); - } -} - -static void veth_stop_queues(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx) -{ - int i; - - for (i = 0; i < HVMAXARCHITECTEDVIRTUALLANS; i++) { - struct net_device *dev = veth_dev[i]; - struct veth_port *port; - - if (! dev) - continue; - - port = netdev_priv(dev); - - /* If this cnx is not on the vlan for this port, continue */ - if (! (port->lpar_map & (1 << cnx->remote_lp))) - continue; - - spin_lock(&port->queue_lock); - - netif_stop_queue(dev); - port->stopped_map |= (1 << cnx->remote_lp); - - veth_debug("cnx %d: stopped queue for %s, map = 0x%x.\n", - cnx->remote_lp, dev->name, port->stopped_map); - - spin_unlock(&port->queue_lock); - } -} - -static void veth_timed_reset(unsigned long ptr) -{ - struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx = (struct veth_lpar_connection *)ptr; - unsigned long trigger_time, flags; - - /* FIXME is it possible this fires after veth_stop_connection()? - * That would reschedule the statemachine for 5 seconds and probably - * execute it after the module's been unloaded. Hmm. */ - - spin_lock_irqsave(&cnx->lock, flags); - - if (cnx->outstanding_tx > 0) { - trigger_time = cnx->last_contact + cnx->reset_timeout; - - if (trigger_time < jiffies) { - cnx->state |= VETH_STATE_RESET; - veth_kick_statemachine(cnx); - veth_error("%d packets not acked by LPAR %d within %d " - "seconds, resetting.\n", - cnx->outstanding_tx, cnx->remote_lp, - cnx->reset_timeout / HZ); - } else { - /* Reschedule the timer */ - trigger_time = jiffies + cnx->reset_timeout; - mod_timer(&cnx->reset_timer, trigger_time); - } - } - - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cnx->lock, flags); -} - -/* - * Rx path - */ - -static inline int veth_frame_wanted(struct veth_port *port, u64 mac_addr) -{ - int wanted = 0; - int i; - unsigned long flags; - - if ( (mac_addr == port->mac_addr) || (mac_addr == 0xffffffffffff0000) ) - return 1; - - read_lock_irqsave(&port->mcast_gate, flags); - - if (port->promiscuous) { - wanted = 1; - goto out; - } - - for (i = 0; i < port->num_mcast; ++i) { - if (port->mcast_addr[i] == mac_addr) { - wanted = 1; - break; - } - } - - out: - read_unlock_irqrestore(&port->mcast_gate, flags); - - return wanted; -} - -struct dma_chunk { - u64 addr; - u64 size; -}; - -#define VETH_MAX_PAGES_PER_FRAME ( (VETH_MAX_MTU+PAGE_SIZE-2)/PAGE_SIZE + 1 ) - -static inline void veth_build_dma_list(struct dma_chunk *list, - unsigned char *p, unsigned long length) -{ - unsigned long done; - int i = 1; - - /* FIXME: skbs are contiguous in real addresses. Do we - * really need to break it into PAGE_SIZE chunks, or can we do - * it just at the granularity of iSeries real->absolute - * mapping? Indeed, given the way the allocator works, can we - * count on them being absolutely contiguous? */ - list[0].addr = iseries_hv_addr(p); - list[0].size = min(length, - PAGE_SIZE - ((unsigned long)p & ~PAGE_MASK)); - - done = list[0].size; - while (done < length) { - list[i].addr = iseries_hv_addr(p + done); - list[i].size = min(length-done, PAGE_SIZE); - done += list[i].size; - i++; - } -} - -static void veth_flush_acks(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx) -{ - HvLpEvent_Rc rc; - - rc = veth_signaldata(cnx, VETH_EVENT_FRAMES_ACK, - 0, &cnx->pending_acks); - - if (rc != HvLpEvent_Rc_Good) - veth_error("Failed acking frames from LPAR %d, rc = %d\n", - cnx->remote_lp, (int)rc); - - cnx->num_pending_acks = 0; - memset(&cnx->pending_acks, 0xff, sizeof(cnx->pending_acks)); -} - -static void veth_receive(struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx, - struct veth_lpevent *event) -{ - struct veth_frames_data *senddata = &event->u.frames_data; - int startchunk = 0; - int nchunks; - unsigned long flags; - HvLpDma_Rc rc; - - do { - u16 length = 0; - struct sk_buff *skb; - struct dma_chunk local_list[VETH_MAX_PAGES_PER_FRAME]; - struct dma_chunk remote_list[VETH_MAX_FRAMES_PER_MSG]; - u64 dest; - HvLpVirtualLanIndex vlan; - struct net_device *dev; - struct veth_port *port; - - /* FIXME: do we need this? */ - memset(local_list, 0, sizeof(local_list)); - memset(remote_list, 0, sizeof(remote_list)); - - /* a 0 address marks the end of the valid entries */ - if (senddata->addr[startchunk] == 0) - break; - - /* make sure that we have at least 1 EOF entry in the - * remaining entries */ - if (! (senddata->eofmask >> (startchunk + VETH_EOF_SHIFT))) { - veth_error("Missing EOF fragment in event " - "eofmask = 0x%x startchunk = %d\n", - (unsigned)senddata->eofmask, - startchunk); - break; - } - - /* build list of chunks in this frame */ - nchunks = 0; - do { - remote_list[nchunks].addr = - (u64) senddata->addr[startchunk+nchunks] << 32; - remote_list[nchunks].size = - senddata->len[startchunk+nchunks]; - length += remote_list[nchunks].size; - } while (! (senddata->eofmask & - (1 << (VETH_EOF_SHIFT + startchunk + nchunks++)))); - - /* length == total length of all chunks */ - /* nchunks == # of chunks in this frame */ - - if ((length - ETH_HLEN) > VETH_MAX_MTU) { - veth_error("Received oversize frame from LPAR %d " - "(length = %d)\n", - cnx->remote_lp, length); - continue; - } - - skb = alloc_skb(length, GFP_ATOMIC); - if (!skb) - continue; - - veth_build_dma_list(local_list, skb->data, length); - - rc = HvCallEvent_dmaBufList(HvLpEvent_Type_VirtualLan, - event->base_event.xSourceLp, - HvLpDma_Direction_RemoteToLocal, - cnx->src_inst, - cnx->dst_inst, - HvLpDma_AddressType_RealAddress, - HvLpDma_AddressType_TceIndex, - iseries_hv_addr(&local_list), - iseries_hv_addr(&remote_list), - length); - if (rc != HvLpDma_Rc_Good) { - dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb); - continue; - } - - vlan = skb->data[9]; - dev = veth_dev[vlan]; - if (! dev) { - /* - * Some earlier versions of the driver sent - * broadcasts down all connections, even to lpars - * that weren't on the relevant vlan. So ignore - * packets belonging to a vlan we're not on. - * We can also be here if we receive packets while - * the driver is going down, because then dev is NULL. - */ - dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb); - continue; - } - - port = netdev_priv(dev); - dest = *((u64 *) skb->data) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000; - - if ((vlan > HVMAXARCHITECTEDVIRTUALLANS) || !port) { - dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb); - continue; - } - if (! veth_frame_wanted(port, dest)) { - dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb); - continue; - } - - skb_put(skb, length); - skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, dev); - skb_checksum_none_assert(skb); - netif_rx(skb); /* send it up */ - dev->stats.rx_packets++; - dev->stats.rx_bytes += length; - } while (startchunk += nchunks, startchunk < VETH_MAX_FRAMES_PER_MSG); - - /* Ack it */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&cnx->lock, flags); - BUG_ON(cnx->num_pending_acks > VETH_MAX_ACKS_PER_MSG); - - cnx->pending_acks[cnx->num_pending_acks++] = - event->base_event.xCorrelationToken; - - if ( (cnx->num_pending_acks >= cnx->remote_caps.ack_threshold) || - (cnx->num_pending_acks >= VETH_MAX_ACKS_PER_MSG) ) - veth_flush_acks(cnx); - - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cnx->lock, flags); -} - -static void veth_timed_ack(unsigned long ptr) -{ - struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx = (struct veth_lpar_connection *) ptr; - unsigned long flags; - - /* Ack all the events */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&cnx->lock, flags); - if (cnx->num_pending_acks > 0) - veth_flush_acks(cnx); - - /* Reschedule the timer */ - cnx->ack_timer.expires = jiffies + cnx->ack_timeout; - add_timer(&cnx->ack_timer); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cnx->lock, flags); -} - -static int veth_remove(struct vio_dev *vdev) -{ - struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx; - struct net_device *dev; - struct veth_port *port; - int i; - - dev = veth_dev[vdev->unit_address]; - - if (! dev) - return 0; - - port = netdev_priv(dev); - - for (i = 0; i < HVMAXARCHITECTEDLPS; i++) { - cnx = veth_cnx[i]; - - if (cnx && (port->lpar_map & (1 << i))) { - /* Drop our reference to connections on our VLAN */ - kobject_put(&cnx->kobject); - } - } - - veth_dev[vdev->unit_address] = NULL; - kobject_del(&port->kobject); - kobject_put(&port->kobject); - unregister_netdev(dev); - free_netdev(dev); - - return 0; -} - -static int veth_probe(struct vio_dev *vdev, const struct vio_device_id *id) -{ - int i = vdev->unit_address; - struct net_device *dev; - struct veth_port *port; - - dev = veth_probe_one(i, vdev); - if (dev == NULL) { - veth_remove(vdev); - return 1; - } - veth_dev[i] = dev; - - port = netdev_priv(dev); - - /* Start the state machine on each connection on this vlan. If we're - * the first dev to do so this will commence link negotiation */ - for (i = 0; i < HVMAXARCHITECTEDLPS; i++) { - struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx; - - if (! (port->lpar_map & (1 << i))) - continue; - - cnx = veth_cnx[i]; - if (!cnx) - continue; - - kobject_get(&cnx->kobject); - veth_kick_statemachine(cnx); - } - - return 0; -} - -/** - * veth_device_table: Used by vio.c to match devices that we - * support. - */ -static struct vio_device_id veth_device_table[] __devinitdata = { - { "network", "IBM,iSeries-l-lan" }, - { "", "" } -}; -MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(vio, veth_device_table); - -static struct vio_driver veth_driver = { - .id_table = veth_device_table, - .probe = veth_probe, - .remove = veth_remove, - .driver = { - .name = DRV_NAME, - .owner = THIS_MODULE, - } -}; - -/* - * Module initialization/cleanup - */ - -static void __exit veth_module_cleanup(void) -{ - int i; - struct veth_lpar_connection *cnx; - - /* Disconnect our "irq" to stop events coming from the Hypervisor. */ - HvLpEvent_unregisterHandler(HvLpEvent_Type_VirtualLan); - - for (i = 0; i < HVMAXARCHITECTEDLPS; ++i) { - cnx = veth_cnx[i]; - - if (!cnx) - continue; - - /* Cancel work queued from Hypervisor callbacks */ - cancel_delayed_work_sync(&cnx->statemachine_wq); - /* Remove the connection from sysfs */ - kobject_del(&cnx->kobject); - /* Drop the driver's reference to the connection */ - kobject_put(&cnx->kobject); - } - - /* Unregister the driver, which will close all the netdevs and stop - * the connections when they're no longer referenced. */ - vio_unregister_driver(&veth_driver); -} -module_exit(veth_module_cleanup); - -static int __init veth_module_init(void) -{ - int i; - int rc; - - if (!firmware_has_feature(FW_FEATURE_ISERIES)) - return -ENODEV; - - this_lp = HvLpConfig_getLpIndex_outline(); - - for (i = 0; i < HVMAXARCHITECTEDLPS; ++i) { - rc = veth_init_connection(i); - if (rc != 0) - goto error; - } - - HvLpEvent_registerHandler(HvLpEvent_Type_VirtualLan, - &veth_handle_event); - - rc = vio_register_driver(&veth_driver); - if (rc != 0) - goto error; - - for (i = 0; i < HVMAXARCHITECTEDLPS; ++i) { - struct kobject *kobj; - - if (!veth_cnx[i]) - continue; - - kobj = &veth_cnx[i]->kobject; - /* If the add failes, complain but otherwise continue */ - if (0 != driver_add_kobj(&veth_driver.driver, kobj, - "cnx%.2d", veth_cnx[i]->remote_lp)) - veth_error("cnx %d: Failed adding to sysfs.\n", i); - } - - return 0; - -error: - for (i = 0; i < HVMAXARCHITECTEDLPS; ++i) { - veth_destroy_connection(veth_cnx[i]); - } - - return rc; -} -module_init(veth_module_init); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/icplus/ipg.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/icplus/ipg.c index 075451d0207d8d8e6c7af10272a6df61785aa540..1b563bb959c27d10a14d0cb0f3881c0f5a0962b5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/icplus/ipg.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/icplus/ipg.c @@ -744,9 +744,6 @@ static int ipg_get_rxbuff(struct net_device *dev, int entry) return -ENOMEM; } - /* Associate the receive buffer with the IPG NIC. */ - skb->dev = dev; - /* Save the address of the sk_buff structure. */ sp->rx_buff[entry] = skb; @@ -2233,7 +2230,6 @@ static int __devinit ipg_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, */ dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct ipg_nic_private)); if (!dev) { - pr_err("%s: alloc_etherdev failed\n", pci_name(pdev)); rc = -ENOMEM; goto err_disable_0; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e100.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e100.c index 9436397e5725ecd6efdd735ac579ff9fa268e131..e498effb85d9e2cba3595206b61d53e644127688 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e100.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e100.c @@ -412,6 +412,10 @@ enum cb_status { cb_ok = 0x2000, }; +/** + * cb_command - Command Block flags + * @cb_tx_nc: 0: controler does CRC (normal), 1: CRC from skb memory + */ enum cb_command { cb_nop = 0x0000, cb_iaaddr = 0x0001, @@ -421,6 +425,7 @@ enum cb_command { cb_ucode = 0x0005, cb_dump = 0x0006, cb_tx_sf = 0x0008, + cb_tx_nc = 0x0010, cb_cid = 0x1f00, cb_i = 0x2000, cb_s = 0x4000, @@ -457,7 +462,7 @@ struct config { /*5*/ u8 X(tx_dma_max_count:7, dma_max_count_enable:1); /*6*/ u8 X(X(X(X(X(X(X(late_scb_update:1, direct_rx_dma:1), tno_intr:1), cna_intr:1), standard_tcb:1), standard_stat_counter:1), - rx_discard_overruns:1), rx_save_bad_frames:1); + rx_save_overruns : 1), rx_save_bad_frames : 1); /*7*/ u8 X(X(X(X(X(rx_discard_short_frames:1, tx_underrun_retry:2), pad7:2), rx_extended_rfd:1), tx_two_frames_in_fifo:1), tx_dynamic_tbd:1); @@ -617,6 +622,7 @@ struct nic { u32 rx_fc_pause; u32 rx_fc_unsupported; u32 rx_tco_frames; + u32 rx_short_frame_errors; u32 rx_over_length_errors; u16 eeprom_wc; @@ -1075,7 +1081,7 @@ static void e100_get_defaults(struct nic *nic) /* Template for a freshly allocated RFD */ nic->blank_rfd.command = 0; nic->blank_rfd.rbd = cpu_to_le32(0xFFFFFFFF); - nic->blank_rfd.size = cpu_to_le16(VLAN_ETH_FRAME_LEN); + nic->blank_rfd.size = cpu_to_le16(VLAN_ETH_FRAME_LEN + ETH_FCS_LEN); /* MII setup */ nic->mii.phy_id_mask = 0x1F; @@ -1089,6 +1095,7 @@ static void e100_configure(struct nic *nic, struct cb *cb, struct sk_buff *skb) { struct config *config = &cb->u.config; u8 *c = (u8 *)config; + struct net_device *netdev = nic->netdev; cb->command = cpu_to_le16(cb_config); @@ -1132,6 +1139,9 @@ static void e100_configure(struct nic *nic, struct cb *cb, struct sk_buff *skb) config->promiscuous_mode = 0x1; /* 1=on, 0=off */ } + if (unlikely(netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXFCS)) + config->rx_crc_transfer = 0x1; /* 1=save, 0=discard */ + if (nic->flags & multicast_all) config->multicast_all = 0x1; /* 1=accept, 0=no */ @@ -1156,6 +1166,12 @@ static void e100_configure(struct nic *nic, struct cb *cb, struct sk_buff *skb) } } + if (netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXALL) { + config->rx_save_overruns = 0x1; /* 1=save, 0=discard */ + config->rx_save_bad_frames = 0x1; /* 1=save, 0=discard */ + config->rx_discard_short_frames = 0x0; /* 1=discard, 0=save */ + } + netif_printk(nic, hw, KERN_DEBUG, nic->netdev, "[00-07]=%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n", c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5], c[6], c[7]); @@ -1607,7 +1623,9 @@ static void e100_update_stats(struct nic *nic) ns->collisions += nic->tx_collisions; ns->tx_errors += le32_to_cpu(s->tx_max_collisions) + le32_to_cpu(s->tx_lost_crs); - ns->rx_length_errors += le32_to_cpu(s->rx_short_frame_errors) + + nic->rx_short_frame_errors += + le32_to_cpu(s->rx_short_frame_errors); + ns->rx_length_errors = nic->rx_short_frame_errors + nic->rx_over_length_errors; ns->rx_crc_errors += le32_to_cpu(s->rx_crc_errors); ns->rx_frame_errors += le32_to_cpu(s->rx_alignment_errors); @@ -1720,6 +1738,16 @@ static void e100_xmit_prepare(struct nic *nic, struct cb *cb, struct sk_buff *skb) { cb->command = nic->tx_command; + + /* + * Use the last 4 bytes of the SKB payload packet as the CRC, used for + * testing, ie sending frames with bad CRC. + */ + if (unlikely(skb->no_fcs)) + cb->command |= __constant_cpu_to_le16(cb_tx_nc); + else + cb->command &= ~__constant_cpu_to_le16(cb_tx_nc); + /* interrupt every 16 packets regardless of delay */ if ((nic->cbs_avail & ~15) == nic->cbs_avail) cb->command |= cpu_to_le16(cb_i); @@ -1881,7 +1909,7 @@ static inline void e100_start_receiver(struct nic *nic, struct rx *rx) } } -#define RFD_BUF_LEN (sizeof(struct rfd) + VLAN_ETH_FRAME_LEN) +#define RFD_BUF_LEN (sizeof(struct rfd) + VLAN_ETH_FRAME_LEN + ETH_FCS_LEN) static int e100_rx_alloc_skb(struct nic *nic, struct rx *rx) { if (!(rx->skb = netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align(nic->netdev, RFD_BUF_LEN))) @@ -1919,6 +1947,7 @@ static int e100_rx_indicate(struct nic *nic, struct rx *rx, struct sk_buff *skb = rx->skb; struct rfd *rfd = (struct rfd *)skb->data; u16 rfd_status, actual_size; + u16 fcs_pad = 0; if (unlikely(work_done && *work_done >= work_to_do)) return -EAGAIN; @@ -1951,6 +1980,8 @@ static int e100_rx_indicate(struct nic *nic, struct rx *rx, } /* Get actual data size */ + if (unlikely(dev->features & NETIF_F_RXFCS)) + fcs_pad = 4; actual_size = le16_to_cpu(rfd->actual_size) & 0x3FFF; if (unlikely(actual_size > RFD_BUF_LEN - sizeof(struct rfd))) actual_size = RFD_BUF_LEN - sizeof(struct rfd); @@ -1977,16 +2008,27 @@ static int e100_rx_indicate(struct nic *nic, struct rx *rx, skb_put(skb, actual_size); skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, nic->netdev); + /* If we are receiving all frames, then don't bother + * checking for errors. + */ + if (unlikely(dev->features & NETIF_F_RXALL)) { + if (actual_size > ETH_DATA_LEN + VLAN_ETH_HLEN + fcs_pad) + /* Received oversized frame, but keep it. */ + nic->rx_over_length_errors++; + goto process_skb; + } + if (unlikely(!(rfd_status & cb_ok))) { /* Don't indicate if hardware indicates errors */ dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); - } else if (actual_size > ETH_DATA_LEN + VLAN_ETH_HLEN) { + } else if (actual_size > ETH_DATA_LEN + VLAN_ETH_HLEN + fcs_pad) { /* Don't indicate oversized frames */ nic->rx_over_length_errors++; dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); } else { +process_skb: dev->stats.rx_packets++; - dev->stats.rx_bytes += actual_size; + dev->stats.rx_bytes += (actual_size - fcs_pad); netif_receive_skb(skb); if (work_done) (*work_done)++; @@ -2058,7 +2100,8 @@ static void e100_rx_clean(struct nic *nic, unsigned int *work_done, pci_dma_sync_single_for_device(nic->pdev, old_before_last_rx->dma_addr, sizeof(struct rfd), PCI_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL); - old_before_last_rfd->size = cpu_to_le16(VLAN_ETH_FRAME_LEN); + old_before_last_rfd->size = cpu_to_le16(VLAN_ETH_FRAME_LEN + + ETH_FCS_LEN); pci_dma_sync_single_for_device(nic->pdev, old_before_last_rx->dma_addr, sizeof(struct rfd), PCI_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL); @@ -2618,6 +2661,7 @@ static const char e100_gstrings_stats[][ETH_GSTRING_LEN] = { "tx_deferred", "tx_single_collisions", "tx_multi_collisions", "tx_flow_control_pause", "rx_flow_control_pause", "rx_flow_control_unsupported", "tx_tco_packets", "rx_tco_packets", + "rx_short_frame_errors", "rx_over_length_errors", }; #define E100_NET_STATS_LEN 21 #define E100_STATS_LEN ARRAY_SIZE(e100_gstrings_stats) @@ -2651,6 +2695,8 @@ static void e100_get_ethtool_stats(struct net_device *netdev, data[i++] = nic->rx_fc_unsupported; data[i++] = nic->tx_tco_frames; data[i++] = nic->rx_tco_frames; + data[i++] = nic->rx_short_frame_errors; + data[i++] = nic->rx_over_length_errors; } static void e100_get_strings(struct net_device *netdev, u32 stringset, u8 *data) @@ -2729,6 +2775,20 @@ static int e100_close(struct net_device *netdev) return 0; } +static int e100_set_features(struct net_device *netdev, + netdev_features_t features) +{ + struct nic *nic = netdev_priv(netdev); + netdev_features_t changed = features ^ netdev->features; + + if (!(changed & (NETIF_F_RXFCS | NETIF_F_RXALL))) + return 0; + + netdev->features = features; + e100_exec_cb(nic, NULL, e100_configure); + return 0; +} + static const struct net_device_ops e100_netdev_ops = { .ndo_open = e100_open, .ndo_stop = e100_close, @@ -2742,6 +2802,7 @@ static const struct net_device_ops e100_netdev_ops = { #ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER .ndo_poll_controller = e100_netpoll, #endif + .ndo_set_features = e100_set_features, }; static int __devinit e100_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, @@ -2751,11 +2812,12 @@ static int __devinit e100_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct nic *nic; int err; - if (!(netdev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct nic)))) { - if (((1 << debug) - 1) & NETIF_MSG_PROBE) - pr_err("Etherdev alloc failed, aborting\n"); + if (!(netdev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct nic)))) return -ENOMEM; - } + + netdev->hw_features |= NETIF_F_RXFCS; + netdev->priv_flags |= IFF_SUPP_NOFCS; + netdev->hw_features |= NETIF_F_RXALL; netdev->netdev_ops = &e100_netdev_ops; SET_ETHTOOL_OPS(netdev, &e100_ethtool_ops); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000/e1000.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000/e1000.h index 1e1596990b5c5d15af756b58266365789cf1d901..2b6cd02bfba0715dd683584afb448b48101f8905 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000/e1000.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000/e1000.h @@ -254,6 +254,7 @@ struct e1000_adapter { atomic_t tx_fifo_stall; bool pcix_82544; bool detect_tx_hung; + bool dump_buffers; /* RX */ bool (*clean_rx)(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000/e1000_hw.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000/e1000_hw.c index 36ee76bf4cba68f034cc28cc6bf4ea027a293c13..c526279e492729e508fbfcebd0d669ee1a540284 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000/e1000_hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000/e1000_hw.c @@ -5253,6 +5253,78 @@ static s32 e1000_check_downshift(struct e1000_hw *hw) return E1000_SUCCESS; } +static const u16 dsp_reg_array[IGP01E1000_PHY_CHANNEL_NUM] = { + IGP01E1000_PHY_AGC_PARAM_A, + IGP01E1000_PHY_AGC_PARAM_B, + IGP01E1000_PHY_AGC_PARAM_C, + IGP01E1000_PHY_AGC_PARAM_D +}; + +static s32 e1000_1000Mb_check_cable_length(struct e1000_hw *hw) +{ + u16 min_length, max_length; + u16 phy_data, i; + s32 ret_val; + + ret_val = e1000_get_cable_length(hw, &min_length, &max_length); + if (ret_val) + return ret_val; + + if (hw->dsp_config_state != e1000_dsp_config_enabled) + return 0; + + if (min_length >= e1000_igp_cable_length_50) { + for (i = 0; i < IGP01E1000_PHY_CHANNEL_NUM; i++) { + ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, dsp_reg_array[i], + &phy_data); + if (ret_val) + return ret_val; + + phy_data &= ~IGP01E1000_PHY_EDAC_MU_INDEX; + + ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, dsp_reg_array[i], + phy_data); + if (ret_val) + return ret_val; + } + hw->dsp_config_state = e1000_dsp_config_activated; + } else { + u16 ffe_idle_err_timeout = FFE_IDLE_ERR_COUNT_TIMEOUT_20; + u32 idle_errs = 0; + + /* clear previous idle error counts */ + ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_STATUS, &phy_data); + if (ret_val) + return ret_val; + + for (i = 0; i < ffe_idle_err_timeout; i++) { + udelay(1000); + ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_STATUS, + &phy_data); + if (ret_val) + return ret_val; + + idle_errs += (phy_data & SR_1000T_IDLE_ERROR_CNT); + if (idle_errs > SR_1000T_PHY_EXCESSIVE_IDLE_ERR_COUNT) { + hw->ffe_config_state = e1000_ffe_config_active; + + ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, + IGP01E1000_PHY_DSP_FFE, + IGP01E1000_PHY_DSP_FFE_CM_CP); + if (ret_val) + return ret_val; + break; + } + + if (idle_errs) + ffe_idle_err_timeout = + FFE_IDLE_ERR_COUNT_TIMEOUT_100; + } + } + + return 0; +} + /** * e1000_config_dsp_after_link_change * @hw: Struct containing variables accessed by shared code @@ -5269,13 +5341,6 @@ static s32 e1000_config_dsp_after_link_change(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool link_up) { s32 ret_val; u16 phy_data, phy_saved_data, speed, duplex, i; - static const u16 dsp_reg_array[IGP01E1000_PHY_CHANNEL_NUM] = { - IGP01E1000_PHY_AGC_PARAM_A, - IGP01E1000_PHY_AGC_PARAM_B, - IGP01E1000_PHY_AGC_PARAM_C, - IGP01E1000_PHY_AGC_PARAM_D - }; - u16 min_length, max_length; e_dbg("e1000_config_dsp_after_link_change"); @@ -5290,84 +5355,9 @@ static s32 e1000_config_dsp_after_link_change(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool link_up) } if (speed == SPEED_1000) { - - ret_val = - e1000_get_cable_length(hw, &min_length, - &max_length); + ret_val = e1000_1000Mb_check_cable_length(hw); if (ret_val) return ret_val; - - if ((hw->dsp_config_state == e1000_dsp_config_enabled) - && min_length >= e1000_igp_cable_length_50) { - - for (i = 0; i < IGP01E1000_PHY_CHANNEL_NUM; i++) { - ret_val = - e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, - dsp_reg_array[i], - &phy_data); - if (ret_val) - return ret_val; - - phy_data &= - ~IGP01E1000_PHY_EDAC_MU_INDEX; - - ret_val = - e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, - dsp_reg_array - [i], phy_data); - if (ret_val) - return ret_val; - } - hw->dsp_config_state = - e1000_dsp_config_activated; - } - - if ((hw->ffe_config_state == e1000_ffe_config_enabled) - && (min_length < e1000_igp_cable_length_50)) { - - u16 ffe_idle_err_timeout = - FFE_IDLE_ERR_COUNT_TIMEOUT_20; - u32 idle_errs = 0; - - /* clear previous idle error counts */ - ret_val = - e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_STATUS, - &phy_data); - if (ret_val) - return ret_val; - - for (i = 0; i < ffe_idle_err_timeout; i++) { - udelay(1000); - ret_val = - e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, - PHY_1000T_STATUS, - &phy_data); - if (ret_val) - return ret_val; - - idle_errs += - (phy_data & - SR_1000T_IDLE_ERROR_CNT); - if (idle_errs > - SR_1000T_PHY_EXCESSIVE_IDLE_ERR_COUNT) - { - hw->ffe_config_state = - e1000_ffe_config_active; - - ret_val = - e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, - IGP01E1000_PHY_DSP_FFE, - IGP01E1000_PHY_DSP_FFE_CM_CP); - if (ret_val) - return ret_val; - break; - } - - if (idle_errs) - ffe_idle_err_timeout = - FFE_IDLE_ERR_COUNT_TIMEOUT_100; - } - } } } else { if (hw->dsp_config_state == e1000_dsp_config_activated) { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000/e1000_hw.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000/e1000_hw.h index f6c4d7e2560c84c320566c4d1fa5e8b2d2212b3c..11578c8978dbc99ec95bf19d5558749ca004cd76 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000/e1000_hw.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000/e1000_hw.h @@ -895,6 +895,11 @@ struct e1000_ffvt_entry { #define E1000_FCRTL 0x02160 /* Flow Control Receive Threshold Low - RW */ #define E1000_FCRTH 0x02168 /* Flow Control Receive Threshold High - RW */ #define E1000_PSRCTL 0x02170 /* Packet Split Receive Control - RW */ +#define E1000_RDFH 0x02410 /* RX Data FIFO Head - RW */ +#define E1000_RDFT 0x02418 /* RX Data FIFO Tail - RW */ +#define E1000_RDFHS 0x02420 /* RX Data FIFO Head Saved - RW */ +#define E1000_RDFTS 0x02428 /* RX Data FIFO Tail Saved - RW */ +#define E1000_RDFPC 0x02430 /* RX Data FIFO Packet Count - RW */ #define E1000_RDBAL 0x02800 /* RX Descriptor Base Address Low - RW */ #define E1000_RDBAH 0x02804 /* RX Descriptor Base Address High - RW */ #define E1000_RDLEN 0x02808 /* RX Descriptor Length - RW */ @@ -1074,6 +1079,11 @@ struct e1000_ffvt_entry { #define E1000_82542_IMC E1000_IMC #define E1000_82542_RCTL E1000_RCTL #define E1000_82542_RDTR 0x00108 +#define E1000_82542_RDFH E1000_RDFH +#define E1000_82542_RDFT E1000_RDFT +#define E1000_82542_RDFHS E1000_RDFHS +#define E1000_82542_RDFTS E1000_RDFTS +#define E1000_82542_RDFPC E1000_RDFPC #define E1000_82542_RDBAL 0x00110 #define E1000_82542_RDBAH 0x00114 #define E1000_82542_RDLEN 0x00118 diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000/e1000_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000/e1000_main.c index d94d64b5d695d1fccd5ec22aef09805d046dc4b9..6419a88a69e60235620c7eaa70952270e15839c1 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000/e1000_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000/e1000_main.c @@ -730,10 +730,8 @@ static void e1000_dump_eeprom(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) eeprom.offset = 0; data = kmalloc(eeprom.len, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!data) { - pr_err("Unable to allocate memory to dump EEPROM data\n"); + if (!data) return; - } ops->get_eeprom(netdev, &eeprom, data); @@ -1069,8 +1067,11 @@ static int __devinit e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, (hw->mac_type != e1000_82547)) netdev->hw_features |= NETIF_F_TSO; + netdev->priv_flags |= IFF_SUPP_NOFCS; + netdev->features |= netdev->hw_features; netdev->hw_features |= NETIF_F_RXCSUM; + netdev->hw_features |= NETIF_F_RXFCS; if (pci_using_dac) { netdev->features |= NETIF_F_HIGHDMA; @@ -2694,6 +2695,7 @@ static void e1000_set_itr(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) #define E1000_TX_FLAGS_VLAN 0x00000002 #define E1000_TX_FLAGS_TSO 0x00000004 #define E1000_TX_FLAGS_IPV4 0x00000008 +#define E1000_TX_FLAGS_NO_FCS 0x00000010 #define E1000_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_MASK 0xffff0000 #define E1000_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_SHIFT 16 @@ -2995,6 +2997,9 @@ static void e1000_tx_queue(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, txd_upper |= (tx_flags & E1000_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_MASK); } + if (unlikely(tx_flags & E1000_TX_FLAGS_NO_FCS)) + txd_lower &= ~(E1000_TXD_CMD_IFCS); + i = tx_ring->next_to_use; while (count--) { @@ -3009,6 +3014,10 @@ static void e1000_tx_queue(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, tx_desc->lower.data |= cpu_to_le32(adapter->txd_cmd); + /* txd_cmd re-enables FCS, so we'll re-disable it here as desired. */ + if (unlikely(tx_flags & E1000_TX_FLAGS_NO_FCS)) + tx_desc->lower.data &= ~(cpu_to_le32(E1000_TXD_CMD_IFCS)); + /* Force memory writes to complete before letting h/w * know there are new descriptors to fetch. (Only * applicable for weak-ordered memory model archs, @@ -3224,6 +3233,9 @@ static netdev_tx_t e1000_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, if (likely(skb->protocol == htons(ETH_P_IP))) tx_flags |= E1000_TX_FLAGS_IPV4; + if (unlikely(skb->no_fcs)) + tx_flags |= E1000_TX_FLAGS_NO_FCS; + count = e1000_tx_map(adapter, tx_ring, skb, first, max_per_txd, nr_frags, mss); @@ -3241,6 +3253,215 @@ static netdev_tx_t e1000_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, return NETDEV_TX_OK; } +#define NUM_REGS 38 /* 1 based count */ +static void e1000_regdump(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) +{ + struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; + u32 regs[NUM_REGS]; + u32 *regs_buff = regs; + int i = 0; + + static const char * const reg_name[] = { + "CTRL", "STATUS", + "RCTL", "RDLEN", "RDH", "RDT", "RDTR", + "TCTL", "TDBAL", "TDBAH", "TDLEN", "TDH", "TDT", + "TIDV", "TXDCTL", "TADV", "TARC0", + "TDBAL1", "TDBAH1", "TDLEN1", "TDH1", "TDT1", + "TXDCTL1", "TARC1", + "CTRL_EXT", "ERT", "RDBAL", "RDBAH", + "TDFH", "TDFT", "TDFHS", "TDFTS", "TDFPC", + "RDFH", "RDFT", "RDFHS", "RDFTS", "RDFPC" + }; + + regs_buff[0] = er32(CTRL); + regs_buff[1] = er32(STATUS); + + regs_buff[2] = er32(RCTL); + regs_buff[3] = er32(RDLEN); + regs_buff[4] = er32(RDH); + regs_buff[5] = er32(RDT); + regs_buff[6] = er32(RDTR); + + regs_buff[7] = er32(TCTL); + regs_buff[8] = er32(TDBAL); + regs_buff[9] = er32(TDBAH); + regs_buff[10] = er32(TDLEN); + regs_buff[11] = er32(TDH); + regs_buff[12] = er32(TDT); + regs_buff[13] = er32(TIDV); + regs_buff[14] = er32(TXDCTL); + regs_buff[15] = er32(TADV); + regs_buff[16] = er32(TARC0); + + regs_buff[17] = er32(TDBAL1); + regs_buff[18] = er32(TDBAH1); + regs_buff[19] = er32(TDLEN1); + regs_buff[20] = er32(TDH1); + regs_buff[21] = er32(TDT1); + regs_buff[22] = er32(TXDCTL1); + regs_buff[23] = er32(TARC1); + regs_buff[24] = er32(CTRL_EXT); + regs_buff[25] = er32(ERT); + regs_buff[26] = er32(RDBAL0); + regs_buff[27] = er32(RDBAH0); + regs_buff[28] = er32(TDFH); + regs_buff[29] = er32(TDFT); + regs_buff[30] = er32(TDFHS); + regs_buff[31] = er32(TDFTS); + regs_buff[32] = er32(TDFPC); + regs_buff[33] = er32(RDFH); + regs_buff[34] = er32(RDFT); + regs_buff[35] = er32(RDFHS); + regs_buff[36] = er32(RDFTS); + regs_buff[37] = er32(RDFPC); + + pr_info("Register dump\n"); + for (i = 0; i < NUM_REGS; i++) + pr_info("%-15s %08x\n", reg_name[i], regs_buff[i]); +} + +/* + * e1000_dump: Print registers, tx ring and rx ring + */ +static void e1000_dump(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) +{ + /* this code doesn't handle multiple rings */ + struct e1000_tx_ring *tx_ring = adapter->tx_ring; + struct e1000_rx_ring *rx_ring = adapter->rx_ring; + int i; + + if (!netif_msg_hw(adapter)) + return; + + /* Print Registers */ + e1000_regdump(adapter); + + /* + * transmit dump + */ + pr_info("TX Desc ring0 dump\n"); + + /* Transmit Descriptor Formats - DEXT[29] is 0 (Legacy) or 1 (Extended) + * + * Legacy Transmit Descriptor + * +--------------------------------------------------------------+ + * 0 | Buffer Address [63:0] (Reserved on Write Back) | + * +--------------------------------------------------------------+ + * 8 | Special | CSS | Status | CMD | CSO | Length | + * +--------------------------------------------------------------+ + * 63 48 47 36 35 32 31 24 23 16 15 0 + * + * Extended Context Descriptor (DTYP=0x0) for TSO or checksum offload + * 63 48 47 40 39 32 31 16 15 8 7 0 + * +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + * 0 | TUCSE | TUCS0 | TUCSS | IPCSE | IPCS0 | IPCSS | + * +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + * 8 | MSS | HDRLEN | RSV | STA | TUCMD | DTYP | PAYLEN | + * +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + * 63 48 47 40 39 36 35 32 31 24 23 20 19 0 + * + * Extended Data Descriptor (DTYP=0x1) + * +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + * 0 | Buffer Address [63:0] | + * +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + * 8 | VLAN tag | POPTS | Rsvd | Status | Command | DTYP | DTALEN | + * +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + * 63 48 47 40 39 36 35 32 31 24 23 20 19 0 + */ + pr_info("Tc[desc] [Ce CoCsIpceCoS] [MssHlRSCm0Plen] [bi->dma ] leng ntw timestmp bi->skb\n"); + pr_info("Td[desc] [address 63:0 ] [VlaPoRSCm1Dlen] [bi->dma ] leng ntw timestmp bi->skb\n"); + + if (!netif_msg_tx_done(adapter)) + goto rx_ring_summary; + + for (i = 0; tx_ring->desc && (i < tx_ring->count); i++) { + struct e1000_tx_desc *tx_desc = E1000_TX_DESC(*tx_ring, i); + struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info = &tx_ring->buffer_info[i]; + struct my_u { u64 a; u64 b; }; + struct my_u *u = (struct my_u *)tx_desc; + const char *type; + + if (i == tx_ring->next_to_use && i == tx_ring->next_to_clean) + type = "NTC/U"; + else if (i == tx_ring->next_to_use) + type = "NTU"; + else if (i == tx_ring->next_to_clean) + type = "NTC"; + else + type = ""; + + pr_info("T%c[0x%03X] %016llX %016llX %016llX %04X %3X %016llX %p %s\n", + ((le64_to_cpu(u->b) & (1<<20)) ? 'd' : 'c'), i, + le64_to_cpu(u->a), le64_to_cpu(u->b), + (u64)buffer_info->dma, buffer_info->length, + buffer_info->next_to_watch, + (u64)buffer_info->time_stamp, buffer_info->skb, type); + } + +rx_ring_summary: + /* + * receive dump + */ + pr_info("\nRX Desc ring dump\n"); + + /* Legacy Receive Descriptor Format + * + * +-----------------------------------------------------+ + * | Buffer Address [63:0] | + * +-----------------------------------------------------+ + * | VLAN Tag | Errors | Status 0 | Packet csum | Length | + * +-----------------------------------------------------+ + * 63 48 47 40 39 32 31 16 15 0 + */ + pr_info("R[desc] [address 63:0 ] [vl er S cks ln] [bi->dma ] [bi->skb]\n"); + + if (!netif_msg_rx_status(adapter)) + goto exit; + + for (i = 0; rx_ring->desc && (i < rx_ring->count); i++) { + struct e1000_rx_desc *rx_desc = E1000_RX_DESC(*rx_ring, i); + struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info = &rx_ring->buffer_info[i]; + struct my_u { u64 a; u64 b; }; + struct my_u *u = (struct my_u *)rx_desc; + const char *type; + + if (i == rx_ring->next_to_use) + type = "NTU"; + else if (i == rx_ring->next_to_clean) + type = "NTC"; + else + type = ""; + + pr_info("R[0x%03X] %016llX %016llX %016llX %p %s\n", + i, le64_to_cpu(u->a), le64_to_cpu(u->b), + (u64)buffer_info->dma, buffer_info->skb, type); + } /* for */ + + /* dump the descriptor caches */ + /* rx */ + pr_info("Rx descriptor cache in 64bit format\n"); + for (i = 0x6000; i <= 0x63FF ; i += 0x10) { + pr_info("R%04X: %08X|%08X %08X|%08X\n", + i, + readl(adapter->hw.hw_addr + i+4), + readl(adapter->hw.hw_addr + i), + readl(adapter->hw.hw_addr + i+12), + readl(adapter->hw.hw_addr + i+8)); + } + /* tx */ + pr_info("Tx descriptor cache in 64bit format\n"); + for (i = 0x7000; i <= 0x73FF ; i += 0x10) { + pr_info("T%04X: %08X|%08X %08X|%08X\n", + i, + readl(adapter->hw.hw_addr + i+4), + readl(adapter->hw.hw_addr + i), + readl(adapter->hw.hw_addr + i+12), + readl(adapter->hw.hw_addr + i+8)); + } +exit: + return; +} + /** * e1000_tx_timeout - Respond to a Tx Hang * @netdev: network interface device structure @@ -3262,6 +3483,7 @@ static void e1000_reset_task(struct work_struct *work) if (test_bit(__E1000_DOWN, &adapter->flags)) return; + e_err(drv, "Reset adapter\n"); e1000_reinit_safe(adapter); } @@ -3679,6 +3901,7 @@ static bool e1000_clean_tx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, eop, jiffies, eop_desc->upper.fields.status); + e1000_dump(adapter); netif_stop_queue(netdev); } } @@ -3902,10 +4125,9 @@ static bool e1000_clean_jumbo_rx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, ((u32)(rx_desc->errors) << 24), le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->csum), skb); - pskb_trim(skb, skb->len - 4); - - /* probably a little skewed due to removing CRC */ - total_rx_bytes += skb->len; + total_rx_bytes += (skb->len - 4); /* don't count FCS */ + if (likely(!(netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXFCS))) + pskb_trim(skb, skb->len - 4); total_rx_packets++; /* eth type trans needs skb->data to point to something */ @@ -4059,14 +4281,15 @@ static bool e1000_clean_rx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, } } - /* adjust length to remove Ethernet CRC, this must be - * done after the TBI_ACCEPT workaround above */ - length -= 4; - - /* probably a little skewed due to removing CRC */ - total_rx_bytes += length; + total_rx_bytes += (length - 4); /* don't count FCS */ total_rx_packets++; + if (likely(!(netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXFCS))) + /* adjust length to remove Ethernet CRC, this must be + * done after the TBI_ACCEPT workaround above + */ + length -= 4; + e1000_check_copybreak(netdev, buffer_info, length, &skb); skb_put(skb, length); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/80003es2lan.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/80003es2lan.c index e1159e54334a55abfb2ce36147de98525bef9a1a..bac9dda31b6c0c044c8e8b8c68b6c88835920889 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/80003es2lan.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/80003es2lan.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /******************************************************************************* Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2011 Intel Corporation. + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Intel Corporation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, @@ -201,19 +201,23 @@ static s32 e1000_init_nvm_params_80003es2lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) * e1000_init_mac_params_80003es2lan - Init ESB2 MAC func ptrs. * @hw: pointer to the HW structure **/ -static s32 e1000_init_mac_params_80003es2lan(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) +static s32 e1000_init_mac_params_80003es2lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) { - struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; struct e1000_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac; - struct e1000_mac_operations *func = &mac->ops; - /* Set media type */ - switch (adapter->pdev->device) { + /* Set media type and media-dependent function pointers */ + switch (hw->adapter->pdev->device) { case E1000_DEV_ID_80003ES2LAN_SERDES_DPT: hw->phy.media_type = e1000_media_type_internal_serdes; + mac->ops.check_for_link = e1000e_check_for_serdes_link; + mac->ops.setup_physical_interface = + e1000e_setup_fiber_serdes_link; break; default: hw->phy.media_type = e1000_media_type_copper; + mac->ops.check_for_link = e1000e_check_for_copper_link; + mac->ops.setup_physical_interface = + e1000_setup_copper_link_80003es2lan; break; } @@ -230,25 +234,6 @@ static s32 e1000_init_mac_params_80003es2lan(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) /* Adaptive IFS not supported */ mac->adaptive_ifs = false; - /* check for link */ - switch (hw->phy.media_type) { - case e1000_media_type_copper: - func->setup_physical_interface = e1000_setup_copper_link_80003es2lan; - func->check_for_link = e1000e_check_for_copper_link; - break; - case e1000_media_type_fiber: - func->setup_physical_interface = e1000e_setup_fiber_serdes_link; - func->check_for_link = e1000e_check_for_fiber_link; - break; - case e1000_media_type_internal_serdes: - func->setup_physical_interface = e1000e_setup_fiber_serdes_link; - func->check_for_link = e1000e_check_for_serdes_link; - break; - default: - return -E1000_ERR_CONFIG; - break; - } - /* set lan id for port to determine which phy lock to use */ hw->mac.ops.set_lan_id(hw); @@ -260,7 +245,7 @@ static s32 e1000_get_variants_80003es2lan(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; s32 rc; - rc = e1000_init_mac_params_80003es2lan(adapter); + rc = e1000_init_mac_params_80003es2lan(hw); if (rc) return rc; @@ -304,7 +289,7 @@ static void e1000_release_phy_80003es2lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) } /** - * e1000_acquire_mac_csr_80003es2lan - Acquire rights to access Kumeran register + * e1000_acquire_mac_csr_80003es2lan - Acquire right to access Kumeran register * @hw: pointer to the HW structure * * Acquire the semaphore to access the Kumeran interface. @@ -320,7 +305,7 @@ static s32 e1000_acquire_mac_csr_80003es2lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) } /** - * e1000_release_mac_csr_80003es2lan - Release rights to access Kumeran Register + * e1000_release_mac_csr_80003es2lan - Release right to access Kumeran Register * @hw: pointer to the HW structure * * Release the semaphore used to access the Kumeran interface @@ -473,7 +458,7 @@ static s32 e1000_read_phy_reg_gg82563_80003es2lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, return ret_val; } - if (hw->dev_spec.e80003es2lan.mdic_wa_enable == true) { + if (hw->dev_spec.e80003es2lan.mdic_wa_enable) { /* * The "ready" bit in the MDIC register may be incorrectly set * before the device has completed the "Page Select" MDI @@ -485,9 +470,8 @@ static s32 e1000_read_phy_reg_gg82563_80003es2lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, ret_val = e1000e_read_phy_reg_mdic(hw, page_select, &temp); if (((u16)offset >> GG82563_PAGE_SHIFT) != temp) { - ret_val = -E1000_ERR_PHY; e1000_release_phy_80003es2lan(hw); - return ret_val; + return -E1000_ERR_PHY; } udelay(200); @@ -545,7 +529,7 @@ static s32 e1000_write_phy_reg_gg82563_80003es2lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, return ret_val; } - if (hw->dev_spec.e80003es2lan.mdic_wa_enable == true) { + if (hw->dev_spec.e80003es2lan.mdic_wa_enable) { /* * The "ready" bit in the MDIC register may be incorrectly set * before the device has completed the "Page Select" MDI @@ -667,8 +651,7 @@ static s32 e1000_phy_force_speed_duplex_80003es2lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) udelay(1); if (hw->phy.autoneg_wait_to_complete) { - e_dbg("Waiting for forced speed/duplex link " - "on GG82563 phy.\n"); + e_dbg("Waiting for forced speed/duplex link on GG82563 phy.\n"); ret_val = e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(hw, PHY_FORCE_LIMIT, 100000, &link); @@ -731,22 +714,19 @@ static s32 e1000_get_cable_length_80003es2lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, GG82563_PHY_DSP_DISTANCE, &phy_data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; index = phy_data & GG82563_DSPD_CABLE_LENGTH; - if (index >= GG82563_CABLE_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE - 5) { - ret_val = -E1000_ERR_PHY; - goto out; - } + if (index >= GG82563_CABLE_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE - 5) + return -E1000_ERR_PHY; phy->min_cable_length = e1000_gg82563_cable_length_table[index]; phy->max_cable_length = e1000_gg82563_cable_length_table[index + 5]; phy->cable_length = (phy->min_cable_length + phy->max_cable_length) / 2; -out: - return ret_val; + return 0; } /** @@ -820,9 +800,7 @@ static s32 e1000_reset_hw_80003es2lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) ew32(IMC, 0xffffffff); er32(ICR); - ret_val = e1000_check_alt_mac_addr_generic(hw); - - return ret_val; + return e1000_check_alt_mac_addr_generic(hw); } /** @@ -842,7 +820,7 @@ static s32 e1000_init_hw_80003es2lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) e1000_initialize_hw_bits_80003es2lan(hw); /* Initialize identification LED */ - ret_val = e1000e_id_led_init(hw); + ret_val = mac->ops.id_led_init(hw); if (ret_val) e_dbg("Error initializing identification LED\n"); /* This is not fatal and we should not stop init due to this */ @@ -860,7 +838,7 @@ static s32 e1000_init_hw_80003es2lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, E1000_MTA, i, 0); /* Setup link and flow control */ - ret_val = e1000e_setup_link(hw); + ret_val = mac->ops.setup_link(hw); /* Disable IBIST slave mode (far-end loopback) */ e1000_read_kmrn_reg_80003es2lan(hw, E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_INBAND_PARAM, @@ -1078,7 +1056,7 @@ static s32 e1000_copper_link_setup_gg82563_80003es2lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) * firmware will have already initialized them. We only initialize * them if the HW is not in IAMT mode. */ - if (!e1000e_check_mng_mode(hw)) { + if (!hw->mac.ops.check_mng_mode(hw)) { /* Enable Electrical Idle on the PHY */ data |= GG82563_PMCR_ENABLE_ELECTRICAL_IDLE; ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, GG82563_PHY_PWR_MGMT_CTRL, data); @@ -1163,9 +1141,7 @@ static s32 e1000_setup_copper_link_80003es2lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) if (ret_val) return ret_val; - ret_val = e1000e_setup_copper_link(hw); - - return 0; + return e1000e_setup_copper_link(hw); } /** @@ -1241,9 +1217,7 @@ static s32 e1000_cfg_kmrn_10_100_80003es2lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 duplex) else reg_data &= ~GG82563_KMCR_PASS_FALSE_CARRIER; - ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, GG82563_PHY_KMRN_MODE_CTRL, reg_data); - - return 0; + return e1e_wphy(hw, GG82563_PHY_KMRN_MODE_CTRL, reg_data); } /** @@ -1285,9 +1259,8 @@ static s32 e1000_cfg_kmrn_1000_80003es2lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) } while ((reg_data != reg_data2) && (i < GG82563_MAX_KMRN_RETRY)); reg_data &= ~GG82563_KMCR_PASS_FALSE_CARRIER; - ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, GG82563_PHY_KMRN_MODE_CTRL, reg_data); - return ret_val; + return e1e_wphy(hw, GG82563_PHY_KMRN_MODE_CTRL, reg_data); } /** @@ -1372,12 +1345,9 @@ static s32 e1000_read_mac_addr_80003es2lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) */ ret_val = e1000_check_alt_mac_addr_generic(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; - - ret_val = e1000_read_mac_addr_generic(hw); + return ret_val; -out: - return ret_val; + return e1000_read_mac_addr_generic(hw); } /** @@ -1443,7 +1413,7 @@ static void e1000_clear_hw_cntrs_80003es2lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) static const struct e1000_mac_operations es2_mac_ops = { .read_mac_addr = e1000_read_mac_addr_80003es2lan, - .id_led_init = e1000e_id_led_init, + .id_led_init = e1000e_id_led_init_generic, .blink_led = e1000e_blink_led_generic, .check_mng_mode = e1000e_check_mng_mode_generic, /* check_for_link dependent on media type */ @@ -1459,9 +1429,10 @@ static const struct e1000_mac_operations es2_mac_ops = { .clear_vfta = e1000_clear_vfta_generic, .reset_hw = e1000_reset_hw_80003es2lan, .init_hw = e1000_init_hw_80003es2lan, - .setup_link = e1000e_setup_link, + .setup_link = e1000e_setup_link_generic, /* setup_physical_interface dependent on media type */ .setup_led = e1000e_setup_led_generic, + .config_collision_dist = e1000e_config_collision_dist_generic, }; static const struct e1000_phy_operations es2_phy_ops = { @@ -1486,6 +1457,7 @@ static const struct e1000_nvm_operations es2_nvm_ops = { .acquire = e1000_acquire_nvm_80003es2lan, .read = e1000e_read_nvm_eerd, .release = e1000_release_nvm_80003es2lan, + .reload = e1000e_reload_nvm_generic, .update = e1000e_update_nvm_checksum_generic, .valid_led_default = e1000e_valid_led_default, .validate = e1000e_validate_nvm_checksum_generic, @@ -1502,8 +1474,7 @@ const struct e1000_info e1000_es2_info = { | FLAG_RX_NEEDS_RESTART /* errata */ | FLAG_TARC_SET_BIT_ZERO /* errata */ | FLAG_APME_CHECK_PORT_B - | FLAG_DISABLE_FC_PAUSE_TIME /* errata */ - | FLAG_TIPG_MEDIUM_FOR_80003ESLAN, + | FLAG_DISABLE_FC_PAUSE_TIME, /* errata */ .flags2 = FLAG2_DMA_BURST, .pba = 38, .max_hw_frame_size = DEFAULT_JUMBO, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/82571.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/82571.c index a3e65fd26e093c27fff7f00699b9fec292e92abf..b3fdc6977f2ec15d87f7ddebff4505ec492b7e85 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/82571.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/82571.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /******************************************************************************* Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2011 Intel Corporation. + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Intel Corporation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, @@ -235,30 +235,42 @@ static s32 e1000_init_nvm_params_82571(struct e1000_hw *hw) * e1000_init_mac_params_82571 - Init MAC func ptrs. * @hw: pointer to the HW structure **/ -static s32 e1000_init_mac_params_82571(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) +static s32 e1000_init_mac_params_82571(struct e1000_hw *hw) { - struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; struct e1000_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac; - struct e1000_mac_operations *func = &mac->ops; u32 swsm = 0; u32 swsm2 = 0; bool force_clear_smbi = false; - /* Set media type */ - switch (adapter->pdev->device) { + /* Set media type and media-dependent function pointers */ + switch (hw->adapter->pdev->device) { case E1000_DEV_ID_82571EB_FIBER: case E1000_DEV_ID_82572EI_FIBER: case E1000_DEV_ID_82571EB_QUAD_FIBER: hw->phy.media_type = e1000_media_type_fiber; + mac->ops.setup_physical_interface = + e1000_setup_fiber_serdes_link_82571; + mac->ops.check_for_link = e1000e_check_for_fiber_link; + mac->ops.get_link_up_info = + e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_fiber_serdes; break; case E1000_DEV_ID_82571EB_SERDES: - case E1000_DEV_ID_82572EI_SERDES: case E1000_DEV_ID_82571EB_SERDES_DUAL: case E1000_DEV_ID_82571EB_SERDES_QUAD: + case E1000_DEV_ID_82572EI_SERDES: hw->phy.media_type = e1000_media_type_internal_serdes; + mac->ops.setup_physical_interface = + e1000_setup_fiber_serdes_link_82571; + mac->ops.check_for_link = e1000_check_for_serdes_link_82571; + mac->ops.get_link_up_info = + e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_fiber_serdes; break; default: hw->phy.media_type = e1000_media_type_copper; + mac->ops.setup_physical_interface = + e1000_setup_copper_link_82571; + mac->ops.check_for_link = e1000e_check_for_copper_link; + mac->ops.get_link_up_info = e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_copper; break; } @@ -269,38 +281,13 @@ static s32 e1000_init_mac_params_82571(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) /* Adaptive IFS supported */ mac->adaptive_ifs = true; - /* check for link */ - switch (hw->phy.media_type) { - case e1000_media_type_copper: - func->setup_physical_interface = e1000_setup_copper_link_82571; - func->check_for_link = e1000e_check_for_copper_link; - func->get_link_up_info = e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_copper; - break; - case e1000_media_type_fiber: - func->setup_physical_interface = - e1000_setup_fiber_serdes_link_82571; - func->check_for_link = e1000e_check_for_fiber_link; - func->get_link_up_info = - e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_fiber_serdes; - break; - case e1000_media_type_internal_serdes: - func->setup_physical_interface = - e1000_setup_fiber_serdes_link_82571; - func->check_for_link = e1000_check_for_serdes_link_82571; - func->get_link_up_info = - e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_fiber_serdes; - break; - default: - return -E1000_ERR_CONFIG; - break; - } - + /* MAC-specific function pointers */ switch (hw->mac.type) { case e1000_82573: - func->set_lan_id = e1000_set_lan_id_single_port; - func->check_mng_mode = e1000e_check_mng_mode_generic; - func->led_on = e1000e_led_on_generic; - func->blink_led = e1000e_blink_led_generic; + mac->ops.set_lan_id = e1000_set_lan_id_single_port; + mac->ops.check_mng_mode = e1000e_check_mng_mode_generic; + mac->ops.led_on = e1000e_led_on_generic; + mac->ops.blink_led = e1000e_blink_led_generic; /* FWSM register */ mac->has_fwsm = true; @@ -314,14 +301,14 @@ static s32 e1000_init_mac_params_82571(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) break; case e1000_82574: case e1000_82583: - func->set_lan_id = e1000_set_lan_id_single_port; - func->check_mng_mode = e1000_check_mng_mode_82574; - func->led_on = e1000_led_on_82574; + mac->ops.set_lan_id = e1000_set_lan_id_single_port; + mac->ops.check_mng_mode = e1000_check_mng_mode_82574; + mac->ops.led_on = e1000_led_on_82574; break; default: - func->check_mng_mode = e1000e_check_mng_mode_generic; - func->led_on = e1000e_led_on_generic; - func->blink_led = e1000e_blink_led_generic; + mac->ops.check_mng_mode = e1000e_check_mng_mode_generic; + mac->ops.led_on = e1000e_led_on_generic; + mac->ops.blink_led = e1000e_blink_led_generic; /* FWSM register */ mac->has_fwsm = true; @@ -342,11 +329,11 @@ static s32 e1000_init_mac_params_82571(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) if (!(swsm2 & E1000_SWSM2_LOCK)) { /* Only do this for the first interface on this card */ - ew32(SWSM2, - swsm2 | E1000_SWSM2_LOCK); + ew32(SWSM2, swsm2 | E1000_SWSM2_LOCK); force_clear_smbi = true; - } else + } else { force_clear_smbi = false; + } break; default: force_clear_smbi = true; @@ -383,7 +370,7 @@ static s32 e1000_get_variants_82571(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) int is_port_b = er32(STATUS) & E1000_STATUS_FUNC_1; s32 rc; - rc = e1000_init_mac_params_82571(adapter); + rc = e1000_init_mac_params_82571(hw); if (rc) return rc; @@ -577,7 +564,6 @@ static void e1000_put_hw_semaphore_82571(struct e1000_hw *hw) static s32 e1000_get_hw_semaphore_82573(struct e1000_hw *hw) { u32 extcnf_ctrl; - s32 ret_val = 0; s32 i = 0; extcnf_ctrl = er32(EXTCNF_CTRL); @@ -599,12 +585,10 @@ static s32 e1000_get_hw_semaphore_82573(struct e1000_hw *hw) /* Release semaphores */ e1000_put_hw_semaphore_82573(hw); e_dbg("Driver can't access the PHY\n"); - ret_val = -E1000_ERR_PHY; - goto out; + return -E1000_ERR_PHY; } -out: - return ret_val; + return 0; } /** @@ -809,7 +793,7 @@ static s32 e1000_update_nvm_checksum_82571(struct e1000_hw *hw) * otherwise, commit the checksum to the flash NVM. */ if (hw->nvm.type != e1000_nvm_flash_hw) - return ret_val; + return 0; /* Check for pending operations. */ for (i = 0; i < E1000_FLASH_UPDATES; i++) { @@ -1134,7 +1118,7 @@ static s32 e1000_init_hw_82571(struct e1000_hw *hw) e1000_initialize_hw_bits_82571(hw); /* Initialize identification LED */ - ret_val = e1000e_id_led_init(hw); + ret_val = mac->ops.id_led_init(hw); if (ret_val) e_dbg("Error initializing identification LED\n"); /* This is not fatal and we should not stop init due to this */ @@ -1159,7 +1143,7 @@ static s32 e1000_init_hw_82571(struct e1000_hw *hw) E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, E1000_MTA, i, 0); /* Setup link and flow control */ - ret_val = e1000_setup_link_82571(hw); + ret_val = mac->ops.setup_link(hw); /* Set the transmit descriptor write-back policy */ reg_data = er32(TXDCTL(0)); @@ -1227,6 +1211,10 @@ static void e1000_initialize_hw_bits_82571(struct e1000_hw *hw) case e1000_82572: reg |= (1 << 23) | (1 << 24) | (1 << 25) | (1 << 26); break; + case e1000_82574: + case e1000_82583: + reg |= (1 << 26); + break; default: break; } @@ -1281,18 +1269,16 @@ static void e1000_initialize_hw_bits_82571(struct e1000_hw *hw) reg |= E1000_PBA_ECC_CORR_EN; ew32(PBA_ECC, reg); } + /* * Workaround for hardware errata. * Ensure that DMA Dynamic Clock gating is disabled on 82571 and 82572 */ - - if ((hw->mac.type == e1000_82571) || - (hw->mac.type == e1000_82572)) { - reg = er32(CTRL_EXT); - reg &= ~E1000_CTRL_EXT_DMA_DYN_CLK_EN; - ew32(CTRL_EXT, reg); - } - + if ((hw->mac.type == e1000_82571) || (hw->mac.type == e1000_82572)) { + reg = er32(CTRL_EXT); + reg &= ~E1000_CTRL_EXT_DMA_DYN_CLK_EN; + ew32(CTRL_EXT, reg); + } /* PCI-Ex Control Registers */ switch (hw->mac.type) { @@ -1418,7 +1404,6 @@ bool e1000_check_phy_82574(struct e1000_hw *hw) { u16 status_1kbt = 0; u16 receive_errors = 0; - bool phy_hung = false; s32 ret_val = 0; /* @@ -1426,19 +1411,18 @@ bool e1000_check_phy_82574(struct e1000_hw *hw) * read the Base1000T status register If both are max then PHY is hung. */ ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, E1000_RECEIVE_ERROR_COUNTER, &receive_errors); - if (ret_val) - goto out; + return false; if (receive_errors == E1000_RECEIVE_ERROR_MAX) { ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, E1000_BASE1000T_STATUS, &status_1kbt); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return false; if ((status_1kbt & E1000_IDLE_ERROR_COUNT_MASK) == E1000_IDLE_ERROR_COUNT_MASK) - phy_hung = true; + return true; } -out: - return phy_hung; + + return false; } /** @@ -1469,7 +1453,7 @@ static s32 e1000_setup_link_82571(struct e1000_hw *hw) break; } - return e1000e_setup_link(hw); + return e1000e_setup_link_generic(hw); } /** @@ -1506,9 +1490,7 @@ static s32 e1000_setup_copper_link_82571(struct e1000_hw *hw) if (ret_val) return ret_val; - ret_val = e1000e_setup_copper_link(hw); - - return ret_val; + return e1000e_setup_copper_link(hw); } /** @@ -1842,9 +1824,9 @@ static s32 e1000_fix_nvm_checksum_82571(struct e1000_hw *hw) **/ static s32 e1000_read_mac_addr_82571(struct e1000_hw *hw) { - s32 ret_val = 0; - if (hw->mac.type == e1000_82571) { + s32 ret_val = 0; + /* * If there's an alternate MAC address place it in RAR0 * so that it will override the Si installed default perm @@ -1852,13 +1834,10 @@ static s32 e1000_read_mac_addr_82571(struct e1000_hw *hw) */ ret_val = e1000_check_alt_mac_addr_generic(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; } - ret_val = e1000_read_mac_addr_generic(hw); - -out: - return ret_val; + return e1000_read_mac_addr_generic(hw); } /** @@ -1873,7 +1852,7 @@ static void e1000_power_down_phy_copper_82571(struct e1000_hw *hw) struct e1000_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy; struct e1000_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac; - if (!(phy->ops.check_reset_block)) + if (!phy->ops.check_reset_block) return; /* If the management interface is not enabled, then power down */ @@ -1930,7 +1909,7 @@ static void e1000_clear_hw_cntrs_82571(struct e1000_hw *hw) static const struct e1000_mac_operations e82571_mac_ops = { /* .check_mng_mode: mac type dependent */ /* .check_for_link: media type dependent */ - .id_led_init = e1000e_id_led_init, + .id_led_init = e1000e_id_led_init_generic, .cleanup_led = e1000e_cleanup_led_generic, .clear_hw_cntrs = e1000_clear_hw_cntrs_82571, .get_bus_info = e1000e_get_bus_info_pcie, @@ -1946,6 +1925,7 @@ static const struct e1000_mac_operations e82571_mac_ops = { .setup_link = e1000_setup_link_82571, /* .setup_physical_interface: media type dependent */ .setup_led = e1000e_setup_led_generic, + .config_collision_dist = e1000e_config_collision_dist_generic, .read_mac_addr = e1000_read_mac_addr_82571, }; @@ -2007,6 +1987,7 @@ static const struct e1000_nvm_operations e82571_nvm_ops = { .acquire = e1000_acquire_nvm_82571, .read = e1000e_read_nvm_eerd, .release = e1000_release_nvm_82571, + .reload = e1000e_reload_nvm_generic, .update = e1000_update_nvm_checksum_82571, .valid_led_default = e1000_valid_led_default_82571, .validate = e1000_validate_nvm_checksum_82571, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/Makefile b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/Makefile index 948c05db5d68cdc6318e814c5711948125eb4687..591b713245057fc4b2ae2fccf797665090ef972c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/Makefile @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ################################################################################ # # Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver -# Copyright(c) 1999 - 2011 Intel Corporation. +# Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Intel Corporation. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, @@ -33,5 +33,6 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_E1000E) += e1000e.o e1000e-objs := 82571.o ich8lan.o 80003es2lan.o \ - lib.o phy.o param.o ethtool.o netdev.o + mac.o manage.o nvm.o phy.o \ + param.o ethtool.o netdev.o diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/defines.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/defines.h index c516a7440becb4eefa97a806a53c651d7673ec3d..3a50259171630a643e2818f56174714a6bf1ff62 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/defines.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/defines.h @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /******************************************************************************* Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2011 Intel Corporation. + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Intel Corporation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, @@ -126,6 +126,13 @@ E1000_RXDEXT_STATERR_CXE | \ E1000_RXDEXT_STATERR_RXE) +#define E1000_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_MASK 0xFFFF0000 +#define E1000_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV4_TCP 0x00010000 +#define E1000_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV4 0x00020000 +#define E1000_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_TCP_EX 0x00040000 +#define E1000_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6 0x00100000 +#define E1000_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_TCP 0x00200000 + #define E1000_RXDPS_HDRSTAT_HDRSP 0x00008000 /* Management Control */ @@ -170,6 +177,7 @@ #define E1000_RCTL_VFE 0x00040000 /* vlan filter enable */ #define E1000_RCTL_CFIEN 0x00080000 /* canonical form enable */ #define E1000_RCTL_CFI 0x00100000 /* canonical form indicator */ +#define E1000_RCTL_DPF 0x00400000 /* Discard Pause Frames */ #define E1000_RCTL_PMCF 0x00800000 /* pass MAC control frames */ #define E1000_RCTL_BSEX 0x02000000 /* Buffer size extension */ #define E1000_RCTL_SECRC 0x04000000 /* Strip Ethernet CRC */ @@ -326,6 +334,7 @@ /* Receive Checksum Control */ #define E1000_RXCSUM_TUOFL 0x00000200 /* TCP / UDP checksum offload */ #define E1000_RXCSUM_IPPCSE 0x00001000 /* IP payload checksum enable */ +#define E1000_RXCSUM_PCSD 0x00002000 /* packet checksum disabled */ /* Header split receive */ #define E1000_RFCTL_NFSW_DIS 0x00000040 diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/e1000.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/e1000.h index f478a22ed57768e1f1b88207236a7b673e8b20f7..86cdd47939925b64ebe5f3d1859165d6f1880f30 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/e1000.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/e1000.h @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /******************************************************************************* Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2011 Intel Corporation. + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Intel Corporation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, @@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ struct e1000_buffer { }; struct e1000_ring { + struct e1000_adapter *adapter; /* back pointer to adapter */ void *desc; /* pointer to ring memory */ dma_addr_t dma; /* phys address of ring */ unsigned int size; /* length of ring in bytes */ @@ -242,8 +243,8 @@ struct e1000_ring { u16 next_to_use; u16 next_to_clean; - u16 head; - u16 tail; + void __iomem *head; + void __iomem *tail; /* array of buffer information structs */ struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info; @@ -251,7 +252,7 @@ struct e1000_ring { char name[IFNAMSIZ + 5]; u32 ims_val; u32 itr_val; - u16 itr_register; + void __iomem *itr_register; int set_itr; struct sk_buff *rx_skb_top; @@ -334,11 +335,10 @@ struct e1000_adapter { /* * Rx */ - bool (*clean_rx) (struct e1000_adapter *adapter, - int *work_done, int work_to_do) - ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp; - void (*alloc_rx_buf) (struct e1000_adapter *adapter, - int cleaned_count, gfp_t gfp); + bool (*clean_rx) (struct e1000_ring *ring, int *work_done, + int work_to_do) ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp; + void (*alloc_rx_buf) (struct e1000_ring *ring, int cleaned_count, + gfp_t gfp); struct e1000_ring *rx_ring; u32 rx_int_delay; @@ -398,6 +398,9 @@ struct e1000_adapter { bool idle_check; int phy_hang_count; + + u16 tx_ring_count; + u16 rx_ring_count; }; struct e1000_info { @@ -417,7 +420,7 @@ struct e1000_info { #define FLAG_HAS_FLASH (1 << 1) #define FLAG_HAS_HW_VLAN_FILTER (1 << 2) #define FLAG_HAS_WOL (1 << 3) -#define FLAG_HAS_ERT (1 << 4) +/* reserved bit4 */ #define FLAG_HAS_CTRLEXT_ON_LOAD (1 << 5) #define FLAG_HAS_SWSM_ON_LOAD (1 << 6) #define FLAG_HAS_JUMBO_FRAMES (1 << 7) @@ -427,7 +430,7 @@ struct e1000_info { #define FLAG_HAS_SMART_POWER_DOWN (1 << 11) #define FLAG_IS_QUAD_PORT_A (1 << 12) #define FLAG_IS_QUAD_PORT (1 << 13) -#define FLAG_TIPG_MEDIUM_FOR_80003ESLAN (1 << 14) +/* reserved bit14 */ #define FLAG_APME_IN_WUC (1 << 15) #define FLAG_APME_IN_CTRL3 (1 << 16) #define FLAG_APME_CHECK_PORT_B (1 << 17) @@ -458,6 +461,7 @@ struct e1000_info { #define FLAG2_CHECK_PHY_HANG (1 << 9) #define FLAG2_NO_DISABLE_RX (1 << 10) #define FLAG2_PCIM2PCI_ARBITER_WA (1 << 11) +#define FLAG2_DFLT_CRC_STRIPPING (1 << 12) #define E1000_RX_DESC_PS(R, i) \ (&(((union e1000_rx_desc_packet_split *)((R).desc))[i])) @@ -492,10 +496,10 @@ extern void e1000e_down(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); extern void e1000e_reinit_locked(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); extern void e1000e_reset(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); extern void e1000e_power_up_phy(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); -extern int e1000e_setup_rx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); -extern int e1000e_setup_tx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); -extern void e1000e_free_rx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); -extern void e1000e_free_tx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); +extern int e1000e_setup_rx_resources(struct e1000_ring *ring); +extern int e1000e_setup_tx_resources(struct e1000_ring *ring); +extern void e1000e_free_rx_resources(struct e1000_ring *ring); +extern void e1000e_free_tx_resources(struct e1000_ring *ring); extern struct rtnl_link_stats64 *e1000e_get_stats64(struct net_device *netdev, struct rtnl_link_stats64 *stats); @@ -555,12 +559,12 @@ extern s32 e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_copper(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *speed, u extern s32 e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_fiber_serdes(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *speed, u16 *duplex); extern s32 e1000e_disable_pcie_master(struct e1000_hw *hw); extern s32 e1000e_get_auto_rd_done(struct e1000_hw *hw); -extern s32 e1000e_id_led_init(struct e1000_hw *hw); +extern s32 e1000e_id_led_init_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw); extern void e1000e_clear_hw_cntrs_base(struct e1000_hw *hw); extern s32 e1000e_setup_fiber_serdes_link(struct e1000_hw *hw); extern s32 e1000e_copper_link_setup_m88(struct e1000_hw *hw); extern s32 e1000e_copper_link_setup_igp(struct e1000_hw *hw); -extern s32 e1000e_setup_link(struct e1000_hw *hw); +extern s32 e1000e_setup_link_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw); extern void e1000_clear_vfta_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw); extern void e1000e_init_rx_addrs(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 rar_count); extern void e1000e_update_mc_addr_list_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw, @@ -571,7 +575,7 @@ extern s32 e1000e_set_fc_watermarks(struct e1000_hw *hw); extern void e1000e_set_pcie_no_snoop(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 no_snoop); extern s32 e1000e_get_hw_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw); extern s32 e1000e_valid_led_default(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *data); -extern void e1000e_config_collision_dist(struct e1000_hw *hw); +extern void e1000e_config_collision_dist_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw); extern s32 e1000e_config_fc_after_link_up(struct e1000_hw *hw); extern s32 e1000e_force_mac_fc(struct e1000_hw *hw); extern s32 e1000e_blink_led_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw); @@ -658,11 +662,6 @@ static inline s32 e1000_phy_hw_reset(struct e1000_hw *hw) return hw->phy.ops.reset(hw); } -static inline s32 e1000_check_reset_block(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - return hw->phy.ops.check_reset_block(hw); -} - static inline s32 e1e_rphy(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data) { return hw->phy.ops.read_reg(hw, offset, data); @@ -685,7 +684,7 @@ extern s32 e1000e_poll_eerd_eewr_done(struct e1000_hw *hw, int ee_reg); extern s32 e1000e_read_nvm_eerd(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data); extern s32 e1000e_validate_nvm_checksum_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw); extern void e1000e_release_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw); -extern void e1000e_reload_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw); +extern void e1000e_reload_nvm_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw); extern s32 e1000_read_mac_addr_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw); static inline s32 e1000e_read_mac_addr(struct e1000_hw *hw) @@ -721,11 +720,6 @@ static inline s32 e1000_get_phy_info(struct e1000_hw *hw) return hw->phy.ops.get_info(hw); } -static inline s32 e1000e_check_mng_mode(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - return hw->mac.ops.check_mng_mode(hw); -} - extern bool e1000e_check_mng_mode_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw); extern bool e1000e_enable_tx_pkt_filtering(struct e1000_hw *hw); extern s32 e1000e_mng_write_dhcp_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 *buffer, u16 length); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/ethtool.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/ethtool.c index fb2c28e799a2d6ad80ef5eeb88d2fb6e058ec866..db35dd5d96de570445b3cd4e820bda2edea09a5c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/ethtool.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /******************************************************************************* Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2011 Intel Corporation. + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Intel Corporation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include "e1000.h" @@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ static int e1000_set_settings(struct net_device *netdev, * When SoL/IDER sessions are active, autoneg/speed/duplex * cannot be changed */ - if (e1000_check_reset_block(hw)) { + if (hw->phy.ops.check_reset_block(hw)) { e_err("Cannot change link characteristics when SoL/IDER is " "active.\n"); return -EINVAL; @@ -536,7 +537,7 @@ static int e1000_set_eeprom(struct net_device *netdev, ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, first_word, 1, &eeprom_buff[0]); ptr++; } - if (((eeprom->offset + eeprom->len) & 1) && (ret_val == 0)) + if (((eeprom->offset + eeprom->len) & 1) && (!ret_val)) /* need read/modify/write of last changed EEPROM word */ /* only the first byte of the word is being modified */ ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, last_word, 1, @@ -552,7 +553,7 @@ static int e1000_set_eeprom(struct net_device *netdev, memcpy(ptr, bytes, eeprom->len); for (i = 0; i < last_word - first_word + 1; i++) - eeprom_buff[i] = cpu_to_le16(eeprom_buff[i]); + cpu_to_le16s(&eeprom_buff[i]); ret_val = e1000_write_nvm(hw, first_word, last_word - first_word + 1, eeprom_buff); @@ -605,94 +606,112 @@ static void e1000_get_ringparam(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_ringparam *ring) { struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); - struct e1000_ring *tx_ring = adapter->tx_ring; - struct e1000_ring *rx_ring = adapter->rx_ring; ring->rx_max_pending = E1000_MAX_RXD; ring->tx_max_pending = E1000_MAX_TXD; - ring->rx_pending = rx_ring->count; - ring->tx_pending = tx_ring->count; + ring->rx_pending = adapter->rx_ring_count; + ring->tx_pending = adapter->tx_ring_count; } static int e1000_set_ringparam(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_ringparam *ring) { struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); - struct e1000_ring *tx_ring, *tx_old; - struct e1000_ring *rx_ring, *rx_old; - int err; + struct e1000_ring *temp_tx = NULL, *temp_rx = NULL; + int err = 0, size = sizeof(struct e1000_ring); + bool set_tx = false, set_rx = false; + u16 new_rx_count, new_tx_count; if ((ring->rx_mini_pending) || (ring->rx_jumbo_pending)) return -EINVAL; - while (test_and_set_bit(__E1000_RESETTING, &adapter->state)) - usleep_range(1000, 2000); + new_rx_count = clamp_t(u32, ring->rx_pending, E1000_MIN_RXD, + E1000_MAX_RXD); + new_rx_count = ALIGN(new_rx_count, REQ_RX_DESCRIPTOR_MULTIPLE); - if (netif_running(adapter->netdev)) - e1000e_down(adapter); + new_tx_count = clamp_t(u32, ring->tx_pending, E1000_MIN_TXD, + E1000_MAX_TXD); + new_tx_count = ALIGN(new_tx_count, REQ_TX_DESCRIPTOR_MULTIPLE); - tx_old = adapter->tx_ring; - rx_old = adapter->rx_ring; + if ((new_tx_count == adapter->tx_ring_count) && + (new_rx_count == adapter->rx_ring_count)) + /* nothing to do */ + return 0; - err = -ENOMEM; - tx_ring = kmemdup(tx_old, sizeof(struct e1000_ring), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!tx_ring) - goto err_alloc_tx; + while (test_and_set_bit(__E1000_RESETTING, &adapter->state)) + usleep_range(1000, 2000); - rx_ring = kmemdup(rx_old, sizeof(struct e1000_ring), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!rx_ring) - goto err_alloc_rx; + if (!netif_running(adapter->netdev)) { + /* Set counts now and allocate resources during open() */ + adapter->tx_ring->count = new_tx_count; + adapter->rx_ring->count = new_rx_count; + adapter->tx_ring_count = new_tx_count; + adapter->rx_ring_count = new_rx_count; + goto clear_reset; + } - adapter->tx_ring = tx_ring; - adapter->rx_ring = rx_ring; + set_tx = (new_tx_count != adapter->tx_ring_count); + set_rx = (new_rx_count != adapter->rx_ring_count); - rx_ring->count = max(ring->rx_pending, (u32)E1000_MIN_RXD); - rx_ring->count = min(rx_ring->count, (u32)(E1000_MAX_RXD)); - rx_ring->count = ALIGN(rx_ring->count, REQ_RX_DESCRIPTOR_MULTIPLE); + /* Allocate temporary storage for ring updates */ + if (set_tx) { + temp_tx = vmalloc(size); + if (!temp_tx) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto free_temp; + } + } + if (set_rx) { + temp_rx = vmalloc(size); + if (!temp_rx) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto free_temp; + } + } - tx_ring->count = max(ring->tx_pending, (u32)E1000_MIN_TXD); - tx_ring->count = min(tx_ring->count, (u32)(E1000_MAX_TXD)); - tx_ring->count = ALIGN(tx_ring->count, REQ_TX_DESCRIPTOR_MULTIPLE); + e1000e_down(adapter); - if (netif_running(adapter->netdev)) { - /* Try to get new resources before deleting old */ - err = e1000e_setup_rx_resources(adapter); + /* + * We can't just free everything and then setup again, because the + * ISRs in MSI-X mode get passed pointers to the Tx and Rx ring + * structs. First, attempt to allocate new resources... + */ + if (set_tx) { + memcpy(temp_tx, adapter->tx_ring, size); + temp_tx->count = new_tx_count; + err = e1000e_setup_tx_resources(temp_tx); if (err) - goto err_setup_rx; - err = e1000e_setup_tx_resources(adapter); + goto err_setup; + } + if (set_rx) { + memcpy(temp_rx, adapter->rx_ring, size); + temp_rx->count = new_rx_count; + err = e1000e_setup_rx_resources(temp_rx); if (err) - goto err_setup_tx; + goto err_setup_rx; + } - /* - * restore the old in order to free it, - * then add in the new - */ - adapter->rx_ring = rx_old; - adapter->tx_ring = tx_old; - e1000e_free_rx_resources(adapter); - e1000e_free_tx_resources(adapter); - kfree(tx_old); - kfree(rx_old); - adapter->rx_ring = rx_ring; - adapter->tx_ring = tx_ring; - err = e1000e_up(adapter); - if (err) - goto err_setup; + /* ...then free the old resources and copy back any new ring data */ + if (set_tx) { + e1000e_free_tx_resources(adapter->tx_ring); + memcpy(adapter->tx_ring, temp_tx, size); + adapter->tx_ring_count = new_tx_count; + } + if (set_rx) { + e1000e_free_rx_resources(adapter->rx_ring); + memcpy(adapter->rx_ring, temp_rx, size); + adapter->rx_ring_count = new_rx_count; } - clear_bit(__E1000_RESETTING, &adapter->state); - return 0; -err_setup_tx: - e1000e_free_rx_resources(adapter); err_setup_rx: - adapter->rx_ring = rx_old; - adapter->tx_ring = tx_old; - kfree(rx_ring); -err_alloc_rx: - kfree(tx_ring); -err_alloc_tx: - e1000e_up(adapter); + if (err && set_tx) + e1000e_free_tx_resources(temp_tx); err_setup: + e1000e_up(adapter); +free_temp: + vfree(temp_tx); + vfree(temp_rx); +clear_reset: clear_bit(__E1000_RESETTING, &adapter->state); return err; } @@ -1069,7 +1088,7 @@ static int e1000_setup_desc_rings(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) tx_ring->buffer_info = kcalloc(tx_ring->count, sizeof(struct e1000_buffer), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!(tx_ring->buffer_info)) { + if (!tx_ring->buffer_info) { ret_val = 1; goto err_nomem; } @@ -1131,7 +1150,7 @@ static int e1000_setup_desc_rings(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) rx_ring->buffer_info = kcalloc(rx_ring->count, sizeof(struct e1000_buffer), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!(rx_ring->buffer_info)) { + if (!rx_ring->buffer_info) { ret_val = 5; goto err_nomem; } @@ -1579,11 +1598,13 @@ static int e1000_run_loopback_test(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) static int e1000_loopback_test(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, u64 *data) { + struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; + /* * PHY loopback cannot be performed if SoL/IDER * sessions are active */ - if (e1000_check_reset_block(&adapter->hw)) { + if (hw->phy.ops.check_reset_block(hw)) { e_err("Cannot do PHY loopback test when SoL/IDER is active.\n"); *data = 0; goto out; @@ -1837,11 +1858,11 @@ static int e1000_set_phys_id(struct net_device *netdev, break; case ETHTOOL_ID_ON: - adapter->hw.mac.ops.led_on(&adapter->hw); + hw->mac.ops.led_on(hw); break; case ETHTOOL_ID_OFF: - adapter->hw.mac.ops.led_off(&adapter->hw); + hw->mac.ops.led_off(hw); break; } return 0; @@ -1955,6 +1976,53 @@ static void e1000_get_strings(struct net_device *netdev, u32 stringset, } } +static int e1000_get_rxnfc(struct net_device *netdev, + struct ethtool_rxnfc *info, u32 *rule_locs) +{ + info->data = 0; + + switch (info->cmd) { + case ETHTOOL_GRXFH: { + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); + struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; + u32 mrqc = er32(MRQC); + + if (!(mrqc & E1000_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_MASK)) + return 0; + + switch (info->flow_type) { + case TCP_V4_FLOW: + if (mrqc & E1000_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV4_TCP) + info->data |= RXH_L4_B_0_1 | RXH_L4_B_2_3; + /* fall through */ + case UDP_V4_FLOW: + case SCTP_V4_FLOW: + case AH_ESP_V4_FLOW: + case IPV4_FLOW: + if (mrqc & E1000_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV4) + info->data |= RXH_IP_SRC | RXH_IP_DST; + break; + case TCP_V6_FLOW: + if (mrqc & E1000_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_TCP) + info->data |= RXH_L4_B_0_1 | RXH_L4_B_2_3; + /* fall through */ + case UDP_V6_FLOW: + case SCTP_V6_FLOW: + case AH_ESP_V6_FLOW: + case IPV6_FLOW: + if (mrqc & E1000_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6) + info->data |= RXH_IP_SRC | RXH_IP_DST; + break; + default: + break; + } + return 0; + } + default: + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + } +} + static const struct ethtool_ops e1000_ethtool_ops = { .get_settings = e1000_get_settings, .set_settings = e1000_set_settings, @@ -1981,6 +2049,7 @@ static const struct ethtool_ops e1000_ethtool_ops = { .get_sset_count = e1000e_get_sset_count, .get_coalesce = e1000_get_coalesce, .set_coalesce = e1000_set_coalesce, + .get_rxnfc = e1000_get_rxnfc, }; void e1000e_set_ethtool_ops(struct net_device *netdev) diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/hw.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/hw.h index 29670397079bfad1ec06ecb13b3de444f0bbc615..f82ecf536c8b4ec42e836852dc889841fa81316e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/hw.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/hw.h @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /******************************************************************************* Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2011 Intel Corporation. + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Intel Corporation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, @@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ enum e1e_registers { E1000_WUC = 0x05800, /* Wakeup Control - RW */ E1000_WUFC = 0x05808, /* Wakeup Filter Control - RW */ E1000_WUS = 0x05810, /* Wakeup Status - RO */ + E1000_MRQC = 0x05818, /* Multiple Receive Control - RW */ E1000_MANC = 0x05820, /* Management Control - RW */ E1000_FFLT = 0x05F00, /* Flexible Filter Length Table - RW Array */ E1000_HOST_IF = 0x08800, /* Host Interface */ @@ -219,6 +220,10 @@ enum e1e_registers { E1000_SWSM = 0x05B50, /* SW Semaphore */ E1000_FWSM = 0x05B54, /* FW Semaphore */ E1000_SWSM2 = 0x05B58, /* Driver-only SW semaphore */ + E1000_RETA_BASE = 0x05C00, /* Redirection Table - RW */ +#define E1000_RETA(_n) (E1000_RETA_BASE + ((_n) * 4)) + E1000_RSSRK_BASE = 0x05C80, /* RSS Random Key - RW */ +#define E1000_RSSRK(_n) (E1000_RSSRK_BASE + ((_n) * 4)) E1000_FFLT_DBG = 0x05F04, /* Debug Register */ E1000_PCH_RAICC_BASE = 0x05F50, /* Receive Address Initial CRC */ #define E1000_PCH_RAICC(_n) (E1000_PCH_RAICC_BASE + ((_n) * 4)) @@ -776,6 +781,7 @@ struct e1000_mac_operations { s32 (*setup_physical_interface)(struct e1000_hw *); s32 (*setup_led)(struct e1000_hw *); void (*write_vfta)(struct e1000_hw *, u32, u32); + void (*config_collision_dist)(struct e1000_hw *); s32 (*read_mac_addr)(struct e1000_hw *); }; @@ -824,6 +830,7 @@ struct e1000_nvm_operations { s32 (*acquire)(struct e1000_hw *); s32 (*read)(struct e1000_hw *, u16, u16, u16 *); void (*release)(struct e1000_hw *); + void (*reload)(struct e1000_hw *); s32 (*update)(struct e1000_hw *); s32 (*valid_led_default)(struct e1000_hw *, u16 *); s32 (*validate)(struct e1000_hw *); @@ -964,8 +971,8 @@ struct e1000_dev_spec_ich8lan { struct e1000_hw { struct e1000_adapter *adapter; - u8 __iomem *hw_addr; - u8 __iomem *flash_address; + void __iomem *hw_addr; + void __iomem *flash_address; struct e1000_mac_info mac; struct e1000_fc_info fc; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/ich8lan.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/ich8lan.c index e2a80a283fd313e0e76fa87a8470c09b37415f27..64c76443a7aa2f2c661f5ea0f0f3455055eb2306 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/ich8lan.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/ich8lan.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /******************************************************************************* Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2011 Intel Corporation. + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Intel Corporation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, @@ -145,6 +145,8 @@ #define I82579_EMI_ADDR 0x10 #define I82579_EMI_DATA 0x11 #define I82579_LPI_UPDATE_TIMER 0x4805 /* in 40ns units + 40 ns base value */ +#define I82579_MSE_THRESHOLD 0x084F /* Mean Square Error Threshold */ +#define I82579_MSE_LINK_DOWN 0x2411 /* MSE count before dropping link */ /* Strapping Option Register - RO */ #define E1000_STRAP 0x0000C @@ -278,8 +280,8 @@ static inline void __ew32flash(struct e1000_hw *hw, unsigned long reg, u32 val) #define er16flash(reg) __er16flash(hw, (reg)) #define er32flash(reg) __er32flash(hw, (reg)) -#define ew16flash(reg,val) __ew16flash(hw, (reg), (val)) -#define ew32flash(reg,val) __ew32flash(hw, (reg), (val)) +#define ew16flash(reg, val) __ew16flash(hw, (reg), (val)) +#define ew32flash(reg, val) __ew32flash(hw, (reg), (val)) static void e1000_toggle_lanphypc_value_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) { @@ -304,7 +306,6 @@ static void e1000_toggle_lanphypc_value_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) static s32 e1000_init_phy_params_pchlan(struct e1000_hw *hw) { struct e1000_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy; - u32 fwsm; s32 ret_val = 0; phy->addr = 1; @@ -323,14 +324,14 @@ static s32 e1000_init_phy_params_pchlan(struct e1000_hw *hw) phy->ops.power_down = e1000_power_down_phy_copper_ich8lan; phy->autoneg_mask = AUTONEG_ADVERTISE_SPEED_DEFAULT; - /* - * The MAC-PHY interconnect may still be in SMBus mode - * after Sx->S0. If the manageability engine (ME) is - * disabled, then toggle the LANPHYPC Value bit to force - * the interconnect to PCIe mode. - */ - fwsm = er32(FWSM); - if (!(fwsm & E1000_ICH_FWSM_FW_VALID) && !e1000_check_reset_block(hw)) { + if (!hw->phy.ops.check_reset_block(hw)) { + u32 fwsm = er32(FWSM); + + /* + * The MAC-PHY interconnect may still be in SMBus mode after + * Sx->S0. If resetting the PHY is not blocked, toggle the + * LANPHYPC Value bit to force the interconnect to PCIe mode. + */ e1000_toggle_lanphypc_value_ich8lan(hw); msleep(50); @@ -338,25 +339,26 @@ static s32 e1000_init_phy_params_pchlan(struct e1000_hw *hw) * Gate automatic PHY configuration by hardware on * non-managed 82579 */ - if (hw->mac.type == e1000_pch2lan) + if ((hw->mac.type == e1000_pch2lan) && + !(fwsm & E1000_ICH_FWSM_FW_VALID)) e1000_gate_hw_phy_config_ich8lan(hw, true); - } - /* - * Reset the PHY before any access to it. Doing so, ensures that - * the PHY is in a known good state before we read/write PHY registers. - * The generic reset is sufficient here, because we haven't determined - * the PHY type yet. - */ - ret_val = e1000e_phy_hw_reset_generic(hw); - if (ret_val) - goto out; + /* + * Reset the PHY before any access to it. Doing so, ensures + * that the PHY is in a known good state before we read/write + * PHY registers. The generic reset is sufficient here, + * because we haven't determined the PHY type yet. + */ + ret_val = e1000e_phy_hw_reset_generic(hw); + if (ret_val) + return ret_val; - /* Ungate automatic PHY configuration on non-managed 82579 */ - if ((hw->mac.type == e1000_pch2lan) && - !(fwsm & E1000_ICH_FWSM_FW_VALID)) { - usleep_range(10000, 20000); - e1000_gate_hw_phy_config_ich8lan(hw, false); + /* Ungate automatic PHY configuration on non-managed 82579 */ + if ((hw->mac.type == e1000_pch2lan) && + !(fwsm & E1000_ICH_FWSM_FW_VALID)) { + usleep_range(10000, 20000); + e1000_gate_hw_phy_config_ich8lan(hw, false); + } } phy->id = e1000_phy_unknown; @@ -364,7 +366,7 @@ static s32 e1000_init_phy_params_pchlan(struct e1000_hw *hw) default: ret_val = e1000e_get_phy_id(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; if ((phy->id != 0) && (phy->id != PHY_REVISION_MASK)) break; /* fall-through */ @@ -375,10 +377,10 @@ static s32 e1000_init_phy_params_pchlan(struct e1000_hw *hw) */ ret_val = e1000_set_mdio_slow_mode_hv(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; ret_val = e1000e_get_phy_id(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; break; } phy->type = e1000e_get_phy_type_from_id(phy->id); @@ -404,7 +406,6 @@ static s32 e1000_init_phy_params_pchlan(struct e1000_hw *hw) break; } -out: return ret_val; } @@ -551,9 +552,8 @@ static s32 e1000_init_nvm_params_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) * Initialize family-specific MAC parameters and function * pointers. **/ -static s32 e1000_init_mac_params_ich8lan(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) +static s32 e1000_init_mac_params_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) { - struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; struct e1000_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac; /* Set media type function pointer */ @@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ static s32 e1000_init_mac_params_ich8lan(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) /* check management mode */ mac->ops.check_mng_mode = e1000_check_mng_mode_ich8lan; /* ID LED init */ - mac->ops.id_led_init = e1000e_id_led_init; + mac->ops.id_led_init = e1000e_id_led_init_generic; /* blink LED */ mac->ops.blink_led = e1000e_blink_led_generic; /* setup LED */ @@ -634,20 +634,18 @@ static s32 e1000_set_eee_pchlan(struct e1000_hw *hw) u16 phy_reg; if (hw->phy.type != e1000_phy_82579) - goto out; + return 0; ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, I82579_LPI_CTRL, &phy_reg); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; if (hw->dev_spec.ich8lan.eee_disable) phy_reg &= ~I82579_LPI_CTRL_ENABLE_MASK; else phy_reg |= I82579_LPI_CTRL_ENABLE_MASK; - ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, I82579_LPI_CTRL, phy_reg); -out: - return ret_val; + return e1e_wphy(hw, I82579_LPI_CTRL, phy_reg); } /** @@ -671,10 +669,8 @@ static s32 e1000_check_for_copper_link_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) * get_link_status flag is set upon receiving a Link Status * Change or Rx Sequence Error interrupt. */ - if (!mac->get_link_status) { - ret_val = 0; - goto out; - } + if (!mac->get_link_status) + return 0; /* * First we want to see if the MII Status Register reports @@ -683,16 +679,16 @@ static s32 e1000_check_for_copper_link_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) */ ret_val = e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(hw, 1, 0, &link); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; if (hw->mac.type == e1000_pchlan) { ret_val = e1000_k1_gig_workaround_hv(hw, link); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; } if (!link) - goto out; /* No link detected */ + return 0; /* No link detected */ mac->get_link_status = false; @@ -700,13 +696,13 @@ static s32 e1000_check_for_copper_link_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) case e1000_pch2lan: ret_val = e1000_k1_workaround_lv(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; /* fall-thru */ case e1000_pchlan: if (hw->phy.type == e1000_phy_82578) { ret_val = e1000_link_stall_workaround_hv(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; } /* @@ -736,23 +732,21 @@ static s32 e1000_check_for_copper_link_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) /* Enable/Disable EEE after link up */ ret_val = e1000_set_eee_pchlan(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; /* * If we are forcing speed/duplex, then we simply return since * we have already determined whether we have link or not. */ - if (!mac->autoneg) { - ret_val = -E1000_ERR_CONFIG; - goto out; - } + if (!mac->autoneg) + return -E1000_ERR_CONFIG; /* * Auto-Neg is enabled. Auto Speed Detection takes care * of MAC speed/duplex configuration. So we only need to * configure Collision Distance in the MAC. */ - e1000e_config_collision_dist(hw); + mac->ops.config_collision_dist(hw); /* * Configure Flow Control now that Auto-Neg has completed. @@ -764,7 +758,6 @@ static s32 e1000_check_for_copper_link_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) if (ret_val) e_dbg("Error configuring flow control\n"); -out: return ret_val; } @@ -773,7 +766,7 @@ static s32 e1000_get_variants_ich8lan(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; s32 rc; - rc = e1000_init_mac_params_ich8lan(adapter); + rc = e1000_init_mac_params_ich8lan(hw); if (rc) return rc; @@ -900,8 +893,7 @@ static s32 e1000_acquire_swflag_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) } if (!timeout) { - e_dbg("Failed to acquire the semaphore, FW or HW has it: " - "FWSM=0x%8.8x EXTCNF_CTRL=0x%8.8x)\n", + e_dbg("Failed to acquire the semaphore, FW or HW has it: FWSM=0x%8.8x EXTCNF_CTRL=0x%8.8x)\n", er32(FWSM), extcnf_ctrl); extcnf_ctrl &= ~E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL_SWFLAG; ew32(EXTCNF_CTRL, extcnf_ctrl); @@ -1008,15 +1000,13 @@ static s32 e1000_write_smbus_addr(struct e1000_hw *hw) ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg_hv_locked(hw, HV_SMB_ADDR, &phy_data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; phy_data &= ~HV_SMB_ADDR_MASK; phy_data |= (strap >> E1000_STRAP_SMBUS_ADDRESS_SHIFT); phy_data |= HV_SMB_ADDR_PEC_EN | HV_SMB_ADDR_VALID; - ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg_hv_locked(hw, HV_SMB_ADDR, phy_data); -out: - return ret_val; + return e1000_write_phy_reg_hv_locked(hw, HV_SMB_ADDR, phy_data); } /** @@ -1065,7 +1055,7 @@ static s32 e1000_sw_lcd_config_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) data = er32(FEXTNVM); if (!(data & sw_cfg_mask)) - goto out; + goto release; /* * Make sure HW does not configure LCD from PHY @@ -1074,14 +1064,14 @@ static s32 e1000_sw_lcd_config_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) data = er32(EXTCNF_CTRL); if (!(hw->mac.type == e1000_pch2lan)) { if (data & E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL_LCD_WRITE_ENABLE) - goto out; + goto release; } cnf_size = er32(EXTCNF_SIZE); cnf_size &= E1000_EXTCNF_SIZE_EXT_PCIE_LENGTH_MASK; cnf_size >>= E1000_EXTCNF_SIZE_EXT_PCIE_LENGTH_SHIFT; if (!cnf_size) - goto out; + goto release; cnf_base_addr = data & E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL_EXT_CNF_POINTER_MASK; cnf_base_addr >>= E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL_EXT_CNF_POINTER_SHIFT; @@ -1097,13 +1087,13 @@ static s32 e1000_sw_lcd_config_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) */ ret_val = e1000_write_smbus_addr(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + goto release; data = er32(LEDCTL); ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg_hv_locked(hw, HV_LED_CONFIG, (u16)data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + goto release; } /* Configure LCD from extended configuration region. */ @@ -1115,12 +1105,12 @@ static s32 e1000_sw_lcd_config_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, (word_addr + i * 2), 1, ®_data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + goto release; ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, (word_addr + i * 2 + 1), 1, ®_addr); if (ret_val) - goto out; + goto release; /* Save off the PHY page for future writes. */ if (reg_addr == IGP01E1000_PHY_PAGE_SELECT) { @@ -1134,10 +1124,10 @@ static s32 e1000_sw_lcd_config_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) ret_val = phy->ops.write_reg_locked(hw, (u32)reg_addr, reg_data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + goto release; } -out: +release: hw->phy.ops.release(hw); return ret_val; } @@ -1159,12 +1149,12 @@ static s32 e1000_k1_gig_workaround_hv(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool link) bool k1_enable = hw->dev_spec.ich8lan.nvm_k1_enabled; if (hw->mac.type != e1000_pchlan) - goto out; + return 0; /* Wrap the whole flow with the sw flag */ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; /* Disable K1 when link is 1Gbps, otherwise use the NVM setting */ if (link) { @@ -1218,7 +1208,7 @@ static s32 e1000_k1_gig_workaround_hv(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool link) release: hw->phy.ops.release(hw); -out: + return ret_val; } @@ -1240,22 +1230,20 @@ s32 e1000_configure_k1_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool k1_enable) u32 reg = 0; u16 kmrn_reg = 0; - ret_val = e1000e_read_kmrn_reg_locked(hw, - E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_K1_CONFIG, - &kmrn_reg); + ret_val = e1000e_read_kmrn_reg_locked(hw, E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_K1_CONFIG, + &kmrn_reg); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; if (k1_enable) kmrn_reg |= E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_K1_ENABLE; else kmrn_reg &= ~E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_K1_ENABLE; - ret_val = e1000e_write_kmrn_reg_locked(hw, - E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_K1_CONFIG, - kmrn_reg); + ret_val = e1000e_write_kmrn_reg_locked(hw, E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_K1_CONFIG, + kmrn_reg); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; udelay(20); ctrl_ext = er32(CTRL_EXT); @@ -1273,8 +1261,7 @@ s32 e1000_configure_k1_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool k1_enable) e1e_flush(); udelay(20); -out: - return ret_val; + return 0; } /** @@ -1302,18 +1289,18 @@ static s32 e1000_oem_bits_config_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool d0_state) if (!(hw->mac.type == e1000_pch2lan)) { mac_reg = er32(EXTCNF_CTRL); if (mac_reg & E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL_OEM_WRITE_ENABLE) - goto out; + goto release; } mac_reg = er32(FEXTNVM); if (!(mac_reg & E1000_FEXTNVM_SW_CONFIG_ICH8M)) - goto out; + goto release; mac_reg = er32(PHY_CTRL); ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg_locked(hw, HV_OEM_BITS, &oem_reg); if (ret_val) - goto out; + goto release; oem_reg &= ~(HV_OEM_BITS_GBE_DIS | HV_OEM_BITS_LPLU); @@ -1325,7 +1312,7 @@ static s32 e1000_oem_bits_config_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool d0_state) oem_reg |= HV_OEM_BITS_LPLU; /* Set Restart auto-neg to activate the bits */ - if (!e1000_check_reset_block(hw)) + if (!hw->phy.ops.check_reset_block(hw)) oem_reg |= HV_OEM_BITS_RESTART_AN; } else { if (mac_reg & (E1000_PHY_CTRL_GBE_DISABLE | @@ -1339,7 +1326,7 @@ static s32 e1000_oem_bits_config_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool d0_state) ret_val = hw->phy.ops.write_reg_locked(hw, HV_OEM_BITS, oem_reg); -out: +release: hw->phy.ops.release(hw); return ret_val; @@ -1376,13 +1363,13 @@ static s32 e1000_hv_phy_workarounds_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) u16 phy_data; if (hw->mac.type != e1000_pchlan) - return ret_val; + return 0; /* Set MDIO slow mode before any other MDIO access */ if (hw->phy.type == e1000_phy_82577) { ret_val = e1000_set_mdio_slow_mode_hv(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; } if (((hw->phy.type == e1000_phy_82577) && @@ -1419,7 +1406,7 @@ static s32 e1000_hv_phy_workarounds_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) ret_val = e1000e_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PAGE_SELECT, 0); hw->phy.ops.release(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; /* * Configure the K1 Si workaround during phy reset assuming there is @@ -1427,12 +1414,12 @@ static s32 e1000_hv_phy_workarounds_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) */ ret_val = e1000_k1_gig_workaround_hv(hw, true); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; /* Workaround for link disconnects on a busy hub in half duplex */ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg_locked(hw, BM_PORT_GEN_CFG, &phy_data); if (ret_val) goto release; @@ -1440,7 +1427,7 @@ static s32 e1000_hv_phy_workarounds_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) phy_data & 0x00FF); release: hw->phy.ops.release(hw); -out: + return ret_val; } @@ -1497,13 +1484,13 @@ s32 e1000_lv_jumbo_workaround_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool enable) u16 i; if (hw->mac.type != e1000_pch2lan) - goto out; + return 0; /* disable Rx path while enabling/disabling workaround */ e1e_rphy(hw, PHY_REG(769, 20), &phy_reg); ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, PHY_REG(769, 20), phy_reg | (1 << 14)); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; if (enable) { /* @@ -1545,24 +1532,24 @@ s32 e1000_lv_jumbo_workaround_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool enable) E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_CTRL_OFFSET, &data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; ret_val = e1000e_write_kmrn_reg(hw, E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_CTRL_OFFSET, data | (1 << 0)); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; ret_val = e1000e_read_kmrn_reg(hw, E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_HD_CTRL, &data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; data &= ~(0xF << 8); data |= (0xB << 8); ret_val = e1000e_write_kmrn_reg(hw, E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_HD_CTRL, data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; /* Enable jumbo frame workaround in the PHY */ e1e_rphy(hw, PHY_REG(769, 23), &data); @@ -1570,25 +1557,25 @@ s32 e1000_lv_jumbo_workaround_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool enable) data |= (0x37 << 5); ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, PHY_REG(769, 23), data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; e1e_rphy(hw, PHY_REG(769, 16), &data); data &= ~(1 << 13); ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, PHY_REG(769, 16), data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; e1e_rphy(hw, PHY_REG(776, 20), &data); data &= ~(0x3FF << 2); data |= (0x1A << 2); ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, PHY_REG(776, 20), data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, PHY_REG(776, 23), 0xF100); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; e1e_rphy(hw, HV_PM_CTRL, &data); ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, HV_PM_CTRL, data | (1 << 10)); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; } else { /* Write MAC register values back to h/w defaults */ mac_reg = er32(FFLT_DBG); @@ -1603,56 +1590,53 @@ s32 e1000_lv_jumbo_workaround_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool enable) E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_CTRL_OFFSET, &data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; ret_val = e1000e_write_kmrn_reg(hw, E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_CTRL_OFFSET, data & ~(1 << 0)); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; ret_val = e1000e_read_kmrn_reg(hw, E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_HD_CTRL, &data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; data &= ~(0xF << 8); data |= (0xB << 8); ret_val = e1000e_write_kmrn_reg(hw, E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_HD_CTRL, data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; /* Write PHY register values back to h/w defaults */ e1e_rphy(hw, PHY_REG(769, 23), &data); data &= ~(0x7F << 5); ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, PHY_REG(769, 23), data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; e1e_rphy(hw, PHY_REG(769, 16), &data); data |= (1 << 13); ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, PHY_REG(769, 16), data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; e1e_rphy(hw, PHY_REG(776, 20), &data); data &= ~(0x3FF << 2); data |= (0x8 << 2); ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, PHY_REG(776, 20), data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, PHY_REG(776, 23), 0x7E00); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; e1e_rphy(hw, HV_PM_CTRL, &data); ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, HV_PM_CTRL, data & ~(1 << 10)); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; } /* re-enable Rx path after enabling/disabling workaround */ - ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, PHY_REG(769, 20), phy_reg & ~(1 << 14)); - -out: - return ret_val; + return e1e_wphy(hw, PHY_REG(769, 20), phy_reg & ~(1 << 14)); } /** @@ -1664,12 +1648,31 @@ static s32 e1000_lv_phy_workarounds_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) s32 ret_val = 0; if (hw->mac.type != e1000_pch2lan) - goto out; + return 0; /* Set MDIO slow mode before any other MDIO access */ ret_val = e1000_set_mdio_slow_mode_hv(hw); -out: + ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw); + if (ret_val) + return ret_val; + ret_val = hw->phy.ops.write_reg_locked(hw, I82579_EMI_ADDR, + I82579_MSE_THRESHOLD); + if (ret_val) + goto release; + /* set MSE higher to enable link to stay up when noise is high */ + ret_val = hw->phy.ops.write_reg_locked(hw, I82579_EMI_DATA, 0x0034); + if (ret_val) + goto release; + ret_val = hw->phy.ops.write_reg_locked(hw, I82579_EMI_ADDR, + I82579_MSE_LINK_DOWN); + if (ret_val) + goto release; + /* drop link after 5 times MSE threshold was reached */ + ret_val = hw->phy.ops.write_reg_locked(hw, I82579_EMI_DATA, 0x0005); +release: + hw->phy.ops.release(hw); + return ret_val; } @@ -1687,12 +1690,12 @@ static s32 e1000_k1_workaround_lv(struct e1000_hw *hw) u16 phy_reg; if (hw->mac.type != e1000_pch2lan) - goto out; + return 0; /* Set K1 beacon duration based on 1Gbps speed or otherwise */ ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, HV_M_STATUS, &status_reg); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; if ((status_reg & (HV_M_STATUS_LINK_UP | HV_M_STATUS_AUTONEG_COMPLETE)) == (HV_M_STATUS_LINK_UP | HV_M_STATUS_AUTONEG_COMPLETE)) { @@ -1701,7 +1704,7 @@ static s32 e1000_k1_workaround_lv(struct e1000_hw *hw) ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, I82579_LPI_CTRL, &phy_reg); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; if (status_reg & HV_M_STATUS_SPEED_1000) { mac_reg |= E1000_FEXTNVM4_BEACON_DURATION_8USEC; @@ -1714,7 +1717,6 @@ static s32 e1000_k1_workaround_lv(struct e1000_hw *hw) ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, I82579_LPI_CTRL, phy_reg); } -out: return ret_val; } @@ -1741,7 +1743,6 @@ static void e1000_gate_hw_phy_config_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool gate) extcnf_ctrl &= ~E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL_GATE_PHY_CFG; ew32(EXTCNF_CTRL, extcnf_ctrl); - return; } /** @@ -1785,8 +1786,8 @@ static s32 e1000_post_phy_reset_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) s32 ret_val = 0; u16 reg; - if (e1000_check_reset_block(hw)) - goto out; + if (hw->phy.ops.check_reset_block(hw)) + return 0; /* Allow time for h/w to get to quiescent state after reset */ usleep_range(10000, 20000); @@ -1796,12 +1797,12 @@ static s32 e1000_post_phy_reset_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) case e1000_pchlan: ret_val = e1000_hv_phy_workarounds_ich8lan(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; break; case e1000_pch2lan: ret_val = e1000_lv_phy_workarounds_ich8lan(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; break; default: break; @@ -1817,7 +1818,7 @@ static s32 e1000_post_phy_reset_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) /* Configure the LCD with the extended configuration region in NVM */ ret_val = e1000_sw_lcd_config_ich8lan(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; /* Configure the LCD with the OEM bits in NVM */ ret_val = e1000_oem_bits_config_ich8lan(hw, true); @@ -1832,18 +1833,16 @@ static s32 e1000_post_phy_reset_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) /* Set EEE LPI Update Timer to 200usec */ ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; ret_val = hw->phy.ops.write_reg_locked(hw, I82579_EMI_ADDR, I82579_LPI_UPDATE_TIMER); - if (ret_val) - goto release; - ret_val = hw->phy.ops.write_reg_locked(hw, I82579_EMI_DATA, - 0x1387); -release: + if (!ret_val) + ret_val = hw->phy.ops.write_reg_locked(hw, + I82579_EMI_DATA, + 0x1387); hw->phy.ops.release(hw); } -out: return ret_val; } @@ -1866,12 +1865,9 @@ static s32 e1000_phy_hw_reset_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) ret_val = e1000e_phy_hw_reset_generic(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; - - ret_val = e1000_post_phy_reset_ich8lan(hw); + return ret_val; -out: - return ret_val; + return e1000_post_phy_reset_ich8lan(hw); } /** @@ -1892,18 +1888,17 @@ static s32 e1000_set_lplu_state_pchlan(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool active) ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, HV_OEM_BITS, &oem_reg); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; if (active) oem_reg |= HV_OEM_BITS_LPLU; else oem_reg &= ~HV_OEM_BITS_LPLU; - oem_reg |= HV_OEM_BITS_RESTART_AN; - ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, HV_OEM_BITS, oem_reg); + if (!hw->phy.ops.check_reset_block(hw)) + oem_reg |= HV_OEM_BITS_RESTART_AN; -out: - return ret_val; + return e1e_wphy(hw, HV_OEM_BITS, oem_reg); } /** @@ -1927,7 +1922,7 @@ static s32 e1000_set_d0_lplu_state_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool active) u16 data; if (phy->type == e1000_phy_ife) - return ret_val; + return 0; phy_ctrl = er32(PHY_CTRL); @@ -2009,7 +2004,7 @@ static s32 e1000_set_d3_lplu_state_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool active) { struct e1000_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy; u32 phy_ctrl; - s32 ret_val; + s32 ret_val = 0; u16 data; phy_ctrl = er32(PHY_CTRL); @@ -2075,7 +2070,7 @@ static s32 e1000_set_d3_lplu_state_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool active) ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG, data); } - return 0; + return ret_val; } /** @@ -2093,7 +2088,7 @@ static s32 e1000_valid_nvm_bank_detect_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 *bank) u32 bank1_offset = nvm->flash_bank_size * sizeof(u16); u32 act_offset = E1000_ICH_NVM_SIG_WORD * 2 + 1; u8 sig_byte = 0; - s32 ret_val = 0; + s32 ret_val; switch (hw->mac.type) { case e1000_ich8lan: @@ -2108,8 +2103,7 @@ static s32 e1000_valid_nvm_bank_detect_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 *bank) return 0; } - e_dbg("Unable to determine valid NVM bank via EEC - " - "reading flash signature\n"); + e_dbg("Unable to determine valid NVM bank via EEC - reading flash signature\n"); /* fall-thru */ default: /* set bank to 0 in case flash read fails */ @@ -2141,8 +2135,6 @@ static s32 e1000_valid_nvm_bank_detect_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 *bank) e_dbg("ERROR: No valid NVM bank present\n"); return -E1000_ERR_NVM; } - - return 0; } /** @@ -2221,8 +2213,7 @@ static s32 e1000_flash_cycle_init_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) /* Check if the flash descriptor is valid */ if (hsfsts.hsf_status.fldesvalid == 0) { - e_dbg("Flash descriptor invalid. " - "SW Sequencing must be used.\n"); + e_dbg("Flash descriptor invalid. SW Sequencing must be used.\n"); return -E1000_ERR_NVM; } @@ -2251,21 +2242,21 @@ static s32 e1000_flash_cycle_init_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) ew16flash(ICH_FLASH_HSFSTS, hsfsts.regval); ret_val = 0; } else { - s32 i = 0; + s32 i; /* * Otherwise poll for sometime so the current * cycle has a chance to end before giving up. */ for (i = 0; i < ICH_FLASH_READ_COMMAND_TIMEOUT; i++) { - hsfsts.regval = __er16flash(hw, ICH_FLASH_HSFSTS); + hsfsts.regval = er16flash(ICH_FLASH_HSFSTS); if (hsfsts.hsf_status.flcinprog == 0) { ret_val = 0; break; } udelay(1); } - if (ret_val == 0) { + if (!ret_val) { /* * Successful in waiting for previous cycle to timeout, * now set the Flash Cycle Done. @@ -2291,7 +2282,6 @@ static s32 e1000_flash_cycle_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 timeout) { union ich8_hws_flash_ctrl hsflctl; union ich8_hws_flash_status hsfsts; - s32 ret_val = -E1000_ERR_NVM; u32 i = 0; /* Start a cycle by writing 1 in Flash Cycle Go in Hw Flash Control */ @@ -2310,7 +2300,7 @@ static s32 e1000_flash_cycle_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 timeout) if (hsfsts.hsf_status.flcdone == 1 && hsfsts.hsf_status.flcerr == 0) return 0; - return ret_val; + return -E1000_ERR_NVM; } /** @@ -2383,7 +2373,7 @@ static s32 e1000_read_flash_data_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, udelay(1); /* Steps */ ret_val = e1000_flash_cycle_init_ich8lan(hw); - if (ret_val != 0) + if (ret_val) break; hsflctl.regval = er16flash(ICH_FLASH_HSFCTL); @@ -2403,7 +2393,7 @@ static s32 e1000_read_flash_data_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, * read in (shift in) the Flash Data0, the order is * least significant byte first msb to lsb */ - if (ret_val == 0) { + if (!ret_val) { flash_data = er32flash(ICH_FLASH_FDATA0); if (size == 1) *data = (u8)(flash_data & 0x000000FF); @@ -2422,8 +2412,7 @@ static s32 e1000_read_flash_data_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, /* Repeat for some time before giving up. */ continue; } else if (hsfsts.hsf_status.flcdone == 0) { - e_dbg("Timeout error - flash cycle " - "did not complete.\n"); + e_dbg("Timeout error - flash cycle did not complete.\n"); break; } } @@ -2618,7 +2607,7 @@ static s32 e1000_update_nvm_checksum_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) * until after the next adapter reset. */ if (!ret_val) { - e1000e_reload_nvm(hw); + nvm->ops.reload(hw); usleep_range(10000, 20000); } @@ -2774,8 +2763,7 @@ static s32 e1000_write_flash_data_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, /* Repeat for some time before giving up. */ continue; if (hsfsts.hsf_status.flcdone == 0) { - e_dbg("Timeout error - flash cycle " - "did not complete."); + e_dbg("Timeout error - flash cycle did not complete.\n"); break; } } while (count++ < ICH_FLASH_CYCLE_REPEAT_COUNT); @@ -2917,7 +2905,7 @@ static s32 e1000_erase_flash_bank_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 bank) ret_val = e1000_flash_cycle_ich8lan(hw, ICH_FLASH_ERASE_COMMAND_TIMEOUT); - if (ret_val == 0) + if (!ret_val) break; /* @@ -2972,7 +2960,7 @@ static s32 e1000_valid_led_default_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *data) * * PCH also does not have an "always on" or "always off" mode which * complicates the ID feature. Instead of using the "on" mode to indicate - * in ledctl_mode2 the LEDs to use for ID (see e1000e_id_led_init()), + * in ledctl_mode2 the LEDs to use for ID (see e1000e_id_led_init_generic()), * use "link_up" mode. The LEDs will still ID on request if there is no * link based on logic in e1000_led_[on|off]_pchlan(). **/ @@ -2987,7 +2975,7 @@ static s32 e1000_id_led_init_pchlan(struct e1000_hw *hw) /* Get default ID LED modes */ ret_val = hw->nvm.ops.valid_led_default(hw, &data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; mac->ledctl_default = er32(LEDCTL); mac->ledctl_mode1 = mac->ledctl_default; @@ -3032,8 +3020,7 @@ static s32 e1000_id_led_init_pchlan(struct e1000_hw *hw) } } -out: - return ret_val; + return 0; } /** @@ -3120,7 +3107,7 @@ static s32 e1000_reset_hw_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) ctrl = er32(CTRL); - if (!e1000_check_reset_block(hw)) { + if (!hw->phy.ops.check_reset_block(hw)) { /* * Full-chip reset requires MAC and PHY reset at the same * time to make sure the interface between MAC and the @@ -3148,11 +3135,11 @@ static s32 e1000_reset_hw_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) if (ctrl & E1000_CTRL_PHY_RST) { ret_val = hw->phy.ops.get_cfg_done(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; ret_val = e1000_post_phy_reset_ich8lan(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; } /* @@ -3170,8 +3157,7 @@ static s32 e1000_reset_hw_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) kab |= E1000_KABGTXD_BGSQLBIAS; ew32(KABGTXD, kab); -out: - return ret_val; + return 0; } /** @@ -3224,7 +3210,7 @@ static s32 e1000_init_hw_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) } /* Setup link and flow control */ - ret_val = e1000_setup_link_ich8lan(hw); + ret_val = mac->ops.setup_link(hw); /* Set the transmit descriptor write-back policy for both queues */ txdctl = er32(TXDCTL(0)); @@ -3262,7 +3248,7 @@ static s32 e1000_init_hw_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) */ e1000_clear_hw_cntrs_ich8lan(hw); - return 0; + return ret_val; } /** * e1000_initialize_hw_bits_ich8lan - Initialize required hardware bits @@ -3339,7 +3325,7 @@ static s32 e1000_setup_link_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) { s32 ret_val; - if (e1000_check_reset_block(hw)) + if (hw->phy.ops.check_reset_block(hw)) return 0; /* @@ -3365,7 +3351,7 @@ static s32 e1000_setup_link_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) hw->fc.current_mode); /* Continue to configure the copper link. */ - ret_val = e1000_setup_copper_link_ich8lan(hw); + ret_val = hw->mac.ops.setup_physical_interface(hw); if (ret_val) return ret_val; @@ -3465,6 +3451,7 @@ static s32 e1000_setup_copper_link_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) default: break; } + return e1000e_setup_copper_link(hw); } @@ -3566,7 +3553,7 @@ static s32 e1000_kmrn_lock_loss_workaround_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) } /** - * e1000_set_kmrn_lock_loss_workaround_ich8lan - Set Kumeran workaround state + * e1000e_set_kmrn_lock_loss_workaround_ich8lan - Set Kumeran workaround state * @hw: pointer to the HW structure * @state: boolean value used to set the current Kumeran workaround state * @@ -3676,9 +3663,10 @@ void e1000e_gig_downshift_workaround_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) * * During S0 to Sx transition, it is possible the link remains at gig * instead of negotiating to a lower speed. Before going to Sx, set - * 'LPLU Enabled' and 'Gig Disable' to force link speed negotiation - * to a lower speed. For PCH and newer parts, the OEM bits PHY register - * (LED, GbE disable and LPLU configurations) also needs to be written. + * 'Gig Disable' to force link speed negotiation to a lower speed based on + * the LPLU setting in the NVM or custom setting. For PCH and newer parts, + * the OEM bits PHY register (LED, GbE disable and LPLU configurations) also + * needs to be written. **/ void e1000_suspend_workarounds_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) { @@ -3686,7 +3674,7 @@ void e1000_suspend_workarounds_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) s32 ret_val; phy_ctrl = er32(PHY_CTRL); - phy_ctrl |= E1000_PHY_CTRL_D0A_LPLU | E1000_PHY_CTRL_GBE_DISABLE; + phy_ctrl |= E1000_PHY_CTRL_GBE_DISABLE; ew32(PHY_CTRL, phy_ctrl); if (hw->mac.type == e1000_ich8lan) @@ -3714,47 +3702,41 @@ void e1000_suspend_workarounds_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) **/ void e1000_resume_workarounds_pchlan(struct e1000_hw *hw) { - u32 fwsm; + u16 phy_id1, phy_id2; + s32 ret_val; - if (hw->mac.type != e1000_pch2lan) + if ((hw->mac.type != e1000_pch2lan) || + hw->phy.ops.check_reset_block(hw)) return; - fwsm = er32(FWSM); - if (!(fwsm & E1000_ICH_FWSM_FW_VALID) || !e1000_check_reset_block(hw)) { - u16 phy_id1, phy_id2; - s32 ret_val; - - ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw); - if (ret_val) { - e_dbg("Failed to acquire PHY semaphore in resume\n"); - return; - } + ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw); + if (ret_val) { + e_dbg("Failed to acquire PHY semaphore in resume\n"); + return; + } - /* Test access to the PHY registers by reading the ID regs */ - ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg_locked(hw, PHY_ID1, &phy_id1); - if (ret_val) - goto release; - ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg_locked(hw, PHY_ID2, &phy_id2); - if (ret_val) - goto release; + /* Test access to the PHY registers by reading the ID regs */ + ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg_locked(hw, PHY_ID1, &phy_id1); + if (ret_val) + goto release; + ret_val = hw->phy.ops.read_reg_locked(hw, PHY_ID2, &phy_id2); + if (ret_val) + goto release; - if (hw->phy.id == ((u32)(phy_id1 << 16) | - (u32)(phy_id2 & PHY_REVISION_MASK))) - goto release; + if (hw->phy.id == ((u32)(phy_id1 << 16) | + (u32)(phy_id2 & PHY_REVISION_MASK))) + goto release; - e1000_toggle_lanphypc_value_ich8lan(hw); + e1000_toggle_lanphypc_value_ich8lan(hw); - hw->phy.ops.release(hw); - msleep(50); - e1000_phy_hw_reset(hw); - msleep(50); - return; - } + hw->phy.ops.release(hw); + msleep(50); + e1000_phy_hw_reset(hw); + msleep(50); + return; release: hw->phy.ops.release(hw); - - return; } /** @@ -4023,7 +4005,6 @@ static void e1000_clear_hw_cntrs_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw) } static const struct e1000_mac_operations ich8_mac_ops = { - .id_led_init = e1000e_id_led_init, /* check_mng_mode dependent on mac type */ .check_for_link = e1000_check_for_copper_link_ich8lan, /* cleanup_led dependent on mac type */ @@ -4039,6 +4020,7 @@ static const struct e1000_mac_operations ich8_mac_ops = { .setup_link = e1000_setup_link_ich8lan, .setup_physical_interface= e1000_setup_copper_link_ich8lan, /* id_led_init dependent on mac type */ + .config_collision_dist = e1000e_config_collision_dist_generic, }; static const struct e1000_phy_operations ich8_phy_ops = { @@ -4059,6 +4041,7 @@ static const struct e1000_nvm_operations ich8_nvm_ops = { .acquire = e1000_acquire_nvm_ich8lan, .read = e1000_read_nvm_ich8lan, .release = e1000_release_nvm_ich8lan, + .reload = e1000e_reload_nvm_generic, .update = e1000_update_nvm_checksum_ich8lan, .valid_led_default = e1000_valid_led_default_ich8lan, .validate = e1000_validate_nvm_checksum_ich8lan, @@ -4088,10 +4071,9 @@ const struct e1000_info e1000_ich9_info = { | FLAG_HAS_WOL | FLAG_HAS_CTRLEXT_ON_LOAD | FLAG_HAS_AMT - | FLAG_HAS_ERT | FLAG_HAS_FLASH | FLAG_APME_IN_WUC, - .pba = 10, + .pba = 18, .max_hw_frame_size = DEFAULT_JUMBO, .get_variants = e1000_get_variants_ich8lan, .mac_ops = &ich8_mac_ops, @@ -4106,10 +4088,9 @@ const struct e1000_info e1000_ich10_info = { | FLAG_HAS_WOL | FLAG_HAS_CTRLEXT_ON_LOAD | FLAG_HAS_AMT - | FLAG_HAS_ERT | FLAG_HAS_FLASH | FLAG_APME_IN_WUC, - .pba = 10, + .pba = 18, .max_hw_frame_size = DEFAULT_JUMBO, .get_variants = e1000_get_variants_ich8lan, .mac_ops = &ich8_mac_ops, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/lib.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/mac.c similarity index 62% rename from drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/lib.c rename to drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/mac.c index 0893ab107adf320a5b07293fb64596e6e2794315..decad98c1059175255890a0da2792ae9f8366ae2 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/lib.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/mac.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /******************************************************************************* Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2011 Intel Corporation. + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Intel Corporation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, @@ -28,19 +28,6 @@ #include "e1000.h" -enum e1000_mng_mode { - e1000_mng_mode_none = 0, - e1000_mng_mode_asf, - e1000_mng_mode_pt, - e1000_mng_mode_ipmi, - e1000_mng_mode_host_if_only -}; - -#define E1000_FACTPS_MNGCG 0x20000000 - -/* Intel(R) Active Management Technology signature */ -#define E1000_IAMT_SIGNATURE 0x544D4149 - /** * e1000e_get_bus_info_pcie - Get PCIe bus information * @hw: pointer to the HW structure @@ -151,7 +138,7 @@ void e1000_write_vfta_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u32 value) void e1000e_init_rx_addrs(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 rar_count) { u32 i; - u8 mac_addr[ETH_ALEN] = {0}; + u8 mac_addr[ETH_ALEN] = { 0 }; /* Setup the receive address */ e_dbg("Programming MAC Address into RAR[0]\n"); @@ -159,7 +146,7 @@ void e1000e_init_rx_addrs(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 rar_count) e1000e_rar_set(hw, hw->mac.addr, 0); /* Zero out the other (rar_entry_count - 1) receive addresses */ - e_dbg("Clearing RAR[1-%u]\n", rar_count-1); + e_dbg("Clearing RAR[1-%u]\n", rar_count - 1); for (i = 1; i < rar_count; i++) e1000e_rar_set(hw, mac_addr, i); } @@ -185,26 +172,23 @@ s32 e1000_check_alt_mac_addr_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, NVM_COMPAT, 1, &nvm_data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; - /* Check for LOM (vs. NIC) or one of two valid mezzanine cards */ - if (!((nvm_data & NVM_COMPAT_LOM) || - (hw->adapter->pdev->device == E1000_DEV_ID_82571EB_SERDES_DUAL) || - (hw->adapter->pdev->device == E1000_DEV_ID_82571EB_SERDES_QUAD) || - (hw->adapter->pdev->device == E1000_DEV_ID_82571EB_SERDES))) - goto out; + /* not supported on 82573 */ + if (hw->mac.type == e1000_82573) + return 0; ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, NVM_ALT_MAC_ADDR_PTR, 1, - &nvm_alt_mac_addr_offset); + &nvm_alt_mac_addr_offset); if (ret_val) { e_dbg("NVM Read Error\n"); - goto out; + return ret_val; } if ((nvm_alt_mac_addr_offset == 0xFFFF) || (nvm_alt_mac_addr_offset == 0x0000)) /* There is no Alternate MAC Address */ - goto out; + return 0; if (hw->bus.func == E1000_FUNC_1) nvm_alt_mac_addr_offset += E1000_ALT_MAC_ADDRESS_OFFSET_LAN1; @@ -213,7 +197,7 @@ s32 e1000_check_alt_mac_addr_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, offset, 1, &nvm_data); if (ret_val) { e_dbg("NVM Read Error\n"); - goto out; + return ret_val; } alt_mac_addr[i] = (u8)(nvm_data & 0xFF); @@ -223,7 +207,7 @@ s32 e1000_check_alt_mac_addr_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) /* if multicast bit is set, the alternate address will not be used */ if (is_multicast_ether_addr(alt_mac_addr)) { e_dbg("Ignoring Alternate Mac Address with MC bit set\n"); - goto out; + return 0; } /* @@ -233,8 +217,7 @@ s32 e1000_check_alt_mac_addr_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) */ e1000e_rar_set(hw, alt_mac_addr, 0); -out: - return ret_val; + return 0; } /** @@ -254,11 +237,10 @@ void e1000e_rar_set(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 *addr, u32 index) * HW expects these in little endian so we reverse the byte order * from network order (big endian) to little endian */ - rar_low = ((u32) addr[0] | - ((u32) addr[1] << 8) | - ((u32) addr[2] << 16) | ((u32) addr[3] << 24)); + rar_low = ((u32)addr[0] | ((u32)addr[1] << 8) | + ((u32)addr[2] << 16) | ((u32)addr[3] << 24)); - rar_high = ((u32) addr[4] | ((u32) addr[5] << 8)); + rar_high = ((u32)addr[4] | ((u32)addr[5] << 8)); /* If MAC address zero, no need to set the AV bit */ if (rar_low || rar_high) @@ -281,8 +263,7 @@ void e1000e_rar_set(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 *addr, u32 index) * @mc_addr: pointer to a multicast address * * Generates a multicast address hash value which is used to determine - * the multicast filter table array address and new table value. See - * e1000_mta_set_generic() + * the multicast filter table array address and new table value. **/ static u32 e1000_hash_mc_addr(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 *mc_addr) { @@ -318,7 +299,7 @@ static u32 e1000_hash_mc_addr(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 *mc_addr) * values resulting from each mc_filter_type... * [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] * 01 AA 00 12 34 56 - * LSB MSB + * LSB MSB * * case 0: hash_value = ((0x34 >> 4) | (0x56 << 4)) & 0xFFF = 0x563 * case 1: hash_value = ((0x34 >> 3) | (0x56 << 5)) & 0xFFF = 0xAC6 @@ -341,7 +322,7 @@ static u32 e1000_hash_mc_addr(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 *mc_addr) } hash_value = hash_mask & (((mc_addr[4] >> (8 - bit_shift)) | - (((u16) mc_addr[5]) << bit_shift))); + (((u16)mc_addr[5]) << bit_shift))); return hash_value; } @@ -365,7 +346,7 @@ void e1000e_update_mc_addr_list_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw, memset(&hw->mac.mta_shadow, 0, sizeof(hw->mac.mta_shadow)); /* update mta_shadow from mc_addr_list */ - for (i = 0; (u32) i < mc_addr_count; i++) { + for (i = 0; (u32)i < mc_addr_count; i++) { hash_value = e1000_hash_mc_addr(hw, mc_addr_list); hash_reg = (hash_value >> 5) & (hw->mac.mta_reg_count - 1); @@ -461,7 +442,7 @@ s32 e1000e_check_for_copper_link(struct e1000_hw *hw) return ret_val; if (!link) - return ret_val; /* No link detected */ + return 0; /* No link detected */ mac->get_link_status = false; @@ -475,17 +456,15 @@ s32 e1000e_check_for_copper_link(struct e1000_hw *hw) * If we are forcing speed/duplex, then we simply return since * we have already determined whether we have link or not. */ - if (!mac->autoneg) { - ret_val = -E1000_ERR_CONFIG; - return ret_val; - } + if (!mac->autoneg) + return -E1000_ERR_CONFIG; /* * Auto-Neg is enabled. Auto Speed Detection takes care * of MAC speed/duplex configuration. So we only need to * configure Collision Distance in the MAC. */ - e1000e_config_collision_dist(hw); + mac->ops.config_collision_dist(hw); /* * Configure Flow Control now that Auto-Neg has completed. @@ -528,10 +507,10 @@ s32 e1000e_check_for_fiber_link(struct e1000_hw *hw) * was just plugged in. The autoneg_failed flag does this. */ /* (ctrl & E1000_CTRL_SWDPIN1) == 1 == have signal */ - if ((ctrl & E1000_CTRL_SWDPIN1) && (!(status & E1000_STATUS_LU)) && - (!(rxcw & E1000_RXCW_C))) { - if (mac->autoneg_failed == 0) { - mac->autoneg_failed = 1; + if ((ctrl & E1000_CTRL_SWDPIN1) && !(status & E1000_STATUS_LU) && + !(rxcw & E1000_RXCW_C)) { + if (!mac->autoneg_failed) { + mac->autoneg_failed = true; return 0; } e_dbg("NOT Rx'ing /C/, disable AutoNeg and force link.\n"); @@ -594,9 +573,9 @@ s32 e1000e_check_for_serdes_link(struct e1000_hw *hw) * time to complete. */ /* (ctrl & E1000_CTRL_SWDPIN1) == 1 == have signal */ - if ((!(status & E1000_STATUS_LU)) && (!(rxcw & E1000_RXCW_C))) { - if (mac->autoneg_failed == 0) { - mac->autoneg_failed = 1; + if (!(status & E1000_STATUS_LU) && !(rxcw & E1000_RXCW_C)) { + if (!mac->autoneg_failed) { + mac->autoneg_failed = true; return 0; } e_dbg("NOT Rx'ing /C/, disable AutoNeg and force link.\n"); @@ -650,18 +629,16 @@ s32 e1000e_check_for_serdes_link(struct e1000_hw *hw) if (E1000_TXCW_ANE & er32(TXCW)) { status = er32(STATUS); if (status & E1000_STATUS_LU) { - /* SYNCH bit and IV bit are sticky, so reread rxcw. */ + /* SYNCH bit and IV bit are sticky, so reread rxcw. */ udelay(10); rxcw = er32(RXCW); if (rxcw & E1000_RXCW_SYNCH) { if (!(rxcw & E1000_RXCW_IV)) { mac->serdes_has_link = true; - e_dbg("SERDES: Link up - autoneg " - "completed successfully.\n"); + e_dbg("SERDES: Link up - autoneg completed successfully.\n"); } else { mac->serdes_has_link = false; - e_dbg("SERDES: Link down - invalid" - "codewords detected in autoneg.\n"); + e_dbg("SERDES: Link down - invalid codewords detected in autoneg.\n"); } } else { mac->serdes_has_link = false; @@ -706,8 +683,7 @@ static s32 e1000_set_default_fc_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) if ((nvm_data & NVM_WORD0F_PAUSE_MASK) == 0) hw->fc.requested_mode = e1000_fc_none; - else if ((nvm_data & NVM_WORD0F_PAUSE_MASK) == - NVM_WORD0F_ASM_DIR) + else if ((nvm_data & NVM_WORD0F_PAUSE_MASK) == NVM_WORD0F_ASM_DIR) hw->fc.requested_mode = e1000_fc_tx_pause; else hw->fc.requested_mode = e1000_fc_full; @@ -716,7 +692,7 @@ static s32 e1000_set_default_fc_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) } /** - * e1000e_setup_link - Setup flow control and link settings + * e1000e_setup_link_generic - Setup flow control and link settings * @hw: pointer to the HW structure * * Determines which flow control settings to use, then configures flow @@ -725,16 +701,15 @@ static s32 e1000_set_default_fc_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) * should be established. Assumes the hardware has previously been reset * and the transmitter and receiver are not enabled. **/ -s32 e1000e_setup_link(struct e1000_hw *hw) +s32 e1000e_setup_link_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) { - struct e1000_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac; s32 ret_val; /* * In the case of the phy reset being blocked, we already have a link. * We do not need to set it up again. */ - if (e1000_check_reset_block(hw)) + if (hw->phy.ops.check_reset_block(hw)) return 0; /* @@ -753,11 +728,10 @@ s32 e1000e_setup_link(struct e1000_hw *hw) */ hw->fc.current_mode = hw->fc.requested_mode; - e_dbg("After fix-ups FlowControl is now = %x\n", - hw->fc.current_mode); + e_dbg("After fix-ups FlowControl is now = %x\n", hw->fc.current_mode); /* Call the necessary media_type subroutine to configure the link. */ - ret_val = mac->ops.setup_physical_interface(hw); + ret_val = hw->mac.ops.setup_physical_interface(hw); if (ret_val) return ret_val; @@ -876,7 +850,7 @@ static s32 e1000_poll_fiber_serdes_link_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) } if (i == FIBER_LINK_UP_LIMIT) { e_dbg("Never got a valid link from auto-neg!!!\n"); - mac->autoneg_failed = 1; + mac->autoneg_failed = true; /* * AutoNeg failed to achieve a link, so we'll call * mac->check_for_link. This routine will force the @@ -888,9 +862,9 @@ static s32 e1000_poll_fiber_serdes_link_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) e_dbg("Error while checking for link\n"); return ret_val; } - mac->autoneg_failed = 0; + mac->autoneg_failed = false; } else { - mac->autoneg_failed = 0; + mac->autoneg_failed = false; e_dbg("Valid Link Found\n"); } @@ -914,7 +888,7 @@ s32 e1000e_setup_fiber_serdes_link(struct e1000_hw *hw) /* Take the link out of reset */ ctrl &= ~E1000_CTRL_LRST; - e1000e_config_collision_dist(hw); + hw->mac.ops.config_collision_dist(hw); ret_val = e1000_commit_fc_settings_generic(hw); if (ret_val) @@ -945,18 +919,17 @@ s32 e1000e_setup_fiber_serdes_link(struct e1000_hw *hw) e_dbg("No signal detected\n"); } - return 0; + return ret_val; } /** - * e1000e_config_collision_dist - Configure collision distance + * e1000e_config_collision_dist_generic - Configure collision distance * @hw: pointer to the HW structure * * Configures the collision distance to the default value and is used - * during link setup. Currently no func pointer exists and all - * implementations are handled in the generic version of this function. + * during link setup. **/ -void e1000e_config_collision_dist(struct e1000_hw *hw) +void e1000e_config_collision_dist_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) { u32 tctl; @@ -995,7 +968,9 @@ s32 e1000e_set_fc_watermarks(struct e1000_hw *hw) * XON frames. */ fcrtl = hw->fc.low_water; - fcrtl |= E1000_FCRTL_XONE; + if (hw->fc.send_xon) + fcrtl |= E1000_FCRTL_XONE; + fcrth = hw->fc.high_water; } ew32(FCRTL, fcrtl); @@ -1121,8 +1096,7 @@ s32 e1000e_config_fc_after_link_up(struct e1000_hw *hw) return ret_val; if (!(mii_status_reg & MII_SR_AUTONEG_COMPLETE)) { - e_dbg("Copper PHY and Auto Neg " - "has not completed.\n"); + e_dbg("Copper PHY and Auto Neg has not completed.\n"); return ret_val; } @@ -1186,11 +1160,10 @@ s32 e1000e_config_fc_after_link_up(struct e1000_hw *hw) */ if (hw->fc.requested_mode == e1000_fc_full) { hw->fc.current_mode = e1000_fc_full; - e_dbg("Flow Control = FULL.\r\n"); + e_dbg("Flow Control = FULL.\n"); } else { hw->fc.current_mode = e1000_fc_rx_pause; - e_dbg("Flow Control = " - "Rx PAUSE frames only.\r\n"); + e_dbg("Flow Control = Rx PAUSE frames only.\n"); } } /* @@ -1202,11 +1175,11 @@ s32 e1000e_config_fc_after_link_up(struct e1000_hw *hw) * 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | e1000_fc_tx_pause */ else if (!(mii_nway_adv_reg & NWAY_AR_PAUSE) && - (mii_nway_adv_reg & NWAY_AR_ASM_DIR) && - (mii_nway_lp_ability_reg & NWAY_LPAR_PAUSE) && - (mii_nway_lp_ability_reg & NWAY_LPAR_ASM_DIR)) { + (mii_nway_adv_reg & NWAY_AR_ASM_DIR) && + (mii_nway_lp_ability_reg & NWAY_LPAR_PAUSE) && + (mii_nway_lp_ability_reg & NWAY_LPAR_ASM_DIR)) { hw->fc.current_mode = e1000_fc_tx_pause; - e_dbg("Flow Control = Tx PAUSE frames only.\r\n"); + e_dbg("Flow Control = Tx PAUSE frames only.\n"); } /* * For transmitting PAUSE frames ONLY. @@ -1221,14 +1194,14 @@ s32 e1000e_config_fc_after_link_up(struct e1000_hw *hw) !(mii_nway_lp_ability_reg & NWAY_LPAR_PAUSE) && (mii_nway_lp_ability_reg & NWAY_LPAR_ASM_DIR)) { hw->fc.current_mode = e1000_fc_rx_pause; - e_dbg("Flow Control = Rx PAUSE frames only.\r\n"); + e_dbg("Flow Control = Rx PAUSE frames only.\n"); } else { /* * Per the IEEE spec, at this point flow control * should be disabled. */ hw->fc.current_mode = e1000_fc_none; - e_dbg("Flow Control = NONE.\r\n"); + e_dbg("Flow Control = NONE.\n"); } /* @@ -1268,7 +1241,8 @@ s32 e1000e_config_fc_after_link_up(struct e1000_hw *hw) * Read the status register for the current speed/duplex and store the current * speed and duplex for copper connections. **/ -s32 e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_copper(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *speed, u16 *duplex) +s32 e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_copper(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *speed, + u16 *duplex) { u32 status; @@ -1301,7 +1275,8 @@ s32 e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_copper(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *speed, u16 *dup * Sets the speed and duplex to gigabit full duplex (the only possible option) * for fiber/serdes links. **/ -s32 e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_fiber_serdes(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *speed, u16 *duplex) +s32 e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_fiber_serdes(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *speed, + u16 *duplex) { *speed = SPEED_1000; *duplex = FULL_DUPLEX; @@ -1423,11 +1398,11 @@ s32 e1000e_valid_led_default(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *data) } /** - * e1000e_id_led_init - + * e1000e_id_led_init_generic - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure * **/ -s32 e1000e_id_led_init(struct e1000_hw *hw) +s32 e1000e_id_led_init_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) { struct e1000_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac; s32 ret_val; @@ -1504,11 +1479,10 @@ s32 e1000e_setup_led_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) ledctl = er32(LEDCTL); hw->mac.ledctl_default = ledctl; /* Turn off LED0 */ - ledctl &= ~(E1000_LEDCTL_LED0_IVRT | - E1000_LEDCTL_LED0_BLINK | - E1000_LEDCTL_LED0_MODE_MASK); + ledctl &= ~(E1000_LEDCTL_LED0_IVRT | E1000_LEDCTL_LED0_BLINK | + E1000_LEDCTL_LED0_MODE_MASK); ledctl |= (E1000_LEDCTL_MODE_LED_OFF << - E1000_LEDCTL_LED0_MODE_SHIFT); + E1000_LEDCTL_LED0_MODE_SHIFT); ew32(LEDCTL, ledctl); } else if (hw->phy.media_type == e1000_media_type_copper) { ew32(LEDCTL, hw->mac.ledctl_mode1); @@ -1544,7 +1518,7 @@ s32 e1000e_blink_led_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) if (hw->phy.media_type == e1000_media_type_fiber) { /* always blink LED0 for PCI-E fiber */ ledctl_blink = E1000_LEDCTL_LED0_BLINK | - (E1000_LEDCTL_MODE_LED_ON << E1000_LEDCTL_LED0_MODE_SHIFT); + (E1000_LEDCTL_MODE_LED_ON << E1000_LEDCTL_LED0_MODE_SHIFT); } else { /* * set the blink bit for each LED that's "on" (0x0E) @@ -1657,8 +1631,7 @@ s32 e1000e_disable_pcie_master(struct e1000_hw *hw) ew32(CTRL, ctrl); while (timeout) { - if (!(er32(STATUS) & - E1000_STATUS_GIO_MASTER_ENABLE)) + if (!(er32(STATUS) & E1000_STATUS_GIO_MASTER_ENABLE)) break; udelay(100); timeout--; @@ -1684,7 +1657,7 @@ void e1000e_reset_adaptive(struct e1000_hw *hw) if (!mac->adaptive_ifs) { e_dbg("Not in Adaptive IFS mode!\n"); - goto out; + return; } mac->current_ifs_val = 0; @@ -1695,8 +1668,6 @@ void e1000e_reset_adaptive(struct e1000_hw *hw) mac->in_ifs_mode = false; ew32(AIT, 0); -out: - return; } /** @@ -1712,7 +1683,7 @@ void e1000e_update_adaptive(struct e1000_hw *hw) if (!mac->adaptive_ifs) { e_dbg("Not in Adaptive IFS mode!\n"); - goto out; + return; } if ((mac->collision_delta * mac->ifs_ratio) > mac->tx_packet_delta) { @@ -1723,7 +1694,7 @@ void e1000e_update_adaptive(struct e1000_hw *hw) mac->current_ifs_val = mac->ifs_min_val; else mac->current_ifs_val += - mac->ifs_step_size; + mac->ifs_step_size; ew32(AIT, mac->current_ifs_val); } } @@ -1735,959 +1706,4 @@ void e1000e_update_adaptive(struct e1000_hw *hw) ew32(AIT, 0); } } -out: - return; -} - -/** - * e1000_raise_eec_clk - Raise EEPROM clock - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * @eecd: pointer to the EEPROM - * - * Enable/Raise the EEPROM clock bit. - **/ -static void e1000_raise_eec_clk(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 *eecd) -{ - *eecd = *eecd | E1000_EECD_SK; - ew32(EECD, *eecd); - e1e_flush(); - udelay(hw->nvm.delay_usec); -} - -/** - * e1000_lower_eec_clk - Lower EEPROM clock - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * @eecd: pointer to the EEPROM - * - * Clear/Lower the EEPROM clock bit. - **/ -static void e1000_lower_eec_clk(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 *eecd) -{ - *eecd = *eecd & ~E1000_EECD_SK; - ew32(EECD, *eecd); - e1e_flush(); - udelay(hw->nvm.delay_usec); -} - -/** - * e1000_shift_out_eec_bits - Shift data bits our to the EEPROM - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * @data: data to send to the EEPROM - * @count: number of bits to shift out - * - * We need to shift 'count' bits out to the EEPROM. So, the value in the - * "data" parameter will be shifted out to the EEPROM one bit at a time. - * In order to do this, "data" must be broken down into bits. - **/ -static void e1000_shift_out_eec_bits(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 data, u16 count) -{ - struct e1000_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm; - u32 eecd = er32(EECD); - u32 mask; - - mask = 0x01 << (count - 1); - if (nvm->type == e1000_nvm_eeprom_spi) - eecd |= E1000_EECD_DO; - - do { - eecd &= ~E1000_EECD_DI; - - if (data & mask) - eecd |= E1000_EECD_DI; - - ew32(EECD, eecd); - e1e_flush(); - - udelay(nvm->delay_usec); - - e1000_raise_eec_clk(hw, &eecd); - e1000_lower_eec_clk(hw, &eecd); - - mask >>= 1; - } while (mask); - - eecd &= ~E1000_EECD_DI; - ew32(EECD, eecd); -} - -/** - * e1000_shift_in_eec_bits - Shift data bits in from the EEPROM - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * @count: number of bits to shift in - * - * In order to read a register from the EEPROM, we need to shift 'count' bits - * in from the EEPROM. Bits are "shifted in" by raising the clock input to - * the EEPROM (setting the SK bit), and then reading the value of the data out - * "DO" bit. During this "shifting in" process the data in "DI" bit should - * always be clear. - **/ -static u16 e1000_shift_in_eec_bits(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 count) -{ - u32 eecd; - u32 i; - u16 data; - - eecd = er32(EECD); - - eecd &= ~(E1000_EECD_DO | E1000_EECD_DI); - data = 0; - - for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { - data <<= 1; - e1000_raise_eec_clk(hw, &eecd); - - eecd = er32(EECD); - - eecd &= ~E1000_EECD_DI; - if (eecd & E1000_EECD_DO) - data |= 1; - - e1000_lower_eec_clk(hw, &eecd); - } - - return data; -} - -/** - * e1000e_poll_eerd_eewr_done - Poll for EEPROM read/write completion - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * @ee_reg: EEPROM flag for polling - * - * Polls the EEPROM status bit for either read or write completion based - * upon the value of 'ee_reg'. - **/ -s32 e1000e_poll_eerd_eewr_done(struct e1000_hw *hw, int ee_reg) -{ - u32 attempts = 100000; - u32 i, reg = 0; - - for (i = 0; i < attempts; i++) { - if (ee_reg == E1000_NVM_POLL_READ) - reg = er32(EERD); - else - reg = er32(EEWR); - - if (reg & E1000_NVM_RW_REG_DONE) - return 0; - - udelay(5); - } - - return -E1000_ERR_NVM; -} - -/** - * e1000e_acquire_nvm - Generic request for access to EEPROM - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * - * Set the EEPROM access request bit and wait for EEPROM access grant bit. - * Return successful if access grant bit set, else clear the request for - * EEPROM access and return -E1000_ERR_NVM (-1). - **/ -s32 e1000e_acquire_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - u32 eecd = er32(EECD); - s32 timeout = E1000_NVM_GRANT_ATTEMPTS; - - ew32(EECD, eecd | E1000_EECD_REQ); - eecd = er32(EECD); - - while (timeout) { - if (eecd & E1000_EECD_GNT) - break; - udelay(5); - eecd = er32(EECD); - timeout--; - } - - if (!timeout) { - eecd &= ~E1000_EECD_REQ; - ew32(EECD, eecd); - e_dbg("Could not acquire NVM grant\n"); - return -E1000_ERR_NVM; - } - - return 0; -} - -/** - * e1000_standby_nvm - Return EEPROM to standby state - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * - * Return the EEPROM to a standby state. - **/ -static void e1000_standby_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - struct e1000_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm; - u32 eecd = er32(EECD); - - if (nvm->type == e1000_nvm_eeprom_spi) { - /* Toggle CS to flush commands */ - eecd |= E1000_EECD_CS; - ew32(EECD, eecd); - e1e_flush(); - udelay(nvm->delay_usec); - eecd &= ~E1000_EECD_CS; - ew32(EECD, eecd); - e1e_flush(); - udelay(nvm->delay_usec); - } -} - -/** - * e1000_stop_nvm - Terminate EEPROM command - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * - * Terminates the current command by inverting the EEPROM's chip select pin. - **/ -static void e1000_stop_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - u32 eecd; - - eecd = er32(EECD); - if (hw->nvm.type == e1000_nvm_eeprom_spi) { - /* Pull CS high */ - eecd |= E1000_EECD_CS; - e1000_lower_eec_clk(hw, &eecd); - } -} - -/** - * e1000e_release_nvm - Release exclusive access to EEPROM - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * - * Stop any current commands to the EEPROM and clear the EEPROM request bit. - **/ -void e1000e_release_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - u32 eecd; - - e1000_stop_nvm(hw); - - eecd = er32(EECD); - eecd &= ~E1000_EECD_REQ; - ew32(EECD, eecd); -} - -/** - * e1000_ready_nvm_eeprom - Prepares EEPROM for read/write - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * - * Setups the EEPROM for reading and writing. - **/ -static s32 e1000_ready_nvm_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - struct e1000_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm; - u32 eecd = er32(EECD); - u8 spi_stat_reg; - - if (nvm->type == e1000_nvm_eeprom_spi) { - u16 timeout = NVM_MAX_RETRY_SPI; - - /* Clear SK and CS */ - eecd &= ~(E1000_EECD_CS | E1000_EECD_SK); - ew32(EECD, eecd); - e1e_flush(); - udelay(1); - - /* - * Read "Status Register" repeatedly until the LSB is cleared. - * The EEPROM will signal that the command has been completed - * by clearing bit 0 of the internal status register. If it's - * not cleared within 'timeout', then error out. - */ - while (timeout) { - e1000_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, NVM_RDSR_OPCODE_SPI, - hw->nvm.opcode_bits); - spi_stat_reg = (u8)e1000_shift_in_eec_bits(hw, 8); - if (!(spi_stat_reg & NVM_STATUS_RDY_SPI)) - break; - - udelay(5); - e1000_standby_nvm(hw); - timeout--; - } - - if (!timeout) { - e_dbg("SPI NVM Status error\n"); - return -E1000_ERR_NVM; - } - } - - return 0; -} - -/** - * e1000e_read_nvm_eerd - Reads EEPROM using EERD register - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * @offset: offset of word in the EEPROM to read - * @words: number of words to read - * @data: word read from the EEPROM - * - * Reads a 16 bit word from the EEPROM using the EERD register. - **/ -s32 e1000e_read_nvm_eerd(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data) -{ - struct e1000_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm; - u32 i, eerd = 0; - s32 ret_val = 0; - - /* - * A check for invalid values: offset too large, too many words, - * too many words for the offset, and not enough words. - */ - if ((offset >= nvm->word_size) || (words > (nvm->word_size - offset)) || - (words == 0)) { - e_dbg("nvm parameter(s) out of bounds\n"); - return -E1000_ERR_NVM; - } - - for (i = 0; i < words; i++) { - eerd = ((offset+i) << E1000_NVM_RW_ADDR_SHIFT) + - E1000_NVM_RW_REG_START; - - ew32(EERD, eerd); - ret_val = e1000e_poll_eerd_eewr_done(hw, E1000_NVM_POLL_READ); - if (ret_val) - break; - - data[i] = (er32(EERD) >> E1000_NVM_RW_REG_DATA); - } - - return ret_val; -} - -/** - * e1000e_write_nvm_spi - Write to EEPROM using SPI - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * @offset: offset within the EEPROM to be written to - * @words: number of words to write - * @data: 16 bit word(s) to be written to the EEPROM - * - * Writes data to EEPROM at offset using SPI interface. - * - * If e1000e_update_nvm_checksum is not called after this function , the - * EEPROM will most likely contain an invalid checksum. - **/ -s32 e1000e_write_nvm_spi(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data) -{ - struct e1000_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm; - s32 ret_val; - u16 widx = 0; - - /* - * A check for invalid values: offset too large, too many words, - * and not enough words. - */ - if ((offset >= nvm->word_size) || (words > (nvm->word_size - offset)) || - (words == 0)) { - e_dbg("nvm parameter(s) out of bounds\n"); - return -E1000_ERR_NVM; - } - - ret_val = nvm->ops.acquire(hw); - if (ret_val) - return ret_val; - - while (widx < words) { - u8 write_opcode = NVM_WRITE_OPCODE_SPI; - - ret_val = e1000_ready_nvm_eeprom(hw); - if (ret_val) { - nvm->ops.release(hw); - return ret_val; - } - - e1000_standby_nvm(hw); - - /* Send the WRITE ENABLE command (8 bit opcode) */ - e1000_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, NVM_WREN_OPCODE_SPI, - nvm->opcode_bits); - - e1000_standby_nvm(hw); - - /* - * Some SPI eeproms use the 8th address bit embedded in the - * opcode - */ - if ((nvm->address_bits == 8) && (offset >= 128)) - write_opcode |= NVM_A8_OPCODE_SPI; - - /* Send the Write command (8-bit opcode + addr) */ - e1000_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, write_opcode, nvm->opcode_bits); - e1000_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, (u16)((offset + widx) * 2), - nvm->address_bits); - - /* Loop to allow for up to whole page write of eeprom */ - while (widx < words) { - u16 word_out = data[widx]; - word_out = (word_out >> 8) | (word_out << 8); - e1000_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, word_out, 16); - widx++; - - if ((((offset + widx) * 2) % nvm->page_size) == 0) { - e1000_standby_nvm(hw); - break; - } - } - } - - usleep_range(10000, 20000); - nvm->ops.release(hw); - return 0; -} - -/** - * e1000_read_pba_string_generic - Read device part number - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * @pba_num: pointer to device part number - * @pba_num_size: size of part number buffer - * - * Reads the product board assembly (PBA) number from the EEPROM and stores - * the value in pba_num. - **/ -s32 e1000_read_pba_string_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 *pba_num, - u32 pba_num_size) -{ - s32 ret_val; - u16 nvm_data; - u16 pba_ptr; - u16 offset; - u16 length; - - if (pba_num == NULL) { - e_dbg("PBA string buffer was null\n"); - ret_val = E1000_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; - goto out; - } - - ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, NVM_PBA_OFFSET_0, 1, &nvm_data); - if (ret_val) { - e_dbg("NVM Read Error\n"); - goto out; - } - - ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, NVM_PBA_OFFSET_1, 1, &pba_ptr); - if (ret_val) { - e_dbg("NVM Read Error\n"); - goto out; - } - - /* - * if nvm_data is not ptr guard the PBA must be in legacy format which - * means pba_ptr is actually our second data word for the PBA number - * and we can decode it into an ascii string - */ - if (nvm_data != NVM_PBA_PTR_GUARD) { - e_dbg("NVM PBA number is not stored as string\n"); - - /* we will need 11 characters to store the PBA */ - if (pba_num_size < 11) { - e_dbg("PBA string buffer too small\n"); - return E1000_ERR_NO_SPACE; - } - - /* extract hex string from data and pba_ptr */ - pba_num[0] = (nvm_data >> 12) & 0xF; - pba_num[1] = (nvm_data >> 8) & 0xF; - pba_num[2] = (nvm_data >> 4) & 0xF; - pba_num[3] = nvm_data & 0xF; - pba_num[4] = (pba_ptr >> 12) & 0xF; - pba_num[5] = (pba_ptr >> 8) & 0xF; - pba_num[6] = '-'; - pba_num[7] = 0; - pba_num[8] = (pba_ptr >> 4) & 0xF; - pba_num[9] = pba_ptr & 0xF; - - /* put a null character on the end of our string */ - pba_num[10] = '\0'; - - /* switch all the data but the '-' to hex char */ - for (offset = 0; offset < 10; offset++) { - if (pba_num[offset] < 0xA) - pba_num[offset] += '0'; - else if (pba_num[offset] < 0x10) - pba_num[offset] += 'A' - 0xA; - } - - goto out; - } - - ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, pba_ptr, 1, &length); - if (ret_val) { - e_dbg("NVM Read Error\n"); - goto out; - } - - if (length == 0xFFFF || length == 0) { - e_dbg("NVM PBA number section invalid length\n"); - ret_val = E1000_ERR_NVM_PBA_SECTION; - goto out; - } - /* check if pba_num buffer is big enough */ - if (pba_num_size < (((u32)length * 2) - 1)) { - e_dbg("PBA string buffer too small\n"); - ret_val = E1000_ERR_NO_SPACE; - goto out; - } - - /* trim pba length from start of string */ - pba_ptr++; - length--; - - for (offset = 0; offset < length; offset++) { - ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, pba_ptr + offset, 1, &nvm_data); - if (ret_val) { - e_dbg("NVM Read Error\n"); - goto out; - } - pba_num[offset * 2] = (u8)(nvm_data >> 8); - pba_num[(offset * 2) + 1] = (u8)(nvm_data & 0xFF); - } - pba_num[offset * 2] = '\0'; - -out: - return ret_val; -} - -/** - * e1000_read_mac_addr_generic - Read device MAC address - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * - * Reads the device MAC address from the EEPROM and stores the value. - * Since devices with two ports use the same EEPROM, we increment the - * last bit in the MAC address for the second port. - **/ -s32 e1000_read_mac_addr_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - u32 rar_high; - u32 rar_low; - u16 i; - - rar_high = er32(RAH(0)); - rar_low = er32(RAL(0)); - - for (i = 0; i < E1000_RAL_MAC_ADDR_LEN; i++) - hw->mac.perm_addr[i] = (u8)(rar_low >> (i*8)); - - for (i = 0; i < E1000_RAH_MAC_ADDR_LEN; i++) - hw->mac.perm_addr[i+4] = (u8)(rar_high >> (i*8)); - - for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) - hw->mac.addr[i] = hw->mac.perm_addr[i]; - - return 0; -} - -/** - * e1000e_validate_nvm_checksum_generic - Validate EEPROM checksum - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * - * Calculates the EEPROM checksum by reading/adding each word of the EEPROM - * and then verifies that the sum of the EEPROM is equal to 0xBABA. - **/ -s32 e1000e_validate_nvm_checksum_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - s32 ret_val; - u16 checksum = 0; - u16 i, nvm_data; - - for (i = 0; i < (NVM_CHECKSUM_REG + 1); i++) { - ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, i, 1, &nvm_data); - if (ret_val) { - e_dbg("NVM Read Error\n"); - return ret_val; - } - checksum += nvm_data; - } - - if (checksum != (u16) NVM_SUM) { - e_dbg("NVM Checksum Invalid\n"); - return -E1000_ERR_NVM; - } - - return 0; -} - -/** - * e1000e_update_nvm_checksum_generic - Update EEPROM checksum - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * - * Updates the EEPROM checksum by reading/adding each word of the EEPROM - * up to the checksum. Then calculates the EEPROM checksum and writes the - * value to the EEPROM. - **/ -s32 e1000e_update_nvm_checksum_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - s32 ret_val; - u16 checksum = 0; - u16 i, nvm_data; - - for (i = 0; i < NVM_CHECKSUM_REG; i++) { - ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, i, 1, &nvm_data); - if (ret_val) { - e_dbg("NVM Read Error while updating checksum.\n"); - return ret_val; - } - checksum += nvm_data; - } - checksum = (u16) NVM_SUM - checksum; - ret_val = e1000_write_nvm(hw, NVM_CHECKSUM_REG, 1, &checksum); - if (ret_val) - e_dbg("NVM Write Error while updating checksum.\n"); - - return ret_val; -} - -/** - * e1000e_reload_nvm - Reloads EEPROM - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * - * Reloads the EEPROM by setting the "Reinitialize from EEPROM" bit in the - * extended control register. - **/ -void e1000e_reload_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - u32 ctrl_ext; - - udelay(10); - ctrl_ext = er32(CTRL_EXT); - ctrl_ext |= E1000_CTRL_EXT_EE_RST; - ew32(CTRL_EXT, ctrl_ext); - e1e_flush(); -} - -/** - * e1000_calculate_checksum - Calculate checksum for buffer - * @buffer: pointer to EEPROM - * @length: size of EEPROM to calculate a checksum for - * - * Calculates the checksum for some buffer on a specified length. The - * checksum calculated is returned. - **/ -static u8 e1000_calculate_checksum(u8 *buffer, u32 length) -{ - u32 i; - u8 sum = 0; - - if (!buffer) - return 0; - - for (i = 0; i < length; i++) - sum += buffer[i]; - - return (u8) (0 - sum); -} - -/** - * e1000_mng_enable_host_if - Checks host interface is enabled - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * - * Returns E1000_success upon success, else E1000_ERR_HOST_INTERFACE_COMMAND - * - * This function checks whether the HOST IF is enabled for command operation - * and also checks whether the previous command is completed. It busy waits - * in case of previous command is not completed. - **/ -static s32 e1000_mng_enable_host_if(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - u32 hicr; - u8 i; - - if (!(hw->mac.arc_subsystem_valid)) { - e_dbg("ARC subsystem not valid.\n"); - return -E1000_ERR_HOST_INTERFACE_COMMAND; - } - - /* Check that the host interface is enabled. */ - hicr = er32(HICR); - if ((hicr & E1000_HICR_EN) == 0) { - e_dbg("E1000_HOST_EN bit disabled.\n"); - return -E1000_ERR_HOST_INTERFACE_COMMAND; - } - /* check the previous command is completed */ - for (i = 0; i < E1000_MNG_DHCP_COMMAND_TIMEOUT; i++) { - hicr = er32(HICR); - if (!(hicr & E1000_HICR_C)) - break; - mdelay(1); - } - - if (i == E1000_MNG_DHCP_COMMAND_TIMEOUT) { - e_dbg("Previous command timeout failed .\n"); - return -E1000_ERR_HOST_INTERFACE_COMMAND; - } - - return 0; -} - -/** - * e1000e_check_mng_mode_generic - check management mode - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * - * Reads the firmware semaphore register and returns true (>0) if - * manageability is enabled, else false (0). - **/ -bool e1000e_check_mng_mode_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - u32 fwsm = er32(FWSM); - - return (fwsm & E1000_FWSM_MODE_MASK) == - (E1000_MNG_IAMT_MODE << E1000_FWSM_MODE_SHIFT); -} - -/** - * e1000e_enable_tx_pkt_filtering - Enable packet filtering on Tx - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * - * Enables packet filtering on transmit packets if manageability is enabled - * and host interface is enabled. - **/ -bool e1000e_enable_tx_pkt_filtering(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - struct e1000_host_mng_dhcp_cookie *hdr = &hw->mng_cookie; - u32 *buffer = (u32 *)&hw->mng_cookie; - u32 offset; - s32 ret_val, hdr_csum, csum; - u8 i, len; - - hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering = true; - - /* No manageability, no filtering */ - if (!e1000e_check_mng_mode(hw)) { - hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering = false; - goto out; - } - - /* - * If we can't read from the host interface for whatever - * reason, disable filtering. - */ - ret_val = e1000_mng_enable_host_if(hw); - if (ret_val) { - hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering = false; - goto out; - } - - /* Read in the header. Length and offset are in dwords. */ - len = E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_LENGTH >> 2; - offset = E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_OFFSET >> 2; - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) - *(buffer + i) = E1000_READ_REG_ARRAY(hw, E1000_HOST_IF, offset + i); - hdr_csum = hdr->checksum; - hdr->checksum = 0; - csum = e1000_calculate_checksum((u8 *)hdr, - E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_LENGTH); - /* - * If either the checksums or signature don't match, then - * the cookie area isn't considered valid, in which case we - * take the safe route of assuming Tx filtering is enabled. - */ - if ((hdr_csum != csum) || (hdr->signature != E1000_IAMT_SIGNATURE)) { - hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering = true; - goto out; - } - - /* Cookie area is valid, make the final check for filtering. */ - if (!(hdr->status & E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_STATUS_PARSING)) { - hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering = false; - goto out; - } - -out: - return hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering; -} - -/** - * e1000_mng_write_cmd_header - Writes manageability command header - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * @hdr: pointer to the host interface command header - * - * Writes the command header after does the checksum calculation. - **/ -static s32 e1000_mng_write_cmd_header(struct e1000_hw *hw, - struct e1000_host_mng_command_header *hdr) -{ - u16 i, length = sizeof(struct e1000_host_mng_command_header); - - /* Write the whole command header structure with new checksum. */ - - hdr->checksum = e1000_calculate_checksum((u8 *)hdr, length); - - length >>= 2; - /* Write the relevant command block into the ram area. */ - for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { - E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, E1000_HOST_IF, i, - *((u32 *) hdr + i)); - e1e_flush(); - } - - return 0; -} - -/** - * e1000_mng_host_if_write - Write to the manageability host interface - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * @buffer: pointer to the host interface buffer - * @length: size of the buffer - * @offset: location in the buffer to write to - * @sum: sum of the data (not checksum) - * - * This function writes the buffer content at the offset given on the host if. - * It also does alignment considerations to do the writes in most efficient - * way. Also fills up the sum of the buffer in *buffer parameter. - **/ -static s32 e1000_mng_host_if_write(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 *buffer, - u16 length, u16 offset, u8 *sum) -{ - u8 *tmp; - u8 *bufptr = buffer; - u32 data = 0; - u16 remaining, i, j, prev_bytes; - - /* sum = only sum of the data and it is not checksum */ - - if (length == 0 || offset + length > E1000_HI_MAX_MNG_DATA_LENGTH) - return -E1000_ERR_PARAM; - - tmp = (u8 *)&data; - prev_bytes = offset & 0x3; - offset >>= 2; - - if (prev_bytes) { - data = E1000_READ_REG_ARRAY(hw, E1000_HOST_IF, offset); - for (j = prev_bytes; j < sizeof(u32); j++) { - *(tmp + j) = *bufptr++; - *sum += *(tmp + j); - } - E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, E1000_HOST_IF, offset, data); - length -= j - prev_bytes; - offset++; - } - - remaining = length & 0x3; - length -= remaining; - - /* Calculate length in DWORDs */ - length >>= 2; - - /* - * The device driver writes the relevant command block into the - * ram area. - */ - for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { - for (j = 0; j < sizeof(u32); j++) { - *(tmp + j) = *bufptr++; - *sum += *(tmp + j); - } - - E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, E1000_HOST_IF, offset + i, data); - } - if (remaining) { - for (j = 0; j < sizeof(u32); j++) { - if (j < remaining) - *(tmp + j) = *bufptr++; - else - *(tmp + j) = 0; - - *sum += *(tmp + j); - } - E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, E1000_HOST_IF, offset + i, data); - } - - return 0; -} - -/** - * e1000e_mng_write_dhcp_info - Writes DHCP info to host interface - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * @buffer: pointer to the host interface - * @length: size of the buffer - * - * Writes the DHCP information to the host interface. - **/ -s32 e1000e_mng_write_dhcp_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 *buffer, u16 length) -{ - struct e1000_host_mng_command_header hdr; - s32 ret_val; - u32 hicr; - - hdr.command_id = E1000_MNG_DHCP_TX_PAYLOAD_CMD; - hdr.command_length = length; - hdr.reserved1 = 0; - hdr.reserved2 = 0; - hdr.checksum = 0; - - /* Enable the host interface */ - ret_val = e1000_mng_enable_host_if(hw); - if (ret_val) - return ret_val; - - /* Populate the host interface with the contents of "buffer". */ - ret_val = e1000_mng_host_if_write(hw, buffer, length, - sizeof(hdr), &(hdr.checksum)); - if (ret_val) - return ret_val; - - /* Write the manageability command header */ - ret_val = e1000_mng_write_cmd_header(hw, &hdr); - if (ret_val) - return ret_val; - - /* Tell the ARC a new command is pending. */ - hicr = er32(HICR); - ew32(HICR, hicr | E1000_HICR_C); - - return 0; -} - -/** - * e1000e_enable_mng_pass_thru - Check if management passthrough is needed - * @hw: pointer to the HW structure - * - * Verifies the hardware needs to leave interface enabled so that frames can - * be directed to and from the management interface. - **/ -bool e1000e_enable_mng_pass_thru(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - u32 manc; - u32 fwsm, factps; - bool ret_val = false; - - manc = er32(MANC); - - if (!(manc & E1000_MANC_RCV_TCO_EN)) - goto out; - - if (hw->mac.has_fwsm) { - fwsm = er32(FWSM); - factps = er32(FACTPS); - - if (!(factps & E1000_FACTPS_MNGCG) && - ((fwsm & E1000_FWSM_MODE_MASK) == - (e1000_mng_mode_pt << E1000_FWSM_MODE_SHIFT))) { - ret_val = true; - goto out; - } - } else if ((hw->mac.type == e1000_82574) || - (hw->mac.type == e1000_82583)) { - u16 data; - - factps = er32(FACTPS); - e1000_read_nvm(hw, NVM_INIT_CONTROL2_REG, 1, &data); - - if (!(factps & E1000_FACTPS_MNGCG) && - ((data & E1000_NVM_INIT_CTRL2_MNGM) == - (e1000_mng_mode_pt << 13))) { - ret_val = true; - goto out; - } - } else if ((manc & E1000_MANC_SMBUS_EN) && - !(manc & E1000_MANC_ASF_EN)) { - ret_val = true; - goto out; - } - -out: - return ret_val; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/manage.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/manage.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..473f8e71151050838d11b61e251ca3af16ed9f5c --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/manage.c @@ -0,0 +1,367 @@ +/******************************************************************************* + + Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + + Contact Information: + Linux NICS + e1000-devel Mailing List + Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 + +*******************************************************************************/ + +#include "e1000.h" + +enum e1000_mng_mode { + e1000_mng_mode_none = 0, + e1000_mng_mode_asf, + e1000_mng_mode_pt, + e1000_mng_mode_ipmi, + e1000_mng_mode_host_if_only +}; + +#define E1000_FACTPS_MNGCG 0x20000000 + +/* Intel(R) Active Management Technology signature */ +#define E1000_IAMT_SIGNATURE 0x544D4149 + +/** + * e1000_calculate_checksum - Calculate checksum for buffer + * @buffer: pointer to EEPROM + * @length: size of EEPROM to calculate a checksum for + * + * Calculates the checksum for some buffer on a specified length. The + * checksum calculated is returned. + **/ +static u8 e1000_calculate_checksum(u8 *buffer, u32 length) +{ + u32 i; + u8 sum = 0; + + if (!buffer) + return 0; + + for (i = 0; i < length; i++) + sum += buffer[i]; + + return (u8)(0 - sum); +} + +/** + * e1000_mng_enable_host_if - Checks host interface is enabled + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * + * Returns E1000_success upon success, else E1000_ERR_HOST_INTERFACE_COMMAND + * + * This function checks whether the HOST IF is enabled for command operation + * and also checks whether the previous command is completed. It busy waits + * in case of previous command is not completed. + **/ +static s32 e1000_mng_enable_host_if(struct e1000_hw *hw) +{ + u32 hicr; + u8 i; + + if (!hw->mac.arc_subsystem_valid) { + e_dbg("ARC subsystem not valid.\n"); + return -E1000_ERR_HOST_INTERFACE_COMMAND; + } + + /* Check that the host interface is enabled. */ + hicr = er32(HICR); + if ((hicr & E1000_HICR_EN) == 0) { + e_dbg("E1000_HOST_EN bit disabled.\n"); + return -E1000_ERR_HOST_INTERFACE_COMMAND; + } + /* check the previous command is completed */ + for (i = 0; i < E1000_MNG_DHCP_COMMAND_TIMEOUT; i++) { + hicr = er32(HICR); + if (!(hicr & E1000_HICR_C)) + break; + mdelay(1); + } + + if (i == E1000_MNG_DHCP_COMMAND_TIMEOUT) { + e_dbg("Previous command timeout failed .\n"); + return -E1000_ERR_HOST_INTERFACE_COMMAND; + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * e1000e_check_mng_mode_generic - Generic check management mode + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * + * Reads the firmware semaphore register and returns true (>0) if + * manageability is enabled, else false (0). + **/ +bool e1000e_check_mng_mode_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) +{ + u32 fwsm = er32(FWSM); + + return (fwsm & E1000_FWSM_MODE_MASK) == + (E1000_MNG_IAMT_MODE << E1000_FWSM_MODE_SHIFT); +} + +/** + * e1000e_enable_tx_pkt_filtering - Enable packet filtering on Tx + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * + * Enables packet filtering on transmit packets if manageability is enabled + * and host interface is enabled. + **/ +bool e1000e_enable_tx_pkt_filtering(struct e1000_hw *hw) +{ + struct e1000_host_mng_dhcp_cookie *hdr = &hw->mng_cookie; + u32 *buffer = (u32 *)&hw->mng_cookie; + u32 offset; + s32 ret_val, hdr_csum, csum; + u8 i, len; + + hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering = true; + + /* No manageability, no filtering */ + if (!hw->mac.ops.check_mng_mode(hw)) { + hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering = false; + return hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering; + } + + /* + * If we can't read from the host interface for whatever + * reason, disable filtering. + */ + ret_val = e1000_mng_enable_host_if(hw); + if (ret_val) { + hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering = false; + return hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering; + } + + /* Read in the header. Length and offset are in dwords. */ + len = E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_LENGTH >> 2; + offset = E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_OFFSET >> 2; + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) + *(buffer + i) = E1000_READ_REG_ARRAY(hw, E1000_HOST_IF, + offset + i); + hdr_csum = hdr->checksum; + hdr->checksum = 0; + csum = e1000_calculate_checksum((u8 *)hdr, + E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_LENGTH); + /* + * If either the checksums or signature don't match, then + * the cookie area isn't considered valid, in which case we + * take the safe route of assuming Tx filtering is enabled. + */ + if ((hdr_csum != csum) || (hdr->signature != E1000_IAMT_SIGNATURE)) { + hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering = true; + return hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering; + } + + /* Cookie area is valid, make the final check for filtering. */ + if (!(hdr->status & E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_STATUS_PARSING)) + hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering = false; + + return hw->mac.tx_pkt_filtering; +} + +/** + * e1000_mng_write_cmd_header - Writes manageability command header + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * @hdr: pointer to the host interface command header + * + * Writes the command header after does the checksum calculation. + **/ +static s32 e1000_mng_write_cmd_header(struct e1000_hw *hw, + struct e1000_host_mng_command_header *hdr) +{ + u16 i, length = sizeof(struct e1000_host_mng_command_header); + + /* Write the whole command header structure with new checksum. */ + + hdr->checksum = e1000_calculate_checksum((u8 *)hdr, length); + + length >>= 2; + /* Write the relevant command block into the ram area. */ + for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { + E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, E1000_HOST_IF, i, *((u32 *)hdr + i)); + e1e_flush(); + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * e1000_mng_host_if_write - Write to the manageability host interface + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * @buffer: pointer to the host interface buffer + * @length: size of the buffer + * @offset: location in the buffer to write to + * @sum: sum of the data (not checksum) + * + * This function writes the buffer content at the offset given on the host if. + * It also does alignment considerations to do the writes in most efficient + * way. Also fills up the sum of the buffer in *buffer parameter. + **/ +static s32 e1000_mng_host_if_write(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 *buffer, + u16 length, u16 offset, u8 *sum) +{ + u8 *tmp; + u8 *bufptr = buffer; + u32 data = 0; + u16 remaining, i, j, prev_bytes; + + /* sum = only sum of the data and it is not checksum */ + + if (length == 0 || offset + length > E1000_HI_MAX_MNG_DATA_LENGTH) + return -E1000_ERR_PARAM; + + tmp = (u8 *)&data; + prev_bytes = offset & 0x3; + offset >>= 2; + + if (prev_bytes) { + data = E1000_READ_REG_ARRAY(hw, E1000_HOST_IF, offset); + for (j = prev_bytes; j < sizeof(u32); j++) { + *(tmp + j) = *bufptr++; + *sum += *(tmp + j); + } + E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, E1000_HOST_IF, offset, data); + length -= j - prev_bytes; + offset++; + } + + remaining = length & 0x3; + length -= remaining; + + /* Calculate length in DWORDs */ + length >>= 2; + + /* + * The device driver writes the relevant command block into the + * ram area. + */ + for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { + for (j = 0; j < sizeof(u32); j++) { + *(tmp + j) = *bufptr++; + *sum += *(tmp + j); + } + + E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, E1000_HOST_IF, offset + i, data); + } + if (remaining) { + for (j = 0; j < sizeof(u32); j++) { + if (j < remaining) + *(tmp + j) = *bufptr++; + else + *(tmp + j) = 0; + + *sum += *(tmp + j); + } + E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, E1000_HOST_IF, offset + i, data); + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * e1000e_mng_write_dhcp_info - Writes DHCP info to host interface + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * @buffer: pointer to the host interface + * @length: size of the buffer + * + * Writes the DHCP information to the host interface. + **/ +s32 e1000e_mng_write_dhcp_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 *buffer, u16 length) +{ + struct e1000_host_mng_command_header hdr; + s32 ret_val; + u32 hicr; + + hdr.command_id = E1000_MNG_DHCP_TX_PAYLOAD_CMD; + hdr.command_length = length; + hdr.reserved1 = 0; + hdr.reserved2 = 0; + hdr.checksum = 0; + + /* Enable the host interface */ + ret_val = e1000_mng_enable_host_if(hw); + if (ret_val) + return ret_val; + + /* Populate the host interface with the contents of "buffer". */ + ret_val = e1000_mng_host_if_write(hw, buffer, length, + sizeof(hdr), &(hdr.checksum)); + if (ret_val) + return ret_val; + + /* Write the manageability command header */ + ret_val = e1000_mng_write_cmd_header(hw, &hdr); + if (ret_val) + return ret_val; + + /* Tell the ARC a new command is pending. */ + hicr = er32(HICR); + ew32(HICR, hicr | E1000_HICR_C); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * e1000e_enable_mng_pass_thru - Check if management passthrough is needed + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * + * Verifies the hardware needs to leave interface enabled so that frames can + * be directed to and from the management interface. + **/ +bool e1000e_enable_mng_pass_thru(struct e1000_hw *hw) +{ + u32 manc; + u32 fwsm, factps; + + manc = er32(MANC); + + if (!(manc & E1000_MANC_RCV_TCO_EN)) + return false; + + if (hw->mac.has_fwsm) { + fwsm = er32(FWSM); + factps = er32(FACTPS); + + if (!(factps & E1000_FACTPS_MNGCG) && + ((fwsm & E1000_FWSM_MODE_MASK) == + (e1000_mng_mode_pt << E1000_FWSM_MODE_SHIFT))) + return true; + } else if ((hw->mac.type == e1000_82574) || + (hw->mac.type == e1000_82583)) { + u16 data; + + factps = er32(FACTPS); + e1000_read_nvm(hw, NVM_INIT_CONTROL2_REG, 1, &data); + + if (!(factps & E1000_FACTPS_MNGCG) && + ((data & E1000_NVM_INIT_CTRL2_MNGM) == + (e1000_mng_mode_pt << 13))) + return true; + } else if ((manc & E1000_MANC_SMBUS_EN) && + !(manc & E1000_MANC_ASF_EN)) { + return true; + } + + return false; +} diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/netdev.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/netdev.c index 3911401ed65d59ceafe9b28080a6630f4adf6371..a9a4ea2c616eff20549d4f0872567c1ac454c648 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/netdev.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/netdev.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /******************************************************************************* Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2011 Intel Corporation. + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Intel Corporation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ #define DRV_EXTRAVERSION "-k" -#define DRV_VERSION "1.5.1" DRV_EXTRAVERSION +#define DRV_VERSION "1.9.5" DRV_EXTRAVERSION char e1000e_driver_name[] = "e1000e"; const char e1000e_driver_version[] = DRV_VERSION; @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ static const struct e1000_reg_info e1000_reg_info_tbl[] = { {E1000_TDFPC, "TDFPC"}, /* List Terminator */ - {} + {0, NULL} }; /* @@ -183,18 +183,18 @@ static void e1000e_dump(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) struct e1000_ring *tx_ring = adapter->tx_ring; struct e1000_tx_desc *tx_desc; struct my_u0 { - u64 a; - u64 b; + __le64 a; + __le64 b; } *u0; struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info; struct e1000_ring *rx_ring = adapter->rx_ring; union e1000_rx_desc_packet_split *rx_desc_ps; union e1000_rx_desc_extended *rx_desc; struct my_u1 { - u64 a; - u64 b; - u64 c; - u64 d; + __le64 a; + __le64 b; + __le64 c; + __le64 d; } *u1; u32 staterr; int i = 0; @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ static void e1000e_dump(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) /* Print Tx Ring Summary */ if (!netdev || !netif_running(netdev)) - goto exit; + return; dev_info(&adapter->pdev->dev, "Tx Ring Summary\n"); pr_info("Queue [NTU] [NTC] [bi(ntc)->dma ] leng ntw timestamp\n"); @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ static void e1000e_dump(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) /* Print Rx Ring */ if (!netif_msg_rx_status(adapter)) - goto exit; + return; dev_info(&adapter->pdev->dev, "Rx Ring Dump\n"); switch (adapter->rx_ps_pages) { @@ -449,9 +449,6 @@ static void e1000e_dump(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) } } } - -exit: - return; } /** @@ -487,22 +484,27 @@ static void e1000_receive_skb(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, /** * e1000_rx_checksum - Receive Checksum Offload - * @adapter: board private structure - * @status_err: receive descriptor status and error fields - * @csum: receive descriptor csum field - * @sk_buff: socket buffer with received data + * @adapter: board private structure + * @status_err: receive descriptor status and error fields + * @csum: receive descriptor csum field + * @sk_buff: socket buffer with received data **/ static void e1000_rx_checksum(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, u32 status_err, - u32 csum, struct sk_buff *skb) + __le16 csum, struct sk_buff *skb) { u16 status = (u16)status_err; u8 errors = (u8)(status_err >> 24); skb_checksum_none_assert(skb); + /* Rx checksum disabled */ + if (!(adapter->netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXCSUM)) + return; + /* Ignore Checksum bit is set */ if (status & E1000_RXD_STAT_IXSM) return; + /* TCP/UDP checksum error bit is set */ if (errors & E1000_RXD_ERR_TCPE) { /* let the stack verify checksum errors */ @@ -524,7 +526,7 @@ static void e1000_rx_checksum(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, u32 status_err, * Hardware complements the payload checksum, so we undo it * and then put the value in host order for further stack use. */ - __sum16 sum = (__force __sum16)htons(csum); + __sum16 sum = (__force __sum16)swab16((__force u16)csum); skb->csum = csum_unfold(~sum); skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_COMPLETE; } @@ -545,7 +547,7 @@ static void e1000_rx_checksum(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, u32 status_err, * which has bit 24 set while ME is accessing Host CSR registers, wait * if it is set and try again a number of times. **/ -static inline s32 e1000e_update_tail_wa(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 __iomem * tail, +static inline s32 e1000e_update_tail_wa(struct e1000_hw *hw, void __iomem *tail, unsigned int i) { unsigned int j = 0; @@ -562,12 +564,12 @@ static inline s32 e1000e_update_tail_wa(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 __iomem * tail, return 0; } -static void e1000e_update_rdt_wa(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, unsigned int i) +static void e1000e_update_rdt_wa(struct e1000_ring *rx_ring, unsigned int i) { - u8 __iomem *tail = (adapter->hw.hw_addr + adapter->rx_ring->tail); + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = rx_ring->adapter; struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; - if (e1000e_update_tail_wa(hw, tail, i)) { + if (e1000e_update_tail_wa(hw, rx_ring->tail, i)) { u32 rctl = er32(RCTL); ew32(RCTL, rctl & ~E1000_RCTL_EN); e_err("ME firmware caused invalid RDT - resetting\n"); @@ -575,12 +577,12 @@ static void e1000e_update_rdt_wa(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, unsigned int i) } } -static void e1000e_update_tdt_wa(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, unsigned int i) +static void e1000e_update_tdt_wa(struct e1000_ring *tx_ring, unsigned int i) { - u8 __iomem *tail = (adapter->hw.hw_addr + adapter->tx_ring->tail); + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = tx_ring->adapter; struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; - if (e1000e_update_tail_wa(hw, tail, i)) { + if (e1000e_update_tail_wa(hw, tx_ring->tail, i)) { u32 tctl = er32(TCTL); ew32(TCTL, tctl & ~E1000_TCTL_EN); e_err("ME firmware caused invalid TDT - resetting\n"); @@ -590,14 +592,14 @@ static void e1000e_update_tdt_wa(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, unsigned int i) /** * e1000_alloc_rx_buffers - Replace used receive buffers - * @adapter: address of board private structure + * @rx_ring: Rx descriptor ring **/ -static void e1000_alloc_rx_buffers(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, +static void e1000_alloc_rx_buffers(struct e1000_ring *rx_ring, int cleaned_count, gfp_t gfp) { + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = rx_ring->adapter; struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev; - struct e1000_ring *rx_ring = adapter->rx_ring; union e1000_rx_desc_extended *rx_desc; struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info; struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -644,9 +646,9 @@ static void e1000_alloc_rx_buffers(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, */ wmb(); if (adapter->flags2 & FLAG2_PCIM2PCI_ARBITER_WA) - e1000e_update_rdt_wa(adapter, i); + e1000e_update_rdt_wa(rx_ring, i); else - writel(i, adapter->hw.hw_addr + rx_ring->tail); + writel(i, rx_ring->tail); } i++; if (i == rx_ring->count) @@ -659,15 +661,15 @@ static void e1000_alloc_rx_buffers(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, /** * e1000_alloc_rx_buffers_ps - Replace used receive buffers; packet split - * @adapter: address of board private structure + * @rx_ring: Rx descriptor ring **/ -static void e1000_alloc_rx_buffers_ps(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, +static void e1000_alloc_rx_buffers_ps(struct e1000_ring *rx_ring, int cleaned_count, gfp_t gfp) { + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = rx_ring->adapter; struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev; union e1000_rx_desc_packet_split *rx_desc; - struct e1000_ring *rx_ring = adapter->rx_ring; struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info; struct e1000_ps_page *ps_page; struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -747,10 +749,9 @@ static void e1000_alloc_rx_buffers_ps(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, */ wmb(); if (adapter->flags2 & FLAG2_PCIM2PCI_ARBITER_WA) - e1000e_update_rdt_wa(adapter, i << 1); + e1000e_update_rdt_wa(rx_ring, i << 1); else - writel(i << 1, - adapter->hw.hw_addr + rx_ring->tail); + writel(i << 1, rx_ring->tail); } i++; @@ -765,17 +766,17 @@ static void e1000_alloc_rx_buffers_ps(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, /** * e1000_alloc_jumbo_rx_buffers - Replace used jumbo receive buffers - * @adapter: address of board private structure + * @rx_ring: Rx descriptor ring * @cleaned_count: number of buffers to allocate this pass **/ -static void e1000_alloc_jumbo_rx_buffers(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, +static void e1000_alloc_jumbo_rx_buffers(struct e1000_ring *rx_ring, int cleaned_count, gfp_t gfp) { + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = rx_ring->adapter; struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev; union e1000_rx_desc_extended *rx_desc; - struct e1000_ring *rx_ring = adapter->rx_ring; struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info; struct sk_buff *skb; unsigned int i; @@ -834,26 +835,33 @@ static void e1000_alloc_jumbo_rx_buffers(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, * such as IA-64). */ wmb(); if (adapter->flags2 & FLAG2_PCIM2PCI_ARBITER_WA) - e1000e_update_rdt_wa(adapter, i); + e1000e_update_rdt_wa(rx_ring, i); else - writel(i, adapter->hw.hw_addr + rx_ring->tail); + writel(i, rx_ring->tail); } } +static inline void e1000_rx_hash(struct net_device *netdev, __le32 rss, + struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + if (netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXHASH) + skb->rxhash = le32_to_cpu(rss); +} + /** - * e1000_clean_rx_irq - Send received data up the network stack; legacy - * @adapter: board private structure + * e1000_clean_rx_irq - Send received data up the network stack + * @rx_ring: Rx descriptor ring * * the return value indicates whether actual cleaning was done, there * is no guarantee that everything was cleaned **/ -static bool e1000_clean_rx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, - int *work_done, int work_to_do) +static bool e1000_clean_rx_irq(struct e1000_ring *rx_ring, int *work_done, + int work_to_do) { + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = rx_ring->adapter; struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev; struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; - struct e1000_ring *rx_ring = adapter->rx_ring; union e1000_rx_desc_extended *rx_desc, *next_rxd; struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info, *next_buffer; u32 length, staterr; @@ -918,15 +926,24 @@ static bool e1000_clean_rx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, goto next_desc; } - if (staterr & E1000_RXDEXT_ERR_FRAME_ERR_MASK) { + if (unlikely((staterr & E1000_RXDEXT_ERR_FRAME_ERR_MASK) && + !(netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXALL))) { /* recycle */ buffer_info->skb = skb; goto next_desc; } /* adjust length to remove Ethernet CRC */ - if (!(adapter->flags2 & FLAG2_CRC_STRIPPING)) - length -= 4; + if (!(adapter->flags2 & FLAG2_CRC_STRIPPING)) { + /* If configured to store CRC, don't subtract FCS, + * but keep the FCS bytes out of the total_rx_bytes + * counter + */ + if (netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXFCS) + total_rx_bytes -= 4; + else + length -= 4; + } total_rx_bytes += length; total_rx_packets++; @@ -957,8 +974,9 @@ static bool e1000_clean_rx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, /* Receive Checksum Offload */ e1000_rx_checksum(adapter, staterr, - le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.lower.hi_dword. - csum_ip.csum), skb); + rx_desc->wb.lower.hi_dword.csum_ip.csum, skb); + + e1000_rx_hash(netdev, rx_desc->wb.lower.hi_dword.rss, skb); e1000_receive_skb(adapter, netdev, skb, staterr, rx_desc->wb.upper.vlan); @@ -968,7 +986,7 @@ static bool e1000_clean_rx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, /* return some buffers to hardware, one at a time is too slow */ if (cleaned_count >= E1000_RX_BUFFER_WRITE) { - adapter->alloc_rx_buf(adapter, cleaned_count, + adapter->alloc_rx_buf(rx_ring, cleaned_count, GFP_ATOMIC); cleaned_count = 0; } @@ -983,16 +1001,18 @@ static bool e1000_clean_rx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, cleaned_count = e1000_desc_unused(rx_ring); if (cleaned_count) - adapter->alloc_rx_buf(adapter, cleaned_count, GFP_ATOMIC); + adapter->alloc_rx_buf(rx_ring, cleaned_count, GFP_ATOMIC); adapter->total_rx_bytes += total_rx_bytes; adapter->total_rx_packets += total_rx_packets; return cleaned; } -static void e1000_put_txbuf(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, - struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info) +static void e1000_put_txbuf(struct e1000_ring *tx_ring, + struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info) { + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = tx_ring->adapter; + if (buffer_info->dma) { if (buffer_info->mapped_as_page) dma_unmap_page(&adapter->pdev->dev, buffer_info->dma, @@ -1063,8 +1083,8 @@ static void e1000_print_hw_hang(struct work_struct *work) "PHY 1000BASE-T Status <%x>\n" "PHY Extended Status <%x>\n" "PCI Status <%x>\n", - readl(adapter->hw.hw_addr + tx_ring->head), - readl(adapter->hw.hw_addr + tx_ring->tail), + readl(tx_ring->head), + readl(tx_ring->tail), tx_ring->next_to_use, tx_ring->next_to_clean, tx_ring->buffer_info[eop].time_stamp, @@ -1080,16 +1100,16 @@ static void e1000_print_hw_hang(struct work_struct *work) /** * e1000_clean_tx_irq - Reclaim resources after transmit completes - * @adapter: board private structure + * @tx_ring: Tx descriptor ring * * the return value indicates whether actual cleaning was done, there * is no guarantee that everything was cleaned **/ -static bool e1000_clean_tx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) +static bool e1000_clean_tx_irq(struct e1000_ring *tx_ring) { + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = tx_ring->adapter; struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; - struct e1000_ring *tx_ring = adapter->tx_ring; struct e1000_tx_desc *tx_desc, *eop_desc; struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info; unsigned int i, eop; @@ -1119,7 +1139,7 @@ static bool e1000_clean_tx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) } } - e1000_put_txbuf(adapter, buffer_info); + e1000_put_txbuf(tx_ring, buffer_info); tx_desc->upper.data = 0; i++; @@ -1173,19 +1193,19 @@ static bool e1000_clean_tx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) /** * e1000_clean_rx_irq_ps - Send received data up the network stack; packet split - * @adapter: board private structure + * @rx_ring: Rx descriptor ring * * the return value indicates whether actual cleaning was done, there * is no guarantee that everything was cleaned **/ -static bool e1000_clean_rx_irq_ps(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, - int *work_done, int work_to_do) +static bool e1000_clean_rx_irq_ps(struct e1000_ring *rx_ring, int *work_done, + int work_to_do) { + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = rx_ring->adapter; struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; union e1000_rx_desc_packet_split *rx_desc, *next_rxd; struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev; - struct e1000_ring *rx_ring = adapter->rx_ring; struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info, *next_buffer; struct e1000_ps_page *ps_page; struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -1236,7 +1256,8 @@ static bool e1000_clean_rx_irq_ps(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, goto next_desc; } - if (staterr & E1000_RXDEXT_ERR_FRAME_ERR_MASK) { + if (unlikely((staterr & E1000_RXDEXT_ERR_FRAME_ERR_MASK) && + !(netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXALL))) { dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb); goto next_desc; } @@ -1253,43 +1274,51 @@ static bool e1000_clean_rx_irq_ps(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, skb_put(skb, length); { - /* - * this looks ugly, but it seems compiler issues make it - * more efficient than reusing j - */ - int l1 = le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.upper.length[0]); - - /* - * page alloc/put takes too long and effects small packet - * throughput, so unsplit small packets and save the alloc/put - * only valid in softirq (napi) context to call kmap_* - */ - if (l1 && (l1 <= copybreak) && - ((length + l1) <= adapter->rx_ps_bsize0)) { - u8 *vaddr; - - ps_page = &buffer_info->ps_pages[0]; + /* + * this looks ugly, but it seems compiler issues make + * it more efficient than reusing j + */ + int l1 = le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.upper.length[0]); /* - * there is no documentation about how to call - * kmap_atomic, so we can't hold the mapping - * very long + * page alloc/put takes too long and effects small + * packet throughput, so unsplit small packets and + * save the alloc/put only valid in softirq (napi) + * context to call kmap_* */ - dma_sync_single_for_cpu(&pdev->dev, ps_page->dma, - PAGE_SIZE, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - vaddr = kmap_atomic(ps_page->page, KM_SKB_DATA_SOFTIRQ); - memcpy(skb_tail_pointer(skb), vaddr, l1); - kunmap_atomic(vaddr, KM_SKB_DATA_SOFTIRQ); - dma_sync_single_for_device(&pdev->dev, ps_page->dma, - PAGE_SIZE, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - - /* remove the CRC */ - if (!(adapter->flags2 & FLAG2_CRC_STRIPPING)) - l1 -= 4; - - skb_put(skb, l1); - goto copydone; - } /* if */ + if (l1 && (l1 <= copybreak) && + ((length + l1) <= adapter->rx_ps_bsize0)) { + u8 *vaddr; + + ps_page = &buffer_info->ps_pages[0]; + + /* + * there is no documentation about how to call + * kmap_atomic, so we can't hold the mapping + * very long + */ + dma_sync_single_for_cpu(&pdev->dev, + ps_page->dma, + PAGE_SIZE, + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + vaddr = kmap_atomic(ps_page->page, + KM_SKB_DATA_SOFTIRQ); + memcpy(skb_tail_pointer(skb), vaddr, l1); + kunmap_atomic(vaddr, KM_SKB_DATA_SOFTIRQ); + dma_sync_single_for_device(&pdev->dev, + ps_page->dma, + PAGE_SIZE, + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + + /* remove the CRC */ + if (!(adapter->flags2 & FLAG2_CRC_STRIPPING)) { + if (!(netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXFCS)) + l1 -= 4; + } + + skb_put(skb, l1); + goto copydone; + } /* if */ } for (j = 0; j < PS_PAGE_BUFFERS; j++) { @@ -1311,15 +1340,19 @@ static bool e1000_clean_rx_irq_ps(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, /* strip the ethernet crc, problem is we're using pages now so * this whole operation can get a little cpu intensive */ - if (!(adapter->flags2 & FLAG2_CRC_STRIPPING)) - pskb_trim(skb, skb->len - 4); + if (!(adapter->flags2 & FLAG2_CRC_STRIPPING)) { + if (!(netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXFCS)) + pskb_trim(skb, skb->len - 4); + } copydone: total_rx_bytes += skb->len; total_rx_packets++; - e1000_rx_checksum(adapter, staterr, le16_to_cpu( - rx_desc->wb.lower.hi_dword.csum_ip.csum), skb); + e1000_rx_checksum(adapter, staterr, + rx_desc->wb.lower.hi_dword.csum_ip.csum, skb); + + e1000_rx_hash(netdev, rx_desc->wb.lower.hi_dword.rss, skb); if (rx_desc->wb.upper.header_status & cpu_to_le16(E1000_RXDPS_HDRSTAT_HDRSP)) @@ -1334,7 +1367,7 @@ static bool e1000_clean_rx_irq_ps(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, /* return some buffers to hardware, one at a time is too slow */ if (cleaned_count >= E1000_RX_BUFFER_WRITE) { - adapter->alloc_rx_buf(adapter, cleaned_count, + adapter->alloc_rx_buf(rx_ring, cleaned_count, GFP_ATOMIC); cleaned_count = 0; } @@ -1349,7 +1382,7 @@ static bool e1000_clean_rx_irq_ps(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, cleaned_count = e1000_desc_unused(rx_ring); if (cleaned_count) - adapter->alloc_rx_buf(adapter, cleaned_count, GFP_ATOMIC); + adapter->alloc_rx_buf(rx_ring, cleaned_count, GFP_ATOMIC); adapter->total_rx_bytes += total_rx_bytes; adapter->total_rx_packets += total_rx_packets; @@ -1375,13 +1408,12 @@ static void e1000_consume_page(struct e1000_buffer *bi, struct sk_buff *skb, * the return value indicates whether actual cleaning was done, there * is no guarantee that everything was cleaned **/ - -static bool e1000_clean_jumbo_rx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, - int *work_done, int work_to_do) +static bool e1000_clean_jumbo_rx_irq(struct e1000_ring *rx_ring, int *work_done, + int work_to_do) { + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = rx_ring->adapter; struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev; - struct e1000_ring *rx_ring = adapter->rx_ring; union e1000_rx_desc_extended *rx_desc, *next_rxd; struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info, *next_buffer; u32 length, staterr; @@ -1424,7 +1456,8 @@ static bool e1000_clean_jumbo_rx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, /* errors is only valid for DD + EOP descriptors */ if (unlikely((staterr & E1000_RXD_STAT_EOP) && - (staterr & E1000_RXDEXT_ERR_FRAME_ERR_MASK))) { + ((staterr & E1000_RXDEXT_ERR_FRAME_ERR_MASK) && + !(netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXALL)))) { /* recycle both page and skb */ buffer_info->skb = skb; /* an error means any chain goes out the window too */ @@ -1491,8 +1524,9 @@ static bool e1000_clean_jumbo_rx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, /* Receive Checksum Offload XXX recompute due to CRC strip? */ e1000_rx_checksum(adapter, staterr, - le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.lower.hi_dword. - csum_ip.csum), skb); + rx_desc->wb.lower.hi_dword.csum_ip.csum, skb); + + e1000_rx_hash(netdev, rx_desc->wb.lower.hi_dword.rss, skb); /* probably a little skewed due to removing CRC */ total_rx_bytes += skb->len; @@ -1513,7 +1547,7 @@ static bool e1000_clean_jumbo_rx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, /* return some buffers to hardware, one at a time is too slow */ if (unlikely(cleaned_count >= E1000_RX_BUFFER_WRITE)) { - adapter->alloc_rx_buf(adapter, cleaned_count, + adapter->alloc_rx_buf(rx_ring, cleaned_count, GFP_ATOMIC); cleaned_count = 0; } @@ -1528,7 +1562,7 @@ static bool e1000_clean_jumbo_rx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, cleaned_count = e1000_desc_unused(rx_ring); if (cleaned_count) - adapter->alloc_rx_buf(adapter, cleaned_count, GFP_ATOMIC); + adapter->alloc_rx_buf(rx_ring, cleaned_count, GFP_ATOMIC); adapter->total_rx_bytes += total_rx_bytes; adapter->total_rx_packets += total_rx_packets; @@ -1537,11 +1571,11 @@ static bool e1000_clean_jumbo_rx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, /** * e1000_clean_rx_ring - Free Rx Buffers per Queue - * @adapter: board private structure + * @rx_ring: Rx descriptor ring **/ -static void e1000_clean_rx_ring(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) +static void e1000_clean_rx_ring(struct e1000_ring *rx_ring) { - struct e1000_ring *rx_ring = adapter->rx_ring; + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = rx_ring->adapter; struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info; struct e1000_ps_page *ps_page; struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev; @@ -1601,8 +1635,8 @@ static void e1000_clean_rx_ring(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) rx_ring->next_to_use = 0; adapter->flags2 &= ~FLAG2_IS_DISCARDING; - writel(0, adapter->hw.hw_addr + rx_ring->head); - writel(0, adapter->hw.hw_addr + rx_ring->tail); + writel(0, rx_ring->head); + writel(0, rx_ring->tail); } static void e1000e_downshift_workaround(struct work_struct *work) @@ -1633,7 +1667,7 @@ static irqreturn_t e1000_intr_msi(int irq, void *data) */ if (icr & E1000_ICR_LSC) { - hw->mac.get_link_status = 1; + hw->mac.get_link_status = true; /* * ICH8 workaround-- Call gig speed drop workaround on cable * disconnect (LSC) before accessing any PHY registers @@ -1699,7 +1733,7 @@ static irqreturn_t e1000_intr(int irq, void *data) */ if (icr & E1000_ICR_LSC) { - hw->mac.get_link_status = 1; + hw->mac.get_link_status = true; /* * ICH8 workaround-- Call gig speed drop workaround on cable * disconnect (LSC) before accessing any PHY registers @@ -1756,7 +1790,7 @@ static irqreturn_t e1000_msix_other(int irq, void *data) if (icr & E1000_ICR_OTHER) { if (!(icr & E1000_ICR_LSC)) goto no_link_interrupt; - hw->mac.get_link_status = 1; + hw->mac.get_link_status = true; /* guard against interrupt when we're going down */ if (!test_bit(__E1000_DOWN, &adapter->state)) mod_timer(&adapter->watchdog_timer, jiffies + 1); @@ -1781,7 +1815,7 @@ static irqreturn_t e1000_intr_msix_tx(int irq, void *data) adapter->total_tx_bytes = 0; adapter->total_tx_packets = 0; - if (!e1000_clean_tx_irq(adapter)) + if (!e1000_clean_tx_irq(tx_ring)) /* Ring was not completely cleaned, so fire another interrupt */ ew32(ICS, tx_ring->ims_val); @@ -1792,14 +1826,15 @@ static irqreturn_t e1000_intr_msix_rx(int irq, void *data) { struct net_device *netdev = data; struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); + struct e1000_ring *rx_ring = adapter->rx_ring; /* Write the ITR value calculated at the end of the * previous interrupt. */ - if (adapter->rx_ring->set_itr) { - writel(1000000000 / (adapter->rx_ring->itr_val * 256), - adapter->hw.hw_addr + adapter->rx_ring->itr_register); - adapter->rx_ring->set_itr = 0; + if (rx_ring->set_itr) { + writel(1000000000 / (rx_ring->itr_val * 256), + rx_ring->itr_register); + rx_ring->set_itr = 0; } if (napi_schedule_prep(&adapter->napi)) { @@ -1839,9 +1874,9 @@ static void e1000_configure_msix(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) adapter->eiac_mask |= rx_ring->ims_val; if (rx_ring->itr_val) writel(1000000000 / (rx_ring->itr_val * 256), - hw->hw_addr + rx_ring->itr_register); + rx_ring->itr_register); else - writel(1, hw->hw_addr + rx_ring->itr_register); + writel(1, rx_ring->itr_register); ivar = E1000_IVAR_INT_ALLOC_VALID | vector; /* Configure Tx vector */ @@ -1849,9 +1884,9 @@ static void e1000_configure_msix(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) vector++; if (tx_ring->itr_val) writel(1000000000 / (tx_ring->itr_val * 256), - hw->hw_addr + tx_ring->itr_register); + tx_ring->itr_register); else - writel(1, hw->hw_addr + tx_ring->itr_register); + writel(1, tx_ring->itr_register); adapter->eiac_mask |= tx_ring->ims_val; ivar |= ((E1000_IVAR_INT_ALLOC_VALID | vector) << 8); @@ -1965,8 +2000,9 @@ static int e1000_request_msix(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) e1000_intr_msix_rx, 0, adapter->rx_ring->name, netdev); if (err) - goto out; - adapter->rx_ring->itr_register = E1000_EITR_82574(vector); + return err; + adapter->rx_ring->itr_register = adapter->hw.hw_addr + + E1000_EITR_82574(vector); adapter->rx_ring->itr_val = adapter->itr; vector++; @@ -1980,20 +2016,20 @@ static int e1000_request_msix(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) e1000_intr_msix_tx, 0, adapter->tx_ring->name, netdev); if (err) - goto out; - adapter->tx_ring->itr_register = E1000_EITR_82574(vector); + return err; + adapter->tx_ring->itr_register = adapter->hw.hw_addr + + E1000_EITR_82574(vector); adapter->tx_ring->itr_val = adapter->itr; vector++; err = request_irq(adapter->msix_entries[vector].vector, e1000_msix_other, 0, netdev->name, netdev); if (err) - goto out; + return err; e1000_configure_msix(adapter); + return 0; -out: - return err; } /** @@ -2162,13 +2198,13 @@ static int e1000_alloc_ring_dma(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, /** * e1000e_setup_tx_resources - allocate Tx resources (Descriptors) - * @adapter: board private structure + * @tx_ring: Tx descriptor ring * * Return 0 on success, negative on failure **/ -int e1000e_setup_tx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) +int e1000e_setup_tx_resources(struct e1000_ring *tx_ring) { - struct e1000_ring *tx_ring = adapter->tx_ring; + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = tx_ring->adapter; int err = -ENOMEM, size; size = sizeof(struct e1000_buffer) * tx_ring->count; @@ -2196,13 +2232,13 @@ int e1000e_setup_tx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) /** * e1000e_setup_rx_resources - allocate Rx resources (Descriptors) - * @adapter: board private structure + * @rx_ring: Rx descriptor ring * * Returns 0 on success, negative on failure **/ -int e1000e_setup_rx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) +int e1000e_setup_rx_resources(struct e1000_ring *rx_ring) { - struct e1000_ring *rx_ring = adapter->rx_ring; + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = rx_ring->adapter; struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info; int i, size, desc_len, err = -ENOMEM; @@ -2249,18 +2285,18 @@ int e1000e_setup_rx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) /** * e1000_clean_tx_ring - Free Tx Buffers - * @adapter: board private structure + * @tx_ring: Tx descriptor ring **/ -static void e1000_clean_tx_ring(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) +static void e1000_clean_tx_ring(struct e1000_ring *tx_ring) { - struct e1000_ring *tx_ring = adapter->tx_ring; + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = tx_ring->adapter; struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info; unsigned long size; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < tx_ring->count; i++) { buffer_info = &tx_ring->buffer_info[i]; - e1000_put_txbuf(adapter, buffer_info); + e1000_put_txbuf(tx_ring, buffer_info); } netdev_reset_queue(adapter->netdev); @@ -2272,22 +2308,22 @@ static void e1000_clean_tx_ring(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) tx_ring->next_to_use = 0; tx_ring->next_to_clean = 0; - writel(0, adapter->hw.hw_addr + tx_ring->head); - writel(0, adapter->hw.hw_addr + tx_ring->tail); + writel(0, tx_ring->head); + writel(0, tx_ring->tail); } /** * e1000e_free_tx_resources - Free Tx Resources per Queue - * @adapter: board private structure + * @tx_ring: Tx descriptor ring * * Free all transmit software resources **/ -void e1000e_free_tx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) +void e1000e_free_tx_resources(struct e1000_ring *tx_ring) { + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = tx_ring->adapter; struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev; - struct e1000_ring *tx_ring = adapter->tx_ring; - e1000_clean_tx_ring(adapter); + e1000_clean_tx_ring(tx_ring); vfree(tx_ring->buffer_info); tx_ring->buffer_info = NULL; @@ -2299,18 +2335,17 @@ void e1000e_free_tx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) /** * e1000e_free_rx_resources - Free Rx Resources - * @adapter: board private structure + * @rx_ring: Rx descriptor ring * * Free all receive software resources **/ - -void e1000e_free_rx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) +void e1000e_free_rx_resources(struct e1000_ring *rx_ring) { + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = rx_ring->adapter; struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev; - struct e1000_ring *rx_ring = adapter->rx_ring; int i; - e1000_clean_rx_ring(adapter); + e1000_clean_rx_ring(rx_ring); for (i = 0; i < rx_ring->count; i++) kfree(rx_ring->buffer_info[i].ps_pages); @@ -2346,7 +2381,7 @@ static unsigned int e1000_update_itr(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, unsigned int retval = itr_setting; if (packets == 0) - goto update_itr_done; + return itr_setting; switch (itr_setting) { case lowest_latency: @@ -2381,7 +2416,6 @@ static unsigned int e1000_update_itr(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, break; } -update_itr_done: return retval; } @@ -2464,13 +2498,19 @@ static void e1000_set_itr(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) **/ static int __devinit e1000_alloc_queues(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) { - adapter->tx_ring = kzalloc(sizeof(struct e1000_ring), GFP_KERNEL); + int size = sizeof(struct e1000_ring); + + adapter->tx_ring = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!adapter->tx_ring) goto err; + adapter->tx_ring->count = adapter->tx_ring_count; + adapter->tx_ring->adapter = adapter; - adapter->rx_ring = kzalloc(sizeof(struct e1000_ring), GFP_KERNEL); + adapter->rx_ring = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!adapter->rx_ring) goto err; + adapter->rx_ring->count = adapter->rx_ring_count; + adapter->rx_ring->adapter = adapter; return 0; err: @@ -2498,10 +2538,10 @@ static int e1000_clean(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) !(adapter->rx_ring->ims_val & adapter->tx_ring->ims_val)) goto clean_rx; - tx_cleaned = e1000_clean_tx_irq(adapter); + tx_cleaned = e1000_clean_tx_irq(adapter->tx_ring); clean_rx: - adapter->clean_rx(adapter, &work_done, budget); + adapter->clean_rx(adapter->rx_ring, &work_done, budget); if (!tx_cleaned) work_done = budget; @@ -2746,8 +2786,7 @@ static void e1000_configure_tx(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; struct e1000_ring *tx_ring = adapter->tx_ring; u64 tdba; - u32 tdlen, tctl, tipg, tarc; - u32 ipgr1, ipgr2; + u32 tdlen, tarc; /* Setup the HW Tx Head and Tail descriptor pointers */ tdba = tx_ring->dma; @@ -2757,20 +2796,8 @@ static void e1000_configure_tx(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) ew32(TDLEN, tdlen); ew32(TDH, 0); ew32(TDT, 0); - tx_ring->head = E1000_TDH; - tx_ring->tail = E1000_TDT; - - /* Set the default values for the Tx Inter Packet Gap timer */ - tipg = DEFAULT_82543_TIPG_IPGT_COPPER; /* 8 */ - ipgr1 = DEFAULT_82543_TIPG_IPGR1; /* 8 */ - ipgr2 = DEFAULT_82543_TIPG_IPGR2; /* 6 */ - - if (adapter->flags & FLAG_TIPG_MEDIUM_FOR_80003ESLAN) - ipgr2 = DEFAULT_80003ES2LAN_TIPG_IPGR2; /* 7 */ - - tipg |= ipgr1 << E1000_TIPG_IPGR1_SHIFT; - tipg |= ipgr2 << E1000_TIPG_IPGR2_SHIFT; - ew32(TIPG, tipg); + tx_ring->head = adapter->hw.hw_addr + E1000_TDH; + tx_ring->tail = adapter->hw.hw_addr + E1000_TDT; /* Set the Tx Interrupt Delay register */ ew32(TIDV, adapter->tx_int_delay); @@ -2793,15 +2820,9 @@ static void e1000_configure_tx(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) */ txdctl |= E1000_TXDCTL_DMA_BURST_ENABLE; ew32(TXDCTL(0), txdctl); - /* erratum work around: set txdctl the same for both queues */ - ew32(TXDCTL(1), txdctl); } - - /* Program the Transmit Control Register */ - tctl = er32(TCTL); - tctl &= ~E1000_TCTL_CT; - tctl |= E1000_TCTL_PSP | E1000_TCTL_RTLC | - (E1000_COLLISION_THRESHOLD << E1000_CT_SHIFT); + /* erratum work around: set txdctl the same for both queues */ + ew32(TXDCTL(1), er32(TXDCTL(0))); if (adapter->flags & FLAG_TARC_SPEED_MODE_BIT) { tarc = er32(TARC(0)); @@ -2834,9 +2855,7 @@ static void e1000_configure_tx(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) /* enable Report Status bit */ adapter->txd_cmd |= E1000_TXD_CMD_RS; - ew32(TCTL, tctl); - - e1000e_config_collision_dist(hw); + hw->mac.ops.config_collision_dist(hw); } /** @@ -2944,8 +2963,7 @@ static void e1000_setup_rctl(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) * per packet. */ pages = PAGE_USE_COUNT(adapter->netdev->mtu); - if (!(adapter->flags & FLAG_HAS_ERT) && (pages <= 3) && - (PAGE_SIZE <= 16384) && (rctl & E1000_RCTL_LPE)) + if ((pages <= 3) && (PAGE_SIZE <= 16384) && (rctl & E1000_RCTL_LPE)) adapter->rx_ps_pages = pages; else adapter->rx_ps_pages = 0; @@ -2982,6 +3000,22 @@ static void e1000_setup_rctl(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) ew32(PSRCTL, psrctl); } + /* This is useful for sniffing bad packets. */ + if (adapter->netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXALL) { + /* UPE and MPE will be handled by normal PROMISC logic + * in e1000e_set_rx_mode */ + rctl |= (E1000_RCTL_SBP | /* Receive bad packets */ + E1000_RCTL_BAM | /* RX All Bcast Pkts */ + E1000_RCTL_PMCF); /* RX All MAC Ctrl Pkts */ + + rctl &= ~(E1000_RCTL_VFE | /* Disable VLAN filter */ + E1000_RCTL_DPF | /* Allow filtered pause */ + E1000_RCTL_CFIEN); /* Dis VLAN CFIEN Filter */ + /* Do not mess with E1000_CTRL_VME, it affects transmit as well, + * and that breaks VLANs. + */ + } + ew32(RFCTL, rfctl); ew32(RCTL, rctl); /* just started the receive unit, no need to restart */ @@ -3072,8 +3106,8 @@ static void e1000_configure_rx(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) ew32(RDLEN, rdlen); ew32(RDH, 0); ew32(RDT, 0); - rx_ring->head = E1000_RDH; - rx_ring->tail = E1000_RDT; + rx_ring->head = adapter->hw.hw_addr + E1000_RDH; + rx_ring->tail = adapter->hw.hw_addr + E1000_RDT; /* Enable Receive Checksum Offload for TCP and UDP */ rxcsum = er32(RXCSUM); @@ -3092,23 +3126,14 @@ static void e1000_configure_rx(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) } ew32(RXCSUM, rxcsum); - /* - * Enable early receives on supported devices, only takes effect when - * packet size is equal or larger than the specified value (in 8 byte - * units), e.g. using jumbo frames when setting to E1000_ERT_2048 - */ - if ((adapter->flags & FLAG_HAS_ERT) || - (adapter->hw.mac.type == e1000_pch2lan)) { + if (adapter->hw.mac.type == e1000_pch2lan) { + /* + * With jumbo frames, excessive C-state transition + * latencies result in dropped transactions. + */ if (adapter->netdev->mtu > ETH_DATA_LEN) { u32 rxdctl = er32(RXDCTL(0)); ew32(RXDCTL(0), rxdctl | 0x3); - if (adapter->flags & FLAG_HAS_ERT) - ew32(ERT, E1000_ERT_2048 | (1 << 13)); - /* - * With jumbo frames and early-receive enabled, - * excessive C-state transition latencies result in - * dropped transactions. - */ pm_qos_update_request(&adapter->netdev->pm_qos_req, 55); } else { pm_qos_update_request(&adapter->netdev->pm_qos_req, @@ -3237,6 +3262,7 @@ static void e1000e_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *netdev) e1000e_vlan_filter_disable(adapter); } else { int count; + if (netdev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI) { rctl |= E1000_RCTL_MPE; } else { @@ -3268,22 +3294,62 @@ static void e1000e_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *netdev) e1000e_vlan_strip_disable(adapter); } +static void e1000e_setup_rss_hash(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) +{ + struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; + u32 mrqc, rxcsum; + int i; + static const u32 rsskey[10] = { + 0xda565a6d, 0xc20e5b25, 0x3d256741, 0xb08fa343, 0xcb2bcad0, + 0xb4307bae, 0xa32dcb77, 0x0cf23080, 0x3bb7426a, 0xfa01acbe + }; + + /* Fill out hash function seed */ + for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) + ew32(RSSRK(i), rsskey[i]); + + /* Direct all traffic to queue 0 */ + for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) + ew32(RETA(i), 0); + + /* + * Disable raw packet checksumming so that RSS hash is placed in + * descriptor on writeback. + */ + rxcsum = er32(RXCSUM); + rxcsum |= E1000_RXCSUM_PCSD; + + ew32(RXCSUM, rxcsum); + + mrqc = (E1000_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV4 | + E1000_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV4_TCP | + E1000_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6 | + E1000_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_TCP | + E1000_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_TCP_EX); + + ew32(MRQC, mrqc); +} + /** * e1000_configure - configure the hardware for Rx and Tx * @adapter: private board structure **/ static void e1000_configure(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) { + struct e1000_ring *rx_ring = adapter->rx_ring; + e1000e_set_rx_mode(adapter->netdev); e1000_restore_vlan(adapter); e1000_init_manageability_pt(adapter); e1000_configure_tx(adapter); + + if (adapter->netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXHASH) + e1000e_setup_rss_hash(adapter); e1000_setup_rctl(adapter); e1000_configure_rx(adapter); - adapter->alloc_rx_buf(adapter, e1000_desc_unused(adapter->rx_ring), - GFP_KERNEL); + adapter->alloc_rx_buf(rx_ring, e1000_desc_unused(rx_ring), GFP_KERNEL); } /** @@ -3379,9 +3445,7 @@ void e1000e_reset(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) * if short on Rx space, Rx wins and must trump Tx * adjustment or use Early Receive if available */ - if ((pba < min_rx_space) && - (!(adapter->flags & FLAG_HAS_ERT))) - /* ERT enabled in e1000_configure_rx */ + if (pba < min_rx_space) pba = min_rx_space; } @@ -3395,26 +3459,29 @@ void e1000e_reset(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) * (or the size used for early receive) above it in the Rx FIFO. * Set it to the lower of: * - 90% of the Rx FIFO size, and - * - the full Rx FIFO size minus the early receive size (for parts - * with ERT support assuming ERT set to E1000_ERT_2048), or * - the full Rx FIFO size minus one full frame */ if (adapter->flags & FLAG_DISABLE_FC_PAUSE_TIME) fc->pause_time = 0xFFFF; else fc->pause_time = E1000_FC_PAUSE_TIME; - fc->send_xon = 1; + fc->send_xon = true; fc->current_mode = fc->requested_mode; switch (hw->mac.type) { + case e1000_ich9lan: + case e1000_ich10lan: + if (adapter->netdev->mtu > ETH_DATA_LEN) { + pba = 14; + ew32(PBA, pba); + fc->high_water = 0x2800; + fc->low_water = fc->high_water - 8; + break; + } + /* fall-through */ default: - if ((adapter->flags & FLAG_HAS_ERT) && - (adapter->netdev->mtu > ETH_DATA_LEN)) - hwm = min(((pba << 10) * 9 / 10), - ((pba << 10) - (E1000_ERT_2048 << 3))); - else - hwm = min(((pba << 10) * 9 / 10), - ((pba << 10) - adapter->max_frame_size)); + hwm = min(((pba << 10) * 9 / 10), + ((pba << 10) - adapter->max_frame_size)); fc->high_water = hwm & E1000_FCRTH_RTH; /* 8-byte granularity */ fc->low_water = fc->high_water - 8; @@ -3447,11 +3514,10 @@ void e1000e_reset(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) /* * Disable Adaptive Interrupt Moderation if 2 full packets cannot - * fit in receive buffer and early-receive not supported. + * fit in receive buffer. */ if (adapter->itr_setting & 0x3) { - if (((adapter->max_frame_size * 2) > (pba << 10)) && - !(adapter->flags & FLAG_HAS_ERT)) { + if ((adapter->max_frame_size * 2) > (pba << 10)) { if (!(adapter->flags2 & FLAG2_DISABLE_AIM)) { dev_info(&adapter->pdev->dev, "Interrupt Throttle Rate turned off\n"); @@ -3593,8 +3659,8 @@ void e1000e_down(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) spin_unlock(&adapter->stats64_lock); e1000e_flush_descriptors(adapter); - e1000_clean_tx_ring(adapter); - e1000_clean_rx_ring(adapter); + e1000_clean_tx_ring(adapter->tx_ring); + e1000_clean_rx_ring(adapter->rx_ring); adapter->link_speed = 0; adapter->link_duplex = 0; @@ -3634,6 +3700,8 @@ static int __devinit e1000_sw_init(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) adapter->rx_ps_bsize0 = 128; adapter->max_frame_size = netdev->mtu + ETH_HLEN + ETH_FCS_LEN; adapter->min_frame_size = ETH_ZLEN + ETH_FCS_LEN; + adapter->tx_ring_count = E1000_DEFAULT_TXD; + adapter->rx_ring_count = E1000_DEFAULT_RXD; spin_lock_init(&adapter->stats64_lock); @@ -3721,8 +3789,9 @@ static int e1000_test_msi_interrupt(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) if (adapter->flags & FLAG_MSI_TEST_FAILED) { adapter->int_mode = E1000E_INT_MODE_LEGACY; e_info("MSI interrupt test failed, using legacy interrupt.\n"); - } else + } else { e_dbg("MSI interrupt test succeeded!\n"); + } free_irq(adapter->pdev->irq, netdev); pci_disable_msi(adapter->pdev); @@ -3792,12 +3861,12 @@ static int e1000_open(struct net_device *netdev) netif_carrier_off(netdev); /* allocate transmit descriptors */ - err = e1000e_setup_tx_resources(adapter); + err = e1000e_setup_tx_resources(adapter->tx_ring); if (err) goto err_setup_tx; /* allocate receive descriptors */ - err = e1000e_setup_rx_resources(adapter); + err = e1000e_setup_rx_resources(adapter->rx_ring); if (err) goto err_setup_rx; @@ -3817,9 +3886,8 @@ static int e1000_open(struct net_device *netdev) E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_STATUS_VLAN)) e1000_update_mng_vlan(adapter); - /* DMA latency requirement to workaround early-receive/jumbo issue */ - if ((adapter->flags & FLAG_HAS_ERT) || - (adapter->hw.mac.type == e1000_pch2lan)) + /* DMA latency requirement to workaround jumbo issue */ + if (adapter->hw.mac.type == e1000_pch2lan) pm_qos_add_request(&adapter->netdev->pm_qos_req, PM_QOS_CPU_DMA_LATENCY, PM_QOS_DEFAULT_VALUE); @@ -3873,9 +3941,9 @@ static int e1000_open(struct net_device *netdev) err_req_irq: e1000e_release_hw_control(adapter); e1000_power_down_phy(adapter); - e1000e_free_rx_resources(adapter); + e1000e_free_rx_resources(adapter->rx_ring); err_setup_rx: - e1000e_free_tx_resources(adapter); + e1000e_free_tx_resources(adapter->tx_ring); err_setup_tx: e1000e_reset(adapter); pm_runtime_put_sync(&pdev->dev); @@ -3911,8 +3979,8 @@ static int e1000_close(struct net_device *netdev) } e1000_power_down_phy(adapter); - e1000e_free_tx_resources(adapter); - e1000e_free_rx_resources(adapter); + e1000e_free_tx_resources(adapter->tx_ring); + e1000e_free_rx_resources(adapter->rx_ring); /* * kill manageability vlan ID if supported, but not if a vlan with @@ -3930,8 +3998,7 @@ static int e1000_close(struct net_device *netdev) !test_bit(__E1000_TESTING, &adapter->state)) e1000e_release_hw_control(adapter); - if ((adapter->flags & FLAG_HAS_ERT) || - (adapter->hw.mac.type == e1000_pch2lan)) + if (adapter->hw.mac.type == e1000_pch2lan) pm_qos_remove_request(&adapter->netdev->pm_qos_req); pm_runtime_put_sync(&pdev->dev); @@ -4566,13 +4633,12 @@ static void e1000_watchdog_task(struct work_struct *work) #define E1000_TX_FLAGS_VLAN 0x00000002 #define E1000_TX_FLAGS_TSO 0x00000004 #define E1000_TX_FLAGS_IPV4 0x00000008 +#define E1000_TX_FLAGS_NO_FCS 0x00000010 #define E1000_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_MASK 0xffff0000 #define E1000_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_SHIFT 16 -static int e1000_tso(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, - struct sk_buff *skb) +static int e1000_tso(struct e1000_ring *tx_ring, struct sk_buff *skb) { - struct e1000_ring *tx_ring = adapter->tx_ring; struct e1000_context_desc *context_desc; struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info; unsigned int i; @@ -4641,9 +4707,9 @@ static int e1000_tso(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, return 1; } -static bool e1000_tx_csum(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, struct sk_buff *skb) +static bool e1000_tx_csum(struct e1000_ring *tx_ring, struct sk_buff *skb) { - struct e1000_ring *tx_ring = adapter->tx_ring; + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = tx_ring->adapter; struct e1000_context_desc *context_desc; struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info; unsigned int i; @@ -4704,12 +4770,11 @@ static bool e1000_tx_csum(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, struct sk_buff *skb) #define E1000_MAX_PER_TXD 8192 #define E1000_MAX_TXD_PWR 12 -static int e1000_tx_map(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, - struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int first, - unsigned int max_per_txd, unsigned int nr_frags, - unsigned int mss) +static int e1000_tx_map(struct e1000_ring *tx_ring, struct sk_buff *skb, + unsigned int first, unsigned int max_per_txd, + unsigned int nr_frags, unsigned int mss) { - struct e1000_ring *tx_ring = adapter->tx_ring; + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = tx_ring->adapter; struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev; struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info; unsigned int len = skb_headlen(skb); @@ -4795,16 +4860,15 @@ static int e1000_tx_map(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, i += tx_ring->count; i--; buffer_info = &tx_ring->buffer_info[i]; - e1000_put_txbuf(adapter, buffer_info); + e1000_put_txbuf(tx_ring, buffer_info); } return 0; } -static void e1000_tx_queue(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, - int tx_flags, int count) +static void e1000_tx_queue(struct e1000_ring *tx_ring, int tx_flags, int count) { - struct e1000_ring *tx_ring = adapter->tx_ring; + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = tx_ring->adapter; struct e1000_tx_desc *tx_desc = NULL; struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info; u32 txd_upper = 0, txd_lower = E1000_TXD_CMD_IFCS; @@ -4829,6 +4893,9 @@ static void e1000_tx_queue(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, txd_upper |= (tx_flags & E1000_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_MASK); } + if (unlikely(tx_flags & E1000_TX_FLAGS_NO_FCS)) + txd_lower &= ~(E1000_TXD_CMD_IFCS); + i = tx_ring->next_to_use; do { @@ -4846,6 +4913,10 @@ static void e1000_tx_queue(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, tx_desc->lower.data |= cpu_to_le32(adapter->txd_cmd); + /* txd_cmd re-enables FCS, so we'll re-disable it here as desired. */ + if (unlikely(tx_flags & E1000_TX_FLAGS_NO_FCS)) + tx_desc->lower.data &= ~(cpu_to_le32(E1000_TXD_CMD_IFCS)); + /* * Force memory writes to complete before letting h/w * know there are new descriptors to fetch. (Only @@ -4857,9 +4928,9 @@ static void e1000_tx_queue(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, tx_ring->next_to_use = i; if (adapter->flags2 & FLAG2_PCIM2PCI_ARBITER_WA) - e1000e_update_tdt_wa(adapter, i); + e1000e_update_tdt_wa(tx_ring, i); else - writel(i, adapter->hw.hw_addr + tx_ring->tail); + writel(i, tx_ring->tail); /* * we need this if more than one processor can write to our tail @@ -4907,11 +4978,11 @@ static int e1000_transfer_dhcp_info(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, return 0; } -static int __e1000_maybe_stop_tx(struct net_device *netdev, int size) +static int __e1000_maybe_stop_tx(struct e1000_ring *tx_ring, int size) { - struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = tx_ring->adapter; - netif_stop_queue(netdev); + netif_stop_queue(adapter->netdev); /* * Herbert's original patch had: * smp_mb__after_netif_stop_queue(); @@ -4923,25 +4994,23 @@ static int __e1000_maybe_stop_tx(struct net_device *netdev, int size) * We need to check again in a case another CPU has just * made room available. */ - if (e1000_desc_unused(adapter->tx_ring) < size) + if (e1000_desc_unused(tx_ring) < size) return -EBUSY; /* A reprieve! */ - netif_start_queue(netdev); + netif_start_queue(adapter->netdev); ++adapter->restart_queue; return 0; } -static int e1000_maybe_stop_tx(struct net_device *netdev, int size) +static int e1000_maybe_stop_tx(struct e1000_ring *tx_ring, int size) { - struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); - - if (e1000_desc_unused(adapter->tx_ring) >= size) + if (e1000_desc_unused(tx_ring) >= size) return 0; - return __e1000_maybe_stop_tx(netdev, size); + return __e1000_maybe_stop_tx(tx_ring, size); } -#define TXD_USE_COUNT(S, X) (((S) >> (X)) + 1 ) +#define TXD_USE_COUNT(S, X) (((S) >> (X)) + 1) static netdev_tx_t e1000_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) { @@ -4995,7 +5064,7 @@ static netdev_tx_t e1000_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, if (skb->data_len && (hdr_len == len)) { unsigned int pull_size; - pull_size = min((unsigned int)4, skb->data_len); + pull_size = min_t(unsigned int, 4, skb->data_len); if (!__pskb_pull_tail(skb, pull_size)) { e_err("__pskb_pull_tail failed.\n"); dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); @@ -5024,7 +5093,7 @@ static netdev_tx_t e1000_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, * need: count + 2 desc gap to keep tail from touching * head, otherwise try next time */ - if (e1000_maybe_stop_tx(netdev, count + 2)) + if (e1000_maybe_stop_tx(tx_ring, count + 2)) return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; if (vlan_tx_tag_present(skb)) { @@ -5034,7 +5103,7 @@ static netdev_tx_t e1000_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, first = tx_ring->next_to_use; - tso = e1000_tso(adapter, skb); + tso = e1000_tso(tx_ring, skb); if (tso < 0) { dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); return NETDEV_TX_OK; @@ -5042,7 +5111,7 @@ static netdev_tx_t e1000_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, if (tso) tx_flags |= E1000_TX_FLAGS_TSO; - else if (e1000_tx_csum(adapter, skb)) + else if (e1000_tx_csum(tx_ring, skb)) tx_flags |= E1000_TX_FLAGS_CSUM; /* @@ -5053,13 +5122,16 @@ static netdev_tx_t e1000_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, if (skb->protocol == htons(ETH_P_IP)) tx_flags |= E1000_TX_FLAGS_IPV4; + if (unlikely(skb->no_fcs)) + tx_flags |= E1000_TX_FLAGS_NO_FCS; + /* if count is 0 then mapping error has occurred */ - count = e1000_tx_map(adapter, skb, first, max_per_txd, nr_frags, mss); + count = e1000_tx_map(tx_ring, skb, first, max_per_txd, nr_frags, mss); if (count) { netdev_sent_queue(netdev, skb->len); - e1000_tx_queue(adapter, tx_flags, count); + e1000_tx_queue(tx_ring, tx_flags, count); /* Make sure there is space in the ring for the next send. */ - e1000_maybe_stop_tx(netdev, MAX_SKB_FRAGS + 2); + e1000_maybe_stop_tx(tx_ring, MAX_SKB_FRAGS + 2); } else { dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); @@ -5165,10 +5237,22 @@ static int e1000_change_mtu(struct net_device *netdev, int new_mtu) int max_frame = new_mtu + ETH_HLEN + ETH_FCS_LEN; /* Jumbo frame support */ - if ((max_frame > ETH_FRAME_LEN + ETH_FCS_LEN) && - !(adapter->flags & FLAG_HAS_JUMBO_FRAMES)) { - e_err("Jumbo Frames not supported.\n"); - return -EINVAL; + if (max_frame > ETH_FRAME_LEN + ETH_FCS_LEN) { + if (!(adapter->flags & FLAG_HAS_JUMBO_FRAMES)) { + e_err("Jumbo Frames not supported.\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + /* + * IP payload checksum (enabled with jumbos/packet-split when + * Rx checksum is enabled) and generation of RSS hash is + * mutually exclusive in the hardware. + */ + if ((netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXCSUM) && + (netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXHASH)) { + e_err("Jumbo frames cannot be enabled when both receive checksum offload and receive hashing are enabled. Disable one of the receive offload features before enabling jumbos.\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } } /* Supported frame sizes */ @@ -5322,7 +5406,7 @@ static int e1000_init_phy_wakeup(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, u32 wufc) /* Enable access to wakeup registers on and set page to BM_WUC_PAGE */ retval = e1000_enable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm(hw, &wuc_enable); if (retval) - goto out; + goto release; /* copy MAC MTA to PHY MTA - only needed for pchlan */ for (i = 0; i < adapter->hw.mac.mta_reg_count; i++) { @@ -5366,7 +5450,7 @@ static int e1000_init_phy_wakeup(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, u32 wufc) retval = e1000_disable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm(hw, &wuc_enable); if (retval) e_err("Could not set PHY Host Wakeup bit\n"); -out: +release: hw->phy.ops.release(hw); return retval; @@ -5908,7 +5992,7 @@ static void e1000_print_device_info(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) ret_val = e1000_read_pba_string_generic(hw, pba_str, E1000_PBANUM_LENGTH); if (ret_val) - strncpy((char *)pba_str, "Unknown", sizeof(pba_str) - 1); + strlcpy((char *)pba_str, "Unknown", sizeof(pba_str)); e_info("MAC: %d, PHY: %d, PBA No: %s\n", hw->mac.type, hw->phy.type, pba_str); } @@ -5923,7 +6007,8 @@ static void e1000_eeprom_checks(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) return; ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, NVM_INIT_CONTROL2_REG, 1, &buf); - if (!ret_val && (!(le16_to_cpu(buf) & (1 << 0)))) { + le16_to_cpus(&buf); + if (!ret_val && (!(buf & (1 << 0)))) { /* Deep Smart Power Down (DSPD) */ dev_warn(&adapter->pdev->dev, "Warning: detected DSPD enabled in EEPROM\n"); @@ -5931,7 +6016,7 @@ static void e1000_eeprom_checks(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) } static int e1000_set_features(struct net_device *netdev, - netdev_features_t features) + netdev_features_t features) { struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); netdev_features_t changed = features ^ netdev->features; @@ -5940,9 +6025,37 @@ static int e1000_set_features(struct net_device *netdev, adapter->flags |= FLAG_TSO_FORCE; if (!(changed & (NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_RX | NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_TX | - NETIF_F_RXCSUM))) + NETIF_F_RXCSUM | NETIF_F_RXHASH | NETIF_F_RXFCS | + NETIF_F_RXALL))) return 0; + /* + * IP payload checksum (enabled with jumbos/packet-split when Rx + * checksum is enabled) and generation of RSS hash is mutually + * exclusive in the hardware. + */ + if (adapter->rx_ps_pages && + (features & NETIF_F_RXCSUM) && (features & NETIF_F_RXHASH)) { + e_err("Enabling both receive checksum offload and receive hashing is not possible with jumbo frames. Disable jumbos or enable only one of the receive offload features.\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (changed & NETIF_F_RXFCS) { + if (features & NETIF_F_RXFCS) { + adapter->flags2 &= ~FLAG2_CRC_STRIPPING; + } else { + /* We need to take it back to defaults, which might mean + * stripping is still disabled at the adapter level. + */ + if (adapter->flags2 & FLAG2_DFLT_CRC_STRIPPING) + adapter->flags2 |= FLAG2_CRC_STRIPPING; + else + adapter->flags2 &= ~FLAG2_CRC_STRIPPING; + } + } + + netdev->features = features; + if (netif_running(netdev)) e1000e_reinit_locked(adapter); else @@ -5991,7 +6104,6 @@ static int __devinit e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct e1000_info *ei = e1000_info_tbl[ent->driver_data]; resource_size_t mmio_start, mmio_len; resource_size_t flash_start, flash_len; - static int cards_found; u16 aspm_disable_flag = 0; int i, err, pci_using_dac; @@ -6087,7 +6199,7 @@ static int __devinit e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, e1000e_set_ethtool_ops(netdev); netdev->watchdog_timeo = 5 * HZ; netif_napi_add(netdev, &adapter->napi, e1000_clean, 64); - strncpy(netdev->name, pci_name(pdev), sizeof(netdev->name) - 1); + strlcpy(netdev->name, pci_name(pdev), sizeof(netdev->name)); netdev->mem_start = mmio_start; netdev->mem_end = mmio_start + mmio_len; @@ -6124,7 +6236,7 @@ static int __devinit e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, adapter->hw.phy.ms_type = e1000_ms_hw_default; } - if (e1000_check_reset_block(&adapter->hw)) + if (hw->phy.ops.check_reset_block(hw)) e_info("PHY reset is blocked due to SOL/IDER session.\n"); /* Set initial default active device features */ @@ -6133,11 +6245,15 @@ static int __devinit e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_TX | NETIF_F_TSO | NETIF_F_TSO6 | + NETIF_F_RXHASH | NETIF_F_RXCSUM | NETIF_F_HW_CSUM); /* Set user-changeable features (subset of all device features) */ netdev->hw_features = netdev->features; + netdev->hw_features |= NETIF_F_RXFCS; + netdev->priv_flags |= IFF_SUPP_NOFCS; + netdev->hw_features |= NETIF_F_RXALL; if (adapter->flags & FLAG_HAS_HW_VLAN_FILTER) netdev->features |= NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_FILTER; @@ -6231,11 +6347,11 @@ static int __devinit e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, } else if (adapter->flags & FLAG_APME_IN_CTRL3) { if (adapter->flags & FLAG_APME_CHECK_PORT_B && (adapter->hw.bus.func == 1)) - e1000_read_nvm(&adapter->hw, - NVM_INIT_CONTROL3_PORT_B, 1, &eeprom_data); + e1000_read_nvm(&adapter->hw, NVM_INIT_CONTROL3_PORT_B, + 1, &eeprom_data); else - e1000_read_nvm(&adapter->hw, - NVM_INIT_CONTROL3_PORT_A, 1, &eeprom_data); + e1000_read_nvm(&adapter->hw, NVM_INIT_CONTROL3_PORT_A, + 1, &eeprom_data); } /* fetch WoL from EEPROM */ @@ -6268,7 +6384,7 @@ static int __devinit e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, if (!(adapter->flags & FLAG_HAS_AMT)) e1000e_get_hw_control(adapter); - strncpy(netdev->name, "eth%d", sizeof(netdev->name) - 1); + strlcpy(netdev->name, "eth%d", sizeof(netdev->name)); err = register_netdev(netdev); if (err) goto err_register; @@ -6287,7 +6403,7 @@ static int __devinit e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, if (!(adapter->flags & FLAG_HAS_AMT)) e1000e_release_hw_control(adapter); err_eeprom: - if (!e1000_check_reset_block(&adapter->hw)) + if (!hw->phy.ops.check_reset_block(hw)) e1000_phy_hw_reset(&adapter->hw); err_hw_init: kfree(adapter->tx_ring); @@ -6449,7 +6565,7 @@ static DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE(e1000_pci_tbl) = { { PCI_VDEVICE(INTEL, E1000_DEV_ID_PCH2_LV_LM), board_pch2lan }, { PCI_VDEVICE(INTEL, E1000_DEV_ID_PCH2_LV_V), board_pch2lan }, - { } /* terminate list */ + { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } /* terminate list */ }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, e1000_pci_tbl); @@ -6468,7 +6584,9 @@ static struct pci_driver e1000_driver = { .probe = e1000_probe, .remove = __devexit_p(e1000_remove), #ifdef CONFIG_PM - .driver.pm = &e1000_pm_ops, + .driver = { + .pm = &e1000_pm_ops, + }, #endif .shutdown = e1000_shutdown, .err_handler = &e1000_err_handler @@ -6485,7 +6603,7 @@ static int __init e1000_init_module(void) int ret; pr_info("Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - %s\n", e1000e_driver_version); - pr_info("Copyright(c) 1999 - 2011 Intel Corporation.\n"); + pr_info("Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Intel Corporation.\n"); ret = pci_register_driver(&e1000_driver); return ret; @@ -6510,4 +6628,4 @@ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); MODULE_VERSION(DRV_VERSION); -/* e1000_main.c */ +/* netdev.c */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/nvm.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/nvm.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a969f1af1b4ee22f3fb2ff0693c54498232df3fb --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/nvm.c @@ -0,0 +1,643 @@ +/******************************************************************************* + + Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + + Contact Information: + Linux NICS + e1000-devel Mailing List + Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 + +*******************************************************************************/ + +#include "e1000.h" + +/** + * e1000_raise_eec_clk - Raise EEPROM clock + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * @eecd: pointer to the EEPROM + * + * Enable/Raise the EEPROM clock bit. + **/ +static void e1000_raise_eec_clk(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 *eecd) +{ + *eecd = *eecd | E1000_EECD_SK; + ew32(EECD, *eecd); + e1e_flush(); + udelay(hw->nvm.delay_usec); +} + +/** + * e1000_lower_eec_clk - Lower EEPROM clock + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * @eecd: pointer to the EEPROM + * + * Clear/Lower the EEPROM clock bit. + **/ +static void e1000_lower_eec_clk(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 *eecd) +{ + *eecd = *eecd & ~E1000_EECD_SK; + ew32(EECD, *eecd); + e1e_flush(); + udelay(hw->nvm.delay_usec); +} + +/** + * e1000_shift_out_eec_bits - Shift data bits our to the EEPROM + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * @data: data to send to the EEPROM + * @count: number of bits to shift out + * + * We need to shift 'count' bits out to the EEPROM. So, the value in the + * "data" parameter will be shifted out to the EEPROM one bit at a time. + * In order to do this, "data" must be broken down into bits. + **/ +static void e1000_shift_out_eec_bits(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 data, u16 count) +{ + struct e1000_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm; + u32 eecd = er32(EECD); + u32 mask; + + mask = 0x01 << (count - 1); + if (nvm->type == e1000_nvm_eeprom_spi) + eecd |= E1000_EECD_DO; + + do { + eecd &= ~E1000_EECD_DI; + + if (data & mask) + eecd |= E1000_EECD_DI; + + ew32(EECD, eecd); + e1e_flush(); + + udelay(nvm->delay_usec); + + e1000_raise_eec_clk(hw, &eecd); + e1000_lower_eec_clk(hw, &eecd); + + mask >>= 1; + } while (mask); + + eecd &= ~E1000_EECD_DI; + ew32(EECD, eecd); +} + +/** + * e1000_shift_in_eec_bits - Shift data bits in from the EEPROM + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * @count: number of bits to shift in + * + * In order to read a register from the EEPROM, we need to shift 'count' bits + * in from the EEPROM. Bits are "shifted in" by raising the clock input to + * the EEPROM (setting the SK bit), and then reading the value of the data out + * "DO" bit. During this "shifting in" process the data in "DI" bit should + * always be clear. + **/ +static u16 e1000_shift_in_eec_bits(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 count) +{ + u32 eecd; + u32 i; + u16 data; + + eecd = er32(EECD); + + eecd &= ~(E1000_EECD_DO | E1000_EECD_DI); + data = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { + data <<= 1; + e1000_raise_eec_clk(hw, &eecd); + + eecd = er32(EECD); + + eecd &= ~E1000_EECD_DI; + if (eecd & E1000_EECD_DO) + data |= 1; + + e1000_lower_eec_clk(hw, &eecd); + } + + return data; +} + +/** + * e1000e_poll_eerd_eewr_done - Poll for EEPROM read/write completion + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * @ee_reg: EEPROM flag for polling + * + * Polls the EEPROM status bit for either read or write completion based + * upon the value of 'ee_reg'. + **/ +s32 e1000e_poll_eerd_eewr_done(struct e1000_hw *hw, int ee_reg) +{ + u32 attempts = 100000; + u32 i, reg = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < attempts; i++) { + if (ee_reg == E1000_NVM_POLL_READ) + reg = er32(EERD); + else + reg = er32(EEWR); + + if (reg & E1000_NVM_RW_REG_DONE) + return 0; + + udelay(5); + } + + return -E1000_ERR_NVM; +} + +/** + * e1000e_acquire_nvm - Generic request for access to EEPROM + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * + * Set the EEPROM access request bit and wait for EEPROM access grant bit. + * Return successful if access grant bit set, else clear the request for + * EEPROM access and return -E1000_ERR_NVM (-1). + **/ +s32 e1000e_acquire_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw) +{ + u32 eecd = er32(EECD); + s32 timeout = E1000_NVM_GRANT_ATTEMPTS; + + ew32(EECD, eecd | E1000_EECD_REQ); + eecd = er32(EECD); + + while (timeout) { + if (eecd & E1000_EECD_GNT) + break; + udelay(5); + eecd = er32(EECD); + timeout--; + } + + if (!timeout) { + eecd &= ~E1000_EECD_REQ; + ew32(EECD, eecd); + e_dbg("Could not acquire NVM grant\n"); + return -E1000_ERR_NVM; + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * e1000_standby_nvm - Return EEPROM to standby state + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * + * Return the EEPROM to a standby state. + **/ +static void e1000_standby_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw) +{ + struct e1000_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm; + u32 eecd = er32(EECD); + + if (nvm->type == e1000_nvm_eeprom_spi) { + /* Toggle CS to flush commands */ + eecd |= E1000_EECD_CS; + ew32(EECD, eecd); + e1e_flush(); + udelay(nvm->delay_usec); + eecd &= ~E1000_EECD_CS; + ew32(EECD, eecd); + e1e_flush(); + udelay(nvm->delay_usec); + } +} + +/** + * e1000_stop_nvm - Terminate EEPROM command + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * + * Terminates the current command by inverting the EEPROM's chip select pin. + **/ +static void e1000_stop_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw) +{ + u32 eecd; + + eecd = er32(EECD); + if (hw->nvm.type == e1000_nvm_eeprom_spi) { + /* Pull CS high */ + eecd |= E1000_EECD_CS; + e1000_lower_eec_clk(hw, &eecd); + } +} + +/** + * e1000e_release_nvm - Release exclusive access to EEPROM + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * + * Stop any current commands to the EEPROM and clear the EEPROM request bit. + **/ +void e1000e_release_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw) +{ + u32 eecd; + + e1000_stop_nvm(hw); + + eecd = er32(EECD); + eecd &= ~E1000_EECD_REQ; + ew32(EECD, eecd); +} + +/** + * e1000_ready_nvm_eeprom - Prepares EEPROM for read/write + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * + * Setups the EEPROM for reading and writing. + **/ +static s32 e1000_ready_nvm_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw) +{ + struct e1000_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm; + u32 eecd = er32(EECD); + u8 spi_stat_reg; + + if (nvm->type == e1000_nvm_eeprom_spi) { + u16 timeout = NVM_MAX_RETRY_SPI; + + /* Clear SK and CS */ + eecd &= ~(E1000_EECD_CS | E1000_EECD_SK); + ew32(EECD, eecd); + e1e_flush(); + udelay(1); + + /* + * Read "Status Register" repeatedly until the LSB is cleared. + * The EEPROM will signal that the command has been completed + * by clearing bit 0 of the internal status register. If it's + * not cleared within 'timeout', then error out. + */ + while (timeout) { + e1000_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, NVM_RDSR_OPCODE_SPI, + hw->nvm.opcode_bits); + spi_stat_reg = (u8)e1000_shift_in_eec_bits(hw, 8); + if (!(spi_stat_reg & NVM_STATUS_RDY_SPI)) + break; + + udelay(5); + e1000_standby_nvm(hw); + timeout--; + } + + if (!timeout) { + e_dbg("SPI NVM Status error\n"); + return -E1000_ERR_NVM; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * e1000e_read_nvm_eerd - Reads EEPROM using EERD register + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * @offset: offset of word in the EEPROM to read + * @words: number of words to read + * @data: word read from the EEPROM + * + * Reads a 16 bit word from the EEPROM using the EERD register. + **/ +s32 e1000e_read_nvm_eerd(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data) +{ + struct e1000_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm; + u32 i, eerd = 0; + s32 ret_val = 0; + + /* + * A check for invalid values: offset too large, too many words, + * too many words for the offset, and not enough words. + */ + if ((offset >= nvm->word_size) || (words > (nvm->word_size - offset)) || + (words == 0)) { + e_dbg("nvm parameter(s) out of bounds\n"); + return -E1000_ERR_NVM; + } + + for (i = 0; i < words; i++) { + eerd = ((offset + i) << E1000_NVM_RW_ADDR_SHIFT) + + E1000_NVM_RW_REG_START; + + ew32(EERD, eerd); + ret_val = e1000e_poll_eerd_eewr_done(hw, E1000_NVM_POLL_READ); + if (ret_val) + break; + + data[i] = (er32(EERD) >> E1000_NVM_RW_REG_DATA); + } + + return ret_val; +} + +/** + * e1000e_write_nvm_spi - Write to EEPROM using SPI + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * @offset: offset within the EEPROM to be written to + * @words: number of words to write + * @data: 16 bit word(s) to be written to the EEPROM + * + * Writes data to EEPROM at offset using SPI interface. + * + * If e1000e_update_nvm_checksum is not called after this function , the + * EEPROM will most likely contain an invalid checksum. + **/ +s32 e1000e_write_nvm_spi(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data) +{ + struct e1000_nvm_info *nvm = &hw->nvm; + s32 ret_val; + u16 widx = 0; + + /* + * A check for invalid values: offset too large, too many words, + * and not enough words. + */ + if ((offset >= nvm->word_size) || (words > (nvm->word_size - offset)) || + (words == 0)) { + e_dbg("nvm parameter(s) out of bounds\n"); + return -E1000_ERR_NVM; + } + + ret_val = nvm->ops.acquire(hw); + if (ret_val) + return ret_val; + + while (widx < words) { + u8 write_opcode = NVM_WRITE_OPCODE_SPI; + + ret_val = e1000_ready_nvm_eeprom(hw); + if (ret_val) + goto release; + + e1000_standby_nvm(hw); + + /* Send the WRITE ENABLE command (8 bit opcode) */ + e1000_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, NVM_WREN_OPCODE_SPI, + nvm->opcode_bits); + + e1000_standby_nvm(hw); + + /* + * Some SPI eeproms use the 8th address bit embedded in the + * opcode + */ + if ((nvm->address_bits == 8) && (offset >= 128)) + write_opcode |= NVM_A8_OPCODE_SPI; + + /* Send the Write command (8-bit opcode + addr) */ + e1000_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, write_opcode, nvm->opcode_bits); + e1000_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, (u16)((offset + widx) * 2), + nvm->address_bits); + + /* Loop to allow for up to whole page write of eeprom */ + while (widx < words) { + u16 word_out = data[widx]; + word_out = (word_out >> 8) | (word_out << 8); + e1000_shift_out_eec_bits(hw, word_out, 16); + widx++; + + if ((((offset + widx) * 2) % nvm->page_size) == 0) { + e1000_standby_nvm(hw); + break; + } + } + } + + usleep_range(10000, 20000); +release: + nvm->ops.release(hw); + + return ret_val; +} + +/** + * e1000_read_pba_string_generic - Read device part number + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * @pba_num: pointer to device part number + * @pba_num_size: size of part number buffer + * + * Reads the product board assembly (PBA) number from the EEPROM and stores + * the value in pba_num. + **/ +s32 e1000_read_pba_string_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 *pba_num, + u32 pba_num_size) +{ + s32 ret_val; + u16 nvm_data; + u16 pba_ptr; + u16 offset; + u16 length; + + if (pba_num == NULL) { + e_dbg("PBA string buffer was null\n"); + return -E1000_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; + } + + ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, NVM_PBA_OFFSET_0, 1, &nvm_data); + if (ret_val) { + e_dbg("NVM Read Error\n"); + return ret_val; + } + + ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, NVM_PBA_OFFSET_1, 1, &pba_ptr); + if (ret_val) { + e_dbg("NVM Read Error\n"); + return ret_val; + } + + /* + * if nvm_data is not ptr guard the PBA must be in legacy format which + * means pba_ptr is actually our second data word for the PBA number + * and we can decode it into an ascii string + */ + if (nvm_data != NVM_PBA_PTR_GUARD) { + e_dbg("NVM PBA number is not stored as string\n"); + + /* we will need 11 characters to store the PBA */ + if (pba_num_size < 11) { + e_dbg("PBA string buffer too small\n"); + return E1000_ERR_NO_SPACE; + } + + /* extract hex string from data and pba_ptr */ + pba_num[0] = (nvm_data >> 12) & 0xF; + pba_num[1] = (nvm_data >> 8) & 0xF; + pba_num[2] = (nvm_data >> 4) & 0xF; + pba_num[3] = nvm_data & 0xF; + pba_num[4] = (pba_ptr >> 12) & 0xF; + pba_num[5] = (pba_ptr >> 8) & 0xF; + pba_num[6] = '-'; + pba_num[7] = 0; + pba_num[8] = (pba_ptr >> 4) & 0xF; + pba_num[9] = pba_ptr & 0xF; + + /* put a null character on the end of our string */ + pba_num[10] = '\0'; + + /* switch all the data but the '-' to hex char */ + for (offset = 0; offset < 10; offset++) { + if (pba_num[offset] < 0xA) + pba_num[offset] += '0'; + else if (pba_num[offset] < 0x10) + pba_num[offset] += 'A' - 0xA; + } + + return 0; + } + + ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, pba_ptr, 1, &length); + if (ret_val) { + e_dbg("NVM Read Error\n"); + return ret_val; + } + + if (length == 0xFFFF || length == 0) { + e_dbg("NVM PBA number section invalid length\n"); + return -E1000_ERR_NVM_PBA_SECTION; + } + /* check if pba_num buffer is big enough */ + if (pba_num_size < (((u32)length * 2) - 1)) { + e_dbg("PBA string buffer too small\n"); + return -E1000_ERR_NO_SPACE; + } + + /* trim pba length from start of string */ + pba_ptr++; + length--; + + for (offset = 0; offset < length; offset++) { + ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, pba_ptr + offset, 1, &nvm_data); + if (ret_val) { + e_dbg("NVM Read Error\n"); + return ret_val; + } + pba_num[offset * 2] = (u8)(nvm_data >> 8); + pba_num[(offset * 2) + 1] = (u8)(nvm_data & 0xFF); + } + pba_num[offset * 2] = '\0'; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * e1000_read_mac_addr_generic - Read device MAC address + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * + * Reads the device MAC address from the EEPROM and stores the value. + * Since devices with two ports use the same EEPROM, we increment the + * last bit in the MAC address for the second port. + **/ +s32 e1000_read_mac_addr_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) +{ + u32 rar_high; + u32 rar_low; + u16 i; + + rar_high = er32(RAH(0)); + rar_low = er32(RAL(0)); + + for (i = 0; i < E1000_RAL_MAC_ADDR_LEN; i++) + hw->mac.perm_addr[i] = (u8)(rar_low >> (i * 8)); + + for (i = 0; i < E1000_RAH_MAC_ADDR_LEN; i++) + hw->mac.perm_addr[i + 4] = (u8)(rar_high >> (i * 8)); + + for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) + hw->mac.addr[i] = hw->mac.perm_addr[i]; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * e1000e_validate_nvm_checksum_generic - Validate EEPROM checksum + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * + * Calculates the EEPROM checksum by reading/adding each word of the EEPROM + * and then verifies that the sum of the EEPROM is equal to 0xBABA. + **/ +s32 e1000e_validate_nvm_checksum_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) +{ + s32 ret_val; + u16 checksum = 0; + u16 i, nvm_data; + + for (i = 0; i < (NVM_CHECKSUM_REG + 1); i++) { + ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, i, 1, &nvm_data); + if (ret_val) { + e_dbg("NVM Read Error\n"); + return ret_val; + } + checksum += nvm_data; + } + + if (checksum != (u16)NVM_SUM) { + e_dbg("NVM Checksum Invalid\n"); + return -E1000_ERR_NVM; + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * e1000e_update_nvm_checksum_generic - Update EEPROM checksum + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * + * Updates the EEPROM checksum by reading/adding each word of the EEPROM + * up to the checksum. Then calculates the EEPROM checksum and writes the + * value to the EEPROM. + **/ +s32 e1000e_update_nvm_checksum_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) +{ + s32 ret_val; + u16 checksum = 0; + u16 i, nvm_data; + + for (i = 0; i < NVM_CHECKSUM_REG; i++) { + ret_val = e1000_read_nvm(hw, i, 1, &nvm_data); + if (ret_val) { + e_dbg("NVM Read Error while updating checksum.\n"); + return ret_val; + } + checksum += nvm_data; + } + checksum = (u16)NVM_SUM - checksum; + ret_val = e1000_write_nvm(hw, NVM_CHECKSUM_REG, 1, &checksum); + if (ret_val) + e_dbg("NVM Write Error while updating checksum.\n"); + + return ret_val; +} + +/** + * e1000e_reload_nvm_generic - Reloads EEPROM + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * + * Reloads the EEPROM by setting the "Reinitialize from EEPROM" bit in the + * extended control register. + **/ +void e1000e_reload_nvm_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) +{ + u32 ctrl_ext; + + udelay(10); + ctrl_ext = er32(CTRL_EXT); + ctrl_ext |= E1000_CTRL_EXT_EE_RST; + ew32(CTRL_EXT, ctrl_ext); + e1e_flush(); +} diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/param.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/param.c index 20e93b08e7f3c7e6e2389bea815e0b3dec227d71..ff796e42c3ebbf1b146a28b677e7bb885e1f6bf6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/param.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/param.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /******************************************************************************* Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2011 Intel Corporation. + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Intel Corporation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, @@ -113,11 +113,20 @@ E1000_PARAM(InterruptThrottleRate, "Interrupt Throttling Rate"); #define MAX_ITR 100000 #define MIN_ITR 100 -/* IntMode (Interrupt Mode) +/* + * IntMode (Interrupt Mode) + * + * Valid Range: varies depending on kernel configuration & hardware support + * + * legacy=0, MSI=1, MSI-X=2 * - * Valid Range: 0 - 2 + * When MSI/MSI-X support is enabled in kernel- + * Default Value: 2 (MSI-X) when supported by hardware, 1 (MSI) otherwise + * When MSI/MSI-X support is not enabled in kernel- + * Default Value: 0 (legacy) * - * Default Value: 2 (MSI-X) + * When a mode is specified that is not allowed/supported, it will be + * demoted to the most advanced interrupt mode available. */ E1000_PARAM(IntMode, "Interrupt Mode"); #define MAX_INTMODE 2 @@ -388,12 +397,33 @@ void __devinit e1000e_check_options(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) static struct e1000_option opt = { .type = range_option, .name = "Interrupt Mode", - .err = "defaulting to 2 (MSI-X)", - .def = E1000E_INT_MODE_MSIX, - .arg = { .r = { .min = MIN_INTMODE, - .max = MAX_INTMODE } } +#ifndef CONFIG_PCI_MSI + .err = "defaulting to 0 (legacy)", + .def = E1000E_INT_MODE_LEGACY, + .arg = { .r = { .min = 0, + .max = 0 } } +#endif }; +#ifdef CONFIG_PCI_MSI + if (adapter->flags & FLAG_HAS_MSIX) { + opt.err = kstrdup("defaulting to 2 (MSI-X)", + GFP_KERNEL); + opt.def = E1000E_INT_MODE_MSIX; + opt.arg.r.max = E1000E_INT_MODE_MSIX; + } else { + opt.err = kstrdup("defaulting to 1 (MSI)", GFP_KERNEL); + opt.def = E1000E_INT_MODE_MSI; + opt.arg.r.max = E1000E_INT_MODE_MSI; + } + + if (!opt.err) { + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, + "Failed to allocate memory\n"); + return; + } +#endif + if (num_IntMode > bd) { unsigned int int_mode = IntMode[bd]; e1000_validate_option(&int_mode, &opt, adapter); @@ -401,6 +431,10 @@ void __devinit e1000e_check_options(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) } else { adapter->int_mode = opt.def; } + +#ifdef CONFIG_PCI_MSI + kfree(opt.err); +#endif } { /* Smart Power Down */ static const struct e1000_option opt = { @@ -429,10 +463,13 @@ void __devinit e1000e_check_options(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) if (num_CrcStripping > bd) { unsigned int crc_stripping = CrcStripping[bd]; e1000_validate_option(&crc_stripping, &opt, adapter); - if (crc_stripping == OPTION_ENABLED) + if (crc_stripping == OPTION_ENABLED) { adapter->flags2 |= FLAG2_CRC_STRIPPING; + adapter->flags2 |= FLAG2_DFLT_CRC_STRIPPING; + } } else { adapter->flags2 |= FLAG2_CRC_STRIPPING; + adapter->flags2 |= FLAG2_DFLT_CRC_STRIPPING; } } { /* Kumeran Lock Loss Workaround */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/phy.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/phy.c index 8666476cb9be4d723a3dc07f5feb66230aa86fb5..35b45578c6049a7a190b03cc8ca5666b98a25000 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/phy.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/phy.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /******************************************************************************* Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2011 Intel Corporation. + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Intel Corporation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, @@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ *******************************************************************************/ -#include - #include "e1000.h" static s32 e1000_get_phy_cfg_done(struct e1000_hw *hw); @@ -132,30 +130,30 @@ s32 e1000e_get_phy_id(struct e1000_hw *hw) u16 phy_id; u16 retry_count = 0; - if (!(phy->ops.read_reg)) - goto out; + if (!phy->ops.read_reg) + return 0; while (retry_count < 2) { ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, PHY_ID1, &phy_id); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; phy->id = (u32)(phy_id << 16); udelay(20); ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, PHY_ID2, &phy_id); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; phy->id |= (u32)(phy_id & PHY_REVISION_MASK); phy->revision = (u32)(phy_id & ~PHY_REVISION_MASK); if (phy->id != 0 && phy->id != PHY_REVISION_MASK) - goto out; + return 0; retry_count++; } -out: - return ret_val; + + return 0; } /** @@ -382,29 +380,25 @@ static s32 __e1000e_read_phy_reg_igp(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data, s32 ret_val = 0; if (!locked) { - if (!(hw->phy.ops.acquire)) - goto out; + if (!hw->phy.ops.acquire) + return 0; ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; } - if (offset > MAX_PHY_MULTI_PAGE_REG) { + if (offset > MAX_PHY_MULTI_PAGE_REG) ret_val = e1000e_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PAGE_SELECT, (u16)offset); - if (ret_val) - goto release; - } - - ret_val = e1000e_read_phy_reg_mdic(hw, MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & offset, - data); - -release: + if (!ret_val) + ret_val = e1000e_read_phy_reg_mdic(hw, + MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & offset, + data); if (!locked) hw->phy.ops.release(hw); -out: + return ret_val; } @@ -453,30 +447,25 @@ static s32 __e1000e_write_phy_reg_igp(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data, s32 ret_val = 0; if (!locked) { - if (!(hw->phy.ops.acquire)) - goto out; + if (!hw->phy.ops.acquire) + return 0; ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; } - if (offset > MAX_PHY_MULTI_PAGE_REG) { + if (offset > MAX_PHY_MULTI_PAGE_REG) ret_val = e1000e_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PAGE_SELECT, (u16)offset); - if (ret_val) - goto release; - } - - ret_val = e1000e_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & offset, - data); - -release: + if (!ret_val) + ret_val = e1000e_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & + offset, + data); if (!locked) hw->phy.ops.release(hw); -out: return ret_val; } @@ -523,15 +512,16 @@ static s32 __e1000_read_kmrn_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data, bool locked) { u32 kmrnctrlsta; - s32 ret_val = 0; if (!locked) { - if (!(hw->phy.ops.acquire)) - goto out; + s32 ret_val = 0; + + if (!hw->phy.ops.acquire) + return 0; ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; } kmrnctrlsta = ((offset << E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_OFFSET_SHIFT) & @@ -547,8 +537,7 @@ static s32 __e1000_read_kmrn_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data, if (!locked) hw->phy.ops.release(hw); -out: - return ret_val; + return 0; } /** @@ -596,15 +585,16 @@ static s32 __e1000_write_kmrn_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data, bool locked) { u32 kmrnctrlsta; - s32 ret_val = 0; if (!locked) { - if (!(hw->phy.ops.acquire)) - goto out; + s32 ret_val = 0; + + if (!hw->phy.ops.acquire) + return 0; ret_val = hw->phy.ops.acquire(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; } kmrnctrlsta = ((offset << E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_OFFSET_SHIFT) & @@ -617,8 +607,7 @@ static s32 __e1000_write_kmrn_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data, if (!locked) hw->phy.ops.release(hw); -out: - return ret_val; + return 0; } /** @@ -663,17 +652,14 @@ s32 e1000_copper_link_setup_82577(struct e1000_hw *hw) /* Enable CRS on Tx. This must be set for half-duplex operation. */ ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, I82577_CFG_REG, &phy_data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; phy_data |= I82577_CFG_ASSERT_CRS_ON_TX; /* Enable downshift */ phy_data |= I82577_CFG_ENABLE_DOWNSHIFT; - ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, I82577_CFG_REG, phy_data); - -out: - return ret_val; + return e1e_wphy(hw, I82577_CFG_REG, phy_data); } /** @@ -1019,12 +1005,12 @@ static s32 e1000_phy_setup_autoneg(struct e1000_hw *hw) * The possible values of the "fc" parameter are: * 0: Flow control is completely disabled * 1: Rx flow control is enabled (we can receive pause frames - * but not send pause frames). + * but not send pause frames). * 2: Tx flow control is enabled (we can send pause frames - * but we do not support receiving pause frames). + * but we do not support receiving pause frames). * 3: Both Rx and Tx flow control (symmetric) are enabled. * other: No software override. The flow control configuration - * in the EEPROM is used. + * in the EEPROM is used. */ switch (hw->fc.current_mode) { case e1000_fc_none: @@ -1064,8 +1050,7 @@ static s32 e1000_phy_setup_autoneg(struct e1000_hw *hw) break; default: e_dbg("Flow control param set incorrectly\n"); - ret_val = -E1000_ERR_CONFIG; - return ret_val; + return -E1000_ERR_CONFIG; } ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, PHY_AUTONEG_ADV, mii_autoneg_adv_reg); @@ -1136,13 +1121,12 @@ static s32 e1000_copper_link_autoneg(struct e1000_hw *hw) if (phy->autoneg_wait_to_complete) { ret_val = e1000_wait_autoneg(hw); if (ret_val) { - e_dbg("Error while waiting for " - "autoneg to complete\n"); + e_dbg("Error while waiting for autoneg to complete\n"); return ret_val; } } - hw->mac.get_link_status = 1; + hw->mac.get_link_status = true; return ret_val; } @@ -1186,16 +1170,14 @@ s32 e1000e_setup_copper_link(struct e1000_hw *hw) * Check link status. Wait up to 100 microseconds for link to become * valid. */ - ret_val = e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(hw, - COPPER_LINK_UP_LIMIT, - 10, - &link); + ret_val = e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(hw, COPPER_LINK_UP_LIMIT, 10, + &link); if (ret_val) return ret_val; if (link) { e_dbg("Valid link established!!!\n"); - e1000e_config_collision_dist(hw); + hw->mac.ops.config_collision_dist(hw); ret_val = e1000e_config_fc_after_link_up(hw); } else { e_dbg("Unable to establish link!!!\n"); @@ -1251,10 +1233,8 @@ s32 e1000e_phy_force_speed_duplex_igp(struct e1000_hw *hw) if (phy->autoneg_wait_to_complete) { e_dbg("Waiting for forced speed/duplex link on IGP phy.\n"); - ret_val = e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(hw, - PHY_FORCE_LIMIT, - 100000, - &link); + ret_val = e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(hw, PHY_FORCE_LIMIT, + 100000, &link); if (ret_val) return ret_val; @@ -1262,12 +1242,8 @@ s32 e1000e_phy_force_speed_duplex_igp(struct e1000_hw *hw) e_dbg("Link taking longer than expected.\n"); /* Try once more */ - ret_val = e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(hw, - PHY_FORCE_LIMIT, - 100000, - &link); - if (ret_val) - return ret_val; + ret_val = e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(hw, PHY_FORCE_LIMIT, + 100000, &link); } return ret_val; @@ -1401,25 +1377,25 @@ s32 e1000_phy_force_speed_duplex_ife(struct e1000_hw *hw) ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, PHY_CONTROL, &data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; e1000e_phy_force_speed_duplex_setup(hw, &data); ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, PHY_CONTROL, data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; /* Disable MDI-X support for 10/100 */ ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, IFE_PHY_MDIX_CONTROL, &data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; data &= ~IFE_PMC_AUTO_MDIX; data &= ~IFE_PMC_FORCE_MDIX; ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, IFE_PHY_MDIX_CONTROL, data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; e_dbg("IFE PMC: %X\n", data); @@ -1428,27 +1404,22 @@ s32 e1000_phy_force_speed_duplex_ife(struct e1000_hw *hw) if (phy->autoneg_wait_to_complete) { e_dbg("Waiting for forced speed/duplex link on IFE phy.\n"); - ret_val = e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(hw, - PHY_FORCE_LIMIT, - 100000, - &link); + ret_val = e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(hw, PHY_FORCE_LIMIT, + 100000, &link); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; if (!link) e_dbg("Link taking longer than expected.\n"); /* Try once more */ - ret_val = e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(hw, - PHY_FORCE_LIMIT, - 100000, - &link); + ret_val = e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(hw, PHY_FORCE_LIMIT, + 100000, &link); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; } -out: - return ret_val; + return 0; } /** @@ -1506,7 +1477,7 @@ void e1000e_phy_force_speed_duplex_setup(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *phy_ctrl) e_dbg("Forcing 10mb\n"); } - e1000e_config_collision_dist(hw); + hw->mac.ops.config_collision_dist(hw); ew32(CTRL, ctrl); } @@ -1833,22 +1804,20 @@ s32 e1000e_get_cable_length_m88(struct e1000_hw *hw) ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, M88E1000_PHY_SPEC_STATUS, &phy_data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; index = (phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_CABLE_LENGTH) >> M88E1000_PSSR_CABLE_LENGTH_SHIFT; - if (index >= M88E1000_CABLE_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE - 1) { - ret_val = -E1000_ERR_PHY; - goto out; - } + + if (index >= M88E1000_CABLE_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE - 1) + return -E1000_ERR_PHY; phy->min_cable_length = e1000_m88_cable_length_table[index]; phy->max_cable_length = e1000_m88_cable_length_table[index + 1]; phy->cable_length = (phy->min_cable_length + phy->max_cable_length) / 2; -out: - return ret_val; + return 0; } /** @@ -1918,7 +1887,7 @@ s32 e1000e_get_cable_length_igp_2(struct e1000_hw *hw) phy->cable_length = (phy->min_cable_length + phy->max_cable_length) / 2; - return ret_val; + return 0; } /** @@ -2073,24 +2042,23 @@ s32 e1000_get_phy_info_ife(struct e1000_hw *hw) ret_val = e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(hw, 1, 0, &link); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; if (!link) { e_dbg("Phy info is only valid if link is up\n"); - ret_val = -E1000_ERR_CONFIG; - goto out; + return -E1000_ERR_CONFIG; } ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, IFE_PHY_SPECIAL_CONTROL, &data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; phy->polarity_correction = (data & IFE_PSC_AUTO_POLARITY_DISABLE) ? false : true; if (phy->polarity_correction) { ret_val = e1000_check_polarity_ife(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; } else { /* Polarity is forced */ phy->cable_polarity = (data & IFE_PSC_FORCE_POLARITY) @@ -2100,7 +2068,7 @@ s32 e1000_get_phy_info_ife(struct e1000_hw *hw) ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, IFE_PHY_MDIX_CONTROL, &data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; phy->is_mdix = (data & IFE_PMC_MDIX_STATUS) ? true : false; @@ -2109,8 +2077,7 @@ s32 e1000_get_phy_info_ife(struct e1000_hw *hw) phy->local_rx = e1000_1000t_rx_status_undefined; phy->remote_rx = e1000_1000t_rx_status_undefined; -out: - return ret_val; + return 0; } /** @@ -2154,7 +2121,7 @@ s32 e1000e_phy_hw_reset_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) s32 ret_val; u32 ctrl; - ret_val = e1000_check_reset_block(hw); + ret_val = phy->ops.check_reset_block(hw); if (ret_val) return 0; @@ -2188,6 +2155,7 @@ s32 e1000e_phy_hw_reset_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw) s32 e1000e_get_cfg_done(struct e1000_hw *hw) { mdelay(10); + return 0; } @@ -2369,7 +2337,6 @@ enum e1000_phy_type e1000e_get_phy_type_from_id(u32 phy_id) **/ s32 e1000e_determine_phy_address(struct e1000_hw *hw) { - s32 ret_val = -E1000_ERR_PHY_TYPE; u32 phy_addr = 0; u32 i; enum e1000_phy_type phy_type = e1000_phy_unknown; @@ -2388,17 +2355,15 @@ s32 e1000e_determine_phy_address(struct e1000_hw *hw) * If phy_type is valid, break - we found our * PHY address */ - if (phy_type != e1000_phy_unknown) { - ret_val = 0; - goto out; - } + if (phy_type != e1000_phy_unknown) + return 0; + usleep_range(1000, 2000); i++; } while (i < 10); } -out: - return ret_val; + return -E1000_ERR_PHY_TYPE; } /** @@ -2439,7 +2404,7 @@ s32 e1000e_write_phy_reg_bm(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data) if (page == BM_WUC_PAGE) { ret_val = e1000_access_phy_wakeup_reg_bm(hw, offset, &data, false, false); - goto out; + goto release; } hw->phy.addr = e1000_get_phy_addr_for_bm_page(page, offset); @@ -2464,13 +2429,13 @@ s32 e1000e_write_phy_reg_bm(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data) ret_val = e1000e_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, page_select, (page << page_shift)); if (ret_val) - goto out; + goto release; } ret_val = e1000e_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & offset, data); -out: +release: hw->phy.ops.release(hw); return ret_val; } @@ -2498,7 +2463,7 @@ s32 e1000e_read_phy_reg_bm(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data) if (page == BM_WUC_PAGE) { ret_val = e1000_access_phy_wakeup_reg_bm(hw, offset, data, true, false); - goto out; + goto release; } hw->phy.addr = e1000_get_phy_addr_for_bm_page(page, offset); @@ -2523,12 +2488,12 @@ s32 e1000e_read_phy_reg_bm(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data) ret_val = e1000e_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, page_select, (page << page_shift)); if (ret_val) - goto out; + goto release; } ret_val = e1000e_read_phy_reg_mdic(hw, MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & offset, data); -out: +release: hw->phy.ops.release(hw); return ret_val; } @@ -2556,7 +2521,7 @@ s32 e1000e_read_phy_reg_bm2(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data) if (page == BM_WUC_PAGE) { ret_val = e1000_access_phy_wakeup_reg_bm(hw, offset, data, true, false); - goto out; + goto release; } hw->phy.addr = 1; @@ -2568,12 +2533,12 @@ s32 e1000e_read_phy_reg_bm2(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data) page); if (ret_val) - goto out; + goto release; } ret_val = e1000e_read_phy_reg_mdic(hw, MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & offset, data); -out: +release: hw->phy.ops.release(hw); return ret_val; } @@ -2600,7 +2565,7 @@ s32 e1000e_write_phy_reg_bm2(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data) if (page == BM_WUC_PAGE) { ret_val = e1000_access_phy_wakeup_reg_bm(hw, offset, &data, false, false); - goto out; + goto release; } hw->phy.addr = 1; @@ -2611,13 +2576,13 @@ s32 e1000e_write_phy_reg_bm2(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data) page); if (ret_val) - goto out; + goto release; } ret_val = e1000e_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & offset, data); -out: +release: hw->phy.ops.release(hw); return ret_val; } @@ -2642,14 +2607,14 @@ s32 e1000_enable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *phy_reg) ret_val = e1000_set_page_igp(hw, (BM_PORT_CTRL_PAGE << IGP_PAGE_SHIFT)); if (ret_val) { e_dbg("Could not set Port Control page\n"); - goto out; + return ret_val; } ret_val = e1000e_read_phy_reg_mdic(hw, BM_WUC_ENABLE_REG, phy_reg); if (ret_val) { e_dbg("Could not read PHY register %d.%d\n", BM_PORT_CTRL_PAGE, BM_WUC_ENABLE_REG); - goto out; + return ret_val; } /* @@ -2664,15 +2629,14 @@ s32 e1000_enable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *phy_reg) if (ret_val) { e_dbg("Could not write PHY register %d.%d\n", BM_PORT_CTRL_PAGE, BM_WUC_ENABLE_REG); - goto out; + return ret_val; } - /* Select Host Wakeup Registers page */ - ret_val = e1000_set_page_igp(hw, (BM_WUC_PAGE << IGP_PAGE_SHIFT)); - - /* caller now able to write registers on the Wakeup registers page */ -out: - return ret_val; + /* + * Select Host Wakeup Registers page - caller now able to write + * registers on the Wakeup registers page + */ + return e1000_set_page_igp(hw, (BM_WUC_PAGE << IGP_PAGE_SHIFT)); } /** @@ -2694,7 +2658,7 @@ s32 e1000_disable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *phy_reg) ret_val = e1000_set_page_igp(hw, (BM_PORT_CTRL_PAGE << IGP_PAGE_SHIFT)); if (ret_val) { e_dbg("Could not set Port Control page\n"); - goto out; + return ret_val; } /* Restore 769.17 to its original value */ @@ -2702,7 +2666,7 @@ s32 e1000_disable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *phy_reg) if (ret_val) e_dbg("Could not restore PHY register %d.%d\n", BM_PORT_CTRL_PAGE, BM_WUC_ENABLE_REG); -out: + return ret_val; } @@ -2750,7 +2714,7 @@ static s32 e1000_access_phy_wakeup_reg_bm(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, ret_val = e1000_enable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm(hw, &phy_reg); if (ret_val) { e_dbg("Could not enable PHY wakeup reg access\n"); - goto out; + return ret_val; } } @@ -2760,7 +2724,7 @@ static s32 e1000_access_phy_wakeup_reg_bm(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, ret_val = e1000e_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, BM_WUC_ADDRESS_OPCODE, reg); if (ret_val) { e_dbg("Could not write address opcode to page %d\n", page); - goto out; + return ret_val; } if (read) { @@ -2775,13 +2739,12 @@ static s32 e1000_access_phy_wakeup_reg_bm(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, if (ret_val) { e_dbg("Could not access PHY reg %d.%d\n", page, reg); - goto out; + return ret_val; } if (!page_set) ret_val = e1000_disable_phy_wakeup_reg_access_bm(hw, &phy_reg); -out: return ret_val; } @@ -3137,7 +3100,7 @@ static s32 e1000_access_phy_debug_regs_hv(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, ret_val = e1000e_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, addr_reg, (u16)offset & 0x3F); if (ret_val) { e_dbg("Could not write the Address Offset port register\n"); - goto out; + return ret_val; } /* Read or write the data value next */ @@ -3146,12 +3109,9 @@ static s32 e1000_access_phy_debug_regs_hv(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, else ret_val = e1000e_write_phy_reg_mdic(hw, data_reg, *data); - if (ret_val) { + if (ret_val) e_dbg("Could not access the Data port register\n"); - goto out; - } -out: return ret_val; } @@ -3172,39 +3132,34 @@ s32 e1000_link_stall_workaround_hv(struct e1000_hw *hw) u16 data; if (hw->phy.type != e1000_phy_82578) - goto out; + return 0; /* Do not apply workaround if in PHY loopback bit 14 set */ e1e_rphy(hw, PHY_CONTROL, &data); if (data & PHY_CONTROL_LB) - goto out; + return 0; /* check if link is up and at 1Gbps */ ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, BM_CS_STATUS, &data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; - data &= BM_CS_STATUS_LINK_UP | - BM_CS_STATUS_RESOLVED | - BM_CS_STATUS_SPEED_MASK; + data &= BM_CS_STATUS_LINK_UP | BM_CS_STATUS_RESOLVED | + BM_CS_STATUS_SPEED_MASK; - if (data != (BM_CS_STATUS_LINK_UP | - BM_CS_STATUS_RESOLVED | - BM_CS_STATUS_SPEED_1000)) - goto out; + if (data != (BM_CS_STATUS_LINK_UP | BM_CS_STATUS_RESOLVED | + BM_CS_STATUS_SPEED_1000)) + return 0; - mdelay(200); + msleep(200); /* flush the packets in the fifo buffer */ ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, HV_MUX_DATA_CTRL, HV_MUX_DATA_CTRL_GEN_TO_MAC | HV_MUX_DATA_CTRL_FORCE_SPEED); if (ret_val) - goto out; - - ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, HV_MUX_DATA_CTRL, HV_MUX_DATA_CTRL_GEN_TO_MAC); + return ret_val; -out: - return ret_val; + return e1e_wphy(hw, HV_MUX_DATA_CTRL, HV_MUX_DATA_CTRL_GEN_TO_MAC); } /** @@ -3246,39 +3201,32 @@ s32 e1000_phy_force_speed_duplex_82577(struct e1000_hw *hw) ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, PHY_CONTROL, &phy_data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; e1000e_phy_force_speed_duplex_setup(hw, &phy_data); ret_val = e1e_wphy(hw, PHY_CONTROL, phy_data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; udelay(1); if (phy->autoneg_wait_to_complete) { e_dbg("Waiting for forced speed/duplex link on 82577 phy\n"); - ret_val = e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(hw, - PHY_FORCE_LIMIT, - 100000, - &link); + ret_val = e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(hw, PHY_FORCE_LIMIT, + 100000, &link); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; if (!link) e_dbg("Link taking longer than expected.\n"); /* Try once more */ - ret_val = e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(hw, - PHY_FORCE_LIMIT, - 100000, - &link); - if (ret_val) - goto out; + ret_val = e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(hw, PHY_FORCE_LIMIT, + 100000, &link); } -out: return ret_val; } @@ -3300,23 +3248,22 @@ s32 e1000_get_phy_info_82577(struct e1000_hw *hw) ret_val = e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(hw, 1, 0, &link); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; if (!link) { e_dbg("Phy info is only valid if link is up\n"); - ret_val = -E1000_ERR_CONFIG; - goto out; + return -E1000_ERR_CONFIG; } phy->polarity_correction = true; ret_val = e1000_check_polarity_82577(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, I82577_PHY_STATUS_2, &data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; phy->is_mdix = (data & I82577_PHY_STATUS2_MDIX) ? true : false; @@ -3324,11 +3271,11 @@ s32 e1000_get_phy_info_82577(struct e1000_hw *hw) I82577_PHY_STATUS2_SPEED_1000MBPS) { ret_val = hw->phy.ops.get_cable_length(hw); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, PHY_1000T_STATUS, &data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; phy->local_rx = (data & SR_1000T_LOCAL_RX_STATUS) ? e1000_1000t_rx_status_ok @@ -3343,8 +3290,7 @@ s32 e1000_get_phy_info_82577(struct e1000_hw *hw) phy->remote_rx = e1000_1000t_rx_status_undefined; } -out: - return ret_val; + return 0; } /** @@ -3362,7 +3308,7 @@ s32 e1000_get_cable_length_82577(struct e1000_hw *hw) ret_val = e1e_rphy(hw, I82577_PHY_DIAG_STATUS, &phy_data); if (ret_val) - goto out; + return ret_val; length = (phy_data & I82577_DSTATUS_CABLE_LENGTH) >> I82577_DSTATUS_CABLE_LENGTH_SHIFT; @@ -3372,6 +3318,5 @@ s32 e1000_get_cable_length_82577(struct e1000_hw *hw) phy->cable_length = length; -out: - return ret_val; + return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/e1000_defines.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/e1000_defines.h index aed217449f0dd459eebd13dfff3006a5dd414b06..89eb1f85b9fa914efbecd9c17d4ede27e73ebfaa 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/e1000_defines.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/e1000_defines.h @@ -134,6 +134,8 @@ #define E1000_RCTL_SZ_256 0x00030000 /* rx buffer size 256 */ #define E1000_RCTL_VFE 0x00040000 /* vlan filter enable */ #define E1000_RCTL_CFIEN 0x00080000 /* canonical form enable */ +#define E1000_RCTL_DPF 0x00400000 /* Discard Pause Frames */ +#define E1000_RCTL_PMCF 0x00800000 /* pass MAC control frames */ #define E1000_RCTL_SECRC 0x04000000 /* Strip Ethernet CRC */ /* diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/igb_ethtool.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/igb_ethtool.c index aa399a8a8f0df2ba23bc8cf0e1ae0b04f58f9469..e10821a0f249716d15ef644fdf516df69a8d3bb5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/igb_ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/igb_ethtool.c @@ -1577,7 +1577,9 @@ static int igb_clean_test_rings(struct igb_ring *rx_ring, union e1000_adv_rx_desc *rx_desc; struct igb_rx_buffer *rx_buffer_info; struct igb_tx_buffer *tx_buffer_info; + struct netdev_queue *txq; u16 rx_ntc, tx_ntc, count = 0; + unsigned int total_bytes = 0, total_packets = 0; /* initialize next to clean and descriptor values */ rx_ntc = rx_ring->next_to_clean; @@ -1601,6 +1603,8 @@ static int igb_clean_test_rings(struct igb_ring *rx_ring, /* unmap buffer on tx side */ tx_buffer_info = &tx_ring->tx_buffer_info[tx_ntc]; + total_bytes += tx_buffer_info->bytecount; + total_packets += tx_buffer_info->gso_segs; igb_unmap_and_free_tx_resource(tx_ring, tx_buffer_info); /* increment rx/tx next to clean counters */ @@ -1615,6 +1619,9 @@ static int igb_clean_test_rings(struct igb_ring *rx_ring, rx_desc = IGB_RX_DESC(rx_ring, rx_ntc); } + txq = netdev_get_tx_queue(tx_ring->netdev, tx_ring->queue_index); + netdev_tx_completed_queue(txq, total_packets, total_bytes); + /* re-map buffers to ring, store next to clean values */ igb_alloc_rx_buffers(rx_ring, count); rx_ring->next_to_clean = rx_ntc; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/igb_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/igb_main.c index 94be6c32fa7d9359c984349dce845720acefe795..c4902411d749b1469e556b9d667c766ea2ecbe20 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/igb_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/igb_main.c @@ -173,7 +173,9 @@ static int igb_check_vf_assignment(struct igb_adapter *adapter); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_PM +#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP static int igb_suspend(struct device *); +#endif static int igb_resume(struct device *); #ifdef CONFIG_PM_RUNTIME static int igb_runtime_suspend(struct device *dev); @@ -1767,10 +1769,21 @@ static int igb_set_features(struct net_device *netdev, netdev_features_t features) { netdev_features_t changed = netdev->features ^ features; + struct igb_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); if (changed & NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_RX) igb_vlan_mode(netdev, features); + if (!(changed & NETIF_F_RXALL)) + return 0; + + netdev->features = features; + + if (netif_running(netdev)) + igb_reinit_locked(adapter); + else + igb_reset(adapter); + return 0; } @@ -1952,6 +1965,7 @@ static int __devinit igb_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, /* copy netdev features into list of user selectable features */ netdev->hw_features |= netdev->features; + netdev->hw_features |= NETIF_F_RXALL; /* set this bit last since it cannot be part of hw_features */ netdev->features |= NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_FILTER; @@ -1962,6 +1976,8 @@ static int __devinit igb_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, NETIF_F_IPV6_CSUM | NETIF_F_SG; + netdev->priv_flags |= IFF_SUPP_NOFCS; + if (pci_using_dac) { netdev->features |= NETIF_F_HIGHDMA; netdev->vlan_features |= NETIF_F_HIGHDMA; @@ -2750,6 +2766,8 @@ void igb_configure_tx_ring(struct igb_adapter *adapter, txdctl |= E1000_TXDCTL_QUEUE_ENABLE; wr32(E1000_TXDCTL(reg_idx), txdctl); + + netdev_tx_reset_queue(txring_txq(ring)); } /** @@ -2999,6 +3017,22 @@ void igb_setup_rctl(struct igb_adapter *adapter) wr32(E1000_QDE, ALL_QUEUES); } + /* This is useful for sniffing bad packets. */ + if (adapter->netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXALL) { + /* UPE and MPE will be handled by normal PROMISC logic + * in e1000e_set_rx_mode */ + rctl |= (E1000_RCTL_SBP | /* Receive bad packets */ + E1000_RCTL_BAM | /* RX All Bcast Pkts */ + E1000_RCTL_PMCF); /* RX All MAC Ctrl Pkts */ + + rctl &= ~(E1000_RCTL_VFE | /* Disable VLAN filter */ + E1000_RCTL_DPF | /* Allow filtered pause */ + E1000_RCTL_CFIEN); /* Dis VLAN CFIEN Filter */ + /* Do not mess with E1000_CTRL_VME, it affects transmit as well, + * and that breaks VLANs. + */ + } + wr32(E1000_RCTL, rctl); } @@ -3242,7 +3276,6 @@ static void igb_clean_tx_ring(struct igb_ring *tx_ring) buffer_info = &tx_ring->tx_buffer_info[i]; igb_unmap_and_free_tx_resource(tx_ring, buffer_info); } - netdev_tx_reset_queue(txring_txq(tx_ring)); size = sizeof(struct igb_tx_buffer) * tx_ring->count; memset(tx_ring->tx_buffer_info, 0, size); @@ -4290,6 +4323,8 @@ static void igb_tx_map(struct igb_ring *tx_ring, /* write last descriptor with RS and EOP bits */ cmd_type |= cpu_to_le32(size) | cpu_to_le32(IGB_TXD_DCMD); + if (unlikely(skb->no_fcs)) + cmd_type &= ~(cpu_to_le32(E1000_ADVTXD_DCMD_IFCS)); tx_desc->read.cmd_type_len = cmd_type; /* set the timestamp */ @@ -6095,8 +6130,9 @@ static bool igb_clean_rx_irq(struct igb_q_vector *q_vector, int budget) goto next_desc; } - if (igb_test_staterr(rx_desc, - E1000_RXDEXT_ERR_FRAME_ERR_MASK)) { + if (unlikely((igb_test_staterr(rx_desc, + E1000_RXDEXT_ERR_FRAME_ERR_MASK)) + && !(rx_ring->netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXALL))) { dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); goto next_desc; } @@ -6710,6 +6746,7 @@ static int __igb_shutdown(struct pci_dev *pdev, bool *enable_wake, } #ifdef CONFIG_PM +#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP static int igb_suspend(struct device *dev) { int retval; @@ -6729,6 +6766,7 @@ static int igb_suspend(struct device *dev) return 0; } +#endif /* CONFIG_PM_SLEEP */ static int igb_resume(struct device *dev) { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/defines.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/defines.h index 33f40d3474ae46ef5f4e932c86296a591bbb6301..3e18045d8f89f69d5e374d246f49a91320399a0c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/defines.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/defines.h @@ -97,10 +97,6 @@ #define E1000_ERR_MAC_INIT 5 #define E1000_ERR_MBX 15 -#ifndef ETH_ADDR_LEN -#define ETH_ADDR_LEN 6 -#endif - /* SRRCTL bit definitions */ #define E1000_SRRCTL_BSIZEPKT_SHIFT 10 /* Shift _right_ */ #define E1000_SRRCTL_BSIZEHDRSIZE_MASK 0x00000F00 diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/ethtool.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/ethtool.c index db7dce2351c2ca706e22fe93a478224e5bb54720..8ce67064b9c5802efe098f702486477b424c273e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/ethtool.c @@ -343,10 +343,10 @@ static int igbvf_get_coalesce(struct net_device *netdev, { struct igbvf_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); - if (adapter->itr_setting <= 3) - ec->rx_coalesce_usecs = adapter->itr_setting; + if (adapter->requested_itr <= 3) + ec->rx_coalesce_usecs = adapter->requested_itr; else - ec->rx_coalesce_usecs = adapter->itr_setting >> 2; + ec->rx_coalesce_usecs = adapter->current_itr >> 2; return 0; } @@ -365,15 +365,16 @@ static int igbvf_set_coalesce(struct net_device *netdev, /* convert to rate of irq's per second */ if (ec->rx_coalesce_usecs && ec->rx_coalesce_usecs <= 3) { - adapter->itr = IGBVF_START_ITR; - adapter->itr_setting = ec->rx_coalesce_usecs; + adapter->current_itr = IGBVF_START_ITR; + adapter->requested_itr = ec->rx_coalesce_usecs; } else { - adapter->itr = ec->rx_coalesce_usecs << 2; - adapter->itr_setting = adapter->itr; + adapter->current_itr = ec->rx_coalesce_usecs << 2; + adapter->requested_itr = 1000000000 / + (adapter->current_itr * 256); } - writel(adapter->itr, - hw->hw_addr + adapter->rx_ring[0].itr_register); + writel(adapter->current_itr, + hw->hw_addr + adapter->rx_ring->itr_register); return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/igbvf.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/igbvf.h index 2c6d87e4d3d98d87b1eba31b9904de2a2fab9bd4..a895e2f7b34d99b4afa870cfaab801b1061ab9db 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/igbvf.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/igbvf.h @@ -43,7 +43,18 @@ struct igbvf_info; struct igbvf_adapter; /* Interrupt defines */ -#define IGBVF_START_ITR 648 /* ~6000 ints/sec */ +#define IGBVF_START_ITR 488 /* ~8000 ints/sec */ +#define IGBVF_4K_ITR 980 +#define IGBVF_20K_ITR 196 +#define IGBVF_70K_ITR 56 + +enum latency_range { + lowest_latency = 0, + low_latency = 1, + bulk_latency = 2, + latency_invalid = 255 +}; + /* Interrupt modes, as used by the IntMode parameter */ #define IGBVF_INT_MODE_LEGACY 0 @@ -155,6 +166,7 @@ struct igbvf_ring { char name[IFNAMSIZ + 5]; u32 eims_value; u32 itr_val; + enum latency_range itr_range; u16 itr_register; int set_itr; @@ -187,10 +199,8 @@ struct igbvf_adapter { unsigned long state; /* Interrupt Throttle Rate */ - u32 itr; - u32 itr_setting; - u16 tx_itr; - u16 rx_itr; + u32 requested_itr; /* ints/sec or adaptive */ + u32 current_itr; /* Actual ITR register value, not ints/sec */ /* * Tx @@ -299,13 +309,6 @@ enum igbvf_state_t { __IGBVF_DOWN }; -enum latency_range { - lowest_latency = 0, - low_latency = 1, - bulk_latency = 2, - latency_invalid = 255 -}; - extern char igbvf_driver_name[]; extern const char igbvf_driver_version[]; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/netdev.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/netdev.c index 4e9141cfe81d835078508e5c69bdeea948f6af65..217c143686d223233eff7fb39dad96181a10d101 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/netdev.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/netdev.c @@ -632,14 +632,13 @@ void igbvf_free_rx_resources(struct igbvf_ring *rx_ring) * traffic pattern. Constants in this function were computed * based on theoretical maximum wire speed and thresholds were set based * on testing data as well as attempting to minimize response time - * while increasing bulk throughput. This functionality is controlled - * by the InterruptThrottleRate module parameter. + * while increasing bulk throughput. **/ -static unsigned int igbvf_update_itr(struct igbvf_adapter *adapter, - u16 itr_setting, int packets, - int bytes) +static enum latency_range igbvf_update_itr(struct igbvf_adapter *adapter, + enum latency_range itr_setting, + int packets, int bytes) { - unsigned int retval = itr_setting; + enum latency_range retval = itr_setting; if (packets == 0) goto update_itr_done; @@ -675,65 +674,87 @@ static unsigned int igbvf_update_itr(struct igbvf_adapter *adapter, retval = low_latency; } break; + default: + break; } update_itr_done: return retval; } -static void igbvf_set_itr(struct igbvf_adapter *adapter) +static int igbvf_range_to_itr(enum latency_range current_range) { - struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; - u16 current_itr; - u32 new_itr = adapter->itr; - - adapter->tx_itr = igbvf_update_itr(adapter, adapter->tx_itr, - adapter->total_tx_packets, - adapter->total_tx_bytes); - /* conservative mode (itr 3) eliminates the lowest_latency setting */ - if (adapter->itr_setting == 3 && adapter->tx_itr == lowest_latency) - adapter->tx_itr = low_latency; - - adapter->rx_itr = igbvf_update_itr(adapter, adapter->rx_itr, - adapter->total_rx_packets, - adapter->total_rx_bytes); - /* conservative mode (itr 3) eliminates the lowest_latency setting */ - if (adapter->itr_setting == 3 && adapter->rx_itr == lowest_latency) - adapter->rx_itr = low_latency; - - current_itr = max(adapter->rx_itr, adapter->tx_itr); + int new_itr; - switch (current_itr) { + switch (current_range) { /* counts and packets in update_itr are dependent on these numbers */ case lowest_latency: - new_itr = 70000; + new_itr = IGBVF_70K_ITR; break; case low_latency: - new_itr = 20000; /* aka hwitr = ~200 */ + new_itr = IGBVF_20K_ITR; break; case bulk_latency: - new_itr = 4000; + new_itr = IGBVF_4K_ITR; break; default: + new_itr = IGBVF_START_ITR; break; } + return new_itr; +} + +static void igbvf_set_itr(struct igbvf_adapter *adapter) +{ + u32 new_itr; + + adapter->tx_ring->itr_range = + igbvf_update_itr(adapter, + adapter->tx_ring->itr_val, + adapter->total_tx_packets, + adapter->total_tx_bytes); + + /* conservative mode (itr 3) eliminates the lowest_latency setting */ + if (adapter->requested_itr == 3 && + adapter->tx_ring->itr_range == lowest_latency) + adapter->tx_ring->itr_range = low_latency; + + new_itr = igbvf_range_to_itr(adapter->tx_ring->itr_range); + - if (new_itr != adapter->itr) { + if (new_itr != adapter->tx_ring->itr_val) { + u32 current_itr = adapter->tx_ring->itr_val; /* * this attempts to bias the interrupt rate towards Bulk * by adding intermediate steps when interrupt rate is * increasing */ - new_itr = new_itr > adapter->itr ? - min(adapter->itr + (new_itr >> 2), new_itr) : - new_itr; - adapter->itr = new_itr; - adapter->rx_ring->itr_val = 1952; - - if (adapter->msix_entries) - adapter->rx_ring->set_itr = 1; - else - ew32(ITR, 1952); + new_itr = new_itr > current_itr ? + min(current_itr + (new_itr >> 2), new_itr) : + new_itr; + adapter->tx_ring->itr_val = new_itr; + + adapter->tx_ring->set_itr = 1; + } + + adapter->rx_ring->itr_range = + igbvf_update_itr(adapter, adapter->rx_ring->itr_val, + adapter->total_rx_packets, + adapter->total_rx_bytes); + if (adapter->requested_itr == 3 && + adapter->rx_ring->itr_range == lowest_latency) + adapter->rx_ring->itr_range = low_latency; + + new_itr = igbvf_range_to_itr(adapter->rx_ring->itr_range); + + if (new_itr != adapter->rx_ring->itr_val) { + u32 current_itr = adapter->rx_ring->itr_val; + new_itr = new_itr > current_itr ? + min(current_itr + (new_itr >> 2), new_itr) : + new_itr; + adapter->rx_ring->itr_val = new_itr; + + adapter->rx_ring->set_itr = 1; } } @@ -835,6 +856,11 @@ static irqreturn_t igbvf_intr_msix_tx(int irq, void *data) struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; struct igbvf_ring *tx_ring = adapter->tx_ring; + if (tx_ring->set_itr) { + writel(tx_ring->itr_val, + adapter->hw.hw_addr + tx_ring->itr_register); + adapter->tx_ring->set_itr = 0; + } adapter->total_tx_bytes = 0; adapter->total_tx_packets = 0; @@ -937,19 +963,10 @@ static void igbvf_configure_msix(struct igbvf_adapter *adapter) igbvf_assign_vector(adapter, IGBVF_NO_QUEUE, 0, vector++); adapter->eims_enable_mask |= tx_ring->eims_value; - if (tx_ring->itr_val) - writel(tx_ring->itr_val, - hw->hw_addr + tx_ring->itr_register); - else - writel(1952, hw->hw_addr + tx_ring->itr_register); - + writel(tx_ring->itr_val, hw->hw_addr + tx_ring->itr_register); igbvf_assign_vector(adapter, 0, IGBVF_NO_QUEUE, vector++); adapter->eims_enable_mask |= rx_ring->eims_value; - if (rx_ring->itr_val) - writel(rx_ring->itr_val, - hw->hw_addr + rx_ring->itr_register); - else - writel(1952, hw->hw_addr + rx_ring->itr_register); + writel(rx_ring->itr_val, hw->hw_addr + rx_ring->itr_register); /* set vector for other causes, i.e. link changes */ @@ -1027,7 +1044,7 @@ static int igbvf_request_msix(struct igbvf_adapter *adapter) goto out; adapter->tx_ring->itr_register = E1000_EITR(vector); - adapter->tx_ring->itr_val = 1952; + adapter->tx_ring->itr_val = adapter->current_itr; vector++; err = request_irq(adapter->msix_entries[vector].vector, @@ -1037,7 +1054,7 @@ static int igbvf_request_msix(struct igbvf_adapter *adapter) goto out; adapter->rx_ring->itr_register = E1000_EITR(vector); - adapter->rx_ring->itr_val = 1952; + adapter->rx_ring->itr_val = adapter->current_itr; vector++; err = request_irq(adapter->msix_entries[vector].vector, @@ -1151,7 +1168,7 @@ static int igbvf_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) if (work_done < budget) { napi_complete(napi); - if (adapter->itr_setting & 3) + if (adapter->requested_itr & 3) igbvf_set_itr(adapter); if (!test_bit(__IGBVF_DOWN, &adapter->state)) @@ -1521,8 +1538,8 @@ static int __devinit igbvf_sw_init(struct igbvf_adapter *adapter) adapter->tx_abs_int_delay = 32; adapter->rx_int_delay = 0; adapter->rx_abs_int_delay = 8; - adapter->itr_setting = 3; - adapter->itr = 20000; + adapter->requested_itr = 3; + adapter->current_itr = IGBVF_START_ITR; /* Set various function pointers */ adapter->ei->init_ops(&adapter->hw); @@ -1695,6 +1712,7 @@ static int igbvf_set_mac(struct net_device *netdev, void *p) return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; memcpy(netdev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, netdev->addr_len); + netdev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; return 0; } @@ -2695,18 +2713,19 @@ static int __devinit igbvf_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, dev_info(&pdev->dev, "PF still in reset state, assigning new address." " Is the PF interface up?\n"); - dev_hw_addr_random(adapter->netdev, hw->mac.addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(netdev); + memcpy(adapter->hw.mac.addr, netdev->dev_addr, + netdev->addr_len); } else { err = hw->mac.ops.read_mac_addr(hw); if (err) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Error reading MAC address\n"); goto err_hw_init; } + memcpy(netdev->dev_addr, adapter->hw.mac.addr, + netdev->addr_len); } - memcpy(netdev->dev_addr, adapter->hw.mac.addr, netdev->addr_len); - memcpy(netdev->perm_addr, adapter->hw.mac.addr, netdev->addr_len); - if (!is_valid_ether_addr(netdev->perm_addr)) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Invalid MAC Address: %pM\n", netdev->dev_addr); @@ -2714,6 +2733,8 @@ static int __devinit igbvf_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, goto err_hw_init; } + memcpy(netdev->perm_addr, adapter->hw.mac.addr, netdev->addr_len); + setup_timer(&adapter->watchdog_timer, &igbvf_watchdog, (unsigned long) adapter); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/vf.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/vf.c index 19551977b352c1a2ceb8ed9a2864d7300cab52e1..30a6cc426037db58b214aed762f635c496ea0ca3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/vf.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igbvf/vf.c @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ static void e1000_update_mc_addr_list_vf(struct e1000_hw *hw, for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { hash_value = e1000_hash_mc_addr_vf(hw, mc_addr_list); hash_list[i] = hash_value & 0x0FFFF; - mc_addr_list += ETH_ADDR_LEN; + mc_addr_list += ETH_ALEN; } mbx->ops.write_posted(hw, msgbuf, E1000_VFMAILBOX_SIZE); @@ -333,10 +333,7 @@ static void e1000_rar_set_vf(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 * addr, u32 index) **/ static s32 e1000_read_mac_addr_vf(struct e1000_hw *hw) { - int i; - - for (i = 0; i < ETH_ADDR_LEN; i++) - hw->mac.addr[i] = hw->mac.perm_addr[i]; + memcpy(hw->mac.addr, hw->mac.perm_addr, ETH_ALEN); return E1000_SUCCESS; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgb/ixgb.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgb/ixgb.h index cb23448fe2faec9948959968119369dd4af546f8..4d2ae97ff1b3d7380de5c2ea4653f33fda330880 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgb/ixgb.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgb/ixgb.h @@ -75,18 +75,6 @@ struct ixgb_adapter; #include "ixgb_ee.h" #include "ixgb_ids.h" -#define PFX "ixgb: " - -#ifdef _DEBUG_DRIVER_ -#define IXGB_DBG(fmt, args...) printk(KERN_DEBUG PFX fmt, ##args) -#else -#define IXGB_DBG(fmt, args...) \ -do { \ - if (0) \ - printk(KERN_DEBUG PFX fmt, ##args); \ -} while (0) -#endif - /* TX/RX descriptor defines */ #define DEFAULT_TXD 256 #define MAX_TXD 4096 diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgb/ixgb_ee.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgb/ixgb_ee.c index 2ed925f38811da7e18a67ad8ebfc0af469c90e10..eca216b9b859b623d4db03e6ea8987f3e5c8bada 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgb/ixgb_ee.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgb/ixgb_ee.c @@ -533,10 +533,8 @@ __le16 ixgb_get_eeprom_word(struct ixgb_hw *hw, u16 index) { - if ((index < IXGB_EEPROM_SIZE) && - (ixgb_check_and_get_eeprom_data(hw) == true)) { - return hw->eeprom[index]; - } + if (index < IXGB_EEPROM_SIZE && ixgb_check_and_get_eeprom_data(hw)) + return hw->eeprom[index]; return 0; } @@ -558,7 +556,7 @@ ixgb_get_ee_mac_addr(struct ixgb_hw *hw, ENTER(); - if (ixgb_check_and_get_eeprom_data(hw) == true) { + if (ixgb_check_and_get_eeprom_data(hw)) { for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) { mac_addr[i] = ee_map->mac_addr[i]; } @@ -578,7 +576,7 @@ ixgb_get_ee_mac_addr(struct ixgb_hw *hw, u32 ixgb_get_ee_pba_number(struct ixgb_hw *hw) { - if (ixgb_check_and_get_eeprom_data(hw) == true) + if (ixgb_check_and_get_eeprom_data(hw)) return le16_to_cpu(hw->eeprom[EEPROM_PBA_1_2_REG]) | (le16_to_cpu(hw->eeprom[EEPROM_PBA_3_4_REG])<<16); @@ -599,7 +597,7 @@ ixgb_get_ee_device_id(struct ixgb_hw *hw) { struct ixgb_ee_map_type *ee_map = (struct ixgb_ee_map_type *)hw->eeprom; - if (ixgb_check_and_get_eeprom_data(hw) == true) + if (ixgb_check_and_get_eeprom_data(hw)) return le16_to_cpu(ee_map->device_id); return 0; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgb/ixgb_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgb/ixgb_main.c index 9bd5faf64a85c36a9ad7438cd98588354a88b556..82aaa792cbf3a1472b50b623580e14e7eda5ecc6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgb/ixgb_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgb/ixgb_main.c @@ -1136,10 +1136,8 @@ ixgb_set_multi(struct net_device *netdev) u8 *mta = kmalloc(IXGB_MAX_NUM_MULTICAST_ADDRESSES * ETH_ALEN, GFP_ATOMIC); u8 *addr; - if (!mta) { - pr_err("allocation of multicast memory failed\n"); + if (!mta) goto alloc_failed; - } IXGB_WRITE_REG(hw, RCTL, rctl); @@ -2070,8 +2068,8 @@ ixgb_clean_rx_irq(struct ixgb_adapter *adapter, int *work_done, int work_to_do) /* All receives must fit into a single buffer */ - IXGB_DBG("Receive packet consumed multiple buffers " - "length<%x>\n", length); + pr_debug("Receive packet consumed multiple buffers length<%x>\n", + length); dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb); goto rxdesc_done; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/Makefile b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/Makefile index 7a16177a12a5c15b298ecd4b0caf19005bd397f2..8be1d1b2132ebd2c1e86b21e177558be92087dee 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/Makefile @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_IXGBE) += ixgbe.o ixgbe-objs := ixgbe_main.o ixgbe_common.o ixgbe_ethtool.o \ ixgbe_82599.o ixgbe_82598.o ixgbe_phy.o ixgbe_sriov.o \ - ixgbe_mbx.o ixgbe_x540.o + ixgbe_mbx.o ixgbe_x540.o ixgbe_lib.o ixgbe-$(CONFIG_IXGBE_DCB) += ixgbe_dcb.o ixgbe_dcb_82598.o \ ixgbe_dcb_82599.o ixgbe_dcb_nl.o diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe.h index e6aeb64105a49ab0a78ad097a0af45aa3140886d..80e26ff30ebf5d3c306cb30892e7c51ff5755877 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe.h @@ -72,12 +72,6 @@ /* Supported Rx Buffer Sizes */ #define IXGBE_RXBUFFER_512 512 /* Used for packet split */ -#define IXGBE_RXBUFFER_2K 2048 -#define IXGBE_RXBUFFER_3K 3072 -#define IXGBE_RXBUFFER_4K 4096 -#define IXGBE_RXBUFFER_7K 7168 -#define IXGBE_RXBUFFER_8K 8192 -#define IXGBE_RXBUFFER_15K 15360 #define IXGBE_MAX_RXBUFFER 16384 /* largest size for a single descriptor */ /* @@ -102,14 +96,11 @@ #define IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_FCOE (u32)(1 << 5) #define IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_FSO (u32)(1 << 6) #define IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_TXSW (u32)(1 << 7) -#define IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_MAPPED_AS_PAGE (u32)(1 << 8) #define IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_MASK 0xffff0000 #define IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_PRIO_MASK 0xe0000000 #define IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_PRIO_SHIFT 29 #define IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_SHIFT 16 -#define IXGBE_MAX_RSC_INT_RATE 162760 - #define IXGBE_MAX_VF_MC_ENTRIES 30 #define IXGBE_MAX_VF_FUNCTIONS 64 #define IXGBE_MAX_VFTA_ENTRIES 128 @@ -156,19 +147,19 @@ struct vf_macvlans { struct ixgbe_tx_buffer { union ixgbe_adv_tx_desc *next_to_watch; unsigned long time_stamp; - dma_addr_t dma; - u32 length; - u32 tx_flags; struct sk_buff *skb; - u32 bytecount; - u16 gso_segs; + unsigned int bytecount; + unsigned short gso_segs; + __be16 protocol; + DEFINE_DMA_UNMAP_ADDR(dma); + DEFINE_DMA_UNMAP_LEN(len); + u32 tx_flags; }; struct ixgbe_rx_buffer { struct sk_buff *skb; dma_addr_t dma; struct page *page; - dma_addr_t page_dma; unsigned int page_offset; }; @@ -180,7 +171,6 @@ struct ixgbe_queue_stats { struct ixgbe_tx_queue_stats { u64 restart_queue; u64 tx_busy; - u64 completed; u64 tx_done_old; }; @@ -190,22 +180,18 @@ struct ixgbe_rx_queue_stats { u64 non_eop_descs; u64 alloc_rx_page_failed; u64 alloc_rx_buff_failed; + u64 csum_err; }; -enum ixbge_ring_state_t { +enum ixgbe_ring_state_t { __IXGBE_TX_FDIR_INIT_DONE, __IXGBE_TX_DETECT_HANG, __IXGBE_HANG_CHECK_ARMED, - __IXGBE_RX_PS_ENABLED, __IXGBE_RX_RSC_ENABLED, + __IXGBE_RX_CSUM_UDP_ZERO_ERR, + __IXGBE_RX_FCOE_BUFSZ, }; -#define ring_is_ps_enabled(ring) \ - test_bit(__IXGBE_RX_PS_ENABLED, &(ring)->state) -#define set_ring_ps_enabled(ring) \ - set_bit(__IXGBE_RX_PS_ENABLED, &(ring)->state) -#define clear_ring_ps_enabled(ring) \ - clear_bit(__IXGBE_RX_PS_ENABLED, &(ring)->state) #define check_for_tx_hang(ring) \ test_bit(__IXGBE_TX_DETECT_HANG, &(ring)->state) #define set_check_for_tx_hang(ring) \ @@ -220,18 +206,20 @@ enum ixbge_ring_state_t { clear_bit(__IXGBE_RX_RSC_ENABLED, &(ring)->state) struct ixgbe_ring { struct ixgbe_ring *next; /* pointer to next ring in q_vector */ + struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector; /* backpointer to host q_vector */ + struct net_device *netdev; /* netdev ring belongs to */ + struct device *dev; /* device for DMA mapping */ void *desc; /* descriptor ring memory */ - struct device *dev; /* device for DMA mapping */ - struct net_device *netdev; /* netdev ring belongs to */ union { struct ixgbe_tx_buffer *tx_buffer_info; struct ixgbe_rx_buffer *rx_buffer_info; }; unsigned long state; u8 __iomem *tail; + dma_addr_t dma; /* phys. address of descriptor ring */ + unsigned int size; /* length in bytes */ u16 count; /* amount of descriptors */ - u16 rx_buf_len; u8 queue_index; /* needed for multiqueue queue management */ u8 reg_idx; /* holds the special value that gets @@ -239,12 +227,17 @@ struct ixgbe_ring { * associated with this ring, which is * different for DCB and RSS modes */ - u8 atr_sample_rate; - u8 atr_count; - u16 next_to_use; u16 next_to_clean; + union { + u16 next_to_alloc; + struct { + u8 atr_sample_rate; + u8 atr_count; + }; + }; + u8 dcb_tc; struct ixgbe_queue_stats stats; struct u64_stats_sync syncp; @@ -252,11 +245,6 @@ struct ixgbe_ring { struct ixgbe_tx_queue_stats tx_stats; struct ixgbe_rx_queue_stats rx_stats; }; - int numa_node; - unsigned int size; /* length in bytes */ - dma_addr_t dma; /* phys. address of descriptor ring */ - struct rcu_head rcu; - struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector; /* back-pointer to host q_vector */ } ____cacheline_internodealigned_in_smp; enum ixgbe_ring_f_enum { @@ -287,6 +275,22 @@ struct ixgbe_ring_feature { int mask; } ____cacheline_internodealigned_in_smp; +/* + * FCoE requires that all Rx buffers be over 2200 bytes in length. Since + * this is twice the size of a half page we need to double the page order + * for FCoE enabled Rx queues. + */ +#if defined(IXGBE_FCOE) && (PAGE_SIZE < 8192) +static inline unsigned int ixgbe_rx_pg_order(struct ixgbe_ring *ring) +{ + return test_bit(__IXGBE_RX_FCOE_BUFSZ, &ring->state) ? 1 : 0; +} +#else +#define ixgbe_rx_pg_order(_ring) 0 +#endif +#define ixgbe_rx_pg_size(_ring) (PAGE_SIZE << ixgbe_rx_pg_order(_ring)) +#define ixgbe_rx_bufsz(_ring) ((PAGE_SIZE / 2) << ixgbe_rx_pg_order(_ring)) + struct ixgbe_ring_container { struct ixgbe_ring *ring; /* pointer to linked list of rings */ unsigned int total_bytes; /* total bytes processed this int */ @@ -296,6 +300,10 @@ struct ixgbe_ring_container { u8 itr; /* current ITR setting for ring */ }; +/* iterator for handling rings in ring container */ +#define ixgbe_for_each_ring(pos, head) \ + for (pos = (head).ring; pos != NULL; pos = pos->next) + #define MAX_RX_PACKET_BUFFERS ((adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_DCB_ENABLED) \ ? 8 : 1) #define MAX_TX_PACKET_BUFFERS MAX_RX_PACKET_BUFFERS @@ -315,8 +323,13 @@ struct ixgbe_q_vector { struct ixgbe_ring_container rx, tx; struct napi_struct napi; - cpumask_var_t affinity_mask; + cpumask_t affinity_mask; + int numa_node; + struct rcu_head rcu; /* to avoid race with update stats on free */ char name[IFNAMSIZ + 9]; + + /* for dynamic allocation of rings associated with this q_vector */ + struct ixgbe_ring ring[0] ____cacheline_internodealigned_in_smp; }; /* @@ -329,6 +342,13 @@ struct ixgbe_q_vector { #define IXGBE_10K_ITR 400 #define IXGBE_8K_ITR 500 +/* ixgbe_test_staterr - tests bits in Rx descriptor status and error fields */ +static inline __le32 ixgbe_test_staterr(union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx_desc, + const u32 stat_err_bits) +{ + return rx_desc->wb.upper.status_error & cpu_to_le32(stat_err_bits); +} + static inline u16 ixgbe_desc_unused(struct ixgbe_ring *ring) { u16 ntc = ring->next_to_clean; @@ -337,11 +357,11 @@ static inline u16 ixgbe_desc_unused(struct ixgbe_ring *ring) return ((ntc > ntu) ? 0 : ring->count) + ntc - ntu - 1; } -#define IXGBE_RX_DESC_ADV(R, i) \ +#define IXGBE_RX_DESC(R, i) \ (&(((union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *)((R)->desc))[i])) -#define IXGBE_TX_DESC_ADV(R, i) \ +#define IXGBE_TX_DESC(R, i) \ (&(((union ixgbe_adv_tx_desc *)((R)->desc))[i])) -#define IXGBE_TX_CTXTDESC_ADV(R, i) \ +#define IXGBE_TX_CTXTDESC(R, i) \ (&(((struct ixgbe_adv_tx_context_desc *)((R)->desc))[i])) #define IXGBE_MAX_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE 16128 @@ -361,18 +381,25 @@ static inline u16 ixgbe_desc_unused(struct ixgbe_ring *ring) #define MAX_MSIX_Q_VECTORS MAX_MSIX_Q_VECTORS_82599 #define MAX_MSIX_COUNT MAX_MSIX_VECTORS_82599 -#define MIN_MSIX_Q_VECTORS 2 +#define MIN_MSIX_Q_VECTORS 1 #define MIN_MSIX_COUNT (MIN_MSIX_Q_VECTORS + NON_Q_VECTORS) +/* default to trying for four seconds */ +#define IXGBE_TRY_LINK_TIMEOUT (4 * HZ) + /* board specific private data structure */ struct ixgbe_adapter { + unsigned long active_vlans[BITS_TO_LONGS(VLAN_N_VID)]; + /* OS defined structs */ + struct net_device *netdev; + struct pci_dev *pdev; + unsigned long state; /* Some features need tri-state capability, * thus the additional *_CAPABLE flags. */ u32 flags; -#define IXGBE_FLAG_RX_CSUM_ENABLED (u32)(1) #define IXGBE_FLAG_MSI_CAPABLE (u32)(1 << 1) #define IXGBE_FLAG_MSI_ENABLED (u32)(1 << 2) #define IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_CAPABLE (u32)(1 << 3) @@ -409,60 +436,52 @@ struct ixgbe_adapter { #define IXGBE_FLAG2_SFP_NEEDS_RESET (u32)(1 << 5) #define IXGBE_FLAG2_RESET_REQUESTED (u32)(1 << 6) #define IXGBE_FLAG2_FDIR_REQUIRES_REINIT (u32)(1 << 7) +#define IXGBE_FLAG2_RSS_FIELD_IPV4_UDP (u32)(1 << 8) +#define IXGBE_FLAG2_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_UDP (u32)(1 << 9) - unsigned long active_vlans[BITS_TO_LONGS(VLAN_N_VID)]; - u16 bd_number; - struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector[MAX_MSIX_Q_VECTORS]; - - /* DCB parameters */ - struct ieee_pfc *ixgbe_ieee_pfc; - struct ieee_ets *ixgbe_ieee_ets; - struct ixgbe_dcb_config dcb_cfg; - struct ixgbe_dcb_config temp_dcb_cfg; - u8 dcb_set_bitmap; - u8 dcbx_cap; - enum ixgbe_fc_mode last_lfc_mode; - - /* Interrupt Throttle Rate */ - u32 rx_itr_setting; - u32 tx_itr_setting; - u16 eitr_low; - u16 eitr_high; - - /* Work limits */ + /* Tx fast path data */ + int num_tx_queues; + u16 tx_itr_setting; u16 tx_work_limit; + /* Rx fast path data */ + int num_rx_queues; + u16 rx_itr_setting; + /* TX */ struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring[MAX_TX_QUEUES] ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp; - int num_tx_queues; - u32 tx_timeout_count; - bool detect_tx_hung; u64 restart_queue; u64 lsc_int; + u32 tx_timeout_count; /* RX */ - struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring[MAX_RX_QUEUES] ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp; - int num_rx_queues; + struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring[MAX_RX_QUEUES]; int num_rx_pools; /* == num_rx_queues in 82598 */ int num_rx_queues_per_pool; /* 1 if 82598, can be many if 82599 */ u64 hw_csum_rx_error; u64 hw_rx_no_dma_resources; + u64 rsc_total_count; + u64 rsc_total_flush; u64 non_eop_descs; - int num_msix_vectors; - int max_msix_q_vectors; /* true count of q_vectors for device */ - struct ixgbe_ring_feature ring_feature[RING_F_ARRAY_SIZE]; - struct msix_entry *msix_entries; - u32 alloc_rx_page_failed; u32 alloc_rx_buff_failed; -/* default to trying for four seconds */ -#define IXGBE_TRY_LINK_TIMEOUT (4 * HZ) + struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector[MAX_MSIX_Q_VECTORS]; - /* OS defined structs */ - struct net_device *netdev; - struct pci_dev *pdev; + /* DCB parameters */ + struct ieee_pfc *ixgbe_ieee_pfc; + struct ieee_ets *ixgbe_ieee_ets; + struct ixgbe_dcb_config dcb_cfg; + struct ixgbe_dcb_config temp_dcb_cfg; + u8 dcb_set_bitmap; + u8 dcbx_cap; + enum ixgbe_fc_mode last_lfc_mode; + + int num_msix_vectors; + int max_msix_q_vectors; /* true count of q_vectors for device */ + struct ixgbe_ring_feature ring_feature[RING_F_ARRAY_SIZE]; + struct msix_entry *msix_entries; u32 test_icr; struct ixgbe_ring test_tx_ring; @@ -473,10 +492,6 @@ struct ixgbe_adapter { u16 msg_enable; struct ixgbe_hw_stats stats; - /* Interrupt Throttle Rate */ - u32 rx_eitr_param; - u32 tx_eitr_param; - u64 tx_busy; unsigned int tx_ring_count; unsigned int rx_ring_count; @@ -485,25 +500,30 @@ struct ixgbe_adapter { bool link_up; unsigned long link_check_timeout; - struct work_struct service_task; struct timer_list service_timer; + struct work_struct service_task; + + struct hlist_head fdir_filter_list; + unsigned long fdir_overflow; /* number of times ATR was backed off */ + union ixgbe_atr_input fdir_mask; + int fdir_filter_count; u32 fdir_pballoc; u32 atr_sample_rate; - unsigned long fdir_overflow; /* number of times ATR was backed off */ spinlock_t fdir_perfect_lock; + #ifdef IXGBE_FCOE struct ixgbe_fcoe fcoe; #endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ - u64 rsc_total_count; - u64 rsc_total_flush; u32 wol; + + u16 bd_number; + u16 eeprom_verh; u16 eeprom_verl; u16 eeprom_cap; - int node; - u32 led_reg; u32 interrupt_event; + u32 led_reg; /* SR-IOV */ DECLARE_BITMAP(active_vfs, IXGBE_MAX_VF_FUNCTIONS); @@ -513,9 +533,6 @@ struct ixgbe_adapter { struct vf_macvlans vf_mvs; struct vf_macvlans *mv_list; - struct hlist_head fdir_filter_list; - union ixgbe_atr_input fdir_mask; - int fdir_filter_count; u32 timer_event_accumulator; u32 vferr_refcount; }; @@ -535,12 +552,16 @@ enum ixbge_state_t { __IXGBE_IN_SFP_INIT, }; -struct ixgbe_rsc_cb { +struct ixgbe_cb { + union { /* Union defining head/tail partner */ + struct sk_buff *head; + struct sk_buff *tail; + }; dma_addr_t dma; - u16 skb_cnt; - bool delay_unmap; + u16 append_cnt; + bool page_released; }; -#define IXGBE_RSC_CB(skb) ((struct ixgbe_rsc_cb *)(skb)->cb) +#define IXGBE_CB(skb) ((struct ixgbe_cb *)(skb)->cb) enum ixgbe_boards { board_82598, @@ -560,7 +581,9 @@ extern int ixgbe_copy_dcb_cfg(struct ixgbe_dcb_config *src_dcb_cfg, extern char ixgbe_driver_name[]; extern const char ixgbe_driver_version[]; +#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE extern char ixgbe_default_device_descr[]; +#endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ extern void ixgbe_up(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter); extern void ixgbe_down(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter); @@ -585,6 +608,7 @@ extern void ixgbe_unmap_and_free_tx_resource(struct ixgbe_ring *, struct ixgbe_tx_buffer *); extern void ixgbe_alloc_rx_buffers(struct ixgbe_ring *, u16); extern void ixgbe_write_eitr(struct ixgbe_q_vector *); +extern int ixgbe_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget); extern int ethtool_ioctl(struct ifreq *ifr); extern s32 ixgbe_reinit_fdir_tables_82599(struct ixgbe_hw *hw); extern s32 ixgbe_init_fdir_signature_82599(struct ixgbe_hw *hw, u32 fdirctrl); @@ -604,18 +628,20 @@ extern s32 ixgbe_fdir_erase_perfect_filter_82599(struct ixgbe_hw *hw, extern void ixgbe_atr_compute_perfect_hash_82599(union ixgbe_atr_input *input, union ixgbe_atr_input *mask); extern void ixgbe_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *netdev); +#ifdef CONFIG_IXGBE_DCB extern int ixgbe_setup_tc(struct net_device *dev, u8 tc); +#endif extern void ixgbe_tx_ctxtdesc(struct ixgbe_ring *, u32, u32, u32, u32); extern void ixgbe_do_reset(struct net_device *netdev); #ifdef IXGBE_FCOE extern void ixgbe_configure_fcoe(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter); -extern int ixgbe_fso(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, struct sk_buff *skb, - u32 tx_flags, u8 *hdr_len); +extern int ixgbe_fso(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, + struct ixgbe_tx_buffer *first, + u8 *hdr_len); extern void ixgbe_cleanup_fcoe(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter); extern int ixgbe_fcoe_ddp(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx_desc, - struct sk_buff *skb, - u32 staterr); + struct sk_buff *skb); extern int ixgbe_fcoe_ddp_get(struct net_device *netdev, u16 xid, struct scatterlist *sgl, unsigned int sgc); extern int ixgbe_fcoe_ddp_target(struct net_device *netdev, u16 xid, @@ -632,4 +658,9 @@ extern int ixgbe_fcoe_get_hbainfo(struct net_device *netdev, struct netdev_fcoe_hbainfo *info); #endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ +static inline struct netdev_queue *txring_txq(const struct ixgbe_ring *ring) +{ + return netdev_get_tx_queue(ring->netdev, ring->queue_index); +} + #endif /* _IXGBE_H_ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_82598.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_82598.c index b406c367b19074a8efee8aea07d4ece207f2d625..85d2e2c4ce4a9b8d55fa69a0b010b291cb6d97f6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_82598.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_82598.c @@ -213,15 +213,15 @@ static s32 ixgbe_start_hw_82598(struct ixgbe_hw *hw) for (i = 0; ((i < hw->mac.max_tx_queues) && (i < IXGBE_DCA_MAX_QUEUES_82598)); i++) { regval = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL(i)); - regval &= ~IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_TX_WB_RO_EN; + regval &= ~IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_DESC_WRO_EN; IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL(i), regval); } for (i = 0; ((i < hw->mac.max_rx_queues) && (i < IXGBE_DCA_MAX_QUEUES_82598)); i++) { regval = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL(i)); - regval &= ~(IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_DESC_WRO_EN | - IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_DESC_HSRO_EN); + regval &= ~(IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_DATA_WRO_EN | + IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_HEAD_WRO_EN); IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL(i), regval); } @@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ static s32 ixgbe_check_mac_link_82598(struct ixgbe_hw *hw, *link_up = false; } - if (*link_up == false) + if (!*link_up) goto out; } @@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ static s32 ixgbe_check_mac_link_82598(struct ixgbe_hw *hw, else *speed = IXGBE_LINK_SPEED_1GB_FULL; - if ((hw->device_id == IXGBE_DEV_ID_82598AT2) && (*link_up == true) && + if ((hw->device_id == IXGBE_DEV_ID_82598AT2) && *link_up && (ixgbe_validate_link_ready(hw) != 0)) *link_up = false; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_82599.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_82599.c index 4e59083a3de2404766b1357c7dcb6890d79988dd..9c14685358eb08283c7fafd7f80e78926a5c70db 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_82599.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_82599.c @@ -779,7 +779,8 @@ static s32 ixgbe_setup_mac_link_82599(struct ixgbe_hw *hw, ixgbe_link_speed link_capabilities = IXGBE_LINK_SPEED_UNKNOWN; /* Check to see if speed passed in is supported. */ - hw->mac.ops.get_link_capabilities(hw, &link_capabilities, &autoneg); + status = hw->mac.ops.get_link_capabilities(hw, &link_capabilities, + &autoneg); if (status != 0) goto out; @@ -1906,38 +1907,17 @@ static u32 ixgbe_get_supported_physical_layer_82599(struct ixgbe_hw *hw) **/ static s32 ixgbe_enable_rx_dma_82599(struct ixgbe_hw *hw, u32 regval) { -#define IXGBE_MAX_SECRX_POLL 30 - int i; - int secrxreg; - /* * Workaround for 82599 silicon errata when enabling the Rx datapath. * If traffic is incoming before we enable the Rx unit, it could hang * the Rx DMA unit. Therefore, make sure the security engine is * completely disabled prior to enabling the Rx unit. */ - secrxreg = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_SECRXCTRL); - secrxreg |= IXGBE_SECRXCTRL_RX_DIS; - IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_SECRXCTRL, secrxreg); - for (i = 0; i < IXGBE_MAX_SECRX_POLL; i++) { - secrxreg = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_SECRXSTAT); - if (secrxreg & IXGBE_SECRXSTAT_SECRX_RDY) - break; - else - /* Use interrupt-safe sleep just in case */ - udelay(10); - } - - /* For informational purposes only */ - if (i >= IXGBE_MAX_SECRX_POLL) - hw_dbg(hw, "Rx unit being enabled before security " - "path fully disabled. Continuing with init.\n"); + hw->mac.ops.disable_rx_buff(hw); IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_RXCTRL, regval); - secrxreg = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_SECRXCTRL); - secrxreg &= ~IXGBE_SECRXCTRL_RX_DIS; - IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_SECRXCTRL, secrxreg); - IXGBE_WRITE_FLUSH(hw); + + hw->mac.ops.enable_rx_buff(hw); return 0; } @@ -2102,6 +2082,8 @@ static struct ixgbe_mac_operations mac_ops_82599 = { .get_media_type = &ixgbe_get_media_type_82599, .get_supported_physical_layer = &ixgbe_get_supported_physical_layer_82599, .enable_rx_dma = &ixgbe_enable_rx_dma_82599, + .disable_rx_buff = &ixgbe_disable_rx_buff_generic, + .enable_rx_buff = &ixgbe_enable_rx_buff_generic, .get_mac_addr = &ixgbe_get_mac_addr_generic, .get_san_mac_addr = &ixgbe_get_san_mac_addr_generic, .get_device_caps = &ixgbe_get_device_caps_generic, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_common.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_common.c index 383b9413292e8b3f1e3fcad83716f0adafb6ac4d..49aa41fe7b84411524ac60713686dbef619d59ba 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_common.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_common.c @@ -128,14 +128,14 @@ s32 ixgbe_start_hw_gen2(struct ixgbe_hw *hw) /* Disable relaxed ordering */ for (i = 0; i < hw->mac.max_tx_queues; i++) { regval = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_82599(i)); - regval &= ~IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_TX_WB_RO_EN; + regval &= ~IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_DESC_WRO_EN; IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_82599(i), regval); } for (i = 0; i < hw->mac.max_rx_queues; i++) { regval = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL(i)); - regval &= ~(IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_DESC_WRO_EN | - IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_DESC_HSRO_EN); + regval &= ~(IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_DATA_WRO_EN | + IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_HEAD_WRO_EN); IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL(i), regval); } @@ -2011,13 +2011,20 @@ s32 ixgbe_fc_enable_generic(struct ixgbe_hw *hw, s32 packetbuf_num) IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_MFLCN, mflcn_reg); IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_FCCFG, fccfg_reg); - fcrth = hw->fc.high_water[packetbuf_num] << 10; fcrtl = hw->fc.low_water << 10; if (hw->fc.current_mode & ixgbe_fc_tx_pause) { + fcrth = hw->fc.high_water[packetbuf_num] << 10; fcrth |= IXGBE_FCRTH_FCEN; if (hw->fc.send_xon) fcrtl |= IXGBE_FCRTL_XONE; + } else { + /* + * If Tx flow control is disabled, set our high water mark + * to Rx FIFO size minus 32 in order prevent Tx switch + * loopback from stalling on DMA. + */ + fcrth = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_RXPBSIZE(packetbuf_num)) - 32; } IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_FCRTH_82599(packetbuf_num), fcrth); @@ -2577,6 +2584,58 @@ void ixgbe_release_swfw_sync(struct ixgbe_hw *hw, u16 mask) ixgbe_release_eeprom_semaphore(hw); } +/** + * ixgbe_disable_rx_buff_generic - Stops the receive data path + * @hw: pointer to hardware structure + * + * Stops the receive data path and waits for the HW to internally + * empty the Rx security block. + **/ +s32 ixgbe_disable_rx_buff_generic(struct ixgbe_hw *hw) +{ +#define IXGBE_MAX_SECRX_POLL 40 + int i; + int secrxreg; + + secrxreg = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_SECRXCTRL); + secrxreg |= IXGBE_SECRXCTRL_RX_DIS; + IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_SECRXCTRL, secrxreg); + for (i = 0; i < IXGBE_MAX_SECRX_POLL; i++) { + secrxreg = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_SECRXSTAT); + if (secrxreg & IXGBE_SECRXSTAT_SECRX_RDY) + break; + else + /* Use interrupt-safe sleep just in case */ + udelay(10); + } + + /* For informational purposes only */ + if (i >= IXGBE_MAX_SECRX_POLL) + hw_dbg(hw, "Rx unit being enabled before security " + "path fully disabled. Continuing with init.\n"); + + return 0; + +} + +/** + * ixgbe_enable_rx_buff - Enables the receive data path + * @hw: pointer to hardware structure + * + * Enables the receive data path + **/ +s32 ixgbe_enable_rx_buff_generic(struct ixgbe_hw *hw) +{ + int secrxreg; + + secrxreg = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_SECRXCTRL); + secrxreg &= ~IXGBE_SECRXCTRL_RX_DIS; + IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_SECRXCTRL, secrxreg); + IXGBE_WRITE_FLUSH(hw); + + return 0; +} + /** * ixgbe_enable_rx_dma_generic - Enable the Rx DMA unit * @hw: pointer to hardware structure @@ -3336,7 +3395,7 @@ static u8 ixgbe_calculate_checksum(u8 *buffer, u32 length) * @hw: pointer to the HW structure * @buffer: contains the command to write and where the return status will * be placed - * @lenght: lenght of buffer, must be multiple of 4 bytes + * @length: length of buffer, must be multiple of 4 bytes * * Communicates with the manageability block. On success return 0 * else return IXGBE_ERR_HOST_INTERFACE_COMMAND. diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_common.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_common.h index 2c834c46bba15ab85e7583e3156b6e53264bb389..204f06235b455ce8a0d0c803471001f9c6a986f9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_common.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_common.h @@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ s32 ixgbe_update_mc_addr_list_generic(struct ixgbe_hw *hw, struct net_device *netdev); s32 ixgbe_enable_mc_generic(struct ixgbe_hw *hw); s32 ixgbe_disable_mc_generic(struct ixgbe_hw *hw); +s32 ixgbe_disable_rx_buff_generic(struct ixgbe_hw *hw); +s32 ixgbe_enable_rx_buff_generic(struct ixgbe_hw *hw); s32 ixgbe_enable_rx_dma_generic(struct ixgbe_hw *hw, u32 regval); s32 ixgbe_fc_enable_generic(struct ixgbe_hw *hw, s32 packetbuf_num); s32 ixgbe_fc_autoneg(struct ixgbe_hw *hw); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_dcb_nl.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_dcb_nl.c index 79a92fe987b997d203d6afde03f428bed78bb7fb..dde65f951400dc7efc1c6b3d09d5c8e44710db6f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_dcb_nl.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_dcb_nl.c @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ static u8 ixgbe_dcbnl_get_state(struct net_device *netdev) static u8 ixgbe_dcbnl_set_state(struct net_device *netdev, u8 state) { - u8 err = 0; + int err = 0; u8 prio_tc[MAX_USER_PRIORITY] = {0}; int i; struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ static u8 ixgbe_dcbnl_set_state(struct net_device *netdev, u8 state) /* verify there is something to do, if not then exit */ if (!!state != !(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_DCB_ENABLED)) - return err; + goto out; if (state > 0) { err = ixgbe_setup_tc(netdev, adapter->dcb_cfg.num_tcs.pg_tcs); @@ -131,10 +131,14 @@ static u8 ixgbe_dcbnl_set_state(struct net_device *netdev, u8 state) err = ixgbe_setup_tc(netdev, 0); } + if (err) + goto out; + for (i = 0; i < IEEE_8021QAZ_MAX_TCS; i++) netdev_set_prio_tc_map(netdev, i, prio_tc[i]); - return err; +out: + return err ? 1 : 0; } static void ixgbe_dcbnl_get_perm_hw_addr(struct net_device *netdev, @@ -486,7 +490,7 @@ static u8 ixgbe_dcbnl_getcap(struct net_device *netdev, int capid, u8 *cap) return 0; } -static u8 ixgbe_dcbnl_getnumtcs(struct net_device *netdev, int tcid, u8 *num) +static int ixgbe_dcbnl_getnumtcs(struct net_device *netdev, int tcid, u8 *num) { struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); u8 rval = 0; @@ -510,7 +514,7 @@ static u8 ixgbe_dcbnl_getnumtcs(struct net_device *netdev, int tcid, u8 *num) return rval; } -static u8 ixgbe_dcbnl_setnumtcs(struct net_device *netdev, int tcid, u8 num) +static int ixgbe_dcbnl_setnumtcs(struct net_device *netdev, int tcid, u8 num) { return -EINVAL; } @@ -581,7 +585,7 @@ static int ixgbe_dcbnl_ieee_setets(struct net_device *dev, { struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(dev); int max_frame = dev->mtu + ETH_HLEN + ETH_FCS_LEN; - int i; + int i, err = 0; __u8 max_tc = 0; if (!(adapter->dcbx_cap & DCB_CAP_DCBX_VER_IEEE)) @@ -608,12 +612,17 @@ static int ixgbe_dcbnl_ieee_setets(struct net_device *dev, return -EINVAL; if (max_tc != netdev_get_num_tc(dev)) - ixgbe_setup_tc(dev, max_tc); + err = ixgbe_setup_tc(dev, max_tc); + + if (err) + goto err_out; for (i = 0; i < IEEE_8021QAZ_MAX_TCS; i++) netdev_set_prio_tc_map(dev, i, ets->prio_tc[i]); - return ixgbe_dcb_hw_ets(&adapter->hw, ets, max_frame); + err = ixgbe_dcb_hw_ets(&adapter->hw, ets, max_frame); +err_out: + return err; } static int ixgbe_dcbnl_ieee_getpfc(struct net_device *dev, @@ -726,6 +735,7 @@ static u8 ixgbe_dcbnl_setdcbx(struct net_device *dev, u8 mode) struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(dev); struct ieee_ets ets = {0}; struct ieee_pfc pfc = {0}; + int err = 0; /* no support for LLD_MANAGED modes or CEE+IEEE */ if ((mode & DCB_CAP_DCBX_LLD_MANAGED) || @@ -756,10 +766,10 @@ static u8 ixgbe_dcbnl_setdcbx(struct net_device *dev, u8 mode) */ ixgbe_dcbnl_ieee_setets(dev, &ets); ixgbe_dcbnl_ieee_setpfc(dev, &pfc); - ixgbe_setup_tc(dev, 0); + err = ixgbe_setup_tc(dev, 0); } - return 0; + return err ? 1 : 0; } const struct dcbnl_rtnl_ops dcbnl_ops = { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_ethtool.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_ethtool.c index a62975480e37b0c53b1908e531e216eed41f1308..31a2bf76a3461f3ce307844592eb23970ebd1f43 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_ethtool.c @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #include "ixgbe.h" @@ -935,12 +936,12 @@ static int ixgbe_set_ringparam(struct net_device *netdev, if ((ring->rx_mini_pending) || (ring->rx_jumbo_pending)) return -EINVAL; - new_rx_count = max(ring->rx_pending, (u32)IXGBE_MIN_RXD); - new_rx_count = min(new_rx_count, (u32)IXGBE_MAX_RXD); + new_rx_count = max_t(u32, ring->rx_pending, IXGBE_MIN_RXD); + new_rx_count = min_t(u32, new_rx_count, IXGBE_MAX_RXD); new_rx_count = ALIGN(new_rx_count, IXGBE_REQ_RX_DESCRIPTOR_MULTIPLE); - new_tx_count = max(ring->tx_pending, (u32)IXGBE_MIN_TXD); - new_tx_count = min(new_tx_count, (u32)IXGBE_MAX_TXD); + new_tx_count = max_t(u32, ring->tx_pending, IXGBE_MIN_TXD); + new_tx_count = min_t(u32, new_tx_count, IXGBE_MAX_TXD); new_tx_count = ALIGN(new_tx_count, IXGBE_REQ_TX_DESCRIPTOR_MULTIPLE); if ((new_tx_count == adapter->tx_ring[0]->count) && @@ -1591,7 +1592,6 @@ static int ixgbe_setup_desc_rings(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) tx_ring->dev = &adapter->pdev->dev; tx_ring->netdev = adapter->netdev; tx_ring->reg_idx = adapter->tx_ring[0]->reg_idx; - tx_ring->numa_node = adapter->node; err = ixgbe_setup_tx_resources(tx_ring); if (err) @@ -1616,8 +1616,6 @@ static int ixgbe_setup_desc_rings(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) rx_ring->dev = &adapter->pdev->dev; rx_ring->netdev = adapter->netdev; rx_ring->reg_idx = adapter->rx_ring[0]->reg_idx; - rx_ring->rx_buf_len = IXGBE_RXBUFFER_2K; - rx_ring->numa_node = adapter->node; err = ixgbe_setup_rx_resources(rx_ring); if (err) { @@ -1703,63 +1701,72 @@ static void ixgbe_loopback_cleanup(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) } static void ixgbe_create_lbtest_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, - unsigned int frame_size) + unsigned int frame_size) { memset(skb->data, 0xFF, frame_size); - frame_size &= ~1; - memset(&skb->data[frame_size / 2], 0xAA, frame_size / 2 - 1); - memset(&skb->data[frame_size / 2 + 10], 0xBE, 1); - memset(&skb->data[frame_size / 2 + 12], 0xAF, 1); + frame_size >>= 1; + memset(&skb->data[frame_size], 0xAA, frame_size / 2 - 1); + memset(&skb->data[frame_size + 10], 0xBE, 1); + memset(&skb->data[frame_size + 12], 0xAF, 1); } -static int ixgbe_check_lbtest_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, - unsigned int frame_size) +static bool ixgbe_check_lbtest_frame(struct ixgbe_rx_buffer *rx_buffer, + unsigned int frame_size) { - frame_size &= ~1; - if (*(skb->data + 3) == 0xFF) { - if ((*(skb->data + frame_size / 2 + 10) == 0xBE) && - (*(skb->data + frame_size / 2 + 12) == 0xAF)) { - return 0; - } - } - return 13; + unsigned char *data; + bool match = true; + + frame_size >>= 1; + + data = kmap(rx_buffer->page) + rx_buffer->page_offset; + + if (data[3] != 0xFF || + data[frame_size + 10] != 0xBE || + data[frame_size + 12] != 0xAF) + match = false; + + kunmap(rx_buffer->page); + + return match; } static u16 ixgbe_clean_test_rings(struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring, - struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, - unsigned int size) + struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, + unsigned int size) { union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx_desc; - struct ixgbe_rx_buffer *rx_buffer_info; - struct ixgbe_tx_buffer *tx_buffer_info; - const int bufsz = rx_ring->rx_buf_len; - u32 staterr; + struct ixgbe_rx_buffer *rx_buffer; + struct ixgbe_tx_buffer *tx_buffer; u16 rx_ntc, tx_ntc, count = 0; /* initialize next to clean and descriptor values */ rx_ntc = rx_ring->next_to_clean; tx_ntc = tx_ring->next_to_clean; - rx_desc = IXGBE_RX_DESC_ADV(rx_ring, rx_ntc); - staterr = le32_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.upper.status_error); + rx_desc = IXGBE_RX_DESC(rx_ring, rx_ntc); - while (staterr & IXGBE_RXD_STAT_DD) { + while (ixgbe_test_staterr(rx_desc, IXGBE_RXD_STAT_DD)) { /* check Rx buffer */ - rx_buffer_info = &rx_ring->rx_buffer_info[rx_ntc]; + rx_buffer = &rx_ring->rx_buffer_info[rx_ntc]; - /* unmap Rx buffer, will be remapped by alloc_rx_buffers */ - dma_unmap_single(rx_ring->dev, - rx_buffer_info->dma, - bufsz, - DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - rx_buffer_info->dma = 0; + /* sync Rx buffer for CPU read */ + dma_sync_single_for_cpu(rx_ring->dev, + rx_buffer->dma, + ixgbe_rx_bufsz(rx_ring), + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); /* verify contents of skb */ - if (!ixgbe_check_lbtest_frame(rx_buffer_info->skb, size)) + if (ixgbe_check_lbtest_frame(rx_buffer, size)) count++; + /* sync Rx buffer for device write */ + dma_sync_single_for_device(rx_ring->dev, + rx_buffer->dma, + ixgbe_rx_bufsz(rx_ring), + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + /* unmap buffer on Tx side */ - tx_buffer_info = &tx_ring->tx_buffer_info[tx_ntc]; - ixgbe_unmap_and_free_tx_resource(tx_ring, tx_buffer_info); + tx_buffer = &tx_ring->tx_buffer_info[tx_ntc]; + ixgbe_unmap_and_free_tx_resource(tx_ring, tx_buffer); /* increment Rx/Tx next to clean counters */ rx_ntc++; @@ -1770,8 +1777,7 @@ static u16 ixgbe_clean_test_rings(struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring, tx_ntc = 0; /* fetch next descriptor */ - rx_desc = IXGBE_RX_DESC_ADV(rx_ring, rx_ntc); - staterr = le32_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.upper.status_error); + rx_desc = IXGBE_RX_DESC(rx_ring, rx_ntc); } /* re-map buffers to ring, store next to clean values */ @@ -2108,8 +2114,6 @@ static int ixgbe_get_coalesce(struct net_device *netdev, { struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); - ec->tx_max_coalesced_frames_irq = adapter->tx_work_limit; - /* only valid if in constant ITR mode */ if (adapter->rx_itr_setting <= 1) ec->rx_coalesce_usecs = adapter->rx_itr_setting; @@ -2133,31 +2137,29 @@ static int ixgbe_get_coalesce(struct net_device *netdev, * this function must be called before setting the new value of * rx_itr_setting */ -static bool ixgbe_update_rsc(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, - struct ethtool_coalesce *ec) +static bool ixgbe_update_rsc(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) { struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; - if (!(adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_CAPABLE)) + /* nothing to do if LRO or RSC are not enabled */ + if (!(adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_CAPABLE) || + !(netdev->features & NETIF_F_LRO)) return false; - /* if interrupt rate is too high then disable RSC */ - if (ec->rx_coalesce_usecs != 1 && - ec->rx_coalesce_usecs <= (IXGBE_MIN_RSC_ITR >> 2)) { - if (adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_ENABLED) { - e_info(probe, "rx-usecs set too low, disabling RSC\n"); - adapter->flags2 &= ~IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_ENABLED; - return true; - } - } else { - /* check the feature flag value and enable RSC if necessary */ - if ((netdev->features & NETIF_F_LRO) && - !(adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_ENABLED)) { - e_info(probe, "rx-usecs set to %d, re-enabling RSC\n", - ec->rx_coalesce_usecs); + /* check the feature flag value and enable RSC if necessary */ + if (adapter->rx_itr_setting == 1 || + adapter->rx_itr_setting > IXGBE_MIN_RSC_ITR) { + if (!(adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_ENABLED)) { adapter->flags2 |= IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_ENABLED; + e_info(probe, "rx-usecs value high enough " + "to re-enable RSC\n"); return true; } + /* if interrupt rate is too high then disable RSC */ + } else if (adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_ENABLED) { + adapter->flags2 &= ~IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_ENABLED; + e_info(probe, "rx-usecs set too low, disabling RSC\n"); + return true; } return false; } @@ -2177,16 +2179,10 @@ static int ixgbe_set_coalesce(struct net_device *netdev, && ec->tx_coalesce_usecs) return -EINVAL; - if (ec->tx_max_coalesced_frames_irq) - adapter->tx_work_limit = ec->tx_max_coalesced_frames_irq; - if ((ec->rx_coalesce_usecs > (IXGBE_MAX_EITR >> 2)) || (ec->tx_coalesce_usecs > (IXGBE_MAX_EITR >> 2))) return -EINVAL; - /* check the old value and enable RSC if necessary */ - need_reset = ixgbe_update_rsc(adapter, ec); - if (ec->rx_coalesce_usecs > 1) adapter->rx_itr_setting = ec->rx_coalesce_usecs << 2; else @@ -2207,6 +2203,9 @@ static int ixgbe_set_coalesce(struct net_device *netdev, else tx_itr_param = adapter->tx_itr_setting; + /* check the old value and enable RSC if necessary */ + need_reset = ixgbe_update_rsc(adapter); + if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED) num_vectors = adapter->num_msix_vectors - NON_Q_VECTORS; else @@ -2214,7 +2213,6 @@ static int ixgbe_set_coalesce(struct net_device *netdev, for (i = 0; i < num_vectors; i++) { q_vector = adapter->q_vector[i]; - q_vector->tx.work_limit = adapter->tx_work_limit; if (q_vector->tx.count && !q_vector->rx.count) /* tx only */ q_vector->itr = tx_itr_param; @@ -2328,6 +2326,48 @@ static int ixgbe_get_ethtool_fdir_all(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, return 0; } +static int ixgbe_get_rss_hash_opts(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, + struct ethtool_rxnfc *cmd) +{ + cmd->data = 0; + + /* if RSS is disabled then report no hashing */ + if (!(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED)) + return 0; + + /* Report default options for RSS on ixgbe */ + switch (cmd->flow_type) { + case TCP_V4_FLOW: + cmd->data |= RXH_L4_B_0_1 | RXH_L4_B_2_3; + case UDP_V4_FLOW: + if (adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSS_FIELD_IPV4_UDP) + cmd->data |= RXH_L4_B_0_1 | RXH_L4_B_2_3; + case SCTP_V4_FLOW: + case AH_ESP_V4_FLOW: + case AH_V4_FLOW: + case ESP_V4_FLOW: + case IPV4_FLOW: + cmd->data |= RXH_IP_SRC | RXH_IP_DST; + break; + case TCP_V6_FLOW: + cmd->data |= RXH_L4_B_0_1 | RXH_L4_B_2_3; + case UDP_V6_FLOW: + if (adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_UDP) + cmd->data |= RXH_L4_B_0_1 | RXH_L4_B_2_3; + case SCTP_V6_FLOW: + case AH_ESP_V6_FLOW: + case AH_V6_FLOW: + case ESP_V6_FLOW: + case IPV6_FLOW: + cmd->data |= RXH_IP_SRC | RXH_IP_DST; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + static int ixgbe_get_rxnfc(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_rxnfc *cmd, u32 *rule_locs) { @@ -2349,6 +2389,9 @@ static int ixgbe_get_rxnfc(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_rxnfc *cmd, case ETHTOOL_GRXCLSRLALL: ret = ixgbe_get_ethtool_fdir_all(adapter, cmd, rule_locs); break; + case ETHTOOL_GRXFH: + ret = ixgbe_get_rss_hash_opts(adapter, cmd); + break; default: break; } @@ -2583,6 +2626,111 @@ static int ixgbe_del_ethtool_fdir_entry(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, return err; } +#define UDP_RSS_FLAGS (IXGBE_FLAG2_RSS_FIELD_IPV4_UDP | \ + IXGBE_FLAG2_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_UDP) +static int ixgbe_set_rss_hash_opt(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, + struct ethtool_rxnfc *nfc) +{ + u32 flags2 = adapter->flags2; + + /* + * RSS does not support anything other than hashing + * to queues on src and dst IPs and ports + */ + if (nfc->data & ~(RXH_IP_SRC | RXH_IP_DST | + RXH_L4_B_0_1 | RXH_L4_B_2_3)) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (nfc->flow_type) { + case TCP_V4_FLOW: + case TCP_V6_FLOW: + if (!(nfc->data & RXH_IP_SRC) || + !(nfc->data & RXH_IP_DST) || + !(nfc->data & RXH_L4_B_0_1) || + !(nfc->data & RXH_L4_B_2_3)) + return -EINVAL; + break; + case UDP_V4_FLOW: + if (!(nfc->data & RXH_IP_SRC) || + !(nfc->data & RXH_IP_DST)) + return -EINVAL; + switch (nfc->data & (RXH_L4_B_0_1 | RXH_L4_B_2_3)) { + case 0: + flags2 &= ~IXGBE_FLAG2_RSS_FIELD_IPV4_UDP; + break; + case (RXH_L4_B_0_1 | RXH_L4_B_2_3): + flags2 |= IXGBE_FLAG2_RSS_FIELD_IPV4_UDP; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + break; + case UDP_V6_FLOW: + if (!(nfc->data & RXH_IP_SRC) || + !(nfc->data & RXH_IP_DST)) + return -EINVAL; + switch (nfc->data & (RXH_L4_B_0_1 | RXH_L4_B_2_3)) { + case 0: + flags2 &= ~IXGBE_FLAG2_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_UDP; + break; + case (RXH_L4_B_0_1 | RXH_L4_B_2_3): + flags2 |= IXGBE_FLAG2_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_UDP; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + break; + case AH_ESP_V4_FLOW: + case AH_V4_FLOW: + case ESP_V4_FLOW: + case SCTP_V4_FLOW: + case AH_ESP_V6_FLOW: + case AH_V6_FLOW: + case ESP_V6_FLOW: + case SCTP_V6_FLOW: + if (!(nfc->data & RXH_IP_SRC) || + !(nfc->data & RXH_IP_DST) || + (nfc->data & RXH_L4_B_0_1) || + (nfc->data & RXH_L4_B_2_3)) + return -EINVAL; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + /* if we changed something we need to update flags */ + if (flags2 != adapter->flags2) { + struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; + u32 mrqc = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_MRQC); + + if ((flags2 & UDP_RSS_FLAGS) && + !(adapter->flags2 & UDP_RSS_FLAGS)) + e_warn(drv, "enabling UDP RSS: fragmented packets" + " may arrive out of order to the stack above\n"); + + adapter->flags2 = flags2; + + /* Perform hash on these packet types */ + mrqc |= IXGBE_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV4 + | IXGBE_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV4_TCP + | IXGBE_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6 + | IXGBE_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_TCP; + + mrqc &= ~(IXGBE_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV4_UDP | + IXGBE_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_UDP); + + if (flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSS_FIELD_IPV4_UDP) + mrqc |= IXGBE_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV4_UDP; + + if (flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_UDP) + mrqc |= IXGBE_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_UDP; + + IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_MRQC, mrqc); + } + + return 0; +} + static int ixgbe_set_rxnfc(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_rxnfc *cmd) { struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(dev); @@ -2595,6 +2743,9 @@ static int ixgbe_set_rxnfc(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_rxnfc *cmd) case ETHTOOL_SRXCLSRLDEL: ret = ixgbe_del_ethtool_fdir_entry(adapter, cmd); break; + case ETHTOOL_SRXFH: + ret = ixgbe_set_rss_hash_opt(adapter, cmd); + break; default: break; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_fcoe.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_fcoe.c index 4bc794249801eed3dd5ce16d0cb7e9b163ed6849..77ea4b7165351707192dde0ea3c678950502a71b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_fcoe.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_fcoe.c @@ -357,22 +357,20 @@ int ixgbe_fcoe_ddp_target(struct net_device *netdev, u16 xid, */ int ixgbe_fcoe_ddp(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx_desc, - struct sk_buff *skb, - u32 staterr) + struct sk_buff *skb) { - u16 xid; - u32 fctl; - u32 fceofe, fcerr, fcstat; int rc = -EINVAL; struct ixgbe_fcoe *fcoe; struct ixgbe_fcoe_ddp *ddp; struct fc_frame_header *fh; struct fcoe_crc_eof *crc; + __le32 fcerr = ixgbe_test_staterr(rx_desc, IXGBE_RXDADV_ERR_FCERR); + __le32 ddp_err; + u32 fctl; + u16 xid; - fcerr = (staterr & IXGBE_RXDADV_ERR_FCERR); - fceofe = (staterr & IXGBE_RXDADV_ERR_FCEOFE); - if (fcerr == IXGBE_FCERR_BADCRC) - skb_checksum_none_assert(skb); + if (fcerr == cpu_to_le32(IXGBE_FCERR_BADCRC)) + skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE; else skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY; @@ -382,6 +380,7 @@ int ixgbe_fcoe_ddp(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, else fh = (struct fc_frame_header *)(skb->data + sizeof(struct fcoe_hdr)); + fctl = ntoh24(fh->fh_f_ctl); if (fctl & FC_FC_EX_CTX) xid = be16_to_cpu(fh->fh_ox_id); @@ -396,27 +395,39 @@ int ixgbe_fcoe_ddp(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, if (!ddp->udl) goto ddp_out; - if (fcerr | fceofe) + ddp_err = ixgbe_test_staterr(rx_desc, IXGBE_RXDADV_ERR_FCEOFE | + IXGBE_RXDADV_ERR_FCERR); + if (ddp_err) goto ddp_out; - fcstat = (staterr & IXGBE_RXDADV_STAT_FCSTAT); - if (fcstat) { + switch (ixgbe_test_staterr(rx_desc, IXGBE_RXDADV_STAT_FCSTAT)) { + /* return 0 to bypass going to ULD for DDPed data */ + case __constant_cpu_to_le32(IXGBE_RXDADV_STAT_FCSTAT_DDP): /* update length of DDPed data */ ddp->len = le32_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.lower.hi_dword.rss); - /* unmap the sg list when FCP_RSP is received */ - if (fcstat == IXGBE_RXDADV_STAT_FCSTAT_FCPRSP) { - pci_unmap_sg(adapter->pdev, ddp->sgl, - ddp->sgc, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - ddp->err = (fcerr | fceofe); - ddp->sgl = NULL; - ddp->sgc = 0; - } - /* return 0 to bypass going to ULD for DDPed data */ - if (fcstat == IXGBE_RXDADV_STAT_FCSTAT_DDP) - rc = 0; - else if (ddp->len) + rc = 0; + break; + /* unmap the sg list when FCPRSP is received */ + case __constant_cpu_to_le32(IXGBE_RXDADV_STAT_FCSTAT_FCPRSP): + pci_unmap_sg(adapter->pdev, ddp->sgl, + ddp->sgc, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + ddp->err = ddp_err; + ddp->sgl = NULL; + ddp->sgc = 0; + /* fall through */ + /* if DDP length is present pass it through to ULD */ + case __constant_cpu_to_le32(IXGBE_RXDADV_STAT_FCSTAT_NODDP): + /* update length of DDPed data */ + ddp->len = le32_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.lower.hi_dword.rss); + if (ddp->len) rc = ddp->len; + break; + /* no match will return as an error */ + case __constant_cpu_to_le32(IXGBE_RXDADV_STAT_FCSTAT_NOMTCH): + default: + break; } + /* In target mode, check the last data frame of the sequence. * For DDP in target mode, data is already DDPed but the header * indication of the last data frame ould allow is to tell if we @@ -436,17 +447,18 @@ int ixgbe_fcoe_ddp(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, /** * ixgbe_fso - ixgbe FCoE Sequence Offload (FSO) * @tx_ring: tx desc ring - * @skb: associated skb - * @tx_flags: tx flags + * @first: first tx_buffer structure containing skb, tx_flags, and protocol * @hdr_len: hdr_len to be returned * * This sets up large send offload for FCoE * - * Returns : 0 indicates no FSO, > 0 for FSO, < 0 for error + * Returns : 0 indicates success, < 0 for error */ -int ixgbe_fso(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, struct sk_buff *skb, - u32 tx_flags, u8 *hdr_len) +int ixgbe_fso(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, + struct ixgbe_tx_buffer *first, + u8 *hdr_len) { + struct sk_buff *skb = first->skb; struct fc_frame_header *fh; u32 vlan_macip_lens; u32 fcoe_sof_eof = 0; @@ -519,9 +531,18 @@ int ixgbe_fso(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, struct sk_buff *skb, *hdr_len = sizeof(struct fcoe_crc_eof); /* hdr_len includes fc_hdr if FCoE LSO is enabled */ - if (skb_is_gso(skb)) - *hdr_len += (skb_transport_offset(skb) + - sizeof(struct fc_frame_header)); + if (skb_is_gso(skb)) { + *hdr_len += skb_transport_offset(skb) + + sizeof(struct fc_frame_header); + /* update gso_segs and bytecount */ + first->gso_segs = DIV_ROUND_UP(skb->len - *hdr_len, + skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_size); + first->bytecount += (first->gso_segs - 1) * *hdr_len; + first->tx_flags |= IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_FSO; + } + + /* set flag indicating FCOE to ixgbe_tx_map call */ + first->tx_flags |= IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_FCOE; /* mss_l4len_id: use 1 for FSO as TSO, no need for L4LEN */ mss_l4len_idx = skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_size << IXGBE_ADVTXD_MSS_SHIFT; @@ -532,13 +553,13 @@ int ixgbe_fso(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, struct sk_buff *skb, sizeof(struct fc_frame_header); vlan_macip_lens |= (skb_transport_offset(skb) - 4) << IXGBE_ADVTXD_MACLEN_SHIFT; - vlan_macip_lens |= tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_MASK; + vlan_macip_lens |= first->tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_MASK; /* write context desc */ ixgbe_tx_ctxtdesc(tx_ring, vlan_macip_lens, fcoe_sof_eof, IXGBE_ADVTXT_TUCMD_FCOE, mss_l4len_idx); - return skb_is_gso(skb); + return 0; } static void ixgbe_fcoe_ddp_pools_free(struct ixgbe_fcoe *fcoe) diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_lib.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_lib.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..027d7a75be39b025c6de30a63d63a30a528424a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_lib.c @@ -0,0 +1,929 @@ +/******************************************************************************* + + Intel 10 Gigabit PCI Express Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + + Contact Information: + e1000-devel Mailing List + Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 + +*******************************************************************************/ + +#include "ixgbe.h" +#include "ixgbe_sriov.h" + +/** + * ixgbe_cache_ring_rss - Descriptor ring to register mapping for RSS + * @adapter: board private structure to initialize + * + * Cache the descriptor ring offsets for RSS to the assigned rings. + * + **/ +static inline bool ixgbe_cache_ring_rss(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + int i; + + if (!(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED)) + return false; + + for (i = 0; i < adapter->num_rx_queues; i++) + adapter->rx_ring[i]->reg_idx = i; + for (i = 0; i < adapter->num_tx_queues; i++) + adapter->tx_ring[i]->reg_idx = i; + + return true; +} +#ifdef CONFIG_IXGBE_DCB + +/* ixgbe_get_first_reg_idx - Return first register index associated with ring */ +static void ixgbe_get_first_reg_idx(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, u8 tc, + unsigned int *tx, unsigned int *rx) +{ + struct net_device *dev = adapter->netdev; + struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; + u8 num_tcs = netdev_get_num_tc(dev); + + *tx = 0; + *rx = 0; + + switch (hw->mac.type) { + case ixgbe_mac_82598EB: + *tx = tc << 2; + *rx = tc << 3; + break; + case ixgbe_mac_82599EB: + case ixgbe_mac_X540: + if (num_tcs > 4) { + if (tc < 3) { + *tx = tc << 5; + *rx = tc << 4; + } else if (tc < 5) { + *tx = ((tc + 2) << 4); + *rx = tc << 4; + } else if (tc < num_tcs) { + *tx = ((tc + 8) << 3); + *rx = tc << 4; + } + } else { + *rx = tc << 5; + switch (tc) { + case 0: + *tx = 0; + break; + case 1: + *tx = 64; + break; + case 2: + *tx = 96; + break; + case 3: + *tx = 112; + break; + default: + break; + } + } + break; + default: + break; + } +} + +/** + * ixgbe_cache_ring_dcb - Descriptor ring to register mapping for DCB + * @adapter: board private structure to initialize + * + * Cache the descriptor ring offsets for DCB to the assigned rings. + * + **/ +static inline bool ixgbe_cache_ring_dcb(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + struct net_device *dev = adapter->netdev; + int i, j, k; + u8 num_tcs = netdev_get_num_tc(dev); + + if (!num_tcs) + return false; + + for (i = 0, k = 0; i < num_tcs; i++) { + unsigned int tx_s, rx_s; + u16 count = dev->tc_to_txq[i].count; + + ixgbe_get_first_reg_idx(adapter, i, &tx_s, &rx_s); + for (j = 0; j < count; j++, k++) { + adapter->tx_ring[k]->reg_idx = tx_s + j; + adapter->rx_ring[k]->reg_idx = rx_s + j; + adapter->tx_ring[k]->dcb_tc = i; + adapter->rx_ring[k]->dcb_tc = i; + } + } + + return true; +} +#endif + +/** + * ixgbe_cache_ring_fdir - Descriptor ring to register mapping for Flow Director + * @adapter: board private structure to initialize + * + * Cache the descriptor ring offsets for Flow Director to the assigned rings. + * + **/ +static inline bool ixgbe_cache_ring_fdir(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + int i; + bool ret = false; + + if ((adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED) && + (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE)) { + for (i = 0; i < adapter->num_rx_queues; i++) + adapter->rx_ring[i]->reg_idx = i; + for (i = 0; i < adapter->num_tx_queues; i++) + adapter->tx_ring[i]->reg_idx = i; + ret = true; + } + + return ret; +} + +#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE +/** + * ixgbe_cache_ring_fcoe - Descriptor ring to register mapping for the FCoE + * @adapter: board private structure to initialize + * + * Cache the descriptor ring offsets for FCoE mode to the assigned rings. + * + */ +static inline bool ixgbe_cache_ring_fcoe(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + struct ixgbe_ring_feature *f = &adapter->ring_feature[RING_F_FCOE]; + int i; + u8 fcoe_rx_i = 0, fcoe_tx_i = 0; + + if (!(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FCOE_ENABLED)) + return false; + + if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED) { + if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE) + ixgbe_cache_ring_fdir(adapter); + else + ixgbe_cache_ring_rss(adapter); + + fcoe_rx_i = f->mask; + fcoe_tx_i = f->mask; + } + for (i = 0; i < f->indices; i++, fcoe_rx_i++, fcoe_tx_i++) { + adapter->rx_ring[f->mask + i]->reg_idx = fcoe_rx_i; + adapter->tx_ring[f->mask + i]->reg_idx = fcoe_tx_i; + } + return true; +} + +#endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ +/** + * ixgbe_cache_ring_sriov - Descriptor ring to register mapping for sriov + * @adapter: board private structure to initialize + * + * SR-IOV doesn't use any descriptor rings but changes the default if + * no other mapping is used. + * + */ +static inline bool ixgbe_cache_ring_sriov(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + adapter->rx_ring[0]->reg_idx = adapter->num_vfs * 2; + adapter->tx_ring[0]->reg_idx = adapter->num_vfs * 2; + if (adapter->num_vfs) + return true; + else + return false; +} + +/** + * ixgbe_cache_ring_register - Descriptor ring to register mapping + * @adapter: board private structure to initialize + * + * Once we know the feature-set enabled for the device, we'll cache + * the register offset the descriptor ring is assigned to. + * + * Note, the order the various feature calls is important. It must start with + * the "most" features enabled at the same time, then trickle down to the + * least amount of features turned on at once. + **/ +static void ixgbe_cache_ring_register(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + /* start with default case */ + adapter->rx_ring[0]->reg_idx = 0; + adapter->tx_ring[0]->reg_idx = 0; + + if (ixgbe_cache_ring_sriov(adapter)) + return; + +#ifdef CONFIG_IXGBE_DCB + if (ixgbe_cache_ring_dcb(adapter)) + return; +#endif + +#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE + if (ixgbe_cache_ring_fcoe(adapter)) + return; +#endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ + + if (ixgbe_cache_ring_fdir(adapter)) + return; + + if (ixgbe_cache_ring_rss(adapter)) + return; +} + +/** + * ixgbe_set_sriov_queues: Allocate queues for IOV use + * @adapter: board private structure to initialize + * + * IOV doesn't actually use anything, so just NAK the + * request for now and let the other queue routines + * figure out what to do. + */ +static inline bool ixgbe_set_sriov_queues(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + return false; +} + +/** + * ixgbe_set_rss_queues: Allocate queues for RSS + * @adapter: board private structure to initialize + * + * This is our "base" multiqueue mode. RSS (Receive Side Scaling) will try + * to allocate one Rx queue per CPU, and if available, one Tx queue per CPU. + * + **/ +static inline bool ixgbe_set_rss_queues(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + bool ret = false; + struct ixgbe_ring_feature *f = &adapter->ring_feature[RING_F_RSS]; + + if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED) { + f->mask = 0xF; + adapter->num_rx_queues = f->indices; + adapter->num_tx_queues = f->indices; + ret = true; + } + + return ret; +} + +/** + * ixgbe_set_fdir_queues: Allocate queues for Flow Director + * @adapter: board private structure to initialize + * + * Flow Director is an advanced Rx filter, attempting to get Rx flows back + * to the original CPU that initiated the Tx session. This runs in addition + * to RSS, so if a packet doesn't match an FDIR filter, we can still spread the + * Rx load across CPUs using RSS. + * + **/ +static inline bool ixgbe_set_fdir_queues(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + bool ret = false; + struct ixgbe_ring_feature *f_fdir = &adapter->ring_feature[RING_F_FDIR]; + + f_fdir->indices = min_t(int, num_online_cpus(), f_fdir->indices); + f_fdir->mask = 0; + + /* + * Use RSS in addition to Flow Director to ensure the best + * distribution of flows across cores, even when an FDIR flow + * isn't matched. + */ + if ((adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED) && + (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE)) { + adapter->num_tx_queues = f_fdir->indices; + adapter->num_rx_queues = f_fdir->indices; + ret = true; + } else { + adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE; + } + return ret; +} + +#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE +/** + * ixgbe_set_fcoe_queues: Allocate queues for Fiber Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) + * @adapter: board private structure to initialize + * + * FCoE RX FCRETA can use up to 8 rx queues for up to 8 different exchanges. + * The ring feature mask is not used as a mask for FCoE, as it can take any 8 + * rx queues out of the max number of rx queues, instead, it is used as the + * index of the first rx queue used by FCoE. + * + **/ +static inline bool ixgbe_set_fcoe_queues(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + struct ixgbe_ring_feature *f = &adapter->ring_feature[RING_F_FCOE]; + + if (!(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FCOE_ENABLED)) + return false; + + f->indices = min_t(int, num_online_cpus(), f->indices); + + adapter->num_rx_queues = 1; + adapter->num_tx_queues = 1; + + if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED) { + e_info(probe, "FCoE enabled with RSS\n"); + if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE) + ixgbe_set_fdir_queues(adapter); + else + ixgbe_set_rss_queues(adapter); + } + + /* adding FCoE rx rings to the end */ + f->mask = adapter->num_rx_queues; + adapter->num_rx_queues += f->indices; + adapter->num_tx_queues += f->indices; + + return true; +} +#endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ + +/* Artificial max queue cap per traffic class in DCB mode */ +#define DCB_QUEUE_CAP 8 + +#ifdef CONFIG_IXGBE_DCB +static inline bool ixgbe_set_dcb_queues(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + int per_tc_q, q, i, offset = 0; + struct net_device *dev = adapter->netdev; + int tcs = netdev_get_num_tc(dev); + + if (!tcs) + return false; + + /* Map queue offset and counts onto allocated tx queues */ + per_tc_q = min_t(unsigned int, dev->num_tx_queues / tcs, DCB_QUEUE_CAP); + q = min_t(int, num_online_cpus(), per_tc_q); + + for (i = 0; i < tcs; i++) { + netdev_set_tc_queue(dev, i, q, offset); + offset += q; + } + + adapter->num_tx_queues = q * tcs; + adapter->num_rx_queues = q * tcs; + +#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE + /* FCoE enabled queues require special configuration indexed + * by feature specific indices and mask. Here we map FCoE + * indices onto the DCB queue pairs allowing FCoE to own + * configuration later. + */ + if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FCOE_ENABLED) { + u8 prio_tc[MAX_USER_PRIORITY] = {0}; + int tc; + struct ixgbe_ring_feature *f = + &adapter->ring_feature[RING_F_FCOE]; + + ixgbe_dcb_unpack_map(&adapter->dcb_cfg, DCB_TX_CONFIG, prio_tc); + tc = prio_tc[adapter->fcoe.up]; + f->indices = dev->tc_to_txq[tc].count; + f->mask = dev->tc_to_txq[tc].offset; + } +#endif + + return true; +} +#endif + +/** + * ixgbe_set_num_queues: Allocate queues for device, feature dependent + * @adapter: board private structure to initialize + * + * This is the top level queue allocation routine. The order here is very + * important, starting with the "most" number of features turned on at once, + * and ending with the smallest set of features. This way large combinations + * can be allocated if they're turned on, and smaller combinations are the + * fallthrough conditions. + * + **/ +static int ixgbe_set_num_queues(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + /* Start with base case */ + adapter->num_rx_queues = 1; + adapter->num_tx_queues = 1; + adapter->num_rx_pools = adapter->num_rx_queues; + adapter->num_rx_queues_per_pool = 1; + + if (ixgbe_set_sriov_queues(adapter)) + goto done; + +#ifdef CONFIG_IXGBE_DCB + if (ixgbe_set_dcb_queues(adapter)) + goto done; + +#endif +#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE + if (ixgbe_set_fcoe_queues(adapter)) + goto done; + +#endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ + if (ixgbe_set_fdir_queues(adapter)) + goto done; + + if (ixgbe_set_rss_queues(adapter)) + goto done; + + /* fallback to base case */ + adapter->num_rx_queues = 1; + adapter->num_tx_queues = 1; + +done: + if ((adapter->netdev->reg_state == NETREG_UNREGISTERED) || + (adapter->netdev->reg_state == NETREG_UNREGISTERING)) + return 0; + + /* Notify the stack of the (possibly) reduced queue counts. */ + netif_set_real_num_tx_queues(adapter->netdev, adapter->num_tx_queues); + return netif_set_real_num_rx_queues(adapter->netdev, + adapter->num_rx_queues); +} + +static void ixgbe_acquire_msix_vectors(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, + int vectors) +{ + int err, vector_threshold; + + /* We'll want at least 2 (vector_threshold): + * 1) TxQ[0] + RxQ[0] handler + * 2) Other (Link Status Change, etc.) + */ + vector_threshold = MIN_MSIX_COUNT; + + /* + * The more we get, the more we will assign to Tx/Rx Cleanup + * for the separate queues...where Rx Cleanup >= Tx Cleanup. + * Right now, we simply care about how many we'll get; we'll + * set them up later while requesting irq's. + */ + while (vectors >= vector_threshold) { + err = pci_enable_msix(adapter->pdev, adapter->msix_entries, + vectors); + if (!err) /* Success in acquiring all requested vectors. */ + break; + else if (err < 0) + vectors = 0; /* Nasty failure, quit now */ + else /* err == number of vectors we should try again with */ + vectors = err; + } + + if (vectors < vector_threshold) { + /* Can't allocate enough MSI-X interrupts? Oh well. + * This just means we'll go with either a single MSI + * vector or fall back to legacy interrupts. + */ + netif_printk(adapter, hw, KERN_DEBUG, adapter->netdev, + "Unable to allocate MSI-X interrupts\n"); + adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED; + kfree(adapter->msix_entries); + adapter->msix_entries = NULL; + } else { + adapter->flags |= IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED; /* Woot! */ + /* + * Adjust for only the vectors we'll use, which is minimum + * of max_msix_q_vectors + NON_Q_VECTORS, or the number of + * vectors we were allocated. + */ + adapter->num_msix_vectors = min(vectors, + adapter->max_msix_q_vectors + NON_Q_VECTORS); + } +} + +static void ixgbe_add_ring(struct ixgbe_ring *ring, + struct ixgbe_ring_container *head) +{ + ring->next = head->ring; + head->ring = ring; + head->count++; +} + +/** + * ixgbe_alloc_q_vector - Allocate memory for a single interrupt vector + * @adapter: board private structure to initialize + * @v_idx: index of vector in adapter struct + * + * We allocate one q_vector. If allocation fails we return -ENOMEM. + **/ +static int ixgbe_alloc_q_vector(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, int v_idx, + int txr_count, int txr_idx, + int rxr_count, int rxr_idx) +{ + struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector; + struct ixgbe_ring *ring; + int node = -1; + int cpu = -1; + int ring_count, size; + + ring_count = txr_count + rxr_count; + size = sizeof(struct ixgbe_q_vector) + + (sizeof(struct ixgbe_ring) * ring_count); + + /* customize cpu for Flow Director mapping */ + if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE) { + if (cpu_online(v_idx)) { + cpu = v_idx; + node = cpu_to_node(cpu); + } + } + + /* allocate q_vector and rings */ + q_vector = kzalloc_node(size, GFP_KERNEL, node); + if (!q_vector) + q_vector = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!q_vector) + return -ENOMEM; + + /* setup affinity mask and node */ + if (cpu != -1) + cpumask_set_cpu(cpu, &q_vector->affinity_mask); + else + cpumask_copy(&q_vector->affinity_mask, cpu_online_mask); + q_vector->numa_node = node; + + /* initialize NAPI */ + netif_napi_add(adapter->netdev, &q_vector->napi, + ixgbe_poll, 64); + + /* tie q_vector and adapter together */ + adapter->q_vector[v_idx] = q_vector; + q_vector->adapter = adapter; + q_vector->v_idx = v_idx; + + /* initialize work limits */ + q_vector->tx.work_limit = adapter->tx_work_limit; + + /* initialize pointer to rings */ + ring = q_vector->ring; + + while (txr_count) { + /* assign generic ring traits */ + ring->dev = &adapter->pdev->dev; + ring->netdev = adapter->netdev; + + /* configure backlink on ring */ + ring->q_vector = q_vector; + + /* update q_vector Tx values */ + ixgbe_add_ring(ring, &q_vector->tx); + + /* apply Tx specific ring traits */ + ring->count = adapter->tx_ring_count; + ring->queue_index = txr_idx; + + /* assign ring to adapter */ + adapter->tx_ring[txr_idx] = ring; + + /* update count and index */ + txr_count--; + txr_idx++; + + /* push pointer to next ring */ + ring++; + } + + while (rxr_count) { + /* assign generic ring traits */ + ring->dev = &adapter->pdev->dev; + ring->netdev = adapter->netdev; + + /* configure backlink on ring */ + ring->q_vector = q_vector; + + /* update q_vector Rx values */ + ixgbe_add_ring(ring, &q_vector->rx); + + /* + * 82599 errata, UDP frames with a 0 checksum + * can be marked as checksum errors. + */ + if (adapter->hw.mac.type == ixgbe_mac_82599EB) + set_bit(__IXGBE_RX_CSUM_UDP_ZERO_ERR, &ring->state); + + /* apply Rx specific ring traits */ + ring->count = adapter->rx_ring_count; + ring->queue_index = rxr_idx; + + /* assign ring to adapter */ + adapter->rx_ring[rxr_idx] = ring; + + /* update count and index */ + rxr_count--; + rxr_idx++; + + /* push pointer to next ring */ + ring++; + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * ixgbe_free_q_vector - Free memory allocated for specific interrupt vector + * @adapter: board private structure to initialize + * @v_idx: Index of vector to be freed + * + * This function frees the memory allocated to the q_vector. In addition if + * NAPI is enabled it will delete any references to the NAPI struct prior + * to freeing the q_vector. + **/ +static void ixgbe_free_q_vector(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, int v_idx) +{ + struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector = adapter->q_vector[v_idx]; + struct ixgbe_ring *ring; + + ixgbe_for_each_ring(ring, q_vector->tx) + adapter->tx_ring[ring->queue_index] = NULL; + + ixgbe_for_each_ring(ring, q_vector->rx) + adapter->rx_ring[ring->queue_index] = NULL; + + adapter->q_vector[v_idx] = NULL; + netif_napi_del(&q_vector->napi); + + /* + * ixgbe_get_stats64() might access the rings on this vector, + * we must wait a grace period before freeing it. + */ + kfree_rcu(q_vector, rcu); +} + +/** + * ixgbe_alloc_q_vectors - Allocate memory for interrupt vectors + * @adapter: board private structure to initialize + * + * We allocate one q_vector per queue interrupt. If allocation fails we + * return -ENOMEM. + **/ +static int ixgbe_alloc_q_vectors(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + int q_vectors = adapter->num_msix_vectors - NON_Q_VECTORS; + int rxr_remaining = adapter->num_rx_queues; + int txr_remaining = adapter->num_tx_queues; + int rxr_idx = 0, txr_idx = 0, v_idx = 0; + int err; + + /* only one q_vector if MSI-X is disabled. */ + if (!(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED)) + q_vectors = 1; + + if (q_vectors >= (rxr_remaining + txr_remaining)) { + for (; rxr_remaining; v_idx++, q_vectors--) { + int rqpv = DIV_ROUND_UP(rxr_remaining, q_vectors); + err = ixgbe_alloc_q_vector(adapter, v_idx, + 0, 0, rqpv, rxr_idx); + + if (err) + goto err_out; + + /* update counts and index */ + rxr_remaining -= rqpv; + rxr_idx += rqpv; + } + } + + for (; q_vectors; v_idx++, q_vectors--) { + int rqpv = DIV_ROUND_UP(rxr_remaining, q_vectors); + int tqpv = DIV_ROUND_UP(txr_remaining, q_vectors); + err = ixgbe_alloc_q_vector(adapter, v_idx, + tqpv, txr_idx, + rqpv, rxr_idx); + + if (err) + goto err_out; + + /* update counts and index */ + rxr_remaining -= rqpv; + rxr_idx += rqpv; + txr_remaining -= tqpv; + txr_idx += tqpv; + } + + return 0; + +err_out: + while (v_idx) { + v_idx--; + ixgbe_free_q_vector(adapter, v_idx); + } + + return -ENOMEM; +} + +/** + * ixgbe_free_q_vectors - Free memory allocated for interrupt vectors + * @adapter: board private structure to initialize + * + * This function frees the memory allocated to the q_vectors. In addition if + * NAPI is enabled it will delete any references to the NAPI struct prior + * to freeing the q_vector. + **/ +static void ixgbe_free_q_vectors(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + int v_idx, q_vectors; + + if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED) + q_vectors = adapter->num_msix_vectors - NON_Q_VECTORS; + else + q_vectors = 1; + + for (v_idx = 0; v_idx < q_vectors; v_idx++) + ixgbe_free_q_vector(adapter, v_idx); +} + +static void ixgbe_reset_interrupt_capability(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED) { + adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED; + pci_disable_msix(adapter->pdev); + kfree(adapter->msix_entries); + adapter->msix_entries = NULL; + } else if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_MSI_ENABLED) { + adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_MSI_ENABLED; + pci_disable_msi(adapter->pdev); + } +} + +/** + * ixgbe_set_interrupt_capability - set MSI-X or MSI if supported + * @adapter: board private structure to initialize + * + * Attempt to configure the interrupts using the best available + * capabilities of the hardware and the kernel. + **/ +static int ixgbe_set_interrupt_capability(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; + int err = 0; + int vector, v_budget; + + /* + * It's easy to be greedy for MSI-X vectors, but it really + * doesn't do us much good if we have a lot more vectors + * than CPU's. So let's be conservative and only ask for + * (roughly) the same number of vectors as there are CPU's. + * The default is to use pairs of vectors. + */ + v_budget = max(adapter->num_rx_queues, adapter->num_tx_queues); + v_budget = min_t(int, v_budget, num_online_cpus()); + v_budget += NON_Q_VECTORS; + + /* + * At the same time, hardware can only support a maximum of + * hw.mac->max_msix_vectors vectors. With features + * such as RSS and VMDq, we can easily surpass the number of Rx and Tx + * descriptor queues supported by our device. Thus, we cap it off in + * those rare cases where the cpu count also exceeds our vector limit. + */ + v_budget = min_t(int, v_budget, hw->mac.max_msix_vectors); + + /* A failure in MSI-X entry allocation isn't fatal, but it does + * mean we disable MSI-X capabilities of the adapter. */ + adapter->msix_entries = kcalloc(v_budget, + sizeof(struct msix_entry), GFP_KERNEL); + if (adapter->msix_entries) { + for (vector = 0; vector < v_budget; vector++) + adapter->msix_entries[vector].entry = vector; + + ixgbe_acquire_msix_vectors(adapter, v_budget); + + if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED) + goto out; + } + + adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_DCB_ENABLED; + adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED; + if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE) { + e_err(probe, + "ATR is not supported while multiple " + "queues are disabled. Disabling Flow Director\n"); + } + adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE; + adapter->atr_sample_rate = 0; + if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_SRIOV_ENABLED) + ixgbe_disable_sriov(adapter); + + err = ixgbe_set_num_queues(adapter); + if (err) + return err; + + err = pci_enable_msi(adapter->pdev); + if (!err) { + adapter->flags |= IXGBE_FLAG_MSI_ENABLED; + } else { + netif_printk(adapter, hw, KERN_DEBUG, adapter->netdev, + "Unable to allocate MSI interrupt, " + "falling back to legacy. Error: %d\n", err); + /* reset err */ + err = 0; + } + +out: + return err; +} + +/** + * ixgbe_init_interrupt_scheme - Determine proper interrupt scheme + * @adapter: board private structure to initialize + * + * We determine which interrupt scheme to use based on... + * - Kernel support (MSI, MSI-X) + * - which can be user-defined (via MODULE_PARAM) + * - Hardware queue count (num_*_queues) + * - defined by miscellaneous hardware support/features (RSS, etc.) + **/ +int ixgbe_init_interrupt_scheme(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + int err; + + /* Number of supported queues */ + err = ixgbe_set_num_queues(adapter); + if (err) + return err; + + err = ixgbe_set_interrupt_capability(adapter); + if (err) { + e_dev_err("Unable to setup interrupt capabilities\n"); + goto err_set_interrupt; + } + + err = ixgbe_alloc_q_vectors(adapter); + if (err) { + e_dev_err("Unable to allocate memory for queue vectors\n"); + goto err_alloc_q_vectors; + } + + ixgbe_cache_ring_register(adapter); + + e_dev_info("Multiqueue %s: Rx Queue count = %u, Tx Queue count = %u\n", + (adapter->num_rx_queues > 1) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled", + adapter->num_rx_queues, adapter->num_tx_queues); + + set_bit(__IXGBE_DOWN, &adapter->state); + + return 0; + +err_alloc_q_vectors: + ixgbe_reset_interrupt_capability(adapter); +err_set_interrupt: + return err; +} + +/** + * ixgbe_clear_interrupt_scheme - Clear the current interrupt scheme settings + * @adapter: board private structure to clear interrupt scheme on + * + * We go through and clear interrupt specific resources and reset the structure + * to pre-load conditions + **/ +void ixgbe_clear_interrupt_scheme(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + adapter->num_tx_queues = 0; + adapter->num_rx_queues = 0; + + ixgbe_free_q_vectors(adapter); + ixgbe_reset_interrupt_capability(adapter); +} + +void ixgbe_tx_ctxtdesc(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, u32 vlan_macip_lens, + u32 fcoe_sof_eof, u32 type_tucmd, u32 mss_l4len_idx) +{ + struct ixgbe_adv_tx_context_desc *context_desc; + u16 i = tx_ring->next_to_use; + + context_desc = IXGBE_TX_CTXTDESC(tx_ring, i); + + i++; + tx_ring->next_to_use = (i < tx_ring->count) ? i : 0; + + /* set bits to identify this as an advanced context descriptor */ + type_tucmd |= IXGBE_TXD_CMD_DEXT | IXGBE_ADVTXD_DTYP_CTXT; + + context_desc->vlan_macip_lens = cpu_to_le32(vlan_macip_lens); + context_desc->seqnum_seed = cpu_to_le32(fcoe_sof_eof); + context_desc->type_tucmd_mlhl = cpu_to_le32(type_tucmd); + context_desc->mss_l4len_idx = cpu_to_le32(mss_l4len_idx); +} + diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_main.c index 3dc6cef58107f9cb260d4b35be65df8a7652c87d..398fc223cab967409f4d620d5e47f4c92d31a420 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_main.c @@ -55,8 +55,13 @@ char ixgbe_driver_name[] = "ixgbe"; static const char ixgbe_driver_string[] = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit PCI Express Network Driver"; +#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE char ixgbe_default_device_descr[] = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit Network Connection"; +#else +static char ixgbe_default_device_descr[] = + "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit Network Connection"; +#endif #define MAJ 3 #define MIN 6 #define BUILD 7 @@ -131,6 +136,11 @@ MODULE_PARM_DESC(max_vfs, "Maximum number of virtual functions to allocate per physical function"); #endif /* CONFIG_PCI_IOV */ +static unsigned int allow_unsupported_sfp; +module_param(allow_unsupported_sfp, uint, 0); +MODULE_PARM_DESC(allow_unsupported_sfp, + "Allow unsupported and untested SFP+ modules on 82599-based adapters"); + MODULE_AUTHOR("Intel Corporation, "); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Intel(R) 10 Gigabit PCI Express Network Driver"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); @@ -284,7 +294,7 @@ static void ixgbe_dump(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) struct ixgbe_reg_info *reginfo; int n = 0; struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring; - struct ixgbe_tx_buffer *tx_buffer_info; + struct ixgbe_tx_buffer *tx_buffer; union ixgbe_adv_tx_desc *tx_desc; struct my_u0 { u64 a; u64 b; } *u0; struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring; @@ -324,14 +334,13 @@ static void ixgbe_dump(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) pr_info("Queue [NTU] [NTC] [bi(ntc)->dma ] leng ntw timestamp\n"); for (n = 0; n < adapter->num_tx_queues; n++) { tx_ring = adapter->tx_ring[n]; - tx_buffer_info = - &tx_ring->tx_buffer_info[tx_ring->next_to_clean]; + tx_buffer = &tx_ring->tx_buffer_info[tx_ring->next_to_clean]; pr_info(" %5d %5X %5X %016llX %04X %p %016llX\n", n, tx_ring->next_to_use, tx_ring->next_to_clean, - (u64)tx_buffer_info->dma, - tx_buffer_info->length, - tx_buffer_info->next_to_watch, - (u64)tx_buffer_info->time_stamp); + (u64)dma_unmap_addr(tx_buffer, dma), + dma_unmap_len(tx_buffer, len), + tx_buffer->next_to_watch, + (u64)tx_buffer->time_stamp); } /* Print TX Rings */ @@ -361,18 +370,18 @@ static void ixgbe_dump(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) "leng ntw timestamp bi->skb\n"); for (i = 0; tx_ring->desc && (i < tx_ring->count); i++) { - tx_desc = IXGBE_TX_DESC_ADV(tx_ring, i); - tx_buffer_info = &tx_ring->tx_buffer_info[i]; + tx_desc = IXGBE_TX_DESC(tx_ring, i); + tx_buffer = &tx_ring->tx_buffer_info[i]; u0 = (struct my_u0 *)tx_desc; pr_info("T [0x%03X] %016llX %016llX %016llX" " %04X %p %016llX %p", i, le64_to_cpu(u0->a), le64_to_cpu(u0->b), - (u64)tx_buffer_info->dma, - tx_buffer_info->length, - tx_buffer_info->next_to_watch, - (u64)tx_buffer_info->time_stamp, - tx_buffer_info->skb); + (u64)dma_unmap_addr(tx_buffer, dma), + dma_unmap_len(tx_buffer, len), + tx_buffer->next_to_watch, + (u64)tx_buffer->time_stamp, + tx_buffer->skb); if (i == tx_ring->next_to_use && i == tx_ring->next_to_clean) pr_cont(" NTC/U\n"); @@ -384,11 +393,13 @@ static void ixgbe_dump(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) pr_cont("\n"); if (netif_msg_pktdata(adapter) && - tx_buffer_info->dma != 0) + dma_unmap_len(tx_buffer, len) != 0) print_hex_dump(KERN_INFO, "", DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 1, - phys_to_virt(tx_buffer_info->dma), - tx_buffer_info->length, true); + phys_to_virt(dma_unmap_addr(tx_buffer, + dma)), + dma_unmap_len(tx_buffer, len), + true); } } @@ -442,7 +453,7 @@ static void ixgbe_dump(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) for (i = 0; i < rx_ring->count; i++) { rx_buffer_info = &rx_ring->rx_buffer_info[i]; - rx_desc = IXGBE_RX_DESC_ADV(rx_ring, i); + rx_desc = IXGBE_RX_DESC(rx_ring, i); u0 = (struct my_u0 *)rx_desc; staterr = le32_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.upper.status_error); if (staterr & IXGBE_RXD_STAT_DD) { @@ -464,17 +475,7 @@ static void ixgbe_dump(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) print_hex_dump(KERN_INFO, "", DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 1, phys_to_virt(rx_buffer_info->dma), - rx_ring->rx_buf_len, true); - - if (rx_ring->rx_buf_len - < IXGBE_RXBUFFER_2K) - print_hex_dump(KERN_INFO, "", - DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 1, - phys_to_virt( - rx_buffer_info->page_dma + - rx_buffer_info->page_offset - ), - PAGE_SIZE/2, true); + ixgbe_rx_bufsz(rx_ring), true); } } @@ -584,32 +585,26 @@ static inline void ixgbe_irq_rearm_queues(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, } } -static inline void ixgbe_unmap_tx_resource(struct ixgbe_ring *ring, - struct ixgbe_tx_buffer *tx_buffer) +void ixgbe_unmap_and_free_tx_resource(struct ixgbe_ring *ring, + struct ixgbe_tx_buffer *tx_buffer) { - if (tx_buffer->dma) { - if (tx_buffer->tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_MAPPED_AS_PAGE) - dma_unmap_page(ring->dev, - tx_buffer->dma, - tx_buffer->length, - DMA_TO_DEVICE); - else + if (tx_buffer->skb) { + dev_kfree_skb_any(tx_buffer->skb); + if (dma_unmap_len(tx_buffer, len)) dma_unmap_single(ring->dev, - tx_buffer->dma, - tx_buffer->length, - DMA_TO_DEVICE); + dma_unmap_addr(tx_buffer, dma), + dma_unmap_len(tx_buffer, len), + DMA_TO_DEVICE); + } else if (dma_unmap_len(tx_buffer, len)) { + dma_unmap_page(ring->dev, + dma_unmap_addr(tx_buffer, dma), + dma_unmap_len(tx_buffer, len), + DMA_TO_DEVICE); } - tx_buffer->dma = 0; -} - -void ixgbe_unmap_and_free_tx_resource(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, - struct ixgbe_tx_buffer *tx_buffer_info) -{ - ixgbe_unmap_tx_resource(tx_ring, tx_buffer_info); - if (tx_buffer_info->skb) - dev_kfree_skb_any(tx_buffer_info->skb); - tx_buffer_info->skb = NULL; - /* tx_buffer_info must be completely set up in the transmit path */ + tx_buffer->next_to_watch = NULL; + tx_buffer->skb = NULL; + dma_unmap_len_set(tx_buffer, len, 0); + /* tx_buffer must be completely set up in the transmit path */ } static void ixgbe_update_xoff_received(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) @@ -666,7 +661,7 @@ static void ixgbe_update_xoff_received(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) static u64 ixgbe_get_tx_completed(struct ixgbe_ring *ring) { - return ring->tx_stats.completed; + return ring->stats.packets; } static u64 ixgbe_get_tx_pending(struct ixgbe_ring *ring) @@ -746,56 +741,88 @@ static bool ixgbe_clean_tx_irq(struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector, union ixgbe_adv_tx_desc *tx_desc; unsigned int total_bytes = 0, total_packets = 0; unsigned int budget = q_vector->tx.work_limit; - u16 i = tx_ring->next_to_clean; + unsigned int i = tx_ring->next_to_clean; + + if (test_bit(__IXGBE_DOWN, &adapter->state)) + return true; tx_buffer = &tx_ring->tx_buffer_info[i]; - tx_desc = IXGBE_TX_DESC_ADV(tx_ring, i); + tx_desc = IXGBE_TX_DESC(tx_ring, i); + i -= tx_ring->count; - for (; budget; budget--) { + do { union ixgbe_adv_tx_desc *eop_desc = tx_buffer->next_to_watch; /* if next_to_watch is not set then there is no work pending */ if (!eop_desc) break; + /* prevent any other reads prior to eop_desc */ + rmb(); + /* if DD is not set pending work has not been completed */ if (!(eop_desc->wb.status & cpu_to_le32(IXGBE_TXD_STAT_DD))) break; - /* count the packet as being completed */ - tx_ring->tx_stats.completed++; - /* clear next_to_watch to prevent false hangs */ tx_buffer->next_to_watch = NULL; - /* prevent any other reads prior to eop_desc being verified */ - rmb(); + /* update the statistics for this packet */ + total_bytes += tx_buffer->bytecount; + total_packets += tx_buffer->gso_segs; - do { - ixgbe_unmap_tx_resource(tx_ring, tx_buffer); - tx_desc->wb.status = 0; - if (likely(tx_desc == eop_desc)) { - eop_desc = NULL; - dev_kfree_skb_any(tx_buffer->skb); - tx_buffer->skb = NULL; + /* free the skb */ + dev_kfree_skb_any(tx_buffer->skb); - total_bytes += tx_buffer->bytecount; - total_packets += tx_buffer->gso_segs; - } + /* unmap skb header data */ + dma_unmap_single(tx_ring->dev, + dma_unmap_addr(tx_buffer, dma), + dma_unmap_len(tx_buffer, len), + DMA_TO_DEVICE); + /* clear tx_buffer data */ + tx_buffer->skb = NULL; + dma_unmap_len_set(tx_buffer, len, 0); + + /* unmap remaining buffers */ + while (tx_desc != eop_desc) { tx_buffer++; tx_desc++; i++; - if (unlikely(i == tx_ring->count)) { - i = 0; - + if (unlikely(!i)) { + i -= tx_ring->count; tx_buffer = tx_ring->tx_buffer_info; - tx_desc = IXGBE_TX_DESC_ADV(tx_ring, 0); + tx_desc = IXGBE_TX_DESC(tx_ring, 0); } - } while (eop_desc); - } + /* unmap any remaining paged data */ + if (dma_unmap_len(tx_buffer, len)) { + dma_unmap_page(tx_ring->dev, + dma_unmap_addr(tx_buffer, dma), + dma_unmap_len(tx_buffer, len), + DMA_TO_DEVICE); + dma_unmap_len_set(tx_buffer, len, 0); + } + } + + /* move us one more past the eop_desc for start of next pkt */ + tx_buffer++; + tx_desc++; + i++; + if (unlikely(!i)) { + i -= tx_ring->count; + tx_buffer = tx_ring->tx_buffer_info; + tx_desc = IXGBE_TX_DESC(tx_ring, 0); + } + + /* issue prefetch for next Tx descriptor */ + prefetch(tx_desc); + + /* update budget accounting */ + budget--; + } while (likely(budget)); + i += tx_ring->count; tx_ring->next_to_clean = i; u64_stats_update_begin(&tx_ring->syncp); tx_ring->stats.bytes += total_bytes; @@ -807,7 +834,6 @@ static bool ixgbe_clean_tx_irq(struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector, if (check_for_tx_hang(tx_ring) && ixgbe_check_tx_hang(tx_ring)) { /* schedule immediate reset if we believe we hung */ struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; - tx_desc = IXGBE_TX_DESC_ADV(tx_ring, i); e_err(drv, "Detected Tx Unit Hang\n" " Tx Queue <%d>\n" " TDH, TDT <%x>, <%x>\n" @@ -835,6 +861,9 @@ static bool ixgbe_clean_tx_irq(struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector, return true; } + netdev_tx_completed_queue(txring_txq(tx_ring), + total_packets, total_bytes); + #define TX_WAKE_THRESHOLD (DESC_NEEDED * 2) if (unlikely(total_packets && netif_carrier_ok(tx_ring->netdev) && (ixgbe_desc_unused(tx_ring) >= TX_WAKE_THRESHOLD))) { @@ -842,9 +871,11 @@ static bool ixgbe_clean_tx_irq(struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector, * sees the new next_to_clean. */ smp_mb(); - if (__netif_subqueue_stopped(tx_ring->netdev, tx_ring->queue_index) && - !test_bit(__IXGBE_DOWN, &adapter->state)) { - netif_wake_subqueue(tx_ring->netdev, tx_ring->queue_index); + if (__netif_subqueue_stopped(tx_ring->netdev, + tx_ring->queue_index) + && !test_bit(__IXGBE_DOWN, &adapter->state)) { + netif_wake_subqueue(tx_ring->netdev, + tx_ring->queue_index); ++tx_ring->tx_stats.restart_queue; } } @@ -853,63 +884,68 @@ static bool ixgbe_clean_tx_irq(struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector, } #ifdef CONFIG_IXGBE_DCA -static void ixgbe_update_rx_dca(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, - struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring, +static void ixgbe_update_tx_dca(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, + struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, int cpu) { struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; - u32 rxctrl; - u8 reg_idx = rx_ring->reg_idx; + u32 txctrl = dca3_get_tag(tx_ring->dev, cpu); + u16 reg_offset; - rxctrl = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL(reg_idx)); switch (hw->mac.type) { case ixgbe_mac_82598EB: - rxctrl &= ~IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_CPUID_MASK; - rxctrl |= dca3_get_tag(rx_ring->dev, cpu); + reg_offset = IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL(tx_ring->reg_idx); break; case ixgbe_mac_82599EB: case ixgbe_mac_X540: - rxctrl &= ~IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_CPUID_MASK_82599; - rxctrl |= (dca3_get_tag(rx_ring->dev, cpu) << - IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_CPUID_SHIFT_82599); + reg_offset = IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_82599(tx_ring->reg_idx); + txctrl <<= IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_CPUID_SHIFT_82599; break; default: - break; + /* for unknown hardware do not write register */ + return; } - rxctrl |= IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_DESC_DCA_EN; - rxctrl |= IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_HEAD_DCA_EN; - rxctrl &= ~(IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_DESC_RRO_EN); - IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL(reg_idx), rxctrl); + + /* + * We can enable relaxed ordering for reads, but not writes when + * DCA is enabled. This is due to a known issue in some chipsets + * which will cause the DCA tag to be cleared. + */ + txctrl |= IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_DESC_RRO_EN | + IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_DATA_RRO_EN | + IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_DESC_DCA_EN; + + IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, reg_offset, txctrl); } -static void ixgbe_update_tx_dca(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, - struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, +static void ixgbe_update_rx_dca(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, + struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring, int cpu) { struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; - u32 txctrl; - u8 reg_idx = tx_ring->reg_idx; + u32 rxctrl = dca3_get_tag(rx_ring->dev, cpu); + u8 reg_idx = rx_ring->reg_idx; + switch (hw->mac.type) { - case ixgbe_mac_82598EB: - txctrl = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL(reg_idx)); - txctrl &= ~IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_CPUID_MASK; - txctrl |= dca3_get_tag(tx_ring->dev, cpu); - txctrl |= IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_DESC_DCA_EN; - IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL(reg_idx), txctrl); - break; case ixgbe_mac_82599EB: case ixgbe_mac_X540: - txctrl = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_82599(reg_idx)); - txctrl &= ~IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_CPUID_MASK_82599; - txctrl |= (dca3_get_tag(tx_ring->dev, cpu) << - IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_CPUID_SHIFT_82599); - txctrl |= IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_DESC_DCA_EN; - IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_82599(reg_idx), txctrl); + rxctrl <<= IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_CPUID_SHIFT_82599; break; default: break; } + + /* + * We can enable relaxed ordering for reads, but not writes when + * DCA is enabled. This is due to a known issue in some chipsets + * which will cause the DCA tag to be cleared. + */ + rxctrl |= IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_DESC_RRO_EN | + IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_DATA_DCA_EN | + IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_DESC_DCA_EN; + + IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL(reg_idx), rxctrl); } static void ixgbe_update_dca(struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector) @@ -921,10 +957,10 @@ static void ixgbe_update_dca(struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector) if (q_vector->cpu == cpu) goto out_no_update; - for (ring = q_vector->tx.ring; ring != NULL; ring = ring->next) + ixgbe_for_each_ring(ring, q_vector->tx) ixgbe_update_tx_dca(adapter, ring, cpu); - for (ring = q_vector->rx.ring; ring != NULL; ring = ring->next) + ixgbe_for_each_ring(ring, q_vector->rx) ixgbe_update_rx_dca(adapter, ring, cpu); q_vector->cpu = cpu; @@ -984,14 +1020,17 @@ static int __ixgbe_notify_dca(struct device *dev, void *data) return 0; } -#endif /* CONFIG_IXGBE_DCA */ -static inline void ixgbe_rx_hash(union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx_desc, +#endif /* CONFIG_IXGBE_DCA */ +static inline void ixgbe_rx_hash(struct ixgbe_ring *ring, + union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx_desc, struct sk_buff *skb) { - skb->rxhash = le32_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.lower.hi_dword.rss); + if (ring->netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXHASH) + skb->rxhash = le32_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.lower.hi_dword.rss); } +#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE /** * ixgbe_rx_is_fcoe - check the rx desc for incoming pkt type * @adapter: address of board private structure @@ -1010,73 +1049,45 @@ static inline bool ixgbe_rx_is_fcoe(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, IXGBE_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_ETQF_SHIFT))); } -/** - * ixgbe_receive_skb - Send a completed packet up the stack - * @adapter: board private structure - * @skb: packet to send up - * @status: hardware indication of status of receive - * @rx_ring: rx descriptor ring (for a specific queue) to setup - * @rx_desc: rx descriptor - **/ -static void ixgbe_receive_skb(struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector, - struct sk_buff *skb, u8 status, - struct ixgbe_ring *ring, - union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx_desc) -{ - struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = q_vector->adapter; - struct napi_struct *napi = &q_vector->napi; - bool is_vlan = (status & IXGBE_RXD_STAT_VP); - u16 tag = le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.upper.vlan); - - if (is_vlan && (tag & VLAN_VID_MASK)) - __vlan_hwaccel_put_tag(skb, tag); - - if (!(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_IN_NETPOLL)) - napi_gro_receive(napi, skb); - else - netif_rx(skb); -} - +#endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ /** * ixgbe_rx_checksum - indicate in skb if hw indicated a good cksum - * @adapter: address of board private structure - * @status_err: hardware indication of status of receive + * @ring: structure containing ring specific data + * @rx_desc: current Rx descriptor being processed * @skb: skb currently being received and modified - * @status_err: status error value of last descriptor in packet **/ -static inline void ixgbe_rx_checksum(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, +static inline void ixgbe_rx_checksum(struct ixgbe_ring *ring, union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx_desc, - struct sk_buff *skb, - u32 status_err) + struct sk_buff *skb) { - skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE; + skb_checksum_none_assert(skb); /* Rx csum disabled */ - if (!(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RX_CSUM_ENABLED)) + if (!(ring->netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXCSUM)) return; /* if IP and error */ - if ((status_err & IXGBE_RXD_STAT_IPCS) && - (status_err & IXGBE_RXDADV_ERR_IPE)) { - adapter->hw_csum_rx_error++; + if (ixgbe_test_staterr(rx_desc, IXGBE_RXD_STAT_IPCS) && + ixgbe_test_staterr(rx_desc, IXGBE_RXDADV_ERR_IPE)) { + ring->rx_stats.csum_err++; return; } - if (!(status_err & IXGBE_RXD_STAT_L4CS)) + if (!ixgbe_test_staterr(rx_desc, IXGBE_RXD_STAT_L4CS)) return; - if (status_err & IXGBE_RXDADV_ERR_TCPE) { - u16 pkt_info = rx_desc->wb.lower.lo_dword.hs_rss.pkt_info; + if (ixgbe_test_staterr(rx_desc, IXGBE_RXDADV_ERR_TCPE)) { + __le16 pkt_info = rx_desc->wb.lower.lo_dword.hs_rss.pkt_info; /* * 82599 errata, UDP frames with a 0 checksum can be marked as * checksum errors. */ - if ((pkt_info & IXGBE_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_UDP) && - (adapter->hw.mac.type == ixgbe_mac_82599EB)) + if ((pkt_info & cpu_to_le16(IXGBE_RXDADV_PKTTYPE_UDP)) && + test_bit(__IXGBE_RX_CSUM_UDP_ZERO_ERR, &ring->state)) return; - adapter->hw_csum_rx_error++; + ring->rx_stats.csum_err++; return; } @@ -1086,6 +1097,10 @@ static inline void ixgbe_rx_checksum(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, static inline void ixgbe_release_rx_desc(struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring, u32 val) { + rx_ring->next_to_use = val; + + /* update next to alloc since we have filled the ring */ + rx_ring->next_to_alloc = val; /* * Force memory writes to complete before letting h/w * know there are new descriptors to fetch. (Only @@ -1096,8 +1111,51 @@ static inline void ixgbe_release_rx_desc(struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring, u32 val) writel(val, rx_ring->tail); } +static bool ixgbe_alloc_mapped_page(struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring, + struct ixgbe_rx_buffer *bi) +{ + struct page *page = bi->page; + dma_addr_t dma = bi->dma; + + /* since we are recycling buffers we should seldom need to alloc */ + if (likely(dma)) + return true; + + /* alloc new page for storage */ + if (likely(!page)) { + page = alloc_pages(GFP_ATOMIC | __GFP_COLD, + ixgbe_rx_pg_order(rx_ring)); + if (unlikely(!page)) { + rx_ring->rx_stats.alloc_rx_page_failed++; + return false; + } + bi->page = page; + } + + /* map page for use */ + dma = dma_map_page(rx_ring->dev, page, 0, + ixgbe_rx_pg_size(rx_ring), DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + + /* + * if mapping failed free memory back to system since + * there isn't much point in holding memory we can't use + */ + if (dma_mapping_error(rx_ring->dev, dma)) { + put_page(page); + bi->page = NULL; + + rx_ring->rx_stats.alloc_rx_page_failed++; + return false; + } + + bi->dma = dma; + bi->page_offset ^= ixgbe_rx_bufsz(rx_ring); + + return true; +} + /** - * ixgbe_alloc_rx_buffers - Replace used receive buffers; packet split + * ixgbe_alloc_rx_buffers - Replace used receive buffers * @rx_ring: ring to place buffers on * @cleaned_count: number of buffers to replace **/ @@ -1105,390 +1163,648 @@ void ixgbe_alloc_rx_buffers(struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring, u16 cleaned_count) { union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx_desc; struct ixgbe_rx_buffer *bi; - struct sk_buff *skb; u16 i = rx_ring->next_to_use; - /* do nothing if no valid netdev defined */ - if (!rx_ring->netdev) + /* nothing to do */ + if (!cleaned_count) return; - while (cleaned_count--) { - rx_desc = IXGBE_RX_DESC_ADV(rx_ring, i); - bi = &rx_ring->rx_buffer_info[i]; - skb = bi->skb; + rx_desc = IXGBE_RX_DESC(rx_ring, i); + bi = &rx_ring->rx_buffer_info[i]; + i -= rx_ring->count; - if (!skb) { - skb = netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align(rx_ring->netdev, - rx_ring->rx_buf_len); - if (!skb) { - rx_ring->rx_stats.alloc_rx_buff_failed++; - goto no_buffers; - } - /* initialize queue mapping */ - skb_record_rx_queue(skb, rx_ring->queue_index); - bi->skb = skb; - } + do { + if (!ixgbe_alloc_mapped_page(rx_ring, bi)) + break; - if (!bi->dma) { - bi->dma = dma_map_single(rx_ring->dev, - skb->data, - rx_ring->rx_buf_len, - DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - if (dma_mapping_error(rx_ring->dev, bi->dma)) { - rx_ring->rx_stats.alloc_rx_buff_failed++; - bi->dma = 0; - goto no_buffers; - } - } + /* + * Refresh the desc even if buffer_addrs didn't change + * because each write-back erases this info. + */ + rx_desc->read.pkt_addr = cpu_to_le64(bi->dma + bi->page_offset); - if (ring_is_ps_enabled(rx_ring)) { - if (!bi->page) { - bi->page = alloc_page(GFP_ATOMIC | __GFP_COLD); - if (!bi->page) { - rx_ring->rx_stats.alloc_rx_page_failed++; - goto no_buffers; - } - } + rx_desc++; + bi++; + i++; + if (unlikely(!i)) { + rx_desc = IXGBE_RX_DESC(rx_ring, 0); + bi = rx_ring->rx_buffer_info; + i -= rx_ring->count; + } - if (!bi->page_dma) { - /* use a half page if we're re-using */ - bi->page_offset ^= PAGE_SIZE / 2; - bi->page_dma = dma_map_page(rx_ring->dev, - bi->page, - bi->page_offset, - PAGE_SIZE / 2, - DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - if (dma_mapping_error(rx_ring->dev, - bi->page_dma)) { - rx_ring->rx_stats.alloc_rx_page_failed++; - bi->page_dma = 0; - goto no_buffers; - } - } + /* clear the hdr_addr for the next_to_use descriptor */ + rx_desc->read.hdr_addr = 0; - /* Refresh the desc even if buffer_addrs didn't change - * because each write-back erases this info. */ - rx_desc->read.pkt_addr = cpu_to_le64(bi->page_dma); - rx_desc->read.hdr_addr = cpu_to_le64(bi->dma); - } else { - rx_desc->read.pkt_addr = cpu_to_le64(bi->dma); - rx_desc->read.hdr_addr = 0; - } + cleaned_count--; + } while (cleaned_count); - i++; - if (i == rx_ring->count) - i = 0; - } + i += rx_ring->count; -no_buffers: - if (rx_ring->next_to_use != i) { - rx_ring->next_to_use = i; + if (rx_ring->next_to_use != i) ixgbe_release_rx_desc(rx_ring, i); - } -} - -static inline u16 ixgbe_get_hlen(union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx_desc) -{ - /* HW will not DMA in data larger than the given buffer, even if it - * parses the (NFS, of course) header to be larger. In that case, it - * fills the header buffer and spills the rest into the page. - */ - u16 hdr_info = le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.lower.lo_dword.hs_rss.hdr_info); - u16 hlen = (hdr_info & IXGBE_RXDADV_HDRBUFLEN_MASK) >> - IXGBE_RXDADV_HDRBUFLEN_SHIFT; - if (hlen > IXGBE_RX_HDR_SIZE) - hlen = IXGBE_RX_HDR_SIZE; - return hlen; } /** - * ixgbe_transform_rsc_queue - change rsc queue into a full packet - * @skb: pointer to the last skb in the rsc queue + * ixgbe_get_headlen - determine size of header for RSC/LRO/GRO/FCOE + * @data: pointer to the start of the headers + * @max_len: total length of section to find headers in * - * This function changes a queue full of hw rsc buffers into a completed - * packet. It uses the ->prev pointers to find the first packet and then - * turns it into the frag list owner. + * This function is meant to determine the length of headers that will + * be recognized by hardware for LRO, GRO, and RSC offloads. The main + * motivation of doing this is to only perform one pull for IPv4 TCP + * packets so that we can do basic things like calculating the gso_size + * based on the average data per packet. **/ -static inline struct sk_buff *ixgbe_transform_rsc_queue(struct sk_buff *skb) +static unsigned int ixgbe_get_headlen(unsigned char *data, + unsigned int max_len) { - unsigned int frag_list_size = 0; - unsigned int skb_cnt = 1; + union { + unsigned char *network; + /* l2 headers */ + struct ethhdr *eth; + struct vlan_hdr *vlan; + /* l3 headers */ + struct iphdr *ipv4; + } hdr; + __be16 protocol; + u8 nexthdr = 0; /* default to not TCP */ + u8 hlen; + + /* this should never happen, but better safe than sorry */ + if (max_len < ETH_HLEN) + return max_len; + + /* initialize network frame pointer */ + hdr.network = data; + + /* set first protocol and move network header forward */ + protocol = hdr.eth->h_proto; + hdr.network += ETH_HLEN; - while (skb->prev) { - struct sk_buff *prev = skb->prev; - frag_list_size += skb->len; - skb->prev = NULL; - skb = prev; - skb_cnt++; + /* handle any vlan tag if present */ + if (protocol == __constant_htons(ETH_P_8021Q)) { + if ((hdr.network - data) > (max_len - VLAN_HLEN)) + return max_len; + + protocol = hdr.vlan->h_vlan_encapsulated_proto; + hdr.network += VLAN_HLEN; } - skb_shinfo(skb)->frag_list = skb->next; - skb->next = NULL; - skb->len += frag_list_size; - skb->data_len += frag_list_size; - skb->truesize += frag_list_size; - IXGBE_RSC_CB(skb)->skb_cnt = skb_cnt; + /* handle L3 protocols */ + if (protocol == __constant_htons(ETH_P_IP)) { + if ((hdr.network - data) > (max_len - sizeof(struct iphdr))) + return max_len; - return skb; -} + /* access ihl as a u8 to avoid unaligned access on ia64 */ + hlen = (hdr.network[0] & 0x0F) << 2; -static inline bool ixgbe_get_rsc_state(union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx_desc) -{ - return !!(le32_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.lower.lo_dword.data) & - IXGBE_RXDADV_RSCCNT_MASK); -} + /* verify hlen meets minimum size requirements */ + if (hlen < sizeof(struct iphdr)) + return hdr.network - data; -static bool ixgbe_clean_rx_irq(struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector, - struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring, - int budget) -{ - struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = q_vector->adapter; - union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx_desc, *next_rxd; - struct ixgbe_rx_buffer *rx_buffer_info, *next_buffer; - struct sk_buff *skb; - unsigned int total_rx_bytes = 0, total_rx_packets = 0; - const int current_node = numa_node_id(); + /* record next protocol */ + nexthdr = hdr.ipv4->protocol; + hdr.network += hlen; #ifdef IXGBE_FCOE - int ddp_bytes = 0; -#endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ - u32 staterr; - u16 i; - u16 cleaned_count = 0; - bool pkt_is_rsc = false; - - i = rx_ring->next_to_clean; - rx_desc = IXGBE_RX_DESC_ADV(rx_ring, i); - staterr = le32_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.upper.status_error); - - while (staterr & IXGBE_RXD_STAT_DD) { - u32 upper_len = 0; - - rmb(); /* read descriptor and rx_buffer_info after status DD */ - - rx_buffer_info = &rx_ring->rx_buffer_info[i]; - - skb = rx_buffer_info->skb; - rx_buffer_info->skb = NULL; - prefetch(skb->data); - - if (ring_is_rsc_enabled(rx_ring)) - pkt_is_rsc = ixgbe_get_rsc_state(rx_desc); - - /* linear means we are building an skb from multiple pages */ - if (!skb_is_nonlinear(skb)) { - u16 hlen; - if (pkt_is_rsc && - !(staterr & IXGBE_RXD_STAT_EOP) && - !skb->prev) { - /* - * When HWRSC is enabled, delay unmapping - * of the first packet. It carries the - * header information, HW may still - * access the header after the writeback. - * Only unmap it when EOP is reached - */ - IXGBE_RSC_CB(skb)->delay_unmap = true; - IXGBE_RSC_CB(skb)->dma = rx_buffer_info->dma; - } else { - dma_unmap_single(rx_ring->dev, - rx_buffer_info->dma, - rx_ring->rx_buf_len, - DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - } - rx_buffer_info->dma = 0; - - if (ring_is_ps_enabled(rx_ring)) { - hlen = ixgbe_get_hlen(rx_desc); - upper_len = le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.upper.length); - } else { - hlen = le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.upper.length); - } + } else if (protocol == __constant_htons(ETH_P_FCOE)) { + if ((hdr.network - data) > (max_len - FCOE_HEADER_LEN)) + return max_len; + hdr.network += FCOE_HEADER_LEN; +#endif + } else { + return hdr.network - data; + } - skb_put(skb, hlen); - } else { - /* assume packet split since header is unmapped */ - upper_len = le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.upper.length); - } + /* finally sort out TCP */ + if (nexthdr == IPPROTO_TCP) { + if ((hdr.network - data) > (max_len - sizeof(struct tcphdr))) + return max_len; - if (upper_len) { - dma_unmap_page(rx_ring->dev, - rx_buffer_info->page_dma, - PAGE_SIZE / 2, - DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - rx_buffer_info->page_dma = 0; - skb_fill_page_desc(skb, skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags, - rx_buffer_info->page, - rx_buffer_info->page_offset, - upper_len); - - if ((page_count(rx_buffer_info->page) == 1) && - (page_to_nid(rx_buffer_info->page) == current_node)) - get_page(rx_buffer_info->page); - else - rx_buffer_info->page = NULL; + /* access doff as a u8 to avoid unaligned access on ia64 */ + hlen = (hdr.network[12] & 0xF0) >> 2; - skb->len += upper_len; - skb->data_len += upper_len; - skb->truesize += PAGE_SIZE / 2; - } + /* verify hlen meets minimum size requirements */ + if (hlen < sizeof(struct tcphdr)) + return hdr.network - data; - i++; - if (i == rx_ring->count) - i = 0; + hdr.network += hlen; + } - next_rxd = IXGBE_RX_DESC_ADV(rx_ring, i); - prefetch(next_rxd); - cleaned_count++; + /* + * If everything has gone correctly hdr.network should be the + * data section of the packet and will be the end of the header. + * If not then it probably represents the end of the last recognized + * header. + */ + if ((hdr.network - data) < max_len) + return hdr.network - data; + else + return max_len; +} - if (pkt_is_rsc) { - u32 nextp = (staterr & IXGBE_RXDADV_NEXTP_MASK) >> - IXGBE_RXDADV_NEXTP_SHIFT; - next_buffer = &rx_ring->rx_buffer_info[nextp]; - } else { - next_buffer = &rx_ring->rx_buffer_info[i]; - } +static void ixgbe_get_rsc_cnt(struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring, + union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx_desc, + struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + __le32 rsc_enabled; + u32 rsc_cnt; - if (!(staterr & IXGBE_RXD_STAT_EOP)) { - if (ring_is_ps_enabled(rx_ring)) { - rx_buffer_info->skb = next_buffer->skb; - rx_buffer_info->dma = next_buffer->dma; - next_buffer->skb = skb; - next_buffer->dma = 0; - } else { - skb->next = next_buffer->skb; - skb->next->prev = skb; - } - rx_ring->rx_stats.non_eop_descs++; - goto next_desc; - } + if (!ring_is_rsc_enabled(rx_ring)) + return; - if (skb->prev) { - skb = ixgbe_transform_rsc_queue(skb); - /* if we got here without RSC the packet is invalid */ - if (!pkt_is_rsc) { - __pskb_trim(skb, 0); - rx_buffer_info->skb = skb; - goto next_desc; - } - } + rsc_enabled = rx_desc->wb.lower.lo_dword.data & + cpu_to_le32(IXGBE_RXDADV_RSCCNT_MASK); - if (ring_is_rsc_enabled(rx_ring)) { - if (IXGBE_RSC_CB(skb)->delay_unmap) { - dma_unmap_single(rx_ring->dev, - IXGBE_RSC_CB(skb)->dma, - rx_ring->rx_buf_len, - DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - IXGBE_RSC_CB(skb)->dma = 0; - IXGBE_RSC_CB(skb)->delay_unmap = false; - } - } - if (pkt_is_rsc) { - if (ring_is_ps_enabled(rx_ring)) - rx_ring->rx_stats.rsc_count += - skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags; - else - rx_ring->rx_stats.rsc_count += - IXGBE_RSC_CB(skb)->skb_cnt; - rx_ring->rx_stats.rsc_flush++; - } + /* If this is an RSC frame rsc_cnt should be non-zero */ + if (!rsc_enabled) + return; - /* ERR_MASK will only have valid bits if EOP set */ - if (unlikely(staterr & IXGBE_RXDADV_ERR_FRAME_ERR_MASK)) { - dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); - goto next_desc; - } + rsc_cnt = le32_to_cpu(rsc_enabled); + rsc_cnt >>= IXGBE_RXDADV_RSCCNT_SHIFT; - ixgbe_rx_checksum(adapter, rx_desc, skb, staterr); - if (adapter->netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXHASH) - ixgbe_rx_hash(rx_desc, skb); + IXGBE_CB(skb)->append_cnt += rsc_cnt - 1; +} - /* probably a little skewed due to removing CRC */ - total_rx_bytes += skb->len; - total_rx_packets++; +static void ixgbe_set_rsc_gso_size(struct ixgbe_ring *ring, + struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + u16 hdr_len = skb_headlen(skb); - skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, rx_ring->netdev); -#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE - /* if ddp, not passing to ULD unless for FCP_RSP or error */ - if (ixgbe_rx_is_fcoe(adapter, rx_desc)) { - ddp_bytes = ixgbe_fcoe_ddp(adapter, rx_desc, skb, - staterr); - if (!ddp_bytes) { - dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); - goto next_desc; - } - } -#endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ - ixgbe_receive_skb(q_vector, skb, staterr, rx_ring, rx_desc); + /* set gso_size to avoid messing up TCP MSS */ + skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_size = DIV_ROUND_UP((skb->len - hdr_len), + IXGBE_CB(skb)->append_cnt); +} - budget--; -next_desc: - rx_desc->wb.upper.status_error = 0; +static void ixgbe_update_rsc_stats(struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring, + struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + /* if append_cnt is 0 then frame is not RSC */ + if (!IXGBE_CB(skb)->append_cnt) + return; - if (!budget) - break; + rx_ring->rx_stats.rsc_count += IXGBE_CB(skb)->append_cnt; + rx_ring->rx_stats.rsc_flush++; - /* return some buffers to hardware, one at a time is too slow */ - if (cleaned_count >= IXGBE_RX_BUFFER_WRITE) { - ixgbe_alloc_rx_buffers(rx_ring, cleaned_count); - cleaned_count = 0; - } + ixgbe_set_rsc_gso_size(rx_ring, skb); - /* use prefetched values */ - rx_desc = next_rxd; - staterr = le32_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.upper.status_error); - } + /* gso_size is computed using append_cnt so always clear it last */ + IXGBE_CB(skb)->append_cnt = 0; +} - rx_ring->next_to_clean = i; - cleaned_count = ixgbe_desc_unused(rx_ring); +/** + * ixgbe_process_skb_fields - Populate skb header fields from Rx descriptor + * @rx_ring: rx descriptor ring packet is being transacted on + * @rx_desc: pointer to the EOP Rx descriptor + * @skb: pointer to current skb being populated + * + * This function checks the ring, descriptor, and packet information in + * order to populate the hash, checksum, VLAN, timestamp, protocol, and + * other fields within the skb. + **/ +static void ixgbe_process_skb_fields(struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring, + union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx_desc, + struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + ixgbe_update_rsc_stats(rx_ring, skb); - if (cleaned_count) - ixgbe_alloc_rx_buffers(rx_ring, cleaned_count); + ixgbe_rx_hash(rx_ring, rx_desc, skb); -#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE - /* include DDPed FCoE data */ - if (ddp_bytes > 0) { - unsigned int mss; + ixgbe_rx_checksum(rx_ring, rx_desc, skb); - mss = rx_ring->netdev->mtu - sizeof(struct fcoe_hdr) - - sizeof(struct fc_frame_header) - - sizeof(struct fcoe_crc_eof); - if (mss > 512) - mss &= ~511; - total_rx_bytes += ddp_bytes; - total_rx_packets += DIV_ROUND_UP(ddp_bytes, mss); + if (ixgbe_test_staterr(rx_desc, IXGBE_RXD_STAT_VP)) { + u16 vid = le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.upper.vlan); + __vlan_hwaccel_put_tag(skb, vid); } -#endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ - u64_stats_update_begin(&rx_ring->syncp); - rx_ring->stats.packets += total_rx_packets; - rx_ring->stats.bytes += total_rx_bytes; - u64_stats_update_end(&rx_ring->syncp); - q_vector->rx.total_packets += total_rx_packets; - q_vector->rx.total_bytes += total_rx_bytes; + skb_record_rx_queue(skb, rx_ring->queue_index); - return !!budget; + skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, rx_ring->netdev); +} + +static void ixgbe_rx_skb(struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector, + struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = q_vector->adapter; + + if (!(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_IN_NETPOLL)) + napi_gro_receive(&q_vector->napi, skb); + else + netif_rx(skb); } /** - * ixgbe_configure_msix - Configure MSI-X hardware - * @adapter: board private structure + * ixgbe_is_non_eop - process handling of non-EOP buffers + * @rx_ring: Rx ring being processed + * @rx_desc: Rx descriptor for current buffer + * @skb: Current socket buffer containing buffer in progress * - * ixgbe_configure_msix sets up the hardware to properly generate MSI-X - * interrupts. + * This function updates next to clean. If the buffer is an EOP buffer + * this function exits returning false, otherwise it will place the + * sk_buff in the next buffer to be chained and return true indicating + * that this is in fact a non-EOP buffer. **/ -static void ixgbe_configure_msix(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +static bool ixgbe_is_non_eop(struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring, + union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx_desc, + struct sk_buff *skb) { - struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector; - int q_vectors, v_idx; - u32 mask; + u32 ntc = rx_ring->next_to_clean + 1; - q_vectors = adapter->num_msix_vectors - NON_Q_VECTORS; + /* fetch, update, and store next to clean */ + ntc = (ntc < rx_ring->count) ? ntc : 0; + rx_ring->next_to_clean = ntc; - /* Populate MSIX to EITR Select */ - if (adapter->num_vfs > 32) { - u32 eitrsel = (1 << (adapter->num_vfs - 32)) - 1; - IXGBE_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, IXGBE_EITRSEL, eitrsel); - } + prefetch(IXGBE_RX_DESC(rx_ring, ntc)); + + if (likely(ixgbe_test_staterr(rx_desc, IXGBE_RXD_STAT_EOP))) + return false; + + /* append_cnt indicates packet is RSC, if so fetch nextp */ + if (IXGBE_CB(skb)->append_cnt) { + ntc = le32_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.upper.status_error); + ntc &= IXGBE_RXDADV_NEXTP_MASK; + ntc >>= IXGBE_RXDADV_NEXTP_SHIFT; + } + + /* place skb in next buffer to be received */ + rx_ring->rx_buffer_info[ntc].skb = skb; + rx_ring->rx_stats.non_eop_descs++; + + return true; +} + +/** + * ixgbe_cleanup_headers - Correct corrupted or empty headers + * @rx_ring: rx descriptor ring packet is being transacted on + * @rx_desc: pointer to the EOP Rx descriptor + * @skb: pointer to current skb being fixed + * + * Check for corrupted packet headers caused by senders on the local L2 + * embedded NIC switch not setting up their Tx Descriptors right. These + * should be very rare. + * + * Also address the case where we are pulling data in on pages only + * and as such no data is present in the skb header. + * + * In addition if skb is not at least 60 bytes we need to pad it so that + * it is large enough to qualify as a valid Ethernet frame. + * + * Returns true if an error was encountered and skb was freed. + **/ +static bool ixgbe_cleanup_headers(struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring, + union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx_desc, + struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + struct skb_frag_struct *frag = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[0]; + struct net_device *netdev = rx_ring->netdev; + unsigned char *va; + unsigned int pull_len; + + /* if the page was released unmap it, else just sync our portion */ + if (unlikely(IXGBE_CB(skb)->page_released)) { + dma_unmap_page(rx_ring->dev, IXGBE_CB(skb)->dma, + ixgbe_rx_pg_size(rx_ring), DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + IXGBE_CB(skb)->page_released = false; + } else { + dma_sync_single_range_for_cpu(rx_ring->dev, + IXGBE_CB(skb)->dma, + frag->page_offset, + ixgbe_rx_bufsz(rx_ring), + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + } + IXGBE_CB(skb)->dma = 0; + + /* verify that the packet does not have any known errors */ + if (unlikely(ixgbe_test_staterr(rx_desc, + IXGBE_RXDADV_ERR_FRAME_ERR_MASK) && + !(netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXALL))) { + dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); + return true; + } + + /* + * it is valid to use page_address instead of kmap since we are + * working with pages allocated out of the lomem pool per + * alloc_page(GFP_ATOMIC) + */ + va = skb_frag_address(frag); + + /* + * we need the header to contain the greater of either ETH_HLEN or + * 60 bytes if the skb->len is less than 60 for skb_pad. + */ + pull_len = skb_frag_size(frag); + if (pull_len > 256) + pull_len = ixgbe_get_headlen(va, pull_len); + + /* align pull length to size of long to optimize memcpy performance */ + skb_copy_to_linear_data(skb, va, ALIGN(pull_len, sizeof(long))); + + /* update all of the pointers */ + skb_frag_size_sub(frag, pull_len); + frag->page_offset += pull_len; + skb->data_len -= pull_len; + skb->tail += pull_len; + + /* + * if we sucked the frag empty then we should free it, + * if there are other frags here something is screwed up in hardware + */ + if (skb_frag_size(frag) == 0) { + BUG_ON(skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags != 1); + skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags = 0; + __skb_frag_unref(frag); + skb->truesize -= ixgbe_rx_bufsz(rx_ring); + } + + /* if skb_pad returns an error the skb was freed */ + if (unlikely(skb->len < 60)) { + int pad_len = 60 - skb->len; + + if (skb_pad(skb, pad_len)) + return true; + __skb_put(skb, pad_len); + } + + return false; +} + +/** + * ixgbe_can_reuse_page - determine if we can reuse a page + * @rx_buffer: pointer to rx_buffer containing the page we want to reuse + * + * Returns true if page can be reused in another Rx buffer + **/ +static inline bool ixgbe_can_reuse_page(struct ixgbe_rx_buffer *rx_buffer) +{ + struct page *page = rx_buffer->page; + + /* if we are only owner of page and it is local we can reuse it */ + return likely(page_count(page) == 1) && + likely(page_to_nid(page) == numa_node_id()); +} + +/** + * ixgbe_reuse_rx_page - page flip buffer and store it back on the ring + * @rx_ring: rx descriptor ring to store buffers on + * @old_buff: donor buffer to have page reused + * + * Syncronizes page for reuse by the adapter + **/ +static void ixgbe_reuse_rx_page(struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring, + struct ixgbe_rx_buffer *old_buff) +{ + struct ixgbe_rx_buffer *new_buff; + u16 nta = rx_ring->next_to_alloc; + u16 bufsz = ixgbe_rx_bufsz(rx_ring); + + new_buff = &rx_ring->rx_buffer_info[nta]; + + /* update, and store next to alloc */ + nta++; + rx_ring->next_to_alloc = (nta < rx_ring->count) ? nta : 0; + + /* transfer page from old buffer to new buffer */ + new_buff->page = old_buff->page; + new_buff->dma = old_buff->dma; + + /* flip page offset to other buffer and store to new_buff */ + new_buff->page_offset = old_buff->page_offset ^ bufsz; + + /* sync the buffer for use by the device */ + dma_sync_single_range_for_device(rx_ring->dev, new_buff->dma, + new_buff->page_offset, bufsz, + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + + /* bump ref count on page before it is given to the stack */ + get_page(new_buff->page); +} + +/** + * ixgbe_add_rx_frag - Add contents of Rx buffer to sk_buff + * @rx_ring: rx descriptor ring to transact packets on + * @rx_buffer: buffer containing page to add + * @rx_desc: descriptor containing length of buffer written by hardware + * @skb: sk_buff to place the data into + * + * This function is based on skb_add_rx_frag. I would have used that + * function however it doesn't handle the truesize case correctly since we + * are allocating more memory than might be used for a single receive. + **/ +static void ixgbe_add_rx_frag(struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring, + struct ixgbe_rx_buffer *rx_buffer, + struct sk_buff *skb, int size) +{ + skb_fill_page_desc(skb, skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags, + rx_buffer->page, rx_buffer->page_offset, + size); + skb->len += size; + skb->data_len += size; + skb->truesize += ixgbe_rx_bufsz(rx_ring); +} + +/** + * ixgbe_clean_rx_irq - Clean completed descriptors from Rx ring - bounce buf + * @q_vector: structure containing interrupt and ring information + * @rx_ring: rx descriptor ring to transact packets on + * @budget: Total limit on number of packets to process + * + * This function provides a "bounce buffer" approach to Rx interrupt + * processing. The advantage to this is that on systems that have + * expensive overhead for IOMMU access this provides a means of avoiding + * it by maintaining the mapping of the page to the syste. + * + * Returns true if all work is completed without reaching budget + **/ +static bool ixgbe_clean_rx_irq(struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector, + struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring, + int budget) +{ + unsigned int total_rx_bytes = 0, total_rx_packets = 0; +#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE + struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = q_vector->adapter; + int ddp_bytes = 0; +#endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ + u16 cleaned_count = ixgbe_desc_unused(rx_ring); + + do { + struct ixgbe_rx_buffer *rx_buffer; + union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx_desc; + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct page *page; + u16 ntc; + + /* return some buffers to hardware, one at a time is too slow */ + if (cleaned_count >= IXGBE_RX_BUFFER_WRITE) { + ixgbe_alloc_rx_buffers(rx_ring, cleaned_count); + cleaned_count = 0; + } + + ntc = rx_ring->next_to_clean; + rx_desc = IXGBE_RX_DESC(rx_ring, ntc); + rx_buffer = &rx_ring->rx_buffer_info[ntc]; + + if (!ixgbe_test_staterr(rx_desc, IXGBE_RXD_STAT_DD)) + break; + + /* + * This memory barrier is needed to keep us from reading + * any other fields out of the rx_desc until we know the + * RXD_STAT_DD bit is set + */ + rmb(); + + page = rx_buffer->page; + prefetchw(page); + + skb = rx_buffer->skb; + + if (likely(!skb)) { + void *page_addr = page_address(page) + + rx_buffer->page_offset; + + /* prefetch first cache line of first page */ + prefetch(page_addr); +#if L1_CACHE_BYTES < 128 + prefetch(page_addr + L1_CACHE_BYTES); +#endif + + /* allocate a skb to store the frags */ + skb = netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align(rx_ring->netdev, + IXGBE_RX_HDR_SIZE); + if (unlikely(!skb)) { + rx_ring->rx_stats.alloc_rx_buff_failed++; + break; + } + + /* + * we will be copying header into skb->data in + * pskb_may_pull so it is in our interest to prefetch + * it now to avoid a possible cache miss + */ + prefetchw(skb->data); + + /* + * Delay unmapping of the first packet. It carries the + * header information, HW may still access the header + * after the writeback. Only unmap it when EOP is + * reached + */ + IXGBE_CB(skb)->dma = rx_buffer->dma; + } else { + /* we are reusing so sync this buffer for CPU use */ + dma_sync_single_range_for_cpu(rx_ring->dev, + rx_buffer->dma, + rx_buffer->page_offset, + ixgbe_rx_bufsz(rx_ring), + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + } + + /* pull page into skb */ + ixgbe_add_rx_frag(rx_ring, rx_buffer, skb, + le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.upper.length)); + + if (ixgbe_can_reuse_page(rx_buffer)) { + /* hand second half of page back to the ring */ + ixgbe_reuse_rx_page(rx_ring, rx_buffer); + } else if (IXGBE_CB(skb)->dma == rx_buffer->dma) { + /* the page has been released from the ring */ + IXGBE_CB(skb)->page_released = true; + } else { + /* we are not reusing the buffer so unmap it */ + dma_unmap_page(rx_ring->dev, rx_buffer->dma, + ixgbe_rx_pg_size(rx_ring), + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + } + + /* clear contents of buffer_info */ + rx_buffer->skb = NULL; + rx_buffer->dma = 0; + rx_buffer->page = NULL; + + ixgbe_get_rsc_cnt(rx_ring, rx_desc, skb); + + cleaned_count++; + + /* place incomplete frames back on ring for completion */ + if (ixgbe_is_non_eop(rx_ring, rx_desc, skb)) + continue; + + /* verify the packet layout is correct */ + if (ixgbe_cleanup_headers(rx_ring, rx_desc, skb)) + continue; + + /* probably a little skewed due to removing CRC */ + total_rx_bytes += skb->len; + total_rx_packets++; + + /* populate checksum, timestamp, VLAN, and protocol */ + ixgbe_process_skb_fields(rx_ring, rx_desc, skb); + +#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE + /* if ddp, not passing to ULD unless for FCP_RSP or error */ + if (ixgbe_rx_is_fcoe(adapter, rx_desc)) { + ddp_bytes = ixgbe_fcoe_ddp(adapter, rx_desc, skb); + if (!ddp_bytes) { + dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); + continue; + } + } + +#endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ + ixgbe_rx_skb(q_vector, skb); + + /* update budget accounting */ + budget--; + } while (likely(budget)); + +#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE + /* include DDPed FCoE data */ + if (ddp_bytes > 0) { + unsigned int mss; + + mss = rx_ring->netdev->mtu - sizeof(struct fcoe_hdr) - + sizeof(struct fc_frame_header) - + sizeof(struct fcoe_crc_eof); + if (mss > 512) + mss &= ~511; + total_rx_bytes += ddp_bytes; + total_rx_packets += DIV_ROUND_UP(ddp_bytes, mss); + } + +#endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ + u64_stats_update_begin(&rx_ring->syncp); + rx_ring->stats.packets += total_rx_packets; + rx_ring->stats.bytes += total_rx_bytes; + u64_stats_update_end(&rx_ring->syncp); + q_vector->rx.total_packets += total_rx_packets; + q_vector->rx.total_bytes += total_rx_bytes; + + if (cleaned_count) + ixgbe_alloc_rx_buffers(rx_ring, cleaned_count); + + return !!budget; +} + +/** + * ixgbe_configure_msix - Configure MSI-X hardware + * @adapter: board private structure + * + * ixgbe_configure_msix sets up the hardware to properly generate MSI-X + * interrupts. + **/ +static void ixgbe_configure_msix(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +{ + struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector; + int q_vectors, v_idx; + u32 mask; + + q_vectors = adapter->num_msix_vectors - NON_Q_VECTORS; + + /* Populate MSIX to EITR Select */ + if (adapter->num_vfs > 32) { + u32 eitrsel = (1 << (adapter->num_vfs - 32)) - 1; + IXGBE_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, IXGBE_EITRSEL, eitrsel); + } /* * Populate the IVAR table and set the ITR values to the @@ -1498,10 +1814,10 @@ static void ixgbe_configure_msix(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) struct ixgbe_ring *ring; q_vector = adapter->q_vector[v_idx]; - for (ring = q_vector->rx.ring; ring != NULL; ring = ring->next) + ixgbe_for_each_ring(ring, q_vector->rx) ixgbe_set_ivar(adapter, 0, ring->reg_idx, v_idx); - for (ring = q_vector->tx.ring; ring != NULL; ring = ring->next) + ixgbe_for_each_ring(ring, q_vector->tx) ixgbe_set_ivar(adapter, 1, ring->reg_idx, v_idx); if (q_vector->tx.ring && !q_vector->rx.ring) { @@ -1569,20 +1885,19 @@ enum latency_range { static void ixgbe_update_itr(struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector, struct ixgbe_ring_container *ring_container) { - u64 bytes_perint; - struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = q_vector->adapter; int bytes = ring_container->total_bytes; int packets = ring_container->total_packets; u32 timepassed_us; + u64 bytes_perint; u8 itr_setting = ring_container->itr; if (packets == 0) return; /* simple throttlerate management - * 0-20MB/s lowest (100000 ints/s) - * 20-100MB/s low (20000 ints/s) - * 100-1249MB/s bulk (8000 ints/s) + * 0-10MB/s lowest (100000 ints/s) + * 10-20MB/s low (20000 ints/s) + * 20-1249MB/s bulk (8000 ints/s) */ /* what was last interrupt timeslice? */ timepassed_us = q_vector->itr >> 2; @@ -1590,17 +1905,17 @@ static void ixgbe_update_itr(struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector, switch (itr_setting) { case lowest_latency: - if (bytes_perint > adapter->eitr_low) + if (bytes_perint > 10) itr_setting = low_latency; break; case low_latency: - if (bytes_perint > adapter->eitr_high) + if (bytes_perint > 20) itr_setting = bulk_latency; - else if (bytes_perint <= adapter->eitr_low) + else if (bytes_perint <= 10) itr_setting = lowest_latency; break; case bulk_latency: - if (bytes_perint <= adapter->eitr_high) + if (bytes_perint <= 20) itr_setting = low_latency; break; } @@ -1626,7 +1941,7 @@ void ixgbe_write_eitr(struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector) struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = q_vector->adapter; struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; int v_idx = q_vector->v_idx; - u32 itr_reg = q_vector->itr; + u32 itr_reg = q_vector->itr & IXGBE_MAX_EITR; switch (adapter->hw.mac.type) { case ixgbe_mac_82598EB: @@ -1678,14 +1993,14 @@ static void ixgbe_set_itr(struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector) ((9 * new_itr) + q_vector->itr); /* save the algorithm value here */ - q_vector->itr = new_itr & IXGBE_MAX_EITR; + q_vector->itr = new_itr; ixgbe_write_eitr(q_vector); } } /** - * ixgbe_check_overtemp_subtask - check for over tempurature + * ixgbe_check_overtemp_subtask - check for over temperature * @adapter: pointer to adapter **/ static void ixgbe_check_overtemp_subtask(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) @@ -1997,76 +2312,53 @@ static irqreturn_t ixgbe_msix_clean_rings(int irq, void *data) return IRQ_HANDLED; } -static inline void map_vector_to_rxq(struct ixgbe_adapter *a, int v_idx, - int r_idx) -{ - struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector = a->q_vector[v_idx]; - struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring = a->rx_ring[r_idx]; - - rx_ring->q_vector = q_vector; - rx_ring->next = q_vector->rx.ring; - q_vector->rx.ring = rx_ring; - q_vector->rx.count++; -} - -static inline void map_vector_to_txq(struct ixgbe_adapter *a, int v_idx, - int t_idx) -{ - struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector = a->q_vector[v_idx]; - struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring = a->tx_ring[t_idx]; - - tx_ring->q_vector = q_vector; - tx_ring->next = q_vector->tx.ring; - q_vector->tx.ring = tx_ring; - q_vector->tx.count++; - q_vector->tx.work_limit = a->tx_work_limit; -} - /** - * ixgbe_map_rings_to_vectors - Maps descriptor rings to vectors - * @adapter: board private structure to initialize + * ixgbe_poll - NAPI Rx polling callback + * @napi: structure for representing this polling device + * @budget: how many packets driver is allowed to clean * - * This function maps descriptor rings to the queue-specific vectors - * we were allotted through the MSI-X enabling code. Ideally, we'd have - * one vector per ring/queue, but on a constrained vector budget, we - * group the rings as "efficiently" as possible. You would add new - * mapping configurations in here. + * This function is used for legacy and MSI, NAPI mode **/ -static void ixgbe_map_rings_to_vectors(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +int ixgbe_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) { - int q_vectors = adapter->num_msix_vectors - NON_Q_VECTORS; - int rxr_remaining = adapter->num_rx_queues, rxr_idx = 0; - int txr_remaining = adapter->num_tx_queues, txr_idx = 0; - int v_start = 0; + struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector = + container_of(napi, struct ixgbe_q_vector, napi); + struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = q_vector->adapter; + struct ixgbe_ring *ring; + int per_ring_budget; + bool clean_complete = true; - /* only one q_vector if MSI-X is disabled. */ - if (!(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED)) - q_vectors = 1; +#ifdef CONFIG_IXGBE_DCA + if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_DCA_ENABLED) + ixgbe_update_dca(q_vector); +#endif - /* - * If we don't have enough vectors for a 1-to-1 mapping, we'll have to - * group them so there are multiple queues per vector. - * - * Re-adjusting *qpv takes care of the remainder. - */ - for (; v_start < q_vectors && rxr_remaining; v_start++) { - int rqpv = DIV_ROUND_UP(rxr_remaining, q_vectors - v_start); - for (; rqpv; rqpv--, rxr_idx++, rxr_remaining--) - map_vector_to_rxq(adapter, v_start, rxr_idx); - } + ixgbe_for_each_ring(ring, q_vector->tx) + clean_complete &= !!ixgbe_clean_tx_irq(q_vector, ring); - /* - * If there are not enough q_vectors for each ring to have it's own - * vector then we must pair up Rx/Tx on a each vector - */ - if ((v_start + txr_remaining) > q_vectors) - v_start = 0; + /* attempt to distribute budget to each queue fairly, but don't allow + * the budget to go below 1 because we'll exit polling */ + if (q_vector->rx.count > 1) + per_ring_budget = max(budget/q_vector->rx.count, 1); + else + per_ring_budget = budget; - for (; v_start < q_vectors && txr_remaining; v_start++) { - int tqpv = DIV_ROUND_UP(txr_remaining, q_vectors - v_start); - for (; tqpv; tqpv--, txr_idx++, txr_remaining--) - map_vector_to_txq(adapter, v_start, txr_idx); - } + ixgbe_for_each_ring(ring, q_vector->rx) + clean_complete &= ixgbe_clean_rx_irq(q_vector, ring, + per_ring_budget); + + /* If all work not completed, return budget and keep polling */ + if (!clean_complete) + return budget; + + /* all work done, exit the polling mode */ + napi_complete(napi); + if (adapter->rx_itr_setting & 1) + ixgbe_set_itr(q_vector); + if (!test_bit(__IXGBE_DOWN, &adapter->state)) + ixgbe_irq_enable_queues(adapter, ((u64)1 << q_vector->v_idx)); + + return 0; } /** @@ -2112,14 +2404,14 @@ static int ixgbe_request_msix_irqs(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE) { /* assign the mask for this irq */ irq_set_affinity_hint(entry->vector, - q_vector->affinity_mask); + &q_vector->affinity_mask); } } err = request_irq(adapter->msix_entries[vector].vector, ixgbe_msix_other, 0, netdev->name, adapter); if (err) { - e_err(probe, "request_irq for msix_lsc failed: %d\n", err); + e_err(probe, "request_irq for msix_other failed: %d\n", err); goto free_queue_irqs; } @@ -2153,7 +2445,7 @@ static irqreturn_t ixgbe_intr(int irq, void *data) u32 eicr; /* - * Workaround for silicon errata on 82598. Mask the interrupts + * Workaround for silicon errata #26 on 82598. Mask the interrupt * before the read of EICR. */ IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_EIMC, IXGBE_IRQ_CLEAR_MASK); @@ -2193,47 +2485,19 @@ static irqreturn_t ixgbe_intr(int irq, void *data) ixgbe_check_fan_failure(adapter, eicr); - if (napi_schedule_prep(&(q_vector->napi))) { - /* would disable interrupts here but EIAM disabled it */ - __napi_schedule(&(q_vector->napi)); - } + /* would disable interrupts here but EIAM disabled it */ + napi_schedule(&q_vector->napi); /* * re-enable link(maybe) and non-queue interrupts, no flush. * ixgbe_poll will re-enable the queue interrupts */ - if (!test_bit(__IXGBE_DOWN, &adapter->state)) ixgbe_irq_enable(adapter, false, false); return IRQ_HANDLED; } -static inline void ixgbe_reset_q_vectors(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - int q_vectors = adapter->num_msix_vectors - NON_Q_VECTORS; - int i; - - /* legacy and MSI only use one vector */ - if (!(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED)) - q_vectors = 1; - - for (i = 0; i < adapter->num_rx_queues; i++) { - adapter->rx_ring[i]->q_vector = NULL; - adapter->rx_ring[i]->next = NULL; - } - for (i = 0; i < adapter->num_tx_queues; i++) { - adapter->tx_ring[i]->q_vector = NULL; - adapter->tx_ring[i]->next = NULL; - } - - for (i = 0; i < q_vectors; i++) { - struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector = adapter->q_vector[i]; - memset(&q_vector->rx, 0, sizeof(struct ixgbe_ring_container)); - memset(&q_vector->tx, 0, sizeof(struct ixgbe_ring_container)); - } -} - /** * ixgbe_request_irq - initialize interrupts * @adapter: board private structure @@ -2246,9 +2510,6 @@ static int ixgbe_request_irq(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; int err; - /* map all of the rings to the q_vectors */ - ixgbe_map_rings_to_vectors(adapter); - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED) err = ixgbe_request_msix_irqs(adapter); else if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_MSI_ENABLED) @@ -2258,13 +2519,9 @@ static int ixgbe_request_irq(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) err = request_irq(adapter->pdev->irq, ixgbe_intr, IRQF_SHARED, netdev->name, adapter); - if (err) { + if (err) e_err(probe, "request_irq failed, Error %d\n", err); - /* place q_vectors and rings back into a known good state */ - ixgbe_reset_q_vectors(adapter); - } - return err; } @@ -2294,9 +2551,6 @@ static void ixgbe_free_irq(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) } else { free_irq(adapter->pdev->irq, adapter); } - - /* clear q_vector state information */ - ixgbe_reset_q_vectors(adapter); } /** @@ -2387,12 +2641,15 @@ void ixgbe_configure_tx_ring(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, * to or less than the number of on chip descriptors, which is * currently 40. */ - if (!adapter->tx_itr_setting || !adapter->rx_itr_setting) + if (!ring->q_vector || (ring->q_vector->itr < 8)) txdctl |= (1 << 16); /* WTHRESH = 1 */ else txdctl |= (8 << 16); /* WTHRESH = 8 */ - /* PTHRESH=32 is needed to avoid a Tx hang with DFP enabled. */ + /* + * Setting PTHRESH to 32 both improves performance + * and avoids a TX hang with DFP enabled + */ txdctl |= (1 << 8) | /* HTHRESH = 1 */ 32; /* PTHRESH = 32 */ @@ -2411,6 +2668,8 @@ void ixgbe_configure_tx_ring(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, /* enable queue */ IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_TXDCTL(reg_idx), txdctl); + netdev_tx_reset_queue(txring_txq(ring)); + /* TXDCTL.EN will return 0 on 82598 if link is down, so skip it */ if (hw->mac.type == ixgbe_mac_82598EB && !(IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_LINKS) & IXGBE_LINKS_UP)) @@ -2527,18 +2786,12 @@ static void ixgbe_configure_srrctl(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, srrctl |= (IXGBE_RX_HDR_SIZE << IXGBE_SRRCTL_BSIZEHDRSIZE_SHIFT) & IXGBE_SRRCTL_BSIZEHDR_MASK; - if (ring_is_ps_enabled(rx_ring)) { -#if (PAGE_SIZE / 2) > IXGBE_MAX_RXBUFFER - srrctl |= IXGBE_MAX_RXBUFFER >> IXGBE_SRRCTL_BSIZEPKT_SHIFT; +#if PAGE_SIZE > IXGBE_MAX_RXBUFFER + srrctl |= IXGBE_MAX_RXBUFFER >> IXGBE_SRRCTL_BSIZEPKT_SHIFT; #else - srrctl |= (PAGE_SIZE / 2) >> IXGBE_SRRCTL_BSIZEPKT_SHIFT; + srrctl |= ixgbe_rx_bufsz(rx_ring) >> IXGBE_SRRCTL_BSIZEPKT_SHIFT; #endif - srrctl |= IXGBE_SRRCTL_DESCTYPE_HDR_SPLIT_ALWAYS; - } else { - srrctl |= ALIGN(rx_ring->rx_buf_len, 1024) >> - IXGBE_SRRCTL_BSIZEPKT_SHIFT; - srrctl |= IXGBE_SRRCTL_DESCTYPE_ADV_ONEBUF; - } + srrctl |= IXGBE_SRRCTL_DESCTYPE_ADV_ONEBUF; IXGBE_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, IXGBE_SRRCTL(reg_idx), srrctl); } @@ -2608,6 +2861,11 @@ static void ixgbe_setup_mrqc(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) | IXGBE_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6 | IXGBE_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_TCP; + if (adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSS_FIELD_IPV4_UDP) + mrqc |= IXGBE_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV4_UDP; + if (adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_UDP) + mrqc |= IXGBE_MRQC_RSS_FIELD_IPV6_UDP; + IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_MRQC, mrqc); } @@ -2621,13 +2879,11 @@ static void ixgbe_configure_rscctl(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, { struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; u32 rscctrl; - int rx_buf_len; u8 reg_idx = ring->reg_idx; if (!ring_is_rsc_enabled(ring)) return; - rx_buf_len = ring->rx_buf_len; rscctrl = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_RSCCTL(reg_idx)); rscctrl |= IXGBE_RSCCTL_RSCEN; /* @@ -2635,24 +2891,13 @@ static void ixgbe_configure_rscctl(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, * total size of max desc * buf_len is not greater * than 65536 */ - if (ring_is_ps_enabled(ring)) { -#if (PAGE_SIZE < 8192) - rscctrl |= IXGBE_RSCCTL_MAXDESC_16; -#elif (PAGE_SIZE < 16384) - rscctrl |= IXGBE_RSCCTL_MAXDESC_8; -#elif (PAGE_SIZE < 32768) - rscctrl |= IXGBE_RSCCTL_MAXDESC_4; +#if (PAGE_SIZE <= 8192) + rscctrl |= IXGBE_RSCCTL_MAXDESC_16; +#elif (PAGE_SIZE <= 16384) + rscctrl |= IXGBE_RSCCTL_MAXDESC_8; #else - rscctrl |= IXGBE_RSCCTL_MAXDESC_1; + rscctrl |= IXGBE_RSCCTL_MAXDESC_4; #endif - } else { - if (rx_buf_len <= IXGBE_RXBUFFER_4K) - rscctrl |= IXGBE_RSCCTL_MAXDESC_16; - else if (rx_buf_len <= IXGBE_RXBUFFER_8K) - rscctrl |= IXGBE_RSCCTL_MAXDESC_8; - else - rscctrl |= IXGBE_RSCCTL_MAXDESC_4; - } IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_RSCCTL(reg_idx), rscctrl); } @@ -2869,23 +3114,10 @@ static void ixgbe_set_rx_buffer_len(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; int max_frame = netdev->mtu + ETH_HLEN + ETH_FCS_LEN; - int rx_buf_len; struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring; int i; u32 mhadd, hlreg0; - /* Decide whether to use packet split mode or not */ - /* On by default */ - adapter->flags |= IXGBE_FLAG_RX_PS_ENABLED; - - /* Do not use packet split if we're in SR-IOV Mode */ - if (adapter->num_vfs) - adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_RX_PS_ENABLED; - - /* Disable packet split due to 82599 erratum #45 */ - if (hw->mac.type == ixgbe_mac_82599EB) - adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_RX_PS_ENABLED; - #ifdef IXGBE_FCOE /* adjust max frame to be able to do baby jumbo for FCoE */ if ((adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FCOE_ENABLED) && @@ -2904,27 +3136,6 @@ static void ixgbe_set_rx_buffer_len(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) /* MHADD will allow an extra 4 bytes past for vlan tagged frames */ max_frame += VLAN_HLEN; - /* Set the RX buffer length according to the mode */ - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RX_PS_ENABLED) { - rx_buf_len = IXGBE_RX_HDR_SIZE; - } else { - if (!(adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_ENABLED) && - (netdev->mtu <= ETH_DATA_LEN)) - rx_buf_len = MAXIMUM_ETHERNET_VLAN_SIZE; - /* - * Make best use of allocation by using all but 1K of a - * power of 2 allocation that will be used for skb->head. - */ - else if (max_frame <= IXGBE_RXBUFFER_3K) - rx_buf_len = IXGBE_RXBUFFER_3K; - else if (max_frame <= IXGBE_RXBUFFER_7K) - rx_buf_len = IXGBE_RXBUFFER_7K; - else if (max_frame <= IXGBE_RXBUFFER_15K) - rx_buf_len = IXGBE_RXBUFFER_15K; - else - rx_buf_len = IXGBE_MAX_RXBUFFER; - } - hlreg0 = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_HLREG0); /* set jumbo enable since MHADD.MFS is keeping size locked at max_frame */ hlreg0 |= IXGBE_HLREG0_JUMBOEN; @@ -2936,32 +3147,16 @@ static void ixgbe_set_rx_buffer_len(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) */ for (i = 0; i < adapter->num_rx_queues; i++) { rx_ring = adapter->rx_ring[i]; - rx_ring->rx_buf_len = rx_buf_len; - - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RX_PS_ENABLED) - set_ring_ps_enabled(rx_ring); - else - clear_ring_ps_enabled(rx_ring); - if (adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_ENABLED) set_ring_rsc_enabled(rx_ring); else clear_ring_rsc_enabled(rx_ring); - #ifdef IXGBE_FCOE if (netdev->features & NETIF_F_FCOE_MTU) { struct ixgbe_ring_feature *f; f = &adapter->ring_feature[RING_F_FCOE]; - if ((i >= f->mask) && (i < f->mask + f->indices)) { - clear_ring_ps_enabled(rx_ring); - if (rx_buf_len < IXGBE_FCOE_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE) - rx_ring->rx_buf_len = - IXGBE_FCOE_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE; - } else if (!ring_is_rsc_enabled(rx_ring) && - !ring_is_ps_enabled(rx_ring)) { - rx_ring->rx_buf_len = - IXGBE_FCOE_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE; - } + if ((i >= f->mask) && (i < f->mask + f->indices)) + set_bit(__IXGBE_RX_FCOE_BUFSZ, &rx_ring->state); } #endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ } @@ -3235,6 +3430,7 @@ void ixgbe_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *netdev) fctrl = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_FCTRL); /* set all bits that we expect to always be set */ + fctrl &= ~IXGBE_FCTRL_SBP; /* disable store-bad-packets */ fctrl |= IXGBE_FCTRL_BAM; fctrl |= IXGBE_FCTRL_DPF; /* discard pause frames when FC enabled */ fctrl |= IXGBE_FCTRL_PMCF; @@ -3283,6 +3479,18 @@ void ixgbe_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *netdev) IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_VMOLR(adapter->num_vfs), vmolr); } + /* This is useful for sniffing bad packets. */ + if (adapter->netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXALL) { + /* UPE and MPE will be handled by normal PROMISC logic + * in e1000e_set_rx_mode */ + fctrl |= (IXGBE_FCTRL_SBP | /* Receive bad packets */ + IXGBE_FCTRL_BAM | /* RX All Bcast Pkts */ + IXGBE_FCTRL_PMCF); /* RX All MAC Ctrl Pkts */ + + fctrl &= ~(IXGBE_FCTRL_DPF); + /* NOTE: VLAN filtering is disabled by setting PROMISC */ + } + IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_FCTRL, fctrl); if (netdev->features & NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_RX) @@ -3554,6 +3762,8 @@ static void ixgbe_fdir_filter_restore(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) static void ixgbe_configure(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) { + struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; + ixgbe_configure_pb(adapter); #ifdef CONFIG_IXGBE_DCB ixgbe_configure_dcb(adapter); @@ -3567,6 +3777,16 @@ static void ixgbe_configure(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) ixgbe_configure_fcoe(adapter); #endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ + + switch (hw->mac.type) { + case ixgbe_mac_82599EB: + case ixgbe_mac_X540: + hw->mac.ops.disable_rx_buff(hw); + break; + default: + break; + } + if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE) { ixgbe_init_fdir_signature_82599(&adapter->hw, adapter->fdir_pballoc); @@ -3576,6 +3796,15 @@ static void ixgbe_configure(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) ixgbe_fdir_filter_restore(adapter); } + switch (hw->mac.type) { + case ixgbe_mac_82599EB: + case ixgbe_mac_X540: + hw->mac.ops.enable_rx_buff(hw); + break; + default: + break; + } + ixgbe_configure_virtualization(adapter); ixgbe_configure_tx(adapter); @@ -3848,6 +4077,27 @@ void ixgbe_reset(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) IXGBE_RAH_AV); } +/** + * ixgbe_init_rx_page_offset - initialize page offset values for Rx buffers + * @rx_ring: ring to setup + * + * On many IA platforms the L1 cache has a critical stride of 4K, this + * results in each receive buffer starting in the same cache set. To help + * reduce the pressure on this cache set we can interleave the offsets so + * that only every other buffer will be in the same cache set. + **/ +static void ixgbe_init_rx_page_offset(struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring) +{ + struct ixgbe_rx_buffer *rx_buffer = rx_ring->rx_buffer_info; + u16 i; + + for (i = 0; i < rx_ring->count; i += 2) { + rx_buffer[0].page_offset = 0; + rx_buffer[1].page_offset = ixgbe_rx_bufsz(rx_ring); + rx_buffer = &rx_buffer[2]; + } +} + /** * ixgbe_clean_rx_ring - Free Rx Buffers per Queue * @rx_ring: ring to free buffers from @@ -3864,50 +4114,40 @@ static void ixgbe_clean_rx_ring(struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring) /* Free all the Rx ring sk_buffs */ for (i = 0; i < rx_ring->count; i++) { - struct ixgbe_rx_buffer *rx_buffer_info; - - rx_buffer_info = &rx_ring->rx_buffer_info[i]; - if (rx_buffer_info->dma) { - dma_unmap_single(rx_ring->dev, rx_buffer_info->dma, - rx_ring->rx_buf_len, - DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - rx_buffer_info->dma = 0; - } - if (rx_buffer_info->skb) { - struct sk_buff *skb = rx_buffer_info->skb; - rx_buffer_info->skb = NULL; - do { - struct sk_buff *this = skb; - if (IXGBE_RSC_CB(this)->delay_unmap) { - dma_unmap_single(dev, - IXGBE_RSC_CB(this)->dma, - rx_ring->rx_buf_len, - DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - IXGBE_RSC_CB(this)->dma = 0; - IXGBE_RSC_CB(skb)->delay_unmap = false; - } - skb = skb->prev; - dev_kfree_skb(this); - } while (skb); - } - if (!rx_buffer_info->page) - continue; - if (rx_buffer_info->page_dma) { - dma_unmap_page(dev, rx_buffer_info->page_dma, - PAGE_SIZE / 2, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - rx_buffer_info->page_dma = 0; + struct ixgbe_rx_buffer *rx_buffer; + + rx_buffer = &rx_ring->rx_buffer_info[i]; + if (rx_buffer->skb) { + struct sk_buff *skb = rx_buffer->skb; + if (IXGBE_CB(skb)->page_released) { + dma_unmap_page(dev, + IXGBE_CB(skb)->dma, + ixgbe_rx_bufsz(rx_ring), + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + IXGBE_CB(skb)->page_released = false; + } + dev_kfree_skb(skb); } - put_page(rx_buffer_info->page); - rx_buffer_info->page = NULL; - rx_buffer_info->page_offset = 0; + rx_buffer->skb = NULL; + if (rx_buffer->dma) + dma_unmap_page(dev, rx_buffer->dma, + ixgbe_rx_pg_size(rx_ring), + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + rx_buffer->dma = 0; + if (rx_buffer->page) + put_page(rx_buffer->page); + rx_buffer->page = NULL; } size = sizeof(struct ixgbe_rx_buffer) * rx_ring->count; memset(rx_ring->rx_buffer_info, 0, size); + ixgbe_init_rx_page_offset(rx_ring); + /* Zero out the descriptor ring */ memset(rx_ring->desc, 0, rx_ring->size); + rx_ring->next_to_alloc = 0; rx_ring->next_to_clean = 0; rx_ring->next_to_use = 0; } @@ -4018,915 +4258,70 @@ void ixgbe_down(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) IXGBE_FLAG2_RESET_REQUESTED); adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_NEED_LINK_UPDATE; - del_timer_sync(&adapter->service_timer); - - if (adapter->num_vfs) { - /* Clear EITR Select mapping */ - IXGBE_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, IXGBE_EITRSEL, 0); - - /* Mark all the VFs as inactive */ - for (i = 0 ; i < adapter->num_vfs; i++) - adapter->vfinfo[i].clear_to_send = false; - - /* ping all the active vfs to let them know we are going down */ - ixgbe_ping_all_vfs(adapter); - - /* Disable all VFTE/VFRE TX/RX */ - ixgbe_disable_tx_rx(adapter); - } - - /* disable transmits in the hardware now that interrupts are off */ - for (i = 0; i < adapter->num_tx_queues; i++) { - u8 reg_idx = adapter->tx_ring[i]->reg_idx; - IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_TXDCTL(reg_idx), IXGBE_TXDCTL_SWFLSH); - } - - /* Disable the Tx DMA engine on 82599 and X540 */ - switch (hw->mac.type) { - case ixgbe_mac_82599EB: - case ixgbe_mac_X540: - IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_DMATXCTL, - (IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_DMATXCTL) & - ~IXGBE_DMATXCTL_TE)); - break; - default: - break; - } - - if (!pci_channel_offline(adapter->pdev)) - ixgbe_reset(adapter); - - /* power down the optics for multispeed fiber and 82599 SFP+ fiber */ - if (hw->mac.ops.disable_tx_laser && - ((hw->phy.multispeed_fiber) || - ((hw->mac.ops.get_media_type(hw) == ixgbe_media_type_fiber) && - (hw->mac.type == ixgbe_mac_82599EB)))) - hw->mac.ops.disable_tx_laser(hw); - - ixgbe_clean_all_tx_rings(adapter); - ixgbe_clean_all_rx_rings(adapter); - -#ifdef CONFIG_IXGBE_DCA - /* since we reset the hardware DCA settings were cleared */ - ixgbe_setup_dca(adapter); -#endif -} - -/** - * ixgbe_poll - NAPI Rx polling callback - * @napi: structure for representing this polling device - * @budget: how many packets driver is allowed to clean - * - * This function is used for legacy and MSI, NAPI mode - **/ -static int ixgbe_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) -{ - struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector = - container_of(napi, struct ixgbe_q_vector, napi); - struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = q_vector->adapter; - struct ixgbe_ring *ring; - int per_ring_budget; - bool clean_complete = true; - -#ifdef CONFIG_IXGBE_DCA - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_DCA_ENABLED) - ixgbe_update_dca(q_vector); -#endif - - for (ring = q_vector->tx.ring; ring != NULL; ring = ring->next) - clean_complete &= !!ixgbe_clean_tx_irq(q_vector, ring); - - /* attempt to distribute budget to each queue fairly, but don't allow - * the budget to go below 1 because we'll exit polling */ - if (q_vector->rx.count > 1) - per_ring_budget = max(budget/q_vector->rx.count, 1); - else - per_ring_budget = budget; - - for (ring = q_vector->rx.ring; ring != NULL; ring = ring->next) - clean_complete &= ixgbe_clean_rx_irq(q_vector, ring, - per_ring_budget); - - /* If all work not completed, return budget and keep polling */ - if (!clean_complete) - return budget; - - /* all work done, exit the polling mode */ - napi_complete(napi); - if (adapter->rx_itr_setting & 1) - ixgbe_set_itr(q_vector); - if (!test_bit(__IXGBE_DOWN, &adapter->state)) - ixgbe_irq_enable_queues(adapter, ((u64)1 << q_vector->v_idx)); - - return 0; -} - -/** - * ixgbe_tx_timeout - Respond to a Tx Hang - * @netdev: network interface device structure - **/ -static void ixgbe_tx_timeout(struct net_device *netdev) -{ - struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); - - /* Do the reset outside of interrupt context */ - ixgbe_tx_timeout_reset(adapter); -} - -/** - * ixgbe_set_rss_queues: Allocate queues for RSS - * @adapter: board private structure to initialize - * - * This is our "base" multiqueue mode. RSS (Receive Side Scaling) will try - * to allocate one Rx queue per CPU, and if available, one Tx queue per CPU. - * - **/ -static inline bool ixgbe_set_rss_queues(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - bool ret = false; - struct ixgbe_ring_feature *f = &adapter->ring_feature[RING_F_RSS]; - - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED) { - f->mask = 0xF; - adapter->num_rx_queues = f->indices; - adapter->num_tx_queues = f->indices; - ret = true; - } else { - ret = false; - } - - return ret; -} - -/** - * ixgbe_set_fdir_queues: Allocate queues for Flow Director - * @adapter: board private structure to initialize - * - * Flow Director is an advanced Rx filter, attempting to get Rx flows back - * to the original CPU that initiated the Tx session. This runs in addition - * to RSS, so if a packet doesn't match an FDIR filter, we can still spread the - * Rx load across CPUs using RSS. - * - **/ -static inline bool ixgbe_set_fdir_queues(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - bool ret = false; - struct ixgbe_ring_feature *f_fdir = &adapter->ring_feature[RING_F_FDIR]; - - f_fdir->indices = min((int)num_online_cpus(), f_fdir->indices); - f_fdir->mask = 0; - - /* Flow Director must have RSS enabled */ - if ((adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED) && - (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE)) { - adapter->num_tx_queues = f_fdir->indices; - adapter->num_rx_queues = f_fdir->indices; - ret = true; - } else { - adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE; - } - return ret; -} - -#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE -/** - * ixgbe_set_fcoe_queues: Allocate queues for Fiber Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) - * @adapter: board private structure to initialize - * - * FCoE RX FCRETA can use up to 8 rx queues for up to 8 different exchanges. - * The ring feature mask is not used as a mask for FCoE, as it can take any 8 - * rx queues out of the max number of rx queues, instead, it is used as the - * index of the first rx queue used by FCoE. - * - **/ -static inline bool ixgbe_set_fcoe_queues(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - struct ixgbe_ring_feature *f = &adapter->ring_feature[RING_F_FCOE]; - - if (!(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FCOE_ENABLED)) - return false; - - f->indices = min((int)num_online_cpus(), f->indices); - - adapter->num_rx_queues = 1; - adapter->num_tx_queues = 1; - - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED) { - e_info(probe, "FCoE enabled with RSS\n"); - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE) - ixgbe_set_fdir_queues(adapter); - else - ixgbe_set_rss_queues(adapter); - } - - /* adding FCoE rx rings to the end */ - f->mask = adapter->num_rx_queues; - adapter->num_rx_queues += f->indices; - adapter->num_tx_queues += f->indices; - - return true; -} -#endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ - -/* Artificial max queue cap per traffic class in DCB mode */ -#define DCB_QUEUE_CAP 8 - -#ifdef CONFIG_IXGBE_DCB -static inline bool ixgbe_set_dcb_queues(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - int per_tc_q, q, i, offset = 0; - struct net_device *dev = adapter->netdev; - int tcs = netdev_get_num_tc(dev); - - if (!tcs) - return false; - - /* Map queue offset and counts onto allocated tx queues */ - per_tc_q = min(dev->num_tx_queues / tcs, (unsigned int)DCB_QUEUE_CAP); - q = min((int)num_online_cpus(), per_tc_q); - - for (i = 0; i < tcs; i++) { - netdev_set_tc_queue(dev, i, q, offset); - offset += q; - } - - adapter->num_tx_queues = q * tcs; - adapter->num_rx_queues = q * tcs; - -#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE - /* FCoE enabled queues require special configuration indexed - * by feature specific indices and mask. Here we map FCoE - * indices onto the DCB queue pairs allowing FCoE to own - * configuration later. - */ - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FCOE_ENABLED) { - int tc; - struct ixgbe_ring_feature *f = - &adapter->ring_feature[RING_F_FCOE]; - - tc = netdev_get_prio_tc_map(dev, adapter->fcoe.up); - f->indices = dev->tc_to_txq[tc].count; - f->mask = dev->tc_to_txq[tc].offset; - } -#endif - - return true; -} -#endif - -/** - * ixgbe_set_sriov_queues: Allocate queues for IOV use - * @adapter: board private structure to initialize - * - * IOV doesn't actually use anything, so just NAK the - * request for now and let the other queue routines - * figure out what to do. - */ -static inline bool ixgbe_set_sriov_queues(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - return false; -} - -/* - * ixgbe_set_num_queues: Allocate queues for device, feature dependent - * @adapter: board private structure to initialize - * - * This is the top level queue allocation routine. The order here is very - * important, starting with the "most" number of features turned on at once, - * and ending with the smallest set of features. This way large combinations - * can be allocated if they're turned on, and smaller combinations are the - * fallthrough conditions. - * - **/ -static int ixgbe_set_num_queues(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - /* Start with base case */ - adapter->num_rx_queues = 1; - adapter->num_tx_queues = 1; - adapter->num_rx_pools = adapter->num_rx_queues; - adapter->num_rx_queues_per_pool = 1; - - if (ixgbe_set_sriov_queues(adapter)) - goto done; - -#ifdef CONFIG_IXGBE_DCB - if (ixgbe_set_dcb_queues(adapter)) - goto done; - -#endif -#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE - if (ixgbe_set_fcoe_queues(adapter)) - goto done; - -#endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ - if (ixgbe_set_fdir_queues(adapter)) - goto done; - - if (ixgbe_set_rss_queues(adapter)) - goto done; - - /* fallback to base case */ - adapter->num_rx_queues = 1; - adapter->num_tx_queues = 1; - -done: - if ((adapter->netdev->reg_state == NETREG_UNREGISTERED) || - (adapter->netdev->reg_state == NETREG_UNREGISTERING)) - return 0; - - /* Notify the stack of the (possibly) reduced queue counts. */ - netif_set_real_num_tx_queues(adapter->netdev, adapter->num_tx_queues); - return netif_set_real_num_rx_queues(adapter->netdev, - adapter->num_rx_queues); -} - -static void ixgbe_acquire_msix_vectors(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, - int vectors) -{ - int err, vector_threshold; - - /* We'll want at least 3 (vector_threshold): - * 1) TxQ[0] Cleanup - * 2) RxQ[0] Cleanup - * 3) Other (Link Status Change, etc.) - * 4) TCP Timer (optional) - */ - vector_threshold = MIN_MSIX_COUNT; - - /* The more we get, the more we will assign to Tx/Rx Cleanup - * for the separate queues...where Rx Cleanup >= Tx Cleanup. - * Right now, we simply care about how many we'll get; we'll - * set them up later while requesting irq's. - */ - while (vectors >= vector_threshold) { - err = pci_enable_msix(adapter->pdev, adapter->msix_entries, - vectors); - if (!err) /* Success in acquiring all requested vectors. */ - break; - else if (err < 0) - vectors = 0; /* Nasty failure, quit now */ - else /* err == number of vectors we should try again with */ - vectors = err; - } - - if (vectors < vector_threshold) { - /* Can't allocate enough MSI-X interrupts? Oh well. - * This just means we'll go with either a single MSI - * vector or fall back to legacy interrupts. - */ - netif_printk(adapter, hw, KERN_DEBUG, adapter->netdev, - "Unable to allocate MSI-X interrupts\n"); - adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED; - kfree(adapter->msix_entries); - adapter->msix_entries = NULL; - } else { - adapter->flags |= IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED; /* Woot! */ - /* - * Adjust for only the vectors we'll use, which is minimum - * of max_msix_q_vectors + NON_Q_VECTORS, or the number of - * vectors we were allocated. - */ - adapter->num_msix_vectors = min(vectors, - adapter->max_msix_q_vectors + NON_Q_VECTORS); - } -} - -/** - * ixgbe_cache_ring_rss - Descriptor ring to register mapping for RSS - * @adapter: board private structure to initialize - * - * Cache the descriptor ring offsets for RSS to the assigned rings. - * - **/ -static inline bool ixgbe_cache_ring_rss(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - int i; - - if (!(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED)) - return false; - - for (i = 0; i < adapter->num_rx_queues; i++) - adapter->rx_ring[i]->reg_idx = i; - for (i = 0; i < adapter->num_tx_queues; i++) - adapter->tx_ring[i]->reg_idx = i; - - return true; -} - -#ifdef CONFIG_IXGBE_DCB - -/* ixgbe_get_first_reg_idx - Return first register index associated with ring */ -static void ixgbe_get_first_reg_idx(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, u8 tc, - unsigned int *tx, unsigned int *rx) -{ - struct net_device *dev = adapter->netdev; - struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; - u8 num_tcs = netdev_get_num_tc(dev); - - *tx = 0; - *rx = 0; - - switch (hw->mac.type) { - case ixgbe_mac_82598EB: - *tx = tc << 2; - *rx = tc << 3; - break; - case ixgbe_mac_82599EB: - case ixgbe_mac_X540: - if (num_tcs > 4) { - if (tc < 3) { - *tx = tc << 5; - *rx = tc << 4; - } else if (tc < 5) { - *tx = ((tc + 2) << 4); - *rx = tc << 4; - } else if (tc < num_tcs) { - *tx = ((tc + 8) << 3); - *rx = tc << 4; - } - } else { - *rx = tc << 5; - switch (tc) { - case 0: - *tx = 0; - break; - case 1: - *tx = 64; - break; - case 2: - *tx = 96; - break; - case 3: - *tx = 112; - break; - default: - break; - } - } - break; - default: - break; - } -} - -/** - * ixgbe_cache_ring_dcb - Descriptor ring to register mapping for DCB - * @adapter: board private structure to initialize - * - * Cache the descriptor ring offsets for DCB to the assigned rings. - * - **/ -static inline bool ixgbe_cache_ring_dcb(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - struct net_device *dev = adapter->netdev; - int i, j, k; - u8 num_tcs = netdev_get_num_tc(dev); - - if (!num_tcs) - return false; - - for (i = 0, k = 0; i < num_tcs; i++) { - unsigned int tx_s, rx_s; - u16 count = dev->tc_to_txq[i].count; - - ixgbe_get_first_reg_idx(adapter, i, &tx_s, &rx_s); - for (j = 0; j < count; j++, k++) { - adapter->tx_ring[k]->reg_idx = tx_s + j; - adapter->rx_ring[k]->reg_idx = rx_s + j; - adapter->tx_ring[k]->dcb_tc = i; - adapter->rx_ring[k]->dcb_tc = i; - } - } - - return true; -} -#endif - -/** - * ixgbe_cache_ring_fdir - Descriptor ring to register mapping for Flow Director - * @adapter: board private structure to initialize - * - * Cache the descriptor ring offsets for Flow Director to the assigned rings. - * - **/ -static inline bool ixgbe_cache_ring_fdir(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - int i; - bool ret = false; - - if ((adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED) && - (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE)) { - for (i = 0; i < adapter->num_rx_queues; i++) - adapter->rx_ring[i]->reg_idx = i; - for (i = 0; i < adapter->num_tx_queues; i++) - adapter->tx_ring[i]->reg_idx = i; - ret = true; - } - - return ret; -} - -#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE -/** - * ixgbe_cache_ring_fcoe - Descriptor ring to register mapping for the FCoE - * @adapter: board private structure to initialize - * - * Cache the descriptor ring offsets for FCoE mode to the assigned rings. - * - */ -static inline bool ixgbe_cache_ring_fcoe(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - struct ixgbe_ring_feature *f = &adapter->ring_feature[RING_F_FCOE]; - int i; - u8 fcoe_rx_i = 0, fcoe_tx_i = 0; - - if (!(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FCOE_ENABLED)) - return false; - - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED) { - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE) - ixgbe_cache_ring_fdir(adapter); - else - ixgbe_cache_ring_rss(adapter); - - fcoe_rx_i = f->mask; - fcoe_tx_i = f->mask; - } - for (i = 0; i < f->indices; i++, fcoe_rx_i++, fcoe_tx_i++) { - adapter->rx_ring[f->mask + i]->reg_idx = fcoe_rx_i; - adapter->tx_ring[f->mask + i]->reg_idx = fcoe_tx_i; - } - return true; -} - -#endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ -/** - * ixgbe_cache_ring_sriov - Descriptor ring to register mapping for sriov - * @adapter: board private structure to initialize - * - * SR-IOV doesn't use any descriptor rings but changes the default if - * no other mapping is used. - * - */ -static inline bool ixgbe_cache_ring_sriov(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - adapter->rx_ring[0]->reg_idx = adapter->num_vfs * 2; - adapter->tx_ring[0]->reg_idx = adapter->num_vfs * 2; - if (adapter->num_vfs) - return true; - else - return false; -} - -/** - * ixgbe_cache_ring_register - Descriptor ring to register mapping - * @adapter: board private structure to initialize - * - * Once we know the feature-set enabled for the device, we'll cache - * the register offset the descriptor ring is assigned to. - * - * Note, the order the various feature calls is important. It must start with - * the "most" features enabled at the same time, then trickle down to the - * least amount of features turned on at once. - **/ -static void ixgbe_cache_ring_register(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - /* start with default case */ - adapter->rx_ring[0]->reg_idx = 0; - adapter->tx_ring[0]->reg_idx = 0; - - if (ixgbe_cache_ring_sriov(adapter)) - return; - -#ifdef CONFIG_IXGBE_DCB - if (ixgbe_cache_ring_dcb(adapter)) - return; -#endif - -#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE - if (ixgbe_cache_ring_fcoe(adapter)) - return; -#endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ - - if (ixgbe_cache_ring_fdir(adapter)) - return; - - if (ixgbe_cache_ring_rss(adapter)) - return; -} - -/** - * ixgbe_alloc_queues - Allocate memory for all rings - * @adapter: board private structure to initialize - * - * We allocate one ring per queue at run-time since we don't know the - * number of queues at compile-time. The polling_netdev array is - * intended for Multiqueue, but should work fine with a single queue. - **/ -static int ixgbe_alloc_queues(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - int rx = 0, tx = 0, nid = adapter->node; - - if (nid < 0 || !node_online(nid)) - nid = first_online_node; - - for (; tx < adapter->num_tx_queues; tx++) { - struct ixgbe_ring *ring; - - ring = kzalloc_node(sizeof(*ring), GFP_KERNEL, nid); - if (!ring) - ring = kzalloc(sizeof(*ring), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!ring) - goto err_allocation; - ring->count = adapter->tx_ring_count; - ring->queue_index = tx; - ring->numa_node = nid; - ring->dev = &adapter->pdev->dev; - ring->netdev = adapter->netdev; - - adapter->tx_ring[tx] = ring; - } - - for (; rx < adapter->num_rx_queues; rx++) { - struct ixgbe_ring *ring; - - ring = kzalloc_node(sizeof(*ring), GFP_KERNEL, nid); - if (!ring) - ring = kzalloc(sizeof(*ring), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!ring) - goto err_allocation; - ring->count = adapter->rx_ring_count; - ring->queue_index = rx; - ring->numa_node = nid; - ring->dev = &adapter->pdev->dev; - ring->netdev = adapter->netdev; - - adapter->rx_ring[rx] = ring; - } - - ixgbe_cache_ring_register(adapter); - - return 0; - -err_allocation: - while (tx) - kfree(adapter->tx_ring[--tx]); - - while (rx) - kfree(adapter->rx_ring[--rx]); - return -ENOMEM; -} - -/** - * ixgbe_set_interrupt_capability - set MSI-X or MSI if supported - * @adapter: board private structure to initialize - * - * Attempt to configure the interrupts using the best available - * capabilities of the hardware and the kernel. - **/ -static int ixgbe_set_interrupt_capability(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; - int err = 0; - int vector, v_budget; - - /* - * It's easy to be greedy for MSI-X vectors, but it really - * doesn't do us much good if we have a lot more vectors - * than CPU's. So let's be conservative and only ask for - * (roughly) the same number of vectors as there are CPU's. - */ - v_budget = min(adapter->num_rx_queues + adapter->num_tx_queues, - (int)num_online_cpus()) + NON_Q_VECTORS; - - /* - * At the same time, hardware can only support a maximum of - * hw.mac->max_msix_vectors vectors. With features - * such as RSS and VMDq, we can easily surpass the number of Rx and Tx - * descriptor queues supported by our device. Thus, we cap it off in - * those rare cases where the cpu count also exceeds our vector limit. - */ - v_budget = min(v_budget, (int)hw->mac.max_msix_vectors); - - /* A failure in MSI-X entry allocation isn't fatal, but it does - * mean we disable MSI-X capabilities of the adapter. */ - adapter->msix_entries = kcalloc(v_budget, - sizeof(struct msix_entry), GFP_KERNEL); - if (adapter->msix_entries) { - for (vector = 0; vector < v_budget; vector++) - adapter->msix_entries[vector].entry = vector; - - ixgbe_acquire_msix_vectors(adapter, v_budget); - - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED) - goto out; - } - - adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_DCB_ENABLED; - adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED; - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE) { - e_err(probe, - "ATR is not supported while multiple " - "queues are disabled. Disabling Flow Director\n"); - } - adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE; - adapter->atr_sample_rate = 0; - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_SRIOV_ENABLED) - ixgbe_disable_sriov(adapter); - - err = ixgbe_set_num_queues(adapter); - if (err) - return err; - - err = pci_enable_msi(adapter->pdev); - if (!err) { - adapter->flags |= IXGBE_FLAG_MSI_ENABLED; - } else { - netif_printk(adapter, hw, KERN_DEBUG, adapter->netdev, - "Unable to allocate MSI interrupt, " - "falling back to legacy. Error: %d\n", err); - /* reset err */ - err = 0; - } - -out: - return err; -} - -/** - * ixgbe_alloc_q_vectors - Allocate memory for interrupt vectors - * @adapter: board private structure to initialize - * - * We allocate one q_vector per queue interrupt. If allocation fails we - * return -ENOMEM. - **/ -static int ixgbe_alloc_q_vectors(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - int v_idx, num_q_vectors; - struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector; - - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED) - num_q_vectors = adapter->num_msix_vectors - NON_Q_VECTORS; - else - num_q_vectors = 1; - - for (v_idx = 0; v_idx < num_q_vectors; v_idx++) { - q_vector = kzalloc_node(sizeof(struct ixgbe_q_vector), - GFP_KERNEL, adapter->node); - if (!q_vector) - q_vector = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ixgbe_q_vector), - GFP_KERNEL); - if (!q_vector) - goto err_out; - - q_vector->adapter = adapter; - q_vector->v_idx = v_idx; - - /* Allocate the affinity_hint cpumask, configure the mask */ - if (!alloc_cpumask_var(&q_vector->affinity_mask, GFP_KERNEL)) - goto err_out; - cpumask_set_cpu(v_idx, q_vector->affinity_mask); - netif_napi_add(adapter->netdev, &q_vector->napi, - ixgbe_poll, 64); - adapter->q_vector[v_idx] = q_vector; - } - - return 0; - -err_out: - while (v_idx) { - v_idx--; - q_vector = adapter->q_vector[v_idx]; - netif_napi_del(&q_vector->napi); - free_cpumask_var(q_vector->affinity_mask); - kfree(q_vector); - adapter->q_vector[v_idx] = NULL; - } - return -ENOMEM; -} - -/** - * ixgbe_free_q_vectors - Free memory allocated for interrupt vectors - * @adapter: board private structure to initialize - * - * This function frees the memory allocated to the q_vectors. In addition if - * NAPI is enabled it will delete any references to the NAPI struct prior - * to freeing the q_vector. - **/ -static void ixgbe_free_q_vectors(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - int v_idx, num_q_vectors; - - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED) - num_q_vectors = adapter->num_msix_vectors - NON_Q_VECTORS; - else - num_q_vectors = 1; - - for (v_idx = 0; v_idx < num_q_vectors; v_idx++) { - struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector = adapter->q_vector[v_idx]; - adapter->q_vector[v_idx] = NULL; - netif_napi_del(&q_vector->napi); - free_cpumask_var(q_vector->affinity_mask); - kfree(q_vector); - } -} - -static void ixgbe_reset_interrupt_capability(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED) { - adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED; - pci_disable_msix(adapter->pdev); - kfree(adapter->msix_entries); - adapter->msix_entries = NULL; - } else if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_MSI_ENABLED) { - adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_MSI_ENABLED; - pci_disable_msi(adapter->pdev); - } -} + del_timer_sync(&adapter->service_timer); -/** - * ixgbe_init_interrupt_scheme - Determine proper interrupt scheme - * @adapter: board private structure to initialize - * - * We determine which interrupt scheme to use based on... - * - Kernel support (MSI, MSI-X) - * - which can be user-defined (via MODULE_PARAM) - * - Hardware queue count (num_*_queues) - * - defined by miscellaneous hardware support/features (RSS, etc.) - **/ -int ixgbe_init_interrupt_scheme(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) -{ - int err; + if (adapter->num_vfs) { + /* Clear EITR Select mapping */ + IXGBE_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, IXGBE_EITRSEL, 0); - /* Number of supported queues */ - err = ixgbe_set_num_queues(adapter); - if (err) - return err; + /* Mark all the VFs as inactive */ + for (i = 0 ; i < adapter->num_vfs; i++) + adapter->vfinfo[i].clear_to_send = false; - err = ixgbe_set_interrupt_capability(adapter); - if (err) { - e_dev_err("Unable to setup interrupt capabilities\n"); - goto err_set_interrupt; + /* ping all the active vfs to let them know we are going down */ + ixgbe_ping_all_vfs(adapter); + + /* Disable all VFTE/VFRE TX/RX */ + ixgbe_disable_tx_rx(adapter); } - err = ixgbe_alloc_q_vectors(adapter); - if (err) { - e_dev_err("Unable to allocate memory for queue vectors\n"); - goto err_alloc_q_vectors; + /* disable transmits in the hardware now that interrupts are off */ + for (i = 0; i < adapter->num_tx_queues; i++) { + u8 reg_idx = adapter->tx_ring[i]->reg_idx; + IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_TXDCTL(reg_idx), IXGBE_TXDCTL_SWFLSH); } - err = ixgbe_alloc_queues(adapter); - if (err) { - e_dev_err("Unable to allocate memory for queues\n"); - goto err_alloc_queues; + /* Disable the Tx DMA engine on 82599 and X540 */ + switch (hw->mac.type) { + case ixgbe_mac_82599EB: + case ixgbe_mac_X540: + IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_DMATXCTL, + (IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_DMATXCTL) & + ~IXGBE_DMATXCTL_TE)); + break; + default: + break; } - e_dev_info("Multiqueue %s: Rx Queue count = %u, Tx Queue count = %u\n", - (adapter->num_rx_queues > 1) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled", - adapter->num_rx_queues, adapter->num_tx_queues); + if (!pci_channel_offline(adapter->pdev)) + ixgbe_reset(adapter); - set_bit(__IXGBE_DOWN, &adapter->state); + /* power down the optics for multispeed fiber and 82599 SFP+ fiber */ + if (hw->mac.ops.disable_tx_laser && + ((hw->phy.multispeed_fiber) || + ((hw->mac.ops.get_media_type(hw) == ixgbe_media_type_fiber) && + (hw->mac.type == ixgbe_mac_82599EB)))) + hw->mac.ops.disable_tx_laser(hw); - return 0; + ixgbe_clean_all_tx_rings(adapter); + ixgbe_clean_all_rx_rings(adapter); -err_alloc_queues: - ixgbe_free_q_vectors(adapter); -err_alloc_q_vectors: - ixgbe_reset_interrupt_capability(adapter); -err_set_interrupt: - return err; +#ifdef CONFIG_IXGBE_DCA + /* since we reset the hardware DCA settings were cleared */ + ixgbe_setup_dca(adapter); +#endif } /** - * ixgbe_clear_interrupt_scheme - Clear the current interrupt scheme settings - * @adapter: board private structure to clear interrupt scheme on - * - * We go through and clear interrupt specific resources and reset the structure - * to pre-load conditions + * ixgbe_tx_timeout - Respond to a Tx Hang + * @netdev: network interface device structure **/ -void ixgbe_clear_interrupt_scheme(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) +static void ixgbe_tx_timeout(struct net_device *netdev) { - int i; - - for (i = 0; i < adapter->num_tx_queues; i++) { - kfree(adapter->tx_ring[i]); - adapter->tx_ring[i] = NULL; - } - for (i = 0; i < adapter->num_rx_queues; i++) { - struct ixgbe_ring *ring = adapter->rx_ring[i]; - - /* ixgbe_get_stats64() might access this ring, we must wait - * a grace period before freeing it. - */ - kfree_rcu(ring, rcu); - adapter->rx_ring[i] = NULL; - } - - adapter->num_tx_queues = 0; - adapter->num_rx_queues = 0; + struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); - ixgbe_free_q_vectors(adapter); - ixgbe_reset_interrupt_capability(adapter); + /* Do the reset outside of interrupt context */ + ixgbe_tx_timeout_reset(adapter); } /** @@ -4956,7 +4351,7 @@ static int __devinit ixgbe_sw_init(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) hw->subsystem_device_id = pdev->subsystem_device; /* Set capability flags */ - rss = min(IXGBE_MAX_RSS_INDICES, (int)num_online_cpus()); + rss = min_t(int, IXGBE_MAX_RSS_INDICES, num_online_cpus()); adapter->ring_feature[RING_F_RSS].indices = rss; adapter->flags |= IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED; switch (hw->mac.type) { @@ -5048,10 +4443,6 @@ static int __devinit ixgbe_sw_init(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) adapter->rx_itr_setting = 1; adapter->tx_itr_setting = 1; - /* set defaults for eitr in MegaBytes */ - adapter->eitr_low = 10; - adapter->eitr_high = 20; - /* set default ring sizes */ adapter->tx_ring_count = IXGBE_DEFAULT_TXD; adapter->rx_ring_count = IXGBE_DEFAULT_RXD; @@ -5065,12 +4456,6 @@ static int __devinit ixgbe_sw_init(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) return -EIO; } - /* enable rx csum by default */ - adapter->flags |= IXGBE_FLAG_RX_CSUM_ENABLED; - - /* get assigned NUMA node */ - adapter->node = dev_to_node(&pdev->dev); - set_bit(__IXGBE_DOWN, &adapter->state); return 0; @@ -5085,10 +4470,16 @@ static int __devinit ixgbe_sw_init(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) int ixgbe_setup_tx_resources(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring) { struct device *dev = tx_ring->dev; + int orig_node = dev_to_node(dev); + int numa_node = -1; int size; size = sizeof(struct ixgbe_tx_buffer) * tx_ring->count; - tx_ring->tx_buffer_info = vzalloc_node(size, tx_ring->numa_node); + + if (tx_ring->q_vector) + numa_node = tx_ring->q_vector->numa_node; + + tx_ring->tx_buffer_info = vzalloc_node(size, numa_node); if (!tx_ring->tx_buffer_info) tx_ring->tx_buffer_info = vzalloc(size); if (!tx_ring->tx_buffer_info) @@ -5098,8 +4489,15 @@ int ixgbe_setup_tx_resources(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring) tx_ring->size = tx_ring->count * sizeof(union ixgbe_adv_tx_desc); tx_ring->size = ALIGN(tx_ring->size, 4096); - tx_ring->desc = dma_alloc_coherent(dev, tx_ring->size, - &tx_ring->dma, GFP_KERNEL); + set_dev_node(dev, numa_node); + tx_ring->desc = dma_alloc_coherent(dev, + tx_ring->size, + &tx_ring->dma, + GFP_KERNEL); + set_dev_node(dev, orig_node); + if (!tx_ring->desc) + tx_ring->desc = dma_alloc_coherent(dev, tx_ring->size, + &tx_ring->dma, GFP_KERNEL); if (!tx_ring->desc) goto err; @@ -5148,10 +4546,16 @@ static int ixgbe_setup_all_tx_resources(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) int ixgbe_setup_rx_resources(struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring) { struct device *dev = rx_ring->dev; + int orig_node = dev_to_node(dev); + int numa_node = -1; int size; size = sizeof(struct ixgbe_rx_buffer) * rx_ring->count; - rx_ring->rx_buffer_info = vzalloc_node(size, rx_ring->numa_node); + + if (rx_ring->q_vector) + numa_node = rx_ring->q_vector->numa_node; + + rx_ring->rx_buffer_info = vzalloc_node(size, numa_node); if (!rx_ring->rx_buffer_info) rx_ring->rx_buffer_info = vzalloc(size); if (!rx_ring->rx_buffer_info) @@ -5161,15 +4565,23 @@ int ixgbe_setup_rx_resources(struct ixgbe_ring *rx_ring) rx_ring->size = rx_ring->count * sizeof(union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc); rx_ring->size = ALIGN(rx_ring->size, 4096); - rx_ring->desc = dma_alloc_coherent(dev, rx_ring->size, - &rx_ring->dma, GFP_KERNEL); - + set_dev_node(dev, numa_node); + rx_ring->desc = dma_alloc_coherent(dev, + rx_ring->size, + &rx_ring->dma, + GFP_KERNEL); + set_dev_node(dev, orig_node); + if (!rx_ring->desc) + rx_ring->desc = dma_alloc_coherent(dev, rx_ring->size, + &rx_ring->dma, GFP_KERNEL); if (!rx_ring->desc) goto err; rx_ring->next_to_clean = 0; rx_ring->next_to_use = 0; + ixgbe_init_rx_page_offset(rx_ring); + return 0; err: vfree(rx_ring->rx_buffer_info); @@ -5289,20 +4701,24 @@ static void ixgbe_free_all_rx_resources(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) static int ixgbe_change_mtu(struct net_device *netdev, int new_mtu) { struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); - struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; int max_frame = new_mtu + ETH_HLEN + ETH_FCS_LEN; /* MTU < 68 is an error and causes problems on some kernels */ - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_SRIOV_ENABLED && - hw->mac.type != ixgbe_mac_X540) { - if ((new_mtu < 68) || (max_frame > MAXIMUM_ETHERNET_VLAN_SIZE)) - return -EINVAL; - } else { - if ((new_mtu < 68) || (max_frame > IXGBE_MAX_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE)) + if ((new_mtu < 68) || (max_frame > IXGBE_MAX_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE)) + return -EINVAL; + + /* + * For 82599EB we cannot allow PF to change MTU greater than 1500 + * in SR-IOV mode as it may cause buffer overruns in guest VFs that + * don't allocate and chain buffers correctly. + */ + if ((adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_SRIOV_ENABLED) && + (adapter->hw.mac.type == ixgbe_mac_82599EB) && + (max_frame > MAXIMUM_ETHERNET_VLAN_SIZE)) return -EINVAL; - } e_info(probe, "changing MTU from %d to %d\n", netdev->mtu, new_mtu); + /* must set new MTU before calling down or up */ netdev->mtu = new_mtu; @@ -5558,7 +4974,7 @@ void ixgbe_update_stats(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) u32 i, missed_rx = 0, mpc, bprc, lxon, lxoff, xon_off_tot; u64 non_eop_descs = 0, restart_queue = 0, tx_busy = 0; u64 alloc_rx_page_failed = 0, alloc_rx_buff_failed = 0; - u64 bytes = 0, packets = 0; + u64 bytes = 0, packets = 0, hw_csum_rx_error = 0; #ifdef IXGBE_FCOE struct ixgbe_fcoe *fcoe = &adapter->fcoe; unsigned int cpu; @@ -5588,12 +5004,14 @@ void ixgbe_update_stats(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) non_eop_descs += rx_ring->rx_stats.non_eop_descs; alloc_rx_page_failed += rx_ring->rx_stats.alloc_rx_page_failed; alloc_rx_buff_failed += rx_ring->rx_stats.alloc_rx_buff_failed; + hw_csum_rx_error += rx_ring->rx_stats.csum_err; bytes += rx_ring->stats.bytes; packets += rx_ring->stats.packets; } adapter->non_eop_descs = non_eop_descs; adapter->alloc_rx_page_failed = alloc_rx_page_failed; adapter->alloc_rx_buff_failed = alloc_rx_buff_failed; + adapter->hw_csum_rx_error = hw_csum_rx_error; netdev->stats.rx_bytes = bytes; netdev->stats.rx_packets = packets; @@ -5945,7 +5363,7 @@ static void ixgbe_watchdog_link_is_up(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) * print link down message * @adapter - pointer to the adapter structure **/ -static void ixgbe_watchdog_link_is_down(struct ixgbe_adapter* adapter) +static void ixgbe_watchdog_link_is_down(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) { struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; @@ -6190,41 +5608,32 @@ static void ixgbe_service_timer(unsigned long data) unsigned long next_event_offset; bool ready = true; -#ifdef CONFIG_PCI_IOV - ready = false; + /* poll faster when waiting for link */ + if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_NEED_LINK_UPDATE) + next_event_offset = HZ / 10; + else + next_event_offset = HZ * 2; +#ifdef CONFIG_PCI_IOV /* * don't bother with SR-IOV VF DMA hang check if there are * no VFs or the link is down */ if (!adapter->num_vfs || - (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_NEED_LINK_UPDATE)) { - ready = true; + (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_NEED_LINK_UPDATE)) goto normal_timer_service; - } /* If we have VFs allocated then we must check for DMA hangs */ ixgbe_check_for_bad_vf(adapter); next_event_offset = HZ / 50; adapter->timer_event_accumulator++; - if (adapter->timer_event_accumulator >= 100) { - ready = true; + if (adapter->timer_event_accumulator >= 100) adapter->timer_event_accumulator = 0; - } - - goto schedule_event; - -normal_timer_service: -#endif - /* poll faster when waiting for link */ - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_NEED_LINK_UPDATE) - next_event_offset = HZ / 10; else - next_event_offset = HZ * 2; + ready = false; -#ifdef CONFIG_PCI_IOV -schedule_event: +normal_timer_service: #endif /* Reset the timer */ mod_timer(&adapter->service_timer, next_event_offset + jiffies); @@ -6273,30 +5682,11 @@ static void ixgbe_service_task(struct work_struct *work) ixgbe_service_event_complete(adapter); } -void ixgbe_tx_ctxtdesc(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, u32 vlan_macip_lens, - u32 fcoe_sof_eof, u32 type_tucmd, u32 mss_l4len_idx) -{ - struct ixgbe_adv_tx_context_desc *context_desc; - u16 i = tx_ring->next_to_use; - - context_desc = IXGBE_TX_CTXTDESC_ADV(tx_ring, i); - - i++; - tx_ring->next_to_use = (i < tx_ring->count) ? i : 0; - - /* set bits to identify this as an advanced context descriptor */ - type_tucmd |= IXGBE_TXD_CMD_DEXT | IXGBE_ADVTXD_DTYP_CTXT; - - context_desc->vlan_macip_lens = cpu_to_le32(vlan_macip_lens); - context_desc->seqnum_seed = cpu_to_le32(fcoe_sof_eof); - context_desc->type_tucmd_mlhl = cpu_to_le32(type_tucmd); - context_desc->mss_l4len_idx = cpu_to_le32(mss_l4len_idx); -} - -static int ixgbe_tso(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, struct sk_buff *skb, - u32 tx_flags, __be16 protocol, u8 *hdr_len) +static int ixgbe_tso(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, + struct ixgbe_tx_buffer *first, + u8 *hdr_len) { - int err; + struct sk_buff *skb = first->skb; u32 vlan_macip_lens, type_tucmd; u32 mss_l4len_idx, l4len; @@ -6304,7 +5694,7 @@ static int ixgbe_tso(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, struct sk_buff *skb, return 0; if (skb_header_cloned(skb)) { - err = pskb_expand_head(skb, 0, 0, GFP_ATOMIC); + int err = pskb_expand_head(skb, 0, 0, GFP_ATOMIC); if (err) return err; } @@ -6312,7 +5702,7 @@ static int ixgbe_tso(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, struct sk_buff *skb, /* ADV DTYP TUCMD MKRLOC/ISCSIHEDLEN */ type_tucmd = IXGBE_ADVTXD_TUCMD_L4T_TCP; - if (protocol == __constant_htons(ETH_P_IP)) { + if (first->protocol == __constant_htons(ETH_P_IP)) { struct iphdr *iph = ip_hdr(skb); iph->tot_len = 0; iph->check = 0; @@ -6321,17 +5711,27 @@ static int ixgbe_tso(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, struct sk_buff *skb, IPPROTO_TCP, 0); type_tucmd |= IXGBE_ADVTXD_TUCMD_IPV4; + first->tx_flags |= IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_TSO | + IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_CSUM | + IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_IPV4; } else if (skb_is_gso_v6(skb)) { ipv6_hdr(skb)->payload_len = 0; tcp_hdr(skb)->check = ~csum_ipv6_magic(&ipv6_hdr(skb)->saddr, &ipv6_hdr(skb)->daddr, 0, IPPROTO_TCP, 0); + first->tx_flags |= IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_TSO | + IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_CSUM; } + /* compute header lengths */ l4len = tcp_hdrlen(skb); *hdr_len = skb_transport_offset(skb) + l4len; + /* update gso size and bytecount with header size */ + first->gso_segs = skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_segs; + first->bytecount += (first->gso_segs - 1) * *hdr_len; + /* mss_l4len_id: use 1 as index for TSO */ mss_l4len_idx = l4len << IXGBE_ADVTXD_L4LEN_SHIFT; mss_l4len_idx |= skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_size << IXGBE_ADVTXD_MSS_SHIFT; @@ -6340,29 +5740,29 @@ static int ixgbe_tso(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, struct sk_buff *skb, /* vlan_macip_lens: HEADLEN, MACLEN, VLAN tag */ vlan_macip_lens = skb_network_header_len(skb); vlan_macip_lens |= skb_network_offset(skb) << IXGBE_ADVTXD_MACLEN_SHIFT; - vlan_macip_lens |= tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_MASK; + vlan_macip_lens |= first->tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_MASK; ixgbe_tx_ctxtdesc(tx_ring, vlan_macip_lens, 0, type_tucmd, - mss_l4len_idx); + mss_l4len_idx); return 1; } -static bool ixgbe_tx_csum(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, - struct sk_buff *skb, u32 tx_flags, - __be16 protocol) +static void ixgbe_tx_csum(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, + struct ixgbe_tx_buffer *first) { + struct sk_buff *skb = first->skb; u32 vlan_macip_lens = 0; u32 mss_l4len_idx = 0; u32 type_tucmd = 0; if (skb->ip_summed != CHECKSUM_PARTIAL) { - if (!(tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_HW_VLAN) && - !(tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_TXSW)) - return false; + if (!(first->tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_HW_VLAN) && + !(first->tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_TXSW)) + return; } else { u8 l4_hdr = 0; - switch (protocol) { + switch (first->protocol) { case __constant_htons(ETH_P_IP): vlan_macip_lens |= skb_network_header_len(skb); type_tucmd |= IXGBE_ADVTXD_TUCMD_IPV4; @@ -6376,7 +5776,7 @@ static bool ixgbe_tx_csum(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, if (unlikely(net_ratelimit())) { dev_warn(tx_ring->dev, "partial checksum but proto=%x!\n", - skb->protocol); + first->protocol); } break; } @@ -6400,19 +5800,21 @@ static bool ixgbe_tx_csum(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, if (unlikely(net_ratelimit())) { dev_warn(tx_ring->dev, "partial checksum but l4 proto=%x!\n", - skb->protocol); + l4_hdr); } break; } + + /* update TX checksum flag */ + first->tx_flags |= IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_CSUM; } + /* vlan_macip_lens: MACLEN, VLAN tag */ vlan_macip_lens |= skb_network_offset(skb) << IXGBE_ADVTXD_MACLEN_SHIFT; - vlan_macip_lens |= tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_MASK; + vlan_macip_lens |= first->tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_MASK; ixgbe_tx_ctxtdesc(tx_ring, vlan_macip_lens, 0, type_tucmd, mss_l4len_idx); - - return (skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_PARTIAL); } static __le32 ixgbe_tx_cmd_type(u32 tx_flags) @@ -6428,7 +5830,7 @@ static __le32 ixgbe_tx_cmd_type(u32 tx_flags) /* set segmentation enable bits for TSO/FSO */ #ifdef IXGBE_FCOE - if ((tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_TSO) || (tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_FSO)) + if (tx_flags & (IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_TSO | IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_FSO)) #else if (tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_TSO) #endif @@ -6437,200 +5839,192 @@ static __le32 ixgbe_tx_cmd_type(u32 tx_flags) return cmd_type; } -static __le32 ixgbe_tx_olinfo_status(u32 tx_flags, unsigned int paylen) +static void ixgbe_tx_olinfo_status(union ixgbe_adv_tx_desc *tx_desc, + u32 tx_flags, unsigned int paylen) { - __le32 olinfo_status = - cpu_to_le32(paylen << IXGBE_ADVTXD_PAYLEN_SHIFT); - - if (tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_TSO) { - olinfo_status |= cpu_to_le32(IXGBE_ADVTXD_POPTS_TXSM | - (1 << IXGBE_ADVTXD_IDX_SHIFT)); - /* enble IPv4 checksum for TSO */ - if (tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_IPV4) - olinfo_status |= cpu_to_le32(IXGBE_ADVTXD_POPTS_IXSM); - } + __le32 olinfo_status = cpu_to_le32(paylen << IXGBE_ADVTXD_PAYLEN_SHIFT); /* enable L4 checksum for TSO and TX checksum offload */ if (tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_CSUM) olinfo_status |= cpu_to_le32(IXGBE_ADVTXD_POPTS_TXSM); -#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE - /* use index 1 context for FCOE/FSO */ - if (tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_FCOE) - olinfo_status |= cpu_to_le32(IXGBE_ADVTXD_CC | - (1 << IXGBE_ADVTXD_IDX_SHIFT)); + /* enble IPv4 checksum for TSO */ + if (tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_IPV4) + olinfo_status |= cpu_to_le32(IXGBE_ADVTXD_POPTS_IXSM); + /* use index 1 context for TSO/FSO/FCOE */ +#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE + if (tx_flags & (IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_TSO | IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_FCOE)) +#else + if (tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_TSO) #endif + olinfo_status |= cpu_to_le32(1 << IXGBE_ADVTXD_IDX_SHIFT); + /* * Check Context must be set if Tx switch is enabled, which it * always is for case where virtual functions are running */ +#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE + if (tx_flags & (IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_TXSW | IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_FCOE)) +#else if (tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_TXSW) +#endif olinfo_status |= cpu_to_le32(IXGBE_ADVTXD_CC); - return olinfo_status; + tx_desc->read.olinfo_status = olinfo_status; } #define IXGBE_TXD_CMD (IXGBE_TXD_CMD_EOP | \ IXGBE_TXD_CMD_RS) static void ixgbe_tx_map(struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring, - struct sk_buff *skb, struct ixgbe_tx_buffer *first, - u32 tx_flags, const u8 hdr_len) { - struct device *dev = tx_ring->dev; - struct ixgbe_tx_buffer *tx_buffer_info; - union ixgbe_adv_tx_desc *tx_desc; dma_addr_t dma; - __le32 cmd_type, olinfo_status; - struct skb_frag_struct *frag; - unsigned int f = 0; + struct sk_buff *skb = first->skb; + struct ixgbe_tx_buffer *tx_buffer; + union ixgbe_adv_tx_desc *tx_desc; + struct skb_frag_struct *frag = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[0]; unsigned int data_len = skb->data_len; unsigned int size = skb_headlen(skb); - u32 offset = 0; - u32 paylen = skb->len - hdr_len; + unsigned int paylen = skb->len - hdr_len; + u32 tx_flags = first->tx_flags; + __le32 cmd_type; u16 i = tx_ring->next_to_use; - u16 gso_segs; + + tx_desc = IXGBE_TX_DESC(tx_ring, i); + + ixgbe_tx_olinfo_status(tx_desc, tx_flags, paylen); + cmd_type = ixgbe_tx_cmd_type(tx_flags); #ifdef IXGBE_FCOE if (tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_FCOE) { - if (data_len >= sizeof(struct fcoe_crc_eof)) { - data_len -= sizeof(struct fcoe_crc_eof); - } else { + if (data_len < sizeof(struct fcoe_crc_eof)) { size -= sizeof(struct fcoe_crc_eof) - data_len; data_len = 0; + } else { + data_len -= sizeof(struct fcoe_crc_eof); } } #endif - dma = dma_map_single(dev, skb->data, size, DMA_TO_DEVICE); - if (dma_mapping_error(dev, dma)) + dma = dma_map_single(tx_ring->dev, skb->data, size, DMA_TO_DEVICE); + if (dma_mapping_error(tx_ring->dev, dma)) goto dma_error; - cmd_type = ixgbe_tx_cmd_type(tx_flags); - olinfo_status = ixgbe_tx_olinfo_status(tx_flags, paylen); + /* record length, and DMA address */ + dma_unmap_len_set(first, len, size); + dma_unmap_addr_set(first, dma, dma); - tx_desc = IXGBE_TX_DESC_ADV(tx_ring, i); + tx_desc->read.buffer_addr = cpu_to_le64(dma); for (;;) { - while (size > IXGBE_MAX_DATA_PER_TXD) { - tx_desc->read.buffer_addr = cpu_to_le64(dma + offset); + while (unlikely(size > IXGBE_MAX_DATA_PER_TXD)) { tx_desc->read.cmd_type_len = cmd_type | cpu_to_le32(IXGBE_MAX_DATA_PER_TXD); - tx_desc->read.olinfo_status = olinfo_status; - - offset += IXGBE_MAX_DATA_PER_TXD; - size -= IXGBE_MAX_DATA_PER_TXD; - tx_desc++; i++; + tx_desc++; if (i == tx_ring->count) { - tx_desc = IXGBE_TX_DESC_ADV(tx_ring, 0); + tx_desc = IXGBE_TX_DESC(tx_ring, 0); i = 0; } + + dma += IXGBE_MAX_DATA_PER_TXD; + size -= IXGBE_MAX_DATA_PER_TXD; + + tx_desc->read.buffer_addr = cpu_to_le64(dma); + tx_desc->read.olinfo_status = 0; } - tx_buffer_info = &tx_ring->tx_buffer_info[i]; - tx_buffer_info->length = offset + size; - tx_buffer_info->tx_flags = tx_flags; - tx_buffer_info->dma = dma; + if (likely(!data_len)) + break; - tx_desc->read.buffer_addr = cpu_to_le64(dma + offset); + if (unlikely(skb->no_fcs)) + cmd_type &= ~(cpu_to_le32(IXGBE_ADVTXD_DCMD_IFCS)); tx_desc->read.cmd_type_len = cmd_type | cpu_to_le32(size); - tx_desc->read.olinfo_status = olinfo_status; - if (!data_len) - break; + i++; + tx_desc++; + if (i == tx_ring->count) { + tx_desc = IXGBE_TX_DESC(tx_ring, 0); + i = 0; + } - frag = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[f]; #ifdef IXGBE_FCOE size = min_t(unsigned int, data_len, skb_frag_size(frag)); #else size = skb_frag_size(frag); #endif data_len -= size; - f++; - offset = 0; - tx_flags |= IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_MAPPED_AS_PAGE; - - dma = skb_frag_dma_map(dev, frag, 0, size, DMA_TO_DEVICE); - if (dma_mapping_error(dev, dma)) + dma = skb_frag_dma_map(tx_ring->dev, frag, 0, size, + DMA_TO_DEVICE); + if (dma_mapping_error(tx_ring->dev, dma)) goto dma_error; - tx_desc++; - i++; - if (i == tx_ring->count) { - tx_desc = IXGBE_TX_DESC_ADV(tx_ring, 0); - i = 0; - } - } - - tx_desc->read.cmd_type_len |= cpu_to_le32(IXGBE_TXD_CMD); + tx_buffer = &tx_ring->tx_buffer_info[i]; + dma_unmap_len_set(tx_buffer, len, size); + dma_unmap_addr_set(tx_buffer, dma, dma); - i++; - if (i == tx_ring->count) - i = 0; + tx_desc->read.buffer_addr = cpu_to_le64(dma); + tx_desc->read.olinfo_status = 0; - tx_ring->next_to_use = i; + frag++; + } - if (tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_TSO) - gso_segs = skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_segs; -#ifdef IXGBE_FCOE - /* adjust for FCoE Sequence Offload */ - else if (tx_flags & IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_FSO) - gso_segs = DIV_ROUND_UP(skb->len - hdr_len, - skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_size); -#endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ - else - gso_segs = 1; + /* write last descriptor with RS and EOP bits */ + cmd_type |= cpu_to_le32(size) | cpu_to_le32(IXGBE_TXD_CMD); + tx_desc->read.cmd_type_len = cmd_type; - /* multiply data chunks by size of headers */ - tx_buffer_info->bytecount = paylen + (gso_segs * hdr_len); - tx_buffer_info->gso_segs = gso_segs; - tx_buffer_info->skb = skb; + netdev_tx_sent_queue(txring_txq(tx_ring), first->bytecount); /* set the timestamp */ first->time_stamp = jiffies; /* - * Force memory writes to complete before letting h/w - * know there are new descriptors to fetch. (Only - * applicable for weak-ordered memory model archs, - * such as IA-64). + * Force memory writes to complete before letting h/w know there + * are new descriptors to fetch. (Only applicable for weak-ordered + * memory model archs, such as IA-64). + * + * We also need this memory barrier to make certain all of the + * status bits have been updated before next_to_watch is written. */ wmb(); /* set next_to_watch value indicating a packet is present */ first->next_to_watch = tx_desc; + i++; + if (i == tx_ring->count) + i = 0; + + tx_ring->next_to_use = i; + /* notify HW of packet */ writel(i, tx_ring->tail); return; dma_error: - dev_err(dev, "TX DMA map failed\n"); + dev_err(tx_ring->dev, "TX DMA map failed\n"); /* clear dma mappings for failed tx_buffer_info map */ for (;;) { - tx_buffer_info = &tx_ring->tx_buffer_info[i]; - ixgbe_unmap_tx_resource(tx_ring, tx_buffer_info); - if (tx_buffer_info == first) + tx_buffer = &tx_ring->tx_buffer_info[i]; + ixgbe_unmap_and_free_tx_resource(tx_ring, tx_buffer); + if (tx_buffer == first) break; if (i == 0) i = tx_ring->count; i--; } - dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); - tx_ring->next_to_use = i; } -static void ixgbe_atr(struct ixgbe_ring *ring, struct sk_buff *skb, - u32 tx_flags, __be16 protocol) +static void ixgbe_atr(struct ixgbe_ring *ring, + struct ixgbe_tx_buffer *first) { struct ixgbe_q_vector *q_vector = ring->q_vector; union ixgbe_atr_hash_dword input = { .dword = 0 }; @@ -6654,16 +6048,16 @@ static void ixgbe_atr(struct ixgbe_ring *ring, struct sk_buff *skb, ring->atr_count++; /* snag network header to get L4 type and address */ - hdr.network = skb_network_header(skb); + hdr.network = skb_network_header(first->skb); /* Currently only IPv4/IPv6 with TCP is supported */ - if ((protocol != __constant_htons(ETH_P_IPV6) || + if ((first->protocol != __constant_htons(ETH_P_IPV6) || hdr.ipv6->nexthdr != IPPROTO_TCP) && - (protocol != __constant_htons(ETH_P_IP) || + (first->protocol != __constant_htons(ETH_P_IP) || hdr.ipv4->protocol != IPPROTO_TCP)) return; - th = tcp_hdr(skb); + th = tcp_hdr(first->skb); /* skip this packet since it is invalid or the socket is closing */ if (!th || th->fin) @@ -6676,7 +6070,7 @@ static void ixgbe_atr(struct ixgbe_ring *ring, struct sk_buff *skb, /* reset sample count */ ring->atr_count = 0; - vlan_id = htons(tx_flags >> IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_SHIFT); + vlan_id = htons(first->tx_flags >> IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_SHIFT); /* * src and dst are inverted, think how the receiver sees them @@ -6691,13 +6085,13 @@ static void ixgbe_atr(struct ixgbe_ring *ring, struct sk_buff *skb, * since src port and flex bytes occupy the same word XOR them together * and write the value to source port portion of compressed dword */ - if (tx_flags & (IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_SW_VLAN | IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_HW_VLAN)) + if (first->tx_flags & (IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_SW_VLAN | IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_HW_VLAN)) common.port.src ^= th->dest ^ __constant_htons(ETH_P_8021Q); else - common.port.src ^= th->dest ^ protocol; + common.port.src ^= th->dest ^ first->protocol; common.port.dst ^= th->source; - if (protocol == __constant_htons(ETH_P_IP)) { + if (first->protocol == __constant_htons(ETH_P_IP)) { input.formatted.flow_type = IXGBE_ATR_FLOW_TYPE_TCPV4; common.ip ^= hdr.ipv4->saddr ^ hdr.ipv4->daddr; } else { @@ -6785,7 +6179,7 @@ netdev_tx_t ixgbe_xmit_frame_ring(struct sk_buff *skb, /* * need: 1 descriptor per page * PAGE_SIZE/IXGBE_MAX_DATA_PER_TXD, - * + 1 desc for skb_head_len/IXGBE_MAX_DATA_PER_TXD, + * + 1 desc for skb_headlen/IXGBE_MAX_DATA_PER_TXD, * + 2 desc gap to keep tail from touching head, * + 1 desc for context descriptor, * otherwise try next time @@ -6801,11 +6195,12 @@ netdev_tx_t ixgbe_xmit_frame_ring(struct sk_buff *skb, return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; } -#ifdef CONFIG_PCI_IOV - if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_SRIOV_ENABLED) - tx_flags |= IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_TXSW; + /* record the location of the first descriptor for this packet */ + first = &tx_ring->tx_buffer_info[tx_ring->next_to_use]; + first->skb = skb; + first->bytecount = skb->len; + first->gso_segs = 1; -#endif /* if we have a HW VLAN tag being added default to the HW one */ if (vlan_tx_tag_present(skb)) { tx_flags |= vlan_tx_tag_get(skb) << IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_SHIFT; @@ -6818,10 +6213,20 @@ netdev_tx_t ixgbe_xmit_frame_ring(struct sk_buff *skb, goto out_drop; protocol = vhdr->h_vlan_encapsulated_proto; - tx_flags |= ntohs(vhdr->h_vlan_TCI) << IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_SHIFT; + tx_flags |= ntohs(vhdr->h_vlan_TCI) << + IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_SHIFT; tx_flags |= IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_SW_VLAN; } +#ifdef CONFIG_PCI_IOV + /* + * Use the l2switch_enable flag - would be false if the DMA + * Tx switch had been disabled. + */ + if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_SRIOV_ENABLED) + tx_flags |= IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_TXSW; + +#endif /* DCB maps skb priorities 0-7 onto 3 bit PCP of VLAN tag. */ if ((adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_DCB_ENABLED) && ((tx_flags & (IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_HW_VLAN | IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_SW_VLAN)) || @@ -6842,61 +6247,69 @@ netdev_tx_t ixgbe_xmit_frame_ring(struct sk_buff *skb, } } - /* record the location of the first descriptor for this packet */ - first = &tx_ring->tx_buffer_info[tx_ring->next_to_use]; + /* record initial flags and protocol */ + first->tx_flags = tx_flags; + first->protocol = protocol; #ifdef IXGBE_FCOE /* setup tx offload for FCoE */ if ((protocol == __constant_htons(ETH_P_FCOE)) && (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FCOE_ENABLED)) { - tso = ixgbe_fso(tx_ring, skb, tx_flags, &hdr_len); + tso = ixgbe_fso(tx_ring, first, &hdr_len); if (tso < 0) goto out_drop; - else if (tso) - tx_flags |= IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_FSO | - IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_FCOE; - else - tx_flags |= IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_FCOE; goto xmit_fcoe; } #endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ - /* setup IPv4/IPv6 offloads */ - if (protocol == __constant_htons(ETH_P_IP)) - tx_flags |= IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_IPV4; - - tso = ixgbe_tso(tx_ring, skb, tx_flags, protocol, &hdr_len); + tso = ixgbe_tso(tx_ring, first, &hdr_len); if (tso < 0) goto out_drop; - else if (tso) - tx_flags |= IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_TSO; - else if (ixgbe_tx_csum(tx_ring, skb, tx_flags, protocol)) - tx_flags |= IXGBE_TX_FLAGS_CSUM; + else if (!tso) + ixgbe_tx_csum(tx_ring, first); /* add the ATR filter if ATR is on */ if (test_bit(__IXGBE_TX_FDIR_INIT_DONE, &tx_ring->state)) - ixgbe_atr(tx_ring, skb, tx_flags, protocol); + ixgbe_atr(tx_ring, first); #ifdef IXGBE_FCOE xmit_fcoe: #endif /* IXGBE_FCOE */ - ixgbe_tx_map(tx_ring, skb, first, tx_flags, hdr_len); + ixgbe_tx_map(tx_ring, first, hdr_len); ixgbe_maybe_stop_tx(tx_ring, DESC_NEEDED); return NETDEV_TX_OK; out_drop: - dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); + dev_kfree_skb_any(first->skb); + first->skb = NULL; + return NETDEV_TX_OK; } -static netdev_tx_t ixgbe_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) +static netdev_tx_t ixgbe_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, + struct net_device *netdev) { struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); struct ixgbe_ring *tx_ring; + if (skb->len <= 0) { + dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); + return NETDEV_TX_OK; + } + + /* + * The minimum packet size for olinfo paylen is 17 so pad the skb + * in order to meet this minimum size requirement. + */ + if (skb->len < 17) { + if (skb_padto(skb, 17)) + return NETDEV_TX_OK; + skb->len = 17; + } + tx_ring = adapter->tx_ring[skb->queue_mapping]; return ixgbe_xmit_frame_ring(skb, adapter, tx_ring); } @@ -7029,8 +6442,8 @@ static void ixgbe_netpoll(struct net_device *netdev) } adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_IN_NETPOLL; } -#endif +#endif static struct rtnl_link_stats64 *ixgbe_get_stats64(struct net_device *netdev, struct rtnl_link_stats64 *stats) { @@ -7079,6 +6492,7 @@ static struct rtnl_link_stats64 *ixgbe_get_stats64(struct net_device *netdev, return stats; } +#ifdef CONFIG_IXGBE_DCB /* ixgbe_validate_rtr - verify 802.1Qp to Rx packet buffer mapping is valid. * #adapter: pointer to ixgbe_adapter * @tc: number of traffic classes currently enabled @@ -7115,7 +6529,6 @@ static void ixgbe_validate_rtr(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, u8 tc) return; } - /* ixgbe_setup_tc - routine to configure net_device for multiple traffic * classes. * @@ -7135,7 +6548,8 @@ int ixgbe_setup_tc(struct net_device *dev, u8 tc) /* Hardware supports up to 8 traffic classes */ if (tc > adapter->dcb_cfg.num_tcs.pg_tcs || - (hw->mac.type == ixgbe_mac_82598EB && tc < MAX_TRAFFIC_CLASS)) + (hw->mac.type == ixgbe_mac_82598EB && + tc < MAX_TRAFFIC_CLASS)) return -EINVAL; /* Hardware has to reinitialize queues and interrupts to @@ -7149,7 +6563,6 @@ int ixgbe_setup_tc(struct net_device *dev, u8 tc) if (tc) { netdev_set_num_tc(dev, tc); adapter->last_lfc_mode = adapter->hw.fc.current_mode; - adapter->flags |= IXGBE_FLAG_DCB_ENABLED; adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE; @@ -7157,7 +6570,6 @@ int ixgbe_setup_tc(struct net_device *dev, u8 tc) adapter->hw.fc.requested_mode = ixgbe_fc_none; } else { netdev_reset_tc(dev); - adapter->hw.fc.requested_mode = adapter->last_lfc_mode; adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_DCB_ENABLED; @@ -7175,6 +6587,7 @@ int ixgbe_setup_tc(struct net_device *dev, u8 tc) return 0; } +#endif /* CONFIG_IXGBE_DCB */ void ixgbe_do_reset(struct net_device *netdev) { struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); @@ -7186,59 +6599,52 @@ void ixgbe_do_reset(struct net_device *netdev) } static netdev_features_t ixgbe_fix_features(struct net_device *netdev, - netdev_features_t data) + netdev_features_t features) { struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); #ifdef CONFIG_DCB if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_DCB_ENABLED) - data &= ~NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_RX; + features &= ~NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_RX; #endif /* return error if RXHASH is being enabled when RSS is not supported */ if (!(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED)) - data &= ~NETIF_F_RXHASH; + features &= ~NETIF_F_RXHASH; /* If Rx checksum is disabled, then RSC/LRO should also be disabled */ - if (!(data & NETIF_F_RXCSUM)) - data &= ~NETIF_F_LRO; + if (!(features & NETIF_F_RXCSUM)) + features &= ~NETIF_F_LRO; - /* Turn off LRO if not RSC capable or invalid ITR settings */ - if (!(adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_CAPABLE)) { - data &= ~NETIF_F_LRO; - } else if (!(adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_ENABLED) && - (adapter->rx_itr_setting != 1 && - adapter->rx_itr_setting > IXGBE_MAX_RSC_INT_RATE)) { - data &= ~NETIF_F_LRO; - e_info(probe, "rx-usecs set too low, not enabling RSC\n"); - } + /* Turn off LRO if not RSC capable */ + if (!(adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_CAPABLE)) + features &= ~NETIF_F_LRO; + - return data; + return features; } static int ixgbe_set_features(struct net_device *netdev, - netdev_features_t data) + netdev_features_t features) { struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); + netdev_features_t changed = netdev->features ^ features; bool need_reset = false; - /* If Rx checksum is disabled, then RSC/LRO should also be disabled */ - if (!(data & NETIF_F_RXCSUM)) - adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_RX_CSUM_ENABLED; - else - adapter->flags |= IXGBE_FLAG_RX_CSUM_ENABLED; - /* Make sure RSC matches LRO, reset if change */ - if (!!(data & NETIF_F_LRO) != - !!(adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_ENABLED)) { - adapter->flags2 ^= IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_ENABLED; - switch (adapter->hw.mac.type) { - case ixgbe_mac_X540: - case ixgbe_mac_82599EB: + if (!(features & NETIF_F_LRO)) { + if (adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_ENABLED) need_reset = true; - break; - default: - break; + adapter->flags2 &= ~IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_ENABLED; + } else if ((adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_CAPABLE) && + !(adapter->flags2 & IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_ENABLED)) { + if (adapter->rx_itr_setting == 1 || + adapter->rx_itr_setting > IXGBE_MIN_RSC_ITR) { + adapter->flags2 |= IXGBE_FLAG2_RSC_ENABLED; + need_reset = true; + } else if ((changed ^ features) & NETIF_F_LRO) { + e_info(probe, "rx-usecs set too low, " + "disabling RSC\n"); } } @@ -7246,27 +6652,30 @@ static int ixgbe_set_features(struct net_device *netdev, * Check if Flow Director n-tuple support was enabled or disabled. If * the state changed, we need to reset. */ - if (!(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_PERFECT_CAPABLE)) { - /* turn off ATR, enable perfect filters and reset */ - if (data & NETIF_F_NTUPLE) { - adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE; - adapter->flags |= IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_PERFECT_CAPABLE; + if (!(features & NETIF_F_NTUPLE)) { + if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_PERFECT_CAPABLE) { + /* turn off Flow Director, set ATR and reset */ + if ((adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED) && + !(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_DCB_ENABLED)) + adapter->flags |= IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE; need_reset = true; } - } else if (!(data & NETIF_F_NTUPLE)) { - /* turn off Flow Director, set ATR and reset */ adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_PERFECT_CAPABLE; - if ((adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED) && - !(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_DCB_ENABLED)) - adapter->flags |= IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE; + } else if (!(adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_PERFECT_CAPABLE)) { + /* turn off ATR, enable perfect filters and reset */ + adapter->flags &= ~IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_HASH_CAPABLE; + adapter->flags |= IXGBE_FLAG_FDIR_PERFECT_CAPABLE; need_reset = true; } + if (changed & NETIF_F_RXALL) + need_reset = true; + + netdev->features = features; if (need_reset) ixgbe_do_reset(netdev); return 0; - } static const struct net_device_ops ixgbe_netdev_ops = { @@ -7274,7 +6683,7 @@ static const struct net_device_ops ixgbe_netdev_ops = { .ndo_stop = ixgbe_close, .ndo_start_xmit = ixgbe_xmit_frame, .ndo_select_queue = ixgbe_select_queue, - .ndo_set_rx_mode = ixgbe_set_rx_mode, + .ndo_set_rx_mode = ixgbe_set_rx_mode, .ndo_validate_addr = eth_validate_addr, .ndo_set_mac_address = ixgbe_set_mac, .ndo_change_mtu = ixgbe_change_mtu, @@ -7285,10 +6694,12 @@ static const struct net_device_ops ixgbe_netdev_ops = { .ndo_set_vf_mac = ixgbe_ndo_set_vf_mac, .ndo_set_vf_vlan = ixgbe_ndo_set_vf_vlan, .ndo_set_vf_tx_rate = ixgbe_ndo_set_vf_bw, - .ndo_set_vf_spoofchk = ixgbe_ndo_set_vf_spoofchk, + .ndo_set_vf_spoofchk = ixgbe_ndo_set_vf_spoofchk, .ndo_get_vf_config = ixgbe_ndo_get_vf_config, .ndo_get_stats64 = ixgbe_get_stats64, +#ifdef CONFIG_IXGBE_DCB .ndo_setup_tc = ixgbe_setup_tc, +#endif #ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER .ndo_poll_controller = ixgbe_netpoll, #endif @@ -7306,7 +6717,7 @@ static const struct net_device_ops ixgbe_netdev_ops = { }; static void __devinit ixgbe_probe_vf(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter, - const struct ixgbe_info *ii) + const struct ixgbe_info *ii) { #ifdef CONFIG_PCI_IOV struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; @@ -7493,6 +6904,9 @@ static int __devinit ixgbe_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, e_crit(probe, "Fan has stopped, replace the adapter\n"); } + if (allow_unsupported_sfp) + hw->allow_unsupported_sfp = allow_unsupported_sfp; + /* reset_hw fills in the perm_addr as well */ hw->phy.reset_if_overtemp = true; err = hw->mac.ops.reset_hw(hw); @@ -7537,6 +6951,8 @@ static int __devinit ixgbe_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, break; } + netdev->hw_features |= NETIF_F_RXALL; + netdev->vlan_features |= NETIF_F_TSO; netdev->vlan_features |= NETIF_F_TSO6; netdev->vlan_features |= NETIF_F_IP_CSUM; @@ -7544,6 +6960,7 @@ static int __devinit ixgbe_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, netdev->vlan_features |= NETIF_F_SG; netdev->priv_flags |= IFF_UNICAST_FLT; + netdev->priv_flags |= IFF_SUPP_NOFCS; if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_SRIOV_ENABLED) adapter->flags &= ~(IXGBE_FLAG_RSS_ENABLED | @@ -7581,7 +6998,7 @@ static int __devinit ixgbe_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, if (hw->eeprom.ops.validate_checksum(hw, NULL) < 0) { e_dev_err("The EEPROM Checksum Is Not Valid\n"); err = -EIO; - goto err_eeprom; + goto err_sw_init; } memcpy(netdev->dev_addr, hw->mac.perm_addr, netdev->addr_len); @@ -7590,11 +7007,11 @@ static int __devinit ixgbe_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, if (ixgbe_validate_mac_addr(netdev->perm_addr)) { e_dev_err("invalid MAC address\n"); err = -EIO; - goto err_eeprom; + goto err_sw_init; } setup_timer(&adapter->service_timer, &ixgbe_service_timer, - (unsigned long) adapter); + (unsigned long) adapter); INIT_WORK(&adapter->service_task, ixgbe_service_task); clear_bit(__IXGBE_SERVICE_SCHED, &adapter->state); @@ -7682,7 +7099,6 @@ static int __devinit ixgbe_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, /* reset the hardware with the new settings */ err = hw->mac.ops.start_hw(hw); - if (err == IXGBE_ERR_EEPROM_VERSION) { /* We are running on a pre-production device, log a warning */ e_dev_warn("This device is a pre-production adapter/LOM. " @@ -7737,7 +7153,6 @@ static int __devinit ixgbe_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, ixgbe_release_hw_control(adapter); ixgbe_clear_interrupt_scheme(adapter); err_sw_init: -err_eeprom: if (adapter->flags & IXGBE_FLAG_SRIOV_ENABLED) ixgbe_disable_sriov(adapter); adapter->flags2 &= ~IXGBE_FLAG2_SEARCH_FOR_SFP; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_phy.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_phy.c index b91773551a381bf223b0b91c4837b581acd93d42..bf9f82f4b1aebc517a8710b266f0031b94dcd2f8 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_phy.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_phy.c @@ -834,6 +834,7 @@ s32 ixgbe_reset_phy_nl(struct ixgbe_hw *hw) **/ s32 ixgbe_identify_sfp_module_generic(struct ixgbe_hw *hw) { + struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter = hw->back; s32 status = IXGBE_ERR_PHY_ADDR_INVALID; u32 vendor_oui = 0; enum ixgbe_sfp_type stored_sfp_type = hw->phy.sfp_type; @@ -1068,9 +1069,16 @@ s32 ixgbe_identify_sfp_module_generic(struct ixgbe_hw *hw) if (hw->phy.type == ixgbe_phy_sfp_intel) { status = 0; } else { - hw_dbg(hw, "SFP+ module not supported\n"); - hw->phy.type = ixgbe_phy_sfp_unsupported; - status = IXGBE_ERR_SFP_NOT_SUPPORTED; + if (hw->allow_unsupported_sfp) { + e_warn(drv, "WARNING: Intel (R) Network Connections are quality tested using Intel (R) Ethernet Optics. Using untested modules is not supported and may cause unstable operation or damage to the module or the adapter. Intel Corporation is not responsible for any harm caused by using untested modules."); + status = 0; + } else { + hw_dbg(hw, + "SFP+ module not supported\n"); + hw->phy.type = + ixgbe_phy_sfp_unsupported; + status = IXGBE_ERR_SFP_NOT_SUPPORTED; + } } } else { status = 0; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_sriov.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_sriov.c index b01ecb4d2bb1aaea3cc94f6ad64cd66bada6c38e..88a58cb085699fed1083c3f146152febf3efae45 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_sriov.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_sriov.c @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ static void ixgbe_restore_vf_macvlans(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter) list_for_each(pos, &adapter->vf_mvs.l) { entry = list_entry(pos, struct vf_macvlans, l); - if (entry->free == false) + if (!entry->free) hw->mac.ops.set_rar(hw, entry->rar_entry, entry->vf_macvlan, entry->vf, IXGBE_RAH_AV); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_type.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_type.h index 9b95bef6097006e07b18d49fe0ae90a825c5d100..8636e8344fc943bbafe10eae48be83eff760f6cc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_type.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_type.h @@ -1021,14 +1021,16 @@ #define IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_HEAD_DCA_EN (1 << 6) /* DCA Rx Desc header enable */ #define IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_DATA_DCA_EN (1 << 7) /* DCA Rx Desc payload enable */ #define IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_DESC_RRO_EN (1 << 9) /* DCA Rx rd Desc Relax Order */ -#define IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_DESC_WRO_EN (1 << 13) /* DCA Rx wr Desc Relax Order */ -#define IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_DESC_HSRO_EN (1 << 15) /* DCA Rx Split Header RO */ +#define IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_DATA_WRO_EN (1 << 13) /* Rx wr data Relax Order */ +#define IXGBE_DCA_RXCTRL_HEAD_WRO_EN (1 << 15) /* Rx wr header RO */ #define IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_CPUID_MASK 0x0000001F /* Tx CPUID Mask */ #define IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_CPUID_MASK_82599 0xFF000000 /* Tx CPUID Mask */ #define IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_CPUID_SHIFT_82599 24 /* Tx CPUID Shift */ #define IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_DESC_DCA_EN (1 << 5) /* DCA Tx Desc enable */ -#define IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_TX_WB_RO_EN (1 << 11) /* Tx Desc writeback RO bit */ +#define IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_DESC_RRO_EN (1 << 9) /* Tx rd Desc Relax Order */ +#define IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_DESC_WRO_EN (1 << 11) /* Tx Desc writeback RO bit */ +#define IXGBE_DCA_TXCTRL_DATA_RRO_EN (1 << 13) /* Tx rd data Relax Order */ #define IXGBE_DCA_MAX_QUEUES_82598 16 /* DCA regs only on 16 queues */ /* MSCA Bit Masks */ @@ -2726,6 +2728,8 @@ struct ixgbe_mac_operations { s32 (*read_analog_reg8)(struct ixgbe_hw*, u32, u8*); s32 (*write_analog_reg8)(struct ixgbe_hw*, u32, u8); s32 (*setup_sfp)(struct ixgbe_hw *); + s32 (*disable_rx_buff)(struct ixgbe_hw *); + s32 (*enable_rx_buff)(struct ixgbe_hw *); s32 (*enable_rx_dma)(struct ixgbe_hw *, u32); s32 (*acquire_swfw_sync)(struct ixgbe_hw *, u16); void (*release_swfw_sync)(struct ixgbe_hw *, u16); @@ -2892,6 +2896,7 @@ struct ixgbe_hw { u8 revision_id; bool adapter_stopped; bool force_full_reset; + bool allow_unsupported_sfp; }; struct ixgbe_info { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_x540.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_x540.c index f838a2be8cfb912a61fd72424e763c1d887067c8..97a991403bbda043c89c43cc4e80d318fb05df0a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_x540.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_x540.c @@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ static s32 ixgbe_blink_led_start_X540(struct ixgbe_hw *hw, u32 index) * This will be reversed when we stop the blinking. */ hw->mac.ops.check_link(hw, &speed, &link_up, false); - if (link_up == false) { + if (!link_up) { macc_reg = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_MACC); macc_reg |= IXGBE_MACC_FLU | IXGBE_MACC_FSV_10G | IXGBE_MACC_FS; IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_MACC, macc_reg); @@ -847,6 +847,8 @@ static struct ixgbe_mac_operations mac_ops_X540 = { .set_vlan_anti_spoofing = &ixgbe_set_vlan_anti_spoofing, .acquire_swfw_sync = &ixgbe_acquire_swfw_sync_X540, .release_swfw_sync = &ixgbe_release_swfw_sync_X540, + .disable_rx_buff = &ixgbe_disable_rx_buff_generic, + .enable_rx_buff = &ixgbe_enable_rx_buff_generic, }; static struct ixgbe_eeprom_operations eeprom_ops_X540 = { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbevf/ixgbevf_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbevf/ixgbevf_main.c index e51d552410ae1426e8cdcaaf5f327f4bd95009fe..581c65976bb49ae21cb9433416bb46d07096599d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbevf/ixgbevf_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbevf/ixgbevf_main.c @@ -2199,13 +2199,17 @@ static int __devinit ixgbevf_sw_init(struct ixgbevf_adapter *adapter) if (err) { dev_info(&pdev->dev, "PF still in reset state, assigning new address\n"); - dev_hw_addr_random(adapter->netdev, hw->mac.addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(adapter->netdev); + memcpy(adapter->hw.mac.addr, adapter->netdev->dev_addr, + adapter->netdev->addr_len); } else { err = hw->mac.ops.init_hw(hw); if (err) { pr_err("init_shared_code failed: %d\n", err); goto out; } + memcpy(adapter->netdev->dev_addr, adapter->hw.mac.addr, + adapter->netdev->addr_len); } /* Enable dynamic interrupt throttling rates */ @@ -2224,6 +2228,7 @@ static int __devinit ixgbevf_sw_init(struct ixgbevf_adapter *adapter) adapter->flags |= IXGBE_FLAG_RX_CSUM_ENABLED; set_bit(__IXGBEVF_DOWN, &adapter->state); + return 0; out: return err; @@ -2521,12 +2526,8 @@ int ixgbevf_setup_rx_resources(struct ixgbevf_adapter *adapter, size = sizeof(struct ixgbevf_rx_buffer) * rx_ring->count; rx_ring->rx_buffer_info = vzalloc(size); - if (!rx_ring->rx_buffer_info) { - hw_dbg(&adapter->hw, - "Unable to vmalloc buffer memory for " - "the receive descriptor ring\n"); + if (!rx_ring->rx_buffer_info) goto alloc_failed; - } /* Round up to nearest 4K */ rx_ring->size = rx_ring->count * sizeof(union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc); @@ -3398,6 +3399,17 @@ static int __devinit ixgbevf_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, /* setup the private structure */ err = ixgbevf_sw_init(adapter); + if (err) + goto err_sw_init; + + /* The HW MAC address was set and/or determined in sw_init */ + memcpy(netdev->perm_addr, adapter->hw.mac.addr, netdev->addr_len); + + if (!is_valid_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr)) { + pr_err("invalid MAC address\n"); + err = -EIO; + goto err_sw_init; + } netdev->hw_features = NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_IP_CSUM | @@ -3422,16 +3434,6 @@ static int __devinit ixgbevf_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, netdev->priv_flags |= IFF_UNICAST_FLT; - /* The HW MAC address was set and/or determined in sw_init */ - memcpy(netdev->dev_addr, adapter->hw.mac.addr, netdev->addr_len); - memcpy(netdev->perm_addr, adapter->hw.mac.addr, netdev->addr_len); - - if (!is_valid_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr)) { - pr_err("invalid MAC address\n"); - err = -EIO; - goto err_sw_init; - } - init_timer(&adapter->watchdog_timer); adapter->watchdog_timer.function = ixgbevf_watchdog; adapter->watchdog_timer.data = (unsigned long)adapter; @@ -3460,13 +3462,7 @@ static int __devinit ixgbevf_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, ixgbevf_init_last_counter_stats(adapter); /* print the MAC address */ - hw_dbg(hw, "%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x\n", - netdev->dev_addr[0], - netdev->dev_addr[1], - netdev->dev_addr[2], - netdev->dev_addr[3], - netdev->dev_addr[4], - netdev->dev_addr[5]); + hw_dbg(hw, "%pM\n", netdev->dev_addr); hw_dbg(hw, "MAC: %d\n", hw->mac.type); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/jme.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/jme.c index 55cbf65512c3bafb4780f6166e6d05ba5f314603..4ea6580d3ae8a35a3150d8e1e99e39d44bfd407b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/jme.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/jme.c @@ -2991,7 +2991,6 @@ jme_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, */ netdev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*jme)); if (!netdev) { - pr_err("Cannot allocate netdev structure\n"); rc = -ENOMEM; goto err_out_release_regions; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/korina.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/korina.c index 6ad094f176f8b175d6a3c63f1d61b6fbd3e06ec6..f30db1c4660068ff50bedc468160afe4a6aa1b54 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/korina.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/korina.c @@ -1108,10 +1108,9 @@ static int korina_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) int rc; dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct korina_private)); - if (!dev) { - printk(KERN_ERR DRV_NAME ": alloc_etherdev failed\n"); + if (!dev) return -ENOMEM; - } + SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev); lp = netdev_priv(dev); @@ -1150,7 +1149,6 @@ static int korina_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) lp->td_ring = kmalloc(TD_RING_SIZE + RD_RING_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); if (!lp->td_ring) { - printk(KERN_ERR DRV_NAME ": cannot allocate descriptors\n"); rc = -ENXIO; goto probe_err_td_ring; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/lantiq_etop.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/lantiq_etop.c index 85e2c6cd9708b6a394f95dacc2a35e8d5e60fd9b..5dc9cbd5151417737c1779df53f102045da92595 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/lantiq_etop.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/lantiq_etop.c @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ struct ltq_etop_priv { static int ltq_etop_alloc_skb(struct ltq_etop_chan *ch) { - ch->skb[ch->dma.desc] = dev_alloc_skb(MAX_DMA_DATA_LEN); + ch->skb[ch->dma.desc] = netdev_alloc_skb(ch->netdev, MAX_DMA_DATA_LEN); if (!ch->skb[ch->dma.desc]) return -ENOMEM; ch->dma.desc_base[ch->dma.desc].addr = dma_map_single(NULL, @@ -634,6 +634,7 @@ ltq_etop_init(struct net_device *dev) struct ltq_etop_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev); struct sockaddr mac; int err; + bool random_mac = false; ether_setup(dev); dev->watchdog_timeo = 10 * HZ; @@ -646,11 +647,17 @@ ltq_etop_init(struct net_device *dev) if (!is_valid_ether_addr(mac.sa_data)) { pr_warn("etop: invalid MAC, using random\n"); random_ether_addr(mac.sa_data); + random_mac = true; } err = ltq_etop_set_mac_address(dev, &mac); if (err) goto err_netdev; + + /* Set addr_assign_type here, ltq_etop_set_mac_address would reset it. */ + if (random_mac) + dev->addr_assign_type |= NET_ADDR_RANDOM; + ltq_etop_set_multicast_list(dev); err = ltq_etop_mdio_init(dev); if (err) @@ -731,6 +738,10 @@ ltq_etop_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) } dev = alloc_etherdev_mq(sizeof(struct ltq_etop_priv), 4); + if (!dev) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto err_out; + } strcpy(dev->name, "eth%d"); dev->netdev_ops = <q_eth_netdev_ops; dev->ethtool_ops = <q_etop_ethtool_ops; @@ -792,7 +803,7 @@ init_ltq_etop(void) int ret = platform_driver_probe(<q_mii_driver, ltq_etop_probe); if (ret) - pr_err("ltq_etop: Error registering platfom driver!"); + pr_err("ltq_etop: Error registering platform driver!"); return ret; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/mv643xx_eth.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/mv643xx_eth.c index 9edecfa1f0f4ffb556d73cbda06db380f9bdeeb8..75af1afe46c87a8778bd0eea51bc44139f8a115e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/mv643xx_eth.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/mv643xx_eth.c @@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ static int rxq_refill(struct rx_queue *rxq, int budget) skb = __skb_dequeue(&mp->rx_recycle); if (skb == NULL) - skb = dev_alloc_skb(mp->skb_size); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(mp->dev, mp->skb_size); if (skb == NULL) { mp->oom = 1; @@ -1832,7 +1832,7 @@ static int mv643xx_eth_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *addr) struct sockaddr *sa = addr; if (!is_valid_ether_addr(sa->sa_data)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, sa->sa_data, ETH_ALEN); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/pxa168_eth.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/pxa168_eth.c index 953ba5851f7b44174f2800a163214409cc7ebb3a..45a6333588e67a43d0b465ed650258e2a5e19935 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/pxa168_eth.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/pxa168_eth.c @@ -220,7 +220,6 @@ struct pxa168_eth_private { u8 work_todo; int skb_size; - struct net_device_stats stats; /* Size of Tx Ring per queue */ int tx_ring_size; /* Number of tx descriptors in use */ @@ -350,7 +349,7 @@ static void rxq_refill(struct net_device *dev) while (pep->rx_desc_count < pep->rx_ring_size) { int size; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pep->skb_size); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pep->skb_size); if (!skb) break; if (SKB_DMA_REALIGN) @@ -627,8 +626,9 @@ static int pxa168_eth_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *addr) unsigned char oldMac[ETH_ALEN]; if (!is_valid_ether_addr(sa->sa_data)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; memcpy(oldMac, dev->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN); + dev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, sa->sa_data, ETH_ALEN); netif_addr_lock_bh(dev); update_hash_table_mac_address(pep, oldMac, dev->dev_addr); @@ -1017,10 +1017,9 @@ static int rxq_init(struct net_device *dev) /* Allocate RX skb rings */ pep->rx_skb = kmalloc(sizeof(*pep->rx_skb) * pep->rx_ring_size, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!pep->rx_skb) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Cannot alloc RX skb ring\n", dev->name); + if (!pep->rx_skb) return -ENOMEM; - } + /* Allocate RX ring */ pep->rx_desc_count = 0; size = pep->rx_ring_size * sizeof(struct rx_desc); @@ -1081,10 +1080,9 @@ static int txq_init(struct net_device *dev) pep->tx_skb = kmalloc(sizeof(*pep->tx_skb) * pep->tx_ring_size, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!pep->tx_skb) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Cannot alloc TX skb ring\n", dev->name); + if (!pep->tx_skb) return -ENOMEM; - } + /* Allocate TX ring */ pep->tx_desc_count = 0; size = pep->tx_ring_size * sizeof(struct tx_desc); @@ -1522,7 +1520,7 @@ static int pxa168_eth_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) INIT_WORK(&pep->tx_timeout_task, pxa168_eth_tx_timeout_task); printk(KERN_INFO "%s:Using random mac address\n", DRIVER_NAME); - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); pep->pd = pdev->dev.platform_data; pep->rx_ring_size = NUM_RX_DESCS; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/skge.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/skge.c index 33947ac595c04bb2c4e1977572c9c435d6d45b8c..5a30bf823099a00b8c5d230f4d2172775b85c967 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/skge.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/skge.c @@ -3807,10 +3807,8 @@ static struct net_device *skge_devinit(struct skge_hw *hw, int port, struct skge_port *skge; struct net_device *dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*skge)); - if (!dev) { - dev_err(&hw->pdev->dev, "etherdev alloc failed\n"); + if (!dev) return NULL; - } SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &hw->pdev->dev); dev->netdev_ops = &skge_netdev_ops; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/sky2.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/sky2.c index 760c2b17dfd3675037133a996c9d98aa1e5fb5f4..82c2c86a19518c37df31d48bb6240930b8963367 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/sky2.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/sky2.c @@ -4700,10 +4700,8 @@ static __devinit struct net_device *sky2_init_netdev(struct sky2_hw *hw, struct sky2_port *sky2; struct net_device *dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*sky2)); - if (!dev) { - dev_err(&hw->pdev->dev, "etherdev alloc failed\n"); + if (!dev) return NULL; - } SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &hw->pdev->dev); dev->irq = hw->pdev->irq; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/cmd.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/cmd.c index eaf09d4f02d08bb0e1ee41b78db6b83cc80287ea..773c70ea3f62ba005ad835a82e20699e88ecbb11 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/cmd.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/cmd.c @@ -239,6 +239,7 @@ static int mlx4_comm_cmd_wait(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 op, { struct mlx4_cmd *cmd = &mlx4_priv(dev)->cmd; struct mlx4_cmd_context *context; + unsigned long end; int err = 0; down(&cmd->event_sem); @@ -268,6 +269,14 @@ static int mlx4_comm_cmd_wait(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 op, } out: + /* wait for comm channel ready + * this is necessary for prevention the race + * when switching between event to polling mode + */ + end = msecs_to_jiffies(timeout) + jiffies; + while (comm_pending(dev) && time_before(jiffies, end)) + cond_resched(); + spin_lock(&cmd->context_lock); context->next = cmd->free_head; cmd->free_head = context - cmd->context; @@ -1314,7 +1323,7 @@ static void mlx4_master_do_cmd(struct mlx4_dev *dev, int slave, u8 cmd, down(&priv->cmd.slave_sem); if (mlx4_master_process_vhcr(dev, slave, NULL)) { mlx4_err(dev, "Failed processing vhcr for slave:%d," - " reseting slave.\n", slave); + " resetting slave.\n", slave); up(&priv->cmd.slave_sem); goto reset_slave; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/en_netdev.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/en_netdev.c index 149e60da0a32870aa809d676856c971ee95ebf80..31b455a49273f1a3d877f5c7e8cea1515de1963a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/en_netdev.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/en_netdev.c @@ -1048,10 +1048,8 @@ int mlx4_en_init_netdev(struct mlx4_en_dev *mdev, int port, dev = alloc_etherdev_mqs(sizeof(struct mlx4_en_priv), prof->tx_ring_num, prof->rx_ring_num); - if (dev == NULL) { - mlx4_err(mdev, "Net device allocation failed\n"); + if (dev == NULL) return -ENOMEM; - } SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &mdev->dev->pdev->dev); dev->dev_id = port - 1; @@ -1064,6 +1062,7 @@ int mlx4_en_init_netdev(struct mlx4_en_dev *mdev, int port, memset(priv, 0, sizeof(struct mlx4_en_priv)); priv->dev = dev; priv->mdev = mdev; + priv->ddev = &mdev->pdev->dev; priv->prof = prof; priv->port = port; priv->port_up = false; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/en_rx.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/en_rx.c index d4ad8c226b5115430066a4f41221f7ee41384e58..9adbd53da525ba59b5d9f1378e347b029533f0d7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/en_rx.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/en_rx.c @@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ static int mlx4_en_alloc_frag(struct mlx4_en_priv *priv, struct mlx4_en_rx_alloc *ring_alloc, int i) { - struct mlx4_en_dev *mdev = priv->mdev; struct mlx4_en_frag_info *frag_info = &priv->frag_info[i]; struct mlx4_en_rx_alloc *page_alloc = &ring_alloc[i]; struct page *page; @@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ static int mlx4_en_alloc_frag(struct mlx4_en_priv *priv, skb_frags[i].offset = page_alloc->offset; page_alloc->offset += frag_info->frag_stride; } - dma = pci_map_single(mdev->pdev, page_address(skb_frags[i].page) + + dma = dma_map_single(priv->ddev, page_address(skb_frags[i].page) + skb_frags[i].offset, frag_info->frag_size, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); rx_desc->data[i].addr = cpu_to_be64(dma); @@ -186,7 +185,6 @@ static void mlx4_en_free_rx_desc(struct mlx4_en_priv *priv, struct mlx4_en_rx_ring *ring, int index) { - struct mlx4_en_dev *mdev = priv->mdev; struct page_frag *skb_frags; struct mlx4_en_rx_desc *rx_desc = ring->buf + (index << ring->log_stride); dma_addr_t dma; @@ -198,7 +196,7 @@ static void mlx4_en_free_rx_desc(struct mlx4_en_priv *priv, dma = be64_to_cpu(rx_desc->data[nr].addr); en_dbg(DRV, priv, "Unmapping buffer at dma:0x%llx\n", (u64) dma); - pci_unmap_single(mdev->pdev, dma, skb_frags[nr].size, + dma_unmap_single(priv->ddev, dma, skb_frags[nr].size, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); put_page(skb_frags[nr].page); } @@ -285,10 +283,9 @@ int mlx4_en_create_rx_ring(struct mlx4_en_priv *priv, tmp = size * roundup_pow_of_two(MLX4_EN_MAX_RX_FRAGS * sizeof(struct skb_frag_struct)); ring->rx_info = vmalloc(tmp); - if (!ring->rx_info) { - en_err(priv, "Failed allocating rx_info ring\n"); + if (!ring->rx_info) return -ENOMEM; - } + en_dbg(DRV, priv, "Allocated rx_info ring at addr:%p size:%d\n", ring->rx_info, tmp); @@ -413,7 +410,6 @@ static int mlx4_en_complete_rx_desc(struct mlx4_en_priv *priv, int length) { struct skb_frag_struct *skb_frags_rx = skb_shinfo(skb)->frags; - struct mlx4_en_dev *mdev = priv->mdev; struct mlx4_en_frag_info *frag_info; int nr; dma_addr_t dma; @@ -436,7 +432,7 @@ static int mlx4_en_complete_rx_desc(struct mlx4_en_priv *priv, goto fail; /* Unmap buffer */ - pci_unmap_single(mdev->pdev, dma, skb_frag_size(&skb_frags_rx[nr]), + dma_unmap_single(priv->ddev, dma, skb_frag_size(&skb_frags_rx[nr]), PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); } /* Adjust size of last fragment to match actual length */ @@ -462,18 +458,16 @@ static struct sk_buff *mlx4_en_rx_skb(struct mlx4_en_priv *priv, struct mlx4_en_rx_alloc *page_alloc, unsigned int length) { - struct mlx4_en_dev *mdev = priv->mdev; struct sk_buff *skb; void *va; int used_frags; dma_addr_t dma; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(SMALL_PACKET_SIZE + NET_IP_ALIGN); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(priv->dev, SMALL_PACKET_SIZE + NET_IP_ALIGN); if (!skb) { en_dbg(RX_ERR, priv, "Failed allocating skb\n"); return NULL; } - skb->dev = priv->dev; skb_reserve(skb, NET_IP_ALIGN); skb->len = length; @@ -485,10 +479,10 @@ static struct sk_buff *mlx4_en_rx_skb(struct mlx4_en_priv *priv, /* We are copying all relevant data to the skb - temporarily * synch buffers for the copy */ dma = be64_to_cpu(rx_desc->data[0].addr); - dma_sync_single_for_cpu(&mdev->pdev->dev, dma, length, + dma_sync_single_for_cpu(priv->ddev, dma, length, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); skb_copy_to_linear_data(skb, va, length); - dma_sync_single_for_device(&mdev->pdev->dev, dma, length, + dma_sync_single_for_device(priv->ddev, dma, length, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); skb->tail += length; } else { @@ -916,7 +910,7 @@ int mlx4_en_config_rss_steer(struct mlx4_en_priv *priv) rss_context->flags = rss_mask; rss_context->hash_fn = MLX4_RSS_HASH_TOP; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) - rss_context->rss_key[i] = rsskey[i]; + rss_context->rss_key[i] = cpu_to_be32(rsskey[i]); err = mlx4_qp_to_ready(mdev->dev, &priv->res.mtt, &context, &rss_map->indir_qp, &rss_map->indir_state); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/en_tx.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/en_tx.c index 9ef9038d0629972315a77a3019a8d565395761d0..17968244c399509b169540388b8b1d971739eef1 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/en_tx.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/en_tx.c @@ -71,16 +71,14 @@ int mlx4_en_create_tx_ring(struct mlx4_en_priv *priv, tmp = size * sizeof(struct mlx4_en_tx_info); ring->tx_info = vmalloc(tmp); - if (!ring->tx_info) { - en_err(priv, "Failed allocating tx_info ring\n"); + if (!ring->tx_info) return -ENOMEM; - } + en_dbg(DRV, priv, "Allocated tx_info ring at addr:%p size:%d\n", ring->tx_info, tmp); ring->bounce_buf = kmalloc(MAX_DESC_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); if (!ring->bounce_buf) { - en_err(priv, "Failed allocating bounce buffer\n"); err = -ENOMEM; goto err_tx; } @@ -200,7 +198,6 @@ static u32 mlx4_en_free_tx_desc(struct mlx4_en_priv *priv, struct mlx4_en_tx_ring *ring, int index, u8 owner) { - struct mlx4_en_dev *mdev = priv->mdev; struct mlx4_en_tx_info *tx_info = &ring->tx_info[index]; struct mlx4_en_tx_desc *tx_desc = ring->buf + index * TXBB_SIZE; struct mlx4_wqe_data_seg *data = (void *) tx_desc + tx_info->data_offset; @@ -216,7 +213,7 @@ static u32 mlx4_en_free_tx_desc(struct mlx4_en_priv *priv, if (likely((void *) tx_desc + tx_info->nr_txbb * TXBB_SIZE <= end)) { if (!tx_info->inl) { if (tx_info->linear) { - pci_unmap_single(mdev->pdev, + dma_unmap_single(priv->ddev, (dma_addr_t) be64_to_cpu(data->addr), be32_to_cpu(data->byte_count), PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); @@ -225,7 +222,7 @@ static u32 mlx4_en_free_tx_desc(struct mlx4_en_priv *priv, for (i = 0; i < frags; i++) { frag = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i]; - pci_unmap_page(mdev->pdev, + dma_unmap_page(priv->ddev, (dma_addr_t) be64_to_cpu(data[i].addr), skb_frag_size(frag), PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); } @@ -243,7 +240,7 @@ static u32 mlx4_en_free_tx_desc(struct mlx4_en_priv *priv, } if (tx_info->linear) { - pci_unmap_single(mdev->pdev, + dma_unmap_single(priv->ddev, (dma_addr_t) be64_to_cpu(data->addr), be32_to_cpu(data->byte_count), PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); @@ -255,7 +252,7 @@ static u32 mlx4_en_free_tx_desc(struct mlx4_en_priv *priv, if ((void *) data >= end) data = ring->buf; frag = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i]; - pci_unmap_page(mdev->pdev, + dma_unmap_page(priv->ddev, (dma_addr_t) be64_to_cpu(data->addr), skb_frag_size(frag), PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); ++data; @@ -587,7 +584,7 @@ u16 mlx4_en_select_queue(struct net_device *dev, struct sk_buff *skb) return skb_tx_hash(dev, skb); } -static void mlx4_bf_copy(unsigned long *dst, unsigned long *src, unsigned bytecnt) +static void mlx4_bf_copy(void __iomem *dst, unsigned long *src, unsigned bytecnt) { __iowrite64_copy(dst, src, bytecnt / 8); } @@ -603,8 +600,6 @@ netdev_tx_t mlx4_en_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) struct skb_frag_struct *frag; struct mlx4_en_tx_info *tx_info; struct ethhdr *ethh; - u64 mac; - u32 mac_l, mac_h; int tx_ind = 0; int nr_txbb; int desc_size; @@ -689,16 +684,9 @@ netdev_tx_t mlx4_en_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) } /* Copy dst mac address to wqe */ - skb_reset_mac_header(skb); - ethh = eth_hdr(skb); - if (ethh && ethh->h_dest) { - mac = mlx4_en_mac_to_u64(ethh->h_dest); - mac_h = (u32) ((mac & 0xffff00000000ULL) >> 16); - mac_l = (u32) (mac & 0xffffffff); - tx_desc->ctrl.srcrb_flags |= cpu_to_be32(mac_h); - tx_desc->ctrl.imm = cpu_to_be32(mac_l); - } - + ethh = (struct ethhdr *)skb->data; + tx_desc->ctrl.srcrb_flags16[0] = get_unaligned((__be16 *)ethh->h_dest); + tx_desc->ctrl.imm = get_unaligned((__be32 *)(ethh->h_dest + 2)); /* Handle LSO (TSO) packets */ if (lso_header_size) { /* Mark opcode as LSO */ @@ -744,7 +732,7 @@ netdev_tx_t mlx4_en_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) /* Map fragments */ for (i = skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags - 1; i >= 0; i--) { frag = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i]; - dma = skb_frag_dma_map(&mdev->dev->pdev->dev, frag, + dma = skb_frag_dma_map(priv->ddev, frag, 0, skb_frag_size(frag), DMA_TO_DEVICE); data->addr = cpu_to_be64(dma); @@ -756,7 +744,7 @@ netdev_tx_t mlx4_en_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) /* Map linear part */ if (tx_info->linear) { - dma = pci_map_single(mdev->dev->pdev, skb->data + lso_header_size, + dma = dma_map_single(priv->ddev, skb->data + lso_header_size, skb_headlen(skb) - lso_header_size, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); data->addr = cpu_to_be64(dma); data->lkey = cpu_to_be32(mdev->mr.key); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/fw.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/fw.c index 9ea7cabcaf3c8839d86f96a9ee4ad68c102caf66..2a02ba522e60c16e0ed01ca7418e348e1671f802 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/fw.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/fw.c @@ -685,16 +685,6 @@ int mlx4_QUERY_PORT_wrapper(struct mlx4_dev *dev, int slave, return err; } -int mlx4_QUERY_PORT(struct mlx4_dev *dev, void *ptr, u8 port) -{ - struct mlx4_cmd_mailbox *outbox = ptr; - - return mlx4_cmd_box(dev, 0, outbox->dma, port, 0, - MLX4_CMD_QUERY_PORT, MLX4_CMD_TIME_CLASS_B, - MLX4_CMD_WRAPPED); -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(mlx4_QUERY_PORT); - int mlx4_map_cmd(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u16 op, struct mlx4_icm *icm, u64 virt) { struct mlx4_cmd_mailbox *mailbox; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/main.c index d498f049c74ecfa6578f02f1257e1063291bbe0d..5f15014713bc7e213cb024cc3bb9680c6fb04be1 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/main.c @@ -1545,13 +1545,11 @@ static int mlx4_init_steering(struct mlx4_dev *dev) if (!priv->steer) return -ENOMEM; - for (i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) for (j = 0; j < MLX4_NUM_STEERS; j++) { INIT_LIST_HEAD(&priv->steer[i].promisc_qps[j]); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&priv->steer[i].steer_entries[j]); } - INIT_LIST_HEAD(&priv->steer[i].high_prios); - } return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/mcg.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/mcg.c index ca574d850b39529eae4c7828fe8239e89ecbba50..4799e824052f2a3e88a32ce4812c87ef5e6eed3b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/mcg.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/mcg.c @@ -562,14 +562,14 @@ static int remove_promisc_qp(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 port, */ static int find_entry(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 port, u8 *gid, enum mlx4_protocol prot, - enum mlx4_steer_type steer, struct mlx4_cmd_mailbox *mgm_mailbox, - u16 *hash, int *prev, int *index) + int *prev, int *index) { struct mlx4_cmd_mailbox *mailbox; struct mlx4_mgm *mgm = mgm_mailbox->buf; u8 *mgid; int err; + u16 hash; u8 op_mod = (prot == MLX4_PROT_ETH) ? !!(dev->caps.flags & MLX4_DEV_CAP_FLAG_VEP_MC_STEER) : 0; @@ -580,15 +580,15 @@ static int find_entry(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 port, memcpy(mgid, gid, 16); - err = mlx4_GID_HASH(dev, mailbox, hash, op_mod); + err = mlx4_GID_HASH(dev, mailbox, &hash, op_mod); mlx4_free_cmd_mailbox(dev, mailbox); if (err) return err; if (0) - mlx4_dbg(dev, "Hash for %pI6 is %04x\n", gid, *hash); + mlx4_dbg(dev, "Hash for %pI6 is %04x\n", gid, hash); - *index = *hash; + *index = hash; *prev = -1; do { @@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ static int find_entry(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 port, return err; if (!(be32_to_cpu(mgm->members_count) & 0xffffff)) { - if (*index != *hash) { + if (*index != hash) { mlx4_err(dev, "Found zero MGID in AMGM.\n"); err = -EINVAL; } @@ -624,7 +624,6 @@ int mlx4_qp_attach_common(struct mlx4_dev *dev, struct mlx4_qp *qp, u8 gid[16], struct mlx4_cmd_mailbox *mailbox; struct mlx4_mgm *mgm; u32 members_count; - u16 hash; int index, prev; int link = 0; int i; @@ -638,8 +637,8 @@ int mlx4_qp_attach_common(struct mlx4_dev *dev, struct mlx4_qp *qp, u8 gid[16], mgm = mailbox->buf; mutex_lock(&priv->mcg_table.mutex); - err = find_entry(dev, port, gid, prot, steer, - mailbox, &hash, &prev, &index); + err = find_entry(dev, port, gid, prot, + mailbox, &prev, &index); if (err) goto out; @@ -733,7 +732,6 @@ int mlx4_qp_detach_common(struct mlx4_dev *dev, struct mlx4_qp *qp, u8 gid[16], struct mlx4_cmd_mailbox *mailbox; struct mlx4_mgm *mgm; u32 members_count; - u16 hash; int prev, index; int i, loc; int err; @@ -747,8 +745,8 @@ int mlx4_qp_detach_common(struct mlx4_dev *dev, struct mlx4_qp *qp, u8 gid[16], mutex_lock(&priv->mcg_table.mutex); - err = find_entry(dev, port, gid, prot, steer, - mailbox, &hash, &prev, &index); + err = find_entry(dev, port, gid, prot, + mailbox, &prev, &index); if (err) goto out; @@ -872,44 +870,36 @@ static int mlx4_QP_ATTACH(struct mlx4_dev *dev, struct mlx4_qp *qp, int mlx4_multicast_attach(struct mlx4_dev *dev, struct mlx4_qp *qp, u8 gid[16], int block_mcast_loopback, enum mlx4_protocol prot) { - enum mlx4_steer_type steer; - - steer = (is_valid_ether_addr(&gid[10])) ? MLX4_UC_STEER : MLX4_MC_STEER; - if (prot == MLX4_PROT_ETH && !(dev->caps.flags & MLX4_DEV_CAP_FLAG_VEP_MC_STEER)) return 0; if (prot == MLX4_PROT_ETH) - gid[7] |= (steer << 1); + gid[7] |= (MLX4_MC_STEER << 1); if (mlx4_is_mfunc(dev)) return mlx4_QP_ATTACH(dev, qp, gid, 1, block_mcast_loopback, prot); return mlx4_qp_attach_common(dev, qp, gid, block_mcast_loopback, - prot, steer); + prot, MLX4_MC_STEER); } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(mlx4_multicast_attach); int mlx4_multicast_detach(struct mlx4_dev *dev, struct mlx4_qp *qp, u8 gid[16], enum mlx4_protocol prot) { - enum mlx4_steer_type steer; - - steer = (is_valid_ether_addr(&gid[10])) ? MLX4_UC_STEER : MLX4_MC_STEER; - if (prot == MLX4_PROT_ETH && !(dev->caps.flags & MLX4_DEV_CAP_FLAG_VEP_MC_STEER)) return 0; if (prot == MLX4_PROT_ETH) - gid[7] |= (steer << 1); + gid[7] |= (MLX4_MC_STEER << 1); if (mlx4_is_mfunc(dev)) return mlx4_QP_ATTACH(dev, qp, gid, 0, 0, prot); - return mlx4_qp_detach_common(dev, qp, gid, prot, steer); + return mlx4_qp_detach_common(dev, qp, gid, prot, MLX4_MC_STEER); } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(mlx4_multicast_detach); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/mlx4.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/mlx4.h index 28f8251561f4a24d67697f538d4e25834aeaa5d6..5da51b99dbb862afe13ef16be936b350815f9986 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/mlx4.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/mlx4.h @@ -703,7 +703,6 @@ struct mlx4_msix_ctl { struct mlx4_steer { struct list_head promisc_qps[MLX4_NUM_STEERS]; struct list_head steer_entries[MLX4_NUM_STEERS]; - struct list_head high_prios; }; struct mlx4_priv { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/mlx4_en.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/mlx4_en.h index d60335f3c473382ea80f4a3f2c1c819a50391c33..9e2b911a12304ee88f5934c1c895d394d662e05a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/mlx4_en.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/mlx4_en.h @@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ struct mlx4_en_priv { int base_qpn; struct mlx4_en_rss_map rss_map; - u32 ctrl_flags; + __be32 ctrl_flags; u32 flags; #define MLX4_EN_FLAG_PROMISC 0x1 #define MLX4_EN_FLAG_MC_PROMISC 0x2 @@ -482,6 +482,7 @@ struct mlx4_en_priv { struct mlx4_en_stat_out_mbox hw_stats; int vids[128]; bool wol; + struct device *ddev; }; enum mlx4_en_wol { @@ -552,10 +553,6 @@ void mlx4_en_rx_irq(struct mlx4_cq *mcq); int mlx4_SET_MCAST_FLTR(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 port, u64 mac, u64 clear, u8 mode); int mlx4_SET_VLAN_FLTR(struct mlx4_dev *dev, struct mlx4_en_priv *priv); -int mlx4_SET_PORT_general(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 port, int mtu, - u8 pptx, u8 pfctx, u8 pprx, u8 pfcrx); -int mlx4_SET_PORT_qpn_calc(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 port, u32 base_qpn, - u8 promisc); int mlx4_en_DUMP_ETH_STATS(struct mlx4_en_dev *mdev, u8 port, u8 reset); int mlx4_en_QUERY_PORT(struct mlx4_en_dev *mdev, u8 port); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/mr.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/mr.c index 25a80d71fb2ab476df010be63a6f597f0b917319..32e2b6616f3db44340718f35cc8c32fd05537c95 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/mr.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/mr.c @@ -304,30 +304,7 @@ static int mlx4_HW2SW_MPT(struct mlx4_dev *dev, struct mlx4_cmd_mailbox *mailbox MLX4_CMD_TIME_CLASS_B, MLX4_CMD_WRAPPED); } -int mlx4_mr_reserve_range(struct mlx4_dev *dev, int cnt, int align, - u32 *base_mridx) -{ - struct mlx4_priv *priv = mlx4_priv(dev); - u32 mridx; - - mridx = mlx4_bitmap_alloc_range(&priv->mr_table.mpt_bitmap, cnt, align); - if (mridx == -1) - return -ENOMEM; - - *base_mridx = mridx; - return 0; - -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(mlx4_mr_reserve_range); - -void mlx4_mr_release_range(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u32 base_mridx, int cnt) -{ - struct mlx4_priv *priv = mlx4_priv(dev); - mlx4_bitmap_free_range(&priv->mr_table.mpt_bitmap, base_mridx, cnt); -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(mlx4_mr_release_range); - -int mlx4_mr_alloc_reserved(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u32 mridx, u32 pd, +static int mlx4_mr_alloc_reserved(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u32 mridx, u32 pd, u64 iova, u64 size, u32 access, int npages, int page_shift, struct mlx4_mr *mr) { @@ -340,7 +317,6 @@ int mlx4_mr_alloc_reserved(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u32 mridx, u32 pd, return mlx4_mtt_init(dev, npages, page_shift, &mr->mtt); } -EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(mlx4_mr_alloc_reserved); static int mlx4_WRITE_MTT(struct mlx4_dev *dev, struct mlx4_cmd_mailbox *mailbox, @@ -457,7 +433,7 @@ int mlx4_mr_alloc(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u32 pd, u64 iova, u64 size, u32 access, } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(mlx4_mr_alloc); -void mlx4_mr_free_reserved(struct mlx4_dev *dev, struct mlx4_mr *mr) +static void mlx4_mr_free_reserved(struct mlx4_dev *dev, struct mlx4_mr *mr) { int err; @@ -472,7 +448,6 @@ void mlx4_mr_free_reserved(struct mlx4_dev *dev, struct mlx4_mr *mr) } mlx4_mtt_cleanup(dev, &mr->mtt); } -EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(mlx4_mr_free_reserved); void mlx4_mr_free(struct mlx4_dev *dev, struct mlx4_mr *mr) { @@ -852,46 +827,6 @@ int mlx4_fmr_alloc(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u32 pd, u32 access, int max_pages, } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(mlx4_fmr_alloc); -int mlx4_fmr_alloc_reserved(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u32 mridx, - u32 pd, u32 access, int max_pages, - int max_maps, u8 page_shift, struct mlx4_fmr *fmr) -{ - struct mlx4_priv *priv = mlx4_priv(dev); - int err = -ENOMEM; - - if (page_shift < (ffs(dev->caps.page_size_cap) - 1) || page_shift >= 32) - return -EINVAL; - - /* All MTTs must fit in the same page */ - if (max_pages * sizeof *fmr->mtts > PAGE_SIZE) - return -EINVAL; - - fmr->page_shift = page_shift; - fmr->max_pages = max_pages; - fmr->max_maps = max_maps; - fmr->maps = 0; - - err = mlx4_mr_alloc_reserved(dev, mridx, pd, 0, 0, access, max_pages, - page_shift, &fmr->mr); - if (err) - return err; - - fmr->mtts = mlx4_table_find(&priv->mr_table.mtt_table, - fmr->mr.mtt.offset, - &fmr->dma_handle); - if (!fmr->mtts) { - err = -ENOMEM; - goto err_free; - } - - return 0; - -err_free: - mlx4_mr_free_reserved(dev, &fmr->mr); - return err; -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(mlx4_fmr_alloc_reserved); - int mlx4_fmr_enable(struct mlx4_dev *dev, struct mlx4_fmr *fmr) { struct mlx4_priv *priv = mlx4_priv(dev); @@ -954,18 +889,6 @@ int mlx4_fmr_free(struct mlx4_dev *dev, struct mlx4_fmr *fmr) } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(mlx4_fmr_free); -int mlx4_fmr_free_reserved(struct mlx4_dev *dev, struct mlx4_fmr *fmr) -{ - if (fmr->maps) - return -EBUSY; - - mlx4_mr_free_reserved(dev, &fmr->mr); - fmr->mr.enabled = MLX4_MR_DISABLED; - - return 0; -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(mlx4_fmr_free_reserved); - int mlx4_SYNC_TPT(struct mlx4_dev *dev) { return mlx4_cmd(dev, 0, 0, 0, MLX4_CMD_SYNC_TPT, 1000, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/port.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/port.c index f44ae555bf43906bfba98cb25838542f5052c25d..98e776261eada0ba25f339751f6c8a8c8f93c0b4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/port.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx4/port.c @@ -79,15 +79,15 @@ static int mlx4_uc_steer_add(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 port, u64 mac, int *qpn) { struct mlx4_qp qp; u8 gid[16] = {0}; + __be64 be_mac; int err; qp.qpn = *qpn; mac &= 0xffffffffffffULL; - mac = cpu_to_be64(mac << 16); - memcpy(&gid[10], &mac, ETH_ALEN); + be_mac = cpu_to_be64(mac << 16); + memcpy(&gid[10], &be_mac, ETH_ALEN); gid[5] = port; - gid[7] = MLX4_UC_STEER << 1; err = mlx4_unicast_attach(dev, &qp, gid, 0, MLX4_PROT_ETH); if (err) @@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ static void mlx4_uc_steer_release(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 port, { struct mlx4_qp qp; u8 gid[16] = {0}; + __be64 be_mac; qp.qpn = qpn; mac &= 0xffffffffffffULL; - mac = cpu_to_be64(mac << 16); - memcpy(&gid[10], &mac, ETH_ALEN); + be_mac = cpu_to_be64(mac << 16); + memcpy(&gid[10], &be_mac, ETH_ALEN); gid[5] = port; - gid[7] = MLX4_UC_STEER << 1; mlx4_unicast_detach(dev, &qp, gid, MLX4_PROT_ETH); } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8695net.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8695net.c index ab81c0dc96e29a2c3fde6b0e9d09a19925cc1664..dccae1d1743a6241679d2ece28528736404b59e6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8695net.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8695net.c @@ -278,7 +278,8 @@ ks8695_refill_rxbuffers(struct ks8695_priv *ksp) for (buff_n = 0; buff_n < MAX_RX_DESC; ++buff_n) { if (!ksp->rx_buffers[buff_n].skb) { - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(MAX_RXBUF_SIZE); + struct sk_buff *skb = + netdev_alloc_skb(ksp->ndev, MAX_RXBUF_SIZE); dma_addr_t mapping; ksp->rx_buffers[buff_n].skb = skb; @@ -299,7 +300,6 @@ ks8695_refill_rxbuffers(struct ks8695_priv *ksp) break; } ksp->rx_buffers[buff_n].dma_ptr = mapping; - skb->dev = ksp->ndev; ksp->rx_buffers[buff_n].length = MAX_RXBUF_SIZE; /* Record this into the DMA ring */ @@ -1362,10 +1362,8 @@ ks8695_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) /* Initialise a net_device */ ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct ks8695_priv)); - if (!ndev) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "could not allocate device.\n"); + if (!ndev) return -ENOMEM; - } SET_NETDEV_DEV(ndev, &pdev->dev); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8842.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8842.c index 0a85690a1321ecc17cf24f2398f496d60dc8d175..0686b93f1857a911db624c9bf5c1818475b3b031 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8842.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8842.c @@ -1080,6 +1080,7 @@ static int ks8842_set_mac(struct net_device *netdev, void *p) if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; + netdev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; memcpy(netdev->dev_addr, mac, netdev->addr_len); ks8842_write_mac_addr(adapter, mac); @@ -1211,7 +1212,7 @@ static int __devinit ks8842_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) ks8842_read_mac_addr(adapter, netdev->dev_addr); if (!is_valid_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr)) - random_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(netdev); } id = ks8842_read16(adapter, 32, REG_SW_ID_AND_ENABLE); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8851.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8851.c index 0c3e4005224d446d181c2656c3a04a95fceded28..c722aa607d074796985b9028c5c91752459aad8e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8851.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8851.c @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* drivers/net/ks8851.c +/* drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8851.c * * Copyright 2009 Simtec Electronics * http://www.simtec.co.uk/ @@ -439,13 +439,13 @@ static void ks8851_init_mac(struct ks8851_net *ks) dev->dev_addr); } - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); ks8851_write_mac_addr(dev); } /** * ks8851_irq - device interrupt handler - * @irq: Interrupt number passed from the IRQ hnalder. + * @irq: Interrupt number passed from the IRQ handler. * @pw: The private word passed to register_irq(), our struct ks8851_net. * * Disable the interrupt from happening again until we've processed the @@ -1050,6 +1050,7 @@ static int ks8851_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *addr) if (!is_valid_ether_addr(sa->sa_data)) return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; + dev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, sa->sa_data, ETH_ALEN); return ks8851_write_mac_addr(dev); } @@ -1419,10 +1420,8 @@ static int __devinit ks8851_probe(struct spi_device *spi) int ret; ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct ks8851_net)); - if (!ndev) { - dev_err(&spi->dev, "failed to alloc ethernet device\n"); + if (!ndev) return -ENOMEM; - } spi->bits_per_word = 8; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8851.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8851.h index b0fae86aacad05315f55294109a605388d0f0192..852256ef1f2233b9d60efa0b01da45e128514a14 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8851.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8851.h @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* drivers/net/ks8851.h +/* drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8851.h * * Copyright 2009 Simtec Electronics * Ben Dooks diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8851_mll.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8851_mll.c index 2784bc706f1e2cd4cca9ed6289f09105ece35bf3..b8104d9f40810871525eb360edaf16e483f6e945 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8851_mll.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8851_mll.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * drivers/net/ks8851_mll.c + * drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ks8851_mll.c * Copyright (c) 2009 Micrel Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ static void ks_rcv(struct ks_net *ks, struct net_device *netdev) frame_hdr = ks->frame_head_info; while (ks->frame_cnt--) { - skb = dev_alloc_skb(frame_hdr->len + 16); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(netdev, frame_hdr->len + 16); if (likely(skb && (frame_hdr->sts & RXFSHR_RXFV) && (frame_hdr->len < RX_BUF_SIZE) && frame_hdr->len)) { skb_reserve(skb, 2); @@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ static void ks_update_link_status(struct net_device *netdev, struct ks_net *ks) /** * ks_irq - device interrupt handler - * @irq: Interrupt number passed from the IRQ hnalder. + * @irq: Interrupt number passed from the IRQ handler. * @pw: The private word passed to register_irq(), our struct ks_net. * * This is the handler invoked to find out what happened @@ -1239,6 +1239,7 @@ static int ks_set_mac_address(struct net_device *netdev, void *paddr) struct sockaddr *addr = paddr; u8 *da; + netdev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; memcpy(netdev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, netdev->addr_len); da = (u8 *)netdev->dev_addr; @@ -1499,10 +1500,8 @@ static int ks_hw_init(struct ks_net *ks) ks->mcast_lst_size = 0; ks->frame_head_info = kmalloc(MHEADER_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!ks->frame_head_info) { - pr_err("Error: Fail to allocate frame memory\n"); + if (!ks->frame_head_info) return false; - } ks_set_mac(ks, KS_DEFAULT_MAC_ADDRESS); return true; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ksz884x.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ksz884x.c index e52cd310ae76147f0bbf54cc41f63da4e7f4013c..ef723b185d853794746a3882cf54e4c00a205699 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ksz884x.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ksz884x.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * drivers/net/ksx884x.c - Micrel KSZ8841/2 PCI Ethernet driver + * drivers/net/ethernet/micrel/ksx884x.c - Micrel KSZ8841/2 PCI Ethernet driver * * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Micrel, Inc. * Tristram Ha @@ -4863,7 +4863,7 @@ static netdev_tx_t netdev_tx(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) memset(&skb->data[skb->len], 0, 50 - skb->len); skb->len = 50; } else { - skb = dev_alloc_skb(50); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, 50); if (!skb) return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; memcpy(skb->data, org_skb->data, org_skb->len); @@ -4885,7 +4885,7 @@ static netdev_tx_t netdev_tx(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) (ETH_P_IPV6 == htons(skb->protocol)))) { struct sk_buff *org_skb = skb; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(org_skb->len); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, org_skb->len); if (!skb) { rc = NETDEV_TX_BUSY; goto unlock; @@ -5019,7 +5019,7 @@ static inline int rx_proc(struct net_device *dev, struct ksz_hw* hw, do { /* skb->data != skb->head */ - skb = dev_alloc_skb(packet_len + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, packet_len + 2); if (!skb) { dev->stats.rx_dropped++; return -ENOMEM; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/microchip/enc28j60.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/microchip/enc28j60.c index 50055e0282edf03b597a3b3c652e49f25cbecb05..6118bdad244f272b6cc359ca9306c47fa6dfd7a0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/microchip/enc28j60.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/microchip/enc28j60.c @@ -527,6 +527,7 @@ static int enc28j60_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *addr) if (!is_valid_ether_addr(address->sa_data)) return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; + dev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, address->sa_data, dev->addr_len); return enc28j60_set_hw_macaddr(dev); } @@ -954,14 +955,13 @@ static void enc28j60_hw_rx(struct net_device *ndev) if (len > MAX_FRAMELEN) ndev->stats.rx_over_errors++; } else { - skb = dev_alloc_skb(len + NET_IP_ALIGN); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(ndev, len + NET_IP_ALIGN); if (!skb) { if (netif_msg_rx_err(priv)) dev_err(&ndev->dev, "out of memory for Rx'd frame\n"); ndev->stats.rx_dropped++; } else { - skb->dev = ndev; skb_reserve(skb, NET_IP_ALIGN); /* copy the packet from the receive buffer */ enc28j60_mem_read(priv, @@ -1553,9 +1553,6 @@ static int __devinit enc28j60_probe(struct spi_device *spi) dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct enc28j60_net)); if (!dev) { - if (netif_msg_drv(&debug)) - dev_err(&spi->dev, DRV_NAME - ": unable to alloc new ethernet\n"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto error_alloc; } @@ -1579,7 +1576,7 @@ static int __devinit enc28j60_probe(struct spi_device *spi) ret = -EIO; goto error_irq; } - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); enc28j60_set_hw_macaddr(dev); /* Board setup must set the relevant edge trigger type; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/mipsnet.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/mipsnet.c index d05b0c9e1e9c4a96c8c214f31848eeecb9d929a5..db5285befe2aedade24836402909f411ba369ca3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/mipsnet.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/mipsnet.c @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ static inline ssize_t mipsnet_get_fromdev(struct net_device *dev, size_t len) if (!len) return len; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(len + NET_IP_ALIGN); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, len + NET_IP_ALIGN); if (!skb) { dev->stats.rx_dropped++; return -ENOMEM; @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ static int __devinit mipsnet_probe(struct platform_device *dev) * Lacking any better mechanism to allocate a MAC address we use a * random one ... */ - random_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(netdev); err = register_netdev(netdev); if (err) { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/myricom/myri10ge/myri10ge.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/myricom/myri10ge/myri10ge.c index 20b72ecb020a5039f86518046f3072845070b770..27273ae1a6e6d0d48d0bb62ef80c5e9de079fcee 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/myricom/myri10ge/myri10ge.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/myricom/myri10ge/myri10ge.c @@ -3910,10 +3910,8 @@ static int myri10ge_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) static int board_number; netdev = alloc_etherdev_mq(sizeof(*mgp), MYRI10GE_MAX_SLICES); - if (netdev == NULL) { - dev_err(dev, "Could not allocate ethernet device\n"); + if (netdev == NULL) return -ENOMEM; - } SET_NETDEV_DEV(netdev, &pdev->dev); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/natsemi/ibmlana.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/natsemi/ibmlana.c index 999407f7ebdf02227a79db0412433c5ba694d860..3f94ddbf4dc0db10261077a55dd142fcbf8a4eb4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/natsemi/ibmlana.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/natsemi/ibmlana.c @@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ static void irqrx_handler(struct net_device *dev) /* fetch buffer */ - skb = dev_alloc_skb(rda.length + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, rda.length + 2); if (skb == NULL) dev->stats.rx_dropped++; else { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/natsemi/macsonic.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/natsemi/macsonic.c index f1b85561c65035405dd9c0098cc927da9f5a9a3c..e640e23460defa42257a31b5676972397e8a4bdd 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/natsemi/macsonic.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/natsemi/macsonic.c @@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ static void __devinit mac_onboard_sonic_ethernet_addr(struct net_device *dev) printk(KERN_WARNING "macsonic: MAC address in CAM entry 15 " "seems invalid, will use a random MAC\n"); - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); } static int __devinit mac_onboard_sonic_probe(struct net_device *dev) diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/natsemi/natsemi.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/natsemi/natsemi.c index ac7b16b6e7af34d4ce91e068b47c2216e773f569..d38e48d4f43057ca8fde7684c5dfb2786c9cadae 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/natsemi/natsemi.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/natsemi/natsemi.c @@ -1934,11 +1934,10 @@ static void refill_rx(struct net_device *dev) int entry = np->dirty_rx % RX_RING_SIZE; if (np->rx_skbuff[entry] == NULL) { unsigned int buflen = np->rx_buf_sz+NATSEMI_PADDING; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(buflen); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, buflen); np->rx_skbuff[entry] = skb; if (skb == NULL) break; /* Better luck next round. */ - skb->dev = dev; /* Mark as being used by this device. */ np->rx_dma[entry] = pci_map_single(np->pci_dev, skb->data, buflen, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); np->rx_ring[entry].addr = cpu_to_le32(np->rx_dma[entry]); @@ -2344,7 +2343,7 @@ static void netdev_rx(struct net_device *dev, int *work_done, int work_to_do) /* Check if the packet is long enough to accept * without copying to a minimally-sized skbuff. */ if (pkt_len < rx_copybreak && - (skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + RX_OFFSET)) != NULL) { + (skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + RX_OFFSET)) != NULL) { /* 16 byte align the IP header */ skb_reserve(skb, RX_OFFSET); pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(np->pci_dev, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/natsemi/sonic.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/natsemi/sonic.c index 26e25d7f58298c16cd0d48df2b58d368f56cfafa..46795e4034675c381bef7de9b6b01249a1514e50 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/natsemi/sonic.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/natsemi/sonic.c @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ static int sonic_open(struct net_device *dev) printk("sonic_open: initializing sonic driver.\n"); for (i = 0; i < SONIC_NUM_RRS; i++) { - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(SONIC_RBSIZE + 2); + struct sk_buff *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, SONIC_RBSIZE + 2); if (skb == NULL) { while(i > 0) { /* free any that were allocated successfully */ i--; @@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ static void sonic_rx(struct net_device *dev) status = sonic_rda_get(dev, entry, SONIC_RD_STATUS); if (status & SONIC_RCR_PRX) { /* Malloc up new buffer. */ - new_skb = dev_alloc_skb(SONIC_RBSIZE + 2); + new_skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, SONIC_RBSIZE + 2); if (new_skb == NULL) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet.\n", dev->name); lp->stats.rx_dropped++; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/neterion/s2io.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/neterion/s2io.c index 97f63e12d86e21799f9473eee76d6052952b5fbb..22a8de00bf022817d362afffd4eeea9fbf01c9b6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/neterion/s2io.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/neterion/s2io.c @@ -2524,7 +2524,7 @@ static int fill_rx_buffers(struct s2io_nic *nic, struct ring_info *ring, size = ring->mtu + ALIGN_SIZE + BUF0_LEN + 4; /* allocate skb */ - skb = dev_alloc_skb(size); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(nic->dev, size); if (!skb) { DBG_PRINT(INFO_DBG, "%s: Could not allocate skb\n", ring->dev->name); @@ -5248,7 +5248,7 @@ static int s2io_set_mac_addr(struct net_device *dev, void *p) struct sockaddr *addr = p; if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, dev->addr_len); @@ -6820,7 +6820,7 @@ static int set_rxd_buffer_pointer(struct s2io_nic *sp, struct RxD_t *rxdp, */ rxdp1->Buffer0_ptr = *temp0; } else { - *skb = dev_alloc_skb(size); + *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, size); if (!(*skb)) { DBG_PRINT(INFO_DBG, "%s: Out of memory to allocate %s\n", @@ -6849,7 +6849,7 @@ static int set_rxd_buffer_pointer(struct s2io_nic *sp, struct RxD_t *rxdp, rxdp3->Buffer0_ptr = *temp0; rxdp3->Buffer1_ptr = *temp1; } else { - *skb = dev_alloc_skb(size); + *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, size); if (!(*skb)) { DBG_PRINT(INFO_DBG, "%s: Out of memory to allocate %s\n", @@ -7760,7 +7760,6 @@ s2io_init_nic(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *pre) else dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct s2io_nic)); if (dev == NULL) { - DBG_PRINT(ERR_DBG, "Device allocation failed\n"); pci_disable_device(pdev); pci_release_regions(pdev); return -ENODEV; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/netx-eth.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/netx-eth.c index 8d288af16fc9958bcd5fd0973f5e8173c24da529..9d11ab7521bca71b64dd0a849a9e895281869369 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/netx-eth.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/netx-eth.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * drivers/net/netx-eth.c + * drivers/net/ethernet/netx-eth.c * * Copyright (c) 2005 Sascha Hauer , Pengutronix * @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ static void netx_eth_receive(struct net_device *ndev) seg = (val & FIFO_PTR_SEGMENT_MASK) >> FIFO_PTR_SEGMENT_SHIFT; len = (val & FIFO_PTR_FRAMELEN_MASK) >> FIFO_PTR_FRAMELEN_SHIFT; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(len); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(ndev, len); if (unlikely(skb == NULL)) { printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: Low memory, packet dropped.\n", ndev->name); @@ -383,7 +383,6 @@ static int netx_eth_drv_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof (struct netx_eth_priv)); if (!ndev) { - printk("%s: could not allocate device.\n", CARDNAME); ret = -ENOMEM; goto exit; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/nuvoton/w90p910_ether.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/nuvoton/w90p910_ether.c index b75a0497d58dbdbdb362d8e857ce8f75bf7e22f9..6893a65ae55f179104381d70dbb6021842e3498a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/nuvoton/w90p910_ether.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/nuvoton/w90p910_ether.c @@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ static void netdev_rx(struct net_device *dev) if (status & RXDS_RXGD) { data = ether->rdesc->recv_buf[ether->cur_rx]; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(length+2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, length + 2); if (!skb) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "get skb buffer error\n"); ether->stats.rx_dropped++; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/nvidia/forcedeth.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/nvidia/forcedeth.c index 4c4e7f4583830ce9231bd1ebef8ab3a1fed99fa2..8561dd25db66a40b67aebfaf83b9bff742d76a35 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/nvidia/forcedeth.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/nvidia/forcedeth.c @@ -1815,7 +1815,7 @@ static int nv_alloc_rx(struct net_device *dev) less_rx = np->last_rx.orig; while (np->put_rx.orig != less_rx) { - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(np->rx_buf_sz + NV_RX_ALLOC_PAD); + struct sk_buff *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, np->rx_buf_sz + NV_RX_ALLOC_PAD); if (skb) { np->put_rx_ctx->skb = skb; np->put_rx_ctx->dma = pci_map_single(np->pci_dev, @@ -1850,7 +1850,7 @@ static int nv_alloc_rx_optimized(struct net_device *dev) less_rx = np->last_rx.ex; while (np->put_rx.ex != less_rx) { - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(np->rx_buf_sz + NV_RX_ALLOC_PAD); + struct sk_buff *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, np->rx_buf_sz + NV_RX_ALLOC_PAD); if (skb) { np->put_rx_ctx->skb = skb; np->put_rx_ctx->dma = pci_map_single(np->pci_dev, @@ -3022,6 +3022,7 @@ static int nv_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *addr) /* synchronized against open : rtnl_lock() held by caller */ memcpy(dev->dev_addr, macaddr->sa_data, ETH_ALEN); + dev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; if (netif_running(dev)) { netif_tx_lock_bh(dev); @@ -4993,9 +4994,9 @@ static int nv_loopback_test(struct net_device *dev) /* setup packet for tx */ pkt_len = ETH_DATA_LEN; - tx_skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len); + tx_skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len); if (!tx_skb) { - netdev_err(dev, "dev_alloc_skb() failed during loopback test\n"); + netdev_err(dev, "netdev_alloc_skb() failed during loopback test\n"); ret = 0; goto out; } @@ -5741,7 +5742,7 @@ static int __devinit nv_probe(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, const struct pci_device_i dev_err(&pci_dev->dev, "Invalid MAC address detected: %pM - Please complain to your hardware vendor.\n", dev->dev_addr); - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); dev_err(&pci_dev->dev, "Using random MAC address: %pM\n", dev->dev_addr); } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/nxp/Kconfig b/drivers/net/ethernet/nxp/Kconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0d9baf98a3b931cff484bd5de7e5fc286b3c2d0c --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/nxp/Kconfig @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +config LPC_ENET + tristate "NXP ethernet MAC on LPC devices" + depends on ARCH_LPC32XX + select PHYLIB + help + Say Y or M here if you want to use the NXP ethernet MAC included on + some NXP LPC devices. You can safely enable this option for LPC32xx + SoC. Also available as a module. diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/nxp/Makefile b/drivers/net/ethernet/nxp/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a128114e6895a3f9b992895b671a359d24629d07 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/nxp/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +obj-$(CONFIG_LPC_ENET) += lpc_eth.o diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/nxp/lpc_eth.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/nxp/lpc_eth.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..69444247c20bd30563552c69528b9047d4f5a697 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/nxp/lpc_eth.c @@ -0,0 +1,1604 @@ +/* + * drivers/net/ethernet/nxp/lpc_eth.c + * + * Author: Kevin Wells + * + * Copyright (C) 2010 NXP Semiconductors + * Copyright (C) 2012 Roland Stigge + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + */ + +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#define MODNAME "lpc-eth" +#define DRV_VERSION "1.00" +#define PHYDEF_ADDR 0x00 + +#define ENET_MAXF_SIZE 1536 +#define ENET_RX_DESC 48 +#define ENET_TX_DESC 16 + +#define NAPI_WEIGHT 16 + +/* + * Ethernet MAC controller Register offsets + */ +#define LPC_ENET_MAC1(x) (x + 0x000) +#define LPC_ENET_MAC2(x) (x + 0x004) +#define LPC_ENET_IPGT(x) (x + 0x008) +#define LPC_ENET_IPGR(x) (x + 0x00C) +#define LPC_ENET_CLRT(x) (x + 0x010) +#define LPC_ENET_MAXF(x) (x + 0x014) +#define LPC_ENET_SUPP(x) (x + 0x018) +#define LPC_ENET_TEST(x) (x + 0x01C) +#define LPC_ENET_MCFG(x) (x + 0x020) +#define LPC_ENET_MCMD(x) (x + 0x024) +#define LPC_ENET_MADR(x) (x + 0x028) +#define LPC_ENET_MWTD(x) (x + 0x02C) +#define LPC_ENET_MRDD(x) (x + 0x030) +#define LPC_ENET_MIND(x) (x + 0x034) +#define LPC_ENET_SA0(x) (x + 0x040) +#define LPC_ENET_SA1(x) (x + 0x044) +#define LPC_ENET_SA2(x) (x + 0x048) +#define LPC_ENET_COMMAND(x) (x + 0x100) +#define LPC_ENET_STATUS(x) (x + 0x104) +#define LPC_ENET_RXDESCRIPTOR(x) (x + 0x108) +#define LPC_ENET_RXSTATUS(x) (x + 0x10C) +#define LPC_ENET_RXDESCRIPTORNUMBER(x) (x + 0x110) +#define LPC_ENET_RXPRODUCEINDEX(x) (x + 0x114) +#define LPC_ENET_RXCONSUMEINDEX(x) (x + 0x118) +#define LPC_ENET_TXDESCRIPTOR(x) (x + 0x11C) +#define LPC_ENET_TXSTATUS(x) (x + 0x120) +#define LPC_ENET_TXDESCRIPTORNUMBER(x) (x + 0x124) +#define LPC_ENET_TXPRODUCEINDEX(x) (x + 0x128) +#define LPC_ENET_TXCONSUMEINDEX(x) (x + 0x12C) +#define LPC_ENET_TSV0(x) (x + 0x158) +#define LPC_ENET_TSV1(x) (x + 0x15C) +#define LPC_ENET_RSV(x) (x + 0x160) +#define LPC_ENET_FLOWCONTROLCOUNTER(x) (x + 0x170) +#define LPC_ENET_FLOWCONTROLSTATUS(x) (x + 0x174) +#define LPC_ENET_RXFILTER_CTRL(x) (x + 0x200) +#define LPC_ENET_RXFILTERWOLSTATUS(x) (x + 0x204) +#define LPC_ENET_RXFILTERWOLCLEAR(x) (x + 0x208) +#define LPC_ENET_HASHFILTERL(x) (x + 0x210) +#define LPC_ENET_HASHFILTERH(x) (x + 0x214) +#define LPC_ENET_INTSTATUS(x) (x + 0xFE0) +#define LPC_ENET_INTENABLE(x) (x + 0xFE4) +#define LPC_ENET_INTCLEAR(x) (x + 0xFE8) +#define LPC_ENET_INTSET(x) (x + 0xFEC) +#define LPC_ENET_POWERDOWN(x) (x + 0xFF4) + +/* + * mac1 register definitions + */ +#define LPC_MAC1_RECV_ENABLE (1 << 0) +#define LPC_MAC1_PASS_ALL_RX_FRAMES (1 << 1) +#define LPC_MAC1_RX_FLOW_CONTROL (1 << 2) +#define LPC_MAC1_TX_FLOW_CONTROL (1 << 3) +#define LPC_MAC1_LOOPBACK (1 << 4) +#define LPC_MAC1_RESET_TX (1 << 8) +#define LPC_MAC1_RESET_MCS_TX (1 << 9) +#define LPC_MAC1_RESET_RX (1 << 10) +#define LPC_MAC1_RESET_MCS_RX (1 << 11) +#define LPC_MAC1_SIMULATION_RESET (1 << 14) +#define LPC_MAC1_SOFT_RESET (1 << 15) + +/* + * mac2 register definitions + */ +#define LPC_MAC2_FULL_DUPLEX (1 << 0) +#define LPC_MAC2_FRAME_LENGTH_CHECKING (1 << 1) +#define LPC_MAC2_HUGH_LENGTH_CHECKING (1 << 2) +#define LPC_MAC2_DELAYED_CRC (1 << 3) +#define LPC_MAC2_CRC_ENABLE (1 << 4) +#define LPC_MAC2_PAD_CRC_ENABLE (1 << 5) +#define LPC_MAC2_VLAN_PAD_ENABLE (1 << 6) +#define LPC_MAC2_AUTO_DETECT_PAD_ENABLE (1 << 7) +#define LPC_MAC2_PURE_PREAMBLE_ENFORCEMENT (1 << 8) +#define LPC_MAC2_LONG_PREAMBLE_ENFORCEMENT (1 << 9) +#define LPC_MAC2_NO_BACKOFF (1 << 12) +#define LPC_MAC2_BACK_PRESSURE (1 << 13) +#define LPC_MAC2_EXCESS_DEFER (1 << 14) + +/* + * ipgt register definitions + */ +#define LPC_IPGT_LOAD(n) ((n) & 0x7F) + +/* + * ipgr register definitions + */ +#define LPC_IPGR_LOAD_PART2(n) ((n) & 0x7F) +#define LPC_IPGR_LOAD_PART1(n) (((n) & 0x7F) << 8) + +/* + * clrt register definitions + */ +#define LPC_CLRT_LOAD_RETRY_MAX(n) ((n) & 0xF) +#define LPC_CLRT_LOAD_COLLISION_WINDOW(n) (((n) & 0x3F) << 8) + +/* + * maxf register definitions + */ +#define LPC_MAXF_LOAD_MAX_FRAME_LEN(n) ((n) & 0xFFFF) + +/* + * supp register definitions + */ +#define LPC_SUPP_SPEED (1 << 8) +#define LPC_SUPP_RESET_RMII (1 << 11) + +/* + * test register definitions + */ +#define LPC_TEST_SHORTCUT_PAUSE_QUANTA (1 << 0) +#define LPC_TEST_PAUSE (1 << 1) +#define LPC_TEST_BACKPRESSURE (1 << 2) + +/* + * mcfg register definitions + */ +#define LPC_MCFG_SCAN_INCREMENT (1 << 0) +#define LPC_MCFG_SUPPRESS_PREAMBLE (1 << 1) +#define LPC_MCFG_CLOCK_SELECT(n) (((n) & 0x7) << 2) +#define LPC_MCFG_CLOCK_HOST_DIV_4 0 +#define LPC_MCFG_CLOCK_HOST_DIV_6 2 +#define LPC_MCFG_CLOCK_HOST_DIV_8 3 +#define LPC_MCFG_CLOCK_HOST_DIV_10 4 +#define LPC_MCFG_CLOCK_HOST_DIV_14 5 +#define LPC_MCFG_CLOCK_HOST_DIV_20 6 +#define LPC_MCFG_CLOCK_HOST_DIV_28 7 +#define LPC_MCFG_RESET_MII_MGMT (1 << 15) + +/* + * mcmd register definitions + */ +#define LPC_MCMD_READ (1 << 0) +#define LPC_MCMD_SCAN (1 << 1) + +/* + * madr register definitions + */ +#define LPC_MADR_REGISTER_ADDRESS(n) ((n) & 0x1F) +#define LPC_MADR_PHY_0ADDRESS(n) (((n) & 0x1F) << 8) + +/* + * mwtd register definitions + */ +#define LPC_MWDT_WRITE(n) ((n) & 0xFFFF) + +/* + * mrdd register definitions + */ +#define LPC_MRDD_READ_MASK 0xFFFF + +/* + * mind register definitions + */ +#define LPC_MIND_BUSY (1 << 0) +#define LPC_MIND_SCANNING (1 << 1) +#define LPC_MIND_NOT_VALID (1 << 2) +#define LPC_MIND_MII_LINK_FAIL (1 << 3) + +/* + * command register definitions + */ +#define LPC_COMMAND_RXENABLE (1 << 0) +#define LPC_COMMAND_TXENABLE (1 << 1) +#define LPC_COMMAND_REG_RESET (1 << 3) +#define LPC_COMMAND_TXRESET (1 << 4) +#define LPC_COMMAND_RXRESET (1 << 5) +#define LPC_COMMAND_PASSRUNTFRAME (1 << 6) +#define LPC_COMMAND_PASSRXFILTER (1 << 7) +#define LPC_COMMAND_TXFLOWCONTROL (1 << 8) +#define LPC_COMMAND_RMII (1 << 9) +#define LPC_COMMAND_FULLDUPLEX (1 << 10) + +/* + * status register definitions + */ +#define LPC_STATUS_RXACTIVE (1 << 0) +#define LPC_STATUS_TXACTIVE (1 << 1) + +/* + * tsv0 register definitions + */ +#define LPC_TSV0_CRC_ERROR (1 << 0) +#define LPC_TSV0_LENGTH_CHECK_ERROR (1 << 1) +#define LPC_TSV0_LENGTH_OUT_OF_RANGE (1 << 2) +#define LPC_TSV0_DONE (1 << 3) +#define LPC_TSV0_MULTICAST (1 << 4) +#define LPC_TSV0_BROADCAST (1 << 5) +#define LPC_TSV0_PACKET_DEFER (1 << 6) +#define LPC_TSV0_ESCESSIVE_DEFER (1 << 7) +#define LPC_TSV0_ESCESSIVE_COLLISION (1 << 8) +#define LPC_TSV0_LATE_COLLISION (1 << 9) +#define LPC_TSV0_GIANT (1 << 10) +#define LPC_TSV0_UNDERRUN (1 << 11) +#define LPC_TSV0_TOTAL_BYTES(n) (((n) >> 12) & 0xFFFF) +#define LPC_TSV0_CONTROL_FRAME (1 << 28) +#define LPC_TSV0_PAUSE (1 << 29) +#define LPC_TSV0_BACKPRESSURE (1 << 30) +#define LPC_TSV0_VLAN (1 << 31) + +/* + * tsv1 register definitions + */ +#define LPC_TSV1_TRANSMIT_BYTE_COUNT(n) ((n) & 0xFFFF) +#define LPC_TSV1_COLLISION_COUNT(n) (((n) >> 16) & 0xF) + +/* + * rsv register definitions + */ +#define LPC_RSV_RECEIVED_BYTE_COUNT(n) ((n) & 0xFFFF) +#define LPC_RSV_RXDV_EVENT_IGNORED (1 << 16) +#define LPC_RSV_RXDV_EVENT_PREVIOUSLY_SEEN (1 << 17) +#define LPC_RSV_CARRIER_EVNT_PREVIOUS_SEEN (1 << 18) +#define LPC_RSV_RECEIVE_CODE_VIOLATION (1 << 19) +#define LPC_RSV_CRC_ERROR (1 << 20) +#define LPC_RSV_LENGTH_CHECK_ERROR (1 << 21) +#define LPC_RSV_LENGTH_OUT_OF_RANGE (1 << 22) +#define LPC_RSV_RECEIVE_OK (1 << 23) +#define LPC_RSV_MULTICAST (1 << 24) +#define LPC_RSV_BROADCAST (1 << 25) +#define LPC_RSV_DRIBBLE_NIBBLE (1 << 26) +#define LPC_RSV_CONTROL_FRAME (1 << 27) +#define LPC_RSV_PAUSE (1 << 28) +#define LPC_RSV_UNSUPPORTED_OPCODE (1 << 29) +#define LPC_RSV_VLAN (1 << 30) + +/* + * flowcontrolcounter register definitions + */ +#define LPC_FCCR_MIRRORCOUNTER(n) ((n) & 0xFFFF) +#define LPC_FCCR_PAUSETIMER(n) (((n) >> 16) & 0xFFFF) + +/* + * flowcontrolstatus register definitions + */ +#define LPC_FCCR_MIRRORCOUNTERCURRENT(n) ((n) & 0xFFFF) + +/* + * rxfliterctrl, rxfilterwolstatus, and rxfilterwolclear shared + * register definitions + */ +#define LPC_RXFLTRW_ACCEPTUNICAST (1 << 0) +#define LPC_RXFLTRW_ACCEPTUBROADCAST (1 << 1) +#define LPC_RXFLTRW_ACCEPTUMULTICAST (1 << 2) +#define LPC_RXFLTRW_ACCEPTUNICASTHASH (1 << 3) +#define LPC_RXFLTRW_ACCEPTUMULTICASTHASH (1 << 4) +#define LPC_RXFLTRW_ACCEPTPERFECT (1 << 5) + +/* + * rxfliterctrl register definitions + */ +#define LPC_RXFLTRWSTS_MAGICPACKETENWOL (1 << 12) +#define LPC_RXFLTRWSTS_RXFILTERENWOL (1 << 13) + +/* + * rxfilterwolstatus/rxfilterwolclear register definitions + */ +#define LPC_RXFLTRWSTS_RXFILTERWOL (1 << 7) +#define LPC_RXFLTRWSTS_MAGICPACKETWOL (1 << 8) + +/* + * intstatus, intenable, intclear, and Intset shared register + * definitions + */ +#define LPC_MACINT_RXOVERRUNINTEN (1 << 0) +#define LPC_MACINT_RXERRORONINT (1 << 1) +#define LPC_MACINT_RXFINISHEDINTEN (1 << 2) +#define LPC_MACINT_RXDONEINTEN (1 << 3) +#define LPC_MACINT_TXUNDERRUNINTEN (1 << 4) +#define LPC_MACINT_TXERRORINTEN (1 << 5) +#define LPC_MACINT_TXFINISHEDINTEN (1 << 6) +#define LPC_MACINT_TXDONEINTEN (1 << 7) +#define LPC_MACINT_SOFTINTEN (1 << 12) +#define LPC_MACINT_WAKEUPINTEN (1 << 13) + +/* + * powerdown register definitions + */ +#define LPC_POWERDOWN_MACAHB (1 << 31) + +/* Upon the upcoming introduction of device tree usage in LPC32xx, + * lpc_phy_interface_mode() and use_iram_for_net() will be extended with a + * device parameter for access to device tree information at runtime, instead + * of defining the values at compile time + */ +static inline phy_interface_t lpc_phy_interface_mode(void) +{ +#ifdef CONFIG_ARCH_LPC32XX_MII_SUPPORT + return PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_MII; +#else + return PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_RMII; +#endif +} + +static inline int use_iram_for_net(void) +{ +#ifdef CONFIG_ARCH_LPC32XX_IRAM_FOR_NET + return 1; +#else + return 0; +#endif +} + +/* Receive Status information word */ +#define RXSTATUS_SIZE 0x000007FF +#define RXSTATUS_CONTROL (1 << 18) +#define RXSTATUS_VLAN (1 << 19) +#define RXSTATUS_FILTER (1 << 20) +#define RXSTATUS_MULTICAST (1 << 21) +#define RXSTATUS_BROADCAST (1 << 22) +#define RXSTATUS_CRC (1 << 23) +#define RXSTATUS_SYMBOL (1 << 24) +#define RXSTATUS_LENGTH (1 << 25) +#define RXSTATUS_RANGE (1 << 26) +#define RXSTATUS_ALIGN (1 << 27) +#define RXSTATUS_OVERRUN (1 << 28) +#define RXSTATUS_NODESC (1 << 29) +#define RXSTATUS_LAST (1 << 30) +#define RXSTATUS_ERROR (1 << 31) + +#define RXSTATUS_STATUS_ERROR \ + (RXSTATUS_NODESC | RXSTATUS_OVERRUN | RXSTATUS_ALIGN | \ + RXSTATUS_RANGE | RXSTATUS_LENGTH | RXSTATUS_SYMBOL | RXSTATUS_CRC) + +/* Receive Descriptor control word */ +#define RXDESC_CONTROL_SIZE 0x000007FF +#define RXDESC_CONTROL_INT (1 << 31) + +/* Transmit Status information word */ +#define TXSTATUS_COLLISIONS_GET(x) (((x) >> 21) & 0xF) +#define TXSTATUS_DEFER (1 << 25) +#define TXSTATUS_EXCESSDEFER (1 << 26) +#define TXSTATUS_EXCESSCOLL (1 << 27) +#define TXSTATUS_LATECOLL (1 << 28) +#define TXSTATUS_UNDERRUN (1 << 29) +#define TXSTATUS_NODESC (1 << 30) +#define TXSTATUS_ERROR (1 << 31) + +/* Transmit Descriptor control word */ +#define TXDESC_CONTROL_SIZE 0x000007FF +#define TXDESC_CONTROL_OVERRIDE (1 << 26) +#define TXDESC_CONTROL_HUGE (1 << 27) +#define TXDESC_CONTROL_PAD (1 << 28) +#define TXDESC_CONTROL_CRC (1 << 29) +#define TXDESC_CONTROL_LAST (1 << 30) +#define TXDESC_CONTROL_INT (1 << 31) + +static int lpc_eth_hard_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, + struct net_device *ndev); + +/* + * Structure of a TX/RX descriptors and RX status + */ +struct txrx_desc_t { + __le32 packet; + __le32 control; +}; +struct rx_status_t { + __le32 statusinfo; + __le32 statushashcrc; +}; + +/* + * Device driver data structure + */ +struct netdata_local { + struct platform_device *pdev; + struct net_device *ndev; + spinlock_t lock; + void __iomem *net_base; + u32 msg_enable; + struct sk_buff *skb[ENET_TX_DESC]; + unsigned int last_tx_idx; + unsigned int num_used_tx_buffs; + struct mii_bus *mii_bus; + struct phy_device *phy_dev; + struct clk *clk; + dma_addr_t dma_buff_base_p; + void *dma_buff_base_v; + size_t dma_buff_size; + struct txrx_desc_t *tx_desc_v; + u32 *tx_stat_v; + void *tx_buff_v; + struct txrx_desc_t *rx_desc_v; + struct rx_status_t *rx_stat_v; + void *rx_buff_v; + int link; + int speed; + int duplex; + struct napi_struct napi; +}; + +/* + * MAC support functions + */ +static void __lpc_set_mac(struct netdata_local *pldat, u8 *mac) +{ + u32 tmp; + + /* Set station address */ + tmp = mac[0] | ((u32)mac[1] << 8); + writel(tmp, LPC_ENET_SA2(pldat->net_base)); + tmp = mac[2] | ((u32)mac[3] << 8); + writel(tmp, LPC_ENET_SA1(pldat->net_base)); + tmp = mac[4] | ((u32)mac[5] << 8); + writel(tmp, LPC_ENET_SA0(pldat->net_base)); + + netdev_dbg(pldat->ndev, "Ethernet MAC address %pM\n", mac); +} + +static void __lpc_get_mac(struct netdata_local *pldat, u8 *mac) +{ + u32 tmp; + + /* Get station address */ + tmp = readl(LPC_ENET_SA2(pldat->net_base)); + mac[0] = tmp & 0xFF; + mac[1] = tmp >> 8; + tmp = readl(LPC_ENET_SA1(pldat->net_base)); + mac[2] = tmp & 0xFF; + mac[3] = tmp >> 8; + tmp = readl(LPC_ENET_SA0(pldat->net_base)); + mac[4] = tmp & 0xFF; + mac[5] = tmp >> 8; +} + +static void __lpc_eth_clock_enable(struct netdata_local *pldat, + bool enable) +{ + if (enable) + clk_enable(pldat->clk); + else + clk_disable(pldat->clk); +} + +static void __lpc_params_setup(struct netdata_local *pldat) +{ + u32 tmp; + + if (pldat->duplex == DUPLEX_FULL) { + tmp = readl(LPC_ENET_MAC2(pldat->net_base)); + tmp |= LPC_MAC2_FULL_DUPLEX; + writel(tmp, LPC_ENET_MAC2(pldat->net_base)); + tmp = readl(LPC_ENET_COMMAND(pldat->net_base)); + tmp |= LPC_COMMAND_FULLDUPLEX; + writel(tmp, LPC_ENET_COMMAND(pldat->net_base)); + writel(LPC_IPGT_LOAD(0x15), LPC_ENET_IPGT(pldat->net_base)); + } else { + tmp = readl(LPC_ENET_MAC2(pldat->net_base)); + tmp &= ~LPC_MAC2_FULL_DUPLEX; + writel(tmp, LPC_ENET_MAC2(pldat->net_base)); + tmp = readl(LPC_ENET_COMMAND(pldat->net_base)); + tmp &= ~LPC_COMMAND_FULLDUPLEX; + writel(tmp, LPC_ENET_COMMAND(pldat->net_base)); + writel(LPC_IPGT_LOAD(0x12), LPC_ENET_IPGT(pldat->net_base)); + } + + if (pldat->speed == SPEED_100) + writel(LPC_SUPP_SPEED, LPC_ENET_SUPP(pldat->net_base)); + else + writel(0, LPC_ENET_SUPP(pldat->net_base)); +} + +static void __lpc_eth_reset(struct netdata_local *pldat) +{ + /* Reset all MAC logic */ + writel((LPC_MAC1_RESET_TX | LPC_MAC1_RESET_MCS_TX | LPC_MAC1_RESET_RX | + LPC_MAC1_RESET_MCS_RX | LPC_MAC1_SIMULATION_RESET | + LPC_MAC1_SOFT_RESET), LPC_ENET_MAC1(pldat->net_base)); + writel((LPC_COMMAND_REG_RESET | LPC_COMMAND_TXRESET | + LPC_COMMAND_RXRESET), LPC_ENET_COMMAND(pldat->net_base)); +} + +static int __lpc_mii_mngt_reset(struct netdata_local *pldat) +{ + /* Reset MII management hardware */ + writel(LPC_MCFG_RESET_MII_MGMT, LPC_ENET_MCFG(pldat->net_base)); + + /* Setup MII clock to slowest rate with a /28 divider */ + writel(LPC_MCFG_CLOCK_SELECT(LPC_MCFG_CLOCK_HOST_DIV_28), + LPC_ENET_MCFG(pldat->net_base)); + + return 0; +} + +static inline phys_addr_t __va_to_pa(void *addr, struct netdata_local *pldat) +{ + phys_addr_t phaddr; + + phaddr = addr - pldat->dma_buff_base_v; + phaddr += pldat->dma_buff_base_p; + + return phaddr; +} + +static void lpc_eth_enable_int(void __iomem *regbase) +{ + writel((LPC_MACINT_RXDONEINTEN | LPC_MACINT_TXDONEINTEN), + LPC_ENET_INTENABLE(regbase)); +} + +static void lpc_eth_disable_int(void __iomem *regbase) +{ + writel(0, LPC_ENET_INTENABLE(regbase)); +} + +/* Setup TX/RX descriptors */ +static void __lpc_txrx_desc_setup(struct netdata_local *pldat) +{ + u32 *ptxstat; + void *tbuff; + int i; + struct txrx_desc_t *ptxrxdesc; + struct rx_status_t *prxstat; + + tbuff = PTR_ALIGN(pldat->dma_buff_base_v, 16); + + /* Setup TX descriptors, status, and buffers */ + pldat->tx_desc_v = tbuff; + tbuff += sizeof(struct txrx_desc_t) * ENET_TX_DESC; + + pldat->tx_stat_v = tbuff; + tbuff += sizeof(u32) * ENET_TX_DESC; + + tbuff = PTR_ALIGN(tbuff, 16); + pldat->tx_buff_v = tbuff; + tbuff += ENET_MAXF_SIZE * ENET_TX_DESC; + + /* Setup RX descriptors, status, and buffers */ + pldat->rx_desc_v = tbuff; + tbuff += sizeof(struct txrx_desc_t) * ENET_RX_DESC; + + tbuff = PTR_ALIGN(tbuff, 16); + pldat->rx_stat_v = tbuff; + tbuff += sizeof(struct rx_status_t) * ENET_RX_DESC; + + tbuff = PTR_ALIGN(tbuff, 16); + pldat->rx_buff_v = tbuff; + tbuff += ENET_MAXF_SIZE * ENET_RX_DESC; + + /* Map the TX descriptors to the TX buffers in hardware */ + for (i = 0; i < ENET_TX_DESC; i++) { + ptxstat = &pldat->tx_stat_v[i]; + ptxrxdesc = &pldat->tx_desc_v[i]; + + ptxrxdesc->packet = __va_to_pa( + pldat->tx_buff_v + i * ENET_MAXF_SIZE, pldat); + ptxrxdesc->control = 0; + *ptxstat = 0; + } + + /* Map the RX descriptors to the RX buffers in hardware */ + for (i = 0; i < ENET_RX_DESC; i++) { + prxstat = &pldat->rx_stat_v[i]; + ptxrxdesc = &pldat->rx_desc_v[i]; + + ptxrxdesc->packet = __va_to_pa( + pldat->rx_buff_v + i * ENET_MAXF_SIZE, pldat); + ptxrxdesc->control = RXDESC_CONTROL_INT | (ENET_MAXF_SIZE - 1); + prxstat->statusinfo = 0; + prxstat->statushashcrc = 0; + } + + /* Setup base addresses in hardware to point to buffers and + * descriptors + */ + writel((ENET_TX_DESC - 1), + LPC_ENET_TXDESCRIPTORNUMBER(pldat->net_base)); + writel(__va_to_pa(pldat->tx_desc_v, pldat), + LPC_ENET_TXDESCRIPTOR(pldat->net_base)); + writel(__va_to_pa(pldat->tx_stat_v, pldat), + LPC_ENET_TXSTATUS(pldat->net_base)); + writel((ENET_RX_DESC - 1), + LPC_ENET_RXDESCRIPTORNUMBER(pldat->net_base)); + writel(__va_to_pa(pldat->rx_desc_v, pldat), + LPC_ENET_RXDESCRIPTOR(pldat->net_base)); + writel(__va_to_pa(pldat->rx_stat_v, pldat), + LPC_ENET_RXSTATUS(pldat->net_base)); +} + +static void __lpc_eth_init(struct netdata_local *pldat) +{ + u32 tmp; + + /* Disable controller and reset */ + tmp = readl(LPC_ENET_COMMAND(pldat->net_base)); + tmp &= ~LPC_COMMAND_RXENABLE | LPC_COMMAND_TXENABLE; + writel(tmp, LPC_ENET_COMMAND(pldat->net_base)); + tmp = readl(LPC_ENET_MAC1(pldat->net_base)); + tmp &= ~LPC_MAC1_RECV_ENABLE; + writel(tmp, LPC_ENET_MAC1(pldat->net_base)); + + /* Initial MAC setup */ + writel(LPC_MAC1_PASS_ALL_RX_FRAMES, LPC_ENET_MAC1(pldat->net_base)); + writel((LPC_MAC2_PAD_CRC_ENABLE | LPC_MAC2_CRC_ENABLE), + LPC_ENET_MAC2(pldat->net_base)); + writel(ENET_MAXF_SIZE, LPC_ENET_MAXF(pldat->net_base)); + + /* Collision window, gap */ + writel((LPC_CLRT_LOAD_RETRY_MAX(0xF) | + LPC_CLRT_LOAD_COLLISION_WINDOW(0x37)), + LPC_ENET_CLRT(pldat->net_base)); + writel(LPC_IPGR_LOAD_PART2(0x12), LPC_ENET_IPGR(pldat->net_base)); + + if (lpc_phy_interface_mode() == PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_MII) + writel(LPC_COMMAND_PASSRUNTFRAME, + LPC_ENET_COMMAND(pldat->net_base)); + else { + writel((LPC_COMMAND_PASSRUNTFRAME | LPC_COMMAND_RMII), + LPC_ENET_COMMAND(pldat->net_base)); + writel(LPC_SUPP_RESET_RMII, LPC_ENET_SUPP(pldat->net_base)); + } + + __lpc_params_setup(pldat); + + /* Setup TX and RX descriptors */ + __lpc_txrx_desc_setup(pldat); + + /* Setup packet filtering */ + writel((LPC_RXFLTRW_ACCEPTUBROADCAST | LPC_RXFLTRW_ACCEPTPERFECT), + LPC_ENET_RXFILTER_CTRL(pldat->net_base)); + + /* Get the next TX buffer output index */ + pldat->num_used_tx_buffs = 0; + pldat->last_tx_idx = + readl(LPC_ENET_TXCONSUMEINDEX(pldat->net_base)); + + /* Clear and enable interrupts */ + writel(0xFFFF, LPC_ENET_INTCLEAR(pldat->net_base)); + smp_wmb(); + lpc_eth_enable_int(pldat->net_base); + + /* Enable controller */ + tmp = readl(LPC_ENET_COMMAND(pldat->net_base)); + tmp |= LPC_COMMAND_RXENABLE | LPC_COMMAND_TXENABLE; + writel(tmp, LPC_ENET_COMMAND(pldat->net_base)); + tmp = readl(LPC_ENET_MAC1(pldat->net_base)); + tmp |= LPC_MAC1_RECV_ENABLE; + writel(tmp, LPC_ENET_MAC1(pldat->net_base)); +} + +static void __lpc_eth_shutdown(struct netdata_local *pldat) +{ + /* Reset ethernet and power down PHY */ + __lpc_eth_reset(pldat); + writel(0, LPC_ENET_MAC1(pldat->net_base)); + writel(0, LPC_ENET_MAC2(pldat->net_base)); +} + +/* + * MAC<--->PHY support functions + */ +static int lpc_mdio_read(struct mii_bus *bus, int phy_id, int phyreg) +{ + struct netdata_local *pldat = bus->priv; + unsigned long timeout = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(100); + int lps; + + writel(((phy_id << 8) | phyreg), LPC_ENET_MADR(pldat->net_base)); + writel(LPC_MCMD_READ, LPC_ENET_MCMD(pldat->net_base)); + + /* Wait for unbusy status */ + while (readl(LPC_ENET_MIND(pldat->net_base)) & LPC_MIND_BUSY) { + if (time_after(jiffies, timeout)) + return -EIO; + cpu_relax(); + } + + lps = readl(LPC_ENET_MRDD(pldat->net_base)); + writel(0, LPC_ENET_MCMD(pldat->net_base)); + + return lps; +} + +static int lpc_mdio_write(struct mii_bus *bus, int phy_id, int phyreg, + u16 phydata) +{ + struct netdata_local *pldat = bus->priv; + unsigned long timeout = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(100); + + writel(((phy_id << 8) | phyreg), LPC_ENET_MADR(pldat->net_base)); + writel(phydata, LPC_ENET_MWTD(pldat->net_base)); + + /* Wait for completion */ + while (readl(LPC_ENET_MIND(pldat->net_base)) & LPC_MIND_BUSY) { + if (time_after(jiffies, timeout)) + return -EIO; + cpu_relax(); + } + + return 0; +} + +static int lpc_mdio_reset(struct mii_bus *bus) +{ + return __lpc_mii_mngt_reset((struct netdata_local *)bus->priv); +} + +static void lpc_handle_link_change(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct netdata_local *pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct phy_device *phydev = pldat->phy_dev; + unsigned long flags; + + bool status_change = false; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&pldat->lock, flags); + + if (phydev->link) { + if ((pldat->speed != phydev->speed) || + (pldat->duplex != phydev->duplex)) { + pldat->speed = phydev->speed; + pldat->duplex = phydev->duplex; + status_change = true; + } + } + + if (phydev->link != pldat->link) { + if (!phydev->link) { + pldat->speed = 0; + pldat->duplex = -1; + } + pldat->link = phydev->link; + + status_change = true; + } + + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pldat->lock, flags); + + if (status_change) + __lpc_params_setup(pldat); +} + +static int lpc_mii_probe(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct netdata_local *pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct phy_device *phydev = phy_find_first(pldat->mii_bus); + + if (!phydev) { + netdev_err(ndev, "no PHY found\n"); + return -ENODEV; + } + + /* Attach to the PHY */ + if (lpc_phy_interface_mode() == PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_MII) + netdev_info(ndev, "using MII interface\n"); + else + netdev_info(ndev, "using RMII interface\n"); + phydev = phy_connect(ndev, dev_name(&phydev->dev), + &lpc_handle_link_change, 0, lpc_phy_interface_mode()); + + if (IS_ERR(phydev)) { + netdev_err(ndev, "Could not attach to PHY\n"); + return PTR_ERR(phydev); + } + + /* mask with MAC supported features */ + phydev->supported &= PHY_BASIC_FEATURES; + + phydev->advertising = phydev->supported; + + pldat->link = 0; + pldat->speed = 0; + pldat->duplex = -1; + pldat->phy_dev = phydev; + + netdev_info(ndev, + "attached PHY driver [%s] (mii_bus:phy_addr=%s, irq=%d)\n", + phydev->drv->name, dev_name(&phydev->dev), phydev->irq); + return 0; +} + +static int lpc_mii_init(struct netdata_local *pldat) +{ + int err = -ENXIO, i; + + pldat->mii_bus = mdiobus_alloc(); + if (!pldat->mii_bus) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto err_out; + } + + /* Setup MII mode */ + if (lpc_phy_interface_mode() == PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_MII) + writel(LPC_COMMAND_PASSRUNTFRAME, + LPC_ENET_COMMAND(pldat->net_base)); + else { + writel((LPC_COMMAND_PASSRUNTFRAME | LPC_COMMAND_RMII), + LPC_ENET_COMMAND(pldat->net_base)); + writel(LPC_SUPP_RESET_RMII, LPC_ENET_SUPP(pldat->net_base)); + } + + pldat->mii_bus->name = "lpc_mii_bus"; + pldat->mii_bus->read = &lpc_mdio_read; + pldat->mii_bus->write = &lpc_mdio_write; + pldat->mii_bus->reset = &lpc_mdio_reset; + snprintf(pldat->mii_bus->id, MII_BUS_ID_SIZE, "%s-%x", + pldat->pdev->name, pldat->pdev->id); + pldat->mii_bus->priv = pldat; + pldat->mii_bus->parent = &pldat->pdev->dev; + + pldat->mii_bus->irq = kmalloc(sizeof(int) * PHY_MAX_ADDR, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!pldat->mii_bus->irq) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto err_out_1; + } + + for (i = 0; i < PHY_MAX_ADDR; i++) + pldat->mii_bus->irq[i] = PHY_POLL; + + platform_set_drvdata(pldat->pdev, pldat->mii_bus); + + if (mdiobus_register(pldat->mii_bus)) + goto err_out_free_mdio_irq; + + if (lpc_mii_probe(pldat->ndev) != 0) + goto err_out_unregister_bus; + + return 0; + +err_out_unregister_bus: + mdiobus_unregister(pldat->mii_bus); +err_out_free_mdio_irq: + kfree(pldat->mii_bus->irq); +err_out_1: + mdiobus_free(pldat->mii_bus); +err_out: + return err; +} + +static void __lpc_handle_xmit(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct netdata_local *pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct sk_buff *skb; + u32 txcidx, *ptxstat, txstat; + + txcidx = readl(LPC_ENET_TXCONSUMEINDEX(pldat->net_base)); + while (pldat->last_tx_idx != txcidx) { + skb = pldat->skb[pldat->last_tx_idx]; + + /* A buffer is available, get buffer status */ + ptxstat = &pldat->tx_stat_v[pldat->last_tx_idx]; + txstat = *ptxstat; + + /* Next buffer and decrement used buffer counter */ + pldat->num_used_tx_buffs--; + pldat->last_tx_idx++; + if (pldat->last_tx_idx >= ENET_TX_DESC) + pldat->last_tx_idx = 0; + + /* Update collision counter */ + ndev->stats.collisions += TXSTATUS_COLLISIONS_GET(txstat); + + /* Any errors occurred? */ + if (txstat & TXSTATUS_ERROR) { + if (txstat & TXSTATUS_UNDERRUN) { + /* FIFO underrun */ + ndev->stats.tx_fifo_errors++; + } + if (txstat & TXSTATUS_LATECOLL) { + /* Late collision */ + ndev->stats.tx_aborted_errors++; + } + if (txstat & TXSTATUS_EXCESSCOLL) { + /* Excessive collision */ + ndev->stats.tx_aborted_errors++; + } + if (txstat & TXSTATUS_EXCESSDEFER) { + /* Defer limit */ + ndev->stats.tx_aborted_errors++; + } + ndev->stats.tx_errors++; + } else { + /* Update stats */ + ndev->stats.tx_packets++; + ndev->stats.tx_bytes += skb->len; + + /* Free buffer */ + dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb); + } + + txcidx = readl(LPC_ENET_TXCONSUMEINDEX(pldat->net_base)); + } + + if (netif_queue_stopped(ndev)) + netif_wake_queue(ndev); +} + +static int __lpc_handle_recv(struct net_device *ndev, int budget) +{ + struct netdata_local *pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct sk_buff *skb; + u32 rxconsidx, len, ethst; + struct rx_status_t *prxstat; + u8 *prdbuf; + int rx_done = 0; + + /* Get the current RX buffer indexes */ + rxconsidx = readl(LPC_ENET_RXCONSUMEINDEX(pldat->net_base)); + while (rx_done < budget && rxconsidx != + readl(LPC_ENET_RXPRODUCEINDEX(pldat->net_base))) { + /* Get pointer to receive status */ + prxstat = &pldat->rx_stat_v[rxconsidx]; + len = (prxstat->statusinfo & RXSTATUS_SIZE) + 1; + + /* Status error? */ + ethst = prxstat->statusinfo; + if ((ethst & (RXSTATUS_ERROR | RXSTATUS_STATUS_ERROR)) == + (RXSTATUS_ERROR | RXSTATUS_RANGE)) + ethst &= ~RXSTATUS_ERROR; + + if (ethst & RXSTATUS_ERROR) { + int si = prxstat->statusinfo; + /* Check statuses */ + if (si & RXSTATUS_OVERRUN) { + /* Overrun error */ + ndev->stats.rx_fifo_errors++; + } else if (si & RXSTATUS_CRC) { + /* CRC error */ + ndev->stats.rx_crc_errors++; + } else if (si & RXSTATUS_LENGTH) { + /* Length error */ + ndev->stats.rx_length_errors++; + } else if (si & RXSTATUS_ERROR) { + /* Other error */ + ndev->stats.rx_length_errors++; + } + ndev->stats.rx_errors++; + } else { + /* Packet is good */ + skb = dev_alloc_skb(len + 8); + if (!skb) + ndev->stats.rx_dropped++; + else { + prdbuf = skb_put(skb, len); + + /* Copy packet from buffer */ + memcpy(prdbuf, pldat->rx_buff_v + + rxconsidx * ENET_MAXF_SIZE, len); + + /* Pass to upper layer */ + skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, ndev); + netif_receive_skb(skb); + ndev->stats.rx_packets++; + ndev->stats.rx_bytes += len; + } + } + + /* Increment consume index */ + rxconsidx = rxconsidx + 1; + if (rxconsidx >= ENET_RX_DESC) + rxconsidx = 0; + writel(rxconsidx, + LPC_ENET_RXCONSUMEINDEX(pldat->net_base)); + rx_done++; + } + + return rx_done; +} + +static int lpc_eth_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) +{ + struct netdata_local *pldat = container_of(napi, + struct netdata_local, napi); + struct net_device *ndev = pldat->ndev; + int rx_done = 0; + struct netdev_queue *txq = netdev_get_tx_queue(ndev, 0); + + __netif_tx_lock(txq, smp_processor_id()); + __lpc_handle_xmit(ndev); + __netif_tx_unlock(txq); + rx_done = __lpc_handle_recv(ndev, budget); + + if (rx_done < budget) { + napi_complete(napi); + lpc_eth_enable_int(pldat->net_base); + } + + return rx_done; +} + +static irqreturn_t __lpc_eth_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) +{ + struct net_device *ndev = dev_id; + struct netdata_local *pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + u32 tmp; + + spin_lock(&pldat->lock); + + tmp = readl(LPC_ENET_INTSTATUS(pldat->net_base)); + /* Clear interrupts */ + writel(tmp, LPC_ENET_INTCLEAR(pldat->net_base)); + + lpc_eth_disable_int(pldat->net_base); + if (likely(napi_schedule_prep(&pldat->napi))) + __napi_schedule(&pldat->napi); + + spin_unlock(&pldat->lock); + + return IRQ_HANDLED; +} + +static int lpc_eth_close(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + unsigned long flags; + struct netdata_local *pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + + if (netif_msg_ifdown(pldat)) + dev_dbg(&pldat->pdev->dev, "shutting down %s\n", ndev->name); + + napi_disable(&pldat->napi); + netif_stop_queue(ndev); + + if (pldat->phy_dev) + phy_stop(pldat->phy_dev); + + spin_lock_irqsave(&pldat->lock, flags); + __lpc_eth_reset(pldat); + netif_carrier_off(ndev); + writel(0, LPC_ENET_MAC1(pldat->net_base)); + writel(0, LPC_ENET_MAC2(pldat->net_base)); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pldat->lock, flags); + + __lpc_eth_clock_enable(pldat, false); + + return 0; +} + +static int lpc_eth_hard_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct netdata_local *pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + u32 len, txidx; + u32 *ptxstat; + struct txrx_desc_t *ptxrxdesc; + + len = skb->len; + + spin_lock_irq(&pldat->lock); + + if (pldat->num_used_tx_buffs >= (ENET_TX_DESC - 1)) { + /* This function should never be called when there are no + buffers */ + netif_stop_queue(ndev); + spin_unlock_irq(&pldat->lock); + WARN(1, "BUG! TX request when no free TX buffers!\n"); + return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; + } + + /* Get the next TX descriptor index */ + txidx = readl(LPC_ENET_TXPRODUCEINDEX(pldat->net_base)); + + /* Setup control for the transfer */ + ptxstat = &pldat->tx_stat_v[txidx]; + *ptxstat = 0; + ptxrxdesc = &pldat->tx_desc_v[txidx]; + ptxrxdesc->control = + (len - 1) | TXDESC_CONTROL_LAST | TXDESC_CONTROL_INT; + + /* Copy data to the DMA buffer */ + memcpy(pldat->tx_buff_v + txidx * ENET_MAXF_SIZE, skb->data, len); + + /* Save the buffer and increment the buffer counter */ + pldat->skb[txidx] = skb; + pldat->num_used_tx_buffs++; + + /* Start transmit */ + txidx++; + if (txidx >= ENET_TX_DESC) + txidx = 0; + writel(txidx, LPC_ENET_TXPRODUCEINDEX(pldat->net_base)); + + /* Stop queue if no more TX buffers */ + if (pldat->num_used_tx_buffs >= (ENET_TX_DESC - 1)) + netif_stop_queue(ndev); + + spin_unlock_irq(&pldat->lock); + + return NETDEV_TX_OK; +} + +static int lpc_set_mac_address(struct net_device *ndev, void *p) +{ + struct sockaddr *addr = p; + struct netdata_local *pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + unsigned long flags; + + if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; + memcpy(ndev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, ETH_ALEN); + + spin_lock_irqsave(&pldat->lock, flags); + + /* Set station address */ + __lpc_set_mac(pldat, ndev->dev_addr); + + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pldat->lock, flags); + + return 0; +} + +static void lpc_eth_set_multicast_list(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct netdata_local *pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct netdev_hw_addr_list *mcptr = &ndev->mc; + struct netdev_hw_addr *ha; + u32 tmp32, hash_val, hashlo, hashhi; + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&pldat->lock, flags); + + /* Set station address */ + __lpc_set_mac(pldat, ndev->dev_addr); + + tmp32 = LPC_RXFLTRW_ACCEPTUBROADCAST | LPC_RXFLTRW_ACCEPTPERFECT; + + if (ndev->flags & IFF_PROMISC) + tmp32 |= LPC_RXFLTRW_ACCEPTUNICAST | + LPC_RXFLTRW_ACCEPTUMULTICAST; + if (ndev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI) + tmp32 |= LPC_RXFLTRW_ACCEPTUMULTICAST; + + if (netdev_hw_addr_list_count(mcptr)) + tmp32 |= LPC_RXFLTRW_ACCEPTUMULTICASTHASH; + + writel(tmp32, LPC_ENET_RXFILTER_CTRL(pldat->net_base)); + + + /* Set initial hash table */ + hashlo = 0x0; + hashhi = 0x0; + + /* 64 bits : multicast address in hash table */ + netdev_hw_addr_list_for_each(ha, mcptr) { + hash_val = (ether_crc(6, ha->addr) >> 23) & 0x3F; + + if (hash_val >= 32) + hashhi |= 1 << (hash_val - 32); + else + hashlo |= 1 << hash_val; + } + + writel(hashlo, LPC_ENET_HASHFILTERL(pldat->net_base)); + writel(hashhi, LPC_ENET_HASHFILTERH(pldat->net_base)); + + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pldat->lock, flags); +} + +static int lpc_eth_ioctl(struct net_device *ndev, struct ifreq *req, int cmd) +{ + struct netdata_local *pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct phy_device *phydev = pldat->phy_dev; + + if (!netif_running(ndev)) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!phydev) + return -ENODEV; + + return phy_mii_ioctl(phydev, req, cmd); +} + +static int lpc_eth_open(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct netdata_local *pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + + if (netif_msg_ifup(pldat)) + dev_dbg(&pldat->pdev->dev, "enabling %s\n", ndev->name); + + if (!is_valid_ether_addr(ndev->dev_addr)) + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; + + __lpc_eth_clock_enable(pldat, true); + + /* Reset and initialize */ + __lpc_eth_reset(pldat); + __lpc_eth_init(pldat); + + /* schedule a link state check */ + phy_start(pldat->phy_dev); + netif_start_queue(ndev); + napi_enable(&pldat->napi); + + return 0; +} + +/* + * Ethtool ops + */ +static void lpc_eth_ethtool_getdrvinfo(struct net_device *ndev, + struct ethtool_drvinfo *info) +{ + strcpy(info->driver, MODNAME); + strcpy(info->version, DRV_VERSION); + strcpy(info->bus_info, dev_name(ndev->dev.parent)); +} + +static u32 lpc_eth_ethtool_getmsglevel(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct netdata_local *pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + + return pldat->msg_enable; +} + +static void lpc_eth_ethtool_setmsglevel(struct net_device *ndev, u32 level) +{ + struct netdata_local *pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + + pldat->msg_enable = level; +} + +static int lpc_eth_ethtool_getsettings(struct net_device *ndev, + struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) +{ + struct netdata_local *pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct phy_device *phydev = pldat->phy_dev; + + if (!phydev) + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + + return phy_ethtool_gset(phydev, cmd); +} + +static int lpc_eth_ethtool_setsettings(struct net_device *ndev, + struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) +{ + struct netdata_local *pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct phy_device *phydev = pldat->phy_dev; + + if (!phydev) + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + + return phy_ethtool_sset(phydev, cmd); +} + +static const struct ethtool_ops lpc_eth_ethtool_ops = { + .get_drvinfo = lpc_eth_ethtool_getdrvinfo, + .get_settings = lpc_eth_ethtool_getsettings, + .set_settings = lpc_eth_ethtool_setsettings, + .get_msglevel = lpc_eth_ethtool_getmsglevel, + .set_msglevel = lpc_eth_ethtool_setmsglevel, + .get_link = ethtool_op_get_link, +}; + +static const struct net_device_ops lpc_netdev_ops = { + .ndo_open = lpc_eth_open, + .ndo_stop = lpc_eth_close, + .ndo_start_xmit = lpc_eth_hard_start_xmit, + .ndo_set_rx_mode = lpc_eth_set_multicast_list, + .ndo_do_ioctl = lpc_eth_ioctl, + .ndo_set_mac_address = lpc_set_mac_address, +}; + +static int lpc_eth_drv_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + struct resource *res; + struct resource *dma_res; + struct net_device *ndev; + struct netdata_local *pldat; + struct phy_device *phydev; + dma_addr_t dma_handle; + int irq, ret; + + /* Get platform resources */ + res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0); + dma_res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 1); + irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0); + if ((!res) || (!dma_res) || (irq < 0) || (irq >= NR_IRQS)) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "error getting resources.\n"); + ret = -ENXIO; + goto err_exit; + } + + /* Allocate net driver data structure */ + ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct netdata_local)); + if (!ndev) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "could not allocate device.\n"); + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto err_exit; + } + + SET_NETDEV_DEV(ndev, &pdev->dev); + + pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + pldat->pdev = pdev; + pldat->ndev = ndev; + + spin_lock_init(&pldat->lock); + + /* Save resources */ + ndev->irq = irq; + + /* Get clock for the device */ + pldat->clk = clk_get(&pdev->dev, NULL); + if (IS_ERR(pldat->clk)) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "error getting clock.\n"); + ret = PTR_ERR(pldat->clk); + goto err_out_free_dev; + } + + /* Enable network clock */ + __lpc_eth_clock_enable(pldat, true); + + /* Map IO space */ + pldat->net_base = ioremap(res->start, res->end - res->start + 1); + if (!pldat->net_base) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "failed to map registers\n"); + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto err_out_disable_clocks; + } + ret = request_irq(ndev->irq, __lpc_eth_interrupt, 0, + ndev->name, ndev); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "error requesting interrupt.\n"); + goto err_out_iounmap; + } + + /* Fill in the fields of the device structure with ethernet values. */ + ether_setup(ndev); + + /* Setup driver functions */ + ndev->netdev_ops = &lpc_netdev_ops; + ndev->ethtool_ops = &lpc_eth_ethtool_ops; + ndev->watchdog_timeo = msecs_to_jiffies(2500); + + /* Get size of DMA buffers/descriptors region */ + pldat->dma_buff_size = (ENET_TX_DESC + ENET_RX_DESC) * (ENET_MAXF_SIZE + + sizeof(struct txrx_desc_t) + sizeof(struct rx_status_t)); + pldat->dma_buff_base_v = 0; + + if (use_iram_for_net()) { + dma_handle = dma_res->start; + if (pldat->dma_buff_size <= lpc32xx_return_iram_size()) + pldat->dma_buff_base_v = + io_p2v(dma_res->start); + else + netdev_err(ndev, + "IRAM not big enough for net buffers, using SDRAM instead.\n"); + } + + if (pldat->dma_buff_base_v == 0) { + pldat->dma_buff_size = PAGE_ALIGN(pldat->dma_buff_size); + + /* Allocate a chunk of memory for the DMA ethernet buffers + and descriptors */ + pldat->dma_buff_base_v = + dma_alloc_coherent(&pldat->pdev->dev, + pldat->dma_buff_size, &dma_handle, + GFP_KERNEL); + + if (pldat->dma_buff_base_v == NULL) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "error getting DMA region.\n"); + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto err_out_free_irq; + } + } + pldat->dma_buff_base_p = dma_handle; + + netdev_dbg(ndev, "IO address start :0x%08x\n", + res->start); + netdev_dbg(ndev, "IO address size :%d\n", + res->end - res->start + 1); + netdev_err(ndev, "IO address (mapped) :0x%p\n", + pldat->net_base); + netdev_dbg(ndev, "IRQ number :%d\n", ndev->irq); + netdev_dbg(ndev, "DMA buffer size :%d\n", pldat->dma_buff_size); + netdev_dbg(ndev, "DMA buffer P address :0x%08x\n", + pldat->dma_buff_base_p); + netdev_dbg(ndev, "DMA buffer V address :0x%p\n", + pldat->dma_buff_base_v); + + /* Get MAC address from current HW setting (POR state is all zeros) */ + __lpc_get_mac(pldat, ndev->dev_addr); + +#ifdef CONFIG_OF_NET + if (!is_valid_ether_addr(ndev->dev_addr)) { + const char *macaddr = of_get_mac_address(pdev->dev.of_node); + if (macaddr) + memcpy(ndev->dev_addr, macaddr, ETH_ALEN); + } +#endif + if (!is_valid_ether_addr(ndev->dev_addr)) + dev_hw_addr_random(ndev, ndev->dev_addr); + + /* Reset the ethernet controller */ + __lpc_eth_reset(pldat); + + /* then shut everything down to save power */ + __lpc_eth_shutdown(pldat); + + /* Set default parameters */ + pldat->msg_enable = NETIF_MSG_LINK; + + /* Force an MII interface reset and clock setup */ + __lpc_mii_mngt_reset(pldat); + + /* Force default PHY interface setup in chip, this will probably be + changed by the PHY driver */ + pldat->link = 0; + pldat->speed = 100; + pldat->duplex = DUPLEX_FULL; + __lpc_params_setup(pldat); + + netif_napi_add(ndev, &pldat->napi, lpc_eth_poll, NAPI_WEIGHT); + + ret = register_netdev(ndev); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Cannot register net device, aborting.\n"); + goto err_out_dma_unmap; + } + platform_set_drvdata(pdev, ndev); + + if (lpc_mii_init(pldat) != 0) + goto err_out_unregister_netdev; + + netdev_info(ndev, "LPC mac at 0x%08x irq %d\n", + res->start, ndev->irq); + + phydev = pldat->phy_dev; + + device_init_wakeup(&pdev->dev, 1); + device_set_wakeup_enable(&pdev->dev, 0); + + return 0; + +err_out_unregister_netdev: + platform_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); + unregister_netdev(ndev); +err_out_dma_unmap: + if (!use_iram_for_net() || + pldat->dma_buff_size > lpc32xx_return_iram_size()) + dma_free_coherent(&pldat->pdev->dev, pldat->dma_buff_size, + pldat->dma_buff_base_v, + pldat->dma_buff_base_p); +err_out_free_irq: + free_irq(ndev->irq, ndev); +err_out_iounmap: + iounmap(pldat->net_base); +err_out_disable_clocks: + clk_disable(pldat->clk); + clk_put(pldat->clk); +err_out_free_dev: + free_netdev(ndev); +err_exit: + pr_err("%s: not found (%d).\n", MODNAME, ret); + return ret; +} + +static int lpc_eth_drv_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + struct net_device *ndev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); + struct netdata_local *pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + + unregister_netdev(ndev); + platform_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); + + if (!use_iram_for_net() || + pldat->dma_buff_size > lpc32xx_return_iram_size()) + dma_free_coherent(&pldat->pdev->dev, pldat->dma_buff_size, + pldat->dma_buff_base_v, + pldat->dma_buff_base_p); + free_irq(ndev->irq, ndev); + iounmap(pldat->net_base); + mdiobus_free(pldat->mii_bus); + clk_disable(pldat->clk); + clk_put(pldat->clk); + free_netdev(ndev); + + return 0; +} + +#ifdef CONFIG_PM +static int lpc_eth_drv_suspend(struct platform_device *pdev, + pm_message_t state) +{ + struct net_device *ndev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); + struct netdata_local *pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + + if (device_may_wakeup(&pdev->dev)) + enable_irq_wake(ndev->irq); + + if (ndev) { + if (netif_running(ndev)) { + netif_device_detach(ndev); + __lpc_eth_shutdown(pldat); + clk_disable(pldat->clk); + + /* + * Reset again now clock is disable to be sure + * EMC_MDC is down + */ + __lpc_eth_reset(pldat); + } + } + + return 0; +} + +static int lpc_eth_drv_resume(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + struct net_device *ndev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); + struct netdata_local *pldat; + + if (device_may_wakeup(&pdev->dev)) + disable_irq_wake(ndev->irq); + + if (ndev) { + if (netif_running(ndev)) { + pldat = netdev_priv(ndev); + + /* Enable interface clock */ + clk_enable(pldat->clk); + + /* Reset and initialize */ + __lpc_eth_reset(pldat); + __lpc_eth_init(pldat); + + netif_device_attach(ndev); + } + } + + return 0; +} +#endif + +static struct platform_driver lpc_eth_driver = { + .probe = lpc_eth_drv_probe, + .remove = __devexit_p(lpc_eth_drv_remove), +#ifdef CONFIG_PM + .suspend = lpc_eth_drv_suspend, + .resume = lpc_eth_drv_resume, +#endif + .driver = { + .name = MODNAME, + }, +}; + +module_platform_driver(lpc_eth_driver); + +MODULE_AUTHOR("Kevin Wells "); +MODULE_AUTHOR("Roland Stigge "); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("LPC Ethernet Driver"); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/oki-semi/pch_gbe/Kconfig b/drivers/net/ethernet/oki-semi/pch_gbe/Kconfig index 00bc4fc968c7fa76ba3fbd18c733bc7bfb38a435..bce01641ee6b325f91ee1e29ae4414adfe981b18 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/oki-semi/pch_gbe/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/oki-semi/pch_gbe/Kconfig @@ -20,3 +20,16 @@ config PCH_GBE purpose use. ML7223/ML7831 is companion chip for Intel Atom E6xx series. ML7223/ML7831 is completely compatible for Intel EG20T PCH. + +if PCH_GBE + +config PCH_PTP + bool "PCH PTP clock support" + default n + depends on PTP_1588_CLOCK_PCH + ---help--- + Say Y here if you want to use Precision Time Protocol (PTP) in the + driver. PTP is a method to precisely synchronize distributed clocks + over Ethernet networks. + +endif # PCH_GBE diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/oki-semi/pch_gbe/pch_gbe.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/oki-semi/pch_gbe/pch_gbe.h index a09a07197eb58f65122296800959accab87b0f21..dd14915f54bb8581516329c36b3fed3d0204cfae 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/oki-semi/pch_gbe/pch_gbe.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/oki-semi/pch_gbe/pch_gbe.h @@ -630,6 +630,9 @@ struct pch_gbe_adapter { unsigned long tx_queue_len; bool have_msi; bool rx_stop_flag; + int hwts_tx_en; + int hwts_rx_en; + struct pci_dev *ptp_pdev; }; extern const char pch_driver_version[]; @@ -648,6 +651,16 @@ extern void pch_gbe_free_tx_resources(struct pch_gbe_adapter *adapter, extern void pch_gbe_free_rx_resources(struct pch_gbe_adapter *adapter, struct pch_gbe_rx_ring *rx_ring); extern void pch_gbe_update_stats(struct pch_gbe_adapter *adapter); +#ifdef CONFIG_PCH_PTP +extern u32 pch_ch_control_read(struct pci_dev *pdev); +extern void pch_ch_control_write(struct pci_dev *pdev, u32 val); +extern u32 pch_ch_event_read(struct pci_dev *pdev); +extern void pch_ch_event_write(struct pci_dev *pdev, u32 val); +extern u32 pch_src_uuid_lo_read(struct pci_dev *pdev); +extern u32 pch_src_uuid_hi_read(struct pci_dev *pdev); +extern u64 pch_rx_snap_read(struct pci_dev *pdev); +extern u64 pch_tx_snap_read(struct pci_dev *pdev); +#endif /* pch_gbe_param.c */ extern void pch_gbe_check_options(struct pch_gbe_adapter *adapter); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/oki-semi/pch_gbe/pch_gbe_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/oki-semi/pch_gbe/pch_gbe_main.c index 3ead111111e1f1bec8eaa10e3f5c9dee0650f4a9..8035e5ff6e060d4c208208857159c7e32c0484f0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/oki-semi/pch_gbe/pch_gbe_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/oki-semi/pch_gbe/pch_gbe_main.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2010 Intel Corporation. - * Copyright (C) 2010 OKI SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. + * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2012 LAPIS SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. * * This code was derived from the Intel e1000e Linux driver. * @@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ #include "pch_gbe.h" #include "pch_gbe_api.h" #include +#ifdef CONFIG_PCH_PTP +#include +#include +#endif #define DRV_VERSION "1.00" const char pch_driver_version[] = DRV_VERSION; @@ -95,12 +99,195 @@ const char pch_driver_version[] = DRV_VERSION; #define PCH_GBE_INT_DISABLE_ALL 0 +#ifdef CONFIG_PCH_PTP +/* Macros for ieee1588 */ +#define TICKS_NS_SHIFT 5 + +/* 0x40 Time Synchronization Channel Control Register Bits */ +#define MASTER_MODE (1<<0) +#define SLAVE_MODE (0<<0) +#define V2_MODE (1<<31) +#define CAP_MODE0 (0<<16) +#define CAP_MODE2 (1<<17) + +/* 0x44 Time Synchronization Channel Event Register Bits */ +#define TX_SNAPSHOT_LOCKED (1<<0) +#define RX_SNAPSHOT_LOCKED (1<<1) +#endif + static unsigned int copybreak __read_mostly = PCH_GBE_COPYBREAK_DEFAULT; static int pch_gbe_mdio_read(struct net_device *netdev, int addr, int reg); static void pch_gbe_mdio_write(struct net_device *netdev, int addr, int reg, int data); +#ifdef CONFIG_PCH_PTP +static struct sock_filter ptp_filter[] = { + PTP_FILTER +}; + +static int pch_ptp_match(struct sk_buff *skb, u16 uid_hi, u32 uid_lo, u16 seqid) +{ + u8 *data = skb->data; + unsigned int offset; + u16 *hi, *id; + u32 lo; + + if ((sk_run_filter(skb, ptp_filter) != PTP_CLASS_V2_IPV4) && + (sk_run_filter(skb, ptp_filter) != PTP_CLASS_V1_IPV4)) { + return 0; + } + + offset = ETH_HLEN + IPV4_HLEN(data) + UDP_HLEN; + + if (skb->len < offset + OFF_PTP_SEQUENCE_ID + sizeof(seqid)) + return 0; + + hi = (u16 *)(data + offset + OFF_PTP_SOURCE_UUID); + id = (u16 *)(data + offset + OFF_PTP_SEQUENCE_ID); + + memcpy(&lo, &hi[1], sizeof(lo)); + + return (uid_hi == *hi && + uid_lo == lo && + seqid == *id); +} + +static void pch_rx_timestamp( + struct pch_gbe_adapter *adapter, struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + struct skb_shared_hwtstamps *shhwtstamps; + struct pci_dev *pdev; + u64 ns; + u32 hi, lo, val; + u16 uid, seq; + + if (!adapter->hwts_rx_en) + return; + + /* Get ieee1588's dev information */ + pdev = adapter->ptp_pdev; + + val = pch_ch_event_read(pdev); + + if (!(val & RX_SNAPSHOT_LOCKED)) + return; + + lo = pch_src_uuid_lo_read(pdev); + hi = pch_src_uuid_hi_read(pdev); + + uid = hi & 0xffff; + seq = (hi >> 16) & 0xffff; + + if (!pch_ptp_match(skb, htons(uid), htonl(lo), htons(seq))) + goto out; + + ns = pch_rx_snap_read(pdev); + ns <<= TICKS_NS_SHIFT; + + shhwtstamps = skb_hwtstamps(skb); + memset(shhwtstamps, 0, sizeof(*shhwtstamps)); + shhwtstamps->hwtstamp = ns_to_ktime(ns); +out: + pch_ch_event_write(pdev, RX_SNAPSHOT_LOCKED); +} + +static void pch_tx_timestamp( + struct pch_gbe_adapter *adapter, struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + struct skb_shared_hwtstamps shhwtstamps; + struct pci_dev *pdev; + struct skb_shared_info *shtx; + u64 ns; + u32 cnt, val; + + shtx = skb_shinfo(skb); + if (unlikely(shtx->tx_flags & SKBTX_HW_TSTAMP && adapter->hwts_tx_en)) + shtx->tx_flags |= SKBTX_IN_PROGRESS; + else + return; + + /* Get ieee1588's dev information */ + pdev = adapter->ptp_pdev; + + /* + * This really stinks, but we have to poll for the Tx time stamp. + * Usually, the time stamp is ready after 4 to 6 microseconds. + */ + for (cnt = 0; cnt < 100; cnt++) { + val = pch_ch_event_read(pdev); + if (val & TX_SNAPSHOT_LOCKED) + break; + udelay(1); + } + if (!(val & TX_SNAPSHOT_LOCKED)) { + shtx->tx_flags &= ~SKBTX_IN_PROGRESS; + return; + } + + ns = pch_tx_snap_read(pdev); + ns <<= TICKS_NS_SHIFT; + + memset(&shhwtstamps, 0, sizeof(shhwtstamps)); + shhwtstamps.hwtstamp = ns_to_ktime(ns); + skb_tstamp_tx(skb, &shhwtstamps); + + pch_ch_event_write(pdev, TX_SNAPSHOT_LOCKED); +} + +static int hwtstamp_ioctl(struct net_device *netdev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd) +{ + struct hwtstamp_config cfg; + struct pch_gbe_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); + struct pci_dev *pdev; + + if (copy_from_user(&cfg, ifr->ifr_data, sizeof(cfg))) + return -EFAULT; + + if (cfg.flags) /* reserved for future extensions */ + return -EINVAL; + + /* Get ieee1588's dev information */ + pdev = adapter->ptp_pdev; + + switch (cfg.tx_type) { + case HWTSTAMP_TX_OFF: + adapter->hwts_tx_en = 0; + break; + case HWTSTAMP_TX_ON: + adapter->hwts_tx_en = 1; + break; + default: + return -ERANGE; + } + + switch (cfg.rx_filter) { + case HWTSTAMP_FILTER_NONE: + adapter->hwts_rx_en = 0; + break; + case HWTSTAMP_FILTER_PTP_V1_L4_SYNC: + adapter->hwts_rx_en = 0; + pch_ch_control_write(pdev, (SLAVE_MODE | CAP_MODE0)); + break; + case HWTSTAMP_FILTER_PTP_V1_L4_DELAY_REQ: + adapter->hwts_rx_en = 1; + pch_ch_control_write(pdev, (MASTER_MODE | CAP_MODE0)); + break; + case HWTSTAMP_FILTER_PTP_V2_EVENT: + adapter->hwts_rx_en = 1; + pch_ch_control_write(pdev, (V2_MODE | CAP_MODE2)); + break; + default: + return -ERANGE; + } + + /* Clear out any old time stamps. */ + pch_ch_event_write(pdev, TX_SNAPSHOT_LOCKED | RX_SNAPSHOT_LOCKED); + + return copy_to_user(ifr->ifr_data, &cfg, sizeof(cfg)) ? -EFAULT : 0; +} +#endif + inline void pch_gbe_mac_load_mac_addr(struct pch_gbe_hw *hw) { iowrite32(0x01, &hw->reg->MAC_ADDR_LOAD); @@ -1072,6 +1259,11 @@ static void pch_gbe_tx_queue(struct pch_gbe_adapter *adapter, iowrite32(tx_ring->dma + (int)sizeof(struct pch_gbe_tx_desc) * ring_num, &hw->reg->TX_DSC_SW_P); + +#ifdef CONFIG_PCH_PTP + pch_tx_timestamp(adapter, skb); +#endif + dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); } @@ -1224,7 +1416,7 @@ static irqreturn_t pch_gbe_intr(int irq, void *data) /* When request status is Receive interruption */ if ((int_st & (PCH_GBE_INT_RX_DMA_CMPLT | PCH_GBE_INT_TX_CMPLT)) || - (adapter->rx_stop_flag == true)) { + (adapter->rx_stop_flag)) { if (likely(napi_schedule_prep(&adapter->napi))) { /* Enable only Rx Descriptor empty */ atomic_inc(&adapter->irq_sem); @@ -1543,6 +1735,11 @@ pch_gbe_clean_rx(struct pch_gbe_adapter *adapter, adapter->stats.multicast++; /* Write meta date of skb */ skb_put(skb, length); + +#ifdef CONFIG_PCH_PTP + pch_rx_timestamp(adapter, skb); +#endif + skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, netdev); if (tcp_ip_status & PCH_GBE_RXD_ACC_STAT_TCPIPOK) skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE; @@ -1587,10 +1784,8 @@ int pch_gbe_setup_tx_resources(struct pch_gbe_adapter *adapter, size = (int)sizeof(struct pch_gbe_buffer) * tx_ring->count; tx_ring->buffer_info = vzalloc(size); - if (!tx_ring->buffer_info) { - pr_err("Unable to allocate memory for the buffer information\n"); + if (!tx_ring->buffer_info) return -ENOMEM; - } tx_ring->size = tx_ring->count * (int)sizeof(struct pch_gbe_tx_desc); @@ -1636,10 +1831,9 @@ int pch_gbe_setup_rx_resources(struct pch_gbe_adapter *adapter, size = (int)sizeof(struct pch_gbe_buffer) * rx_ring->count; rx_ring->buffer_info = vzalloc(size); - if (!rx_ring->buffer_info) { - pr_err("Unable to allocate memory for the receive descriptor ring\n"); + if (!rx_ring->buffer_info) return -ENOMEM; - } + rx_ring->size = rx_ring->count * (int)sizeof(struct pch_gbe_rx_desc); rx_ring->desc = dma_alloc_coherent(&pdev->dev, rx_ring->size, &rx_ring->dma, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -2147,6 +2341,11 @@ static int pch_gbe_ioctl(struct net_device *netdev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd) pr_debug("cmd : 0x%04x\n", cmd); +#ifdef CONFIG_PCH_PTP + if (cmd == SIOCSHWTSTAMP) + return hwtstamp_ioctl(netdev, ifr, cmd); +#endif + return generic_mii_ioctl(&adapter->mii, if_mii(ifr), cmd, NULL); } @@ -2422,8 +2621,6 @@ static int pch_gbe_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, netdev = alloc_etherdev((int)sizeof(struct pch_gbe_adapter)); if (!netdev) { ret = -ENOMEM; - dev_err(&pdev->dev, - "ERR: Can't allocate and set up an Ethernet device\n"); goto err_release_pci; } SET_NETDEV_DEV(netdev, &pdev->dev); @@ -2440,6 +2637,15 @@ static int pch_gbe_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, goto err_free_netdev; } +#ifdef CONFIG_PCH_PTP + adapter->ptp_pdev = pci_get_bus_and_slot(adapter->pdev->bus->number, + PCI_DEVFN(12, 4)); + if (ptp_filter_init(ptp_filter, ARRAY_SIZE(ptp_filter))) { + pr_err("Bad ptp filter\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } +#endif + netdev->netdev_ops = &pch_gbe_netdev_ops; netdev->watchdog_timeo = PCH_GBE_WATCHDOG_PERIOD; netif_napi_add(netdev, &adapter->napi, @@ -2504,7 +2710,7 @@ static int pch_gbe_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, netif_carrier_off(netdev); netif_stop_queue(netdev); - dev_dbg(&pdev->dev, "OKIsemi(R) PCH Network Connection\n"); + dev_dbg(&pdev->dev, "PCH Network Connection\n"); device_set_wakeup_enable(&pdev->dev, 1); return 0; @@ -2605,7 +2811,7 @@ module_init(pch_gbe_init_module); module_exit(pch_gbe_exit_module); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("EG20T PCH Gigabit ethernet Driver"); -MODULE_AUTHOR("OKI SEMICONDUCTOR, "); +MODULE_AUTHOR("LAPIS SEMICONDUCTOR, "); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); MODULE_VERSION(DRV_VERSION); MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, pch_gbe_pcidev_id); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/packetengines/hamachi.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/packetengines/hamachi.c index 3458df3780b8fa381ace2a80a1c2ff1c9f7de140..0d29f5f4b8e41083a9114d5b2e43b7274bc1d04d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/packetengines/hamachi.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/packetengines/hamachi.c @@ -1188,11 +1188,10 @@ static void hamachi_init_ring(struct net_device *dev) } /* Fill in the Rx buffers. Handle allocation failure gracefully. */ for (i = 0; i < RX_RING_SIZE; i++) { - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(hmp->rx_buf_sz + 2); + struct sk_buff *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, hmp->rx_buf_sz + 2); hmp->rx_skbuff[i] = skb; if (skb == NULL) break; - skb->dev = dev; /* Mark as being used by this device. */ skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* 16 byte align the IP header. */ hmp->rx_ring[i].addr = cpu_to_leXX(pci_map_single(hmp->pci_dev, skb->data, hmp->rx_buf_sz, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE)); @@ -1488,7 +1487,7 @@ static int hamachi_rx(struct net_device *dev) /* Check if the packet is long enough to accept without copying to a minimally-sized skbuff. */ if (pkt_len < rx_copybreak && - (skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { + (skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { #ifdef RX_CHECKSUM printk(KERN_ERR "%s: rx_copybreak non-zero " "not good with RX_CHECKSUM\n", dev->name); @@ -1591,12 +1590,11 @@ static int hamachi_rx(struct net_device *dev) entry = hmp->dirty_rx % RX_RING_SIZE; desc = &(hmp->rx_ring[entry]); if (hmp->rx_skbuff[entry] == NULL) { - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(hmp->rx_buf_sz + 2); + struct sk_buff *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, hmp->rx_buf_sz + 2); hmp->rx_skbuff[entry] = skb; if (skb == NULL) break; /* Better luck next round. */ - skb->dev = dev; /* Mark as being used by this device. */ skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* Align IP on 16 byte boundaries */ desc->addr = cpu_to_leXX(pci_map_single(hmp->pci_dev, skb->data, hmp->rx_buf_sz, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE)); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/packetengines/yellowfin.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/packetengines/yellowfin.c index db44e9af03c317ca1cd5e713fd8ccf781d09683f..7757b80ef924b8000c2b7e13066c0961566a38ee 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/packetengines/yellowfin.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/packetengines/yellowfin.c @@ -397,10 +397,9 @@ static int __devinit yellowfin_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, if (i) return i; dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*np)); - if (!dev) { - pr_err("cannot allocate ethernet device\n"); + if (!dev) return -ENOMEM; - } + SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev); np = netdev_priv(dev); @@ -744,11 +743,10 @@ static int yellowfin_init_ring(struct net_device *dev) } for (i = 0; i < RX_RING_SIZE; i++) { - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(yp->rx_buf_sz + 2); + struct sk_buff *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, yp->rx_buf_sz + 2); yp->rx_skbuff[i] = skb; if (skb == NULL) break; - skb->dev = dev; /* Mark as being used by this device. */ skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* 16 byte align the IP header. */ yp->rx_ring[i].addr = cpu_to_le32(pci_map_single(yp->pci_dev, skb->data, yp->rx_buf_sz, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE)); @@ -1134,7 +1132,7 @@ static int yellowfin_rx(struct net_device *dev) PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); yp->rx_skbuff[entry] = NULL; } else { - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2); if (skb == NULL) break; skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* 16 byte align the IP header */ @@ -1157,11 +1155,10 @@ static int yellowfin_rx(struct net_device *dev) for (; yp->cur_rx - yp->dirty_rx > 0; yp->dirty_rx++) { entry = yp->dirty_rx % RX_RING_SIZE; if (yp->rx_skbuff[entry] == NULL) { - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(yp->rx_buf_sz + 2); + struct sk_buff *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, yp->rx_buf_sz + 2); if (skb == NULL) break; /* Better luck next round. */ yp->rx_skbuff[entry] = skb; - skb->dev = dev; /* Mark as being used by this device. */ skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* Align IP on 16 byte boundaries */ yp->rx_ring[entry].addr = cpu_to_le32(pci_map_single(yp->pci_dev, skb->data, yp->rx_buf_sz, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE)); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/pasemi/pasemi_mac.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/pasemi/pasemi_mac.c index 49b549ff2c780dfec1044e15de808135b97c8333..ddc95b0ac78d87d8d9754bf581c983ffccec1ff2 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/pasemi/pasemi_mac.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/pasemi/pasemi_mac.c @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ static int pasemi_mac_set_mac_addr(struct net_device *dev, void *p) unsigned int adr0, adr1; if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, dev->addr_len); @@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ static void pasemi_mac_replenish_rx_ring(const struct net_device *dev, /* Entry in use? */ WARN_ON(*buff); - skb = dev_alloc_skb(mac->bufsz); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, mac->bufsz); skb_reserve(skb, LOCAL_SKB_ALIGN); if (unlikely(!skb)) @@ -1740,8 +1740,6 @@ pasemi_mac_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct pasemi_mac)); if (dev == NULL) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, - "pasemi_mac: Could not allocate ethernet device.\n"); err = -ENOMEM; goto out_disable_device; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic.h index a876dffd71011cf59fb195da2343ef2549092b15..b5de8a7b90f1a13b65f23d1738dca8925c42fdfc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic.h @@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ #define _NETXEN_NIC_LINUX_MAJOR 4 #define _NETXEN_NIC_LINUX_MINOR 0 -#define _NETXEN_NIC_LINUX_SUBVERSION 77 -#define NETXEN_NIC_LINUX_VERSIONID "4.0.77" +#define _NETXEN_NIC_LINUX_SUBVERSION 78 +#define NETXEN_NIC_LINUX_VERSIONID "4.0.78" #define NETXEN_VERSION_CODE(a, b, c) (((a) << 24) + ((b) << 16) + (c)) #define _major(v) (((v) >> 24) & 0xff) @@ -686,6 +686,18 @@ struct netxen_recv_context { dma_addr_t phys_addr; }; +struct _cdrp_cmd { + u32 cmd; + u32 arg1; + u32 arg2; + u32 arg3; +}; + +struct netxen_cmd_args { + struct _cdrp_cmd req; + struct _cdrp_cmd rsp; +}; + /* New HW context creation */ #define NX_OS_CRB_RETRY_COUNT 4000 @@ -942,7 +954,7 @@ typedef struct nx_mac_list_s { struct nx_vlan_ip_list { struct list_head list; - u32 ip_addr; + __be32 ip_addr; }; /* @@ -1142,6 +1154,7 @@ typedef struct { #define NETXEN_NIC_LRO_DISABLED 0x00 #define NETXEN_NIC_BRIDGE_ENABLED 0X10 #define NETXEN_NIC_DIAG_ENABLED 0x20 +#define NETXEN_FW_RESET_OWNER 0x40 #define NETXEN_IS_MSI_FAMILY(adapter) \ ((adapter)->flags & (NETXEN_NIC_MSI_ENABLED | NETXEN_NIC_MSIX_ENABLED)) @@ -1159,6 +1172,419 @@ typedef struct { #define __NX_DEV_UP 1 #define __NX_RESETTING 2 +/* Mini Coredump FW supported version */ +#define NX_MD_SUPPORT_MAJOR 4 +#define NX_MD_SUPPORT_MINOR 0 +#define NX_MD_SUPPORT_SUBVERSION 579 + +#define LSW(x) ((uint16_t)(x)) +#define LSD(x) ((uint32_t)((uint64_t)(x))) +#define MSD(x) ((uint32_t)((((uint64_t)(x)) >> 16) >> 16)) + +/* Mini Coredump mask level */ +#define NX_DUMP_MASK_MIN 0x03 +#define NX_DUMP_MASK_DEF 0x1f +#define NX_DUMP_MASK_MAX 0xff + +/* Mini Coredump CDRP commands */ +#define NX_CDRP_CMD_TEMP_SIZE 0x0000002f +#define NX_CDRP_CMD_GET_TEMP_HDR 0x00000030 + + +#define NX_DUMP_STATE_ARRAY_LEN 16 +#define NX_DUMP_CAP_SIZE_ARRAY_LEN 8 + +/* Mini Coredump sysfs entries flags*/ +#define NX_FORCE_FW_DUMP_KEY 0xdeadfeed +#define NX_ENABLE_FW_DUMP 0xaddfeed +#define NX_DISABLE_FW_DUMP 0xbadfeed +#define NX_FORCE_FW_RESET 0xdeaddead + + +/* Flash read/write address */ +#define NX_FW_DUMP_REG1 0x00130060 +#define NX_FW_DUMP_REG2 0x001e0000 +#define NX_FLASH_SEM2_LK 0x0013C010 +#define NX_FLASH_SEM2_ULK 0x0013C014 +#define NX_FLASH_LOCK_ID 0x001B2100 +#define FLASH_ROM_WINDOW 0x42110030 +#define FLASH_ROM_DATA 0x42150000 + +/* Mini Coredump register read/write routine */ +#define NX_RD_DUMP_REG(addr, bar0, data) do { \ + writel((addr & 0xFFFF0000), (void __iomem *) (bar0 + \ + NX_FW_DUMP_REG1)); \ + readl((void __iomem *) (bar0 + NX_FW_DUMP_REG1)); \ + *data = readl((void __iomem *) (bar0 + NX_FW_DUMP_REG2 + \ + LSW(addr))); \ +} while (0) + +#define NX_WR_DUMP_REG(addr, bar0, data) do { \ + writel((addr & 0xFFFF0000), (void __iomem *) (bar0 + \ + NX_FW_DUMP_REG1)); \ + readl((void __iomem *) (bar0 + NX_FW_DUMP_REG1)); \ + writel(data, (void __iomem *) (bar0 + NX_FW_DUMP_REG2 + LSW(addr)));\ + readl((void __iomem *) (bar0 + NX_FW_DUMP_REG2 + LSW(addr))); \ +} while (0) + + +/* +Entry Type Defines +*/ + +#define RDNOP 0 +#define RDCRB 1 +#define RDMUX 2 +#define QUEUE 3 +#define BOARD 4 +#define RDSRE 5 +#define RDOCM 6 +#define PREGS 7 +#define L1DTG 8 +#define L1ITG 9 +#define CACHE 10 + +#define L1DAT 11 +#define L1INS 12 +#define RDSTK 13 +#define RDCON 14 + +#define L2DTG 21 +#define L2ITG 22 +#define L2DAT 23 +#define L2INS 24 +#define RDOC3 25 + +#define MEMBK 32 + +#define RDROM 71 +#define RDMEM 72 +#define RDMN 73 + +#define INFOR 81 +#define CNTRL 98 + +#define TLHDR 99 +#define RDEND 255 + +#define PRIMQ 103 +#define SQG2Q 104 +#define SQG3Q 105 + +/* +* Opcodes for Control Entries. +* These Flags are bit fields. +*/ +#define NX_DUMP_WCRB 0x01 +#define NX_DUMP_RWCRB 0x02 +#define NX_DUMP_ANDCRB 0x04 +#define NX_DUMP_ORCRB 0x08 +#define NX_DUMP_POLLCRB 0x10 +#define NX_DUMP_RD_SAVE 0x20 +#define NX_DUMP_WRT_SAVED 0x40 +#define NX_DUMP_MOD_SAVE_ST 0x80 + +/* Driver Flags */ +#define NX_DUMP_SKIP 0x80 /* driver skipped this entry */ +#define NX_DUMP_SIZE_ERR 0x40 /*entry size vs capture size mismatch*/ + +#define NX_PCI_READ_32(ADDR) readl((ADDR)) +#define NX_PCI_WRITE_32(DATA, ADDR) writel(DATA, (ADDR)) + + + +struct netxen_minidump { + u32 pos; /* position in the dump buffer */ + u8 fw_supports_md; /* FW supports Mini cordump */ + u8 has_valid_dump; /* indicates valid dump */ + u8 md_capture_mask; /* driver capture mask */ + u8 md_enabled; /* Turn Mini Coredump on/off */ + u32 md_dump_size; /* Total FW Mini Coredump size */ + u32 md_capture_size; /* FW dump capture size */ + u32 md_template_size; /* FW template size */ + u32 md_template_ver; /* FW template version */ + u64 md_timestamp; /* FW Mini dump timestamp */ + void *md_template; /* FW template will be stored */ + void *md_capture_buff; /* FW dump will be stored */ +}; + + + +struct netxen_minidump_template_hdr { + u32 entry_type; + u32 first_entry_offset; + u32 size_of_template; + u32 capture_mask; + u32 num_of_entries; + u32 version; + u32 driver_timestamp; + u32 checksum; + u32 driver_capture_mask; + u32 driver_info_word2; + u32 driver_info_word3; + u32 driver_info_word4; + u32 saved_state_array[NX_DUMP_STATE_ARRAY_LEN]; + u32 capture_size_array[NX_DUMP_CAP_SIZE_ARRAY_LEN]; + u32 rsvd[0]; +}; + +/* Common Entry Header: Common to All Entry Types */ +/* + * Driver Code is for driver to write some info about the entry. + * Currently not used. + */ + +struct netxen_common_entry_hdr { + u32 entry_type; + u32 entry_size; + u32 entry_capture_size; + union { + struct { + u8 entry_capture_mask; + u8 entry_code; + u8 driver_code; + u8 driver_flags; + }; + u32 entry_ctrl_word; + }; +}; + + +/* Generic Entry Including Header */ +struct netxen_minidump_entry { + struct netxen_common_entry_hdr hdr; + u32 entry_data00; + u32 entry_data01; + u32 entry_data02; + u32 entry_data03; + u32 entry_data04; + u32 entry_data05; + u32 entry_data06; + u32 entry_data07; +}; + +/* Read ROM Header */ +struct netxen_minidump_entry_rdrom { + struct netxen_common_entry_hdr h; + union { + struct { + u32 select_addr_reg; + }; + u32 rsvd_0; + }; + union { + struct { + u8 addr_stride; + u8 addr_cnt; + u16 data_size; + }; + u32 rsvd_1; + }; + union { + struct { + u32 op_count; + }; + u32 rsvd_2; + }; + union { + struct { + u32 read_addr_reg; + }; + u32 rsvd_3; + }; + union { + struct { + u32 write_mask; + }; + u32 rsvd_4; + }; + union { + struct { + u32 read_mask; + }; + u32 rsvd_5; + }; + u32 read_addr; + u32 read_data_size; +}; + + +/* Read CRB and Control Entry Header */ +struct netxen_minidump_entry_crb { + struct netxen_common_entry_hdr h; + u32 addr; + union { + struct { + u8 addr_stride; + u8 state_index_a; + u16 poll_timeout; + }; + u32 addr_cntrl; + }; + u32 data_size; + u32 op_count; + union { + struct { + u8 opcode; + u8 state_index_v; + u8 shl; + u8 shr; + }; + u32 control_value; + }; + u32 value_1; + u32 value_2; + u32 value_3; +}; + +/* Read Memory and MN Header */ +struct netxen_minidump_entry_rdmem { + struct netxen_common_entry_hdr h; + union { + struct { + u32 select_addr_reg; + }; + u32 rsvd_0; + }; + union { + struct { + u8 addr_stride; + u8 addr_cnt; + u16 data_size; + }; + u32 rsvd_1; + }; + union { + struct { + u32 op_count; + }; + u32 rsvd_2; + }; + union { + struct { + u32 read_addr_reg; + }; + u32 rsvd_3; + }; + union { + struct { + u32 cntrl_addr_reg; + }; + u32 rsvd_4; + }; + union { + struct { + u8 wr_byte0; + u8 wr_byte1; + u8 poll_mask; + u8 poll_cnt; + }; + u32 rsvd_5; + }; + u32 read_addr; + u32 read_data_size; +}; + +/* Read Cache L1 and L2 Header */ +struct netxen_minidump_entry_cache { + struct netxen_common_entry_hdr h; + u32 tag_reg_addr; + union { + struct { + u16 tag_value_stride; + u16 init_tag_value; + }; + u32 select_addr_cntrl; + }; + u32 data_size; + u32 op_count; + u32 control_addr; + union { + struct { + u16 write_value; + u8 poll_mask; + u8 poll_wait; + }; + u32 control_value; + }; + u32 read_addr; + union { + struct { + u8 read_addr_stride; + u8 read_addr_cnt; + u16 rsvd_1; + }; + u32 read_addr_cntrl; + }; +}; + +/* Read OCM Header */ +struct netxen_minidump_entry_rdocm { + struct netxen_common_entry_hdr h; + u32 rsvd_0; + union { + struct { + u32 rsvd_1; + }; + u32 select_addr_cntrl; + }; + u32 data_size; + u32 op_count; + u32 rsvd_2; + u32 rsvd_3; + u32 read_addr; + union { + struct { + u32 read_addr_stride; + }; + u32 read_addr_cntrl; + }; +}; + +/* Read MUX Header */ +struct netxen_minidump_entry_mux { + struct netxen_common_entry_hdr h; + u32 select_addr; + union { + struct { + u32 rsvd_0; + }; + u32 select_addr_cntrl; + }; + u32 data_size; + u32 op_count; + u32 select_value; + u32 select_value_stride; + u32 read_addr; + u32 rsvd_1; +}; + +/* Read Queue Header */ +struct netxen_minidump_entry_queue { + struct netxen_common_entry_hdr h; + u32 select_addr; + union { + struct { + u16 queue_id_stride; + u16 rsvd_0; + }; + u32 select_addr_cntrl; + }; + u32 data_size; + u32 op_count; + u32 rsvd_1; + u32 rsvd_2; + u32 read_addr; + union { + struct { + u8 read_addr_stride; + u8 read_addr_cnt; + u16 rsvd_3; + }; + u32 read_addr_cntrl; + }; +}; + struct netxen_dummy_dma { void *addr; dma_addr_t phys_addr; @@ -1263,6 +1689,8 @@ struct netxen_adapter { __le32 file_prd_off; /*File fw product offset*/ u32 fw_version; const struct firmware *fw; + struct netxen_minidump mdump; /* mdump ptr */ + int fw_mdump_rdy; /* for mdump ready */ }; int nx_fw_cmd_query_phy(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, u32 reg, u32 *val); @@ -1352,7 +1780,7 @@ int netxen_process_rcv_ring(struct nx_host_sds_ring *sds_ring, int max); void netxen_p3_free_mac_list(struct netxen_adapter *adapter); int netxen_config_intr_coalesce(struct netxen_adapter *adapter); int netxen_config_rss(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, int enable); -int netxen_config_ipaddr(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, u32 ip, int cmd); +int netxen_config_ipaddr(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, __be32 ip, int cmd); int netxen_linkevent_request(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, int enable); void netxen_advert_link_change(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, int linkup); void netxen_pci_camqm_read_2M(struct netxen_adapter *, u64, u64 *); @@ -1365,13 +1793,16 @@ int netxen_nic_change_mtu(struct net_device *netdev, int new_mtu); int netxen_config_hw_lro(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, int enable); int netxen_config_bridged_mode(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, int enable); int netxen_send_lro_cleanup(struct netxen_adapter *adapter); - +int netxen_setup_minidump(struct netxen_adapter *adapter); +void netxen_dump_fw(struct netxen_adapter *adapter); void netxen_nic_update_cmd_producer(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, struct nx_host_tx_ring *tx_ring); /* Functions from netxen_nic_main.c */ int netxen_nic_reset_context(struct netxen_adapter *); +int nx_dev_request_reset(struct netxen_adapter *adapter); + /* * NetXen Board information */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_ctx.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_ctx.c index a925392abd6fff5f0d9c77ae859210814f0bde34..f3c0057a802b1464cbfeb65782d01186046ff600 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_ctx.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_ctx.c @@ -48,28 +48,27 @@ netxen_poll_rsp(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) } static u32 -netxen_issue_cmd(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, - u32 pci_fn, u32 version, u32 arg1, u32 arg2, u32 arg3, u32 cmd) +netxen_issue_cmd(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, struct netxen_cmd_args *cmd) { u32 rsp; u32 signature = 0; u32 rcode = NX_RCODE_SUCCESS; - signature = NX_CDRP_SIGNATURE_MAKE(pci_fn, version); - + signature = NX_CDRP_SIGNATURE_MAKE(adapter->ahw.pci_func, + NXHAL_VERSION); /* Acquire semaphore before accessing CRB */ if (netxen_api_lock(adapter)) return NX_RCODE_TIMEOUT; NXWR32(adapter, NX_SIGN_CRB_OFFSET, signature); - NXWR32(adapter, NX_ARG1_CRB_OFFSET, arg1); + NXWR32(adapter, NX_ARG1_CRB_OFFSET, cmd->req.arg1); - NXWR32(adapter, NX_ARG2_CRB_OFFSET, arg2); + NXWR32(adapter, NX_ARG2_CRB_OFFSET, cmd->req.arg2); - NXWR32(adapter, NX_ARG3_CRB_OFFSET, arg3); + NXWR32(adapter, NX_ARG3_CRB_OFFSET, cmd->req.arg3); - NXWR32(adapter, NX_CDRP_CRB_OFFSET, NX_CDRP_FORM_CMD(cmd)); + NXWR32(adapter, NX_CDRP_CRB_OFFSET, NX_CDRP_FORM_CMD(cmd->req.cmd)); rsp = netxen_poll_rsp(adapter); @@ -83,28 +82,179 @@ netxen_issue_cmd(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed card response code:0x%x\n", netxen_nic_driver_name, rcode); + } else if (rsp == NX_CDRP_RSP_OK) { + cmd->rsp.cmd = NX_RCODE_SUCCESS; + if (cmd->rsp.arg2) + cmd->rsp.arg2 = NXRD32(adapter, NX_ARG2_CRB_OFFSET); + if (cmd->rsp.arg3) + cmd->rsp.arg3 = NXRD32(adapter, NX_ARG3_CRB_OFFSET); } + if (cmd->rsp.arg1) + cmd->rsp.arg1 = NXRD32(adapter, NX_ARG1_CRB_OFFSET); /* Release semaphore */ netxen_api_unlock(adapter); return rcode; } +static int +netxen_get_minidump_template_size(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) +{ + struct netxen_cmd_args cmd; + memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); + cmd.req.cmd = NX_CDRP_CMD_TEMP_SIZE; + memset(&cmd.rsp, 1, sizeof(struct _cdrp_cmd)); + netxen_issue_cmd(adapter, &cmd); + if (cmd.rsp.cmd != NX_RCODE_SUCCESS) { + dev_info(&adapter->pdev->dev, + "Can't get template size %d\n", cmd.rsp.cmd); + return -EIO; + } + adapter->mdump.md_template_size = cmd.rsp.arg2; + adapter->mdump.md_template_ver = cmd.rsp.arg3; + return 0; +} + +static int +netxen_get_minidump_template(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) +{ + dma_addr_t md_template_addr; + void *addr; + u32 size; + struct netxen_cmd_args cmd; + size = adapter->mdump.md_template_size; + + if (size == 0) { + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, "Can not capture Minidump " + "template. Invalid template size.\n"); + return NX_RCODE_INVALID_ARGS; + } + + addr = pci_alloc_consistent(adapter->pdev, size, &md_template_addr); + + if (!addr) { + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, "Unable to allocate dmable memory for template.\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + memset(addr, 0, size); + memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); + memset(&cmd.rsp, 1, sizeof(struct _cdrp_cmd)); + cmd.req.cmd = NX_CDRP_CMD_GET_TEMP_HDR; + cmd.req.arg1 = LSD(md_template_addr); + cmd.req.arg2 = MSD(md_template_addr); + cmd.req.arg3 |= size; + netxen_issue_cmd(adapter, &cmd); + + if ((cmd.rsp.cmd == NX_RCODE_SUCCESS) && (size == cmd.rsp.arg2)) { + memcpy(adapter->mdump.md_template, addr, size); + } else { + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, "Failed to get minidump template, " + "err_code : %d, requested_size : %d, actual_size : %d\n ", + cmd.rsp.cmd, size, cmd.rsp.arg2); + } + pci_free_consistent(adapter->pdev, size, addr, md_template_addr); + return 0; +} + +static u32 +netxen_check_template_checksum(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) +{ + u64 sum = 0 ; + u32 *buff = adapter->mdump.md_template; + int count = adapter->mdump.md_template_size/sizeof(uint32_t) ; + + while (count-- > 0) + sum += *buff++ ; + while (sum >> 32) + sum = (sum & 0xFFFFFFFF) + (sum >> 32) ; + + return ~sum; +} + +int +netxen_setup_minidump(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) +{ + int err = 0, i; + u32 *template, *tmp_buf; + struct netxen_minidump_template_hdr *hdr; + err = netxen_get_minidump_template_size(adapter); + if (err) { + adapter->mdump.fw_supports_md = 0; + if ((err == NX_RCODE_CMD_INVALID) || + (err == NX_RCODE_CMD_NOT_IMPL)) { + dev_info(&adapter->pdev->dev, + "Flashed firmware version does not support minidump, " + "minimum version required is [ %u.%u.%u ].\n ", + NX_MD_SUPPORT_MAJOR, NX_MD_SUPPORT_MINOR, + NX_MD_SUPPORT_SUBVERSION); + } + return err; + } + + if (!adapter->mdump.md_template_size) { + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, "Error : Invalid template size " + ",should be non-zero.\n"); + return -EIO; + } + adapter->mdump.md_template = + kmalloc(adapter->mdump.md_template_size, GFP_KERNEL); + + if (!adapter->mdump.md_template) { + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, "Unable to allocate memory " + "for minidump template.\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + err = netxen_get_minidump_template(adapter); + if (err) { + if (err == NX_RCODE_CMD_NOT_IMPL) + adapter->mdump.fw_supports_md = 0; + goto free_template; + } + + if (netxen_check_template_checksum(adapter)) { + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, "Minidump template checksum Error\n"); + err = -EIO; + goto free_template; + } + + adapter->mdump.md_capture_mask = NX_DUMP_MASK_DEF; + tmp_buf = (u32 *) adapter->mdump.md_template; + template = (u32 *) adapter->mdump.md_template; + for (i = 0; i < adapter->mdump.md_template_size/sizeof(u32); i++) + *template++ = __le32_to_cpu(*tmp_buf++); + hdr = (struct netxen_minidump_template_hdr *) + adapter->mdump.md_template; + adapter->mdump.md_capture_buff = NULL; + adapter->mdump.fw_supports_md = 1; + adapter->mdump.md_enabled = 1; + + return err; + +free_template: + kfree(adapter->mdump.md_template); + adapter->mdump.md_template = NULL; + return err; +} + + int nx_fw_cmd_set_mtu(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, int mtu) { u32 rcode = NX_RCODE_SUCCESS; struct netxen_recv_context *recv_ctx = &adapter->recv_ctx; + struct netxen_cmd_args cmd; + + memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); + cmd.req.cmd = NX_CDRP_CMD_SET_MTU; + cmd.req.arg1 = recv_ctx->context_id; + cmd.req.arg2 = mtu; + cmd.req.arg3 = 0; if (recv_ctx->state == NX_HOST_CTX_STATE_ACTIVE) - rcode = netxen_issue_cmd(adapter, - adapter->ahw.pci_func, - NXHAL_VERSION, - recv_ctx->context_id, - mtu, - 0, - NX_CDRP_CMD_SET_MTU); + netxen_issue_cmd(adapter, &cmd); if (rcode != NX_RCODE_SUCCESS) return -EIO; @@ -116,15 +266,14 @@ int nx_fw_cmd_set_gbe_port(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, u32 speed, u32 duplex, u32 autoneg) { - - return netxen_issue_cmd(adapter, - adapter->ahw.pci_func, - NXHAL_VERSION, - speed, - duplex, - autoneg, - NX_CDRP_CMD_CONFIG_GBE_PORT); - + struct netxen_cmd_args cmd; + + memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); + cmd.req.cmd = NX_CDRP_CMD_CONFIG_GBE_PORT; + cmd.req.arg1 = speed; + cmd.req.arg2 = duplex; + cmd.req.arg3 = autoneg; + return netxen_issue_cmd(adapter, &cmd); } static int @@ -139,6 +288,7 @@ nx_fw_cmd_create_rx_ctx(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) nx_cardrsp_sds_ring_t *prsp_sds; struct nx_host_rds_ring *rds_ring; struct nx_host_sds_ring *sds_ring; + struct netxen_cmd_args cmd; dma_addr_t hostrq_phys_addr, cardrsp_phys_addr; u64 phys_addr; @@ -218,13 +368,12 @@ nx_fw_cmd_create_rx_ctx(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) } phys_addr = hostrq_phys_addr; - err = netxen_issue_cmd(adapter, - adapter->ahw.pci_func, - NXHAL_VERSION, - (u32)(phys_addr >> 32), - (u32)(phys_addr & 0xffffffff), - rq_size, - NX_CDRP_CMD_CREATE_RX_CTX); + memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); + cmd.req.arg1 = (u32)(phys_addr >> 32); + cmd.req.arg2 = (u32)(phys_addr & 0xffffffff); + cmd.req.arg3 = rq_size; + cmd.req.cmd = NX_CDRP_CMD_CREATE_RX_CTX; + err = netxen_issue_cmd(adapter, &cmd); if (err) { printk(KERN_WARNING "Failed to create rx ctx in firmware%d\n", err); @@ -273,15 +422,15 @@ static void nx_fw_cmd_destroy_rx_ctx(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) { struct netxen_recv_context *recv_ctx = &adapter->recv_ctx; + struct netxen_cmd_args cmd; - if (netxen_issue_cmd(adapter, - adapter->ahw.pci_func, - NXHAL_VERSION, - recv_ctx->context_id, - NX_DESTROY_CTX_RESET, - 0, - NX_CDRP_CMD_DESTROY_RX_CTX)) { + memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); + cmd.req.arg1 = recv_ctx->context_id; + cmd.req.arg2 = NX_DESTROY_CTX_RESET; + cmd.req.arg3 = 0; + cmd.req.cmd = NX_CDRP_CMD_DESTROY_RX_CTX; + if (netxen_issue_cmd(adapter, &cmd)) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Failed to destroy rx ctx in firmware\n", netxen_nic_driver_name); @@ -302,6 +451,7 @@ nx_fw_cmd_create_tx_ctx(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) dma_addr_t rq_phys_addr, rsp_phys_addr; struct nx_host_tx_ring *tx_ring = adapter->tx_ring; struct netxen_recv_context *recv_ctx = &adapter->recv_ctx; + struct netxen_cmd_args cmd; rq_size = SIZEOF_HOSTRQ_TX(nx_hostrq_tx_ctx_t); rq_addr = pci_alloc_consistent(adapter->pdev, @@ -345,13 +495,12 @@ nx_fw_cmd_create_tx_ctx(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) prq_cds->ring_size = cpu_to_le32(tx_ring->num_desc); phys_addr = rq_phys_addr; - err = netxen_issue_cmd(adapter, - adapter->ahw.pci_func, - NXHAL_VERSION, - (u32)(phys_addr >> 32), - ((u32)phys_addr & 0xffffffff), - rq_size, - NX_CDRP_CMD_CREATE_TX_CTX); + memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); + cmd.req.arg1 = (u32)(phys_addr >> 32); + cmd.req.arg2 = ((u32)phys_addr & 0xffffffff); + cmd.req.arg3 = rq_size; + cmd.req.cmd = NX_CDRP_CMD_CREATE_TX_CTX; + err = netxen_issue_cmd(adapter, &cmd); if (err == NX_RCODE_SUCCESS) { temp = le32_to_cpu(prsp->cds_ring.host_producer_crb); @@ -380,14 +529,14 @@ nx_fw_cmd_create_tx_ctx(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) static void nx_fw_cmd_destroy_tx_ctx(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) { - if (netxen_issue_cmd(adapter, - adapter->ahw.pci_func, - NXHAL_VERSION, - adapter->tx_context_id, - NX_DESTROY_CTX_RESET, - 0, - NX_CDRP_CMD_DESTROY_TX_CTX)) { - + struct netxen_cmd_args cmd; + + memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); + cmd.req.arg1 = adapter->tx_context_id; + cmd.req.arg2 = NX_DESTROY_CTX_RESET; + cmd.req.arg3 = 0; + cmd.req.cmd = NX_CDRP_CMD_DESTROY_TX_CTX; + if (netxen_issue_cmd(adapter, &cmd)) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Failed to destroy tx ctx in firmware\n", netxen_nic_driver_name); @@ -398,34 +547,37 @@ int nx_fw_cmd_query_phy(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, u32 reg, u32 *val) { u32 rcode; - - rcode = netxen_issue_cmd(adapter, - adapter->ahw.pci_func, - NXHAL_VERSION, - reg, - 0, - 0, - NX_CDRP_CMD_READ_PHY); - + struct netxen_cmd_args cmd; + + memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); + cmd.req.arg1 = reg; + cmd.req.arg2 = 0; + cmd.req.arg3 = 0; + cmd.req.cmd = NX_CDRP_CMD_READ_PHY; + cmd.rsp.arg1 = 1; + rcode = netxen_issue_cmd(adapter, &cmd); if (rcode != NX_RCODE_SUCCESS) return -EIO; - return NXRD32(adapter, NX_ARG1_CRB_OFFSET); + if (val == NULL) + return -EIO; + + *val = cmd.rsp.arg1; + return 0; } int nx_fw_cmd_set_phy(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, u32 reg, u32 val) { u32 rcode; - - rcode = netxen_issue_cmd(adapter, - adapter->ahw.pci_func, - NXHAL_VERSION, - reg, - val, - 0, - NX_CDRP_CMD_WRITE_PHY); - + struct netxen_cmd_args cmd; + + memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); + cmd.req.arg1 = reg; + cmd.req.arg2 = val; + cmd.req.arg3 = 0; + cmd.req.cmd = NX_CDRP_CMD_WRITE_PHY; + rcode = netxen_issue_cmd(adapter, &cmd); if (rcode != NX_RCODE_SUCCESS) return -EIO; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_ethtool.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_ethtool.c index 8a371985319f6ef8afed68ae184329bb18aa93ee..8c39299331a22f03ea841cd92591de625992e009 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_ethtool.c @@ -248,6 +248,11 @@ netxen_nic_get_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *ecmd) } } + if (!netif_running(dev) || !adapter->ahw.linkup) { + ecmd->duplex = DUPLEX_UNKNOWN; + ethtool_cmd_speed_set(ecmd, SPEED_UNKNOWN); + } + return 0; } @@ -812,6 +817,107 @@ static int netxen_get_intr_coalesce(struct net_device *netdev, return 0; } +static int +netxen_get_dump_flag(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_dump *dump) +{ + struct netxen_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); + struct netxen_minidump *mdump = &adapter->mdump; + if (adapter->fw_mdump_rdy) + dump->len = mdump->md_dump_size; + else + dump->len = 0; + dump->flag = mdump->md_capture_mask; + dump->version = adapter->fw_version; + return 0; +} + +static int +netxen_set_dump(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_dump *val) +{ + int ret = 0; + struct netxen_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); + struct netxen_minidump *mdump = &adapter->mdump; + + switch (val->flag) { + case NX_FORCE_FW_DUMP_KEY: + if (!mdump->md_enabled) + mdump->md_enabled = 1; + if (adapter->fw_mdump_rdy) { + netdev_info(netdev, "Previous dump not cleared, not forcing dump\n"); + return ret; + } + netdev_info(netdev, "Forcing a fw dump\n"); + nx_dev_request_reset(adapter); + break; + case NX_DISABLE_FW_DUMP: + if (mdump->md_enabled) { + netdev_info(netdev, "Disabling FW Dump\n"); + mdump->md_enabled = 0; + } + break; + case NX_ENABLE_FW_DUMP: + if (!mdump->md_enabled) { + netdev_info(netdev, "Enabling FW dump\n"); + mdump->md_enabled = 1; + } + break; + case NX_FORCE_FW_RESET: + netdev_info(netdev, "Forcing FW reset\n"); + nx_dev_request_reset(adapter); + adapter->flags &= ~NETXEN_FW_RESET_OWNER; + break; + default: + if (val->flag <= NX_DUMP_MASK_MAX && + val->flag >= NX_DUMP_MASK_MIN) { + mdump->md_capture_mask = val->flag & 0xff; + netdev_info(netdev, "Driver mask changed to: 0x%x\n", + mdump->md_capture_mask); + break; + } + netdev_info(netdev, + "Invalid dump level: 0x%x\n", val->flag); + return -EINVAL; + } + + return ret; +} + +static int +netxen_get_dump_data(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_dump *dump, + void *buffer) +{ + int i, copy_sz; + u32 *hdr_ptr, *data; + struct netxen_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); + struct netxen_minidump *mdump = &adapter->mdump; + + + if (!adapter->fw_mdump_rdy) { + netdev_info(netdev, "Dump not available\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + /* Copy template header first */ + copy_sz = mdump->md_template_size; + hdr_ptr = (u32 *) mdump->md_template; + data = buffer; + for (i = 0; i < copy_sz/sizeof(u32); i++) + *data++ = cpu_to_le32(*hdr_ptr++); + + /* Copy captured dump data */ + memcpy(buffer + copy_sz, + mdump->md_capture_buff + mdump->md_template_size, + mdump->md_capture_size); + dump->len = copy_sz + mdump->md_capture_size; + dump->flag = mdump->md_capture_mask; + + /* Free dump area once data has been captured */ + vfree(mdump->md_capture_buff); + mdump->md_capture_buff = NULL; + adapter->fw_mdump_rdy = 0; + netdev_info(netdev, "extracted the fw dump Successfully\n"); + return 0; +} + const struct ethtool_ops netxen_nic_ethtool_ops = { .get_settings = netxen_nic_get_settings, .set_settings = netxen_nic_set_settings, @@ -833,4 +939,7 @@ const struct ethtool_ops netxen_nic_ethtool_ops = { .get_sset_count = netxen_get_sset_count, .get_coalesce = netxen_get_intr_coalesce, .set_coalesce = netxen_set_intr_coalesce, + .get_dump_flag = netxen_get_dump_flag, + .get_dump_data = netxen_get_dump_data, + .set_dump = netxen_set_dump, }; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_hdr.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_hdr.h index dc1967c1f312497e7d680c501a8c71d2091c4b2e..b1a897cd9a8d54366b39dcd46bcb943dae575356 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_hdr.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_hdr.h @@ -969,6 +969,7 @@ enum { #define NX_RCODE_FATAL_ERROR 0x80000000 #define NX_FWERROR_PEGNUM(code) ((code) & 0xff) #define NX_FWERROR_CODE(code) ((code >> 8) & 0xfffff) +#define NX_FWERROR_PEGSTAT1(code) ((code >> 8) & 0x1fffff) #define FW_POLL_DELAY (2 * HZ) #define FW_FAIL_THRESH 3 diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_hw.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_hw.c index 3f89e57cae5018f6cff62ef2ec7fc1c66c4ddc39..de96a948bb7fa68383047c7b26b71331f0844eb2 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_hw.c @@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ static void netxen_nic_io_write_128M(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, void __iomem *addr, u32 data); static u32 netxen_nic_io_read_128M(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, void __iomem *addr); - #ifndef readq static inline u64 readq(void __iomem *addr) { @@ -910,7 +909,7 @@ int netxen_config_rss(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, int enable) return rv; } -int netxen_config_ipaddr(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, u32 ip, int cmd) +int netxen_config_ipaddr(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, __be32 ip, int cmd) { nx_nic_req_t req; u64 word; @@ -923,7 +922,7 @@ int netxen_config_ipaddr(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, u32 ip, int cmd) req.req_hdr = cpu_to_le64(word); req.words[0] = cpu_to_le64(cmd); - req.words[1] = cpu_to_le64(ip); + memcpy(&req.words[1], &ip, sizeof(u32)); rv = netxen_send_cmd_descs(adapter, (struct cmd_desc_type0 *)&req, 1); if (rv != 0) { @@ -1051,7 +1050,7 @@ int netxen_get_flash_mac_addr(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, u64 *mac) if (netxen_get_flash_block(adapter, offset, sizeof(u64), pmac) == -1) return -1; - if (*mac == cpu_to_le64(~0ULL)) { + if (*mac == ~0ULL) { offset = NX_OLD_MAC_ADDR_OFFSET + (adapter->portnum * sizeof(u64)); @@ -1060,7 +1059,7 @@ int netxen_get_flash_mac_addr(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, u64 *mac) offset, sizeof(u64), pmac) == -1) return -1; - if (*mac == cpu_to_le64(~0ULL)) + if (*mac == ~0ULL) return -1; } return 0; @@ -1974,3 +1973,631 @@ netxen_nic_wol_supported(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) return 0; } + +static u32 netxen_md_cntrl(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, + struct netxen_minidump_template_hdr *template_hdr, + struct netxen_minidump_entry_crb *crtEntry) +{ + int loop_cnt, i, rv = 0, timeout_flag; + u32 op_count, stride; + u32 opcode, read_value, addr; + unsigned long timeout, timeout_jiffies; + addr = crtEntry->addr; + op_count = crtEntry->op_count; + stride = crtEntry->addr_stride; + + for (loop_cnt = 0; loop_cnt < op_count; loop_cnt++) { + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(crtEntry->opcode) * 8; i++) { + opcode = (crtEntry->opcode & (0x1 << i)); + if (opcode) { + switch (opcode) { + case NX_DUMP_WCRB: + NX_WR_DUMP_REG(addr, + adapter->ahw.pci_base0, + crtEntry->value_1); + break; + case NX_DUMP_RWCRB: + NX_RD_DUMP_REG(addr, + adapter->ahw.pci_base0, + &read_value); + NX_WR_DUMP_REG(addr, + adapter->ahw.pci_base0, + read_value); + break; + case NX_DUMP_ANDCRB: + NX_RD_DUMP_REG(addr, + adapter->ahw.pci_base0, + &read_value); + read_value &= crtEntry->value_2; + NX_WR_DUMP_REG(addr, + adapter->ahw.pci_base0, + read_value); + break; + case NX_DUMP_ORCRB: + NX_RD_DUMP_REG(addr, + adapter->ahw.pci_base0, + &read_value); + read_value |= crtEntry->value_3; + NX_WR_DUMP_REG(addr, + adapter->ahw.pci_base0, + read_value); + break; + case NX_DUMP_POLLCRB: + timeout = crtEntry->poll_timeout; + NX_RD_DUMP_REG(addr, + adapter->ahw.pci_base0, + &read_value); + timeout_jiffies = + msecs_to_jiffies(timeout) + jiffies; + for (timeout_flag = 0; + !timeout_flag + && ((read_value & crtEntry->value_2) + != crtEntry->value_1);) { + if (time_after(jiffies, + timeout_jiffies)) + timeout_flag = 1; + NX_RD_DUMP_REG(addr, + adapter->ahw.pci_base0, + &read_value); + } + + if (timeout_flag) { + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, "%s : " + "Timeout in poll_crb control operation.\n" + , __func__); + return -1; + } + break; + case NX_DUMP_RD_SAVE: + /* Decide which address to use */ + if (crtEntry->state_index_a) + addr = + template_hdr->saved_state_array + [crtEntry->state_index_a]; + NX_RD_DUMP_REG(addr, + adapter->ahw.pci_base0, + &read_value); + template_hdr->saved_state_array + [crtEntry->state_index_v] + = read_value; + break; + case NX_DUMP_WRT_SAVED: + /* Decide which value to use */ + if (crtEntry->state_index_v) + read_value = + template_hdr->saved_state_array + [crtEntry->state_index_v]; + else + read_value = crtEntry->value_1; + + /* Decide which address to use */ + if (crtEntry->state_index_a) + addr = + template_hdr->saved_state_array + [crtEntry->state_index_a]; + + NX_WR_DUMP_REG(addr, + adapter->ahw.pci_base0, + read_value); + break; + case NX_DUMP_MOD_SAVE_ST: + read_value = + template_hdr->saved_state_array + [crtEntry->state_index_v]; + read_value <<= crtEntry->shl; + read_value >>= crtEntry->shr; + if (crtEntry->value_2) + read_value &= + crtEntry->value_2; + read_value |= crtEntry->value_3; + read_value += crtEntry->value_1; + /* Write value back to state area.*/ + template_hdr->saved_state_array + [crtEntry->state_index_v] + = read_value; + break; + default: + rv = 1; + break; + } + } + } + addr = addr + stride; + } + return rv; +} + +/* Read memory or MN */ +static u32 +netxen_md_rdmem(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, + struct netxen_minidump_entry_rdmem + *memEntry, u64 *data_buff) +{ + u64 addr, value = 0; + int i = 0, loop_cnt; + + addr = (u64)memEntry->read_addr; + loop_cnt = memEntry->read_data_size; /* This is size in bytes */ + loop_cnt /= sizeof(value); + + for (i = 0; i < loop_cnt; i++) { + if (netxen_nic_pci_mem_read_2M(adapter, addr, &value)) + goto out; + *data_buff++ = value; + addr += sizeof(value); + } +out: + return i * sizeof(value); +} + +/* Read CRB operation */ +static u32 netxen_md_rd_crb(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, + struct netxen_minidump_entry_crb + *crbEntry, u32 *data_buff) +{ + int loop_cnt; + u32 op_count, addr, stride, value; + + addr = crbEntry->addr; + op_count = crbEntry->op_count; + stride = crbEntry->addr_stride; + + for (loop_cnt = 0; loop_cnt < op_count; loop_cnt++) { + NX_RD_DUMP_REG(addr, adapter->ahw.pci_base0, &value); + *data_buff++ = addr; + *data_buff++ = value; + addr = addr + stride; + } + return loop_cnt * (2 * sizeof(u32)); +} + +/* Read ROM */ +static u32 +netxen_md_rdrom(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, + struct netxen_minidump_entry_rdrom + *romEntry, __le32 *data_buff) +{ + int i, count = 0; + u32 size, lck_val; + u32 val; + u32 fl_addr, waddr, raddr; + fl_addr = romEntry->read_addr; + size = romEntry->read_data_size/4; +lock_try: + lck_val = readl((void __iomem *)(adapter->ahw.pci_base0 + + NX_FLASH_SEM2_LK)); + if (!lck_val && count < MAX_CTL_CHECK) { + msleep(20); + count++; + goto lock_try; + } + writel(adapter->ahw.pci_func, (void __iomem *)(adapter->ahw.pci_base0 + + NX_FLASH_LOCK_ID)); + for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { + waddr = fl_addr & 0xFFFF0000; + NX_WR_DUMP_REG(FLASH_ROM_WINDOW, adapter->ahw.pci_base0, waddr); + raddr = FLASH_ROM_DATA + (fl_addr & 0x0000FFFF); + NX_RD_DUMP_REG(raddr, adapter->ahw.pci_base0, &val); + *data_buff++ = cpu_to_le32(val); + fl_addr += sizeof(val); + } + readl((void __iomem *)(adapter->ahw.pci_base0 + NX_FLASH_SEM2_ULK)); + return romEntry->read_data_size; +} + +/* Handle L2 Cache */ +static u32 +netxen_md_L2Cache(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, + struct netxen_minidump_entry_cache + *cacheEntry, u32 *data_buff) +{ + int loop_cnt, i, k, timeout_flag = 0; + u32 addr, read_addr, read_value, cntrl_addr, tag_reg_addr; + u32 tag_value, read_cnt; + u8 cntl_value_w, cntl_value_r; + unsigned long timeout, timeout_jiffies; + + loop_cnt = cacheEntry->op_count; + read_addr = cacheEntry->read_addr; + cntrl_addr = cacheEntry->control_addr; + cntl_value_w = (u32) cacheEntry->write_value; + tag_reg_addr = cacheEntry->tag_reg_addr; + tag_value = cacheEntry->init_tag_value; + read_cnt = cacheEntry->read_addr_cnt; + + for (i = 0; i < loop_cnt; i++) { + NX_WR_DUMP_REG(tag_reg_addr, adapter->ahw.pci_base0, tag_value); + if (cntl_value_w) + NX_WR_DUMP_REG(cntrl_addr, adapter->ahw.pci_base0, + (u32)cntl_value_w); + if (cacheEntry->poll_mask) { + timeout = cacheEntry->poll_wait; + NX_RD_DUMP_REG(cntrl_addr, adapter->ahw.pci_base0, + &cntl_value_r); + timeout_jiffies = msecs_to_jiffies(timeout) + jiffies; + for (timeout_flag = 0; !timeout_flag && + ((cntl_value_r & cacheEntry->poll_mask) != 0);) { + if (time_after(jiffies, timeout_jiffies)) + timeout_flag = 1; + NX_RD_DUMP_REG(cntrl_addr, + adapter->ahw.pci_base0, + &cntl_value_r); + } + if (timeout_flag) { + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, + "Timeout in processing L2 Tag poll.\n"); + return -1; + } + } + addr = read_addr; + for (k = 0; k < read_cnt; k++) { + NX_RD_DUMP_REG(addr, adapter->ahw.pci_base0, + &read_value); + *data_buff++ = read_value; + addr += cacheEntry->read_addr_stride; + } + tag_value += cacheEntry->tag_value_stride; + } + return read_cnt * loop_cnt * sizeof(read_value); +} + + +/* Handle L1 Cache */ +static u32 netxen_md_L1Cache(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, + struct netxen_minidump_entry_cache + *cacheEntry, u32 *data_buff) +{ + int i, k, loop_cnt; + u32 addr, read_addr, read_value, cntrl_addr, tag_reg_addr; + u32 tag_value, read_cnt; + u8 cntl_value_w; + + loop_cnt = cacheEntry->op_count; + read_addr = cacheEntry->read_addr; + cntrl_addr = cacheEntry->control_addr; + cntl_value_w = (u32) cacheEntry->write_value; + tag_reg_addr = cacheEntry->tag_reg_addr; + tag_value = cacheEntry->init_tag_value; + read_cnt = cacheEntry->read_addr_cnt; + + for (i = 0; i < loop_cnt; i++) { + NX_WR_DUMP_REG(tag_reg_addr, adapter->ahw.pci_base0, tag_value); + NX_WR_DUMP_REG(cntrl_addr, adapter->ahw.pci_base0, + (u32) cntl_value_w); + addr = read_addr; + for (k = 0; k < read_cnt; k++) { + NX_RD_DUMP_REG(addr, + adapter->ahw.pci_base0, + &read_value); + *data_buff++ = read_value; + addr += cacheEntry->read_addr_stride; + } + tag_value += cacheEntry->tag_value_stride; + } + return read_cnt * loop_cnt * sizeof(read_value); +} + +/* Reading OCM memory */ +static u32 +netxen_md_rdocm(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, + struct netxen_minidump_entry_rdocm + *ocmEntry, u32 *data_buff) +{ + int i, loop_cnt; + u32 value; + void __iomem *addr; + addr = (ocmEntry->read_addr + adapter->ahw.pci_base0); + loop_cnt = ocmEntry->op_count; + + for (i = 0; i < loop_cnt; i++) { + value = readl(addr); + *data_buff++ = value; + addr += ocmEntry->read_addr_stride; + } + return i * sizeof(u32); +} + +/* Read MUX data */ +static u32 +netxen_md_rdmux(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, struct netxen_minidump_entry_mux + *muxEntry, u32 *data_buff) +{ + int loop_cnt = 0; + u32 read_addr, read_value, select_addr, sel_value; + + read_addr = muxEntry->read_addr; + sel_value = muxEntry->select_value; + select_addr = muxEntry->select_addr; + + for (loop_cnt = 0; loop_cnt < muxEntry->op_count; loop_cnt++) { + NX_WR_DUMP_REG(select_addr, adapter->ahw.pci_base0, sel_value); + NX_RD_DUMP_REG(read_addr, adapter->ahw.pci_base0, &read_value); + *data_buff++ = sel_value; + *data_buff++ = read_value; + sel_value += muxEntry->select_value_stride; + } + return loop_cnt * (2 * sizeof(u32)); +} + +/* Handling Queue State Reads */ +static u32 +netxen_md_rdqueue(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, + struct netxen_minidump_entry_queue + *queueEntry, u32 *data_buff) +{ + int loop_cnt, k; + u32 queue_id, read_addr, read_value, read_stride, select_addr, read_cnt; + + read_cnt = queueEntry->read_addr_cnt; + read_stride = queueEntry->read_addr_stride; + select_addr = queueEntry->select_addr; + + for (loop_cnt = 0, queue_id = 0; loop_cnt < queueEntry->op_count; + loop_cnt++) { + NX_WR_DUMP_REG(select_addr, adapter->ahw.pci_base0, queue_id); + read_addr = queueEntry->read_addr; + for (k = 0; k < read_cnt; k--) { + NX_RD_DUMP_REG(read_addr, adapter->ahw.pci_base0, + &read_value); + *data_buff++ = read_value; + read_addr += read_stride; + } + queue_id += queueEntry->queue_id_stride; + } + return loop_cnt * (read_cnt * sizeof(read_value)); +} + + +/* +* We catch an error where driver does not read +* as much data as we expect from the entry. +*/ + +static int netxen_md_entry_err_chk(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, + struct netxen_minidump_entry *entry, int esize) +{ + if (esize < 0) { + entry->hdr.driver_flags |= NX_DUMP_SKIP; + return esize; + } + if (esize != entry->hdr.entry_capture_size) { + entry->hdr.entry_capture_size = esize; + entry->hdr.driver_flags |= NX_DUMP_SIZE_ERR; + dev_info(&adapter->pdev->dev, + "Invalidate dump, Type:%d\tMask:%d\tSize:%dCap_size:%d\n", + entry->hdr.entry_type, entry->hdr.entry_capture_mask, + esize, entry->hdr.entry_capture_size); + dev_info(&adapter->pdev->dev, "Aborting further dump capture\n"); + } + return 0; +} + +static int netxen_parse_md_template(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) +{ + int num_of_entries, buff_level, e_cnt, esize; + int end_cnt = 0, rv = 0, sane_start = 0, sane_end = 0; + char *dbuff; + void *template_buff = adapter->mdump.md_template; + char *dump_buff = adapter->mdump.md_capture_buff; + int capture_mask = adapter->mdump.md_capture_mask; + struct netxen_minidump_template_hdr *template_hdr; + struct netxen_minidump_entry *entry; + + if ((capture_mask & 0x3) != 0x3) { + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, "Capture mask %02x below minimum needed " + "for valid firmware dump\n", capture_mask); + return -EINVAL; + } + template_hdr = (struct netxen_minidump_template_hdr *) template_buff; + num_of_entries = template_hdr->num_of_entries; + entry = (struct netxen_minidump_entry *) ((char *) template_buff + + template_hdr->first_entry_offset); + memcpy(dump_buff, template_buff, adapter->mdump.md_template_size); + dump_buff = dump_buff + adapter->mdump.md_template_size; + + if (template_hdr->entry_type == TLHDR) + sane_start = 1; + + for (e_cnt = 0, buff_level = 0; e_cnt < num_of_entries; e_cnt++) { + if (!(entry->hdr.entry_capture_mask & capture_mask)) { + entry->hdr.driver_flags |= NX_DUMP_SKIP; + entry = (struct netxen_minidump_entry *) + ((char *) entry + entry->hdr.entry_size); + continue; + } + switch (entry->hdr.entry_type) { + case RDNOP: + entry->hdr.driver_flags |= NX_DUMP_SKIP; + break; + case RDEND: + entry->hdr.driver_flags |= NX_DUMP_SKIP; + if (!sane_end) + end_cnt = e_cnt; + sane_end += 1; + break; + case CNTRL: + rv = netxen_md_cntrl(adapter, + template_hdr, (void *)entry); + if (rv) + entry->hdr.driver_flags |= NX_DUMP_SKIP; + break; + case RDCRB: + dbuff = dump_buff + buff_level; + esize = netxen_md_rd_crb(adapter, + (void *) entry, (void *) dbuff); + rv = netxen_md_entry_err_chk + (adapter, entry, esize); + if (rv < 0) + break; + buff_level += esize; + break; + case RDMN: + case RDMEM: + dbuff = dump_buff + buff_level; + esize = netxen_md_rdmem(adapter, + (void *) entry, (void *) dbuff); + rv = netxen_md_entry_err_chk + (adapter, entry, esize); + if (rv < 0) + break; + buff_level += esize; + break; + case BOARD: + case RDROM: + dbuff = dump_buff + buff_level; + esize = netxen_md_rdrom(adapter, + (void *) entry, (void *) dbuff); + rv = netxen_md_entry_err_chk + (adapter, entry, esize); + if (rv < 0) + break; + buff_level += esize; + break; + case L2ITG: + case L2DTG: + case L2DAT: + case L2INS: + dbuff = dump_buff + buff_level; + esize = netxen_md_L2Cache(adapter, + (void *) entry, (void *) dbuff); + rv = netxen_md_entry_err_chk + (adapter, entry, esize); + if (rv < 0) + break; + buff_level += esize; + break; + case L1DAT: + case L1INS: + dbuff = dump_buff + buff_level; + esize = netxen_md_L1Cache(adapter, + (void *) entry, (void *) dbuff); + rv = netxen_md_entry_err_chk + (adapter, entry, esize); + if (rv < 0) + break; + buff_level += esize; + break; + case RDOCM: + dbuff = dump_buff + buff_level; + esize = netxen_md_rdocm(adapter, + (void *) entry, (void *) dbuff); + rv = netxen_md_entry_err_chk + (adapter, entry, esize); + if (rv < 0) + break; + buff_level += esize; + break; + case RDMUX: + dbuff = dump_buff + buff_level; + esize = netxen_md_rdmux(adapter, + (void *) entry, (void *) dbuff); + rv = netxen_md_entry_err_chk + (adapter, entry, esize); + if (rv < 0) + break; + buff_level += esize; + break; + case QUEUE: + dbuff = dump_buff + buff_level; + esize = netxen_md_rdqueue(adapter, + (void *) entry, (void *) dbuff); + rv = netxen_md_entry_err_chk + (adapter, entry, esize); + if (rv < 0) + break; + buff_level += esize; + break; + default: + entry->hdr.driver_flags |= NX_DUMP_SKIP; + break; + } + /* Next entry in the template */ + entry = (struct netxen_minidump_entry *) + ((char *) entry + entry->hdr.entry_size); + } + if (!sane_start || sane_end > 1) { + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, + "Firmware minidump template configuration error.\n"); + } + return 0; +} + +static int +netxen_collect_minidump(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) +{ + int ret = 0; + struct netxen_minidump_template_hdr *hdr; + struct timespec val; + hdr = (struct netxen_minidump_template_hdr *) + adapter->mdump.md_template; + hdr->driver_capture_mask = adapter->mdump.md_capture_mask; + jiffies_to_timespec(jiffies, &val); + hdr->driver_timestamp = (u32) val.tv_sec; + hdr->driver_info_word2 = adapter->fw_version; + hdr->driver_info_word3 = NXRD32(adapter, CRB_DRIVER_VERSION); + ret = netxen_parse_md_template(adapter); + if (ret) + return ret; + + return ret; +} + + +void +netxen_dump_fw(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) +{ + struct netxen_minidump_template_hdr *hdr; + int i, k, data_size = 0; + u32 capture_mask; + hdr = (struct netxen_minidump_template_hdr *) + adapter->mdump.md_template; + capture_mask = adapter->mdump.md_capture_mask; + + for (i = 0x2, k = 1; (i & NX_DUMP_MASK_MAX); i <<= 1, k++) { + if (i & capture_mask) + data_size += hdr->capture_size_array[k]; + } + if (!data_size) { + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, + "Invalid cap sizes for capture_mask=0x%x\n", + adapter->mdump.md_capture_mask); + return; + } + adapter->mdump.md_capture_size = data_size; + adapter->mdump.md_dump_size = adapter->mdump.md_template_size + + adapter->mdump.md_capture_size; + if (!adapter->mdump.md_capture_buff) { + adapter->mdump.md_capture_buff = + vmalloc(adapter->mdump.md_dump_size); + if (!adapter->mdump.md_capture_buff) { + dev_info(&adapter->pdev->dev, + "Unable to allocate memory for minidump " + "capture_buffer(%d bytes).\n", + adapter->mdump.md_dump_size); + return; + } + memset(adapter->mdump.md_capture_buff, 0, + adapter->mdump.md_dump_size); + if (netxen_collect_minidump(adapter)) { + adapter->mdump.has_valid_dump = 0; + adapter->mdump.md_dump_size = 0; + vfree(adapter->mdump.md_capture_buff); + adapter->mdump.md_capture_buff = NULL; + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, + "Error in collecting firmware minidump.\n"); + } else { + adapter->mdump.md_timestamp = jiffies; + adapter->mdump.has_valid_dump = 1; + adapter->fw_mdump_rdy = 1; + dev_info(&adapter->pdev->dev, "%s Successfully " + "collected fw dump.\n", adapter->netdev->name); + } + + } else { + dev_info(&adapter->pdev->dev, + "Cannot overwrite previously collected " + "firmware minidump.\n"); + adapter->fw_mdump_rdy = 1; + return; + } +} diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_init.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_init.c index a8259cc19a63484e7eefc609514fffd6ac88f0bb..718b274403511c600fb43aae956c9adf46a274e9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_init.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_init.c @@ -280,13 +280,10 @@ int netxen_alloc_sw_resources(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) } rds_ring->rx_buf_arr = vzalloc(RCV_BUFF_RINGSIZE(rds_ring)); - if (rds_ring->rx_buf_arr == NULL) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Failed to allocate " - "rx buffer ring %d\n", - netdev->name, ring); + if (rds_ring->rx_buf_arr == NULL) /* free whatever was already allocated */ goto err_out; - } + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&rds_ring->free_list); /* * Now go through all of them, set reference handles @@ -449,7 +446,7 @@ int netxen_pinit_from_rom(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) /* resetall */ netxen_rom_lock(adapter); - NXWR32(adapter, NETXEN_ROMUSB_GLB_SW_RESET, 0xffffffff); + NXWR32(adapter, NETXEN_ROMUSB_GLB_SW_RESET, 0xfeffffff); netxen_rom_unlock(adapter); if (NX_IS_REVISION_P3(adapter->ahw.revision_id)) { @@ -480,11 +477,8 @@ int netxen_pinit_from_rom(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) } buf = kcalloc(n, sizeof(struct crb_addr_pair), GFP_KERNEL); - if (buf == NULL) { - printk("%s: netxen_pinit_from_rom: Unable to calloc memory.\n", - netxen_nic_driver_name); + if (buf == NULL) return -ENOMEM; - } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (netxen_rom_fast_read(adapter, 8*i + 4*offset, &val) != 0 || @@ -1353,7 +1347,6 @@ int netxen_phantom_init(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, int pegtune_val) do { val = NXRD32(adapter, CRB_CMDPEG_STATE); - switch (val) { case PHAN_INITIALIZE_COMPLETE: case PHAN_INITIALIZE_ACK: @@ -1494,7 +1487,7 @@ netxen_alloc_rx_skb(struct netxen_adapter *adapter, dma_addr_t dma; struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev; - buffer->skb = dev_alloc_skb(rds_ring->skb_size); + buffer->skb = netdev_alloc_skb(adapter->netdev, rds_ring->skb_size); if (!buffer->skb) return 1; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_main.c index 7dd9a4b107e622980620d231b8f178335b1c526e..65a718f9ccd32afb4d68622aa0560ed99fd5ce2a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/netxen/netxen_nic_main.c @@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ static void netxen_create_sysfs_entries(struct netxen_adapter *adapter); static void netxen_remove_sysfs_entries(struct netxen_adapter *adapter); static void netxen_create_diag_entries(struct netxen_adapter *adapter); static void netxen_remove_diag_entries(struct netxen_adapter *adapter); - static int nx_dev_request_aer(struct netxen_adapter *adapter); static int nx_decr_dev_ref_cnt(struct netxen_adapter *adapter); static int netxen_can_start_firmware(struct netxen_adapter *adapter); @@ -519,7 +518,7 @@ static int netxen_nic_set_mac(struct net_device *netdev, void *p) struct sockaddr *addr = p; if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; if (netif_running(netdev)) { netif_device_detach(netdev); @@ -802,16 +801,16 @@ netxen_setup_pci_map(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) static void netxen_check_options(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) { - u32 fw_major, fw_minor, fw_build; + u32 fw_major, fw_minor, fw_build, prev_fw_version; char brd_name[NETXEN_MAX_SHORT_NAME]; char serial_num[32]; - int i, offset, val; - int *ptr32; + int i, offset, val, err; + __le32 *ptr32; struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev; adapter->driver_mismatch = 0; - ptr32 = (int *)&serial_num; + ptr32 = (__le32 *)&serial_num; offset = NX_FW_SERIAL_NUM_OFFSET; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (netxen_rom_fast_read(adapter, offset, &val) == -1) { @@ -826,9 +825,22 @@ netxen_check_options(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) fw_major = NXRD32(adapter, NETXEN_FW_VERSION_MAJOR); fw_minor = NXRD32(adapter, NETXEN_FW_VERSION_MINOR); fw_build = NXRD32(adapter, NETXEN_FW_VERSION_SUB); - + prev_fw_version = adapter->fw_version; adapter->fw_version = NETXEN_VERSION_CODE(fw_major, fw_minor, fw_build); + /* Get FW Mini Coredump template and store it */ + if (NX_IS_REVISION_P3(adapter->ahw.revision_id)) { + if (adapter->mdump.md_template == NULL || + adapter->fw_version > prev_fw_version) { + kfree(adapter->mdump.md_template); + adapter->mdump.md_template = NULL; + err = netxen_setup_minidump(adapter); + if (err) + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, + "Failed to setup minidump rcode = %d\n", err); + } + } + if (adapter->portnum == 0) { get_brd_name_by_type(adapter->ahw.board_type, brd_name); @@ -909,7 +921,12 @@ netxen_start_firmware(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) if (err) return err; - if (!netxen_can_start_firmware(adapter)) + err = netxen_can_start_firmware(adapter); + + if (err < 0) + return err; + + if (!err) goto wait_init; first_boot = NXRD32(adapter, NETXEN_CAM_RAM(0x1fc)); @@ -1403,7 +1420,6 @@ netxen_nic_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) netdev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct netxen_adapter)); if(!netdev) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "failed to allocate net_device\n"); err = -ENOMEM; goto err_out_free_res; } @@ -1529,6 +1545,18 @@ netxen_nic_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) return err; } +static +void netxen_cleanup_minidump(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) +{ + kfree(adapter->mdump.md_template); + adapter->mdump.md_template = NULL; + + if (adapter->mdump.md_capture_buff) { + vfree(adapter->mdump.md_capture_buff); + adapter->mdump.md_capture_buff = NULL; + } +} + static void __devexit netxen_nic_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) { struct netxen_adapter *adapter; @@ -1564,8 +1592,10 @@ static void __devexit netxen_nic_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) netxen_release_firmware(adapter); - if (NX_IS_REVISION_P3(pdev->revision)) + if (NX_IS_REVISION_P3(pdev->revision)) { + netxen_cleanup_minidump(adapter); pci_disable_pcie_error_reporting(pdev); + } pci_release_regions(pdev); pci_disable_device(pdev); @@ -2317,7 +2347,7 @@ nx_incr_dev_ref_cnt(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) static int nx_decr_dev_ref_cnt(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) { - int count; + int count, state; if (netxen_api_lock(adapter)) return -EIO; @@ -2325,8 +2355,9 @@ nx_decr_dev_ref_cnt(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) WARN_ON(count == 0); NXWR32(adapter, NX_CRB_DEV_REF_COUNT, --count); + state = NXRD32(adapter, NX_CRB_DEV_STATE); - if (count == 0) + if (count == 0 && state != NX_DEV_FAILED) NXWR32(adapter, NX_CRB_DEV_STATE, NX_DEV_COLD); netxen_api_unlock(adapter); @@ -2355,7 +2386,7 @@ nx_dev_request_aer(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) return ret; } -static int +int nx_dev_request_reset(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) { u32 state; @@ -2366,10 +2397,11 @@ nx_dev_request_reset(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) state = NXRD32(adapter, NX_CRB_DEV_STATE); - if (state == NX_DEV_NEED_RESET) + if (state == NX_DEV_NEED_RESET || state == NX_DEV_FAILED) ret = 0; else if (state != NX_DEV_INITALIZING && state != NX_DEV_NEED_AER) { NXWR32(adapter, NX_CRB_DEV_STATE, NX_DEV_NEED_RESET); + adapter->flags |= NETXEN_FW_RESET_OWNER; ret = 0; } @@ -2384,8 +2416,10 @@ netxen_can_start_firmware(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) int count; int can_start = 0; - if (netxen_api_lock(adapter)) - return 0; + if (netxen_api_lock(adapter)) { + nx_incr_dev_ref_cnt(adapter); + return -1; + } count = NXRD32(adapter, NX_CRB_DEV_REF_COUNT); @@ -2457,8 +2491,31 @@ netxen_fwinit_work(struct work_struct *work) struct netxen_adapter *adapter = container_of(work, struct netxen_adapter, fw_work.work); int dev_state; - + int count; dev_state = NXRD32(adapter, NX_CRB_DEV_STATE); + if (adapter->flags & NETXEN_FW_RESET_OWNER) { + count = NXRD32(adapter, NX_CRB_DEV_REF_COUNT); + WARN_ON(count == 0); + if (count == 1) { + if (adapter->mdump.md_enabled) { + rtnl_lock(); + netxen_dump_fw(adapter); + rtnl_unlock(); + } + adapter->flags &= ~NETXEN_FW_RESET_OWNER; + if (netxen_api_lock(adapter)) { + clear_bit(__NX_RESETTING, &adapter->state); + NXWR32(adapter, NX_CRB_DEV_STATE, + NX_DEV_FAILED); + return; + } + count = NXRD32(adapter, NX_CRB_DEV_REF_COUNT); + NXWR32(adapter, NX_CRB_DEV_REF_COUNT, --count); + NXWR32(adapter, NX_CRB_DEV_STATE, NX_DEV_COLD); + dev_state = NX_DEV_COLD; + netxen_api_unlock(adapter); + } + } switch (dev_state) { case NX_DEV_COLD: @@ -2471,11 +2528,9 @@ netxen_fwinit_work(struct work_struct *work) case NX_DEV_NEED_RESET: case NX_DEV_INITALIZING: - if (++adapter->fw_wait_cnt < FW_POLL_THRESH) { netxen_schedule_work(adapter, netxen_fwinit_work, 2 * FW_POLL_DELAY); return; - } case NX_DEV_FAILED: default: @@ -2483,6 +2538,15 @@ netxen_fwinit_work(struct work_struct *work) break; } + if (netxen_api_lock(adapter)) { + clear_bit(__NX_RESETTING, &adapter->state); + return; + } + NXWR32(adapter, NX_CRB_DEV_STATE, NX_DEV_FAILED); + netxen_api_unlock(adapter); + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, "%s: Device initialization Failed\n", + adapter->netdev->name); + clear_bit(__NX_RESETTING, &adapter->state); } @@ -2492,7 +2556,7 @@ netxen_detach_work(struct work_struct *work) struct netxen_adapter *adapter = container_of(work, struct netxen_adapter, fw_work.work); struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; - int ref_cnt, delay; + int ref_cnt = 0, delay; u32 status; netif_device_detach(netdev); @@ -2511,7 +2575,8 @@ netxen_detach_work(struct work_struct *work) if (adapter->temp == NX_TEMP_PANIC) goto err_ret; - ref_cnt = nx_decr_dev_ref_cnt(adapter); + if (!(adapter->flags & NETXEN_FW_RESET_OWNER)) + ref_cnt = nx_decr_dev_ref_cnt(adapter); if (ref_cnt == -EIO) goto err_ret; @@ -2531,6 +2596,7 @@ static int netxen_check_health(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) { u32 state, heartbit; + u32 peg_status; struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; state = NXRD32(adapter, NX_CRB_DEV_STATE); @@ -2551,7 +2617,7 @@ netxen_check_health(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) * Send request to destroy context in case of tx timeout only * and doesn't required in case of Fw hang */ - if (state == NX_DEV_NEED_RESET) { + if (state == NX_DEV_NEED_RESET || state == NX_DEV_FAILED) { adapter->need_fw_reset = 1; if (NX_IS_REVISION_P2(adapter->ahw.revision_id)) goto detach; @@ -2577,8 +2643,24 @@ netxen_check_health(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) clear_bit(__NX_FW_ATTACHED, &adapter->state); - dev_info(&netdev->dev, "firmware hang detected\n"); - + dev_err(&netdev->dev, "firmware hang detected\n"); + peg_status = NXRD32(adapter, NETXEN_PEG_HALT_STATUS1); + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, "Dumping hw/fw registers\n" + "PEG_HALT_STATUS1: 0x%x, PEG_HALT_STATUS2: 0x%x,\n" + "PEG_NET_0_PC: 0x%x, PEG_NET_1_PC: 0x%x,\n" + "PEG_NET_2_PC: 0x%x, PEG_NET_3_PC: 0x%x,\n" + "PEG_NET_4_PC: 0x%x\n", + peg_status, + NXRD32(adapter, NETXEN_PEG_HALT_STATUS2), + NXRD32(adapter, NETXEN_CRB_PEG_NET_0 + 0x3c), + NXRD32(adapter, NETXEN_CRB_PEG_NET_1 + 0x3c), + NXRD32(adapter, NETXEN_CRB_PEG_NET_2 + 0x3c), + NXRD32(adapter, NETXEN_CRB_PEG_NET_3 + 0x3c), + NXRD32(adapter, NETXEN_CRB_PEG_NET_4 + 0x3c)); + if (NX_FWERROR_PEGSTAT1(peg_status) == 0x67) + dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, + "Firmware aborted with error code 0x00006700. " + "Device is being reset.\n"); detach: if ((auto_fw_reset == AUTO_FW_RESET_ENABLED) && !test_and_set_bit(__NX_RESETTING, &adapter->state)) @@ -2848,13 +2930,12 @@ static struct bin_attribute bin_attr_mem = { static void netxen_create_sysfs_entries(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) { - struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; - struct device *dev = &netdev->dev; + struct device *dev = &adapter->pdev->dev; if (adapter->capabilities & NX_FW_CAPABILITY_BDG) { /* bridged_mode control */ if (device_create_file(dev, &dev_attr_bridged_mode)) { - dev_warn(&netdev->dev, + dev_warn(dev, "failed to create bridged_mode sysfs entry\n"); } } @@ -2863,8 +2944,7 @@ netxen_create_sysfs_entries(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) static void netxen_remove_sysfs_entries(struct netxen_adapter *adapter) { - struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; - struct device *dev = &netdev->dev; + struct device *dev = &adapter->pdev->dev; if (adapter->capabilities & NX_FW_CAPABILITY_BDG) device_remove_file(dev, &dev_attr_bridged_mode); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qla3xxx.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qla3xxx.c index e61560e16385e855164a2062aa56ae254212721d..df09b1cb742fb211f639e0e6a16d658a768cf7d6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qla3xxx.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qla3xxx.c @@ -2836,7 +2836,7 @@ static int ql_create_send_free_list(struct ql3_adapter *qdev) req_q_curr++; tx_cb->oal = kmalloc(512, GFP_KERNEL); if (tx_cb->oal == NULL) - return -1; + return -ENOMEM; } return 0; } @@ -3804,7 +3804,6 @@ static int __devinit ql3xxx_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct ql3_adapter)); if (!ndev) { - pr_err("%s could not alloc etherdev\n", pci_name(pdev)); err = -ENOMEM; goto err_out_free_regions; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlcnic/qlcnic.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlcnic/qlcnic.h index 60976fc4ccc67bb4e7131c34d399472a5e9930da..2b5af22419a5e541726dc3880310817488ba6c99 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlcnic/qlcnic.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlcnic/qlcnic.h @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ #define _QLCNIC_LINUX_MAJOR 5 #define _QLCNIC_LINUX_MINOR 0 #define _QLCNIC_LINUX_SUBVERSION 25 -#define QLCNIC_LINUX_VERSIONID "5.0.25" +#define QLCNIC_LINUX_VERSIONID "5.0.26" #define QLCNIC_DRV_IDC_VER 0x01 #define QLCNIC_DRIVER_VERSION ((_QLCNIC_LINUX_MAJOR << 16) |\ (_QLCNIC_LINUX_MINOR << 8) | (_QLCNIC_LINUX_SUBVERSION)) diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlcnic/qlcnic_ethtool.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlcnic/qlcnic_ethtool.c index cc228cf3d84bcfdf480d85332c4e6ab97ef13713..89ddf7f7d7df40b93e7a27431be82eb98cec8c4a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlcnic/qlcnic_ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlcnic/qlcnic_ethtool.c @@ -155,7 +155,6 @@ qlcnic_get_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *ecmd) { struct qlcnic_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(dev); int check_sfp_module = 0; - u16 pcifn = adapter->ahw->pci_func; /* read which mode */ if (adapter->ahw->port_type == QLCNIC_GBE) { @@ -194,10 +193,8 @@ qlcnic_get_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *ecmd) goto skip; } - val = QLCRD32(adapter, P3P_LINK_SPEED_REG(pcifn)); - ethtool_cmd_speed_set(ecmd, P3P_LINK_SPEED_MHZ * - P3P_LINK_SPEED_VAL(pcifn, val)); - ecmd->duplex = DUPLEX_FULL; + ethtool_cmd_speed_set(ecmd, SPEED_UNKNOWN); + ecmd->duplex = DUPLEX_UNKNOWN; ecmd->autoneg = AUTONEG_DISABLE; } else return -EIO; @@ -722,7 +719,7 @@ static int qlcnic_do_lb_test(struct qlcnic_adapter *adapter, u8 mode) int i, loop, cnt = 0; for (i = 0; i < QLCNIC_NUM_ILB_PKT; i++) { - skb = dev_alloc_skb(QLCNIC_ILB_PKT_SIZE); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(adapter->netdev, QLCNIC_ILB_PKT_SIZE); qlcnic_create_loopback_buff(skb->data, adapter->mac_addr); skb_put(skb, QLCNIC_ILB_PKT_SIZE); @@ -1155,7 +1152,6 @@ qlcnic_get_dump_data(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_dump *dump, if (!fw_dump->clr) { netdev_info(netdev, "Dump not available\n"); - qlcnic_api_unlock(adapter); return -EINVAL; } /* Copy template header first */ @@ -1174,7 +1170,7 @@ qlcnic_get_dump_data(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_dump *dump, vfree(fw_dump->data); fw_dump->data = NULL; fw_dump->clr = 0; - + netdev_info(netdev, "extracted the FW dump Successfully\n"); return 0; } @@ -1192,7 +1188,7 @@ qlcnic_set_dump(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_dump *val) return ret; } if (fw_dump->clr) { - dev_info(&adapter->pdev->dev, + netdev_info(netdev, "Previous dump not cleared, not forcing dump\n"); return ret; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlcnic/qlcnic_init.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlcnic/qlcnic_init.c index 38669583840ce0a9e9f3ad31cd0d0d02a7b95bd6..d32cf0ddf1b9f37dd098690f59b5888cd569e5ec 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlcnic/qlcnic_init.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlcnic/qlcnic_init.c @@ -1369,7 +1369,13 @@ qlcnic_handle_linkevent(struct qlcnic_adapter *adapter, adapter->module_type = module; adapter->link_autoneg = autoneg; - adapter->link_speed = link_speed; + + if (link_status) { + adapter->link_speed = link_speed; + } else { + adapter->link_speed = SPEED_UNKNOWN; + adapter->link_duplex = DUPLEX_UNKNOWN; + } } static void @@ -1434,7 +1440,7 @@ qlcnic_alloc_rx_skb(struct qlcnic_adapter *adapter, dma_addr_t dma; struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(rds_ring->skb_size); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(adapter->netdev, rds_ring->skb_size); if (!skb) { adapter->stats.skb_alloc_failure++; return -ENOMEM; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlcnic/qlcnic_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlcnic/qlcnic_main.c index 69b8e4ef14d94ff60bf8f9e4fdee1392295d333d..81bb1a69e69f85da223b606ba09478a860b03e90 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlcnic/qlcnic_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlcnic/qlcnic_main.c @@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ static int qlcnic_set_mac(struct net_device *netdev, void *p) return -EOPNOTSUPP; if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; if (test_bit(__QLCNIC_DEV_UP, &adapter->state)) { netif_device_detach(netdev); @@ -1576,7 +1576,6 @@ qlcnic_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) netdev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct qlcnic_adapter)); if (!netdev) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "failed to allocate net_device\n"); err = -ENOMEM; goto err_out_free_res; } @@ -3000,8 +2999,18 @@ qlcnic_set_npar_non_operational(struct qlcnic_adapter *adapter) void qlcnic_dev_request_reset(struct qlcnic_adapter *adapter) { - u32 state; - + u32 state, xg_val = 0, gb_val = 0; + + qlcnic_xg_set_xg0_mask(xg_val); + qlcnic_xg_set_xg1_mask(xg_val); + QLCWR32(adapter, QLCNIC_NIU_XG_PAUSE_CTL, xg_val); + qlcnic_gb_set_gb0_mask(gb_val); + qlcnic_gb_set_gb1_mask(gb_val); + qlcnic_gb_set_gb2_mask(gb_val); + qlcnic_gb_set_gb3_mask(gb_val); + QLCWR32(adapter, QLCNIC_NIU_GB_PAUSE_CTL, gb_val); + dev_info(&adapter->pdev->dev, "Pause control frames disabled" + " on all ports\n"); adapter->need_fw_reset = 1; if (qlcnic_api_lock(adapter)) return; @@ -3150,7 +3159,7 @@ qlcnic_check_health(struct qlcnic_adapter *adapter) QLCRD32(adapter, QLCNIC_CRB_PEG_NET_3 + 0x3c), QLCRD32(adapter, QLCNIC_CRB_PEG_NET_4 + 0x3c)); peg_status = QLCRD32(adapter, QLCNIC_PEG_HALT_STATUS1); - if (LSW(MSB(peg_status)) == 0x67) + if (QLCNIC_FWERROR_CODE(peg_status) == 0x67) dev_err(&adapter->pdev->dev, "Firmware aborted with error code 0x00006700. " "Device is being reset.\n"); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlge/qlge.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlge/qlge.h index b8478aab050e76efa2b734572b3f866f98da321f..5a639df33f18586fc1958f78c3c8add86e15706d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlge/qlge.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlge/qlge.h @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ */ #define DRV_NAME "qlge" #define DRV_STRING "QLogic 10 Gigabit PCI-E Ethernet Driver " -#define DRV_VERSION "v1." +#define DRV_VERSION "v1." #define WQ_ADDR_ALIGN 0x3 /* 4 byte alignment */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlge/qlge_dbg.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlge/qlge_dbg.c index fca804f36d61a2e6f2d79140945adee3732a2ec1..58185b604b729c131c9215bbdf9c8cfbbb53f24c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlge/qlge_dbg.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlge/qlge_dbg.c @@ -1824,10 +1824,8 @@ void ql_dump_hw_cb(struct ql_adapter *qdev, int size, u32 bit, u16 q_id) pr_err("%s: Enter\n", __func__); ptr = kmalloc(size, GFP_ATOMIC); - if (ptr == NULL) { - pr_err("%s: Couldn't allocate a buffer\n", __func__); + if (ptr == NULL) return; - } if (ql_write_cfg(qdev, ptr, size, bit, q_id)) { pr_err("%s: Failed to upload control block!\n", __func__); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlge/qlge_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlge/qlge_main.c index b54898737284199183c1c6708b184763c648f057..49343ec21c820eda0441a2f274c2a7d3c667d50c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlge/qlge_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlge/qlge_main.c @@ -375,13 +375,6 @@ static int ql_set_mac_addr_reg(struct ql_adapter *qdev, u8 *addr, u32 type, u32 lower = (addr[2] << 24) | (addr[3] << 16) | (addr[4] << 8) | (addr[5]); - - netif_printk(qdev, ifup, KERN_DEBUG, qdev->ndev, - "Adding %s address %pM at index %d in the CAM.\n", - type == MAC_ADDR_TYPE_MULTI_MAC ? - "MULTICAST" : "UNICAST", - addr, index); - status = ql_wait_reg_rdy(qdev, MAC_ADDR_IDX, MAC_ADDR_MW, 0); @@ -430,12 +423,6 @@ static int ql_set_mac_addr_reg(struct ql_adapter *qdev, u8 *addr, u32 type, * addressing. It's either MAC_ADDR_E on or off. * That's bit-27 we're talking about. */ - netif_info(qdev, ifup, qdev->ndev, - "%s VLAN ID %d %s the CAM.\n", - enable_bit ? "Adding" : "Removing", - index, - enable_bit ? "to" : "from"); - status = ql_wait_reg_rdy(qdev, MAC_ADDR_IDX, MAC_ADDR_MW, 0); @@ -535,28 +522,6 @@ static int ql_set_routing_reg(struct ql_adapter *qdev, u32 index, u32 mask, int status = -EINVAL; /* Return error if no mask match. */ u32 value = 0; - netif_printk(qdev, ifup, KERN_DEBUG, qdev->ndev, - "%s %s mask %s the routing reg.\n", - enable ? "Adding" : "Removing", - index == RT_IDX_ALL_ERR_SLOT ? "MAC ERROR/ALL ERROR" : - index == RT_IDX_IP_CSUM_ERR_SLOT ? "IP CSUM ERROR" : - index == RT_IDX_TCP_UDP_CSUM_ERR_SLOT ? "TCP/UDP CSUM ERROR" : - index == RT_IDX_BCAST_SLOT ? "BROADCAST" : - index == RT_IDX_MCAST_MATCH_SLOT ? "MULTICAST MATCH" : - index == RT_IDX_ALLMULTI_SLOT ? "ALL MULTICAST MATCH" : - index == RT_IDX_UNUSED6_SLOT ? "UNUSED6" : - index == RT_IDX_UNUSED7_SLOT ? "UNUSED7" : - index == RT_IDX_RSS_MATCH_SLOT ? "RSS ALL/IPV4 MATCH" : - index == RT_IDX_RSS_IPV6_SLOT ? "RSS IPV6" : - index == RT_IDX_RSS_TCP4_SLOT ? "RSS TCP4" : - index == RT_IDX_RSS_TCP6_SLOT ? "RSS TCP6" : - index == RT_IDX_CAM_HIT_SLOT ? "CAM HIT" : - index == RT_IDX_UNUSED013 ? "UNUSED13" : - index == RT_IDX_UNUSED014 ? "UNUSED14" : - index == RT_IDX_PROMISCUOUS_SLOT ? "PROMISCUOUS" : - "(Bad index != RT_IDX)", - enable ? "to" : "from"); - switch (mask) { case RT_IDX_CAM_HIT: { @@ -1178,14 +1143,16 @@ static void ql_update_lbq(struct ql_adapter *qdev, struct rx_ring *rx_ring) int i; while (rx_ring->lbq_free_cnt > 32) { - for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { + for (i = (rx_ring->lbq_clean_idx % 16); i < 16; i++) { netif_printk(qdev, rx_status, KERN_DEBUG, qdev->ndev, "lbq: try cleaning clean_idx = %d.\n", clean_idx); lbq_desc = &rx_ring->lbq[clean_idx]; if (ql_get_next_chunk(qdev, rx_ring, lbq_desc)) { + rx_ring->lbq_clean_idx = clean_idx; netif_err(qdev, ifup, qdev->ndev, - "Could not get a page chunk.\n"); + "Could not get a page chunk, i=%d, clean_idx =%d .\n", + i, clean_idx); return; } @@ -1230,7 +1197,7 @@ static void ql_update_sbq(struct ql_adapter *qdev, struct rx_ring *rx_ring) int i; while (rx_ring->sbq_free_cnt > 16) { - for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { + for (i = (rx_ring->sbq_clean_idx % 16); i < 16; i++) { sbq_desc = &rx_ring->sbq[clean_idx]; netif_printk(qdev, rx_status, KERN_DEBUG, qdev->ndev, "sbq: try cleaning clean_idx = %d.\n", @@ -1576,13 +1543,14 @@ static void ql_process_mac_rx_page(struct ql_adapter *qdev, } else if ((ib_mac_rsp->flags2 & IB_MAC_IOCB_RSP_U) && (ib_mac_rsp->flags3 & IB_MAC_IOCB_RSP_V4)) { /* Unfragmented ipv4 UDP frame. */ - struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *) skb->data; + struct iphdr *iph = + (struct iphdr *) ((u8 *)addr + ETH_HLEN); if (!(iph->frag_off & cpu_to_be16(IP_MF|IP_OFFSET))) { skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY; netif_printk(qdev, rx_status, KERN_DEBUG, qdev->ndev, - "TCP checksum done!\n"); + "UDP checksum done!\n"); } } } @@ -1690,7 +1658,7 @@ static void ql_process_mac_rx_skb(struct ql_adapter *qdev, skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY; netif_printk(qdev, rx_status, KERN_DEBUG, qdev->ndev, - "TCP checksum done!\n"); + "UDP checksum done!\n"); } } } @@ -2312,13 +2280,9 @@ static void qlge_vlan_mode(struct net_device *ndev, netdev_features_t features) struct ql_adapter *qdev = netdev_priv(ndev); if (features & NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_RX) { - netif_printk(qdev, ifup, KERN_DEBUG, ndev, - "Turning on VLAN in NIC_RCV_CFG.\n"); ql_write32(qdev, NIC_RCV_CFG, NIC_RCV_CFG_VLAN_MASK | NIC_RCV_CFG_VLAN_MATCH_AND_NON); } else { - netif_printk(qdev, ifup, KERN_DEBUG, ndev, - "Turning off VLAN in NIC_RCV_CFG.\n"); ql_write32(qdev, NIC_RCV_CFG, NIC_RCV_CFG_VLAN_MASK); } } @@ -3183,8 +3147,6 @@ static int ql_start_rx_ring(struct ql_adapter *qdev, struct rx_ring *rx_ring) netif_printk(qdev, ifup, KERN_DEBUG, qdev->ndev, "Invalid rx_ring->type = %d.\n", rx_ring->type); } - netif_printk(qdev, ifup, KERN_DEBUG, qdev->ndev, - "Initializing rx work queue.\n"); err = ql_write_cfg(qdev, cqicb, sizeof(struct cqicb), CFG_LCQ, rx_ring->cq_id); if (err) { @@ -3237,8 +3199,6 @@ static int ql_start_tx_ring(struct ql_adapter *qdev, struct tx_ring *tx_ring) netif_err(qdev, ifup, qdev->ndev, "Failed to load tx_ring.\n"); return err; } - netif_printk(qdev, ifup, KERN_DEBUG, qdev->ndev, - "Successfully loaded WQICB.\n"); return err; } @@ -3488,12 +3448,8 @@ static void ql_free_irq(struct ql_adapter *qdev) if (test_bit(QL_MSIX_ENABLED, &qdev->flags)) { free_irq(qdev->msi_x_entry[i].vector, &qdev->rx_ring[i]); - netif_printk(qdev, ifdown, KERN_DEBUG, qdev->ndev, - "freeing msix interrupt %d.\n", i); } else { free_irq(qdev->pdev->irq, &qdev->rx_ring[0]); - netif_printk(qdev, ifdown, KERN_DEBUG, qdev->ndev, - "freeing msi interrupt %d.\n", i); } } } @@ -3522,17 +3478,6 @@ static int ql_request_irq(struct ql_adapter *qdev) "Failed request for MSIX interrupt %d.\n", i); goto err_irq; - } else { - netif_printk(qdev, ifup, KERN_DEBUG, qdev->ndev, - "Hooked intr %d, queue type %s, with name %s.\n", - i, - qdev->rx_ring[i].type == DEFAULT_Q ? - "DEFAULT_Q" : - qdev->rx_ring[i].type == TX_Q ? - "TX_Q" : - qdev->rx_ring[i].type == RX_Q ? - "RX_Q" : "", - intr_context->name); } } else { netif_printk(qdev, ifup, KERN_DEBUG, qdev->ndev, @@ -3602,15 +3547,11 @@ static int ql_start_rss(struct ql_adapter *qdev) memcpy((void *)&ricb->ipv6_hash_key[0], init_hash_seed, 40); memcpy((void *)&ricb->ipv4_hash_key[0], init_hash_seed, 16); - netif_printk(qdev, ifup, KERN_DEBUG, qdev->ndev, "Initializing RSS.\n"); - status = ql_write_cfg(qdev, ricb, sizeof(*ricb), CFG_LR, 0); if (status) { netif_err(qdev, ifup, qdev->ndev, "Failed to load RICB.\n"); return status; } - netif_printk(qdev, ifup, KERN_DEBUG, qdev->ndev, - "Successfully loaded RICB.\n"); return status; } @@ -3817,11 +3758,8 @@ static int ql_adapter_initialize(struct ql_adapter *qdev) } /* Start NAPI for the RSS queues. */ - for (i = 0; i < qdev->rss_ring_count; i++) { - netif_printk(qdev, ifup, KERN_DEBUG, qdev->ndev, - "Enabling NAPI for rx_ring[%d].\n", i); + for (i = 0; i < qdev->rss_ring_count; i++) napi_enable(&qdev->rx_ring[i].napi); - } return status; } @@ -4121,10 +4059,6 @@ static int ql_configure_rings(struct ql_adapter *qdev) rx_ring->lbq_size = rx_ring->lbq_len * sizeof(__le64); rx_ring->lbq_buf_size = (u16)lbq_buf_len; - netif_printk(qdev, ifup, KERN_DEBUG, qdev->ndev, - "lbq_buf_size %d, order = %d\n", - rx_ring->lbq_buf_size, - qdev->lbq_buf_order); rx_ring->sbq_len = NUM_SMALL_BUFFERS; rx_ring->sbq_size = rx_ring->sbq_len * sizeof(__le64); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/racal/ni5010.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/racal/ni5010.c index 072810da9a373dfb6b61db9b48f2dd988475f1a5..8079822200503e49098a4533b373b495cd1f7b32 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/racal/ni5010.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/racal/ni5010.c @@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ static void ni5010_rx(struct net_device *dev) } /* Malloc up new buffer. */ - skb = dev_alloc_skb(i_pkt_size + 3); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, i_pkt_size + 3); if (skb == NULL) { printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet.\n", dev->name); dev->stats.rx_dropped++; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/rdc/r6040.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/rdc/r6040.c index cb0eca807852d7dacc5986e4c5638a802177e9ed..b96e1920e0459ac7ca12d5d81037b3d66e88e878 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/rdc/r6040.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/rdc/r6040.c @@ -1107,7 +1107,6 @@ static int __devinit r6040_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct r6040_private)); if (!dev) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Failed to allocate etherdev\n"); err = -ENOMEM; goto err_out; } @@ -1152,7 +1151,7 @@ static int __devinit r6040_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, if (!(adrp[0] || adrp[1] || adrp[2])) { netdev_warn(dev, "MAC address not initialized, " "generating random\n"); - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); } /* Link new device into r6040_root_dev */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/8139too.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/8139too.c index a8779bedb3d9afbd3125a09f13ef0ce93f473f1a..df7fd8d083dc1a133805f1b54ca47b4e0bb4c44f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/8139too.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/8139too.c @@ -565,6 +565,12 @@ struct rtl_extra_stats { unsigned long rx_lost_in_ring; }; +struct rtl8139_stats { + u64 packets; + u64 bytes; + struct u64_stats_sync syncp; +}; + struct rtl8139_private { void __iomem *mmio_addr; int drv_flags; @@ -575,11 +581,13 @@ struct rtl8139_private { unsigned char *rx_ring; unsigned int cur_rx; /* RX buf index of next pkt */ + struct rtl8139_stats rx_stats; dma_addr_t rx_ring_dma; unsigned int tx_flag; unsigned long cur_tx; unsigned long dirty_tx; + struct rtl8139_stats tx_stats; unsigned char *tx_buf[NUM_TX_DESC]; /* Tx bounce buffers */ unsigned char *tx_bufs; /* Tx bounce buffer region. */ dma_addr_t tx_bufs_dma; @@ -641,7 +649,9 @@ static int rtl8139_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget); static irqreturn_t rtl8139_interrupt (int irq, void *dev_instance); static int rtl8139_close (struct net_device *dev); static int netdev_ioctl (struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *rq, int cmd); -static struct net_device_stats *rtl8139_get_stats (struct net_device *dev); +static struct rtnl_link_stats64 *rtl8139_get_stats64(struct net_device *dev, + struct rtnl_link_stats64 + *stats); static void rtl8139_set_rx_mode (struct net_device *dev); static void __set_rx_mode (struct net_device *dev); static void rtl8139_hw_start (struct net_device *dev); @@ -754,10 +764,9 @@ static __devinit struct net_device * rtl8139_init_board (struct pci_dev *pdev) /* dev and priv zeroed in alloc_etherdev */ dev = alloc_etherdev (sizeof (*tp)); - if (dev == NULL) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Unable to alloc new net device\n"); + if (dev == NULL) return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); - } + SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev); tp = netdev_priv(dev); @@ -908,10 +917,37 @@ static __devinit struct net_device * rtl8139_init_board (struct pci_dev *pdev) return ERR_PTR(rc); } +static int rtl8139_set_features(struct net_device *dev, netdev_features_t features) +{ + struct rtl8139_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + unsigned long flags; + netdev_features_t changed = features ^ dev->features; + void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; + + if (!(changed & (NETIF_F_RXALL))) + return 0; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&tp->lock, flags); + + if (changed & NETIF_F_RXALL) { + int rx_mode = tp->rx_config; + if (features & NETIF_F_RXALL) + rx_mode |= (AcceptErr | AcceptRunt); + else + rx_mode &= ~(AcceptErr | AcceptRunt); + tp->rx_config = rtl8139_rx_config | rx_mode; + RTL_W32_F(RxConfig, tp->rx_config); + } + + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tp->lock, flags); + + return 0; +} + static const struct net_device_ops rtl8139_netdev_ops = { .ndo_open = rtl8139_open, .ndo_stop = rtl8139_close, - .ndo_get_stats = rtl8139_get_stats, + .ndo_get_stats64 = rtl8139_get_stats64, .ndo_change_mtu = eth_change_mtu, .ndo_validate_addr = eth_validate_addr, .ndo_set_mac_address = rtl8139_set_mac_address, @@ -922,6 +958,7 @@ static const struct net_device_ops rtl8139_netdev_ops = { #ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER .ndo_poll_controller = rtl8139_poll_controller, #endif + .ndo_set_features = rtl8139_set_features, }; static int __devinit rtl8139_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev, @@ -995,6 +1032,9 @@ static int __devinit rtl8139_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev, dev->features |= NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_HW_CSUM | NETIF_F_HIGHDMA; dev->vlan_features = dev->features; + dev->hw_features |= NETIF_F_RXALL; + dev->hw_features |= NETIF_F_RXFCS; + dev->irq = pdev->irq; /* tp zeroed and aligned in alloc_etherdev */ @@ -1777,8 +1817,10 @@ static void rtl8139_tx_interrupt (struct net_device *dev, dev->stats.tx_fifo_errors++; } dev->stats.collisions += (txstatus >> 24) & 15; - dev->stats.tx_bytes += txstatus & 0x7ff; - dev->stats.tx_packets++; + u64_stats_update_begin(&tp->tx_stats.syncp); + tp->tx_stats.packets++; + tp->tx_stats.bytes += txstatus & 0x7ff; + u64_stats_update_end(&tp->tx_stats.syncp); } dirty_tx++; @@ -1941,7 +1983,10 @@ static int rtl8139_rx(struct net_device *dev, struct rtl8139_private *tp, /* read size+status of next frame from DMA ring buffer */ rx_status = le32_to_cpu (*(__le32 *) (rx_ring + ring_offset)); rx_size = rx_status >> 16; - pkt_size = rx_size - 4; + if (likely(!(dev->features & NETIF_F_RXFCS))) + pkt_size = rx_size - 4; + else + pkt_size = rx_size; netif_dbg(tp, rx_status, dev, "%s() status %04x, size %04x, cur %04x\n", __func__, rx_status, rx_size, cur_rx); @@ -1979,11 +2024,30 @@ static int rtl8139_rx(struct net_device *dev, struct rtl8139_private *tp, if (unlikely((rx_size > (MAX_ETH_FRAME_SIZE+4)) || (rx_size < 8) || (!(rx_status & RxStatusOK)))) { + if ((dev->features & NETIF_F_RXALL) && + (rx_size <= (MAX_ETH_FRAME_SIZE + 4)) && + (rx_size >= 8) && + (!(rx_status & RxStatusOK))) { + /* Length is at least mostly OK, but pkt has + * error. I'm hoping we can handle some of these + * errors without resetting the chip. --Ben + */ + dev->stats.rx_errors++; + if (rx_status & RxCRCErr) { + dev->stats.rx_crc_errors++; + goto keep_pkt; + } + if (rx_status & RxRunt) { + dev->stats.rx_length_errors++; + goto keep_pkt; + } + } rtl8139_rx_err (rx_status, dev, tp, ioaddr); received = -1; goto out; } +keep_pkt: /* Malloc up new buffer, compatible with net-2e. */ /* Omit the four octet CRC from the length. */ @@ -1998,8 +2062,10 @@ static int rtl8139_rx(struct net_device *dev, struct rtl8139_private *tp, skb->protocol = eth_type_trans (skb, dev); - dev->stats.rx_bytes += pkt_size; - dev->stats.rx_packets++; + u64_stats_update_begin(&tp->rx_stats.syncp); + tp->rx_stats.packets++; + tp->rx_stats.bytes += pkt_size; + u64_stats_update_end(&tp->rx_stats.syncp); netif_receive_skb (skb); } else { @@ -2463,11 +2529,13 @@ static int netdev_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *rq, int cmd) } -static struct net_device_stats *rtl8139_get_stats (struct net_device *dev) +static struct rtnl_link_stats64 * +rtl8139_get_stats64(struct net_device *dev, struct rtnl_link_stats64 *stats) { struct rtl8139_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; unsigned long flags; + unsigned int start; if (netif_running(dev)) { spin_lock_irqsave (&tp->lock, flags); @@ -2476,7 +2544,21 @@ static struct net_device_stats *rtl8139_get_stats (struct net_device *dev) spin_unlock_irqrestore (&tp->lock, flags); } - return &dev->stats; + netdev_stats_to_stats64(stats, &dev->stats); + + do { + start = u64_stats_fetch_begin_bh(&tp->rx_stats.syncp); + stats->rx_packets = tp->rx_stats.packets; + stats->rx_bytes = tp->rx_stats.bytes; + } while (u64_stats_fetch_retry_bh(&tp->rx_stats.syncp, start)); + + do { + start = u64_stats_fetch_begin_bh(&tp->tx_stats.syncp); + stats->tx_packets = tp->tx_stats.packets; + stats->tx_bytes = tp->tx_stats.bytes; + } while (u64_stats_fetch_retry_bh(&tp->tx_stats.syncp, start)); + + return stats; } /* Set or clear the multicast filter for this adaptor. @@ -2516,6 +2598,9 @@ static void __set_rx_mode (struct net_device *dev) } } + if (dev->features & NETIF_F_RXALL) + rx_mode |= (AcceptErr | AcceptRunt); + /* We can safely update without stopping the chip. */ tmp = rtl8139_rx_config | rx_mode; if (tp->rx_config != tmp) { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/Kconfig b/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/Kconfig index 0578859a3c73e6ab4952a4b925c64ffee07fab7b..5821966f9f2829bbf3e8d02ce8dbae71ea6f9775 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/Kconfig @@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ config ATP select CRC32 ---help--- This is a network (Ethernet) device which attaches to your parallel - port. Read as well as the Ethernet-HOWTO, - available from , if you - want to use this. If you intend to use this driver, you should have - said N to the "Parallel printer support", because the two drivers - don't like each other. + port. Read as well as the + Ethernet-HOWTO, available from , + if you want to use this. If you intend to use this driver, you + should have said N to the "Parallel printer support", because the two + drivers don't like each other. To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module will be called atp. diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/atp.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/atp.c index e3f57fdbf0eaee7cadf90265b51a1102f3142658..46c1932048cbb459cc0f02547c78307caf73eacc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/atp.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/atp.c @@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ static void net_rx(struct net_device *dev) int pkt_len = (rx_head.rx_count & 0x7ff) - 4; struct sk_buff *skb; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2); if (skb == NULL) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet.\n", dev->name); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.c index bbacb3741ec029e3c4fbc9f74c616955f56e4fc8..27c358c8f4dcc496fd01e841c35b74a9307cbb05 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.c @@ -255,10 +255,6 @@ enum cfg_version { RTL_CFG_2 }; -static void rtl_hw_start_8169(struct net_device *); -static void rtl_hw_start_8168(struct net_device *); -static void rtl_hw_start_8101(struct net_device *); - static DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE(rtl8169_pci_tbl) = { { PCI_DEVICE(PCI_VENDOR_ID_REALTEK, 0x8129), 0, 0, RTL_CFG_0 }, { PCI_DEVICE(PCI_VENDOR_ID_REALTEK, 0x8136), 0, 0, RTL_CFG_2 }, @@ -667,12 +663,25 @@ struct rtl8169_counters { __le16 tx_underun; }; +enum rtl_flag { + RTL_FLAG_TASK_ENABLED, + RTL_FLAG_TASK_SLOW_PENDING, + RTL_FLAG_TASK_RESET_PENDING, + RTL_FLAG_TASK_PHY_PENDING, + RTL_FLAG_MAX +}; + +struct rtl8169_stats { + u64 packets; + u64 bytes; + struct u64_stats_sync syncp; +}; + struct rtl8169_private { void __iomem *mmio_addr; /* memory map physical address */ struct pci_dev *pci_dev; struct net_device *dev; struct napi_struct napi; - spinlock_t lock; u32 msg_enable; u16 txd_version; u16 mac_version; @@ -680,6 +689,8 @@ struct rtl8169_private { u32 cur_tx; /* Index into the Tx descriptor buffer of next Rx pkt. */ u32 dirty_rx; u32 dirty_tx; + struct rtl8169_stats rx_stats; + struct rtl8169_stats tx_stats; struct TxDesc *TxDescArray; /* 256-aligned Tx descriptor ring */ struct RxDesc *RxDescArray; /* 256-aligned Rx descriptor ring */ dma_addr_t TxPhyAddr; @@ -688,9 +699,8 @@ struct rtl8169_private { struct ring_info tx_skb[NUM_TX_DESC]; /* Tx data buffers */ struct timer_list timer; u16 cp_cmd; - u16 intr_event; - u16 napi_event; - u16 intr_mask; + + u16 event_slow; struct mdio_ops { void (*write)(void __iomem *, int, int); @@ -714,7 +724,13 @@ struct rtl8169_private { unsigned int (*phy_reset_pending)(struct rtl8169_private *tp); unsigned int (*link_ok)(void __iomem *); int (*do_ioctl)(struct rtl8169_private *tp, struct mii_ioctl_data *data, int cmd); - struct delayed_work task; + + struct { + DECLARE_BITMAP(flags, RTL_FLAG_MAX); + struct mutex mutex; + struct work_struct work; + } wk; + unsigned features; struct mii_if_info mii; @@ -754,22 +770,15 @@ MODULE_FIRMWARE(FIRMWARE_8105E_1); MODULE_FIRMWARE(FIRMWARE_8168F_1); MODULE_FIRMWARE(FIRMWARE_8168F_2); -static int rtl8169_open(struct net_device *dev); -static netdev_tx_t rtl8169_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, - struct net_device *dev); -static irqreturn_t rtl8169_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_instance); -static int rtl8169_init_ring(struct net_device *dev); -static void rtl_hw_start(struct net_device *dev); -static int rtl8169_close(struct net_device *dev); -static void rtl_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *dev); -static void rtl8169_tx_timeout(struct net_device *dev); -static struct net_device_stats *rtl8169_get_stats(struct net_device *dev); -static int rtl8169_rx_interrupt(struct net_device *, struct rtl8169_private *, - void __iomem *, u32 budget); -static int rtl8169_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu); -static void rtl8169_down(struct net_device *dev); -static void rtl8169_rx_clear(struct rtl8169_private *tp); -static int rtl8169_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget); +static void rtl_lock_work(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +{ + mutex_lock(&tp->wk.mutex); +} + +static void rtl_unlock_work(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +{ + mutex_unlock(&tp->wk.mutex); +} static void rtl_tx_performance_tweak(struct pci_dev *pdev, u16 force) { @@ -1180,12 +1189,51 @@ static u8 rtl8168d_efuse_read(void __iomem *ioaddr, int reg_addr) return value; } +static u16 rtl_get_events(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +{ + void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; + + return RTL_R16(IntrStatus); +} + +static void rtl_ack_events(struct rtl8169_private *tp, u16 bits) +{ + void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; + + RTL_W16(IntrStatus, bits); + mmiowb(); +} + +static void rtl_irq_disable(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +{ + void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; + + RTL_W16(IntrMask, 0); + mmiowb(); +} + +static void rtl_irq_enable(struct rtl8169_private *tp, u16 bits) +{ + void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; + + RTL_W16(IntrMask, bits); +} + +#define RTL_EVENT_NAPI_RX (RxOK | RxErr) +#define RTL_EVENT_NAPI_TX (TxOK | TxErr) +#define RTL_EVENT_NAPI (RTL_EVENT_NAPI_RX | RTL_EVENT_NAPI_TX) + +static void rtl_irq_enable_all(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +{ + rtl_irq_enable(tp, RTL_EVENT_NAPI | tp->event_slow); +} + static void rtl8169_irq_mask_and_ack(struct rtl8169_private *tp) { void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - RTL_W16(IntrMask, 0x0000); - RTL_W16(IntrStatus, tp->intr_event); + rtl_irq_disable(tp); + rtl_ack_events(tp, RTL_EVENT_NAPI | tp->event_slow); RTL_R8(ChipCmd); } @@ -1276,9 +1324,6 @@ static void __rtl8169_check_link_status(struct net_device *dev, struct rtl8169_private *tp, void __iomem *ioaddr, bool pm) { - unsigned long flags; - - spin_lock_irqsave(&tp->lock, flags); if (tp->link_ok(ioaddr)) { rtl_link_chg_patch(tp); /* This is to cancel a scheduled suspend if there's one. */ @@ -1293,7 +1338,6 @@ static void __rtl8169_check_link_status(struct net_device *dev, if (pm) pm_schedule_suspend(&tp->pci_dev->dev, 5000); } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tp->lock, flags); } static void rtl8169_check_link_status(struct net_device *dev, @@ -1336,12 +1380,12 @@ static void rtl8169_get_wol(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_wolinfo *wol) { struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock); + rtl_lock_work(tp); wol->supported = WAKE_ANY; wol->wolopts = __rtl8169_get_wol(tp); - spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock); + rtl_unlock_work(tp); } static void __rtl8169_set_wol(struct rtl8169_private *tp, u32 wolopts) @@ -1378,14 +1422,15 @@ static int rtl8169_set_wol(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_wolinfo *wol) { struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock); + rtl_lock_work(tp); if (wol->wolopts) tp->features |= RTL_FEATURE_WOL; else tp->features &= ~RTL_FEATURE_WOL; __rtl8169_set_wol(tp, wol->wolopts); - spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock); + + rtl_unlock_work(tp); device_set_wakeup_enable(&tp->pci_dev->dev, wol->wolopts); @@ -1540,15 +1585,14 @@ static int rtl8169_set_speed(struct net_device *dev, static int rtl8169_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) { struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - unsigned long flags; int ret; del_timer_sync(&tp->timer); - spin_lock_irqsave(&tp->lock, flags); + rtl_lock_work(tp); ret = rtl8169_set_speed(dev, cmd->autoneg, ethtool_cmd_speed(cmd), cmd->duplex, cmd->advertising); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tp->lock, flags); + rtl_unlock_work(tp); return ret; } @@ -1568,33 +1612,51 @@ static netdev_features_t rtl8169_fix_features(struct net_device *dev, return features; } -static int rtl8169_set_features(struct net_device *dev, - netdev_features_t features) +static void __rtl8169_set_features(struct net_device *dev, + netdev_features_t features) { struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + netdev_features_t changed = features ^ dev->features; void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - unsigned long flags; - spin_lock_irqsave(&tp->lock, flags); + if (!(changed & (NETIF_F_RXALL | NETIF_F_RXCSUM | NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_RX))) + return; - if (features & NETIF_F_RXCSUM) - tp->cp_cmd |= RxChkSum; - else - tp->cp_cmd &= ~RxChkSum; + if (changed & (NETIF_F_RXCSUM | NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_RX)) { + if (features & NETIF_F_RXCSUM) + tp->cp_cmd |= RxChkSum; + else + tp->cp_cmd &= ~RxChkSum; - if (dev->features & NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_RX) - tp->cp_cmd |= RxVlan; - else - tp->cp_cmd &= ~RxVlan; + if (dev->features & NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_RX) + tp->cp_cmd |= RxVlan; + else + tp->cp_cmd &= ~RxVlan; - RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, tp->cp_cmd); - RTL_R16(CPlusCmd); + RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, tp->cp_cmd); + RTL_R16(CPlusCmd); + } + if (changed & NETIF_F_RXALL) { + int tmp = (RTL_R32(RxConfig) & ~(AcceptErr | AcceptRunt)); + if (features & NETIF_F_RXALL) + tmp |= (AcceptErr | AcceptRunt); + RTL_W32(RxConfig, tmp); + } +} + +static int rtl8169_set_features(struct net_device *dev, + netdev_features_t features) +{ + struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tp->lock, flags); + rtl_lock_work(tp); + __rtl8169_set_features(dev, features); + rtl_unlock_work(tp); return 0; } + static inline u32 rtl8169_tx_vlan_tag(struct rtl8169_private *tp, struct sk_buff *skb) { @@ -1643,14 +1705,12 @@ static int rtl8169_gset_xmii(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) static int rtl8169_get_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd) { struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - unsigned long flags; int rc; - spin_lock_irqsave(&tp->lock, flags); - + rtl_lock_work(tp); rc = tp->get_settings(dev, cmd); + rtl_unlock_work(tp); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tp->lock, flags); return rc; } @@ -1658,14 +1718,13 @@ static void rtl8169_get_regs(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_regs *regs, void *p) { struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - unsigned long flags; if (regs->len > R8169_REGS_SIZE) regs->len = R8169_REGS_SIZE; - spin_lock_irqsave(&tp->lock, flags); + rtl_lock_work(tp); memcpy_fromio(p, tp->mmio_addr, regs->len); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tp->lock, flags); + rtl_unlock_work(tp); } static u32 rtl8169_get_msglevel(struct net_device *dev) @@ -3182,18 +3241,14 @@ static void rtl_hw_phy_config(struct net_device *dev) } } -static void rtl8169_phy_timer(unsigned long __opaque) +static void rtl_phy_work(struct rtl8169_private *tp) { - struct net_device *dev = (struct net_device *)__opaque; - struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); struct timer_list *timer = &tp->timer; void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; unsigned long timeout = RTL8169_PHY_TIMEOUT; assert(tp->mac_version > RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_01); - spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock); - if (tp->phy_reset_pending(tp)) { /* * A busy loop could burn quite a few cycles on nowadays CPU. @@ -3204,34 +3259,29 @@ static void rtl8169_phy_timer(unsigned long __opaque) } if (tp->link_ok(ioaddr)) - goto out_unlock; + return; - netif_warn(tp, link, dev, "PHY reset until link up\n"); + netif_warn(tp, link, tp->dev, "PHY reset until link up\n"); tp->phy_reset_enable(tp); out_mod_timer: mod_timer(timer, jiffies + timeout); -out_unlock: - spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock); } -#ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER -/* - * Polling 'interrupt' - used by things like netconsole to send skbs - * without having to re-enable interrupts. It's not called while - * the interrupt routine is executing. - */ -static void rtl8169_netpoll(struct net_device *dev) +static void rtl_schedule_task(struct rtl8169_private *tp, enum rtl_flag flag) +{ + if (!test_and_set_bit(flag, tp->wk.flags)) + schedule_work(&tp->wk.work); +} + +static void rtl8169_phy_timer(unsigned long __opaque) { + struct net_device *dev = (struct net_device *)__opaque; struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - struct pci_dev *pdev = tp->pci_dev; - disable_irq(pdev->irq); - rtl8169_interrupt(pdev->irq, dev); - enable_irq(pdev->irq); + rtl_schedule_task(tp, RTL_FLAG_TASK_PHY_PENDING); } -#endif static void rtl8169_release_board(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct net_device *dev, void __iomem *ioaddr) @@ -3310,7 +3360,7 @@ static void rtl_rar_set(struct rtl8169_private *tp, u8 *addr) low = addr[0] | (addr[1] << 8) | (addr[2] << 16) | (addr[3] << 24); high = addr[4] | (addr[5] << 8); - spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock); + rtl_lock_work(tp); RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Unlock); @@ -3334,7 +3384,7 @@ static void rtl_rar_set(struct rtl8169_private *tp, u8 *addr) RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Lock); - spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock); + rtl_unlock_work(tp); } static int rtl_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *p) @@ -3384,69 +3434,6 @@ static int rtl_tbi_ioctl(struct rtl8169_private *tp, struct mii_ioctl_data *data return -EOPNOTSUPP; } -static const struct rtl_cfg_info { - void (*hw_start)(struct net_device *); - unsigned int region; - unsigned int align; - u16 intr_event; - u16 napi_event; - unsigned features; - u8 default_ver; -} rtl_cfg_infos [] = { - [RTL_CFG_0] = { - .hw_start = rtl_hw_start_8169, - .region = 1, - .align = 0, - .intr_event = SYSErr | LinkChg | RxOverflow | - RxFIFOOver | TxErr | TxOK | RxOK | RxErr, - .napi_event = RxFIFOOver | TxErr | TxOK | RxOK | RxOverflow, - .features = RTL_FEATURE_GMII, - .default_ver = RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_01, - }, - [RTL_CFG_1] = { - .hw_start = rtl_hw_start_8168, - .region = 2, - .align = 8, - .intr_event = SYSErr | LinkChg | RxOverflow | - TxErr | TxOK | RxOK | RxErr, - .napi_event = TxErr | TxOK | RxOK | RxOverflow, - .features = RTL_FEATURE_GMII | RTL_FEATURE_MSI, - .default_ver = RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_11, - }, - [RTL_CFG_2] = { - .hw_start = rtl_hw_start_8101, - .region = 2, - .align = 8, - .intr_event = SYSErr | LinkChg | RxOverflow | PCSTimeout | - RxFIFOOver | TxErr | TxOK | RxOK | RxErr, - .napi_event = RxFIFOOver | TxErr | TxOK | RxOK | RxOverflow, - .features = RTL_FEATURE_MSI, - .default_ver = RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_13, - } -}; - -/* Cfg9346_Unlock assumed. */ -static unsigned rtl_try_msi(struct rtl8169_private *tp, - const struct rtl_cfg_info *cfg) -{ - void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - unsigned msi = 0; - u8 cfg2; - - cfg2 = RTL_R8(Config2) & ~MSIEnable; - if (cfg->features & RTL_FEATURE_MSI) { - if (pci_enable_msi(tp->pci_dev)) { - netif_info(tp, hw, tp->dev, "no MSI. Back to INTx.\n"); - } else { - cfg2 |= MSIEnable; - msi = RTL_FEATURE_MSI; - } - } - if (tp->mac_version <= RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_06) - RTL_W8(Config2, cfg2); - return msi; -} - static void rtl_disable_msi(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct rtl8169_private *tp) { if (tp->features & RTL_FEATURE_MSI) { @@ -3455,25 +3442,6 @@ static void rtl_disable_msi(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct rtl8169_private *tp) } } -static const struct net_device_ops rtl8169_netdev_ops = { - .ndo_open = rtl8169_open, - .ndo_stop = rtl8169_close, - .ndo_get_stats = rtl8169_get_stats, - .ndo_start_xmit = rtl8169_start_xmit, - .ndo_tx_timeout = rtl8169_tx_timeout, - .ndo_validate_addr = eth_validate_addr, - .ndo_change_mtu = rtl8169_change_mtu, - .ndo_fix_features = rtl8169_fix_features, - .ndo_set_features = rtl8169_set_features, - .ndo_set_mac_address = rtl_set_mac_address, - .ndo_do_ioctl = rtl8169_ioctl, - .ndo_set_rx_mode = rtl_set_rx_mode, -#ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER - .ndo_poll_controller = rtl8169_netpoll, -#endif - -}; - static void __devinit rtl_init_mdio_ops(struct rtl8169_private *tp) { struct mdio_ops *ops = &tp->mdio_ops; @@ -3832,23 +3800,21 @@ static void r8168dp_hw_jumbo_disable(struct rtl8169_private *tp) static void r8168e_hw_jumbo_enable(struct rtl8169_private *tp) { void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - struct pci_dev *pdev = tp->pci_dev; RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, 0x3f); RTL_W8(Config3, RTL_R8(Config3) | Jumbo_En0); RTL_W8(Config4, RTL_R8(Config4) | 0x01); - pci_write_config_byte(pdev, 0x79, 0x20); + rtl_tx_performance_tweak(tp->pci_dev, 0x2 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); } static void r8168e_hw_jumbo_disable(struct rtl8169_private *tp) { void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - struct pci_dev *pdev = tp->pci_dev; RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, 0x0c); RTL_W8(Config3, RTL_R8(Config3) & ~Jumbo_En0); RTL_W8(Config4, RTL_R8(Config4) & ~0x01); - pci_write_config_byte(pdev, 0x79, 0x50); + rtl_tx_performance_tweak(tp->pci_dev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); } static void r8168b_0_hw_jumbo_enable(struct rtl8169_private *tp) @@ -3947,2286 +3913,2392 @@ static void rtl_hw_reset(struct rtl8169_private *tp) } } -static int __devinit -rtl8169_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) +static void rtl_request_uncached_firmware(struct rtl8169_private *tp) { - const struct rtl_cfg_info *cfg = rtl_cfg_infos + ent->driver_data; - const unsigned int region = cfg->region; - struct rtl8169_private *tp; - struct mii_if_info *mii; - struct net_device *dev; - void __iomem *ioaddr; - int chipset, i; - int rc; + struct rtl_fw *rtl_fw; + const char *name; + int rc = -ENOMEM; - if (netif_msg_drv(&debug)) { - printk(KERN_INFO "%s Gigabit Ethernet driver %s loaded\n", - MODULENAME, RTL8169_VERSION); - } + name = rtl_lookup_firmware_name(tp); + if (!name) + goto out_no_firmware; - dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof (*tp)); - if (!dev) { - if (netif_msg_drv(&debug)) - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "unable to alloc new ethernet\n"); - rc = -ENOMEM; - goto out; - } + rtl_fw = kzalloc(sizeof(*rtl_fw), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!rtl_fw) + goto err_warn; - SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev); - dev->netdev_ops = &rtl8169_netdev_ops; - tp = netdev_priv(dev); - tp->dev = dev; - tp->pci_dev = pdev; - tp->msg_enable = netif_msg_init(debug.msg_enable, R8169_MSG_DEFAULT); + rc = request_firmware(&rtl_fw->fw, name, &tp->pci_dev->dev); + if (rc < 0) + goto err_free; - mii = &tp->mii; - mii->dev = dev; - mii->mdio_read = rtl_mdio_read; - mii->mdio_write = rtl_mdio_write; - mii->phy_id_mask = 0x1f; - mii->reg_num_mask = 0x1f; - mii->supports_gmii = !!(cfg->features & RTL_FEATURE_GMII); + rc = rtl_check_firmware(tp, rtl_fw); + if (rc < 0) + goto err_release_firmware; - /* disable ASPM completely as that cause random device stop working - * problems as well as full system hangs for some PCIe devices users */ - pci_disable_link_state(pdev, PCIE_LINK_STATE_L0S | PCIE_LINK_STATE_L1 | - PCIE_LINK_STATE_CLKPM); + tp->rtl_fw = rtl_fw; +out: + return; - /* enable device (incl. PCI PM wakeup and hotplug setup) */ - rc = pci_enable_device(pdev); - if (rc < 0) { - netif_err(tp, probe, dev, "enable failure\n"); - goto err_out_free_dev_1; - } +err_release_firmware: + release_firmware(rtl_fw->fw); +err_free: + kfree(rtl_fw); +err_warn: + netif_warn(tp, ifup, tp->dev, "unable to load firmware patch %s (%d)\n", + name, rc); +out_no_firmware: + tp->rtl_fw = NULL; + goto out; +} - if (pci_set_mwi(pdev) < 0) - netif_info(tp, probe, dev, "Mem-Wr-Inval unavailable\n"); +static void rtl_request_firmware(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +{ + if (IS_ERR(tp->rtl_fw)) + rtl_request_uncached_firmware(tp); +} - /* make sure PCI base addr 1 is MMIO */ - if (!(pci_resource_flags(pdev, region) & IORESOURCE_MEM)) { - netif_err(tp, probe, dev, - "region #%d not an MMIO resource, aborting\n", - region); - rc = -ENODEV; - goto err_out_mwi_2; - } +static void rtl_rx_close(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +{ + void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - /* check for weird/broken PCI region reporting */ - if (pci_resource_len(pdev, region) < R8169_REGS_SIZE) { - netif_err(tp, probe, dev, - "Invalid PCI region size(s), aborting\n"); - rc = -ENODEV; - goto err_out_mwi_2; - } + RTL_W32(RxConfig, RTL_R32(RxConfig) & ~RX_CONFIG_ACCEPT_MASK); +} - rc = pci_request_regions(pdev, MODULENAME); - if (rc < 0) { - netif_err(tp, probe, dev, "could not request regions\n"); - goto err_out_mwi_2; - } +static void rtl8169_hw_reset(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +{ + void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - tp->cp_cmd = RxChkSum; + /* Disable interrupts */ + rtl8169_irq_mask_and_ack(tp); - if ((sizeof(dma_addr_t) > 4) && - !pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(64)) && use_dac) { - tp->cp_cmd |= PCIDAC; - dev->features |= NETIF_F_HIGHDMA; - } else { - rc = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32)); - if (rc < 0) { - netif_err(tp, probe, dev, "DMA configuration failed\n"); - goto err_out_free_res_3; - } - } + rtl_rx_close(tp); - /* ioremap MMIO region */ - ioaddr = ioremap(pci_resource_start(pdev, region), R8169_REGS_SIZE); - if (!ioaddr) { - netif_err(tp, probe, dev, "cannot remap MMIO, aborting\n"); - rc = -EIO; - goto err_out_free_res_3; + if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_27 || + tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_28 || + tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_31) { + while (RTL_R8(TxPoll) & NPQ) + udelay(20); + } else if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_34 || + tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_35 || + tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_36) { + RTL_W8(ChipCmd, RTL_R8(ChipCmd) | StopReq); + while (!(RTL_R32(TxConfig) & TXCFG_EMPTY)) + udelay(100); + } else { + RTL_W8(ChipCmd, RTL_R8(ChipCmd) | StopReq); + udelay(100); } - tp->mmio_addr = ioaddr; - - if (!pci_is_pcie(pdev)) - netif_info(tp, probe, dev, "not PCI Express\n"); - /* Identify chip attached to board */ - rtl8169_get_mac_version(tp, dev, cfg->default_ver); + rtl_hw_reset(tp); +} - rtl_init_rxcfg(tp); +static void rtl_set_rx_tx_config_registers(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +{ + void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - RTL_W16(IntrMask, 0x0000); + /* Set DMA burst size and Interframe Gap Time */ + RTL_W32(TxConfig, (TX_DMA_BURST << TxDMAShift) | + (InterFrameGap << TxInterFrameGapShift)); +} - rtl_hw_reset(tp); +static void rtl_hw_start(struct net_device *dev) +{ + struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - RTL_W16(IntrStatus, 0xffff); + tp->hw_start(dev); - pci_set_master(pdev); + rtl_irq_enable_all(tp); +} +static void rtl_set_rx_tx_desc_registers(struct rtl8169_private *tp, + void __iomem *ioaddr) +{ /* - * Pretend we are using VLANs; This bypasses a nasty bug where - * Interrupts stop flowing on high load on 8110SCd controllers. + * Magic spell: some iop3xx ARM board needs the TxDescAddrHigh + * register to be written before TxDescAddrLow to work. + * Switching from MMIO to I/O access fixes the issue as well. */ - if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_05) - tp->cp_cmd |= RxVlan; + RTL_W32(TxDescStartAddrHigh, ((u64) tp->TxPhyAddr) >> 32); + RTL_W32(TxDescStartAddrLow, ((u64) tp->TxPhyAddr) & DMA_BIT_MASK(32)); + RTL_W32(RxDescAddrHigh, ((u64) tp->RxPhyAddr) >> 32); + RTL_W32(RxDescAddrLow, ((u64) tp->RxPhyAddr) & DMA_BIT_MASK(32)); +} - rtl_init_mdio_ops(tp); - rtl_init_pll_power_ops(tp); - rtl_init_jumbo_ops(tp); +static u16 rtl_rw_cpluscmd(void __iomem *ioaddr) +{ + u16 cmd; - rtl8169_print_mac_version(tp); + cmd = RTL_R16(CPlusCmd); + RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, cmd); + return cmd; +} - chipset = tp->mac_version; - tp->txd_version = rtl_chip_infos[chipset].txd_version; +static void rtl_set_rx_max_size(void __iomem *ioaddr, unsigned int rx_buf_sz) +{ + /* Low hurts. Let's disable the filtering. */ + RTL_W16(RxMaxSize, rx_buf_sz + 1); +} - RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Unlock); - RTL_W8(Config1, RTL_R8(Config1) | PMEnable); - RTL_W8(Config5, RTL_R8(Config5) & PMEStatus); - if ((RTL_R8(Config3) & (LinkUp | MagicPacket)) != 0) - tp->features |= RTL_FEATURE_WOL; - if ((RTL_R8(Config5) & (UWF | BWF | MWF)) != 0) - tp->features |= RTL_FEATURE_WOL; - tp->features |= rtl_try_msi(tp, cfg); - RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Lock); +static void rtl8169_set_magic_reg(void __iomem *ioaddr, unsigned mac_version) +{ + static const struct rtl_cfg2_info { + u32 mac_version; + u32 clk; + u32 val; + } cfg2_info [] = { + { RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_05, PCI_Clock_33MHz, 0x000fff00 }, // 8110SCd + { RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_05, PCI_Clock_66MHz, 0x000fffff }, + { RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_06, PCI_Clock_33MHz, 0x00ffff00 }, // 8110SCe + { RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_06, PCI_Clock_66MHz, 0x00ffffff } + }; + const struct rtl_cfg2_info *p = cfg2_info; + unsigned int i; + u32 clk; - if (rtl_tbi_enabled(tp)) { - tp->set_speed = rtl8169_set_speed_tbi; - tp->get_settings = rtl8169_gset_tbi; - tp->phy_reset_enable = rtl8169_tbi_reset_enable; - tp->phy_reset_pending = rtl8169_tbi_reset_pending; - tp->link_ok = rtl8169_tbi_link_ok; - tp->do_ioctl = rtl_tbi_ioctl; - } else { - tp->set_speed = rtl8169_set_speed_xmii; - tp->get_settings = rtl8169_gset_xmii; - tp->phy_reset_enable = rtl8169_xmii_reset_enable; - tp->phy_reset_pending = rtl8169_xmii_reset_pending; - tp->link_ok = rtl8169_xmii_link_ok; - tp->do_ioctl = rtl_xmii_ioctl; + clk = RTL_R8(Config2) & PCI_Clock_66MHz; + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cfg2_info); i++, p++) { + if ((p->mac_version == mac_version) && (p->clk == clk)) { + RTL_W32(0x7c, p->val); + break; + } } +} - spin_lock_init(&tp->lock); +static void rtl_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *dev) +{ + struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; + u32 mc_filter[2]; /* Multicast hash filter */ + int rx_mode; + u32 tmp = 0; - /* Get MAC address */ - for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) - dev->dev_addr[i] = RTL_R8(MAC0 + i); - memcpy(dev->perm_addr, dev->dev_addr, dev->addr_len); + if (dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC) { + /* Unconditionally log net taps. */ + netif_notice(tp, link, dev, "Promiscuous mode enabled\n"); + rx_mode = + AcceptBroadcast | AcceptMulticast | AcceptMyPhys | + AcceptAllPhys; + mc_filter[1] = mc_filter[0] = 0xffffffff; + } else if ((netdev_mc_count(dev) > multicast_filter_limit) || + (dev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI)) { + /* Too many to filter perfectly -- accept all multicasts. */ + rx_mode = AcceptBroadcast | AcceptMulticast | AcceptMyPhys; + mc_filter[1] = mc_filter[0] = 0xffffffff; + } else { + struct netdev_hw_addr *ha; - SET_ETHTOOL_OPS(dev, &rtl8169_ethtool_ops); - dev->watchdog_timeo = RTL8169_TX_TIMEOUT; - dev->irq = pdev->irq; - dev->base_addr = (unsigned long) ioaddr; + rx_mode = AcceptBroadcast | AcceptMyPhys; + mc_filter[1] = mc_filter[0] = 0; + netdev_for_each_mc_addr(ha, dev) { + int bit_nr = ether_crc(ETH_ALEN, ha->addr) >> 26; + mc_filter[bit_nr >> 5] |= 1 << (bit_nr & 31); + rx_mode |= AcceptMulticast; + } + } - netif_napi_add(dev, &tp->napi, rtl8169_poll, R8169_NAPI_WEIGHT); + if (dev->features & NETIF_F_RXALL) + rx_mode |= (AcceptErr | AcceptRunt); - /* don't enable SG, IP_CSUM and TSO by default - it might not work - * properly for all devices */ - dev->features |= NETIF_F_RXCSUM | - NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_TX | NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_RX; + tmp = (RTL_R32(RxConfig) & ~RX_CONFIG_ACCEPT_MASK) | rx_mode; - dev->hw_features = NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_IP_CSUM | NETIF_F_TSO | - NETIF_F_RXCSUM | NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_TX | NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_RX; - dev->vlan_features = NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_IP_CSUM | NETIF_F_TSO | - NETIF_F_HIGHDMA; + if (tp->mac_version > RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_06) { + u32 data = mc_filter[0]; - if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_05) - /* 8110SCd requires hardware Rx VLAN - disallow toggling */ - dev->hw_features &= ~NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_RX; + mc_filter[0] = swab32(mc_filter[1]); + mc_filter[1] = swab32(data); + } - tp->intr_mask = 0xffff; - tp->hw_start = cfg->hw_start; - tp->intr_event = cfg->intr_event; - tp->napi_event = cfg->napi_event; + RTL_W32(MAR0 + 4, mc_filter[1]); + RTL_W32(MAR0 + 0, mc_filter[0]); - tp->opts1_mask = (tp->mac_version != RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_01) ? - ~(RxBOVF | RxFOVF) : ~0; + RTL_W32(RxConfig, tmp); +} - init_timer(&tp->timer); - tp->timer.data = (unsigned long) dev; - tp->timer.function = rtl8169_phy_timer; +static void rtl_hw_start_8169(struct net_device *dev) +{ + struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; + struct pci_dev *pdev = tp->pci_dev; - tp->rtl_fw = RTL_FIRMWARE_UNKNOWN; + if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_05) { + RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, RTL_R16(CPlusCmd) | PCIMulRW); + pci_write_config_byte(pdev, PCI_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, 0x08); + } - rc = register_netdev(dev); - if (rc < 0) - goto err_out_msi_4; + RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Unlock); + if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_01 || + tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_02 || + tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_03 || + tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_04) + RTL_W8(ChipCmd, CmdTxEnb | CmdRxEnb); - pci_set_drvdata(pdev, dev); + rtl_init_rxcfg(tp); - netif_info(tp, probe, dev, "%s at 0x%lx, %pM, XID %08x IRQ %d\n", - rtl_chip_infos[chipset].name, dev->base_addr, dev->dev_addr, - (u32)(RTL_R32(TxConfig) & 0x9cf0f8ff), dev->irq); - if (rtl_chip_infos[chipset].jumbo_max != JUMBO_1K) { - netif_info(tp, probe, dev, "jumbo features [frames: %d bytes, " - "tx checksumming: %s]\n", - rtl_chip_infos[chipset].jumbo_max, - rtl_chip_infos[chipset].jumbo_tx_csum ? "ok" : "ko"); - } + RTL_W8(EarlyTxThres, NoEarlyTx); - if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_27 || - tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_28 || - tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_31) { - rtl8168_driver_start(tp); - } + rtl_set_rx_max_size(ioaddr, rx_buf_sz); - device_set_wakeup_enable(&pdev->dev, tp->features & RTL_FEATURE_WOL); + if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_01 || + tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_02 || + tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_03 || + tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_04) + rtl_set_rx_tx_config_registers(tp); - if (pci_dev_run_wake(pdev)) - pm_runtime_put_noidle(&pdev->dev); + tp->cp_cmd |= rtl_rw_cpluscmd(ioaddr) | PCIMulRW; - netif_carrier_off(dev); + if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_02 || + tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_03) { + dprintk("Set MAC Reg C+CR Offset 0xE0. " + "Bit-3 and bit-14 MUST be 1\n"); + tp->cp_cmd |= (1 << 14); + } -out: - return rc; + RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, tp->cp_cmd); -err_out_msi_4: - rtl_disable_msi(pdev, tp); - iounmap(ioaddr); -err_out_free_res_3: - pci_release_regions(pdev); -err_out_mwi_2: - pci_clear_mwi(pdev); - pci_disable_device(pdev); -err_out_free_dev_1: - free_netdev(dev); - goto out; -} + rtl8169_set_magic_reg(ioaddr, tp->mac_version); -static void __devexit rtl8169_remove_one(struct pci_dev *pdev) -{ - struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); - struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + /* + * Undocumented corner. Supposedly: + * (TxTimer << 12) | (TxPackets << 8) | (RxTimer << 4) | RxPackets + */ + RTL_W16(IntrMitigate, 0x0000); - if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_27 || - tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_28 || - tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_31) { - rtl8168_driver_stop(tp); - } + rtl_set_rx_tx_desc_registers(tp, ioaddr); - cancel_delayed_work_sync(&tp->task); + if (tp->mac_version != RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_01 && + tp->mac_version != RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_02 && + tp->mac_version != RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_03 && + tp->mac_version != RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_04) { + RTL_W8(ChipCmd, CmdTxEnb | CmdRxEnb); + rtl_set_rx_tx_config_registers(tp); + } - unregister_netdev(dev); + RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Lock); - rtl_release_firmware(tp); + /* Initially a 10 us delay. Turned it into a PCI commit. - FR */ + RTL_R8(IntrMask); - if (pci_dev_run_wake(pdev)) - pm_runtime_get_noresume(&pdev->dev); + RTL_W32(RxMissed, 0); - /* restore original MAC address */ - rtl_rar_set(tp, dev->perm_addr); + rtl_set_rx_mode(dev); - rtl_disable_msi(pdev, tp); - rtl8169_release_board(pdev, dev, tp->mmio_addr); - pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); + /* no early-rx interrupts */ + RTL_W16(MultiIntr, RTL_R16(MultiIntr) & 0xF000); } -static void rtl_request_uncached_firmware(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +static void rtl_csi_access_enable(void __iomem *ioaddr, u32 bits) { - struct rtl_fw *rtl_fw; - const char *name; - int rc = -ENOMEM; + u32 csi; - name = rtl_lookup_firmware_name(tp); - if (!name) - goto out_no_firmware; + csi = rtl_csi_read(ioaddr, 0x070c) & 0x00ffffff; + rtl_csi_write(ioaddr, 0x070c, csi | bits); +} - rtl_fw = kzalloc(sizeof(*rtl_fw), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!rtl_fw) - goto err_warn; +static void rtl_csi_access_enable_1(void __iomem *ioaddr) +{ + rtl_csi_access_enable(ioaddr, 0x17000000); +} - rc = request_firmware(&rtl_fw->fw, name, &tp->pci_dev->dev); - if (rc < 0) - goto err_free; +static void rtl_csi_access_enable_2(void __iomem *ioaddr) +{ + rtl_csi_access_enable(ioaddr, 0x27000000); +} - rc = rtl_check_firmware(tp, rtl_fw); - if (rc < 0) - goto err_release_firmware; +struct ephy_info { + unsigned int offset; + u16 mask; + u16 bits; +}; - tp->rtl_fw = rtl_fw; -out: - return; +static void rtl_ephy_init(void __iomem *ioaddr, const struct ephy_info *e, int len) +{ + u16 w; -err_release_firmware: - release_firmware(rtl_fw->fw); -err_free: - kfree(rtl_fw); -err_warn: - netif_warn(tp, ifup, tp->dev, "unable to load firmware patch %s (%d)\n", - name, rc); -out_no_firmware: - tp->rtl_fw = NULL; - goto out; + while (len-- > 0) { + w = (rtl_ephy_read(ioaddr, e->offset) & ~e->mask) | e->bits; + rtl_ephy_write(ioaddr, e->offset, w); + e++; + } } -static void rtl_request_firmware(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +static void rtl_disable_clock_request(struct pci_dev *pdev) { - if (IS_ERR(tp->rtl_fw)) - rtl_request_uncached_firmware(tp); + int cap = pci_pcie_cap(pdev); + + if (cap) { + u16 ctl; + + pci_read_config_word(pdev, cap + PCI_EXP_LNKCTL, &ctl); + ctl &= ~PCI_EXP_LNKCTL_CLKREQ_EN; + pci_write_config_word(pdev, cap + PCI_EXP_LNKCTL, ctl); + } } -static int rtl8169_open(struct net_device *dev) +static void rtl_enable_clock_request(struct pci_dev *pdev) { - struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - struct pci_dev *pdev = tp->pci_dev; - int retval = -ENOMEM; + int cap = pci_pcie_cap(pdev); - pm_runtime_get_sync(&pdev->dev); + if (cap) { + u16 ctl; - /* - * Rx and Tx desscriptors needs 256 bytes alignment. - * dma_alloc_coherent provides more. - */ - tp->TxDescArray = dma_alloc_coherent(&pdev->dev, R8169_TX_RING_BYTES, - &tp->TxPhyAddr, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!tp->TxDescArray) - goto err_pm_runtime_put; + pci_read_config_word(pdev, cap + PCI_EXP_LNKCTL, &ctl); + ctl |= PCI_EXP_LNKCTL_CLKREQ_EN; + pci_write_config_word(pdev, cap + PCI_EXP_LNKCTL, ctl); + } +} - tp->RxDescArray = dma_alloc_coherent(&pdev->dev, R8169_RX_RING_BYTES, - &tp->RxPhyAddr, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!tp->RxDescArray) - goto err_free_tx_0; +#define R8168_CPCMD_QUIRK_MASK (\ + EnableBist | \ + Mac_dbgo_oe | \ + Force_half_dup | \ + Force_rxflow_en | \ + Force_txflow_en | \ + Cxpl_dbg_sel | \ + ASF | \ + PktCntrDisable | \ + Mac_dbgo_sel) - retval = rtl8169_init_ring(dev); - if (retval < 0) - goto err_free_rx_1; +static void rtl_hw_start_8168bb(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + RTL_W8(Config3, RTL_R8(Config3) & ~Beacon_en); + + RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, RTL_R16(CPlusCmd) & ~R8168_CPCMD_QUIRK_MASK); - INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&tp->task, NULL); + rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, + (0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT) | PCI_EXP_DEVCTL_NOSNOOP_EN); +} - smp_mb(); +static void rtl_hw_start_8168bef(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + rtl_hw_start_8168bb(ioaddr, pdev); - rtl_request_firmware(tp); + RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, TxPacketMax); - retval = request_irq(dev->irq, rtl8169_interrupt, - (tp->features & RTL_FEATURE_MSI) ? 0 : IRQF_SHARED, - dev->name, dev); - if (retval < 0) - goto err_release_fw_2; + RTL_W8(Config4, RTL_R8(Config4) & ~(1 << 0)); +} - napi_enable(&tp->napi); +static void __rtl_hw_start_8168cp(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + RTL_W8(Config1, RTL_R8(Config1) | Speed_down); - rtl8169_init_phy(dev, tp); + RTL_W8(Config3, RTL_R8(Config3) & ~Beacon_en); - rtl8169_set_features(dev, dev->features); + rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); - rtl_pll_power_up(tp); + rtl_disable_clock_request(pdev); - rtl_hw_start(dev); + RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, RTL_R16(CPlusCmd) & ~R8168_CPCMD_QUIRK_MASK); +} - tp->saved_wolopts = 0; - pm_runtime_put_noidle(&pdev->dev); +static void rtl_hw_start_8168cp_1(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + static const struct ephy_info e_info_8168cp[] = { + { 0x01, 0, 0x0001 }, + { 0x02, 0x0800, 0x1000 }, + { 0x03, 0, 0x0042 }, + { 0x06, 0x0080, 0x0000 }, + { 0x07, 0, 0x2000 } + }; - rtl8169_check_link_status(dev, tp, ioaddr); -out: - return retval; + rtl_csi_access_enable_2(ioaddr); -err_release_fw_2: - rtl_release_firmware(tp); - rtl8169_rx_clear(tp); -err_free_rx_1: - dma_free_coherent(&pdev->dev, R8169_RX_RING_BYTES, tp->RxDescArray, - tp->RxPhyAddr); - tp->RxDescArray = NULL; -err_free_tx_0: - dma_free_coherent(&pdev->dev, R8169_TX_RING_BYTES, tp->TxDescArray, - tp->TxPhyAddr); - tp->TxDescArray = NULL; -err_pm_runtime_put: - pm_runtime_put_noidle(&pdev->dev); - goto out; + rtl_ephy_init(ioaddr, e_info_8168cp, ARRAY_SIZE(e_info_8168cp)); + + __rtl_hw_start_8168cp(ioaddr, pdev); } -static void rtl_rx_close(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +static void rtl_hw_start_8168cp_2(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) { - void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; + rtl_csi_access_enable_2(ioaddr); - RTL_W32(RxConfig, RTL_R32(RxConfig) & ~RX_CONFIG_ACCEPT_MASK); + RTL_W8(Config3, RTL_R8(Config3) & ~Beacon_en); + + rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); + + RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, RTL_R16(CPlusCmd) & ~R8168_CPCMD_QUIRK_MASK); } -static void rtl8169_hw_reset(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +static void rtl_hw_start_8168cp_3(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) { - void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; + rtl_csi_access_enable_2(ioaddr); - /* Disable interrupts */ - rtl8169_irq_mask_and_ack(tp); + RTL_W8(Config3, RTL_R8(Config3) & ~Beacon_en); - rtl_rx_close(tp); + /* Magic. */ + RTL_W8(DBG_REG, 0x20); - if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_27 || - tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_28 || - tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_31) { - while (RTL_R8(TxPoll) & NPQ) - udelay(20); - } else if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_34 || - tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_35 || - tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_36) { - RTL_W8(ChipCmd, RTL_R8(ChipCmd) | StopReq); - while (!(RTL_R32(TxConfig) & TXCFG_EMPTY)) - udelay(100); - } else { - RTL_W8(ChipCmd, RTL_R8(ChipCmd) | StopReq); - udelay(100); - } + RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, TxPacketMax); - rtl_hw_reset(tp); + rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); + + RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, RTL_R16(CPlusCmd) & ~R8168_CPCMD_QUIRK_MASK); } -static void rtl_set_rx_tx_config_registers(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +static void rtl_hw_start_8168c_1(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) { - void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; + static const struct ephy_info e_info_8168c_1[] = { + { 0x02, 0x0800, 0x1000 }, + { 0x03, 0, 0x0002 }, + { 0x06, 0x0080, 0x0000 } + }; - /* Set DMA burst size and Interframe Gap Time */ - RTL_W32(TxConfig, (TX_DMA_BURST << TxDMAShift) | - (InterFrameGap << TxInterFrameGapShift)); + rtl_csi_access_enable_2(ioaddr); + + RTL_W8(DBG_REG, 0x06 | FIX_NAK_1 | FIX_NAK_2); + + rtl_ephy_init(ioaddr, e_info_8168c_1, ARRAY_SIZE(e_info_8168c_1)); + + __rtl_hw_start_8168cp(ioaddr, pdev); } -static void rtl_hw_start(struct net_device *dev) +static void rtl_hw_start_8168c_2(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) { - struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + static const struct ephy_info e_info_8168c_2[] = { + { 0x01, 0, 0x0001 }, + { 0x03, 0x0400, 0x0220 } + }; - tp->hw_start(dev); + rtl_csi_access_enable_2(ioaddr); - netif_start_queue(dev); + rtl_ephy_init(ioaddr, e_info_8168c_2, ARRAY_SIZE(e_info_8168c_2)); + + __rtl_hw_start_8168cp(ioaddr, pdev); } -static void rtl_set_rx_tx_desc_registers(struct rtl8169_private *tp, - void __iomem *ioaddr) +static void rtl_hw_start_8168c_3(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) { - /* - * Magic spell: some iop3xx ARM board needs the TxDescAddrHigh - * register to be written before TxDescAddrLow to work. - * Switching from MMIO to I/O access fixes the issue as well. - */ - RTL_W32(TxDescStartAddrHigh, ((u64) tp->TxPhyAddr) >> 32); - RTL_W32(TxDescStartAddrLow, ((u64) tp->TxPhyAddr) & DMA_BIT_MASK(32)); - RTL_W32(RxDescAddrHigh, ((u64) tp->RxPhyAddr) >> 32); - RTL_W32(RxDescAddrLow, ((u64) tp->RxPhyAddr) & DMA_BIT_MASK(32)); + rtl_hw_start_8168c_2(ioaddr, pdev); } -static u16 rtl_rw_cpluscmd(void __iomem *ioaddr) +static void rtl_hw_start_8168c_4(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) { - u16 cmd; + rtl_csi_access_enable_2(ioaddr); - cmd = RTL_R16(CPlusCmd); - RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, cmd); - return cmd; + __rtl_hw_start_8168cp(ioaddr, pdev); } -static void rtl_set_rx_max_size(void __iomem *ioaddr, unsigned int rx_buf_sz) +static void rtl_hw_start_8168d(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) { - /* Low hurts. Let's disable the filtering. */ - RTL_W16(RxMaxSize, rx_buf_sz + 1); -} + rtl_csi_access_enable_2(ioaddr); -static void rtl8169_set_magic_reg(void __iomem *ioaddr, unsigned mac_version) -{ - static const struct rtl_cfg2_info { - u32 mac_version; - u32 clk; - u32 val; - } cfg2_info [] = { - { RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_05, PCI_Clock_33MHz, 0x000fff00 }, // 8110SCd - { RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_05, PCI_Clock_66MHz, 0x000fffff }, - { RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_06, PCI_Clock_33MHz, 0x00ffff00 }, // 8110SCe - { RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_06, PCI_Clock_66MHz, 0x00ffffff } - }; - const struct rtl_cfg2_info *p = cfg2_info; - unsigned int i; - u32 clk; + rtl_disable_clock_request(pdev); - clk = RTL_R8(Config2) & PCI_Clock_66MHz; - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cfg2_info); i++, p++) { - if ((p->mac_version == mac_version) && (p->clk == clk)) { - RTL_W32(0x7c, p->val); - break; - } - } + RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, TxPacketMax); + + rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); + + RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, RTL_R16(CPlusCmd) & ~R8168_CPCMD_QUIRK_MASK); } -static void rtl_hw_start_8169(struct net_device *dev) +static void rtl_hw_start_8168dp(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) { - struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - struct pci_dev *pdev = tp->pci_dev; + rtl_csi_access_enable_1(ioaddr); - if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_05) { - RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, RTL_R16(CPlusCmd) | PCIMulRW); - pci_write_config_byte(pdev, PCI_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, 0x08); - } + rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); - RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Unlock); - if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_01 || - tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_02 || - tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_03 || - tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_04) - RTL_W8(ChipCmd, CmdTxEnb | CmdRxEnb); + RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, TxPacketMax); - rtl_init_rxcfg(tp); + rtl_disable_clock_request(pdev); +} - RTL_W8(EarlyTxThres, NoEarlyTx); +static void rtl_hw_start_8168d_4(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + static const struct ephy_info e_info_8168d_4[] = { + { 0x0b, ~0, 0x48 }, + { 0x19, 0x20, 0x50 }, + { 0x0c, ~0, 0x20 } + }; + int i; - rtl_set_rx_max_size(ioaddr, rx_buf_sz); + rtl_csi_access_enable_1(ioaddr); - if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_01 || - tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_02 || - tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_03 || - tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_04) - rtl_set_rx_tx_config_registers(tp); + rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); - tp->cp_cmd |= rtl_rw_cpluscmd(ioaddr) | PCIMulRW; + RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, TxPacketMax); - if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_02 || - tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_03) { - dprintk("Set MAC Reg C+CR Offset 0xE0. " - "Bit-3 and bit-14 MUST be 1\n"); - tp->cp_cmd |= (1 << 14); + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(e_info_8168d_4); i++) { + const struct ephy_info *e = e_info_8168d_4 + i; + u16 w; + + w = rtl_ephy_read(ioaddr, e->offset); + rtl_ephy_write(ioaddr, 0x03, (w & e->mask) | e->bits); } - RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, tp->cp_cmd); + rtl_enable_clock_request(pdev); +} + +static void rtl_hw_start_8168e_1(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + static const struct ephy_info e_info_8168e_1[] = { + { 0x00, 0x0200, 0x0100 }, + { 0x00, 0x0000, 0x0004 }, + { 0x06, 0x0002, 0x0001 }, + { 0x06, 0x0000, 0x0030 }, + { 0x07, 0x0000, 0x2000 }, + { 0x00, 0x0000, 0x0020 }, + { 0x03, 0x5800, 0x2000 }, + { 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0001 }, + { 0x01, 0x0800, 0x1000 }, + { 0x07, 0x0000, 0x4000 }, + { 0x1e, 0x0000, 0x2000 }, + { 0x19, 0xffff, 0xfe6c }, + { 0x0a, 0x0000, 0x0040 } + }; - rtl8169_set_magic_reg(ioaddr, tp->mac_version); + rtl_csi_access_enable_2(ioaddr); - /* - * Undocumented corner. Supposedly: - * (TxTimer << 12) | (TxPackets << 8) | (RxTimer << 4) | RxPackets - */ - RTL_W16(IntrMitigate, 0x0000); + rtl_ephy_init(ioaddr, e_info_8168e_1, ARRAY_SIZE(e_info_8168e_1)); - rtl_set_rx_tx_desc_registers(tp, ioaddr); + rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); - if (tp->mac_version != RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_01 && - tp->mac_version != RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_02 && - tp->mac_version != RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_03 && - tp->mac_version != RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_04) { - RTL_W8(ChipCmd, CmdTxEnb | CmdRxEnb); - rtl_set_rx_tx_config_registers(tp); - } + RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, TxPacketMax); - RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Lock); + rtl_disable_clock_request(pdev); - /* Initially a 10 us delay. Turned it into a PCI commit. - FR */ - RTL_R8(IntrMask); + /* Reset tx FIFO pointer */ + RTL_W32(MISC, RTL_R32(MISC) | TXPLA_RST); + RTL_W32(MISC, RTL_R32(MISC) & ~TXPLA_RST); - RTL_W32(RxMissed, 0); + RTL_W8(Config5, RTL_R8(Config5) & ~Spi_en); +} - rtl_set_rx_mode(dev); +static void rtl_hw_start_8168e_2(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + static const struct ephy_info e_info_8168e_2[] = { + { 0x09, 0x0000, 0x0080 }, + { 0x19, 0x0000, 0x0224 } + }; - /* no early-rx interrupts */ - RTL_W16(MultiIntr, RTL_R16(MultiIntr) & 0xF000); + rtl_csi_access_enable_1(ioaddr); - /* Enable all known interrupts by setting the interrupt mask. */ - RTL_W16(IntrMask, tp->intr_event); -} + rtl_ephy_init(ioaddr, e_info_8168e_2, ARRAY_SIZE(e_info_8168e_2)); -static void rtl_csi_access_enable(void __iomem *ioaddr, u32 bits) -{ - u32 csi; + rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); - csi = rtl_csi_read(ioaddr, 0x070c) & 0x00ffffff; - rtl_csi_write(ioaddr, 0x070c, csi | bits); -} + rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xc0, ERIAR_MASK_0011, 0x0000, ERIAR_EXGMAC); + rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xb8, ERIAR_MASK_0011, 0x0000, ERIAR_EXGMAC); + rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xc8, ERIAR_MASK_1111, 0x00100002, ERIAR_EXGMAC); + rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xe8, ERIAR_MASK_1111, 0x00100006, ERIAR_EXGMAC); + rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xcc, ERIAR_MASK_1111, 0x00000050, ERIAR_EXGMAC); + rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xd0, ERIAR_MASK_1111, 0x07ff0060, ERIAR_EXGMAC); + rtl_w1w0_eri(ioaddr, 0x1b0, ERIAR_MASK_0001, 0x10, 0x00, ERIAR_EXGMAC); + rtl_w1w0_eri(ioaddr, 0x0d4, ERIAR_MASK_0011, 0x0c00, 0xff00, + ERIAR_EXGMAC); -static void rtl_csi_access_enable_1(void __iomem *ioaddr) -{ - rtl_csi_access_enable(ioaddr, 0x17000000); -} + RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, EarlySize); -static void rtl_csi_access_enable_2(void __iomem *ioaddr) -{ - rtl_csi_access_enable(ioaddr, 0x27000000); -} + rtl_disable_clock_request(pdev); -struct ephy_info { - unsigned int offset; - u16 mask; - u16 bits; -}; + RTL_W32(TxConfig, RTL_R32(TxConfig) | TXCFG_AUTO_FIFO); + RTL_W8(MCU, RTL_R8(MCU) & ~NOW_IS_OOB); -static void rtl_ephy_init(void __iomem *ioaddr, const struct ephy_info *e, int len) -{ - u16 w; + /* Adjust EEE LED frequency */ + RTL_W8(EEE_LED, RTL_R8(EEE_LED) & ~0x07); - while (len-- > 0) { - w = (rtl_ephy_read(ioaddr, e->offset) & ~e->mask) | e->bits; - rtl_ephy_write(ioaddr, e->offset, w); - e++; - } + RTL_W8(DLLPR, RTL_R8(DLLPR) | PFM_EN); + RTL_W32(MISC, RTL_R32(MISC) | PWM_EN); + RTL_W8(Config5, RTL_R8(Config5) & ~Spi_en); } -static void rtl_disable_clock_request(struct pci_dev *pdev) +static void rtl_hw_start_8168f_1(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) { - int cap = pci_pcie_cap(pdev); + static const struct ephy_info e_info_8168f_1[] = { + { 0x06, 0x00c0, 0x0020 }, + { 0x08, 0x0001, 0x0002 }, + { 0x09, 0x0000, 0x0080 }, + { 0x19, 0x0000, 0x0224 } + }; - if (cap) { - u16 ctl; + rtl_csi_access_enable_1(ioaddr); - pci_read_config_word(pdev, cap + PCI_EXP_LNKCTL, &ctl); - ctl &= ~PCI_EXP_LNKCTL_CLKREQ_EN; - pci_write_config_word(pdev, cap + PCI_EXP_LNKCTL, ctl); - } -} + rtl_ephy_init(ioaddr, e_info_8168f_1, ARRAY_SIZE(e_info_8168f_1)); -static void rtl_enable_clock_request(struct pci_dev *pdev) -{ - int cap = pci_pcie_cap(pdev); + rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); - if (cap) { - u16 ctl; + rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xc0, ERIAR_MASK_0011, 0x0000, ERIAR_EXGMAC); + rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xb8, ERIAR_MASK_0011, 0x0000, ERIAR_EXGMAC); + rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xc8, ERIAR_MASK_1111, 0x00100002, ERIAR_EXGMAC); + rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xe8, ERIAR_MASK_1111, 0x00100006, ERIAR_EXGMAC); + rtl_w1w0_eri(ioaddr, 0xdc, ERIAR_MASK_0001, 0x00, 0x01, ERIAR_EXGMAC); + rtl_w1w0_eri(ioaddr, 0xdc, ERIAR_MASK_0001, 0x01, 0x00, ERIAR_EXGMAC); + rtl_w1w0_eri(ioaddr, 0x1b0, ERIAR_MASK_0001, 0x10, 0x00, ERIAR_EXGMAC); + rtl_w1w0_eri(ioaddr, 0x1d0, ERIAR_MASK_0001, 0x10, 0x00, ERIAR_EXGMAC); + rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xcc, ERIAR_MASK_1111, 0x00000050, ERIAR_EXGMAC); + rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xd0, ERIAR_MASK_1111, 0x00000060, ERIAR_EXGMAC); + rtl_w1w0_eri(ioaddr, 0x0d4, ERIAR_MASK_0011, 0x0c00, 0xff00, + ERIAR_EXGMAC); - pci_read_config_word(pdev, cap + PCI_EXP_LNKCTL, &ctl); - ctl |= PCI_EXP_LNKCTL_CLKREQ_EN; - pci_write_config_word(pdev, cap + PCI_EXP_LNKCTL, ctl); - } -} + RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, EarlySize); -#define R8168_CPCMD_QUIRK_MASK (\ - EnableBist | \ - Mac_dbgo_oe | \ - Force_half_dup | \ - Force_rxflow_en | \ - Force_txflow_en | \ - Cxpl_dbg_sel | \ - ASF | \ - PktCntrDisable | \ - Mac_dbgo_sel) + rtl_disable_clock_request(pdev); -static void rtl_hw_start_8168bb(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) -{ - RTL_W8(Config3, RTL_R8(Config3) & ~Beacon_en); + RTL_W32(TxConfig, RTL_R32(TxConfig) | TXCFG_AUTO_FIFO); + RTL_W8(MCU, RTL_R8(MCU) & ~NOW_IS_OOB); - RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, RTL_R16(CPlusCmd) & ~R8168_CPCMD_QUIRK_MASK); + /* Adjust EEE LED frequency */ + RTL_W8(EEE_LED, RTL_R8(EEE_LED) & ~0x07); - rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, - (0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT) | PCI_EXP_DEVCTL_NOSNOOP_EN); + RTL_W8(DLLPR, RTL_R8(DLLPR) | PFM_EN); + RTL_W32(MISC, RTL_R32(MISC) | PWM_EN); + RTL_W8(Config5, RTL_R8(Config5) & ~Spi_en); } -static void rtl_hw_start_8168bef(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) +static void rtl_hw_start_8168(struct net_device *dev) { - rtl_hw_start_8168bb(ioaddr, pdev); + struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; + struct pci_dev *pdev = tp->pci_dev; + + RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Unlock); RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, TxPacketMax); - RTL_W8(Config4, RTL_R8(Config4) & ~(1 << 0)); -} + rtl_set_rx_max_size(ioaddr, rx_buf_sz); -static void __rtl_hw_start_8168cp(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) -{ - RTL_W8(Config1, RTL_R8(Config1) | Speed_down); + tp->cp_cmd |= RTL_R16(CPlusCmd) | PktCntrDisable | INTT_1; - RTL_W8(Config3, RTL_R8(Config3) & ~Beacon_en); + RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, tp->cp_cmd); - rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); + RTL_W16(IntrMitigate, 0x5151); - rtl_disable_clock_request(pdev); + /* Work around for RxFIFO overflow. */ + if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_11) { + tp->event_slow |= RxFIFOOver | PCSTimeout; + tp->event_slow &= ~RxOverflow; + } - RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, RTL_R16(CPlusCmd) & ~R8168_CPCMD_QUIRK_MASK); -} + rtl_set_rx_tx_desc_registers(tp, ioaddr); -static void rtl_hw_start_8168cp_1(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) -{ - static const struct ephy_info e_info_8168cp[] = { - { 0x01, 0, 0x0001 }, - { 0x02, 0x0800, 0x1000 }, - { 0x03, 0, 0x0042 }, - { 0x06, 0x0080, 0x0000 }, - { 0x07, 0, 0x2000 } - }; + rtl_set_rx_mode(dev); - rtl_csi_access_enable_2(ioaddr); + RTL_W32(TxConfig, (TX_DMA_BURST << TxDMAShift) | + (InterFrameGap << TxInterFrameGapShift)); - rtl_ephy_init(ioaddr, e_info_8168cp, ARRAY_SIZE(e_info_8168cp)); + RTL_R8(IntrMask); - __rtl_hw_start_8168cp(ioaddr, pdev); -} + switch (tp->mac_version) { + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_11: + rtl_hw_start_8168bb(ioaddr, pdev); + break; -static void rtl_hw_start_8168cp_2(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) -{ - rtl_csi_access_enable_2(ioaddr); + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_12: + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_17: + rtl_hw_start_8168bef(ioaddr, pdev); + break; - RTL_W8(Config3, RTL_R8(Config3) & ~Beacon_en); + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_18: + rtl_hw_start_8168cp_1(ioaddr, pdev); + break; - rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_19: + rtl_hw_start_8168c_1(ioaddr, pdev); + break; - RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, RTL_R16(CPlusCmd) & ~R8168_CPCMD_QUIRK_MASK); -} + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_20: + rtl_hw_start_8168c_2(ioaddr, pdev); + break; -static void rtl_hw_start_8168cp_3(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) -{ - rtl_csi_access_enable_2(ioaddr); + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_21: + rtl_hw_start_8168c_3(ioaddr, pdev); + break; - RTL_W8(Config3, RTL_R8(Config3) & ~Beacon_en); + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_22: + rtl_hw_start_8168c_4(ioaddr, pdev); + break; - /* Magic. */ - RTL_W8(DBG_REG, 0x20); + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_23: + rtl_hw_start_8168cp_2(ioaddr, pdev); + break; - RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, TxPacketMax); + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_24: + rtl_hw_start_8168cp_3(ioaddr, pdev); + break; - rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_25: + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_26: + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_27: + rtl_hw_start_8168d(ioaddr, pdev); + break; - RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, RTL_R16(CPlusCmd) & ~R8168_CPCMD_QUIRK_MASK); -} + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_28: + rtl_hw_start_8168d_4(ioaddr, pdev); + break; + + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_31: + rtl_hw_start_8168dp(ioaddr, pdev); + break; + + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_32: + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_33: + rtl_hw_start_8168e_1(ioaddr, pdev); + break; + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_34: + rtl_hw_start_8168e_2(ioaddr, pdev); + break; -static void rtl_hw_start_8168c_1(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) -{ - static const struct ephy_info e_info_8168c_1[] = { - { 0x02, 0x0800, 0x1000 }, - { 0x03, 0, 0x0002 }, - { 0x06, 0x0080, 0x0000 } - }; + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_35: + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_36: + rtl_hw_start_8168f_1(ioaddr, pdev); + break; - rtl_csi_access_enable_2(ioaddr); + default: + printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: unknown chipset (mac_version = %d).\n", + dev->name, tp->mac_version); + break; + } - RTL_W8(DBG_REG, 0x06 | FIX_NAK_1 | FIX_NAK_2); + RTL_W8(ChipCmd, CmdTxEnb | CmdRxEnb); - rtl_ephy_init(ioaddr, e_info_8168c_1, ARRAY_SIZE(e_info_8168c_1)); + RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Lock); - __rtl_hw_start_8168cp(ioaddr, pdev); + RTL_W16(MultiIntr, RTL_R16(MultiIntr) & 0xF000); } -static void rtl_hw_start_8168c_2(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) +#define R810X_CPCMD_QUIRK_MASK (\ + EnableBist | \ + Mac_dbgo_oe | \ + Force_half_dup | \ + Force_rxflow_en | \ + Force_txflow_en | \ + Cxpl_dbg_sel | \ + ASF | \ + PktCntrDisable | \ + Mac_dbgo_sel) + +static void rtl_hw_start_8102e_1(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) { - static const struct ephy_info e_info_8168c_2[] = { - { 0x01, 0, 0x0001 }, - { 0x03, 0x0400, 0x0220 } + static const struct ephy_info e_info_8102e_1[] = { + { 0x01, 0, 0x6e65 }, + { 0x02, 0, 0x091f }, + { 0x03, 0, 0xc2f9 }, + { 0x06, 0, 0xafb5 }, + { 0x07, 0, 0x0e00 }, + { 0x19, 0, 0xec80 }, + { 0x01, 0, 0x2e65 }, + { 0x01, 0, 0x6e65 } }; + u8 cfg1; rtl_csi_access_enable_2(ioaddr); - rtl_ephy_init(ioaddr, e_info_8168c_2, ARRAY_SIZE(e_info_8168c_2)); + RTL_W8(DBG_REG, FIX_NAK_1); - __rtl_hw_start_8168cp(ioaddr, pdev); -} + rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); -static void rtl_hw_start_8168c_3(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) -{ - rtl_hw_start_8168c_2(ioaddr, pdev); -} + RTL_W8(Config1, + LEDS1 | LEDS0 | Speed_down | MEMMAP | IOMAP | VPD | PMEnable); + RTL_W8(Config3, RTL_R8(Config3) & ~Beacon_en); -static void rtl_hw_start_8168c_4(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) -{ - rtl_csi_access_enable_2(ioaddr); + cfg1 = RTL_R8(Config1); + if ((cfg1 & LEDS0) && (cfg1 & LEDS1)) + RTL_W8(Config1, cfg1 & ~LEDS0); - __rtl_hw_start_8168cp(ioaddr, pdev); + rtl_ephy_init(ioaddr, e_info_8102e_1, ARRAY_SIZE(e_info_8102e_1)); } -static void rtl_hw_start_8168d(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) +static void rtl_hw_start_8102e_2(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) { rtl_csi_access_enable_2(ioaddr); - rtl_disable_clock_request(pdev); - - RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, TxPacketMax); - rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); - RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, RTL_R16(CPlusCmd) & ~R8168_CPCMD_QUIRK_MASK); + RTL_W8(Config1, MEMMAP | IOMAP | VPD | PMEnable); + RTL_W8(Config3, RTL_R8(Config3) & ~Beacon_en); } -static void rtl_hw_start_8168dp(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) +static void rtl_hw_start_8102e_3(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) { - rtl_csi_access_enable_1(ioaddr); - - rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); - - RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, TxPacketMax); + rtl_hw_start_8102e_2(ioaddr, pdev); - rtl_disable_clock_request(pdev); + rtl_ephy_write(ioaddr, 0x03, 0xc2f9); } -static void rtl_hw_start_8168d_4(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) +static void rtl_hw_start_8105e_1(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) { - static const struct ephy_info e_info_8168d_4[] = { - { 0x0b, ~0, 0x48 }, - { 0x19, 0x20, 0x50 }, - { 0x0c, ~0, 0x20 } + static const struct ephy_info e_info_8105e_1[] = { + { 0x07, 0, 0x4000 }, + { 0x19, 0, 0x0200 }, + { 0x19, 0, 0x0020 }, + { 0x1e, 0, 0x2000 }, + { 0x03, 0, 0x0001 }, + { 0x19, 0, 0x0100 }, + { 0x19, 0, 0x0004 }, + { 0x0a, 0, 0x0020 } }; - int i; - - rtl_csi_access_enable_1(ioaddr); - rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); - - RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, TxPacketMax); + /* Force LAN exit from ASPM if Rx/Tx are not idle */ + RTL_W32(FuncEvent, RTL_R32(FuncEvent) | 0x002800); - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(e_info_8168d_4); i++) { - const struct ephy_info *e = e_info_8168d_4 + i; - u16 w; + /* Disable Early Tally Counter */ + RTL_W32(FuncEvent, RTL_R32(FuncEvent) & ~0x010000); - w = rtl_ephy_read(ioaddr, e->offset); - rtl_ephy_write(ioaddr, 0x03, (w & e->mask) | e->bits); - } + RTL_W8(MCU, RTL_R8(MCU) | EN_NDP | EN_OOB_RESET); + RTL_W8(DLLPR, RTL_R8(DLLPR) | PFM_EN); - rtl_enable_clock_request(pdev); + rtl_ephy_init(ioaddr, e_info_8105e_1, ARRAY_SIZE(e_info_8105e_1)); } -static void rtl_hw_start_8168e_1(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) +static void rtl_hw_start_8105e_2(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) { - static const struct ephy_info e_info_8168e_1[] = { - { 0x00, 0x0200, 0x0100 }, - { 0x00, 0x0000, 0x0004 }, - { 0x06, 0x0002, 0x0001 }, - { 0x06, 0x0000, 0x0030 }, - { 0x07, 0x0000, 0x2000 }, - { 0x00, 0x0000, 0x0020 }, - { 0x03, 0x5800, 0x2000 }, - { 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0001 }, - { 0x01, 0x0800, 0x1000 }, - { 0x07, 0x0000, 0x4000 }, - { 0x1e, 0x0000, 0x2000 }, - { 0x19, 0xffff, 0xfe6c }, - { 0x0a, 0x0000, 0x0040 } - }; - - rtl_csi_access_enable_2(ioaddr); - - rtl_ephy_init(ioaddr, e_info_8168e_1, ARRAY_SIZE(e_info_8168e_1)); + rtl_hw_start_8105e_1(ioaddr, pdev); + rtl_ephy_write(ioaddr, 0x1e, rtl_ephy_read(ioaddr, 0x1e) | 0x8000); +} - rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); +static void rtl_hw_start_8101(struct net_device *dev) +{ + struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; + struct pci_dev *pdev = tp->pci_dev; - RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, TxPacketMax); + if (tp->mac_version >= RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_30) + tp->event_slow &= ~RxFIFOOver; - rtl_disable_clock_request(pdev); + if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_13 || + tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_16) { + int cap = pci_pcie_cap(pdev); - /* Reset tx FIFO pointer */ - RTL_W32(MISC, RTL_R32(MISC) | TXPLA_RST); - RTL_W32(MISC, RTL_R32(MISC) & ~TXPLA_RST); + if (cap) { + pci_write_config_word(pdev, cap + PCI_EXP_DEVCTL, + PCI_EXP_DEVCTL_NOSNOOP_EN); + } + } - RTL_W8(Config5, RTL_R8(Config5) & ~Spi_en); -} + RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Unlock); -static void rtl_hw_start_8168e_2(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) -{ - static const struct ephy_info e_info_8168e_2[] = { - { 0x09, 0x0000, 0x0080 }, - { 0x19, 0x0000, 0x0224 } - }; + switch (tp->mac_version) { + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_07: + rtl_hw_start_8102e_1(ioaddr, pdev); + break; - rtl_csi_access_enable_1(ioaddr); + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_08: + rtl_hw_start_8102e_3(ioaddr, pdev); + break; - rtl_ephy_init(ioaddr, e_info_8168e_2, ARRAY_SIZE(e_info_8168e_2)); + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_09: + rtl_hw_start_8102e_2(ioaddr, pdev); + break; - rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_29: + rtl_hw_start_8105e_1(ioaddr, pdev); + break; + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_30: + rtl_hw_start_8105e_2(ioaddr, pdev); + break; + } - rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xc0, ERIAR_MASK_0011, 0x0000, ERIAR_EXGMAC); - rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xb8, ERIAR_MASK_0011, 0x0000, ERIAR_EXGMAC); - rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xc8, ERIAR_MASK_1111, 0x00100002, ERIAR_EXGMAC); - rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xe8, ERIAR_MASK_1111, 0x00100006, ERIAR_EXGMAC); - rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xcc, ERIAR_MASK_1111, 0x00000050, ERIAR_EXGMAC); - rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xd0, ERIAR_MASK_1111, 0x07ff0060, ERIAR_EXGMAC); - rtl_w1w0_eri(ioaddr, 0x1b0, ERIAR_MASK_0001, 0x10, 0x00, ERIAR_EXGMAC); - rtl_w1w0_eri(ioaddr, 0x0d4, ERIAR_MASK_0011, 0x0c00, 0xff00, - ERIAR_EXGMAC); + RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Lock); - RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, EarlySize); + RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, TxPacketMax); - rtl_disable_clock_request(pdev); + rtl_set_rx_max_size(ioaddr, rx_buf_sz); - RTL_W32(TxConfig, RTL_R32(TxConfig) | TXCFG_AUTO_FIFO); - RTL_W8(MCU, RTL_R8(MCU) & ~NOW_IS_OOB); + tp->cp_cmd &= ~R810X_CPCMD_QUIRK_MASK; + RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, tp->cp_cmd); - /* Adjust EEE LED frequency */ - RTL_W8(EEE_LED, RTL_R8(EEE_LED) & ~0x07); + RTL_W16(IntrMitigate, 0x0000); - RTL_W8(DLLPR, RTL_R8(DLLPR) | PFM_EN); - RTL_W32(MISC, RTL_R32(MISC) | PWM_EN); - RTL_W8(Config5, RTL_R8(Config5) & ~Spi_en); -} + rtl_set_rx_tx_desc_registers(tp, ioaddr); -static void rtl_hw_start_8168f_1(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) -{ - static const struct ephy_info e_info_8168f_1[] = { - { 0x06, 0x00c0, 0x0020 }, - { 0x08, 0x0001, 0x0002 }, - { 0x09, 0x0000, 0x0080 }, - { 0x19, 0x0000, 0x0224 } - }; + RTL_W8(ChipCmd, CmdTxEnb | CmdRxEnb); + rtl_set_rx_tx_config_registers(tp); - rtl_csi_access_enable_1(ioaddr); + RTL_R8(IntrMask); - rtl_ephy_init(ioaddr, e_info_8168f_1, ARRAY_SIZE(e_info_8168f_1)); + rtl_set_rx_mode(dev); - rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); + RTL_W16(MultiIntr, RTL_R16(MultiIntr) & 0xf000); +} - rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xc0, ERIAR_MASK_0011, 0x0000, ERIAR_EXGMAC); - rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xb8, ERIAR_MASK_0011, 0x0000, ERIAR_EXGMAC); - rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xc8, ERIAR_MASK_1111, 0x00100002, ERIAR_EXGMAC); - rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xe8, ERIAR_MASK_1111, 0x00100006, ERIAR_EXGMAC); - rtl_w1w0_eri(ioaddr, 0xdc, ERIAR_MASK_0001, 0x00, 0x01, ERIAR_EXGMAC); - rtl_w1w0_eri(ioaddr, 0xdc, ERIAR_MASK_0001, 0x01, 0x00, ERIAR_EXGMAC); - rtl_w1w0_eri(ioaddr, 0x1b0, ERIAR_MASK_0001, 0x10, 0x00, ERIAR_EXGMAC); - rtl_w1w0_eri(ioaddr, 0x1d0, ERIAR_MASK_0001, 0x10, 0x00, ERIAR_EXGMAC); - rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xcc, ERIAR_MASK_1111, 0x00000050, ERIAR_EXGMAC); - rtl_eri_write(ioaddr, 0xd0, ERIAR_MASK_1111, 0x00000060, ERIAR_EXGMAC); - rtl_w1w0_eri(ioaddr, 0x0d4, ERIAR_MASK_0011, 0x0c00, 0xff00, - ERIAR_EXGMAC); +static int rtl8169_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu) +{ + struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, EarlySize); + if (new_mtu < ETH_ZLEN || + new_mtu > rtl_chip_infos[tp->mac_version].jumbo_max) + return -EINVAL; - rtl_disable_clock_request(pdev); + if (new_mtu > ETH_DATA_LEN) + rtl_hw_jumbo_enable(tp); + else + rtl_hw_jumbo_disable(tp); - RTL_W32(TxConfig, RTL_R32(TxConfig) | TXCFG_AUTO_FIFO); - RTL_W8(MCU, RTL_R8(MCU) & ~NOW_IS_OOB); + dev->mtu = new_mtu; + netdev_update_features(dev); - /* Adjust EEE LED frequency */ - RTL_W8(EEE_LED, RTL_R8(EEE_LED) & ~0x07); + return 0; +} - RTL_W8(DLLPR, RTL_R8(DLLPR) | PFM_EN); - RTL_W32(MISC, RTL_R32(MISC) | PWM_EN); - RTL_W8(Config5, RTL_R8(Config5) & ~Spi_en); +static inline void rtl8169_make_unusable_by_asic(struct RxDesc *desc) +{ + desc->addr = cpu_to_le64(0x0badbadbadbadbadull); + desc->opts1 &= ~cpu_to_le32(DescOwn | RsvdMask); } -static void rtl_hw_start_8168(struct net_device *dev) +static void rtl8169_free_rx_databuff(struct rtl8169_private *tp, + void **data_buff, struct RxDesc *desc) { - struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - struct pci_dev *pdev = tp->pci_dev; + dma_unmap_single(&tp->pci_dev->dev, le64_to_cpu(desc->addr), rx_buf_sz, + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Unlock); + kfree(*data_buff); + *data_buff = NULL; + rtl8169_make_unusable_by_asic(desc); +} - RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, TxPacketMax); +static inline void rtl8169_mark_to_asic(struct RxDesc *desc, u32 rx_buf_sz) +{ + u32 eor = le32_to_cpu(desc->opts1) & RingEnd; - rtl_set_rx_max_size(ioaddr, rx_buf_sz); + desc->opts1 = cpu_to_le32(DescOwn | eor | rx_buf_sz); +} - tp->cp_cmd |= RTL_R16(CPlusCmd) | PktCntrDisable | INTT_1; +static inline void rtl8169_map_to_asic(struct RxDesc *desc, dma_addr_t mapping, + u32 rx_buf_sz) +{ + desc->addr = cpu_to_le64(mapping); + wmb(); + rtl8169_mark_to_asic(desc, rx_buf_sz); +} - RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, tp->cp_cmd); +static inline void *rtl8169_align(void *data) +{ + return (void *)ALIGN((long)data, 16); +} - RTL_W16(IntrMitigate, 0x5151); +static struct sk_buff *rtl8169_alloc_rx_data(struct rtl8169_private *tp, + struct RxDesc *desc) +{ + void *data; + dma_addr_t mapping; + struct device *d = &tp->pci_dev->dev; + struct net_device *dev = tp->dev; + int node = dev->dev.parent ? dev_to_node(dev->dev.parent) : -1; - /* Work around for RxFIFO overflow. */ - if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_11) { - tp->intr_event |= RxFIFOOver | PCSTimeout; - tp->intr_event &= ~RxOverflow; + data = kmalloc_node(rx_buf_sz, GFP_KERNEL, node); + if (!data) + return NULL; + + if (rtl8169_align(data) != data) { + kfree(data); + data = kmalloc_node(rx_buf_sz + 15, GFP_KERNEL, node); + if (!data) + return NULL; } - rtl_set_rx_tx_desc_registers(tp, ioaddr); + mapping = dma_map_single(d, rtl8169_align(data), rx_buf_sz, + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + if (unlikely(dma_mapping_error(d, mapping))) { + if (net_ratelimit()) + netif_err(tp, drv, tp->dev, "Failed to map RX DMA!\n"); + goto err_out; + } - rtl_set_rx_mode(dev); + rtl8169_map_to_asic(desc, mapping, rx_buf_sz); + return data; - RTL_W32(TxConfig, (TX_DMA_BURST << TxDMAShift) | - (InterFrameGap << TxInterFrameGapShift)); +err_out: + kfree(data); + return NULL; +} - RTL_R8(IntrMask); +static void rtl8169_rx_clear(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +{ + unsigned int i; - switch (tp->mac_version) { - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_11: - rtl_hw_start_8168bb(ioaddr, pdev); - break; + for (i = 0; i < NUM_RX_DESC; i++) { + if (tp->Rx_databuff[i]) { + rtl8169_free_rx_databuff(tp, tp->Rx_databuff + i, + tp->RxDescArray + i); + } + } +} - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_12: - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_17: - rtl_hw_start_8168bef(ioaddr, pdev); - break; +static inline void rtl8169_mark_as_last_descriptor(struct RxDesc *desc) +{ + desc->opts1 |= cpu_to_le32(RingEnd); +} - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_18: - rtl_hw_start_8168cp_1(ioaddr, pdev); - break; +static int rtl8169_rx_fill(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +{ + unsigned int i; - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_19: - rtl_hw_start_8168c_1(ioaddr, pdev); - break; + for (i = 0; i < NUM_RX_DESC; i++) { + void *data; - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_20: - rtl_hw_start_8168c_2(ioaddr, pdev); - break; + if (tp->Rx_databuff[i]) + continue; - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_21: - rtl_hw_start_8168c_3(ioaddr, pdev); - break; + data = rtl8169_alloc_rx_data(tp, tp->RxDescArray + i); + if (!data) { + rtl8169_make_unusable_by_asic(tp->RxDescArray + i); + goto err_out; + } + tp->Rx_databuff[i] = data; + } - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_22: - rtl_hw_start_8168c_4(ioaddr, pdev); - break; + rtl8169_mark_as_last_descriptor(tp->RxDescArray + NUM_RX_DESC - 1); + return 0; - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_23: - rtl_hw_start_8168cp_2(ioaddr, pdev); - break; +err_out: + rtl8169_rx_clear(tp); + return -ENOMEM; +} - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_24: - rtl_hw_start_8168cp_3(ioaddr, pdev); - break; +static int rtl8169_init_ring(struct net_device *dev) +{ + struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_25: - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_26: - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_27: - rtl_hw_start_8168d(ioaddr, pdev); - break; + rtl8169_init_ring_indexes(tp); - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_28: - rtl_hw_start_8168d_4(ioaddr, pdev); - break; + memset(tp->tx_skb, 0x0, NUM_TX_DESC * sizeof(struct ring_info)); + memset(tp->Rx_databuff, 0x0, NUM_RX_DESC * sizeof(void *)); - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_31: - rtl_hw_start_8168dp(ioaddr, pdev); - break; + return rtl8169_rx_fill(tp); +} - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_32: - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_33: - rtl_hw_start_8168e_1(ioaddr, pdev); - break; - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_34: - rtl_hw_start_8168e_2(ioaddr, pdev); - break; +static void rtl8169_unmap_tx_skb(struct device *d, struct ring_info *tx_skb, + struct TxDesc *desc) +{ + unsigned int len = tx_skb->len; - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_35: - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_36: - rtl_hw_start_8168f_1(ioaddr, pdev); - break; + dma_unmap_single(d, le64_to_cpu(desc->addr), len, DMA_TO_DEVICE); - default: - printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: unknown chipset (mac_version = %d).\n", - dev->name, tp->mac_version); - break; - } + desc->opts1 = 0x00; + desc->opts2 = 0x00; + desc->addr = 0x00; + tx_skb->len = 0; +} - RTL_W8(ChipCmd, CmdTxEnb | CmdRxEnb); +static void rtl8169_tx_clear_range(struct rtl8169_private *tp, u32 start, + unsigned int n) +{ + unsigned int i; - RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Lock); + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { + unsigned int entry = (start + i) % NUM_TX_DESC; + struct ring_info *tx_skb = tp->tx_skb + entry; + unsigned int len = tx_skb->len; - RTL_W16(MultiIntr, RTL_R16(MultiIntr) & 0xF000); + if (len) { + struct sk_buff *skb = tx_skb->skb; - RTL_W16(IntrMask, tp->intr_event); + rtl8169_unmap_tx_skb(&tp->pci_dev->dev, tx_skb, + tp->TxDescArray + entry); + if (skb) { + tp->dev->stats.tx_dropped++; + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + tx_skb->skb = NULL; + } + } + } } -#define R810X_CPCMD_QUIRK_MASK (\ - EnableBist | \ - Mac_dbgo_oe | \ - Force_half_dup | \ - Force_rxflow_en | \ - Force_txflow_en | \ - Cxpl_dbg_sel | \ - ASF | \ - PktCntrDisable | \ - Mac_dbgo_sel) - -static void rtl_hw_start_8102e_1(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) +static void rtl8169_tx_clear(struct rtl8169_private *tp) { - static const struct ephy_info e_info_8102e_1[] = { - { 0x01, 0, 0x6e65 }, - { 0x02, 0, 0x091f }, - { 0x03, 0, 0xc2f9 }, - { 0x06, 0, 0xafb5 }, - { 0x07, 0, 0x0e00 }, - { 0x19, 0, 0xec80 }, - { 0x01, 0, 0x2e65 }, - { 0x01, 0, 0x6e65 } - }; - u8 cfg1; + rtl8169_tx_clear_range(tp, tp->dirty_tx, NUM_TX_DESC); + tp->cur_tx = tp->dirty_tx = 0; + netdev_reset_queue(tp->dev); +} - rtl_csi_access_enable_2(ioaddr); +static void rtl_reset_work(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +{ + struct net_device *dev = tp->dev; + int i; - RTL_W8(DBG_REG, FIX_NAK_1); + napi_disable(&tp->napi); + netif_stop_queue(dev); + synchronize_sched(); - rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); + rtl8169_hw_reset(tp); - RTL_W8(Config1, - LEDS1 | LEDS0 | Speed_down | MEMMAP | IOMAP | VPD | PMEnable); - RTL_W8(Config3, RTL_R8(Config3) & ~Beacon_en); + for (i = 0; i < NUM_RX_DESC; i++) + rtl8169_mark_to_asic(tp->RxDescArray + i, rx_buf_sz); - cfg1 = RTL_R8(Config1); - if ((cfg1 & LEDS0) && (cfg1 & LEDS1)) - RTL_W8(Config1, cfg1 & ~LEDS0); + rtl8169_tx_clear(tp); + rtl8169_init_ring_indexes(tp); - rtl_ephy_init(ioaddr, e_info_8102e_1, ARRAY_SIZE(e_info_8102e_1)); + napi_enable(&tp->napi); + rtl_hw_start(dev); + netif_wake_queue(dev); + rtl8169_check_link_status(dev, tp, tp->mmio_addr); } -static void rtl_hw_start_8102e_2(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) +static void rtl8169_tx_timeout(struct net_device *dev) { - rtl_csi_access_enable_2(ioaddr); - - rtl_tx_performance_tweak(pdev, 0x5 << MAX_READ_REQUEST_SHIFT); + struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - RTL_W8(Config1, MEMMAP | IOMAP | VPD | PMEnable); - RTL_W8(Config3, RTL_R8(Config3) & ~Beacon_en); + rtl_schedule_task(tp, RTL_FLAG_TASK_RESET_PENDING); } -static void rtl_hw_start_8102e_3(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) +static int rtl8169_xmit_frags(struct rtl8169_private *tp, struct sk_buff *skb, + u32 *opts) { - rtl_hw_start_8102e_2(ioaddr, pdev); + struct skb_shared_info *info = skb_shinfo(skb); + unsigned int cur_frag, entry; + struct TxDesc * uninitialized_var(txd); + struct device *d = &tp->pci_dev->dev; - rtl_ephy_write(ioaddr, 0x03, 0xc2f9); -} + entry = tp->cur_tx; + for (cur_frag = 0; cur_frag < info->nr_frags; cur_frag++) { + const skb_frag_t *frag = info->frags + cur_frag; + dma_addr_t mapping; + u32 status, len; + void *addr; -static void rtl_hw_start_8105e_1(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) -{ - static const struct ephy_info e_info_8105e_1[] = { - { 0x07, 0, 0x4000 }, - { 0x19, 0, 0x0200 }, - { 0x19, 0, 0x0020 }, - { 0x1e, 0, 0x2000 }, - { 0x03, 0, 0x0001 }, - { 0x19, 0, 0x0100 }, - { 0x19, 0, 0x0004 }, - { 0x0a, 0, 0x0020 } - }; + entry = (entry + 1) % NUM_TX_DESC; - /* Force LAN exit from ASPM if Rx/Tx are not idle */ - RTL_W32(FuncEvent, RTL_R32(FuncEvent) | 0x002800); + txd = tp->TxDescArray + entry; + len = skb_frag_size(frag); + addr = skb_frag_address(frag); + mapping = dma_map_single(d, addr, len, DMA_TO_DEVICE); + if (unlikely(dma_mapping_error(d, mapping))) { + if (net_ratelimit()) + netif_err(tp, drv, tp->dev, + "Failed to map TX fragments DMA!\n"); + goto err_out; + } - /* Disable Early Tally Counter */ - RTL_W32(FuncEvent, RTL_R32(FuncEvent) & ~0x010000); + /* Anti gcc 2.95.3 bugware (sic) */ + status = opts[0] | len | + (RingEnd * !((entry + 1) % NUM_TX_DESC)); - RTL_W8(MCU, RTL_R8(MCU) | EN_NDP | EN_OOB_RESET); - RTL_W8(DLLPR, RTL_R8(DLLPR) | PFM_EN); + txd->opts1 = cpu_to_le32(status); + txd->opts2 = cpu_to_le32(opts[1]); + txd->addr = cpu_to_le64(mapping); - rtl_ephy_init(ioaddr, e_info_8105e_1, ARRAY_SIZE(e_info_8105e_1)); + tp->tx_skb[entry].len = len; + } + + if (cur_frag) { + tp->tx_skb[entry].skb = skb; + txd->opts1 |= cpu_to_le32(LastFrag); + } + + return cur_frag; + +err_out: + rtl8169_tx_clear_range(tp, tp->cur_tx + 1, cur_frag); + return -EIO; } -static void rtl_hw_start_8105e_2(void __iomem *ioaddr, struct pci_dev *pdev) +static inline void rtl8169_tso_csum(struct rtl8169_private *tp, + struct sk_buff *skb, u32 *opts) { - rtl_hw_start_8105e_1(ioaddr, pdev); - rtl_ephy_write(ioaddr, 0x1e, rtl_ephy_read(ioaddr, 0x1e) | 0x8000); + const struct rtl_tx_desc_info *info = tx_desc_info + tp->txd_version; + u32 mss = skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_size; + int offset = info->opts_offset; + + if (mss) { + opts[0] |= TD_LSO; + opts[offset] |= min(mss, TD_MSS_MAX) << info->mss_shift; + } else if (skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_PARTIAL) { + const struct iphdr *ip = ip_hdr(skb); + + if (ip->protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) + opts[offset] |= info->checksum.tcp; + else if (ip->protocol == IPPROTO_UDP) + opts[offset] |= info->checksum.udp; + else + WARN_ON_ONCE(1); + } } -static void rtl_hw_start_8101(struct net_device *dev) +static netdev_tx_t rtl8169_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, + struct net_device *dev) { struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + unsigned int entry = tp->cur_tx % NUM_TX_DESC; + struct TxDesc *txd = tp->TxDescArray + entry; void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - struct pci_dev *pdev = tp->pci_dev; + struct device *d = &tp->pci_dev->dev; + dma_addr_t mapping; + u32 status, len; + u32 opts[2]; + int frags; - if (tp->mac_version >= RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_30) { - tp->intr_event &= ~RxFIFOOver; - tp->napi_event &= ~RxFIFOOver; + if (unlikely(TX_BUFFS_AVAIL(tp) < skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags)) { + netif_err(tp, drv, dev, "BUG! Tx Ring full when queue awake!\n"); + goto err_stop_0; } - if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_13 || - tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_16) { - int cap = pci_pcie_cap(pdev); + if (unlikely(le32_to_cpu(txd->opts1) & DescOwn)) + goto err_stop_0; - if (cap) { - pci_write_config_word(pdev, cap + PCI_EXP_DEVCTL, - PCI_EXP_DEVCTL_NOSNOOP_EN); - } + len = skb_headlen(skb); + mapping = dma_map_single(d, skb->data, len, DMA_TO_DEVICE); + if (unlikely(dma_mapping_error(d, mapping))) { + if (net_ratelimit()) + netif_err(tp, drv, dev, "Failed to map TX DMA!\n"); + goto err_dma_0; } - RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Unlock); - - switch (tp->mac_version) { - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_07: - rtl_hw_start_8102e_1(ioaddr, pdev); - break; + tp->tx_skb[entry].len = len; + txd->addr = cpu_to_le64(mapping); - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_08: - rtl_hw_start_8102e_3(ioaddr, pdev); - break; + opts[1] = cpu_to_le32(rtl8169_tx_vlan_tag(tp, skb)); + opts[0] = DescOwn; - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_09: - rtl_hw_start_8102e_2(ioaddr, pdev); - break; + rtl8169_tso_csum(tp, skb, opts); - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_29: - rtl_hw_start_8105e_1(ioaddr, pdev); - break; - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_30: - rtl_hw_start_8105e_2(ioaddr, pdev); - break; + frags = rtl8169_xmit_frags(tp, skb, opts); + if (frags < 0) + goto err_dma_1; + else if (frags) + opts[0] |= FirstFrag; + else { + opts[0] |= FirstFrag | LastFrag; + tp->tx_skb[entry].skb = skb; } - RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Lock); + txd->opts2 = cpu_to_le32(opts[1]); - RTL_W8(MaxTxPacketSize, TxPacketMax); + netdev_sent_queue(dev, skb->len); - rtl_set_rx_max_size(ioaddr, rx_buf_sz); + skb_tx_timestamp(skb); - tp->cp_cmd &= ~R810X_CPCMD_QUIRK_MASK; - RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, tp->cp_cmd); + wmb(); - RTL_W16(IntrMitigate, 0x0000); + /* Anti gcc 2.95.3 bugware (sic) */ + status = opts[0] | len | (RingEnd * !((entry + 1) % NUM_TX_DESC)); + txd->opts1 = cpu_to_le32(status); - rtl_set_rx_tx_desc_registers(tp, ioaddr); + tp->cur_tx += frags + 1; - RTL_W8(ChipCmd, CmdTxEnb | CmdRxEnb); - rtl_set_rx_tx_config_registers(tp); + wmb(); - RTL_R8(IntrMask); + RTL_W8(TxPoll, NPQ); - rtl_set_rx_mode(dev); + mmiowb(); - RTL_W16(MultiIntr, RTL_R16(MultiIntr) & 0xf000); + if (TX_BUFFS_AVAIL(tp) < MAX_SKB_FRAGS) { + /* Avoid wrongly optimistic queue wake-up: rtl_tx thread must + * not miss a ring update when it notices a stopped queue. + */ + smp_wmb(); + netif_stop_queue(dev); + /* Sync with rtl_tx: + * - publish queue status and cur_tx ring index (write barrier) + * - refresh dirty_tx ring index (read barrier). + * May the current thread have a pessimistic view of the ring + * status and forget to wake up queue, a racing rtl_tx thread + * can't. + */ + smp_mb(); + if (TX_BUFFS_AVAIL(tp) >= MAX_SKB_FRAGS) + netif_wake_queue(dev); + } + + return NETDEV_TX_OK; - RTL_W16(IntrMask, tp->intr_event); +err_dma_1: + rtl8169_unmap_tx_skb(d, tp->tx_skb + entry, txd); +err_dma_0: + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + dev->stats.tx_dropped++; + return NETDEV_TX_OK; + +err_stop_0: + netif_stop_queue(dev); + dev->stats.tx_dropped++; + return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; } -static int rtl8169_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu) +static void rtl8169_pcierr_interrupt(struct net_device *dev) { struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + struct pci_dev *pdev = tp->pci_dev; + u16 pci_status, pci_cmd; - if (new_mtu < ETH_ZLEN || - new_mtu > rtl_chip_infos[tp->mac_version].jumbo_max) - return -EINVAL; - - if (new_mtu > ETH_DATA_LEN) - rtl_hw_jumbo_enable(tp); - else - rtl_hw_jumbo_disable(tp); + pci_read_config_word(pdev, PCI_COMMAND, &pci_cmd); + pci_read_config_word(pdev, PCI_STATUS, &pci_status); - dev->mtu = new_mtu; - netdev_update_features(dev); + netif_err(tp, intr, dev, "PCI error (cmd = 0x%04x, status = 0x%04x)\n", + pci_cmd, pci_status); - return 0; -} + /* + * The recovery sequence below admits a very elaborated explanation: + * - it seems to work; + * - I did not see what else could be done; + * - it makes iop3xx happy. + * + * Feel free to adjust to your needs. + */ + if (pdev->broken_parity_status) + pci_cmd &= ~PCI_COMMAND_PARITY; + else + pci_cmd |= PCI_COMMAND_SERR | PCI_COMMAND_PARITY; -static inline void rtl8169_make_unusable_by_asic(struct RxDesc *desc) -{ - desc->addr = cpu_to_le64(0x0badbadbadbadbadull); - desc->opts1 &= ~cpu_to_le32(DescOwn | RsvdMask); -} + pci_write_config_word(pdev, PCI_COMMAND, pci_cmd); -static void rtl8169_free_rx_databuff(struct rtl8169_private *tp, - void **data_buff, struct RxDesc *desc) -{ - dma_unmap_single(&tp->pci_dev->dev, le64_to_cpu(desc->addr), rx_buf_sz, - DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + pci_write_config_word(pdev, PCI_STATUS, + pci_status & (PCI_STATUS_DETECTED_PARITY | + PCI_STATUS_SIG_SYSTEM_ERROR | PCI_STATUS_REC_MASTER_ABORT | + PCI_STATUS_REC_TARGET_ABORT | PCI_STATUS_SIG_TARGET_ABORT)); - kfree(*data_buff); - *data_buff = NULL; - rtl8169_make_unusable_by_asic(desc); -} + /* The infamous DAC f*ckup only happens at boot time */ + if ((tp->cp_cmd & PCIDAC) && !tp->dirty_rx && !tp->cur_rx) { + void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; -static inline void rtl8169_mark_to_asic(struct RxDesc *desc, u32 rx_buf_sz) -{ - u32 eor = le32_to_cpu(desc->opts1) & RingEnd; + netif_info(tp, intr, dev, "disabling PCI DAC\n"); + tp->cp_cmd &= ~PCIDAC; + RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, tp->cp_cmd); + dev->features &= ~NETIF_F_HIGHDMA; + } - desc->opts1 = cpu_to_le32(DescOwn | eor | rx_buf_sz); -} + rtl8169_hw_reset(tp); -static inline void rtl8169_map_to_asic(struct RxDesc *desc, dma_addr_t mapping, - u32 rx_buf_sz) -{ - desc->addr = cpu_to_le64(mapping); - wmb(); - rtl8169_mark_to_asic(desc, rx_buf_sz); + rtl_schedule_task(tp, RTL_FLAG_TASK_RESET_PENDING); } -static inline void *rtl8169_align(void *data) -{ - return (void *)ALIGN((long)data, 16); -} +struct rtl_txc { + int packets; + int bytes; +}; -static struct sk_buff *rtl8169_alloc_rx_data(struct rtl8169_private *tp, - struct RxDesc *desc) +static void rtl_tx(struct net_device *dev, struct rtl8169_private *tp) { - void *data; - dma_addr_t mapping; - struct device *d = &tp->pci_dev->dev; - struct net_device *dev = tp->dev; - int node = dev->dev.parent ? dev_to_node(dev->dev.parent) : -1; + struct rtl8169_stats *tx_stats = &tp->tx_stats; + unsigned int dirty_tx, tx_left; + struct rtl_txc txc = { 0, 0 }; - data = kmalloc_node(rx_buf_sz, GFP_KERNEL, node); - if (!data) - return NULL; + dirty_tx = tp->dirty_tx; + smp_rmb(); + tx_left = tp->cur_tx - dirty_tx; - if (rtl8169_align(data) != data) { - kfree(data); - data = kmalloc_node(rx_buf_sz + 15, GFP_KERNEL, node); - if (!data) - return NULL; - } + while (tx_left > 0) { + unsigned int entry = dirty_tx % NUM_TX_DESC; + struct ring_info *tx_skb = tp->tx_skb + entry; + u32 status; - mapping = dma_map_single(d, rtl8169_align(data), rx_buf_sz, - DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - if (unlikely(dma_mapping_error(d, mapping))) { - if (net_ratelimit()) - netif_err(tp, drv, tp->dev, "Failed to map RX DMA!\n"); - goto err_out; + rmb(); + status = le32_to_cpu(tp->TxDescArray[entry].opts1); + if (status & DescOwn) + break; + + rtl8169_unmap_tx_skb(&tp->pci_dev->dev, tx_skb, + tp->TxDescArray + entry); + if (status & LastFrag) { + struct sk_buff *skb = tx_skb->skb; + + txc.packets++; + txc.bytes += skb->len; + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + tx_skb->skb = NULL; + } + dirty_tx++; + tx_left--; } - rtl8169_map_to_asic(desc, mapping, rx_buf_sz); - return data; + u64_stats_update_begin(&tx_stats->syncp); + tx_stats->packets += txc.packets; + tx_stats->bytes += txc.bytes; + u64_stats_update_end(&tx_stats->syncp); -err_out: - kfree(data); - return NULL; -} + netdev_completed_queue(dev, txc.packets, txc.bytes); -static void rtl8169_rx_clear(struct rtl8169_private *tp) -{ - unsigned int i; + if (tp->dirty_tx != dirty_tx) { + tp->dirty_tx = dirty_tx; + /* Sync with rtl8169_start_xmit: + * - publish dirty_tx ring index (write barrier) + * - refresh cur_tx ring index and queue status (read barrier) + * May the current thread miss the stopped queue condition, + * a racing xmit thread can only have a right view of the + * ring status. + */ + smp_mb(); + if (netif_queue_stopped(dev) && + (TX_BUFFS_AVAIL(tp) >= MAX_SKB_FRAGS)) { + netif_wake_queue(dev); + } + /* + * 8168 hack: TxPoll requests are lost when the Tx packets are + * too close. Let's kick an extra TxPoll request when a burst + * of start_xmit activity is detected (if it is not detected, + * it is slow enough). -- FR + */ + if (tp->cur_tx != dirty_tx) { + void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - for (i = 0; i < NUM_RX_DESC; i++) { - if (tp->Rx_databuff[i]) { - rtl8169_free_rx_databuff(tp, tp->Rx_databuff + i, - tp->RxDescArray + i); + RTL_W8(TxPoll, NPQ); } } } -static inline void rtl8169_mark_as_last_descriptor(struct RxDesc *desc) +static inline int rtl8169_fragmented_frame(u32 status) { - desc->opts1 |= cpu_to_le32(RingEnd); + return (status & (FirstFrag | LastFrag)) != (FirstFrag | LastFrag); } -static int rtl8169_rx_fill(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +static inline void rtl8169_rx_csum(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 opts1) { - unsigned int i; - - for (i = 0; i < NUM_RX_DESC; i++) { - void *data; + u32 status = opts1 & RxProtoMask; - if (tp->Rx_databuff[i]) - continue; + if (((status == RxProtoTCP) && !(opts1 & TCPFail)) || + ((status == RxProtoUDP) && !(opts1 & UDPFail))) + skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY; + else + skb_checksum_none_assert(skb); +} - data = rtl8169_alloc_rx_data(tp, tp->RxDescArray + i); - if (!data) { - rtl8169_make_unusable_by_asic(tp->RxDescArray + i); - goto err_out; - } - tp->Rx_databuff[i] = data; - } +static struct sk_buff *rtl8169_try_rx_copy(void *data, + struct rtl8169_private *tp, + int pkt_size, + dma_addr_t addr) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct device *d = &tp->pci_dev->dev; - rtl8169_mark_as_last_descriptor(tp->RxDescArray + NUM_RX_DESC - 1); - return 0; + data = rtl8169_align(data); + dma_sync_single_for_cpu(d, addr, pkt_size, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + prefetch(data); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align(tp->dev, pkt_size); + if (skb) + memcpy(skb->data, data, pkt_size); + dma_sync_single_for_device(d, addr, pkt_size, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); -err_out: - rtl8169_rx_clear(tp); - return -ENOMEM; + return skb; } -static int rtl8169_init_ring(struct net_device *dev) +static int rtl_rx(struct net_device *dev, struct rtl8169_private *tp, u32 budget) { - struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + unsigned int cur_rx, rx_left; + unsigned int count; - rtl8169_init_ring_indexes(tp); + cur_rx = tp->cur_rx; + rx_left = NUM_RX_DESC + tp->dirty_rx - cur_rx; + rx_left = min(rx_left, budget); - memset(tp->tx_skb, 0x0, NUM_TX_DESC * sizeof(struct ring_info)); - memset(tp->Rx_databuff, 0x0, NUM_RX_DESC * sizeof(void *)); + for (; rx_left > 0; rx_left--, cur_rx++) { + unsigned int entry = cur_rx % NUM_RX_DESC; + struct RxDesc *desc = tp->RxDescArray + entry; + u32 status; - return rtl8169_rx_fill(tp); -} + rmb(); + status = le32_to_cpu(desc->opts1) & tp->opts1_mask; -static void rtl8169_unmap_tx_skb(struct device *d, struct ring_info *tx_skb, - struct TxDesc *desc) -{ - unsigned int len = tx_skb->len; + if (status & DescOwn) + break; + if (unlikely(status & RxRES)) { + netif_info(tp, rx_err, dev, "Rx ERROR. status = %08x\n", + status); + dev->stats.rx_errors++; + if (status & (RxRWT | RxRUNT)) + dev->stats.rx_length_errors++; + if (status & RxCRC) + dev->stats.rx_crc_errors++; + if (status & RxFOVF) { + rtl_schedule_task(tp, RTL_FLAG_TASK_RESET_PENDING); + dev->stats.rx_fifo_errors++; + } + if ((status & (RxRUNT | RxCRC)) && + !(status & (RxRWT | RxFOVF)) && + (dev->features & NETIF_F_RXALL)) + goto process_pkt; - dma_unmap_single(d, le64_to_cpu(desc->addr), len, DMA_TO_DEVICE); + rtl8169_mark_to_asic(desc, rx_buf_sz); + } else { + struct sk_buff *skb; + dma_addr_t addr; + int pkt_size; - desc->opts1 = 0x00; - desc->opts2 = 0x00; - desc->addr = 0x00; - tx_skb->len = 0; -} +process_pkt: + addr = le64_to_cpu(desc->addr); + if (likely(!(dev->features & NETIF_F_RXFCS))) + pkt_size = (status & 0x00003fff) - 4; + else + pkt_size = status & 0x00003fff; -static void rtl8169_tx_clear_range(struct rtl8169_private *tp, u32 start, - unsigned int n) -{ - unsigned int i; + /* + * The driver does not support incoming fragmented + * frames. They are seen as a symptom of over-mtu + * sized frames. + */ + if (unlikely(rtl8169_fragmented_frame(status))) { + dev->stats.rx_dropped++; + dev->stats.rx_length_errors++; + rtl8169_mark_to_asic(desc, rx_buf_sz); + continue; + } - for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { - unsigned int entry = (start + i) % NUM_TX_DESC; - struct ring_info *tx_skb = tp->tx_skb + entry; - unsigned int len = tx_skb->len; + skb = rtl8169_try_rx_copy(tp->Rx_databuff[entry], + tp, pkt_size, addr); + rtl8169_mark_to_asic(desc, rx_buf_sz); + if (!skb) { + dev->stats.rx_dropped++; + continue; + } - if (len) { - struct sk_buff *skb = tx_skb->skb; + rtl8169_rx_csum(skb, status); + skb_put(skb, pkt_size); + skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, dev); - rtl8169_unmap_tx_skb(&tp->pci_dev->dev, tx_skb, - tp->TxDescArray + entry); - if (skb) { - tp->dev->stats.tx_dropped++; - dev_kfree_skb(skb); - tx_skb->skb = NULL; - } + rtl8169_rx_vlan_tag(desc, skb); + + napi_gro_receive(&tp->napi, skb); + + u64_stats_update_begin(&tp->rx_stats.syncp); + tp->rx_stats.packets++; + tp->rx_stats.bytes += pkt_size; + u64_stats_update_end(&tp->rx_stats.syncp); } - } -} -static void rtl8169_tx_clear(struct rtl8169_private *tp) -{ - rtl8169_tx_clear_range(tp, tp->dirty_tx, NUM_TX_DESC); - tp->cur_tx = tp->dirty_tx = 0; -} + /* Work around for AMD plateform. */ + if ((desc->opts2 & cpu_to_le32(0xfffe000)) && + (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_05)) { + desc->opts2 = 0; + cur_rx++; + } + } -static void rtl8169_schedule_work(struct net_device *dev, work_func_t task) -{ - struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + count = cur_rx - tp->cur_rx; + tp->cur_rx = cur_rx; + + tp->dirty_rx += count; - PREPARE_DELAYED_WORK(&tp->task, task); - schedule_delayed_work(&tp->task, 4); + return count; } -static void rtl8169_wait_for_quiescence(struct net_device *dev) +static irqreturn_t rtl8169_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_instance) { + struct net_device *dev = dev_instance; struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - - synchronize_irq(dev->irq); - - /* Wait for any pending NAPI task to complete */ - napi_disable(&tp->napi); + int handled = 0; + u16 status; - rtl8169_irq_mask_and_ack(tp); + status = rtl_get_events(tp); + if (status && status != 0xffff) { + status &= RTL_EVENT_NAPI | tp->event_slow; + if (status) { + handled = 1; - tp->intr_mask = 0xffff; - RTL_W16(IntrMask, tp->intr_event); - napi_enable(&tp->napi); + rtl_irq_disable(tp); + napi_schedule(&tp->napi); + } + } + return IRQ_RETVAL(handled); } -static void rtl8169_reinit_task(struct work_struct *work) +/* + * Workqueue context. + */ +static void rtl_slow_event_work(struct rtl8169_private *tp) { - struct rtl8169_private *tp = - container_of(work, struct rtl8169_private, task.work); struct net_device *dev = tp->dev; - int ret; - - rtnl_lock(); + u16 status; + + status = rtl_get_events(tp) & tp->event_slow; + rtl_ack_events(tp, status); + + if (unlikely(status & RxFIFOOver)) { + switch (tp->mac_version) { + /* Work around for rx fifo overflow */ + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_11: + netif_stop_queue(dev); + /* XXX - Hack alert. See rtl_task(). */ + set_bit(RTL_FLAG_TASK_RESET_PENDING, tp->wk.flags); + default: + break; + } + } - if (!netif_running(dev)) - goto out_unlock; + if (unlikely(status & SYSErr)) + rtl8169_pcierr_interrupt(dev); - rtl8169_wait_for_quiescence(dev); - rtl8169_close(dev); + if (status & LinkChg) + __rtl8169_check_link_status(dev, tp, tp->mmio_addr, true); - ret = rtl8169_open(dev); - if (unlikely(ret < 0)) { - if (net_ratelimit()) - netif_err(tp, drv, dev, - "reinit failure (status = %d). Rescheduling\n", - ret); - rtl8169_schedule_work(dev, rtl8169_reinit_task); - } + napi_disable(&tp->napi); + rtl_irq_disable(tp); -out_unlock: - rtnl_unlock(); + napi_enable(&tp->napi); + napi_schedule(&tp->napi); } -static void rtl8169_reset_task(struct work_struct *work) +static void rtl_task(struct work_struct *work) { + static const struct { + int bitnr; + void (*action)(struct rtl8169_private *); + } rtl_work[] = { + /* XXX - keep rtl_slow_event_work() as first element. */ + { RTL_FLAG_TASK_SLOW_PENDING, rtl_slow_event_work }, + { RTL_FLAG_TASK_RESET_PENDING, rtl_reset_work }, + { RTL_FLAG_TASK_PHY_PENDING, rtl_phy_work } + }; struct rtl8169_private *tp = - container_of(work, struct rtl8169_private, task.work); + container_of(work, struct rtl8169_private, wk.work); struct net_device *dev = tp->dev; int i; - rtnl_lock(); + rtl_lock_work(tp); - if (!netif_running(dev)) + if (!netif_running(dev) || + !test_bit(RTL_FLAG_TASK_ENABLED, tp->wk.flags)) goto out_unlock; - rtl8169_hw_reset(tp); - - rtl8169_wait_for_quiescence(dev); - - for (i = 0; i < NUM_RX_DESC; i++) - rtl8169_mark_to_asic(tp->RxDescArray + i, rx_buf_sz); - - rtl8169_tx_clear(tp); - rtl8169_init_ring_indexes(tp); + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(rtl_work); i++) { + bool pending; - rtl_hw_start(dev); - netif_wake_queue(dev); - rtl8169_check_link_status(dev, tp, tp->mmio_addr); + pending = test_and_clear_bit(rtl_work[i].bitnr, tp->wk.flags); + if (pending) + rtl_work[i].action(tp); + } out_unlock: - rtnl_unlock(); -} - -static void rtl8169_tx_timeout(struct net_device *dev) -{ - rtl8169_schedule_work(dev, rtl8169_reset_task); + rtl_unlock_work(tp); } -static int rtl8169_xmit_frags(struct rtl8169_private *tp, struct sk_buff *skb, - u32 *opts) +static int rtl8169_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) { - struct skb_shared_info *info = skb_shinfo(skb); - unsigned int cur_frag, entry; - struct TxDesc * uninitialized_var(txd); - struct device *d = &tp->pci_dev->dev; - - entry = tp->cur_tx; - for (cur_frag = 0; cur_frag < info->nr_frags; cur_frag++) { - const skb_frag_t *frag = info->frags + cur_frag; - dma_addr_t mapping; - u32 status, len; - void *addr; + struct rtl8169_private *tp = container_of(napi, struct rtl8169_private, napi); + struct net_device *dev = tp->dev; + u16 enable_mask = RTL_EVENT_NAPI | tp->event_slow; + int work_done= 0; + u16 status; - entry = (entry + 1) % NUM_TX_DESC; + status = rtl_get_events(tp); + rtl_ack_events(tp, status & ~tp->event_slow); - txd = tp->TxDescArray + entry; - len = skb_frag_size(frag); - addr = skb_frag_address(frag); - mapping = dma_map_single(d, addr, len, DMA_TO_DEVICE); - if (unlikely(dma_mapping_error(d, mapping))) { - if (net_ratelimit()) - netif_err(tp, drv, tp->dev, - "Failed to map TX fragments DMA!\n"); - goto err_out; - } + if (status & RTL_EVENT_NAPI_RX) + work_done = rtl_rx(dev, tp, (u32) budget); - /* Anti gcc 2.95.3 bugware (sic) */ - status = opts[0] | len | - (RingEnd * !((entry + 1) % NUM_TX_DESC)); + if (status & RTL_EVENT_NAPI_TX) + rtl_tx(dev, tp); - txd->opts1 = cpu_to_le32(status); - txd->opts2 = cpu_to_le32(opts[1]); - txd->addr = cpu_to_le64(mapping); + if (status & tp->event_slow) { + enable_mask &= ~tp->event_slow; - tp->tx_skb[entry].len = len; + rtl_schedule_task(tp, RTL_FLAG_TASK_SLOW_PENDING); } - if (cur_frag) { - tp->tx_skb[entry].skb = skb; - txd->opts1 |= cpu_to_le32(LastFrag); - } + if (work_done < budget) { + napi_complete(napi); - return cur_frag; + rtl_irq_enable(tp, enable_mask); + mmiowb(); + } -err_out: - rtl8169_tx_clear_range(tp, tp->cur_tx + 1, cur_frag); - return -EIO; + return work_done; } -static inline void rtl8169_tso_csum(struct rtl8169_private *tp, - struct sk_buff *skb, u32 *opts) +static void rtl8169_rx_missed(struct net_device *dev, void __iomem *ioaddr) { - const struct rtl_tx_desc_info *info = tx_desc_info + tp->txd_version; - u32 mss = skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_size; - int offset = info->opts_offset; + struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - if (mss) { - opts[0] |= TD_LSO; - opts[offset] |= min(mss, TD_MSS_MAX) << info->mss_shift; - } else if (skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_PARTIAL) { - const struct iphdr *ip = ip_hdr(skb); + if (tp->mac_version > RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_06) + return; - if (ip->protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) - opts[offset] |= info->checksum.tcp; - else if (ip->protocol == IPPROTO_UDP) - opts[offset] |= info->checksum.udp; - else - WARN_ON_ONCE(1); - } + dev->stats.rx_missed_errors += (RTL_R32(RxMissed) & 0xffffff); + RTL_W32(RxMissed, 0); } -static netdev_tx_t rtl8169_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, - struct net_device *dev) +static void rtl8169_down(struct net_device *dev) { struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - unsigned int entry = tp->cur_tx % NUM_TX_DESC; - struct TxDesc *txd = tp->TxDescArray + entry; void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - struct device *d = &tp->pci_dev->dev; - dma_addr_t mapping; - u32 status, len; - u32 opts[2]; - int frags; - if (unlikely(TX_BUFFS_AVAIL(tp) < skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags)) { - netif_err(tp, drv, dev, "BUG! Tx Ring full when queue awake!\n"); - goto err_stop_0; - } + del_timer_sync(&tp->timer); - if (unlikely(le32_to_cpu(txd->opts1) & DescOwn)) - goto err_stop_0; + napi_disable(&tp->napi); + netif_stop_queue(dev); - len = skb_headlen(skb); - mapping = dma_map_single(d, skb->data, len, DMA_TO_DEVICE); - if (unlikely(dma_mapping_error(d, mapping))) { - if (net_ratelimit()) - netif_err(tp, drv, dev, "Failed to map TX DMA!\n"); - goto err_dma_0; - } + rtl8169_hw_reset(tp); + /* + * At this point device interrupts can not be enabled in any function, + * as netif_running is not true (rtl8169_interrupt, rtl8169_reset_task) + * and napi is disabled (rtl8169_poll). + */ + rtl8169_rx_missed(dev, ioaddr); - tp->tx_skb[entry].len = len; - txd->addr = cpu_to_le64(mapping); + /* Give a racing hard_start_xmit a few cycles to complete. */ + synchronize_sched(); - opts[1] = cpu_to_le32(rtl8169_tx_vlan_tag(tp, skb)); - opts[0] = DescOwn; + rtl8169_tx_clear(tp); - rtl8169_tso_csum(tp, skb, opts); + rtl8169_rx_clear(tp); - frags = rtl8169_xmit_frags(tp, skb, opts); - if (frags < 0) - goto err_dma_1; - else if (frags) - opts[0] |= FirstFrag; - else { - opts[0] |= FirstFrag | LastFrag; - tp->tx_skb[entry].skb = skb; - } + rtl_pll_power_down(tp); +} - txd->opts2 = cpu_to_le32(opts[1]); +static int rtl8169_close(struct net_device *dev) +{ + struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + struct pci_dev *pdev = tp->pci_dev; - wmb(); + pm_runtime_get_sync(&pdev->dev); - /* Anti gcc 2.95.3 bugware (sic) */ - status = opts[0] | len | (RingEnd * !((entry + 1) % NUM_TX_DESC)); - txd->opts1 = cpu_to_le32(status); + /* Update counters before going down */ + rtl8169_update_counters(dev); - tp->cur_tx += frags + 1; + rtl_lock_work(tp); + clear_bit(RTL_FLAG_TASK_ENABLED, tp->wk.flags); - wmb(); + rtl8169_down(dev); + rtl_unlock_work(tp); - RTL_W8(TxPoll, NPQ); + free_irq(pdev->irq, dev); - if (TX_BUFFS_AVAIL(tp) < MAX_SKB_FRAGS) { - netif_stop_queue(dev); - smp_rmb(); - if (TX_BUFFS_AVAIL(tp) >= MAX_SKB_FRAGS) - netif_wake_queue(dev); - } + dma_free_coherent(&pdev->dev, R8169_RX_RING_BYTES, tp->RxDescArray, + tp->RxPhyAddr); + dma_free_coherent(&pdev->dev, R8169_TX_RING_BYTES, tp->TxDescArray, + tp->TxPhyAddr); + tp->TxDescArray = NULL; + tp->RxDescArray = NULL; - return NETDEV_TX_OK; + pm_runtime_put_sync(&pdev->dev); -err_dma_1: - rtl8169_unmap_tx_skb(d, tp->tx_skb + entry, txd); -err_dma_0: - dev_kfree_skb(skb); - dev->stats.tx_dropped++; - return NETDEV_TX_OK; + return 0; +} -err_stop_0: - netif_stop_queue(dev); - dev->stats.tx_dropped++; - return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; +#ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER +static void rtl8169_netpoll(struct net_device *dev) +{ + struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + + rtl8169_interrupt(tp->pci_dev->irq, dev); } +#endif -static void rtl8169_pcierr_interrupt(struct net_device *dev) +static int rtl_open(struct net_device *dev) { struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; struct pci_dev *pdev = tp->pci_dev; - u16 pci_status, pci_cmd; - - pci_read_config_word(pdev, PCI_COMMAND, &pci_cmd); - pci_read_config_word(pdev, PCI_STATUS, &pci_status); + int retval = -ENOMEM; - netif_err(tp, intr, dev, "PCI error (cmd = 0x%04x, status = 0x%04x)\n", - pci_cmd, pci_status); + pm_runtime_get_sync(&pdev->dev); /* - * The recovery sequence below admits a very elaborated explanation: - * - it seems to work; - * - I did not see what else could be done; - * - it makes iop3xx happy. - * - * Feel free to adjust to your needs. + * Rx and Tx desscriptors needs 256 bytes alignment. + * dma_alloc_coherent provides more. */ - if (pdev->broken_parity_status) - pci_cmd &= ~PCI_COMMAND_PARITY; - else - pci_cmd |= PCI_COMMAND_SERR | PCI_COMMAND_PARITY; - - pci_write_config_word(pdev, PCI_COMMAND, pci_cmd); + tp->TxDescArray = dma_alloc_coherent(&pdev->dev, R8169_TX_RING_BYTES, + &tp->TxPhyAddr, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!tp->TxDescArray) + goto err_pm_runtime_put; - pci_write_config_word(pdev, PCI_STATUS, - pci_status & (PCI_STATUS_DETECTED_PARITY | - PCI_STATUS_SIG_SYSTEM_ERROR | PCI_STATUS_REC_MASTER_ABORT | - PCI_STATUS_REC_TARGET_ABORT | PCI_STATUS_SIG_TARGET_ABORT)); + tp->RxDescArray = dma_alloc_coherent(&pdev->dev, R8169_RX_RING_BYTES, + &tp->RxPhyAddr, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!tp->RxDescArray) + goto err_free_tx_0; - /* The infamous DAC f*ckup only happens at boot time */ - if ((tp->cp_cmd & PCIDAC) && !tp->dirty_rx && !tp->cur_rx) { - void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; + retval = rtl8169_init_ring(dev); + if (retval < 0) + goto err_free_rx_1; - netif_info(tp, intr, dev, "disabling PCI DAC\n"); - tp->cp_cmd &= ~PCIDAC; - RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, tp->cp_cmd); - dev->features &= ~NETIF_F_HIGHDMA; - } + INIT_WORK(&tp->wk.work, rtl_task); - rtl8169_hw_reset(tp); + smp_mb(); - rtl8169_schedule_work(dev, rtl8169_reinit_task); -} + rtl_request_firmware(tp); -static void rtl8169_tx_interrupt(struct net_device *dev, - struct rtl8169_private *tp, - void __iomem *ioaddr) -{ - unsigned int dirty_tx, tx_left; + retval = request_irq(pdev->irq, rtl8169_interrupt, + (tp->features & RTL_FEATURE_MSI) ? 0 : IRQF_SHARED, + dev->name, dev); + if (retval < 0) + goto err_release_fw_2; - dirty_tx = tp->dirty_tx; - smp_rmb(); - tx_left = tp->cur_tx - dirty_tx; + rtl_lock_work(tp); - while (tx_left > 0) { - unsigned int entry = dirty_tx % NUM_TX_DESC; - struct ring_info *tx_skb = tp->tx_skb + entry; - u32 status; + set_bit(RTL_FLAG_TASK_ENABLED, tp->wk.flags); - rmb(); - status = le32_to_cpu(tp->TxDescArray[entry].opts1); - if (status & DescOwn) - break; + napi_enable(&tp->napi); - rtl8169_unmap_tx_skb(&tp->pci_dev->dev, tx_skb, - tp->TxDescArray + entry); - if (status & LastFrag) { - dev->stats.tx_packets++; - dev->stats.tx_bytes += tx_skb->skb->len; - dev_kfree_skb(tx_skb->skb); - tx_skb->skb = NULL; - } - dirty_tx++; - tx_left--; - } + rtl8169_init_phy(dev, tp); - if (tp->dirty_tx != dirty_tx) { - tp->dirty_tx = dirty_tx; - smp_wmb(); - if (netif_queue_stopped(dev) && - (TX_BUFFS_AVAIL(tp) >= MAX_SKB_FRAGS)) { - netif_wake_queue(dev); - } - /* - * 8168 hack: TxPoll requests are lost when the Tx packets are - * too close. Let's kick an extra TxPoll request when a burst - * of start_xmit activity is detected (if it is not detected, - * it is slow enough). -- FR - */ - smp_rmb(); - if (tp->cur_tx != dirty_tx) - RTL_W8(TxPoll, NPQ); - } -} + __rtl8169_set_features(dev, dev->features); -static inline int rtl8169_fragmented_frame(u32 status) -{ - return (status & (FirstFrag | LastFrag)) != (FirstFrag | LastFrag); -} + rtl_pll_power_up(tp); -static inline void rtl8169_rx_csum(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 opts1) -{ - u32 status = opts1 & RxProtoMask; + rtl_hw_start(dev); - if (((status == RxProtoTCP) && !(opts1 & TCPFail)) || - ((status == RxProtoUDP) && !(opts1 & UDPFail))) - skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY; - else - skb_checksum_none_assert(skb); -} + netif_start_queue(dev); -static struct sk_buff *rtl8169_try_rx_copy(void *data, - struct rtl8169_private *tp, - int pkt_size, - dma_addr_t addr) -{ - struct sk_buff *skb; - struct device *d = &tp->pci_dev->dev; + rtl_unlock_work(tp); - data = rtl8169_align(data); - dma_sync_single_for_cpu(d, addr, pkt_size, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - prefetch(data); - skb = netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align(tp->dev, pkt_size); - if (skb) - memcpy(skb->data, data, pkt_size); - dma_sync_single_for_device(d, addr, pkt_size, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + tp->saved_wolopts = 0; + pm_runtime_put_noidle(&pdev->dev); - return skb; + rtl8169_check_link_status(dev, tp, ioaddr); +out: + return retval; + +err_release_fw_2: + rtl_release_firmware(tp); + rtl8169_rx_clear(tp); +err_free_rx_1: + dma_free_coherent(&pdev->dev, R8169_RX_RING_BYTES, tp->RxDescArray, + tp->RxPhyAddr); + tp->RxDescArray = NULL; +err_free_tx_0: + dma_free_coherent(&pdev->dev, R8169_TX_RING_BYTES, tp->TxDescArray, + tp->TxPhyAddr); + tp->TxDescArray = NULL; +err_pm_runtime_put: + pm_runtime_put_noidle(&pdev->dev); + goto out; } -static int rtl8169_rx_interrupt(struct net_device *dev, - struct rtl8169_private *tp, - void __iomem *ioaddr, u32 budget) +static struct rtnl_link_stats64 * +rtl8169_get_stats64(struct net_device *dev, struct rtnl_link_stats64 *stats) { - unsigned int cur_rx, rx_left; - unsigned int count; + struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; + unsigned int start; - cur_rx = tp->cur_rx; - rx_left = NUM_RX_DESC + tp->dirty_rx - cur_rx; - rx_left = min(rx_left, budget); + if (netif_running(dev)) + rtl8169_rx_missed(dev, ioaddr); - for (; rx_left > 0; rx_left--, cur_rx++) { - unsigned int entry = cur_rx % NUM_RX_DESC; - struct RxDesc *desc = tp->RxDescArray + entry; - u32 status; + do { + start = u64_stats_fetch_begin_bh(&tp->rx_stats.syncp); + stats->rx_packets = tp->rx_stats.packets; + stats->rx_bytes = tp->rx_stats.bytes; + } while (u64_stats_fetch_retry_bh(&tp->rx_stats.syncp, start)); - rmb(); - status = le32_to_cpu(desc->opts1) & tp->opts1_mask; - if (status & DescOwn) - break; - if (unlikely(status & RxRES)) { - netif_info(tp, rx_err, dev, "Rx ERROR. status = %08x\n", - status); - dev->stats.rx_errors++; - if (status & (RxRWT | RxRUNT)) - dev->stats.rx_length_errors++; - if (status & RxCRC) - dev->stats.rx_crc_errors++; - if (status & RxFOVF) { - rtl8169_schedule_work(dev, rtl8169_reset_task); - dev->stats.rx_fifo_errors++; - } - rtl8169_mark_to_asic(desc, rx_buf_sz); - } else { - struct sk_buff *skb; - dma_addr_t addr = le64_to_cpu(desc->addr); - int pkt_size = (status & 0x00003fff) - 4; + do { + start = u64_stats_fetch_begin_bh(&tp->tx_stats.syncp); + stats->tx_packets = tp->tx_stats.packets; + stats->tx_bytes = tp->tx_stats.bytes; + } while (u64_stats_fetch_retry_bh(&tp->tx_stats.syncp, start)); - /* - * The driver does not support incoming fragmented - * frames. They are seen as a symptom of over-mtu - * sized frames. - */ - if (unlikely(rtl8169_fragmented_frame(status))) { - dev->stats.rx_dropped++; - dev->stats.rx_length_errors++; - rtl8169_mark_to_asic(desc, rx_buf_sz); - continue; - } + stats->rx_dropped = dev->stats.rx_dropped; + stats->tx_dropped = dev->stats.tx_dropped; + stats->rx_length_errors = dev->stats.rx_length_errors; + stats->rx_errors = dev->stats.rx_errors; + stats->rx_crc_errors = dev->stats.rx_crc_errors; + stats->rx_fifo_errors = dev->stats.rx_fifo_errors; + stats->rx_missed_errors = dev->stats.rx_missed_errors; - skb = rtl8169_try_rx_copy(tp->Rx_databuff[entry], - tp, pkt_size, addr); - rtl8169_mark_to_asic(desc, rx_buf_sz); - if (!skb) { - dev->stats.rx_dropped++; - continue; - } + return stats; +} - rtl8169_rx_csum(skb, status); - skb_put(skb, pkt_size); - skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, dev); +static void rtl8169_net_suspend(struct net_device *dev) +{ + struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - rtl8169_rx_vlan_tag(desc, skb); + if (!netif_running(dev)) + return; - napi_gro_receive(&tp->napi, skb); + netif_device_detach(dev); + netif_stop_queue(dev); - dev->stats.rx_bytes += pkt_size; - dev->stats.rx_packets++; - } + rtl_lock_work(tp); + napi_disable(&tp->napi); + clear_bit(RTL_FLAG_TASK_ENABLED, tp->wk.flags); + rtl_unlock_work(tp); - /* Work around for AMD plateform. */ - if ((desc->opts2 & cpu_to_le32(0xfffe000)) && - (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_05)) { - desc->opts2 = 0; - cur_rx++; - } - } + rtl_pll_power_down(tp); +} - count = cur_rx - tp->cur_rx; - tp->cur_rx = cur_rx; +#ifdef CONFIG_PM - tp->dirty_rx += count; +static int rtl8169_suspend(struct device *device) +{ + struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(device); + struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); - return count; + rtl8169_net_suspend(dev); + + return 0; } -static irqreturn_t rtl8169_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_instance) +static void __rtl8169_resume(struct net_device *dev) { - struct net_device *dev = dev_instance; struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - int handled = 0; - int status; - /* loop handling interrupts until we have no new ones or - * we hit a invalid/hotplug case. - */ - status = RTL_R16(IntrStatus); - while (status && status != 0xffff) { - status &= tp->intr_event; - if (!status) - break; - - handled = 1; + netif_device_attach(dev); - /* Handle all of the error cases first. These will reset - * the chip, so just exit the loop. - */ - if (unlikely(!netif_running(dev))) { - rtl8169_hw_reset(tp); - break; - } + rtl_pll_power_up(tp); - if (unlikely(status & RxFIFOOver)) { - switch (tp->mac_version) { - /* Work around for rx fifo overflow */ - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_11: - netif_stop_queue(dev); - rtl8169_tx_timeout(dev); - goto done; - default: - break; - } - } + set_bit(RTL_FLAG_TASK_ENABLED, tp->wk.flags); - if (unlikely(status & SYSErr)) { - rtl8169_pcierr_interrupt(dev); - break; - } + rtl_schedule_task(tp, RTL_FLAG_TASK_RESET_PENDING); +} - if (status & LinkChg) - __rtl8169_check_link_status(dev, tp, ioaddr, true); +static int rtl8169_resume(struct device *device) +{ + struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(device); + struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - /* We need to see the lastest version of tp->intr_mask to - * avoid ignoring an MSI interrupt and having to wait for - * another event which may never come. - */ - smp_rmb(); - if (status & tp->intr_mask & tp->napi_event) { - RTL_W16(IntrMask, tp->intr_event & ~tp->napi_event); - tp->intr_mask = ~tp->napi_event; + rtl8169_init_phy(dev, tp); - if (likely(napi_schedule_prep(&tp->napi))) - __napi_schedule(&tp->napi); - else - netif_info(tp, intr, dev, - "interrupt %04x in poll\n", status); - } + if (netif_running(dev)) + __rtl8169_resume(dev); - /* We only get a new MSI interrupt when all active irq - * sources on the chip have been acknowledged. So, ack - * everything we've seen and check if new sources have become - * active to avoid blocking all interrupts from the chip. - */ - RTL_W16(IntrStatus, - (status & RxFIFOOver) ? (status | RxOverflow) : status); - status = RTL_R16(IntrStatus); - } -done: - return IRQ_RETVAL(handled); + return 0; } -static int rtl8169_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) +static int rtl8169_runtime_suspend(struct device *device) { - struct rtl8169_private *tp = container_of(napi, struct rtl8169_private, napi); - struct net_device *dev = tp->dev; - void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - int work_done; + struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(device); + struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - work_done = rtl8169_rx_interrupt(dev, tp, ioaddr, (u32) budget); - rtl8169_tx_interrupt(dev, tp, ioaddr); + if (!tp->TxDescArray) + return 0; - if (work_done < budget) { - napi_complete(napi); + rtl_lock_work(tp); + tp->saved_wolopts = __rtl8169_get_wol(tp); + __rtl8169_set_wol(tp, WAKE_ANY); + rtl_unlock_work(tp); - /* We need for force the visibility of tp->intr_mask - * for other CPUs, as we can loose an MSI interrupt - * and potentially wait for a retransmit timeout if we don't. - * The posted write to IntrMask is safe, as it will - * eventually make it to the chip and we won't loose anything - * until it does. - */ - tp->intr_mask = 0xffff; - wmb(); - RTL_W16(IntrMask, tp->intr_event); - } + rtl8169_net_suspend(dev); - return work_done; + return 0; } -static void rtl8169_rx_missed(struct net_device *dev, void __iomem *ioaddr) -{ - struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); +static int rtl8169_runtime_resume(struct device *device) +{ + struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(device); + struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + + if (!tp->TxDescArray) + return 0; + + rtl_lock_work(tp); + __rtl8169_set_wol(tp, tp->saved_wolopts); + tp->saved_wolopts = 0; + rtl_unlock_work(tp); - if (tp->mac_version > RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_06) - return; + rtl8169_init_phy(dev, tp); - dev->stats.rx_missed_errors += (RTL_R32(RxMissed) & 0xffffff); - RTL_W32(RxMissed, 0); + __rtl8169_resume(dev); + + return 0; } -static void rtl8169_down(struct net_device *dev) +static int rtl8169_runtime_idle(struct device *device) { + struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(device); + struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - - del_timer_sync(&tp->timer); - netif_stop_queue(dev); - - napi_disable(&tp->napi); + return tp->TxDescArray ? -EBUSY : 0; +} - spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock); +static const struct dev_pm_ops rtl8169_pm_ops = { + .suspend = rtl8169_suspend, + .resume = rtl8169_resume, + .freeze = rtl8169_suspend, + .thaw = rtl8169_resume, + .poweroff = rtl8169_suspend, + .restore = rtl8169_resume, + .runtime_suspend = rtl8169_runtime_suspend, + .runtime_resume = rtl8169_runtime_resume, + .runtime_idle = rtl8169_runtime_idle, +}; - rtl8169_hw_reset(tp); - /* - * At this point device interrupts can not be enabled in any function, - * as netif_running is not true (rtl8169_interrupt, rtl8169_reset_task, - * rtl8169_reinit_task) and napi is disabled (rtl8169_poll). - */ - rtl8169_rx_missed(dev, ioaddr); +#define RTL8169_PM_OPS (&rtl8169_pm_ops) - spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock); +#else /* !CONFIG_PM */ - synchronize_irq(dev->irq); +#define RTL8169_PM_OPS NULL - /* Give a racing hard_start_xmit a few cycles to complete. */ - synchronize_sched(); /* FIXME: should this be synchronize_irq()? */ +#endif /* !CONFIG_PM */ - rtl8169_tx_clear(tp); +static void rtl_wol_shutdown_quirk(struct rtl8169_private *tp) +{ + void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - rtl8169_rx_clear(tp); + /* WoL fails with 8168b when the receiver is disabled. */ + switch (tp->mac_version) { + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_11: + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_12: + case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_17: + pci_clear_master(tp->pci_dev); - rtl_pll_power_down(tp); + RTL_W8(ChipCmd, CmdRxEnb); + /* PCI commit */ + RTL_R8(ChipCmd); + break; + default: + break; + } } -static int rtl8169_close(struct net_device *dev) +static void rtl_shutdown(struct pci_dev *pdev) { + struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - struct pci_dev *pdev = tp->pci_dev; + struct device *d = &pdev->dev; - pm_runtime_get_sync(&pdev->dev); + pm_runtime_get_sync(d); - /* Update counters before going down */ - rtl8169_update_counters(dev); + rtl8169_net_suspend(dev); - rtl8169_down(dev); + /* Restore original MAC address */ + rtl_rar_set(tp, dev->perm_addr); - free_irq(dev->irq, dev); + rtl8169_hw_reset(tp); - dma_free_coherent(&pdev->dev, R8169_RX_RING_BYTES, tp->RxDescArray, - tp->RxPhyAddr); - dma_free_coherent(&pdev->dev, R8169_TX_RING_BYTES, tp->TxDescArray, - tp->TxPhyAddr); - tp->TxDescArray = NULL; - tp->RxDescArray = NULL; + if (system_state == SYSTEM_POWER_OFF) { + if (__rtl8169_get_wol(tp) & WAKE_ANY) { + rtl_wol_suspend_quirk(tp); + rtl_wol_shutdown_quirk(tp); + } - pm_runtime_put_sync(&pdev->dev); + pci_wake_from_d3(pdev, true); + pci_set_power_state(pdev, PCI_D3hot); + } - return 0; + pm_runtime_put_noidle(d); } -static void rtl_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *dev) +static void __devexit rtl_remove_one(struct pci_dev *pdev) { + struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - unsigned long flags; - u32 mc_filter[2]; /* Multicast hash filter */ - int rx_mode; - u32 tmp = 0; - - if (dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC) { - /* Unconditionally log net taps. */ - netif_notice(tp, link, dev, "Promiscuous mode enabled\n"); - rx_mode = - AcceptBroadcast | AcceptMulticast | AcceptMyPhys | - AcceptAllPhys; - mc_filter[1] = mc_filter[0] = 0xffffffff; - } else if ((netdev_mc_count(dev) > multicast_filter_limit) || - (dev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI)) { - /* Too many to filter perfectly -- accept all multicasts. */ - rx_mode = AcceptBroadcast | AcceptMulticast | AcceptMyPhys; - mc_filter[1] = mc_filter[0] = 0xffffffff; - } else { - struct netdev_hw_addr *ha; - rx_mode = AcceptBroadcast | AcceptMyPhys; - mc_filter[1] = mc_filter[0] = 0; - netdev_for_each_mc_addr(ha, dev) { - int bit_nr = ether_crc(ETH_ALEN, ha->addr) >> 26; - mc_filter[bit_nr >> 5] |= 1 << (bit_nr & 31); - rx_mode |= AcceptMulticast; - } + if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_27 || + tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_28 || + tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_31) { + rtl8168_driver_stop(tp); } - spin_lock_irqsave(&tp->lock, flags); + cancel_work_sync(&tp->wk.work); - tmp = (RTL_R32(RxConfig) & ~RX_CONFIG_ACCEPT_MASK) | rx_mode; - - if (tp->mac_version > RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_06) { - u32 data = mc_filter[0]; + unregister_netdev(dev); - mc_filter[0] = swab32(mc_filter[1]); - mc_filter[1] = swab32(data); - } + rtl_release_firmware(tp); - RTL_W32(MAR0 + 4, mc_filter[1]); - RTL_W32(MAR0 + 0, mc_filter[0]); + if (pci_dev_run_wake(pdev)) + pm_runtime_get_noresume(&pdev->dev); - RTL_W32(RxConfig, tmp); + /* restore original MAC address */ + rtl_rar_set(tp, dev->perm_addr); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tp->lock, flags); + rtl_disable_msi(pdev, tp); + rtl8169_release_board(pdev, dev, tp->mmio_addr); + pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); } -/** - * rtl8169_get_stats - Get rtl8169 read/write statistics - * @dev: The Ethernet Device to get statistics for - * - * Get TX/RX statistics for rtl8169 - */ -static struct net_device_stats *rtl8169_get_stats(struct net_device *dev) +static const struct net_device_ops rtl_netdev_ops = { + .ndo_open = rtl_open, + .ndo_stop = rtl8169_close, + .ndo_get_stats64 = rtl8169_get_stats64, + .ndo_start_xmit = rtl8169_start_xmit, + .ndo_tx_timeout = rtl8169_tx_timeout, + .ndo_validate_addr = eth_validate_addr, + .ndo_change_mtu = rtl8169_change_mtu, + .ndo_fix_features = rtl8169_fix_features, + .ndo_set_features = rtl8169_set_features, + .ndo_set_mac_address = rtl_set_mac_address, + .ndo_do_ioctl = rtl8169_ioctl, + .ndo_set_rx_mode = rtl_set_rx_mode, +#ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER + .ndo_poll_controller = rtl8169_netpoll, +#endif + +}; + +static const struct rtl_cfg_info { + void (*hw_start)(struct net_device *); + unsigned int region; + unsigned int align; + u16 event_slow; + unsigned features; + u8 default_ver; +} rtl_cfg_infos [] = { + [RTL_CFG_0] = { + .hw_start = rtl_hw_start_8169, + .region = 1, + .align = 0, + .event_slow = SYSErr | LinkChg | RxOverflow | RxFIFOOver, + .features = RTL_FEATURE_GMII, + .default_ver = RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_01, + }, + [RTL_CFG_1] = { + .hw_start = rtl_hw_start_8168, + .region = 2, + .align = 8, + .event_slow = SYSErr | LinkChg | RxOverflow, + .features = RTL_FEATURE_GMII | RTL_FEATURE_MSI, + .default_ver = RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_11, + }, + [RTL_CFG_2] = { + .hw_start = rtl_hw_start_8101, + .region = 2, + .align = 8, + .event_slow = SYSErr | LinkChg | RxOverflow | RxFIFOOver | + PCSTimeout, + .features = RTL_FEATURE_MSI, + .default_ver = RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_13, + } +}; + +/* Cfg9346_Unlock assumed. */ +static unsigned rtl_try_msi(struct rtl8169_private *tp, + const struct rtl_cfg_info *cfg) { - struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; - unsigned long flags; + unsigned msi = 0; + u8 cfg2; - if (netif_running(dev)) { - spin_lock_irqsave(&tp->lock, flags); - rtl8169_rx_missed(dev, ioaddr); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tp->lock, flags); + cfg2 = RTL_R8(Config2) & ~MSIEnable; + if (cfg->features & RTL_FEATURE_MSI) { + if (pci_enable_msi(tp->pci_dev)) { + netif_info(tp, hw, tp->dev, "no MSI. Back to INTx.\n"); + } else { + cfg2 |= MSIEnable; + msi = RTL_FEATURE_MSI; + } } - - return &dev->stats; + if (tp->mac_version <= RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_06) + RTL_W8(Config2, cfg2); + return msi; } -static void rtl8169_net_suspend(struct net_device *dev) +static int __devinit +rtl_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) { - struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + const struct rtl_cfg_info *cfg = rtl_cfg_infos + ent->driver_data; + const unsigned int region = cfg->region; + struct rtl8169_private *tp; + struct mii_if_info *mii; + struct net_device *dev; + void __iomem *ioaddr; + int chipset, i; + int rc; - if (!netif_running(dev)) - return; + if (netif_msg_drv(&debug)) { + printk(KERN_INFO "%s Gigabit Ethernet driver %s loaded\n", + MODULENAME, RTL8169_VERSION); + } - rtl_pll_power_down(tp); + dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof (*tp)); + if (!dev) { + rc = -ENOMEM; + goto out; + } - netif_device_detach(dev); - netif_stop_queue(dev); -} + SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev); + dev->netdev_ops = &rtl_netdev_ops; + tp = netdev_priv(dev); + tp->dev = dev; + tp->pci_dev = pdev; + tp->msg_enable = netif_msg_init(debug.msg_enable, R8169_MSG_DEFAULT); -#ifdef CONFIG_PM + mii = &tp->mii; + mii->dev = dev; + mii->mdio_read = rtl_mdio_read; + mii->mdio_write = rtl_mdio_write; + mii->phy_id_mask = 0x1f; + mii->reg_num_mask = 0x1f; + mii->supports_gmii = !!(cfg->features & RTL_FEATURE_GMII); + + /* disable ASPM completely as that cause random device stop working + * problems as well as full system hangs for some PCIe devices users */ + pci_disable_link_state(pdev, PCIE_LINK_STATE_L0S | PCIE_LINK_STATE_L1 | + PCIE_LINK_STATE_CLKPM); -static int rtl8169_suspend(struct device *device) -{ - struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(device); - struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + /* enable device (incl. PCI PM wakeup and hotplug setup) */ + rc = pci_enable_device(pdev); + if (rc < 0) { + netif_err(tp, probe, dev, "enable failure\n"); + goto err_out_free_dev_1; + } - rtl8169_net_suspend(dev); + if (pci_set_mwi(pdev) < 0) + netif_info(tp, probe, dev, "Mem-Wr-Inval unavailable\n"); - return 0; -} + /* make sure PCI base addr 1 is MMIO */ + if (!(pci_resource_flags(pdev, region) & IORESOURCE_MEM)) { + netif_err(tp, probe, dev, + "region #%d not an MMIO resource, aborting\n", + region); + rc = -ENODEV; + goto err_out_mwi_2; + } -static void __rtl8169_resume(struct net_device *dev) -{ - struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + /* check for weird/broken PCI region reporting */ + if (pci_resource_len(pdev, region) < R8169_REGS_SIZE) { + netif_err(tp, probe, dev, + "Invalid PCI region size(s), aborting\n"); + rc = -ENODEV; + goto err_out_mwi_2; + } - netif_device_attach(dev); + rc = pci_request_regions(pdev, MODULENAME); + if (rc < 0) { + netif_err(tp, probe, dev, "could not request regions\n"); + goto err_out_mwi_2; + } - rtl_pll_power_up(tp); + tp->cp_cmd = RxChkSum; - rtl8169_schedule_work(dev, rtl8169_reset_task); -} + if ((sizeof(dma_addr_t) > 4) && + !pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(64)) && use_dac) { + tp->cp_cmd |= PCIDAC; + dev->features |= NETIF_F_HIGHDMA; + } else { + rc = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32)); + if (rc < 0) { + netif_err(tp, probe, dev, "DMA configuration failed\n"); + goto err_out_free_res_3; + } + } -static int rtl8169_resume(struct device *device) -{ - struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(device); - struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); - struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + /* ioremap MMIO region */ + ioaddr = ioremap(pci_resource_start(pdev, region), R8169_REGS_SIZE); + if (!ioaddr) { + netif_err(tp, probe, dev, "cannot remap MMIO, aborting\n"); + rc = -EIO; + goto err_out_free_res_3; + } + tp->mmio_addr = ioaddr; - rtl8169_init_phy(dev, tp); + if (!pci_is_pcie(pdev)) + netif_info(tp, probe, dev, "not PCI Express\n"); - if (netif_running(dev)) - __rtl8169_resume(dev); + /* Identify chip attached to board */ + rtl8169_get_mac_version(tp, dev, cfg->default_ver); - return 0; -} + rtl_init_rxcfg(tp); -static int rtl8169_runtime_suspend(struct device *device) -{ - struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(device); - struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); - struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + rtl_irq_disable(tp); - if (!tp->TxDescArray) - return 0; + rtl_hw_reset(tp); - spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock); - tp->saved_wolopts = __rtl8169_get_wol(tp); - __rtl8169_set_wol(tp, WAKE_ANY); - spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock); + rtl_ack_events(tp, 0xffff); - rtl8169_net_suspend(dev); + pci_set_master(pdev); - return 0; -} + /* + * Pretend we are using VLANs; This bypasses a nasty bug where + * Interrupts stop flowing on high load on 8110SCd controllers. + */ + if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_05) + tp->cp_cmd |= RxVlan; -static int rtl8169_runtime_resume(struct device *device) -{ - struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(device); - struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); - struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + rtl_init_mdio_ops(tp); + rtl_init_pll_power_ops(tp); + rtl_init_jumbo_ops(tp); - if (!tp->TxDescArray) - return 0; + rtl8169_print_mac_version(tp); - spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock); - __rtl8169_set_wol(tp, tp->saved_wolopts); - tp->saved_wolopts = 0; - spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock); + chipset = tp->mac_version; + tp->txd_version = rtl_chip_infos[chipset].txd_version; - rtl8169_init_phy(dev, tp); + RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Unlock); + RTL_W8(Config1, RTL_R8(Config1) | PMEnable); + RTL_W8(Config5, RTL_R8(Config5) & PMEStatus); + if ((RTL_R8(Config3) & (LinkUp | MagicPacket)) != 0) + tp->features |= RTL_FEATURE_WOL; + if ((RTL_R8(Config5) & (UWF | BWF | MWF)) != 0) + tp->features |= RTL_FEATURE_WOL; + tp->features |= rtl_try_msi(tp, cfg); + RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Lock); - __rtl8169_resume(dev); + if (rtl_tbi_enabled(tp)) { + tp->set_speed = rtl8169_set_speed_tbi; + tp->get_settings = rtl8169_gset_tbi; + tp->phy_reset_enable = rtl8169_tbi_reset_enable; + tp->phy_reset_pending = rtl8169_tbi_reset_pending; + tp->link_ok = rtl8169_tbi_link_ok; + tp->do_ioctl = rtl_tbi_ioctl; + } else { + tp->set_speed = rtl8169_set_speed_xmii; + tp->get_settings = rtl8169_gset_xmii; + tp->phy_reset_enable = rtl8169_xmii_reset_enable; + tp->phy_reset_pending = rtl8169_xmii_reset_pending; + tp->link_ok = rtl8169_xmii_link_ok; + tp->do_ioctl = rtl_xmii_ioctl; + } - return 0; -} + mutex_init(&tp->wk.mutex); -static int rtl8169_runtime_idle(struct device *device) -{ - struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(device); - struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); - struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); + /* Get MAC address */ + for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) + dev->dev_addr[i] = RTL_R8(MAC0 + i); + memcpy(dev->perm_addr, dev->dev_addr, dev->addr_len); - return tp->TxDescArray ? -EBUSY : 0; -} + SET_ETHTOOL_OPS(dev, &rtl8169_ethtool_ops); + dev->watchdog_timeo = RTL8169_TX_TIMEOUT; -static const struct dev_pm_ops rtl8169_pm_ops = { - .suspend = rtl8169_suspend, - .resume = rtl8169_resume, - .freeze = rtl8169_suspend, - .thaw = rtl8169_resume, - .poweroff = rtl8169_suspend, - .restore = rtl8169_resume, - .runtime_suspend = rtl8169_runtime_suspend, - .runtime_resume = rtl8169_runtime_resume, - .runtime_idle = rtl8169_runtime_idle, -}; + netif_napi_add(dev, &tp->napi, rtl8169_poll, R8169_NAPI_WEIGHT); -#define RTL8169_PM_OPS (&rtl8169_pm_ops) + /* don't enable SG, IP_CSUM and TSO by default - it might not work + * properly for all devices */ + dev->features |= NETIF_F_RXCSUM | + NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_TX | NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_RX; -#else /* !CONFIG_PM */ + dev->hw_features = NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_IP_CSUM | NETIF_F_TSO | + NETIF_F_RXCSUM | NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_TX | NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_RX; + dev->vlan_features = NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_IP_CSUM | NETIF_F_TSO | + NETIF_F_HIGHDMA; -#define RTL8169_PM_OPS NULL + if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_05) + /* 8110SCd requires hardware Rx VLAN - disallow toggling */ + dev->hw_features &= ~NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_RX; -#endif /* !CONFIG_PM */ + dev->hw_features |= NETIF_F_RXALL; + dev->hw_features |= NETIF_F_RXFCS; -static void rtl_wol_shutdown_quirk(struct rtl8169_private *tp) -{ - void __iomem *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr; + tp->hw_start = cfg->hw_start; + tp->event_slow = cfg->event_slow; - /* WoL fails with 8168b when the receiver is disabled. */ - switch (tp->mac_version) { - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_11: - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_12: - case RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_17: - pci_clear_master(tp->pci_dev); + tp->opts1_mask = (tp->mac_version != RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_01) ? + ~(RxBOVF | RxFOVF) : ~0; - RTL_W8(ChipCmd, CmdRxEnb); - /* PCI commit */ - RTL_R8(ChipCmd); - break; - default: - break; - } -} + init_timer(&tp->timer); + tp->timer.data = (unsigned long) dev; + tp->timer.function = rtl8169_phy_timer; -static void rtl_shutdown(struct pci_dev *pdev) -{ - struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); - struct rtl8169_private *tp = netdev_priv(dev); - struct device *d = &pdev->dev; + tp->rtl_fw = RTL_FIRMWARE_UNKNOWN; - pm_runtime_get_sync(d); + rc = register_netdev(dev); + if (rc < 0) + goto err_out_msi_4; - rtl8169_net_suspend(dev); + pci_set_drvdata(pdev, dev); - /* Restore original MAC address */ - rtl_rar_set(tp, dev->perm_addr); + netif_info(tp, probe, dev, "%s at 0x%p, %pM, XID %08x IRQ %d\n", + rtl_chip_infos[chipset].name, ioaddr, dev->dev_addr, + (u32)(RTL_R32(TxConfig) & 0x9cf0f8ff), pdev->irq); + if (rtl_chip_infos[chipset].jumbo_max != JUMBO_1K) { + netif_info(tp, probe, dev, "jumbo features [frames: %d bytes, " + "tx checksumming: %s]\n", + rtl_chip_infos[chipset].jumbo_max, + rtl_chip_infos[chipset].jumbo_tx_csum ? "ok" : "ko"); + } - spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock); + if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_27 || + tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_28 || + tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_31) { + rtl8168_driver_start(tp); + } - rtl8169_hw_reset(tp); + device_set_wakeup_enable(&pdev->dev, tp->features & RTL_FEATURE_WOL); - spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock); + if (pci_dev_run_wake(pdev)) + pm_runtime_put_noidle(&pdev->dev); - if (system_state == SYSTEM_POWER_OFF) { - if (__rtl8169_get_wol(tp) & WAKE_ANY) { - rtl_wol_suspend_quirk(tp); - rtl_wol_shutdown_quirk(tp); - } + netif_carrier_off(dev); - pci_wake_from_d3(pdev, true); - pci_set_power_state(pdev, PCI_D3hot); - } +out: + return rc; - pm_runtime_put_noidle(d); +err_out_msi_4: + rtl_disable_msi(pdev, tp); + iounmap(ioaddr); +err_out_free_res_3: + pci_release_regions(pdev); +err_out_mwi_2: + pci_clear_mwi(pdev); + pci_disable_device(pdev); +err_out_free_dev_1: + free_netdev(dev); + goto out; } static struct pci_driver rtl8169_pci_driver = { .name = MODULENAME, .id_table = rtl8169_pci_tbl, - .probe = rtl8169_init_one, - .remove = __devexit_p(rtl8169_remove_one), + .probe = rtl_init_one, + .remove = __devexit_p(rtl_remove_one), .shutdown = rtl_shutdown, .driver.pm = RTL8169_PM_OPS, }; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/renesas/sh_eth.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/renesas/sh_eth.c index 87b650131774ae74646b80143045226ae3a217d1..8615961c128761abfdcfba4df8964ce59ea04cd7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/renesas/sh_eth.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/renesas/sh_eth.c @@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include @@ -269,6 +268,7 @@ static struct sh_eth_cpu_data sh_eth_my_cpu_data_giga = { .rpadir_value = 2 << 16, .no_trimd = 1, .no_ade = 1, + .tsu = 1, }; static struct sh_eth_cpu_data *sh_eth_get_cpu_data(struct sh_eth_private *mdp) @@ -654,13 +654,12 @@ static void sh_eth_ring_format(struct net_device *ndev) for (i = 0; i < RX_RING_SIZE; i++) { /* skb */ mdp->rx_skbuff[i] = NULL; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(mdp->rx_buf_sz); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(ndev, mdp->rx_buf_sz); mdp->rx_skbuff[i] = skb; if (skb == NULL) break; - dma_map_single(&ndev->dev, skb->tail, mdp->rx_buf_sz, + dma_map_single(&ndev->dev, skb->data, mdp->rx_buf_sz, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - skb->dev = ndev; /* Mark as being used by this device. */ sh_eth_set_receive_align(skb); /* RX descriptor */ @@ -883,8 +882,8 @@ static int sh_eth_txfree(struct net_device *ndev) if (entry >= TX_RING_SIZE - 1) txdesc->status |= cpu_to_edmac(mdp, TD_TDLE); - mdp->stats.tx_packets++; - mdp->stats.tx_bytes += txdesc->buffer_length; + ndev->stats.tx_packets++; + ndev->stats.tx_bytes += txdesc->buffer_length; } return freeNum; } @@ -910,23 +909,23 @@ static int sh_eth_rx(struct net_device *ndev) break; if (!(desc_status & RDFEND)) - mdp->stats.rx_length_errors++; + ndev->stats.rx_length_errors++; if (desc_status & (RD_RFS1 | RD_RFS2 | RD_RFS3 | RD_RFS4 | RD_RFS5 | RD_RFS6 | RD_RFS10)) { - mdp->stats.rx_errors++; + ndev->stats.rx_errors++; if (desc_status & RD_RFS1) - mdp->stats.rx_crc_errors++; + ndev->stats.rx_crc_errors++; if (desc_status & RD_RFS2) - mdp->stats.rx_frame_errors++; + ndev->stats.rx_frame_errors++; if (desc_status & RD_RFS3) - mdp->stats.rx_length_errors++; + ndev->stats.rx_length_errors++; if (desc_status & RD_RFS4) - mdp->stats.rx_length_errors++; + ndev->stats.rx_length_errors++; if (desc_status & RD_RFS6) - mdp->stats.rx_missed_errors++; + ndev->stats.rx_missed_errors++; if (desc_status & RD_RFS10) - mdp->stats.rx_over_errors++; + ndev->stats.rx_over_errors++; } else { if (!mdp->cd->hw_swap) sh_eth_soft_swap( @@ -939,8 +938,8 @@ static int sh_eth_rx(struct net_device *ndev) skb_put(skb, pkt_len); skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, ndev); netif_rx(skb); - mdp->stats.rx_packets++; - mdp->stats.rx_bytes += pkt_len; + ndev->stats.rx_packets++; + ndev->stats.rx_bytes += pkt_len; } rxdesc->status |= cpu_to_edmac(mdp, RD_RACT); entry = (++mdp->cur_rx) % RX_RING_SIZE; @@ -955,13 +954,12 @@ static int sh_eth_rx(struct net_device *ndev) rxdesc->buffer_length = ALIGN(mdp->rx_buf_sz, 16); if (mdp->rx_skbuff[entry] == NULL) { - skb = dev_alloc_skb(mdp->rx_buf_sz); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(ndev, mdp->rx_buf_sz); mdp->rx_skbuff[entry] = skb; if (skb == NULL) break; /* Better luck next round. */ - dma_map_single(&ndev->dev, skb->tail, mdp->rx_buf_sz, + dma_map_single(&ndev->dev, skb->data, mdp->rx_buf_sz, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - skb->dev = ndev; sh_eth_set_receive_align(skb); skb_checksum_none_assert(skb); @@ -1009,7 +1007,7 @@ static void sh_eth_error(struct net_device *ndev, int intr_status) felic_stat = sh_eth_read(ndev, ECSR); sh_eth_write(ndev, felic_stat, ECSR); /* clear int */ if (felic_stat & ECSR_ICD) - mdp->stats.tx_carrier_errors++; + ndev->stats.tx_carrier_errors++; if (felic_stat & ECSR_LCHNG) { /* Link Changed */ if (mdp->cd->no_psr || mdp->no_ether_link) { @@ -1042,7 +1040,7 @@ static void sh_eth_error(struct net_device *ndev, int intr_status) if (intr_status & EESR_TWB) { /* Write buck end. unused write back interrupt */ if (intr_status & EESR_TABT) /* Transmit Abort int */ - mdp->stats.tx_aborted_errors++; + ndev->stats.tx_aborted_errors++; if (netif_msg_tx_err(mdp)) dev_err(&ndev->dev, "Transmit Abort\n"); } @@ -1051,7 +1049,7 @@ static void sh_eth_error(struct net_device *ndev, int intr_status) /* Receive Abort int */ if (intr_status & EESR_RFRMER) { /* Receive Frame Overflow int */ - mdp->stats.rx_frame_errors++; + ndev->stats.rx_frame_errors++; if (netif_msg_rx_err(mdp)) dev_err(&ndev->dev, "Receive Abort\n"); } @@ -1059,21 +1057,21 @@ static void sh_eth_error(struct net_device *ndev, int intr_status) if (intr_status & EESR_TDE) { /* Transmit Descriptor Empty int */ - mdp->stats.tx_fifo_errors++; + ndev->stats.tx_fifo_errors++; if (netif_msg_tx_err(mdp)) dev_err(&ndev->dev, "Transmit Descriptor Empty\n"); } if (intr_status & EESR_TFE) { /* FIFO under flow */ - mdp->stats.tx_fifo_errors++; + ndev->stats.tx_fifo_errors++; if (netif_msg_tx_err(mdp)) dev_err(&ndev->dev, "Transmit FIFO Under flow\n"); } if (intr_status & EESR_RDE) { /* Receive Descriptor Empty int */ - mdp->stats.rx_over_errors++; + ndev->stats.rx_over_errors++; if (sh_eth_read(ndev, EDRRR) ^ EDRRR_R) sh_eth_write(ndev, EDRRR_R, EDRRR); @@ -1083,14 +1081,14 @@ static void sh_eth_error(struct net_device *ndev, int intr_status) if (intr_status & EESR_RFE) { /* Receive FIFO Overflow int */ - mdp->stats.rx_fifo_errors++; + ndev->stats.rx_fifo_errors++; if (netif_msg_rx_err(mdp)) dev_err(&ndev->dev, "Receive FIFO Overflow\n"); } if (!mdp->cd->no_ade && (intr_status & EESR_ADE)) { /* Address Error */ - mdp->stats.tx_fifo_errors++; + ndev->stats.tx_fifo_errors++; if (netif_msg_tx_err(mdp)) dev_err(&ndev->dev, "Address Error\n"); } @@ -1447,7 +1445,7 @@ static void sh_eth_tx_timeout(struct net_device *ndev) " resetting...\n", ndev->name, (int)sh_eth_read(ndev, EESR)); /* tx_errors count up */ - mdp->stats.tx_errors++; + ndev->stats.tx_errors++; /* timer off */ del_timer_sync(&mdp->timer); @@ -1569,27 +1567,27 @@ static struct net_device_stats *sh_eth_get_stats(struct net_device *ndev) pm_runtime_get_sync(&mdp->pdev->dev); - mdp->stats.tx_dropped += sh_eth_read(ndev, TROCR); + ndev->stats.tx_dropped += sh_eth_read(ndev, TROCR); sh_eth_write(ndev, 0, TROCR); /* (write clear) */ - mdp->stats.collisions += sh_eth_read(ndev, CDCR); + ndev->stats.collisions += sh_eth_read(ndev, CDCR); sh_eth_write(ndev, 0, CDCR); /* (write clear) */ - mdp->stats.tx_carrier_errors += sh_eth_read(ndev, LCCR); + ndev->stats.tx_carrier_errors += sh_eth_read(ndev, LCCR); sh_eth_write(ndev, 0, LCCR); /* (write clear) */ if (sh_eth_is_gether(mdp)) { - mdp->stats.tx_carrier_errors += sh_eth_read(ndev, CERCR); + ndev->stats.tx_carrier_errors += sh_eth_read(ndev, CERCR); sh_eth_write(ndev, 0, CERCR); /* (write clear) */ - mdp->stats.tx_carrier_errors += sh_eth_read(ndev, CEECR); + ndev->stats.tx_carrier_errors += sh_eth_read(ndev, CEECR); sh_eth_write(ndev, 0, CEECR); /* (write clear) */ } else { - mdp->stats.tx_carrier_errors += sh_eth_read(ndev, CNDCR); + ndev->stats.tx_carrier_errors += sh_eth_read(ndev, CNDCR); sh_eth_write(ndev, 0, CNDCR); /* (write clear) */ } pm_runtime_put_sync(&mdp->pdev->dev); - return &mdp->stats; + return &ndev->stats; } -/* ioctl to device funciotn*/ +/* ioctl to device function */ static int sh_eth_do_ioctl(struct net_device *ndev, struct ifreq *rq, int cmd) { @@ -1606,18 +1604,345 @@ static int sh_eth_do_ioctl(struct net_device *ndev, struct ifreq *rq, } #if defined(SH_ETH_HAS_TSU) +/* For TSU_POSTn. Please refer to the manual about this (strange) bitfields */ +static void *sh_eth_tsu_get_post_reg_offset(struct sh_eth_private *mdp, + int entry) +{ + return sh_eth_tsu_get_offset(mdp, TSU_POST1) + (entry / 8 * 4); +} + +static u32 sh_eth_tsu_get_post_mask(int entry) +{ + return 0x0f << (28 - ((entry % 8) * 4)); +} + +static u32 sh_eth_tsu_get_post_bit(struct sh_eth_private *mdp, int entry) +{ + return (0x08 >> (mdp->port << 1)) << (28 - ((entry % 8) * 4)); +} + +static void sh_eth_tsu_enable_cam_entry_post(struct net_device *ndev, + int entry) +{ + struct sh_eth_private *mdp = netdev_priv(ndev); + u32 tmp; + void *reg_offset; + + reg_offset = sh_eth_tsu_get_post_reg_offset(mdp, entry); + tmp = ioread32(reg_offset); + iowrite32(tmp | sh_eth_tsu_get_post_bit(mdp, entry), reg_offset); +} + +static bool sh_eth_tsu_disable_cam_entry_post(struct net_device *ndev, + int entry) +{ + struct sh_eth_private *mdp = netdev_priv(ndev); + u32 post_mask, ref_mask, tmp; + void *reg_offset; + + reg_offset = sh_eth_tsu_get_post_reg_offset(mdp, entry); + post_mask = sh_eth_tsu_get_post_mask(entry); + ref_mask = sh_eth_tsu_get_post_bit(mdp, entry) & ~post_mask; + + tmp = ioread32(reg_offset); + iowrite32(tmp & ~post_mask, reg_offset); + + /* If other port enables, the function returns "true" */ + return tmp & ref_mask; +} + +static int sh_eth_tsu_busy(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + int timeout = SH_ETH_TSU_TIMEOUT_MS * 100; + struct sh_eth_private *mdp = netdev_priv(ndev); + + while ((sh_eth_tsu_read(mdp, TSU_ADSBSY) & TSU_ADSBSY_0)) { + udelay(10); + timeout--; + if (timeout <= 0) { + dev_err(&ndev->dev, "%s: timeout\n", __func__); + return -ETIMEDOUT; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +static int sh_eth_tsu_write_entry(struct net_device *ndev, void *reg, + const u8 *addr) +{ + u32 val; + + val = addr[0] << 24 | addr[1] << 16 | addr[2] << 8 | addr[3]; + iowrite32(val, reg); + if (sh_eth_tsu_busy(ndev) < 0) + return -EBUSY; + + val = addr[4] << 8 | addr[5]; + iowrite32(val, reg + 4); + if (sh_eth_tsu_busy(ndev) < 0) + return -EBUSY; + + return 0; +} + +static void sh_eth_tsu_read_entry(void *reg, u8 *addr) +{ + u32 val; + + val = ioread32(reg); + addr[0] = (val >> 24) & 0xff; + addr[1] = (val >> 16) & 0xff; + addr[2] = (val >> 8) & 0xff; + addr[3] = val & 0xff; + val = ioread32(reg + 4); + addr[4] = (val >> 8) & 0xff; + addr[5] = val & 0xff; +} + + +static int sh_eth_tsu_find_entry(struct net_device *ndev, const u8 *addr) +{ + struct sh_eth_private *mdp = netdev_priv(ndev); + void *reg_offset = sh_eth_tsu_get_offset(mdp, TSU_ADRH0); + int i; + u8 c_addr[ETH_ALEN]; + + for (i = 0; i < SH_ETH_TSU_CAM_ENTRIES; i++, reg_offset += 8) { + sh_eth_tsu_read_entry(reg_offset, c_addr); + if (memcmp(addr, c_addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0) + return i; + } + + return -ENOENT; +} + +static int sh_eth_tsu_find_empty(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + u8 blank[ETH_ALEN]; + int entry; + + memset(blank, 0, sizeof(blank)); + entry = sh_eth_tsu_find_entry(ndev, blank); + return (entry < 0) ? -ENOMEM : entry; +} + +static int sh_eth_tsu_disable_cam_entry_table(struct net_device *ndev, + int entry) +{ + struct sh_eth_private *mdp = netdev_priv(ndev); + void *reg_offset = sh_eth_tsu_get_offset(mdp, TSU_ADRH0); + int ret; + u8 blank[ETH_ALEN]; + + sh_eth_tsu_write(mdp, sh_eth_tsu_read(mdp, TSU_TEN) & + ~(1 << (31 - entry)), TSU_TEN); + + memset(blank, 0, sizeof(blank)); + ret = sh_eth_tsu_write_entry(ndev, reg_offset + entry * 8, blank); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + return 0; +} + +static int sh_eth_tsu_add_entry(struct net_device *ndev, const u8 *addr) +{ + struct sh_eth_private *mdp = netdev_priv(ndev); + void *reg_offset = sh_eth_tsu_get_offset(mdp, TSU_ADRH0); + int i, ret; + + if (!mdp->cd->tsu) + return 0; + + i = sh_eth_tsu_find_entry(ndev, addr); + if (i < 0) { + /* No entry found, create one */ + i = sh_eth_tsu_find_empty(ndev); + if (i < 0) + return -ENOMEM; + ret = sh_eth_tsu_write_entry(ndev, reg_offset + i * 8, addr); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + + /* Enable the entry */ + sh_eth_tsu_write(mdp, sh_eth_tsu_read(mdp, TSU_TEN) | + (1 << (31 - i)), TSU_TEN); + } + + /* Entry found or created, enable POST */ + sh_eth_tsu_enable_cam_entry_post(ndev, i); + + return 0; +} + +static int sh_eth_tsu_del_entry(struct net_device *ndev, const u8 *addr) +{ + struct sh_eth_private *mdp = netdev_priv(ndev); + int i, ret; + + if (!mdp->cd->tsu) + return 0; + + i = sh_eth_tsu_find_entry(ndev, addr); + if (i) { + /* Entry found */ + if (sh_eth_tsu_disable_cam_entry_post(ndev, i)) + goto done; + + /* Disable the entry if both ports was disabled */ + ret = sh_eth_tsu_disable_cam_entry_table(ndev, i); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + } +done: + return 0; +} + +static int sh_eth_tsu_purge_all(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct sh_eth_private *mdp = netdev_priv(ndev); + int i, ret; + + if (unlikely(!mdp->cd->tsu)) + return 0; + + for (i = 0; i < SH_ETH_TSU_CAM_ENTRIES; i++) { + if (sh_eth_tsu_disable_cam_entry_post(ndev, i)) + continue; + + /* Disable the entry if both ports was disabled */ + ret = sh_eth_tsu_disable_cam_entry_table(ndev, i); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + +static void sh_eth_tsu_purge_mcast(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct sh_eth_private *mdp = netdev_priv(ndev); + u8 addr[ETH_ALEN]; + void *reg_offset = sh_eth_tsu_get_offset(mdp, TSU_ADRH0); + int i; + + if (unlikely(!mdp->cd->tsu)) + return; + + for (i = 0; i < SH_ETH_TSU_CAM_ENTRIES; i++, reg_offset += 8) { + sh_eth_tsu_read_entry(reg_offset, addr); + if (is_multicast_ether_addr(addr)) + sh_eth_tsu_del_entry(ndev, addr); + } +} + /* Multicast reception directions set */ static void sh_eth_set_multicast_list(struct net_device *ndev) { + struct sh_eth_private *mdp = netdev_priv(ndev); + u32 ecmr_bits; + int mcast_all = 0; + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&mdp->lock, flags); + /* + * Initial condition is MCT = 1, PRM = 0. + * Depending on ndev->flags, set PRM or clear MCT + */ + ecmr_bits = (sh_eth_read(ndev, ECMR) & ~ECMR_PRM) | ECMR_MCT; + + if (!(ndev->flags & IFF_MULTICAST)) { + sh_eth_tsu_purge_mcast(ndev); + mcast_all = 1; + } + if (ndev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI) { + sh_eth_tsu_purge_mcast(ndev); + ecmr_bits &= ~ECMR_MCT; + mcast_all = 1; + } + if (ndev->flags & IFF_PROMISC) { - /* Set promiscuous. */ - sh_eth_write(ndev, (sh_eth_read(ndev, ECMR) & ~ECMR_MCT) | - ECMR_PRM, ECMR); + sh_eth_tsu_purge_all(ndev); + ecmr_bits = (ecmr_bits & ~ECMR_MCT) | ECMR_PRM; + } else if (mdp->cd->tsu) { + struct netdev_hw_addr *ha; + netdev_for_each_mc_addr(ha, ndev) { + if (mcast_all && is_multicast_ether_addr(ha->addr)) + continue; + + if (sh_eth_tsu_add_entry(ndev, ha->addr) < 0) { + if (!mcast_all) { + sh_eth_tsu_purge_mcast(ndev); + ecmr_bits &= ~ECMR_MCT; + mcast_all = 1; + } + } + } } else { /* Normal, unicast/broadcast-only mode. */ - sh_eth_write(ndev, (sh_eth_read(ndev, ECMR) & ~ECMR_PRM) | - ECMR_MCT, ECMR); + ecmr_bits = (ecmr_bits & ~ECMR_PRM) | ECMR_MCT; } + + /* update the ethernet mode */ + sh_eth_write(ndev, ecmr_bits, ECMR); + + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mdp->lock, flags); +} + +static int sh_eth_get_vtag_index(struct sh_eth_private *mdp) +{ + if (!mdp->port) + return TSU_VTAG0; + else + return TSU_VTAG1; +} + +static int sh_eth_vlan_rx_add_vid(struct net_device *ndev, u16 vid) +{ + struct sh_eth_private *mdp = netdev_priv(ndev); + int vtag_reg_index = sh_eth_get_vtag_index(mdp); + + if (unlikely(!mdp->cd->tsu)) + return -EPERM; + + /* No filtering if vid = 0 */ + if (!vid) + return 0; + + mdp->vlan_num_ids++; + + /* + * The controller has one VLAN tag HW filter. So, if the filter is + * already enabled, the driver disables it and the filte + */ + if (mdp->vlan_num_ids > 1) { + /* disable VLAN filter */ + sh_eth_tsu_write(mdp, 0, vtag_reg_index); + return 0; + } + + sh_eth_tsu_write(mdp, TSU_VTAG_ENABLE | (vid & TSU_VTAG_VID_MASK), + vtag_reg_index); + + return 0; +} + +static int sh_eth_vlan_rx_kill_vid(struct net_device *ndev, u16 vid) +{ + struct sh_eth_private *mdp = netdev_priv(ndev); + int vtag_reg_index = sh_eth_get_vtag_index(mdp); + + if (unlikely(!mdp->cd->tsu)) + return -EPERM; + + /* No filtering if vid = 0 */ + if (!vid) + return 0; + + mdp->vlan_num_ids--; + sh_eth_tsu_write(mdp, 0, vtag_reg_index); + + return 0; } #endif /* SH_ETH_HAS_TSU */ @@ -1768,6 +2093,8 @@ static const struct net_device_ops sh_eth_netdev_ops = { .ndo_get_stats = sh_eth_get_stats, #if defined(SH_ETH_HAS_TSU) .ndo_set_rx_mode = sh_eth_set_multicast_list, + .ndo_vlan_rx_add_vid = sh_eth_vlan_rx_add_vid, + .ndo_vlan_rx_kill_vid = sh_eth_vlan_rx_kill_vid, #endif .ndo_tx_timeout = sh_eth_tx_timeout, .ndo_do_ioctl = sh_eth_do_ioctl, @@ -1794,7 +2121,6 @@ static int sh_eth_drv_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct sh_eth_private)); if (!ndev) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Could not allocate device.\n"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto out; } @@ -1862,18 +2188,22 @@ static int sh_eth_drv_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) /* read and set MAC address */ read_mac_address(ndev, pd->mac_addr); - /* First device only init */ - if (!devno) { - if (mdp->cd->tsu) { - struct resource *rtsu; - rtsu = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 1); - if (!rtsu) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Not found TSU resource\n"); - goto out_release; - } - mdp->tsu_addr = ioremap(rtsu->start, - resource_size(rtsu)); + /* ioremap the TSU registers */ + if (mdp->cd->tsu) { + struct resource *rtsu; + rtsu = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 1); + if (!rtsu) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Not found TSU resource\n"); + goto out_release; } + mdp->tsu_addr = ioremap(rtsu->start, + resource_size(rtsu)); + mdp->port = devno % 2; + ndev->features = NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_FILTER; + } + + /* initialize first or needed device */ + if (!devno || pd->needs_init) { if (mdp->cd->chip_reset) mdp->cd->chip_reset(ndev); @@ -1922,7 +2252,8 @@ static int sh_eth_drv_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) struct net_device *ndev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); struct sh_eth_private *mdp = netdev_priv(ndev); - iounmap(mdp->tsu_addr); + if (mdp->cd->tsu) + iounmap(mdp->tsu_addr); sh_mdio_release(ndev); unregister_netdev(ndev); pm_runtime_disable(&pdev->dev); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/renesas/sh_eth.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/renesas/sh_eth.h index cdbd844662a76bdf7c5900c1d9043e164f82754b..57dc262611166de138727c63708834150f3dfad9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/renesas/sh_eth.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/renesas/sh_eth.h @@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ #define RX_RING_SIZE 64 /* Rx ring size */ #define ETHERSMALL 60 #define PKT_BUF_SZ 1538 +#define SH_ETH_TSU_TIMEOUT_MS 500 +#define SH_ETH_TSU_CAM_ENTRIES 32 enum { /* E-DMAC registers */ @@ -677,6 +679,10 @@ enum TSU_FWSLC_BIT { TSU_FWSLC_CAMSEL11 = 0x0002, TSU_FWSLC_CAMSEL10 = 0x0001, }; +/* TSU_VTAGn */ +#define TSU_VTAG_ENABLE 0x80000000 +#define TSU_VTAG_VID_MASK 0x00000fff + /* * The sh ether Tx buffer descriptors. * This structure should be 20 bytes. @@ -759,7 +765,6 @@ struct sh_eth_private { struct sh_eth_txdesc *tx_ring; struct sk_buff **rx_skbuff; struct sk_buff **tx_skbuff; - struct net_device_stats stats; struct timer_list timer; spinlock_t lock; u32 cur_rx, dirty_rx; /* Producer/consumer ring indices */ @@ -779,6 +784,8 @@ struct sh_eth_private { char post_rx; /* POST receive */ char post_fw; /* POST forward */ struct net_device_stats tsu_stats; /* TSU forward status */ + int port; /* for TSU */ + int vlan_num_ids; /* for VLAN tag filter */ unsigned no_ether_link:1; unsigned ether_link_active_low:1; @@ -812,6 +819,12 @@ static inline unsigned long sh_eth_read(struct net_device *ndev, return ioread32(mdp->addr + mdp->reg_offset[enum_index]); } +static inline void *sh_eth_tsu_get_offset(struct sh_eth_private *mdp, + int enum_index) +{ + return mdp->tsu_addr + mdp->reg_offset[enum_index]; +} + static inline void sh_eth_tsu_write(struct sh_eth_private *mdp, unsigned long data, int enum_index) { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/s6gmac.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/s6gmac.c index 22e9c0181ce84dca1742c6b563f50491f925dac2..1895605abb3575bbf36d803ebfdc6081a4178f4b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/s6gmac.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/s6gmac.c @@ -370,12 +370,13 @@ struct s6gmac { } link; }; -static void s6gmac_rx_fillfifo(struct s6gmac *pd) +static void s6gmac_rx_fillfifo(struct net_device *dev) { + struct s6gmac *pd = netdev_priv(dev); struct sk_buff *skb; while ((((u8)(pd->rx_skb_i - pd->rx_skb_o)) < S6_NUM_RX_SKB) && (!s6dmac_fifo_full(pd->rx_dma, pd->rx_chan)) && - (skb = dev_alloc_skb(S6_MAX_FRLEN + 2))) { + (skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, S6_MAX_FRLEN + 2))) { pd->rx_skb[(pd->rx_skb_i++) % S6_NUM_RX_SKB] = skb; s6dmac_put_fifo_cache(pd->rx_dma, pd->rx_chan, pd->io, (u32)skb->data, S6_MAX_FRLEN); @@ -514,7 +515,7 @@ static irqreturn_t s6gmac_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) spin_lock(&pd->lock); if (s6dmac_termcnt_irq(pd->rx_dma, pd->rx_chan)) s6gmac_rx_interrupt(dev); - s6gmac_rx_fillfifo(pd); + s6gmac_rx_fillfifo(dev); if (s6dmac_termcnt_irq(pd->tx_dma, pd->tx_chan)) s6gmac_tx_interrupt(dev); s6gmac_stats_interrupt(pd, 0); @@ -894,7 +895,7 @@ static int s6gmac_open(struct net_device *dev) s6gmac_init_device(dev); s6gmac_init_stats(dev); s6gmac_init_dmac(dev); - s6gmac_rx_fillfifo(pd); + s6gmac_rx_fillfifo(dev); s6dmac_enable_chan(pd->rx_dma, pd->rx_chan, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 7, -1, 2, 0, 1); s6dmac_enable_chan(pd->tx_dma, pd->tx_chan, @@ -960,11 +961,11 @@ static int __devinit s6gmac_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) int res; unsigned long i; struct mii_bus *mb; + dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*pd)); - if (!dev) { - printk(KERN_ERR DRV_PRMT "etherdev alloc failed, aborting.\n"); + if (!dev) return -ENOMEM; - } + dev->open = s6gmac_open; dev->stop = s6gmac_stop; dev->hard_start_xmit = s6gmac_tx; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/seeq/ether3.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/seeq/ether3.c index 893c880dadf0f021f05b84d6f9f24b2f36b6b13b..7b819bd8c416e2bd618624dc30ccb53c68722acf 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/seeq/ether3.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/seeq/ether3.c @@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ if (next_ptr < RX_START || next_ptr >= RX_END) { if (next_ptr <= this_ptr) length += RX_END - RX_START; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(length + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, length + 2); if (skb) { unsigned char *buf; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/seeq/seeq8005.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/seeq/seeq8005.c index 60561451789b0ff491ccbfe6a14fd2e5d5295a9a..79899077444620aebe0a04a152f073893b0bde87 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/seeq/seeq8005.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/seeq/seeq8005.c @@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ static void seeq8005_rx(struct net_device *dev) struct sk_buff *skb; unsigned char *buf; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len); if (skb == NULL) { printk("%s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet.\n", dev->name); dev->stats.rx_dropped++; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/seeq/sgiseeq.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/seeq/sgiseeq.c index f955a19eb22f28d39435dde9aab90cdad8381ea8..bb8c8222122b920511f729463a04b97395724c7d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/seeq/sgiseeq.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/seeq/sgiseeq.c @@ -733,7 +733,6 @@ static int __devinit sgiseeq_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof (struct sgiseeq_private)); if (!dev) { - printk(KERN_ERR "Sgiseeq: Etherdev alloc failed, aborting.\n"); err = -ENOMEM; goto err_out; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/Kconfig b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/Kconfig index 5d18841f0f3d5393cb72d132f6a54c08f0a33254..fb3cbc27063cccb5ae821989c516195527e32e65 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/Kconfig @@ -16,6 +16,21 @@ config SFC_MTD depends on SFC && MTD && !(SFC=y && MTD=m) default y ---help--- - This exposes the on-board flash memory as MTD devices (e.g. - /dev/mtd1). This makes it possible to upload new firmware - to the NIC. + This exposes the on-board flash and/or EEPROM as MTD devices + (e.g. /dev/mtd1). This is required to update the firmware or + the boot configuration under Linux. +config SFC_MCDI_MON + bool "Solarflare SFC9000-family hwmon support" + depends on SFC && HWMON && !(SFC=y && HWMON=m) + default y + ----help--- + This exposes the on-board firmware-managed sensors as a + hardware monitor device. +config SFC_SRIOV + bool "Solarflare SFC9000-family SR-IOV support" + depends on SFC && PCI_IOV + default y + ---help--- + This enables support for the SFC9000 I/O Virtualization + features, allowing accelerated network performance in + virtualized environments. diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/Makefile b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/Makefile index ab31c7124db1898ed58460fb7c7593c89498fcac..ea1f8db5731811cbe7c7005931b1c4e4e8db5593 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/Makefile @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ sfc-y += efx.o nic.o falcon.o siena.o tx.o rx.o filter.o \ falcon_xmac.o mcdi_mac.o \ selftest.o ethtool.o qt202x_phy.o mdio_10g.o \ tenxpress.o txc43128_phy.o falcon_boards.o \ - mcdi.o mcdi_phy.o + mcdi.o mcdi_phy.o mcdi_mon.o sfc-$(CONFIG_SFC_MTD) += mtd.o +sfc-$(CONFIG_SFC_SRIOV) += siena_sriov.o obj-$(CONFIG_SFC) += sfc.o diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/bitfield.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/bitfield.h index 098ac2ad757d717aec1b04aa3ee8bec9f35e12f7..b26a954c27fcba84764e4c4310e5dcb91dd17a61 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/bitfield.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/bitfield.h @@ -448,40 +448,40 @@ typedef union efx_oword { EFX_INSERT32(min, max, low, high, EFX_MASK32(high + 1 - low)) #define EFX_SET_OWORD64(oword, low, high, value) do { \ - (oword).u64[0] = (((oword).u64[0] \ + (oword).u64[0] = (((oword).u64[0] \ & ~EFX_INPLACE_MASK64(0, 63, low, high)) \ | EFX_INSERT64(0, 63, low, high, value)); \ - (oword).u64[1] = (((oword).u64[1] \ + (oword).u64[1] = (((oword).u64[1] \ & ~EFX_INPLACE_MASK64(64, 127, low, high)) \ | EFX_INSERT64(64, 127, low, high, value)); \ } while (0) #define EFX_SET_QWORD64(qword, low, high, value) do { \ - (qword).u64[0] = (((qword).u64[0] \ + (qword).u64[0] = (((qword).u64[0] \ & ~EFX_INPLACE_MASK64(0, 63, low, high)) \ | EFX_INSERT64(0, 63, low, high, value)); \ } while (0) #define EFX_SET_OWORD32(oword, low, high, value) do { \ - (oword).u32[0] = (((oword).u32[0] \ + (oword).u32[0] = (((oword).u32[0] \ & ~EFX_INPLACE_MASK32(0, 31, low, high)) \ | EFX_INSERT32(0, 31, low, high, value)); \ - (oword).u32[1] = (((oword).u32[1] \ + (oword).u32[1] = (((oword).u32[1] \ & ~EFX_INPLACE_MASK32(32, 63, low, high)) \ | EFX_INSERT32(32, 63, low, high, value)); \ - (oword).u32[2] = (((oword).u32[2] \ + (oword).u32[2] = (((oword).u32[2] \ & ~EFX_INPLACE_MASK32(64, 95, low, high)) \ | EFX_INSERT32(64, 95, low, high, value)); \ - (oword).u32[3] = (((oword).u32[3] \ + (oword).u32[3] = (((oword).u32[3] \ & ~EFX_INPLACE_MASK32(96, 127, low, high)) \ | EFX_INSERT32(96, 127, low, high, value)); \ } while (0) #define EFX_SET_QWORD32(qword, low, high, value) do { \ - (qword).u32[0] = (((qword).u32[0] \ + (qword).u32[0] = (((qword).u32[0] \ & ~EFX_INPLACE_MASK32(0, 31, low, high)) \ | EFX_INSERT32(0, 31, low, high, value)); \ - (qword).u32[1] = (((qword).u32[1] \ + (qword).u32[1] = (((qword).u32[1] \ & ~EFX_INPLACE_MASK32(32, 63, low, high)) \ | EFX_INSERT32(32, 63, low, high, value)); \ } while (0) @@ -531,8 +531,8 @@ typedef union efx_oword { /* Static initialiser */ -#define EFX_OWORD32(a, b, c, d) \ - { .u32 = { cpu_to_le32(a), cpu_to_le32(b), \ +#define EFX_OWORD32(a, b, c, d) \ + { .u32 = { cpu_to_le32(a), cpu_to_le32(b), \ cpu_to_le32(c), cpu_to_le32(d) } } #endif /* EFX_BITFIELD_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/efx.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/efx.c index e43702f33b62932ace48dd4c613f34c497c20944..3cbfbffe3f006b00d598c57b5b46fa977248f2ad 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/efx.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/efx.c @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ #include "net_driver.h" #include "efx.h" #include "nic.h" +#include "selftest.h" #include "mcdi.h" #include "workarounds.h" @@ -38,15 +39,15 @@ /* Loopback mode names (see LOOPBACK_MODE()) */ const unsigned int efx_loopback_mode_max = LOOPBACK_MAX; -const char *efx_loopback_mode_names[] = { +const char *const efx_loopback_mode_names[] = { [LOOPBACK_NONE] = "NONE", [LOOPBACK_DATA] = "DATAPATH", [LOOPBACK_GMAC] = "GMAC", [LOOPBACK_XGMII] = "XGMII", [LOOPBACK_XGXS] = "XGXS", - [LOOPBACK_XAUI] = "XAUI", - [LOOPBACK_GMII] = "GMII", - [LOOPBACK_SGMII] = "SGMII", + [LOOPBACK_XAUI] = "XAUI", + [LOOPBACK_GMII] = "GMII", + [LOOPBACK_SGMII] = "SGMII", [LOOPBACK_XGBR] = "XGBR", [LOOPBACK_XFI] = "XFI", [LOOPBACK_XAUI_FAR] = "XAUI_FAR", @@ -55,21 +56,21 @@ const char *efx_loopback_mode_names[] = { [LOOPBACK_XFI_FAR] = "XFI_FAR", [LOOPBACK_GPHY] = "GPHY", [LOOPBACK_PHYXS] = "PHYXS", - [LOOPBACK_PCS] = "PCS", - [LOOPBACK_PMAPMD] = "PMA/PMD", + [LOOPBACK_PCS] = "PCS", + [LOOPBACK_PMAPMD] = "PMA/PMD", [LOOPBACK_XPORT] = "XPORT", [LOOPBACK_XGMII_WS] = "XGMII_WS", - [LOOPBACK_XAUI_WS] = "XAUI_WS", + [LOOPBACK_XAUI_WS] = "XAUI_WS", [LOOPBACK_XAUI_WS_FAR] = "XAUI_WS_FAR", [LOOPBACK_XAUI_WS_NEAR] = "XAUI_WS_NEAR", - [LOOPBACK_GMII_WS] = "GMII_WS", + [LOOPBACK_GMII_WS] = "GMII_WS", [LOOPBACK_XFI_WS] = "XFI_WS", [LOOPBACK_XFI_WS_FAR] = "XFI_WS_FAR", - [LOOPBACK_PHYXS_WS] = "PHYXS_WS", + [LOOPBACK_PHYXS_WS] = "PHYXS_WS", }; const unsigned int efx_reset_type_max = RESET_TYPE_MAX; -const char *efx_reset_type_names[] = { +const char *const efx_reset_type_names[] = { [RESET_TYPE_INVISIBLE] = "INVISIBLE", [RESET_TYPE_ALL] = "ALL", [RESET_TYPE_WORLD] = "WORLD", @@ -122,15 +123,6 @@ static int napi_weight = 64; */ static unsigned int efx_monitor_interval = 1 * HZ; -/* This controls whether or not the driver will initialise devices - * with invalid MAC addresses stored in the EEPROM or flash. If true, - * such devices will be initialised with a random locally-generated - * MAC address. This allows for loading the sfc_mtd driver to - * reprogram the flash, even if the flash contents (including the MAC - * address) have previously been erased. - */ -static unsigned int allow_bad_hwaddr; - /* Initial interrupt moderation settings. They can be modified after * module load with ethtool. * @@ -162,7 +154,7 @@ static unsigned int interrupt_mode; * interrupt handling. * * Cards without MSI-X will only target one CPU via legacy or MSI interrupt. - * The default (0) means to assign an interrupt to each package (level II cache) + * The default (0) means to assign an interrupt to each core. */ static unsigned int rss_cpus; module_param(rss_cpus, uint, 0444); @@ -172,12 +164,12 @@ static int phy_flash_cfg; module_param(phy_flash_cfg, int, 0644); MODULE_PARM_DESC(phy_flash_cfg, "Set PHYs into reflash mode initially"); -static unsigned irq_adapt_low_thresh = 10000; +static unsigned irq_adapt_low_thresh = 8000; module_param(irq_adapt_low_thresh, uint, 0644); MODULE_PARM_DESC(irq_adapt_low_thresh, "Threshold score for reducing IRQ moderation"); -static unsigned irq_adapt_high_thresh = 20000; +static unsigned irq_adapt_high_thresh = 16000; module_param(irq_adapt_high_thresh, uint, 0644); MODULE_PARM_DESC(irq_adapt_high_thresh, "Threshold score for increasing IRQ moderation"); @@ -195,9 +187,13 @@ MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "Bitmapped debugging message enable value"); * *************************************************************************/ +static void efx_start_interrupts(struct efx_nic *efx, bool may_keep_eventq); +static void efx_stop_interrupts(struct efx_nic *efx, bool may_keep_eventq); +static void efx_remove_channel(struct efx_channel *channel); static void efx_remove_channels(struct efx_nic *efx); +static const struct efx_channel_type efx_default_channel_type; static void efx_remove_port(struct efx_nic *efx); -static void efx_init_napi(struct efx_nic *efx); +static void efx_init_napi_channel(struct efx_channel *channel); static void efx_fini_napi(struct efx_nic *efx); static void efx_fini_napi_channel(struct efx_channel *channel); static void efx_fini_struct(struct efx_nic *efx); @@ -226,27 +222,27 @@ static void efx_stop_all(struct efx_nic *efx); */ static int efx_process_channel(struct efx_channel *channel, int budget) { - struct efx_nic *efx = channel->efx; int spent; - if (unlikely(efx->reset_pending || !channel->enabled)) + if (unlikely(!channel->enabled)) return 0; spent = efx_nic_process_eventq(channel, budget); - if (spent == 0) - return 0; - - /* Deliver last RX packet. */ - if (channel->rx_pkt) { - __efx_rx_packet(channel, channel->rx_pkt, - channel->rx_pkt_csummed); - channel->rx_pkt = NULL; + if (spent && efx_channel_has_rx_queue(channel)) { + struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue = + efx_channel_get_rx_queue(channel); + + /* Deliver last RX packet. */ + if (channel->rx_pkt) { + __efx_rx_packet(channel, channel->rx_pkt); + channel->rx_pkt = NULL; + } + if (rx_queue->enabled) { + efx_rx_strategy(channel); + efx_fast_push_rx_descriptors(rx_queue); + } } - efx_rx_strategy(channel); - - efx_fast_push_rx_descriptors(efx_channel_get_rx_queue(channel)); - return spent; } @@ -286,7 +282,7 @@ static int efx_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) spent = efx_process_channel(channel, budget); if (spent < budget) { - if (channel->channel < efx->n_rx_channels && + if (efx_channel_has_rx_queue(channel) && efx->irq_rx_adaptive && unlikely(++channel->irq_count == 1000)) { if (unlikely(channel->irq_mod_score < @@ -373,7 +369,7 @@ static int efx_probe_eventq(struct efx_channel *channel) struct efx_nic *efx = channel->efx; unsigned long entries; - netif_dbg(channel->efx, probe, channel->efx->net_dev, + netif_dbg(efx, probe, efx->net_dev, "chan %d create event queue\n", channel->channel); /* Build an event queue with room for one event per tx and rx buffer, @@ -396,6 +392,34 @@ static void efx_init_eventq(struct efx_channel *channel) efx_nic_init_eventq(channel); } +/* Enable event queue processing and NAPI */ +static void efx_start_eventq(struct efx_channel *channel) +{ + netif_dbg(channel->efx, ifup, channel->efx->net_dev, + "chan %d start event queue\n", channel->channel); + + /* The interrupt handler for this channel may set work_pending + * as soon as we enable it. Make sure it's cleared before + * then. Similarly, make sure it sees the enabled flag set. + */ + channel->work_pending = false; + channel->enabled = true; + smp_wmb(); + + napi_enable(&channel->napi_str); + efx_nic_eventq_read_ack(channel); +} + +/* Disable event queue processing and NAPI */ +static void efx_stop_eventq(struct efx_channel *channel) +{ + if (!channel->enabled) + return; + + napi_disable(&channel->napi_str); + channel->enabled = false; +} + static void efx_fini_eventq(struct efx_channel *channel) { netif_dbg(channel->efx, drv, channel->efx->net_dev, @@ -418,8 +442,7 @@ static void efx_remove_eventq(struct efx_channel *channel) * *************************************************************************/ -/* Allocate and initialise a channel structure, optionally copying - * parameters (but not resources) from an old channel structure. */ +/* Allocate and initialise a channel structure. */ static struct efx_channel * efx_alloc_channel(struct efx_nic *efx, int i, struct efx_channel *old_channel) { @@ -428,45 +451,60 @@ efx_alloc_channel(struct efx_nic *efx, int i, struct efx_channel *old_channel) struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue; int j; - if (old_channel) { - channel = kmalloc(sizeof(*channel), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!channel) - return NULL; + channel = kzalloc(sizeof(*channel), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!channel) + return NULL; - *channel = *old_channel; + channel->efx = efx; + channel->channel = i; + channel->type = &efx_default_channel_type; - channel->napi_dev = NULL; - memset(&channel->eventq, 0, sizeof(channel->eventq)); + for (j = 0; j < EFX_TXQ_TYPES; j++) { + tx_queue = &channel->tx_queue[j]; + tx_queue->efx = efx; + tx_queue->queue = i * EFX_TXQ_TYPES + j; + tx_queue->channel = channel; + } - rx_queue = &channel->rx_queue; - rx_queue->buffer = NULL; - memset(&rx_queue->rxd, 0, sizeof(rx_queue->rxd)); + rx_queue = &channel->rx_queue; + rx_queue->efx = efx; + setup_timer(&rx_queue->slow_fill, efx_rx_slow_fill, + (unsigned long)rx_queue); - for (j = 0; j < EFX_TXQ_TYPES; j++) { - tx_queue = &channel->tx_queue[j]; - if (tx_queue->channel) - tx_queue->channel = channel; - tx_queue->buffer = NULL; - memset(&tx_queue->txd, 0, sizeof(tx_queue->txd)); - } - } else { - channel = kzalloc(sizeof(*channel), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!channel) - return NULL; + return channel; +} - channel->efx = efx; - channel->channel = i; +/* Allocate and initialise a channel structure, copying parameters + * (but not resources) from an old channel structure. + */ +static struct efx_channel * +efx_copy_channel(const struct efx_channel *old_channel) +{ + struct efx_channel *channel; + struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue; + struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue; + int j; + + channel = kmalloc(sizeof(*channel), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!channel) + return NULL; - for (j = 0; j < EFX_TXQ_TYPES; j++) { - tx_queue = &channel->tx_queue[j]; - tx_queue->efx = efx; - tx_queue->queue = i * EFX_TXQ_TYPES + j; + *channel = *old_channel; + + channel->napi_dev = NULL; + memset(&channel->eventq, 0, sizeof(channel->eventq)); + + for (j = 0; j < EFX_TXQ_TYPES; j++) { + tx_queue = &channel->tx_queue[j]; + if (tx_queue->channel) tx_queue->channel = channel; - } + tx_queue->buffer = NULL; + memset(&tx_queue->txd, 0, sizeof(tx_queue->txd)); } rx_queue = &channel->rx_queue; - rx_queue->efx = efx; + rx_queue->buffer = NULL; + memset(&rx_queue->rxd, 0, sizeof(rx_queue->rxd)); setup_timer(&rx_queue->slow_fill, efx_rx_slow_fill, (unsigned long)rx_queue); @@ -482,57 +520,62 @@ static int efx_probe_channel(struct efx_channel *channel) netif_dbg(channel->efx, probe, channel->efx->net_dev, "creating channel %d\n", channel->channel); + rc = channel->type->pre_probe(channel); + if (rc) + goto fail; + rc = efx_probe_eventq(channel); if (rc) - goto fail1; + goto fail; efx_for_each_channel_tx_queue(tx_queue, channel) { rc = efx_probe_tx_queue(tx_queue); if (rc) - goto fail2; + goto fail; } efx_for_each_channel_rx_queue(rx_queue, channel) { rc = efx_probe_rx_queue(rx_queue); if (rc) - goto fail3; + goto fail; } channel->n_rx_frm_trunc = 0; return 0; - fail3: - efx_for_each_channel_rx_queue(rx_queue, channel) - efx_remove_rx_queue(rx_queue); - fail2: - efx_for_each_channel_tx_queue(tx_queue, channel) - efx_remove_tx_queue(tx_queue); - fail1: +fail: + efx_remove_channel(channel); return rc; } +static void +efx_get_channel_name(struct efx_channel *channel, char *buf, size_t len) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = channel->efx; + const char *type; + int number; + + number = channel->channel; + if (efx->tx_channel_offset == 0) { + type = ""; + } else if (channel->channel < efx->tx_channel_offset) { + type = "-rx"; + } else { + type = "-tx"; + number -= efx->tx_channel_offset; + } + snprintf(buf, len, "%s%s-%d", efx->name, type, number); +} static void efx_set_channel_names(struct efx_nic *efx) { struct efx_channel *channel; - const char *type = ""; - int number; - efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { - number = channel->channel; - if (efx->n_channels > efx->n_rx_channels) { - if (channel->channel < efx->n_rx_channels) { - type = "-rx"; - } else { - type = "-tx"; - number -= efx->n_rx_channels; - } - } - snprintf(efx->channel_name[channel->channel], - sizeof(efx->channel_name[0]), - "%s%s-%d", efx->name, type, number); - } + efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) + channel->type->get_name(channel, + efx->channel_name[channel->channel], + sizeof(efx->channel_name[0])); } static int efx_probe_channels(struct efx_nic *efx) @@ -543,7 +586,12 @@ static int efx_probe_channels(struct efx_nic *efx) /* Restart special buffer allocation */ efx->next_buffer_table = 0; - efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { + /* Probe channels in reverse, so that any 'extra' channels + * use the start of the buffer table. This allows the traffic + * channels to be resized without moving them or wasting the + * entries before them. + */ + efx_for_each_channel_rev(channel, efx) { rc = efx_probe_channel(channel); if (rc) { netif_err(efx, probe, efx->net_dev, @@ -565,7 +613,7 @@ static int efx_probe_channels(struct efx_nic *efx) * to propagate configuration changes (mtu, checksum offload), or * to clear hardware error conditions */ -static void efx_init_channels(struct efx_nic *efx) +static void efx_start_datapath(struct efx_nic *efx) { struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue; struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue; @@ -584,68 +632,26 @@ static void efx_init_channels(struct efx_nic *efx) /* Initialise the channels */ efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { - netif_dbg(channel->efx, drv, channel->efx->net_dev, - "init chan %d\n", channel->channel); - - efx_init_eventq(channel); - efx_for_each_channel_tx_queue(tx_queue, channel) efx_init_tx_queue(tx_queue); /* The rx buffer allocation strategy is MTU dependent */ efx_rx_strategy(channel); - efx_for_each_channel_rx_queue(rx_queue, channel) + efx_for_each_channel_rx_queue(rx_queue, channel) { efx_init_rx_queue(rx_queue); + efx_nic_generate_fill_event(rx_queue); + } WARN_ON(channel->rx_pkt != NULL); efx_rx_strategy(channel); } -} - -/* This enables event queue processing and packet transmission. - * - * Note that this function is not allowed to fail, since that would - * introduce too much complexity into the suspend/resume path. - */ -static void efx_start_channel(struct efx_channel *channel) -{ - struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue; - - netif_dbg(channel->efx, ifup, channel->efx->net_dev, - "starting chan %d\n", channel->channel); - - /* The interrupt handler for this channel may set work_pending - * as soon as we enable it. Make sure it's cleared before - * then. Similarly, make sure it sees the enabled flag set. */ - channel->work_pending = false; - channel->enabled = true; - smp_wmb(); - /* Fill the queues before enabling NAPI */ - efx_for_each_channel_rx_queue(rx_queue, channel) - efx_fast_push_rx_descriptors(rx_queue); - - napi_enable(&channel->napi_str); -} - -/* This disables event queue processing and packet transmission. - * This function does not guarantee that all queue processing - * (e.g. RX refill) is complete. - */ -static void efx_stop_channel(struct efx_channel *channel) -{ - if (!channel->enabled) - return; - - netif_dbg(channel->efx, ifdown, channel->efx->net_dev, - "stop chan %d\n", channel->channel); - - channel->enabled = false; - napi_disable(&channel->napi_str); + if (netif_device_present(efx->net_dev)) + netif_tx_wake_all_queues(efx->net_dev); } -static void efx_fini_channels(struct efx_nic *efx) +static void efx_stop_datapath(struct efx_nic *efx) { struct efx_channel *channel; struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue; @@ -672,14 +678,21 @@ static void efx_fini_channels(struct efx_nic *efx) } efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { - netif_dbg(channel->efx, drv, channel->efx->net_dev, - "shut down chan %d\n", channel->channel); + /* RX packet processing is pipelined, so wait for the + * NAPI handler to complete. At least event queue 0 + * might be kept active by non-data events, so don't + * use napi_synchronize() but actually disable NAPI + * temporarily. + */ + if (efx_channel_has_rx_queue(channel)) { + efx_stop_eventq(channel); + efx_start_eventq(channel); + } efx_for_each_channel_rx_queue(rx_queue, channel) efx_fini_rx_queue(rx_queue); efx_for_each_possible_channel_tx_queue(tx_queue, channel) efx_fini_tx_queue(tx_queue); - efx_fini_eventq(channel); } } @@ -711,16 +724,40 @@ efx_realloc_channels(struct efx_nic *efx, u32 rxq_entries, u32 txq_entries) { struct efx_channel *other_channel[EFX_MAX_CHANNELS], *channel; u32 old_rxq_entries, old_txq_entries; - unsigned i; - int rc; + unsigned i, next_buffer_table = 0; + int rc = 0; + + /* Not all channels should be reallocated. We must avoid + * reallocating their buffer table entries. + */ + efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { + struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue; + struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue; + + if (channel->type->copy) + continue; + next_buffer_table = max(next_buffer_table, + channel->eventq.index + + channel->eventq.entries); + efx_for_each_channel_rx_queue(rx_queue, channel) + next_buffer_table = max(next_buffer_table, + rx_queue->rxd.index + + rx_queue->rxd.entries); + efx_for_each_channel_tx_queue(tx_queue, channel) + next_buffer_table = max(next_buffer_table, + tx_queue->txd.index + + tx_queue->txd.entries); + } efx_stop_all(efx); - efx_fini_channels(efx); + efx_stop_interrupts(efx, true); - /* Clone channels */ + /* Clone channels (where possible) */ memset(other_channel, 0, sizeof(other_channel)); for (i = 0; i < efx->n_channels; i++) { - channel = efx_alloc_channel(efx, i, efx->channel[i]); + channel = efx->channel[i]; + if (channel->type->copy) + channel = channel->type->copy(channel); if (!channel) { rc = -ENOMEM; goto out; @@ -739,23 +776,31 @@ efx_realloc_channels(struct efx_nic *efx, u32 rxq_entries, u32 txq_entries) other_channel[i] = channel; } - rc = efx_probe_channels(efx); - if (rc) - goto rollback; - - efx_init_napi(efx); + /* Restart buffer table allocation */ + efx->next_buffer_table = next_buffer_table; - /* Destroy old channels */ for (i = 0; i < efx->n_channels; i++) { - efx_fini_napi_channel(other_channel[i]); - efx_remove_channel(other_channel[i]); + channel = efx->channel[i]; + if (!channel->type->copy) + continue; + rc = efx_probe_channel(channel); + if (rc) + goto rollback; + efx_init_napi_channel(efx->channel[i]); } + out: - /* Free unused channel structures */ - for (i = 0; i < efx->n_channels; i++) - kfree(other_channel[i]); + /* Destroy unused channel structures */ + for (i = 0; i < efx->n_channels; i++) { + channel = other_channel[i]; + if (channel && channel->type->copy) { + efx_fini_napi_channel(channel); + efx_remove_channel(channel); + kfree(channel); + } + } - efx_init_channels(efx); + efx_start_interrupts(efx, true); efx_start_all(efx); return rc; @@ -776,6 +821,18 @@ void efx_schedule_slow_fill(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue) mod_timer(&rx_queue->slow_fill, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(100)); } +static const struct efx_channel_type efx_default_channel_type = { + .pre_probe = efx_channel_dummy_op_int, + .get_name = efx_get_channel_name, + .copy = efx_copy_channel, + .keep_eventq = false, +}; + +int efx_channel_dummy_op_int(struct efx_channel *channel) +{ + return 0; +} + /************************************************************************** * * Port handling @@ -807,16 +864,14 @@ void efx_link_status_changed(struct efx_nic *efx) } /* Status message for kernel log */ - if (link_state->up) { + if (link_state->up) netif_info(efx, link, efx->net_dev, "link up at %uMbps %s-duplex (MTU %d)%s\n", link_state->speed, link_state->fd ? "full" : "half", efx->net_dev->mtu, (efx->promiscuous ? " [PROMISC]" : "")); - } else { + else netif_info(efx, link, efx->net_dev, "link down\n"); - } - } void efx_link_set_advertising(struct efx_nic *efx, u32 advertising) @@ -863,11 +918,9 @@ int __efx_reconfigure_port(struct efx_nic *efx) WARN_ON(!mutex_is_locked(&efx->mac_lock)); - /* Serialise the promiscuous flag with efx_set_multicast_list. */ - if (efx_dev_registered(efx)) { - netif_addr_lock_bh(efx->net_dev); - netif_addr_unlock_bh(efx->net_dev); - } + /* Serialise the promiscuous flag with efx_set_rx_mode. */ + netif_addr_lock_bh(efx->net_dev); + netif_addr_unlock_bh(efx->net_dev); /* Disable PHY transmit in mac level loopbacks */ phy_mode = efx->phy_mode; @@ -907,16 +960,13 @@ static void efx_mac_work(struct work_struct *data) struct efx_nic *efx = container_of(data, struct efx_nic, mac_work); mutex_lock(&efx->mac_lock); - if (efx->port_enabled) { - efx->type->push_multicast_hash(efx); - efx->mac_op->reconfigure(efx); - } + if (efx->port_enabled) + efx->type->reconfigure_mac(efx); mutex_unlock(&efx->mac_lock); } static int efx_probe_port(struct efx_nic *efx) { - unsigned char *perm_addr; int rc; netif_dbg(efx, probe, efx->net_dev, "create port\n"); @@ -929,28 +979,10 @@ static int efx_probe_port(struct efx_nic *efx) if (rc) return rc; - /* Sanity check MAC address */ - perm_addr = efx->net_dev->perm_addr; - if (is_valid_ether_addr(perm_addr)) { - memcpy(efx->net_dev->dev_addr, perm_addr, ETH_ALEN); - } else { - netif_err(efx, probe, efx->net_dev, "invalid MAC address %pM\n", - perm_addr); - if (!allow_bad_hwaddr) { - rc = -EINVAL; - goto err; - } - random_ether_addr(efx->net_dev->dev_addr); - netif_info(efx, probe, efx->net_dev, - "using locally-generated MAC %pM\n", - efx->net_dev->dev_addr); - } + /* Initialise MAC address to permanent address */ + memcpy(efx->net_dev->dev_addr, efx->net_dev->perm_addr, ETH_ALEN); return 0; - - err: - efx->type->remove_port(efx); - return rc; } static int efx_init_port(struct efx_nic *efx) @@ -969,7 +1001,7 @@ static int efx_init_port(struct efx_nic *efx) /* Reconfigure the MAC before creating dma queues (required for * Falcon/A1 where RX_INGR_EN/TX_DRAIN_EN isn't supported) */ - efx->mac_op->reconfigure(efx); + efx->type->reconfigure_mac(efx); /* Ensure the PHY advertises the correct flow control settings */ rc = efx->phy_op->reconfigure(efx); @@ -996,8 +1028,7 @@ static void efx_start_port(struct efx_nic *efx) /* efx_mac_work() might have been scheduled after efx_stop_port(), * and then cancelled by efx_flush_all() */ - efx->type->push_multicast_hash(efx); - efx->mac_op->reconfigure(efx); + efx->type->reconfigure_mac(efx); mutex_unlock(&efx->mac_lock); } @@ -1012,10 +1043,8 @@ static void efx_stop_port(struct efx_nic *efx) mutex_unlock(&efx->mac_lock); /* Serialise against efx_set_multicast_list() */ - if (efx_dev_registered(efx)) { - netif_addr_lock_bh(efx->net_dev); - netif_addr_unlock_bh(efx->net_dev); - } + netif_addr_lock_bh(efx->net_dev); + netif_addr_unlock_bh(efx->net_dev); } static void efx_fini_port(struct efx_nic *efx) @@ -1069,9 +1098,11 @@ static int efx_init_io(struct efx_nic *efx) * masks event though they reject 46 bit masks. */ while (dma_mask > 0x7fffffffUL) { - if (pci_dma_supported(pci_dev, dma_mask) && - ((rc = pci_set_dma_mask(pci_dev, dma_mask)) == 0)) - break; + if (pci_dma_supported(pci_dev, dma_mask)) { + rc = pci_set_dma_mask(pci_dev, dma_mask); + if (rc == 0) + break; + } dma_mask >>= 1; } if (rc) { @@ -1144,33 +1175,46 @@ static void efx_fini_io(struct efx_nic *efx) pci_disable_device(efx->pci_dev); } -/* Get number of channels wanted. Each channel will have its own IRQ, - * 1 RX queue and/or 2 TX queues. */ -static int efx_wanted_channels(void) +static unsigned int efx_wanted_parallelism(struct efx_nic *efx) { - cpumask_var_t core_mask; - int count; + cpumask_var_t thread_mask; + unsigned int count; int cpu; - if (rss_cpus) - return rss_cpus; + if (rss_cpus) { + count = rss_cpus; + } else { + if (unlikely(!zalloc_cpumask_var(&thread_mask, GFP_KERNEL))) { + netif_warn(efx, probe, efx->net_dev, + "RSS disabled due to allocation failure\n"); + return 1; + } + + count = 0; + for_each_online_cpu(cpu) { + if (!cpumask_test_cpu(cpu, thread_mask)) { + ++count; + cpumask_or(thread_mask, thread_mask, + topology_thread_cpumask(cpu)); + } + } - if (unlikely(!zalloc_cpumask_var(&core_mask, GFP_KERNEL))) { - printk(KERN_WARNING - "sfc: RSS disabled due to allocation failure\n"); - return 1; + free_cpumask_var(thread_mask); } - count = 0; - for_each_online_cpu(cpu) { - if (!cpumask_test_cpu(cpu, core_mask)) { - ++count; - cpumask_or(core_mask, core_mask, - topology_core_cpumask(cpu)); - } + /* If RSS is requested for the PF *and* VFs then we can't write RSS + * table entries that are inaccessible to VFs + */ + if (efx_sriov_wanted(efx) && efx_vf_size(efx) > 1 && + count > efx_vf_size(efx)) { + netif_warn(efx, probe, efx->net_dev, + "Reducing number of RSS channels from %u to %u for " + "VF support. Increase vf-msix-limit to use more " + "channels on the PF.\n", + count, efx_vf_size(efx)); + count = efx_vf_size(efx); } - free_cpumask_var(core_mask); return count; } @@ -1178,7 +1222,8 @@ static int efx_init_rx_cpu_rmap(struct efx_nic *efx, struct msix_entry *xentries) { #ifdef CONFIG_RFS_ACCEL - int i, rc; + unsigned int i; + int rc; efx->net_dev->rx_cpu_rmap = alloc_irq_cpu_rmap(efx->n_rx_channels); if (!efx->net_dev->rx_cpu_rmap) @@ -1201,17 +1246,24 @@ efx_init_rx_cpu_rmap(struct efx_nic *efx, struct msix_entry *xentries) */ static int efx_probe_interrupts(struct efx_nic *efx) { - int max_channels = - min_t(int, efx->type->phys_addr_channels, EFX_MAX_CHANNELS); - int rc, i; + unsigned int max_channels = + min(efx->type->phys_addr_channels, EFX_MAX_CHANNELS); + unsigned int extra_channels = 0; + unsigned int i, j; + int rc; + + for (i = 0; i < EFX_MAX_EXTRA_CHANNELS; i++) + if (efx->extra_channel_type[i]) + ++extra_channels; if (efx->interrupt_mode == EFX_INT_MODE_MSIX) { struct msix_entry xentries[EFX_MAX_CHANNELS]; - int n_channels; + unsigned int n_channels; - n_channels = efx_wanted_channels(); + n_channels = efx_wanted_parallelism(efx); if (separate_tx_channels) n_channels *= 2; + n_channels += extra_channels; n_channels = min(n_channels, max_channels); for (i = 0; i < n_channels; i++) @@ -1220,7 +1272,7 @@ static int efx_probe_interrupts(struct efx_nic *efx) if (rc > 0) { netif_err(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, "WARNING: Insufficient MSI-X vectors" - " available (%d < %d).\n", rc, n_channels); + " available (%d < %u).\n", rc, n_channels); netif_err(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, "WARNING: Performance may be reduced.\n"); EFX_BUG_ON_PARANOID(rc >= n_channels); @@ -1231,22 +1283,23 @@ static int efx_probe_interrupts(struct efx_nic *efx) if (rc == 0) { efx->n_channels = n_channels; + if (n_channels > extra_channels) + n_channels -= extra_channels; if (separate_tx_channels) { - efx->n_tx_channels = - max(efx->n_channels / 2, 1U); - efx->n_rx_channels = - max(efx->n_channels - - efx->n_tx_channels, 1U); + efx->n_tx_channels = max(n_channels / 2, 1U); + efx->n_rx_channels = max(n_channels - + efx->n_tx_channels, + 1U); } else { - efx->n_tx_channels = efx->n_channels; - efx->n_rx_channels = efx->n_channels; + efx->n_tx_channels = n_channels; + efx->n_rx_channels = n_channels; } rc = efx_init_rx_cpu_rmap(efx, xentries); if (rc) { pci_disable_msix(efx->pci_dev); return rc; } - for (i = 0; i < n_channels; i++) + for (i = 0; i < efx->n_channels; i++) efx_get_channel(efx, i)->irq = xentries[i].vector; } else { @@ -1280,9 +1333,68 @@ static int efx_probe_interrupts(struct efx_nic *efx) efx->legacy_irq = efx->pci_dev->irq; } + /* Assign extra channels if possible */ + j = efx->n_channels; + for (i = 0; i < EFX_MAX_EXTRA_CHANNELS; i++) { + if (!efx->extra_channel_type[i]) + continue; + if (efx->interrupt_mode != EFX_INT_MODE_MSIX || + efx->n_channels <= extra_channels) { + efx->extra_channel_type[i]->handle_no_channel(efx); + } else { + --j; + efx_get_channel(efx, j)->type = + efx->extra_channel_type[i]; + } + } + + /* RSS might be usable on VFs even if it is disabled on the PF */ + efx->rss_spread = (efx->n_rx_channels > 1 ? + efx->n_rx_channels : efx_vf_size(efx)); + return 0; } +/* Enable interrupts, then probe and start the event queues */ +static void efx_start_interrupts(struct efx_nic *efx, bool may_keep_eventq) +{ + struct efx_channel *channel; + + if (efx->legacy_irq) + efx->legacy_irq_enabled = true; + efx_nic_enable_interrupts(efx); + + efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { + if (!channel->type->keep_eventq || !may_keep_eventq) + efx_init_eventq(channel); + efx_start_eventq(channel); + } + + efx_mcdi_mode_event(efx); +} + +static void efx_stop_interrupts(struct efx_nic *efx, bool may_keep_eventq) +{ + struct efx_channel *channel; + + efx_mcdi_mode_poll(efx); + + efx_nic_disable_interrupts(efx); + if (efx->legacy_irq) { + synchronize_irq(efx->legacy_irq); + efx->legacy_irq_enabled = false; + } + + efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { + if (channel->irq) + synchronize_irq(channel->irq); + + efx_stop_eventq(channel); + if (!channel->type->keep_eventq || !may_keep_eventq) + efx_fini_eventq(channel); + } +} + static void efx_remove_interrupts(struct efx_nic *efx) { struct efx_channel *channel; @@ -1333,11 +1445,13 @@ static int efx_probe_nic(struct efx_nic *efx) if (rc) goto fail; + efx->type->dimension_resources(efx); + if (efx->n_channels > 1) get_random_bytes(&efx->rx_hash_key, sizeof(efx->rx_hash_key)); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(efx->rx_indir_table); i++) efx->rx_indir_table[i] = - ethtool_rxfh_indir_default(i, efx->n_rx_channels); + ethtool_rxfh_indir_default(i, efx->rss_spread); efx_set_channels(efx); netif_set_real_num_tx_queues(efx->net_dev, efx->n_tx_channels); @@ -1385,21 +1499,22 @@ static int efx_probe_all(struct efx_nic *efx) } efx->rxq_entries = efx->txq_entries = EFX_DEFAULT_DMAQ_SIZE; - rc = efx_probe_channels(efx); - if (rc) - goto fail3; rc = efx_probe_filters(efx); if (rc) { netif_err(efx, probe, efx->net_dev, "failed to create filter tables\n"); - goto fail4; + goto fail3; } + rc = efx_probe_channels(efx); + if (rc) + goto fail4; + return 0; fail4: - efx_remove_channels(efx); + efx_remove_filters(efx); fail3: efx_remove_port(efx); fail2: @@ -1408,15 +1523,13 @@ static int efx_probe_all(struct efx_nic *efx) return rc; } -/* Called after previous invocation(s) of efx_stop_all, restarts the - * port, kernel transmit queue, NAPI processing and hardware interrupts, - * and ensures that the port is scheduled to be reconfigured. - * This function is safe to call multiple times when the NIC is in any - * state. */ +/* Called after previous invocation(s) of efx_stop_all, restarts the port, + * kernel transmit queues and NAPI processing, and ensures that the port is + * scheduled to be reconfigured. This function is safe to call multiple + * times when the NIC is in any state. + */ static void efx_start_all(struct efx_nic *efx) { - struct efx_channel *channel; - EFX_ASSERT_RESET_SERIALISED(efx); /* Check that it is appropriate to restart the interface. All @@ -1425,31 +1538,11 @@ static void efx_start_all(struct efx_nic *efx) return; if ((efx->state != STATE_RUNNING) && (efx->state != STATE_INIT)) return; - if (efx_dev_registered(efx) && !netif_running(efx->net_dev)) + if (!netif_running(efx->net_dev)) return; - /* Mark the port as enabled so port reconfigurations can start, then - * restart the transmit interface early so the watchdog timer stops */ efx_start_port(efx); - - if (efx_dev_registered(efx) && netif_device_present(efx->net_dev)) - netif_tx_wake_all_queues(efx->net_dev); - - efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) - efx_start_channel(channel); - - if (efx->legacy_irq) - efx->legacy_irq_enabled = true; - efx_nic_enable_interrupts(efx); - - /* Switch to event based MCDI completions after enabling interrupts. - * If a reset has been scheduled, then we need to stay in polled mode. - * Rather than serialising efx_mcdi_mode_event() [which sleeps] and - * reset_pending [modified from an atomic context], we instead guarantee - * that efx_mcdi_mode_poll() isn't reverted erroneously */ - efx_mcdi_mode_event(efx); - if (efx->reset_pending) - efx_mcdi_mode_poll(efx); + efx_start_datapath(efx); /* Start the hardware monitor if there is one. Otherwise (we're link * event driven), we have to poll the PHY because after an event queue @@ -1472,8 +1565,9 @@ static void efx_start_all(struct efx_nic *efx) * since we're holding the rtnl_lock at this point. */ static void efx_flush_all(struct efx_nic *efx) { - /* Make sure the hardware monitor is stopped */ + /* Make sure the hardware monitor and event self-test are stopped */ cancel_delayed_work_sync(&efx->monitor_work); + efx_selftest_async_cancel(efx); /* Stop scheduled port reconfigurations */ cancel_work_sync(&efx->mac_work); } @@ -1485,8 +1579,6 @@ static void efx_flush_all(struct efx_nic *efx) * taking locks. */ static void efx_stop_all(struct efx_nic *efx) { - struct efx_channel *channel; - EFX_ASSERT_RESET_SERIALISED(efx); /* port_enabled can be read safely under the rtnl lock */ @@ -1494,28 +1586,6 @@ static void efx_stop_all(struct efx_nic *efx) return; efx->type->stop_stats(efx); - - /* Switch to MCDI polling on Siena before disabling interrupts */ - efx_mcdi_mode_poll(efx); - - /* Disable interrupts and wait for ISR to complete */ - efx_nic_disable_interrupts(efx); - if (efx->legacy_irq) { - synchronize_irq(efx->legacy_irq); - efx->legacy_irq_enabled = false; - } - efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { - if (channel->irq) - synchronize_irq(channel->irq); - } - - /* Stop all NAPI processing and synchronous rx refills */ - efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) - efx_stop_channel(channel); - - /* Stop all asynchronous port reconfigurations. Since all - * event processing has already been stopped, there is no - * window to loose phy events */ efx_stop_port(efx); /* Flush efx_mac_work(), refill_workqueue, monitor_work */ @@ -1523,17 +1593,15 @@ static void efx_stop_all(struct efx_nic *efx) /* Stop the kernel transmit interface late, so the watchdog * timer isn't ticking over the flush */ - if (efx_dev_registered(efx)) { - netif_tx_stop_all_queues(efx->net_dev); - netif_tx_lock_bh(efx->net_dev); - netif_tx_unlock_bh(efx->net_dev); - } + netif_tx_disable(efx->net_dev); + + efx_stop_datapath(efx); } static void efx_remove_all(struct efx_nic *efx) { - efx_remove_filters(efx); efx_remove_channels(efx); + efx_remove_filters(efx); efx_remove_port(efx); efx_remove_nic(efx); } @@ -1544,13 +1612,13 @@ static void efx_remove_all(struct efx_nic *efx) * **************************************************************************/ -static unsigned int irq_mod_ticks(unsigned int usecs, unsigned int resolution) +static unsigned int irq_mod_ticks(unsigned int usecs, unsigned int quantum_ns) { if (usecs == 0) return 0; - if (usecs < resolution) + if (usecs * 1000 < quantum_ns) return 1; /* never round down to 0 */ - return usecs / resolution; + return usecs * 1000 / quantum_ns; } /* Set interrupt moderation parameters */ @@ -1559,14 +1627,20 @@ int efx_init_irq_moderation(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned int tx_usecs, bool rx_may_override_tx) { struct efx_channel *channel; - unsigned tx_ticks = irq_mod_ticks(tx_usecs, EFX_IRQ_MOD_RESOLUTION); - unsigned rx_ticks = irq_mod_ticks(rx_usecs, EFX_IRQ_MOD_RESOLUTION); + unsigned int irq_mod_max = DIV_ROUND_UP(efx->type->timer_period_max * + efx->timer_quantum_ns, + 1000); + unsigned int tx_ticks; + unsigned int rx_ticks; EFX_ASSERT_RESET_SERIALISED(efx); - if (tx_ticks > EFX_IRQ_MOD_MAX || rx_ticks > EFX_IRQ_MOD_MAX) + if (tx_usecs > irq_mod_max || rx_usecs > irq_mod_max) return -EINVAL; + tx_ticks = irq_mod_ticks(tx_usecs, efx->timer_quantum_ns); + rx_ticks = irq_mod_ticks(rx_usecs, efx->timer_quantum_ns); + if (tx_ticks != rx_ticks && efx->tx_channel_offset == 0 && !rx_may_override_tx) { netif_err(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, "Channels are shared. " @@ -1589,8 +1663,14 @@ int efx_init_irq_moderation(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned int tx_usecs, void efx_get_irq_moderation(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned int *tx_usecs, unsigned int *rx_usecs, bool *rx_adaptive) { + /* We must round up when converting ticks to microseconds + * because we round down when converting the other way. + */ + *rx_adaptive = efx->irq_rx_adaptive; - *rx_usecs = efx->irq_rx_moderation * EFX_IRQ_MOD_RESOLUTION; + *rx_usecs = DIV_ROUND_UP(efx->irq_rx_moderation * + efx->timer_quantum_ns, + 1000); /* If channels are shared between RX and TX, so is IRQ * moderation. Otherwise, IRQ moderation is the same for all @@ -1599,9 +1679,10 @@ void efx_get_irq_moderation(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned int *tx_usecs, if (efx->tx_channel_offset == 0) *tx_usecs = *rx_usecs; else - *tx_usecs = + *tx_usecs = DIV_ROUND_UP( efx->channel[efx->tx_channel_offset]->irq_moderation * - EFX_IRQ_MOD_RESOLUTION; + efx->timer_quantum_ns, + 1000); } /************************************************************************** @@ -1664,15 +1745,21 @@ static int efx_ioctl(struct net_device *net_dev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd) * **************************************************************************/ +static void efx_init_napi_channel(struct efx_channel *channel) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = channel->efx; + + channel->napi_dev = efx->net_dev; + netif_napi_add(channel->napi_dev, &channel->napi_str, + efx_poll, napi_weight); +} + static void efx_init_napi(struct efx_nic *efx) { struct efx_channel *channel; - efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { - channel->napi_dev = efx->net_dev; - netif_napi_add(channel->napi_dev, &channel->napi_str, - efx_poll, napi_weight); - } + efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) + efx_init_napi_channel(channel); } static void efx_fini_napi_channel(struct efx_channel *channel) @@ -1740,6 +1827,7 @@ static int efx_net_open(struct net_device *net_dev) efx_link_status_changed(efx); efx_start_all(efx); + efx_selftest_async_start(efx); return 0; } @@ -1757,22 +1845,21 @@ static int efx_net_stop(struct net_device *net_dev) if (efx->state != STATE_DISABLED) { /* Stop the device and flush all the channels */ efx_stop_all(efx); - efx_fini_channels(efx); - efx_init_channels(efx); } return 0; } /* Context: process, dev_base_lock or RTNL held, non-blocking. */ -static struct rtnl_link_stats64 *efx_net_stats(struct net_device *net_dev, struct rtnl_link_stats64 *stats) +static struct rtnl_link_stats64 *efx_net_stats(struct net_device *net_dev, + struct rtnl_link_stats64 *stats) { struct efx_nic *efx = netdev_priv(net_dev); struct efx_mac_stats *mac_stats = &efx->mac_stats; spin_lock_bh(&efx->stats_lock); + efx->type->update_stats(efx); - spin_unlock_bh(&efx->stats_lock); stats->rx_packets = mac_stats->rx_packets; stats->tx_packets = mac_stats->tx_packets; @@ -1796,6 +1883,8 @@ static struct rtnl_link_stats64 *efx_net_stats(struct net_device *net_dev, struc stats->tx_errors = (stats->tx_window_errors + mac_stats->tx_bad); + spin_unlock_bh(&efx->stats_lock); + return stats; } @@ -1816,7 +1905,6 @@ static void efx_watchdog(struct net_device *net_dev) static int efx_change_mtu(struct net_device *net_dev, int new_mtu) { struct efx_nic *efx = netdev_priv(net_dev); - int rc = 0; EFX_ASSERT_RESET_SERIALISED(efx); @@ -1827,19 +1915,15 @@ static int efx_change_mtu(struct net_device *net_dev, int new_mtu) netif_dbg(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, "changing MTU to %d\n", new_mtu); - efx_fini_channels(efx); - mutex_lock(&efx->mac_lock); /* Reconfigure the MAC before enabling the dma queues so that * the RX buffers don't overflow */ net_dev->mtu = new_mtu; - efx->mac_op->reconfigure(efx); + efx->type->reconfigure_mac(efx); mutex_unlock(&efx->mac_lock); - efx_init_channels(efx); - efx_start_all(efx); - return rc; + return 0; } static int efx_set_mac_address(struct net_device *net_dev, void *data) @@ -1854,21 +1938,22 @@ static int efx_set_mac_address(struct net_device *net_dev, void *data) netif_err(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, "invalid ethernet MAC address requested: %pM\n", new_addr); - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; } memcpy(net_dev->dev_addr, new_addr, net_dev->addr_len); + efx_sriov_mac_address_changed(efx); /* Reconfigure the MAC */ mutex_lock(&efx->mac_lock); - efx->mac_op->reconfigure(efx); + efx->type->reconfigure_mac(efx); mutex_unlock(&efx->mac_lock); return 0; } /* Context: netif_addr_lock held, BHs disabled. */ -static void efx_set_multicast_list(struct net_device *net_dev) +static void efx_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *net_dev) { struct efx_nic *efx = netdev_priv(net_dev); struct netdev_hw_addr *ha; @@ -1922,8 +2007,14 @@ static const struct net_device_ops efx_netdev_ops = { .ndo_do_ioctl = efx_ioctl, .ndo_change_mtu = efx_change_mtu, .ndo_set_mac_address = efx_set_mac_address, - .ndo_set_rx_mode = efx_set_multicast_list, + .ndo_set_rx_mode = efx_set_rx_mode, .ndo_set_features = efx_set_features, +#ifdef CONFIG_SFC_SRIOV + .ndo_set_vf_mac = efx_sriov_set_vf_mac, + .ndo_set_vf_vlan = efx_sriov_set_vf_vlan, + .ndo_set_vf_spoofchk = efx_sriov_set_vf_spoofchk, + .ndo_get_vf_config = efx_sriov_get_vf_config, +#endif #ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER .ndo_poll_controller = efx_netpoll, #endif @@ -1975,10 +2066,6 @@ static int efx_register_netdev(struct efx_nic *efx) net_dev->netdev_ops = &efx_netdev_ops; SET_ETHTOOL_OPS(net_dev, &efx_ethtool_ops); - /* Clear MAC statistics */ - efx->mac_op->update_stats(efx); - memset(&efx->mac_stats, 0, sizeof(efx->mac_stats)); - rtnl_lock(); rc = dev_alloc_name(net_dev, net_dev->name); @@ -1997,7 +2084,7 @@ static int efx_register_netdev(struct efx_nic *efx) } /* Always start with carrier off; PHY events will detect the link */ - netif_carrier_off(efx->net_dev); + netif_carrier_off(net_dev); rtnl_unlock(); @@ -2038,11 +2125,9 @@ static void efx_unregister_netdev(struct efx_nic *efx) efx_release_tx_buffers(tx_queue); } - if (efx_dev_registered(efx)) { - strlcpy(efx->name, pci_name(efx->pci_dev), sizeof(efx->name)); - device_remove_file(&efx->pci_dev->dev, &dev_attr_phy_type); - unregister_netdev(efx->net_dev); - } + strlcpy(efx->name, pci_name(efx->pci_dev), sizeof(efx->name)); + device_remove_file(&efx->pci_dev->dev, &dev_attr_phy_type); + unregister_netdev(efx->net_dev); } /************************************************************************** @@ -2060,7 +2145,7 @@ void efx_reset_down(struct efx_nic *efx, enum reset_type method) efx_stop_all(efx); mutex_lock(&efx->mac_lock); - efx_fini_channels(efx); + efx_stop_interrupts(efx, false); if (efx->port_initialized && method != RESET_TYPE_INVISIBLE) efx->phy_op->fini(efx); efx->type->fini(efx); @@ -2095,10 +2180,11 @@ int efx_reset_up(struct efx_nic *efx, enum reset_type method, bool ok) "could not restore PHY settings\n"); } - efx->mac_op->reconfigure(efx); + efx->type->reconfigure_mac(efx); - efx_init_channels(efx); + efx_start_interrupts(efx, false); efx_restore_filters(efx); + efx_sriov_reset(efx); mutex_unlock(&efx->mac_lock); @@ -2292,6 +2378,7 @@ static int efx_init_struct(struct efx_nic *efx, const struct efx_nic_type *type, #endif INIT_WORK(&efx->reset_work, efx_reset_work); INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&efx->monitor_work, efx_monitor); + INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&efx->selftest_work, efx_selftest_async_work); efx->pci_dev = pci_dev; efx->msg_enable = debug; efx->state = STATE_INIT; @@ -2300,10 +2387,10 @@ static int efx_init_struct(struct efx_nic *efx, const struct efx_nic_type *type, efx->net_dev = net_dev; spin_lock_init(&efx->stats_lock); mutex_init(&efx->mac_lock); - efx->mac_op = type->default_mac_ops; efx->phy_op = &efx_dummy_phy_operations; efx->mdio.dev = net_dev; INIT_WORK(&efx->mac_work, efx_mac_work); + init_waitqueue_head(&efx->flush_wq); for (i = 0; i < EFX_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { efx->channel[i] = efx_alloc_channel(efx, i, NULL); @@ -2361,8 +2448,8 @@ static void efx_pci_remove_main(struct efx_nic *efx) free_irq_cpu_rmap(efx->net_dev->rx_cpu_rmap); efx->net_dev->rx_cpu_rmap = NULL; #endif + efx_stop_interrupts(efx, false); efx_nic_fini_interrupt(efx); - efx_fini_channels(efx); efx_fini_port(efx); efx->type->fini(efx); efx_fini_napi(efx); @@ -2388,6 +2475,8 @@ static void efx_pci_remove(struct pci_dev *pci_dev) /* Allow any queued efx_resets() to complete */ rtnl_unlock(); + efx_stop_interrupts(efx, false); + efx_sriov_fini(efx); efx_unregister_netdev(efx); efx_mtd_remove(efx); @@ -2408,6 +2497,57 @@ static void efx_pci_remove(struct pci_dev *pci_dev) free_netdev(efx->net_dev); }; +/* NIC VPD information + * Called during probe to display the part number of the + * installed NIC. VPD is potentially very large but this should + * always appear within the first 512 bytes. + */ +#define SFC_VPD_LEN 512 +static void efx_print_product_vpd(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + struct pci_dev *dev = efx->pci_dev; + char vpd_data[SFC_VPD_LEN]; + ssize_t vpd_size; + int i, j; + + /* Get the vpd data from the device */ + vpd_size = pci_read_vpd(dev, 0, sizeof(vpd_data), vpd_data); + if (vpd_size <= 0) { + netif_err(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, "Unable to read VPD\n"); + return; + } + + /* Get the Read only section */ + i = pci_vpd_find_tag(vpd_data, 0, vpd_size, PCI_VPD_LRDT_RO_DATA); + if (i < 0) { + netif_err(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, "VPD Read-only not found\n"); + return; + } + + j = pci_vpd_lrdt_size(&vpd_data[i]); + i += PCI_VPD_LRDT_TAG_SIZE; + if (i + j > vpd_size) + j = vpd_size - i; + + /* Get the Part number */ + i = pci_vpd_find_info_keyword(vpd_data, i, j, "PN"); + if (i < 0) { + netif_err(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, "Part number not found\n"); + return; + } + + j = pci_vpd_info_field_size(&vpd_data[i]); + i += PCI_VPD_INFO_FLD_HDR_SIZE; + if (i + j > vpd_size) { + netif_err(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, "Incomplete part number\n"); + return; + } + + netif_info(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, + "Part Number : %.*s\n", j, &vpd_data[i]); +} + + /* Main body of NIC initialisation * This is called at module load (or hotplug insertion, theoretically). */ @@ -2436,16 +2576,14 @@ static int efx_pci_probe_main(struct efx_nic *efx) goto fail4; } - efx_init_channels(efx); - rc = efx_nic_init_interrupt(efx); if (rc) goto fail5; + efx_start_interrupts(efx, false); return 0; fail5: - efx_fini_channels(efx); efx_fini_port(efx); fail4: efx->type->fini(efx); @@ -2459,7 +2597,7 @@ static int efx_pci_probe_main(struct efx_nic *efx) /* NIC initialisation * * This is called at module load (or hotplug insertion, - * theoretically). It sets up PCI mappings, tests and resets the NIC, + * theoretically). It sets up PCI mappings, resets the NIC, * sets up and registers the network devices with the kernel and hooks * the interrupt service routine. It does not prepare the device for * transmission; this is left to the first time one of the network @@ -2471,7 +2609,7 @@ static int __devinit efx_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, const struct efx_nic_type *type = (const struct efx_nic_type *) entry->driver_data; struct net_device *net_dev; struct efx_nic *efx; - int i, rc; + int rc; /* Allocate and initialise a struct net_device and struct efx_nic */ net_dev = alloc_etherdev_mqs(sizeof(*efx), EFX_MAX_CORE_TX_QUEUES, @@ -2499,44 +2637,29 @@ static int __devinit efx_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, netif_info(efx, probe, efx->net_dev, "Solarflare NIC detected\n"); + efx_print_product_vpd(efx); + /* Set up basic I/O (BAR mappings etc) */ rc = efx_init_io(efx); if (rc) goto fail2; - /* No serialisation is required with the reset path because - * we're in STATE_INIT. */ - for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { - rc = efx_pci_probe_main(efx); - - /* Serialise against efx_reset(). No more resets will be - * scheduled since efx_stop_all() has been called, and we - * have not and never have been registered with either - * the rtnetlink or driverlink layers. */ - cancel_work_sync(&efx->reset_work); - - if (rc == 0) { - if (efx->reset_pending) { - /* If there was a scheduled reset during - * probe, the NIC is probably hosed anyway */ - efx_pci_remove_main(efx); - rc = -EIO; - } else { - break; - } - } + rc = efx_pci_probe_main(efx); - /* Retry if a recoverably reset event has been scheduled */ - if (efx->reset_pending & - ~(1 << RESET_TYPE_INVISIBLE | 1 << RESET_TYPE_ALL) || - !efx->reset_pending) - goto fail3; + /* Serialise against efx_reset(). No more resets will be + * scheduled since efx_stop_all() has been called, and we have + * not and never have been registered. + */ + cancel_work_sync(&efx->reset_work); - efx->reset_pending = 0; - } + if (rc) + goto fail3; - if (rc) { - netif_err(efx, probe, efx->net_dev, "Could not reset NIC\n"); + /* If there was a scheduled reset during probe, the NIC is + * probably hosed anyway. + */ + if (efx->reset_pending) { + rc = -EIO; goto fail4; } @@ -2546,18 +2669,27 @@ static int __devinit efx_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, rc = efx_register_netdev(efx); if (rc) - goto fail5; + goto fail4; + + rc = efx_sriov_init(efx); + if (rc) + netif_err(efx, probe, efx->net_dev, + "SR-IOV can't be enabled rc %d\n", rc); netif_dbg(efx, probe, efx->net_dev, "initialisation successful\n"); + /* Try to create MTDs, but allow this to fail */ rtnl_lock(); - efx_mtd_probe(efx); /* allowed to fail */ + rc = efx_mtd_probe(efx); rtnl_unlock(); + if (rc) + netif_warn(efx, probe, efx->net_dev, + "failed to create MTDs (%d)\n", rc); + return 0; - fail5: - efx_pci_remove_main(efx); fail4: + efx_pci_remove_main(efx); fail3: efx_fini_io(efx); fail2: @@ -2578,7 +2710,7 @@ static int efx_pm_freeze(struct device *dev) netif_device_detach(efx->net_dev); efx_stop_all(efx); - efx_fini_channels(efx); + efx_stop_interrupts(efx, false); return 0; } @@ -2589,7 +2721,7 @@ static int efx_pm_thaw(struct device *dev) efx->state = STATE_INIT; - efx_init_channels(efx); + efx_start_interrupts(efx, false); mutex_lock(&efx->mac_lock); efx->phy_op->reconfigure(efx); @@ -2658,7 +2790,7 @@ static int efx_pm_suspend(struct device *dev) return rc; } -static struct dev_pm_ops efx_pm_ops = { +static const struct dev_pm_ops efx_pm_ops = { .suspend = efx_pm_suspend, .resume = efx_pm_resume, .freeze = efx_pm_freeze, @@ -2695,6 +2827,10 @@ static int __init efx_init_module(void) if (rc) goto err_notifier; + rc = efx_init_sriov(); + if (rc) + goto err_sriov; + reset_workqueue = create_singlethread_workqueue("sfc_reset"); if (!reset_workqueue) { rc = -ENOMEM; @@ -2710,6 +2846,8 @@ static int __init efx_init_module(void) err_pci: destroy_workqueue(reset_workqueue); err_reset: + efx_fini_sriov(); + err_sriov: unregister_netdevice_notifier(&efx_netdev_notifier); err_notifier: return rc; @@ -2721,6 +2859,7 @@ static void __exit efx_exit_module(void) pci_unregister_driver(&efx_pci_driver); destroy_workqueue(reset_workqueue); + efx_fini_sriov(); unregister_netdevice_notifier(&efx_netdev_notifier); } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/efx.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/efx.h index a3541ac6ea01f6191cee44a7f69eb8583b11beed..be8f9158a7149388b5e4edfeb41ee2c848319a28 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/efx.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/efx.h @@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ extern void efx_rx_strategy(struct efx_channel *channel); extern void efx_fast_push_rx_descriptors(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue); extern void efx_rx_slow_fill(unsigned long context); extern void __efx_rx_packet(struct efx_channel *channel, - struct efx_rx_buffer *rx_buf, bool checksummed); + struct efx_rx_buffer *rx_buf); extern void efx_rx_packet(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue, unsigned int index, - unsigned int len, bool checksummed, bool discard); + unsigned int len, u16 flags); extern void efx_schedule_slow_fill(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue); #define EFX_MAX_DMAQ_SIZE 4096UL @@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ static inline void efx_filter_rfs_expire(struct efx_channel *channel) {} #endif /* Channels */ +extern int efx_channel_dummy_op_int(struct efx_channel *channel); extern void efx_process_channel_now(struct efx_channel *channel); extern int efx_realloc_channels(struct efx_nic *efx, u32 rxq_entries, u32 txq_entries); @@ -145,6 +146,12 @@ static inline void efx_schedule_channel(struct efx_channel *channel) napi_schedule(&channel->napi_str); } +static inline void efx_schedule_channel_irq(struct efx_channel *channel) +{ + channel->event_test_cpu = raw_smp_processor_id(); + efx_schedule_channel(channel); +} + extern void efx_link_status_changed(struct efx_nic *efx); extern void efx_link_set_advertising(struct efx_nic *efx, u32); extern void efx_link_set_wanted_fc(struct efx_nic *efx, u8); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/ethtool.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/ethtool.c index 29b2ebfef19f21d85bb61fca9abfe086b88774b0..f22f45f515a834e5e686f18cc0b83e5b2db789a4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/ethtool.c @@ -52,11 +52,6 @@ static u64 efx_get_uint_stat(void *field) return *(unsigned int *)field; } -static u64 efx_get_ulong_stat(void *field) -{ - return *(unsigned long *)field; -} - static u64 efx_get_u64_stat(void *field) { return *(u64 *) field; @@ -67,12 +62,8 @@ static u64 efx_get_atomic_stat(void *field) return atomic_read((atomic_t *) field); } -#define EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(field) \ - EFX_ETHTOOL_STAT(field, mac_stats, field, \ - unsigned long, efx_get_ulong_stat) - #define EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(field) \ - EFX_ETHTOOL_STAT(field, mac_stats, field, \ + EFX_ETHTOOL_STAT(field, mac_stats, field, \ u64, efx_get_u64_stat) #define EFX_ETHTOOL_UINT_NIC_STAT(name) \ @@ -91,36 +82,36 @@ static u64 efx_get_atomic_stat(void *field) EFX_ETHTOOL_STAT(tx_##field, tx_queue, field, \ unsigned int, efx_get_uint_stat) -static struct efx_ethtool_stat efx_ethtool_stats[] = { +static const struct efx_ethtool_stat efx_ethtool_stats[] = { EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_bytes), EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_good_bytes), EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_bad_bytes), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_packets), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_bad), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_pause), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_control), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_unicast), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_multicast), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_broadcast), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_lt64), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_64), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_65_to_127), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_128_to_255), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_256_to_511), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_512_to_1023), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_1024_to_15xx), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_15xx_to_jumbo), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_gtjumbo), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_collision), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_single_collision), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_multiple_collision), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_excessive_collision), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_deferred), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_late_collision), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_excessive_deferred), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_non_tcpudp), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_mac_src_error), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(tx_ip_src_error), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_packets), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_bad), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_pause), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_control), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_unicast), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_multicast), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_broadcast), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_lt64), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_64), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_65_to_127), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_128_to_255), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_256_to_511), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_512_to_1023), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_1024_to_15xx), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_15xx_to_jumbo), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_gtjumbo), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_collision), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_single_collision), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_multiple_collision), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_excessive_collision), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_deferred), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_late_collision), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_excessive_deferred), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_non_tcpudp), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_mac_src_error), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(tx_ip_src_error), EFX_ETHTOOL_UINT_TXQ_STAT(tso_bursts), EFX_ETHTOOL_UINT_TXQ_STAT(tso_long_headers), EFX_ETHTOOL_UINT_TXQ_STAT(tso_packets), @@ -128,34 +119,34 @@ static struct efx_ethtool_stat efx_ethtool_stats[] = { EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_bytes), EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_good_bytes), EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_bad_bytes), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_packets), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_good), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_bad), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_pause), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_control), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_unicast), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_multicast), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_broadcast), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_lt64), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_64), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_65_to_127), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_128_to_255), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_256_to_511), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_512_to_1023), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_1024_to_15xx), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_15xx_to_jumbo), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_gtjumbo), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_bad_lt64), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_bad_64_to_15xx), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_bad_15xx_to_jumbo), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_bad_gtjumbo), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_overflow), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_missed), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_false_carrier), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_symbol_error), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_align_error), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_length_error), - EFX_ETHTOOL_ULONG_MAC_STAT(rx_internal_error), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_packets), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_good), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_bad), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_pause), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_control), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_unicast), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_multicast), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_broadcast), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_lt64), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_64), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_65_to_127), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_128_to_255), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_256_to_511), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_512_to_1023), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_1024_to_15xx), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_15xx_to_jumbo), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_gtjumbo), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_bad_lt64), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_bad_64_to_15xx), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_bad_15xx_to_jumbo), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_bad_gtjumbo), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_overflow), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_missed), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_false_carrier), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_symbol_error), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_align_error), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_length_error), + EFX_ETHTOOL_U64_MAC_STAT(rx_internal_error), EFX_ETHTOOL_UINT_NIC_STAT(rx_nodesc_drop_cnt), EFX_ETHTOOL_ATOMIC_NIC_ERROR_STAT(rx_reset), EFX_ETHTOOL_UINT_CHANNEL_STAT(rx_tobe_disc), @@ -404,10 +395,6 @@ static int efx_ethtool_fill_self_tests(struct efx_nic *efx, &tests->eventq_int[channel->channel], EFX_CHANNEL_NAME(channel), "eventq.int", NULL); - efx_fill_test(n++, strings, data, - &tests->eventq_poll[channel->channel], - EFX_CHANNEL_NAME(channel), - "eventq.poll", NULL); } efx_fill_test(n++, strings, data, &tests->registers, @@ -486,16 +473,17 @@ static void efx_ethtool_get_stats(struct net_device *net_dev, { struct efx_nic *efx = netdev_priv(net_dev); struct efx_mac_stats *mac_stats = &efx->mac_stats; - struct efx_ethtool_stat *stat; + const struct efx_ethtool_stat *stat; struct efx_channel *channel; struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue; - struct rtnl_link_stats64 temp; int i; EFX_BUG_ON_PARANOID(stats->n_stats != EFX_ETHTOOL_NUM_STATS); + spin_lock_bh(&efx->stats_lock); + /* Update MAC and NIC statistics */ - dev_get_stats(net_dev, &temp); + efx->type->update_stats(efx); /* Fill detailed statistics buffer */ for (i = 0; i < EFX_ETHTOOL_NUM_STATS; i++) { @@ -525,6 +513,8 @@ static void efx_ethtool_get_stats(struct net_device *net_dev, break; } } + + spin_unlock_bh(&efx->stats_lock); } static void efx_ethtool_self_test(struct net_device *net_dev, @@ -747,7 +737,7 @@ static int efx_ethtool_set_pauseparam(struct net_device *net_dev, /* Recover by resetting the EM block */ falcon_stop_nic_stats(efx); falcon_drain_tx_fifo(efx); - efx->mac_op->reconfigure(efx); + falcon_reconfigure_xmac(efx); falcon_start_nic_stats(efx); } else { /* Schedule a reset to recover */ @@ -772,7 +762,7 @@ static int efx_ethtool_set_pauseparam(struct net_device *net_dev, /* Reconfigure the MAC. The PHY *may* generate a link state change event * if the user just changed the advertised capabilities, but there's no * harm doing this twice */ - efx->mac_op->reconfigure(efx); + efx->type->reconfigure_mac(efx); out: mutex_unlock(&efx->mac_lock); @@ -818,11 +808,16 @@ static int efx_ethtool_reset(struct net_device *net_dev, u32 *flags) return efx_reset(efx, rc); } +/* MAC address mask including only MC flag */ +static const u8 mac_addr_mc_mask[ETH_ALEN] = { 0x01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; + static int efx_ethtool_get_class_rule(struct efx_nic *efx, struct ethtool_rx_flow_spec *rule) { struct ethtool_tcpip4_spec *ip_entry = &rule->h_u.tcp_ip4_spec; struct ethtool_tcpip4_spec *ip_mask = &rule->m_u.tcp_ip4_spec; + struct ethhdr *mac_entry = &rule->h_u.ether_spec; + struct ethhdr *mac_mask = &rule->m_u.ether_spec; struct efx_filter_spec spec; u16 vid; u8 proto; @@ -838,11 +833,18 @@ static int efx_ethtool_get_class_rule(struct efx_nic *efx, else rule->ring_cookie = spec.dmaq_id; - rc = efx_filter_get_eth_local(&spec, &vid, - rule->h_u.ether_spec.h_dest); + if (spec.type == EFX_FILTER_MC_DEF || spec.type == EFX_FILTER_UC_DEF) { + rule->flow_type = ETHER_FLOW; + memcpy(mac_mask->h_dest, mac_addr_mc_mask, ETH_ALEN); + if (spec.type == EFX_FILTER_MC_DEF) + memcpy(mac_entry->h_dest, mac_addr_mc_mask, ETH_ALEN); + return 0; + } + + rc = efx_filter_get_eth_local(&spec, &vid, mac_entry->h_dest); if (rc == 0) { rule->flow_type = ETHER_FLOW; - memset(rule->m_u.ether_spec.h_dest, ~0, ETH_ALEN); + memset(mac_mask->h_dest, ~0, ETH_ALEN); if (vid != EFX_FILTER_VID_UNSPEC) { rule->flow_type |= FLOW_EXT; rule->h_ext.vlan_tci = htons(vid); @@ -1011,27 +1013,40 @@ static int efx_ethtool_set_class_rule(struct efx_nic *efx, } case ETHER_FLOW | FLOW_EXT: - /* Must match all or none of VID */ - if (rule->m_ext.vlan_tci != htons(0xfff) && - rule->m_ext.vlan_tci != 0) - return -EINVAL; - case ETHER_FLOW: - /* Must match all of destination */ - if (!is_broadcast_ether_addr(mac_mask->h_dest)) - return -EINVAL; - /* and nothing else */ + case ETHER_FLOW: { + u16 vlan_tag_mask = (rule->flow_type & FLOW_EXT ? + ntohs(rule->m_ext.vlan_tci) : 0); + + /* Must not match on source address or Ethertype */ if (!is_zero_ether_addr(mac_mask->h_source) || mac_mask->h_proto) return -EINVAL; - rc = efx_filter_set_eth_local( - &spec, - (rule->flow_type & FLOW_EXT && rule->m_ext.vlan_tci) ? - ntohs(rule->h_ext.vlan_tci) : EFX_FILTER_VID_UNSPEC, - mac_entry->h_dest); + /* Is it a default UC or MC filter? */ + if (!compare_ether_addr(mac_mask->h_dest, mac_addr_mc_mask) && + vlan_tag_mask == 0) { + if (is_multicast_ether_addr(mac_entry->h_dest)) + rc = efx_filter_set_mc_def(&spec); + else + rc = efx_filter_set_uc_def(&spec); + } + /* Otherwise, it must match all of destination and all + * or none of VID. + */ + else if (is_broadcast_ether_addr(mac_mask->h_dest) && + (vlan_tag_mask == 0xfff || vlan_tag_mask == 0)) { + rc = efx_filter_set_eth_local( + &spec, + vlan_tag_mask ? + ntohs(rule->h_ext.vlan_tci) : EFX_FILTER_VID_UNSPEC, + mac_entry->h_dest); + } else { + rc = -EINVAL; + } if (rc) return rc; break; + } default: return -EINVAL; @@ -1070,7 +1085,8 @@ static u32 efx_ethtool_get_rxfh_indir_size(struct net_device *net_dev) { struct efx_nic *efx = netdev_priv(net_dev); - return (efx_nic_rev(efx) < EFX_REV_FALCON_B0 ? + return ((efx_nic_rev(efx) < EFX_REV_FALCON_B0 || + efx->n_rx_channels == 1) ? 0 : ARRAY_SIZE(efx->rx_indir_table)); } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/falcon.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/falcon.c index 8ae1ebd3539796870baaab658c07ea45e0eccac3..3a1ca2bd154884be5c9a02fc1ee28fd1be39de51 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/falcon.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/falcon.c @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ #include "net_driver.h" #include "bitfield.h" #include "efx.h" -#include "mac.h" #include "spi.h" #include "nic.h" #include "regs.h" @@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ static int falcon_getscl(void *data) return EFX_OWORD_FIELD(reg, FRF_AB_GPIO0_IN); } -static struct i2c_algo_bit_data falcon_i2c_bit_operations = { +static const struct i2c_algo_bit_data falcon_i2c_bit_operations = { .setsda = falcon_setsda, .setscl = falcon_setscl, .getsda = falcon_getsda, @@ -104,8 +103,6 @@ static void falcon_push_irq_moderation(struct efx_channel *channel) efx_dword_t timer_cmd; struct efx_nic *efx = channel->efx; - BUILD_BUG_ON(EFX_IRQ_MOD_MAX > (1 << FRF_AB_TC_TIMER_VAL_WIDTH)); - /* Set timer register */ if (channel->irq_moderation) { EFX_POPULATE_DWORD_2(timer_cmd, @@ -177,27 +174,24 @@ irqreturn_t falcon_legacy_interrupt_a1(int irq, void *dev_id) "IRQ %d on CPU %d status " EFX_OWORD_FMT "\n", irq, raw_smp_processor_id(), EFX_OWORD_VAL(*int_ker)); + /* Check to see if we have a serious error condition */ + syserr = EFX_OWORD_FIELD(*int_ker, FSF_AZ_NET_IVEC_FATAL_INT); + if (unlikely(syserr)) + return efx_nic_fatal_interrupt(efx); + /* Determine interrupting queues, clear interrupt status * register and acknowledge the device interrupt. */ BUILD_BUG_ON(FSF_AZ_NET_IVEC_INT_Q_WIDTH > EFX_MAX_CHANNELS); queues = EFX_OWORD_FIELD(*int_ker, FSF_AZ_NET_IVEC_INT_Q); - - /* Check to see if we have a serious error condition */ - if (queues & (1U << efx->fatal_irq_level)) { - syserr = EFX_OWORD_FIELD(*int_ker, FSF_AZ_NET_IVEC_FATAL_INT); - if (unlikely(syserr)) - return efx_nic_fatal_interrupt(efx); - } - EFX_ZERO_OWORD(*int_ker); wmb(); /* Ensure the vector is cleared before interrupt ack */ falcon_irq_ack_a1(efx); if (queues & 1) - efx_schedule_channel(efx_get_channel(efx, 0)); + efx_schedule_channel_irq(efx_get_channel(efx, 0)); if (queues & 2) - efx_schedule_channel(efx_get_channel(efx, 1)); + efx_schedule_channel_irq(efx_get_channel(efx, 1)); return IRQ_HANDLED; } /************************************************************************** @@ -613,7 +607,7 @@ static void falcon_stats_complete(struct efx_nic *efx) nic_data->stats_pending = false; if (*nic_data->stats_dma_done == FALCON_STATS_DONE) { rmb(); /* read the done flag before the stats */ - efx->mac_op->update_stats(efx); + falcon_update_stats_xmac(efx); } else { netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, "timed out waiting for statistics\n"); @@ -670,7 +664,7 @@ static int falcon_reconfigure_port(struct efx_nic *efx) falcon_reset_macs(efx); efx->phy_op->reconfigure(efx); - rc = efx->mac_op->reconfigure(efx); + rc = falcon_reconfigure_xmac(efx); BUG_ON(rc); falcon_start_nic_stats(efx); @@ -1218,7 +1212,7 @@ static void falcon_monitor(struct efx_nic *efx) falcon_deconfigure_mac_wrapper(efx); falcon_reset_macs(efx); - rc = efx->mac_op->reconfigure(efx); + rc = falcon_reconfigure_xmac(efx); BUG_ON(rc); falcon_start_nic_stats(efx); @@ -1339,6 +1333,12 @@ static int falcon_probe_nvconfig(struct efx_nic *efx) return rc; } +static void falcon_dimension_resources(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + efx->rx_dc_base = 0x20000; + efx->tx_dc_base = 0x26000; +} + /* Probe all SPI devices on the NIC */ static void falcon_probe_spi_devices(struct efx_nic *efx) { @@ -1472,6 +1472,8 @@ static int falcon_probe_nic(struct efx_nic *efx) goto fail5; } + efx->timer_quantum_ns = 4968; /* 621 cycles */ + /* Initialise I2C adapter */ board = falcon_board(efx); board->i2c_adap.owner = THIS_MODULE; @@ -1676,7 +1678,7 @@ static void falcon_update_nic_stats(struct efx_nic *efx) *nic_data->stats_dma_done == FALCON_STATS_DONE) { nic_data->stats_pending = false; rmb(); /* read the done flag before the stats */ - efx->mac_op->update_stats(efx); + falcon_update_stats_xmac(efx); } } @@ -1753,6 +1755,7 @@ const struct efx_nic_type falcon_a1_nic_type = { .probe = falcon_probe_nic, .remove = falcon_remove_nic, .init = falcon_init_nic, + .dimension_resources = falcon_dimension_resources, .fini = efx_port_dummy_op_void, .monitor = falcon_monitor, .map_reset_reason = falcon_map_reset_reason, @@ -1767,13 +1770,13 @@ const struct efx_nic_type falcon_a1_nic_type = { .stop_stats = falcon_stop_nic_stats, .set_id_led = falcon_set_id_led, .push_irq_moderation = falcon_push_irq_moderation, - .push_multicast_hash = falcon_push_multicast_hash, .reconfigure_port = falcon_reconfigure_port, + .reconfigure_mac = falcon_reconfigure_xmac, + .check_mac_fault = falcon_xmac_check_fault, .get_wol = falcon_get_wol, .set_wol = falcon_set_wol, .resume_wol = efx_port_dummy_op_void, .test_nvram = falcon_test_nvram, - .default_mac_ops = &falcon_xmac_operations, .revision = EFX_REV_FALCON_A1, .mem_map_size = 0x20000, @@ -1786,8 +1789,7 @@ const struct efx_nic_type falcon_a1_nic_type = { .rx_buffer_padding = 0x24, .max_interrupt_mode = EFX_INT_MODE_MSI, .phys_addr_channels = 4, - .tx_dc_base = 0x130000, - .rx_dc_base = 0x100000, + .timer_period_max = 1 << FRF_AB_TC_TIMER_VAL_WIDTH, .offload_features = NETIF_F_IP_CSUM, }; @@ -1795,6 +1797,7 @@ const struct efx_nic_type falcon_b0_nic_type = { .probe = falcon_probe_nic, .remove = falcon_remove_nic, .init = falcon_init_nic, + .dimension_resources = falcon_dimension_resources, .fini = efx_port_dummy_op_void, .monitor = falcon_monitor, .map_reset_reason = falcon_map_reset_reason, @@ -1809,14 +1812,14 @@ const struct efx_nic_type falcon_b0_nic_type = { .stop_stats = falcon_stop_nic_stats, .set_id_led = falcon_set_id_led, .push_irq_moderation = falcon_push_irq_moderation, - .push_multicast_hash = falcon_push_multicast_hash, .reconfigure_port = falcon_reconfigure_port, + .reconfigure_mac = falcon_reconfigure_xmac, + .check_mac_fault = falcon_xmac_check_fault, .get_wol = falcon_get_wol, .set_wol = falcon_set_wol, .resume_wol = efx_port_dummy_op_void, .test_registers = falcon_b0_test_registers, .test_nvram = falcon_test_nvram, - .default_mac_ops = &falcon_xmac_operations, .revision = EFX_REV_FALCON_B0, /* Map everything up to and including the RSS indirection @@ -1837,8 +1840,7 @@ const struct efx_nic_type falcon_b0_nic_type = { .phys_addr_channels = 32, /* Hardware limit is 64, but the legacy * interrupt handler only supports 32 * channels */ - .tx_dc_base = 0x130000, - .rx_dc_base = 0x100000, + .timer_period_max = 1 << FRF_AB_TC_TIMER_VAL_WIDTH, .offload_features = NETIF_F_IP_CSUM | NETIF_F_RXHASH | NETIF_F_NTUPLE, }; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/falcon_boards.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/falcon_boards.c index 6cc16b8cc6f48b7eda0bd4b431a15f45e5b6dcd2..8687a6c3db0dc19cb11ecbe5327db5e00f869094 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/falcon_boards.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/falcon_boards.c @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ static const u8 falcon_lm87_common_regs[] = { 0 }; -static int efx_init_lm87(struct efx_nic *efx, struct i2c_board_info *info, +static int efx_init_lm87(struct efx_nic *efx, const struct i2c_board_info *info, const u8 *reg_values) { struct falcon_board *board = falcon_board(efx); @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ static int efx_check_lm87(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned mask) #else /* !CONFIG_SENSORS_LM87 */ static inline int -efx_init_lm87(struct efx_nic *efx, struct i2c_board_info *info, +efx_init_lm87(struct efx_nic *efx, const struct i2c_board_info *info, const u8 *reg_values) { return 0; @@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ static int sfe4001_check_hw(struct efx_nic *efx) return (status < 0) ? -EIO : -ERANGE; } -static struct i2c_board_info sfe4001_hwmon_info = { +static const struct i2c_board_info sfe4001_hwmon_info = { I2C_BOARD_INFO("max6647", 0x4e), }; @@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ static const u8 sfe4002_lm87_regs[] = { 0 }; -static struct i2c_board_info sfe4002_hwmon_info = { +static const struct i2c_board_info sfe4002_hwmon_info = { I2C_BOARD_INFO("lm87", 0x2e), .platform_data = &sfe4002_lm87_channel, }; @@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ static const u8 sfn4112f_lm87_regs[] = { 0 }; -static struct i2c_board_info sfn4112f_hwmon_info = { +static const struct i2c_board_info sfn4112f_hwmon_info = { I2C_BOARD_INFO("lm87", 0x2e), .platform_data = &sfn4112f_lm87_channel, }; @@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ static const u8 sfe4003_lm87_regs[] = { 0 }; -static struct i2c_board_info sfe4003_hwmon_info = { +static const struct i2c_board_info sfe4003_hwmon_info = { I2C_BOARD_INFO("lm87", 0x2e), .platform_data = &sfe4003_lm87_channel, }; @@ -709,8 +709,6 @@ static int sfe4003_init(struct efx_nic *efx) static const struct falcon_board_type board_types[] = { { .id = FALCON_BOARD_SFE4001, - .ref_model = "SFE4001", - .gen_type = "10GBASE-T adapter", .init = sfe4001_init, .init_phy = efx_port_dummy_op_void, .fini = sfe4001_fini, @@ -719,8 +717,6 @@ static const struct falcon_board_type board_types[] = { }, { .id = FALCON_BOARD_SFE4002, - .ref_model = "SFE4002", - .gen_type = "XFP adapter", .init = sfe4002_init, .init_phy = sfe4002_init_phy, .fini = efx_fini_lm87, @@ -729,8 +725,6 @@ static const struct falcon_board_type board_types[] = { }, { .id = FALCON_BOARD_SFE4003, - .ref_model = "SFE4003", - .gen_type = "10GBASE-CX4 adapter", .init = sfe4003_init, .init_phy = sfe4003_init_phy, .fini = efx_fini_lm87, @@ -739,8 +733,6 @@ static const struct falcon_board_type board_types[] = { }, { .id = FALCON_BOARD_SFN4112F, - .ref_model = "SFN4112F", - .gen_type = "SFP+ adapter", .init = sfn4112f_init, .init_phy = sfn4112f_init_phy, .fini = efx_fini_lm87, @@ -763,11 +755,6 @@ int falcon_probe_board(struct efx_nic *efx, u16 revision_info) board->type = &board_types[i]; if (board->type) { - netif_info(efx, probe, efx->net_dev, "board is %s rev %c%d\n", - (efx->pci_dev->subsystem_vendor == - PCI_VENDOR_ID_SOLARFLARE) - ? board->type->ref_model : board->type->gen_type, - 'A' + board->major, board->minor); return 0; } else { netif_err(efx, probe, efx->net_dev, "unknown board type %d\n", diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/falcon_xmac.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/falcon_xmac.c index 9516452c079c810366b5e353b3aea27334d85d13..6106ef15dee38d84508456e8caabbee34cdd8bd9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/falcon_xmac.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/falcon_xmac.c @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ #include "nic.h" #include "regs.h" #include "io.h" -#include "mac.h" #include "mdio_10g.h" #include "workarounds.h" @@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ static bool falcon_xmac_link_ok(struct efx_nic *efx) return (efx->loopback_mode == LOOPBACK_XGMII || falcon_xgxs_link_ok(efx)) && (!(efx->mdio.mmds & (1 << MDIO_MMD_PHYXS)) || - LOOPBACK_INTERNAL(efx) || + LOOPBACK_INTERNAL(efx) || efx_mdio_phyxgxs_lane_sync(efx)); } @@ -270,12 +269,12 @@ static bool falcon_xmac_link_ok_retry(struct efx_nic *efx, int tries) return mac_up; } -static bool falcon_xmac_check_fault(struct efx_nic *efx) +bool falcon_xmac_check_fault(struct efx_nic *efx) { return !falcon_xmac_link_ok_retry(efx, 5); } -static int falcon_reconfigure_xmac(struct efx_nic *efx) +int falcon_reconfigure_xmac(struct efx_nic *efx) { struct falcon_nic_data *nic_data = efx->nic_data; @@ -290,7 +289,7 @@ static int falcon_reconfigure_xmac(struct efx_nic *efx) return 0; } -static void falcon_update_stats_xmac(struct efx_nic *efx) +void falcon_update_stats_xmac(struct efx_nic *efx) { struct efx_mac_stats *mac_stats = &efx->mac_stats; @@ -361,9 +360,3 @@ void falcon_poll_xmac(struct efx_nic *efx) nic_data->xmac_poll_required = !falcon_xmac_link_ok_retry(efx, 1); falcon_ack_status_intr(efx); } - -const struct efx_mac_operations falcon_xmac_operations = { - .reconfigure = falcon_reconfigure_xmac, - .update_stats = falcon_update_stats_xmac, - .check_fault = falcon_xmac_check_fault, -}; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/filter.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/filter.c index 1fbbbee7b1ae225bdd54433ec04e354f5ff1182f..fea7f7300675c9601c3ab2bf84801f7e909dd093 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/filter.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/filter.c @@ -35,9 +35,17 @@ enum efx_filter_table_id { EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_IP = 0, EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_MAC, + EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_DEF, + EFX_FILTER_TABLE_TX_MAC, EFX_FILTER_TABLE_COUNT, }; +enum efx_filter_index { + EFX_FILTER_INDEX_UC_DEF, + EFX_FILTER_INDEX_MC_DEF, + EFX_FILTER_SIZE_RX_DEF, +}; + struct efx_filter_table { enum efx_filter_table_id id; u32 offset; /* address of table relative to BAR */ @@ -90,8 +98,9 @@ efx_filter_spec_table_id(const struct efx_filter_spec *spec) BUILD_BUG_ON(EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_IP != (EFX_FILTER_UDP_WILD >> 2)); BUILD_BUG_ON(EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_MAC != (EFX_FILTER_MAC_FULL >> 2)); BUILD_BUG_ON(EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_MAC != (EFX_FILTER_MAC_WILD >> 2)); + BUILD_BUG_ON(EFX_FILTER_TABLE_TX_MAC != EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_MAC + 2); EFX_BUG_ON_PARANOID(spec->type == EFX_FILTER_UNSPEC); - return spec->type >> 2; + return (spec->type >> 2) + ((spec->flags & EFX_FILTER_FLAG_TX) ? 2 : 0); } static struct efx_filter_table * @@ -109,7 +118,7 @@ static void efx_filter_table_reset_search_depth(struct efx_filter_table *table) memset(table->search_depth, 0, sizeof(table->search_depth)); } -static void efx_filter_push_rx_limits(struct efx_nic *efx) +static void efx_filter_push_rx_config(struct efx_nic *efx) { struct efx_filter_state *state = efx->filter_state; struct efx_filter_table *table; @@ -143,9 +152,58 @@ static void efx_filter_push_rx_limits(struct efx_nic *efx) FILTER_CTL_SRCH_FUDGE_WILD); } + table = &state->table[EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_DEF]; + if (table->size) { + EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD( + filter_ctl, FRF_CZ_UNICAST_NOMATCH_Q_ID, + table->spec[EFX_FILTER_INDEX_UC_DEF].dmaq_id); + EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD( + filter_ctl, FRF_CZ_UNICAST_NOMATCH_RSS_ENABLED, + !!(table->spec[EFX_FILTER_INDEX_UC_DEF].flags & + EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_RSS)); + EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD( + filter_ctl, FRF_CZ_UNICAST_NOMATCH_IP_OVERRIDE, + !!(table->spec[EFX_FILTER_INDEX_UC_DEF].flags & + EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_OVERRIDE_IP)); + EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD( + filter_ctl, FRF_CZ_MULTICAST_NOMATCH_Q_ID, + table->spec[EFX_FILTER_INDEX_MC_DEF].dmaq_id); + EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD( + filter_ctl, FRF_CZ_MULTICAST_NOMATCH_RSS_ENABLED, + !!(table->spec[EFX_FILTER_INDEX_MC_DEF].flags & + EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_RSS)); + EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD( + filter_ctl, FRF_CZ_MULTICAST_NOMATCH_IP_OVERRIDE, + !!(table->spec[EFX_FILTER_INDEX_MC_DEF].flags & + EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_OVERRIDE_IP)); + } + efx_writeo(efx, &filter_ctl, FR_BZ_RX_FILTER_CTL); } +static void efx_filter_push_tx_limits(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + struct efx_filter_state *state = efx->filter_state; + struct efx_filter_table *table; + efx_oword_t tx_cfg; + + efx_reado(efx, &tx_cfg, FR_AZ_TX_CFG); + + table = &state->table[EFX_FILTER_TABLE_TX_MAC]; + if (table->size) { + EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD( + tx_cfg, FRF_CZ_TX_ETH_FILTER_FULL_SEARCH_RANGE, + table->search_depth[EFX_FILTER_MAC_FULL] + + FILTER_CTL_SRCH_FUDGE_FULL); + EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD( + tx_cfg, FRF_CZ_TX_ETH_FILTER_WILD_SEARCH_RANGE, + table->search_depth[EFX_FILTER_MAC_WILD] + + FILTER_CTL_SRCH_FUDGE_WILD); + } + + efx_writeo(efx, &tx_cfg, FR_AZ_TX_CFG); +} + static inline void __efx_filter_set_ipv4(struct efx_filter_spec *spec, __be32 host1, __be16 port1, __be32 host2, __be16 port2) @@ -300,7 +358,8 @@ int efx_filter_get_ipv4_full(const struct efx_filter_spec *spec, int efx_filter_set_eth_local(struct efx_filter_spec *spec, u16 vid, const u8 *addr) { - EFX_BUG_ON_PARANOID(!(spec->flags & EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX)); + EFX_BUG_ON_PARANOID(!(spec->flags & + (EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX | EFX_FILTER_FLAG_TX))); /* This cannot currently be combined with other filtering */ if (spec->type != EFX_FILTER_UNSPEC) @@ -319,6 +378,52 @@ int efx_filter_set_eth_local(struct efx_filter_spec *spec, return 0; } +/** + * efx_filter_set_uc_def - specify matching otherwise-unmatched unicast + * @spec: Specification to initialise + */ +int efx_filter_set_uc_def(struct efx_filter_spec *spec) +{ + EFX_BUG_ON_PARANOID(!(spec->flags & + (EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX | EFX_FILTER_FLAG_TX))); + + if (spec->type != EFX_FILTER_UNSPEC) + return -EINVAL; + + spec->type = EFX_FILTER_UC_DEF; + memset(spec->data, 0, sizeof(spec->data)); /* ensure equality */ + return 0; +} + +/** + * efx_filter_set_mc_def - specify matching otherwise-unmatched multicast + * @spec: Specification to initialise + */ +int efx_filter_set_mc_def(struct efx_filter_spec *spec) +{ + EFX_BUG_ON_PARANOID(!(spec->flags & + (EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX | EFX_FILTER_FLAG_TX))); + + if (spec->type != EFX_FILTER_UNSPEC) + return -EINVAL; + + spec->type = EFX_FILTER_MC_DEF; + memset(spec->data, 0, sizeof(spec->data)); /* ensure equality */ + return 0; +} + +static void efx_filter_reset_rx_def(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned filter_idx) +{ + struct efx_filter_state *state = efx->filter_state; + struct efx_filter_table *table = &state->table[EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_DEF]; + struct efx_filter_spec *spec = &table->spec[filter_idx]; + + efx_filter_init_rx(spec, EFX_FILTER_PRI_MANUAL, + EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_RSS, 0); + spec->type = EFX_FILTER_UC_DEF + filter_idx; + table->used_bitmap[0] |= 1 << filter_idx; +} + int efx_filter_get_eth_local(const struct efx_filter_spec *spec, u16 *vid, u8 *addr) { @@ -366,6 +471,13 @@ static u32 efx_filter_build(efx_oword_t *filter, struct efx_filter_spec *spec) break; } + case EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_DEF: + /* One filter spec per type */ + BUILD_BUG_ON(EFX_FILTER_INDEX_UC_DEF != 0); + BUILD_BUG_ON(EFX_FILTER_INDEX_MC_DEF != + EFX_FILTER_MC_DEF - EFX_FILTER_UC_DEF); + return spec->type - EFX_FILTER_UC_DEF; + case EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_MAC: { bool is_wild = spec->type == EFX_FILTER_MAC_WILD; EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_8( @@ -385,6 +497,18 @@ static u32 efx_filter_build(efx_oword_t *filter, struct efx_filter_spec *spec) break; } + case EFX_FILTER_TABLE_TX_MAC: { + bool is_wild = spec->type == EFX_FILTER_MAC_WILD; + EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_5(*filter, + FRF_CZ_TMFT_TXQ_ID, spec->dmaq_id, + FRF_CZ_TMFT_WILDCARD_MATCH, is_wild, + FRF_CZ_TMFT_SRC_MAC_HI, spec->data[2], + FRF_CZ_TMFT_SRC_MAC_LO, spec->data[1], + FRF_CZ_TMFT_VLAN_ID, spec->data[0]); + data3 = is_wild | spec->dmaq_id << 1; + break; + } + default: BUG(); } @@ -399,6 +523,10 @@ static bool efx_filter_equal(const struct efx_filter_spec *left, memcmp(left->data, right->data, sizeof(left->data))) return false; + if (left->flags & EFX_FILTER_FLAG_TX && + left->dmaq_id != right->dmaq_id) + return false; + return true; } @@ -448,23 +576,40 @@ static int efx_filter_search(struct efx_filter_table *table, * MAC filters without overriding behaviour. */ +#define EFX_FILTER_MATCH_PRI_RX_MAC_OVERRIDE_IP 0 +#define EFX_FILTER_MATCH_PRI_RX_DEF_OVERRIDE_IP 1 +#define EFX_FILTER_MATCH_PRI_NORMAL_BASE 2 + #define EFX_FILTER_INDEX_WIDTH 13 #define EFX_FILTER_INDEX_MASK ((1 << EFX_FILTER_INDEX_WIDTH) - 1) static inline u32 efx_filter_make_id(enum efx_filter_table_id table_id, unsigned int index, u8 flags) { - return (table_id == EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_MAC && - flags & EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_OVERRIDE_IP) ? - index : - (table_id + 1) << EFX_FILTER_INDEX_WIDTH | index; + unsigned int match_pri = EFX_FILTER_MATCH_PRI_NORMAL_BASE + table_id; + + if (flags & EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_OVERRIDE_IP) { + if (table_id == EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_MAC) + match_pri = EFX_FILTER_MATCH_PRI_RX_MAC_OVERRIDE_IP; + else if (table_id == EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_DEF) + match_pri = EFX_FILTER_MATCH_PRI_RX_DEF_OVERRIDE_IP; + } + + return match_pri << EFX_FILTER_INDEX_WIDTH | index; } static inline enum efx_filter_table_id efx_filter_id_table_id(u32 id) { - return (id <= EFX_FILTER_INDEX_MASK) ? - EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_MAC : - (id >> EFX_FILTER_INDEX_WIDTH) - 1; + unsigned int match_pri = id >> EFX_FILTER_INDEX_WIDTH; + + switch (match_pri) { + case EFX_FILTER_MATCH_PRI_RX_MAC_OVERRIDE_IP: + return EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_MAC; + case EFX_FILTER_MATCH_PRI_RX_DEF_OVERRIDE_IP: + return EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_DEF; + default: + return match_pri - EFX_FILTER_MATCH_PRI_NORMAL_BASE; + } } static inline unsigned int efx_filter_id_index(u32 id) @@ -474,23 +619,30 @@ static inline unsigned int efx_filter_id_index(u32 id) static inline u8 efx_filter_id_flags(u32 id) { - return (id <= EFX_FILTER_INDEX_MASK) ? - EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX | EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_OVERRIDE_IP : - EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX; + unsigned int match_pri = id >> EFX_FILTER_INDEX_WIDTH; + + if (match_pri < EFX_FILTER_MATCH_PRI_NORMAL_BASE) + return EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX | EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_OVERRIDE_IP; + else if (match_pri <= + EFX_FILTER_MATCH_PRI_NORMAL_BASE + EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_DEF) + return EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX; + else + return EFX_FILTER_FLAG_TX; } u32 efx_filter_get_rx_id_limit(struct efx_nic *efx) { struct efx_filter_state *state = efx->filter_state; + unsigned int table_id = EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_DEF; - if (state->table[EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_MAC].size != 0) - return ((EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_MAC + 1) << EFX_FILTER_INDEX_WIDTH) - + state->table[EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_MAC].size; - else if (state->table[EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_IP].size != 0) - return ((EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_IP + 1) << EFX_FILTER_INDEX_WIDTH) - + state->table[EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_IP].size; - else - return 0; + do { + if (state->table[table_id].size != 0) + return ((EFX_FILTER_MATCH_PRI_NORMAL_BASE + table_id) + << EFX_FILTER_INDEX_WIDTH) + + state->table[table_id].size; + } while (table_id--); + + return 0; } /** @@ -548,12 +700,20 @@ s32 efx_filter_insert_filter(struct efx_nic *efx, struct efx_filter_spec *spec, } *saved_spec = *spec; - if (table->search_depth[spec->type] < depth) { - table->search_depth[spec->type] = depth; - efx_filter_push_rx_limits(efx); - } + if (table->id == EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_DEF) { + efx_filter_push_rx_config(efx); + } else { + if (table->search_depth[spec->type] < depth) { + table->search_depth[spec->type] = depth; + if (spec->flags & EFX_FILTER_FLAG_TX) + efx_filter_push_tx_limits(efx); + else + efx_filter_push_rx_config(efx); + } - efx_writeo(efx, &filter, table->offset + table->step * filter_idx); + efx_writeo(efx, &filter, + table->offset + table->step * filter_idx); + } netif_vdbg(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, "%s: filter type %d index %d rxq %u set", @@ -571,7 +731,11 @@ static void efx_filter_table_clear_entry(struct efx_nic *efx, { static efx_oword_t filter; - if (test_bit(filter_idx, table->used_bitmap)) { + if (table->id == EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_DEF) { + /* RX default filters must always exist */ + efx_filter_reset_rx_def(efx, filter_idx); + efx_filter_push_rx_config(efx); + } else if (test_bit(filter_idx, table->used_bitmap)) { __clear_bit(filter_idx, table->used_bitmap); --table->used; memset(&table->spec[filter_idx], 0, sizeof(table->spec[0])); @@ -617,7 +781,8 @@ int efx_filter_remove_id_safe(struct efx_nic *efx, spin_lock_bh(&state->lock); if (test_bit(filter_idx, table->used_bitmap) && - spec->priority == priority && spec->flags == filter_flags) { + spec->priority == priority && + !((spec->flags ^ filter_flags) & EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_OVERRIDE_IP)) { efx_filter_table_clear_entry(efx, table, filter_idx); if (table->used == 0) efx_filter_table_reset_search_depth(table); @@ -668,7 +833,8 @@ int efx_filter_get_filter_safe(struct efx_nic *efx, spin_lock_bh(&state->lock); if (test_bit(filter_idx, table->used_bitmap) && - spec->priority == priority && spec->flags == filter_flags) { + spec->priority == priority && + !((spec->flags ^ filter_flags) & EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_OVERRIDE_IP)) { *spec_buf = *spec; rc = 0; } else { @@ -722,7 +888,7 @@ u32 efx_filter_count_rx_used(struct efx_nic *efx, spin_lock_bh(&state->lock); for (table_id = EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_IP; - table_id <= EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_MAC; + table_id <= EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_DEF; table_id++) { table = &state->table[table_id]; for (filter_idx = 0; filter_idx < table->size; filter_idx++) { @@ -750,7 +916,7 @@ s32 efx_filter_get_rx_ids(struct efx_nic *efx, spin_lock_bh(&state->lock); for (table_id = EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_IP; - table_id <= EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_MAC; + table_id <= EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_DEF; table_id++) { table = &state->table[table_id]; for (filter_idx = 0; filter_idx < table->size; filter_idx++) { @@ -785,6 +951,11 @@ void efx_restore_filters(struct efx_nic *efx) for (table_id = 0; table_id < EFX_FILTER_TABLE_COUNT; table_id++) { table = &state->table[table_id]; + + /* Check whether this is a regular register table */ + if (table->step == 0) + continue; + for (filter_idx = 0; filter_idx < table->size; filter_idx++) { if (!test_bit(filter_idx, table->used_bitmap)) continue; @@ -794,7 +965,8 @@ void efx_restore_filters(struct efx_nic *efx) } } - efx_filter_push_rx_limits(efx); + efx_filter_push_rx_config(efx); + efx_filter_push_tx_limits(efx); spin_unlock_bh(&state->lock); } @@ -833,6 +1005,16 @@ int efx_probe_filters(struct efx_nic *efx) table->offset = FR_CZ_RX_MAC_FILTER_TBL0; table->size = FR_CZ_RX_MAC_FILTER_TBL0_ROWS; table->step = FR_CZ_RX_MAC_FILTER_TBL0_STEP; + + table = &state->table[EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_DEF]; + table->id = EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_DEF; + table->size = EFX_FILTER_SIZE_RX_DEF; + + table = &state->table[EFX_FILTER_TABLE_TX_MAC]; + table->id = EFX_FILTER_TABLE_TX_MAC; + table->offset = FR_CZ_TX_MAC_FILTER_TBL0; + table->size = FR_CZ_TX_MAC_FILTER_TBL0_ROWS; + table->step = FR_CZ_TX_MAC_FILTER_TBL0_STEP; } for (table_id = 0; table_id < EFX_FILTER_TABLE_COUNT; table_id++) { @@ -849,6 +1031,15 @@ int efx_probe_filters(struct efx_nic *efx) goto fail; } + if (state->table[EFX_FILTER_TABLE_RX_DEF].size) { + /* RX default filters must always exist */ + unsigned i; + for (i = 0; i < EFX_FILTER_SIZE_RX_DEF; i++) + efx_filter_reset_rx_def(efx, i); + } + + efx_filter_push_rx_config(efx); + return 0; fail: diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/filter.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/filter.h index 3d4108cd90caceac01834d6634a9566a9fcf0c33..3c77802aed6c63e02adf29ca9d2858b4d2c100c0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/filter.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/filter.h @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ * @EFX_FILTER_UDP_WILD: Matching UDP/IPv4 destination (host, port) * @EFX_FILTER_MAC_FULL: Matching Ethernet destination MAC address, VID * @EFX_FILTER_MAC_WILD: Matching Ethernet destination MAC address + * @EFX_FILTER_UC_DEF: Matching all otherwise unmatched unicast + * @EFX_FILTER_MC_DEF: Matching all otherwise unmatched multicast * @EFX_FILTER_UNSPEC: Match type is unspecified * * Falcon NICs only support the TCP/IPv4 and UDP/IPv4 filter types. @@ -31,6 +33,8 @@ enum efx_filter_type { EFX_FILTER_UDP_WILD, EFX_FILTER_MAC_FULL = 4, EFX_FILTER_MAC_WILD, + EFX_FILTER_UC_DEF = 8, + EFX_FILTER_MC_DEF, EFX_FILTER_TYPE_COUNT, /* number of specific types */ EFX_FILTER_UNSPEC = 0xf, }; @@ -39,7 +43,8 @@ enum efx_filter_type { * enum efx_filter_priority - priority of a hardware filter specification * @EFX_FILTER_PRI_HINT: Performance hint * @EFX_FILTER_PRI_MANUAL: Manually configured filter - * @EFX_FILTER_PRI_REQUIRED: Required for correct behaviour + * @EFX_FILTER_PRI_REQUIRED: Required for correct behaviour (user-level + * networking and SR-IOV) */ enum efx_filter_priority { EFX_FILTER_PRI_HINT = 0, @@ -60,12 +65,14 @@ enum efx_filter_priority { * any IP filter that matches the same packet. By default, IP * filters take precedence. * @EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX: Filter is for RX + * @EFX_FILTER_FLAG_TX: Filter is for TX */ enum efx_filter_flags { EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_RSS = 0x01, EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_SCATTER = 0x02, EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_OVERRIDE_IP = 0x04, EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX = 0x08, + EFX_FILTER_FLAG_TX = 0x10, }; /** @@ -103,6 +110,15 @@ static inline void efx_filter_init_rx(struct efx_filter_spec *spec, spec->dmaq_id = rxq_id; } +static inline void efx_filter_init_tx(struct efx_filter_spec *spec, + unsigned txq_id) +{ + spec->type = EFX_FILTER_UNSPEC; + spec->priority = EFX_FILTER_PRI_REQUIRED; + spec->flags = EFX_FILTER_FLAG_TX; + spec->dmaq_id = txq_id; +} + extern int efx_filter_set_ipv4_local(struct efx_filter_spec *spec, u8 proto, __be32 host, __be16 port); extern int efx_filter_get_ipv4_local(const struct efx_filter_spec *spec, @@ -117,6 +133,8 @@ extern int efx_filter_set_eth_local(struct efx_filter_spec *spec, u16 vid, const u8 *addr); extern int efx_filter_get_eth_local(const struct efx_filter_spec *spec, u16 *vid, u8 *addr); +extern int efx_filter_set_uc_def(struct efx_filter_spec *spec); +extern int efx_filter_set_mc_def(struct efx_filter_spec *spec); enum { EFX_FILTER_VID_UNSPEC = 0xffff, }; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mac.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mac.h deleted file mode 100644 index d6a255d0856be02aed4db82f3fc03e725e49566b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mac.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************** - * Driver for Solarflare Solarstorm network controllers and boards - * Copyright 2005-2006 Fen Systems Ltd. - * Copyright 2006-2009 Solarflare Communications Inc. - * - * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published - * by the Free Software Foundation, incorporated herein by reference. - */ - -#ifndef EFX_MAC_H -#define EFX_MAC_H - -#include "net_driver.h" - -extern const struct efx_mac_operations falcon_xmac_operations; -extern const struct efx_mac_operations efx_mcdi_mac_operations; -extern int efx_mcdi_mac_stats(struct efx_nic *efx, dma_addr_t dma_addr, - u32 dma_len, int enable, int clear); - -#endif diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi.c index 81a425397468a3c90e7b3542b8d4c72081cde84e..17b6463e459c141c49631f482058ff6f2904f96c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi.c @@ -22,22 +22,22 @@ ************************************************************************** */ -/* Software-defined structure to the shared-memory */ -#define CMD_NOTIFY_PORT0 0 -#define CMD_NOTIFY_PORT1 4 -#define CMD_PDU_PORT0 0x008 -#define CMD_PDU_PORT1 0x108 -#define REBOOT_FLAG_PORT0 0x3f8 -#define REBOOT_FLAG_PORT1 0x3fc - #define MCDI_RPC_TIMEOUT 10 /*seconds */ #define MCDI_PDU(efx) \ - (efx_port_num(efx) ? CMD_PDU_PORT1 : CMD_PDU_PORT0) + (efx_port_num(efx) ? MC_SMEM_P1_PDU_OFST : MC_SMEM_P0_PDU_OFST) #define MCDI_DOORBELL(efx) \ - (efx_port_num(efx) ? CMD_NOTIFY_PORT1 : CMD_NOTIFY_PORT0) -#define MCDI_REBOOT_FLAG(efx) \ - (efx_port_num(efx) ? REBOOT_FLAG_PORT1 : REBOOT_FLAG_PORT0) + (efx_port_num(efx) ? MC_SMEM_P1_DOORBELL_OFST : MC_SMEM_P0_DOORBELL_OFST) +#define MCDI_STATUS(efx) \ + (efx_port_num(efx) ? MC_SMEM_P1_STATUS_OFST : MC_SMEM_P0_STATUS_OFST) + +/* A reboot/assertion causes the MCDI status word to be set after the + * command word is set or a REBOOT event is sent. If we notice a reboot + * via these mechanisms then wait 10ms for the status word to be set. */ +#define MCDI_STATUS_DELAY_US 100 +#define MCDI_STATUS_DELAY_COUNT 100 +#define MCDI_STATUS_SLEEP_MS \ + (MCDI_STATUS_DELAY_US * MCDI_STATUS_DELAY_COUNT / 1000) #define SEQ_MASK \ EFX_MASK32(EFX_WIDTH(MCDI_HEADER_SEQ)) @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ static void efx_mcdi_copyin(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned cmd, u32 xflags, seqno; BUG_ON(atomic_read(&mcdi->state) == MCDI_STATE_QUIESCENT); - BUG_ON(inlen & 3 || inlen >= 0x100); + BUG_ON(inlen & 3 || inlen >= MC_SMEM_PDU_LEN); seqno = mcdi->seqno & SEQ_MASK; xflags = 0; @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ static void efx_mcdi_copyout(struct efx_nic *efx, u8 *outbuf, size_t outlen) int i; BUG_ON(atomic_read(&mcdi->state) == MCDI_STATE_QUIESCENT); - BUG_ON(outlen & 3 || outlen >= 0x100); + BUG_ON(outlen & 3 || outlen >= MC_SMEM_PDU_LEN); for (i = 0; i < outlen; i += 4) *((__le32 *)(outbuf + i)) = _efx_readd(efx, pdu + 4 + i); @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ static int efx_mcdi_poll(struct efx_nic *efx) /* Test and clear MC-rebooted flag for this port/function */ int efx_mcdi_poll_reboot(struct efx_nic *efx) { - unsigned int addr = FR_CZ_MC_TREG_SMEM + MCDI_REBOOT_FLAG(efx); + unsigned int addr = FR_CZ_MC_TREG_SMEM + MCDI_STATUS(efx); efx_dword_t reg; uint32_t value; @@ -384,6 +384,11 @@ int efx_mcdi_rpc(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned cmd, netif_dbg(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, "MC command 0x%x inlen %d failed rc=%d\n", cmd, (int)inlen, -rc); + + if (rc == -EIO || rc == -EINTR) { + msleep(MCDI_STATUS_SLEEP_MS); + efx_mcdi_poll_reboot(efx); + } } efx_mcdi_release(mcdi); @@ -465,10 +470,20 @@ static void efx_mcdi_ev_death(struct efx_nic *efx, int rc) mcdi->resplen = 0; ++mcdi->credits; } - } else + } else { + int count; + /* Nobody was waiting for an MCDI request, so trigger a reset */ efx_schedule_reset(efx, RESET_TYPE_MC_FAILURE); + /* Consume the status word since efx_mcdi_rpc_finish() won't */ + for (count = 0; count < MCDI_STATUS_DELAY_COUNT; ++count) { + if (efx_mcdi_poll_reboot(efx)) + break; + udelay(MCDI_STATUS_DELAY_US); + } + } + spin_unlock(&mcdi->iface_lock); } @@ -502,49 +517,6 @@ static void efx_mcdi_process_link_change(struct efx_nic *efx, efx_qword_t *ev) efx_link_status_changed(efx); } -static const char *sensor_names[] = { - [MC_CMD_SENSOR_CONTROLLER_TEMP] = "Controller temp. sensor", - [MC_CMD_SENSOR_PHY_COMMON_TEMP] = "PHY shared temp. sensor", - [MC_CMD_SENSOR_CONTROLLER_COOLING] = "Controller cooling", - [MC_CMD_SENSOR_PHY0_TEMP] = "PHY 0 temp. sensor", - [MC_CMD_SENSOR_PHY0_COOLING] = "PHY 0 cooling", - [MC_CMD_SENSOR_PHY1_TEMP] = "PHY 1 temp. sensor", - [MC_CMD_SENSOR_PHY1_COOLING] = "PHY 1 cooling", - [MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_1V0] = "1.0V supply sensor", - [MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_1V2] = "1.2V supply sensor", - [MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_1V8] = "1.8V supply sensor", - [MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_2V5] = "2.5V supply sensor", - [MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_3V3] = "3.3V supply sensor", - [MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_12V0] = "12V supply sensor" -}; - -static const char *sensor_status_names[] = { - [MC_CMD_SENSOR_STATE_OK] = "OK", - [MC_CMD_SENSOR_STATE_WARNING] = "Warning", - [MC_CMD_SENSOR_STATE_FATAL] = "Fatal", - [MC_CMD_SENSOR_STATE_BROKEN] = "Device failure", -}; - -static void efx_mcdi_sensor_event(struct efx_nic *efx, efx_qword_t *ev) -{ - unsigned int monitor, state, value; - const char *name, *state_txt; - monitor = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*ev, MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_MONITOR); - state = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*ev, MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_STATE); - value = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*ev, MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_VALUE); - /* Deal gracefully with the board having more drivers than we - * know about, but do not expect new sensor states. */ - name = (monitor >= ARRAY_SIZE(sensor_names)) - ? "No sensor name available" : - sensor_names[monitor]; - EFX_BUG_ON_PARANOID(state >= ARRAY_SIZE(sensor_status_names)); - state_txt = sensor_status_names[state]; - - netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, - "Sensor %d (%s) reports condition '%s' for raw value %d\n", - monitor, name, state_txt, value); -} - /* Called from falcon_process_eventq for MCDI events */ void efx_mcdi_process_event(struct efx_channel *channel, efx_qword_t *event) @@ -588,6 +560,9 @@ void efx_mcdi_process_event(struct efx_channel *channel, case MCDI_EVENT_CODE_MAC_STATS_DMA: /* MAC stats are gather lazily. We can ignore this. */ break; + case MCDI_EVENT_CODE_FLR: + efx_sriov_flr(efx, MCDI_EVENT_FIELD(*event, FLR_VF)); + break; default: netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, "Unknown MCDI event 0x%x\n", @@ -604,7 +579,7 @@ void efx_mcdi_process_event(struct efx_channel *channel, void efx_mcdi_print_fwver(struct efx_nic *efx, char *buf, size_t len) { - u8 outbuf[ALIGN(MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_V1_OUT_LEN, 4)]; + u8 outbuf[ALIGN(MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_LEN, 4)]; size_t outlength; const __le16 *ver_words; int rc; @@ -616,7 +591,7 @@ void efx_mcdi_print_fwver(struct efx_nic *efx, char *buf, size_t len) if (rc) goto fail; - if (outlength < MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_V1_OUT_LEN) { + if (outlength < MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_LEN) { rc = -EIO; goto fail; } @@ -663,9 +638,9 @@ int efx_mcdi_drv_attach(struct efx_nic *efx, bool driver_operating, } int efx_mcdi_get_board_cfg(struct efx_nic *efx, u8 *mac_address, - u16 *fw_subtype_list) + u16 *fw_subtype_list, u32 *capabilities) { - uint8_t outbuf[MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_LEN]; + uint8_t outbuf[MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_LENMIN]; size_t outlen; int port_num = efx_port_num(efx); int offset; @@ -678,7 +653,7 @@ int efx_mcdi_get_board_cfg(struct efx_nic *efx, u8 *mac_address, if (rc) goto fail; - if (outlen < MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_LEN) { + if (outlen < MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_LENMIN) { rc = -EIO; goto fail; } @@ -691,7 +666,16 @@ int efx_mcdi_get_board_cfg(struct efx_nic *efx, u8 *mac_address, if (fw_subtype_list) memcpy(fw_subtype_list, outbuf + MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_FW_SUBTYPE_LIST_OFST, - MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_FW_SUBTYPE_LIST_LEN); + MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_FW_SUBTYPE_LIST_MINNUM * + sizeof(fw_subtype_list[0])); + if (capabilities) { + if (port_num) + *capabilities = MCDI_DWORD(outbuf, + GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_CAPABILITIES_PORT1); + else + *capabilities = MCDI_DWORD(outbuf, + GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_CAPABILITIES_PORT0); + } return 0; @@ -779,7 +763,7 @@ int efx_mcdi_nvram_info(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned int type, *size_out = MCDI_DWORD(outbuf, NVRAM_INFO_OUT_SIZE); *erase_size_out = MCDI_DWORD(outbuf, NVRAM_INFO_OUT_ERASESIZE); *protected_out = !!(MCDI_DWORD(outbuf, NVRAM_INFO_OUT_FLAGS) & - (1 << MC_CMD_NVRAM_PROTECTED_LBN)); + (1 << MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_OUT_PROTECTED_LBN)); return 0; fail: @@ -1060,7 +1044,7 @@ void efx_mcdi_set_id_led(struct efx_nic *efx, enum efx_led_mode mode) int efx_mcdi_reset_port(struct efx_nic *efx) { - int rc = efx_mcdi_rpc(efx, MC_CMD_PORT_RESET, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); + int rc = efx_mcdi_rpc(efx, MC_CMD_ENTITY_RESET, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); if (rc) netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, "%s: failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc); @@ -1173,6 +1157,37 @@ int efx_mcdi_wol_filter_remove(struct efx_nic *efx, int id) return rc; } +int efx_mcdi_flush_rxqs(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + struct efx_channel *channel; + struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue; + __le32 *qid; + int rc, count; + + qid = kmalloc(EFX_MAX_CHANNELS * sizeof(*qid), GFP_KERNEL); + if (qid == NULL) + return -ENOMEM; + + count = 0; + efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { + efx_for_each_channel_rx_queue(rx_queue, channel) { + if (rx_queue->flush_pending) { + rx_queue->flush_pending = false; + atomic_dec(&efx->rxq_flush_pending); + qid[count++] = cpu_to_le32( + efx_rx_queue_index(rx_queue)); + } + } + } + + rc = efx_mcdi_rpc(efx, MC_CMD_FLUSH_RX_QUEUES, (u8 *)qid, + count * sizeof(*qid), NULL, 0, NULL); + WARN_ON(rc > 0); + + kfree(qid); + + return rc; +} int efx_mcdi_wol_filter_reset(struct efx_nic *efx) { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi.h index aced2a7856fcbc60310524a86eb44745c90f791a..0bdf3e33183253d19803803cdf73d7519c9bdaf6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi.h @@ -56,6 +56,15 @@ struct efx_mcdi_iface { size_t resplen; }; +struct efx_mcdi_mon { + struct efx_buffer dma_buf; + struct mutex update_lock; + unsigned long last_update; + struct device *device; + struct efx_mcdi_mon_attribute *attrs; + unsigned int n_attrs; +}; + extern void efx_mcdi_init(struct efx_nic *efx); extern int efx_mcdi_rpc(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned cmd, const u8 *inbuf, @@ -68,6 +77,7 @@ extern void efx_mcdi_mode_event(struct efx_nic *efx); extern void efx_mcdi_process_event(struct efx_channel *channel, efx_qword_t *event); +extern void efx_mcdi_sensor_event(struct efx_nic *efx, efx_qword_t *ev); #define MCDI_PTR2(_buf, _ofst) \ (((u8 *)_buf) + _ofst) @@ -83,6 +93,10 @@ extern void efx_mcdi_process_event(struct efx_channel *channel, #define MCDI_PTR(_buf, _ofst) \ MCDI_PTR2(_buf, MC_CMD_ ## _ofst ## _OFST) +#define MCDI_ARRAY_PTR(_buf, _field, _type, _index) \ + MCDI_PTR2(_buf, \ + MC_CMD_ ## _field ## _OFST + \ + (_index) * MC_CMD_ ## _type ## _TYPEDEF_LEN) #define MCDI_SET_DWORD(_buf, _ofst, _value) \ MCDI_SET_DWORD2(_buf, MC_CMD_ ## _ofst ## _OFST, _value) #define MCDI_DWORD(_buf, _ofst) \ @@ -92,12 +106,18 @@ extern void efx_mcdi_process_event(struct efx_channel *channel, #define MCDI_EVENT_FIELD(_ev, _field) \ EFX_QWORD_FIELD(_ev, MCDI_EVENT_ ## _field) +#define MCDI_ARRAY_FIELD(_buf, _field1, _type, _index, _field2) \ + EFX_DWORD_FIELD( \ + *((efx_dword_t *) \ + (MCDI_ARRAY_PTR(_buf, _field1, _type, _index) + \ + (MC_CMD_ ## _type ## _TYPEDEF_ ## _field2 ## _OFST & ~3))), \ + MC_CMD_ ## _type ## _TYPEDEF_ ## _field2) extern void efx_mcdi_print_fwver(struct efx_nic *efx, char *buf, size_t len); extern int efx_mcdi_drv_attach(struct efx_nic *efx, bool driver_operating, bool *was_attached_out); extern int efx_mcdi_get_board_cfg(struct efx_nic *efx, u8 *mac_address, - u16 *fw_subtype_list); + u16 *fw_subtype_list, u32 *capabilities); extern int efx_mcdi_log_ctrl(struct efx_nic *efx, bool evq, bool uart, u32 dest_evq); extern int efx_mcdi_nvram_types(struct efx_nic *efx, u32 *nvram_types_out); @@ -126,5 +146,19 @@ extern int efx_mcdi_wol_filter_set_magic(struct efx_nic *efx, extern int efx_mcdi_wol_filter_get_magic(struct efx_nic *efx, int *id_out); extern int efx_mcdi_wol_filter_remove(struct efx_nic *efx, int id); extern int efx_mcdi_wol_filter_reset(struct efx_nic *efx); +extern int efx_mcdi_flush_rxqs(struct efx_nic *efx); +extern int efx_mcdi_set_mac(struct efx_nic *efx); +extern int efx_mcdi_mac_stats(struct efx_nic *efx, dma_addr_t dma_addr, + u32 dma_len, int enable, int clear); +extern int efx_mcdi_mac_reconfigure(struct efx_nic *efx); +extern bool efx_mcdi_mac_check_fault(struct efx_nic *efx); + +#ifdef CONFIG_SFC_MCDI_MON +extern int efx_mcdi_mon_probe(struct efx_nic *efx); +extern void efx_mcdi_mon_remove(struct efx_nic *efx); +#else +static inline int efx_mcdi_mon_probe(struct efx_nic *efx) { return 0; } +static inline void efx_mcdi_mon_remove(struct efx_nic *efx) {} +#endif #endif /* EFX_MCDI_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_mac.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_mac.c index 50c20777a5640ffdfbe67adae3505eff68b90cff..1003f309cba77c0a611c438ff25ff206325f971b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_mac.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_mac.c @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ #include "net_driver.h" #include "efx.h" -#include "mac.h" #include "mcdi.h" #include "mcdi_pcol.h" -static int efx_mcdi_set_mac(struct efx_nic *efx) +int efx_mcdi_set_mac(struct efx_nic *efx) { u32 reject, fcntl; u8 cmdbytes[MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_LEN]; @@ -45,6 +44,8 @@ static int efx_mcdi_set_mac(struct efx_nic *efx) } if (efx->wanted_fc & EFX_FC_AUTO) fcntl = MC_CMD_FCNTL_AUTO; + if (efx->fc_disable) + fcntl = MC_CMD_FCNTL_OFF; MCDI_SET_DWORD(cmdbytes, SET_MAC_IN_FCNTL, fcntl); @@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ static int efx_mcdi_set_mac(struct efx_nic *efx) NULL, 0, NULL); } -static int efx_mcdi_get_mac_faults(struct efx_nic *efx, u32 *faults) +bool efx_mcdi_mac_check_fault(struct efx_nic *efx) { u8 outbuf[MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_LEN]; size_t outlength; @@ -62,16 +63,13 @@ static int efx_mcdi_get_mac_faults(struct efx_nic *efx, u32 *faults) rc = efx_mcdi_rpc(efx, MC_CMD_GET_LINK, NULL, 0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), &outlength); - if (rc) - goto fail; - - *faults = MCDI_DWORD(outbuf, GET_LINK_OUT_MAC_FAULT); - return 0; + if (rc) { + netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, "%s: failed rc=%d\n", + __func__, rc); + return true; + } -fail: - netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, "%s: failed rc=%d\n", - __func__, rc); - return rc; + return MCDI_DWORD(outbuf, GET_LINK_OUT_MAC_FAULT) != 0; } int efx_mcdi_mac_stats(struct efx_nic *efx, dma_addr_t dma_addr, @@ -84,7 +82,7 @@ int efx_mcdi_mac_stats(struct efx_nic *efx, dma_addr_t dma_addr, u32 addr_hi; u32 addr_lo; - BUILD_BUG_ON(MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_OUT_LEN != 0); + BUILD_BUG_ON(MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_OUT_DMA_LEN != 0); addr_lo = ((u64)dma_addr) >> 0; addr_hi = ((u64)dma_addr) >> 32; @@ -93,13 +91,13 @@ int efx_mcdi_mac_stats(struct efx_nic *efx, dma_addr_t dma_addr, MCDI_SET_DWORD(inbuf, MAC_STATS_IN_DMA_ADDR_HI, addr_hi); cmd_ptr = (efx_dword_t *)MCDI_PTR(inbuf, MAC_STATS_IN_CMD); EFX_POPULATE_DWORD_7(*cmd_ptr, - MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_DMA, !!enable, - MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_CLEAR, clear, - MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_PERIODIC_CHANGE, 1, - MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_PERIODIC_ENABLE, !!enable, - MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_PERIODIC_CLEAR, 0, - MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_PERIODIC_NOEVENT, 1, - MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_PERIOD_MS, period); + MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_DMA, !!enable, + MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_CLEAR, clear, + MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_PERIODIC_CHANGE, 1, + MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_PERIODIC_ENABLE, !!enable, + MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_PERIODIC_CLEAR, 0, + MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_PERIODIC_NOEVENT, 1, + MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_PERIOD_MS, period); MCDI_SET_DWORD(inbuf, MAC_STATS_IN_DMA_LEN, dma_len); rc = efx_mcdi_rpc(efx, MC_CMD_MAC_STATS, inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), @@ -115,31 +113,18 @@ int efx_mcdi_mac_stats(struct efx_nic *efx, dma_addr_t dma_addr, return rc; } -static int efx_mcdi_mac_reconfigure(struct efx_nic *efx) +int efx_mcdi_mac_reconfigure(struct efx_nic *efx) { int rc; + WARN_ON(!mutex_is_locked(&efx->mac_lock)); + rc = efx_mcdi_set_mac(efx); if (rc != 0) return rc; - /* Restore the multicast hash registers. */ - efx->type->push_multicast_hash(efx); - - return 0; -} - - -static bool efx_mcdi_mac_check_fault(struct efx_nic *efx) -{ - u32 faults; - int rc = efx_mcdi_get_mac_faults(efx, &faults); - return (rc != 0) || (faults != 0); + return efx_mcdi_rpc(efx, MC_CMD_SET_MCAST_HASH, + efx->multicast_hash.byte, + sizeof(efx->multicast_hash), + NULL, 0, NULL); } - - -const struct efx_mac_operations efx_mcdi_mac_operations = { - .reconfigure = efx_mcdi_mac_reconfigure, - .update_stats = efx_port_dummy_op_void, - .check_fault = efx_mcdi_mac_check_fault, -}; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_mon.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_mon.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb7f65b59eb819f176d76dbbb133932bcba76183 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_mon.c @@ -0,0 +1,415 @@ +/**************************************************************************** + * Driver for Solarflare Solarstorm network controllers and boards + * Copyright 2011 Solarflare Communications Inc. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published + * by the Free Software Foundation, incorporated herein by reference. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "net_driver.h" +#include "mcdi.h" +#include "mcdi_pcol.h" +#include "nic.h" + +enum efx_hwmon_type { + EFX_HWMON_UNKNOWN, + EFX_HWMON_TEMP, /* temperature */ + EFX_HWMON_COOL, /* cooling device, probably a heatsink */ + EFX_HWMON_IN /* input voltage */ +}; + +static const struct { + const char *label; + enum efx_hwmon_type hwmon_type; + int port; +} efx_mcdi_sensor_type[MC_CMD_SENSOR_ENTRY_MAXNUM] = { +#define SENSOR(name, label, hwmon_type, port) \ + [MC_CMD_SENSOR_##name] = { label, hwmon_type, port } + SENSOR(CONTROLLER_TEMP, "Controller temp.", EFX_HWMON_TEMP, -1), + SENSOR(PHY_COMMON_TEMP, "PHY temp.", EFX_HWMON_TEMP, -1), + SENSOR(CONTROLLER_COOLING, "Controller cooling", EFX_HWMON_COOL, -1), + SENSOR(PHY0_TEMP, "PHY temp.", EFX_HWMON_TEMP, 0), + SENSOR(PHY0_COOLING, "PHY cooling", EFX_HWMON_COOL, 0), + SENSOR(PHY1_TEMP, "PHY temp.", EFX_HWMON_TEMP, 1), + SENSOR(PHY1_COOLING, "PHY cooling", EFX_HWMON_COOL, 1), + SENSOR(IN_1V0, "1.0V supply", EFX_HWMON_IN, -1), + SENSOR(IN_1V2, "1.2V supply", EFX_HWMON_IN, -1), + SENSOR(IN_1V8, "1.8V supply", EFX_HWMON_IN, -1), + SENSOR(IN_2V5, "2.5V supply", EFX_HWMON_IN, -1), + SENSOR(IN_3V3, "3.3V supply", EFX_HWMON_IN, -1), + SENSOR(IN_12V0, "12.0V supply", EFX_HWMON_IN, -1), + SENSOR(IN_1V2A, "1.2V analogue supply", EFX_HWMON_IN, -1), + SENSOR(IN_VREF, "ref. voltage", EFX_HWMON_IN, -1), +#undef SENSOR +}; + +static const char *const sensor_status_names[] = { + [MC_CMD_SENSOR_STATE_OK] = "OK", + [MC_CMD_SENSOR_STATE_WARNING] = "Warning", + [MC_CMD_SENSOR_STATE_FATAL] = "Fatal", + [MC_CMD_SENSOR_STATE_BROKEN] = "Device failure", +}; + +void efx_mcdi_sensor_event(struct efx_nic *efx, efx_qword_t *ev) +{ + unsigned int type, state, value; + const char *name = NULL, *state_txt; + + type = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*ev, MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_MONITOR); + state = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*ev, MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_STATE); + value = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*ev, MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_VALUE); + + /* Deal gracefully with the board having more drivers than we + * know about, but do not expect new sensor states. */ + if (type < ARRAY_SIZE(efx_mcdi_sensor_type)) + name = efx_mcdi_sensor_type[type].label; + if (!name) + name = "No sensor name available"; + EFX_BUG_ON_PARANOID(state >= ARRAY_SIZE(sensor_status_names)); + state_txt = sensor_status_names[state]; + + netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, + "Sensor %d (%s) reports condition '%s' for raw value %d\n", + type, name, state_txt, value); +} + +#ifdef CONFIG_SFC_MCDI_MON + +struct efx_mcdi_mon_attribute { + struct device_attribute dev_attr; + unsigned int index; + unsigned int type; + unsigned int limit_value; + char name[12]; +}; + +static int efx_mcdi_mon_update(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + struct efx_mcdi_mon *hwmon = efx_mcdi_mon(efx); + u8 inbuf[MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS_IN_LEN]; + int rc; + + MCDI_SET_DWORD(inbuf, READ_SENSORS_IN_DMA_ADDR_LO, + hwmon->dma_buf.dma_addr & 0xffffffff); + MCDI_SET_DWORD(inbuf, READ_SENSORS_IN_DMA_ADDR_HI, + (u64)hwmon->dma_buf.dma_addr >> 32); + + rc = efx_mcdi_rpc(efx, MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS, + inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), NULL, 0, NULL); + if (rc == 0) + hwmon->last_update = jiffies; + return rc; +} + +static ssize_t efx_mcdi_mon_show_name(struct device *dev, + struct device_attribute *attr, + char *buf) +{ + return sprintf(buf, "%s\n", KBUILD_MODNAME); +} + +static int efx_mcdi_mon_get_entry(struct device *dev, unsigned int index, + efx_dword_t *entry) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct efx_mcdi_mon *hwmon = efx_mcdi_mon(efx); + int rc; + + BUILD_BUG_ON(MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS_OUT_LEN != 0); + + mutex_lock(&hwmon->update_lock); + + /* Use cached value if last update was < 1 s ago */ + if (time_before(jiffies, hwmon->last_update + HZ)) + rc = 0; + else + rc = efx_mcdi_mon_update(efx); + + /* Copy out the requested entry */ + *entry = ((efx_dword_t *)hwmon->dma_buf.addr)[index]; + + mutex_unlock(&hwmon->update_lock); + + return rc; +} + +static ssize_t efx_mcdi_mon_show_value(struct device *dev, + struct device_attribute *attr, + char *buf) +{ + struct efx_mcdi_mon_attribute *mon_attr = + container_of(attr, struct efx_mcdi_mon_attribute, dev_attr); + efx_dword_t entry; + unsigned int value; + int rc; + + rc = efx_mcdi_mon_get_entry(dev, mon_attr->index, &entry); + if (rc) + return rc; + + value = EFX_DWORD_FIELD(entry, MC_CMD_SENSOR_VALUE_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_VALUE); + + /* Convert temperature from degrees to milli-degrees Celsius */ + if (efx_mcdi_sensor_type[mon_attr->type].hwmon_type == EFX_HWMON_TEMP) + value *= 1000; + + return sprintf(buf, "%u\n", value); +} + +static ssize_t efx_mcdi_mon_show_limit(struct device *dev, + struct device_attribute *attr, + char *buf) +{ + struct efx_mcdi_mon_attribute *mon_attr = + container_of(attr, struct efx_mcdi_mon_attribute, dev_attr); + unsigned int value; + + value = mon_attr->limit_value; + + /* Convert temperature from degrees to milli-degrees Celsius */ + if (efx_mcdi_sensor_type[mon_attr->type].hwmon_type == EFX_HWMON_TEMP) + value *= 1000; + + return sprintf(buf, "%u\n", value); +} + +static ssize_t efx_mcdi_mon_show_alarm(struct device *dev, + struct device_attribute *attr, + char *buf) +{ + struct efx_mcdi_mon_attribute *mon_attr = + container_of(attr, struct efx_mcdi_mon_attribute, dev_attr); + efx_dword_t entry; + int state; + int rc; + + rc = efx_mcdi_mon_get_entry(dev, mon_attr->index, &entry); + if (rc) + return rc; + + state = EFX_DWORD_FIELD(entry, MC_CMD_SENSOR_VALUE_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_STATE); + return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", state != MC_CMD_SENSOR_STATE_OK); +} + +static ssize_t efx_mcdi_mon_show_label(struct device *dev, + struct device_attribute *attr, + char *buf) +{ + struct efx_mcdi_mon_attribute *mon_attr = + container_of(attr, struct efx_mcdi_mon_attribute, dev_attr); + return sprintf(buf, "%s\n", + efx_mcdi_sensor_type[mon_attr->type].label); +} + +static int +efx_mcdi_mon_add_attr(struct efx_nic *efx, const char *name, + ssize_t (*reader)(struct device *, + struct device_attribute *, char *), + unsigned int index, unsigned int type, + unsigned int limit_value) +{ + struct efx_mcdi_mon *hwmon = efx_mcdi_mon(efx); + struct efx_mcdi_mon_attribute *attr = &hwmon->attrs[hwmon->n_attrs]; + int rc; + + strlcpy(attr->name, name, sizeof(attr->name)); + attr->index = index; + attr->type = type; + attr->limit_value = limit_value; + attr->dev_attr.attr.name = attr->name; + attr->dev_attr.attr.mode = S_IRUGO; + attr->dev_attr.show = reader; + rc = device_create_file(&efx->pci_dev->dev, &attr->dev_attr); + if (rc == 0) + ++hwmon->n_attrs; + return rc; +} + +int efx_mcdi_mon_probe(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + struct efx_mcdi_mon *hwmon = efx_mcdi_mon(efx); + unsigned int n_attrs, n_temp = 0, n_cool = 0, n_in = 0; + u8 outbuf[MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_OUT_LENMAX]; + size_t outlen; + char name[12]; + u32 mask; + int rc, i, type; + + BUILD_BUG_ON(MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_IN_LEN != 0); + + rc = efx_mcdi_rpc(efx, MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO, NULL, 0, + outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), &outlen); + if (rc) + return rc; + if (outlen < MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_OUT_LENMIN) + return -EIO; + + /* Find out which sensors are present. Don't create a device + * if there are none. + */ + mask = MCDI_DWORD(outbuf, SENSOR_INFO_OUT_MASK); + if (mask == 0) + return 0; + + /* Check again for short response */ + if (outlen < MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_OUT_LEN(hweight32(mask))) + return -EIO; + + rc = efx_nic_alloc_buffer(efx, &hwmon->dma_buf, + 4 * MC_CMD_SENSOR_ENTRY_MAXNUM); + if (rc) + return rc; + + mutex_init(&hwmon->update_lock); + efx_mcdi_mon_update(efx); + + /* Allocate space for the maximum possible number of + * attributes for this set of sensors: name of the driver plus + * value, min, max, crit, alarm and label for each sensor. + */ + n_attrs = 1 + 6 * hweight32(mask); + hwmon->attrs = kcalloc(n_attrs, sizeof(*hwmon->attrs), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!hwmon->attrs) { + rc = -ENOMEM; + goto fail; + } + + hwmon->device = hwmon_device_register(&efx->pci_dev->dev); + if (IS_ERR(hwmon->device)) { + rc = PTR_ERR(hwmon->device); + goto fail; + } + + rc = efx_mcdi_mon_add_attr(efx, "name", efx_mcdi_mon_show_name, 0, 0, 0); + if (rc) + goto fail; + + for (i = 0, type = -1; ; i++) { + const char *hwmon_prefix; + unsigned hwmon_index; + u16 min1, max1, min2, max2; + + /* Find next sensor type or exit if there is none */ + type++; + while (!(mask & (1 << type))) { + type++; + if (type == 32) + return 0; + } + + /* Skip sensors specific to a different port */ + if (efx_mcdi_sensor_type[type].hwmon_type != EFX_HWMON_UNKNOWN && + efx_mcdi_sensor_type[type].port >= 0 && + efx_mcdi_sensor_type[type].port != efx_port_num(efx)) + continue; + + switch (efx_mcdi_sensor_type[type].hwmon_type) { + case EFX_HWMON_TEMP: + hwmon_prefix = "temp"; + hwmon_index = ++n_temp; /* 1-based */ + break; + case EFX_HWMON_COOL: + /* This is likely to be a heatsink, but there + * is no convention for representing cooling + * devices other than fans. + */ + hwmon_prefix = "fan"; + hwmon_index = ++n_cool; /* 1-based */ + break; + default: + hwmon_prefix = "in"; + hwmon_index = n_in++; /* 0-based */ + break; + } + + min1 = MCDI_ARRAY_FIELD(outbuf, SENSOR_ENTRY, + SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY, i, MIN1); + max1 = MCDI_ARRAY_FIELD(outbuf, SENSOR_ENTRY, + SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY, i, MAX1); + min2 = MCDI_ARRAY_FIELD(outbuf, SENSOR_ENTRY, + SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY, i, MIN2); + max2 = MCDI_ARRAY_FIELD(outbuf, SENSOR_ENTRY, + SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY, i, MAX2); + + if (min1 != max1) { + snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s%u_input", + hwmon_prefix, hwmon_index); + rc = efx_mcdi_mon_add_attr( + efx, name, efx_mcdi_mon_show_value, i, type, 0); + if (rc) + goto fail; + + snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s%u_min", + hwmon_prefix, hwmon_index); + rc = efx_mcdi_mon_add_attr( + efx, name, efx_mcdi_mon_show_limit, + i, type, min1); + if (rc) + goto fail; + + snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s%u_max", + hwmon_prefix, hwmon_index); + rc = efx_mcdi_mon_add_attr( + efx, name, efx_mcdi_mon_show_limit, + i, type, max1); + if (rc) + goto fail; + + if (min2 != max2) { + /* Assume max2 is critical value. + * But we have no good way to expose min2. + */ + snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s%u_crit", + hwmon_prefix, hwmon_index); + rc = efx_mcdi_mon_add_attr( + efx, name, efx_mcdi_mon_show_limit, + i, type, max2); + if (rc) + goto fail; + } + } + + snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s%u_alarm", + hwmon_prefix, hwmon_index); + rc = efx_mcdi_mon_add_attr( + efx, name, efx_mcdi_mon_show_alarm, i, type, 0); + if (rc) + goto fail; + + if (efx_mcdi_sensor_type[type].label) { + snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s%u_label", + hwmon_prefix, hwmon_index); + rc = efx_mcdi_mon_add_attr( + efx, name, efx_mcdi_mon_show_label, i, type, 0); + if (rc) + goto fail; + } + } + +fail: + efx_mcdi_mon_remove(efx); + return rc; +} + +void efx_mcdi_mon_remove(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + struct siena_nic_data *nic_data = efx->nic_data; + struct efx_mcdi_mon *hwmon = &nic_data->hwmon; + unsigned int i; + + for (i = 0; i < hwmon->n_attrs; i++) + device_remove_file(&efx->pci_dev->dev, + &hwmon->attrs[i].dev_attr); + kfree(hwmon->attrs); + if (hwmon->device) + hwmon_device_unregister(hwmon->device); + efx_nic_free_buffer(efx, &hwmon->dma_buf); +} + +#endif /* CONFIG_SFC_MCDI_MON */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_pcol.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_pcol.h index 41fe06fa06003fabd1ab6c1305832c1640f82926..0310b9f08c9b30b85d8b585a8c23f1d1fe78ef0e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_pcol.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_pcol.h @@ -22,6 +22,18 @@ /* The Scheduler has started. */ #define MC_FW_STATE_SCHED (8) +/* Siena MC shared memmory offsets */ +/* The 'doorbell' addresses are hard-wired to alert the MC when written */ +#define MC_SMEM_P0_DOORBELL_OFST 0x000 +#define MC_SMEM_P1_DOORBELL_OFST 0x004 +/* The rest of these are firmware-defined */ +#define MC_SMEM_P0_PDU_OFST 0x008 +#define MC_SMEM_P1_PDU_OFST 0x108 +#define MC_SMEM_PDU_LEN 0x100 +#define MC_SMEM_P0_PTP_TIME_OFST 0x7f0 +#define MC_SMEM_P0_STATUS_OFST 0x7f8 +#define MC_SMEM_P1_STATUS_OFST 0x7fc + /* Values to be written to the per-port status dword in shared * memory on reboot and assert */ #define MC_STATUS_DWORD_REBOOT (0xb007b007) @@ -34,6 +46,8 @@ */ #define MCDI_PCOL_VERSION 1 +/* Unused commands: 0x23, 0x27, 0x30, 0x31 */ + /** * MCDI version 1 * @@ -131,53 +145,6 @@ */ #define FSE_AZ_EV_CODE_MCDI_EVRESPONSE 0xc -#define MCDI_EVENT_DATA_LBN 0 -#define MCDI_EVENT_DATA_WIDTH 32 -#define MCDI_EVENT_CONT_LBN 32 -#define MCDI_EVENT_CONT_WIDTH 1 -#define MCDI_EVENT_LEVEL_LBN 33 -#define MCDI_EVENT_LEVEL_WIDTH 3 -#define MCDI_EVENT_LEVEL_INFO (0) -#define MCDI_EVENT_LEVEL_WARN (1) -#define MCDI_EVENT_LEVEL_ERR (2) -#define MCDI_EVENT_LEVEL_FATAL (3) -#define MCDI_EVENT_SRC_LBN 36 -#define MCDI_EVENT_SRC_WIDTH 8 -#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_LBN 44 -#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_WIDTH 8 -#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_BADSSERT (1) -#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_PMNOTICE (2) -#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_CMDDONE (3) -#define MCDI_EVENT_CMDDONE_SEQ_LBN 0 -#define MCDI_EVENT_CMDDONE_SEQ_WIDTH 8 -#define MCDI_EVENT_CMDDONE_DATALEN_LBN 8 -#define MCDI_EVENT_CMDDONE_DATALEN_WIDTH 8 -#define MCDI_EVENT_CMDDONE_ERRNO_LBN 16 -#define MCDI_EVENT_CMDDONE_ERRNO_WIDTH 8 -#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_LINKCHANGE (4) -#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_LP_CAP_LBN 0 -#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_LP_CAP_WIDTH 16 -#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_SPEED_LBN 16 -#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_SPEED_WIDTH 4 -#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_SPEED_100M 1 -#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_SPEED_1G 2 -#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_SPEED_10G 3 -#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_FCNTL_LBN 20 -#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_FCNTL_WIDTH 4 -#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_LINK_FLAGS_LBN 24 -#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_LINK_FLAGS_WIDTH 8 -#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_SENSOREVT (5) -#define MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_MONITOR_LBN 0 -#define MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_MONITOR_WIDTH 8 -#define MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_STATE_LBN 8 -#define MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_STATE_WIDTH 8 -#define MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_VALUE_LBN 16 -#define MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_VALUE_WIDTH 16 -#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_SCHEDERR (6) -#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_REBOOT (7) -#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_MAC_STATS_DMA (8) -#define MCDI_EVENT_MAC_STATS_DMA_GENERATION_LBN 0 -#define MCDI_EVENT_MAC_STATS_DMA_GENERATION_WIDTH 32 /* Non-existent command target */ #define MC_CMD_ERR_ENOENT 2 @@ -198,121 +165,24 @@ #define MC_CMD_ERR_CODE_OFST 0 +/* We define 8 "escape" commands to allow + for command number space extension */ + +#define MC_CMD_CMD_SPACE_ESCAPE_0 0x78 +#define MC_CMD_CMD_SPACE_ESCAPE_1 0x79 +#define MC_CMD_CMD_SPACE_ESCAPE_2 0x7A +#define MC_CMD_CMD_SPACE_ESCAPE_3 0x7B +#define MC_CMD_CMD_SPACE_ESCAPE_4 0x7C +#define MC_CMD_CMD_SPACE_ESCAPE_5 0x7D +#define MC_CMD_CMD_SPACE_ESCAPE_6 0x7E +#define MC_CMD_CMD_SPACE_ESCAPE_7 0x7F + +/* Vectors in the boot ROM */ +/* Point to the copycode entry point. */ +#define MC_BOOTROM_COPYCODE_VEC (0x7f4) +/* Points to the recovery mode entry point. */ +#define MC_BOOTROM_NOFLASH_VEC (0x7f8) -/* MC_CMD_READ32: (debug, variadic out) - * Read multiple 32byte words from MC memory - */ -#define MC_CMD_READ32 0x01 -#define MC_CMD_READ32_IN_LEN 8 -#define MC_CMD_READ32_IN_ADDR_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_READ32_IN_NUMWORDS_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_READ32_OUT_LEN(_numwords) \ - (4 * (_numwords)) -#define MC_CMD_READ32_OUT_BUFFER_OFST 0 - -/* MC_CMD_WRITE32: (debug, variadic in) - * Write multiple 32byte words to MC memory - */ -#define MC_CMD_WRITE32 0x02 -#define MC_CMD_WRITE32_IN_LEN(_numwords) (((_numwords) * 4) + 4) -#define MC_CMD_WRITE32_IN_ADDR_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_WRITE32_IN_BUFFER_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_WRITE32_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* MC_CMD_COPYCODE: (debug) - * Copy MC code between two locations and jump - */ -#define MC_CMD_COPYCODE 0x03 -#define MC_CMD_COPYCODE_IN_LEN 16 -#define MC_CMD_COPYCODE_IN_SRC_ADDR_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_COPYCODE_IN_DEST_ADDR_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_COPYCODE_IN_NUMWORDS_OFST 8 -#define MC_CMD_COPYCODE_IN_JUMP_OFST 12 -/* Control should return to the caller rather than jumping */ -#define MC_CMD_COPYCODE_JUMP_NONE 1 -#define MC_CMD_COPYCODE_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* MC_CMD_SET_FUNC: (debug) - * Select function for function-specific commands. - */ -#define MC_CMD_SET_FUNC 0x04 -#define MC_CMD_SET_FUNC_IN_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_SET_FUNC_IN_FUNC_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_SET_FUNC_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS: - * Get the instruction address from which the MC booted. - */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS 0x05 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_IN_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_OUT_LEN 8 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_OUT_BOOT_OFFSET_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_OUT_FLAGS_OFST 4 -/* Reboot caused by watchdog */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_FLAGS_WATCHDOG_LBN (0) -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_FLAGS_WATCHDOG_WIDTH (1) -/* MC booted from primary flash partition */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_FLAGS_PRIMARY_LBN (1) -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_FLAGS_PRIMARY_WIDTH (1) -/* MC booted from backup flash partition */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_FLAGS_BACKUP_LBN (2) -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_FLAGS_BACKUP_WIDTH (1) - -/* MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS: (debug, variadic out) - * Get (and optionally clear) the current assertion status. - * - * Only OUT.GLOBAL_FLAGS is guaranteed to exist in the completion - * payload. The other fields will only be present if - * OUT.GLOBAL_FLAGS != NO_FAILS - */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS 0x06 -#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_IN_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_IN_CLEAR_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_OUT_LEN 140 -/* Assertion status flag */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_OUT_GLOBAL_FLAGS_OFST 0 -/*! No assertions have failed. */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_FLAGS_NO_FAILS 1 -/*! A system-level assertion has failed. */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_FLAGS_SYS_FAIL 2 -/*! A thread-level assertion has failed. */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_FLAGS_THR_FAIL 3 -/*! The system was reset by the watchdog. */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_FLAGS_WDOG_FIRED 4 -/* Failing PC value */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_OUT_SAVED_PC_OFFS_OFST 4 -/* Saved GP regs */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_OUT_GP_REGS_OFFS_OFST 8 -#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_OUT_GP_REGS_LEN 124 -/* Failing thread address */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_OUT_THREAD_OFFS_OFST 132 - -/* MC_CMD_LOG_CTRL: - * Determine the output stream for various events and messages - */ -#define MC_CMD_LOG_CTRL 0x07 -#define MC_CMD_LOG_CTRL_IN_LEN 8 -#define MC_CMD_LOG_CTRL_IN_LOG_DEST_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_LOG_CTRL_IN_LOG_DEST_UART (1) -#define MC_CMD_LOG_CTRL_IN_LOG_DEST_EVQ (2) -#define MC_CMD_LOG_CTRL_IN_LOG_DEST_EVQ_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_LOG_CTRL_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* MC_CMD_GET_VERSION: - * Get version information about the MC firmware - */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION 0x08 -#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_IN_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_V0_OUT_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_V1_OUT_LEN 32 -#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_FIRMWARE_OFST 0 -/* Reserved version number to indicate "any" version. */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_FIRMWARE_ANY 0xffffffff -/* The version response of a boot ROM awaiting rescue */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_FIRMWARE_BOOTROM 0xb0070000 -#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_V1_OUT_PCOL_OFST 4 -/* 128bit mask of functions supported by the current firmware */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_V1_OUT_SUPPORTED_FUNCS_OFST 8 /* The command set exported by the boot ROM (MCDI v0) */ #define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_V0_SUPPORTED_FUNCS { \ (1 << MC_CMD_READ32) | \ @@ -320,1456 +190,2214 @@ (1 << MC_CMD_COPYCODE) | \ (1 << MC_CMD_GET_VERSION), \ 0, 0, 0 } -#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_VERSION_OFST 24 -/* Vectors in the boot ROM */ -/* Point to the copycode entry point. */ -#define MC_BOOTROM_COPYCODE_VEC (0x7f4) -/* Points to the recovery mode entry point. */ -#define MC_BOOTROM_NOFLASH_VEC (0x7f8) +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_OUT_OFFSET_OFST(_x) \ + (MC_CMD_SENSOR_ENTRY_OFST + (_x)) + +#define MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_IN_ADDRESS_OFST(n) \ + (MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_IN_DBIWROP_OFST + \ + MC_CMD_DBIWROP_TYPEDEF_ADDRESS_OFST + \ + (n) * MC_CMD_DBIWROP_TYPEDEF_LEN) + +#define MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_IN_BYTE_MASK_OFST(n) \ + (MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_IN_DBIWROP_OFST + \ + MC_CMD_DBIWROP_TYPEDEF_BYTE_MASK_OFST + \ + (n) * MC_CMD_DBIWROP_TYPEDEF_LEN) + +#define MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_IN_VALUE_OFST(n) \ + (MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_IN_DBIWROP_OFST + \ + MC_CMD_DBIWROP_TYPEDEF_VALUE_OFST + \ + (n) * MC_CMD_DBIWROP_TYPEDEF_LEN) + + +/* MCDI_EVENT structuredef */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_LEN 8 +#define MCDI_EVENT_CONT_LBN 32 +#define MCDI_EVENT_CONT_WIDTH 1 +#define MCDI_EVENT_LEVEL_LBN 33 +#define MCDI_EVENT_LEVEL_WIDTH 3 +#define MCDI_EVENT_LEVEL_INFO 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_LEVEL_WARN 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_LEVEL_ERR 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_LEVEL_FATAL 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_DATA_OFST 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_CMDDONE_SEQ_LBN 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_CMDDONE_SEQ_WIDTH 8 +#define MCDI_EVENT_CMDDONE_DATALEN_LBN 8 +#define MCDI_EVENT_CMDDONE_DATALEN_WIDTH 8 +#define MCDI_EVENT_CMDDONE_ERRNO_LBN 16 +#define MCDI_EVENT_CMDDONE_ERRNO_WIDTH 8 +#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_LP_CAP_LBN 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_LP_CAP_WIDTH 16 +#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_SPEED_LBN 16 +#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_SPEED_WIDTH 4 +#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_SPEED_100M 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_SPEED_1G 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_SPEED_10G 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_FCNTL_LBN 20 +#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_FCNTL_WIDTH 4 +#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_LINK_FLAGS_LBN 24 +#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_LINK_FLAGS_WIDTH 8 +#define MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_MONITOR_LBN 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_MONITOR_WIDTH 8 +#define MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_STATE_LBN 8 +#define MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_STATE_WIDTH 8 +#define MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_VALUE_LBN 16 +#define MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_VALUE_WIDTH 16 +#define MCDI_EVENT_FWALERT_DATA_LBN 8 +#define MCDI_EVENT_FWALERT_DATA_WIDTH 24 +#define MCDI_EVENT_FWALERT_REASON_LBN 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_FWALERT_REASON_WIDTH 8 +#define MCDI_EVENT_FWALERT_REASON_SRAM_ACCESS 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_FLR_VF_LBN 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_FLR_VF_WIDTH 8 +#define MCDI_EVENT_TX_ERR_TXQ_LBN 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_TX_ERR_TXQ_WIDTH 12 +#define MCDI_EVENT_TX_ERR_TYPE_LBN 12 +#define MCDI_EVENT_TX_ERR_TYPE_WIDTH 4 +#define MCDI_EVENT_TX_ERR_DL_FAIL 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_TX_ERR_NO_EOP 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_TX_ERR_2BIG 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_TX_ERR_INFO_LBN 16 +#define MCDI_EVENT_TX_ERR_INFO_WIDTH 16 +#define MCDI_EVENT_TX_FLUSH_TXQ_LBN 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_TX_FLUSH_TXQ_WIDTH 12 +#define MCDI_EVENT_PTP_ERR_TYPE_LBN 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_PTP_ERR_TYPE_WIDTH 8 +#define MCDI_EVENT_PTP_ERR_PLL_LOST 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_PTP_ERR_FILTER 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_PTP_ERR_FIFO 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_PTP_ERR_QUEUE 0x4 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_DATA_LBN 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_DATA_WIDTH 32 +#define MCDI_EVENT_SRC_LBN 36 +#define MCDI_EVENT_SRC_WIDTH 8 +#define MCDI_EVENT_EV_CODE_LBN 60 +#define MCDI_EVENT_EV_CODE_WIDTH 4 +#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_LBN 44 +#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_WIDTH 8 +#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_BADSSERT 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_PMNOTICE 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_CMDDONE 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_LINKCHANGE 0x4 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_SENSOREVT 0x5 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_SCHEDERR 0x6 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_REBOOT 0x7 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_MAC_STATS_DMA 0x8 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_FWALERT 0x9 /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_FLR 0xa /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_TX_ERR 0xb /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_TX_FLUSH 0xc /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_PTP_RX 0xd /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_CODE_PTP_FAULT 0xe /* enum */ +#define MCDI_EVENT_CMDDONE_DATA_OFST 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_CMDDONE_DATA_LBN 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_CMDDONE_DATA_WIDTH 32 +#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_DATA_OFST 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_DATA_LBN 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_LINKCHANGE_DATA_WIDTH 32 +#define MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_DATA_OFST 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_DATA_LBN 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_SENSOREVT_DATA_WIDTH 32 +#define MCDI_EVENT_MAC_STATS_DMA_GENERATION_OFST 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_MAC_STATS_DMA_GENERATION_LBN 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_MAC_STATS_DMA_GENERATION_WIDTH 32 +#define MCDI_EVENT_TX_ERR_DATA_OFST 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_TX_ERR_DATA_LBN 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_TX_ERR_DATA_WIDTH 32 +#define MCDI_EVENT_PTP_SECONDS_OFST 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_PTP_SECONDS_LBN 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_PTP_SECONDS_WIDTH 32 +#define MCDI_EVENT_PTP_NANOSECONDS_OFST 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_PTP_NANOSECONDS_LBN 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_PTP_NANOSECONDS_WIDTH 32 +#define MCDI_EVENT_PTP_UUID_OFST 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_PTP_UUID_LBN 0 +#define MCDI_EVENT_PTP_UUID_WIDTH 32 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_READ32 + * Read multiple 32byte words from MC memory. + */ +#define MC_CMD_READ32 0x1 + +/* MC_CMD_READ32_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_READ32_IN_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_READ32_IN_ADDR_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_READ32_IN_NUMWORDS_OFST 4 + +/* MC_CMD_READ32_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_READ32_OUT_LENMIN 4 +#define MC_CMD_READ32_OUT_LENMAX 252 +#define MC_CMD_READ32_OUT_LEN(num) (0+4*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_READ32_OUT_BUFFER_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_READ32_OUT_BUFFER_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_READ32_OUT_BUFFER_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_READ32_OUT_BUFFER_MAXNUM 63 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_WRITE32 + * Write multiple 32byte words to MC memory. + */ +#define MC_CMD_WRITE32 0x2 + +/* MC_CMD_WRITE32_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_WRITE32_IN_LENMIN 8 +#define MC_CMD_WRITE32_IN_LENMAX 252 +#define MC_CMD_WRITE32_IN_LEN(num) (4+4*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_WRITE32_IN_ADDR_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_WRITE32_IN_BUFFER_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_WRITE32_IN_BUFFER_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_WRITE32_IN_BUFFER_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_WRITE32_IN_BUFFER_MAXNUM 62 + +/* MC_CMD_WRITE32_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_WRITE32_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_COPYCODE + * Copy MC code between two locations and jump. + */ +#define MC_CMD_COPYCODE 0x3 + +/* MC_CMD_COPYCODE_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_COPYCODE_IN_LEN 16 +#define MC_CMD_COPYCODE_IN_SRC_ADDR_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_COPYCODE_IN_DEST_ADDR_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_COPYCODE_IN_NUMWORDS_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_COPYCODE_IN_JUMP_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_COPYCODE_JUMP_NONE 0x1 /* enum */ + +/* MC_CMD_COPYCODE_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_COPYCODE_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_SET_FUNC + */ +#define MC_CMD_SET_FUNC 0x4 + +/* MC_CMD_SET_FUNC_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_SET_FUNC_IN_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_SET_FUNC_IN_FUNC_OFST 0 + +/* MC_CMD_SET_FUNC_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_SET_FUNC_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS + */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS 0x5 + +/* MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_IN_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_OUT_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_OUT_BOOT_OFFSET_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_OUT_FLAGS_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_OUT_FLAGS_WATCHDOG_LBN 0 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_OUT_FLAGS_WATCHDOG_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_OUT_FLAGS_PRIMARY_LBN 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_OUT_FLAGS_PRIMARY_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_OUT_FLAGS_BACKUP_LBN 2 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOOT_STATUS_OUT_FLAGS_BACKUP_WIDTH 1 -/* Test execution limits */ -#define MC_TESTEXEC_VARIANT_COUNT 16 -#define MC_TESTEXEC_RESULT_COUNT 7 -/* MC_CMD_SET_TESTVARS: (debug, variadic in) - * Write variant words for test. - * - * The user supplies a bitmap of the variants they wish to set. - * They must ensure that IN.LEN >= 4 + 4 * ffs(BITMAP) - */ -#define MC_CMD_SET_TESTVARS 0x09 -#define MC_CMD_SET_TESTVARS_IN_LEN(_numwords) \ - (4 + 4*(_numwords)) -#define MC_CMD_SET_TESTVARS_IN_ARGS_BITMAP_OFST 0 -/* Up to MC_TESTEXEC_VARIANT_COUNT of 32byte words start here */ -#define MC_CMD_SET_TESTVARS_IN_ARGS_BUFFER_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_SET_TESTVARS_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* MC_CMD_GET_TESTRCS: (debug, variadic out) - * Return result words from test. - */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_TESTRCS 0x0a -#define MC_CMD_GET_TESTRCS_IN_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_GET_TESTRCS_IN_NUMWORDS_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_GET_TESTRCS_OUT_LEN(_numwords) \ - (4 * (_numwords)) -#define MC_CMD_GET_TESTRCS_OUT_BUFFER_OFST 0 - -/* MC_CMD_RUN_TEST: (debug) - * Run the test exported by this firmware image - */ -#define MC_CMD_RUN_TEST 0x0b -#define MC_CMD_RUN_TEST_IN_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_RUN_TEST_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* MC_CMD_CSR_READ32: (debug, variadic out) - * Read 32bit words from the indirect memory map - */ -#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32 0x0c -#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_IN_LEN 12 -#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_IN_ADDR_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_IN_STEP_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_IN_NUMWORDS_OFST 8 -#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_OUT_LEN(_numwords) \ - (((_numwords) * 4) + 4) -/* IN.NUMWORDS of 32bit words start here */ -#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_OUT_BUFFER_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_OUT_IREG_STATUS_OFST(_numwords) \ - ((_numwords) * 4) - -/* MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32: (debug, variadic in) - * Write 32bit dwords to the indirect memory map - */ -#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32 0x0d -#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_IN_LEN(_numwords) \ - (((_numwords) * 4) + 8) -#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_IN_ADDR_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_IN_STEP_OFST 4 -/* Multiple 32bit words of data to write start here */ -#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_IN_BUFFER_OFST 8 -#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_OUT_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_OUT_STATUS_OFST 0 - -/* MC_CMD_JTAG_WORK: (debug, fpga only) - * Process JTAG work buffer for RBF acceleration. - * - * Host: bit count, (up to) 32 words of data to clock out to JTAG - * (bits 1,0=TMS,TDO for first bit; bits 3,2=TMS,TDO for second bit, etc.) - * MC: bit count, (up to) 32 words of data clocked in from JTAG - * (bit 0=TDI for first bit, bit 1=TDI for second bit, etc.; [31:16] unused) +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS + * Get and clear any assertion status. */ -#define MC_CMD_JTAG_WORK 0x0e +#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS 0x6 -/* MC_CMD_STACKINFO: (debug, variadic out) - * Get stack information - * - * Host: nothing - * MC: (thread ptr, stack size, free space) for each thread in system - */ -#define MC_CMD_STACKINFO 0x0f +/* MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_IN_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_IN_CLEAR_OFST 0 + +/* MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_OUT_LEN 140 +#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_OUT_GLOBAL_FLAGS_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_FLAGS_NO_FAILS 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_FLAGS_SYS_FAIL 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_FLAGS_THR_FAIL 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_FLAGS_WDOG_FIRED 0x4 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_OUT_SAVED_PC_OFFS_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_OUT_GP_REGS_OFFS_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_OUT_GP_REGS_OFFS_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_OUT_GP_REGS_OFFS_NUM 31 +#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_OUT_THREAD_OFFS_OFST 132 +#define MC_CMD_GET_ASSERTS_OUT_RESERVED_OFST 136 -/* MC_CMD_MDIO_READ: - * MDIO register read + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_LOG_CTRL + * Configure the output stream for various events and messages. + */ +#define MC_CMD_LOG_CTRL 0x7 + +/* MC_CMD_LOG_CTRL_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_LOG_CTRL_IN_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_LOG_CTRL_IN_LOG_DEST_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_LOG_CTRL_IN_LOG_DEST_UART 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOG_CTRL_IN_LOG_DEST_EVQ 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOG_CTRL_IN_LOG_DEST_EVQ_OFST 4 + +/* MC_CMD_LOG_CTRL_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_LOG_CTRL_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_GET_VERSION + * Get version information about the MC firmware. + */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION 0x8 + +/* MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_IN_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_V0_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_V0_OUT_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_FIRMWARE_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_FIRMWARE_ANY 0xffffffff /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_FIRMWARE_BOOTROM 0xb0070000 /* enum */ + +/* MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_LEN 32 +/* MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_FIRMWARE_OFST 0 */ +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_V0_OUT/MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_FIRMWARE */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_PCOL_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_SUPPORTED_FUNCS_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_SUPPORTED_FUNCS_LEN 16 +#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_VERSION_OFST 24 +#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_VERSION_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_VERSION_LO_OFST 24 +#define MC_CMD_GET_VERSION_OUT_VERSION_HI_OFST 28 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_GET_FPGAREG + * Read multiple bytes from PTP FPGA. + */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_FPGAREG 0x9 + +/* MC_CMD_GET_FPGAREG_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_FPGAREG_IN_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_GET_FPGAREG_IN_ADDR_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_GET_FPGAREG_IN_NUMBYTES_OFST 4 + +/* MC_CMD_GET_FPGAREG_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_FPGAREG_OUT_LENMIN 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_FPGAREG_OUT_LENMAX 255 +#define MC_CMD_GET_FPGAREG_OUT_LEN(num) (0+1*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_GET_FPGAREG_OUT_BUFFER_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_GET_FPGAREG_OUT_BUFFER_LEN 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_FPGAREG_OUT_BUFFER_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_FPGAREG_OUT_BUFFER_MAXNUM 255 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_PUT_FPGAREG + * Write multiple bytes to PTP FPGA. + */ +#define MC_CMD_PUT_FPGAREG 0xa + +/* MC_CMD_PUT_FPGAREG_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PUT_FPGAREG_IN_LENMIN 5 +#define MC_CMD_PUT_FPGAREG_IN_LENMAX 255 +#define MC_CMD_PUT_FPGAREG_IN_LEN(num) (4+1*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_PUT_FPGAREG_IN_ADDR_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PUT_FPGAREG_IN_BUFFER_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_PUT_FPGAREG_IN_BUFFER_LEN 1 +#define MC_CMD_PUT_FPGAREG_IN_BUFFER_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_PUT_FPGAREG_IN_BUFFER_MAXNUM 251 + +/* MC_CMD_PUT_FPGAREG_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_PUT_FPGAREG_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_PTP + * Perform PTP operation + */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP 0xb + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_LEN 1 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_OP_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_OP_LEN 1 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OP_ENABLE 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OP_DISABLE 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OP_TRANSMIT 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OP_READ_NIC_TIME 0x4 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OP_STATUS 0x5 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OP_ADJUST 0x6 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OP_SYNCHRONIZE 0x7 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OP_MANFTEST_BASIC 0x8 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OP_MANFTEST_PACKET 0x9 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OP_RESET_STATS 0xa /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OP_DEBUG 0xb /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OP_MAX 0xc /* enum */ + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_ENABLE msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_ENABLE_LEN 16 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_CMD_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_PERIPH_ID_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_ENABLE_QUEUE_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_ENABLE_MODE_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_MODE_V1 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_MODE_V1_VLAN 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_MODE_V2 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_MODE_V2_VLAN 0x3 /* enum */ + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_DISABLE msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_DISABLE_LEN 8 +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_CMD_OFST 0 */ +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_PERIPH_ID_OFST 4 */ + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_TRANSMIT msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_TRANSMIT_LENMIN 13 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_TRANSMIT_LENMAX 255 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_TRANSMIT_LEN(num) (12+1*(num)) +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_CMD_OFST 0 */ +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_PERIPH_ID_OFST 4 */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_TRANSMIT_LENGTH_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_TRANSMIT_PACKET_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_TRANSMIT_PACKET_LEN 1 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_TRANSMIT_PACKET_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_TRANSMIT_PACKET_MAXNUM 243 + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_READ_NIC_TIME msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_READ_NIC_TIME_LEN 8 +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_CMD_OFST 0 */ +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_PERIPH_ID_OFST 4 */ + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_STATUS msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_STATUS_LEN 8 +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_CMD_OFST 0 */ +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_PERIPH_ID_OFST 4 */ + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_ADJUST msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_ADJUST_LEN 24 +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_CMD_OFST 0 */ +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_PERIPH_ID_OFST 4 */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_ADJUST_FREQ_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_ADJUST_FREQ_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_ADJUST_FREQ_LO_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_ADJUST_FREQ_HI_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_ADJUST_BITS 0x28 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_ADJUST_SECONDS_OFST 16 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_ADJUST_NANOSECONDS_OFST 20 + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_SYNCHRONIZE msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_SYNCHRONIZE_LEN 20 +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_CMD_OFST 0 */ +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_PERIPH_ID_OFST 4 */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_SYNCHRONIZE_NUMTIMESETS_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_SYNCHRONIZE_START_ADDR_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_SYNCHRONIZE_START_ADDR_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_SYNCHRONIZE_START_ADDR_LO_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_SYNCHRONIZE_START_ADDR_HI_OFST 16 + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_MANFTEST_BASIC msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_MANFTEST_BASIC_LEN 8 +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_CMD_OFST 0 */ +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_PERIPH_ID_OFST 4 */ + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_MANFTEST_PACKET msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_MANFTEST_PACKET_LEN 12 +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_CMD_OFST 0 */ +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_PERIPH_ID_OFST 4 */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_MANFTEST_PACKET_TEST_ENABLE_OFST 8 + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_RESET_STATS msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_RESET_STATS_LEN 8 +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_CMD_OFST 0 */ +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_PERIPH_ID_OFST 4 */ + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_DEBUG msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_DEBUG_LEN 12 +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_CMD_OFST 0 */ +/* MC_CMD_PTP_IN_PERIPH_ID_OFST 4 */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_IN_DEBUG_DEBUG_PARAM_OFST 8 + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_TRANSMIT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_TRANSMIT_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_TRANSMIT_SECONDS_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_TRANSMIT_NANOSECONDS_OFST 4 + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_READ_NIC_TIME msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_READ_NIC_TIME_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_READ_NIC_TIME_SECONDS_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_READ_NIC_TIME_NANOSECONDS_OFST 4 + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_STATUS msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_STATUS_LEN 64 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_STATUS_CLOCK_FREQ_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_STATUS_STATS_TX_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_STATUS_STATS_RX_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_STATUS_STATS_TS_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_STATUS_STATS_FM_OFST 16 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_STATUS_STATS_NFM_OFST 20 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_STATUS_STATS_PPS_OFLOW_OFST 24 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_STATUS_STATS_PPS_BAD_OFST 28 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_STATUS_STATS_PPS_PER_MIN_OFST 32 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_STATUS_STATS_PPS_PER_MAX_OFST 36 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_STATUS_STATS_PPS_PER_LAST_OFST 40 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_STATUS_STATS_PPS_PER_MEAN_OFST 44 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_STATUS_STATS_PPS_OFF_MIN_OFST 48 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_STATUS_STATS_PPS_OFF_MAX_OFST 52 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_STATUS_STATS_PPS_OFF_LAST_OFST 56 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_STATUS_STATS_PPS_OFF_MEAN_OFST 60 + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_SYNCHRONIZE msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_SYNCHRONIZE_LENMIN 20 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_SYNCHRONIZE_LENMAX 240 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_SYNCHRONIZE_LEN(num) (0+20*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_SYNCHRONIZE_TIMESET_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_SYNCHRONIZE_TIMESET_LEN 20 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_SYNCHRONIZE_TIMESET_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_SYNCHRONIZE_TIMESET_MAXNUM 12 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_SYNCHRONIZE_HOSTSTART_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_SYNCHRONIZE_SECONDS_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_SYNCHRONIZE_NANOSECONDS_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_SYNCHRONIZE_HOSTEND_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_SYNCHRONIZE_WAITNS_OFST 16 + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_MANFTEST_BASIC msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_MANFTEST_BASIC_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_MANFTEST_BASIC_TEST_RESULT_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_MANF_SUCCESS 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_MANF_FPGA_LOAD 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_MANF_FPGA_VERSION 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_MANF_FPGA_REGISTERS 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_MANF_OSCILLATOR 0x4 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_MANF_TIMESTAMPS 0x5 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_MANF_PACKET_COUNT 0x6 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_MANF_FILTER_COUNT 0x7 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_MANF_PACKET_ENOUGH 0x8 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_MANF_GPIO_TRIGGER 0x9 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_MANFTEST_BASIC_TEST_EXTOSC_OFST 4 + +/* MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_MANFTEST_PACKET msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_MANFTEST_PACKET_LEN 12 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_MANFTEST_PACKET_TEST_RESULT_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_MANFTEST_PACKET_TEST_FPGACOUNT_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_PTP_OUT_MANFTEST_PACKET_TEST_FILTERCOUNT_OFST 8 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_CSR_READ32 + * Read 32bit words from the indirect memory map. + */ +#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32 0xc + +/* MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_IN_LEN 12 +#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_IN_ADDR_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_IN_STEP_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_IN_NUMWORDS_OFST 8 + +/* MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_OUT_LENMIN 4 +#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_OUT_LENMAX 252 +#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_OUT_LEN(num) (0+4*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_OUT_BUFFER_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_OUT_BUFFER_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_OUT_BUFFER_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_CSR_READ32_OUT_BUFFER_MAXNUM 63 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32 + * Write 32bit dwords to the indirect memory map. + */ +#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32 0xd + +/* MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_IN_LENMIN 12 +#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_IN_LENMAX 252 +#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_IN_LEN(num) (8+4*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_IN_ADDR_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_IN_STEP_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_IN_BUFFER_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_IN_BUFFER_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_IN_BUFFER_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_IN_BUFFER_MAXNUM 61 + +/* MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_OUT_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_CSR_WRITE32_OUT_STATUS_OFST 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_STACKINFO + * Get stack information. + */ +#define MC_CMD_STACKINFO 0xf + +/* MC_CMD_STACKINFO_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_STACKINFO_IN_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_STACKINFO_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_STACKINFO_OUT_LENMIN 12 +#define MC_CMD_STACKINFO_OUT_LENMAX 252 +#define MC_CMD_STACKINFO_OUT_LEN(num) (0+12*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_STACKINFO_OUT_THREAD_INFO_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_STACKINFO_OUT_THREAD_INFO_LEN 12 +#define MC_CMD_STACKINFO_OUT_THREAD_INFO_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_STACKINFO_OUT_THREAD_INFO_MAXNUM 21 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_MDIO_READ + * MDIO register read. */ #define MC_CMD_MDIO_READ 0x10 -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_READ_IN_LEN 16 -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_READ_IN_BUS_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_READ_IN_PRTAD_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_READ_IN_DEVAD_OFST 8 -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_READ_IN_ADDR_OFST 12 -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_READ_OUT_LEN 8 -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_READ_OUT_VALUE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_READ_OUT_STATUS_OFST 4 - -/* MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE: - * MDIO register write - */ -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE 0x11 -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE_IN_LEN 20 -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE_IN_BUS_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE_IN_PRTAD_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE_IN_DEVAD_OFST 8 -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE_IN_ADDR_OFST 12 -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE_IN_VALUE_OFST 16 -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE_OUT_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE_OUT_STATUS_OFST 0 -/* By default all the MCDI MDIO operations perform clause45 mode. - * If you want to use clause22 then set DEVAD = MC_CMD_MDIO_CLAUSE22. - */ -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_CLAUSE22 32 +/* MC_CMD_MDIO_READ_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_READ_IN_LEN 16 +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_READ_IN_BUS_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_BUS_INTERNAL 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_BUS_EXTERNAL 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_READ_IN_PRTAD_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_READ_IN_DEVAD_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_CLAUSE22 0x20 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_READ_IN_ADDR_OFST 12 -/* There are two MDIO buses: one for the internal PHY, and one for external - * devices. - */ -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_BUS_INTERNAL 0 -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_BUS_EXTERNAL 1 +/* MC_CMD_MDIO_READ_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_READ_OUT_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_READ_OUT_VALUE_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_READ_OUT_STATUS_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_STATUS_GOOD 0x8 /* enum */ -/* The MDIO commands return the raw status bits from the MDIO block. A "good" - * transaction should have the DONE bit set and all other bits clear. + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE + * MDIO register write. */ -#define MC_CMD_MDIO_STATUS_GOOD 0x08 +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE 0x11 +/* MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE_IN_LEN 20 +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE_IN_BUS_OFST 0 +/* MC_CMD_MDIO_BUS_INTERNAL 0x0 */ +/* MC_CMD_MDIO_BUS_EXTERNAL 0x1 */ +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE_IN_PRTAD_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE_IN_DEVAD_OFST 8 +/* MC_CMD_MDIO_CLAUSE22 0x20 */ +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE_IN_ADDR_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE_IN_VALUE_OFST 16 -/* MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE: (debug) - * Write DBI register(s) - * - * Host: address, byte-enables (and VF selection, and cs2 flag), - * value [,address ...] - * MC: nothing +/* MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE_OUT_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_MDIO_WRITE_OUT_STATUS_OFST 0 +/* MC_CMD_MDIO_STATUS_GOOD 0x8 */ + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE + * Write DBI register(s). */ #define MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE 0x12 -#define MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_IN_LEN(_numwords) \ - (12 * (_numwords)) -#define MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_IN_ADDRESS_OFST(_word) \ - (((_word) * 12) + 0) -#define MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_IN_BYTE_MASK_OFST(_word) \ - (((_word) * 12) + 4) -#define MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_IN_VALUE_OFST(_word) \ - (((_word) * 12) + 8) -#define MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* MC_CMD_DBI_READ: (debug) - * Read DBI register(s) - * - * Host: address, [,address ...] - * MC: value [,value ...] - * (note: this does not support reading from VFs, but is retained for backwards - * compatibility; see MC_CMD_DBI_READX below) - */ -#define MC_CMD_DBI_READ 0x13 -#define MC_CMD_DBI_READ_IN_LEN(_numwords) \ - (4 * (_numwords)) -#define MC_CMD_DBI_READ_OUT_LEN(_numwords) \ - (4 * (_numwords)) - -/* MC_CMD_PORT_READ32: (debug) + +/* MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_IN_LENMIN 12 +#define MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_IN_LENMAX 252 +#define MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_IN_LEN(num) (0+12*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_IN_DBIWROP_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_IN_DBIWROP_LEN 12 +#define MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_IN_DBIWROP_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_IN_DBIWROP_MAXNUM 21 + +/* MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_DBI_WRITE_OUT_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_DBIWROP_TYPEDEF structuredef */ +#define MC_CMD_DBIWROP_TYPEDEF_LEN 12 +#define MC_CMD_DBIWROP_TYPEDEF_ADDRESS_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_DBIWROP_TYPEDEF_ADDRESS_LBN 0 +#define MC_CMD_DBIWROP_TYPEDEF_ADDRESS_WIDTH 32 +#define MC_CMD_DBIWROP_TYPEDEF_BYTE_MASK_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_DBIWROP_TYPEDEF_BYTE_MASK_LBN 32 +#define MC_CMD_DBIWROP_TYPEDEF_BYTE_MASK_WIDTH 32 +#define MC_CMD_DBIWROP_TYPEDEF_VALUE_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_DBIWROP_TYPEDEF_VALUE_LBN 64 +#define MC_CMD_DBIWROP_TYPEDEF_VALUE_WIDTH 32 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_PORT_READ32 * Read a 32-bit register from the indirect port register map. - * - * The port to access is implied by the Shared memory channel used. */ #define MC_CMD_PORT_READ32 0x14 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ32_IN_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ32_IN_ADDR_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ32_OUT_LEN 8 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ32_OUT_VALUE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ32_OUT_STATUS_OFST 4 -/* MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE32: (debug) +/* MC_CMD_PORT_READ32_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ32_IN_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ32_IN_ADDR_OFST 0 + +/* MC_CMD_PORT_READ32_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ32_OUT_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ32_OUT_VALUE_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ32_OUT_STATUS_OFST 4 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE32 * Write a 32-bit register to the indirect port register map. - * - * The port to access is implied by the Shared memory channel used. */ #define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE32 0x15 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE32_IN_LEN 8 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE32_IN_ADDR_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE32_IN_VALUE_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE32_OUT_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE32_OUT_STATUS_OFST 0 - -/* MC_CMD_PORT_READ128: (debug) - * Read a 128-bit register from indirect port register map - * - * The port to access is implied by the Shared memory channel used. + +/* MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE32_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE32_IN_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE32_IN_ADDR_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE32_IN_VALUE_OFST 4 + +/* MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE32_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE32_OUT_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE32_OUT_STATUS_OFST 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_PORT_READ128 + * Read a 128-bit register from the indirect port register map. */ #define MC_CMD_PORT_READ128 0x16 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ128_IN_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ128_IN_ADDR_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ128_OUT_LEN 20 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ128_OUT_VALUE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ128_OUT_STATUS_OFST 16 - -/* MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE128: (debug) - * Write a 128-bit register to indirect port register map. - * - * The port to access is implied by the Shared memory channel used. + +/* MC_CMD_PORT_READ128_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ128_IN_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ128_IN_ADDR_OFST 0 + +/* MC_CMD_PORT_READ128_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ128_OUT_LEN 20 +#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ128_OUT_VALUE_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ128_OUT_VALUE_LEN 16 +#define MC_CMD_PORT_READ128_OUT_STATUS_OFST 16 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE128 + * Write a 128-bit register to the indirect port register map. */ #define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE128 0x17 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE128_IN_LEN 20 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE128_IN_ADDR_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE128_IN_VALUE_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE128_OUT_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE128_OUT_STATUS_OFST 0 - -/* MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG: - * Returns the MC firmware configuration structure - * - * The FW_SUBTYPE_LIST contains a 16-bit value for each of the 12 types of - * NVRAM area. The values are defined in the firmware/mc/platform/.c file - * for a specific board type, but otherwise have no meaning to the MC; they - * are used by the driver to manage selection of appropriate firmware updates. + +/* MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE128_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE128_IN_LEN 20 +#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE128_IN_ADDR_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE128_IN_VALUE_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE128_IN_VALUE_LEN 16 + +/* MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE128_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE128_OUT_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_PORT_WRITE128_OUT_STATUS_OFST 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG + * Returns the MC firmware configuration structure. */ #define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG 0x18 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_IN_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_LEN 96 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_BOARD_TYPE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_BOARD_NAME_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_BOARD_NAME_LEN 32 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_CAPABILITIES_PORT0_OFST 36 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_CAPABILITIES_PORT1_OFST 40 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_MAC_ADDR_BASE_PORT0_OFST 44 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_MAC_ADDR_BASE_PORT0_LEN 6 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_MAC_ADDR_BASE_PORT1_OFST 50 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_MAC_ADDR_BASE_PORT1_LEN 6 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_MAC_COUNT_PORT0_OFST 56 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_MAC_COUNT_PORT1_OFST 60 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_MAC_STRIDE_PORT0_OFST 64 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_MAC_STRIDE_PORT1_OFST 68 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_FW_SUBTYPE_LIST_OFST 72 -#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_FW_SUBTYPE_LIST_LEN 24 - -/* MC_CMD_DBI_READX: (debug) - * Read DBI register(s) -- extended functionality - * - * Host: vf selection, address, [,vf selection ...] - * MC: value [,value ...] + +/* MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_IN_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_LENMIN 96 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_LENMAX 136 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_LEN(num) (72+2*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_BOARD_TYPE_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_BOARD_NAME_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_BOARD_NAME_LEN 32 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_CAPABILITIES_PORT0_OFST 36 +#define MC_CMD_CAPABILITIES_SMALL_BUF_TBL_LBN 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_CAPABILITIES_SMALL_BUF_TBL_WIDTH 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_CAPABILITIES_TURBO_LBN 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_CAPABILITIES_TURBO_WIDTH 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_CAPABILITIES_TURBO_ACTIVE_LBN 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_CAPABILITIES_TURBO_ACTIVE_WIDTH 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_CAPABILITIES_PTP_LBN 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_CAPABILITIES_PTP_WIDTH 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_CAPABILITIES_PORT1_OFST 40 +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* CAPABILITIES_PORT0 */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_MAC_ADDR_BASE_PORT0_OFST 44 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_MAC_ADDR_BASE_PORT0_LEN 6 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_MAC_ADDR_BASE_PORT1_OFST 50 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_MAC_ADDR_BASE_PORT1_LEN 6 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_MAC_COUNT_PORT0_OFST 56 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_MAC_COUNT_PORT1_OFST 60 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_MAC_STRIDE_PORT0_OFST 64 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_MAC_STRIDE_PORT1_OFST 68 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_FW_SUBTYPE_LIST_OFST 72 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_FW_SUBTYPE_LIST_LEN 2 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_FW_SUBTYPE_LIST_MINNUM 12 +#define MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_FW_SUBTYPE_LIST_MAXNUM 32 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_DBI_READX + * Read DBI register(s). */ #define MC_CMD_DBI_READX 0x19 -#define MC_CMD_DBI_READX_IN_LEN(_numwords) \ - (8*(_numwords)) -#define MC_CMD_DBI_READX_OUT_LEN(_numwords) \ - (4*(_numwords)) -/* MC_CMD_SET_RAND_SEED: - * Set the 16byte seed for the MC pseudo-random generator +/* MC_CMD_DBI_READX_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_DBI_READX_IN_LENMIN 8 +#define MC_CMD_DBI_READX_IN_LENMAX 248 +#define MC_CMD_DBI_READX_IN_LEN(num) (0+8*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_DBI_READX_IN_DBIRDOP_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_DBI_READX_IN_DBIRDOP_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_DBI_READX_IN_DBIRDOP_LO_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_DBI_READX_IN_DBIRDOP_HI_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_DBI_READX_IN_DBIRDOP_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_DBI_READX_IN_DBIRDOP_MAXNUM 31 + +/* MC_CMD_DBI_READX_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_DBI_READX_OUT_LENMIN 4 +#define MC_CMD_DBI_READX_OUT_LENMAX 252 +#define MC_CMD_DBI_READX_OUT_LEN(num) (0+4*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_DBI_READX_OUT_VALUE_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_DBI_READX_OUT_VALUE_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_DBI_READX_OUT_VALUE_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_DBI_READX_OUT_VALUE_MAXNUM 63 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_SET_RAND_SEED + * Set the 16byte seed for the MC pseudo-random generator. */ #define MC_CMD_SET_RAND_SEED 0x1a -#define MC_CMD_SET_RAND_SEED_IN_LEN 16 -#define MC_CMD_SET_RAND_SEED_IN_SEED_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_SET_RAND_SEED_OUT_LEN 0 -/* MC_CMD_LTSSM_HIST: (debug) - * Retrieve the history of the LTSSM, if the build supports it. - * - * Host: nothing - * MC: variable number of LTSSM values, as bytes - * The history is read-to-clear. +/* MC_CMD_SET_RAND_SEED_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_SET_RAND_SEED_IN_LEN 16 +#define MC_CMD_SET_RAND_SEED_IN_SEED_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_SET_RAND_SEED_IN_SEED_LEN 16 + +/* MC_CMD_SET_RAND_SEED_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_SET_RAND_SEED_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_LTSSM_HIST + * Retrieve the history of the PCIE LTSSM. */ #define MC_CMD_LTSSM_HIST 0x1b -/* MC_CMD_DRV_ATTACH: - * Inform MCPU that this port is managed on the host (i.e. driver active) +/* MC_CMD_LTSSM_HIST_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_LTSSM_HIST_IN_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_LTSSM_HIST_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_LTSSM_HIST_OUT_LENMIN 0 +#define MC_CMD_LTSSM_HIST_OUT_LENMAX 252 +#define MC_CMD_LTSSM_HIST_OUT_LEN(num) (0+4*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_LTSSM_HIST_OUT_DATA_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_LTSSM_HIST_OUT_DATA_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_LTSSM_HIST_OUT_DATA_MINNUM 0 +#define MC_CMD_LTSSM_HIST_OUT_DATA_MAXNUM 63 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_DRV_ATTACH + * Inform MCPU that this port is managed on the host. */ #define MC_CMD_DRV_ATTACH 0x1c -#define MC_CMD_DRV_ATTACH_IN_LEN 8 -#define MC_CMD_DRV_ATTACH_IN_NEW_STATE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_DRV_ATTACH_IN_UPDATE_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_DRV_ATTACH_OUT_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_DRV_ATTACH_OUT_OLD_STATE_OFST 0 -/* MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD: (debug) - * Trigger an NC-SI event (and possibly an AEN in response) +/* MC_CMD_DRV_ATTACH_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_DRV_ATTACH_IN_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_DRV_ATTACH_IN_NEW_STATE_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_DRV_ATTACH_IN_UPDATE_OFST 4 + +/* MC_CMD_DRV_ATTACH_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_DRV_ATTACH_OUT_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_DRV_ATTACH_OUT_OLD_STATE_OFST 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD + * Trigger an NC-SI event. */ #define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD 0x1d -#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_IN_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_IN_EVENTS_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_LINKCHANGE_LBN 0 -#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_LINKCHANGE_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_RESET_LBN 1 -#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_RESET_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_DRVATTACH_LBN 2 -#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_DRVATTACH_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* Enumeration */ -#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_LINKCHANGE 0 -#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_RESET 1 -#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_DRVATTACH 2 - -/* MC_CMD_DEVEL: (debug) - * Reserved for development - */ -#define MC_CMD_DEVEL 0x1e - -/* MC_CMD_SHMUART: (debug) + +/* MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_IN_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_IN_EVENTS_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_LINKCHANGE 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_RESET 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_DRVATTACH 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_IN_LINKCHANGE_LBN 0 +#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_IN_LINKCHANGE_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_IN_RESET_LBN 1 +#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_IN_RESET_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_IN_DRVATTACH_LBN 2 +#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_IN_DRVATTACH_WIDTH 1 + +/* MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_NCSI_PROD_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_SHMUART * Route UART output to circular buffer in shared memory instead. */ #define MC_CMD_SHMUART 0x1f -#define MC_CMD_SHMUART_IN_FLAG_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_SHMUART_IN_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_SHMUART_OUT_LEN 0 -/* MC_CMD_PORT_RESET: - * Generic per-port reset. There is no equivalent for per-board reset. - * - * Locks required: None - * Return code: 0, ETIME - */ -#define MC_CMD_PORT_RESET 0x20 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_RESET_IN_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_PORT_RESET_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* MC_CMD_RESOURCE_LOCK: - * Generic resource lock/unlock interface. - * - * Locks required: None - * Return code: 0, - * EBUSY (if trylock is contended by other port), - * EDEADLK (if trylock is already acquired by this port) - * EINVAL (if unlock doesn't own the lock) - */ -#define MC_CMD_RESOURCE_LOCK 0x21 -#define MC_CMD_RESOURCE_LOCK_IN_LEN 8 -#define MC_CMD_RESOURCE_LOCK_IN_ACTION_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_RESOURCE_LOCK_ACTION_TRYLOCK 1 -#define MC_CMD_RESOURCE_LOCK_ACTION_UNLOCK 0 -#define MC_CMD_RESOURCE_LOCK_IN_RESOURCE_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_RESOURCE_LOCK_I2C 2 -#define MC_CMD_RESOURCE_LOCK_PHY 3 -#define MC_CMD_RESOURCE_LOCK_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* MC_CMD_SPI_COMMAND: (variadic in, variadic out) - * Read/Write to/from the SPI device. - * - * Locks required: SPI_LOCK - * Return code: 0, ETIME, EINVAL, EACCES (if SPI_LOCK is not held) - */ -#define MC_CMD_SPI_COMMAND 0x22 -#define MC_CMD_SPI_COMMAND_IN_LEN(_write_bytes) (12 + (_write_bytes)) -#define MC_CMD_SPI_COMMAND_IN_ARGS_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_SPI_COMMAND_IN_ARGS_ADDRESS_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_SPI_COMMAND_IN_ARGS_READ_BYTES_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_SPI_COMMAND_IN_ARGS_CHIP_SELECT_OFST 8 -/* Data to write here */ -#define MC_CMD_SPI_COMMAND_IN_WRITE_BUFFER_OFST 12 -#define MC_CMD_SPI_COMMAND_OUT_LEN(_read_bytes) (_read_bytes) -/* Data read here */ -#define MC_CMD_SPI_COMMAND_OUT_READ_BUFFER_OFST 0 - -/* MC_CMD_I2C_READ_WRITE: (variadic in, variadic out) - * Read/Write to/from the I2C bus. - * - * Locks required: I2C_LOCK - * Return code: 0, ETIME, EINVAL, EACCES (if I2C_LOCK is not held) - */ -#define MC_CMD_I2C_RW 0x23 -#define MC_CMD_I2C_RW_IN_LEN(_write_bytes) (8 + (_write_bytes)) -#define MC_CMD_I2C_RW_IN_ARGS_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_I2C_RW_IN_ARGS_ADDR_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_I2C_RW_IN_ARGS_READ_BYTES_OFST 4 -/* Data to write here */ -#define MC_CMD_I2C_RW_IN_WRITE_BUFFER_OFSET 8 -#define MC_CMD_I2C_RW_OUT_LEN(_read_bytes) (_read_bytes) -/* Data read here */ -#define MC_CMD_I2C_RW_OUT_READ_BUFFER_OFST 0 - -/* Generic phy capability bitmask */ -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_10HDX_LBN 1 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_10HDX_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_10FDX_LBN 2 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_10FDX_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_100HDX_LBN 3 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_100HDX_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_100FDX_LBN 4 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_100FDX_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_1000HDX_LBN 5 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_1000HDX_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_1000FDX_LBN 6 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_1000FDX_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_10000FDX_LBN 7 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_10000FDX_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_PAUSE_LBN 8 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_PAUSE_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_ASYM_LBN 9 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_ASYM_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_AN_LBN 10 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_AN_WIDTH 1 - -/* Generic loopback enumeration */ -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_NONE 0 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_DATA 1 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_GMAC 2 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XGMII 3 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XGXS 4 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XAUI 5 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_GMII 6 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_SGMII 7 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XGBR 8 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XFI 9 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XAUI_FAR 10 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_GMII_FAR 11 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_SGMII_FAR 12 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XFI_FAR 13 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_GPHY 14 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_PHYXS 15 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_PCS 16 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_PMAPMD 17 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XPORT 18 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XGMII_WS 19 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XAUI_WS 20 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XAUI_WS_FAR 21 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XAUI_WS_NEAR 22 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_GMII_WS 23 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XFI_WS 24 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XFI_WS_FAR 25 -#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_PHYXS_WS 26 - -/* Generic PHY statistics enumeration */ -#define MC_CMD_OUI 0 -#define MC_CMD_PMA_PMD_LINK_UP 1 -#define MC_CMD_PMA_PMD_RX_FAULT 2 -#define MC_CMD_PMA_PMD_TX_FAULT 3 -#define MC_CMD_PMA_PMD_SIGNAL 4 -#define MC_CMD_PMA_PMD_SNR_A 5 -#define MC_CMD_PMA_PMD_SNR_B 6 -#define MC_CMD_PMA_PMD_SNR_C 7 -#define MC_CMD_PMA_PMD_SNR_D 8 -#define MC_CMD_PCS_LINK_UP 9 -#define MC_CMD_PCS_RX_FAULT 10 -#define MC_CMD_PCS_TX_FAULT 11 -#define MC_CMD_PCS_BER 12 -#define MC_CMD_PCS_BLOCK_ERRORS 13 -#define MC_CMD_PHYXS_LINK_UP 14 -#define MC_CMD_PHYXS_RX_FAULT 15 -#define MC_CMD_PHYXS_TX_FAULT 16 -#define MC_CMD_PHYXS_ALIGN 17 -#define MC_CMD_PHYXS_SYNC 18 -#define MC_CMD_AN_LINK_UP 19 -#define MC_CMD_AN_COMPLETE 20 -#define MC_CMD_AN_10GBT_STATUS 21 -#define MC_CMD_CL22_LINK_UP 22 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_NSTATS 23 - -/* MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG: - * Report PHY configuration. This guarantees to succeed even if the PHY is in - * a "zombie" state. - * - * Locks required: None - * Return code: 0 +/* MC_CMD_SHMUART_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_SHMUART_IN_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_SHMUART_IN_FLAG_OFST 0 + +/* MC_CMD_SHMUART_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_SHMUART_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_ENTITY_RESET + * Generic per-port reset. + */ +#define MC_CMD_ENTITY_RESET 0x20 + +/* MC_CMD_ENTITY_RESET_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_ENTITY_RESET_IN_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_ENTITY_RESET_IN_FLAG_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_ENTITY_RESET_IN_FUNCTION_RESOURCE_RESET_LBN 0 +#define MC_CMD_ENTITY_RESET_IN_FUNCTION_RESOURCE_RESET_WIDTH 1 + +/* MC_CMD_ENTITY_RESET_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_ENTITY_RESET_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS + * Read instantaneous and minimum flow control thresholds. + */ +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS 0x21 + +/* MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_IN_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_IN_POLL_PERIOD_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_IN_WIPE_OFST 4 + +/* MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_OUT_LEN 16 +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_OUT_CURRENT_P_HDR_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_OUT_CURRENT_P_HDR_LEN 2 +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_OUT_CURRENT_P_DATA_OFST 2 +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_OUT_CURRENT_P_DATA_LEN 2 +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_OUT_CURRENT_NP_HDR_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_OUT_CURRENT_NP_HDR_LEN 2 +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_OUT_CURRENT_NP_DATA_OFST 6 +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_OUT_CURRENT_NP_DATA_LEN 2 +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_OUT_MINIMUM_P_HDR_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_OUT_MINIMUM_P_HDR_LEN 2 +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_OUT_MINIMUM_P_DATA_OFST 10 +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_OUT_MINIMUM_P_DATA_LEN 2 +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_OUT_MINIMUM_NP_HDR_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_OUT_MINIMUM_NP_HDR_LEN 2 +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_OUT_MINIMUM_NP_DATA_OFST 14 +#define MC_CMD_PCIE_CREDITS_OUT_MINIMUM_NP_DATA_LEN 2 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR + * Get histogram of RX queue fill level. + */ +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR 0x22 + +/* MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_IN_LEN 12 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_IN_QID_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_IN_POLL_PERIOD_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_IN_WIPE_OFST 8 + +/* MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_LEN 80 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_QID_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_RING_FILL_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_CACHE_FILL_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_RING_LT_1_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_RING_LT_2_OFST 16 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_RING_LT_4_OFST 20 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_RING_LT_8_OFST 24 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_RING_LT_16_OFST 28 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_RING_LT_32_OFST 32 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_RING_LT_64_OFST 36 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_RING_LT_128_OFST 40 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_RING_LT_256_OFST 44 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_RING_GE_256_OFST 48 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_CACHE_LT_1_OFST 52 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_CACHE_LT_2_OFST 56 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_CACHE_LT_4_OFST 60 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_CACHE_LT_8_OFST 64 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_CACHE_LT_16_OFST 68 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_CACHE_LT_32_OFST 72 +#define MC_CMD_RXD_MONITOR_OUT_CACHE_GE_32_OFST 76 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_PUTS + * puts(3) implementation over MCDI + */ +#define MC_CMD_PUTS 0x23 + +/* MC_CMD_PUTS_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PUTS_IN_LENMIN 13 +#define MC_CMD_PUTS_IN_LENMAX 255 +#define MC_CMD_PUTS_IN_LEN(num) (12+1*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_PUTS_IN_DEST_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PUTS_IN_UART_LBN 0 +#define MC_CMD_PUTS_IN_UART_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_PUTS_IN_PORT_LBN 1 +#define MC_CMD_PUTS_IN_PORT_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_PUTS_IN_DHOST_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_PUTS_IN_DHOST_LEN 6 +#define MC_CMD_PUTS_IN_STRING_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_PUTS_IN_STRING_LEN 1 +#define MC_CMD_PUTS_IN_STRING_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_PUTS_IN_STRING_MAXNUM 243 + +/* MC_CMD_PUTS_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_PUTS_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG + * Report PHY configuration. */ #define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG 0x24 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_IN_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_LEN 72 - -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_FLAGS_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_PRESENT_LBN 0 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_PRESENT_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_BIST_CABLE_SHORT_LBN 1 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_BIST_CABLE_SHORT_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_BIST_CABLE_LONG_LBN 2 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_BIST_CABLE_LONG_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_LOWPOWER_LBN 3 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_LOWPOWER_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_POWEROFF_LBN 4 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_POWEROFF_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_TXDIS_LBN 5 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_TXDIS_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_BIST_LBN 6 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_BIST_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_TYPE_OFST 4 -/* Bitmask of supported capabilities */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_SUPPORTED_CAP_OFST 8 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_CHANNEL_OFST 12 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_PRT_OFST 16 -/* PHY statistics bitmap */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_STATS_MASK_OFST 20 -/* PHY type/name string */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_NAME_OFST 24 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_NAME_LEN 20 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_MEDIA_TYPE_OFST 44 -#define MC_CMD_MEDIA_XAUI 1 -#define MC_CMD_MEDIA_CX4 2 -#define MC_CMD_MEDIA_KX4 3 -#define MC_CMD_MEDIA_XFP 4 -#define MC_CMD_MEDIA_SFP_PLUS 5 -#define MC_CMD_MEDIA_BASE_T 6 -/* MDIO "MMDS" supported */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_MMD_MASK_OFST 48 -/* Native clause 22 */ -#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE22 0 -#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_PMAPMD 1 -#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_WIS 2 -#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_PCS 3 -#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_PHYXS 4 -#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_DTEXS 5 -#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_TC 6 -#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_AN 7 -/* Clause22 proxied over clause45 by PHY */ -#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_C22EXT 29 -#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_VEND1 30 -#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_VEND2 31 -/* PHY stepping version */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_REVISION_OFST 52 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_REVISION_LEN 20 - -/* MC_CMD_START_BIST: +/* MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_IN_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_LEN 72 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_FLAGS_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_PRESENT_LBN 0 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_PRESENT_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_BIST_CABLE_SHORT_LBN 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_BIST_CABLE_SHORT_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_BIST_CABLE_LONG_LBN 2 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_BIST_CABLE_LONG_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_LOWPOWER_LBN 3 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_LOWPOWER_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_POWEROFF_LBN 4 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_POWEROFF_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_TXDIS_LBN 5 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_TXDIS_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_BIST_LBN 6 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_BIST_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_TYPE_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_SUPPORTED_CAP_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_10HDX_LBN 1 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_10HDX_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_10FDX_LBN 2 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_10FDX_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_100HDX_LBN 3 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_100HDX_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_100FDX_LBN 4 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_100FDX_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_1000HDX_LBN 5 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_1000HDX_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_1000FDX_LBN 6 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_1000FDX_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_10000FDX_LBN 7 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_10000FDX_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_PAUSE_LBN 8 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_PAUSE_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_ASYM_LBN 9 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_ASYM_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_AN_LBN 10 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_CAP_AN_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_CHANNEL_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_PRT_OFST 16 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_STATS_MASK_OFST 20 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_NAME_OFST 24 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_NAME_LEN 20 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_MEDIA_TYPE_OFST 44 +#define MC_CMD_MEDIA_XAUI 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MEDIA_CX4 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MEDIA_KX4 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MEDIA_XFP 0x4 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MEDIA_SFP_PLUS 0x5 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MEDIA_BASE_T 0x6 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_MMD_MASK_OFST 48 +#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE22 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_PMAPMD 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_WIS 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_PCS 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_PHYXS 0x4 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_DTEXS 0x5 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_TC 0x6 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_AN 0x7 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_C22EXT 0x1d /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_VEND1 0x1e /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MMD_CLAUSE45_VEND2 0x1f /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_REVISION_OFST 52 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_REVISION_LEN 20 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_START_BIST * Start a BIST test on the PHY. - * - * Locks required: PHY_LOCK if doing a PHY BIST - * Return code: 0, EINVAL, EACCES (if PHY_LOCK is not held) */ #define MC_CMD_START_BIST 0x25 -#define MC_CMD_START_BIST_IN_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_START_BIST_IN_TYPE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_START_BIST_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* Run the PHY's short cable BIST */ -#define MC_CMD_PHY_BIST_CABLE_SHORT 1 -/* Run the PHY's long cable BIST */ -#define MC_CMD_PHY_BIST_CABLE_LONG 2 -/* Run BIST on the currently selected BPX Serdes (XAUI or XFI) */ -#define MC_CMD_BPX_SERDES_BIST 3 -/* Run the MC loopback tests */ -#define MC_CMD_MC_LOOPBACK_BIST 4 -/* Run the PHY's standard BIST */ -#define MC_CMD_PHY_BIST 5 - -/* MC_CMD_POLL_PHY_BIST: (variadic output) - * Poll for BIST completion - * - * Returns a single status code, and optionally some PHY specific - * bist output. The driver should only consume the BIST output - * after validating OUTLEN and PHY_CFG.PHY_TYPE. - * - * If a driver can't successfully parse the BIST output, it should - * still respect the pass/Fail in OUT.RESULT - * - * Locks required: PHY_LOCK if doing a PHY BIST - * Return code: 0, EACCES (if PHY_LOCK is not held) + +/* MC_CMD_START_BIST_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_START_BIST_IN_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_START_BIST_IN_TYPE_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_BIST_CABLE_SHORT 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PHY_BIST_CABLE_LONG 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_BPX_SERDES_BIST 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MC_LOOPBACK_BIST 0x4 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PHY_BIST 0x5 /* enum */ + +/* MC_CMD_START_BIST_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_START_BIST_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_POLL_BIST + * Poll for BIST completion. */ #define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST 0x26 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_IN_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_LEN UNKNOWN -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001_LEN 36 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_MRSFP_LEN 8 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_RESULT_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_RUNNING 1 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_PASSED 2 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_FAILED 3 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_TIMEOUT 4 -/* Generic: */ -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_PRIVATE_OFST 4 -/* SFT9001-specific: */ -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001_CABLE_LENGTH_A_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001_CABLE_LENGTH_B_OFST 8 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001_CABLE_LENGTH_C_OFST 12 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001_CABLE_LENGTH_D_OFST 16 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001_CABLE_STATUS_A_OFST 20 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001_CABLE_STATUS_B_OFST 24 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001_CABLE_STATUS_C_OFST 28 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001_CABLE_STATUS_D_OFST 32 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_SFT9001_PAIR_OK 1 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_SFT9001_PAIR_OPEN 2 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_SFT9001_INTRA_PAIR_SHORT 3 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_SFT9001_INTER_PAIR_SHORT 4 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_SFT9001_PAIR_BUSY 9 -/* mrsfp "PHY" driver: */ -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_MRSFP_TEST_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_MRSFP_TEST_COMPLETE 0 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_MRSFP_TEST_BUS_SWITCH_OFF_I2C_WRITE 1 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_MRSFP_TEST_BUS_SWITCH_OFF_I2C_NO_ACCESS_IO_EXP 2 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_MRSFP_TEST_BUS_SWITCH_OFF_I2C_NO_ACCESS_MODULE 3 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_MRSFP_TEST_IO_EXP_I2C_CONFIGURE 4 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_MRSFP_TEST_BUS_SWITCH_I2C_NO_CROSSTALK 5 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_MRSFP_TEST_MODULE_PRESENCE 6 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_MRSFP_TEST_MODULE_ID_I2C_ACCESS 7 -#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_MRSFP_TEST_MODULE_ID_SANE_VALUE 8 - -/* MC_CMD_PHY_SPI: (variadic in, variadic out) - * Read/Write/Erase the PHY SPI device - * - * Locks required: PHY_LOCK - * Return code: 0, ETIME, EINVAL, EACCES (if PHY_LOCK is not held) - */ -#define MC_CMD_PHY_SPI 0x27 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_SPI_IN_LEN(_write_bytes) (12 + (_write_bytes)) -#define MC_CMD_PHY_SPI_IN_ARGS_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_SPI_IN_ARGS_ADDR_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_SPI_IN_ARGS_READ_BYTES_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_SPI_IN_ARGS_ERASE_ALL_OFST 8 -/* Data to write here */ -#define MC_CMD_PHY_SPI_IN_WRITE_BUFFER_OFSET 12 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_SPI_OUT_LEN(_read_bytes) (_read_bytes) -/* Data read here */ -#define MC_CMD_PHY_SPI_OUT_READ_BUFFER_OFST 0 - - -/* MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES: - * Returns a bitmask of loopback modes evailable at each speed. - * - * Locks required: None - * Return code: 0 + +/* MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_IN_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_RESULT_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_RUNNING 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_PASSED 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_FAILED 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_TIMEOUT 0x4 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_PRIVATE_OFST 4 + +/* MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001 msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001_LEN 36 +/* MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_RESULT_OFST 0 */ +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT/MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_RESULT */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001_CABLE_LENGTH_A_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001_CABLE_LENGTH_B_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001_CABLE_LENGTH_C_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001_CABLE_LENGTH_D_OFST 16 +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001_CABLE_STATUS_A_OFST 20 +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_SFT9001_PAIR_OK 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_SFT9001_PAIR_OPEN 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_SFT9001_INTRA_PAIR_SHORT 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_SFT9001_INTER_PAIR_SHORT 0x4 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_SFT9001_PAIR_BUSY 0x9 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001_CABLE_STATUS_B_OFST 24 +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* CABLE_STATUS_A */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001_CABLE_STATUS_C_OFST 28 +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* CABLE_STATUS_A */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_SFT9001_CABLE_STATUS_D_OFST 32 +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* CABLE_STATUS_A */ + +/* MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_MRSFP msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_MRSFP_LEN 8 +/* MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_RESULT_OFST 0 */ +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT/MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_RESULT */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_OUT_MRSFP_TEST_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_MRSFP_TEST_COMPLETE 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_MRSFP_TEST_BUS_SWITCH_OFF_I2C_WRITE 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_MRSFP_TEST_BUS_SWITCH_OFF_I2C_NO_ACCESS_IO_EXP 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_MRSFP_TEST_BUS_SWITCH_OFF_I2C_NO_ACCESS_MODULE 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_MRSFP_TEST_IO_EXP_I2C_CONFIGURE 0x4 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_MRSFP_TEST_BUS_SWITCH_I2C_NO_CROSSTALK 0x5 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_MRSFP_TEST_MODULE_PRESENCE 0x6 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_MRSFP_TEST_MODULE_ID_I2C_ACCESS 0x7 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_POLL_BIST_MRSFP_TEST_MODULE_ID_SANE_VALUE 0x8 /* enum */ + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_FLUSH_RX_QUEUES + * Flush receive queue(s). + */ +#define MC_CMD_FLUSH_RX_QUEUES 0x27 + +/* MC_CMD_FLUSH_RX_QUEUES_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_FLUSH_RX_QUEUES_IN_LENMIN 4 +#define MC_CMD_FLUSH_RX_QUEUES_IN_LENMAX 252 +#define MC_CMD_FLUSH_RX_QUEUES_IN_LEN(num) (0+4*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_FLUSH_RX_QUEUES_IN_QID_OFST_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_FLUSH_RX_QUEUES_IN_QID_OFST_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_FLUSH_RX_QUEUES_IN_QID_OFST_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_FLUSH_RX_QUEUES_IN_QID_OFST_MAXNUM 63 + +/* MC_CMD_FLUSH_RX_QUEUES_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_FLUSH_RX_QUEUES_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES + * Get port's loopback modes. */ #define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES 0x28 -#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_IN_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_LEN 32 -#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_100M_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_1G_OFST 8 -#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_10G_OFST 16 -#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_SUGGESTED_OFST 24 - -/* Flow control enumeration */ -#define MC_CMD_FCNTL_OFF 0 -#define MC_CMD_FCNTL_RESPOND 1 -#define MC_CMD_FCNTL_BIDIR 2 -/* Auto - Use what the link has autonegotiated - * - The driver should modify the advertised capabilities via SET_LINK.CAP - * to control the negotiated flow control mode. - * - Can only be set if the PHY supports PAUSE+ASYM capabilities - * - Never returned by GET_LINK as the value programmed into the MAC - */ -#define MC_CMD_FCNTL_AUTO 3 - -/* Generic mac fault bitmask */ -#define MC_CMD_MAC_FAULT_XGMII_LOCAL_LBN 0 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_FAULT_XGMII_LOCAL_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_FAULT_XGMII_REMOTE_LBN 1 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_FAULT_XGMII_REMOTE_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_FAULT_SGMII_REMOTE_LBN 2 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_FAULT_SGMII_REMOTE_WIDTH 1 - -/* MC_CMD_GET_LINK: - * Read the unified MAC/PHY link state - * - * Locks required: None - * Return code: 0, ETIME + +/* MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_IN_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_LEN 32 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_100M_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_100M_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_100M_LO_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_100M_HI_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_NONE 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_DATA 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_GMAC 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XGMII 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XGXS 0x4 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XAUI 0x5 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_GMII 0x6 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_SGMII 0x7 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XGBR 0x8 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XFI 0x9 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XAUI_FAR 0xa /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_GMII_FAR 0xb /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_SGMII_FAR 0xc /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XFI_FAR 0xd /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_GPHY 0xe /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_PHYXS 0xf /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_PCS 0x10 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_PMAPMD 0x11 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XPORT 0x12 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XGMII_WS 0x13 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XAUI_WS 0x14 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XAUI_WS_FAR 0x15 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XAUI_WS_NEAR 0x16 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_GMII_WS 0x17 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XFI_WS 0x18 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_XFI_WS_FAR 0x19 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LOOPBACK_PHYXS_WS 0x1a /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_1G_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_1G_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_1G_LO_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_1G_HI_OFST 12 +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* 100M */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_10G_OFST 16 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_10G_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_10G_LO_OFST 16 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_10G_HI_OFST 20 +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* 100M */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_SUGGESTED_OFST 24 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_SUGGESTED_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_SUGGESTED_LO_OFST 24 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_SUGGESTED_HI_OFST 28 +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* 100M */ + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_GET_LINK + * Read the unified MAC/PHY link state. */ #define MC_CMD_GET_LINK 0x29 -#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_IN_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_LEN 28 -/* near-side and link-partner advertised capabilities */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_CAP_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_LP_CAP_OFST 4 -/* Autonegotiated speed in mbit/s. The link may still be down - * even if this reads non-zero */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_LINK_SPEED_OFST 8 -#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_LOOPBACK_MODE_OFST 12 -#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_FLAGS_OFST 16 -/* Whether we have overall link up */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_LINK_UP_LBN 0 -#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_LINK_UP_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_FULL_DUPLEX_LBN 1 -#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_FULL_DUPLEX_WIDTH 1 -/* Whether we have link at the layers provided by the BPX */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_BPX_LINK_LBN 2 -#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_BPX_LINK_WIDTH 1 -/* Whether the PHY has external link */ -#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_PHY_LINK_LBN 3 -#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_PHY_LINK_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_FCNTL_OFST 20 -#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_MAC_FAULT_OFST 24 - -/* MC_CMD_SET_LINK: - * Write the unified MAC/PHY link configuration - * - * A loopback speed of "0" is supported, and means - * (choose any available speed) - * - * Locks required: None - * Return code: 0, EINVAL, ETIME + +/* MC_CMD_GET_LINK_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_IN_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_LEN 28 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_CAP_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_LP_CAP_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_LINK_SPEED_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_LOOPBACK_MODE_OFST 12 +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES/MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT/100M */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_FLAGS_OFST 16 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_LINK_UP_LBN 0 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_LINK_UP_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_FULL_DUPLEX_LBN 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_FULL_DUPLEX_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_BPX_LINK_LBN 2 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_BPX_LINK_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_PHY_LINK_LBN 3 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_PHY_LINK_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_FCNTL_OFST 20 +#define MC_CMD_FCNTL_OFF 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_FCNTL_RESPOND 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_FCNTL_BIDIR 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_MAC_FAULT_OFST 24 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_FAULT_XGMII_LOCAL_LBN 0 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_FAULT_XGMII_LOCAL_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_FAULT_XGMII_REMOTE_LBN 1 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_FAULT_XGMII_REMOTE_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_FAULT_SGMII_REMOTE_LBN 2 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_FAULT_SGMII_REMOTE_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_FAULT_PENDING_RECONFIG_LBN 3 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_FAULT_PENDING_RECONFIG_WIDTH 1 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_SET_LINK + * Write the unified MAC/PHY link configuration. */ #define MC_CMD_SET_LINK 0x2a -#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_LEN 16 -#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_CAP_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_FLAGS_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_LOWPOWER_LBN 0 -#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_LOWPOWER_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_POWEROFF_LBN 1 -#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_POWEROFF_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_TXDIS_LBN 2 -#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_TXDIS_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_LOOPBACK_MODE_OFST 8 -#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_LOOPBACK_SPEED_OFST 12 -#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* MC_CMD_SET_ID_LED: - * Set indentification LED state - * - * Locks required: None - * Return code: 0, EINVAL + +/* MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_LEN 16 +#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_CAP_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_FLAGS_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_LOWPOWER_LBN 0 +#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_LOWPOWER_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_POWEROFF_LBN 1 +#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_POWEROFF_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_TXDIS_LBN 2 +#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_TXDIS_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_LOOPBACK_MODE_OFST 8 +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES/MC_CMD_GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT/100M */ +#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_LOOPBACK_SPEED_OFST 12 + +/* MC_CMD_SET_LINK_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_SET_LINK_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_SET_ID_LED + * Set indentification LED state. */ #define MC_CMD_SET_ID_LED 0x2b -#define MC_CMD_SET_ID_LED_IN_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_SET_ID_LED_IN_STATE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_LED_OFF 0 -#define MC_CMD_LED_ON 1 -#define MC_CMD_LED_DEFAULT 2 -#define MC_CMD_SET_ID_LED_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* MC_CMD_SET_MAC: - * Set MAC configuration - * - * The MTU is the MTU programmed directly into the XMAC/GMAC - * (inclusive of EtherII, VLAN, bug16011 padding) - * - * Locks required: None - * Return code: 0, EINVAL + +/* MC_CMD_SET_ID_LED_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_SET_ID_LED_IN_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_SET_ID_LED_IN_STATE_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_LED_OFF 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LED_ON 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LED_DEFAULT 0x2 /* enum */ + +/* MC_CMD_SET_ID_LED_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_SET_ID_LED_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_SET_MAC + * Set MAC configuration. */ #define MC_CMD_SET_MAC 0x2c -#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_LEN 24 -#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_MTU_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_DRAIN_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_ADDR_OFST 8 -#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_REJECT_OFST 16 -#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_REJECT_UNCST_LBN 0 -#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_REJECT_UNCST_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_REJECT_BRDCST_LBN 1 -#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_REJECT_BRDCST_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_FCNTL_OFST 20 -#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* MC_CMD_PHY_STATS: - * Get generic PHY statistics - * - * This call returns the statistics for a generic PHY in a sparse - * array (indexed by the enumerate). Each value is represented by - * a 32bit number. - * - * If the DMA_ADDR is 0, then no DMA is performed, and the statistics - * may be read directly out of shared memory. If DMA_ADDR != 0, then - * the statistics are dmad to that (page-aligned location) - * - * Locks required: None - * Returns: 0, ETIME - * Response methods: shared memory, event + +/* MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_LEN 24 +#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_MTU_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_DRAIN_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_ADDR_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_ADDR_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_ADDR_LO_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_ADDR_HI_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_REJECT_OFST 16 +#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_REJECT_UNCST_LBN 0 +#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_REJECT_UNCST_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_REJECT_BRDCST_LBN 1 +#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_REJECT_BRDCST_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_IN_FCNTL_OFST 20 +/* MC_CMD_FCNTL_OFF 0x0 */ +/* MC_CMD_FCNTL_RESPOND 0x1 */ +/* MC_CMD_FCNTL_BIDIR 0x2 */ +#define MC_CMD_FCNTL_AUTO 0x3 /* enum */ + +/* MC_CMD_SET_MAC_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_SET_MAC_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_PHY_STATS + * Get generic PHY statistics. */ #define MC_CMD_PHY_STATS 0x2d -#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATS_IN_LEN 8 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATS_IN_DMA_ADDR_LO_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATS_IN_DMA_ADDR_HI_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATS_OUT_DMA_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATS_OUT_NO_DMA_LEN (MC_CMD_PHY_NSTATS * 4) - -/* Unified MAC statistics enumeration */ -#define MC_CMD_MAC_GENERATION_START 0 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_PKTS 1 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_PAUSE_PKTS 2 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_CONTROL_PKTS 3 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_UNICAST_PKTS 4 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_MULTICAST_PKTS 5 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_BROADCAST_PKTS 6 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_BYTES 7 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_BAD_BYTES 8 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_LT64_PKTS 9 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_64_PKTS 10 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_65_TO_127_PKTS 11 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_128_TO_255_PKTS 12 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_256_TO_511_PKTS 13 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_512_TO_1023_PKTS 14 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_1024_TO_15XX_PKTS 15 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_15XX_TO_JUMBO_PKTS 16 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_GTJUMBO_PKTS 17 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_BAD_FCS_PKTS 18 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_SINGLE_COLLISION_PKTS 19 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_MULTIPLE_COLLISION_PKTS 20 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_EXCESSIVE_COLLISION_PKTS 21 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_LATE_COLLISION_PKTS 22 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_DEFERRED_PKTS 23 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_EXCESSIVE_DEFERRED_PKTS 24 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_NON_TCPUDP_PKTS 25 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_MAC_SRC_ERR_PKTS 26 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_IP_SRC_ERR_PKTS 27 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_PKTS 28 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_PAUSE_PKTS 29 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_GOOD_PKTS 30 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_CONTROL_PKTS 31 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_UNICAST_PKTS 32 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_MULTICAST_PKTS 33 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_BROADCAST_PKTS 34 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_BYTES 35 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_BAD_BYTES 36 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_64_PKTS 37 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_65_TO_127_PKTS 38 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_128_TO_255_PKTS 39 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_256_TO_511_PKTS 40 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_512_TO_1023_PKTS 41 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_1024_TO_15XX_PKTS 42 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_15XX_TO_JUMBO_PKTS 43 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_GTJUMBO_PKTS 44 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_UNDERSIZE_PKTS 45 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_BAD_FCS_PKTS 46 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_OVERFLOW_PKTS 47 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_FALSE_CARRIER_PKTS 48 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_SYMBOL_ERROR_PKTS 49 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_ALIGN_ERROR_PKTS 50 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_LENGTH_ERROR_PKTS 51 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_INTERNAL_ERROR_PKTS 52 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_JABBER_PKTS 53 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_NODESC_DROPS 54 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_LANES01_CHAR_ERR 55 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_LANES23_CHAR_ERR 56 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_LANES01_DISP_ERR 57 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_LANES23_DISP_ERR 58 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_MATCH_FAULT 59 -#define MC_CMD_GMAC_DMABUF_START 64 -#define MC_CMD_GMAC_DMABUF_END 95 -/* Insert new members here. */ -#define MC_CMD_MAC_GENERATION_END 96 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_NSTATS (MC_CMD_MAC_GENERATION_END+1) - -/* MC_CMD_MAC_STATS: - * Get unified GMAC/XMAC statistics - * - * This call returns unified statistics maintained by the MC as it - * switches between the GMAC and XMAC. The MC will write out all - * supported stats. The driver should zero initialise the buffer to - * guarantee consistent results. - * - * Locks required: None - * Returns: 0 - * Response methods: shared memory, event - */ -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS 0x2e -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_LEN 16 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_DMA_ADDR_LO_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_DMA_ADDR_HI_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_CMD_OFST 8 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_DMA_LBN 0 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_DMA_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_CLEAR_LBN 1 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_CLEAR_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_PERIODIC_CHANGE_LBN 2 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_PERIODIC_CHANGE_WIDTH 1 -/* Remaining PERIOD* fields only relevant when PERIODIC_CHANGE is set */ -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_PERIODIC_ENABLE_LBN 3 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_PERIODIC_ENABLE_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_PERIODIC_CLEAR_LBN 4 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_PERIODIC_CLEAR_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_PERIODIC_NOEVENT_LBN 5 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_PERIODIC_NOEVENT_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_PERIOD_MS_LBN 16 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_CMD_PERIOD_MS_WIDTH 16 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_DMA_LEN_OFST 12 - -#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* Callisto flags */ -#define MC_CMD_SFT9001_ROBUST_LBN 0 -#define MC_CMD_SFT9001_ROBUST_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_SFT9001_SHORT_REACH_LBN 1 -#define MC_CMD_SFT9001_SHORT_REACH_WIDTH 1 - -/* MC_CMD_SFT9001_GET: - * Read current callisto specific setting - * - * Locks required: None - * Returns: 0, ETIME - */ -#define MC_CMD_SFT9001_GET 0x30 -#define MC_CMD_SFT9001_GET_IN_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_SFT9001_GET_OUT_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_SFT9001_GET_OUT_FLAGS_OFST 0 -/* MC_CMD_SFT9001_SET: - * Write current callisto specific setting - * - * Locks required: None - * Returns: 0, ETIME, EINVAL +/* MC_CMD_PHY_STATS_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATS_IN_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATS_IN_DMA_ADDR_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATS_IN_DMA_ADDR_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATS_IN_DMA_ADDR_LO_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATS_IN_DMA_ADDR_HI_OFST 4 + +/* MC_CMD_PHY_STATS_OUT_DMA msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATS_OUT_DMA_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_PHY_STATS_OUT_NO_DMA msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATS_OUT_NO_DMA_LEN (((MC_CMD_PHY_NSTATS*32))>>3) +#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATS_OUT_NO_DMA_STATISTICS_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATS_OUT_NO_DMA_STATISTICS_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATS_OUT_NO_DMA_STATISTICS_NUM MC_CMD_PHY_NSTATS +#define MC_CMD_OUI 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PMA_PMD_LINK_UP 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PMA_PMD_RX_FAULT 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PMA_PMD_TX_FAULT 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PMA_PMD_SIGNAL 0x4 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PMA_PMD_SNR_A 0x5 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PMA_PMD_SNR_B 0x6 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PMA_PMD_SNR_C 0x7 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PMA_PMD_SNR_D 0x8 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PCS_LINK_UP 0x9 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PCS_RX_FAULT 0xa /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PCS_TX_FAULT 0xb /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PCS_BER 0xc /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PCS_BLOCK_ERRORS 0xd /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PHYXS_LINK_UP 0xe /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PHYXS_RX_FAULT 0xf /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PHYXS_TX_FAULT 0x10 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PHYXS_ALIGN 0x11 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PHYXS_SYNC 0x12 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_AN_LINK_UP 0x13 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_AN_COMPLETE 0x14 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_AN_10GBT_STATUS 0x15 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_CL22_LINK_UP 0x16 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PHY_NSTATS 0x17 /* enum */ + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_MAC_STATS + * Get generic MAC statistics. */ -#define MC_CMD_SFT9001_SET 0x31 -#define MC_CMD_SFT9001_SET_IN_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_SFT9001_SET_IN_FLAGS_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_SFT9001_SET_OUT_LEN 0 - +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS 0x2e -/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET: - * Set a WoL filter - * - * Locks required: None - * Returns: 0, EBUSY, EINVAL, ENOSYS +/* MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_LEN 16 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_DMA_ADDR_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_DMA_ADDR_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_DMA_ADDR_LO_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_DMA_ADDR_HI_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_CMD_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_DMA_LBN 0 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_DMA_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_CLEAR_LBN 1 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_CLEAR_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_PERIODIC_CHANGE_LBN 2 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_PERIODIC_CHANGE_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_PERIODIC_ENABLE_LBN 3 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_PERIODIC_ENABLE_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_PERIODIC_CLEAR_LBN 4 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_PERIODIC_CLEAR_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_PERIODIC_NOEVENT_LBN 5 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_PERIODIC_NOEVENT_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_PERIOD_MS_LBN 16 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_PERIOD_MS_WIDTH 16 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_IN_DMA_LEN_OFST 12 + +/* MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_OUT_DMA msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_OUT_DMA_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_OUT_NO_DMA msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_OUT_NO_DMA_LEN (((MC_CMD_MAC_NSTATS*64))>>3) +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_OUT_NO_DMA_STATISTICS_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_OUT_NO_DMA_STATISTICS_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_OUT_NO_DMA_STATISTICS_LO_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_OUT_NO_DMA_STATISTICS_HI_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_MAC_STATS_OUT_NO_DMA_STATISTICS_NUM MC_CMD_MAC_NSTATS +#define MC_CMD_MAC_GENERATION_START 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_PKTS 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_PAUSE_PKTS 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_CONTROL_PKTS 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_UNICAST_PKTS 0x4 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_MULTICAST_PKTS 0x5 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_BROADCAST_PKTS 0x6 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_BYTES 0x7 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_BAD_BYTES 0x8 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_LT64_PKTS 0x9 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_64_PKTS 0xa /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_65_TO_127_PKTS 0xb /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_128_TO_255_PKTS 0xc /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_256_TO_511_PKTS 0xd /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_512_TO_1023_PKTS 0xe /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_1024_TO_15XX_PKTS 0xf /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_15XX_TO_JUMBO_PKTS 0x10 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_GTJUMBO_PKTS 0x11 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_BAD_FCS_PKTS 0x12 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_SINGLE_COLLISION_PKTS 0x13 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_MULTIPLE_COLLISION_PKTS 0x14 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_EXCESSIVE_COLLISION_PKTS 0x15 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_LATE_COLLISION_PKTS 0x16 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_DEFERRED_PKTS 0x17 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_EXCESSIVE_DEFERRED_PKTS 0x18 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_NON_TCPUDP_PKTS 0x19 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_MAC_SRC_ERR_PKTS 0x1a /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_TX_IP_SRC_ERR_PKTS 0x1b /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_PKTS 0x1c /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_PAUSE_PKTS 0x1d /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_GOOD_PKTS 0x1e /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_CONTROL_PKTS 0x1f /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_UNICAST_PKTS 0x20 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_MULTICAST_PKTS 0x21 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_BROADCAST_PKTS 0x22 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_BYTES 0x23 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_BAD_BYTES 0x24 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_64_PKTS 0x25 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_65_TO_127_PKTS 0x26 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_128_TO_255_PKTS 0x27 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_256_TO_511_PKTS 0x28 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_512_TO_1023_PKTS 0x29 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_1024_TO_15XX_PKTS 0x2a /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_15XX_TO_JUMBO_PKTS 0x2b /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_GTJUMBO_PKTS 0x2c /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_UNDERSIZE_PKTS 0x2d /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_BAD_FCS_PKTS 0x2e /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_OVERFLOW_PKTS 0x2f /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_FALSE_CARRIER_PKTS 0x30 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_SYMBOL_ERROR_PKTS 0x31 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_ALIGN_ERROR_PKTS 0x32 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_LENGTH_ERROR_PKTS 0x33 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_INTERNAL_ERROR_PKTS 0x34 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_JABBER_PKTS 0x35 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_NODESC_DROPS 0x36 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_LANES01_CHAR_ERR 0x37 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_LANES23_CHAR_ERR 0x38 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_LANES01_DISP_ERR 0x39 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_LANES23_DISP_ERR 0x3a /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RX_MATCH_FAULT 0x3b /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_GMAC_DMABUF_START 0x40 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_GMAC_DMABUF_END 0x5f /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_GENERATION_END 0x60 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_NSTATS 0x61 /* enum */ + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_SRIOV + * to be documented + */ +#define MC_CMD_SRIOV 0x30 + +/* MC_CMD_SRIOV_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_SRIOV_IN_LEN 12 +#define MC_CMD_SRIOV_IN_ENABLE_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_SRIOV_IN_VI_BASE_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_SRIOV_IN_VF_COUNT_OFST 8 + +/* MC_CMD_SRIOV_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_SRIOV_OUT_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_SRIOV_OUT_VI_SCALE_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_SRIOV_OUT_VF_TOTAL_OFST 4 + +/* MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF structuredef */ +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_LEN 32 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_NUM_RECORDS_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_NUM_RECORDS_LBN 0 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_NUM_RECORDS_WIDTH 32 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_TO_RID_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_TO_RID_LBN 32 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_TO_RID_WIDTH 32 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_TO_ADDR_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_TO_ADDR_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_TO_ADDR_LO_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_TO_ADDR_HI_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_TO_ADDR_LBN 64 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_TO_ADDR_WIDTH 64 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_FROM_RID_OFST 16 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_RID_INLINE 0x100 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_FROM_RID_LBN 128 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_FROM_RID_WIDTH 32 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_FROM_ADDR_OFST 20 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_FROM_ADDR_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_FROM_ADDR_LO_OFST 20 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_FROM_ADDR_HI_OFST 24 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_FROM_ADDR_LBN 160 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_FROM_ADDR_WIDTH 64 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_LENGTH_OFST 28 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_LENGTH_LBN 224 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_LENGTH_WIDTH 32 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_MEMCPY + * Perform memory copy operation. + */ +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY 0x31 + +/* MC_CMD_MEMCPY_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_IN_LENMIN 32 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_IN_LENMAX 224 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_IN_LEN(num) (0+32*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_IN_RECORD_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_IN_RECORD_LEN 32 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_IN_RECORD_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_IN_RECORD_MAXNUM 7 + +/* MC_CMD_MEMCPY_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_MEMCPY_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET + * Set a WoL filter. */ #define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET 0x32 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_LEN 192 /* 190 rounded up to a word */ -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_FILTER_MODE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_WOL_TYPE_OFST 4 - -/* There is a union at offset 8, following defines overlap due to - * this */ -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_OFST 8 - -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_MAGIC_MAC_OFST \ - MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_OFST - -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV4_SYN_SRC_IP_OFST \ - MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_OFST -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV4_SYN_DST_IP_OFST \ - (MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_OFST + 4) -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV4_SYN_SRC_PORT_OFST \ - (MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_OFST + 8) -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV4_SYN_DST_PORT_OFST \ - (MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_OFST + 10) - -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV6_SYN_SRC_IP_OFST \ - MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_OFST -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV6_SYN_DST_IP_OFST \ - (MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_OFST + 16) -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV6_SYN_SRC_PORT_OFST \ - (MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_OFST + 32) -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV6_SYN_DST_PORT_OFST \ - (MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_OFST + 34) - -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_BITMAP_MASK_OFST \ - MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_OFST -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_BITMAP_OFST \ - (MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_OFST + 48) -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_BITMAP_LEN_OFST \ - (MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_OFST + 176) -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_BITMAP_LAYER3_OFST \ - (MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_OFST + 177) -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_BITMAP_LAYER4_OFST \ - (MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_OFST + 178) - -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_LINK_MASK_OFST \ - MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_OFST -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_LINK_UP_LBN 0 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_LINK_UP_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_LINK_DOWN_LBN 1 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_LINK_DOWN_WIDTH 1 - -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_OUT_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_OUT_FILTER_ID_OFST 0 - -/* WOL Filter types enumeration */ -#define MC_CMD_WOL_TYPE_MAGIC 0x0 - /* unused 0x1 */ -#define MC_CMD_WOL_TYPE_WIN_MAGIC 0x2 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_TYPE_IPV4_SYN 0x3 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_TYPE_IPV6_SYN 0x4 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_TYPE_BITMAP 0x5 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_TYPE_LINK 0x6 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_TYPE_MAX 0x7 - -#define MC_CMD_FILTER_MODE_SIMPLE 0x0 -#define MC_CMD_FILTER_MODE_STRUCTURED 0xffffffff - -/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_REMOVE: - * Remove a WoL filter - * - * Locks required: None - * Returns: 0, EINVAL, ENOSYS + +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_LEN 192 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_FILTER_MODE_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_FILTER_MODE_SIMPLE 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_FILTER_MODE_STRUCTURED 0xffffffff /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_WOL_TYPE_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_TYPE_MAGIC 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_TYPE_WIN_MAGIC 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_TYPE_IPV4_SYN 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_TYPE_IPV6_SYN 0x4 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_TYPE_BITMAP 0x5 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_TYPE_LINK 0x6 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_TYPE_MAX 0x7 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_DATA_NUM 46 + +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_MAGIC msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_MAGIC_LEN 16 +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_FILTER_MODE_OFST 0 */ +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_WOL_TYPE_OFST 4 */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_MAGIC_MAC_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_MAGIC_MAC_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_MAGIC_MAC_LO_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_MAGIC_MAC_HI_OFST 12 + +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV4_SYN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV4_SYN_LEN 20 +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_FILTER_MODE_OFST 0 */ +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_WOL_TYPE_OFST 4 */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV4_SYN_SRC_IP_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV4_SYN_DST_IP_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV4_SYN_SRC_PORT_OFST 16 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV4_SYN_SRC_PORT_LEN 2 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV4_SYN_DST_PORT_OFST 18 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV4_SYN_DST_PORT_LEN 2 + +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV6_SYN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV6_SYN_LEN 44 +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_FILTER_MODE_OFST 0 */ +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_WOL_TYPE_OFST 4 */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV6_SYN_SRC_IP_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV6_SYN_SRC_IP_LEN 16 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV6_SYN_DST_IP_OFST 24 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV6_SYN_DST_IP_LEN 16 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV6_SYN_SRC_PORT_OFST 40 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV6_SYN_SRC_PORT_LEN 2 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV6_SYN_DST_PORT_OFST 42 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_IPV6_SYN_DST_PORT_LEN 2 + +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_BITMAP msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_BITMAP_LEN 187 +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_FILTER_MODE_OFST 0 */ +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_WOL_TYPE_OFST 4 */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_BITMAP_MASK_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_BITMAP_MASK_LEN 48 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_BITMAP_BITMAP_OFST 56 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_BITMAP_BITMAP_LEN 128 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_BITMAP_LEN_OFST 184 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_BITMAP_LEN_LEN 1 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_BITMAP_LAYER3_OFST 185 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_BITMAP_LAYER3_LEN 1 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_BITMAP_LAYER4_OFST 186 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_BITMAP_LAYER4_LEN 1 + +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_LINK msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_LINK_LEN 12 +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_FILTER_MODE_OFST 0 */ +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_WOL_TYPE_OFST 4 */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_LINK_MASK_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_LINK_UP_LBN 0 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_LINK_UP_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_LINK_DOWN_LBN 1 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_IN_LINK_DOWN_WIDTH 1 + +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_OUT_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_SET_OUT_FILTER_ID_OFST 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_REMOVE + * Remove a WoL filter. */ #define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_REMOVE 0x33 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_REMOVE_IN_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_REMOVE_IN_FILTER_ID_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_REMOVE_OUT_LEN 0 +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_REMOVE_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_REMOVE_IN_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_REMOVE_IN_FILTER_ID_OFST 0 -/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_RESET: - * Reset (i.e. remove all) WoL filters - * - * Locks required: None - * Returns: 0, ENOSYS +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_REMOVE_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_REMOVE_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_RESET + * Reset (i.e. remove all) WoL filters. */ #define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_RESET 0x34 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_RESET_IN_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_RESET_OUT_LEN 0 -/* MC_CMD_SET_MCAST_HASH: - * Set the MCASH hash value without otherwise - * reconfiguring the MAC +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_RESET_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_RESET_IN_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_RESET_IN_MASK_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_RESET_IN_WAKE_FILTERS 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_RESET_IN_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOADS 0x2 /* enum */ + +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_RESET_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_RESET_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_SET_MCAST_HASH + * Set the MCASH hash value. */ #define MC_CMD_SET_MCAST_HASH 0x35 -#define MC_CMD_SET_MCAST_HASH_IN_LEN 32 -#define MC_CMD_SET_MCAST_HASH_IN_HASH0_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_SET_MCAST_HASH_IN_HASH1_OFST 16 -#define MC_CMD_SET_MCAST_HASH_OUT_LEN 0 -/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES: - * Return bitfield indicating available types of virtual NVRAM partitions - * - * Locks required: none - * Returns: 0 +/* MC_CMD_SET_MCAST_HASH_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_SET_MCAST_HASH_IN_LEN 32 +#define MC_CMD_SET_MCAST_HASH_IN_HASH0_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_SET_MCAST_HASH_IN_HASH0_LEN 16 +#define MC_CMD_SET_MCAST_HASH_IN_HASH1_OFST 16 +#define MC_CMD_SET_MCAST_HASH_IN_HASH1_LEN 16 + +/* MC_CMD_SET_MCAST_HASH_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_SET_MCAST_HASH_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES + * Get virtual NVRAM partitions information. */ #define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES 0x36 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES_IN_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES_OUT_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES_OUT_TYPES_OFST 0 - -/* Supported NVRAM types */ -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_DISABLED_CALLISTO 0 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_MC_FW 1 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_MC_FW_BACKUP 2 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_STATIC_CFG_PORT0 3 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_STATIC_CFG_PORT1 4 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_DYNAMIC_CFG_PORT0 5 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_DYNAMIC_CFG_PORT1 6 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_EXP_ROM 7 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_EXP_ROM_CFG_PORT0 8 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_EXP_ROM_CFG_PORT1 9 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_PHY_PORT0 10 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_PHY_PORT1 11 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_LOG 12 - -/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO: - * Read info about a virtual NVRAM partition - * - * Locks required: none - * Returns: 0, EINVAL (bad type) + +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES_IN_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES_OUT_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES_OUT_TYPES_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_DISABLED_CALLISTO 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_MC_FW 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_MC_FW_BACKUP 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_STATIC_CFG_PORT0 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_STATIC_CFG_PORT1 0x4 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_DYNAMIC_CFG_PORT0 0x5 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_DYNAMIC_CFG_PORT1 0x6 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_EXP_ROM 0x7 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_EXP_ROM_CFG_PORT0 0x8 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_EXP_ROM_CFG_PORT1 0x9 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_PHY_PORT0 0xa /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_PHY_PORT1 0xb /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_LOG 0xc /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_FPGA 0xd /* enum */ + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO + * Read info about a virtual NVRAM partition. */ #define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO 0x37 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_IN_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_IN_TYPE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_OUT_LEN 24 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_OUT_TYPE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_OUT_SIZE_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_OUT_ERASESIZE_OFST 8 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_OUT_FLAGS_OFST 12 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_PROTECTED_LBN 0 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_PROTECTED_WIDTH 1 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_OUT_PHYSDEV_OFST 16 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_OUT_PHYSADDR_OFST 20 - -/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_START: - * Start a group of update operations on a virtual NVRAM partition - * - * Locks required: PHY_LOCK if type==*PHY* - * Returns: 0, EINVAL (bad type), EACCES (if PHY_LOCK required and not held) + +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_IN_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_IN_TYPE_OFST 0 +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES/MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES_OUT/TYPES */ + +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_OUT_LEN 24 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_OUT_TYPE_OFST 0 +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES/MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES_OUT/TYPES */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_OUT_SIZE_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_OUT_ERASESIZE_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_OUT_FLAGS_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_OUT_PROTECTED_LBN 0 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_OUT_PROTECTED_WIDTH 1 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_OUT_PHYSDEV_OFST 16 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_INFO_OUT_PHYSADDR_OFST 20 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_START + * Start a group of update operations on a virtual NVRAM partition. */ #define MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_START 0x38 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_START_IN_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_START_IN_TYPE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_START_OUT_LEN 0 -/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ: - * Read data from a virtual NVRAM partition - * - * Locks required: PHY_LOCK if type==*PHY* - * Returns: 0, EINVAL (bad type/offset/length), EACCES (if PHY_LOCK required and not held) +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_START_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_START_IN_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_START_IN_TYPE_OFST 0 +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES/MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES_OUT/TYPES */ + +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_START_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_START_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ + * Read data from a virtual NVRAM partition. */ #define MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ 0x39 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_IN_LEN 12 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_IN_TYPE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_IN_OFFSET_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_IN_LENGTH_OFST 8 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_OUT_LEN(_read_bytes) (_read_bytes) -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_OUT_READ_BUFFER_OFST 0 - -/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE: - * Write data to a virtual NVRAM partition - * - * Locks required: PHY_LOCK if type==*PHY* - * Returns: 0, EINVAL (bad type/offset/length), EACCES (if PHY_LOCK required and not held) + +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_IN_LEN 12 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_IN_TYPE_OFST 0 +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES/MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES_OUT/TYPES */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_IN_OFFSET_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_IN_LENGTH_OFST 8 + +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_OUT_LENMIN 1 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_OUT_LENMAX 255 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_OUT_LEN(num) (0+1*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_OUT_READ_BUFFER_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_OUT_READ_BUFFER_LEN 1 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_OUT_READ_BUFFER_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_READ_OUT_READ_BUFFER_MAXNUM 255 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE + * Write data to a virtual NVRAM partition. */ #define MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE 0x3a -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_IN_TYPE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_IN_OFFSET_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_IN_LENGTH_OFST 8 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_IN_WRITE_BUFFER_OFST 12 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_IN_LEN(_write_bytes) (12 + _write_bytes) -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_ERASE: - * Erase sector(s) from a virtual NVRAM partition - * - * Locks required: PHY_LOCK if type==*PHY* - * Returns: 0, EINVAL (bad type/offset/length), EACCES (if PHY_LOCK required and not held) + +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_IN_LENMIN 13 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_IN_LENMAX 255 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_IN_LEN(num) (12+1*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_IN_TYPE_OFST 0 +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES/MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES_OUT/TYPES */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_IN_OFFSET_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_IN_LENGTH_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_IN_WRITE_BUFFER_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_IN_WRITE_BUFFER_LEN 1 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_IN_WRITE_BUFFER_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_IN_WRITE_BUFFER_MAXNUM 243 + +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_WRITE_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_ERASE + * Erase sector(s) from a virtual NVRAM partition. */ #define MC_CMD_NVRAM_ERASE 0x3b -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_ERASE_IN_LEN 12 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_ERASE_IN_TYPE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_ERASE_IN_OFFSET_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_ERASE_IN_LENGTH_OFST 8 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_ERASE_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_FINISH: - * Finish a group of update operations on a virtual NVRAM partition - * - * Locks required: PHY_LOCK if type==*PHY* - * Returns: 0, EINVAL (bad type/offset/length), EACCES (if PHY_LOCK required and not held) + +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_ERASE_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_ERASE_IN_LEN 12 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_ERASE_IN_TYPE_OFST 0 +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES/MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES_OUT/TYPES */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_ERASE_IN_OFFSET_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_ERASE_IN_LENGTH_OFST 8 + +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_ERASE_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_ERASE_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_FINISH + * Finish a group of update operations on a virtual NVRAM partition. */ #define MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_FINISH 0x3c -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_FINISH_IN_LEN 8 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_FINISH_IN_TYPE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_FINISH_IN_REBOOT_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_FINISH_OUT_LEN 0 -/* MC_CMD_REBOOT: +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_FINISH_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_FINISH_IN_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_FINISH_IN_TYPE_OFST 0 +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES/MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES_OUT/TYPES */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_FINISH_IN_REBOOT_OFST 4 + +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_FINISH_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_UPDATE_FINISH_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_REBOOT * Reboot the MC. - * - * The AFTER_ASSERTION flag is intended to be used when the driver notices - * an assertion failure (at which point it is expected to perform a complete - * tear down and reinitialise), to allow both ports to reset the MC once - * in an atomic fashion. - * - * Production mc firmwares are generally compiled with REBOOT_ON_ASSERT=1, - * which means that they will automatically reboot out of the assertion - * handler, so this is in practise an optional operation. It is still - * recommended that drivers execute this to support custom firmwares - * with REBOOT_ON_ASSERT=0. - * - * Locks required: NONE - * Returns: Nothing. You get back a response with ERR=1, DATALEN=0 */ #define MC_CMD_REBOOT 0x3d -#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_IN_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_IN_FLAGS_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_FLAGS_AFTER_ASSERTION 1 -#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_OUT_LEN 0 -/* MC_CMD_SCHEDINFO: - * Request scheduler info. from the MC. - * - * Locks required: NONE - * Returns: An array of (timeslice,maximum overrun), one for each thread, - * in ascending order of thread address.s +/* MC_CMD_REBOOT_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_IN_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_IN_FLAGS_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_FLAGS_AFTER_ASSERTION 0x1 /* enum */ + +/* MC_CMD_REBOOT_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_SCHEDINFO + * Request scheduler info. */ #define MC_CMD_SCHEDINFO 0x3e -#define MC_CMD_SCHEDINFO_IN_LEN 0 +/* MC_CMD_SCHEDINFO_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_SCHEDINFO_IN_LEN 0 -/* MC_CMD_SET_REBOOT_MODE: (debug) - * Set the mode for the next MC reboot. - * - * Locks required: NONE - * - * Sets the reboot mode to the specified value. Returns the old mode. +/* MC_CMD_SCHEDINFO_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_SCHEDINFO_OUT_LENMIN 4 +#define MC_CMD_SCHEDINFO_OUT_LENMAX 252 +#define MC_CMD_SCHEDINFO_OUT_LEN(num) (0+4*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_SCHEDINFO_OUT_DATA_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_SCHEDINFO_OUT_DATA_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_SCHEDINFO_OUT_DATA_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_SCHEDINFO_OUT_DATA_MAXNUM 63 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_REBOOT_MODE */ #define MC_CMD_REBOOT_MODE 0x3f -#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_MODE_IN_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_MODE_IN_VALUE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_MODE_OUT_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_MODE_OUT_VALUE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_MODE_NORMAL 0 -#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_MODE_SNAPPER 3 - -/* MC_CMD_DEBUG_LOG: - * Null request/response command (debug) - * - sequence number is always zero - * - only supported on the UART interface - * (the same set of bytes is delivered as an - * event over PCI) - */ -#define MC_CMD_DEBUG_LOG 0x40 -#define MC_CMD_DEBUG_LOG_IN_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_DEBUG_LOG_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* Generic sensor enumeration. Note that a dual port NIC - * will EITHER expose PHY_COMMON_TEMP OR PHY0_TEMP and - * PHY1_TEMP depending on whether there is a single sensor - * in the vicinity of the two port, or one per port. - */ -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_CONTROLLER_TEMP 0 /* degC */ -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_PHY_COMMON_TEMP 1 /* degC */ -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_CONTROLLER_COOLING 2 /* bool */ -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_PHY0_TEMP 3 /* degC */ -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_PHY0_COOLING 4 /* bool */ -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_PHY1_TEMP 5 /* degC */ -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_PHY1_COOLING 6 /* bool */ -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_1V0 7 /* mV */ -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_1V2 8 /* mV */ -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_1V8 9 /* mV */ -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_2V5 10 /* mV */ -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_3V3 11 /* mV */ -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_12V0 12 /* mV */ - - -/* Sensor state */ -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_STATE_OK 0 -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_STATE_WARNING 1 -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_STATE_FATAL 2 -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_STATE_BROKEN 3 - -/* MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO: + +/* MC_CMD_REBOOT_MODE_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_MODE_IN_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_MODE_IN_VALUE_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_MODE_NORMAL 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_MODE_SNAPPER 0x3 /* enum */ + +/* MC_CMD_REBOOT_MODE_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_MODE_OUT_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_REBOOT_MODE_OUT_VALUE_OFST 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO * Returns information about every available sensor. - * - * Each sensor has a single (16bit) value, and a corresponding state. - * The mapping between value and sensor is nominally determined by the - * MC, but in practise is implemented as zero (BROKEN), one (TEMPERATURE), - * or two (VOLTAGE) ranges per sensor per state. - * - * This call returns a mask (32bit) of the sensors that are supported - * by this platform, then an array (indexed by MC_CMD_SENSOR) of byte - * offsets to the per-sensor arrays. Each sensor array has four 16bit - * numbers, min1, max1, min2, max2. - * - * Locks required: None - * Returns: 0 */ #define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO 0x41 -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_IN_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_OUT_MASK_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_OUT_OFFSET_OFST(_x) \ - (4 + (_x)) -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_OUT_MIN1_OFST(_ofst) \ - ((_ofst) + 0) -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_OUT_MAX1_OFST(_ofst) \ - ((_ofst) + 2) -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_OUT_MIN2_OFST(_ofst) \ - ((_ofst) + 4) -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_OUT_MAX2_OFST(_ofst) \ - ((_ofst) + 6) +/* MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_IN_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_OUT_LENMIN 12 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_OUT_LENMAX 252 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_OUT_LEN(num) (4+8*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_OUT_MASK_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_CONTROLLER_TEMP 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_PHY_COMMON_TEMP 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_CONTROLLER_COOLING 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_PHY0_TEMP 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_PHY0_COOLING 0x4 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_PHY1_TEMP 0x5 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_PHY1_COOLING 0x6 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_1V0 0x7 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_1V2 0x8 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_1V8 0x9 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_2V5 0xa /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_3V3 0xb /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_12V0 0xc /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_1V2A 0xd /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_IN_VREF 0xe /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_ENTRY_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_ENTRY_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_ENTRY_LO_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_ENTRY_HI_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_ENTRY_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_ENTRY_MAXNUM 31 + +/* MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEDEF structuredef */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_MIN1_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_MIN1_LEN 2 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_MIN1_LBN 0 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_MIN1_WIDTH 16 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_MAX1_OFST 2 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_MAX1_LEN 2 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_MAX1_LBN 16 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_MAX1_WIDTH 16 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_MIN2_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_MIN2_LEN 2 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_MIN2_LBN 32 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_MIN2_WIDTH 16 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_MAX2_OFST 6 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_MAX2_LEN 2 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_MAX2_LBN 48 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_MAX2_WIDTH 16 + + +/***********************************/ /* MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS - * Returns the current reading from each sensor - * - * Returns a sparse array of sensor readings (indexed by the sensor - * type) into host memory. Each array element is a dword. - * - * The MC will send a SENSOREVT event every time any sensor changes state. The - * driver is responsible for ensuring that it doesn't miss any events. The board - * will function normally if all sensors are in STATE_OK or state_WARNING. - * Otherwise the board should not be expected to function. + * Returns the current reading from each sensor. */ #define MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS 0x42 -#define MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS_IN_LEN 8 -#define MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS_IN_DMA_ADDR_LO_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS_IN_DMA_ADDR_HI_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS_OUT_LEN 0 -/* Sensor reading fields */ -#define MC_CMD_READ_SENSOR_VALUE_LBN 0 -#define MC_CMD_READ_SENSOR_VALUE_WIDTH 16 -#define MC_CMD_READ_SENSOR_STATE_LBN 16 -#define MC_CMD_READ_SENSOR_STATE_WIDTH 8 - - -/* MC_CMD_GET_PHY_STATE: - * Report current state of PHY. A "zombie" PHY is a PHY that has failed to - * boot (e.g. due to missing or corrupted firmware). - * - * Locks required: None - * Return code: 0 +/* MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS_IN_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS_IN_DMA_ADDR_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS_IN_DMA_ADDR_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS_IN_DMA_ADDR_LO_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS_IN_DMA_ADDR_HI_OFST 4 + +/* MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS_OUT_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_SENSOR_VALUE_ENTRY_TYPEDEF structuredef */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_VALUE_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_LEN 3 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_VALUE_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_VALUE_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_VALUE_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_VALUE_LEN 2 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_VALUE_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_VALUE_LBN 0 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_VALUE_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_VALUE_WIDTH 16 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_VALUE_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_STATE_OFST 2 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_VALUE_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_STATE_LEN 1 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_STATE_OK 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_STATE_WARNING 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_STATE_FATAL 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_STATE_BROKEN 0x3 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_VALUE_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_STATE_LBN 16 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_VALUE_ENTRY_TYPEDEF_STATE_WIDTH 8 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_GET_PHY_STATE + * Report current state of PHY. */ #define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_STATE 0x43 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_STATE_IN_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_STATE_OUT_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_STATE_STATE_OFST 0 -/* PHY state enumeration: */ -#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATE_OK 1 -#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATE_ZOMBIE 2 +/* MC_CMD_GET_PHY_STATE_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_STATE_IN_LEN 0 +/* MC_CMD_GET_PHY_STATE_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_STATE_OUT_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_STATE_OUT_STATE_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATE_OK 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_PHY_STATE_ZOMBIE 0x2 /* enum */ -/* 802.1Qbb control. 8 Tx queues that map to priorities 0 - 7. Use all 1s to - * disable 802.Qbb for a given priority. */ + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_SETUP_8021QBB + * 802.1Qbb control. + */ #define MC_CMD_SETUP_8021QBB 0x44 -#define MC_CMD_SETUP_8021QBB_IN_LEN 32 -#define MC_CMD_SETUP_8021QBB_OUT_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_SETUP_8021QBB_IN_TXQS_OFFST 0 +/* MC_CMD_SETUP_8021QBB_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_SETUP_8021QBB_IN_LEN 32 +#define MC_CMD_SETUP_8021QBB_IN_TXQS_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_SETUP_8021QBB_IN_TXQS_LEN 32 -/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_GET: - * Retrieve ID of any WoL filters - * - * Locks required: None - * Returns: 0, ENOSYS - */ -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_GET 0x45 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_GET_IN_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_GET_OUT_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_GET_OUT_FILTER_ID_OFST 0 +/* MC_CMD_SETUP_8021QBB_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_SETUP_8021QBB_OUT_LEN 0 -/* MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD: - * Offload a protocol to NIC for lights-out state - * - * Locks required: None - * Returns: 0, ENOSYS +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_GET + * Retrieve ID of any WoL filters. */ -#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD 0x46 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_GET 0x45 -#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_LEN 16 -#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_PROTOCOL_OFST 0 +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_GET_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_GET_IN_LEN 0 -/* There is a union at offset 4, following defines overlap due to - * this */ -#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_DATA_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_ARPMAC_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_ARPIP_OFST 10 -#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_NSMAC_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_NSSNIPV6_OFST 10 -#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_NSIPV6_OFST 26 +/* MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_GET_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_GET_OUT_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_WOL_FILTER_GET_OUT_FILTER_ID_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_OUT_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_OUT_FILTER_ID_OFST 0 +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD + * Add a protocol offload to NIC for lights-out state. + */ +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD 0x46 -/* MC_CMD_REMOVE_LIGHTSOUT_PROTOCOL_OFFLOAD: - * Offload a protocol to NIC for lights-out state - * - * Locks required: None - * Returns: 0, ENOSYS +/* MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_LENMIN 8 +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_LENMAX 252 +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_LEN(num) (4+4*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_PROTOCOL_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_PROTOCOL_ARP 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_PROTOCOL_NS 0x2 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_DATA_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_DATA_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_DATA_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_DATA_MAXNUM 62 + +/* MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_ARP msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_ARP_LEN 14 +/* MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_PROTOCOL_OFST 0 */ +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_ARP_MAC_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_ARP_MAC_LEN 6 +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_ARP_IP_OFST 10 + +/* MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_NS msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_NS_LEN 42 +/* MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_PROTOCOL_OFST 0 */ +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_NS_MAC_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_NS_MAC_LEN 6 +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_NS_SNIPV6_OFST 10 +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_NS_SNIPV6_LEN 16 +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_NS_IPV6_OFST 26 +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_NS_IPV6_LEN 16 + +/* MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_OUT_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_ADD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_OUT_FILTER_ID_OFST 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_REMOVE_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD + * Remove a protocol offload from NIC for lights-out state. */ #define MC_CMD_REMOVE_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD 0x47 -#define MC_CMD_REMOVE_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_LEN 8 -#define MC_CMD_REMOVE_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_OUT_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_REMOVE_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_PROTOCOL_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_REMOVE_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_FILTER_ID_OFST 4 +/* MC_CMD_REMOVE_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_REMOVE_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_REMOVE_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_PROTOCOL_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_REMOVE_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_IN_FILTER_ID_OFST 4 -/* Lights-out offload protocols enumeration */ -#define MC_CMD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_PROTOCOL_ARP 0x1 -#define MC_CMD_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_PROTOCOL_NS 0x2 +/* MC_CMD_REMOVE_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_REMOVE_LIGHTSOUT_OFFLOAD_OUT_LEN 0 -/* MC_CMD_MAC_RESET_RESTORE: - * Restore MAC after block reset - * - * Locks required: None - * Returns: 0 +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_MAC_RESET_RESTORE + * Restore MAC after block reset. */ - #define MC_CMD_MAC_RESET_RESTORE 0x48 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RESET_RESTORE_IN_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_MAC_RESET_RESTORE_OUT_LEN 0 +/* MC_CMD_MAC_RESET_RESTORE_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RESET_RESTORE_IN_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_MAC_RESET_RESTORE_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_MAC_RESET_RESTORE_OUT_LEN 0 -/* MC_CMD_TEST_ASSERT: - * Deliberately trigger an assert-detonation in the firmware for testing - * purposes (i.e. to allow tests that the driver copes gracefully). - * - * Locks required: None - * Returns: 0 - */ +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_TESTASSERT + */ #define MC_CMD_TESTASSERT 0x49 -#define MC_CMD_TESTASSERT_IN_LEN 0 -#define MC_CMD_TESTASSERT_OUT_LEN 0 -/* MC_CMD_WORKAROUND 0x4a - * - * Enable/Disable a given workaround. The mcfw will return EINVAL if it - * doesn't understand the given workaround number - which should not - * be treated as a hard error by client code. - * - * This op does not imply any semantics about each workaround, that's between - * the driver and the mcfw on a per-workaround basis. - * - * Locks required: None - * Returns: 0, EINVAL +/* MC_CMD_TESTASSERT_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_TESTASSERT_IN_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_TESTASSERT_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_TESTASSERT_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_WORKAROUND + * Enable/Disable a given workaround. */ #define MC_CMD_WORKAROUND 0x4a -#define MC_CMD_WORKAROUND_IN_LEN 8 -#define MC_CMD_WORKAROUND_IN_TYPE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_WORKAROUND_BUG17230 1 -#define MC_CMD_WORKAROUND_IN_ENABLED_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_WORKAROUND_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO: - * Read media-specific data from PHY (e.g. SFP/SFP+ module ID information for - * SFP+ PHYs). - * - * The "media type" can be found via GET_PHY_CFG (GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_MEDIA_TYPE); - * the valid "page number" input values, and the output data, are interpreted - * on a per-type basis. - * - * For SFP+: PAGE=0 or 1 returns a 128-byte block read from module I2C address - * 0xA0 offset 0 or 0x80. - * Anything else: currently undefined. - * - * Locks required: None - * Return code: 0 + +/* MC_CMD_WORKAROUND_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_WORKAROUND_IN_LEN 8 +#define MC_CMD_WORKAROUND_IN_TYPE_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_WORKAROUND_BUG17230 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_WORKAROUND_IN_ENABLED_OFST 4 + +/* MC_CMD_WORKAROUND_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_WORKAROUND_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO + * Read media-specific data from PHY. */ #define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO 0x4b -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO_IN_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO_IN_PAGE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO_OUT_LEN(_num_bytes) (4 + (_num_bytes)) -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO_OUT_DATALEN_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO_OUT_DATA_OFST 4 - -/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST: - * Test a particular NVRAM partition for valid contents (where "valid" - * depends on the type of partition). - * - * Locks required: None - * Return code: 0 + +/* MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO_IN_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO_IN_PAGE_OFST 0 + +/* MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO_OUT_LENMIN 5 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO_OUT_LENMAX 255 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO_OUT_LEN(num) (4+1*(num)) +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO_OUT_DATALEN_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO_OUT_DATA_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO_OUT_DATA_LEN 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO_OUT_DATA_MINNUM 1 +#define MC_CMD_GET_PHY_MEDIA_INFO_OUT_DATA_MAXNUM 251 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST + * Test a particular NVRAM partition. */ #define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST 0x4c -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST_IN_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST_IN_TYPE_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST_OUT_LEN 4 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST_OUT_RESULT_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST_PASS 0 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST_FAIL 1 -#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST_NOTSUPP 2 - -/* MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK: (debug) - * Read status and/or set parameters for the "mrsfp" driver in mr_rusty builds. - * I2C I/O expander bits are always read; if equaliser parameters are supplied, - * they are configured first. - * - * Locks required: None - * Return code: 0, EINVAL + +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST_IN_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST_IN_TYPE_OFST 0 +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES/MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPES_OUT/TYPES */ + +/* MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST_OUT_LEN 4 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST_OUT_RESULT_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST_PASS 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST_FAIL 0x1 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_NVRAM_TEST_NOTSUPP 0x2 /* enum */ + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK + * Read status and/or set parameters for the 'mrsfp' driver. */ #define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK 0x4d -#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_IN_LEN_READ_ONLY 0 -#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_IN_LEN_EQ_CONFIG 16 -#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_IN_TXEQ_LEVEL_OFST 0 /* 0-6 low->high de-emph. */ -#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_IN_TXEQ_DT_CFG_OFST 4 /* 0-8 low->high ref.V */ -#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_IN_RXEQ_BOOST_OFST 8 /* 0-8 low->high boost */ -#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_IN_RXEQ_DT_CFG_OFST 12 /* 0-8 low->high ref.V */ -#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_OUT_LEN 12 -#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_OUT_IOEXP_INPUTS_OFST 0 /* input bits */ -#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_OUT_IOEXP_OUTPUTS_OFST 4 /* output bits */ -#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_OUT_IOEXP_DIRECTION_OFST 8 /* dirs: 0=out, 1=in */ - -/* MC_CMD_TEST_HACK: (debug (unsurprisingly)) - * Change bits of network port state for test purposes in ways that would never be - * useful in normal operation and so need a special command to change. */ -#define MC_CMD_TEST_HACK 0x2f -#define MC_CMD_TEST_HACK_IN_LEN 8 -#define MC_CMD_TEST_HACK_IN_TXPAD_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_TEST_HACK_IN_TXPAD_AUTO 0 /* Let the MC manage things */ -#define MC_CMD_TEST_HACK_IN_TXPAD_ON 1 /* Force on */ -#define MC_CMD_TEST_HACK_IN_TXPAD_OFF 2 /* Force on */ -#define MC_CMD_TEST_HACK_IN_IPG_OFST 4 /* Takes a value in bits */ -#define MC_CMD_TEST_HACK_IN_IPG_AUTO 0 /* The MC picks the value */ -#define MC_CMD_TEST_HACK_OUT_LEN 0 - -/* MC_CMD_SENSOR_SET_LIMS: (debug) (mostly) adjust the sensor limits. This - * is a warranty-voiding operation. - * - * IN: sensor identifier (one of the enumeration starting with MC_CMD_SENSOR_CONTROLLER_TEMP - * followed by 4 32-bit values: min(warning) max(warning), min(fatal), max(fatal). Which - * of these limits are meaningful and what their interpretation is is sensor-specific. - * - * OUT: nothing - * - * Returns: ENOENT if the sensor specified does not exist, EINVAL if the limits are - * out of range. + +/* MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_IN_EQ_CONFIG msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_IN_EQ_CONFIG_LEN 16 +#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_IN_EQ_CONFIG_TXEQ_LEVEL_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_IN_EQ_CONFIG_TXEQ_DT_CFG_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_IN_EQ_CONFIG_RXEQ_BOOST_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_IN_EQ_CONFIG_RXEQ_DT_CFG_OFST 12 + +/* MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_IN_READ_ONLY msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_IN_READ_ONLY_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_OUT_LEN 12 +#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_OUT_IOEXP_INPUTS_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_OUT_IOEXP_OUTPUTS_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_OUT_IOEXP_DIRECTION_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_OUT_IOEXP_DIRECTION_OUT 0x0 /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_MRSFP_TWEAK_OUT_IOEXP_DIRECTION_IN 0x1 /* enum */ + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_SENSOR_SET_LIMS + * Adjusts the sensor limits. */ #define MC_CMD_SENSOR_SET_LIMS 0x4e -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_SET_LIMS_IN_LEN 20 -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_SET_LIMS_IN_SENSOR_OFST 0 -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_SET_LIMS_IN_LOW0_OFST 4 -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_SET_LIMS_IN_HI0_OFST 8 -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_SET_LIMS_IN_LOW1_OFST 12 -#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_SET_LIMS_IN_HI1_OFST 16 - -/* Do NOT add new commands beyond 0x4f as part of 3.0 : 0x50 - 0x7f will be - * used for post-3.0 extensions. If you run out of space, look for gaps or - * commands that are unused in the existing range. */ + +/* MC_CMD_SENSOR_SET_LIMS_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_SET_LIMS_IN_LEN 20 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_SET_LIMS_IN_SENSOR_OFST 0 +/* Enum values, see field(s): */ +/* MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO/MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO_OUT/MASK */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_SET_LIMS_IN_LOW0_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_SET_LIMS_IN_HI0_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_SET_LIMS_IN_LOW1_OFST 12 +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_SET_LIMS_IN_HI1_OFST 16 + +/* MC_CMD_SENSOR_SET_LIMS_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_SENSOR_SET_LIMS_OUT_LEN 0 + + +/***********************************/ +/* MC_CMD_GET_RESOURCE_LIMITS + */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_RESOURCE_LIMITS 0x4f + +/* MC_CMD_GET_RESOURCE_LIMITS_IN msgrequest */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_RESOURCE_LIMITS_IN_LEN 0 + +/* MC_CMD_GET_RESOURCE_LIMITS_OUT msgresponse */ +#define MC_CMD_GET_RESOURCE_LIMITS_OUT_LEN 16 +#define MC_CMD_GET_RESOURCE_LIMITS_OUT_BUFTBL_OFST 0 +#define MC_CMD_GET_RESOURCE_LIMITS_OUT_EVQ_OFST 4 +#define MC_CMD_GET_RESOURCE_LIMITS_OUT_RXQ_OFST 8 +#define MC_CMD_GET_RESOURCE_LIMITS_OUT_TXQ_OFST 12 + +/* MC_CMD_RESOURCE_SPECIFIER enum */ +#define MC_CMD_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ANY 0xffffffff /* enum */ +#define MC_CMD_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_NONE 0xfffffffe /* enum */ + #endif /* MCDI_PCOL_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_phy.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_phy.c index 6c63ab0710af0bbdcc95c8b9c5267f92615ff20d..7bcad899a9361e5d154838502f102c80caae53b1 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_phy.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mcdi_phy.c @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ static int efx_mcdi_loopback_modes(struct efx_nic *efx, u64 *loopback_modes) goto fail; } - *loopback_modes = MCDI_QWORD(outbuf, GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_SUGGESTED); + *loopback_modes = MCDI_QWORD(outbuf, GET_LOOPBACK_MODES_OUT_SUGGESTED); return 0; @@ -264,22 +264,22 @@ static u32 efx_get_mcdi_phy_flags(struct efx_nic *efx) /* TODO: Advertise the capabilities supported by this PHY */ supported = 0; - if (phy_cfg->flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_TXDIS_LBN)) + if (phy_cfg->flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_TXDIS_LBN)) supported |= PHY_MODE_TX_DISABLED; - if (phy_cfg->flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_LOWPOWER_LBN)) + if (phy_cfg->flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_LOWPOWER_LBN)) supported |= PHY_MODE_LOW_POWER; - if (phy_cfg->flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_POWEROFF_LBN)) + if (phy_cfg->flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_POWEROFF_LBN)) supported |= PHY_MODE_OFF; mode = efx->phy_mode & supported; flags = 0; if (mode & PHY_MODE_TX_DISABLED) - flags |= (1 << MC_CMD_SET_LINK_TXDIS_LBN); + flags |= (1 << MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_TXDIS_LBN); if (mode & PHY_MODE_LOW_POWER) - flags |= (1 << MC_CMD_SET_LINK_LOWPOWER_LBN); + flags |= (1 << MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_LOWPOWER_LBN); if (mode & PHY_MODE_OFF) - flags |= (1 << MC_CMD_SET_LINK_POWEROFF_LBN); + flags |= (1 << MC_CMD_SET_LINK_IN_POWEROFF_LBN); return flags; } @@ -436,8 +436,8 @@ void efx_mcdi_phy_decode_link(struct efx_nic *efx, break; } - link_state->up = !!(flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_LINK_LINK_UP_LBN)); - link_state->fd = !!(flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_LINK_FULL_DUPLEX_LBN)); + link_state->up = !!(flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_LINK_UP_LBN)); + link_state->fd = !!(flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_LINK_OUT_FULL_DUPLEX_LBN)); link_state->speed = speed; } @@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ static int efx_mcdi_phy_test_alive(struct efx_nic *efx) if (outlen < MC_CMD_GET_PHY_STATE_OUT_LEN) return -EIO; - if (MCDI_DWORD(outbuf, GET_PHY_STATE_STATE) != MC_CMD_PHY_STATE_OK) + if (MCDI_DWORD(outbuf, GET_PHY_STATE_OUT_STATE) != MC_CMD_PHY_STATE_OK) return -EINVAL; return 0; @@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ static int efx_mcdi_phy_run_tests(struct efx_nic *efx, int *results, u32 mode; int rc; - if (phy_cfg->flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_BIST_LBN)) { + if (phy_cfg->flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_BIST_LBN)) { rc = efx_mcdi_bist(efx, MC_CMD_PHY_BIST, results); if (rc < 0) return rc; @@ -691,15 +691,15 @@ static int efx_mcdi_phy_run_tests(struct efx_nic *efx, int *results, /* If we support both LONG and SHORT, then run each in response to * break or not. Otherwise, run the one we support */ mode = 0; - if (phy_cfg->flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_BIST_CABLE_SHORT_LBN)) { + if (phy_cfg->flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_BIST_CABLE_SHORT_LBN)) { if ((flags & ETH_TEST_FL_OFFLINE) && (phy_cfg->flags & - (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_BIST_CABLE_LONG_LBN))) + (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_BIST_CABLE_LONG_LBN))) mode = MC_CMD_PHY_BIST_CABLE_LONG; else mode = MC_CMD_PHY_BIST_CABLE_SHORT; } else if (phy_cfg->flags & - (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_BIST_CABLE_LONG_LBN)) + (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_BIST_CABLE_LONG_LBN)) mode = MC_CMD_PHY_BIST_CABLE_LONG; if (mode != 0) { @@ -717,14 +717,14 @@ static const char *efx_mcdi_phy_test_name(struct efx_nic *efx, { struct efx_mcdi_phy_data *phy_cfg = efx->phy_data; - if (phy_cfg->flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_BIST_LBN)) { + if (phy_cfg->flags & (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_BIST_LBN)) { if (index == 0) return "bist"; --index; } - if (phy_cfg->flags & ((1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_BIST_CABLE_SHORT_LBN) | - (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_BIST_CABLE_LONG_LBN))) { + if (phy_cfg->flags & ((1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_BIST_CABLE_SHORT_LBN) | + (1 << MC_CMD_GET_PHY_CFG_OUT_BIST_CABLE_LONG_LBN))) { if (index == 0) return "cable"; --index; @@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ static const char *efx_mcdi_phy_test_name(struct efx_nic *efx, const struct efx_phy_operations efx_mcdi_phy_ops = { .probe = efx_mcdi_phy_probe, - .init = efx_port_dummy_op_int, + .init = efx_port_dummy_op_int, .reconfigure = efx_mcdi_phy_reconfigure, .poll = efx_mcdi_phy_poll, .fini = efx_port_dummy_op_void, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mdio_10g.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mdio_10g.c index 7ab385c8136ddfc25a6b261c97908458e2faa188..9acfd6696ffb7a4b0985f3d36317cd6b0c6fb735 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mdio_10g.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mdio_10g.c @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ void efx_mdio_set_mmds_lpower(struct efx_nic *efx, /** * efx_mdio_set_settings - Set (some of) the PHY settings over MDIO. * @efx: Efx NIC - * @ecmd: New settings + * @ecmd: New settings */ int efx_mdio_set_settings(struct efx_nic *efx, struct ethtool_cmd *ecmd) { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mtd.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mtd.c index bc9dcd6b30d7f6e290ab4236998e00a06af37e41..26b3c23b0b6f263a72678675eadb8ff673be5f2c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mtd.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/mtd.c @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ static int efx_mtd_probe_device(struct efx_nic *efx, struct efx_mtd *efx_mtd) --part; efx_mtd_remove_partition(part); } - /* mtd_device_register() returns 1 if the MTD table is full */ + /* Failure is unlikely here, but probably means we're out of memory */ return -ENOMEM; } @@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ static int falcon_mtd_sync(struct mtd_info *mtd) return rc; } -static struct efx_mtd_ops falcon_mtd_ops = { +static const struct efx_mtd_ops falcon_mtd_ops = { .read = falcon_mtd_read, .erase = falcon_mtd_erase, .write = falcon_mtd_write, @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ static int siena_mtd_sync(struct mtd_info *mtd) return rc; } -static struct efx_mtd_ops siena_mtd_ops = { +static const struct efx_mtd_ops siena_mtd_ops = { .read = siena_mtd_read, .erase = siena_mtd_erase, .write = siena_mtd_write, @@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ struct siena_nvram_type_info { const char *name; }; -static struct siena_nvram_type_info siena_nvram_types[] = { +static const struct siena_nvram_type_info siena_nvram_types[] = { [MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_DISABLED_CALLISTO] = { 0, "sfc_dummy_phy" }, [MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_MC_FW] = { 0, "sfc_mcfw" }, [MC_CMD_NVRAM_TYPE_MC_FW_BACKUP] = { 0, "sfc_mcfw_backup" }, @@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ static int siena_mtd_probe_partition(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned int type) { struct efx_mtd_partition *part = &efx_mtd->part[part_id]; - struct siena_nvram_type_info *info; + const struct siena_nvram_type_info *info; size_t size, erase_size; bool protected; int rc; @@ -627,11 +627,10 @@ static int siena_mtd_get_fw_subtypes(struct efx_nic *efx, struct efx_mtd *efx_mtd) { struct efx_mtd_partition *part; - uint16_t fw_subtype_list[MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_FW_SUBTYPE_LIST_LEN / - sizeof(uint16_t)]; + uint16_t fw_subtype_list[MC_CMD_GET_BOARD_CFG_OUT_FW_SUBTYPE_LIST_MINNUM]; int rc; - rc = efx_mcdi_get_board_cfg(efx, NULL, fw_subtype_list); + rc = efx_mcdi_get_board_cfg(efx, NULL, fw_subtype_list, NULL); if (rc) return rc; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/net_driver.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/net_driver.h index c49502bab6a3a06803ce9dc9950220c9bd371355..f0385e1fb2d8ff40ed6c706dee88f18adb10628b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/net_driver.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/net_driver.h @@ -13,10 +13,6 @@ #ifndef EFX_NET_DRIVER_H #define EFX_NET_DRIVER_H -#if defined(EFX_ENABLE_DEBUG) && !defined(DEBUG) -#define DEBUG -#endif - #include #include #include @@ -28,6 +24,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #include @@ -42,7 +39,7 @@ #define EFX_DRIVER_VERSION "3.1" -#ifdef EFX_ENABLE_DEBUG +#ifdef DEBUG #define EFX_BUG_ON_PARANOID(x) BUG_ON(x) #define EFX_WARN_ON_PARANOID(x) WARN_ON(x) #else @@ -56,8 +53,10 @@ * **************************************************************************/ -#define EFX_MAX_CHANNELS 32 +#define EFX_MAX_CHANNELS 32U #define EFX_MAX_RX_QUEUES EFX_MAX_CHANNELS +#define EFX_EXTRA_CHANNEL_IOV 0 +#define EFX_MAX_EXTRA_CHANNELS 1U /* Checksum generation is a per-queue option in hardware, so each * queue visible to the networking core is backed by two hardware TX @@ -85,15 +84,8 @@ struct efx_special_buffer { void *addr; dma_addr_t dma_addr; unsigned int len; - int index; - int entries; -}; - -enum efx_flush_state { - FLUSH_NONE, - FLUSH_PENDING, - FLUSH_FAILED, - FLUSH_DONE, + unsigned int index; + unsigned int entries; }; /** @@ -142,7 +134,6 @@ struct efx_tx_buffer { * @txd: The hardware descriptor ring * @ptr_mask: The size of the ring minus 1. * @initialised: Has hardware queue been initialised? - * @flushed: Used when handling queue flushing * @read_count: Current read pointer. * This is the number of buffers that have been removed from both rings. * @old_write_count: The value of @write_count when last checked. @@ -185,7 +176,6 @@ struct efx_tx_queue { struct efx_special_buffer txd; unsigned int ptr_mask; bool initialised; - enum efx_flush_state flushed; /* Members used mainly on the completion path */ unsigned int read_count ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp; @@ -209,12 +199,12 @@ struct efx_tx_queue { /** * struct efx_rx_buffer - An Efx RX data buffer * @dma_addr: DMA base address of the buffer - * @skb: The associated socket buffer, if any. - * If both this and page are %NULL, the buffer slot is currently free. - * @page: The associated page buffer, if any. - * If both this and skb are %NULL, the buffer slot is currently free. + * @skb: The associated socket buffer. Valid iff !(@flags & %EFX_RX_BUF_PAGE). + * Will be %NULL if the buffer slot is currently free. + * @page: The associated page buffer. Valif iff @flags & %EFX_RX_BUF_PAGE. + * Will be %NULL if the buffer slot is currently free. * @len: Buffer length, in bytes. - * @is_page: Indicates if @page is valid. If false, @skb is valid. + * @flags: Flags for buffer and packet state. */ struct efx_rx_buffer { dma_addr_t dma_addr; @@ -223,8 +213,11 @@ struct efx_rx_buffer { struct page *page; } u; unsigned int len; - bool is_page; + u16 flags; }; +#define EFX_RX_BUF_PAGE 0x0001 +#define EFX_RX_PKT_CSUMMED 0x0002 +#define EFX_RX_PKT_DISCARD 0x0004 /** * struct efx_rx_page_state - Page-based rx buffer state @@ -250,6 +243,9 @@ struct efx_rx_page_state { * @buffer: The software buffer ring * @rxd: The hardware descriptor ring * @ptr_mask: The size of the ring minus 1. + * @enabled: Receive queue enabled indicator. + * @flush_pending: Set when a RX flush is pending. Has the same lifetime as + * @rxq_flush_pending. * @added_count: Number of buffers added to the receive queue. * @notified_count: Number of buffers given to NIC (<= @added_count). * @removed_count: Number of buffers removed from the receive queue. @@ -264,13 +260,14 @@ struct efx_rx_page_state { * @alloc_page_count: RX allocation strategy counter. * @alloc_skb_count: RX allocation strategy counter. * @slow_fill: Timer used to defer efx_nic_generate_fill_event(). - * @flushed: Use when handling queue flushing */ struct efx_rx_queue { struct efx_nic *efx; struct efx_rx_buffer *buffer; struct efx_special_buffer rxd; unsigned int ptr_mask; + bool enabled; + bool flush_pending; int added_count; int notified_count; @@ -284,8 +281,6 @@ struct efx_rx_queue { unsigned int alloc_skb_count; struct timer_list slow_fill; unsigned int slow_fill_count; - - enum efx_flush_state flushed; }; /** @@ -319,6 +314,7 @@ enum efx_rx_alloc_method { * * @efx: Associated Efx NIC * @channel: Channel instance number + * @type: Channel type definition * @enabled: Channel enabled indicator * @irq: IRQ number (MSI and MSI-X only) * @irq_moderation: IRQ moderation value (in hardware ticks) @@ -328,7 +324,7 @@ enum efx_rx_alloc_method { * @eventq: Event queue buffer * @eventq_mask: Event queue pointer mask * @eventq_read_ptr: Event queue read pointer - * @last_eventq_read_ptr: Last event queue read pointer value. + * @event_test_cpu: Last CPU to handle interrupt or test event for this channel * @irq_count: Number of IRQs since last adaptive moderation decision * @irq_mod_score: IRQ moderation score * @rx_alloc_level: Watermark based heuristic counter for pushing descriptors @@ -348,6 +344,7 @@ enum efx_rx_alloc_method { struct efx_channel { struct efx_nic *efx; int channel; + const struct efx_channel_type *type; bool enabled; int irq; unsigned int irq_moderation; @@ -357,7 +354,7 @@ struct efx_channel { struct efx_special_buffer eventq; unsigned int eventq_mask; unsigned int eventq_read_ptr; - unsigned int last_eventq_read_ptr; + int event_test_cpu; unsigned int irq_count; unsigned int irq_mod_score; @@ -380,12 +377,31 @@ struct efx_channel { * access with prefetches. */ struct efx_rx_buffer *rx_pkt; - bool rx_pkt_csummed; struct efx_rx_queue rx_queue; struct efx_tx_queue tx_queue[EFX_TXQ_TYPES]; }; +/** + * struct efx_channel_type - distinguishes traffic and extra channels + * @handle_no_channel: Handle failure to allocate an extra channel + * @pre_probe: Set up extra state prior to initialisation + * @post_remove: Tear down extra state after finalisation, if allocated. + * May be called on channels that have not been probed. + * @get_name: Generate the channel's name (used for its IRQ handler) + * @copy: Copy the channel state prior to reallocation. May be %NULL if + * reallocation is not supported. + * @keep_eventq: Flag for whether event queue should be kept initialised + * while the device is stopped + */ +struct efx_channel_type { + void (*handle_no_channel)(struct efx_nic *); + int (*pre_probe)(struct efx_channel *); + void (*get_name)(struct efx_channel *, char *buf, size_t len); + struct efx_channel *(*copy)(const struct efx_channel *); + bool keep_eventq; +}; + enum efx_led_mode { EFX_LED_OFF = 0, EFX_LED_ON = 1, @@ -395,12 +411,12 @@ enum efx_led_mode { #define STRING_TABLE_LOOKUP(val, member) \ ((val) < member ## _max) ? member ## _names[val] : "(invalid)" -extern const char *efx_loopback_mode_names[]; +extern const char *const efx_loopback_mode_names[]; extern const unsigned int efx_loopback_mode_max; #define LOOPBACK_MODE(efx) \ STRING_TABLE_LOOKUP((efx)->loopback_mode, efx_loopback_mode) -extern const char *efx_reset_type_names[]; +extern const char *const efx_reset_type_names[]; extern const unsigned int efx_reset_type_max; #define RESET_TYPE(type) \ STRING_TABLE_LOOKUP(type, efx_reset_type) @@ -473,18 +489,6 @@ static inline bool efx_link_state_equal(const struct efx_link_state *left, left->fc == right->fc && left->speed == right->speed; } -/** - * struct efx_mac_operations - Efx MAC operations table - * @reconfigure: Reconfigure MAC. Serialised by the mac_lock - * @update_stats: Update statistics - * @check_fault: Check fault state. True if fault present. - */ -struct efx_mac_operations { - int (*reconfigure) (struct efx_nic *efx); - void (*update_stats) (struct efx_nic *efx); - bool (*check_fault)(struct efx_nic *efx); -}; - /** * struct efx_phy_operations - Efx PHY operations table * @probe: Probe PHY and initialise efx->mdio.mode_support, efx->mdio.mmds, @@ -552,64 +556,64 @@ struct efx_mac_stats { u64 tx_bytes; u64 tx_good_bytes; u64 tx_bad_bytes; - unsigned long tx_packets; - unsigned long tx_bad; - unsigned long tx_pause; - unsigned long tx_control; - unsigned long tx_unicast; - unsigned long tx_multicast; - unsigned long tx_broadcast; - unsigned long tx_lt64; - unsigned long tx_64; - unsigned long tx_65_to_127; - unsigned long tx_128_to_255; - unsigned long tx_256_to_511; - unsigned long tx_512_to_1023; - unsigned long tx_1024_to_15xx; - unsigned long tx_15xx_to_jumbo; - unsigned long tx_gtjumbo; - unsigned long tx_collision; - unsigned long tx_single_collision; - unsigned long tx_multiple_collision; - unsigned long tx_excessive_collision; - unsigned long tx_deferred; - unsigned long tx_late_collision; - unsigned long tx_excessive_deferred; - unsigned long tx_non_tcpudp; - unsigned long tx_mac_src_error; - unsigned long tx_ip_src_error; + u64 tx_packets; + u64 tx_bad; + u64 tx_pause; + u64 tx_control; + u64 tx_unicast; + u64 tx_multicast; + u64 tx_broadcast; + u64 tx_lt64; + u64 tx_64; + u64 tx_65_to_127; + u64 tx_128_to_255; + u64 tx_256_to_511; + u64 tx_512_to_1023; + u64 tx_1024_to_15xx; + u64 tx_15xx_to_jumbo; + u64 tx_gtjumbo; + u64 tx_collision; + u64 tx_single_collision; + u64 tx_multiple_collision; + u64 tx_excessive_collision; + u64 tx_deferred; + u64 tx_late_collision; + u64 tx_excessive_deferred; + u64 tx_non_tcpudp; + u64 tx_mac_src_error; + u64 tx_ip_src_error; u64 rx_bytes; u64 rx_good_bytes; u64 rx_bad_bytes; - unsigned long rx_packets; - unsigned long rx_good; - unsigned long rx_bad; - unsigned long rx_pause; - unsigned long rx_control; - unsigned long rx_unicast; - unsigned long rx_multicast; - unsigned long rx_broadcast; - unsigned long rx_lt64; - unsigned long rx_64; - unsigned long rx_65_to_127; - unsigned long rx_128_to_255; - unsigned long rx_256_to_511; - unsigned long rx_512_to_1023; - unsigned long rx_1024_to_15xx; - unsigned long rx_15xx_to_jumbo; - unsigned long rx_gtjumbo; - unsigned long rx_bad_lt64; - unsigned long rx_bad_64_to_15xx; - unsigned long rx_bad_15xx_to_jumbo; - unsigned long rx_bad_gtjumbo; - unsigned long rx_overflow; - unsigned long rx_missed; - unsigned long rx_false_carrier; - unsigned long rx_symbol_error; - unsigned long rx_align_error; - unsigned long rx_length_error; - unsigned long rx_internal_error; - unsigned long rx_good_lt64; + u64 rx_packets; + u64 rx_good; + u64 rx_bad; + u64 rx_pause; + u64 rx_control; + u64 rx_unicast; + u64 rx_multicast; + u64 rx_broadcast; + u64 rx_lt64; + u64 rx_64; + u64 rx_65_to_127; + u64 rx_128_to_255; + u64 rx_256_to_511; + u64 rx_512_to_1023; + u64 rx_1024_to_15xx; + u64 rx_15xx_to_jumbo; + u64 rx_gtjumbo; + u64 rx_bad_lt64; + u64 rx_bad_64_to_15xx; + u64 rx_bad_15xx_to_jumbo; + u64 rx_bad_gtjumbo; + u64 rx_overflow; + u64 rx_missed; + u64 rx_false_carrier; + u64 rx_symbol_error; + u64 rx_align_error; + u64 rx_length_error; + u64 rx_internal_error; + u64 rx_good_lt64; }; /* Number of bits used in a multicast filter hash address */ @@ -625,6 +629,8 @@ union efx_multicast_hash { }; struct efx_filter_state; +struct efx_vf; +struct vfdi_status; /** * struct efx_nic - an Efx NIC @@ -640,6 +646,7 @@ struct efx_filter_state; * @membase_phys: Memory BAR value as physical address * @membase: Memory BAR value * @interrupt_mode: Interrupt mode + * @timer_quantum_ns: Interrupt timer quantum, in nanoseconds * @irq_rx_adaptive: Adaptive IRQ moderation enabled for RX event queues * @irq_rx_moderation: IRQ moderation time for RX event queues * @msg_enable: Log message enable flags @@ -649,8 +656,13 @@ struct efx_filter_state; * @rx_queue: RX DMA queues * @channel: Channels * @channel_name: Names for channels and their IRQs + * @extra_channel_types: Types of extra (non-traffic) channels that + * should be allocated for this NIC * @rxq_entries: Size of receive queues requested by user. * @txq_entries: Size of transmit queues requested by user. + * @tx_dc_base: Base qword address in SRAM of TX queue descriptor caches + * @rx_dc_base: Base qword address in SRAM of RX queue descriptor caches + * @sram_lim_qw: Qword address limit of SRAM * @next_buffer_table: First available buffer table id * @n_channels: Number of channels in use * @n_rx_channels: Number of channels used for RX (= number of RX queues) @@ -663,7 +675,8 @@ struct efx_filter_state; * @int_error_expire: Time at which error count will be expired * @irq_status: Interrupt status buffer * @irq_zero_count: Number of legacy IRQs seen with queue flags == 0 - * @fatal_irq_level: IRQ level (bit number) used for serious errors + * @irq_level: IRQ level/index for IRQs not triggered by an event queue + * @selftest_work: Work item for asynchronous self-test * @mtd_list: List of MTDs attached to the NIC * @nic_data: Hardware dependent state * @mac_lock: MAC access lock. Protects @port_enabled, @phy_mode, @@ -676,7 +689,6 @@ struct efx_filter_state; * @port_initialized: Port initialized? * @net_dev: Operating system network device. Consider holding the rtnl lock * @stats_buffer: DMA buffer for statistics - * @mac_op: MAC interface * @phy_type: PHY type * @phy_op: PHY interface * @phy_data: PHY private data (including PHY-specific stats) @@ -689,21 +701,42 @@ struct efx_filter_state; * @promiscuous: Promiscuous flag. Protected by netif_tx_lock. * @multicast_hash: Multicast hash table * @wanted_fc: Wanted flow control flags + * @fc_disable: When non-zero flow control is disabled. Typically used to + * ensure that network back pressure doesn't delay dma queue flushes. + * Serialised by the rtnl lock. * @mac_work: Work item for changing MAC promiscuity and multicast hash * @loopback_mode: Loopback status * @loopback_modes: Supported loopback mode bitmask * @loopback_selftest: Offline self-test private state + * @drain_pending: Count of RX and TX queues that haven't been flushed and drained. + * @rxq_flush_pending: Count of number of receive queues that need to be flushed. + * Decremented when the efx_flush_rx_queue() is called. + * @rxq_flush_outstanding: Count of number of RX flushes started but not yet + * completed (either success or failure). Not used when MCDI is used to + * flush receive queues. + * @flush_wq: wait queue used by efx_nic_flush_queues() to wait for flush completions. + * @vf: Array of &struct efx_vf objects. + * @vf_count: Number of VFs intended to be enabled. + * @vf_init_count: Number of VFs that have been fully initialised. + * @vi_scale: log2 number of vnics per VF. + * @vf_buftbl_base: The zeroth buffer table index used to back VF queues. + * @vfdi_status: Common VFDI status page to be dmad to VF address space. + * @local_addr_list: List of local addresses. Protected by %local_lock. + * @local_page_list: List of DMA addressable pages used to broadcast + * %local_addr_list. Protected by %local_lock. + * @local_lock: Mutex protecting %local_addr_list and %local_page_list. + * @peer_work: Work item to broadcast peer addresses to VMs. * @monitor_work: Hardware monitor workitem * @biu_lock: BIU (bus interface unit) lock - * @last_irq_cpu: Last CPU to handle interrupt. - * This register is written with the SMP processor ID whenever an - * interrupt is handled. It is used by efx_nic_test_interrupt() - * to verify that an interrupt has occurred. + * @last_irq_cpu: Last CPU to handle a possible test interrupt. This + * field is used by efx_test_interrupts() to verify that an + * interrupt has occurred. * @n_rx_nodesc_drop_cnt: RX no descriptor drop count * @mac_stats: MAC statistics. These include all statistics the MACs * can provide. Generic code converts these into a standard * &struct net_device_stats. * @stats_lock: Statistics update lock. Serialises statistics fetches + * and access to @mac_stats. * * This is stored in the private area of the &struct net_device. */ @@ -722,6 +755,7 @@ struct efx_nic { void __iomem *membase; enum efx_int_mode interrupt_mode; + unsigned int timer_quantum_ns; bool irq_rx_adaptive; unsigned int irq_rx_moderation; u32 msg_enable; @@ -731,12 +765,18 @@ struct efx_nic { struct efx_channel *channel[EFX_MAX_CHANNELS]; char channel_name[EFX_MAX_CHANNELS][IFNAMSIZ + 6]; + const struct efx_channel_type * + extra_channel_type[EFX_MAX_EXTRA_CHANNELS]; unsigned rxq_entries; unsigned txq_entries; + unsigned tx_dc_base; + unsigned rx_dc_base; + unsigned sram_lim_qw; unsigned next_buffer_table; unsigned n_channels; unsigned n_rx_channels; + unsigned rss_spread; unsigned tx_channel_offset; unsigned n_tx_channels; unsigned int rx_buffer_len; @@ -749,7 +789,8 @@ struct efx_nic { struct efx_buffer irq_status; unsigned irq_zero_count; - unsigned fatal_irq_level; + unsigned irq_level; + struct delayed_work selftest_work; #ifdef CONFIG_SFC_MTD struct list_head mtd_list; @@ -766,8 +807,6 @@ struct efx_nic { struct efx_buffer stats_buffer; - const struct efx_mac_operations *mac_op; - unsigned int phy_type; const struct efx_phy_operations *phy_op; void *phy_data; @@ -782,6 +821,7 @@ struct efx_nic { bool promiscuous; union efx_multicast_hash multicast_hash; u8 wanted_fc; + unsigned fc_disable; atomic_t rx_reset; enum efx_loopback_mode loopback_mode; @@ -791,11 +831,30 @@ struct efx_nic { struct efx_filter_state *filter_state; + atomic_t drain_pending; + atomic_t rxq_flush_pending; + atomic_t rxq_flush_outstanding; + wait_queue_head_t flush_wq; + +#ifdef CONFIG_SFC_SRIOV + struct efx_channel *vfdi_channel; + struct efx_vf *vf; + unsigned vf_count; + unsigned vf_init_count; + unsigned vi_scale; + unsigned vf_buftbl_base; + struct efx_buffer vfdi_status; + struct list_head local_addr_list; + struct list_head local_page_list; + struct mutex local_lock; + struct work_struct peer_work; +#endif + /* The following fields may be written more often */ struct delayed_work monitor_work ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp; spinlock_t biu_lock; - volatile signed int last_irq_cpu; + int last_irq_cpu; unsigned n_rx_nodesc_drop_cnt; struct efx_mac_stats mac_stats; spinlock_t stats_lock; @@ -806,15 +865,6 @@ static inline int efx_dev_registered(struct efx_nic *efx) return efx->net_dev->reg_state == NETREG_REGISTERED; } -/* Net device name, for inclusion in log messages if it has been registered. - * Use efx->name not efx->net_dev->name so that races with (un)registration - * are harmless. - */ -static inline const char *efx_dev_name(struct efx_nic *efx) -{ - return efx_dev_registered(efx) ? efx->name : ""; -} - static inline unsigned int efx_port_num(struct efx_nic *efx) { return efx->net_dev->dev_id; @@ -825,6 +875,8 @@ static inline unsigned int efx_port_num(struct efx_nic *efx) * @probe: Probe the controller * @remove: Free resources allocated by probe() * @init: Initialise the controller + * @dimension_resources: Dimension controller resources (buffer table, + * and VIs once the available interrupt resources are clear) * @fini: Shut down the controller * @monitor: Periodic function for polling link state and hardware monitor * @map_reset_reason: Map ethtool reset reason to a reset method @@ -840,14 +892,15 @@ static inline unsigned int efx_port_num(struct efx_nic *efx) * @stop_stats: Stop the regular fetching of statistics * @set_id_led: Set state of identifying LED or revert to automatic function * @push_irq_moderation: Apply interrupt moderation value - * @push_multicast_hash: Apply multicast hash table * @reconfigure_port: Push loopback/power/txdis changes to the MAC and PHY + * @reconfigure_mac: Push MAC address, MTU, flow control and filter settings + * to the hardware. Serialised by the mac_lock. + * @check_mac_fault: Check MAC fault state. True if fault present. * @get_wol: Get WoL configuration from driver state * @set_wol: Push WoL configuration to the NIC * @resume_wol: Synchronise WoL state between driver and MC (e.g. after resume) * @test_registers: Test read/write functionality of control registers * @test_nvram: Test validity of NVRAM contents - * @default_mac_ops: efx_mac_operations to set at startup * @revision: Hardware architecture revision * @mem_map_size: Memory BAR mapped size * @txd_ptr_tbl_base: TX descriptor ring base address @@ -862,8 +915,7 @@ static inline unsigned int efx_port_num(struct efx_nic *efx) * from &enum efx_init_mode. * @phys_addr_channels: Number of channels with physically addressed * descriptors - * @tx_dc_base: Base address in SRAM of TX queue descriptor caches - * @rx_dc_base: Base address in SRAM of RX queue descriptor caches + * @timer_period_max: Maximum period of interrupt timer (in ticks) * @offload_features: net_device feature flags for protocol offload * features implemented in hardware */ @@ -871,6 +923,7 @@ struct efx_nic_type { int (*probe)(struct efx_nic *efx); void (*remove)(struct efx_nic *efx); int (*init)(struct efx_nic *efx); + void (*dimension_resources)(struct efx_nic *efx); void (*fini)(struct efx_nic *efx); void (*monitor)(struct efx_nic *efx); enum reset_type (*map_reset_reason)(enum reset_type reason); @@ -885,14 +938,14 @@ struct efx_nic_type { void (*stop_stats)(struct efx_nic *efx); void (*set_id_led)(struct efx_nic *efx, enum efx_led_mode mode); void (*push_irq_moderation)(struct efx_channel *channel); - void (*push_multicast_hash)(struct efx_nic *efx); int (*reconfigure_port)(struct efx_nic *efx); + int (*reconfigure_mac)(struct efx_nic *efx); + bool (*check_mac_fault)(struct efx_nic *efx); void (*get_wol)(struct efx_nic *efx, struct ethtool_wolinfo *wol); int (*set_wol)(struct efx_nic *efx, u32 type); void (*resume_wol)(struct efx_nic *efx); int (*test_registers)(struct efx_nic *efx); int (*test_nvram)(struct efx_nic *efx); - const struct efx_mac_operations *default_mac_ops; int revision; unsigned int mem_map_size; @@ -906,8 +959,7 @@ struct efx_nic_type { unsigned int rx_buffer_padding; unsigned int max_interrupt_mode; unsigned int phys_addr_channels; - unsigned int tx_dc_base; - unsigned int rx_dc_base; + unsigned int timer_period_max; netdev_features_t offload_features; }; @@ -931,6 +983,13 @@ efx_get_channel(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned index) _channel = (_channel->channel + 1 < (_efx)->n_channels) ? \ (_efx)->channel[_channel->channel + 1] : NULL) +/* Iterate over all used channels in reverse */ +#define efx_for_each_channel_rev(_channel, _efx) \ + for (_channel = (_efx)->channel[(_efx)->n_channels - 1]; \ + _channel; \ + _channel = _channel->channel ? \ + (_efx)->channel[_channel->channel - 1] : NULL) + static inline struct efx_tx_queue * efx_get_tx_queue(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned index, unsigned type) { @@ -971,16 +1030,12 @@ static inline bool efx_tx_queue_used(struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue) /* Iterate over all possible TX queues belonging to a channel */ #define efx_for_each_possible_channel_tx_queue(_tx_queue, _channel) \ - for (_tx_queue = (_channel)->tx_queue; \ - _tx_queue < (_channel)->tx_queue + EFX_TXQ_TYPES; \ - _tx_queue++) - -static inline struct efx_rx_queue * -efx_get_rx_queue(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned index) -{ - EFX_BUG_ON_PARANOID(index >= efx->n_rx_channels); - return &efx->channel[index]->rx_queue; -} + if (!efx_channel_has_tx_queues(_channel)) \ + ; \ + else \ + for (_tx_queue = (_channel)->tx_queue; \ + _tx_queue < (_channel)->tx_queue + EFX_TXQ_TYPES; \ + _tx_queue++) static inline bool efx_channel_has_rx_queue(struct efx_channel *channel) { diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/nic.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/nic.c index 3edfbaf5f0229b2190e9e40ec554b4b9c6a84c86..4a9a5beec8fcf6a42ec7936dc57ea074e47dd568 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/nic.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/nic.c @@ -49,24 +49,29 @@ #define EFX_INT_ERROR_EXPIRE 3600 #define EFX_MAX_INT_ERRORS 5 -/* We poll for events every FLUSH_INTERVAL ms, and check FLUSH_POLL_COUNT times - */ -#define EFX_FLUSH_INTERVAL 10 -#define EFX_FLUSH_POLL_COUNT 100 - -/* Size and alignment of special buffers (4KB) */ -#define EFX_BUF_SIZE 4096 - /* Depth of RX flush request fifo */ #define EFX_RX_FLUSH_COUNT 4 -/* Generated event code for efx_generate_test_event() */ -#define EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_TEST(_channel) \ - (0x00010100 + (_channel)->channel) - -/* Generated event code for efx_generate_fill_event() */ -#define EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_FILL(_channel) \ - (0x00010200 + (_channel)->channel) +/* Driver generated events */ +#define _EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_TEST 0x000101 +#define _EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_FILL 0x000102 +#define _EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_RX_DRAIN 0x000103 +#define _EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_TX_DRAIN 0x000104 + +#define _EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC(_code, _data) ((_code) << 8 | (_data)) +#define _EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_CODE(_magic) ((_magic) >> 8) + +#define EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_TEST(_channel) \ + _EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC(_EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_TEST, (_channel)->channel) +#define EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_FILL(_rx_queue) \ + _EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC(_EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_FILL, \ + efx_rx_queue_index(_rx_queue)) +#define EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_RX_DRAIN(_rx_queue) \ + _EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC(_EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_RX_DRAIN, \ + efx_rx_queue_index(_rx_queue)) +#define EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_TX_DRAIN(_tx_queue) \ + _EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC(_EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_TX_DRAIN, \ + (_tx_queue)->queue) /************************************************************************** * @@ -187,7 +192,7 @@ static void efx_init_special_buffer(struct efx_nic *efx, struct efx_special_buffer *buffer) { efx_qword_t buf_desc; - int index; + unsigned int index; dma_addr_t dma_addr; int i; @@ -196,7 +201,7 @@ efx_init_special_buffer(struct efx_nic *efx, struct efx_special_buffer *buffer) /* Write buffer descriptors to NIC */ for (i = 0; i < buffer->entries; i++) { index = buffer->index + i; - dma_addr = buffer->dma_addr + (i * 4096); + dma_addr = buffer->dma_addr + (i * EFX_BUF_SIZE); netif_dbg(efx, probe, efx->net_dev, "mapping special buffer %d at %llx\n", index, (unsigned long long)dma_addr); @@ -259,6 +264,10 @@ static int efx_alloc_special_buffer(struct efx_nic *efx, /* Select new buffer ID */ buffer->index = efx->next_buffer_table; efx->next_buffer_table += buffer->entries; +#ifdef CONFIG_SFC_SRIOV + BUG_ON(efx_sriov_enabled(efx) && + efx->vf_buftbl_base < efx->next_buffer_table); +#endif netif_dbg(efx, probe, efx->net_dev, "allocating special buffers %d-%d at %llx+%x " @@ -430,8 +439,6 @@ void efx_nic_init_tx(struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue) struct efx_nic *efx = tx_queue->efx; efx_oword_t reg; - tx_queue->flushed = FLUSH_NONE; - /* Pin TX descriptor ring */ efx_init_special_buffer(efx, &tx_queue->txd); @@ -488,9 +495,6 @@ static void efx_flush_tx_queue(struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue) struct efx_nic *efx = tx_queue->efx; efx_oword_t tx_flush_descq; - tx_queue->flushed = FLUSH_PENDING; - - /* Post a flush command */ EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_2(tx_flush_descq, FRF_AZ_TX_FLUSH_DESCQ_CMD, 1, FRF_AZ_TX_FLUSH_DESCQ, tx_queue->queue); @@ -502,9 +506,6 @@ void efx_nic_fini_tx(struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue) struct efx_nic *efx = tx_queue->efx; efx_oword_t tx_desc_ptr; - /* The queue should have been flushed */ - WARN_ON(tx_queue->flushed != FLUSH_DONE); - /* Remove TX descriptor ring from card */ EFX_ZERO_OWORD(tx_desc_ptr); efx_writeo_table(efx, &tx_desc_ptr, efx->type->txd_ptr_tbl_base, @@ -595,8 +596,6 @@ void efx_nic_init_rx(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue) efx_rx_queue_index(rx_queue), rx_queue->rxd.index, rx_queue->rxd.index + rx_queue->rxd.entries - 1); - rx_queue->flushed = FLUSH_NONE; - /* Pin RX descriptor ring */ efx_init_special_buffer(efx, &rx_queue->rxd); @@ -625,9 +624,6 @@ static void efx_flush_rx_queue(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue) struct efx_nic *efx = rx_queue->efx; efx_oword_t rx_flush_descq; - rx_queue->flushed = FLUSH_PENDING; - - /* Post a flush command */ EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_2(rx_flush_descq, FRF_AZ_RX_FLUSH_DESCQ_CMD, 1, FRF_AZ_RX_FLUSH_DESCQ, @@ -640,9 +636,6 @@ void efx_nic_fini_rx(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue) efx_oword_t rx_desc_ptr; struct efx_nic *efx = rx_queue->efx; - /* The queue should already have been flushed */ - WARN_ON(rx_queue->flushed != FLUSH_DONE); - /* Remove RX descriptor ring from card */ EFX_ZERO_OWORD(rx_desc_ptr); efx_writeo_table(efx, &rx_desc_ptr, efx->type->rxd_ptr_tbl_base, @@ -658,6 +651,103 @@ void efx_nic_remove_rx(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue) efx_free_special_buffer(rx_queue->efx, &rx_queue->rxd); } +/************************************************************************** + * + * Flush handling + * + **************************************************************************/ + +/* efx_nic_flush_queues() must be woken up when all flushes are completed, + * or more RX flushes can be kicked off. + */ +static bool efx_flush_wake(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + /* Ensure that all updates are visible to efx_nic_flush_queues() */ + smp_mb(); + + return (atomic_read(&efx->drain_pending) == 0 || + (atomic_read(&efx->rxq_flush_outstanding) < EFX_RX_FLUSH_COUNT + && atomic_read(&efx->rxq_flush_pending) > 0)); +} + +/* Flush all the transmit queues, and continue flushing receive queues until + * they're all flushed. Wait for the DRAIN events to be recieved so that there + * are no more RX and TX events left on any channel. */ +int efx_nic_flush_queues(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + unsigned timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(5000); /* 5s for all flushes and drains */ + struct efx_channel *channel; + struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue; + struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue; + int rc = 0; + + efx->fc_disable++; + efx->type->prepare_flush(efx); + + efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { + efx_for_each_channel_tx_queue(tx_queue, channel) { + atomic_inc(&efx->drain_pending); + efx_flush_tx_queue(tx_queue); + } + efx_for_each_channel_rx_queue(rx_queue, channel) { + atomic_inc(&efx->drain_pending); + rx_queue->flush_pending = true; + atomic_inc(&efx->rxq_flush_pending); + } + } + + while (timeout && atomic_read(&efx->drain_pending) > 0) { + /* If SRIOV is enabled, then offload receive queue flushing to + * the firmware (though we will still have to poll for + * completion). If that fails, fall back to the old scheme. + */ + if (efx_sriov_enabled(efx)) { + rc = efx_mcdi_flush_rxqs(efx); + if (!rc) + goto wait; + } + + /* The hardware supports four concurrent rx flushes, each of + * which may need to be retried if there is an outstanding + * descriptor fetch + */ + efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { + efx_for_each_channel_rx_queue(rx_queue, channel) { + if (atomic_read(&efx->rxq_flush_outstanding) >= + EFX_RX_FLUSH_COUNT) + break; + + if (rx_queue->flush_pending) { + rx_queue->flush_pending = false; + atomic_dec(&efx->rxq_flush_pending); + atomic_inc(&efx->rxq_flush_outstanding); + efx_flush_rx_queue(rx_queue); + } + } + } + + wait: + timeout = wait_event_timeout(efx->flush_wq, efx_flush_wake(efx), + timeout); + } + + if (atomic_read(&efx->drain_pending)) { + netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, "failed to flush %d queues " + "(rx %d+%d)\n", atomic_read(&efx->drain_pending), + atomic_read(&efx->rxq_flush_outstanding), + atomic_read(&efx->rxq_flush_pending)); + rc = -ETIMEDOUT; + + atomic_set(&efx->drain_pending, 0); + atomic_set(&efx->rxq_flush_pending, 0); + atomic_set(&efx->rxq_flush_outstanding, 0); + } + + efx->fc_disable--; + + return rc; +} + /************************************************************************** * * Event queue processing @@ -682,7 +772,8 @@ void efx_nic_eventq_read_ack(struct efx_channel *channel) } /* Use HW to insert a SW defined event */ -static void efx_generate_event(struct efx_channel *channel, efx_qword_t *event) +void efx_generate_event(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned int evq, + efx_qword_t *event) { efx_oword_t drv_ev_reg; @@ -692,8 +783,18 @@ static void efx_generate_event(struct efx_channel *channel, efx_qword_t *event) drv_ev_reg.u32[1] = event->u32[1]; drv_ev_reg.u32[2] = 0; drv_ev_reg.u32[3] = 0; - EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD(drv_ev_reg, FRF_AZ_DRV_EV_QID, channel->channel); - efx_writeo(channel->efx, &drv_ev_reg, FR_AZ_DRV_EV); + EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD(drv_ev_reg, FRF_AZ_DRV_EV_QID, evq); + efx_writeo(efx, &drv_ev_reg, FR_AZ_DRV_EV); +} + +static void efx_magic_event(struct efx_channel *channel, u32 magic) +{ + efx_qword_t event; + + EFX_POPULATE_QWORD_2(event, FSF_AZ_EV_CODE, + FSE_AZ_EV_CODE_DRV_GEN_EV, + FSF_AZ_DRV_GEN_EV_MAGIC, magic); + efx_generate_event(channel->efx, channel->channel, &event); } /* Handle a transmit completion event @@ -710,6 +811,9 @@ efx_handle_tx_event(struct efx_channel *channel, efx_qword_t *event) struct efx_nic *efx = channel->efx; int tx_packets = 0; + if (unlikely(ACCESS_ONCE(efx->reset_pending))) + return 0; + if (likely(EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, FSF_AZ_TX_EV_COMP))) { /* Transmit completion */ tx_ev_desc_ptr = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, FSF_AZ_TX_EV_DESC_PTR); @@ -718,7 +822,6 @@ efx_handle_tx_event(struct efx_channel *channel, efx_qword_t *event) channel, tx_ev_q_label % EFX_TXQ_TYPES); tx_packets = ((tx_ev_desc_ptr - tx_queue->read_count) & tx_queue->ptr_mask); - channel->irq_mod_score += tx_packets; efx_xmit_done(tx_queue, tx_ev_desc_ptr); } else if (EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, FSF_AZ_TX_EV_WQ_FF_FULL)) { /* Rewrite the FIFO write pointer */ @@ -726,11 +829,9 @@ efx_handle_tx_event(struct efx_channel *channel, efx_qword_t *event) tx_queue = efx_channel_get_tx_queue( channel, tx_ev_q_label % EFX_TXQ_TYPES); - if (efx_dev_registered(efx)) - netif_tx_lock(efx->net_dev); + netif_tx_lock(efx->net_dev); efx_notify_tx_desc(tx_queue); - if (efx_dev_registered(efx)) - netif_tx_unlock(efx->net_dev); + netif_tx_unlock(efx->net_dev); } else if (EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, FSF_AZ_TX_EV_PKT_ERR) && EFX_WORKAROUND_10727(efx)) { efx_schedule_reset(efx, RESET_TYPE_TX_DESC_FETCH); @@ -745,10 +846,8 @@ efx_handle_tx_event(struct efx_channel *channel, efx_qword_t *event) } /* Detect errors included in the rx_evt_pkt_ok bit. */ -static void efx_handle_rx_not_ok(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue, - const efx_qword_t *event, - bool *rx_ev_pkt_ok, - bool *discard) +static u16 efx_handle_rx_not_ok(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue, + const efx_qword_t *event) { struct efx_channel *channel = efx_rx_queue_channel(rx_queue); struct efx_nic *efx = rx_queue->efx; @@ -793,15 +892,11 @@ static void efx_handle_rx_not_ok(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue, ++channel->n_rx_tcp_udp_chksum_err; } - /* The frame must be discarded if any of these are true. */ - *discard = (rx_ev_eth_crc_err | rx_ev_frm_trunc | rx_ev_drib_nib | - rx_ev_tobe_disc | rx_ev_pause_frm); - /* TOBE_DISC is expected on unicast mismatches; don't print out an * error message. FRM_TRUNC indicates RXDP dropped the packet due * to a FIFO overflow. */ -#ifdef EFX_ENABLE_DEBUG +#ifdef DEBUG if (rx_ev_other_err && net_ratelimit()) { netif_dbg(efx, rx_err, efx->net_dev, " RX queue %d unexpected RX event " @@ -819,6 +914,11 @@ static void efx_handle_rx_not_ok(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue, rx_ev_pause_frm ? " [PAUSE]" : ""); } #endif + + /* The frame must be discarded if any of these are true. */ + return (rx_ev_eth_crc_err | rx_ev_frm_trunc | rx_ev_drib_nib | + rx_ev_tobe_disc | rx_ev_pause_frm) ? + EFX_RX_PKT_DISCARD : 0; } /* Handle receive events that are not in-order. */ @@ -851,8 +951,13 @@ efx_handle_rx_event(struct efx_channel *channel, const efx_qword_t *event) unsigned int rx_ev_desc_ptr, rx_ev_byte_cnt; unsigned int rx_ev_hdr_type, rx_ev_mcast_pkt; unsigned expected_ptr; - bool rx_ev_pkt_ok, discard = false, checksummed; + bool rx_ev_pkt_ok; + u16 flags; struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue; + struct efx_nic *efx = channel->efx; + + if (unlikely(ACCESS_ONCE(efx->reset_pending))) + return; /* Basic packet information */ rx_ev_byte_cnt = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, FSF_AZ_RX_EV_BYTE_CNT); @@ -874,12 +979,11 @@ efx_handle_rx_event(struct efx_channel *channel, const efx_qword_t *event) /* If packet is marked as OK and packet type is TCP/IP or * UDP/IP, then we can rely on the hardware checksum. */ - checksummed = - rx_ev_hdr_type == FSE_CZ_RX_EV_HDR_TYPE_IPV4V6_TCP || - rx_ev_hdr_type == FSE_CZ_RX_EV_HDR_TYPE_IPV4V6_UDP; + flags = (rx_ev_hdr_type == FSE_CZ_RX_EV_HDR_TYPE_IPV4V6_TCP || + rx_ev_hdr_type == FSE_CZ_RX_EV_HDR_TYPE_IPV4V6_UDP) ? + EFX_RX_PKT_CSUMMED : 0; } else { - efx_handle_rx_not_ok(rx_queue, event, &rx_ev_pkt_ok, &discard); - checksummed = false; + flags = efx_handle_rx_not_ok(rx_queue, event); } /* Detect multicast packets that didn't match the filter */ @@ -890,35 +994,111 @@ efx_handle_rx_event(struct efx_channel *channel, const efx_qword_t *event) if (unlikely(!rx_ev_mcast_hash_match)) { ++channel->n_rx_mcast_mismatch; - discard = true; + flags |= EFX_RX_PKT_DISCARD; } } channel->irq_mod_score += 2; /* Handle received packet */ - efx_rx_packet(rx_queue, rx_ev_desc_ptr, rx_ev_byte_cnt, - checksummed, discard); + efx_rx_packet(rx_queue, rx_ev_desc_ptr, rx_ev_byte_cnt, flags); +} + +/* If this flush done event corresponds to a &struct efx_tx_queue, then + * send an %EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_TX_DRAIN event to drain the event queue + * of all transmit completions. + */ +static void +efx_handle_tx_flush_done(struct efx_nic *efx, efx_qword_t *event) +{ + struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue; + int qid; + + qid = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, FSF_AZ_DRIVER_EV_SUBDATA); + if (qid < EFX_TXQ_TYPES * efx->n_tx_channels) { + tx_queue = efx_get_tx_queue(efx, qid / EFX_TXQ_TYPES, + qid % EFX_TXQ_TYPES); + + efx_magic_event(tx_queue->channel, + EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_TX_DRAIN(tx_queue)); + } +} + +/* If this flush done event corresponds to a &struct efx_rx_queue: If the flush + * was succesful then send an %EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_RX_DRAIN, otherwise add + * the RX queue back to the mask of RX queues in need of flushing. + */ +static void +efx_handle_rx_flush_done(struct efx_nic *efx, efx_qword_t *event) +{ + struct efx_channel *channel; + struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue; + int qid; + bool failed; + + qid = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, FSF_AZ_DRIVER_EV_RX_DESCQ_ID); + failed = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, FSF_AZ_DRIVER_EV_RX_FLUSH_FAIL); + if (qid >= efx->n_channels) + return; + channel = efx_get_channel(efx, qid); + if (!efx_channel_has_rx_queue(channel)) + return; + rx_queue = efx_channel_get_rx_queue(channel); + + if (failed) { + netif_info(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, + "RXQ %d flush retry\n", qid); + rx_queue->flush_pending = true; + atomic_inc(&efx->rxq_flush_pending); + } else { + efx_magic_event(efx_rx_queue_channel(rx_queue), + EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_RX_DRAIN(rx_queue)); + } + atomic_dec(&efx->rxq_flush_outstanding); + if (efx_flush_wake(efx)) + wake_up(&efx->flush_wq); +} + +static void +efx_handle_drain_event(struct efx_channel *channel) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = channel->efx; + + WARN_ON(atomic_read(&efx->drain_pending) == 0); + atomic_dec(&efx->drain_pending); + if (efx_flush_wake(efx)) + wake_up(&efx->flush_wq); } static void efx_handle_generated_event(struct efx_channel *channel, efx_qword_t *event) { struct efx_nic *efx = channel->efx; - unsigned code; + struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue = + efx_channel_has_rx_queue(channel) ? + efx_channel_get_rx_queue(channel) : NULL; + unsigned magic, code; - code = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, FSF_AZ_DRV_GEN_EV_MAGIC); - if (code == EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_TEST(channel)) - ; /* ignore */ - else if (code == EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_FILL(channel)) + magic = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, FSF_AZ_DRV_GEN_EV_MAGIC); + code = _EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_CODE(magic); + + if (magic == EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_TEST(channel)) { + channel->event_test_cpu = raw_smp_processor_id(); + } else if (rx_queue && magic == EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_FILL(rx_queue)) { /* The queue must be empty, so we won't receive any rx * events, so efx_process_channel() won't refill the * queue. Refill it here */ - efx_fast_push_rx_descriptors(efx_channel_get_rx_queue(channel)); - else + efx_fast_push_rx_descriptors(rx_queue); + } else if (rx_queue && magic == EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_RX_DRAIN(rx_queue)) { + rx_queue->enabled = false; + efx_handle_drain_event(channel); + } else if (code == _EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_TX_DRAIN) { + efx_handle_drain_event(channel); + } else { netif_dbg(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, "channel %d received " "generated event "EFX_QWORD_FMT"\n", channel->channel, EFX_QWORD_VAL(*event)); + } } static void @@ -935,10 +1115,14 @@ efx_handle_driver_event(struct efx_channel *channel, efx_qword_t *event) case FSE_AZ_TX_DESCQ_FLS_DONE_EV: netif_vdbg(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, "channel %d TXQ %d flushed\n", channel->channel, ev_sub_data); + efx_handle_tx_flush_done(efx, event); + efx_sriov_tx_flush_done(efx, event); break; case FSE_AZ_RX_DESCQ_FLS_DONE_EV: netif_vdbg(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, "channel %d RXQ %d flushed\n", channel->channel, ev_sub_data); + efx_handle_rx_flush_done(efx, event); + efx_sriov_rx_flush_done(efx, event); break; case FSE_AZ_EVQ_INIT_DONE_EV: netif_dbg(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, @@ -970,16 +1154,24 @@ efx_handle_driver_event(struct efx_channel *channel, efx_qword_t *event) RESET_TYPE_DISABLE); break; case FSE_BZ_RX_DSC_ERROR_EV: - netif_err(efx, rx_err, efx->net_dev, - "RX DMA Q %d reports descriptor fetch error." - " RX Q %d is disabled.\n", ev_sub_data, ev_sub_data); - efx_schedule_reset(efx, RESET_TYPE_RX_DESC_FETCH); + if (ev_sub_data < EFX_VI_BASE) { + netif_err(efx, rx_err, efx->net_dev, + "RX DMA Q %d reports descriptor fetch error." + " RX Q %d is disabled.\n", ev_sub_data, + ev_sub_data); + efx_schedule_reset(efx, RESET_TYPE_RX_DESC_FETCH); + } else + efx_sriov_desc_fetch_err(efx, ev_sub_data); break; case FSE_BZ_TX_DSC_ERROR_EV: - netif_err(efx, tx_err, efx->net_dev, - "TX DMA Q %d reports descriptor fetch error." - " TX Q %d is disabled.\n", ev_sub_data, ev_sub_data); - efx_schedule_reset(efx, RESET_TYPE_TX_DESC_FETCH); + if (ev_sub_data < EFX_VI_BASE) { + netif_err(efx, tx_err, efx->net_dev, + "TX DMA Q %d reports descriptor fetch error." + " TX Q %d is disabled.\n", ev_sub_data, + ev_sub_data); + efx_schedule_reset(efx, RESET_TYPE_TX_DESC_FETCH); + } else + efx_sriov_desc_fetch_err(efx, ev_sub_data); break; default: netif_vdbg(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, @@ -1039,6 +1231,9 @@ int efx_nic_process_eventq(struct efx_channel *channel, int budget) case FSE_AZ_EV_CODE_DRIVER_EV: efx_handle_driver_event(channel, &event); break; + case FSE_CZ_EV_CODE_USER_EV: + efx_sriov_event(channel, &event); + break; case FSE_CZ_EV_CODE_MCDI_EV: efx_mcdi_process_event(channel, &event); break; @@ -1137,163 +1332,17 @@ void efx_nic_remove_eventq(struct efx_channel *channel) } -void efx_nic_generate_test_event(struct efx_channel *channel) +void efx_nic_event_test_start(struct efx_channel *channel) { - unsigned int magic = EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_TEST(channel); - efx_qword_t test_event; - - EFX_POPULATE_QWORD_2(test_event, FSF_AZ_EV_CODE, - FSE_AZ_EV_CODE_DRV_GEN_EV, - FSF_AZ_DRV_GEN_EV_MAGIC, magic); - efx_generate_event(channel, &test_event); + channel->event_test_cpu = -1; + smp_wmb(); + efx_magic_event(channel, EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_TEST(channel)); } -void efx_nic_generate_fill_event(struct efx_channel *channel) +void efx_nic_generate_fill_event(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue) { - unsigned int magic = EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_FILL(channel); - efx_qword_t test_event; - - EFX_POPULATE_QWORD_2(test_event, FSF_AZ_EV_CODE, - FSE_AZ_EV_CODE_DRV_GEN_EV, - FSF_AZ_DRV_GEN_EV_MAGIC, magic); - efx_generate_event(channel, &test_event); -} - -/************************************************************************** - * - * Flush handling - * - **************************************************************************/ - - -static void efx_poll_flush_events(struct efx_nic *efx) -{ - struct efx_channel *channel = efx_get_channel(efx, 0); - struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue; - struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue; - unsigned int read_ptr = channel->eventq_read_ptr; - unsigned int end_ptr = read_ptr + channel->eventq_mask - 1; - - do { - efx_qword_t *event = efx_event(channel, read_ptr); - int ev_code, ev_sub_code, ev_queue; - bool ev_failed; - - if (!efx_event_present(event)) - break; - - ev_code = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, FSF_AZ_EV_CODE); - ev_sub_code = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, - FSF_AZ_DRIVER_EV_SUBCODE); - if (ev_code == FSE_AZ_EV_CODE_DRIVER_EV && - ev_sub_code == FSE_AZ_TX_DESCQ_FLS_DONE_EV) { - ev_queue = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, - FSF_AZ_DRIVER_EV_SUBDATA); - if (ev_queue < EFX_TXQ_TYPES * efx->n_tx_channels) { - tx_queue = efx_get_tx_queue( - efx, ev_queue / EFX_TXQ_TYPES, - ev_queue % EFX_TXQ_TYPES); - tx_queue->flushed = FLUSH_DONE; - } - } else if (ev_code == FSE_AZ_EV_CODE_DRIVER_EV && - ev_sub_code == FSE_AZ_RX_DESCQ_FLS_DONE_EV) { - ev_queue = EFX_QWORD_FIELD( - *event, FSF_AZ_DRIVER_EV_RX_DESCQ_ID); - ev_failed = EFX_QWORD_FIELD( - *event, FSF_AZ_DRIVER_EV_RX_FLUSH_FAIL); - if (ev_queue < efx->n_rx_channels) { - rx_queue = efx_get_rx_queue(efx, ev_queue); - rx_queue->flushed = - ev_failed ? FLUSH_FAILED : FLUSH_DONE; - } - } - - /* We're about to destroy the queue anyway, so - * it's ok to throw away every non-flush event */ - EFX_SET_QWORD(*event); - - ++read_ptr; - } while (read_ptr != end_ptr); - - channel->eventq_read_ptr = read_ptr; -} - -/* Handle tx and rx flushes at the same time, since they run in - * parallel in the hardware and there's no reason for us to - * serialise them */ -int efx_nic_flush_queues(struct efx_nic *efx) -{ - struct efx_channel *channel; - struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue; - struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue; - int i, tx_pending, rx_pending; - - /* If necessary prepare the hardware for flushing */ - efx->type->prepare_flush(efx); - - /* Flush all tx queues in parallel */ - efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { - efx_for_each_possible_channel_tx_queue(tx_queue, channel) { - if (tx_queue->initialised) - efx_flush_tx_queue(tx_queue); - } - } - - /* The hardware supports four concurrent rx flushes, each of which may - * need to be retried if there is an outstanding descriptor fetch */ - for (i = 0; i < EFX_FLUSH_POLL_COUNT; ++i) { - rx_pending = tx_pending = 0; - efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { - efx_for_each_channel_rx_queue(rx_queue, channel) { - if (rx_queue->flushed == FLUSH_PENDING) - ++rx_pending; - } - } - efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { - efx_for_each_channel_rx_queue(rx_queue, channel) { - if (rx_pending == EFX_RX_FLUSH_COUNT) - break; - if (rx_queue->flushed == FLUSH_FAILED || - rx_queue->flushed == FLUSH_NONE) { - efx_flush_rx_queue(rx_queue); - ++rx_pending; - } - } - efx_for_each_possible_channel_tx_queue(tx_queue, channel) { - if (tx_queue->initialised && - tx_queue->flushed != FLUSH_DONE) - ++tx_pending; - } - } - - if (rx_pending == 0 && tx_pending == 0) - return 0; - - msleep(EFX_FLUSH_INTERVAL); - efx_poll_flush_events(efx); - } - - /* Mark the queues as all flushed. We're going to return failure - * leading to a reset, or fake up success anyway */ - efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { - efx_for_each_possible_channel_tx_queue(tx_queue, channel) { - if (tx_queue->initialised && - tx_queue->flushed != FLUSH_DONE) - netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, - "tx queue %d flush command timed out\n", - tx_queue->queue); - tx_queue->flushed = FLUSH_DONE; - } - efx_for_each_channel_rx_queue(rx_queue, channel) { - if (rx_queue->flushed != FLUSH_DONE) - netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, - "rx queue %d flush command timed out\n", - efx_rx_queue_index(rx_queue)); - rx_queue->flushed = FLUSH_DONE; - } - } - - return -ETIMEDOUT; + efx_magic_event(efx_rx_queue_channel(rx_queue), + EFX_CHANNEL_MAGIC_FILL(rx_queue)); } /************************************************************************** @@ -1311,7 +1360,7 @@ static inline void efx_nic_interrupts(struct efx_nic *efx, efx_oword_t int_en_reg_ker; EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_3(int_en_reg_ker, - FRF_AZ_KER_INT_LEVE_SEL, efx->fatal_irq_level, + FRF_AZ_KER_INT_LEVE_SEL, efx->irq_level, FRF_AZ_KER_INT_KER, force, FRF_AZ_DRV_INT_EN_KER, enabled); efx_writeo(efx, &int_en_reg_ker, FR_AZ_INT_EN_KER); @@ -1319,18 +1368,10 @@ static inline void efx_nic_interrupts(struct efx_nic *efx, void efx_nic_enable_interrupts(struct efx_nic *efx) { - struct efx_channel *channel; - EFX_ZERO_OWORD(*((efx_oword_t *) efx->irq_status.addr)); wmb(); /* Ensure interrupt vector is clear before interrupts enabled */ - /* Enable interrupts */ efx_nic_interrupts(efx, true, false); - - /* Force processing of all the channels to get the EVQ RPTRs up to - date */ - efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) - efx_schedule_channel(channel); } void efx_nic_disable_interrupts(struct efx_nic *efx) @@ -1343,8 +1384,10 @@ void efx_nic_disable_interrupts(struct efx_nic *efx) * Interrupt must already have been enabled, otherwise nasty things * may happen. */ -void efx_nic_generate_interrupt(struct efx_nic *efx) +void efx_nic_irq_test_start(struct efx_nic *efx) { + efx->last_irq_cpu = -1; + smp_wmb(); efx_nic_interrupts(efx, true, true); } @@ -1427,11 +1470,12 @@ static irqreturn_t efx_legacy_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) efx_readd(efx, ®, FR_BZ_INT_ISR0); queues = EFX_EXTRACT_DWORD(reg, 0, 31); - /* Check to see if we have a serious error condition */ - if (queues & (1U << efx->fatal_irq_level)) { + /* Handle non-event-queue sources */ + if (queues & (1U << efx->irq_level)) { syserr = EFX_OWORD_FIELD(*int_ker, FSF_AZ_NET_IVEC_FATAL_INT); if (unlikely(syserr)) return efx_nic_fatal_interrupt(efx); + efx->last_irq_cpu = raw_smp_processor_id(); } if (queues != 0) { @@ -1441,7 +1485,7 @@ static irqreturn_t efx_legacy_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) /* Schedule processing of any interrupting queues */ efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { if (queues & 1) - efx_schedule_channel(channel); + efx_schedule_channel_irq(channel); queues >>= 1; } result = IRQ_HANDLED; @@ -1458,18 +1502,16 @@ static irqreturn_t efx_legacy_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { event = efx_event(channel, channel->eventq_read_ptr); if (efx_event_present(event)) - efx_schedule_channel(channel); + efx_schedule_channel_irq(channel); else efx_nic_eventq_read_ack(channel); } } - if (result == IRQ_HANDLED) { - efx->last_irq_cpu = raw_smp_processor_id(); + if (result == IRQ_HANDLED) netif_vdbg(efx, intr, efx->net_dev, "IRQ %d on CPU %d status " EFX_DWORD_FMT "\n", irq, raw_smp_processor_id(), EFX_DWORD_VAL(reg)); - } return result; } @@ -1488,20 +1530,20 @@ static irqreturn_t efx_msi_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) efx_oword_t *int_ker = efx->irq_status.addr; int syserr; - efx->last_irq_cpu = raw_smp_processor_id(); netif_vdbg(efx, intr, efx->net_dev, "IRQ %d on CPU %d status " EFX_OWORD_FMT "\n", irq, raw_smp_processor_id(), EFX_OWORD_VAL(*int_ker)); - /* Check to see if we have a serious error condition */ - if (channel->channel == efx->fatal_irq_level) { + /* Handle non-event-queue sources */ + if (channel->channel == efx->irq_level) { syserr = EFX_OWORD_FIELD(*int_ker, FSF_AZ_NET_IVEC_FATAL_INT); if (unlikely(syserr)) return efx_nic_fatal_interrupt(efx); + efx->last_irq_cpu = raw_smp_processor_id(); } /* Schedule processing of the channel */ - efx_schedule_channel(channel); + efx_schedule_channel_irq(channel); return IRQ_HANDLED; } @@ -1598,6 +1640,58 @@ void efx_nic_fini_interrupt(struct efx_nic *efx) free_irq(efx->legacy_irq, efx); } +/* Looks at available SRAM resources and works out how many queues we + * can support, and where things like descriptor caches should live. + * + * SRAM is split up as follows: + * 0 buftbl entries for channels + * efx->vf_buftbl_base buftbl entries for SR-IOV + * efx->rx_dc_base RX descriptor caches + * efx->tx_dc_base TX descriptor caches + */ +void efx_nic_dimension_resources(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned sram_lim_qw) +{ + unsigned vi_count, buftbl_min; + + /* Account for the buffer table entries backing the datapath channels + * and the descriptor caches for those channels. + */ + buftbl_min = ((efx->n_rx_channels * EFX_MAX_DMAQ_SIZE + + efx->n_tx_channels * EFX_TXQ_TYPES * EFX_MAX_DMAQ_SIZE + + efx->n_channels * EFX_MAX_EVQ_SIZE) + * sizeof(efx_qword_t) / EFX_BUF_SIZE); + vi_count = max(efx->n_channels, efx->n_tx_channels * EFX_TXQ_TYPES); + +#ifdef CONFIG_SFC_SRIOV + if (efx_sriov_wanted(efx)) { + unsigned vi_dc_entries, buftbl_free, entries_per_vf, vf_limit; + + efx->vf_buftbl_base = buftbl_min; + + vi_dc_entries = RX_DC_ENTRIES + TX_DC_ENTRIES; + vi_count = max(vi_count, EFX_VI_BASE); + buftbl_free = (sram_lim_qw - buftbl_min - + vi_count * vi_dc_entries); + + entries_per_vf = ((vi_dc_entries + EFX_VF_BUFTBL_PER_VI) * + efx_vf_size(efx)); + vf_limit = min(buftbl_free / entries_per_vf, + (1024U - EFX_VI_BASE) >> efx->vi_scale); + + if (efx->vf_count > vf_limit) { + netif_err(efx, probe, efx->net_dev, + "Reducing VF count from from %d to %d\n", + efx->vf_count, vf_limit); + efx->vf_count = vf_limit; + } + vi_count += efx->vf_count * efx_vf_size(efx); + } +#endif + + efx->tx_dc_base = sram_lim_qw - vi_count * TX_DC_ENTRIES; + efx->rx_dc_base = efx->tx_dc_base - vi_count * RX_DC_ENTRIES; +} + u32 efx_nic_fpga_ver(struct efx_nic *efx) { efx_oword_t altera_build; @@ -1610,11 +1704,9 @@ void efx_nic_init_common(struct efx_nic *efx) efx_oword_t temp; /* Set positions of descriptor caches in SRAM. */ - EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_1(temp, FRF_AZ_SRM_TX_DC_BASE_ADR, - efx->type->tx_dc_base / 8); + EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_1(temp, FRF_AZ_SRM_TX_DC_BASE_ADR, efx->tx_dc_base); efx_writeo(efx, &temp, FR_AZ_SRM_TX_DC_CFG); - EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_1(temp, FRF_AZ_SRM_RX_DC_BASE_ADR, - efx->type->rx_dc_base / 8); + EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_1(temp, FRF_AZ_SRM_RX_DC_BASE_ADR, efx->rx_dc_base); efx_writeo(efx, &temp, FR_AZ_SRM_RX_DC_CFG); /* Set TX descriptor cache size. */ @@ -1640,10 +1732,10 @@ void efx_nic_init_common(struct efx_nic *efx) if (EFX_WORKAROUND_17213(efx) && !EFX_INT_MODE_USE_MSI(efx)) /* Use an interrupt level unused by event queues */ - efx->fatal_irq_level = 0x1f; + efx->irq_level = 0x1f; else /* Use a valid MSI-X vector */ - efx->fatal_irq_level = 0; + efx->irq_level = 0; /* Enable all the genuinely fatal interrupts. (They are still * masked by the overall interrupt mask, controlled by @@ -1837,7 +1929,7 @@ struct efx_nic_reg_table { REGISTER_REVISION_ ## min_rev, REGISTER_REVISION_ ## max_rev, \ step, rows \ } -#define REGISTER_TABLE(name, min_rev, max_rev) \ +#define REGISTER_TABLE(name, min_rev, max_rev) \ REGISTER_TABLE_DIMENSIONS( \ name, FR_ ## min_rev ## max_rev ## _ ## name, \ min_rev, max_rev, \ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/nic.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/nic.h index 5fb24d3aa3cafba68733d64a4663c5de411a5c31..f48ccf6bb3b961a3a8968aed0210fcb8e7d2f639 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/nic.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/nic.h @@ -35,10 +35,6 @@ static inline int efx_nic_rev(struct efx_nic *efx) extern u32 efx_nic_fpga_ver(struct efx_nic *efx); -static inline bool efx_nic_has_mc(struct efx_nic *efx) -{ - return efx_nic_rev(efx) >= EFX_REV_SIENA_A0; -} /* NIC has two interlinked PCI functions for the same port. */ static inline bool efx_nic_is_dual_func(struct efx_nic *efx) { @@ -65,11 +61,14 @@ enum { #define FALCON_GMAC_LOOPBACKS \ (1 << LOOPBACK_GMAC) +/* Alignment of PCIe DMA boundaries (4KB) */ +#define EFX_PAGE_SIZE 4096 +/* Size and alignment of buffer table entries (same) */ +#define EFX_BUF_SIZE EFX_PAGE_SIZE + /** * struct falcon_board_type - board operations and type information * @id: Board type id, as found in NVRAM - * @ref_model: Model number of Solarflare reference design - * @gen_type: Generic board type description * @init: Allocate resources and initialise peripheral hardware * @init_phy: Do board-specific PHY initialisation * @fini: Shut down hardware and free resources @@ -78,8 +77,6 @@ enum { */ struct falcon_board_type { u8 id; - const char *ref_model; - const char *gen_type; int (*init) (struct efx_nic *nic); void (*init_phy) (struct efx_nic *efx); void (*fini) (struct efx_nic *nic); @@ -144,12 +141,115 @@ static inline struct falcon_board *falcon_board(struct efx_nic *efx) * struct siena_nic_data - Siena NIC state * @mcdi: Management-Controller-to-Driver Interface * @wol_filter_id: Wake-on-LAN packet filter id + * @hwmon: Hardware monitor state */ struct siena_nic_data { struct efx_mcdi_iface mcdi; int wol_filter_id; +#ifdef CONFIG_SFC_MCDI_MON + struct efx_mcdi_mon hwmon; +#endif }; +#ifdef CONFIG_SFC_MCDI_MON +static inline struct efx_mcdi_mon *efx_mcdi_mon(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + struct siena_nic_data *nic_data; + EFX_BUG_ON_PARANOID(efx_nic_rev(efx) < EFX_REV_SIENA_A0); + nic_data = efx->nic_data; + return &nic_data->hwmon; +} +#endif + +/* + * On the SFC9000 family each port is associated with 1 PCI physical + * function (PF) handled by sfc and a configurable number of virtual + * functions (VFs) that may be handled by some other driver, often in + * a VM guest. The queue pointer registers are mapped in both PF and + * VF BARs such that an 8K region provides access to a single RX, TX + * and event queue (collectively a Virtual Interface, VI or VNIC). + * + * The PF has access to all 1024 VIs while VFs are mapped to VIs + * according to VI_BASE and VI_SCALE: VF i has access to VIs numbered + * in range [VI_BASE + i << VI_SCALE, VI_BASE + i + 1 << VI_SCALE). + * The number of VIs and the VI_SCALE value are configurable but must + * be established at boot time by firmware. + */ + +/* Maximum VI_SCALE parameter supported by Siena */ +#define EFX_VI_SCALE_MAX 6 +/* Base VI to use for SR-IOV. Must be aligned to (1 << EFX_VI_SCALE_MAX), + * so this is the smallest allowed value. */ +#define EFX_VI_BASE 128U +/* Maximum number of VFs allowed */ +#define EFX_VF_COUNT_MAX 127 +/* Limit EVQs on VFs to be only 8k to reduce buffer table reservation */ +#define EFX_MAX_VF_EVQ_SIZE 8192UL +/* The number of buffer table entries reserved for each VI on a VF */ +#define EFX_VF_BUFTBL_PER_VI \ + ((EFX_MAX_VF_EVQ_SIZE + 2 * EFX_MAX_DMAQ_SIZE) * \ + sizeof(efx_qword_t) / EFX_BUF_SIZE) + +#ifdef CONFIG_SFC_SRIOV + +static inline bool efx_sriov_wanted(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + return efx->vf_count != 0; +} +static inline bool efx_sriov_enabled(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + return efx->vf_init_count != 0; +} +static inline unsigned int efx_vf_size(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + return 1 << efx->vi_scale; +} + +extern int efx_init_sriov(void); +extern void efx_sriov_probe(struct efx_nic *efx); +extern int efx_sriov_init(struct efx_nic *efx); +extern void efx_sriov_mac_address_changed(struct efx_nic *efx); +extern void efx_sriov_tx_flush_done(struct efx_nic *efx, efx_qword_t *event); +extern void efx_sriov_rx_flush_done(struct efx_nic *efx, efx_qword_t *event); +extern void efx_sriov_event(struct efx_channel *channel, efx_qword_t *event); +extern void efx_sriov_desc_fetch_err(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned dmaq); +extern void efx_sriov_flr(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned flr); +extern void efx_sriov_reset(struct efx_nic *efx); +extern void efx_sriov_fini(struct efx_nic *efx); +extern void efx_fini_sriov(void); + +#else + +static inline bool efx_sriov_wanted(struct efx_nic *efx) { return false; } +static inline bool efx_sriov_enabled(struct efx_nic *efx) { return false; } +static inline unsigned int efx_vf_size(struct efx_nic *efx) { return 0; } + +static inline int efx_init_sriov(void) { return 0; } +static inline void efx_sriov_probe(struct efx_nic *efx) {} +static inline int efx_sriov_init(struct efx_nic *efx) { return -EOPNOTSUPP; } +static inline void efx_sriov_mac_address_changed(struct efx_nic *efx) {} +static inline void efx_sriov_tx_flush_done(struct efx_nic *efx, + efx_qword_t *event) {} +static inline void efx_sriov_rx_flush_done(struct efx_nic *efx, + efx_qword_t *event) {} +static inline void efx_sriov_event(struct efx_channel *channel, + efx_qword_t *event) {} +static inline void efx_sriov_desc_fetch_err(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned dmaq) {} +static inline void efx_sriov_flr(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned flr) {} +static inline void efx_sriov_reset(struct efx_nic *efx) {} +static inline void efx_sriov_fini(struct efx_nic *efx) {} +static inline void efx_fini_sriov(void) {} + +#endif + +extern int efx_sriov_set_vf_mac(struct net_device *dev, int vf, u8 *mac); +extern int efx_sriov_set_vf_vlan(struct net_device *dev, int vf, + u16 vlan, u8 qos); +extern int efx_sriov_get_vf_config(struct net_device *dev, int vf, + struct ifla_vf_info *ivf); +extern int efx_sriov_set_vf_spoofchk(struct net_device *net_dev, int vf, + bool spoofchk); + extern const struct efx_nic_type falcon_a1_nic_type; extern const struct efx_nic_type falcon_b0_nic_type; extern const struct efx_nic_type siena_a0_nic_type; @@ -176,6 +276,7 @@ extern void efx_nic_init_rx(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue); extern void efx_nic_fini_rx(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue); extern void efx_nic_remove_rx(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue); extern void efx_nic_notify_rx_desc(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue); +extern void efx_nic_generate_fill_event(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue); /* Event data path */ extern int efx_nic_probe_eventq(struct efx_channel *channel); @@ -189,21 +290,29 @@ extern bool efx_nic_event_present(struct efx_channel *channel); /* MAC/PHY */ extern void falcon_drain_tx_fifo(struct efx_nic *efx); extern void falcon_reconfigure_mac_wrapper(struct efx_nic *efx); +extern bool falcon_xmac_check_fault(struct efx_nic *efx); +extern int falcon_reconfigure_xmac(struct efx_nic *efx); +extern void falcon_update_stats_xmac(struct efx_nic *efx); /* Interrupts and test events */ extern int efx_nic_init_interrupt(struct efx_nic *efx); extern void efx_nic_enable_interrupts(struct efx_nic *efx); -extern void efx_nic_generate_test_event(struct efx_channel *channel); -extern void efx_nic_generate_fill_event(struct efx_channel *channel); -extern void efx_nic_generate_interrupt(struct efx_nic *efx); +extern void efx_nic_event_test_start(struct efx_channel *channel); +extern void efx_nic_irq_test_start(struct efx_nic *efx); extern void efx_nic_disable_interrupts(struct efx_nic *efx); extern void efx_nic_fini_interrupt(struct efx_nic *efx); extern irqreturn_t efx_nic_fatal_interrupt(struct efx_nic *efx); extern irqreturn_t falcon_legacy_interrupt_a1(int irq, void *dev_id); extern void falcon_irq_ack_a1(struct efx_nic *efx); -#define EFX_IRQ_MOD_RESOLUTION 5 -#define EFX_IRQ_MOD_MAX 0x1000 +static inline int efx_nic_event_test_irq_cpu(struct efx_channel *channel) +{ + return ACCESS_ONCE(channel->event_test_cpu); +} +static inline int efx_nic_irq_test_irq_cpu(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + return ACCESS_ONCE(efx->last_irq_cpu); +} /* Global Resources */ extern int efx_nic_flush_queues(struct efx_nic *efx); @@ -211,6 +320,8 @@ extern void falcon_start_nic_stats(struct efx_nic *efx); extern void falcon_stop_nic_stats(struct efx_nic *efx); extern void falcon_setup_xaui(struct efx_nic *efx); extern int falcon_reset_xaui(struct efx_nic *efx); +extern void +efx_nic_dimension_resources(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned sram_lim_qw); extern void efx_nic_init_common(struct efx_nic *efx); extern void efx_nic_push_rx_indir_table(struct efx_nic *efx); @@ -264,8 +375,8 @@ extern void efx_nic_get_regs(struct efx_nic *efx, void *buf); #define MAC_DATA_LBN 0 #define MAC_DATA_WIDTH 32 -extern void efx_nic_generate_event(struct efx_channel *channel, - efx_qword_t *event); +extern void efx_generate_event(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned int evq, + efx_qword_t *event); extern void falcon_poll_xmac(struct efx_nic *efx); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/qt202x_phy.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/qt202x_phy.c index 7ad97e3974060b668437be0297d1ed6e555a6283..8a7caf88ffb6c3bb1d880f58e3e1d832bdad0499 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/qt202x_phy.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/qt202x_phy.c @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ #define PMA_PMD_FTX_STATIC_LBN 13 #define PMA_PMD_VEND1_REG 0xc001 #define PMA_PMD_VEND1_LBTXD_LBN 15 -#define PCS_VEND1_REG 0xc000 +#define PCS_VEND1_REG 0xc000 #define PCS_VEND1_LBTXD_LBN 5 void falcon_qt202x_set_led(struct efx_nic *p, int led, int mode) @@ -453,9 +453,9 @@ const struct efx_phy_operations falcon_qt202x_phy_ops = { .probe = qt202x_phy_probe, .init = qt202x_phy_init, .reconfigure = qt202x_phy_reconfigure, - .poll = qt202x_phy_poll, + .poll = qt202x_phy_poll, .fini = efx_port_dummy_op_void, - .remove = qt202x_phy_remove, + .remove = qt202x_phy_remove, .get_settings = qt202x_phy_get_settings, .set_settings = efx_mdio_set_settings, .test_alive = efx_mdio_test_alive, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/regs.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/regs.h index cc2c86b76a7bd466133bb5990ef37e5f8768287b..ade4c4dc56caaacae614506a77ea34eea0d1ec61 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/regs.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/regs.h @@ -2446,8 +2446,8 @@ #define FRF_CZ_RMFT_RXQ_ID_WIDTH 12 #define FRF_CZ_RMFT_WILDCARD_MATCH_LBN 60 #define FRF_CZ_RMFT_WILDCARD_MATCH_WIDTH 1 -#define FRF_CZ_RMFT_DEST_MAC_LBN 16 -#define FRF_CZ_RMFT_DEST_MAC_WIDTH 44 +#define FRF_CZ_RMFT_DEST_MAC_LBN 12 +#define FRF_CZ_RMFT_DEST_MAC_WIDTH 48 #define FRF_CZ_RMFT_VLAN_ID_LBN 0 #define FRF_CZ_RMFT_VLAN_ID_WIDTH 12 @@ -2523,8 +2523,8 @@ #define FRF_CZ_TMFT_TXQ_ID_WIDTH 12 #define FRF_CZ_TMFT_WILDCARD_MATCH_LBN 60 #define FRF_CZ_TMFT_WILDCARD_MATCH_WIDTH 1 -#define FRF_CZ_TMFT_SRC_MAC_LBN 16 -#define FRF_CZ_TMFT_SRC_MAC_WIDTH 44 +#define FRF_CZ_TMFT_SRC_MAC_LBN 12 +#define FRF_CZ_TMFT_SRC_MAC_WIDTH 48 #define FRF_CZ_TMFT_VLAN_ID_LBN 0 #define FRF_CZ_TMFT_VLAN_ID_WIDTH 12 @@ -2895,17 +2895,17 @@ /* RX_MAC_FILTER_TBL0 */ /* RMFT_DEST_MAC is wider than 32 bits */ -#define FRF_CZ_RMFT_DEST_MAC_LO_LBN 12 +#define FRF_CZ_RMFT_DEST_MAC_LO_LBN FRF_CZ_RMFT_DEST_MAC_LBN #define FRF_CZ_RMFT_DEST_MAC_LO_WIDTH 32 -#define FRF_CZ_RMFT_DEST_MAC_HI_LBN 44 -#define FRF_CZ_RMFT_DEST_MAC_HI_WIDTH 16 +#define FRF_CZ_RMFT_DEST_MAC_HI_LBN (FRF_CZ_RMFT_DEST_MAC_LBN + 32) +#define FRF_CZ_RMFT_DEST_MAC_HI_WIDTH (FRF_CZ_RMFT_DEST_MAC_WIDTH - 32) /* TX_MAC_FILTER_TBL0 */ /* TMFT_SRC_MAC is wider than 32 bits */ -#define FRF_CZ_TMFT_SRC_MAC_LO_LBN 12 +#define FRF_CZ_TMFT_SRC_MAC_LO_LBN FRF_CZ_TMFT_SRC_MAC_LBN #define FRF_CZ_TMFT_SRC_MAC_LO_WIDTH 32 -#define FRF_CZ_TMFT_SRC_MAC_HI_LBN 44 -#define FRF_CZ_TMFT_SRC_MAC_HI_WIDTH 16 +#define FRF_CZ_TMFT_SRC_MAC_HI_LBN (FRF_CZ_TMFT_SRC_MAC_LBN + 32) +#define FRF_CZ_TMFT_SRC_MAC_HI_WIDTH (FRF_CZ_TMFT_SRC_MAC_WIDTH - 32) /* TX_PACE_TBL */ /* Values >20 are documented as reserved, but will result in a queue going diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/rx.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/rx.c index fc52fca7419338676a8810a6dd97d8b0c137a39a..763fa2fe1a38ffbeb4f1cd30a05801ffe3c3d4f6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/rx.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/rx.c @@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ static inline unsigned int efx_rx_buf_offset(struct efx_nic *efx, /* Offset is always within one page, so we don't need to consider * the page order. */ - return (((__force unsigned long) buf->dma_addr & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) + - efx->type->rx_buffer_hash_size); + return ((unsigned int) buf->dma_addr & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) + + efx->type->rx_buffer_hash_size; } static inline unsigned int efx_rx_buf_size(struct efx_nic *efx) { @@ -108,11 +108,10 @@ static inline unsigned int efx_rx_buf_size(struct efx_nic *efx) static u8 *efx_rx_buf_eh(struct efx_nic *efx, struct efx_rx_buffer *buf) { - if (buf->is_page) + if (buf->flags & EFX_RX_BUF_PAGE) return page_address(buf->u.page) + efx_rx_buf_offset(efx, buf); else - return ((u8 *)buf->u.skb->data + - efx->type->rx_buffer_hash_size); + return (u8 *)buf->u.skb->data + efx->type->rx_buffer_hash_size; } static inline u32 efx_rx_buf_hash(const u8 *eh) @@ -122,10 +121,10 @@ static inline u32 efx_rx_buf_hash(const u8 *eh) return __le32_to_cpup((const __le32 *)(eh - 4)); #else const u8 *data = eh - 4; - return ((u32)data[0] | - (u32)data[1] << 8 | - (u32)data[2] << 16 | - (u32)data[3] << 24); + return (u32)data[0] | + (u32)data[1] << 8 | + (u32)data[2] << 16 | + (u32)data[3] << 24; #endif } @@ -159,7 +158,7 @@ static int efx_init_rx_buffers_skb(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue) /* Adjust the SKB for padding */ skb_reserve(skb, NET_IP_ALIGN); rx_buf->len = skb_len - NET_IP_ALIGN; - rx_buf->is_page = false; + rx_buf->flags = 0; rx_buf->dma_addr = pci_map_single(efx->pci_dev, skb->data, rx_buf->len, @@ -227,7 +226,7 @@ static int efx_init_rx_buffers_page(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue) rx_buf->dma_addr = dma_addr + EFX_PAGE_IP_ALIGN; rx_buf->u.page = page; rx_buf->len = efx->rx_buffer_len - EFX_PAGE_IP_ALIGN; - rx_buf->is_page = true; + rx_buf->flags = EFX_RX_BUF_PAGE; ++rx_queue->added_count; ++rx_queue->alloc_page_count; ++state->refcnt; @@ -248,7 +247,7 @@ static int efx_init_rx_buffers_page(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue) static void efx_unmap_rx_buffer(struct efx_nic *efx, struct efx_rx_buffer *rx_buf) { - if (rx_buf->is_page && rx_buf->u.page) { + if ((rx_buf->flags & EFX_RX_BUF_PAGE) && rx_buf->u.page) { struct efx_rx_page_state *state; state = page_address(rx_buf->u.page); @@ -258,7 +257,7 @@ static void efx_unmap_rx_buffer(struct efx_nic *efx, efx_rx_buf_size(efx), PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); } - } else if (!rx_buf->is_page && rx_buf->u.skb) { + } else if (!(rx_buf->flags & EFX_RX_BUF_PAGE) && rx_buf->u.skb) { pci_unmap_single(efx->pci_dev, rx_buf->dma_addr, rx_buf->len, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); } @@ -267,10 +266,10 @@ static void efx_unmap_rx_buffer(struct efx_nic *efx, static void efx_free_rx_buffer(struct efx_nic *efx, struct efx_rx_buffer *rx_buf) { - if (rx_buf->is_page && rx_buf->u.page) { + if ((rx_buf->flags & EFX_RX_BUF_PAGE) && rx_buf->u.page) { __free_pages(rx_buf->u.page, efx->rx_buffer_order); rx_buf->u.page = NULL; - } else if (!rx_buf->is_page && rx_buf->u.skb) { + } else if (!(rx_buf->flags & EFX_RX_BUF_PAGE) && rx_buf->u.skb) { dev_kfree_skb_any(rx_buf->u.skb); rx_buf->u.skb = NULL; } @@ -310,7 +309,7 @@ static void efx_resurrect_rx_buffer(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue, new_buf->dma_addr = rx_buf->dma_addr ^ (PAGE_SIZE >> 1); new_buf->u.page = rx_buf->u.page; new_buf->len = rx_buf->len; - new_buf->is_page = true; + new_buf->flags = EFX_RX_BUF_PAGE; ++rx_queue->added_count; } @@ -324,7 +323,10 @@ static void efx_recycle_rx_buffer(struct efx_channel *channel, struct efx_rx_buffer *new_buf; unsigned index; - if (rx_buf->is_page && efx->rx_buffer_len <= EFX_RX_HALF_PAGE && + rx_buf->flags &= EFX_RX_BUF_PAGE; + + if ((rx_buf->flags & EFX_RX_BUF_PAGE) && + efx->rx_buffer_len <= EFX_RX_HALF_PAGE && page_count(rx_buf->u.page) == 1) efx_resurrect_rx_buffer(rx_queue, rx_buf); @@ -402,17 +404,15 @@ void efx_fast_push_rx_descriptors(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue) void efx_rx_slow_fill(unsigned long context) { struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue = (struct efx_rx_queue *)context; - struct efx_channel *channel = efx_rx_queue_channel(rx_queue); /* Post an event to cause NAPI to run and refill the queue */ - efx_nic_generate_fill_event(channel); + efx_nic_generate_fill_event(rx_queue); ++rx_queue->slow_fill_count; } static void efx_rx_packet__check_len(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue, struct efx_rx_buffer *rx_buf, - int len, bool *discard, - bool *leak_packet) + int len, bool *leak_packet) { struct efx_nic *efx = rx_queue->efx; unsigned max_len = rx_buf->len - efx->type->rx_buffer_padding; @@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ static void efx_rx_packet__check_len(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue, /* The packet must be discarded, but this is only a fatal error * if the caller indicated it was */ - *discard = true; + rx_buf->flags |= EFX_RX_PKT_DISCARD; if ((len > rx_buf->len) && EFX_WORKAROUND_8071(efx)) { if (net_ratelimit()) @@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ static void efx_rx_packet__check_len(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue, * data at the end of the skb will be trashed. So * we have no choice but to leak the fragment. */ - *leak_packet = !rx_buf->is_page; + *leak_packet = !(rx_buf->flags & EFX_RX_BUF_PAGE); efx_schedule_reset(efx, RESET_TYPE_RX_RECOVERY); } else { if (net_ratelimit()) @@ -449,20 +449,17 @@ static void efx_rx_packet__check_len(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue, efx_rx_queue_channel(rx_queue)->n_rx_overlength++; } -/* Pass a received packet up through the generic GRO stack - * - * Handles driverlink veto, and passes the fragment up via - * the appropriate GRO method +/* Pass a received packet up through GRO. GRO can handle pages + * regardless of checksum state and skbs with a good checksum. */ static void efx_rx_packet_gro(struct efx_channel *channel, struct efx_rx_buffer *rx_buf, - const u8 *eh, bool checksummed) + const u8 *eh) { struct napi_struct *napi = &channel->napi_str; gro_result_t gro_result; - /* Pass the skb/page into the GRO engine */ - if (rx_buf->is_page) { + if (rx_buf->flags & EFX_RX_BUF_PAGE) { struct efx_nic *efx = channel->efx; struct page *page = rx_buf->u.page; struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -484,8 +481,8 @@ static void efx_rx_packet_gro(struct efx_channel *channel, skb->len = rx_buf->len; skb->data_len = rx_buf->len; skb->truesize += rx_buf->len; - skb->ip_summed = - checksummed ? CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY : CHECKSUM_NONE; + skb->ip_summed = ((rx_buf->flags & EFX_RX_PKT_CSUMMED) ? + CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY : CHECKSUM_NONE); skb_record_rx_queue(skb, channel->channel); @@ -493,7 +490,7 @@ static void efx_rx_packet_gro(struct efx_channel *channel, } else { struct sk_buff *skb = rx_buf->u.skb; - EFX_BUG_ON_PARANOID(!checksummed); + EFX_BUG_ON_PARANOID(!(rx_buf->flags & EFX_RX_PKT_CSUMMED)); rx_buf->u.skb = NULL; skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY; @@ -509,7 +506,7 @@ static void efx_rx_packet_gro(struct efx_channel *channel, } void efx_rx_packet(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue, unsigned int index, - unsigned int len, bool checksummed, bool discard) + unsigned int len, u16 flags) { struct efx_nic *efx = rx_queue->efx; struct efx_channel *channel = efx_rx_queue_channel(rx_queue); @@ -517,6 +514,7 @@ void efx_rx_packet(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue, unsigned int index, bool leak_packet = false; rx_buf = efx_rx_buffer(rx_queue, index); + rx_buf->flags |= flags; /* This allows the refill path to post another buffer. * EFX_RXD_HEAD_ROOM ensures that the slot we are using @@ -525,18 +523,17 @@ void efx_rx_packet(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue, unsigned int index, rx_queue->removed_count++; /* Validate the length encoded in the event vs the descriptor pushed */ - efx_rx_packet__check_len(rx_queue, rx_buf, len, - &discard, &leak_packet); + efx_rx_packet__check_len(rx_queue, rx_buf, len, &leak_packet); netif_vdbg(efx, rx_status, efx->net_dev, "RX queue %d received id %x at %llx+%x %s%s\n", efx_rx_queue_index(rx_queue), index, (unsigned long long)rx_buf->dma_addr, len, - (checksummed ? " [SUMMED]" : ""), - (discard ? " [DISCARD]" : "")); + (rx_buf->flags & EFX_RX_PKT_CSUMMED) ? " [SUMMED]" : "", + (rx_buf->flags & EFX_RX_PKT_DISCARD) ? " [DISCARD]" : ""); /* Discard packet, if instructed to do so */ - if (unlikely(discard)) { + if (unlikely(rx_buf->flags & EFX_RX_PKT_DISCARD)) { if (unlikely(leak_packet)) channel->n_skbuff_leaks++; else @@ -563,18 +560,33 @@ void efx_rx_packet(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue, unsigned int index, rx_buf->len = len - efx->type->rx_buffer_hash_size; out: if (channel->rx_pkt) - __efx_rx_packet(channel, - channel->rx_pkt, channel->rx_pkt_csummed); + __efx_rx_packet(channel, channel->rx_pkt); channel->rx_pkt = rx_buf; - channel->rx_pkt_csummed = checksummed; +} + +static void efx_rx_deliver(struct efx_channel *channel, + struct efx_rx_buffer *rx_buf) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb; + + /* We now own the SKB */ + skb = rx_buf->u.skb; + rx_buf->u.skb = NULL; + + /* Set the SKB flags */ + skb_checksum_none_assert(skb); + + /* Pass the packet up */ + netif_receive_skb(skb); + + /* Update allocation strategy method */ + channel->rx_alloc_level += RX_ALLOC_FACTOR_SKB; } /* Handle a received packet. Second half: Touches packet payload. */ -void __efx_rx_packet(struct efx_channel *channel, - struct efx_rx_buffer *rx_buf, bool checksummed) +void __efx_rx_packet(struct efx_channel *channel, struct efx_rx_buffer *rx_buf) { struct efx_nic *efx = channel->efx; - struct sk_buff *skb; u8 *eh = efx_rx_buf_eh(efx, rx_buf); /* If we're in loopback test, then pass the packet directly to the @@ -586,8 +598,8 @@ void __efx_rx_packet(struct efx_channel *channel, return; } - if (!rx_buf->is_page) { - skb = rx_buf->u.skb; + if (!(rx_buf->flags & EFX_RX_BUF_PAGE)) { + struct sk_buff *skb = rx_buf->u.skb; prefetch(skb_shinfo(skb)); @@ -605,25 +617,12 @@ void __efx_rx_packet(struct efx_channel *channel, } if (unlikely(!(efx->net_dev->features & NETIF_F_RXCSUM))) - checksummed = false; - - if (likely(checksummed || rx_buf->is_page)) { - efx_rx_packet_gro(channel, rx_buf, eh, checksummed); - return; - } + rx_buf->flags &= ~EFX_RX_PKT_CSUMMED; - /* We now own the SKB */ - skb = rx_buf->u.skb; - rx_buf->u.skb = NULL; - - /* Set the SKB flags */ - skb_checksum_none_assert(skb); - - /* Pass the packet up */ - netif_receive_skb(skb); - - /* Update allocation strategy method */ - channel->rx_alloc_level += RX_ALLOC_FACTOR_SKB; + if (likely(rx_buf->flags & (EFX_RX_BUF_PAGE | EFX_RX_PKT_CSUMMED))) + efx_rx_packet_gro(channel, rx_buf, eh); + else + efx_rx_deliver(channel, rx_buf); } void efx_rx_strategy(struct efx_channel *channel) @@ -703,6 +702,7 @@ void efx_init_rx_queue(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue) rx_queue->fast_fill_limit = limit; /* Set up RX descriptor ring */ + rx_queue->enabled = true; efx_nic_init_rx(rx_queue); } @@ -714,6 +714,9 @@ void efx_fini_rx_queue(struct efx_rx_queue *rx_queue) netif_dbg(rx_queue->efx, drv, rx_queue->efx->net_dev, "shutting down RX queue %d\n", efx_rx_queue_index(rx_queue)); + /* A flush failure might have left rx_queue->enabled */ + rx_queue->enabled = false; + del_timer_sync(&rx_queue->slow_fill); efx_nic_fini_rx(rx_queue); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/selftest.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/selftest.c index 52edd24fcde388cfc690e6ca1fe27bae0f20e32a..de4c0069f5b2ef658f9badf314672685bc21cf13 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/selftest.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/selftest.c @@ -19,13 +19,22 @@ #include #include #include -#include #include "net_driver.h" #include "efx.h" #include "nic.h" #include "selftest.h" #include "workarounds.h" +/* IRQ latency can be enormous because: + * - All IRQs may be disabled on a CPU for a *long* time by e.g. a + * slow serial console or an old IDE driver doing error recovery + * - The PREEMPT_RT patches mostly deal with this, but also allow a + * tasklet or normal task to be given higher priority than our IRQ + * threads + * Try to avoid blaming the hardware for this. + */ +#define IRQ_TIMEOUT HZ + /* * Loopback test packet structure * @@ -50,7 +59,7 @@ static const char payload_msg[] = /* Interrupt mode names */ static const unsigned int efx_interrupt_mode_max = EFX_INT_MODE_MAX; -static const char *efx_interrupt_mode_names[] = { +static const char *const efx_interrupt_mode_names[] = { [EFX_INT_MODE_MSIX] = "MSI-X", [EFX_INT_MODE_MSI] = "MSI", [EFX_INT_MODE_LEGACY] = "legacy", @@ -78,6 +87,9 @@ struct efx_loopback_state { struct efx_loopback_payload payload; }; +/* How long to wait for all the packets to arrive (in ms) */ +#define LOOPBACK_TIMEOUT_MS 1000 + /************************************************************************** * * MII, NVRAM and register tests @@ -131,87 +143,117 @@ static int efx_test_chip(struct efx_nic *efx, struct efx_self_tests *tests) static int efx_test_interrupts(struct efx_nic *efx, struct efx_self_tests *tests) { + unsigned long timeout, wait; + int cpu; + netif_dbg(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, "testing interrupts\n"); tests->interrupt = -1; - /* Reset interrupt flag */ - efx->last_irq_cpu = -1; - smp_wmb(); - - efx_nic_generate_interrupt(efx); + efx_nic_irq_test_start(efx); + timeout = jiffies + IRQ_TIMEOUT; + wait = 1; /* Wait for arrival of test interrupt. */ netif_dbg(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, "waiting for test interrupt\n"); - schedule_timeout_uninterruptible(HZ / 10); - if (efx->last_irq_cpu >= 0) - goto success; + do { + schedule_timeout_uninterruptible(wait); + cpu = efx_nic_irq_test_irq_cpu(efx); + if (cpu >= 0) + goto success; + wait *= 2; + } while (time_before(jiffies, timeout)); netif_err(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, "timed out waiting for interrupt\n"); return -ETIMEDOUT; success: netif_dbg(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, "%s test interrupt seen on CPU%d\n", - INT_MODE(efx), - efx->last_irq_cpu); + INT_MODE(efx), cpu); tests->interrupt = 1; return 0; } /* Test generation and receipt of interrupting events */ -static int efx_test_eventq_irq(struct efx_channel *channel, +static int efx_test_eventq_irq(struct efx_nic *efx, struct efx_self_tests *tests) { - struct efx_nic *efx = channel->efx; - unsigned int read_ptr, count; + struct efx_channel *channel; + unsigned int read_ptr[EFX_MAX_CHANNELS]; + unsigned long napi_ran = 0, dma_pend = 0, int_pend = 0; + unsigned long timeout, wait; - tests->eventq_dma[channel->channel] = -1; - tests->eventq_int[channel->channel] = -1; - tests->eventq_poll[channel->channel] = -1; + BUILD_BUG_ON(EFX_MAX_CHANNELS > BITS_PER_LONG); - read_ptr = channel->eventq_read_ptr; - channel->efx->last_irq_cpu = -1; - smp_wmb(); + efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { + read_ptr[channel->channel] = channel->eventq_read_ptr; + set_bit(channel->channel, &dma_pend); + set_bit(channel->channel, &int_pend); + efx_nic_event_test_start(channel); + } - efx_nic_generate_test_event(channel); + timeout = jiffies + IRQ_TIMEOUT; + wait = 1; - /* Wait for arrival of interrupt */ - count = 0; + /* Wait for arrival of interrupts. NAPI processing may or may + * not complete in time, but we can cope in any case. + */ do { - schedule_timeout_uninterruptible(HZ / 100); - - if (ACCESS_ONCE(channel->eventq_read_ptr) != read_ptr) - goto eventq_ok; - } while (++count < 2); - - netif_err(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, - "channel %d timed out waiting for event queue\n", - channel->channel); + schedule_timeout_uninterruptible(wait); + + efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { + napi_disable(&channel->napi_str); + if (channel->eventq_read_ptr != + read_ptr[channel->channel]) { + set_bit(channel->channel, &napi_ran); + clear_bit(channel->channel, &dma_pend); + clear_bit(channel->channel, &int_pend); + } else { + if (efx_nic_event_present(channel)) + clear_bit(channel->channel, &dma_pend); + if (efx_nic_event_test_irq_cpu(channel) >= 0) + clear_bit(channel->channel, &int_pend); + } + napi_enable(&channel->napi_str); + efx_nic_eventq_read_ack(channel); + } - /* See if interrupt arrived */ - if (channel->efx->last_irq_cpu >= 0) { - netif_err(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, - "channel %d saw interrupt on CPU%d " - "during event queue test\n", channel->channel, - raw_smp_processor_id()); - tests->eventq_int[channel->channel] = 1; - } + wait *= 2; + } while ((dma_pend || int_pend) && time_before(jiffies, timeout)); - /* Check to see if event was received even if interrupt wasn't */ - if (efx_nic_event_present(channel)) { - netif_err(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, - "channel %d event was generated, but " - "failed to trigger an interrupt\n", channel->channel); - tests->eventq_dma[channel->channel] = 1; + efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { + bool dma_seen = !test_bit(channel->channel, &dma_pend); + bool int_seen = !test_bit(channel->channel, &int_pend); + + tests->eventq_dma[channel->channel] = dma_seen ? 1 : -1; + tests->eventq_int[channel->channel] = int_seen ? 1 : -1; + + if (dma_seen && int_seen) { + netif_dbg(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, + "channel %d event queue passed (with%s NAPI)\n", + channel->channel, + test_bit(channel->channel, &napi_ran) ? + "" : "out"); + } else { + /* Report failure and whether either interrupt or DMA + * worked + */ + netif_err(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, + "channel %d timed out waiting for event queue\n", + channel->channel); + if (int_seen) + netif_err(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, + "channel %d saw interrupt " + "during event queue test\n", + channel->channel); + if (dma_seen) + netif_err(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, + "channel %d event was generated, but " + "failed to trigger an interrupt\n", + channel->channel); + } } - return -ETIMEDOUT; - eventq_ok: - netif_dbg(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, "channel %d event queue passed\n", - channel->channel); - tests->eventq_dma[channel->channel] = 1; - tests->eventq_int[channel->channel] = 1; - tests->eventq_poll[channel->channel] = 1; - return 0; + return (dma_pend || int_pend) ? -ETIMEDOUT : 0; } static int efx_test_phy(struct efx_nic *efx, struct efx_self_tests *tests, @@ -316,7 +358,7 @@ void efx_loopback_rx_packet(struct efx_nic *efx, return; err: -#ifdef EFX_ENABLE_DEBUG +#ifdef DEBUG if (atomic_read(&state->rx_bad) == 0) { netif_err(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, "received packet:\n"); print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, 0x10, 1, @@ -395,11 +437,9 @@ static int efx_begin_loopback(struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue) * interrupt handler. */ smp_wmb(); - if (efx_dev_registered(efx)) - netif_tx_lock_bh(efx->net_dev); + netif_tx_lock_bh(efx->net_dev); rc = efx_enqueue_skb(tx_queue, skb); - if (efx_dev_registered(efx)) - netif_tx_unlock_bh(efx->net_dev); + netif_tx_unlock_bh(efx->net_dev); if (rc != NETDEV_TX_OK) { netif_err(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, @@ -440,20 +480,18 @@ static int efx_end_loopback(struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue, int tx_done = 0, rx_good, rx_bad; int i, rc = 0; - if (efx_dev_registered(efx)) - netif_tx_lock_bh(efx->net_dev); + netif_tx_lock_bh(efx->net_dev); /* Count the number of tx completions, and decrement the refcnt. Any * skbs not already completed will be free'd when the queue is flushed */ - for (i=0; i < state->packet_count; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < state->packet_count; i++) { skb = state->skbs[i]; if (skb && !skb_shared(skb)) ++tx_done; dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); } - if (efx_dev_registered(efx)) - netif_tx_unlock_bh(efx->net_dev); + netif_tx_unlock_bh(efx->net_dev); /* Check TX completion and received packet counts */ rx_good = atomic_read(&state->rx_good); @@ -518,10 +556,10 @@ efx_test_loopback(struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue, begin_rc = efx_begin_loopback(tx_queue); /* This will normally complete very quickly, but be - * prepared to wait up to 100 ms. */ + * prepared to wait much longer. */ msleep(1); if (!efx_poll_loopback(efx)) { - msleep(100); + msleep(LOOPBACK_TIMEOUT_MS); efx_poll_loopback(efx); } @@ -570,7 +608,7 @@ static int efx_wait_for_link(struct efx_nic *efx) mutex_lock(&efx->mac_lock); link_up = link_state->up; if (link_up) - link_up = !efx->mac_op->check_fault(efx); + link_up = !efx->type->check_mac_fault(efx); mutex_unlock(&efx->mac_lock); if (link_up) { @@ -662,9 +700,10 @@ int efx_selftest(struct efx_nic *efx, struct efx_self_tests *tests, enum efx_loopback_mode loopback_mode = efx->loopback_mode; int phy_mode = efx->phy_mode; enum reset_type reset_method = RESET_TYPE_INVISIBLE; - struct efx_channel *channel; int rc_test = 0, rc_reset = 0, rc; + efx_selftest_async_cancel(efx); + /* Online (i.e. non-disruptive) testing * This checks interrupt generation, event delivery and PHY presence. */ @@ -680,11 +719,9 @@ int efx_selftest(struct efx_nic *efx, struct efx_self_tests *tests, if (rc && !rc_test) rc_test = rc; - efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { - rc = efx_test_eventq_irq(channel, tests); - if (rc && !rc_test) - rc_test = rc; - } + rc = efx_test_eventq_irq(efx, tests); + if (rc && !rc_test) + rc_test = rc; if (rc_test) return rc_test; @@ -759,3 +796,36 @@ int efx_selftest(struct efx_nic *efx, struct efx_self_tests *tests, return rc_test; } +void efx_selftest_async_start(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + struct efx_channel *channel; + + efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) + efx_nic_event_test_start(channel); + schedule_delayed_work(&efx->selftest_work, IRQ_TIMEOUT); +} + +void efx_selftest_async_cancel(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + cancel_delayed_work_sync(&efx->selftest_work); +} + +void efx_selftest_async_work(struct work_struct *data) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = container_of(data, struct efx_nic, + selftest_work.work); + struct efx_channel *channel; + int cpu; + + efx_for_each_channel(channel, efx) { + cpu = efx_nic_event_test_irq_cpu(channel); + if (cpu < 0) + netif_err(efx, ifup, efx->net_dev, + "channel %d failed to trigger an interrupt\n", + channel->channel); + else + netif_dbg(efx, ifup, efx->net_dev, + "channel %d triggered interrupt on CPU %d\n", + channel->channel, cpu); + } +} diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/selftest.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/selftest.h index dba5456e70f354796f57591f8d9cd0eff100273f..aed24b736059b46f12342f3a6f4842c2e53dc2ac 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/selftest.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/selftest.h @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ struct efx_self_tests { int interrupt; int eventq_dma[EFX_MAX_CHANNELS]; int eventq_int[EFX_MAX_CHANNELS]; - int eventq_poll[EFX_MAX_CHANNELS]; /* offline tests */ int registers; int phy_ext[EFX_MAX_PHY_TESTS]; @@ -49,5 +48,8 @@ extern void efx_loopback_rx_packet(struct efx_nic *efx, extern int efx_selftest(struct efx_nic *efx, struct efx_self_tests *tests, unsigned flags); +extern void efx_selftest_async_start(struct efx_nic *efx); +extern void efx_selftest_async_cancel(struct efx_nic *efx); +extern void efx_selftest_async_work(struct work_struct *data); #endif /* EFX_SELFTEST_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/siena.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/siena.c index 4d5d619feaa602842ef36a14911adb58cbffc23c..9f8d7cea396728b73c893ec277440cd581f07876 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/siena.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/siena.c @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ #include "bitfield.h" #include "efx.h" #include "nic.h" -#include "mac.h" #include "spi.h" #include "regs.h" #include "io.h" @@ -36,8 +35,6 @@ static void siena_push_irq_moderation(struct efx_channel *channel) { efx_dword_t timer_cmd; - BUILD_BUG_ON(EFX_IRQ_MOD_MAX > (1 << FRF_CZ_TC_TIMER_VAL_WIDTH)); - if (channel->irq_moderation) EFX_POPULATE_DWORD_2(timer_cmd, FRF_CZ_TC_TIMER_MODE, @@ -53,15 +50,6 @@ static void siena_push_irq_moderation(struct efx_channel *channel) channel->channel); } -static void siena_push_multicast_hash(struct efx_nic *efx) -{ - WARN_ON(!mutex_is_locked(&efx->mac_lock)); - - efx_mcdi_rpc(efx, MC_CMD_SET_MCAST_HASH, - efx->multicast_hash.byte, sizeof(efx->multicast_hash), - NULL, 0, NULL); -} - static int siena_mdio_write(struct net_device *net_dev, int prtad, int devad, u16 addr, u16 value) { @@ -226,7 +214,24 @@ static int siena_reset_hw(struct efx_nic *efx, enum reset_type method) static int siena_probe_nvconfig(struct efx_nic *efx) { - return efx_mcdi_get_board_cfg(efx, efx->net_dev->perm_addr, NULL); + u32 caps = 0; + int rc; + + rc = efx_mcdi_get_board_cfg(efx, efx->net_dev->perm_addr, NULL, &caps); + + efx->timer_quantum_ns = + (caps & (1 << MC_CMD_CAPABILITIES_TURBO_ACTIVE_LBN)) ? + 3072 : 6144; /* 768 cycles */ + return rc; +} + +static void siena_dimension_resources(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + /* Each port has a small block of internal SRAM dedicated to + * the buffer table and descriptor caches. In theory we can + * map both blocks to one port, but we don't. + */ + efx_nic_dimension_resources(efx, FR_CZ_BUF_FULL_TBL_ROWS / 2); } static int siena_probe_nic(struct efx_nic *efx) @@ -304,6 +309,12 @@ static int siena_probe_nic(struct efx_nic *efx) goto fail5; } + rc = efx_mcdi_mon_probe(efx); + if (rc) + goto fail5; + + efx_sriov_probe(efx); + return 0; fail5: @@ -391,13 +402,14 @@ static int siena_init_nic(struct efx_nic *efx) static void siena_remove_nic(struct efx_nic *efx) { + efx_mcdi_mon_remove(efx); + efx_nic_free_buffer(efx, &efx->irq_status); siena_reset_hw(efx, RESET_TYPE_ALL); /* Relinquish the device back to the BMC */ - if (efx_nic_has_mc(efx)) - efx_mcdi_drv_attach(efx, false, NULL); + efx_mcdi_drv_attach(efx, false, NULL); /* Tear down the private nic state */ kfree(efx->nic_data); @@ -617,6 +629,7 @@ const struct efx_nic_type siena_a0_nic_type = { .probe = siena_probe_nic, .remove = siena_remove_nic, .init = siena_init_nic, + .dimension_resources = siena_dimension_resources, .fini = efx_port_dummy_op_void, .monitor = NULL, .map_reset_reason = siena_map_reset_reason, @@ -630,14 +643,14 @@ const struct efx_nic_type siena_a0_nic_type = { .stop_stats = siena_stop_nic_stats, .set_id_led = efx_mcdi_set_id_led, .push_irq_moderation = siena_push_irq_moderation, - .push_multicast_hash = siena_push_multicast_hash, + .reconfigure_mac = efx_mcdi_mac_reconfigure, + .check_mac_fault = efx_mcdi_mac_check_fault, .reconfigure_port = efx_mcdi_phy_reconfigure, .get_wol = siena_get_wol, .set_wol = siena_set_wol, .resume_wol = siena_init_wol, .test_registers = siena_test_registers, .test_nvram = efx_mcdi_nvram_test_all, - .default_mac_ops = &efx_mcdi_mac_operations, .revision = EFX_REV_SIENA_A0, .mem_map_size = (FR_CZ_MC_TREG_SMEM + @@ -654,8 +667,7 @@ const struct efx_nic_type siena_a0_nic_type = { .phys_addr_channels = 32, /* Hardware limit is 64, but the legacy * interrupt handler only supports 32 * channels */ - .tx_dc_base = 0x88000, - .rx_dc_base = 0x68000, + .timer_period_max = 1 << FRF_CZ_TC_TIMER_VAL_WIDTH, .offload_features = (NETIF_F_IP_CSUM | NETIF_F_IPV6_CSUM | NETIF_F_RXHASH | NETIF_F_NTUPLE), }; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/siena_sriov.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/siena_sriov.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9cb3b84ecae99a24553f0bd039d5a5fdbaafbd8e --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/siena_sriov.c @@ -0,0 +1,1643 @@ +/**************************************************************************** + * Driver for Solarflare Solarstorm network controllers and boards + * Copyright 2010-2011 Solarflare Communications Inc. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published + * by the Free Software Foundation, incorporated herein by reference. + */ +#include +#include +#include "net_driver.h" +#include "efx.h" +#include "nic.h" +#include "io.h" +#include "mcdi.h" +#include "filter.h" +#include "mcdi_pcol.h" +#include "regs.h" +#include "vfdi.h" + +/* Number of longs required to track all the VIs in a VF */ +#define VI_MASK_LENGTH BITS_TO_LONGS(1 << EFX_VI_SCALE_MAX) + +/** + * enum efx_vf_tx_filter_mode - TX MAC filtering behaviour + * @VF_TX_FILTER_OFF: Disabled + * @VF_TX_FILTER_AUTO: Enabled if MAC address assigned to VF and only + * 2 TX queues allowed per VF. + * @VF_TX_FILTER_ON: Enabled + */ +enum efx_vf_tx_filter_mode { + VF_TX_FILTER_OFF, + VF_TX_FILTER_AUTO, + VF_TX_FILTER_ON, +}; + +/** + * struct efx_vf - Back-end resource and protocol state for a PCI VF + * @efx: The Efx NIC owning this VF + * @pci_rid: The PCI requester ID for this VF + * @pci_name: The PCI name (formatted address) of this VF + * @index: Index of VF within its port and PF. + * @req: VFDI incoming request work item. Incoming USR_EV events are received + * by the NAPI handler, but must be handled by executing MCDI requests + * inside a work item. + * @req_addr: VFDI incoming request DMA address (in VF's PCI address space). + * @req_type: Expected next incoming (from VF) %VFDI_EV_TYPE member. + * @req_seqno: Expected next incoming (from VF) %VFDI_EV_SEQ member. + * @msg_seqno: Next %VFDI_EV_SEQ member to reply to VF. Protected by + * @status_lock + * @busy: VFDI request queued to be processed or being processed. Receiving + * a VFDI request when @busy is set is an error condition. + * @buf: Incoming VFDI requests are DMA from the VF into this buffer. + * @buftbl_base: Buffer table entries for this VF start at this index. + * @rx_filtering: Receive filtering has been requested by the VF driver. + * @rx_filter_flags: The flags sent in the %VFDI_OP_INSERT_FILTER request. + * @rx_filter_qid: VF relative qid for RX filter requested by VF. + * @rx_filter_id: Receive MAC filter ID. Only one filter per VF is supported. + * @tx_filter_mode: Transmit MAC filtering mode. + * @tx_filter_id: Transmit MAC filter ID. + * @addr: The MAC address and outer vlan tag of the VF. + * @status_addr: VF DMA address of page for &struct vfdi_status updates. + * @status_lock: Mutex protecting @msg_seqno, @status_addr, @addr, + * @peer_page_addrs and @peer_page_count from simultaneous + * updates by the VM and consumption by + * efx_sriov_update_vf_addr() + * @peer_page_addrs: Pointer to an array of guest pages for local addresses. + * @peer_page_count: Number of entries in @peer_page_count. + * @evq0_addrs: Array of guest pages backing evq0. + * @evq0_count: Number of entries in @evq0_addrs. + * @flush_waitq: wait queue used by %VFDI_OP_FINI_ALL_QUEUES handler + * to wait for flush completions. + * @txq_lock: Mutex for TX queue allocation. + * @txq_mask: Mask of initialized transmit queues. + * @txq_count: Number of initialized transmit queues. + * @rxq_mask: Mask of initialized receive queues. + * @rxq_count: Number of initialized receive queues. + * @rxq_retry_mask: Mask or receive queues that need to be flushed again + * due to flush failure. + * @rxq_retry_count: Number of receive queues in @rxq_retry_mask. + * @reset_work: Work item to schedule a VF reset. + */ +struct efx_vf { + struct efx_nic *efx; + unsigned int pci_rid; + char pci_name[13]; /* dddd:bb:dd.f */ + unsigned int index; + struct work_struct req; + u64 req_addr; + int req_type; + unsigned req_seqno; + unsigned msg_seqno; + bool busy; + struct efx_buffer buf; + unsigned buftbl_base; + bool rx_filtering; + enum efx_filter_flags rx_filter_flags; + unsigned rx_filter_qid; + int rx_filter_id; + enum efx_vf_tx_filter_mode tx_filter_mode; + int tx_filter_id; + struct vfdi_endpoint addr; + u64 status_addr; + struct mutex status_lock; + u64 *peer_page_addrs; + unsigned peer_page_count; + u64 evq0_addrs[EFX_MAX_VF_EVQ_SIZE * sizeof(efx_qword_t) / + EFX_BUF_SIZE]; + unsigned evq0_count; + wait_queue_head_t flush_waitq; + struct mutex txq_lock; + unsigned long txq_mask[VI_MASK_LENGTH]; + unsigned txq_count; + unsigned long rxq_mask[VI_MASK_LENGTH]; + unsigned rxq_count; + unsigned long rxq_retry_mask[VI_MASK_LENGTH]; + atomic_t rxq_retry_count; + struct work_struct reset_work; +}; + +struct efx_memcpy_req { + unsigned int from_rid; + void *from_buf; + u64 from_addr; + unsigned int to_rid; + u64 to_addr; + unsigned length; +}; + +/** + * struct efx_local_addr - A MAC address on the vswitch without a VF. + * + * Siena does not have a switch, so VFs can't transmit data to each + * other. Instead the VFs must be made aware of the local addresses + * on the vswitch, so that they can arrange for an alternative + * software datapath to be used. + * + * @link: List head for insertion into efx->local_addr_list. + * @addr: Ethernet address + */ +struct efx_local_addr { + struct list_head link; + u8 addr[ETH_ALEN]; +}; + +/** + * struct efx_endpoint_page - Page of vfdi_endpoint structures + * + * @link: List head for insertion into efx->local_page_list. + * @ptr: Pointer to page. + * @addr: DMA address of page. + */ +struct efx_endpoint_page { + struct list_head link; + void *ptr; + dma_addr_t addr; +}; + +/* Buffer table entries are reserved txq0,rxq0,evq0,txq1,rxq1,evq1 */ +#define EFX_BUFTBL_TXQ_BASE(_vf, _qid) \ + ((_vf)->buftbl_base + EFX_VF_BUFTBL_PER_VI * (_qid)) +#define EFX_BUFTBL_RXQ_BASE(_vf, _qid) \ + (EFX_BUFTBL_TXQ_BASE(_vf, _qid) + \ + (EFX_MAX_DMAQ_SIZE * sizeof(efx_qword_t) / EFX_BUF_SIZE)) +#define EFX_BUFTBL_EVQ_BASE(_vf, _qid) \ + (EFX_BUFTBL_TXQ_BASE(_vf, _qid) + \ + (2 * EFX_MAX_DMAQ_SIZE * sizeof(efx_qword_t) / EFX_BUF_SIZE)) + +#define EFX_FIELD_MASK(_field) \ + ((1 << _field ## _WIDTH) - 1) + +/* VFs can only use this many transmit channels */ +static unsigned int vf_max_tx_channels = 2; +module_param(vf_max_tx_channels, uint, 0444); +MODULE_PARM_DESC(vf_max_tx_channels, + "Limit the number of TX channels VFs can use"); + +static int max_vfs = -1; +module_param(max_vfs, int, 0444); +MODULE_PARM_DESC(max_vfs, + "Reduce the number of VFs initialized by the driver"); + +/* Workqueue used by VFDI communication. We can't use the global + * workqueue because it may be running the VF driver's probe() + * routine, which will be blocked there waiting for a VFDI response. + */ +static struct workqueue_struct *vfdi_workqueue; + +static unsigned abs_index(struct efx_vf *vf, unsigned index) +{ + return EFX_VI_BASE + vf->index * efx_vf_size(vf->efx) + index; +} + +static int efx_sriov_cmd(struct efx_nic *efx, bool enable, + unsigned *vi_scale_out, unsigned *vf_total_out) +{ + u8 inbuf[MC_CMD_SRIOV_IN_LEN]; + u8 outbuf[MC_CMD_SRIOV_OUT_LEN]; + unsigned vi_scale, vf_total; + size_t outlen; + int rc; + + MCDI_SET_DWORD(inbuf, SRIOV_IN_ENABLE, enable ? 1 : 0); + MCDI_SET_DWORD(inbuf, SRIOV_IN_VI_BASE, EFX_VI_BASE); + MCDI_SET_DWORD(inbuf, SRIOV_IN_VF_COUNT, efx->vf_count); + + rc = efx_mcdi_rpc(efx, MC_CMD_SRIOV, inbuf, MC_CMD_SRIOV_IN_LEN, + outbuf, MC_CMD_SRIOV_OUT_LEN, &outlen); + if (rc) + return rc; + if (outlen < MC_CMD_SRIOV_OUT_LEN) + return -EIO; + + vf_total = MCDI_DWORD(outbuf, SRIOV_OUT_VF_TOTAL); + vi_scale = MCDI_DWORD(outbuf, SRIOV_OUT_VI_SCALE); + if (vi_scale > EFX_VI_SCALE_MAX) + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + + if (vi_scale_out) + *vi_scale_out = vi_scale; + if (vf_total_out) + *vf_total_out = vf_total; + + return 0; +} + +static void efx_sriov_usrev(struct efx_nic *efx, bool enabled) +{ + efx_oword_t reg; + + EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_2(reg, + FRF_CZ_USREV_DIS, enabled ? 0 : 1, + FRF_CZ_DFLT_EVQ, efx->vfdi_channel->channel); + efx_writeo(efx, ®, FR_CZ_USR_EV_CFG); +} + +static int efx_sriov_memcpy(struct efx_nic *efx, struct efx_memcpy_req *req, + unsigned int count) +{ + u8 *inbuf, *record; + unsigned int used; + u32 from_rid, from_hi, from_lo; + int rc; + + mb(); /* Finish writing source/reading dest before DMA starts */ + + used = MC_CMD_MEMCPY_IN_LEN(count); + if (WARN_ON(used > MCDI_CTL_SDU_LEN_MAX)) + return -ENOBUFS; + + /* Allocate room for the largest request */ + inbuf = kzalloc(MCDI_CTL_SDU_LEN_MAX, GFP_KERNEL); + if (inbuf == NULL) + return -ENOMEM; + + record = inbuf; + MCDI_SET_DWORD(record, MEMCPY_IN_RECORD, count); + while (count-- > 0) { + MCDI_SET_DWORD(record, MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_TO_RID, + req->to_rid); + MCDI_SET_DWORD(record, MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_TO_ADDR_LO, + (u32)req->to_addr); + MCDI_SET_DWORD(record, MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_TO_ADDR_HI, + (u32)(req->to_addr >> 32)); + if (req->from_buf == NULL) { + from_rid = req->from_rid; + from_lo = (u32)req->from_addr; + from_hi = (u32)(req->from_addr >> 32); + } else { + if (WARN_ON(used + req->length > MCDI_CTL_SDU_LEN_MAX)) { + rc = -ENOBUFS; + goto out; + } + + from_rid = MC_CMD_MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_RID_INLINE; + from_lo = used; + from_hi = 0; + memcpy(inbuf + used, req->from_buf, req->length); + used += req->length; + } + + MCDI_SET_DWORD(record, MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_FROM_RID, from_rid); + MCDI_SET_DWORD(record, MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_FROM_ADDR_LO, + from_lo); + MCDI_SET_DWORD(record, MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_FROM_ADDR_HI, + from_hi); + MCDI_SET_DWORD(record, MEMCPY_RECORD_TYPEDEF_LENGTH, + req->length); + + ++req; + record += MC_CMD_MEMCPY_IN_RECORD_LEN; + } + + rc = efx_mcdi_rpc(efx, MC_CMD_MEMCPY, inbuf, used, NULL, 0, NULL); +out: + kfree(inbuf); + + mb(); /* Don't write source/read dest before DMA is complete */ + + return rc; +} + +/* The TX filter is entirely controlled by this driver, and is modified + * underneath the feet of the VF + */ +static void efx_sriov_reset_tx_filter(struct efx_vf *vf) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = vf->efx; + struct efx_filter_spec filter; + u16 vlan; + int rc; + + if (vf->tx_filter_id != -1) { + efx_filter_remove_id_safe(efx, EFX_FILTER_PRI_REQUIRED, + vf->tx_filter_id); + netif_dbg(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, "Removed vf %s tx filter %d\n", + vf->pci_name, vf->tx_filter_id); + vf->tx_filter_id = -1; + } + + if (is_zero_ether_addr(vf->addr.mac_addr)) + return; + + /* Turn on TX filtering automatically if not explicitly + * enabled or disabled. + */ + if (vf->tx_filter_mode == VF_TX_FILTER_AUTO && vf_max_tx_channels <= 2) + vf->tx_filter_mode = VF_TX_FILTER_ON; + + vlan = ntohs(vf->addr.tci) & VLAN_VID_MASK; + efx_filter_init_tx(&filter, abs_index(vf, 0)); + rc = efx_filter_set_eth_local(&filter, + vlan ? vlan : EFX_FILTER_VID_UNSPEC, + vf->addr.mac_addr); + BUG_ON(rc); + + rc = efx_filter_insert_filter(efx, &filter, true); + if (rc < 0) { + netif_warn(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, + "Unable to migrate tx filter for vf %s\n", + vf->pci_name); + } else { + netif_dbg(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, "Inserted vf %s tx filter %d\n", + vf->pci_name, rc); + vf->tx_filter_id = rc; + } +} + +/* The RX filter is managed here on behalf of the VF driver */ +static void efx_sriov_reset_rx_filter(struct efx_vf *vf) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = vf->efx; + struct efx_filter_spec filter; + u16 vlan; + int rc; + + if (vf->rx_filter_id != -1) { + efx_filter_remove_id_safe(efx, EFX_FILTER_PRI_REQUIRED, + vf->rx_filter_id); + netif_dbg(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, "Removed vf %s rx filter %d\n", + vf->pci_name, vf->rx_filter_id); + vf->rx_filter_id = -1; + } + + if (!vf->rx_filtering || is_zero_ether_addr(vf->addr.mac_addr)) + return; + + vlan = ntohs(vf->addr.tci) & VLAN_VID_MASK; + efx_filter_init_rx(&filter, EFX_FILTER_PRI_REQUIRED, + vf->rx_filter_flags, + abs_index(vf, vf->rx_filter_qid)); + rc = efx_filter_set_eth_local(&filter, + vlan ? vlan : EFX_FILTER_VID_UNSPEC, + vf->addr.mac_addr); + BUG_ON(rc); + + rc = efx_filter_insert_filter(efx, &filter, true); + if (rc < 0) { + netif_warn(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, + "Unable to insert rx filter for vf %s\n", + vf->pci_name); + } else { + netif_dbg(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, "Inserted vf %s rx filter %d\n", + vf->pci_name, rc); + vf->rx_filter_id = rc; + } +} + +static void __efx_sriov_update_vf_addr(struct efx_vf *vf) +{ + efx_sriov_reset_tx_filter(vf); + efx_sriov_reset_rx_filter(vf); + queue_work(vfdi_workqueue, &vf->efx->peer_work); +} + +/* Push the peer list to this VF. The caller must hold status_lock to interlock + * with VFDI requests, and they must be serialised against manipulation of + * local_page_list, either by acquiring local_lock or by running from + * efx_sriov_peer_work() + */ +static void __efx_sriov_push_vf_status(struct efx_vf *vf) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = vf->efx; + struct vfdi_status *status = efx->vfdi_status.addr; + struct efx_memcpy_req copy[4]; + struct efx_endpoint_page *epp; + unsigned int pos, count; + unsigned data_offset; + efx_qword_t event; + + WARN_ON(!mutex_is_locked(&vf->status_lock)); + WARN_ON(!vf->status_addr); + + status->local = vf->addr; + status->generation_end = ++status->generation_start; + + memset(copy, '\0', sizeof(copy)); + /* Write generation_start */ + copy[0].from_buf = &status->generation_start; + copy[0].to_rid = vf->pci_rid; + copy[0].to_addr = vf->status_addr + offsetof(struct vfdi_status, + generation_start); + copy[0].length = sizeof(status->generation_start); + /* DMA the rest of the structure (excluding the generations). This + * assumes that the non-generation portion of vfdi_status is in + * one chunk starting at the version member. + */ + data_offset = offsetof(struct vfdi_status, version); + copy[1].from_rid = efx->pci_dev->devfn; + copy[1].from_addr = efx->vfdi_status.dma_addr + data_offset; + copy[1].to_rid = vf->pci_rid; + copy[1].to_addr = vf->status_addr + data_offset; + copy[1].length = status->length - data_offset; + + /* Copy the peer pages */ + pos = 2; + count = 0; + list_for_each_entry(epp, &efx->local_page_list, link) { + if (count == vf->peer_page_count) { + /* The VF driver will know they need to provide more + * pages because peer_addr_count is too large. + */ + break; + } + copy[pos].from_buf = NULL; + copy[pos].from_rid = efx->pci_dev->devfn; + copy[pos].from_addr = epp->addr; + copy[pos].to_rid = vf->pci_rid; + copy[pos].to_addr = vf->peer_page_addrs[count]; + copy[pos].length = EFX_PAGE_SIZE; + + if (++pos == ARRAY_SIZE(copy)) { + efx_sriov_memcpy(efx, copy, ARRAY_SIZE(copy)); + pos = 0; + } + ++count; + } + + /* Write generation_end */ + copy[pos].from_buf = &status->generation_end; + copy[pos].to_rid = vf->pci_rid; + copy[pos].to_addr = vf->status_addr + offsetof(struct vfdi_status, + generation_end); + copy[pos].length = sizeof(status->generation_end); + efx_sriov_memcpy(efx, copy, pos + 1); + + /* Notify the guest */ + EFX_POPULATE_QWORD_3(event, + FSF_AZ_EV_CODE, FSE_CZ_EV_CODE_USER_EV, + VFDI_EV_SEQ, (vf->msg_seqno & 0xff), + VFDI_EV_TYPE, VFDI_EV_TYPE_STATUS); + ++vf->msg_seqno; + efx_generate_event(efx, EFX_VI_BASE + vf->index * efx_vf_size(efx), + &event); +} + +static void efx_sriov_bufs(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned offset, + u64 *addr, unsigned count) +{ + efx_qword_t buf; + unsigned pos; + + for (pos = 0; pos < count; ++pos) { + EFX_POPULATE_QWORD_3(buf, + FRF_AZ_BUF_ADR_REGION, 0, + FRF_AZ_BUF_ADR_FBUF, + addr ? addr[pos] >> 12 : 0, + FRF_AZ_BUF_OWNER_ID_FBUF, 0); + efx_sram_writeq(efx, efx->membase + FR_BZ_BUF_FULL_TBL, + &buf, offset + pos); + } +} + +static bool bad_vf_index(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned index) +{ + return index >= efx_vf_size(efx); +} + +static bool bad_buf_count(unsigned buf_count, unsigned max_entry_count) +{ + unsigned max_buf_count = max_entry_count * + sizeof(efx_qword_t) / EFX_BUF_SIZE; + + return ((buf_count & (buf_count - 1)) || buf_count > max_buf_count); +} + +/* Check that VI specified by per-port index belongs to a VF. + * Optionally set VF index and VI index within the VF. + */ +static bool map_vi_index(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned abs_index, + struct efx_vf **vf_out, unsigned *rel_index_out) +{ + unsigned vf_i; + + if (abs_index < EFX_VI_BASE) + return true; + vf_i = (abs_index - EFX_VI_BASE) / efx_vf_size(efx); + if (vf_i >= efx->vf_init_count) + return true; + + if (vf_out) + *vf_out = efx->vf + vf_i; + if (rel_index_out) + *rel_index_out = abs_index % efx_vf_size(efx); + return false; +} + +static int efx_vfdi_init_evq(struct efx_vf *vf) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = vf->efx; + struct vfdi_req *req = vf->buf.addr; + unsigned vf_evq = req->u.init_evq.index; + unsigned buf_count = req->u.init_evq.buf_count; + unsigned abs_evq = abs_index(vf, vf_evq); + unsigned buftbl = EFX_BUFTBL_EVQ_BASE(vf, vf_evq); + efx_oword_t reg; + + if (bad_vf_index(efx, vf_evq) || + bad_buf_count(buf_count, EFX_MAX_VF_EVQ_SIZE)) { + if (net_ratelimit()) + netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, + "ERROR: Invalid INIT_EVQ from %s: evq %d bufs %d\n", + vf->pci_name, vf_evq, buf_count); + return VFDI_RC_EINVAL; + } + + efx_sriov_bufs(efx, buftbl, req->u.init_evq.addr, buf_count); + + EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_3(reg, + FRF_CZ_TIMER_Q_EN, 1, + FRF_CZ_HOST_NOTIFY_MODE, 0, + FRF_CZ_TIMER_MODE, FFE_CZ_TIMER_MODE_DIS); + efx_writeo_table(efx, ®, FR_BZ_TIMER_TBL, abs_evq); + EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_3(reg, + FRF_AZ_EVQ_EN, 1, + FRF_AZ_EVQ_SIZE, __ffs(buf_count), + FRF_AZ_EVQ_BUF_BASE_ID, buftbl); + efx_writeo_table(efx, ®, FR_BZ_EVQ_PTR_TBL, abs_evq); + + if (vf_evq == 0) { + memcpy(vf->evq0_addrs, req->u.init_evq.addr, + buf_count * sizeof(u64)); + vf->evq0_count = buf_count; + } + + return VFDI_RC_SUCCESS; +} + +static int efx_vfdi_init_rxq(struct efx_vf *vf) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = vf->efx; + struct vfdi_req *req = vf->buf.addr; + unsigned vf_rxq = req->u.init_rxq.index; + unsigned vf_evq = req->u.init_rxq.evq; + unsigned buf_count = req->u.init_rxq.buf_count; + unsigned buftbl = EFX_BUFTBL_RXQ_BASE(vf, vf_rxq); + unsigned label; + efx_oword_t reg; + + if (bad_vf_index(efx, vf_evq) || bad_vf_index(efx, vf_rxq) || + bad_buf_count(buf_count, EFX_MAX_DMAQ_SIZE)) { + if (net_ratelimit()) + netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, + "ERROR: Invalid INIT_RXQ from %s: rxq %d evq %d " + "buf_count %d\n", vf->pci_name, vf_rxq, + vf_evq, buf_count); + return VFDI_RC_EINVAL; + } + if (__test_and_set_bit(req->u.init_rxq.index, vf->rxq_mask)) + ++vf->rxq_count; + efx_sriov_bufs(efx, buftbl, req->u.init_rxq.addr, buf_count); + + label = req->u.init_rxq.label & EFX_FIELD_MASK(FRF_AZ_RX_DESCQ_LABEL); + EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_6(reg, + FRF_AZ_RX_DESCQ_BUF_BASE_ID, buftbl, + FRF_AZ_RX_DESCQ_EVQ_ID, abs_index(vf, vf_evq), + FRF_AZ_RX_DESCQ_LABEL, label, + FRF_AZ_RX_DESCQ_SIZE, __ffs(buf_count), + FRF_AZ_RX_DESCQ_JUMBO, + !!(req->u.init_rxq.flags & + VFDI_RXQ_FLAG_SCATTER_EN), + FRF_AZ_RX_DESCQ_EN, 1); + efx_writeo_table(efx, ®, FR_BZ_RX_DESC_PTR_TBL, + abs_index(vf, vf_rxq)); + + return VFDI_RC_SUCCESS; +} + +static int efx_vfdi_init_txq(struct efx_vf *vf) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = vf->efx; + struct vfdi_req *req = vf->buf.addr; + unsigned vf_txq = req->u.init_txq.index; + unsigned vf_evq = req->u.init_txq.evq; + unsigned buf_count = req->u.init_txq.buf_count; + unsigned buftbl = EFX_BUFTBL_TXQ_BASE(vf, vf_txq); + unsigned label, eth_filt_en; + efx_oword_t reg; + + if (bad_vf_index(efx, vf_evq) || bad_vf_index(efx, vf_txq) || + vf_txq >= vf_max_tx_channels || + bad_buf_count(buf_count, EFX_MAX_DMAQ_SIZE)) { + if (net_ratelimit()) + netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, + "ERROR: Invalid INIT_TXQ from %s: txq %d evq %d " + "buf_count %d\n", vf->pci_name, vf_txq, + vf_evq, buf_count); + return VFDI_RC_EINVAL; + } + + mutex_lock(&vf->txq_lock); + if (__test_and_set_bit(req->u.init_txq.index, vf->txq_mask)) + ++vf->txq_count; + mutex_unlock(&vf->txq_lock); + efx_sriov_bufs(efx, buftbl, req->u.init_txq.addr, buf_count); + + eth_filt_en = vf->tx_filter_mode == VF_TX_FILTER_ON; + + label = req->u.init_txq.label & EFX_FIELD_MASK(FRF_AZ_TX_DESCQ_LABEL); + EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_8(reg, + FRF_CZ_TX_DPT_Q_MASK_WIDTH, min(efx->vi_scale, 1U), + FRF_CZ_TX_DPT_ETH_FILT_EN, eth_filt_en, + FRF_AZ_TX_DESCQ_EN, 1, + FRF_AZ_TX_DESCQ_BUF_BASE_ID, buftbl, + FRF_AZ_TX_DESCQ_EVQ_ID, abs_index(vf, vf_evq), + FRF_AZ_TX_DESCQ_LABEL, label, + FRF_AZ_TX_DESCQ_SIZE, __ffs(buf_count), + FRF_BZ_TX_NON_IP_DROP_DIS, 1); + efx_writeo_table(efx, ®, FR_BZ_TX_DESC_PTR_TBL, + abs_index(vf, vf_txq)); + + return VFDI_RC_SUCCESS; +} + +/* Returns true when efx_vfdi_fini_all_queues should wake */ +static bool efx_vfdi_flush_wake(struct efx_vf *vf) +{ + /* Ensure that all updates are visible to efx_vfdi_fini_all_queues() */ + smp_mb(); + + return (!vf->txq_count && !vf->rxq_count) || + atomic_read(&vf->rxq_retry_count); +} + +static void efx_vfdi_flush_clear(struct efx_vf *vf) +{ + memset(vf->txq_mask, 0, sizeof(vf->txq_mask)); + vf->txq_count = 0; + memset(vf->rxq_mask, 0, sizeof(vf->rxq_mask)); + vf->rxq_count = 0; + memset(vf->rxq_retry_mask, 0, sizeof(vf->rxq_retry_mask)); + atomic_set(&vf->rxq_retry_count, 0); +} + +static int efx_vfdi_fini_all_queues(struct efx_vf *vf) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = vf->efx; + efx_oword_t reg; + unsigned count = efx_vf_size(efx); + unsigned vf_offset = EFX_VI_BASE + vf->index * efx_vf_size(efx); + unsigned timeout = HZ; + unsigned index, rxqs_count; + __le32 *rxqs; + int rc; + + rxqs = kmalloc(count * sizeof(*rxqs), GFP_KERNEL); + if (rxqs == NULL) + return VFDI_RC_ENOMEM; + + rtnl_lock(); + if (efx->fc_disable++ == 0) + efx_mcdi_set_mac(efx); + rtnl_unlock(); + + /* Flush all the initialized queues */ + rxqs_count = 0; + for (index = 0; index < count; ++index) { + if (test_bit(index, vf->txq_mask)) { + EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_2(reg, + FRF_AZ_TX_FLUSH_DESCQ_CMD, 1, + FRF_AZ_TX_FLUSH_DESCQ, + vf_offset + index); + efx_writeo(efx, ®, FR_AZ_TX_FLUSH_DESCQ); + } + if (test_bit(index, vf->rxq_mask)) + rxqs[rxqs_count++] = cpu_to_le32(vf_offset + index); + } + + atomic_set(&vf->rxq_retry_count, 0); + while (timeout && (vf->rxq_count || vf->txq_count)) { + rc = efx_mcdi_rpc(efx, MC_CMD_FLUSH_RX_QUEUES, (u8 *)rxqs, + rxqs_count * sizeof(*rxqs), NULL, 0, NULL); + WARN_ON(rc < 0); + + timeout = wait_event_timeout(vf->flush_waitq, + efx_vfdi_flush_wake(vf), + timeout); + rxqs_count = 0; + for (index = 0; index < count; ++index) { + if (test_and_clear_bit(index, vf->rxq_retry_mask)) { + atomic_dec(&vf->rxq_retry_count); + rxqs[rxqs_count++] = + cpu_to_le32(vf_offset + index); + } + } + } + + rtnl_lock(); + if (--efx->fc_disable == 0) + efx_mcdi_set_mac(efx); + rtnl_unlock(); + + /* Irrespective of success/failure, fini the queues */ + EFX_ZERO_OWORD(reg); + for (index = 0; index < count; ++index) { + efx_writeo_table(efx, ®, FR_BZ_RX_DESC_PTR_TBL, + vf_offset + index); + efx_writeo_table(efx, ®, FR_BZ_TX_DESC_PTR_TBL, + vf_offset + index); + efx_writeo_table(efx, ®, FR_BZ_EVQ_PTR_TBL, + vf_offset + index); + efx_writeo_table(efx, ®, FR_BZ_TIMER_TBL, + vf_offset + index); + } + efx_sriov_bufs(efx, vf->buftbl_base, NULL, + EFX_VF_BUFTBL_PER_VI * efx_vf_size(efx)); + kfree(rxqs); + efx_vfdi_flush_clear(vf); + + vf->evq0_count = 0; + + return timeout ? 0 : VFDI_RC_ETIMEDOUT; +} + +static int efx_vfdi_insert_filter(struct efx_vf *vf) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = vf->efx; + struct vfdi_req *req = vf->buf.addr; + unsigned vf_rxq = req->u.mac_filter.rxq; + unsigned flags; + + if (bad_vf_index(efx, vf_rxq) || vf->rx_filtering) { + if (net_ratelimit()) + netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, + "ERROR: Invalid INSERT_FILTER from %s: rxq %d " + "flags 0x%x\n", vf->pci_name, vf_rxq, + req->u.mac_filter.flags); + return VFDI_RC_EINVAL; + } + + flags = 0; + if (req->u.mac_filter.flags & VFDI_MAC_FILTER_FLAG_RSS) + flags |= EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_RSS; + if (req->u.mac_filter.flags & VFDI_MAC_FILTER_FLAG_SCATTER) + flags |= EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_SCATTER; + vf->rx_filter_flags = flags; + vf->rx_filter_qid = vf_rxq; + vf->rx_filtering = true; + + efx_sriov_reset_rx_filter(vf); + queue_work(vfdi_workqueue, &efx->peer_work); + + return VFDI_RC_SUCCESS; +} + +static int efx_vfdi_remove_all_filters(struct efx_vf *vf) +{ + vf->rx_filtering = false; + efx_sriov_reset_rx_filter(vf); + queue_work(vfdi_workqueue, &vf->efx->peer_work); + + return VFDI_RC_SUCCESS; +} + +static int efx_vfdi_set_status_page(struct efx_vf *vf) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = vf->efx; + struct vfdi_req *req = vf->buf.addr; + u64 page_count = req->u.set_status_page.peer_page_count; + u64 max_page_count = + (EFX_PAGE_SIZE - + offsetof(struct vfdi_req, u.set_status_page.peer_page_addr[0])) + / sizeof(req->u.set_status_page.peer_page_addr[0]); + + if (!req->u.set_status_page.dma_addr || page_count > max_page_count) { + if (net_ratelimit()) + netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, + "ERROR: Invalid SET_STATUS_PAGE from %s\n", + vf->pci_name); + return VFDI_RC_EINVAL; + } + + mutex_lock(&efx->local_lock); + mutex_lock(&vf->status_lock); + vf->status_addr = req->u.set_status_page.dma_addr; + + kfree(vf->peer_page_addrs); + vf->peer_page_addrs = NULL; + vf->peer_page_count = 0; + + if (page_count) { + vf->peer_page_addrs = kcalloc(page_count, sizeof(u64), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (vf->peer_page_addrs) { + memcpy(vf->peer_page_addrs, + req->u.set_status_page.peer_page_addr, + page_count * sizeof(u64)); + vf->peer_page_count = page_count; + } + } + + __efx_sriov_push_vf_status(vf); + mutex_unlock(&vf->status_lock); + mutex_unlock(&efx->local_lock); + + return VFDI_RC_SUCCESS; +} + +static int efx_vfdi_clear_status_page(struct efx_vf *vf) +{ + mutex_lock(&vf->status_lock); + vf->status_addr = 0; + mutex_unlock(&vf->status_lock); + + return VFDI_RC_SUCCESS; +} + +typedef int (*efx_vfdi_op_t)(struct efx_vf *vf); + +static const efx_vfdi_op_t vfdi_ops[VFDI_OP_LIMIT] = { + [VFDI_OP_INIT_EVQ] = efx_vfdi_init_evq, + [VFDI_OP_INIT_TXQ] = efx_vfdi_init_txq, + [VFDI_OP_INIT_RXQ] = efx_vfdi_init_rxq, + [VFDI_OP_FINI_ALL_QUEUES] = efx_vfdi_fini_all_queues, + [VFDI_OP_INSERT_FILTER] = efx_vfdi_insert_filter, + [VFDI_OP_REMOVE_ALL_FILTERS] = efx_vfdi_remove_all_filters, + [VFDI_OP_SET_STATUS_PAGE] = efx_vfdi_set_status_page, + [VFDI_OP_CLEAR_STATUS_PAGE] = efx_vfdi_clear_status_page, +}; + +static void efx_sriov_vfdi(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct efx_vf *vf = container_of(work, struct efx_vf, req); + struct efx_nic *efx = vf->efx; + struct vfdi_req *req = vf->buf.addr; + struct efx_memcpy_req copy[2]; + int rc; + + /* Copy this page into the local address space */ + memset(copy, '\0', sizeof(copy)); + copy[0].from_rid = vf->pci_rid; + copy[0].from_addr = vf->req_addr; + copy[0].to_rid = efx->pci_dev->devfn; + copy[0].to_addr = vf->buf.dma_addr; + copy[0].length = EFX_PAGE_SIZE; + rc = efx_sriov_memcpy(efx, copy, 1); + if (rc) { + /* If we can't get the request, we can't reply to the caller */ + if (net_ratelimit()) + netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, + "ERROR: Unable to fetch VFDI request from %s rc %d\n", + vf->pci_name, -rc); + vf->busy = false; + return; + } + + if (req->op < VFDI_OP_LIMIT && vfdi_ops[req->op] != NULL) { + rc = vfdi_ops[req->op](vf); + if (rc == 0) { + netif_dbg(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, + "vfdi request %d from %s ok\n", + req->op, vf->pci_name); + } + } else { + netif_dbg(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, + "ERROR: Unrecognised request %d from VF %s addr " + "%llx\n", req->op, vf->pci_name, + (unsigned long long)vf->req_addr); + rc = VFDI_RC_EOPNOTSUPP; + } + + /* Allow subsequent VF requests */ + vf->busy = false; + smp_wmb(); + + /* Respond to the request */ + req->rc = rc; + req->op = VFDI_OP_RESPONSE; + + memset(copy, '\0', sizeof(copy)); + copy[0].from_buf = &req->rc; + copy[0].to_rid = vf->pci_rid; + copy[0].to_addr = vf->req_addr + offsetof(struct vfdi_req, rc); + copy[0].length = sizeof(req->rc); + copy[1].from_buf = &req->op; + copy[1].to_rid = vf->pci_rid; + copy[1].to_addr = vf->req_addr + offsetof(struct vfdi_req, op); + copy[1].length = sizeof(req->op); + + (void) efx_sriov_memcpy(efx, copy, ARRAY_SIZE(copy)); +} + + + +/* After a reset the event queues inside the guests no longer exist. Fill the + * event ring in guest memory with VFDI reset events, then (re-initialise) the + * event queue to raise an interrupt. The guest driver will then recover. + */ +static void efx_sriov_reset_vf(struct efx_vf *vf, struct efx_buffer *buffer) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = vf->efx; + struct efx_memcpy_req copy_req[4]; + efx_qword_t event; + unsigned int pos, count, k, buftbl, abs_evq; + efx_oword_t reg; + efx_dword_t ptr; + int rc; + + BUG_ON(buffer->len != EFX_PAGE_SIZE); + + if (!vf->evq0_count) + return; + BUG_ON(vf->evq0_count & (vf->evq0_count - 1)); + + mutex_lock(&vf->status_lock); + EFX_POPULATE_QWORD_3(event, + FSF_AZ_EV_CODE, FSE_CZ_EV_CODE_USER_EV, + VFDI_EV_SEQ, vf->msg_seqno, + VFDI_EV_TYPE, VFDI_EV_TYPE_RESET); + vf->msg_seqno++; + for (pos = 0; pos < EFX_PAGE_SIZE; pos += sizeof(event)) + memcpy(buffer->addr + pos, &event, sizeof(event)); + + for (pos = 0; pos < vf->evq0_count; pos += count) { + count = min_t(unsigned, vf->evq0_count - pos, + ARRAY_SIZE(copy_req)); + for (k = 0; k < count; k++) { + copy_req[k].from_buf = NULL; + copy_req[k].from_rid = efx->pci_dev->devfn; + copy_req[k].from_addr = buffer->dma_addr; + copy_req[k].to_rid = vf->pci_rid; + copy_req[k].to_addr = vf->evq0_addrs[pos + k]; + copy_req[k].length = EFX_PAGE_SIZE; + } + rc = efx_sriov_memcpy(efx, copy_req, count); + if (rc) { + if (net_ratelimit()) + netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, + "ERROR: Unable to notify %s of reset" + ": %d\n", vf->pci_name, -rc); + break; + } + } + + /* Reinitialise, arm and trigger evq0 */ + abs_evq = abs_index(vf, 0); + buftbl = EFX_BUFTBL_EVQ_BASE(vf, 0); + efx_sriov_bufs(efx, buftbl, vf->evq0_addrs, vf->evq0_count); + + EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_3(reg, + FRF_CZ_TIMER_Q_EN, 1, + FRF_CZ_HOST_NOTIFY_MODE, 0, + FRF_CZ_TIMER_MODE, FFE_CZ_TIMER_MODE_DIS); + efx_writeo_table(efx, ®, FR_BZ_TIMER_TBL, abs_evq); + EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_3(reg, + FRF_AZ_EVQ_EN, 1, + FRF_AZ_EVQ_SIZE, __ffs(vf->evq0_count), + FRF_AZ_EVQ_BUF_BASE_ID, buftbl); + efx_writeo_table(efx, ®, FR_BZ_EVQ_PTR_TBL, abs_evq); + EFX_POPULATE_DWORD_1(ptr, FRF_AZ_EVQ_RPTR, 0); + efx_writed_table(efx, &ptr, FR_BZ_EVQ_RPTR, abs_evq); + + mutex_unlock(&vf->status_lock); +} + +static void efx_sriov_reset_vf_work(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct efx_vf *vf = container_of(work, struct efx_vf, req); + struct efx_nic *efx = vf->efx; + struct efx_buffer buf; + + if (!efx_nic_alloc_buffer(efx, &buf, EFX_PAGE_SIZE)) { + efx_sriov_reset_vf(vf, &buf); + efx_nic_free_buffer(efx, &buf); + } +} + +static void efx_sriov_handle_no_channel(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + netif_err(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, + "ERROR: IOV requires MSI-X and 1 additional interrupt" + "vector. IOV disabled\n"); + efx->vf_count = 0; +} + +static int efx_sriov_probe_channel(struct efx_channel *channel) +{ + channel->efx->vfdi_channel = channel; + return 0; +} + +static void +efx_sriov_get_channel_name(struct efx_channel *channel, char *buf, size_t len) +{ + snprintf(buf, len, "%s-iov", channel->efx->name); +} + +static const struct efx_channel_type efx_sriov_channel_type = { + .handle_no_channel = efx_sriov_handle_no_channel, + .pre_probe = efx_sriov_probe_channel, + .get_name = efx_sriov_get_channel_name, + /* no copy operation; channel must not be reallocated */ + .keep_eventq = true, +}; + +void efx_sriov_probe(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + unsigned count; + + if (!max_vfs) + return; + + if (efx_sriov_cmd(efx, false, &efx->vi_scale, &count)) + return; + if (count > 0 && count > max_vfs) + count = max_vfs; + + /* efx_nic_dimension_resources() will reduce vf_count as appopriate */ + efx->vf_count = count; + + efx->extra_channel_type[EFX_EXTRA_CHANNEL_IOV] = &efx_sriov_channel_type; +} + +/* Copy the list of individual addresses into the vfdi_status.peers + * array and auxillary pages, protected by %local_lock. Drop that lock + * and then broadcast the address list to every VF. + */ +static void efx_sriov_peer_work(struct work_struct *data) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = container_of(data, struct efx_nic, peer_work); + struct vfdi_status *vfdi_status = efx->vfdi_status.addr; + struct efx_vf *vf; + struct efx_local_addr *local_addr; + struct vfdi_endpoint *peer; + struct efx_endpoint_page *epp; + struct list_head pages; + unsigned int peer_space; + unsigned int peer_count; + unsigned int pos; + + mutex_lock(&efx->local_lock); + + /* Move the existing peer pages off %local_page_list */ + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pages); + list_splice_tail_init(&efx->local_page_list, &pages); + + /* Populate the VF addresses starting from entry 1 (entry 0 is + * the PF address) + */ + peer = vfdi_status->peers + 1; + peer_space = ARRAY_SIZE(vfdi_status->peers) - 1; + peer_count = 1; + for (pos = 0; pos < efx->vf_count; ++pos) { + vf = efx->vf + pos; + + mutex_lock(&vf->status_lock); + if (vf->rx_filtering && !is_zero_ether_addr(vf->addr.mac_addr)) { + *peer++ = vf->addr; + ++peer_count; + --peer_space; + BUG_ON(peer_space == 0); + } + mutex_unlock(&vf->status_lock); + } + + /* Fill the remaining addresses */ + list_for_each_entry(local_addr, &efx->local_addr_list, link) { + memcpy(peer->mac_addr, local_addr->addr, ETH_ALEN); + peer->tci = 0; + ++peer; + ++peer_count; + if (--peer_space == 0) { + if (list_empty(&pages)) { + epp = kmalloc(sizeof(*epp), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!epp) + break; + epp->ptr = dma_alloc_coherent( + &efx->pci_dev->dev, EFX_PAGE_SIZE, + &epp->addr, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!epp->ptr) { + kfree(epp); + break; + } + } else { + epp = list_first_entry( + &pages, struct efx_endpoint_page, link); + list_del(&epp->link); + } + + list_add_tail(&epp->link, &efx->local_page_list); + peer = (struct vfdi_endpoint *)epp->ptr; + peer_space = EFX_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(struct vfdi_endpoint); + } + } + vfdi_status->peer_count = peer_count; + mutex_unlock(&efx->local_lock); + + /* Free any now unused endpoint pages */ + while (!list_empty(&pages)) { + epp = list_first_entry( + &pages, struct efx_endpoint_page, link); + list_del(&epp->link); + dma_free_coherent(&efx->pci_dev->dev, EFX_PAGE_SIZE, + epp->ptr, epp->addr); + kfree(epp); + } + + /* Finally, push the pages */ + for (pos = 0; pos < efx->vf_count; ++pos) { + vf = efx->vf + pos; + + mutex_lock(&vf->status_lock); + if (vf->status_addr) + __efx_sriov_push_vf_status(vf); + mutex_unlock(&vf->status_lock); + } +} + +static void efx_sriov_free_local(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + struct efx_local_addr *local_addr; + struct efx_endpoint_page *epp; + + while (!list_empty(&efx->local_addr_list)) { + local_addr = list_first_entry(&efx->local_addr_list, + struct efx_local_addr, link); + list_del(&local_addr->link); + kfree(local_addr); + } + + while (!list_empty(&efx->local_page_list)) { + epp = list_first_entry(&efx->local_page_list, + struct efx_endpoint_page, link); + list_del(&epp->link); + dma_free_coherent(&efx->pci_dev->dev, EFX_PAGE_SIZE, + epp->ptr, epp->addr); + kfree(epp); + } +} + +static int efx_sriov_vf_alloc(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + unsigned index; + struct efx_vf *vf; + + efx->vf = kzalloc(sizeof(struct efx_vf) * efx->vf_count, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!efx->vf) + return -ENOMEM; + + for (index = 0; index < efx->vf_count; ++index) { + vf = efx->vf + index; + + vf->efx = efx; + vf->index = index; + vf->rx_filter_id = -1; + vf->tx_filter_mode = VF_TX_FILTER_AUTO; + vf->tx_filter_id = -1; + INIT_WORK(&vf->req, efx_sriov_vfdi); + INIT_WORK(&vf->reset_work, efx_sriov_reset_vf_work); + init_waitqueue_head(&vf->flush_waitq); + mutex_init(&vf->status_lock); + mutex_init(&vf->txq_lock); + } + + return 0; +} + +static void efx_sriov_vfs_fini(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + struct efx_vf *vf; + unsigned int pos; + + for (pos = 0; pos < efx->vf_count; ++pos) { + vf = efx->vf + pos; + + efx_nic_free_buffer(efx, &vf->buf); + kfree(vf->peer_page_addrs); + vf->peer_page_addrs = NULL; + vf->peer_page_count = 0; + + vf->evq0_count = 0; + } +} + +static int efx_sriov_vfs_init(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + struct pci_dev *pci_dev = efx->pci_dev; + unsigned index, devfn, sriov, buftbl_base; + u16 offset, stride; + struct efx_vf *vf; + int rc; + + sriov = pci_find_ext_capability(pci_dev, PCI_EXT_CAP_ID_SRIOV); + if (!sriov) + return -ENOENT; + + pci_read_config_word(pci_dev, sriov + PCI_SRIOV_VF_OFFSET, &offset); + pci_read_config_word(pci_dev, sriov + PCI_SRIOV_VF_STRIDE, &stride); + + buftbl_base = efx->vf_buftbl_base; + devfn = pci_dev->devfn + offset; + for (index = 0; index < efx->vf_count; ++index) { + vf = efx->vf + index; + + /* Reserve buffer entries */ + vf->buftbl_base = buftbl_base; + buftbl_base += EFX_VF_BUFTBL_PER_VI * efx_vf_size(efx); + + vf->pci_rid = devfn; + snprintf(vf->pci_name, sizeof(vf->pci_name), + "%04x:%02x:%02x.%d", + pci_domain_nr(pci_dev->bus), pci_dev->bus->number, + PCI_SLOT(devfn), PCI_FUNC(devfn)); + + rc = efx_nic_alloc_buffer(efx, &vf->buf, EFX_PAGE_SIZE); + if (rc) + goto fail; + + devfn += stride; + } + + return 0; + +fail: + efx_sriov_vfs_fini(efx); + return rc; +} + +int efx_sriov_init(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + struct net_device *net_dev = efx->net_dev; + struct vfdi_status *vfdi_status; + int rc; + + /* Ensure there's room for vf_channel */ + BUILD_BUG_ON(EFX_MAX_CHANNELS + 1 >= EFX_VI_BASE); + /* Ensure that VI_BASE is aligned on VI_SCALE */ + BUILD_BUG_ON(EFX_VI_BASE & ((1 << EFX_VI_SCALE_MAX) - 1)); + + if (efx->vf_count == 0) + return 0; + + rc = efx_sriov_cmd(efx, true, NULL, NULL); + if (rc) + goto fail_cmd; + + rc = efx_nic_alloc_buffer(efx, &efx->vfdi_status, sizeof(*vfdi_status)); + if (rc) + goto fail_status; + vfdi_status = efx->vfdi_status.addr; + memset(vfdi_status, 0, sizeof(*vfdi_status)); + vfdi_status->version = 1; + vfdi_status->length = sizeof(*vfdi_status); + vfdi_status->max_tx_channels = vf_max_tx_channels; + vfdi_status->vi_scale = efx->vi_scale; + vfdi_status->rss_rxq_count = efx->rss_spread; + vfdi_status->peer_count = 1 + efx->vf_count; + vfdi_status->timer_quantum_ns = efx->timer_quantum_ns; + + rc = efx_sriov_vf_alloc(efx); + if (rc) + goto fail_alloc; + + mutex_init(&efx->local_lock); + INIT_WORK(&efx->peer_work, efx_sriov_peer_work); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&efx->local_addr_list); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&efx->local_page_list); + + rc = efx_sriov_vfs_init(efx); + if (rc) + goto fail_vfs; + + rtnl_lock(); + memcpy(vfdi_status->peers[0].mac_addr, + net_dev->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN); + efx->vf_init_count = efx->vf_count; + rtnl_unlock(); + + efx_sriov_usrev(efx, true); + + /* At this point we must be ready to accept VFDI requests */ + + rc = pci_enable_sriov(efx->pci_dev, efx->vf_count); + if (rc) + goto fail_pci; + + netif_info(efx, probe, net_dev, + "enabled SR-IOV for %d VFs, %d VI per VF\n", + efx->vf_count, efx_vf_size(efx)); + return 0; + +fail_pci: + efx_sriov_usrev(efx, false); + rtnl_lock(); + efx->vf_init_count = 0; + rtnl_unlock(); + efx_sriov_vfs_fini(efx); +fail_vfs: + cancel_work_sync(&efx->peer_work); + efx_sriov_free_local(efx); + kfree(efx->vf); +fail_alloc: + efx_nic_free_buffer(efx, &efx->vfdi_status); +fail_status: + efx_sriov_cmd(efx, false, NULL, NULL); +fail_cmd: + return rc; +} + +void efx_sriov_fini(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + struct efx_vf *vf; + unsigned int pos; + + if (efx->vf_init_count == 0) + return; + + /* Disable all interfaces to reconfiguration */ + BUG_ON(efx->vfdi_channel->enabled); + efx_sriov_usrev(efx, false); + rtnl_lock(); + efx->vf_init_count = 0; + rtnl_unlock(); + + /* Flush all reconfiguration work */ + for (pos = 0; pos < efx->vf_count; ++pos) { + vf = efx->vf + pos; + cancel_work_sync(&vf->req); + cancel_work_sync(&vf->reset_work); + } + cancel_work_sync(&efx->peer_work); + + pci_disable_sriov(efx->pci_dev); + + /* Tear down back-end state */ + efx_sriov_vfs_fini(efx); + efx_sriov_free_local(efx); + kfree(efx->vf); + efx_nic_free_buffer(efx, &efx->vfdi_status); + efx_sriov_cmd(efx, false, NULL, NULL); +} + +void efx_sriov_event(struct efx_channel *channel, efx_qword_t *event) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = channel->efx; + struct efx_vf *vf; + unsigned qid, seq, type, data; + + qid = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, FSF_CZ_USER_QID); + + /* USR_EV_REG_VALUE is dword0, so access the VFDI_EV fields directly */ + BUILD_BUG_ON(FSF_CZ_USER_EV_REG_VALUE_LBN != 0); + seq = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, VFDI_EV_SEQ); + type = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, VFDI_EV_TYPE); + data = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, VFDI_EV_DATA); + + netif_vdbg(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, + "USR_EV event from qid %d seq 0x%x type %d data 0x%x\n", + qid, seq, type, data); + + if (map_vi_index(efx, qid, &vf, NULL)) + return; + if (vf->busy) + goto error; + + if (type == VFDI_EV_TYPE_REQ_WORD0) { + /* Resynchronise */ + vf->req_type = VFDI_EV_TYPE_REQ_WORD0; + vf->req_seqno = seq + 1; + vf->req_addr = 0; + } else if (seq != (vf->req_seqno++ & 0xff) || type != vf->req_type) + goto error; + + switch (vf->req_type) { + case VFDI_EV_TYPE_REQ_WORD0: + case VFDI_EV_TYPE_REQ_WORD1: + case VFDI_EV_TYPE_REQ_WORD2: + vf->req_addr |= (u64)data << (vf->req_type << 4); + ++vf->req_type; + return; + + case VFDI_EV_TYPE_REQ_WORD3: + vf->req_addr |= (u64)data << 48; + vf->req_type = VFDI_EV_TYPE_REQ_WORD0; + vf->busy = true; + queue_work(vfdi_workqueue, &vf->req); + return; + } + +error: + if (net_ratelimit()) + netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, + "ERROR: Screaming VFDI request from %s\n", + vf->pci_name); + /* Reset the request and sequence number */ + vf->req_type = VFDI_EV_TYPE_REQ_WORD0; + vf->req_seqno = seq + 1; +} + +void efx_sriov_flr(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned vf_i) +{ + struct efx_vf *vf; + + if (vf_i > efx->vf_init_count) + return; + vf = efx->vf + vf_i; + netif_info(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, + "FLR on VF %s\n", vf->pci_name); + + vf->status_addr = 0; + efx_vfdi_remove_all_filters(vf); + efx_vfdi_flush_clear(vf); + + vf->evq0_count = 0; +} + +void efx_sriov_mac_address_changed(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + struct vfdi_status *vfdi_status = efx->vfdi_status.addr; + + if (!efx->vf_init_count) + return; + memcpy(vfdi_status->peers[0].mac_addr, + efx->net_dev->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN); + queue_work(vfdi_workqueue, &efx->peer_work); +} + +void efx_sriov_tx_flush_done(struct efx_nic *efx, efx_qword_t *event) +{ + struct efx_vf *vf; + unsigned queue, qid; + + queue = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, FSF_AZ_DRIVER_EV_SUBDATA); + if (map_vi_index(efx, queue, &vf, &qid)) + return; + /* Ignore flush completions triggered by an FLR */ + if (!test_bit(qid, vf->txq_mask)) + return; + + __clear_bit(qid, vf->txq_mask); + --vf->txq_count; + + if (efx_vfdi_flush_wake(vf)) + wake_up(&vf->flush_waitq); +} + +void efx_sriov_rx_flush_done(struct efx_nic *efx, efx_qword_t *event) +{ + struct efx_vf *vf; + unsigned ev_failed, queue, qid; + + queue = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, FSF_AZ_DRIVER_EV_RX_DESCQ_ID); + ev_failed = EFX_QWORD_FIELD(*event, + FSF_AZ_DRIVER_EV_RX_FLUSH_FAIL); + if (map_vi_index(efx, queue, &vf, &qid)) + return; + if (!test_bit(qid, vf->rxq_mask)) + return; + + if (ev_failed) { + set_bit(qid, vf->rxq_retry_mask); + atomic_inc(&vf->rxq_retry_count); + } else { + __clear_bit(qid, vf->rxq_mask); + --vf->rxq_count; + } + if (efx_vfdi_flush_wake(vf)) + wake_up(&vf->flush_waitq); +} + +/* Called from napi. Schedule the reset work item */ +void efx_sriov_desc_fetch_err(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned dmaq) +{ + struct efx_vf *vf; + unsigned int rel; + + if (map_vi_index(efx, dmaq, &vf, &rel)) + return; + + if (net_ratelimit()) + netif_err(efx, hw, efx->net_dev, + "VF %d DMA Q %d reports descriptor fetch error.\n", + vf->index, rel); + queue_work(vfdi_workqueue, &vf->reset_work); +} + +/* Reset all VFs */ +void efx_sriov_reset(struct efx_nic *efx) +{ + unsigned int vf_i; + struct efx_buffer buf; + struct efx_vf *vf; + + ASSERT_RTNL(); + + if (efx->vf_init_count == 0) + return; + + efx_sriov_usrev(efx, true); + (void)efx_sriov_cmd(efx, true, NULL, NULL); + + if (efx_nic_alloc_buffer(efx, &buf, EFX_PAGE_SIZE)) + return; + + for (vf_i = 0; vf_i < efx->vf_init_count; ++vf_i) { + vf = efx->vf + vf_i; + efx_sriov_reset_vf(vf, &buf); + } + + efx_nic_free_buffer(efx, &buf); +} + +int efx_init_sriov(void) +{ + /* A single threaded workqueue is sufficient. efx_sriov_vfdi() and + * efx_sriov_peer_work() spend almost all their time sleeping for + * MCDI to complete anyway + */ + vfdi_workqueue = create_singlethread_workqueue("sfc_vfdi"); + if (!vfdi_workqueue) + return -ENOMEM; + + return 0; +} + +void efx_fini_sriov(void) +{ + destroy_workqueue(vfdi_workqueue); +} + +int efx_sriov_set_vf_mac(struct net_device *net_dev, int vf_i, u8 *mac) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = netdev_priv(net_dev); + struct efx_vf *vf; + + if (vf_i >= efx->vf_init_count) + return -EINVAL; + vf = efx->vf + vf_i; + + mutex_lock(&vf->status_lock); + memcpy(vf->addr.mac_addr, mac, ETH_ALEN); + __efx_sriov_update_vf_addr(vf); + mutex_unlock(&vf->status_lock); + + return 0; +} + +int efx_sriov_set_vf_vlan(struct net_device *net_dev, int vf_i, + u16 vlan, u8 qos) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = netdev_priv(net_dev); + struct efx_vf *vf; + u16 tci; + + if (vf_i >= efx->vf_init_count) + return -EINVAL; + vf = efx->vf + vf_i; + + mutex_lock(&vf->status_lock); + tci = (vlan & VLAN_VID_MASK) | ((qos & 0x7) << VLAN_PRIO_SHIFT); + vf->addr.tci = htons(tci); + __efx_sriov_update_vf_addr(vf); + mutex_unlock(&vf->status_lock); + + return 0; +} + +int efx_sriov_set_vf_spoofchk(struct net_device *net_dev, int vf_i, + bool spoofchk) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = netdev_priv(net_dev); + struct efx_vf *vf; + int rc; + + if (vf_i >= efx->vf_init_count) + return -EINVAL; + vf = efx->vf + vf_i; + + mutex_lock(&vf->txq_lock); + if (vf->txq_count == 0) { + vf->tx_filter_mode = + spoofchk ? VF_TX_FILTER_ON : VF_TX_FILTER_OFF; + rc = 0; + } else { + /* This cannot be changed while TX queues are running */ + rc = -EBUSY; + } + mutex_unlock(&vf->txq_lock); + return rc; +} + +int efx_sriov_get_vf_config(struct net_device *net_dev, int vf_i, + struct ifla_vf_info *ivi) +{ + struct efx_nic *efx = netdev_priv(net_dev); + struct efx_vf *vf; + u16 tci; + + if (vf_i >= efx->vf_init_count) + return -EINVAL; + vf = efx->vf + vf_i; + + ivi->vf = vf_i; + memcpy(ivi->mac, vf->addr.mac_addr, ETH_ALEN); + ivi->tx_rate = 0; + tci = ntohs(vf->addr.tci); + ivi->vlan = tci & VLAN_VID_MASK; + ivi->qos = (tci >> VLAN_PRIO_SHIFT) & 0x7; + ivi->spoofchk = vf->tx_filter_mode == VF_TX_FILTER_ON; + + return 0; +} + diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/spi.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/spi.h index 71f2e3ebe1c7a41b6ea644041949434d310231cf..5431a1bbff5cf4a0b21b764a48aca4cd5f5e31ea 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/spi.h +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/spi.h @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ static inline bool efx_spi_present(const struct efx_spi_device *spi) int falcon_spi_cmd(struct efx_nic *efx, const struct efx_spi_device *spi, unsigned int command, - int address, const void* in, void *out, size_t len); + int address, const void *in, void *out, size_t len); int falcon_spi_wait_write(struct efx_nic *efx, const struct efx_spi_device *spi); int falcon_spi_read(struct efx_nic *efx, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/tenxpress.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/tenxpress.c index 7b0fd89e7b8597411b98cceae7f42e0ba0954f3d..d37cb5017129dfddb415a9c72e14903831e420bc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/tenxpress.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/tenxpress.c @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ #define GPHY_XCONTROL_REG 49152 #define GPHY_ISOLATE_LBN 10 #define GPHY_ISOLATE_WIDTH 1 -#define GPHY_DUPLEX_LBN 8 +#define GPHY_DUPLEX_LBN 8 #define GPHY_DUPLEX_WIDTH 1 #define GPHY_LOOPBACK_NEAR_LBN 14 #define GPHY_LOOPBACK_NEAR_WIDTH 1 diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/tx.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/tx.c index 72f0fbc73b1abb08cd514e012d41d0bce5e8d675..94d0365b31cdcc6564fe4528679cab853fdf3e3f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/tx.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/tx.c @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ efx_max_tx_len(struct efx_nic *efx, dma_addr_t dma_addr) * little benefit from using descriptors that cross those * boundaries and we keep things simple by not doing so. */ - unsigned len = (~dma_addr & 0xfff) + 1; + unsigned len = (~dma_addr & (EFX_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) + 1; /* Work around hardware bug for unaligned buffers. */ if (EFX_WORKAROUND_5391(efx) && (dma_addr & 0xf)) @@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ static void efx_dequeue_buffers(struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue, * OS to free the skb. */ netdev_tx_t efx_hard_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, - struct net_device *net_dev) + struct net_device *net_dev) { struct efx_nic *efx = netdev_priv(net_dev); struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue; @@ -446,10 +446,8 @@ void efx_xmit_done(struct efx_tx_queue *tx_queue, unsigned int index) likely(efx->port_enabled) && likely(netif_device_present(efx->net_dev))) { fill_level = tx_queue->insert_count - tx_queue->read_count; - if (fill_level < EFX_TXQ_THRESHOLD(efx)) { - EFX_BUG_ON_PARANOID(!efx_dev_registered(efx)); + if (fill_level < EFX_TXQ_THRESHOLD(efx)) netif_tx_wake_queue(tx_queue->core_txq); - } } /* Check whether the hardware queue is now empty */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/txc43128_phy.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/txc43128_phy.c index 7c21b334a75b55b45b68a11560a800f810aad45f..29bb3f9941c064c9e1c6701b88fc4c66343f6b1e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/txc43128_phy.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/txc43128_phy.c @@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ static bool txc43128_phy_poll(struct efx_nic *efx) return efx->link_state.up != was_up; } -static const char *txc43128_test_names[] = { +static const char *const txc43128_test_names[] = { "bist" }; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/vfdi.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/vfdi.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..225557caaf5a5e7f51ef12083e191727b56fd32c --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/vfdi.h @@ -0,0 +1,255 @@ +/**************************************************************************** + * Driver for Solarflare Solarstorm network controllers and boards + * Copyright 2010-2012 Solarflare Communications Inc. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published + * by the Free Software Foundation, incorporated herein by reference. + */ +#ifndef _VFDI_H +#define _VFDI_H + +/** + * DOC: Virtual Function Driver Interface + * + * This file contains software structures used to form a two way + * communication channel between the VF driver and the PF driver, + * named Virtual Function Driver Interface (VFDI). + * + * For the purposes of VFDI, a page is a memory region with size and + * alignment of 4K. All addresses are DMA addresses to be used within + * the domain of the relevant VF. + * + * The only hardware-defined channels for a VF driver to communicate + * with the PF driver are the event mailboxes (%FR_CZ_USR_EV + * registers). Writing to these registers generates an event with + * EV_CODE = EV_CODE_USR_EV, USER_QID set to the index of the mailbox + * and USER_EV_REG_VALUE set to the value written. The PF driver may + * direct or disable delivery of these events by setting + * %FR_CZ_USR_EV_CFG. + * + * The PF driver can send arbitrary events to arbitrary event queues. + * However, for consistency, VFDI events from the PF are defined to + * follow the same form and be sent to the first event queue assigned + * to the VF while that queue is enabled by the VF driver. + * + * The general form of the variable bits of VFDI events is: + * + * 0 16 24 31 + * | DATA | TYPE | SEQ | + * + * SEQ is a sequence number which should be incremented by 1 (modulo + * 256) for each event. The sequence numbers used in each direction + * are independent. + * + * The VF submits requests of type &struct vfdi_req by sending the + * address of the request (ADDR) in a series of 4 events: + * + * 0 16 24 31 + * | ADDR[0:15] | VFDI_EV_TYPE_REQ_WORD0 | SEQ | + * | ADDR[16:31] | VFDI_EV_TYPE_REQ_WORD1 | SEQ+1 | + * | ADDR[32:47] | VFDI_EV_TYPE_REQ_WORD2 | SEQ+2 | + * | ADDR[48:63] | VFDI_EV_TYPE_REQ_WORD3 | SEQ+3 | + * + * The address must be page-aligned. After receiving such a valid + * series of events, the PF driver will attempt to read the request + * and write a response to the same address. In case of an invalid + * sequence of events or a DMA error, there will be no response. + * + * The VF driver may request that the PF driver writes status + * information into its domain asynchronously. After writing the + * status, the PF driver will send an event of the form: + * + * 0 16 24 31 + * | reserved | VFDI_EV_TYPE_STATUS | SEQ | + * + * In case the VF must be reset for any reason, the PF driver will + * send an event of the form: + * + * 0 16 24 31 + * | reserved | VFDI_EV_TYPE_RESET | SEQ | + * + * It is then the responsibility of the VF driver to request + * reinitialisation of its queues. + */ +#define VFDI_EV_SEQ_LBN 24 +#define VFDI_EV_SEQ_WIDTH 8 +#define VFDI_EV_TYPE_LBN 16 +#define VFDI_EV_TYPE_WIDTH 8 +#define VFDI_EV_TYPE_REQ_WORD0 0 +#define VFDI_EV_TYPE_REQ_WORD1 1 +#define VFDI_EV_TYPE_REQ_WORD2 2 +#define VFDI_EV_TYPE_REQ_WORD3 3 +#define VFDI_EV_TYPE_STATUS 4 +#define VFDI_EV_TYPE_RESET 5 +#define VFDI_EV_DATA_LBN 0 +#define VFDI_EV_DATA_WIDTH 16 + +struct vfdi_endpoint { + u8 mac_addr[ETH_ALEN]; + __be16 tci; +}; + +/** + * enum vfdi_op - VFDI operation enumeration + * @VFDI_OP_RESPONSE: Indicates a response to the request. + * @VFDI_OP_INIT_EVQ: Initialize SRAM entries and initialize an EVQ. + * @VFDI_OP_INIT_RXQ: Initialize SRAM entries and initialize an RXQ. + * @VFDI_OP_INIT_TXQ: Initialize SRAM entries and initialize a TXQ. + * @VFDI_OP_FINI_ALL_QUEUES: Flush all queues, finalize all queues, then + * finalize the SRAM entries. + * @VFDI_OP_INSERT_FILTER: Insert a MAC filter targetting the given RXQ. + * @VFDI_OP_REMOVE_ALL_FILTERS: Remove all filters. + * @VFDI_OP_SET_STATUS_PAGE: Set the DMA page(s) used for status updates + * from PF and write the initial status. + * @VFDI_OP_CLEAR_STATUS_PAGE: Clear the DMA page(s) used for status + * updates from PF. + */ +enum vfdi_op { + VFDI_OP_RESPONSE = 0, + VFDI_OP_INIT_EVQ = 1, + VFDI_OP_INIT_RXQ = 2, + VFDI_OP_INIT_TXQ = 3, + VFDI_OP_FINI_ALL_QUEUES = 4, + VFDI_OP_INSERT_FILTER = 5, + VFDI_OP_REMOVE_ALL_FILTERS = 6, + VFDI_OP_SET_STATUS_PAGE = 7, + VFDI_OP_CLEAR_STATUS_PAGE = 8, + VFDI_OP_LIMIT, +}; + +/* Response codes for VFDI operations. Other values may be used in future. */ +#define VFDI_RC_SUCCESS 0 +#define VFDI_RC_ENOMEM (-12) +#define VFDI_RC_EINVAL (-22) +#define VFDI_RC_EOPNOTSUPP (-95) +#define VFDI_RC_ETIMEDOUT (-110) + +/** + * struct vfdi_req - Request from VF driver to PF driver + * @op: Operation code or response indicator, taken from &enum vfdi_op. + * @rc: Response code. Set to 0 on success or a negative error code on failure. + * @u.init_evq.index: Index of event queue to create. + * @u.init_evq.buf_count: Number of 4k buffers backing event queue. + * @u.init_evq.addr: Array of length %u.init_evq.buf_count containing DMA + * address of each page backing the event queue. + * @u.init_rxq.index: Index of receive queue to create. + * @u.init_rxq.buf_count: Number of 4k buffers backing receive queue. + * @u.init_rxq.evq: Instance of event queue to target receive events at. + * @u.init_rxq.label: Label used in receive events. + * @u.init_rxq.flags: Unused. + * @u.init_rxq.addr: Array of length %u.init_rxq.buf_count containing DMA + * address of each page backing the receive queue. + * @u.init_txq.index: Index of transmit queue to create. + * @u.init_txq.buf_count: Number of 4k buffers backing transmit queue. + * @u.init_txq.evq: Instance of event queue to target transmit completion + * events at. + * @u.init_txq.label: Label used in transmit completion events. + * @u.init_txq.flags: Checksum offload flags. + * @u.init_txq.addr: Array of length %u.init_txq.buf_count containing DMA + * address of each page backing the transmit queue. + * @u.mac_filter.rxq: Insert MAC filter at VF local address/VLAN targetting + * all traffic at this receive queue. + * @u.mac_filter.flags: MAC filter flags. + * @u.set_status_page.dma_addr: Base address for the &struct vfdi_status. + * This address must be page-aligned and the PF may write up to a + * whole page (allowing for extension of the structure). + * @u.set_status_page.peer_page_count: Number of additional pages the VF + * has provided into which peer addresses may be DMAd. + * @u.set_status_page.peer_page_addr: Array of DMA addresses of pages. + * If the number of peers exceeds 256, then the VF must provide + * additional pages in this array. The PF will then DMA up to + * 512 vfdi_endpoint structures into each page. These addresses + * must be page-aligned. + */ +struct vfdi_req { + u32 op; + u32 reserved1; + s32 rc; + u32 reserved2; + union { + struct { + u32 index; + u32 buf_count; + u64 addr[]; + } init_evq; + struct { + u32 index; + u32 buf_count; + u32 evq; + u32 label; + u32 flags; +#define VFDI_RXQ_FLAG_SCATTER_EN 1 + u32 reserved; + u64 addr[]; + } init_rxq; + struct { + u32 index; + u32 buf_count; + u32 evq; + u32 label; + u32 flags; +#define VFDI_TXQ_FLAG_IP_CSUM_DIS 1 +#define VFDI_TXQ_FLAG_TCPUDP_CSUM_DIS 2 + u32 reserved; + u64 addr[]; + } init_txq; + struct { + u32 rxq; + u32 flags; +#define VFDI_MAC_FILTER_FLAG_RSS 1 +#define VFDI_MAC_FILTER_FLAG_SCATTER 2 + } mac_filter; + struct { + u64 dma_addr; + u64 peer_page_count; + u64 peer_page_addr[]; + } set_status_page; + } u; +}; + +/** + * struct vfdi_status - Status provided by PF driver to VF driver + * @generation_start: A generation count DMA'd to VF *before* the + * rest of the structure. + * @generation_end: A generation count DMA'd to VF *after* the + * rest of the structure. + * @version: Version of this structure; currently set to 1. Later + * versions must either be layout-compatible or only be sent to VFs + * that specifically request them. + * @length: Total length of this structure including embedded tables + * @vi_scale: log2 the number of VIs available on this VF. This quantity + * is used by the hardware for register decoding. + * @max_tx_channels: The maximum number of transmit queues the VF can use. + * @rss_rxq_count: The number of receive queues present in the shared RSS + * indirection table. + * @peer_count: Total number of peers in the complete peer list. If larger + * than ARRAY_SIZE(%peers), then the VF must provide sufficient + * additional pages each of which is filled with vfdi_endpoint structures. + * @local: The MAC address and outer VLAN tag of *this* VF + * @peers: Table of peer addresses. The @tci fields in these structures + * are currently unused and must be ignored. Additional peers are + * written into any additional pages provided by the VF. + * @timer_quantum_ns: Timer quantum (nominal period between timer ticks) + * for interrupt moderation timers, in nanoseconds. This member is only + * present if @length is sufficiently large. + */ +struct vfdi_status { + u32 generation_start; + u32 generation_end; + u32 version; + u32 length; + u8 vi_scale; + u8 max_tx_channels; + u8 rss_rxq_count; + u8 reserved1; + u16 peer_count; + u16 reserved2; + struct vfdi_endpoint local; + struct vfdi_endpoint peers[256]; + + /* Members below here extend version 1 of this structure */ + u32 timer_quantum_ns; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sis/sis190.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sis/sis190.c index 5b118cd5bf942c48e5d6be5ecf3e8f5b9c4c9559..a9deda8eaf631998bf599f83832fe3e2eb0d1bee 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sis/sis190.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sis/sis190.c @@ -1462,8 +1462,6 @@ static struct net_device * __devinit sis190_init_board(struct pci_dev *pdev) dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*tp)); if (!dev) { - if (netif_msg_drv(&debug)) - pr_err("unable to alloc new ethernet\n"); rc = -ENOMEM; goto err_out_0; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sis/sis900.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sis/sis900.c index c8efc708c792a63d47bb608d1ff16659613bd0c5..5ccf02e7e3ad069e74578bb5760c02cceb4ecc49 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sis/sis900.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sis/sis900.c @@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ static int __devinit sis900_probe(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, ret = sis900_get_mac_addr(pci_dev, net_dev); if (!ret || !is_valid_ether_addr(net_dev->dev_addr)) { - random_ether_addr(net_dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(net_dev); printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Unreadable or invalid MAC address," "using random generated one\n", dev_name); } @@ -619,7 +619,6 @@ static int __devinit sis900_mii_probe(struct net_device * net_dev) } if ((mii_phy = kmalloc(sizeof(struct mii_phy), GFP_KERNEL)) == NULL) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "Cannot allocate mem for struct mii_phy\n"); mii_phy = sis_priv->first_mii; while (mii_phy) { struct mii_phy *phy; @@ -1167,7 +1166,7 @@ sis900_init_rx_ring(struct net_device *net_dev) for (i = 0; i < NUM_RX_DESC; i++) { struct sk_buff *skb; - if ((skb = dev_alloc_skb(RX_BUF_SIZE)) == NULL) { + if ((skb = netdev_alloc_skb(net_dev, RX_BUF_SIZE)) == NULL) { /* not enough memory for skbuff, this makes a "hole" on the buffer ring, it is not clear how the hardware will react to this kind of degenerated @@ -1770,7 +1769,7 @@ static int sis900_rx(struct net_device *net_dev) /* refill the Rx buffer, what if there is not enough * memory for new socket buffer ?? */ - if ((skb = dev_alloc_skb(RX_BUF_SIZE)) == NULL) { + if ((skb = netdev_alloc_skb(net_dev, RX_BUF_SIZE)) == NULL) { /* * Not enough memory to refill the buffer * so we need to recycle the old one so @@ -1828,7 +1827,7 @@ static int sis900_rx(struct net_device *net_dev) entry = sis_priv->dirty_rx % NUM_RX_DESC; if (sis_priv->rx_skbuff[entry] == NULL) { - if ((skb = dev_alloc_skb(RX_BUF_SIZE)) == NULL) { + if ((skb = netdev_alloc_skb(net_dev, RX_BUF_SIZE)) == NULL) { /* not enough memory for skbuff, this makes a * "hole" on the buffer ring, it is not clear * how the hardware will react to this kind diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/epic100.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/epic100.c index 2c077ce0b6d6416d56f200ba1b62a080ce1ac11e..2a662e6112e9b15cbb8dcda6e30bfc9f9c70fb44 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/epic100.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/epic100.c @@ -363,10 +363,9 @@ static int __devinit epic_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev, ret = -ENOMEM; dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof (*ep)); - if (!dev) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "no memory for eth device\n"); + if (!dev) goto err_out_free_res; - } + SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev); #ifdef USE_IO_OPS @@ -935,7 +934,7 @@ static void epic_init_ring(struct net_device *dev) /* Fill in the Rx buffers. Handle allocation failure gracefully. */ for (i = 0; i < RX_RING_SIZE; i++) { - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(ep->rx_buf_sz + 2); + struct sk_buff *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, ep->rx_buf_sz + 2); ep->rx_skbuff[i] = skb; if (skb == NULL) break; @@ -1200,7 +1199,7 @@ static int epic_rx(struct net_device *dev, int budget) /* Check if the packet is long enough to accept without copying to a minimally-sized skbuff. */ if (pkt_len < rx_copybreak && - (skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { + (skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len + 2)) != NULL) { skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* 16 byte align the IP header */ pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(ep->pci_dev, ep->rx_ring[entry].bufaddr, @@ -1233,7 +1232,7 @@ static int epic_rx(struct net_device *dev, int budget) entry = ep->dirty_rx % RX_RING_SIZE; if (ep->rx_skbuff[entry] == NULL) { struct sk_buff *skb; - skb = ep->rx_skbuff[entry] = dev_alloc_skb(ep->rx_buf_sz + 2); + skb = ep->rx_skbuff[entry] = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, ep->rx_buf_sz + 2); if (skb == NULL) break; skb_reserve(skb, 2); /* Align IP on 16 byte boundaries */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smc911x.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smc911x.c index 313ba3b32ab476be80d43f4b4773271f1b17760e..8814b2f5d46f4c702b75c010f5a4507c5d4feb63 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smc911x.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smc911x.c @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ static inline void smc911x_rcv(struct net_device *dev) } else { /* Receive a valid packet */ /* Alloc a buffer with extra room for DMA alignment */ - skb=dev_alloc_skb(pkt_len+32); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pkt_len+32); if (unlikely(skb == NULL)) { PRINTK( "%s: Low memory, rcvd packet dropped.\n", dev->name); @@ -2065,7 +2065,6 @@ static int __devinit smc911x_drv_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct smc911x_local)); if (!ndev) { - printk("%s: could not allocate device.\n", CARDNAME); ret = -ENOMEM; goto release_1; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smc9194.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smc9194.c index 4e45094efb18966c9d879bdd3d3989cc31bb6b77..50823da9dc1ed8d22abcb9fde6026514df076e56 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smc9194.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smc9194.c @@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@ static void smc_rcv(struct net_device *dev) if ( status & RS_MULTICAST ) dev->stats.multicast++; - skb = dev_alloc_skb( packet_length + 5); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, packet_length + 5); if ( skb == NULL ) { printk(KERN_NOTICE CARDNAME ": Low memory, packet dropped.\n"); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smc91c92_cs.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smc91c92_cs.c index ada927aba7a517f64804b06852e33f1f4c2ede39..d12e48a7861d4f966bcf9713c2d82d518a96c2bf 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smc91c92_cs.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smc91c92_cs.c @@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@ static void smc_rx(struct net_device *dev) struct sk_buff *skb; /* Note: packet_length adds 5 or 6 extra bytes here! */ - skb = dev_alloc_skb(packet_length+2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, packet_length+2); if (skb == NULL) { pr_debug("%s: Low memory, packet dropped.\n", dev->name); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smc91x.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smc91x.c index 64ad3ed74495f171e29ff5d4e88c1d1efeab8a51..1dc4fad593e7ebd50a35f50a477e8bcd0a4f8481 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smc91x.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smc91x.c @@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ static inline void smc_rcv(struct net_device *dev) * multiple of 4 bytes on 32 bit buses. * Hence packet_len - 6 + 2 + 2 + 2. */ - skb = dev_alloc_skb(packet_len); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, packet_len); if (unlikely(skb == NULL)) { printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: Low memory, packet dropped.\n", dev->name); @@ -2223,7 +2223,6 @@ static int __devinit smc_drv_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct smc_local)); if (!ndev) { - printk("%s: could not allocate device.\n", CARDNAME); ret = -ENOMEM; goto out; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smsc911x.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smsc911x.c index 24d2df068d717dd2163742dd479c1a97db003235..4a6971027076613f7765a187e2c28eb11df56104 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smsc911x.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smsc911x.c @@ -1833,6 +1833,7 @@ static int smsc911x_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *p) if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; + dev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, ETH_ALEN); spin_lock_irq(&pdata->mac_lock); @@ -2374,7 +2375,6 @@ static int __devinit smsc911x_drv_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct smsc911x_data)); if (!dev) { - pr_warn("Could not allocate device\n"); retval = -ENOMEM; goto out_release_io_1; } @@ -2486,7 +2486,7 @@ static int __devinit smsc911x_drv_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) "Mac Address is read from LAN911x EEPROM"); } else { /* eeprom values are invalid, generate random MAC */ - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); smsc911x_set_hw_mac_address(pdata, dev->dev_addr); SMSC_TRACE(pdata, probe, "MAC Address is set to random_ether_addr"); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smsc9420.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smsc9420.c index a9efbdfe5302df8cc22829b37ed53cef6aa653b8..38386478532b7db8e4983c74f805c300dfa54397 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smsc9420.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/smsc/smsc9420.c @@ -509,10 +509,9 @@ static void smsc9420_check_mac_address(struct net_device *dev) smsc_dbg(PROBE, "Mac Address is read from EEPROM"); } else { /* eeprom values are invalid, generate random MAC */ - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); smsc9420_set_mac_address(dev); - smsc_dbg(PROBE, - "MAC Address is set to random_ether_addr"); + smsc_dbg(PROBE, "MAC Address is set to random"); } } } @@ -850,8 +849,6 @@ static int smsc9420_alloc_rx_buffer(struct smsc9420_pdata *pd, int index) return -ENOMEM; } - skb->dev = pd->dev; - mapping = pci_map_single(pd->pdev, skb_tail_pointer(skb), PKT_BUF_SZ, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); if (pci_dma_mapping_error(pd->pdev, mapping)) { @@ -1598,10 +1595,8 @@ smsc9420_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *id) pci_set_master(pdev); dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*pd)); - if (!dev) { - printk(KERN_ERR "ether device alloc failed\n"); + if (!dev) goto out_disable_pci_device_1; - } SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac_main.c index 6ee593a55a64d9eabbf3238bfba28102257b8cc5..e85ffbd548302994514ec1e46e8faa48be9cd78a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac_main.c @@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ static void stmmac_check_ether_addr(struct stmmac_priv *priv) priv->dev->base_addr, priv->dev->dev_addr, 0); if (!is_valid_ether_addr(priv->dev->dev_addr)) - random_ether_addr(priv->dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(priv->dev); } pr_warning("%s: device MAC address %pM\n", priv->dev->name, priv->dev->dev_addr); @@ -910,10 +910,9 @@ static int stmmac_open(struct net_device *dev) #ifdef CONFIG_STMMAC_TIMER priv->tm = kzalloc(sizeof(struct stmmac_timer *), GFP_KERNEL); - if (unlikely(priv->tm == NULL)) { - pr_err("%s: ERROR: timer memory alloc failed\n", __func__); + if (unlikely(priv->tm == NULL)) return -ENOMEM; - } + priv->tm->freq = tmrate; /* Test if the external timer can be actually used. @@ -1801,10 +1800,8 @@ struct stmmac_priv *stmmac_dvr_probe(struct device *device, struct stmmac_priv *priv; ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct stmmac_priv)); - if (!ndev) { - pr_err("%s: ERROR: allocating the device\n", __func__); + if (!ndev) return NULL; - } SET_NETDEV_DEV(ndev, device); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac_pci.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac_pci.c index 50ad5b80cfaf1885ae71c148543e5cf2c4f1ae36..da66ed7c3c5d7de297ded16490fdc3be302fd75a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac_pci.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac_pci.c @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ static int __devinit stmmac_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, continue; addr = pci_iomap(pdev, i, 0); if (addr == NULL) { - pr_err("%s: ERROR: cannot map regiser memory, aborting", + pr_err("%s: ERROR: cannot map register memory, aborting", __func__); ret = -EIO; goto err_out_map_failed; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac_platform.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac_platform.c index 3aad9810237c0dedb8c23f39324f2db646009f1a..116529a366b28d319983dbee62d930554580901a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac_platform.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac_platform.c @@ -24,8 +24,48 @@ #include #include +#include +#include #include "stmmac.h" +#ifdef CONFIG_OF +static int __devinit stmmac_probe_config_dt(struct platform_device *pdev, + struct plat_stmmacenet_data *plat, + const char **mac) +{ + struct device_node *np = pdev->dev.of_node; + + if (!np) + return -ENODEV; + + *mac = of_get_mac_address(np); + plat->interface = of_get_phy_mode(np); + plat->mdio_bus_data = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, + sizeof(struct stmmac_mdio_bus_data), + GFP_KERNEL); + + /* + * Currently only the properties needed on SPEAr600 + * are provided. All other properties should be added + * once needed on other platforms. + */ + if (of_device_is_compatible(np, "st,spear600-gmac")) { + plat->pbl = 8; + plat->has_gmac = 1; + plat->pmt = 1; + } + + return 0; +} +#else +static int __devinit stmmac_probe_config_dt(struct platform_device *pdev, + struct plat_stmmacenet_data *plat, + const char **mac) +{ + return -ENOSYS; +} +#endif /* CONFIG_OF */ + /** * stmmac_pltfr_probe * @pdev: platform device pointer @@ -39,7 +79,8 @@ static int stmmac_pltfr_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) struct resource *res; void __iomem *addr = NULL; struct stmmac_priv *priv = NULL; - struct plat_stmmacenet_data *plat_dat; + struct plat_stmmacenet_data *plat_dat = NULL; + const char *mac = NULL; res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0); if (!res) @@ -58,7 +99,25 @@ static int stmmac_pltfr_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) ret = -ENOMEM; goto out_release_region; } - plat_dat = pdev->dev.platform_data; + + if (pdev->dev.of_node) { + plat_dat = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, + sizeof(struct plat_stmmacenet_data), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!plat_dat) { + pr_err("%s: ERROR: no memory", __func__); + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto out_unmap; + } + + ret = stmmac_probe_config_dt(pdev, plat_dat, &mac); + if (ret) { + pr_err("%s: main dt probe failed", __func__); + goto out_unmap; + } + } else { + plat_dat = pdev->dev.platform_data; + } /* Custom initialisation (if needed)*/ if (plat_dat->init) { @@ -73,6 +132,10 @@ static int stmmac_pltfr_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) goto out_unmap; } + /* Get MAC address if available (DT) */ + if (mac) + memcpy(priv->dev->dev_addr, mac, ETH_ALEN); + /* Get the MAC information */ priv->dev->irq = platform_get_irq_byname(pdev, "macirq"); if (priv->dev->irq == -ENXIO) { @@ -178,6 +241,12 @@ static const struct dev_pm_ops stmmac_pltfr_pm_ops = { static const struct dev_pm_ops stmmac_pltfr_pm_ops; #endif /* CONFIG_PM */ +static const struct of_device_id stmmac_dt_ids[] = { + { .compatible = "st,spear600-gmac", }, + { /* sentinel */ } +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, stmmac_dt_ids); + static struct platform_driver stmmac_driver = { .probe = stmmac_pltfr_probe, .remove = stmmac_pltfr_remove, @@ -185,6 +254,7 @@ static struct platform_driver stmmac_driver = { .name = STMMAC_RESOURCE_NAME, .owner = THIS_MODULE, .pm = &stmmac_pltfr_pm_ops, + .of_match_table = of_match_ptr(stmmac_dt_ids), }, }; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/cassini.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/cassini.c index f10665f594c4f8aaaf37b1e81632e80513f28447..b36edbd625dd4f6a352eee4d3112457eb8d8894f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/cassini.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/cassini.c @@ -835,7 +835,6 @@ static int cas_saturn_firmware_init(struct cas *cp) cp->fw_data = vmalloc(cp->fw_size); if (!cp->fw_data) { err = -ENOMEM; - pr_err("\"%s\" Failed %d\n", fw_name, err); goto out; } memcpy(cp->fw_data, &fw->data[2], cp->fw_size); @@ -1975,7 +1974,7 @@ static int cas_rx_process_pkt(struct cas *cp, struct cas_rx_comp *rxc, else alloclen = max(hlen, RX_COPY_MIN); - skb = dev_alloc_skb(alloclen + swivel + cp->crc_size); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(cp->dev, alloclen + swivel + cp->crc_size); if (skb == NULL) return -1; @@ -4947,7 +4946,6 @@ static int __devinit cas_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*cp)); if (!dev) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Etherdev alloc failed, aborting\n"); err = -ENOMEM; goto err_out_disable_pdev; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/niu.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/niu.c index cf433931304fd5cf2544bdfc5d3f58609d4bd81c..c99b3b0e2eae6734817d062de946cf8ad25b3ed1 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/niu.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/niu.c @@ -6412,7 +6412,7 @@ static int niu_set_mac_addr(struct net_device *dev, void *p) unsigned long flags; if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, ETH_ALEN); @@ -9685,10 +9685,8 @@ static struct net_device * __devinit niu_alloc_and_init( struct niu *np; dev = alloc_etherdev_mq(sizeof(struct niu), NIU_NUM_TXCHAN); - if (!dev) { - dev_err(gen_dev, "Etherdev alloc failed, aborting\n"); + if (!dev) return NULL; - } SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, gen_dev); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sunbmac.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sunbmac.c index 220f724c3377dcfb8a152174100f80e1395674d7..f359863b5340e203255c32c8cda04f7e13bc3711 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sunbmac.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sunbmac.c @@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ static void bigmac_rx(struct bigmac *bp) /* Trim the original skb for the netif. */ skb_trim(skb, len); } else { - struct sk_buff *copy_skb = dev_alloc_skb(len + 2); + struct sk_buff *copy_skb = netdev_alloc_skb(bp->dev, len + 2); if (copy_skb == NULL) { drops++; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sungem.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sungem.c index 31441a870b0b84bba089b757a12d73d9657e451e..ba041596e04629e5513732910d99d8b48175d3f4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sungem.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sungem.c @@ -2885,7 +2885,6 @@ static int __devinit gem_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*gp)); if (!dev) { - pr_err("Etherdev alloc failed, aborting\n"); err = -ENOMEM; goto err_disable_device; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sunhme.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sunhme.c index 09c518655db2bcc36ffca85518325a6af3358ecf..8b627e2f798d42e3ce6c4953ace642d1ee2f6c7e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sunhme.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sunhme.c @@ -2043,7 +2043,7 @@ static void happy_meal_rx(struct happy_meal *hp, struct net_device *dev) /* Trim the original skb for the netif. */ skb_trim(skb, len); } else { - struct sk_buff *copy_skb = dev_alloc_skb(len + 2); + struct sk_buff *copy_skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, len + 2); if (copy_skb == NULL) { drops++; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sunqe.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sunqe.c index b28f74367ebee8333c2fe6abea3bf8823b788ec0..139d6b410d687cc9655b13aafcfbce4c63d454db 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sunqe.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sunqe.c @@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ static void qe_rx(struct sunqe *qep) dev->stats.rx_length_errors++; dev->stats.rx_dropped++; } else { - skb = dev_alloc_skb(len + 2); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, len + 2); if (skb == NULL) { drops++; dev->stats.rx_dropped++; @@ -907,14 +907,8 @@ static int __devinit qec_ether_init(struct platform_device *op) dev_set_drvdata(&op->dev, qe); - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: qe channel[%d] ", dev->name, qe->channel); - for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) - printk ("%2.2x%c", - dev->dev_addr[i], - i == 5 ? ' ': ':'); - printk("\n"); - - + printk(KERN_INFO "%s: qe channel[%d] %pM\n", dev->name, qe->channel, + dev->dev_addr); return 0; fail: diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sunvnet.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sunvnet.c index 8c6c059f34899d98d50bc6e1d1b2afc65c7aedb1..92a037a8228a3f0c004347442517fe9c2d0c4588 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sunvnet.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/sunvnet.c @@ -949,10 +949,9 @@ static int __devinit vnet_port_alloc_tx_bufs(struct vnet_port *port) int map_len = (ETH_FRAME_LEN + 7) & ~7; err = -ENOMEM; - if (!buf) { - pr_err("TX buffer allocation failure\n"); + if (!buf) goto err_out; - } + err = -EFAULT; if ((unsigned long)buf & (8UL - 1)) { pr_err("TX buffer misaligned\n"); @@ -1027,10 +1026,8 @@ static struct vnet * __devinit vnet_new(const u64 *local_mac) int err, i; dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*vp)); - if (!dev) { - pr_err("Etherdev alloc failed, aborting\n"); + if (!dev) return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); - } for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) dev->dev_addr[i] = (*local_mac >> (5 - i) * 8) & 0xff; @@ -1165,10 +1162,8 @@ static int __devinit vnet_port_probe(struct vio_dev *vdev, port = kzalloc(sizeof(*port), GFP_KERNEL); err = -ENOMEM; - if (!port) { - pr_err("Cannot allocate vnet_port\n"); + if (!port) goto err_out_put_mdesc; - } for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) port->raddr[i] = (*rmac >> (5 - i) * 8) & 0xff; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/tehuti/tehuti.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/tehuti/tehuti.c index 4b19e9b0606b842e0bed7f40bdc5fc0400901b5e..ad973ffc9ff363acb4ecd923bcd3d93a3b78dc18 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/tehuti/tehuti.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/tehuti/tehuti.c @@ -1089,12 +1089,11 @@ static void bdx_rx_alloc_skbs(struct bdx_priv *priv, struct rxf_fifo *f) ENTER; dno = bdx_rxdb_available(db) - 1; while (dno > 0) { - skb = dev_alloc_skb(f->m.pktsz + NET_IP_ALIGN); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(priv->ndev, f->m.pktsz + NET_IP_ALIGN); if (!skb) { - pr_err("NO MEM: dev_alloc_skb failed\n"); + pr_err("NO MEM: netdev_alloc_skb failed\n"); break; } - skb->dev = priv->ndev; skb_reserve(skb, NET_IP_ALIGN); idx = bdx_rxdb_alloc_elem(db); @@ -1258,7 +1257,7 @@ static int bdx_rx_receive(struct bdx_priv *priv, struct rxd_fifo *f, int budget) skb = dm->skb; if (len < BDX_COPYBREAK && - (skb2 = dev_alloc_skb(len + NET_IP_ALIGN))) { + (skb2 = netdev_alloc_skb(priv->ndev, len + NET_IP_ALIGN))) { skb_reserve(skb2, NET_IP_ALIGN); /*skb_put(skb2, len); */ pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(priv->pdev, @@ -1978,7 +1977,6 @@ bdx_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct bdx_priv)); if (!ndev) { err = -ENOMEM; - pr_err("alloc_etherdev failed\n"); goto err_out_iomap; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/Kconfig b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/Kconfig index de76c70ec8fb55ba960e9e87fb6fc70d99cacb5f..b42252c4bec8903622db89641d12efca325c8277 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/Kconfig @@ -49,6 +49,17 @@ config TI_DAVINCI_CPDMA To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module will be called davinci_cpdma. This is recommended. +config TI_CPSW + tristate "TI CPSW Switch Support" + depends on ARM && (ARCH_DAVINCI || SOC_OMAPAM33XX) + select TI_DAVINCI_CPDMA + select TI_DAVINCI_MDIO + ---help--- + This driver supports TI's CPSW Ethernet Switch. + + To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module + will be called cpsw. + config TLAN tristate "TI ThunderLAN support" depends on (PCI || EISA) diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/Makefile b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/Makefile index aedb3af74e5a1ec73e856684a18305d58788b8df..91bd8bba78ffb872faa4b4f60cc43196e4893773 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/Makefile @@ -7,3 +7,5 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_CPMAC) += cpmac.o obj-$(CONFIG_TI_DAVINCI_EMAC) += davinci_emac.o obj-$(CONFIG_TI_DAVINCI_MDIO) += davinci_mdio.o obj-$(CONFIG_TI_DAVINCI_CPDMA) += davinci_cpdma.o +obj-$(CONFIG_TI_CPSW) += ti_cpsw.o +ti_cpsw-y := cpsw_ale.o cpsw.o diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/cpmac.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/cpmac.c index cbc8df78d84bf65ab45668b5b585bf1bd5d11d7f..860c2526f08d0dd470b777756ca4db1d93094a62 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/cpmac.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/cpmac.c @@ -1143,11 +1143,8 @@ static int __devinit cpmac_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) } dev = alloc_etherdev_mq(sizeof(*priv), CPMAC_QUEUES); - - if (!dev) { - printk(KERN_ERR "cpmac: Unable to allocate net_device\n"); + if (!dev) return -ENOMEM; - } platform_set_drvdata(pdev, dev); priv = netdev_priv(dev); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/cpsw.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/cpsw.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6685bbb5705a93ff659d5429578ac7e0203bcbb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/cpsw.c @@ -0,0 +1,1019 @@ +/* + * Texas Instruments Ethernet Switch Driver + * + * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation version 2. + * + * This program is distributed "as is" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any + * kind, whether express or implied; without even the implied warranty + * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +#include "cpsw_ale.h" +#include "davinci_cpdma.h" + +#define CPSW_DEBUG (NETIF_MSG_HW | NETIF_MSG_WOL | \ + NETIF_MSG_DRV | NETIF_MSG_LINK | \ + NETIF_MSG_IFUP | NETIF_MSG_INTR | \ + NETIF_MSG_PROBE | NETIF_MSG_TIMER | \ + NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN | NETIF_MSG_RX_ERR | \ + NETIF_MSG_TX_ERR | NETIF_MSG_TX_DONE | \ + NETIF_MSG_PKTDATA | NETIF_MSG_TX_QUEUED | \ + NETIF_MSG_RX_STATUS) + +#define cpsw_info(priv, type, format, ...) \ +do { \ + if (netif_msg_##type(priv) && net_ratelimit()) \ + dev_info(priv->dev, format, ## __VA_ARGS__); \ +} while (0) + +#define cpsw_err(priv, type, format, ...) \ +do { \ + if (netif_msg_##type(priv) && net_ratelimit()) \ + dev_err(priv->dev, format, ## __VA_ARGS__); \ +} while (0) + +#define cpsw_dbg(priv, type, format, ...) \ +do { \ + if (netif_msg_##type(priv) && net_ratelimit()) \ + dev_dbg(priv->dev, format, ## __VA_ARGS__); \ +} while (0) + +#define cpsw_notice(priv, type, format, ...) \ +do { \ + if (netif_msg_##type(priv) && net_ratelimit()) \ + dev_notice(priv->dev, format, ## __VA_ARGS__); \ +} while (0) + +#define CPSW_MAJOR_VERSION(reg) (reg >> 8 & 0x7) +#define CPSW_MINOR_VERSION(reg) (reg & 0xff) +#define CPSW_RTL_VERSION(reg) ((reg >> 11) & 0x1f) + +#define CPDMA_RXTHRESH 0x0c0 +#define CPDMA_RXFREE 0x0e0 +#define CPDMA_TXHDP 0x00 +#define CPDMA_RXHDP 0x20 +#define CPDMA_TXCP 0x40 +#define CPDMA_RXCP 0x60 + +#define cpsw_dma_regs(base, offset) \ + (void __iomem *)((base) + (offset)) +#define cpsw_dma_rxthresh(base, offset) \ + (void __iomem *)((base) + (offset) + CPDMA_RXTHRESH) +#define cpsw_dma_rxfree(base, offset) \ + (void __iomem *)((base) + (offset) + CPDMA_RXFREE) +#define cpsw_dma_txhdp(base, offset) \ + (void __iomem *)((base) + (offset) + CPDMA_TXHDP) +#define cpsw_dma_rxhdp(base, offset) \ + (void __iomem *)((base) + (offset) + CPDMA_RXHDP) +#define cpsw_dma_txcp(base, offset) \ + (void __iomem *)((base) + (offset) + CPDMA_TXCP) +#define cpsw_dma_rxcp(base, offset) \ + (void __iomem *)((base) + (offset) + CPDMA_RXCP) + +#define CPSW_POLL_WEIGHT 64 +#define CPSW_MIN_PACKET_SIZE 60 +#define CPSW_MAX_PACKET_SIZE (1500 + 14 + 4 + 4) + +#define RX_PRIORITY_MAPPING 0x76543210 +#define TX_PRIORITY_MAPPING 0x33221100 +#define CPDMA_TX_PRIORITY_MAP 0x76543210 + +#define cpsw_enable_irq(priv) \ + do { \ + u32 i; \ + for (i = 0; i < priv->num_irqs; i++) \ + enable_irq(priv->irqs_table[i]); \ + } while (0); +#define cpsw_disable_irq(priv) \ + do { \ + u32 i; \ + for (i = 0; i < priv->num_irqs; i++) \ + disable_irq_nosync(priv->irqs_table[i]); \ + } while (0); + +static int debug_level; +module_param(debug_level, int, 0); +MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug_level, "cpsw debug level (NETIF_MSG bits)"); + +static int ale_ageout = 10; +module_param(ale_ageout, int, 0); +MODULE_PARM_DESC(ale_ageout, "cpsw ale ageout interval (seconds)"); + +static int rx_packet_max = CPSW_MAX_PACKET_SIZE; +module_param(rx_packet_max, int, 0); +MODULE_PARM_DESC(rx_packet_max, "maximum receive packet size (bytes)"); + +struct cpsw_ss_regs { + u32 id_ver; + u32 soft_reset; + u32 control; + u32 int_control; + u32 rx_thresh_en; + u32 rx_en; + u32 tx_en; + u32 misc_en; +}; + +struct cpsw_regs { + u32 id_ver; + u32 control; + u32 soft_reset; + u32 stat_port_en; + u32 ptype; +}; + +struct cpsw_slave_regs { + u32 max_blks; + u32 blk_cnt; + u32 flow_thresh; + u32 port_vlan; + u32 tx_pri_map; + u32 ts_ctl; + u32 ts_seq_ltype; + u32 ts_vlan; + u32 sa_lo; + u32 sa_hi; +}; + +struct cpsw_host_regs { + u32 max_blks; + u32 blk_cnt; + u32 flow_thresh; + u32 port_vlan; + u32 tx_pri_map; + u32 cpdma_tx_pri_map; + u32 cpdma_rx_chan_map; +}; + +struct cpsw_sliver_regs { + u32 id_ver; + u32 mac_control; + u32 mac_status; + u32 soft_reset; + u32 rx_maxlen; + u32 __reserved_0; + u32 rx_pause; + u32 tx_pause; + u32 __reserved_1; + u32 rx_pri_map; +}; + +struct cpsw_slave { + struct cpsw_slave_regs __iomem *regs; + struct cpsw_sliver_regs __iomem *sliver; + int slave_num; + u32 mac_control; + struct cpsw_slave_data *data; + struct phy_device *phy; +}; + +struct cpsw_priv { + spinlock_t lock; + struct platform_device *pdev; + struct net_device *ndev; + struct resource *cpsw_res; + struct resource *cpsw_ss_res; + struct napi_struct napi; + struct device *dev; + struct cpsw_platform_data data; + struct cpsw_regs __iomem *regs; + struct cpsw_ss_regs __iomem *ss_regs; + struct cpsw_host_regs __iomem *host_port_regs; + u32 msg_enable; + struct net_device_stats stats; + int rx_packet_max; + int host_port; + struct clk *clk; + u8 mac_addr[ETH_ALEN]; + struct cpsw_slave *slaves; + struct cpdma_ctlr *dma; + struct cpdma_chan *txch, *rxch; + struct cpsw_ale *ale; + /* snapshot of IRQ numbers */ + u32 irqs_table[4]; + u32 num_irqs; +}; + +#define napi_to_priv(napi) container_of(napi, struct cpsw_priv, napi) +#define for_each_slave(priv, func, arg...) \ + do { \ + int idx; \ + for (idx = 0; idx < (priv)->data.slaves; idx++) \ + (func)((priv)->slaves + idx, ##arg); \ + } while (0) + +static void cpsw_intr_enable(struct cpsw_priv *priv) +{ + __raw_writel(0xFF, &priv->ss_regs->tx_en); + __raw_writel(0xFF, &priv->ss_regs->rx_en); + + cpdma_ctlr_int_ctrl(priv->dma, true); + return; +} + +static void cpsw_intr_disable(struct cpsw_priv *priv) +{ + __raw_writel(0, &priv->ss_regs->tx_en); + __raw_writel(0, &priv->ss_regs->rx_en); + + cpdma_ctlr_int_ctrl(priv->dma, false); + return; +} + +void cpsw_tx_handler(void *token, int len, int status) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb = token; + struct net_device *ndev = skb->dev; + struct cpsw_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + + if (unlikely(netif_queue_stopped(ndev))) + netif_start_queue(ndev); + priv->stats.tx_packets++; + priv->stats.tx_bytes += len; + dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); +} + +void cpsw_rx_handler(void *token, int len, int status) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb = token; + struct net_device *ndev = skb->dev; + struct cpsw_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + int ret = 0; + + /* free and bail if we are shutting down */ + if (unlikely(!netif_running(ndev)) || + unlikely(!netif_carrier_ok(ndev))) { + dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); + return; + } + if (likely(status >= 0)) { + skb_put(skb, len); + skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, ndev); + netif_receive_skb(skb); + priv->stats.rx_bytes += len; + priv->stats.rx_packets++; + skb = NULL; + } + + if (unlikely(!netif_running(ndev))) { + if (skb) + dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); + return; + } + + if (likely(!skb)) { + skb = netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align(ndev, priv->rx_packet_max); + if (WARN_ON(!skb)) + return; + + ret = cpdma_chan_submit(priv->rxch, skb, skb->data, + skb_tailroom(skb), GFP_KERNEL); + } + WARN_ON(ret < 0); +} + +static irqreturn_t cpsw_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) +{ + struct cpsw_priv *priv = dev_id; + + if (likely(netif_running(priv->ndev))) { + cpsw_intr_disable(priv); + cpsw_disable_irq(priv); + napi_schedule(&priv->napi); + } + return IRQ_HANDLED; +} + +static inline int cpsw_get_slave_port(struct cpsw_priv *priv, u32 slave_num) +{ + if (priv->host_port == 0) + return slave_num + 1; + else + return slave_num; +} + +static int cpsw_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) +{ + struct cpsw_priv *priv = napi_to_priv(napi); + int num_tx, num_rx; + + num_tx = cpdma_chan_process(priv->txch, 128); + num_rx = cpdma_chan_process(priv->rxch, budget); + + if (num_rx || num_tx) + cpsw_dbg(priv, intr, "poll %d rx, %d tx pkts\n", + num_rx, num_tx); + + if (num_rx < budget) { + napi_complete(napi); + cpsw_intr_enable(priv); + cpdma_ctlr_eoi(priv->dma); + cpsw_enable_irq(priv); + } + + return num_rx; +} + +static inline void soft_reset(const char *module, void __iomem *reg) +{ + unsigned long timeout = jiffies + HZ; + + __raw_writel(1, reg); + do { + cpu_relax(); + } while ((__raw_readl(reg) & 1) && time_after(timeout, jiffies)); + + WARN(__raw_readl(reg) & 1, "failed to soft-reset %s\n", module); +} + +#define mac_hi(mac) (((mac)[0] << 0) | ((mac)[1] << 8) | \ + ((mac)[2] << 16) | ((mac)[3] << 24)) +#define mac_lo(mac) (((mac)[4] << 0) | ((mac)[5] << 8)) + +static void cpsw_set_slave_mac(struct cpsw_slave *slave, + struct cpsw_priv *priv) +{ + __raw_writel(mac_hi(priv->mac_addr), &slave->regs->sa_hi); + __raw_writel(mac_lo(priv->mac_addr), &slave->regs->sa_lo); +} + +static void _cpsw_adjust_link(struct cpsw_slave *slave, + struct cpsw_priv *priv, bool *link) +{ + struct phy_device *phy = slave->phy; + u32 mac_control = 0; + u32 slave_port; + + if (!phy) + return; + + slave_port = cpsw_get_slave_port(priv, slave->slave_num); + + if (phy->link) { + mac_control = priv->data.mac_control; + + /* enable forwarding */ + cpsw_ale_control_set(priv->ale, slave_port, + ALE_PORT_STATE, ALE_PORT_STATE_FORWARD); + + if (phy->speed == 1000) + mac_control |= BIT(7); /* GIGABITEN */ + if (phy->duplex) + mac_control |= BIT(0); /* FULLDUPLEXEN */ + *link = true; + } else { + mac_control = 0; + /* disable forwarding */ + cpsw_ale_control_set(priv->ale, slave_port, + ALE_PORT_STATE, ALE_PORT_STATE_DISABLE); + } + + if (mac_control != slave->mac_control) { + phy_print_status(phy); + __raw_writel(mac_control, &slave->sliver->mac_control); + } + + slave->mac_control = mac_control; +} + +static void cpsw_adjust_link(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct cpsw_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + bool link = false; + + for_each_slave(priv, _cpsw_adjust_link, priv, &link); + + if (link) { + netif_carrier_on(ndev); + if (netif_running(ndev)) + netif_wake_queue(ndev); + } else { + netif_carrier_off(ndev); + netif_stop_queue(ndev); + } +} + +static inline int __show_stat(char *buf, int maxlen, const char *name, u32 val) +{ + static char *leader = "........................................"; + + if (!val) + return 0; + else + return snprintf(buf, maxlen, "%s %s %10d\n", name, + leader + strlen(name), val); +} + +static void cpsw_slave_open(struct cpsw_slave *slave, struct cpsw_priv *priv) +{ + char name[32]; + u32 slave_port; + + sprintf(name, "slave-%d", slave->slave_num); + + soft_reset(name, &slave->sliver->soft_reset); + + /* setup priority mapping */ + __raw_writel(RX_PRIORITY_MAPPING, &slave->sliver->rx_pri_map); + __raw_writel(TX_PRIORITY_MAPPING, &slave->regs->tx_pri_map); + + /* setup max packet size, and mac address */ + __raw_writel(priv->rx_packet_max, &slave->sliver->rx_maxlen); + cpsw_set_slave_mac(slave, priv); + + slave->mac_control = 0; /* no link yet */ + + slave_port = cpsw_get_slave_port(priv, slave->slave_num); + + cpsw_ale_add_mcast(priv->ale, priv->ndev->broadcast, + 1 << slave_port, 0, ALE_MCAST_FWD_2); + + slave->phy = phy_connect(priv->ndev, slave->data->phy_id, + &cpsw_adjust_link, 0, slave->data->phy_if); + if (IS_ERR(slave->phy)) { + dev_err(priv->dev, "phy %s not found on slave %d\n", + slave->data->phy_id, slave->slave_num); + slave->phy = NULL; + } else { + dev_info(priv->dev, "phy found : id is : 0x%x\n", + slave->phy->phy_id); + phy_start(slave->phy); + } +} + +static void cpsw_init_host_port(struct cpsw_priv *priv) +{ + /* soft reset the controller and initialize ale */ + soft_reset("cpsw", &priv->regs->soft_reset); + cpsw_ale_start(priv->ale); + + /* switch to vlan unaware mode */ + cpsw_ale_control_set(priv->ale, 0, ALE_VLAN_AWARE, 0); + + /* setup host port priority mapping */ + __raw_writel(CPDMA_TX_PRIORITY_MAP, + &priv->host_port_regs->cpdma_tx_pri_map); + __raw_writel(0, &priv->host_port_regs->cpdma_rx_chan_map); + + cpsw_ale_control_set(priv->ale, priv->host_port, + ALE_PORT_STATE, ALE_PORT_STATE_FORWARD); + + cpsw_ale_add_ucast(priv->ale, priv->mac_addr, priv->host_port, 0); + cpsw_ale_add_mcast(priv->ale, priv->ndev->broadcast, + 1 << priv->host_port, 0, ALE_MCAST_FWD_2); +} + +static int cpsw_ndo_open(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct cpsw_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + int i, ret; + u32 reg; + + cpsw_intr_disable(priv); + netif_carrier_off(ndev); + + ret = clk_enable(priv->clk); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(priv->dev, "unable to turn on device clock\n"); + return ret; + } + + reg = __raw_readl(&priv->regs->id_ver); + + dev_info(priv->dev, "initializing cpsw version %d.%d (%d)\n", + CPSW_MAJOR_VERSION(reg), CPSW_MINOR_VERSION(reg), + CPSW_RTL_VERSION(reg)); + + /* initialize host and slave ports */ + cpsw_init_host_port(priv); + for_each_slave(priv, cpsw_slave_open, priv); + + /* setup tx dma to fixed prio and zero offset */ + cpdma_control_set(priv->dma, CPDMA_TX_PRIO_FIXED, 1); + cpdma_control_set(priv->dma, CPDMA_RX_BUFFER_OFFSET, 0); + + /* disable priority elevation and enable statistics on all ports */ + __raw_writel(0, &priv->regs->ptype); + + /* enable statistics collection only on the host port */ + __raw_writel(0x7, &priv->regs->stat_port_en); + + if (WARN_ON(!priv->data.rx_descs)) + priv->data.rx_descs = 128; + + for (i = 0; i < priv->data.rx_descs; i++) { + struct sk_buff *skb; + + ret = -ENOMEM; + skb = netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align(priv->ndev, + priv->rx_packet_max); + if (!skb) + break; + ret = cpdma_chan_submit(priv->rxch, skb, skb->data, + skb_tailroom(skb), GFP_KERNEL); + if (WARN_ON(ret < 0)) + break; + } + /* continue even if we didn't manage to submit all receive descs */ + cpsw_info(priv, ifup, "submitted %d rx descriptors\n", i); + + cpdma_ctlr_start(priv->dma); + cpsw_intr_enable(priv); + napi_enable(&priv->napi); + cpdma_ctlr_eoi(priv->dma); + + return 0; +} + +static void cpsw_slave_stop(struct cpsw_slave *slave, struct cpsw_priv *priv) +{ + if (!slave->phy) + return; + phy_stop(slave->phy); + phy_disconnect(slave->phy); + slave->phy = NULL; +} + +static int cpsw_ndo_stop(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct cpsw_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + + cpsw_info(priv, ifdown, "shutting down cpsw device\n"); + cpsw_intr_disable(priv); + cpdma_ctlr_int_ctrl(priv->dma, false); + cpdma_ctlr_stop(priv->dma); + netif_stop_queue(priv->ndev); + napi_disable(&priv->napi); + netif_carrier_off(priv->ndev); + cpsw_ale_stop(priv->ale); + for_each_slave(priv, cpsw_slave_stop, priv); + clk_disable(priv->clk); + return 0; +} + +static netdev_tx_t cpsw_ndo_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, + struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct cpsw_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + int ret; + + ndev->trans_start = jiffies; + + if (skb_padto(skb, CPSW_MIN_PACKET_SIZE)) { + cpsw_err(priv, tx_err, "packet pad failed\n"); + priv->stats.tx_dropped++; + return NETDEV_TX_OK; + } + + ret = cpdma_chan_submit(priv->txch, skb, skb->data, + skb->len, GFP_KERNEL); + if (unlikely(ret != 0)) { + cpsw_err(priv, tx_err, "desc submit failed\n"); + goto fail; + } + + return NETDEV_TX_OK; +fail: + priv->stats.tx_dropped++; + netif_stop_queue(ndev); + return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; +} + +static void cpsw_ndo_change_rx_flags(struct net_device *ndev, int flags) +{ + /* + * The switch cannot operate in promiscuous mode without substantial + * headache. For promiscuous mode to work, we would need to put the + * ALE in bypass mode and route all traffic to the host port. + * Subsequently, the host will need to operate as a "bridge", learn, + * and flood as needed. For now, we simply complain here and + * do nothing about it :-) + */ + if ((flags & IFF_PROMISC) && (ndev->flags & IFF_PROMISC)) + dev_err(&ndev->dev, "promiscuity ignored!\n"); + + /* + * The switch cannot filter multicast traffic unless it is configured + * in "VLAN Aware" mode. Unfortunately, VLAN awareness requires a + * whole bunch of additional logic that this driver does not implement + * at present. + */ + if ((flags & IFF_ALLMULTI) && !(ndev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI)) + dev_err(&ndev->dev, "multicast traffic cannot be filtered!\n"); +} + +static void cpsw_ndo_tx_timeout(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct cpsw_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + + cpsw_err(priv, tx_err, "transmit timeout, restarting dma\n"); + priv->stats.tx_errors++; + cpsw_intr_disable(priv); + cpdma_ctlr_int_ctrl(priv->dma, false); + cpdma_chan_stop(priv->txch); + cpdma_chan_start(priv->txch); + cpdma_ctlr_int_ctrl(priv->dma, true); + cpsw_intr_enable(priv); + cpdma_ctlr_eoi(priv->dma); +} + +static struct net_device_stats *cpsw_ndo_get_stats(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct cpsw_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + return &priv->stats; +} + +#ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER +static void cpsw_ndo_poll_controller(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct cpsw_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + + cpsw_intr_disable(priv); + cpdma_ctlr_int_ctrl(priv->dma, false); + cpsw_interrupt(ndev->irq, priv); + cpdma_ctlr_int_ctrl(priv->dma, true); + cpsw_intr_enable(priv); + cpdma_ctlr_eoi(priv->dma); +} +#endif + +static const struct net_device_ops cpsw_netdev_ops = { + .ndo_open = cpsw_ndo_open, + .ndo_stop = cpsw_ndo_stop, + .ndo_start_xmit = cpsw_ndo_start_xmit, + .ndo_change_rx_flags = cpsw_ndo_change_rx_flags, + .ndo_validate_addr = eth_validate_addr, + .ndo_change_mtu = eth_change_mtu, + .ndo_tx_timeout = cpsw_ndo_tx_timeout, + .ndo_get_stats = cpsw_ndo_get_stats, +#ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER + .ndo_poll_controller = cpsw_ndo_poll_controller, +#endif +}; + +static void cpsw_get_drvinfo(struct net_device *ndev, + struct ethtool_drvinfo *info) +{ + struct cpsw_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + strcpy(info->driver, "TI CPSW Driver v1.0"); + strcpy(info->version, "1.0"); + strcpy(info->bus_info, priv->pdev->name); +} + +static u32 cpsw_get_msglevel(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct cpsw_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + return priv->msg_enable; +} + +static void cpsw_set_msglevel(struct net_device *ndev, u32 value) +{ + struct cpsw_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + priv->msg_enable = value; +} + +static const struct ethtool_ops cpsw_ethtool_ops = { + .get_drvinfo = cpsw_get_drvinfo, + .get_msglevel = cpsw_get_msglevel, + .set_msglevel = cpsw_set_msglevel, + .get_link = ethtool_op_get_link, +}; + +static void cpsw_slave_init(struct cpsw_slave *slave, struct cpsw_priv *priv) +{ + void __iomem *regs = priv->regs; + int slave_num = slave->slave_num; + struct cpsw_slave_data *data = priv->data.slave_data + slave_num; + + slave->data = data; + slave->regs = regs + data->slave_reg_ofs; + slave->sliver = regs + data->sliver_reg_ofs; +} + +static int __devinit cpsw_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + struct cpsw_platform_data *data = pdev->dev.platform_data; + struct net_device *ndev; + struct cpsw_priv *priv; + struct cpdma_params dma_params; + struct cpsw_ale_params ale_params; + void __iomem *regs; + struct resource *res; + int ret = 0, i, k = 0; + + if (!data) { + pr_err("platform data missing\n"); + return -ENODEV; + } + + ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct cpsw_priv)); + if (!ndev) { + pr_err("error allocating net_device\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + platform_set_drvdata(pdev, ndev); + priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + spin_lock_init(&priv->lock); + priv->data = *data; + priv->pdev = pdev; + priv->ndev = ndev; + priv->dev = &ndev->dev; + priv->msg_enable = netif_msg_init(debug_level, CPSW_DEBUG); + priv->rx_packet_max = max(rx_packet_max, 128); + + if (is_valid_ether_addr(data->slave_data[0].mac_addr)) { + memcpy(priv->mac_addr, data->slave_data[0].mac_addr, ETH_ALEN); + pr_info("Detected MACID = %pM", priv->mac_addr); + } else { + random_ether_addr(priv->mac_addr); + pr_info("Random MACID = %pM", priv->mac_addr); + } + + memcpy(ndev->dev_addr, priv->mac_addr, ETH_ALEN); + + priv->slaves = kzalloc(sizeof(struct cpsw_slave) * data->slaves, + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!priv->slaves) { + ret = -EBUSY; + goto clean_ndev_ret; + } + for (i = 0; i < data->slaves; i++) + priv->slaves[i].slave_num = i; + + priv->clk = clk_get(&pdev->dev, NULL); + if (IS_ERR(priv->clk)) { + dev_err(priv->dev, "failed to get device clock)\n"); + ret = -EBUSY; + } + + priv->cpsw_res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0); + if (!priv->cpsw_res) { + dev_err(priv->dev, "error getting i/o resource\n"); + ret = -ENOENT; + goto clean_clk_ret; + } + + if (!request_mem_region(priv->cpsw_res->start, + resource_size(priv->cpsw_res), ndev->name)) { + dev_err(priv->dev, "failed request i/o region\n"); + ret = -ENXIO; + goto clean_clk_ret; + } + + regs = ioremap(priv->cpsw_res->start, resource_size(priv->cpsw_res)); + if (!regs) { + dev_err(priv->dev, "unable to map i/o region\n"); + goto clean_cpsw_iores_ret; + } + priv->regs = regs; + priv->host_port = data->host_port_num; + priv->host_port_regs = regs + data->host_port_reg_ofs; + + priv->cpsw_ss_res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 1); + if (!priv->cpsw_ss_res) { + dev_err(priv->dev, "error getting i/o resource\n"); + ret = -ENOENT; + goto clean_clk_ret; + } + + if (!request_mem_region(priv->cpsw_ss_res->start, + resource_size(priv->cpsw_ss_res), ndev->name)) { + dev_err(priv->dev, "failed request i/o region\n"); + ret = -ENXIO; + goto clean_clk_ret; + } + + regs = ioremap(priv->cpsw_ss_res->start, + resource_size(priv->cpsw_ss_res)); + if (!regs) { + dev_err(priv->dev, "unable to map i/o region\n"); + goto clean_cpsw_ss_iores_ret; + } + priv->ss_regs = regs; + + for_each_slave(priv, cpsw_slave_init, priv); + + memset(&dma_params, 0, sizeof(dma_params)); + dma_params.dev = &pdev->dev; + dma_params.dmaregs = cpsw_dma_regs((u32)priv->regs, + data->cpdma_reg_ofs); + dma_params.rxthresh = cpsw_dma_rxthresh((u32)priv->regs, + data->cpdma_reg_ofs); + dma_params.rxfree = cpsw_dma_rxfree((u32)priv->regs, + data->cpdma_reg_ofs); + dma_params.txhdp = cpsw_dma_txhdp((u32)priv->regs, + data->cpdma_sram_ofs); + dma_params.rxhdp = cpsw_dma_rxhdp((u32)priv->regs, + data->cpdma_sram_ofs); + dma_params.txcp = cpsw_dma_txcp((u32)priv->regs, + data->cpdma_sram_ofs); + dma_params.rxcp = cpsw_dma_rxcp((u32)priv->regs, + data->cpdma_sram_ofs); + + dma_params.num_chan = data->channels; + dma_params.has_soft_reset = true; + dma_params.min_packet_size = CPSW_MIN_PACKET_SIZE; + dma_params.desc_mem_size = data->bd_ram_size; + dma_params.desc_align = 16; + dma_params.has_ext_regs = true; + dma_params.desc_mem_phys = data->no_bd_ram ? 0 : + (u32 __force)priv->cpsw_res->start + data->bd_ram_ofs; + dma_params.desc_hw_addr = data->hw_ram_addr ? + data->hw_ram_addr : dma_params.desc_mem_phys ; + + priv->dma = cpdma_ctlr_create(&dma_params); + if (!priv->dma) { + dev_err(priv->dev, "error initializing dma\n"); + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto clean_iomap_ret; + } + + priv->txch = cpdma_chan_create(priv->dma, tx_chan_num(0), + cpsw_tx_handler); + priv->rxch = cpdma_chan_create(priv->dma, rx_chan_num(0), + cpsw_rx_handler); + + if (WARN_ON(!priv->txch || !priv->rxch)) { + dev_err(priv->dev, "error initializing dma channels\n"); + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto clean_dma_ret; + } + + memset(&ale_params, 0, sizeof(ale_params)); + ale_params.dev = &ndev->dev; + ale_params.ale_regs = (void *)((u32)priv->regs) + + ((u32)data->ale_reg_ofs); + ale_params.ale_ageout = ale_ageout; + ale_params.ale_entries = data->ale_entries; + ale_params.ale_ports = data->slaves; + + priv->ale = cpsw_ale_create(&ale_params); + if (!priv->ale) { + dev_err(priv->dev, "error initializing ale engine\n"); + ret = -ENODEV; + goto clean_dma_ret; + } + + ndev->irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0); + if (ndev->irq < 0) { + dev_err(priv->dev, "error getting irq resource\n"); + ret = -ENOENT; + goto clean_ale_ret; + } + + while ((res = platform_get_resource(priv->pdev, IORESOURCE_IRQ, k))) { + for (i = res->start; i <= res->end; i++) { + if (request_irq(i, cpsw_interrupt, IRQF_DISABLED, + dev_name(&pdev->dev), priv)) { + dev_err(priv->dev, "error attaching irq\n"); + goto clean_ale_ret; + } + priv->irqs_table[k] = i; + priv->num_irqs = k; + } + k++; + } + + ndev->flags |= IFF_ALLMULTI; /* see cpsw_ndo_change_rx_flags() */ + + ndev->netdev_ops = &cpsw_netdev_ops; + SET_ETHTOOL_OPS(ndev, &cpsw_ethtool_ops); + netif_napi_add(ndev, &priv->napi, cpsw_poll, CPSW_POLL_WEIGHT); + + /* register the network device */ + SET_NETDEV_DEV(ndev, &pdev->dev); + ret = register_netdev(ndev); + if (ret) { + dev_err(priv->dev, "error registering net device\n"); + ret = -ENODEV; + goto clean_irq_ret; + } + + cpsw_notice(priv, probe, "initialized device (regs %x, irq %d)\n", + priv->cpsw_res->start, ndev->irq); + + return 0; + +clean_irq_ret: + free_irq(ndev->irq, priv); +clean_ale_ret: + cpsw_ale_destroy(priv->ale); +clean_dma_ret: + cpdma_chan_destroy(priv->txch); + cpdma_chan_destroy(priv->rxch); + cpdma_ctlr_destroy(priv->dma); +clean_iomap_ret: + iounmap(priv->regs); +clean_cpsw_ss_iores_ret: + release_mem_region(priv->cpsw_ss_res->start, + resource_size(priv->cpsw_ss_res)); +clean_cpsw_iores_ret: + release_mem_region(priv->cpsw_res->start, + resource_size(priv->cpsw_res)); +clean_clk_ret: + clk_put(priv->clk); + kfree(priv->slaves); +clean_ndev_ret: + free_netdev(ndev); + return ret; +} + +static int __devexit cpsw_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + struct net_device *ndev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); + struct cpsw_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + + pr_info("removing device"); + platform_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); + + free_irq(ndev->irq, priv); + cpsw_ale_destroy(priv->ale); + cpdma_chan_destroy(priv->txch); + cpdma_chan_destroy(priv->rxch); + cpdma_ctlr_destroy(priv->dma); + iounmap(priv->regs); + release_mem_region(priv->cpsw_res->start, + resource_size(priv->cpsw_res)); + release_mem_region(priv->cpsw_ss_res->start, + resource_size(priv->cpsw_ss_res)); + clk_put(priv->clk); + kfree(priv->slaves); + free_netdev(ndev); + + return 0; +} + +static int cpsw_suspend(struct device *dev) +{ + struct platform_device *pdev = to_platform_device(dev); + struct net_device *ndev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); + + if (netif_running(ndev)) + cpsw_ndo_stop(ndev); + return 0; +} + +static int cpsw_resume(struct device *dev) +{ + struct platform_device *pdev = to_platform_device(dev); + struct net_device *ndev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); + + if (netif_running(ndev)) + cpsw_ndo_open(ndev); + return 0; +} + +static const struct dev_pm_ops cpsw_pm_ops = { + .suspend = cpsw_suspend, + .resume = cpsw_resume, +}; + +static struct platform_driver cpsw_driver = { + .driver = { + .name = "cpsw", + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .pm = &cpsw_pm_ops, + }, + .probe = cpsw_probe, + .remove = __devexit_p(cpsw_remove), +}; + +static int __init cpsw_init(void) +{ + return platform_driver_register(&cpsw_driver); +} +late_initcall(cpsw_init); + +static void __exit cpsw_exit(void) +{ + platform_driver_unregister(&cpsw_driver); +} +module_exit(cpsw_exit); + +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); +MODULE_AUTHOR("Cyril Chemparathy "); +MODULE_AUTHOR("Mugunthan V N "); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("TI CPSW Ethernet driver"); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/cpsw_ale.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/cpsw_ale.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca0d48a7e508059fd35b6c7bff8cd24295caadbf --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/cpsw_ale.c @@ -0,0 +1,641 @@ +/* + * Texas Instruments 3-Port Ethernet Switch Address Lookup Engine + * + * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation version 2. + * + * This program is distributed "as is" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any + * kind, whether express or implied; without even the implied warranty + * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + */ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "cpsw_ale.h" + +#define BITMASK(bits) (BIT(bits) - 1) +#define ALE_ENTRY_BITS 68 +#define ALE_ENTRY_WORDS DIV_ROUND_UP(ALE_ENTRY_BITS, 32) + +#define ALE_VERSION_MAJOR(rev) ((rev >> 8) & 0xff) +#define ALE_VERSION_MINOR(rev) (rev & 0xff) + +/* ALE Registers */ +#define ALE_IDVER 0x00 +#define ALE_CONTROL 0x08 +#define ALE_PRESCALE 0x10 +#define ALE_UNKNOWNVLAN 0x18 +#define ALE_TABLE_CONTROL 0x20 +#define ALE_TABLE 0x34 +#define ALE_PORTCTL 0x40 + +#define ALE_TABLE_WRITE BIT(31) + +#define ALE_TYPE_FREE 0 +#define ALE_TYPE_ADDR 1 +#define ALE_TYPE_VLAN 2 +#define ALE_TYPE_VLAN_ADDR 3 + +#define ALE_UCAST_PERSISTANT 0 +#define ALE_UCAST_UNTOUCHED 1 +#define ALE_UCAST_OUI 2 +#define ALE_UCAST_TOUCHED 3 + +static inline int cpsw_ale_get_field(u32 *ale_entry, u32 start, u32 bits) +{ + int idx; + + idx = start / 32; + start -= idx * 32; + idx = 2 - idx; /* flip */ + return (ale_entry[idx] >> start) & BITMASK(bits); +} + +static inline void cpsw_ale_set_field(u32 *ale_entry, u32 start, u32 bits, + u32 value) +{ + int idx; + + value &= BITMASK(bits); + idx = start / 32; + start -= idx * 32; + idx = 2 - idx; /* flip */ + ale_entry[idx] &= ~(BITMASK(bits) << start); + ale_entry[idx] |= (value << start); +} + +#define DEFINE_ALE_FIELD(name, start, bits) \ +static inline int cpsw_ale_get_##name(u32 *ale_entry) \ +{ \ + return cpsw_ale_get_field(ale_entry, start, bits); \ +} \ +static inline void cpsw_ale_set_##name(u32 *ale_entry, u32 value) \ +{ \ + cpsw_ale_set_field(ale_entry, start, bits, value); \ +} + +DEFINE_ALE_FIELD(entry_type, 60, 2) +DEFINE_ALE_FIELD(vlan_id, 48, 12) +DEFINE_ALE_FIELD(mcast_state, 62, 2) +DEFINE_ALE_FIELD(port_mask, 66, 3) +DEFINE_ALE_FIELD(super, 65, 1) +DEFINE_ALE_FIELD(ucast_type, 62, 2) +DEFINE_ALE_FIELD(port_num, 66, 2) +DEFINE_ALE_FIELD(blocked, 65, 1) +DEFINE_ALE_FIELD(secure, 64, 1) +DEFINE_ALE_FIELD(vlan_untag_force, 24, 3) +DEFINE_ALE_FIELD(vlan_reg_mcast, 16, 3) +DEFINE_ALE_FIELD(vlan_unreg_mcast, 8, 3) +DEFINE_ALE_FIELD(vlan_member_list, 0, 3) +DEFINE_ALE_FIELD(mcast, 40, 1) + +/* The MAC address field in the ALE entry cannot be macroized as above */ +static inline void cpsw_ale_get_addr(u32 *ale_entry, u8 *addr) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) + addr[i] = cpsw_ale_get_field(ale_entry, 40 - 8*i, 8); +} + +static inline void cpsw_ale_set_addr(u32 *ale_entry, u8 *addr) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) + cpsw_ale_set_field(ale_entry, 40 - 8*i, 8, addr[i]); +} + +static int cpsw_ale_read(struct cpsw_ale *ale, int idx, u32 *ale_entry) +{ + int i; + + WARN_ON(idx > ale->params.ale_entries); + + __raw_writel(idx, ale->params.ale_regs + ALE_TABLE_CONTROL); + + for (i = 0; i < ALE_ENTRY_WORDS; i++) + ale_entry[i] = __raw_readl(ale->params.ale_regs + + ALE_TABLE + 4 * i); + + return idx; +} + +static int cpsw_ale_write(struct cpsw_ale *ale, int idx, u32 *ale_entry) +{ + int i; + + WARN_ON(idx > ale->params.ale_entries); + + for (i = 0; i < ALE_ENTRY_WORDS; i++) + __raw_writel(ale_entry[i], ale->params.ale_regs + + ALE_TABLE + 4 * i); + + __raw_writel(idx | ALE_TABLE_WRITE, ale->params.ale_regs + + ALE_TABLE_CONTROL); + + return idx; +} + +static int cpsw_ale_match_addr(struct cpsw_ale *ale, u8 *addr) +{ + u32 ale_entry[ALE_ENTRY_WORDS]; + int type, idx; + + for (idx = 0; idx < ale->params.ale_entries; idx++) { + u8 entry_addr[6]; + + cpsw_ale_read(ale, idx, ale_entry); + type = cpsw_ale_get_entry_type(ale_entry); + if (type != ALE_TYPE_ADDR && type != ALE_TYPE_VLAN_ADDR) + continue; + cpsw_ale_get_addr(ale_entry, entry_addr); + if (memcmp(entry_addr, addr, 6) == 0) + return idx; + } + return -ENOENT; +} + +static int cpsw_ale_match_free(struct cpsw_ale *ale) +{ + u32 ale_entry[ALE_ENTRY_WORDS]; + int type, idx; + + for (idx = 0; idx < ale->params.ale_entries; idx++) { + cpsw_ale_read(ale, idx, ale_entry); + type = cpsw_ale_get_entry_type(ale_entry); + if (type == ALE_TYPE_FREE) + return idx; + } + return -ENOENT; +} + +static int cpsw_ale_find_ageable(struct cpsw_ale *ale) +{ + u32 ale_entry[ALE_ENTRY_WORDS]; + int type, idx; + + for (idx = 0; idx < ale->params.ale_entries; idx++) { + cpsw_ale_read(ale, idx, ale_entry); + type = cpsw_ale_get_entry_type(ale_entry); + if (type != ALE_TYPE_ADDR && type != ALE_TYPE_VLAN_ADDR) + continue; + if (cpsw_ale_get_mcast(ale_entry)) + continue; + type = cpsw_ale_get_ucast_type(ale_entry); + if (type != ALE_UCAST_PERSISTANT && + type != ALE_UCAST_OUI) + return idx; + } + return -ENOENT; +} + +static void cpsw_ale_flush_mcast(struct cpsw_ale *ale, u32 *ale_entry, + int port_mask) +{ + int mask; + + mask = cpsw_ale_get_port_mask(ale_entry); + if ((mask & port_mask) == 0) + return; /* ports dont intersect, not interested */ + mask &= ~port_mask; + + /* free if only remaining port is host port */ + if (mask == BIT(ale->params.ale_ports)) + cpsw_ale_set_entry_type(ale_entry, ALE_TYPE_FREE); + else + cpsw_ale_set_port_mask(ale_entry, mask); +} + +static void cpsw_ale_flush_ucast(struct cpsw_ale *ale, u32 *ale_entry, + int port_mask) +{ + int port; + + port = cpsw_ale_get_port_num(ale_entry); + if ((BIT(port) & port_mask) == 0) + return; /* ports dont intersect, not interested */ + cpsw_ale_set_entry_type(ale_entry, ALE_TYPE_FREE); +} + +int cpsw_ale_flush(struct cpsw_ale *ale, int port_mask) +{ + u32 ale_entry[ALE_ENTRY_WORDS]; + int ret, idx; + + for (idx = 0; idx < ale->params.ale_entries; idx++) { + cpsw_ale_read(ale, idx, ale_entry); + ret = cpsw_ale_get_entry_type(ale_entry); + if (ret != ALE_TYPE_ADDR && ret != ALE_TYPE_VLAN_ADDR) + continue; + + if (cpsw_ale_get_mcast(ale_entry)) + cpsw_ale_flush_mcast(ale, ale_entry, port_mask); + else + cpsw_ale_flush_ucast(ale, ale_entry, port_mask); + + cpsw_ale_write(ale, idx, ale_entry); + } + return 0; +} + +int cpsw_ale_add_ucast(struct cpsw_ale *ale, u8 *addr, int port, int flags) +{ + u32 ale_entry[ALE_ENTRY_WORDS] = {0, 0, 0}; + int idx; + + cpsw_ale_set_entry_type(ale_entry, ALE_TYPE_ADDR); + cpsw_ale_set_addr(ale_entry, addr); + cpsw_ale_set_ucast_type(ale_entry, ALE_UCAST_PERSISTANT); + cpsw_ale_set_secure(ale_entry, (flags & ALE_SECURE) ? 1 : 0); + cpsw_ale_set_blocked(ale_entry, (flags & ALE_BLOCKED) ? 1 : 0); + cpsw_ale_set_port_num(ale_entry, port); + + idx = cpsw_ale_match_addr(ale, addr); + if (idx < 0) + idx = cpsw_ale_match_free(ale); + if (idx < 0) + idx = cpsw_ale_find_ageable(ale); + if (idx < 0) + return -ENOMEM; + + cpsw_ale_write(ale, idx, ale_entry); + return 0; +} + +int cpsw_ale_del_ucast(struct cpsw_ale *ale, u8 *addr, int port) +{ + u32 ale_entry[ALE_ENTRY_WORDS] = {0, 0, 0}; + int idx; + + idx = cpsw_ale_match_addr(ale, addr); + if (idx < 0) + return -ENOENT; + + cpsw_ale_set_entry_type(ale_entry, ALE_TYPE_FREE); + cpsw_ale_write(ale, idx, ale_entry); + return 0; +} + +int cpsw_ale_add_mcast(struct cpsw_ale *ale, u8 *addr, int port_mask, + int super, int mcast_state) +{ + u32 ale_entry[ALE_ENTRY_WORDS] = {0, 0, 0}; + int idx, mask; + + idx = cpsw_ale_match_addr(ale, addr); + if (idx >= 0) + cpsw_ale_read(ale, idx, ale_entry); + + cpsw_ale_set_entry_type(ale_entry, ALE_TYPE_ADDR); + cpsw_ale_set_addr(ale_entry, addr); + cpsw_ale_set_super(ale_entry, super); + cpsw_ale_set_mcast_state(ale_entry, mcast_state); + + mask = cpsw_ale_get_port_mask(ale_entry); + port_mask |= mask; + cpsw_ale_set_port_mask(ale_entry, port_mask); + + if (idx < 0) + idx = cpsw_ale_match_free(ale); + if (idx < 0) + idx = cpsw_ale_find_ageable(ale); + if (idx < 0) + return -ENOMEM; + + cpsw_ale_write(ale, idx, ale_entry); + return 0; +} + +int cpsw_ale_del_mcast(struct cpsw_ale *ale, u8 *addr, int port_mask) +{ + u32 ale_entry[ALE_ENTRY_WORDS] = {0, 0, 0}; + int idx; + + idx = cpsw_ale_match_addr(ale, addr); + if (idx < 0) + return -EINVAL; + + cpsw_ale_read(ale, idx, ale_entry); + + if (port_mask) + cpsw_ale_set_port_mask(ale_entry, port_mask); + else + cpsw_ale_set_entry_type(ale_entry, ALE_TYPE_FREE); + + cpsw_ale_write(ale, idx, ale_entry); + return 0; +} + +struct ale_control_info { + const char *name; + int offset, port_offset; + int shift, port_shift; + int bits; +}; + +static const struct ale_control_info ale_controls[ALE_NUM_CONTROLS] = { + [ALE_ENABLE] = { + .name = "enable", + .offset = ALE_CONTROL, + .port_offset = 0, + .shift = 31, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 1, + }, + [ALE_CLEAR] = { + .name = "clear", + .offset = ALE_CONTROL, + .port_offset = 0, + .shift = 30, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 1, + }, + [ALE_AGEOUT] = { + .name = "ageout", + .offset = ALE_CONTROL, + .port_offset = 0, + .shift = 29, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 1, + }, + [ALE_VLAN_NOLEARN] = { + .name = "vlan_nolearn", + .offset = ALE_CONTROL, + .port_offset = 0, + .shift = 7, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 1, + }, + [ALE_NO_PORT_VLAN] = { + .name = "no_port_vlan", + .offset = ALE_CONTROL, + .port_offset = 0, + .shift = 6, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 1, + }, + [ALE_OUI_DENY] = { + .name = "oui_deny", + .offset = ALE_CONTROL, + .port_offset = 0, + .shift = 5, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 1, + }, + [ALE_BYPASS] = { + .name = "bypass", + .offset = ALE_CONTROL, + .port_offset = 0, + .shift = 4, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 1, + }, + [ALE_RATE_LIMIT_TX] = { + .name = "rate_limit_tx", + .offset = ALE_CONTROL, + .port_offset = 0, + .shift = 3, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 1, + }, + [ALE_VLAN_AWARE] = { + .name = "vlan_aware", + .offset = ALE_CONTROL, + .port_offset = 0, + .shift = 2, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 1, + }, + [ALE_AUTH_ENABLE] = { + .name = "auth_enable", + .offset = ALE_CONTROL, + .port_offset = 0, + .shift = 1, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 1, + }, + [ALE_RATE_LIMIT] = { + .name = "rate_limit", + .offset = ALE_CONTROL, + .port_offset = 0, + .shift = 0, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 1, + }, + [ALE_PORT_STATE] = { + .name = "port_state", + .offset = ALE_PORTCTL, + .port_offset = 4, + .shift = 0, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 2, + }, + [ALE_PORT_DROP_UNTAGGED] = { + .name = "drop_untagged", + .offset = ALE_PORTCTL, + .port_offset = 4, + .shift = 2, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 1, + }, + [ALE_PORT_DROP_UNKNOWN_VLAN] = { + .name = "drop_unknown", + .offset = ALE_PORTCTL, + .port_offset = 4, + .shift = 3, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 1, + }, + [ALE_PORT_NOLEARN] = { + .name = "nolearn", + .offset = ALE_PORTCTL, + .port_offset = 4, + .shift = 4, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 1, + }, + [ALE_PORT_MCAST_LIMIT] = { + .name = "mcast_limit", + .offset = ALE_PORTCTL, + .port_offset = 4, + .shift = 16, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 8, + }, + [ALE_PORT_BCAST_LIMIT] = { + .name = "bcast_limit", + .offset = ALE_PORTCTL, + .port_offset = 4, + .shift = 24, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 8, + }, + [ALE_PORT_UNKNOWN_VLAN_MEMBER] = { + .name = "unknown_vlan_member", + .offset = ALE_UNKNOWNVLAN, + .port_offset = 0, + .shift = 0, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 6, + }, + [ALE_PORT_UNKNOWN_MCAST_FLOOD] = { + .name = "unknown_mcast_flood", + .offset = ALE_UNKNOWNVLAN, + .port_offset = 0, + .shift = 8, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 6, + }, + [ALE_PORT_UNKNOWN_REG_MCAST_FLOOD] = { + .name = "unknown_reg_flood", + .offset = ALE_UNKNOWNVLAN, + .port_offset = 0, + .shift = 16, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 6, + }, + [ALE_PORT_UNTAGGED_EGRESS] = { + .name = "untagged_egress", + .offset = ALE_UNKNOWNVLAN, + .port_offset = 0, + .shift = 24, + .port_shift = 0, + .bits = 6, + }, +}; + +int cpsw_ale_control_set(struct cpsw_ale *ale, int port, int control, + int value) +{ + const struct ale_control_info *info; + int offset, shift; + u32 tmp, mask; + + if (control < 0 || control >= ARRAY_SIZE(ale_controls)) + return -EINVAL; + + info = &ale_controls[control]; + if (info->port_offset == 0 && info->port_shift == 0) + port = 0; /* global, port is a dont care */ + + if (port < 0 || port > ale->params.ale_ports) + return -EINVAL; + + mask = BITMASK(info->bits); + if (value & ~mask) + return -EINVAL; + + offset = info->offset + (port * info->port_offset); + shift = info->shift + (port * info->port_shift); + + tmp = __raw_readl(ale->params.ale_regs + offset); + tmp = (tmp & ~(mask << shift)) | (value << shift); + __raw_writel(tmp, ale->params.ale_regs + offset); + + return 0; +} + +int cpsw_ale_control_get(struct cpsw_ale *ale, int port, int control) +{ + const struct ale_control_info *info; + int offset, shift; + u32 tmp; + + if (control < 0 || control >= ARRAY_SIZE(ale_controls)) + return -EINVAL; + + info = &ale_controls[control]; + if (info->port_offset == 0 && info->port_shift == 0) + port = 0; /* global, port is a dont care */ + + if (port < 0 || port > ale->params.ale_ports) + return -EINVAL; + + offset = info->offset + (port * info->port_offset); + shift = info->shift + (port * info->port_shift); + + tmp = __raw_readl(ale->params.ale_regs + offset) >> shift; + return tmp & BITMASK(info->bits); +} + +static void cpsw_ale_timer(unsigned long arg) +{ + struct cpsw_ale *ale = (struct cpsw_ale *)arg; + + cpsw_ale_control_set(ale, 0, ALE_AGEOUT, 1); + + if (ale->ageout) { + ale->timer.expires = jiffies + ale->ageout; + add_timer(&ale->timer); + } +} + +int cpsw_ale_set_ageout(struct cpsw_ale *ale, int ageout) +{ + del_timer_sync(&ale->timer); + ale->ageout = ageout * HZ; + if (ale->ageout) { + ale->timer.expires = jiffies + ale->ageout; + add_timer(&ale->timer); + } + return 0; +} + +void cpsw_ale_start(struct cpsw_ale *ale) +{ + u32 rev; + + rev = __raw_readl(ale->params.ale_regs + ALE_IDVER); + dev_dbg(ale->params.dev, "initialized cpsw ale revision %d.%d\n", + ALE_VERSION_MAJOR(rev), ALE_VERSION_MINOR(rev)); + cpsw_ale_control_set(ale, 0, ALE_ENABLE, 1); + cpsw_ale_control_set(ale, 0, ALE_CLEAR, 1); + + init_timer(&ale->timer); + ale->timer.data = (unsigned long)ale; + ale->timer.function = cpsw_ale_timer; + if (ale->ageout) { + ale->timer.expires = jiffies + ale->ageout; + add_timer(&ale->timer); + } +} + +void cpsw_ale_stop(struct cpsw_ale *ale) +{ + del_timer_sync(&ale->timer); +} + +struct cpsw_ale *cpsw_ale_create(struct cpsw_ale_params *params) +{ + struct cpsw_ale *ale; + + ale = kzalloc(sizeof(*ale), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ale) + return NULL; + + ale->params = *params; + ale->ageout = ale->params.ale_ageout * HZ; + + return ale; +} + +int cpsw_ale_destroy(struct cpsw_ale *ale) +{ + if (!ale) + return -EINVAL; + cpsw_ale_stop(ale); + cpsw_ale_control_set(ale, 0, ALE_ENABLE, 0); + kfree(ale); + return 0; +} diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/cpsw_ale.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/cpsw_ale.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a95b37beb02d56e809c15239247085304c6a2cba --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/cpsw_ale.h @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +/* + * Texas Instruments 3-Port Ethernet Switch Address Lookup Engine APIs + * + * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation version 2. + * + * This program is distributed "as is" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any + * kind, whether express or implied; without even the implied warranty + * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + */ +#ifndef __TI_CPSW_ALE_H__ +#define __TI_CPSW_ALE_H__ + +struct cpsw_ale_params { + struct device *dev; + void __iomem *ale_regs; + unsigned long ale_ageout; /* in secs */ + unsigned long ale_entries; + unsigned long ale_ports; +}; + +struct cpsw_ale { + struct cpsw_ale_params params; + struct timer_list timer; + unsigned long ageout; +}; + +enum cpsw_ale_control { + /* global */ + ALE_ENABLE, + ALE_CLEAR, + ALE_AGEOUT, + ALE_VLAN_NOLEARN, + ALE_NO_PORT_VLAN, + ALE_OUI_DENY, + ALE_BYPASS, + ALE_RATE_LIMIT_TX, + ALE_VLAN_AWARE, + ALE_AUTH_ENABLE, + ALE_RATE_LIMIT, + /* port controls */ + ALE_PORT_STATE, + ALE_PORT_DROP_UNTAGGED, + ALE_PORT_DROP_UNKNOWN_VLAN, + ALE_PORT_NOLEARN, + ALE_PORT_UNKNOWN_VLAN_MEMBER, + ALE_PORT_UNKNOWN_MCAST_FLOOD, + ALE_PORT_UNKNOWN_REG_MCAST_FLOOD, + ALE_PORT_UNTAGGED_EGRESS, + ALE_PORT_BCAST_LIMIT, + ALE_PORT_MCAST_LIMIT, + ALE_NUM_CONTROLS, +}; + +enum cpsw_ale_port_state { + ALE_PORT_STATE_DISABLE = 0x00, + ALE_PORT_STATE_BLOCK = 0x01, + ALE_PORT_STATE_LEARN = 0x02, + ALE_PORT_STATE_FORWARD = 0x03, +}; + +/* ALE unicast entry flags - passed into cpsw_ale_add_ucast() */ +#define ALE_SECURE 1 +#define ALE_BLOCKED 2 + +#define ALE_MCAST_FWD 0 +#define ALE_MCAST_BLOCK_LEARN_FWD 1 +#define ALE_MCAST_FWD_LEARN 2 +#define ALE_MCAST_FWD_2 3 + +struct cpsw_ale *cpsw_ale_create(struct cpsw_ale_params *params); +int cpsw_ale_destroy(struct cpsw_ale *ale); + +void cpsw_ale_start(struct cpsw_ale *ale); +void cpsw_ale_stop(struct cpsw_ale *ale); + +int cpsw_ale_set_ageout(struct cpsw_ale *ale, int ageout); +int cpsw_ale_flush(struct cpsw_ale *ale, int port_mask); +int cpsw_ale_add_ucast(struct cpsw_ale *ale, u8 *addr, int port, int flags); +int cpsw_ale_del_ucast(struct cpsw_ale *ale, u8 *addr, int port); +int cpsw_ale_add_mcast(struct cpsw_ale *ale, u8 *addr, int port_mask, + int super, int mcast_state); +int cpsw_ale_del_mcast(struct cpsw_ale *ale, u8 *addr, int port_mask); + +int cpsw_ale_control_get(struct cpsw_ale *ale, int port, int control); +int cpsw_ale_control_set(struct cpsw_ale *ale, int port, + int control, int value); + +#endif diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/davinci_cpdma.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/davinci_cpdma.c index c97d2f59085504274eddcc2d5a25ecf352c824f0..34558766cbf0a3fb06bdc9b8192cff8bb6185ae3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/davinci_cpdma.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/davinci_cpdma.c @@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ int cpdma_chan_stop(struct cpdma_chan *chan) dma_reg_write(ctlr, chan->int_clear, chan->mask); /* trigger teardown */ - dma_reg_write(ctlr, chan->td, chan->chan_num); + dma_reg_write(ctlr, chan->td, chan_linear(chan)); /* wait for teardown complete */ timeout = jiffies + HZ/10; /* 100 msec */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/davinci_emac.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/davinci_emac.c index 4b2f54565f64adece3f69b5a89b7997666ce16e5..174a3348f6762d67a661801342ea6cbe95a7810f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/davinci_emac.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/davinci_emac.c @@ -992,10 +992,9 @@ static irqreturn_t emac_irq(int irq, void *dev_id) static struct sk_buff *emac_rx_alloc(struct emac_priv *priv) { - struct sk_buff *skb = dev_alloc_skb(priv->rx_buf_size); + struct sk_buff *skb = netdev_alloc_skb(priv->ndev, priv->rx_buf_size); if (WARN_ON(!skb)) return NULL; - skb->dev = priv->ndev; skb_reserve(skb, NET_IP_ALIGN); return skb; } @@ -1257,15 +1256,15 @@ static int emac_dev_setmac_addr(struct net_device *ndev, void *addr) struct sockaddr *sa = addr; if (!is_valid_ether_addr(sa->sa_data)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; /* Store mac addr in priv and rx channel and set it in EMAC hw */ memcpy(priv->mac_addr, sa->sa_data, ndev->addr_len); memcpy(ndev->dev_addr, sa->sa_data, ndev->addr_len); + ndev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; /* MAC address is configured only after the interface is enabled. */ if (netif_running(ndev)) { - memcpy(priv->mac_addr, sa->sa_data, ndev->addr_len); emac_setmac(priv, EMAC_DEF_RX_CH, priv->mac_addr); } @@ -1792,7 +1791,6 @@ static int __devinit davinci_emac_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct emac_priv)); if (!ndev) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "error allocating net_device\n"); rc = -ENOMEM; goto free_clk; } @@ -1900,7 +1898,8 @@ static int __devinit davinci_emac_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) if (!is_valid_ether_addr(priv->mac_addr)) { /* Use random MAC if none passed */ - random_ether_addr(priv->mac_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(ndev); + memcpy(priv->mac_addr, ndev->dev_addr, ndev->addr_len); dev_warn(&pdev->dev, "using random MAC addr: %pM\n", priv->mac_addr); } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/davinci_mdio.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/davinci_mdio.c index af8b8fc39eb2c0d7702e760820759a1f6bac103c..2757c7d6e6330460c179d025a1ddc2267d32b27d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/davinci_mdio.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/davinci_mdio.c @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ struct davinci_mdio_regs { u32 control; #define CONTROL_IDLE BIT(31) #define CONTROL_ENABLE BIT(30) -#define CONTROL_MAX_DIV (0xff) +#define CONTROL_MAX_DIV (0xffff) u32 alive; u32 link; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/tlan.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/tlan.c index 9c0dd6b8d6c9a9e6dfae193c36d469d8573853d4..817ad3bc49574670ab6040b6805528c5b863c852 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/tlan.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/tlan.c @@ -486,7 +486,6 @@ static int __devinit tlan_probe1(struct pci_dev *pdev, dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct tlan_priv)); if (dev == NULL) { - pr_err("Could not allocate memory for device\n"); rc = -ENOMEM; goto err_out_regions; } diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/tile/tilepro.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/tile/tilepro.c index d9951afb9269ff130310dc912293f39d3808c666..261356c2dc99ed4bdff8af73afb132c9baa6f3e7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/tile/tilepro.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/tile/tilepro.c @@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ static bool tile_net_provide_needed_buffer(struct tile_net_cpu *info, #endif /* Avoid "false sharing" with last cache line. */ - /* ISSUE: This is already done by "dev_alloc_skb()". */ + /* ISSUE: This is already done by "netdev_alloc_skb()". */ unsigned int len = (((small ? LIPP_SMALL_PACKET_SIZE : large_size) + CHIP_L2_LINE_SIZE() - 1) & -CHIP_L2_LINE_SIZE()); @@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ static bool tile_net_provide_needed_buffer(struct tile_net_cpu *info, struct sk_buff **skb_ptr; /* Request 96 extra bytes for alignment purposes. */ - skb = dev_alloc_skb(len + padding); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(info->napi->dev, len + padding); if (skb == NULL) return false; @@ -2186,10 +2186,11 @@ static int tile_net_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *p) struct sockaddr *addr = p; if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; /* ISSUE: Note that "dev_addr" is now a pointer. */ memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, dev->addr_len); + dev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; return 0; } @@ -2254,7 +2255,7 @@ static int tile_net_get_mac(struct net_device *dev) * can't get its MAC address, we are most likely running * the simulator, so let's generate a random MAC address. */ - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); } return 0; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/toshiba/ps3_gelic_wireless.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/toshiba/ps3_gelic_wireless.c index fd4ed7f8cfa102afe368a497add1f7ef1365079d..5c14f82c49549ca2089c5b2d3af1a84519a2bf4c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/toshiba/ps3_gelic_wireless.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/toshiba/ps3_gelic_wireless.c @@ -1621,10 +1621,9 @@ static void gelic_wl_scan_complete_event(struct gelic_wl_info *wl) kfree(target->hwinfo); target->hwinfo = kzalloc(be16_to_cpu(scan_info->size), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!target->hwinfo) { - pr_info("%s: kzalloc failed\n", __func__); + if (!target->hwinfo) continue; - } + /* copy hw scan info */ memcpy(target->hwinfo, scan_info, scan_info->size); target->essid_len = strnlen(scan_info->essid, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/toshiba/tc35815.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/toshiba/tc35815.c index 71b785cd756368aa2a2c4972e7a9cc9ae9506408..651a70c55e6e69aa40aa62fa77ee7b955dd0dba0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/toshiba/tc35815.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/toshiba/tc35815.c @@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *alloc_rxbuf_skb(struct net_device *dev, dma_addr_t *dma_handle) { struct sk_buff *skb; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(RX_BUF_SIZE); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, RX_BUF_SIZE); if (!skb) return NULL; *dma_handle = pci_map_single(hwdev, skb->data, RX_BUF_SIZE, @@ -808,10 +808,9 @@ static int __devinit tc35815_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, /* dev zeroed in alloc_etherdev */ dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*lp)); - if (dev == NULL) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "unable to alloc new ethernet\n"); + if (dev == NULL) return -ENOMEM; - } + SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev); lp = netdev_priv(dev); lp->dev = dev; @@ -850,7 +849,7 @@ static int __devinit tc35815_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, /* Retrieve the ethernet address. */ if (tc35815_init_dev_addr(dev)) { dev_warn(&pdev->dev, "not valid ether addr\n"); - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); } rc = register_netdev(dev); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/tundra/tsi108_eth.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/tundra/tsi108_eth.c index 164fb775d7b333387cedacb80752c1c0b29bd566..840e0e9031f579588fe30f6966976508b383225e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/tundra/tsi108_eth.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/tundra/tsi108_eth.c @@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@ static int tsi108_set_mac(struct net_device *dev, void *addr) int i; if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) /* +2 is for the offset of the HW addr type */ @@ -1582,10 +1582,8 @@ tsi108_init_one(struct platform_device *pdev) /* Create an ethernet device instance */ dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct tsi108_prv_data)); - if (!dev) { - printk("tsi108_eth: Could not allocate a device structure\n"); + if (!dev) return -ENOMEM; - } printk("tsi108_eth%d: probe...\n", pdev->id); data = netdev_priv(dev); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/via/via-rhine.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/via/via-rhine.c index 10b18eb63d254834fc7a9b58f59eadd8078a75d9..39b8cf3dafcdb9c20d1ed5bedddcfde684d65f3a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/via/via-rhine.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/via/via-rhine.c @@ -927,7 +927,6 @@ static int __devinit rhine_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct rhine_private)); if (!dev) { rc = -ENOMEM; - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "alloc_etherdev failed\n"); goto err_out; } SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev); @@ -984,7 +983,7 @@ static int __devinit rhine_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, if (!is_valid_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr)) { /* Report it and use a random ethernet address instead */ netdev_err(dev, "Invalid MAC address: %pM\n", dev->dev_addr); - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); netdev_info(dev, "Using random MAC address: %pM\n", dev->dev_addr); } @@ -1156,7 +1155,6 @@ static void alloc_rbufs(struct net_device *dev) rp->rx_skbuff[i] = skb; if (skb == NULL) break; - skb->dev = dev; /* Mark as being used by this device. */ rp->rx_skbuff_dma[i] = pci_map_single(rp->pdev, skb->data, rp->rx_buf_sz, @@ -1941,7 +1939,6 @@ static int rhine_rx(struct net_device *dev, int limit) rp->rx_skbuff[entry] = skb; if (skb == NULL) break; /* Better luck next round. */ - skb->dev = dev; /* Mark as being used by this device. */ rp->rx_skbuff_dma[entry] = pci_map_single(rp->pdev, skb->data, rp->rx_buf_sz, diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/via/via-velocity.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/via/via-velocity.c index cb35b14b73bb2480e10082db5a41a8558cedfe1a..8a5d7c100a5e30552bbd28baef3bdbd2da9e8cfb 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/via/via-velocity.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/via/via-velocity.c @@ -1509,7 +1509,7 @@ static int velocity_alloc_rx_buf(struct velocity_info *vptr, int idx) struct rx_desc *rd = &(vptr->rx.ring[idx]); struct velocity_rd_info *rd_info = &(vptr->rx.info[idx]); - rd_info->skb = dev_alloc_skb(vptr->rx.buf_sz + 64); + rd_info->skb = netdev_alloc_skb(vptr->dev, vptr->rx.buf_sz + 64); if (rd_info->skb == NULL) return -ENOMEM; @@ -2730,10 +2730,8 @@ static int __devinit velocity_found1(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_devi } dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct velocity_info)); - if (!dev) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "allocate net device failed.\n"); + if (!dev) goto out; - } /* Chain it all together */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/Kconfig b/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/Kconfig index d5a826063a82613dc3f96ca7e989d7727f36228b..5778a4ae116466d637288fe668fb990ac623fb6e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/Kconfig @@ -25,6 +25,14 @@ config XILINX_EMACLITE ---help--- This driver supports the 10/100 Ethernet Lite from Xilinx. +config XILINX_AXI_EMAC + tristate "Xilinx 10/100/1000 AXI Ethernet support" + depends on (PPC32 || MICROBLAZE) + select PHYLIB + ---help--- + This driver supports the 10/100/1000 Ethernet from Xilinx for the + AXI bus interface used in Xilinx Virtex FPGAs. + config XILINX_LL_TEMAC tristate "Xilinx LL TEMAC (LocalLink Tri-mode Ethernet MAC) driver" depends on (PPC || MICROBLAZE) diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/Makefile b/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/Makefile index 5feac734ea45b9d12b6dd336f3525fd5afc49363..214205e975e3e83019ccbc455769ce71db523ebd 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/Makefile @@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ ll_temac-objs := ll_temac_main.o ll_temac_mdio.o obj-$(CONFIG_XILINX_LL_TEMAC) += ll_temac.o obj-$(CONFIG_XILINX_EMACLITE) += xilinx_emaclite.o +xilinx_emac-objs := xilinx_axienet_main.o xilinx_axienet_mdio.o +obj-$(CONFIG_XILINX_AXI_EMAC) += xilinx_emac.o diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/ll_temac_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/ll_temac_main.c index f21addb1db95e89768eb431d4c634bb3e195b1d8..d21591a2c593df51f7011623bc42405e2e65eadd 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/ll_temac_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/ll_temac_main.c @@ -327,7 +327,9 @@ static int temac_set_mac_address(struct net_device *ndev, void *address) memcpy(ndev->dev_addr, address, ETH_ALEN); if (!is_valid_ether_addr(ndev->dev_addr)) - random_ether_addr(ndev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(ndev); + else + ndev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; /* set up unicast MAC address filter set its mac address */ mutex_lock(&lp->indirect_mutex); @@ -1011,10 +1013,9 @@ static int __devinit temac_of_probe(struct platform_device *op) /* Init network device structure */ ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*lp)); - if (!ndev) { - dev_err(&op->dev, "could not allocate device.\n"); + if (!ndev) return -ENOMEM; - } + ether_setup(ndev); dev_set_drvdata(&op->dev, ndev); SET_NETDEV_DEV(ndev, &op->dev); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/xilinx_axienet.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/xilinx_axienet.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cc83af083fd7b7b17a650471436ca42e74f8fbe0 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/xilinx_axienet.h @@ -0,0 +1,508 @@ +/* + * Definitions for Xilinx Axi Ethernet device driver. + * + * Copyright (c) 2009 Secret Lab Technologies, Ltd. + * Copyright (c) 2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2012 Daniel Borkmann, + * Copyright (c) 2012 Ariane Keller, + */ + +#ifndef XILINX_AXIENET_H +#define XILINX_AXIENET_H + +#include +#include +#include + +/* Packet size info */ +#define XAE_HDR_SIZE 14 /* Size of Ethernet header */ +#define XAE_HDR_VLAN_SIZE 18 /* Size of an Ethernet hdr + VLAN */ +#define XAE_TRL_SIZE 4 /* Size of Ethernet trailer (FCS) */ +#define XAE_MTU 1500 /* Max MTU of an Ethernet frame */ +#define XAE_JUMBO_MTU 9000 /* Max MTU of a jumbo Eth. frame */ + +#define XAE_MAX_FRAME_SIZE (XAE_MTU + XAE_HDR_SIZE + XAE_TRL_SIZE) +#define XAE_MAX_VLAN_FRAME_SIZE (XAE_MTU + XAE_HDR_VLAN_SIZE + XAE_TRL_SIZE) +#define XAE_MAX_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE (XAE_JUMBO_MTU + XAE_HDR_SIZE + XAE_TRL_SIZE) + +/* Configuration options */ + +/* Accept all incoming packets. Default: disabled (cleared) */ +#define XAE_OPTION_PROMISC (1 << 0) + +/* Jumbo frame support for Tx & Rx. Default: disabled (cleared) */ +#define XAE_OPTION_JUMBO (1 << 1) + +/* VLAN Rx & Tx frame support. Default: disabled (cleared) */ +#define XAE_OPTION_VLAN (1 << 2) + +/* Enable recognition of flow control frames on Rx. Default: enabled (set) */ +#define XAE_OPTION_FLOW_CONTROL (1 << 4) + +/* Strip FCS and PAD from incoming frames. Note: PAD from VLAN frames is not + * stripped. Default: disabled (set) */ +#define XAE_OPTION_FCS_STRIP (1 << 5) + +/* Generate FCS field and add PAD automatically for outgoing frames. + * Default: enabled (set) */ +#define XAE_OPTION_FCS_INSERT (1 << 6) + +/* Enable Length/Type error checking for incoming frames. When this option is + * set, the MAC will filter frames that have a mismatched type/length field + * and if XAE_OPTION_REPORT_RXERR is set, the user is notified when these + * types of frames are encountered. When this option is cleared, the MAC will + * allow these types of frames to be received. Default: enabled (set) */ +#define XAE_OPTION_LENTYPE_ERR (1 << 7) + +/* Enable the transmitter. Default: enabled (set) */ +#define XAE_OPTION_TXEN (1 << 11) + +/* Enable the receiver. Default: enabled (set) */ +#define XAE_OPTION_RXEN (1 << 12) + +/* Default options set when device is initialized or reset */ +#define XAE_OPTION_DEFAULTS \ + (XAE_OPTION_TXEN | \ + XAE_OPTION_FLOW_CONTROL | \ + XAE_OPTION_RXEN) + +/* Axi DMA Register definitions */ + +#define XAXIDMA_TX_CR_OFFSET 0x00000000 /* Channel control */ +#define XAXIDMA_TX_SR_OFFSET 0x00000004 /* Status */ +#define XAXIDMA_TX_CDESC_OFFSET 0x00000008 /* Current descriptor pointer */ +#define XAXIDMA_TX_TDESC_OFFSET 0x00000010 /* Tail descriptor pointer */ + +#define XAXIDMA_RX_CR_OFFSET 0x00000030 /* Channel control */ +#define XAXIDMA_RX_SR_OFFSET 0x00000034 /* Status */ +#define XAXIDMA_RX_CDESC_OFFSET 0x00000038 /* Current descriptor pointer */ +#define XAXIDMA_RX_TDESC_OFFSET 0x00000040 /* Tail descriptor pointer */ + +#define XAXIDMA_CR_RUNSTOP_MASK 0x00000001 /* Start/stop DMA channel */ +#define XAXIDMA_CR_RESET_MASK 0x00000004 /* Reset DMA engine */ + +#define XAXIDMA_BD_NDESC_OFFSET 0x00 /* Next descriptor pointer */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_BUFA_OFFSET 0x08 /* Buffer address */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_LEN_OFFSET 0x18 /* Control/buffer length */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_STS_OFFSET 0x1C /* Status */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_USR0_OFFSET 0x20 /* User IP specific word0 */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_USR1_OFFSET 0x24 /* User IP specific word1 */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_USR2_OFFSET 0x28 /* User IP specific word2 */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_USR3_OFFSET 0x2C /* User IP specific word3 */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_USR4_OFFSET 0x30 /* User IP specific word4 */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_ID_OFFSET 0x34 /* Sw ID */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_HAS_STSCNTRL_OFFSET 0x38 /* Whether has stscntrl strm */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_HAS_DRE_OFFSET 0x3C /* Whether has DRE */ + +#define XAXIDMA_BD_HAS_DRE_SHIFT 8 /* Whether has DRE shift */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_HAS_DRE_MASK 0xF00 /* Whether has DRE mask */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_WORDLEN_MASK 0xFF /* Whether has DRE mask */ + +#define XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_LENGTH_MASK 0x007FFFFF /* Requested len */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_TXSOF_MASK 0x08000000 /* First tx packet */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_TXEOF_MASK 0x04000000 /* Last tx packet */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_ALL_MASK 0x0C000000 /* All control bits */ + +#define XAXIDMA_DELAY_MASK 0xFF000000 /* Delay timeout counter */ +#define XAXIDMA_COALESCE_MASK 0x00FF0000 /* Coalesce counter */ + +#define XAXIDMA_DELAY_SHIFT 24 +#define XAXIDMA_COALESCE_SHIFT 16 + +#define XAXIDMA_IRQ_IOC_MASK 0x00001000 /* Completion intr */ +#define XAXIDMA_IRQ_DELAY_MASK 0x00002000 /* Delay interrupt */ +#define XAXIDMA_IRQ_ERROR_MASK 0x00004000 /* Error interrupt */ +#define XAXIDMA_IRQ_ALL_MASK 0x00007000 /* All interrupts */ + +/* Default TX/RX Threshold and waitbound values for SGDMA mode */ +#define XAXIDMA_DFT_TX_THRESHOLD 24 +#define XAXIDMA_DFT_TX_WAITBOUND 254 +#define XAXIDMA_DFT_RX_THRESHOLD 24 +#define XAXIDMA_DFT_RX_WAITBOUND 254 + +#define XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_TXSOF_MASK 0x08000000 /* First tx packet */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_TXEOF_MASK 0x04000000 /* Last tx packet */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_ALL_MASK 0x0C000000 /* All control bits */ + +#define XAXIDMA_BD_STS_ACTUAL_LEN_MASK 0x007FFFFF /* Actual len */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_STS_COMPLETE_MASK 0x80000000 /* Completed */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_STS_DEC_ERR_MASK 0x40000000 /* Decode error */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_STS_SLV_ERR_MASK 0x20000000 /* Slave error */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_STS_INT_ERR_MASK 0x10000000 /* Internal err */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_STS_ALL_ERR_MASK 0x70000000 /* All errors */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_STS_RXSOF_MASK 0x08000000 /* First rx pkt */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_STS_RXEOF_MASK 0x04000000 /* Last rx pkt */ +#define XAXIDMA_BD_STS_ALL_MASK 0xFC000000 /* All status bits */ + +#define XAXIDMA_BD_MINIMUM_ALIGNMENT 0x40 + +/* Axi Ethernet registers definition */ +#define XAE_RAF_OFFSET 0x00000000 /* Reset and Address filter */ +#define XAE_TPF_OFFSET 0x00000004 /* Tx Pause Frame */ +#define XAE_IFGP_OFFSET 0x00000008 /* Tx Inter-frame gap adjustment*/ +#define XAE_IS_OFFSET 0x0000000C /* Interrupt status */ +#define XAE_IP_OFFSET 0x00000010 /* Interrupt pending */ +#define XAE_IE_OFFSET 0x00000014 /* Interrupt enable */ +#define XAE_TTAG_OFFSET 0x00000018 /* Tx VLAN TAG */ +#define XAE_RTAG_OFFSET 0x0000001C /* Rx VLAN TAG */ +#define XAE_UAWL_OFFSET 0x00000020 /* Unicast address word lower */ +#define XAE_UAWU_OFFSET 0x00000024 /* Unicast address word upper */ +#define XAE_TPID0_OFFSET 0x00000028 /* VLAN TPID0 register */ +#define XAE_TPID1_OFFSET 0x0000002C /* VLAN TPID1 register */ +#define XAE_PPST_OFFSET 0x00000030 /* PCS PMA Soft Temac Status Reg */ +#define XAE_RCW0_OFFSET 0x00000400 /* Rx Configuration Word 0 */ +#define XAE_RCW1_OFFSET 0x00000404 /* Rx Configuration Word 1 */ +#define XAE_TC_OFFSET 0x00000408 /* Tx Configuration */ +#define XAE_FCC_OFFSET 0x0000040C /* Flow Control Configuration */ +#define XAE_EMMC_OFFSET 0x00000410 /* EMAC mode configuration */ +#define XAE_PHYC_OFFSET 0x00000414 /* RGMII/SGMII configuration */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MC_OFFSET 0x00000500 /* MII Management Config */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_OFFSET 0x00000504 /* MII Management Control */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MWD_OFFSET 0x00000508 /* MII Management Write Data */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MRD_OFFSET 0x0000050C /* MII Management Read Data */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MIS_OFFSET 0x00000600 /* MII Management Interrupt Status */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MIP_OFFSET 0x00000620 /* MII Mgmt Interrupt Pending + * register offset */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MIE_OFFSET 0x00000640 /* MII Management Interrupt Enable + * register offset */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MIC_OFFSET 0x00000660 /* MII Management Interrupt Clear + * register offset. */ +#define XAE_UAW0_OFFSET 0x00000700 /* Unicast address word 0 */ +#define XAE_UAW1_OFFSET 0x00000704 /* Unicast address word 1 */ +#define XAE_FMI_OFFSET 0x00000708 /* Filter Mask Index */ +#define XAE_AF0_OFFSET 0x00000710 /* Address Filter 0 */ +#define XAE_AF1_OFFSET 0x00000714 /* Address Filter 1 */ + +#define XAE_TX_VLAN_DATA_OFFSET 0x00004000 /* TX VLAN data table address */ +#define XAE_RX_VLAN_DATA_OFFSET 0x00008000 /* RX VLAN data table address */ +#define XAE_MCAST_TABLE_OFFSET 0x00020000 /* Multicast table address */ + +/* Bit Masks for Axi Ethernet RAF register */ +#define XAE_RAF_MCSTREJ_MASK 0x00000002 /* Reject receive multicast + * destination address */ +#define XAE_RAF_BCSTREJ_MASK 0x00000004 /* Reject receive broadcast + * destination address */ +#define XAE_RAF_TXVTAGMODE_MASK 0x00000018 /* Tx VLAN TAG mode */ +#define XAE_RAF_RXVTAGMODE_MASK 0x00000060 /* Rx VLAN TAG mode */ +#define XAE_RAF_TXVSTRPMODE_MASK 0x00000180 /* Tx VLAN STRIP mode */ +#define XAE_RAF_RXVSTRPMODE_MASK 0x00000600 /* Rx VLAN STRIP mode */ +#define XAE_RAF_NEWFNCENBL_MASK 0x00000800 /* New function mode */ +#define XAE_RAF_EMULTIFLTRENBL_MASK 0x00001000 /* Exteneded Multicast + * Filtering mode + */ +#define XAE_RAF_STATSRST_MASK 0x00002000 /* Stats. Counter Reset */ +#define XAE_RAF_RXBADFRMEN_MASK 0x00004000 /* Recv Bad Frame Enable */ +#define XAE_RAF_TXVTAGMODE_SHIFT 3 /* Tx Tag mode shift bits */ +#define XAE_RAF_RXVTAGMODE_SHIFT 5 /* Rx Tag mode shift bits */ +#define XAE_RAF_TXVSTRPMODE_SHIFT 7 /* Tx strip mode shift bits*/ +#define XAE_RAF_RXVSTRPMODE_SHIFT 9 /* Rx Strip mode shift bits*/ + +/* Bit Masks for Axi Ethernet TPF and IFGP registers */ +#define XAE_TPF_TPFV_MASK 0x0000FFFF /* Tx pause frame value */ +#define XAE_IFGP0_IFGP_MASK 0x0000007F /* Transmit inter-frame + * gap adjustment value */ + +/* Bit Masks for Axi Ethernet IS, IE and IP registers, Same masks apply + * for all 3 registers. */ +#define XAE_INT_HARDACSCMPLT_MASK 0x00000001 /* Hard register access + * complete */ +#define XAE_INT_AUTONEG_MASK 0x00000002 /* Auto negotiation + * complete */ +#define XAE_INT_RXCMPIT_MASK 0x00000004 /* Rx complete */ +#define XAE_INT_RXRJECT_MASK 0x00000008 /* Rx frame rejected */ +#define XAE_INT_RXFIFOOVR_MASK 0x00000010 /* Rx fifo overrun */ +#define XAE_INT_TXCMPIT_MASK 0x00000020 /* Tx complete */ +#define XAE_INT_RXDCMLOCK_MASK 0x00000040 /* Rx Dcm Lock */ +#define XAE_INT_MGTRDY_MASK 0x00000080 /* MGT clock Lock */ +#define XAE_INT_PHYRSTCMPLT_MASK 0x00000100 /* Phy Reset complete */ +#define XAE_INT_ALL_MASK 0x0000003F /* All the ints */ + +#define XAE_INT_RECV_ERROR_MASK \ + (XAE_INT_RXRJECT_MASK | XAE_INT_RXFIFOOVR_MASK) /* INT bits that + * indicate receive + * errors */ + +/* Bit masks for Axi Ethernet VLAN TPID Word 0 register */ +#define XAE_TPID_0_MASK 0x0000FFFF /* TPID 0 */ +#define XAE_TPID_1_MASK 0xFFFF0000 /* TPID 1 */ + +/* Bit masks for Axi Ethernet VLAN TPID Word 1 register */ +#define XAE_TPID_2_MASK 0x0000FFFF /* TPID 0 */ +#define XAE_TPID_3_MASK 0xFFFF0000 /* TPID 1 */ + +/* Bit masks for Axi Ethernet RCW1 register */ +#define XAE_RCW1_RST_MASK 0x80000000 /* Reset */ +#define XAE_RCW1_JUM_MASK 0x40000000 /* Jumbo frame enable */ +#define XAE_RCW1_FCS_MASK 0x20000000 /* In-Band FCS enable + * (FCS not stripped) */ +#define XAE_RCW1_RX_MASK 0x10000000 /* Receiver enable */ +#define XAE_RCW1_VLAN_MASK 0x08000000 /* VLAN frame enable */ +#define XAE_RCW1_LT_DIS_MASK 0x02000000 /* Length/type field valid check + * disable */ +#define XAE_RCW1_CL_DIS_MASK 0x01000000 /* Control frame Length check + * disable */ +#define XAE_RCW1_PAUSEADDR_MASK 0x0000FFFF /* Pause frame source address + * bits [47:32]. Bits [31:0] are + * stored in register RCW0 */ + +/* Bit masks for Axi Ethernet TC register */ +#define XAE_TC_RST_MASK 0x80000000 /* Reset */ +#define XAE_TC_JUM_MASK 0x40000000 /* Jumbo frame enable */ +#define XAE_TC_FCS_MASK 0x20000000 /* In-Band FCS enable + * (FCS not generated) */ +#define XAE_TC_TX_MASK 0x10000000 /* Transmitter enable */ +#define XAE_TC_VLAN_MASK 0x08000000 /* VLAN frame enable */ +#define XAE_TC_IFG_MASK 0x02000000 /* Inter-frame gap adjustment + * enable */ + +/* Bit masks for Axi Ethernet FCC register */ +#define XAE_FCC_FCRX_MASK 0x20000000 /* Rx flow control enable */ +#define XAE_FCC_FCTX_MASK 0x40000000 /* Tx flow control enable */ + +/* Bit masks for Axi Ethernet EMMC register */ +#define XAE_EMMC_LINKSPEED_MASK 0xC0000000 /* Link speed */ +#define XAE_EMMC_RGMII_MASK 0x20000000 /* RGMII mode enable */ +#define XAE_EMMC_SGMII_MASK 0x10000000 /* SGMII mode enable */ +#define XAE_EMMC_GPCS_MASK 0x08000000 /* 1000BaseX mode enable */ +#define XAE_EMMC_HOST_MASK 0x04000000 /* Host interface enable */ +#define XAE_EMMC_TX16BIT 0x02000000 /* 16 bit Tx client enable */ +#define XAE_EMMC_RX16BIT 0x01000000 /* 16 bit Rx client enable */ +#define XAE_EMMC_LINKSPD_10 0x00000000 /* Link Speed mask for 10 Mbit */ +#define XAE_EMMC_LINKSPD_100 0x40000000 /* Link Speed mask for 100 Mbit */ +#define XAE_EMMC_LINKSPD_1000 0x80000000 /* Link Speed mask for 1000 Mbit */ + +/* Bit masks for Axi Ethernet PHYC register */ +#define XAE_PHYC_SGMIILINKSPEED_MASK 0xC0000000 /* SGMII link speed mask*/ +#define XAE_PHYC_RGMIILINKSPEED_MASK 0x0000000C /* RGMII link speed */ +#define XAE_PHYC_RGMIIHD_MASK 0x00000002 /* RGMII Half-duplex */ +#define XAE_PHYC_RGMIILINK_MASK 0x00000001 /* RGMII link status */ +#define XAE_PHYC_RGLINKSPD_10 0x00000000 /* RGMII link 10 Mbit */ +#define XAE_PHYC_RGLINKSPD_100 0x00000004 /* RGMII link 100 Mbit */ +#define XAE_PHYC_RGLINKSPD_1000 0x00000008 /* RGMII link 1000 Mbit */ +#define XAE_PHYC_SGLINKSPD_10 0x00000000 /* SGMII link 10 Mbit */ +#define XAE_PHYC_SGLINKSPD_100 0x40000000 /* SGMII link 100 Mbit */ +#define XAE_PHYC_SGLINKSPD_1000 0x80000000 /* SGMII link 1000 Mbit */ + +/* Bit masks for Axi Ethernet MDIO interface MC register */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MC_MDIOEN_MASK 0x00000040 /* MII management enable */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MC_CLOCK_DIVIDE_MAX 0x3F /* Maximum MDIO divisor */ + +/* Bit masks for Axi Ethernet MDIO interface MCR register */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_PHYAD_MASK 0x1F000000 /* Phy Address Mask */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_PHYAD_SHIFT 24 /* Phy Address Shift */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_REGAD_MASK 0x001F0000 /* Reg Address Mask */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_REGAD_SHIFT 16 /* Reg Address Shift */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_OP_MASK 0x0000C000 /* Operation Code Mask */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_OP_SHIFT 13 /* Operation Code Shift */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_OP_READ_MASK 0x00008000 /* Op Code Read Mask */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_OP_WRITE_MASK 0x00004000 /* Op Code Write Mask */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_INITIATE_MASK 0x00000800 /* Ready Mask */ +#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_READY_MASK 0x00000080 /* Ready Mask */ + +/* Bit masks for Axi Ethernet MDIO interface MIS, MIP, MIE, MIC registers */ +#define XAE_MDIO_INT_MIIM_RDY_MASK 0x00000001 /* MIIM Interrupt */ + +/* Bit masks for Axi Ethernet UAW1 register */ +#define XAE_UAW1_UNICASTADDR_MASK 0x0000FFFF /* Station address bits + * [47:32]; Station address + * bits [31:0] are stored in + * register UAW0 */ + +/* Bit masks for Axi Ethernet FMI register */ +#define XAE_FMI_PM_MASK 0x80000000 /* Promis. mode enable */ +#define XAE_FMI_IND_MASK 0x00000003 /* Index Mask */ + +#define XAE_MDIO_DIV_DFT 29 /* Default MDIO clock divisor */ + +/* Defines for different options for C_PHY_TYPE parameter in Axi Ethernet IP */ +#define XAE_PHY_TYPE_MII 0 +#define XAE_PHY_TYPE_GMII 1 +#define XAE_PHY_TYPE_RGMII_1_3 2 +#define XAE_PHY_TYPE_RGMII_2_0 3 +#define XAE_PHY_TYPE_SGMII 4 +#define XAE_PHY_TYPE_1000BASE_X 5 + +#define XAE_MULTICAST_CAM_TABLE_NUM 4 /* Total number of entries in the + * hardware multicast table. */ + +/* Axi Ethernet Synthesis features */ +#define XAE_FEATURE_PARTIAL_RX_CSUM (1 << 0) +#define XAE_FEATURE_PARTIAL_TX_CSUM (1 << 1) +#define XAE_FEATURE_FULL_RX_CSUM (1 << 2) +#define XAE_FEATURE_FULL_TX_CSUM (1 << 3) + +#define XAE_NO_CSUM_OFFLOAD 0 + +#define XAE_FULL_CSUM_STATUS_MASK 0x00000038 +#define XAE_IP_UDP_CSUM_VALIDATED 0x00000003 +#define XAE_IP_TCP_CSUM_VALIDATED 0x00000002 + +#define DELAY_OF_ONE_MILLISEC 1000 + +/** + * struct axidma_bd - Axi Dma buffer descriptor layout + * @next: MM2S/S2MM Next Descriptor Pointer + * @reserved1: Reserved and not used + * @phys: MM2S/S2MM Buffer Address + * @reserved2: Reserved and not used + * @reserved3: Reserved and not used + * @reserved4: Reserved and not used + * @cntrl: MM2S/S2MM Control value + * @status: MM2S/S2MM Status value + * @app0: MM2S/S2MM User Application Field 0. + * @app1: MM2S/S2MM User Application Field 1. + * @app2: MM2S/S2MM User Application Field 2. + * @app3: MM2S/S2MM User Application Field 3. + * @app4: MM2S/S2MM User Application Field 4. + * @sw_id_offset: MM2S/S2MM Sw ID + * @reserved5: Reserved and not used + * @reserved6: Reserved and not used + */ +struct axidma_bd { + u32 next; /* Physical address of next buffer descriptor */ + u32 reserved1; + u32 phys; + u32 reserved2; + u32 reserved3; + u32 reserved4; + u32 cntrl; + u32 status; + u32 app0; + u32 app1; /* TX start << 16 | insert */ + u32 app2; /* TX csum seed */ + u32 app3; + u32 app4; + u32 sw_id_offset; + u32 reserved5; + u32 reserved6; +}; + +/** + * struct axienet_local - axienet private per device data + * @ndev: Pointer for net_device to which it will be attached. + * @dev: Pointer to device structure + * @phy_dev: Pointer to PHY device structure attached to the axienet_local + * @phy_node: Pointer to device node structure + * @mii_bus: Pointer to MII bus structure + * @mdio_irqs: IRQs table for MDIO bus required in mii_bus structure + * @regs: Base address for the axienet_local device address space + * @dma_regs: Base address for the axidma device address space + * @dma_err_tasklet: Tasklet structure to process Axi DMA errors + * @tx_irq: Axidma TX IRQ number + * @rx_irq: Axidma RX IRQ number + * @temac_type: axienet type to identify between soft and hard temac + * @phy_type: Phy type to identify between MII/GMII/RGMII/SGMII/1000 Base-X + * @options: AxiEthernet option word + * @last_link: Phy link state in which the PHY was negotiated earlier + * @features: Stores the extended features supported by the axienet hw + * @tx_bd_v: Virtual address of the TX buffer descriptor ring + * @tx_bd_p: Physical address(start address) of the TX buffer descr. ring + * @rx_bd_v: Virtual address of the RX buffer descriptor ring + * @rx_bd_p: Physical address(start address) of the RX buffer descr. ring + * @tx_bd_ci: Stores the index of the Tx buffer descriptor in the ring being + * accessed currently. Used while alloc. BDs before a TX starts + * @tx_bd_tail: Stores the index of the Tx buffer descriptor in the ring being + * accessed currently. Used while processing BDs after the TX + * completed. + * @rx_bd_ci: Stores the index of the Rx buffer descriptor in the ring being + * accessed currently. + * @max_frm_size: Stores the maximum size of the frame that can be that + * Txed/Rxed in the existing hardware. If jumbo option is + * supported, the maximum frame size would be 9k. Else it is + * 1522 bytes (assuming support for basic VLAN) + * @jumbo_support: Stores hardware configuration for jumbo support. If hardware + * can handle jumbo packets, this entry will be 1, else 0. + */ +struct axienet_local { + struct net_device *ndev; + struct device *dev; + + /* Connection to PHY device */ + struct phy_device *phy_dev; /* Pointer to PHY device */ + struct device_node *phy_node; + + /* MDIO bus data */ + struct mii_bus *mii_bus; /* MII bus reference */ + int mdio_irqs[PHY_MAX_ADDR]; /* IRQs table for MDIO bus */ + + /* IO registers, dma functions and IRQs */ + void __iomem *regs; + void __iomem *dma_regs; + + struct tasklet_struct dma_err_tasklet; + + int tx_irq; + int rx_irq; + u32 temac_type; + u32 phy_type; + + u32 options; /* Current options word */ + u32 last_link; + u32 features; + + /* Buffer descriptors */ + struct axidma_bd *tx_bd_v; + dma_addr_t tx_bd_p; + struct axidma_bd *rx_bd_v; + dma_addr_t rx_bd_p; + u32 tx_bd_ci; + u32 tx_bd_tail; + u32 rx_bd_ci; + + u32 max_frm_size; + u32 jumbo_support; + + int csum_offload_on_tx_path; + int csum_offload_on_rx_path; + + u32 coalesce_count_rx; + u32 coalesce_count_tx; +}; + +/** + * struct axiethernet_option - Used to set axi ethernet hardware options + * @opt: Option to be set. + * @reg: Register offset to be written for setting the option + * @m_or: Mask to be ORed for setting the option in the register + */ +struct axienet_option { + u32 opt; + u32 reg; + u32 m_or; +}; + +/** + * axienet_ior - Memory mapped Axi Ethernet register read + * @lp: Pointer to axienet local structure + * @offset: Address offset from the base address of Axi Ethernet core + * + * returns: The contents of the Axi Ethernet register + * + * This function returns the contents of the corresponding register. + */ +static inline u32 axienet_ior(struct axienet_local *lp, off_t offset) +{ + return in_be32(lp->regs + offset); +} + +/** + * axienet_iow - Memory mapped Axi Ethernet register write + * @lp: Pointer to axienet local structure + * @offset: Address offset from the base address of Axi Ethernet core + * @value: Value to be written into the Axi Ethernet register + * + * This function writes the desired value into the corresponding Axi Ethernet + * register. + */ +static inline void axienet_iow(struct axienet_local *lp, off_t offset, + u32 value) +{ + out_be32((lp->regs + offset), value); +} + +/* Function prototypes visible in xilinx_axienet_mdio.c for other files */ +int axienet_mdio_setup(struct axienet_local *lp, struct device_node *np); +int axienet_mdio_wait_until_ready(struct axienet_local *lp); +void axienet_mdio_teardown(struct axienet_local *lp); + +#endif /* XILINX_AXI_ENET_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/xilinx_axienet_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/xilinx_axienet_main.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2fcbeba6814bead15acdae0feff0e3e264c5656d --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/xilinx_axienet_main.c @@ -0,0 +1,1669 @@ +/* + * Xilinx Axi Ethernet device driver + * + * Copyright (c) 2008 Nissin Systems Co., Ltd., Yoshio Kashiwagi + * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 DLA Systems, David H. Lynch Jr. + * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Secret Lab Technologies Ltd. + * Copyright (c) 2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2012 Daniel Borkmann, + * Copyright (c) 2012 Ariane Keller, + * + * This is a driver for the Xilinx Axi Ethernet which is used in the Virtex6 + * and Spartan6. + * + * TODO: + * - Add Axi Fifo support. + * - Factor out Axi DMA code into separate driver. + * - Test and fix basic multicast filtering. + * - Add support for extended multicast filtering. + * - Test basic VLAN support. + * - Add support for extended VLAN support. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "xilinx_axienet.h" + +/* Descriptors defines for Tx and Rx DMA - 2^n for the best performance */ +#define TX_BD_NUM 64 +#define RX_BD_NUM 128 + +/* Must be shorter than length of ethtool_drvinfo.driver field to fit */ +#define DRIVER_NAME "xaxienet" +#define DRIVER_DESCRIPTION "Xilinx Axi Ethernet driver" +#define DRIVER_VERSION "1.00a" + +#define AXIENET_REGS_N 32 + +/* Match table for of_platform binding */ +static struct of_device_id axienet_of_match[] __devinitdata = { + { .compatible = "xlnx,axi-ethernet-1.00.a", }, + { .compatible = "xlnx,axi-ethernet-1.01.a", }, + { .compatible = "xlnx,axi-ethernet-2.01.a", }, + {}, +}; + +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, axienet_of_match); + +/* Option table for setting up Axi Ethernet hardware options */ +static struct axienet_option axienet_options[] = { + /* Turn on jumbo packet support for both Rx and Tx */ + { + .opt = XAE_OPTION_JUMBO, + .reg = XAE_TC_OFFSET, + .m_or = XAE_TC_JUM_MASK, + }, { + .opt = XAE_OPTION_JUMBO, + .reg = XAE_RCW1_OFFSET, + .m_or = XAE_RCW1_JUM_MASK, + }, { /* Turn on VLAN packet support for both Rx and Tx */ + .opt = XAE_OPTION_VLAN, + .reg = XAE_TC_OFFSET, + .m_or = XAE_TC_VLAN_MASK, + }, { + .opt = XAE_OPTION_VLAN, + .reg = XAE_RCW1_OFFSET, + .m_or = XAE_RCW1_VLAN_MASK, + }, { /* Turn on FCS stripping on receive packets */ + .opt = XAE_OPTION_FCS_STRIP, + .reg = XAE_RCW1_OFFSET, + .m_or = XAE_RCW1_FCS_MASK, + }, { /* Turn on FCS insertion on transmit packets */ + .opt = XAE_OPTION_FCS_INSERT, + .reg = XAE_TC_OFFSET, + .m_or = XAE_TC_FCS_MASK, + }, { /* Turn off length/type field checking on receive packets */ + .opt = XAE_OPTION_LENTYPE_ERR, + .reg = XAE_RCW1_OFFSET, + .m_or = XAE_RCW1_LT_DIS_MASK, + }, { /* Turn on Rx flow control */ + .opt = XAE_OPTION_FLOW_CONTROL, + .reg = XAE_FCC_OFFSET, + .m_or = XAE_FCC_FCRX_MASK, + }, { /* Turn on Tx flow control */ + .opt = XAE_OPTION_FLOW_CONTROL, + .reg = XAE_FCC_OFFSET, + .m_or = XAE_FCC_FCTX_MASK, + }, { /* Turn on promiscuous frame filtering */ + .opt = XAE_OPTION_PROMISC, + .reg = XAE_FMI_OFFSET, + .m_or = XAE_FMI_PM_MASK, + }, { /* Enable transmitter */ + .opt = XAE_OPTION_TXEN, + .reg = XAE_TC_OFFSET, + .m_or = XAE_TC_TX_MASK, + }, { /* Enable receiver */ + .opt = XAE_OPTION_RXEN, + .reg = XAE_RCW1_OFFSET, + .m_or = XAE_RCW1_RX_MASK, + }, + {} +}; + +/** + * axienet_dma_in32 - Memory mapped Axi DMA register read + * @lp: Pointer to axienet local structure + * @reg: Address offset from the base address of the Axi DMA core + * + * returns: The contents of the Axi DMA register + * + * This function returns the contents of the corresponding Axi DMA register. + */ +static inline u32 axienet_dma_in32(struct axienet_local *lp, off_t reg) +{ + return in_be32(lp->dma_regs + reg); +} + +/** + * axienet_dma_out32 - Memory mapped Axi DMA register write. + * @lp: Pointer to axienet local structure + * @reg: Address offset from the base address of the Axi DMA core + * @value: Value to be written into the Axi DMA register + * + * This function writes the desired value into the corresponding Axi DMA + * register. + */ +static inline void axienet_dma_out32(struct axienet_local *lp, + off_t reg, u32 value) +{ + out_be32((lp->dma_regs + reg), value); +} + +/** + * axienet_dma_bd_release - Release buffer descriptor rings + * @ndev: Pointer to the net_device structure + * + * This function is used to release the descriptors allocated in + * axienet_dma_bd_init. axienet_dma_bd_release is called when Axi Ethernet + * driver stop api is called. + */ +static void axienet_dma_bd_release(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + int i; + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + + for (i = 0; i < RX_BD_NUM; i++) { + dma_unmap_single(ndev->dev.parent, lp->rx_bd_v[i].phys, + lp->max_frm_size, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + dev_kfree_skb((struct sk_buff *) + (lp->rx_bd_v[i].sw_id_offset)); + } + + if (lp->rx_bd_v) { + dma_free_coherent(ndev->dev.parent, + sizeof(*lp->rx_bd_v) * RX_BD_NUM, + lp->rx_bd_v, + lp->rx_bd_p); + } + if (lp->tx_bd_v) { + dma_free_coherent(ndev->dev.parent, + sizeof(*lp->tx_bd_v) * TX_BD_NUM, + lp->tx_bd_v, + lp->tx_bd_p); + } +} + +/** + * axienet_dma_bd_init - Setup buffer descriptor rings for Axi DMA + * @ndev: Pointer to the net_device structure + * + * returns: 0, on success + * -ENOMEM, on failure + * + * This function is called to initialize the Rx and Tx DMA descriptor + * rings. This initializes the descriptors with required default values + * and is called when Axi Ethernet driver reset is called. + */ +static int axienet_dma_bd_init(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + u32 cr; + int i; + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + + /* Reset the indexes which are used for accessing the BDs */ + lp->tx_bd_ci = 0; + lp->tx_bd_tail = 0; + lp->rx_bd_ci = 0; + + /* + * Allocate the Tx and Rx buffer descriptors. + */ + lp->tx_bd_v = dma_alloc_coherent(ndev->dev.parent, + sizeof(*lp->tx_bd_v) * TX_BD_NUM, + &lp->tx_bd_p, + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!lp->tx_bd_v) { + dev_err(&ndev->dev, "unable to allocate DMA Tx buffer " + "descriptors"); + goto out; + } + + lp->rx_bd_v = dma_alloc_coherent(ndev->dev.parent, + sizeof(*lp->rx_bd_v) * RX_BD_NUM, + &lp->rx_bd_p, + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!lp->rx_bd_v) { + dev_err(&ndev->dev, "unable to allocate DMA Rx buffer " + "descriptors"); + goto out; + } + + memset(lp->tx_bd_v, 0, sizeof(*lp->tx_bd_v) * TX_BD_NUM); + for (i = 0; i < TX_BD_NUM; i++) { + lp->tx_bd_v[i].next = lp->tx_bd_p + + sizeof(*lp->tx_bd_v) * + ((i + 1) % TX_BD_NUM); + } + + memset(lp->rx_bd_v, 0, sizeof(*lp->rx_bd_v) * RX_BD_NUM); + for (i = 0; i < RX_BD_NUM; i++) { + lp->rx_bd_v[i].next = lp->rx_bd_p + + sizeof(*lp->rx_bd_v) * + ((i + 1) % RX_BD_NUM); + + skb = netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align(ndev, lp->max_frm_size); + if (!skb) { + dev_err(&ndev->dev, "alloc_skb error %d\n", i); + goto out; + } + + lp->rx_bd_v[i].sw_id_offset = (u32) skb; + lp->rx_bd_v[i].phys = dma_map_single(ndev->dev.parent, + skb->data, + lp->max_frm_size, + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + lp->rx_bd_v[i].cntrl = lp->max_frm_size; + } + + /* Start updating the Rx channel control register */ + cr = axienet_dma_in32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_CR_OFFSET); + /* Update the interrupt coalesce count */ + cr = ((cr & ~XAXIDMA_COALESCE_MASK) | + ((lp->coalesce_count_rx) << XAXIDMA_COALESCE_SHIFT)); + /* Update the delay timer count */ + cr = ((cr & ~XAXIDMA_DELAY_MASK) | + (XAXIDMA_DFT_RX_WAITBOUND << XAXIDMA_DELAY_SHIFT)); + /* Enable coalesce, delay timer and error interrupts */ + cr |= XAXIDMA_IRQ_ALL_MASK; + /* Write to the Rx channel control register */ + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_CR_OFFSET, cr); + + /* Start updating the Tx channel control register */ + cr = axienet_dma_in32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_CR_OFFSET); + /* Update the interrupt coalesce count */ + cr = (((cr & ~XAXIDMA_COALESCE_MASK)) | + ((lp->coalesce_count_tx) << XAXIDMA_COALESCE_SHIFT)); + /* Update the delay timer count */ + cr = (((cr & ~XAXIDMA_DELAY_MASK)) | + (XAXIDMA_DFT_TX_WAITBOUND << XAXIDMA_DELAY_SHIFT)); + /* Enable coalesce, delay timer and error interrupts */ + cr |= XAXIDMA_IRQ_ALL_MASK; + /* Write to the Tx channel control register */ + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_CR_OFFSET, cr); + + /* Populate the tail pointer and bring the Rx Axi DMA engine out of + * halted state. This will make the Rx side ready for reception.*/ + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_CDESC_OFFSET, lp->rx_bd_p); + cr = axienet_dma_in32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_CR_OFFSET); + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_CR_OFFSET, + cr | XAXIDMA_CR_RUNSTOP_MASK); + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_TDESC_OFFSET, lp->rx_bd_p + + (sizeof(*lp->rx_bd_v) * (RX_BD_NUM - 1))); + + /* Write to the RS (Run-stop) bit in the Tx channel control register. + * Tx channel is now ready to run. But only after we write to the + * tail pointer register that the Tx channel will start transmitting */ + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_CDESC_OFFSET, lp->tx_bd_p); + cr = axienet_dma_in32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_CR_OFFSET); + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_CR_OFFSET, + cr | XAXIDMA_CR_RUNSTOP_MASK); + + return 0; +out: + axienet_dma_bd_release(ndev); + return -ENOMEM; +} + +/** + * axienet_set_mac_address - Write the MAC address + * @ndev: Pointer to the net_device structure + * @address: 6 byte Address to be written as MAC address + * + * This function is called to initialize the MAC address of the Axi Ethernet + * core. It writes to the UAW0 and UAW1 registers of the core. + */ +static void axienet_set_mac_address(struct net_device *ndev, void *address) +{ + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + + if (address) + memcpy(ndev->dev_addr, address, ETH_ALEN); + if (!is_valid_ether_addr(ndev->dev_addr)) + random_ether_addr(ndev->dev_addr); + + /* Set up unicast MAC address filter set its mac address */ + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_UAW0_OFFSET, + (ndev->dev_addr[0]) | + (ndev->dev_addr[1] << 8) | + (ndev->dev_addr[2] << 16) | + (ndev->dev_addr[3] << 24)); + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_UAW1_OFFSET, + (((axienet_ior(lp, XAE_UAW1_OFFSET)) & + ~XAE_UAW1_UNICASTADDR_MASK) | + (ndev->dev_addr[4] | + (ndev->dev_addr[5] << 8)))); +} + +/** + * netdev_set_mac_address - Write the MAC address (from outside the driver) + * @ndev: Pointer to the net_device structure + * @p: 6 byte Address to be written as MAC address + * + * returns: 0 for all conditions. Presently, there is no failure case. + * + * This function is called to initialize the MAC address of the Axi Ethernet + * core. It calls the core specific axienet_set_mac_address. This is the + * function that goes into net_device_ops structure entry ndo_set_mac_address. + */ +static int netdev_set_mac_address(struct net_device *ndev, void *p) +{ + struct sockaddr *addr = p; + axienet_set_mac_address(ndev, addr->sa_data); + return 0; +} + +/** + * axienet_set_multicast_list - Prepare the multicast table + * @ndev: Pointer to the net_device structure + * + * This function is called to initialize the multicast table during + * initialization. The Axi Ethernet basic multicast support has a four-entry + * multicast table which is initialized here. Additionally this function + * goes into the net_device_ops structure entry ndo_set_multicast_list. This + * means whenever the multicast table entries need to be updated this + * function gets called. + */ +static void axienet_set_multicast_list(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + int i; + u32 reg, af0reg, af1reg; + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + + if (ndev->flags & (IFF_ALLMULTI | IFF_PROMISC) || + netdev_mc_count(ndev) > XAE_MULTICAST_CAM_TABLE_NUM) { + /* We must make the kernel realize we had to move into + * promiscuous mode. If it was a promiscuous mode request + * the flag is already set. If not we set it. */ + ndev->flags |= IFF_PROMISC; + reg = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_FMI_OFFSET); + reg |= XAE_FMI_PM_MASK; + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_FMI_OFFSET, reg); + dev_info(&ndev->dev, "Promiscuous mode enabled.\n"); + } else if (!netdev_mc_empty(ndev)) { + struct netdev_hw_addr *ha; + + i = 0; + netdev_for_each_mc_addr(ha, ndev) { + if (i >= XAE_MULTICAST_CAM_TABLE_NUM) + break; + + af0reg = (ha->addr[0]); + af0reg |= (ha->addr[1] << 8); + af0reg |= (ha->addr[2] << 16); + af0reg |= (ha->addr[3] << 24); + + af1reg = (ha->addr[4]); + af1reg |= (ha->addr[5] << 8); + + reg = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_FMI_OFFSET) & 0xFFFFFF00; + reg |= i; + + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_FMI_OFFSET, reg); + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_AF0_OFFSET, af0reg); + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_AF1_OFFSET, af1reg); + i++; + } + } else { + reg = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_FMI_OFFSET); + reg &= ~XAE_FMI_PM_MASK; + + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_FMI_OFFSET, reg); + + for (i = 0; i < XAE_MULTICAST_CAM_TABLE_NUM; i++) { + reg = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_FMI_OFFSET) & 0xFFFFFF00; + reg |= i; + + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_FMI_OFFSET, reg); + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_AF0_OFFSET, 0); + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_AF1_OFFSET, 0); + } + + dev_info(&ndev->dev, "Promiscuous mode disabled.\n"); + } +} + +/** + * axienet_setoptions - Set an Axi Ethernet option + * @ndev: Pointer to the net_device structure + * @options: Option to be enabled/disabled + * + * The Axi Ethernet core has multiple features which can be selectively turned + * on or off. The typical options could be jumbo frame option, basic VLAN + * option, promiscuous mode option etc. This function is used to set or clear + * these options in the Axi Ethernet hardware. This is done through + * axienet_option structure . + */ +static void axienet_setoptions(struct net_device *ndev, u32 options) +{ + int reg; + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct axienet_option *tp = &axienet_options[0]; + + while (tp->opt) { + reg = ((axienet_ior(lp, tp->reg)) & ~(tp->m_or)); + if (options & tp->opt) + reg |= tp->m_or; + axienet_iow(lp, tp->reg, reg); + tp++; + } + + lp->options |= options; +} + +static void __axienet_device_reset(struct axienet_local *lp, + struct device *dev, off_t offset) +{ + u32 timeout; + /* Reset Axi DMA. This would reset Axi Ethernet core as well. The reset + * process of Axi DMA takes a while to complete as all pending + * commands/transfers will be flushed or completed during this + * reset process. */ + axienet_dma_out32(lp, offset, XAXIDMA_CR_RESET_MASK); + timeout = DELAY_OF_ONE_MILLISEC; + while (axienet_dma_in32(lp, offset) & XAXIDMA_CR_RESET_MASK) { + udelay(1); + if (--timeout == 0) { + dev_err(dev, "axienet_device_reset DMA " + "reset timeout!\n"); + break; + } + } +} + +/** + * axienet_device_reset - Reset and initialize the Axi Ethernet hardware. + * @ndev: Pointer to the net_device structure + * + * This function is called to reset and initialize the Axi Ethernet core. This + * is typically called during initialization. It does a reset of the Axi DMA + * Rx/Tx channels and initializes the Axi DMA BDs. Since Axi DMA reset lines + * areconnected to Axi Ethernet reset lines, this in turn resets the Axi + * Ethernet core. No separate hardware reset is done for the Axi Ethernet + * core. + */ +static void axienet_device_reset(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + u32 axienet_status; + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + + __axienet_device_reset(lp, &ndev->dev, XAXIDMA_TX_CR_OFFSET); + __axienet_device_reset(lp, &ndev->dev, XAXIDMA_RX_CR_OFFSET); + + lp->max_frm_size = XAE_MAX_VLAN_FRAME_SIZE; + lp->options &= (~XAE_OPTION_JUMBO); + + if ((ndev->mtu > XAE_MTU) && + (ndev->mtu <= XAE_JUMBO_MTU) && + (lp->jumbo_support)) { + lp->max_frm_size = ndev->mtu + XAE_HDR_VLAN_SIZE + + XAE_TRL_SIZE; + lp->options |= XAE_OPTION_JUMBO; + } + + if (axienet_dma_bd_init(ndev)) { + dev_err(&ndev->dev, "axienet_device_reset descriptor " + "allocation failed\n"); + } + + axienet_status = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_RCW1_OFFSET); + axienet_status &= ~XAE_RCW1_RX_MASK; + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_RCW1_OFFSET, axienet_status); + + axienet_status = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_IP_OFFSET); + if (axienet_status & XAE_INT_RXRJECT_MASK) + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_IS_OFFSET, XAE_INT_RXRJECT_MASK); + + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_FCC_OFFSET, XAE_FCC_FCRX_MASK); + + /* Sync default options with HW but leave receiver and + * transmitter disabled.*/ + axienet_setoptions(ndev, lp->options & + ~(XAE_OPTION_TXEN | XAE_OPTION_RXEN)); + axienet_set_mac_address(ndev, NULL); + axienet_set_multicast_list(ndev); + axienet_setoptions(ndev, lp->options); + + ndev->trans_start = jiffies; +} + +/** + * axienet_adjust_link - Adjust the PHY link speed/duplex. + * @ndev: Pointer to the net_device structure + * + * This function is called to change the speed and duplex setting after + * auto negotiation is done by the PHY. This is the function that gets + * registered with the PHY interface through the "of_phy_connect" call. + */ +static void axienet_adjust_link(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + u32 emmc_reg; + u32 link_state; + u32 setspeed = 1; + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct phy_device *phy = lp->phy_dev; + + link_state = phy->speed | (phy->duplex << 1) | phy->link; + if (lp->last_link != link_state) { + if ((phy->speed == SPEED_10) || (phy->speed == SPEED_100)) { + if (lp->phy_type == XAE_PHY_TYPE_1000BASE_X) + setspeed = 0; + } else { + if ((phy->speed == SPEED_1000) && + (lp->phy_type == XAE_PHY_TYPE_MII)) + setspeed = 0; + } + + if (setspeed == 1) { + emmc_reg = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_EMMC_OFFSET); + emmc_reg &= ~XAE_EMMC_LINKSPEED_MASK; + + switch (phy->speed) { + case SPEED_1000: + emmc_reg |= XAE_EMMC_LINKSPD_1000; + break; + case SPEED_100: + emmc_reg |= XAE_EMMC_LINKSPD_100; + break; + case SPEED_10: + emmc_reg |= XAE_EMMC_LINKSPD_10; + break; + default: + dev_err(&ndev->dev, "Speed other than 10, 100 " + "or 1Gbps is not supported\n"); + break; + } + + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_EMMC_OFFSET, emmc_reg); + lp->last_link = link_state; + phy_print_status(phy); + } else { + dev_err(&ndev->dev, "Error setting Axi Ethernet " + "mac speed\n"); + } + } +} + +/** + * axienet_start_xmit_done - Invoked once a transmit is completed by the + * Axi DMA Tx channel. + * @ndev: Pointer to the net_device structure + * + * This function is invoked from the Axi DMA Tx isr to notify the completion + * of transmit operation. It clears fields in the corresponding Tx BDs and + * unmaps the corresponding buffer so that CPU can regain ownership of the + * buffer. It finally invokes "netif_wake_queue" to restart transmission if + * required. + */ +static void axienet_start_xmit_done(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + u32 size = 0; + u32 packets = 0; + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct axidma_bd *cur_p; + unsigned int status = 0; + + cur_p = &lp->tx_bd_v[lp->tx_bd_ci]; + status = cur_p->status; + while (status & XAXIDMA_BD_STS_COMPLETE_MASK) { + dma_unmap_single(ndev->dev.parent, cur_p->phys, + (cur_p->cntrl & XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_LENGTH_MASK), + DMA_TO_DEVICE); + if (cur_p->app4) + dev_kfree_skb_irq((struct sk_buff *)cur_p->app4); + /*cur_p->phys = 0;*/ + cur_p->app0 = 0; + cur_p->app1 = 0; + cur_p->app2 = 0; + cur_p->app4 = 0; + cur_p->status = 0; + + size += status & XAXIDMA_BD_STS_ACTUAL_LEN_MASK; + packets++; + + lp->tx_bd_ci = ++lp->tx_bd_ci % TX_BD_NUM; + cur_p = &lp->tx_bd_v[lp->tx_bd_ci]; + status = cur_p->status; + } + + ndev->stats.tx_packets += packets; + ndev->stats.tx_bytes += size; + netif_wake_queue(ndev); +} + +/** + * axienet_check_tx_bd_space - Checks if a BD/group of BDs are currently busy + * @lp: Pointer to the axienet_local structure + * @num_frag: The number of BDs to check for + * + * returns: 0, on success + * NETDEV_TX_BUSY, if any of the descriptors are not free + * + * This function is invoked before BDs are allocated and transmission starts. + * This function returns 0 if a BD or group of BDs can be allocated for + * transmission. If the BD or any of the BDs are not free the function + * returns a busy status. This is invoked from axienet_start_xmit. + */ +static inline int axienet_check_tx_bd_space(struct axienet_local *lp, + int num_frag) +{ + struct axidma_bd *cur_p; + cur_p = &lp->tx_bd_v[(lp->tx_bd_tail + num_frag) % TX_BD_NUM]; + if (cur_p->status & XAXIDMA_BD_STS_ALL_MASK) + return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; + return 0; +} + +/** + * axienet_start_xmit - Starts the transmission. + * @skb: sk_buff pointer that contains data to be Txed. + * @ndev: Pointer to net_device structure. + * + * returns: NETDEV_TX_OK, on success + * NETDEV_TX_BUSY, if any of the descriptors are not free + * + * This function is invoked from upper layers to initiate transmission. The + * function uses the next available free BDs and populates their fields to + * start the transmission. Additionally if checksum offloading is supported, + * it populates AXI Stream Control fields with appropriate values. + */ +static int axienet_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *ndev) +{ + u32 ii; + u32 num_frag; + u32 csum_start_off; + u32 csum_index_off; + skb_frag_t *frag; + dma_addr_t tail_p; + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct axidma_bd *cur_p; + + num_frag = skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags; + cur_p = &lp->tx_bd_v[lp->tx_bd_tail]; + + if (axienet_check_tx_bd_space(lp, num_frag)) { + if (!netif_queue_stopped(ndev)) + netif_stop_queue(ndev); + return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; + } + + if (skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_PARTIAL) { + if (lp->features & XAE_FEATURE_FULL_TX_CSUM) { + /* Tx Full Checksum Offload Enabled */ + cur_p->app0 |= 2; + } else if (lp->features & XAE_FEATURE_PARTIAL_RX_CSUM) { + csum_start_off = skb_transport_offset(skb); + csum_index_off = csum_start_off + skb->csum_offset; + /* Tx Partial Checksum Offload Enabled */ + cur_p->app0 |= 1; + cur_p->app1 = (csum_start_off << 16) | csum_index_off; + } + } else if (skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY) { + cur_p->app0 |= 2; /* Tx Full Checksum Offload Enabled */ + } + + cur_p->cntrl = skb_headlen(skb) | XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_TXSOF_MASK; + cur_p->phys = dma_map_single(ndev->dev.parent, skb->data, + skb_headlen(skb), DMA_TO_DEVICE); + + for (ii = 0; ii < num_frag; ii++) { + lp->tx_bd_tail = ++lp->tx_bd_tail % TX_BD_NUM; + cur_p = &lp->tx_bd_v[lp->tx_bd_tail]; + frag = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[ii]; + cur_p->phys = dma_map_single(ndev->dev.parent, + skb_frag_address(frag), + skb_frag_size(frag), + DMA_TO_DEVICE); + cur_p->cntrl = skb_frag_size(frag); + } + + cur_p->cntrl |= XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_TXEOF_MASK; + cur_p->app4 = (unsigned long)skb; + + tail_p = lp->tx_bd_p + sizeof(*lp->tx_bd_v) * lp->tx_bd_tail; + /* Start the transfer */ + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_TDESC_OFFSET, tail_p); + lp->tx_bd_tail = ++lp->tx_bd_tail % TX_BD_NUM; + + return NETDEV_TX_OK; +} + +/** + * axienet_recv - Is called from Axi DMA Rx Isr to complete the received + * BD processing. + * @ndev: Pointer to net_device structure. + * + * This function is invoked from the Axi DMA Rx isr to process the Rx BDs. It + * does minimal processing and invokes "netif_rx" to complete further + * processing. + */ +static void axienet_recv(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + u32 length; + u32 csumstatus; + u32 size = 0; + u32 packets = 0; + dma_addr_t tail_p; + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct sk_buff *skb, *new_skb; + struct axidma_bd *cur_p; + + tail_p = lp->rx_bd_p + sizeof(*lp->rx_bd_v) * lp->rx_bd_ci; + cur_p = &lp->rx_bd_v[lp->rx_bd_ci]; + + while ((cur_p->status & XAXIDMA_BD_STS_COMPLETE_MASK)) { + skb = (struct sk_buff *) (cur_p->sw_id_offset); + length = cur_p->app4 & 0x0000FFFF; + + dma_unmap_single(ndev->dev.parent, cur_p->phys, + lp->max_frm_size, + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + + skb_put(skb, length); + skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, ndev); + /*skb_checksum_none_assert(skb);*/ + skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE; + + /* if we're doing Rx csum offload, set it up */ + if (lp->features & XAE_FEATURE_FULL_RX_CSUM) { + csumstatus = (cur_p->app2 & + XAE_FULL_CSUM_STATUS_MASK) >> 3; + if ((csumstatus == XAE_IP_TCP_CSUM_VALIDATED) || + (csumstatus == XAE_IP_UDP_CSUM_VALIDATED)) { + skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY; + } + } else if ((lp->features & XAE_FEATURE_PARTIAL_RX_CSUM) != 0 && + skb->protocol == __constant_htons(ETH_P_IP) && + skb->len > 64) { + skb->csum = be32_to_cpu(cur_p->app3 & 0xFFFF); + skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_COMPLETE; + } + + netif_rx(skb); + + size += length; + packets++; + + new_skb = netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align(ndev, lp->max_frm_size); + if (!new_skb) { + dev_err(&ndev->dev, "no memory for new sk_buff\n"); + return; + } + cur_p->phys = dma_map_single(ndev->dev.parent, new_skb->data, + lp->max_frm_size, + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + cur_p->cntrl = lp->max_frm_size; + cur_p->status = 0; + cur_p->sw_id_offset = (u32) new_skb; + + lp->rx_bd_ci = ++lp->rx_bd_ci % RX_BD_NUM; + cur_p = &lp->rx_bd_v[lp->rx_bd_ci]; + } + + ndev->stats.rx_packets += packets; + ndev->stats.rx_bytes += size; + + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_TDESC_OFFSET, tail_p); +} + +/** + * axienet_tx_irq - Tx Done Isr. + * @irq: irq number + * @_ndev: net_device pointer + * + * returns: IRQ_HANDLED for all cases. + * + * This is the Axi DMA Tx done Isr. It invokes "axienet_start_xmit_done" + * to complete the BD processing. + */ +static irqreturn_t axienet_tx_irq(int irq, void *_ndev) +{ + u32 cr; + unsigned int status; + struct net_device *ndev = _ndev; + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + + status = axienet_dma_in32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_SR_OFFSET); + if (status & (XAXIDMA_IRQ_IOC_MASK | XAXIDMA_IRQ_DELAY_MASK)) { + axienet_start_xmit_done(lp->ndev); + goto out; + } + if (!(status & XAXIDMA_IRQ_ALL_MASK)) + dev_err(&ndev->dev, "No interrupts asserted in Tx path"); + if (status & XAXIDMA_IRQ_ERROR_MASK) { + dev_err(&ndev->dev, "DMA Tx error 0x%x\n", status); + dev_err(&ndev->dev, "Current BD is at: 0x%x\n", + (lp->tx_bd_v[lp->tx_bd_ci]).phys); + + cr = axienet_dma_in32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_CR_OFFSET); + /* Disable coalesce, delay timer and error interrupts */ + cr &= (~XAXIDMA_IRQ_ALL_MASK); + /* Write to the Tx channel control register */ + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_CR_OFFSET, cr); + + cr = axienet_dma_in32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_CR_OFFSET); + /* Disable coalesce, delay timer and error interrupts */ + cr &= (~XAXIDMA_IRQ_ALL_MASK); + /* Write to the Rx channel control register */ + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_CR_OFFSET, cr); + + tasklet_schedule(&lp->dma_err_tasklet); + } +out: + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_SR_OFFSET, status); + return IRQ_HANDLED; +} + +/** + * axienet_rx_irq - Rx Isr. + * @irq: irq number + * @_ndev: net_device pointer + * + * returns: IRQ_HANDLED for all cases. + * + * This is the Axi DMA Rx Isr. It invokes "axienet_recv" to complete the BD + * processing. + */ +static irqreturn_t axienet_rx_irq(int irq, void *_ndev) +{ + u32 cr; + unsigned int status; + struct net_device *ndev = _ndev; + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + + status = axienet_dma_in32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_SR_OFFSET); + if (status & (XAXIDMA_IRQ_IOC_MASK | XAXIDMA_IRQ_DELAY_MASK)) { + axienet_recv(lp->ndev); + goto out; + } + if (!(status & XAXIDMA_IRQ_ALL_MASK)) + dev_err(&ndev->dev, "No interrupts asserted in Rx path"); + if (status & XAXIDMA_IRQ_ERROR_MASK) { + dev_err(&ndev->dev, "DMA Rx error 0x%x\n", status); + dev_err(&ndev->dev, "Current BD is at: 0x%x\n", + (lp->rx_bd_v[lp->rx_bd_ci]).phys); + + cr = axienet_dma_in32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_CR_OFFSET); + /* Disable coalesce, delay timer and error interrupts */ + cr &= (~XAXIDMA_IRQ_ALL_MASK); + /* Finally write to the Tx channel control register */ + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_CR_OFFSET, cr); + + cr = axienet_dma_in32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_CR_OFFSET); + /* Disable coalesce, delay timer and error interrupts */ + cr &= (~XAXIDMA_IRQ_ALL_MASK); + /* write to the Rx channel control register */ + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_CR_OFFSET, cr); + + tasklet_schedule(&lp->dma_err_tasklet); + } +out: + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_SR_OFFSET, status); + return IRQ_HANDLED; +} + +/** + * axienet_open - Driver open routine. + * @ndev: Pointer to net_device structure + * + * returns: 0, on success. + * -ENODEV, if PHY cannot be connected to + * non-zero error value on failure + * + * This is the driver open routine. It calls phy_start to start the PHY device. + * It also allocates interrupt service routines, enables the interrupt lines + * and ISR handling. Axi Ethernet core is reset through Axi DMA core. Buffer + * descriptors are initialized. + */ +static int axienet_open(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + int ret, mdio_mcreg; + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + + dev_dbg(&ndev->dev, "axienet_open()\n"); + + mdio_mcreg = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_MDIO_MC_OFFSET); + ret = axienet_mdio_wait_until_ready(lp); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + /* Disable the MDIO interface till Axi Ethernet Reset is completed. + * When we do an Axi Ethernet reset, it resets the complete core + * including the MDIO. If MDIO is not disabled when the reset + * process is started, MDIO will be broken afterwards. */ + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_MDIO_MC_OFFSET, + (mdio_mcreg & (~XAE_MDIO_MC_MDIOEN_MASK))); + axienet_device_reset(ndev); + /* Enable the MDIO */ + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_MDIO_MC_OFFSET, mdio_mcreg); + ret = axienet_mdio_wait_until_ready(lp); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + + if (lp->phy_node) { + lp->phy_dev = of_phy_connect(lp->ndev, lp->phy_node, + axienet_adjust_link, 0, + PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_GMII); + if (!lp->phy_dev) { + dev_err(lp->dev, "of_phy_connect() failed\n"); + return -ENODEV; + } + phy_start(lp->phy_dev); + } + + /* Enable interrupts for Axi DMA Tx */ + ret = request_irq(lp->tx_irq, axienet_tx_irq, 0, ndev->name, ndev); + if (ret) + goto err_tx_irq; + /* Enable interrupts for Axi DMA Rx */ + ret = request_irq(lp->rx_irq, axienet_rx_irq, 0, ndev->name, ndev); + if (ret) + goto err_rx_irq; + /* Enable tasklets for Axi DMA error handling */ + tasklet_enable(&lp->dma_err_tasklet); + return 0; + +err_rx_irq: + free_irq(lp->tx_irq, ndev); +err_tx_irq: + if (lp->phy_dev) + phy_disconnect(lp->phy_dev); + lp->phy_dev = NULL; + dev_err(lp->dev, "request_irq() failed\n"); + return ret; +} + +/** + * axienet_stop - Driver stop routine. + * @ndev: Pointer to net_device structure + * + * returns: 0, on success. + * + * This is the driver stop routine. It calls phy_disconnect to stop the PHY + * device. It also removes the interrupt handlers and disables the interrupts. + * The Axi DMA Tx/Rx BDs are released. + */ +static int axienet_stop(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + u32 cr; + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + + dev_dbg(&ndev->dev, "axienet_close()\n"); + + cr = axienet_dma_in32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_CR_OFFSET); + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_CR_OFFSET, + cr & (~XAXIDMA_CR_RUNSTOP_MASK)); + cr = axienet_dma_in32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_CR_OFFSET); + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_CR_OFFSET, + cr & (~XAXIDMA_CR_RUNSTOP_MASK)); + axienet_setoptions(ndev, lp->options & + ~(XAE_OPTION_TXEN | XAE_OPTION_RXEN)); + + tasklet_disable(&lp->dma_err_tasklet); + + free_irq(lp->tx_irq, ndev); + free_irq(lp->rx_irq, ndev); + + if (lp->phy_dev) + phy_disconnect(lp->phy_dev); + lp->phy_dev = NULL; + + axienet_dma_bd_release(ndev); + return 0; +} + +/** + * axienet_change_mtu - Driver change mtu routine. + * @ndev: Pointer to net_device structure + * @new_mtu: New mtu value to be applied + * + * returns: Always returns 0 (success). + * + * This is the change mtu driver routine. It checks if the Axi Ethernet + * hardware supports jumbo frames before changing the mtu. This can be + * called only when the device is not up. + */ +static int axienet_change_mtu(struct net_device *ndev, int new_mtu) +{ + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + + if (netif_running(ndev)) + return -EBUSY; + if (lp->jumbo_support) { + if ((new_mtu > XAE_JUMBO_MTU) || (new_mtu < 64)) + return -EINVAL; + ndev->mtu = new_mtu; + } else { + if ((new_mtu > XAE_MTU) || (new_mtu < 64)) + return -EINVAL; + ndev->mtu = new_mtu; + } + + return 0; +} + +#ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER +/** + * axienet_poll_controller - Axi Ethernet poll mechanism. + * @ndev: Pointer to net_device structure + * + * This implements Rx/Tx ISR poll mechanisms. The interrupts are disabled prior + * to polling the ISRs and are enabled back after the polling is done. + */ +static void axienet_poll_controller(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + disable_irq(lp->tx_irq); + disable_irq(lp->rx_irq); + axienet_rx_irq(lp->tx_irq, ndev); + axienet_tx_irq(lp->rx_irq, ndev); + enable_irq(lp->tx_irq); + enable_irq(lp->rx_irq); +} +#endif + +static const struct net_device_ops axienet_netdev_ops = { + .ndo_open = axienet_open, + .ndo_stop = axienet_stop, + .ndo_start_xmit = axienet_start_xmit, + .ndo_change_mtu = axienet_change_mtu, + .ndo_set_mac_address = netdev_set_mac_address, + .ndo_validate_addr = eth_validate_addr, + .ndo_set_rx_mode = axienet_set_multicast_list, +#ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER + .ndo_poll_controller = axienet_poll_controller, +#endif +}; + +/** + * axienet_ethtools_get_settings - Get Axi Ethernet settings related to PHY. + * @ndev: Pointer to net_device structure + * @ecmd: Pointer to ethtool_cmd structure + * + * This implements ethtool command for getting PHY settings. If PHY could + * not be found, the function returns -ENODEV. This function calls the + * relevant PHY ethtool API to get the PHY settings. + * Issue "ethtool ethX" under linux prompt to execute this function. + */ +static int axienet_ethtools_get_settings(struct net_device *ndev, + struct ethtool_cmd *ecmd) +{ + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct phy_device *phydev = lp->phy_dev; + if (!phydev) + return -ENODEV; + return phy_ethtool_gset(phydev, ecmd); +} + +/** + * axienet_ethtools_set_settings - Set PHY settings as passed in the argument. + * @ndev: Pointer to net_device structure + * @ecmd: Pointer to ethtool_cmd structure + * + * This implements ethtool command for setting various PHY settings. If PHY + * could not be found, the function returns -ENODEV. This function calls the + * relevant PHY ethtool API to set the PHY. + * Issue e.g. "ethtool -s ethX speed 1000" under linux prompt to execute this + * function. + */ +static int axienet_ethtools_set_settings(struct net_device *ndev, + struct ethtool_cmd *ecmd) +{ + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct phy_device *phydev = lp->phy_dev; + if (!phydev) + return -ENODEV; + return phy_ethtool_sset(phydev, ecmd); +} + +/** + * axienet_ethtools_get_drvinfo - Get various Axi Ethernet driver information. + * @ndev: Pointer to net_device structure + * @ed: Pointer to ethtool_drvinfo structure + * + * This implements ethtool command for getting the driver information. + * Issue "ethtool -i ethX" under linux prompt to execute this function. + */ +static void axienet_ethtools_get_drvinfo(struct net_device *ndev, + struct ethtool_drvinfo *ed) +{ + memset(ed, 0, sizeof(struct ethtool_drvinfo)); + strcpy(ed->driver, DRIVER_NAME); + strcpy(ed->version, DRIVER_VERSION); + ed->regdump_len = sizeof(u32) * AXIENET_REGS_N; +} + +/** + * axienet_ethtools_get_regs_len - Get the total regs length present in the + * AxiEthernet core. + * @ndev: Pointer to net_device structure + * + * This implements ethtool command for getting the total register length + * information. + */ +static int axienet_ethtools_get_regs_len(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + return sizeof(u32) * AXIENET_REGS_N; +} + +/** + * axienet_ethtools_get_regs - Dump the contents of all registers present + * in AxiEthernet core. + * @ndev: Pointer to net_device structure + * @regs: Pointer to ethtool_regs structure + * @ret: Void pointer used to return the contents of the registers. + * + * This implements ethtool command for getting the Axi Ethernet register dump. + * Issue "ethtool -d ethX" to execute this function. + */ +static void axienet_ethtools_get_regs(struct net_device *ndev, + struct ethtool_regs *regs, void *ret) +{ + u32 *data = (u32 *) ret; + size_t len = sizeof(u32) * AXIENET_REGS_N; + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + + regs->version = 0; + regs->len = len; + + memset(data, 0, len); + data[0] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_RAF_OFFSET); + data[1] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_TPF_OFFSET); + data[2] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_IFGP_OFFSET); + data[3] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_IS_OFFSET); + data[4] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_IP_OFFSET); + data[5] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_IE_OFFSET); + data[6] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_TTAG_OFFSET); + data[7] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_RTAG_OFFSET); + data[8] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_UAWL_OFFSET); + data[9] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_UAWU_OFFSET); + data[10] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_TPID0_OFFSET); + data[11] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_TPID1_OFFSET); + data[12] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_PPST_OFFSET); + data[13] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_RCW0_OFFSET); + data[14] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_RCW1_OFFSET); + data[15] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_TC_OFFSET); + data[16] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_FCC_OFFSET); + data[17] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_EMMC_OFFSET); + data[18] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_PHYC_OFFSET); + data[19] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_MDIO_MC_OFFSET); + data[20] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_MDIO_MCR_OFFSET); + data[21] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_MDIO_MWD_OFFSET); + data[22] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_MDIO_MRD_OFFSET); + data[23] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_MDIO_MIS_OFFSET); + data[24] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_MDIO_MIP_OFFSET); + data[25] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_MDIO_MIE_OFFSET); + data[26] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_MDIO_MIC_OFFSET); + data[27] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_UAW0_OFFSET); + data[28] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_UAW1_OFFSET); + data[29] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_FMI_OFFSET); + data[30] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_AF0_OFFSET); + data[31] = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_AF1_OFFSET); +} + +/** + * axienet_ethtools_get_pauseparam - Get the pause parameter setting for + * Tx and Rx paths. + * @ndev: Pointer to net_device structure + * @epauseparm: Pointer to ethtool_pauseparam structure. + * + * This implements ethtool command for getting axi ethernet pause frame + * setting. Issue "ethtool -a ethX" to execute this function. + */ +static void +axienet_ethtools_get_pauseparam(struct net_device *ndev, + struct ethtool_pauseparam *epauseparm) +{ + u32 regval; + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + epauseparm->autoneg = 0; + regval = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_FCC_OFFSET); + epauseparm->tx_pause = regval & XAE_FCC_FCTX_MASK; + epauseparm->rx_pause = regval & XAE_FCC_FCRX_MASK; +} + +/** + * axienet_ethtools_set_pauseparam - Set device pause parameter(flow control) + * settings. + * @ndev: Pointer to net_device structure + * @epauseparam:Pointer to ethtool_pauseparam structure + * + * This implements ethtool command for enabling flow control on Rx and Tx + * paths. Issue "ethtool -A ethX tx on|off" under linux prompt to execute this + * function. + */ +static int +axienet_ethtools_set_pauseparam(struct net_device *ndev, + struct ethtool_pauseparam *epauseparm) +{ + u32 regval = 0; + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + + if (netif_running(ndev)) { + printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Please stop netif before applying " + "configruation\n", ndev->name); + return -EFAULT; + } + + regval = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_FCC_OFFSET); + if (epauseparm->tx_pause) + regval |= XAE_FCC_FCTX_MASK; + else + regval &= ~XAE_FCC_FCTX_MASK; + if (epauseparm->rx_pause) + regval |= XAE_FCC_FCRX_MASK; + else + regval &= ~XAE_FCC_FCRX_MASK; + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_FCC_OFFSET, regval); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * axienet_ethtools_get_coalesce - Get DMA interrupt coalescing count. + * @ndev: Pointer to net_device structure + * @ecoalesce: Pointer to ethtool_coalesce structure + * + * This implements ethtool command for getting the DMA interrupt coalescing + * count on Tx and Rx paths. Issue "ethtool -c ethX" under linux prompt to + * execute this function. + */ +static int axienet_ethtools_get_coalesce(struct net_device *ndev, + struct ethtool_coalesce *ecoalesce) +{ + u32 regval = 0; + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + regval = axienet_dma_in32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_CR_OFFSET); + ecoalesce->rx_max_coalesced_frames = (regval & XAXIDMA_COALESCE_MASK) + >> XAXIDMA_COALESCE_SHIFT; + regval = axienet_dma_in32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_CR_OFFSET); + ecoalesce->tx_max_coalesced_frames = (regval & XAXIDMA_COALESCE_MASK) + >> XAXIDMA_COALESCE_SHIFT; + return 0; +} + +/** + * axienet_ethtools_set_coalesce - Set DMA interrupt coalescing count. + * @ndev: Pointer to net_device structure + * @ecoalesce: Pointer to ethtool_coalesce structure + * + * This implements ethtool command for setting the DMA interrupt coalescing + * count on Tx and Rx paths. Issue "ethtool -C ethX rx-frames 5" under linux + * prompt to execute this function. + */ +static int axienet_ethtools_set_coalesce(struct net_device *ndev, + struct ethtool_coalesce *ecoalesce) +{ + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + + if (netif_running(ndev)) { + printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Please stop netif before applying " + "configruation\n", ndev->name); + return -EFAULT; + } + + if ((ecoalesce->rx_coalesce_usecs) || + (ecoalesce->rx_coalesce_usecs_irq) || + (ecoalesce->rx_max_coalesced_frames_irq) || + (ecoalesce->tx_coalesce_usecs) || + (ecoalesce->tx_coalesce_usecs_irq) || + (ecoalesce->tx_max_coalesced_frames_irq) || + (ecoalesce->stats_block_coalesce_usecs) || + (ecoalesce->use_adaptive_rx_coalesce) || + (ecoalesce->use_adaptive_tx_coalesce) || + (ecoalesce->pkt_rate_low) || + (ecoalesce->rx_coalesce_usecs_low) || + (ecoalesce->rx_max_coalesced_frames_low) || + (ecoalesce->tx_coalesce_usecs_low) || + (ecoalesce->tx_max_coalesced_frames_low) || + (ecoalesce->pkt_rate_high) || + (ecoalesce->rx_coalesce_usecs_high) || + (ecoalesce->rx_max_coalesced_frames_high) || + (ecoalesce->tx_coalesce_usecs_high) || + (ecoalesce->tx_max_coalesced_frames_high) || + (ecoalesce->rate_sample_interval)) + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + if (ecoalesce->rx_max_coalesced_frames) + lp->coalesce_count_rx = ecoalesce->rx_max_coalesced_frames; + if (ecoalesce->tx_max_coalesced_frames) + lp->coalesce_count_tx = ecoalesce->tx_max_coalesced_frames; + + return 0; +} + +static struct ethtool_ops axienet_ethtool_ops = { + .get_settings = axienet_ethtools_get_settings, + .set_settings = axienet_ethtools_set_settings, + .get_drvinfo = axienet_ethtools_get_drvinfo, + .get_regs_len = axienet_ethtools_get_regs_len, + .get_regs = axienet_ethtools_get_regs, + .get_link = ethtool_op_get_link, + .get_pauseparam = axienet_ethtools_get_pauseparam, + .set_pauseparam = axienet_ethtools_set_pauseparam, + .get_coalesce = axienet_ethtools_get_coalesce, + .set_coalesce = axienet_ethtools_set_coalesce, +}; + +/** + * axienet_dma_err_handler - Tasklet handler for Axi DMA Error + * @data: Data passed + * + * Resets the Axi DMA and Axi Ethernet devices, and reconfigures the + * Tx/Rx BDs. + */ +static void axienet_dma_err_handler(unsigned long data) +{ + u32 axienet_status; + u32 cr, i; + int mdio_mcreg; + struct axienet_local *lp = (struct axienet_local *) data; + struct net_device *ndev = lp->ndev; + struct axidma_bd *cur_p; + + axienet_setoptions(ndev, lp->options & + ~(XAE_OPTION_TXEN | XAE_OPTION_RXEN)); + mdio_mcreg = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_MDIO_MC_OFFSET); + axienet_mdio_wait_until_ready(lp); + /* Disable the MDIO interface till Axi Ethernet Reset is completed. + * When we do an Axi Ethernet reset, it resets the complete core + * including the MDIO. So if MDIO is not disabled when the reset + * process is started, MDIO will be broken afterwards. */ + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_MDIO_MC_OFFSET, (mdio_mcreg & + ~XAE_MDIO_MC_MDIOEN_MASK)); + + __axienet_device_reset(lp, &ndev->dev, XAXIDMA_TX_CR_OFFSET); + __axienet_device_reset(lp, &ndev->dev, XAXIDMA_RX_CR_OFFSET); + + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_MDIO_MC_OFFSET, mdio_mcreg); + axienet_mdio_wait_until_ready(lp); + + for (i = 0; i < TX_BD_NUM; i++) { + cur_p = &lp->tx_bd_v[i]; + if (cur_p->phys) + dma_unmap_single(ndev->dev.parent, cur_p->phys, + (cur_p->cntrl & + XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_LENGTH_MASK), + DMA_TO_DEVICE); + if (cur_p->app4) + dev_kfree_skb_irq((struct sk_buff *) cur_p->app4); + cur_p->phys = 0; + cur_p->cntrl = 0; + cur_p->status = 0; + cur_p->app0 = 0; + cur_p->app1 = 0; + cur_p->app2 = 0; + cur_p->app3 = 0; + cur_p->app4 = 0; + cur_p->sw_id_offset = 0; + } + + for (i = 0; i < RX_BD_NUM; i++) { + cur_p = &lp->rx_bd_v[i]; + cur_p->status = 0; + cur_p->app0 = 0; + cur_p->app1 = 0; + cur_p->app2 = 0; + cur_p->app3 = 0; + cur_p->app4 = 0; + } + + lp->tx_bd_ci = 0; + lp->tx_bd_tail = 0; + lp->rx_bd_ci = 0; + + /* Start updating the Rx channel control register */ + cr = axienet_dma_in32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_CR_OFFSET); + /* Update the interrupt coalesce count */ + cr = ((cr & ~XAXIDMA_COALESCE_MASK) | + (XAXIDMA_DFT_RX_THRESHOLD << XAXIDMA_COALESCE_SHIFT)); + /* Update the delay timer count */ + cr = ((cr & ~XAXIDMA_DELAY_MASK) | + (XAXIDMA_DFT_RX_WAITBOUND << XAXIDMA_DELAY_SHIFT)); + /* Enable coalesce, delay timer and error interrupts */ + cr |= XAXIDMA_IRQ_ALL_MASK; + /* Finally write to the Rx channel control register */ + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_CR_OFFSET, cr); + + /* Start updating the Tx channel control register */ + cr = axienet_dma_in32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_CR_OFFSET); + /* Update the interrupt coalesce count */ + cr = (((cr & ~XAXIDMA_COALESCE_MASK)) | + (XAXIDMA_DFT_TX_THRESHOLD << XAXIDMA_COALESCE_SHIFT)); + /* Update the delay timer count */ + cr = (((cr & ~XAXIDMA_DELAY_MASK)) | + (XAXIDMA_DFT_TX_WAITBOUND << XAXIDMA_DELAY_SHIFT)); + /* Enable coalesce, delay timer and error interrupts */ + cr |= XAXIDMA_IRQ_ALL_MASK; + /* Finally write to the Tx channel control register */ + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_CR_OFFSET, cr); + + /* Populate the tail pointer and bring the Rx Axi DMA engine out of + * halted state. This will make the Rx side ready for reception.*/ + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_CDESC_OFFSET, lp->rx_bd_p); + cr = axienet_dma_in32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_CR_OFFSET); + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_CR_OFFSET, + cr | XAXIDMA_CR_RUNSTOP_MASK); + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_RX_TDESC_OFFSET, lp->rx_bd_p + + (sizeof(*lp->rx_bd_v) * (RX_BD_NUM - 1))); + + /* Write to the RS (Run-stop) bit in the Tx channel control register. + * Tx channel is now ready to run. But only after we write to the + * tail pointer register that the Tx channel will start transmitting */ + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_CDESC_OFFSET, lp->tx_bd_p); + cr = axienet_dma_in32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_CR_OFFSET); + axienet_dma_out32(lp, XAXIDMA_TX_CR_OFFSET, + cr | XAXIDMA_CR_RUNSTOP_MASK); + + axienet_status = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_RCW1_OFFSET); + axienet_status &= ~XAE_RCW1_RX_MASK; + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_RCW1_OFFSET, axienet_status); + + axienet_status = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_IP_OFFSET); + if (axienet_status & XAE_INT_RXRJECT_MASK) + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_IS_OFFSET, XAE_INT_RXRJECT_MASK); + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_FCC_OFFSET, XAE_FCC_FCRX_MASK); + + /* Sync default options with HW but leave receiver and + * transmitter disabled.*/ + axienet_setoptions(ndev, lp->options & + ~(XAE_OPTION_TXEN | XAE_OPTION_RXEN)); + axienet_set_mac_address(ndev, NULL); + axienet_set_multicast_list(ndev); + axienet_setoptions(ndev, lp->options); +} + +/** + * axienet_of_probe - Axi Ethernet probe function. + * @op: Pointer to platform device structure. + * @match: Pointer to device id structure + * + * returns: 0, on success + * Non-zero error value on failure. + * + * This is the probe routine for Axi Ethernet driver. This is called before + * any other driver routines are invoked. It allocates and sets up the Ethernet + * device. Parses through device tree and populates fields of + * axienet_local. It registers the Ethernet device. + */ +static int __devinit axienet_of_probe(struct platform_device *op) +{ + __be32 *p; + int size, ret = 0; + struct device_node *np; + struct axienet_local *lp; + struct net_device *ndev; + const void *addr; + + ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*lp)); + if (!ndev) + return -ENOMEM; + + ether_setup(ndev); + dev_set_drvdata(&op->dev, ndev); + + SET_NETDEV_DEV(ndev, &op->dev); + ndev->flags &= ~IFF_MULTICAST; /* clear multicast */ + ndev->features = NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_FRAGLIST; + ndev->netdev_ops = &axienet_netdev_ops; + ndev->ethtool_ops = &axienet_ethtool_ops; + + lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + lp->ndev = ndev; + lp->dev = &op->dev; + lp->options = XAE_OPTION_DEFAULTS; + /* Map device registers */ + lp->regs = of_iomap(op->dev.of_node, 0); + if (!lp->regs) { + dev_err(&op->dev, "could not map Axi Ethernet regs.\n"); + goto nodev; + } + /* Setup checksum offload, but default to off if not specified */ + lp->features = 0; + + p = (__be32 *) of_get_property(op->dev.of_node, "xlnx,txcsum", NULL); + if (p) { + switch (be32_to_cpup(p)) { + case 1: + lp->csum_offload_on_tx_path = + XAE_FEATURE_PARTIAL_TX_CSUM; + lp->features |= XAE_FEATURE_PARTIAL_TX_CSUM; + /* Can checksum TCP/UDP over IPv4. */ + ndev->features |= NETIF_F_IP_CSUM; + break; + case 2: + lp->csum_offload_on_tx_path = + XAE_FEATURE_FULL_TX_CSUM; + lp->features |= XAE_FEATURE_FULL_TX_CSUM; + /* Can checksum TCP/UDP over IPv4. */ + ndev->features |= NETIF_F_IP_CSUM; + break; + default: + lp->csum_offload_on_tx_path = XAE_NO_CSUM_OFFLOAD; + } + } + p = (__be32 *) of_get_property(op->dev.of_node, "xlnx,rxcsum", NULL); + if (p) { + switch (be32_to_cpup(p)) { + case 1: + lp->csum_offload_on_rx_path = + XAE_FEATURE_PARTIAL_RX_CSUM; + lp->features |= XAE_FEATURE_PARTIAL_RX_CSUM; + break; + case 2: + lp->csum_offload_on_rx_path = + XAE_FEATURE_FULL_RX_CSUM; + lp->features |= XAE_FEATURE_FULL_RX_CSUM; + break; + default: + lp->csum_offload_on_rx_path = XAE_NO_CSUM_OFFLOAD; + } + } + /* For supporting jumbo frames, the Axi Ethernet hardware must have + * a larger Rx/Tx Memory. Typically, the size must be more than or + * equal to 16384 bytes, so that we can enable jumbo option and start + * supporting jumbo frames. Here we check for memory allocated for + * Rx/Tx in the hardware from the device-tree and accordingly set + * flags. */ + p = (__be32 *) of_get_property(op->dev.of_node, "xlnx,rxmem", NULL); + if (p) { + if ((be32_to_cpup(p)) >= 0x4000) + lp->jumbo_support = 1; + } + p = (__be32 *) of_get_property(op->dev.of_node, "xlnx,temac-type", + NULL); + if (p) + lp->temac_type = be32_to_cpup(p); + p = (__be32 *) of_get_property(op->dev.of_node, "xlnx,phy-type", NULL); + if (p) + lp->phy_type = be32_to_cpup(p); + + /* Find the DMA node, map the DMA registers, and decode the DMA IRQs */ + np = of_parse_phandle(op->dev.of_node, "axistream-connected", 0); + if (!np) { + dev_err(&op->dev, "could not find DMA node\n"); + goto err_iounmap; + } + lp->dma_regs = of_iomap(np, 0); + if (lp->dma_regs) { + dev_dbg(&op->dev, "MEM base: %p\n", lp->dma_regs); + } else { + dev_err(&op->dev, "unable to map DMA registers\n"); + of_node_put(np); + } + lp->rx_irq = irq_of_parse_and_map(np, 1); + lp->tx_irq = irq_of_parse_and_map(np, 0); + of_node_put(np); + if ((lp->rx_irq == NO_IRQ) || (lp->tx_irq == NO_IRQ)) { + dev_err(&op->dev, "could not determine irqs\n"); + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto err_iounmap_2; + } + + /* Retrieve the MAC address */ + addr = of_get_property(op->dev.of_node, "local-mac-address", &size); + if ((!addr) || (size != 6)) { + dev_err(&op->dev, "could not find MAC address\n"); + ret = -ENODEV; + goto err_iounmap_2; + } + axienet_set_mac_address(ndev, (void *) addr); + + lp->coalesce_count_rx = XAXIDMA_DFT_RX_THRESHOLD; + lp->coalesce_count_tx = XAXIDMA_DFT_TX_THRESHOLD; + + lp->phy_node = of_parse_phandle(op->dev.of_node, "phy-handle", 0); + ret = axienet_mdio_setup(lp, op->dev.of_node); + if (ret) + dev_warn(&op->dev, "error registering MDIO bus\n"); + + ret = register_netdev(lp->ndev); + if (ret) { + dev_err(lp->dev, "register_netdev() error (%i)\n", ret); + goto err_iounmap_2; + } + + tasklet_init(&lp->dma_err_tasklet, axienet_dma_err_handler, + (unsigned long) lp); + tasklet_disable(&lp->dma_err_tasklet); + + return 0; + +err_iounmap_2: + if (lp->dma_regs) + iounmap(lp->dma_regs); +err_iounmap: + iounmap(lp->regs); +nodev: + free_netdev(ndev); + ndev = NULL; + return ret; +} + +static int __devexit axienet_of_remove(struct platform_device *op) +{ + struct net_device *ndev = dev_get_drvdata(&op->dev); + struct axienet_local *lp = netdev_priv(ndev); + + axienet_mdio_teardown(lp); + unregister_netdev(ndev); + + if (lp->phy_node) + of_node_put(lp->phy_node); + lp->phy_node = NULL; + + dev_set_drvdata(&op->dev, NULL); + + iounmap(lp->regs); + if (lp->dma_regs) + iounmap(lp->dma_regs); + free_netdev(ndev); + + return 0; +} + +static struct platform_driver axienet_of_driver = { + .probe = axienet_of_probe, + .remove = __devexit_p(axienet_of_remove), + .driver = { + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .name = "xilinx_axienet", + .of_match_table = axienet_of_match, + }, +}; + +module_platform_driver(axienet_of_driver); + +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Xilinx Axi Ethernet driver"); +MODULE_AUTHOR("Xilinx"); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/xilinx_axienet_mdio.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/xilinx_axienet_mdio.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d70b6e79f6c0cd4a9236a67a1dcd8b67f327aeb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/xilinx_axienet_mdio.c @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ +/* + * MDIO bus driver for the Xilinx Axi Ethernet device + * + * Copyright (c) 2009 Secret Lab Technologies, Ltd. + * Copyright (c) 2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2012 Daniel Borkmann, + * Copyright (c) 2012 Ariane Keller, + */ + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "xilinx_axienet.h" + +#define MAX_MDIO_FREQ 2500000 /* 2.5 MHz */ +#define DEFAULT_CLOCK_DIVISOR XAE_MDIO_DIV_DFT + +/* Wait till MDIO interface is ready to accept a new transaction.*/ +int axienet_mdio_wait_until_ready(struct axienet_local *lp) +{ + long end = jiffies + 2; + while (!(axienet_ior(lp, XAE_MDIO_MCR_OFFSET) & + XAE_MDIO_MCR_READY_MASK)) { + if (end - jiffies <= 0) { + WARN_ON(1); + return -ETIMEDOUT; + } + udelay(1); + } + return 0; +} + +/** + * axienet_mdio_read - MDIO interface read function + * @bus: Pointer to mii bus structure + * @phy_id: Address of the PHY device + * @reg: PHY register to read + * + * returns: The register contents on success, -ETIMEDOUT on a timeout + * + * Reads the contents of the requested register from the requested PHY + * address by first writing the details into MCR register. After a while + * the register MRD is read to obtain the PHY register content. + */ +static int axienet_mdio_read(struct mii_bus *bus, int phy_id, int reg) +{ + u32 rc; + int ret; + struct axienet_local *lp = bus->priv; + + ret = axienet_mdio_wait_until_ready(lp); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_MDIO_MCR_OFFSET, + (((phy_id << XAE_MDIO_MCR_PHYAD_SHIFT) & + XAE_MDIO_MCR_PHYAD_MASK) | + ((reg << XAE_MDIO_MCR_REGAD_SHIFT) & + XAE_MDIO_MCR_REGAD_MASK) | + XAE_MDIO_MCR_INITIATE_MASK | + XAE_MDIO_MCR_OP_READ_MASK)); + + ret = axienet_mdio_wait_until_ready(lp); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + + rc = axienet_ior(lp, XAE_MDIO_MRD_OFFSET) & 0x0000FFFF; + + dev_dbg(lp->dev, "axienet_mdio_read(phy_id=%i, reg=%x) == %x\n", + phy_id, reg, rc); + + return rc; +} + +/** + * axienet_mdio_write - MDIO interface write function + * @bus: Pointer to mii bus structure + * @phy_id: Address of the PHY device + * @reg: PHY register to write to + * @val: Value to be written into the register + * + * returns: 0 on success, -ETIMEDOUT on a timeout + * + * Writes the value to the requested register by first writing the value + * into MWD register. The the MCR register is then appropriately setup + * to finish the write operation. + */ +static int axienet_mdio_write(struct mii_bus *bus, int phy_id, int reg, + u16 val) +{ + int ret; + struct axienet_local *lp = bus->priv; + + dev_dbg(lp->dev, "axienet_mdio_write(phy_id=%i, reg=%x, val=%x)\n", + phy_id, reg, val); + + ret = axienet_mdio_wait_until_ready(lp); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_MDIO_MWD_OFFSET, (u32) val); + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_MDIO_MCR_OFFSET, + (((phy_id << XAE_MDIO_MCR_PHYAD_SHIFT) & + XAE_MDIO_MCR_PHYAD_MASK) | + ((reg << XAE_MDIO_MCR_REGAD_SHIFT) & + XAE_MDIO_MCR_REGAD_MASK) | + XAE_MDIO_MCR_INITIATE_MASK | + XAE_MDIO_MCR_OP_WRITE_MASK)); + + ret = axienet_mdio_wait_until_ready(lp); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + return 0; +} + +/** + * axienet_mdio_setup - MDIO setup function + * @lp: Pointer to axienet local data structure. + * @np: Pointer to device node + * + * returns: 0 on success, -ETIMEDOUT on a timeout, -ENOMEM when + * mdiobus_alloc (to allocate memory for mii bus structure) fails. + * + * Sets up the MDIO interface by initializing the MDIO clock and enabling the + * MDIO interface in hardware. Register the MDIO interface. + **/ +int axienet_mdio_setup(struct axienet_local *lp, struct device_node *np) +{ + int ret; + u32 clk_div, host_clock; + u32 *property_p; + struct mii_bus *bus; + struct resource res; + struct device_node *np1; + + /* clk_div can be calculated by deriving it from the equation: + * fMDIO = fHOST / ((1 + clk_div) * 2) + * + * Where fMDIO <= 2500000, so we get: + * fHOST / ((1 + clk_div) * 2) <= 2500000 + * + * Then we get: + * 1 / ((1 + clk_div) * 2) <= (2500000 / fHOST) + * + * Then we get: + * 1 / (1 + clk_div) <= ((2500000 * 2) / fHOST) + * + * Then we get: + * 1 / (1 + clk_div) <= (5000000 / fHOST) + * + * So: + * (1 + clk_div) >= (fHOST / 5000000) + * + * And finally: + * clk_div >= (fHOST / 5000000) - 1 + * + * fHOST can be read from the flattened device tree as property + * "clock-frequency" from the CPU + */ + + np1 = of_find_node_by_name(NULL, "cpu"); + if (!np1) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "%s(): Could not find CPU device node.", + __func__); + printk(KERN_WARNING "Setting MDIO clock divisor to " + "default %d\n", DEFAULT_CLOCK_DIVISOR); + clk_div = DEFAULT_CLOCK_DIVISOR; + goto issue; + } + property_p = (u32 *) of_get_property(np1, "clock-frequency", NULL); + if (!property_p) { + printk(KERN_WARNING "%s(): Could not find CPU property: " + "clock-frequency.", __func__); + printk(KERN_WARNING "Setting MDIO clock divisor to " + "default %d\n", DEFAULT_CLOCK_DIVISOR); + clk_div = DEFAULT_CLOCK_DIVISOR; + goto issue; + } + + host_clock = be32_to_cpup(property_p); + clk_div = (host_clock / (MAX_MDIO_FREQ * 2)) - 1; + /* If there is any remainder from the division of + * fHOST / (MAX_MDIO_FREQ * 2), then we need to add + * 1 to the clock divisor or we will surely be above 2.5 MHz */ + if (host_clock % (MAX_MDIO_FREQ * 2)) + clk_div++; + + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s(): Setting MDIO clock divisor to %u based " + "on %u Hz host clock.\n", __func__, clk_div, host_clock); + + of_node_put(np1); +issue: + axienet_iow(lp, XAE_MDIO_MC_OFFSET, + (((u32) clk_div) | XAE_MDIO_MC_MDIOEN_MASK)); + + ret = axienet_mdio_wait_until_ready(lp); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + + bus = mdiobus_alloc(); + if (!bus) + return -ENOMEM; + + np1 = of_get_parent(lp->phy_node); + of_address_to_resource(np1, 0, &res); + snprintf(bus->id, MII_BUS_ID_SIZE, "%.8llx", + (unsigned long long) res.start); + + bus->priv = lp; + bus->name = "Xilinx Axi Ethernet MDIO"; + bus->read = axienet_mdio_read; + bus->write = axienet_mdio_write; + bus->parent = lp->dev; + bus->irq = lp->mdio_irqs; /* preallocated IRQ table */ + lp->mii_bus = bus; + + ret = of_mdiobus_register(bus, np1); + if (ret) { + mdiobus_free(bus); + return ret; + } + return 0; +} + +/** + * axienet_mdio_teardown - MDIO remove function + * @lp: Pointer to axienet local data structure. + * + * Unregisters the MDIO and frees any associate memory for mii bus. + */ +void axienet_mdio_teardown(struct axienet_local *lp) +{ + mdiobus_unregister(lp->mii_bus); + kfree(lp->mii_bus->irq); + mdiobus_free(lp->mii_bus); + lp->mii_bus = NULL; +} diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/xilinx_emaclite.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/xilinx_emaclite.c index 79013e5731a5d94e424ec4ba499f8169646d345f..77cfe5110318ab7c1dd40bac9c0dd18ad37c8610 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/xilinx_emaclite.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/xilinx_emaclite.c @@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ static void xemaclite_rx_handler(struct net_device *dev) u32 len; len = ETH_FRAME_LEN + ETH_FCS_LEN; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(len + ALIGNMENT); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, len + ALIGNMENT); if (!skb) { /* Couldn't get memory. */ dev->stats.rx_dropped++; @@ -1136,10 +1136,8 @@ static int __devinit xemaclite_of_probe(struct platform_device *ofdev) /* Create an ethernet device instance */ ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct net_local)); - if (!ndev) { - dev_err(dev, "Could not allocate network device\n"); + if (!ndev) return -ENOMEM; - } dev_set_drvdata(dev, ndev); SET_NETDEV_DEV(ndev, &ofdev->dev); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/xircom/xirc2ps_cs.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/xircom/xirc2ps_cs.c index 33979c3ac943ebff6c106cb1fb787aca07ea57d4..5c69c6f93fb80ec79b1ed7801b970f49b7c282b7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/xircom/xirc2ps_cs.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/xircom/xirc2ps_cs.c @@ -1039,7 +1039,8 @@ xirc2ps_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) pr_debug("rsr=%#02x packet_length=%u\n", rsr, pktlen); - skb = dev_alloc_skb(pktlen+3); /* 1 extra so we can use insw */ + /* 1 extra so we can use insw */ + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, pktlen + 3); if (!skb) { pr_notice("low memory, packet dropped (size=%u)\n", pktlen); dev->stats.rx_dropped++; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/xscale/ixp2000/ixpdev.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/xscale/ixp2000/ixpdev.c index e122493ab70e27c2fd80f0edb57e5fb6ad021ee6..45008377c8bfbdbede34582c1b178d3965d359ed 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/xscale/ixp2000/ixpdev.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/xscale/ixp2000/ixpdev.c @@ -398,11 +398,8 @@ int ixpdev_init(int __nds_count, struct net_device **__nds, } for (i = 0; i < nds_count; i++) { - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: IXP2000 MSF ethernet (port %d), " - "%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x.\n", nds[i]->name, i, - nds[i]->dev_addr[0], nds[i]->dev_addr[1], - nds[i]->dev_addr[2], nds[i]->dev_addr[3], - nds[i]->dev_addr[4], nds[i]->dev_addr[5]); + printk(KERN_INFO "%s: IXP2000 MSF ethernet (port %d), %pM.\n", + nds[i]->name, i, nds[i]->dev_addr); } return 0; diff --git a/drivers/net/hamradio/baycom_epp.c b/drivers/net/hamradio/baycom_epp.c index 9537aaa50c2f5f9633922b582ea4e9d6d67f3572..49b8b58fc5c6f7823a9507ab2a0d75ab7d51dcac 100644 --- a/drivers/net/hamradio/baycom_epp.c +++ b/drivers/net/hamradio/baycom_epp.c @@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ static void baycom_probe(struct net_device *dev) /* * command line settable parameters */ -static const char *mode[NR_PORTS] = { "", }; +static char *mode[NR_PORTS] = { "", }; static int iobase[NR_PORTS] = { 0x378, }; module_param_array(mode, charp, NULL, 0); diff --git a/drivers/net/hamradio/baycom_par.c b/drivers/net/hamradio/baycom_par.c index 279d2296290a46d5567eb0647dcca528ca3d18f4..f1aea0c98333aed66ea757b7368f72a79a82fbfb 100644 --- a/drivers/net/hamradio/baycom_par.c +++ b/drivers/net/hamradio/baycom_par.c @@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ static int baycom_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *ifr, /* * command line settable parameters */ -static const char *mode[NR_PORTS] = { "picpar", }; +static char *mode[NR_PORTS] = { "picpar", }; static int iobase[NR_PORTS] = { 0x378, }; module_param_array(mode, charp, NULL, 0); diff --git a/drivers/net/hamradio/yam.c b/drivers/net/hamradio/yam.c index 96a98d2ff1513e3c5f0b682ed8a5a0d5c3ba9118..696327773fbe468e91edbf527d01ec0be54cd450 100644 --- a/drivers/net/hamradio/yam.c +++ b/drivers/net/hamradio/yam.c @@ -403,7 +403,6 @@ static unsigned char *add_mcs(unsigned char *bits, int bitrate, /* Allocate a new mcs */ if ((p = kmalloc(sizeof(struct yam_mcs), GFP_KERNEL)) == NULL) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "YAM: no memory to allocate mcs\n"); release_firmware(fw); return NULL; } diff --git a/drivers/net/hippi/rrunner.c b/drivers/net/hippi/rrunner.c index e68c941926f16cf44feebe7ef103947592b0263e..2a51363d9fed2947e8c60831a6c106b077266302 100644 --- a/drivers/net/hippi/rrunner.c +++ b/drivers/net/hippi/rrunner.c @@ -1600,12 +1600,8 @@ static int rr_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *rq, int cmd) } image = kmalloc(EEPROM_WORDS * sizeof(u32), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!image){ - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Unable to allocate memory " - "for EEPROM image\n", dev->name); + if (!image) return -ENOMEM; - } - if (rrpriv->fw_running){ printk("%s: Firmware already running\n", dev->name); @@ -1637,8 +1633,6 @@ static int rr_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *rq, int cmd) image = kmalloc(EEPROM_WORDS * sizeof(u32), GFP_KERNEL); oldimage = kmalloc(EEPROM_WORDS * sizeof(u32), GFP_KERNEL); if (!image || !oldimage) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Unable to allocate memory " - "for EEPROM image\n", dev->name); error = -ENOMEM; goto wf_out; } diff --git a/drivers/net/hyperv/hyperv_net.h b/drivers/net/hyperv/hyperv_net.h index dec5836ae07541b93d2b71521e206b35fdfa4a17..c358245527924f6ba03d871054cfcf8408f98ba7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/hyperv/hyperv_net.h +++ b/drivers/net/hyperv/hyperv_net.h @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ struct hv_netvsc_packet { struct hv_device *device; bool is_data_pkt; + u16 vlan_tci; /* * Valid only for receives when we break a xfer page packet @@ -926,9 +927,40 @@ struct rndis_oobd { struct rndis_per_packet_info { u32 size; u32 type; - u32 per_pkt_info_offset; + u32 ppi_offset; +}; + +enum ndis_per_pkt_info_type { + TCPIP_CHKSUM_PKTINFO, + IPSEC_PKTINFO, + TCP_LARGESEND_PKTINFO, + CLASSIFICATION_HANDLE_PKTINFO, + NDIS_RESERVED, + SG_LIST_PKTINFO, + IEEE_8021Q_INFO, + ORIGINAL_PKTINFO, + PACKET_CANCEL_ID, + ORIGINAL_NET_BUFLIST, + CACHED_NET_BUFLIST, + SHORT_PKT_PADINFO, + MAX_PER_PKT_INFO +}; + +struct ndis_pkt_8021q_info { + union { + struct { + u32 pri:3; /* User Priority */ + u32 cfi:1; /* Canonical Format ID */ + u32 vlanid:12; /* VLAN ID */ + u32 reserved:16; + }; + u32 value; + }; }; +#define NDIS_VLAN_PPI_SIZE (sizeof(struct rndis_per_packet_info) + \ + sizeof(struct ndis_pkt_8021q_info)) + /* Format of Information buffer passed in a SetRequest for the OID */ /* OID_GEN_RNDIS_CONFIG_PARAMETER. */ struct rndis_config_parameter_info { diff --git a/drivers/net/hyperv/netvsc.c b/drivers/net/hyperv/netvsc.c index 8965b45ce5a51d6c889b9e86a146615117ddf719..d025c83cd12a09fb4f701abce880f92aaed47b05 100644 --- a/drivers/net/hyperv/netvsc.c +++ b/drivers/net/hyperv/netvsc.c @@ -300,6 +300,7 @@ static int negotiate_nvsp_ver(struct hv_device *device, memset(init_packet, 0, sizeof(struct nvsp_message)); init_packet->hdr.msg_type = NVSP_MSG2_TYPE_SEND_NDIS_CONFIG; init_packet->msg.v2_msg.send_ndis_config.mtu = net_device->ndev->mtu; + init_packet->msg.v2_msg.send_ndis_config.capability.ieee8021q = 1; ret = vmbus_sendpacket(device->channel, init_packet, sizeof(struct nvsp_message), @@ -341,7 +342,7 @@ static int netvsc_connect_vsp(struct hv_device *device) /* Send the ndis version */ memset(init_packet, 0, sizeof(struct nvsp_message)); - ndis_version = 0x00050000; + ndis_version = 0x00050001; init_packet->hdr.msg_type = NVSP_MSG1_TYPE_SEND_NDIS_VER; init_packet->msg.v1_msg. diff --git a/drivers/net/hyperv/netvsc_drv.c b/drivers/net/hyperv/netvsc_drv.c index 610860f28968a4460aaa63d5004cd69d668216aa..dd294783b5c5b77c3d48ecd14067921d9e90d4bb 100644 --- a/drivers/net/hyperv/netvsc_drv.c +++ b/drivers/net/hyperv/netvsc_drv.c @@ -159,7 +159,8 @@ static int netvsc_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *net) /* Allocate a netvsc packet based on # of frags. */ packet = kzalloc(sizeof(struct hv_netvsc_packet) + (num_pages * sizeof(struct hv_page_buffer)) + - sizeof(struct rndis_filter_packet), GFP_ATOMIC); + sizeof(struct rndis_filter_packet) + + NDIS_VLAN_PPI_SIZE, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!packet) { /* out of memory, drop packet */ netdev_err(net, "unable to allocate hv_netvsc_packet\n"); @@ -169,6 +170,8 @@ static int netvsc_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *net) return NETDEV_TX_OK; } + packet->vlan_tci = skb->vlan_tci; + packet->extension = (void *)(unsigned long)packet + sizeof(struct hv_netvsc_packet) + (num_pages * sizeof(struct hv_page_buffer)); @@ -220,13 +223,10 @@ static int netvsc_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *net) net->stats.tx_bytes += skb->len; net->stats.tx_packets++; } else { - /* we are shutting down or bus overloaded, just drop packet */ - net->stats.tx_dropped++; kfree(packet); - dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); } - return NETDEV_TX_OK; + return ret ? NETDEV_TX_BUSY : NETDEV_TX_OK; } /* @@ -267,13 +267,10 @@ void netvsc_linkstatus_callback(struct hv_device *device_obj, int netvsc_recv_callback(struct hv_device *device_obj, struct hv_netvsc_packet *packet) { - struct net_device *net = dev_get_drvdata(&device_obj->device); + struct net_device *net; struct sk_buff *skb; - struct netvsc_device *net_device; - - net_device = hv_get_drvdata(device_obj); - net = net_device->ndev; + net = ((struct netvsc_device *)hv_get_drvdata(device_obj))->ndev; if (!net) { netdev_err(net, "got receive callback but net device" " not initialized yet\n"); @@ -296,6 +293,7 @@ int netvsc_recv_callback(struct hv_device *device_obj, skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, net); skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE; + skb->vlan_tci = packet->vlan_tci; net->stats.rx_packets++; net->stats.rx_bytes += packet->total_data_buflen; @@ -410,7 +408,7 @@ static int netvsc_probe(struct hv_device *dev, /* TODO: Add GSO and Checksum offload */ net->hw_features = NETIF_F_SG; - net->features = NETIF_F_SG; + net->features = NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_TX; SET_ETHTOOL_OPS(net, ðtool_ops); SET_NETDEV_DEV(net, &dev->device); diff --git a/drivers/net/hyperv/rndis_filter.c b/drivers/net/hyperv/rndis_filter.c index 133b7fbf8595b423792a675f3ff5b9317106ef78..d6be64bcefd41fb2f2d009431616c1661d3d885b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/hyperv/rndis_filter.c +++ b/drivers/net/hyperv/rndis_filter.c @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include "hyperv_net.h" @@ -303,12 +304,39 @@ static void rndis_filter_receive_indicate_status(struct rndis_device *dev, } } +/* + * Get the Per-Packet-Info with the specified type + * return NULL if not found. + */ +static inline void *rndis_get_ppi(struct rndis_packet *rpkt, u32 type) +{ + struct rndis_per_packet_info *ppi; + int len; + + if (rpkt->per_pkt_info_offset == 0) + return NULL; + + ppi = (struct rndis_per_packet_info *)((ulong)rpkt + + rpkt->per_pkt_info_offset); + len = rpkt->per_pkt_info_len; + + while (len > 0) { + if (ppi->type == type) + return (void *)((ulong)ppi + ppi->ppi_offset); + len -= ppi->size; + ppi = (struct rndis_per_packet_info *)((ulong)ppi + ppi->size); + } + + return NULL; +} + static void rndis_filter_receive_data(struct rndis_device *dev, struct rndis_message *msg, struct hv_netvsc_packet *pkt) { struct rndis_packet *rndis_pkt; u32 data_offset; + struct ndis_pkt_8021q_info *vlan; rndis_pkt = &msg->msg.pkt; @@ -344,6 +372,14 @@ static void rndis_filter_receive_data(struct rndis_device *dev, pkt->is_data_pkt = true; + vlan = rndis_get_ppi(rndis_pkt, IEEE_8021Q_INFO); + if (vlan) { + pkt->vlan_tci = VLAN_TAG_PRESENT | vlan->vlanid | + (vlan->pri << VLAN_PRIO_SHIFT); + } else { + pkt->vlan_tci = 0; + } + netvsc_recv_callback(dev->net_dev->dev, pkt); } @@ -352,8 +388,7 @@ int rndis_filter_receive(struct hv_device *dev, { struct netvsc_device *net_dev = hv_get_drvdata(dev); struct rndis_device *rndis_dev; - struct rndis_message rndis_msg; - struct rndis_message *rndis_hdr; + struct rndis_message *rndis_msg; struct net_device *ndev; if (!net_dev) @@ -375,46 +410,32 @@ int rndis_filter_receive(struct hv_device *dev, return -ENODEV; } - rndis_hdr = pkt->data; - - /* Make sure we got a valid rndis message */ - if ((rndis_hdr->ndis_msg_type != REMOTE_NDIS_PACKET_MSG) && - (rndis_hdr->msg_len > sizeof(struct rndis_message))) { - netdev_err(ndev, "incoming rndis message buffer overflow " - "detected (got %u, max %zu)..marking it an error!\n", - rndis_hdr->msg_len, - sizeof(struct rndis_message)); - } + rndis_msg = pkt->data; - memcpy(&rndis_msg, rndis_hdr, - (rndis_hdr->msg_len > sizeof(struct rndis_message)) ? - sizeof(struct rndis_message) : - rndis_hdr->msg_len); + dump_rndis_message(dev, rndis_msg); - dump_rndis_message(dev, &rndis_msg); - - switch (rndis_msg.ndis_msg_type) { + switch (rndis_msg->ndis_msg_type) { case REMOTE_NDIS_PACKET_MSG: /* data msg */ - rndis_filter_receive_data(rndis_dev, &rndis_msg, pkt); + rndis_filter_receive_data(rndis_dev, rndis_msg, pkt); break; case REMOTE_NDIS_INITIALIZE_CMPLT: case REMOTE_NDIS_QUERY_CMPLT: case REMOTE_NDIS_SET_CMPLT: /* completion msgs */ - rndis_filter_receive_response(rndis_dev, &rndis_msg); + rndis_filter_receive_response(rndis_dev, rndis_msg); break; case REMOTE_NDIS_INDICATE_STATUS_MSG: /* notification msgs */ - rndis_filter_receive_indicate_status(rndis_dev, &rndis_msg); + rndis_filter_receive_indicate_status(rndis_dev, rndis_msg); break; default: netdev_err(ndev, "unhandled rndis message (type %u len %u)\n", - rndis_msg.ndis_msg_type, - rndis_msg.msg_len); + rndis_msg->ndis_msg_type, + rndis_msg->msg_len); break; } @@ -758,66 +779,88 @@ int rndis_filter_open(struct hv_device *dev) int rndis_filter_close(struct hv_device *dev) { - struct netvsc_device *netDevice = hv_get_drvdata(dev); + struct netvsc_device *nvdev = hv_get_drvdata(dev); - if (!netDevice) + if (!nvdev) return -EINVAL; - return rndis_filter_close_device(netDevice->extension); + return rndis_filter_close_device(nvdev->extension); } int rndis_filter_send(struct hv_device *dev, struct hv_netvsc_packet *pkt) { int ret; - struct rndis_filter_packet *filterPacket; - struct rndis_message *rndisMessage; - struct rndis_packet *rndisPacket; - u32 rndisMessageSize; + struct rndis_filter_packet *filter_pkt; + struct rndis_message *rndis_msg; + struct rndis_packet *rndis_pkt; + u32 rndis_msg_size; + bool isvlan = pkt->vlan_tci & VLAN_TAG_PRESENT; /* Add the rndis header */ - filterPacket = (struct rndis_filter_packet *)pkt->extension; - - memset(filterPacket, 0, sizeof(struct rndis_filter_packet)); - - rndisMessage = &filterPacket->msg; - rndisMessageSize = RNDIS_MESSAGE_SIZE(struct rndis_packet); - - rndisMessage->ndis_msg_type = REMOTE_NDIS_PACKET_MSG; - rndisMessage->msg_len = pkt->total_data_buflen + - rndisMessageSize; - - rndisPacket = &rndisMessage->msg.pkt; - rndisPacket->data_offset = sizeof(struct rndis_packet); - rndisPacket->data_len = pkt->total_data_buflen; + filter_pkt = (struct rndis_filter_packet *)pkt->extension; + + rndis_msg = &filter_pkt->msg; + rndis_msg_size = RNDIS_MESSAGE_SIZE(struct rndis_packet); + if (isvlan) + rndis_msg_size += NDIS_VLAN_PPI_SIZE; + + rndis_msg->ndis_msg_type = REMOTE_NDIS_PACKET_MSG; + rndis_msg->msg_len = pkt->total_data_buflen + + rndis_msg_size; + + rndis_pkt = &rndis_msg->msg.pkt; + rndis_pkt->data_offset = sizeof(struct rndis_packet); + if (isvlan) + rndis_pkt->data_offset += NDIS_VLAN_PPI_SIZE; + rndis_pkt->data_len = pkt->total_data_buflen; + + if (isvlan) { + struct rndis_per_packet_info *ppi; + struct ndis_pkt_8021q_info *vlan; + + rndis_pkt->per_pkt_info_offset = sizeof(struct rndis_packet); + rndis_pkt->per_pkt_info_len = NDIS_VLAN_PPI_SIZE; + + ppi = (struct rndis_per_packet_info *)((ulong)rndis_pkt + + rndis_pkt->per_pkt_info_offset); + ppi->size = NDIS_VLAN_PPI_SIZE; + ppi->type = IEEE_8021Q_INFO; + ppi->ppi_offset = sizeof(struct rndis_per_packet_info); + + vlan = (struct ndis_pkt_8021q_info *)((ulong)ppi + + ppi->ppi_offset); + vlan->vlanid = pkt->vlan_tci & VLAN_VID_MASK; + vlan->pri = (pkt->vlan_tci & VLAN_PRIO_MASK) >> VLAN_PRIO_SHIFT; + } pkt->is_data_pkt = true; - pkt->page_buf[0].pfn = virt_to_phys(rndisMessage) >> PAGE_SHIFT; + pkt->page_buf[0].pfn = virt_to_phys(rndis_msg) >> PAGE_SHIFT; pkt->page_buf[0].offset = - (unsigned long)rndisMessage & (PAGE_SIZE-1); - pkt->page_buf[0].len = rndisMessageSize; + (unsigned long)rndis_msg & (PAGE_SIZE-1); + pkt->page_buf[0].len = rndis_msg_size; /* Add one page_buf if the rndis msg goes beyond page boundary */ - if (pkt->page_buf[0].offset + rndisMessageSize > PAGE_SIZE) { + if (pkt->page_buf[0].offset + rndis_msg_size > PAGE_SIZE) { int i; for (i = pkt->page_buf_cnt; i > 1; i--) pkt->page_buf[i] = pkt->page_buf[i-1]; pkt->page_buf_cnt++; pkt->page_buf[0].len = PAGE_SIZE - pkt->page_buf[0].offset; pkt->page_buf[1].pfn = virt_to_phys((void *)((ulong) - rndisMessage + pkt->page_buf[0].len)) >> PAGE_SHIFT; + rndis_msg + pkt->page_buf[0].len)) >> PAGE_SHIFT; pkt->page_buf[1].offset = 0; - pkt->page_buf[1].len = rndisMessageSize - pkt->page_buf[0].len; + pkt->page_buf[1].len = rndis_msg_size - pkt->page_buf[0].len; } /* Save the packet send completion and context */ - filterPacket->completion = pkt->completion.send.send_completion; - filterPacket->completion_ctx = + filter_pkt->completion = pkt->completion.send.send_completion; + filter_pkt->completion_ctx = pkt->completion.send.send_completion_ctx; /* Use ours */ pkt->completion.send.send_completion = rndis_filter_send_completion; - pkt->completion.send.send_completion_ctx = filterPacket; + pkt->completion.send.send_completion_ctx = filter_pkt; ret = netvsc_send(dev, pkt); if (ret != 0) { @@ -826,9 +869,9 @@ int rndis_filter_send(struct hv_device *dev, * above */ pkt->completion.send.send_completion = - filterPacket->completion; + filter_pkt->completion; pkt->completion.send.send_completion_ctx = - filterPacket->completion_ctx; + filter_pkt->completion_ctx; } return ret; @@ -836,10 +879,10 @@ int rndis_filter_send(struct hv_device *dev, static void rndis_filter_send_completion(void *ctx) { - struct rndis_filter_packet *filterPacket = ctx; + struct rndis_filter_packet *filter_pkt = ctx; /* Pass it back to the original handler */ - filterPacket->completion(filterPacket->completion_ctx); + filter_pkt->completion(filter_pkt->completion_ctx); } diff --git a/drivers/net/ifb.c b/drivers/net/ifb.c index e05b645bbc323559b39e6d42c69744159774767d..344dceb1aaf9e70d3c36540d1ea2b62524fba368 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ifb.c +++ b/drivers/net/ifb.c @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ static void ifb_setup(struct net_device *dev) dev->flags |= IFF_NOARP; dev->flags &= ~IFF_MULTICAST; dev->priv_flags &= ~(IFF_XMIT_DST_RELEASE | IFF_TX_SKB_SHARING); - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); } static netdev_tx_t ifb_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) diff --git a/drivers/net/irda/ali-ircc.c b/drivers/net/irda/ali-ircc.c index 963067d3bda277b6acab90b838fa2d7b93c1ff7c..dcc80d652b78bea2dbc70a016f0914fe87ccd320 100644 --- a/drivers/net/irda/ali-ircc.c +++ b/drivers/net/irda/ali-ircc.c @@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ static int ali_ircc_net_open(struct net_device *dev) IRDA_WARNING("%s, unable to allocate dma=%d\n", ALI_IRCC_DRIVER_NAME, self->io.dma); - free_irq(self->io.irq, self); + free_irq(self->io.irq, dev); return -EAGAIN; } diff --git a/drivers/net/irda/donauboe.c b/drivers/net/irda/donauboe.c index 64f403da101cab6d4446328fd4dc972e506ffe20..617a446d126c0d158bfdba1ac5b2c21a9401ad35 100644 --- a/drivers/net/irda/donauboe.c +++ b/drivers/net/irda/donauboe.c @@ -1608,7 +1608,6 @@ toshoboe_open (struct pci_dev *pci_dev, const struct pci_device_id *pdid) self->ringbuf = kmalloc(OBOE_RING_LEN << 1, GFP_KERNEL); if (!self->ringbuf) { - printk (KERN_ERR DRIVER_NAME ": can't allocate DMA buffers\n"); err = -ENOMEM; goto freeregion; } @@ -1647,7 +1646,6 @@ toshoboe_open (struct pci_dev *pci_dev, const struct pci_device_id *pdid) if (!ok) { - printk (KERN_ERR DRIVER_NAME ": can't allocate rx/tx buffers\n"); err = -ENOMEM; goto freebufs; } diff --git a/drivers/net/irda/pxaficp_ir.c b/drivers/net/irda/pxaficp_ir.c index 81d5275a15e298dc11a4208b00ffbbbf4cd1864b..ff16daf33ae130df9f3de215e790e1c997748870 100644 --- a/drivers/net/irda/pxaficp_ir.c +++ b/drivers/net/irda/pxaficp_ir.c @@ -128,20 +128,20 @@ struct pxa_irda { static inline void pxa_irda_disable_clk(struct pxa_irda *si) { if (si->cur_clk) - clk_disable(si->cur_clk); + clk_disable_unprepare(si->cur_clk); si->cur_clk = NULL; } static inline void pxa_irda_enable_firclk(struct pxa_irda *si) { si->cur_clk = si->fir_clk; - clk_enable(si->fir_clk); + clk_prepare_enable(si->fir_clk); } static inline void pxa_irda_enable_sirclk(struct pxa_irda *si) { si->cur_clk = si->sir_clk; - clk_enable(si->sir_clk); + clk_prepare_enable(si->sir_clk); } diff --git a/drivers/net/irda/via-ircc.c b/drivers/net/irda/via-ircc.c index 2d456dd164fb0e26a82e02d2c0142e1d2d4414c7..1a89fd459dd51110cc0a08931ad917f1e4850a8e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/irda/via-ircc.c +++ b/drivers/net/irda/via-ircc.c @@ -1495,14 +1495,14 @@ static int via_ircc_net_open(struct net_device *dev) if (request_dma(self->io.dma, dev->name)) { IRDA_WARNING("%s, unable to allocate dma=%d\n", driver_name, self->io.dma); - free_irq(self->io.irq, self); + free_irq(self->io.irq, dev); return -EAGAIN; } if (self->io.dma2 != self->io.dma) { if (request_dma(self->io.dma2, dev->name)) { IRDA_WARNING("%s, unable to allocate dma2=%d\n", driver_name, self->io.dma2); - free_irq(self->io.irq, self); + free_irq(self->io.irq, dev); free_dma(self->io.dma); return -EAGAIN; } diff --git a/drivers/net/irda/w83977af_ir.c b/drivers/net/irda/w83977af_ir.c index 7d43506c70328cfc70801c9fa20050e2d5e683fd..f5bb92f15880dffb947f387577460451bb774068 100644 --- a/drivers/net/irda/w83977af_ir.c +++ b/drivers/net/irda/w83977af_ir.c @@ -1172,7 +1172,7 @@ static int w83977af_net_open(struct net_device *dev) * and clean up on failure. */ if (request_dma(self->io.dma, dev->name)) { - free_irq(self->io.irq, self); + free_irq(self->io.irq, dev); return -EAGAIN; } diff --git a/drivers/net/macvlan.c b/drivers/net/macvlan.c index 9ea99217f11609176d56459c3e35f55185e6f2af..f975afdc315ce507b5a5b80c04325a224849c320 100644 --- a/drivers/net/macvlan.c +++ b/drivers/net/macvlan.c @@ -372,6 +372,7 @@ static int macvlan_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *p) if (!(dev->flags & IFF_UP)) { /* Just copy in the new address */ + dev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, ETH_ALEN); } else { /* Rehash and update the device filters */ @@ -687,7 +688,7 @@ int macvlan_common_newlink(struct net *src_net, struct net_device *dev, return -EINVAL; if (!tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]) - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); if (!macvlan_port_exists(lowerdev)) { err = macvlan_port_create(lowerdev); diff --git a/drivers/net/mdio.c b/drivers/net/mdio.c index 16fbb11d92aca1cf74369058ab373cf60555302b..8403316eb02bbad1c0bd91344ef82f774552d602 100644 --- a/drivers/net/mdio.c +++ b/drivers/net/mdio.c @@ -190,6 +190,9 @@ void mdio45_ethtool_gset_npage(const struct mdio_if_info *mdio, int reg; u32 speed; + BUILD_BUG_ON(MDIO_SUPPORTS_C22 != ETH_MDIO_SUPPORTS_C22); + BUILD_BUG_ON(MDIO_SUPPORTS_C45 != ETH_MDIO_SUPPORTS_C45); + ecmd->transceiver = XCVR_INTERNAL; ecmd->phy_address = mdio->prtad; ecmd->mdio_support = diff --git a/drivers/net/mii.c b/drivers/net/mii.c index c70c2332d15e94ea2b9620924dede4474f00ffef..4a99c391903790af8ce6b727918455d90415842b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/mii.c +++ b/drivers/net/mii.c @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ #include #include #include -#include +#include static u32 mii_get_an(struct mii_if_info *mii, u16 addr) { @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ int mii_ethtool_gset(struct mii_if_info *mii, struct ethtool_cmd *ecmd) /* this isn't fully supported at higher layers */ ecmd->phy_address = mii->phy_id; - ecmd->mdio_support = MDIO_SUPPORTS_C22; + ecmd->mdio_support = ETH_MDIO_SUPPORTS_C22; ecmd->advertising = ADVERTISED_TP | ADVERTISED_MII; diff --git a/drivers/net/netconsole.c b/drivers/net/netconsole.c index e8882023576b94206d5cc13773c27b3af20761ea..f9347ea3d381e113d20c6a13ec32f0f51c5fc04c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/netconsole.c +++ b/drivers/net/netconsole.c @@ -169,10 +169,8 @@ static struct netconsole_target *alloc_param_target(char *target_config) * Note that these targets get their config_item fields zeroed-out. */ nt = kzalloc(sizeof(*nt), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!nt) { - printk(KERN_ERR "netconsole: failed to allocate memory\n"); + if (!nt) goto fail; - } nt->np.name = "netconsole"; strlcpy(nt->np.dev_name, "eth0", IFNAMSIZ); @@ -551,10 +549,8 @@ static struct config_item *make_netconsole_target(struct config_group *group, * Target is disabled at creation (enabled == 0). */ nt = kzalloc(sizeof(*nt), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!nt) { - printk(KERN_ERR "netconsole: failed to allocate memory\n"); + if (!nt) return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); - } nt->np.name = "netconsole"; strlcpy(nt->np.dev_name, "eth0", IFNAMSIZ); diff --git a/drivers/net/phy/Kconfig b/drivers/net/phy/Kconfig index fbdcdf83cbfd81b142fb228460b2effddd266cad..0e01f4e5cd64d9474450c5da7249485b6447b3b7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/phy/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/phy/Kconfig @@ -15,6 +15,11 @@ if PHYLIB comment "MII PHY device drivers" +config AMD_PHY + tristate "Drivers for the AMD PHYs" + ---help--- + Currently supports the am79c874 + config MARVELL_PHY tristate "Drivers for Marvell PHYs" ---help--- diff --git a/drivers/net/phy/Makefile b/drivers/net/phy/Makefile index e15c83fecbe04d7b34f38ac0430bae294bde27b6..b7438b1b94b9100df5e78c48a8ccc6cb2d57209f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/phy/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/phy/Makefile @@ -24,3 +24,4 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_STE10XP) += ste10Xp.o obj-$(CONFIG_MICREL_PHY) += micrel.o obj-$(CONFIG_MDIO_OCTEON) += mdio-octeon.o obj-$(CONFIG_MICREL_KS8995MA) += spi_ks8995.o +obj-$(CONFIG_AMD_PHY) += amd.o diff --git a/drivers/net/phy/amd.c b/drivers/net/phy/amd.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cfabd5fe53728c7ac08d4d95507b83a9a9590f83 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/phy/amd.c @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +/* + * Driver for AMD am79c PHYs + * + * Author: Heiko Schocher + * + * Copyright (c) 2011 DENX Software Engineering GmbH + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the + * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your + * option) any later version. + * + */ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#define PHY_ID_AM79C874 0x0022561b + +#define MII_AM79C_IR 17 /* Interrupt Status/Control Register */ +#define MII_AM79C_IR_EN_LINK 0x0400 /* IR enable Linkstate */ +#define MII_AM79C_IR_EN_ANEG 0x0100 /* IR enable Aneg Complete */ +#define MII_AM79C_IR_IMASK_INIT (MII_AM79C_IR_EN_LINK | MII_AM79C_IR_EN_ANEG) + +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("AMD PHY driver"); +MODULE_AUTHOR("Heiko Schocher "); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); + +static int am79c_ack_interrupt(struct phy_device *phydev) +{ + int err; + + err = phy_read(phydev, MII_BMSR); + if (err < 0) + return err; + + err = phy_read(phydev, MII_AM79C_IR); + if (err < 0) + return err; + + return 0; +} + +static int am79c_config_init(struct phy_device *phydev) +{ + return 0; +} + +static int am79c_config_intr(struct phy_device *phydev) +{ + int err; + + if (phydev->interrupts == PHY_INTERRUPT_ENABLED) + err = phy_write(phydev, MII_AM79C_IR, MII_AM79C_IR_IMASK_INIT); + else + err = phy_write(phydev, MII_AM79C_IR, 0); + + return err; +} + +static struct phy_driver am79c_driver = { + .phy_id = PHY_ID_AM79C874, + .name = "AM79C874", + .phy_id_mask = 0xfffffff0, + .features = PHY_BASIC_FEATURES, + .flags = PHY_HAS_INTERRUPT, + .config_init = am79c_config_init, + .config_aneg = genphy_config_aneg, + .read_status = genphy_read_status, + .ack_interrupt = am79c_ack_interrupt, + .config_intr = am79c_config_intr, + .driver = { .owner = THIS_MODULE,}, +}; + +static int __init am79c_init(void) +{ + int ret; + + ret = phy_driver_register(&am79c_driver); + if (ret) + return ret; + + return 0; +} + +static void __exit am79c_exit(void) +{ + phy_driver_unregister(&am79c_driver); +} + +module_init(am79c_init); +module_exit(am79c_exit); + +static struct mdio_device_id __maybe_unused amd_tbl[] = { + { PHY_ID_AM79C874, 0xfffffff0 }, + { } +}; + +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(mdio, amd_tbl); diff --git a/drivers/net/phy/broadcom.c b/drivers/net/phy/broadcom.c index e8be47d6d7d0c31a9c3d1126d18be41a33217180..60338ff6309248c85cba042ca17c68d38c38b2ea 100644 --- a/drivers/net/phy/broadcom.c +++ b/drivers/net/phy/broadcom.c @@ -355,8 +355,7 @@ static void bcm54xx_adjust_rxrefclk(struct phy_device *phydev) } } - if (clk125en == false || - (phydev->dev_flags & PHY_BRCM_AUTO_PWRDWN_ENABLE)) + if (!clk125en || (phydev->dev_flags & PHY_BRCM_AUTO_PWRDWN_ENABLE)) val &= ~BCM54XX_SHD_SCR3_DLLAPD_DIS; else val |= BCM54XX_SHD_SCR3_DLLAPD_DIS; @@ -373,8 +372,7 @@ static void bcm54xx_adjust_rxrefclk(struct phy_device *phydev) orig = val; - if (clk125en == false || - (phydev->dev_flags & PHY_BRCM_AUTO_PWRDWN_ENABLE)) + if (!clk125en || (phydev->dev_flags & PHY_BRCM_AUTO_PWRDWN_ENABLE)) val |= BCM54XX_SHD_APD_EN; else val &= ~BCM54XX_SHD_APD_EN; diff --git a/drivers/net/phy/dp83640.c b/drivers/net/phy/dp83640.c index ba3c59147aa7eecda0e6cf1ff344caa498eb91fd..dd7ae19579d178eaddc51ddc3654fcbafc132a79 100644 --- a/drivers/net/phy/dp83640.c +++ b/drivers/net/phy/dp83640.c @@ -1243,7 +1243,7 @@ static void __exit dp83640_exit(void) } MODULE_DESCRIPTION("National Semiconductor DP83640 PHY driver"); -MODULE_AUTHOR("Richard Cochran "); +MODULE_AUTHOR("Richard Cochran "); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); module_init(dp83640_init); diff --git a/drivers/net/plip/plip.c b/drivers/net/plip/plip.c index a9e9ca8a86edbe2c4d7e7c9f7718420842e8aa6c..1a5a316cc96881de81104dfe3b5dd4cc99375bb6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/plip/plip.c +++ b/drivers/net/plip/plip.c @@ -1260,10 +1260,8 @@ static void plip_attach (struct parport *port) sprintf(name, "plip%d", unit); dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct net_local)); - if (!dev) { - printk(KERN_ERR "plip: memory squeeze\n"); + if (!dev) return; - } strcpy(dev->name, name); diff --git a/drivers/net/ppp/ppp_async.c b/drivers/net/ppp/ppp_async.c index c6ba643808295e467d112c303159a90b0c431e78..af95a98fd86fd20886f91a40d4dde2c104fc441e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ppp/ppp_async.c +++ b/drivers/net/ppp/ppp_async.c @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ #include #include #include -#include +#include #include #include #include diff --git a/drivers/net/ppp/ppp_deflate.c b/drivers/net/ppp/ppp_deflate.c index 1dbdf82a6dfd81427321d9cba84df47aacff8999..602c625d95d5e26ba0c79f9ae6af2dd92f1f3c93 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ppp/ppp_deflate.c +++ b/drivers/net/ppp/ppp_deflate.c @@ -1,34 +1,12 @@ /* - * ==FILEVERSION 980319== - * * ppp_deflate.c - interface the zlib procedures for Deflate compression * and decompression (as used by gzip) to the PPP code. - * This version is for use with Linux kernel 1.3.X. - * - * Copyright (c) 1994 The Australian National University. - * All rights reserved. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its - * documentation is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright - * notice appears in all copies. This software is provided without any - * warranty, express or implied. The Australian National University - * makes no representations about the suitability of this software for - * any purpose. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY BE LIABLE TO ANY - * PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES - * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF - * THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY - * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * - * THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, - * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY - * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS - * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HAS NO - * OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, - * OR MODIFICATIONS. + * Copyright 1994-1998 Paul Mackerras. * - * From: deflate.c,v 1.1 1996/01/18 03:17:48 paulus Exp + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include diff --git a/drivers/net/ppp/ppp_generic.c b/drivers/net/ppp/ppp_generic.c index 486b4048850df8afca33d4183b436965b6a23137..159da2905fe979dbdf03a4c065b72ed75ea9592c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ppp/ppp_generic.c +++ b/drivers/net/ppp/ppp_generic.c @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ #include #include #include -#include +#include #include #include #include @@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@ static void ppp_setup(struct net_device *dev) { dev->netdev_ops = &ppp_netdev_ops; dev->hard_header_len = PPP_HDRLEN; - dev->mtu = PPP_MTU; + dev->mtu = PPP_MRU; dev->addr_len = 0; dev->tx_queue_len = 3; dev->type = ARPHRD_PPP; @@ -2136,7 +2136,7 @@ ppp_mp_reconstruct(struct ppp *ppp) skb->len += p->len; skb->data_len += p->len; - skb->truesize += p->len; + skb->truesize += p->truesize; if (p == tail) break; diff --git a/drivers/net/ppp/ppp_synctty.c b/drivers/net/ppp/ppp_synctty.c index 736a39ee05bbc310c0f8e8264a28e9aaa1974263..55e466c511d5635adb2372d69908c680ac9affc1 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ppp/ppp_synctty.c +++ b/drivers/net/ppp/ppp_synctty.c @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ #include #include #include -#include +#include #include #include #include diff --git a/drivers/net/ppp/pppoe.c b/drivers/net/ppp/pppoe.c index bc9a4bb31980f1758a38e38daebdc5a7ab8f2a12..2fa1a9b6f498c929333e5453b4c41b94f727c507 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ppp/pppoe.c +++ b/drivers/net/ppp/pppoe.c @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ #include #include #include -#include +#include #include #include #include diff --git a/drivers/net/ppp/pppox.c b/drivers/net/ppp/pppox.c index 8c0d170dabcd5ab32685e6e4e0df52533d9f6de5..2940e9fe351b994029d8f26db30c86114a79e417 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ppp/pppox.c +++ b/drivers/net/ppp/pppox.c @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ #include #include #include -#include +#include #include #include diff --git a/drivers/net/ppp/pptp.c b/drivers/net/ppp/pptp.c index df884dde2a511c27b95db1edef5848886b6c9abd..885dbdd9c39e0f9ea1101d7a5642fc52d6a081a7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ppp/pptp.c +++ b/drivers/net/ppp/pptp.c @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ #include #include #include -#include +#include #include #include #include @@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ static int pptp_connect(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *uservaddr, po->chan.mtu = dst_mtu(&rt->dst); if (!po->chan.mtu) - po->chan.mtu = PPP_MTU; + po->chan.mtu = PPP_MRU; ip_rt_put(rt); po->chan.mtu -= PPTP_HEADER_OVERHEAD; @@ -670,10 +670,8 @@ static int __init pptp_init_module(void) pr_info("PPTP driver version " PPTP_DRIVER_VERSION "\n"); callid_sock = vzalloc((MAX_CALLID + 1) * sizeof(void *)); - if (!callid_sock) { - pr_err("PPTP: cann't allocate memory\n"); + if (!callid_sock) return -ENOMEM; - } err = gre_add_protocol(&gre_pptp_protocol, GREPROTO_PPTP); if (err) { diff --git a/drivers/net/rionet.c b/drivers/net/rionet.c index 7145714a5ec95776f187b47b022c32751cfba792..a57f05726b5785a6d8ba7646fb3068c438869082 100644 --- a/drivers/net/rionet.c +++ b/drivers/net/rionet.c @@ -497,8 +497,6 @@ static int rionet_probe(struct rio_dev *rdev, const struct rio_device_id *id) /* Allocate our net_device structure */ ndev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct rionet_private)); if (ndev == NULL) { - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: could not allocate ethernet device.\n", - DRV_NAME); rc = -ENOMEM; goto out; } diff --git a/drivers/net/slip/slip.c b/drivers/net/slip/slip.c index ba08341fb92c6b4f5c3752c316d8de3d156e8c4a..69345dfae0fdcef3773b94d21f394b0814c20ae0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/slip/slip.c +++ b/drivers/net/slip/slip.c @@ -1296,10 +1296,8 @@ static int __init slip_init(void) slip_devs = kzalloc(sizeof(struct net_device *)*slip_maxdev, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!slip_devs) { - printk(KERN_ERR "SLIP: Can't allocate slip devices array.\n"); + if (!slip_devs) return -ENOMEM; - } /* Fill in our line protocol discipline, and register it */ status = tty_register_ldisc(N_SLIP, &sl_ldisc); diff --git a/drivers/net/team/team.c b/drivers/net/team/team.c index 6b678f38e5ced5336cf81c632767e5e13100fe65..8f81805c6825d6e1aec84068bbf3f533e1c33582 100644 --- a/drivers/net/team/team.c +++ b/drivers/net/team/team.c @@ -868,6 +868,7 @@ static int team_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *p) struct team_port *port; struct sockaddr *addr = p; + dev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, ETH_ALEN); rcu_read_lock(); list_for_each_entry_rcu(port, &team->port_list, list) @@ -1087,7 +1088,7 @@ static int team_newlink(struct net *src_net, struct net_device *dev, int err; if (tb[IFLA_ADDRESS] == NULL) - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); err = register_netdevice(dev); if (err) diff --git a/drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c b/drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c index ef9fdf3652f6cda144ace331db52ff67a2a2c43a..d7c292aa76b1528f9b979afe3a6c17d48e080a02 100644 --- a/drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c +++ b/drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c @@ -674,15 +674,11 @@ static int xl_open(struct net_device *dev) /* These MUST be on 8 byte boundaries */ xl_priv->xl_tx_ring = kzalloc((sizeof(struct xl_tx_desc) * XL_TX_RING_SIZE) + 7, GFP_DMA | GFP_KERNEL); if (xl_priv->xl_tx_ring == NULL) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Not enough memory to allocate tx buffers.\n", - dev->name); free_irq(dev->irq,dev); return -ENOMEM; } xl_priv->xl_rx_ring = kzalloc((sizeof(struct xl_rx_desc) * XL_RX_RING_SIZE) +7, GFP_DMA | GFP_KERNEL); if (xl_priv->xl_rx_ring == NULL) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Not enough memory to allocate rx buffers.\n", - dev->name); free_irq(dev->irq,dev); kfree(xl_priv->xl_tx_ring); return -ENOMEM; diff --git a/drivers/net/tokenring/madgemc.c b/drivers/net/tokenring/madgemc.c index 6153cfd696b62647ae5ca50dfa16cd58d93679b1..1cdc034f6aecd7bfef9ebb828956994886a534ce 100644 --- a/drivers/net/tokenring/madgemc.c +++ b/drivers/net/tokenring/madgemc.c @@ -171,7 +171,6 @@ static int __devinit madgemc_probe(struct device *device) card = kmalloc(sizeof(struct card_info), GFP_KERNEL); if (card==NULL) { - printk("madgemc: unable to allocate card struct\n"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto getout1; } diff --git a/drivers/net/tokenring/tms380tr.c b/drivers/net/tokenring/tms380tr.c index 65e9cf3a71febcd3049a8e9c3df771f6b1f13940..102f896bbc58e849ef7cea66f6e4941675298e96 100644 --- a/drivers/net/tokenring/tms380tr.c +++ b/drivers/net/tokenring/tms380tr.c @@ -1525,10 +1525,8 @@ static void tms380tr_chk_outstanding_cmds(struct net_device *dev) /* Check if adapter is opened, avoiding COMMAND_REJECT * interrupt by the adapter! */ - if(tp->AdapterOpenFlag == 0) - { - if(tp->CMDqueue & OC_OPEN) - { + if (tp->AdapterOpenFlag == 0) { + if (tp->CMDqueue & OC_OPEN) { /* Execute OPEN command */ tp->CMDqueue ^= OC_OPEN; @@ -1536,21 +1534,17 @@ static void tms380tr_chk_outstanding_cmds(struct net_device *dev) tp->scb.Parm[0] = LOWORD(Addr); tp->scb.Parm[1] = HIWORD(Addr); tp->scb.CMD = OPEN; - } - else + } else /* No OPEN command queued, but adapter closed. Note: * We'll try to re-open the adapter in DriverPoll() */ return; /* No adapter command issued */ - } - else - { + } else { /* Adapter is open; evaluate command queue: try to execute * outstanding commands (depending on priority!) CLOSE * command queued */ - if(tp->CMDqueue & OC_CLOSE) - { + if (tp->CMDqueue & OC_CLOSE) { tp->CMDqueue ^= OC_CLOSE; tp->AdapterOpenFlag = 0; tp->scb.Parm[0] = 0; /* Parm[0], Parm[1] are ignored */ @@ -1560,109 +1554,70 @@ static void tms380tr_chk_outstanding_cmds(struct net_device *dev) tp->CMDqueue |= OC_OPEN; /* re-open adapter */ else tp->CMDqueue = 0; /* no more commands */ - } - else - { - if(tp->CMDqueue & OC_RECEIVE) - { - tp->CMDqueue ^= OC_RECEIVE; - Addr = htonl(((char *)tp->RplHead - (char *)tp) + tp->dmabuffer); - tp->scb.Parm[0] = LOWORD(Addr); - tp->scb.Parm[1] = HIWORD(Addr); - tp->scb.CMD = RECEIVE; - } - else - { - if(tp->CMDqueue & OC_TRANSMIT_HALT) - { - /* NOTE: TRANSMIT.HALT must be checked - * before TRANSMIT. - */ - tp->CMDqueue ^= OC_TRANSMIT_HALT; - tp->scb.CMD = TRANSMIT_HALT; - - /* Parm[0] and Parm[1] are ignored - * but should be set to zero! - */ - tp->scb.Parm[0] = 0; - tp->scb.Parm[1] = 0; - } - else - { - if(tp->CMDqueue & OC_TRANSMIT) - { - /* NOTE: TRANSMIT must be - * checked after TRANSMIT.HALT - */ - if(tp->TransmitCommandActive) - { - if(!tp->TransmitHaltScheduled) - { - tp->TransmitHaltScheduled = 1; - tms380tr_exec_cmd(dev, OC_TRANSMIT_HALT) ; - } - tp->TransmitCommandActive = 0; - return; - } - - tp->CMDqueue ^= OC_TRANSMIT; - tms380tr_cancel_tx_queue(tp); - Addr = htonl(((char *)tp->TplBusy - (char *)tp) + tp->dmabuffer); - tp->scb.Parm[0] = LOWORD(Addr); - tp->scb.Parm[1] = HIWORD(Addr); - tp->scb.CMD = TRANSMIT; - tp->TransmitCommandActive = 1; - } - else - { - if(tp->CMDqueue & OC_MODIFY_OPEN_PARMS) - { - tp->CMDqueue ^= OC_MODIFY_OPEN_PARMS; - tp->scb.Parm[0] = tp->ocpl.OPENOptions; /* new OPEN options*/ - tp->scb.Parm[0] |= ENABLE_FULL_DUPLEX_SELECTION; - tp->scb.Parm[1] = 0; /* is ignored but should be zero */ - tp->scb.CMD = MODIFY_OPEN_PARMS; - } - else - { - if(tp->CMDqueue & OC_SET_FUNCT_ADDR) - { - tp->CMDqueue ^= OC_SET_FUNCT_ADDR; - tp->scb.Parm[0] = LOWORD(tp->ocpl.FunctAddr); - tp->scb.Parm[1] = HIWORD(tp->ocpl.FunctAddr); - tp->scb.CMD = SET_FUNCT_ADDR; - } - else - { - if(tp->CMDqueue & OC_SET_GROUP_ADDR) - { - tp->CMDqueue ^= OC_SET_GROUP_ADDR; - tp->scb.Parm[0] = LOWORD(tp->ocpl.GroupAddr); - tp->scb.Parm[1] = HIWORD(tp->ocpl.GroupAddr); - tp->scb.CMD = SET_GROUP_ADDR; - } - else - { - if(tp->CMDqueue & OC_READ_ERROR_LOG) - { - tp->CMDqueue ^= OC_READ_ERROR_LOG; - Addr = htonl(((char *)&tp->errorlogtable - (char *)tp) + tp->dmabuffer); - tp->scb.Parm[0] = LOWORD(Addr); - tp->scb.Parm[1] = HIWORD(Addr); - tp->scb.CMD = READ_ERROR_LOG; - } - else - { - printk(KERN_WARNING "CheckForOutstandingCommand: unknown Command\n"); - tp->CMDqueue = 0; - return; - } - } - } - } - } + } else if (tp->CMDqueue & OC_RECEIVE) { + tp->CMDqueue ^= OC_RECEIVE; + Addr = htonl(((char *)tp->RplHead - (char *)tp) + tp->dmabuffer); + tp->scb.Parm[0] = LOWORD(Addr); + tp->scb.Parm[1] = HIWORD(Addr); + tp->scb.CMD = RECEIVE; + } else if (tp->CMDqueue & OC_TRANSMIT_HALT) { + /* NOTE: TRANSMIT.HALT must be checked + * before TRANSMIT. + */ + tp->CMDqueue ^= OC_TRANSMIT_HALT; + tp->scb.CMD = TRANSMIT_HALT; + + /* Parm[0] and Parm[1] are ignored + * but should be set to zero! + */ + tp->scb.Parm[0] = 0; + tp->scb.Parm[1] = 0; + } else if (tp->CMDqueue & OC_TRANSMIT) { + /* NOTE: TRANSMIT must be + * checked after TRANSMIT.HALT + */ + if (tp->TransmitCommandActive) { + if (!tp->TransmitHaltScheduled) { + tp->TransmitHaltScheduled = 1; + tms380tr_exec_cmd(dev, OC_TRANSMIT_HALT); } + tp->TransmitCommandActive = 0; + return; } + + tp->CMDqueue ^= OC_TRANSMIT; + tms380tr_cancel_tx_queue(tp); + Addr = htonl(((char *)tp->TplBusy - (char *)tp) + tp->dmabuffer); + tp->scb.Parm[0] = LOWORD(Addr); + tp->scb.Parm[1] = HIWORD(Addr); + tp->scb.CMD = TRANSMIT; + tp->TransmitCommandActive = 1; + } else if (tp->CMDqueue & OC_MODIFY_OPEN_PARMS) { + tp->CMDqueue ^= OC_MODIFY_OPEN_PARMS; + tp->scb.Parm[0] = tp->ocpl.OPENOptions; /* new OPEN options*/ + tp->scb.Parm[0] |= ENABLE_FULL_DUPLEX_SELECTION; + tp->scb.Parm[1] = 0; /* is ignored but should be zero */ + tp->scb.CMD = MODIFY_OPEN_PARMS; + } else if (tp->CMDqueue & OC_SET_FUNCT_ADDR) { + tp->CMDqueue ^= OC_SET_FUNCT_ADDR; + tp->scb.Parm[0] = LOWORD(tp->ocpl.FunctAddr); + tp->scb.Parm[1] = HIWORD(tp->ocpl.FunctAddr); + tp->scb.CMD = SET_FUNCT_ADDR; + } else if (tp->CMDqueue & OC_SET_GROUP_ADDR) { + tp->CMDqueue ^= OC_SET_GROUP_ADDR; + tp->scb.Parm[0] = LOWORD(tp->ocpl.GroupAddr); + tp->scb.Parm[1] = HIWORD(tp->ocpl.GroupAddr); + tp->scb.CMD = SET_GROUP_ADDR; + } else if (tp->CMDqueue & OC_READ_ERROR_LOG) { + tp->CMDqueue ^= OC_READ_ERROR_LOG; + Addr = htonl(((char *)&tp->errorlogtable - (char *)tp) + tp->dmabuffer); + tp->scb.Parm[0] = LOWORD(Addr); + tp->scb.Parm[1] = HIWORD(Addr); + tp->scb.CMD = READ_ERROR_LOG; + } else { + printk(KERN_WARNING "CheckForOutstandingCommand: unknown Command\n"); + tp->CMDqueue = 0; + return; } } diff --git a/drivers/net/tun.c b/drivers/net/tun.c index 2d7601dd6660e5a273cdabe75278ee1231e7fc23..74d7f76d14a3e505667a2fb65dabcbd07935ce36 100644 --- a/drivers/net/tun.c +++ b/drivers/net/tun.c @@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ static void tun_net_init(struct net_device *dev) ether_setup(dev); dev->priv_flags &= ~IFF_TX_SKB_SHARING; - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); dev->tx_queue_len = TUN_READQ_SIZE; /* We prefer our own queue length */ break; diff --git a/drivers/net/usb/Kconfig b/drivers/net/usb/Kconfig index 4bad899fb38f9ca6bdce7a24e7fb7726e86cd706..833e32f8d63baabebcee2f27b773ea3846695e41 100644 --- a/drivers/net/usb/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/usb/Kconfig @@ -401,6 +401,7 @@ config USB_NET_KALMIA config USB_NET_QMI_WWAN tristate "QMI WWAN driver for Qualcomm MSM based 3G and LTE modems" depends on USB_USBNET + select USB_WDM help Support WWAN LTE/3G devices based on Qualcomm Mobile Data Modem (MDM) chipsets. Examples of such devices are diff --git a/drivers/net/usb/asix.c b/drivers/net/usb/asix.c index d6da5eed5453d38afe315a2a98bc3a8ebba656e2..5ee032cafadea0f8405f4d8f66cb356eec236262 100644 --- a/drivers/net/usb/asix.c +++ b/drivers/net/usb/asix.c @@ -305,88 +305,40 @@ asix_write_cmd_async(struct usbnet *dev, u8 cmd, u16 value, u16 index, static int asix_rx_fixup(struct usbnet *dev, struct sk_buff *skb) { - u8 *head; - u32 header; - char *packet; - struct sk_buff *ax_skb; - u16 size; + int offset = 0; - head = (u8 *) skb->data; - memcpy(&header, head, sizeof(header)); - le32_to_cpus(&header); - packet = head + sizeof(header); + while (offset + sizeof(u32) < skb->len) { + struct sk_buff *ax_skb; + u16 size; + u32 header = get_unaligned_le32(skb->data + offset); - skb_pull(skb, 4); - - while (skb->len > 0) { - if ((header & 0x07ff) != ((~header >> 16) & 0x07ff)) - netdev_err(dev->net, "asix_rx_fixup() Bad Header Length\n"); + offset += sizeof(u32); /* get the packet length */ - size = (u16) (header & 0x000007ff); - - if ((skb->len) - ((size + 1) & 0xfffe) == 0) { - u8 alignment = (unsigned long)skb->data & 0x3; - if (alignment != 0x2) { - /* - * not 16bit aligned so use the room provided by - * the 32 bit header to align the data - * - * note we want 16bit alignment as MAC header is - * 14bytes thus ip header will be aligned on - * 32bit boundary so accessing ipheader elements - * using a cast to struct ip header wont cause - * an unaligned accesses. - */ - u8 realignment = (alignment + 2) & 0x3; - memmove(skb->data - realignment, - skb->data, - size); - skb->data -= realignment; - skb_set_tail_pointer(skb, size); - } - return 2; + size = (u16) (header & 0x7ff); + if (size != ((~header >> 16) & 0x07ff)) { + netdev_err(dev->net, "asix_rx_fixup() Bad Header Length\n"); + return 0; } - if (size > dev->net->mtu + ETH_HLEN) { + if ((size > dev->net->mtu + ETH_HLEN) || + (size + offset > skb->len)) { netdev_err(dev->net, "asix_rx_fixup() Bad RX Length %d\n", size); return 0; } - ax_skb = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC); - if (ax_skb) { - u8 alignment = (unsigned long)packet & 0x3; - ax_skb->len = size; - - if (alignment != 0x2) { - /* - * not 16bit aligned use the room provided by - * the 32 bit header to align the data - */ - u8 realignment = (alignment + 2) & 0x3; - memmove(packet - realignment, packet, size); - packet -= realignment; - } - ax_skb->data = packet; - skb_set_tail_pointer(ax_skb, size); - usbnet_skb_return(dev, ax_skb); - } else { + ax_skb = netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align(dev->net, size); + if (!ax_skb) return 0; - } - - skb_pull(skb, (size + 1) & 0xfffe); - if (skb->len < sizeof(header)) - break; + skb_put(ax_skb, size); + memcpy(ax_skb->data, skb->data + offset, size); + usbnet_skb_return(dev, ax_skb); - head = (u8 *) skb->data; - memcpy(&header, head, sizeof(header)); - le32_to_cpus(&header); - packet = head + sizeof(header); - skb_pull(skb, 4); + offset += (size + 1) & 0xfffe; } - if (skb->len < 0) { + if (skb->len != offset) { netdev_err(dev->net, "asix_rx_fixup() Bad SKB Length %d\n", skb->len); return 0; @@ -1541,7 +1493,7 @@ static const struct driver_info ax88772_info = { .status = asix_status, .link_reset = ax88772_link_reset, .reset = ax88772_reset, - .flags = FLAG_ETHER | FLAG_FRAMING_AX | FLAG_LINK_INTR, + .flags = FLAG_ETHER | FLAG_FRAMING_AX | FLAG_LINK_INTR | FLAG_MULTI_PACKET, .rx_fixup = asix_rx_fixup, .tx_fixup = asix_tx_fixup, }; diff --git a/drivers/net/usb/cdc_ncm.c b/drivers/net/usb/cdc_ncm.c index 3a539a9cac54c399768438a196306f8c2603ad91..7adc9f6b0ea184bf7580ec42f85499f46545cff9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/usb/cdc_ncm.c +++ b/drivers/net/usb/cdc_ncm.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /* * cdc_ncm.c * - * Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson 2010-2011 + * Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson 2010-2012 * Contact: Alexey Orishko * Original author: Hans Petter Selasky * @@ -47,20 +47,19 @@ #include #include #include -#include -#include +#include #include #include #include -#define DRIVER_VERSION "04-Aug-2011" +#define DRIVER_VERSION "14-Mar-2012" /* CDC NCM subclass 3.2.1 */ #define USB_CDC_NCM_NDP16_LENGTH_MIN 0x10 /* Maximum NTB length */ -#define CDC_NCM_NTB_MAX_SIZE_TX 16384 /* bytes */ -#define CDC_NCM_NTB_MAX_SIZE_RX 16384 /* bytes */ +#define CDC_NCM_NTB_MAX_SIZE_TX 32768 /* bytes */ +#define CDC_NCM_NTB_MAX_SIZE_RX 32768 /* bytes */ /* Minimum value for MaxDatagramSize, ch. 6.2.9 */ #define CDC_NCM_MIN_DATAGRAM_SIZE 1514 /* bytes */ @@ -68,19 +67,18 @@ #define CDC_NCM_MIN_TX_PKT 512 /* bytes */ /* Default value for MaxDatagramSize */ -#define CDC_NCM_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE 2048 /* bytes */ +#define CDC_NCM_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE 8192 /* bytes */ /* * Maximum amount of datagrams in NCM Datagram Pointer Table, not counting - * the last NULL entry. Any additional datagrams in NTB would be discarded. + * the last NULL entry. */ -#define CDC_NCM_DPT_DATAGRAMS_MAX 32 - -/* Maximum amount of IN datagrams in NTB */ -#define CDC_NCM_DPT_DATAGRAMS_IN_MAX 0 /* unlimited */ +#define CDC_NCM_DPT_DATAGRAMS_MAX 40 /* Restart the timer, if amount of datagrams is less than given value */ #define CDC_NCM_RESTART_TIMER_DATAGRAM_CNT 3 +#define CDC_NCM_TIMER_PENDING_CNT 2 +#define CDC_NCM_TIMER_INTERVAL (400UL * NSEC_PER_USEC) /* The following macro defines the minimum header space */ #define CDC_NCM_MIN_HDR_SIZE \ @@ -94,10 +92,10 @@ struct cdc_ncm_data { }; struct cdc_ncm_ctx { - struct cdc_ncm_data rx_ncm; struct cdc_ncm_data tx_ncm; struct usb_cdc_ncm_ntb_parameters ncm_parm; - struct timer_list tx_timer; + struct hrtimer tx_timer; + struct tasklet_struct bh; const struct usb_cdc_ncm_desc *func_desc; const struct usb_cdc_header_desc *header_desc; @@ -117,6 +115,7 @@ struct cdc_ncm_ctx { struct sk_buff *tx_rem_skb; spinlock_t mtx; + atomic_t stop; u32 tx_timer_pending; u32 tx_curr_offset; @@ -132,10 +131,13 @@ struct cdc_ncm_ctx { u16 tx_modulus; u16 tx_ndp_modulus; u16 tx_seq; + u16 rx_seq; u16 connected; }; -static void cdc_ncm_tx_timeout(unsigned long arg); +static void cdc_ncm_txpath_bh(unsigned long param); +static void cdc_ncm_tx_timeout_start(struct cdc_ncm_ctx *ctx); +static enum hrtimer_restart cdc_ncm_tx_timer_cb(struct hrtimer *hr_timer); static const struct driver_info cdc_ncm_info; static struct usb_driver cdc_ncm_driver; static const struct ethtool_ops cdc_ncm_ethtool_ops; @@ -361,27 +363,25 @@ static u8 cdc_ncm_setup(struct cdc_ncm_ctx *ctx) if (err < 0) { pr_debug("GET_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE failed, use size=%u\n", CDC_NCM_MIN_DATAGRAM_SIZE); - kfree(max_datagram_size); } else { ctx->max_datagram_size = le16_to_cpu(*max_datagram_size); /* Check Eth descriptor value */ - if (eth_max_sz < CDC_NCM_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE) { - if (ctx->max_datagram_size > eth_max_sz) + if (ctx->max_datagram_size > eth_max_sz) ctx->max_datagram_size = eth_max_sz; - } else { - if (ctx->max_datagram_size > - CDC_NCM_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE) - ctx->max_datagram_size = + + if (ctx->max_datagram_size > CDC_NCM_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE) + ctx->max_datagram_size = CDC_NCM_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE; - } if (ctx->max_datagram_size < CDC_NCM_MIN_DATAGRAM_SIZE) ctx->max_datagram_size = CDC_NCM_MIN_DATAGRAM_SIZE; /* if value changed, update device */ - err = usb_control_msg(ctx->udev, + if (ctx->max_datagram_size != + le16_to_cpu(*max_datagram_size)) { + err = usb_control_msg(ctx->udev, usb_sndctrlpipe(ctx->udev, 0), USB_CDC_SET_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE, USB_TYPE_CLASS | USB_DIR_OUT @@ -389,14 +389,14 @@ static u8 cdc_ncm_setup(struct cdc_ncm_ctx *ctx) 0, iface_no, max_datagram_size, 2, 1000); - kfree(max_datagram_size); -max_dgram_err: - if (err < 0) - pr_debug("SET_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE failed\n"); + if (err < 0) + pr_debug("SET_MAX_DGRAM_SIZE failed\n"); + } } - + kfree(max_datagram_size); } +max_dgram_err: if (ctx->netdev->mtu != (ctx->max_datagram_size - ETH_HLEN)) ctx->netdev->mtu = ctx->max_datagram_size - ETH_HLEN; @@ -441,8 +441,6 @@ static void cdc_ncm_free(struct cdc_ncm_ctx *ctx) if (ctx == NULL) return; - del_timer_sync(&ctx->tx_timer); - if (ctx->tx_rem_skb != NULL) { dev_kfree_skb_any(ctx->tx_rem_skb); ctx->tx_rem_skb = NULL; @@ -469,7 +467,11 @@ static int cdc_ncm_bind(struct usbnet *dev, struct usb_interface *intf) if (ctx == NULL) return -ENODEV; - init_timer(&ctx->tx_timer); + hrtimer_init(&ctx->tx_timer, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, HRTIMER_MODE_REL); + ctx->tx_timer.function = &cdc_ncm_tx_timer_cb; + ctx->bh.data = (unsigned long)ctx; + ctx->bh.func = cdc_ncm_txpath_bh; + atomic_set(&ctx->stop, 0); spin_lock_init(&ctx->mtx); ctx->netdev = dev->net; @@ -579,11 +581,7 @@ static int cdc_ncm_bind(struct usbnet *dev, struct usb_interface *intf) if (temp) goto error2; - dev_info(&dev->udev->dev, "MAC-Address: " - "0x%02x:0x%02x:0x%02x:0x%02x:0x%02x:0x%02x\n", - dev->net->dev_addr[0], dev->net->dev_addr[1], - dev->net->dev_addr[2], dev->net->dev_addr[3], - dev->net->dev_addr[4], dev->net->dev_addr[5]); + dev_info(&dev->udev->dev, "MAC-Address: %pM\n", dev->net->dev_addr); dev->in = usb_rcvbulkpipe(dev->udev, ctx->in_ep->desc.bEndpointAddress & USB_ENDPOINT_NUMBER_MASK); @@ -621,6 +619,13 @@ static void cdc_ncm_unbind(struct usbnet *dev, struct usb_interface *intf) if (ctx == NULL) return; /* no setup */ + atomic_set(&ctx->stop, 1); + + if (hrtimer_active(&ctx->tx_timer)) + hrtimer_cancel(&ctx->tx_timer); + + tasklet_kill(&ctx->bh); + /* disconnect master --> disconnect slave */ if (intf == ctx->control && ctx->data) { usb_set_intfdata(ctx->data, NULL); @@ -791,7 +796,7 @@ cdc_ncm_fill_tx_frame(struct cdc_ncm_ctx *ctx, struct sk_buff *skb) ctx->tx_curr_last_offset = last_offset; /* set the pending count */ if (n < CDC_NCM_RESTART_TIMER_DATAGRAM_CNT) - ctx->tx_timer_pending = 2; + ctx->tx_timer_pending = CDC_NCM_TIMER_PENDING_CNT; goto exit_no_skb; } else { @@ -871,44 +876,49 @@ cdc_ncm_fill_tx_frame(struct cdc_ncm_ctx *ctx, struct sk_buff *skb) /* return skb */ ctx->tx_curr_skb = NULL; + ctx->netdev->stats.tx_packets += ctx->tx_curr_frame_num; return skb_out; exit_no_skb: + /* Start timer, if there is a remaining skb */ + if (ctx->tx_curr_skb != NULL) + cdc_ncm_tx_timeout_start(ctx); return NULL; } static void cdc_ncm_tx_timeout_start(struct cdc_ncm_ctx *ctx) { /* start timer, if not already started */ - if (timer_pending(&ctx->tx_timer) == 0) { - ctx->tx_timer.function = &cdc_ncm_tx_timeout; - ctx->tx_timer.data = (unsigned long)ctx; - ctx->tx_timer.expires = jiffies + ((HZ + 999) / 1000); - add_timer(&ctx->tx_timer); - } + if (!(hrtimer_active(&ctx->tx_timer) || atomic_read(&ctx->stop))) + hrtimer_start(&ctx->tx_timer, + ktime_set(0, CDC_NCM_TIMER_INTERVAL), + HRTIMER_MODE_REL); } -static void cdc_ncm_tx_timeout(unsigned long arg) +static enum hrtimer_restart cdc_ncm_tx_timer_cb(struct hrtimer *timer) { - struct cdc_ncm_ctx *ctx = (struct cdc_ncm_ctx *)arg; - u8 restart; + struct cdc_ncm_ctx *ctx = + container_of(timer, struct cdc_ncm_ctx, tx_timer); - spin_lock(&ctx->mtx); - if (ctx->tx_timer_pending != 0) { - ctx->tx_timer_pending--; - restart = 1; - } else { - restart = 0; - } + if (!atomic_read(&ctx->stop)) + tasklet_schedule(&ctx->bh); + return HRTIMER_NORESTART; +} - spin_unlock(&ctx->mtx); +static void cdc_ncm_txpath_bh(unsigned long param) +{ + struct cdc_ncm_ctx *ctx = (struct cdc_ncm_ctx *)param; - if (restart) { - spin_lock(&ctx->mtx); + spin_lock_bh(&ctx->mtx); + if (ctx->tx_timer_pending != 0) { + ctx->tx_timer_pending--; cdc_ncm_tx_timeout_start(ctx); - spin_unlock(&ctx->mtx); + spin_unlock_bh(&ctx->mtx); } else if (ctx->netdev != NULL) { + spin_unlock_bh(&ctx->mtx); + netif_tx_lock_bh(ctx->netdev); usbnet_start_xmit(NULL, ctx->netdev); + netif_tx_unlock_bh(ctx->netdev); } } @@ -917,7 +927,6 @@ cdc_ncm_tx_fixup(struct usbnet *dev, struct sk_buff *skb, gfp_t flags) { struct sk_buff *skb_out; struct cdc_ncm_ctx *ctx = (struct cdc_ncm_ctx *)dev->data[0]; - u8 need_timer = 0; /* * The Ethernet API we are using does not support transmitting @@ -929,19 +938,9 @@ cdc_ncm_tx_fixup(struct usbnet *dev, struct sk_buff *skb, gfp_t flags) if (ctx == NULL) goto error; - spin_lock(&ctx->mtx); + spin_lock_bh(&ctx->mtx); skb_out = cdc_ncm_fill_tx_frame(ctx, skb); - if (ctx->tx_curr_skb != NULL) - need_timer = 1; - - /* Start timer, if there is a remaining skb */ - if (need_timer) - cdc_ncm_tx_timeout_start(ctx); - - if (skb_out) - dev->net->stats.tx_packets += ctx->tx_curr_frame_num; - - spin_unlock(&ctx->mtx); + spin_unlock_bh(&ctx->mtx); return skb_out; error: @@ -954,108 +953,103 @@ cdc_ncm_tx_fixup(struct usbnet *dev, struct sk_buff *skb, gfp_t flags) static int cdc_ncm_rx_fixup(struct usbnet *dev, struct sk_buff *skb_in) { struct sk_buff *skb; - struct cdc_ncm_ctx *ctx; - int sumlen; - int actlen; - int temp; + struct cdc_ncm_ctx *ctx = (struct cdc_ncm_ctx *)dev->data[0]; + int len; int nframes; int x; int offset; + struct usb_cdc_ncm_nth16 *nth16; + struct usb_cdc_ncm_ndp16 *ndp16; + struct usb_cdc_ncm_dpe16 *dpe16; - ctx = (struct cdc_ncm_ctx *)dev->data[0]; if (ctx == NULL) goto error; - actlen = skb_in->len; - sumlen = CDC_NCM_NTB_MAX_SIZE_RX; - - if (actlen < (sizeof(ctx->rx_ncm.nth16) + sizeof(ctx->rx_ncm.ndp16))) { + if (skb_in->len < (sizeof(struct usb_cdc_ncm_nth16) + + sizeof(struct usb_cdc_ncm_ndp16))) { pr_debug("frame too short\n"); goto error; } - memcpy(&(ctx->rx_ncm.nth16), ((u8 *)skb_in->data), - sizeof(ctx->rx_ncm.nth16)); + nth16 = (struct usb_cdc_ncm_nth16 *)skb_in->data; - if (le32_to_cpu(ctx->rx_ncm.nth16.dwSignature) != - USB_CDC_NCM_NTH16_SIGN) { + if (le32_to_cpu(nth16->dwSignature) != USB_CDC_NCM_NTH16_SIGN) { pr_debug("invalid NTH16 signature <%u>\n", - le32_to_cpu(ctx->rx_ncm.nth16.dwSignature)); + le32_to_cpu(nth16->dwSignature)); goto error; } - temp = le16_to_cpu(ctx->rx_ncm.nth16.wBlockLength); - if (temp > sumlen) { - pr_debug("unsupported NTB block length %u/%u\n", temp, sumlen); + len = le16_to_cpu(nth16->wBlockLength); + if (len > ctx->rx_max) { + pr_debug("unsupported NTB block length %u/%u\n", len, + ctx->rx_max); goto error; } - temp = le16_to_cpu(ctx->rx_ncm.nth16.wNdpIndex); - if ((temp + sizeof(ctx->rx_ncm.ndp16)) > actlen) { - pr_debug("invalid DPT16 index\n"); + if ((ctx->rx_seq + 1) != le16_to_cpu(nth16->wSequence) && + (ctx->rx_seq || le16_to_cpu(nth16->wSequence)) && + !((ctx->rx_seq == 0xffff) && !le16_to_cpu(nth16->wSequence))) { + pr_debug("sequence number glitch prev=%d curr=%d\n", + ctx->rx_seq, le16_to_cpu(nth16->wSequence)); + } + ctx->rx_seq = le16_to_cpu(nth16->wSequence); + + len = le16_to_cpu(nth16->wNdpIndex); + if ((len + sizeof(struct usb_cdc_ncm_ndp16)) > skb_in->len) { + pr_debug("invalid DPT16 index <%u>\n", + le16_to_cpu(nth16->wNdpIndex)); goto error; } - memcpy(&(ctx->rx_ncm.ndp16), ((u8 *)skb_in->data) + temp, - sizeof(ctx->rx_ncm.ndp16)); + ndp16 = (struct usb_cdc_ncm_ndp16 *)(((u8 *)skb_in->data) + len); - if (le32_to_cpu(ctx->rx_ncm.ndp16.dwSignature) != - USB_CDC_NCM_NDP16_NOCRC_SIGN) { + if (le32_to_cpu(ndp16->dwSignature) != USB_CDC_NCM_NDP16_NOCRC_SIGN) { pr_debug("invalid DPT16 signature <%u>\n", - le32_to_cpu(ctx->rx_ncm.ndp16.dwSignature)); + le32_to_cpu(ndp16->dwSignature)); goto error; } - if (le16_to_cpu(ctx->rx_ncm.ndp16.wLength) < - USB_CDC_NCM_NDP16_LENGTH_MIN) { + if (le16_to_cpu(ndp16->wLength) < USB_CDC_NCM_NDP16_LENGTH_MIN) { pr_debug("invalid DPT16 length <%u>\n", - le32_to_cpu(ctx->rx_ncm.ndp16.dwSignature)); + le32_to_cpu(ndp16->dwSignature)); goto error; } - nframes = ((le16_to_cpu(ctx->rx_ncm.ndp16.wLength) - + nframes = ((le16_to_cpu(ndp16->wLength) - sizeof(struct usb_cdc_ncm_ndp16)) / sizeof(struct usb_cdc_ncm_dpe16)); nframes--; /* we process NDP entries except for the last one */ - pr_debug("nframes = %u\n", nframes); - - temp += sizeof(ctx->rx_ncm.ndp16); + len += sizeof(struct usb_cdc_ncm_ndp16); - if ((temp + nframes * (sizeof(struct usb_cdc_ncm_dpe16))) > actlen) { + if ((len + nframes * (sizeof(struct usb_cdc_ncm_dpe16))) > + skb_in->len) { pr_debug("Invalid nframes = %d\n", nframes); goto error; } - if (nframes > CDC_NCM_DPT_DATAGRAMS_MAX) { - pr_debug("Truncating number of frames from %u to %u\n", - nframes, CDC_NCM_DPT_DATAGRAMS_MAX); - nframes = CDC_NCM_DPT_DATAGRAMS_MAX; - } - - memcpy(&(ctx->rx_ncm.dpe16), ((u8 *)skb_in->data) + temp, - nframes * (sizeof(struct usb_cdc_ncm_dpe16))); + dpe16 = (struct usb_cdc_ncm_dpe16 *)(((u8 *)skb_in->data) + len); - for (x = 0; x < nframes; x++) { - offset = le16_to_cpu(ctx->rx_ncm.dpe16[x].wDatagramIndex); - temp = le16_to_cpu(ctx->rx_ncm.dpe16[x].wDatagramLength); + for (x = 0; x < nframes; x++, dpe16++) { + offset = le16_to_cpu(dpe16->wDatagramIndex); + len = le16_to_cpu(dpe16->wDatagramLength); /* * CDC NCM ch. 3.7 * All entries after first NULL entry are to be ignored */ - if ((offset == 0) || (temp == 0)) { + if ((offset == 0) || (len == 0)) { if (!x) goto error; /* empty NTB */ break; } /* sanity checking */ - if (((offset + temp) > actlen) || - (temp > CDC_NCM_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE) || (temp < ETH_HLEN)) { + if (((offset + len) > skb_in->len) || + (len > ctx->rx_max) || (len < ETH_HLEN)) { pr_debug("invalid frame detected (ignored)" "offset[%u]=%u, length=%u, skb=%p\n", - x, offset, temp, skb_in); + x, offset, len, skb_in); if (!x) goto error; break; @@ -1064,9 +1058,9 @@ static int cdc_ncm_rx_fixup(struct usbnet *dev, struct sk_buff *skb_in) skb = skb_clone(skb_in, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!skb) goto error; - skb->len = temp; + skb->len = len; skb->data = ((u8 *)skb_in->data) + offset; - skb_set_tail_pointer(skb, temp); + skb_set_tail_pointer(skb, len); usbnet_skb_return(dev, skb); } } diff --git a/drivers/net/usb/kaweth.c b/drivers/net/usb/kaweth.c index d034d9c42548b2b450b13c7b69ba3da81cb97904..df2a2cf35a99a3fbd8a89ad04b0ca7a14bddfa72 100644 --- a/drivers/net/usb/kaweth.c +++ b/drivers/net/usb/kaweth.c @@ -1098,13 +1098,7 @@ static int kaweth_probe( dev_info(&intf->dev, "Statistics collection: %x\n", kaweth->configuration.statistics_mask); dev_info(&intf->dev, "Multicast filter limit: %x\n", kaweth->configuration.max_multicast_filters & ((1 << 15) - 1)); dev_info(&intf->dev, "MTU: %d\n", le16_to_cpu(kaweth->configuration.segment_size)); - dev_info(&intf->dev, "Read MAC address %2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x\n", - (int)kaweth->configuration.hw_addr[0], - (int)kaweth->configuration.hw_addr[1], - (int)kaweth->configuration.hw_addr[2], - (int)kaweth->configuration.hw_addr[3], - (int)kaweth->configuration.hw_addr[4], - (int)kaweth->configuration.hw_addr[5]); + dev_info(&intf->dev, "Read MAC address %pM\n", kaweth->configuration.hw_addr); if(!memcmp(&kaweth->configuration.hw_addr, &bcast_addr, diff --git a/drivers/net/usb/mcs7830.c b/drivers/net/usb/mcs7830.c index a29aa9cf9f6ee0c7b04d343829be6d0ca8301d28..c434b6ba033793457581f5aa07b41d175698a057 100644 --- a/drivers/net/usb/mcs7830.c +++ b/drivers/net/usb/mcs7830.c @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ static int mcs7830_set_mac_address(struct net_device *netdev, void *p) return -EBUSY; if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; ret = mcs7830_hif_set_mac_address(dev, addr->sa_data); diff --git a/drivers/net/usb/pegasus.c b/drivers/net/usb/pegasus.c index 5d99b8cacd7d01065007f625459edc2329e46e8a..752393092325029a4d68ad757ac9c205d83fd27a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/usb/pegasus.c +++ b/drivers/net/usb/pegasus.c @@ -1332,10 +1332,8 @@ static int pegasus_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, usb_get_dev(dev); net = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct pegasus)); - if (!net) { - dev_err(&intf->dev, "can't allocate %s\n", "device"); + if (!net) goto out; - } pegasus = netdev_priv(net); pegasus->dev_index = dev_index; diff --git a/drivers/net/usb/rtl8150.c b/drivers/net/usb/rtl8150.c index 0710b4ca925208afe7f749b16df8874e95882e58..6dda2fe5b15bcd00f3d6cde0a30f6e321075154f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/usb/rtl8150.c +++ b/drivers/net/usb/rtl8150.c @@ -894,10 +894,8 @@ static int rtl8150_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, struct net_device *netdev; netdev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(rtl8150_t)); - if (!netdev) { - err("Out of memory"); + if (!netdev) return -ENOMEM; - } dev = netdev_priv(netdev); diff --git a/drivers/net/usb/smsc75xx.c b/drivers/net/usb/smsc75xx.c index 3b017bbd2a225a3ee5de818cf3af892ac4ab46d8..187d01ccb97367099b04ce40f8b44fe2824293d5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/usb/smsc75xx.c +++ b/drivers/net/usb/smsc75xx.c @@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ static void smsc75xx_init_mac_address(struct usbnet *dev) } /* no eeprom, or eeprom values are invalid. generate random MAC */ - random_ether_addr(dev->net->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev->net); netif_dbg(dev, ifup, dev->net, "MAC address set to random_ether_addr"); } diff --git a/drivers/net/usb/smsc95xx.c b/drivers/net/usb/smsc95xx.c index d45520e6dd48808b36faa0ce4ebc11600f9dd9ad..5f19f84d3494696254793320cda6a1f132a0e6e1 100644 --- a/drivers/net/usb/smsc95xx.c +++ b/drivers/net/usb/smsc95xx.c @@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ static void smsc95xx_init_mac_address(struct usbnet *dev) } /* no eeprom, or eeprom values are invalid. generate random MAC */ - random_ether_addr(dev->net->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev->net); netif_dbg(dev, ifup, dev->net, "MAC address set to random_ether_addr\n"); } diff --git a/drivers/net/usb/usbnet.c b/drivers/net/usb/usbnet.c index 59681f01a54eb94c5caf3b0edeeca61b9c0ad7e4..4b8b52ca09d866001bb9302d42103e5266fdee53 100644 --- a/drivers/net/usb/usbnet.c +++ b/drivers/net/usb/usbnet.c @@ -1336,10 +1336,8 @@ usbnet_probe (struct usb_interface *udev, const struct usb_device_id *prod) // set up our own records net = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*dev)); - if (!net) { - dbg ("can't kmalloc dev"); + if (!net) goto out; - } /* netdev_printk() needs this so do it as early as possible */ SET_NETDEV_DEV(net, &udev->dev); @@ -1537,7 +1535,7 @@ int usbnet_resume (struct usb_interface *intf) if (test_bit(EVENT_DEV_OPEN, &dev->flags)) { if (!(dev->txq.qlen >= TX_QLEN(dev))) - netif_start_queue(dev->net); + netif_tx_wake_all_queues(dev->net); tasklet_schedule (&dev->bh); } } diff --git a/drivers/net/veth.c b/drivers/net/veth.c index 4a3402898f2a1100fdae0b38d65d172a8c160da9..5852361032c459735e915db5443ac08d560f2c7c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/veth.c +++ b/drivers/net/veth.c @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ static int veth_newlink(struct net *src_net, struct net_device *dev, } if (tbp[IFLA_ADDRESS] == NULL) - random_ether_addr(peer->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(peer); err = register_netdevice(peer); put_net(net); @@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ static int veth_newlink(struct net *src_net, struct net_device *dev, */ if (tb[IFLA_ADDRESS] == NULL) - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); if (tb[IFLA_IFNAME]) nla_strlcpy(dev->name, tb[IFLA_IFNAME], IFNAMSIZ); diff --git a/drivers/net/virtio_net.c b/drivers/net/virtio_net.c index 4880aa8b4c28b4662446e8e56b2acc98958645e4..019da012669fe724ecb0bf37f31df7da10c7df2f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/virtio_net.c +++ b/drivers/net/virtio_net.c @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ static int receive_mergeable(struct virtnet_info *vi, struct sk_buff *skb) static void receive_buf(struct net_device *dev, void *buf, unsigned int len) { struct virtnet_info *vi = netdev_priv(dev); - struct virtnet_stats __percpu *stats = this_cpu_ptr(vi->stats); + struct virtnet_stats *stats = this_cpu_ptr(vi->stats); struct sk_buff *skb; struct page *page; struct skb_vnet_hdr *hdr; @@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ static unsigned int free_old_xmit_skbs(struct virtnet_info *vi) { struct sk_buff *skb; unsigned int len, tot_sgs = 0; - struct virtnet_stats __percpu *stats = this_cpu_ptr(vi->stats); + struct virtnet_stats *stats = this_cpu_ptr(vi->stats); while ((skb = virtqueue_get_buf(vi->svq, &len)) != NULL) { pr_debug("Sent skb %p\n", skb); @@ -688,8 +688,7 @@ static struct rtnl_link_stats64 *virtnet_stats(struct net_device *dev, unsigned int start; for_each_possible_cpu(cpu) { - struct virtnet_stats __percpu *stats - = per_cpu_ptr(vi->stats, cpu); + struct virtnet_stats *stats = per_cpu_ptr(vi->stats, cpu); u64 tpackets, tbytes, rpackets, rbytes; do { @@ -1061,7 +1060,7 @@ static int virtnet_probe(struct virtio_device *vdev) if (virtio_config_val_len(vdev, VIRTIO_NET_F_MAC, offsetof(struct virtio_net_config, mac), dev->dev_addr, dev->addr_len) < 0) - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); /* Set up our device-specific information */ vi = netdev_priv(dev); diff --git a/drivers/net/vmxnet3/vmxnet3_drv.c b/drivers/net/vmxnet3/vmxnet3_drv.c index 756c0f5565a5b185250668c5617b93ee357ff335..3f04ba0a5454cabb470db7bd2db1ffd437401bf3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/vmxnet3/vmxnet3_drv.c +++ b/drivers/net/vmxnet3/vmxnet3_drv.c @@ -537,11 +537,8 @@ vmxnet3_tq_create(struct vmxnet3_tx_queue *tq, tq->buf_info = kcalloc(tq->tx_ring.size, sizeof(tq->buf_info[0]), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!tq->buf_info) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed to allocate tx bufinfo\n", - adapter->netdev->name); + if (!tq->buf_info) goto err; - } return 0; @@ -636,7 +633,7 @@ vmxnet3_rq_alloc_rx_buf(struct vmxnet3_rx_queue *rq, u32 ring_idx, dev_dbg(&adapter->netdev->dev, "alloc_rx_buf: %d allocated, next2fill %u, next2comp " - "%u, uncommited %u\n", num_allocated, ring->next2fill, + "%u, uncommitted %u\n", num_allocated, ring->next2fill, ring->next2comp, rq->uncommitted[ring_idx]); /* so that the device can distinguish a full ring and an empty ring */ @@ -816,22 +813,19 @@ vmxnet3_parse_and_copy_hdr(struct sk_buff *skb, struct vmxnet3_tx_queue *tq, if (ctx->mss) { /* TSO */ ctx->eth_ip_hdr_size = skb_transport_offset(skb); - ctx->l4_hdr_size = ((struct tcphdr *) - skb_transport_header(skb))->doff * 4; + ctx->l4_hdr_size = tcp_hdrlen(skb); ctx->copy_size = ctx->eth_ip_hdr_size + ctx->l4_hdr_size; } else { if (skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_PARTIAL) { ctx->eth_ip_hdr_size = skb_checksum_start_offset(skb); if (ctx->ipv4) { - struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *) - skb_network_header(skb); + const struct iphdr *iph = ip_hdr(skb); + if (iph->protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) - ctx->l4_hdr_size = ((struct tcphdr *) - skb_transport_header(skb))->doff * 4; + ctx->l4_hdr_size = tcp_hdrlen(skb); else if (iph->protocol == IPPROTO_UDP) - ctx->l4_hdr_size = - sizeof(struct udphdr); + ctx->l4_hdr_size = sizeof(struct udphdr); else ctx->l4_hdr_size = 0; } else { @@ -876,14 +870,17 @@ static void vmxnet3_prepare_tso(struct sk_buff *skb, struct vmxnet3_tx_ctx *ctx) { - struct tcphdr *tcph = (struct tcphdr *)skb_transport_header(skb); + struct tcphdr *tcph = tcp_hdr(skb); + if (ctx->ipv4) { - struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *)skb_network_header(skb); + struct iphdr *iph = ip_hdr(skb); + iph->check = 0; tcph->check = ~csum_tcpudp_magic(iph->saddr, iph->daddr, 0, IPPROTO_TCP, 0); } else { - struct ipv6hdr *iph = (struct ipv6hdr *)skb_network_header(skb); + struct ipv6hdr *iph = ipv6_hdr(skb); + tcph->check = ~csum_ipv6_magic(&iph->saddr, &iph->daddr, 0, IPPROTO_TCP, 0); } @@ -1514,11 +1511,9 @@ vmxnet3_rq_create(struct vmxnet3_rx_queue *rq, struct vmxnet3_adapter *adapter) sz = sizeof(struct vmxnet3_rx_buf_info) * (rq->rx_ring[0].size + rq->rx_ring[1].size); bi = kzalloc(sz, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!bi) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed to allocate rx bufinfo\n", - adapter->netdev->name); + if (!bi) goto err; - } + rq->buf_info[0] = bi; rq->buf_info[1] = bi + rq->rx_ring[0].size; @@ -2704,8 +2699,8 @@ vmxnet3_acquire_msix_vectors(struct vmxnet3_adapter *adapter, adapter->intr.num_intrs = vectors; return 0; } else if (err < 0) { - printk(KERN_ERR "Failed to enable MSI-X for %s, error" - " %d\n", adapter->netdev->name, err); + netdev_err(adapter->netdev, + "Failed to enable MSI-X, error: %d\n", err); vectors = 0; } else if (err < vector_threshold) { break; @@ -2713,15 +2708,15 @@ vmxnet3_acquire_msix_vectors(struct vmxnet3_adapter *adapter, /* If fails to enable required number of MSI-x vectors * try enabling minimum number of vectors required. */ + netdev_err(adapter->netdev, + "Failed to enable %d MSI-X, trying %d instead\n", + vectors, vector_threshold); vectors = vector_threshold; - printk(KERN_ERR "Failed to enable %d MSI-X for %s, try" - " %d instead\n", vectors, adapter->netdev->name, - vector_threshold); } } - printk(KERN_INFO "Number of MSI-X interrupts which can be allocatedi" - " are lower than min threshold required.\n"); + netdev_info(adapter->netdev, + "Number of MSI-X interrupts which can be allocated are lower than min threshold required.\n"); return err; } @@ -2787,8 +2782,9 @@ vmxnet3_alloc_intr_resources(struct vmxnet3_adapter *adapter) return; /* If we cannot allocate MSIx vectors use only one rx queue */ - printk(KERN_INFO "Failed to enable MSI-X for %s, error %d." - "#rx queues : 1, try MSI\n", adapter->netdev->name, err); + netdev_info(adapter->netdev, + "Failed to enable MSI-X, error %d . Limiting #rx queues to 1, try MSI.\n", + err); adapter->intr.type = VMXNET3_IT_MSI; } @@ -2918,11 +2914,8 @@ vmxnet3_probe_device(struct pci_dev *pdev, printk(KERN_INFO "# of Tx queues : %d, # of Rx queues : %d\n", num_tx_queues, num_rx_queues); - if (!netdev) { - printk(KERN_ERR "Failed to alloc ethernet device for adapter " - "%s\n", pci_name(pdev)); + if (!netdev) return -ENOMEM; - } pci_set_drvdata(pdev, netdev); adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); @@ -2959,8 +2952,6 @@ vmxnet3_probe_device(struct pci_dev *pdev, adapter->pm_conf = kmalloc(sizeof(struct Vmxnet3_PMConf), GFP_KERNEL); if (adapter->pm_conf == NULL) { - printk(KERN_ERR "Failed to allocate memory for %s\n", - pci_name(pdev)); err = -ENOMEM; goto err_alloc_pm; } @@ -2969,8 +2960,6 @@ vmxnet3_probe_device(struct pci_dev *pdev, adapter->rss_conf = kmalloc(sizeof(struct UPT1_RSSConf), GFP_KERNEL); if (adapter->rss_conf == NULL) { - printk(KERN_ERR "Failed to allocate memory for %s\n", - pci_name(pdev)); err = -ENOMEM; goto err_alloc_rss; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wan/c101.c b/drivers/net/wan/c101.c index 54f995f4a5a3d64ad35a80fa213f4428af7b655e..09a50751763b1990f1b778ef62051c06743675c2 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wan/c101.c +++ b/drivers/net/wan/c101.c @@ -325,10 +325,8 @@ static int __init c101_run(unsigned long irq, unsigned long winbase) } card = kzalloc(sizeof(card_t), GFP_KERNEL); - if (card == NULL) { - pr_err("unable to allocate memory\n"); + if (card == NULL) return -ENOBUFS; - } card->dev = alloc_hdlcdev(card); if (!card->dev) { diff --git a/drivers/net/wan/dscc4.c b/drivers/net/wan/dscc4.c index 058e1697c17447074c7c38619029904cdc2e4709..fe8d060d8fffb153b78791fa11f802b7c2d911cc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wan/dscc4.c +++ b/drivers/net/wan/dscc4.c @@ -903,10 +903,8 @@ static int dscc4_found1(struct pci_dev *pdev, void __iomem *ioaddr) int i, ret = -ENOMEM; root = kcalloc(dev_per_card, sizeof(*root), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!root) { - pr_err("can't allocate data\n"); + if (!root) goto err_out; - } for (i = 0; i < dev_per_card; i++) { root[i].dev = alloc_hdlcdev(root + i); @@ -915,10 +913,8 @@ static int dscc4_found1(struct pci_dev *pdev, void __iomem *ioaddr) } ppriv = kzalloc(sizeof(*ppriv), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!ppriv) { - pr_err("can't allocate private data\n"); + if (!ppriv) goto err_free_dev; - } ppriv->root = root; spin_lock_init(&ppriv->lock); diff --git a/drivers/net/wan/hdlc_fr.c b/drivers/net/wan/hdlc_fr.c index eb2028187fbe1a5e7de31f862bd908d45fcd82e8..7c6cb4f31798881ab24644a33791775e0ae1daf3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wan/hdlc_fr.c +++ b/drivers/net/wan/hdlc_fr.c @@ -1087,7 +1087,7 @@ static int fr_add_pvc(struct net_device *frad, unsigned int dlci, int type) } if (type == ARPHRD_ETHER) - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); else { *(__be16*)dev->dev_addr = htons(dlci); dlci_to_q922(dev->broadcast, dlci); diff --git a/drivers/net/wan/hdlc_raw_eth.c b/drivers/net/wan/hdlc_raw_eth.c index 05c9b0b96239d17f9896000f409bdd8d17cdff46..3ab72b3082dee59092d9cb9e6235b64afc21859f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wan/hdlc_raw_eth.c +++ b/drivers/net/wan/hdlc_raw_eth.c @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ static int raw_eth_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *ifr) old_qlen = dev->tx_queue_len; ether_setup(dev); dev->tx_queue_len = old_qlen; - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); netif_dormant_off(dev); return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wan/lmc/lmc_main.c b/drivers/net/wan/lmc/lmc_main.c index b7f2358d23befa7bc2d097b41c55fbf9ce18b506..76a8a4a522e9355219a5f12c001c72265718dcef 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wan/lmc/lmc_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/wan/lmc/lmc_main.c @@ -497,7 +497,6 @@ int lmc_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd) /*fold00*/ data = kmalloc(xc.len, GFP_KERNEL); if (!data) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Failed to allocate memory for copy\n", dev->name); ret = -ENOMEM; break; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wan/n2.c b/drivers/net/wan/n2.c index 5129ad514d26773069e63acef30bf6c7e185332a..315bf09d6a2026aea0068eee58b893ef1431fcae 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wan/n2.c +++ b/drivers/net/wan/n2.c @@ -358,10 +358,8 @@ static int __init n2_run(unsigned long io, unsigned long irq, } card = kzalloc(sizeof(card_t), GFP_KERNEL); - if (card == NULL) { - pr_err("unable to allocate memory\n"); + if (card == NULL) return -ENOBUFS; - } card->ports[0].dev = alloc_hdlcdev(&card->ports[0]); card->ports[1].dev = alloc_hdlcdev(&card->ports[1]); diff --git a/drivers/net/wan/pc300too.c b/drivers/net/wan/pc300too.c index c49c1b3c7aad6b30866008378788d486cb115bdf..5fe246e060d7b8288f933e8f83856eade0e37271 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wan/pc300too.c +++ b/drivers/net/wan/pc300too.c @@ -320,7 +320,6 @@ static int __devinit pc300_pci_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, card = kzalloc(sizeof(card_t), GFP_KERNEL); if (card == NULL) { - pr_err("unable to allocate memory\n"); pci_release_regions(pdev); pci_disable_device(pdev); return -ENOBUFS; diff --git a/drivers/net/wan/pci200syn.c b/drivers/net/wan/pci200syn.c index 1ce21163c776804d211764d42cfac534364bd0a8..9659fcaa34ed5001f973f62ed600aebc4e314885 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wan/pci200syn.c +++ b/drivers/net/wan/pci200syn.c @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ static int __devinit pci200_pci_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, card = kzalloc(sizeof(card_t), GFP_KERNEL); if (card == NULL) { - pr_err("unable to allocate memory\n"); pci_release_regions(pdev); pci_disable_device(pdev); return -ENOBUFS; diff --git a/drivers/net/wan/wanxl.c b/drivers/net/wan/wanxl.c index 44b707197258948fa3351de4cc8ca246676d922c..feb7541b33fbb8191928581eaaacc024dc193e5c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wan/wanxl.c +++ b/drivers/net/wan/wanxl.c @@ -604,7 +604,6 @@ static int __devinit wanxl_pci_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, alloc_size = sizeof(card_t) + ports * sizeof(port_t); card = kzalloc(alloc_size, GFP_KERNEL); if (card == NULL) { - pr_err("%s: unable to allocate memory\n", pci_name(pdev)); pci_release_regions(pdev); pci_disable_device(pdev); return -ENOBUFS; diff --git a/drivers/net/wan/x25_asy.c b/drivers/net/wan/x25_asy.c index 8a10bb730d5acbddc5aa380d00b462dbc7d167ff..e862369b4a6dd694b150a6ff19abef3764da29c9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wan/x25_asy.c +++ b/drivers/net/wan/x25_asy.c @@ -786,10 +786,8 @@ static int __init init_x25_asy(void) x25_asy_devs = kcalloc(x25_asy_maxdev, sizeof(struct net_device *), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!x25_asy_devs) { - pr_warn("Can't allocate x25_asy_ctrls[] array! Uaargh! (-> No X.25 available)\n"); + if (!x25_asy_devs) return -ENOMEM; - } return tty_register_ldisc(N_X25, &x25_ldisc); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/airo.c b/drivers/net/wireless/airo.c index 1c008c61b95ce8113d8ad230ee4e48aad27992b7..ddc061dd150ce47438020f28424a7449e9ab66a5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/airo.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/airo.c @@ -1869,7 +1869,7 @@ static int readStatsRid(struct airo_info*ai, StatsRid *sr, int rid, int lock) static void try_auto_wep(struct airo_info *ai) { - if (auto_wep && !(ai->flags & FLAG_RADIO_DOWN)) { + if (auto_wep && !test_bit(FLAG_RADIO_DOWN, &ai->flags)) { ai->expires = RUN_AT(3*HZ); wake_up_interruptible(&ai->thr_wait); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath.h index efc01110dc344aa11c9fccfc3fe56b3c046f1bf2..c54b7d37bff159f1fc8a7482a4d8bdfe806b9beb 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath.h @@ -174,28 +174,24 @@ bool ath_hw_keyreset(struct ath_common *common, u16 entry); void ath_hw_cycle_counters_update(struct ath_common *common); int32_t ath_hw_get_listen_time(struct ath_common *common); -extern __printf(2, 3) void ath_printk(const char *level, const char *fmt, ...); - -#define _ath_printk(level, common, fmt, ...) \ -do { \ - __always_unused struct ath_common *unused = common; \ - ath_printk(level, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ -} while (0) +__printf(3, 4) +void ath_printk(const char *level, const struct ath_common *common, + const char *fmt, ...); #define ath_emerg(common, fmt, ...) \ - _ath_printk(KERN_EMERG, common, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) + ath_printk(KERN_EMERG, common, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define ath_alert(common, fmt, ...) \ - _ath_printk(KERN_ALERT, common, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) + ath_printk(KERN_ALERT, common, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define ath_crit(common, fmt, ...) \ - _ath_printk(KERN_CRIT, common, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) + ath_printk(KERN_CRIT, common, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define ath_err(common, fmt, ...) \ - _ath_printk(KERN_ERR, common, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) + ath_printk(KERN_ERR, common, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define ath_warn(common, fmt, ...) \ - _ath_printk(KERN_WARNING, common, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) + ath_printk(KERN_WARNING, common, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define ath_notice(common, fmt, ...) \ - _ath_printk(KERN_NOTICE, common, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) + ath_printk(KERN_NOTICE, common, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define ath_info(common, fmt, ...) \ - _ath_printk(KERN_INFO, common, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) + ath_printk(KERN_INFO, common, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) /** * enum ath_debug_level - atheros wireless debug level @@ -256,7 +252,7 @@ enum ATH_DEBUG { #define ath_dbg(common, dbg_mask, fmt, ...) \ do { \ if ((common)->debug_mask & ATH_DBG_##dbg_mask) \ - _ath_printk(KERN_DEBUG, common, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ + ath_printk(KERN_DEBUG, common, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0) #define ATH_DBG_WARN(foo, arg...) WARN(foo, arg) diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/ahb.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/ahb.c index ee7ea572b065753c3271c184bb84c65bcf2908e2..8faa129da5a00b60c74dd255ae1692effb3d329d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/ahb.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/ahb.c @@ -140,23 +140,23 @@ static int ath_ahb_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) if (bcfg->devid >= AR5K_SREV_AR2315_R6) { /* Enable WMAC AHB arbitration */ - reg = __raw_readl((void __iomem *) AR5K_AR2315_AHB_ARB_CTL); + reg = ioread32((void __iomem *) AR5K_AR2315_AHB_ARB_CTL); reg |= AR5K_AR2315_AHB_ARB_CTL_WLAN; - __raw_writel(reg, (void __iomem *) AR5K_AR2315_AHB_ARB_CTL); + iowrite32(reg, (void __iomem *) AR5K_AR2315_AHB_ARB_CTL); /* Enable global WMAC swapping */ - reg = __raw_readl((void __iomem *) AR5K_AR2315_BYTESWAP); + reg = ioread32((void __iomem *) AR5K_AR2315_BYTESWAP); reg |= AR5K_AR2315_BYTESWAP_WMAC; - __raw_writel(reg, (void __iomem *) AR5K_AR2315_BYTESWAP); + iowrite32(reg, (void __iomem *) AR5K_AR2315_BYTESWAP); } else { /* Enable WMAC DMA access (assuming 5312 or 231x*/ /* TODO: check other platforms */ - reg = __raw_readl((void __iomem *) AR5K_AR5312_ENABLE); + reg = ioread32((void __iomem *) AR5K_AR5312_ENABLE); if (to_platform_device(ah->dev)->id == 0) reg |= AR5K_AR5312_ENABLE_WLAN0; else reg |= AR5K_AR5312_ENABLE_WLAN1; - __raw_writel(reg, (void __iomem *) AR5K_AR5312_ENABLE); + iowrite32(reg, (void __iomem *) AR5K_AR5312_ENABLE); /* * On a dual-band AR5312, the multiband radio is only @@ -203,17 +203,17 @@ static int ath_ahb_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) if (bcfg->devid >= AR5K_SREV_AR2315_R6) { /* Disable WMAC AHB arbitration */ - reg = __raw_readl((void __iomem *) AR5K_AR2315_AHB_ARB_CTL); + reg = ioread32((void __iomem *) AR5K_AR2315_AHB_ARB_CTL); reg &= ~AR5K_AR2315_AHB_ARB_CTL_WLAN; - __raw_writel(reg, (void __iomem *) AR5K_AR2315_AHB_ARB_CTL); + iowrite32(reg, (void __iomem *) AR5K_AR2315_AHB_ARB_CTL); } else { /*Stop DMA access */ - reg = __raw_readl((void __iomem *) AR5K_AR5312_ENABLE); + reg = ioread32((void __iomem *) AR5K_AR5312_ENABLE); if (to_platform_device(ah->dev)->id == 0) reg &= ~AR5K_AR5312_ENABLE_WLAN0; else reg &= ~AR5K_AR5312_ENABLE_WLAN1; - __raw_writel(reg, (void __iomem *) AR5K_AR5312_ENABLE); + iowrite32(reg, (void __iomem *) AR5K_AR5312_ENABLE); } ath5k_deinit_ah(ah); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/ani.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/ani.c index bf674161a217a87ca0f321b3ec73635f1f3fd782..35e93704c4ef53bdbb6b633d2285f2e9c31f9884 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/ani.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/ani.c @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ ath5k_ani_raise_immunity(struct ath5k_hw *ah, struct ath5k_ani_state *as, "beacon RSSI high"); /* only OFDM: beacon RSSI is high, we can disable ODFM weak * signal detection */ - if (ofdm_trigger && as->ofdm_weak_sig == true) { + if (ofdm_trigger && as->ofdm_weak_sig) { ath5k_ani_set_ofdm_weak_signal_detection(ah, false); ath5k_ani_set_spur_immunity_level(ah, 0); return; @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ ath5k_ani_raise_immunity(struct ath5k_hw *ah, struct ath5k_ani_state *as, * but can raise firstep level */ ATH5K_DBG_UNLIMIT(ah, ATH5K_DEBUG_ANI, "beacon RSSI mid"); - if (ofdm_trigger && as->ofdm_weak_sig == false) + if (ofdm_trigger && !as->ofdm_weak_sig) ath5k_ani_set_ofdm_weak_signal_detection(ah, true); if (as->firstep_level < ATH5K_ANI_MAX_FIRSTEP_LVL) ath5k_ani_set_firstep_level(ah, as->firstep_level + 1); @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ ath5k_ani_raise_immunity(struct ath5k_hw *ah, struct ath5k_ani_state *as, * detect and zero firstep level to maximize CCK sensitivity */ ATH5K_DBG_UNLIMIT(ah, ATH5K_DEBUG_ANI, "beacon RSSI low, 2GHz"); - if (ofdm_trigger && as->ofdm_weak_sig == true) + if (ofdm_trigger && as->ofdm_weak_sig) ath5k_ani_set_ofdm_weak_signal_detection(ah, false); if (as->firstep_level > 0) ath5k_ani_set_firstep_level(ah, 0); @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ ath5k_ani_lower_immunity(struct ath5k_hw *ah, struct ath5k_ani_state *as) } else if (rssi > ATH5K_ANI_RSSI_THR_LOW) { /* beacon RSSI is mid-range: turn on ODFM weak signal * detection and next, lower firstep level */ - if (as->ofdm_weak_sig == false) { + if (!as->ofdm_weak_sig) { ath5k_ani_set_ofdm_weak_signal_detection(ah, true); return; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/ath5k.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/ath5k.h index c2b2518c2ecd30732c900ab3490d01765b0c35b9..8d434b8f58557ff8b105371fe012661b829367e4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/ath5k.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/ath5k.h @@ -1320,6 +1320,7 @@ struct ath5k_hw { struct ieee80211_vif *bslot[ATH_BCBUF]; u16 num_ap_vifs; u16 num_adhoc_vifs; + u16 num_mesh_vifs; unsigned int bhalq, /* SW q for outgoing beacons */ bmisscount, /* missed beacon transmits */ bintval, /* beacon interval in TU */ @@ -1656,12 +1657,12 @@ static inline void __iomem *ath5k_ahb_reg(struct ath5k_hw *ah, u16 reg) static inline u32 ath5k_hw_reg_read(struct ath5k_hw *ah, u16 reg) { - return __raw_readl(ath5k_ahb_reg(ah, reg)); + return ioread32(ath5k_ahb_reg(ah, reg)); } static inline void ath5k_hw_reg_write(struct ath5k_hw *ah, u32 val, u16 reg) { - __raw_writel(val, ath5k_ahb_reg(ah, reg)); + iowrite32(val, ath5k_ahb_reg(ah, reg)); } #else diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/base.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/base.c index d366dadcf86e6a47c6a48261bd2a480a803d5cac..0e643b016b3286a12d80e040a7d399914468f8fb 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/base.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/base.c @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ static bool modparam_fastchanswitch; module_param_named(fastchanswitch, modparam_fastchanswitch, bool, S_IRUGO); MODULE_PARM_DESC(fastchanswitch, "Enable fast channel switching for AR2413/AR5413 radios."); -static int ath5k_modparam_no_hw_rfkill_switch; +static bool ath5k_modparam_no_hw_rfkill_switch; module_param_named(no_hw_rfkill_switch, ath5k_modparam_no_hw_rfkill_switch, bool, S_IRUGO); MODULE_PARM_DESC(no_hw_rfkill_switch, "Ignore the GPIO RFKill switch state"); @@ -1867,7 +1867,8 @@ ath5k_beacon_send(struct ath5k_hw *ah) ah->bmisscount = 0; } - if ((ah->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP && ah->num_ap_vifs > 1) || + if ((ah->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP && ah->num_ap_vifs + + ah->num_mesh_vifs > 1) || ah->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT) { u64 tsf = ath5k_hw_get_tsf64(ah); u32 tsftu = TSF_TO_TU(tsf); @@ -1952,7 +1953,8 @@ ath5k_beacon_update_timers(struct ath5k_hw *ah, u64 bc_tsf) u64 hw_tsf; intval = ah->bintval & AR5K_BEACON_PERIOD; - if (ah->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP && ah->num_ap_vifs > 1) { + if (ah->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP && ah->num_ap_vifs + + ah->num_mesh_vifs > 1) { intval /= ATH_BCBUF; /* staggered multi-bss beacons */ if (intval < 15) ATH5K_WARN(ah, "intval %u is too low, min 15\n", @@ -2330,15 +2332,6 @@ ath5k_calibrate_work(struct work_struct *work) "got new rfgain, resetting\n"); ieee80211_queue_work(ah->hw, &ah->reset_work); } - - /* TODO: On full calibration we should stop TX here, - * so that it doesn't interfere (mostly due to gain_f - * calibration that messes with tx packets -see phy.c). - * - * NOTE: Stopping the queues from above is not enough - * to stop TX but saves us from disconecting (at least - * we don't lose packets). */ - ieee80211_stop_queues(ah->hw); } else ah->ah_cal_mask |= AR5K_CALIBRATION_SHORT; @@ -2353,10 +2346,9 @@ ath5k_calibrate_work(struct work_struct *work) ah->curchan->center_freq)); /* Clear calibration flags */ - if (ah->ah_cal_mask & AR5K_CALIBRATION_FULL) { - ieee80211_wake_queues(ah->hw); + if (ah->ah_cal_mask & AR5K_CALIBRATION_FULL) ah->ah_cal_mask &= ~AR5K_CALIBRATION_FULL; - } else if (ah->ah_cal_mask & AR5K_CALIBRATION_SHORT) + else if (ah->ah_cal_mask & AR5K_CALIBRATION_SHORT) ah->ah_cal_mask &= ~AR5K_CALIBRATION_SHORT; } @@ -2442,6 +2434,9 @@ ath5k_init_ah(struct ath5k_hw *ah, const struct ath_bus_ops *bus_ops) BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) | BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT); + /* SW support for IBSS_RSN is provided by mac80211 */ + hw->wiphy->flags |= WIPHY_FLAG_IBSS_RSN; + /* both antennas can be configured as RX or TX */ hw->wiphy->available_antennas_tx = 0x3; hw->wiphy->available_antennas_rx = 0x3; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/mac80211-ops.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/mac80211-ops.c index 6ed4c0717e3e31bbe85ad871ada0c0b0fb11f62e..5c5329955414966247d5f44dcb8d7760e2d474f1 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/mac80211-ops.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/mac80211-ops.c @@ -134,6 +134,8 @@ ath5k_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) ah->num_ap_vifs++; else if (avf->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) ah->num_adhoc_vifs++; + else if (avf->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT) + ah->num_mesh_vifs++; } /* Any MAC address is fine, all others are included through the @@ -175,6 +177,8 @@ ath5k_remove_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, ah->num_ap_vifs--; else if (avf->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) ah->num_adhoc_vifs--; + else if (avf->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT) + ah->num_mesh_vifs--; ath5k_update_bssid_mask_and_opmode(ah, NULL); mutex_unlock(&ah->lock); @@ -483,6 +487,14 @@ ath5k_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, if (ath5k_modparam_nohwcrypt) return -EOPNOTSUPP; + if (vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC && + (key->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP || + key->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_CCMP) && + !(key->flags & IEEE80211_KEY_FLAG_PAIRWISE)) { + /* don't program group keys when using IBSS_RSN */ + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + } + switch (key->cipher) { case WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP40: case WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP104: diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/phy.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/phy.c index e1f8613426a921f05fe294ba1409baaec7e2b954..3a2845489a1b67cb7df9c4750785a690639d9bdd 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/phy.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/phy.c @@ -1871,31 +1871,15 @@ ath5k_hw_phy_calibrate(struct ath5k_hw *ah, ret = 0; } - /* On full calibration do an AGC calibration and - * request a PAPD probe for gainf calibration if - * needed */ - if (ah->ah_cal_mask & AR5K_CALIBRATION_FULL) { - - AR5K_REG_ENABLE_BITS(ah, AR5K_PHY_AGCCTL, - AR5K_PHY_AGCCTL_CAL); - - ret = ath5k_hw_register_timeout(ah, AR5K_PHY_AGCCTL, - AR5K_PHY_AGCCTL_CAL | AR5K_PHY_AGCCTL_NF, - 0, false); - if (ret) { - ATH5K_ERR(ah, - "gain calibration timeout (%uMHz)\n", - channel->center_freq); - } - - if ((ah->ah_radio == AR5K_RF5111 || - ah->ah_radio == AR5K_RF5112) - && (channel->hw_value != AR5K_MODE_11B)) - ath5k_hw_request_rfgain_probe(ah); - } - - /* Update noise floor - * XXX: Only do this after AGC calibration */ + /* On full calibration request a PAPD probe for + * gainf calibration if needed */ + if ((ah->ah_cal_mask & AR5K_CALIBRATION_FULL) && + (ah->ah_radio == AR5K_RF5111 || + ah->ah_radio == AR5K_RF5112) && + channel->hw_value != AR5K_MODE_11B) + ath5k_hw_request_rfgain_probe(ah); + + /* Update noise floor */ if (!(ah->ah_cal_mask & AR5K_CALIBRATION_NF)) ath5k_hw_update_noise_floor(ah); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/reset.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/reset.c index 250db40b751d1780b0c7937cb53c6de016973bdd..200f165c0c6d9c4a508ece1da7a2fd996b9df094 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/reset.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/reset.c @@ -473,14 +473,14 @@ ath5k_hw_wisoc_reset(struct ath5k_hw *ah, u32 flags) } /* Put BB/MAC into reset */ - regval = __raw_readl(reg); - __raw_writel(regval | val, reg); - regval = __raw_readl(reg); + regval = ioread32(reg); + iowrite32(regval | val, reg); + regval = ioread32(reg); usleep_range(100, 150); /* Bring BB/MAC out of reset */ - __raw_writel(regval & ~val, reg); - regval = __raw_readl(reg); + iowrite32(regval & ~val, reg); + regval = ioread32(reg); /* * Reset configuration register (for hw byte-swap). Note that this diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/Kconfig b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/Kconfig index 3d5f8be20eac588435498745f0ae41d2b64ae975..d755a5e7ed2036b9f7e237431413cd093fed07fc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/Kconfig @@ -1,12 +1,29 @@ config ATH6KL - tristate "Atheros ath6kl support" + tristate "Atheros mobile chipsets support" + +config ATH6KL_SDIO + tristate "Atheros ath6kl SDIO support" + depends on ATH6KL depends on MMC depends on CFG80211 ---help--- This module adds support for wireless adapters based on - Atheros AR6003 chipset running over SDIO. If you choose to - build it as a module, it will be called ath6kl. Pls note - that AR6002 and AR6001 are not supported by this driver. + Atheros AR6003 and AR6004 chipsets running over SDIO. If you + choose to build it as a module, it will be called ath6kl_sdio. + Please note that AR6002 and AR6001 are not supported by this + driver. + +config ATH6KL_USB + tristate "Atheros ath6kl USB support" + depends on ATH6KL + depends on USB + depends on CFG80211 + depends on EXPERIMENTAL + ---help--- + This module adds support for wireless adapters based on + Atheros AR6004 chipset running over USB. This is still under + implementation and it isn't functional. If you choose to + build it as a module, it will be called ath6kl_usb. config ATH6KL_DEBUG bool "Atheros ath6kl debugging" diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/Makefile b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/Makefile index 707069303550e9eae103f533875eb72b3376d9fb..85746c3eb02788c9109b07bbfda905d98b5a1daf 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/Makefile @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -# Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Atheros Communications Inc. +# Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. +# Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # @@ -21,17 +22,21 @@ # Author(s): ="Atheros" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -obj-$(CONFIG_ATH6KL) := ath6kl.o -ath6kl-y += debug.o -ath6kl-y += hif.o -ath6kl-y += htc.o -ath6kl-y += bmi.o -ath6kl-y += cfg80211.o -ath6kl-y += init.o -ath6kl-y += main.o -ath6kl-y += txrx.o -ath6kl-y += wmi.o -ath6kl-y += sdio.o -ath6kl-$(CONFIG_NL80211_TESTMODE) += testmode.o +obj-$(CONFIG_ATH6KL) += ath6kl_core.o +ath6kl_core-y += debug.o +ath6kl_core-y += hif.o +ath6kl_core-y += htc.o +ath6kl_core-y += bmi.o +ath6kl_core-y += cfg80211.o +ath6kl_core-y += init.o +ath6kl_core-y += main.o +ath6kl_core-y += txrx.o +ath6kl_core-y += wmi.o +ath6kl_core-y += core.o +ath6kl_core-$(CONFIG_NL80211_TESTMODE) += testmode.o -ccflags-y += -D__CHECK_ENDIAN__ +obj-$(CONFIG_ATH6KL_SDIO) += ath6kl_sdio.o +ath6kl_sdio-y += sdio.o + +obj-$(CONFIG_ATH6KL_USB) += ath6kl_usb.o +ath6kl_usb-y += usb.o diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/bmi.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/bmi.c index bce3575c310ae230acc99024d14d42e3935e3ad6..334dbd834b3a6b37447ff324ed43f4a389d603f9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/bmi.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/bmi.c @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -57,8 +58,14 @@ int ath6kl_bmi_get_target_info(struct ath6kl *ar, return ret; } - ret = ath6kl_hif_bmi_read(ar, (u8 *)&targ_info->version, - sizeof(targ_info->version)); + if (ar->hif_type == ATH6KL_HIF_TYPE_USB) { + ret = ath6kl_hif_bmi_read(ar, (u8 *)targ_info, + sizeof(*targ_info)); + } else { + ret = ath6kl_hif_bmi_read(ar, (u8 *)&targ_info->version, + sizeof(targ_info->version)); + } + if (ret) { ath6kl_err("Unable to recv target info: %d\n", ret); return ret; @@ -99,7 +106,7 @@ int ath6kl_bmi_get_target_info(struct ath6kl *ar, } ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_BMI, "target info (ver: 0x%x type: 0x%x)\n", - targ_info->version, targ_info->type); + targ_info->version, targ_info->type); return 0; } @@ -186,7 +193,7 @@ int ath6kl_bmi_write(struct ath6kl *ar, u32 addr, u8 *buf, u32 len) memset(ar->bmi.cmd_buf, 0, ar->bmi.max_data_size + header); ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_BMI, - "bmi write memory: addr: 0x%x, len: %d\n", addr, len); + "bmi write memory: addr: 0x%x, len: %d\n", addr, len); len_remain = len; while (len_remain) { @@ -428,7 +435,7 @@ int ath6kl_bmi_lz_data(struct ath6kl *ar, u8 *buf, u32 len) memcpy(&(ar->bmi.cmd_buf[offset]), &tx_len, sizeof(tx_len)); offset += sizeof(tx_len); memcpy(&(ar->bmi.cmd_buf[offset]), &buf[len - len_remain], - tx_len); + tx_len); offset += tx_len; ret = ath6kl_hif_bmi_write(ar, ar->bmi.cmd_buf, offset); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/bmi.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/bmi.h index f1ca6812456df4d85c5bd85ef37c48c43b3c9c61..18fdd69e1f718dfd8eae5551d8fad9131613651f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/bmi.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/bmi.h @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -222,6 +223,29 @@ struct ath6kl_bmi_target_info { __le32 type; /* target type */ } __packed; +#define ath6kl_bmi_write_hi32(ar, item, val) \ + ({ \ + u32 addr; \ + __le32 v; \ + \ + addr = ath6kl_get_hi_item_addr(ar, HI_ITEM(item)); \ + v = cpu_to_le32(val); \ + ath6kl_bmi_write(ar, addr, (u8 *) &v, sizeof(v)); \ + }) + +#define ath6kl_bmi_read_hi32(ar, item, val) \ + ({ \ + u32 addr, *check_type = val; \ + __le32 tmp; \ + int ret; \ + \ + (void) (check_type == val); \ + addr = ath6kl_get_hi_item_addr(ar, HI_ITEM(item)); \ + ret = ath6kl_bmi_read(ar, addr, (u8 *) &tmp, 4); \ + *val = le32_to_cpu(tmp); \ + ret; \ + }) + int ath6kl_bmi_init(struct ath6kl *ar); void ath6kl_bmi_cleanup(struct ath6kl *ar); void ath6kl_bmi_reset(struct ath6kl *ar); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/cfg80211.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/cfg80211.c index 6c59a217b1a133f390d1dd2f444494110660b9f7..00d38952b5fb1d9d2f7aef30ae4b7fa87b5d4f03 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/cfg80211.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/cfg80211.c @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -15,6 +16,8 @@ */ #include +#include +#include #include "core.h" #include "cfg80211.h" @@ -22,10 +25,6 @@ #include "hif-ops.h" #include "testmode.h" -static unsigned int ath6kl_p2p; - -module_param(ath6kl_p2p, uint, 0644); - #define RATETAB_ENT(_rate, _rateid, _flags) { \ .bitrate = (_rate), \ .flags = (_flags), \ @@ -70,6 +69,10 @@ static struct ieee80211_rate ath6kl_rates[] = { #define ath6kl_g_rates (ath6kl_rates + 0) #define ath6kl_g_rates_size 12 +#define ath6kl_g_htcap (IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SUP_WIDTH_20_40 | \ + IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SGI_20 | \ + IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SGI_40) + static struct ieee80211_channel ath6kl_2ghz_channels[] = { CHAN2G(1, 2412, 0), CHAN2G(2, 2417, 0), @@ -114,6 +117,8 @@ static struct ieee80211_supported_band ath6kl_band_2ghz = { .channels = ath6kl_2ghz_channels, .n_bitrates = ath6kl_g_rates_size, .bitrates = ath6kl_g_rates, + .ht_cap.cap = ath6kl_g_htcap, + .ht_cap.ht_supported = true, }; static struct ieee80211_supported_band ath6kl_band_5ghz = { @@ -121,6 +126,8 @@ static struct ieee80211_supported_band ath6kl_band_5ghz = { .channels = ath6kl_5ghz_a_channels, .n_bitrates = ath6kl_a_rates_size, .bitrates = ath6kl_a_rates, + .ht_cap.cap = ath6kl_g_htcap, + .ht_cap.ht_supported = true, }; #define CCKM_KRK_CIPHER_SUITE 0x004096ff /* use for KRK */ @@ -196,7 +203,7 @@ static int ath6kl_set_auth_type(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, break; default: - ath6kl_err("%s: 0x%x not spported\n", __func__, auth_type); + ath6kl_err("%s: 0x%x not supported\n", __func__, auth_type); return -ENOTSUPP; } @@ -383,7 +390,7 @@ static bool ath6kl_is_valid_iftype(struct ath6kl *ar, enum nl80211_iftype type, return false; if (ar->ibss_if_active || ((type == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) && - ar->num_vif)) + ar->num_vif)) return false; if (type == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION || @@ -409,6 +416,12 @@ static bool ath6kl_is_valid_iftype(struct ath6kl *ar, enum nl80211_iftype type, return false; } +static bool ath6kl_is_tx_pending(struct ath6kl *ar) +{ + return ar->tx_pending[ath6kl_wmi_get_control_ep(ar->wmi)] == 0; +} + + static int ath6kl_cfg80211_connect(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, struct cfg80211_connect_params *sme) { @@ -416,6 +429,7 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_connect(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, struct ath6kl_vif *vif = netdev_priv(dev); int status; u8 nw_subtype = (ar->p2p) ? SUBTYPE_P2PDEV : SUBTYPE_NONE; + u16 interval; ath6kl_cfg80211_sscan_disable(vif); @@ -452,8 +466,8 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_connect(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, * sleep until the command queue drains */ wait_event_interruptible_timeout(ar->event_wq, - ar->tx_pending[ath6kl_wmi_get_control_ep(ar->wmi)] == 0, - WMI_TIMEOUT); + ath6kl_is_tx_pending(ar), + WMI_TIMEOUT); if (signal_pending(current)) { ath6kl_err("cmd queue drain timeout\n"); up(&ar->sem); @@ -461,13 +475,13 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_connect(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, } } - if (sme->ie && (sme->ie_len > 0)) { - status = ath6kl_set_assoc_req_ies(vif, sme->ie, sme->ie_len); - if (status) { - up(&ar->sem); - return status; - } - } else + status = ath6kl_set_assoc_req_ies(vif, sme->ie, sme->ie_len); + if (status) { + up(&ar->sem); + return status; + } + + if (sme->ie == NULL || sme->ie_len == 0) ar->connect_ctrl_flags &= ~CONNECT_WPS_FLAG; if (test_bit(CONNECTED, &vif->flags) && @@ -523,8 +537,7 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_connect(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, (vif->prwise_crypto == WEP_CRYPT)) { struct ath6kl_key *key = NULL; - if (sme->key_idx < WMI_MIN_KEY_INDEX || - sme->key_idx > WMI_MAX_KEY_INDEX) { + if (sme->key_idx > WMI_MAX_KEY_INDEX) { ath6kl_err("key index %d out of bounds\n", sme->key_idx); up(&ar->sem); @@ -549,7 +562,7 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_connect(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, if (!ar->usr_bss_filter) { clear_bit(CLEAR_BSSFILTER_ON_BEACON, &vif->flags); if (ath6kl_wmi_bssfilter_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, - ALL_BSS_FILTER, 0) != 0) { + ALL_BSS_FILTER, 0) != 0) { ath6kl_err("couldn't set bss filtering\n"); up(&ar->sem); return -EIO; @@ -571,6 +584,20 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_connect(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, vif->grp_crypto_len, vif->ch_hint); vif->reconnect_flag = 0; + + if (vif->nw_type == INFRA_NETWORK) { + interval = max_t(u16, vif->listen_intvl_t, + ATH6KL_MAX_WOW_LISTEN_INTL); + status = ath6kl_wmi_listeninterval_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, + interval, + 0); + if (status) { + ath6kl_err("couldn't set listen intervel\n"); + up(&ar->sem); + return status; + } + } + status = ath6kl_wmi_connect_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, vif->nw_type, vif->dot11_auth_mode, vif->auth_mode, vif->prwise_crypto, @@ -593,8 +620,8 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_connect(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, } if ((!(ar->connect_ctrl_flags & CONNECT_DO_WPA_OFFLOAD)) && - ((vif->auth_mode == WPA_PSK_AUTH) - || (vif->auth_mode == WPA2_PSK_AUTH))) { + ((vif->auth_mode == WPA_PSK_AUTH) || + (vif->auth_mode == WPA2_PSK_AUTH))) { mod_timer(&vif->disconnect_timer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(DISCON_TIMER_INTVAL)); } @@ -605,11 +632,13 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_connect(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, return 0; } -static int ath6kl_add_bss_if_needed(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, - enum network_type nw_type, - const u8 *bssid, - struct ieee80211_channel *chan, - const u8 *beacon_ie, size_t beacon_ie_len) +static struct cfg80211_bss * +ath6kl_add_bss_if_needed(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, + enum network_type nw_type, + const u8 *bssid, + struct ieee80211_channel *chan, + const u8 *beacon_ie, + size_t beacon_ie_len) { struct ath6kl *ar = vif->ar; struct cfg80211_bss *bss; @@ -638,7 +667,7 @@ static int ath6kl_add_bss_if_needed(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, */ ie = kmalloc(2 + vif->ssid_len + beacon_ie_len, GFP_KERNEL); if (ie == NULL) - return -ENOMEM; + return NULL; ie[0] = WLAN_EID_SSID; ie[1] = vif->ssid_len; memcpy(ie + 2, vif->ssid, vif->ssid_len); @@ -652,15 +681,9 @@ static int ath6kl_add_bss_if_needed(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, "cfg80211\n", bssid); kfree(ie); } else - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WLAN_CFG, "cfg80211 already has a bss " - "entry\n"); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WLAN_CFG, "cfg80211 already has a bss\n"); - if (bss == NULL) - return -ENOMEM; - - cfg80211_put_bss(bss); - - return 0; + return bss; } void ath6kl_cfg80211_connect_event(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u16 channel, @@ -672,6 +695,7 @@ void ath6kl_cfg80211_connect_event(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u16 channel, { struct ieee80211_channel *chan; struct ath6kl *ar = vif->ar; + struct cfg80211_bss *bss; /* capinfo + listen interval */ u8 assoc_req_ie_offset = sizeof(u16) + sizeof(u16); @@ -712,8 +736,9 @@ void ath6kl_cfg80211_connect_event(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u16 channel, chan = ieee80211_get_channel(ar->wiphy, (int) channel); - if (ath6kl_add_bss_if_needed(vif, nw_type, bssid, chan, assoc_info, - beacon_ie_len) < 0) { + bss = ath6kl_add_bss_if_needed(vif, nw_type, bssid, chan, + assoc_info, beacon_ie_len); + if (!bss) { ath6kl_err("could not add cfg80211 bss entry\n"); return; } @@ -722,6 +747,7 @@ void ath6kl_cfg80211_connect_event(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u16 channel, ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WLAN_CFG, "ad-hoc %s selected\n", nw_type & ADHOC_CREATOR ? "creator" : "joiner"); cfg80211_ibss_joined(vif->ndev, bssid, GFP_KERNEL); + cfg80211_put_bss(bss); return; } @@ -732,11 +758,11 @@ void ath6kl_cfg80211_connect_event(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u16 channel, assoc_req_ie, assoc_req_len, assoc_resp_ie, assoc_resp_len, WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS, GFP_KERNEL); + cfg80211_put_bss(bss); } else if (vif->sme_state == SME_CONNECTED) { /* inform roam event to cfg80211 */ - cfg80211_roamed(vif->ndev, chan, bssid, - assoc_req_ie, assoc_req_len, - assoc_resp_ie, assoc_resp_len, GFP_KERNEL); + cfg80211_roamed_bss(vif->ndev, bss, assoc_req_ie, assoc_req_len, + assoc_resp_ie, assoc_resp_len, GFP_KERNEL); } } @@ -828,13 +854,13 @@ void ath6kl_cfg80211_disconnect_event(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u8 reason, if (vif->sme_state == SME_CONNECTING) { cfg80211_connect_result(vif->ndev, - bssid, NULL, 0, - NULL, 0, - WLAN_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE, - GFP_KERNEL); + bssid, NULL, 0, + NULL, 0, + WLAN_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE, + GFP_KERNEL); } else if (vif->sme_state == SME_CONNECTED) { cfg80211_disconnected(vif->ndev, reason, - NULL, 0, GFP_KERNEL); + NULL, 0, GFP_KERNEL); } vif->sme_state = SME_DISCONNECTED; @@ -880,19 +906,14 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_scan(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *ndev, request->ssids[i].ssid); } - /* - * FIXME: we should clear the IE in fw if it's not set so just - * remove the check altogether - */ - if (request->ie) { - ret = ath6kl_wmi_set_appie_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, - WMI_FRAME_PROBE_REQ, - request->ie, request->ie_len); - if (ret) { - ath6kl_err("failed to set Probe Request appie for " - "scan"); - return ret; - } + /* this also clears IE in fw if it's not set */ + ret = ath6kl_wmi_set_appie_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, + WMI_FRAME_PROBE_REQ, + request->ie, request->ie_len); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("failed to set Probe Request appie for " + "scan"); + return ret; } /* @@ -921,7 +942,7 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_scan(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *ndev, force_fg_scan = 1; if (test_bit(ATH6KL_FW_CAPABILITY_STA_P2PDEV_DUPLEX, - ar->fw_capabilities)) { + ar->fw_capabilities)) { /* * If capable of doing P2P mgmt operations using * station interface, send additional information like @@ -930,14 +951,17 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_scan(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *ndev, */ ret = ath6kl_wmi_beginscan_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, WMI_LONG_SCAN, force_fg_scan, - false, 0, 0, n_channels, - channels, request->no_cck, + false, 0, + ATH6KL_FG_SCAN_INTERVAL, + n_channels, channels, + request->no_cck, request->rates); } else { ret = ath6kl_wmi_startscan_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, WMI_LONG_SCAN, force_fg_scan, - false, 0, 0, n_channels, - channels); + false, 0, + ATH6KL_FG_SCAN_INTERVAL, + n_channels, channels); } if (ret) ath6kl_err("wmi_startscan_cmd failed\n"); @@ -984,6 +1008,7 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_add_key(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *ndev, struct ath6kl *ar = ath6kl_priv(ndev); struct ath6kl_vif *vif = netdev_priv(ndev); struct ath6kl_key *key = NULL; + int seq_len; u8 key_usage; u8 key_type; @@ -997,7 +1022,7 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_add_key(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *ndev, params->key); } - if (key_index < WMI_MIN_KEY_INDEX || key_index > WMI_MAX_KEY_INDEX) { + if (key_index > WMI_MAX_KEY_INDEX) { ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WLAN_CFG, "%s: key index %d out of bounds\n", __func__, key_index); @@ -1012,23 +1037,21 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_add_key(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *ndev, else key_usage = GROUP_USAGE; - if (params) { - int seq_len = params->seq_len; - if (params->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_SMS4 && - seq_len > ATH6KL_KEY_SEQ_LEN) { - /* Only first half of the WPI PN is configured */ - seq_len = ATH6KL_KEY_SEQ_LEN; - } - if (params->key_len > WLAN_MAX_KEY_LEN || - seq_len > sizeof(key->seq)) - return -EINVAL; - - key->key_len = params->key_len; - memcpy(key->key, params->key, key->key_len); - key->seq_len = seq_len; - memcpy(key->seq, params->seq, key->seq_len); - key->cipher = params->cipher; + seq_len = params->seq_len; + if (params->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_SMS4 && + seq_len > ATH6KL_KEY_SEQ_LEN) { + /* Only first half of the WPI PN is configured */ + seq_len = ATH6KL_KEY_SEQ_LEN; } + if (params->key_len > WLAN_MAX_KEY_LEN || + seq_len > sizeof(key->seq)) + return -EINVAL; + + key->key_len = params->key_len; + memcpy(key->key, params->key, key->key_len); + key->seq_len = seq_len; + memcpy(key->seq, params->seq, key->seq_len); + key->cipher = params->cipher; switch (key->cipher) { case WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP40: @@ -1051,9 +1074,9 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_add_key(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *ndev, return -ENOTSUPP; } - if (((vif->auth_mode == WPA_PSK_AUTH) - || (vif->auth_mode == WPA2_PSK_AUTH)) - && (key_usage & GROUP_USAGE)) + if (((vif->auth_mode == WPA_PSK_AUTH) || + (vif->auth_mode == WPA2_PSK_AUTH)) && + (key_usage & GROUP_USAGE)) del_timer(&vif->disconnect_timer); ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WLAN_CFG, @@ -1063,7 +1086,7 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_add_key(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *ndev, if (vif->nw_type == AP_NETWORK && !pairwise && (key_type == TKIP_CRYPT || key_type == AES_CRYPT || - key_type == WAPI_CRYPT) && params) { + key_type == WAPI_CRYPT)) { ar->ap_mode_bkey.valid = true; ar->ap_mode_bkey.key_index = key_index; ar->ap_mode_bkey.key_type = key_type; @@ -1115,7 +1138,7 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_del_key(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *ndev, if (!ath6kl_cfg80211_ready(vif)) return -EIO; - if (key_index < WMI_MIN_KEY_INDEX || key_index > WMI_MAX_KEY_INDEX) { + if (key_index > WMI_MAX_KEY_INDEX) { ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WLAN_CFG, "%s: key index %d out of bounds\n", __func__, key_index); @@ -1148,7 +1171,7 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_get_key(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *ndev, if (!ath6kl_cfg80211_ready(vif)) return -EIO; - if (key_index < WMI_MIN_KEY_INDEX || key_index > WMI_MAX_KEY_INDEX) { + if (key_index > WMI_MAX_KEY_INDEX) { ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WLAN_CFG, "%s: key index %d out of bounds\n", __func__, key_index); @@ -1184,7 +1207,7 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_set_default_key(struct wiphy *wiphy, if (!ath6kl_cfg80211_ready(vif)) return -EIO; - if (key_index < WMI_MIN_KEY_INDEX || key_index > WMI_MAX_KEY_INDEX) { + if (key_index > WMI_MAX_KEY_INDEX) { ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WLAN_CFG, "%s: key index %d out of bounds\n", __func__, key_index); @@ -1268,7 +1291,6 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_set_txpower(struct wiphy *wiphy, { struct ath6kl *ar = (struct ath6kl *)wiphy_priv(wiphy); struct ath6kl_vif *vif; - u8 ath6kl_dbm; int dbm = MBM_TO_DBM(mbm); ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WLAN_CFG, "%s: type 0x%x, dbm %d\n", __func__, @@ -1285,7 +1307,7 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_set_txpower(struct wiphy *wiphy, case NL80211_TX_POWER_AUTOMATIC: return 0; case NL80211_TX_POWER_LIMITED: - ar->tx_pwr = ath6kl_dbm = dbm; + ar->tx_pwr = dbm; break; default: ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WLAN_CFG, "%s: type 0x%x not supported\n", @@ -1293,7 +1315,7 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_set_txpower(struct wiphy *wiphy, return -EOPNOTSUPP; } - ath6kl_wmi_set_tx_pwr_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, ath6kl_dbm); + ath6kl_wmi_set_tx_pwr_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, dbm); return 0; } @@ -1354,7 +1376,7 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_set_power_mgmt(struct wiphy *wiphy, } if (ath6kl_wmi_powermode_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, - mode.pwr_mode) != 0) { + mode.pwr_mode) != 0) { ath6kl_err("wmi_powermode_cmd failed\n"); return -EIO; } @@ -1403,7 +1425,7 @@ static int ath6kl_cfg80211_del_iface(struct wiphy *wiphy, ath6kl_cleanup_vif(vif, test_bit(WMI_READY, &ar->flag)); - ath6kl_deinit_if_data(vif); + ath6kl_cfg80211_vif_cleanup(vif); return 0; } @@ -1728,29 +1750,14 @@ static int ath6kl_flush_pmksa(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *netdev) return 0; } -static int ath6kl_wow_suspend(struct ath6kl *ar, struct cfg80211_wowlan *wow) +static int ath6kl_wow_usr(struct ath6kl *ar, struct ath6kl_vif *vif, + struct cfg80211_wowlan *wow, u32 *filter) { - struct ath6kl_vif *vif; - int ret, pos, left; - u32 filter = 0; - u16 i; + int ret, pos; u8 mask[WOW_MASK_SIZE]; + u16 i; - vif = ath6kl_vif_first(ar); - if (!vif) - return -EIO; - - if (!ath6kl_cfg80211_ready(vif)) - return -EIO; - - if (!test_bit(CONNECTED, &vif->flags)) - return -EINVAL; - - /* Clear existing WOW patterns */ - for (i = 0; i < WOW_MAX_FILTERS_PER_LIST; i++) - ath6kl_wmi_del_wow_pattern_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, - WOW_LIST_ID, i); - /* Configure new WOW patterns */ + /* Configure the patterns that we received from the user. */ for (i = 0; i < wow->n_patterns; i++) { /* @@ -1773,29 +1780,249 @@ static int ath6kl_wow_suspend(struct ath6kl *ar, struct cfg80211_wowlan *wow) * matched from the first byte of received pkt in the firmware. */ ret = ath6kl_wmi_add_wow_pattern_cmd(ar->wmi, - vif->fw_vif_idx, WOW_LIST_ID, - wow->patterns[i].pattern_len, - 0 /* pattern offset */, - wow->patterns[i].pattern, mask); + vif->fw_vif_idx, WOW_LIST_ID, + wow->patterns[i].pattern_len, + 0 /* pattern offset */, + wow->patterns[i].pattern, mask); if (ret) return ret; } if (wow->disconnect) - filter |= WOW_FILTER_OPTION_NWK_DISASSOC; + *filter |= WOW_FILTER_OPTION_NWK_DISASSOC; if (wow->magic_pkt) - filter |= WOW_FILTER_OPTION_MAGIC_PACKET; + *filter |= WOW_FILTER_OPTION_MAGIC_PACKET; if (wow->gtk_rekey_failure) - filter |= WOW_FILTER_OPTION_GTK_ERROR; + *filter |= WOW_FILTER_OPTION_GTK_ERROR; if (wow->eap_identity_req) - filter |= WOW_FILTER_OPTION_EAP_REQ; + *filter |= WOW_FILTER_OPTION_EAP_REQ; if (wow->four_way_handshake) - filter |= WOW_FILTER_OPTION_8021X_4WAYHS; + *filter |= WOW_FILTER_OPTION_8021X_4WAYHS; + + return 0; +} + +static int ath6kl_wow_ap(struct ath6kl *ar, struct ath6kl_vif *vif) +{ + static const u8 unicst_pattern[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x08 }; + static const u8 unicst_mask[] = { 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x7f }; + u8 unicst_offset = 0; + static const u8 arp_pattern[] = { 0x08, 0x06 }; + static const u8 arp_mask[] = { 0xff, 0xff }; + u8 arp_offset = 20; + static const u8 discvr_pattern[] = { 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8 }; + static const u8 discvr_mask[] = { 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8 }; + u8 discvr_offset = 38; + static const u8 dhcp_pattern[] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, + 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x43 /* port 67 */ }; + static const u8 dhcp_mask[] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, + 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff /* port 67 */ }; + u8 dhcp_offset = 0; + int ret; + + /* Setup unicast IP, EAPOL-like and ARP pkt pattern */ + ret = ath6kl_wmi_add_wow_pattern_cmd(ar->wmi, + vif->fw_vif_idx, WOW_LIST_ID, + sizeof(unicst_pattern), unicst_offset, + unicst_pattern, unicst_mask); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("failed to add WOW unicast IP pattern\n"); + return ret; + } + + /* Setup all ARP pkt pattern */ + ret = ath6kl_wmi_add_wow_pattern_cmd(ar->wmi, + vif->fw_vif_idx, WOW_LIST_ID, + sizeof(arp_pattern), arp_offset, + arp_pattern, arp_mask); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("failed to add WOW ARP pattern\n"); + return ret; + } + + /* + * Setup multicast pattern for mDNS, + * SSDP and LLMNR + */ + ret = ath6kl_wmi_add_wow_pattern_cmd(ar->wmi, + vif->fw_vif_idx, WOW_LIST_ID, + sizeof(discvr_pattern), discvr_offset, + discvr_pattern, discvr_mask); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("failed to add WOW mDNS/SSDP/LLMNR pattern\n"); + return ret; + } + + /* Setup all DHCP broadcast pkt pattern */ + ret = ath6kl_wmi_add_wow_pattern_cmd(ar->wmi, + vif->fw_vif_idx, WOW_LIST_ID, + sizeof(dhcp_pattern), dhcp_offset, + dhcp_pattern, dhcp_mask); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("failed to add WOW DHCP broadcast pattern\n"); + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int ath6kl_wow_sta(struct ath6kl *ar, struct ath6kl_vif *vif) +{ + struct net_device *ndev = vif->ndev; + static const u8 discvr_pattern[] = { 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8 }; + static const u8 discvr_mask[] = { 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8 }; + u8 discvr_offset = 38; + u8 mac_mask[ETH_ALEN]; + int ret; + + /* Setup unicast pkt pattern */ + memset(mac_mask, 0xff, ETH_ALEN); + ret = ath6kl_wmi_add_wow_pattern_cmd(ar->wmi, + vif->fw_vif_idx, WOW_LIST_ID, + ETH_ALEN, 0, ndev->dev_addr, + mac_mask); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("failed to add WOW unicast pattern\n"); + return ret; + } + + /* + * Setup multicast pattern for mDNS, + * SSDP and LLMNR + */ + if ((ndev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI) || + (ndev->flags & IFF_MULTICAST && netdev_mc_count(ndev) > 0)) { + ret = ath6kl_wmi_add_wow_pattern_cmd(ar->wmi, + vif->fw_vif_idx, WOW_LIST_ID, + sizeof(discvr_pattern), discvr_offset, + discvr_pattern, discvr_mask); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("failed to add WOW mDNS/SSDP/LLMNR " + "pattern\n"); + return ret; + } + } + return 0; +} + +static int ath6kl_wow_suspend(struct ath6kl *ar, struct cfg80211_wowlan *wow) +{ + struct in_device *in_dev; + struct in_ifaddr *ifa; + struct ath6kl_vif *vif; + int ret, left; + u32 filter = 0; + u16 i, bmiss_time; + u8 index = 0; + __be32 ips[MAX_IP_ADDRS]; + + vif = ath6kl_vif_first(ar); + if (!vif) + return -EIO; + + if (!ath6kl_cfg80211_ready(vif)) + return -EIO; + + if (!test_bit(CONNECTED, &vif->flags)) + return -ENOTCONN; + + if (wow && (wow->n_patterns > WOW_MAX_FILTERS_PER_LIST)) + return -EINVAL; + + /* Clear existing WOW patterns */ + for (i = 0; i < WOW_MAX_FILTERS_PER_LIST; i++) + ath6kl_wmi_del_wow_pattern_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, + WOW_LIST_ID, i); + + /* + * Skip the default WOW pattern configuration + * if the driver receives any WOW patterns from + * the user. + */ + if (wow) + ret = ath6kl_wow_usr(ar, vif, wow, &filter); + else if (vif->nw_type == AP_NETWORK) + ret = ath6kl_wow_ap(ar, vif); + else + ret = ath6kl_wow_sta(ar, vif); + + if (ret) + return ret; + + netif_stop_queue(vif->ndev); + + if (vif->nw_type != AP_NETWORK) { + ret = ath6kl_wmi_listeninterval_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, + ATH6KL_MAX_WOW_LISTEN_INTL, + 0); + if (ret) + return ret; + + /* Set listen interval x 15 times as bmiss time */ + bmiss_time = ATH6KL_MAX_WOW_LISTEN_INTL * 15; + if (bmiss_time > ATH6KL_MAX_BMISS_TIME) + bmiss_time = ATH6KL_MAX_BMISS_TIME; + + ret = ath6kl_wmi_bmisstime_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, + bmiss_time, 0); + if (ret) + return ret; + + ret = ath6kl_wmi_scanparams_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, + 0xFFFF, 0, 0xFFFF, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0); + if (ret) + return ret; + } + + ar->state = ATH6KL_STATE_SUSPENDING; + + /* Setup own IP addr for ARP agent. */ + in_dev = __in_dev_get_rtnl(vif->ndev); + if (!in_dev) + goto skip_arp; + + ifa = in_dev->ifa_list; + memset(&ips, 0, sizeof(ips)); + + /* Configure IP addr only if IP address count < MAX_IP_ADDRS */ + while (index < MAX_IP_ADDRS && ifa) { + ips[index] = ifa->ifa_local; + ifa = ifa->ifa_next; + index++; + } + + if (ifa) { + ath6kl_err("total IP addr count is exceeding fw limit\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + ret = ath6kl_wmi_set_ip_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, ips[0], ips[1]); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("fail to setup ip for arp agent\n"); + return ret; + } + +skip_arp: ret = ath6kl_wmi_set_wow_mode_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, ATH6KL_WOW_MODE_ENABLE, filter, @@ -1803,11 +2030,26 @@ static int ath6kl_wow_suspend(struct ath6kl *ar, struct cfg80211_wowlan *wow) if (ret) return ret; + clear_bit(HOST_SLEEP_MODE_CMD_PROCESSED, &vif->flags); + ret = ath6kl_wmi_set_host_sleep_mode_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, ATH6KL_HOST_MODE_ASLEEP); if (ret) return ret; + left = wait_event_interruptible_timeout(ar->event_wq, + test_bit(HOST_SLEEP_MODE_CMD_PROCESSED, &vif->flags), + WMI_TIMEOUT); + if (left == 0) { + ath6kl_warn("timeout, didn't get host sleep cmd " + "processed event\n"); + ret = -ETIMEDOUT; + } else if (left < 0) { + ath6kl_warn("error while waiting for host sleep cmd " + "processed event %d\n", left); + ret = left; + } + if (ar->tx_pending[ar->ctrl_ep]) { left = wait_event_interruptible_timeout(ar->event_wq, ar->tx_pending[ar->ctrl_ep] == 0, WMI_TIMEOUT); @@ -1832,15 +2074,46 @@ static int ath6kl_wow_resume(struct ath6kl *ar) if (!vif) return -EIO; + ar->state = ATH6KL_STATE_RESUMING; + ret = ath6kl_wmi_set_host_sleep_mode_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, ATH6KL_HOST_MODE_AWAKE); - return ret; + if (ret) { + ath6kl_warn("Failed to configure host sleep mode for " + "wow resume: %d\n", ret); + ar->state = ATH6KL_STATE_WOW; + return ret; + } + + if (vif->nw_type != AP_NETWORK) { + ret = ath6kl_wmi_scanparams_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0); + if (ret) + return ret; + + ret = ath6kl_wmi_listeninterval_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, + vif->listen_intvl_t, 0); + if (ret) + return ret; + + ret = ath6kl_wmi_bmisstime_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, + vif->bmiss_time_t, 0); + if (ret) + return ret; + } + + ar->state = ATH6KL_STATE_ON; + + netif_wake_queue(vif->ndev); + + return 0; } int ath6kl_cfg80211_suspend(struct ath6kl *ar, enum ath6kl_cfg_suspend_mode mode, struct cfg80211_wowlan *wow) { + enum ath6kl_state prev_state; int ret; switch (mode) { @@ -1851,11 +2124,14 @@ int ath6kl_cfg80211_suspend(struct ath6kl *ar, /* Flush all non control pkts in TX path */ ath6kl_tx_data_cleanup(ar); + prev_state = ar->state; + ret = ath6kl_wow_suspend(ar, wow); if (ret) { - ath6kl_err("wow suspend failed: %d\n", ret); + ar->state = prev_state; return ret; } + ar->state = ATH6KL_STATE_WOW; break; @@ -1911,6 +2187,7 @@ int ath6kl_cfg80211_suspend(struct ath6kl *ar, return 0; } +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath6kl_cfg80211_suspend); int ath6kl_cfg80211_resume(struct ath6kl *ar) { @@ -1926,7 +2203,6 @@ int ath6kl_cfg80211_resume(struct ath6kl *ar) return ret; } - ar->state = ATH6KL_STATE_ON; break; case ATH6KL_STATE_DEEPSLEEP: @@ -1962,6 +2238,7 @@ int ath6kl_cfg80211_resume(struct ath6kl *ar) return 0; } +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath6kl_cfg80211_resume); #ifdef CONFIG_PM @@ -1999,6 +2276,9 @@ static int __ath6kl_cfg80211_resume(struct wiphy *wiphy) */ void ath6kl_check_wow_status(struct ath6kl *ar) { + if (ar->state == ATH6KL_STATE_SUSPENDING) + return; + if (ar->state == ATH6KL_STATE_WOW) ath6kl_cfg80211_resume(ar); } @@ -2014,7 +2294,18 @@ static int ath6kl_set_channel(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, struct ieee80211_channel *chan, enum nl80211_channel_type channel_type) { - struct ath6kl_vif *vif = netdev_priv(dev); + struct ath6kl_vif *vif; + + /* + * 'dev' could be NULL if a channel change is required for the hardware + * device itself, instead of a particular VIF. + * + * FIXME: To be handled properly when monitor mode is supported. + */ + if (!dev) + return -EBUSY; + + vif = netdev_priv(dev); if (!ath6kl_cfg80211_ready(vif)) return -EIO; @@ -2069,19 +2360,51 @@ static int ath6kl_set_ap_probe_resp_ies(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, return ret; } -static int ath6kl_ap_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, - struct beacon_parameters *info, bool add) +static int ath6kl_set_ies(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, + struct cfg80211_beacon_data *info) +{ + struct ath6kl *ar = vif->ar; + int res; + + /* this also clears IE in fw if it's not set */ + res = ath6kl_wmi_set_appie_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, + WMI_FRAME_BEACON, + info->beacon_ies, + info->beacon_ies_len); + if (res) + return res; + + /* this also clears IE in fw if it's not set */ + res = ath6kl_set_ap_probe_resp_ies(vif, info->proberesp_ies, + info->proberesp_ies_len); + if (res) + return res; + + /* this also clears IE in fw if it's not set */ + res = ath6kl_wmi_set_appie_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, + WMI_FRAME_ASSOC_RESP, + info->assocresp_ies, + info->assocresp_ies_len); + if (res) + return res; + + return 0; +} + +static int ath6kl_start_ap(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, + struct cfg80211_ap_settings *info) { struct ath6kl *ar = ath6kl_priv(dev); struct ath6kl_vif *vif = netdev_priv(dev); struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt; + bool hidden = false; u8 *ies; int ies_len; struct wmi_connect_cmd p; int res; int i, ret; - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WLAN_CFG, "%s: add=%d\n", __func__, add); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WLAN_CFG, "%s:\n", __func__); if (!ath6kl_cfg80211_ready(vif)) return -EIO; @@ -2089,31 +2412,7 @@ static int ath6kl_ap_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, if (vif->next_mode != AP_NETWORK) return -EOPNOTSUPP; - if (info->beacon_ies) { - res = ath6kl_wmi_set_appie_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, - WMI_FRAME_BEACON, - info->beacon_ies, - info->beacon_ies_len); - if (res) - return res; - } - if (info->proberesp_ies) { - res = ath6kl_set_ap_probe_resp_ies(vif, info->proberesp_ies, - info->proberesp_ies_len); - if (res) - return res; - } - if (info->assocresp_ies) { - res = ath6kl_wmi_set_appie_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, - WMI_FRAME_ASSOC_RESP, - info->assocresp_ies, - info->assocresp_ies_len); - if (res) - return res; - } - - if (!add) - return 0; + res = ath6kl_set_ies(vif, &info->beacon); ar->ap_mode_bkey.valid = false; @@ -2122,20 +2421,24 @@ static int ath6kl_ap_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, * info->dtim_period */ - if (info->head == NULL) + if (info->beacon.head == NULL) return -EINVAL; - mgmt = (struct ieee80211_mgmt *) info->head; + mgmt = (struct ieee80211_mgmt *) info->beacon.head; ies = mgmt->u.beacon.variable; - if (ies > info->head + info->head_len) + if (ies > info->beacon.head + info->beacon.head_len) return -EINVAL; - ies_len = info->head + info->head_len - ies; + ies_len = info->beacon.head + info->beacon.head_len - ies; if (info->ssid == NULL) return -EINVAL; memcpy(vif->ssid, info->ssid, info->ssid_len); vif->ssid_len = info->ssid_len; if (info->hidden_ssid != NL80211_HIDDEN_SSID_NOT_IN_USE) - return -EOPNOTSUPP; /* TODO */ + hidden = true; + + res = ath6kl_wmi_ap_hidden_ssid(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, hidden); + if (res) + return res; ret = ath6kl_set_auth_type(vif, info->auth_type); if (ret) @@ -2214,6 +2517,11 @@ static int ath6kl_ap_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, p.dot11_auth_mode = vif->dot11_auth_mode; p.ch = cpu_to_le16(vif->next_chan); + /* Enable uAPSD support by default */ + res = ath6kl_wmi_ap_set_apsd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, true); + if (res < 0) + return res; + if (vif->wdev.iftype == NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_GO) { p.nw_subtype = SUBTYPE_P2PGO; } else { @@ -2231,19 +2539,21 @@ static int ath6kl_ap_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, return 0; } -static int ath6kl_add_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, - struct beacon_parameters *info) +static int ath6kl_change_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, + struct cfg80211_beacon_data *beacon) { - return ath6kl_ap_beacon(wiphy, dev, info, true); -} + struct ath6kl_vif *vif = netdev_priv(dev); -static int ath6kl_set_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, - struct beacon_parameters *info) -{ - return ath6kl_ap_beacon(wiphy, dev, info, false); + if (!ath6kl_cfg80211_ready(vif)) + return -EIO; + + if (vif->next_mode != AP_NETWORK) + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + + return ath6kl_set_ies(vif, beacon); } -static int ath6kl_del_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev) +static int ath6kl_stop_ap(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev) { struct ath6kl *ar = ath6kl_priv(dev); struct ath6kl_vif *vif = netdev_priv(dev); @@ -2259,6 +2569,19 @@ static int ath6kl_del_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev) return 0; } +static const u8 bcast_addr[ETH_ALEN] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff }; + +static int ath6kl_del_station(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, + u8 *mac) +{ + struct ath6kl *ar = ath6kl_priv(dev); + struct ath6kl_vif *vif = netdev_priv(dev); + const u8 *addr = mac ? mac : bcast_addr; + + return ath6kl_wmi_ap_set_mlme(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, WMI_AP_DEAUTH, + addr, WLAN_REASON_PREV_AUTH_NOT_VALID); +} + static int ath6kl_change_station(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, u8 *mac, struct station_parameters *params) { @@ -2354,6 +2677,76 @@ static int ath6kl_send_go_probe_resp(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, return ret; } +static bool ath6kl_mgmt_powersave_ap(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, + u32 id, + u32 freq, + u32 wait, + const u8 *buf, + size_t len, + bool *more_data, + bool no_cck) +{ + struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt; + struct ath6kl_sta *conn; + bool is_psq_empty = false; + struct ath6kl_mgmt_buff *mgmt_buf; + size_t mgmt_buf_size; + struct ath6kl *ar = vif->ar; + + mgmt = (struct ieee80211_mgmt *) buf; + if (is_multicast_ether_addr(mgmt->da)) + return false; + + conn = ath6kl_find_sta(vif, mgmt->da); + if (!conn) + return false; + + if (conn->sta_flags & STA_PS_SLEEP) { + if (!(conn->sta_flags & STA_PS_POLLED)) { + /* Queue the frames if the STA is sleeping */ + mgmt_buf_size = len + sizeof(struct ath6kl_mgmt_buff); + mgmt_buf = kmalloc(mgmt_buf_size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!mgmt_buf) + return false; + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mgmt_buf->list); + mgmt_buf->id = id; + mgmt_buf->freq = freq; + mgmt_buf->wait = wait; + mgmt_buf->len = len; + mgmt_buf->no_cck = no_cck; + memcpy(mgmt_buf->buf, buf, len); + spin_lock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + is_psq_empty = skb_queue_empty(&conn->psq) && + (conn->mgmt_psq_len == 0); + list_add_tail(&mgmt_buf->list, &conn->mgmt_psq); + conn->mgmt_psq_len++; + spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + + /* + * If this is the first pkt getting queued + * for this STA, update the PVB for this + * STA. + */ + if (is_psq_empty) + ath6kl_wmi_set_pvb_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, + conn->aid, 1); + return true; + } + + /* + * This tx is because of a PsPoll. + * Determine if MoreData bit has to be set. + */ + spin_lock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + if (!skb_queue_empty(&conn->psq) || (conn->mgmt_psq_len != 0)) + *more_data = true; + spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + } + + return false; +} + static int ath6kl_mgmt_tx(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, struct ieee80211_channel *chan, bool offchan, enum nl80211_channel_type channel_type, @@ -2365,6 +2758,7 @@ static int ath6kl_mgmt_tx(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, struct ath6kl_vif *vif = netdev_priv(dev); u32 id; const struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt; + bool more_data, queued; mgmt = (const struct ieee80211_mgmt *) buf; if (buf + len >= mgmt->u.probe_resp.variable && @@ -2390,22 +2784,19 @@ static int ath6kl_mgmt_tx(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, *cookie = id; - if (test_bit(ATH6KL_FW_CAPABILITY_STA_P2PDEV_DUPLEX, - ar->fw_capabilities)) { - /* - * If capable of doing P2P mgmt operations using - * station interface, send additional information like - * supported rates to advertise and xmit rates for - * probe requests - */ - return ath6kl_wmi_send_mgmt_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, id, - chan->center_freq, wait, - buf, len, no_cck); - } else { - return ath6kl_wmi_send_action_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, id, - chan->center_freq, wait, - buf, len); + /* AP mode Power saving processing */ + if (vif->nw_type == AP_NETWORK) { + queued = ath6kl_mgmt_powersave_ap(vif, + id, chan->center_freq, + wait, buf, + len, &more_data, no_cck); + if (queued) + return 0; } + + return ath6kl_wmi_send_mgmt_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, id, + chan->center_freq, wait, + buf, len, no_cck); } static void ath6kl_mgmt_frame_register(struct wiphy *wiphy, @@ -2518,6 +2909,12 @@ ath6kl_mgmt_stypes[NUM_NL80211_IFTYPES] = { .rx = BIT(IEEE80211_STYPE_ACTION >> 4) | BIT(IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_REQ >> 4) }, + [NL80211_IFTYPE_AP] = { + .tx = BIT(IEEE80211_STYPE_ACTION >> 4) | + BIT(IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_RESP >> 4), + .rx = BIT(IEEE80211_STYPE_ACTION >> 4) | + BIT(IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_REQ >> 4) + }, [NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_CLIENT] = { .tx = BIT(IEEE80211_STYPE_ACTION >> 4) | BIT(IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_RESP >> 4), @@ -2559,9 +2956,10 @@ static struct cfg80211_ops ath6kl_cfg80211_ops = { .resume = __ath6kl_cfg80211_resume, #endif .set_channel = ath6kl_set_channel, - .add_beacon = ath6kl_add_beacon, - .set_beacon = ath6kl_set_beacon, - .del_beacon = ath6kl_del_beacon, + .start_ap = ath6kl_start_ap, + .change_beacon = ath6kl_change_beacon, + .stop_ap = ath6kl_stop_ap, + .del_station = ath6kl_del_station, .change_station = ath6kl_change_station, .remain_on_channel = ath6kl_remain_on_channel, .cancel_remain_on_channel = ath6kl_cancel_remain_on_channel, @@ -2629,122 +3027,9 @@ void ath6kl_cfg80211_stop_all(struct ath6kl *ar) ath6kl_cfg80211_stop(vif); } -struct ath6kl *ath6kl_core_alloc(struct device *dev) -{ - struct ath6kl *ar; - struct wiphy *wiphy; - u8 ctr; - - /* create a new wiphy for use with cfg80211 */ - wiphy = wiphy_new(&ath6kl_cfg80211_ops, sizeof(struct ath6kl)); - - if (!wiphy) { - ath6kl_err("couldn't allocate wiphy device\n"); - return NULL; - } - - ar = wiphy_priv(wiphy); - ar->p2p = !!ath6kl_p2p; - ar->wiphy = wiphy; - ar->dev = dev; - - ar->vif_max = 1; - - ar->max_norm_iface = 1; - - spin_lock_init(&ar->lock); - spin_lock_init(&ar->mcastpsq_lock); - spin_lock_init(&ar->list_lock); - - init_waitqueue_head(&ar->event_wq); - sema_init(&ar->sem, 1); - - INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ar->amsdu_rx_buffer_queue); - INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ar->vif_list); - - clear_bit(WMI_ENABLED, &ar->flag); - clear_bit(SKIP_SCAN, &ar->flag); - clear_bit(DESTROY_IN_PROGRESS, &ar->flag); - - ar->listen_intvl_t = A_DEFAULT_LISTEN_INTERVAL; - ar->listen_intvl_b = 0; - ar->tx_pwr = 0; - - ar->intra_bss = 1; - ar->lrssi_roam_threshold = DEF_LRSSI_ROAM_THRESHOLD; - - ar->state = ATH6KL_STATE_OFF; - - memset((u8 *)ar->sta_list, 0, - AP_MAX_NUM_STA * sizeof(struct ath6kl_sta)); - - /* Init the PS queues */ - for (ctr = 0; ctr < AP_MAX_NUM_STA; ctr++) { - spin_lock_init(&ar->sta_list[ctr].psq_lock); - skb_queue_head_init(&ar->sta_list[ctr].psq); - } - - skb_queue_head_init(&ar->mcastpsq); - - memcpy(ar->ap_country_code, DEF_AP_COUNTRY_CODE, 3); - - return ar; -} - -int ath6kl_register_ieee80211_hw(struct ath6kl *ar) -{ - struct wiphy *wiphy = ar->wiphy; - int ret; - - wiphy->mgmt_stypes = ath6kl_mgmt_stypes; - - wiphy->max_remain_on_channel_duration = 5000; - - /* set device pointer for wiphy */ - set_wiphy_dev(wiphy, ar->dev); - - wiphy->interface_modes = BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) | - BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) | - BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_AP); - if (ar->p2p) { - wiphy->interface_modes |= BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_GO) | - BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_CLIENT); - } - - /* max num of ssids that can be probed during scanning */ - wiphy->max_scan_ssids = MAX_PROBED_SSID_INDEX; - wiphy->max_scan_ie_len = 1000; /* FIX: what is correct limit? */ - wiphy->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ] = &ath6kl_band_2ghz; - wiphy->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ] = &ath6kl_band_5ghz; - wiphy->signal_type = CFG80211_SIGNAL_TYPE_MBM; - - wiphy->cipher_suites = cipher_suites; - wiphy->n_cipher_suites = ARRAY_SIZE(cipher_suites); - - wiphy->wowlan.flags = WIPHY_WOWLAN_MAGIC_PKT | - WIPHY_WOWLAN_DISCONNECT | - WIPHY_WOWLAN_GTK_REKEY_FAILURE | - WIPHY_WOWLAN_SUPPORTS_GTK_REKEY | - WIPHY_WOWLAN_EAP_IDENTITY_REQ | - WIPHY_WOWLAN_4WAY_HANDSHAKE; - wiphy->wowlan.n_patterns = WOW_MAX_FILTERS_PER_LIST; - wiphy->wowlan.pattern_min_len = 1; - wiphy->wowlan.pattern_max_len = WOW_PATTERN_SIZE; - - wiphy->max_sched_scan_ssids = 10; - - ret = wiphy_register(wiphy); - if (ret < 0) { - ath6kl_err("couldn't register wiphy device\n"); - return ret; - } - - return 0; -} - -static int ath6kl_init_if_data(struct ath6kl_vif *vif) +static int ath6kl_cfg80211_vif_init(struct ath6kl_vif *vif) { - vif->aggr_cntxt = aggr_init(vif->ndev); + vif->aggr_cntxt = aggr_init(vif); if (!vif->aggr_cntxt) { ath6kl_err("failed to initialize aggr\n"); return -ENOMEM; @@ -2758,12 +3043,15 @@ static int ath6kl_init_if_data(struct ath6kl_vif *vif) set_bit(WMM_ENABLED, &vif->flags); spin_lock_init(&vif->if_lock); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vif->mc_filter); + return 0; } -void ath6kl_deinit_if_data(struct ath6kl_vif *vif) +void ath6kl_cfg80211_vif_cleanup(struct ath6kl_vif *vif) { struct ath6kl *ar = vif->ar; + struct ath6kl_mc_filter *mc_filter, *tmp; aggr_module_destroy(vif->aggr_cntxt); @@ -2772,6 +3060,11 @@ void ath6kl_deinit_if_data(struct ath6kl_vif *vif) if (vif->nw_type == ADHOC_NETWORK) ar->ibss_if_active = false; + list_for_each_entry_safe(mc_filter, tmp, &vif->mc_filter, list) { + list_del(&mc_filter->list); + kfree(mc_filter); + } + unregister_netdevice(vif->ndev); ar->num_vif--; @@ -2797,7 +3090,10 @@ struct net_device *ath6kl_interface_add(struct ath6kl *ar, char *name, vif->wdev.netdev = ndev; vif->wdev.iftype = type; vif->fw_vif_idx = fw_vif_idx; - vif->nw_type = vif->next_mode = nw_type; + vif->nw_type = nw_type; + vif->next_mode = nw_type; + vif->listen_intvl_t = ATH6KL_DEFAULT_LISTEN_INTVAL; + vif->bmiss_time_t = ATH6KL_DEFAULT_BMISS_TIME; memcpy(ndev->dev_addr, ar->mac_addr, ETH_ALEN); if (fw_vif_idx != 0) @@ -2808,8 +3104,7 @@ struct net_device *ath6kl_interface_add(struct ath6kl *ar, char *name, ath6kl_init_control_info(vif); - /* TODO: Pass interface specific pointer instead of ar */ - if (ath6kl_init_if_data(vif)) + if (ath6kl_cfg80211_vif_init(vif)) goto err; if (register_netdevice(ndev)) @@ -2836,8 +3131,107 @@ struct net_device *ath6kl_interface_add(struct ath6kl *ar, char *name, return NULL; } -void ath6kl_deinit_ieee80211_hw(struct ath6kl *ar) +int ath6kl_cfg80211_init(struct ath6kl *ar) +{ + struct wiphy *wiphy = ar->wiphy; + int ret; + + wiphy->mgmt_stypes = ath6kl_mgmt_stypes; + + wiphy->max_remain_on_channel_duration = 5000; + + /* set device pointer for wiphy */ + set_wiphy_dev(wiphy, ar->dev); + + wiphy->interface_modes = BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) | + BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) | + BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_AP); + if (ar->p2p) { + wiphy->interface_modes |= BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_GO) | + BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_CLIENT); + } + + /* max num of ssids that can be probed during scanning */ + wiphy->max_scan_ssids = MAX_PROBED_SSID_INDEX; + wiphy->max_scan_ie_len = 1000; /* FIX: what is correct limit? */ + wiphy->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ] = &ath6kl_band_2ghz; + wiphy->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ] = &ath6kl_band_5ghz; + wiphy->signal_type = CFG80211_SIGNAL_TYPE_MBM; + + wiphy->cipher_suites = cipher_suites; + wiphy->n_cipher_suites = ARRAY_SIZE(cipher_suites); + + wiphy->wowlan.flags = WIPHY_WOWLAN_MAGIC_PKT | + WIPHY_WOWLAN_DISCONNECT | + WIPHY_WOWLAN_GTK_REKEY_FAILURE | + WIPHY_WOWLAN_SUPPORTS_GTK_REKEY | + WIPHY_WOWLAN_EAP_IDENTITY_REQ | + WIPHY_WOWLAN_4WAY_HANDSHAKE; + wiphy->wowlan.n_patterns = WOW_MAX_FILTERS_PER_LIST; + wiphy->wowlan.pattern_min_len = 1; + wiphy->wowlan.pattern_max_len = WOW_PATTERN_SIZE; + + wiphy->max_sched_scan_ssids = 10; + + ar->wiphy->flags |= WIPHY_FLAG_SUPPORTS_FW_ROAM | + WIPHY_FLAG_HAVE_AP_SME | + WIPHY_FLAG_HAS_REMAIN_ON_CHANNEL | + WIPHY_FLAG_AP_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD; + + if (test_bit(ATH6KL_FW_CAPABILITY_SCHED_SCAN, ar->fw_capabilities)) + ar->wiphy->flags |= WIPHY_FLAG_SUPPORTS_SCHED_SCAN; + + ar->wiphy->probe_resp_offload = + NL80211_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD_SUPPORT_WPS | + NL80211_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD_SUPPORT_WPS2 | + NL80211_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD_SUPPORT_P2P | + NL80211_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD_SUPPORT_80211U; + + ret = wiphy_register(wiphy); + if (ret < 0) { + ath6kl_err("couldn't register wiphy device\n"); + return ret; + } + + ar->wiphy_registered = true; + + return 0; +} + +void ath6kl_cfg80211_cleanup(struct ath6kl *ar) { wiphy_unregister(ar->wiphy); + + ar->wiphy_registered = false; +} + +struct ath6kl *ath6kl_cfg80211_create(void) +{ + struct ath6kl *ar; + struct wiphy *wiphy; + + /* create a new wiphy for use with cfg80211 */ + wiphy = wiphy_new(&ath6kl_cfg80211_ops, sizeof(struct ath6kl)); + + if (!wiphy) { + ath6kl_err("couldn't allocate wiphy device\n"); + return NULL; + } + + ar = wiphy_priv(wiphy); + ar->wiphy = wiphy; + + return ar; +} + +/* Note: ar variable must not be accessed after calling this! */ +void ath6kl_cfg80211_destroy(struct ath6kl *ar) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < AP_MAX_NUM_STA; i++) + kfree(ar->sta_list[i].aggr_conn); + wiphy_free(ar->wiphy); } + diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/cfg80211.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/cfg80211.h index 81f20a572315d8291d30a26711745d768eee663d..c5def436417f7cab79d832d64bf62138621cb20d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/cfg80211.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/cfg80211.h @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -27,10 +28,6 @@ enum ath6kl_cfg_suspend_mode { struct net_device *ath6kl_interface_add(struct ath6kl *ar, char *name, enum nl80211_iftype type, u8 fw_vif_idx, u8 nw_type); -int ath6kl_register_ieee80211_hw(struct ath6kl *ar); -struct ath6kl *ath6kl_core_alloc(struct device *dev); -void ath6kl_deinit_ieee80211_hw(struct ath6kl *ar); - void ath6kl_cfg80211_scan_complete_event(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, bool aborted); void ath6kl_cfg80211_connect_event(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u16 channel, @@ -53,7 +50,15 @@ int ath6kl_cfg80211_suspend(struct ath6kl *ar, int ath6kl_cfg80211_resume(struct ath6kl *ar); +void ath6kl_cfg80211_vif_cleanup(struct ath6kl_vif *vif); + void ath6kl_cfg80211_stop(struct ath6kl_vif *vif); void ath6kl_cfg80211_stop_all(struct ath6kl *ar); +int ath6kl_cfg80211_init(struct ath6kl *ar); +void ath6kl_cfg80211_cleanup(struct ath6kl *ar); + +struct ath6kl *ath6kl_cfg80211_create(void); +void ath6kl_cfg80211_destroy(struct ath6kl *ar); + #endif /* ATH6KL_CFG80211_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/common.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/common.h index bfd6597763daa9dcb953aeb413cc5b62c68fcde4..a60e78c0472ff0287714b8e114edb4c0d4fb0a3d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/common.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/common.h @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -79,8 +80,5 @@ struct ath6kl; enum htc_credit_dist_reason; struct ath6kl_htc_credit_info; -struct ath6kl *ath6kl_core_alloc(struct device *sdev); -int ath6kl_core_init(struct ath6kl *ar); -void ath6kl_core_cleanup(struct ath6kl *ar); struct sk_buff *ath6kl_buf_alloc(int size); #endif /* COMMON_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/core.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/core.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..45e641f3a41bb5d0630f41474cf57c2874efa932 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/core.c @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. + * + * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any + * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above + * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES + * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF + * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR + * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES + * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN + * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF + * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. + */ + +#include "core.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include "hif-ops.h" +#include "cfg80211.h" + +unsigned int debug_mask; +static unsigned int suspend_mode; +static unsigned int wow_mode; +static unsigned int uart_debug; +static unsigned int ath6kl_p2p; +static unsigned int testmode; + +module_param(debug_mask, uint, 0644); +module_param(suspend_mode, uint, 0644); +module_param(wow_mode, uint, 0644); +module_param(uart_debug, uint, 0644); +module_param(ath6kl_p2p, uint, 0644); +module_param(testmode, uint, 0644); + +int ath6kl_core_init(struct ath6kl *ar) +{ + struct ath6kl_bmi_target_info targ_info; + struct net_device *ndev; + int ret = 0, i; + + ar->ath6kl_wq = create_singlethread_workqueue("ath6kl"); + if (!ar->ath6kl_wq) + return -ENOMEM; + + ret = ath6kl_bmi_init(ar); + if (ret) + goto err_wq; + + /* + * Turn on power to get hardware (target) version and leave power + * on delibrately as we will boot the hardware anyway within few + * seconds. + */ + ret = ath6kl_hif_power_on(ar); + if (ret) + goto err_bmi_cleanup; + + ret = ath6kl_bmi_get_target_info(ar, &targ_info); + if (ret) + goto err_power_off; + + ar->version.target_ver = le32_to_cpu(targ_info.version); + ar->target_type = le32_to_cpu(targ_info.type); + ar->wiphy->hw_version = le32_to_cpu(targ_info.version); + + ret = ath6kl_init_hw_params(ar); + if (ret) + goto err_power_off; + + ar->htc_target = ath6kl_htc_create(ar); + + if (!ar->htc_target) { + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto err_power_off; + } + + ar->testmode = testmode; + + ret = ath6kl_init_fetch_firmwares(ar); + if (ret) + goto err_htc_cleanup; + + /* FIXME: we should free all firmwares in the error cases below */ + + /* Indicate that WMI is enabled (although not ready yet) */ + set_bit(WMI_ENABLED, &ar->flag); + ar->wmi = ath6kl_wmi_init(ar); + if (!ar->wmi) { + ath6kl_err("failed to initialize wmi\n"); + ret = -EIO; + goto err_htc_cleanup; + } + + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_TRC, "%s: got wmi @ 0x%p.\n", __func__, ar->wmi); + + /* setup access class priority mappings */ + ar->ac_stream_pri_map[WMM_AC_BK] = 0; /* lowest */ + ar->ac_stream_pri_map[WMM_AC_BE] = 1; + ar->ac_stream_pri_map[WMM_AC_VI] = 2; + ar->ac_stream_pri_map[WMM_AC_VO] = 3; /* highest */ + + /* allocate some buffers that handle larger AMSDU frames */ + ath6kl_refill_amsdu_rxbufs(ar, ATH6KL_MAX_AMSDU_RX_BUFFERS); + + ath6kl_cookie_init(ar); + + ar->conf_flags = ATH6KL_CONF_IGNORE_ERP_BARKER | + ATH6KL_CONF_ENABLE_11N | ATH6KL_CONF_ENABLE_TX_BURST; + + if (suspend_mode && + suspend_mode >= WLAN_POWER_STATE_CUT_PWR && + suspend_mode <= WLAN_POWER_STATE_WOW) + ar->suspend_mode = suspend_mode; + else + ar->suspend_mode = 0; + + if (suspend_mode == WLAN_POWER_STATE_WOW && + (wow_mode == WLAN_POWER_STATE_CUT_PWR || + wow_mode == WLAN_POWER_STATE_DEEP_SLEEP)) + ar->wow_suspend_mode = wow_mode; + else + ar->wow_suspend_mode = 0; + + if (uart_debug) + ar->conf_flags |= ATH6KL_CONF_UART_DEBUG; + + set_bit(FIRST_BOOT, &ar->flag); + + ath6kl_debug_init(ar); + + ret = ath6kl_init_hw_start(ar); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("Failed to start hardware: %d\n", ret); + goto err_rxbuf_cleanup; + } + + /* give our connected endpoints some buffers */ + ath6kl_rx_refill(ar->htc_target, ar->ctrl_ep); + ath6kl_rx_refill(ar->htc_target, ar->ac2ep_map[WMM_AC_BE]); + + ret = ath6kl_cfg80211_init(ar); + if (ret) + goto err_rxbuf_cleanup; + + ret = ath6kl_debug_init_fs(ar); + if (ret) { + wiphy_unregister(ar->wiphy); + goto err_rxbuf_cleanup; + } + + for (i = 0; i < ar->vif_max; i++) + ar->avail_idx_map |= BIT(i); + + rtnl_lock(); + + /* Add an initial station interface */ + ndev = ath6kl_interface_add(ar, "wlan%d", NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION, 0, + INFRA_NETWORK); + + rtnl_unlock(); + + if (!ndev) { + ath6kl_err("Failed to instantiate a network device\n"); + ret = -ENOMEM; + wiphy_unregister(ar->wiphy); + goto err_rxbuf_cleanup; + } + + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_TRC, "%s: name=%s dev=0x%p, ar=0x%p\n", + __func__, ndev->name, ndev, ar); + + return ret; + +err_rxbuf_cleanup: + ath6kl_debug_cleanup(ar); + ath6kl_htc_flush_rx_buf(ar->htc_target); + ath6kl_cleanup_amsdu_rxbufs(ar); + ath6kl_wmi_shutdown(ar->wmi); + clear_bit(WMI_ENABLED, &ar->flag); + ar->wmi = NULL; +err_htc_cleanup: + ath6kl_htc_cleanup(ar->htc_target); +err_power_off: + ath6kl_hif_power_off(ar); +err_bmi_cleanup: + ath6kl_bmi_cleanup(ar); +err_wq: + destroy_workqueue(ar->ath6kl_wq); + + return ret; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath6kl_core_init); + +struct ath6kl *ath6kl_core_create(struct device *dev) +{ + struct ath6kl *ar; + u8 ctr; + + ar = ath6kl_cfg80211_create(); + if (!ar) + return NULL; + + ar->p2p = !!ath6kl_p2p; + ar->dev = dev; + + ar->vif_max = 1; + + ar->max_norm_iface = 1; + + spin_lock_init(&ar->lock); + spin_lock_init(&ar->mcastpsq_lock); + spin_lock_init(&ar->list_lock); + + init_waitqueue_head(&ar->event_wq); + sema_init(&ar->sem, 1); + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ar->amsdu_rx_buffer_queue); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ar->vif_list); + + clear_bit(WMI_ENABLED, &ar->flag); + clear_bit(SKIP_SCAN, &ar->flag); + clear_bit(DESTROY_IN_PROGRESS, &ar->flag); + + ar->tx_pwr = 0; + ar->intra_bss = 1; + ar->lrssi_roam_threshold = DEF_LRSSI_ROAM_THRESHOLD; + + ar->state = ATH6KL_STATE_OFF; + + memset((u8 *)ar->sta_list, 0, + AP_MAX_NUM_STA * sizeof(struct ath6kl_sta)); + + /* Init the PS queues */ + for (ctr = 0; ctr < AP_MAX_NUM_STA; ctr++) { + spin_lock_init(&ar->sta_list[ctr].psq_lock); + skb_queue_head_init(&ar->sta_list[ctr].psq); + skb_queue_head_init(&ar->sta_list[ctr].apsdq); + ar->sta_list[ctr].mgmt_psq_len = 0; + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ar->sta_list[ctr].mgmt_psq); + ar->sta_list[ctr].aggr_conn = + kzalloc(sizeof(struct aggr_info_conn), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ar->sta_list[ctr].aggr_conn) { + ath6kl_err("Failed to allocate memory for sta aggregation information\n"); + ath6kl_core_destroy(ar); + return NULL; + } + } + + skb_queue_head_init(&ar->mcastpsq); + + memcpy(ar->ap_country_code, DEF_AP_COUNTRY_CODE, 3); + + return ar; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath6kl_core_create); + +void ath6kl_core_cleanup(struct ath6kl *ar) +{ + ath6kl_hif_power_off(ar); + + destroy_workqueue(ar->ath6kl_wq); + + if (ar->htc_target) + ath6kl_htc_cleanup(ar->htc_target); + + ath6kl_cookie_cleanup(ar); + + ath6kl_cleanup_amsdu_rxbufs(ar); + + ath6kl_bmi_cleanup(ar); + + ath6kl_debug_cleanup(ar); + + kfree(ar->fw_board); + kfree(ar->fw_otp); + kfree(ar->fw); + kfree(ar->fw_patch); + kfree(ar->fw_testscript); + + ath6kl_cfg80211_cleanup(ar); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath6kl_core_cleanup); + +void ath6kl_core_destroy(struct ath6kl *ar) +{ + ath6kl_cfg80211_destroy(ar); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath6kl_core_destroy); + +MODULE_AUTHOR("Qualcomm Atheros"); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Core module for AR600x SDIO and USB devices."); +MODULE_LICENSE("Dual BSD/GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/core.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/core.h index c863a28f2e0c6f2a6b7477292cbc8be4fbe483e9..f1dd8906be45df680c9743c626010aa37cd1f72d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/core.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/core.h @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -44,6 +45,10 @@ #define ATH6KL_MAX_ENDPOINTS 4 #define MAX_NODE_NUM 15 +#define ATH6KL_APSD_ALL_FRAME 0xFFFF +#define ATH6KL_APSD_NUM_OF_AC 0x4 +#define ATH6KL_APSD_FRAME_MASK 0xF + /* Extra bytes for htc header alignment */ #define ATH6KL_HTC_ALIGN_BYTES 3 @@ -55,8 +60,9 @@ #define MAX_DEFAULT_SEND_QUEUE_DEPTH (MAX_DEF_COOKIE_NUM / WMM_NUM_AC) #define DISCON_TIMER_INTVAL 10000 /* in msec */ -#define A_DEFAULT_LISTEN_INTERVAL 100 -#define A_MAX_WOW_LISTEN_INTERVAL 1000 + +/* Channel dwell time in fg scan */ +#define ATH6KL_FG_SCAN_INTERVAL 50 /* in ms */ /* includes also the null byte */ #define ATH6KL_FIRMWARE_MAGIC "QCA-ATH6KL" @@ -97,45 +103,49 @@ struct ath6kl_fw_ie { u8 data[0]; }; +#define ATH6KL_FW_API2_FILE "fw-2.bin" +#define ATH6KL_FW_API3_FILE "fw-3.bin" + /* AR6003 1.0 definitions */ #define AR6003_HW_1_0_VERSION 0x300002ba /* AR6003 2.0 definitions */ #define AR6003_HW_2_0_VERSION 0x30000384 #define AR6003_HW_2_0_PATCH_DOWNLOAD_ADDRESS 0x57e910 -#define AR6003_HW_2_0_OTP_FILE "ath6k/AR6003/hw2.0/otp.bin.z77" -#define AR6003_HW_2_0_FIRMWARE_FILE "ath6k/AR6003/hw2.0/athwlan.bin.z77" -#define AR6003_HW_2_0_TCMD_FIRMWARE_FILE "ath6k/AR6003/hw2.0/athtcmd_ram.bin" -#define AR6003_HW_2_0_PATCH_FILE "ath6k/AR6003/hw2.0/data.patch.bin" -#define AR6003_HW_2_0_FIRMWARE_2_FILE "ath6k/AR6003/hw2.0/fw-2.bin" +#define AR6003_HW_2_0_FW_DIR "ath6k/AR6003/hw2.0" +#define AR6003_HW_2_0_OTP_FILE "otp.bin.z77" +#define AR6003_HW_2_0_FIRMWARE_FILE "athwlan.bin.z77" +#define AR6003_HW_2_0_TCMD_FIRMWARE_FILE "athtcmd_ram.bin" +#define AR6003_HW_2_0_PATCH_FILE "data.patch.bin" #define AR6003_HW_2_0_BOARD_DATA_FILE "ath6k/AR6003/hw2.0/bdata.bin" #define AR6003_HW_2_0_DEFAULT_BOARD_DATA_FILE \ "ath6k/AR6003/hw2.0/bdata.SD31.bin" /* AR6003 3.0 definitions */ #define AR6003_HW_2_1_1_VERSION 0x30000582 -#define AR6003_HW_2_1_1_OTP_FILE "ath6k/AR6003/hw2.1.1/otp.bin" -#define AR6003_HW_2_1_1_FIRMWARE_FILE "ath6k/AR6003/hw2.1.1/athwlan.bin" -#define AR6003_HW_2_1_1_TCMD_FIRMWARE_FILE \ - "ath6k/AR6003/hw2.1.1/athtcmd_ram.bin" -#define AR6003_HW_2_1_1_PATCH_FILE "ath6k/AR6003/hw2.1.1/data.patch.bin" -#define AR6003_HW_2_1_1_FIRMWARE_2_FILE "ath6k/AR6003/hw2.1.1/fw-2.bin" +#define AR6003_HW_2_1_1_FW_DIR "ath6k/AR6003/hw2.1.1" +#define AR6003_HW_2_1_1_OTP_FILE "otp.bin" +#define AR6003_HW_2_1_1_FIRMWARE_FILE "athwlan.bin" +#define AR6003_HW_2_1_1_TCMD_FIRMWARE_FILE "athtcmd_ram.bin" +#define AR6003_HW_2_1_1_UTF_FIRMWARE_FILE "utf.bin" +#define AR6003_HW_2_1_1_TESTSCRIPT_FILE "nullTestFlow.bin" +#define AR6003_HW_2_1_1_PATCH_FILE "data.patch.bin" #define AR6003_HW_2_1_1_BOARD_DATA_FILE "ath6k/AR6003/hw2.1.1/bdata.bin" #define AR6003_HW_2_1_1_DEFAULT_BOARD_DATA_FILE \ "ath6k/AR6003/hw2.1.1/bdata.SD31.bin" /* AR6004 1.0 definitions */ #define AR6004_HW_1_0_VERSION 0x30000623 -#define AR6004_HW_1_0_FIRMWARE_2_FILE "ath6k/AR6004/hw1.0/fw-2.bin" -#define AR6004_HW_1_0_FIRMWARE_FILE "ath6k/AR6004/hw1.0/fw.ram.bin" +#define AR6004_HW_1_0_FW_DIR "ath6k/AR6004/hw1.0" +#define AR6004_HW_1_0_FIRMWARE_FILE "fw.ram.bin" #define AR6004_HW_1_0_BOARD_DATA_FILE "ath6k/AR6004/hw1.0/bdata.bin" #define AR6004_HW_1_0_DEFAULT_BOARD_DATA_FILE \ "ath6k/AR6004/hw1.0/bdata.DB132.bin" /* AR6004 1.1 definitions */ #define AR6004_HW_1_1_VERSION 0x30000001 -#define AR6004_HW_1_1_FIRMWARE_2_FILE "ath6k/AR6004/hw1.1/fw-2.bin" -#define AR6004_HW_1_1_FIRMWARE_FILE "ath6k/AR6004/hw1.1/fw.ram.bin" +#define AR6004_HW_1_1_FW_DIR "ath6k/AR6004/hw1.1" +#define AR6004_HW_1_1_FIRMWARE_FILE "fw.ram.bin" #define AR6004_HW_1_1_BOARD_DATA_FILE "ath6k/AR6004/hw1.1/bdata.bin" #define AR6004_HW_1_1_DEFAULT_BOARD_DATA_FILE \ "ath6k/AR6004/hw1.1/bdata.DB132.bin" @@ -144,6 +154,8 @@ struct ath6kl_fw_ie { #define STA_PS_AWAKE BIT(0) #define STA_PS_SLEEP BIT(1) #define STA_PS_POLLED BIT(2) +#define STA_PS_APSD_TRIGGER BIT(3) +#define STA_PS_APSD_EOSP BIT(4) /* HTC TX packet tagging definitions */ #define ATH6KL_CONTROL_PKT_TAG HTC_TX_PACKET_TAG_USER_DEFINED @@ -173,6 +185,11 @@ struct ath6kl_fw_ie { #define MBOX_YIELD_LIMIT 99 +#define ATH6KL_DEFAULT_LISTEN_INTVAL 100 /* in TUs */ +#define ATH6KL_DEFAULT_BMISS_TIME 1500 +#define ATH6KL_MAX_WOW_LISTEN_INTL 300 /* in TUs */ +#define ATH6KL_MAX_BMISS_TIME 5000 + /* configuration lags */ /* * ATH6KL_CONF_IGNORE_ERP_BARKER: Ignore the barker premable in @@ -186,7 +203,7 @@ struct ath6kl_fw_ie { #define ATH6KL_CONF_IGNORE_PS_FAIL_EVT_IN_SCAN BIT(1) #define ATH6KL_CONF_ENABLE_11N BIT(2) #define ATH6KL_CONF_ENABLE_TX_BURST BIT(3) -#define ATH6KL_CONF_SUSPEND_CUTPOWER BIT(4) +#define ATH6KL_CONF_UART_DEBUG BIT(4) enum wlan_low_pwr_state { WLAN_POWER_STATE_ON, @@ -216,6 +233,12 @@ struct rxtid { u32 hold_q_sz; struct skb_hold_q *hold_q; struct sk_buff_head q; + + /* + * FIXME: No clue what this should protect. Apparently it should + * protect some of the fields above but they are also accessed + * without taking the lock. + */ spinlock_t lock; }; @@ -231,14 +254,19 @@ struct rxtid_stats { u32 num_bar; }; -struct aggr_info { +struct aggr_info_conn { u8 aggr_sz; u8 timer_scheduled; struct timer_list timer; struct net_device *dev; struct rxtid rx_tid[NUM_OF_TIDS]; - struct sk_buff_head free_q; struct rxtid_stats stat[NUM_OF_TIDS]; + struct aggr_info *aggr_info; +}; + +struct aggr_info { + struct aggr_info_conn *aggr_conn; + struct sk_buff_head rx_amsdu_freeq; }; struct ath6kl_wep_key { @@ -270,6 +298,16 @@ struct ath6kl_cookie { struct ath6kl_cookie *arc_list_next; }; +struct ath6kl_mgmt_buff { + struct list_head list; + u32 freq; + u32 wait; + u32 id; + bool no_cck; + size_t len; + u8 buf[0]; +}; + struct ath6kl_sta { u16 sta_flags; u8 mac[ETH_ALEN]; @@ -279,7 +317,15 @@ struct ath6kl_sta { u8 auth; u8 wpa_ie[ATH6KL_MAX_IE]; struct sk_buff_head psq; + + /* protects psq, mgmt_psq, apsdq, and mgmt_psq_len fields */ spinlock_t psq_lock; + + struct list_head mgmt_psq; + size_t mgmt_psq_len; + u8 apsd_info; + struct sk_buff_head apsdq; + struct aggr_info_conn *aggr_conn; }; struct ath6kl_version { @@ -408,6 +454,13 @@ enum ath6kl_hif_type { ATH6KL_HIF_TYPE_USB, }; +/* Max number of filters that hw supports */ +#define ATH6K_MAX_MC_FILTERS_PER_LIST 7 +struct ath6kl_mc_filter { + struct list_head list; + char hw_addr[ATH6KL_MCAST_FILTER_MAC_ADDR_SIZE]; +}; + /* * Driver's maximum limit, note that some firmwares support only one vif * and the runtime (current) limit must be checked from ar->vif_max. @@ -426,6 +479,7 @@ enum ath6kl_vif_state { DTIM_PERIOD_AVAIL, WLAN_ENABLED, STATS_UPDATE_PEND, + HOST_SLEEP_MODE_CMD_PROCESSED, }; struct ath6kl_vif { @@ -468,9 +522,13 @@ struct ath6kl_vif { bool probe_req_report; u16 next_chan; u16 assoc_bss_beacon_int; + u16 listen_intvl_t; + u16 bmiss_time_t; u8 assoc_bss_dtim_period; struct net_device_stats net_stats; struct target_stats target_stats; + + struct list_head mc_filter; }; #define WOW_LIST_ID 0 @@ -493,6 +551,8 @@ enum ath6kl_dev_state { enum ath6kl_state { ATH6KL_STATE_OFF, ATH6KL_STATE_ON, + ATH6KL_STATE_SUSPENDING, + ATH6KL_STATE_RESUMING, ATH6KL_STATE_DEEPSLEEP, ATH6KL_STATE_CUTPOWER, ATH6KL_STATE_WOW, @@ -504,6 +564,7 @@ struct ath6kl { struct wiphy *wiphy; enum ath6kl_state state; + unsigned int testmode; struct ath6kl_bmi bmi; const struct ath6kl_hif_ops *hif_ops; @@ -520,10 +581,14 @@ struct ath6kl { unsigned int vif_max; u8 max_norm_iface; u8 avail_idx_map; + + /* + * Protects at least amsdu_rx_buffer_queue, ath6kl_alloc_cookie() + * calls, tx_pending and total_tx_data_pend. + */ spinlock_t lock; + struct semaphore sem; - u16 listen_intvl_b; - u16 listen_intvl_t; u8 lrssi_roam_threshold; struct ath6kl_version version; u32 target_type; @@ -549,7 +614,13 @@ struct ath6kl { u8 sta_list_index; struct ath6kl_req_key ap_mode_bkey; struct sk_buff_head mcastpsq; + + /* + * FIXME: protects access to mcastpsq but is actually useless as + * all skbe_queue_*() functions provide serialisation themselves + */ spinlock_t mcastpsq_lock; + u8 intra_bss; struct wmi_ap_mode_stat ap_stats; u8 ap_country_code[3]; @@ -574,17 +645,25 @@ struct ath6kl { u32 board_addr; u32 refclk_hz; u32 uarttx_pin; + u32 testscript_addr; + + struct ath6kl_hw_fw { + const char *dir; + const char *otp; + const char *fw; + const char *tcmd; + const char *patch; + const char *utf; + const char *testscript; + } fw; - const char *fw_otp; - const char *fw; - const char *fw_tcmd; - const char *fw_patch; - const char *fw_api2; const char *fw_board; const char *fw_default_board; } hw; u16 conf_flags; + u16 suspend_mode; + u16 wow_suspend_mode; wait_queue_head_t event_wq; struct ath6kl_mbox_info mbox_info; @@ -603,6 +682,10 @@ struct ath6kl { u8 *fw_patch; size_t fw_patch_len; + u8 *fw_testscript; + size_t fw_testscript_len; + + unsigned int fw_api; unsigned long fw_capabilities[ATH6KL_CAPABILITY_LEN]; struct workqueue_struct *ath6kl_wq; @@ -611,12 +694,16 @@ struct ath6kl { bool p2p; + bool wiphy_registered; + #ifdef CONFIG_ATH6KL_DEBUG struct { - struct circ_buf fwlog_buf; - spinlock_t fwlog_lock; - void *fwlog_tmp; + struct sk_buff_head fwlog_queue; + struct completion fwlog_completion; + bool fwlog_open; + u32 fwlog_mask; + unsigned int dbgfs_diag_reg; u32 diag_reg_addr_wr; u32 diag_reg_val_wr; @@ -676,7 +763,9 @@ struct ath6kl_cookie *ath6kl_alloc_cookie(struct ath6kl *ar); void ath6kl_free_cookie(struct ath6kl *ar, struct ath6kl_cookie *cookie); int ath6kl_data_tx(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev); -struct aggr_info *aggr_init(struct net_device *dev); +struct aggr_info *aggr_init(struct ath6kl_vif *vif); +void aggr_conn_init(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, struct aggr_info *aggr_info, + struct aggr_info_conn *aggr_conn); void ath6kl_rx_refill(struct htc_target *target, enum htc_endpoint_id endpoint); void ath6kl_refill_amsdu_rxbufs(struct ath6kl *ar, int count); @@ -684,12 +773,12 @@ struct htc_packet *ath6kl_alloc_amsdu_rxbuf(struct htc_target *target, enum htc_endpoint_id endpoint, int len); void aggr_module_destroy(struct aggr_info *aggr_info); -void aggr_reset_state(struct aggr_info *aggr_info); +void aggr_reset_state(struct aggr_info_conn *aggr_conn); -struct ath6kl_sta *ath6kl_find_sta(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u8 * node_addr); +struct ath6kl_sta *ath6kl_find_sta(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u8 *node_addr); struct ath6kl_sta *ath6kl_find_sta_by_aid(struct ath6kl *ar, u8 aid); -void ath6kl_ready_event(void *devt, u8 * datap, u32 sw_ver, u32 abi_ver); +void ath6kl_ready_event(void *devt, u8 *datap, u32 sw_ver, u32 abi_ver); int ath6kl_control_tx(void *devt, struct sk_buff *skb, enum htc_endpoint_id eid); void ath6kl_connect_event(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u16 channel, @@ -700,7 +789,7 @@ void ath6kl_connect_event(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u16 channel, void ath6kl_connect_ap_mode_bss(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u16 channel); void ath6kl_connect_ap_mode_sta(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u16 aid, u8 *mac_addr, u8 keymgmt, u8 ucipher, u8 auth, - u8 assoc_req_len, u8 *assoc_info); + u8 assoc_req_len, u8 *assoc_info, u8 apsd_info); void ath6kl_disconnect_event(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u8 reason, u8 *bssid, u8 assoc_resp_len, u8 *assoc_info, u16 prot_reason_status); @@ -723,12 +812,18 @@ void ath6kl_wakeup_event(void *dev); void ath6kl_reset_device(struct ath6kl *ar, u32 target_type, bool wait_fot_compltn, bool cold_reset); void ath6kl_init_control_info(struct ath6kl_vif *vif); -void ath6kl_deinit_if_data(struct ath6kl_vif *vif); -void ath6kl_core_free(struct ath6kl *ar); struct ath6kl_vif *ath6kl_vif_first(struct ath6kl *ar); void ath6kl_cleanup_vif(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, bool wmi_ready); int ath6kl_init_hw_start(struct ath6kl *ar); int ath6kl_init_hw_stop(struct ath6kl *ar); +int ath6kl_init_fetch_firmwares(struct ath6kl *ar); +int ath6kl_init_hw_params(struct ath6kl *ar); + void ath6kl_check_wow_status(struct ath6kl *ar); +struct ath6kl *ath6kl_core_create(struct device *dev); +int ath6kl_core_init(struct ath6kl *ar); +void ath6kl_core_cleanup(struct ath6kl *ar); +void ath6kl_core_destroy(struct ath6kl *ar); + #endif /* CORE_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/debug.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/debug.c index eb808b46f94cec1010a16e0733f9dacbf5ee4147..552adb3f80d07e85d963e65447096dae4233eaf2 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/debug.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/debug.c @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ #include "core.h" -#include +#include #include #include #include @@ -32,9 +33,8 @@ struct ath6kl_fwlog_slot { u8 payload[0]; }; -#define ATH6KL_FWLOG_SIZE 32768 -#define ATH6KL_FWLOG_SLOT_SIZE (sizeof(struct ath6kl_fwlog_slot) + \ - ATH6KL_FWLOG_PAYLOAD_SIZE) +#define ATH6KL_FWLOG_MAX_ENTRIES 20 + #define ATH6KL_FWLOG_VALID_MASK 0x1ffff int ath6kl_printk(const char *level, const char *fmt, ...) @@ -54,9 +54,42 @@ int ath6kl_printk(const char *level, const char *fmt, ...) return rtn; } +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath6kl_printk); #ifdef CONFIG_ATH6KL_DEBUG +void ath6kl_dbg(enum ATH6K_DEBUG_MASK mask, const char *fmt, ...) +{ + struct va_format vaf; + va_list args; + + if (!(debug_mask & mask)) + return; + + va_start(args, fmt); + + vaf.fmt = fmt; + vaf.va = &args; + + ath6kl_printk(KERN_DEBUG, "%pV", &vaf); + + va_end(args); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath6kl_dbg); + +void ath6kl_dbg_dump(enum ATH6K_DEBUG_MASK mask, + const char *msg, const char *prefix, + const void *buf, size_t len) +{ + if (debug_mask & mask) { + if (msg) + ath6kl_dbg(mask, "%s\n", msg); + + print_hex_dump_bytes(prefix, DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, buf, len); + } +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath6kl_dbg_dump); + #define REG_OUTPUT_LEN_PER_LINE 25 #define REGTYPE_STR_LEN 100 @@ -82,63 +115,63 @@ void ath6kl_dump_registers(struct ath6kl_device *dev, struct ath6kl_irq_enable_reg *irq_enable_reg) { - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_ANY, ("<------- Register Table -------->\n")); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, ("<------- Register Table -------->\n")); if (irq_proc_reg != NULL) { - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_ANY, - "Host Int status: 0x%x\n", - irq_proc_reg->host_int_status); - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_ANY, + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, + "Host Int status: 0x%x\n", + irq_proc_reg->host_int_status); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, "CPU Int status: 0x%x\n", - irq_proc_reg->cpu_int_status); - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_ANY, + irq_proc_reg->cpu_int_status); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, "Error Int status: 0x%x\n", - irq_proc_reg->error_int_status); - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_ANY, + irq_proc_reg->error_int_status); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, "Counter Int status: 0x%x\n", - irq_proc_reg->counter_int_status); - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_ANY, + irq_proc_reg->counter_int_status); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, "Mbox Frame: 0x%x\n", - irq_proc_reg->mbox_frame); - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_ANY, + irq_proc_reg->mbox_frame); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, "Rx Lookahead Valid: 0x%x\n", - irq_proc_reg->rx_lkahd_valid); - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_ANY, + irq_proc_reg->rx_lkahd_valid); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, "Rx Lookahead 0: 0x%x\n", - irq_proc_reg->rx_lkahd[0]); - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_ANY, + irq_proc_reg->rx_lkahd[0]); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, "Rx Lookahead 1: 0x%x\n", - irq_proc_reg->rx_lkahd[1]); + irq_proc_reg->rx_lkahd[1]); if (dev->ar->mbox_info.gmbox_addr != 0) { /* * If the target supports GMBOX hardware, dump some * additional state. */ - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_ANY, - "GMBOX Host Int status 2: 0x%x\n", - irq_proc_reg->host_int_status2); - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_ANY, - "GMBOX RX Avail: 0x%x\n", - irq_proc_reg->gmbox_rx_avail); - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_ANY, - "GMBOX lookahead alias 0: 0x%x\n", - irq_proc_reg->rx_gmbox_lkahd_alias[0]); - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_ANY, - "GMBOX lookahead alias 1: 0x%x\n", - irq_proc_reg->rx_gmbox_lkahd_alias[1]); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, + "GMBOX Host Int status 2: 0x%x\n", + irq_proc_reg->host_int_status2); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, + "GMBOX RX Avail: 0x%x\n", + irq_proc_reg->gmbox_rx_avail); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, + "GMBOX lookahead alias 0: 0x%x\n", + irq_proc_reg->rx_gmbox_lkahd_alias[0]); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, + "GMBOX lookahead alias 1: 0x%x\n", + irq_proc_reg->rx_gmbox_lkahd_alias[1]); } } if (irq_enable_reg != NULL) { - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_ANY, - "Int status Enable: 0x%x\n", - irq_enable_reg->int_status_en); - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_ANY, "Counter Int status Enable: 0x%x\n", - irq_enable_reg->cntr_int_status_en); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, + "Int status Enable: 0x%x\n", + irq_enable_reg->int_status_en); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, "Counter Int status Enable: 0x%x\n", + irq_enable_reg->cntr_int_status_en); } - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_ANY, "<------------------------------->\n"); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, "<------------------------------->\n"); } static void dump_cred_dist(struct htc_endpoint_credit_dist *ep_dist) @@ -175,9 +208,6 @@ void dump_cred_dist_stats(struct htc_target *target) { struct htc_endpoint_credit_dist *ep_list; - if (!AR_DBG_LVL_CHECK(ATH6KL_DBG_CREDIT)) - return; - list_for_each_entry(ep_list, &target->cred_dist_list, list) dump_cred_dist(ep_list); @@ -238,105 +268,103 @@ static const struct file_operations fops_war_stats = { .llseek = default_llseek, }; -static void ath6kl_debug_fwlog_add(struct ath6kl *ar, const void *buf, - size_t buf_len) +void ath6kl_debug_fwlog_event(struct ath6kl *ar, const void *buf, size_t len) { - struct circ_buf *fwlog = &ar->debug.fwlog_buf; - size_t space; - int i; + struct ath6kl_fwlog_slot *slot; + struct sk_buff *skb; + size_t slot_len; - /* entries must all be equal size */ - if (WARN_ON(buf_len != ATH6KL_FWLOG_SLOT_SIZE)) + if (WARN_ON(len > ATH6KL_FWLOG_PAYLOAD_SIZE)) return; - space = CIRC_SPACE(fwlog->head, fwlog->tail, ATH6KL_FWLOG_SIZE); - if (space < buf_len) - /* discard oldest slot */ - fwlog->tail = (fwlog->tail + ATH6KL_FWLOG_SLOT_SIZE) & - (ATH6KL_FWLOG_SIZE - 1); + slot_len = sizeof(*slot) + ATH6KL_FWLOG_PAYLOAD_SIZE; - for (i = 0; i < buf_len; i += space) { - space = CIRC_SPACE_TO_END(fwlog->head, fwlog->tail, - ATH6KL_FWLOG_SIZE); + skb = alloc_skb(slot_len, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!skb) + return; - if ((size_t) space > buf_len - i) - space = buf_len - i; + slot = (struct ath6kl_fwlog_slot *) skb_put(skb, slot_len); + slot->timestamp = cpu_to_le32(jiffies); + slot->length = cpu_to_le32(len); + memcpy(slot->payload, buf, len); - memcpy(&fwlog->buf[fwlog->head], buf, space); - fwlog->head = (fwlog->head + space) & (ATH6KL_FWLOG_SIZE - 1); - } + /* Need to pad each record to fixed length ATH6KL_FWLOG_PAYLOAD_SIZE */ + memset(slot->payload + len, 0, ATH6KL_FWLOG_PAYLOAD_SIZE - len); -} + spin_lock(&ar->debug.fwlog_queue.lock); -void ath6kl_debug_fwlog_event(struct ath6kl *ar, const void *buf, size_t len) -{ - struct ath6kl_fwlog_slot *slot = ar->debug.fwlog_tmp; - size_t slot_len; + __skb_queue_tail(&ar->debug.fwlog_queue, skb); + complete(&ar->debug.fwlog_completion); - if (WARN_ON(len > ATH6KL_FWLOG_PAYLOAD_SIZE)) - return; + /* drop oldest entries */ + while (skb_queue_len(&ar->debug.fwlog_queue) > + ATH6KL_FWLOG_MAX_ENTRIES) { + skb = __skb_dequeue(&ar->debug.fwlog_queue); + kfree_skb(skb); + } - spin_lock_bh(&ar->debug.fwlog_lock); + spin_unlock(&ar->debug.fwlog_queue.lock); - slot->timestamp = cpu_to_le32(jiffies); - slot->length = cpu_to_le32(len); - memcpy(slot->payload, buf, len); + return; +} - slot_len = sizeof(*slot) + len; +static int ath6kl_fwlog_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) +{ + struct ath6kl *ar = inode->i_private; - if (slot_len < ATH6KL_FWLOG_SLOT_SIZE) - memset(slot->payload + len, 0, - ATH6KL_FWLOG_SLOT_SIZE - slot_len); + if (ar->debug.fwlog_open) + return -EBUSY; - ath6kl_debug_fwlog_add(ar, slot, ATH6KL_FWLOG_SLOT_SIZE); + ar->debug.fwlog_open = true; - spin_unlock_bh(&ar->debug.fwlog_lock); + file->private_data = inode->i_private; + return 0; } -static bool ath6kl_debug_fwlog_empty(struct ath6kl *ar) +static int ath6kl_fwlog_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { - return CIRC_CNT(ar->debug.fwlog_buf.head, - ar->debug.fwlog_buf.tail, - ATH6KL_FWLOG_SLOT_SIZE) == 0; + struct ath6kl *ar = inode->i_private; + + ar->debug.fwlog_open = false; + + return 0; } static ssize_t ath6kl_fwlog_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { struct ath6kl *ar = file->private_data; - struct circ_buf *fwlog = &ar->debug.fwlog_buf; - size_t len = 0, buf_len = count; + struct sk_buff *skb; ssize_t ret_cnt; + size_t len = 0; char *buf; - int ccnt; - buf = vmalloc(buf_len); + buf = vmalloc(count); if (!buf) return -ENOMEM; /* read undelivered logs from firmware */ ath6kl_read_fwlogs(ar); - spin_lock_bh(&ar->debug.fwlog_lock); + spin_lock(&ar->debug.fwlog_queue.lock); - while (len < buf_len && !ath6kl_debug_fwlog_empty(ar)) { - ccnt = CIRC_CNT_TO_END(fwlog->head, fwlog->tail, - ATH6KL_FWLOG_SIZE); + while ((skb = __skb_dequeue(&ar->debug.fwlog_queue))) { + if (skb->len > count - len) { + /* not enough space, put skb back and leave */ + __skb_queue_head(&ar->debug.fwlog_queue, skb); + break; + } - if ((size_t) ccnt > buf_len - len) - ccnt = buf_len - len; - memcpy(buf + len, &fwlog->buf[fwlog->tail], ccnt); - len += ccnt; + memcpy(buf + len, skb->data, skb->len); + len += skb->len; - fwlog->tail = (fwlog->tail + ccnt) & - (ATH6KL_FWLOG_SIZE - 1); + kfree_skb(skb); } - spin_unlock_bh(&ar->debug.fwlog_lock); + spin_unlock(&ar->debug.fwlog_queue.lock); - if (WARN_ON(len > buf_len)) - len = buf_len; + /* FIXME: what to do if len == 0? */ ret_cnt = simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, len); @@ -346,12 +374,87 @@ static ssize_t ath6kl_fwlog_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, } static const struct file_operations fops_fwlog = { - .open = ath6kl_debugfs_open, + .open = ath6kl_fwlog_open, + .release = ath6kl_fwlog_release, .read = ath6kl_fwlog_read, .owner = THIS_MODULE, .llseek = default_llseek, }; +static ssize_t ath6kl_fwlog_block_read(struct file *file, + char __user *user_buf, + size_t count, + loff_t *ppos) +{ + struct ath6kl *ar = file->private_data; + struct sk_buff *skb; + ssize_t ret_cnt; + size_t len = 0, not_copied; + char *buf; + int ret; + + buf = vmalloc(count); + if (!buf) + return -ENOMEM; + + spin_lock(&ar->debug.fwlog_queue.lock); + + if (skb_queue_len(&ar->debug.fwlog_queue) == 0) { + /* we must init under queue lock */ + init_completion(&ar->debug.fwlog_completion); + + spin_unlock(&ar->debug.fwlog_queue.lock); + + ret = wait_for_completion_interruptible( + &ar->debug.fwlog_completion); + if (ret == -ERESTARTSYS) + return ret; + + spin_lock(&ar->debug.fwlog_queue.lock); + } + + while ((skb = __skb_dequeue(&ar->debug.fwlog_queue))) { + if (skb->len > count - len) { + /* not enough space, put skb back and leave */ + __skb_queue_head(&ar->debug.fwlog_queue, skb); + break; + } + + + memcpy(buf + len, skb->data, skb->len); + len += skb->len; + + kfree_skb(skb); + } + + spin_unlock(&ar->debug.fwlog_queue.lock); + + /* FIXME: what to do if len == 0? */ + + not_copied = copy_to_user(user_buf, buf, len); + if (not_copied != 0) { + ret_cnt = -EFAULT; + goto out; + } + + *ppos = *ppos + len; + + ret_cnt = len; + +out: + vfree(buf); + + return ret_cnt; +} + +static const struct file_operations fops_fwlog_block = { + .open = ath6kl_fwlog_open, + .release = ath6kl_fwlog_release, + .read = ath6kl_fwlog_block_read, + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .llseek = default_llseek, +}; + static ssize_t ath6kl_fwlog_mask_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { @@ -637,9 +740,13 @@ static ssize_t ath6kl_endpoint_stats_read(struct file *file, return -ENOMEM; #define EPSTAT(name) \ - len = print_endpoint_stat(target, buf, buf_len, len, \ - offsetof(struct htc_endpoint_stats, name), \ - #name) + do { \ + len = print_endpoint_stat(target, buf, buf_len, len, \ + offsetof(struct htc_endpoint_stats, \ + name), \ + #name); \ + } while (0) + EPSTAT(cred_low_indicate); EPSTAT(tx_issued); EPSTAT(tx_pkt_bundled); @@ -749,17 +856,9 @@ static ssize_t ath6kl_regread_write(struct file *file, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { struct ath6kl *ar = file->private_data; - u8 buf[50]; - unsigned int len; unsigned long reg_addr; - len = min(count, sizeof(buf) - 1); - if (copy_from_user(buf, user_buf, len)) - return -EFAULT; - - buf[len] = '\0'; - - if (strict_strtoul(buf, 0, ®_addr)) + if (kstrtoul_from_user(user_buf, count, 0, ®_addr)) return -EINVAL; if ((reg_addr % 4) != 0) @@ -873,15 +972,8 @@ static ssize_t ath6kl_lrssi_roam_write(struct file *file, { struct ath6kl *ar = file->private_data; unsigned long lrssi_roam_threshold; - char buf[32]; - ssize_t len; - len = min(count, sizeof(buf) - 1); - if (copy_from_user(buf, user_buf, len)) - return -EFAULT; - - buf[len] = '\0'; - if (strict_strtoul(buf, 0, &lrssi_roam_threshold)) + if (kstrtoul_from_user(user_buf, count, 0, &lrssi_roam_threshold)) return -EINVAL; ar->lrssi_roam_threshold = lrssi_roam_threshold; @@ -1411,6 +1503,8 @@ static ssize_t ath6kl_create_qos_write(struct file *file, return -EINVAL; pstream.medium_time = cpu_to_le32(val32); + pstream.nominal_phy = le32_to_cpu(pstream.min_phy_rate) / 1000000; + ath6kl_wmi_create_pstream_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, &pstream); return count; @@ -1505,57 +1599,51 @@ static const struct file_operations fops_bgscan_int = { }; static ssize_t ath6kl_listen_int_write(struct file *file, - const char __user *user_buf, - size_t count, loff_t *ppos) + const char __user *user_buf, + size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { struct ath6kl *ar = file->private_data; - u16 listen_int_t, listen_int_b; + struct ath6kl_vif *vif; + u16 listen_interval; char buf[32]; - char *sptr, *token; ssize_t len; + vif = ath6kl_vif_first(ar); + if (!vif) + return -EIO; + len = min(count, sizeof(buf) - 1); if (copy_from_user(buf, user_buf, len)) return -EFAULT; buf[len] = '\0'; - sptr = buf; - - token = strsep(&sptr, " "); - if (!token) + if (kstrtou16(buf, 0, &listen_interval)) return -EINVAL; - if (kstrtou16(token, 0, &listen_int_t)) + if ((listen_interval < 15) || (listen_interval > 3000)) return -EINVAL; - if (kstrtou16(sptr, 0, &listen_int_b)) - return -EINVAL; - - if ((listen_int_t < 15) || (listen_int_t > 5000)) - return -EINVAL; - - if ((listen_int_b < 1) || (listen_int_b > 50)) - return -EINVAL; - - ar->listen_intvl_t = listen_int_t; - ar->listen_intvl_b = listen_int_b; - - ath6kl_wmi_listeninterval_cmd(ar->wmi, 0, ar->listen_intvl_t, - ar->listen_intvl_b); + vif->listen_intvl_t = listen_interval; + ath6kl_wmi_listeninterval_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, + vif->listen_intvl_t, 0); return count; } static ssize_t ath6kl_listen_int_read(struct file *file, - char __user *user_buf, - size_t count, loff_t *ppos) + char __user *user_buf, + size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { struct ath6kl *ar = file->private_data; + struct ath6kl_vif *vif; char buf[32]; int len; - len = scnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u %u\n", ar->listen_intvl_t, - ar->listen_intvl_b); + vif = ath6kl_vif_first(ar); + if (!vif) + return -EIO; + + len = scnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u\n", vif->listen_intvl_t); return simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, len); } @@ -1628,33 +1716,29 @@ static const struct file_operations fops_power_params = { .llseek = default_llseek, }; -int ath6kl_debug_init(struct ath6kl *ar) +void ath6kl_debug_init(struct ath6kl *ar) { - ar->debug.fwlog_buf.buf = vmalloc(ATH6KL_FWLOG_SIZE); - if (ar->debug.fwlog_buf.buf == NULL) - return -ENOMEM; - - ar->debug.fwlog_tmp = kmalloc(ATH6KL_FWLOG_SLOT_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); - if (ar->debug.fwlog_tmp == NULL) { - vfree(ar->debug.fwlog_buf.buf); - return -ENOMEM; - } - - spin_lock_init(&ar->debug.fwlog_lock); + skb_queue_head_init(&ar->debug.fwlog_queue); + init_completion(&ar->debug.fwlog_completion); /* * Actually we are lying here but don't know how to read the mask * value from the firmware. */ ar->debug.fwlog_mask = 0; +} +/* + * Initialisation needs to happen in two stages as fwlog events can come + * before cfg80211 is initialised, and debugfs depends on cfg80211 + * initialisation. + */ +int ath6kl_debug_init_fs(struct ath6kl *ar) +{ ar->debugfs_phy = debugfs_create_dir("ath6kl", ar->wiphy->debugfsdir); - if (!ar->debugfs_phy) { - vfree(ar->debug.fwlog_buf.buf); - kfree(ar->debug.fwlog_tmp); + if (!ar->debugfs_phy) return -ENOMEM; - } debugfs_create_file("tgt_stats", S_IRUSR, ar->debugfs_phy, ar, &fops_tgt_stats); @@ -1668,6 +1752,9 @@ int ath6kl_debug_init(struct ath6kl *ar) debugfs_create_file("fwlog", S_IRUSR, ar->debugfs_phy, ar, &fops_fwlog); + debugfs_create_file("fwlog_block", S_IRUSR, ar->debugfs_phy, ar, + &fops_fwlog_block); + debugfs_create_file("fwlog_mask", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, ar->debugfs_phy, ar, &fops_fwlog_mask); @@ -1702,24 +1789,26 @@ int ath6kl_debug_init(struct ath6kl *ar) ar->debugfs_phy, ar, &fops_disconnect_timeout); debugfs_create_file("create_qos", S_IWUSR, ar->debugfs_phy, ar, - &fops_create_qos); + &fops_create_qos); debugfs_create_file("delete_qos", S_IWUSR, ar->debugfs_phy, ar, - &fops_delete_qos); + &fops_delete_qos); debugfs_create_file("bgscan_interval", S_IWUSR, - ar->debugfs_phy, ar, &fops_bgscan_int); + ar->debugfs_phy, ar, &fops_bgscan_int); + + debugfs_create_file("listen_interval", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, + ar->debugfs_phy, ar, &fops_listen_int); debugfs_create_file("power_params", S_IWUSR, ar->debugfs_phy, ar, - &fops_power_params); + &fops_power_params); return 0; } void ath6kl_debug_cleanup(struct ath6kl *ar) { - vfree(ar->debug.fwlog_buf.buf); - kfree(ar->debug.fwlog_tmp); + skb_queue_purge(&ar->debug.fwlog_queue); kfree(ar->debug.roam_tbl); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/debug.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/debug.h index 9853c9c125c1417c9ab87de1afc6aea8b8fe3160..1803a0baae823d676c56a7ec629d1e8bd52dcf2a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/debug.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/debug.h @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ enum ATH6K_DEBUG_MASK { ATH6KL_DBG_BOOT = BIT(18), /* driver init and fw boot */ ATH6KL_DBG_WMI_DUMP = BIT(19), ATH6KL_DBG_SUSPEND = BIT(20), + ATH6KL_DBG_USB = BIT(21), ATH6KL_DBG_ANY = 0xffffffff /* enable all logs */ }; @@ -55,35 +57,16 @@ int ath6kl_printk(const char *level, const char *fmt, ...); #define ath6kl_warn(fmt, ...) \ ath6kl_printk(KERN_WARNING, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) -#define AR_DBG_LVL_CHECK(mask) (debug_mask & mask) - enum ath6kl_war { ATH6KL_WAR_INVALID_RATE, }; #ifdef CONFIG_ATH6KL_DEBUG -#define ath6kl_dbg(mask, fmt, ...) \ - ({ \ - int rtn; \ - if (debug_mask & mask) \ - rtn = ath6kl_printk(KERN_DEBUG, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ - else \ - rtn = 0; \ - \ - rtn; \ - }) - -static inline void ath6kl_dbg_dump(enum ATH6K_DEBUG_MASK mask, - const char *msg, const char *prefix, - const void *buf, size_t len) -{ - if (debug_mask & mask) { - if (msg) - ath6kl_dbg(mask, "%s\n", msg); - print_hex_dump_bytes(prefix, DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, buf, len); - } -} +void ath6kl_dbg(enum ATH6K_DEBUG_MASK mask, const char *fmt, ...); +void ath6kl_dbg_dump(enum ATH6K_DEBUG_MASK mask, + const char *msg, const char *prefix, + const void *buf, size_t len); void ath6kl_dump_registers(struct ath6kl_device *dev, struct ath6kl_irq_proc_registers *irq_proc_reg, @@ -95,7 +78,8 @@ int ath6kl_debug_roam_tbl_event(struct ath6kl *ar, const void *buf, size_t len); void ath6kl_debug_set_keepalive(struct ath6kl *ar, u8 keepalive); void ath6kl_debug_set_disconnect_timeout(struct ath6kl *ar, u8 timeout); -int ath6kl_debug_init(struct ath6kl *ar); +void ath6kl_debug_init(struct ath6kl *ar); +int ath6kl_debug_init_fs(struct ath6kl *ar); void ath6kl_debug_cleanup(struct ath6kl *ar); #else @@ -145,7 +129,11 @@ static inline void ath6kl_debug_set_disconnect_timeout(struct ath6kl *ar, { } -static inline int ath6kl_debug_init(struct ath6kl *ar) +static inline void ath6kl_debug_init(struct ath6kl *ar) +{ +} + +static inline int ath6kl_debug_init_fs(struct ath6kl *ar) { return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/hif-ops.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/hif-ops.h index 2fe1dadfc77a105d1cac911abc15fb770e8f7e32..fd84086638e35163e990b74dad6ec8cbb355208e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/hif-ops.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/hif-ops.h @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/hif.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/hif.c index e57da35e59fa78d66566841765a803f2f36e1637..68ed6c2665b73387cefbc1edf0985a94b7ad36a6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/hif.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/hif.c @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -15,6 +16,8 @@ */ #include "hif.h" +#include + #include "core.h" #include "target.h" #include "hif-ops.h" @@ -59,6 +62,8 @@ int ath6kl_hif_rw_comp_handler(void *context, int status) return 0; } +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath6kl_hif_rw_comp_handler); + #define REG_DUMP_COUNT_AR6003 60 #define REGISTER_DUMP_LEN_MAX 60 @@ -85,7 +90,7 @@ static void ath6kl_hif_dump_fw_crash(struct ath6kl *ar) } ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, "register dump data address 0x%x\n", - regdump_addr); + regdump_addr); regdump_addr = TARG_VTOP(ar->target_type, regdump_addr); /* fetch register dump data */ @@ -102,9 +107,9 @@ static void ath6kl_hif_dump_fw_crash(struct ath6kl *ar) BUILD_BUG_ON(REG_DUMP_COUNT_AR6003 % 4); - for (i = 0; i < REG_DUMP_COUNT_AR6003 / 4; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < REG_DUMP_COUNT_AR6003; i += 4) { ath6kl_info("%d: 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x\n", - 4 * i, + i, le32_to_cpu(regdump_val[i]), le32_to_cpu(regdump_val[i + 1]), le32_to_cpu(regdump_val[i + 2]), @@ -130,6 +135,7 @@ static int ath6kl_hif_proc_dbg_intr(struct ath6kl_device *dev) ath6kl_warn("Failed to clear debug interrupt: %d\n", ret); ath6kl_hif_dump_fw_crash(dev->ar); + ath6kl_read_fwlogs(dev->ar); return ret; } @@ -279,7 +285,7 @@ static int ath6kl_hif_proc_counter_intr(struct ath6kl_device *dev) dev->irq_en_reg.cntr_int_status_en; ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, - "valid interrupt source(s) in COUNTER_INT_STATUS: 0x%x\n", + "valid interrupt source(s) in COUNTER_INT_STATUS: 0x%x\n", counter_int_status); /* @@ -354,7 +360,7 @@ static int ath6kl_hif_proc_cpu_intr(struct ath6kl_device *dev) } ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ, - "valid interrupt source(s) in CPU_INT_STATUS: 0x%x\n", + "valid interrupt source(s) in CPU_INT_STATUS: 0x%x\n", cpu_int_status); /* Clear the interrupt */ @@ -429,9 +435,8 @@ static int proc_pending_irqs(struct ath6kl_device *dev, bool *done) if (status) goto out; - if (AR_DBG_LVL_CHECK(ATH6KL_DBG_IRQ)) - ath6kl_dump_registers(dev, &dev->irq_proc_reg, - &dev->irq_en_reg); + ath6kl_dump_registers(dev, &dev->irq_proc_reg, + &dev->irq_en_reg); /* Update only those registers that are enabled */ host_int_status = dev->irq_proc_reg.host_int_status & @@ -561,6 +566,7 @@ int ath6kl_hif_intr_bh_handler(struct ath6kl *ar) return status; } +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath6kl_hif_intr_bh_handler); static int ath6kl_hif_enable_intrs(struct ath6kl_device *dev) { @@ -689,6 +695,11 @@ int ath6kl_hif_setup(struct ath6kl_device *dev) ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_HIF, "hif block size %d mbox addr 0x%x\n", dev->htc_cnxt->block_sz, dev->ar->mbox_info.htc_addr); + /* usb doesn't support enabling interrupts */ + /* FIXME: remove check once USB support is implemented */ + if (dev->ar->hif_type == ATH6KL_HIF_TYPE_USB) + return 0; + status = ath6kl_hif_disable_intrs(dev); fail_setup: diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/hif.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/hif.h index 699a036f3a44eaad75ee9f81c4bca9e574c84d80..20ed6b73517be7cf2760db6bc992b95f751edd56 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/hif.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/hif.h @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -197,6 +198,8 @@ struct hif_scatter_req { u8 *virt_dma_buf; struct hif_scatter_item scat_list[1]; + + u32 scat_q_depth; }; struct ath6kl_irq_proc_registers { @@ -220,6 +223,7 @@ struct ath6kl_irq_enable_reg { } __packed; struct ath6kl_device { + /* protects irq_proc_reg and irq_en_reg below */ spinlock_t lock; struct ath6kl_irq_proc_registers irq_proc_reg; struct ath6kl_irq_enable_reg irq_en_reg; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/htc.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/htc.c index f3b63ca25c7e02b469feb800f8294fe1c3d195b5..4849d99cce77ab7135fd1aed2799dad3de80a494 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/htc.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/htc.c @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -22,6 +23,9 @@ #define CALC_TXRX_PADDED_LEN(dev, len) (__ALIGN_MASK((len), (dev)->block_mask)) +/* threshold to re-enable Tx bundling for an AC*/ +#define TX_RESUME_BUNDLE_THRESHOLD 1500 + /* Functions for Tx credit handling */ static void ath6kl_credit_deposit(struct ath6kl_htc_credit_info *cred_info, struct htc_endpoint_credit_dist *ep_dist, @@ -168,31 +172,29 @@ static void ath6kl_credit_reduce(struct ath6kl_htc_credit_info *cred_info, static void ath6kl_credit_update(struct ath6kl_htc_credit_info *cred_info, struct list_head *epdist_list) { - struct htc_endpoint_credit_dist *cur_dist_list; + struct htc_endpoint_credit_dist *cur_list; - list_for_each_entry(cur_dist_list, epdist_list, list) { - if (cur_dist_list->endpoint == ENDPOINT_0) + list_for_each_entry(cur_list, epdist_list, list) { + if (cur_list->endpoint == ENDPOINT_0) continue; - if (cur_dist_list->cred_to_dist > 0) { - cur_dist_list->credits += - cur_dist_list->cred_to_dist; - cur_dist_list->cred_to_dist = 0; - if (cur_dist_list->credits > - cur_dist_list->cred_assngd) + if (cur_list->cred_to_dist > 0) { + cur_list->credits += cur_list->cred_to_dist; + cur_list->cred_to_dist = 0; + + if (cur_list->credits > cur_list->cred_assngd) ath6kl_credit_reduce(cred_info, - cur_dist_list, - cur_dist_list->cred_assngd); + cur_list, + cur_list->cred_assngd); - if (cur_dist_list->credits > - cur_dist_list->cred_norm) - ath6kl_credit_reduce(cred_info, cur_dist_list, - cur_dist_list->cred_norm); + if (cur_list->credits > cur_list->cred_norm) + ath6kl_credit_reduce(cred_info, cur_list, + cur_list->cred_norm); - if (!(cur_dist_list->dist_flags & HTC_EP_ACTIVE)) { - if (cur_dist_list->txq_depth == 0) + if (!(cur_list->dist_flags & HTC_EP_ACTIVE)) { + if (cur_list->txq_depth == 0) ath6kl_credit_reduce(cred_info, - cur_dist_list, 0); + cur_list, 0); } } } @@ -460,8 +462,8 @@ static void htc_async_tx_scat_complete(struct htc_target *target, INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tx_compq); ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_HTC, - "htc tx scat complete len %d entries %d\n", - scat_req->len, scat_req->scat_entries); + "htc tx scat complete len %d entries %d\n", + scat_req->len, scat_req->scat_entries); if (scat_req->status) ath6kl_err("send scatter req failed: %d\n", scat_req->status); @@ -599,8 +601,8 @@ static void ath6kl_htc_tx_pkts_get(struct htc_target *target, list); ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_HTC, - "htc tx got packet 0x%p queue depth %d\n", - packet, get_queue_depth(&endpoint->txq)); + "htc tx got packet 0x%p queue depth %d\n", + packet, get_queue_depth(&endpoint->txq)); len = CALC_TXRX_PADDED_LEN(target, packet->act_len + HTC_HDR_LENGTH); @@ -670,6 +672,7 @@ static int ath6kl_htc_tx_setup_scat_list(struct htc_target *target, struct htc_packet *packet; int i, len, rem_scat, cred_pad; int status = 0; + u8 flags; rem_scat = target->max_tx_bndl_sz; @@ -696,9 +699,9 @@ static int ath6kl_htc_tx_setup_scat_list(struct htc_target *target, scat_req->scat_list[i].packet = packet; /* prepare packet and flag message as part of a send bundle */ - ath6kl_htc_tx_prep_pkt(packet, - packet->info.tx.flags | HTC_FLAGS_SEND_BUNDLE, - cred_pad, packet->info.tx.seqno); + flags = packet->info.tx.flags | HTC_FLAGS_SEND_BUNDLE; + ath6kl_htc_tx_prep_pkt(packet, flags, + cred_pad, packet->info.tx.seqno); /* Make sure the buffer is 4-byte aligned */ ath6kl_htc_tx_buf_align(&packet->buf, packet->act_len + HTC_HDR_LENGTH); @@ -744,6 +747,12 @@ static void ath6kl_htc_tx_bundle(struct htc_endpoint *endpoint, struct hif_scatter_req *scat_req = NULL; int n_scat, n_sent_bundle = 0, tot_pkts_bundle = 0; int status; + u32 txb_mask; + u8 ac = WMM_NUM_AC; + + if ((HTC_CTRL_RSVD_SVC != endpoint->svc_id) || + (WMI_CONTROL_SVC != endpoint->svc_id)) + ac = target->dev->ar->ep2ac_map[endpoint->eid]; while (true) { status = 0; @@ -759,10 +768,35 @@ static void ath6kl_htc_tx_bundle(struct htc_endpoint *endpoint, if (!scat_req) { /* no scatter resources */ ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_HTC, - "htc tx no more scatter resources\n"); + "htc tx no more scatter resources\n"); break; } + if ((ac < WMM_NUM_AC) && (ac != WMM_AC_BK)) { + if (WMM_AC_BE == ac) + /* + * BE, BK have priorities and bit + * positions reversed + */ + txb_mask = (1 << WMM_AC_BK); + else + /* + * any AC with priority lower than + * itself + */ + txb_mask = ((1 << ac) - 1); + /* + * when the scatter request resources drop below a + * certain threshold, disable Tx bundling for all + * AC's with priority lower than the current requesting + * AC. Otherwise re-enable Tx bundling for them + */ + if (scat_req->scat_q_depth < ATH6KL_SCATTER_REQS) + target->tx_bndl_mask &= ~txb_mask; + else + target->tx_bndl_mask |= txb_mask; + } + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_HTC, "htc tx pkts to scatter: %d\n", n_scat); @@ -806,6 +840,7 @@ static void ath6kl_htc_tx_from_queue(struct htc_target *target, struct htc_packet *packet; int bundle_sent; int n_pkts_bundle; + u8 ac = WMM_NUM_AC; spin_lock_bh(&target->tx_lock); @@ -823,6 +858,10 @@ static void ath6kl_htc_tx_from_queue(struct htc_target *target, */ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&txq); + if ((HTC_CTRL_RSVD_SVC != endpoint->svc_id) || + (WMI_CONTROL_SVC != endpoint->svc_id)) + ac = target->dev->ar->ep2ac_map[endpoint->eid]; + while (true) { if (list_empty(&endpoint->txq)) @@ -840,15 +879,18 @@ static void ath6kl_htc_tx_from_queue(struct htc_target *target, while (true) { /* try to send a bundle on each pass */ - if ((target->tx_bndl_enable) && + if ((target->tx_bndl_mask) && (get_queue_depth(&txq) >= HTC_MIN_HTC_MSGS_TO_BUNDLE)) { int temp1 = 0, temp2 = 0; - ath6kl_htc_tx_bundle(endpoint, &txq, - &temp1, &temp2); - bundle_sent += temp1; - n_pkts_bundle += temp2; + /* check if bundling is enabled for an AC */ + if (target->tx_bndl_mask & (1 << ac)) { + ath6kl_htc_tx_bundle(endpoint, &txq, + &temp1, &temp2); + bundle_sent += temp1; + n_pkts_bundle += temp2; + } } if (list_empty(&txq)) @@ -867,6 +909,26 @@ static void ath6kl_htc_tx_from_queue(struct htc_target *target, endpoint->ep_st.tx_bundles += bundle_sent; endpoint->ep_st.tx_pkt_bundled += n_pkts_bundle; + + /* + * if an AC has bundling disabled and no tx bundling + * has occured continously for a certain number of TX, + * enable tx bundling for this AC + */ + if (!bundle_sent) { + if (!(target->tx_bndl_mask & (1 << ac)) && + (ac < WMM_NUM_AC)) { + if (++target->ac_tx_count[ac] >= + TX_RESUME_BUNDLE_THRESHOLD) { + target->ac_tx_count[ac] = 0; + target->tx_bndl_mask |= (1 << ac); + } + } + } else { + /* tx bundling will reset the counter */ + if (ac < WMM_NUM_AC) + target->ac_tx_count[ac] = 0; + } } endpoint->tx_proc_cnt = 0; @@ -979,8 +1041,8 @@ static int htc_setup_tx_complete(struct htc_target *target) memcpy(&setup_comp_ext->flags, &flags, sizeof(setup_comp_ext->flags)); set_htc_pkt_info(send_pkt, NULL, (u8 *) setup_comp_ext, - sizeof(struct htc_setup_comp_ext_msg), - ENDPOINT_0, HTC_SERVICE_TX_PACKET_TAG); + sizeof(struct htc_setup_comp_ext_msg), + ENDPOINT_0, HTC_SERVICE_TX_PACKET_TAG); } else { struct htc_setup_comp_msg *setup_comp; @@ -988,8 +1050,8 @@ static int htc_setup_tx_complete(struct htc_target *target) memset(setup_comp, 0, sizeof(struct htc_setup_comp_msg)); setup_comp->msg_id = cpu_to_le16(HTC_MSG_SETUP_COMPLETE_ID); set_htc_pkt_info(send_pkt, NULL, (u8 *) setup_comp, - sizeof(struct htc_setup_comp_msg), - ENDPOINT_0, HTC_SERVICE_TX_PACKET_TAG); + sizeof(struct htc_setup_comp_msg), + ENDPOINT_0, HTC_SERVICE_TX_PACKET_TAG); } /* we want synchronous operation */ @@ -1088,9 +1150,9 @@ void ath6kl_htc_flush_txep(struct htc_target *target, packet->status = -ECANCELED; list_del(&packet->list); ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_HTC, - "htc tx flushing pkt 0x%p len %d ep %d tag 0x%x\n", - packet, packet->act_len, - packet->endpoint, packet->info.tx.tag); + "htc tx flushing pkt 0x%p len %d ep %d tag 0x%x\n", + packet, packet->act_len, + packet->endpoint, packet->info.tx.tag); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&container); list_add_tail(&packet->list, &container); @@ -1490,7 +1552,7 @@ static void htc_ctrl_rx(struct htc_target *context, struct htc_packet *packets) if (packets->act_len > 0) { ath6kl_err("htc_ctrl_rx, got message with len:%zu\n", - packets->act_len + HTC_HDR_LENGTH); + packets->act_len + HTC_HDR_LENGTH); ath6kl_dbg_dump(ATH6KL_DBG_HTC, "htc rx unexpected endpoint 0 message", "", @@ -1609,8 +1671,8 @@ static int htc_parse_trailer(struct htc_target *target, } lk_ahd = (struct htc_lookahead_report *) record_buf; - if ((lk_ahd->pre_valid == ((~lk_ahd->post_valid) & 0xFF)) - && next_lk_ahds) { + if ((lk_ahd->pre_valid == ((~lk_ahd->post_valid) & 0xFF)) && + next_lk_ahds) { ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_HTC, "htc rx lk_ahd found pre_valid 0x%x post_valid 0x%x\n", @@ -2038,13 +2100,13 @@ static int ath6kl_htc_rx_fetch(struct htc_target *target, list_for_each_entry_safe(packet, tmp_pkt, rx_pktq, list) { list_del(&packet->list); htc_reclaim_rxbuf(target, packet, - &target->endpoint[packet->endpoint]); + &target->endpoint[packet->endpoint]); } list_for_each_entry_safe(packet, tmp_pkt, &tmp_rxq, list) { list_del(&packet->list); htc_reclaim_rxbuf(target, packet, - &target->endpoint[packet->endpoint]); + &target->endpoint[packet->endpoint]); } return status; @@ -2062,6 +2124,7 @@ int ath6kl_htc_rxmsg_pending_handler(struct htc_target *target, enum htc_endpoint_id id; int n_fetched = 0; + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&comp_pktq); *num_pkts = 0; /* @@ -2175,11 +2238,11 @@ static struct htc_packet *htc_wait_for_ctrl_msg(struct htc_target *target) u32 look_ahead; if (ath6kl_hif_poll_mboxmsg_rx(target->dev, &look_ahead, - HTC_TARGET_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT)) + HTC_TARGET_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT)) return NULL; ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_HTC, - "htc rx wait ctrl look_ahead 0x%X\n", look_ahead); + "htc rx wait ctrl look_ahead 0x%X\n", look_ahead); htc_hdr = (struct htc_frame_hdr *)&look_ahead; @@ -2244,7 +2307,7 @@ int ath6kl_htc_add_rxbuf_multiple(struct htc_target *target, depth = get_queue_depth(pkt_queue); ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_HTC, - "htc rx add multiple ep id %d cnt %d len %d\n", + "htc rx add multiple ep id %d cnt %d len %d\n", first_pkt->endpoint, depth, first_pkt->buf_len); endpoint = &target->endpoint[first_pkt->endpoint]; @@ -2270,8 +2333,8 @@ int ath6kl_htc_add_rxbuf_multiple(struct htc_target *target, if (target->rx_st_flags & HTC_RECV_WAIT_BUFFERS) { if (target->ep_waiting == first_pkt->endpoint) { ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_HTC, - "htc rx blocked on ep %d, unblocking\n", - target->ep_waiting); + "htc rx blocked on ep %d, unblocking\n", + target->ep_waiting); target->rx_st_flags &= ~HTC_RECV_WAIT_BUFFERS; target->ep_waiting = ENDPOINT_MAX; rx_unblock = true; @@ -2308,7 +2371,21 @@ void ath6kl_htc_flush_rx_buf(struct htc_target *target) "htc rx flush pkt 0x%p len %d ep %d\n", packet, packet->buf_len, packet->endpoint); - dev_kfree_skb(packet->pkt_cntxt); + /* + * packets in rx_bufq of endpoint 0 have originally + * been queued from target->free_ctrl_rxbuf where + * packet and packet->buf_start are allocated + * separately using kmalloc(). For other endpoint + * rx_bufq, it is allocated as skb where packet is + * skb->head. Take care of this difference while freeing + * the memory. + */ + if (packet->endpoint == ENDPOINT_0) { + kfree(packet->buf_start); + kfree(packet); + } else { + dev_kfree_skb(packet->pkt_cntxt); + } spin_lock_bh(&target->rx_lock); } spin_unlock_bh(&target->rx_lock); @@ -2327,6 +2404,7 @@ int ath6kl_htc_conn_service(struct htc_target *target, enum htc_endpoint_id assigned_ep = ENDPOINT_MAX; unsigned int max_msg_sz = 0; int status = 0; + u16 msg_id; ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_HTC, "htc connect service target 0x%p service id 0x%x\n", @@ -2370,9 +2448,10 @@ int ath6kl_htc_conn_service(struct htc_target *target, } resp_msg = (struct htc_conn_service_resp *)rx_pkt->buf; + msg_id = le16_to_cpu(resp_msg->msg_id); - if ((le16_to_cpu(resp_msg->msg_id) != HTC_MSG_CONN_SVC_RESP_ID) - || (rx_pkt->act_len < sizeof(*resp_msg))) { + if ((msg_id != HTC_MSG_CONN_SVC_RESP_ID) || + (rx_pkt->act_len < sizeof(*resp_msg))) { status = -ENOMEM; goto fail_tx; } @@ -2419,6 +2498,15 @@ int ath6kl_htc_conn_service(struct htc_target *target, endpoint->cred_dist.endpoint = assigned_ep; endpoint->cred_dist.cred_sz = target->tgt_cred_sz; + switch (endpoint->svc_id) { + case WMI_DATA_BK_SVC: + endpoint->tx_drop_packet_threshold = MAX_DEF_COOKIE_NUM / 3; + break; + default: + endpoint->tx_drop_packet_threshold = MAX_HI_COOKIE_NUM; + break; + } + if (conn_req->max_rxmsg_sz) { /* * Override cred_per_msg calculation, this optimizes @@ -2516,7 +2604,8 @@ static void htc_setup_msg_bndl(struct htc_target *target) target->max_rx_bndl_sz, target->max_tx_bndl_sz); if (target->max_tx_bndl_sz) - target->tx_bndl_enable = true; + /* tx_bndl_mask is enabled per AC, each has 1 bit */ + target->tx_bndl_mask = (1 << WMM_NUM_AC) - 1; if (target->max_rx_bndl_sz) target->rx_bndl_enable = true; @@ -2531,7 +2620,7 @@ static void htc_setup_msg_bndl(struct htc_target *target) * padding will spill into the next credit buffer * which is fatal. */ - target->tx_bndl_enable = false; + target->tx_bndl_mask = 0; } } @@ -2543,6 +2632,12 @@ int ath6kl_htc_wait_target(struct htc_target *target) struct htc_service_connect_resp resp; int status; + /* FIXME: remove once USB support is implemented */ + if (target->dev->ar->hif_type == ATH6KL_HIF_TYPE_USB) { + ath6kl_err("HTC doesn't support USB yet. Patience!\n"); + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + } + /* we should be getting 1 control message that the target is ready */ packet = htc_wait_for_ctrl_msg(target); @@ -2582,8 +2677,8 @@ int ath6kl_htc_wait_target(struct htc_target *target) } ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_BOOT, "htc using protocol %s (%d)\n", - (target->htc_tgt_ver == HTC_VERSION_2P0) ? "2.0" : ">= 2.1", - target->htc_tgt_ver); + (target->htc_tgt_ver == HTC_VERSION_2P0) ? "2.0" : ">= 2.1", + target->htc_tgt_ver); if (target->msg_per_bndl_max > 0) htc_setup_msg_bndl(target); @@ -2772,17 +2867,19 @@ void ath6kl_htc_cleanup(struct htc_target *target) { struct htc_packet *packet, *tmp_packet; - ath6kl_hif_cleanup_scatter(target->dev->ar); + /* FIXME: remove check once USB support is implemented */ + if (target->dev->ar->hif_type != ATH6KL_HIF_TYPE_USB) + ath6kl_hif_cleanup_scatter(target->dev->ar); list_for_each_entry_safe(packet, tmp_packet, - &target->free_ctrl_txbuf, list) { + &target->free_ctrl_txbuf, list) { list_del(&packet->list); kfree(packet->buf_start); kfree(packet); } list_for_each_entry_safe(packet, tmp_packet, - &target->free_ctrl_rxbuf, list) { + &target->free_ctrl_rxbuf, list) { list_del(&packet->list); kfree(packet->buf_start); kfree(packet); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/htc.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/htc.h index 57672e1ed1a68480fd18ee6cf174766007ef4dd8..5027ccc36b6249549b5db9e410819ec620a64582 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/htc.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/htc.h @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -87,6 +88,8 @@ #define WMI_DATA_VO_SVC MAKE_SERVICE_ID(WMI_SERVICE_GROUP, 4) #define WMI_MAX_SERVICES 5 +#define WMM_NUM_AC 4 + /* reserved and used to flush ALL packets */ #define HTC_TX_PACKET_TAG_ALL 0 #define HTC_SERVICE_TX_PACKET_TAG 1 @@ -498,6 +501,7 @@ struct htc_endpoint { u8 seqno; u32 conn_flags; struct htc_endpoint_stats ep_st; + u16 tx_drop_packet_threshold; }; struct htc_control_buffer { @@ -519,9 +523,16 @@ struct htc_target { struct ath6kl_htc_credit_info *credit_info; int tgt_creds; unsigned int tgt_cred_sz; + + /* protects free_ctrl_txbuf and free_ctrl_rxbuf */ spinlock_t htc_lock; + + /* FIXME: does this protext rx_bufq and endpoint structures or what? */ spinlock_t rx_lock; + + /* protects endpoint->txq */ spinlock_t tx_lock; + struct ath6kl_device *dev; u32 htc_flags; u32 rx_st_flags; @@ -531,7 +542,7 @@ struct htc_target { /* max messages per bundle for HTC */ int msg_per_bndl_max; - bool tx_bndl_enable; + u32 tx_bndl_mask; int rx_bndl_enable; int max_rx_bndl_sz; int max_tx_bndl_sz; @@ -543,6 +554,9 @@ struct htc_target { int max_xfer_szper_scatreq; int chk_irq_status_cnt; + + /* counts the number of Tx without bundling continously per AC */ + u32 ac_tx_count[WMM_NUM_AC]; }; void *ath6kl_htc_create(struct ath6kl *ar); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/init.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/init.c index 7f55be3092d1c63698bc2f9d83d88d6ce2769868..03cae142f17827b10694af4d582aeae9d7271507 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/init.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/init.c @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -17,22 +18,16 @@ #include #include +#include #include #include + #include "core.h" #include "cfg80211.h" #include "target.h" #include "debug.h" #include "hif-ops.h" -unsigned int debug_mask; -static unsigned int testmode; -static bool suspend_cutpower; - -module_param(debug_mask, uint, 0644); -module_param(testmode, uint, 0644); -module_param(suspend_cutpower, bool, 0444); - static const struct ath6kl_hw hw_list[] = { { .id = AR6003_HW_2_0_VERSION, @@ -47,11 +42,14 @@ static const struct ath6kl_hw hw_list[] = { /* hw2.0 needs override address hardcoded */ .app_start_override_addr = 0x944C00, - .fw_otp = AR6003_HW_2_0_OTP_FILE, - .fw = AR6003_HW_2_0_FIRMWARE_FILE, - .fw_tcmd = AR6003_HW_2_0_TCMD_FIRMWARE_FILE, - .fw_patch = AR6003_HW_2_0_PATCH_FILE, - .fw_api2 = AR6003_HW_2_0_FIRMWARE_2_FILE, + .fw = { + .dir = AR6003_HW_2_0_FW_DIR, + .otp = AR6003_HW_2_0_OTP_FILE, + .fw = AR6003_HW_2_0_FIRMWARE_FILE, + .tcmd = AR6003_HW_2_0_TCMD_FIRMWARE_FILE, + .patch = AR6003_HW_2_0_PATCH_FILE, + }, + .fw_board = AR6003_HW_2_0_BOARD_DATA_FILE, .fw_default_board = AR6003_HW_2_0_DEFAULT_BOARD_DATA_FILE, }, @@ -64,14 +62,20 @@ static const struct ath6kl_hw hw_list[] = { .reserved_ram_size = 512, .refclk_hz = 26000000, .uarttx_pin = 8, + .testscript_addr = 0x57ef74, + + .fw = { + .dir = AR6003_HW_2_1_1_FW_DIR, + .otp = AR6003_HW_2_1_1_OTP_FILE, + .fw = AR6003_HW_2_1_1_FIRMWARE_FILE, + .tcmd = AR6003_HW_2_1_1_TCMD_FIRMWARE_FILE, + .patch = AR6003_HW_2_1_1_PATCH_FILE, + .utf = AR6003_HW_2_1_1_UTF_FIRMWARE_FILE, + .testscript = AR6003_HW_2_1_1_TESTSCRIPT_FILE, + }, - .fw_otp = AR6003_HW_2_1_1_OTP_FILE, - .fw = AR6003_HW_2_1_1_FIRMWARE_FILE, - .fw_tcmd = AR6003_HW_2_1_1_TCMD_FIRMWARE_FILE, - .fw_patch = AR6003_HW_2_1_1_PATCH_FILE, - .fw_api2 = AR6003_HW_2_1_1_FIRMWARE_2_FILE, .fw_board = AR6003_HW_2_1_1_BOARD_DATA_FILE, - .fw_default_board = AR6003_HW_2_1_1_DEFAULT_BOARD_DATA_FILE, + .fw_default_board = AR6003_HW_2_1_1_DEFAULT_BOARD_DATA_FILE, }, { .id = AR6004_HW_1_0_VERSION, @@ -84,8 +88,11 @@ static const struct ath6kl_hw hw_list[] = { .refclk_hz = 26000000, .uarttx_pin = 11, - .fw = AR6004_HW_1_0_FIRMWARE_FILE, - .fw_api2 = AR6004_HW_1_0_FIRMWARE_2_FILE, + .fw = { + .dir = AR6004_HW_1_0_FW_DIR, + .fw = AR6004_HW_1_0_FIRMWARE_FILE, + }, + .fw_board = AR6004_HW_1_0_BOARD_DATA_FILE, .fw_default_board = AR6004_HW_1_0_DEFAULT_BOARD_DATA_FILE, }, @@ -100,8 +107,11 @@ static const struct ath6kl_hw hw_list[] = { .refclk_hz = 40000000, .uarttx_pin = 11, - .fw = AR6004_HW_1_1_FIRMWARE_FILE, - .fw_api2 = AR6004_HW_1_1_FIRMWARE_2_FILE, + .fw = { + .dir = AR6004_HW_1_1_FW_DIR, + .fw = AR6004_HW_1_1_FIRMWARE_FILE, + }, + .fw_board = AR6004_HW_1_1_BOARD_DATA_FILE, .fw_default_board = AR6004_HW_1_1_DEFAULT_BOARD_DATA_FILE, }, @@ -342,11 +352,7 @@ static int ath6kl_set_htc_params(struct ath6kl *ar, u32 mbox_isr_yield_val, blk_size |= ((u32)htc_ctrl_buf) << 16; /* set the host interest area for the block size */ - status = ath6kl_bmi_write(ar, - ath6kl_get_hi_item_addr(ar, - HI_ITEM(hi_mbox_io_block_sz)), - (u8 *)&blk_size, - 4); + status = ath6kl_bmi_write_hi32(ar, hi_mbox_io_block_sz, blk_size); if (status) { ath6kl_err("bmi_write_memory for IO block size failed\n"); goto out; @@ -358,11 +364,8 @@ static int ath6kl_set_htc_params(struct ath6kl *ar, u32 mbox_isr_yield_val, if (mbox_isr_yield_val) { /* set the host interest area for the mbox ISR yield limit */ - status = ath6kl_bmi_write(ar, - ath6kl_get_hi_item_addr(ar, - HI_ITEM(hi_mbox_isr_yield_limit)), - (u8 *)&mbox_isr_yield_val, - 4); + status = ath6kl_bmi_write_hi32(ar, hi_mbox_isr_yield_limit, + mbox_isr_yield_val); if (status) { ath6kl_err("bmi_write_memory for yield limit failed\n"); goto out; @@ -375,7 +378,6 @@ static int ath6kl_set_htc_params(struct ath6kl *ar, u32 mbox_isr_yield_val, static int ath6kl_target_config_wlan_params(struct ath6kl *ar, int idx) { - int status = 0; int ret; /* @@ -383,43 +385,54 @@ static int ath6kl_target_config_wlan_params(struct ath6kl *ar, int idx) * default values. Required if checksum offload is needed. Set * RxMetaVersion to 2. */ - if (ath6kl_wmi_set_rx_frame_format_cmd(ar->wmi, idx, - ar->rx_meta_ver, 0, 0)) { - ath6kl_err("unable to set the rx frame format\n"); - status = -EIO; + ret = ath6kl_wmi_set_rx_frame_format_cmd(ar->wmi, idx, + ar->rx_meta_ver, 0, 0); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("unable to set the rx frame format: %d\n", ret); + return ret; } - if (ar->conf_flags & ATH6KL_CONF_IGNORE_PS_FAIL_EVT_IN_SCAN) - if ((ath6kl_wmi_pmparams_cmd(ar->wmi, idx, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, - IGNORE_POWER_SAVE_FAIL_EVENT_DURING_SCAN)) != 0) { - ath6kl_err("unable to set power save fail event policy\n"); - status = -EIO; + if (ar->conf_flags & ATH6KL_CONF_IGNORE_PS_FAIL_EVT_IN_SCAN) { + ret = ath6kl_wmi_pmparams_cmd(ar->wmi, idx, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, + IGNORE_PS_FAIL_DURING_SCAN); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("unable to set power save fail event policy: %d\n", + ret); + return ret; } + } - if (!(ar->conf_flags & ATH6KL_CONF_IGNORE_ERP_BARKER)) - if ((ath6kl_wmi_set_lpreamble_cmd(ar->wmi, idx, 0, - WMI_DONOT_IGNORE_BARKER_IN_ERP)) != 0) { - ath6kl_err("unable to set barker preamble policy\n"); - status = -EIO; + if (!(ar->conf_flags & ATH6KL_CONF_IGNORE_ERP_BARKER)) { + ret = ath6kl_wmi_set_lpreamble_cmd(ar->wmi, idx, 0, + WMI_FOLLOW_BARKER_IN_ERP); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("unable to set barker preamble policy: %d\n", + ret); + return ret; } + } - if (ath6kl_wmi_set_keepalive_cmd(ar->wmi, idx, - WLAN_CONFIG_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL)) { - ath6kl_err("unable to set keep alive interval\n"); - status = -EIO; + ret = ath6kl_wmi_set_keepalive_cmd(ar->wmi, idx, + WLAN_CONFIG_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("unable to set keep alive interval: %d\n", ret); + return ret; } - if (ath6kl_wmi_disctimeout_cmd(ar->wmi, idx, - WLAN_CONFIG_DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT)) { - ath6kl_err("unable to set disconnect timeout\n"); - status = -EIO; + ret = ath6kl_wmi_disctimeout_cmd(ar->wmi, idx, + WLAN_CONFIG_DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("unable to set disconnect timeout: %d\n", ret); + return ret; } - if (!(ar->conf_flags & ATH6KL_CONF_ENABLE_TX_BURST)) - if (ath6kl_wmi_set_wmm_txop(ar->wmi, idx, WMI_TXOP_DISABLED)) { - ath6kl_err("unable to set txop bursting\n"); - status = -EIO; + if (!(ar->conf_flags & ATH6KL_CONF_ENABLE_TX_BURST)) { + ret = ath6kl_wmi_set_wmm_txop(ar->wmi, idx, WMI_TXOP_DISABLED); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("unable to set txop bursting: %d\n", ret); + return ret; } + } if (ar->p2p && (ar->vif_max == 1 || idx)) { ret = ath6kl_wmi_info_req_cmd(ar->wmi, idx, @@ -443,7 +456,7 @@ static int ath6kl_target_config_wlan_params(struct ath6kl *ar, int idx) } } - return status; + return ret; } int ath6kl_configure_target(struct ath6kl *ar) @@ -452,6 +465,12 @@ int ath6kl_configure_target(struct ath6kl *ar) u8 fw_iftype, fw_mode = 0, fw_submode = 0; int i, status; + param = !!(ar->conf_flags & ATH6KL_CONF_UART_DEBUG); + if (ath6kl_bmi_write_hi32(ar, hi_serial_enable, param)) { + ath6kl_err("bmi_write_memory for uart debug failed\n"); + return -EIO; + } + /* * Note: Even though the firmware interface type is * chosen as BSS_STA for all three interfaces, can @@ -483,11 +502,8 @@ int ath6kl_configure_target(struct ath6kl *ar) if (ar->p2p && ar->vif_max == 1) fw_submode = HI_OPTION_FW_SUBMODE_P2PDEV; - param = HTC_PROTOCOL_VERSION; - if (ath6kl_bmi_write(ar, - ath6kl_get_hi_item_addr(ar, - HI_ITEM(hi_app_host_interest)), - (u8 *)¶m, 4) != 0) { + if (ath6kl_bmi_write_hi32(ar, hi_app_host_interest, + HTC_PROTOCOL_VERSION) != 0) { ath6kl_err("bmi_write_memory for htc version failed\n"); return -EIO; } @@ -495,10 +511,7 @@ int ath6kl_configure_target(struct ath6kl *ar) /* set the firmware mode to STA/IBSS/AP */ param = 0; - if (ath6kl_bmi_read(ar, - ath6kl_get_hi_item_addr(ar, - HI_ITEM(hi_option_flag)), - (u8 *)¶m, 4) != 0) { + if (ath6kl_bmi_read_hi32(ar, hi_option_flag, ¶m) != 0) { ath6kl_err("bmi_read_memory for setting fwmode failed\n"); return -EIO; } @@ -510,11 +523,7 @@ int ath6kl_configure_target(struct ath6kl *ar) param |= (0 << HI_OPTION_MAC_ADDR_METHOD_SHIFT); param |= (0 << HI_OPTION_FW_BRIDGE_SHIFT); - if (ath6kl_bmi_write(ar, - ath6kl_get_hi_item_addr(ar, - HI_ITEM(hi_option_flag)), - (u8 *)¶m, - 4) != 0) { + if (ath6kl_bmi_write_hi32(ar, hi_option_flag, param) != 0) { ath6kl_err("bmi_write_memory for setting fwmode failed\n"); return -EIO; } @@ -533,16 +542,13 @@ int ath6kl_configure_target(struct ath6kl *ar) param = ar->hw.board_ext_data_addr; ram_reserved_size = ar->hw.reserved_ram_size; - if (ath6kl_bmi_write(ar, ath6kl_get_hi_item_addr(ar, - HI_ITEM(hi_board_ext_data)), - (u8 *)¶m, 4) != 0) { + if (ath6kl_bmi_write_hi32(ar, hi_board_ext_data, param) != 0) { ath6kl_err("bmi_write_memory for hi_board_ext_data failed\n"); return -EIO; } - if (ath6kl_bmi_write(ar, ath6kl_get_hi_item_addr(ar, - HI_ITEM(hi_end_ram_reserve_sz)), - (u8 *)&ram_reserved_size, 4) != 0) { + if (ath6kl_bmi_write_hi32(ar, hi_end_ram_reserve_sz, + ram_reserved_size) != 0) { ath6kl_err("bmi_write_memory for hi_end_ram_reserve_sz failed\n"); return -EIO; } @@ -553,56 +559,19 @@ int ath6kl_configure_target(struct ath6kl *ar) return -EIO; /* Configure GPIO AR600x UART */ - param = ar->hw.uarttx_pin; - status = ath6kl_bmi_write(ar, - ath6kl_get_hi_item_addr(ar, - HI_ITEM(hi_dbg_uart_txpin)), - (u8 *)¶m, 4); + status = ath6kl_bmi_write_hi32(ar, hi_dbg_uart_txpin, + ar->hw.uarttx_pin); if (status) return status; /* Configure target refclk_hz */ - param = ar->hw.refclk_hz; - status = ath6kl_bmi_write(ar, - ath6kl_get_hi_item_addr(ar, - HI_ITEM(hi_refclk_hz)), - (u8 *)¶m, 4); + status = ath6kl_bmi_write_hi32(ar, hi_refclk_hz, ar->hw.refclk_hz); if (status) return status; return 0; } -void ath6kl_core_free(struct ath6kl *ar) -{ - wiphy_free(ar->wiphy); -} - -void ath6kl_core_cleanup(struct ath6kl *ar) -{ - ath6kl_hif_power_off(ar); - - destroy_workqueue(ar->ath6kl_wq); - - if (ar->htc_target) - ath6kl_htc_cleanup(ar->htc_target); - - ath6kl_cookie_cleanup(ar); - - ath6kl_cleanup_amsdu_rxbufs(ar); - - ath6kl_bmi_cleanup(ar); - - ath6kl_debug_cleanup(ar); - - kfree(ar->fw_board); - kfree(ar->fw_otp); - kfree(ar->fw); - kfree(ar->fw_patch); - - ath6kl_deinit_ieee80211_hw(ar); -} - /* firmware upload */ static int ath6kl_get_fw(struct ath6kl *ar, const char *filename, u8 **fw, size_t *fw_len) @@ -626,21 +595,6 @@ static int ath6kl_get_fw(struct ath6kl *ar, const char *filename, } #ifdef CONFIG_OF -static const char *get_target_ver_dir(const struct ath6kl *ar) -{ - switch (ar->version.target_ver) { - case AR6003_HW_1_0_VERSION: - return "ath6k/AR6003/hw1.0"; - case AR6003_HW_2_0_VERSION: - return "ath6k/AR6003/hw2.0"; - case AR6003_HW_2_1_1_VERSION: - return "ath6k/AR6003/hw2.1.1"; - } - ath6kl_warn("%s: unsupported target version 0x%x.\n", __func__, - ar->version.target_ver); - return NULL; -} - /* * Check the device tree for a board-id and use it to construct * the pathname to the firmware file. Used (for now) to find a @@ -663,7 +617,7 @@ static bool check_device_tree(struct ath6kl *ar) continue; } snprintf(board_filename, sizeof(board_filename), - "%s/bdata.%s.bin", get_target_ver_dir(ar), board_id); + "%s/bdata.%s.bin", ar->hw.fw.dir, board_id); ret = ath6kl_get_fw(ar, board_filename, &ar->fw_board, &ar->fw_board_len); @@ -730,19 +684,20 @@ static int ath6kl_fetch_board_file(struct ath6kl *ar) static int ath6kl_fetch_otp_file(struct ath6kl *ar) { - const char *filename; + char filename[100]; int ret; if (ar->fw_otp != NULL) return 0; - if (ar->hw.fw_otp == NULL) { + if (ar->hw.fw.otp == NULL) { ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_BOOT, "no OTP file configured for this hw\n"); return 0; } - filename = ar->hw.fw_otp; + snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", + ar->hw.fw.dir, ar->hw.fw.otp); ret = ath6kl_get_fw(ar, filename, &ar->fw_otp, &ar->fw_otp_len); @@ -755,33 +710,61 @@ static int ath6kl_fetch_otp_file(struct ath6kl *ar) return 0; } -static int ath6kl_fetch_fw_file(struct ath6kl *ar) +static int ath6kl_fetch_testmode_file(struct ath6kl *ar) { - const char *filename; + char filename[100]; int ret; - if (ar->fw != NULL) + if (ar->testmode == 0) return 0; - if (testmode) { - if (ar->hw.fw_tcmd == NULL) { - ath6kl_warn("testmode not supported\n"); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_BOOT, "testmode %d\n", ar->testmode); + + if (ar->testmode == 2) { + if (ar->hw.fw.utf == NULL) { + ath6kl_warn("testmode 2 not supported\n"); return -EOPNOTSUPP; } - filename = ar->hw.fw_tcmd; + snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", + ar->hw.fw.dir, ar->hw.fw.utf); + } else { + if (ar->hw.fw.tcmd == NULL) { + ath6kl_warn("testmode 1 not supported\n"); + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + } - set_bit(TESTMODE, &ar->flag); + snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", + ar->hw.fw.dir, ar->hw.fw.tcmd); + } + + set_bit(TESTMODE, &ar->flag); - goto get_fw; + ret = ath6kl_get_fw(ar, filename, &ar->fw, &ar->fw_len); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("Failed to get testmode %d firmware file %s: %d\n", + ar->testmode, filename, ret); + return ret; } - if (WARN_ON(ar->hw.fw == NULL)) + return 0; +} + +static int ath6kl_fetch_fw_file(struct ath6kl *ar) +{ + char filename[100]; + int ret; + + if (ar->fw != NULL) + return 0; + + /* FIXME: remove WARN_ON() as we won't support FW API 1 for long */ + if (WARN_ON(ar->hw.fw.fw == NULL)) return -EINVAL; - filename = ar->hw.fw; + snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", + ar->hw.fw.dir, ar->hw.fw.fw); -get_fw: ret = ath6kl_get_fw(ar, filename, &ar->fw, &ar->fw_len); if (ret) { ath6kl_err("Failed to get firmware file %s: %d\n", @@ -794,16 +777,17 @@ static int ath6kl_fetch_fw_file(struct ath6kl *ar) static int ath6kl_fetch_patch_file(struct ath6kl *ar) { - const char *filename; + char filename[100]; int ret; if (ar->fw_patch != NULL) return 0; - if (ar->hw.fw_patch == NULL) + if (ar->hw.fw.patch == NULL) return 0; - filename = ar->hw.fw_patch; + snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", + ar->hw.fw.dir, ar->hw.fw.patch); ret = ath6kl_get_fw(ar, filename, &ar->fw_patch, &ar->fw_patch_len); @@ -816,6 +800,34 @@ static int ath6kl_fetch_patch_file(struct ath6kl *ar) return 0; } +static int ath6kl_fetch_testscript_file(struct ath6kl *ar) +{ + char filename[100]; + int ret; + + if (ar->testmode != 2) + return 0; + + if (ar->fw_testscript != NULL) + return 0; + + if (ar->hw.fw.testscript == NULL) + return 0; + + snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", + ar->hw.fw.dir, ar->hw.fw.testscript); + + ret = ath6kl_get_fw(ar, filename, &ar->fw_testscript, + &ar->fw_testscript_len); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("Failed to get testscript file %s: %d\n", + filename, ret); + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + static int ath6kl_fetch_fw_api1(struct ath6kl *ar) { int ret; @@ -832,23 +844,24 @@ static int ath6kl_fetch_fw_api1(struct ath6kl *ar) if (ret) return ret; + ret = ath6kl_fetch_testscript_file(ar); + if (ret) + return ret; + return 0; } -static int ath6kl_fetch_fw_api2(struct ath6kl *ar) +static int ath6kl_fetch_fw_apin(struct ath6kl *ar, const char *name) { size_t magic_len, len, ie_len; const struct firmware *fw; struct ath6kl_fw_ie *hdr; - const char *filename; + char filename[100]; const u8 *data; int ret, ie_id, i, index, bit; __le32 *val; - if (ar->hw.fw_api2 == NULL) - return -EOPNOTSUPP; - - filename = ar->hw.fw_api2; + snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", ar->hw.fw.dir, name); ret = request_firmware(&fw, filename, ar->dev); if (ret) @@ -892,7 +905,7 @@ static int ath6kl_fetch_fw_api2(struct ath6kl *ar) switch (ie_id) { case ATH6KL_FW_IE_OTP_IMAGE: ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_BOOT, "found otp image ie (%zd B)\n", - ie_len); + ie_len); ar->fw_otp = kmemdup(data, ie_len, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -905,7 +918,11 @@ static int ath6kl_fetch_fw_api2(struct ath6kl *ar) break; case ATH6KL_FW_IE_FW_IMAGE: ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_BOOT, "found fw image ie (%zd B)\n", - ie_len); + ie_len); + + /* in testmode we already might have a fw file */ + if (ar->fw != NULL) + break; ar->fw = kmemdup(data, ie_len, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -918,7 +935,7 @@ static int ath6kl_fetch_fw_api2(struct ath6kl *ar) break; case ATH6KL_FW_IE_PATCH_IMAGE: ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_BOOT, "found patch image ie (%zd B)\n", - ie_len); + ie_len); ar->fw_patch = kmemdup(data, ie_len, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -1010,7 +1027,7 @@ static int ath6kl_fetch_fw_api2(struct ath6kl *ar) return ret; } -static int ath6kl_fetch_firmwares(struct ath6kl *ar) +int ath6kl_init_fetch_firmwares(struct ath6kl *ar) { int ret; @@ -1018,17 +1035,30 @@ static int ath6kl_fetch_firmwares(struct ath6kl *ar) if (ret) return ret; - ret = ath6kl_fetch_fw_api2(ar); + ret = ath6kl_fetch_testmode_file(ar); + if (ret) + return ret; + + ret = ath6kl_fetch_fw_apin(ar, ATH6KL_FW_API3_FILE); if (ret == 0) { - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_BOOT, "using fw api 2\n"); - return 0; + ar->fw_api = 3; + goto out; + } + + ret = ath6kl_fetch_fw_apin(ar, ATH6KL_FW_API2_FILE); + if (ret == 0) { + ar->fw_api = 2; + goto out; } ret = ath6kl_fetch_fw_api1(ar); if (ret) return ret; - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_BOOT, "using fw api 1\n"); + ar->fw_api = 1; + +out: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_BOOT, "using fw api %d\n", ar->fw_api); return 0; } @@ -1049,22 +1079,14 @@ static int ath6kl_upload_board_file(struct ath6kl *ar) */ if (ar->hw.board_addr != 0) { board_address = ar->hw.board_addr; - ath6kl_bmi_write(ar, - ath6kl_get_hi_item_addr(ar, - HI_ITEM(hi_board_data)), - (u8 *) &board_address, 4); + ath6kl_bmi_write_hi32(ar, hi_board_data, + board_address); } else { - ath6kl_bmi_read(ar, - ath6kl_get_hi_item_addr(ar, - HI_ITEM(hi_board_data)), - (u8 *) &board_address, 4); + ath6kl_bmi_read_hi32(ar, hi_board_data, &board_address); } /* determine where in target ram to write extended board data */ - ath6kl_bmi_read(ar, - ath6kl_get_hi_item_addr(ar, - HI_ITEM(hi_board_ext_data)), - (u8 *) &board_ext_address, 4); + ath6kl_bmi_read_hi32(ar, hi_board_ext_data, &board_ext_address); if (ar->target_type == TARGET_TYPE_AR6003 && board_ext_address == 0) { @@ -1076,6 +1098,8 @@ static int ath6kl_upload_board_file(struct ath6kl *ar) case TARGET_TYPE_AR6003: board_data_size = AR6003_BOARD_DATA_SZ; board_ext_data_size = AR6003_BOARD_EXT_DATA_SZ; + if (ar->fw_board_len > (board_data_size + board_ext_data_size)) + board_ext_data_size = AR6003_BOARD_EXT_DATA_SZ_V2; break; case TARGET_TYPE_AR6004: board_data_size = AR6004_BOARD_DATA_SZ; @@ -1107,10 +1131,7 @@ static int ath6kl_upload_board_file(struct ath6kl *ar) /* record that extended board data is initialized */ param = (board_ext_data_size << 16) | 1; - ath6kl_bmi_write(ar, - ath6kl_get_hi_item_addr(ar, - HI_ITEM(hi_board_ext_data_config)), - (unsigned char *) ¶m, 4); + ath6kl_bmi_write_hi32(ar, hi_board_ext_data_config, param); } if (ar->fw_board_len < board_data_size) { @@ -1131,11 +1152,7 @@ static int ath6kl_upload_board_file(struct ath6kl *ar) } /* record the fact that Board Data IS initialized */ - param = 1; - ath6kl_bmi_write(ar, - ath6kl_get_hi_item_addr(ar, - HI_ITEM(hi_board_data_initialized)), - (u8 *)¶m, 4); + ath6kl_bmi_write_hi32(ar, hi_board_data_initialized, 1); return ret; } @@ -1162,10 +1179,7 @@ static int ath6kl_upload_otp(struct ath6kl *ar) } /* read firmware start address */ - ret = ath6kl_bmi_read(ar, - ath6kl_get_hi_item_addr(ar, - HI_ITEM(hi_app_start)), - (u8 *) &address, sizeof(address)); + ret = ath6kl_bmi_read_hi32(ar, hi_app_start, &address); if (ret) { ath6kl_err("Failed to read hi_app_start: %d\n", ret); @@ -1223,7 +1237,7 @@ static int ath6kl_upload_firmware(struct ath6kl *ar) static int ath6kl_upload_patch(struct ath6kl *ar) { - u32 address, param; + u32 address; int ret; if (ar->fw_patch == NULL) @@ -1240,11 +1254,37 @@ static int ath6kl_upload_patch(struct ath6kl *ar) return ret; } - param = address; - ath6kl_bmi_write(ar, - ath6kl_get_hi_item_addr(ar, - HI_ITEM(hi_dset_list_head)), - (unsigned char *) ¶m, 4); + ath6kl_bmi_write_hi32(ar, hi_dset_list_head, address); + + return 0; +} + +static int ath6kl_upload_testscript(struct ath6kl *ar) +{ + u32 address; + int ret; + + if (ar->testmode != 2) + return 0; + + if (ar->fw_testscript == NULL) + return 0; + + address = ar->hw.testscript_addr; + + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_BOOT, "writing testscript to 0x%x (%zd B)\n", + address, ar->fw_testscript_len); + + ret = ath6kl_bmi_write(ar, address, ar->fw_testscript, + ar->fw_testscript_len); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("Failed to write testscript file: %d\n", ret); + return ret; + } + + ath6kl_bmi_write_hi32(ar, hi_ota_testscript, address); + ath6kl_bmi_write_hi32(ar, hi_end_ram_reserve_sz, 4096); + ath6kl_bmi_write_hi32(ar, hi_test_apps_related, 1); return 0; } @@ -1255,7 +1295,7 @@ static int ath6kl_init_upload(struct ath6kl *ar) int status = 0; if (ar->target_type != TARGET_TYPE_AR6003 && - ar->target_type != TARGET_TYPE_AR6004) + ar->target_type != TARGET_TYPE_AR6004) return -EINVAL; /* temporarily disable system sleep */ @@ -1312,7 +1352,8 @@ static int ath6kl_init_upload(struct ath6kl *ar) return status; /* WAR to avoid SDIO CRC err */ - if (ar->version.target_ver == AR6003_HW_2_0_VERSION) { + if (ar->version.target_ver == AR6003_HW_2_0_VERSION || + ar->version.target_ver == AR6003_HW_2_1_1_VERSION) { ath6kl_err("temporary war to avoid sdio crc error\n"); param = 0x20; @@ -1357,6 +1398,11 @@ static int ath6kl_init_upload(struct ath6kl *ar) if (status) return status; + /* Download the test script */ + status = ath6kl_upload_testscript(ar); + if (status) + return status; + /* Restore system sleep */ address = RTC_BASE_ADDRESS + SYSTEM_SLEEP_ADDRESS; status = ath6kl_bmi_reg_write(ar, address, sleep); @@ -1372,9 +1418,9 @@ static int ath6kl_init_upload(struct ath6kl *ar) return status; } -static int ath6kl_init_hw_params(struct ath6kl *ar) +int ath6kl_init_hw_params(struct ath6kl *ar) { - const struct ath6kl_hw *hw; + const struct ath6kl_hw *uninitialized_var(hw); int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(hw_list); i++) { @@ -1481,10 +1527,11 @@ int ath6kl_init_hw_start(struct ath6kl *ar) if (test_and_clear_bit(FIRST_BOOT, &ar->flag)) { - ath6kl_info("%s %s fw %s%s\n", + ath6kl_info("%s %s fw %s api %d%s\n", ar->hw.name, ath6kl_init_get_hif_name(ar->hif_type), ar->wiphy->fw_version, + ar->fw_api, test_bit(TESTMODE, &ar->flag) ? " testmode" : ""); } @@ -1549,173 +1596,7 @@ int ath6kl_init_hw_stop(struct ath6kl *ar) return 0; } -int ath6kl_core_init(struct ath6kl *ar) -{ - struct ath6kl_bmi_target_info targ_info; - struct net_device *ndev; - int ret = 0, i; - - ar->ath6kl_wq = create_singlethread_workqueue("ath6kl"); - if (!ar->ath6kl_wq) - return -ENOMEM; - - ret = ath6kl_bmi_init(ar); - if (ret) - goto err_wq; - - /* - * Turn on power to get hardware (target) version and leave power - * on delibrately as we will boot the hardware anyway within few - * seconds. - */ - ret = ath6kl_hif_power_on(ar); - if (ret) - goto err_bmi_cleanup; - - ret = ath6kl_bmi_get_target_info(ar, &targ_info); - if (ret) - goto err_power_off; - - ar->version.target_ver = le32_to_cpu(targ_info.version); - ar->target_type = le32_to_cpu(targ_info.type); - ar->wiphy->hw_version = le32_to_cpu(targ_info.version); - - ret = ath6kl_init_hw_params(ar); - if (ret) - goto err_power_off; - - ar->htc_target = ath6kl_htc_create(ar); - - if (!ar->htc_target) { - ret = -ENOMEM; - goto err_power_off; - } - - ret = ath6kl_fetch_firmwares(ar); - if (ret) - goto err_htc_cleanup; - - /* FIXME: we should free all firmwares in the error cases below */ - - /* Indicate that WMI is enabled (although not ready yet) */ - set_bit(WMI_ENABLED, &ar->flag); - ar->wmi = ath6kl_wmi_init(ar); - if (!ar->wmi) { - ath6kl_err("failed to initialize wmi\n"); - ret = -EIO; - goto err_htc_cleanup; - } - - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_TRC, "%s: got wmi @ 0x%p.\n", __func__, ar->wmi); - - ret = ath6kl_register_ieee80211_hw(ar); - if (ret) - goto err_node_cleanup; - - ret = ath6kl_debug_init(ar); - if (ret) { - wiphy_unregister(ar->wiphy); - goto err_node_cleanup; - } - - for (i = 0; i < ar->vif_max; i++) - ar->avail_idx_map |= BIT(i); - - rtnl_lock(); - - /* Add an initial station interface */ - ndev = ath6kl_interface_add(ar, "wlan%d", NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION, 0, - INFRA_NETWORK); - - rtnl_unlock(); - - if (!ndev) { - ath6kl_err("Failed to instantiate a network device\n"); - ret = -ENOMEM; - wiphy_unregister(ar->wiphy); - goto err_debug_init; - } - - - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_TRC, "%s: name=%s dev=0x%p, ar=0x%p\n", - __func__, ndev->name, ndev, ar); - - /* setup access class priority mappings */ - ar->ac_stream_pri_map[WMM_AC_BK] = 0; /* lowest */ - ar->ac_stream_pri_map[WMM_AC_BE] = 1; - ar->ac_stream_pri_map[WMM_AC_VI] = 2; - ar->ac_stream_pri_map[WMM_AC_VO] = 3; /* highest */ - - /* give our connected endpoints some buffers */ - ath6kl_rx_refill(ar->htc_target, ar->ctrl_ep); - ath6kl_rx_refill(ar->htc_target, ar->ac2ep_map[WMM_AC_BE]); - - /* allocate some buffers that handle larger AMSDU frames */ - ath6kl_refill_amsdu_rxbufs(ar, ATH6KL_MAX_AMSDU_RX_BUFFERS); - - ath6kl_cookie_init(ar); - - ar->conf_flags = ATH6KL_CONF_IGNORE_ERP_BARKER | - ATH6KL_CONF_ENABLE_11N | ATH6KL_CONF_ENABLE_TX_BURST; - - if (suspend_cutpower) - ar->conf_flags |= ATH6KL_CONF_SUSPEND_CUTPOWER; - - ar->wiphy->flags |= WIPHY_FLAG_SUPPORTS_FW_ROAM | - WIPHY_FLAG_HAVE_AP_SME | - WIPHY_FLAG_HAS_REMAIN_ON_CHANNEL | - WIPHY_FLAG_AP_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD; - - if (test_bit(ATH6KL_FW_CAPABILITY_SCHED_SCAN, ar->fw_capabilities)) - ar->wiphy->flags |= WIPHY_FLAG_SUPPORTS_SCHED_SCAN; - - ar->wiphy->probe_resp_offload = - NL80211_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD_SUPPORT_WPS | - NL80211_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD_SUPPORT_WPS2 | - NL80211_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD_SUPPORT_P2P | - NL80211_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD_SUPPORT_80211U; - - set_bit(FIRST_BOOT, &ar->flag); - - ret = ath6kl_init_hw_start(ar); - if (ret) { - ath6kl_err("Failed to start hardware: %d\n", ret); - goto err_rxbuf_cleanup; - } - - /* - * Set mac address which is received in ready event - * FIXME: Move to ath6kl_interface_add() - */ - memcpy(ndev->dev_addr, ar->mac_addr, ETH_ALEN); - - return ret; - -err_rxbuf_cleanup: - ath6kl_htc_flush_rx_buf(ar->htc_target); - ath6kl_cleanup_amsdu_rxbufs(ar); - rtnl_lock(); - ath6kl_deinit_if_data(netdev_priv(ndev)); - rtnl_unlock(); - wiphy_unregister(ar->wiphy); -err_debug_init: - ath6kl_debug_cleanup(ar); -err_node_cleanup: - ath6kl_wmi_shutdown(ar->wmi); - clear_bit(WMI_ENABLED, &ar->flag); - ar->wmi = NULL; -err_htc_cleanup: - ath6kl_htc_cleanup(ar->htc_target); -err_power_off: - ath6kl_hif_power_off(ar); -err_bmi_cleanup: - ath6kl_bmi_cleanup(ar); -err_wq: - destroy_workqueue(ar->ath6kl_wq); - - return ret; -} - +/* FIXME: move this to cfg80211.c and rename to ath6kl_cfg80211_vif_stop() */ void ath6kl_cleanup_vif(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, bool wmi_ready) { static u8 bcast_mac[] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}; @@ -1747,6 +1628,7 @@ void ath6kl_cleanup_vif(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, bool wmi_ready) void ath6kl_stop_txrx(struct ath6kl *ar) { struct ath6kl_vif *vif, *tmp_vif; + int i; set_bit(DESTROY_IN_PROGRESS, &ar->flag); @@ -1755,13 +1637,16 @@ void ath6kl_stop_txrx(struct ath6kl *ar) return; } + for (i = 0; i < AP_MAX_NUM_STA; i++) + aggr_reset_state(ar->sta_list[i].aggr_conn); + spin_lock_bh(&ar->list_lock); list_for_each_entry_safe(vif, tmp_vif, &ar->vif_list, list) { list_del(&vif->list); spin_unlock_bh(&ar->list_lock); ath6kl_cleanup_vif(vif, test_bit(WMI_READY, &ar->flag)); rtnl_lock(); - ath6kl_deinit_if_data(vif); + ath6kl_cfg80211_vif_cleanup(vif); rtnl_unlock(); spin_lock_bh(&ar->list_lock); } @@ -1791,8 +1676,11 @@ void ath6kl_stop_txrx(struct ath6kl *ar) * configure NOT to reset the target during a debug session. */ ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_TRC, - "attempting to reset target on instance destroy\n"); + "attempting to reset target on instance destroy\n"); ath6kl_reset_device(ar, ar->target_type, true, true); clear_bit(WLAN_ENABLED, &ar->flag); + + up(&ar->sem); } +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath6kl_stop_txrx); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/main.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/main.c index eea3c747653ed327ddb03a14ac12cbdf4c0b34f1..229e1922ebe436f6b7c154d0277d538101777838 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/main.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/main.c @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -52,9 +53,11 @@ struct ath6kl_sta *ath6kl_find_sta_by_aid(struct ath6kl *ar, u8 aid) return conn; } -static void ath6kl_add_new_sta(struct ath6kl *ar, u8 *mac, u16 aid, u8 *wpaie, - u8 ielen, u8 keymgmt, u8 ucipher, u8 auth) +static void ath6kl_add_new_sta(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u8 *mac, u16 aid, + u8 *wpaie, size_t ielen, u8 keymgmt, + u8 ucipher, u8 auth, u8 apsd_info) { + struct ath6kl *ar = vif->ar; struct ath6kl_sta *sta; u8 free_slot; @@ -68,18 +71,31 @@ static void ath6kl_add_new_sta(struct ath6kl *ar, u8 *mac, u16 aid, u8 *wpaie, sta->keymgmt = keymgmt; sta->ucipher = ucipher; sta->auth = auth; + sta->apsd_info = apsd_info; ar->sta_list_index = ar->sta_list_index | (1 << free_slot); ar->ap_stats.sta[free_slot].aid = cpu_to_le32(aid); + aggr_conn_init(vif, vif->aggr_cntxt, sta->aggr_conn); } static void ath6kl_sta_cleanup(struct ath6kl *ar, u8 i) { struct ath6kl_sta *sta = &ar->sta_list[i]; + struct ath6kl_mgmt_buff *entry, *tmp; /* empty the queued pkts in the PS queue if any */ spin_lock_bh(&sta->psq_lock); skb_queue_purge(&sta->psq); + skb_queue_purge(&sta->apsdq); + + if (sta->mgmt_psq_len != 0) { + list_for_each_entry_safe(entry, tmp, &sta->mgmt_psq, list) { + kfree(entry); + } + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sta->mgmt_psq); + sta->mgmt_psq_len = 0; + } + spin_unlock_bh(&sta->psq_lock); memset(&ar->ap_stats.sta[sta->aid - 1], 0, @@ -90,7 +106,7 @@ static void ath6kl_sta_cleanup(struct ath6kl *ar, u8 i) sta->sta_flags = 0; ar->sta_list_index = ar->sta_list_index & ~(1 << i); - + aggr_reset_state(sta->aggr_conn); } static u8 ath6kl_remove_sta(struct ath6kl *ar, u8 *mac, u16 reason) @@ -252,7 +268,7 @@ int ath6kl_read_fwlogs(struct ath6kl *ar) struct ath6kl_dbglog_hdr debug_hdr; struct ath6kl_dbglog_buf debug_buf; u32 address, length, dropped, firstbuf, debug_hdr_addr; - int ret = 0, loop; + int ret, loop; u8 *buf; buf = kmalloc(ATH6KL_FWLOG_PAYLOAD_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -334,7 +350,7 @@ void ath6kl_reset_device(struct ath6kl *ar, u32 target_type, __le32 data; if (target_type != TARGET_TYPE_AR6003 && - target_type != TARGET_TYPE_AR6004) + target_type != TARGET_TYPE_AR6004) return; data = cold_reset ? cpu_to_le32(RESET_CONTROL_COLD_RST) : @@ -347,9 +363,6 @@ void ath6kl_reset_device(struct ath6kl *ar, u32 target_type, case TARGET_TYPE_AR6004: address = AR6004_RESET_CONTROL_ADDRESS; break; - default: - address = AR6003_RESET_CONTROL_ADDRESS; - break; } status = ath6kl_diag_write32(ar, address, data); @@ -363,7 +376,7 @@ static void ath6kl_install_static_wep_keys(struct ath6kl_vif *vif) u8 index; u8 keyusage; - for (index = WMI_MIN_KEY_INDEX; index <= WMI_MAX_KEY_INDEX; index++) { + for (index = 0; index <= WMI_MAX_KEY_INDEX; index++) { if (vif->wep_key_list[index].key_len) { keyusage = GROUP_USAGE; if (index == vif->def_txkey_index) @@ -428,9 +441,8 @@ void ath6kl_connect_ap_mode_bss(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u16 channel) void ath6kl_connect_ap_mode_sta(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u16 aid, u8 *mac_addr, u8 keymgmt, u8 ucipher, u8 auth, - u8 assoc_req_len, u8 *assoc_info) + u8 assoc_req_len, u8 *assoc_info, u8 apsd_info) { - struct ath6kl *ar = vif->ar; u8 *ies = NULL, *wpa_ie = NULL, *pos; size_t ies_len = 0; struct station_info sinfo; @@ -484,9 +496,9 @@ void ath6kl_connect_ap_mode_sta(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u16 aid, u8 *mac_addr, pos += 2 + pos[1]; } - ath6kl_add_new_sta(ar, mac_addr, aid, wpa_ie, + ath6kl_add_new_sta(vif, mac_addr, aid, wpa_ie, wpa_ie ? 2 + wpa_ie[1] : 0, - keymgmt, ucipher, auth); + keymgmt, ucipher, auth, apsd_info); /* send event to application */ memset(&sinfo, 0, sizeof(sinfo)); @@ -589,8 +601,7 @@ void ath6kl_connect_event(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u16 channel, u8 *bssid, if ((vif->nw_type == INFRA_NETWORK)) ath6kl_wmi_listeninterval_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, - ar->listen_intvl_t, - ar->listen_intvl_b); + vif->listen_intvl_t, 0); netif_wake_queue(vif->ndev); @@ -601,7 +612,7 @@ void ath6kl_connect_event(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u16 channel, u8 *bssid, netif_carrier_on(vif->ndev); spin_unlock_bh(&vif->if_lock); - aggr_reset_state(vif->aggr_cntxt); + aggr_reset_state(vif->aggr_cntxt->aggr_conn); vif->reconnect_flag = 0; if ((vif->nw_type == ADHOC_NETWORK) && ar->ibss_ps_enable) { @@ -808,6 +819,7 @@ void ath6kl_pspoll_event(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u8 aid) struct sk_buff *skb; bool psq_empty = false; struct ath6kl *ar = vif->ar; + struct ath6kl_mgmt_buff *mgmt_buf; conn = ath6kl_find_sta_by_aid(ar, aid); @@ -818,7 +830,7 @@ void ath6kl_pspoll_event(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u8 aid) * becomes empty update the PVB for this station. */ spin_lock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); - psq_empty = skb_queue_empty(&conn->psq); + psq_empty = skb_queue_empty(&conn->psq) && (conn->mgmt_psq_len == 0); spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); if (psq_empty) @@ -826,15 +838,31 @@ void ath6kl_pspoll_event(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u8 aid) return; spin_lock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); - skb = skb_dequeue(&conn->psq); - spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + if (conn->mgmt_psq_len > 0) { + mgmt_buf = list_first_entry(&conn->mgmt_psq, + struct ath6kl_mgmt_buff, list); + list_del(&mgmt_buf->list); + conn->mgmt_psq_len--; + spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + + conn->sta_flags |= STA_PS_POLLED; + ath6kl_wmi_send_mgmt_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, + mgmt_buf->id, mgmt_buf->freq, + mgmt_buf->wait, mgmt_buf->buf, + mgmt_buf->len, mgmt_buf->no_cck); + conn->sta_flags &= ~STA_PS_POLLED; + kfree(mgmt_buf); + } else { + skb = skb_dequeue(&conn->psq); + spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); - conn->sta_flags |= STA_PS_POLLED; - ath6kl_data_tx(skb, vif->ndev); - conn->sta_flags &= ~STA_PS_POLLED; + conn->sta_flags |= STA_PS_POLLED; + ath6kl_data_tx(skb, vif->ndev); + conn->sta_flags &= ~STA_PS_POLLED; + } spin_lock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); - psq_empty = skb_queue_empty(&conn->psq); + psq_empty = skb_queue_empty(&conn->psq) && (conn->mgmt_psq_len == 0); spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); if (psq_empty) @@ -920,10 +948,10 @@ void ath6kl_disconnect_event(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u8 reason, u8 *bssid, } ath6kl_cfg80211_disconnect_event(vif, reason, bssid, - assoc_resp_len, assoc_info, - prot_reason_status); + assoc_resp_len, assoc_info, + prot_reason_status); - aggr_reset_state(vif->aggr_cntxt); + aggr_reset_state(vif->aggr_cntxt->aggr_conn); del_timer(&vif->disconnect_timer); @@ -941,9 +969,9 @@ void ath6kl_disconnect_event(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u8 reason, u8 *bssid, } else { set_bit(CONNECT_PEND, &vif->flags); if (((reason == ASSOC_FAILED) && - (prot_reason_status == 0x11)) || - ((reason == ASSOC_FAILED) && (prot_reason_status == 0x0) - && (vif->reconnect_flag == 1))) { + (prot_reason_status == 0x11)) || + ((reason == ASSOC_FAILED) && (prot_reason_status == 0x0) && + (vif->reconnect_flag == 1))) { set_bit(CONNECTED, &vif->flags); return; } @@ -1020,11 +1048,155 @@ static struct net_device_stats *ath6kl_get_stats(struct net_device *dev) return &vif->net_stats; } -static struct net_device_ops ath6kl_netdev_ops = { +static int ath6kl_set_features(struct net_device *dev, + netdev_features_t features) +{ + struct ath6kl_vif *vif = netdev_priv(dev); + struct ath6kl *ar = vif->ar; + int err = 0; + + if ((features & NETIF_F_RXCSUM) && + (ar->rx_meta_ver != WMI_META_VERSION_2)) { + ar->rx_meta_ver = WMI_META_VERSION_2; + err = ath6kl_wmi_set_rx_frame_format_cmd(ar->wmi, + vif->fw_vif_idx, + ar->rx_meta_ver, 0, 0); + if (err) { + dev->features = features & ~NETIF_F_RXCSUM; + return err; + } + } else if (!(features & NETIF_F_RXCSUM) && + (ar->rx_meta_ver == WMI_META_VERSION_2)) { + ar->rx_meta_ver = 0; + err = ath6kl_wmi_set_rx_frame_format_cmd(ar->wmi, + vif->fw_vif_idx, + ar->rx_meta_ver, 0, 0); + if (err) { + dev->features = features | NETIF_F_RXCSUM; + return err; + } + + } + + return err; +} + +static void ath6kl_set_multicast_list(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct ath6kl_vif *vif = netdev_priv(ndev); + bool mc_all_on = false, mc_all_off = false; + int mc_count = netdev_mc_count(ndev); + struct netdev_hw_addr *ha; + bool found; + struct ath6kl_mc_filter *mc_filter, *tmp; + struct list_head mc_filter_new; + int ret; + + if (!test_bit(WMI_READY, &vif->ar->flag) || + !test_bit(WLAN_ENABLED, &vif->flags)) + return; + + mc_all_on = !!(ndev->flags & IFF_PROMISC) || + !!(ndev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI) || + !!(mc_count > ATH6K_MAX_MC_FILTERS_PER_LIST); + + mc_all_off = !(ndev->flags & IFF_MULTICAST) || mc_count == 0; + + if (mc_all_on || mc_all_off) { + /* Enable/disable all multicast */ + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_TRC, "%s multicast filter\n", + mc_all_on ? "enabling" : "disabling"); + ret = ath6kl_wmi_mcast_filter_cmd(vif->ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, + mc_all_on); + if (ret) + ath6kl_warn("Failed to %s multicast receive\n", + mc_all_on ? "enable" : "disable"); + return; + } + + list_for_each_entry_safe(mc_filter, tmp, &vif->mc_filter, list) { + found = false; + netdev_for_each_mc_addr(ha, ndev) { + if (memcmp(ha->addr, mc_filter->hw_addr, + ATH6KL_MCAST_FILTER_MAC_ADDR_SIZE) == 0) { + found = true; + break; + } + } + + if (!found) { + /* + * Delete the filter which was previously set + * but not in the new request. + */ + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_TRC, + "Removing %pM from multicast filter\n", + mc_filter->hw_addr); + ret = ath6kl_wmi_add_del_mcast_filter_cmd(vif->ar->wmi, + vif->fw_vif_idx, mc_filter->hw_addr, + false); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_warn("Failed to remove multicast filter:%pM\n", + mc_filter->hw_addr); + return; + } + + list_del(&mc_filter->list); + kfree(mc_filter); + } + } + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mc_filter_new); + + netdev_for_each_mc_addr(ha, ndev) { + found = false; + list_for_each_entry(mc_filter, &vif->mc_filter, list) { + if (memcmp(ha->addr, mc_filter->hw_addr, + ATH6KL_MCAST_FILTER_MAC_ADDR_SIZE) == 0) { + found = true; + break; + } + } + + if (!found) { + mc_filter = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ath6kl_mc_filter), + GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!mc_filter) { + WARN_ON(1); + goto out; + } + + memcpy(mc_filter->hw_addr, ha->addr, + ATH6KL_MCAST_FILTER_MAC_ADDR_SIZE); + /* Set the multicast filter */ + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_TRC, + "Adding %pM to multicast filter list\n", + mc_filter->hw_addr); + ret = ath6kl_wmi_add_del_mcast_filter_cmd(vif->ar->wmi, + vif->fw_vif_idx, mc_filter->hw_addr, + true); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_warn("Failed to add multicast filter :%pM\n", + mc_filter->hw_addr); + kfree(mc_filter); + goto out; + } + + list_add_tail(&mc_filter->list, &mc_filter_new); + } + } + +out: + list_splice_tail(&mc_filter_new, &vif->mc_filter); +} + +static const struct net_device_ops ath6kl_netdev_ops = { .ndo_open = ath6kl_open, .ndo_stop = ath6kl_close, .ndo_start_xmit = ath6kl_data_tx, .ndo_get_stats = ath6kl_get_stats, + .ndo_set_features = ath6kl_set_features, + .ndo_set_rx_mode = ath6kl_set_multicast_list, }; void init_netdev(struct net_device *dev) @@ -1038,5 +1210,7 @@ void init_netdev(struct net_device *dev) sizeof(struct wmi_data_hdr) + HTC_HDR_LENGTH + WMI_MAX_TX_META_SZ + ATH6KL_HTC_ALIGN_BYTES; + dev->hw_features |= NETIF_F_IP_CSUM | NETIF_F_RXCSUM; + return; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/sdio.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/sdio.c index 9475e2d0d0b7943bee6dd60288821c95a8dc9588..53528648b425807c7785c2f7a2facb57bc790f9e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/sdio.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/sdio.c @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ struct ath6kl_sdio { struct sdio_func *func; + /* protects access to bus_req_freeq */ spinlock_t lock; /* free list */ @@ -49,14 +51,20 @@ struct ath6kl_sdio { /* scatter request list head */ struct list_head scat_req; + atomic_t irq_handling; + wait_queue_head_t irq_wq; + + /* protects access to scat_req */ spinlock_t scat_lock; + bool scatter_enabled; bool is_disabled; - atomic_t irq_handling; const struct sdio_device_id *id; struct work_struct wr_async_work; struct list_head wr_asyncq; + + /* protects access to wr_asyncq */ spinlock_t wr_async_lock; }; @@ -402,7 +410,10 @@ static int ath6kl_sdio_read_write_sync(struct ath6kl *ar, u32 addr, u8 *buf, return -ENOMEM; mutex_lock(&ar_sdio->dma_buffer_mutex); tbuf = ar_sdio->dma_buffer; - memcpy(tbuf, buf, len); + + if (request & HIF_WRITE) + memcpy(tbuf, buf, len); + bounced = true; } else tbuf = buf; @@ -461,7 +472,6 @@ static void ath6kl_sdio_irq_handler(struct sdio_func *func) ar_sdio = sdio_get_drvdata(func); atomic_set(&ar_sdio->irq_handling, 1); - /* * Release the host during interrups so we can pick it back up when * we process commands. @@ -470,7 +480,10 @@ static void ath6kl_sdio_irq_handler(struct sdio_func *func) status = ath6kl_hif_intr_bh_handler(ar_sdio->ar); sdio_claim_host(ar_sdio->func); + atomic_set(&ar_sdio->irq_handling, 0); + wake_up(&ar_sdio->irq_wq); + WARN_ON(status && status != -ECANCELED); } @@ -571,6 +584,13 @@ static void ath6kl_sdio_irq_enable(struct ath6kl *ar) sdio_release_host(ar_sdio->func); } +static bool ath6kl_sdio_is_on_irq(struct ath6kl *ar) +{ + struct ath6kl_sdio *ar_sdio = ath6kl_sdio_priv(ar); + + return !atomic_read(&ar_sdio->irq_handling); +} + static void ath6kl_sdio_irq_disable(struct ath6kl *ar) { struct ath6kl_sdio *ar_sdio = ath6kl_sdio_priv(ar); @@ -578,10 +598,14 @@ static void ath6kl_sdio_irq_disable(struct ath6kl *ar) sdio_claim_host(ar_sdio->func); - /* Mask our function IRQ */ - while (atomic_read(&ar_sdio->irq_handling)) { + if (atomic_read(&ar_sdio->irq_handling)) { sdio_release_host(ar_sdio->func); - schedule_timeout(HZ / 10); + + ret = wait_event_interruptible(ar_sdio->irq_wq, + ath6kl_sdio_is_on_irq(ar)); + if (ret) + return; + sdio_claim_host(ar_sdio->func); } @@ -603,6 +627,8 @@ static struct hif_scatter_req *ath6kl_sdio_scatter_req_get(struct ath6kl *ar) node = list_first_entry(&ar_sdio->scat_req, struct hif_scatter_req, list); list_del(&node->list); + + node->scat_q_depth = get_queue_depth(&ar_sdio->scat_req); } spin_unlock_bh(&ar_sdio->scat_lock); @@ -635,8 +661,8 @@ static int ath6kl_sdio_async_rw_scatter(struct ath6kl *ar, return -EINVAL; ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_SCATTER, - "hif-scatter: total len: %d scatter entries: %d\n", - scat_req->len, scat_req->scat_entries); + "hif-scatter: total len: %d scatter entries: %d\n", + scat_req->len, scat_req->scat_entries); if (request & HIF_SYNCHRONOUS) status = ath6kl_sdio_scat_rw(ar_sdio, scat_req->busrequest); @@ -772,7 +798,6 @@ static int ath6kl_sdio_config(struct ath6kl *ar) if (ret) { ath6kl_err("Set sdio block size %d failed: %d)\n", HIF_MBOX_BLOCK_SIZE, ret); - sdio_release_host(func); goto out; } @@ -782,7 +807,7 @@ static int ath6kl_sdio_config(struct ath6kl *ar) return ret; } -static int ath6kl_sdio_suspend(struct ath6kl *ar, struct cfg80211_wowlan *wow) +static int ath6kl_set_sdio_pm_caps(struct ath6kl *ar) { struct ath6kl_sdio *ar_sdio = ath6kl_sdio_priv(ar); struct sdio_func *func = ar_sdio->func; @@ -793,60 +818,104 @@ static int ath6kl_sdio_suspend(struct ath6kl *ar, struct cfg80211_wowlan *wow) ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_SUSPEND, "sdio suspend pm_caps 0x%x\n", flags); - if (!(flags & MMC_PM_KEEP_POWER) || - (ar->conf_flags & ATH6KL_CONF_SUSPEND_CUTPOWER)) { - /* as host doesn't support keep power we need to cut power */ - return ath6kl_cfg80211_suspend(ar, ATH6KL_CFG_SUSPEND_CUTPOWER, - NULL); - } + if (!(flags & MMC_PM_WAKE_SDIO_IRQ) || + !(flags & MMC_PM_KEEP_POWER)) + return -EINVAL; ret = sdio_set_host_pm_flags(func, MMC_PM_KEEP_POWER); if (ret) { - printk(KERN_ERR "ath6kl: set sdio pm flags failed: %d\n", - ret); + ath6kl_err("set sdio keep pwr flag failed: %d\n", ret); return ret; } - if (!(flags & MMC_PM_WAKE_SDIO_IRQ)) - goto deepsleep; - /* sdio irq wakes up host */ + ret = sdio_set_host_pm_flags(func, MMC_PM_WAKE_SDIO_IRQ); + if (ret) + ath6kl_err("set sdio wake irq flag failed: %d\n", ret); + + return ret; +} + +static int ath6kl_sdio_suspend(struct ath6kl *ar, struct cfg80211_wowlan *wow) +{ + struct ath6kl_sdio *ar_sdio = ath6kl_sdio_priv(ar); + struct sdio_func *func = ar_sdio->func; + mmc_pm_flag_t flags; + bool try_deepsleep = false; + int ret; if (ar->state == ATH6KL_STATE_SCHED_SCAN) { + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_SUSPEND, "sched scan is in progress\n"); + + ret = ath6kl_set_sdio_pm_caps(ar); + if (ret) + goto cut_pwr; + ret = ath6kl_cfg80211_suspend(ar, ATH6KL_CFG_SUSPEND_SCHED_SCAN, NULL); - if (ret) { - ath6kl_warn("Schedule scan suspend failed: %d", ret); - return ret; - } + if (ret) + goto cut_pwr; + + return 0; + } + + if (ar->suspend_mode == WLAN_POWER_STATE_WOW || + (!ar->suspend_mode && wow)) { - ret = sdio_set_host_pm_flags(func, MMC_PM_WAKE_SDIO_IRQ); + ret = ath6kl_set_sdio_pm_caps(ar); if (ret) - ath6kl_warn("set sdio wake irq flag failed: %d\n", ret); + goto cut_pwr; - return ret; + ret = ath6kl_cfg80211_suspend(ar, ATH6KL_CFG_SUSPEND_WOW, wow); + if (ret && ret != -ENOTCONN) + ath6kl_err("wow suspend failed: %d\n", ret); + + if (ret && + (!ar->wow_suspend_mode || + ar->wow_suspend_mode == WLAN_POWER_STATE_DEEP_SLEEP)) + try_deepsleep = true; + else if (ret && + ar->wow_suspend_mode == WLAN_POWER_STATE_CUT_PWR) + goto cut_pwr; + if (!ret) + return 0; } - if (wow) { + if (ar->suspend_mode == WLAN_POWER_STATE_DEEP_SLEEP || + !ar->suspend_mode || try_deepsleep) { + + flags = sdio_get_host_pm_caps(func); + if (!(flags & MMC_PM_KEEP_POWER)) + goto cut_pwr; + + ret = sdio_set_host_pm_flags(func, MMC_PM_KEEP_POWER); + if (ret) + goto cut_pwr; + /* - * The host sdio controller is capable of keep power and - * sdio irq wake up at this point. It's fine to continue - * wow suspend operation. + * Workaround to support Deep Sleep with MSM, set the host pm + * flag as MMC_PM_WAKE_SDIO_IRQ to allow SDCC deiver to disable + * the sdc2_clock and internally allows MSM to enter + * TCXO shutdown properly. */ - ret = ath6kl_cfg80211_suspend(ar, ATH6KL_CFG_SUSPEND_WOW, wow); - if (ret) - return ret; + if ((flags & MMC_PM_WAKE_SDIO_IRQ)) { + ret = sdio_set_host_pm_flags(func, + MMC_PM_WAKE_SDIO_IRQ); + if (ret) + goto cut_pwr; + } - ret = sdio_set_host_pm_flags(func, MMC_PM_WAKE_SDIO_IRQ); + ret = ath6kl_cfg80211_suspend(ar, ATH6KL_CFG_SUSPEND_DEEPSLEEP, + NULL); if (ret) - ath6kl_err("set sdio wake irq flag failed: %d\n", ret); + goto cut_pwr; - return ret; + return 0; } -deepsleep: - return ath6kl_cfg80211_suspend(ar, ATH6KL_CFG_SUSPEND_DEEPSLEEP, NULL); +cut_pwr: + return ath6kl_cfg80211_suspend(ar, ATH6KL_CFG_SUSPEND_CUTPOWER, NULL); } static int ath6kl_sdio_resume(struct ath6kl *ar) @@ -869,8 +938,15 @@ static int ath6kl_sdio_resume(struct ath6kl *ar) case ATH6KL_STATE_WOW: break; + case ATH6KL_STATE_SCHED_SCAN: break; + + case ATH6KL_STATE_SUSPENDING: + break; + + case ATH6KL_STATE_RESUMING: + break; } ath6kl_cfg80211_resume(ar); @@ -949,7 +1025,7 @@ static int ath6kl_sdio_diag_read32(struct ath6kl *ar, u32 address, u32 *data) (u8 *)data, sizeof(u32), HIF_RD_SYNC_BYTE_INC); if (status) { ath6kl_err("%s: failed to read from window data addr\n", - __func__); + __func__); return status; } @@ -1260,10 +1336,12 @@ static int ath6kl_sdio_probe(struct sdio_func *func, INIT_WORK(&ar_sdio->wr_async_work, ath6kl_sdio_write_async_work); + init_waitqueue_head(&ar_sdio->irq_wq); + for (count = 0; count < BUS_REQUEST_MAX_NUM; count++) ath6kl_sdio_free_bus_req(ar_sdio, &ar_sdio->bus_req[count]); - ar = ath6kl_core_alloc(&ar_sdio->func->dev); + ar = ath6kl_core_create(&ar_sdio->func->dev); if (!ar) { ath6kl_err("Failed to alloc ath6kl core\n"); ret = -ENOMEM; @@ -1293,7 +1371,7 @@ static int ath6kl_sdio_probe(struct sdio_func *func, return ret; err_core_alloc: - ath6kl_core_free(ar_sdio->ar); + ath6kl_core_destroy(ar_sdio->ar); err_dma: kfree(ar_sdio->dma_buffer); err_hif: @@ -1316,6 +1394,7 @@ static void ath6kl_sdio_remove(struct sdio_func *func) cancel_work_sync(&ar_sdio->wr_async_work); ath6kl_core_cleanup(ar_sdio->ar); + ath6kl_core_destroy(ar_sdio->ar); kfree(ar_sdio->dma_buffer); kfree(ar_sdio); @@ -1332,7 +1411,7 @@ static const struct sdio_device_id ath6kl_sdio_devices[] = { MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(sdio, ath6kl_sdio_devices); static struct sdio_driver ath6kl_sdio_driver = { - .name = "ath6kl", + .name = "ath6kl_sdio", .id_table = ath6kl_sdio_devices, .probe = ath6kl_sdio_probe, .remove = ath6kl_sdio_remove, @@ -1362,19 +1441,19 @@ MODULE_AUTHOR("Atheros Communications, Inc."); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Driver support for Atheros AR600x SDIO devices"); MODULE_LICENSE("Dual BSD/GPL"); -MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6003_HW_2_0_OTP_FILE); -MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6003_HW_2_0_FIRMWARE_FILE); -MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6003_HW_2_0_PATCH_FILE); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6003_HW_2_0_FW_DIR "/" AR6003_HW_2_0_OTP_FILE); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6003_HW_2_0_FW_DIR "/" AR6003_HW_2_0_FIRMWARE_FILE); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6003_HW_2_0_FW_DIR "/" AR6003_HW_2_0_PATCH_FILE); MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6003_HW_2_0_BOARD_DATA_FILE); MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6003_HW_2_0_DEFAULT_BOARD_DATA_FILE); -MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6003_HW_2_1_1_OTP_FILE); -MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6003_HW_2_1_1_FIRMWARE_FILE); -MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6003_HW_2_1_1_PATCH_FILE); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6003_HW_2_1_1_FW_DIR "/" AR6003_HW_2_1_1_OTP_FILE); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6003_HW_2_1_1_FW_DIR "/" AR6003_HW_2_1_1_FIRMWARE_FILE); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6003_HW_2_1_1_FW_DIR "/" AR6003_HW_2_1_1_PATCH_FILE); MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6003_HW_2_1_1_BOARD_DATA_FILE); MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6003_HW_2_1_1_DEFAULT_BOARD_DATA_FILE); -MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6004_HW_1_0_FIRMWARE_FILE); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6004_HW_1_0_FW_DIR "/" AR6004_HW_1_0_FIRMWARE_FILE); MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6004_HW_1_0_BOARD_DATA_FILE); MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6004_HW_1_0_DEFAULT_BOARD_DATA_FILE); -MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6004_HW_1_1_FIRMWARE_FILE); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6004_HW_1_1_FW_DIR "/" AR6004_HW_1_1_FIRMWARE_FILE); MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6004_HW_1_1_BOARD_DATA_FILE); MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6004_HW_1_1_DEFAULT_BOARD_DATA_FILE); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/target.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/target.h index 108a723a1085ad1cb9f7d879498dae8a4eda73d3..78e0ef4567a5287d4755f2812d7e41b97e1e6ccf 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/target.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/target.h @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ #define AR6003_BOARD_DATA_SZ 1024 #define AR6003_BOARD_EXT_DATA_SZ 768 +#define AR6003_BOARD_EXT_DATA_SZ_V2 1024 #define AR6004_BOARD_DATA_SZ 6144 #define AR6004_BOARD_EXT_DATA_SZ 0 diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/testmode.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/testmode.c index 381eb66a605f0e726434dfb7722d152771578742..6675c92b542b4fca19c4af6d1ebd96e6586f046b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/testmode.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/testmode.c @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ */ #include "testmode.h" +#include "debug.h" #include @@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ enum ath6kl_tm_attr { enum ath6kl_tm_cmd { ATH6KL_TM_CMD_TCMD = 0, - ATH6KL_TM_CMD_RX_REPORT = 1, + ATH6KL_TM_CMD_RX_REPORT = 1, /* not used anymore */ }; #define ATH6KL_TM_DATA_MAX_LEN 5000 @@ -41,84 +43,33 @@ static const struct nla_policy ath6kl_tm_policy[ATH6KL_TM_ATTR_MAX + 1] = { .len = ATH6KL_TM_DATA_MAX_LEN }, }; -void ath6kl_tm_rx_report_event(struct ath6kl *ar, void *buf, size_t buf_len) +void ath6kl_tm_rx_event(struct ath6kl *ar, void *buf, size_t buf_len) { - if (down_interruptible(&ar->sem)) - return; - - kfree(ar->tm.rx_report); - - ar->tm.rx_report = kmemdup(buf, buf_len, GFP_KERNEL); - ar->tm.rx_report_len = buf_len; - - up(&ar->sem); - - wake_up(&ar->event_wq); -} - -static int ath6kl_tm_rx_report(struct ath6kl *ar, void *buf, size_t buf_len, - struct sk_buff *skb) -{ - int ret = 0; - long left; - - if (down_interruptible(&ar->sem)) - return -ERESTARTSYS; - - if (!test_bit(WMI_READY, &ar->flag)) { - ret = -EIO; - goto out; - } - - if (test_bit(DESTROY_IN_PROGRESS, &ar->flag)) { - ret = -EBUSY; - goto out; - } - - if (ath6kl_wmi_test_cmd(ar->wmi, buf, buf_len) < 0) { - up(&ar->sem); - return -EIO; - } - - left = wait_event_interruptible_timeout(ar->event_wq, - ar->tm.rx_report != NULL, - WMI_TIMEOUT); + struct sk_buff *skb; - if (left == 0) { - ret = -ETIMEDOUT; - goto out; - } else if (left < 0) { - ret = left; - goto out; - } + if (!buf || buf_len == 0) + return; - if (ar->tm.rx_report == NULL || ar->tm.rx_report_len == 0) { - ret = -EINVAL; - goto out; + skb = cfg80211_testmode_alloc_event_skb(ar->wiphy, buf_len, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!skb) { + ath6kl_warn("failed to allocate testmode rx skb!\n"); + return; } - - NLA_PUT(skb, ATH6KL_TM_ATTR_DATA, ar->tm.rx_report_len, - ar->tm.rx_report); - - kfree(ar->tm.rx_report); - ar->tm.rx_report = NULL; - -out: - up(&ar->sem); - - return ret; + NLA_PUT_U32(skb, ATH6KL_TM_ATTR_CMD, ATH6KL_TM_CMD_TCMD); + NLA_PUT(skb, ATH6KL_TM_ATTR_DATA, buf_len, buf); + cfg80211_testmode_event(skb, GFP_KERNEL); + return; nla_put_failure: - ret = -ENOBUFS; - goto out; + kfree_skb(skb); + ath6kl_warn("nla_put failed on testmode rx skb!\n"); } int ath6kl_tm_cmd(struct wiphy *wiphy, void *data, int len) { struct ath6kl *ar = wiphy_priv(wiphy); struct nlattr *tb[ATH6KL_TM_ATTR_MAX + 1]; - int err, buf_len, reply_len; - struct sk_buff *skb; + int err, buf_len; void *buf; err = nla_parse(tb, ATH6KL_TM_ATTR_MAX, data, len, @@ -143,24 +94,6 @@ int ath6kl_tm_cmd(struct wiphy *wiphy, void *data, int len) break; case ATH6KL_TM_CMD_RX_REPORT: - if (!tb[ATH6KL_TM_ATTR_DATA]) - return -EINVAL; - - buf = nla_data(tb[ATH6KL_TM_ATTR_DATA]); - buf_len = nla_len(tb[ATH6KL_TM_ATTR_DATA]); - - reply_len = nla_total_size(ATH6KL_TM_DATA_MAX_LEN); - skb = cfg80211_testmode_alloc_reply_skb(wiphy, reply_len); - if (!skb) - return -ENOMEM; - - err = ath6kl_tm_rx_report(ar, buf, buf_len, skb); - if (err < 0) { - kfree_skb(skb); - return err; - } - - return cfg80211_testmode_reply(skb); default: return -EOPNOTSUPP; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/testmode.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/testmode.h index 43dffcc11fb120b75faffe1307b05279c1881bb9..fe651d6707df4ed36fc08b69a63b554565582fb5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/testmode.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/testmode.h @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -18,13 +19,13 @@ #ifdef CONFIG_NL80211_TESTMODE -void ath6kl_tm_rx_report_event(struct ath6kl *ar, void *buf, size_t buf_len); +void ath6kl_tm_rx_event(struct ath6kl *ar, void *buf, size_t buf_len); int ath6kl_tm_cmd(struct wiphy *wiphy, void *data, int len); #else -static inline void ath6kl_tm_rx_report_event(struct ath6kl *ar, void *buf, - size_t buf_len) +static inline void ath6kl_tm_rx_event(struct ath6kl *ar, void *buf, + size_t buf_len) { } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/txrx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/txrx.c index 506a3031a8850d2b8281306df8a6f5346ea57bd4..f85353fd17928b90698bdcc1a25ca1f3f1233b51 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/txrx.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/txrx.c @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -17,6 +18,23 @@ #include "core.h" #include "debug.h" +/* + * tid - tid_mux0..tid_mux3 + * aid - tid_mux4..tid_mux7 + */ +#define ATH6KL_TID_MASK 0xf +#define ATH6KL_AID_SHIFT 4 + +static inline u8 ath6kl_get_tid(u8 tid_mux) +{ + return tid_mux & ATH6KL_TID_MASK; +} + +static inline u8 ath6kl_get_aid(u8 tid_mux) +{ + return tid_mux >> ATH6KL_AID_SHIFT; +} + static u8 ath6kl_ibss_map_epid(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, u32 *map_no) { @@ -77,12 +95,118 @@ static u8 ath6kl_ibss_map_epid(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, return ar->node_map[ep_map].ep_id; } +static bool ath6kl_process_uapsdq(struct ath6kl_sta *conn, + struct ath6kl_vif *vif, + struct sk_buff *skb, + u32 *flags) +{ + struct ath6kl *ar = vif->ar; + bool is_apsdq_empty = false; + struct ethhdr *datap = (struct ethhdr *) skb->data; + u8 up = 0, traffic_class, *ip_hdr; + u16 ether_type; + struct ath6kl_llc_snap_hdr *llc_hdr; + + if (conn->sta_flags & STA_PS_APSD_TRIGGER) { + /* + * This tx is because of a uAPSD trigger, determine + * more and EOSP bit. Set EOSP if queue is empty + * or sufficient frames are delivered for this trigger. + */ + spin_lock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + if (!skb_queue_empty(&conn->apsdq)) + *flags |= WMI_DATA_HDR_FLAGS_MORE; + else if (conn->sta_flags & STA_PS_APSD_EOSP) + *flags |= WMI_DATA_HDR_FLAGS_EOSP; + *flags |= WMI_DATA_HDR_FLAGS_UAPSD; + spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + return false; + } else if (!conn->apsd_info) + return false; + + if (test_bit(WMM_ENABLED, &vif->flags)) { + ether_type = be16_to_cpu(datap->h_proto); + if (is_ethertype(ether_type)) { + /* packet is in DIX format */ + ip_hdr = (u8 *)(datap + 1); + } else { + /* packet is in 802.3 format */ + llc_hdr = (struct ath6kl_llc_snap_hdr *) + (datap + 1); + ether_type = be16_to_cpu(llc_hdr->eth_type); + ip_hdr = (u8 *)(llc_hdr + 1); + } + + if (ether_type == IP_ETHERTYPE) + up = ath6kl_wmi_determine_user_priority( + ip_hdr, 0); + } + + traffic_class = ath6kl_wmi_get_traffic_class(up); + + if ((conn->apsd_info & (1 << traffic_class)) == 0) + return false; + + /* Queue the frames if the STA is sleeping */ + spin_lock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + is_apsdq_empty = skb_queue_empty(&conn->apsdq); + skb_queue_tail(&conn->apsdq, skb); + spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + + /* + * If this is the first pkt getting queued + * for this STA, update the PVB for this STA + */ + if (is_apsdq_empty) { + ath6kl_wmi_set_apsd_bfrd_traf(ar->wmi, + vif->fw_vif_idx, + conn->aid, 1, 0); + } + *flags |= WMI_DATA_HDR_FLAGS_UAPSD; + + return true; +} + +static bool ath6kl_process_psq(struct ath6kl_sta *conn, + struct ath6kl_vif *vif, + struct sk_buff *skb, + u32 *flags) +{ + bool is_psq_empty = false; + struct ath6kl *ar = vif->ar; + + if (conn->sta_flags & STA_PS_POLLED) { + spin_lock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + if (!skb_queue_empty(&conn->psq)) + *flags |= WMI_DATA_HDR_FLAGS_MORE; + spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + return false; + } + + /* Queue the frames if the STA is sleeping */ + spin_lock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + is_psq_empty = skb_queue_empty(&conn->psq); + skb_queue_tail(&conn->psq, skb); + spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + + /* + * If this is the first pkt getting queued + * for this STA, update the PVB for this + * STA. + */ + if (is_psq_empty) + ath6kl_wmi_set_pvb_cmd(ar->wmi, + vif->fw_vif_idx, + conn->aid, 1); + return true; +} + static bool ath6kl_powersave_ap(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, struct sk_buff *skb, - bool *more_data) + u32 *flags) { struct ethhdr *datap = (struct ethhdr *) skb->data; struct ath6kl_sta *conn = NULL; - bool ps_queued = false, is_psq_empty = false; + bool ps_queued = false; struct ath6kl *ar = vif->ar; if (is_multicast_ether_addr(datap->h_dest)) { @@ -128,7 +252,7 @@ static bool ath6kl_powersave_ap(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, struct sk_buff *skb, */ spin_lock_bh(&ar->mcastpsq_lock); if (!skb_queue_empty(&ar->mcastpsq)) - *more_data = true; + *flags |= WMI_DATA_HDR_FLAGS_MORE; spin_unlock_bh(&ar->mcastpsq_lock); } } @@ -142,37 +266,13 @@ static bool ath6kl_powersave_ap(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, struct sk_buff *skb, } if (conn->sta_flags & STA_PS_SLEEP) { - if (!(conn->sta_flags & STA_PS_POLLED)) { - /* Queue the frames if the STA is sleeping */ - spin_lock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); - is_psq_empty = skb_queue_empty(&conn->psq); - skb_queue_tail(&conn->psq, skb); - spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); - - /* - * If this is the first pkt getting queued - * for this STA, update the PVB for this - * STA. - */ - if (is_psq_empty) - ath6kl_wmi_set_pvb_cmd(ar->wmi, - vif->fw_vif_idx, - conn->aid, 1); - - ps_queued = true; - } else { - /* - * This tx is because of a PsPoll. - * Determine if MoreData bit has to be set. - */ - spin_lock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); - if (!skb_queue_empty(&conn->psq)) - *more_data = true; - spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); - } + ps_queued = ath6kl_process_uapsdq(conn, + vif, skb, flags); + if (!(*flags & WMI_DATA_HDR_FLAGS_UAPSD)) + ps_queued = ath6kl_process_psq(conn, + vif, skb, flags); } } - return ps_queued; } @@ -185,6 +285,9 @@ int ath6kl_control_tx(void *devt, struct sk_buff *skb, int status = 0; struct ath6kl_cookie *cookie = NULL; + if (WARN_ON_ONCE(ar->state == ATH6KL_STATE_WOW)) + return -EACCES; + spin_lock_bh(&ar->lock); ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WLAN_TX, @@ -242,8 +345,13 @@ int ath6kl_data_tx(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) u32 map_no = 0; u16 htc_tag = ATH6KL_DATA_PKT_TAG; u8 ac = 99 ; /* initialize to unmapped ac */ - bool chk_adhoc_ps_mapping = false, more_data = false; + bool chk_adhoc_ps_mapping = false; int ret; + struct wmi_tx_meta_v2 meta_v2; + void *meta; + u8 csum_start = 0, csum_dest = 0, csum = skb->ip_summed; + u8 meta_ver = 0; + u32 flags = 0; ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WLAN_TX, "%s: skb=0x%p, data=0x%p, len=0x%x\n", __func__, @@ -255,16 +363,29 @@ int ath6kl_data_tx(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) return 0; } + if (WARN_ON_ONCE(ar->state != ATH6KL_STATE_ON)) { + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + return 0; + } + if (!test_bit(WMI_READY, &ar->flag)) goto fail_tx; /* AP mode Power saving processing */ if (vif->nw_type == AP_NETWORK) { - if (ath6kl_powersave_ap(vif, skb, &more_data)) + if (ath6kl_powersave_ap(vif, skb, &flags)) return 0; } if (test_bit(WMI_ENABLED, &ar->flag)) { + if ((dev->features & NETIF_F_IP_CSUM) && + (csum == CHECKSUM_PARTIAL)) { + csum_start = skb->csum_start - + (skb_network_header(skb) - skb->head) + + sizeof(struct ath6kl_llc_snap_hdr); + csum_dest = skb->csum_offset + csum_start; + } + if (skb_headroom(skb) < dev->needed_headroom) { struct sk_buff *tmp_skb = skb; @@ -281,15 +402,33 @@ int ath6kl_data_tx(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) goto fail_tx; } - if (ath6kl_wmi_data_hdr_add(ar->wmi, skb, DATA_MSGTYPE, - more_data, 0, 0, NULL, - vif->fw_vif_idx)) { - ath6kl_err("wmi_data_hdr_add failed\n"); + if ((dev->features & NETIF_F_IP_CSUM) && + (csum == CHECKSUM_PARTIAL)) { + meta_v2.csum_start = csum_start; + meta_v2.csum_dest = csum_dest; + + /* instruct target to calculate checksum */ + meta_v2.csum_flags = WMI_META_V2_FLAG_CSUM_OFFLOAD; + meta_ver = WMI_META_VERSION_2; + meta = &meta_v2; + } else { + meta_ver = 0; + meta = NULL; + } + + ret = ath6kl_wmi_data_hdr_add(ar->wmi, skb, + DATA_MSGTYPE, flags, 0, + meta_ver, + meta, vif->fw_vif_idx); + + if (ret) { + ath6kl_warn("failed to add wmi data header:%d\n" + , ret); goto fail_tx; } if ((vif->nw_type == ADHOC_NETWORK) && - ar->ibss_ps_enable && test_bit(CONNECTED, &vif->flags)) + ar->ibss_ps_enable && test_bit(CONNECTED, &vif->flags)) chk_adhoc_ps_mapping = true; else { /* get the stream mapping */ @@ -449,9 +588,7 @@ enum htc_send_full_action ath6kl_tx_queue_full(struct htc_target *target, * WMI queue with too many commands the only exception to * this is during testing using endpointping. */ - spin_lock_bh(&ar->lock); set_bit(WMI_CTRL_EP_FULL, &ar->flag); - spin_unlock_bh(&ar->lock); ath6kl_err("wmi ctrl ep is full\n"); return action; } @@ -465,7 +602,8 @@ enum htc_send_full_action ath6kl_tx_queue_full(struct htc_target *target, */ if (ar->ac_stream_pri_map[ar->ep2ac_map[endpoint]] < ar->hiac_stream_active_pri && - ar->cookie_count <= MAX_HI_COOKIE_NUM) + ar->cookie_count <= + target->endpoint[endpoint].tx_drop_packet_threshold) /* * Give preference to the highest priority stream by * dropping the packets which overflowed. @@ -479,9 +617,7 @@ enum htc_send_full_action ath6kl_tx_queue_full(struct htc_target *target, action != HTC_SEND_FULL_DROP) { spin_unlock_bh(&ar->list_lock); - spin_lock_bh(&vif->if_lock); set_bit(NETQ_STOPPED, &vif->flags); - spin_unlock_bh(&vif->if_lock); netif_stop_queue(vif->ndev); return action; @@ -710,10 +846,12 @@ static struct sk_buff *aggr_get_free_skb(struct aggr_info *p_aggr) { struct sk_buff *skb = NULL; - if (skb_queue_len(&p_aggr->free_q) < (AGGR_NUM_OF_FREE_NETBUFS >> 2)) - ath6kl_alloc_netbufs(&p_aggr->free_q, AGGR_NUM_OF_FREE_NETBUFS); + if (skb_queue_len(&p_aggr->rx_amsdu_freeq) < + (AGGR_NUM_OF_FREE_NETBUFS >> 2)) + ath6kl_alloc_netbufs(&p_aggr->rx_amsdu_freeq, + AGGR_NUM_OF_FREE_NETBUFS); - skb = skb_dequeue(&p_aggr->free_q); + skb = skb_dequeue(&p_aggr->rx_amsdu_freeq); return skb; } @@ -748,7 +886,7 @@ void ath6kl_rx_refill(struct htc_target *target, enum htc_endpoint_id endpoint) if (!IS_ALIGNED((unsigned long) skb->data, 4)) skb->data = PTR_ALIGN(skb->data - 4, 4); set_htc_rxpkt_info(packet, skb, skb->data, - ATH6KL_BUFFER_SIZE, endpoint); + ATH6KL_BUFFER_SIZE, endpoint); list_add_tail(&packet->list, &queue); } @@ -881,7 +1019,7 @@ static void aggr_slice_amsdu(struct aggr_info *p_aggr, dev_kfree_skb(skb); } -static void aggr_deque_frms(struct aggr_info *p_aggr, u8 tid, +static void aggr_deque_frms(struct aggr_info_conn *agg_conn, u8 tid, u16 seq_no, u8 order) { struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -890,11 +1028,8 @@ static void aggr_deque_frms(struct aggr_info *p_aggr, u8 tid, u16 idx, idx_end, seq_end; struct rxtid_stats *stats; - if (!p_aggr) - return; - - rxtid = &p_aggr->rx_tid[tid]; - stats = &p_aggr->stat[tid]; + rxtid = &agg_conn->rx_tid[tid]; + stats = &agg_conn->stat[tid]; idx = AGGR_WIN_IDX(rxtid->seq_next, rxtid->hold_q_sz); @@ -923,7 +1058,8 @@ static void aggr_deque_frms(struct aggr_info *p_aggr, u8 tid, if (node->skb) { if (node->is_amsdu) - aggr_slice_amsdu(p_aggr, rxtid, node->skb); + aggr_slice_amsdu(agg_conn->aggr_info, rxtid, + node->skb); else skb_queue_tail(&rxtid->q, node->skb); node->skb = NULL; @@ -939,10 +1075,10 @@ static void aggr_deque_frms(struct aggr_info *p_aggr, u8 tid, stats->num_delivered += skb_queue_len(&rxtid->q); while ((skb = skb_dequeue(&rxtid->q))) - ath6kl_deliver_frames_to_nw_stack(p_aggr->dev, skb); + ath6kl_deliver_frames_to_nw_stack(agg_conn->dev, skb); } -static bool aggr_process_recv_frm(struct aggr_info *agg_info, u8 tid, +static bool aggr_process_recv_frm(struct aggr_info_conn *agg_conn, u8 tid, u16 seq_no, bool is_amsdu, struct sk_buff *frame) { @@ -954,18 +1090,18 @@ static bool aggr_process_recv_frm(struct aggr_info *agg_info, u8 tid, bool is_queued = false; u16 extended_end; - rxtid = &agg_info->rx_tid[tid]; - stats = &agg_info->stat[tid]; + rxtid = &agg_conn->rx_tid[tid]; + stats = &agg_conn->stat[tid]; stats->num_into_aggr++; if (!rxtid->aggr) { if (is_amsdu) { - aggr_slice_amsdu(agg_info, rxtid, frame); + aggr_slice_amsdu(agg_conn->aggr_info, rxtid, frame); is_queued = true; stats->num_amsdu++; while ((skb = skb_dequeue(&rxtid->q))) - ath6kl_deliver_frames_to_nw_stack(agg_info->dev, + ath6kl_deliver_frames_to_nw_stack(agg_conn->dev, skb); } return is_queued; @@ -985,7 +1121,7 @@ static bool aggr_process_recv_frm(struct aggr_info *agg_info, u8 tid, (cur < end || cur > extended_end)) || ((end > extended_end) && (cur > extended_end) && (cur < end))) { - aggr_deque_frms(agg_info, tid, 0, 0); + aggr_deque_frms(agg_conn, tid, 0, 0); if (cur >= rxtid->hold_q_sz - 1) rxtid->seq_next = cur - (rxtid->hold_q_sz - 1); else @@ -1002,7 +1138,7 @@ static bool aggr_process_recv_frm(struct aggr_info *agg_info, u8 tid, st = ATH6KL_MAX_SEQ_NO - (rxtid->hold_q_sz - 2 - cur); - aggr_deque_frms(agg_info, tid, st, 0); + aggr_deque_frms(agg_conn, tid, st, 0); } stats->num_oow++; @@ -1041,9 +1177,9 @@ static bool aggr_process_recv_frm(struct aggr_info *agg_info, u8 tid, spin_unlock_bh(&rxtid->lock); - aggr_deque_frms(agg_info, tid, 0, 1); + aggr_deque_frms(agg_conn, tid, 0, 1); - if (agg_info->timer_scheduled) + if (agg_conn->timer_scheduled) rxtid->progress = true; else for (idx = 0 ; idx < rxtid->hold_q_sz; idx++) { @@ -1054,8 +1190,8 @@ static bool aggr_process_recv_frm(struct aggr_info *agg_info, u8 tid, * the frame doesn't remain stuck * forever. */ - agg_info->timer_scheduled = true; - mod_timer(&agg_info->timer, + agg_conn->timer_scheduled = true; + mod_timer(&agg_conn->timer, (jiffies + HZ * (AGGR_RX_TIMEOUT) / 1000)); rxtid->progress = false; @@ -1067,6 +1203,76 @@ static bool aggr_process_recv_frm(struct aggr_info *agg_info, u8 tid, return is_queued; } +static void ath6kl_uapsd_trigger_frame_rx(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, + struct ath6kl_sta *conn) +{ + struct ath6kl *ar = vif->ar; + bool is_apsdq_empty, is_apsdq_empty_at_start; + u32 num_frames_to_deliver, flags; + struct sk_buff *skb = NULL; + + /* + * If the APSD q for this STA is not empty, dequeue and + * send a pkt from the head of the q. Also update the + * More data bit in the WMI_DATA_HDR if there are + * more pkts for this STA in the APSD q. + * If there are no more pkts for this STA, + * update the APSD bitmap for this STA. + */ + + num_frames_to_deliver = (conn->apsd_info >> ATH6KL_APSD_NUM_OF_AC) & + ATH6KL_APSD_FRAME_MASK; + /* + * Number of frames to send in a service period is + * indicated by the station + * in the QOS_INFO of the association request + * If it is zero, send all frames + */ + if (!num_frames_to_deliver) + num_frames_to_deliver = ATH6KL_APSD_ALL_FRAME; + + spin_lock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + is_apsdq_empty = skb_queue_empty(&conn->apsdq); + spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + is_apsdq_empty_at_start = is_apsdq_empty; + + while ((!is_apsdq_empty) && (num_frames_to_deliver)) { + + spin_lock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + skb = skb_dequeue(&conn->apsdq); + is_apsdq_empty = skb_queue_empty(&conn->apsdq); + spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + + /* + * Set the STA flag to Trigger delivery, + * so that the frame will go out + */ + conn->sta_flags |= STA_PS_APSD_TRIGGER; + num_frames_to_deliver--; + + /* Last frame in the service period, set EOSP or queue empty */ + if ((is_apsdq_empty) || (!num_frames_to_deliver)) + conn->sta_flags |= STA_PS_APSD_EOSP; + + ath6kl_data_tx(skb, vif->ndev); + conn->sta_flags &= ~(STA_PS_APSD_TRIGGER); + conn->sta_flags &= ~(STA_PS_APSD_EOSP); + } + + if (is_apsdq_empty) { + if (is_apsdq_empty_at_start) + flags = WMI_AP_APSD_NO_DELIVERY_FRAMES; + else + flags = 0; + + ath6kl_wmi_set_apsd_bfrd_traf(ar->wmi, + vif->fw_vif_idx, + conn->aid, 0, flags); + } + + return; +} + void ath6kl_rx(struct htc_target *target, struct htc_packet *packet) { struct ath6kl *ar = target->dev->ar; @@ -1078,10 +1284,12 @@ void ath6kl_rx(struct htc_target *target, struct htc_packet *packet) int status = packet->status; enum htc_endpoint_id ept = packet->endpoint; bool is_amsdu, prev_ps, ps_state = false; + bool trig_state = false; struct ath6kl_sta *conn = NULL; struct sk_buff *skb1 = NULL; struct ethhdr *datap = NULL; struct ath6kl_vif *vif; + struct aggr_info_conn *aggr_conn; u16 seq_no, offset; u8 tid, if_idx; @@ -1098,7 +1306,15 @@ void ath6kl_rx(struct htc_target *target, struct htc_packet *packet) skb_put(skb, packet->act_len + HTC_HDR_LENGTH); skb_pull(skb, HTC_HDR_LENGTH); + ath6kl_dbg_dump(ATH6KL_DBG_RAW_BYTES, __func__, "rx ", + skb->data, skb->len); + if (ept == ar->ctrl_ep) { + if (test_bit(WMI_ENABLED, &ar->flag)) { + ath6kl_check_wow_status(ar); + ath6kl_wmi_control_rx(ar->wmi, skb); + return; + } if_idx = wmi_cmd_hdr_get_if_idx((struct wmi_cmd_hdr *) skb->data); } else { @@ -1123,10 +1339,6 @@ void ath6kl_rx(struct htc_target *target, struct htc_packet *packet) spin_unlock_bh(&vif->if_lock); - - ath6kl_dbg_dump(ATH6KL_DBG_RAW_BYTES, __func__, "rx ", - skb->data, skb->len); - skb->dev = vif->ndev; if (!test_bit(WMI_ENABLED, &ar->flag)) { @@ -1138,11 +1350,6 @@ void ath6kl_rx(struct htc_target *target, struct htc_packet *packet) ath6kl_check_wow_status(ar); - if (ept == ar->ctrl_ep) { - ath6kl_wmi_control_rx(ar->wmi, skb); - return; - } - min_hdr_len = sizeof(struct ethhdr) + sizeof(struct wmi_data_hdr) + sizeof(struct ath6kl_llc_snap_hdr); @@ -1171,6 +1378,7 @@ void ath6kl_rx(struct htc_target *target, struct htc_packet *packet) WMI_DATA_HDR_PS_MASK); offset = sizeof(struct wmi_data_hdr); + trig_state = !!(le16_to_cpu(dhdr->info3) & WMI_DATA_HDR_TRIG); switch (meta_type) { case 0: @@ -1209,18 +1417,61 @@ void ath6kl_rx(struct htc_target *target, struct htc_packet *packet) else conn->sta_flags &= ~STA_PS_SLEEP; + /* Accept trigger only when the station is in sleep */ + if ((conn->sta_flags & STA_PS_SLEEP) && trig_state) + ath6kl_uapsd_trigger_frame_rx(vif, conn); + if (prev_ps ^ !!(conn->sta_flags & STA_PS_SLEEP)) { if (!(conn->sta_flags & STA_PS_SLEEP)) { struct sk_buff *skbuff = NULL; + bool is_apsdq_empty; + struct ath6kl_mgmt_buff *mgmt; + u8 idx; spin_lock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); - while ((skbuff = skb_dequeue(&conn->psq)) - != NULL) { + while (conn->mgmt_psq_len > 0) { + mgmt = list_first_entry( + &conn->mgmt_psq, + struct ath6kl_mgmt_buff, + list); + list_del(&mgmt->list); + conn->mgmt_psq_len--; + spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + idx = vif->fw_vif_idx; + + ath6kl_wmi_send_mgmt_cmd(ar->wmi, + idx, + mgmt->id, + mgmt->freq, + mgmt->wait, + mgmt->buf, + mgmt->len, + mgmt->no_cck); + + kfree(mgmt); + spin_lock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + } + conn->mgmt_psq_len = 0; + while ((skbuff = skb_dequeue(&conn->psq))) { + spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + ath6kl_data_tx(skbuff, vif->ndev); + spin_lock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + } + + is_apsdq_empty = skb_queue_empty(&conn->apsdq); + while ((skbuff = skb_dequeue(&conn->apsdq))) { spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); ath6kl_data_tx(skbuff, vif->ndev); spin_lock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); } spin_unlock_bh(&conn->psq_lock); + + if (!is_apsdq_empty) + ath6kl_wmi_set_apsd_bfrd_traf( + ar->wmi, + vif->fw_vif_idx, + conn->aid, 0, 0); + /* Clear the PVB for this STA */ ath6kl_wmi_set_pvb_cmd(ar->wmi, vif->fw_vif_idx, conn->aid, 0); @@ -1314,11 +1565,21 @@ void ath6kl_rx(struct htc_target *target, struct htc_packet *packet) datap = (struct ethhdr *) skb->data; - if (is_unicast_ether_addr(datap->h_dest) && - aggr_process_recv_frm(vif->aggr_cntxt, tid, seq_no, - is_amsdu, skb)) - /* aggregation code will handle the skb */ - return; + if (is_unicast_ether_addr(datap->h_dest)) { + if (vif->nw_type == AP_NETWORK) { + conn = ath6kl_find_sta(vif, datap->h_source); + if (!conn) + return; + aggr_conn = conn->aggr_conn; + } else + aggr_conn = vif->aggr_cntxt->aggr_conn; + + if (aggr_process_recv_frm(aggr_conn, tid, seq_no, + is_amsdu, skb)) { + /* aggregation code will handle the skb */ + return; + } + } ath6kl_deliver_frames_to_nw_stack(vif->ndev, skb); } @@ -1326,13 +1587,13 @@ void ath6kl_rx(struct htc_target *target, struct htc_packet *packet) static void aggr_timeout(unsigned long arg) { u8 i, j; - struct aggr_info *p_aggr = (struct aggr_info *) arg; + struct aggr_info_conn *aggr_conn = (struct aggr_info_conn *) arg; struct rxtid *rxtid; struct rxtid_stats *stats; for (i = 0; i < NUM_OF_TIDS; i++) { - rxtid = &p_aggr->rx_tid[i]; - stats = &p_aggr->stat[i]; + rxtid = &aggr_conn->rx_tid[i]; + stats = &aggr_conn->stat[i]; if (!rxtid->aggr || !rxtid->timer_mon || rxtid->progress) continue; @@ -1343,18 +1604,18 @@ static void aggr_timeout(unsigned long arg) rxtid->seq_next, ((rxtid->seq_next + rxtid->hold_q_sz-1) & ATH6KL_MAX_SEQ_NO)); - aggr_deque_frms(p_aggr, i, 0, 0); + aggr_deque_frms(aggr_conn, i, 0, 0); } - p_aggr->timer_scheduled = false; + aggr_conn->timer_scheduled = false; for (i = 0; i < NUM_OF_TIDS; i++) { - rxtid = &p_aggr->rx_tid[i]; + rxtid = &aggr_conn->rx_tid[i]; if (rxtid->aggr && rxtid->hold_q) { for (j = 0; j < rxtid->hold_q_sz; j++) { if (rxtid->hold_q[j].skb) { - p_aggr->timer_scheduled = true; + aggr_conn->timer_scheduled = true; rxtid->timer_mon = true; rxtid->progress = false; break; @@ -1366,24 +1627,24 @@ static void aggr_timeout(unsigned long arg) } } - if (p_aggr->timer_scheduled) - mod_timer(&p_aggr->timer, + if (aggr_conn->timer_scheduled) + mod_timer(&aggr_conn->timer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(AGGR_RX_TIMEOUT)); } -static void aggr_delete_tid_state(struct aggr_info *p_aggr, u8 tid) +static void aggr_delete_tid_state(struct aggr_info_conn *aggr_conn, u8 tid) { struct rxtid *rxtid; struct rxtid_stats *stats; - if (!p_aggr || tid >= NUM_OF_TIDS) + if (!aggr_conn || tid >= NUM_OF_TIDS) return; - rxtid = &p_aggr->rx_tid[tid]; - stats = &p_aggr->stat[tid]; + rxtid = &aggr_conn->rx_tid[tid]; + stats = &aggr_conn->stat[tid]; if (rxtid->aggr) - aggr_deque_frms(p_aggr, tid, 0, 0); + aggr_deque_frms(aggr_conn, tid, 0, 0); rxtid->aggr = false; rxtid->progress = false; @@ -1398,26 +1659,40 @@ static void aggr_delete_tid_state(struct aggr_info *p_aggr, u8 tid) memset(stats, 0, sizeof(struct rxtid_stats)); } -void aggr_recv_addba_req_evt(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u8 tid, u16 seq_no, +void aggr_recv_addba_req_evt(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u8 tid_mux, u16 seq_no, u8 win_sz) { - struct aggr_info *p_aggr = vif->aggr_cntxt; + struct ath6kl_sta *sta; + struct aggr_info_conn *aggr_conn = NULL; struct rxtid *rxtid; struct rxtid_stats *stats; u16 hold_q_size; + u8 tid, aid; - if (!p_aggr) + if (vif->nw_type == AP_NETWORK) { + aid = ath6kl_get_aid(tid_mux); + sta = ath6kl_find_sta_by_aid(vif->ar, aid); + if (sta) + aggr_conn = sta->aggr_conn; + } else + aggr_conn = vif->aggr_cntxt->aggr_conn; + + if (!aggr_conn) return; - rxtid = &p_aggr->rx_tid[tid]; - stats = &p_aggr->stat[tid]; + tid = ath6kl_get_tid(tid_mux); + if (tid >= NUM_OF_TIDS) + return; + + rxtid = &aggr_conn->rx_tid[tid]; + stats = &aggr_conn->stat[tid]; if (win_sz < AGGR_WIN_SZ_MIN || win_sz > AGGR_WIN_SZ_MAX) ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WLAN_RX, "%s: win_sz %d, tid %d\n", __func__, win_sz, tid); if (rxtid->aggr) - aggr_delete_tid_state(p_aggr, tid); + aggr_delete_tid_state(aggr_conn, tid); rxtid->seq_next = seq_no; hold_q_size = TID_WINDOW_SZ(win_sz) * sizeof(struct skb_hold_q); @@ -1433,31 +1708,23 @@ void aggr_recv_addba_req_evt(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u8 tid, u16 seq_no, rxtid->aggr = true; } -struct aggr_info *aggr_init(struct net_device *dev) +void aggr_conn_init(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, struct aggr_info *aggr_info, + struct aggr_info_conn *aggr_conn) { - struct aggr_info *p_aggr = NULL; struct rxtid *rxtid; u8 i; - p_aggr = kzalloc(sizeof(struct aggr_info), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!p_aggr) { - ath6kl_err("failed to alloc memory for aggr_node\n"); - return NULL; - } - - p_aggr->aggr_sz = AGGR_SZ_DEFAULT; - p_aggr->dev = dev; - init_timer(&p_aggr->timer); - p_aggr->timer.function = aggr_timeout; - p_aggr->timer.data = (unsigned long) p_aggr; - - p_aggr->timer_scheduled = false; - skb_queue_head_init(&p_aggr->free_q); + aggr_conn->aggr_sz = AGGR_SZ_DEFAULT; + aggr_conn->dev = vif->ndev; + init_timer(&aggr_conn->timer); + aggr_conn->timer.function = aggr_timeout; + aggr_conn->timer.data = (unsigned long) aggr_conn; + aggr_conn->aggr_info = aggr_info; - ath6kl_alloc_netbufs(&p_aggr->free_q, AGGR_NUM_OF_FREE_NETBUFS); + aggr_conn->timer_scheduled = false; for (i = 0; i < NUM_OF_TIDS; i++) { - rxtid = &p_aggr->rx_tid[i]; + rxtid = &aggr_conn->rx_tid[i]; rxtid->aggr = false; rxtid->progress = false; rxtid->timer_mon = false; @@ -1465,29 +1732,75 @@ struct aggr_info *aggr_init(struct net_device *dev) spin_lock_init(&rxtid->lock); } +} + +struct aggr_info *aggr_init(struct ath6kl_vif *vif) +{ + struct aggr_info *p_aggr = NULL; + + p_aggr = kzalloc(sizeof(struct aggr_info), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!p_aggr) { + ath6kl_err("failed to alloc memory for aggr_node\n"); + return NULL; + } + + p_aggr->aggr_conn = kzalloc(sizeof(struct aggr_info_conn), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!p_aggr->aggr_conn) { + ath6kl_err("failed to alloc memory for connection specific aggr info\n"); + kfree(p_aggr); + return NULL; + } + + aggr_conn_init(vif, p_aggr, p_aggr->aggr_conn); + + skb_queue_head_init(&p_aggr->rx_amsdu_freeq); + ath6kl_alloc_netbufs(&p_aggr->rx_amsdu_freeq, AGGR_NUM_OF_FREE_NETBUFS); + return p_aggr; } -void aggr_recv_delba_req_evt(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u8 tid) +void aggr_recv_delba_req_evt(struct ath6kl_vif *vif, u8 tid_mux) { - struct aggr_info *p_aggr = vif->aggr_cntxt; + struct ath6kl_sta *sta; struct rxtid *rxtid; + struct aggr_info_conn *aggr_conn = NULL; + u8 tid, aid; + + if (vif->nw_type == AP_NETWORK) { + aid = ath6kl_get_aid(tid_mux); + sta = ath6kl_find_sta_by_aid(vif->ar, aid); + if (sta) + aggr_conn = sta->aggr_conn; + } else + aggr_conn = vif->aggr_cntxt->aggr_conn; - if (!p_aggr) + if (!aggr_conn) return; - rxtid = &p_aggr->rx_tid[tid]; + tid = ath6kl_get_tid(tid_mux); + if (tid >= NUM_OF_TIDS) + return; + + rxtid = &aggr_conn->rx_tid[tid]; if (rxtid->aggr) - aggr_delete_tid_state(p_aggr, tid); + aggr_delete_tid_state(aggr_conn, tid); } -void aggr_reset_state(struct aggr_info *aggr_info) +void aggr_reset_state(struct aggr_info_conn *aggr_conn) { u8 tid; + if (!aggr_conn) + return; + + if (aggr_conn->timer_scheduled) { + del_timer(&aggr_conn->timer); + aggr_conn->timer_scheduled = false; + } + for (tid = 0; tid < NUM_OF_TIDS; tid++) - aggr_delete_tid_state(aggr_info, tid); + aggr_delete_tid_state(aggr_conn, tid); } /* clean up our amsdu buffer list */ @@ -1514,28 +1827,11 @@ void ath6kl_cleanup_amsdu_rxbufs(struct ath6kl *ar) void aggr_module_destroy(struct aggr_info *aggr_info) { - struct rxtid *rxtid; - u8 i, k; - if (!aggr_info) return; - if (aggr_info->timer_scheduled) { - del_timer(&aggr_info->timer); - aggr_info->timer_scheduled = false; - } - - for (i = 0; i < NUM_OF_TIDS; i++) { - rxtid = &aggr_info->rx_tid[i]; - if (rxtid->hold_q) { - for (k = 0; k < rxtid->hold_q_sz; k++) - dev_kfree_skb(rxtid->hold_q[k].skb); - kfree(rxtid->hold_q); - } - - skb_queue_purge(&rxtid->q); - } - - skb_queue_purge(&aggr_info->free_q); + aggr_reset_state(aggr_info->aggr_conn); + skb_queue_purge(&aggr_info->rx_amsdu_freeq); + kfree(aggr_info->aggr_conn); kfree(aggr_info); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/usb.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/usb.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..325b1224c2b13b6bf9aae818acb01e3aeac0862e --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/usb.c @@ -0,0 +1,432 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. + * + * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any + * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above + * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES + * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF + * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR + * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES + * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN + * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF + * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. + */ + +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include "core.h" + +/* usb device object */ +struct ath6kl_usb { + struct usb_device *udev; + struct usb_interface *interface; + u8 *diag_cmd_buffer; + u8 *diag_resp_buffer; + struct ath6kl *ar; +}; + +/* diagnostic command defnitions */ +#define ATH6KL_USB_CONTROL_REQ_SEND_BMI_CMD 1 +#define ATH6KL_USB_CONTROL_REQ_RECV_BMI_RESP 2 +#define ATH6KL_USB_CONTROL_REQ_DIAG_CMD 3 +#define ATH6KL_USB_CONTROL_REQ_DIAG_RESP 4 + +#define ATH6KL_USB_CTRL_DIAG_CC_READ 0 +#define ATH6KL_USB_CTRL_DIAG_CC_WRITE 1 + +struct ath6kl_usb_ctrl_diag_cmd_write { + __le32 cmd; + __le32 address; + __le32 value; + __le32 _pad[1]; +} __packed; + +struct ath6kl_usb_ctrl_diag_cmd_read { + __le32 cmd; + __le32 address; +} __packed; + +struct ath6kl_usb_ctrl_diag_resp_read { + __le32 value; +} __packed; + +#define ATH6KL_USB_MAX_DIAG_CMD (sizeof(struct ath6kl_usb_ctrl_diag_cmd_write)) +#define ATH6KL_USB_MAX_DIAG_RESP (sizeof(struct ath6kl_usb_ctrl_diag_resp_read)) + +static void ath6kl_usb_destroy(struct ath6kl_usb *ar_usb) +{ + usb_set_intfdata(ar_usb->interface, NULL); + + kfree(ar_usb->diag_cmd_buffer); + kfree(ar_usb->diag_resp_buffer); + + kfree(ar_usb); +} + +static struct ath6kl_usb *ath6kl_usb_create(struct usb_interface *interface) +{ + struct ath6kl_usb *ar_usb = NULL; + struct usb_device *dev = interface_to_usbdev(interface); + int status = 0; + + ar_usb = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ath6kl_usb), GFP_KERNEL); + if (ar_usb == NULL) + goto fail_ath6kl_usb_create; + + memset(ar_usb, 0, sizeof(struct ath6kl_usb)); + usb_set_intfdata(interface, ar_usb); + ar_usb->udev = dev; + ar_usb->interface = interface; + + ar_usb->diag_cmd_buffer = kzalloc(ATH6KL_USB_MAX_DIAG_CMD, GFP_KERNEL); + if (ar_usb->diag_cmd_buffer == NULL) { + status = -ENOMEM; + goto fail_ath6kl_usb_create; + } + + ar_usb->diag_resp_buffer = kzalloc(ATH6KL_USB_MAX_DIAG_RESP, + GFP_KERNEL); + if (ar_usb->diag_resp_buffer == NULL) { + status = -ENOMEM; + goto fail_ath6kl_usb_create; + } + +fail_ath6kl_usb_create: + if (status != 0) { + ath6kl_usb_destroy(ar_usb); + ar_usb = NULL; + } + return ar_usb; +} + +static void ath6kl_usb_device_detached(struct usb_interface *interface) +{ + struct ath6kl_usb *ar_usb; + + ar_usb = usb_get_intfdata(interface); + if (ar_usb == NULL) + return; + + ath6kl_stop_txrx(ar_usb->ar); + + ath6kl_core_cleanup(ar_usb->ar); + + ath6kl_usb_destroy(ar_usb); +} + +static int ath6kl_usb_submit_ctrl_out(struct ath6kl_usb *ar_usb, + u8 req, u16 value, u16 index, void *data, + u32 size) +{ + u8 *buf = NULL; + int ret; + + if (size > 0) { + buf = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (buf == NULL) + return -ENOMEM; + + memcpy(buf, data, size); + } + + /* note: if successful returns number of bytes transfered */ + ret = usb_control_msg(ar_usb->udev, + usb_sndctrlpipe(ar_usb->udev, 0), + req, + USB_DIR_OUT | USB_TYPE_VENDOR | + USB_RECIP_DEVICE, value, index, buf, + size, 1000); + + if (ret < 0) { + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_USB, "%s failed,result = %d\n", + __func__, ret); + } + + kfree(buf); + + return 0; +} + +static int ath6kl_usb_submit_ctrl_in(struct ath6kl_usb *ar_usb, + u8 req, u16 value, u16 index, void *data, + u32 size) +{ + u8 *buf = NULL; + int ret; + + if (size > 0) { + buf = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (buf == NULL) + return -ENOMEM; + } + + /* note: if successful returns number of bytes transfered */ + ret = usb_control_msg(ar_usb->udev, + usb_rcvctrlpipe(ar_usb->udev, 0), + req, + USB_DIR_IN | USB_TYPE_VENDOR | + USB_RECIP_DEVICE, value, index, buf, + size, 2 * HZ); + + if (ret < 0) { + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_USB, "%s failed,result = %d\n", + __func__, ret); + } + + memcpy((u8 *) data, buf, size); + + kfree(buf); + + return 0; +} + +static int ath6kl_usb_ctrl_msg_exchange(struct ath6kl_usb *ar_usb, + u8 req_val, u8 *req_buf, u32 req_len, + u8 resp_val, u8 *resp_buf, u32 *resp_len) +{ + int ret; + + /* send command */ + ret = ath6kl_usb_submit_ctrl_out(ar_usb, req_val, 0, 0, + req_buf, req_len); + + if (ret != 0) + return ret; + + if (resp_buf == NULL) { + /* no expected response */ + return ret; + } + + /* get response */ + ret = ath6kl_usb_submit_ctrl_in(ar_usb, resp_val, 0, 0, + resp_buf, *resp_len); + + return ret; +} + +static int ath6kl_usb_diag_read32(struct ath6kl *ar, u32 address, u32 *data) +{ + struct ath6kl_usb *ar_usb = ar->hif_priv; + struct ath6kl_usb_ctrl_diag_resp_read *resp; + struct ath6kl_usb_ctrl_diag_cmd_read *cmd; + u32 resp_len; + int ret; + + cmd = (struct ath6kl_usb_ctrl_diag_cmd_read *) ar_usb->diag_cmd_buffer; + + memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(*cmd)); + cmd->cmd = ATH6KL_USB_CTRL_DIAG_CC_READ; + cmd->address = cpu_to_le32(address); + resp_len = sizeof(*resp); + + ret = ath6kl_usb_ctrl_msg_exchange(ar_usb, + ATH6KL_USB_CONTROL_REQ_DIAG_CMD, + (u8 *) cmd, + sizeof(struct ath6kl_usb_ctrl_diag_cmd_write), + ATH6KL_USB_CONTROL_REQ_DIAG_RESP, + ar_usb->diag_resp_buffer, &resp_len); + + if (ret) + return ret; + + resp = (struct ath6kl_usb_ctrl_diag_resp_read *) + ar_usb->diag_resp_buffer; + + *data = le32_to_cpu(resp->value); + + return ret; +} + +static int ath6kl_usb_diag_write32(struct ath6kl *ar, u32 address, __le32 data) +{ + struct ath6kl_usb *ar_usb = ar->hif_priv; + struct ath6kl_usb_ctrl_diag_cmd_write *cmd; + + cmd = (struct ath6kl_usb_ctrl_diag_cmd_write *) ar_usb->diag_cmd_buffer; + + memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(struct ath6kl_usb_ctrl_diag_cmd_write)); + cmd->cmd = cpu_to_le32(ATH6KL_USB_CTRL_DIAG_CC_WRITE); + cmd->address = cpu_to_le32(address); + cmd->value = data; + + return ath6kl_usb_ctrl_msg_exchange(ar_usb, + ATH6KL_USB_CONTROL_REQ_DIAG_CMD, + (u8 *) cmd, + sizeof(*cmd), + 0, NULL, NULL); + +} + +static int ath6kl_usb_bmi_read(struct ath6kl *ar, u8 *buf, u32 len) +{ + struct ath6kl_usb *ar_usb = ar->hif_priv; + int ret; + + /* get response */ + ret = ath6kl_usb_submit_ctrl_in(ar_usb, + ATH6KL_USB_CONTROL_REQ_RECV_BMI_RESP, + 0, 0, buf, len); + if (ret != 0) { + ath6kl_err("Unable to read the bmi data from the device: %d\n", + ret); + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int ath6kl_usb_bmi_write(struct ath6kl *ar, u8 *buf, u32 len) +{ + struct ath6kl_usb *ar_usb = ar->hif_priv; + int ret; + + /* send command */ + ret = ath6kl_usb_submit_ctrl_out(ar_usb, + ATH6KL_USB_CONTROL_REQ_SEND_BMI_CMD, + 0, 0, buf, len); + if (ret != 0) { + ath6kl_err("unable to send the bmi data to the device: %d\n", + ret); + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int ath6kl_usb_power_on(struct ath6kl *ar) +{ + return 0; +} + +static int ath6kl_usb_power_off(struct ath6kl *ar) +{ + return 0; +} + +static const struct ath6kl_hif_ops ath6kl_usb_ops = { + .diag_read32 = ath6kl_usb_diag_read32, + .diag_write32 = ath6kl_usb_diag_write32, + .bmi_read = ath6kl_usb_bmi_read, + .bmi_write = ath6kl_usb_bmi_write, + .power_on = ath6kl_usb_power_on, + .power_off = ath6kl_usb_power_off, +}; + +/* ath6kl usb driver registered functions */ +static int ath6kl_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *interface, + const struct usb_device_id *id) +{ + struct usb_device *dev = interface_to_usbdev(interface); + struct ath6kl *ar; + struct ath6kl_usb *ar_usb = NULL; + int vendor_id, product_id; + int ret = 0; + + usb_get_dev(dev); + + vendor_id = le16_to_cpu(dev->descriptor.idVendor); + product_id = le16_to_cpu(dev->descriptor.idProduct); + + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_USB, "vendor_id = %04x\n", vendor_id); + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_USB, "product_id = %04x\n", product_id); + + if (interface->cur_altsetting) + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_USB, "USB Interface %d\n", + interface->cur_altsetting->desc.bInterfaceNumber); + + + if (dev->speed == USB_SPEED_HIGH) + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_USB, "USB 2.0 Host\n"); + else + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_USB, "USB 1.1 Host\n"); + + ar_usb = ath6kl_usb_create(interface); + + if (ar_usb == NULL) { + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto err_usb_put; + } + + ar = ath6kl_core_create(&ar_usb->udev->dev); + if (ar == NULL) { + ath6kl_err("Failed to alloc ath6kl core\n"); + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto err_usb_destroy; + } + + ar->hif_priv = ar_usb; + ar->hif_type = ATH6KL_HIF_TYPE_USB; + ar->hif_ops = &ath6kl_usb_ops; + ar->mbox_info.block_size = 16; + ar->bmi.max_data_size = 252; + + ar_usb->ar = ar; + + ret = ath6kl_core_init(ar); + if (ret) { + ath6kl_err("Failed to init ath6kl core: %d\n", ret); + goto err_core_free; + } + + return ret; + +err_core_free: + ath6kl_core_destroy(ar); +err_usb_destroy: + ath6kl_usb_destroy(ar_usb); +err_usb_put: + usb_put_dev(dev); + + return ret; +} + +static void ath6kl_usb_remove(struct usb_interface *interface) +{ + usb_put_dev(interface_to_usbdev(interface)); + ath6kl_usb_device_detached(interface); +} + +/* table of devices that work with this driver */ +static struct usb_device_id ath6kl_usb_ids[] = { + {USB_DEVICE(0x0cf3, 0x9374)}, + { /* Terminating entry */ }, +}; + +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(usb, ath6kl_usb_ids); + +static struct usb_driver ath6kl_usb_driver = { + .name = "ath6kl_usb", + .probe = ath6kl_usb_probe, + .disconnect = ath6kl_usb_remove, + .id_table = ath6kl_usb_ids, +}; + +static int ath6kl_usb_init(void) +{ + usb_register(&ath6kl_usb_driver); + return 0; +} + +static void ath6kl_usb_exit(void) +{ + usb_deregister(&ath6kl_usb_driver); +} + +module_init(ath6kl_usb_init); +module_exit(ath6kl_usb_exit); + +MODULE_AUTHOR("Atheros Communications, Inc."); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Driver support for Atheros AR600x USB devices"); +MODULE_LICENSE("Dual BSD/GPL"); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6004_HW_1_0_FIRMWARE_FILE); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6004_HW_1_0_BOARD_DATA_FILE); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6004_HW_1_0_DEFAULT_BOARD_DATA_FILE); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6004_HW_1_1_FIRMWARE_FILE); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6004_HW_1_1_BOARD_DATA_FILE); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(AR6004_HW_1_1_DEFAULT_BOARD_DATA_FILE); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/wmi.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/wmi.c index f6f2aa27fc20ee1abc34e96b4c704894249c48e0..2b442332cd0f7f2aa9b93df4c1eabbb83b1bf0f4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/wmi.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/wmi.c @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_dix_2_dot3(struct wmi *wmi, struct sk_buff *skb) if (!is_ethertype(be16_to_cpu(type))) { ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, - "%s: pkt is already in 802.3 format\n", __func__); + "%s: pkt is already in 802.3 format\n", __func__); return 0; } @@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ static int ath6kl_wmi_meta_add(struct wmi *wmi, struct sk_buff *skb, } int ath6kl_wmi_data_hdr_add(struct wmi *wmi, struct sk_buff *skb, - u8 msg_type, bool more_data, + u8 msg_type, u32 flags, enum wmi_data_hdr_data_type data_type, u8 meta_ver, void *tx_meta_info, u8 if_idx) { @@ -204,17 +205,19 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_data_hdr_add(struct wmi *wmi, struct sk_buff *skb, data_hdr->info = msg_type << WMI_DATA_HDR_MSG_TYPE_SHIFT; data_hdr->info |= data_type << WMI_DATA_HDR_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT; - if (more_data) - data_hdr->info |= - WMI_DATA_HDR_MORE_MASK << WMI_DATA_HDR_MORE_SHIFT; + if (flags & WMI_DATA_HDR_FLAGS_MORE) + data_hdr->info |= WMI_DATA_HDR_MORE; - data_hdr->info2 = cpu_to_le16(meta_ver << WMI_DATA_HDR_META_SHIFT); - data_hdr->info3 = cpu_to_le16(if_idx & WMI_DATA_HDR_IF_IDX_MASK); + if (flags & WMI_DATA_HDR_FLAGS_EOSP) + data_hdr->info3 |= cpu_to_le16(WMI_DATA_HDR_EOSP); + + data_hdr->info2 |= cpu_to_le16(meta_ver << WMI_DATA_HDR_META_SHIFT); + data_hdr->info3 |= cpu_to_le16(if_idx & WMI_DATA_HDR_IF_IDX_MASK); return 0; } -static u8 ath6kl_wmi_determine_user_priority(u8 *pkt, u32 layer2_pri) +u8 ath6kl_wmi_determine_user_priority(u8 *pkt, u32 layer2_pri) { struct iphdr *ip_hdr = (struct iphdr *) pkt; u8 ip_pri; @@ -236,6 +239,11 @@ static u8 ath6kl_wmi_determine_user_priority(u8 *pkt, u32 layer2_pri) return ip_pri; } +u8 ath6kl_wmi_get_traffic_class(u8 user_priority) +{ + return up_to_ac[user_priority & 0x7]; +} + int ath6kl_wmi_implicit_create_pstream(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, struct sk_buff *skb, u32 layer2_priority, bool wmm_enabled, @@ -419,9 +427,6 @@ static int ath6kl_wmi_tx_complete_event_rx(u8 *datap, int len) ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "comp: %d %d %d\n", evt->num_msg, evt->msg_len, evt->msg_type); - if (!AR_DBG_LVL_CHECK(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI)) - return 0; - for (index = 0; index < evt->num_msg; index++) { size = sizeof(struct wmi_tx_complete_event) + (index * sizeof(struct tx_complete_msg_v1)); @@ -552,7 +557,8 @@ static int ath6kl_wmi_rx_probe_req_event_rx(struct wmi *wmi, u8 *datap, int len, dlen, freq, vif->probe_req_report); if (vif->probe_req_report || vif->nw_type == AP_NETWORK) - cfg80211_rx_mgmt(vif->ndev, freq, ev->data, dlen, GFP_ATOMIC); + cfg80211_rx_mgmt(vif->ndev, freq, 0, + ev->data, dlen, GFP_ATOMIC); return 0; } @@ -591,7 +597,8 @@ static int ath6kl_wmi_rx_action_event_rx(struct wmi *wmi, u8 *datap, int len, return -EINVAL; } ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "rx_action: len=%u freq=%u\n", dlen, freq); - cfg80211_rx_mgmt(vif->ndev, freq, ev->data, dlen, GFP_ATOMIC); + cfg80211_rx_mgmt(vif->ndev, freq, 0, + ev->data, dlen, GFP_ATOMIC); return 0; } @@ -786,12 +793,14 @@ static int ath6kl_wmi_connect_event_rx(struct wmi *wmi, u8 *datap, int len, ev->u.ap_sta.keymgmt, le16_to_cpu(ev->u.ap_sta.cipher), ev->u.ap_sta.apsd_info); + ath6kl_connect_ap_mode_sta( vif, ev->u.ap_sta.aid, ev->u.ap_sta.mac_addr, ev->u.ap_sta.keymgmt, le16_to_cpu(ev->u.ap_sta.cipher), ev->u.ap_sta.auth, ev->assoc_req_len, - ev->assoc_info + ev->beacon_ie_len); + ev->assoc_info + ev->beacon_ie_len, + ev->u.ap_sta.apsd_info); } return 0; } @@ -819,8 +828,8 @@ static int ath6kl_wmi_connect_event_rx(struct wmi *wmi, u8 *datap, int len, if (pie[1] > 3 && pie[2] == 0x00 && pie[3] == 0x50 && pie[4] == 0xf2 && pie[5] == WMM_OUI_TYPE) { /* WMM OUT (00:50:F2) */ - if (pie[1] > 5 - && pie[6] == WMM_PARAM_OUI_SUBTYPE) + if (pie[1] > 5 && + pie[6] == WMM_PARAM_OUI_SUBTYPE) wmi->is_wmm_enabled = true; } break; @@ -904,17 +913,17 @@ static void ath6kl_wmi_regdomain_event(struct wmi *wmi, u8 *datap, int len) regpair = ath6kl_get_regpair((u16) reg_code); country = ath6kl_regd_find_country_by_rd((u16) reg_code); ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "Regpair used: 0x%0x\n", - regpair->regDmnEnum); + regpair->regDmnEnum); } - if (country) { + if (country && wmi->parent_dev->wiphy_registered) { alpha2[0] = country->isoName[0]; alpha2[1] = country->isoName[1]; regulatory_hint(wmi->parent_dev->wiphy, alpha2); ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "Country alpha2 being used: %c%c\n", - alpha2[0], alpha2[1]); + alpha2[0], alpha2[1]); } } @@ -1025,8 +1034,9 @@ static int ath6kl_wmi_bssinfo_event_rx(struct wmi *wmi, u8 *datap, int len, if (len < 8 + 2 + 2) return -EINVAL; - if (bih->frame_type == BEACON_FTYPE && test_bit(CONNECTED, &vif->flags) - && memcmp(bih->bssid, vif->bssid, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { + if (bih->frame_type == BEACON_FTYPE && + test_bit(CONNECTED, &vif->flags) && + memcmp(bih->bssid, vif->bssid, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { const u8 *tim; tim = cfg80211_find_ie(WLAN_EID_TIM, buf + 8 + 2 + 2, len - 8 - 2 - 2); @@ -1145,9 +1155,9 @@ static int ath6kl_wmi_bitrate_reply_rx(struct wmi *wmi, u8 *datap, int len) return 0; } -static int ath6kl_wmi_tcmd_test_report_rx(struct wmi *wmi, u8 *datap, int len) +static int ath6kl_wmi_test_rx(struct wmi *wmi, u8 *datap, int len) { - ath6kl_tm_rx_report_event(wmi->parent_dev, datap, len); + ath6kl_tm_rx_event(wmi->parent_dev, datap, len); return 0; } @@ -1358,8 +1368,8 @@ static int ath6kl_wmi_rssi_threshold_event_rx(struct wmi *wmi, u8 *datap, /* Upper threshold breached */ if (rssi < sq_thresh->upper_threshold[0]) { ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, - "spurious upper rssi threshold event: %d\n", - rssi); + "spurious upper rssi threshold event: %d\n", + rssi); } else if ((rssi < sq_thresh->upper_threshold[1]) && (rssi >= sq_thresh->upper_threshold[0])) { new_threshold = WMI_RSSI_THRESHOLD1_ABOVE; @@ -1382,7 +1392,7 @@ static int ath6kl_wmi_rssi_threshold_event_rx(struct wmi *wmi, u8 *datap, /* Lower threshold breached */ if (rssi > sq_thresh->lower_threshold[0]) { ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, - "spurious lower rssi threshold event: %d %d\n", + "spurious lower rssi threshold event: %d %d\n", rssi, sq_thresh->lower_threshold[0]); } else if ((rssi > sq_thresh->lower_threshold[1]) && (rssi <= sq_thresh->lower_threshold[0])) { @@ -1543,8 +1553,8 @@ static int ath6kl_wmi_snr_threshold_event_rx(struct wmi *wmi, u8 *datap, /* Upper threshold breached */ if (snr < sq_thresh->upper_threshold[0]) { ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, - "spurious upper snr threshold event: %d\n", - snr); + "spurious upper snr threshold event: %d\n", + snr); } else if ((snr < sq_thresh->upper_threshold[1]) && (snr >= sq_thresh->upper_threshold[0])) { new_threshold = WMI_SNR_THRESHOLD1_ABOVE; @@ -1561,8 +1571,8 @@ static int ath6kl_wmi_snr_threshold_event_rx(struct wmi *wmi, u8 *datap, /* Lower threshold breached */ if (snr > sq_thresh->lower_threshold[0]) { ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, - "spurious lower snr threshold event: %d\n", - sq_thresh->lower_threshold[0]); + "spurious lower snr threshold event: %d\n", + sq_thresh->lower_threshold[0]); } else if ((snr > sq_thresh->lower_threshold[1]) && (snr <= sq_thresh->lower_threshold[0])) { new_threshold = WMI_SNR_THRESHOLD4_BELOW; @@ -2020,6 +2030,26 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_listeninterval_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, return ret; } +int ath6kl_wmi_bmisstime_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, + u16 bmiss_time, u16 num_beacons) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct wmi_bmiss_time_cmd *cmd; + int ret; + + skb = ath6kl_wmi_get_new_buf(sizeof(*cmd)); + if (!skb) + return -ENOMEM; + + cmd = (struct wmi_bmiss_time_cmd *) skb->data; + cmd->bmiss_time = cpu_to_le16(bmiss_time); + cmd->num_beacons = cpu_to_le16(num_beacons); + + ret = ath6kl_wmi_cmd_send(wmi, if_idx, skb, WMI_SET_BMISS_TIME_CMDID, + NO_SYNC_WMIFLAG); + return ret; +} + int ath6kl_wmi_powermode_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u8 pwr_mode) { struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -2479,15 +2509,16 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_delete_pstream_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u8 traffic_class, return ret; } -int ath6kl_wmi_set_ip_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, struct wmi_set_ip_cmd *ip_cmd) +int ath6kl_wmi_set_ip_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, + __be32 ips0, __be32 ips1) { struct sk_buff *skb; struct wmi_set_ip_cmd *cmd; int ret; /* Multicast address are not valid */ - if ((*((u8 *) &ip_cmd->ips[0]) >= 0xE0) || - (*((u8 *) &ip_cmd->ips[1]) >= 0xE0)) + if (ipv4_is_multicast(ips0) || + ipv4_is_multicast(ips1)) return -EINVAL; skb = ath6kl_wmi_get_new_buf(sizeof(struct wmi_set_ip_cmd)); @@ -2495,9 +2526,10 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_set_ip_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, struct wmi_set_ip_cmd *ip_cmd) return -ENOMEM; cmd = (struct wmi_set_ip_cmd *) skb->data; - memcpy(cmd, ip_cmd, sizeof(struct wmi_set_ip_cmd)); + cmd->ips[0] = ips0; + cmd->ips[1] = ips1; - ret = ath6kl_wmi_cmd_send(wmi, 0, skb, WMI_SET_IP_CMDID, + ret = ath6kl_wmi_cmd_send(wmi, if_idx, skb, WMI_SET_IP_CMDID, NO_SYNC_WMIFLAG); return ret; } @@ -2582,6 +2614,18 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_set_host_sleep_mode_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, return ret; } +/* This command has zero length payload */ +static int ath6kl_wmi_host_sleep_mode_cmd_prcd_evt_rx(struct wmi *wmi, + struct ath6kl_vif *vif) +{ + struct ath6kl *ar = wmi->parent_dev; + + set_bit(HOST_SLEEP_MODE_CMD_PROCESSED, &vif->flags); + wake_up(&ar->event_wq); + + return 0; +} + int ath6kl_wmi_set_wow_mode_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, enum ath6kl_wow_mode wow_mode, u32 filter, u16 host_req_delay) @@ -2591,7 +2635,7 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_set_wow_mode_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, int ret; if ((wow_mode != ATH6KL_WOW_MODE_ENABLE) && - wow_mode != ATH6KL_WOW_MODE_DISABLE) { + wow_mode != ATH6KL_WOW_MODE_DISABLE) { ath6kl_err("invalid wow mode: %d\n", wow_mode); return -EINVAL; } @@ -2612,7 +2656,8 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_set_wow_mode_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, int ath6kl_wmi_add_wow_pattern_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u8 list_id, u8 filter_size, - u8 filter_offset, u8 *filter, u8 *mask) + u8 filter_offset, const u8 *filter, + const u8 *mask) { struct sk_buff *skb; struct wmi_add_wow_pattern_cmd *cmd; @@ -2853,6 +2898,51 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_test_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, void *buf, size_t len) return ret; } +int ath6kl_wmi_mcast_filter_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, bool mc_all_on) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct wmi_mcast_filter_cmd *cmd; + int ret; + + skb = ath6kl_wmi_get_new_buf(sizeof(*cmd)); + if (!skb) + return -ENOMEM; + + cmd = (struct wmi_mcast_filter_cmd *) skb->data; + cmd->mcast_all_enable = mc_all_on; + + ret = ath6kl_wmi_cmd_send(wmi, if_idx, skb, WMI_MCAST_FILTER_CMDID, + NO_SYNC_WMIFLAG); + return ret; +} + +int ath6kl_wmi_add_del_mcast_filter_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, + u8 *filter, bool add_filter) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct wmi_mcast_filter_add_del_cmd *cmd; + int ret; + + if ((filter[0] != 0x33 || filter[1] != 0x33) && + (filter[0] != 0x01 || filter[1] != 0x00 || + filter[2] != 0x5e || filter[3] > 0x7f)) { + ath6kl_warn("invalid multicast filter address\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + skb = ath6kl_wmi_get_new_buf(sizeof(*cmd)); + if (!skb) + return -ENOMEM; + + cmd = (struct wmi_mcast_filter_add_del_cmd *) skb->data; + memcpy(cmd->mcast_mac, filter, ATH6KL_MCAST_FILTER_MAC_ADDR_SIZE); + ret = ath6kl_wmi_cmd_send(wmi, if_idx, skb, + add_filter ? WMI_SET_MCAST_FILTER_CMDID : + WMI_DEL_MCAST_FILTER_CMDID, + NO_SYNC_WMIFLAG); + + return ret; +} s32 ath6kl_wmi_get_rate(s8 rate_index) { @@ -2946,6 +3036,59 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_ap_set_mlme(struct wmi *wmip, u8 if_idx, u8 cmd, const u8 *mac, NO_SYNC_WMIFLAG); } +int ath6kl_wmi_ap_hidden_ssid(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, bool enable) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct wmi_ap_hidden_ssid_cmd *cmd; + + skb = ath6kl_wmi_get_new_buf(sizeof(*cmd)); + if (!skb) + return -ENOMEM; + + cmd = (struct wmi_ap_hidden_ssid_cmd *) skb->data; + cmd->hidden_ssid = enable ? 1 : 0; + + return ath6kl_wmi_cmd_send(wmi, if_idx, skb, WMI_AP_HIDDEN_SSID_CMDID, + NO_SYNC_WMIFLAG); +} + +/* This command will be used to enable/disable AP uAPSD feature */ +int ath6kl_wmi_ap_set_apsd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u8 enable) +{ + struct wmi_ap_set_apsd_cmd *cmd; + struct sk_buff *skb; + + skb = ath6kl_wmi_get_new_buf(sizeof(*cmd)); + if (!skb) + return -ENOMEM; + + cmd = (struct wmi_ap_set_apsd_cmd *)skb->data; + cmd->enable = enable; + + return ath6kl_wmi_cmd_send(wmi, if_idx, skb, WMI_AP_SET_APSD_CMDID, + NO_SYNC_WMIFLAG); +} + +int ath6kl_wmi_set_apsd_bfrd_traf(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, + u16 aid, u16 bitmap, u32 flags) +{ + struct wmi_ap_apsd_buffered_traffic_cmd *cmd; + struct sk_buff *skb; + + skb = ath6kl_wmi_get_new_buf(sizeof(*cmd)); + if (!skb) + return -ENOMEM; + + cmd = (struct wmi_ap_apsd_buffered_traffic_cmd *)skb->data; + cmd->aid = cpu_to_le16(aid); + cmd->bitmap = cpu_to_le16(bitmap); + cmd->flags = cpu_to_le32(flags); + + return ath6kl_wmi_cmd_send(wmi, if_idx, skb, + WMI_AP_APSD_BUFFERED_TRAFFIC_CMDID, + NO_SYNC_WMIFLAG); +} + static int ath6kl_wmi_pspoll_event_rx(struct wmi *wmi, u8 *datap, int len, struct ath6kl_vif *vif) { @@ -3078,8 +3221,9 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_remain_on_chnl_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u32 freq, u32 dur) * ath6kl_wmi_send_mgmt_cmd instead. The new function supports P2P * mgmt operations using station interface. */ -int ath6kl_wmi_send_action_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u32 id, u32 freq, - u32 wait, const u8 *data, u16 data_len) +static int ath6kl_wmi_send_action_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u32 id, + u32 freq, u32 wait, const u8 *data, + u16 data_len) { struct sk_buff *skb; struct wmi_send_action_cmd *p; @@ -3115,9 +3259,9 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_send_action_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u32 id, u32 freq, NO_SYNC_WMIFLAG); } -int ath6kl_wmi_send_mgmt_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u32 id, u32 freq, - u32 wait, const u8 *data, u16 data_len, - u32 no_cck) +static int __ath6kl_wmi_send_mgmt_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u32 id, + u32 freq, u32 wait, const u8 *data, + u16 data_len, u32 no_cck) { struct sk_buff *skb; struct wmi_send_mgmt_cmd *p; @@ -3154,6 +3298,32 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_send_mgmt_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u32 id, u32 freq, NO_SYNC_WMIFLAG); } +int ath6kl_wmi_send_mgmt_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u32 id, u32 freq, + u32 wait, const u8 *data, u16 data_len, + u32 no_cck) +{ + int status; + struct ath6kl *ar = wmi->parent_dev; + + if (test_bit(ATH6KL_FW_CAPABILITY_STA_P2PDEV_DUPLEX, + ar->fw_capabilities)) { + /* + * If capable of doing P2P mgmt operations using + * station interface, send additional information like + * supported rates to advertise and xmit rates for + * probe requests + */ + status = __ath6kl_wmi_send_mgmt_cmd(ar->wmi, if_idx, id, freq, + wait, data, data_len, + no_cck); + } else { + status = ath6kl_wmi_send_action_cmd(ar->wmi, if_idx, id, freq, + wait, data, data_len); + } + + return status; +} + int ath6kl_wmi_send_probe_response_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u32 freq, const u8 *dst, const u8 *data, u16 data_len) @@ -3265,32 +3435,101 @@ static int ath6kl_wmi_roam_tbl_event_rx(struct wmi *wmi, u8 *datap, int len) return ath6kl_debug_roam_tbl_event(wmi->parent_dev, datap, len); } -/* Control Path */ -int ath6kl_wmi_control_rx(struct wmi *wmi, struct sk_buff *skb) +/* Process interface specific wmi events, caller would free the datap */ +static int ath6kl_wmi_proc_events_vif(struct wmi *wmi, u16 if_idx, u16 cmd_id, + u8 *datap, u32 len) { - struct wmi_cmd_hdr *cmd; struct ath6kl_vif *vif; - u32 len; - u16 id; - u8 if_idx; - u8 *datap; - int ret = 0; - if (WARN_ON(skb == NULL)) + vif = ath6kl_get_vif_by_index(wmi->parent_dev, if_idx); + if (!vif) { + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, + "Wmi event for unavailable vif, vif_index:%d\n", + if_idx); return -EINVAL; + } - if (skb->len < sizeof(struct wmi_cmd_hdr)) { - ath6kl_err("bad packet 1\n"); - dev_kfree_skb(skb); + switch (cmd_id) { + case WMI_CONNECT_EVENTID: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_CONNECT_EVENTID\n"); + return ath6kl_wmi_connect_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); + case WMI_DISCONNECT_EVENTID: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_DISCONNECT_EVENTID\n"); + return ath6kl_wmi_disconnect_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); + case WMI_TKIP_MICERR_EVENTID: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_TKIP_MICERR_EVENTID\n"); + return ath6kl_wmi_tkip_micerr_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); + case WMI_BSSINFO_EVENTID: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_BSSINFO_EVENTID\n"); + return ath6kl_wmi_bssinfo_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); + case WMI_NEIGHBOR_REPORT_EVENTID: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_NEIGHBOR_REPORT_EVENTID\n"); + return ath6kl_wmi_neighbor_report_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, + vif); + case WMI_SCAN_COMPLETE_EVENTID: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_SCAN_COMPLETE_EVENTID\n"); + return ath6kl_wmi_scan_complete_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); + case WMI_REPORT_STATISTICS_EVENTID: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_REPORT_STATISTICS_EVENTID\n"); + return ath6kl_wmi_stats_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); + case WMI_CAC_EVENTID: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_CAC_EVENTID\n"); + return ath6kl_wmi_cac_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); + case WMI_PSPOLL_EVENTID: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_PSPOLL_EVENTID\n"); + return ath6kl_wmi_pspoll_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); + case WMI_DTIMEXPIRY_EVENTID: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_DTIMEXPIRY_EVENTID\n"); + return ath6kl_wmi_dtimexpiry_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); + case WMI_ADDBA_REQ_EVENTID: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_ADDBA_REQ_EVENTID\n"); + return ath6kl_wmi_addba_req_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); + case WMI_DELBA_REQ_EVENTID: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_DELBA_REQ_EVENTID\n"); + return ath6kl_wmi_delba_req_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); + case WMI_SET_HOST_SLEEP_MODE_CMD_PROCESSED_EVENTID: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, + "WMI_SET_HOST_SLEEP_MODE_CMD_PROCESSED_EVENTID"); + return ath6kl_wmi_host_sleep_mode_cmd_prcd_evt_rx(wmi, vif); + case WMI_REMAIN_ON_CHNL_EVENTID: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_REMAIN_ON_CHNL_EVENTID\n"); + return ath6kl_wmi_remain_on_chnl_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); + case WMI_CANCEL_REMAIN_ON_CHNL_EVENTID: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, + "WMI_CANCEL_REMAIN_ON_CHNL_EVENTID\n"); + return ath6kl_wmi_cancel_remain_on_chnl_event_rx(wmi, datap, + len, vif); + case WMI_TX_STATUS_EVENTID: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_TX_STATUS_EVENTID\n"); + return ath6kl_wmi_tx_status_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); + case WMI_RX_PROBE_REQ_EVENTID: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_RX_PROBE_REQ_EVENTID\n"); + return ath6kl_wmi_rx_probe_req_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); + case WMI_RX_ACTION_EVENTID: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_RX_ACTION_EVENTID\n"); + return ath6kl_wmi_rx_action_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); + default: + ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "unknown cmd id 0x%x\n", cmd_id); return -EINVAL; } + return 0; +} + +static int ath6kl_wmi_proc_events(struct wmi *wmi, struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + struct wmi_cmd_hdr *cmd; + int ret = 0; + u32 len; + u16 id; + u8 if_idx; + u8 *datap; + cmd = (struct wmi_cmd_hdr *) skb->data; id = le16_to_cpu(cmd->cmd_id); if_idx = le16_to_cpu(cmd->info1) & WMI_CMD_HDR_IF_ID_MASK; skb_pull(skb, sizeof(struct wmi_cmd_hdr)); - datap = skb->data; len = skb->len; @@ -3298,15 +3537,6 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_control_rx(struct wmi *wmi, struct sk_buff *skb) ath6kl_dbg_dump(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI_DUMP, NULL, "wmi rx ", datap, len); - vif = ath6kl_get_vif_by_index(wmi->parent_dev, if_idx); - if (!vif) { - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, - "Wmi event for unavailable vif, vif_index:%d\n", - if_idx); - dev_kfree_skb(skb); - return -EINVAL; - } - switch (id) { case WMI_GET_BITRATE_CMDID: ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_GET_BITRATE_CMDID\n"); @@ -3324,26 +3554,10 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_control_rx(struct wmi *wmi, struct sk_buff *skb) ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_READY_EVENTID\n"); ret = ath6kl_wmi_ready_event_rx(wmi, datap, len); break; - case WMI_CONNECT_EVENTID: - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_CONNECT_EVENTID\n"); - ret = ath6kl_wmi_connect_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); - break; - case WMI_DISCONNECT_EVENTID: - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_DISCONNECT_EVENTID\n"); - ret = ath6kl_wmi_disconnect_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); - break; case WMI_PEER_NODE_EVENTID: ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_PEER_NODE_EVENTID\n"); ret = ath6kl_wmi_peer_node_event_rx(wmi, datap, len); break; - case WMI_TKIP_MICERR_EVENTID: - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_TKIP_MICERR_EVENTID\n"); - ret = ath6kl_wmi_tkip_micerr_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); - break; - case WMI_BSSINFO_EVENTID: - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_BSSINFO_EVENTID\n"); - ret = ath6kl_wmi_bssinfo_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); - break; case WMI_REGDOMAIN_EVENTID: ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_REGDOMAIN_EVENTID\n"); ath6kl_wmi_regdomain_event(wmi, datap, len); @@ -3352,23 +3566,10 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_control_rx(struct wmi *wmi, struct sk_buff *skb) ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_PSTREAM_TIMEOUT_EVENTID\n"); ret = ath6kl_wmi_pstream_timeout_event_rx(wmi, datap, len); break; - case WMI_NEIGHBOR_REPORT_EVENTID: - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_NEIGHBOR_REPORT_EVENTID\n"); - ret = ath6kl_wmi_neighbor_report_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, - vif); - break; - case WMI_SCAN_COMPLETE_EVENTID: - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_SCAN_COMPLETE_EVENTID\n"); - ret = ath6kl_wmi_scan_complete_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); - break; case WMI_CMDERROR_EVENTID: ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_CMDERROR_EVENTID\n"); ret = ath6kl_wmi_error_event_rx(wmi, datap, len); break; - case WMI_REPORT_STATISTICS_EVENTID: - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_REPORT_STATISTICS_EVENTID\n"); - ret = ath6kl_wmi_stats_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); - break; case WMI_RSSI_THRESHOLD_EVENTID: ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_RSSI_THRESHOLD_EVENTID\n"); ret = ath6kl_wmi_rssi_threshold_event_rx(wmi, datap, len); @@ -3388,10 +3589,6 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_control_rx(struct wmi *wmi, struct sk_buff *skb) ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_EXTENSION_EVENTID\n"); ret = ath6kl_wmi_control_rx_xtnd(wmi, skb); break; - case WMI_CAC_EVENTID: - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_CAC_EVENTID\n"); - ret = ath6kl_wmi_cac_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); - break; case WMI_CHANNEL_CHANGE_EVENTID: ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_CHANNEL_CHANGE_EVENTID\n"); break; @@ -3400,7 +3597,7 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_control_rx(struct wmi *wmi, struct sk_buff *skb) break; case WMI_TEST_EVENTID: ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_TEST_EVENTID\n"); - ret = ath6kl_wmi_tcmd_test_report_rx(wmi, datap, len); + ret = ath6kl_wmi_test_rx(wmi, datap, len); break; case WMI_GET_FIXRATES_CMDID: ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_GET_FIXRATES_CMDID\n"); @@ -3431,28 +3628,12 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_control_rx(struct wmi *wmi, struct sk_buff *skb) ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_GET_PMKID_LIST_EVENTID\n"); ret = ath6kl_wmi_get_pmkid_list_event_rx(wmi, datap, len); break; - case WMI_PSPOLL_EVENTID: - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_PSPOLL_EVENTID\n"); - ret = ath6kl_wmi_pspoll_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); - break; - case WMI_DTIMEXPIRY_EVENTID: - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_DTIMEXPIRY_EVENTID\n"); - ret = ath6kl_wmi_dtimexpiry_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); - break; case WMI_SET_PARAMS_REPLY_EVENTID: ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_SET_PARAMS_REPLY_EVENTID\n"); break; - case WMI_ADDBA_REQ_EVENTID: - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_ADDBA_REQ_EVENTID\n"); - ret = ath6kl_wmi_addba_req_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); - break; case WMI_ADDBA_RESP_EVENTID: ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_ADDBA_RESP_EVENTID\n"); break; - case WMI_DELBA_REQ_EVENTID: - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_DELBA_REQ_EVENTID\n"); - ret = ath6kl_wmi_delba_req_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); - break; case WMI_REPORT_BTCOEX_CONFIG_EVENTID: ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_REPORT_BTCOEX_CONFIG_EVENTID\n"); @@ -3465,47 +3646,39 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_control_rx(struct wmi *wmi, struct sk_buff *skb) ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_TX_COMPLETE_EVENTID\n"); ret = ath6kl_wmi_tx_complete_event_rx(datap, len); break; - case WMI_REMAIN_ON_CHNL_EVENTID: - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_REMAIN_ON_CHNL_EVENTID\n"); - ret = ath6kl_wmi_remain_on_chnl_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); - break; - case WMI_CANCEL_REMAIN_ON_CHNL_EVENTID: - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, - "WMI_CANCEL_REMAIN_ON_CHNL_EVENTID\n"); - ret = ath6kl_wmi_cancel_remain_on_chnl_event_rx(wmi, datap, - len, vif); - break; - case WMI_TX_STATUS_EVENTID: - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_TX_STATUS_EVENTID\n"); - ret = ath6kl_wmi_tx_status_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); - break; - case WMI_RX_PROBE_REQ_EVENTID: - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_RX_PROBE_REQ_EVENTID\n"); - ret = ath6kl_wmi_rx_probe_req_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); - break; case WMI_P2P_CAPABILITIES_EVENTID: ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_P2P_CAPABILITIES_EVENTID\n"); ret = ath6kl_wmi_p2p_capabilities_event_rx(datap, len); break; - case WMI_RX_ACTION_EVENTID: - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_RX_ACTION_EVENTID\n"); - ret = ath6kl_wmi_rx_action_event_rx(wmi, datap, len, vif); - break; case WMI_P2P_INFO_EVENTID: ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "WMI_P2P_INFO_EVENTID\n"); ret = ath6kl_wmi_p2p_info_event_rx(datap, len); break; default: - ath6kl_dbg(ATH6KL_DBG_WMI, "unknown cmd id 0x%x\n", id); - ret = -EINVAL; + /* may be the event is interface specific */ + ret = ath6kl_wmi_proc_events_vif(wmi, if_idx, id, datap, len); break; } dev_kfree_skb(skb); - return ret; } +/* Control Path */ +int ath6kl_wmi_control_rx(struct wmi *wmi, struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + if (WARN_ON(skb == NULL)) + return -EINVAL; + + if (skb->len < sizeof(struct wmi_cmd_hdr)) { + ath6kl_err("bad packet 1\n"); + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + return -EINVAL; + } + + return ath6kl_wmi_proc_events(wmi, skb); +} + void ath6kl_wmi_reset(struct wmi *wmi) { spin_lock_bh(&wmi->lock); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/wmi.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/wmi.h index 42ac311eda4e23f84cc61f29a6ac68d01e147bc0..4092e3e80790f6d4ee58672c56e66d87f6f81f38 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/wmi.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/wmi.h @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Atheros Communications Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above @@ -110,6 +111,8 @@ struct wmi { u8 fat_pipe_exist; struct ath6kl *parent_dev; u8 pwr_mode; + + /* protects fat_pipe_exist and stream_exist_for_ac */ spinlock_t lock; enum htc_endpoint_id ep_id; struct sq_threshold_params @@ -149,8 +152,7 @@ enum wmi_msg_type { #define WMI_DATA_HDR_PS_MASK 0x1 #define WMI_DATA_HDR_PS_SHIFT 5 -#define WMI_DATA_HDR_MORE_MASK 0x1 -#define WMI_DATA_HDR_MORE_SHIFT 5 +#define WMI_DATA_HDR_MORE 0x20 enum wmi_data_hdr_data_type { WMI_DATA_HDR_DATA_TYPE_802_3 = 0, @@ -160,6 +162,13 @@ enum wmi_data_hdr_data_type { WMI_DATA_HDR_DATA_TYPE_ACL, }; +/* Bitmap of data header flags */ +enum wmi_data_hdr_flags { + WMI_DATA_HDR_FLAGS_MORE = 0x1, + WMI_DATA_HDR_FLAGS_EOSP = 0x2, + WMI_DATA_HDR_FLAGS_UAPSD = 0x4, +}; + #define WMI_DATA_HDR_DATA_TYPE_MASK 0x3 #define WMI_DATA_HDR_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT 6 @@ -173,8 +182,12 @@ enum wmi_data_hdr_data_type { #define WMI_DATA_HDR_META_MASK 0x7 #define WMI_DATA_HDR_META_SHIFT 13 +/* Macros for operating on WMI_DATA_HDR (info3) field */ #define WMI_DATA_HDR_IF_IDX_MASK 0xF +#define WMI_DATA_HDR_TRIG 0x10 +#define WMI_DATA_HDR_EOSP 0x10 + struct wmi_data_hdr { s8 rssi; @@ -203,7 +216,8 @@ struct wmi_data_hdr { /* * usage of info3, 16-bit: * b3:b0 - Interface index - * b15:b4 - Reserved + * b4 - uAPSD trigger in rx & EOSP in tx + * b15:b5 - Reserved */ __le16 info3; } __packed; @@ -257,6 +271,9 @@ static inline u8 wmi_data_hdr_get_if_idx(struct wmi_data_hdr *dhdr) #define WMI_META_VERSION_1 0x01 #define WMI_META_VERSION_2 0x02 +/* Flag to signal to FW to calculate TCP checksum */ +#define WMI_META_V2_FLAG_CSUM_OFFLOAD 0x01 + struct wmi_tx_meta_v1 { /* packet ID to identify the tx request */ u8 pkt_id; @@ -646,7 +663,6 @@ enum auth_mode { WPA2_AUTH_CCKM = 0x40, }; -#define WMI_MIN_KEY_INDEX 0 #define WMI_MAX_KEY_INDEX 3 #define WMI_MAX_KEY_LEN 32 @@ -984,6 +1000,12 @@ struct wmi_listen_int_cmd { __le16 num_beacons; } __packed; +/* WMI_SET_BMISS_TIME_CMDID */ +struct wmi_bmiss_time_cmd { + __le16 bmiss_time; + __le16 num_beacons; +}; + /* WMI_SET_POWER_MODE_CMDID */ enum wmi_power_mode { REC_POWER = 0x01, @@ -1001,7 +1023,7 @@ struct wmi_power_mode_cmd { */ enum power_save_fail_event_policy { SEND_POWER_SAVE_FAIL_EVENT_ALWAYS = 1, - IGNORE_POWER_SAVE_FAIL_EVENT_DURING_SCAN = 2, + IGNORE_PS_FAIL_DURING_SCAN = 2, }; struct wmi_power_params_cmd { @@ -1199,7 +1221,7 @@ struct wmi_snr_threshold_params_cmd { enum wmi_preamble_policy { WMI_IGNORE_BARKER_IN_ERP = 0, - WMI_DONOT_IGNORE_BARKER_IN_ERP + WMI_FOLLOW_BARKER_IN_ERP, }; struct wmi_set_lpreamble_cmd { @@ -1237,6 +1259,15 @@ enum target_event_report_config { NO_DISCONN_EVT_IN_RECONN }; +struct wmi_mcast_filter_cmd { + u8 mcast_all_enable; +} __packed; + +#define ATH6KL_MCAST_FILTER_MAC_ADDR_SIZE 6 +struct wmi_mcast_filter_add_del_cmd { + u8 mcast_mac[ATH6KL_MCAST_FILTER_MAC_ADDR_SIZE]; +} __packed; + /* Command Replies */ /* WMI_GET_CHANNEL_LIST_CMDID reply */ @@ -1335,6 +1366,8 @@ enum wmi_event_id { WMI_P2P_START_SDPD_EVENTID, WMI_P2P_SDPD_RX_EVENTID, + WMI_SET_HOST_SLEEP_MODE_CMD_PROCESSED_EVENTID = 0x1047, + WMI_THIN_RESERVED_START_EVENTID = 0x8000, /* Events in this range are reserved for thinmode */ WMI_THIN_RESERVED_END_EVENTID = 0x8fff, @@ -1903,7 +1936,7 @@ struct wow_filter { struct wmi_set_ip_cmd { /* IP in network byte order */ - __le32 ips[MAX_IP_ADDRS]; + __be32 ips[MAX_IP_ADDRS]; } __packed; enum ath6kl_wow_filters { @@ -2104,7 +2137,24 @@ struct wmi_rx_frame_format_cmd { u8 reserved[1]; } __packed; +struct wmi_ap_hidden_ssid_cmd { + u8 hidden_ssid; +} __packed; + /* AP mode events */ +struct wmi_ap_set_apsd_cmd { + u8 enable; +} __packed; + +enum wmi_ap_apsd_buffered_traffic_flags { + WMI_AP_APSD_NO_DELIVERY_FRAMES = 0x1, +}; + +struct wmi_ap_apsd_buffered_traffic_cmd { + __le16 aid; + __le16 bitmap; + __le32 flags; +} __packed; /* WMI_PS_POLL_EVENT */ struct wmi_pspoll_event { @@ -2321,7 +2371,7 @@ enum htc_endpoint_id ath6kl_wmi_get_control_ep(struct wmi *wmi); void ath6kl_wmi_set_control_ep(struct wmi *wmi, enum htc_endpoint_id ep_id); int ath6kl_wmi_dix_2_dot3(struct wmi *wmi, struct sk_buff *skb); int ath6kl_wmi_data_hdr_add(struct wmi *wmi, struct sk_buff *skb, - u8 msg_type, bool more_data, + u8 msg_type, u32 flags, enum wmi_data_hdr_data_type data_type, u8 meta_ver, void *tx_meta_info, u8 if_idx); @@ -2376,6 +2426,8 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_probedssid_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u8 index, u8 flag, int ath6kl_wmi_listeninterval_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u16 listen_interval, u16 listen_beacons); +int ath6kl_wmi_bmisstime_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, + u16 bmiss_time, u16 num_beacons); int ath6kl_wmi_powermode_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u8 pwr_mode); int ath6kl_wmi_pmparams_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u16 idle_period, u16 ps_poll_num, u16 dtim_policy, @@ -2417,7 +2469,8 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_test_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, void *buf, size_t len); s32 ath6kl_wmi_get_rate(s8 rate_index); -int ath6kl_wmi_set_ip_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, struct wmi_set_ip_cmd *ip_cmd); +int ath6kl_wmi_set_ip_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, + __be32 ips0, __be32 ips1); int ath6kl_wmi_set_host_sleep_mode_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, enum ath6kl_host_mode host_mode); int ath6kl_wmi_set_wow_mode_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, @@ -2425,14 +2478,28 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_set_wow_mode_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u32 filter, u16 host_req_delay); int ath6kl_wmi_add_wow_pattern_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u8 list_id, u8 filter_size, - u8 filter_offset, u8 *filter, u8 *mask); + u8 filter_offset, const u8 *filter, + const u8 *mask); int ath6kl_wmi_del_wow_pattern_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u16 list_id, u16 filter_id); int ath6kl_wmi_set_roam_lrssi_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 lrssi); int ath6kl_wmi_force_roam_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, const u8 *bssid); int ath6kl_wmi_set_roam_mode_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, enum wmi_roam_mode mode); +int ath6kl_wmi_mcast_filter_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, bool mc_all_on); +int ath6kl_wmi_add_del_mcast_filter_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, + u8 *filter, bool add_filter); +/* AP mode uAPSD */ +int ath6kl_wmi_ap_set_apsd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u8 enable); +int ath6kl_wmi_set_apsd_bfrd_traf(struct wmi *wmi, + u8 if_idx, u16 aid, + u16 bitmap, u32 flags); + +u8 ath6kl_wmi_get_traffic_class(u8 user_priority); + +u8 ath6kl_wmi_determine_user_priority(u8 *pkt, u32 layer2_pri); /* AP mode */ +int ath6kl_wmi_ap_hidden_ssid(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, bool enable); int ath6kl_wmi_ap_profile_commit(struct wmi *wmip, u8 if_idx, struct wmi_connect_cmd *p); @@ -2454,9 +2521,6 @@ int ath6kl_wmi_disable_11b_rates_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, bool disable); int ath6kl_wmi_remain_on_chnl_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u32 freq, u32 dur); -int ath6kl_wmi_send_action_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u32 id, u32 freq, - u32 wait, const u8 *data, u16 data_len); - int ath6kl_wmi_send_mgmt_cmd(struct wmi *wmi, u8 if_idx, u32 id, u32 freq, u32 wait, const u8 *data, u16 data_len, u32 no_cck); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/Kconfig b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/Kconfig index dc6be4afe8eb96ad1ecce4147db6ff761d1556bc..e507e78398f3dc76b3678fb8d16a8b7282735c14 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/Kconfig @@ -6,6 +6,14 @@ config ATH9K_DFS_DEBUGFS def_bool y depends on ATH9K_DEBUGFS && ATH9K_DFS_CERTIFIED +config ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT + bool "Atheros bluetooth coexistence support" + depends on (ATH9K || ATH9K_HTC) + default y + ---help--- + Say Y, if you want to use the ath9k/ath9k_htc radios together with + Bluetooth modules in the same system. + config ATH9K tristate "Atheros 802.11n wireless cards support" depends on MAC80211 @@ -73,6 +81,14 @@ config ATH9K_DFS_CERTIFIED developed. At this point enabling this option won't do anything except increase code size. +config ATH9K_MAC_DEBUG + bool "Atheros MAC statistics" + depends on ATH9K_DEBUGFS + default y + ---help--- + This option enables collection of statistics for Rx/Tx status + data and some other MAC related statistics + config ATH9K_RATE_CONTROL bool "Atheros ath9k rate control" depends on ATH9K @@ -81,14 +97,6 @@ config ATH9K_RATE_CONTROL Say Y, if you want to use the ath9k specific rate control module instead of minstrel_ht. -config ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT - bool "Atheros ath9k bluetooth coexistence support" - depends on ATH9K - default y - ---help--- - Say Y, if you want to use the ath9k radios together with - Bluetooth modules in the same system. - config ATH9K_HTC tristate "Atheros HTC based wireless cards support" depends on USB && MAC80211 diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/Makefile b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/Makefile index da02242499af15d9049b3a2ce7913cb87ade80bc..27d95fe5ade058b234d88a78ebcbe43e0508834d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/Makefile @@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ ath9k-y += beacon.o \ init.o \ main.o \ recv.o \ - xmit.o \ - mci.o \ + xmit.o +ath9k-$(CONFIG_ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT) += mci.o ath9k-$(CONFIG_ATH9K_RATE_CONTROL) += rc.o ath9k-$(CONFIG_ATH9K_PCI) += pci.o ath9k-$(CONFIG_ATH9K_AHB) += ahb.o @@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ ath9k_hw-y:= \ eeprom_4k.o \ eeprom_9287.o \ ani.o \ - btcoex.o \ mac.o \ ar9002_mac.o \ ar9003_mac.o \ ar9003_eeprom.o \ - ar9003_paprd.o \ - ar9003_mci.o + ar9003_paprd.o +ath9k_hw-$(CONFIG_ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT) += btcoex.o \ + ar9003_mci.o obj-$(CONFIG_ATH9K_HW) += ath9k_hw.o obj-$(CONFIG_ATH9K_COMMON) += ath9k_common.o diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ani.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ani.c index bc56f57b393b5ad669f2178e63f1e13d36a03d4a..7e0ea4e98334180342b7f697d024370c5406b28e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ani.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ani.c @@ -407,20 +407,20 @@ static void ath9k_hw_ani_lower_immunity_old(struct ath_hw *ah) if (aniState->ofdmWeakSigDetectOff) { if (ath9k_hw_ani_control(ah, ATH9K_ANI_OFDM_WEAK_SIGNAL_DETECTION, - true) == true) + true)) return; } if (aniState->firstepLevel > 0) { if (ath9k_hw_ani_control(ah, ATH9K_ANI_FIRSTEP_LEVEL, - aniState->firstepLevel - 1) == true) + aniState->firstepLevel - 1)) return; } } else { if (aniState->firstepLevel > 0) { if (ath9k_hw_ani_control(ah, ATH9K_ANI_FIRSTEP_LEVEL, - aniState->firstepLevel - 1) == true) + aniState->firstepLevel - 1)) return; } } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar5008_phy.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar5008_phy.c index 86a891f93fc9dc70939088e70080af874343f4b4..d7d8e91991408a7a5c18fea055a4f17f1a0741cf 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar5008_phy.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar5008_phy.c @@ -834,9 +834,10 @@ static int ar5008_hw_process_ini(struct ath_hw *ah, AR_SREV_9287_11_OR_LATER(ah)) REG_WRITE_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesTxGain, modesIndex, regWrites); - if (AR_SREV_9271_10(ah)) - REG_WRITE_ARRAY(&ah->iniModes_9271_1_0_only, - modesIndex, regWrites); + if (AR_SREV_9271_10(ah)) { + REG_SET_BIT(ah, AR_PHY_SPECTRAL_SCAN, AR_PHY_SPECTRAL_SCAN_ENA); + REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_PHY_RF_CTL3, AR_PHY_TX_END_TO_ADC_ON, 0xa); + } ENABLE_REGWRITE_BUFFER(ah); @@ -858,21 +859,11 @@ static int ar5008_hw_process_ini(struct ath_hw *ah, REGWRITE_BUFFER_FLUSH(ah); - if (AR_SREV_9271(ah)) { - if (ah->eep_ops->get_eeprom(ah, EEP_TXGAIN_TYPE) == 1) - REG_WRITE_ARRAY(&ah->iniModes_high_power_tx_gain_9271, - modesIndex, regWrites); - else - REG_WRITE_ARRAY(&ah->iniModes_normal_power_tx_gain_9271, - modesIndex, regWrites); - } - REG_WRITE_ARRAY(&ah->iniBB_RfGain, freqIndex, regWrites); - if (IS_CHAN_A_FAST_CLOCK(ah, chan)) { - REG_WRITE_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesAdditional, modesIndex, + if (IS_CHAN_A_FAST_CLOCK(ah, chan)) + REG_WRITE_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesFastClock, modesIndex, regWrites); - } ar5008_hw_override_ini(ah, chan); ar5008_hw_set_channel_regs(ah, chan); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9001_initvals.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9001_initvals.h index e8bdc75405f15df52bb84297916bd3b447a916d0..ea4a230997acc7c34c3e944a9ddf4d8c9e65f914 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9001_initvals.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9001_initvals.h @@ -459,97 +459,6 @@ static const u32 ar5416Common_9100[][2] = { {0x0000a3e0, 0x000001ce}, }; -static const u32 ar5416Bank0_9100[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x000098b0, 0x1e5795e5}, - {0x000098e0, 0x02008020}, -}; - -static const u32 ar5416BB_RfGain_9100[][3] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 */ - {0x00009a00, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x00009a04, 0x00000040, 0x00000040}, - {0x00009a08, 0x00000080, 0x00000080}, - {0x00009a0c, 0x000001a1, 0x00000141}, - {0x00009a10, 0x000001e1, 0x00000181}, - {0x00009a14, 0x00000021, 0x000001c1}, - {0x00009a18, 0x00000061, 0x00000001}, - {0x00009a1c, 0x00000168, 0x00000041}, - {0x00009a20, 0x000001a8, 0x000001a8}, - {0x00009a24, 0x000001e8, 0x000001e8}, - {0x00009a28, 0x00000028, 0x00000028}, - {0x00009a2c, 0x00000068, 0x00000068}, - {0x00009a30, 0x00000189, 0x000000a8}, - {0x00009a34, 0x000001c9, 0x00000169}, - {0x00009a38, 0x00000009, 0x000001a9}, - {0x00009a3c, 0x00000049, 0x000001e9}, - {0x00009a40, 0x00000089, 0x00000029}, - {0x00009a44, 0x00000170, 0x00000069}, - {0x00009a48, 0x000001b0, 0x00000190}, - {0x00009a4c, 0x000001f0, 0x000001d0}, - {0x00009a50, 0x00000030, 0x00000010}, - {0x00009a54, 0x00000070, 0x00000050}, - {0x00009a58, 0x00000191, 0x00000090}, - {0x00009a5c, 0x000001d1, 0x00000151}, - {0x00009a60, 0x00000011, 0x00000191}, - {0x00009a64, 0x00000051, 0x000001d1}, - {0x00009a68, 0x00000091, 0x00000011}, - {0x00009a6c, 0x000001b8, 0x00000051}, - {0x00009a70, 0x000001f8, 0x00000198}, - {0x00009a74, 0x00000038, 0x000001d8}, - {0x00009a78, 0x00000078, 0x00000018}, - {0x00009a7c, 0x00000199, 0x00000058}, - {0x00009a80, 0x000001d9, 0x00000098}, - {0x00009a84, 0x00000019, 0x00000159}, - {0x00009a88, 0x00000059, 0x00000199}, - {0x00009a8c, 0x00000099, 0x000001d9}, - {0x00009a90, 0x000000d9, 0x00000019}, - {0x00009a94, 0x000000f9, 0x00000059}, - {0x00009a98, 0x000000f9, 0x00000099}, - {0x00009a9c, 0x000000f9, 0x000000d9}, - {0x00009aa0, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009aa4, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009aa8, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009aac, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ab0, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ab4, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ab8, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009abc, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ac0, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ac4, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ac8, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009acc, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ad0, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ad4, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ad8, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009adc, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ae0, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ae4, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ae8, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009aec, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009af0, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009af4, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009af8, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009afc, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, -}; - -static const u32 ar5416Bank1_9100[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x000098b0, 0x02108421}, - {0x000098ec, 0x00000008}, -}; - -static const u32 ar5416Bank2_9100[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x000098b0, 0x0e73ff17}, - {0x000098e0, 0x00000420}, -}; - -static const u32 ar5416Bank3_9100[][3] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 */ - {0x000098f0, 0x01400018, 0x01c00018}, -}; - static const u32 ar5416Bank6_9100[][3] = { /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 */ {0x0000989c, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, @@ -624,13 +533,6 @@ static const u32 ar5416Bank6TPC_9100[][3] = { {0x000098d0, 0x0000000f, 0x0010000f}, }; -static const u32 ar5416Bank7_9100[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x0000989c, 0x00000500}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00000800}, - {0x000098cc, 0x0000000e}, -}; - static const u32 ar5416Addac_9100[][2] = { /* Addr allmodes */ {0x0000989c, 0x00000000}, @@ -1113,178 +1015,6 @@ static const u32 ar5416Common_9160[][2] = { {0x0000a3e0, 0x000001ce}, }; -static const u32 ar5416Bank0_9160[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x000098b0, 0x1e5795e5}, - {0x000098e0, 0x02008020}, -}; - -static const u32 ar5416BB_RfGain_9160[][3] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 */ - {0x00009a00, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x00009a04, 0x00000040, 0x00000040}, - {0x00009a08, 0x00000080, 0x00000080}, - {0x00009a0c, 0x000001a1, 0x00000141}, - {0x00009a10, 0x000001e1, 0x00000181}, - {0x00009a14, 0x00000021, 0x000001c1}, - {0x00009a18, 0x00000061, 0x00000001}, - {0x00009a1c, 0x00000168, 0x00000041}, - {0x00009a20, 0x000001a8, 0x000001a8}, - {0x00009a24, 0x000001e8, 0x000001e8}, - {0x00009a28, 0x00000028, 0x00000028}, - {0x00009a2c, 0x00000068, 0x00000068}, - {0x00009a30, 0x00000189, 0x000000a8}, - {0x00009a34, 0x000001c9, 0x00000169}, - {0x00009a38, 0x00000009, 0x000001a9}, - {0x00009a3c, 0x00000049, 0x000001e9}, - {0x00009a40, 0x00000089, 0x00000029}, - {0x00009a44, 0x00000170, 0x00000069}, - {0x00009a48, 0x000001b0, 0x00000190}, - {0x00009a4c, 0x000001f0, 0x000001d0}, - {0x00009a50, 0x00000030, 0x00000010}, - {0x00009a54, 0x00000070, 0x00000050}, - {0x00009a58, 0x00000191, 0x00000090}, - {0x00009a5c, 0x000001d1, 0x00000151}, - {0x00009a60, 0x00000011, 0x00000191}, - {0x00009a64, 0x00000051, 0x000001d1}, - {0x00009a68, 0x00000091, 0x00000011}, - {0x00009a6c, 0x000001b8, 0x00000051}, - {0x00009a70, 0x000001f8, 0x00000198}, - {0x00009a74, 0x00000038, 0x000001d8}, - {0x00009a78, 0x00000078, 0x00000018}, - {0x00009a7c, 0x00000199, 0x00000058}, - {0x00009a80, 0x000001d9, 0x00000098}, - {0x00009a84, 0x00000019, 0x00000159}, - {0x00009a88, 0x00000059, 0x00000199}, - {0x00009a8c, 0x00000099, 0x000001d9}, - {0x00009a90, 0x000000d9, 0x00000019}, - {0x00009a94, 0x000000f9, 0x00000059}, - {0x00009a98, 0x000000f9, 0x00000099}, - {0x00009a9c, 0x000000f9, 0x000000d9}, - {0x00009aa0, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009aa4, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009aa8, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009aac, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ab0, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ab4, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ab8, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009abc, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ac0, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ac4, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ac8, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009acc, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ad0, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ad4, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ad8, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009adc, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ae0, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ae4, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009ae8, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009aec, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009af0, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009af4, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009af8, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, - {0x00009afc, 0x000000f9, 0x000000f9}, -}; - -static const u32 ar5416Bank1_9160[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x000098b0, 0x02108421}, - {0x000098ec, 0x00000008}, -}; - -static const u32 ar5416Bank2_9160[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x000098b0, 0x0e73ff17}, - {0x000098e0, 0x00000420}, -}; - -static const u32 ar5416Bank3_9160[][3] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 */ - {0x000098f0, 0x01400018, 0x01c00018}, -}; - -static const u32 ar5416Bank6_9160[][3] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 */ - {0x0000989c, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00e00000, 0x00e00000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x005e0000, 0x005e0000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00120000, 0x00120000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00620000, 0x00620000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00020000, 0x00020000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00ff0000, 0x00ff0000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00ff0000, 0x00ff0000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00ff0000, 0x00ff0000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x40ff0000, 0x40ff0000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x005f0000, 0x005f0000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00870000, 0x00870000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00f90000, 0x00f90000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x007b0000, 0x007b0000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00ff0000, 0x00ff0000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00f50000, 0x00f50000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00dc0000, 0x00dc0000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00110000, 0x00110000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x006100a8, 0x006100a8}, - {0x0000989c, 0x004210a2, 0x004210a2}, - {0x0000989c, 0x0014008f, 0x0014008f}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00c40003, 0x00c40003}, - {0x0000989c, 0x003000f2, 0x003000f2}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00440016, 0x00440016}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00410040, 0x00410040}, - {0x0000989c, 0x0001805e, 0x0001805e}, - {0x0000989c, 0x0000c0ab, 0x0000c0ab}, - {0x0000989c, 0x000000f1, 0x000000f1}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00002081, 0x00002081}, - {0x0000989c, 0x000000d4, 0x000000d4}, - {0x000098d0, 0x0000000f, 0x0010000f}, -}; - -static const u32 ar5416Bank6TPC_9160[][3] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 */ - {0x0000989c, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00e00000, 0x00e00000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x005e0000, 0x005e0000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00120000, 0x00120000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00620000, 0x00620000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00020000, 0x00020000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00ff0000, 0x00ff0000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00ff0000, 0x00ff0000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00ff0000, 0x00ff0000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x40ff0000, 0x40ff0000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x005f0000, 0x005f0000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00870000, 0x00870000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00f90000, 0x00f90000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x007b0000, 0x007b0000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00ff0000, 0x00ff0000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00f50000, 0x00f50000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00dc0000, 0x00dc0000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00110000, 0x00110000}, - {0x0000989c, 0x006100a8, 0x006100a8}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00423022, 0x00423022}, - {0x0000989c, 0x2014008f, 0x2014008f}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00c40002, 0x00c40002}, - {0x0000989c, 0x003000f2, 0x003000f2}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00440016, 0x00440016}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00410040, 0x00410040}, - {0x0000989c, 0x0001805e, 0x0001805e}, - {0x0000989c, 0x0000c0ab, 0x0000c0ab}, - {0x0000989c, 0x000000e1, 0x000000e1}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00007080, 0x00007080}, - {0x0000989c, 0x000000d4, 0x000000d4}, - {0x000098d0, 0x0000000f, 0x0010000f}, -}; - -static const u32 ar5416Bank7_9160[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x0000989c, 0x00000500}, - {0x0000989c, 0x00000800}, - {0x000098cc, 0x0000000e}, -}; - static const u32 ar5416Addac_9160[][2] = { /* Addr allmodes */ {0x0000989c, 0x00000000}, diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_hw.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_hw.c index d190411ac8f51e5003fb2c639b7818be8df34b4c..d9a69fc470cde856591140317c3f3a7121faaf42 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_hw.c @@ -34,74 +34,37 @@ static void ar9002_hw_init_mode_regs(struct ath_hw *ah) ARRAY_SIZE(ar9271Modes_9271), 5); INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniCommon, ar9271Common_9271, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9271Common_9271), 2); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniCommon_normal_cck_fir_coeff_9271, - ar9271Common_normal_cck_fir_coeff_9271, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9271Common_normal_cck_fir_coeff_9271), 2); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniCommon_japan_2484_cck_fir_coeff_9271, - ar9271Common_japan_2484_cck_fir_coeff_9271, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9271Common_japan_2484_cck_fir_coeff_9271), 2); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModes_9271_1_0_only, - ar9271Modes_9271_1_0_only, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9271Modes_9271_1_0_only), 5); INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModes_9271_ANI_reg, ar9271Modes_9271_ANI_reg, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9271Modes_9271_ANI_reg), 5); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModes_high_power_tx_gain_9271, - ar9271Modes_high_power_tx_gain_9271, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9271Modes_high_power_tx_gain_9271), 5); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModes_normal_power_tx_gain_9271, - ar9271Modes_normal_power_tx_gain_9271, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9271Modes_normal_power_tx_gain_9271), 5); return; } + if (ah->config.pcie_clock_req) + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniPcieSerdes, + ar9280PciePhy_clkreq_off_L1_9280, + ARRAY_SIZE(ar9280PciePhy_clkreq_off_L1_9280), 2); + else + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniPcieSerdes, + ar9280PciePhy_clkreq_always_on_L1_9280, + ARRAY_SIZE(ar9280PciePhy_clkreq_always_on_L1_9280), 2); + if (AR_SREV_9287_11_OR_LATER(ah)) { INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModes, ar9287Modes_9287_1_1, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9287Modes_9287_1_1), 5); INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniCommon, ar9287Common_9287_1_1, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9287Common_9287_1_1), 2); - if (ah->config.pcie_clock_req) - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniPcieSerdes, - ar9287PciePhy_clkreq_off_L1_9287_1_1, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9287PciePhy_clkreq_off_L1_9287_1_1), 2); - else - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniPcieSerdes, - ar9287PciePhy_clkreq_always_on_L1_9287_1_1, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9287PciePhy_clkreq_always_on_L1_9287_1_1), - 2); } else if (AR_SREV_9285_12_OR_LATER(ah)) { - - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModes, ar9285Modes_9285_1_2, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9285Modes_9285_1_2), 5); INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniCommon, ar9285Common_9285_1_2, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9285Common_9285_1_2), 2); - - if (ah->config.pcie_clock_req) { - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniPcieSerdes, - ar9285PciePhy_clkreq_off_L1_9285_1_2, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9285PciePhy_clkreq_off_L1_9285_1_2), 2); - } else { - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniPcieSerdes, - ar9285PciePhy_clkreq_always_on_L1_9285_1_2, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9285PciePhy_clkreq_always_on_L1_9285_1_2), - 2); - } } else if (AR_SREV_9280_20_OR_LATER(ah)) { INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModes, ar9280Modes_9280_2, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9280Modes_9280_2), 5); INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniCommon, ar9280Common_9280_2, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9280Common_9280_2), 2); - if (ah->config.pcie_clock_req) { - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniPcieSerdes, - ar9280PciePhy_clkreq_off_L1_9280, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9280PciePhy_clkreq_off_L1_9280), 2); - } else { - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniPcieSerdes, - ar9280PciePhy_clkreq_always_on_L1_9280, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9280PciePhy_clkreq_always_on_L1_9280), 2); - } - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesAdditional, + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesFastClock, ar9280Modes_fast_clock_9280_2, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9280Modes_fast_clock_9280_2), 3); } else if (AR_SREV_9160_10_OR_LATER(ah)) { @@ -109,22 +72,6 @@ static void ar9002_hw_init_mode_regs(struct ath_hw *ah) ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Modes_9160), 5); INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniCommon, ar5416Common_9160, ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Common_9160), 2); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank0, ar5416Bank0_9160, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank0_9160), 2); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBB_RfGain, ar5416BB_RfGain_9160, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416BB_RfGain_9160), 3); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank1, ar5416Bank1_9160, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank1_9160), 2); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank2, ar5416Bank2_9160, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank2_9160), 2); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank3, ar5416Bank3_9160, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank3_9160), 3); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank6, ar5416Bank6_9160, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank6_9160), 3); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank6TPC, ar5416Bank6TPC_9160, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank6TPC_9160), 3); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank7, ar5416Bank7_9160, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank7_9160), 2); if (AR_SREV_9160_11(ah)) { INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniAddac, ar5416Addac_9160_1_1, @@ -138,22 +85,8 @@ static void ar9002_hw_init_mode_regs(struct ath_hw *ah) ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Modes_9100), 5); INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniCommon, ar5416Common_9100, ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Common_9100), 2); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank0, ar5416Bank0_9100, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank0_9100), 2); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBB_RfGain, ar5416BB_RfGain_9100, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416BB_RfGain_9100), 3); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank1, ar5416Bank1_9100, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank1_9100), 2); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank2, ar5416Bank2_9100, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank2_9100), 2); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank3, ar5416Bank3_9100, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank3_9100), 3); INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank6, ar5416Bank6_9100, ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank6_9100), 3); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank6TPC, ar5416Bank6TPC_9100, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank6TPC_9100), 3); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank7, ar5416Bank7_9100, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank7_9100), 2); INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniAddac, ar5416Addac_9100, ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Addac_9100), 2); } else { @@ -161,24 +94,37 @@ static void ar9002_hw_init_mode_regs(struct ath_hw *ah) ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Modes), 5); INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniCommon, ar5416Common, ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Common), 2); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank0, ar5416Bank0, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank0), 2); + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank6TPC, ar5416Bank6TPC, + ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank6TPC), 3); + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniAddac, ar5416Addac, + ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Addac), 2); + } + + if (!AR_SREV_9280_20_OR_LATER(ah)) { + /* Common for AR5416, AR913x, AR9160 */ INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBB_RfGain, ar5416BB_RfGain, ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416BB_RfGain), 3); + + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank0, ar5416Bank0, + ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank0), 2); INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank1, ar5416Bank1, ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank1), 2); INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank2, ar5416Bank2, ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank2), 2); INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank3, ar5416Bank3, ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank3), 3); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank6, ar5416Bank6, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank6), 3); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank6TPC, ar5416Bank6TPC, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank6TPC), 3); INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank7, ar5416Bank7, ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank7), 2); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniAddac, ar5416Addac, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Addac), 2); + + /* Common for AR5416, AR9160 */ + if (!AR_SREV_9100(ah)) + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank6, ar5416Bank6, + ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank6), 3); + + /* Common for AR913x, AR9160 */ + if (!AR_SREV_5416(ah)) + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBank6TPC, ar5416Bank6TPC_9100, + ARRAY_SIZE(ar5416Bank6TPC_9100), 3); } /* iniAddac needs to be modified for these chips */ @@ -199,11 +145,6 @@ static void ar9002_hw_init_mode_regs(struct ath_hw *ah) INI_RA(addac, 31,1) = 0; } } -} - -/* Support for Japan ch.14 (2484) spread */ -void ar9002_hw_cck_chan14_spread(struct ath_hw *ah) -{ if (AR_SREV_9287_11_OR_LATER(ah)) { INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniCckfirNormal, ar9287Common_normal_cck_fir_coeff_9287_1_1, @@ -243,14 +184,10 @@ static void ar9280_20_hw_init_rxgain_ini(struct ath_hw *ah) } } -static void ar9280_20_hw_init_txgain_ini(struct ath_hw *ah) +static void ar9280_20_hw_init_txgain_ini(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 txgain_type) { - u32 txgain_type; - if (ah->eep_ops->get_eeprom(ah, EEP_MINOR_REV) >= AR5416_EEP_MINOR_VER_19) { - txgain_type = ah->eep_ops->get_eeprom(ah, EEP_TXGAIN_TYPE); - if (txgain_type == AR5416_EEP_TXGAIN_HIGH_POWER) INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesTxGain, ar9280Modes_high_power_tx_gain_9280_2, @@ -266,8 +203,22 @@ static void ar9280_20_hw_init_txgain_ini(struct ath_hw *ah) } } +static void ar9271_hw_init_txgain_ini(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 txgain_type) +{ + if (txgain_type == AR5416_EEP_TXGAIN_HIGH_POWER) + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesTxGain, + ar9271Modes_high_power_tx_gain_9271, + ARRAY_SIZE(ar9271Modes_high_power_tx_gain_9271), 5); + else + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesTxGain, + ar9271Modes_normal_power_tx_gain_9271, + ARRAY_SIZE(ar9271Modes_normal_power_tx_gain_9271), 5); +} + static void ar9002_hw_init_mode_gain_regs(struct ath_hw *ah) { + u32 txgain_type = ah->eep_ops->get_eeprom(ah, EEP_TXGAIN_TYPE); + if (AR_SREV_9287_11_OR_LATER(ah)) INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesRxGain, ar9287Modes_rx_gain_9287_1_1, @@ -275,15 +226,15 @@ static void ar9002_hw_init_mode_gain_regs(struct ath_hw *ah) else if (AR_SREV_9280_20(ah)) ar9280_20_hw_init_rxgain_ini(ah); - if (AR_SREV_9287_11_OR_LATER(ah)) { + if (AR_SREV_9271(ah)) { + ar9271_hw_init_txgain_ini(ah, txgain_type); + } else if (AR_SREV_9287_11_OR_LATER(ah)) { INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesTxGain, ar9287Modes_tx_gain_9287_1_1, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9287Modes_tx_gain_9287_1_1), 5); } else if (AR_SREV_9280_20(ah)) { - ar9280_20_hw_init_txgain_ini(ah); + ar9280_20_hw_init_txgain_ini(ah, txgain_type); } else if (AR_SREV_9285_12_OR_LATER(ah)) { - u32 txgain_type = ah->eep_ops->get_eeprom(ah, EEP_TXGAIN_TYPE); - /* txgain table */ if (txgain_type == AR5416_EEP_TXGAIN_HIGH_POWER) { if (AR_SREV_9285E_20(ah)) { diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_initvals.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_initvals.h index 863db321070d7b31a8c390129ee7e33588a14cef..4d18c66a6790362483be6a3ab4be86332826686a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_initvals.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_initvals.h @@ -925,34 +925,6 @@ static const u32 ar9280PciePhy_clkreq_always_on_L1_9280[][2] = { {0x00004044, 0x00000000}, }; -static const u32 ar9285PciePhy_clkreq_always_on_L1_9285[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00004040, 0x9248fd00}, - {0x00004040, 0x24924924}, - {0x00004040, 0xa8000019}, - {0x00004040, 0x13160820}, - {0x00004040, 0xe5980560}, - {0x00004040, 0xc01dcffd}, - {0x00004040, 0x1aaabe41}, - {0x00004040, 0xbe105554}, - {0x00004040, 0x00043007}, - {0x00004044, 0x00000000}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9285PciePhy_clkreq_off_L1_9285[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00004040, 0x9248fd00}, - {0x00004040, 0x24924924}, - {0x00004040, 0xa8000019}, - {0x00004040, 0x13160820}, - {0x00004040, 0xe5980560}, - {0x00004040, 0xc01dcffc}, - {0x00004040, 0x1aaabe41}, - {0x00004040, 0xbe105554}, - {0x00004040, 0x00043007}, - {0x00004044, 0x00000000}, -}; - static const u32 ar9285Modes_9285_1_2[][5] = { /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ {0x00001030, 0x00000230, 0x00000460, 0x000002c0, 0x00000160}, @@ -1743,34 +1715,6 @@ static const u32 ar9285Modes_XE2_0_high_power[][5] = { {0x0000a3e0, 0x000000e7, 0x000000e7, 0x000000e7, 0x000000e7}, }; -static const u32 ar9285PciePhy_clkreq_always_on_L1_9285_1_2[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00004040, 0x9248fd00}, - {0x00004040, 0x24924924}, - {0x00004040, 0xa8000019}, - {0x00004040, 0x13160820}, - {0x00004040, 0xe5980560}, - {0x00004040, 0xc01dcffd}, - {0x00004040, 0x1aaabe41}, - {0x00004040, 0xbe105554}, - {0x00004040, 0x00043007}, - {0x00004044, 0x00000000}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9285PciePhy_clkreq_off_L1_9285_1_2[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00004040, 0x9248fd00}, - {0x00004040, 0x24924924}, - {0x00004040, 0xa8000019}, - {0x00004040, 0x13160820}, - {0x00004040, 0xe5980560}, - {0x00004040, 0xc01dcffc}, - {0x00004040, 0x1aaabe41}, - {0x00004040, 0xbe105554}, - {0x00004040, 0x00043007}, - {0x00004044, 0x00000000}, -}; - static const u32 ar9287Modes_9287_1_1[][5] = { /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ {0x00001030, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x000002c0, 0x00000160}, @@ -2512,34 +2456,6 @@ static const u32 ar9287Modes_rx_gain_9287_1_1[][5] = { {0x0000a848, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00001067, 0x00001067}, }; -static const u32 ar9287PciePhy_clkreq_always_on_L1_9287_1_1[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00004040, 0x9248fd00}, - {0x00004040, 0x24924924}, - {0x00004040, 0xa8000019}, - {0x00004040, 0x13160820}, - {0x00004040, 0xe5980560}, - {0x00004040, 0xc01dcffd}, - {0x00004040, 0x1aaabe41}, - {0x00004040, 0xbe105554}, - {0x00004040, 0x00043007}, - {0x00004044, 0x00000000}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9287PciePhy_clkreq_off_L1_9287_1_1[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00004040, 0x9248fd00}, - {0x00004040, 0x24924924}, - {0x00004040, 0xa8000019}, - {0x00004040, 0x13160820}, - {0x00004040, 0xe5980560}, - {0x00004040, 0xc01dcffc}, - {0x00004040, 0x1aaabe41}, - {0x00004040, 0xbe105554}, - {0x00004040, 0x00043007}, - {0x00004044, 0x00000000}, -}; - static const u32 ar9271Modes_9271[][5] = { /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ {0x00001030, 0x00000230, 0x00000460, 0x000002c0, 0x00000160}, @@ -3176,26 +3092,6 @@ static const u32 ar9271Common_9271[][2] = { {0x0000d384, 0xf3307ff0}, }; -static const u32 ar9271Common_normal_cck_fir_coeff_9271[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x0000a1f4, 0x00fffeff}, - {0x0000a1f8, 0x00f5f9ff}, - {0x0000a1fc, 0xb79f6427}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9271Common_japan_2484_cck_fir_coeff_9271[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x0000a1f4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1f8, 0xefff0301}, - {0x0000a1fc, 0xca9228ee}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9271Modes_9271_1_0_only[][5] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ - {0x00009910, 0x30002311, 0x30002311, 0x30002311, 0x30002311}, - {0x00009828, 0x0a020001, 0x0a020001, 0x0a020001, 0x0a020001}, -}; - static const u32 ar9271Modes_9271_ANI_reg[][5] = { /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ {0x00009850, 0x6d4000e2, 0x6d4000e2, 0x6d4000e2, 0x6d4000e2}, diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_mac.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_mac.c index 7b6417b5212eb91674fc4b57087e3b6dd3d6e768..aa2abaf31cbaae42b1313fc27579482c4ae80616 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_mac.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_mac.c @@ -347,15 +347,12 @@ void ath9k_hw_setuprxdesc(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath_desc *ds, u32 size, u32 flags) { struct ar5416_desc *ads = AR5416DESC(ds); - struct ath9k_hw_capabilities *pCap = &ah->caps; ads->ds_ctl1 = size & AR_BufLen; if (flags & ATH9K_RXDESC_INTREQ) ads->ds_ctl1 |= AR_RxIntrReq; - ads->ds_rxstatus8 &= ~AR_RxDone; - if (!(pCap->hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_AUTOSLEEP)) - memset(&(ads->u), 0, sizeof(ads->u)); + memset(&ads->u.rx, 0, sizeof(ads->u.rx)); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath9k_hw_setuprxdesc); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_phy.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_phy.h index 453af6dc514b5f700a16a615d1f2ea3104191026..f9eb2c3571692f9517cf70cd7492ebcb1b526436 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_phy.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_phy.h @@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ #define AR_PHY_RF_CTL3 0x9828 #define AR_PHY_TX_END_TO_A2_RX_ON 0x00FF0000 #define AR_PHY_TX_END_TO_A2_RX_ON_S 16 +#define AR_PHY_TX_END_TO_ADC_ON 0xFF000000 +#define AR_PHY_TX_END_TO_ADC_ON_S 24 #define AR_PHY_ADC_CTL 0x982C #define AR_PHY_ADC_CTL_OFF_INBUFGAIN 0x00000003 diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_2p2_initvals.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_2p2_initvals.h index 026f9de15d15f383cf2633af642cbdcd88f2e92a..46c79a3d47377e4dc1314fb89f348c2fbdee202c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_2p2_initvals.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_2p2_initvals.h @@ -295,266 +295,6 @@ static const u32 ar9300_2p2_radio_core[][2] = { {0x00016bd4, 0x00000000}, }; -static const u32 ar9300Common_rx_gain_table_merlin_2p2[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x0000a000, 0x02000101}, - {0x0000a004, 0x02000102}, - {0x0000a008, 0x02000103}, - {0x0000a00c, 0x02000104}, - {0x0000a010, 0x02000200}, - {0x0000a014, 0x02000201}, - {0x0000a018, 0x02000202}, - {0x0000a01c, 0x02000203}, - {0x0000a020, 0x02000204}, - {0x0000a024, 0x02000205}, - {0x0000a028, 0x02000208}, - {0x0000a02c, 0x02000302}, - {0x0000a030, 0x02000303}, - {0x0000a034, 0x02000304}, - {0x0000a038, 0x02000400}, - {0x0000a03c, 0x02010300}, - {0x0000a040, 0x02010301}, - {0x0000a044, 0x02010302}, - {0x0000a048, 0x02000500}, - {0x0000a04c, 0x02010400}, - {0x0000a050, 0x02020300}, - {0x0000a054, 0x02020301}, - {0x0000a058, 0x02020302}, - {0x0000a05c, 0x02020303}, - {0x0000a060, 0x02020400}, - {0x0000a064, 0x02030300}, - {0x0000a068, 0x02030301}, - {0x0000a06c, 0x02030302}, - {0x0000a070, 0x02030303}, - {0x0000a074, 0x02030400}, - {0x0000a078, 0x02040300}, - {0x0000a07c, 0x02040301}, - {0x0000a080, 0x02040302}, - {0x0000a084, 0x02040303}, - {0x0000a088, 0x02030500}, - {0x0000a08c, 0x02040400}, - {0x0000a090, 0x02050203}, - {0x0000a094, 0x02050204}, - {0x0000a098, 0x02050205}, - {0x0000a09c, 0x02040500}, - {0x0000a0a0, 0x02050301}, - {0x0000a0a4, 0x02050302}, - {0x0000a0a8, 0x02050303}, - {0x0000a0ac, 0x02050400}, - {0x0000a0b0, 0x02050401}, - {0x0000a0b4, 0x02050402}, - {0x0000a0b8, 0x02050403}, - {0x0000a0bc, 0x02050500}, - {0x0000a0c0, 0x02050501}, - {0x0000a0c4, 0x02050502}, - {0x0000a0c8, 0x02050503}, - {0x0000a0cc, 0x02050504}, - {0x0000a0d0, 0x02050600}, - {0x0000a0d4, 0x02050601}, - {0x0000a0d8, 0x02050602}, - {0x0000a0dc, 0x02050603}, - {0x0000a0e0, 0x02050604}, - {0x0000a0e4, 0x02050700}, - {0x0000a0e8, 0x02050701}, - {0x0000a0ec, 0x02050702}, - {0x0000a0f0, 0x02050703}, - {0x0000a0f4, 0x02050704}, - {0x0000a0f8, 0x02050705}, - {0x0000a0fc, 0x02050708}, - {0x0000a100, 0x02050709}, - {0x0000a104, 0x0205070a}, - {0x0000a108, 0x0205070b}, - {0x0000a10c, 0x0205070c}, - {0x0000a110, 0x0205070d}, - {0x0000a114, 0x02050710}, - {0x0000a118, 0x02050711}, - {0x0000a11c, 0x02050712}, - {0x0000a120, 0x02050713}, - {0x0000a124, 0x02050714}, - {0x0000a128, 0x02050715}, - {0x0000a12c, 0x02050730}, - {0x0000a130, 0x02050731}, - {0x0000a134, 0x02050732}, - {0x0000a138, 0x02050733}, - {0x0000a13c, 0x02050734}, - {0x0000a140, 0x02050735}, - {0x0000a144, 0x02050750}, - {0x0000a148, 0x02050751}, - {0x0000a14c, 0x02050752}, - {0x0000a150, 0x02050753}, - {0x0000a154, 0x02050754}, - {0x0000a158, 0x02050755}, - {0x0000a15c, 0x02050770}, - {0x0000a160, 0x02050771}, - {0x0000a164, 0x02050772}, - {0x0000a168, 0x02050773}, - {0x0000a16c, 0x02050774}, - {0x0000a170, 0x02050775}, - {0x0000a174, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a178, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a17c, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a180, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a184, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a188, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a18c, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a190, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a194, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a198, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a19c, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1a0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1a4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1a8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1ac, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1b0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1b4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1b8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1bc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1c0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1c4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1c8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1cc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1d0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1d4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1d8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1dc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1e0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1e4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1e8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1ec, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1f0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1f4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1f8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1fc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b000, 0x02000101}, - {0x0000b004, 0x02000102}, - {0x0000b008, 0x02000103}, - {0x0000b00c, 0x02000104}, - {0x0000b010, 0x02000200}, - {0x0000b014, 0x02000201}, - {0x0000b018, 0x02000202}, - {0x0000b01c, 0x02000203}, - {0x0000b020, 0x02000204}, - {0x0000b024, 0x02000205}, - {0x0000b028, 0x02000208}, - {0x0000b02c, 0x02000302}, - {0x0000b030, 0x02000303}, - {0x0000b034, 0x02000304}, - {0x0000b038, 0x02000400}, - {0x0000b03c, 0x02010300}, - {0x0000b040, 0x02010301}, - {0x0000b044, 0x02010302}, - {0x0000b048, 0x02000500}, - {0x0000b04c, 0x02010400}, - {0x0000b050, 0x02020300}, - {0x0000b054, 0x02020301}, - {0x0000b058, 0x02020302}, - {0x0000b05c, 0x02020303}, - {0x0000b060, 0x02020400}, - {0x0000b064, 0x02030300}, - {0x0000b068, 0x02030301}, - {0x0000b06c, 0x02030302}, - {0x0000b070, 0x02030303}, - {0x0000b074, 0x02030400}, - {0x0000b078, 0x02040300}, - {0x0000b07c, 0x02040301}, - {0x0000b080, 0x02040302}, - {0x0000b084, 0x02040303}, - {0x0000b088, 0x02030500}, - {0x0000b08c, 0x02040400}, - {0x0000b090, 0x02050203}, - {0x0000b094, 0x02050204}, - {0x0000b098, 0x02050205}, - {0x0000b09c, 0x02040500}, - {0x0000b0a0, 0x02050301}, - {0x0000b0a4, 0x02050302}, - {0x0000b0a8, 0x02050303}, - {0x0000b0ac, 0x02050400}, - {0x0000b0b0, 0x02050401}, - {0x0000b0b4, 0x02050402}, - {0x0000b0b8, 0x02050403}, - {0x0000b0bc, 0x02050500}, - {0x0000b0c0, 0x02050501}, - {0x0000b0c4, 0x02050502}, - {0x0000b0c8, 0x02050503}, - {0x0000b0cc, 0x02050504}, - {0x0000b0d0, 0x02050600}, - {0x0000b0d4, 0x02050601}, - {0x0000b0d8, 0x02050602}, - {0x0000b0dc, 0x02050603}, - {0x0000b0e0, 0x02050604}, - {0x0000b0e4, 0x02050700}, - {0x0000b0e8, 0x02050701}, - {0x0000b0ec, 0x02050702}, - {0x0000b0f0, 0x02050703}, - {0x0000b0f4, 0x02050704}, - {0x0000b0f8, 0x02050705}, - {0x0000b0fc, 0x02050708}, - {0x0000b100, 0x02050709}, - {0x0000b104, 0x0205070a}, - {0x0000b108, 0x0205070b}, - {0x0000b10c, 0x0205070c}, - {0x0000b110, 0x0205070d}, - {0x0000b114, 0x02050710}, - {0x0000b118, 0x02050711}, - {0x0000b11c, 0x02050712}, - {0x0000b120, 0x02050713}, - {0x0000b124, 0x02050714}, - {0x0000b128, 0x02050715}, - {0x0000b12c, 0x02050730}, - {0x0000b130, 0x02050731}, - {0x0000b134, 0x02050732}, - {0x0000b138, 0x02050733}, - {0x0000b13c, 0x02050734}, - {0x0000b140, 0x02050735}, - {0x0000b144, 0x02050750}, - {0x0000b148, 0x02050751}, - {0x0000b14c, 0x02050752}, - {0x0000b150, 0x02050753}, - {0x0000b154, 0x02050754}, - {0x0000b158, 0x02050755}, - {0x0000b15c, 0x02050770}, - {0x0000b160, 0x02050771}, - {0x0000b164, 0x02050772}, - {0x0000b168, 0x02050773}, - {0x0000b16c, 0x02050774}, - {0x0000b170, 0x02050775}, - {0x0000b174, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b178, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b17c, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b180, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b184, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b188, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b18c, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b190, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b194, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b198, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b19c, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1a0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1a4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1a8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1ac, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1b0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1b4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1b8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1bc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1c0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1c4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1c8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1cc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1d0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1d4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1d8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1dc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1e0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1e4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1e8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1ec, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1f0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1f4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1f8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1fc, 0x00000776}, -}; - static const u32 ar9300_2p2_mac_postamble[][5] = { /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ {0x00001030, 0x00000230, 0x00000460, 0x000002c0, 0x00000160}, @@ -572,48 +312,6 @@ static const u32 ar9300_2p2_soc_postamble[][5] = { {0x00007010, 0x00000023, 0x00000023, 0x00000023, 0x00000023}, }; -static const u32 ar9200_merlin_2p2_radio_core[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00007800, 0x00040000}, - {0x00007804, 0xdb005012}, - {0x00007808, 0x04924914}, - {0x0000780c, 0x21084210}, - {0x00007810, 0x6d801300}, - {0x00007814, 0x0019beff}, - {0x00007818, 0x07e41000}, - {0x0000781c, 0x00392000}, - {0x00007820, 0x92592480}, - {0x00007824, 0x00040000}, - {0x00007828, 0xdb005012}, - {0x0000782c, 0x04924914}, - {0x00007830, 0x21084210}, - {0x00007834, 0x6d801300}, - {0x00007838, 0x0019beff}, - {0x0000783c, 0x07e40000}, - {0x00007840, 0x00392000}, - {0x00007844, 0x92592480}, - {0x00007848, 0x00100000}, - {0x0000784c, 0x773f0567}, - {0x00007850, 0x54214514}, - {0x00007854, 0x12035828}, - {0x00007858, 0x92592692}, - {0x0000785c, 0x00000000}, - {0x00007860, 0x56400000}, - {0x00007864, 0x0a8e370e}, - {0x00007868, 0xc0102850}, - {0x0000786c, 0x812d4000}, - {0x00007870, 0x807ec400}, - {0x00007874, 0x001b6db0}, - {0x00007878, 0x00376b63}, - {0x0000787c, 0x06db6db6}, - {0x00007880, 0x006d8000}, - {0x00007884, 0xffeffffe}, - {0x00007888, 0xffeffffe}, - {0x0000788c, 0x00010000}, - {0x00007890, 0x02060aeb}, - {0x00007894, 0x5a108000}, -}; - static const u32 ar9300_2p2_baseband_postamble[][5] = { /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ {0x00009810, 0xd00a8005, 0xd00a8005, 0xd00a8011, 0xd00a8011}, diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_calib.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_calib.c index 8e70f0bc073e2d12a554428701e67184f538a3c5..63089cc1fafd6366d4209d33e1de28c5b4bd3bb0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_calib.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_calib.c @@ -925,7 +925,6 @@ static bool ar9003_hw_init_cal(struct ath_hw *ah, { struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); struct ath9k_hw_cal_data *caldata = ah->caldata; - struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci_hw = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; bool txiqcal_done = false, txclcal_done = false; bool is_reusable = true, status = true; bool run_rtt_cal = false, run_agc_cal; @@ -998,30 +997,8 @@ static bool ar9003_hw_init_cal(struct ath_hw *ah, } else if (caldata && !caldata->done_txiqcal_once) run_agc_cal = true; - if (mci && IS_CHAN_2GHZ(chan) && - (mci_hw->bt_state == MCI_BT_AWAKE) && - run_agc_cal && - !(mci_hw->config & ATH_MCI_CONFIG_DISABLE_MCI_CAL)) { - - u32 pld[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; - - /* send CAL_REQ only when BT is AWAKE. */ - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI send WLAN_CAL_REQ 0x%x\n", - mci_hw->wlan_cal_seq); - MCI_GPM_SET_CAL_TYPE(pld, MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_REQ); - pld[MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_W_SEQUENCE] = mci_hw->wlan_cal_seq++; - ar9003_mci_send_message(ah, MCI_GPM, 0, pld, 16, true, false); - - /* Wait BT_CAL_GRANT for 50ms */ - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI wait for BT_CAL_GRANT\n"); - - if (ar9003_mci_wait_for_gpm(ah, MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_GRANT, 0, 50000)) - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI got BT_CAL_GRANT\n"); - else { - is_reusable = false; - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "\nMCI BT is not responding\n"); - } - } + if (mci && IS_CHAN_2GHZ(chan) && run_agc_cal) + ar9003_mci_init_cal_req(ah, &is_reusable); txiqcal_done = ar9003_hw_tx_iq_cal_run(ah); REG_WRITE(ah, AR_PHY_ACTIVE, AR_PHY_ACTIVE_DIS); @@ -1041,19 +1018,8 @@ static bool ar9003_hw_init_cal(struct ath_hw *ah, 0, AH_WAIT_TIMEOUT); } - if (mci && IS_CHAN_2GHZ(chan) && - (mci_hw->bt_state == MCI_BT_AWAKE) && - run_agc_cal && - !(mci_hw->config & ATH_MCI_CONFIG_DISABLE_MCI_CAL)) { - - u32 pld[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Send WLAN_CAL_DONE 0x%x\n", - mci_hw->wlan_cal_done); - MCI_GPM_SET_CAL_TYPE(pld, MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_DONE); - pld[MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_W_SEQUENCE] = mci_hw->wlan_cal_done++; - ar9003_mci_send_message(ah, MCI_GPM, 0, pld, 16, true, false); - } + if (mci && IS_CHAN_2GHZ(chan) && run_agc_cal) + ar9003_mci_init_cal_done(ah); if (rtt && !run_rtt_cal) { agc_ctrl |= agc_supp_cals; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_eeprom.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_eeprom.c index 9fbcbddea1658ece3080bc286eec0e8a353ee583..6bb4db052bb0b23aef5d50a607fcafdca9c20a16 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_eeprom.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_eeprom.c @@ -3603,10 +3603,6 @@ static void ar9003_hw_ant_ctrl_apply(struct ath_hw *ah, bool is2ghz) u32 value = ar9003_hw_ant_ctrl_common_get(ah, is2ghz); if (AR_SREV_9462(ah)) { - if (AR_SREV_9462_10(ah)) { - value &= ~AR_SWITCH_TABLE_COM_SPDT; - value |= 0x00100000; - } REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_PHY_SWITCH_COM, AR_SWITCH_TABLE_COM_AR9462_ALL, value); } else diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_hw.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_hw.c index fb937ba93e0c6a763dc82b476917bfc9c0d9409f..0f56e322dd3bb8157e850723c6a12f30f3ba9a53 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_hw.c @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ #include "ar9330_1p1_initvals.h" #include "ar9330_1p2_initvals.h" #include "ar9580_1p0_initvals.h" -#include "ar9462_1p0_initvals.h" #include "ar9462_2p0_initvals.h" /* General hardware code for the AR9003 hadware family */ @@ -88,11 +87,11 @@ static void ar9003_hw_init_mode_regs(struct ath_hw *ah) /* additional clock settings */ if (ah->is_clk_25mhz) - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesAdditional, + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniAdditional, ar9331_1p1_xtal_25M, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9331_1p1_xtal_25M), 2); else - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesAdditional, + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniAdditional, ar9331_1p1_xtal_40M, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9331_1p1_xtal_40M), 2); } else if (AR_SREV_9330_12(ah)) { @@ -141,11 +140,11 @@ static void ar9003_hw_init_mode_regs(struct ath_hw *ah) /* additional clock settings */ if (ah->is_clk_25mhz) - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesAdditional, + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniAdditional, ar9331_1p2_xtal_25M, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9331_1p2_xtal_25M), 2); else - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesAdditional, + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniAdditional, ar9331_1p2_xtal_40M, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9331_1p2_xtal_40M), 2); } else if (AR_SREV_9340(ah)) { @@ -195,15 +194,16 @@ static void ar9003_hw_init_mode_regs(struct ath_hw *ah) ARRAY_SIZE(ar9340Modes_high_ob_db_tx_gain_table_1p0), 5); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesAdditional, + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesFastClock, ar9340Modes_fast_clock_1p0, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9340Modes_fast_clock_1p0), 3); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesAdditional_40M, - ar9340_1p0_radio_core_40M, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9340_1p0_radio_core_40M), - 2); + if (!ah->is_clk_25mhz) + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniAdditional, + ar9340_1p0_radio_core_40M, + ARRAY_SIZE(ar9340_1p0_radio_core_40M), + 2); } else if (AR_SREV_9485_11(ah)) { /* mac */ INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniMac[ATH_INI_PRE], NULL, 0, 0); @@ -264,63 +264,6 @@ static void ar9003_hw_init_mode_regs(struct ath_hw *ah) ar9485_1_1_pcie_phy_clkreq_disable_L1, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9485_1_1_pcie_phy_clkreq_disable_L1), 2); - } else if (AR_SREV_9462_10(ah)) { - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniMac[ATH_INI_PRE], NULL, 0, 0); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniMac[ATH_INI_CORE], ar9462_1p0_mac_core, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_1p0_mac_core), 2); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniMac[ATH_INI_POST], - ar9462_1p0_mac_postamble, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_1p0_mac_postamble), - 5); - - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBB[ATH_INI_PRE], NULL, 0, 0); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBB[ATH_INI_CORE], - ar9462_1p0_baseband_core, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_1p0_baseband_core), - 2); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniBB[ATH_INI_POST], - ar9462_1p0_baseband_postamble, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_1p0_baseband_postamble), 5); - - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniRadio[ATH_INI_PRE], NULL, 0, 0); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniRadio[ATH_INI_CORE], - ar9462_1p0_radio_core, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_1p0_radio_core), 2); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniRadio[ATH_INI_POST], - ar9462_1p0_radio_postamble, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_1p0_radio_postamble), 5); - - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniSOC[ATH_INI_PRE], - ar9462_1p0_soc_preamble, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_1p0_soc_preamble), 2); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniSOC[ATH_INI_CORE], NULL, 0, 0); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniSOC[ATH_INI_POST], - ar9462_1p0_soc_postamble, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_1p0_soc_postamble), 5); - - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesRxGain, - ar9462_common_rx_gain_table_1p0, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_common_rx_gain_table_1p0), 2); - - /* Awake -> Sleep Setting */ - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniPcieSerdes, - ar9462_pcie_phy_clkreq_disable_L1_1p0, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_pcie_phy_clkreq_disable_L1_1p0), - 2); - - /* Sleep -> Awake Setting */ - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniPcieSerdesLowPower, - ar9462_pcie_phy_clkreq_disable_L1_1p0, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_pcie_phy_clkreq_disable_L1_1p0), - 2); - - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesAdditional, - ar9462_modes_fast_clock_1p0, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_modes_fast_clock_1p0), 3); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniCckfirJapan2484, - AR9462_BB_CTX_COEFJ(1p0), - ARRAY_SIZE(AR9462_BB_CTX_COEFJ(1p0)), 2); - } else if (AR_SREV_9462_20(ah)) { INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniMac[ATH_INI_PRE], NULL, 0, 0); @@ -379,7 +322,7 @@ static void ar9003_hw_init_mode_regs(struct ath_hw *ah) 2); /* Fast clock modal settings */ - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesAdditional, + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesFastClock, ar9462_modes_fast_clock_2p0, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_modes_fast_clock_2p0), 3); @@ -436,7 +379,7 @@ static void ar9003_hw_init_mode_regs(struct ath_hw *ah) ARRAY_SIZE(ar9580_1p0_low_ob_db_tx_gain_table), 5); - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesAdditional, + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesFastClock, ar9580_1p0_modes_fast_clock, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9580_1p0_modes_fast_clock), 3); @@ -503,7 +446,7 @@ static void ar9003_hw_init_mode_regs(struct ath_hw *ah) 2); /* Fast clock modal settings */ - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesAdditional, + INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesFastClock, ar9300Modes_fast_clock_2p2, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9300Modes_fast_clock_2p2), 3); @@ -537,11 +480,6 @@ static void ar9003_tx_gain_table_mode0(struct ath_hw *ah) ar9580_1p0_lowest_ob_db_tx_gain_table, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9580_1p0_lowest_ob_db_tx_gain_table), 5); - else if (AR_SREV_9462_10(ah)) - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesTxGain, - ar9462_modes_low_ob_db_tx_gain_table_1p0, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_modes_low_ob_db_tx_gain_table_1p0), - 5); else if (AR_SREV_9462_20(ah)) INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesTxGain, ar9462_modes_low_ob_db_tx_gain_table_2p0, @@ -581,11 +519,6 @@ static void ar9003_tx_gain_table_mode1(struct ath_hw *ah) ar9580_1p0_high_ob_db_tx_gain_table, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9580_1p0_high_ob_db_tx_gain_table), 5); - else if (AR_SREV_9462_10(ah)) - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesTxGain, - ar9462_modes_high_ob_db_tx_gain_table_1p0, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_modes_high_ob_db_tx_gain_table_1p0), - 5); else if (AR_SREV_9462_20(ah)) INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesTxGain, ar9462_modes_high_ob_db_tx_gain_table_2p0, @@ -712,11 +645,6 @@ static void ar9003_rx_gain_table_mode0(struct ath_hw *ah) ar9580_1p0_rx_gain_table, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9580_1p0_rx_gain_table), 2); - else if (AR_SREV_9462_10(ah)) - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesRxGain, - ar9462_common_rx_gain_table_1p0, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_common_rx_gain_table_1p0), - 2); else if (AR_SREV_9462_20(ah)) INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesRxGain, ar9462_common_rx_gain_table_2p0, @@ -751,11 +679,6 @@ static void ar9003_rx_gain_table_mode1(struct ath_hw *ah) ar9485Common_wo_xlna_rx_gain_1_1, ARRAY_SIZE(ar9485Common_wo_xlna_rx_gain_1_1), 2); - else if (AR_SREV_9462_10(ah)) - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesRxGain, - ar9462_common_wo_xlna_rx_gain_table_1p0, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_common_wo_xlna_rx_gain_table_1p0), - 2); else if (AR_SREV_9462_20(ah)) INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesRxGain, ar9462_common_wo_xlna_rx_gain_table_2p0, @@ -775,14 +698,10 @@ static void ar9003_rx_gain_table_mode1(struct ath_hw *ah) static void ar9003_rx_gain_table_mode2(struct ath_hw *ah) { - if (AR_SREV_9462_10(ah)) - INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesRxGain, - ar9462_common_mixed_rx_gain_table_1p0, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_common_mixed_rx_gain_table_1p0), 2); - else if (AR_SREV_9462_20(ah)) + if (AR_SREV_9462_20(ah)) INIT_INI_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesRxGain, - ar9462_common_mixed_rx_gain_table_2p0, - ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_common_mixed_rx_gain_table_2p0), 2); + ar9462_common_mixed_rx_gain_table_2p0, + ARRAY_SIZE(ar9462_common_mixed_rx_gain_table_2p0), 2); } static void ar9003_rx_gain_table_apply(struct ath_hw *ah) diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_mac.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_mac.c index 09b8c9dbf78f5e3267ebfadc2d4bed15f9562487..a66a13b768487746b96c1ebdca96c87df89681f4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_mac.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_mac.c @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ #include #include "hw.h" #include "ar9003_mac.h" +#include "ar9003_mci.h" static void ar9003_hw_rx_enable(struct ath_hw *hw) { @@ -28,11 +29,14 @@ ar9003_set_txdesc(struct ath_hw *ah, void *ds, struct ath_tx_info *i) struct ar9003_txc *ads = ds; int checksum = 0; u32 val, ctl12, ctl17; + u8 desc_len; + + desc_len = (AR_SREV_9462(ah) ? 0x18 : 0x17); val = (ATHEROS_VENDOR_ID << AR_DescId_S) | (1 << AR_TxRxDesc_S) | (1 << AR_CtrlStat_S) | - (i->qcu << AR_TxQcuNum_S) | 0x17; + (i->qcu << AR_TxQcuNum_S) | desc_len; checksum += val; ACCESS_ONCE(ads->info) = val; @@ -81,6 +85,7 @@ ar9003_set_txdesc(struct ath_hw *ah, void *ds, struct ath_tx_info *i) ads->ctl20 = 0; ads->ctl21 = 0; ads->ctl22 = 0; + ads->ctl23 = 0; ctl17 = SM(i->keytype, AR_EncrType); if (!i->is_first) { @@ -176,7 +181,6 @@ static bool ar9003_hw_get_isr(struct ath_hw *ah, enum ath9k_int *masked) u32 mask2 = 0; struct ath9k_hw_capabilities *pCap = &ah->caps; struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); - struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; u32 sync_cause = 0, async_cause; async_cause = REG_READ(ah, AR_INTR_ASYNC_CAUSE); @@ -298,32 +302,8 @@ static bool ar9003_hw_get_isr(struct ath_hw *ah, enum ath9k_int *masked) ar9003_hw_bb_watchdog_read(ah); } - if (async_cause & AR_INTR_ASYNC_MASK_MCI) { - u32 raw_intr, rx_msg_intr; - - rx_msg_intr = REG_READ(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW); - raw_intr = REG_READ(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RAW); - - if ((raw_intr == 0xdeadbeef) || (rx_msg_intr == 0xdeadbeef)) - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI gets 0xdeadbeef during MCI int processing new raw_intr=0x%08x, new rx_msg_raw=0x%08x, raw_intr=0x%08x, rx_msg_raw=0x%08x\n", - raw_intr, rx_msg_intr, mci->raw_intr, - mci->rx_msg_intr); - else { - mci->rx_msg_intr |= rx_msg_intr; - mci->raw_intr |= raw_intr; - *masked |= ATH9K_INT_MCI; - - if (rx_msg_intr & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_CONT_INFO) - mci->cont_status = - REG_READ(ah, AR_MCI_CONT_STATUS); - - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW, rx_msg_intr); - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RAW, raw_intr); - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "AR_INTR_SYNC_MCI\n"); - - } - } + if (async_cause & AR_INTR_ASYNC_MASK_MCI) + ar9003_mci_get_isr(ah, masked); if (sync_cause) { if (sync_cause & AR_INTR_SYNC_RADM_CPL_TIMEOUT) { @@ -346,7 +326,6 @@ static bool ar9003_hw_get_isr(struct ath_hw *ah, enum ath9k_int *masked) static int ar9003_hw_proc_txdesc(struct ath_hw *ah, void *ds, struct ath_tx_status *ts) { - struct ar9003_txc *txc = (struct ar9003_txc *) ds; struct ar9003_txs *ads; u32 status; @@ -356,11 +335,7 @@ static int ar9003_hw_proc_txdesc(struct ath_hw *ah, void *ds, if ((status & AR_TxDone) == 0) return -EINPROGRESS; - ts->qid = MS(ads->ds_info, AR_TxQcuNum); - if (!txc || (MS(txc->info, AR_TxQcuNum) == ts->qid)) - ah->ts_tail = (ah->ts_tail + 1) % ah->ts_size; - else - return -ENOENT; + ah->ts_tail = (ah->ts_tail + 1) % ah->ts_size; if ((MS(ads->ds_info, AR_DescId) != ATHEROS_VENDOR_ID) || (MS(ads->ds_info, AR_TxRxDesc) != 1)) { @@ -374,6 +349,7 @@ static int ar9003_hw_proc_txdesc(struct ath_hw *ah, void *ds, ts->ts_seqnum = MS(status, AR_SeqNum); ts->tid = MS(status, AR_TxTid); + ts->qid = MS(ads->ds_info, AR_TxQcuNum); ts->desc_id = MS(ads->status1, AR_TxDescId); ts->ts_tstamp = ads->status4; ts->ts_status = 0; @@ -460,20 +436,14 @@ int ath9k_hw_process_rxdesc_edma(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath_rx_status *rxs, struct ar9003_rxs *rxsp = (struct ar9003_rxs *) buf_addr; unsigned int phyerr; - /* TODO: byte swap on big endian for ar9300_10 */ - - if (!rxs) { - if ((rxsp->status11 & AR_RxDone) == 0) - return -EINPROGRESS; - - if (MS(rxsp->ds_info, AR_DescId) != 0x168c) - return -EINVAL; + if ((rxsp->status11 & AR_RxDone) == 0) + return -EINPROGRESS; - if ((rxsp->ds_info & (AR_TxRxDesc | AR_CtrlStat)) != 0) - return -EINPROGRESS; + if (MS(rxsp->ds_info, AR_DescId) != 0x168c) + return -EINVAL; - return 0; - } + if ((rxsp->ds_info & (AR_TxRxDesc | AR_CtrlStat)) != 0) + return -EINPROGRESS; rxs->rs_status = 0; rxs->rs_flags = 0; @@ -530,7 +500,11 @@ int ath9k_hw_process_rxdesc_edma(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath_rx_status *rxs, */ if (rxsp->status11 & AR_CRCErr) rxs->rs_status |= ATH9K_RXERR_CRC; - else if (rxsp->status11 & AR_PHYErr) { + else if (rxsp->status11 & AR_DecryptCRCErr) + rxs->rs_status |= ATH9K_RXERR_DECRYPT; + else if (rxsp->status11 & AR_MichaelErr) + rxs->rs_status |= ATH9K_RXERR_MIC; + if (rxsp->status11 & AR_PHYErr) { phyerr = MS(rxsp->status11, AR_PHYErrCode); /* * If we reach a point here where AR_PostDelimCRCErr is @@ -552,11 +526,7 @@ int ath9k_hw_process_rxdesc_edma(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath_rx_status *rxs, rxs->rs_status |= ATH9K_RXERR_PHY; rxs->rs_phyerr = phyerr; } - - } else if (rxsp->status11 & AR_DecryptCRCErr) - rxs->rs_status |= ATH9K_RXERR_DECRYPT; - else if (rxsp->status11 & AR_MichaelErr) - rxs->rs_status |= ATH9K_RXERR_MIC; + }; } if (rxsp->status11 & AR_KeyMiss) diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_mac.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_mac.h index e203b51e968bfbee59888697d733a59a5031e742..cbf60b090bd92dc62e3337349765ce7e8e37e68d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_mac.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_mac.h @@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ struct ar9003_txc { u32 ctl20; /* DMA control 20 */ u32 ctl21; /* DMA control 21 */ u32 ctl22; /* DMA control 22 */ - u32 pad[9]; /* pad to cache line (128 bytes/32 dwords) */ + u32 ctl23; /* DMA control 23 */ + u32 pad[8]; /* pad to cache line (128 bytes/32 dwords) */ } __packed __aligned(4); struct ar9003_txs { diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_mci.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_mci.c index 709520c6835bd62444a8aa1f713fd67264be6985..3cac293a284915c5f53097ac9224742d78557aed 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_mci.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_mci.c @@ -16,14 +16,12 @@ #include #include "hw.h" +#include "hw-ops.h" #include "ar9003_phy.h" #include "ar9003_mci.h" static void ar9003_mci_reset_req_wakeup(struct ath_hw *ah) { - if (!AR_SREV_9462_20(ah)) - return; - REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_MCI_COMMAND2, AR_MCI_COMMAND2_RESET_REQ_WAKEUP, 1); udelay(1); @@ -37,13 +35,10 @@ static int ar9003_mci_wait_for_interrupt(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 address, struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); while (time_out) { - if (REG_READ(ah, address) & bit_position) { - REG_WRITE(ah, address, bit_position); if (address == AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW) { - if (bit_position & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_REQ_WAKE) ar9003_mci_reset_req_wakeup(ah); @@ -81,25 +76,19 @@ static int ar9003_mci_wait_for_interrupt(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 address, return time_out; } -void ar9003_mci_remote_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done) +static void ar9003_mci_remote_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done) { u32 payload[4] = { 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffff00}; - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) - return; - ar9003_mci_send_message(ah, MCI_REMOTE_RESET, 0, payload, 16, wait_done, false); udelay(5); } -void ar9003_mci_send_lna_transfer(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done) +static void ar9003_mci_send_lna_transfer(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done) { u32 payload = 0x00000000; - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) - return; - ar9003_mci_send_message(ah, MCI_LNA_TRANS, 0, &payload, 1, wait_done, false); } @@ -111,11 +100,8 @@ static void ar9003_mci_send_req_wake(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done) udelay(5); } -void ar9003_mci_send_sys_waking(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done) +static void ar9003_mci_send_sys_waking(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done) { - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) - return; - ar9003_mci_send_message(ah, MCI_SYS_WAKING, MCI_FLAG_DISABLE_TIMESTAMP, NULL, 0, wait_done, false); } @@ -138,30 +124,27 @@ static void ar9003_mci_send_sys_sleeping(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done) static void ar9003_mci_send_coex_version_query(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done) { - struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; u32 payload[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; if (!mci->bt_version_known && - (mci->bt_state != MCI_BT_SLEEP)) { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Send Coex version query\n"); + (mci->bt_state != MCI_BT_SLEEP)) { MCI_GPM_SET_TYPE_OPCODE(payload, - MCI_GPM_COEX_AGENT, MCI_GPM_COEX_VERSION_QUERY); + MCI_GPM_COEX_AGENT, + MCI_GPM_COEX_VERSION_QUERY); ar9003_mci_send_message(ah, MCI_GPM, 0, payload, 16, - wait_done, true); + wait_done, true); } } static void ar9003_mci_send_coex_version_response(struct ath_hw *ah, - bool wait_done) + bool wait_done) { - struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; u32 payload[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Send Coex version response\n"); MCI_GPM_SET_TYPE_OPCODE(payload, MCI_GPM_COEX_AGENT, - MCI_GPM_COEX_VERSION_RESPONSE); + MCI_GPM_COEX_VERSION_RESPONSE); *(((u8 *)payload) + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_MAJOR_VERSION) = mci->wlan_ver_major; *(((u8 *)payload) + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_MINOR_VERSION) = @@ -170,15 +153,16 @@ static void ar9003_mci_send_coex_version_response(struct ath_hw *ah, } static void ar9003_mci_send_coex_wlan_channels(struct ath_hw *ah, - bool wait_done) + bool wait_done) { struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; u32 *payload = &mci->wlan_channels[0]; if ((mci->wlan_channels_update == true) && - (mci->bt_state != MCI_BT_SLEEP)) { + (mci->bt_state != MCI_BT_SLEEP)) { MCI_GPM_SET_TYPE_OPCODE(payload, - MCI_GPM_COEX_AGENT, MCI_GPM_COEX_WLAN_CHANNELS); + MCI_GPM_COEX_AGENT, + MCI_GPM_COEX_WLAN_CHANNELS); ar9003_mci_send_message(ah, MCI_GPM, 0, payload, 16, wait_done, true); MCI_GPM_SET_TYPE_OPCODE(payload, 0xff, 0xff); @@ -188,7 +172,6 @@ static void ar9003_mci_send_coex_wlan_channels(struct ath_hw *ah, static void ar9003_mci_send_coex_bt_status_query(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done, u8 query_type) { - struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; u32 payload[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; bool query_btinfo = !!(query_type & (MCI_GPM_COEX_QUERY_BT_ALL_INFO | @@ -196,25 +179,19 @@ static void ar9003_mci_send_coex_bt_status_query(struct ath_hw *ah, if (mci->bt_state != MCI_BT_SLEEP) { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Send Coex BT Status Query 0x%02X\n", - query_type); - - MCI_GPM_SET_TYPE_OPCODE(payload, - MCI_GPM_COEX_AGENT, MCI_GPM_COEX_STATUS_QUERY); + MCI_GPM_SET_TYPE_OPCODE(payload, MCI_GPM_COEX_AGENT, + MCI_GPM_COEX_STATUS_QUERY); *(((u8 *)payload) + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_BT_BITMAP) = query_type; + /* * If bt_status_query message is not sent successfully, * then need_flush_btinfo should be set again. */ if (!ar9003_mci_send_message(ah, MCI_GPM, 0, payload, 16, wait_done, true)) { - if (query_btinfo) { + if (query_btinfo) mci->need_flush_btinfo = true; - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI send bt_status_query fail, set flush flag again\n"); - } } if (query_btinfo) @@ -222,21 +199,14 @@ static void ar9003_mci_send_coex_bt_status_query(struct ath_hw *ah, } } -void ar9003_mci_send_coex_halt_bt_gpm(struct ath_hw *ah, bool halt, - bool wait_done) +static void ar9003_mci_send_coex_halt_bt_gpm(struct ath_hw *ah, bool halt, + bool wait_done) { - struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; u32 payload[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) - return; - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Send Coex %s BT GPM\n", - (halt) ? "halt" : "unhalt"); - - MCI_GPM_SET_TYPE_OPCODE(payload, - MCI_GPM_COEX_AGENT, MCI_GPM_COEX_HALT_BT_GPM); + MCI_GPM_SET_TYPE_OPCODE(payload, MCI_GPM_COEX_AGENT, + MCI_GPM_COEX_HALT_BT_GPM); if (halt) { mci->query_bt = true; @@ -252,7 +222,6 @@ void ar9003_mci_send_coex_halt_bt_gpm(struct ath_hw *ah, bool halt, ar9003_mci_send_message(ah, MCI_GPM, 0, payload, 16, wait_done, true); } - static void ar9003_mci_prep_interface(struct ath_hw *ah) { struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); @@ -269,30 +238,14 @@ static void ar9003_mci_prep_interface(struct ath_hw *ah) REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RAW, REG_READ(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RAW)); - /* Remote Reset */ - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Reset sequence start\n"); - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI send REMOTE_RESET\n"); ar9003_mci_remote_reset(ah, true); - - /* - * This delay is required for the reset delay worst case value 255 in - * MCI_COMMAND2 register - */ - - if (AR_SREV_9462_10(ah)) - udelay(252); - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Send REQ_WAKE to remoter(BT)\n"); ar9003_mci_send_req_wake(ah, true); if (ar9003_mci_wait_for_interrupt(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW, - AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_SYS_WAKING, 500)) { + AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_SYS_WAKING, 500)) { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI SYS_WAKING from remote(BT)\n"); mci->bt_state = MCI_BT_AWAKE; - if (AR_SREV_9462_10(ah)) - udelay(10); /* * we don't need to send more remote_reset at this moment. * If BT receive first remote_reset, then BT HW will @@ -309,11 +262,6 @@ static void ar9003_mci_prep_interface(struct ath_hw *ah) * Similarly, if in any case, WLAN can receive BT's sys_waking, * that means WLAN's RX is also fine. */ - - /* Send SYS_WAKING to BT */ - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI send SW SYS_WAKING to remote BT\n"); - ar9003_mci_send_sys_waking(ah, true); udelay(10); @@ -321,7 +269,6 @@ static void ar9003_mci_prep_interface(struct ath_hw *ah) * Set BT priority interrupt value to be 0xff to * avoid having too many BT PRIORITY interrupts. */ - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_BT_PRI0, 0xFFFFFFFF); REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_BT_PRI1, 0xFFFFFFFF); REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_BT_PRI2, 0xFFFFFFFF); @@ -339,77 +286,70 @@ static void ar9003_mci_prep_interface(struct ath_hw *ah) REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RAW, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_BT_PRI); - if (AR_SREV_9462_10(ah) || mci->is_2g) { - /* Send LNA_TRANS */ - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI send LNA_TRANS to BT\n"); + if (mci->is_2g) { ar9003_mci_send_lna_transfer(ah, true); udelay(5); } - if (AR_SREV_9462_10(ah) || (mci->is_2g && - !mci->update_2g5g)) { + if ((mci->is_2g && !mci->update_2g5g)) { if (ar9003_mci_wait_for_interrupt(ah, - AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW, - AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_LNA_INFO, - mci_timeout)) + AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW, + AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_LNA_INFO, + mci_timeout)) ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI WLAN has control over the LNA & BT obeys it\n"); else ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI BT didn't respond to LNA_TRANS\n"); } - - if (AR_SREV_9462_10(ah)) { - /* Send another remote_reset to deassert BT clk_req. */ - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI another remote_reset to deassert clk_req\n"); - ar9003_mci_remote_reset(ah, true); - udelay(252); - } } /* Clear the extra redundant SYS_WAKING from BT */ if ((mci->bt_state == MCI_BT_AWAKE) && (REG_READ_FIELD(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_SYS_WAKING)) && - (REG_READ_FIELD(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW, - AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_SYS_SLEEPING) == 0)) { - - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW, - AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_SYS_WAKING); - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RAW, - AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_REMOTE_SLEEP_UPDATE); + (REG_READ_FIELD(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW, + AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_SYS_SLEEPING) == 0)) { + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW, + AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_SYS_WAKING); + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RAW, + AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_REMOTE_SLEEP_UPDATE); } REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_EN, saved_mci_int_en); } -void ar9003_mci_disable_interrupt(struct ath_hw *ah) +void ar9003_mci_set_full_sleep(struct ath_hw *ah) { - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) - return; + struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; + + if (ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_ENABLE, NULL) && + (mci->bt_state != MCI_BT_SLEEP) && + !mci->halted_bt_gpm) { + ar9003_mci_send_coex_halt_bt_gpm(ah, true, true); + } + + mci->ready = false; + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_RTC_KEEP_AWAKE, 0x2); +} +static void ar9003_mci_disable_interrupt(struct ath_hw *ah) +{ REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_EN, 0); REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_EN, 0); } -void ar9003_mci_enable_interrupt(struct ath_hw *ah) +static void ar9003_mci_enable_interrupt(struct ath_hw *ah) { - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) - return; - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_EN, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_DEFAULT); REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_EN, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_DEFAULT); } -bool ar9003_mci_check_int(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 ints) +static bool ar9003_mci_check_int(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 ints) { u32 intr; - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) - return false; - intr = REG_READ(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW); return ((intr & ints) == ints); } @@ -419,9 +359,6 @@ void ar9003_mci_get_interrupt(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 *raw_intr, { struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) - return; - *raw_intr = mci->raw_intr; *rx_msg_intr = mci->rx_msg_intr; @@ -431,12 +368,34 @@ void ar9003_mci_get_interrupt(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 *raw_intr, } EXPORT_SYMBOL(ar9003_mci_get_interrupt); -void ar9003_mci_2g5g_changed(struct ath_hw *ah, bool is_2g) +void ar9003_mci_get_isr(struct ath_hw *ah, enum ath9k_int *masked) { + struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; + u32 raw_intr, rx_msg_intr; - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) - return; + rx_msg_intr = REG_READ(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW); + raw_intr = REG_READ(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RAW); + + if ((raw_intr == 0xdeadbeef) || (rx_msg_intr == 0xdeadbeef)) { + ath_dbg(common, MCI, + "MCI gets 0xdeadbeef during int processing\n"); + } else { + mci->rx_msg_intr |= rx_msg_intr; + mci->raw_intr |= raw_intr; + *masked |= ATH9K_INT_MCI; + + if (rx_msg_intr & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_CONT_INFO) + mci->cont_status = REG_READ(ah, AR_MCI_CONT_STATUS); + + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW, rx_msg_intr); + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RAW, raw_intr); + } +} + +static void ar9003_mci_2g5g_changed(struct ath_hw *ah, bool is_2g) +{ + struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; if (!mci->update_2g5g && (mci->is_2g != is_2g)) @@ -447,7 +406,6 @@ void ar9003_mci_2g5g_changed(struct ath_hw *ah, bool is_2g) static bool ar9003_mci_is_gpm_valid(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 msg_index) { - struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; u32 *payload; u32 recv_type, offset; @@ -460,10 +418,8 @@ static bool ar9003_mci_is_gpm_valid(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 msg_index) payload = (u32 *)(mci->gpm_buf + offset); recv_type = MCI_GPM_TYPE(payload); - if (recv_type == MCI_GPM_RSVD_PATTERN) { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Skip RSVD GPM\n"); + if (recv_type == MCI_GPM_RSVD_PATTERN) return false; - } return true; } @@ -471,42 +427,31 @@ static bool ar9003_mci_is_gpm_valid(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 msg_index) static void ar9003_mci_observation_set_up(struct ath_hw *ah) { struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; - if (mci->config & ATH_MCI_CONFIG_MCI_OBS_MCI) { - ath9k_hw_cfg_output(ah, 3, - AR_GPIO_OUTPUT_MUX_AS_MCI_WLAN_DATA); + if (mci->config & ATH_MCI_CONFIG_MCI_OBS_MCI) { + ath9k_hw_cfg_output(ah, 3, AR_GPIO_OUTPUT_MUX_AS_MCI_WLAN_DATA); ath9k_hw_cfg_output(ah, 2, AR_GPIO_OUTPUT_MUX_AS_MCI_WLAN_CLK); ath9k_hw_cfg_output(ah, 1, AR_GPIO_OUTPUT_MUX_AS_MCI_BT_DATA); ath9k_hw_cfg_output(ah, 0, AR_GPIO_OUTPUT_MUX_AS_MCI_BT_CLK); - } else if (mci->config & ATH_MCI_CONFIG_MCI_OBS_TXRX) { - ath9k_hw_cfg_output(ah, 3, AR_GPIO_OUTPUT_MUX_AS_WL_IN_TX); ath9k_hw_cfg_output(ah, 2, AR_GPIO_OUTPUT_MUX_AS_WL_IN_RX); ath9k_hw_cfg_output(ah, 1, AR_GPIO_OUTPUT_MUX_AS_BT_IN_TX); ath9k_hw_cfg_output(ah, 0, AR_GPIO_OUTPUT_MUX_AS_BT_IN_RX); ath9k_hw_cfg_output(ah, 5, AR_GPIO_OUTPUT_MUX_AS_OUTPUT); - } else if (mci->config & ATH_MCI_CONFIG_MCI_OBS_BT) { - ath9k_hw_cfg_output(ah, 3, AR_GPIO_OUTPUT_MUX_AS_BT_IN_TX); ath9k_hw_cfg_output(ah, 2, AR_GPIO_OUTPUT_MUX_AS_BT_IN_RX); ath9k_hw_cfg_output(ah, 1, AR_GPIO_OUTPUT_MUX_AS_MCI_BT_DATA); ath9k_hw_cfg_output(ah, 0, AR_GPIO_OUTPUT_MUX_AS_MCI_BT_CLK); - } else return; REG_SET_BIT(ah, AR_GPIO_INPUT_EN_VAL, AR_GPIO_JTAG_DISABLE); - if (AR_SREV_9462_20_OR_LATER(ah)) { - REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_PHY_GLB_CONTROL, - AR_GLB_DS_JTAG_DISABLE, 1); - REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_PHY_GLB_CONTROL, - AR_GLB_WLAN_UART_INTF_EN, 0); - REG_SET_BIT(ah, AR_GLB_GPIO_CONTROL, - ATH_MCI_CONFIG_MCI_OBS_GPIO); - } + REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_PHY_GLB_CONTROL, AR_GLB_DS_JTAG_DISABLE, 1); + REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_PHY_GLB_CONTROL, AR_GLB_WLAN_UART_INTF_EN, 0); + REG_SET_BIT(ah, AR_GLB_GPIO_CONTROL, ATH_MCI_CONFIG_MCI_OBS_GPIO); REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL2, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL2_GPIO_OBS_SEL, 0); REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL2, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL2_MAC_BB_OBS_SEL, 1); @@ -520,13 +465,12 @@ static void ar9003_mci_observation_set_up(struct ath_hw *ah) } static bool ar9003_mci_send_coex_bt_flags(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done, - u8 opcode, u32 bt_flags) + u8 opcode, u32 bt_flags) { - struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); u32 pld[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; - MCI_GPM_SET_TYPE_OPCODE(pld, - MCI_GPM_COEX_AGENT, MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_UPDATE_FLAGS); + MCI_GPM_SET_TYPE_OPCODE(pld, MCI_GPM_COEX_AGENT, + MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_UPDATE_FLAGS); *(((u8 *)pld) + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_BT_FLAGS_OP) = opcode; *(((u8 *)pld) + MCI_GPM_COEX_W_BT_FLAGS + 0) = bt_flags & 0xFF; @@ -534,222 +478,473 @@ static bool ar9003_mci_send_coex_bt_flags(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done, *(((u8 *)pld) + MCI_GPM_COEX_W_BT_FLAGS + 2) = (bt_flags >> 16) & 0xFF; *(((u8 *)pld) + MCI_GPM_COEX_W_BT_FLAGS + 3) = (bt_flags >> 24) & 0xFF; - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI BT_MCI_FLAGS: Send Coex BT Update Flags %s 0x%08x\n", - opcode == MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_FLAGS_READ ? "READ" : - opcode == MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_FLAGS_SET ? "SET" : "CLEAR", - bt_flags); - return ar9003_mci_send_message(ah, MCI_GPM, 0, pld, 16, - wait_done, true); + wait_done, true); } -void ar9003_mci_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, bool en_int, bool is_2g, - bool is_full_sleep) +static void ar9003_mci_sync_bt_state(struct ath_hw *ah) { - struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; - u32 regval, thresh; - - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) - return; - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI full_sleep = %d, is_2g = %d\n", - is_full_sleep, is_2g); - - /* - * GPM buffer and scheduling message buffer are not allocated - */ - - if (!mci->gpm_addr && !mci->sched_addr) { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI GPM and schedule buffers are not allocated\n"); - return; - } - - if (REG_READ(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL) == 0xdeadbeef) { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI it's deadbeef, quit mci_reset\n"); - return; - } - - /* Program MCI DMA related registers */ - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_GPM_0, mci->gpm_addr); - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_GPM_1, mci->gpm_len); - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_SCHD_TABLE_0, mci->sched_addr); - - /* - * To avoid MCI state machine be affected by incoming remote MCI msgs, - * MCI mode will be enabled later, right before reset the MCI TX and RX. - */ - - regval = SM(1, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_AR9462_MODE) | - SM(1, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_WBTIMER_EN) | - SM(1, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_PA_SHARED) | - SM(1, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_LNA_SHARED) | - SM(2, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_NUM_ANTENNAS) | - SM(3, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_RX_CHAIN_MASK) | - SM(0, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_1_CHAIN_ACK) | - SM(0, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_1_CHAIN_BCN) | - SM(0, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_ONE_STEP_LOOK_AHEAD_EN); - - if (is_2g && (AR_SREV_9462_20(ah)) && - !(mci->config & ATH_MCI_CONFIG_DISABLE_OSLA)) { - - regval |= SM(1, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_ONE_STEP_LOOK_AHEAD_EN); - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI sched one step look ahead\n"); - - if (!(mci->config & - ATH_MCI_CONFIG_DISABLE_AGGR_THRESH)) { - - thresh = MS(mci->config, - ATH_MCI_CONFIG_AGGR_THRESH); - thresh &= 7; - regval |= SM(1, - AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_TIME_TO_NEXT_BT_THRESH_EN); - regval |= SM(thresh, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_AGGR_THRESH); - - REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_MCI_SCHD_TABLE_2, - AR_MCI_SCHD_TABLE_2_HW_BASED, 1); - REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_MCI_SCHD_TABLE_2, - AR_MCI_SCHD_TABLE_2_MEM_BASED, 1); - - } else - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI sched aggr thresh: off\n"); - } else - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI SCHED one step look ahead off\n"); - - if (AR_SREV_9462_10(ah)) - regval |= SM(1, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_SPDT_ENABLE_10); - - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL, regval); - - if (AR_SREV_9462_20(ah)) { - REG_SET_BIT(ah, AR_PHY_GLB_CONTROL, - AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_SPDT_ENABLE); - REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL3, - AR_BTCOEX_CTRL3_CONT_INFO_TIMEOUT, 20); - } - - REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL2, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL2_RX_DEWEIGHT, 1); - REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_PCU_MISC, AR_PCU_BT_ANT_PREVENT_RX, 0); + u32 cur_bt_state; - thresh = MS(mci->config, ATH_MCI_CONFIG_CLK_DIV); - REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_MCI_TX_CTRL, AR_MCI_TX_CTRL_CLK_DIV, thresh); - REG_SET_BIT(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_MCI_MODE_EN); + cur_bt_state = ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_REMOTE_SLEEP, NULL); - /* Resetting the Rx and Tx paths of MCI */ - regval = REG_READ(ah, AR_MCI_COMMAND2); - regval |= SM(1, AR_MCI_COMMAND2_RESET_TX); - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_COMMAND2, regval); + if (mci->bt_state != cur_bt_state) + mci->bt_state = cur_bt_state; - udelay(1); + if (mci->bt_state != MCI_BT_SLEEP) { - regval &= ~SM(1, AR_MCI_COMMAND2_RESET_TX); - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_COMMAND2, regval); + ar9003_mci_send_coex_version_query(ah, true); + ar9003_mci_send_coex_wlan_channels(ah, true); - if (is_full_sleep) { - ar9003_mci_mute_bt(ah); - udelay(100); + if (mci->unhalt_bt_gpm == true) + ar9003_mci_send_coex_halt_bt_gpm(ah, false, true); } - - regval |= SM(1, AR_MCI_COMMAND2_RESET_RX); - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_COMMAND2, regval); - udelay(1); - regval &= ~SM(1, AR_MCI_COMMAND2_RESET_RX); - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_COMMAND2, regval); - - ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_INIT_GPM_OFFSET, NULL); - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_MSG_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE, - (SM(0xe801, AR_MCI_MSG_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE_INVALID_HDR) | - SM(0x0000, AR_MCI_MSG_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE_CHECKSUM))); - - REG_CLR_BIT(ah, AR_MCI_TX_CTRL, - AR_MCI_TX_CTRL_DISABLE_LNA_UPDATE); - - if (AR_SREV_9462_20_OR_LATER(ah)) - ar9003_mci_observation_set_up(ah); - - mci->ready = true; - ar9003_mci_prep_interface(ah); - - if (en_int) - ar9003_mci_enable_interrupt(ah); } -void ar9003_mci_mute_bt(struct ath_hw *ah) +void ar9003_mci_check_bt(struct ath_hw *ah) { - struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); + struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci_hw = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) + if (!mci_hw->ready) return; - /* disable all MCI messages */ - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_MSG_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE, 0xffff0000); - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_BTCOEX_WL_WEIGHTS0, 0xffffffff); - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_BTCOEX_WL_WEIGHTS1, 0xffffffff); - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_BTCOEX_WL_WEIGHTS2, 0xffffffff); - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_BTCOEX_WL_WEIGHTS3, 0xffffffff); - REG_SET_BIT(ah, AR_MCI_TX_CTRL, AR_MCI_TX_CTRL_DISABLE_LNA_UPDATE); - - /* wait pending HW messages to flush out */ - udelay(10); - /* - * Send LNA_TAKE and SYS_SLEEPING when - * 1. reset not after resuming from full sleep - * 2. before reset MCI RX, to quiet BT and avoid MCI RX misalignment + * check BT state again to make + * sure it's not changed. */ + ar9003_mci_sync_bt_state(ah); + ar9003_mci_2g5g_switch(ah, true); - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Send LNA take\n"); - ar9003_mci_send_lna_take(ah, true); - - udelay(5); - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Send sys sleeping\n"); - ar9003_mci_send_sys_sleeping(ah, true); + if ((mci_hw->bt_state == MCI_BT_AWAKE) && + (mci_hw->query_bt == true)) { + mci_hw->need_flush_btinfo = true; + } } -void ar9003_mci_sync_bt_state(struct ath_hw *ah) +static void ar9003_mci_process_gpm_extra(struct ath_hw *ah, u8 gpm_type, + u8 gpm_opcode, u32 *p_gpm) { struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; - u32 cur_bt_state; + u8 *p_data = (u8 *) p_gpm; - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) + if (gpm_type != MCI_GPM_COEX_AGENT) return; - cur_bt_state = ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_REMOTE_SLEEP, NULL); - - if (mci->bt_state != cur_bt_state) { + switch (gpm_opcode) { + case MCI_GPM_COEX_VERSION_QUERY: + ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Recv GPM COEX Version Query\n"); + ar9003_mci_send_coex_version_response(ah, true); + break; + case MCI_GPM_COEX_VERSION_RESPONSE: + ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Recv GPM COEX Version Response\n"); + mci->bt_ver_major = + *(p_data + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_MAJOR_VERSION); + mci->bt_ver_minor = + *(p_data + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_MINOR_VERSION); + mci->bt_version_known = true; + ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI BT Coex version: %d.%d\n", + mci->bt_ver_major, mci->bt_ver_minor); + break; + case MCI_GPM_COEX_STATUS_QUERY: ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI BT state mismatches. old: %d, new: %d\n", - mci->bt_state, cur_bt_state); - mci->bt_state = cur_bt_state; - } - - if (mci->bt_state != MCI_BT_SLEEP) { - - ar9003_mci_send_coex_version_query(ah, true); + "MCI Recv GPM COEX Status Query = 0x%02X\n", + *(p_data + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_WLAN_BITMAP)); + mci->wlan_channels_update = true; ar9003_mci_send_coex_wlan_channels(ah, true); - - if (mci->unhalt_bt_gpm == true) { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI unhalt BT GPM\n"); - ar9003_mci_send_coex_halt_bt_gpm(ah, false, true); - } + break; + case MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_PROFILE_INFO: + mci->query_bt = true; + ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Recv GPM COEX BT_Profile_Info\n"); + break; + case MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_STATUS_UPDATE: + mci->query_bt = true; + ath_dbg(common, MCI, + "MCI Recv GPM COEX BT_Status_Update SEQ=%d (drop&query)\n", + *(p_gpm + 3)); + break; + default: + break; } } -static void ar9003_mci_send_2g5g_status(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done) +static u32 ar9003_mci_wait_for_gpm(struct ath_hw *ah, u8 gpm_type, + u8 gpm_opcode, int time_out) { struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; - u32 new_flags, to_set, to_clear; + u32 *p_gpm = NULL, mismatch = 0, more_data; + u32 offset; + u8 recv_type = 0, recv_opcode = 0; + bool b_is_bt_cal_done = (gpm_type == MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_DONE); - if (AR_SREV_9462_20(ah) && - mci->update_2g5g && - (mci->bt_state != MCI_BT_SLEEP)) { + more_data = time_out ? MCI_GPM_NOMORE : MCI_GPM_MORE; - if (mci->is_2g) { + while (time_out > 0) { + if (p_gpm) { + MCI_GPM_RECYCLE(p_gpm); + p_gpm = NULL; + } + + if (more_data != MCI_GPM_MORE) + time_out = ar9003_mci_wait_for_interrupt(ah, + AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW, + AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_GPM, + time_out); + + if (!time_out) + break; + + offset = ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_NEXT_GPM_OFFSET, + &more_data); + + if (offset == MCI_GPM_INVALID) + continue; + + p_gpm = (u32 *) (mci->gpm_buf + offset); + recv_type = MCI_GPM_TYPE(p_gpm); + recv_opcode = MCI_GPM_OPCODE(p_gpm); + + if (MCI_GPM_IS_CAL_TYPE(recv_type)) { + if (recv_type == gpm_type) { + if ((gpm_type == MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_DONE) && + !b_is_bt_cal_done) { + gpm_type = MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_GRANT; + continue; + } + break; + } + } else if ((recv_type == gpm_type) && (recv_opcode == gpm_opcode)) { + break; + } + + /* + * check if it's cal_grant + * + * When we're waiting for cal_grant in reset routine, + * it's possible that BT sends out cal_request at the + * same time. Since BT's calibration doesn't happen + * that often, we'll let BT completes calibration then + * we continue to wait for cal_grant from BT. + * Orginal: Wait BT_CAL_GRANT. + * New: Receive BT_CAL_REQ -> send WLAN_CAL_GRANT->wait + * BT_CAL_DONE -> Wait BT_CAL_GRANT. + */ + + if ((gpm_type == MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_GRANT) && + (recv_type == MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_REQ)) { + + u32 payload[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; + + gpm_type = MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_DONE; + MCI_GPM_SET_CAL_TYPE(payload, + MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_GRANT); + ar9003_mci_send_message(ah, MCI_GPM, 0, payload, 16, + false, false); + continue; + } else { + ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI GPM subtype not match 0x%x\n", + *(p_gpm + 1)); + mismatch++; + ar9003_mci_process_gpm_extra(ah, recv_type, + recv_opcode, p_gpm); + } + } + + if (p_gpm) { + MCI_GPM_RECYCLE(p_gpm); + p_gpm = NULL; + } + + if (time_out <= 0) + time_out = 0; + + while (more_data == MCI_GPM_MORE) { + offset = ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_NEXT_GPM_OFFSET, + &more_data); + if (offset == MCI_GPM_INVALID) + break; + + p_gpm = (u32 *) (mci->gpm_buf + offset); + recv_type = MCI_GPM_TYPE(p_gpm); + recv_opcode = MCI_GPM_OPCODE(p_gpm); + + if (!MCI_GPM_IS_CAL_TYPE(recv_type)) + ar9003_mci_process_gpm_extra(ah, recv_type, + recv_opcode, p_gpm); + + MCI_GPM_RECYCLE(p_gpm); + } + + return time_out; +} + +bool ar9003_mci_start_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath9k_channel *chan) +{ + struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); + struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci_hw = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; + u32 payload[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; + + ar9003_mci_2g5g_changed(ah, IS_CHAN_2GHZ(chan)); + + if (mci_hw->bt_state != MCI_BT_CAL_START) + return false; + + mci_hw->bt_state = MCI_BT_CAL; + + /* + * MCI FIX: disable mci interrupt here. This is to avoid + * SW_MSG_DONE or RX_MSG bits to trigger MCI_INT and + * lead to mci_intr reentry. + */ + ar9003_mci_disable_interrupt(ah); + + MCI_GPM_SET_CAL_TYPE(payload, MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_GRANT); + ar9003_mci_send_message(ah, MCI_GPM, 0, payload, + 16, true, false); + + /* Wait BT calibration to be completed for 25ms */ + + if (ar9003_mci_wait_for_gpm(ah, MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_DONE, + 0, 25000)) + ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI BT_CAL_DONE received\n"); + else + ath_dbg(common, MCI, + "MCI BT_CAL_DONE not received\n"); + + mci_hw->bt_state = MCI_BT_AWAKE; + /* MCI FIX: enable mci interrupt here */ + ar9003_mci_enable_interrupt(ah); + + return true; +} + +int ar9003_mci_end_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath9k_channel *chan, + struct ath9k_hw_cal_data *caldata) +{ + struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci_hw = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; + + if (!mci_hw->ready) + return 0; + + if (!IS_CHAN_2GHZ(chan) || (mci_hw->bt_state != MCI_BT_SLEEP)) + goto exit; + + if (ar9003_mci_check_int(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_REMOTE_RESET) || + ar9003_mci_check_int(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_REQ_WAKE)) { + + /* + * BT is sleeping. Check if BT wakes up during + * WLAN calibration. If BT wakes up during + * WLAN calibration, need to go through all + * message exchanges again and recal. + */ + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW, + AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_REMOTE_RESET | + AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_REQ_WAKE); + + ar9003_mci_remote_reset(ah, true); + ar9003_mci_send_sys_waking(ah, true); + udelay(1); + + if (IS_CHAN_2GHZ(chan)) + ar9003_mci_send_lna_transfer(ah, true); + + mci_hw->bt_state = MCI_BT_AWAKE; + + if (caldata) { + caldata->done_txiqcal_once = false; + caldata->done_txclcal_once = false; + caldata->rtt_hist.num_readings = 0; + } + + if (!ath9k_hw_init_cal(ah, chan)) + return -EIO; + + } +exit: + ar9003_mci_enable_interrupt(ah); + return 0; +} + +static void ar9003_mci_mute_bt(struct ath_hw *ah) +{ + /* disable all MCI messages */ + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_MSG_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE, 0xffff0000); + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_BTCOEX_WL_WEIGHTS0, 0xffffffff); + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_BTCOEX_WL_WEIGHTS1, 0xffffffff); + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_BTCOEX_WL_WEIGHTS2, 0xffffffff); + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_BTCOEX_WL_WEIGHTS3, 0xffffffff); + REG_SET_BIT(ah, AR_MCI_TX_CTRL, AR_MCI_TX_CTRL_DISABLE_LNA_UPDATE); + + /* wait pending HW messages to flush out */ + udelay(10); + + /* + * Send LNA_TAKE and SYS_SLEEPING when + * 1. reset not after resuming from full sleep + * 2. before reset MCI RX, to quiet BT and avoid MCI RX misalignment + */ + ar9003_mci_send_lna_take(ah, true); + + udelay(5); + + ar9003_mci_send_sys_sleeping(ah, true); +} + +static void ar9003_mci_osla_setup(struct ath_hw *ah, bool enable) +{ + struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; + u32 thresh; + + if (enable) { + REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_MCI_SCHD_TABLE_2, + AR_MCI_SCHD_TABLE_2_HW_BASED, 1); + REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_MCI_SCHD_TABLE_2, + AR_MCI_SCHD_TABLE_2_MEM_BASED, 1); + + if (!(mci->config & ATH_MCI_CONFIG_DISABLE_AGGR_THRESH)) { + thresh = MS(mci->config, ATH_MCI_CONFIG_AGGR_THRESH); + REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL, + AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_AGGR_THRESH, thresh); + REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL, + AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_TIME_TO_NEXT_BT_THRESH_EN, 1); + } else { + REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL, + AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_TIME_TO_NEXT_BT_THRESH_EN, 0); + } + + REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL, + AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_ONE_STEP_LOOK_AHEAD_EN, 1); + } else { + REG_CLR_BIT(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL, + AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_ONE_STEP_LOOK_AHEAD_EN); + } +} + +void ar9003_mci_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, bool en_int, bool is_2g, + bool is_full_sleep) +{ + struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); + struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; + u32 regval; + + ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Reset (full_sleep = %d, is_2g = %d)\n", + is_full_sleep, is_2g); + + if (!mci->gpm_addr && !mci->sched_addr) { + ath_dbg(common, MCI, + "MCI GPM and schedule buffers are not allocated\n"); + return; + } + + if (REG_READ(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL) == 0xdeadbeef) { + ath_dbg(common, MCI, "BTCOEX control register is dead\n"); + return; + } + + /* Program MCI DMA related registers */ + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_GPM_0, mci->gpm_addr); + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_GPM_1, mci->gpm_len); + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_SCHD_TABLE_0, mci->sched_addr); + + /* + * To avoid MCI state machine be affected by incoming remote MCI msgs, + * MCI mode will be enabled later, right before reset the MCI TX and RX. + */ + + regval = SM(1, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_AR9462_MODE) | + SM(1, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_WBTIMER_EN) | + SM(1, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_PA_SHARED) | + SM(1, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_LNA_SHARED) | + SM(2, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_NUM_ANTENNAS) | + SM(3, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_RX_CHAIN_MASK) | + SM(0, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_1_CHAIN_ACK) | + SM(0, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_1_CHAIN_BCN) | + SM(0, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_ONE_STEP_LOOK_AHEAD_EN); + + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL, regval); + + if (is_2g && !(mci->config & ATH_MCI_CONFIG_DISABLE_OSLA)) + ar9003_mci_osla_setup(ah, true); + else + ar9003_mci_osla_setup(ah, false); + + REG_SET_BIT(ah, AR_PHY_GLB_CONTROL, + AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_SPDT_ENABLE); + REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL3, + AR_BTCOEX_CTRL3_CONT_INFO_TIMEOUT, 20); + + REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL2, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL2_RX_DEWEIGHT, 1); + REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_PCU_MISC, AR_PCU_BT_ANT_PREVENT_RX, 0); + + regval = MS(mci->config, ATH_MCI_CONFIG_CLK_DIV); + REG_RMW_FIELD(ah, AR_MCI_TX_CTRL, AR_MCI_TX_CTRL_CLK_DIV, regval); + REG_SET_BIT(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_MCI_MODE_EN); + + /* Resetting the Rx and Tx paths of MCI */ + regval = REG_READ(ah, AR_MCI_COMMAND2); + regval |= SM(1, AR_MCI_COMMAND2_RESET_TX); + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_COMMAND2, regval); + + udelay(1); + + regval &= ~SM(1, AR_MCI_COMMAND2_RESET_TX); + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_COMMAND2, regval); + + if (is_full_sleep) { + ar9003_mci_mute_bt(ah); + udelay(100); + } + + regval |= SM(1, AR_MCI_COMMAND2_RESET_RX); + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_COMMAND2, regval); + udelay(1); + regval &= ~SM(1, AR_MCI_COMMAND2_RESET_RX); + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_COMMAND2, regval); + + ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_INIT_GPM_OFFSET, NULL); + + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_MSG_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE, + (SM(0xe801, AR_MCI_MSG_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE_INVALID_HDR) | + SM(0x0000, AR_MCI_MSG_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE_CHECKSUM))); + + REG_CLR_BIT(ah, AR_MCI_TX_CTRL, + AR_MCI_TX_CTRL_DISABLE_LNA_UPDATE); + + ar9003_mci_observation_set_up(ah); + + mci->ready = true; + ar9003_mci_prep_interface(ah); + + if (en_int) + ar9003_mci_enable_interrupt(ah); +} + +void ar9003_mci_stop_bt(struct ath_hw *ah, bool save_fullsleep) +{ + struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci_hw = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; + + ar9003_mci_disable_interrupt(ah); + + if (mci_hw->ready && !save_fullsleep) { + ar9003_mci_mute_bt(ah); + udelay(20); + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL, 0); + } + + mci_hw->bt_state = MCI_BT_SLEEP; + mci_hw->ready = false; +} + +static void ar9003_mci_send_2g5g_status(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done) +{ + struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; + u32 new_flags, to_set, to_clear; + + if (mci->update_2g5g && (mci->bt_state != MCI_BT_SLEEP)) { + if (mci->is_2g) { new_flags = MCI_2G_FLAGS; to_clear = MCI_2G_FLAGS_CLEAR_MASK; to_set = MCI_2G_FLAGS_SET_MASK; @@ -759,44 +954,23 @@ static void ar9003_mci_send_2g5g_status(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done) to_set = MCI_5G_FLAGS_SET_MASK; } - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI BT_MCI_FLAGS: %s 0x%08x clr=0x%08x, set=0x%08x\n", - mci->is_2g ? "2G" : "5G", new_flags, to_clear, to_set); - if (to_clear) ar9003_mci_send_coex_bt_flags(ah, wait_done, - MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_FLAGS_CLEAR, to_clear); - + MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_FLAGS_CLEAR, + to_clear); if (to_set) ar9003_mci_send_coex_bt_flags(ah, wait_done, - MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_FLAGS_SET, to_set); + MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_FLAGS_SET, + to_set); } - - if (AR_SREV_9462_10(ah) && (mci->bt_state != MCI_BT_SLEEP)) - mci->update_2g5g = false; } static void ar9003_mci_queue_unsent_gpm(struct ath_hw *ah, u8 header, u32 *payload, bool queue) { - struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; u8 type, opcode; - if (queue) { - - if (payload) - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI ERROR: Send fail: %02x: %02x %02x %02x\n", - header, - *(((u8 *)payload) + 4), - *(((u8 *)payload) + 5), - *(((u8 *)payload) + 6)); - else - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI ERROR: Send fail: %02x\n", - header); - } - /* check if the message is to be queued */ if (header != MCI_GPM) return; @@ -809,64 +983,29 @@ static void ar9003_mci_queue_unsent_gpm(struct ath_hw *ah, u8 header, switch (opcode) { case MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_UPDATE_FLAGS: - - if (AR_SREV_9462_10(ah)) - break; - if (*(((u8 *)payload) + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_BT_FLAGS_OP) == - MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_FLAGS_READ) + MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_FLAGS_READ) break; mci->update_2g5g = queue; - if (queue) - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI BT_MCI_FLAGS: 2G5G status %s\n", - mci->is_2g ? "2G" : "5G"); - else - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI BT_MCI_FLAGS: 2G5G status %s\n", - mci->is_2g ? "2G" : "5G"); - break; - case MCI_GPM_COEX_WLAN_CHANNELS: - mci->wlan_channels_update = queue; - if (queue) - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI WLAN channel map \n"); - else - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI WLAN channel map \n"); break; - case MCI_GPM_COEX_HALT_BT_GPM: - if (*(((u8 *)payload) + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_HALT_STATE) == - MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_GPM_UNHALT) { - + MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_GPM_UNHALT) { mci->unhalt_bt_gpm = queue; - if (queue) - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI UNHALT BT GPM \n"); - else { + if (!queue) mci->halted_bt_gpm = false; - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI UNHALT BT GPM \n"); - } } if (*(((u8 *)payload) + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_HALT_STATE) == MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_GPM_HALT) { mci->halted_bt_gpm = !queue; - - if (queue) - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI HALT BT GPM \n"); - else - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI UNHALT BT GPM \n"); } break; @@ -877,46 +1016,33 @@ static void ar9003_mci_queue_unsent_gpm(struct ath_hw *ah, u8 header, void ar9003_mci_2g5g_switch(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done) { - struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) - return; - if (mci->update_2g5g) { if (mci->is_2g) { - ar9003_mci_send_2g5g_status(ah, true); - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Send LNA trans\n"); ar9003_mci_send_lna_transfer(ah, true); udelay(5); REG_CLR_BIT(ah, AR_MCI_TX_CTRL, AR_MCI_TX_CTRL_DISABLE_LNA_UPDATE); + REG_CLR_BIT(ah, AR_PHY_GLB_CONTROL, + AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_BT_OWN_SPDT_CTRL); - if (AR_SREV_9462_20(ah)) { - REG_CLR_BIT(ah, AR_PHY_GLB_CONTROL, - AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_BT_OWN_SPDT_CTRL); - if (!(mci->config & - ATH_MCI_CONFIG_DISABLE_OSLA)) { - REG_SET_BIT(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL, - AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_ONE_STEP_LOOK_AHEAD_EN); - } + if (!(mci->config & ATH_MCI_CONFIG_DISABLE_OSLA)) { + REG_SET_BIT(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL, + AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_ONE_STEP_LOOK_AHEAD_EN); } } else { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Send LNA take\n"); ar9003_mci_send_lna_take(ah, true); udelay(5); REG_SET_BIT(ah, AR_MCI_TX_CTRL, AR_MCI_TX_CTRL_DISABLE_LNA_UPDATE); - - if (AR_SREV_9462_20(ah)) { - REG_SET_BIT(ah, AR_PHY_GLB_CONTROL, - AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_BT_OWN_SPDT_CTRL); - REG_CLR_BIT(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL, - AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_ONE_STEP_LOOK_AHEAD_EN); - } + REG_SET_BIT(ah, AR_PHY_GLB_CONTROL, + AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_BT_OWN_SPDT_CTRL); + REG_CLR_BIT(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL, + AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_ONE_STEP_LOOK_AHEAD_EN); ar9003_mci_send_2g5g_status(ah, true); } @@ -934,28 +1060,19 @@ bool ar9003_mci_send_message(struct ath_hw *ah, u8 header, u32 flag, u32 saved_mci_int_en; int i; - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) - return false; - saved_mci_int_en = REG_READ(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_EN); regval = REG_READ(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL); if ((regval == 0xdeadbeef) || !(regval & AR_BTCOEX_CTRL_MCI_MODE_EN)) { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Not sending 0x%x. MCI is not enabled. full_sleep = %d\n", - header, - (ah->power_mode == ATH9K_PM_FULL_SLEEP) ? 1 : 0); - + header, (ah->power_mode == ATH9K_PM_FULL_SLEEP) ? 1 : 0); ar9003_mci_queue_unsent_gpm(ah, header, payload, true); return false; - } else if (check_bt && (mci->bt_state == MCI_BT_SLEEP)) { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Don't send message 0x%x. BT is in sleep state\n", header); - ar9003_mci_queue_unsent_gpm(ah, header, payload, true); return false; } @@ -983,7 +1100,7 @@ bool ar9003_mci_send_message(struct ath_hw *ah, u8 header, u32 flag, if (wait_done && !(ar9003_mci_wait_for_interrupt(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RAW, - AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_SW_MSG_DONE, 500))) + AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_SW_MSG_DONE, 500))) ar9003_mci_queue_unsent_gpm(ah, header, payload, true); else { ar9003_mci_queue_unsent_gpm(ah, header, payload, false); @@ -997,220 +1114,64 @@ bool ar9003_mci_send_message(struct ath_hw *ah, u8 header, u32 flag, } EXPORT_SYMBOL(ar9003_mci_send_message); -void ar9003_mci_setup(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 gpm_addr, void *gpm_buf, - u16 len, u32 sched_addr) +void ar9003_mci_init_cal_req(struct ath_hw *ah, bool *is_reusable) { - struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; - void *sched_buf = (void *)((char *) gpm_buf + (sched_addr - gpm_addr)); + struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); + struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci_hw = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; + u32 pld[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) + if ((mci_hw->bt_state != MCI_BT_AWAKE) || + (mci_hw->config & ATH_MCI_CONFIG_DISABLE_MCI_CAL)) return; - mci->gpm_addr = gpm_addr; - mci->gpm_buf = gpm_buf; - mci->gpm_len = len; - mci->sched_addr = sched_addr; - mci->sched_buf = sched_buf; + MCI_GPM_SET_CAL_TYPE(pld, MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_REQ); + pld[MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_W_SEQUENCE] = mci_hw->wlan_cal_seq++; - ar9003_mci_reset(ah, true, true, true); + ar9003_mci_send_message(ah, MCI_GPM, 0, pld, 16, true, false); + + if (ar9003_mci_wait_for_gpm(ah, MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_GRANT, 0, 50000)) { + ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI BT_CAL_GRANT received\n"); + } else { + is_reusable = false; + ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI BT_CAL_GRANT not received\n"); + } } -EXPORT_SYMBOL(ar9003_mci_setup); -void ar9003_mci_cleanup(struct ath_hw *ah) +void ar9003_mci_init_cal_done(struct ath_hw *ah) { - struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); + struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci_hw = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; + u32 pld[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) + if ((mci_hw->bt_state != MCI_BT_AWAKE) || + (mci_hw->config & ATH_MCI_CONFIG_DISABLE_MCI_CAL)) return; - /* Turn off MCI and Jupiter mode. */ - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL, 0x00); - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI ar9003_mci_cleanup\n"); - ar9003_mci_disable_interrupt(ah); + MCI_GPM_SET_CAL_TYPE(pld, MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_DONE); + pld[MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_W_SEQUENCE] = mci_hw->wlan_cal_done++; + ar9003_mci_send_message(ah, MCI_GPM, 0, pld, 16, true, false); } -EXPORT_SYMBOL(ar9003_mci_cleanup); -static void ar9003_mci_process_gpm_extra(struct ath_hw *ah, u8 gpm_type, - u8 gpm_opcode, u32 *p_gpm) +void ar9003_mci_setup(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 gpm_addr, void *gpm_buf, + u16 len, u32 sched_addr) { - struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; - u8 *p_data = (u8 *) p_gpm; - if (gpm_type != MCI_GPM_COEX_AGENT) - return; + mci->gpm_addr = gpm_addr; + mci->gpm_buf = gpm_buf; + mci->gpm_len = len; + mci->sched_addr = sched_addr; - switch (gpm_opcode) { - case MCI_GPM_COEX_VERSION_QUERY: - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Recv GPM COEX Version Query\n"); - ar9003_mci_send_coex_version_response(ah, true); - break; - case MCI_GPM_COEX_VERSION_RESPONSE: - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Recv GPM COEX Version Response\n"); - mci->bt_ver_major = - *(p_data + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_MAJOR_VERSION); - mci->bt_ver_minor = - *(p_data + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_MINOR_VERSION); - mci->bt_version_known = true; - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI BT Coex version: %d.%d\n", - mci->bt_ver_major, mci->bt_ver_minor); - break; - case MCI_GPM_COEX_STATUS_QUERY: - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI Recv GPM COEX Status Query = 0x%02X\n", - *(p_data + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_WLAN_BITMAP)); - mci->wlan_channels_update = true; - ar9003_mci_send_coex_wlan_channels(ah, true); - break; - case MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_PROFILE_INFO: - mci->query_bt = true; - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Recv GPM COEX BT_Profile_Info\n"); - break; - case MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_STATUS_UPDATE: - mci->query_bt = true; - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI Recv GPM COEX BT_Status_Update SEQ=%d (drop&query)\n", - *(p_gpm + 3)); - break; - default: - break; - } + ar9003_mci_reset(ah, true, true, true); } +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ar9003_mci_setup); -u32 ar9003_mci_wait_for_gpm(struct ath_hw *ah, u8 gpm_type, - u8 gpm_opcode, int time_out) +void ar9003_mci_cleanup(struct ath_hw *ah) { - struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); - struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; - u32 *p_gpm = NULL, mismatch = 0, more_data; - u32 offset; - u8 recv_type = 0, recv_opcode = 0; - bool b_is_bt_cal_done = (gpm_type == MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_DONE); - - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) - return 0; - - more_data = time_out ? MCI_GPM_NOMORE : MCI_GPM_MORE; - - while (time_out > 0) { - if (p_gpm) { - MCI_GPM_RECYCLE(p_gpm); - p_gpm = NULL; - } - - if (more_data != MCI_GPM_MORE) - time_out = ar9003_mci_wait_for_interrupt(ah, - AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW, - AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_GPM, - time_out); - - if (!time_out) - break; - - offset = ar9003_mci_state(ah, - MCI_STATE_NEXT_GPM_OFFSET, &more_data); - - if (offset == MCI_GPM_INVALID) - continue; - - p_gpm = (u32 *) (mci->gpm_buf + offset); - recv_type = MCI_GPM_TYPE(p_gpm); - recv_opcode = MCI_GPM_OPCODE(p_gpm); - - if (MCI_GPM_IS_CAL_TYPE(recv_type)) { - - if (recv_type == gpm_type) { - - if ((gpm_type == MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_DONE) && - !b_is_bt_cal_done) { - gpm_type = MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_GRANT; - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI Recv BT_CAL_DONE wait BT_CAL_GRANT\n"); - continue; - } - - break; - } - } else if ((recv_type == gpm_type) && - (recv_opcode == gpm_opcode)) - break; - - /* not expected message */ - - /* - * check if it's cal_grant - * - * When we're waiting for cal_grant in reset routine, - * it's possible that BT sends out cal_request at the - * same time. Since BT's calibration doesn't happen - * that often, we'll let BT completes calibration then - * we continue to wait for cal_grant from BT. - * Orginal: Wait BT_CAL_GRANT. - * New: Receive BT_CAL_REQ -> send WLAN_CAL_GRANT->wait - * BT_CAL_DONE -> Wait BT_CAL_GRANT. - */ - - if ((gpm_type == MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_GRANT) && - (recv_type == MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_REQ)) { - - u32 payload[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; - - gpm_type = MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_DONE; - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI Rcv BT_CAL_REQ, send WLAN_CAL_GRANT\n"); - - MCI_GPM_SET_CAL_TYPE(payload, - MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_GRANT); - - ar9003_mci_send_message(ah, MCI_GPM, 0, payload, 16, - false, false); - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI now wait for BT_CAL_DONE\n"); - - continue; - } else { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI GPM subtype not match 0x%x\n", - *(p_gpm + 1)); - mismatch++; - ar9003_mci_process_gpm_extra(ah, recv_type, - recv_opcode, p_gpm); - } - } - if (p_gpm) { - MCI_GPM_RECYCLE(p_gpm); - p_gpm = NULL; - } - - if (time_out <= 0) { - time_out = 0; - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI GPM received timeout, mismatch = %d\n", mismatch); - } else - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Receive GPM type=0x%x, code=0x%x\n", - gpm_type, gpm_opcode); - - while (more_data == MCI_GPM_MORE) { - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI discard remaining GPM\n"); - offset = ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_NEXT_GPM_OFFSET, - &more_data); - - if (offset == MCI_GPM_INVALID) - break; - - p_gpm = (u32 *) (mci->gpm_buf + offset); - recv_type = MCI_GPM_TYPE(p_gpm); - recv_opcode = MCI_GPM_OPCODE(p_gpm); - - if (!MCI_GPM_IS_CAL_TYPE(recv_type)) - ar9003_mci_process_gpm_extra(ah, recv_type, - recv_opcode, p_gpm); - - MCI_GPM_RECYCLE(p_gpm); - } - - return time_out; + /* Turn off MCI and Jupiter mode. */ + REG_WRITE(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL, 0x00); + ar9003_mci_disable_interrupt(ah); } +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ar9003_mci_cleanup); u32 ar9003_mci_state(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 state_type, u32 *p_data) { @@ -1219,13 +1180,9 @@ u32 ar9003_mci_state(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 state_type, u32 *p_data) u32 value = 0, more_gpm = 0, gpm_ptr; u8 query_type; - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) - return 0; - switch (state_type) { case MCI_STATE_ENABLE: if (mci->ready) { - value = REG_READ(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL); if ((value == 0xdeadbeef) || (value == 0xffffffff)) @@ -1235,7 +1192,6 @@ u32 ar9003_mci_state(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 state_type, u32 *p_data) break; case MCI_STATE_INIT_GPM_OFFSET: value = MS(REG_READ(ah, AR_MCI_GPM_1), AR_MCI_GPM_WRITE_PTR); - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI GPM initial WRITE_PTR=%d\n", value); mci->gpm_idx = value; break; case MCI_STATE_NEXT_GPM_OFFSET: @@ -1258,32 +1214,21 @@ u32 ar9003_mci_state(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 state_type, u32 *p_data) if (value == 0) value = mci->gpm_len - 1; else if (value >= mci->gpm_len) { - if (value != 0xFFFF) { + if (value != 0xFFFF) value = 0; - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI GPM offset out of range\n"); - } - } else + } else { value--; + } if (value == 0xFFFF) { value = MCI_GPM_INVALID; more_gpm = MCI_GPM_NOMORE; - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI GPM ptr invalid @ptr=%d, offset=%d, more=GPM_NOMORE\n", - gpm_ptr, value); } else if (state_type == MCI_STATE_NEXT_GPM_OFFSET) { - if (gpm_ptr == mci->gpm_idx) { value = MCI_GPM_INVALID; more_gpm = MCI_GPM_NOMORE; - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI GPM message not available @ptr=%d, @offset=%d, more=GPM_NOMORE\n", - gpm_ptr, value); } else { for (;;) { - u32 temp_index; /* skip reserved GPM if any */ @@ -1300,13 +1245,8 @@ u32 ar9003_mci_state(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 state_type, u32 *p_data) mci->gpm_len) mci->gpm_idx = 0; - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI GPM message got ptr=%d, @offset=%d, more=%d\n", - gpm_ptr, temp_index, - (more_gpm == MCI_GPM_MORE)); - if (ar9003_mci_is_gpm_valid(ah, - temp_index)) { + temp_index)) { value = temp_index; break; } @@ -1331,79 +1271,59 @@ u32 ar9003_mci_state(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 state_type, u32 *p_data) /* Make it in bytes */ value <<= 4; break; - case MCI_STATE_REMOTE_SLEEP: value = MS(REG_READ(ah, AR_MCI_RX_STATUS), AR_MCI_RX_REMOTE_SLEEP) ? MCI_BT_SLEEP : MCI_BT_AWAKE; break; - case MCI_STATE_CONT_RSSI_POWER: value = MS(mci->cont_status, AR_MCI_CONT_RSSI_POWER); - break; - + break; case MCI_STATE_CONT_PRIORITY: value = MS(mci->cont_status, AR_MCI_CONT_RRIORITY); break; - case MCI_STATE_CONT_TXRX: value = MS(mci->cont_status, AR_MCI_CONT_TXRX); break; - case MCI_STATE_BT: value = mci->bt_state; break; - case MCI_STATE_SET_BT_SLEEP: mci->bt_state = MCI_BT_SLEEP; break; - case MCI_STATE_SET_BT_AWAKE: mci->bt_state = MCI_BT_AWAKE; ar9003_mci_send_coex_version_query(ah, true); ar9003_mci_send_coex_wlan_channels(ah, true); - if (mci->unhalt_bt_gpm) { - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI unhalt BT GPM\n"); + if (mci->unhalt_bt_gpm) ar9003_mci_send_coex_halt_bt_gpm(ah, false, true); - } ar9003_mci_2g5g_switch(ah, true); break; - case MCI_STATE_SET_BT_CAL_START: mci->bt_state = MCI_BT_CAL_START; break; - case MCI_STATE_SET_BT_CAL: mci->bt_state = MCI_BT_CAL; break; - case MCI_STATE_RESET_REQ_WAKE: ar9003_mci_reset_req_wakeup(ah); mci->update_2g5g = true; - if ((AR_SREV_9462_20_OR_LATER(ah)) && - (mci->config & ATH_MCI_CONFIG_MCI_OBS_MASK)) { + if (mci->config & ATH_MCI_CONFIG_MCI_OBS_MASK) { /* Check if we still have control of the GPIOs */ if ((REG_READ(ah, AR_GLB_GPIO_CONTROL) & - ATH_MCI_CONFIG_MCI_OBS_GPIO) != - ATH_MCI_CONFIG_MCI_OBS_GPIO) { - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI reconfigure observation\n"); + ATH_MCI_CONFIG_MCI_OBS_GPIO) != + ATH_MCI_CONFIG_MCI_OBS_GPIO) { ar9003_mci_observation_set_up(ah); } } break; - case MCI_STATE_SEND_WLAN_COEX_VERSION: ar9003_mci_send_coex_version_response(ah, true); break; - case MCI_STATE_SET_BT_COEX_VERSION: - if (!p_data) ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Set BT Coex version with NULL data!!\n"); @@ -1415,7 +1335,6 @@ u32 ar9003_mci_state(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 state_type, u32 *p_data) mci->bt_ver_major, mci->bt_ver_minor); } break; - case MCI_STATE_SEND_WLAN_CHANNELS: if (p_data) { if (((mci->wlan_channels[1] & 0xffff0000) == @@ -1432,19 +1351,13 @@ u32 ar9003_mci_state(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 state_type, u32 *p_data) mci->wlan_channels_update = true; ar9003_mci_send_coex_wlan_channels(ah, true); break; - case MCI_STATE_SEND_VERSION_QUERY: ar9003_mci_send_coex_version_query(ah, true); break; - case MCI_STATE_SEND_STATUS_QUERY: - query_type = (AR_SREV_9462_10(ah)) ? - MCI_GPM_COEX_QUERY_BT_ALL_INFO : - MCI_GPM_COEX_QUERY_BT_TOPOLOGY; - + query_type = MCI_GPM_COEX_QUERY_BT_TOPOLOGY; ar9003_mci_send_coex_bt_status_query(ah, true, query_type); break; - case MCI_STATE_NEED_FLUSH_BT_INFO: /* * btcoex_hw.mci.unhalt_bt_gpm means whether it's @@ -1464,28 +1377,21 @@ u32 ar9003_mci_state(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 state_type, u32 *p_data) mci->need_flush_btinfo = (*p_data != 0) ? true : false; break; - case MCI_STATE_RECOVER_RX: - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI hw RECOVER_RX\n"); ar9003_mci_prep_interface(ah); mci->query_bt = true; mci->need_flush_btinfo = true; ar9003_mci_send_coex_wlan_channels(ah, true); ar9003_mci_2g5g_switch(ah, true); break; - case MCI_STATE_NEED_FTP_STOMP: value = !(mci->config & ATH_MCI_CONFIG_DISABLE_FTP_STOMP); break; - case MCI_STATE_NEED_TUNING: value = !(mci->config & ATH_MCI_CONFIG_DISABLE_TUNING); break; - default: break; - } return value; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_mci.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_mci.h index 798da116a44c4b8f720cd22676e0519f482ce2ef..4842f6c06b8c3bc1640b17c7d90d606997a8b840 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_mci.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_mci.h @@ -99,4 +99,237 @@ enum mci_gpm_coex_bt_update_flags_op { ATH_MCI_CONFIG_MCI_OBS_BT) #define ATH_MCI_CONFIG_MCI_OBS_GPIO 0x0000002F +enum mci_message_header { /* length of payload */ + MCI_LNA_CTRL = 0x10, /* len = 0 */ + MCI_CONT_NACK = 0x20, /* len = 0 */ + MCI_CONT_INFO = 0x30, /* len = 4 */ + MCI_CONT_RST = 0x40, /* len = 0 */ + MCI_SCHD_INFO = 0x50, /* len = 16 */ + MCI_CPU_INT = 0x60, /* len = 4 */ + MCI_SYS_WAKING = 0x70, /* len = 0 */ + MCI_GPM = 0x80, /* len = 16 */ + MCI_LNA_INFO = 0x90, /* len = 1 */ + MCI_LNA_STATE = 0x94, + MCI_LNA_TAKE = 0x98, + MCI_LNA_TRANS = 0x9c, + MCI_SYS_SLEEPING = 0xa0, /* len = 0 */ + MCI_REQ_WAKE = 0xc0, /* len = 0 */ + MCI_DEBUG_16 = 0xfe, /* len = 2 */ + MCI_REMOTE_RESET = 0xff /* len = 16 */ +}; + +enum ath_mci_gpm_coex_profile_type { + MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_UNKNOWN, + MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_RFCOMM, + MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_A2DP, + MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_HID, + MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_BNEP, + MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_VOICE, + MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_MAX +}; + +/* MCI GPM/Coex opcode/type definitions */ +enum { + MCI_GPM_COEX_W_GPM_PAYLOAD = 1, + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_GPM_TYPE = 4, + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_GPM_OPCODE = 5, + /* MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_REQ, MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_DONE */ + MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_W_SEQUENCE = 2, + + /* MCI_GPM_COEX_VERSION_QUERY */ + /* MCI_GPM_COEX_VERSION_RESPONSE */ + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_MAJOR_VERSION = 6, + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_MINOR_VERSION = 7, + /* MCI_GPM_COEX_STATUS_QUERY */ + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_BT_BITMAP = 6, + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_WLAN_BITMAP = 7, + /* MCI_GPM_COEX_HALT_BT_GPM */ + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_HALT_STATE = 6, + /* MCI_GPM_COEX_WLAN_CHANNELS */ + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_CHANNEL_MAP = 6, + /* MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_PROFILE_INFO */ + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_PROFILE_TYPE = 6, + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_PROFILE_LINKID = 7, + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_PROFILE_STATE = 8, + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_PROFILE_ROLE = 9, + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_PROFILE_RATE = 10, + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_PROFILE_VOTYPE = 11, + MCI_GPM_COEX_H_PROFILE_T = 12, + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_PROFILE_W = 14, + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_PROFILE_A = 15, + /* MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_STATUS_UPDATE */ + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_STATUS_TYPE = 6, + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_STATUS_LINKID = 7, + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_STATUS_STATE = 8, + /* MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_UPDATE_FLAGS */ + MCI_GPM_COEX_W_BT_FLAGS = 6, + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_BT_FLAGS_OP = 10 +}; + +enum mci_gpm_subtype { + MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_REQ = 0, + MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_GRANT = 1, + MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_DONE = 2, + MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_REQ = 3, + MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_GRANT = 4, + MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_DONE = 5, + MCI_GPM_COEX_AGENT = 0x0c, + MCI_GPM_RSVD_PATTERN = 0xfe, + MCI_GPM_RSVD_PATTERN32 = 0xfefefefe, + MCI_GPM_BT_DEBUG = 0xff +}; + +enum mci_bt_state { + MCI_BT_SLEEP, + MCI_BT_AWAKE, + MCI_BT_CAL_START, + MCI_BT_CAL +}; + +/* Type of state query */ +enum mci_state_type { + MCI_STATE_ENABLE, + MCI_STATE_INIT_GPM_OFFSET, + MCI_STATE_NEXT_GPM_OFFSET, + MCI_STATE_LAST_GPM_OFFSET, + MCI_STATE_BT, + MCI_STATE_SET_BT_SLEEP, + MCI_STATE_SET_BT_AWAKE, + MCI_STATE_SET_BT_CAL_START, + MCI_STATE_SET_BT_CAL, + MCI_STATE_LAST_SCHD_MSG_OFFSET, + MCI_STATE_REMOTE_SLEEP, + MCI_STATE_CONT_RSSI_POWER, + MCI_STATE_CONT_PRIORITY, + MCI_STATE_CONT_TXRX, + MCI_STATE_RESET_REQ_WAKE, + MCI_STATE_SEND_WLAN_COEX_VERSION, + MCI_STATE_SET_BT_COEX_VERSION, + MCI_STATE_SEND_WLAN_CHANNELS, + MCI_STATE_SEND_VERSION_QUERY, + MCI_STATE_SEND_STATUS_QUERY, + MCI_STATE_NEED_FLUSH_BT_INFO, + MCI_STATE_SET_CONCUR_TX_PRI, + MCI_STATE_RECOVER_RX, + MCI_STATE_NEED_FTP_STOMP, + MCI_STATE_NEED_TUNING, + MCI_STATE_DEBUG, + MCI_STATE_MAX +}; + +enum mci_gpm_coex_opcode { + MCI_GPM_COEX_VERSION_QUERY, + MCI_GPM_COEX_VERSION_RESPONSE, + MCI_GPM_COEX_STATUS_QUERY, + MCI_GPM_COEX_HALT_BT_GPM, + MCI_GPM_COEX_WLAN_CHANNELS, + MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_PROFILE_INFO, + MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_STATUS_UPDATE, + MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_UPDATE_FLAGS +}; + +#define MCI_GPM_NOMORE 0 +#define MCI_GPM_MORE 1 +#define MCI_GPM_INVALID 0xffffffff + +#define MCI_GPM_RECYCLE(_p_gpm) do { \ + *(((u32 *)_p_gpm) + MCI_GPM_COEX_W_GPM_PAYLOAD) = \ + MCI_GPM_RSVD_PATTERN32; \ +} while (0) + +#define MCI_GPM_TYPE(_p_gpm) \ + (*(((u8 *)(_p_gpm)) + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_GPM_TYPE) & 0xff) + +#define MCI_GPM_OPCODE(_p_gpm) \ + (*(((u8 *)(_p_gpm)) + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_GPM_OPCODE) & 0xff) + +#define MCI_GPM_SET_CAL_TYPE(_p_gpm, _cal_type) do { \ + *(((u8 *)(_p_gpm)) + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_GPM_TYPE) = (_cal_type) & 0xff;\ +} while (0) + +#define MCI_GPM_SET_TYPE_OPCODE(_p_gpm, _type, _opcode) do { \ + *(((u8 *)(_p_gpm)) + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_GPM_TYPE) = (_type) & 0xff; \ + *(((u8 *)(_p_gpm)) + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_GPM_OPCODE) = (_opcode) & 0xff;\ +} while (0) + +#define MCI_GPM_IS_CAL_TYPE(_type) ((_type) <= MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_DONE) + +/* + * Functions that are available to the MCI driver core. + */ +bool ar9003_mci_send_message(struct ath_hw *ah, u8 header, u32 flag, + u32 *payload, u8 len, bool wait_done, + bool check_bt); +u32 ar9003_mci_state(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 state_type, u32 *p_data); +void ar9003_mci_setup(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 gpm_addr, void *gpm_buf, + u16 len, u32 sched_addr); +void ar9003_mci_cleanup(struct ath_hw *ah); +void ar9003_mci_get_interrupt(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 *raw_intr, + u32 *rx_msg_intr); + +/* + * These functions are used by ath9k_hw. + */ + +#ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT + +static inline bool ar9003_mci_is_ready(struct ath_hw *ah) +{ + return ah->btcoex_hw.mci.ready; +} +void ar9003_mci_stop_bt(struct ath_hw *ah, bool save_fullsleep); +void ar9003_mci_init_cal_req(struct ath_hw *ah, bool *is_reusable); +void ar9003_mci_init_cal_done(struct ath_hw *ah); +void ar9003_mci_set_full_sleep(struct ath_hw *ah); +void ar9003_mci_2g5g_switch(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done); +void ar9003_mci_check_bt(struct ath_hw *ah); +bool ar9003_mci_start_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath9k_channel *chan); +int ar9003_mci_end_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath9k_channel *chan, + struct ath9k_hw_cal_data *caldata); +void ar9003_mci_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, bool en_int, bool is_2g, + bool is_full_sleep); +void ar9003_mci_get_isr(struct ath_hw *ah, enum ath9k_int *masked); + +#else + +static inline bool ar9003_mci_is_ready(struct ath_hw *ah) +{ + return false; +} +static inline void ar9003_mci_stop_bt(struct ath_hw *ah, bool save_fullsleep) +{ +} +static inline void ar9003_mci_init_cal_req(struct ath_hw *ah, bool *is_reusable) +{ +} +static inline void ar9003_mci_init_cal_done(struct ath_hw *ah) +{ +} +static inline void ar9003_mci_set_full_sleep(struct ath_hw *ah) +{ +} +static inline void ar9003_mci_2g5g_switch(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done) +{ +} +static inline void ar9003_mci_check_bt(struct ath_hw *ah) +{ +} +static inline bool ar9003_mci_start_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath9k_channel *chan) +{ + return false; +} +static inline int ar9003_mci_end_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath9k_channel *chan, + struct ath9k_hw_cal_data *caldata) +{ + return 0; +} +static inline void ar9003_mci_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, bool en_int, bool is_2g, + bool is_full_sleep) +{ +} +static inline void ar9003_mci_get_isr(struct ath_hw *ah, enum ath9k_int *masked) +{ +} +#endif /* CONFIG_ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT */ + #endif diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_phy.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_phy.c index 2b0bfb8cca02d023da420b842f058b904807f646..bc992b237ae5a47a42f53db6b59a5cd5a59cf94d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_phy.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_phy.c @@ -679,18 +679,17 @@ static int ar9003_hw_process_ini(struct ath_hw *ah, * different modal values. */ if (IS_CHAN_A_FAST_CLOCK(ah, chan)) - REG_WRITE_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesAdditional, + REG_WRITE_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesFastClock, modesIndex, regWrites); - if (AR_SREV_9330(ah)) - REG_WRITE_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesAdditional, 1, regWrites); - - if (AR_SREV_9340(ah) && !ah->is_clk_25mhz) - REG_WRITE_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesAdditional_40M, 1, regWrites); + REG_WRITE_ARRAY(&ah->iniAdditional, 1, regWrites); if (AR_SREV_9462(ah)) ar9003_hw_prog_ini(ah, &ah->ini_BTCOEX_MAX_TXPWR, 1); + if (chan->channel == 2484) + ar9003_hw_prog_ini(ah, &ah->ini_japan2484, 1); + ah->modes_index = modesIndex; ar9003_hw_override_ini(ah); ar9003_hw_set_channel_regs(ah, chan); @@ -1099,13 +1098,20 @@ static void ar9003_hw_set_nf_limits(struct ath_hw *ah) { ah->nf_2g.max = AR_PHY_CCA_MAX_GOOD_VAL_9300_2GHZ; ah->nf_2g.min = AR_PHY_CCA_MIN_GOOD_VAL_9300_2GHZ; - if (AR_SREV_9330(ah)) - ah->nf_2g.nominal = AR_PHY_CCA_NOM_VAL_9330_2GHZ; - else - ah->nf_2g.nominal = AR_PHY_CCA_NOM_VAL_9300_2GHZ; + ah->nf_2g.nominal = AR_PHY_CCA_NOM_VAL_9300_2GHZ; ah->nf_5g.max = AR_PHY_CCA_MAX_GOOD_VAL_9300_5GHZ; ah->nf_5g.min = AR_PHY_CCA_MIN_GOOD_VAL_9300_5GHZ; ah->nf_5g.nominal = AR_PHY_CCA_NOM_VAL_9300_5GHZ; + + if (AR_SREV_9330(ah)) + ah->nf_2g.nominal = AR_PHY_CCA_NOM_VAL_9330_2GHZ; + + if (AR_SREV_9462(ah)) { + ah->nf_2g.min = AR_PHY_CCA_MIN_GOOD_VAL_9462_2GHZ; + ah->nf_2g.nominal = AR_PHY_CCA_NOM_VAL_9462_2GHZ; + ah->nf_5g.min = AR_PHY_CCA_MIN_GOOD_VAL_9462_5GHZ; + ah->nf_5g.nominal = AR_PHY_CCA_NOM_VAL_9462_5GHZ; + } } /* @@ -1313,13 +1319,9 @@ static int ar9003_hw_fast_chan_change(struct ath_hw *ah, * different modal values. */ if (IS_CHAN_A_FAST_CLOCK(ah, chan)) - REG_WRITE_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesAdditional, modesIndex, regWrites); - - if (AR_SREV_9330(ah)) - REG_WRITE_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesAdditional, 1, regWrites); + REG_WRITE_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesFastClock, modesIndex, regWrites); - if (AR_SREV_9340(ah) && !ah->is_clk_25mhz) - REG_WRITE_ARRAY(&ah->iniModesAdditional_40M, 1, regWrites); + REG_WRITE_ARRAY(&ah->iniAdditional, 1, regWrites); ah->modes_index = modesIndex; *ini_reloaded = true; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_phy.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_phy.h index ed64114571fcc133dffb3e1279015c51c82b0c27..d834d97fe7276e279402d4e3a75e6e6db1ac983f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_phy.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_phy.h @@ -325,13 +325,18 @@ #define AR_PHY_RX_OCGAIN (AR_AGC_BASE + 0x200) -#define AR_PHY_CCA_NOM_VAL_9300_2GHZ (AR_SREV_9462(ah) ? -127 : -110) -#define AR_PHY_CCA_NOM_VAL_9300_5GHZ (AR_SREV_9462(ah) ? -127 : -115) -#define AR_PHY_CCA_MIN_GOOD_VAL_9300_2GHZ (AR_SREV_9462(ah) ? -127 : -125) -#define AR_PHY_CCA_MIN_GOOD_VAL_9300_5GHZ (AR_SREV_9462(ah) ? -127 : -125) +#define AR_PHY_CCA_NOM_VAL_9300_2GHZ -110 +#define AR_PHY_CCA_NOM_VAL_9300_5GHZ -115 +#define AR_PHY_CCA_MIN_GOOD_VAL_9300_2GHZ -125 +#define AR_PHY_CCA_MIN_GOOD_VAL_9300_5GHZ -125 #define AR_PHY_CCA_MAX_GOOD_VAL_9300_2GHZ -95 #define AR_PHY_CCA_MAX_GOOD_VAL_9300_5GHZ -100 +#define AR_PHY_CCA_NOM_VAL_9462_2GHZ -127 +#define AR_PHY_CCA_MIN_GOOD_VAL_9462_2GHZ -127 +#define AR_PHY_CCA_NOM_VAL_9462_5GHZ -127 +#define AR_PHY_CCA_MIN_GOOD_VAL_9462_5GHZ -127 + #define AR_PHY_CCA_NOM_VAL_9330_2GHZ -118 /* @@ -612,16 +617,14 @@ #define AR_PHY_AIC_CTRL_1_B0 (AR_SM_BASE + 0x4b4) #define AR_PHY_AIC_CTRL_2_B0 (AR_SM_BASE + 0x4b8) #define AR_PHY_AIC_CTRL_3_B0 (AR_SM_BASE + 0x4bc) -#define AR_PHY_AIC_STAT_0_B0 (AR_SM_BASE + (AR_SREV_9462_10(ah) ? \ - 0x4c0 : 0x4c4)) -#define AR_PHY_AIC_STAT_1_B0 (AR_SM_BASE + (AR_SREV_9462_10(ah) ? \ - 0x4c4 : 0x4c8)) +#define AR_PHY_AIC_STAT_0_B0 (AR_SM_BASE + 0x4c4)) +#define AR_PHY_AIC_STAT_1_B0 (AR_SM_BASE + 0x4c8)) #define AR_PHY_AIC_CTRL_4_B0 (AR_SM_BASE + 0x4c0) #define AR_PHY_AIC_STAT_2_B0 (AR_SM_BASE + 0x4cc) #define AR_PHY_65NM_CH0_SYNTH4 0x1608c -#define AR_PHY_SYNTH4_LONG_SHIFT_SELECT 0x00000002 -#define AR_PHY_SYNTH4_LONG_SHIFT_SELECT_S 1 +#define AR_PHY_SYNTH4_LONG_SHIFT_SELECT (AR_SREV_9462(ah) ? 0x00000001 : 0x00000002) +#define AR_PHY_SYNTH4_LONG_SHIFT_SELECT_S (AR_SREV_9462(ah) ? 0 : 1) #define AR_PHY_65NM_CH0_SYNTH7 0x16098 #define AR_PHY_65NM_CH0_BIAS1 0x160c0 #define AR_PHY_65NM_CH0_BIAS2 0x160c4 diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9462_1p0_initvals.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9462_1p0_initvals.h deleted file mode 100644 index 5c55ae389adb2bef3c6ab1db085084451ede2c51..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9462_1p0_initvals.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1833 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2010 Atheros Communications Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any - * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above - * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES - * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF - * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES - * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN - * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF - * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#ifndef INITVALS_9462_1P0_H -#define INITVALS_9462_1P0_H - -/* AR9462 1.0 */ - -static const u32 ar9462_1p0_mac_core[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00000008, 0x00000000}, - {0x00000030, 0x00060085}, - {0x00000034, 0x00000005}, - {0x00000040, 0x00000000}, - {0x00000044, 0x00000000}, - {0x00000048, 0x00000008}, - {0x0000004c, 0x00000010}, - {0x00000050, 0x00000000}, - {0x00001040, 0x002ffc0f}, - {0x00001044, 0x002ffc0f}, - {0x00001048, 0x002ffc0f}, - {0x0000104c, 0x002ffc0f}, - {0x00001050, 0x002ffc0f}, - {0x00001054, 0x002ffc0f}, - {0x00001058, 0x002ffc0f}, - {0x0000105c, 0x002ffc0f}, - {0x00001060, 0x002ffc0f}, - {0x00001064, 0x002ffc0f}, - {0x000010f0, 0x00000100}, - {0x00001270, 0x00000000}, - {0x000012b0, 0x00000000}, - {0x000012f0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000143c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000147c, 0x00000000}, - {0x00001810, 0x0f000003}, - {0x00008000, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008004, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008008, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000800c, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008018, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008020, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008038, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000803c, 0x00080000}, - {0x00008040, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008044, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008048, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000804c, 0xffffffff}, - {0x00008050, 0xffffffff}, - {0x00008054, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008058, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000805c, 0x000fc78f}, - {0x00008060, 0x0000000f}, - {0x00008064, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008070, 0x00000310}, - {0x00008074, 0x00000020}, - {0x00008078, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000809c, 0x0000000f}, - {0x000080a0, 0x00000000}, - {0x000080a4, 0x02ff0000}, - {0x000080a8, 0x0e070605}, - {0x000080ac, 0x0000000d}, - {0x000080b0, 0x00000000}, - {0x000080b4, 0x00000000}, - {0x000080b8, 0x00000000}, - {0x000080bc, 0x00000000}, - {0x000080c0, 0x2a800000}, - {0x000080c4, 0x06900168}, - {0x000080c8, 0x13881c20}, - {0x000080cc, 0x01f40000}, - {0x000080d0, 0x00252500}, - {0x000080d4, 0x00a00005}, - {0x000080d8, 0x00400002}, - {0x000080dc, 0x00000000}, - {0x000080e0, 0xffffffff}, - {0x000080e4, 0x0000ffff}, - {0x000080e8, 0x3f3f3f3f}, - {0x000080ec, 0x00000000}, - {0x000080f0, 0x00000000}, - {0x000080f4, 0x00000000}, - {0x000080fc, 0x00020000}, - {0x00008100, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008108, 0x00000052}, - {0x0000810c, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008110, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008114, 0x000007ff}, - {0x00008118, 0x000000aa}, - {0x0000811c, 0x00003210}, - {0x00008124, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008128, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000812c, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008130, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008134, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008138, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000813c, 0x0000ffff}, - {0x00008144, 0xffffffff}, - {0x00008168, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000816c, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008170, 0x18486e00}, - {0x00008174, 0x33332210}, - {0x00008178, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000817c, 0x00020000}, - {0x000081c4, 0x33332210}, - {0x000081c8, 0x00000000}, - {0x000081cc, 0x00000000}, - {0x000081d4, 0x00000000}, - {0x000081ec, 0x00000000}, - {0x000081f0, 0x00000000}, - {0x000081f4, 0x00000000}, - {0x000081f8, 0x00000000}, - {0x000081fc, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008240, 0x00100000}, - {0x00008244, 0x0010f400}, - {0x00008248, 0x00000800}, - {0x0000824c, 0x0001e800}, - {0x00008250, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008254, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008258, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000825c, 0x40000000}, - {0x00008260, 0x00080922}, - {0x00008264, 0x99c00010}, - {0x00008268, 0xffffffff}, - {0x0000826c, 0x0000ffff}, - {0x00008270, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008274, 0x40000000}, - {0x00008278, 0x003e4180}, - {0x0000827c, 0x00000004}, - {0x00008284, 0x0000002c}, - {0x00008288, 0x0000002c}, - {0x0000828c, 0x000000ff}, - {0x00008294, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008298, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000829c, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008300, 0x00000140}, - {0x00008314, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000831c, 0x0000010d}, - {0x00008328, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000832c, 0x0000001f}, - {0x00008330, 0x00000302}, - {0x00008334, 0x00000700}, - {0x00008338, 0xffff0000}, - {0x0000833c, 0x02400000}, - {0x00008340, 0x000107ff}, - {0x00008344, 0xaa48105b}, - {0x00008348, 0x008f0000}, - {0x0000835c, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008360, 0xffffffff}, - {0x00008364, 0xffffffff}, - {0x00008368, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008370, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008374, 0x000000ff}, - {0x00008378, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000837c, 0x00000000}, - {0x00008380, 0xffffffff}, - {0x00008384, 0xffffffff}, - {0x00008390, 0xffffffff}, - {0x00008394, 0xffffffff}, - {0x00008398, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000839c, 0x00000000}, - {0x000083a4, 0x0000fa14}, - {0x000083a8, 0x000f0c00}, - {0x000083ac, 0x33332210}, - {0x000083b0, 0x33332210}, - {0x000083b4, 0x33332210}, - {0x000083b8, 0x33332210}, - {0x000083bc, 0x00000000}, - {0x000083c0, 0x00000000}, - {0x000083c4, 0x00000000}, - {0x000083c8, 0x00000000}, - {0x000083cc, 0x00000200}, - {0x000083d0, 0x000301ff}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_1p0_baseband_core_txfir_coeff_japan_2484[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x0000a398, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a39c, 0x6f7f0301}, - {0x0000a3a0, 0xca9228ee}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_1p0_sys3ant[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00063280, 0x00040807}, - {0x00063284, 0x104ccccc}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_pcie_phy_clkreq_enable_L1_1p0[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00018c00, 0x10053e5e}, - {0x00018c04, 0x000801d8}, - {0x00018c08, 0x0000580c}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_1p0_mac_core_emulation[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00000030, 0x00060085}, - {0x00000044, 0x00000008}, - {0x0000805c, 0xffffc7ff}, - {0x00008344, 0xaa4a105b}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_common_rx_gain_table_ar9280_2p0_1p0[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x0000a000, 0x02000101}, - {0x0000a004, 0x02000102}, - {0x0000a008, 0x02000103}, - {0x0000a00c, 0x02000104}, - {0x0000a010, 0x02000200}, - {0x0000a014, 0x02000201}, - {0x0000a018, 0x02000202}, - {0x0000a01c, 0x02000203}, - {0x0000a020, 0x02000204}, - {0x0000a024, 0x02000205}, - {0x0000a028, 0x02000208}, - {0x0000a02c, 0x02000302}, - {0x0000a030, 0x02000303}, - {0x0000a034, 0x02000304}, - {0x0000a038, 0x02000400}, - {0x0000a03c, 0x02010300}, - {0x0000a040, 0x02010301}, - {0x0000a044, 0x02010302}, - {0x0000a048, 0x02000500}, - {0x0000a04c, 0x02010400}, - {0x0000a050, 0x02020300}, - {0x0000a054, 0x02020301}, - {0x0000a058, 0x02020302}, - {0x0000a05c, 0x02020303}, - {0x0000a060, 0x02020400}, - {0x0000a064, 0x02030300}, - {0x0000a068, 0x02030301}, - {0x0000a06c, 0x02030302}, - {0x0000a070, 0x02030303}, - {0x0000a074, 0x02030400}, - {0x0000a078, 0x02040300}, - {0x0000a07c, 0x02040301}, - {0x0000a080, 0x02040302}, - {0x0000a084, 0x02040303}, - {0x0000a088, 0x02030500}, - {0x0000a08c, 0x02040400}, - {0x0000a090, 0x02050203}, - {0x0000a094, 0x02050204}, - {0x0000a098, 0x02050205}, - {0x0000a09c, 0x02040500}, - {0x0000a0a0, 0x02050301}, - {0x0000a0a4, 0x02050302}, - {0x0000a0a8, 0x02050303}, - {0x0000a0ac, 0x02050400}, - {0x0000a0b0, 0x02050401}, - {0x0000a0b4, 0x02050402}, - {0x0000a0b8, 0x02050403}, - {0x0000a0bc, 0x02050500}, - {0x0000a0c0, 0x02050501}, - {0x0000a0c4, 0x02050502}, - {0x0000a0c8, 0x02050503}, - {0x0000a0cc, 0x02050504}, - {0x0000a0d0, 0x02050600}, - {0x0000a0d4, 0x02050601}, - {0x0000a0d8, 0x02050602}, - {0x0000a0dc, 0x02050603}, - {0x0000a0e0, 0x02050604}, - {0x0000a0e4, 0x02050700}, - {0x0000a0e8, 0x02050701}, - {0x0000a0ec, 0x02050702}, - {0x0000a0f0, 0x02050703}, - {0x0000a0f4, 0x02050704}, - {0x0000a0f8, 0x02050705}, - {0x0000a0fc, 0x02050708}, - {0x0000a100, 0x02050709}, - {0x0000a104, 0x0205070a}, - {0x0000a108, 0x0205070b}, - {0x0000a10c, 0x0205070c}, - {0x0000a110, 0x0205070d}, - {0x0000a114, 0x02050710}, - {0x0000a118, 0x02050711}, - {0x0000a11c, 0x02050712}, - {0x0000a120, 0x02050713}, - {0x0000a124, 0x02050714}, - {0x0000a128, 0x02050715}, - {0x0000a12c, 0x02050730}, - {0x0000a130, 0x02050731}, - {0x0000a134, 0x02050732}, - {0x0000a138, 0x02050733}, - {0x0000a13c, 0x02050734}, - {0x0000a140, 0x02050735}, - {0x0000a144, 0x02050750}, - {0x0000a148, 0x02050751}, - {0x0000a14c, 0x02050752}, - {0x0000a150, 0x02050753}, - {0x0000a154, 0x02050754}, - {0x0000a158, 0x02050755}, - {0x0000a15c, 0x02050770}, - {0x0000a160, 0x02050771}, - {0x0000a164, 0x02050772}, - {0x0000a168, 0x02050773}, - {0x0000a16c, 0x02050774}, - {0x0000a170, 0x02050775}, - {0x0000a174, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a178, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a17c, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a180, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a184, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a188, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a18c, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a190, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a194, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a198, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a19c, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1a0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1a4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1a8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1ac, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1b0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1b4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1b8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1bc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1c0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1c4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1c8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1cc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1d0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1d4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1d8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1dc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1e0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1e4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1e8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1ec, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1f0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1f4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1f8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1fc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b000, 0x02000101}, - {0x0000b004, 0x02000102}, - {0x0000b008, 0x02000103}, - {0x0000b00c, 0x02000104}, - {0x0000b010, 0x02000200}, - {0x0000b014, 0x02000201}, - {0x0000b018, 0x02000202}, - {0x0000b01c, 0x02000203}, - {0x0000b020, 0x02000204}, - {0x0000b024, 0x02000205}, - {0x0000b028, 0x02000208}, - {0x0000b02c, 0x02000302}, - {0x0000b030, 0x02000303}, - {0x0000b034, 0x02000304}, - {0x0000b038, 0x02000400}, - {0x0000b03c, 0x02010300}, - {0x0000b040, 0x02010301}, - {0x0000b044, 0x02010302}, - {0x0000b048, 0x02000500}, - {0x0000b04c, 0x02010400}, - {0x0000b050, 0x02020300}, - {0x0000b054, 0x02020301}, - {0x0000b058, 0x02020302}, - {0x0000b05c, 0x02020303}, - {0x0000b060, 0x02020400}, - {0x0000b064, 0x02030300}, - {0x0000b068, 0x02030301}, - {0x0000b06c, 0x02030302}, - {0x0000b070, 0x02030303}, - {0x0000b074, 0x02030400}, - {0x0000b078, 0x02040300}, - {0x0000b07c, 0x02040301}, - {0x0000b080, 0x02040302}, - {0x0000b084, 0x02040303}, - {0x0000b088, 0x02030500}, - {0x0000b08c, 0x02040400}, - {0x0000b090, 0x02050203}, - {0x0000b094, 0x02050204}, - {0x0000b098, 0x02050205}, - {0x0000b09c, 0x02040500}, - {0x0000b0a0, 0x02050301}, - {0x0000b0a4, 0x02050302}, - {0x0000b0a8, 0x02050303}, - {0x0000b0ac, 0x02050400}, - {0x0000b0b0, 0x02050401}, - {0x0000b0b4, 0x02050402}, - {0x0000b0b8, 0x02050403}, - {0x0000b0bc, 0x02050500}, - {0x0000b0c0, 0x02050501}, - {0x0000b0c4, 0x02050502}, - {0x0000b0c8, 0x02050503}, - {0x0000b0cc, 0x02050504}, - {0x0000b0d0, 0x02050600}, - {0x0000b0d4, 0x02050601}, - {0x0000b0d8, 0x02050602}, - {0x0000b0dc, 0x02050603}, - {0x0000b0e0, 0x02050604}, - {0x0000b0e4, 0x02050700}, - {0x0000b0e8, 0x02050701}, - {0x0000b0ec, 0x02050702}, - {0x0000b0f0, 0x02050703}, - {0x0000b0f4, 0x02050704}, - {0x0000b0f8, 0x02050705}, - {0x0000b0fc, 0x02050708}, - {0x0000b100, 0x02050709}, - {0x0000b104, 0x0205070a}, - {0x0000b108, 0x0205070b}, - {0x0000b10c, 0x0205070c}, - {0x0000b110, 0x0205070d}, - {0x0000b114, 0x02050710}, - {0x0000b118, 0x02050711}, - {0x0000b11c, 0x02050712}, - {0x0000b120, 0x02050713}, - {0x0000b124, 0x02050714}, - {0x0000b128, 0x02050715}, - {0x0000b12c, 0x02050730}, - {0x0000b130, 0x02050731}, - {0x0000b134, 0x02050732}, - {0x0000b138, 0x02050733}, - {0x0000b13c, 0x02050734}, - {0x0000b140, 0x02050735}, - {0x0000b144, 0x02050750}, - {0x0000b148, 0x02050751}, - {0x0000b14c, 0x02050752}, - {0x0000b150, 0x02050753}, - {0x0000b154, 0x02050754}, - {0x0000b158, 0x02050755}, - {0x0000b15c, 0x02050770}, - {0x0000b160, 0x02050771}, - {0x0000b164, 0x02050772}, - {0x0000b168, 0x02050773}, - {0x0000b16c, 0x02050774}, - {0x0000b170, 0x02050775}, - {0x0000b174, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b178, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b17c, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b180, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b184, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b188, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b18c, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b190, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b194, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b198, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b19c, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1a0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1a4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1a8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1ac, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1b0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1b4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1b8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1bc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1c0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1c4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1c8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1cc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1d0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1d4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1d8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1dc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1e0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1e4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1e8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1ec, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1f0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1f4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1f8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1fc, 0x00000776}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9200_ar9280_2p0_radio_core_1p0[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00007800, 0x00040000}, - {0x00007804, 0xdb005012}, - {0x00007808, 0x04924914}, - {0x0000780c, 0x21084210}, - {0x00007810, 0x6d801300}, - {0x00007814, 0x0019beff}, - {0x00007818, 0x07e41000}, - {0x0000781c, 0x00392000}, - {0x00007820, 0x92592480}, - {0x00007824, 0x00040000}, - {0x00007828, 0xdb005012}, - {0x0000782c, 0x04924914}, - {0x00007830, 0x21084210}, - {0x00007834, 0x6d801300}, - {0x00007838, 0x0019beff}, - {0x0000783c, 0x07e40000}, - {0x00007840, 0x00392000}, - {0x00007844, 0x92592480}, - {0x00007848, 0x00100000}, - {0x0000784c, 0x773f0567}, - {0x00007850, 0x54214514}, - {0x00007854, 0x12035828}, - {0x00007858, 0x92592692}, - {0x0000785c, 0x00000000}, - {0x00007860, 0x56400000}, - {0x00007864, 0x0a8e370e}, - {0x00007868, 0xc0102850}, - {0x0000786c, 0x812d4000}, - {0x00007870, 0x807ec400}, - {0x00007874, 0x001b6db0}, - {0x00007878, 0x00376b63}, - {0x0000787c, 0x06db6db6}, - {0x00007880, 0x006d8000}, - {0x00007884, 0xffeffffe}, - {0x00007888, 0xffeffffe}, - {0x0000788c, 0x00010000}, - {0x00007890, 0x02060aeb}, - {0x00007894, 0x5a108000}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_1p0_baseband_postamble_emulation[][5] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ - {0x00009e18, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x00009e3c, 0xcf946221, 0xcf946221, 0xcf946221, 0xcf946221}, - {0x00009e44, 0x005c0000, 0x005c0000, 0x005c0000, 0x005c0000}, - {0x0000a258, 0x02020200, 0x02020200, 0x02020200, 0x02020200}, - {0x0000a25c, 0x00000e0e, 0x00000e0e, 0x00000e0e, 0x00000e0e}, - {0x0000a28c, 0x00011111, 0x00011111, 0x00011111, 0x00011111}, - {0x0000a2c4, 0x00148d18, 0x00148d18, 0x00148d20, 0x00148d20}, - {0x0000a2d8, 0xf999a800, 0xf999a800, 0xf999a80c, 0xf999a80c}, - {0x0000a50c, 0x0000c00a, 0x0000c00a, 0x0000c00a, 0x0000c00a}, - {0x0000a538, 0x00038e8c, 0x00038e8c, 0x00038e8c, 0x00038e8c}, - {0x0000a53c, 0x0003cecc, 0x0003cecc, 0x0003cecc, 0x0003cecc}, - {0x0000a540, 0x00040ed4, 0x00040ed4, 0x00040ed4, 0x00040ed4}, - {0x0000a544, 0x00044edc, 0x00044edc, 0x00044edc, 0x00044edc}, - {0x0000a548, 0x00048ede, 0x00048ede, 0x00048ede, 0x00048ede}, - {0x0000a54c, 0x0004cf1e, 0x0004cf1e, 0x0004cf1e, 0x0004cf1e}, - {0x0000a550, 0x00050f5e, 0x00050f5e, 0x00050f5e, 0x00050f5e}, - {0x0000a554, 0x00054f9e, 0x00054f9e, 0x00054f9e, 0x00054f9e}, - {0x0000ae18, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_pcie_phy_pll_on_clkreq_disable_L1_1p0[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00018c00, 0x10012e5e}, - {0x00018c04, 0x000801d8}, - {0x00018c08, 0x0000580c}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_common_rx_gain_table_1p0[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x0000a000, 0x00010000}, - {0x0000a004, 0x00030002}, - {0x0000a008, 0x00050004}, - {0x0000a00c, 0x00810080}, - {0x0000a010, 0x00830082}, - {0x0000a014, 0x01810180}, - {0x0000a018, 0x01830182}, - {0x0000a01c, 0x01850184}, - {0x0000a020, 0x01890188}, - {0x0000a024, 0x018b018a}, - {0x0000a028, 0x018d018c}, - {0x0000a02c, 0x01910190}, - {0x0000a030, 0x01930192}, - {0x0000a034, 0x01950194}, - {0x0000a038, 0x038a0196}, - {0x0000a03c, 0x038c038b}, - {0x0000a040, 0x0390038d}, - {0x0000a044, 0x03920391}, - {0x0000a048, 0x03940393}, - {0x0000a04c, 0x03960395}, - {0x0000a050, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a054, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a058, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a05c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a060, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a064, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a068, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a06c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a070, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a074, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a078, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a07c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a080, 0x22222229}, - {0x0000a084, 0x1d1d1d1d}, - {0x0000a088, 0x1d1d1d1d}, - {0x0000a08c, 0x1d1d1d1d}, - {0x0000a090, 0x171d1d1d}, - {0x0000a094, 0x11111717}, - {0x0000a098, 0x00030311}, - {0x0000a09c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0a0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0a4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0a8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0ac, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0b0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0b4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0b8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0bc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0c0, 0x001f0000}, - {0x0000a0c4, 0x01000101}, - {0x0000a0c8, 0x011e011f}, - {0x0000a0cc, 0x011c011d}, - {0x0000a0d0, 0x02030204}, - {0x0000a0d4, 0x02010202}, - {0x0000a0d8, 0x021f0200}, - {0x0000a0dc, 0x0302021e}, - {0x0000a0e0, 0x03000301}, - {0x0000a0e4, 0x031e031f}, - {0x0000a0e8, 0x0402031d}, - {0x0000a0ec, 0x04000401}, - {0x0000a0f0, 0x041e041f}, - {0x0000a0f4, 0x0502041d}, - {0x0000a0f8, 0x05000501}, - {0x0000a0fc, 0x051e051f}, - {0x0000a100, 0x06010602}, - {0x0000a104, 0x061f0600}, - {0x0000a108, 0x061d061e}, - {0x0000a10c, 0x07020703}, - {0x0000a110, 0x07000701}, - {0x0000a114, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a118, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a11c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a120, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a124, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a128, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a12c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a130, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a134, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a138, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a13c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a140, 0x001f0000}, - {0x0000a144, 0x01000101}, - {0x0000a148, 0x011e011f}, - {0x0000a14c, 0x011c011d}, - {0x0000a150, 0x02030204}, - {0x0000a154, 0x02010202}, - {0x0000a158, 0x021f0200}, - {0x0000a15c, 0x0302021e}, - {0x0000a160, 0x03000301}, - {0x0000a164, 0x031e031f}, - {0x0000a168, 0x0402031d}, - {0x0000a16c, 0x04000401}, - {0x0000a170, 0x041e041f}, - {0x0000a174, 0x0502041d}, - {0x0000a178, 0x05000501}, - {0x0000a17c, 0x051e051f}, - {0x0000a180, 0x06010602}, - {0x0000a184, 0x061f0600}, - {0x0000a188, 0x061d061e}, - {0x0000a18c, 0x07020703}, - {0x0000a190, 0x07000701}, - {0x0000a194, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a198, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a19c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1a0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1a4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1a8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1ac, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1b0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1b4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1b8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1bc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1c0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1c4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1c8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1cc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1d0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1d4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1d8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1dc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1e0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1e4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1e8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1ec, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1f0, 0x00000396}, - {0x0000a1f4, 0x00000396}, - {0x0000a1f8, 0x00000396}, - {0x0000a1fc, 0x00000196}, - {0x0000b000, 0x00010000}, - {0x0000b004, 0x00030002}, - {0x0000b008, 0x00050004}, - {0x0000b00c, 0x00810080}, - {0x0000b010, 0x00830082}, - {0x0000b014, 0x01810180}, - {0x0000b018, 0x01830182}, - {0x0000b01c, 0x01850184}, - {0x0000b020, 0x02810280}, - {0x0000b024, 0x02830282}, - {0x0000b028, 0x02850284}, - {0x0000b02c, 0x02890288}, - {0x0000b030, 0x028b028a}, - {0x0000b034, 0x0388028c}, - {0x0000b038, 0x038a0389}, - {0x0000b03c, 0x038c038b}, - {0x0000b040, 0x0390038d}, - {0x0000b044, 0x03920391}, - {0x0000b048, 0x03940393}, - {0x0000b04c, 0x03960395}, - {0x0000b050, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b054, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b058, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b05c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b060, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b064, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b068, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b06c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b070, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b074, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b078, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b07c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b080, 0x2a2d2f32}, - {0x0000b084, 0x21232328}, - {0x0000b088, 0x19191c1e}, - {0x0000b08c, 0x12141417}, - {0x0000b090, 0x07070e0e}, - {0x0000b094, 0x03030305}, - {0x0000b098, 0x00000003}, - {0x0000b09c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0a0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0a4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0a8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0ac, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0b0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0b4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0b8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0bc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0c0, 0x003f0020}, - {0x0000b0c4, 0x00400041}, - {0x0000b0c8, 0x0140005f}, - {0x0000b0cc, 0x0160015f}, - {0x0000b0d0, 0x017e017f}, - {0x0000b0d4, 0x02410242}, - {0x0000b0d8, 0x025f0240}, - {0x0000b0dc, 0x027f0260}, - {0x0000b0e0, 0x0341027e}, - {0x0000b0e4, 0x035f0340}, - {0x0000b0e8, 0x037f0360}, - {0x0000b0ec, 0x04400441}, - {0x0000b0f0, 0x0460045f}, - {0x0000b0f4, 0x0541047f}, - {0x0000b0f8, 0x055f0540}, - {0x0000b0fc, 0x057f0560}, - {0x0000b100, 0x06400641}, - {0x0000b104, 0x0660065f}, - {0x0000b108, 0x067e067f}, - {0x0000b10c, 0x07410742}, - {0x0000b110, 0x075f0740}, - {0x0000b114, 0x077f0760}, - {0x0000b118, 0x07800781}, - {0x0000b11c, 0x07a0079f}, - {0x0000b120, 0x07c107bf}, - {0x0000b124, 0x000007c0}, - {0x0000b128, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b12c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b130, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b134, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b138, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b13c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b140, 0x003f0020}, - {0x0000b144, 0x00400041}, - {0x0000b148, 0x0140005f}, - {0x0000b14c, 0x0160015f}, - {0x0000b150, 0x017e017f}, - {0x0000b154, 0x02410242}, - {0x0000b158, 0x025f0240}, - {0x0000b15c, 0x027f0260}, - {0x0000b160, 0x0341027e}, - {0x0000b164, 0x035f0340}, - {0x0000b168, 0x037f0360}, - {0x0000b16c, 0x04400441}, - {0x0000b170, 0x0460045f}, - {0x0000b174, 0x0541047f}, - {0x0000b178, 0x055f0540}, - {0x0000b17c, 0x057f0560}, - {0x0000b180, 0x06400641}, - {0x0000b184, 0x0660065f}, - {0x0000b188, 0x067e067f}, - {0x0000b18c, 0x07410742}, - {0x0000b190, 0x075f0740}, - {0x0000b194, 0x077f0760}, - {0x0000b198, 0x07800781}, - {0x0000b19c, 0x07a0079f}, - {0x0000b1a0, 0x07c107bf}, - {0x0000b1a4, 0x000007c0}, - {0x0000b1a8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1ac, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1b0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1b4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1b8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1bc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1c0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1c4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1c8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1cc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1d0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1d4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1d8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1dc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1e0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1e4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1e8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1ec, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1f0, 0x00000396}, - {0x0000b1f4, 0x00000396}, - {0x0000b1f8, 0x00000396}, - {0x0000b1fc, 0x00000196}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_modes_high_ob_db_tx_gain_table_1p0[][5] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ - {0x0000a2dc, 0x01feee00, 0x01feee00, 0x03aaa352, 0x03aaa352}, - {0x0000a2e0, 0x0000f000, 0x0000f000, 0x03ccc584, 0x03ccc584}, - {0x0000a2e4, 0x01ff0000, 0x01ff0000, 0x03f0f800, 0x03f0f800}, - {0x0000a2e8, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x03ff0000, 0x03ff0000}, - {0x0000a410, 0x000050d9, 0x000050d9, 0x000050d9, 0x000050d9}, - {0x0000a500, 0x00002220, 0x00002220, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a504, 0x06002223, 0x06002223, 0x04000002, 0x04000002}, - {0x0000a508, 0x0a022220, 0x0a022220, 0x08000004, 0x08000004}, - {0x0000a50c, 0x0f022223, 0x0f022223, 0x0b000200, 0x0b000200}, - {0x0000a510, 0x14022620, 0x14022620, 0x0f000202, 0x0f000202}, - {0x0000a514, 0x18022622, 0x18022622, 0x11000400, 0x11000400}, - {0x0000a518, 0x1b022822, 0x1b022822, 0x15000402, 0x15000402}, - {0x0000a51c, 0x20022842, 0x20022842, 0x19000404, 0x19000404}, - {0x0000a520, 0x22022c41, 0x22022c41, 0x1b000603, 0x1b000603}, - {0x0000a524, 0x28023042, 0x28023042, 0x1f000a02, 0x1f000a02}, - {0x0000a528, 0x2c023044, 0x2c023044, 0x23000a04, 0x23000a04}, - {0x0000a52c, 0x2f023644, 0x2f023644, 0x26000a20, 0x26000a20}, - {0x0000a530, 0x34025643, 0x34025643, 0x2a000e20, 0x2a000e20}, - {0x0000a534, 0x38025a44, 0x38025a44, 0x2e000e22, 0x2e000e22}, - {0x0000a538, 0x3b025e45, 0x3b025e45, 0x31000e24, 0x31000e24}, - {0x0000a53c, 0x41025e4a, 0x41025e4a, 0x34001640, 0x34001640}, - {0x0000a540, 0x48025e6c, 0x48025e6c, 0x38001660, 0x38001660}, - {0x0000a544, 0x4e025e8e, 0x4e025e8e, 0x3b001861, 0x3b001861}, - {0x0000a548, 0x53025eb2, 0x53025eb2, 0x3e001a81, 0x3e001a81}, - {0x0000a54c, 0x59025eb2, 0x59025eb2, 0x42001a83, 0x42001a83}, - {0x0000a550, 0x5f025ef6, 0x5f025ef6, 0x44001c84, 0x44001c84}, - {0x0000a554, 0x62025f56, 0x62025f56, 0x48001ce3, 0x48001ce3}, - {0x0000a558, 0x66027f56, 0x66027f56, 0x4c001ce5, 0x4c001ce5}, - {0x0000a55c, 0x6a029f56, 0x6a029f56, 0x50001ce9, 0x50001ce9}, - {0x0000a560, 0x70049f56, 0x70049f56, 0x54001ceb, 0x54001ceb}, - {0x0000a564, 0x7504ff56, 0x7504ff56, 0x56001eec, 0x56001eec}, - {0x0000a568, 0x7504ff56, 0x7504ff56, 0x56001eec, 0x56001eec}, - {0x0000a56c, 0x7504ff56, 0x7504ff56, 0x56001eec, 0x56001eec}, - {0x0000a570, 0x7504ff56, 0x7504ff56, 0x56001eec, 0x56001eec}, - {0x0000a574, 0x7504ff56, 0x7504ff56, 0x56001eec, 0x56001eec}, - {0x0000a578, 0x7504ff56, 0x7504ff56, 0x56001eec, 0x56001eec}, - {0x0000a57c, 0x7504ff56, 0x7504ff56, 0x56001eec, 0x56001eec}, - {0x0000a600, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a604, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a608, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a60c, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a610, 0x00804000, 0x00804000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a614, 0x00804201, 0x00804201, 0x01404000, 0x01404000}, - {0x0000a618, 0x0280c802, 0x0280c802, 0x01404501, 0x01404501}, - {0x0000a61c, 0x0280ca03, 0x0280ca03, 0x02008501, 0x02008501}, - {0x0000a620, 0x04c15104, 0x04c15104, 0x0280ca03, 0x0280ca03}, - {0x0000a624, 0x04c15305, 0x04c15305, 0x03010c04, 0x03010c04}, - {0x0000a628, 0x04c15305, 0x04c15305, 0x04014c04, 0x04014c04}, - {0x0000a62c, 0x04c15305, 0x04c15305, 0x04015005, 0x04015005}, - {0x0000a630, 0x04c15305, 0x04c15305, 0x04015005, 0x04015005}, - {0x0000a634, 0x04c15305, 0x04c15305, 0x04015005, 0x04015005}, - {0x0000a638, 0x04c15305, 0x04c15305, 0x04015005, 0x04015005}, - {0x0000a63c, 0x04c15305, 0x04c15305, 0x04015005, 0x04015005}, - {0x0000b2dc, 0x01feee00, 0x01feee00, 0x03aaa352, 0x03aaa352}, - {0x0000b2e0, 0x0000f000, 0x0000f000, 0x03ccc584, 0x03ccc584}, - {0x0000b2e4, 0x01ff0000, 0x01ff0000, 0x03f0f800, 0x03f0f800}, - {0x0000b2e8, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x03ff0000, 0x03ff0000}, - {0x00016044, 0x056d82e4, 0x056d82e4, 0x056d82e4, 0x056d82e4}, - {0x00016048, 0x8db49060, 0x8db49060, 0x8db49060, 0x8db49060}, - {0x00016444, 0x056d82e4, 0x056d82e4, 0x056d82e4, 0x056d82e4}, - {0x00016448, 0x8db49000, 0x8db49000, 0x8db49000, 0x8db49000}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_common_wo_xlna_rx_gain_table_1p0[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x0000a000, 0x00010000}, - {0x0000a004, 0x00030002}, - {0x0000a008, 0x00050004}, - {0x0000a00c, 0x00810080}, - {0x0000a010, 0x00830082}, - {0x0000a014, 0x01810180}, - {0x0000a018, 0x01830182}, - {0x0000a01c, 0x01850184}, - {0x0000a020, 0x01890188}, - {0x0000a024, 0x018b018a}, - {0x0000a028, 0x018d018c}, - {0x0000a02c, 0x03820190}, - {0x0000a030, 0x03840383}, - {0x0000a034, 0x03880385}, - {0x0000a038, 0x038a0389}, - {0x0000a03c, 0x038c038b}, - {0x0000a040, 0x0390038d}, - {0x0000a044, 0x03920391}, - {0x0000a048, 0x03940393}, - {0x0000a04c, 0x03960395}, - {0x0000a050, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a054, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a058, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a05c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a060, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a064, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a068, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a06c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a070, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a074, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a078, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a07c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a080, 0x29292929}, - {0x0000a084, 0x29292929}, - {0x0000a088, 0x29292929}, - {0x0000a08c, 0x29292929}, - {0x0000a090, 0x22292929}, - {0x0000a094, 0x1d1d2222}, - {0x0000a098, 0x0c111117}, - {0x0000a09c, 0x00030303}, - {0x0000a0a0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0a4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0a8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0ac, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0b0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0b4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0b8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0bc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0c0, 0x001f0000}, - {0x0000a0c4, 0x01000101}, - {0x0000a0c8, 0x011e011f}, - {0x0000a0cc, 0x011c011d}, - {0x0000a0d0, 0x02030204}, - {0x0000a0d4, 0x02010202}, - {0x0000a0d8, 0x021f0200}, - {0x0000a0dc, 0x0302021e}, - {0x0000a0e0, 0x03000301}, - {0x0000a0e4, 0x031e031f}, - {0x0000a0e8, 0x0402031d}, - {0x0000a0ec, 0x04000401}, - {0x0000a0f0, 0x041e041f}, - {0x0000a0f4, 0x0502041d}, - {0x0000a0f8, 0x05000501}, - {0x0000a0fc, 0x051e051f}, - {0x0000a100, 0x06010602}, - {0x0000a104, 0x061f0600}, - {0x0000a108, 0x061d061e}, - {0x0000a10c, 0x07020703}, - {0x0000a110, 0x07000701}, - {0x0000a114, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a118, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a11c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a120, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a124, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a128, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a12c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a130, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a134, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a138, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a13c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a140, 0x001f0000}, - {0x0000a144, 0x01000101}, - {0x0000a148, 0x011e011f}, - {0x0000a14c, 0x011c011d}, - {0x0000a150, 0x02030204}, - {0x0000a154, 0x02010202}, - {0x0000a158, 0x021f0200}, - {0x0000a15c, 0x0302021e}, - {0x0000a160, 0x03000301}, - {0x0000a164, 0x031e031f}, - {0x0000a168, 0x0402031d}, - {0x0000a16c, 0x04000401}, - {0x0000a170, 0x041e041f}, - {0x0000a174, 0x0502041d}, - {0x0000a178, 0x05000501}, - {0x0000a17c, 0x051e051f}, - {0x0000a180, 0x06010602}, - {0x0000a184, 0x061f0600}, - {0x0000a188, 0x061d061e}, - {0x0000a18c, 0x07020703}, - {0x0000a190, 0x07000701}, - {0x0000a194, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a198, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a19c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1a0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1a4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1a8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1ac, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1b0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1b4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1b8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1bc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1c0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1c4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1c8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1cc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1d0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1d4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1d8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1dc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1e0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1e4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1e8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1ec, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1f0, 0x00000396}, - {0x0000a1f4, 0x00000396}, - {0x0000a1f8, 0x00000396}, - {0x0000a1fc, 0x00000196}, - {0x0000b000, 0x00010000}, - {0x0000b004, 0x00030002}, - {0x0000b008, 0x00050004}, - {0x0000b00c, 0x00810080}, - {0x0000b010, 0x00830082}, - {0x0000b014, 0x01810180}, - {0x0000b018, 0x01830182}, - {0x0000b01c, 0x01850184}, - {0x0000b020, 0x02810280}, - {0x0000b024, 0x02830282}, - {0x0000b028, 0x02850284}, - {0x0000b02c, 0x02890288}, - {0x0000b030, 0x028b028a}, - {0x0000b034, 0x0388028c}, - {0x0000b038, 0x038a0389}, - {0x0000b03c, 0x038c038b}, - {0x0000b040, 0x0390038d}, - {0x0000b044, 0x03920391}, - {0x0000b048, 0x03940393}, - {0x0000b04c, 0x03960395}, - {0x0000b050, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b054, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b058, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b05c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b060, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b064, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b068, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b06c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b070, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b074, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b078, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b07c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b080, 0x32323232}, - {0x0000b084, 0x2f2f3232}, - {0x0000b088, 0x23282a2d}, - {0x0000b08c, 0x1c1e2123}, - {0x0000b090, 0x14171919}, - {0x0000b094, 0x0e0e1214}, - {0x0000b098, 0x03050707}, - {0x0000b09c, 0x00030303}, - {0x0000b0a0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0a4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0a8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0ac, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0b0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0b4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0b8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0bc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0c0, 0x003f0020}, - {0x0000b0c4, 0x00400041}, - {0x0000b0c8, 0x0140005f}, - {0x0000b0cc, 0x0160015f}, - {0x0000b0d0, 0x017e017f}, - {0x0000b0d4, 0x02410242}, - {0x0000b0d8, 0x025f0240}, - {0x0000b0dc, 0x027f0260}, - {0x0000b0e0, 0x0341027e}, - {0x0000b0e4, 0x035f0340}, - {0x0000b0e8, 0x037f0360}, - {0x0000b0ec, 0x04400441}, - {0x0000b0f0, 0x0460045f}, - {0x0000b0f4, 0x0541047f}, - {0x0000b0f8, 0x055f0540}, - {0x0000b0fc, 0x057f0560}, - {0x0000b100, 0x06400641}, - {0x0000b104, 0x0660065f}, - {0x0000b108, 0x067e067f}, - {0x0000b10c, 0x07410742}, - {0x0000b110, 0x075f0740}, - {0x0000b114, 0x077f0760}, - {0x0000b118, 0x07800781}, - {0x0000b11c, 0x07a0079f}, - {0x0000b120, 0x07c107bf}, - {0x0000b124, 0x000007c0}, - {0x0000b128, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b12c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b130, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b134, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b138, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b13c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b140, 0x003f0020}, - {0x0000b144, 0x00400041}, - {0x0000b148, 0x0140005f}, - {0x0000b14c, 0x0160015f}, - {0x0000b150, 0x017e017f}, - {0x0000b154, 0x02410242}, - {0x0000b158, 0x025f0240}, - {0x0000b15c, 0x027f0260}, - {0x0000b160, 0x0341027e}, - {0x0000b164, 0x035f0340}, - {0x0000b168, 0x037f0360}, - {0x0000b16c, 0x04400441}, - {0x0000b170, 0x0460045f}, - {0x0000b174, 0x0541047f}, - {0x0000b178, 0x055f0540}, - {0x0000b17c, 0x057f0560}, - {0x0000b180, 0x06400641}, - {0x0000b184, 0x0660065f}, - {0x0000b188, 0x067e067f}, - {0x0000b18c, 0x07410742}, - {0x0000b190, 0x075f0740}, - {0x0000b194, 0x077f0760}, - {0x0000b198, 0x07800781}, - {0x0000b19c, 0x07a0079f}, - {0x0000b1a0, 0x07c107bf}, - {0x0000b1a4, 0x000007c0}, - {0x0000b1a8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1ac, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1b0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1b4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1b8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1bc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1c0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1c4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1c8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1cc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1d0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1d4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1d8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1dc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1e0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1e4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1e8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1ec, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1f0, 0x00000396}, - {0x0000b1f4, 0x00000396}, - {0x0000b1f8, 0x00000396}, - {0x0000b1fc, 0x00000196}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_1p0_mac_postamble[][5] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ - {0x00001030, 0x00000230, 0x00000460, 0x000002c0, 0x00000160}, - {0x00001070, 0x00000168, 0x000002d0, 0x00000318, 0x0000018c}, - {0x000010b0, 0x00000e60, 0x00001cc0, 0x00007c70, 0x00003e38}, - {0x00008014, 0x03e803e8, 0x07d007d0, 0x10801600, 0x08400b00}, - {0x0000801c, 0x128d8027, 0x128d804f, 0x12e00057, 0x12e0002b}, - {0x00008120, 0x08f04800, 0x08f04800, 0x08f04810, 0x08f04810}, - {0x000081d0, 0x00003210, 0x00003210, 0x0000320a, 0x0000320a}, - {0x00008318, 0x00003e80, 0x00007d00, 0x00006880, 0x00003440}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_1p0_mac_postamble_emulation[][5] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ - {0x00008014, 0x10f810f8, 0x10f810f8, 0x10f810f8, 0x10f810f8}, - {0x0000801c, 0x0e8d8017, 0x0e8d8017, 0x0e8d8017, 0x0e8d8017}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_1p0_tx_gain_table_baseband_postamble_emulation[][5] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ - {0x0000a410, 0x000000d5, 0x000000d5, 0x000000d5, 0x000000d5}, - {0x0000a500, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a504, 0x00004002, 0x00004002, 0x00004002, 0x00004002}, - {0x0000a508, 0x00008004, 0x00008004, 0x00008004, 0x00008004}, - {0x0000a510, 0x0001000c, 0x0001000c, 0x0001000c, 0x0001000c}, - {0x0000a514, 0x0001420b, 0x0001420b, 0x0001420b, 0x0001420b}, - {0x0000a518, 0x0001824a, 0x0001824a, 0x0001824a, 0x0001824a}, - {0x0000a51c, 0x0001c44a, 0x0001c44a, 0x0001c44a, 0x0001c44a}, - {0x0000a520, 0x0002064a, 0x0002064a, 0x0002064a, 0x0002064a}, - {0x0000a524, 0x0002484a, 0x0002484a, 0x0002484a, 0x0002484a}, - {0x0000a528, 0x00028a4a, 0x00028a4a, 0x00028a4a, 0x00028a4a}, - {0x0000a52c, 0x0002cc4a, 0x0002cc4a, 0x0002cc4a, 0x0002cc4a}, - {0x0000a530, 0x00030e4a, 0x00030e4a, 0x00030e4a, 0x00030e4a}, - {0x0000a534, 0x00034e8a, 0x00034e8a, 0x00034e8a, 0x00034e8a}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_1p0_radio_postamble[][5] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ - {0x0001609c, 0x0b8ee524, 0x0b8ee524, 0x0b8ee524, 0x0b8ee524}, - {0x000160ac, 0xa4646c08, 0xa4646c08, 0x24646c08, 0x24646c08}, - {0x000160b0, 0x01d67f70, 0x01d67f70, 0x01d67f70, 0x01d67f70}, - {0x0001610c, 0x48000000, 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x40000000}, - {0x00016140, 0x10804008, 0x10804008, 0x50804008, 0x50804008}, - {0x0001650c, 0x48000000, 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x40000000}, - {0x00016540, 0x10804008, 0x10804008, 0x50804008, 0x50804008}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_1p0_soc_postamble_emulation[][5] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ - {0x00007010, 0x00001133, 0x00001133, 0x00001133, 0x00001133}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_1p0_baseband_core[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00009800, 0xafe68e30}, - {0x00009804, 0xfd14e000}, - {0x00009808, 0x9c0a9f6b}, - {0x0000980c, 0x04900000}, - {0x00009814, 0x9280c00a}, - {0x00009818, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000981c, 0x00020028}, - {0x00009834, 0x6400a290}, - {0x00009838, 0x0108ecff}, - {0x0000983c, 0x0d000600}, - {0x00009880, 0x201fff00}, - {0x00009884, 0x00001042}, - {0x000098a4, 0x00200400}, - {0x000098b0, 0x32840bbe}, - {0x000098d0, 0x004b6a8e}, - {0x000098d4, 0x00000820}, - {0x000098dc, 0x00000000}, - {0x000098e4, 0x01ffffff}, - {0x000098e8, 0x01ffffff}, - {0x000098ec, 0x01ffffff}, - {0x000098f0, 0x00000000}, - {0x000098f4, 0x00000000}, - {0x00009c04, 0xff55ff55}, - {0x00009c08, 0x0320ff55}, - {0x00009c0c, 0x00000000}, - {0x00009c10, 0x00000000}, - {0x00009c14, 0x00046384}, - {0x00009c18, 0x05b6b440}, - {0x00009c1c, 0x00b6b440}, - {0x00009d00, 0xc080a333}, - {0x00009d04, 0x40206c10}, - {0x00009d08, 0x009c4060}, - {0x00009d0c, 0x9883800a}, - {0x00009d10, 0x01834061}, - {0x00009d14, 0x00c0040b}, - {0x00009d18, 0x00000000}, - {0x00009e08, 0x0038230c}, - {0x00009e24, 0x990bb514}, - {0x00009e28, 0x0c6f0000}, - {0x00009e30, 0x06336f77}, - {0x00009e34, 0x6af6532f}, - {0x00009e38, 0x0cc80c00}, - {0x00009e40, 0x0d261820}, - {0x00009e4c, 0x00001004}, - {0x00009e50, 0x00ff03f1}, - {0x00009e54, 0x64c355c7}, - {0x00009e58, 0xfd897735}, - {0x00009e5c, 0xe9198724}, - {0x00009fc0, 0x803e4788}, - {0x00009fc4, 0x0001efb5}, - {0x00009fcc, 0x40000014}, - {0x00009fd0, 0x01193b93}, - {0x0000a20c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a220, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a224, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a228, 0x10002310}, - {0x0000a23c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a244, 0x0c000000}, - {0x0000a2a0, 0x00000001}, - {0x0000a2c0, 0x00000001}, - {0x0000a2c8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a2cc, 0x18c43433}, - {0x0000a2d4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a2ec, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a2f0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a2f4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a2f8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a344, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a34c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a350, 0x0000a000}, - {0x0000a364, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a370, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a390, 0x00000001}, - {0x0000a394, 0x00000444}, - {0x0000a398, 0x001f0e0f}, - {0x0000a39c, 0x0075393f}, - {0x0000a3a0, 0xb79f6427}, - {0x0000a3a4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a3a8, 0xaaaaaaaa}, - {0x0000a3ac, 0x3c466478}, - {0x0000a3c0, 0x20202020}, - {0x0000a3c4, 0x22222220}, - {0x0000a3c8, 0x20200020}, - {0x0000a3cc, 0x20202020}, - {0x0000a3d0, 0x20202020}, - {0x0000a3d4, 0x20202020}, - {0x0000a3d8, 0x20202020}, - {0x0000a3dc, 0x20202020}, - {0x0000a3e0, 0x20202020}, - {0x0000a3e4, 0x20202020}, - {0x0000a3e8, 0x20202020}, - {0x0000a3ec, 0x20202020}, - {0x0000a3f0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a3f4, 0x00000006}, - {0x0000a3f8, 0x0c9bd380}, - {0x0000a3fc, 0x000f0f01}, - {0x0000a400, 0x8fa91f01}, - {0x0000a404, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a408, 0x0e79e5c6}, - {0x0000a40c, 0x00820820}, - {0x0000a414, 0x1ce739ce}, - {0x0000a418, 0x2d001dce}, - {0x0000a41c, 0x1ce739ce}, - {0x0000a420, 0x000001ce}, - {0x0000a424, 0x1ce739ce}, - {0x0000a428, 0x000001ce}, - {0x0000a42c, 0x1ce739ce}, - {0x0000a430, 0x1ce739ce}, - {0x0000a434, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a438, 0x00001801}, - {0x0000a43c, 0x00100000}, - {0x0000a440, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a444, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a448, 0x05000080}, - {0x0000a44c, 0x00000001}, - {0x0000a450, 0x00010000}, - {0x0000a458, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a644, 0xbfad9d74}, - {0x0000a648, 0x0048060a}, - {0x0000a64c, 0x00003c37}, - {0x0000a670, 0x03020100}, - {0x0000a674, 0x09080504}, - {0x0000a678, 0x0d0c0b0a}, - {0x0000a67c, 0x13121110}, - {0x0000a680, 0x31301514}, - {0x0000a684, 0x35343332}, - {0x0000a688, 0x00000036}, - {0x0000a690, 0x00000838}, - {0x0000a6b0, 0x0000000a}, - {0x0000a6b4, 0x28f12c01}, - {0x0000a7c0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a7c4, 0xfffffffc}, - {0x0000a7c8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a7cc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a7d0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a7d4, 0x00000004}, - {0x0000a7dc, 0x00000001}, - {0x0000a8d0, 0x004b6a8e}, - {0x0000a8d4, 0x00000820}, - {0x0000a8dc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a8f0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a8f4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b2d0, 0x00000080}, - {0x0000b2d4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b2ec, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b2f0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b2f4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b2f8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b408, 0x0e79e5c0}, - {0x0000b40c, 0x00820820}, - {0x0000b420, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b6b0, 0x0000000a}, - {0x0000b6b4, 0x00c00001}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_1p0_baseband_postamble[][5] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ - {0x00009810, 0xd00a8005, 0xd00a8005, 0xd00a8011, 0xd00a8011}, - {0x00009820, 0x206a022e, 0x206a022e, 0x206a012e, 0x206a012e}, - {0x00009824, 0x5ac640d0, 0x5ac640d0, 0x5ac640d0, 0x5ac640d0}, - {0x00009828, 0x06903081, 0x06903081, 0x06903881, 0x06903881}, - {0x0000982c, 0x05eea6d4, 0x05eea6d4, 0x05eea6d4, 0x05eea6d4}, - {0x00009830, 0x0000059c, 0x0000059c, 0x0000119c, 0x0000119c}, - {0x00009c00, 0x000000c4, 0x000000c4, 0x000000c4, 0x000000c4}, - {0x00009e00, 0x0372111a, 0x0372111a, 0x037216a0, 0x037216a0}, - {0x00009e04, 0x001c2020, 0x001c2020, 0x001c2020, 0x001c2020}, - {0x00009e0c, 0x6c4000e2, 0x6d4000e2, 0x6d4000e2, 0x6c4000e2}, - {0x00009e10, 0x7ec88d2e, 0x7ec88d2e, 0x7ec84d2e, 0x7ec84d2e}, - {0x00009e14, 0x37b95d5e, 0x37b9605e, 0x3379605e, 0x33795d5e}, - {0x00009e18, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x00009e1c, 0x0001cf9c, 0x0001cf9c, 0x00021f9c, 0x00021f9c}, - {0x00009e20, 0x000003b5, 0x000003b5, 0x000003ce, 0x000003ce}, - {0x00009e2c, 0x0000001c, 0x0000001c, 0x00000021, 0x00000021}, - {0x00009e3c, 0xcf946220, 0xcf946220, 0xcfd5c782, 0xcfd5c782}, - {0x00009e44, 0x02321e27, 0x02321e27, 0x02291e27, 0x02291e27}, - {0x00009e48, 0x5030201a, 0x5030201a, 0x50302012, 0x50302012}, - {0x00009fc8, 0x0003f000, 0x0003f000, 0x0001a000, 0x0001a000}, - {0x0000a204, 0x0131b7c0, 0x0131b7c4, 0x0131b7c4, 0x0131b7c0}, - {0x0000a208, 0x00000104, 0x00000104, 0x00000004, 0x00000004}, - {0x0000a22c, 0x01026a2f, 0x01026a27, 0x01026a2f, 0x01026a2f}, - {0x0000a230, 0x0000400a, 0x00004014, 0x00004016, 0x0000400b}, - {0x0000a234, 0x00000fff, 0x10000fff, 0x10000fff, 0x00000fff}, - {0x0000a238, 0xffb81018, 0xffb81018, 0xffb81018, 0xffb81018}, - {0x0000a250, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000210, 0x00000108}, - {0x0000a254, 0x000007d0, 0x00000fa0, 0x00001130, 0x00000898}, - {0x0000a258, 0x02020002, 0x02020002, 0x02020002, 0x02020002}, - {0x0000a25c, 0x01000e0e, 0x01000e0e, 0x01000e0e, 0x01000e0e}, - {0x0000a260, 0x0a021501, 0x0a021501, 0x3a021501, 0x3a021501}, - {0x0000a264, 0x00000e0e, 0x00000e0e, 0x00000e0e, 0x00000e0e}, - {0x0000a280, 0x00000007, 0x00000007, 0x0000000b, 0x0000000b}, - {0x0000a284, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000150, 0x00000150}, - {0x0000a288, 0x00000110, 0x00000110, 0x00100110, 0x00100110}, - {0x0000a28c, 0x00022222, 0x00022222, 0x00022222, 0x00022222}, - {0x0000a2c4, 0x00158d18, 0x00158d18, 0x00158d18, 0x00158d18}, - {0x0000a2d0, 0x00041981, 0x00041981, 0x00041981, 0x00041982}, - {0x0000a2d8, 0x7999a83b, 0x7999a83b, 0x7999a83b, 0x7999a83b}, - {0x0000a358, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a830, 0x0000019c, 0x0000019c, 0x0000019c, 0x0000019c}, - {0x0000ae04, 0x001c0000, 0x001c0000, 0x001c0000, 0x00100000}, - {0x0000ae18, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000ae1c, 0x0000019c, 0x0000019c, 0x0000019c, 0x0000019c}, - {0x0000ae20, 0x000001b5, 0x000001b5, 0x000001ce, 0x000001ce}, - {0x0000b284, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000550, 0x00000550}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_modes_fast_clock_1p0[][3] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 */ - {0x00001030, 0x00000268, 0x000004d0}, - {0x00001070, 0x0000018c, 0x00000318}, - {0x000010b0, 0x00000fd0, 0x00001fa0}, - {0x00008014, 0x044c044c, 0x08980898}, - {0x0000801c, 0x148ec02b, 0x148ec057}, - {0x00008318, 0x000044c0, 0x00008980}, - {0x00009e00, 0x0372131c, 0x0372131c}, - {0x0000a230, 0x0000400b, 0x00004016}, - {0x0000a254, 0x00000898, 0x00001130}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_modes_low_ob_db_tx_gain_table_1p0[][5] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ - {0x0000a2dc, 0x0380c7fc, 0x0380c7fc, 0x03aaa352, 0x03aaa352}, - {0x0000a2e0, 0x0000f800, 0x0000f800, 0x03ccc584, 0x03ccc584}, - {0x0000a2e4, 0x03ff0000, 0x03ff0000, 0x03f0f800, 0x03f0f800}, - {0x0000a2e8, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x03ff0000, 0x03ff0000}, - {0x0000a410, 0x000050d9, 0x000050d9, 0x000050d9, 0x000050d9}, - {0x0000a500, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a504, 0x06000003, 0x06000003, 0x04000002, 0x04000002}, - {0x0000a508, 0x0a000020, 0x0a000020, 0x08000004, 0x08000004}, - {0x0000a50c, 0x10000023, 0x10000023, 0x0b000200, 0x0b000200}, - {0x0000a510, 0x16000220, 0x16000220, 0x0f000202, 0x0f000202}, - {0x0000a514, 0x1c000223, 0x1c000223, 0x12000400, 0x12000400}, - {0x0000a518, 0x21020220, 0x21020220, 0x16000402, 0x16000402}, - {0x0000a51c, 0x27020223, 0x27020223, 0x19000404, 0x19000404}, - {0x0000a520, 0x2b022220, 0x2b022220, 0x1c000603, 0x1c000603}, - {0x0000a524, 0x2f022222, 0x2f022222, 0x21000a02, 0x21000a02}, - {0x0000a528, 0x34022225, 0x34022225, 0x25000a04, 0x25000a04}, - {0x0000a52c, 0x3a02222a, 0x3a02222a, 0x28000a20, 0x28000a20}, - {0x0000a530, 0x3e02222c, 0x3e02222c, 0x2c000e20, 0x2c000e20}, - {0x0000a534, 0x4202242a, 0x4202242a, 0x30000e22, 0x30000e22}, - {0x0000a538, 0x4702244a, 0x4702244a, 0x34000e24, 0x34000e24}, - {0x0000a53c, 0x4b02244c, 0x4b02244c, 0x38001640, 0x38001640}, - {0x0000a540, 0x4e02246c, 0x4e02246c, 0x3c001660, 0x3c001660}, - {0x0000a544, 0x5302266c, 0x5302266c, 0x3f001861, 0x3f001861}, - {0x0000a548, 0x5702286c, 0x5702286c, 0x43001a81, 0x43001a81}, - {0x0000a54c, 0x5c04286b, 0x5c04286b, 0x47001a83, 0x47001a83}, - {0x0000a550, 0x61042a6c, 0x61042a6c, 0x4a001c84, 0x4a001c84}, - {0x0000a554, 0x66062a6c, 0x66062a6c, 0x4e001ce3, 0x4e001ce3}, - {0x0000a558, 0x6b062e6c, 0x6b062e6c, 0x52001ce5, 0x52001ce5}, - {0x0000a55c, 0x7006308c, 0x7006308c, 0x56001ce9, 0x56001ce9}, - {0x0000a560, 0x730a308a, 0x730a308a, 0x5a001ceb, 0x5a001ceb}, - {0x0000a564, 0x770a308c, 0x770a308c, 0x5d001eec, 0x5d001eec}, - {0x0000a568, 0x770a308c, 0x770a308c, 0x5d001eec, 0x5d001eec}, - {0x0000a56c, 0x770a308c, 0x770a308c, 0x5d001eec, 0x5d001eec}, - {0x0000a570, 0x770a308c, 0x770a308c, 0x5d001eec, 0x5d001eec}, - {0x0000a574, 0x770a308c, 0x770a308c, 0x5d001eec, 0x5d001eec}, - {0x0000a578, 0x770a308c, 0x770a308c, 0x5d001eec, 0x5d001eec}, - {0x0000a57c, 0x770a308c, 0x770a308c, 0x5d001eec, 0x5d001eec}, - {0x0000a600, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a604, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a608, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a60c, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a610, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a614, 0x01404000, 0x01404000, 0x01404000, 0x01404000}, - {0x0000a618, 0x01404501, 0x01404501, 0x01404501, 0x01404501}, - {0x0000a61c, 0x02008802, 0x02008802, 0x02008501, 0x02008501}, - {0x0000a620, 0x0300cc03, 0x0300cc03, 0x0280ca03, 0x0280ca03}, - {0x0000a624, 0x0300cc03, 0x0300cc03, 0x03010c04, 0x03010c04}, - {0x0000a628, 0x0300cc03, 0x0300cc03, 0x04014c04, 0x04014c04}, - {0x0000a62c, 0x03810c03, 0x03810c03, 0x04015005, 0x04015005}, - {0x0000a630, 0x03810e04, 0x03810e04, 0x04015005, 0x04015005}, - {0x0000a634, 0x03810e04, 0x03810e04, 0x04015005, 0x04015005}, - {0x0000a638, 0x03810e04, 0x03810e04, 0x04015005, 0x04015005}, - {0x0000a63c, 0x03810e04, 0x03810e04, 0x04015005, 0x04015005}, - {0x0000b2dc, 0x0380c7fc, 0x0380c7fc, 0x03aaa352, 0x03aaa352}, - {0x0000b2e0, 0x0000f800, 0x0000f800, 0x03ccc584, 0x03ccc584}, - {0x0000b2e4, 0x03ff0000, 0x03ff0000, 0x03f0f800, 0x03f0f800}, - {0x0000b2e8, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x03ff0000, 0x03ff0000}, - {0x00016044, 0x012482d4, 0x012482d4, 0x012482d4, 0x012482d4}, - {0x00016048, 0x64992060, 0x64992060, 0x64992060, 0x64992060}, - {0x00016444, 0x012482d4, 0x012482d4, 0x012482d4, 0x012482d4}, - {0x00016448, 0x64992000, 0x64992000, 0x64992000, 0x64992000}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_1p0_soc_postamble[][5] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ - {0x00007010, 0x00002233, 0x00002233, 0x00002233, 0x00002233}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_common_mixed_rx_gain_table_1p0[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x0000a000, 0x00010000}, - {0x0000a004, 0x00030002}, - {0x0000a008, 0x00050004}, - {0x0000a00c, 0x00810080}, - {0x0000a010, 0x00830082}, - {0x0000a014, 0x01810180}, - {0x0000a018, 0x01830182}, - {0x0000a01c, 0x01850184}, - {0x0000a020, 0x01890188}, - {0x0000a024, 0x018b018a}, - {0x0000a028, 0x018d018c}, - {0x0000a02c, 0x03820190}, - {0x0000a030, 0x03840383}, - {0x0000a034, 0x03880385}, - {0x0000a038, 0x038a0389}, - {0x0000a03c, 0x038c038b}, - {0x0000a040, 0x0390038d}, - {0x0000a044, 0x03920391}, - {0x0000a048, 0x03940393}, - {0x0000a04c, 0x03960395}, - {0x0000a050, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a054, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a058, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a05c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a060, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a064, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a068, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a06c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a070, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a074, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a078, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a07c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a080, 0x29292929}, - {0x0000a084, 0x29292929}, - {0x0000a088, 0x29292929}, - {0x0000a08c, 0x29292929}, - {0x0000a090, 0x22292929}, - {0x0000a094, 0x1d1d2222}, - {0x0000a098, 0x0c111117}, - {0x0000a09c, 0x00030303}, - {0x0000a0a0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0a4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0a8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0ac, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0b0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0b4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0b8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0bc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a0c0, 0x001f0000}, - {0x0000a0c4, 0x01000101}, - {0x0000a0c8, 0x011e011f}, - {0x0000a0cc, 0x011c011d}, - {0x0000a0d0, 0x02030204}, - {0x0000a0d4, 0x02010202}, - {0x0000a0d8, 0x021f0200}, - {0x0000a0dc, 0x0302021e}, - {0x0000a0e0, 0x03000301}, - {0x0000a0e4, 0x031e031f}, - {0x0000a0e8, 0x0402031d}, - {0x0000a0ec, 0x04000401}, - {0x0000a0f0, 0x041e041f}, - {0x0000a0f4, 0x0502041d}, - {0x0000a0f8, 0x05000501}, - {0x0000a0fc, 0x051e051f}, - {0x0000a100, 0x06010602}, - {0x0000a104, 0x061f0600}, - {0x0000a108, 0x061d061e}, - {0x0000a10c, 0x07020703}, - {0x0000a110, 0x07000701}, - {0x0000a114, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a118, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a11c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a120, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a124, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a128, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a12c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a130, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a134, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a138, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a13c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a140, 0x001f0000}, - {0x0000a144, 0x01000101}, - {0x0000a148, 0x011e011f}, - {0x0000a14c, 0x011c011d}, - {0x0000a150, 0x02030204}, - {0x0000a154, 0x02010202}, - {0x0000a158, 0x021f0200}, - {0x0000a15c, 0x0302021e}, - {0x0000a160, 0x03000301}, - {0x0000a164, 0x031e031f}, - {0x0000a168, 0x0402031d}, - {0x0000a16c, 0x04000401}, - {0x0000a170, 0x041e041f}, - {0x0000a174, 0x0502041d}, - {0x0000a178, 0x05000501}, - {0x0000a17c, 0x051e051f}, - {0x0000a180, 0x06010602}, - {0x0000a184, 0x061f0600}, - {0x0000a188, 0x061d061e}, - {0x0000a18c, 0x07020703}, - {0x0000a190, 0x07000701}, - {0x0000a194, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a198, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a19c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1a0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1a4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1a8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1ac, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1b0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1b4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1b8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1bc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1c0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1c4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1c8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1cc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1d0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1d4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1d8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1dc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1e0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1e4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1e8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1ec, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a1f0, 0x00000396}, - {0x0000a1f4, 0x00000396}, - {0x0000a1f8, 0x00000396}, - {0x0000a1fc, 0x00000196}, - {0x0000b000, 0x00010000}, - {0x0000b004, 0x00030002}, - {0x0000b008, 0x00050004}, - {0x0000b00c, 0x00810080}, - {0x0000b010, 0x00830082}, - {0x0000b014, 0x01810180}, - {0x0000b018, 0x01830182}, - {0x0000b01c, 0x01850184}, - {0x0000b020, 0x02810280}, - {0x0000b024, 0x02830282}, - {0x0000b028, 0x02850284}, - {0x0000b02c, 0x02890288}, - {0x0000b030, 0x028b028a}, - {0x0000b034, 0x0388028c}, - {0x0000b038, 0x038a0389}, - {0x0000b03c, 0x038c038b}, - {0x0000b040, 0x0390038d}, - {0x0000b044, 0x03920391}, - {0x0000b048, 0x03940393}, - {0x0000b04c, 0x03960395}, - {0x0000b050, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b054, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b058, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b05c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b060, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b064, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b068, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b06c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b070, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b074, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b078, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b07c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b080, 0x2a2d2f32}, - {0x0000b084, 0x21232328}, - {0x0000b088, 0x19191c1e}, - {0x0000b08c, 0x12141417}, - {0x0000b090, 0x07070e0e}, - {0x0000b094, 0x03030305}, - {0x0000b098, 0x00000003}, - {0x0000b09c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0a0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0a4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0a8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0ac, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0b0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0b4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0b8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0bc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b0c0, 0x003f0020}, - {0x0000b0c4, 0x00400041}, - {0x0000b0c8, 0x0140005f}, - {0x0000b0cc, 0x0160015f}, - {0x0000b0d0, 0x017e017f}, - {0x0000b0d4, 0x02410242}, - {0x0000b0d8, 0x025f0240}, - {0x0000b0dc, 0x027f0260}, - {0x0000b0e0, 0x0341027e}, - {0x0000b0e4, 0x035f0340}, - {0x0000b0e8, 0x037f0360}, - {0x0000b0ec, 0x04400441}, - {0x0000b0f0, 0x0460045f}, - {0x0000b0f4, 0x0541047f}, - {0x0000b0f8, 0x055f0540}, - {0x0000b0fc, 0x057f0560}, - {0x0000b100, 0x06400641}, - {0x0000b104, 0x0660065f}, - {0x0000b108, 0x067e067f}, - {0x0000b10c, 0x07410742}, - {0x0000b110, 0x075f0740}, - {0x0000b114, 0x077f0760}, - {0x0000b118, 0x07800781}, - {0x0000b11c, 0x07a0079f}, - {0x0000b120, 0x07c107bf}, - {0x0000b124, 0x000007c0}, - {0x0000b128, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b12c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b130, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b134, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b138, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b13c, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b140, 0x003f0020}, - {0x0000b144, 0x00400041}, - {0x0000b148, 0x0140005f}, - {0x0000b14c, 0x0160015f}, - {0x0000b150, 0x017e017f}, - {0x0000b154, 0x02410242}, - {0x0000b158, 0x025f0240}, - {0x0000b15c, 0x027f0260}, - {0x0000b160, 0x0341027e}, - {0x0000b164, 0x035f0340}, - {0x0000b168, 0x037f0360}, - {0x0000b16c, 0x04400441}, - {0x0000b170, 0x0460045f}, - {0x0000b174, 0x0541047f}, - {0x0000b178, 0x055f0540}, - {0x0000b17c, 0x057f0560}, - {0x0000b180, 0x06400641}, - {0x0000b184, 0x0660065f}, - {0x0000b188, 0x067e067f}, - {0x0000b18c, 0x07410742}, - {0x0000b190, 0x075f0740}, - {0x0000b194, 0x077f0760}, - {0x0000b198, 0x07800781}, - {0x0000b19c, 0x07a0079f}, - {0x0000b1a0, 0x07c107bf}, - {0x0000b1a4, 0x000007c0}, - {0x0000b1a8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1ac, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1b0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1b4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1b8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1bc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1c0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1c4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1c8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1cc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1d0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1d4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1d8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1dc, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1e0, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1e4, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1e8, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1ec, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000b1f0, 0x00000396}, - {0x0000b1f4, 0x00000396}, - {0x0000b1f8, 0x00000396}, - {0x0000b1fc, 0x00000196}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_pcie_phy_clkreq_disable_L1_1p0[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00018c00, 0x10013e5e}, - {0x00018c04, 0x000801d8}, - {0x00018c08, 0x0000580c}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_1p0_baseband_core_emulation[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00009800, 0xafa68e30}, - {0x00009884, 0x00002842}, - {0x00009c04, 0xff55ff55}, - {0x00009c08, 0x0320ff55}, - {0x00009e50, 0x00000000}, - {0x00009fcc, 0x00000014}, - {0x0000a344, 0x00000010}, - {0x0000a398, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a39c, 0x71733d01}, - {0x0000a3a0, 0xd0ad5c12}, - {0x0000a3c0, 0x22222220}, - {0x0000a3c4, 0x22222222}, - {0x0000a404, 0x00418a11}, - {0x0000a418, 0x050001ce}, - {0x0000a438, 0x00001800}, - {0x0000a458, 0x01444452}, - {0x0000a644, 0x3fad9d74}, - {0x0000a690, 0x00000038}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_1p0_radio_core[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00016000, 0x36db6db6}, - {0x00016004, 0x6db6db40}, - {0x00016008, 0x73f00000}, - {0x0001600c, 0x00000000}, - {0x00016010, 0x6d820001}, - {0x00016040, 0x7f80fff8}, - {0x0001604c, 0x2699e04f}, - {0x00016050, 0x6db6db6c}, - {0x00016054, 0x6db60000}, - {0x00016058, 0x6c200000}, - {0x00016080, 0x00040000}, - {0x00016084, 0x9a68048c}, - {0x00016088, 0x54214514}, - {0x0001608c, 0x12030409}, - {0x00016090, 0x24926490}, - {0x00016098, 0xd2888888}, - {0x000160a0, 0x0a108ffe}, - {0x000160a4, 0x812fc490}, - {0x000160a8, 0x423c8000}, - {0x000160b4, 0x92000000}, - {0x000160b8, 0x0285dddc}, - {0x000160bc, 0x02908888}, - {0x000160c0, 0x00adb6d0}, - {0x000160c4, 0x6db6db60}, - {0x000160c8, 0x6db6db6c}, - {0x000160cc, 0x0de6c1b0}, - {0x00016100, 0x3fffbe04}, - {0x00016104, 0xfff80000}, - {0x00016108, 0x00200400}, - {0x00016110, 0x00000000}, - {0x00016144, 0x02084080}, - {0x00016148, 0x000080c0}, - {0x00016280, 0x050a0001}, - {0x00016284, 0x3d841400}, - {0x00016288, 0x00000000}, - {0x0001628c, 0xe3000000}, - {0x00016290, 0xa1005080}, - {0x00016294, 0x00000020}, - {0x00016298, 0x50a02900}, - {0x00016340, 0x121e4276}, - {0x00016344, 0x00300000}, - {0x00016400, 0x36db6db6}, - {0x00016404, 0x6db6db40}, - {0x00016408, 0x73f00000}, - {0x0001640c, 0x00000000}, - {0x00016410, 0x6c800001}, - {0x00016440, 0x7f80fff8}, - {0x0001644c, 0x4699e04f}, - {0x00016450, 0x6db6db6c}, - {0x00016454, 0x6db60000}, - {0x00016500, 0x3fffbe04}, - {0x00016504, 0xfff80000}, - {0x00016508, 0x00200400}, - {0x00016510, 0x00000000}, - {0x00016544, 0x02084080}, - {0x00016548, 0x000080c0}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_1p0_soc_preamble[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00007020, 0x00000000}, - {0x00007034, 0x00000002}, - {0x00007038, 0x000004c2}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_1p0_sys2ant[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00063120, 0x00801980}, -}; - -#endif /* INITVALS_9462_1P0_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9462_2p0_initvals.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9462_2p0_initvals.h index dc2054f0378ee46344d30607159214887bc3f89c..b6ba1e8149be5eaf85022eaecf662c9d016d452e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9462_2p0_initvals.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9462_2p0_initvals.h @@ -98,14 +98,6 @@ static const u32 ar9462_2p0_baseband_postamble[][5] = { {0x0000b284, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000550, 0x00000550}, }; -static const u32 ar9462_2p0_mac_core_emulation[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00000030, 0x000e0085}, - {0x00000044, 0x00000008}, - {0x0000805c, 0xffffc7ff}, - {0x00008344, 0xaa4a105b}, -}; - static const u32 ar9462_common_rx_gain_table_2p0[][2] = { /* Addr allmodes */ {0x0000a000, 0x00010000}, @@ -380,349 +372,6 @@ static const u32 ar9462_pciephy_pll_on_clkreq_disable_L1_2p0[][2] = { {0x00018c08, 0x0003580c}, }; -static const u32 ar9462_2p0_sys3ant[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00063280, 0x00040807}, - {0x00063284, 0x104ccccc}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_common_rx_gain_table_ar9280_2p0[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x0000a000, 0x02000101}, - {0x0000a004, 0x02000102}, - {0x0000a008, 0x02000103}, - {0x0000a00c, 0x02000104}, - {0x0000a010, 0x02000200}, - {0x0000a014, 0x02000201}, - {0x0000a018, 0x02000202}, - {0x0000a01c, 0x02000203}, - {0x0000a020, 0x02000204}, - {0x0000a024, 0x02000205}, - {0x0000a028, 0x02000208}, - {0x0000a02c, 0x02000302}, - {0x0000a030, 0x02000303}, - {0x0000a034, 0x02000304}, - {0x0000a038, 0x02000400}, - {0x0000a03c, 0x02010300}, - {0x0000a040, 0x02010301}, - {0x0000a044, 0x02010302}, - {0x0000a048, 0x02000500}, - {0x0000a04c, 0x02010400}, - {0x0000a050, 0x02020300}, - {0x0000a054, 0x02020301}, - {0x0000a058, 0x02020302}, - {0x0000a05c, 0x02020303}, - {0x0000a060, 0x02020400}, - {0x0000a064, 0x02030300}, - {0x0000a068, 0x02030301}, - {0x0000a06c, 0x02030302}, - {0x0000a070, 0x02030303}, - {0x0000a074, 0x02030400}, - {0x0000a078, 0x02040300}, - {0x0000a07c, 0x02040301}, - {0x0000a080, 0x02040302}, - {0x0000a084, 0x02040303}, - {0x0000a088, 0x02030500}, - {0x0000a08c, 0x02040400}, - {0x0000a090, 0x02050203}, - {0x0000a094, 0x02050204}, - {0x0000a098, 0x02050205}, - {0x0000a09c, 0x02040500}, - {0x0000a0a0, 0x02050301}, - {0x0000a0a4, 0x02050302}, - {0x0000a0a8, 0x02050303}, - {0x0000a0ac, 0x02050400}, - {0x0000a0b0, 0x02050401}, - {0x0000a0b4, 0x02050402}, - {0x0000a0b8, 0x02050403}, - {0x0000a0bc, 0x02050500}, - {0x0000a0c0, 0x02050501}, - {0x0000a0c4, 0x02050502}, - {0x0000a0c8, 0x02050503}, - {0x0000a0cc, 0x02050504}, - {0x0000a0d0, 0x02050600}, - {0x0000a0d4, 0x02050601}, - {0x0000a0d8, 0x02050602}, - {0x0000a0dc, 0x02050603}, - {0x0000a0e0, 0x02050604}, - {0x0000a0e4, 0x02050700}, - {0x0000a0e8, 0x02050701}, - {0x0000a0ec, 0x02050702}, - {0x0000a0f0, 0x02050703}, - {0x0000a0f4, 0x02050704}, - {0x0000a0f8, 0x02050705}, - {0x0000a0fc, 0x02050708}, - {0x0000a100, 0x02050709}, - {0x0000a104, 0x0205070a}, - {0x0000a108, 0x0205070b}, - {0x0000a10c, 0x0205070c}, - {0x0000a110, 0x0205070d}, - {0x0000a114, 0x02050710}, - {0x0000a118, 0x02050711}, - {0x0000a11c, 0x02050712}, - {0x0000a120, 0x02050713}, - {0x0000a124, 0x02050714}, - {0x0000a128, 0x02050715}, - {0x0000a12c, 0x02050730}, - {0x0000a130, 0x02050731}, - {0x0000a134, 0x02050732}, - {0x0000a138, 0x02050733}, - {0x0000a13c, 0x02050734}, - {0x0000a140, 0x02050735}, - {0x0000a144, 0x02050750}, - {0x0000a148, 0x02050751}, - {0x0000a14c, 0x02050752}, - {0x0000a150, 0x02050753}, - {0x0000a154, 0x02050754}, - {0x0000a158, 0x02050755}, - {0x0000a15c, 0x02050770}, - {0x0000a160, 0x02050771}, - {0x0000a164, 0x02050772}, - {0x0000a168, 0x02050773}, - {0x0000a16c, 0x02050774}, - {0x0000a170, 0x02050775}, - {0x0000a174, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a178, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a17c, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a180, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a184, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a188, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a18c, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a190, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a194, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a198, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a19c, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1a0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1a4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1a8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1ac, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1b0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1b4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1b8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1bc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1c0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1c4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1c8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1cc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1d0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1d4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1d8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1dc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1e0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1e4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1e8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1ec, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1f0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1f4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1f8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000a1fc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b000, 0x02000101}, - {0x0000b004, 0x02000102}, - {0x0000b008, 0x02000103}, - {0x0000b00c, 0x02000104}, - {0x0000b010, 0x02000200}, - {0x0000b014, 0x02000201}, - {0x0000b018, 0x02000202}, - {0x0000b01c, 0x02000203}, - {0x0000b020, 0x02000204}, - {0x0000b024, 0x02000205}, - {0x0000b028, 0x02000208}, - {0x0000b02c, 0x02000302}, - {0x0000b030, 0x02000303}, - {0x0000b034, 0x02000304}, - {0x0000b038, 0x02000400}, - {0x0000b03c, 0x02010300}, - {0x0000b040, 0x02010301}, - {0x0000b044, 0x02010302}, - {0x0000b048, 0x02000500}, - {0x0000b04c, 0x02010400}, - {0x0000b050, 0x02020300}, - {0x0000b054, 0x02020301}, - {0x0000b058, 0x02020302}, - {0x0000b05c, 0x02020303}, - {0x0000b060, 0x02020400}, - {0x0000b064, 0x02030300}, - {0x0000b068, 0x02030301}, - {0x0000b06c, 0x02030302}, - {0x0000b070, 0x02030303}, - {0x0000b074, 0x02030400}, - {0x0000b078, 0x02040300}, - {0x0000b07c, 0x02040301}, - {0x0000b080, 0x02040302}, - {0x0000b084, 0x02040303}, - {0x0000b088, 0x02030500}, - {0x0000b08c, 0x02040400}, - {0x0000b090, 0x02050203}, - {0x0000b094, 0x02050204}, - {0x0000b098, 0x02050205}, - {0x0000b09c, 0x02040500}, - {0x0000b0a0, 0x02050301}, - {0x0000b0a4, 0x02050302}, - {0x0000b0a8, 0x02050303}, - {0x0000b0ac, 0x02050400}, - {0x0000b0b0, 0x02050401}, - {0x0000b0b4, 0x02050402}, - {0x0000b0b8, 0x02050403}, - {0x0000b0bc, 0x02050500}, - {0x0000b0c0, 0x02050501}, - {0x0000b0c4, 0x02050502}, - {0x0000b0c8, 0x02050503}, - {0x0000b0cc, 0x02050504}, - {0x0000b0d0, 0x02050600}, - {0x0000b0d4, 0x02050601}, - {0x0000b0d8, 0x02050602}, - {0x0000b0dc, 0x02050603}, - {0x0000b0e0, 0x02050604}, - {0x0000b0e4, 0x02050700}, - {0x0000b0e8, 0x02050701}, - {0x0000b0ec, 0x02050702}, - {0x0000b0f0, 0x02050703}, - {0x0000b0f4, 0x02050704}, - {0x0000b0f8, 0x02050705}, - {0x0000b0fc, 0x02050708}, - {0x0000b100, 0x02050709}, - {0x0000b104, 0x0205070a}, - {0x0000b108, 0x0205070b}, - {0x0000b10c, 0x0205070c}, - {0x0000b110, 0x0205070d}, - {0x0000b114, 0x02050710}, - {0x0000b118, 0x02050711}, - {0x0000b11c, 0x02050712}, - {0x0000b120, 0x02050713}, - {0x0000b124, 0x02050714}, - {0x0000b128, 0x02050715}, - {0x0000b12c, 0x02050730}, - {0x0000b130, 0x02050731}, - {0x0000b134, 0x02050732}, - {0x0000b138, 0x02050733}, - {0x0000b13c, 0x02050734}, - {0x0000b140, 0x02050735}, - {0x0000b144, 0x02050750}, - {0x0000b148, 0x02050751}, - {0x0000b14c, 0x02050752}, - {0x0000b150, 0x02050753}, - {0x0000b154, 0x02050754}, - {0x0000b158, 0x02050755}, - {0x0000b15c, 0x02050770}, - {0x0000b160, 0x02050771}, - {0x0000b164, 0x02050772}, - {0x0000b168, 0x02050773}, - {0x0000b16c, 0x02050774}, - {0x0000b170, 0x02050775}, - {0x0000b174, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b178, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b17c, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b180, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b184, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b188, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b18c, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b190, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b194, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b198, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b19c, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1a0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1a4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1a8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1ac, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1b0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1b4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1b8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1bc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1c0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1c4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1c8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1cc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1d0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1d4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1d8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1dc, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1e0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1e4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1e8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1ec, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1f0, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1f4, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1f8, 0x00000776}, - {0x0000b1fc, 0x00000776}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9200_ar9280_2p0_radio_core[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00007800, 0x00040000}, - {0x00007804, 0xdb005012}, - {0x00007808, 0x04924914}, - {0x0000780c, 0x21084210}, - {0x00007810, 0x6d801300}, - {0x00007814, 0x0019beff}, - {0x00007818, 0x07e41000}, - {0x0000781c, 0x00392000}, - {0x00007820, 0x92592480}, - {0x00007824, 0x00040000}, - {0x00007828, 0xdb005012}, - {0x0000782c, 0x04924914}, - {0x00007830, 0x21084210}, - {0x00007834, 0x6d801300}, - {0x00007838, 0x0019beff}, - {0x0000783c, 0x07e40000}, - {0x00007840, 0x00392000}, - {0x00007844, 0x92592480}, - {0x00007848, 0x00100000}, - {0x0000784c, 0x773f0567}, - {0x00007850, 0x54214514}, - {0x00007854, 0x12035828}, - {0x00007858, 0x92592692}, - {0x0000785c, 0x00000000}, - {0x00007860, 0x56400000}, - {0x00007864, 0x0a8e370e}, - {0x00007868, 0xc0102850}, - {0x0000786c, 0x812d4000}, - {0x00007870, 0x807ec400}, - {0x00007874, 0x001b6db0}, - {0x00007878, 0x00376b63}, - {0x0000787c, 0x06db6db6}, - {0x00007880, 0x006d8000}, - {0x00007884, 0xffeffffe}, - {0x00007888, 0xffeffffe}, - {0x0000788c, 0x00010000}, - {0x00007890, 0x02060aeb}, - {0x00007894, 0x5a108000}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_2p0_mac_postamble_emulation[][5] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ - {0x00008014, 0x10f810f8, 0x10f810f8, 0x10f810f8, 0x10f810f8}, - {0x0000801c, 0x0e8d8017, 0x0e8d8017, 0x0e8d8017, 0x0e8d8017}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_2p0_radio_postamble_sys3ant[][5] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ - {0x000160ac, 0xa4646c08, 0xa4646c08, 0x24645808, 0x24645808}, - {0x00016140, 0x10804008, 0x10804008, 0x50804008, 0x50804008}, - {0x00016540, 0x10804008, 0x10804008, 0x50804008, 0x50804008}, -}; - -static const u32 ar9462_2p0_baseband_postamble_emulation[][5] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ - {0x00009e18, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x00009e3c, 0xcf946221, 0xcf946221, 0xcf946221, 0xcf946221}, - {0x00009e44, 0xfc5c0000, 0xfc5c0000, 0xfc5c0000, 0xfc5c0000}, - {0x0000a258, 0x02020200, 0x02020200, 0x02020200, 0x02020200}, - {0x0000a25c, 0x00000e0e, 0x00000e0e, 0x00000e0e, 0x00000e0e}, - {0x0000a28c, 0x00011111, 0x00011111, 0x00011111, 0x00011111}, - {0x0000a2c4, 0x00148d18, 0x00148d18, 0x00148d20, 0x00148d20}, - {0x0000a2d8, 0xf999a800, 0xf999a800, 0xf999a80c, 0xf999a80c}, - {0x0000a50c, 0x0000c00a, 0x0000c00a, 0x0000c00a, 0x0000c00a}, - {0x0000a538, 0x00038e8c, 0x00038e8c, 0x00038e8c, 0x00038e8c}, - {0x0000a53c, 0x0003cecc, 0x0003cecc, 0x0003cecc, 0x0003cecc}, - {0x0000a540, 0x00040ed4, 0x00040ed4, 0x00040ed4, 0x00040ed4}, - {0x0000a544, 0x00044edc, 0x00044edc, 0x00044edc, 0x00044edc}, - {0x0000a548, 0x00048ede, 0x00048ede, 0x00048ede, 0x00048ede}, - {0x0000a54c, 0x0004cf1e, 0x0004cf1e, 0x0004cf1e, 0x0004cf1e}, - {0x0000a550, 0x00050f5e, 0x00050f5e, 0x00050f5e, 0x00050f5e}, - {0x0000a554, 0x00054f9e, 0x00054f9e, 0x00054f9e, 0x00054f9e}, - {0x0000ae18, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, -}; - static const u32 ar9462_2p0_radio_postamble_sys2ant[][5] = { /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ {0x000160ac, 0xa4646c08, 0xa4646c08, 0x24645808, 0x24645808}, @@ -1356,24 +1005,6 @@ static const u32 ar9462_2p0_radio_core[][2] = { {0x00016548, 0x000080c0}, }; -static const u32 ar9462_2p0_tx_gain_table_baseband_postamble_emulation[][5] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ - {0x0000a410, 0x000000d5, 0x000000d5, 0x000000d5, 0x000000d5}, - {0x0000a500, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a504, 0x00004002, 0x00004002, 0x00004002, 0x00004002}, - {0x0000a508, 0x00008004, 0x00008004, 0x00008004, 0x00008004}, - {0x0000a510, 0x0001000c, 0x0001000c, 0x0001000c, 0x0001000c}, - {0x0000a514, 0x0001420b, 0x0001420b, 0x0001420b, 0x0001420b}, - {0x0000a518, 0x0001824a, 0x0001824a, 0x0001824a, 0x0001824a}, - {0x0000a51c, 0x0001c44a, 0x0001c44a, 0x0001c44a, 0x0001c44a}, - {0x0000a520, 0x0002064a, 0x0002064a, 0x0002064a, 0x0002064a}, - {0x0000a524, 0x0002484a, 0x0002484a, 0x0002484a, 0x0002484a}, - {0x0000a528, 0x00028a4a, 0x00028a4a, 0x00028a4a, 0x00028a4a}, - {0x0000a52c, 0x0002cc4a, 0x0002cc4a, 0x0002cc4a, 0x0002cc4a}, - {0x0000a530, 0x00030e4a, 0x00030e4a, 0x00030e4a, 0x00030e4a}, - {0x0000a534, 0x00034e8a, 0x00034e8a, 0x00034e8a, 0x00034e8a}, -}; - static const u32 ar9462_2p0_soc_preamble[][2] = { /* Addr allmodes */ {0x00007020, 0x00000000}, @@ -1381,11 +1012,6 @@ static const u32 ar9462_2p0_soc_preamble[][2] = { {0x00007038, 0x000004c2}, }; -static const u32 ar9462_2p0_sys2ant[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00063120, 0x00801980}, -}; - static const u32 ar9462_2p0_mac_core[][2] = { /* Addr allmodes */ {0x00000008, 0x00000000}, @@ -1822,75 +1448,6 @@ static const u32 ar9462_common_mixed_rx_gain_table_2p0[][2] = { {0x0000b1fc, 0x00000196}, }; -static const u32 ar9462_modes_green_ob_db_tx_gain_table_2p0[][5] = { - /* Addr 5G_HT20 5G_HT40 2G_HT40 2G_HT20 */ - {0x000098bc, 0x00000003, 0x00000003, 0x00000003, 0x00000003}, - {0x0000a2dc, 0x01feee00, 0x01feee00, 0x03aaa352, 0x03aaa352}, - {0x0000a2e0, 0x0000f000, 0x0000f000, 0x03ccc584, 0x03ccc584}, - {0x0000a2e4, 0x01ff0000, 0x01ff0000, 0x03f0f800, 0x03f0f800}, - {0x0000a2e8, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x03ff0000, 0x03ff0000}, - {0x0000a410, 0x000050d9, 0x000050d9, 0x000050d9, 0x000050d9}, - {0x0000a458, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x80000000}, - {0x0000a500, 0x00002220, 0x00002220, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a504, 0x06002223, 0x06002223, 0x04000002, 0x04000002}, - {0x0000a508, 0x0a022220, 0x0a022220, 0x08000004, 0x08000004}, - {0x0000a50c, 0x0f022223, 0x0f022223, 0x0b000200, 0x0b000200}, - {0x0000a510, 0x14022620, 0x14022620, 0x0f000202, 0x0f000202}, - {0x0000a514, 0x18022622, 0x18022622, 0x11000400, 0x11000400}, - {0x0000a518, 0x1b022822, 0x1b022822, 0x15000402, 0x15000402}, - {0x0000a51c, 0x20022842, 0x20022842, 0x19000404, 0x19000404}, - {0x0000a520, 0x22022c41, 0x22022c41, 0x1b000603, 0x1b000603}, - {0x0000a524, 0x28023042, 0x28023042, 0x1f000a02, 0x1f000a02}, - {0x0000a528, 0x2c023044, 0x2c023044, 0x23000a04, 0x23000a04}, - {0x0000a52c, 0x2f023644, 0x2f023644, 0x26000a20, 0x26000a20}, - {0x0000a530, 0x34025643, 0x34025643, 0x2a000e20, 0x2a000e20}, - {0x0000a534, 0x38025a44, 0x38025a44, 0x2e000e22, 0x2e000e22}, - {0x0000a538, 0x3b025e45, 0x3b025e45, 0x31000e24, 0x31000e24}, - {0x0000a53c, 0x41025e4a, 0x41025e4a, 0x34001640, 0x34001640}, - {0x0000a540, 0x48025e6c, 0x48025e6c, 0x38001660, 0x38001660}, - {0x0000a544, 0x4e025e8e, 0x4e025e8e, 0x3b001861, 0x3b001861}, - {0x0000a548, 0x53025eb2, 0x53025eb2, 0x3e001a81, 0x3e001a81}, - {0x0000a54c, 0x59025eb6, 0x59025eb6, 0x42001a83, 0x42001a83}, - {0x0000a550, 0x5d025ef6, 0x5d025ef6, 0x44001c84, 0x44001c84}, - {0x0000a554, 0x62025f56, 0x62025f56, 0x48001ce3, 0x48001ce3}, - {0x0000a558, 0x66027f56, 0x66027f56, 0x4c001ce5, 0x4c001ce5}, - {0x0000a55c, 0x6a029f56, 0x6a029f56, 0x50001ce9, 0x50001ce9}, - {0x0000a560, 0x70049f56, 0x70049f56, 0x54001ceb, 0x54001ceb}, - {0x0000a564, 0x7504ff56, 0x7504ff56, 0x56001eec, 0x56001eec}, - {0x0000a568, 0x7504ff56, 0x7504ff56, 0x56001eec, 0x56001eec}, - {0x0000a56c, 0x7504ff56, 0x7504ff56, 0x56001eec, 0x56001eec}, - {0x0000a570, 0x7504ff56, 0x7504ff56, 0x56001eec, 0x56001eec}, - {0x0000a574, 0x7504ff56, 0x7504ff56, 0x56001eec, 0x56001eec}, - {0x0000a578, 0x7504ff56, 0x7504ff56, 0x56001eec, 0x56001eec}, - {0x0000a57c, 0x7504ff56, 0x7504ff56, 0x56001eec, 0x56001eec}, - {0x0000a600, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a604, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a608, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a60c, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a610, 0x00804000, 0x00804000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a614, 0x00804201, 0x00804201, 0x01404000, 0x01404000}, - {0x0000a618, 0x0280c802, 0x0280c802, 0x01404501, 0x01404501}, - {0x0000a61c, 0x0280ca03, 0x0280ca03, 0x02008501, 0x02008501}, - {0x0000a620, 0x04c15104, 0x04c15104, 0x0280ca03, 0x0280ca03}, - {0x0000a624, 0x04c15305, 0x04c15305, 0x03010c04, 0x03010c04}, - {0x0000a628, 0x04c15305, 0x04c15305, 0x04014c04, 0x04014c04}, - {0x0000a62c, 0x04c15305, 0x04c15305, 0x04015005, 0x04015005}, - {0x0000a630, 0x04c15305, 0x04c15305, 0x04015005, 0x04015005}, - {0x0000a634, 0x04c15305, 0x04c15305, 0x04015005, 0x04015005}, - {0x0000a638, 0x04c15305, 0x04c15305, 0x04015005, 0x04015005}, - {0x0000a63c, 0x04c15305, 0x04c15305, 0x04015005, 0x04015005}, - {0x0000b2dc, 0x01feee00, 0x01feee00, 0x03aaa352, 0x03aaa352}, - {0x0000b2e0, 0x0000f000, 0x0000f000, 0x03ccc584, 0x03ccc584}, - {0x0000b2e4, 0x01ff0000, 0x01ff0000, 0x03f0f800, 0x03f0f800}, - {0x0000b2e8, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x03ff0000, 0x03ff0000}, - {0x00016044, 0x056d82e4, 0x056d82e4, 0x056d82e4, 0x056d82e4}, - {0x00016048, 0x8db49060, 0x8db49060, 0x8db49060, 0x8db49060}, - {0x00016054, 0x6db60180, 0x6db60180, 0x6db60180, 0x6db60180}, - {0x00016444, 0x056d82e4, 0x056d82e4, 0x056d82e4, 0x056d82e4}, - {0x00016448, 0x8db49000, 0x8db49000, 0x8db49000, 0x8db49000}, - {0x00016454, 0x6db60180, 0x6db60180, 0x6db60180, 0x6db60180}, -}; - static const u32 ar9462_2p0_BTCOEX_MAX_TXPWR_table[][2] = { /* Addr allmodes */ {0x000018c0, 0x10101010}, @@ -1903,26 +1460,4 @@ static const u32 ar9462_2p0_BTCOEX_MAX_TXPWR_table[][2] = { {0x000018dc, 0x10101010}, }; -static const u32 ar9462_2p0_baseband_core_emulation[][2] = { - /* Addr allmodes */ - {0x00009800, 0xafa68e30}, - {0x00009884, 0x00002842}, - {0x00009c04, 0xff55ff55}, - {0x00009c08, 0x0320ff55}, - {0x00009e50, 0x00000000}, - {0x00009fcc, 0x00000014}, - {0x0000a344, 0x00000010}, - {0x0000a398, 0x00000000}, - {0x0000a39c, 0x71733d01}, - {0x0000a3a0, 0xd0ad5c12}, - {0x0000a3c0, 0x22222220}, - {0x0000a3c4, 0x22222222}, - {0x0000a404, 0x00418a11}, - {0x0000a418, 0x050001ce}, - {0x0000a438, 0x00001800}, - {0x0000a458, 0x01444452}, - {0x0000a644, 0x3fad9d74}, - {0x0000a690, 0x00000038}, -}; - #endif /* INITVALS_9462_2P0_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ath9k.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ath9k.h index 171ccf7c972ff1cc228dca2019122ff6e79bdc0c..8c84049682ab081b0834751502a8df8a8198f53b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ath9k.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ath9k.h @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ struct ath_tx { struct ath_rx_edma { struct sk_buff_head rx_fifo; - struct sk_buff_head rx_buffers; u32 rx_fifo_hwsize; }; @@ -454,9 +453,39 @@ struct ath_btcoex { struct ath_mci_profile mci; }; -int ath_init_btcoex_timer(struct ath_softc *sc); +#ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT +int ath9k_init_btcoex(struct ath_softc *sc); +void ath9k_deinit_btcoex(struct ath_softc *sc); +void ath9k_start_btcoex(struct ath_softc *sc); +void ath9k_stop_btcoex(struct ath_softc *sc); void ath9k_btcoex_timer_resume(struct ath_softc *sc); void ath9k_btcoex_timer_pause(struct ath_softc *sc); +void ath9k_btcoex_handle_interrupt(struct ath_softc *sc, u32 status); +u16 ath9k_btcoex_aggr_limit(struct ath_softc *sc, u32 max_4ms_framelen); +#else +static inline int ath9k_init_btcoex(struct ath_softc *sc) +{ + return 0; +} +static inline void ath9k_deinit_btcoex(struct ath_softc *sc) +{ +} +static inline void ath9k_start_btcoex(struct ath_softc *sc) +{ +} +static inline void ath9k_stop_btcoex(struct ath_softc *sc) +{ +} +static inline void ath9k_btcoex_handle_interrupt(struct ath_softc *sc, + u32 status) +{ +} +static inline u16 ath9k_btcoex_aggr_limit(struct ath_softc *sc, + u32 max_4ms_framelen) +{ + return 0; +} +#endif /* CONFIG_ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT */ /********************/ /* LED Control */ @@ -554,19 +583,13 @@ struct ath_ant_comb { #define SC_OP_INVALID BIT(0) #define SC_OP_BEACONS BIT(1) -#define SC_OP_RXAGGR BIT(2) -#define SC_OP_TXAGGR BIT(3) -#define SC_OP_OFFCHANNEL BIT(4) -#define SC_OP_PREAMBLE_SHORT BIT(5) -#define SC_OP_PROTECT_ENABLE BIT(6) -#define SC_OP_RXFLUSH BIT(7) -#define SC_OP_LED_ASSOCIATED BIT(8) -#define SC_OP_LED_ON BIT(9) -#define SC_OP_TSF_RESET BIT(11) -#define SC_OP_BT_PRIORITY_DETECTED BIT(12) -#define SC_OP_BT_SCAN BIT(13) -#define SC_OP_ANI_RUN BIT(14) -#define SC_OP_PRIM_STA_VIF BIT(15) +#define SC_OP_OFFCHANNEL BIT(2) +#define SC_OP_RXFLUSH BIT(3) +#define SC_OP_TSF_RESET BIT(4) +#define SC_OP_BT_PRIORITY_DETECTED BIT(5) +#define SC_OP_BT_SCAN BIT(6) +#define SC_OP_ANI_RUN BIT(7) +#define SC_OP_PRIM_STA_VIF BIT(8) /* Powersave flags */ #define PS_WAIT_FOR_BEACON BIT(0) @@ -588,15 +611,12 @@ struct ath9k_vif_iter_data { int nstations; /* number of station vifs */ int nwds; /* number of WDS vifs */ int nadhocs; /* number of adhoc vifs */ - int nothers; /* number of vifs not specified above. */ }; struct ath_softc { struct ieee80211_hw *hw; struct device *dev; - int chan_idx; - int chan_is_ht; struct survey_info *cur_survey; struct survey_info survey[ATH9K_NUM_CHANNELS]; @@ -650,8 +670,11 @@ struct ath_softc { struct ath_beacon_config cur_beacon_conf; struct delayed_work tx_complete_work; struct delayed_work hw_pll_work; + +#ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT struct ath_btcoex btcoex; struct ath_mci_coex mci_coex; +#endif struct ath_descdma txsdma; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/beacon.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/beacon.c index b8967e482e6ef952ea97317bac7d4f34322d4e7e..626418222c8588ffc5e0db4dfe0368eb79849af4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/beacon.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/beacon.c @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ int ath_beaconq_config(struct ath_softc *sc) * up rate codes, and channel flags. Beacons are always sent out at the * lowest rate, and are not retried. */ -static void ath_beacon_setup(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_vif *avp, +static void ath_beacon_setup(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, struct ath_buf *bf, int rateidx) { struct sk_buff *skb = bf->bf_mpdu; @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ static void ath_beacon_setup(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_vif *avp, sband = &sc->sbands[common->hw->conf.channel->band]; rate = sband->bitrates[rateidx].hw_value; - if (sc->sc_flags & SC_OP_PREAMBLE_SHORT) + if (vif->bss_conf.use_short_preamble) rate |= sband->bitrates[rateidx].hw_value_short; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ static void ath_beacon_setup(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_vif *avp, info.txpower = MAX_RATE_POWER; info.keyix = ATH9K_TXKEYIX_INVALID; info.keytype = ATH9K_KEY_TYPE_CLEAR; - info.flags = ATH9K_TXDESC_NOACK; + info.flags = ATH9K_TXDESC_NOACK | ATH9K_TXDESC_INTREQ; info.buf_addr[0] = bf->bf_buf_addr; info.buf_len[0] = roundup(skb->len, 4); @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ static struct ath_buf *ath_beacon_generate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } } - ath_beacon_setup(sc, avp, bf, info->control.rates[0].idx); + ath_beacon_setup(sc, vif, bf, info->control.rates[0].idx); while (skb) { ath_tx_cabq(hw, skb); @@ -355,7 +355,6 @@ void ath_beacon_tasklet(unsigned long data) struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); struct ath_buf *bf = NULL; struct ieee80211_vif *vif; - struct ath_tx_status ts; bool edma = !!(ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_EDMA); int slot; u32 bfaddr, bc = 0; @@ -462,11 +461,6 @@ void ath_beacon_tasklet(unsigned long data) ath9k_hw_txstart(ah, sc->beacon.beaconq); sc->beacon.ast_be_xmit += bc; /* XXX per-vif? */ - if (edma) { - spin_lock_bh(&sc->sc_pcu_lock); - ath9k_hw_txprocdesc(ah, bf->bf_desc, (void *)&ts); - spin_unlock_bh(&sc->sc_pcu_lock); - } } } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/btcoex.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/btcoex.c index a6712a95d76a24da330c4d628fc15455afce5536..ec32719934116e9252efeb840ae6925bf0819ac4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/btcoex.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/btcoex.c @@ -68,9 +68,6 @@ void ath9k_hw_init_btcoex_hw(struct ath_hw *ah, int qnum) u32 i, idx; bool rxclear_polarity = ath_bt_config.bt_rxclear_polarity; - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) - return; - if (AR_SREV_9300_20_OR_LATER(ah)) rxclear_polarity = !ath_bt_config.bt_rxclear_polarity; @@ -98,12 +95,43 @@ void ath9k_hw_init_btcoex_hw(struct ath_hw *ah, int qnum) } EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath9k_hw_init_btcoex_hw); -void ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_2wire(struct ath_hw *ah) +void ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_scheme(struct ath_hw *ah) { + struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); struct ath_btcoex_hw *btcoex_hw = &ah->btcoex_hw; - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) + /* + * Check if BTCOEX is globally disabled. + */ + if (!common->btcoex_enabled) { + btcoex_hw->scheme = ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE; return; + } + + if (AR_SREV_9462(ah)) { + btcoex_hw->scheme = ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_MCI; + } else if (AR_SREV_9300_20_OR_LATER(ah)) { + btcoex_hw->scheme = ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE; + btcoex_hw->btactive_gpio = ATH_BTACTIVE_GPIO_9300; + btcoex_hw->wlanactive_gpio = ATH_WLANACTIVE_GPIO_9300; + btcoex_hw->btpriority_gpio = ATH_BTPRIORITY_GPIO_9300; + } else if (AR_SREV_9280_20_OR_LATER(ah)) { + btcoex_hw->btactive_gpio = ATH_BTACTIVE_GPIO_9280; + btcoex_hw->wlanactive_gpio = ATH_WLANACTIVE_GPIO_9280; + + if (AR_SREV_9285(ah)) { + btcoex_hw->scheme = ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE; + btcoex_hw->btpriority_gpio = ATH_BTPRIORITY_GPIO_9285; + } else { + btcoex_hw->scheme = ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_2WIRE; + } + } +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_scheme); + +void ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_2wire(struct ath_hw *ah) +{ + struct ath_btcoex_hw *btcoex_hw = &ah->btcoex_hw; /* connect bt_active to baseband */ REG_CLR_BIT(ah, AR_GPIO_INPUT_EN_VAL, @@ -127,9 +155,6 @@ void ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_3wire(struct ath_hw *ah) { struct ath_btcoex_hw *btcoex_hw = &ah->btcoex_hw; - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) - return; - /* btcoex 3-wire */ REG_SET_BIT(ah, AR_GPIO_INPUT_EN_VAL, (AR_GPIO_INPUT_EN_VAL_BT_PRIORITY_BB | @@ -152,13 +177,34 @@ void ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_3wire(struct ath_hw *ah) } EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_3wire); +void ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_mci(struct ath_hw *ah) +{ + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.ready = false; + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.bt_state = 0; + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.bt_ver_major = 3; + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.bt_ver_minor = 0; + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.bt_version_known = false; + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.update_2g5g = true; + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.is_2g = true; + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.wlan_channels_update = false; + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.wlan_channels[0] = 0x00000000; + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.wlan_channels[1] = 0xffffffff; + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.wlan_channels[2] = 0xffffffff; + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.wlan_channels[3] = 0x7fffffff; + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.query_bt = true; + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.unhalt_bt_gpm = true; + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.halted_bt_gpm = false; + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.need_flush_btinfo = false; + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.wlan_cal_seq = 0; + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.wlan_cal_done = 0; + ah->btcoex_hw.mci.config = 0x2201; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_mci); + static void ath9k_hw_btcoex_enable_2wire(struct ath_hw *ah) { struct ath_btcoex_hw *btcoex_hw = &ah->btcoex_hw; - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) - return; - /* Configure the desired GPIO port for TX_FRAME output */ ath9k_hw_cfg_output(ah, btcoex_hw->wlanactive_gpio, AR_GPIO_OUTPUT_MUX_AS_TX_FRAME); @@ -170,9 +216,6 @@ void ath9k_hw_btcoex_set_weight(struct ath_hw *ah, { struct ath_btcoex_hw *btcoex_hw = &ah->btcoex_hw; - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) - return; - btcoex_hw->bt_coex_weights = SM(bt_weight, AR_BTCOEX_BT_WGHT) | SM(wlan_weight, AR_BTCOEX_WL_WGHT); } @@ -261,9 +304,6 @@ void ath9k_hw_btcoex_disable(struct ath_hw *ah) struct ath_btcoex_hw *btcoex_hw = &ah->btcoex_hw; int i; - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) - return; - btcoex_hw->enabled = false; if (btcoex_hw->scheme == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_MCI) { ath9k_hw_btcoex_bt_stomp(ah, ATH_BTCOEX_STOMP_NONE); @@ -312,9 +352,6 @@ static void ar9003_btcoex_bt_stomp(struct ath_hw *ah, void ath9k_hw_btcoex_bt_stomp(struct ath_hw *ah, enum ath_stomp_type stomp_type) { - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) - return; - if (AR_SREV_9300_20_OR_LATER(ah)) { ar9003_btcoex_bt_stomp(ah, stomp_type); return; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/btcoex.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/btcoex.h index 278361c867ca265171e900d5635b62b9bdfbeede..8f93aef4414fabe2a5897c1e4f1e67df4746930b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/btcoex.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/btcoex.h @@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ struct ath9k_hw_mci { u32 wlan_cal_done; u32 config; u8 *gpm_buf; - u8 *sched_buf; bool ready; bool update_2g5g; bool is_2g; @@ -98,13 +97,14 @@ struct ath_btcoex_hw { u32 wlan_weight[AR9300_NUM_WLAN_WEIGHTS]; }; +void ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_scheme(struct ath_hw *ah); void ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_2wire(struct ath_hw *ah); void ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_3wire(struct ath_hw *ah); +void ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_mci(struct ath_hw *ah); void ath9k_hw_init_btcoex_hw(struct ath_hw *ah, int qnum); void ath9k_hw_btcoex_set_weight(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 bt_weight, u32 wlan_weight); -void ath9k_hw_btcoex_enable(struct ath_hw *ah); void ath9k_hw_btcoex_disable(struct ath_hw *ah); void ath9k_hw_btcoex_bt_stomp(struct ath_hw *ah, enum ath_stomp_type stomp_type); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/debug.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/debug.c index 68d972bf232d20fbc431c291853288c4b20e7fd1..35d1c8e91d1c161140ec1513b5f0eaff0114f474 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/debug.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/debug.c @@ -451,109 +451,6 @@ static const struct file_operations fops_interrupt = { .llseek = default_llseek, }; -static const char *channel_type_str(enum nl80211_channel_type t) -{ - switch (t) { - case NL80211_CHAN_NO_HT: - return "no ht"; - case NL80211_CHAN_HT20: - return "ht20"; - case NL80211_CHAN_HT40MINUS: - return "ht40-"; - case NL80211_CHAN_HT40PLUS: - return "ht40+"; - default: - return "???"; - } -} - -static ssize_t read_file_wiphy(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, - size_t count, loff_t *ppos) -{ - struct ath_softc *sc = file->private_data; - struct ieee80211_channel *chan = sc->hw->conf.channel; - struct ieee80211_conf *conf = &(sc->hw->conf); - char buf[512]; - unsigned int len = 0; - u8 addr[ETH_ALEN]; - u32 tmp; - - len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, - "%s (chan=%d center-freq: %d MHz channel-type: %d (%s))\n", - wiphy_name(sc->hw->wiphy), - ieee80211_frequency_to_channel(chan->center_freq), - chan->center_freq, - conf->channel_type, - channel_type_str(conf->channel_type)); - - ath9k_ps_wakeup(sc); - put_unaligned_le32(REG_READ_D(sc->sc_ah, AR_STA_ID0), addr); - put_unaligned_le16(REG_READ_D(sc->sc_ah, AR_STA_ID1) & 0xffff, addr + 4); - len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, - "addr: %pM\n", addr); - put_unaligned_le32(REG_READ_D(sc->sc_ah, AR_BSSMSKL), addr); - put_unaligned_le16(REG_READ_D(sc->sc_ah, AR_BSSMSKU) & 0xffff, addr + 4); - len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, - "addrmask: %pM\n", addr); - tmp = ath9k_hw_getrxfilter(sc->sc_ah); - ath9k_ps_restore(sc); - len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, - "rfilt: 0x%x", tmp); - if (tmp & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_UCAST) - len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " UCAST"); - if (tmp & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_MCAST) - len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " MCAST"); - if (tmp & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_BCAST) - len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " BCAST"); - if (tmp & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_CONTROL) - len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " CONTROL"); - if (tmp & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_BEACON) - len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " BEACON"); - if (tmp & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_PROM) - len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " PROM"); - if (tmp & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_PROBEREQ) - len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " PROBEREQ"); - if (tmp & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_PHYERR) - len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " PHYERR"); - if (tmp & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_MYBEACON) - len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " MYBEACON"); - if (tmp & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_COMP_BAR) - len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " COMP_BAR"); - if (tmp & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_PSPOLL) - len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " PSPOLL"); - if (tmp & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_PHYRADAR) - len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " PHYRADAR"); - if (tmp & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_MCAST_BCAST_ALL) - len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " MCAST_BCAST_ALL"); - - len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, - "\n\nReset causes:\n" - " baseband hang: %d\n" - " baseband watchdog: %d\n" - " fatal hardware error interrupt: %d\n" - " tx hardware error: %d\n" - " tx path hang: %d\n" - " pll rx hang: %d\n", - sc->debug.stats.reset[RESET_TYPE_BB_HANG], - sc->debug.stats.reset[RESET_TYPE_BB_WATCHDOG], - sc->debug.stats.reset[RESET_TYPE_FATAL_INT], - sc->debug.stats.reset[RESET_TYPE_TX_ERROR], - sc->debug.stats.reset[RESET_TYPE_TX_HANG], - sc->debug.stats.reset[RESET_TYPE_PLL_HANG]); - - if (len > sizeof(buf)) - len = sizeof(buf); - - return simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, len); -} - -static const struct file_operations fops_wiphy = { - .read = read_file_wiphy, - .open = ath9k_debugfs_open, - .owner = THIS_MODULE, - .llseek = default_llseek, -}; - #define PR_QNUM(_n) sc->tx.txq_map[_n]->axq_qnum #define PR(str, elem) \ do { \ @@ -763,87 +660,128 @@ static ssize_t read_file_misc(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, { struct ath_softc *sc = file->private_data; struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(sc->sc_ah); - struct ath_hw *ah = sc->sc_ah; struct ieee80211_hw *hw = sc->hw; - char *buf; - unsigned int len = 0, size = 8000; + struct ath9k_vif_iter_data iter_data; + char buf[512]; + unsigned int len = 0; ssize_t retval = 0; unsigned int reg; - struct ath9k_vif_iter_data iter_data; + u32 rxfilter; - ath9k_calculate_iter_data(hw, NULL, &iter_data); - - buf = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); - if (buf == NULL) - return -ENOMEM; + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, + "BSSID: %pM\n", common->curbssid); + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, + "BSSID-MASK: %pM\n", common->bssidmask); + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, + "OPMODE: %s\n", ath_opmode_to_string(sc->sc_ah->opmode)); ath9k_ps_wakeup(sc); - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "curbssid: %pM\n" - "OP-Mode: %s(%i)\n" - "Beacon-Timer-Register: 0x%x\n", - common->curbssid, - ath_opmode_to_string(sc->sc_ah->opmode), - (int)(sc->sc_ah->opmode), - REG_READ(ah, AR_BEACON_PERIOD)); - - reg = REG_READ(ah, AR_TIMER_MODE); + rxfilter = ath9k_hw_getrxfilter(sc->sc_ah); ath9k_ps_restore(sc); - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "Timer-Mode-Register: 0x%x (", - reg); - if (reg & AR_TBTT_TIMER_EN) - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "TBTT "); - if (reg & AR_DBA_TIMER_EN) - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "DBA "); - if (reg & AR_SWBA_TIMER_EN) - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "SWBA "); - if (reg & AR_HCF_TIMER_EN) - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "HCF "); - if (reg & AR_TIM_TIMER_EN) - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "TIM "); - if (reg & AR_DTIM_TIMER_EN) - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "DTIM "); - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, ")\n"); + + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, + "RXFILTER: 0x%x", rxfilter); + + if (rxfilter & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_UCAST) + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " UCAST"); + if (rxfilter & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_MCAST) + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " MCAST"); + if (rxfilter & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_BCAST) + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " BCAST"); + if (rxfilter & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_CONTROL) + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " CONTROL"); + if (rxfilter & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_BEACON) + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " BEACON"); + if (rxfilter & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_PROM) + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " PROM"); + if (rxfilter & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_PROBEREQ) + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " PROBEREQ"); + if (rxfilter & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_PHYERR) + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " PHYERR"); + if (rxfilter & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_MYBEACON) + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " MYBEACON"); + if (rxfilter & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_COMP_BAR) + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " COMP_BAR"); + if (rxfilter & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_PSPOLL) + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " PSPOLL"); + if (rxfilter & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_PHYRADAR) + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " PHYRADAR"); + if (rxfilter & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_MCAST_BCAST_ALL) + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " MCAST_BCAST_ALL"); + if (rxfilter & ATH9K_RX_FILTER_CONTROL_WRAPPER) + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " CONTROL_WRAPPER"); + + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, "\n"); reg = sc->sc_ah->imask; - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "imask: 0x%x (", reg); + + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, "INTERRUPT-MASK: 0x%x", reg); + if (reg & ATH9K_INT_SWBA) - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "SWBA "); + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " SWBA"); if (reg & ATH9K_INT_BMISS) - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "BMISS "); + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " BMISS"); if (reg & ATH9K_INT_CST) - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "CST "); + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " CST"); if (reg & ATH9K_INT_RX) - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "RX "); + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " RX"); if (reg & ATH9K_INT_RXHP) - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "RXHP "); + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " RXHP"); if (reg & ATH9K_INT_RXLP) - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "RXLP "); + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " RXLP"); if (reg & ATH9K_INT_BB_WATCHDOG) - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "BB_WATCHDOG "); - /* there are other IRQs if one wanted to add them. */ - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, ")\n"); + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, " BB_WATCHDOG"); - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "VIF Counts: AP: %i STA: %i MESH: %i WDS: %i" - " ADHOC: %i OTHER: %i nvifs: %hi beacon-vifs: %hi\n", + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, "\n"); + + ath9k_calculate_iter_data(hw, NULL, &iter_data); + + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, + "VIF-COUNTS: AP: %i STA: %i MESH: %i WDS: %i" + " ADHOC: %i TOTAL: %hi BEACON-VIF: %hi\n", iter_data.naps, iter_data.nstations, iter_data.nmeshes, - iter_data.nwds, iter_data.nadhocs, iter_data.nothers, + iter_data.nwds, iter_data.nadhocs, sc->nvifs, sc->nbcnvifs); - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "Calculated-BSSID-Mask: %pM\n", - iter_data.mask); - - if (len > size) - len = size; + if (len > sizeof(buf)) + len = sizeof(buf); retval = simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, len); - kfree(buf); - return retval; } +static ssize_t read_file_reset(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, + size_t count, loff_t *ppos) +{ + struct ath_softc *sc = file->private_data; + char buf[512]; + unsigned int len = 0; + + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, + "%17s: %2d\n", "Baseband Hang", + sc->debug.stats.reset[RESET_TYPE_BB_HANG]); + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, + "%17s: %2d\n", "Baseband Watchdog", + sc->debug.stats.reset[RESET_TYPE_BB_WATCHDOG]); + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, + "%17s: %2d\n", "Fatal HW Error", + sc->debug.stats.reset[RESET_TYPE_FATAL_INT]); + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, + "%17s: %2d\n", "TX HW error", + sc->debug.stats.reset[RESET_TYPE_TX_ERROR]); + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, + "%17s: %2d\n", "TX Path Hang", + sc->debug.stats.reset[RESET_TYPE_TX_HANG]); + len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, + "%17s: %2d\n", "PLL RX Hang", + sc->debug.stats.reset[RESET_TYPE_PLL_HANG]); + + if (len > sizeof(buf)) + len = sizeof(buf); + + return simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, len); +} + void ath_debug_stat_tx(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_buf *bf, struct ath_tx_status *ts, struct ath_txq *txq, unsigned int flags) @@ -880,6 +818,7 @@ void ath_debug_stat_tx(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_buf *bf, if (ts->ts_flags & ATH9K_TX_DELIM_UNDERRUN) TX_STAT_INC(qnum, delim_underrun); +#ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_MAC_DEBUG spin_lock(&sc->debug.samp_lock); TX_SAMP_DBG(jiffies) = jiffies; TX_SAMP_DBG(rssi_ctl0) = ts->ts_rssi_ctl0; @@ -906,6 +845,7 @@ void ath_debug_stat_tx(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_buf *bf, sc->debug.tsidx = (sc->debug.tsidx + 1) % ATH_DBG_MAX_SAMPLES; spin_unlock(&sc->debug.samp_lock); +#endif #undef TX_SAMP_DBG } @@ -931,16 +871,23 @@ static const struct file_operations fops_misc = { .llseek = default_llseek, }; +static const struct file_operations fops_reset = { + .read = read_file_reset, + .open = ath9k_debugfs_open, + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .llseek = default_llseek, +}; + static ssize_t read_file_recv(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { #define PHY_ERR(s, p) \ - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "%18s : %10u\n", s, \ + len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "%22s : %10u\n", s, \ sc->debug.stats.rxstats.phy_err_stats[p]); struct ath_softc *sc = file->private_data; char *buf; - unsigned int len = 0, size = 1400; + unsigned int len = 0, size = 1600; ssize_t retval = 0; buf = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -948,87 +895,59 @@ static ssize_t read_file_recv(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, return -ENOMEM; len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "%18s : %10u\n", "CRC ERR", + "%22s : %10u\n", "CRC ERR", sc->debug.stats.rxstats.crc_err); len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "%18s : %10u\n", "DECRYPT CRC ERR", + "%22s : %10u\n", "DECRYPT CRC ERR", sc->debug.stats.rxstats.decrypt_crc_err); len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "%18s : %10u\n", "PHY ERR", + "%22s : %10u\n", "PHY ERR", sc->debug.stats.rxstats.phy_err); len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "%18s : %10u\n", "MIC ERR", + "%22s : %10u\n", "MIC ERR", sc->debug.stats.rxstats.mic_err); len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "%18s : %10u\n", "PRE-DELIM CRC ERR", + "%22s : %10u\n", "PRE-DELIM CRC ERR", sc->debug.stats.rxstats.pre_delim_crc_err); len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "%18s : %10u\n", "POST-DELIM CRC ERR", + "%22s : %10u\n", "POST-DELIM CRC ERR", sc->debug.stats.rxstats.post_delim_crc_err); len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "%18s : %10u\n", "DECRYPT BUSY ERR", + "%22s : %10u\n", "DECRYPT BUSY ERR", sc->debug.stats.rxstats.decrypt_busy_err); - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "%18s : %10d\n", "RSSI-CTL0", - sc->debug.stats.rxstats.rs_rssi_ctl0); - - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "%18s : %10d\n", "RSSI-CTL1", - sc->debug.stats.rxstats.rs_rssi_ctl1); - - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "%18s : %10d\n", "RSSI-CTL2", - sc->debug.stats.rxstats.rs_rssi_ctl2); - - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "%18s : %10d\n", "RSSI-EXT0", - sc->debug.stats.rxstats.rs_rssi_ext0); + PHY_ERR("UNDERRUN ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_UNDERRUN); + PHY_ERR("TIMING ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_TIMING); + PHY_ERR("PARITY ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_PARITY); + PHY_ERR("RATE ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_RATE); + PHY_ERR("LENGTH ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_LENGTH); + PHY_ERR("RADAR ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_RADAR); + PHY_ERR("SERVICE ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_SERVICE); + PHY_ERR("TOR ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_TOR); + PHY_ERR("OFDM-TIMING ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_OFDM_TIMING); + PHY_ERR("OFDM-SIGNAL-PARITY ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_OFDM_SIGNAL_PARITY); + PHY_ERR("OFDM-RATE ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_OFDM_RATE_ILLEGAL); + PHY_ERR("OFDM-LENGTH ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_OFDM_LENGTH_ILLEGAL); + PHY_ERR("OFDM-POWER-DROP ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_OFDM_POWER_DROP); + PHY_ERR("OFDM-SERVICE ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_OFDM_SERVICE); + PHY_ERR("OFDM-RESTART ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_OFDM_RESTART); + PHY_ERR("FALSE-RADAR-EXT ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_FALSE_RADAR_EXT); + PHY_ERR("CCK-TIMING ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_CCK_TIMING); + PHY_ERR("CCK-HEADER-CRC ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_CCK_HEADER_CRC); + PHY_ERR("CCK-RATE ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_CCK_RATE_ILLEGAL); + PHY_ERR("CCK-SERVICE ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_CCK_SERVICE); + PHY_ERR("CCK-RESTART ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_CCK_RESTART); + PHY_ERR("CCK-LENGTH ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_CCK_LENGTH_ILLEGAL); + PHY_ERR("CCK-POWER-DROP ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_CCK_POWER_DROP); + PHY_ERR("HT-CRC ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_HT_CRC_ERROR); + PHY_ERR("HT-LENGTH ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_HT_LENGTH_ILLEGAL); + PHY_ERR("HT-RATE ERR", ATH9K_PHYERR_HT_RATE_ILLEGAL); len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "%18s : %10d\n", "RSSI-EXT1", - sc->debug.stats.rxstats.rs_rssi_ext1); - - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "%18s : %10d\n", "RSSI-EXT2", - sc->debug.stats.rxstats.rs_rssi_ext2); - - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "%18s : %10d\n", "Rx Antenna", - sc->debug.stats.rxstats.rs_antenna); - - PHY_ERR("UNDERRUN", ATH9K_PHYERR_UNDERRUN); - PHY_ERR("TIMING", ATH9K_PHYERR_TIMING); - PHY_ERR("PARITY", ATH9K_PHYERR_PARITY); - PHY_ERR("RATE", ATH9K_PHYERR_RATE); - PHY_ERR("LENGTH", ATH9K_PHYERR_LENGTH); - PHY_ERR("RADAR", ATH9K_PHYERR_RADAR); - PHY_ERR("SERVICE", ATH9K_PHYERR_SERVICE); - PHY_ERR("TOR", ATH9K_PHYERR_TOR); - PHY_ERR("OFDM-TIMING", ATH9K_PHYERR_OFDM_TIMING); - PHY_ERR("OFDM-SIGNAL-PARITY", ATH9K_PHYERR_OFDM_SIGNAL_PARITY); - PHY_ERR("OFDM-RATE", ATH9K_PHYERR_OFDM_RATE_ILLEGAL); - PHY_ERR("OFDM-LENGTH", ATH9K_PHYERR_OFDM_LENGTH_ILLEGAL); - PHY_ERR("OFDM-POWER-DROP", ATH9K_PHYERR_OFDM_POWER_DROP); - PHY_ERR("OFDM-SERVICE", ATH9K_PHYERR_OFDM_SERVICE); - PHY_ERR("OFDM-RESTART", ATH9K_PHYERR_OFDM_RESTART); - PHY_ERR("FALSE-RADAR-EXT", ATH9K_PHYERR_FALSE_RADAR_EXT); - PHY_ERR("CCK-TIMING", ATH9K_PHYERR_CCK_TIMING); - PHY_ERR("CCK-HEADER-CRC", ATH9K_PHYERR_CCK_HEADER_CRC); - PHY_ERR("CCK-RATE", ATH9K_PHYERR_CCK_RATE_ILLEGAL); - PHY_ERR("CCK-SERVICE", ATH9K_PHYERR_CCK_SERVICE); - PHY_ERR("CCK-RESTART", ATH9K_PHYERR_CCK_RESTART); - PHY_ERR("CCK-LENGTH", ATH9K_PHYERR_CCK_LENGTH_ILLEGAL); - PHY_ERR("CCK-POWER-DROP", ATH9K_PHYERR_CCK_POWER_DROP); - PHY_ERR("HT-CRC", ATH9K_PHYERR_HT_CRC_ERROR); - PHY_ERR("HT-LENGTH", ATH9K_PHYERR_HT_LENGTH_ILLEGAL); - PHY_ERR("HT-RATE", ATH9K_PHYERR_HT_RATE_ILLEGAL); - - len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "%18s : %10u\n", "RX-Pkts-All", + "%22s : %10u\n", "RX-Pkts-All", sc->debug.stats.rxstats.rx_pkts_all); len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, - "%18s : %10u\n", "RX-Bytes-All", + "%22s : %10u\n", "RX-Bytes-All", sc->debug.stats.rxstats.rx_bytes_all); if (len > size) @@ -1049,8 +968,6 @@ void ath_debug_stat_rx(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_rx_status *rs) #define RX_SAMP_DBG(c) (sc->debug.bb_mac_samp[sc->debug.sampidx].rs\ [sc->debug.rsidx].c) - u32 phyerr; - RX_STAT_INC(rx_pkts_all); sc->debug.stats.rxstats.rx_bytes_all += rs->rs_datalen; @@ -1069,20 +986,11 @@ void ath_debug_stat_rx(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_rx_status *rs) if (rs->rs_status & ATH9K_RXERR_PHY) { RX_STAT_INC(phy_err); - phyerr = rs->rs_phyerr & 0x24; - RX_PHY_ERR_INC(phyerr); + if (rs->rs_phyerr < ATH9K_PHYERR_MAX) + RX_PHY_ERR_INC(rs->rs_phyerr); } - sc->debug.stats.rxstats.rs_rssi_ctl0 = rs->rs_rssi_ctl0; - sc->debug.stats.rxstats.rs_rssi_ctl1 = rs->rs_rssi_ctl1; - sc->debug.stats.rxstats.rs_rssi_ctl2 = rs->rs_rssi_ctl2; - - sc->debug.stats.rxstats.rs_rssi_ext0 = rs->rs_rssi_ext0; - sc->debug.stats.rxstats.rs_rssi_ext1 = rs->rs_rssi_ext1; - sc->debug.stats.rxstats.rs_rssi_ext2 = rs->rs_rssi_ext2; - - sc->debug.stats.rxstats.rs_antenna = rs->rs_antenna; - +#ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_MAC_DEBUG spin_lock(&sc->debug.samp_lock); RX_SAMP_DBG(jiffies) = jiffies; RX_SAMP_DBG(rssi_ctl0) = rs->rs_rssi_ctl0; @@ -1099,6 +1007,8 @@ void ath_debug_stat_rx(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_rx_status *rs) sc->debug.rsidx = (sc->debug.rsidx + 1) % ATH_DBG_MAX_SAMPLES; spin_unlock(&sc->debug.samp_lock); +#endif + #undef RX_STAT_INC #undef RX_PHY_ERR_INC #undef RX_SAMP_DBG @@ -1342,6 +1252,8 @@ static const struct file_operations fops_modal_eeprom = { .llseek = default_llseek, }; +#ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_MAC_DEBUG + void ath9k_debug_samp_bb_mac(struct ath_softc *sc) { #define ATH_SAMP_DBG(c) (sc->debug.bb_mac_samp[sc->debug.sampidx].c) @@ -1615,6 +1527,7 @@ static const struct file_operations fops_samps = { .llseek = default_llseek, }; +#endif int ath9k_init_debug(struct ath_hw *ah) { @@ -1637,14 +1550,14 @@ int ath9k_init_debug(struct ath_hw *ah) &fops_dma); debugfs_create_file("interrupt", S_IRUSR, sc->debug.debugfs_phy, sc, &fops_interrupt); - debugfs_create_file("wiphy", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, sc->debug.debugfs_phy, - sc, &fops_wiphy); debugfs_create_file("xmit", S_IRUSR, sc->debug.debugfs_phy, sc, &fops_xmit); debugfs_create_file("stations", S_IRUSR, sc->debug.debugfs_phy, sc, &fops_stations); debugfs_create_file("misc", S_IRUSR, sc->debug.debugfs_phy, sc, &fops_misc); + debugfs_create_file("reset", S_IRUSR, sc->debug.debugfs_phy, sc, + &fops_reset); debugfs_create_file("recv", S_IRUSR, sc->debug.debugfs_phy, sc, &fops_recv); debugfs_create_file("rx_chainmask", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, @@ -1668,8 +1581,10 @@ int ath9k_init_debug(struct ath_hw *ah) &fops_base_eeprom); debugfs_create_file("modal_eeprom", S_IRUSR, sc->debug.debugfs_phy, sc, &fops_modal_eeprom); +#ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_MAC_DEBUG debugfs_create_file("samples", S_IRUSR, sc->debug.debugfs_phy, sc, &fops_samps); +#endif debugfs_create_u32("gpio_mask", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, sc->debug.debugfs_phy, &sc->sc_ah->gpio_mask); @@ -1677,10 +1592,5 @@ int ath9k_init_debug(struct ath_hw *ah) debugfs_create_u32("gpio_val", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, sc->debug.debugfs_phy, &sc->sc_ah->gpio_val); - sc->debug.regidx = 0; - memset(&sc->debug.bb_mac_samp, 0, sizeof(sc->debug.bb_mac_samp)); - sc->debug.sampidx = 0; - sc->debug.tsidx = 0; - sc->debug.rsidx = 0; return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/debug.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/debug.h index 776a24ada600fc377940851a4abbe7e3fa8a2001..64fcfad467bf44a38e325d2aed6a4bbee4adfc37 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/debug.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/debug.h @@ -165,13 +165,6 @@ struct ath_rx_stats { u32 post_delim_crc_err; u32 decrypt_busy_err; u32 phy_err_stats[ATH9K_PHYERR_MAX]; - int8_t rs_rssi_ctl0; - int8_t rs_rssi_ctl1; - int8_t rs_rssi_ctl2; - int8_t rs_rssi_ext0; - int8_t rs_rssi_ext1; - int8_t rs_rssi_ext2; - u8 rs_antenna; }; enum ath_reset_type { @@ -235,16 +228,17 @@ struct ath9k_debug { struct dentry *debugfs_phy; u32 regidx; struct ath_stats stats; +#ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_MAC_DEBUG spinlock_t samp_lock; struct ath_dbg_bb_mac_samp bb_mac_samp[ATH_DBG_MAX_SAMPLES]; u8 sampidx; u8 tsidx; u8 rsidx; +#endif }; int ath9k_init_debug(struct ath_hw *ah); -void ath9k_debug_samp_bb_mac(struct ath_softc *sc); void ath_debug_stat_interrupt(struct ath_softc *sc, enum ath9k_int status); void ath_debug_stat_tx(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_buf *bf, struct ath_tx_status *ts, struct ath_txq *txq, @@ -258,10 +252,6 @@ static inline int ath9k_init_debug(struct ath_hw *ah) return 0; } -static inline void ath9k_debug_samp_bb_mac(struct ath_softc *sc) -{ -} - static inline void ath_debug_stat_interrupt(struct ath_softc *sc, enum ath9k_int status) { @@ -282,4 +272,17 @@ static inline void ath_debug_stat_rx(struct ath_softc *sc, #endif /* CONFIG_ATH9K_DEBUGFS */ +#ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_MAC_DEBUG + +void ath9k_debug_samp_bb_mac(struct ath_softc *sc); + +#else + +static inline void ath9k_debug_samp_bb_mac(struct ath_softc *sc) +{ +} + +#endif + + #endif /* DEBUG_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/gpio.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/gpio.c index 597c84e31adb3b30a69ea7beb4f91b9890a2a662..fbe23de1297f67cbf520007b160f719cb6af3e43 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/gpio.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/gpio.c @@ -110,6 +110,8 @@ void ath_start_rfkill_poll(struct ath_softc *sc) wiphy_rfkill_start_polling(sc->hw->wiphy); } +#ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT + /******************/ /* BTCOEX */ /******************/ @@ -245,13 +247,10 @@ static void ath_btcoex_no_stomp_timer(void *arg) ath9k_ps_restore(sc); } -int ath_init_btcoex_timer(struct ath_softc *sc) +static int ath_init_btcoex_timer(struct ath_softc *sc) { struct ath_btcoex *btcoex = &sc->btcoex; - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(sc->sc_ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) - return 0; - btcoex->btcoex_period = ATH_BTCOEX_DEF_BT_PERIOD * 1000; btcoex->btcoex_no_stomp = (100 - ATH_BTCOEX_DEF_DUTY_CYCLE) * btcoex->btcoex_period / 100; @@ -284,9 +283,6 @@ void ath9k_btcoex_timer_resume(struct ath_softc *sc) ath_dbg(ath9k_hw_common(ah), BTCOEX, "Starting btcoex timers\n"); - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) - return; - /* make sure duty cycle timer is also stopped when resuming */ if (btcoex->hw_timer_enabled) ath9k_gen_timer_stop(sc->sc_ah, btcoex->no_stomp_timer); @@ -307,9 +303,6 @@ void ath9k_btcoex_timer_pause(struct ath_softc *sc) struct ath_btcoex *btcoex = &sc->btcoex; struct ath_hw *ah = sc->sc_ah; - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) - return; - del_timer_sync(&btcoex->period_timer); if (btcoex->hw_timer_enabled) @@ -317,3 +310,114 @@ void ath9k_btcoex_timer_pause(struct ath_softc *sc) btcoex->hw_timer_enabled = false; } + +u16 ath9k_btcoex_aggr_limit(struct ath_softc *sc, u32 max_4ms_framelen) +{ + struct ath_mci_profile *mci = &sc->btcoex.mci; + u16 aggr_limit = 0; + + if ((sc->sc_ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) && mci->aggr_limit) + aggr_limit = (max_4ms_framelen * mci->aggr_limit) >> 4; + else if (sc->sc_flags & SC_OP_BT_PRIORITY_DETECTED) + aggr_limit = min((max_4ms_framelen * 3) / 8, + (u32)ATH_AMPDU_LIMIT_MAX); + + return aggr_limit; +} + +void ath9k_btcoex_handle_interrupt(struct ath_softc *sc, u32 status) +{ + struct ath_hw *ah = sc->sc_ah; + + if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE) + if (status & ATH9K_INT_GENTIMER) + ath_gen_timer_isr(sc->sc_ah); + + if (status & ATH9K_INT_MCI) + ath_mci_intr(sc); +} + +void ath9k_start_btcoex(struct ath_softc *sc) +{ + struct ath_hw *ah = sc->sc_ah; + + if ((ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) != ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) && + !ah->btcoex_hw.enabled) { + if (!(sc->sc_ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI)) + ath9k_hw_btcoex_set_weight(ah, AR_BT_COEX_WGHT, + AR_STOMP_LOW_WLAN_WGHT); + ath9k_hw_btcoex_enable(ah); + + if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE) + ath9k_btcoex_timer_resume(sc); + } +} + +void ath9k_stop_btcoex(struct ath_softc *sc) +{ + struct ath_hw *ah = sc->sc_ah; + + if (ah->btcoex_hw.enabled && + ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) != ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) { + ath9k_hw_btcoex_disable(ah); + if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE) + ath9k_btcoex_timer_pause(sc); + if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_MCI) + ath_mci_flush_profile(&sc->btcoex.mci); + } +} + +void ath9k_deinit_btcoex(struct ath_softc *sc) +{ + if ((sc->btcoex.no_stomp_timer) && + ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(sc->sc_ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE) + ath_gen_timer_free(sc->sc_ah, sc->btcoex.no_stomp_timer); + + if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(sc->sc_ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_MCI) + ath_mci_cleanup(sc); +} + +int ath9k_init_btcoex(struct ath_softc *sc) +{ + struct ath_txq *txq; + struct ath_hw *ah = sc->sc_ah; + int r; + + ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_scheme(ah); + + switch (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(sc->sc_ah)) { + case ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE: + break; + case ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_2WIRE: + ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_2wire(sc->sc_ah); + break; + case ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE: + ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_3wire(sc->sc_ah); + r = ath_init_btcoex_timer(sc); + if (r) + return -1; + txq = sc->tx.txq_map[WME_AC_BE]; + ath9k_hw_init_btcoex_hw(sc->sc_ah, txq->axq_qnum); + sc->btcoex.bt_stomp_type = ATH_BTCOEX_STOMP_LOW; + break; + case ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_MCI: + sc->btcoex.bt_stomp_type = ATH_BTCOEX_STOMP_LOW; + sc->btcoex.duty_cycle = ATH_BTCOEX_DEF_DUTY_CYCLE; + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sc->btcoex.mci.info); + + r = ath_mci_setup(sc); + if (r) + return r; + + ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_mci(ah); + + break; + default: + WARN_ON(1); + break; + } + + return 0; +} + +#endif /* CONFIG_ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c index 77c8ded8de57bd7738bf62925383414cb01da951..424aabb2c7302db2bc74d4ca52256ae61fcac222 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c @@ -968,8 +968,7 @@ static void ath9k_hif_usb_dealloc_urbs(struct hif_device_usb *hif_dev) ath9k_hif_usb_dealloc_rx_urbs(hif_dev); } -static int ath9k_hif_usb_download_fw(struct hif_device_usb *hif_dev, - u32 drv_info) +static int ath9k_hif_usb_download_fw(struct hif_device_usb *hif_dev) { int transfer, err; const void *data = hif_dev->firmware->data; @@ -982,7 +981,7 @@ static int ath9k_hif_usb_download_fw(struct hif_device_usb *hif_dev, return -ENOMEM; while (len) { - transfer = min_t(int, len, 4096); + transfer = min_t(size_t, len, 4096); memcpy(buf, data, transfer); err = usb_control_msg(hif_dev->udev, @@ -1000,7 +999,7 @@ static int ath9k_hif_usb_download_fw(struct hif_device_usb *hif_dev, } kfree(buf); - if (IS_AR7010_DEVICE(drv_info)) + if (IS_AR7010_DEVICE(hif_dev->usb_device_id->driver_info)) firm_offset = AR7010_FIRMWARE_TEXT; else firm_offset = AR9271_FIRMWARE_TEXT; @@ -1021,28 +1020,18 @@ static int ath9k_hif_usb_download_fw(struct hif_device_usb *hif_dev, return 0; } -static int ath9k_hif_usb_dev_init(struct hif_device_usb *hif_dev, u32 drv_info) +static int ath9k_hif_usb_dev_init(struct hif_device_usb *hif_dev) { - int ret, idx; struct usb_host_interface *alt = &hif_dev->interface->altsetting[0]; struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *endp; + int ret, idx; - /* Request firmware */ - ret = request_firmware(&hif_dev->firmware, hif_dev->fw_name, - &hif_dev->udev->dev); - if (ret) { - dev_err(&hif_dev->udev->dev, - "ath9k_htc: Firmware - %s not found\n", hif_dev->fw_name); - goto err_fw_req; - } - - /* Download firmware */ - ret = ath9k_hif_usb_download_fw(hif_dev, drv_info); + ret = ath9k_hif_usb_download_fw(hif_dev); if (ret) { dev_err(&hif_dev->udev->dev, "ath9k_htc: Firmware - %s download failed\n", hif_dev->fw_name); - goto err_fw_download; + return ret; } /* On downloading the firmware to the target, the USB descriptor of EP4 @@ -1064,23 +1053,84 @@ static int ath9k_hif_usb_dev_init(struct hif_device_usb *hif_dev, u32 drv_info) if (ret) { dev_err(&hif_dev->udev->dev, "ath9k_htc: Unable to allocate URBs\n"); - goto err_fw_download; + return ret; } return 0; - -err_fw_download: - release_firmware(hif_dev->firmware); -err_fw_req: - hif_dev->firmware = NULL; - return ret; } static void ath9k_hif_usb_dev_deinit(struct hif_device_usb *hif_dev) { ath9k_hif_usb_dealloc_urbs(hif_dev); - if (hif_dev->firmware) - release_firmware(hif_dev->firmware); +} + +/* + * If initialization fails or the FW cannot be retrieved, + * detach the device. + */ +static void ath9k_hif_usb_firmware_fail(struct hif_device_usb *hif_dev) +{ + struct device *parent = hif_dev->udev->dev.parent; + + complete(&hif_dev->fw_done); + + if (parent) + device_lock(parent); + + device_release_driver(&hif_dev->udev->dev); + + if (parent) + device_unlock(parent); +} + +static void ath9k_hif_usb_firmware_cb(const struct firmware *fw, void *context) +{ + struct hif_device_usb *hif_dev = context; + int ret; + + if (!fw) { + dev_err(&hif_dev->udev->dev, + "ath9k_htc: Failed to get firmware %s\n", + hif_dev->fw_name); + goto err_fw; + } + + hif_dev->htc_handle = ath9k_htc_hw_alloc(hif_dev, &hif_usb, + &hif_dev->udev->dev); + if (hif_dev->htc_handle == NULL) { + goto err_fw; + } + + hif_dev->firmware = fw; + + /* Proceed with initialization */ + + ret = ath9k_hif_usb_dev_init(hif_dev); + if (ret) + goto err_dev_init; + + ret = ath9k_htc_hw_init(hif_dev->htc_handle, + &hif_dev->interface->dev, + hif_dev->usb_device_id->idProduct, + hif_dev->udev->product, + hif_dev->usb_device_id->driver_info); + if (ret) { + ret = -EINVAL; + goto err_htc_hw_init; + } + + complete(&hif_dev->fw_done); + + return; + +err_htc_hw_init: + ath9k_hif_usb_dev_deinit(hif_dev); +err_dev_init: + ath9k_htc_hw_free(hif_dev->htc_handle); + release_firmware(fw); + hif_dev->firmware = NULL; +err_fw: + ath9k_hif_usb_firmware_fail(hif_dev); } /* @@ -1155,20 +1205,16 @@ static int ath9k_hif_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *interface, } usb_get_dev(udev); + hif_dev->udev = udev; hif_dev->interface = interface; - hif_dev->device_id = id->idProduct; + hif_dev->usb_device_id = id; #ifdef CONFIG_PM udev->reset_resume = 1; #endif usb_set_intfdata(interface, hif_dev); - hif_dev->htc_handle = ath9k_htc_hw_alloc(hif_dev, &hif_usb, - &hif_dev->udev->dev); - if (hif_dev->htc_handle == NULL) { - ret = -ENOMEM; - goto err_htc_hw_alloc; - } + init_completion(&hif_dev->fw_done); /* Find out which firmware to load */ @@ -1177,29 +1223,22 @@ static int ath9k_hif_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *interface, else hif_dev->fw_name = FIRMWARE_AR9271; - ret = ath9k_hif_usb_dev_init(hif_dev, id->driver_info); - if (ret) { - ret = -EINVAL; - goto err_hif_init_usb; - } - - ret = ath9k_htc_hw_init(hif_dev->htc_handle, - &interface->dev, hif_dev->device_id, - hif_dev->udev->product, id->driver_info); + ret = request_firmware_nowait(THIS_MODULE, true, hif_dev->fw_name, + &hif_dev->udev->dev, GFP_KERNEL, + hif_dev, ath9k_hif_usb_firmware_cb); if (ret) { - ret = -EINVAL; - goto err_htc_hw_init; + dev_err(&hif_dev->udev->dev, + "ath9k_htc: Async request for firmware %s failed\n", + hif_dev->fw_name); + goto err_fw_req; } - dev_info(&hif_dev->udev->dev, "ath9k_htc: USB layer initialized\n"); + dev_info(&hif_dev->udev->dev, "ath9k_htc: Firmware %s requested\n", + hif_dev->fw_name); return 0; -err_htc_hw_init: - ath9k_hif_usb_dev_deinit(hif_dev); -err_hif_init_usb: - ath9k_htc_hw_free(hif_dev->htc_handle); -err_htc_hw_alloc: +err_fw_req: usb_set_intfdata(interface, NULL); kfree(hif_dev); usb_put_dev(udev); @@ -1234,9 +1273,15 @@ static void ath9k_hif_usb_disconnect(struct usb_interface *interface) if (!hif_dev) return; - ath9k_htc_hw_deinit(hif_dev->htc_handle, unplugged); - ath9k_htc_hw_free(hif_dev->htc_handle); - ath9k_hif_usb_dev_deinit(hif_dev); + wait_for_completion(&hif_dev->fw_done); + + if (hif_dev->firmware) { + ath9k_htc_hw_deinit(hif_dev->htc_handle, unplugged); + ath9k_htc_hw_free(hif_dev->htc_handle); + ath9k_hif_usb_dev_deinit(hif_dev); + release_firmware(hif_dev->firmware); + } + usb_set_intfdata(interface, NULL); if (!unplugged && (hif_dev->flags & HIF_USB_START)) @@ -1276,8 +1321,7 @@ static int ath9k_hif_usb_resume(struct usb_interface *interface) return ret; if (hif_dev->firmware) { - ret = ath9k_hif_usb_download_fw(hif_dev, - htc_handle->drv_priv->ah->hw_version.usbdev); + ret = ath9k_hif_usb_download_fw(hif_dev); if (ret) goto fail_resume; } else { diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.h index 794f63094e5d66db28189cc248e106474358497e..487ff658b4c1890f597045c739d919ff6dd16689 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.h @@ -87,10 +87,11 @@ struct cmd_buf { #define HIF_USB_START BIT(0) struct hif_device_usb { - u16 device_id; struct usb_device *udev; struct usb_interface *interface; + const struct usb_device_id *usb_device_id; const struct firmware *firmware; + struct completion fw_done; struct htc_target *htc_handle; struct hif_usb_tx tx; struct usb_anchor regout_submitted; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc.h index da5596766d8219791948a2f2ca26c719ec9ee7aa..135795257d95ab2a13ef684598a4ca3d57912470 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc.h @@ -400,9 +400,21 @@ struct ath_btcoex { u32 btscan_no_stomp; }; -void ath_htc_init_btcoex_work(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv); -void ath_htc_resume_btcoex_work(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv); -void ath_htc_cancel_btcoex_work(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv); +#ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT +void ath9k_htc_init_btcoex(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv, char *product); +void ath9k_htc_start_btcoex(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv); +void ath9k_htc_stop_btcoex(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv); +#else +static inline void ath9k_htc_init_btcoex(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv, char *product) +{ +} +static inline void ath9k_htc_start_btcoex(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv) +{ +} +static inline void ath9k_htc_stop_btcoex(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv) +{ +} +#endif /* CONFIG_ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT */ #define OP_INVALID BIT(0) #define OP_SCANNING BIT(1) @@ -483,7 +495,10 @@ struct ath9k_htc_priv { int cabq; int hwq_map[WME_NUM_AC]; +#ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT struct ath_btcoex btcoex; +#endif + struct delayed_work coex_period_work; struct delayed_work duty_cycle_work; #ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_HTC_DEBUGFS diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc_drv_gpio.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc_drv_gpio.c index 6506e1fd503649ad42246b84c49c618b5b818ad9..1c10e2e5c237d2a8233b8a09ae056b0a909f7bb2 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc_drv_gpio.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc_drv_gpio.c @@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ /* BTCOEX */ /******************/ +#define ATH_HTC_BTCOEX_PRODUCT_ID "wb193" + +#ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT + /* * Detects if there is any priority bt traffic */ @@ -111,13 +115,10 @@ static void ath_btcoex_duty_cycle_work(struct work_struct *work) ath9k_hw_btcoex_enable(priv->ah); } -void ath_htc_init_btcoex_work(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv) +static void ath_htc_init_btcoex_work(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv) { struct ath_btcoex *btcoex = &priv->btcoex; - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(priv->ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) - return; - btcoex->btcoex_period = ATH_BTCOEX_DEF_BT_PERIOD; btcoex->btcoex_no_stomp = (100 - ATH_BTCOEX_DEF_DUTY_CYCLE) * btcoex->btcoex_period / 100; @@ -131,14 +132,11 @@ void ath_htc_init_btcoex_work(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv) * (Re)start btcoex work */ -void ath_htc_resume_btcoex_work(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv) +static void ath_htc_resume_btcoex_work(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv) { struct ath_btcoex *btcoex = &priv->btcoex; struct ath_hw *ah = priv->ah; - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) - return; - ath_dbg(ath9k_hw_common(ah), BTCOEX, "Starting btcoex work\n"); btcoex->bt_priority_cnt = 0; @@ -151,15 +149,66 @@ void ath_htc_resume_btcoex_work(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv) /* * Cancel btcoex and bt duty cycle work. */ -void ath_htc_cancel_btcoex_work(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv) +static void ath_htc_cancel_btcoex_work(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv) { - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(priv->ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) - return; - cancel_delayed_work_sync(&priv->coex_period_work); cancel_delayed_work_sync(&priv->duty_cycle_work); } +void ath9k_htc_start_btcoex(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv) +{ + struct ath_hw *ah = priv->ah; + + if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE) { + ath9k_hw_btcoex_set_weight(ah, AR_BT_COEX_WGHT, + AR_STOMP_LOW_WLAN_WGHT); + ath9k_hw_btcoex_enable(ah); + ath_htc_resume_btcoex_work(priv); + } +} + +void ath9k_htc_stop_btcoex(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv) +{ + struct ath_hw *ah = priv->ah; + + if (ah->btcoex_hw.enabled && + ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) != ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) { + ath9k_hw_btcoex_disable(ah); + if (ah->btcoex_hw.scheme == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE) + ath_htc_cancel_btcoex_work(priv); + } +} + +void ath9k_htc_init_btcoex(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv, char *product) +{ + struct ath_hw *ah = priv->ah; + int qnum; + + if (product && strncmp(product, ATH_HTC_BTCOEX_PRODUCT_ID, 5) == 0) { + ah->btcoex_hw.scheme = ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE; + } + + switch (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(priv->ah)) { + case ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE: + break; + case ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE: + priv->ah->btcoex_hw.btactive_gpio = 7; + priv->ah->btcoex_hw.btpriority_gpio = 6; + priv->ah->btcoex_hw.wlanactive_gpio = 8; + priv->btcoex.bt_stomp_type = ATH_BTCOEX_STOMP_LOW; + ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_3wire(priv->ah); + ath_htc_init_btcoex_work(priv); + qnum = priv->hwq_map[WME_AC_BE]; + ath9k_hw_init_btcoex_hw(priv->ah, qnum); + break; + default: + WARN_ON(1); + break; + } +} + +#endif /* CONFIG_ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT */ + /*******/ /* LED */ /*******/ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc_drv_init.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc_drv_init.c index 9be10a2da1c29cc48f6a96656a596c8cf6e6c5c4..de5ee15ee639f7964509c679580cadb2b3d95417 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc_drv_init.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc_drv_init.c @@ -41,8 +41,6 @@ MODULE_PARM_DESC(nohwcrypt, "Disable hardware encryption"); .max_power = 20, \ } -#define ATH_HTC_BTCOEX_PRODUCT_ID "wb193" - static struct ieee80211_channel ath9k_2ghz_channels[] = { CHAN2G(2412, 0), /* Channel 1 */ CHAN2G(2417, 1), /* Channel 2 */ @@ -603,29 +601,6 @@ static void ath9k_init_misc(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv) priv->ah->opmode = NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION; } -static void ath9k_init_btcoex(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv) -{ - int qnum; - - switch (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(priv->ah)) { - case ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE: - break; - case ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE: - priv->ah->btcoex_hw.btactive_gpio = 7; - priv->ah->btcoex_hw.btpriority_gpio = 6; - priv->ah->btcoex_hw.wlanactive_gpio = 8; - priv->btcoex.bt_stomp_type = ATH_BTCOEX_STOMP_LOW; - ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_3wire(priv->ah); - ath_htc_init_btcoex_work(priv); - qnum = priv->hwq_map[WME_AC_BE]; - ath9k_hw_init_btcoex_hw(priv->ah, qnum); - break; - default: - WARN_ON(1); - break; - } -} - static int ath9k_init_priv(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv, u16 devid, char *product, u32 drv_info) @@ -698,12 +673,7 @@ static int ath9k_init_priv(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv, ath9k_cmn_init_crypto(ah); ath9k_init_channels_rates(priv); ath9k_init_misc(priv); - - if (product && strncmp(product, ATH_HTC_BTCOEX_PRODUCT_ID, 5) == 0) { - ah->btcoex_hw.scheme = ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE; - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) != ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) - ath9k_init_btcoex(priv); - } + ath9k_htc_init_btcoex(priv, product); return 0; @@ -741,6 +711,8 @@ static void ath9k_set_hw_capab(struct ath9k_htc_priv *priv, hw->wiphy->flags &= ~WIPHY_FLAG_PS_ON_BY_DEFAULT; + hw->wiphy->flags |= WIPHY_FLAG_IBSS_RSN; + hw->queues = 4; hw->channel_change_time = 5000; hw->max_listen_interval = 10; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc_drv_main.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc_drv_main.c index ef4c6066129022d90bda90416a65bdab93d59c27..2b8f61c210e1c2dd74ef5a779a5282f96253b856 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc_drv_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc_drv_main.c @@ -919,7 +919,6 @@ static int ath9k_htc_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) /* setup initial channel */ init_channel = ath9k_cmn_get_curchannel(hw, ah); - ath9k_hw_htc_resetinit(ah); ret = ath9k_hw_reset(ah, init_channel, ah->caldata, false); if (ret) { ath_err(common, @@ -957,12 +956,8 @@ static int ath9k_htc_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) mod_timer(&priv->tx.cleanup_timer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(ATH9K_HTC_TX_CLEANUP_INTERVAL)); - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE) { - ath9k_hw_btcoex_set_weight(ah, AR_BT_COEX_WGHT, - AR_STOMP_LOW_WLAN_WGHT); - ath9k_hw_btcoex_enable(ah); - ath_htc_resume_btcoex_work(priv); - } + ath9k_htc_start_btcoex(priv); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); return ret; @@ -1009,12 +1004,7 @@ static void ath9k_htc_stop(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); - if (ah->btcoex_hw.enabled && - ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) != ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) { - ath9k_hw_btcoex_disable(ah); - if (ah->btcoex_hw.scheme == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE) - ath_htc_cancel_btcoex_work(priv); - } + ath9k_htc_stop_btcoex(priv); /* Remove a monitor interface if it's present. */ if (priv->ah->is_monitoring) @@ -1409,6 +1399,21 @@ static int ath9k_htc_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (htc_modparam_nohwcrypt) return -ENOSPC; + if ((vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC || + vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT) && + (key->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP || + key->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_CCMP) && + !(key->flags & IEEE80211_KEY_FLAG_PAIRWISE)) { + /* + * For now, disable hw crypto for the RSN IBSS group keys. This + * could be optimized in the future to use a modified key cache + * design to support per-STA RX GTK, but until that gets + * implemented, use of software crypto for group addressed + * frames is a acceptable to allow RSN IBSS to be used. + */ + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + } + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); ath_dbg(common, CONFIG, "Set HW Key\n"); ath9k_htc_ps_wakeup(priv); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc_hst.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc_hst.c index 1b90ed8795c345a087d59a88a4715a873c3ebf90..c25226a32ddc44c5410e515f932b39ce14fcc08e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc_hst.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/htc_hst.c @@ -431,11 +431,8 @@ struct htc_target *ath9k_htc_hw_alloc(void *hif_handle, struct htc_target *target; target = kzalloc(sizeof(struct htc_target), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!target) { - printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to allocate memory for" - "target device\n"); + if (!target) return NULL; - } init_completion(&target->target_wait); init_completion(&target->cmd_wait); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hw-ops.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hw-ops.h index c4ad0b06bdbc9109bb2ef644c2c4dba3eb64a2c1..265bf77598a268c60a4392165db2a12fde95324c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hw-ops.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hw-ops.h @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ static inline void ath9k_hw_configpcipowersave(struct ath_hw *ah, bool power_off) { - if (ah->aspm_enabled != true) + if (!ah->aspm_enabled) return; ath9k_hw_ops(ah)->config_pci_powersave(ah, power_off); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hw.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hw.c index 87db1ee1c298ae32ac1434e7f3db58e25bfbee92..6c69e4e8b1cb7ca85b6710aecb8fbe3cba1e10c9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hw.c @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ #include "hw-ops.h" #include "rc.h" #include "ar9003_mac.h" +#include "ar9003_mci.h" static bool ath9k_hw_set_reset_reg(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 type); @@ -448,6 +449,7 @@ static void ath9k_hw_init_defaults(struct ath_hw *ah) ah->slottime = ATH9K_SLOT_TIME_9; ah->globaltxtimeout = (u32) -1; ah->power_mode = ATH9K_PM_UNDEFINED; + ah->htc_reset_init = true; } static int ath9k_hw_init_macaddr(struct ath_hw *ah) @@ -554,7 +556,7 @@ static int __ath9k_hw_init(struct ath_hw *ah) return -EIO; } - if (ah->config.serialize_regmode == SER_REG_MODE_AUTO) { + if (NR_CPUS > 1 && ah->config.serialize_regmode == SER_REG_MODE_AUTO) { if (ah->hw_version.macVersion == AR_SREV_VERSION_5416_PCI || ((AR_SREV_9160(ah) || AR_SREV_9280(ah)) && !ah->is_pciexpress)) { @@ -618,9 +620,6 @@ static int __ath9k_hw_init(struct ath_hw *ah) if (!ah->is_pciexpress) ath9k_hw_disablepcie(ah); - if (!AR_SREV_9300_20_OR_LATER(ah)) - ar9002_hw_cck_chan14_spread(ah); - r = ath9k_hw_post_init(ah); if (r) return r; @@ -1385,10 +1384,16 @@ static bool ath9k_hw_set_reset_reg(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 type) static bool ath9k_hw_chip_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath9k_channel *chan) { - if (AR_SREV_9280(ah) && ah->eep_ops->get_eeprom(ah, EEP_OL_PWRCTRL)) { - if (!ath9k_hw_set_reset_reg(ah, ATH9K_RESET_POWER_ON)) - return false; - } else if (!ath9k_hw_set_reset_reg(ah, ATH9K_RESET_WARM)) + int reset_type = ATH9K_RESET_WARM; + + if (AR_SREV_9280(ah)) { + if (ah->eep_ops->get_eeprom(ah, EEP_OL_PWRCTRL)) + reset_type = ATH9K_RESET_POWER_ON; + else + reset_type = ATH9K_RESET_COLD; + } + + if (!ath9k_hw_set_reset_reg(ah, reset_type)) return false; if (!ath9k_hw_setpower(ah, ATH9K_PM_AWAKE)) @@ -1514,70 +1519,95 @@ bool ath9k_hw_check_alive(struct ath_hw *ah) } EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath9k_hw_check_alive); -int ath9k_hw_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath9k_channel *chan, - struct ath9k_hw_cal_data *caldata, bool bChannelChange) +/* + * Fast channel change: + * (Change synthesizer based on channel freq without resetting chip) + * + * Don't do FCC when + * - Flag is not set + * - Chip is just coming out of full sleep + * - Channel to be set is same as current channel + * - Channel flags are different, (eg.,moving from 2GHz to 5GHz channel) + */ +static int ath9k_hw_do_fastcc(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath9k_channel *chan) { struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); - struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci_hw = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; - u32 saveLedState; - struct ath9k_channel *curchan = ah->curchan; - u32 saveDefAntenna; - u32 macStaId1; - u64 tsf = 0; - int i, r; - bool allow_fbs = false; - bool mci = !!(ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI); - bool save_fullsleep = ah->chip_fullsleep; + int ret; - if (mci) { + if (AR_SREV_9280(ah) && common->bus_ops->ath_bus_type == ATH_PCI) + goto fail; - ar9003_mci_2g5g_changed(ah, IS_CHAN_2GHZ(chan)); + if (ah->chip_fullsleep) + goto fail; - if (mci_hw->bt_state == MCI_BT_CAL_START) { - u32 payload[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; + if (!ah->curchan) + goto fail; - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI stop rx for BT CAL\n"); + if (chan->channel == ah->curchan->channel) + goto fail; - mci_hw->bt_state = MCI_BT_CAL; + if ((chan->channelFlags & CHANNEL_ALL) != + (ah->curchan->channelFlags & CHANNEL_ALL)) + goto fail; - /* - * MCI FIX: disable mci interrupt here. This is to avoid - * SW_MSG_DONE or RX_MSG bits to trigger MCI_INT and - * lead to mci_intr reentry. - */ + if (!ath9k_hw_check_alive(ah)) + goto fail; - ar9003_mci_disable_interrupt(ah); + /* + * For AR9462, make sure that calibration data for + * re-using are present. + */ + if (AR_SREV_9462(ah) && (!ah->caldata || + !ah->caldata->done_txiqcal_once || + !ah->caldata->done_txclcal_once || + !ah->caldata->rtt_hist.num_readings)) + goto fail; - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "send WLAN_CAL_GRANT\n"); - MCI_GPM_SET_CAL_TYPE(payload, MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_GRANT); - ar9003_mci_send_message(ah, MCI_GPM, 0, payload, - 16, true, false); + ath_dbg(common, RESET, "FastChannelChange for %d -> %d\n", + ah->curchan->channel, chan->channel); - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "\nMCI BT is calibrating\n"); + ret = ath9k_hw_channel_change(ah, chan); + if (!ret) + goto fail; - /* Wait BT calibration to be completed for 25ms */ + ath9k_hw_loadnf(ah, ah->curchan); + ath9k_hw_start_nfcal(ah, true); - if (ar9003_mci_wait_for_gpm(ah, MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_DONE, - 0, 25000)) - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI got BT_CAL_DONE\n"); - else - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI ### BT cal takes to long, force bt_state to be bt_awake\n"); - mci_hw->bt_state = MCI_BT_AWAKE; - /* MCI FIX: enable mci interrupt here */ - ar9003_mci_enable_interrupt(ah); + if ((ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) && ar9003_mci_is_ready(ah)) + ar9003_mci_2g5g_switch(ah, true); - return true; - } - } + if (AR_SREV_9271(ah)) + ar9002_hw_load_ani_reg(ah, chan); + + return 0; +fail: + return -EINVAL; +} + +int ath9k_hw_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath9k_channel *chan, + struct ath9k_hw_cal_data *caldata, bool fastcc) +{ + struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); + u32 saveLedState; + u32 saveDefAntenna; + u32 macStaId1; + u64 tsf = 0; + int i, r; + bool start_mci_reset = false; + bool mci = !!(ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI); + bool save_fullsleep = ah->chip_fullsleep; + if (mci) { + start_mci_reset = ar9003_mci_start_reset(ah, chan); + if (start_mci_reset) + return 0; + } if (!ath9k_hw_setpower(ah, ATH9K_PM_AWAKE)) return -EIO; - if (curchan && !ah->chip_fullsleep) - ath9k_hw_getnf(ah, curchan); + if (ah->curchan && !ah->chip_fullsleep) + ath9k_hw_getnf(ah, ah->curchan); ah->caldata = caldata; if (caldata && @@ -1590,47 +1620,14 @@ int ath9k_hw_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath9k_channel *chan, } ah->noise = ath9k_hw_getchan_noise(ah, chan); - if (AR_SREV_9280(ah) && common->bus_ops->ath_bus_type == ATH_PCI) - bChannelChange = false; - - if (caldata && - caldata->done_txiqcal_once && - caldata->done_txclcal_once && - caldata->rtt_hist.num_readings) - allow_fbs = true; - - if (bChannelChange && - (ah->chip_fullsleep != true) && - (ah->curchan != NULL) && - (chan->channel != ah->curchan->channel) && - (allow_fbs || - ((chan->channelFlags & CHANNEL_ALL) == - (ah->curchan->channelFlags & CHANNEL_ALL)))) { - if (ath9k_hw_channel_change(ah, chan)) { - ath9k_hw_loadnf(ah, ah->curchan); - ath9k_hw_start_nfcal(ah, true); - if (mci && mci_hw->ready) - ar9003_mci_2g5g_switch(ah, true); - - if (AR_SREV_9271(ah)) - ar9002_hw_load_ani_reg(ah, chan); - return 0; - } - } - - if (mci) { - ar9003_mci_disable_interrupt(ah); - - if (mci_hw->ready && !save_fullsleep) { - ar9003_mci_mute_bt(ah); - udelay(20); - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_BTCOEX_CTRL, 0); - } - - mci_hw->bt_state = MCI_BT_SLEEP; - mci_hw->ready = false; + if (fastcc) { + r = ath9k_hw_do_fastcc(ah, chan); + if (!r) + return r; } + if (mci) + ar9003_mci_stop_bt(ah, save_fullsleep); saveDefAntenna = REG_READ(ah, AR_DEF_ANTENNA); if (saveDefAntenna == 0) @@ -1807,53 +1804,8 @@ int ath9k_hw_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath9k_channel *chan, ath9k_hw_loadnf(ah, chan); ath9k_hw_start_nfcal(ah, true); - if (mci && mci_hw->ready) { - - if (IS_CHAN_2GHZ(chan) && - (mci_hw->bt_state == MCI_BT_SLEEP)) { - - if (ar9003_mci_check_int(ah, - AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_REMOTE_RESET) || - ar9003_mci_check_int(ah, - AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_REQ_WAKE)) { - - /* - * BT is sleeping. Check if BT wakes up during - * WLAN calibration. If BT wakes up during - * WLAN calibration, need to go through all - * message exchanges again and recal. - */ - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI BT wakes up during WLAN calibration\n"); - - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW, - AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_REMOTE_RESET | - AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_REQ_WAKE); - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI send REMOTE_RESET\n"); - ar9003_mci_remote_reset(ah, true); - ar9003_mci_send_sys_waking(ah, true); - udelay(1); - if (IS_CHAN_2GHZ(chan)) - ar9003_mci_send_lna_transfer(ah, true); - - mci_hw->bt_state = MCI_BT_AWAKE; - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI re-cal\n"); - - if (caldata) { - caldata->done_txiqcal_once = false; - caldata->done_txclcal_once = false; - caldata->rtt_hist.num_readings = 0; - } - - if (!ath9k_hw_init_cal(ah, chan)) - return -EIO; - - } - } - ar9003_mci_enable_interrupt(ah); - } + if (mci && ar9003_mci_end_reset(ah, chan, caldata)) + return -EIO; ENABLE_REGWRITE_BUFFER(ah); @@ -1894,24 +1846,11 @@ int ath9k_hw_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath9k_channel *chan, #endif } - if (ah->btcoex_hw.enabled && - ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) != ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) + if (ath9k_hw_btcoex_is_enabled(ah)) ath9k_hw_btcoex_enable(ah); - if (mci && mci_hw->ready) { - /* - * check BT state again to make - * sure it's not changed. - */ - - ar9003_mci_sync_bt_state(ah); - ar9003_mci_2g5g_switch(ah, true); - - if ((mci_hw->bt_state == MCI_BT_AWAKE) && - (mci_hw->query_bt == true)) { - mci_hw->need_flush_btinfo = true; - } - } + if (mci) + ar9003_mci_check_bt(ah); if (AR_SREV_9300_20_OR_LATER(ah)) { ar9003_hw_bb_watchdog_config(ah); @@ -1962,8 +1901,7 @@ static void ath9k_set_power_sleep(struct ath_hw *ah, int setChip) REG_WRITE(ah, AR_RC, AR_RC_AHB | AR_RC_HOSTIF); /* Shutdown chip. Active low */ - if (!AR_SREV_5416(ah) && - !AR_SREV_9271(ah) && !AR_SREV_9462_10(ah)) { + if (!AR_SREV_5416(ah) && !AR_SREV_9271(ah)) { REG_CLR_BIT(ah, AR_RTC_RESET, AR_RTC_RESET_EN); udelay(2); } @@ -2038,8 +1976,7 @@ static bool ath9k_hw_set_power_awake(struct ath_hw *ah, int setChip) if (setChip) { if ((REG_READ(ah, AR_RTC_STATUS) & AR_RTC_STATUS_M) == AR_RTC_STATUS_SHUTDOWN) { - if (ath9k_hw_set_reset_reg(ah, - ATH9K_RESET_POWER_ON) != true) { + if (!ath9k_hw_set_reset_reg(ah, ATH9K_RESET_POWER_ON)) { return false; } if (!AR_SREV_9300_20_OR_LATER(ah)) @@ -2077,7 +2014,6 @@ static bool ath9k_hw_set_power_awake(struct ath_hw *ah, int setChip) bool ath9k_hw_setpower(struct ath_hw *ah, enum ath9k_power_mode mode) { struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); - struct ath9k_hw_mci *mci = &ah->btcoex_hw.mci; int status = true, setChip = true; static const char *modes[] = { "AWAKE", @@ -2101,20 +2037,8 @@ bool ath9k_hw_setpower(struct ath_hw *ah, enum ath9k_power_mode mode) break; case ATH9K_PM_FULL_SLEEP: - - if (ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) { - if (ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_ENABLE, NULL) && - (mci->bt_state != MCI_BT_SLEEP) && - !mci->halted_bt_gpm) { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI halt BT GPM (full_sleep)\n"); - ar9003_mci_send_coex_halt_bt_gpm(ah, - true, true); - } - - mci->ready = false; - REG_WRITE(ah, AR_RTC_KEEP_AWAKE, 0x2); - } + if (ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) + ar9003_mci_set_full_sleep(ah); ath9k_set_power_sleep(ah, setChip); ah->chip_fullsleep = true; @@ -2304,7 +2228,6 @@ int ath9k_hw_fill_cap_info(struct ath_hw *ah) struct ath9k_hw_capabilities *pCap = &ah->caps; struct ath_regulatory *regulatory = ath9k_hw_regulatory(ah); struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); - struct ath_btcoex_hw *btcoex_hw = &ah->btcoex_hw; unsigned int chip_chainmask; u16 eeval; @@ -2423,30 +2346,6 @@ int ath9k_hw_fill_cap_info(struct ath_hw *ah) else pCap->hw_caps |= ATH9K_HW_CAP_4KB_SPLITTRANS; - if (common->btcoex_enabled) { - if (AR_SREV_9462(ah)) - btcoex_hw->scheme = ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_MCI; - else if (AR_SREV_9300_20_OR_LATER(ah)) { - btcoex_hw->scheme = ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE; - btcoex_hw->btactive_gpio = ATH_BTACTIVE_GPIO_9300; - btcoex_hw->wlanactive_gpio = ATH_WLANACTIVE_GPIO_9300; - btcoex_hw->btpriority_gpio = ATH_BTPRIORITY_GPIO_9300; - } else if (AR_SREV_9280_20_OR_LATER(ah)) { - btcoex_hw->btactive_gpio = ATH_BTACTIVE_GPIO_9280; - btcoex_hw->wlanactive_gpio = ATH_WLANACTIVE_GPIO_9280; - - if (AR_SREV_9285(ah)) { - btcoex_hw->scheme = ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE; - btcoex_hw->btpriority_gpio = - ATH_BTPRIORITY_GPIO_9285; - } else { - btcoex_hw->scheme = ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_2WIRE; - } - } - } else { - btcoex_hw->scheme = ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE; - } - if (AR_SREV_9300_20_OR_LATER(ah)) { pCap->hw_caps |= ATH9K_HW_CAP_EDMA | ATH9K_HW_CAP_FASTCLOCK; if (!AR_SREV_9330(ah) && !AR_SREV_9485(ah)) @@ -2530,8 +2429,17 @@ int ath9k_hw_fill_cap_info(struct ath_hw *ah) if (AR_SREV_9485_OR_LATER(ah)) ah->enabled_cals |= TX_IQ_ON_AGC_CAL; } - if (AR_SREV_9462(ah)) - pCap->hw_caps |= ATH9K_HW_CAP_RTT | ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI; + + if (AR_SREV_9462(ah)) { + + if (!(ah->ent_mode & AR_ENT_OTP_49GHZ_DISABLE)) + pCap->hw_caps |= ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI; + + if (AR_SREV_9462_20(ah)) + pCap->hw_caps |= ATH9K_HW_CAP_RTT; + + } + return 0; } @@ -2657,12 +2565,6 @@ void ath9k_hw_set_gpio(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 gpio, u32 val) } EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath9k_hw_set_gpio); -u32 ath9k_hw_getdefantenna(struct ath_hw *ah) -{ - return REG_READ(ah, AR_DEF_ANTENNA) & 0x7; -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath9k_hw_getdefantenna); - void ath9k_hw_setantenna(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 antenna) { REG_WRITE(ah, AR_DEF_ANTENNA, (antenna & 0x7)); @@ -2720,6 +2622,7 @@ bool ath9k_hw_phy_disable(struct ath_hw *ah) return false; ath9k_hw_init_pll(ah, NULL); + ah->htc_reset_init = true; return true; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath9k_hw_phy_disable); @@ -3080,12 +2983,6 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath_gen_timer_isr); /* HTC */ /********/ -void ath9k_hw_htc_resetinit(struct ath_hw *ah) -{ - ah->htc_reset_init = true; -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath9k_hw_htc_resetinit); - static struct { u32 version; const char * name; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hw.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hw.h index c8261d4fc780aa3b4db12586e2738a1065376604..aa1680a0c7fdbeccd4ba36a7be8733b5a1a0ed4c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hw.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hw.h @@ -209,11 +209,7 @@ enum ath9k_hw_caps { ATH9K_HW_CAP_5GHZ = BIT(12), ATH9K_HW_CAP_APM = BIT(13), ATH9K_HW_CAP_RTT = BIT(14), -#ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI = BIT(15), -#else - ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI = 0, -#endif ATH9K_HW_CAP_DFS = BIT(16), }; @@ -432,161 +428,6 @@ enum ath9k_rx_qtype { ATH9K_RX_QUEUE_MAX, }; -enum mci_message_header { /* length of payload */ - MCI_LNA_CTRL = 0x10, /* len = 0 */ - MCI_CONT_NACK = 0x20, /* len = 0 */ - MCI_CONT_INFO = 0x30, /* len = 4 */ - MCI_CONT_RST = 0x40, /* len = 0 */ - MCI_SCHD_INFO = 0x50, /* len = 16 */ - MCI_CPU_INT = 0x60, /* len = 4 */ - MCI_SYS_WAKING = 0x70, /* len = 0 */ - MCI_GPM = 0x80, /* len = 16 */ - MCI_LNA_INFO = 0x90, /* len = 1 */ - MCI_LNA_STATE = 0x94, - MCI_LNA_TAKE = 0x98, - MCI_LNA_TRANS = 0x9c, - MCI_SYS_SLEEPING = 0xa0, /* len = 0 */ - MCI_REQ_WAKE = 0xc0, /* len = 0 */ - MCI_DEBUG_16 = 0xfe, /* len = 2 */ - MCI_REMOTE_RESET = 0xff /* len = 16 */ -}; - -enum ath_mci_gpm_coex_profile_type { - MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_UNKNOWN, - MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_RFCOMM, - MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_A2DP, - MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_HID, - MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_BNEP, - MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_VOICE, - MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_MAX -}; - -/* MCI GPM/Coex opcode/type definitions */ -enum { - MCI_GPM_COEX_W_GPM_PAYLOAD = 1, - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_GPM_TYPE = 4, - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_GPM_OPCODE = 5, - /* MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_REQ, MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_DONE */ - MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_W_SEQUENCE = 2, - - /* MCI_GPM_COEX_VERSION_QUERY */ - /* MCI_GPM_COEX_VERSION_RESPONSE */ - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_MAJOR_VERSION = 6, - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_MINOR_VERSION = 7, - /* MCI_GPM_COEX_STATUS_QUERY */ - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_BT_BITMAP = 6, - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_WLAN_BITMAP = 7, - /* MCI_GPM_COEX_HALT_BT_GPM */ - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_HALT_STATE = 6, - /* MCI_GPM_COEX_WLAN_CHANNELS */ - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_CHANNEL_MAP = 6, - /* MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_PROFILE_INFO */ - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_PROFILE_TYPE = 6, - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_PROFILE_LINKID = 7, - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_PROFILE_STATE = 8, - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_PROFILE_ROLE = 9, - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_PROFILE_RATE = 10, - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_PROFILE_VOTYPE = 11, - MCI_GPM_COEX_H_PROFILE_T = 12, - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_PROFILE_W = 14, - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_PROFILE_A = 15, - /* MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_STATUS_UPDATE */ - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_STATUS_TYPE = 6, - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_STATUS_LINKID = 7, - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_STATUS_STATE = 8, - /* MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_UPDATE_FLAGS */ - MCI_GPM_COEX_W_BT_FLAGS = 6, - MCI_GPM_COEX_B_BT_FLAGS_OP = 10 -}; - -enum mci_gpm_subtype { - MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_REQ = 0, - MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_GRANT = 1, - MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_DONE = 2, - MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_REQ = 3, - MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_GRANT = 4, - MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_DONE = 5, - MCI_GPM_COEX_AGENT = 0x0c, - MCI_GPM_RSVD_PATTERN = 0xfe, - MCI_GPM_RSVD_PATTERN32 = 0xfefefefe, - MCI_GPM_BT_DEBUG = 0xff -}; - -enum mci_bt_state { - MCI_BT_SLEEP, - MCI_BT_AWAKE, - MCI_BT_CAL_START, - MCI_BT_CAL -}; - -/* Type of state query */ -enum mci_state_type { - MCI_STATE_ENABLE, - MCI_STATE_INIT_GPM_OFFSET, - MCI_STATE_NEXT_GPM_OFFSET, - MCI_STATE_LAST_GPM_OFFSET, - MCI_STATE_BT, - MCI_STATE_SET_BT_SLEEP, - MCI_STATE_SET_BT_AWAKE, - MCI_STATE_SET_BT_CAL_START, - MCI_STATE_SET_BT_CAL, - MCI_STATE_LAST_SCHD_MSG_OFFSET, - MCI_STATE_REMOTE_SLEEP, - MCI_STATE_CONT_RSSI_POWER, - MCI_STATE_CONT_PRIORITY, - MCI_STATE_CONT_TXRX, - MCI_STATE_RESET_REQ_WAKE, - MCI_STATE_SEND_WLAN_COEX_VERSION, - MCI_STATE_SET_BT_COEX_VERSION, - MCI_STATE_SEND_WLAN_CHANNELS, - MCI_STATE_SEND_VERSION_QUERY, - MCI_STATE_SEND_STATUS_QUERY, - MCI_STATE_NEED_FLUSH_BT_INFO, - MCI_STATE_SET_CONCUR_TX_PRI, - MCI_STATE_RECOVER_RX, - MCI_STATE_NEED_FTP_STOMP, - MCI_STATE_NEED_TUNING, - MCI_STATE_DEBUG, - MCI_STATE_MAX -}; - -enum mci_gpm_coex_opcode { - MCI_GPM_COEX_VERSION_QUERY, - MCI_GPM_COEX_VERSION_RESPONSE, - MCI_GPM_COEX_STATUS_QUERY, - MCI_GPM_COEX_HALT_BT_GPM, - MCI_GPM_COEX_WLAN_CHANNELS, - MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_PROFILE_INFO, - MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_STATUS_UPDATE, - MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_UPDATE_FLAGS -}; - -#define MCI_GPM_NOMORE 0 -#define MCI_GPM_MORE 1 -#define MCI_GPM_INVALID 0xffffffff - -#define MCI_GPM_RECYCLE(_p_gpm) do { \ - *(((u32 *)_p_gpm) + MCI_GPM_COEX_W_GPM_PAYLOAD) = \ - MCI_GPM_RSVD_PATTERN32; \ -} while (0) - -#define MCI_GPM_TYPE(_p_gpm) \ - (*(((u8 *)(_p_gpm)) + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_GPM_TYPE) & 0xff) - -#define MCI_GPM_OPCODE(_p_gpm) \ - (*(((u8 *)(_p_gpm)) + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_GPM_OPCODE) & 0xff) - -#define MCI_GPM_SET_CAL_TYPE(_p_gpm, _cal_type) do { \ - *(((u8 *)(_p_gpm)) + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_GPM_TYPE) = (_cal_type) & 0xff;\ -} while (0) - -#define MCI_GPM_SET_TYPE_OPCODE(_p_gpm, _type, _opcode) do { \ - *(((u8 *)(_p_gpm)) + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_GPM_TYPE) = (_type) & 0xff; \ - *(((u8 *)(_p_gpm)) + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_GPM_OPCODE) = (_opcode) & 0xff;\ -} while (0) - -#define MCI_GPM_IS_CAL_TYPE(_type) ((_type) <= MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_DONE) - struct ath9k_beacon_state { u32 bs_nexttbtt; u32 bs_nextdtim; @@ -956,8 +797,9 @@ struct ath_hw { int firpwr[5]; enum ath9k_ani_cmd ani_function; - /* Bluetooth coexistance */ +#ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT struct ath_btcoex_hw btcoex_hw; +#endif u32 intr_txqs; u8 txchainmask; @@ -985,19 +827,14 @@ struct ath_hw { struct ar5416IniArray iniAddac; struct ar5416IniArray iniPcieSerdes; struct ar5416IniArray iniPcieSerdesLowPower; - struct ar5416IniArray iniModesAdditional; - struct ar5416IniArray iniModesAdditional_40M; + struct ar5416IniArray iniModesFastClock; + struct ar5416IniArray iniAdditional; struct ar5416IniArray iniModesRxGain; struct ar5416IniArray iniModesTxGain; - struct ar5416IniArray iniModes_9271_1_0_only; struct ar5416IniArray iniCckfirNormal; struct ar5416IniArray iniCckfirJapan2484; struct ar5416IniArray ini_japan2484; - struct ar5416IniArray iniCommon_normal_cck_fir_coeff_9271; - struct ar5416IniArray iniCommon_japan_2484_cck_fir_coeff_9271; struct ar5416IniArray iniModes_9271_ANI_reg; - struct ar5416IniArray iniModes_high_power_tx_gain_9271; - struct ar5416IniArray iniModes_normal_power_tx_gain_9271; struct ar5416IniArray ini_radio_post_sys2ant; struct ar5416IniArray ini_BTCOEX_MAX_TXPWR; @@ -1082,7 +919,7 @@ const char *ath9k_hw_probe(u16 vendorid, u16 devid); void ath9k_hw_deinit(struct ath_hw *ah); int ath9k_hw_init(struct ath_hw *ah); int ath9k_hw_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath9k_channel *chan, - struct ath9k_hw_cal_data *caldata, bool bChannelChange); + struct ath9k_hw_cal_data *caldata, bool fastcc); int ath9k_hw_fill_cap_info(struct ath_hw *ah); u32 ath9k_regd_get_ctl(struct ath_regulatory *reg, struct ath9k_channel *chan); @@ -1092,7 +929,6 @@ u32 ath9k_hw_gpio_get(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 gpio); void ath9k_hw_cfg_output(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 gpio, u32 ah_signal_type); void ath9k_hw_set_gpio(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 gpio, u32 val); -u32 ath9k_hw_getdefantenna(struct ath_hw *ah); void ath9k_hw_setantenna(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 antenna); /* General Operation */ @@ -1146,9 +982,6 @@ void ath_gen_timer_isr(struct ath_hw *hw); void ath9k_hw_name(struct ath_hw *ah, char *hw_name, size_t len); -/* HTC */ -void ath9k_hw_htc_resetinit(struct ath_hw *ah); - /* PHY */ void ath9k_hw_get_delta_slope_vals(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 coef_scaled, u32 *coef_mantissa, u32 *coef_exponent); @@ -1158,7 +991,6 @@ void ath9k_hw_apply_txpower(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath9k_channel *chan); * Code Specific to AR5008, AR9001 or AR9002, * we stuff these here to avoid callbacks for AR9003. */ -void ar9002_hw_cck_chan14_spread(struct ath_hw *ah); int ar9002_hw_rf_claim(struct ath_hw *ah); void ar9002_hw_enable_async_fifo(struct ath_hw *ah); @@ -1205,41 +1037,31 @@ void ath9k_ani_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, bool is_scanning); void ath9k_hw_proc_mib_event(struct ath_hw *ah); void ath9k_hw_ani_monitor(struct ath_hw *ah, struct ath9k_channel *chan); -bool ar9003_mci_send_message(struct ath_hw *ah, u8 header, u32 flag, - u32 *payload, u8 len, bool wait_done, - bool check_bt); -void ar9003_mci_mute_bt(struct ath_hw *ah); -u32 ar9003_mci_state(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 state_type, u32 *p_data); -void ar9003_mci_setup(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 gpm_addr, void *gpm_buf, - u16 len, u32 sched_addr); -void ar9003_mci_cleanup(struct ath_hw *ah); -void ar9003_mci_send_coex_halt_bt_gpm(struct ath_hw *ah, bool halt, - bool wait_done); -u32 ar9003_mci_wait_for_gpm(struct ath_hw *ah, u8 gpm_type, - u8 gpm_opcode, int time_out); -void ar9003_mci_2g5g_changed(struct ath_hw *ah, bool is_2g); -void ar9003_mci_disable_interrupt(struct ath_hw *ah); -void ar9003_mci_enable_interrupt(struct ath_hw *ah); -void ar9003_mci_2g5g_switch(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done); -void ar9003_mci_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, bool en_int, bool is_2g, - bool is_full_sleep); -bool ar9003_mci_check_int(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 ints); -void ar9003_mci_remote_reset(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done); -void ar9003_mci_send_sys_waking(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done); -void ar9003_mci_send_lna_transfer(struct ath_hw *ah, bool wait_done); -void ar9003_mci_sync_bt_state(struct ath_hw *ah); -void ar9003_mci_get_interrupt(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 *raw_intr, - u32 *rx_msg_intr); - #ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT +static inline bool ath9k_hw_btcoex_is_enabled(struct ath_hw *ah) +{ + return ah->btcoex_hw.enabled; +} +void ath9k_hw_btcoex_enable(struct ath_hw *ah); static inline enum ath_btcoex_scheme ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(struct ath_hw *ah) { return ah->btcoex_hw.scheme; } #else -#define ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(...) ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE -#endif +static inline bool ath9k_hw_btcoex_is_enabled(struct ath_hw *ah) +{ + return false; +} +static inline void ath9k_hw_btcoex_enable(struct ath_hw *ah) +{ +} +static inline enum ath_btcoex_scheme +ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(struct ath_hw *ah) +{ + return ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE; +} +#endif /* CONFIG_ATH9K_BTCOEX_SUPPORT */ #define ATH9K_CLOCK_RATE_CCK 22 #define ATH9K_CLOCK_RATE_5GHZ_OFDM 40 diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/init.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/init.c index 53a005d288aa53949da6e1317c57e294a092a907..60159f4ee532aa97e2fb76d5b75b0ad8040773b6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/init.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/init.c @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ static void ath9k_iowrite32(void *hw_priv, u32 val, u32 reg_offset) struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); struct ath_softc *sc = (struct ath_softc *) common->priv; - if (ah->config.serialize_regmode == SER_REG_MODE_ON) { + if (NR_CPUS > 1 && ah->config.serialize_regmode == SER_REG_MODE_ON) { unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&sc->sc_serial_rw, flags); iowrite32(val, sc->mem + reg_offset); @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ static unsigned int ath9k_ioread32(void *hw_priv, u32 reg_offset) struct ath_softc *sc = (struct ath_softc *) common->priv; u32 val; - if (ah->config.serialize_regmode == SER_REG_MODE_ON) { + if (NR_CPUS > 1 && ah->config.serialize_regmode == SER_REG_MODE_ON) { unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&sc->sc_serial_rw, flags); val = ioread32(sc->mem + reg_offset); @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ static unsigned int ath9k_reg_rmw(void *hw_priv, u32 reg_offset, u32 set, u32 cl unsigned long uninitialized_var(flags); u32 val; - if (ah->config.serialize_regmode == SER_REG_MODE_ON) { + if (NR_CPUS > 1 && ah->config.serialize_regmode == SER_REG_MODE_ON) { spin_lock_irqsave(&sc->sc_serial_rw, flags); val = __ath9k_reg_rmw(sc, reg_offset, set, clr); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sc->sc_serial_rw, flags); @@ -419,66 +419,6 @@ int ath_descdma_setup(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_descdma *dd, return error; } -static int ath9k_init_btcoex(struct ath_softc *sc) -{ - struct ath_txq *txq; - struct ath_hw *ah = sc->sc_ah; - int r; - - switch (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(sc->sc_ah)) { - case ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE: - break; - case ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_2WIRE: - ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_2wire(sc->sc_ah); - break; - case ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE: - ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_3wire(sc->sc_ah); - r = ath_init_btcoex_timer(sc); - if (r) - return -1; - txq = sc->tx.txq_map[WME_AC_BE]; - ath9k_hw_init_btcoex_hw(sc->sc_ah, txq->axq_qnum); - sc->btcoex.bt_stomp_type = ATH_BTCOEX_STOMP_LOW; - break; - case ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_MCI: - sc->btcoex.bt_stomp_type = ATH_BTCOEX_STOMP_LOW; - sc->btcoex.duty_cycle = ATH_BTCOEX_DEF_DUTY_CYCLE; - INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sc->btcoex.mci.info); - - r = ath_mci_setup(sc); - if (r) - return r; - - if (sc->sc_ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) { - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.ready = false; - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.bt_state = 0; - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.bt_ver_major = 3; - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.bt_ver_minor = 0; - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.bt_version_known = false; - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.update_2g5g = true; - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.is_2g = true; - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.wlan_channels_update = false; - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.wlan_channels[0] = 0x00000000; - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.wlan_channels[1] = 0xffffffff; - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.wlan_channels[2] = 0xffffffff; - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.wlan_channels[3] = 0x7fffffff; - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.query_bt = true; - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.unhalt_bt_gpm = true; - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.halted_bt_gpm = false; - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.need_flush_btinfo = false; - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.wlan_cal_seq = 0; - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.wlan_cal_done = 0; - ah->btcoex_hw.mci.config = 0x2201; - } - break; - default: - WARN_ON(1); - break; - } - - return 0; -} - static int ath9k_init_queues(struct ath_softc *sc) { int i = 0; @@ -544,19 +484,11 @@ static void ath9k_init_misc(struct ath_softc *sc) { struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(sc->sc_ah); int i = 0; + setup_timer(&common->ani.timer, ath_ani_calibrate, (unsigned long)sc); sc->config.txpowlimit = ATH_TXPOWER_MAX; - - if (sc->sc_ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_HT) { - sc->sc_flags |= SC_OP_TXAGGR; - sc->sc_flags |= SC_OP_RXAGGR; - } - - sc->rx.defant = ath9k_hw_getdefantenna(sc->sc_ah); - memcpy(common->bssidmask, ath_bcast_mac, ETH_ALEN); - sc->beacon.slottime = ATH9K_SLOT_TIME_9; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sc->beacon.bslot); i++) @@ -615,8 +547,10 @@ static int ath9k_init_softc(u16 devid, struct ath_softc *sc, mutex_init(&sc->mutex); #ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_DEBUGFS spin_lock_init(&sc->nodes_lock); - spin_lock_init(&sc->debug.samp_lock); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sc->nodes); +#endif +#ifdef CONFIG_ATH9K_MAC_DEBUG + spin_lock_init(&sc->debug.samp_lock); #endif tasklet_init(&sc->intr_tq, ath9k_tasklet, (unsigned long)sc); tasklet_init(&sc->bcon_tasklet, ath_beacon_tasklet, @@ -880,12 +814,7 @@ static void ath9k_deinit_softc(struct ath_softc *sc) if (sc->sbands[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ].channels) kfree(sc->sbands[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ].channels); - if ((sc->btcoex.no_stomp_timer) && - ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(sc->sc_ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE) - ath_gen_timer_free(sc->sc_ah, sc->btcoex.no_stomp_timer); - - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(sc->sc_ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_MCI) - ath_mci_cleanup(sc); + ath9k_deinit_btcoex(sc); for (i = 0; i < ATH9K_NUM_TX_QUEUES; i++) if (ATH_TXQ_SETUP(sc, i)) diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/mac.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/mac.c index e196aba77acf568387d7a4b2b5852e316d801e4f..f7bd2532269c0d8fce44a1a1d0ef7aa174d78e61 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/mac.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/mac.c @@ -185,13 +185,6 @@ bool ath9k_hw_stop_dma_queue(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 q) } EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath9k_hw_stop_dma_queue); -void ath9k_hw_gettxintrtxqs(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 *txqs) -{ - *txqs &= ah->intr_txqs; - ah->intr_txqs &= ~(*txqs); -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath9k_hw_gettxintrtxqs); - bool ath9k_hw_set_txq_props(struct ath_hw *ah, int q, const struct ath9k_tx_queue_info *qinfo) { @@ -340,6 +333,15 @@ int ath9k_hw_setuptxqueue(struct ath_hw *ah, enum ath9k_tx_queue type, } EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath9k_hw_setuptxqueue); +static void ath9k_hw_clear_queue_interrupts(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 q) +{ + ah->txok_interrupt_mask &= ~(1 << q); + ah->txerr_interrupt_mask &= ~(1 << q); + ah->txdesc_interrupt_mask &= ~(1 << q); + ah->txeol_interrupt_mask &= ~(1 << q); + ah->txurn_interrupt_mask &= ~(1 << q); +} + bool ath9k_hw_releasetxqueue(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 q) { struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(ah); @@ -354,11 +356,7 @@ bool ath9k_hw_releasetxqueue(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 q) ath_dbg(common, QUEUE, "Release TX queue: %u\n", q); qi->tqi_type = ATH9K_TX_QUEUE_INACTIVE; - ah->txok_interrupt_mask &= ~(1 << q); - ah->txerr_interrupt_mask &= ~(1 << q); - ah->txdesc_interrupt_mask &= ~(1 << q); - ah->txeol_interrupt_mask &= ~(1 << q); - ah->txurn_interrupt_mask &= ~(1 << q); + ath9k_hw_clear_queue_interrupts(ah, q); ath9k_hw_set_txq_interrupts(ah, qi); return true; @@ -510,26 +508,17 @@ bool ath9k_hw_resettxqueue(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 q) if (AR_SREV_9300_20_OR_LATER(ah)) REG_WRITE(ah, AR_Q_DESC_CRCCHK, AR_Q_DESC_CRCCHK_EN); - if (qi->tqi_qflags & TXQ_FLAG_TXOKINT_ENABLE) + ath9k_hw_clear_queue_interrupts(ah, q); + if (qi->tqi_qflags & TXQ_FLAG_TXINT_ENABLE) { ah->txok_interrupt_mask |= 1 << q; - else - ah->txok_interrupt_mask &= ~(1 << q); - if (qi->tqi_qflags & TXQ_FLAG_TXERRINT_ENABLE) ah->txerr_interrupt_mask |= 1 << q; - else - ah->txerr_interrupt_mask &= ~(1 << q); + } if (qi->tqi_qflags & TXQ_FLAG_TXDESCINT_ENABLE) ah->txdesc_interrupt_mask |= 1 << q; - else - ah->txdesc_interrupt_mask &= ~(1 << q); if (qi->tqi_qflags & TXQ_FLAG_TXEOLINT_ENABLE) ah->txeol_interrupt_mask |= 1 << q; - else - ah->txeol_interrupt_mask &= ~(1 << q); if (qi->tqi_qflags & TXQ_FLAG_TXURNINT_ENABLE) ah->txurn_interrupt_mask |= 1 << q; - else - ah->txurn_interrupt_mask &= ~(1 << q); ath9k_hw_set_txq_interrupts(ah, qi); return true; @@ -745,7 +734,10 @@ int ath9k_hw_beaconq_setup(struct ath_hw *ah) qi.tqi_aifs = 1; qi.tqi_cwmin = 0; qi.tqi_cwmax = 0; - /* NB: don't enable any interrupts */ + + if (ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_EDMA) + qi.tqi_qflags = TXQ_FLAG_TXINT_ENABLE; + return ath9k_hw_setuptxqueue(ah, ATH9K_TX_QUEUE_BEACON, &qi); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath9k_hw_beaconq_setup); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/mac.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/mac.h index 11dbd1473a13049f659b198520cba1177c80138a..21c955609e6c7f339ea30f1c1ce38d5c254710af 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/mac.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/mac.h @@ -583,8 +583,7 @@ enum ath9k_tx_queue { #define ATH9K_WME_UPSD 4 enum ath9k_tx_queue_flags { - TXQ_FLAG_TXOKINT_ENABLE = 0x0001, - TXQ_FLAG_TXERRINT_ENABLE = 0x0001, + TXQ_FLAG_TXINT_ENABLE = 0x0001, TXQ_FLAG_TXDESCINT_ENABLE = 0x0002, TXQ_FLAG_TXEOLINT_ENABLE = 0x0004, TXQ_FLAG_TXURNINT_ENABLE = 0x0008, @@ -714,7 +713,6 @@ u32 ath9k_hw_numtxpending(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 q); bool ath9k_hw_updatetxtriglevel(struct ath_hw *ah, bool bIncTrigLevel); bool ath9k_hw_stop_dma_queue(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 q); void ath9k_hw_abort_tx_dma(struct ath_hw *ah); -void ath9k_hw_gettxintrtxqs(struct ath_hw *ah, u32 *txqs); bool ath9k_hw_set_txq_props(struct ath_hw *ah, int q, const struct ath9k_tx_queue_info *qinfo); bool ath9k_hw_get_txq_props(struct ath_hw *ah, int q, diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/main.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/main.c index 4a00806e2852af4e88638076f8b60c85fb82426b..38794850f005a52ab7987c9a95f52d87adb9470d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/main.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/main.c @@ -118,13 +118,15 @@ void ath9k_ps_restore(struct ath_softc *sc) if (--sc->ps_usecount != 0) goto unlock; - if (sc->ps_idle && (sc->ps_flags & PS_WAIT_FOR_TX_ACK)) + if (sc->ps_flags & PS_WAIT_FOR_TX_ACK) + goto unlock; + + if (sc->ps_idle) mode = ATH9K_PM_FULL_SLEEP; else if (sc->ps_enabled && !(sc->ps_flags & (PS_WAIT_FOR_BEACON | PS_WAIT_FOR_CAB | - PS_WAIT_FOR_PSPOLL_DATA | - PS_WAIT_FOR_TX_ACK))) + PS_WAIT_FOR_PSPOLL_DATA))) mode = ATH9K_PM_NETWORK_SLEEP; else goto unlock; @@ -332,17 +334,11 @@ static int ath_reset_internal(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath9k_channel *hchan, hchan = ah->curchan; } - if (fastcc && (ah->chip_fullsleep || - !ath9k_hw_check_alive(ah))) - fastcc = false; - if (!ath_prepare_reset(sc, retry_tx, flush)) fastcc = false; ath_dbg(common, CONFIG, "Reset to %u MHz, HT40: %d fastcc: %d\n", - hchan->channel, !!(hchan->channelFlags & (CHANNEL_HT40MINUS | - CHANNEL_HT40PLUS)), - fastcc); + hchan->channel, IS_CHAN_HT40(hchan), fastcc); r = ath9k_hw_reset(ah, hchan, caldata, fastcc); if (r) { @@ -373,12 +369,8 @@ static int ath_set_channel(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (sc->sc_flags & SC_OP_INVALID) return -EIO; - ath9k_ps_wakeup(sc); - r = ath_reset_internal(sc, hchan, false); - ath9k_ps_restore(sc); - return r; } @@ -647,7 +639,8 @@ static void ath_node_attach(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, #endif an->sta = sta; an->vif = vif; - if (sc->sc_flags & SC_OP_TXAGGR) { + + if (sta->ht_cap.ht_supported) { ath_tx_node_init(sc, an); an->maxampdu = 1 << (IEEE80211_HT_MAX_AMPDU_FACTOR + sta->ht_cap.ampdu_factor); @@ -666,7 +659,7 @@ static void ath_node_detach(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ieee80211_sta *sta) an->sta = NULL; #endif - if (sc->sc_flags & SC_OP_TXAGGR) + if (sta->ht_cap.ht_supported) ath_tx_node_cleanup(sc, an); } @@ -741,12 +734,7 @@ void ath9k_tasklet(unsigned long data) ath_tx_tasklet(sc); } - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE) - if (status & ATH9K_INT_GENTIMER) - ath_gen_timer_isr(sc->sc_ah); - - if ((status & ATH9K_INT_MCI) && ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) - ath_mci_intr(sc); + ath9k_btcoex_handle_interrupt(sc, status); out: /* re-enable hardware interrupt */ @@ -1004,12 +992,8 @@ static int ath9k_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) curchan->center_freq); ath9k_ps_wakeup(sc); - mutex_lock(&sc->mutex); - /* setup initial channel */ - sc->chan_idx = curchan->hw_value; - init_channel = ath9k_cmn_get_curchannel(hw, ah); /* Reset SERDES registers */ @@ -1058,9 +1042,6 @@ static int ath9k_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) sc->sc_flags &= ~SC_OP_INVALID; sc->sc_ah->is_monitoring = false; - /* Disable BMISS interrupt when we're not associated */ - ah->imask &= ~(ATH9K_INT_SWBA | ATH9K_INT_BMISS); - if (!ath_complete_reset(sc, false)) { r = -EIO; spin_unlock_bh(&sc->sc_pcu_lock); @@ -1081,16 +1062,7 @@ static int ath9k_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) spin_unlock_bh(&sc->sc_pcu_lock); - if ((ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) != ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) && - !ah->btcoex_hw.enabled) { - if (!(sc->sc_ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI)) - ath9k_hw_btcoex_set_weight(ah, AR_BT_COEX_WGHT, - AR_STOMP_LOW_WLAN_WGHT); - ath9k_hw_btcoex_enable(ah); - - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE) - ath9k_btcoex_timer_resume(sc); - } + ath9k_start_btcoex(sc); if (ah->caps.pcie_lcr_extsync_en && common->bus_ops->extn_synch_en) common->bus_ops->extn_synch_en(common); @@ -1191,13 +1163,7 @@ static void ath9k_stop(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) /* Ensure HW is awake when we try to shut it down. */ ath9k_ps_wakeup(sc); - if (ah->btcoex_hw.enabled && - ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) != ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_NONE) { - ath9k_hw_btcoex_disable(ah); - if (ath9k_hw_get_btcoex_scheme(ah) == ATH_BTCOEX_CFG_3WIRE) - ath9k_btcoex_timer_pause(sc); - ath_mci_flush_profile(&sc->btcoex.mci); - } + ath9k_stop_btcoex(sc); spin_lock_bh(&sc->sc_pcu_lock); @@ -1303,7 +1269,6 @@ static void ath9k_vif_iter(void *data, u8 *mac, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) iter_data->nwds++; break; default: - iter_data->nothers++; break; } } @@ -1589,12 +1554,6 @@ static int ath9k_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 changed) ath9k_ps_wakeup(sc); mutex_lock(&sc->mutex); - /* - * Leave this as the first check because we need to turn on the - * radio if it was disabled before prior to processing the rest - * of the changes. Likewise we must only disable the radio towards - * the end. - */ if (changed & IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_IDLE) { sc->ps_idle = !!(conf->flags & IEEE80211_CONF_IDLE); if (sc->ps_idle) @@ -1793,7 +1752,7 @@ static void ath9k_sta_notify(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ath_softc *sc = hw->priv; struct ath_node *an = (struct ath_node *) sta->drv_priv; - if (!(sc->sc_flags & SC_OP_TXAGGR)) + if (!sta->ht_cap.ht_supported) return; switch (cmd) { @@ -2005,7 +1964,7 @@ static void ath9k_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, ath9k_ps_wakeup(sc); mutex_lock(&sc->mutex); - if (changed & BSS_CHANGED_BSSID) { + if (changed & BSS_CHANGED_ASSOC) { ath9k_config_bss(sc, vif); ath_dbg(common, CONFIG, "BSSID: %pM aid: 0x%x\n", @@ -2085,25 +2044,6 @@ static void ath9k_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, ath_beacon_config(sc, vif); } - if (changed & BSS_CHANGED_ERP_PREAMBLE) { - ath_dbg(common, CONFIG, "BSS Changed PREAMBLE %d\n", - bss_conf->use_short_preamble); - if (bss_conf->use_short_preamble) - sc->sc_flags |= SC_OP_PREAMBLE_SHORT; - else - sc->sc_flags &= ~SC_OP_PREAMBLE_SHORT; - } - - if (changed & BSS_CHANGED_ERP_CTS_PROT) { - ath_dbg(common, CONFIG, "BSS Changed CTS PROT %d\n", - bss_conf->use_cts_prot); - if (bss_conf->use_cts_prot && - hw->conf.channel->band != IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ) - sc->sc_flags |= SC_OP_PROTECT_ENABLE; - else - sc->sc_flags &= ~SC_OP_PROTECT_ENABLE; - } - mutex_unlock(&sc->mutex); ath9k_ps_restore(sc); } @@ -2161,15 +2101,10 @@ static int ath9k_ampdu_action(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, switch (action) { case IEEE80211_AMPDU_RX_START: - if (!(sc->sc_flags & SC_OP_RXAGGR)) - ret = -ENOTSUPP; break; case IEEE80211_AMPDU_RX_STOP: break; case IEEE80211_AMPDU_TX_START: - if (!(sc->sc_flags & SC_OP_TXAGGR)) - return -EOPNOTSUPP; - ath9k_ps_wakeup(sc); ret = ath_tx_aggr_start(sc, sta, tid, ssn); if (!ret) @@ -2332,6 +2267,7 @@ static int ath9k_tx_last_beacon(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) struct ath_vif *avp; struct ath_buf *bf; struct ath_tx_status ts; + bool edma = !!(ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_EDMA); int status; vif = sc->beacon.bslot[0]; @@ -2342,7 +2278,7 @@ static int ath9k_tx_last_beacon(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (!avp->is_bslot_active) return 0; - if (!sc->beacon.tx_processed) { + if (!sc->beacon.tx_processed && !edma) { tasklet_disable(&sc->bcon_tasklet); bf = avp->av_bcbuf; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/mci.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/mci.c index 05c23ea4c63362a36072b699719ecd4ce2810173..29fe52d6997350777afb8660f41910738fffedb4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/mci.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/mci.c @@ -42,24 +42,18 @@ static bool ath_mci_add_profile(struct ath_common *common, struct ath_mci_profile_info *entry; if ((mci->num_sco == ATH_MCI_MAX_SCO_PROFILE) && - (info->type == MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_VOICE)) { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "Too many SCO profile, failed to add new profile\n"); + (info->type == MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_VOICE)) return false; - } if (((NUM_PROF(mci) - mci->num_sco) == ATH_MCI_MAX_ACL_PROFILE) && - (info->type != MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_VOICE)) { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "Too many ACL profile, failed to add new profile\n"); + (info->type != MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_VOICE)) return false; - } entry = ath_mci_find_profile(mci, info); - if (entry) + if (entry) { memcpy(entry, info, 10); - else { + } else { entry = kzalloc(sizeof(*entry), GFP_KERNEL); if (!entry) return false; @@ -68,6 +62,7 @@ static bool ath_mci_add_profile(struct ath_common *common, INC_PROF(mci, info); list_add_tail(&info->list, &mci->info); } + return true; } @@ -79,10 +74,9 @@ static void ath_mci_del_profile(struct ath_common *common, entry = ath_mci_find_profile(mci, info); - if (!entry) { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "Profile to be deleted not found\n"); + if (!entry) return; - } + DEC_PROF(mci, entry); list_del(&entry->list); kfree(entry); @@ -177,13 +171,12 @@ static void ath_mci_update_scheme(struct ath_softc *sc) btcoex->btcoex_period *= 1000; btcoex->btcoex_no_stomp = btcoex->btcoex_period * - (100 - btcoex->duty_cycle) / 100; + (100 - btcoex->duty_cycle) / 100; ath9k_hw_btcoex_enable(sc->sc_ah); ath9k_btcoex_timer_resume(sc); } - static void ath_mci_cal_msg(struct ath_softc *sc, u8 opcode, u8 *rx_payload) { struct ath_hw *ah = sc->sc_ah; @@ -192,42 +185,24 @@ static void ath_mci_cal_msg(struct ath_softc *sc, u8 opcode, u8 *rx_payload) switch (opcode) { case MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_REQ: - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI received BT_CAL_REQ\n"); - if (ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_BT, NULL) == MCI_BT_AWAKE) { ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_SET_BT_CAL_START, NULL); ieee80211_queue_work(sc->hw, &sc->hw_reset_work); - } else - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI State mismatches: %d\n", + } else { + ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI State mismatch: %d\n", ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_BT, NULL)); - + } break; - case MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_DONE: - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI received BT_CAL_DONE\n"); - - if (ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_BT, NULL) == MCI_BT_CAL) - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI error illegal!\n"); - else - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI BT not in CAL state\n"); - + ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_BT, NULL); break; - case MCI_GPM_BT_CAL_GRANT: - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI received BT_CAL_GRANT\n"); - - /* Send WLAN_CAL_DONE for now */ - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI send WLAN_CAL_DONE\n"); MCI_GPM_SET_CAL_TYPE(payload, MCI_GPM_WLAN_CAL_DONE); ar9003_mci_send_message(sc->sc_ah, MCI_GPM, 0, payload, 16, false, true); break; - default: - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Unknown GPM CAL message\n"); + ath_dbg(common, MCI, "Unknown GPM CAL message\n"); break; } } @@ -247,6 +222,7 @@ static void ath_mci_process_profile(struct ath_softc *sc, btcoex->btcoex_period = ATH_MCI_DEF_BT_PERIOD; mci->aggr_limit = mci->num_sco ? 6 : 0; + if (NUM_PROF(mci)) { btcoex->bt_stomp_type = ATH_BTCOEX_STOMP_LOW; btcoex->duty_cycle = ath_mci_duty_cycle[NUM_PROF(mci)]; @@ -262,31 +238,24 @@ static void ath_mci_process_profile(struct ath_softc *sc, static void ath_mci_process_status(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_mci_profile_status *status) { - struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(sc->sc_ah); struct ath_btcoex *btcoex = &sc->btcoex; struct ath_mci_profile *mci = &btcoex->mci; struct ath_mci_profile_info info; int i = 0, old_num_mgmt = mci->num_mgmt; /* Link status type are not handled */ - if (status->is_link) { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "Skip link type status update\n"); + if (status->is_link) return; - } memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct ath_mci_profile_info)); info.conn_handle = status->conn_handle; - if (ath_mci_find_profile(mci, &info)) { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "Skip non link state update for existing profile %d\n", - status->conn_handle); + if (ath_mci_find_profile(mci, &info)) return; - } - if (status->conn_handle >= ATH_MCI_MAX_PROFILE) { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "Ignore too many non-link update\n"); + + if (status->conn_handle >= ATH_MCI_MAX_PROFILE) return; - } + if (status->is_critical) __set_bit(status->conn_handle, mci->status); else @@ -314,43 +283,28 @@ static void ath_mci_msg(struct ath_softc *sc, u8 opcode, u8 *rx_payload) u32 seq_num; switch (opcode) { - case MCI_GPM_COEX_VERSION_QUERY: - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Recv GPM COEX Version Query\n"); - version = ar9003_mci_state(ah, - MCI_STATE_SEND_WLAN_COEX_VERSION, NULL); + version = ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_SEND_WLAN_COEX_VERSION, + NULL); break; - case MCI_GPM_COEX_VERSION_RESPONSE: - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Recv GPM COEX Version Response\n"); major = *(rx_payload + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_MAJOR_VERSION); minor = *(rx_payload + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_MINOR_VERSION); - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI BT Coex version: %d.%d\n", - major, minor); version = (major << 8) + minor; - version = ar9003_mci_state(ah, - MCI_STATE_SET_BT_COEX_VERSION, &version); + version = ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_SET_BT_COEX_VERSION, + &version); break; - case MCI_GPM_COEX_STATUS_QUERY: - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI Recv GPM COEX Status Query = 0x%02x\n", - *(rx_payload + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_WLAN_BITMAP)); - ar9003_mci_state(ah, - MCI_STATE_SEND_WLAN_CHANNELS, NULL); + ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_SEND_WLAN_CHANNELS, NULL); break; - case MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_PROFILE_INFO: - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Recv GPM Coex BT profile info\n"); memcpy(&profile_info, (rx_payload + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_PROFILE_TYPE), 10); - if ((profile_info.type == MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_UNKNOWN) - || (profile_info.type >= - MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_MAX)) { - + if ((profile_info.type == MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_UNKNOWN) || + (profile_info.type >= MCI_GPM_COEX_PROFILE_MAX)) { ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "illegal profile type = %d, state = %d\n", + "Illegal profile type = %d, state = %d\n", profile_info.type, profile_info.start); break; @@ -358,7 +312,6 @@ static void ath_mci_msg(struct ath_softc *sc, u8 opcode, u8 *rx_payload) ath_mci_process_profile(sc, &profile_info); break; - case MCI_GPM_COEX_BT_STATUS_UPDATE: profile_status.is_link = *(rx_payload + MCI_GPM_COEX_B_STATUS_TYPE); @@ -369,98 +322,66 @@ static void ath_mci_msg(struct ath_softc *sc, u8 opcode, u8 *rx_payload) seq_num = *((u32 *)(rx_payload + 12)); ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI Recv GPM COEX BT_Status_Update: is_link=%d, linkId=%d, state=%d, SEQ=%d\n", + "BT_Status_Update: is_link=%d, linkId=%d, state=%d, SEQ=%d\n", profile_status.is_link, profile_status.conn_handle, profile_status.is_critical, seq_num); ath_mci_process_status(sc, &profile_status); break; - default: - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Unknown GPM COEX message = 0x%02x\n", - opcode); + ath_dbg(common, MCI, "Unknown GPM COEX message = 0x%02x\n", opcode); break; } } -static int ath_mci_buf_alloc(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_mci_buf *buf) -{ - int error = 0; - - buf->bf_addr = dma_alloc_coherent(sc->dev, buf->bf_len, - &buf->bf_paddr, GFP_KERNEL); - - if (buf->bf_addr == NULL) { - error = -ENOMEM; - goto fail; - } - - return 0; - -fail: - memset(buf, 0, sizeof(*buf)); - return error; -} - -static void ath_mci_buf_free(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_mci_buf *buf) -{ - if (buf->bf_addr) { - dma_free_coherent(sc->dev, buf->bf_len, buf->bf_addr, - buf->bf_paddr); - memset(buf, 0, sizeof(*buf)); - } -} - int ath_mci_setup(struct ath_softc *sc) { struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(sc->sc_ah); struct ath_mci_coex *mci = &sc->mci_coex; - int error = 0; - - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) - return 0; + struct ath_mci_buf *buf = &mci->sched_buf; - mci->sched_buf.bf_len = ATH_MCI_SCHED_BUF_SIZE + ATH_MCI_GPM_BUF_SIZE; + buf->bf_addr = dma_alloc_coherent(sc->dev, + ATH_MCI_SCHED_BUF_SIZE + ATH_MCI_GPM_BUF_SIZE, + &buf->bf_paddr, GFP_KERNEL); - if (ath_mci_buf_alloc(sc, &mci->sched_buf)) { + if (buf->bf_addr == NULL) { ath_dbg(common, FATAL, "MCI buffer alloc failed\n"); - error = -ENOMEM; - goto fail; + return -ENOMEM; } - mci->sched_buf.bf_len = ATH_MCI_SCHED_BUF_SIZE; + memset(buf->bf_addr, MCI_GPM_RSVD_PATTERN, + ATH_MCI_SCHED_BUF_SIZE + ATH_MCI_GPM_BUF_SIZE); - memset(mci->sched_buf.bf_addr, MCI_GPM_RSVD_PATTERN, - mci->sched_buf.bf_len); + mci->sched_buf.bf_len = ATH_MCI_SCHED_BUF_SIZE; mci->gpm_buf.bf_len = ATH_MCI_GPM_BUF_SIZE; - mci->gpm_buf.bf_addr = (u8 *)mci->sched_buf.bf_addr + - mci->sched_buf.bf_len; + mci->gpm_buf.bf_addr = (u8 *)mci->sched_buf.bf_addr + mci->sched_buf.bf_len; mci->gpm_buf.bf_paddr = mci->sched_buf.bf_paddr + mci->sched_buf.bf_len; - /* initialize the buffer */ - memset(mci->gpm_buf.bf_addr, MCI_GPM_RSVD_PATTERN, mci->gpm_buf.bf_len); - ar9003_mci_setup(sc->sc_ah, mci->gpm_buf.bf_paddr, mci->gpm_buf.bf_addr, (mci->gpm_buf.bf_len >> 4), mci->sched_buf.bf_paddr); -fail: - return error; + + ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Initialized\n"); + + return 0; } void ath_mci_cleanup(struct ath_softc *sc) { + struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(sc->sc_ah); struct ath_hw *ah = sc->sc_ah; struct ath_mci_coex *mci = &sc->mci_coex; + struct ath_mci_buf *buf = &mci->sched_buf; - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) - return; + if (buf->bf_addr) + dma_free_coherent(sc->dev, + ATH_MCI_SCHED_BUF_SIZE + ATH_MCI_GPM_BUF_SIZE, + buf->bf_addr, buf->bf_paddr); - /* - * both schedule and gpm buffers will be released - */ - ath_mci_buf_free(sc, &mci->sched_buf); ar9003_mci_cleanup(ah); + + ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI De-Initialized\n"); } void ath_mci_intr(struct ath_softc *sc) @@ -474,19 +395,10 @@ void ath_mci_intr(struct ath_softc *sc) u32 more_data = MCI_GPM_MORE; bool skip_gpm = false; - if (!ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) - return; - ar9003_mci_get_interrupt(sc->sc_ah, &mci_int, &mci_int_rxmsg); if (ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_ENABLE, NULL) == 0) { - - ar9003_mci_state(sc->sc_ah, MCI_STATE_INIT_GPM_OFFSET, NULL); - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI interrupt but MCI disabled\n"); - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI interrupt: intr = 0x%x, intr_rxmsg = 0x%x\n", - mci_int, mci_int_rxmsg); + ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_INIT_GPM_OFFSET, NULL); return; } @@ -499,11 +411,8 @@ void ath_mci_intr(struct ath_softc *sc) * only when BT wake up. Now they are always sent, as a * recovery method to reset BT MCI's RX alignment. */ - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI interrupt send REMOTE_RESET\n"); - ar9003_mci_send_message(ah, MCI_REMOTE_RESET, 0, payload, 16, true, false); - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI interrupt send SYS_WAKING\n"); ar9003_mci_send_message(ah, MCI_SYS_WAKING, 0, NULL, 0, true, false); @@ -513,74 +422,51 @@ void ath_mci_intr(struct ath_softc *sc) /* * always do this for recovery and 2G/5G toggling and LNA_TRANS */ - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI Set BT state to AWAKE\n"); ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_SET_BT_AWAKE, NULL); } - /* Processing SYS_WAKING/SYS_SLEEPING */ if (mci_int_rxmsg & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_SYS_WAKING) { mci_int_rxmsg &= ~AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_SYS_WAKING; if (ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_BT, NULL) == MCI_BT_SLEEP) { - - if (ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_REMOTE_SLEEP, NULL) - == MCI_BT_SLEEP) - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI BT stays in sleep mode\n"); - else { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI Set BT state to AWAKE\n"); - ar9003_mci_state(ah, - MCI_STATE_SET_BT_AWAKE, NULL); - } - } else - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI BT stays in AWAKE mode\n"); + if (ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_REMOTE_SLEEP, NULL) != + MCI_BT_SLEEP) + ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_SET_BT_AWAKE, + NULL); + } } if (mci_int_rxmsg & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_SYS_SLEEPING) { - mci_int_rxmsg &= ~AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_SYS_SLEEPING; if (ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_BT, NULL) == MCI_BT_AWAKE) { - - if (ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_REMOTE_SLEEP, NULL) - == MCI_BT_AWAKE) - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI BT stays in AWAKE mode\n"); - else { - ath_dbg(common, MCI, - "MCI SetBT state to SLEEP\n"); + if (ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_REMOTE_SLEEP, NULL) != + MCI_BT_AWAKE) ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_SET_BT_SLEEP, NULL); - } - } else - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI BT stays in SLEEP mode\n"); + } } if ((mci_int & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_INVALID_HDR) || (mci_int & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_CONT_INFO_TIMEOUT)) { - - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI RX broken, skip GPM msgs\n"); ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_RECOVER_RX, NULL); skip_gpm = true; } if (mci_int_rxmsg & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_SCHD_INFO) { - mci_int_rxmsg &= ~AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_SCHD_INFO; offset = ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_LAST_SCHD_MSG_OFFSET, NULL); } if (mci_int_rxmsg & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_GPM) { - mci_int_rxmsg &= ~AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_GPM; while (more_data == MCI_GPM_MORE) { pgpm = mci->gpm_buf.bf_addr; - offset = ar9003_mci_state(ah, - MCI_STATE_NEXT_GPM_OFFSET, &more_data); + offset = ar9003_mci_state(ah, MCI_STATE_NEXT_GPM_OFFSET, + &more_data); if (offset == MCI_GPM_INVALID) break; @@ -591,44 +477,38 @@ void ath_mci_intr(struct ath_softc *sc) * The first dword is timer. * The real data starts from 2nd dword. */ - subtype = MCI_GPM_TYPE(pgpm); opcode = MCI_GPM_OPCODE(pgpm); - if (!skip_gpm) { - - if (MCI_GPM_IS_CAL_TYPE(subtype)) - ath_mci_cal_msg(sc, subtype, - (u8 *) pgpm); - else { - switch (subtype) { - case MCI_GPM_COEX_AGENT: - ath_mci_msg(sc, opcode, - (u8 *) pgpm); - break; - default: - break; - } + if (skip_gpm) + goto recycle; + + if (MCI_GPM_IS_CAL_TYPE(subtype)) { + ath_mci_cal_msg(sc, subtype, (u8 *)pgpm); + } else { + switch (subtype) { + case MCI_GPM_COEX_AGENT: + ath_mci_msg(sc, opcode, (u8 *)pgpm); + break; + default: + break; } } + recycle: MCI_GPM_RECYCLE(pgpm); } } if (mci_int_rxmsg & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_HW_MSG_MASK) { - if (mci_int_rxmsg & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_LNA_CONTROL) mci_int_rxmsg &= ~AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_LNA_CONTROL; - if (mci_int_rxmsg & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_LNA_INFO) { + if (mci_int_rxmsg & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_LNA_INFO) mci_int_rxmsg &= ~AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_LNA_INFO; - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI LNA_INFO\n"); - } if (mci_int_rxmsg & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_CONT_INFO) { - int value_dbm = ar9003_mci_state(ah, - MCI_STATE_CONT_RSSI_POWER, NULL); + MCI_STATE_CONT_RSSI_POWER, NULL); mci_int_rxmsg &= ~AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_CONT_INFO; @@ -636,33 +516,25 @@ void ath_mci_intr(struct ath_softc *sc) ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI CONT_INFO: (tx) pri = %d, pwr = %d dBm\n", ar9003_mci_state(ah, - MCI_STATE_CONT_PRIORITY, NULL), + MCI_STATE_CONT_PRIORITY, NULL), value_dbm); else ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI CONT_INFO: (rx) pri = %d,pwr = %d dBm\n", ar9003_mci_state(ah, - MCI_STATE_CONT_PRIORITY, NULL), + MCI_STATE_CONT_PRIORITY, NULL), value_dbm); } - if (mci_int_rxmsg & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_CONT_NACK) { + if (mci_int_rxmsg & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_CONT_NACK) mci_int_rxmsg &= ~AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_CONT_NACK; - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI CONT_NACK\n"); - } - if (mci_int_rxmsg & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_CONT_RST) { + if (mci_int_rxmsg & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_CONT_RST) mci_int_rxmsg &= ~AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_CONT_RST; - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI CONT_RST\n"); - } } if ((mci_int & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_INVALID_HDR) || (mci_int & AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_CONT_INFO_TIMEOUT)) mci_int &= ~(AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_INVALID_HDR | AR_MCI_INTERRUPT_CONT_INFO_TIMEOUT); - - if (mci_int_rxmsg & 0xfffffffe) - ath_dbg(common, MCI, "MCI not processed mci_int_rxmsg = 0x%x\n", - mci_int_rxmsg); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/mci.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/mci.h index 29e3e51d078f52e661f0693f267d6e2f031f4479..c841444f53c2c91d2a02140c11f5cadf97f421c3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/mci.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/mci.h @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ #ifndef MCI_H #define MCI_H +#include "ar9003_mci.h" + #define ATH_MCI_SCHED_BUF_SIZE (16 * 16) /* 16 entries, 4 dword each */ #define ATH_MCI_GPM_MAX_ENTRY 16 #define ATH_MCI_GPM_BUF_SIZE (ATH_MCI_GPM_MAX_ENTRY * 16) @@ -113,7 +115,6 @@ struct ath_mci_profile { u8 num_bdr; }; - struct ath_mci_buf { void *bf_addr; /* virtual addr of desc */ dma_addr_t bf_paddr; /* physical addr of buffer */ @@ -121,10 +122,8 @@ struct ath_mci_buf { }; struct ath_mci_coex { - atomic_t mci_cal_flag; struct ath_mci_buf sched_buf; struct ath_mci_buf gpm_buf; - u32 bt_cal_start; }; void ath_mci_flush_profile(struct ath_mci_profile *mci); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/rc.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/rc.c index a427a16bb739be2b97cbeb2c430fec41bd689774..4f848493fece320edb8d8ce45619fb4a5f09538a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/rc.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/rc.c @@ -567,10 +567,8 @@ static u8 ath_rc_setvalid_rates(struct ath_rate_priv *ath_rc_priv, static u8 ath_rc_setvalid_htrates(struct ath_rate_priv *ath_rc_priv, const struct ath_rate_table *rate_table, - u8 *mcs_set, u32 capflag) + struct ath_rateset *rateset, u32 capflag) { - struct ath_rateset *rateset = (struct ath_rateset *)mcs_set; - u8 i, j, hi = 0; /* Use intersection of working rates and valid rates */ @@ -750,7 +748,8 @@ static void ath_rc_rate_set_rtscts(struct ath_softc *sc, * If 802.11g protection is enabled, determine whether to use RTS/CTS or * just CTS. Note that this is only done for OFDM/HT unicast frames. */ - if ((sc->sc_flags & SC_OP_PROTECT_ENABLE) && + if ((tx_info->control.vif && + tx_info->control.vif->bss_conf.use_cts_prot) && (rate_table->info[rix].phy == WLAN_RC_PHY_OFDM || WLAN_RC_PHY_HT(rate_table->info[rix].phy))) { rates[0].flags |= IEEE80211_TX_RC_USE_CTS_PROTECT; @@ -1212,7 +1211,7 @@ static void ath_rc_init(struct ath_softc *sc, { struct ath_rateset *rateset = &ath_rc_priv->neg_rates; struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(sc->sc_ah); - u8 *ht_mcs = (u8 *)&ath_rc_priv->neg_ht_rates; + struct ath_rateset *ht_mcs = &ath_rc_priv->neg_ht_rates; u8 i, j, k, hi = 0, hthi = 0; /* Initial rate table size. Will change depending @@ -1228,7 +1227,7 @@ static void ath_rc_init(struct ath_softc *sc, ath_rc_init_valid_rate_idx(ath_rc_priv); for (i = 0; i < WLAN_RC_PHY_MAX; i++) { - for (j = 0; j < MAX_TX_RATE_PHY; j++) + for (j = 0; j < RATE_TABLE_SIZE; j++) ath_rc_priv->valid_phy_rateidx[i][j] = 0; ath_rc_priv->valid_phy_ratecnt[i] = 0; } @@ -1300,12 +1299,13 @@ static u8 ath_rc_build_ht_caps(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, return caps; } -static bool ath_tx_aggr_check(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_node *an, +static bool ath_tx_aggr_check(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u8 tidno) { + struct ath_node *an = (struct ath_node *)sta->drv_priv; struct ath_atx_tid *txtid; - if (!(sc->sc_flags & SC_OP_TXAGGR)) + if (!sta->ht_cap.ht_supported) return false; txtid = ATH_AN_2_TID(an, tidno); @@ -1376,13 +1376,11 @@ static void ath_tx_status(void *priv, struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband, if (ieee80211_is_data_qos(fc) && skb_get_queue_mapping(skb) != IEEE80211_AC_VO) { u8 *qc, tid; - struct ath_node *an; qc = ieee80211_get_qos_ctl(hdr); tid = qc[0] & 0xf; - an = (struct ath_node *)sta->drv_priv; - if(ath_tx_aggr_check(sc, an, tid)) + if(ath_tx_aggr_check(sc, sta, tid)) ieee80211_start_tx_ba_session(sta, tid, 0); } } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/rc.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/rc.h index b7a4bcd3eec70f02c62f11e0a23ea7ff843813f2..75f8e9b06b2859d2866f16653c3a22913ee6baf5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/rc.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/rc.h @@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ struct ath_softc; #define ATH_RATE_MAX 30 #define RATE_TABLE_SIZE 72 -#define MAX_TX_RATE_PHY 48 - #define RC_INVALID 0x0000 #define RC_LEGACY 0x0001 diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/recv.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/recv.c index 7e1a91af149751b13a53ee9d6dab5c16fcd2f01f..f4ae3ba994a8f85284cd157e227c8daeaf671b0c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/recv.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/recv.c @@ -169,22 +169,17 @@ static void ath_rx_addbuffer_edma(struct ath_softc *sc, enum ath9k_rx_qtype qtype, int size) { struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(sc->sc_ah); - u32 nbuf = 0; + struct ath_buf *bf, *tbf; if (list_empty(&sc->rx.rxbuf)) { ath_dbg(common, QUEUE, "No free rx buf available\n"); return; } - while (!list_empty(&sc->rx.rxbuf)) { - nbuf++; - + list_for_each_entry_safe(bf, tbf, &sc->rx.rxbuf, list) if (!ath_rx_edma_buf_link(sc, qtype)) break; - if (nbuf >= size) - break; - } } static void ath_rx_remove_buffer(struct ath_softc *sc, @@ -232,7 +227,6 @@ static void ath_rx_edma_cleanup(struct ath_softc *sc) static void ath_rx_edma_init_queue(struct ath_rx_edma *rx_edma, int size) { skb_queue_head_init(&rx_edma->rx_fifo); - skb_queue_head_init(&rx_edma->rx_buffers); rx_edma->rx_fifo_hwsize = size; } @@ -658,7 +652,9 @@ static void ath_rx_ps(struct ath_softc *sc, struct sk_buff *skb, bool mybeacon) } static bool ath_edma_get_buffers(struct ath_softc *sc, - enum ath9k_rx_qtype qtype) + enum ath9k_rx_qtype qtype, + struct ath_rx_status *rs, + struct ath_buf **dest) { struct ath_rx_edma *rx_edma = &sc->rx.rx_edma[qtype]; struct ath_hw *ah = sc->sc_ah; @@ -677,7 +673,7 @@ static bool ath_edma_get_buffers(struct ath_softc *sc, dma_sync_single_for_cpu(sc->dev, bf->bf_buf_addr, common->rx_bufsize, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - ret = ath9k_hw_process_rxdesc_edma(ah, NULL, skb->data); + ret = ath9k_hw_process_rxdesc_edma(ah, rs, skb->data); if (ret == -EINPROGRESS) { /*let device gain the buffer again*/ dma_sync_single_for_device(sc->dev, bf->bf_buf_addr, @@ -690,20 +686,21 @@ static bool ath_edma_get_buffers(struct ath_softc *sc, /* corrupt descriptor, skip this one and the following one */ list_add_tail(&bf->list, &sc->rx.rxbuf); ath_rx_edma_buf_link(sc, qtype); - skb = skb_peek(&rx_edma->rx_fifo); - if (!skb) - return true; - bf = SKB_CB_ATHBUF(skb); - BUG_ON(!bf); + skb = skb_peek(&rx_edma->rx_fifo); + if (skb) { + bf = SKB_CB_ATHBUF(skb); + BUG_ON(!bf); - __skb_unlink(skb, &rx_edma->rx_fifo); - list_add_tail(&bf->list, &sc->rx.rxbuf); - ath_rx_edma_buf_link(sc, qtype); - return true; + __skb_unlink(skb, &rx_edma->rx_fifo); + list_add_tail(&bf->list, &sc->rx.rxbuf); + ath_rx_edma_buf_link(sc, qtype); + } else { + bf = NULL; + } } - skb_queue_tail(&rx_edma->rx_buffers, skb); + *dest = bf; return true; } @@ -711,18 +708,15 @@ static struct ath_buf *ath_edma_get_next_rx_buf(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_rx_status *rs, enum ath9k_rx_qtype qtype) { - struct ath_rx_edma *rx_edma = &sc->rx.rx_edma[qtype]; - struct sk_buff *skb; - struct ath_buf *bf; + struct ath_buf *bf = NULL; - while (ath_edma_get_buffers(sc, qtype)); - skb = __skb_dequeue(&rx_edma->rx_buffers); - if (!skb) - return NULL; + while (ath_edma_get_buffers(sc, qtype, rs, &bf)) { + if (!bf) + continue; - bf = SKB_CB_ATHBUF(skb); - ath9k_hw_process_rxdesc_edma(sc->sc_ah, rs, skb->data); - return bf; + return bf; + } + return NULL; } static struct ath_buf *ath_get_next_rx_buf(struct ath_softc *sc, @@ -954,6 +948,7 @@ static void ath9k_process_rssi(struct ath_common *common, struct ath_softc *sc = hw->priv; struct ath_hw *ah = common->ah; int last_rssi; + int rssi = rx_stats->rs_rssi; if (!rx_stats->is_mybeacon || ((ah->opmode != NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) && @@ -965,13 +960,12 @@ static void ath9k_process_rssi(struct ath_common *common, last_rssi = sc->last_rssi; if (likely(last_rssi != ATH_RSSI_DUMMY_MARKER)) - rx_stats->rs_rssi = ATH_EP_RND(last_rssi, - ATH_RSSI_EP_MULTIPLIER); - if (rx_stats->rs_rssi < 0) - rx_stats->rs_rssi = 0; + rssi = ATH_EP_RND(last_rssi, ATH_RSSI_EP_MULTIPLIER); + if (rssi < 0) + rssi = 0; /* Update Beacon RSSI, this is used by ANI. */ - ah->stats.avgbrssi = rx_stats->rs_rssi; + ah->stats.avgbrssi = rssi; } /* @@ -988,8 +982,6 @@ static int ath9k_rx_skb_preprocess(struct ath_common *common, { struct ath_hw *ah = common->ah; - memset(rx_status, 0, sizeof(struct ieee80211_rx_status)); - /* * everything but the rate is checked here, the rate check is done * separately to avoid doing two lookups for a rate for each frame. @@ -1011,6 +1003,8 @@ static int ath9k_rx_skb_preprocess(struct ath_common *common, rx_status->signal = ah->noise + rx_stats->rs_rssi; rx_status->antenna = rx_stats->rs_antenna; rx_status->flag |= RX_FLAG_MACTIME_MPDU; + if (rx_stats->rs_moreaggr) + rx_status->flag |= RX_FLAG_NO_SIGNAL_VAL; return 0; } @@ -1845,6 +1839,8 @@ int ath_rx_tasklet(struct ath_softc *sc, int flush, bool hp) if (sc->sc_flags & SC_OP_RXFLUSH) goto requeue_drop_frag; + memset(rxs, 0, sizeof(struct ieee80211_rx_status)); + rxs->mactime = (tsf & ~0xffffffffULL) | rs.rs_tstamp; if (rs.rs_tstamp > tsf_lower && unlikely(rs.rs_tstamp - tsf_lower > 0x10000000)) diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/reg.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/reg.h index 6e2f18861f5d991d62b84b854f633443ba961d4a..458f81b4a7cb7406d3e98f0c7d455cec93206749 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/reg.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/reg.h @@ -797,7 +797,6 @@ #define AR_SREV_VERSION_9580 0x1C0 #define AR_SREV_REVISION_9580_10 4 /* AR9580 1.0 */ #define AR_SREV_VERSION_9462 0x280 -#define AR_SREV_REVISION_9462_10 0 #define AR_SREV_REVISION_9462_20 2 #define AR_SREV_5416(_ah) \ @@ -898,10 +897,6 @@ #define AR_SREV_9462(_ah) \ (((_ah)->hw_version.macVersion == AR_SREV_VERSION_9462)) -#define AR_SREV_9462_10(_ah) \ - (((_ah)->hw_version.macVersion == AR_SREV_VERSION_9462) && \ - ((_ah)->hw_version.macRev == AR_SREV_REVISION_9462_10)) - #define AR_SREV_9462_20(_ah) \ (((_ah)->hw_version.macVersion == AR_SREV_VERSION_9462) && \ ((_ah)->hw_version.macRev == AR_SREV_REVISION_9462_20)) @@ -1156,6 +1151,7 @@ enum { #define AR_INTR_PRIO_ASYNC_ENABLE (AR_SREV_9340(ah) ? 0x4094 : 0x40d4) #define AR_ENT_OTP 0x40d8 #define AR_ENT_OTP_CHAIN2_DISABLE 0x00020000 +#define AR_ENT_OTP_49GHZ_DISABLE 0x00100000 #define AR_ENT_OTP_MIN_PKT_SIZE_DISABLE 0x00800000 #define AR_CH0_BB_DPLL1 0x16180 diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/xmit.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/xmit.c index 3182408ffe35abcc08c075d8f950cf433d1ca9cf..834e6bc45e8b13eb2b5175043287ee5d381f622e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/xmit.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/xmit.c @@ -647,9 +647,8 @@ static u32 ath_lookup_rate(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_buf *bf, struct sk_buff *skb; struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info; struct ieee80211_tx_rate *rates; - struct ath_mci_profile *mci = &sc->btcoex.mci; u32 max_4ms_framelen, frmlen; - u16 aggr_limit, legacy = 0; + u16 aggr_limit, bt_aggr_limit, legacy = 0; int i; skb = bf->bf_mpdu; @@ -694,14 +693,14 @@ static u32 ath_lookup_rate(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_buf *bf, if (tx_info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_RATE_CTRL_PROBE || legacy) return 0; - if ((sc->sc_ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_MCI) && mci->aggr_limit) - aggr_limit = (max_4ms_framelen * mci->aggr_limit) >> 4; - else if (sc->sc_flags & SC_OP_BT_PRIORITY_DETECTED) - aggr_limit = min((max_4ms_framelen * 3) / 8, - (u32)ATH_AMPDU_LIMIT_MAX); - else - aggr_limit = min(max_4ms_framelen, - (u32)ATH_AMPDU_LIMIT_MAX); + aggr_limit = min(max_4ms_framelen, (u32)ATH_AMPDU_LIMIT_MAX); + + /* + * Override the default aggregation limit for BTCOEX. + */ + bt_aggr_limit = ath9k_btcoex_aggr_limit(sc, max_4ms_framelen); + if (bt_aggr_limit) + aggr_limit = bt_aggr_limit; /* * h/w can accept aggregates up to 16 bit lengths (65535). @@ -956,7 +955,9 @@ static void ath_buf_set_rate(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_buf *bf, */ rate = ieee80211_get_rts_cts_rate(sc->hw, tx_info); info->rtscts_rate = rate->hw_value; - if (sc->sc_flags & SC_OP_PREAMBLE_SHORT) + + if (tx_info->control.vif && + tx_info->control.vif->bss_conf.use_short_preamble) info->rtscts_rate |= rate->hw_value_short; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { @@ -1291,14 +1292,11 @@ void ath_tx_aggr_resume(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u16 tid an = (struct ath_node *)sta->drv_priv; - if (sc->sc_flags & SC_OP_TXAGGR) { - txtid = ATH_AN_2_TID(an, tid); - txtid->baw_size = - IEEE80211_MIN_AMPDU_BUF << sta->ht_cap.ampdu_factor; - txtid->state |= AGGR_ADDBA_COMPLETE; - txtid->state &= ~AGGR_ADDBA_PROGRESS; - ath_tx_resume_tid(sc, txtid); - } + txtid = ATH_AN_2_TID(an, tid); + txtid->baw_size = IEEE80211_MIN_AMPDU_BUF << sta->ht_cap.ampdu_factor; + txtid->state |= AGGR_ADDBA_COMPLETE; + txtid->state &= ~AGGR_ADDBA_PROGRESS; + ath_tx_resume_tid(sc, txtid); } /********************/ @@ -1357,8 +1355,7 @@ struct ath_txq *ath_txq_setup(struct ath_softc *sc, int qtype, int subtype) * based intr on the EOSP frames. */ if (ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_EDMA) { - qi.tqi_qflags = TXQ_FLAG_TXOKINT_ENABLE | - TXQ_FLAG_TXERRINT_ENABLE; + qi.tqi_qflags = TXQ_FLAG_TXINT_ENABLE; } else { if (qtype == ATH9K_TX_QUEUE_UAPSD) qi.tqi_qflags = TXQ_FLAG_TXDESCINT_ENABLE; @@ -1524,7 +1521,7 @@ void ath_draintxq(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_txq *txq, bool retry_tx) ath_drain_txq_list(sc, txq, &txq->axq_q, retry_tx); /* flush any pending frames if aggregation is enabled */ - if ((sc->sc_flags & SC_OP_TXAGGR) && !retry_tx) + if ((sc->sc_ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_HT) && !retry_tx) ath_txq_drain_pending_buffers(sc, txq); ath_txq_unlock_complete(sc, txq); @@ -1872,7 +1869,7 @@ static void ath_tx_start_dma(struct ath_softc *sc, struct sk_buff *skb, struct ath_buf *bf; u8 tidno; - if ((sc->sc_flags & SC_OP_TXAGGR) && txctl->an && + if ((sc->sc_ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_HT) && txctl->an && ieee80211_is_data_qos(hdr->frame_control)) { tidno = ieee80211_get_qos_ctl(hdr)[0] & IEEE80211_QOS_CTL_TID_MASK; @@ -2142,7 +2139,7 @@ static void ath_tx_process_buffer(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_txq *txq, } else ath_tx_complete_aggr(sc, txq, bf, bf_head, ts, txok, true); - if (sc->sc_flags & SC_OP_TXAGGR) + if (sc->sc_ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_HT) ath_txq_schedule(sc, txq); } @@ -2167,7 +2164,7 @@ static void ath_tx_processq(struct ath_softc *sc, struct ath_txq *txq) if (list_empty(&txq->axq_q)) { txq->axq_link = NULL; - if (sc->sc_flags & SC_OP_TXAGGR) + if (sc->sc_ah->caps.hw_caps & ATH9K_HW_CAP_HT) ath_txq_schedule(sc, txq); break; } @@ -2264,10 +2261,9 @@ static void ath_tx_complete_poll_work(struct work_struct *work) void ath_tx_tasklet(struct ath_softc *sc) { + struct ath_hw *ah = sc->sc_ah; + u32 qcumask = ((1 << ATH9K_NUM_TX_QUEUES) - 1) & ah->intr_txqs; int i; - u32 qcumask = ((1 << ATH9K_NUM_TX_QUEUES) - 1); - - ath9k_hw_gettxintrtxqs(sc->sc_ah, &qcumask); for (i = 0; i < ATH9K_NUM_TX_QUEUES; i++) { if (ATH_TXQ_SETUP(sc, i) && (qcumask & (1 << i))) @@ -2297,9 +2293,12 @@ void ath_tx_edma_tasklet(struct ath_softc *sc) break; } - /* Skip beacon completions */ - if (ts.qid == sc->beacon.beaconq) + /* Process beacon completions separately */ + if (ts.qid == sc->beacon.beaconq) { + sc->beacon.tx_processed = true; + sc->beacon.tx_last = !(ts.ts_status & ATH9K_TXERR_MASK); continue; + } txq = &sc->tx.txq[ts.qid]; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/carl9170.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/carl9170.h index 6cfbb419e2f6d1efe8ddf7e2d551928efcd95f9d..0cea20e3e250049d58b96466bcfed59927ae158b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/carl9170.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/carl9170.h @@ -559,6 +559,7 @@ int carl9170_set_hwretry_limit(struct ar9170 *ar, const u32 max_retry); int carl9170_upload_key(struct ar9170 *ar, const u8 id, const u8 *mac, const u8 ktype, const u8 keyidx, const u8 *keydata, const int keylen); int carl9170_disable_key(struct ar9170 *ar, const u8 id); +int carl9170_set_mac_tpc(struct ar9170 *ar, struct ieee80211_channel *channel); /* RX */ void carl9170_rx(struct ar9170 *ar, void *buf, unsigned int len); @@ -593,7 +594,6 @@ int carl9170_get_noisefloor(struct ar9170 *ar); /* FW */ int carl9170_parse_firmware(struct ar9170 *ar); -int carl9170_fw_fix_eeprom(struct ar9170 *ar); extern struct ieee80211_rate __carl9170_ratetable[]; extern int modparam_noht; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/fw.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/fw.c index 3de61adacd34af2f28c24ef2149e8d7c0b51d234..cffde8d9a521d26ed6ea5886daad4693c15fc108 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/fw.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/fw.c @@ -389,39 +389,6 @@ carl9170_find_fw_desc(struct ar9170 *ar, const __u8 *fw_data, const size_t len) return (void *)&fw_data[scan - found]; } -int carl9170_fw_fix_eeprom(struct ar9170 *ar) -{ - const struct carl9170fw_fix_desc *fix_desc = NULL; - unsigned int i, n, off; - u32 *data = (void *)&ar->eeprom; - - fix_desc = carl9170_fw_find_desc(ar, FIX_MAGIC, - sizeof(*fix_desc), CARL9170FW_FIX_DESC_CUR_VER); - - if (!fix_desc) - return 0; - - n = (le16_to_cpu(fix_desc->head.length) - sizeof(*fix_desc)) / - sizeof(struct carl9170fw_fix_entry); - - for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { - off = le32_to_cpu(fix_desc->data[i].address) - - AR9170_EEPROM_START; - - if (off >= sizeof(struct ar9170_eeprom) || (off & 3)) { - dev_err(&ar->udev->dev, "Skip invalid entry %d\n", i); - continue; - } - - data[off / sizeof(*data)] &= - le32_to_cpu(fix_desc->data[i].mask); - data[off / sizeof(*data)] |= - le32_to_cpu(fix_desc->data[i].value); - } - - return 0; -} - int carl9170_parse_firmware(struct ar9170 *ar) { const struct carl9170fw_desc_head *fw_desc = NULL; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/mac.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/mac.c index dfda919709954d27cb0a288c556c9933e55c731c..53415bfd8bef7e673749904369775520ff74beae 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/mac.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/mac.c @@ -485,3 +485,38 @@ int carl9170_disable_key(struct ar9170 *ar, const u8 id) return carl9170_exec_cmd(ar, CARL9170_CMD_DKEY, sizeof(key), (u8 *)&key, 0, NULL); } + +int carl9170_set_mac_tpc(struct ar9170 *ar, struct ieee80211_channel *channel) +{ + unsigned int power, chains; + + if (ar->eeprom.tx_mask != 1) + chains = AR9170_TX_PHY_TXCHAIN_2; + else + chains = AR9170_TX_PHY_TXCHAIN_1; + + switch (channel->band) { + case IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ: + power = ar->power_2G_ofdm[0] & 0x3f; + break; + case IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ: + power = ar->power_5G_leg[0] & 0x3f; + break; + default: + BUG_ON(1); + } + + power = min_t(unsigned int, power, ar->hw->conf.power_level * 2); + + carl9170_regwrite_begin(ar); + carl9170_regwrite(AR9170_MAC_REG_ACK_TPC, + 0x3c1e | power << 20 | chains << 26); + carl9170_regwrite(AR9170_MAC_REG_RTS_CTS_TPC, + power << 5 | chains << 11 | + power << 21 | chains << 27); + carl9170_regwrite(AR9170_MAC_REG_CFEND_QOSNULL_TPC, + power << 5 | chains << 11 | + power << 21 | chains << 27); + carl9170_regwrite_finish(); + return carl9170_regwrite_result(); +} diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/main.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/main.c index db774212161bc820225fb9f14564302be55cc3be..8d2523b3f722ea39785876333a687cfd9597bfd9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/main.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/main.c @@ -853,11 +853,6 @@ static int carl9170_op_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 changed) goto out; } - if (changed & IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_POWER) { - /* TODO */ - err = 0; - } - if (changed & IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_SMPS) { /* TODO */ err = 0; @@ -891,6 +886,12 @@ static int carl9170_op_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 changed) goto out; } + if (changed & IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_POWER) { + err = carl9170_set_mac_tpc(ar, ar->hw->conf.channel); + if (err) + goto out; + } + out: mutex_unlock(&ar->mutex); return err; @@ -1796,6 +1797,9 @@ void *carl9170_alloc(size_t priv_size) ar->noise[i] = -95; /* ATH_DEFAULT_NOISE_FLOOR */ hw->wiphy->flags &= ~WIPHY_FLAG_PS_ON_BY_DEFAULT; + + /* As IBSS Encryption is software-based, IBSS RSN is supported. */ + hw->wiphy->flags |= WIPHY_FLAG_IBSS_RSN; return ar; err_nomem: @@ -1931,10 +1935,6 @@ int carl9170_register(struct ar9170 *ar) if (err) return err; - err = carl9170_fw_fix_eeprom(ar); - if (err) - return err; - err = carl9170_parse_eeprom(ar); if (err) return err; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/phy.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/phy.c index 472efc7e34022ffbc9162afb9752069803833edd..b72c09cf43a4c614a56d5b63ca1f34f11b28d4f0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/phy.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/phy.c @@ -1426,15 +1426,15 @@ static void carl9170_calc_ctl(struct ar9170 *ar, u32 freq, enum carl9170_bw bw) #undef EDGES } -static int carl9170_set_power_cal(struct ar9170 *ar, u32 freq, - enum carl9170_bw bw) +static void carl9170_set_power_cal(struct ar9170 *ar, u32 freq, + enum carl9170_bw bw) { struct ar9170_calibration_target_power_legacy *ctpl; struct ar9170_calibration_target_power_ht *ctph; u8 *ctpres; int ntargets; int idx, i, n; - u8 ackpower, ackchains, f; + u8 f; u8 pwr_freqs[AR5416_MAX_NUM_TGT_PWRS]; if (freq < 3000) @@ -1523,32 +1523,6 @@ static int carl9170_set_power_cal(struct ar9170 *ar, u32 freq, /* calc. conformance test limits and apply to ar->power*[] */ carl9170_calc_ctl(ar, freq, bw); - - /* set ACK/CTS TX power */ - carl9170_regwrite_begin(ar); - - if (ar->eeprom.tx_mask != 1) - ackchains = AR9170_TX_PHY_TXCHAIN_2; - else - ackchains = AR9170_TX_PHY_TXCHAIN_1; - - if (freq < 3000) - ackpower = ar->power_2G_ofdm[0] & 0x3f; - else - ackpower = ar->power_5G_leg[0] & 0x3f; - - carl9170_regwrite(AR9170_MAC_REG_ACK_TPC, - 0x3c1e | ackpower << 20 | ackchains << 26); - carl9170_regwrite(AR9170_MAC_REG_RTS_CTS_TPC, - ackpower << 5 | ackchains << 11 | - ackpower << 21 | ackchains << 27); - - carl9170_regwrite(AR9170_MAC_REG_CFEND_QOSNULL_TPC, - ackpower << 5 | ackchains << 11 | - ackpower << 21 | ackchains << 27); - - carl9170_regwrite_finish(); - return carl9170_regwrite_result(); } int carl9170_get_noisefloor(struct ar9170 *ar) @@ -1712,7 +1686,9 @@ int carl9170_set_channel(struct ar9170 *ar, struct ieee80211_channel *channel, if (err) return err; - err = carl9170_set_power_cal(ar, channel->center_freq, bw); + carl9170_set_power_cal(ar, channel->center_freq, bw); + + err = carl9170_set_mac_tpc(ar, channel); if (err) return err; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/tx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/tx.c index bbc813dee983f83c0e73062d7485898da704420b..aed305177af6a92ba784a8014c66bee117f5bea4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/tx.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/tx.c @@ -719,6 +719,8 @@ static void carl9170_tx_rate_tpc_chains(struct ar9170 *ar, else *chains = AR9170_TX_PHY_TXCHAIN_2; } + + *tpc = min_t(unsigned int, *tpc, ar->hw->conf.power_level * 2); } static __le32 carl9170_tx_physet(struct ar9170 *ar, @@ -1245,7 +1247,7 @@ static bool carl9170_tx_ps_drop(struct ar9170 *ar, struct sk_buff *skb) tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); if (unlikely(sta_info->sleeping) && - !(tx_info->flags & (IEEE80211_TX_CTL_POLL_RESPONSE | + !(tx_info->flags & (IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_PS_BUFFER | IEEE80211_TX_CTL_CLEAR_PS_FILT))) { rcu_read_unlock(); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/main.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/main.c index d9218fe02036329aab1de1649ec57d3ddfd74b8a..ea2c737138d3af4041ccceb1f3f8780d20af1519 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/main.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/main.c @@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ struct sk_buff *ath_rxbuf_alloc(struct ath_common *common, } EXPORT_SYMBOL(ath_rxbuf_alloc); -void ath_printk(const char *level, const char *fmt, ...) +void ath_printk(const char *level, const struct ath_common* common, + const char *fmt, ...) { struct va_format vaf; va_list args; @@ -67,7 +68,11 @@ void ath_printk(const char *level, const char *fmt, ...) vaf.fmt = fmt; vaf.va = &args; - printk("%sath: %pV", level, &vaf); + if (common && common->hw && common->hw->wiphy) + printk("%sath: %s: %pV", + level, wiphy_name(common->hw->wiphy), &vaf); + else + printk("%sath: %pV", level, &vaf); va_end(args); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c b/drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c index 7e45ca2e78ef40b9886b5711a58cc0194aa0b47d..3010cee7b95ab935264c91e37627c2061928b24c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c @@ -1533,10 +1533,9 @@ struct net_device *init_atmel_card(unsigned short irq, unsigned long port, /* Create the network device object. */ dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*priv)); - if (!dev) { - printk(KERN_ERR "atmel: Couldn't alloc_etherdev\n"); + if (!dev) return NULL; - } + if (dev_alloc_name(dev, dev->name) < 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "atmel: Couldn't get name!\n"); goto err_out_free; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/b43/b43.h b/drivers/net/wireless/b43/b43.h index 16e8f8058155464d1537f4bfc3b6bdc3af344f75..67c13af6f206e04475996642b00698ac9e9d12f5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/b43/b43.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/b43/b43.h @@ -932,6 +932,9 @@ struct b43_wl { /* Flag that implement the queues stopping. */ bool tx_queue_stopped[B43_QOS_QUEUE_NUM]; + /* firmware loading work */ + struct work_struct firmware_load; + /* The device LEDs. */ struct b43_leds leds; @@ -999,6 +1002,12 @@ static inline void b43_write16(struct b43_wldev *dev, u16 offset, u16 value) dev->dev->write16(dev->dev, offset, value); } +static inline void b43_maskset16(struct b43_wldev *dev, u16 offset, u16 mask, + u16 set) +{ + b43_write16(dev, offset, (b43_read16(dev, offset) & mask) | set); +} + static inline u32 b43_read32(struct b43_wldev *dev, u16 offset) { return dev->dev->read32(dev->dev, offset); @@ -1009,6 +1018,12 @@ static inline void b43_write32(struct b43_wldev *dev, u16 offset, u32 value) dev->dev->write32(dev->dev, offset, value); } +static inline void b43_maskset32(struct b43_wldev *dev, u16 offset, u32 mask, + u32 set) +{ + b43_write32(dev, offset, (b43_read32(dev, offset) & mask) | set); +} + static inline void b43_block_read(struct b43_wldev *dev, void *buffer, size_t count, u16 offset, u8 reg_width) { diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/b43/main.c b/drivers/net/wireless/b43/main.c index 23ffb1b9a86f441f771c8f2ac200d823d76cf440..c79e6638c88d599e6efdcd048c9145b869d6211a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/b43/main.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/b43/main.c @@ -580,22 +580,14 @@ void b43_tsf_read(struct b43_wldev *dev, u64 *tsf) static void b43_time_lock(struct b43_wldev *dev) { - u32 macctl; - - macctl = b43_read32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL); - macctl |= B43_MACCTL_TBTTHOLD; - b43_write32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, macctl); + b43_maskset32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, ~0, B43_MACCTL_TBTTHOLD); /* Commit the write */ b43_read32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL); } static void b43_time_unlock(struct b43_wldev *dev) { - u32 macctl; - - macctl = b43_read32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL); - macctl &= ~B43_MACCTL_TBTTHOLD; - b43_write32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, macctl); + b43_maskset32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, ~B43_MACCTL_TBTTHOLD, 0); /* Commit the write */ b43_read32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL); } @@ -2398,8 +2390,14 @@ static int b43_try_request_fw(struct b43_request_fw_context *ctx) return err; } -static int b43_request_firmware(struct b43_wldev *dev) +static int b43_one_core_attach(struct b43_bus_dev *dev, struct b43_wl *wl); +static void b43_one_core_detach(struct b43_bus_dev *dev); + +static void b43_request_firmware(struct work_struct *work) { + struct b43_wl *wl = container_of(work, + struct b43_wl, firmware_load); + struct b43_wldev *dev = wl->current_dev; struct b43_request_fw_context *ctx; unsigned int i; int err; @@ -2407,23 +2405,23 @@ static int b43_request_firmware(struct b43_wldev *dev) ctx = kzalloc(sizeof(*ctx), GFP_KERNEL); if (!ctx) - return -ENOMEM; + return; ctx->dev = dev; ctx->req_type = B43_FWTYPE_PROPRIETARY; err = b43_try_request_fw(ctx); if (!err) - goto out; /* Successfully loaded it. */ - err = ctx->fatal_failure; - if (err) + goto start_ieee80211; /* Successfully loaded it. */ + /* Was fw version known? */ + if (ctx->fatal_failure) goto out; + /* proprietary fw not found, try open source */ ctx->req_type = B43_FWTYPE_OPENSOURCE; err = b43_try_request_fw(ctx); if (!err) - goto out; /* Successfully loaded it. */ - err = ctx->fatal_failure; - if (err) + goto start_ieee80211; /* Successfully loaded it. */ + if(ctx->fatal_failure) goto out; /* Could not find a usable firmware. Print the errors. */ @@ -2433,11 +2431,20 @@ static int b43_request_firmware(struct b43_wldev *dev) b43err(dev->wl, errmsg); } b43_print_fw_helptext(dev->wl, 1); - err = -ENOENT; + goto out; + +start_ieee80211: + err = ieee80211_register_hw(wl->hw); + if (err) + goto err_one_core_detach; + b43_leds_register(wl->current_dev); + goto out; + +err_one_core_detach: + b43_one_core_detach(dev->dev); out: kfree(ctx); - return err; } static int b43_upload_microcode(struct b43_wldev *dev) @@ -2487,10 +2494,8 @@ static int b43_upload_microcode(struct b43_wldev *dev) b43_write32(dev, B43_MMIO_GEN_IRQ_REASON, B43_IRQ_ALL); /* Start the microcode PSM */ - macctl = b43_read32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL); - macctl &= ~B43_MACCTL_PSM_JMP0; - macctl |= B43_MACCTL_PSM_RUN; - b43_write32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, macctl); + b43_maskset32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, ~B43_MACCTL_PSM_JMP0, + B43_MACCTL_PSM_RUN); /* Wait for the microcode to load and respond */ i = 0; @@ -2590,10 +2595,9 @@ static int b43_upload_microcode(struct b43_wldev *dev) return 0; error: - macctl = b43_read32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL); - macctl &= ~B43_MACCTL_PSM_RUN; - macctl |= B43_MACCTL_PSM_JMP0; - b43_write32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, macctl); + /* Stop the microcode PSM. */ + b43_maskset32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, ~B43_MACCTL_PSM_RUN, + B43_MACCTL_PSM_JMP0); return err; } @@ -2708,11 +2712,8 @@ static int b43_gpio_init(struct b43_wldev *dev) struct ssb_device *gpiodev; u32 mask, set; - b43_write32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, b43_read32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL) - & ~B43_MACCTL_GPOUTSMSK); - - b43_write16(dev, B43_MMIO_GPIO_MASK, b43_read16(dev, B43_MMIO_GPIO_MASK) - | 0x000F); + b43_maskset32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, ~B43_MACCTL_GPOUTSMSK, 0); + b43_maskset16(dev, B43_MMIO_GPIO_MASK, ~0, 0xF); mask = 0x0000001F; set = 0x0000000F; @@ -2720,6 +2721,8 @@ static int b43_gpio_init(struct b43_wldev *dev) mask |= 0x0060; set |= 0x0060; } + if (dev->dev->chip_id == 0x5354) + set &= 0xff02; if (0 /* FIXME: conditional unknown */ ) { b43_write16(dev, B43_MMIO_GPIO_MASK, b43_read16(dev, B43_MMIO_GPIO_MASK) @@ -2800,9 +2803,7 @@ void b43_mac_enable(struct b43_wldev *dev) dev->mac_suspended--; B43_WARN_ON(dev->mac_suspended < 0); if (dev->mac_suspended == 0) { - b43_write32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, - b43_read32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL) - | B43_MACCTL_ENABLED); + b43_maskset32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, ~0, B43_MACCTL_ENABLED); b43_write32(dev, B43_MMIO_GEN_IRQ_REASON, B43_IRQ_MAC_SUSPENDED); /* Commit writes */ @@ -2823,9 +2824,7 @@ void b43_mac_suspend(struct b43_wldev *dev) if (dev->mac_suspended == 0) { b43_power_saving_ctl_bits(dev, B43_PS_AWAKE); - b43_write32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, - b43_read32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL) - & ~B43_MACCTL_ENABLED); + b43_maskset32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, ~B43_MACCTL_ENABLED, 0); /* force pci to flush the write */ b43_read32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL); for (i = 35; i; i--) { @@ -2931,15 +2930,10 @@ static void b43_adjust_opmode(struct b43_wldev *dev) * so always disable it. If we want to implement PMQ, * we need to enable it here (clear DISCPMQ) in AP mode. */ - if (0 /* ctl & B43_MACCTL_AP */) { - b43_write32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, - b43_read32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL) - & ~B43_MACCTL_DISCPMQ); - } else { - b43_write32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, - b43_read32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL) - | B43_MACCTL_DISCPMQ); - } + if (0 /* ctl & B43_MACCTL_AP */) + b43_maskset32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, ~B43_MACCTL_DISCPMQ, 0); + else + b43_maskset32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, ~0, B43_MACCTL_DISCPMQ); } static void b43_rate_memory_write(struct b43_wldev *dev, u16 rate, int is_ofdm) @@ -3044,9 +3038,6 @@ static int b43_chip_init(struct b43_wldev *dev) macctl |= B43_MACCTL_INFRA; b43_write32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, macctl); - err = b43_request_firmware(dev); - if (err) - goto out; err = b43_upload_microcode(dev); if (err) goto out; /* firmware is released later */ @@ -3083,10 +3074,8 @@ static int b43_chip_init(struct b43_wldev *dev) if (dev->dev->core_rev < 5) b43_write32(dev, 0x010C, 0x01000000); - b43_write32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, b43_read32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL) - & ~B43_MACCTL_INFRA); - b43_write32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, b43_read32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL) - | B43_MACCTL_INFRA); + b43_maskset32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, ~B43_MACCTL_INFRA, 0); + b43_maskset32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, ~0, B43_MACCTL_INFRA); /* Probe Response Timeout value */ /* FIXME: Default to 0, has to be set by ioctl probably... :-/ */ @@ -4178,6 +4167,7 @@ static struct b43_wldev * b43_wireless_core_stop(struct b43_wldev *dev) mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); cancel_delayed_work_sync(&dev->periodic_work); cancel_work_sync(&wl->tx_work); + cancel_work_sync(&wl->firmware_load); mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); dev = wl->current_dev; if (!dev || b43_status(dev) < B43_STAT_STARTED) { @@ -4564,8 +4554,6 @@ static void b43_set_pretbtt(struct b43_wldev *dev) /* Locking: wl->mutex */ static void b43_wireless_core_exit(struct b43_wldev *dev) { - u32 macctl; - B43_WARN_ON(dev && b43_status(dev) > B43_STAT_INITIALIZED); if (!dev || b43_status(dev) != B43_STAT_INITIALIZED) return; @@ -4576,10 +4564,8 @@ static void b43_wireless_core_exit(struct b43_wldev *dev) b43_set_status(dev, B43_STAT_UNINIT); /* Stop the microcode PSM. */ - macctl = b43_read32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL); - macctl &= ~B43_MACCTL_PSM_RUN; - macctl |= B43_MACCTL_PSM_JMP0; - b43_write32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, macctl); + b43_maskset32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, ~B43_MACCTL_PSM_RUN, + B43_MACCTL_PSM_JMP0); b43_dma_free(dev); b43_pio_free(dev); @@ -5341,16 +5327,13 @@ static int b43_bcma_probe(struct bcma_device *core) if (err) goto bcma_err_wireless_exit; - err = ieee80211_register_hw(wl->hw); - if (err) - goto bcma_err_one_core_detach; - b43_leds_register(wl->current_dev); + /* setup and start work to load firmware */ + INIT_WORK(&wl->firmware_load, b43_request_firmware); + schedule_work(&wl->firmware_load); bcma_out: return err; -bcma_err_one_core_detach: - b43_one_core_detach(dev); bcma_err_wireless_exit: ieee80211_free_hw(wl->hw); return err; @@ -5417,18 +5400,13 @@ int b43_ssb_probe(struct ssb_device *sdev, const struct ssb_device_id *id) if (err) goto err_wireless_exit; - if (first) { - err = ieee80211_register_hw(wl->hw); - if (err) - goto err_one_core_detach; - b43_leds_register(wl->current_dev); - } + /* setup and start work to load firmware */ + INIT_WORK(&wl->firmware_load, b43_request_firmware); + schedule_work(&wl->firmware_load); out: return err; - err_one_core_detach: - b43_one_core_detach(dev); err_wireless_exit: if (first) b43_wireless_exit(dev, wl); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/b43/phy_n.c b/drivers/net/wireless/b43/phy_n.c index bf5a43855358319991f94e9e0c43f341dcb161bb..108118820b3635dc5c4ebdd0bd5239630734850f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/b43/phy_n.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/b43/phy_n.c @@ -85,22 +85,11 @@ static inline bool b43_nphy_ipa(struct b43_wldev *dev) (dev->phy.n->ipa5g_on && band == IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ)); } -/* http://bcm-v4.sipsolutions.net/802.11/PHY/N/GetIpaGainTbl */ -static const u32 *b43_nphy_get_ipa_gain_table(struct b43_wldev *dev) +/* http://bcm-v4.sipsolutions.net/802.11/PHY/N/RxCoreGetState */ +static u8 b43_nphy_get_rx_core_state(struct b43_wldev *dev) { - if (b43_current_band(dev->wl) == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) { - if (dev->phy.rev >= 6) { - if (dev->dev->chip_id == 47162) - return txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_rev5; - return txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_rev6; - } else if (dev->phy.rev >= 5) { - return txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_rev5; - } else { - return txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa; - } - } else { - return txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_5g; - } + return (b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RFSEQCA) & B43_NPHY_RFSEQCA_RXEN) >> + B43_NPHY_RFSEQCA_RXEN_SHIFT; } /************************************************** @@ -229,7 +218,7 @@ static void b43_nphy_rf_control_intc_override(struct b43_wldev *dev, u8 field, reg = (i == 0) ? B43_NPHY_RFCTL_INTC1 : B43_NPHY_RFCTL_INTC2; - b43_phy_mask(dev, reg, 0xFBFF); + b43_phy_set(dev, reg, 0x400); switch (field) { case 0: @@ -245,7 +234,7 @@ static void b43_nphy_rf_control_intc_override(struct b43_wldev *dev, u8 field, b43_phy_set(dev, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_CMD, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_CMD_START); for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) { - if (b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_CMD) & B43_NPHY_RFCTL_CMD_START) { + if (!(b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_CMD) & B43_NPHY_RFCTL_CMD_START)) { j = 0; break; } @@ -264,7 +253,7 @@ static void b43_nphy_rf_control_intc_override(struct b43_wldev *dev, u8 field, b43_phy_set(dev, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_CMD, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_CMD_RXTX); for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) { - if (b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_CMD) & B43_NPHY_RFCTL_CMD_RXTX) { + if (!(b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_CMD) & B43_NPHY_RFCTL_CMD_RXTX)) { j = 0; break; } @@ -1231,12 +1220,12 @@ static int b43_nphy_poll_rssi(struct b43_wldev *dev, u8 type, s32 *buf, u16 s[2]; if (dev->phy.rev >= 3) { - save_regs_phy[0] = b43_phy_read(dev, + save_regs_phy[0] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_AFECTL_C1); + save_regs_phy[1] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_AFECTL_C2); + save_regs_phy[2] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_LUT_TRSW_UP1); - save_regs_phy[1] = b43_phy_read(dev, + save_regs_phy[3] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_LUT_TRSW_UP2); - save_regs_phy[2] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_AFECTL_C1); - save_regs_phy[3] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_AFECTL_C2); save_regs_phy[4] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_AFECTL_OVER1); save_regs_phy[5] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_AFECTL_OVER); save_regs_phy[6] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_TXF_40CO_B1S0); @@ -1285,12 +1274,12 @@ static int b43_nphy_poll_rssi(struct b43_wldev *dev, u8 type, s32 *buf, b43_phy_write(dev, B43_NPHY_GPIO_SEL, save_regs_phy[8]); if (dev->phy.rev >= 3) { + b43_phy_write(dev, B43_NPHY_AFECTL_C1, save_regs_phy[0]); + b43_phy_write(dev, B43_NPHY_AFECTL_C2, save_regs_phy[1]); b43_phy_write(dev, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_LUT_TRSW_UP1, - save_regs_phy[0]); + save_regs_phy[2]); b43_phy_write(dev, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_LUT_TRSW_UP2, - save_regs_phy[1]); - b43_phy_write(dev, B43_NPHY_AFECTL_C1, save_regs_phy[2]); - b43_phy_write(dev, B43_NPHY_AFECTL_C2, save_regs_phy[3]); + save_regs_phy[3]); b43_phy_write(dev, B43_NPHY_AFECTL_OVER1, save_regs_phy[4]); b43_phy_write(dev, B43_NPHY_AFECTL_OVER, save_regs_phy[5]); b43_phy_write(dev, B43_NPHY_TXF_40CO_B1S0, save_regs_phy[6]); @@ -1308,6 +1297,186 @@ static int b43_nphy_poll_rssi(struct b43_wldev *dev, u8 type, s32 *buf, return out; } +/* http://bcm-v4.sipsolutions.net/802.11/PHY/N/RSSICalRev3 */ +static void b43_nphy_rev3_rssi_cal(struct b43_wldev *dev) +{ + struct b43_phy_n *nphy = dev->phy.n; + + u16 saved_regs_phy_rfctl[2]; + u16 saved_regs_phy[13]; + u16 regs_to_store[] = { + B43_NPHY_AFECTL_OVER1, B43_NPHY_AFECTL_OVER, + B43_NPHY_AFECTL_C1, B43_NPHY_AFECTL_C2, + B43_NPHY_TXF_40CO_B1S1, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_OVER, + B43_NPHY_TXF_40CO_B1S0, B43_NPHY_TXF_40CO_B32S1, + B43_NPHY_RFCTL_CMD, + B43_NPHY_RFCTL_LUT_TRSW_UP1, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_LUT_TRSW_UP2, + B43_NPHY_RFCTL_RSSIO1, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_RSSIO2 + }; + + u16 class; + + u16 clip_state[2]; + u16 clip_off[2] = { 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF }; + + u8 vcm_final = 0; + s8 offset[4]; + s32 results[8][4] = { }; + s32 results_min[4] = { }; + s32 poll_results[4] = { }; + + u16 *rssical_radio_regs = NULL; + u16 *rssical_phy_regs = NULL; + + u16 r; /* routing */ + u8 rx_core_state; + u8 core, i, j; + + class = b43_nphy_classifier(dev, 0, 0); + b43_nphy_classifier(dev, 7, 4); + b43_nphy_read_clip_detection(dev, clip_state); + b43_nphy_write_clip_detection(dev, clip_off); + + saved_regs_phy_rfctl[0] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_INTC1); + saved_regs_phy_rfctl[1] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_INTC2); + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(regs_to_store); i++) + saved_regs_phy[i] = b43_phy_read(dev, regs_to_store[i]); + + b43_nphy_rf_control_intc_override(dev, 0, 0, 7); + b43_nphy_rf_control_intc_override(dev, 1, 1, 7); + b43_nphy_rf_control_override(dev, 0x1, 0, 0, false); + b43_nphy_rf_control_override(dev, 0x2, 1, 0, false); + b43_nphy_rf_control_override(dev, 0x80, 1, 0, false); + b43_nphy_rf_control_override(dev, 0x40, 1, 0, false); + + if (b43_current_band(dev->wl) == IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ) { + b43_nphy_rf_control_override(dev, 0x20, 0, 0, false); + b43_nphy_rf_control_override(dev, 0x10, 1, 0, false); + } else { + b43_nphy_rf_control_override(dev, 0x10, 0, 0, false); + b43_nphy_rf_control_override(dev, 0x20, 1, 0, false); + } + + rx_core_state = b43_nphy_get_rx_core_state(dev); + for (core = 0; core < 2; core++) { + if (!(rx_core_state & (1 << core))) + continue; + r = core ? B2056_RX1 : B2056_RX0; + b43_nphy_scale_offset_rssi(dev, 0, 0, core + 1, 0, 2); + b43_nphy_scale_offset_rssi(dev, 0, 0, core + 1, 1, 2); + for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { + b43_radio_maskset(dev, r | B2056_RX_RSSI_MISC, 0xE3, + i << 2); + b43_nphy_poll_rssi(dev, 2, results[i], 8); + } + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { + s32 curr; + s32 mind = 40; + s32 minpoll = 249; + u8 minvcm = 0; + if (2 * core != i) + continue; + for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { + curr = results[j][i] * results[j][i] + + results[j][i + 1] * results[j][i]; + if (curr < mind) { + mind = curr; + minvcm = j; + } + if (results[j][i] < minpoll) + minpoll = results[j][i]; + } + vcm_final = minvcm; + results_min[i] = minpoll; + } + b43_radio_maskset(dev, r | B2056_RX_RSSI_MISC, 0xE3, + vcm_final << 2); + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { + if (core != i / 2) + continue; + offset[i] = -results[vcm_final][i]; + if (offset[i] < 0) + offset[i] = -((abs(offset[i]) + 4) / 8); + else + offset[i] = (offset[i] + 4) / 8; + if (results_min[i] == 248) + offset[i] = -32; + b43_nphy_scale_offset_rssi(dev, 0, offset[i], + (i / 2 == 0) ? 1 : 2, + (i % 2 == 0) ? 0 : 1, + 2); + } + } + for (core = 0; core < 2; core++) { + if (!(rx_core_state & (1 << core))) + continue; + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { + b43_nphy_scale_offset_rssi(dev, 0, 0, core + 1, 0, i); + b43_nphy_scale_offset_rssi(dev, 0, 0, core + 1, 1, i); + b43_nphy_poll_rssi(dev, i, poll_results, 8); + for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { + if (j / 2 == core) + offset[j] = 232 - poll_results[j]; + if (offset[j] < 0) + offset[j] = -(abs(offset[j] + 4) / 8); + else + offset[j] = (offset[j] + 4) / 8; + b43_nphy_scale_offset_rssi(dev, 0, + offset[2 * core], core + 1, j % 2, i); + } + } + } + + b43_phy_write(dev, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_INTC1, saved_regs_phy_rfctl[0]); + b43_phy_write(dev, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_INTC2, saved_regs_phy_rfctl[1]); + + b43_nphy_force_rf_sequence(dev, B43_RFSEQ_RESET2RX); + + b43_phy_set(dev, B43_NPHY_TXF_40CO_B1S1, 0x1); + b43_phy_set(dev, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_CMD, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_CMD_START); + b43_phy_mask(dev, B43_NPHY_TXF_40CO_B1S1, ~0x1); + + b43_phy_set(dev, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_OVER, 0x1); + b43_phy_set(dev, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_CMD, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_CMD_RXTX); + b43_phy_mask(dev, B43_NPHY_TXF_40CO_B1S1, ~0x1); + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(regs_to_store); i++) + b43_phy_write(dev, regs_to_store[i], saved_regs_phy[i]); + + /* Store for future configuration */ + if (b43_current_band(dev->wl) == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) { + rssical_radio_regs = nphy->rssical_cache.rssical_radio_regs_2G; + rssical_phy_regs = nphy->rssical_cache.rssical_phy_regs_2G; + } else { + rssical_radio_regs = nphy->rssical_cache.rssical_radio_regs_5G; + rssical_phy_regs = nphy->rssical_cache.rssical_phy_regs_5G; + } + rssical_radio_regs[0] = b43_radio_read(dev, 0x602B); + rssical_radio_regs[0] = b43_radio_read(dev, 0x702B); + rssical_phy_regs[0] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RSSIMC_0I_RSSI_Z); + rssical_phy_regs[1] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RSSIMC_0Q_RSSI_Z); + rssical_phy_regs[2] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RSSIMC_1I_RSSI_Z); + rssical_phy_regs[3] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RSSIMC_1Q_RSSI_Z); + rssical_phy_regs[4] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RSSIMC_0I_RSSI_X); + rssical_phy_regs[5] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RSSIMC_0Q_RSSI_X); + rssical_phy_regs[6] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RSSIMC_1I_RSSI_X); + rssical_phy_regs[7] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RSSIMC_1Q_RSSI_X); + rssical_phy_regs[8] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RSSIMC_0I_RSSI_Y); + rssical_phy_regs[9] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RSSIMC_0Q_RSSI_Y); + rssical_phy_regs[10] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RSSIMC_1I_RSSI_Y); + rssical_phy_regs[11] = b43_phy_read(dev, B43_NPHY_RSSIMC_1Q_RSSI_Y); + + /* Remember for which channel we store configuration */ + if (b43_current_band(dev->wl) == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) + nphy->rssical_chanspec_2G.center_freq = dev->phy.channel_freq; + else + nphy->rssical_chanspec_5G.center_freq = dev->phy.channel_freq; + + /* End of calibration, restore configuration */ + b43_nphy_classifier(dev, 7, class); + b43_nphy_write_clip_detection(dev, clip_state); +} + /* http://bcm-v4.sipsolutions.net/802.11/PHY/N/RSSICal */ static void b43_nphy_rev2_rssi_cal(struct b43_wldev *dev, u8 type) { @@ -1472,12 +1641,6 @@ static void b43_nphy_rev2_rssi_cal(struct b43_wldev *dev, u8 type) b43_nphy_reset_cca(dev); } -/* http://bcm-v4.sipsolutions.net/802.11/PHY/N/RSSICalRev3 */ -static void b43_nphy_rev3_rssi_cal(struct b43_wldev *dev) -{ - /* TODO */ -} - /* * RSSI Calibration * http://bcm-v4.sipsolutions.net/802.11/PHY/N/RSSICal @@ -2229,27 +2392,12 @@ static void b43_nphy_tx_power_fix(struct b43_wldev *dev) */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { - if (dev->phy.rev >= 3) { - if (b43_nphy_ipa(dev)) { - txgain = *(b43_nphy_get_ipa_gain_table(dev) + - txpi[i]); - } else if (b43_current_band(dev->wl) == - IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ) { - /* FIXME: use 5GHz tables */ - txgain = - b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev3plus_2ghz[txpi[i]]; - } else { - if (dev->phy.rev >= 5 && - sprom->fem.ghz5.extpa_gain == 3) - ; /* FIXME: 5GHz_txgain_HiPwrEPA */ - txgain = - b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev3plus_2ghz[txpi[i]]; - } + txgain = *(b43_nphy_get_tx_gain_table(dev) + txpi[i]); + + if (dev->phy.rev >= 3) radio_gain = (txgain >> 16) & 0x1FFFF; - } else { - txgain = b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev0_1_2[txpi[i]]; + else radio_gain = (txgain >> 16) & 0x1FFF; - } if (dev->phy.rev >= 7) dac_gain = (txgain >> 8) & 0x7; @@ -2420,55 +2568,252 @@ static void b43_nphy_tx_power_ctl_idle_tssi(struct b43_wldev *dev) nphy->pwr_ctl_info[1].idle_tssi_2g = (tmp >> 8) & 0xFF; } -static void b43_nphy_tx_gain_table_upload(struct b43_wldev *dev) +/* http://bcm-v4.sipsolutions.net/PHY/N/TxPwrLimitToTbl */ +static void b43_nphy_tx_prepare_adjusted_power_table(struct b43_wldev *dev) { - struct b43_phy *phy = &dev->phy; + struct b43_phy_n *nphy = dev->phy.n; - const u32 *table = NULL; -#if 0 - TODO: b43_ntab_papd_pga_gain_delta_ipa_2* - u32 rfpwr_offset; - u8 pga_gain; - int i; -#endif + u8 idx, delta; + u8 i, stf_mode; - if (phy->rev >= 3) { - if (b43_nphy_ipa(dev)) { - table = b43_nphy_get_ipa_gain_table(dev); + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) + nphy->adj_pwr_tbl[i] = nphy->tx_power_offset[i]; + + for (stf_mode = 0; stf_mode < 4; stf_mode++) { + delta = 0; + switch (stf_mode) { + case 0: + if (dev->phy.is_40mhz && dev->phy.rev >= 5) { + idx = 68; + } else { + delta = 1; + idx = dev->phy.is_40mhz ? 52 : 4; + } + break; + case 1: + idx = dev->phy.is_40mhz ? 76 : 28; + break; + case 2: + idx = dev->phy.is_40mhz ? 84 : 36; + break; + case 3: + idx = dev->phy.is_40mhz ? 92 : 44; + break; + } + + for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { + nphy->adj_pwr_tbl[4 + 4 * i + stf_mode] = + nphy->tx_power_offset[idx]; + if (i == 0) + idx += delta; + if (i == 14) + idx += 1 - delta; + if (i == 3 || i == 4 || i == 7 || i == 8 || i == 11 || + i == 13) + idx += 1; + } + } +} + +/* http://bcm-v4.sipsolutions.net/802.11/PHY/N/TxPwrCtrlSetup */ +static void b43_nphy_tx_power_ctl_setup(struct b43_wldev *dev) +{ + struct b43_phy_n *nphy = dev->phy.n; + struct ssb_sprom *sprom = dev->dev->bus_sprom; + + s16 a1[2], b0[2], b1[2]; + u8 idle[2]; + s8 target[2]; + s32 num, den, pwr; + u32 regval[64]; + + u16 freq = dev->phy.channel_freq; + u16 tmp; + u16 r; /* routing */ + u8 i, c; + + if (dev->dev->core_rev == 11 || dev->dev->core_rev == 12) { + b43_maskset32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, ~0, 0x200000); + b43_read32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL); + udelay(1); + } + + if (nphy->hang_avoid) + b43_nphy_stay_in_carrier_search(dev, true); + + b43_phy_set(dev, B43_NPHY_TSSIMODE, B43_NPHY_TSSIMODE_EN); + if (dev->phy.rev >= 3) + b43_phy_mask(dev, B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_CMD, + ~B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_CMD_PCTLEN & 0xFFFF); + else + b43_phy_set(dev, B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_CMD, + B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_CMD_PCTLEN); + + if (dev->dev->core_rev == 11 || dev->dev->core_rev == 12) + b43_maskset32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, ~0x200000, 0); + + if (sprom->revision < 4) { + idle[0] = nphy->pwr_ctl_info[0].idle_tssi_2g; + idle[1] = nphy->pwr_ctl_info[1].idle_tssi_2g; + target[0] = target[1] = 52; + a1[0] = a1[1] = -424; + b0[0] = b0[1] = 5612; + b1[0] = b1[1] = -1393; + } else { + if (b43_current_band(dev->wl) == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) { + for (c = 0; c < 2; c++) { + idle[c] = nphy->pwr_ctl_info[c].idle_tssi_2g; + target[c] = sprom->core_pwr_info[c].maxpwr_2g; + a1[c] = sprom->core_pwr_info[c].pa_2g[0]; + b0[c] = sprom->core_pwr_info[c].pa_2g[1]; + b1[c] = sprom->core_pwr_info[c].pa_2g[2]; + } + } else if (freq >= 4900 && freq < 5100) { + for (c = 0; c < 2; c++) { + idle[c] = nphy->pwr_ctl_info[c].idle_tssi_5g; + target[c] = sprom->core_pwr_info[c].maxpwr_5gl; + a1[c] = sprom->core_pwr_info[c].pa_5gl[0]; + b0[c] = sprom->core_pwr_info[c].pa_5gl[1]; + b1[c] = sprom->core_pwr_info[c].pa_5gl[2]; + } + } else if (freq >= 5100 && freq < 5500) { + for (c = 0; c < 2; c++) { + idle[c] = nphy->pwr_ctl_info[c].idle_tssi_5g; + target[c] = sprom->core_pwr_info[c].maxpwr_5g; + a1[c] = sprom->core_pwr_info[c].pa_5g[0]; + b0[c] = sprom->core_pwr_info[c].pa_5g[1]; + b1[c] = sprom->core_pwr_info[c].pa_5g[2]; + } + } else if (freq >= 5500) { + for (c = 0; c < 2; c++) { + idle[c] = nphy->pwr_ctl_info[c].idle_tssi_5g; + target[c] = sprom->core_pwr_info[c].maxpwr_5gh; + a1[c] = sprom->core_pwr_info[c].pa_5gh[0]; + b0[c] = sprom->core_pwr_info[c].pa_5gh[1]; + b1[c] = sprom->core_pwr_info[c].pa_5gh[2]; + } } else { - if (b43_current_band(dev->wl) == IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ) { - if (phy->rev == 3) - table = b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev3_5ghz; - if (phy->rev == 4) - table = b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev4_5ghz; - else - table = b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev5plus_5ghz; + idle[0] = nphy->pwr_ctl_info[0].idle_tssi_5g; + idle[1] = nphy->pwr_ctl_info[1].idle_tssi_5g; + target[0] = target[1] = 52; + a1[0] = a1[1] = -424; + b0[0] = b0[1] = 5612; + b1[0] = b1[1] = -1393; + } + } + /* target[0] = target[1] = nphy->tx_power_max; */ + + if (dev->phy.rev >= 3) { + if (sprom->fem.ghz2.tssipos) + b43_phy_set(dev, B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_ITSSI, 0x4000); + if (dev->phy.rev >= 7) { + for (c = 0; c < 2; c++) { + r = c ? 0x190 : 0x170; + if (b43_nphy_ipa(dev)) + b43_radio_write(dev, r + 0x9, (b43_current_band(dev->wl) == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) ? 0xE : 0xC); + } + } else { + if (b43_nphy_ipa(dev)) { + tmp = (b43_current_band(dev->wl) == IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ) ? 0xC : 0xE; + b43_radio_write(dev, + B2056_TX0 | B2056_TX_TX_SSI_MUX, tmp); + b43_radio_write(dev, + B2056_TX1 | B2056_TX_TX_SSI_MUX, tmp); } else { - table = b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev3plus_2ghz; + b43_radio_write(dev, + B2056_TX0 | B2056_TX_TX_SSI_MUX, 0x11); + b43_radio_write(dev, + B2056_TX1 | B2056_TX_TX_SSI_MUX, 0x11); } } + } + + if (dev->dev->core_rev == 11 || dev->dev->core_rev == 12) { + b43_maskset32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, ~0, 0x200000); + b43_read32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL); + udelay(1); + } + + if (dev->phy.rev >= 7) { + b43_phy_maskset(dev, B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_CMD, + ~B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_CMD_INIT, 0x19); + b43_phy_maskset(dev, B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_INIT, + ~B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_INIT_PIDXI1, 0x19); } else { - table = b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev0_1_2; + b43_phy_maskset(dev, B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_CMD, + ~B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_CMD_INIT, 0x40); + if (dev->phy.rev > 1) + b43_phy_maskset(dev, B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_INIT, + ~B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_INIT_PIDXI1, 0x40); + } + + if (dev->dev->core_rev == 11 || dev->dev->core_rev == 12) + b43_maskset32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, ~0x200000, 0); + + b43_phy_write(dev, B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_N, + 0xF0 << B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_N_TSSID_SHIFT | + 3 << B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_N_NPTIL2_SHIFT); + b43_phy_write(dev, B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_ITSSI, + idle[0] << B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_ITSSI_0_SHIFT | + idle[1] << B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_ITSSI_1_SHIFT | + B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_ITSSI_BINF); + b43_phy_write(dev, B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_TPWR, + target[0] << B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_TPWR_0_SHIFT | + target[1] << B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_TPWR_1_SHIFT); + + for (c = 0; c < 2; c++) { + for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { + num = 8 * (16 * b0[c] + b1[c] * i); + den = 32768 + a1[c] * i; + pwr = max((4 * num + den / 2) / den, -8); + if (dev->phy.rev < 3 && (i <= (31 - idle[c] + 1))) + pwr = max(pwr, target[c] + 1); + regval[i] = pwr; + } + b43_ntab_write_bulk(dev, B43_NTAB32(26 + c, 0), 64, regval); } + + b43_nphy_tx_prepare_adjusted_power_table(dev); + /* + b43_ntab_write_bulk(dev, B43_NTAB16(26, 64), 84, nphy->adj_pwr_tbl); + b43_ntab_write_bulk(dev, B43_NTAB16(27, 64), 84, nphy->adj_pwr_tbl); + */ + + if (nphy->hang_avoid) + b43_nphy_stay_in_carrier_search(dev, false); +} + +static void b43_nphy_tx_gain_table_upload(struct b43_wldev *dev) +{ + struct b43_phy *phy = &dev->phy; + + const u32 *table = NULL; + u32 rfpwr_offset; + u8 pga_gain; + int i; + + table = b43_nphy_get_tx_gain_table(dev); b43_ntab_write_bulk(dev, B43_NTAB32(26, 192), 128, table); b43_ntab_write_bulk(dev, B43_NTAB32(27, 192), 128, table); if (phy->rev >= 3) { #if 0 nphy->gmval = (table[0] >> 16) & 0x7000; +#endif for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { pga_gain = (table[i] >> 24) & 0xF; if (b43_current_band(dev->wl) == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) - rfpwr_offset = b43_ntab_papd_pga_gain_delta_ipa_2g[pga_gain]; + rfpwr_offset = + b43_ntab_papd_pga_gain_delta_ipa_2g[pga_gain]; else - rfpwr_offset = b43_ntab_papd_pga_gain_delta_ipa_5g[pga_gain]; + rfpwr_offset = + 0; /* FIXME */ b43_ntab_write(dev, B43_NTAB32(26, 576 + i), rfpwr_offset); b43_ntab_write(dev, B43_NTAB32(27, 576 + i), rfpwr_offset); } -#endif } } @@ -3139,32 +3484,13 @@ static struct nphy_txgains b43_nphy_get_tx_gains(struct b43_wldev *dev) B43_NPHY_TXPCTL_STAT_BIDX_SHIFT; for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { + table = b43_nphy_get_tx_gain_table(dev); if (dev->phy.rev >= 3) { - enum ieee80211_band band = - b43_current_band(dev->wl); - - if (b43_nphy_ipa(dev)) { - table = b43_nphy_get_ipa_gain_table(dev); - } else { - if (band == IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ) { - if (dev->phy.rev == 3) - table = b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev3_5ghz; - else if (dev->phy.rev == 4) - table = b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev4_5ghz; - else - table = b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev5plus_5ghz; - } else { - table = b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev3plus_2ghz; - } - } - target.ipa[i] = (table[index[i]] >> 16) & 0xF; target.pad[i] = (table[index[i]] >> 20) & 0xF; target.pga[i] = (table[index[i]] >> 24) & 0xF; target.txgm[i] = (table[index[i]] >> 28) & 0xF; } else { - table = b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev0_1_2; - target.ipa[i] = (table[index[i]] >> 16) & 0x3; target.pad[i] = (table[index[i]] >> 18) & 0x3; target.pga[i] = (table[index[i]] >> 20) & 0x7; @@ -3968,13 +4294,10 @@ static void b43_nphy_superswitch_init(struct b43_wldev *dev, bool init) #endif } - b43_write32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, - b43_read32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL) & - ~B43_MACCTL_GPOUTSMSK); - b43_write16(dev, B43_MMIO_GPIO_MASK, - b43_read16(dev, B43_MMIO_GPIO_MASK) | 0xFC00); - b43_write16(dev, B43_MMIO_GPIO_CONTROL, - b43_read16(dev, B43_MMIO_GPIO_CONTROL) & ~0xFC00); + b43_maskset32(dev, B43_MMIO_MACCTL, ~B43_MACCTL_GPOUTSMSK, 0); + b43_maskset16(dev, B43_MMIO_GPIO_MASK, ~0, 0xFC00); + b43_maskset16(dev, B43_MMIO_GPIO_CONTROL, (~0xFC00 & 0xFFFF), + 0); if (init) { b43_phy_write(dev, B43_NPHY_RFCTL_LUT_TRSW_LO1, 0x2D8); @@ -4110,7 +4433,7 @@ int b43_phy_initn(struct b43_wldev *dev) b43_nphy_tx_power_ctrl(dev, false); b43_nphy_tx_power_fix(dev); b43_nphy_tx_power_ctl_idle_tssi(dev); - /* TODO N PHY TX Power Control Setup */ + b43_nphy_tx_power_ctl_setup(dev); b43_nphy_tx_gain_table_upload(dev); if (nphy->phyrxchain != 3) @@ -4530,8 +4853,7 @@ static void b43_nphy_op_maskset(struct b43_wldev *dev, u16 reg, u16 mask, { check_phyreg(dev, reg); b43_write16(dev, B43_MMIO_PHY_CONTROL, reg); - b43_write16(dev, B43_MMIO_PHY_DATA, - (b43_read16(dev, B43_MMIO_PHY_DATA) & mask) | set); + b43_maskset16(dev, B43_MMIO_PHY_DATA, mask, set); } static u16 b43_nphy_op_radio_read(struct b43_wldev *dev, u16 reg) diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/b43/phy_n.h b/drivers/net/wireless/b43/phy_n.h index 5de8f74cc02f5815f973855c0e1c0cdfd20f09e2..fd12b386fea1cc5a1c0796589b650d12e6917fcf 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/b43/phy_n.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/b43/phy_n.h @@ -798,6 +798,7 @@ struct b43_phy_n { bool txpwrctrl; bool pwg_gain_5ghz; u8 tx_pwr_idx[2]; + s8 tx_power_offset[101]; u16 adj_pwr_tbl[84]; u16 txcal_bbmult; u16 txiqlocal_bestc[11]; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c b/drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c index f7def13524dd72dca17eef3219fb9cdb5580e531..f0d8377429c695dc6d5cbe4342d49a4bc513ef5d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c @@ -2214,7 +2214,7 @@ static const u16 b43_ntab_antswctl2g_r3[4][32] = { }; /* TX gain tables */ -const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev0_1_2[] = { +static const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev0_1_2[] = { 0x03cc2b44, 0x03cc2b42, 0x03cc2a44, 0x03cc2a42, 0x03cc2944, 0x03c82b44, 0x03c82b42, 0x03c82a44, 0x03c82a42, 0x03c82944, 0x03c82942, 0x03c82844, @@ -2249,7 +2249,7 @@ const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev0_1_2[] = { 0x03801442, 0x03801344, 0x03801342, 0x00002b00, }; -const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev3plus_2ghz[] = { +static const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev3plus_2ghz[] = { 0x1f410044, 0x1f410042, 0x1f410040, 0x1f41003e, 0x1f41003c, 0x1f41003b, 0x1f410039, 0x1f410037, 0x1e410044, 0x1e410042, 0x1e410040, 0x1e41003e, @@ -2284,7 +2284,7 @@ const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev3plus_2ghz[] = { 0x1041003c, 0x1041003b, 0x10410039, 0x10410037, }; -const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev3_5ghz[] = { +static const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev3_5ghz[] = { 0xcff70044, 0xcff70042, 0xcff70040, 0xcff7003e, 0xcff7003c, 0xcff7003b, 0xcff70039, 0xcff70037, 0xcef70044, 0xcef70042, 0xcef70040, 0xcef7003e, @@ -2319,7 +2319,7 @@ const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev3_5ghz[] = { 0xc0f7003c, 0xc0f7003b, 0xc0f70039, 0xc0f70037, }; -const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev4_5ghz[] = { +static const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev4_5ghz[] = { 0x2ff20044, 0x2ff20042, 0x2ff20040, 0x2ff2003e, 0x2ff2003c, 0x2ff2003b, 0x2ff20039, 0x2ff20037, 0x2ef20044, 0x2ef20042, 0x2ef20040, 0x2ef2003e, @@ -2354,7 +2354,7 @@ const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev4_5ghz[] = { 0x20d2003a, 0x20d20038, 0x20d20036, 0x20d20034, }; -const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev5plus_5ghz[] = { +static const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev5plus_5ghz[] = { 0x0f62004a, 0x0f620048, 0x0f620046, 0x0f620044, 0x0f620042, 0x0f620040, 0x0f62003e, 0x0f62003c, 0x0e620044, 0x0e620042, 0x0e620040, 0x0e62003e, @@ -2389,7 +2389,7 @@ const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev5plus_5ghz[] = { 0x0062003b, 0x00620039, 0x00620037, 0x00620035, }; -const u32 txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa[] = { +static const u32 txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa[] = { 0x5ff7002d, 0x5ff7002b, 0x5ff7002a, 0x5ff70029, 0x5ff70028, 0x5ff70027, 0x5ff70026, 0x5ff70025, 0x5ef7002d, 0x5ef7002b, 0x5ef7002a, 0x5ef70029, @@ -2424,7 +2424,7 @@ const u32 txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa[] = { 0x50f70028, 0x50f70027, 0x50f70026, 0x50f70025, }; -const u32 txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_rev5[] = { +static const u32 txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_rev5[] = { 0x1ff7002d, 0x1ff7002b, 0x1ff7002a, 0x1ff70029, 0x1ff70028, 0x1ff70027, 0x1ff70026, 0x1ff70025, 0x1ef7002d, 0x1ef7002b, 0x1ef7002a, 0x1ef70029, @@ -2459,7 +2459,7 @@ const u32 txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_rev5[] = { 0x10f70028, 0x10f70027, 0x10f70026, 0x10f70025, }; -const u32 txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_rev6[] = { +static const u32 txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_rev6[] = { 0x0ff7002d, 0x0ff7002b, 0x0ff7002a, 0x0ff70029, 0x0ff70028, 0x0ff70027, 0x0ff70026, 0x0ff70025, 0x0ef7002d, 0x0ef7002b, 0x0ef7002a, 0x0ef70029, @@ -2494,7 +2494,7 @@ const u32 txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_rev6[] = { 0x00f70028, 0x00f70027, 0x00f70026, 0x00f70025, }; -const u32 txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_5g[] = { +static const u32 txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_5g[] = { 0x7ff70035, 0x7ff70033, 0x7ff70032, 0x7ff70031, 0x7ff7002f, 0x7ff7002e, 0x7ff7002d, 0x7ff7002b, 0x7ff7002a, 0x7ff70029, 0x7ff70028, 0x7ff70027, @@ -2529,6 +2529,11 @@ const u32 txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_5g[] = { 0x70f70021, 0x70f70020, 0x70f70020, 0x70f7001f, }; +const s8 b43_ntab_papd_pga_gain_delta_ipa_2g[] = { + -114, -108, -98, -91, -84, -78, -70, -62, + -54, -46, -39, -31, -23, -15, -8, 0 +}; + const u16 tbl_iqcal_gainparams[2][9][8] = { { { 0x000, 0, 0, 2, 0x69, 0x69, 0x69, 0x69 }, @@ -2739,11 +2744,11 @@ const struct nphy_rf_control_override_rev3 tbl_rf_control_override_rev3[] = { { 0x0001, 0, 0xE7, 0x7A, 0xEC, 0x7D }, /* field == 0x0002 (fls 2) */ { 0x0002, 1, 0xE7, 0x7A, 0xEC, 0x7D }, /* field == 0x0004 (fls 3) */ { 0x0004, 2, 0xE7, 0x7A, 0xEC, 0x7D }, /* field == 0x0008 (fls 4) */ - { 0x0016, 4, 0xE7, 0x7A, 0xEC, 0x7D }, /* field == 0x0010 (fls 5) */ + { 0x0010, 4, 0xE7, 0x7A, 0xEC, 0x7D }, /* field == 0x0010 (fls 5) */ { 0x0020, 5, 0xE7, 0x7A, 0xEC, 0x7D }, /* field == 0x0020 (fls 6) */ { 0x0040, 6, 0xE7, 0x7A, 0xEC, 0x7D }, /* field == 0x0040 (fls 7) */ - { 0x0080, 6, 0xE7, 0x7A, 0xEC, 0x7D }, /* field == 0x0080 (fls 8) */ - { 0x0100, 7, 0xE7, 0x7A, 0xEC, 0x7D }, /* field == 0x0100 (fls 9) */ + { 0x0080, 7, 0xE7, 0x7A, 0xEC, 0x7D }, /* field == 0x0080 (fls 8) */ + { 0x0100, 8, 0xE7, 0x7A, 0xEC, 0x7D }, /* field == 0x0100 (fls 9) */ { 0x0007, 0, 0xE7, 0xF8, 0xEC, 0xFA }, /* field == 0x0200 (fls 10) */ { 0x0070, 4, 0xE7, 0xF8, 0xEC, 0xFA }, /* field == 0x0400 (fls 11) */ { 0xE000, 13, 0xE7, 0x7A, 0xEC, 0x7D }, /* field == 0x0800 (fls 12) */ @@ -3126,6 +3131,53 @@ void b43_nphy_rev3plus_tables_init(struct b43_wldev *dev) B43_WARN_ON(1); } +/* http://bcm-v4.sipsolutions.net/802.11/PHY/N/GetIpaGainTbl */ +static const u32 *b43_nphy_get_ipa_gain_table(struct b43_wldev *dev) +{ + if (b43_current_band(dev->wl) == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) { + if (dev->phy.rev >= 6) { + if (dev->dev->chip_id == 47162) + return txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_rev5; + return txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_rev6; + } else if (dev->phy.rev >= 5) { + return txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_rev5; + } else { + return txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa; + } + } else { + return txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_5g; + } +} + +const u32 *b43_nphy_get_tx_gain_table(struct b43_wldev *dev) +{ + enum ieee80211_band band = b43_current_band(dev->wl); + struct ssb_sprom *sprom = dev->dev->bus_sprom; + + if (dev->phy.rev < 3) + return b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev0_1_2; + + /* rev 3+ */ + if ((dev->phy.n->ipa2g_on && band == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) || + (dev->phy.n->ipa5g_on && band == IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ)) { + return b43_nphy_get_ipa_gain_table(dev); + } else if (b43_current_band(dev->wl) == IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ) { + if (dev->phy.rev == 3) + return b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev3_5ghz; + if (dev->phy.rev == 4) + return sprom->fem.ghz5.extpa_gain == 3 ? + b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev4_5ghz : + b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev4_5ghz; /* FIXME */ + else + return b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev5plus_5ghz; + } else { + if (dev->phy.rev >= 5 && sprom->fem.ghz5.extpa_gain == 3) + return b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev3plus_2ghz; /* FIXME */ + else + return b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev3plus_2ghz; + } +} + struct nphy_gain_ctl_workaround_entry *b43_nphy_get_gain_ctl_workaround_ent( struct b43_wldev *dev, bool ghz5, bool ext_lna) { diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.h b/drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.h index 97038c4819304938a6d41fed53ae3b0d65ce5a6c..f348953c02308b5c29f4048f5e4e87ebff8a37cb 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.h @@ -177,16 +177,10 @@ void b43_ntab_write_bulk(struct b43_wldev *dev, u32 offset, void b43_nphy_rev0_1_2_tables_init(struct b43_wldev *dev); void b43_nphy_rev3plus_tables_init(struct b43_wldev *dev); -extern const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev0_1_2[]; -extern const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev3plus_2ghz[]; -extern const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev3_5ghz[]; -extern const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev4_5ghz[]; -extern const u32 b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev5plus_5ghz[]; - -extern const u32 txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa[]; -extern const u32 txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_rev5[]; -extern const u32 txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_rev6[]; -extern const u32 txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa_5g[]; +const u32 *b43_nphy_get_tx_gain_table(struct b43_wldev *dev); + +extern const s8 b43_ntab_papd_pga_gain_delta_ipa_2g[]; + extern const u16 tbl_iqcal_gainparams[2][9][8]; extern const struct nphy_txiqcal_ladder ladder_lo[]; extern const struct nphy_txiqcal_ladder ladder_iq[]; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/b43legacy.h b/drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/b43legacy.h index 98e3d44400c6fa97707a834e72d3fecda695e4f8..a29da674e69ddbdc9982a104bc0bb0660fc488f4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/b43legacy.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/b43legacy.h @@ -581,6 +581,9 @@ struct b43legacy_wl { struct mutex mutex; /* locks wireless core state */ spinlock_t leds_lock; /* lock for leds */ + /* firmware loading work */ + struct work_struct firmware_load; + /* We can only have one operating interface (802.11 core) * at a time. General information about this interface follows. */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/main.c b/drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/main.c index 75e70bce40f6b8eb896ebb348e24c0f32a4b1930..df7e16dfb36c56ca426274fd9d9e7270f1dd1932 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/main.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/main.c @@ -1557,8 +1557,15 @@ static int do_request_fw(struct b43legacy_wldev *dev, return -EPROTO; } -static int b43legacy_request_firmware(struct b43legacy_wldev *dev) +static int b43legacy_one_core_attach(struct ssb_device *dev, + struct b43legacy_wl *wl); +static void b43legacy_one_core_detach(struct ssb_device *dev); + +static void b43legacy_request_firmware(struct work_struct *work) { + struct b43legacy_wl *wl = container_of(work, + struct b43legacy_wl, firmware_load); + struct b43legacy_wldev *dev = wl->current_dev; struct b43legacy_firmware *fw = &dev->fw; const u8 rev = dev->dev->id.revision; const char *filename; @@ -1624,8 +1631,14 @@ static int b43legacy_request_firmware(struct b43legacy_wldev *dev) if (err) goto err_load; } + err = ieee80211_register_hw(wl->hw); + if (err) + goto err_one_core_detach; + return; - return 0; +err_one_core_detach: + b43legacy_one_core_detach(dev->dev); + goto error; err_load: b43legacy_print_fw_helptext(dev->wl); @@ -1639,7 +1652,7 @@ static int b43legacy_request_firmware(struct b43legacy_wldev *dev) error: b43legacy_release_firmware(dev); - return err; + return; } static int b43legacy_upload_microcode(struct b43legacy_wldev *dev) @@ -2153,9 +2166,6 @@ static int b43legacy_chip_init(struct b43legacy_wldev *dev) macctl |= B43legacy_MACCTL_INFRA; b43legacy_write32(dev, B43legacy_MMIO_MACCTL, macctl); - err = b43legacy_request_firmware(dev); - if (err) - goto out; err = b43legacy_upload_microcode(dev); if (err) goto out; /* firmware is released later */ @@ -3860,17 +3870,13 @@ static int b43legacy_probe(struct ssb_device *dev, if (err) goto err_wireless_exit; - if (first) { - err = ieee80211_register_hw(wl->hw); - if (err) - goto err_one_core_detach; - } + /* setup and start work to load firmware */ + INIT_WORK(&wl->firmware_load, b43legacy_request_firmware); + schedule_work(&wl->firmware_load); out: return err; -err_one_core_detach: - b43legacy_one_core_detach(dev); err_wireless_exit: if (first) b43legacy_wireless_exit(dev, wl); @@ -3885,6 +3891,7 @@ static void b43legacy_remove(struct ssb_device *dev) /* We must cancel any work here before unregistering from ieee80211, * as the ieee80211 unreg will destroy the workqueue. */ cancel_work_sync(&wldev->restart_work); + cancel_work_sync(&wl->firmware_load); B43legacy_WARN_ON(!wl); if (wl->current_dev == wldev) diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/phy.c b/drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/phy.c index 96faaef3661b075fc2a3b52f8c08a7d91b708d20..950334197f403e12daaaf274b31bb78c9a792cee 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/phy.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/phy.c @@ -1860,7 +1860,7 @@ void b43legacy_phy_xmitpower(struct b43legacy_wldev *dev) * which accounts for the factor of 4 */ #define REG_MAX_PWR 20 max_pwr = min(REG_MAX_PWR * 4 - - dev->dev->bus->sprom.antenna_gain.ghz24.a0 + - dev->dev->bus->sprom.antenna_gain.a0 - 0x6, max_pwr); /* find the desired power in Q5.2 - power_level is in dBm diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/Kconfig b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/Kconfig index cd6375de2a606a2662ba2c5a63e5906c88b4656c..c5104533e24e7a7986e6445d8108f91e0cc73e40 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/Kconfig @@ -26,16 +26,25 @@ config BRCMFMAC it'll be called brcmfmac.ko. config BRCMFMAC_SDIO - bool "SDIO bus interface support for FullMAC" + bool "SDIO bus interface support for FullMAC driver" depends on MMC depends on BRCMFMAC select FW_LOADER default y ---help--- This option enables the SDIO bus interface support for Broadcom - FullMAC WLAN driver. - Say Y if you want to use brcmfmac for a compatible SDIO interface - wireless card. + IEEE802.11n embedded FullMAC WLAN driver. Say Y if you want to + use the driver for a SDIO wireless card. + +config BRCMFMAC_USB + bool "USB bus interface support for FullMAC driver" + depends on USB + depends on BRCMFMAC + select FW_LOADER + ---help--- + This option enables the USB bus interface support for Broadcom + IEEE802.11n embedded FullMAC WLAN driver. Say Y if you want to + use the driver for an USB wireless card. config BRCMDBG bool "Broadcom driver debug functions" diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/Makefile b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/Makefile index f41c047eca8292652204b6c43e8de19c39503445..b987920e982e2db07aa49dc9ffadf5070addfa98 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/Makefile @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ # CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # common flags -subdir-ccflags-$(CONFIG_BRCMDBG) += -DBCMDBG +subdir-ccflags-$(CONFIG_BRCMDBG) += -DDEBUG obj-$(CONFIG_BRCMUTIL) += brcmutil/ obj-$(CONFIG_BRCMFMAC) += brcmfmac/ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/Makefile b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/Makefile index 9ca9ea1135ea3c311938bf9d86d6b98a557deeba..abb48032753b1d1b1a11ec1b1a67feb2a92c53f5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/Makefile @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ ccflags-y += \ -Idrivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac \ -Idrivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/include +ccflags-y += -D__CHECK_ENDIAN__ + obj-$(CONFIG_BRCMFMAC) += brcmfmac.o brcmfmac-objs += \ wl_cfg80211.o \ @@ -30,5 +32,5 @@ brcmfmac-$(CONFIG_BRCMFMAC_SDIO) += \ bcmsdh.o \ bcmsdh_sdmmc.o \ sdio_chip.o - -ccflags-y += -D__CHECK_ENDIAN__ +brcmfmac-$(CONFIG_BRCMFMAC_USB) += \ + usb.o diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/bcmsdh.c b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/bcmsdh.c index 4bc8d251acf8ed79d446b0dce22c938ca9bcb709..e925290b432bc104057be312664e322a18a66ac6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/bcmsdh.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/bcmsdh.c @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ */ /* ****************** SDIO CARD Interface Functions **************************/ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + #include #include #include diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/bcmsdh_sdmmc.c b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/bcmsdh_sdmmc.c index 9b8c0ed833d40f523ffbb9ea9f3388ad610daa71..4688904908ec464b3b9895504e8566eb61d6c5e7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/bcmsdh_sdmmc.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/bcmsdh_sdmmc.c @@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ * OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ + +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -291,13 +294,14 @@ int brcmf_sdioh_request_buffer(struct brcmf_sdio_dev *sdiodev, struct sk_buff *pkt) { int status; - uint pkt_len = pkt->len; + uint pkt_len; bool fifo = (fix_inc == SDIOH_DATA_FIX); brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "Enter\n"); if (pkt == NULL) return -EINVAL; + pkt_len = pkt->len; brcmf_pm_resume_wait(sdiodev, &sdiodev->request_buffer_wait); if (brcmf_pm_resume_error(sdiodev)) @@ -485,7 +489,7 @@ static int brcmf_ops_sdio_probe(struct sdio_func *func, sdiodev->func[0] = func->card->sdio_func[0]; sdiodev->func[1] = func; sdiodev->bus_if = bus_if; - bus_if->bus_priv = sdiodev; + bus_if->bus_priv.sdio = sdiodev; bus_if->type = SDIO_BUS; bus_if->align = BRCMF_SDALIGN; dev_set_drvdata(&func->card->dev, sdiodev); @@ -526,7 +530,7 @@ static void brcmf_ops_sdio_remove(struct sdio_func *func) if (func->num == 2) { bus_if = dev_get_drvdata(&func->dev); - sdiodev = bus_if->bus_priv; + sdiodev = bus_if->bus_priv.sdio; brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "F2 found, calling brcmf_sdio_remove...\n"); brcmf_sdio_remove(sdiodev); dev_set_drvdata(&func->card->dev, NULL); @@ -593,14 +597,14 @@ static struct sdio_driver brcmf_sdmmc_driver = { #endif /* CONFIG_PM_SLEEP */ }; -static void __exit brcmf_sdio_exit(void) +void brcmf_sdio_exit(void) { brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "Enter\n"); sdio_unregister_driver(&brcmf_sdmmc_driver); } -static int __init brcmf_sdio_init(void) +void brcmf_sdio_init(void) { int ret; @@ -610,9 +614,4 @@ static int __init brcmf_sdio_init(void) if (ret) brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "sdio_register_driver failed: %d\n", ret); - - return ret; } - -module_init(brcmf_sdio_init); -module_exit(brcmf_sdio_exit); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd.h b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd.h index e58ea40a75b0679645a983a715fbfa1e71fb0fe3..07686a748d3cf3ae3746784d34f40d796f93fbc2 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd.h @@ -644,9 +644,9 @@ extern char *brcmf_ifname(struct brcmf_pub *drvr, int idx); extern int brcmf_proto_cdc_query_dcmd(struct brcmf_pub *drvr, int ifidx, uint cmd, void *buf, uint len); -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG extern int brcmf_write_to_file(struct brcmf_pub *drvr, const u8 *buf, int size); -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ extern int brcmf_ifname2idx(struct brcmf_pub *drvr, char *name); extern int brcmf_c_host_event(struct brcmf_pub *drvr, int *idx, diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_bus.h b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_bus.h index ad9be2410b59337158879fe301673433d68d6320..366916494be402a90ffdc5654cc286f075bdc795 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_bus.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_bus.h @@ -39,8 +39,11 @@ struct dngl_stats { /* interface structure between common and bus layer */ struct brcmf_bus { u8 type; /* bus type */ - void *bus_priv; /* pointer to bus private structure */ - void *drvr; /* pointer to driver pub structure brcmf_pub */ + union { + struct brcmf_sdio_dev *sdio; + struct brcmf_usbdev *usb; + } bus_priv; + struct brcmf_pub *drvr; /* pointer to driver pub structure brcmf_pub */ enum brcmf_bus_state state; uint maxctl; /* Max size rxctl request from proto to bus */ bool drvr_up; /* Status flag of driver up/down */ @@ -102,4 +105,14 @@ extern int brcmf_bus_start(struct device *dev); extern int brcmf_add_if(struct device *dev, int ifidx, char *name, u8 *mac_addr); + +#ifdef CONFIG_BRCMFMAC_SDIO +extern void brcmf_sdio_exit(void); +extern void brcmf_sdio_init(void); +#endif +#ifdef CONFIG_BRCMFMAC_USB +extern void brcmf_usb_exit(void); +extern void brcmf_usb_init(void); +#endif + #endif /* _BRCMF_BUS_H_ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_cdc.c b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_cdc.c index ac8d1f4378886c53d2678c5ab763a9bfd6b87951..b3e3b7f25d82332226be904263de4b7109b84823 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_cdc.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_cdc.c @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ * For certain dcmd codes, the dongle interprets string data from the host. ******************************************************************************/ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + #include #include #include diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_common.c b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_common.c index a51d8f5d36fcf843bf311e5e257d560bb134e134..4187435220f34fbbb5b33fb9d266ffaff121c713 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_common.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_common.c @@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ * OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ + +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -38,7 +41,7 @@ #define BRCMF_PKT_FILTER_PATTERN_FIXED_LEN \ offsetof(struct brcmf_pkt_filter_pattern_le, mask_and_pattern) -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG static const char brcmf_version[] = "Dongle Host Driver, version " BRCMF_VERSION_STR "\nCompiled on " __DATE__ " at " __TIME__; @@ -133,7 +136,7 @@ bool brcmf_c_prec_enq(struct device *dev, struct pktq *q, return p != NULL; } -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG static void brcmf_c_show_host_event(struct brcmf_event_msg *event, void *event_data) { @@ -399,10 +402,10 @@ brcmf_c_show_host_event(struct brcmf_event_msg *event, void *event_data) p = (char *)&buf[sizeof(struct msgtrace_hdr)]; while ((s = strstr(p, "\n")) != NULL) { *s = '\0'; - printk(KERN_DEBUG"%s\n", p); + pr_debug("%s\n", p); p = s + 1; } - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s\n", p); + pr_debug("%s\n", p); /* Reset datalen to avoid display below */ datalen = 0; @@ -430,7 +433,7 @@ brcmf_c_show_host_event(struct brcmf_event_msg *event, void *event_data) brcmf_dbg(EVENT, "\n"); } } -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ int brcmf_c_host_event(struct brcmf_pub *drvr, int *ifidx, void *pktdata, @@ -518,9 +521,9 @@ brcmf_c_host_event(struct brcmf_pub *drvr, int *ifidx, void *pktdata, break; } -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG brcmf_c_show_host_event(event, event_data); -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_dbg.h b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_dbg.h index bb26ee36bc6894e3223f35b2838e391892a947c4..a2c4576cf9ff3fa50e303cf03d1c042a40b45f75 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_dbg.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_dbg.h @@ -32,20 +32,20 @@ #define BRCMF_BTA_VAL 0x1000 #define BRCMF_ISCAN_VAL 0x2000 -#if defined(BCMDBG) +#if defined(DEBUG) #define brcmf_dbg(level, fmt, ...) \ do { \ if (BRCMF_ERROR_VAL == BRCMF_##level##_VAL) { \ if (brcmf_msg_level & BRCMF_##level##_VAL) { \ if (net_ratelimit()) \ - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: " fmt, \ - __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ + pr_debug("%s: " fmt, \ + __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } else { \ if (brcmf_msg_level & BRCMF_##level##_VAL) { \ - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: " fmt, \ - __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ + pr_debug("%s: " fmt, \ + __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } \ } while (0) @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ do { \ #define BRCMF_BYTES_ON() (brcmf_msg_level & BRCMF_BYTES_VAL) #define BRCMF_GLOM_ON() (brcmf_msg_level & BRCMF_GLOM_VAL) -#else /* (defined BCMDBG) || (defined BCMDBG) */ +#else /* (defined DEBUG) || (defined DEBUG) */ #define brcmf_dbg(level, fmt, ...) no_printk(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) @@ -66,7 +66,13 @@ do { \ #define BRCMF_BYTES_ON() 0 #define BRCMF_GLOM_ON() 0 -#endif /* defined(BCMDBG) */ +#endif /* defined(DEBUG) */ + +#define brcmf_dbg_hex_dump(test, data, len, fmt, ...) \ +do { \ + if (test) \ + brcmu_dbg_hex_dump(data, len, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ +} while (0) extern int brcmf_msg_level; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_linux.c b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_linux.c index eb9eb766ac270d5e3011b98568343eeba12c5833..2a1e5ae0c4024ff560b40dade098c4599894feb5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_linux.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_linux.c @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -590,8 +592,8 @@ static void brcmf_ethtool_get_drvinfo(struct net_device *ndev, sprintf(info->bus_info, "%s", dev_name(drvr->dev)); } -static struct ethtool_ops brcmf_ethtool_ops = { - .get_drvinfo = brcmf_ethtool_get_drvinfo +static const struct ethtool_ops brcmf_ethtool_ops = { + .get_drvinfo = brcmf_ethtool_get_drvinfo, }; static int brcmf_ethtool(struct brcmf_pub *drvr, void __user *uaddr) @@ -794,18 +796,19 @@ static int brcmf_netdev_open(struct net_device *ndev) { struct brcmf_if *ifp = netdev_priv(ndev); struct brcmf_pub *drvr = ifp->drvr; + struct brcmf_bus *bus_if = drvr->bus_if; u32 toe_ol; s32 ret = 0; brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "ifidx %d\n", ifp->idx); if (ifp->idx == 0) { /* do it only for primary eth0 */ - /* try to bring up bus */ - ret = brcmf_bus_start(drvr->dev); - if (ret != 0) { - brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "failed with code %d\n", ret); - return -1; + /* If bus is not ready, can't continue */ + if (bus_if->state != BRCMF_BUS_DATA) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "failed bus is not ready\n"); + return -EAGAIN; } + atomic_set(&drvr->pend_8021x_cnt, 0); memcpy(ndev->dev_addr, drvr->mac, ETH_ALEN); @@ -977,12 +980,6 @@ int brcmf_bus_start(struct device *dev) return ret; } - /* If bus is not ready, can't come up */ - if (bus_if->state != BRCMF_BUS_DATA) { - brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "failed bus is not ready\n"); - return -ENODEV; - } - brcmf_c_mkiovar("event_msgs", drvr->eventmask, BRCMF_EVENTING_MASK_LEN, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf)); brcmf_proto_cdc_query_dcmd(drvr, 0, BRCMF_C_GET_VAR, iovbuf, @@ -1019,6 +1016,8 @@ int brcmf_bus_start(struct device *dev) if (ret < 0) return ret; + /* signal bus ready */ + bus_if->state = BRCMF_BUS_DATA; return 0; } @@ -1107,13 +1106,13 @@ void brcmf_detach(struct device *dev) if (drvr->iflist[i]) brcmf_del_if(drvr, i); - cancel_work_sync(&drvr->setmacaddr_work); - cancel_work_sync(&drvr->multicast_work); - brcmf_bus_detach(drvr); - if (drvr->prot) + if (drvr->prot) { + cancel_work_sync(&drvr->setmacaddr_work); + cancel_work_sync(&drvr->multicast_work); brcmf_proto_detach(drvr); + } bus_if->drvr = NULL; kfree(drvr); @@ -1146,7 +1145,7 @@ int brcmf_netdev_wait_pend8021x(struct net_device *ndev) return pend; } -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG int brcmf_write_to_file(struct brcmf_pub *drvr, const u8 *buf, int size) { int ret = 0; @@ -1180,4 +1179,38 @@ int brcmf_write_to_file(struct brcmf_pub *drvr, const u8 *buf, int size) return ret; } -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ + +static void brcmf_driver_init(struct work_struct *work) +{ +#ifdef CONFIG_BRCMFMAC_SDIO + brcmf_sdio_init(); +#endif +#ifdef CONFIG_BRCMFMAC_USB + brcmf_usb_init(); +#endif +} +static DECLARE_WORK(brcmf_driver_work, brcmf_driver_init); + +static int __init brcmfmac_module_init(void) +{ + if (!schedule_work(&brcmf_driver_work)) + return -EBUSY; + + return 0; +} + +static void __exit brcmfmac_module_exit(void) +{ + cancel_work_sync(&brcmf_driver_work); + +#ifdef CONFIG_BRCMFMAC_SDIO + brcmf_sdio_exit(); +#endif +#ifdef CONFIG_BRCMFMAC_USB + brcmf_usb_exit(); +#endif +} + +module_init(brcmfmac_module_init); +module_exit(brcmfmac_module_exit); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_sdio.c b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_sdio.c index f7eeee1dcdb66a8b3a09c5534bb8f15a15f09e91..2bf5dda292919868a90a9dad3722f0a4991f7024 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_sdio.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_sdio.c @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -40,7 +42,7 @@ #define DCMD_RESP_TIMEOUT 2000 /* In milli second */ -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG #define BRCMF_TRAP_INFO_SIZE 80 @@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ struct rte_console { char cbuf[CBUF_LEN]; }; -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ #include #include "dhd_bus.h" @@ -307,10 +309,10 @@ struct rte_console { /* Flags for SDH calls */ #define F2SYNC (SDIO_REQ_4BYTE | SDIO_REQ_FIXED) -#define BRCMFMAC_FW_NAME "brcm/brcmfmac.bin" -#define BRCMFMAC_NV_NAME "brcm/brcmfmac.txt" -MODULE_FIRMWARE(BRCMFMAC_FW_NAME); -MODULE_FIRMWARE(BRCMFMAC_NV_NAME); +#define BRCMF_SDIO_FW_NAME "brcm/brcmfmac-sdio.bin" +#define BRCMF_SDIO_NV_NAME "brcm/brcmfmac-sdio.txt" +MODULE_FIRMWARE(BRCMF_SDIO_FW_NAME); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(BRCMF_SDIO_NV_NAME); #define BRCMF_IDLE_IMMEDIATE (-1) /* Enter idle immediately */ #define BRCMF_IDLE_ACTIVE 0 /* Do not request any SD clock change @@ -416,7 +418,7 @@ struct sdpcmd_regs { u16 PAD[0x80]; }; -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG /* Device console log buffer state */ struct brcmf_console { uint count; /* Poll interval msec counter */ @@ -426,7 +428,7 @@ struct brcmf_console { u8 *buf; /* Log buffer (host copy) */ uint last; /* Last buffer read index */ }; -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ struct sdpcm_shared { u32 flags; @@ -507,11 +509,11 @@ struct brcmf_sdio { uint polltick; /* Tick counter */ uint pollcnt; /* Count of active polls */ -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG uint console_interval; struct brcmf_console console; /* Console output polling support */ uint console_addr; /* Console address from shared struct */ -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ uint regfails; /* Count of R_REG failures */ @@ -587,10 +589,10 @@ struct brcmf_sdio { #define CLK_PENDING 2 /* Not used yet */ #define CLK_AVAIL 3 -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG static int qcount[NUMPRIO]; static int tx_packets[NUMPRIO]; -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ #define SDIO_DRIVE_STRENGTH 6 /* in milliamps */ @@ -764,12 +766,12 @@ static int brcmf_sdbrcm_htclk(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, bool on, bool pendok) bus->clkstate = CLK_AVAIL; brcmf_dbg(INFO, "CLKCTL: turned ON\n"); -#if defined(BCMDBG) - if (bus->alp_only != true) { +#if defined(DEBUG) + if (!bus->alp_only) { if (SBSDIO_ALPONLY(clkctl)) brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "HT Clock should be on\n"); } -#endif /* defined (BCMDBG) */ +#endif /* defined (DEBUG) */ bus->activity = true; } else { @@ -814,9 +816,9 @@ static int brcmf_sdbrcm_sdclk(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, bool on) /* Transition SD and backplane clock readiness */ static int brcmf_sdbrcm_clkctl(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, uint target, bool pendok) { -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG uint oldstate = bus->clkstate; -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "Enter\n"); @@ -861,9 +863,9 @@ static int brcmf_sdbrcm_clkctl(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, uint target, bool pendok) brcmf_sdbrcm_wd_timer(bus, 0); break; } -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG brcmf_dbg(INFO, "%d -> %d\n", oldstate, bus->clkstate); -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ return 0; } @@ -1279,13 +1281,10 @@ static u8 brcmf_sdbrcm_rxglom(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, u8 rxseq) } return 0; } -#ifdef BCMDBG - if (BRCMF_GLOM_ON()) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "SUPERFRAME:\n"); - print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, - pfirst->data, min_t(int, pfirst->len, 48)); - } -#endif + + brcmf_dbg_hex_dump(BRCMF_GLOM_ON(), + pfirst->data, min_t(int, pfirst->len, 48), + "SUPERFRAME:\n"); /* Validate the superframe header */ dptr = (u8 *) (pfirst->data); @@ -1362,13 +1361,8 @@ static u8 brcmf_sdbrcm_rxglom(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, u8 rxseq) check = get_unaligned_le16(dptr + sizeof(u16)); chan = SDPCM_PACKET_CHANNEL(&dptr[SDPCM_FRAMETAG_LEN]); doff = SDPCM_DOFFSET_VALUE(&dptr[SDPCM_FRAMETAG_LEN]); -#ifdef BCMDBG - if (BRCMF_GLOM_ON()) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "subframe:\n"); - print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, - dptr, 32); - } -#endif + brcmf_dbg_hex_dump(BRCMF_GLOM_ON(), + dptr, 32, "subframe:\n"); if ((u16)~(sublen ^ check)) { brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "(subframe %d): HW hdr error: len/check 0x%04x/0x%04x\n", @@ -1433,13 +1427,8 @@ static u8 brcmf_sdbrcm_rxglom(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, u8 rxseq) } rxseq++; -#ifdef BCMDBG - if (BRCMF_BYTES_ON() && BRCMF_DATA_ON()) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "Rx Subframe Data:\n"); - print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, - dptr, dlen); - } -#endif + brcmf_dbg_hex_dump(BRCMF_BYTES_ON() && BRCMF_DATA_ON(), + dptr, dlen, "Rx Subframe Data:\n"); __skb_trim(pfirst, sublen); skb_pull(pfirst, doff); @@ -1457,17 +1446,13 @@ static u8 brcmf_sdbrcm_rxglom(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, u8 rxseq) continue; } -#ifdef BCMDBG - if (BRCMF_GLOM_ON()) { - brcmf_dbg(GLOM, "subframe %d to stack, %p (%p/%d) nxt/lnk %p/%p\n", - bus->glom.qlen, pfirst, pfirst->data, - pfirst->len, pfirst->next, - pfirst->prev); - print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, - pfirst->data, - min_t(int, pfirst->len, 32)); - } -#endif /* BCMDBG */ + brcmf_dbg_hex_dump(BRCMF_GLOM_ON(), + pfirst->data, + min_t(int, pfirst->len, 32), + "subframe %d to stack, %p (%p/%d) nxt/lnk %p/%p\n", + bus->glom.qlen, pfirst, pfirst->data, + pfirst->len, pfirst->next, + pfirst->prev); } /* sent any remaining packets up */ if (bus->glom.qlen) { @@ -1584,12 +1569,8 @@ brcmf_sdbrcm_read_control(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, u8 *hdr, uint len, uint doff) gotpkt: -#ifdef BCMDBG - if (BRCMF_BYTES_ON() && BRCMF_CTL_ON()) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "RxCtrl:\n"); - print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, bus->rxctl, len); - } -#endif + brcmf_dbg_hex_dump(BRCMF_BYTES_ON() && BRCMF_CTL_ON(), + bus->rxctl, len, "RxCtrl:\n"); /* Point to valid data and indicate its length */ bus->rxctl += doff; @@ -1818,17 +1799,13 @@ brcmf_sdbrcm_readframes(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, uint maxframes, bool *finished) } bus->tx_max = txmax; -#ifdef BCMDBG - if (BRCMF_BYTES_ON() && BRCMF_DATA_ON()) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "Rx Data:\n"); - print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, - rxbuf, len); - } else if (BRCMF_HDRS_ON()) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "RxHdr:\n"); - print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, - bus->rxhdr, SDPCM_HDRLEN); - } -#endif + brcmf_dbg_hex_dump(BRCMF_BYTES_ON() && BRCMF_DATA_ON(), + rxbuf, len, "Rx Data:\n"); + brcmf_dbg_hex_dump(!(BRCMF_BYTES_ON() && + BRCMF_DATA_ON()) && + BRCMF_HDRS_ON(), + bus->rxhdr, SDPCM_HDRLEN, + "RxHdr:\n"); if (chan == SDPCM_CONTROL_CHANNEL) { brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "(nextlen): readahead on control packet %d?\n", @@ -1865,13 +1842,9 @@ brcmf_sdbrcm_readframes(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, uint maxframes, bool *finished) brcmf_sdbrcm_rxfail(bus, true, true); continue; } -#ifdef BCMDBG - if (BRCMF_BYTES_ON() || BRCMF_HDRS_ON()) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "RxHdr:\n"); - print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, - bus->rxhdr, SDPCM_HDRLEN); - } -#endif + brcmf_dbg_hex_dump(BRCMF_BYTES_ON() || BRCMF_HDRS_ON(), + bus->rxhdr, SDPCM_HDRLEN, "RxHdr:\n"); + /* Extract hardware header fields */ len = get_unaligned_le16(bus->rxhdr); @@ -2024,13 +1997,8 @@ brcmf_sdbrcm_readframes(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, uint maxframes, bool *finished) skb_push(pkt, BRCMF_FIRSTREAD); memcpy(pkt->data, bus->rxhdr, BRCMF_FIRSTREAD); -#ifdef BCMDBG - if (BRCMF_BYTES_ON() && BRCMF_DATA_ON()) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "Rx Data:\n"); - print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, - pkt->data, len); - } -#endif + brcmf_dbg_hex_dump(BRCMF_BYTES_ON() && BRCMF_DATA_ON(), + pkt->data, len, "Rx Data:\n"); deliver: /* Save superframe descriptor and allocate packet frame */ @@ -2038,14 +2006,9 @@ brcmf_sdbrcm_readframes(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, uint maxframes, bool *finished) if (SDPCM_GLOMDESC(&bus->rxhdr[SDPCM_FRAMETAG_LEN])) { brcmf_dbg(GLOM, "glom descriptor, %d bytes:\n", len); -#ifdef BCMDBG - if (BRCMF_GLOM_ON()) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "Glom Data:\n"); - print_hex_dump_bytes("", - DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, - pkt->data, len); - } -#endif + brcmf_dbg_hex_dump(BRCMF_GLOM_ON(), + pkt->data, len, + "Glom Data:\n"); __skb_trim(pkt, len); skb_pull(pkt, SDPCM_HDRLEN); bus->glomd = pkt; @@ -2078,13 +2041,11 @@ brcmf_sdbrcm_readframes(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, uint maxframes, bool *finished) down(&bus->sdsem); } rxcount = maxframes - rxleft; -#ifdef BCMDBG /* Message if we hit the limit */ if (!rxleft) brcmf_dbg(DATA, "hit rx limit of %d frames\n", maxframes); else -#endif /* BCMDBG */ brcmf_dbg(DATA, "processed %d frames\n", rxcount); /* Back off rxseq if awaiting rtx, update rx_seq */ if (bus->rxskip) @@ -2098,8 +2059,7 @@ static void brcmf_sdbrcm_wait_for_event(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, bool *lockvar) { up(&bus->sdsem); - wait_event_interruptible_timeout(bus->ctrl_wait, - (*lockvar == false), HZ * 2); + wait_event_interruptible_timeout(bus->ctrl_wait, !*lockvar, HZ * 2); down(&bus->sdsem); return; } @@ -2176,20 +2136,22 @@ static int brcmf_sdbrcm_txpkt(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, struct sk_buff *pkt, put_unaligned_le32(swheader, frame + SDPCM_FRAMETAG_LEN); put_unaligned_le32(0, frame + SDPCM_FRAMETAG_LEN + sizeof(swheader)); -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG tx_packets[pkt->priority]++; - if (BRCMF_BYTES_ON() && - (((BRCMF_CTL_ON() && (chan == SDPCM_CONTROL_CHANNEL)) || - (BRCMF_DATA_ON() && (chan != SDPCM_CONTROL_CHANNEL))))) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "Tx Frame:\n"); - print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, frame, len); - } else if (BRCMF_HDRS_ON()) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "TxHdr:\n"); - print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, - frame, min_t(u16, len, 16)); - } #endif + brcmf_dbg_hex_dump(BRCMF_BYTES_ON() && + ((BRCMF_CTL_ON() && chan == SDPCM_CONTROL_CHANNEL) || + (BRCMF_DATA_ON() && chan != SDPCM_CONTROL_CHANNEL)), + frame, len, "Tx Frame:\n"); + brcmf_dbg_hex_dump(!(BRCMF_BYTES_ON() && + ((BRCMF_CTL_ON() && + chan == SDPCM_CONTROL_CHANNEL) || + (BRCMF_DATA_ON() && + chan != SDPCM_CONTROL_CHANNEL))) && + BRCMF_HDRS_ON(), + frame, min_t(u16, len, 16), "TxHdr:\n"); + /* Raise len to next SDIO block to eliminate tail command */ if (bus->roundup && bus->blocksize && (len > bus->blocksize)) { u16 pad = bus->blocksize - (len % bus->blocksize); @@ -2314,7 +2276,7 @@ static void brcmf_sdbrcm_bus_stop(struct device *dev) uint retries; int err; struct brcmf_bus *bus_if = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - struct brcmf_sdio_dev *sdiodev = bus_if->bus_priv; + struct brcmf_sdio_dev *sdiodev = bus_if->bus_priv.sdio; struct brcmf_sdio *bus = sdiodev->bus; brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "Enter\n"); @@ -2410,7 +2372,7 @@ static bool brcmf_sdbrcm_dpc(struct brcmf_sdio *bus) int err; u8 clkctl, devctl = 0; -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG /* Check for inconsistent device control */ devctl = brcmf_sdcard_cfg_read(bus->sdiodev, SDIO_FUNC_1, SBSDIO_DEVICE_CTL, &err); @@ -2418,7 +2380,7 @@ static bool brcmf_sdbrcm_dpc(struct brcmf_sdio *bus) brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "error reading DEVCTL: %d\n", err); bus->sdiodev->bus_if->state = BRCMF_BUS_DOWN; } -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ /* Read CSR, if clock on switch to AVAIL, else ignore */ clkctl = brcmf_sdcard_cfg_read(bus->sdiodev, SDIO_FUNC_1, @@ -2664,7 +2626,7 @@ static int brcmf_sdbrcm_bus_txdata(struct device *dev, struct sk_buff *pkt) int ret = -EBADE; uint datalen, prec; struct brcmf_bus *bus_if = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - struct brcmf_sdio_dev *sdiodev = bus_if->bus_priv; + struct brcmf_sdio_dev *sdiodev = bus_if->bus_priv.sdio; struct brcmf_sdio *bus = sdiodev->bus; brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "Enter\n"); @@ -2684,8 +2646,7 @@ static int brcmf_sdbrcm_bus_txdata(struct device *dev, struct sk_buff *pkt) /* Priority based enq */ spin_lock_bh(&bus->txqlock); - if (brcmf_c_prec_enq(bus->sdiodev->dev, &bus->txq, pkt, prec) == - false) { + if (!brcmf_c_prec_enq(bus->sdiodev->dev, &bus->txq, pkt, prec)) { skb_pull(pkt, SDPCM_HDRLEN); brcmf_txcomplete(bus->sdiodev->dev, pkt, false); brcmu_pkt_buf_free_skb(pkt); @@ -2701,7 +2662,7 @@ static int brcmf_sdbrcm_bus_txdata(struct device *dev, struct sk_buff *pkt) brcmf_txflowcontrol(bus->sdiodev->dev, 0, ON); } -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG if (pktq_plen(&bus->txq, prec) > qcount[prec]) qcount[prec] = pktq_plen(&bus->txq, prec); #endif @@ -2774,7 +2735,7 @@ brcmf_sdbrcm_membytes(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, bool write, u32 address, u8 *data, return bcmerror; } -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG #define CONSOLE_LINE_MAX 192 static int brcmf_sdbrcm_readconsole(struct brcmf_sdio *bus) @@ -2845,14 +2806,14 @@ static int brcmf_sdbrcm_readconsole(struct brcmf_sdio *bus) if (line[n - 1] == '\r') n--; line[n] = 0; - printk(KERN_DEBUG "CONSOLE: %s\n", line); + pr_debug("CONSOLE: %s\n", line); } } break2: return 0; } -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ static int brcmf_tx_frame(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, u8 *frame, u16 len) { @@ -2906,7 +2867,7 @@ brcmf_sdbrcm_bus_txctl(struct device *dev, unsigned char *msg, uint msglen) u8 doff = 0; int ret = -1; struct brcmf_bus *bus_if = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - struct brcmf_sdio_dev *sdiodev = bus_if->bus_priv; + struct brcmf_sdio_dev *sdiodev = bus_if->bus_priv.sdio; struct brcmf_sdio *bus = sdiodev->bus; brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "Enter\n"); @@ -2972,7 +2933,7 @@ brcmf_sdbrcm_bus_txctl(struct device *dev, unsigned char *msg, uint msglen) brcmf_sdbrcm_wait_for_event(bus, &bus->ctrl_frame_stat); - if (bus->ctrl_frame_stat == false) { + if (!bus->ctrl_frame_stat) { brcmf_dbg(INFO, "ctrl_frame_stat == false\n"); ret = 0; } else { @@ -2982,17 +2943,11 @@ brcmf_sdbrcm_bus_txctl(struct device *dev, unsigned char *msg, uint msglen) } if (ret == -1) { -#ifdef BCMDBG - if (BRCMF_BYTES_ON() && BRCMF_CTL_ON()) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "Tx Frame:\n"); - print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, - frame, len); - } else if (BRCMF_HDRS_ON()) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "TxHdr:\n"); - print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, - frame, min_t(u16, len, 16)); - } -#endif + brcmf_dbg_hex_dump(BRCMF_BYTES_ON() && BRCMF_CTL_ON(), + frame, len, "Tx Frame:\n"); + brcmf_dbg_hex_dump(!(BRCMF_BYTES_ON() && BRCMF_CTL_ON()) && + BRCMF_HDRS_ON(), + frame, min_t(u16, len, 16), "TxHdr:\n"); do { ret = brcmf_tx_frame(bus, frame, len); @@ -3021,7 +2976,7 @@ brcmf_sdbrcm_bus_rxctl(struct device *dev, unsigned char *msg, uint msglen) uint rxlen = 0; bool pending; struct brcmf_bus *bus_if = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - struct brcmf_sdio_dev *sdiodev = bus_if->bus_priv; + struct brcmf_sdio_dev *sdiodev = bus_if->bus_priv.sdio; struct brcmf_sdio *bus = sdiodev->bus; brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "Enter\n"); @@ -3040,7 +2995,7 @@ brcmf_sdbrcm_bus_rxctl(struct device *dev, unsigned char *msg, uint msglen) rxlen, msglen); } else if (timeleft == 0) { brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "resumed on timeout\n"); - } else if (pending == true) { + } else if (pending) { brcmf_dbg(CTL, "cancelled\n"); return -ERESTARTSYS; } else { @@ -3096,9 +3051,9 @@ static int brcmf_sdbrcm_write_vars(struct brcmf_sdio *bus) u8 *vbuffer; u32 varsizew; __le32 varsizew_le; -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG char *nvram_ularray; -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ /* Even if there are no vars are to be written, we still need to set the ramsize. */ @@ -3115,7 +3070,7 @@ static int brcmf_sdbrcm_write_vars(struct brcmf_sdio *bus) /* Write the vars list */ bcmerror = brcmf_sdbrcm_membytes(bus, true, varaddr, vbuffer, varsize); -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG /* Verify NVRAM bytes */ brcmf_dbg(INFO, "Compare NVRAM dl & ul; varsize=%d\n", varsize); nvram_ularray = kmalloc(varsize, GFP_ATOMIC); @@ -3142,7 +3097,7 @@ static int brcmf_sdbrcm_write_vars(struct brcmf_sdio *bus) brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "Download/Upload/Compare of NVRAM ok\n"); kfree(nvram_ularray); -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ kfree(vbuffer); } @@ -3245,7 +3200,7 @@ static int brcmf_sdbrcm_download_code_file(struct brcmf_sdio *bus) brcmf_dbg(INFO, "Enter\n"); - ret = request_firmware(&bus->firmware, BRCMFMAC_FW_NAME, + ret = request_firmware(&bus->firmware, BRCMF_SDIO_FW_NAME, &bus->sdiodev->func[2]->dev); if (ret) { brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "Fail to request firmware %d\n", ret); @@ -3342,7 +3297,7 @@ static int brcmf_sdbrcm_download_nvram(struct brcmf_sdio *bus) char *bufp; int ret; - ret = request_firmware(&bus->firmware, BRCMFMAC_NV_NAME, + ret = request_firmware(&bus->firmware, BRCMF_SDIO_NV_NAME, &bus->sdiodev->func[2]->dev); if (ret) { brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "Fail to request nvram %d\n", ret); @@ -3432,7 +3387,7 @@ brcmf_sdbrcm_download_firmware(struct brcmf_sdio *bus) static int brcmf_sdbrcm_bus_init(struct device *dev) { struct brcmf_bus *bus_if = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - struct brcmf_sdio_dev *sdiodev = bus_if->bus_priv; + struct brcmf_sdio_dev *sdiodev = bus_if->bus_priv.sdio; struct brcmf_sdio *bus = sdiodev->bus; unsigned long timeout; uint retries = 0; @@ -3507,16 +3462,12 @@ static int brcmf_sdbrcm_bus_init(struct device *dev) brcmf_sdcard_cfg_write(bus->sdiodev, SDIO_FUNC_1, SBSDIO_WATERMARK, 8, &err); - - /* Set bus state according to enable result */ - bus_if->state = BRCMF_BUS_DATA; - } - - else { + } else { /* Disable F2 again */ enable = SDIO_FUNC_ENABLE_1; brcmf_sdcard_cfg_write(bus->sdiodev, SDIO_FUNC_0, SDIO_CCCR_IOEx, enable, NULL); + ret = -ENODEV; } /* Restore previous clock setting */ @@ -3524,7 +3475,7 @@ static int brcmf_sdbrcm_bus_init(struct device *dev) SBSDIO_FUNC1_CHIPCLKCSR, saveclk, &err); /* If we didn't come up, turn off backplane clock */ - if (bus_if->state != BRCMF_BUS_DATA) + if (!ret) brcmf_sdbrcm_clkctl(bus, CLK_NONE, false); exit: @@ -3569,9 +3520,9 @@ void brcmf_sdbrcm_isr(void *arg) static bool brcmf_sdbrcm_bus_watchdog(struct brcmf_sdio *bus) { -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG struct brcmf_bus *bus_if = dev_get_drvdata(bus->sdiodev->dev); -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ brcmf_dbg(TIMER, "Enter\n"); @@ -3616,7 +3567,7 @@ static bool brcmf_sdbrcm_bus_watchdog(struct brcmf_sdio *bus) /* Update interrupt tracking */ bus->lastintrs = bus->intrcount; } -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG /* Poll for console output periodically */ if (bus_if->state == BRCMF_BUS_DATA && bus->console_interval != 0) { @@ -3630,7 +3581,7 @@ static bool brcmf_sdbrcm_bus_watchdog(struct brcmf_sdio *bus) bus->console_interval = 0; } } -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ /* On idle timeout clear activity flag and/or turn off clock */ if ((bus->idletime > 0) && (bus->clkstate == CLK_AVAIL)) { @@ -3721,11 +3672,8 @@ brcmf_sdbrcm_probe_attach(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, u32 regsva) if (brcmf_sdcard_set_sbaddr_window(bus->sdiodev, SI_ENUM_BASE)) brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "FAILED to return to SI_ENUM_BASE\n"); -#ifdef BCMDBG - printk(KERN_DEBUG "F1 signature read @0x18000000=0x%4x\n", - brcmf_sdcard_reg_read(bus->sdiodev, SI_ENUM_BASE, 4)); - -#endif /* BCMDBG */ + pr_debug("F1 signature read @0x18000000=0x%4x\n", + brcmf_sdcard_reg_read(bus->sdiodev, SI_ENUM_BASE, 4)); /* * Force PLL off until brcmf_sdio_chip_attach() @@ -3944,8 +3892,7 @@ void *brcmf_sdbrcm_probe(u32 regsva, struct brcmf_sdio_dev *sdiodev) bus->watchdog_tsk = kthread_run(brcmf_sdbrcm_watchdog_thread, bus, "brcmf_watchdog"); if (IS_ERR(bus->watchdog_tsk)) { - printk(KERN_WARNING - "brcmf_watchdog thread failed to start\n"); + pr_warn("brcmf_watchdog thread failed to start\n"); bus->watchdog_tsk = NULL; } /* Initialize DPC thread */ @@ -3953,8 +3900,7 @@ void *brcmf_sdbrcm_probe(u32 regsva, struct brcmf_sdio_dev *sdiodev) bus->dpc_tsk = kthread_run(brcmf_sdbrcm_dpc_thread, bus, "brcmf_dpc"); if (IS_ERR(bus->dpc_tsk)) { - printk(KERN_WARNING - "brcmf_dpc thread failed to start\n"); + pr_warn("brcmf_dpc thread failed to start\n"); bus->dpc_tsk = NULL; } @@ -4031,7 +3977,7 @@ void brcmf_sdbrcm_wd_timer(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, uint wdtick) { /* Totally stop the timer */ - if (!wdtick && bus->wd_timer_valid == true) { + if (!wdtick && bus->wd_timer_valid) { del_timer_sync(&bus->timer); bus->wd_timer_valid = false; bus->save_ms = wdtick; @@ -4044,7 +3990,7 @@ brcmf_sdbrcm_wd_timer(struct brcmf_sdio *bus, uint wdtick) if (wdtick) { if (bus->save_ms != BRCMF_WD_POLL_MS) { - if (bus->wd_timer_valid == true) + if (bus->wd_timer_valid) /* Stop timer and restart at new value */ del_timer_sync(&bus->timer); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/sdio_chip.c b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/sdio_chip.c index 11b2d7c97ba22072e8231fd02f2758e7d0bf5945..1534efc21631482e5b7902e88511b48964a15568 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/sdio_chip.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/sdio_chip.c @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ */ /* ***** SDIO interface chip backplane handle functions ***** */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + #include #include #include diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/usb.c b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/usb.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82364223e81785e0023b0d56136dd2b170cac4eb --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/usb.c @@ -0,0 +1,1621 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2011 Broadcom Corporation + * + * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any + * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above + * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES + * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF + * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY + * SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES + * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION + * OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN + * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "usb_rdl.h" +#include "usb.h" + +#define IOCTL_RESP_TIMEOUT 2000 + +#define BRCMF_USB_SYNC_TIMEOUT 300 /* ms */ +#define BRCMF_USB_DLIMAGE_SPINWAIT 100 /* in unit of ms */ +#define BRCMF_USB_DLIMAGE_LIMIT 500 /* spinwait limit (ms) */ + +#define BRCMF_POSTBOOT_ID 0xA123 /* ID to detect if dongle + has boot up */ +#define BRCMF_USB_RESETCFG_SPINWAIT 1 /* wait after resetcfg (ms) */ + +#define BRCMF_USB_NRXQ 50 +#define BRCMF_USB_NTXQ 50 + +#define CONFIGDESC(usb) (&((usb)->actconfig)->desc) +#define IFPTR(usb, idx) ((usb)->actconfig->interface[(idx)]) +#define IFALTS(usb, idx) (IFPTR((usb), (idx))->altsetting[0]) +#define IFDESC(usb, idx) IFALTS((usb), (idx)).desc +#define IFEPDESC(usb, idx, ep) (IFALTS((usb), (idx)).endpoint[(ep)]).desc + +#define CONTROL_IF 0 +#define BULK_IF 0 + +#define BRCMF_USB_CBCTL_WRITE 0 +#define BRCMF_USB_CBCTL_READ 1 +#define BRCMF_USB_MAX_PKT_SIZE 1600 + +#define BRCMF_USB_43236_FW_NAME "brcm/brcmfmac43236b.bin" + +enum usbdev_suspend_state { + USBOS_SUSPEND_STATE_DEVICE_ACTIVE = 0, /* Device is busy, won't allow + suspend */ + USBOS_SUSPEND_STATE_SUSPEND_PENDING, /* Device is idle, can be + * suspended. Wating PM to + * suspend the device + */ + USBOS_SUSPEND_STATE_SUSPENDED /* Device suspended */ +}; + +struct brcmf_usb_probe_info { + void *usbdev_info; + struct usb_device *usb; /* USB device pointer from OS */ + uint rx_pipe, tx_pipe, intr_pipe, rx_pipe2; + int intr_size; /* Size of interrupt message */ + int interval; /* Interrupt polling interval */ + int vid; + int pid; + enum usb_device_speed device_speed; + enum usbdev_suspend_state suspend_state; + struct usb_interface *intf; +}; +static struct brcmf_usb_probe_info usbdev_probe_info; + +struct brcmf_usb_image { + void *data; + u32 len; +}; +static struct brcmf_usb_image g_image = { NULL, 0 }; + +struct intr_transfer_buf { + u32 notification; + u32 reserved; +}; + +struct brcmf_usbdev_info { + struct brcmf_usbdev bus_pub; /* MUST BE FIRST */ + spinlock_t qlock; + struct list_head rx_freeq; + struct list_head rx_postq; + struct list_head tx_freeq; + struct list_head tx_postq; + enum usbdev_suspend_state suspend_state; + uint rx_pipe, tx_pipe, intr_pipe, rx_pipe2; + + bool activity; + int rx_low_watermark; + int tx_low_watermark; + int tx_high_watermark; + bool txoff; + bool rxoff; + bool txoverride; + + struct brcmf_usbreq *tx_reqs; + struct brcmf_usbreq *rx_reqs; + + u8 *image; /* buffer for combine fw and nvram */ + int image_len; + + wait_queue_head_t wait; + bool waitdone; + int sync_urb_status; + + struct usb_device *usbdev; + struct device *dev; + enum usb_device_speed device_speed; + + int ctl_in_pipe, ctl_out_pipe; + struct urb *ctl_urb; /* URB for control endpoint */ + struct usb_ctrlrequest ctl_write; + struct usb_ctrlrequest ctl_read; + u32 ctl_urb_actual_length; + int ctl_urb_status; + int ctl_completed; + wait_queue_head_t ioctl_resp_wait; + wait_queue_head_t ctrl_wait; + ulong ctl_op; + + bool rxctl_deferrespok; + + struct urb *bulk_urb; /* used for FW download */ + struct urb *intr_urb; /* URB for interrupt endpoint */ + int intr_size; /* Size of interrupt message */ + int interval; /* Interrupt polling interval */ + struct intr_transfer_buf intr; /* Data buffer for interrupt endpoint */ + + struct brcmf_usb_probe_info probe_info; + +}; + +static void brcmf_usb_rx_refill(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo, + struct brcmf_usbreq *req); + +MODULE_AUTHOR("Broadcom Corporation"); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Broadcom 802.11n wireless LAN fullmac usb driver."); +MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE("Broadcom 802.11n WLAN fullmac usb cards"); +MODULE_LICENSE("Dual BSD/GPL"); + +static struct brcmf_usbdev *brcmf_usb_get_buspub(struct device *dev) +{ + struct brcmf_bus *bus_if = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + return bus_if->bus_priv.usb; +} + +static struct brcmf_usbdev_info *brcmf_usb_get_businfo(struct device *dev) +{ + return brcmf_usb_get_buspub(dev)->devinfo; +} + +#if 0 +static void +brcmf_usb_txflowcontrol(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo, bool onoff) +{ + dhd_txflowcontrol(devinfo->bus_pub.netdev, 0, onoff); +} +#endif + +static int brcmf_usb_ioctl_resp_wait(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo, + uint *condition, bool *pending) +{ + DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current); + int timeout = IOCTL_RESP_TIMEOUT; + + /* Convert timeout in millsecond to jiffies */ + timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(timeout); + /* Wait until control frame is available */ + add_wait_queue(&devinfo->ioctl_resp_wait, &wait); + set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE); + + smp_mb(); + while (!(*condition) && (!signal_pending(current) && timeout)) { + timeout = schedule_timeout(timeout); + /* Wait until control frame is available */ + smp_mb(); + } + + if (signal_pending(current)) + *pending = true; + + set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING); + remove_wait_queue(&devinfo->ioctl_resp_wait, &wait); + + return timeout; +} + +static int brcmf_usb_ioctl_resp_wake(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo) +{ + if (waitqueue_active(&devinfo->ioctl_resp_wait)) + wake_up_interruptible(&devinfo->ioctl_resp_wait); + + return 0; +} + +static void +brcmf_usb_ctl_complete(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo, int type, int status) +{ + + if (unlikely(devinfo == NULL)) + return; + + if (type == BRCMF_USB_CBCTL_READ) { + if (status == 0) + devinfo->bus_pub.stats.rx_ctlpkts++; + else + devinfo->bus_pub.stats.rx_ctlerrs++; + } else if (type == BRCMF_USB_CBCTL_WRITE) { + if (status == 0) + devinfo->bus_pub.stats.tx_ctlpkts++; + else + devinfo->bus_pub.stats.tx_ctlerrs++; + } + + devinfo->ctl_urb_status = status; + devinfo->ctl_completed = true; + brcmf_usb_ioctl_resp_wake(devinfo); +} + +static void +brcmf_usb_ctlread_complete(struct urb *urb) +{ + struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo = + (struct brcmf_usbdev_info *)urb->context; + + devinfo->ctl_urb_actual_length = urb->actual_length; + brcmf_usb_ctl_complete(devinfo, BRCMF_USB_CBCTL_READ, + urb->status); +} + +static void +brcmf_usb_ctlwrite_complete(struct urb *urb) +{ + struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo = + (struct brcmf_usbdev_info *)urb->context; + + brcmf_usb_ctl_complete(devinfo, BRCMF_USB_CBCTL_WRITE, + urb->status); +} + +static int brcmf_usb_pnp(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo, uint state) +{ + return 0; +} + +static int +brcmf_usb_send_ctl(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo, u8 *buf, int len) +{ + int ret; + u16 size; + + if (devinfo == NULL || buf == NULL || + len == 0 || devinfo->ctl_urb == NULL) + return -EINVAL; + + /* If the USB/HSIC bus in sleep state, wake it up */ + if (devinfo->suspend_state == USBOS_SUSPEND_STATE_SUSPENDED) + if (brcmf_usb_pnp(devinfo, BCMFMAC_USB_PNP_RESUME) != 0) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "Could not Resume the bus!\n"); + return -EIO; + } + + devinfo->activity = true; + size = len; + devinfo->ctl_write.wLength = cpu_to_le16p(&size); + devinfo->ctl_urb->transfer_buffer_length = size; + devinfo->ctl_urb_status = 0; + devinfo->ctl_urb_actual_length = 0; + + usb_fill_control_urb(devinfo->ctl_urb, + devinfo->usbdev, + devinfo->ctl_out_pipe, + (unsigned char *) &devinfo->ctl_write, + buf, size, + (usb_complete_t)brcmf_usb_ctlwrite_complete, + devinfo); + + ret = usb_submit_urb(devinfo->ctl_urb, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (ret < 0) + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "usb_submit_urb failed %d\n", ret); + + return ret; +} + +static int +brcmf_usb_recv_ctl(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo, u8 *buf, int len) +{ + int ret; + u16 size; + + if ((devinfo == NULL) || (buf == NULL) || (len == 0) + || (devinfo->ctl_urb == NULL)) + return -EINVAL; + + size = len; + devinfo->ctl_read.wLength = cpu_to_le16p(&size); + devinfo->ctl_urb->transfer_buffer_length = size; + + if (devinfo->rxctl_deferrespok) { + /* BMAC model */ + devinfo->ctl_read.bRequestType = USB_DIR_IN + | USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_INTERFACE; + devinfo->ctl_read.bRequest = DL_DEFER_RESP_OK; + } else { + /* full dongle model */ + devinfo->ctl_read.bRequestType = USB_DIR_IN + | USB_TYPE_CLASS | USB_RECIP_INTERFACE; + devinfo->ctl_read.bRequest = 1; + } + + usb_fill_control_urb(devinfo->ctl_urb, + devinfo->usbdev, + devinfo->ctl_in_pipe, + (unsigned char *) &devinfo->ctl_read, + buf, size, + (usb_complete_t)brcmf_usb_ctlread_complete, + devinfo); + + ret = usb_submit_urb(devinfo->ctl_urb, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (ret < 0) + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "usb_submit_urb failed %d\n", ret); + + return ret; +} + +static int brcmf_usb_tx_ctlpkt(struct device *dev, u8 *buf, u32 len) +{ + int err = 0; + int timeout = 0; + bool pending; + struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo = brcmf_usb_get_businfo(dev); + + if (devinfo->bus_pub.state != BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_UP) { + /* TODO: handle suspend/resume */ + return -EIO; + } + + if (test_and_set_bit(0, &devinfo->ctl_op)) + return -EIO; + + err = brcmf_usb_send_ctl(devinfo, buf, len); + if (err) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "fail %d bytes: %d\n", err, len); + return err; + } + + devinfo->ctl_completed = false; + timeout = brcmf_usb_ioctl_resp_wait(devinfo, &devinfo->ctl_completed, + &pending); + clear_bit(0, &devinfo->ctl_op); + if (!timeout) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "Txctl wait timed out\n"); + err = -EIO; + } + return err; +} + +static int brcmf_usb_rx_ctlpkt(struct device *dev, u8 *buf, u32 len) +{ + int err = 0; + int timeout = 0; + bool pending; + struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo = brcmf_usb_get_businfo(dev); + + if (devinfo->bus_pub.state != BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_UP) { + /* TODO: handle suspend/resume */ + return -EIO; + } + if (test_and_set_bit(0, &devinfo->ctl_op)) + return -EIO; + + err = brcmf_usb_recv_ctl(devinfo, buf, len); + if (err) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "fail %d bytes: %d\n", err, len); + return err; + } + devinfo->ctl_completed = false; + timeout = brcmf_usb_ioctl_resp_wait(devinfo, &devinfo->ctl_completed, + &pending); + err = devinfo->ctl_urb_status; + clear_bit(0, &devinfo->ctl_op); + if (!timeout) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "rxctl wait timed out\n"); + err = -EIO; + } + if (!err) + return devinfo->ctl_urb_actual_length; + else + return err; +} + +static struct brcmf_usbreq *brcmf_usb_deq(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo, + struct list_head *q) +{ + unsigned long flags; + struct brcmf_usbreq *req; + spin_lock_irqsave(&devinfo->qlock, flags); + if (list_empty(q)) { + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&devinfo->qlock, flags); + return NULL; + } + req = list_entry(q->next, struct brcmf_usbreq, list); + list_del_init(q->next); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&devinfo->qlock, flags); + return req; + +} + +static void brcmf_usb_enq(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo, + struct list_head *q, struct brcmf_usbreq *req) +{ + unsigned long flags; + spin_lock_irqsave(&devinfo->qlock, flags); + list_add_tail(&req->list, q); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&devinfo->qlock, flags); +} + +static struct brcmf_usbreq * +brcmf_usbdev_qinit(struct list_head *q, int qsize) +{ + int i; + struct brcmf_usbreq *req, *reqs; + + reqs = kzalloc(sizeof(struct brcmf_usbreq) * qsize, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (reqs == NULL) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "fail to allocate memory!\n"); + return NULL; + } + req = reqs; + + for (i = 0; i < qsize; i++) { + req->urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!req->urb) + goto fail; + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&req->list); + list_add_tail(&req->list, q); + req++; + } + return reqs; +fail: + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "fail!\n"); + while (!list_empty(q)) { + req = list_entry(q->next, struct brcmf_usbreq, list); + if (req && req->urb) + usb_free_urb(req->urb); + list_del(q->next); + } + return NULL; + +} + +static void brcmf_usb_free_q(struct list_head *q, bool pending) +{ + struct brcmf_usbreq *req, *next; + int i = 0; + list_for_each_entry_safe(req, next, q, list) { + if (!req->urb) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "bad req\n"); + break; + } + i++; + if (pending) { + usb_kill_urb(req->urb); + } else { + usb_free_urb(req->urb); + list_del_init(&req->list); + } + } +} + +static void brcmf_usb_del_fromq(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo, + struct brcmf_usbreq *req) +{ + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&devinfo->qlock, flags); + list_del_init(&req->list); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&devinfo->qlock, flags); +} + + +static void brcmf_usb_tx_complete(struct urb *urb) +{ + struct brcmf_usbreq *req = (struct brcmf_usbreq *)urb->context; + struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo = req->devinfo; + + brcmf_usb_del_fromq(devinfo, req); + if (urb->status == 0) + devinfo->bus_pub.bus->dstats.tx_packets++; + else + devinfo->bus_pub.bus->dstats.tx_errors++; + + dev_kfree_skb(req->skb); + req->skb = NULL; + brcmf_usb_enq(devinfo, &devinfo->tx_freeq, req); + +} + +static void brcmf_usb_rx_complete(struct urb *urb) +{ + struct brcmf_usbreq *req = (struct brcmf_usbreq *)urb->context; + struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo = req->devinfo; + struct sk_buff *skb; + int ifidx = 0; + + brcmf_usb_del_fromq(devinfo, req); + skb = req->skb; + req->skb = NULL; + + if (urb->status == 0) { + devinfo->bus_pub.bus->dstats.rx_packets++; + } else { + devinfo->bus_pub.bus->dstats.rx_errors++; + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + brcmf_usb_enq(devinfo, &devinfo->rx_freeq, req); + return; + } + + if (devinfo->bus_pub.state == BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_UP) { + skb_put(skb, urb->actual_length); + if (brcmf_proto_hdrpull(devinfo->dev, &ifidx, skb) != 0) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "rx protocol error\n"); + brcmu_pkt_buf_free_skb(skb); + devinfo->bus_pub.bus->dstats.rx_errors++; + } else { + brcmf_rx_packet(devinfo->dev, ifidx, skb); + brcmf_usb_rx_refill(devinfo, req); + } + } else { + dev_kfree_skb(skb); + } + return; + +} + +static void brcmf_usb_rx_refill(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo, + struct brcmf_usbreq *req) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb; + int ret; + + if (!req || !devinfo) + return; + + skb = dev_alloc_skb(devinfo->bus_pub.bus_mtu); + if (!skb) { + brcmf_usb_enq(devinfo, &devinfo->rx_freeq, req); + return; + } + req->skb = skb; + + usb_fill_bulk_urb(req->urb, devinfo->usbdev, devinfo->rx_pipe, + skb->data, skb_tailroom(skb), brcmf_usb_rx_complete, + req); + req->urb->transfer_flags |= URB_ZERO_PACKET; + req->devinfo = devinfo; + + ret = usb_submit_urb(req->urb, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (ret == 0) { + brcmf_usb_enq(devinfo, &devinfo->rx_postq, req); + } else { + dev_kfree_skb(req->skb); + req->skb = NULL; + brcmf_usb_enq(devinfo, &devinfo->rx_freeq, req); + } + return; +} + +static void brcmf_usb_rx_fill_all(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo) +{ + struct brcmf_usbreq *req; + + if (devinfo->bus_pub.state != BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_UP) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "bus is not up\n"); + return; + } + while ((req = brcmf_usb_deq(devinfo, &devinfo->rx_freeq)) != NULL) + brcmf_usb_rx_refill(devinfo, req); +} + +static void +brcmf_usb_state_change(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo, int state) +{ + struct brcmf_bus *bcmf_bus = devinfo->bus_pub.bus; + int old_state; + + + if (devinfo->bus_pub.state == state) + return; + + old_state = devinfo->bus_pub.state; + brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "dbus state change from %d to to %d\n", + old_state, state); + + /* Don't update state if it's PnP firmware re-download */ + if (state != BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_PNP_FWDL) /* TODO */ + devinfo->bus_pub.state = state; + + if ((old_state == BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_SLEEP) + && (state == BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_UP)) { + brcmf_usb_rx_fill_all(devinfo); + } + + /* update state of upper layer */ + if (state == BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_DOWN) { + brcmf_dbg(INFO, "DBUS is down\n"); + bcmf_bus->state = BRCMF_BUS_DOWN; + } else { + brcmf_dbg(INFO, "DBUS current state=%d\n", state); + } +} + +static void +brcmf_usb_intr_complete(struct urb *urb) +{ + struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo = + (struct brcmf_usbdev_info *)urb->context; + bool killed; + + if (devinfo == NULL) + return; + + if (unlikely(urb->status)) { + if (devinfo->suspend_state == + USBOS_SUSPEND_STATE_SUSPEND_PENDING) + killed = true; + + if ((urb->status == -ENOENT && (!killed)) + || urb->status == -ESHUTDOWN || + urb->status == -ENODEV) { + brcmf_usb_state_change(devinfo, BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_DOWN); + } + } + + if (devinfo->bus_pub.state == BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_DOWN) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "intr cb when DBUS down, ignoring\n"); + return; + } + + if (devinfo->bus_pub.state == BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_UP) + usb_submit_urb(devinfo->intr_urb, GFP_ATOMIC); +} + +static int brcmf_usb_tx(struct device *dev, struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo = brcmf_usb_get_businfo(dev); + struct brcmf_usbreq *req; + int ret; + + if (devinfo->bus_pub.state != BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_UP) { + /* TODO: handle suspend/resume */ + return -EIO; + } + + req = brcmf_usb_deq(devinfo, &devinfo->tx_freeq); + if (!req) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "no req to send\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + if (!req->urb) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "no urb for req %p\n", req); + return -ENOBUFS; + } + + req->skb = skb; + req->devinfo = devinfo; + usb_fill_bulk_urb(req->urb, devinfo->usbdev, devinfo->tx_pipe, + skb->data, skb->len, brcmf_usb_tx_complete, req); + req->urb->transfer_flags |= URB_ZERO_PACKET; + ret = usb_submit_urb(req->urb, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!ret) { + brcmf_usb_enq(devinfo, &devinfo->tx_postq, req); + } else { + req->skb = NULL; + brcmf_usb_enq(devinfo, &devinfo->tx_freeq, req); + } + + return ret; +} + + +static int brcmf_usb_up(struct device *dev) +{ + struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo = brcmf_usb_get_businfo(dev); + u16 ifnum; + + if (devinfo->bus_pub.state == BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_UP) + return 0; + + /* If the USB/HSIC bus in sleep state, wake it up */ + if (devinfo->suspend_state == USBOS_SUSPEND_STATE_SUSPENDED) { + if (brcmf_usb_pnp(devinfo, BCMFMAC_USB_PNP_RESUME) != 0) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "Could not Resume the bus!\n"); + return -EIO; + } + } + devinfo->activity = true; + + /* Success, indicate devinfo is fully up */ + brcmf_usb_state_change(devinfo, BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_UP); + + if (devinfo->intr_urb) { + int ret; + + usb_fill_int_urb(devinfo->intr_urb, devinfo->usbdev, + devinfo->intr_pipe, + &devinfo->intr, + devinfo->intr_size, + (usb_complete_t)brcmf_usb_intr_complete, + devinfo, + devinfo->interval); + + ret = usb_submit_urb(devinfo->intr_urb, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (ret) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "USB_SUBMIT_URB failed with status %d\n", + ret); + return -EINVAL; + } + } + + if (devinfo->ctl_urb) { + devinfo->ctl_in_pipe = usb_rcvctrlpipe(devinfo->usbdev, 0); + devinfo->ctl_out_pipe = usb_sndctrlpipe(devinfo->usbdev, 0); + + ifnum = IFDESC(devinfo->usbdev, CONTROL_IF).bInterfaceNumber; + + /* CTL Write */ + devinfo->ctl_write.bRequestType = + USB_DIR_OUT | USB_TYPE_CLASS | USB_RECIP_INTERFACE; + devinfo->ctl_write.bRequest = 0; + devinfo->ctl_write.wValue = cpu_to_le16(0); + devinfo->ctl_write.wIndex = cpu_to_le16p(&ifnum); + + /* CTL Read */ + devinfo->ctl_read.bRequestType = + USB_DIR_IN | USB_TYPE_CLASS | USB_RECIP_INTERFACE; + devinfo->ctl_read.bRequest = 1; + devinfo->ctl_read.wValue = cpu_to_le16(0); + devinfo->ctl_read.wIndex = cpu_to_le16p(&ifnum); + } + brcmf_usb_rx_fill_all(devinfo); + return 0; +} + +static void brcmf_usb_down(struct device *dev) +{ + struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo = brcmf_usb_get_businfo(dev); + + if (devinfo == NULL) + return; + + brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "enter\n"); + if (devinfo->bus_pub.state == BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_DOWN) + return; + + brcmf_usb_state_change(devinfo, BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_DOWN); + if (devinfo->intr_urb) + usb_kill_urb(devinfo->intr_urb); + + if (devinfo->ctl_urb) + usb_kill_urb(devinfo->ctl_urb); + + if (devinfo->bulk_urb) + usb_kill_urb(devinfo->bulk_urb); + brcmf_usb_free_q(&devinfo->tx_postq, true); + + brcmf_usb_free_q(&devinfo->rx_postq, true); +} + +static int +brcmf_usb_sync_wait(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo, u16 time) +{ + int ret; + int err = 0; + int ms = time; + + ret = wait_event_interruptible_timeout(devinfo->wait, + devinfo->waitdone == true, (ms * HZ / 1000)); + + if ((devinfo->waitdone == false) || (devinfo->sync_urb_status)) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "timeout(%d) or urb err=%d\n", + ret, devinfo->sync_urb_status); + err = -EINVAL; + } + devinfo->waitdone = false; + return err; +} + +static void +brcmf_usb_sync_complete(struct urb *urb) +{ + struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo = + (struct brcmf_usbdev_info *)urb->context; + + devinfo->waitdone = true; + wake_up_interruptible(&devinfo->wait); + devinfo->sync_urb_status = urb->status; +} + +static bool brcmf_usb_dl_cmd(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo, u8 cmd, + void *buffer, int buflen) +{ + int ret = 0; + char *tmpbuf; + u16 size; + + if ((!devinfo) || (devinfo->ctl_urb == NULL)) + return false; + + tmpbuf = kmalloc(buflen, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!tmpbuf) + return false; + + size = buflen; + devinfo->ctl_urb->transfer_buffer_length = size; + + devinfo->ctl_read.wLength = cpu_to_le16p(&size); + devinfo->ctl_read.bRequestType = USB_DIR_IN | USB_TYPE_VENDOR | + USB_RECIP_INTERFACE; + devinfo->ctl_read.bRequest = cmd; + + usb_fill_control_urb(devinfo->ctl_urb, + devinfo->usbdev, + usb_rcvctrlpipe(devinfo->usbdev, 0), + (unsigned char *) &devinfo->ctl_read, + (void *) tmpbuf, size, + (usb_complete_t)brcmf_usb_sync_complete, devinfo); + + ret = usb_submit_urb(devinfo->ctl_urb, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (ret < 0) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "usb_submit_urb failed %d\n", ret); + kfree(tmpbuf); + return false; + } + + ret = brcmf_usb_sync_wait(devinfo, BRCMF_USB_SYNC_TIMEOUT); + memcpy(buffer, tmpbuf, buflen); + kfree(tmpbuf); + + return (ret == 0); +} + +static bool +brcmf_usb_dlneeded(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo) +{ + struct bootrom_id_le id; + u32 chipid, chiprev; + + brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "enter\n"); + + if (devinfo == NULL) + return false; + + /* Check if firmware downloaded already by querying runtime ID */ + id.chip = cpu_to_le32(0xDEAD); + brcmf_usb_dl_cmd(devinfo, DL_GETVER, &id, + sizeof(struct bootrom_id_le)); + + chipid = le32_to_cpu(id.chip); + chiprev = le32_to_cpu(id.chiprev); + + if ((chipid & 0x4300) == 0x4300) + brcmf_dbg(INFO, "chip %x rev 0x%x\n", chipid, chiprev); + else + brcmf_dbg(INFO, "chip %d rev 0x%x\n", chipid, chiprev); + if (chipid == BRCMF_POSTBOOT_ID) { + brcmf_dbg(INFO, "firmware already downloaded\n"); + brcmf_usb_dl_cmd(devinfo, DL_RESETCFG, &id, + sizeof(struct bootrom_id_le)); + return false; + } else { + devinfo->bus_pub.devid = chipid; + devinfo->bus_pub.chiprev = chiprev; + } + return true; +} + +static int +brcmf_usb_resetcfg(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo) +{ + struct bootrom_id_le id; + u16 wait = 0, wait_time; + + brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "enter\n"); + + if (devinfo == NULL) + return -EINVAL; + + /* Give dongle chance to boot */ + wait_time = BRCMF_USB_DLIMAGE_SPINWAIT; + while (wait < BRCMF_USB_DLIMAGE_LIMIT) { + mdelay(wait_time); + wait += wait_time; + id.chip = cpu_to_le32(0xDEAD); /* Get the ID */ + brcmf_usb_dl_cmd(devinfo, DL_GETVER, &id, + sizeof(struct bootrom_id_le)); + if (id.chip == cpu_to_le32(BRCMF_POSTBOOT_ID)) + break; + } + + if (id.chip == cpu_to_le32(BRCMF_POSTBOOT_ID)) { + brcmf_dbg(INFO, "download done %d ms postboot chip 0x%x/rev 0x%x\n", + wait, le32_to_cpu(id.chip), le32_to_cpu(id.chiprev)); + + brcmf_usb_dl_cmd(devinfo, DL_RESETCFG, &id, + sizeof(struct bootrom_id_le)); + + /* XXX this wait may not be necessary */ + mdelay(BRCMF_USB_RESETCFG_SPINWAIT); + return 0; + } else { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "Cannot talk to Dongle. Firmware is not UP, %d ms\n", + wait); + return -EINVAL; + } +} + + +static int +brcmf_usb_dl_send_bulk(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo, void *buffer, int len) +{ + int ret; + + if ((devinfo == NULL) || (devinfo->bulk_urb == NULL)) + return -EINVAL; + + /* Prepare the URB */ + usb_fill_bulk_urb(devinfo->bulk_urb, devinfo->usbdev, + devinfo->tx_pipe, buffer, len, + (usb_complete_t)brcmf_usb_sync_complete, devinfo); + + devinfo->bulk_urb->transfer_flags |= URB_ZERO_PACKET; + + ret = usb_submit_urb(devinfo->bulk_urb, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (ret) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "usb_submit_urb failed %d\n", ret); + return ret; + } + ret = brcmf_usb_sync_wait(devinfo, BRCMF_USB_SYNC_TIMEOUT); + return ret; +} + +static int +brcmf_usb_dl_writeimage(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo, u8 *fw, int fwlen) +{ + unsigned int sendlen, sent, dllen; + char *bulkchunk = NULL, *dlpos; + struct rdl_state_le state; + u32 rdlstate, rdlbytes; + int err = 0; + brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "fw %p, len %d\n", fw, fwlen); + + bulkchunk = kmalloc(RDL_CHUNK, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (bulkchunk == NULL) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto fail; + } + + /* 1) Prepare USB boot loader for runtime image */ + brcmf_usb_dl_cmd(devinfo, DL_START, &state, + sizeof(struct rdl_state_le)); + + rdlstate = le32_to_cpu(state.state); + rdlbytes = le32_to_cpu(state.bytes); + + /* 2) Check we are in the Waiting state */ + if (rdlstate != DL_WAITING) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "Failed to DL_START\n"); + err = -EINVAL; + goto fail; + } + sent = 0; + dlpos = fw; + dllen = fwlen; + + /* Get chip id and rev */ + while (rdlbytes != dllen) { + /* Wait until the usb device reports it received all + * the bytes we sent */ + if ((rdlbytes == sent) && (rdlbytes != dllen)) { + if ((dllen-sent) < RDL_CHUNK) + sendlen = dllen-sent; + else + sendlen = RDL_CHUNK; + + /* simply avoid having to send a ZLP by ensuring we + * never have an even + * multiple of 64 + */ + if (!(sendlen % 64)) + sendlen -= 4; + + /* send data */ + memcpy(bulkchunk, dlpos, sendlen); + if (brcmf_usb_dl_send_bulk(devinfo, bulkchunk, + sendlen)) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "send_bulk failed\n"); + err = -EINVAL; + goto fail; + } + + dlpos += sendlen; + sent += sendlen; + } + if (!brcmf_usb_dl_cmd(devinfo, DL_GETSTATE, &state, + sizeof(struct rdl_state_le))) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "DL_GETSTATE Failed xxxx\n"); + err = -EINVAL; + goto fail; + } + + rdlstate = le32_to_cpu(state.state); + rdlbytes = le32_to_cpu(state.bytes); + + /* restart if an error is reported */ + if (rdlstate == DL_BAD_HDR || rdlstate == DL_BAD_CRC) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "Bad Hdr or Bad CRC state %d\n", + rdlstate); + err = -EINVAL; + goto fail; + } + } + +fail: + kfree(bulkchunk); + brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "err=%d\n", err); + return err; +} + +static int brcmf_usb_dlstart(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo, u8 *fw, int len) +{ + int err; + + brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "enter\n"); + + if (devinfo == NULL) + return -EINVAL; + + if (devinfo->bus_pub.devid == 0xDEAD) + return -EINVAL; + + err = brcmf_usb_dl_writeimage(devinfo, fw, len); + if (err == 0) + devinfo->bus_pub.state = BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_DL_DONE; + else + devinfo->bus_pub.state = BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_DL_PENDING; + brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "exit: err=%d\n", err); + + return err; +} + +static int brcmf_usb_dlrun(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo) +{ + struct rdl_state_le state; + + brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "enter\n"); + if (!devinfo) + return -EINVAL; + + if (devinfo->bus_pub.devid == 0xDEAD) + return -EINVAL; + + /* Check we are runnable */ + brcmf_usb_dl_cmd(devinfo, DL_GETSTATE, &state, + sizeof(struct rdl_state_le)); + + /* Start the image */ + if (state.state == cpu_to_le32(DL_RUNNABLE)) { + if (!brcmf_usb_dl_cmd(devinfo, DL_GO, &state, + sizeof(struct rdl_state_le))) + return -ENODEV; + if (brcmf_usb_resetcfg(devinfo)) + return -ENODEV; + /* The Dongle may go for re-enumeration. */ + } else { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "Dongle not runnable\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "exit\n"); + return 0; +} + +static bool brcmf_usb_chip_support(int chipid, int chiprev) +{ + switch(chipid) { + case 43235: + case 43236: + case 43238: + return (chiprev == 3); + default: + break; + } + return false; +} + +static int +brcmf_usb_fw_download(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo) +{ + int devid, chiprev; + int err; + + brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "enter\n"); + if (devinfo == NULL) + return -ENODEV; + + devid = devinfo->bus_pub.devid; + chiprev = devinfo->bus_pub.chiprev; + + if (!brcmf_usb_chip_support(devid, chiprev)) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "unsupported chip %d rev %d\n", + devid, chiprev); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (!devinfo->image) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "No firmware!\n"); + return -ENOENT; + } + + err = brcmf_usb_dlstart(devinfo, + devinfo->image, devinfo->image_len); + if (err == 0) + err = brcmf_usb_dlrun(devinfo); + return err; +} + + +static void brcmf_usb_detach(const struct brcmf_usbdev *bus_pub) +{ + struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo = + (struct brcmf_usbdev_info *)bus_pub; + + brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "devinfo %p\n", devinfo); + + /* store the image globally */ + g_image.data = devinfo->image; + g_image.len = devinfo->image_len; + + /* free the URBS */ + brcmf_usb_free_q(&devinfo->rx_freeq, false); + brcmf_usb_free_q(&devinfo->tx_freeq, false); + + usb_free_urb(devinfo->intr_urb); + usb_free_urb(devinfo->ctl_urb); + usb_free_urb(devinfo->bulk_urb); + + kfree(devinfo->tx_reqs); + kfree(devinfo->rx_reqs); + kfree(devinfo); +} + +#define TRX_MAGIC 0x30524448 /* "HDR0" */ +#define TRX_VERSION 1 /* Version 1 */ +#define TRX_MAX_LEN 0x3B0000 /* Max length */ +#define TRX_NO_HEADER 1 /* Do not write TRX header */ +#define TRX_MAX_OFFSET 3 /* Max number of individual files */ +#define TRX_UNCOMP_IMAGE 0x20 /* Trx contains uncompressed image */ + +struct trx_header_le { + __le32 magic; /* "HDR0" */ + __le32 len; /* Length of file including header */ + __le32 crc32; /* CRC from flag_version to end of file */ + __le32 flag_version; /* 0:15 flags, 16:31 version */ + __le32 offsets[TRX_MAX_OFFSET]; /* Offsets of partitions from start of + * header */ +}; + +static int check_file(const u8 *headers) +{ + struct trx_header_le *trx; + int actual_len = -1; + + /* Extract trx header */ + trx = (struct trx_header_le *) headers; + if (trx->magic != cpu_to_le32(TRX_MAGIC)) + return -1; + + headers += sizeof(struct trx_header_le); + + if (le32_to_cpu(trx->flag_version) & TRX_UNCOMP_IMAGE) { + actual_len = le32_to_cpu(trx->offsets[TRX_OFFSETS_DLFWLEN_IDX]); + return actual_len + sizeof(struct trx_header_le); + } + return -1; +} + +static int brcmf_usb_get_fw(struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo) +{ + s8 *fwname; + const struct firmware *fw; + int err; + + devinfo->image = g_image.data; + devinfo->image_len = g_image.len; + + /* + * if we have an image we can leave here. + */ + if (devinfo->image) + return 0; + + fwname = BRCMF_USB_43236_FW_NAME; + + err = request_firmware(&fw, fwname, devinfo->dev); + if (!fw) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "fail to request firmware %s\n", fwname); + return err; + } + if (check_file(fw->data) < 0) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "invalid firmware %s\n", fwname); + return -EINVAL; + } + + devinfo->image = kmalloc(fw->size, GFP_ATOMIC); /* plus nvram */ + if (!devinfo->image) + return -ENOMEM; + + memcpy(devinfo->image, fw->data, fw->size); + devinfo->image_len = fw->size; + + release_firmware(fw); + return 0; +} + + +static +struct brcmf_usbdev *brcmf_usb_attach(int nrxq, int ntxq, struct device *dev) +{ + struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo; + + devinfo = kzalloc(sizeof(struct brcmf_usbdev_info), GFP_ATOMIC); + if (devinfo == NULL) + return NULL; + + devinfo->bus_pub.nrxq = nrxq; + devinfo->rx_low_watermark = nrxq / 2; + devinfo->bus_pub.devinfo = devinfo; + devinfo->bus_pub.ntxq = ntxq; + + /* flow control when too many tx urbs posted */ + devinfo->tx_low_watermark = ntxq / 4; + devinfo->tx_high_watermark = devinfo->tx_low_watermark * 3; + devinfo->dev = dev; + devinfo->usbdev = usbdev_probe_info.usb; + devinfo->tx_pipe = usbdev_probe_info.tx_pipe; + devinfo->rx_pipe = usbdev_probe_info.rx_pipe; + devinfo->rx_pipe2 = usbdev_probe_info.rx_pipe2; + devinfo->intr_pipe = usbdev_probe_info.intr_pipe; + + devinfo->interval = usbdev_probe_info.interval; + devinfo->intr_size = usbdev_probe_info.intr_size; + + memcpy(&devinfo->probe_info, &usbdev_probe_info, + sizeof(struct brcmf_usb_probe_info)); + devinfo->bus_pub.bus_mtu = BRCMF_USB_MAX_PKT_SIZE; + + /* Initialize other structure content */ + init_waitqueue_head(&devinfo->ioctl_resp_wait); + + /* Initialize the spinlocks */ + spin_lock_init(&devinfo->qlock); + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&devinfo->rx_freeq); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&devinfo->rx_postq); + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&devinfo->tx_freeq); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&devinfo->tx_postq); + + devinfo->rx_reqs = brcmf_usbdev_qinit(&devinfo->rx_freeq, nrxq); + if (!devinfo->rx_reqs) + goto error; + + devinfo->tx_reqs = brcmf_usbdev_qinit(&devinfo->tx_freeq, ntxq); + if (!devinfo->tx_reqs) + goto error; + + devinfo->intr_urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!devinfo->intr_urb) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "usb_alloc_urb (intr) failed\n"); + goto error; + } + devinfo->ctl_urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!devinfo->ctl_urb) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "usb_alloc_urb (ctl) failed\n"); + goto error; + } + devinfo->rxctl_deferrespok = 0; + + devinfo->bulk_urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!devinfo->bulk_urb) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "usb_alloc_urb (bulk) failed\n"); + goto error; + } + + init_waitqueue_head(&devinfo->wait); + if (!brcmf_usb_dlneeded(devinfo)) + return &devinfo->bus_pub; + + brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "start fw downloading\n"); + if (brcmf_usb_get_fw(devinfo)) + goto error; + + if (brcmf_usb_fw_download(devinfo)) + goto error; + + return &devinfo->bus_pub; + +error: + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "failed!\n"); + brcmf_usb_detach(&devinfo->bus_pub); + return NULL; +} + +static int brcmf_usb_probe_cb(struct device *dev, const char *desc, + u32 bustype, u32 hdrlen) +{ + struct brcmf_bus *bus = NULL; + struct brcmf_usbdev *bus_pub = NULL; + int ret; + + + bus_pub = brcmf_usb_attach(BRCMF_USB_NRXQ, BRCMF_USB_NTXQ, dev); + if (!bus_pub) { + ret = -ENODEV; + goto fail; + } + + bus = kzalloc(sizeof(struct brcmf_bus), GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!bus) { + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto fail; + } + + bus_pub->bus = bus; + bus->brcmf_bus_txdata = brcmf_usb_tx; + bus->brcmf_bus_init = brcmf_usb_up; + bus->brcmf_bus_stop = brcmf_usb_down; + bus->brcmf_bus_txctl = brcmf_usb_tx_ctlpkt; + bus->brcmf_bus_rxctl = brcmf_usb_rx_ctlpkt; + bus->type = bustype; + bus->bus_priv.usb = bus_pub; + dev_set_drvdata(dev, bus); + + /* Attach to the common driver interface */ + ret = brcmf_attach(hdrlen, dev); + if (ret) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "dhd_attach failed\n"); + goto fail; + } + + ret = brcmf_bus_start(dev); + if (ret == -ENOLINK) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "dongle is not responding\n"); + brcmf_detach(dev); + goto fail; + } + + /* add interface and open for business */ + ret = brcmf_add_if(dev, 0, "wlan%d", NULL); + if (ret) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "Add primary net device interface failed!!\n"); + brcmf_detach(dev); + goto fail; + } + + return 0; +fail: + /* Release resources in reverse order */ + if (bus_pub) + brcmf_usb_detach(bus_pub); + kfree(bus); + return ret; +} + +static void +brcmf_usb_disconnect_cb(struct brcmf_usbdev *bus_pub) +{ + if (!bus_pub) + return; + brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "enter: bus_pub %p\n", bus_pub); + + brcmf_detach(bus_pub->devinfo->dev); + kfree(bus_pub->bus); + brcmf_usb_detach(bus_pub); + +} + +static int +brcmf_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id) +{ + int ep; + struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *endpoint; + int ret = 0; + struct usb_device *usb = interface_to_usbdev(intf); + int num_of_eps; + u8 endpoint_num; + + brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "enter\n"); + + usbdev_probe_info.usb = usb; + usbdev_probe_info.intf = intf; + + if (id != NULL) { + usbdev_probe_info.vid = id->idVendor; + usbdev_probe_info.pid = id->idProduct; + } + + usb_set_intfdata(intf, &usbdev_probe_info); + + /* Check that the device supports only one configuration */ + if (usb->descriptor.bNumConfigurations != 1) { + ret = -1; + goto fail; + } + + if (usb->descriptor.bDeviceClass != USB_CLASS_VENDOR_SPEC) { + ret = -1; + goto fail; + } + + /* + * Only the BDC interface configuration is supported: + * Device class: USB_CLASS_VENDOR_SPEC + * if0 class: USB_CLASS_VENDOR_SPEC + * if0/ep0: control + * if0/ep1: bulk in + * if0/ep2: bulk out (ok if swapped with bulk in) + */ + if (CONFIGDESC(usb)->bNumInterfaces != 1) { + ret = -1; + goto fail; + } + + /* Check interface */ + if (IFDESC(usb, CONTROL_IF).bInterfaceClass != USB_CLASS_VENDOR_SPEC || + IFDESC(usb, CONTROL_IF).bInterfaceSubClass != 2 || + IFDESC(usb, CONTROL_IF).bInterfaceProtocol != 0xff) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "invalid control interface: class %d, subclass %d, proto %d\n", + IFDESC(usb, CONTROL_IF).bInterfaceClass, + IFDESC(usb, CONTROL_IF).bInterfaceSubClass, + IFDESC(usb, CONTROL_IF).bInterfaceProtocol); + ret = -1; + goto fail; + } + + /* Check control endpoint */ + endpoint = &IFEPDESC(usb, CONTROL_IF, 0); + if ((endpoint->bmAttributes & USB_ENDPOINT_XFERTYPE_MASK) + != USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "invalid control endpoint %d\n", + endpoint->bmAttributes & USB_ENDPOINT_XFERTYPE_MASK); + ret = -1; + goto fail; + } + + endpoint_num = endpoint->bEndpointAddress & USB_ENDPOINT_NUMBER_MASK; + usbdev_probe_info.intr_pipe = usb_rcvintpipe(usb, endpoint_num); + + usbdev_probe_info.rx_pipe = 0; + usbdev_probe_info.rx_pipe2 = 0; + usbdev_probe_info.tx_pipe = 0; + num_of_eps = IFDESC(usb, BULK_IF).bNumEndpoints - 1; + + /* Check data endpoints and get pipes */ + for (ep = 1; ep <= num_of_eps; ep++) { + endpoint = &IFEPDESC(usb, BULK_IF, ep); + if ((endpoint->bmAttributes & USB_ENDPOINT_XFERTYPE_MASK) != + USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK) { + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "invalid data endpoint %d\n", ep); + ret = -1; + goto fail; + } + + endpoint_num = endpoint->bEndpointAddress & + USB_ENDPOINT_NUMBER_MASK; + if ((endpoint->bEndpointAddress & USB_ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK) + == USB_DIR_IN) { + if (!usbdev_probe_info.rx_pipe) { + usbdev_probe_info.rx_pipe = + usb_rcvbulkpipe(usb, endpoint_num); + } else { + usbdev_probe_info.rx_pipe2 = + usb_rcvbulkpipe(usb, endpoint_num); + } + } else { + usbdev_probe_info.tx_pipe = + usb_sndbulkpipe(usb, endpoint_num); + } + } + + /* Allocate interrupt URB and data buffer */ + /* RNDIS says 8-byte intr, our old drivers used 4-byte */ + if (IFEPDESC(usb, CONTROL_IF, 0).wMaxPacketSize == cpu_to_le16(16)) + usbdev_probe_info.intr_size = 8; + else + usbdev_probe_info.intr_size = 4; + + usbdev_probe_info.interval = IFEPDESC(usb, CONTROL_IF, 0).bInterval; + + usbdev_probe_info.device_speed = usb->speed; + if (usb->speed == USB_SPEED_HIGH) + brcmf_dbg(INFO, "Broadcom high speed USB wireless device detected\n"); + else + brcmf_dbg(INFO, "Broadcom full speed USB wireless device detected\n"); + + ret = brcmf_usb_probe_cb(&usb->dev, "", USB_BUS, 0); + if (ret) + goto fail; + + /* Success */ + return 0; + +fail: + brcmf_dbg(ERROR, "failed with errno %d\n", ret); + usb_set_intfdata(intf, NULL); + return ret; + +} + +static void +brcmf_usb_disconnect(struct usb_interface *intf) +{ + struct usb_device *usb = interface_to_usbdev(intf); + + brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "enter\n"); + brcmf_usb_disconnect_cb(brcmf_usb_get_buspub(&usb->dev)); + usb_set_intfdata(intf, NULL); +} + +/* + * only need to signal the bus being down and update the suspend state. + */ +static int brcmf_usb_suspend(struct usb_interface *intf, pm_message_t state) +{ + struct usb_device *usb = interface_to_usbdev(intf); + struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo = brcmf_usb_get_businfo(&usb->dev); + + brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "enter\n"); + devinfo->bus_pub.state = BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_DOWN; + devinfo->suspend_state = USBOS_SUSPEND_STATE_SUSPENDED; + return 0; +} + +/* + * mark suspend state active and crank up the bus. + */ +static int brcmf_usb_resume(struct usb_interface *intf) +{ + struct usb_device *usb = interface_to_usbdev(intf); + struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo = brcmf_usb_get_businfo(&usb->dev); + + brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "enter\n"); + devinfo->suspend_state = USBOS_SUSPEND_STATE_DEVICE_ACTIVE; + brcmf_bus_start(&usb->dev); + return 0; +} + +#define BRCMF_USB_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM 0x0a5c +#define BRCMF_USB_DEVICE_ID_43236 0xbd17 +#define BRCMF_USB_DEVICE_ID_BCMFW 0x0bdc + +static struct usb_device_id brcmf_usb_devid_table[] = { + { USB_DEVICE(BRCMF_USB_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM, BRCMF_USB_DEVICE_ID_43236) }, + /* special entry for device with firmware loaded and running */ + { USB_DEVICE(BRCMF_USB_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM, BRCMF_USB_DEVICE_ID_BCMFW) }, + { } +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(usb, brcmf_usb_devid_table); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(BRCMF_USB_43236_FW_NAME); + +/* TODO: suspend and resume entries */ +static struct usb_driver brcmf_usbdrvr = { + .name = KBUILD_MODNAME, + .probe = brcmf_usb_probe, + .disconnect = brcmf_usb_disconnect, + .id_table = brcmf_usb_devid_table, + .suspend = brcmf_usb_suspend, + .resume = brcmf_usb_resume, + .supports_autosuspend = 1 +}; + +void brcmf_usb_exit(void) +{ + usb_deregister(&brcmf_usbdrvr); + kfree(g_image.data); + g_image.data = NULL; + g_image.len = 0; +} + +void brcmf_usb_init(void) +{ + usb_register(&brcmf_usbdrvr); +} diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/usb.h b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/usb.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..acfa5e89872fb8c8103ebb626beef5c0ba0064a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/usb.h @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2011 Broadcom Corporation + * + * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any + * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above + * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES + * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF + * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY + * SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES + * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION + * OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN + * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. + */ +#ifndef BRCMFMAC_USB_H +#define BRCMFMAC_USB_H + +enum brcmf_usb_state { + BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_DL_PENDING, + BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_DL_DONE, + BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_UP, + BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_DOWN, + BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_PNP_FWDL, + BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_DISCONNECT, + BCMFMAC_USB_STATE_SLEEP +}; + +enum brcmf_usb_pnp_state { + BCMFMAC_USB_PNP_DISCONNECT, + BCMFMAC_USB_PNP_SLEEP, + BCMFMAC_USB_PNP_RESUME, +}; + +struct brcmf_stats { + u32 tx_ctlpkts; + u32 tx_ctlerrs; + u32 rx_ctlpkts; + u32 rx_ctlerrs; +}; + +struct brcmf_usbdev { + struct brcmf_bus *bus; + struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo; + enum brcmf_usb_state state; + struct brcmf_stats stats; + int ntxq, nrxq, rxsize; + u32 bus_mtu; + int devid; + int chiprev; /* chip revsion number */ +}; + +/* IO Request Block (IRB) */ +struct brcmf_usbreq { + struct list_head list; + struct brcmf_usbdev_info *devinfo; + struct urb *urb; + struct sk_buff *skb; +}; + +#endif /* BRCMFMAC_USB_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/usb_rdl.h b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/usb_rdl.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a35c51c3da20201e8ce8e88d0c6e4e5fd145aea --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/usb_rdl.h @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2011 Broadcom Corporation + * + * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any + * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above + * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES + * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF + * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY + * SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES + * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION + * OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN + * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. + */ + +#ifndef _USB_RDL_H +#define _USB_RDL_H + +/* Control messages: bRequest values */ +#define DL_GETSTATE 0 /* returns the rdl_state_t struct */ +#define DL_CHECK_CRC 1 /* currently unused */ +#define DL_GO 2 /* execute downloaded image */ +#define DL_START 3 /* initialize dl state */ +#define DL_REBOOT 4 /* reboot the device in 2 seconds */ +#define DL_GETVER 5 /* returns the bootrom_id_t struct */ +#define DL_GO_PROTECTED 6 /* execute the downloaded code and set reset + * event to occur in 2 seconds. It is the + * responsibility of the downloaded code to + * clear this event + */ +#define DL_EXEC 7 /* jump to a supplied address */ +#define DL_RESETCFG 8 /* To support single enum on dongle + * - Not used by bootloader + */ +#define DL_DEFER_RESP_OK 9 /* Potentially defer the response to setup + * if resp unavailable + */ + +/* states */ +#define DL_WAITING 0 /* waiting to rx first pkt */ +#define DL_READY 1 /* hdr was good, waiting for more of the + * compressed image */ +#define DL_BAD_HDR 2 /* hdr was corrupted */ +#define DL_BAD_CRC 3 /* compressed image was corrupted */ +#define DL_RUNNABLE 4 /* download was successful,waiting for go cmd */ +#define DL_START_FAIL 5 /* failed to initialize correctly */ +#define DL_NVRAM_TOOBIG 6 /* host specified nvram data exceeds DL_NVRAM + * value */ +#define DL_IMAGE_TOOBIG 7 /* download image too big (exceeds DATA_START + * for rdl) */ + +struct rdl_state_le { + __le32 state; + __le32 bytes; +}; + +struct bootrom_id_le { + __le32 chip; /* Chip id */ + __le32 chiprev; /* Chip rev */ + __le32 ramsize; /* Size of RAM */ + __le32 remapbase; /* Current remap base address */ + __le32 boardtype; /* Type of board */ + __le32 boardrev; /* Board revision */ +}; + +#define RDL_CHUNK 1500 /* size of each dl transfer */ + +#define TRX_OFFSETS_DLFWLEN_IDX 0 +#define TRX_OFFSETS_JUMPTO_IDX 1 +#define TRX_OFFSETS_NVM_LEN_IDX 2 + +#define TRX_OFFSETS_DLBASE_IDX 0 + +#endif /* _USB_RDL_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/wl_cfg80211.c b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/wl_cfg80211.c index bf11850a20f11b1201179c7c7659a16397f2d4cc..d13ae9c299f21db0f09182e3a509876c47938162 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/wl_cfg80211.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/wl_cfg80211.c @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ /* Toplevel file. Relies on dhd_linux.c to send commands to the dongle. */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -1374,7 +1376,7 @@ brcmf_cfg80211_connect(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *ndev, memset(&join_params, 0, sizeof(join_params)); join_params_size = sizeof(join_params.ssid_le); - ssid.SSID_len = min_t(u32, sizeof(ssid.SSID), sme->ssid_len); + ssid.SSID_len = min_t(u32, sizeof(ssid.SSID), (u32)sme->ssid_len); memcpy(&join_params.ssid_le.SSID, sme->ssid, ssid.SSID_len); memcpy(&ssid.SSID, sme->ssid, ssid.SSID_len); join_params.ssid_le.SSID_len = cpu_to_le32(ssid.SSID_len); @@ -2001,7 +2003,6 @@ static s32 brcmf_inform_single_bss(struct brcmf_cfg80211_priv *cfg_priv, s32 err = 0; u16 channel; u32 freq; - u64 notify_timestamp; u16 notify_capability; u16 notify_interval; u8 *notify_ie; @@ -2024,7 +2025,6 @@ static s32 brcmf_inform_single_bss(struct brcmf_cfg80211_priv *cfg_priv, freq = ieee80211_channel_to_frequency(channel, band->band); notify_channel = ieee80211_get_channel(wiphy, freq); - notify_timestamp = jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies)*1000; /* uSec */ notify_capability = le16_to_cpu(bi->capability); notify_interval = le16_to_cpu(bi->beacon_period); notify_ie = (u8 *)bi + le16_to_cpu(bi->ie_offset); @@ -2038,10 +2038,9 @@ static s32 brcmf_inform_single_bss(struct brcmf_cfg80211_priv *cfg_priv, WL_CONN("Capability: %X\n", notify_capability); WL_CONN("Beacon interval: %d\n", notify_interval); WL_CONN("Signal: %d\n", notify_signal); - WL_CONN("notify_timestamp: %#018llx\n", notify_timestamp); bss = cfg80211_inform_bss(wiphy, notify_channel, (const u8 *)bi->BSSID, - notify_timestamp, notify_capability, notify_interval, notify_ie, + 0, notify_capability, notify_interval, notify_ie, notify_ielen, notify_signal, GFP_KERNEL); if (!bss) @@ -2096,7 +2095,6 @@ static s32 wl_inform_ibss(struct brcmf_cfg80211_priv *cfg_priv, s32 err = 0; u16 channel; u32 freq; - u64 notify_timestamp; u16 notify_capability; u16 notify_interval; u8 *notify_ie; @@ -2132,7 +2130,6 @@ static s32 wl_inform_ibss(struct brcmf_cfg80211_priv *cfg_priv, freq = ieee80211_channel_to_frequency(channel, band->band); notify_channel = ieee80211_get_channel(wiphy, freq); - notify_timestamp = jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies)*1000; /* uSec */ notify_capability = le16_to_cpu(bi->capability); notify_interval = le16_to_cpu(bi->beacon_period); notify_ie = (u8 *)bi + le16_to_cpu(bi->ie_offset); @@ -2143,10 +2140,9 @@ static s32 wl_inform_ibss(struct brcmf_cfg80211_priv *cfg_priv, WL_CONN("capability: %X\n", notify_capability); WL_CONN("beacon interval: %d\n", notify_interval); WL_CONN("signal: %d\n", notify_signal); - WL_CONN("notify_timestamp: %#018llx\n", notify_timestamp); bss = cfg80211_inform_bss(wiphy, notify_channel, bssid, - notify_timestamp, notify_capability, notify_interval, + 0, notify_capability, notify_interval, notify_ie, notify_ielen, notify_signal, GFP_KERNEL); if (!bss) { @@ -2783,7 +2779,7 @@ static struct wireless_dev *brcmf_alloc_wdev(s32 sizeof_iface, wiphy_new(&wl_cfg80211_ops, sizeof(struct brcmf_cfg80211_priv) + sizeof_iface); if (!wdev->wiphy) { - WL_ERR("Couldn not allocate wiphy device\n"); + WL_ERR("Could not allocate wiphy device\n"); err = -ENOMEM; goto wiphy_new_out; } @@ -2809,7 +2805,7 @@ static struct wireless_dev *brcmf_alloc_wdev(s32 sizeof_iface, */ err = wiphy_register(wdev->wiphy); if (err < 0) { - WL_ERR("Couldn not register wiphy device (%d)\n", err); + WL_ERR("Could not register wiphy device (%d)\n", err); goto wiphy_register_out; } return wdev; @@ -3295,7 +3291,9 @@ static struct brcmf_cfg80211_event_q *brcmf_deq_event( } /* -** push event to tail of the queue +* push event to tail of the queue +* +* remark: this function may not sleep as it is called in atomic context. */ static s32 @@ -3304,17 +3302,18 @@ brcmf_enq_event(struct brcmf_cfg80211_priv *cfg_priv, u32 event, { struct brcmf_cfg80211_event_q *e; s32 err = 0; + ulong flags; - e = kzalloc(sizeof(struct brcmf_cfg80211_event_q), GFP_KERNEL); + e = kzalloc(sizeof(struct brcmf_cfg80211_event_q), GFP_ATOMIC); if (!e) return -ENOMEM; e->etype = event; memcpy(&e->emsg, msg, sizeof(struct brcmf_event_msg)); - spin_lock_irq(&cfg_priv->evt_q_lock); + spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg_priv->evt_q_lock, flags); list_add_tail(&e->evt_q_list, &cfg_priv->evt_q_list); - spin_unlock_irq(&cfg_priv->evt_q_lock); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg_priv->evt_q_lock, flags); return err; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/wl_cfg80211.h b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/wl_cfg80211.h index a613b49cb13f543e66363f5749ac09473a64b4b5..b5d9b36df3d0556bb54a34efbeabc5512b10057b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/wl_cfg80211.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/wl_cfg80211.h @@ -32,63 +32,63 @@ struct brcmf_cfg80211_ibss; #define WL_DBG_MASK ((WL_DBG_INFO | WL_DBG_ERR | WL_DBG_TRACE) | \ (WL_DBG_SCAN) | (WL_DBG_CONN)) -#define WL_ERR(fmt, args...) \ +#define WL_ERR(fmt, ...) \ do { \ if (brcmf_dbg_level & WL_DBG_ERR) { \ if (net_ratelimit()) { \ - printk(KERN_ERR "ERROR @%s : " fmt, \ - __func__, ##args); \ + pr_err("ERROR @%s : " fmt, \ + __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } \ } while (0) -#if (defined BCMDBG) -#define WL_INFO(fmt, args...) \ +#if (defined DEBUG) +#define WL_INFO(fmt, ...) \ do { \ if (brcmf_dbg_level & WL_DBG_INFO) { \ if (net_ratelimit()) { \ - printk(KERN_ERR "INFO @%s : " fmt, \ - __func__, ##args); \ + pr_err("INFO @%s : " fmt, \ + __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } \ } while (0) -#define WL_TRACE(fmt, args...) \ +#define WL_TRACE(fmt, ...) \ do { \ if (brcmf_dbg_level & WL_DBG_TRACE) { \ if (net_ratelimit()) { \ - printk(KERN_ERR "TRACE @%s : " fmt, \ - __func__, ##args); \ + pr_err("TRACE @%s : " fmt, \ + __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } \ } while (0) -#define WL_SCAN(fmt, args...) \ +#define WL_SCAN(fmt, ...) \ do { \ if (brcmf_dbg_level & WL_DBG_SCAN) { \ if (net_ratelimit()) { \ - printk(KERN_ERR "SCAN @%s : " fmt, \ - __func__, ##args); \ + pr_err("SCAN @%s : " fmt, \ + __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } \ } while (0) -#define WL_CONN(fmt, args...) \ +#define WL_CONN(fmt, ...) \ do { \ if (brcmf_dbg_level & WL_DBG_CONN) { \ if (net_ratelimit()) { \ - printk(KERN_ERR "CONN @%s : " fmt, \ - __func__, ##args); \ + pr_err("CONN @%s : " fmt, \ + __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } \ } while (0) -#else /* (defined BCMDBG) */ +#else /* (defined DEBUG) */ #define WL_INFO(fmt, args...) #define WL_TRACE(fmt, args...) #define WL_SCAN(fmt, args...) #define WL_CONN(fmt, args...) -#endif /* (defined BCMDBG) */ +#endif /* (defined DEBUG) */ #define WL_NUM_SCAN_MAX 1 #define WL_NUM_PMKIDS_MAX MAXPMKID /* will be used diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/aiutils.c b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/aiutils.c index ab9bb11abfbb2b26f0bf3a440030a26734099887..c93ea35bceecc2e19157a81981ba183ad5b59b6d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/aiutils.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/aiutils.c @@ -326,11 +326,11 @@ #define PCI_FORCEHT(sih) (PCIE(sih) && (ai_get_chip_id(sih) == BCM4716_CHIP_ID)) -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG #define SI_MSG(fmt, ...) pr_debug(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #else #define SI_MSG(fmt, ...) no_printk(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ #define GOODCOREADDR(x, b) \ (((x) >= (b)) && ((x) < ((b) + SI_MAXCORES * SI_CORE_SIZE)) && \ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/ampdu.c b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/ampdu.c index 30b58870b1b68455b09adecfd127b354dbcc975c..95b5902bc4b3a3241f68cde20434b8592ba71ebc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/ampdu.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/ampdu.c @@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ brcms_c_ampdu_dotxstatus_complete(struct ampdu_info *ampdu, struct scb *scb, struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(p); struct wiphy *wiphy = wlc->wiphy; -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG u8 hole[AMPDU_MAX_MPDU]; memset(hole, 0, sizeof(hole)); #endif @@ -959,14 +959,13 @@ brcms_c_ampdu_dotxstatus_complete(struct ampdu_info *ampdu, struct scb *scb, if (supr_status) { update_rate = false; if (supr_status == TX_STATUS_SUPR_BADCH) { - wiphy_err(wiphy, "%s: Pkt tx suppressed, " - "illegal channel possibly %d\n", + wiphy_err(wiphy, + "%s: Pkt tx suppressed, illegal channel possibly %d\n", __func__, CHSPEC_CHANNEL( wlc->default_bss->chanspec)); } else { if (supr_status != TX_STATUS_SUPR_FRAG) - wiphy_err(wiphy, "%s:" - "supr_status 0x%x\n", + wiphy_err(wiphy, "%s: supr_status 0x%x\n", __func__, supr_status); } /* no need to retry for badch; will fail again */ @@ -988,9 +987,8 @@ brcms_c_ampdu_dotxstatus_complete(struct ampdu_info *ampdu, struct scb *scb, } } else if (txs->phyerr) { update_rate = false; - wiphy_err(wiphy, "wl%d: ampdu tx phy " - "error (0x%x)\n", wlc->pub->unit, - txs->phyerr); + wiphy_err(wiphy, "%s: ampdu tx phy error (0x%x)\n", + __func__, txs->phyerr); if (brcm_msg_level & LOG_ERROR_VAL) { brcmu_prpkt("txpkt (AMPDU)", p); @@ -1018,10 +1016,10 @@ brcms_c_ampdu_dotxstatus_complete(struct ampdu_info *ampdu, struct scb *scb, ack_recd = false; if (ba_recd) { bindex = MODSUB_POW2(seq, start_seq, SEQNUM_MAX); - BCMMSG(wlc->wiphy, "tid %d seq %d," - " start_seq %d, bindex %d set %d, index %d\n", - tid, seq, start_seq, bindex, - isset(bitmap, bindex), index); + BCMMSG(wiphy, + "tid %d seq %d, start_seq %d, bindex %d set %d, index %d\n", + tid, seq, start_seq, bindex, + isset(bitmap, bindex), index); /* if acked then clear bit and free packet */ if ((bindex < AMPDU_TX_BA_MAX_WSIZE) && isset(bitmap, bindex)) { diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/dma.c b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/dma.c index 2e90a9a16ed6885e4792c56953efb701c8b8ee8e..11054ae9d4f6e6993ab5483140a1c367f8c670e2 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/dma.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/dma.c @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ #define BCMEXTRAHDROOM 172 /* debug/trace */ -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG #define DMA_ERROR(fmt, ...) \ do { \ if (*di->msg_level & 1) \ @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ do { \ no_printk(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define DMA_TRACE(fmt, ...) \ no_printk(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ #define DMA_NONE(fmt, ...) \ no_printk(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) @@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ int dma_rx(struct dma_pub *pub, struct sk_buff_head *skb_list) pktcnt++; } -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG if (resid > 0) { uint cur; cur = @@ -979,7 +979,7 @@ int dma_rx(struct dma_pub *pub, struct sk_buff_head *skb_list) DMA_ERROR("rxin %d rxout %d, hw_curr %d\n", di->rxin, di->rxout, cur); } -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ if ((di->dma.dmactrlflags & DMA_CTRL_RXMULTI) == 0) { DMA_ERROR("%s: bad frame length (%d)\n", diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/mac80211_if.c b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/mac80211_if.c index 448ab9c4eb47b00db5ff558db6a4ab978a4f4f77..569ab8abd2a1c2d132eb1fbe273d09f077d68c3e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/mac80211_if.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/mac80211_if.c @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ */ #define __UNDEF_NO_VERSION__ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt #include #include @@ -96,10 +97,10 @@ static struct bcma_device_id brcms_coreid_table[] = { }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(bcma, brcms_coreid_table); -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG static int msglevel = 0xdeadbeef; module_param(msglevel, int, 0); -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ static struct ieee80211_channel brcms_2ghz_chantable[] = { CHAN2GHZ(1, 2412, IEEE80211_CHAN_NO_HT40MINUS), @@ -857,7 +858,7 @@ static void brcms_free(struct brcms_info *wl) /* free timers */ for (t = wl->timers; t; t = next) { next = t->next; -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG kfree(t->name); #endif kfree(t); @@ -1121,8 +1122,7 @@ static int __devinit brcms_bcma_probe(struct bcma_device *pdev) wl = brcms_attach(pdev); if (!wl) { - pr_err("%s: %s: brcms_attach failed!\n", KBUILD_MODNAME, - __func__); + pr_err("%s: brcms_attach failed!\n", __func__); return -ENODEV; } return 0; @@ -1136,8 +1136,8 @@ static int brcms_suspend(struct bcma_device *pdev) hw = bcma_get_drvdata(pdev); wl = hw->priv; if (!wl) { - wiphy_err(wl->wiphy, - "brcms_suspend: bcma_get_drvdata failed\n"); + pr_err("%s: %s: no driver private struct!\n", KBUILD_MODNAME, + __func__); return -ENODEV; } @@ -1169,25 +1169,31 @@ static struct bcma_driver brcms_bcma_driver = { /** * This is the main entry point for the brcmsmac driver. * - * This function determines if a device pointed to by pdev is a WL device, - * and if so, performs a brcms_attach() on it. - * + * This function is scheduled upon module initialization and + * does the driver registration, which result in brcms_bcma_probe() + * call resulting in the driver bringup. */ -static int __init brcms_module_init(void) +static void brcms_driver_init(struct work_struct *work) { - int error = -ENODEV; + int error; + + error = bcma_driver_register(&brcms_bcma_driver); + if (error) + pr_err("%s: register returned %d\n", __func__, error); +} -#ifdef BCMDBG +static DECLARE_WORK(brcms_driver_work, brcms_driver_init); + +static int __init brcms_module_init(void) +{ +#ifdef DEBUG if (msglevel != 0xdeadbeef) brcm_msg_level = msglevel; -#endif /* BCMDBG */ - - error = bcma_driver_register(&brcms_bcma_driver); - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: register returned %d\n", __func__, error); - if (!error) - return 0; +#endif + if (!schedule_work(&brcms_driver_work)) + return -EBUSY; - return error; + return 0; } /** @@ -1199,6 +1205,7 @@ static int __init brcms_module_init(void) */ static void __exit brcms_module_exit(void) { + cancel_work_sync(&brcms_driver_work); bcma_driver_unregister(&brcms_bcma_driver); } @@ -1367,7 +1374,7 @@ struct brcms_timer *brcms_init_timer(struct brcms_info *wl, t->next = wl->timers; wl->timers = t; -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG t->name = kmalloc(strlen(name) + 1, GFP_ATOMIC); if (t->name) strcpy(t->name, name); @@ -1386,7 +1393,7 @@ void brcms_add_timer(struct brcms_timer *t, uint ms, int periodic) { struct ieee80211_hw *hw = t->wl->pub->ieee_hw; -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG if (t->set) wiphy_err(hw->wiphy, "%s: Already set. Name: %s, per %d\n", __func__, t->name, periodic); @@ -1431,7 +1438,7 @@ void brcms_free_timer(struct brcms_timer *t) if (wl->timers == t) { wl->timers = wl->timers->next; -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG kfree(t->name); #endif kfree(t); @@ -1443,7 +1450,7 @@ void brcms_free_timer(struct brcms_timer *t) while (tmp) { if (tmp->next == t) { tmp->next = t->next; -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG kfree(t->name); #endif kfree(t); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/mac80211_if.h b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/mac80211_if.h index 8f60419c37bf1e0d5d0c15062c8a1103b8248b61..9358bd5ebd35d016058d1238d11aca6880fdae19 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/mac80211_if.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/mac80211_if.h @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ struct brcms_timer { bool periodic; bool set; /* indicates if timer is active */ struct brcms_timer *next; /* for freeing on unload */ -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG char *name; /* Description of the timer */ #endif }; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/main.c b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/main.c index f6affc6fd12a511831d07d7333ea0b45f0bb8d5f..231ddf4a674f8523e850d50ea73160f5d0b8d069 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/main.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/main.c @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -293,11 +295,11 @@ const u8 prio2fifo[NUMPRIO] = { /* debug/trace */ uint brcm_msg_level = -#if defined(BCMDBG) +#if defined(DEBUG) LOG_ERROR_VAL; #else 0; -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ /* TX FIFO number to WME/802.1E Access Category */ static const u8 wme_fifo2ac[] = { @@ -342,14 +344,14 @@ static const u16 xmtfifo_sz[][NFIFO] = { {9, 58, 22, 14, 14, 5}, }; -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG static const char * const fifo_names[] = { "AC_BK", "AC_BE", "AC_VI", "AC_VO", "BCMC", "ATIM" }; #else static const char fifo_names[6][0]; #endif -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG /* pointer to most recently allocated wl/wlc */ static struct brcms_c_info *wlc_info_dbg = (struct brcms_c_info *) (NULL); #endif @@ -2899,7 +2901,6 @@ brcms_b_read_objmem(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw, uint offset, u32 sel) objoff += 2; return bcma_read16(core, objoff); -; } static void @@ -3075,30 +3076,30 @@ static void brcms_c_statsupd(struct brcms_c_info *wlc) { int i; struct macstat macstats; -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG u16 delta; u16 rxf0ovfl; u16 txfunfl[NFIFO]; -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ /* if driver down, make no sense to update stats */ if (!wlc->pub->up) return; -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG /* save last rx fifo 0 overflow count */ rxf0ovfl = wlc->core->macstat_snapshot->rxf0ovfl; /* save last tx fifo underflow count */ for (i = 0; i < NFIFO; i++) txfunfl[i] = wlc->core->macstat_snapshot->txfunfl[i]; -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ /* Read mac stats from contiguous shared memory */ brcms_b_copyfrom_objmem(wlc->hw, M_UCODE_MACSTAT, &macstats, sizeof(struct macstat), OBJADDR_SHM_SEL); -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG /* check for rx fifo 0 overflow */ delta = (u16) (wlc->core->macstat_snapshot->rxf0ovfl - rxf0ovfl); if (delta) @@ -3114,7 +3115,7 @@ static void brcms_c_statsupd(struct brcms_c_info *wlc) wiphy_err(wlc->wiphy, "wl%d: %u tx fifo %d underflows!" "\n", wlc->pub->unit, delta, i); } -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ /* merge counters from dma module */ for (i = 0; i < NFIFO; i++) { @@ -3246,7 +3247,7 @@ static void brcms_b_coreinit(struct brcms_c_info *wlc) } /* For old ucode, txfifo sizes needs to be modified(increased) */ - if (fifosz_fixup == true) + if (fifosz_fixup) brcms_b_corerev_fifofixup(wlc_hw); /* check txfifo allocations match between ucode and driver */ @@ -5425,7 +5426,7 @@ int brcms_c_set_gmode(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, u8 gmode, bool config) return -EINVAL; /* update configuration value */ - if (config == true) + if (config) brcms_c_protection_upd(wlc, BRCMS_PROT_G_USER, gmode); /* Clear rateset override */ @@ -5765,62 +5766,49 @@ int brcms_c_module_unregister(struct brcms_pub *pub, const char *name, return -ENODATA; } -#ifdef BCMDBG -static const char * const supr_reason[] = { - "None", "PMQ Entry", "Flush request", - "Previous frag failure", "Channel mismatch", - "Lifetime Expiry", "Underflow" -}; - -static void brcms_c_print_txs_status(u16 s) -{ - printk(KERN_DEBUG "[15:12] %d frame attempts\n", - (s & TX_STATUS_FRM_RTX_MASK) >> TX_STATUS_FRM_RTX_SHIFT); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " [11:8] %d rts attempts\n", - (s & TX_STATUS_RTS_RTX_MASK) >> TX_STATUS_RTS_RTX_SHIFT); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " [7] %d PM mode indicated\n", - ((s & TX_STATUS_PMINDCTD) ? 1 : 0)); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " [6] %d intermediate status\n", - ((s & TX_STATUS_INTERMEDIATE) ? 1 : 0)); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " [5] %d AMPDU\n", - (s & TX_STATUS_AMPDU) ? 1 : 0); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " [4:2] %d Frame Suppressed Reason (%s)\n", - ((s & TX_STATUS_SUPR_MASK) >> TX_STATUS_SUPR_SHIFT), - supr_reason[(s & TX_STATUS_SUPR_MASK) >> TX_STATUS_SUPR_SHIFT]); - printk(KERN_DEBUG " [1] %d acked\n", - ((s & TX_STATUS_ACK_RCV) ? 1 : 0)); -} -#endif /* BCMDBG */ - void brcms_c_print_txstatus(struct tx_status *txs) { -#if defined(BCMDBG) - u16 s = txs->status; - u16 ackphyrxsh = txs->ackphyrxsh; - - printk(KERN_DEBUG "\ntxpkt (MPDU) Complete\n"); - - printk(KERN_DEBUG "FrameID: %04x ", txs->frameid); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "TxStatus: %04x", s); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "\n"); - - brcms_c_print_txs_status(s); - - printk(KERN_DEBUG "LastTxTime: %04x ", txs->lasttxtime); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "Seq: %04x ", txs->sequence); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "PHYTxStatus: %04x ", txs->phyerr); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "RxAckRSSI: %04x ", - (ackphyrxsh & PRXS1_JSSI_MASK) >> PRXS1_JSSI_SHIFT); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "RxAckSQ: %04x", - (ackphyrxsh & PRXS1_SQ_MASK) >> PRXS1_SQ_SHIFT); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "\n"); -#endif /* defined(BCMDBG) */ + pr_debug("\ntxpkt (MPDU) Complete\n"); + + pr_debug("FrameID: %04x TxStatus: %04x\n", txs->frameid, txs->status); + + pr_debug("[15:12] %d frame attempts\n", + (txs->status & TX_STATUS_FRM_RTX_MASK) >> + TX_STATUS_FRM_RTX_SHIFT); + pr_debug(" [11:8] %d rts attempts\n", + (txs->status & TX_STATUS_RTS_RTX_MASK) >> + TX_STATUS_RTS_RTX_SHIFT); + pr_debug(" [7] %d PM mode indicated\n", + txs->status & TX_STATUS_PMINDCTD ? 1 : 0); + pr_debug(" [6] %d intermediate status\n", + txs->status & TX_STATUS_INTERMEDIATE ? 1 : 0); + pr_debug(" [5] %d AMPDU\n", + txs->status & TX_STATUS_AMPDU ? 1 : 0); + pr_debug(" [4:2] %d Frame Suppressed Reason (%s)\n", + (txs->status & TX_STATUS_SUPR_MASK) >> TX_STATUS_SUPR_SHIFT, + (const char *[]) { + "None", + "PMQ Entry", + "Flush request", + "Previous frag failure", + "Channel mismatch", + "Lifetime Expiry", + "Underflow" + } [(txs->status & TX_STATUS_SUPR_MASK) >> + TX_STATUS_SUPR_SHIFT]); + pr_debug(" [1] %d acked\n", + txs->status & TX_STATUS_ACK_RCV ? 1 : 0); + + pr_debug("LastTxTime: %04x Seq: %04x PHYTxStatus: %04x RxAckRSSI: %04x RxAckSQ: %04x\n", + txs->lasttxtime, txs->sequence, txs->phyerr, + (txs->ackphyrxsh & PRXS1_JSSI_MASK) >> PRXS1_JSSI_SHIFT, + (txs->ackphyrxsh & PRXS1_SQ_MASK) >> PRXS1_SQ_SHIFT); } bool brcms_c_chipmatch(u16 vendor, u16 device) { if (vendor != PCI_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM) { - pr_err("chipmatch: unknown vendor id %04x\n", vendor); + pr_err("unknown vendor id %04x\n", vendor); return false; } @@ -5833,11 +5821,11 @@ bool brcms_c_chipmatch(u16 vendor, u16 device) if ((device == BCM43236_D11N_ID) || (device == BCM43236_D11N2G_ID)) return true; - pr_err("chipmatch: unknown device id %04x\n", device); + pr_err("unknown device id %04x\n", device); return false; } -#if defined(BCMDBG) +#if defined(DEBUG) void brcms_c_print_txdesc(struct d11txh *txh) { u16 mtcl = le16_to_cpu(txh->MacTxControlLow); @@ -5871,57 +5859,56 @@ void brcms_c_print_txdesc(struct d11txh *txh) struct ieee80211_rts rts = txh->rts_frame; /* add plcp header along with txh descriptor */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG "Raw TxDesc + plcp header:\n"); - print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, - txh, sizeof(struct d11txh) + 48); - - printk(KERN_DEBUG "TxCtlLow: %04x ", mtcl); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "TxCtlHigh: %04x ", mtch); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "FC: %04x ", mfc); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "FES Time: %04x\n", tfest); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "PhyCtl: %04x%s ", ptcw, + brcmu_dbg_hex_dump(txh, sizeof(struct d11txh) + 48, + "Raw TxDesc + plcp header:\n"); + + pr_debug("TxCtlLow: %04x ", mtcl); + pr_debug("TxCtlHigh: %04x ", mtch); + pr_debug("FC: %04x ", mfc); + pr_debug("FES Time: %04x\n", tfest); + pr_debug("PhyCtl: %04x%s ", ptcw, (ptcw & PHY_TXC_SHORT_HDR) ? " short" : ""); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "PhyCtl_1: %04x ", ptcw_1); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "PhyCtl_1_Fbr: %04x\n", ptcw_1_Fbr); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "PhyCtl_1_Rts: %04x ", ptcw_1_Rts); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "PhyCtl_1_Fbr_Rts: %04x\n", ptcw_1_FbrRts); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "MainRates: %04x ", mainrates); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "XtraFrameTypes: %04x ", xtraft); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "\n"); + pr_debug("PhyCtl_1: %04x ", ptcw_1); + pr_debug("PhyCtl_1_Fbr: %04x\n", ptcw_1_Fbr); + pr_debug("PhyCtl_1_Rts: %04x ", ptcw_1_Rts); + pr_debug("PhyCtl_1_Fbr_Rts: %04x\n", ptcw_1_FbrRts); + pr_debug("MainRates: %04x ", mainrates); + pr_debug("XtraFrameTypes: %04x ", xtraft); + pr_debug("\n"); print_hex_dump_bytes("SecIV:", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, iv, sizeof(txh->IV)); print_hex_dump_bytes("RA:", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, ra, sizeof(txh->TxFrameRA)); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "Fb FES Time: %04x ", tfestfb); + pr_debug("Fb FES Time: %04x ", tfestfb); print_hex_dump_bytes("Fb RTS PLCP:", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, rtspfb, sizeof(txh->RTSPLCPFallback)); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "RTS DUR: %04x ", rtsdfb); + pr_debug("RTS DUR: %04x ", rtsdfb); print_hex_dump_bytes("PLCP:", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, fragpfb, sizeof(txh->FragPLCPFallback)); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "DUR: %04x", fragdfb); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "\n"); + pr_debug("DUR: %04x", fragdfb); + pr_debug("\n"); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "MModeLen: %04x ", mmodelen); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "MModeFbrLen: %04x\n", mmodefbrlen); + pr_debug("MModeLen: %04x ", mmodelen); + pr_debug("MModeFbrLen: %04x\n", mmodefbrlen); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "FrameID: %04x\n", tfid); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "TxStatus: %04x\n", txs); + pr_debug("FrameID: %04x\n", tfid); + pr_debug("TxStatus: %04x\n", txs); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "MaxNumMpdu: %04x\n", mnmpdu); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "MaxAggbyte: %04x\n", mabyte); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "MaxAggbyte_fb: %04x\n", mabyte_f); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "MinByte: %04x\n", mmbyte); + pr_debug("MaxNumMpdu: %04x\n", mnmpdu); + pr_debug("MaxAggbyte: %04x\n", mabyte); + pr_debug("MaxAggbyte_fb: %04x\n", mabyte_f); + pr_debug("MinByte: %04x\n", mmbyte); print_hex_dump_bytes("RTS PLCP:", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, rtsph, sizeof(txh->RTSPhyHeader)); print_hex_dump_bytes("RTS Frame:", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, (u8 *)&rts, sizeof(txh->rts_frame)); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "\n"); + pr_debug("\n"); } -#endif /* defined(BCMDBG) */ +#endif /* defined(DEBUG) */ -#if defined(BCMDBG) +#if defined(DEBUG) static int brcms_c_format_flags(const struct brcms_c_bit_desc *bd, u32 flags, char *buf, int len) @@ -5975,9 +5962,9 @@ brcms_c_format_flags(const struct brcms_c_bit_desc *bd, u32 flags, char *buf, return (int)(p - buf); } -#endif /* defined(BCMDBG) */ +#endif /* defined(DEBUG) */ -#if defined(BCMDBG) +#if defined(DEBUG) void brcms_c_print_rxh(struct d11rxhdr *rxh) { u16 len = rxh->RxFrameSize; @@ -5999,24 +5986,22 @@ void brcms_c_print_rxh(struct d11rxhdr *rxh) {0, NULL} }; - printk(KERN_DEBUG "Raw RxDesc:\n"); - print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, rxh, - sizeof(struct d11rxhdr)); + brcmu_dbg_hex_dump(rxh, sizeof(struct d11rxhdr), "Raw RxDesc:\n"); brcms_c_format_flags(macstat_flags, macstatus1, flagstr, 64); snprintf(lenbuf, sizeof(lenbuf), "0x%x", len); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "RxFrameSize: %6s (%d)%s\n", lenbuf, len, + pr_debug("RxFrameSize: %6s (%d)%s\n", lenbuf, len, (rxh->PhyRxStatus_0 & PRXS0_SHORTH) ? " short preamble" : ""); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "RxPHYStatus: %04x %04x %04x %04x\n", + pr_debug("RxPHYStatus: %04x %04x %04x %04x\n", phystatus_0, phystatus_1, phystatus_2, phystatus_3); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "RxMACStatus: %x %s\n", macstatus1, flagstr); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "RXMACaggtype: %x\n", + pr_debug("RxMACStatus: %x %s\n", macstatus1, flagstr); + pr_debug("RXMACaggtype: %x\n", (macstatus2 & RXS_AGGTYPE_MASK)); - printk(KERN_DEBUG "RxTSFTime: %04x\n", rxh->RxTSFTime); + pr_debug("RxTSFTime: %04x\n", rxh->RxTSFTime); } -#endif /* defined(BCMDBG) */ +#endif /* defined(DEBUG) */ u16 brcms_b_rate_shm_offset(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw, u8 rate) { @@ -8354,7 +8339,7 @@ brcms_c_attach(struct brcms_info *wl, struct bcma_device *core, uint unit, wlc->wiphy = wl->wiphy; pub = wlc->pub; -#if defined(BCMDBG) +#if defined(DEBUG) wlc_info_dbg = wlc; #endif diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/main.h b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/main.h index adb136ec1f04b0db413bac1f02f915c0222db36a..8debc74c54e1a63b5d9be1eae54e3c52d33375ba 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/main.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/main.h @@ -648,10 +648,12 @@ extern void brcms_c_print_txstatus(struct tx_status *txs); extern int brcms_b_xmtfifo_sz_get(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw, uint fifo, uint *blocks); -#if defined(BCMDBG) +#if defined(DEBUG) extern void brcms_c_print_txdesc(struct d11txh *txh); #else -#define brcms_c_print_txdesc(a) +static inline void brcms_c_print_txdesc(struct d11txh *txh) +{ +} #endif extern int brcms_c_set_gmode(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, u8 gmode, bool config); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.c b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.c index a16f1ab292fdb2c87e1d3c5c1a1ada25df897769..39095741fd05f948a9538d1b2740db7530112ccc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.c @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -17822,8 +17824,6 @@ static void wlc_phy_txpwrctrl_pwr_setup_nphy(struct brcms_phy *pi) if (pi->sh->sromrev < 4) { idle_tssi[0] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[0].idle_tssi_2g; idle_tssi[1] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[1].idle_tssi_2g; - target_pwr_qtrdbm[0] = 13 * 4; - target_pwr_qtrdbm[1] = 13 * 4; a1[0] = -424; a1[1] = -424; b0[0] = 5612; @@ -17837,10 +17837,6 @@ static void wlc_phy_txpwrctrl_pwr_setup_nphy(struct brcms_phy *pi) case WL_CHAN_FREQ_RANGE_2G: idle_tssi[0] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[0].idle_tssi_2g; idle_tssi[1] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[1].idle_tssi_2g; - target_pwr_qtrdbm[0] = - pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[0].max_pwr_2g; - target_pwr_qtrdbm[1] = - pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[1].max_pwr_2g; a1[0] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[0].pwrdet_2g_a1; a1[1] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[1].pwrdet_2g_a1; b0[0] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[0].pwrdet_2g_b0; @@ -17851,10 +17847,6 @@ static void wlc_phy_txpwrctrl_pwr_setup_nphy(struct brcms_phy *pi) case WL_CHAN_FREQ_RANGE_5GL: idle_tssi[0] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[0].idle_tssi_5g; idle_tssi[1] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[1].idle_tssi_5g; - target_pwr_qtrdbm[0] = - pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[0].max_pwr_5gl; - target_pwr_qtrdbm[1] = - pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[1].max_pwr_5gl; a1[0] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[0].pwrdet_5gl_a1; a1[1] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[1].pwrdet_5gl_a1; b0[0] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[0].pwrdet_5gl_b0; @@ -17865,10 +17857,6 @@ static void wlc_phy_txpwrctrl_pwr_setup_nphy(struct brcms_phy *pi) case WL_CHAN_FREQ_RANGE_5GM: idle_tssi[0] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[0].idle_tssi_5g; idle_tssi[1] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[1].idle_tssi_5g; - target_pwr_qtrdbm[0] = - pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[0].max_pwr_5gm; - target_pwr_qtrdbm[1] = - pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[1].max_pwr_5gm; a1[0] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[0].pwrdet_5gm_a1; a1[1] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[1].pwrdet_5gm_a1; b0[0] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[0].pwrdet_5gm_b0; @@ -17879,10 +17867,6 @@ static void wlc_phy_txpwrctrl_pwr_setup_nphy(struct brcms_phy *pi) case WL_CHAN_FREQ_RANGE_5GH: idle_tssi[0] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[0].idle_tssi_5g; idle_tssi[1] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[1].idle_tssi_5g; - target_pwr_qtrdbm[0] = - pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[0].max_pwr_5gh; - target_pwr_qtrdbm[1] = - pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[1].max_pwr_5gh; a1[0] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[0].pwrdet_5gh_a1; a1[1] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[1].pwrdet_5gh_a1; b0[0] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[0].pwrdet_5gh_b0; @@ -17893,8 +17877,6 @@ static void wlc_phy_txpwrctrl_pwr_setup_nphy(struct brcms_phy *pi) default: idle_tssi[0] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[0].idle_tssi_2g; idle_tssi[1] = pi->nphy_pwrctrl_info[1].idle_tssi_2g; - target_pwr_qtrdbm[0] = 13 * 4; - target_pwr_qtrdbm[1] = 13 * 4; a1[0] = -424; a1[1] = -424; b0[0] = 5612; @@ -17905,6 +17887,7 @@ static void wlc_phy_txpwrctrl_pwr_setup_nphy(struct brcms_phy *pi) } } + /* use the provided transmit power */ target_pwr_qtrdbm[0] = (s8) pi->tx_power_max; target_pwr_qtrdbm[1] = (s8) pi->tx_power_max; @@ -19987,12 +19970,11 @@ static void wlc_phy_radio_init_2057(struct brcms_phy *pi) switch (pi->pubpi.radiorev) { case 5: - if (pi->pubpi.radiover == 0x0) + if (NREV_IS(pi->pubpi.phy_rev, 8)) regs_2057_ptr = regs_2057_rev5; - else if (pi->pubpi.radiover == 0x1) + else if (NREV_IS(pi->pubpi.phy_rev, 9)) regs_2057_ptr = regs_2057_rev5v1; - else - break; + break; case 7: @@ -21462,7 +21444,7 @@ void wlc_phy_antsel_init(struct brcms_phy_pub *ppi, bool lut_init) if (NREV_GE(pi->pubpi.phy_rev, 3)) { u16 v0 = 0x211, v1 = 0x222, v2 = 0x144, v3 = 0x188; - if (lut_init == false) + if (!lut_init) return; if (pi->srom_fem2g.antswctrllut == 0) { @@ -26434,8 +26416,7 @@ static void wlc_phy_calc_rx_iq_comp_nphy(struct brcms_phy *pi, u8 core_mask) } if (bcmerror != 0) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Failed, cnt = %d\n", __func__, - cal_retry); + pr_debug("%s: Failed, cnt = %d\n", __func__, cal_retry); if (cal_retry < CAL_RETRY_CNT) { cal_retry++; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/srom.c b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/srom.c index 5637436430381a12d6322fbac9e9be1ec27de276..b96f4b9d74bdb2af5bab3403323fab243a8db0d7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/srom.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/srom.c @@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ static inline void cpu_to_le16_buf(u16 *buf, uint nwords) /* * convert binary srom data into linked list of srom variable items. */ -static void +static int _initvars_srom_pci(u8 sromrev, u16 *srom, struct list_head *var_list) { struct brcms_srom_list_head *entry; @@ -638,6 +638,9 @@ _initvars_srom_pci(u8 sromrev, u16 *srom, struct list_head *var_list) /* first store the srom revision */ entry = kzalloc(sizeof(struct brcms_srom_list_head), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!entry) + return -ENOMEM; + entry->varid = BRCMS_SROM_REV; entry->var_type = BRCMS_SROM_UNUMBER; entry->uval = sromrev; @@ -715,6 +718,8 @@ _initvars_srom_pci(u8 sromrev, u16 *srom, struct list_head *var_list) entry = kzalloc(sizeof(struct brcms_srom_list_head) + extra_space, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!entry) + return -ENOMEM; entry->varid = id; entry->var_type = type; if (flags & SRFL_ETHADDR) { @@ -754,6 +759,8 @@ _initvars_srom_pci(u8 sromrev, u16 *srom, struct list_head *var_list) entry = kzalloc(sizeof(struct brcms_srom_list_head), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!entry) + return -ENOMEM; entry->varid = srv->varid+p; entry->var_type = BRCMS_SROM_UNUMBER; entry->uval = val; @@ -761,6 +768,7 @@ _initvars_srom_pci(u8 sromrev, u16 *srom, struct list_head *var_list) } pb += psz; } + return 0; } /* @@ -906,7 +914,9 @@ int srom_var_init(struct si_pub *sih) INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sii->var_list); /* parse SROM into name=value pairs. */ - _initvars_srom_pci(sromrev, srom, &sii->var_list); + err = _initvars_srom_pci(sromrev, srom, &sii->var_list); + if (err) + srom_free_vars(sih); } errout: diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmutil/utils.c b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmutil/utils.c index b7537f70a79538fab66fd48183179c4b78a2f78a..b45ab34cdfdc0693676fae614359b2bafaa5c526 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmutil/utils.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmutil/utils.c @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + #include #include @@ -240,17 +242,35 @@ struct sk_buff *brcmu_pktq_mdeq(struct pktq *pq, uint prec_bmp, } EXPORT_SYMBOL(brcmu_pktq_mdeq); -#if defined(BCMDBG) +#if defined(DEBUG) /* pretty hex print a pkt buffer chain */ void brcmu_prpkt(const char *msg, struct sk_buff *p0) { struct sk_buff *p; if (msg && (msg[0] != '\0')) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s:\n", msg); + pr_debug("%s:\n", msg); for (p = p0; p; p = p->next) print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, p->data, p->len); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(brcmu_prpkt); -#endif /* defined(BCMDBG) */ + +void brcmu_dbg_hex_dump(const void *data, size_t size, const char *fmt, ...) +{ + struct va_format vaf; + va_list args; + + va_start(args, fmt); + + vaf.fmt = fmt; + vaf.va = &args; + + pr_debug("%pV", &vaf); + + va_end(args); + + print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, data, size); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(brcmu_dbg_hex_dump); +#endif /* defined(DEBUG) */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/include/brcmu_utils.h b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/include/brcmu_utils.h index ad249a0b4730ebea6eec5cd2f2bdfbb355fe232a..477b92ad3d62c37b9ec99b3e7b48b0b60f388311 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/include/brcmu_utils.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/include/brcmu_utils.h @@ -176,10 +176,21 @@ struct ipv4_addr; /* externs */ /* format/print */ -#ifdef BCMDBG +#ifdef DEBUG extern void brcmu_prpkt(const char *msg, struct sk_buff *p0); #else #define brcmu_prpkt(a, b) -#endif /* BCMDBG */ +#endif /* DEBUG */ + +#ifdef DEBUG +extern __printf(3, 4) +void brcmu_dbg_hex_dump(const void *data, size_t size, const char *fmt, ...); +#else +__printf(3, 4) +static inline +void brcmu_dbg_hex_dump(const void *data, size_t size, const char *fmt, ...) +{ +} +#endif #endif /* _BRCMU_UTILS_H_ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/hostap/hostap_hw.c b/drivers/net/wireless/hostap/hostap_hw.c index a8bddd81b4d1d472cdccdff5f89befb1d06bdd61..aa15cc4269a18f4ff5a5b24c42c80427567c127e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/hostap/hostap_hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/hostap/hostap_hw.c @@ -347,11 +347,9 @@ static int hfa384x_cmd(struct net_device *dev, u16 cmd, u16 param0, return -EINTR; entry = kzalloc(sizeof(*entry), GFP_ATOMIC); - if (entry == NULL) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: hfa384x_cmd - kmalloc failed\n", - dev->name); + if (entry == NULL) return -ENOMEM; - } + atomic_set(&entry->usecnt, 1); entry->type = CMD_SLEEP; entry->cmd = cmd; @@ -515,11 +513,9 @@ static int hfa384x_cmd_callback(struct net_device *dev, u16 cmd, u16 param0, } entry = kzalloc(sizeof(*entry), GFP_ATOMIC); - if (entry == NULL) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: hfa384x_cmd_callback - kmalloc " - "failed\n", dev->name); + if (entry == NULL) return -ENOMEM; - } + atomic_set(&entry->usecnt, 1); entry->type = CMD_CALLBACK; entry->cmd = cmd; @@ -2978,11 +2974,9 @@ static int prism2_set_tim(struct net_device *dev, int aid, int set) local = iface->local; new_entry = kzalloc(sizeof(*new_entry), GFP_ATOMIC); - if (new_entry == NULL) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: prism2_set_tim: kmalloc failed\n", - local->dev->name); + if (new_entry == NULL) return -ENOMEM; - } + new_entry->aid = aid; new_entry->set = set; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/ipw2100.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/ipw2100.c index a0e5c21d36576c74c1c402984a7392869926bdea..f0551f807f6987717f5022152c481e95c6db9607 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/ipw2100.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/ipw2100.c @@ -298,8 +298,6 @@ static const char *command_types[] = { }; #endif -#define WEXT_USECHANNELS 1 - static const long ipw2100_frequencies[] = { 2412, 2417, 2422, 2427, 2432, 2437, 2442, 2447, @@ -309,13 +307,6 @@ static const long ipw2100_frequencies[] = { #define FREQ_COUNT ARRAY_SIZE(ipw2100_frequencies) -static const long ipw2100_rates_11b[] = { - 1000000, - 2000000, - 5500000, - 11000000 -}; - static struct ieee80211_rate ipw2100_bg_rates[] = { { .bitrate = 10 }, { .bitrate = 20, .flags = IEEE80211_RATE_SHORT_PREAMBLE }, @@ -323,7 +314,7 @@ static struct ieee80211_rate ipw2100_bg_rates[] = { { .bitrate = 110, .flags = IEEE80211_RATE_SHORT_PREAMBLE }, }; -#define RATE_COUNT ARRAY_SIZE(ipw2100_rates_11b) +#define RATE_COUNT ARRAY_SIZE(ipw2100_bg_rates) /* Pre-decl until we get the code solid and then we can clean it up */ static void ipw2100_tx_send_commands(struct ipw2100_priv *priv); @@ -3464,11 +3455,8 @@ static int ipw2100_msg_allocate(struct ipw2100_priv *priv) priv->msg_buffers = kmalloc(IPW_COMMAND_POOL_SIZE * sizeof(struct ipw2100_tx_packet), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!priv->msg_buffers) { - printk(KERN_ERR DRV_NAME ": %s: PCI alloc failed for msg " - "buffers.\n", priv->net_dev->name); + if (!priv->msg_buffers) return -ENOMEM; - } for (i = 0; i < IPW_COMMAND_POOL_SIZE; i++) { v = pci_alloc_consistent(priv->pci_dev, @@ -6896,7 +6884,7 @@ static int ipw2100_wx_get_range(struct net_device *dev, range->num_bitrates = RATE_COUNT; for (i = 0; i < RATE_COUNT && i < IW_MAX_BITRATES; i++) { - range->bitrate[i] = ipw2100_rates_11b[i]; + range->bitrate[i] = ipw2100_bg_rates[i].bitrate * 100 * 1000; } range->min_rts = MIN_RTS_THRESHOLD; @@ -8108,61 +8096,41 @@ static int ipw2100_wx_get_crc_check(struct net_device *dev, #endif /* CONFIG_IPW2100_MONITOR */ static iw_handler ipw2100_wx_handlers[] = { - NULL, /* SIOCSIWCOMMIT */ - ipw2100_wx_get_name, /* SIOCGIWNAME */ - NULL, /* SIOCSIWNWID */ - NULL, /* SIOCGIWNWID */ - ipw2100_wx_set_freq, /* SIOCSIWFREQ */ - ipw2100_wx_get_freq, /* SIOCGIWFREQ */ - ipw2100_wx_set_mode, /* SIOCSIWMODE */ - ipw2100_wx_get_mode, /* SIOCGIWMODE */ - NULL, /* SIOCSIWSENS */ - NULL, /* SIOCGIWSENS */ - NULL, /* SIOCSIWRANGE */ - ipw2100_wx_get_range, /* SIOCGIWRANGE */ - NULL, /* SIOCSIWPRIV */ - NULL, /* SIOCGIWPRIV */ - NULL, /* SIOCSIWSTATS */ - NULL, /* SIOCGIWSTATS */ - NULL, /* SIOCSIWSPY */ - NULL, /* SIOCGIWSPY */ - NULL, /* SIOCGIWTHRSPY */ - NULL, /* SIOCWIWTHRSPY */ - ipw2100_wx_set_wap, /* SIOCSIWAP */ - ipw2100_wx_get_wap, /* SIOCGIWAP */ - ipw2100_wx_set_mlme, /* SIOCSIWMLME */ - NULL, /* SIOCGIWAPLIST -- deprecated */ - ipw2100_wx_set_scan, /* SIOCSIWSCAN */ - ipw2100_wx_get_scan, /* SIOCGIWSCAN */ - ipw2100_wx_set_essid, /* SIOCSIWESSID */ - ipw2100_wx_get_essid, /* SIOCGIWESSID */ - ipw2100_wx_set_nick, /* SIOCSIWNICKN */ - ipw2100_wx_get_nick, /* SIOCGIWNICKN */ - NULL, /* -- hole -- */ - NULL, /* -- hole -- */ - ipw2100_wx_set_rate, /* SIOCSIWRATE */ - ipw2100_wx_get_rate, /* SIOCGIWRATE */ - ipw2100_wx_set_rts, /* SIOCSIWRTS */ - ipw2100_wx_get_rts, /* SIOCGIWRTS */ - ipw2100_wx_set_frag, /* SIOCSIWFRAG */ - ipw2100_wx_get_frag, /* SIOCGIWFRAG */ - ipw2100_wx_set_txpow, /* SIOCSIWTXPOW */ - ipw2100_wx_get_txpow, /* SIOCGIWTXPOW */ - ipw2100_wx_set_retry, /* SIOCSIWRETRY */ - ipw2100_wx_get_retry, /* SIOCGIWRETRY */ - ipw2100_wx_set_encode, /* SIOCSIWENCODE */ - ipw2100_wx_get_encode, /* SIOCGIWENCODE */ - ipw2100_wx_set_power, /* SIOCSIWPOWER */ - ipw2100_wx_get_power, /* SIOCGIWPOWER */ - NULL, /* -- hole -- */ - NULL, /* -- hole -- */ - ipw2100_wx_set_genie, /* SIOCSIWGENIE */ - ipw2100_wx_get_genie, /* SIOCGIWGENIE */ - ipw2100_wx_set_auth, /* SIOCSIWAUTH */ - ipw2100_wx_get_auth, /* SIOCGIWAUTH */ - ipw2100_wx_set_encodeext, /* SIOCSIWENCODEEXT */ - ipw2100_wx_get_encodeext, /* SIOCGIWENCODEEXT */ - NULL, /* SIOCSIWPMKSA */ + IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWNAME, ipw2100_wx_get_name), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWFREQ, ipw2100_wx_set_freq), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWFREQ, ipw2100_wx_get_freq), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWMODE, ipw2100_wx_set_mode), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWMODE, ipw2100_wx_get_mode), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWRANGE, ipw2100_wx_get_range), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWAP, ipw2100_wx_set_wap), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWAP, ipw2100_wx_get_wap), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWMLME, ipw2100_wx_set_mlme), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWSCAN, ipw2100_wx_set_scan), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWSCAN, ipw2100_wx_get_scan), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWESSID, ipw2100_wx_set_essid), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWESSID, ipw2100_wx_get_essid), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWNICKN, ipw2100_wx_set_nick), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWNICKN, ipw2100_wx_get_nick), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWRATE, ipw2100_wx_set_rate), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWRATE, ipw2100_wx_get_rate), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWRTS, ipw2100_wx_set_rts), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWRTS, ipw2100_wx_get_rts), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWFRAG, ipw2100_wx_set_frag), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWFRAG, ipw2100_wx_get_frag), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWTXPOW, ipw2100_wx_set_txpow), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWTXPOW, ipw2100_wx_get_txpow), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWRETRY, ipw2100_wx_set_retry), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWRETRY, ipw2100_wx_get_retry), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWENCODE, ipw2100_wx_set_encode), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWENCODE, ipw2100_wx_get_encode), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWPOWER, ipw2100_wx_set_power), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWPOWER, ipw2100_wx_get_power), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWGENIE, ipw2100_wx_set_genie), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWGENIE, ipw2100_wx_get_genie), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWAUTH, ipw2100_wx_set_auth), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWAUTH, ipw2100_wx_get_auth), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWENCODEEXT, ipw2100_wx_set_encodeext), + IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWENCODEEXT, ipw2100_wx_get_encodeext), }; #define IPW2100_PRIV_SET_MONITOR SIOCIWFIRSTPRIV diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/ipw2200.h b/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/ipw2200.h index ecb561d7a7a07016e8de302f8e21b0b800f573dd..570d6fb889671b514a996bc468eab1ac39efcb31 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/ipw2200.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/ipw2200.h @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ #ifndef __ipw2200_h__ #define __ipw2200_h__ -#define WEXT_USECHANNELS 1 - #include #include #include @@ -1999,18 +1997,6 @@ struct ipw_cmd_log { #define CFG_SYS_ANTENNA_B 0x03 /* force antenna B */ #define CFG_SYS_ANTENNA_SLOW_DIV 0x02 /* consider background noise */ -/* - * The definitions below were lifted off the ipw2100 driver, which only - * supports 'b' mode, so I'm sure these are not exactly correct. - * - * Somebody fix these!! - */ -#define REG_MIN_CHANNEL 0 -#define REG_MAX_CHANNEL 14 - -#define REG_CHANNEL_MASK 0x00003FFF -#define IPW_IBSS_11B_DEFAULT_MASK 0x87ff - #define IPW_MAX_CONFIG_RETRIES 10 #endif /* __ipw2200_h__ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/libipw_module.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/libipw_module.c index d5ef696298eed37db811f55e60c0b7f3c0ded6f6..3adb24021a282703a0966e79a61fa5f22af128fb 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/libipw_module.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/libipw_module.c @@ -150,10 +150,9 @@ struct net_device *alloc_libipw(int sizeof_priv, int monitor) LIBIPW_DEBUG_INFO("Initializing...\n"); dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct libipw_device) + sizeof_priv); - if (!dev) { - LIBIPW_ERROR("Unable to allocate network device.\n"); + if (!dev) goto failed; - } + ieee = netdev_priv(dev); ieee->dev = dev; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/libipw_rx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/libipw_rx.c index 32a9966c3bf6ca05e182e3138f94b61e12388d5b..c4955d25a19a7a27602427c7d2b73a16639a903c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/libipw_rx.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/libipw_rx.c @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ libipw_rx_frame_mgmt(struct libipw_device *ieee, struct sk_buff *skb, u16 stype) { if (ieee->iw_mode == IW_MODE_MASTER) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Master mode not yet suppported.\n", + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Master mode not yet supported.\n", ieee->dev->name); return 0; /* diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945-debug.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945-debug.c index 5e1a19fd354dcd4ffcb3629642996556d2d0c346..f767dd106b09e53d4de130e38b22d0e5490a84a8 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945-debug.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945-debug.c @@ -503,3 +503,9 @@ il3945_ucode_general_stats_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, kfree(buf); return ret; } + +const struct il_debugfs_ops il3945_debugfs_ops = { + .rx_stats_read = il3945_ucode_rx_stats_read, + .tx_stats_read = il3945_ucode_tx_stats_read, + .general_stats_read = il3945_ucode_general_stats_read, +}; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945-mac.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945-mac.c index a7dfba8d164efb1eea0cc06b4de049220281e168..0c1209390169d1f81a0bacdfe452b8008ecbee2a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945-mac.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945-mac.c @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ il3945_set_ccmp_dynamic_key_info(struct il_priv *il, key_flags |= (STA_KEY_FLG_CCMP | STA_KEY_FLG_MAP_KEY_MSK); key_flags |= cpu_to_le16(keyconf->keyidx << STA_KEY_FLG_KEYID_POS); - if (sta_id == il->ctx.bcast_sta_id) + if (sta_id == il->hw_params.bcast_id) key_flags |= STA_KEY_MULTICAST_MSK; keyconf->flags |= IEEE80211_KEY_FLAG_GENERATE_IV; @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ il3945_send_beacon_cmd(struct il_priv *il) return -ENOMEM; } - rate = il_get_lowest_plcp(il, &il->ctx); + rate = il_get_lowest_plcp(il); frame_size = il3945_hw_get_beacon_cmd(il, frame, rate); @@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ il3945_tx_skb(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb) hdr_len = ieee80211_hdrlen(fc); /* Find idx into station table for destination station */ - sta_id = il_sta_id_or_broadcast(il, &il->ctx, info->control.sta); + sta_id = il_sta_id_or_broadcast(il, info->control.sta); if (sta_id == IL_INVALID_STATION) { D_DROP("Dropping - INVALID STATION: %pM\n", hdr->addr1); goto drop; @@ -538,10 +538,7 @@ il3945_tx_skb(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb) idx = il_get_cmd_idx(q, q->write_ptr, 0); - /* Set up driver data for this TFD */ - memset(&(txq->txb[q->write_ptr]), 0, sizeof(struct il_tx_info)); - txq->txb[q->write_ptr].skb = skb; - txq->txb[q->write_ptr].ctx = &il->ctx; + txq->skbs[q->write_ptr] = skb; /* Init first empty entry in queue's array of Tx/cmd buffers */ out_cmd = txq->cmd[idx]; @@ -576,7 +573,6 @@ il3945_tx_skb(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb) len = (u16) skb->len; tx_cmd->len = cpu_to_le16(len); - il_dbg_log_tx_data_frame(il, len, hdr); il_update_stats(il, true, fc, len); tx_cmd->tx_flags &= ~TX_CMD_FLG_ANT_A_MSK; tx_cmd->tx_flags &= ~TX_CMD_FLG_ANT_B_MSK; @@ -619,8 +615,7 @@ il3945_tx_skb(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb) /* Add buffer containing Tx command and MAC(!) header to TFD's * first entry */ - il->cfg->ops->lib->txq_attach_buf_to_tfd(il, txq, txcmd_phys, len, 1, - 0); + il->ops->txq_attach_buf_to_tfd(il, txq, txcmd_phys, len, 1, 0); /* Set up TFD's 2nd entry to point directly to remainder of skb, * if any (802.11 null frames have no payload). */ @@ -629,8 +624,8 @@ il3945_tx_skb(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb) phys_addr = pci_map_single(il->pci_dev, skb->data + hdr_len, len, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); - il->cfg->ops->lib->txq_attach_buf_to_tfd(il, txq, phys_addr, - len, 0, U32_PAD(len)); + il->ops->txq_attach_buf_to_tfd(il, txq, phys_addr, len, 0, + U32_PAD(len)); } /* Tell device the write idx *just past* this latest filled TFD */ @@ -672,15 +667,13 @@ il3945_get_measurement(struct il_priv *il, int rc; int spectrum_resp_status; int duration = le16_to_cpu(params->duration); - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; if (il_is_associated(il)) add_time = il_usecs_to_beacons(il, le64_to_cpu(params->start_time) - il->_3945.last_tsf, - le16_to_cpu(ctx->timing. - beacon_interval)); + le16_to_cpu(il->timing.beacon_interval)); memset(&spectrum, 0, sizeof(spectrum)); @@ -694,15 +687,14 @@ il3945_get_measurement(struct il_priv *il, if (il_is_associated(il)) spectrum.start_time = il_add_beacon_time(il, il->_3945.last_beacon_time, add_time, - le16_to_cpu(ctx->timing. - beacon_interval)); + le16_to_cpu(il->timing.beacon_interval)); else spectrum.start_time = 0; spectrum.channels[0].duration = cpu_to_le32(duration * TIME_UNIT); spectrum.channels[0].channel = params->channel; spectrum.channels[0].type = type; - if (ctx->active.flags & RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK) + if (il->active.flags & RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK) spectrum.flags |= RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK | RXON_FLG_AUTO_DETECT_MSK | RXON_FLG_TGG_PROTECT_MSK; @@ -817,16 +809,16 @@ il3945_hdl_card_state(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb) _il_wr(il, CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_SET, CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_BIT_CMD_BLOCKED); if (flags & HW_CARD_DISABLED) - set_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); + set_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); else - clear_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); + clear_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); il_scan_cancel(il); - if ((test_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &status) != - test_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status))) + if ((test_bit(S_RFKILL, &status) != + test_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status))) wiphy_rfkill_set_hw_state(il->hw->wiphy, - test_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status)); + test_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status)); else wake_up(&il->wait_command_queue); } @@ -2150,7 +2142,6 @@ il3945_alive_start(struct il_priv *il) { int thermal_spin = 0; u32 rfkill; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; D_INFO("Runtime Alive received.\n"); @@ -2175,7 +2166,7 @@ il3945_alive_start(struct il_priv *il) D_INFO("RFKILL status: 0x%x\n", rfkill); if (rfkill & 0x1) { - clear_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); + clear_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); /* if RFKILL is not on, then wait for thermal * sensor in adapter to kick in */ while (il3945_hw_get_temperature(il) == 0) { @@ -2187,7 +2178,7 @@ il3945_alive_start(struct il_priv *il) D_INFO("Thermal calibration took %dus\n", thermal_spin * 10); } else - set_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); + set_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); /* After the ALIVE response, we can send commands to 3945 uCode */ set_bit(S_ALIVE, &il->status); @@ -2206,13 +2197,13 @@ il3945_alive_start(struct il_priv *il) if (il_is_associated(il)) { struct il3945_rxon_cmd *active_rxon = - (struct il3945_rxon_cmd *)(&ctx->active); + (struct il3945_rxon_cmd *)(&il->active); - ctx->staging.filter_flags |= RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; + il->staging.filter_flags |= RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; active_rxon->filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; } else { /* Initialize our rx_config data */ - il_connection_init_rx_config(il, ctx); + il_connection_init_rx_config(il); } /* Configure Bluetooth device coexistence support */ @@ -2221,7 +2212,7 @@ il3945_alive_start(struct il_priv *il) set_bit(S_READY, &il->status); /* Configure the adapter for unassociated operation */ - il3945_commit_rxon(il, ctx); + il3945_commit_rxon(il); il3945_reg_txpower_periodic(il); @@ -2253,7 +2244,7 @@ __il3945_down(struct il_priv *il) del_timer_sync(&il->watchdog); /* Station information will now be cleared in device */ - il_clear_ucode_stations(il, NULL); + il_clear_ucode_stations(il); il_dealloc_bcast_stations(il); il_clear_driver_stations(il); @@ -2281,12 +2272,8 @@ __il3945_down(struct il_priv *il) * clear all bits but the RF Kill bits and return */ if (!il_is_init(il)) { il->status = - test_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, - &il-> - status) << S_RF_KILL_HW | - test_bit(S_GEO_CONFIGURED, - &il-> - status) << S_GEO_CONFIGURED | + test_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status) << S_RFKILL | + test_bit(S_GEO_CONFIGURED, &il->status) << S_GEO_CONFIGURED | test_bit(S_EXIT_PENDING, &il->status) << S_EXIT_PENDING; goto exit; } @@ -2294,25 +2281,30 @@ __il3945_down(struct il_priv *il) /* ...otherwise clear out all the status bits but the RF Kill * bit and continue taking the NIC down. */ il->status &= - test_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, - &il->status) << S_RF_KILL_HW | test_bit(S_GEO_CONFIGURED, - &il-> - status) << - S_GEO_CONFIGURED | test_bit(S_FW_ERROR, - &il-> - status) << S_FW_ERROR | + test_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status) << S_RFKILL | + test_bit(S_GEO_CONFIGURED, &il->status) << S_GEO_CONFIGURED | + test_bit(S_FW_ERROR, &il->status) << S_FW_ERROR | test_bit(S_EXIT_PENDING, &il->status) << S_EXIT_PENDING; + /* + * We disabled and synchronized interrupt, and priv->mutex is taken, so + * here is the only thread which will program device registers, but + * still have lockdep assertions, so we are taking reg_lock. + */ + spin_lock_irq(&il->reg_lock); + /* FIXME: il_grab_nic_access if rfkill is off ? */ + il3945_hw_txq_ctx_stop(il); il3945_hw_rxq_stop(il); - /* Power-down device's busmaster DMA clocks */ - il_wr_prph(il, APMG_CLK_DIS_REG, APMG_CLK_VAL_DMA_CLK_RQT); + _il_wr_prph(il, APMG_CLK_DIS_REG, APMG_CLK_VAL_DMA_CLK_RQT); udelay(5); - /* Stop the device, and put it in low power state */ - il_apm_stop(il); + _il_apm_stop(il); + + spin_unlock_irq(&il->reg_lock); + il3945_hw_txq_ctx_free(il); exit: memset(&il->card_alive, 0, sizeof(struct il_alive_resp)); @@ -2339,12 +2331,11 @@ il3945_down(struct il_priv *il) static int il3945_alloc_bcast_station(struct il_priv *il) { - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; unsigned long flags; u8 sta_id; spin_lock_irqsave(&il->sta_lock, flags); - sta_id = il_prep_station(il, ctx, il_bcast_addr, false, NULL); + sta_id = il_prep_station(il, il_bcast_addr, false, NULL); if (sta_id == IL_INVALID_STATION) { IL_ERR("Unable to prepare broadcast station\n"); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->sta_lock, flags); @@ -2380,9 +2371,9 @@ __il3945_up(struct il_priv *il) /* If platform's RF_KILL switch is NOT set to KILL */ if (_il_rd(il, CSR_GP_CNTRL) & CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_HW_RF_KILL_SW) - clear_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); + clear_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); else { - set_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); + set_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); IL_WARN("Radio disabled by HW RF Kill switch\n"); return -ENODEV; } @@ -2414,7 +2405,7 @@ __il3945_up(struct il_priv *il) il->ucode_data.len); /* We return success when we resume from suspend and rf_kill is on. */ - if (test_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status)) + if (test_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status)) return 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_HW_RESTARTS; i++) { @@ -2422,7 +2413,7 @@ __il3945_up(struct il_priv *il) /* load bootstrap state machine, * load bootstrap program into processor's memory, * prepare to load the "initialize" uCode */ - rc = il->cfg->ops->lib->load_ucode(il); + rc = il->ops->load_ucode(il); if (rc) { IL_ERR("Unable to set up bootstrap uCode: %d\n", rc); @@ -2494,15 +2485,15 @@ il3945_rfkill_poll(struct work_struct *data) { struct il_priv *il = container_of(data, struct il_priv, _3945.rfkill_poll.work); - bool old_rfkill = test_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); + bool old_rfkill = test_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); bool new_rfkill = !(_il_rd(il, CSR_GP_CNTRL) & CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_HW_RF_KILL_SW); if (new_rfkill != old_rfkill) { if (new_rfkill) - set_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); + set_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); else - clear_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); + clear_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); wiphy_rfkill_set_hw_state(il->hw->wiphy, new_rfkill); @@ -2602,7 +2593,7 @@ il3945_request_scan(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) /* We don't build a direct scan probe request; the uCode will do * that based on the direct_mask added to each channel entry */ scan->tx_cmd.tx_flags = TX_CMD_FLG_SEQ_CTL_MSK; - scan->tx_cmd.sta_id = il->ctx.bcast_sta_id; + scan->tx_cmd.sta_id = il->hw_params.bcast_id; scan->tx_cmd.stop_time.life_time = TX_CMD_LIFE_TIME_INFINITE; /* flags + rate selection */ @@ -2664,14 +2655,12 @@ il3945_request_scan(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) void il3945_post_scan(struct il_priv *il) { - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; - /* * Since setting the RXON may have been deferred while * performing the scan, fire one off if needed */ - if (memcmp(&ctx->staging, &ctx->active, sizeof(ctx->staging))) - il3945_commit_rxon(il, ctx); + if (memcmp(&il->staging, &il->active, sizeof(il->staging))) + il3945_commit_rxon(il); } static void @@ -2684,7 +2673,8 @@ il3945_bg_restart(struct work_struct *data) if (test_and_clear_bit(S_FW_ERROR, &il->status)) { mutex_lock(&il->mutex); - il->ctx.vif = NULL; + /* FIXME: vif can be dereferenced */ + il->vif = NULL; il->is_open = 0; mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); il3945_down(il); @@ -2722,13 +2712,12 @@ il3945_post_associate(struct il_priv *il) { int rc = 0; struct ieee80211_conf *conf = NULL; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; - if (!ctx->vif || !il->is_open) + if (!il->vif || !il->is_open) return; - D_ASSOC("Associated as %d to: %pM\n", ctx->vif->bss_conf.aid, - ctx->active.bssid_addr); + D_ASSOC("Associated as %d to: %pM\n", il->vif->bss_conf.aid, + il->active.bssid_addr); if (test_bit(S_EXIT_PENDING, &il->status)) return; @@ -2737,35 +2726,35 @@ il3945_post_associate(struct il_priv *il) conf = &il->hw->conf; - ctx->staging.filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; - il3945_commit_rxon(il, ctx); + il->staging.filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; + il3945_commit_rxon(il); - rc = il_send_rxon_timing(il, ctx); + rc = il_send_rxon_timing(il); if (rc) IL_WARN("C_RXON_TIMING failed - " "Attempting to continue.\n"); - ctx->staging.filter_flags |= RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; + il->staging.filter_flags |= RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; - ctx->staging.assoc_id = cpu_to_le16(ctx->vif->bss_conf.aid); + il->staging.assoc_id = cpu_to_le16(il->vif->bss_conf.aid); - D_ASSOC("assoc id %d beacon interval %d\n", ctx->vif->bss_conf.aid, - ctx->vif->bss_conf.beacon_int); + D_ASSOC("assoc id %d beacon interval %d\n", il->vif->bss_conf.aid, + il->vif->bss_conf.beacon_int); - if (ctx->vif->bss_conf.use_short_preamble) - ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; + if (il->vif->bss_conf.use_short_preamble) + il->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; else - ctx->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; + il->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; - if (ctx->staging.flags & RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK) { - if (ctx->vif->bss_conf.use_short_slot) - ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; + if (il->staging.flags & RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK) { + if (il->vif->bss_conf.use_short_slot) + il->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; else - ctx->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; + il->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; } - il3945_commit_rxon(il, ctx); + il3945_commit_rxon(il); - switch (ctx->vif->type) { + switch (il->vif->type) { case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION: il3945_rate_scale_init(il->hw, IL_AP_ID); break; @@ -2774,7 +2763,7 @@ il3945_post_associate(struct il_priv *il) break; default: IL_ERR("%s Should not be called in %d mode\n", __func__, - ctx->vif->type); + il->vif->type); break; } } @@ -2793,10 +2782,9 @@ il3945_mac_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) struct il_priv *il = hw->priv; int ret; - D_MAC80211("enter\n"); - /* we should be verifying the device is ready to be opened */ mutex_lock(&il->mutex); + D_MAC80211("enter\n"); /* fetch ucode file from disk, alloc and copy to bus-master buffers ... * ucode filename and max sizes are card-specific. */ @@ -2891,8 +2879,7 @@ il3945_mac_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb) void il3945_config_ap(struct il_priv *il) { - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; - struct ieee80211_vif *vif = ctx->vif; + struct ieee80211_vif *vif = il->vif; int rc = 0; if (test_bit(S_EXIT_PENDING, &il->status)) @@ -2902,31 +2889,31 @@ il3945_config_ap(struct il_priv *il) if (!(il_is_associated(il))) { /* RXON - unassoc (to set timing command) */ - ctx->staging.filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; - il3945_commit_rxon(il, ctx); + il->staging.filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; + il3945_commit_rxon(il); /* RXON Timing */ - rc = il_send_rxon_timing(il, ctx); + rc = il_send_rxon_timing(il); if (rc) IL_WARN("C_RXON_TIMING failed - " "Attempting to continue.\n"); - ctx->staging.assoc_id = 0; + il->staging.assoc_id = 0; if (vif->bss_conf.use_short_preamble) - ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; + il->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; else - ctx->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; + il->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; - if (ctx->staging.flags & RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK) { + if (il->staging.flags & RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK) { if (vif->bss_conf.use_short_slot) - ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; + il->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; else - ctx->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; + il->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; } /* restore RXON assoc */ - ctx->staging.filter_flags |= RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; - il3945_commit_rxon(il, ctx); + il->staging.filter_flags |= RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; + il3945_commit_rxon(il); } il3945_send_beacon_cmd(il); } @@ -2953,15 +2940,19 @@ il3945_mac_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, * hardware will then not attempt to decrypt the frames. */ if (vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC && - !(key->flags & IEEE80211_KEY_FLAG_PAIRWISE)) + !(key->flags & IEEE80211_KEY_FLAG_PAIRWISE)) { + D_MAC80211("leave - IBSS RSN\n"); return -EOPNOTSUPP; + } static_key = !il_is_associated(il); if (!static_key) { - sta_id = il_sta_id_or_broadcast(il, &il->ctx, sta); - if (sta_id == IL_INVALID_STATION) + sta_id = il_sta_id_or_broadcast(il, sta); + if (sta_id == IL_INVALID_STATION) { + D_MAC80211("leave - station not found\n"); return -EINVAL; + } } mutex_lock(&il->mutex); @@ -2986,8 +2977,8 @@ il3945_mac_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, ret = -EINVAL; } + D_MAC80211("leave ret %d\n", ret); mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); - D_MAC80211("leave\n"); return ret; } @@ -3002,13 +2993,11 @@ il3945_mac_sta_add(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, bool is_ap = vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION; u8 sta_id; - D_INFO("received request to add station %pM\n", sta->addr); mutex_lock(&il->mutex); - D_INFO("proceeding to add station %pM\n", sta->addr); + D_INFO("station %pM\n", sta->addr); sta_priv->common.sta_id = IL_INVALID_STATION; - ret = - il_add_station_common(il, &il->ctx, sta->addr, is_ap, sta, &sta_id); + ret = il_add_station_common(il, sta->addr, is_ap, sta, &sta_id); if (ret) { IL_ERR("Unable to add station %pM (%d)\n", sta->addr, ret); /* Should we return success if return code is EEXIST ? */ @@ -3032,7 +3021,6 @@ il3945_configure_filter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, unsigned int changed_flags, { struct il_priv *il = hw->priv; __le32 filter_or = 0, filter_nand = 0; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; #define CHK(test, flag) do { \ if (*total_flags & (test)) \ @@ -3052,8 +3040,8 @@ il3945_configure_filter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, unsigned int changed_flags, mutex_lock(&il->mutex); - ctx->staging.filter_flags &= ~filter_nand; - ctx->staging.filter_flags |= filter_or; + il->staging.filter_flags &= ~filter_nand; + il->staging.filter_flags |= filter_or; /* * Not committing directly because hardware can perform a scan, @@ -3112,11 +3100,9 @@ il3945_store_debug_level(struct device *d, struct device_attribute *attr, ret = strict_strtoul(buf, 0, &val); if (ret) IL_INFO("%s is not in hex or decimal form.\n", buf); - else { + else il->debug_level = val; - if (il_alloc_traffic_mem(il)) - IL_ERR("Not enough memory to generate traffic log\n"); - } + return strnlen(buf, count); } @@ -3170,9 +3156,8 @@ static ssize_t il3945_show_flags(struct device *d, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { struct il_priv *il = dev_get_drvdata(d); - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; - return sprintf(buf, "0x%04X\n", ctx->active.flags); + return sprintf(buf, "0x%04X\n", il->active.flags); } static ssize_t @@ -3181,17 +3166,16 @@ il3945_store_flags(struct device *d, struct device_attribute *attr, { struct il_priv *il = dev_get_drvdata(d); u32 flags = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; mutex_lock(&il->mutex); - if (le32_to_cpu(ctx->staging.flags) != flags) { + if (le32_to_cpu(il->staging.flags) != flags) { /* Cancel any currently running scans... */ if (il_scan_cancel_timeout(il, 100)) IL_WARN("Could not cancel scan.\n"); else { D_INFO("Committing rxon.flags = 0x%04X\n", flags); - ctx->staging.flags = cpu_to_le32(flags); - il3945_commit_rxon(il, ctx); + il->staging.flags = cpu_to_le32(flags); + il3945_commit_rxon(il); } } mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); @@ -3207,9 +3191,8 @@ il3945_show_filter_flags(struct device *d, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { struct il_priv *il = dev_get_drvdata(d); - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; - return sprintf(buf, "0x%04X\n", le32_to_cpu(ctx->active.filter_flags)); + return sprintf(buf, "0x%04X\n", le32_to_cpu(il->active.filter_flags)); } static ssize_t @@ -3217,19 +3200,18 @@ il3945_store_filter_flags(struct device *d, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count) { struct il_priv *il = dev_get_drvdata(d); - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; u32 filter_flags = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); mutex_lock(&il->mutex); - if (le32_to_cpu(ctx->staging.filter_flags) != filter_flags) { + if (le32_to_cpu(il->staging.filter_flags) != filter_flags) { /* Cancel any currently running scans... */ if (il_scan_cancel_timeout(il, 100)) IL_WARN("Could not cancel scan.\n"); else { D_INFO("Committing rxon.filter_flags = " "0x%04X\n", filter_flags); - ctx->staging.filter_flags = cpu_to_le32(filter_flags); - il3945_commit_rxon(il, ctx); + il->staging.filter_flags = cpu_to_le32(filter_flags); + il3945_commit_rxon(il); } } mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); @@ -3278,9 +3260,8 @@ il3945_store_measurement(struct device *d, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count) { struct il_priv *il = dev_get_drvdata(d); - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; struct ieee80211_measurement_params params = { - .channel = le16_to_cpu(ctx->active.channel), + .channel = le16_to_cpu(il->active.channel), .start_time = cpu_to_le64(il->_3945.last_tsf), .duration = cpu_to_le16(1), }; @@ -3474,7 +3455,7 @@ static struct attribute_group il3945_attribute_group = { .attrs = il3945_sysfs_entries, }; -struct ieee80211_ops il3945_hw_ops = { +struct ieee80211_ops il3945_mac_ops = { .tx = il3945_mac_tx, .start = il3945_mac_start, .stop = il3945_mac_stop, @@ -3567,7 +3548,8 @@ il3945_setup_mac(struct il_priv *il) /* Tell mac80211 our characteristics */ hw->flags = IEEE80211_HW_SIGNAL_DBM | IEEE80211_HW_SPECTRUM_MGMT; - hw->wiphy->interface_modes = il->ctx.interface_modes; + hw->wiphy->interface_modes = + BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) | BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC); hw->wiphy->flags |= WIPHY_FLAG_CUSTOM_REGULATORY | WIPHY_FLAG_DISABLE_BEACON_HINTS | @@ -3614,50 +3596,35 @@ il3945_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) * 1. Allocating HW data * ********************/ - /* mac80211 allocates memory for this device instance, including - * space for this driver's ilate structure */ - hw = il_alloc_all(cfg); - if (hw == NULL) { - pr_err("Can not allocate network device\n"); + hw = ieee80211_alloc_hw(sizeof(struct il_priv), &il3945_mac_ops); + if (!hw) { err = -ENOMEM; goto out; } il = hw->priv; + il->hw = hw; SET_IEEE80211_DEV(hw, &pdev->dev); il->cmd_queue = IL39_CMD_QUEUE_NUM; - il->ctx.ctxid = 0; - - il->ctx.rxon_cmd = C_RXON; - il->ctx.rxon_timing_cmd = C_RXON_TIMING; - il->ctx.rxon_assoc_cmd = C_RXON_ASSOC; - il->ctx.qos_cmd = C_QOS_PARAM; - il->ctx.ap_sta_id = IL_AP_ID; - il->ctx.wep_key_cmd = C_WEPKEY; - il->ctx.interface_modes = - BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) | BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC); - il->ctx.ibss_devtype = RXON_DEV_TYPE_IBSS; - il->ctx.station_devtype = RXON_DEV_TYPE_ESS; - il->ctx.unused_devtype = RXON_DEV_TYPE_ESS; - /* * Disabling hardware scan means that mac80211 will perform scans * "the hard way", rather than using device's scan. */ if (il3945_mod_params.disable_hw_scan) { D_INFO("Disabling hw_scan\n"); - il3945_hw_ops.hw_scan = NULL; + il3945_mac_ops.hw_scan = NULL; } D_INFO("*** LOAD DRIVER ***\n"); il->cfg = cfg; + il->ops = &il3945_ops; +#ifdef CONFIG_IWLEGACY_DEBUGFS + il->debugfs_ops = &il3945_debugfs_ops; +#endif il->pci_dev = pdev; il->inta_mask = CSR_INI_SET_MASK; - if (il_alloc_traffic_mem(il)) - IL_ERR("Not enough memory to generate traffic log\n"); - /*************************** * 2. Initializing PCI bus * *************************/ @@ -3688,7 +3655,7 @@ il3945_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) /*********************** * 3. Read REV Register * ********************/ - il->hw_base = pci_iomap(pdev, 0, 0); + il->hw_base = pci_ioremap_bar(pdev, 0); if (!il->hw_base) { err = -ENODEV; goto out_pci_release_regions; @@ -3702,7 +3669,7 @@ il3945_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) * PCI Tx retries from interfering with C3 CPU state */ pci_write_config_byte(pdev, 0x41, 0x00); - /* these spin locks will be used in apm_ops.init and EEPROM access + /* these spin locks will be used in apm_init and EEPROM access * we should init now */ spin_lock_init(&il->reg_lock); @@ -3773,8 +3740,7 @@ il3945_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) goto out_release_irq; } - il_set_rxon_channel(il, &il->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ].channels[5], - &il->ctx); + il_set_rxon_channel(il, &il->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ].channels[5]); il3945_setup_deferred_work(il); il3945_setup_handlers(il); il_power_initialize(il); @@ -3814,14 +3780,13 @@ il3945_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) out_eeprom_free: il_eeprom_free(il); out_iounmap: - pci_iounmap(pdev, il->hw_base); + iounmap(il->hw_base); out_pci_release_regions: pci_release_regions(pdev); out_pci_disable_device: pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); pci_disable_device(pdev); out_ieee80211_free_hw: - il_free_traffic_mem(il); ieee80211_free_hw(il->hw); out: return err; @@ -3889,12 +3854,11 @@ il3945_pci_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) * until now... */ destroy_workqueue(il->workqueue); il->workqueue = NULL; - il_free_traffic_mem(il); free_irq(pdev->irq, il); pci_disable_msi(pdev); - pci_iounmap(pdev, il->hw_base); + iounmap(il->hw_base); pci_release_regions(pdev); pci_disable_device(pdev); pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945-rs.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945-rs.c index d7a83f229190b579aa5331809a4cd15505094915..70bee1a4d87679e57cafdb01fa22968ec823f20e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945-rs.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945-rs.c @@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ il3945_rs_rate_init(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u8 sta_id) int i; D_INFO("enter\n"); - if (sta_id == il->ctx.bcast_sta_id) + if (sta_id == il->hw_params.bcast_id) goto out; psta = (struct il3945_sta_priv *)sta->drv_priv; @@ -927,8 +927,7 @@ il3945_rate_scale_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, s32 sta_id) rcu_read_lock(); - sta = - ieee80211_find_sta(il->ctx.vif, il->stations[sta_id].sta.sta.addr); + sta = ieee80211_find_sta(il->vif, il->stations[sta_id].sta.sta.addr); if (!sta) { D_RATE("Unable to find station to initialize rate scaling.\n"); rcu_read_unlock(); @@ -944,7 +943,7 @@ il3945_rate_scale_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, s32 sta_id) switch (il->band) { case IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ: /* TODO: this always does G, not a regression */ - if (il->ctx.active.flags & RXON_FLG_TGG_PROTECT_MSK) { + if (il->active.flags & RXON_FLG_TGG_PROTECT_MSK) { rs_sta->tgg = 1; rs_sta->expected_tpt = il3945_expected_tpt_g_prot; } else diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945.c index c80eb9b315517621f41aa90b58ba8c4c6b8a896c..c5b1d199e0bc9b8cd154f2b217994b684cbbba06 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945.c @@ -57,10 +57,6 @@ il3945_send_led_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_led_cmd *led_cmd) return il_send_cmd(il, &cmd); } -const struct il_led_ops il3945_led_ops = { - .cmd = il3945_send_led_cmd, -}; - #define IL_DECLARE_RATE_INFO(r, ip, in, rp, rn, pp, np) \ [RATE_##r##M_IDX] = { RATE_##r##M_PLCP, \ RATE_##r##M_IEEE, \ @@ -293,17 +289,17 @@ il3945_tx_queue_reclaim(struct il_priv *il, int txq_id, int idx) { struct il_tx_queue *txq = &il->txq[txq_id]; struct il_queue *q = &txq->q; - struct il_tx_info *tx_info; + struct sk_buff *skb; BUG_ON(txq_id == IL39_CMD_QUEUE_NUM); for (idx = il_queue_inc_wrap(idx, q->n_bd); q->read_ptr != idx; q->read_ptr = il_queue_inc_wrap(q->read_ptr, q->n_bd)) { - tx_info = &txq->txb[txq->q.read_ptr]; - ieee80211_tx_status_irqsafe(il->hw, tx_info->skb); - tx_info->skb = NULL; - il->cfg->ops->lib->txq_free_tfd(il, txq); + skb = txq->skbs[txq->q.read_ptr]; + ieee80211_tx_status_irqsafe(il->hw, skb); + txq->skbs[txq->q.read_ptr] = NULL; + il->ops->txq_free_tfd(il, txq); } if (il_queue_space(q) > q->low_mark && txq_id >= 0 && @@ -336,7 +332,7 @@ il3945_hdl_tx(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb) } txq->time_stamp = jiffies; - info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(txq->txb[txq->q.read_ptr].skb); + info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(txq->skbs[txq->q.read_ptr]); ieee80211_tx_info_clear_status(info); /* Fill the MRR chain with some info about on-chip retransmissions */ @@ -577,8 +573,6 @@ il3945_hdl_rx(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb) network_packet ? '*' : ' ', le16_to_cpu(rx_hdr->channel), rx_status.signal, rx_status.signal, rx_status.rate_idx); - il_dbg_log_rx_data_frame(il, le16_to_cpu(rx_hdr->len), header); - if (network_packet) { il->_3945.last_beacon_time = le32_to_cpu(rx_end->beacon_timestamp); @@ -660,15 +654,13 @@ il3945_hw_txq_free_tfd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq) PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); /* free SKB */ - if (txq->txb) { - struct sk_buff *skb; - - skb = txq->txb[txq->q.read_ptr].skb; + if (txq->skbs) { + struct sk_buff *skb = txq->skbs[txq->q.read_ptr]; /* can be called from irqs-disabled context */ if (skb) { dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); - txq->txb[txq->q.read_ptr].skb = NULL; + txq->skbs[txq->q.read_ptr] = NULL; } } } @@ -798,7 +790,6 @@ il3945_rx_init(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_queue *rxq) static int il3945_tx_reset(struct il_priv *il) { - /* bypass mode */ il_wr_prph(il, ALM_SCD_MODE_REG, 0x2); @@ -835,8 +826,7 @@ il3945_tx_reset(struct il_priv *il) static int il3945_txq_ctx_reset(struct il_priv *il) { - int rc; - int txq_id, slots_num; + int rc, txq_id; il3945_hw_txq_ctx_free(il); @@ -852,10 +842,7 @@ il3945_txq_ctx_reset(struct il_priv *il) /* Tx queue(s) */ for (txq_id = 0; txq_id < il->hw_params.max_txq_num; txq_id++) { - slots_num = - (txq_id == - IL39_CMD_QUEUE_NUM) ? TFD_CMD_SLOTS : TFD_TX_CMD_SLOTS; - rc = il_tx_queue_init(il, &il->txq[txq_id], slots_num, txq_id); + rc = il_tx_queue_init(il, txq_id); if (rc) { IL_ERR("Tx %d queue init failed\n", txq_id); goto error; @@ -960,12 +947,11 @@ il3945_hw_nic_init(struct il_priv *il) struct il_rx_queue *rxq = &il->rxq; spin_lock_irqsave(&il->lock, flags); - il->cfg->ops->lib->apm_ops.init(il); + il3945_apm_init(il); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->lock, flags); il3945_set_pwr_vmain(il); - - il->cfg->ops->lib->apm_ops.config(il); + il3945_nic_config(il); /* Allocate the RX queue, or reset if it is already allocated */ if (!rxq->bd) { @@ -1016,7 +1002,7 @@ il3945_hw_txq_ctx_free(struct il_priv *il) il_tx_queue_free(il, txq_id); /* free tx queue structure */ - il_txq_mem(il); + il_free_txq_mem(il); } void @@ -1025,18 +1011,17 @@ il3945_hw_txq_ctx_stop(struct il_priv *il) int txq_id; /* stop SCD */ - il_wr_prph(il, ALM_SCD_MODE_REG, 0); - il_wr_prph(il, ALM_SCD_TXFACT_REG, 0); + _il_wr_prph(il, ALM_SCD_MODE_REG, 0); + _il_wr_prph(il, ALM_SCD_TXFACT_REG, 0); /* reset TFD queues */ for (txq_id = 0; txq_id < il->hw_params.max_txq_num; txq_id++) { - il_wr(il, FH39_TCSR_CONFIG(txq_id), 0x0); - il_poll_bit(il, FH39_TSSR_TX_STATUS, - FH39_TSSR_TX_STATUS_REG_MSK_CHNL_IDLE(txq_id), - 1000); + _il_wr(il, FH39_TCSR_CONFIG(txq_id), 0x0); + _il_poll_bit(il, FH39_TSSR_TX_STATUS, + FH39_TSSR_TX_STATUS_REG_MSK_CHNL_IDLE(txq_id), + FH39_TSSR_TX_STATUS_REG_MSK_CHNL_IDLE(txq_id), + 1000); } - - il3945_hw_txq_ctx_free(il); } /** @@ -1388,7 +1373,7 @@ il3945_send_tx_power(struct il_priv *il) int rate_idx, i; const struct il_channel_info *ch_info = NULL; struct il3945_txpowertable_cmd txpower = { - .channel = il->ctx.active.channel, + .channel = il->active.channel, }; u16 chan; @@ -1397,7 +1382,7 @@ il3945_send_tx_power(struct il_priv *il) "TX Power requested while scanning!\n")) return -EAGAIN; - chan = le16_to_cpu(il->ctx.active.channel); + chan = le16_to_cpu(il->active.channel); txpower.band = (il->band == IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ) ? 0 : 1; ch_info = il_get_channel_info(il, il->band, chan); @@ -1615,7 +1600,7 @@ il3945_hw_reg_comp_txpower_temp(struct il_priv *il) } /* send Txpower command for current channel to ucode */ - return il->cfg->ops->lib->send_tx_power(il); + return il->ops->send_tx_power(il); } int @@ -1662,7 +1647,7 @@ il3945_hw_reg_set_txpower(struct il_priv *il, s8 power) } static int -il3945_send_rxon_assoc(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il3945_send_rxon_assoc(struct il_priv *il) { int rc = 0; struct il_rx_pkt *pkt; @@ -1673,8 +1658,8 @@ il3945_send_rxon_assoc(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) .flags = CMD_WANT_SKB, .data = &rxon_assoc, }; - const struct il_rxon_cmd *rxon1 = &ctx->staging; - const struct il_rxon_cmd *rxon2 = &ctx->active; + const struct il_rxon_cmd *rxon1 = &il->staging; + const struct il_rxon_cmd *rxon2 = &il->active; if (rxon1->flags == rxon2->flags && rxon1->filter_flags == rxon2->filter_flags && @@ -1684,10 +1669,10 @@ il3945_send_rxon_assoc(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) return 0; } - rxon_assoc.flags = ctx->staging.flags; - rxon_assoc.filter_flags = ctx->staging.filter_flags; - rxon_assoc.ofdm_basic_rates = ctx->staging.ofdm_basic_rates; - rxon_assoc.cck_basic_rates = ctx->staging.cck_basic_rates; + rxon_assoc.flags = il->staging.flags; + rxon_assoc.filter_flags = il->staging.filter_flags; + rxon_assoc.ofdm_basic_rates = il->staging.ofdm_basic_rates; + rxon_assoc.cck_basic_rates = il->staging.cck_basic_rates; rxon_assoc.reserved = 0; rc = il_send_cmd_sync(il, &cmd); @@ -1714,11 +1699,11 @@ il3945_send_rxon_assoc(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) * a HW tune is required based on the RXON structure changes. */ int -il3945_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il3945_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il) { /* cast away the const for active_rxon in this function */ - struct il3945_rxon_cmd *active_rxon = (void *)&ctx->active; - struct il3945_rxon_cmd *staging_rxon = (void *)&ctx->staging; + struct il3945_rxon_cmd *active_rxon = (void *)&il->active; + struct il3945_rxon_cmd *staging_rxon = (void *)&il->staging; int rc = 0; bool new_assoc = !!(staging_rxon->filter_flags & RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK); @@ -1735,7 +1720,7 @@ il3945_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) staging_rxon->flags &= ~(RXON_FLG_DIS_DIV_MSK | RXON_FLG_ANT_SEL_MSK); staging_rxon->flags |= il3945_get_antenna_flags(il); - rc = il_check_rxon_cmd(il, ctx); + rc = il_check_rxon_cmd(il); if (rc) { IL_ERR("Invalid RXON configuration. Not committing.\n"); return -EINVAL; @@ -1744,8 +1729,8 @@ il3945_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) /* If we don't need to send a full RXON, we can use * il3945_rxon_assoc_cmd which is used to reconfigure filter * and other flags for the current radio configuration. */ - if (!il_full_rxon_required(il, &il->ctx)) { - rc = il_send_rxon_assoc(il, &il->ctx); + if (!il_full_rxon_required(il)) { + rc = il_send_rxon_assoc(il); if (rc) { IL_ERR("Error setting RXON_ASSOC " "configuration (%d).\n", rc); @@ -1776,7 +1761,7 @@ il3945_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) active_rxon->reserved4 = 0; active_rxon->reserved5 = 0; rc = il_send_cmd_pdu(il, C_RXON, sizeof(struct il3945_rxon_cmd), - &il->ctx.active); + &il->active); /* If the mask clearing failed then we set * active_rxon back to what it was previously */ @@ -1786,8 +1771,8 @@ il3945_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) "configuration (%d).\n", rc); return rc; } - il_clear_ucode_stations(il, &il->ctx); - il_restore_stations(il, &il->ctx); + il_clear_ucode_stations(il); + il_restore_stations(il); } D_INFO("Sending RXON\n" "* with%s RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK\n" @@ -1801,7 +1786,7 @@ il3945_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) staging_rxon->reserved4 = 0; staging_rxon->reserved5 = 0; - il_set_rxon_hwcrypto(il, ctx, !il3945_mod_params.sw_crypto); + il_set_rxon_hwcrypto(il, !il3945_mod_params.sw_crypto); /* Apply the new configuration */ rc = il_send_cmd_pdu(il, C_RXON, sizeof(struct il3945_rxon_cmd), @@ -1814,8 +1799,8 @@ il3945_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) memcpy(active_rxon, staging_rxon, sizeof(*active_rxon)); if (!new_assoc) { - il_clear_ucode_stations(il, &il->ctx); - il_restore_stations(il, &il->ctx); + il_clear_ucode_stations(il); + il_restore_stations(il); } /* If we issue a new RXON command which required a tune then we must @@ -2186,12 +2171,14 @@ il3945_txpower_set_from_eeprom(struct il_priv *il) int il3945_hw_rxq_stop(struct il_priv *il) { - int rc; + int ret; - il_wr(il, FH39_RCSR_CONFIG(0), 0); - rc = il_poll_bit(il, FH39_RSSR_STATUS, - FH39_RSSR_CHNL0_RX_STATUS_CHNL_IDLE, 1000); - if (rc < 0) + _il_wr(il, FH39_RCSR_CONFIG(0), 0); + ret = _il_poll_bit(il, FH39_RSSR_STATUS, + FH39_RSSR_CHNL0_RX_STATUS_CHNL_IDLE, + FH39_RSSR_CHNL0_RX_STATUS_CHNL_IDLE, + 1000); + if (ret < 0) IL_ERR("Can't stop Rx DMA.\n"); return 0; @@ -2259,7 +2246,6 @@ il3945_build_addsta_hcmd(const struct il_addsta_cmd *cmd, u8 * data) static int il3945_add_bssid_station(struct il_priv *il, const u8 * addr, u8 * sta_id_r) { - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; int ret; u8 sta_id; unsigned long flags; @@ -2267,7 +2253,7 @@ il3945_add_bssid_station(struct il_priv *il, const u8 * addr, u8 * sta_id_r) if (sta_id_r) *sta_id_r = IL_INVALID_STATION; - ret = il_add_station_common(il, ctx, addr, 0, NULL, &sta_id); + ret = il_add_station_common(il, addr, 0, NULL, &sta_id); if (ret) { IL_ERR("Unable to add station %pM\n", addr); return ret; @@ -2397,15 +2383,16 @@ il3945_hw_set_hw_params(struct il_priv *il) return -ENOMEM; } + il->hw_params.bcast_id = IL3945_BROADCAST_ID; + /* Assign number of Usable TX queues */ - il->hw_params.max_txq_num = il->cfg->base_params->num_of_queues; + il->hw_params.max_txq_num = il->cfg->num_of_queues; il->hw_params.tfd_size = sizeof(struct il3945_tfd); il->hw_params.rx_page_order = get_order(IL_RX_BUF_SIZE_3K); il->hw_params.max_rxq_size = RX_QUEUE_SIZE; il->hw_params.max_rxq_log = RX_QUEUE_SIZE_LOG; il->hw_params.max_stations = IL3945_STATION_COUNT; - il->ctx.bcast_sta_id = IL3945_BROADCAST_ID; il->sta_key_max_num = STA_KEY_MAX_NUM; @@ -2426,7 +2413,7 @@ il3945_hw_get_beacon_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il3945_frame *frame, tx_beacon_cmd = (struct il3945_tx_beacon_cmd *)&frame->u; memset(tx_beacon_cmd, 0, sizeof(*tx_beacon_cmd)); - tx_beacon_cmd->tx.sta_id = il->ctx.bcast_sta_id; + tx_beacon_cmd->tx.sta_id = il->hw_params.bcast_id; tx_beacon_cmd->tx.stop_time.life_time = TX_CMD_LIFE_TIME_INFINITE; frame_size = @@ -2633,76 +2620,31 @@ il3945_load_bsm(struct il_priv *il) return 0; } -static struct il_hcmd_ops il3945_hcmd = { - .rxon_assoc = il3945_send_rxon_assoc, - .commit_rxon = il3945_commit_rxon, -}; - -static struct il_lib_ops il3945_lib = { +const struct il_ops il3945_ops = { .txq_attach_buf_to_tfd = il3945_hw_txq_attach_buf_to_tfd, .txq_free_tfd = il3945_hw_txq_free_tfd, .txq_init = il3945_hw_tx_queue_init, .load_ucode = il3945_load_bsm, .dump_nic_error_log = il3945_dump_nic_error_log, - .apm_ops = { - .init = il3945_apm_init, - .config = il3945_nic_config, - }, - .eeprom_ops = { - .regulatory_bands = { - EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_1_CHANNELS, - EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_2_CHANNELS, - EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_3_CHANNELS, - EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_4_CHANNELS, - EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_5_CHANNELS, - EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_NO_HT40, - EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_NO_HT40, - }, - .acquire_semaphore = il3945_eeprom_acquire_semaphore, - .release_semaphore = il3945_eeprom_release_semaphore, - }, + .apm_init = il3945_apm_init, .send_tx_power = il3945_send_tx_power, .is_valid_rtc_data_addr = il3945_hw_valid_rtc_data_addr, + .eeprom_acquire_semaphore = il3945_eeprom_acquire_semaphore, + .eeprom_release_semaphore = il3945_eeprom_release_semaphore, -#ifdef CONFIG_IWLEGACY_DEBUGFS - .debugfs_ops = { - .rx_stats_read = il3945_ucode_rx_stats_read, - .tx_stats_read = il3945_ucode_tx_stats_read, - .general_stats_read = il3945_ucode_general_stats_read, - }, -#endif -}; - -static const struct il_legacy_ops il3945_legacy_ops = { - .post_associate = il3945_post_associate, - .config_ap = il3945_config_ap, - .manage_ibss_station = il3945_manage_ibss_station, -}; + .rxon_assoc = il3945_send_rxon_assoc, + .commit_rxon = il3945_commit_rxon, -static struct il_hcmd_utils_ops il3945_hcmd_utils = { .get_hcmd_size = il3945_get_hcmd_size, .build_addsta_hcmd = il3945_build_addsta_hcmd, .request_scan = il3945_request_scan, .post_scan = il3945_post_scan, -}; -static const struct il_ops il3945_ops = { - .lib = &il3945_lib, - .hcmd = &il3945_hcmd, - .utils = &il3945_hcmd_utils, - .led = &il3945_led_ops, - .legacy = &il3945_legacy_ops, - .ieee80211_ops = &il3945_hw_ops, -}; + .post_associate = il3945_post_associate, + .config_ap = il3945_config_ap, + .manage_ibss_station = il3945_manage_ibss_station, -static struct il_base_params il3945_base_params = { - .eeprom_size = IL3945_EEPROM_IMG_SIZE, - .num_of_queues = IL39_NUM_QUEUES, - .pll_cfg_val = CSR39_ANA_PLL_CFG_VAL, - .set_l0s = false, - .use_bsm = true, - .led_compensation = 64, - .wd_timeout = IL_DEF_WD_TIMEOUT, + .send_led_cmd = il3945_send_led_cmd, }; static struct il_cfg il3945_bg_cfg = { @@ -2712,10 +2654,26 @@ static struct il_cfg il3945_bg_cfg = { .ucode_api_min = IL3945_UCODE_API_MIN, .sku = IL_SKU_G, .eeprom_ver = EEPROM_3945_EEPROM_VERSION, - .ops = &il3945_ops, .mod_params = &il3945_mod_params, - .base_params = &il3945_base_params, .led_mode = IL_LED_BLINK, + + .eeprom_size = IL3945_EEPROM_IMG_SIZE, + .num_of_queues = IL39_NUM_QUEUES, + .pll_cfg_val = CSR39_ANA_PLL_CFG_VAL, + .set_l0s = false, + .use_bsm = true, + .led_compensation = 64, + .wd_timeout = IL_DEF_WD_TIMEOUT, + + .regulatory_bands = { + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_1_CHANNELS, + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_2_CHANNELS, + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_3_CHANNELS, + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_4_CHANNELS, + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_5_CHANNELS, + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_NO_HT40, + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_NO_HT40, + }, }; static struct il_cfg il3945_abg_cfg = { @@ -2725,10 +2683,26 @@ static struct il_cfg il3945_abg_cfg = { .ucode_api_min = IL3945_UCODE_API_MIN, .sku = IL_SKU_A | IL_SKU_G, .eeprom_ver = EEPROM_3945_EEPROM_VERSION, - .ops = &il3945_ops, .mod_params = &il3945_mod_params, - .base_params = &il3945_base_params, .led_mode = IL_LED_BLINK, + + .eeprom_size = IL3945_EEPROM_IMG_SIZE, + .num_of_queues = IL39_NUM_QUEUES, + .pll_cfg_val = CSR39_ANA_PLL_CFG_VAL, + .set_l0s = false, + .use_bsm = true, + .led_compensation = 64, + .wd_timeout = IL_DEF_WD_TIMEOUT, + + .regulatory_bands = { + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_1_CHANNELS, + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_2_CHANNELS, + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_3_CHANNELS, + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_4_CHANNELS, + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_5_CHANNELS, + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_NO_HT40, + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_NO_HT40, + }, }; DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE(il3945_hw_card_ids) = { diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945.h index 9f42f79f87784127f46e5b06753abdefb9e5490f..1d45075e0d5b51a21e234b44c4603bb0c0481ce6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/3945.h @@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ extern const struct pci_device_id il3945_hw_card_ids[]; #include "common.h" +extern const struct il_ops il3945_ops; + /* Highest firmware API version supported */ #define IL3945_UCODE_API_MAX 2 @@ -249,7 +251,7 @@ extern int il4965_get_temperature(const struct il_priv *il); extern void il3945_post_associate(struct il_priv *il); extern void il3945_config_ap(struct il_priv *il); -extern int il3945_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx); +extern int il3945_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il); /** * il3945_hw_find_station - Find station id for a given BSSID @@ -261,8 +263,6 @@ extern int il3945_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx); */ extern u8 il3945_hw_find_station(struct il_priv *il, const u8 * bssid); -extern struct ieee80211_ops il3945_hw_ops; - extern __le32 il3945_get_antenna_flags(const struct il_priv *il); extern int il3945_init_hw_rate_table(struct il_priv *il); extern void il3945_reg_txpower_periodic(struct il_priv *il); @@ -595,13 +595,7 @@ struct il3945_tfd { } __packed; #ifdef CONFIG_IWLEGACY_DEBUGFS -ssize_t il3945_ucode_rx_stats_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, - size_t count, loff_t *ppos); -ssize_t il3945_ucode_tx_stats_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, - size_t count, loff_t *ppos); -ssize_t il3945_ucode_general_stats_read(struct file *file, - char __user *user_buf, size_t count, - loff_t *ppos); +extern const struct il_debugfs_ops il3945_debugfs_ops; #endif #endif diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965-calib.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965-calib.c index d3248e3ef23bb6c917e709f56c90c11c93ca1482..e78bdefb8952ca605ae8eb1d3243274b80bdd63f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965-calib.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965-calib.c @@ -79,18 +79,6 @@ struct stats_general_data { u32 beacon_energy_c; }; -void -il4965_calib_free_results(struct il_priv *il) -{ - int i; - - for (i = 0; i < IL_CALIB_MAX; i++) { - kfree(il->calib_results[i].buf); - il->calib_results[i].buf = NULL; - il->calib_results[i].buf_len = 0; - } -} - /***************************************************************************** * RUNTIME calibrations framework *****************************************************************************/ @@ -627,13 +615,13 @@ il4965_find_disconn_antenna(struct il_priv *il, u32 * average_sig, average_sig[0] = data->chain_signal_a / - il->cfg->base_params->chain_noise_num_beacons; + il->cfg->chain_noise_num_beacons; average_sig[1] = data->chain_signal_b / - il->cfg->base_params->chain_noise_num_beacons; + il->cfg->chain_noise_num_beacons; average_sig[2] = data->chain_signal_c / - il->cfg->base_params->chain_noise_num_beacons; + il->cfg->chain_noise_num_beacons; if (average_sig[0] >= average_sig[1]) { max_average_sig = average_sig[0]; @@ -806,8 +794,6 @@ il4965_chain_noise_calibration(struct il_priv *il, void *stat_resp) unsigned long flags; struct stats_rx_non_phy *rx_info; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; - if (il->disable_chain_noise_cal) return; @@ -833,8 +819,8 @@ il4965_chain_noise_calibration(struct il_priv *il, void *stat_resp) return; } - rxon_band24 = !!(ctx->staging.flags & RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK); - rxon_chnum = le16_to_cpu(ctx->staging.channel); + rxon_band24 = !!(il->staging.flags & RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK); + rxon_chnum = le16_to_cpu(il->staging.channel); stat_band24 = !!(((struct il_notif_stats *)stat_resp)-> @@ -888,7 +874,7 @@ il4965_chain_noise_calibration(struct il_priv *il, void *stat_resp) /* If this is the "chain_noise_num_beacons", determine: * 1) Disconnected antennas (using signal strengths) * 2) Differential gain (using silence noise) to balance receivers */ - if (data->beacon_count != il->cfg->base_params->chain_noise_num_beacons) + if (data->beacon_count != il->cfg->chain_noise_num_beacons) return; /* Analyze signal for disconnected antenna */ @@ -896,11 +882,11 @@ il4965_chain_noise_calibration(struct il_priv *il, void *stat_resp) /* Analyze noise for rx balance */ average_noise[0] = - data->chain_noise_a / il->cfg->base_params->chain_noise_num_beacons; + data->chain_noise_a / il->cfg->chain_noise_num_beacons; average_noise[1] = - data->chain_noise_b / il->cfg->base_params->chain_noise_num_beacons; + data->chain_noise_b / il->cfg->chain_noise_num_beacons; average_noise[2] = - data->chain_noise_c / il->cfg->base_params->chain_noise_num_beacons; + data->chain_noise_c / il->cfg->chain_noise_num_beacons; for (i = 0; i < NUM_RX_CHAINS; i++) { if (!data->disconn_array[i] && @@ -925,8 +911,8 @@ il4965_chain_noise_calibration(struct il_priv *il, void *stat_resp) /* Some power changes may have been made during the calibration. * Update and commit the RXON */ - if (il->cfg->ops->lib->update_chain_flags) - il->cfg->ops->lib->update_chain_flags(il); + if (il->ops->update_chain_flags) + il->ops->update_chain_flags(il); data->state = IL_CHAIN_NOISE_DONE; il_power_update_mode(il, false); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965-debug.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965-debug.c index 98ec39f56ba34c107f5a6fd8498e8d9166afaea8..c8153fc64f7465b8bfb87ac8700840cb08e3ebc4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965-debug.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965-debug.c @@ -744,3 +744,9 @@ il4965_ucode_general_stats_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, kfree(buf); return ret; } + +const struct il_debugfs_ops il4965_debugfs_ops = { + .rx_stats_read = il4965_ucode_rx_stats_read, + .tx_stats_read = il4965_ucode_tx_stats_read, + .general_stats_read = il4965_ucode_general_stats_read, +}; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965-mac.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965-mac.c index 1667232af647784e03d8bc15c9f63e44e9678990..7b54dbb338be6127bec123f8414cd3231eaabb00 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965-mac.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965-mac.c @@ -199,18 +199,14 @@ il4965_hw_nic_init(struct il_priv *il) struct il_rx_queue *rxq = &il->rxq; int ret; - /* nic_init */ spin_lock_irqsave(&il->lock, flags); - il->cfg->ops->lib->apm_ops.init(il); - + il_apm_init(il); /* Set interrupt coalescing calibration timer to default (512 usecs) */ il_write8(il, CSR_INT_COALESCING, IL_HOST_INT_CALIB_TIMEOUT_DEF); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->lock, flags); il4965_set_pwr_vmain(il); - - il->cfg->ops->lib->apm_ops.config(il); + il4965_nic_config(il); /* Allocate the RX queue, or reset if it is already allocated */ if (!rxq->bd) { @@ -445,11 +441,15 @@ il4965_rx_queue_free(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_queue *rxq) int il4965_rxq_stop(struct il_priv *il) { + int ret; - /* stop Rx DMA */ - il_wr(il, FH49_MEM_RCSR_CHNL0_CONFIG_REG, 0); - il_poll_bit(il, FH49_MEM_RSSR_RX_STATUS_REG, - FH49_RSSR_CHNL0_RX_STATUS_CHNL_IDLE, 1000); + _il_wr(il, FH49_MEM_RCSR_CHNL0_CONFIG_REG, 0); + ret = _il_poll_bit(il, FH49_MEM_RSSR_RX_STATUS_REG, + FH49_RSSR_CHNL0_RX_STATUS_CHNL_IDLE, + FH49_RSSR_CHNL0_RX_STATUS_CHNL_IDLE, + 1000); + if (ret < 0) + IL_ERR("Can't stop Rx DMA.\n"); return 0; } @@ -692,7 +692,6 @@ il4965_hdl_rx(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb) /* Find max signal strength (dBm) among 3 antenna/receiver chains */ rx_status.signal = il4965_calc_rssi(il, phy_res); - il_dbg_log_rx_data_frame(il, len, header); D_STATS("Rssi %d, TSF %llu\n", rx_status.signal, (unsigned long long)rx_status.mactime); @@ -843,7 +842,6 @@ il4965_request_scan(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) .flags = CMD_SIZE_HUGE, }; struct il_scan_cmd *scan; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; u32 rate_flags = 0; u16 cmd_len; u16 rx_chain = 0; @@ -859,8 +857,6 @@ il4965_request_scan(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) lockdep_assert_held(&il->mutex); - ctx = il_rxon_ctx_from_vif(vif); - if (!il->scan_cmd) { il->scan_cmd = kmalloc(sizeof(struct il_scan_cmd) + IL_MAX_SCAN_SIZE, @@ -919,15 +915,14 @@ il4965_request_scan(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) D_SCAN("Start passive scan.\n"); scan->tx_cmd.tx_flags = TX_CMD_FLG_SEQ_CTL_MSK; - scan->tx_cmd.sta_id = ctx->bcast_sta_id; + scan->tx_cmd.sta_id = il->hw_params.bcast_id; scan->tx_cmd.stop_time.life_time = TX_CMD_LIFE_TIME_INFINITE; switch (il->scan_band) { case IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ: scan->flags = RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK | RXON_FLG_AUTO_DETECT_MSK; chan_mod = - le32_to_cpu(il->ctx.active. - flags & RXON_FLG_CHANNEL_MODE_MSK) >> + le32_to_cpu(il->active.flags & RXON_FLG_CHANNEL_MODE_MSK) >> RXON_FLG_CHANNEL_MODE_POS; if (chan_mod == CHANNEL_MODE_PURE_40) { rate = RATE_6M_PLCP; @@ -1034,8 +1029,7 @@ il4965_manage_ibss_station(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, struct il_vif_priv *vif_priv = (void *)vif->drv_priv; if (add) - return il4965_add_bssid_station(il, vif_priv->ctx, - vif->bss_conf.bssid, + return il4965_add_bssid_station(il, vif->bss_conf.bssid, &vif_priv->ibss_bssid_sta_id); return il_remove_station(il, vif_priv->ibss_bssid_sta_id, vif->bss_conf.bssid); @@ -1128,7 +1122,7 @@ il4965_count_chain_bitmap(u32 chain_bitmap) * This should not be used for scan command ... it puts data in wrong place. */ void -il4965_set_rxon_chain(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il4965_set_rxon_chain(struct il_priv *il) { bool is_single = il4965_is_single_rx_stream(il); bool is_cam = !test_bit(S_POWER_PMI, &il->status); @@ -1164,14 +1158,14 @@ il4965_set_rxon_chain(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) rx_chain |= active_rx_cnt << RXON_RX_CHAIN_MIMO_CNT_POS; rx_chain |= idle_rx_cnt << RXON_RX_CHAIN_CNT_POS; - ctx->staging.rx_chain = cpu_to_le16(rx_chain); + il->staging.rx_chain = cpu_to_le16(rx_chain); if (!is_single && active_rx_cnt >= IL_NUM_RX_CHAINS_SINGLE && is_cam) - ctx->staging.rx_chain |= RXON_RX_CHAIN_MIMO_FORCE_MSK; + il->staging.rx_chain |= RXON_RX_CHAIN_MIMO_FORCE_MSK; else - ctx->staging.rx_chain &= ~RXON_RX_CHAIN_MIMO_FORCE_MSK; + il->staging.rx_chain &= ~RXON_RX_CHAIN_MIMO_FORCE_MSK; - D_ASSOC("rx_chain=0x%X active=%d idle=%d\n", ctx->staging.rx_chain, + D_ASSOC("rx_chain=0x%X active=%d idle=%d\n", il->staging.rx_chain, active_rx_cnt, idle_rx_cnt); WARN_ON(active_rx_cnt == 0 || idle_rx_cnt == 0 || @@ -1348,12 +1342,11 @@ il4965_accumulative_stats(struct il_priv *il, __le32 * stats) } #endif -#define REG_RECALIB_PERIOD (60) - void il4965_hdl_stats(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb) { - int change; + const int recalib_seconds = 60; + bool change; struct il_rx_pkt *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); D_RX("Statistics notification received (%d vs %d).\n", @@ -1374,20 +1367,21 @@ il4965_hdl_stats(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb) set_bit(S_STATS, &il->status); - /* Reschedule the stats timer to occur in - * REG_RECALIB_PERIOD seconds to ensure we get a - * thermal update even if the uCode doesn't give - * us one */ + /* + * Reschedule the stats timer to occur in recalib_seconds to ensure + * we get a thermal update even if the uCode doesn't give us one + */ mod_timer(&il->stats_periodic, - jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(REG_RECALIB_PERIOD * 1000)); + jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(recalib_seconds * 1000)); if (unlikely(!test_bit(S_SCANNING, &il->status)) && (pkt->hdr.cmd == N_STATS)) { il4965_rx_calc_noise(il); queue_work(il->workqueue, &il->run_time_calib_work); } - if (il->cfg->ops->lib->temp_ops.temperature && change) - il->cfg->ops->lib->temp_ops.temperature(il); + + if (change) + il4965_temperature_calib(il); } void @@ -1457,10 +1451,17 @@ il4965_get_ac_from_tid(u16 tid) } static inline int -il4965_get_fifo_from_tid(struct il_rxon_context *ctx, u16 tid) +il4965_get_fifo_from_tid(u16 tid) { + const u8 ac_to_fifo[] = { + IL_TX_FIFO_VO, + IL_TX_FIFO_VI, + IL_TX_FIFO_BE, + IL_TX_FIFO_BK, + }; + if (likely(tid < ARRAY_SIZE(tid_to_ac))) - return ctx->ac_to_fifo[tid_to_ac[tid]]; + return ac_to_fifo[tid_to_ac[tid]]; /* no support for TIDs 8-15 yet */ return -EINVAL; @@ -1639,7 +1640,6 @@ il4965_tx_skb(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb) struct il_device_cmd *out_cmd; struct il_cmd_meta *out_meta; struct il_tx_cmd *tx_cmd; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; int txq_id; dma_addr_t phys_addr; dma_addr_t txcmd_phys; @@ -1655,9 +1655,6 @@ il4965_tx_skb(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb) unsigned long flags; bool is_agg = false; - if (info->control.vif) - ctx = il_rxon_ctx_from_vif(info->control.vif); - spin_lock_irqsave(&il->lock, flags); if (il_is_rfkill(il)) { D_DROP("Dropping - RF KILL\n"); @@ -1679,10 +1676,10 @@ il4965_tx_skb(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb) /* For management frames use broadcast id to do not break aggregation */ if (!ieee80211_is_data(fc)) - sta_id = ctx->bcast_sta_id; + sta_id = il->hw_params.bcast_id; else { /* Find idx into station table for destination station */ - sta_id = il_sta_id_or_broadcast(il, ctx, info->control.sta); + sta_id = il_sta_id_or_broadcast(il, info->control.sta); if (sta_id == IL_INVALID_STATION) { D_DROP("Dropping - INVALID STATION: %pM\n", hdr->addr1); @@ -1696,7 +1693,7 @@ il4965_tx_skb(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb) sta_priv = (void *)sta->drv_priv; if (sta_priv && sta_priv->asleep && - (info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_POLL_RESPONSE)) { + (info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_PS_BUFFER)) { /* * This sends an asynchronous command to the device, * but we can rely on it being processed before the @@ -1709,19 +1706,11 @@ il4965_tx_skb(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb) il4965_sta_modify_sleep_tx_count(il, sta_id, 1); } - /* - * Send this frame after DTIM -- there's a special queue - * reserved for this for contexts that support AP mode. - */ - if (info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_SEND_AFTER_DTIM) { - txq_id = ctx->mcast_queue; - /* - * The microcode will clear the more data - * bit in the last frame it transmits. - */ - hdr->frame_control |= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_MOREDATA); - } else - txq_id = ctx->ac_to_queue[skb_get_queue_mapping(skb)]; + /* FIXME: remove me ? */ + WARN_ON_ONCE(info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_SEND_AFTER_DTIM); + + /* Access category (AC) is also the queue number */ + txq_id = skb_get_queue_mapping(skb); /* irqs already disabled/saved above when locking il->lock */ spin_lock(&il->sta_lock); @@ -1763,10 +1752,7 @@ il4965_tx_skb(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb) spin_unlock(&il->sta_lock); - /* Set up driver data for this TFD */ - memset(&(txq->txb[q->write_ptr]), 0, sizeof(struct il_tx_info)); - txq->txb[q->write_ptr].skb = skb; - txq->txb[q->write_ptr].ctx = ctx; + txq->skbs[q->write_ptr] = skb; /* Set up first empty entry in queue's array of Tx/cmd buffers */ out_cmd = txq->cmd[q->write_ptr]; @@ -1798,7 +1784,6 @@ il4965_tx_skb(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb) /* TODO need this for burst mode later on */ il4965_tx_cmd_build_basic(il, skb, tx_cmd, info, hdr, sta_id); - il_dbg_log_tx_data_frame(il, len, hdr); il4965_tx_cmd_build_rate(il, tx_cmd, info, fc); @@ -1828,8 +1813,7 @@ il4965_tx_skb(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb) dma_unmap_len_set(out_meta, len, firstlen); /* Add buffer containing Tx command and MAC(!) header to TFD's * first entry */ - il->cfg->ops->lib->txq_attach_buf_to_tfd(il, txq, txcmd_phys, firstlen, - 1, 0); + il->ops->txq_attach_buf_to_tfd(il, txq, txcmd_phys, firstlen, 1, 0); if (!ieee80211_has_morefrags(hdr->frame_control)) { txq->need_update = 1; @@ -1845,8 +1829,8 @@ il4965_tx_skb(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb) phys_addr = pci_map_single(il->pci_dev, skb->data + hdr_len, secondlen, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); - il->cfg->ops->lib->txq_attach_buf_to_tfd(il, txq, phys_addr, - secondlen, 0, 0); + il->ops->txq_attach_buf_to_tfd(il, txq, phys_addr, secondlen, + 0, 0); } scratch_phys = @@ -1866,9 +1850,7 @@ il4965_tx_skb(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb) /* Set up entry for this TFD in Tx byte-count array */ if (info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_AMPDU) - il->cfg->ops->lib->txq_update_byte_cnt_tbl(il, txq, - le16_to_cpu(tx_cmd-> - len)); + il->ops->txq_update_byte_cnt_tbl(il, txq, le16_to_cpu(tx_cmd->len)); pci_dma_sync_single_for_device(il->pci_dev, txcmd_phys, firstlen, PCI_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL); @@ -1957,7 +1939,7 @@ il4965_hw_txq_ctx_free(struct il_priv *il) il4965_free_dma_ptr(il, &il->scd_bc_tbls); /* free tx queue structure */ - il_txq_mem(il); + il_free_txq_mem(il); } /** @@ -1970,8 +1952,7 @@ il4965_hw_txq_ctx_free(struct il_priv *il) int il4965_txq_ctx_alloc(struct il_priv *il) { - int ret; - int txq_id, slots_num; + int ret, txq_id; unsigned long flags; /* Free all tx/cmd queues and keep-warm buffer */ @@ -2008,10 +1989,7 @@ il4965_txq_ctx_alloc(struct il_priv *il) /* Alloc and init all Tx queues, including the command queue (#4/#9) */ for (txq_id = 0; txq_id < il->hw_params.max_txq_num; txq_id++) { - slots_num = - (txq_id == - il->cmd_queue) ? TFD_CMD_SLOTS : TFD_TX_CMD_SLOTS; - ret = il_tx_queue_init(il, &il->txq[txq_id], slots_num, txq_id); + ret = il_tx_queue_init(il, txq_id); if (ret) { IL_ERR("Tx %d queue init failed\n", txq_id); goto error; @@ -2032,52 +2010,27 @@ il4965_txq_ctx_alloc(struct il_priv *il) void il4965_txq_ctx_reset(struct il_priv *il) { - int txq_id, slots_num; + int txq_id; unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&il->lock, flags); /* Turn off all Tx DMA fifos */ il4965_txq_set_sched(il, 0); - /* Tell NIC where to find the "keep warm" buffer */ il_wr(il, FH49_KW_MEM_ADDR_REG, il->kw.dma >> 4); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->lock, flags); /* Alloc and init all Tx queues, including the command queue (#4) */ - for (txq_id = 0; txq_id < il->hw_params.max_txq_num; txq_id++) { - slots_num = - txq_id == il->cmd_queue ? TFD_CMD_SLOTS : TFD_TX_CMD_SLOTS; - il_tx_queue_reset(il, &il->txq[txq_id], slots_num, txq_id); - } + for (txq_id = 0; txq_id < il->hw_params.max_txq_num; txq_id++) + il_tx_queue_reset(il, txq_id); } -/** - * il4965_txq_ctx_stop - Stop all Tx DMA channels - */ void -il4965_txq_ctx_stop(struct il_priv *il) +il4965_txq_ctx_unmap(struct il_priv *il) { - int ch, txq_id; - unsigned long flags; - - /* Turn off all Tx DMA fifos */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&il->lock, flags); - - il4965_txq_set_sched(il, 0); - - /* Stop each Tx DMA channel, and wait for it to be idle */ - for (ch = 0; ch < il->hw_params.dma_chnl_num; ch++) { - il_wr(il, FH49_TCSR_CHNL_TX_CONFIG_REG(ch), 0x0); - if (il_poll_bit - (il, FH49_TSSR_TX_STATUS_REG, - FH49_TSSR_TX_STATUS_REG_MSK_CHNL_IDLE(ch), 1000)) - IL_ERR("Failing on timeout while stopping" - " DMA channel %d [0x%08x]", ch, - il_rd(il, FH49_TSSR_TX_STATUS_REG)); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->lock, flags); + int txq_id; if (!il->txq) return; @@ -2090,6 +2043,30 @@ il4965_txq_ctx_stop(struct il_priv *il) il_tx_queue_unmap(il, txq_id); } +/** + * il4965_txq_ctx_stop - Stop all Tx DMA channels + */ +void +il4965_txq_ctx_stop(struct il_priv *il) +{ + int ch, ret; + + _il_wr_prph(il, IL49_SCD_TXFACT, 0); + + /* Stop each Tx DMA channel, and wait for it to be idle */ + for (ch = 0; ch < il->hw_params.dma_chnl_num; ch++) { + _il_wr(il, FH49_TCSR_CHNL_TX_CONFIG_REG(ch), 0x0); + ret = + _il_poll_bit(il, FH49_TSSR_TX_STATUS_REG, + FH49_TSSR_TX_STATUS_REG_MSK_CHNL_IDLE(ch), + FH49_TSSR_TX_STATUS_REG_MSK_CHNL_IDLE(ch), + 1000); + if (ret < 0) + IL_ERR("Timeout stopping DMA channel %d [0x%08x]", + ch, _il_rd(il, FH49_TSSR_TX_STATUS_REG)); + } +} + /* * Find first available (lowest unused) Tx Queue, mark it "active". * Called only when finding queue for aggregation. @@ -2163,11 +2140,11 @@ il4965_txq_agg_enable(struct il_priv *il, int txq_id, int tx_fifo, int sta_id, if ((IL49_FIRST_AMPDU_QUEUE > txq_id) || (IL49_FIRST_AMPDU_QUEUE + - il->cfg->base_params->num_of_ampdu_queues <= txq_id)) { + il->cfg->num_of_ampdu_queues <= txq_id)) { IL_WARN("queue number out of range: %d, must be %d to %d\n", txq_id, IL49_FIRST_AMPDU_QUEUE, IL49_FIRST_AMPDU_QUEUE + - il->cfg->base_params->num_of_ampdu_queues - 1); + il->cfg->num_of_ampdu_queues - 1); return -EINVAL; } @@ -2230,7 +2207,8 @@ il4965_tx_agg_start(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, unsigned long flags; struct il_tid_data *tid_data; - tx_fifo = il4965_get_fifo_from_tid(il_rxon_ctx_from_vif(vif), tid); + /* FIXME: warning if tx fifo not found ? */ + tx_fifo = il4965_get_fifo_from_tid(tid); if (unlikely(tx_fifo < 0)) return tx_fifo; @@ -2290,11 +2268,11 @@ il4965_txq_agg_disable(struct il_priv *il, u16 txq_id, u16 ssn_idx, u8 tx_fifo) { if ((IL49_FIRST_AMPDU_QUEUE > txq_id) || (IL49_FIRST_AMPDU_QUEUE + - il->cfg->base_params->num_of_ampdu_queues <= txq_id)) { + il->cfg->num_of_ampdu_queues <= txq_id)) { IL_WARN("queue number out of range: %d, must be %d to %d\n", txq_id, IL49_FIRST_AMPDU_QUEUE, IL49_FIRST_AMPDU_QUEUE + - il->cfg->base_params->num_of_ampdu_queues - 1); + il->cfg->num_of_ampdu_queues - 1); return -EINVAL; } @@ -2323,7 +2301,8 @@ il4965_tx_agg_stop(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, int write_ptr, read_ptr; unsigned long flags; - tx_fifo_id = il4965_get_fifo_from_tid(il_rxon_ctx_from_vif(vif), tid); + /* FIXME: warning if tx_fifo_id not found ? */ + tx_fifo_id = il4965_get_fifo_from_tid(tid); if (unlikely(tx_fifo_id < 0)) return tx_fifo_id; @@ -2397,9 +2376,6 @@ il4965_txq_check_empty(struct il_priv *il, int sta_id, u8 tid, int txq_id) struct il_queue *q = &il->txq[txq_id].q; u8 *addr = il->stations[sta_id].sta.sta.addr; struct il_tid_data *tid_data = &il->stations[sta_id].tid[tid]; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx; - - ctx = &il->ctx; lockdep_assert_held(&il->sta_lock); @@ -2410,11 +2386,11 @@ il4965_txq_check_empty(struct il_priv *il, int sta_id, u8 tid, int txq_id) if (txq_id == tid_data->agg.txq_id && q->read_ptr == q->write_ptr) { u16 ssn = SEQ_TO_SN(tid_data->seq_number); - int tx_fifo = il4965_get_fifo_from_tid(ctx, tid); + int tx_fifo = il4965_get_fifo_from_tid(tid); D_HT("HW queue empty: continue DELBA flow\n"); il4965_txq_agg_disable(il, txq_id, ssn, tx_fifo); tid_data->agg.state = IL_AGG_OFF; - ieee80211_stop_tx_ba_cb_irqsafe(ctx->vif, addr, tid); + ieee80211_stop_tx_ba_cb_irqsafe(il->vif, addr, tid); } break; case IL_EMPTYING_HW_QUEUE_ADDBA: @@ -2422,7 +2398,7 @@ il4965_txq_check_empty(struct il_priv *il, int sta_id, u8 tid, int txq_id) if (tid_data->tfds_in_queue == 0) { D_HT("HW queue empty: continue ADDBA flow\n"); tid_data->agg.state = IL_AGG_ON; - ieee80211_start_tx_ba_cb_irqsafe(ctx->vif, addr, tid); + ieee80211_start_tx_ba_cb_irqsafe(il->vif, addr, tid); } break; } @@ -2431,14 +2407,13 @@ il4965_txq_check_empty(struct il_priv *il, int sta_id, u8 tid, int txq_id) } static void -il4965_non_agg_tx_status(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - const u8 *addr1) +il4965_non_agg_tx_status(struct il_priv *il, const u8 *addr1) { struct ieee80211_sta *sta; struct il_station_priv *sta_priv; rcu_read_lock(); - sta = ieee80211_find_sta(ctx->vif, addr1); + sta = ieee80211_find_sta(il->vif, addr1); if (sta) { sta_priv = (void *)sta->drv_priv; /* avoid atomic ops if this isn't a client */ @@ -2450,14 +2425,14 @@ il4965_non_agg_tx_status(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, } static void -il4965_tx_status(struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_info *tx_info, bool is_agg) +il4965_tx_status(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb, bool is_agg) { - struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)tx_info->skb->data; + struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)skb->data; if (!is_agg) - il4965_non_agg_tx_status(il, tx_info->ctx, hdr->addr1); + il4965_non_agg_tx_status(il, hdr->addr1); - ieee80211_tx_status_irqsafe(il->hw, tx_info->skb); + ieee80211_tx_status_irqsafe(il->hw, skb); } int @@ -2465,9 +2440,9 @@ il4965_tx_queue_reclaim(struct il_priv *il, int txq_id, int idx) { struct il_tx_queue *txq = &il->txq[txq_id]; struct il_queue *q = &txq->q; - struct il_tx_info *tx_info; int nfreed = 0; struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr; + struct sk_buff *skb; if (idx >= q->n_bd || il_queue_used(q, idx) == 0) { IL_ERR("Read idx for DMA queue txq id (%d), idx %d, " @@ -2479,20 +2454,19 @@ il4965_tx_queue_reclaim(struct il_priv *il, int txq_id, int idx) for (idx = il_queue_inc_wrap(idx, q->n_bd); q->read_ptr != idx; q->read_ptr = il_queue_inc_wrap(q->read_ptr, q->n_bd)) { - tx_info = &txq->txb[txq->q.read_ptr]; + skb = txq->skbs[txq->q.read_ptr]; - if (WARN_ON_ONCE(tx_info->skb == NULL)) + if (WARN_ON_ONCE(skb == NULL)) continue; - hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)tx_info->skb->data; + hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *) skb->data; if (ieee80211_is_data_qos(hdr->frame_control)) nfreed++; - il4965_tx_status(il, tx_info, - txq_id >= IL4965_FIRST_AMPDU_QUEUE); - tx_info->skb = NULL; + il4965_tx_status(il, skb, txq_id >= IL4965_FIRST_AMPDU_QUEUE); - il->cfg->ops->lib->txq_free_tfd(il, txq); + txq->skbs[txq->q.read_ptr] = NULL; + il->ops->txq_free_tfd(il, txq); } return nfreed; } @@ -2555,7 +2529,7 @@ il4965_tx_status_reply_compressed_ba(struct il_priv *il, struct il_ht_agg *agg, D_TX_REPLY("Bitmap %llx\n", (unsigned long long)bitmap); - info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(il->txq[scd_flow].txb[agg->start_idx].skb); + info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(il->txq[scd_flow].skbs[agg->start_idx]); memset(&info->status, 0, sizeof(info->status)); info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_STAT_ACK; info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_STAT_AMPDU; @@ -2566,6 +2540,308 @@ il4965_tx_status_reply_compressed_ba(struct il_priv *il, struct il_ht_agg *agg, return 0; } +static inline bool +il4965_is_tx_success(u32 status) +{ + status &= TX_STATUS_MSK; + return (status == TX_STATUS_SUCCESS || status == TX_STATUS_DIRECT_DONE); +} + +static u8 +il4965_find_station(struct il_priv *il, const u8 *addr) +{ + int i; + int start = 0; + int ret = IL_INVALID_STATION; + unsigned long flags; + + if (il->iw_mode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) + start = IL_STA_ID; + + if (is_broadcast_ether_addr(addr)) + return il->hw_params.bcast_id; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&il->sta_lock, flags); + for (i = start; i < il->hw_params.max_stations; i++) + if (il->stations[i].used && + (!compare_ether_addr(il->stations[i].sta.sta.addr, addr))) { + ret = i; + goto out; + } + + D_ASSOC("can not find STA %pM total %d\n", addr, il->num_stations); + +out: + /* + * It may be possible that more commands interacting with stations + * arrive before we completed processing the adding of + * station + */ + if (ret != IL_INVALID_STATION && + (!(il->stations[ret].used & IL_STA_UCODE_ACTIVE) || + ((il->stations[ret].used & IL_STA_UCODE_ACTIVE) && + (il->stations[ret].used & IL_STA_UCODE_INPROGRESS)))) { + IL_ERR("Requested station info for sta %d before ready.\n", + ret); + ret = IL_INVALID_STATION; + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->sta_lock, flags); + return ret; +} + +static int +il4965_get_ra_sta_id(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr) +{ + if (il->iw_mode == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) + return IL_AP_ID; + else { + u8 *da = ieee80211_get_DA(hdr); + + return il4965_find_station(il, da); + } +} + +static inline u32 +il4965_get_scd_ssn(struct il4965_tx_resp *tx_resp) +{ + return le32_to_cpup(&tx_resp->u.status + tx_resp->frame_count) & MAX_SN; +} + +static inline u32 +il4965_tx_status_to_mac80211(u32 status) +{ + status &= TX_STATUS_MSK; + + switch (status) { + case TX_STATUS_SUCCESS: + case TX_STATUS_DIRECT_DONE: + return IEEE80211_TX_STAT_ACK; + case TX_STATUS_FAIL_DEST_PS: + return IEEE80211_TX_STAT_TX_FILTERED; + default: + return 0; + } +} + +/** + * il4965_tx_status_reply_tx - Handle Tx response for frames in aggregation queue + */ +static int +il4965_tx_status_reply_tx(struct il_priv *il, struct il_ht_agg *agg, + struct il4965_tx_resp *tx_resp, int txq_id, + u16 start_idx) +{ + u16 status; + struct agg_tx_status *frame_status = tx_resp->u.agg_status; + struct ieee80211_tx_info *info = NULL; + struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = NULL; + u32 rate_n_flags = le32_to_cpu(tx_resp->rate_n_flags); + int i, sh, idx; + u16 seq; + if (agg->wait_for_ba) + D_TX_REPLY("got tx response w/o block-ack\n"); + + agg->frame_count = tx_resp->frame_count; + agg->start_idx = start_idx; + agg->rate_n_flags = rate_n_flags; + agg->bitmap = 0; + + /* num frames attempted by Tx command */ + if (agg->frame_count == 1) { + /* Only one frame was attempted; no block-ack will arrive */ + status = le16_to_cpu(frame_status[0].status); + idx = start_idx; + + D_TX_REPLY("FrameCnt = %d, StartIdx=%d idx=%d\n", + agg->frame_count, agg->start_idx, idx); + + info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(il->txq[txq_id].skbs[idx]); + info->status.rates[0].count = tx_resp->failure_frame + 1; + info->flags &= ~IEEE80211_TX_CTL_AMPDU; + info->flags |= il4965_tx_status_to_mac80211(status); + il4965_hwrate_to_tx_control(il, rate_n_flags, info); + + D_TX_REPLY("1 Frame 0x%x failure :%d\n", status & 0xff, + tx_resp->failure_frame); + D_TX_REPLY("Rate Info rate_n_flags=%x\n", rate_n_flags); + + agg->wait_for_ba = 0; + } else { + /* Two or more frames were attempted; expect block-ack */ + u64 bitmap = 0; + int start = agg->start_idx; + struct sk_buff *skb; + + /* Construct bit-map of pending frames within Tx win */ + for (i = 0; i < agg->frame_count; i++) { + u16 sc; + status = le16_to_cpu(frame_status[i].status); + seq = le16_to_cpu(frame_status[i].sequence); + idx = SEQ_TO_IDX(seq); + txq_id = SEQ_TO_QUEUE(seq); + + if (status & + (AGG_TX_STATE_FEW_BYTES_MSK | + AGG_TX_STATE_ABORT_MSK)) + continue; + + D_TX_REPLY("FrameCnt = %d, txq_id=%d idx=%d\n", + agg->frame_count, txq_id, idx); + + skb = il->txq[txq_id].skbs[idx]; + if (WARN_ON_ONCE(skb == NULL)) + return -1; + hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *) skb->data; + + sc = le16_to_cpu(hdr->seq_ctrl); + if (idx != (SEQ_TO_SN(sc) & 0xff)) { + IL_ERR("BUG_ON idx doesn't match seq control" + " idx=%d, seq_idx=%d, seq=%d\n", idx, + SEQ_TO_SN(sc), hdr->seq_ctrl); + return -1; + } + + D_TX_REPLY("AGG Frame i=%d idx %d seq=%d\n", i, idx, + SEQ_TO_SN(sc)); + + sh = idx - start; + if (sh > 64) { + sh = (start - idx) + 0xff; + bitmap = bitmap << sh; + sh = 0; + start = idx; + } else if (sh < -64) + sh = 0xff - (start - idx); + else if (sh < 0) { + sh = start - idx; + start = idx; + bitmap = bitmap << sh; + sh = 0; + } + bitmap |= 1ULL << sh; + D_TX_REPLY("start=%d bitmap=0x%llx\n", start, + (unsigned long long)bitmap); + } + + agg->bitmap = bitmap; + agg->start_idx = start; + D_TX_REPLY("Frames %d start_idx=%d bitmap=0x%llx\n", + agg->frame_count, agg->start_idx, + (unsigned long long)agg->bitmap); + + if (bitmap) + agg->wait_for_ba = 1; + } + return 0; +} + +/** + * il4965_hdl_tx - Handle standard (non-aggregation) Tx response + */ +static void +il4965_hdl_tx(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb) +{ + struct il_rx_pkt *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); + u16 sequence = le16_to_cpu(pkt->hdr.sequence); + int txq_id = SEQ_TO_QUEUE(sequence); + int idx = SEQ_TO_IDX(sequence); + struct il_tx_queue *txq = &il->txq[txq_id]; + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr; + struct ieee80211_tx_info *info; + struct il4965_tx_resp *tx_resp = (void *)&pkt->u.raw[0]; + u32 status = le32_to_cpu(tx_resp->u.status); + int uninitialized_var(tid); + int sta_id; + int freed; + u8 *qc = NULL; + unsigned long flags; + + if (idx >= txq->q.n_bd || il_queue_used(&txq->q, idx) == 0) { + IL_ERR("Read idx for DMA queue txq_id (%d) idx %d " + "is out of range [0-%d] %d %d\n", txq_id, idx, + txq->q.n_bd, txq->q.write_ptr, txq->q.read_ptr); + return; + } + + txq->time_stamp = jiffies; + + skb = txq->skbs[txq->q.read_ptr]; + info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + memset(&info->status, 0, sizeof(info->status)); + + hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *) skb->data; + if (ieee80211_is_data_qos(hdr->frame_control)) { + qc = ieee80211_get_qos_ctl(hdr); + tid = qc[0] & 0xf; + } + + sta_id = il4965_get_ra_sta_id(il, hdr); + if (txq->sched_retry && unlikely(sta_id == IL_INVALID_STATION)) { + IL_ERR("Station not known\n"); + return; + } + + spin_lock_irqsave(&il->sta_lock, flags); + if (txq->sched_retry) { + const u32 scd_ssn = il4965_get_scd_ssn(tx_resp); + struct il_ht_agg *agg = NULL; + WARN_ON(!qc); + + agg = &il->stations[sta_id].tid[tid].agg; + + il4965_tx_status_reply_tx(il, agg, tx_resp, txq_id, idx); + + /* check if BAR is needed */ + if (tx_resp->frame_count == 1 && + !il4965_is_tx_success(status)) + info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_STAT_AMPDU_NO_BACK; + + if (txq->q.read_ptr != (scd_ssn & 0xff)) { + idx = il_queue_dec_wrap(scd_ssn & 0xff, txq->q.n_bd); + D_TX_REPLY("Retry scheduler reclaim scd_ssn " + "%d idx %d\n", scd_ssn, idx); + freed = il4965_tx_queue_reclaim(il, txq_id, idx); + if (qc) + il4965_free_tfds_in_queue(il, sta_id, tid, + freed); + + if (il->mac80211_registered && + il_queue_space(&txq->q) > txq->q.low_mark && + agg->state != IL_EMPTYING_HW_QUEUE_DELBA) + il_wake_queue(il, txq); + } + } else { + info->status.rates[0].count = tx_resp->failure_frame + 1; + info->flags |= il4965_tx_status_to_mac80211(status); + il4965_hwrate_to_tx_control(il, + le32_to_cpu(tx_resp->rate_n_flags), + info); + + D_TX_REPLY("TXQ %d status %s (0x%08x) " + "rate_n_flags 0x%x retries %d\n", txq_id, + il4965_get_tx_fail_reason(status), status, + le32_to_cpu(tx_resp->rate_n_flags), + tx_resp->failure_frame); + + freed = il4965_tx_queue_reclaim(il, txq_id, idx); + if (qc && likely(sta_id != IL_INVALID_STATION)) + il4965_free_tfds_in_queue(il, sta_id, tid, freed); + else if (sta_id == IL_INVALID_STATION) + D_TX_REPLY("Station not known\n"); + + if (il->mac80211_registered && + il_queue_space(&txq->q) > txq->q.low_mark) + il_wake_queue(il, txq); + } + if (qc && likely(sta_id != IL_INVALID_STATION)) + il4965_txq_check_empty(il, sta_id, tid, txq_id); + + il4965_check_abort_status(il, tx_resp->frame_count, status); + + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->sta_lock, flags); +} + /** * translate ucode response to mac80211 tx status control values */ @@ -2771,8 +3047,7 @@ il4965_sta_alloc_lq(struct il_priv *il, u8 sta_id) * Function sleeps. */ int -il4965_add_bssid_station(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - const u8 *addr, u8 *sta_id_r) +il4965_add_bssid_station(struct il_priv *il, const u8 *addr, u8 *sta_id_r) { int ret; u8 sta_id; @@ -2782,7 +3057,7 @@ il4965_add_bssid_station(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, if (sta_id_r) *sta_id_r = IL_INVALID_STATION; - ret = il_add_station_common(il, ctx, addr, 0, NULL, &sta_id); + ret = il_add_station_common(il, addr, 0, NULL, &sta_id); if (ret) { IL_ERR("Unable to add station %pM\n", addr); return ret; @@ -2803,7 +3078,7 @@ il4965_add_bssid_station(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, return -ENOMEM; } - ret = il_send_lq_cmd(il, ctx, link_cmd, CMD_SYNC, true); + ret = il_send_lq_cmd(il, link_cmd, CMD_SYNC, true); if (ret) IL_ERR("Link quality command failed (%d)\n", ret); @@ -2815,19 +3090,19 @@ il4965_add_bssid_station(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, } static int -il4965_static_wepkey_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - bool send_if_empty) +il4965_static_wepkey_cmd(struct il_priv *il, bool send_if_empty) { - int i, not_empty = 0; + int i; u8 buff[sizeof(struct il_wep_cmd) + sizeof(struct il_wep_key) * WEP_KEYS_MAX]; struct il_wep_cmd *wep_cmd = (struct il_wep_cmd *)buff; size_t cmd_size = sizeof(struct il_wep_cmd); struct il_host_cmd cmd = { - .id = ctx->wep_key_cmd, + .id = C_WEPKEY, .data = wep_cmd, .flags = CMD_SYNC, }; + bool not_empty = false; might_sleep(); @@ -2835,24 +3110,23 @@ il4965_static_wepkey_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, cmd_size + (sizeof(struct il_wep_key) * WEP_KEYS_MAX)); for (i = 0; i < WEP_KEYS_MAX; i++) { + u8 key_size = il->_4965.wep_keys[i].key_size; + wep_cmd->key[i].key_idx = i; - if (ctx->wep_keys[i].key_size) { + if (key_size) { wep_cmd->key[i].key_offset = i; - not_empty = 1; - } else { + not_empty = true; + } else wep_cmd->key[i].key_offset = WEP_INVALID_OFFSET; - } - wep_cmd->key[i].key_size = ctx->wep_keys[i].key_size; - memcpy(&wep_cmd->key[i].key[3], ctx->wep_keys[i].key, - ctx->wep_keys[i].key_size); + wep_cmd->key[i].key_size = key_size; + memcpy(&wep_cmd->key[i].key[3], il->_4965.wep_keys[i].key, key_size); } wep_cmd->global_key_type = WEP_KEY_WEP_TYPE; wep_cmd->num_keys = WEP_KEYS_MAX; cmd_size += sizeof(struct il_wep_key) * WEP_KEYS_MAX; - cmd.len = cmd_size; if (not_empty || send_if_empty) @@ -2862,66 +3136,66 @@ il4965_static_wepkey_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, } int -il4965_restore_default_wep_keys(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il4965_restore_default_wep_keys(struct il_priv *il) { lockdep_assert_held(&il->mutex); - return il4965_static_wepkey_cmd(il, ctx, false); + return il4965_static_wepkey_cmd(il, false); } int -il4965_remove_default_wep_key(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, +il4965_remove_default_wep_key(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_key_conf *keyconf) { int ret; + int idx = keyconf->keyidx; lockdep_assert_held(&il->mutex); - D_WEP("Removing default WEP key: idx=%d\n", keyconf->keyidx); + D_WEP("Removing default WEP key: idx=%d\n", idx); - memset(&ctx->wep_keys[keyconf->keyidx], 0, sizeof(ctx->wep_keys[0])); + memset(&il->_4965.wep_keys[idx], 0, sizeof(struct il_wep_key)); if (il_is_rfkill(il)) { D_WEP("Not sending C_WEPKEY command due to RFKILL.\n"); /* but keys in device are clear anyway so return success */ return 0; } - ret = il4965_static_wepkey_cmd(il, ctx, 1); - D_WEP("Remove default WEP key: idx=%d ret=%d\n", keyconf->keyidx, ret); + ret = il4965_static_wepkey_cmd(il, 1); + D_WEP("Remove default WEP key: idx=%d ret=%d\n", idx, ret); return ret; } int -il4965_set_default_wep_key(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, +il4965_set_default_wep_key(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_key_conf *keyconf) { int ret; + int len = keyconf->keylen; + int idx = keyconf->keyidx; lockdep_assert_held(&il->mutex); - if (keyconf->keylen != WEP_KEY_LEN_128 && - keyconf->keylen != WEP_KEY_LEN_64) { + if (len != WEP_KEY_LEN_128 && len != WEP_KEY_LEN_64) { D_WEP("Bad WEP key length %d\n", keyconf->keylen); return -EINVAL; } keyconf->flags &= ~IEEE80211_KEY_FLAG_GENERATE_IV; keyconf->hw_key_idx = HW_KEY_DEFAULT; - il->stations[ctx->ap_sta_id].keyinfo.cipher = keyconf->cipher; + il->stations[IL_AP_ID].keyinfo.cipher = keyconf->cipher; - ctx->wep_keys[keyconf->keyidx].key_size = keyconf->keylen; - memcpy(&ctx->wep_keys[keyconf->keyidx].key, &keyconf->key, - keyconf->keylen); + il->_4965.wep_keys[idx].key_size = len; + memcpy(&il->_4965.wep_keys[idx].key, &keyconf->key, len); - ret = il4965_static_wepkey_cmd(il, ctx, false); - D_WEP("Set default WEP key: len=%d idx=%d ret=%d\n", keyconf->keylen, - keyconf->keyidx, ret); + ret = il4965_static_wepkey_cmd(il, false); + D_WEP("Set default WEP key: len=%d idx=%d ret=%d\n", len, idx, ret); return ret; } static int -il4965_set_wep_dynamic_key_info(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, +il4965_set_wep_dynamic_key_info(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_key_conf *keyconf, u8 sta_id) { unsigned long flags; @@ -2939,7 +3213,7 @@ il4965_set_wep_dynamic_key_info(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, if (keyconf->keylen == WEP_KEY_LEN_128) key_flags |= STA_KEY_FLG_KEY_SIZE_MSK; - if (sta_id == ctx->bcast_sta_id) + if (sta_id == il->hw_params.bcast_id) key_flags |= STA_KEY_MULTICAST_MSK; spin_lock_irqsave(&il->sta_lock, flags); @@ -2976,7 +3250,6 @@ il4965_set_wep_dynamic_key_info(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, static int il4965_set_ccmp_dynamic_key_info(struct il_priv *il, - struct il_rxon_context *ctx, struct ieee80211_key_conf *keyconf, u8 sta_id) { unsigned long flags; @@ -2989,7 +3262,7 @@ il4965_set_ccmp_dynamic_key_info(struct il_priv *il, key_flags |= cpu_to_le16(keyconf->keyidx << STA_KEY_FLG_KEYID_POS); key_flags &= ~STA_KEY_FLG_INVALID; - if (sta_id == ctx->bcast_sta_id) + if (sta_id == il->hw_params.bcast_id) key_flags |= STA_KEY_MULTICAST_MSK; keyconf->flags |= IEEE80211_KEY_FLAG_GENERATE_IV; @@ -3025,7 +3298,6 @@ il4965_set_ccmp_dynamic_key_info(struct il_priv *il, static int il4965_set_tkip_dynamic_key_info(struct il_priv *il, - struct il_rxon_context *ctx, struct ieee80211_key_conf *keyconf, u8 sta_id) { unsigned long flags; @@ -3036,7 +3308,7 @@ il4965_set_tkip_dynamic_key_info(struct il_priv *il, key_flags |= cpu_to_le16(keyconf->keyidx << STA_KEY_FLG_KEYID_POS); key_flags &= ~STA_KEY_FLG_INVALID; - if (sta_id == ctx->bcast_sta_id) + if (sta_id == il->hw_params.bcast_id) key_flags |= STA_KEY_MULTICAST_MSK; keyconf->flags |= IEEE80211_KEY_FLAG_GENERATE_IV; @@ -3070,9 +3342,8 @@ il4965_set_tkip_dynamic_key_info(struct il_priv *il, } void -il4965_update_tkip_key(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - struct ieee80211_key_conf *keyconf, - struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u32 iv32, u16 * phase1key) +il4965_update_tkip_key(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_key_conf *keyconf, + struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u32 iv32, u16 *phase1key) { u8 sta_id; unsigned long flags; @@ -3084,7 +3355,7 @@ il4965_update_tkip_key(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, return; } - sta_id = il_sta_id_or_broadcast(il, ctx, sta); + sta_id = il_sta_id_or_broadcast(il, sta); if (sta_id == IL_INVALID_STATION) return; @@ -3102,11 +3373,10 @@ il4965_update_tkip_key(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, il_send_add_sta(il, &il->stations[sta_id].sta, CMD_ASYNC); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->sta_lock, flags); - } int -il4965_remove_dynamic_key(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, +il4965_remove_dynamic_key(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_key_conf *keyconf, u8 sta_id) { unsigned long flags; @@ -3116,7 +3386,7 @@ il4965_remove_dynamic_key(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, lockdep_assert_held(&il->mutex); - ctx->key_mapping_keys--; + il->_4965.key_mapping_keys--; spin_lock_irqsave(&il->sta_lock, flags); key_flags = le16_to_cpu(il->stations[sta_id].sta.key.key_flags); @@ -3167,28 +3437,28 @@ il4965_remove_dynamic_key(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, } int -il4965_set_dynamic_key(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - struct ieee80211_key_conf *keyconf, u8 sta_id) +il4965_set_dynamic_key(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_key_conf *keyconf, + u8 sta_id) { int ret; lockdep_assert_held(&il->mutex); - ctx->key_mapping_keys++; + il->_4965.key_mapping_keys++; keyconf->hw_key_idx = HW_KEY_DYNAMIC; switch (keyconf->cipher) { case WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_CCMP: ret = - il4965_set_ccmp_dynamic_key_info(il, ctx, keyconf, sta_id); + il4965_set_ccmp_dynamic_key_info(il, keyconf, sta_id); break; case WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP: ret = - il4965_set_tkip_dynamic_key_info(il, ctx, keyconf, sta_id); + il4965_set_tkip_dynamic_key_info(il, keyconf, sta_id); break; case WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP40: case WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP104: - ret = il4965_set_wep_dynamic_key_info(il, ctx, keyconf, sta_id); + ret = il4965_set_wep_dynamic_key_info(il, keyconf, sta_id); break; default: IL_ERR("Unknown alg: %s cipher = %x\n", __func__, @@ -3210,14 +3480,14 @@ il4965_set_dynamic_key(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, * device at the next best time. */ int -il4965_alloc_bcast_station(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il4965_alloc_bcast_station(struct il_priv *il) { struct il_link_quality_cmd *link_cmd; unsigned long flags; u8 sta_id; spin_lock_irqsave(&il->sta_lock, flags); - sta_id = il_prep_station(il, ctx, il_bcast_addr, false, NULL); + sta_id = il_prep_station(il, il_bcast_addr, false, NULL); if (sta_id == IL_INVALID_STATION) { IL_ERR("Unable to prepare broadcast station\n"); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->sta_lock, flags); @@ -3250,11 +3520,11 @@ il4965_alloc_bcast_station(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) * code together. */ static int -il4965_update_bcast_station(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il4965_update_bcast_station(struct il_priv *il) { unsigned long flags; struct il_link_quality_cmd *link_cmd; - u8 sta_id = ctx->bcast_sta_id; + u8 sta_id = il->hw_params.bcast_id; link_cmd = il4965_sta_alloc_lq(il, sta_id); if (!link_cmd) { @@ -3276,7 +3546,7 @@ il4965_update_bcast_station(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) int il4965_update_bcast_stations(struct il_priv *il) { - return il4965_update_bcast_station(il, &il->ctx); + return il4965_update_bcast_station(il); } /** @@ -3376,10 +3646,10 @@ il4965_sta_modify_sleep_tx_count(struct il_priv *il, int sta_id, int cnt) void il4965_update_chain_flags(struct il_priv *il) { - if (il->cfg->ops->hcmd->set_rxon_chain) { - il->cfg->ops->hcmd->set_rxon_chain(il, &il->ctx); - if (il->ctx.active.rx_chain != il->ctx.staging.rx_chain) - il_commit_rxon(il, &il->ctx); + if (il->ops->set_rxon_chain) { + il->ops->set_rxon_chain(il); + if (il->active.rx_chain != il->staging.rx_chain) + il_commit_rxon(il); } } @@ -3491,8 +3761,8 @@ il4965_hw_get_beacon_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_frame *frame) lockdep_assert_held(&il->mutex); - if (!il->beacon_ctx) { - IL_ERR("trying to build beacon w/o beacon context!\n"); + if (!il->beacon_enabled) { + IL_ERR("Trying to build beacon without beaconing enabled\n"); return 0; } @@ -3511,7 +3781,7 @@ il4965_hw_get_beacon_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_frame *frame) /* Set up TX command fields */ tx_beacon_cmd->tx.len = cpu_to_le16((u16) frame_size); - tx_beacon_cmd->tx.sta_id = il->beacon_ctx->bcast_sta_id; + tx_beacon_cmd->tx.sta_id = il->hw_params.bcast_id; tx_beacon_cmd->tx.stop_time.life_time = TX_CMD_LIFE_TIME_INFINITE; tx_beacon_cmd->tx.tx_flags = TX_CMD_FLG_SEQ_CTL_MSK | TX_CMD_FLG_TSF_MSK | @@ -3522,7 +3792,7 @@ il4965_hw_get_beacon_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_frame *frame) frame_size); /* Set up packet rate and flags */ - rate = il_get_lowest_plcp(il, il->beacon_ctx); + rate = il_get_lowest_plcp(il); il4965_toggle_tx_ant(il, &il->mgmt_tx_ant, il->hw_params.valid_tx_ant); rate_flags = BIT(il->mgmt_tx_ant) << RATE_MCS_ANT_POS; if ((rate >= IL_FIRST_CCK_RATE) && (rate <= IL_LAST_CCK_RATE)) @@ -3645,15 +3915,13 @@ il4965_hw_txq_free_tfd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq) PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); /* free SKB */ - if (txq->txb) { - struct sk_buff *skb; - - skb = txq->txb[txq->q.read_ptr].skb; + if (txq->skbs) { + struct sk_buff *skb = txq->skbs[txq->q.read_ptr]; /* can be called from irqs-disabled context */ if (skb) { dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); - txq->txb[txq->q.read_ptr].skb = NULL; + txq->skbs[txq->q.read_ptr] = NULL; } } } @@ -3752,9 +4020,9 @@ il4965_hdl_alive(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb) * This callback is provided in order to send a stats request. * * This timer function is continually reset to execute within - * REG_RECALIB_PERIOD seconds since the last N_STATS - * was received. We need to ensure we receive the stats in order - * to update the temperature used for calibrating the TXPOWER. + * 60 seconds since the last N_STATS was received. We need to + * ensure we receive the stats in order to update the temperature + * used for calibrating the TXPOWER. */ static void il4965_bg_stats_periodic(unsigned long data) @@ -3804,7 +4072,7 @@ il4965_perform_ct_kill_task(struct il_priv *il) _il_rd(il, CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1); spin_lock_irqsave(&il->reg_lock, flags); - if (!_il_grab_nic_access(il)) + if (likely(_il_grab_nic_access(il))) _il_release_nic_access(il); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->reg_lock, flags); } @@ -3842,17 +4110,17 @@ il4965_hdl_card_state(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb) il4965_perform_ct_kill_task(il); if (flags & HW_CARD_DISABLED) - set_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); + set_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); else - clear_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); + clear_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); if (!(flags & RXON_CARD_DISABLED)) il_scan_cancel(il); - if ((test_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &status) != - test_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status))) + if ((test_bit(S_RFKILL, &status) != + test_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status))) wiphy_rfkill_set_hw_state(il->hw->wiphy, - test_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status)); + test_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status)); else wake_up(&il->wait_command_queue); } @@ -3894,10 +4162,11 @@ il4965_setup_handlers(struct il_priv *il) /* Rx handlers */ il->handlers[N_RX_PHY] = il4965_hdl_rx_phy; il->handlers[N_RX_MPDU] = il4965_hdl_rx; + il->handlers[N_RX] = il4965_hdl_rx; /* block ack */ il->handlers[N_COMPRESSED_BA] = il4965_hdl_compressed_ba; - /* Set up hardware specific Rx handlers */ - il->cfg->ops->lib->handler_setup(il); + /* Tx response */ + il->handlers[C_TX] = il4965_hdl_tx; } /** @@ -4127,9 +4396,8 @@ il4965_irq_tasklet(struct il_priv *il) /* HW RF KILL switch toggled */ if (inta & CSR_INT_BIT_RF_KILL) { int hw_rf_kill = 0; - if (! - (_il_rd(il, CSR_GP_CNTRL) & - CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_HW_RF_KILL_SW)) + + if (!(_il_rd(il, CSR_GP_CNTRL) & CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_HW_RF_KILL_SW)) hw_rf_kill = 1; IL_WARN("RF_KILL bit toggled to %s.\n", @@ -4144,9 +4412,9 @@ il4965_irq_tasklet(struct il_priv *il) */ if (!test_bit(S_ALIVE, &il->status)) { if (hw_rf_kill) - set_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); + set_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); else - clear_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); + clear_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); wiphy_rfkill_set_hw_state(il->hw->wiphy, hw_rf_kill); } @@ -4270,11 +4538,9 @@ il4965_store_debug_level(struct device *d, struct device_attribute *attr, ret = strict_strtoul(buf, 0, &val); if (ret) IL_ERR("%s is not in hex or decimal form.\n", buf); - else { + else il->debug_level = val; - if (il_alloc_traffic_mem(il)) - IL_ERR("Not enough memory to generate traffic log\n"); - } + return strnlen(buf, count); } @@ -4799,7 +5065,7 @@ il4965_dump_nic_error_log(struct il_priv *il) else base = le32_to_cpu(il->card_alive.error_event_table_ptr); - if (!il->cfg->ops->lib->is_valid_rtc_data_addr(base)) { + if (!il->ops->is_valid_rtc_data_addr(base)) { IL_ERR("Not valid error log pointer 0x%08X for %s uCode\n", base, (il->ucode_type == UCODE_INIT) ? "Init" : "RT"); return; @@ -4979,7 +5245,6 @@ static void il4965_alive_start(struct il_priv *il) { int ret = 0; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; D_INFO("Runtime Alive received.\n"); @@ -5019,18 +5284,18 @@ il4965_alive_start(struct il_priv *il) il->active_rate = RATES_MASK; - if (il_is_associated_ctx(ctx)) { + if (il_is_associated(il)) { struct il_rxon_cmd *active_rxon = - (struct il_rxon_cmd *)&ctx->active; + (struct il_rxon_cmd *)&il->active; /* apply any changes in staging */ - ctx->staging.filter_flags |= RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; + il->staging.filter_flags |= RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; active_rxon->filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; } else { /* Initialize our rx_config data */ - il_connection_init_rx_config(il, &il->ctx); + il_connection_init_rx_config(il); - if (il->cfg->ops->hcmd->set_rxon_chain) - il->cfg->ops->hcmd->set_rxon_chain(il, ctx); + if (il->ops->set_rxon_chain) + il->ops->set_rxon_chain(il); } /* Configure bluetooth coexistence if enabled */ @@ -5041,7 +5306,7 @@ il4965_alive_start(struct il_priv *il) set_bit(S_READY, &il->status); /* Configure the adapter for unassociated operation */ - il_commit_rxon(il, ctx); + il_commit_rxon(il); /* At this point, the NIC is initialized and operational */ il4965_rf_kill_ct_config(il); @@ -5076,7 +5341,21 @@ __il4965_down(struct il_priv *il) * to prevent rearm timer */ del_timer_sync(&il->watchdog); - il_clear_ucode_stations(il, NULL); + il_clear_ucode_stations(il); + + /* FIXME: race conditions ? */ + spin_lock_irq(&il->sta_lock); + /* + * Remove all key information that is not stored as part + * of station information since mac80211 may not have had + * a chance to remove all the keys. When device is + * reconfigured by mac80211 after an error all keys will + * be reconfigured. + */ + memset(il->_4965.wep_keys, 0, sizeof(il->_4965.wep_keys)); + il->_4965.key_mapping_keys = 0; + spin_unlock_irq(&il->sta_lock); + il_dealloc_bcast_stations(il); il_clear_driver_stations(il); @@ -5104,12 +5383,8 @@ __il4965_down(struct il_priv *il) * clear all bits but the RF Kill bit and return */ if (!il_is_init(il)) { il->status = - test_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, - &il-> - status) << S_RF_KILL_HW | - test_bit(S_GEO_CONFIGURED, - &il-> - status) << S_GEO_CONFIGURED | + test_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status) << S_RFKILL | + test_bit(S_GEO_CONFIGURED, &il->status) << S_GEO_CONFIGURED | test_bit(S_EXIT_PENDING, &il->status) << S_EXIT_PENDING; goto exit; } @@ -5117,28 +5392,32 @@ __il4965_down(struct il_priv *il) /* ...otherwise clear out all the status bits but the RF Kill * bit and continue taking the NIC down. */ il->status &= - test_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, - &il->status) << S_RF_KILL_HW | test_bit(S_GEO_CONFIGURED, - &il-> - status) << - S_GEO_CONFIGURED | test_bit(S_FW_ERROR, - &il-> - status) << S_FW_ERROR | + test_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status) << S_RFKILL | + test_bit(S_GEO_CONFIGURED, &il->status) << S_GEO_CONFIGURED | + test_bit(S_FW_ERROR, &il->status) << S_FW_ERROR | test_bit(S_EXIT_PENDING, &il->status) << S_EXIT_PENDING; + /* + * We disabled and synchronized interrupt, and priv->mutex is taken, so + * here is the only thread which will program device registers, but + * still have lockdep assertions, so we are taking reg_lock. + */ + spin_lock_irq(&il->reg_lock); + /* FIXME: il_grab_nic_access if rfkill is off ? */ + il4965_txq_ctx_stop(il); il4965_rxq_stop(il); - /* Power-down device's busmaster DMA clocks */ - il_wr_prph(il, APMG_CLK_DIS_REG, APMG_CLK_VAL_DMA_CLK_RQT); + _il_wr_prph(il, APMG_CLK_DIS_REG, APMG_CLK_VAL_DMA_CLK_RQT); udelay(5); - /* Make sure (redundant) we've released our request to stay awake */ - il_clear_bit(il, CSR_GP_CNTRL, CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_ACCESS_REQ); - + _il_clear_bit(il, CSR_GP_CNTRL, CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_ACCESS_REQ); /* Stop the device, and put it in low power state */ - il_apm_stop(il); + _il_apm_stop(il); + + spin_unlock_irq(&il->reg_lock); + il4965_txq_ctx_unmap(il); exit: memset(&il->card_alive, 0, sizeof(struct il_alive_resp)); @@ -5159,40 +5438,36 @@ il4965_down(struct il_priv *il) il4965_cancel_deferred_work(il); } -#define HW_READY_TIMEOUT (50) -static int +static void il4965_set_hw_ready(struct il_priv *il) { - int ret = 0; + int ret; il_set_bit(il, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_NIC_READY); /* See if we got it */ - ret = - _il_poll_bit(il, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, - CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_NIC_READY, - CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_NIC_READY, HW_READY_TIMEOUT); - if (ret != -ETIMEDOUT) + ret = _il_poll_bit(il, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, + CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_NIC_READY, + CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_NIC_READY, + 100); + if (ret >= 0) il->hw_ready = true; - else - il->hw_ready = false; - D_INFO("hardware %s\n", (il->hw_ready == 1) ? "ready" : "not ready"); - return ret; + D_INFO("hardware %s ready\n", (il->hw_ready) ? "" : "not"); } -static int +static void il4965_prepare_card_hw(struct il_priv *il) { - int ret = 0; + int ret; - D_INFO("il4965_prepare_card_hw enter\n"); + il->hw_ready = false; - ret = il4965_set_hw_ready(il); + il4965_set_hw_ready(il); if (il->hw_ready) - return ret; + return; /* If HW is not ready, prepare the conditions to check again */ il_set_bit(il, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_PREPARE); @@ -5205,8 +5480,6 @@ il4965_prepare_card_hw(struct il_priv *il) /* HW should be ready by now, check again. */ if (ret != -ETIMEDOUT) il4965_set_hw_ready(il); - - return ret; } #define MAX_HW_RESTARTS 5 @@ -5227,29 +5500,26 @@ __il4965_up(struct il_priv *il) return -EIO; } - ret = il4965_alloc_bcast_station(il, &il->ctx); + ret = il4965_alloc_bcast_station(il); if (ret) { il_dealloc_bcast_stations(il); return ret; } il4965_prepare_card_hw(il); - if (!il->hw_ready) { - IL_WARN("Exit HW not ready\n"); + IL_ERR("HW not ready\n"); return -EIO; } /* If platform's RF_KILL switch is NOT set to KILL */ if (_il_rd(il, CSR_GP_CNTRL) & CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_HW_RF_KILL_SW) - clear_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); - else - set_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); - - if (il_is_rfkill(il)) { + clear_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); + else { + set_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); wiphy_rfkill_set_hw_state(il->hw->wiphy, true); - il_enable_interrupts(il); + il_enable_rfkill_int(il); IL_WARN("Radio disabled by HW RF Kill switch\n"); return 0; } @@ -5288,7 +5558,7 @@ __il4965_up(struct il_priv *il) /* load bootstrap state machine, * load bootstrap program into processor's memory, * prepare to load the "initialize" uCode */ - ret = il->cfg->ops->lib->load_ucode(il); + ret = il->ops->load_ucode(il); if (ret) { IL_ERR("Unable to set up bootstrap uCode: %d\n", ret); @@ -5329,7 +5599,7 @@ il4965_bg_init_alive_start(struct work_struct *data) if (test_bit(S_EXIT_PENDING, &il->status)) goto out; - il->cfg->ops->lib->init_alive_start(il); + il->ops->init_alive_start(il); out: mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); } @@ -5381,7 +5651,8 @@ il4965_bg_restart(struct work_struct *data) if (test_and_clear_bit(S_FW_ERROR, &il->status)) { mutex_lock(&il->mutex); - il->ctx.vif = NULL; + /* FIXME: do we dereference vif without mutex locked ? */ + il->vif = NULL; il->is_open = 0; __il4965_down(il); @@ -5450,8 +5721,8 @@ il4965_mac_setup_register(struct il_priv *il, u32 max_probe_length) hw->sta_data_size = sizeof(struct il_station_priv); hw->vif_data_size = sizeof(struct il_vif_priv); - hw->wiphy->interface_modes |= il->ctx.interface_modes; - hw->wiphy->interface_modes |= il->ctx.exclusive_interface_modes; + hw->wiphy->interface_modes = + BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) | BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC); hw->wiphy->flags |= WIPHY_FLAG_CUSTOM_REGULATORY | WIPHY_FLAG_DISABLE_BEACON_HINTS; @@ -5578,12 +5849,10 @@ il4965_mac_update_tkip_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u32 iv32, u16 * phase1key) { struct il_priv *il = hw->priv; - struct il_vif_priv *vif_priv = (void *)vif->drv_priv; D_MAC80211("enter\n"); - il4965_update_tkip_key(il, vif_priv->ctx, keyconf, sta, iv32, - phase1key); + il4965_update_tkip_key(il, keyconf, sta, iv32, phase1key); D_MAC80211("leave\n"); } @@ -5594,8 +5863,6 @@ il4965_mac_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, struct ieee80211_key_conf *key) { struct il_priv *il = hw->priv; - struct il_vif_priv *vif_priv = (void *)vif->drv_priv; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = vif_priv->ctx; int ret; u8 sta_id; bool is_default_wep_key = false; @@ -5607,7 +5874,7 @@ il4965_mac_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, return -EOPNOTSUPP; } - sta_id = il_sta_id_or_broadcast(il, vif_priv->ctx, sta); + sta_id = il_sta_id_or_broadcast(il, sta); if (sta_id == IL_INVALID_STATION) return -EINVAL; @@ -5623,7 +5890,7 @@ il4965_mac_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, if ((key->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP40 || key->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP104) && !sta) { if (cmd == SET_KEY) - is_default_wep_key = !ctx->key_mapping_keys; + is_default_wep_key = !il->_4965.key_mapping_keys; else is_default_wep_key = (key->hw_key_idx == HW_KEY_DEFAULT); @@ -5632,20 +5899,17 @@ il4965_mac_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, switch (cmd) { case SET_KEY: if (is_default_wep_key) - ret = - il4965_set_default_wep_key(il, vif_priv->ctx, key); + ret = il4965_set_default_wep_key(il, key); else - ret = - il4965_set_dynamic_key(il, vif_priv->ctx, key, - sta_id); + ret = il4965_set_dynamic_key(il, key, sta_id); D_MAC80211("enable hwcrypto key\n"); break; case DISABLE_KEY: if (is_default_wep_key) - ret = il4965_remove_default_wep_key(il, ctx, key); + ret = il4965_remove_default_wep_key(il, key); else - ret = il4965_remove_dynamic_key(il, ctx, key, sta_id); + ret = il4965_remove_dynamic_key(il, key, sta_id); D_MAC80211("disable hwcrypto key\n"); break; @@ -5711,7 +5975,6 @@ il4965_mac_sta_add(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, { struct il_priv *il = hw->priv; struct il_station_priv *sta_priv = (void *)sta->drv_priv; - struct il_vif_priv *vif_priv = (void *)vif->drv_priv; bool is_ap = vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION; int ret; u8 sta_id; @@ -5724,8 +5987,7 @@ il4965_mac_sta_add(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, atomic_set(&sta_priv->pending_frames, 0); ret = - il_add_station_common(il, vif_priv->ctx, sta->addr, is_ap, sta, - &sta_id); + il_add_station_common(il, sta->addr, is_ap, sta, &sta_id); if (ret) { IL_ERR("Unable to add station %pM (%d)\n", sta->addr, ret); /* Should we return success if return code is EEXIST ? */ @@ -5752,8 +6014,6 @@ il4965_mac_channel_switch(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_conf *conf = &hw->conf; struct ieee80211_channel *channel = ch_switch->channel; struct il_ht_config *ht_conf = &il->current_ht_config; - - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; u16 ch; D_MAC80211("enter\n"); @@ -5768,14 +6028,14 @@ il4965_mac_channel_switch(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, test_bit(S_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING, &il->status)) goto out; - if (!il_is_associated_ctx(ctx)) + if (!il_is_associated(il)) goto out; - if (!il->cfg->ops->lib->set_channel_switch) + if (!il->ops->set_channel_switch) goto out; ch = channel->hw_value; - if (le16_to_cpu(ctx->active.channel) == ch) + if (le16_to_cpu(il->active.channel) == ch) goto out; ch_info = il_get_channel_info(il, channel->band, ch); @@ -5789,30 +6049,30 @@ il4965_mac_channel_switch(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, il->current_ht_config.smps = conf->smps_mode; /* Configure HT40 channels */ - ctx->ht.enabled = conf_is_ht(conf); - if (ctx->ht.enabled) { + il->ht.enabled = conf_is_ht(conf); + if (il->ht.enabled) { if (conf_is_ht40_minus(conf)) { - ctx->ht.extension_chan_offset = + il->ht.extension_chan_offset = IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_BELOW; - ctx->ht.is_40mhz = true; + il->ht.is_40mhz = true; } else if (conf_is_ht40_plus(conf)) { - ctx->ht.extension_chan_offset = + il->ht.extension_chan_offset = IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_ABOVE; - ctx->ht.is_40mhz = true; + il->ht.is_40mhz = true; } else { - ctx->ht.extension_chan_offset = + il->ht.extension_chan_offset = IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_NONE; - ctx->ht.is_40mhz = false; + il->ht.is_40mhz = false; } } else - ctx->ht.is_40mhz = false; + il->ht.is_40mhz = false; - if ((le16_to_cpu(ctx->staging.channel) != ch)) - ctx->staging.flags = 0; + if ((le16_to_cpu(il->staging.channel) != ch)) + il->staging.flags = 0; - il_set_rxon_channel(il, channel, ctx); + il_set_rxon_channel(il, channel); il_set_rxon_ht(il, ht_conf); - il_set_flags_for_band(il, ctx, channel->band, ctx->vif); + il_set_flags_for_band(il, channel->band, il->vif); spin_unlock_irq(&il->lock); @@ -5823,10 +6083,10 @@ il4965_mac_channel_switch(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, */ set_bit(S_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING, &il->status); il->switch_channel = cpu_to_le16(ch); - if (il->cfg->ops->lib->set_channel_switch(il, ch_switch)) { + if (il->ops->set_channel_switch(il, ch_switch)) { clear_bit(S_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING, &il->status); il->switch_channel = 0; - ieee80211_chswitch_done(ctx->vif, false); + ieee80211_chswitch_done(il->vif, false); } out: @@ -5860,8 +6120,8 @@ il4965_configure_filter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, unsigned int changed_flags, mutex_lock(&il->mutex); - il->ctx.staging.filter_flags &= ~filter_nand; - il->ctx.staging.filter_flags |= filter_or; + il->staging.filter_flags &= ~filter_nand; + il->staging.filter_flags |= filter_or; /* * Not committing directly because hardware can perform a scan, @@ -5906,7 +6166,7 @@ il4965_bg_txpower_work(struct work_struct *work) /* Regardless of if we are associated, we must reconfigure the * TX power since frames can be sent on non-radar channels while * not associated */ - il->cfg->ops->lib->send_tx_power(il); + il->ops->send_tx_power(il); /* Update last_temperature to keep is_calib_needed from running * when it isn't needed... */ @@ -6012,6 +6272,28 @@ il4965_tx_queue_set_status(struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq, scd_retry ? "BA" : "AC", txq_id, tx_fifo_id); } +const struct ieee80211_ops il4965_mac_ops = { + .tx = il4965_mac_tx, + .start = il4965_mac_start, + .stop = il4965_mac_stop, + .add_interface = il_mac_add_interface, + .remove_interface = il_mac_remove_interface, + .change_interface = il_mac_change_interface, + .config = il_mac_config, + .configure_filter = il4965_configure_filter, + .set_key = il4965_mac_set_key, + .update_tkip_key = il4965_mac_update_tkip_key, + .conf_tx = il_mac_conf_tx, + .reset_tsf = il_mac_reset_tsf, + .bss_info_changed = il_mac_bss_info_changed, + .ampdu_action = il4965_mac_ampdu_action, + .hw_scan = il_mac_hw_scan, + .sta_add = il4965_mac_sta_add, + .sta_remove = il_mac_sta_remove, + .channel_switch = il4965_mac_channel_switch, + .tx_last_beacon = il_mac_tx_last_beacon, +}; + static int il4965_init_drv(struct il_priv *il) { @@ -6036,8 +6318,8 @@ il4965_init_drv(struct il_priv *il) il->force_reset.reset_duration = IL_DELAY_NEXT_FORCE_FW_RELOAD; /* Choose which receivers/antennas to use */ - if (il->cfg->ops->hcmd->set_rxon_chain) - il->cfg->ops->hcmd->set_rxon_chain(il, &il->ctx); + if (il->ops->set_rxon_chain) + il->ops->set_rxon_chain(il); il_init_scan_params(il); @@ -6065,7 +6347,6 @@ il4965_init_drv(struct il_priv *il) static void il4965_uninit_drv(struct il_priv *il) { - il4965_calib_free_results(il); il_free_geos(il); il_free_channel_map(il); kfree(il->scan_cmd); @@ -6080,9 +6361,37 @@ il4965_hw_detect(struct il_priv *il) D_INFO("HW Revision ID = 0x%X\n", il->rev_id); } -static int +static struct il_sensitivity_ranges il4965_sensitivity = { + .min_nrg_cck = 97, + .max_nrg_cck = 0, /* not used, set to 0 */ + + .auto_corr_min_ofdm = 85, + .auto_corr_min_ofdm_mrc = 170, + .auto_corr_min_ofdm_x1 = 105, + .auto_corr_min_ofdm_mrc_x1 = 220, + + .auto_corr_max_ofdm = 120, + .auto_corr_max_ofdm_mrc = 210, + .auto_corr_max_ofdm_x1 = 140, + .auto_corr_max_ofdm_mrc_x1 = 270, + + .auto_corr_min_cck = 125, + .auto_corr_max_cck = 200, + .auto_corr_min_cck_mrc = 200, + .auto_corr_max_cck_mrc = 400, + + .nrg_th_cck = 100, + .nrg_th_ofdm = 100, + + .barker_corr_th_min = 190, + .barker_corr_th_min_mrc = 390, + .nrg_th_cca = 62, +}; + +static void il4965_set_hw_params(struct il_priv *il) { + il->hw_params.bcast_id = IL4965_BROADCAST_ID; il->hw_params.max_rxq_size = RX_QUEUE_SIZE; il->hw_params.max_rxq_log = RX_QUEUE_SIZE_LOG; if (il->cfg->mod_params->amsdu_size_8K) @@ -6095,20 +6404,37 @@ il4965_set_hw_params(struct il_priv *il) if (il->cfg->mod_params->disable_11n) il->cfg->sku &= ~IL_SKU_N; - /* Device-specific setup */ - return il->cfg->ops->lib->set_hw_params(il); -} + if (il->cfg->mod_params->num_of_queues >= IL_MIN_NUM_QUEUES && + il->cfg->mod_params->num_of_queues <= IL49_NUM_QUEUES) + il->cfg->num_of_queues = + il->cfg->mod_params->num_of_queues; -static const u8 il4965_bss_ac_to_fifo[] = { - IL_TX_FIFO_VO, - IL_TX_FIFO_VI, - IL_TX_FIFO_BE, - IL_TX_FIFO_BK, -}; + il->hw_params.max_txq_num = il->cfg->num_of_queues; + il->hw_params.dma_chnl_num = FH49_TCSR_CHNL_NUM; + il->hw_params.scd_bc_tbls_size = + il->cfg->num_of_queues * + sizeof(struct il4965_scd_bc_tbl); -static const u8 il4965_bss_ac_to_queue[] = { - 0, 1, 2, 3, -}; + il->hw_params.tfd_size = sizeof(struct il_tfd); + il->hw_params.max_stations = IL4965_STATION_COUNT; + il->hw_params.max_data_size = IL49_RTC_DATA_SIZE; + il->hw_params.max_inst_size = IL49_RTC_INST_SIZE; + il->hw_params.max_bsm_size = BSM_SRAM_SIZE; + il->hw_params.ht40_channel = BIT(IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ); + + il->hw_params.rx_wrt_ptr_reg = FH49_RSCSR_CHNL0_WPTR; + + il->hw_params.tx_chains_num = il4965_num_of_ant(il->cfg->valid_tx_ant); + il->hw_params.rx_chains_num = il4965_num_of_ant(il->cfg->valid_rx_ant); + il->hw_params.valid_tx_ant = il->cfg->valid_tx_ant; + il->hw_params.valid_rx_ant = il->cfg->valid_rx_ant; + + il->hw_params.ct_kill_threshold = + CELSIUS_TO_KELVIN(CT_KILL_THRESHOLD_LEGACY); + + il->hw_params.sens = &il4965_sensitivity; + il->hw_params.beacon_time_tsf_bits = IL4965_EXT_BEACON_TIME_POS; +} static int il4965_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) @@ -6124,43 +6450,24 @@ il4965_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) * 1. Allocating HW data ************************/ - hw = il_alloc_all(cfg); + hw = ieee80211_alloc_hw(sizeof(struct il_priv), &il4965_mac_ops); if (!hw) { err = -ENOMEM; goto out; } il = hw->priv; - /* At this point both hw and il are allocated. */ - - il->ctx.ctxid = 0; - - il->ctx.always_active = true; - il->ctx.is_active = true; - il->ctx.rxon_cmd = C_RXON; - il->ctx.rxon_timing_cmd = C_RXON_TIMING; - il->ctx.rxon_assoc_cmd = C_RXON_ASSOC; - il->ctx.qos_cmd = C_QOS_PARAM; - il->ctx.ap_sta_id = IL_AP_ID; - il->ctx.wep_key_cmd = C_WEPKEY; - il->ctx.ac_to_fifo = il4965_bss_ac_to_fifo; - il->ctx.ac_to_queue = il4965_bss_ac_to_queue; - il->ctx.exclusive_interface_modes = BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC); - il->ctx.interface_modes = BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION); - il->ctx.ap_devtype = RXON_DEV_TYPE_AP; - il->ctx.ibss_devtype = RXON_DEV_TYPE_IBSS; - il->ctx.station_devtype = RXON_DEV_TYPE_ESS; - il->ctx.unused_devtype = RXON_DEV_TYPE_ESS; - + il->hw = hw; SET_IEEE80211_DEV(hw, &pdev->dev); D_INFO("*** LOAD DRIVER ***\n"); il->cfg = cfg; + il->ops = &il4965_ops; +#ifdef CONFIG_IWLEGACY_DEBUGFS + il->debugfs_ops = &il4965_debugfs_ops; +#endif il->pci_dev = pdev; il->inta_mask = CSR_INI_SET_MASK; - if (il_alloc_traffic_mem(il)) - IL_ERR("Not enough memory to generate traffic log\n"); - /************************** * 2. Initializing PCI bus **************************/ @@ -6199,7 +6506,7 @@ il4965_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) /*********************** * 3. Read REV register ***********************/ - il->hw_base = pci_iomap(pdev, 0, 0); + il->hw_base = pci_ioremap_bar(pdev, 0); if (!il->hw_base) { err = -ENODEV; goto out_pci_release_regions; @@ -6260,10 +6567,7 @@ il4965_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) /************************ * 5. Setup HW constants ************************/ - if (il4965_set_hw_params(il)) { - IL_ERR("failed to set hw parameters\n"); - goto out_free_eeprom; - } + il4965_set_hw_params(il); /******************* * 6. Setup il @@ -6307,12 +6611,12 @@ il4965_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) /* If platform's RF_KILL switch is NOT set to KILL */ if (_il_rd(il, CSR_GP_CNTRL) & CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_HW_RF_KILL_SW) - clear_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); + clear_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); else - set_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); + set_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); wiphy_rfkill_set_hw_state(il->hw->wiphy, - test_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status)); + test_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status)); il_power_initialize(il); @@ -6334,14 +6638,13 @@ il4965_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) out_free_eeprom: il_eeprom_free(il); out_iounmap: - pci_iounmap(pdev, il->hw_base); + iounmap(il->hw_base); out_pci_release_regions: pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); pci_release_regions(pdev); out_pci_disable_device: pci_disable_device(pdev); out_ieee80211_free_hw: - il_free_traffic_mem(il); ieee80211_free_hw(il->hw); out: return err; @@ -6412,11 +6715,10 @@ il4965_pci_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) * until now... */ destroy_workqueue(il->workqueue); il->workqueue = NULL; - il_free_traffic_mem(il); free_irq(il->pci_dev->irq, il); pci_disable_msi(il->pci_dev); - pci_iounmap(pdev, il->hw_base); + iounmap(il->hw_base); pci_release_regions(pdev); pci_disable_device(pdev); pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965-rs.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965-rs.c index 467d0cb14ecdf56213839126ac08ac8c03668834..d7e2856e41d3b0e90929d605096e9e40932f95ee 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965-rs.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965-rs.c @@ -641,13 +641,10 @@ il4965_rs_toggle_antenna(u32 valid_ant, u32 *rate_n_flags, * there are no non-GF stations present in the BSS. */ static bool -il4965_rs_use_green(struct ieee80211_sta *sta) +il4965_rs_use_green(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_sta *sta) { - struct il_station_priv *sta_priv = (void *)sta->drv_priv; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = sta_priv->common.ctx; - return (sta->ht_cap.cap & IEEE80211_HT_CAP_GRN_FLD) && - !(ctx->ht.non_gf_sta_present); + !il->ht.non_gf_sta_present; } /** @@ -823,8 +820,6 @@ il4965_rs_tx_status(void *il_r, struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband, u32 tx_rate; struct il_scale_tbl_info tbl_type; struct il_scale_tbl_info *curr_tbl, *other_tbl, *tmp_tbl; - struct il_station_priv *sta_priv = (void *)sta->drv_priv; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = sta_priv->common.ctx; D_RATE("get frame ack response, update rate scale win\n"); @@ -892,7 +887,7 @@ il4965_rs_tx_status(void *il_r, struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband, lq_sta->missed_rate_counter++; if (lq_sta->missed_rate_counter > IL_MISSED_RATE_MAX) { lq_sta->missed_rate_counter = 0; - il_send_lq_cmd(il, ctx, &lq_sta->lq, CMD_ASYNC, false); + il_send_lq_cmd(il, &lq_sta->lq, CMD_ASYNC, false); } /* Regardless, ignore this status info for outdated rate */ return; @@ -1184,8 +1179,6 @@ il4965_rs_switch_to_mimo2(struct il_priv *il, struct il_lq_sta *lq_sta, u16 rate_mask; s32 rate; s8 is_green = lq_sta->is_green; - struct il_station_priv *sta_priv = (void *)sta->drv_priv; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = sta_priv->common.ctx; if (!conf_is_ht(conf) || !sta->ht_cap.ht_supported) return -1; @@ -1206,7 +1199,7 @@ il4965_rs_switch_to_mimo2(struct il_priv *il, struct il_lq_sta *lq_sta, tbl->max_search = IL_MAX_SEARCH; rate_mask = lq_sta->active_mimo2_rate; - if (il_is_ht40_tx_allowed(il, ctx, &sta->ht_cap)) + if (il_is_ht40_tx_allowed(il, &sta->ht_cap)) tbl->is_ht40 = 1; else tbl->is_ht40 = 0; @@ -1240,8 +1233,6 @@ il4965_rs_switch_to_siso(struct il_priv *il, struct il_lq_sta *lq_sta, u16 rate_mask; u8 is_green = lq_sta->is_green; s32 rate; - struct il_station_priv *sta_priv = (void *)sta->drv_priv; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = sta_priv->common.ctx; if (!conf_is_ht(conf) || !sta->ht_cap.ht_supported) return -1; @@ -1254,7 +1245,7 @@ il4965_rs_switch_to_siso(struct il_priv *il, struct il_lq_sta *lq_sta, tbl->max_search = IL_MAX_SEARCH; rate_mask = lq_sta->active_siso_rate; - if (il_is_ht40_tx_allowed(il, ctx, &sta->ht_cap)) + if (il_is_ht40_tx_allowed(il, &sta->ht_cap)) tbl->is_ht40 = 1; else tbl->is_ht40 = 0; @@ -1733,8 +1724,7 @@ il4965_rs_stay_in_table(struct il_lq_sta *lq_sta, bool force_search) * setup rate table in uCode */ static void -il4965_rs_update_rate_tbl(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - struct il_lq_sta *lq_sta, +il4965_rs_update_rate_tbl(struct il_priv *il, struct il_lq_sta *lq_sta, struct il_scale_tbl_info *tbl, int idx, u8 is_green) { u32 rate; @@ -1742,7 +1732,7 @@ il4965_rs_update_rate_tbl(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, /* Update uCode's rate table. */ rate = il4965_rate_n_flags_from_tbl(il, tbl, idx, is_green); il4965_rs_fill_link_cmd(il, lq_sta, rate); - il_send_lq_cmd(il, ctx, &lq_sta->lq, CMD_ASYNC, false); + il_send_lq_cmd(il, &lq_sta->lq, CMD_ASYNC, false); } /* @@ -1778,8 +1768,6 @@ il4965_rs_rate_scale_perform(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb, s32 sr; u8 tid = MAX_TID_COUNT; struct il_tid_data *tid_data; - struct il_station_priv *sta_priv = (void *)sta->drv_priv; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = sta_priv->common.ctx; D_RATE("rate scale calculate new rate for skb\n"); @@ -1815,7 +1803,7 @@ il4965_rs_rate_scale_perform(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb, if (is_legacy(tbl->lq_type)) lq_sta->is_green = 0; else - lq_sta->is_green = il4965_rs_use_green(sta); + lq_sta->is_green = il4965_rs_use_green(il, sta); is_green = lq_sta->is_green; /* current tx rate */ @@ -1854,7 +1842,7 @@ il4965_rs_rate_scale_perform(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb, tbl = &(lq_sta->lq_info[lq_sta->active_tbl]); /* get "active" rate info */ idx = il4965_hwrate_to_plcp_idx(tbl->current_rate); - il4965_rs_update_rate_tbl(il, ctx, lq_sta, tbl, idx, + il4965_rs_update_rate_tbl(il, lq_sta, tbl, idx, is_green); } return; @@ -2057,8 +2045,7 @@ il4965_rs_rate_scale_perform(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb, lq_update: /* Replace uCode's rate table for the destination station. */ if (update_lq) - il4965_rs_update_rate_tbl(il, ctx, lq_sta, tbl, idx, - is_green); + il4965_rs_update_rate_tbl(il, lq_sta, tbl, idx, is_green); /* Should we stay with this modulation mode, * or search for a new one? */ @@ -2098,7 +2085,7 @@ il4965_rs_rate_scale_perform(struct il_priv *il, struct sk_buff *skb, D_RATE("Switch current mcs: %X idx: %d\n", tbl->current_rate, idx); il4965_rs_fill_link_cmd(il, lq_sta, tbl->current_rate); - il_send_lq_cmd(il, ctx, &lq_sta->lq, CMD_ASYNC, false); + il_send_lq_cmd(il, &lq_sta->lq, CMD_ASYNC, false); } else done_search = 1; } @@ -2166,17 +2153,15 @@ il4965_rs_initialize_lq(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_conf *conf, int rate_idx; int i; u32 rate; - u8 use_green = il4965_rs_use_green(sta); + u8 use_green = il4965_rs_use_green(il, sta); u8 active_tbl = 0; u8 valid_tx_ant; struct il_station_priv *sta_priv; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx; if (!sta || !lq_sta) return; sta_priv = (void *)sta->drv_priv; - ctx = sta_priv->common.ctx; i = lq_sta->last_txrate_idx; @@ -2208,7 +2193,7 @@ il4965_rs_initialize_lq(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_conf *conf, il4965_rs_set_expected_tpt_table(lq_sta, tbl); il4965_rs_fill_link_cmd(NULL, lq_sta, rate); il->stations[lq_sta->lq.sta_id].lq = &lq_sta->lq; - il_send_lq_cmd(il, ctx, &lq_sta->lq, CMD_SYNC, true); + il_send_lq_cmd(il, &lq_sta->lq, CMD_SYNC, true); } static void @@ -2341,7 +2326,7 @@ il4965_rs_rate_init(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u8 sta_id) lq_sta->is_dup = 0; lq_sta->max_rate_idx = -1; lq_sta->missed_rate_counter = IL_MISSED_RATE_MAX; - lq_sta->is_green = il4965_rs_use_green(sta); + lq_sta->is_green = il4965_rs_use_green(il, sta); lq_sta->active_legacy_rate = il->active_rate & ~(0x1000); lq_sta->band = il->band; /* @@ -2579,9 +2564,6 @@ il4965_rs_sta_dbgfs_scale_table_write(struct file *file, char buf[64]; size_t buf_size; u32 parsed_rate; - struct il_station_priv *sta_priv = - container_of(lq_sta, struct il_station_priv, lq_sta); - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = sta_priv->common.ctx; il = lq_sta->drv; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); @@ -2603,7 +2585,7 @@ il4965_rs_sta_dbgfs_scale_table_write(struct file *file, if (lq_sta->dbg_fixed_rate) { il4965_rs_fill_link_cmd(NULL, lq_sta, lq_sta->dbg_fixed_rate); - il_send_lq_cmd(lq_sta->drv, ctx, &lq_sta->lq, CMD_ASYNC, false); + il_send_lq_cmd(lq_sta->drv, &lq_sta->lq, CMD_ASYNC, false); } return count; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965.c index cacbc03880b0fc07846bdbea1694af40504ad75d..5db11714e04705cd9f68c061c59dfdab6abecfc6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965.c @@ -264,10 +264,6 @@ il4965_led_enable(struct il_priv *il) _il_wr(il, CSR_LED_REG, CSR_LED_REG_TRUN_ON); } -const struct il_led_ops il4965_led_ops = { - .cmd = il4965_send_led_cmd, -}; - static int il4965_send_tx_power(struct il_priv *il); static int il4965_hw_get_temperature(struct il_priv *il); @@ -508,7 +504,7 @@ iw4965_is_ht40_channel(__le32 rxon_flags) chan_mod == CHANNEL_MODE_MIXED); } -static void +void il4965_nic_config(struct il_priv *il) { unsigned long flags; @@ -569,82 +565,6 @@ il4965_chain_noise_reset(struct il_priv *il) } } -static struct il_sensitivity_ranges il4965_sensitivity = { - .min_nrg_cck = 97, - .max_nrg_cck = 0, /* not used, set to 0 */ - - .auto_corr_min_ofdm = 85, - .auto_corr_min_ofdm_mrc = 170, - .auto_corr_min_ofdm_x1 = 105, - .auto_corr_min_ofdm_mrc_x1 = 220, - - .auto_corr_max_ofdm = 120, - .auto_corr_max_ofdm_mrc = 210, - .auto_corr_max_ofdm_x1 = 140, - .auto_corr_max_ofdm_mrc_x1 = 270, - - .auto_corr_min_cck = 125, - .auto_corr_max_cck = 200, - .auto_corr_min_cck_mrc = 200, - .auto_corr_max_cck_mrc = 400, - - .nrg_th_cck = 100, - .nrg_th_ofdm = 100, - - .barker_corr_th_min = 190, - .barker_corr_th_min_mrc = 390, - .nrg_th_cca = 62, -}; - -static void -il4965_set_ct_threshold(struct il_priv *il) -{ - /* want Kelvin */ - il->hw_params.ct_kill_threshold = - CELSIUS_TO_KELVIN(CT_KILL_THRESHOLD_LEGACY); -} - -/** - * il4965_hw_set_hw_params - * - * Called when initializing driver - */ -static int -il4965_hw_set_hw_params(struct il_priv *il) -{ - if (il->cfg->mod_params->num_of_queues >= IL_MIN_NUM_QUEUES && - il->cfg->mod_params->num_of_queues <= IL49_NUM_QUEUES) - il->cfg->base_params->num_of_queues = - il->cfg->mod_params->num_of_queues; - - il->hw_params.max_txq_num = il->cfg->base_params->num_of_queues; - il->hw_params.dma_chnl_num = FH49_TCSR_CHNL_NUM; - il->hw_params.scd_bc_tbls_size = - il->cfg->base_params->num_of_queues * - sizeof(struct il4965_scd_bc_tbl); - il->hw_params.tfd_size = sizeof(struct il_tfd); - il->hw_params.max_stations = IL4965_STATION_COUNT; - il->ctx.bcast_sta_id = IL4965_BROADCAST_ID; - il->hw_params.max_data_size = IL49_RTC_DATA_SIZE; - il->hw_params.max_inst_size = IL49_RTC_INST_SIZE; - il->hw_params.max_bsm_size = BSM_SRAM_SIZE; - il->hw_params.ht40_channel = BIT(IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ); - - il->hw_params.rx_wrt_ptr_reg = FH49_RSCSR_CHNL0_WPTR; - - il->hw_params.tx_chains_num = il4965_num_of_ant(il->cfg->valid_tx_ant); - il->hw_params.rx_chains_num = il4965_num_of_ant(il->cfg->valid_rx_ant); - il->hw_params.valid_tx_ant = il->cfg->valid_tx_ant; - il->hw_params.valid_rx_ant = il->cfg->valid_rx_ant; - - il4965_set_ct_threshold(il); - - il->hw_params.sens = &il4965_sensitivity; - il->hw_params.beacon_time_tsf_bits = IL4965_EXT_BEACON_TIME_POS; - - return 0; -} - static s32 il4965_math_div_round(s32 num, s32 denom, s32 * res) { @@ -1342,7 +1262,6 @@ il4965_send_tx_power(struct il_priv *il) u8 band = 0; bool is_ht40 = false; u8 ctrl_chan_high = 0; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; if (WARN_ONCE (test_bit(S_SCAN_HW, &il->status), @@ -1351,16 +1270,16 @@ il4965_send_tx_power(struct il_priv *il) band = il->band == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ; - is_ht40 = iw4965_is_ht40_channel(ctx->active.flags); + is_ht40 = iw4965_is_ht40_channel(il->active.flags); - if (is_ht40 && (ctx->active.flags & RXON_FLG_CTRL_CHANNEL_LOC_HI_MSK)) + if (is_ht40 && (il->active.flags & RXON_FLG_CTRL_CHANNEL_LOC_HI_MSK)) ctrl_chan_high = 1; cmd.band = band; - cmd.channel = ctx->active.channel; + cmd.channel = il->active.channel; ret = - il4965_fill_txpower_tbl(il, band, le16_to_cpu(ctx->active.channel), + il4965_fill_txpower_tbl(il, band, le16_to_cpu(il->active.channel), is_ht40, ctrl_chan_high, &cmd.tx_power); if (ret) goto out; @@ -1372,12 +1291,12 @@ il4965_send_tx_power(struct il_priv *il) } static int -il4965_send_rxon_assoc(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il4965_send_rxon_assoc(struct il_priv *il) { int ret = 0; struct il4965_rxon_assoc_cmd rxon_assoc; - const struct il_rxon_cmd *rxon1 = &ctx->staging; - const struct il_rxon_cmd *rxon2 = &ctx->active; + const struct il_rxon_cmd *rxon1 = &il->staging; + const struct il_rxon_cmd *rxon2 = &il->active; if (rxon1->flags == rxon2->flags && rxon1->filter_flags == rxon2->filter_flags && @@ -1392,16 +1311,16 @@ il4965_send_rxon_assoc(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) return 0; } - rxon_assoc.flags = ctx->staging.flags; - rxon_assoc.filter_flags = ctx->staging.filter_flags; - rxon_assoc.ofdm_basic_rates = ctx->staging.ofdm_basic_rates; - rxon_assoc.cck_basic_rates = ctx->staging.cck_basic_rates; + rxon_assoc.flags = il->staging.flags; + rxon_assoc.filter_flags = il->staging.filter_flags; + rxon_assoc.ofdm_basic_rates = il->staging.ofdm_basic_rates; + rxon_assoc.cck_basic_rates = il->staging.cck_basic_rates; rxon_assoc.reserved = 0; rxon_assoc.ofdm_ht_single_stream_basic_rates = - ctx->staging.ofdm_ht_single_stream_basic_rates; + il->staging.ofdm_ht_single_stream_basic_rates; rxon_assoc.ofdm_ht_dual_stream_basic_rates = - ctx->staging.ofdm_ht_dual_stream_basic_rates; - rxon_assoc.rx_chain_select_flags = ctx->staging.rx_chain; + il->staging.ofdm_ht_dual_stream_basic_rates; + rxon_assoc.rx_chain_select_flags = il->staging.rx_chain; ret = il_send_cmd_pdu_async(il, C_RXON_ASSOC, sizeof(rxon_assoc), @@ -1411,23 +1330,20 @@ il4965_send_rxon_assoc(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) } static int -il4965_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il4965_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il) { /* cast away the const for active_rxon in this function */ - struct il_rxon_cmd *active_rxon = (void *)&ctx->active; + struct il_rxon_cmd *active_rxon = (void *)&il->active; int ret; - bool new_assoc = !!(ctx->staging.filter_flags & RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK); + bool new_assoc = !!(il->staging.filter_flags & RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK); if (!il_is_alive(il)) return -EBUSY; - if (!ctx->is_active) - return 0; - /* always get timestamp with Rx frame */ - ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_TSF2HOST_MSK; + il->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_TSF2HOST_MSK; - ret = il_check_rxon_cmd(il, ctx); + ret = il_check_rxon_cmd(il); if (ret) { IL_ERR("Invalid RXON configuration. Not committing.\n"); return -EINVAL; @@ -1438,7 +1354,7 @@ il4965_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) * abort any previous channel switch if still in process */ if (test_bit(S_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING, &il->status) && - il->switch_channel != ctx->staging.channel) { + il->switch_channel != il->staging.channel) { D_11H("abort channel switch on %d\n", le16_to_cpu(il->switch_channel)); il_chswitch_done(il, false); @@ -1447,15 +1363,15 @@ il4965_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) /* If we don't need to send a full RXON, we can use * il_rxon_assoc_cmd which is used to reconfigure filter * and other flags for the current radio configuration. */ - if (!il_full_rxon_required(il, ctx)) { - ret = il_send_rxon_assoc(il, ctx); + if (!il_full_rxon_required(il)) { + ret = il_send_rxon_assoc(il); if (ret) { IL_ERR("Error setting RXON_ASSOC (%d)\n", ret); return ret; } - memcpy(active_rxon, &ctx->staging, sizeof(*active_rxon)); - il_print_rx_config_cmd(il, ctx); + memcpy(active_rxon, &il->staging, sizeof(*active_rxon)); + il_print_rx_config_cmd(il); /* * We do not commit tx power settings while channel changing, * do it now if tx power changed. @@ -1468,12 +1384,12 @@ il4965_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) * an RXON_ASSOC and the new config wants the associated mask enabled, * we must clear the associated from the active configuration * before we apply the new config */ - if (il_is_associated_ctx(ctx) && new_assoc) { + if (il_is_associated(il) && new_assoc) { D_INFO("Toggling associated bit on current RXON\n"); active_rxon->filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; ret = - il_send_cmd_pdu(il, ctx->rxon_cmd, + il_send_cmd_pdu(il, C_RXON, sizeof(struct il_rxon_cmd), active_rxon); /* If the mask clearing failed then we set @@ -1483,9 +1399,9 @@ il4965_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) IL_ERR("Error clearing ASSOC_MSK (%d)\n", ret); return ret; } - il_clear_ucode_stations(il, ctx); - il_restore_stations(il, ctx); - ret = il4965_restore_default_wep_keys(il, ctx); + il_clear_ucode_stations(il); + il_restore_stations(il); + ret = il4965_restore_default_wep_keys(il); if (ret) { IL_ERR("Failed to restore WEP keys (%d)\n", ret); return ret; @@ -1494,9 +1410,9 @@ il4965_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) D_INFO("Sending RXON\n" "* with%s RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK\n" "* channel = %d\n" "* bssid = %pM\n", (new_assoc ? "" : "out"), - le16_to_cpu(ctx->staging.channel), ctx->staging.bssid_addr); + le16_to_cpu(il->staging.channel), il->staging.bssid_addr); - il_set_rxon_hwcrypto(il, ctx, !il->cfg->mod_params->sw_crypto); + il_set_rxon_hwcrypto(il, !il->cfg->mod_params->sw_crypto); /* Apply the new configuration * RXON unassoc clears the station table in uCode so restoration of @@ -1504,17 +1420,17 @@ il4965_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) */ if (!new_assoc) { ret = - il_send_cmd_pdu(il, ctx->rxon_cmd, - sizeof(struct il_rxon_cmd), &ctx->staging); + il_send_cmd_pdu(il, C_RXON, + sizeof(struct il_rxon_cmd), &il->staging); if (ret) { IL_ERR("Error setting new RXON (%d)\n", ret); return ret; } D_INFO("Return from !new_assoc RXON.\n"); - memcpy(active_rxon, &ctx->staging, sizeof(*active_rxon)); - il_clear_ucode_stations(il, ctx); - il_restore_stations(il, ctx); - ret = il4965_restore_default_wep_keys(il, ctx); + memcpy(active_rxon, &il->staging, sizeof(*active_rxon)); + il_clear_ucode_stations(il); + il_restore_stations(il); + ret = il4965_restore_default_wep_keys(il); if (ret) { IL_ERR("Failed to restore WEP keys (%d)\n", ret); return ret; @@ -1526,15 +1442,15 @@ il4965_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) * RXON assoc doesn't clear the station table in uCode, */ ret = - il_send_cmd_pdu(il, ctx->rxon_cmd, - sizeof(struct il_rxon_cmd), &ctx->staging); + il_send_cmd_pdu(il, C_RXON, + sizeof(struct il_rxon_cmd), &il->staging); if (ret) { IL_ERR("Error setting new RXON (%d)\n", ret); return ret; } - memcpy(active_rxon, &ctx->staging, sizeof(*active_rxon)); + memcpy(active_rxon, &il->staging, sizeof(*active_rxon)); } - il_print_rx_config_cmd(il, ctx); + il_print_rx_config_cmd(il); il4965_init_sensitivity(il); @@ -1553,7 +1469,6 @@ static int il4965_hw_channel_switch(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_channel_switch *ch_switch) { - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; int rc; u8 band = 0; bool is_ht40 = false; @@ -1564,21 +1479,24 @@ il4965_hw_channel_switch(struct il_priv *il, u16 ch; u32 tsf_low; u8 switch_count; - u16 beacon_interval = le16_to_cpu(ctx->timing.beacon_interval); - struct ieee80211_vif *vif = ctx->vif; - band = il->band == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ; + u16 beacon_interval = le16_to_cpu(il->timing.beacon_interval); + struct ieee80211_vif *vif = il->vif; + band = (il->band == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ); + + if (WARN_ON_ONCE(vif == NULL)) + return -EIO; - is_ht40 = iw4965_is_ht40_channel(ctx->staging.flags); + is_ht40 = iw4965_is_ht40_channel(il->staging.flags); - if (is_ht40 && (ctx->staging.flags & RXON_FLG_CTRL_CHANNEL_LOC_HI_MSK)) + if (is_ht40 && (il->staging.flags & RXON_FLG_CTRL_CHANNEL_LOC_HI_MSK)) ctrl_chan_high = 1; cmd.band = band; cmd.expect_beacon = 0; ch = ch_switch->channel->hw_value; cmd.channel = cpu_to_le16(ch); - cmd.rxon_flags = ctx->staging.flags; - cmd.rxon_filter_flags = ctx->staging.filter_flags; + cmd.rxon_flags = il->staging.flags; + cmd.rxon_filter_flags = il->staging.filter_flags; switch_count = ch_switch->count; tsf_low = ch_switch->timestamp & 0x0ffffffff; /* @@ -1611,7 +1529,7 @@ il4965_hw_channel_switch(struct il_priv *il, cmd.expect_beacon = il_is_channel_radar(ch_info); else { IL_ERR("invalid channel switch from %u to %u\n", - ctx->active.channel, ch); + il->active.channel, ch); return -EFAULT; } @@ -1756,7 +1674,7 @@ il4965_is_temp_calib_needed(struct il_priv *il) return 1; } -static void +void il4965_temperature_calib(struct il_priv *il) { s32 temp; @@ -1815,339 +1733,21 @@ il4965_build_addsta_hcmd(const struct il_addsta_cmd *cmd, u8 * data) return (u16) sizeof(struct il4965_addsta_cmd); } -static inline u32 -il4965_get_scd_ssn(struct il4965_tx_resp *tx_resp) -{ - return le32_to_cpup(&tx_resp->u.status + tx_resp->frame_count) & MAX_SN; -} - -static inline u32 -il4965_tx_status_to_mac80211(u32 status) -{ - status &= TX_STATUS_MSK; - - switch (status) { - case TX_STATUS_SUCCESS: - case TX_STATUS_DIRECT_DONE: - return IEEE80211_TX_STAT_ACK; - case TX_STATUS_FAIL_DEST_PS: - return IEEE80211_TX_STAT_TX_FILTERED; - default: - return 0; - } -} - -static inline bool -il4965_is_tx_success(u32 status) -{ - status &= TX_STATUS_MSK; - return (status == TX_STATUS_SUCCESS || status == TX_STATUS_DIRECT_DONE); -} - -/** - * il4965_tx_status_reply_tx - Handle Tx response for frames in aggregation queue - */ -static int -il4965_tx_status_reply_tx(struct il_priv *il, struct il_ht_agg *agg, - struct il4965_tx_resp *tx_resp, int txq_id, - u16 start_idx) -{ - u16 status; - struct agg_tx_status *frame_status = tx_resp->u.agg_status; - struct ieee80211_tx_info *info = NULL; - struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = NULL; - u32 rate_n_flags = le32_to_cpu(tx_resp->rate_n_flags); - int i, sh, idx; - u16 seq; - if (agg->wait_for_ba) - D_TX_REPLY("got tx response w/o block-ack\n"); - - agg->frame_count = tx_resp->frame_count; - agg->start_idx = start_idx; - agg->rate_n_flags = rate_n_flags; - agg->bitmap = 0; - - /* num frames attempted by Tx command */ - if (agg->frame_count == 1) { - /* Only one frame was attempted; no block-ack will arrive */ - status = le16_to_cpu(frame_status[0].status); - idx = start_idx; - - D_TX_REPLY("FrameCnt = %d, StartIdx=%d idx=%d\n", - agg->frame_count, agg->start_idx, idx); - - info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(il->txq[txq_id].txb[idx].skb); - info->status.rates[0].count = tx_resp->failure_frame + 1; - info->flags &= ~IEEE80211_TX_CTL_AMPDU; - info->flags |= il4965_tx_status_to_mac80211(status); - il4965_hwrate_to_tx_control(il, rate_n_flags, info); - - D_TX_REPLY("1 Frame 0x%x failure :%d\n", status & 0xff, - tx_resp->failure_frame); - D_TX_REPLY("Rate Info rate_n_flags=%x\n", rate_n_flags); - - agg->wait_for_ba = 0; - } else { - /* Two or more frames were attempted; expect block-ack */ - u64 bitmap = 0; - int start = agg->start_idx; - - /* Construct bit-map of pending frames within Tx win */ - for (i = 0; i < agg->frame_count; i++) { - u16 sc; - status = le16_to_cpu(frame_status[i].status); - seq = le16_to_cpu(frame_status[i].sequence); - idx = SEQ_TO_IDX(seq); - txq_id = SEQ_TO_QUEUE(seq); - - if (status & - (AGG_TX_STATE_FEW_BYTES_MSK | - AGG_TX_STATE_ABORT_MSK)) - continue; - - D_TX_REPLY("FrameCnt = %d, txq_id=%d idx=%d\n", - agg->frame_count, txq_id, idx); - - hdr = il_tx_queue_get_hdr(il, txq_id, idx); - if (!hdr) { - IL_ERR("BUG_ON idx doesn't point to valid skb" - " idx=%d, txq_id=%d\n", idx, txq_id); - return -1; - } - - sc = le16_to_cpu(hdr->seq_ctrl); - if (idx != (SEQ_TO_SN(sc) & 0xff)) { - IL_ERR("BUG_ON idx doesn't match seq control" - " idx=%d, seq_idx=%d, seq=%d\n", idx, - SEQ_TO_SN(sc), hdr->seq_ctrl); - return -1; - } - - D_TX_REPLY("AGG Frame i=%d idx %d seq=%d\n", i, idx, - SEQ_TO_SN(sc)); - - sh = idx - start; - if (sh > 64) { - sh = (start - idx) + 0xff; - bitmap = bitmap << sh; - sh = 0; - start = idx; - } else if (sh < -64) - sh = 0xff - (start - idx); - else if (sh < 0) { - sh = start - idx; - start = idx; - bitmap = bitmap << sh; - sh = 0; - } - bitmap |= 1ULL << sh; - D_TX_REPLY("start=%d bitmap=0x%llx\n", start, - (unsigned long long)bitmap); - } - - agg->bitmap = bitmap; - agg->start_idx = start; - D_TX_REPLY("Frames %d start_idx=%d bitmap=0x%llx\n", - agg->frame_count, agg->start_idx, - (unsigned long long)agg->bitmap); - - if (bitmap) - agg->wait_for_ba = 1; - } - return 0; -} - -static u8 -il4965_find_station(struct il_priv *il, const u8 * addr) -{ - int i; - int start = 0; - int ret = IL_INVALID_STATION; - unsigned long flags; - - if ((il->iw_mode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC)) - start = IL_STA_ID; - - if (is_broadcast_ether_addr(addr)) - return il->ctx.bcast_sta_id; - - spin_lock_irqsave(&il->sta_lock, flags); - for (i = start; i < il->hw_params.max_stations; i++) - if (il->stations[i].used && - (!compare_ether_addr(il->stations[i].sta.sta.addr, addr))) { - ret = i; - goto out; - } - - D_ASSOC("can not find STA %pM total %d\n", addr, il->num_stations); - -out: - /* - * It may be possible that more commands interacting with stations - * arrive before we completed processing the adding of - * station - */ - if (ret != IL_INVALID_STATION && - (!(il->stations[ret].used & IL_STA_UCODE_ACTIVE) || - ((il->stations[ret].used & IL_STA_UCODE_ACTIVE) && - (il->stations[ret].used & IL_STA_UCODE_INPROGRESS)))) { - IL_ERR("Requested station info for sta %d before ready.\n", - ret); - ret = IL_INVALID_STATION; - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->sta_lock, flags); - return ret; -} - -static int -il4965_get_ra_sta_id(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr) -{ - if (il->iw_mode == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) { - return IL_AP_ID; - } else { - u8 *da = ieee80211_get_DA(hdr); - return il4965_find_station(il, da); - } -} - -/** - * il4965_hdl_tx - Handle standard (non-aggregation) Tx response - */ -static void -il4965_hdl_tx(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb) -{ - struct il_rx_pkt *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); - u16 sequence = le16_to_cpu(pkt->hdr.sequence); - int txq_id = SEQ_TO_QUEUE(sequence); - int idx = SEQ_TO_IDX(sequence); - struct il_tx_queue *txq = &il->txq[txq_id]; - struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr; - struct ieee80211_tx_info *info; - struct il4965_tx_resp *tx_resp = (void *)&pkt->u.raw[0]; - u32 status = le32_to_cpu(tx_resp->u.status); - int uninitialized_var(tid); - int sta_id; - int freed; - u8 *qc = NULL; - unsigned long flags; - - if (idx >= txq->q.n_bd || il_queue_used(&txq->q, idx) == 0) { - IL_ERR("Read idx for DMA queue txq_id (%d) idx %d " - "is out of range [0-%d] %d %d\n", txq_id, idx, - txq->q.n_bd, txq->q.write_ptr, txq->q.read_ptr); - return; - } - - txq->time_stamp = jiffies; - info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(txq->txb[txq->q.read_ptr].skb); - memset(&info->status, 0, sizeof(info->status)); - - hdr = il_tx_queue_get_hdr(il, txq_id, idx); - if (ieee80211_is_data_qos(hdr->frame_control)) { - qc = ieee80211_get_qos_ctl(hdr); - tid = qc[0] & 0xf; - } - - sta_id = il4965_get_ra_sta_id(il, hdr); - if (txq->sched_retry && unlikely(sta_id == IL_INVALID_STATION)) { - IL_ERR("Station not known\n"); - return; - } - - spin_lock_irqsave(&il->sta_lock, flags); - if (txq->sched_retry) { - const u32 scd_ssn = il4965_get_scd_ssn(tx_resp); - struct il_ht_agg *agg = NULL; - WARN_ON(!qc); - - agg = &il->stations[sta_id].tid[tid].agg; - - il4965_tx_status_reply_tx(il, agg, tx_resp, txq_id, idx); - - /* check if BAR is needed */ - if ((tx_resp->frame_count == 1) && - !il4965_is_tx_success(status)) - info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_STAT_AMPDU_NO_BACK; - - if (txq->q.read_ptr != (scd_ssn & 0xff)) { - idx = il_queue_dec_wrap(scd_ssn & 0xff, txq->q.n_bd); - D_TX_REPLY("Retry scheduler reclaim scd_ssn " - "%d idx %d\n", scd_ssn, idx); - freed = il4965_tx_queue_reclaim(il, txq_id, idx); - if (qc) - il4965_free_tfds_in_queue(il, sta_id, tid, - freed); - - if (il->mac80211_registered && - il_queue_space(&txq->q) > txq->q.low_mark && - agg->state != IL_EMPTYING_HW_QUEUE_DELBA) - il_wake_queue(il, txq); - } - } else { - info->status.rates[0].count = tx_resp->failure_frame + 1; - info->flags |= il4965_tx_status_to_mac80211(status); - il4965_hwrate_to_tx_control(il, - le32_to_cpu(tx_resp->rate_n_flags), - info); - - D_TX_REPLY("TXQ %d status %s (0x%08x) " - "rate_n_flags 0x%x retries %d\n", txq_id, - il4965_get_tx_fail_reason(status), status, - le32_to_cpu(tx_resp->rate_n_flags), - tx_resp->failure_frame); - - freed = il4965_tx_queue_reclaim(il, txq_id, idx); - if (qc && likely(sta_id != IL_INVALID_STATION)) - il4965_free_tfds_in_queue(il, sta_id, tid, freed); - else if (sta_id == IL_INVALID_STATION) - D_TX_REPLY("Station not known\n"); - - if (il->mac80211_registered && - il_queue_space(&txq->q) > txq->q.low_mark) - il_wake_queue(il, txq); - } - if (qc && likely(sta_id != IL_INVALID_STATION)) - il4965_txq_check_empty(il, sta_id, tid, txq_id); - - il4965_check_abort_status(il, tx_resp->frame_count, status); - - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->sta_lock, flags); -} - -/* Set up 4965-specific Rx frame reply handlers */ -static void -il4965_handler_setup(struct il_priv *il) -{ - /* Legacy Rx frames */ - il->handlers[N_RX] = il4965_hdl_rx; - /* Tx response */ - il->handlers[C_TX] = il4965_hdl_tx; -} - -static struct il_hcmd_ops il4965_hcmd = { - .rxon_assoc = il4965_send_rxon_assoc, - .commit_rxon = il4965_commit_rxon, - .set_rxon_chain = il4965_set_rxon_chain, -}; - static void il4965_post_scan(struct il_priv *il) { - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; - /* * Since setting the RXON may have been deferred while * performing the scan, fire one off if needed */ - if (memcmp(&ctx->staging, &ctx->active, sizeof(ctx->staging))) - il_commit_rxon(il, ctx); + if (memcmp(&il->staging, &il->active, sizeof(il->staging))) + il_commit_rxon(il); } static void il4965_post_associate(struct il_priv *il) { - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; - struct ieee80211_vif *vif = ctx->vif; + struct ieee80211_vif *vif = il->vif; struct ieee80211_conf *conf = NULL; int ret = 0; @@ -2161,41 +1761,41 @@ il4965_post_associate(struct il_priv *il) conf = &il->hw->conf; - ctx->staging.filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; - il_commit_rxon(il, ctx); + il->staging.filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; + il_commit_rxon(il); - ret = il_send_rxon_timing(il, ctx); + ret = il_send_rxon_timing(il); if (ret) IL_WARN("RXON timing - " "Attempting to continue.\n"); - ctx->staging.filter_flags |= RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; + il->staging.filter_flags |= RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; il_set_rxon_ht(il, &il->current_ht_config); - if (il->cfg->ops->hcmd->set_rxon_chain) - il->cfg->ops->hcmd->set_rxon_chain(il, ctx); + if (il->ops->set_rxon_chain) + il->ops->set_rxon_chain(il); - ctx->staging.assoc_id = cpu_to_le16(vif->bss_conf.aid); + il->staging.assoc_id = cpu_to_le16(vif->bss_conf.aid); D_ASSOC("assoc id %d beacon interval %d\n", vif->bss_conf.aid, vif->bss_conf.beacon_int); if (vif->bss_conf.use_short_preamble) - ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; + il->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; else - ctx->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; + il->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; - if (ctx->staging.flags & RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK) { + if (il->staging.flags & RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK) { if (vif->bss_conf.use_short_slot) - ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; + il->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; else - ctx->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; + il->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; } - il_commit_rxon(il, ctx); + il_commit_rxon(il); D_ASSOC("Associated as %d to: %pM\n", vif->bss_conf.aid, - ctx->active.bssid_addr); + il->active.bssid_addr); switch (vif->type) { case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION: @@ -2223,8 +1823,7 @@ il4965_post_associate(struct il_priv *il) static void il4965_config_ap(struct il_priv *il) { - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; - struct ieee80211_vif *vif = ctx->vif; + struct ieee80211_vif *vif = il->vif; int ret = 0; lockdep_assert_held(&il->mutex); @@ -2233,14 +1832,14 @@ il4965_config_ap(struct il_priv *il) return; /* The following should be done only at AP bring up */ - if (!il_is_associated_ctx(ctx)) { + if (!il_is_associated(il)) { /* RXON - unassoc (to set timing command) */ - ctx->staging.filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; - il_commit_rxon(il, ctx); + il->staging.filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; + il_commit_rxon(il); /* RXON Timing */ - ret = il_send_rxon_timing(il, ctx); + ret = il_send_rxon_timing(il); if (ret) IL_WARN("RXON timing failed - " "Attempting to continue.\n"); @@ -2248,133 +1847,63 @@ il4965_config_ap(struct il_priv *il) /* AP has all antennas */ il->chain_noise_data.active_chains = il->hw_params.valid_rx_ant; il_set_rxon_ht(il, &il->current_ht_config); - if (il->cfg->ops->hcmd->set_rxon_chain) - il->cfg->ops->hcmd->set_rxon_chain(il, ctx); + if (il->ops->set_rxon_chain) + il->ops->set_rxon_chain(il); - ctx->staging.assoc_id = 0; + il->staging.assoc_id = 0; if (vif->bss_conf.use_short_preamble) - ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; + il->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; else - ctx->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; + il->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; - if (ctx->staging.flags & RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK) { + if (il->staging.flags & RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK) { if (vif->bss_conf.use_short_slot) - ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; + il->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; else - ctx->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; + il->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; } /* need to send beacon cmd before committing assoc RXON! */ il4965_send_beacon_cmd(il); /* restore RXON assoc */ - ctx->staging.filter_flags |= RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; - il_commit_rxon(il, ctx); + il->staging.filter_flags |= RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; + il_commit_rxon(il); } il4965_send_beacon_cmd(il); } -static struct il_hcmd_utils_ops il4965_hcmd_utils = { - .get_hcmd_size = il4965_get_hcmd_size, - .build_addsta_hcmd = il4965_build_addsta_hcmd, - .request_scan = il4965_request_scan, - .post_scan = il4965_post_scan, -}; - -static struct il_lib_ops il4965_lib = { - .set_hw_params = il4965_hw_set_hw_params, +const struct il_ops il4965_ops = { .txq_update_byte_cnt_tbl = il4965_txq_update_byte_cnt_tbl, .txq_attach_buf_to_tfd = il4965_hw_txq_attach_buf_to_tfd, .txq_free_tfd = il4965_hw_txq_free_tfd, .txq_init = il4965_hw_tx_queue_init, - .handler_setup = il4965_handler_setup, .is_valid_rtc_data_addr = il4965_hw_valid_rtc_data_addr, .init_alive_start = il4965_init_alive_start, .load_ucode = il4965_load_bsm, .dump_nic_error_log = il4965_dump_nic_error_log, .dump_fh = il4965_dump_fh, .set_channel_switch = il4965_hw_channel_switch, - .apm_ops = { - .init = il_apm_init, - .config = il4965_nic_config, - }, - .eeprom_ops = { - .regulatory_bands = { - EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_1_CHANNELS, - EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_2_CHANNELS, - EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_3_CHANNELS, - EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_4_CHANNELS, - EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_5_CHANNELS, - EEPROM_4965_REGULATORY_BAND_24_HT40_CHANNELS, - EEPROM_4965_REGULATORY_BAND_52_HT40_CHANNELS}, - .acquire_semaphore = il4965_eeprom_acquire_semaphore, - .release_semaphore = il4965_eeprom_release_semaphore, - }, + .apm_init = il_apm_init, .send_tx_power = il4965_send_tx_power, .update_chain_flags = il4965_update_chain_flags, - .temp_ops = { - .temperature = il4965_temperature_calib, - }, -#ifdef CONFIG_IWLEGACY_DEBUGFS - .debugfs_ops = { - .rx_stats_read = il4965_ucode_rx_stats_read, - .tx_stats_read = il4965_ucode_tx_stats_read, - .general_stats_read = il4965_ucode_general_stats_read, - }, -#endif -}; + .eeprom_acquire_semaphore = il4965_eeprom_acquire_semaphore, + .eeprom_release_semaphore = il4965_eeprom_release_semaphore, + + .rxon_assoc = il4965_send_rxon_assoc, + .commit_rxon = il4965_commit_rxon, + .set_rxon_chain = il4965_set_rxon_chain, + + .get_hcmd_size = il4965_get_hcmd_size, + .build_addsta_hcmd = il4965_build_addsta_hcmd, + .request_scan = il4965_request_scan, + .post_scan = il4965_post_scan, -static const struct il_legacy_ops il4965_legacy_ops = { .post_associate = il4965_post_associate, .config_ap = il4965_config_ap, .manage_ibss_station = il4965_manage_ibss_station, .update_bcast_stations = il4965_update_bcast_stations, -}; -struct ieee80211_ops il4965_hw_ops = { - .tx = il4965_mac_tx, - .start = il4965_mac_start, - .stop = il4965_mac_stop, - .add_interface = il_mac_add_interface, - .remove_interface = il_mac_remove_interface, - .change_interface = il_mac_change_interface, - .config = il_mac_config, - .configure_filter = il4965_configure_filter, - .set_key = il4965_mac_set_key, - .update_tkip_key = il4965_mac_update_tkip_key, - .conf_tx = il_mac_conf_tx, - .reset_tsf = il_mac_reset_tsf, - .bss_info_changed = il_mac_bss_info_changed, - .ampdu_action = il4965_mac_ampdu_action, - .hw_scan = il_mac_hw_scan, - .sta_add = il4965_mac_sta_add, - .sta_remove = il_mac_sta_remove, - .channel_switch = il4965_mac_channel_switch, - .tx_last_beacon = il_mac_tx_last_beacon, -}; - -static const struct il_ops il4965_ops = { - .lib = &il4965_lib, - .hcmd = &il4965_hcmd, - .utils = &il4965_hcmd_utils, - .led = &il4965_led_ops, - .legacy = &il4965_legacy_ops, - .ieee80211_ops = &il4965_hw_ops, -}; - -static struct il_base_params il4965_base_params = { - .eeprom_size = IL4965_EEPROM_IMG_SIZE, - .num_of_queues = IL49_NUM_QUEUES, - .num_of_ampdu_queues = IL49_NUM_AMPDU_QUEUES, - .pll_cfg_val = 0, - .set_l0s = true, - .use_bsm = true, - .led_compensation = 61, - .chain_noise_num_beacons = IL4965_CAL_NUM_BEACONS, - .wd_timeout = IL_DEF_WD_TIMEOUT, - .temperature_kelvin = true, - .ucode_tracing = true, - .sensitivity_calib_by_driver = true, - .chain_noise_calib_by_driver = true, + .send_led_cmd = il4965_send_led_cmd, }; struct il_cfg il4965_cfg = { @@ -2387,15 +1916,38 @@ struct il_cfg il4965_cfg = { .valid_rx_ant = ANT_ABC, .eeprom_ver = EEPROM_4965_EEPROM_VERSION, .eeprom_calib_ver = EEPROM_4965_TX_POWER_VERSION, - .ops = &il4965_ops, .mod_params = &il4965_mod_params, - .base_params = &il4965_base_params, .led_mode = IL_LED_BLINK, /* * Force use of chains B and C for scan RX on 5 GHz band * because the device has off-channel reception on chain A. */ .scan_rx_antennas[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ] = ANT_BC, + + .eeprom_size = IL4965_EEPROM_IMG_SIZE, + .num_of_queues = IL49_NUM_QUEUES, + .num_of_ampdu_queues = IL49_NUM_AMPDU_QUEUES, + .pll_cfg_val = 0, + .set_l0s = true, + .use_bsm = true, + .led_compensation = 61, + .chain_noise_num_beacons = IL4965_CAL_NUM_BEACONS, + .wd_timeout = IL_DEF_WD_TIMEOUT, + .temperature_kelvin = true, + .ucode_tracing = true, + .sensitivity_calib_by_driver = true, + .chain_noise_calib_by_driver = true, + + .regulatory_bands = { + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_1_CHANNELS, + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_2_CHANNELS, + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_3_CHANNELS, + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_4_CHANNELS, + EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_5_CHANNELS, + EEPROM_4965_REGULATORY_BAND_24_HT40_CHANNELS, + EEPROM_4965_REGULATORY_BAND_52_HT40_CHANNELS + }, + }; /* Module firmware */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965.h index f280e0161b1716989fa30af9cd25bc7358bd3128..1db677689cfe36b18940c406e302519c51591bef 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/4965.h @@ -38,17 +38,16 @@ struct il_rxon_context; /* configuration for the _4965 devices */ extern struct il_cfg il4965_cfg; +extern const struct il_ops il4965_ops; extern struct il_mod_params il4965_mod_params; -extern struct ieee80211_ops il4965_hw_ops; - /* tx queue */ void il4965_free_tfds_in_queue(struct il_priv *il, int sta_id, int tid, int freed); /* RXON */ -void il4965_set_rxon_chain(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx); +void il4965_set_rxon_chain(struct il_priv *il); /* uCode */ int il4965_verify_ucode(struct il_priv *il); @@ -61,6 +60,8 @@ int il4965_rx_init(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_queue *rxq); int il4965_hw_nic_init(struct il_priv *il); int il4965_dump_fh(struct il_priv *il, char **buf, bool display); +void il4965_nic_config(struct il_priv *il); + /* rx */ void il4965_rx_queue_restock(struct il_priv *il); void il4965_rx_replenish(struct il_priv *il); @@ -68,8 +69,6 @@ void il4965_rx_replenish_now(struct il_priv *il); void il4965_rx_queue_free(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_queue *rxq); int il4965_rxq_stop(struct il_priv *il); int il4965_hwrate_to_mac80211_idx(u32 rate_n_flags, enum ieee80211_band band); -void il4965_hdl_rx(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb); -void il4965_hdl_rx_phy(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb); void il4965_rx_handle(struct il_priv *il); /* tx */ @@ -85,7 +84,6 @@ int il4965_tx_agg_start(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, int il4965_tx_agg_stop(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u16 tid); int il4965_txq_check_empty(struct il_priv *il, int sta_id, u8 tid, int txq_id); -void il4965_hdl_compressed_ba(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb); int il4965_tx_queue_reclaim(struct il_priv *il, int txq_id, int idx); void il4965_hw_txq_ctx_free(struct il_priv *il); int il4965_txq_ctx_alloc(struct il_priv *il); @@ -107,12 +105,6 @@ void il4965_set_wr_ptrs(struct il_priv *il, int txq_id, u32 idx); void il4965_tx_queue_set_status(struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq, int tx_fifo_id, int scd_retry); -/* rx */ -void il4965_hdl_missed_beacon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb); -bool il4965_good_plcp_health(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_pkt *pkt); -void il4965_hdl_stats(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb); -void il4965_hdl_c_stats(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb); - /* scan */ int il4965_request_scan(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif); @@ -134,21 +126,18 @@ il4965_get_tx_fail_reason(u32 status) #endif /* station management */ -int il4965_alloc_bcast_station(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx); -int il4965_add_bssid_station(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - const u8 *addr, u8 *sta_id_r); +int il4965_alloc_bcast_station(struct il_priv *il); +int il4965_add_bssid_station(struct il_priv *il, const u8 *addr, u8 *sta_id_r); int il4965_remove_default_wep_key(struct il_priv *il, - struct il_rxon_context *ctx, struct ieee80211_key_conf *key); -int il4965_set_default_wep_key(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, +int il4965_set_default_wep_key(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_key_conf *key); -int il4965_restore_default_wep_keys(struct il_priv *il, - struct il_rxon_context *ctx); -int il4965_set_dynamic_key(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, +int il4965_restore_default_wep_keys(struct il_priv *il); +int il4965_set_dynamic_key(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_key_conf *key, u8 sta_id); -int il4965_remove_dynamic_key(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, +int il4965_remove_dynamic_key(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_key_conf *key, u8 sta_id); -void il4965_update_tkip_key(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, +void il4965_update_tkip_key(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_key_conf *keyconf, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u32 iv32, u16 *phase1key); @@ -279,6 +268,7 @@ il4965_hw_valid_rtc_data_addr(u32 addr) ((t) < IL_TX_POWER_TEMPERATURE_MIN || \ (t) > IL_TX_POWER_TEMPERATURE_MAX) +extern void il4965_temperature_calib(struct il_priv *il); /********************* END TEMPERATURE ***************************************/ /********************* START TXPOWER *****************************************/ @@ -937,17 +927,10 @@ void il4965_chain_noise_calibration(struct il_priv *il, void *stat_resp); void il4965_sensitivity_calibration(struct il_priv *il, void *resp); void il4965_init_sensitivity(struct il_priv *il); void il4965_reset_run_time_calib(struct il_priv *il); -void il4965_calib_free_results(struct il_priv *il); /* Debug */ #ifdef CONFIG_IWLEGACY_DEBUGFS -ssize_t il4965_ucode_rx_stats_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, - size_t count, loff_t *ppos); -ssize_t il4965_ucode_tx_stats_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, - size_t count, loff_t *ppos); -ssize_t il4965_ucode_general_stats_read(struct file *file, - char __user *user_buf, size_t count, - loff_t *ppos); +extern const struct il_debugfs_ops il4965_debugfs_ops; #endif /****************************/ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/Kconfig b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/Kconfig index 05bd375cb845b73fbf94401ba57bfc50c59d448d..fb919727b8bb520bc32f2c151997e1d33c721eab 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/Kconfig @@ -6,45 +6,6 @@ config IWLEGACY select LEDS_TRIGGERS select MAC80211_LEDS -menu "Debugging Options" - depends on IWLEGACY - -config IWLEGACY_DEBUG - bool "Enable full debugging output in iwlegacy (iwl 3945/4965) drivers" - depends on IWLEGACY - ---help--- - This option will enable debug tracing output for the iwlegacy - drivers. - - This will result in the kernel module being ~100k larger. You can - control which debug output is sent to the kernel log by setting the - value in - - /sys/class/net/wlan0/device/debug_level - - This entry will only exist if this option is enabled. - - To set a value, simply echo an 8-byte hex value to the same file: - - % echo 0x43fff > /sys/class/net/wlan0/device/debug_level - - You can find the list of debug mask values in: - drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/common.h - - If this is your first time using this driver, you should say Y here - as the debug information can assist others in helping you resolve - any problems you may encounter. - -config IWLEGACY_DEBUGFS - bool "iwlegacy (iwl 3945/4965) debugfs support" - depends on IWLEGACY && MAC80211_DEBUGFS - ---help--- - Enable creation of debugfs files for the iwlegacy drivers. This - is a low-impact option that allows getting insight into the - driver's state at runtime. - -endmenu - config IWL4965 tristate "Intel Wireless WiFi 4965AGN (iwl4965)" depends on PCI && MAC80211 @@ -98,3 +59,42 @@ config IWL3945 inserted in and removed from the running kernel whenever you want), say M here and read . The module will be called iwl3945. + +menu "iwl3945 / iwl4965 Debugging Options" + depends on IWLEGACY + +config IWLEGACY_DEBUG + bool "Enable full debugging output in iwlegacy (iwl 3945/4965) drivers" + depends on IWLEGACY + ---help--- + This option will enable debug tracing output for the iwlegacy + drivers. + + This will result in the kernel module being ~100k larger. You can + control which debug output is sent to the kernel log by setting the + value in + + /sys/class/net/wlan0/device/debug_level + + This entry will only exist if this option is enabled. + + To set a value, simply echo an 8-byte hex value to the same file: + + % echo 0x43fff > /sys/class/net/wlan0/device/debug_level + + You can find the list of debug mask values in: + drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/common.h + + If this is your first time using this driver, you should say Y here + as the debug information can assist others in helping you resolve + any problems you may encounter. + +config IWLEGACY_DEBUGFS + bool "iwlegacy (iwl 3945/4965) debugfs support" + depends on IWLEGACY && MAC80211_DEBUGFS + ---help--- + Enable creation of debugfs files for the iwlegacy drivers. This + is a low-impact option that allows getting insight into the + driver's state at runtime. + +endmenu diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/common.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/common.c index 36454d0bbeedf7917b04e8d07f729e8b791f8a07..e5ac04739bcc5f998487c7e29845ce0a757727fa 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/common.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/common.c @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ il_clear_bit(struct il_priv *p, u32 r, u32 m) } EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_clear_bit); -int +bool _il_grab_nic_access(struct il_priv *il) { int ret; @@ -111,14 +111,15 @@ _il_grab_nic_access(struct il_priv *il) _il_poll_bit(il, CSR_GP_CNTRL, CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_VAL_MAC_ACCESS_EN, (CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_CLOCK_READY | CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_GOING_TO_SLEEP), 15000); - if (ret < 0) { + if (unlikely(ret < 0)) { val = _il_rd(il, CSR_GP_CNTRL); - IL_ERR("MAC is in deep sleep!. CSR_GP_CNTRL = 0x%08X\n", val); + WARN_ONCE(1, "Timeout waiting for ucode processor access " + "(CSR_GP_CNTRL 0x%08x)\n", val); _il_wr(il, CSR_RESET, CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_FORCE_NMI); - return -EIO; + return false; } - return 0; + return true; } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(_il_grab_nic_access); @@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ il_wr_prph(struct il_priv *il, u32 addr, u32 val) unsigned long reg_flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&il->reg_lock, reg_flags); - if (!_il_grab_nic_access(il)) { + if (likely(_il_grab_nic_access(il))) { _il_wr_prph(il, addr, val); _il_release_nic_access(il); } @@ -178,7 +179,6 @@ il_read_targ_mem(struct il_priv *il, u32 addr) _il_grab_nic_access(il); _il_wr(il, HBUS_TARG_MEM_RADDR, addr); - rmb(); value = _il_rd(il, HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); _il_release_nic_access(il); @@ -193,9 +193,8 @@ il_write_targ_mem(struct il_priv *il, u32 addr, u32 val) unsigned long reg_flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&il->reg_lock, reg_flags); - if (!_il_grab_nic_access(il)) { + if (likely(_il_grab_nic_access(il))) { _il_wr(il, HBUS_TARG_MEM_WADDR, addr); - wmb(); _il_wr(il, HBUS_TARG_MEM_WDAT, val); _il_release_nic_access(il); } @@ -351,7 +350,7 @@ il_send_cmd_sync(struct il_priv *il, struct il_host_cmd *cmd) } } - if (test_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status)) { + if (test_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status)) { IL_ERR("Command %s aborted: RF KILL Switch\n", il_get_cmd_string(cmd->id)); ret = -ECANCELED; @@ -512,15 +511,15 @@ il_led_cmd(struct il_priv *il, unsigned long on, unsigned long off) } D_LED("Led blink time compensation=%u\n", - il->cfg->base_params->led_compensation); + il->cfg->led_compensation); led_cmd.on = il_blink_compensation(il, on, - il->cfg->base_params->led_compensation); + il->cfg->led_compensation); led_cmd.off = il_blink_compensation(il, off, - il->cfg->base_params->led_compensation); + il->cfg->led_compensation); - ret = il->cfg->ops->led->cmd(il, &led_cmd); + ret = il->ops->send_led_cmd(il, &led_cmd); if (!ret) { il->blink_on = on; il->blink_off = off; @@ -691,7 +690,7 @@ il_eeprom_verify_signature(struct il_priv *il) const u8 * il_eeprom_query_addr(const struct il_priv *il, size_t offset) { - BUG_ON(offset >= il->cfg->base_params->eeprom_size); + BUG_ON(offset >= il->cfg->eeprom_size); return &il->eeprom[offset]; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_eeprom_query_addr); @@ -722,7 +721,7 @@ il_eeprom_init(struct il_priv *il) u16 addr; /* allocate eeprom */ - sz = il->cfg->base_params->eeprom_size; + sz = il->cfg->eeprom_size; D_EEPROM("NVM size = %d\n", sz); il->eeprom = kzalloc(sz, GFP_KERNEL); if (!il->eeprom) { @@ -731,7 +730,7 @@ il_eeprom_init(struct il_priv *il) } e = (__le16 *) il->eeprom; - il->cfg->ops->lib->apm_ops.init(il); + il->ops->apm_init(il); ret = il_eeprom_verify_signature(il); if (ret < 0) { @@ -741,7 +740,7 @@ il_eeprom_init(struct il_priv *il) } /* Make sure driver (instead of uCode) is allowed to read EEPROM */ - ret = il->cfg->ops->lib->eeprom_ops.acquire_semaphore(il); + ret = il->ops->eeprom_acquire_semaphore(il); if (ret < 0) { IL_ERR("Failed to acquire EEPROM semaphore.\n"); ret = -ENOENT; @@ -773,7 +772,7 @@ il_eeprom_init(struct il_priv *il) ret = 0; done: - il->cfg->ops->lib->eeprom_ops.release_semaphore(il); + il->ops->eeprom_release_semaphore(il); err: if (ret) @@ -799,8 +798,8 @@ il_init_band_reference(const struct il_priv *il, int eep_band, const struct il_eeprom_channel **eeprom_ch_info, const u8 **eeprom_ch_idx) { - u32 offset = - il->cfg->ops->lib->eeprom_ops.regulatory_bands[eep_band - 1]; + u32 offset = il->cfg->regulatory_bands[eep_band - 1]; + switch (eep_band) { case 1: /* 2.4GHz band */ *eeprom_ch_count = ARRAY_SIZE(il_eeprom_band_1); @@ -1001,10 +1000,8 @@ il_init_channel_map(struct il_priv *il) } /* Check if we do have HT40 channels */ - if (il->cfg->ops->lib->eeprom_ops.regulatory_bands[5] == - EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_NO_HT40 && - il->cfg->ops->lib->eeprom_ops.regulatory_bands[6] == - EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_NO_HT40) + if (il->cfg->regulatory_bands[5] == EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_NO_HT40 && + il->cfg->regulatory_bands[6] == EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_NO_HT40) return 0; /* Two additional EEPROM bands for 2.4 and 5 GHz HT40 channels */ @@ -1158,9 +1155,9 @@ il_power_set_mode(struct il_priv *il, struct il_powertable_cmd *cmd, bool force) if (!(cmd->flags & IL_POWER_DRIVER_ALLOW_SLEEP_MSK)) clear_bit(S_POWER_PMI, &il->status); - if (il->cfg->ops->lib->update_chain_flags && update_chains) - il->cfg->ops->lib->update_chain_flags(il); - else if (il->cfg->ops->lib->update_chain_flags) + if (il->ops->update_chain_flags && update_chains) + il->ops->update_chain_flags(il); + else if (il->ops->update_chain_flags) D_POWER("Cannot update the power, chain noise " "calibration running: %d\n", il->chain_noise_data.state); @@ -1442,7 +1439,6 @@ u16 il_get_passive_dwell_time(struct il_priv *il, enum ieee80211_band band, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) { - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; u16 value; u16 passive = @@ -1457,7 +1453,7 @@ il_get_passive_dwell_time(struct il_priv *il, enum ieee80211_band band, * dwell time to be 98% of the smallest beacon interval * (minus 2 * channel tune time) */ - value = ctx->vif ? ctx->vif->bss_conf.beacon_int : 0; + value = il->vif ? il->vif->bss_conf.beacon_int : 0; if (value > IL_PASSIVE_DWELL_BASE || !value) value = IL_PASSIVE_DWELL_BASE; value = (value * 98) / 100 - IL_CHANNEL_TUNE_TIME * 2; @@ -1486,9 +1482,6 @@ il_scan_initiate(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) lockdep_assert_held(&il->mutex); - if (WARN_ON(!il->cfg->ops->utils->request_scan)) - return -EOPNOTSUPP; - cancel_delayed_work(&il->scan_check); if (!il_is_ready_rf(il)) { @@ -1511,7 +1504,7 @@ il_scan_initiate(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) set_bit(S_SCANNING, &il->status); il->scan_start = jiffies; - ret = il->cfg->ops->utils->request_scan(il, vif); + ret = il->ops->request_scan(il, vif); if (ret) { clear_bit(S_SCANNING, &il->status); return ret; @@ -1530,12 +1523,13 @@ il_mac_hw_scan(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, struct il_priv *il = hw->priv; int ret; - D_MAC80211("enter\n"); - - if (req->n_channels == 0) + if (req->n_channels == 0) { + IL_ERR("Can not scan on no channels.\n"); return -EINVAL; + } mutex_lock(&il->mutex); + D_MAC80211("enter\n"); if (test_bit(S_SCANNING, &il->status)) { D_SCAN("Scan already in progress.\n"); @@ -1550,9 +1544,8 @@ il_mac_hw_scan(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, ret = il_scan_initiate(il, vif); - D_MAC80211("leave\n"); - out_unlock: + D_MAC80211("leave ret %d\n", ret); mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); return ret; @@ -1673,7 +1666,7 @@ il_bg_scan_completed(struct work_struct *work) il_power_set_mode(il, &il->power_data.sleep_cmd_next, false); il_set_tx_power(il, il->tx_power_next, false); - il->cfg->ops->utils->post_scan(il); + il->ops->post_scan(il); out: mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); @@ -1815,7 +1808,7 @@ il_send_add_sta(struct il_priv *il, struct il_addsta_cmd *sta, u8 flags) might_sleep(); } - cmd.len = il->cfg->ops->utils->build_addsta_hcmd(sta, data); + cmd.len = il->ops->build_addsta_hcmd(sta, data); ret = il_send_cmd(il, &cmd); if (ret || (flags & CMD_ASYNC)) @@ -1832,8 +1825,7 @@ il_send_add_sta(struct il_priv *il, struct il_addsta_cmd *sta, u8 flags) EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_send_add_sta); static void -il_set_ht_add_station(struct il_priv *il, u8 idx, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, - struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il_set_ht_add_station(struct il_priv *il, u8 idx, struct ieee80211_sta *sta) { struct ieee80211_sta_ht_cap *sta_ht_inf = &sta->ht_cap; __le32 sta_flags; @@ -1874,7 +1866,7 @@ il_set_ht_add_station(struct il_priv *il, u8 idx, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, cpu_to_le32((u32) sta_ht_inf-> ampdu_density << STA_FLG_AGG_MPDU_DENSITY_POS); - if (il_is_ht40_tx_allowed(il, ctx, &sta->ht_cap)) + if (il_is_ht40_tx_allowed(il, &sta->ht_cap)) sta_flags |= STA_FLG_HT40_EN_MSK; else sta_flags &= ~STA_FLG_HT40_EN_MSK; @@ -1890,8 +1882,8 @@ il_set_ht_add_station(struct il_priv *il, u8 idx, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, * should be called with sta_lock held */ u8 -il_prep_station(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - const u8 *addr, bool is_ap, struct ieee80211_sta *sta) +il_prep_station(struct il_priv *il, const u8 *addr, bool is_ap, + struct ieee80211_sta *sta) { struct il_station_entry *station; int i; @@ -1899,9 +1891,9 @@ il_prep_station(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, u16 rate; if (is_ap) - sta_id = ctx->ap_sta_id; + sta_id = IL_AP_ID; else if (is_broadcast_ether_addr(addr)) - sta_id = ctx->bcast_sta_id; + sta_id = il->hw_params.bcast_id; else for (i = IL_STA_ID; i < il->hw_params.max_stations; i++) { if (!compare_ether_addr @@ -1950,22 +1942,14 @@ il_prep_station(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, memcpy(station->sta.sta.addr, addr, ETH_ALEN); station->sta.mode = 0; station->sta.sta.sta_id = sta_id; - station->sta.station_flags = ctx->station_flags; - station->ctxid = ctx->ctxid; - - if (sta) { - struct il_station_priv_common *sta_priv; - - sta_priv = (void *)sta->drv_priv; - sta_priv->ctx = ctx; - } + station->sta.station_flags = 0; /* * OK to call unconditionally, since local stations (IBSS BSSID * STA and broadcast STA) pass in a NULL sta, and mac80211 * doesn't allow HT IBSS. */ - il_set_ht_add_station(il, sta_id, sta, ctx); + il_set_ht_add_station(il, sta_id, sta); /* 3945 only */ rate = (il->band == IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ) ? RATE_6M_PLCP : RATE_1M_PLCP; @@ -1983,9 +1967,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(il_prep_station); * il_add_station_common - */ int -il_add_station_common(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - const u8 *addr, bool is_ap, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, - u8 *sta_id_r) +il_add_station_common(struct il_priv *il, const u8 *addr, bool is_ap, + struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u8 *sta_id_r) { unsigned long flags_spin; int ret = 0; @@ -1994,7 +1977,7 @@ il_add_station_common(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, *sta_id_r = 0; spin_lock_irqsave(&il->sta_lock, flags_spin); - sta_id = il_prep_station(il, ctx, addr, is_ap, sta); + sta_id = il_prep_station(il, addr, is_ap, sta); if (sta_id == IL_INVALID_STATION) { IL_ERR("Unable to prepare station %pM for addition\n", addr); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->sta_lock, flags_spin); @@ -2181,7 +2164,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(il_remove_station); * the ucode, e.g. unassociated RXON. */ void -il_clear_ucode_stations(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il_clear_ucode_stations(struct il_priv *il) { int i; unsigned long flags_spin; @@ -2191,9 +2174,6 @@ il_clear_ucode_stations(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) spin_lock_irqsave(&il->sta_lock, flags_spin); for (i = 0; i < il->hw_params.max_stations; i++) { - if (ctx && ctx->ctxid != il->stations[i].ctxid) - continue; - if (il->stations[i].used & IL_STA_UCODE_ACTIVE) { D_INFO("Clearing ucode active for station %d\n", i); il->stations[i].used &= ~IL_STA_UCODE_ACTIVE; @@ -2216,7 +2196,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_clear_ucode_stations); * Function sleeps. */ void -il_restore_stations(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il_restore_stations(struct il_priv *il) { struct il_addsta_cmd sta_cmd; struct il_link_quality_cmd lq; @@ -2234,8 +2214,6 @@ il_restore_stations(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) D_ASSOC("Restoring all known stations ... start.\n"); spin_lock_irqsave(&il->sta_lock, flags_spin); for (i = 0; i < il->hw_params.max_stations; i++) { - if (ctx->ctxid != il->stations[i].ctxid) - continue; if ((il->stations[i].used & IL_STA_DRIVER_ACTIVE) && !(il->stations[i].used & IL_STA_UCODE_ACTIVE)) { D_ASSOC("Restoring sta %pM\n", @@ -2273,7 +2251,7 @@ il_restore_stations(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) * current LQ command */ if (send_lq) - il_send_lq_cmd(il, ctx, &lq, CMD_SYNC, true); + il_send_lq_cmd(il, &lq, CMD_SYNC, true); spin_lock_irqsave(&il->sta_lock, flags_spin); il->stations[i].used &= ~IL_STA_UCODE_INPROGRESS; } @@ -2353,15 +2331,14 @@ il_dump_lq_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_link_quality_cmd *lq) * RXON flags are updated and when LQ command is updated. */ static bool -il_is_lq_table_valid(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - struct il_link_quality_cmd *lq) +il_is_lq_table_valid(struct il_priv *il, struct il_link_quality_cmd *lq) { int i; - if (ctx->ht.enabled) + if (il->ht.enabled) return true; - D_INFO("Channel %u is not an HT channel\n", ctx->active.channel); + D_INFO("Channel %u is not an HT channel\n", il->active.channel); for (i = 0; i < LINK_QUAL_MAX_RETRY_NUM; i++) { if (le32_to_cpu(lq->rs_table[i].rate_n_flags) & RATE_MCS_HT_MSK) { D_INFO("idx %d of LQ expects HT channel\n", i); @@ -2382,8 +2359,8 @@ il_is_lq_table_valid(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, * progress. */ int -il_send_lq_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - struct il_link_quality_cmd *lq, u8 flags, bool init) +il_send_lq_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_link_quality_cmd *lq, + u8 flags, bool init) { int ret = 0; unsigned long flags_spin; @@ -2408,7 +2385,7 @@ il_send_lq_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, il_dump_lq_cmd(il, lq); BUG_ON(init && (cmd.flags & CMD_ASYNC)); - if (il_is_lq_table_valid(il, ctx, lq)) + if (il_is_lq_table_valid(il, lq)) ret = il_send_cmd(il, &cmd); else ret = -EINVAL; @@ -2436,13 +2413,16 @@ il_mac_sta_remove(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, struct il_station_priv_common *sta_common = (void *)sta->drv_priv; int ret; - D_INFO("received request to remove station %pM\n", sta->addr); mutex_lock(&il->mutex); - D_INFO("proceeding to remove station %pM\n", sta->addr); + D_MAC80211("enter station %pM\n", sta->addr); + ret = il_remove_station(il, sta_common->sta_id, sta->addr); if (ret) IL_ERR("Error removing station %pM\n", sta->addr); + + D_MAC80211("leave ret %d\n", ret); mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); + return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_mac_sta_remove); @@ -2648,7 +2628,7 @@ il_set_decrypted_flag(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr, * All contexts have the same setting here due to it being * a module parameter, so OK to check any context. */ - if (il->ctx.active.filter_flags & RXON_FILTER_DIS_DECRYPT_MSK) + if (il->active.filter_flags & RXON_FILTER_DIS_DECRYPT_MSK) return 0; if (!(fc & IEEE80211_FCTL_PROTECTED)) @@ -2739,7 +2719,7 @@ il_tx_queue_unmap(struct il_priv *il, int txq_id) return; while (q->write_ptr != q->read_ptr) { - il->cfg->ops->lib->txq_free_tfd(il, txq); + il->ops->txq_free_tfd(il, txq); q->read_ptr = il_queue_inc_wrap(q->read_ptr, q->n_bd); } } @@ -2772,8 +2752,8 @@ il_tx_queue_free(struct il_priv *il, int txq_id) txq->tfds, txq->q.dma_addr); /* De-alloc array of per-TFD driver data */ - kfree(txq->txb); - txq->txb = NULL; + kfree(txq->skbs); + txq->skbs = NULL; /* deallocate arrays */ kfree(txq->cmd); @@ -2907,20 +2887,22 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_queue_space); * il_queue_init - Initialize queue's high/low-water and read/write idxes */ static int -il_queue_init(struct il_priv *il, struct il_queue *q, int count, int slots_num, - u32 id) +il_queue_init(struct il_priv *il, struct il_queue *q, int slots, u32 id) { - q->n_bd = count; - q->n_win = slots_num; - q->id = id; + /* + * TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_MAX must be power-of-two size, otherwise + * il_queue_inc_wrap and il_queue_dec_wrap are broken. + */ + BUILD_BUG_ON(TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_MAX & (TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_MAX - 1)); + /* FIXME: remove q->n_bd */ + q->n_bd = TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_MAX; - /* count must be power-of-two size, otherwise il_queue_inc_wrap - * and il_queue_dec_wrap are broken. */ - BUG_ON(!is_power_of_2(count)); + q->n_win = slots; + q->id = id; - /* slots_num must be power-of-two size, otherwise + /* slots_must be power-of-two size, otherwise * il_get_cmd_idx is broken. */ - BUG_ON(!is_power_of_2(slots_num)); + BUG_ON(!is_power_of_2(slots)); q->low_mark = q->n_win / 4; if (q->low_mark < 4) @@ -2947,23 +2929,21 @@ il_tx_queue_alloc(struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq, u32 id) /* Driver ilate data, only for Tx (not command) queues, * not shared with device. */ if (id != il->cmd_queue) { - txq->txb = kcalloc(TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_MAX, sizeof(txq->txb[0]), - GFP_KERNEL); - if (!txq->txb) { - IL_ERR("kmalloc for auxiliary BD " - "structures failed\n"); + txq->skbs = kcalloc(TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_MAX, sizeof(struct skb *), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!txq->skbs) { + IL_ERR("Fail to alloc skbs\n"); goto error; } - } else { - txq->txb = NULL; - } + } else + txq->skbs = NULL; /* Circular buffer of transmit frame descriptors (TFDs), * shared with device */ txq->tfds = dma_alloc_coherent(dev, tfd_sz, &txq->q.dma_addr, GFP_KERNEL); if (!txq->tfds) { - IL_ERR("pci_alloc_consistent(%zd) failed\n", tfd_sz); + IL_ERR("Fail to alloc TFDs\n"); goto error; } txq->q.id = id; @@ -2971,8 +2951,8 @@ il_tx_queue_alloc(struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq, u32 id) return 0; error: - kfree(txq->txb); - txq->txb = NULL; + kfree(txq->skbs); + txq->skbs = NULL; return -ENOMEM; } @@ -2981,12 +2961,11 @@ il_tx_queue_alloc(struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq, u32 id) * il_tx_queue_init - Allocate and initialize one tx/cmd queue */ int -il_tx_queue_init(struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq, int slots_num, - u32 txq_id) +il_tx_queue_init(struct il_priv *il, u32 txq_id) { - int i, len; - int ret; - int actual_slots = slots_num; + int i, len, ret; + int slots, actual_slots; + struct il_tx_queue *txq = &il->txq[txq_id]; /* * Alloc buffer array for commands (Tx or other types of commands). @@ -2996,8 +2975,13 @@ il_tx_queue_init(struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq, int slots_num, * For normal Tx queues (all other queues), no super-size command * space is needed. */ - if (txq_id == il->cmd_queue) - actual_slots++; + if (txq_id == il->cmd_queue) { + slots = TFD_CMD_SLOTS; + actual_slots = slots + 1; + } else { + slots = TFD_TX_CMD_SLOTS; + actual_slots = slots; + } txq->meta = kzalloc(sizeof(struct il_cmd_meta) * actual_slots, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -3010,7 +2994,7 @@ il_tx_queue_init(struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq, int slots_num, len = sizeof(struct il_device_cmd); for (i = 0; i < actual_slots; i++) { /* only happens for cmd queue */ - if (i == slots_num) + if (i == slots) len = IL_MAX_CMD_SIZE; txq->cmd[i] = kmalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -3033,15 +3017,11 @@ il_tx_queue_init(struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq, int slots_num, if (txq_id < 4) il_set_swq_id(txq, txq_id, txq_id); - /* TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_MAX must be power-of-two size, otherwise - * il_queue_inc_wrap and il_queue_dec_wrap are broken. */ - BUILD_BUG_ON(TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_MAX & (TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_MAX - 1)); - /* Initialize queue's high/low-water marks, and head/tail idxes */ - il_queue_init(il, &txq->q, TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_MAX, slots_num, txq_id); + il_queue_init(il, &txq->q, slots, txq_id); /* Tell device where to find queue */ - il->cfg->ops->lib->txq_init(il, txq); + il->ops->txq_init(il, txq); return 0; err: @@ -3056,23 +3036,27 @@ il_tx_queue_init(struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq, int slots_num, EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_tx_queue_init); void -il_tx_queue_reset(struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq, int slots_num, - u32 txq_id) +il_tx_queue_reset(struct il_priv *il, u32 txq_id) { - int actual_slots = slots_num; + int slots, actual_slots; + struct il_tx_queue *txq = &il->txq[txq_id]; - if (txq_id == il->cmd_queue) - actual_slots++; + if (txq_id == il->cmd_queue) { + slots = TFD_CMD_SLOTS; + actual_slots = TFD_CMD_SLOTS + 1; + } else { + slots = TFD_TX_CMD_SLOTS; + actual_slots = TFD_TX_CMD_SLOTS; + } memset(txq->meta, 0, sizeof(struct il_cmd_meta) * actual_slots); - txq->need_update = 0; /* Initialize queue's high/low-water marks, and head/tail idxes */ - il_queue_init(il, &txq->q, TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_MAX, slots_num, txq_id); + il_queue_init(il, &txq->q, slots, txq_id); /* Tell device where to find queue */ - il->cfg->ops->lib->txq_init(il, txq); + il->ops->txq_init(il, txq); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_tx_queue_reset); @@ -3100,7 +3084,7 @@ il_enqueue_hcmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_host_cmd *cmd) u32 idx; u16 fix_size; - cmd->len = il->cfg->ops->utils->get_hcmd_size(cmd->id, cmd->len); + cmd->len = il->ops->get_hcmd_size(cmd->id, cmd->len); fix_size = (u16) (cmd->len + sizeof(out_cmd->hdr)); /* If any of the command structures end up being larger than @@ -3179,9 +3163,9 @@ il_enqueue_hcmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_host_cmd *cmd) #endif txq->need_update = 1; - if (il->cfg->ops->lib->txq_update_byte_cnt_tbl) + if (il->ops->txq_update_byte_cnt_tbl) /* Set up entry in queue's byte count circular buffer */ - il->cfg->ops->lib->txq_update_byte_cnt_tbl(il, txq, 0); + il->ops->txq_update_byte_cnt_tbl(il, txq, 0); phys_addr = pci_map_single(il->pci_dev, &out_cmd->hdr, fix_size, @@ -3189,8 +3173,8 @@ il_enqueue_hcmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_host_cmd *cmd) dma_unmap_addr_set(out_meta, mapping, phys_addr); dma_unmap_len_set(out_meta, len, fix_size); - il->cfg->ops->lib->txq_attach_buf_to_tfd(il, txq, phys_addr, fix_size, - 1, U32_PAD(cmd->len)); + il->ops->txq_attach_buf_to_tfd(il, txq, phys_addr, fix_size, 1, + U32_PAD(cmd->len)); /* Increment and update queue's write idx */ q->write_ptr = il_queue_inc_wrap(q->write_ptr, q->n_bd); @@ -3332,30 +3316,6 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_debug_level); const u8 il_bcast_addr[ETH_ALEN] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }; EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_bcast_addr); -/* This function both allocates and initializes hw and il. */ -struct ieee80211_hw * -il_alloc_all(struct il_cfg *cfg) -{ - struct il_priv *il; - /* mac80211 allocates memory for this device instance, including - * space for this driver's ilate structure */ - struct ieee80211_hw *hw; - - hw = ieee80211_alloc_hw(sizeof(struct il_priv), - cfg->ops->ieee80211_ops); - if (hw == NULL) { - pr_err("%s: Can not allocate network device\n", cfg->name); - goto out; - } - - il = hw->priv; - il->hw = hw; - -out: - return hw; -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_alloc_all); - #define MAX_BIT_RATE_40_MHZ 150 /* Mbps */ #define MAX_BIT_RATE_20_MHZ 72 /* Mbps */ static void @@ -3562,10 +3522,9 @@ il_is_channel_extension(struct il_priv *il, enum ieee80211_band band, } bool -il_is_ht40_tx_allowed(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - struct ieee80211_sta_ht_cap *ht_cap) +il_is_ht40_tx_allowed(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_sta_ht_cap *ht_cap) { - if (!ctx->ht.enabled || !ctx->ht.is_40mhz) + if (!il->ht.enabled || !il->ht.is_40mhz) return false; /* @@ -3581,8 +3540,8 @@ il_is_ht40_tx_allowed(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, #endif return il_is_channel_extension(il, il->band, - le16_to_cpu(ctx->staging.channel), - ctx->ht.extension_chan_offset); + le16_to_cpu(il->staging.channel), + il->ht.extension_chan_offset); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_is_ht40_tx_allowed); @@ -3621,22 +3580,22 @@ il_adjust_beacon_interval(u16 beacon_val, u16 max_beacon_val) } int -il_send_rxon_timing(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il_send_rxon_timing(struct il_priv *il) { u64 tsf; s32 interval_tm, rem; struct ieee80211_conf *conf = NULL; u16 beacon_int; - struct ieee80211_vif *vif = ctx->vif; + struct ieee80211_vif *vif = il->vif; conf = &il->hw->conf; lockdep_assert_held(&il->mutex); - memset(&ctx->timing, 0, sizeof(struct il_rxon_time_cmd)); + memset(&il->timing, 0, sizeof(struct il_rxon_time_cmd)); - ctx->timing.timestamp = cpu_to_le64(il->timestamp); - ctx->timing.listen_interval = cpu_to_le16(conf->listen_interval); + il->timing.timestamp = cpu_to_le64(il->timestamp); + il->timing.listen_interval = cpu_to_le16(conf->listen_interval); beacon_int = vif ? vif->bss_conf.beacon_int : 0; @@ -3644,36 +3603,35 @@ il_send_rxon_timing(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) * TODO: For IBSS we need to get atim_win from mac80211, * for now just always use 0 */ - ctx->timing.atim_win = 0; + il->timing.atim_win = 0; beacon_int = il_adjust_beacon_interval(beacon_int, il->hw_params.max_beacon_itrvl * TIME_UNIT); - ctx->timing.beacon_interval = cpu_to_le16(beacon_int); + il->timing.beacon_interval = cpu_to_le16(beacon_int); tsf = il->timestamp; /* tsf is modifed by do_div: copy it */ interval_tm = beacon_int * TIME_UNIT; rem = do_div(tsf, interval_tm); - ctx->timing.beacon_init_val = cpu_to_le32(interval_tm - rem); + il->timing.beacon_init_val = cpu_to_le32(interval_tm - rem); - ctx->timing.dtim_period = vif ? (vif->bss_conf.dtim_period ? : 1) : 1; + il->timing.dtim_period = vif ? (vif->bss_conf.dtim_period ? : 1) : 1; D_ASSOC("beacon interval %d beacon timer %d beacon tim %d\n", - le16_to_cpu(ctx->timing.beacon_interval), - le32_to_cpu(ctx->timing.beacon_init_val), - le16_to_cpu(ctx->timing.atim_win)); + le16_to_cpu(il->timing.beacon_interval), + le32_to_cpu(il->timing.beacon_init_val), + le16_to_cpu(il->timing.atim_win)); - return il_send_cmd_pdu(il, ctx->rxon_timing_cmd, sizeof(ctx->timing), - &ctx->timing); + return il_send_cmd_pdu(il, C_RXON_TIMING, sizeof(il->timing), + &il->timing); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_send_rxon_timing); void -il_set_rxon_hwcrypto(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - int hw_decrypt) +il_set_rxon_hwcrypto(struct il_priv *il, int hw_decrypt) { - struct il_rxon_cmd *rxon = &ctx->staging; + struct il_rxon_cmd *rxon = &il->staging; if (hw_decrypt) rxon->filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_DIS_DECRYPT_MSK; @@ -3685,9 +3643,9 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_set_rxon_hwcrypto); /* validate RXON structure is valid */ int -il_check_rxon_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il_check_rxon_cmd(struct il_priv *il) { - struct il_rxon_cmd *rxon = &ctx->staging; + struct il_rxon_cmd *rxon = &il->staging; bool error = false; if (rxon->flags & RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK) { @@ -3765,10 +3723,10 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_check_rxon_cmd); * a new tune (full RXON command, rather than RXON_ASSOC cmd) is required. */ int -il_full_rxon_required(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il_full_rxon_required(struct il_priv *il) { - const struct il_rxon_cmd *staging = &ctx->staging; - const struct il_rxon_cmd *active = &ctx->active; + const struct il_rxon_cmd *staging = &il->staging; + const struct il_rxon_cmd *active = &il->active; #define CHK(cond) \ if ((cond)) { \ @@ -3785,7 +3743,7 @@ il_full_rxon_required(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) } /* These items are only settable from the full RXON command */ - CHK(!il_is_associated_ctx(ctx)); + CHK(!il_is_associated(il)); CHK(compare_ether_addr(staging->bssid_addr, active->bssid_addr)); CHK(compare_ether_addr(staging->node_addr, active->node_addr)); CHK(compare_ether_addr @@ -3819,13 +3777,13 @@ il_full_rxon_required(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_full_rxon_required); u8 -il_get_lowest_plcp(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il_get_lowest_plcp(struct il_priv *il) { /* * Assign the lowest rate -- should really get this from * the beacon skb from mac80211. */ - if (ctx->staging.flags & RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK) + if (il->staging.flags & RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK) return RATE_1M_PLCP; else return RATE_6M_PLCP; @@ -3833,12 +3791,11 @@ il_get_lowest_plcp(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_get_lowest_plcp); static void -_il_set_rxon_ht(struct il_priv *il, struct il_ht_config *ht_conf, - struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +_il_set_rxon_ht(struct il_priv *il, struct il_ht_config *ht_conf) { - struct il_rxon_cmd *rxon = &ctx->staging; + struct il_rxon_cmd *rxon = &il->staging; - if (!ctx->ht.enabled) { + if (!il->ht.enabled) { rxon->flags &= ~(RXON_FLG_CHANNEL_MODE_MSK | RXON_FLG_CTRL_CHANNEL_LOC_HI_MSK | RXON_FLG_HT40_PROT_MSK @@ -3847,19 +3804,19 @@ _il_set_rxon_ht(struct il_priv *il, struct il_ht_config *ht_conf, } rxon->flags |= - cpu_to_le32(ctx->ht.protection << RXON_FLG_HT_OPERATING_MODE_POS); + cpu_to_le32(il->ht.protection << RXON_FLG_HT_OPERATING_MODE_POS); /* Set up channel bandwidth: * 20 MHz only, 20/40 mixed or pure 40 if ht40 ok */ /* clear the HT channel mode before set the mode */ rxon->flags &= ~(RXON_FLG_CHANNEL_MODE_MSK | RXON_FLG_CTRL_CHANNEL_LOC_HI_MSK); - if (il_is_ht40_tx_allowed(il, ctx, NULL)) { + if (il_is_ht40_tx_allowed(il, NULL)) { /* pure ht40 */ - if (ctx->ht.protection == IEEE80211_HT_OP_MODE_PROTECTION_20MHZ) { + if (il->ht.protection == IEEE80211_HT_OP_MODE_PROTECTION_20MHZ) { rxon->flags |= RXON_FLG_CHANNEL_MODE_PURE_40; /* Note: control channel is opposite of extension channel */ - switch (ctx->ht.extension_chan_offset) { + switch (il->ht.extension_chan_offset) { case IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_ABOVE: rxon->flags &= ~RXON_FLG_CTRL_CHANNEL_LOC_HI_MSK; @@ -3870,7 +3827,7 @@ _il_set_rxon_ht(struct il_priv *il, struct il_ht_config *ht_conf, } } else { /* Note: control channel is opposite of extension channel */ - switch (ctx->ht.extension_chan_offset) { + switch (il->ht.extension_chan_offset) { case IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_ABOVE: rxon->flags &= ~(RXON_FLG_CTRL_CHANNEL_LOC_HI_MSK); @@ -3891,18 +3848,18 @@ _il_set_rxon_ht(struct il_priv *il, struct il_ht_config *ht_conf, rxon->flags |= RXON_FLG_CHANNEL_MODE_LEGACY; } - if (il->cfg->ops->hcmd->set_rxon_chain) - il->cfg->ops->hcmd->set_rxon_chain(il, ctx); + if (il->ops->set_rxon_chain) + il->ops->set_rxon_chain(il); D_ASSOC("rxon flags 0x%X operation mode :0x%X " "extension channel offset 0x%x\n", le32_to_cpu(rxon->flags), - ctx->ht.protection, ctx->ht.extension_chan_offset); + il->ht.protection, il->ht.extension_chan_offset); } void il_set_rxon_ht(struct il_priv *il, struct il_ht_config *ht_conf) { - _il_set_rxon_ht(il, ht_conf, &il->ctx); + _il_set_rxon_ht(il, ht_conf); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_set_rxon_ht); @@ -3925,7 +3882,7 @@ il_get_single_channel_number(struct il_priv *il, enum ieee80211_band band) for (i = min; i < max; i++) { channel = il->channel_info[i].channel; - if (channel == le16_to_cpu(il->ctx.staging.channel)) + if (channel == le16_to_cpu(il->staging.channel)) continue; ch_info = il_get_channel_info(il, band, channel); @@ -3945,20 +3902,19 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_get_single_channel_number); * in the staging RXON flag structure based on the ch->band */ int -il_set_rxon_channel(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_channel *ch, - struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il_set_rxon_channel(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_channel *ch) { enum ieee80211_band band = ch->band; u16 channel = ch->hw_value; - if (le16_to_cpu(ctx->staging.channel) == channel && il->band == band) + if (le16_to_cpu(il->staging.channel) == channel && il->band == band) return 0; - ctx->staging.channel = cpu_to_le16(channel); + il->staging.channel = cpu_to_le16(channel); if (band == IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ) - ctx->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK; + il->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK; else - ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK; + il->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK; il->band = band; @@ -3969,24 +3925,24 @@ il_set_rxon_channel(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_channel *ch, EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_set_rxon_channel); void -il_set_flags_for_band(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - enum ieee80211_band band, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) +il_set_flags_for_band(struct il_priv *il, enum ieee80211_band band, + struct ieee80211_vif *vif) { if (band == IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ) { - ctx->staging.flags &= + il->staging.flags &= ~(RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK | RXON_FLG_AUTO_DETECT_MSK | RXON_FLG_CCK_MSK); - ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; + il->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; } else { /* Copied from il_post_associate() */ if (vif && vif->bss_conf.use_short_slot) - ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; + il->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; else - ctx->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; + il->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_SLOT_MSK; - ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK; - ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_AUTO_DETECT_MSK; - ctx->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_CCK_MSK; + il->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_BAND_24G_MSK; + il->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_AUTO_DETECT_MSK; + il->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_CCK_MSK; } } EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_set_flags_for_band); @@ -3995,69 +3951,60 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_set_flags_for_band); * initialize rxon structure with default values from eeprom */ void -il_connection_init_rx_config(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il_connection_init_rx_config(struct il_priv *il) { const struct il_channel_info *ch_info; - memset(&ctx->staging, 0, sizeof(ctx->staging)); - - if (!ctx->vif) { - ctx->staging.dev_type = ctx->unused_devtype; - } else - switch (ctx->vif->type) { - - case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION: - ctx->staging.dev_type = ctx->station_devtype; - ctx->staging.filter_flags = RXON_FILTER_ACCEPT_GRP_MSK; - break; - - case NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC: - ctx->staging.dev_type = ctx->ibss_devtype; - ctx->staging.flags = RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; - ctx->staging.filter_flags = - RXON_FILTER_BCON_AWARE_MSK | - RXON_FILTER_ACCEPT_GRP_MSK; - break; - - default: - IL_ERR("Unsupported interface type %d\n", - ctx->vif->type); - break; - } + memset(&il->staging, 0, sizeof(il->staging)); + + if (!il->vif) { + il->staging.dev_type = RXON_DEV_TYPE_ESS; + } else if (il->vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) { + il->staging.dev_type = RXON_DEV_TYPE_ESS; + il->staging.filter_flags = RXON_FILTER_ACCEPT_GRP_MSK; + } else if (il->vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) { + il->staging.dev_type = RXON_DEV_TYPE_IBSS; + il->staging.flags = RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; + il->staging.filter_flags = + RXON_FILTER_BCON_AWARE_MSK | RXON_FILTER_ACCEPT_GRP_MSK; + } else { + IL_ERR("Unsupported interface type %d\n", il->vif->type); + return; + } #if 0 /* TODO: Figure out when short_preamble would be set and cache from * that */ if (!hw_to_local(il->hw)->short_preamble) - ctx->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; + il->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; else - ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; + il->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; #endif ch_info = - il_get_channel_info(il, il->band, le16_to_cpu(ctx->active.channel)); + il_get_channel_info(il, il->band, le16_to_cpu(il->active.channel)); if (!ch_info) ch_info = &il->channel_info[0]; - ctx->staging.channel = cpu_to_le16(ch_info->channel); + il->staging.channel = cpu_to_le16(ch_info->channel); il->band = ch_info->band; - il_set_flags_for_band(il, ctx, il->band, ctx->vif); + il_set_flags_for_band(il, il->band, il->vif); - ctx->staging.ofdm_basic_rates = + il->staging.ofdm_basic_rates = (IL_OFDM_RATES_MASK >> IL_FIRST_OFDM_RATE) & 0xFF; - ctx->staging.cck_basic_rates = + il->staging.cck_basic_rates = (IL_CCK_RATES_MASK >> IL_FIRST_CCK_RATE) & 0xF; /* clear both MIX and PURE40 mode flag */ - ctx->staging.flags &= + il->staging.flags &= ~(RXON_FLG_CHANNEL_MODE_MIXED | RXON_FLG_CHANNEL_MODE_PURE_40); - if (ctx->vif) - memcpy(ctx->staging.node_addr, ctx->vif->addr, ETH_ALEN); + if (il->vif) + memcpy(il->staging.node_addr, il->vif->addr, ETH_ALEN); - ctx->staging.ofdm_ht_single_stream_basic_rates = 0xff; - ctx->staging.ofdm_ht_dual_stream_basic_rates = 0xff; + il->staging.ofdm_ht_single_stream_basic_rates = 0xff; + il->staging.ofdm_ht_dual_stream_basic_rates = 0xff; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_connection_init_rx_config); @@ -4084,10 +4031,10 @@ il_set_rate(struct il_priv *il) D_RATE("Set active_rate = %0x\n", il->active_rate); - il->ctx.staging.cck_basic_rates = + il->staging.cck_basic_rates = (IL_CCK_BASIC_RATES_MASK >> IL_FIRST_CCK_RATE) & 0xF; - il->ctx.staging.ofdm_basic_rates = + il->staging.ofdm_basic_rates = (IL_OFDM_BASIC_RATES_MASK >> IL_FIRST_OFDM_RATE) & 0xFF; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_set_rate); @@ -4095,13 +4042,11 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_set_rate); void il_chswitch_done(struct il_priv *il, bool is_success) { - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; - if (test_bit(S_EXIT_PENDING, &il->status)) return; if (test_and_clear_bit(S_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING, &il->status)) - ieee80211_chswitch_done(ctx->vif, is_success); + ieee80211_chswitch_done(il->vif, is_success); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_chswitch_done); @@ -4110,16 +4055,14 @@ il_hdl_csa(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb) { struct il_rx_pkt *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); struct il_csa_notification *csa = &(pkt->u.csa_notif); - - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; - struct il_rxon_cmd *rxon = (void *)&ctx->active; + struct il_rxon_cmd *rxon = (void *)&il->active; if (!test_bit(S_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING, &il->status)) return; if (!le32_to_cpu(csa->status) && csa->channel == il->switch_channel) { rxon->channel = csa->channel; - ctx->staging.channel = csa->channel; + il->staging.channel = csa->channel; D_11H("CSA notif: channel %d\n", le16_to_cpu(csa->channel)); il_chswitch_done(il, true); } else { @@ -4132,9 +4075,9 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_hdl_csa); #ifdef CONFIG_IWLEGACY_DEBUG void -il_print_rx_config_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il_print_rx_config_cmd(struct il_priv *il) { - struct il_rxon_cmd *rxon = &ctx->staging; + struct il_rxon_cmd *rxon = &il->staging; D_RADIO("RX CONFIG:\n"); il_print_hex_dump(il, IL_DL_RADIO, (u8 *) rxon, sizeof(*rxon)); @@ -4164,12 +4107,12 @@ il_irq_handle_error(struct il_priv *il) IL_ERR("Loaded firmware version: %s\n", il->hw->wiphy->fw_version); - il->cfg->ops->lib->dump_nic_error_log(il); - if (il->cfg->ops->lib->dump_fh) - il->cfg->ops->lib->dump_fh(il, NULL, false); + il->ops->dump_nic_error_log(il); + if (il->ops->dump_fh) + il->ops->dump_fh(il, NULL, false); #ifdef CONFIG_IWLEGACY_DEBUG if (il_get_debug_level(il) & IL_DL_FW_ERRORS) - il_print_rx_config_cmd(il, &il->ctx); + il_print_rx_config_cmd(il); #endif wake_up(&il->wait_command_queue); @@ -4189,17 +4132,17 @@ il_irq_handle_error(struct il_priv *il) EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_irq_handle_error); static int -il_apm_stop_master(struct il_priv *il) +_il_apm_stop_master(struct il_priv *il) { int ret = 0; /* stop device's busmaster DMA activity */ - il_set_bit(il, CSR_RESET, CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_STOP_MASTER); + _il_set_bit(il, CSR_RESET, CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_STOP_MASTER); ret = _il_poll_bit(il, CSR_RESET, CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_MASTER_DISABLED, CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_MASTER_DISABLED, 100); - if (ret) + if (ret < 0) IL_WARN("Master Disable Timed Out, 100 usec\n"); D_INFO("stop master\n"); @@ -4208,15 +4151,17 @@ il_apm_stop_master(struct il_priv *il) } void -il_apm_stop(struct il_priv *il) +_il_apm_stop(struct il_priv *il) { + lockdep_assert_held(&il->reg_lock); + D_INFO("Stop card, put in low power state\n"); /* Stop device's DMA activity */ - il_apm_stop_master(il); + _il_apm_stop_master(il); /* Reset the entire device */ - il_set_bit(il, CSR_RESET, CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_SW_RESET); + _il_set_bit(il, CSR_RESET, CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_SW_RESET); udelay(10); @@ -4224,7 +4169,18 @@ il_apm_stop(struct il_priv *il) * Clear "initialization complete" bit to move adapter from * D0A* (powered-up Active) --> D0U* (Uninitialized) state. */ - il_clear_bit(il, CSR_GP_CNTRL, CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_INIT_DONE); + _il_clear_bit(il, CSR_GP_CNTRL, CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_INIT_DONE); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(_il_apm_stop); + +void +il_apm_stop(struct il_priv *il) +{ + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&il->reg_lock, flags); + _il_apm_stop(il); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->reg_lock, flags); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_apm_stop); @@ -4276,7 +4232,7 @@ il_apm_init(struct il_priv *il) * If not (unlikely), enable L0S, so there is at least some * power savings, even without L1. */ - if (il->cfg->base_params->set_l0s) { + if (il->cfg->set_l0s) { lctl = il_pcie_link_ctl(il); if ((lctl & PCI_CFG_LINK_CTRL_VAL_L1_EN) == PCI_CFG_LINK_CTRL_VAL_L1_EN) { @@ -4293,9 +4249,9 @@ il_apm_init(struct il_priv *il) } /* Configure analog phase-lock-loop before activating to D0A */ - if (il->cfg->base_params->pll_cfg_val) + if (il->cfg->pll_cfg_val) il_set_bit(il, CSR_ANA_PLL_CFG, - il->cfg->base_params->pll_cfg_val); + il->cfg->pll_cfg_val); /* * Set "initialization complete" bit to move adapter from @@ -4325,7 +4281,7 @@ il_apm_init(struct il_priv *il) * do not disable clocks. This preserves any hardware bits already * set by default in "CLK_CTRL_REG" after reset. */ - if (il->cfg->base_params->use_bsm) + if (il->cfg->use_bsm) il_wr_prph(il, APMG_CLK_EN_REG, APMG_CLK_VAL_DMA_CLK_RQT | APMG_CLK_VAL_BSM_CLK_RQT); else @@ -4347,14 +4303,13 @@ il_set_tx_power(struct il_priv *il, s8 tx_power, bool force) int ret; s8 prev_tx_power; bool defer; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; lockdep_assert_held(&il->mutex); if (il->tx_power_user_lmt == tx_power && !force) return 0; - if (!il->cfg->ops->lib->send_tx_power) + if (!il->ops->send_tx_power) return -EOPNOTSUPP; /* 0 dBm mean 1 milliwatt */ @@ -4378,7 +4333,7 @@ il_set_tx_power(struct il_priv *il, s8 tx_power, bool force) /* do not set tx power when scanning or channel changing */ defer = test_bit(S_SCANNING, &il->status) || - memcmp(&ctx->active, &ctx->staging, sizeof(ctx->staging)); + memcmp(&il->active, &il->staging, sizeof(il->staging)); if (defer && !force) { D_INFO("Deferring tx power set\n"); return 0; @@ -4387,7 +4342,7 @@ il_set_tx_power(struct il_priv *il, s8 tx_power, bool force) prev_tx_power = il->tx_power_user_lmt; il->tx_power_user_lmt = tx_power; - ret = il->cfg->ops->lib->send_tx_power(il); + ret = il->ops->send_tx_power(il); /* if fail to set tx_power, restore the orig. tx power */ if (ret) { @@ -4505,15 +4460,15 @@ il_mac_conf_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, u16 queue, spin_lock_irqsave(&il->lock, flags); - il->ctx.qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[q].cw_min = + il->qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[q].cw_min = cpu_to_le16(params->cw_min); - il->ctx.qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[q].cw_max = + il->qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[q].cw_max = cpu_to_le16(params->cw_max); - il->ctx.qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[q].aifsn = params->aifs; - il->ctx.qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[q].edca_txop = + il->qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[q].aifsn = params->aifs; + il->qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[q].edca_txop = cpu_to_le16((params->txop * 32)); - il->ctx.qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[q].reserved1 = 0; + il->qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[q].reserved1 = 0; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->lock, flags); @@ -4526,60 +4481,36 @@ int il_mac_tx_last_beacon(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { struct il_priv *il = hw->priv; + int ret; - return il->ibss_manager == IL_IBSS_MANAGER; -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(il_mac_tx_last_beacon); - -static int -il_set_mode(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) -{ - il_connection_init_rx_config(il, ctx); + D_MAC80211("enter\n"); - if (il->cfg->ops->hcmd->set_rxon_chain) - il->cfg->ops->hcmd->set_rxon_chain(il, ctx); + ret = (il->ibss_manager == IL_IBSS_MANAGER); - return il_commit_rxon(il, ctx); + D_MAC80211("leave ret %d\n", ret); + return ret; } +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(il_mac_tx_last_beacon); static int -il_setup_interface(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il_set_mode(struct il_priv *il) { - struct ieee80211_vif *vif = ctx->vif; - int err; + il_connection_init_rx_config(il); - lockdep_assert_held(&il->mutex); + if (il->ops->set_rxon_chain) + il->ops->set_rxon_chain(il); - /* - * This variable will be correct only when there's just - * a single context, but all code using it is for hardware - * that supports only one context. - */ - il->iw_mode = vif->type; - - ctx->is_active = true; - - err = il_set_mode(il, ctx); - if (err) { - if (!ctx->always_active) - ctx->is_active = false; - return err; - } - - return 0; + return il_commit_rxon(il); } int il_mac_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) { struct il_priv *il = hw->priv; - struct il_vif_priv *vif_priv = (void *)vif->drv_priv; int err; - u32 modes; - - D_MAC80211("enter: type %d, addr %pM\n", vif->type, vif->addr); mutex_lock(&il->mutex); + D_MAC80211("enter: type %d, addr %pM\n", vif->type, vif->addr); if (!il_is_ready_rf(il)) { IL_WARN("Try to add interface when device not ready\n"); @@ -4587,32 +4518,24 @@ il_mac_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) goto out; } - /* check if busy context is exclusive */ - if (il->ctx.vif && - (il->ctx.exclusive_interface_modes & BIT(il->ctx.vif->type))) { - err = -EINVAL; - goto out; - } - - modes = il->ctx.interface_modes | il->ctx.exclusive_interface_modes; - if (!(modes & BIT(vif->type))) { + if (il->vif) { err = -EOPNOTSUPP; goto out; } - vif_priv->ctx = &il->ctx; - il->ctx.vif = vif; + il->vif = vif; + il->iw_mode = vif->type; - err = il_setup_interface(il, &il->ctx); + err = il_set_mode(il); if (err) { - il->ctx.vif = NULL; + il->vif = NULL; il->iw_mode = NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION; } out: + D_MAC80211("leave err %d\n", err); mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); - D_MAC80211("leave\n"); return err; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_mac_add_interface); @@ -4621,8 +4544,6 @@ static void il_teardown_interface(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, bool mode_change) { - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = il_rxon_ctx_from_vif(vif); - lockdep_assert_held(&il->mutex); if (il->scan_vif == vif) { @@ -4630,33 +4551,27 @@ il_teardown_interface(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, il_force_scan_end(il); } - if (!mode_change) { - il_set_mode(il, ctx); - if (!ctx->always_active) - ctx->is_active = false; - } + if (!mode_change) + il_set_mode(il); + } void il_mac_remove_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) { struct il_priv *il = hw->priv; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = il_rxon_ctx_from_vif(vif); - - D_MAC80211("enter\n"); mutex_lock(&il->mutex); + D_MAC80211("enter: type %d, addr %pM\n", vif->type, vif->addr); - WARN_ON(ctx->vif != vif); - ctx->vif = NULL; + WARN_ON(il->vif != vif); + il->vif = NULL; il_teardown_interface(il, vif, false); - memset(il->bssid, 0, ETH_ALEN); - mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); D_MAC80211("leave\n"); - + mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_mac_remove_interface); @@ -4666,7 +4581,7 @@ il_alloc_txq_mem(struct il_priv *il) if (!il->txq) il->txq = kzalloc(sizeof(struct il_tx_queue) * - il->cfg->base_params->num_of_queues, GFP_KERNEL); + il->cfg->num_of_queues, GFP_KERNEL); if (!il->txq) { IL_ERR("Not enough memory for txq\n"); return -ENOMEM; @@ -4676,259 +4591,12 @@ il_alloc_txq_mem(struct il_priv *il) EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_alloc_txq_mem); void -il_txq_mem(struct il_priv *il) +il_free_txq_mem(struct il_priv *il) { kfree(il->txq); il->txq = NULL; } -EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_txq_mem); - -#ifdef CONFIG_IWLEGACY_DEBUGFS - -#define IL_TRAFFIC_DUMP_SIZE (IL_TRAFFIC_ENTRY_SIZE * IL_TRAFFIC_ENTRIES) - -void -il_reset_traffic_log(struct il_priv *il) -{ - il->tx_traffic_idx = 0; - il->rx_traffic_idx = 0; - if (il->tx_traffic) - memset(il->tx_traffic, 0, IL_TRAFFIC_DUMP_SIZE); - if (il->rx_traffic) - memset(il->rx_traffic, 0, IL_TRAFFIC_DUMP_SIZE); -} - -int -il_alloc_traffic_mem(struct il_priv *il) -{ - u32 traffic_size = IL_TRAFFIC_DUMP_SIZE; - - if (il_debug_level & IL_DL_TX) { - if (!il->tx_traffic) { - il->tx_traffic = kzalloc(traffic_size, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!il->tx_traffic) - return -ENOMEM; - } - } - if (il_debug_level & IL_DL_RX) { - if (!il->rx_traffic) { - il->rx_traffic = kzalloc(traffic_size, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!il->rx_traffic) - return -ENOMEM; - } - } - il_reset_traffic_log(il); - return 0; -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_alloc_traffic_mem); - -void -il_free_traffic_mem(struct il_priv *il) -{ - kfree(il->tx_traffic); - il->tx_traffic = NULL; - - kfree(il->rx_traffic); - il->rx_traffic = NULL; -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_free_traffic_mem); - -void -il_dbg_log_tx_data_frame(struct il_priv *il, u16 length, - struct ieee80211_hdr *header) -{ - __le16 fc; - u16 len; - - if (likely(!(il_debug_level & IL_DL_TX))) - return; - - if (!il->tx_traffic) - return; - - fc = header->frame_control; - if (ieee80211_is_data(fc)) { - len = - (length > - IL_TRAFFIC_ENTRY_SIZE) ? IL_TRAFFIC_ENTRY_SIZE : length; - memcpy((il->tx_traffic + - (il->tx_traffic_idx * IL_TRAFFIC_ENTRY_SIZE)), header, - len); - il->tx_traffic_idx = - (il->tx_traffic_idx + 1) % IL_TRAFFIC_ENTRIES; - } -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_dbg_log_tx_data_frame); - -void -il_dbg_log_rx_data_frame(struct il_priv *il, u16 length, - struct ieee80211_hdr *header) -{ - __le16 fc; - u16 len; - - if (likely(!(il_debug_level & IL_DL_RX))) - return; - - if (!il->rx_traffic) - return; - - fc = header->frame_control; - if (ieee80211_is_data(fc)) { - len = - (length > - IL_TRAFFIC_ENTRY_SIZE) ? IL_TRAFFIC_ENTRY_SIZE : length; - memcpy((il->rx_traffic + - (il->rx_traffic_idx * IL_TRAFFIC_ENTRY_SIZE)), header, - len); - il->rx_traffic_idx = - (il->rx_traffic_idx + 1) % IL_TRAFFIC_ENTRIES; - } -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_dbg_log_rx_data_frame); - -const char * -il_get_mgmt_string(int cmd) -{ - switch (cmd) { - IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_ASSOC_REQ); - IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_ASSOC_RESP); - IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_REASSOC_REQ); - IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_REASSOC_RESP); - IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_PROBE_REQ); - IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_PROBE_RESP); - IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_BEACON); - IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_ATIM); - IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_DISASSOC); - IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_AUTH); - IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_DEAUTH); - IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_ACTION); - default: - return "UNKNOWN"; - - } -} - -const char * -il_get_ctrl_string(int cmd) -{ - switch (cmd) { - IL_CMD(CONTROL_BACK_REQ); - IL_CMD(CONTROL_BACK); - IL_CMD(CONTROL_PSPOLL); - IL_CMD(CONTROL_RTS); - IL_CMD(CONTROL_CTS); - IL_CMD(CONTROL_ACK); - IL_CMD(CONTROL_CFEND); - IL_CMD(CONTROL_CFENDACK); - default: - return "UNKNOWN"; - - } -} - -void -il_clear_traffic_stats(struct il_priv *il) -{ - memset(&il->tx_stats, 0, sizeof(struct traffic_stats)); - memset(&il->rx_stats, 0, sizeof(struct traffic_stats)); -} - -/* - * if CONFIG_IWLEGACY_DEBUGFS defined, - * il_update_stats function will - * record all the MGMT, CTRL and DATA pkt for both TX and Rx pass - * Use debugFs to display the rx/rx_stats - * if CONFIG_IWLEGACY_DEBUGFS not being defined, then no MGMT and CTRL - * information will be recorded, but DATA pkt still will be recorded - * for the reason of il_led.c need to control the led blinking based on - * number of tx and rx data. - * - */ -void -il_update_stats(struct il_priv *il, bool is_tx, __le16 fc, u16 len) -{ - struct traffic_stats *stats; - - if (is_tx) - stats = &il->tx_stats; - else - stats = &il->rx_stats; - - if (ieee80211_is_mgmt(fc)) { - switch (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) { - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_ASSOC_REQ): - stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_ASSOC_REQ]++; - break; - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_ASSOC_RESP): - stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_ASSOC_RESP]++; - break; - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_REASSOC_REQ): - stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_REASSOC_REQ]++; - break; - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_REASSOC_RESP): - stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_REASSOC_RESP]++; - break; - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_REQ): - stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_PROBE_REQ]++; - break; - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_RESP): - stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_PROBE_RESP]++; - break; - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_BEACON): - stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_BEACON]++; - break; - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_ATIM): - stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_ATIM]++; - break; - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_DISASSOC): - stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_DISASSOC]++; - break; - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_AUTH): - stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_AUTH]++; - break; - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH): - stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_DEAUTH]++; - break; - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_ACTION): - stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_ACTION]++; - break; - } - } else if (ieee80211_is_ctl(fc)) { - switch (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) { - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_BACK_REQ): - stats->ctrl[CONTROL_BACK_REQ]++; - break; - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_BACK): - stats->ctrl[CONTROL_BACK]++; - break; - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_PSPOLL): - stats->ctrl[CONTROL_PSPOLL]++; - break; - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_RTS): - stats->ctrl[CONTROL_RTS]++; - break; - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_CTS): - stats->ctrl[CONTROL_CTS]++; - break; - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_ACK): - stats->ctrl[CONTROL_ACK]++; - break; - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_CFEND): - stats->ctrl[CONTROL_CFEND]++; - break; - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_CFENDACK): - stats->ctrl[CONTROL_CFENDACK]++; - break; - } - } else { - /* data */ - stats->data_cnt++; - stats->data_bytes += len; - } -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_update_stats); -#endif +EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_free_txq_mem); int il_force_reset(struct il_priv *il, bool external) @@ -4987,15 +4655,18 @@ il_mac_change_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, enum nl80211_iftype newtype, bool newp2p) { struct il_priv *il = hw->priv; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = il_rxon_ctx_from_vif(vif); - u32 modes; int err; - newtype = ieee80211_iftype_p2p(newtype, newp2p); - mutex_lock(&il->mutex); + D_MAC80211("enter: type %d, addr %pM newtype %d newp2p %d\n", + vif->type, vif->addr, newtype, newp2p); - if (!ctx->vif || !il_is_ready_rf(il)) { + if (newp2p) { + err = -EOPNOTSUPP; + goto out; + } + + if (!il->vif || !il_is_ready_rf(il)) { /* * Huh? But wait ... this can maybe happen when * we're in the middle of a firmware restart! @@ -5004,23 +4675,11 @@ il_mac_change_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, goto out; } - modes = ctx->interface_modes | ctx->exclusive_interface_modes; - if (!(modes & BIT(newtype))) { - err = -EOPNOTSUPP; - goto out; - } - - if ((il->ctx.exclusive_interface_modes & BIT(il->ctx.vif->type)) || - (il->ctx.exclusive_interface_modes & BIT(newtype))) { - err = -EINVAL; - goto out; - } - /* success */ il_teardown_interface(il, vif, true); vif->type = newtype; - vif->p2p = newp2p; - err = il_setup_interface(il, ctx); + vif->p2p = false; + err = il_set_mode(il); WARN_ON(err); /* * We've switched internally, but submitting to the @@ -5032,7 +4691,9 @@ il_mac_change_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, err = 0; out: + D_MAC80211("leave err %d\n", err); mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); + return err; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_mac_change_interface); @@ -5056,11 +4717,11 @@ il_check_stuck_queue(struct il_priv *il, int cnt) timeout = txq->time_stamp + - msecs_to_jiffies(il->cfg->base_params->wd_timeout); + msecs_to_jiffies(il->cfg->wd_timeout); if (time_after(jiffies, timeout)) { IL_ERR("Queue %d stuck for %u ms.\n", q->id, - il->cfg->base_params->wd_timeout); + il->cfg->wd_timeout); ret = il_force_reset(il, false); return (ret == -EAGAIN) ? 0 : 1; } @@ -5088,7 +4749,7 @@ il_bg_watchdog(unsigned long data) if (test_bit(S_EXIT_PENDING, &il->status)) return; - timeout = il->cfg->base_params->wd_timeout; + timeout = il->cfg->wd_timeout; if (timeout == 0) return; @@ -5115,7 +4776,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_bg_watchdog); void il_setup_watchdog(struct il_priv *il) { - unsigned int timeout = il->cfg->base_params->wd_timeout; + unsigned int timeout = il->cfg->wd_timeout; if (timeout) mod_timer(&il->watchdog, @@ -5229,9 +4890,9 @@ il_pci_resume(struct device *device) hw_rfkill = true; if (hw_rfkill) - set_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); + set_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); else - clear_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); + clear_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); wiphy_rfkill_set_hw_state(il->hw->wiphy, hw_rfkill); @@ -5252,28 +4913,25 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_pm_ops); #endif /* CONFIG_PM */ static void -il_update_qos(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il_update_qos(struct il_priv *il) { if (test_bit(S_EXIT_PENDING, &il->status)) return; - if (!ctx->is_active) - return; - - ctx->qos_data.def_qos_parm.qos_flags = 0; + il->qos_data.def_qos_parm.qos_flags = 0; - if (ctx->qos_data.qos_active) - ctx->qos_data.def_qos_parm.qos_flags |= + if (il->qos_data.qos_active) + il->qos_data.def_qos_parm.qos_flags |= QOS_PARAM_FLG_UPDATE_EDCA_MSK; - if (ctx->ht.enabled) - ctx->qos_data.def_qos_parm.qos_flags |= QOS_PARAM_FLG_TGN_MSK; + if (il->ht.enabled) + il->qos_data.def_qos_parm.qos_flags |= QOS_PARAM_FLG_TGN_MSK; D_QOS("send QoS cmd with Qos active=%d FLAGS=0x%X\n", - ctx->qos_data.qos_active, ctx->qos_data.def_qos_parm.qos_flags); + il->qos_data.qos_active, il->qos_data.def_qos_parm.qos_flags); - il_send_cmd_pdu_async(il, ctx->qos_cmd, sizeof(struct il_qosparam_cmd), - &ctx->qos_data.def_qos_parm, NULL); + il_send_cmd_pdu_async(il, C_QOS_PARAM, sizeof(struct il_qosparam_cmd), + &il->qos_data.def_qos_parm, NULL); } /** @@ -5287,19 +4945,14 @@ il_mac_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 changed) struct ieee80211_conf *conf = &hw->conf; struct ieee80211_channel *channel = conf->channel; struct il_ht_config *ht_conf = &il->current_ht_config; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; unsigned long flags = 0; int ret = 0; u16 ch; int scan_active = 0; bool ht_changed = false; - if (WARN_ON(!il->cfg->ops->legacy)) - return -EOPNOTSUPP; - mutex_lock(&il->mutex); - - D_MAC80211("enter to channel %d changed 0x%X\n", channel->hw_value, + D_MAC80211("enter: channel %d changed 0x%X\n", channel->hw_value, changed); if (unlikely(test_bit(S_SCANNING, &il->status))) { @@ -5319,8 +4972,8 @@ il_mac_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 changed) * set up the SM PS mode to OFF if an HT channel is * configured. */ - if (il->cfg->ops->hcmd->set_rxon_chain) - il->cfg->ops->hcmd->set_rxon_chain(il, &il->ctx); + if (il->ops->set_rxon_chain) + il->ops->set_rxon_chain(il); } /* during scanning mac80211 will delay channel setting until @@ -5349,48 +5002,48 @@ il_mac_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 changed) spin_lock_irqsave(&il->lock, flags); /* Configure HT40 channels */ - if (ctx->ht.enabled != conf_is_ht(conf)) { - ctx->ht.enabled = conf_is_ht(conf); + if (il->ht.enabled != conf_is_ht(conf)) { + il->ht.enabled = conf_is_ht(conf); ht_changed = true; } - if (ctx->ht.enabled) { + if (il->ht.enabled) { if (conf_is_ht40_minus(conf)) { - ctx->ht.extension_chan_offset = + il->ht.extension_chan_offset = IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_BELOW; - ctx->ht.is_40mhz = true; + il->ht.is_40mhz = true; } else if (conf_is_ht40_plus(conf)) { - ctx->ht.extension_chan_offset = + il->ht.extension_chan_offset = IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_ABOVE; - ctx->ht.is_40mhz = true; + il->ht.is_40mhz = true; } else { - ctx->ht.extension_chan_offset = + il->ht.extension_chan_offset = IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_NONE; - ctx->ht.is_40mhz = false; + il->ht.is_40mhz = false; } } else - ctx->ht.is_40mhz = false; + il->ht.is_40mhz = false; /* * Default to no protection. Protection mode will * later be set from BSS config in il_ht_conf */ - ctx->ht.protection = IEEE80211_HT_OP_MODE_PROTECTION_NONE; + il->ht.protection = IEEE80211_HT_OP_MODE_PROTECTION_NONE; /* if we are switching from ht to 2.4 clear flags * from any ht related info since 2.4 does not * support ht */ - if ((le16_to_cpu(ctx->staging.channel) != ch)) - ctx->staging.flags = 0; + if ((le16_to_cpu(il->staging.channel) != ch)) + il->staging.flags = 0; - il_set_rxon_channel(il, channel, ctx); + il_set_rxon_channel(il, channel); il_set_rxon_ht(il, ht_conf); - il_set_flags_for_band(il, ctx, channel->band, ctx->vif); + il_set_flags_for_band(il, channel->band, il->vif); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->lock, flags); - if (il->cfg->ops->legacy->update_bcast_stations) - ret = il->cfg->ops->legacy->update_bcast_stations(il); + if (il->ops->update_bcast_stations) + ret = il->ops->update_bcast_stations(il); set_ch_out: /* The list of supported rates and rate mask can be different @@ -5420,16 +5073,17 @@ il_mac_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 changed) if (scan_active) goto out; - if (memcmp(&ctx->active, &ctx->staging, sizeof(ctx->staging))) - il_commit_rxon(il, ctx); + if (memcmp(&il->active, &il->staging, sizeof(il->staging))) + il_commit_rxon(il); else D_INFO("Not re-sending same RXON configuration.\n"); if (ht_changed) - il_update_qos(il, ctx); + il_update_qos(il); out: - D_MAC80211("leave\n"); + D_MAC80211("leave ret %d\n", ret); mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); + return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_mac_config); @@ -5439,26 +5093,18 @@ il_mac_reset_tsf(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) { struct il_priv *il = hw->priv; unsigned long flags; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; - - if (WARN_ON(!il->cfg->ops->legacy)) - return; mutex_lock(&il->mutex); - D_MAC80211("enter\n"); + D_MAC80211("enter: type %d, addr %pM\n", vif->type, vif->addr); spin_lock_irqsave(&il->lock, flags); - memset(&il->current_ht_config, 0, sizeof(struct il_ht_config)); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->lock, flags); - spin_lock_irqsave(&il->lock, flags); + memset(&il->current_ht_config, 0, sizeof(struct il_ht_config)); /* new association get rid of ibss beacon skb */ if (il->beacon_skb) dev_kfree_skb(il->beacon_skb); - il->beacon_skb = NULL; - il->timestamp = 0; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->lock, flags); @@ -5470,17 +5116,14 @@ il_mac_reset_tsf(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) return; } - /* we are restarting association process - * clear RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK bit - */ - ctx->staging.filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; - il_commit_rxon(il, ctx); + /* we are restarting association process */ + il->staging.filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; + il_commit_rxon(il); il_set_rate(il); - mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); - D_MAC80211("leave\n"); + mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_mac_reset_tsf); @@ -5490,16 +5133,15 @@ il_ht_conf(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) struct il_ht_config *ht_conf = &il->current_ht_config; struct ieee80211_sta *sta; struct ieee80211_bss_conf *bss_conf = &vif->bss_conf; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = il_rxon_ctx_from_vif(vif); D_ASSOC("enter:\n"); - if (!ctx->ht.enabled) + if (!il->ht.enabled) return; - ctx->ht.protection = + il->ht.protection = bss_conf->ht_operation_mode & IEEE80211_HT_OP_MODE_PROTECTION; - ctx->ht.non_gf_sta_present = + il->ht.non_gf_sta_present = !!(bss_conf-> ht_operation_mode & IEEE80211_HT_OP_MODE_NON_GF_STA_PRSNT); @@ -5548,16 +5190,14 @@ il_ht_conf(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) static inline void il_set_no_assoc(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) { - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = il_rxon_ctx_from_vif(vif); - /* * inform the ucode that there is no longer an * association and that no more packets should be * sent */ - ctx->staging.filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; - ctx->staging.assoc_id = 0; - il_commit_rxon(il, ctx); + il->staging.filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; + il->staging.assoc_id = 0; + il_commit_rxon(il); } static void @@ -5575,8 +5215,8 @@ il_beacon_update(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) lockdep_assert_held(&il->mutex); - if (!il->beacon_ctx) { - IL_ERR("update beacon but no beacon context!\n"); + if (!il->beacon_enabled) { + IL_ERR("update beacon with no beaconing enabled\n"); dev_kfree_skb(skb); return; } @@ -5599,7 +5239,7 @@ il_beacon_update(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) return; } - il->cfg->ops->legacy->post_associate(il); + il->ops->post_associate(il); } void @@ -5607,17 +5247,13 @@ il_mac_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, struct ieee80211_bss_conf *bss_conf, u32 changes) { struct il_priv *il = hw->priv; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = il_rxon_ctx_from_vif(vif); int ret; - if (WARN_ON(!il->cfg->ops->legacy)) - return; - - D_MAC80211("changes = 0x%X\n", changes); - mutex_lock(&il->mutex); + D_MAC80211("enter: changes 0x%x\n", changes); if (!il_is_alive(il)) { + D_MAC80211("leave - not alive\n"); mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); return; } @@ -5626,21 +5262,17 @@ il_mac_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&il->lock, flags); - ctx->qos_data.qos_active = bss_conf->qos; - il_update_qos(il, ctx); + il->qos_data.qos_active = bss_conf->qos; + il_update_qos(il); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->lock, flags); } if (changes & BSS_CHANGED_BEACON_ENABLED) { - /* - * the add_interface code must make sure we only ever - * have a single interface that could be beaconing at - * any time. - */ + /* FIXME: can we remove beacon_enabled ? */ if (vif->bss_conf.enable_beacon) - il->beacon_ctx = ctx; + il->beacon_enabled = true; else - il->beacon_ctx = NULL; + il->beacon_enabled = false; } if (changes & BSS_CHANGED_BSSID) { @@ -5652,23 +5284,20 @@ il_mac_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, * below/in post_associate will fail. */ if (il_scan_cancel_timeout(il, 100)) { - IL_WARN("Aborted scan still in progress after 100ms\n"); - D_MAC80211("leaving - scan abort failed.\n"); + D_MAC80211("leave - scan abort failed\n"); mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); return; } /* mac80211 only sets assoc when in STATION mode */ if (vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC || bss_conf->assoc) { - memcpy(ctx->staging.bssid_addr, bss_conf->bssid, + memcpy(il->staging.bssid_addr, bss_conf->bssid, ETH_ALEN); /* currently needed in a few places */ memcpy(il->bssid, bss_conf->bssid, ETH_ALEN); - } else { - ctx->staging.filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; - } - + } else + il->staging.filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; } /* @@ -5682,21 +5311,21 @@ il_mac_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, if (changes & BSS_CHANGED_ERP_PREAMBLE) { D_MAC80211("ERP_PREAMBLE %d\n", bss_conf->use_short_preamble); if (bss_conf->use_short_preamble) - ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; + il->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; else - ctx->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; + il->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SHORT_PREAMBLE_MSK; } if (changes & BSS_CHANGED_ERP_CTS_PROT) { D_MAC80211("ERP_CTS %d\n", bss_conf->use_cts_prot); if (bss_conf->use_cts_prot && il->band != IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ) - ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_TGG_PROTECT_MSK; + il->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_TGG_PROTECT_MSK; else - ctx->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_TGG_PROTECT_MSK; + il->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_TGG_PROTECT_MSK; if (bss_conf->use_cts_prot) - ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SELF_CTS_EN; + il->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SELF_CTS_EN; else - ctx->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SELF_CTS_EN; + il->staging.flags &= ~RXON_FLG_SELF_CTS_EN; } if (changes & BSS_CHANGED_BASIC_RATES) { @@ -5706,12 +5335,12 @@ il_mac_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, * like this here: * if (A-band) - ctx->staging.ofdm_basic_rates = + il->staging.ofdm_basic_rates = bss_conf->basic_rates; else - ctx->staging.ofdm_basic_rates = + il->staging.ofdm_basic_rates = bss_conf->basic_rates >> 4; - ctx->staging.cck_basic_rates = + il->staging.cck_basic_rates = bss_conf->basic_rates & 0xF; */ } @@ -5719,55 +5348,52 @@ il_mac_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, if (changes & BSS_CHANGED_HT) { il_ht_conf(il, vif); - if (il->cfg->ops->hcmd->set_rxon_chain) - il->cfg->ops->hcmd->set_rxon_chain(il, ctx); + if (il->ops->set_rxon_chain) + il->ops->set_rxon_chain(il); } if (changes & BSS_CHANGED_ASSOC) { D_MAC80211("ASSOC %d\n", bss_conf->assoc); if (bss_conf->assoc) { - il->timestamp = bss_conf->timestamp; + il->timestamp = bss_conf->last_tsf; if (!il_is_rfkill(il)) - il->cfg->ops->legacy->post_associate(il); + il->ops->post_associate(il); } else il_set_no_assoc(il, vif); } - if (changes && il_is_associated_ctx(ctx) && bss_conf->aid) { + if (changes && il_is_associated(il) && bss_conf->aid) { D_MAC80211("Changes (%#x) while associated\n", changes); - ret = il_send_rxon_assoc(il, ctx); + ret = il_send_rxon_assoc(il); if (!ret) { /* Sync active_rxon with latest change. */ - memcpy((void *)&ctx->active, &ctx->staging, + memcpy((void *)&il->active, &il->staging, sizeof(struct il_rxon_cmd)); } } if (changes & BSS_CHANGED_BEACON_ENABLED) { if (vif->bss_conf.enable_beacon) { - memcpy(ctx->staging.bssid_addr, bss_conf->bssid, + memcpy(il->staging.bssid_addr, bss_conf->bssid, ETH_ALEN); memcpy(il->bssid, bss_conf->bssid, ETH_ALEN); - il->cfg->ops->legacy->config_ap(il); + il->ops->config_ap(il); } else il_set_no_assoc(il, vif); } if (changes & BSS_CHANGED_IBSS) { - ret = - il->cfg->ops->legacy->manage_ibss_station(il, vif, - bss_conf-> - ibss_joined); + ret = il->ops->manage_ibss_station(il, vif, + bss_conf->ibss_joined); if (ret) IL_ERR("failed to %s IBSS station %pM\n", bss_conf->ibss_joined ? "add" : "remove", bss_conf->bssid); } - mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); - D_MAC80211("leave\n"); + mutex_unlock(&il->mutex); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_mac_bss_info_changed); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/common.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/common.h index abfa388588be71ac318262581ce9fc27e50da53c..5f5017767b9990b54096b705c23310e866ff2d92 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/common.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/common.h @@ -143,12 +143,6 @@ struct il_queue { * space less than this */ }; -/* One for each TFD */ -struct il_tx_info { - struct sk_buff *skb; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx; -}; - /** * struct il_tx_queue - Tx Queue for DMA * @q: generic Rx/Tx queue descriptor @@ -156,7 +150,7 @@ struct il_tx_info { * @cmd: array of command/TX buffer pointers * @meta: array of meta data for each command/tx buffer * @dma_addr_cmd: physical address of cmd/tx buffer array - * @txb: array of per-TFD driver data + * @skbs: array of per-TFD socket buffer pointers * @time_stamp: time (in jiffies) of last read_ptr change * @need_update: indicates need to update read/write idx * @sched_retry: indicates queue is high-throughput aggregation (HT AGG) enabled @@ -172,7 +166,7 @@ struct il_tx_queue { void *tfds; struct il_device_cmd **cmd; struct il_cmd_meta *meta; - struct il_tx_info *txb; + struct sk_buff **skbs; unsigned long time_stamp; u8 need_update; u8 sched_retry; @@ -431,12 +425,6 @@ struct il_eeprom_calib_info { #define EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_NO_HT40 (0) -struct il_eeprom_ops { - const u32 regulatory_bands[7]; - int (*acquire_semaphore) (struct il_priv *il); - void (*release_semaphore) (struct il_priv *il); -}; - int il_eeprom_init(struct il_priv *il); void il_eeprom_free(struct il_priv *il); const u8 *il_eeprom_query_addr(const struct il_priv *il, size_t offset); @@ -735,13 +723,12 @@ struct il_qos_info { struct il_station_entry { struct il_addsta_cmd sta; struct il_tid_data tid[MAX_TID_COUNT]; - u8 used, ctxid; + u8 used; struct il_hw_key keyinfo; struct il_link_quality_cmd *lq; }; struct il_station_priv_common { - struct il_rxon_context *ctx; u8 sta_id; }; @@ -752,7 +739,6 @@ struct il_station_priv_common { * space for us to put data into. */ struct il_vif_priv { - struct il_rxon_context *ctx; u8 ibss_bssid_sta_id; }; @@ -816,6 +802,7 @@ struct il_sensitivity_ranges { /** * struct il_hw_params + * @bcast_id: f/w broadcast station ID * @max_txq_num: Max # Tx queues supported * @dma_chnl_num: Number of Tx DMA/FIFO channels * @scd_bc_tbls_size: size of scheduler byte count tables @@ -836,6 +823,7 @@ struct il_sensitivity_ranges { * @struct il_sensitivity_ranges: range of sensitivity values */ struct il_hw_params { + u8 bcast_id; u8 max_txq_num; u8 dma_chnl_num; u16 scd_bc_tbls_size; @@ -968,26 +956,6 @@ enum il4965_chain_noise_state { IL_CHAIN_NOISE_DONE, }; -enum il4965_calib_enabled_state { - IL_CALIB_DISABLED = 0, /* must be 0 */ - IL_CALIB_ENABLED = 1, -}; - -/* - * enum il_calib - * defines the order in which results of initial calibrations - * should be sent to the runtime uCode - */ -enum il_calib { - IL_CALIB_MAX, -}; - -/* Opaque calibration results */ -struct il_calib_result { - void *buf; - size_t buf_len; -}; - enum ucode_type { UCODE_NONE = 0, UCODE_INIT, @@ -1152,55 +1120,6 @@ struct il_force_reset { struct il_rxon_context { struct ieee80211_vif *vif; - - const u8 *ac_to_fifo; - const u8 *ac_to_queue; - u8 mcast_queue; - - /* - * We could use the vif to indicate active, but we - * also need it to be active during disabling when - * we already removed the vif for type setting. - */ - bool always_active, is_active; - - bool ht_need_multiple_chains; - - int ctxid; - - u32 interface_modes, exclusive_interface_modes; - u8 unused_devtype, ap_devtype, ibss_devtype, station_devtype; - - /* - * We declare this const so it can only be - * changed via explicit cast within the - * routines that actually update the physical - * hardware. - */ - const struct il_rxon_cmd active; - struct il_rxon_cmd staging; - - struct il_rxon_time_cmd timing; - - struct il_qos_info qos_data; - - u8 bcast_sta_id, ap_sta_id; - - u8 rxon_cmd, rxon_assoc_cmd, rxon_timing_cmd; - u8 qos_cmd; - u8 wep_key_cmd; - - struct il_wep_key wep_keys[WEP_KEYS_MAX]; - u8 key_mapping_keys; - - __le32 station_flags; - - struct { - bool non_gf_sta_present; - u8 protection; - bool enabled, is_40mhz; - u8 extension_chan_offset; - } ht; }; struct il_power_mgr { @@ -1211,12 +1130,15 @@ struct il_power_mgr { }; struct il_priv { - - /* ieee device used by generic ieee processing code */ struct ieee80211_hw *hw; struct ieee80211_channel *ieee_channels; struct ieee80211_rate *ieee_rates; + struct il_cfg *cfg; + const struct il_ops *ops; +#ifdef CONFIG_IWLEGACY_DEBUGFS + const struct il_debugfs_ops *debugfs_ops; +#endif /* temporary frame storage list */ struct list_head free_frames; @@ -1253,9 +1175,6 @@ struct il_priv { s32 temperature; /* degrees Kelvin */ s32 last_temperature; - /* init calibration results */ - struct il_calib_result calib_results[IL_CALIB_MAX]; - /* Scan related variables */ unsigned long scan_start; unsigned long scan_start_tsf; @@ -1304,7 +1223,28 @@ struct il_priv { u8 ucode_write_complete; /* the image write is complete */ char firmware_name[25]; - struct il_rxon_context ctx; + struct ieee80211_vif *vif; + + struct il_qos_info qos_data; + + struct { + bool enabled; + bool is_40mhz; + bool non_gf_sta_present; + u8 protection; + u8 extension_chan_offset; + } ht; + + /* + * We declare this const so it can only be + * changed via explicit cast within the + * routines that actually update the physical + * hardware. + */ + const struct il_rxon_cmd active; + struct il_rxon_cmd staging; + + struct il_rxon_time_cmd timing; __le16 switch_channel; @@ -1427,6 +1367,9 @@ struct il_priv { u8 phy_calib_chain_noise_reset_cmd; u8 phy_calib_chain_noise_gain_cmd; + u8 key_mapping_keys; + struct il_wep_key wep_keys[WEP_KEYS_MAX]; + struct il_notif_stats stats; #ifdef CONFIG_IWLEGACY_DEBUGFS struct il_notif_stats accum_stats; @@ -1449,7 +1392,7 @@ struct il_priv { struct work_struct rx_replenish; struct work_struct abort_scan; - struct il_rxon_context *beacon_ctx; + bool beacon_enabled; struct sk_buff *beacon_skb; struct work_struct tx_flush; @@ -1507,30 +1450,10 @@ il_txq_ctx_deactivate(struct il_priv *il, int txq_id) clear_bit(txq_id, &il->txq_ctx_active_msk); } -static inline struct ieee80211_hdr * -il_tx_queue_get_hdr(struct il_priv *il, int txq_id, int idx) -{ - if (il->txq[txq_id].txb[idx].skb) - return (struct ieee80211_hdr *)il->txq[txq_id].txb[idx].skb-> - data; - return NULL; -} - -static inline struct il_rxon_context * -il_rxon_ctx_from_vif(struct ieee80211_vif *vif) -{ - struct il_vif_priv *vif_priv = (void *)vif->drv_priv; - - return vif_priv->ctx; -} - -#define for_each_context(il, _ctx) \ - for (_ctx = &il->ctx; _ctx == &il->ctx; _ctx++) - static inline int il_is_associated(struct il_priv *il) { - return (il->ctx.active.filter_flags & RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK) ? 1 : 0; + return (il->active.filter_flags & RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK) ? 1 : 0; } static inline int @@ -1539,12 +1462,6 @@ il_is_any_associated(struct il_priv *il) return il_is_associated(il); } -static inline int -il_is_associated_ctx(struct il_rxon_context *ctx) -{ - return (ctx->active.filter_flags & RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK) ? 1 : 0; -} - static inline int il_is_channel_valid(const struct il_channel_info *ch_info) { @@ -1613,25 +1530,6 @@ il_free_pages(struct il_priv *il, unsigned long page) #define IL_RX_BUF_SIZE_4K (4 * 1024) #define IL_RX_BUF_SIZE_8K (8 * 1024) -struct il_hcmd_ops { - int (*rxon_assoc) (struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx); - int (*commit_rxon) (struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx); - void (*set_rxon_chain) (struct il_priv *il, - struct il_rxon_context *ctx); -}; - -struct il_hcmd_utils_ops { - u16(*get_hcmd_size) (u8 cmd_id, u16 len); - u16(*build_addsta_hcmd) (const struct il_addsta_cmd *cmd, u8 *data); - int (*request_scan) (struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif); - void (*post_scan) (struct il_priv *il); -}; - -struct il_apm_ops { - int (*init) (struct il_priv *il); - void (*config) (struct il_priv *il); -}; - #ifdef CONFIG_IWLEGACY_DEBUGFS struct il_debugfs_ops { ssize_t(*rx_stats_read) (struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, @@ -1644,13 +1542,7 @@ struct il_debugfs_ops { }; #endif -struct il_temp_ops { - void (*temperature) (struct il_priv *il); -}; - -struct il_lib_ops { - /* set hw dependent parameters */ - int (*set_hw_params) (struct il_priv *il); +struct il_ops { /* Handling TX */ void (*txq_update_byte_cnt_tbl) (struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq, @@ -1660,8 +1552,6 @@ struct il_lib_ops { u16 len, u8 reset, u8 pad); void (*txq_free_tfd) (struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq); int (*txq_init) (struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq); - /* setup Rx handler */ - void (*handler_setup) (struct il_priv *il); /* alive notification after init uCode load */ void (*init_alive_start) (struct il_priv *il); /* check validity of rtc data address */ @@ -1674,45 +1564,33 @@ struct il_lib_ops { int (*set_channel_switch) (struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_channel_switch *ch_switch); /* power management */ - struct il_apm_ops apm_ops; + int (*apm_init) (struct il_priv *il); - /* power */ + /* tx power */ int (*send_tx_power) (struct il_priv *il); void (*update_chain_flags) (struct il_priv *il); /* eeprom operations */ - struct il_eeprom_ops eeprom_ops; + int (*eeprom_acquire_semaphore) (struct il_priv *il); + void (*eeprom_release_semaphore) (struct il_priv *il); - /* temperature */ - struct il_temp_ops temp_ops; - -#ifdef CONFIG_IWLEGACY_DEBUGFS - struct il_debugfs_ops debugfs_ops; -#endif + int (*rxon_assoc) (struct il_priv *il); + int (*commit_rxon) (struct il_priv *il); + void (*set_rxon_chain) (struct il_priv *il); -}; - -struct il_led_ops { - int (*cmd) (struct il_priv *il, struct il_led_cmd *led_cmd); -}; + u16(*get_hcmd_size) (u8 cmd_id, u16 len); + u16(*build_addsta_hcmd) (const struct il_addsta_cmd *cmd, u8 *data); -struct il_legacy_ops { + int (*request_scan) (struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif); + void (*post_scan) (struct il_priv *il); void (*post_associate) (struct il_priv *il); void (*config_ap) (struct il_priv *il); /* station management */ int (*update_bcast_stations) (struct il_priv *il); int (*manage_ibss_station) (struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, bool add); -}; -struct il_ops { - const struct il_lib_ops *lib; - const struct il_hcmd_ops *hcmd; - const struct il_hcmd_utils_ops *utils; - const struct il_led_ops *led; - const struct il_nic_ops *nic; - const struct il_legacy_ops *legacy; - const struct ieee80211_ops *ieee80211_ops; + int (*send_led_cmd) (struct il_priv *il, struct il_led_cmd *led_cmd); }; struct il_mod_params { @@ -1725,37 +1603,6 @@ struct il_mod_params { int restart_fw; /* def: 1 = restart firmware */ }; -/* - * @led_compensation: compensate on the led on/off time per HW according - * to the deviation to achieve the desired led frequency. - * The detail algorithm is described in common.c - * @chain_noise_num_beacons: number of beacons used to compute chain noise - * @wd_timeout: TX queues watchdog timeout - * @temperature_kelvin: temperature report by uCode in kelvin - * @ucode_tracing: support ucode continuous tracing - * @sensitivity_calib_by_driver: driver has the capability to perform - * sensitivity calibration operation - * @chain_noise_calib_by_driver: driver has the capability to perform - * chain noise calibration operation - */ -struct il_base_params { - int eeprom_size; - int num_of_queues; /* def: HW dependent */ - int num_of_ampdu_queues; /* def: HW dependent */ - /* for il_apm_init() */ - u32 pll_cfg_val; - bool set_l0s; - bool use_bsm; - - u16 led_compensation; - int chain_noise_num_beacons; - unsigned int wd_timeout; - bool temperature_kelvin; - const bool ucode_tracing; - const bool sensitivity_calib_by_driver; - const bool chain_noise_calib_by_driver; -}; - #define IL_LED_SOLID 11 #define IL_DEF_LED_INTRVL cpu_to_le32(1000) @@ -1821,7 +1668,6 @@ struct il_cfg { unsigned int sku; u16 eeprom_ver; u16 eeprom_calib_ver; - const struct il_ops *ops; /* module based parameters which can be set from modprobe cmd */ const struct il_mod_params *mod_params; /* params not likely to change within a device family */ @@ -1829,31 +1675,45 @@ struct il_cfg { /* params likely to change within a device family */ u8 scan_rx_antennas[IEEE80211_NUM_BANDS]; enum il_led_mode led_mode; + + int eeprom_size; + int num_of_queues; /* def: HW dependent */ + int num_of_ampdu_queues; /* def: HW dependent */ + /* for il_apm_init() */ + u32 pll_cfg_val; + bool set_l0s; + bool use_bsm; + + u16 led_compensation; + int chain_noise_num_beacons; + unsigned int wd_timeout; + bool temperature_kelvin; + const bool ucode_tracing; + const bool sensitivity_calib_by_driver; + const bool chain_noise_calib_by_driver; + + const u32 regulatory_bands[7]; }; /*************************** * L i b * ***************************/ -struct ieee80211_hw *il_alloc_all(struct il_cfg *cfg); int il_mac_conf_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, u16 queue, const struct ieee80211_tx_queue_params *params); int il_mac_tx_last_beacon(struct ieee80211_hw *hw); -void il_set_rxon_hwcrypto(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - int hw_decrypt); -int il_check_rxon_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx); -int il_full_rxon_required(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx); -int il_set_rxon_channel(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_channel *ch, - struct il_rxon_context *ctx); -void il_set_flags_for_band(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - enum ieee80211_band band, struct ieee80211_vif *vif); +void il_set_rxon_hwcrypto(struct il_priv *il, int hw_decrypt); +int il_check_rxon_cmd(struct il_priv *il); +int il_full_rxon_required(struct il_priv *il); +int il_set_rxon_channel(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_channel *ch); +void il_set_flags_for_band(struct il_priv *il, enum ieee80211_band band, + struct ieee80211_vif *vif); u8 il_get_single_channel_number(struct il_priv *il, enum ieee80211_band band); void il_set_rxon_ht(struct il_priv *il, struct il_ht_config *ht_conf); -bool il_is_ht40_tx_allowed(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, +bool il_is_ht40_tx_allowed(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_sta_ht_cap *ht_cap); -void il_connection_init_rx_config(struct il_priv *il, - struct il_rxon_context *ctx); +void il_connection_init_rx_config(struct il_priv *il); void il_set_rate(struct il_priv *il); int il_set_decrypted_flag(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr, u32 decrypt_res, struct ieee80211_rx_status *stats); @@ -1864,60 +1724,24 @@ void il_mac_remove_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, int il_mac_change_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, enum nl80211_iftype newtype, bool newp2p); int il_alloc_txq_mem(struct il_priv *il); -void il_txq_mem(struct il_priv *il); +void il_free_txq_mem(struct il_priv *il); #ifdef CONFIG_IWLEGACY_DEBUGFS -int il_alloc_traffic_mem(struct il_priv *il); -void il_free_traffic_mem(struct il_priv *il); -void il_reset_traffic_log(struct il_priv *il); -void il_dbg_log_tx_data_frame(struct il_priv *il, u16 length, - struct ieee80211_hdr *header); -void il_dbg_log_rx_data_frame(struct il_priv *il, u16 length, - struct ieee80211_hdr *header); -const char *il_get_mgmt_string(int cmd); -const char *il_get_ctrl_string(int cmd); -void il_clear_traffic_stats(struct il_priv *il); -void il_update_stats(struct il_priv *il, bool is_tx, __le16 fc, u16 len); +extern void il_update_stats(struct il_priv *il, bool is_tx, __le16 fc, u16 len); #else -static inline int -il_alloc_traffic_mem(struct il_priv *il) -{ - return 0; -} - -static inline void -il_free_traffic_mem(struct il_priv *il) -{ -} - -static inline void -il_reset_traffic_log(struct il_priv *il) -{ -} - -static inline void -il_dbg_log_tx_data_frame(struct il_priv *il, u16 length, - struct ieee80211_hdr *header) -{ -} - -static inline void -il_dbg_log_rx_data_frame(struct il_priv *il, u16 length, - struct ieee80211_hdr *header) -{ -} - static inline void il_update_stats(struct il_priv *il, bool is_tx, __le16 fc, u16 len) { } #endif + /***************************************************** - * RX handlers. - * **************************************************/ + * Handlers + ***************************************************/ void il_hdl_pm_sleep(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb); void il_hdl_pm_debug_stats(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb); void il_hdl_error(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb); +void il_hdl_csa(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb); /***************************************************** * RX @@ -1928,25 +1752,20 @@ int il_rx_queue_alloc(struct il_priv *il); void il_rx_queue_update_write_ptr(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_queue *q); int il_rx_queue_space(const struct il_rx_queue *q); void il_tx_cmd_complete(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb); -/* Handlers */ + void il_hdl_spectrum_measurement(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb); void il_recover_from_stats(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_pkt *pkt); void il_chswitch_done(struct il_priv *il, bool is_success); -void il_hdl_csa(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rx_buf *rxb); - -/* TX helpers */ /***************************************************** * TX ******************************************************/ -void il_txq_update_write_ptr(struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq); -int il_tx_queue_init(struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq, int slots_num, - u32 txq_id); -void il_tx_queue_reset(struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq, - int slots_num, u32 txq_id); -void il_tx_queue_unmap(struct il_priv *il, int txq_id); -void il_tx_queue_free(struct il_priv *il, int txq_id); -void il_setup_watchdog(struct il_priv *il); +extern void il_txq_update_write_ptr(struct il_priv *il, struct il_tx_queue *txq); +extern int il_tx_queue_init(struct il_priv *il, u32 txq_id); +extern void il_tx_queue_reset(struct il_priv *il, u32 txq_id); +extern void il_tx_queue_unmap(struct il_priv *il, int txq_id); +extern void il_tx_queue_free(struct il_priv *il, int txq_id); +extern void il_setup_watchdog(struct il_priv *il); /***************************************************** * TX power ****************************************************/ @@ -1956,7 +1775,7 @@ int il_set_tx_power(struct il_priv *il, s8 tx_power, bool force); * Rate ******************************************************************************/ -u8 il_get_lowest_plcp(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx); +u8 il_get_lowest_plcp(struct il_priv *il); /******************************************************************************* * Scanning @@ -2043,10 +1862,10 @@ extern const struct dev_pm_ops il_pm_ops; ******************************************************/ void il4965_dump_nic_error_log(struct il_priv *il); #ifdef CONFIG_IWLEGACY_DEBUG -void il_print_rx_config_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx); +void il_print_rx_config_cmd(struct il_priv *il); #else static inline void -il_print_rx_config_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il_print_rx_config_cmd(struct il_priv *il) { } #endif @@ -2064,7 +1883,7 @@ void il_free_geos(struct il_priv *il); #define S_HCMD_ACTIVE 0 /* host command in progress */ /* 1 is unused (used to be S_HCMD_SYNC_ACTIVE) */ #define S_INT_ENABLED 2 -#define S_RF_KILL_HW 3 +#define S_RFKILL 3 #define S_CT_KILL 4 #define S_INIT 5 #define S_ALIVE 6 @@ -2102,16 +1921,10 @@ il_is_init(struct il_priv *il) return test_bit(S_INIT, &il->status); } -static inline int -il_is_rfkill_hw(struct il_priv *il) -{ - return test_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status); -} - static inline int il_is_rfkill(struct il_priv *il) { - return il_is_rfkill_hw(il); + return test_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status); } static inline int @@ -2132,20 +1945,23 @@ il_is_ready_rf(struct il_priv *il) extern void il_send_bt_config(struct il_priv *il); extern int il_send_stats_request(struct il_priv *il, u8 flags, bool clear); -void il_apm_stop(struct il_priv *il); +extern void il_apm_stop(struct il_priv *il); +extern void _il_apm_stop(struct il_priv *il); + int il_apm_init(struct il_priv *il); -int il_send_rxon_timing(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx); +int il_send_rxon_timing(struct il_priv *il); + static inline int -il_send_rxon_assoc(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il_send_rxon_assoc(struct il_priv *il) { - return il->cfg->ops->hcmd->rxon_assoc(il, ctx); + return il->ops->rxon_assoc(il); } static inline int -il_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx) +il_commit_rxon(struct il_priv *il) { - return il->cfg->ops->hcmd->commit_rxon(il, ctx); + return il->ops->commit_rxon(il); } static inline const struct ieee80211_supported_band * @@ -2166,7 +1982,7 @@ irqreturn_t il_isr(int irq, void *data); extern void il_set_bit(struct il_priv *p, u32 r, u32 m); extern void il_clear_bit(struct il_priv *p, u32 r, u32 m); -extern int _il_grab_nic_access(struct il_priv *il); +extern bool _il_grab_nic_access(struct il_priv *il); extern int _il_poll_bit(struct il_priv *il, u32 addr, u32 bits, u32 mask, int timeout); extern int il_poll_bit(struct il_priv *il, u32 addr, u32 mask, int timeout); extern u32 il_rd_prph(struct il_priv *il, u32 reg); @@ -2177,20 +1993,20 @@ extern void il_write_targ_mem(struct il_priv *il, u32 addr, u32 val); static inline void _il_write8(struct il_priv *il, u32 ofs, u8 val) { - iowrite8(val, il->hw_base + ofs); + writeb(val, il->hw_base + ofs); } #define il_write8(il, ofs, val) _il_write8(il, ofs, val) static inline void _il_wr(struct il_priv *il, u32 ofs, u32 val) { - iowrite32(val, il->hw_base + ofs); + writel(val, il->hw_base + ofs); } static inline u32 _il_rd(struct il_priv *il, u32 ofs) { - return ioread32(il->hw_base + ofs); + return readl(il->hw_base + ofs); } static inline void @@ -2209,6 +2025,13 @@ static inline void _il_release_nic_access(struct il_priv *il) { _il_clear_bit(il, CSR_GP_CNTRL, CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_ACCESS_REQ); + /* + * In above we are reading CSR_GP_CNTRL register, what will flush any + * previous writes, but still want write, which clear MAC_ACCESS_REQ + * bit, be performed on PCI bus before any other writes scheduled on + * different CPUs (after we drop reg_lock). + */ + mmiowb(); } static inline u32 @@ -2231,7 +2054,7 @@ il_wr(struct il_priv *il, u32 reg, u32 value) unsigned long reg_flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&il->reg_lock, reg_flags); - if (!_il_grab_nic_access(il)) { + if (likely(_il_grab_nic_access(il))) { _il_wr(il, reg, value); _il_release_nic_access(il); } @@ -2242,7 +2065,6 @@ static inline u32 _il_rd_prph(struct il_priv *il, u32 reg) { _il_wr(il, HBUS_TARG_PRPH_RADDR, reg | (3 << 24)); - rmb(); return _il_rd(il, HBUS_TARG_PRPH_RDAT); } @@ -2250,7 +2072,6 @@ static inline void _il_wr_prph(struct il_priv *il, u32 addr, u32 val) { _il_wr(il, HBUS_TARG_PRPH_WADDR, ((addr & 0x0000FFFF) | (3 << 24))); - wmb(); _il_wr(il, HBUS_TARG_PRPH_WDAT, val); } @@ -2260,9 +2081,10 @@ il_set_bits_prph(struct il_priv *il, u32 reg, u32 mask) unsigned long reg_flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&il->reg_lock, reg_flags); - _il_grab_nic_access(il); - _il_wr_prph(il, reg, (_il_rd_prph(il, reg) | mask)); - _il_release_nic_access(il); + if (likely(_il_grab_nic_access(il))) { + _il_wr_prph(il, reg, (_il_rd_prph(il, reg) | mask)); + _il_release_nic_access(il); + } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->reg_lock, reg_flags); } @@ -2272,9 +2094,10 @@ il_set_bits_mask_prph(struct il_priv *il, u32 reg, u32 bits, u32 mask) unsigned long reg_flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&il->reg_lock, reg_flags); - _il_grab_nic_access(il); - _il_wr_prph(il, reg, ((_il_rd_prph(il, reg) & mask) | bits)); - _il_release_nic_access(il); + if (likely(_il_grab_nic_access(il))) { + _il_wr_prph(il, reg, ((_il_rd_prph(il, reg) & mask) | bits)); + _il_release_nic_access(il); + } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->reg_lock, reg_flags); } @@ -2285,10 +2108,11 @@ il_clear_bits_prph(struct il_priv *il, u32 reg, u32 mask) u32 val; spin_lock_irqsave(&il->reg_lock, reg_flags); - _il_grab_nic_access(il); - val = _il_rd_prph(il, reg); - _il_wr_prph(il, reg, (val & ~mask)); - _il_release_nic_access(il); + if (likely(_il_grab_nic_access(il))) { + val = _il_rd_prph(il, reg); + _il_wr_prph(il, reg, (val & ~mask)); + _il_release_nic_access(il); + } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->reg_lock, reg_flags); } @@ -2303,23 +2127,22 @@ il_clear_bits_prph(struct il_priv *il, u32 reg, u32 mask) (this is for the IBSS BSSID stations) */ #define IL_STA_BCAST BIT(4) /* this station is the special bcast station */ -void il_restore_stations(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx); -void il_clear_ucode_stations(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx); +void il_restore_stations(struct il_priv *il); +void il_clear_ucode_stations(struct il_priv *il); void il_dealloc_bcast_stations(struct il_priv *il); int il_get_free_ucode_key_idx(struct il_priv *il); int il_send_add_sta(struct il_priv *il, struct il_addsta_cmd *sta, u8 flags); -int il_add_station_common(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - const u8 *addr, bool is_ap, +int il_add_station_common(struct il_priv *il, const u8 *addr, bool is_ap, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u8 *sta_id_r); int il_remove_station(struct il_priv *il, const u8 sta_id, const u8 * addr); int il_mac_sta_remove(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, struct ieee80211_sta *sta); -u8 il_prep_station(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - const u8 *addr, bool is_ap, struct ieee80211_sta *sta); +u8 il_prep_station(struct il_priv *il, const u8 *addr, bool is_ap, + struct ieee80211_sta *sta); -int il_send_lq_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *ctx, - struct il_link_quality_cmd *lq, u8 flags, bool init); +int il_send_lq_cmd(struct il_priv *il, struct il_link_quality_cmd *lq, + u8 flags, bool init); /** * il_clear_driver_stations - clear knowledge of all stations from driver @@ -2334,24 +2157,11 @@ static inline void il_clear_driver_stations(struct il_priv *il) { unsigned long flags; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; spin_lock_irqsave(&il->sta_lock, flags); memset(il->stations, 0, sizeof(il->stations)); il->num_stations = 0; - il->ucode_key_table = 0; - - /* - * Remove all key information that is not stored as part - * of station information since mac80211 may not have had - * a chance to remove all the keys. When device is - * reconfigured by mac80211 after an error all keys will - * be reconfigured. - */ - memset(ctx->wep_keys, 0, sizeof(ctx->wep_keys)); - ctx->key_mapping_keys = 0; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&il->sta_lock, flags); } @@ -2376,13 +2186,12 @@ il_sta_id(struct ieee80211_sta *sta) * inline wraps that pattern. */ static inline int -il_sta_id_or_broadcast(struct il_priv *il, struct il_rxon_context *context, - struct ieee80211_sta *sta) +il_sta_id_or_broadcast(struct il_priv *il, struct ieee80211_sta *sta) { int sta_id; if (!sta) - return context->bcast_sta_id; + return il->hw_params.bcast_id; sta_id = il_sta_id(sta); @@ -2565,10 +2374,10 @@ struct il_rb_status { __le32 __unused; /* 3945 only */ } __packed; -#define TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_MAX (256) -#define TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_BC_DUP (64) +#define TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_MAX 256 +#define TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_BC_DUP 64 #define TFD_QUEUE_BC_SIZE (TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_MAX + TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_BC_DUP) -#define IL_TX_DMA_MASK DMA_BIT_MASK(36) +#define IL_TX_DMA_MASK DMA_BIT_MASK(36) #define IL_NUM_OF_TBS 20 static inline u8 diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/debug.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/debug.c index b1b8926a9c7b3f16ff7be416663cbbe377148d9d..229849150aac0bb20e152b6a79b0658ebf3b18bb 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/debug.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/debug.c @@ -31,6 +31,101 @@ #include "common.h" +void +il_clear_traffic_stats(struct il_priv *il) +{ + memset(&il->tx_stats, 0, sizeof(struct traffic_stats)); + memset(&il->rx_stats, 0, sizeof(struct traffic_stats)); +} + +/* + * il_update_stats function record all the MGMT, CTRL and DATA pkt for + * both TX and Rx . Use debugfs to display the rx/rx_stats + */ +void +il_update_stats(struct il_priv *il, bool is_tx, __le16 fc, u16 len) +{ + struct traffic_stats *stats; + + if (is_tx) + stats = &il->tx_stats; + else + stats = &il->rx_stats; + + if (ieee80211_is_mgmt(fc)) { + switch (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) { + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_ASSOC_REQ): + stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_ASSOC_REQ]++; + break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_ASSOC_RESP): + stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_ASSOC_RESP]++; + break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_REASSOC_REQ): + stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_REASSOC_REQ]++; + break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_REASSOC_RESP): + stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_REASSOC_RESP]++; + break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_REQ): + stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_PROBE_REQ]++; + break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_RESP): + stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_PROBE_RESP]++; + break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_BEACON): + stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_BEACON]++; + break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_ATIM): + stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_ATIM]++; + break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_DISASSOC): + stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_DISASSOC]++; + break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_AUTH): + stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_AUTH]++; + break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH): + stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_DEAUTH]++; + break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_ACTION): + stats->mgmt[MANAGEMENT_ACTION]++; + break; + } + } else if (ieee80211_is_ctl(fc)) { + switch (fc & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)) { + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_BACK_REQ): + stats->ctrl[CONTROL_BACK_REQ]++; + break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_BACK): + stats->ctrl[CONTROL_BACK]++; + break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_PSPOLL): + stats->ctrl[CONTROL_PSPOLL]++; + break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_RTS): + stats->ctrl[CONTROL_RTS]++; + break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_CTS): + stats->ctrl[CONTROL_CTS]++; + break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_ACK): + stats->ctrl[CONTROL_ACK]++; + break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_CFEND): + stats->ctrl[CONTROL_CFEND]++; + break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_CFENDACK): + stats->ctrl[CONTROL_CFENDACK]++; + break; + } + } else { + /* data */ + stats->data_cnt++; + stats->data_bytes += len; + } +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(il_update_stats); + /* create and remove of files */ #define DEBUGFS_ADD_FILE(name, parent, mode) do { \ if (!debugfs_create_file(#name, mode, parent, il, \ @@ -98,6 +193,46 @@ static const struct file_operations il_dbgfs_##name##_ops = { \ .llseek = generic_file_llseek, \ }; +static const char * +il_get_mgmt_string(int cmd) +{ + switch (cmd) { + IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_ASSOC_REQ); + IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_ASSOC_RESP); + IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_REASSOC_REQ); + IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_REASSOC_RESP); + IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_PROBE_REQ); + IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_PROBE_RESP); + IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_BEACON); + IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_ATIM); + IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_DISASSOC); + IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_AUTH); + IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_DEAUTH); + IL_CMD(MANAGEMENT_ACTION); + default: + return "UNKNOWN"; + + } +} + +static const char * +il_get_ctrl_string(int cmd) +{ + switch (cmd) { + IL_CMD(CONTROL_BACK_REQ); + IL_CMD(CONTROL_BACK); + IL_CMD(CONTROL_PSPOLL); + IL_CMD(CONTROL_RTS); + IL_CMD(CONTROL_CTS); + IL_CMD(CONTROL_ACK); + IL_CMD(CONTROL_CFEND); + IL_CMD(CONTROL_CFENDACK); + default: + return "UNKNOWN"; + + } +} + static ssize_t il_dbgfs_tx_stats_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) @@ -361,7 +496,7 @@ il_dbgfs_nvm_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, size_t count, const u8 *ptr; char *buf; u16 eeprom_ver; - size_t eeprom_len = il->cfg->base_params->eeprom_size; + size_t eeprom_len = il->cfg->eeprom_size; buf_size = 4 * eeprom_len + 256; if (eeprom_len % 16) { @@ -495,8 +630,8 @@ il_dbgfs_status_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, size_t count, scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "S_INT_ENABLED:\t %d\n", test_bit(S_INT_ENABLED, &il->status)); pos += - scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "S_RF_KILL_HW:\t %d\n", - test_bit(S_RF_KILL_HW, &il->status)); + scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "S_RFKILL:\t %d\n", + test_bit(S_RFKILL, &il->status)); pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "S_CT_KILL:\t\t %d\n", test_bit(S_CT_KILL, &il->status)); @@ -644,12 +779,10 @@ il_dbgfs_qos_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { struct il_priv *il = file->private_data; - struct il_rxon_context *ctx = &il->ctx; int pos = 0, i; char buf[256]; const size_t bufsz = sizeof(buf); - pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "context %d:\n", ctx->ctxid); for (i = 0; i < AC_NUM; i++) { pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, @@ -657,10 +790,10 @@ il_dbgfs_qos_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, size_t count, pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "AC[%d]\t%u\t%u\t%u\t%u\n", i, - ctx->qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[i].cw_min, - ctx->qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[i].cw_max, - ctx->qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[i].aifsn, - ctx->qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[i].edca_txop); + il->qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[i].cw_min, + il->qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[i].cw_max, + il->qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[i].aifsn, + il->qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[i].edca_txop); } return simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, pos); @@ -716,112 +849,6 @@ DEBUGFS_READ_WRITE_FILE_OPS(interrupt); DEBUGFS_READ_FILE_OPS(qos); DEBUGFS_READ_WRITE_FILE_OPS(disable_ht40); -static ssize_t -il_dbgfs_traffic_log_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, - size_t count, loff_t *ppos) -{ - struct il_priv *il = file->private_data; - int pos = 0, ofs = 0; - int cnt = 0, entry; - struct il_tx_queue *txq; - struct il_queue *q; - struct il_rx_queue *rxq = &il->rxq; - char *buf; - int bufsz = - ((IL_TRAFFIC_ENTRIES * IL_TRAFFIC_ENTRY_SIZE * 64) * 2) + - (il->cfg->base_params->num_of_queues * 32 * 8) + 400; - const u8 *ptr; - ssize_t ret; - - if (!il->txq) { - IL_ERR("txq not ready\n"); - return -EAGAIN; - } - buf = kzalloc(bufsz, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!buf) { - IL_ERR("Can not allocate buffer\n"); - return -ENOMEM; - } - pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "Tx Queue\n"); - for (cnt = 0; cnt < il->hw_params.max_txq_num; cnt++) { - txq = &il->txq[cnt]; - q = &txq->q; - pos += - scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, - "q[%d]: read_ptr: %u, write_ptr: %u\n", cnt, - q->read_ptr, q->write_ptr); - } - if (il->tx_traffic && (il_debug_level & IL_DL_TX)) { - ptr = il->tx_traffic; - pos += - scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "Tx Traffic idx: %u\n", - il->tx_traffic_idx); - for (cnt = 0, ofs = 0; cnt < IL_TRAFFIC_ENTRIES; cnt++) { - for (entry = 0; entry < IL_TRAFFIC_ENTRY_SIZE / 16; - entry++, ofs += 16) { - pos += - scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "0x%.4x ", - ofs); - hex_dump_to_buffer(ptr + ofs, 16, 16, 2, - buf + pos, bufsz - pos, 0); - pos += strlen(buf + pos); - if (bufsz - pos > 0) - buf[pos++] = '\n'; - } - } - } - - pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "Rx Queue\n"); - pos += - scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "read: %u, write: %u\n", - rxq->read, rxq->write); - - if (il->rx_traffic && (il_debug_level & IL_DL_RX)) { - ptr = il->rx_traffic; - pos += - scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "Rx Traffic idx: %u\n", - il->rx_traffic_idx); - for (cnt = 0, ofs = 0; cnt < IL_TRAFFIC_ENTRIES; cnt++) { - for (entry = 0; entry < IL_TRAFFIC_ENTRY_SIZE / 16; - entry++, ofs += 16) { - pos += - scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "0x%.4x ", - ofs); - hex_dump_to_buffer(ptr + ofs, 16, 16, 2, - buf + pos, bufsz - pos, 0); - pos += strlen(buf + pos); - if (bufsz - pos > 0) - buf[pos++] = '\n'; - } - } - } - - ret = simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, pos); - kfree(buf); - return ret; -} - -static ssize_t -il_dbgfs_traffic_log_write(struct file *file, const char __user *user_buf, - size_t count, loff_t *ppos) -{ - struct il_priv *il = file->private_data; - char buf[8]; - int buf_size; - int traffic_log; - - memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); - buf_size = min(count, sizeof(buf) - 1); - if (copy_from_user(buf, user_buf, buf_size)) - return -EFAULT; - if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &traffic_log) != 1) - return -EFAULT; - if (traffic_log == 0) - il_reset_traffic_log(il); - - return count; -} - static ssize_t il_dbgfs_tx_queue_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) @@ -835,7 +862,7 @@ il_dbgfs_tx_queue_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, size_t count, int cnt; int ret; const size_t bufsz = - sizeof(char) * 64 * il->cfg->base_params->num_of_queues; + sizeof(char) * 64 * il->cfg->num_of_queues; if (!il->txq) { IL_ERR("txq not ready\n"); @@ -903,8 +930,8 @@ il_dbgfs_ucode_rx_stats_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { struct il_priv *il = file->private_data; - return il->cfg->ops->lib->debugfs_ops.rx_stats_read(file, user_buf, - count, ppos); + + return il->debugfs_ops->rx_stats_read(file, user_buf, count, ppos); } static ssize_t @@ -912,8 +939,8 @@ il_dbgfs_ucode_tx_stats_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { struct il_priv *il = file->private_data; - return il->cfg->ops->lib->debugfs_ops.tx_stats_read(file, user_buf, - count, ppos); + + return il->debugfs_ops->tx_stats_read(file, user_buf, count, ppos); } static ssize_t @@ -921,8 +948,8 @@ il_dbgfs_ucode_general_stats_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { struct il_priv *il = file->private_data; - return il->cfg->ops->lib->debugfs_ops.general_stats_read(file, user_buf, - count, ppos); + + return il->debugfs_ops->general_stats_read(file, user_buf, count, ppos); } static ssize_t @@ -1153,7 +1180,7 @@ il_dbgfs_rxon_flags_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, int len = 0; char buf[20]; - len = sprintf(buf, "0x%04X\n", le32_to_cpu(il->ctx.active.flags)); + len = sprintf(buf, "0x%04X\n", le32_to_cpu(il->active.flags)); return simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, len); } @@ -1167,7 +1194,7 @@ il_dbgfs_rxon_filter_flags_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, char buf[20]; len = - sprintf(buf, "0x%04X\n", le32_to_cpu(il->ctx.active.filter_flags)); + sprintf(buf, "0x%04X\n", le32_to_cpu(il->active.filter_flags)); return simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, len); } @@ -1180,8 +1207,8 @@ il_dbgfs_fh_reg_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, size_t count, int pos = 0; ssize_t ret = -EFAULT; - if (il->cfg->ops->lib->dump_fh) { - ret = pos = il->cfg->ops->lib->dump_fh(il, &buf, true); + if (il->ops->dump_fh) { + ret = pos = il->ops->dump_fh(il, &buf, true); if (buf) { ret = simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, @@ -1298,14 +1325,13 @@ il_dbgfs_wd_timeout_write(struct file *file, const char __user *user_buf, if (timeout < 0 || timeout > IL_MAX_WD_TIMEOUT) timeout = IL_DEF_WD_TIMEOUT; - il->cfg->base_params->wd_timeout = timeout; + il->cfg->wd_timeout = timeout; il_setup_watchdog(il); return count; } DEBUGFS_READ_FILE_OPS(rx_stats); DEBUGFS_READ_FILE_OPS(tx_stats); -DEBUGFS_READ_WRITE_FILE_OPS(traffic_log); DEBUGFS_READ_FILE_OPS(rx_queue); DEBUGFS_READ_FILE_OPS(tx_queue); DEBUGFS_READ_FILE_OPS(ucode_rx_stats); @@ -1359,7 +1385,6 @@ il_dbgfs_register(struct il_priv *il, const char *name) DEBUGFS_ADD_FILE(disable_ht40, dir_data, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR); DEBUGFS_ADD_FILE(rx_stats, dir_debug, S_IRUSR); DEBUGFS_ADD_FILE(tx_stats, dir_debug, S_IRUSR); - DEBUGFS_ADD_FILE(traffic_log, dir_debug, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR); DEBUGFS_ADD_FILE(rx_queue, dir_debug, S_IRUSR); DEBUGFS_ADD_FILE(tx_queue, dir_debug, S_IRUSR); DEBUGFS_ADD_FILE(power_save_status, dir_debug, S_IRUSR); @@ -1372,17 +1397,17 @@ il_dbgfs_register(struct il_priv *il, const char *name) DEBUGFS_ADD_FILE(ucode_tx_stats, dir_debug, S_IRUSR); DEBUGFS_ADD_FILE(ucode_general_stats, dir_debug, S_IRUSR); - if (il->cfg->base_params->sensitivity_calib_by_driver) + if (il->cfg->sensitivity_calib_by_driver) DEBUGFS_ADD_FILE(sensitivity, dir_debug, S_IRUSR); - if (il->cfg->base_params->chain_noise_calib_by_driver) + if (il->cfg->chain_noise_calib_by_driver) DEBUGFS_ADD_FILE(chain_noise, dir_debug, S_IRUSR); DEBUGFS_ADD_FILE(rxon_flags, dir_debug, S_IWUSR); DEBUGFS_ADD_FILE(rxon_filter_flags, dir_debug, S_IWUSR); DEBUGFS_ADD_FILE(wd_timeout, dir_debug, S_IWUSR); - if (il->cfg->base_params->sensitivity_calib_by_driver) + if (il->cfg->sensitivity_calib_by_driver) DEBUGFS_ADD_BOOL(disable_sensitivity, dir_rf, &il->disable_sens_cal); - if (il->cfg->base_params->chain_noise_calib_by_driver) + if (il->cfg->chain_noise_calib_by_driver) DEBUGFS_ADD_BOOL(disable_chain_noise, dir_rf, &il->disable_chain_noise_cal); DEBUGFS_ADD_BOOL(disable_tx_power, dir_rf, &il->disable_tx_power_cal); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Kconfig b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Kconfig index ae08498dfcad98a91311e128ab9569f0f7c9534b..2fe62730dddd158b66ac80dceb8b20f9150fa99d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Kconfig @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ config IWLWIFI tristate "Intel Wireless WiFi Next Gen AGN - Wireless-N/Advanced-N/Ultimate-N (iwlwifi) " - depends on PCI && MAC80211 + depends on PCI && MAC80211 && HAS_IOMEM select FW_LOADER select NEW_LEDS select LEDS_CLASS @@ -127,3 +127,12 @@ config IWLWIFI_P2P support when it is loaded. Say Y only if you want to experiment with P2P. + +config IWLWIFI_EXPERIMENTAL_MFP + bool "support MFP (802.11w) even if uCode doesn't advertise" + depends on IWLWIFI + help + This option enables experimental MFP (802.11W) support + even if the microcode doesn't advertise it. + + Say Y only if you want to experiment with MFP. diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Makefile b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Makefile index 9dc84a7354dbbde1cdec1560dc91d019039c5feb..85d163ed3db18dd224477231fc0d1728b157f261 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Makefile @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # WIFI obj-$(CONFIG_IWLWIFI) += iwlwifi.o iwlwifi-objs := iwl-agn.o iwl-agn-rs.o iwl-mac80211.o -iwlwifi-objs += iwl-ucode.o iwl-agn-tx.o +iwlwifi-objs += iwl-ucode.o iwl-agn-tx.o iwl-debug.o iwlwifi-objs += iwl-agn-lib.o iwl-agn-calib.o iwl-io.o iwlwifi-objs += iwl-agn-tt.o iwl-agn-sta.o iwl-agn-rx.o @@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ iwlwifi-objs += iwl-6000.o iwlwifi-objs += iwl-1000.o iwlwifi-objs += iwl-2000.o iwlwifi-objs += iwl-pci.o -iwlwifi-objs += iwl-trans.o +iwlwifi-objs += iwl-drv.o +iwlwifi-objs += iwl-notif-wait.o iwlwifi-objs += iwl-trans-pcie.o iwl-trans-pcie-rx.o iwl-trans-pcie-tx.o iwlwifi-$(CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUGFS) += iwl-debugfs.o diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-1000.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-1000.c index 1ef7bfc2ab2522629ec7a81125f7043804c32899..5b0d888f746bbc27ea492d6351458476aabdbd4d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-1000.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-1000.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ #include "iwl-agn-hw.h" #include "iwl-shared.h" #include "iwl-cfg.h" +#include "iwl-prph.h" /* Highest firmware API version supported */ #define IWL1000_UCODE_API_MAX 6 @@ -84,20 +85,19 @@ static void iwl1000_set_ct_threshold(struct iwl_priv *priv) static void iwl1000_nic_config(struct iwl_priv *priv) { /* set CSR_HW_CONFIG_REG for uCode use */ - iwl_set_bit(bus(priv), CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, + iwl_set_bit(trans(priv), CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_RADIO_SI | CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_MAC_SI); /* Setting digital SVR for 1000 card to 1.32V */ /* locking is acquired in iwl_set_bits_mask_prph() function */ - iwl_set_bits_mask_prph(bus(priv), APMG_DIGITAL_SVR_REG, + iwl_set_bits_mask_prph(trans(priv), APMG_DIGITAL_SVR_REG, APMG_SVR_DIGITAL_VOLTAGE_1_32, ~APMG_SVR_VOLTAGE_CONFIG_BIT_MSK); } -static struct iwl_sensitivity_ranges iwl1000_sensitivity = { +static const struct iwl_sensitivity_ranges iwl1000_sensitivity = { .min_nrg_cck = 95, - .max_nrg_cck = 0, /* not used, set to 0 */ .auto_corr_min_ofdm = 90, .auto_corr_min_ofdm_mrc = 170, .auto_corr_min_ofdm_x1 = 120, @@ -120,36 +120,22 @@ static struct iwl_sensitivity_ranges iwl1000_sensitivity = { .nrg_th_cca = 62, }; -static int iwl1000_hw_set_hw_params(struct iwl_priv *priv) +static void iwl1000_hw_set_hw_params(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - if (iwlagn_mod_params.num_of_queues >= IWL_MIN_NUM_QUEUES && - iwlagn_mod_params.num_of_queues <= IWLAGN_NUM_QUEUES) - cfg(priv)->base_params->num_of_queues = - iwlagn_mod_params.num_of_queues; - - hw_params(priv).max_txq_num = cfg(priv)->base_params->num_of_queues; - priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS].bcast_sta_id = IWLAGN_BROADCAST_ID; - - hw_params(priv).max_data_size = IWLAGN_RTC_DATA_SIZE; - hw_params(priv).max_inst_size = IWLAGN_RTC_INST_SIZE; - hw_params(priv).ht40_channel = BIT(IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ); - hw_params(priv).tx_chains_num = num_of_ant(cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant); + hw_params(priv).tx_chains_num = + num_of_ant(hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant); if (cfg(priv)->rx_with_siso_diversity) hw_params(priv).rx_chains_num = 1; else hw_params(priv).rx_chains_num = - num_of_ant(cfg(priv)->valid_rx_ant); - hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant = cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant; - hw_params(priv).valid_rx_ant = cfg(priv)->valid_rx_ant; + num_of_ant(hw_params(priv).valid_rx_ant); iwl1000_set_ct_threshold(priv); /* Set initial sensitivity parameters */ hw_params(priv).sens = &iwl1000_sensitivity; - - return 0; } static struct iwl_lib_ops iwl1000_lib = { @@ -169,7 +155,7 @@ static struct iwl_lib_ops iwl1000_lib = { .temperature = iwlagn_temperature, }; -static struct iwl_base_params iwl1000_base_params = { +static const struct iwl_base_params iwl1000_base_params = { .num_of_queues = IWLAGN_NUM_QUEUES, .num_of_ampdu_queues = IWLAGN_NUM_AMPDU_QUEUES, .eeprom_size = OTP_LOW_IMAGE_SIZE, @@ -184,7 +170,8 @@ static struct iwl_base_params iwl1000_base_params = { .max_event_log_size = 128, .wd_disable = true, }; -static struct iwl_ht_params iwl1000_ht_params = { + +static const struct iwl_ht_params iwl1000_ht_params = { .ht_greenfield_support = true, .use_rts_for_aggregation = true, /* use rts/cts protection */ .smps_mode = IEEE80211_SMPS_DYNAMIC, @@ -195,19 +182,21 @@ static struct iwl_ht_params iwl1000_ht_params = { .ucode_api_max = IWL1000_UCODE_API_MAX, \ .ucode_api_ok = IWL1000_UCODE_API_OK, \ .ucode_api_min = IWL1000_UCODE_API_MIN, \ + .max_inst_size = IWLAGN_RTC_INST_SIZE, \ + .max_data_size = IWLAGN_RTC_DATA_SIZE, \ .eeprom_ver = EEPROM_1000_EEPROM_VERSION, \ .eeprom_calib_ver = EEPROM_1000_TX_POWER_VERSION, \ .lib = &iwl1000_lib, \ .base_params = &iwl1000_base_params, \ .led_mode = IWL_LED_BLINK -struct iwl_cfg iwl1000_bgn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl1000_bgn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 1000 BGN", IWL_DEVICE_1000, .ht_params = &iwl1000_ht_params, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl1000_bg_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl1000_bg_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 1000 BG", IWL_DEVICE_1000, }; @@ -217,6 +206,8 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl1000_bg_cfg = { .ucode_api_max = IWL100_UCODE_API_MAX, \ .ucode_api_ok = IWL100_UCODE_API_OK, \ .ucode_api_min = IWL100_UCODE_API_MIN, \ + .max_inst_size = IWLAGN_RTC_INST_SIZE, \ + .max_data_size = IWLAGN_RTC_DATA_SIZE, \ .eeprom_ver = EEPROM_1000_EEPROM_VERSION, \ .eeprom_calib_ver = EEPROM_1000_TX_POWER_VERSION, \ .lib = &iwl1000_lib, \ @@ -224,13 +215,13 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl1000_bg_cfg = { .led_mode = IWL_LED_RF_STATE, \ .rx_with_siso_diversity = true -struct iwl_cfg iwl100_bgn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl100_bgn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 100 BGN", IWL_DEVICE_100, .ht_params = &iwl1000_ht_params, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl100_bg_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl100_bg_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 100 BG", IWL_DEVICE_100, }; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-2000.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-2000.c index 094693328dbb24ad971dc243052eb23b1b033df4..5635b9e2c69e6b4e27e9337d88f97095ac71029d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-2000.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-2000.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -87,13 +87,12 @@ static void iwl2000_nic_config(struct iwl_priv *priv) iwl_rf_config(priv); if (cfg(priv)->iq_invert) - iwl_set_bit(bus(priv), CSR_GP_DRIVER_REG, + iwl_set_bit(trans(priv), CSR_GP_DRIVER_REG, CSR_GP_DRIVER_REG_BIT_RADIO_IQ_INVER); } -static struct iwl_sensitivity_ranges iwl2000_sensitivity = { +static const struct iwl_sensitivity_ranges iwl2000_sensitivity = { .min_nrg_cck = 97, - .max_nrg_cck = 0, /* not used, set to 0 */ .auto_corr_min_ofdm = 80, .auto_corr_min_ofdm_mrc = 128, .auto_corr_min_ofdm_x1 = 105, @@ -116,36 +115,22 @@ static struct iwl_sensitivity_ranges iwl2000_sensitivity = { .nrg_th_cca = 62, }; -static int iwl2000_hw_set_hw_params(struct iwl_priv *priv) +static void iwl2000_hw_set_hw_params(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - if (iwlagn_mod_params.num_of_queues >= IWL_MIN_NUM_QUEUES && - iwlagn_mod_params.num_of_queues <= IWLAGN_NUM_QUEUES) - cfg(priv)->base_params->num_of_queues = - iwlagn_mod_params.num_of_queues; - - hw_params(priv).max_txq_num = cfg(priv)->base_params->num_of_queues; - priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS].bcast_sta_id = IWLAGN_BROADCAST_ID; - - hw_params(priv).max_data_size = IWL60_RTC_DATA_SIZE; - hw_params(priv).max_inst_size = IWL60_RTC_INST_SIZE; - hw_params(priv).ht40_channel = BIT(IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ); - hw_params(priv).tx_chains_num = num_of_ant(cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant); + hw_params(priv).tx_chains_num = + num_of_ant(hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant); if (cfg(priv)->rx_with_siso_diversity) hw_params(priv).rx_chains_num = 1; else hw_params(priv).rx_chains_num = - num_of_ant(cfg(priv)->valid_rx_ant); - hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant = cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant; - hw_params(priv).valid_rx_ant = cfg(priv)->valid_rx_ant; + num_of_ant(hw_params(priv).valid_rx_ant); iwl2000_set_ct_threshold(priv); /* Set initial sensitivity parameters */ hw_params(priv).sens = &iwl2000_sensitivity; - - return 0; } static struct iwl_lib_ops iwl2000_lib = { @@ -161,16 +146,13 @@ static struct iwl_lib_ops iwl2000_lib = { EEPROM_6000_REG_BAND_24_HT40_CHANNELS, EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_NO_HT40, }, - .update_enhanced_txpower = iwl_eeprom_enhanced_txpower, + .enhanced_txpower = true, }, .temperature = iwlagn_temperature, }; static struct iwl_lib_ops iwl2030_lib = { .set_hw_params = iwl2000_hw_set_hw_params, - .bt_rx_handler_setup = iwlagn_bt_rx_handler_setup, - .bt_setup_deferred_work = iwlagn_bt_setup_deferred_work, - .cancel_deferred_work = iwlagn_bt_cancel_deferred_work, .nic_config = iwl2000_nic_config, .eeprom_ops = { .regulatory_bands = { @@ -182,12 +164,12 @@ static struct iwl_lib_ops iwl2030_lib = { EEPROM_6000_REG_BAND_24_HT40_CHANNELS, EEPROM_REGULATORY_BAND_NO_HT40, }, - .update_enhanced_txpower = iwl_eeprom_enhanced_txpower, + .enhanced_txpower = true, }, .temperature = iwlagn_temperature, }; -static struct iwl_base_params iwl2000_base_params = { +static const struct iwl_base_params iwl2000_base_params = { .eeprom_size = OTP_LOW_IMAGE_SIZE, .num_of_queues = IWLAGN_NUM_QUEUES, .num_of_ampdu_queues = IWLAGN_NUM_AMPDU_QUEUES, @@ -206,7 +188,7 @@ static struct iwl_base_params iwl2000_base_params = { }; -static struct iwl_base_params iwl2030_base_params = { +static const struct iwl_base_params iwl2030_base_params = { .eeprom_size = OTP_LOW_IMAGE_SIZE, .num_of_queues = IWLAGN_NUM_QUEUES, .num_of_ampdu_queues = IWLAGN_NUM_AMPDU_QUEUES, @@ -224,12 +206,12 @@ static struct iwl_base_params iwl2030_base_params = { .hd_v2 = true, }; -static struct iwl_ht_params iwl2000_ht_params = { +static const struct iwl_ht_params iwl2000_ht_params = { .ht_greenfield_support = true, .use_rts_for_aggregation = true, /* use rts/cts protection */ }; -static struct iwl_bt_params iwl2030_bt_params = { +static const struct iwl_bt_params iwl2030_bt_params = { /* Due to bluetooth, we transmit 2.4 GHz probes only on antenna A */ .advanced_bt_coexist = true, .agg_time_limit = BT_AGG_THRESHOLD_DEF, @@ -244,6 +226,8 @@ static struct iwl_bt_params iwl2030_bt_params = { .ucode_api_max = IWL2000_UCODE_API_MAX, \ .ucode_api_ok = IWL2000_UCODE_API_OK, \ .ucode_api_min = IWL2000_UCODE_API_MIN, \ + .max_inst_size = IWL60_RTC_INST_SIZE, \ + .max_data_size = IWL60_RTC_DATA_SIZE, \ .eeprom_ver = EEPROM_2000_EEPROM_VERSION, \ .eeprom_calib_ver = EEPROM_2000_TX_POWER_VERSION, \ .lib = &iwl2000_lib, \ @@ -253,13 +237,13 @@ static struct iwl_bt_params iwl2030_bt_params = { .led_mode = IWL_LED_RF_STATE, \ .iq_invert = true \ -struct iwl_cfg iwl2000_2bgn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl2000_2bgn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 2200 BGN", IWL_DEVICE_2000, .ht_params = &iwl2000_ht_params, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl2000_2bgn_d_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl2000_2bgn_d_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 2200D BGN", IWL_DEVICE_2000, .ht_params = &iwl2000_ht_params, @@ -270,6 +254,8 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl2000_2bgn_d_cfg = { .ucode_api_max = IWL2030_UCODE_API_MAX, \ .ucode_api_ok = IWL2030_UCODE_API_OK, \ .ucode_api_min = IWL2030_UCODE_API_MIN, \ + .max_inst_size = IWL60_RTC_INST_SIZE, \ + .max_data_size = IWL60_RTC_DATA_SIZE, \ .eeprom_ver = EEPROM_2000_EEPROM_VERSION, \ .eeprom_calib_ver = EEPROM_2000_TX_POWER_VERSION, \ .lib = &iwl2030_lib, \ @@ -281,7 +267,7 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl2000_2bgn_d_cfg = { .adv_pm = true, \ .iq_invert = true \ -struct iwl_cfg iwl2030_2bgn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl2030_2bgn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 2230 BGN", IWL_DEVICE_2030, .ht_params = &iwl2000_ht_params, @@ -292,6 +278,8 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl2030_2bgn_cfg = { .ucode_api_max = IWL105_UCODE_API_MAX, \ .ucode_api_ok = IWL105_UCODE_API_OK, \ .ucode_api_min = IWL105_UCODE_API_MIN, \ + .max_inst_size = IWL60_RTC_INST_SIZE, \ + .max_data_size = IWL60_RTC_DATA_SIZE, \ .eeprom_ver = EEPROM_2000_EEPROM_VERSION, \ .eeprom_calib_ver = EEPROM_2000_TX_POWER_VERSION, \ .lib = &iwl2000_lib, \ @@ -303,13 +291,13 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl2030_2bgn_cfg = { .rx_with_siso_diversity = true, \ .iq_invert = true \ -struct iwl_cfg iwl105_bgn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl105_bgn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 105 BGN", IWL_DEVICE_105, .ht_params = &iwl2000_ht_params, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl105_bgn_d_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl105_bgn_d_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 105D BGN", IWL_DEVICE_105, .ht_params = &iwl2000_ht_params, @@ -320,6 +308,8 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl105_bgn_d_cfg = { .ucode_api_max = IWL135_UCODE_API_MAX, \ .ucode_api_ok = IWL135_UCODE_API_OK, \ .ucode_api_min = IWL135_UCODE_API_MIN, \ + .max_inst_size = IWL60_RTC_INST_SIZE, \ + .max_data_size = IWL60_RTC_DATA_SIZE, \ .eeprom_ver = EEPROM_2000_EEPROM_VERSION, \ .eeprom_calib_ver = EEPROM_2000_TX_POWER_VERSION, \ .lib = &iwl2030_lib, \ @@ -332,7 +322,7 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl105_bgn_d_cfg = { .rx_with_siso_diversity = true, \ .iq_invert = true \ -struct iwl_cfg iwl135_bgn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl135_bgn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 135 BGN", IWL_DEVICE_135, .ht_params = &iwl2000_ht_params, diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-5000.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-5000.c index b3a365fea7bbd85b48cd22db06ccf0bdac1a5042..a805e97b89af85cb1a066c156cc1899dde7034c7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-5000.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-5000.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ #include "iwl-trans.h" #include "iwl-shared.h" #include "iwl-cfg.h" +#include "iwl-prph.h" /* Highest firmware API version supported */ #define IWL5000_UCODE_API_MAX 5 @@ -63,27 +64,19 @@ /* NIC configuration for 5000 series */ static void iwl5000_nic_config(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - unsigned long flags; - iwl_rf_config(priv); - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); - /* W/A : NIC is stuck in a reset state after Early PCIe power off * (PCIe power is lost before PERST# is asserted), * causing ME FW to lose ownership and not being able to obtain it back. */ - iwl_set_bits_mask_prph(bus(priv), APMG_PS_CTRL_REG, + iwl_set_bits_mask_prph(trans(priv), APMG_PS_CTRL_REG, APMG_PS_CTRL_EARLY_PWR_OFF_RESET_DIS, ~APMG_PS_CTRL_EARLY_PWR_OFF_RESET_DIS); - - - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); } -static struct iwl_sensitivity_ranges iwl5000_sensitivity = { +static const struct iwl_sensitivity_ranges iwl5000_sensitivity = { .min_nrg_cck = 100, - .max_nrg_cck = 0, /* not used, set to 0 */ .auto_corr_min_ofdm = 90, .auto_corr_min_ofdm_mrc = 170, .auto_corr_min_ofdm_x1 = 105, @@ -108,7 +101,6 @@ static struct iwl_sensitivity_ranges iwl5000_sensitivity = { static struct iwl_sensitivity_ranges iwl5150_sensitivity = { .min_nrg_cck = 95, - .max_nrg_cck = 0, /* not used, set to 0 */ .auto_corr_min_ofdm = 90, .auto_corr_min_ofdm_mrc = 170, .auto_corr_min_ofdm_x1 = 105, @@ -162,62 +154,36 @@ static void iwl5000_set_ct_threshold(struct iwl_priv *priv) hw_params(priv).ct_kill_threshold = CT_KILL_THRESHOLD_LEGACY; } -static int iwl5000_hw_set_hw_params(struct iwl_priv *priv) +static void iwl5000_hw_set_hw_params(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - if (iwlagn_mod_params.num_of_queues >= IWL_MIN_NUM_QUEUES && - iwlagn_mod_params.num_of_queues <= IWLAGN_NUM_QUEUES) - cfg(priv)->base_params->num_of_queues = - iwlagn_mod_params.num_of_queues; - - hw_params(priv).max_txq_num = cfg(priv)->base_params->num_of_queues; - priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS].bcast_sta_id = IWLAGN_BROADCAST_ID; - - hw_params(priv).max_data_size = IWLAGN_RTC_DATA_SIZE; - hw_params(priv).max_inst_size = IWLAGN_RTC_INST_SIZE; - hw_params(priv).ht40_channel = BIT(IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) | BIT(IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ); - hw_params(priv).tx_chains_num = num_of_ant(cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant); - hw_params(priv).rx_chains_num = num_of_ant(cfg(priv)->valid_rx_ant); - hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant = cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant; - hw_params(priv).valid_rx_ant = cfg(priv)->valid_rx_ant; + hw_params(priv).tx_chains_num = + num_of_ant(hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant); + hw_params(priv).rx_chains_num = + num_of_ant(hw_params(priv).valid_rx_ant); iwl5000_set_ct_threshold(priv); /* Set initial sensitivity parameters */ hw_params(priv).sens = &iwl5000_sensitivity; - - return 0; } -static int iwl5150_hw_set_hw_params(struct iwl_priv *priv) +static void iwl5150_hw_set_hw_params(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - if (iwlagn_mod_params.num_of_queues >= IWL_MIN_NUM_QUEUES && - iwlagn_mod_params.num_of_queues <= IWLAGN_NUM_QUEUES) - cfg(priv)->base_params->num_of_queues = - iwlagn_mod_params.num_of_queues; - - hw_params(priv).max_txq_num = cfg(priv)->base_params->num_of_queues; - priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS].bcast_sta_id = IWLAGN_BROADCAST_ID; - - hw_params(priv).max_data_size = IWLAGN_RTC_DATA_SIZE; - hw_params(priv).max_inst_size = IWLAGN_RTC_INST_SIZE; - hw_params(priv).ht40_channel = BIT(IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) | BIT(IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ); - hw_params(priv).tx_chains_num = num_of_ant(cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant); - hw_params(priv).rx_chains_num = num_of_ant(cfg(priv)->valid_rx_ant); - hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant = cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant; - hw_params(priv).valid_rx_ant = cfg(priv)->valid_rx_ant; + hw_params(priv).tx_chains_num = + num_of_ant(hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant); + hw_params(priv).rx_chains_num = + num_of_ant(hw_params(priv).valid_rx_ant); iwl5150_set_ct_threshold(priv); /* Set initial sensitivity parameters */ hw_params(priv).sens = &iwl5150_sensitivity; - - return 0; } static void iwl5150_temperature(struct iwl_priv *priv) @@ -300,7 +266,7 @@ static int iwl5000_hw_channel_switch(struct iwl_priv *priv, return -EFAULT; } - return iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), &hcmd); + return iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &hcmd); } static struct iwl_lib_ops iwl5000_lib = { @@ -339,7 +305,7 @@ static struct iwl_lib_ops iwl5150_lib = { .temperature = iwl5150_temperature, }; -static struct iwl_base_params iwl5000_base_params = { +static const struct iwl_base_params iwl5000_base_params = { .eeprom_size = IWLAGN_EEPROM_IMG_SIZE, .num_of_queues = IWLAGN_NUM_QUEUES, .num_of_ampdu_queues = IWLAGN_NUM_AMPDU_QUEUES, @@ -352,7 +318,8 @@ static struct iwl_base_params iwl5000_base_params = { .no_idle_support = true, .wd_disable = true, }; -static struct iwl_ht_params iwl5000_ht_params = { + +static const struct iwl_ht_params iwl5000_ht_params = { .ht_greenfield_support = true, }; @@ -360,13 +327,15 @@ static struct iwl_ht_params iwl5000_ht_params = { .fw_name_pre = IWL5000_FW_PRE, \ .ucode_api_max = IWL5000_UCODE_API_MAX, \ .ucode_api_min = IWL5000_UCODE_API_MIN, \ + .max_inst_size = IWLAGN_RTC_INST_SIZE, \ + .max_data_size = IWLAGN_RTC_DATA_SIZE, \ .eeprom_ver = EEPROM_5000_EEPROM_VERSION, \ .eeprom_calib_ver = EEPROM_5000_TX_POWER_VERSION, \ .lib = &iwl5000_lib, \ .base_params = &iwl5000_base_params, \ .led_mode = IWL_LED_BLINK -struct iwl_cfg iwl5300_agn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl5300_agn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Ultimate N WiFi Link 5300 AGN", IWL_DEVICE_5000, /* at least EEPROM 0x11A has wrong info */ @@ -375,7 +344,7 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl5300_agn_cfg = { .ht_params = &iwl5000_ht_params, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl5100_bgn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl5100_bgn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) WiFi Link 5100 BGN", IWL_DEVICE_5000, .valid_tx_ant = ANT_B, /* .cfg overwrite */ @@ -383,14 +352,14 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl5100_bgn_cfg = { .ht_params = &iwl5000_ht_params, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl5100_abg_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl5100_abg_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) WiFi Link 5100 ABG", IWL_DEVICE_5000, .valid_tx_ant = ANT_B, /* .cfg overwrite */ .valid_rx_ant = ANT_AB, /* .cfg overwrite */ }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl5100_agn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl5100_agn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) WiFi Link 5100 AGN", IWL_DEVICE_5000, .valid_tx_ant = ANT_B, /* .cfg overwrite */ @@ -398,11 +367,13 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl5100_agn_cfg = { .ht_params = &iwl5000_ht_params, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl5350_agn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl5350_agn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) WiMAX/WiFi Link 5350 AGN", .fw_name_pre = IWL5000_FW_PRE, .ucode_api_max = IWL5000_UCODE_API_MAX, .ucode_api_min = IWL5000_UCODE_API_MIN, + .max_inst_size = IWLAGN_RTC_INST_SIZE, + .max_data_size = IWLAGN_RTC_DATA_SIZE, .eeprom_ver = EEPROM_5050_EEPROM_VERSION, .eeprom_calib_ver = EEPROM_5050_TX_POWER_VERSION, .lib = &iwl5000_lib, @@ -416,6 +387,8 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl5350_agn_cfg = { .fw_name_pre = IWL5150_FW_PRE, \ .ucode_api_max = IWL5150_UCODE_API_MAX, \ .ucode_api_min = IWL5150_UCODE_API_MIN, \ + .max_inst_size = IWLAGN_RTC_INST_SIZE, \ + .max_data_size = IWLAGN_RTC_DATA_SIZE, \ .eeprom_ver = EEPROM_5050_EEPROM_VERSION, \ .eeprom_calib_ver = EEPROM_5050_TX_POWER_VERSION, \ .lib = &iwl5150_lib, \ @@ -424,14 +397,14 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl5350_agn_cfg = { .led_mode = IWL_LED_BLINK, \ .internal_wimax_coex = true -struct iwl_cfg iwl5150_agn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl5150_agn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) WiMAX/WiFi Link 5150 AGN", IWL_DEVICE_5150, .ht_params = &iwl5000_ht_params, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl5150_abg_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl5150_abg_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) WiMAX/WiFi Link 5150 ABG", IWL_DEVICE_5150, }; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-6000.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-6000.c index 54b753399e6e8331006f6da436d0719412152e27..64060cd738b5d90b069a8289eba923842365a023 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-6000.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-6000.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ static void iwl6050_additional_nic_config(struct iwl_priv *priv) { /* Indicate calibration version to uCode. */ if (iwl_eeprom_calib_version(priv->shrd) >= 6) - iwl_set_bit(bus(priv), CSR_GP_DRIVER_REG, + iwl_set_bit(trans(priv), CSR_GP_DRIVER_REG, CSR_GP_DRIVER_REG_BIT_CALIB_VERSION6); } @@ -90,31 +90,31 @@ static void iwl6150_additional_nic_config(struct iwl_priv *priv) { /* Indicate calibration version to uCode. */ if (iwl_eeprom_calib_version(priv->shrd) >= 6) - iwl_set_bit(bus(priv), CSR_GP_DRIVER_REG, + iwl_set_bit(trans(priv), CSR_GP_DRIVER_REG, CSR_GP_DRIVER_REG_BIT_CALIB_VERSION6); - iwl_set_bit(bus(priv), CSR_GP_DRIVER_REG, + iwl_set_bit(trans(priv), CSR_GP_DRIVER_REG, CSR_GP_DRIVER_REG_BIT_6050_1x2); } +static void iwl6000i_additional_nic_config(struct iwl_priv *priv) +{ + /* 2x2 IPA phy type */ + iwl_write32(trans(priv), CSR_GP_DRIVER_REG, + CSR_GP_DRIVER_REG_BIT_RADIO_SKU_2x2_IPA); +} + /* NIC configuration for 6000 series */ static void iwl6000_nic_config(struct iwl_priv *priv) { iwl_rf_config(priv); - /* no locking required for register write */ - if (cfg(priv)->pa_type == IWL_PA_INTERNAL) { - /* 2x2 IPA phy type */ - iwl_write32(bus(priv), CSR_GP_DRIVER_REG, - CSR_GP_DRIVER_REG_BIT_RADIO_SKU_2x2_IPA); - } /* do additional nic configuration if needed */ if (cfg(priv)->additional_nic_config) - cfg(priv)->additional_nic_config(priv); + cfg(priv)->additional_nic_config(priv); } -static struct iwl_sensitivity_ranges iwl6000_sensitivity = { +static const struct iwl_sensitivity_ranges iwl6000_sensitivity = { .min_nrg_cck = 110, - .max_nrg_cck = 0, /* not used, set to 0 */ .auto_corr_min_ofdm = 80, .auto_corr_min_ofdm_mrc = 128, .auto_corr_min_ofdm_x1 = 105, @@ -137,37 +137,24 @@ static struct iwl_sensitivity_ranges iwl6000_sensitivity = { .nrg_th_cca = 62, }; -static int iwl6000_hw_set_hw_params(struct iwl_priv *priv) +static void iwl6000_hw_set_hw_params(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - if (iwlagn_mod_params.num_of_queues >= IWL_MIN_NUM_QUEUES && - iwlagn_mod_params.num_of_queues <= IWLAGN_NUM_QUEUES) - cfg(priv)->base_params->num_of_queues = - iwlagn_mod_params.num_of_queues; - - hw_params(priv).max_txq_num = cfg(priv)->base_params->num_of_queues; - priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS].bcast_sta_id = IWLAGN_BROADCAST_ID; - - hw_params(priv).max_data_size = IWL60_RTC_DATA_SIZE; - hw_params(priv).max_inst_size = IWL60_RTC_INST_SIZE; - hw_params(priv).ht40_channel = BIT(IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) | BIT(IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ); - hw_params(priv).tx_chains_num = num_of_ant(cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant); + hw_params(priv).tx_chains_num = + num_of_ant(hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant); if (cfg(priv)->rx_with_siso_diversity) hw_params(priv).rx_chains_num = 1; else hw_params(priv).rx_chains_num = - num_of_ant(cfg(priv)->valid_rx_ant); - hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant = cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant; - hw_params(priv).valid_rx_ant = cfg(priv)->valid_rx_ant; + num_of_ant(hw_params(priv).valid_rx_ant); iwl6000_set_ct_threshold(priv); /* Set initial sensitivity parameters */ hw_params(priv).sens = &iwl6000_sensitivity; - return 0; } static int iwl6000_hw_channel_switch(struct iwl_priv *priv, @@ -238,7 +225,7 @@ static int iwl6000_hw_channel_switch(struct iwl_priv *priv, return -EFAULT; } - return iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), &hcmd); + return iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &hcmd); } static struct iwl_lib_ops iwl6000_lib = { @@ -255,16 +242,13 @@ static struct iwl_lib_ops iwl6000_lib = { EEPROM_6000_REG_BAND_24_HT40_CHANNELS, EEPROM_REG_BAND_52_HT40_CHANNELS }, - .update_enhanced_txpower = iwl_eeprom_enhanced_txpower, + .enhanced_txpower = true, }, .temperature = iwlagn_temperature, }; static struct iwl_lib_ops iwl6030_lib = { .set_hw_params = iwl6000_hw_set_hw_params, - .bt_rx_handler_setup = iwlagn_bt_rx_handler_setup, - .bt_setup_deferred_work = iwlagn_bt_setup_deferred_work, - .cancel_deferred_work = iwlagn_bt_cancel_deferred_work, .set_channel_switch = iwl6000_hw_channel_switch, .nic_config = iwl6000_nic_config, .eeprom_ops = { @@ -277,12 +261,12 @@ static struct iwl_lib_ops iwl6030_lib = { EEPROM_6000_REG_BAND_24_HT40_CHANNELS, EEPROM_REG_BAND_52_HT40_CHANNELS }, - .update_enhanced_txpower = iwl_eeprom_enhanced_txpower, + .enhanced_txpower = true, }, .temperature = iwlagn_temperature, }; -static struct iwl_base_params iwl6000_base_params = { +static const struct iwl_base_params iwl6000_base_params = { .eeprom_size = OTP_LOW_IMAGE_SIZE, .num_of_queues = IWLAGN_NUM_QUEUES, .num_of_ampdu_queues = IWLAGN_NUM_AMPDU_QUEUES, @@ -299,7 +283,7 @@ static struct iwl_base_params iwl6000_base_params = { .shadow_reg_enable = true, }; -static struct iwl_base_params iwl6050_base_params = { +static const struct iwl_base_params iwl6050_base_params = { .eeprom_size = OTP_LOW_IMAGE_SIZE, .num_of_queues = IWLAGN_NUM_QUEUES, .num_of_ampdu_queues = IWLAGN_NUM_AMPDU_QUEUES, @@ -315,7 +299,8 @@ static struct iwl_base_params iwl6050_base_params = { .max_event_log_size = 1024, .shadow_reg_enable = true, }; -static struct iwl_base_params iwl6000_g2_base_params = { + +static const struct iwl_base_params iwl6000_g2_base_params = { .eeprom_size = OTP_LOW_IMAGE_SIZE, .num_of_queues = IWLAGN_NUM_QUEUES, .num_of_ampdu_queues = IWLAGN_NUM_AMPDU_QUEUES, @@ -332,12 +317,12 @@ static struct iwl_base_params iwl6000_g2_base_params = { .shadow_reg_enable = true, }; -static struct iwl_ht_params iwl6000_ht_params = { +static const struct iwl_ht_params iwl6000_ht_params = { .ht_greenfield_support = true, .use_rts_for_aggregation = true, /* use rts/cts protection */ }; -static struct iwl_bt_params iwl6000_bt_params = { +static const struct iwl_bt_params iwl6000_bt_params = { /* Due to bluetooth, we transmit 2.4 GHz probes only on antenna A */ .advanced_bt_coexist = true, .agg_time_limit = BT_AGG_THRESHOLD_DEF, @@ -351,6 +336,8 @@ static struct iwl_bt_params iwl6000_bt_params = { .ucode_api_max = IWL6000G2_UCODE_API_MAX, \ .ucode_api_ok = IWL6000G2_UCODE_API_OK, \ .ucode_api_min = IWL6000G2_UCODE_API_MIN, \ + .max_inst_size = IWL60_RTC_INST_SIZE, \ + .max_data_size = IWL60_RTC_DATA_SIZE, \ .eeprom_ver = EEPROM_6005_EEPROM_VERSION, \ .eeprom_calib_ver = EEPROM_6005_TX_POWER_VERSION, \ .lib = &iwl6000_lib, \ @@ -358,39 +345,53 @@ static struct iwl_bt_params iwl6000_bt_params = { .need_temp_offset_calib = true, \ .led_mode = IWL_LED_RF_STATE -struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2agn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2agn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6205 AGN", IWL_DEVICE_6005, .ht_params = &iwl6000_ht_params, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2abg_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2abg_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6205 ABG", IWL_DEVICE_6005, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2bg_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2bg_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6205 BG", IWL_DEVICE_6005, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2agn_sff_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2agn_sff_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6205S AGN", IWL_DEVICE_6005, .ht_params = &iwl6000_ht_params, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2agn_d_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2agn_d_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6205D AGN", IWL_DEVICE_6005, .ht_params = &iwl6000_ht_params, }; +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2agn_mow1_cfg = { + .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6206 AGN", + IWL_DEVICE_6005, + .ht_params = &iwl6000_ht_params, +}; + +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2agn_mow2_cfg = { + .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6207 AGN", + IWL_DEVICE_6005, + .ht_params = &iwl6000_ht_params, +}; + #define IWL_DEVICE_6030 \ .fw_name_pre = IWL6030_FW_PRE, \ .ucode_api_max = IWL6000G2_UCODE_API_MAX, \ .ucode_api_ok = IWL6000G2_UCODE_API_OK, \ .ucode_api_min = IWL6000G2_UCODE_API_MIN, \ + .max_inst_size = IWL60_RTC_INST_SIZE, \ + .max_data_size = IWL60_RTC_DATA_SIZE, \ .eeprom_ver = EEPROM_6030_EEPROM_VERSION, \ .eeprom_calib_ver = EEPROM_6030_TX_POWER_VERSION, \ .lib = &iwl6030_lib, \ @@ -400,53 +401,53 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2agn_d_cfg = { .led_mode = IWL_LED_RF_STATE, \ .adv_pm = true \ -struct iwl_cfg iwl6030_2agn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6030_2agn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6230 AGN", IWL_DEVICE_6030, .ht_params = &iwl6000_ht_params, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl6030_2abg_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6030_2abg_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6230 ABG", IWL_DEVICE_6030, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl6030_2bgn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6030_2bgn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6230 BGN", IWL_DEVICE_6030, .ht_params = &iwl6000_ht_params, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl6030_2bg_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6030_2bg_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6230 BG", IWL_DEVICE_6030, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl6035_2agn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6035_2agn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6235 AGN", IWL_DEVICE_6030, .ht_params = &iwl6000_ht_params, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl1030_bgn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl1030_bgn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 1030 BGN", IWL_DEVICE_6030, .ht_params = &iwl6000_ht_params, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl1030_bg_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl1030_bg_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 1030 BG", IWL_DEVICE_6030, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl130_bgn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl130_bgn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 130 BGN", IWL_DEVICE_6030, .ht_params = &iwl6000_ht_params, .rx_with_siso_diversity = true, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl130_bg_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl130_bg_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 130 BG", IWL_DEVICE_6030, .rx_with_siso_diversity = true, @@ -460,27 +461,29 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl130_bg_cfg = { .ucode_api_max = IWL6000_UCODE_API_MAX, \ .ucode_api_ok = IWL6000_UCODE_API_OK, \ .ucode_api_min = IWL6000_UCODE_API_MIN, \ + .max_inst_size = IWL60_RTC_INST_SIZE, \ + .max_data_size = IWL60_RTC_DATA_SIZE, \ .valid_tx_ant = ANT_BC, /* .cfg overwrite */ \ .valid_rx_ant = ANT_BC, /* .cfg overwrite */ \ .eeprom_ver = EEPROM_6000_EEPROM_VERSION, \ .eeprom_calib_ver = EEPROM_6000_TX_POWER_VERSION, \ .lib = &iwl6000_lib, \ + .additional_nic_config = iwl6000i_additional_nic_config,\ .base_params = &iwl6000_base_params, \ - .pa_type = IWL_PA_INTERNAL, \ .led_mode = IWL_LED_BLINK -struct iwl_cfg iwl6000i_2agn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6000i_2agn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6200 AGN", IWL_DEVICE_6000i, .ht_params = &iwl6000_ht_params, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl6000i_2abg_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6000i_2abg_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6200 ABG", IWL_DEVICE_6000i, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl6000i_2bg_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6000i_2bg_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6200 BG", IWL_DEVICE_6000i, }; @@ -489,6 +492,8 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl6000i_2bg_cfg = { .fw_name_pre = IWL6050_FW_PRE, \ .ucode_api_max = IWL6050_UCODE_API_MAX, \ .ucode_api_min = IWL6050_UCODE_API_MIN, \ + .max_inst_size = IWL60_RTC_INST_SIZE, \ + .max_data_size = IWL60_RTC_DATA_SIZE, \ .valid_tx_ant = ANT_AB, /* .cfg overwrite */ \ .valid_rx_ant = ANT_AB, /* .cfg overwrite */ \ .lib = &iwl6000_lib, \ @@ -499,13 +504,13 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl6000i_2bg_cfg = { .led_mode = IWL_LED_BLINK, \ .internal_wimax_coex = true -struct iwl_cfg iwl6050_2agn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6050_2agn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N + WiMAX 6250 AGN", IWL_DEVICE_6050, .ht_params = &iwl6000_ht_params, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl6050_2abg_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6050_2abg_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N + WiMAX 6250 ABG", IWL_DEVICE_6050, }; @@ -514,6 +519,8 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl6050_2abg_cfg = { .fw_name_pre = IWL6050_FW_PRE, \ .ucode_api_max = IWL6050_UCODE_API_MAX, \ .ucode_api_min = IWL6050_UCODE_API_MIN, \ + .max_inst_size = IWL60_RTC_INST_SIZE, \ + .max_data_size = IWL60_RTC_DATA_SIZE, \ .lib = &iwl6000_lib, \ .additional_nic_config = iwl6150_additional_nic_config, \ .eeprom_ver = EEPROM_6150_EEPROM_VERSION, \ @@ -522,23 +529,25 @@ struct iwl_cfg iwl6050_2abg_cfg = { .led_mode = IWL_LED_BLINK, \ .internal_wimax_coex = true -struct iwl_cfg iwl6150_bgn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6150_bgn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N + WiMAX 6150 BGN", IWL_DEVICE_6150, .ht_params = &iwl6000_ht_params, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl6150_bg_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6150_bg_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N + WiMAX 6150 BG", IWL_DEVICE_6150, }; -struct iwl_cfg iwl6000_3agn_cfg = { +const struct iwl_cfg iwl6000_3agn_cfg = { .name = "Intel(R) Centrino(R) Ultimate-N 6300 AGN", .fw_name_pre = IWL6000_FW_PRE, .ucode_api_max = IWL6000_UCODE_API_MAX, .ucode_api_ok = IWL6000_UCODE_API_OK, .ucode_api_min = IWL6000_UCODE_API_MIN, + .max_inst_size = IWL60_RTC_INST_SIZE, + .max_data_size = IWL60_RTC_DATA_SIZE, .eeprom_ver = EEPROM_6000_EEPROM_VERSION, .eeprom_calib_ver = EEPROM_6000_TX_POWER_VERSION, .lib = &iwl6000_lib, diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-calib.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-calib.c index 50ff849c9f67a5849e4f70bd394a855f3a712401..84cbe7bb504cad1c3cfdb68cb9bcc1270c4d80ad 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-calib.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-calib.c @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @@ -73,6 +73,14 @@ * INIT calibrations framework *****************************************************************************/ +/* Opaque calibration results */ +struct iwl_calib_result { + struct list_head list; + size_t cmd_len; + struct iwl_calib_hdr hdr; + /* data follows */ +}; + struct statistics_general_data { u32 beacon_silence_rssi_a; u32 beacon_silence_rssi_b; @@ -82,7 +90,7 @@ struct statistics_general_data { u32 beacon_energy_c; }; -int iwl_send_calib_results(struct iwl_trans *trans) +int iwl_send_calib_results(struct iwl_priv *priv) { struct iwl_host_cmd hcmd = { .id = REPLY_PHY_CALIBRATION_CMD, @@ -90,15 +98,15 @@ int iwl_send_calib_results(struct iwl_trans *trans) }; struct iwl_calib_result *res; - list_for_each_entry(res, &trans->calib_results, list) { + list_for_each_entry(res, &priv->calib_results, list) { int ret; hcmd.len[0] = res->cmd_len; hcmd.data[0] = &res->hdr; hcmd.dataflags[0] = IWL_HCMD_DFL_NOCOPY; - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans, &hcmd); + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &hcmd); if (ret) { - IWL_ERR(trans, "Error %d on calib cmd %d\n", + IWL_ERR(priv, "Error %d on calib cmd %d\n", ret, res->hdr.op_code); return ret; } @@ -107,7 +115,7 @@ int iwl_send_calib_results(struct iwl_trans *trans) return 0; } -int iwl_calib_set(struct iwl_trans *trans, +int iwl_calib_set(struct iwl_priv *priv, const struct iwl_calib_hdr *cmd, int len) { struct iwl_calib_result *res, *tmp; @@ -119,7 +127,7 @@ int iwl_calib_set(struct iwl_trans *trans, memcpy(&res->hdr, cmd, len); res->cmd_len = len; - list_for_each_entry(tmp, &trans->calib_results, list) { + list_for_each_entry(tmp, &priv->calib_results, list) { if (tmp->hdr.op_code == res->hdr.op_code) { list_replace(&tmp->list, &res->list); kfree(tmp); @@ -128,16 +136,16 @@ int iwl_calib_set(struct iwl_trans *trans, } /* wasn't in list already */ - list_add_tail(&res->list, &trans->calib_results); + list_add_tail(&res->list, &priv->calib_results); return 0; } -void iwl_calib_free_results(struct iwl_trans *trans) +void iwl_calib_free_results(struct iwl_priv *priv) { struct iwl_calib_result *res, *tmp; - list_for_each_entry_safe(res, tmp, &trans->calib_results, list) { + list_for_each_entry_safe(res, tmp, &priv->calib_results, list) { list_del(&res->list); kfree(res); } @@ -492,7 +500,7 @@ static int iwl_sensitivity_write(struct iwl_priv *priv) memcpy(&(priv->sensitivity_tbl[0]), &(cmd.table[0]), sizeof(u16)*HD_TABLE_SIZE); - return iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), &cmd_out); + return iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &cmd_out); } /* Prepare a SENSITIVITY_CMD, send to uCode if values have changed */ @@ -581,7 +589,7 @@ static int iwl_enhance_sensitivity_write(struct iwl_priv *priv) &(cmd.enhance_table[HD_INA_NON_SQUARE_DET_OFDM_INDEX]), sizeof(u16)*ENHANCE_HD_TABLE_ENTRIES); - return iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), &cmd_out); + return iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &cmd_out); } void iwl_init_sensitivity(struct iwl_priv *priv) @@ -634,7 +642,7 @@ void iwl_init_sensitivity(struct iwl_priv *priv) data->last_bad_plcp_cnt_cck = 0; data->last_fa_cnt_cck = 0; - if (priv->enhance_sensitivity_table) + if (priv->fw->enhance_sensitivity_table) ret |= iwl_enhance_sensitivity_write(priv); else ret |= iwl_sensitivity_write(priv); @@ -653,7 +661,6 @@ void iwl_sensitivity_calibration(struct iwl_priv *priv) struct iwl_sensitivity_data *data = NULL; struct statistics_rx_non_phy *rx_info; struct statistics_rx_phy *ofdm, *cck; - unsigned long flags; struct statistics_general_data statis; if (priv->disable_sens_cal) @@ -666,13 +673,13 @@ void iwl_sensitivity_calibration(struct iwl_priv *priv) return; } - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->statistics.lock); rx_info = &priv->statistics.rx_non_phy; ofdm = &priv->statistics.rx_ofdm; cck = &priv->statistics.rx_cck; if (rx_info->interference_data_flag != INTERFERENCE_DATA_AVAILABLE) { IWL_DEBUG_CALIB(priv, "<< invalid data.\n"); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->statistics.lock); return; } @@ -696,7 +703,7 @@ void iwl_sensitivity_calibration(struct iwl_priv *priv) statis.beacon_energy_c = le32_to_cpu(rx_info->beacon_energy_c); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->statistics.lock); IWL_DEBUG_CALIB(priv, "rx_enable_time = %u usecs\n", rx_enable_time); @@ -745,7 +752,7 @@ void iwl_sensitivity_calibration(struct iwl_priv *priv) iwl_sens_auto_corr_ofdm(priv, norm_fa_ofdm, rx_enable_time); iwl_sens_energy_cck(priv, norm_fa_cck, rx_enable_time, &statis); - if (priv->enhance_sensitivity_table) + if (priv->fw->enhance_sensitivity_table) iwl_enhance_sensitivity_write(priv); else iwl_sensitivity_write(priv); @@ -847,7 +854,7 @@ static void iwl_find_disconn_antenna(struct iwl_priv *priv, u32* average_sig, * connect the first valid tx chain */ first_chain = - find_first_chain(cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant); + find_first_chain(hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant); data->disconn_array[first_chain] = 0; active_chains |= BIT(first_chain); IWL_DEBUG_CALIB(priv, @@ -872,10 +879,8 @@ static void iwl_find_disconn_antenna(struct iwl_priv *priv, u32* average_sig, } static void iwlagn_gain_computation(struct iwl_priv *priv, - u32 average_noise[NUM_RX_CHAINS], - u16 min_average_noise_antenna_i, - u32 min_average_noise, - u8 default_chain) + u32 average_noise[NUM_RX_CHAINS], + u8 default_chain) { int i; s32 delta_g; @@ -923,7 +928,7 @@ static void iwlagn_gain_computation(struct iwl_priv *priv, priv->phy_calib_chain_noise_gain_cmd); cmd.delta_gain_1 = data->delta_gain_code[1]; cmd.delta_gain_2 = data->delta_gain_code[2]; - iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), REPLY_PHY_CALIBRATION_CMD, + iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, REPLY_PHY_CALIBRATION_CMD, CMD_ASYNC, sizeof(cmd), &cmd); data->radio_write = 1; @@ -956,7 +961,6 @@ void iwl_chain_noise_calibration(struct iwl_priv *priv) u16 stat_chnum = INITIALIZATION_VALUE; u8 rxon_band24; u8 stat_band24; - unsigned long flags; struct statistics_rx_non_phy *rx_info; /* @@ -981,13 +985,13 @@ void iwl_chain_noise_calibration(struct iwl_priv *priv) return; } - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->statistics.lock); rx_info = &priv->statistics.rx_non_phy; if (rx_info->interference_data_flag != INTERFERENCE_DATA_AVAILABLE) { IWL_DEBUG_CALIB(priv, " << Interference data unavailable\n"); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->statistics.lock); return; } @@ -1002,7 +1006,7 @@ void iwl_chain_noise_calibration(struct iwl_priv *priv) if ((rxon_chnum != stat_chnum) || (rxon_band24 != stat_band24)) { IWL_DEBUG_CALIB(priv, "Stats not from chan=%d, band24=%d\n", rxon_chnum, rxon_band24); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->statistics.lock); return; } @@ -1021,7 +1025,7 @@ void iwl_chain_noise_calibration(struct iwl_priv *priv) chain_sig_b = le32_to_cpu(rx_info->beacon_rssi_b) & IN_BAND_FILTER; chain_sig_c = le32_to_cpu(rx_info->beacon_rssi_c) & IN_BAND_FILTER; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->statistics.lock); data->beacon_count++; @@ -1081,8 +1085,7 @@ void iwl_chain_noise_calibration(struct iwl_priv *priv) min_average_noise, min_average_noise_antenna_i); iwlagn_gain_computation(priv, average_noise, - min_average_noise_antenna_i, min_average_noise, - find_first_chain(cfg(priv)->valid_rx_ant)); + find_first_chain(hw_params(priv).valid_rx_ant)); /* Some power changes may have been made during the calibration. * Update and commit the RXON diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-calib.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-calib.h index 10275ce92bde8875f9807245cf32a0ec00addae6..9ed6683314a7fe3b493ca4fe86edf0b0c7367264 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-calib.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-calib.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-hw.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-hw.h index 123ef5e129d5b734fc42ac31114cb8ea5a70765e..d0ec0abd3c896ec4391a596874660ed026419c7d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-hw.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-hw.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-lib.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-lib.c index ca78e91de86cb71c1e84919a9732cdb9bc3077fa..56f41c9409d1ba945ff0ae1138f67683ac89eabe 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-lib.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-lib.c @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ #include #include -#include "iwl-wifi.h" #include "iwl-dev.h" #include "iwl-core.h" #include "iwl-io.h" @@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ int iwlagn_send_tx_power(struct iwl_priv *priv) struct iwlagn_tx_power_dbm_cmd tx_power_cmd; u8 tx_ant_cfg_cmd; - if (WARN_ONCE(test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->shrd->status), + if (WARN_ONCE(test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->status), "TX Power requested while scanning!\n")) return -EAGAIN; @@ -77,17 +76,19 @@ int iwlagn_send_tx_power(struct iwl_priv *priv) tx_power_cmd.flags = IWLAGN_TX_POWER_NO_CLOSED; tx_power_cmd.srv_chan_lmt = IWLAGN_TX_POWER_AUTO; - if (IWL_UCODE_API(priv->ucode_ver) == 1) + if (IWL_UCODE_API(priv->fw->ucode_ver) == 1) tx_ant_cfg_cmd = REPLY_TX_POWER_DBM_CMD_V1; else tx_ant_cfg_cmd = REPLY_TX_POWER_DBM_CMD; - return iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), tx_ant_cfg_cmd, CMD_SYNC, + return iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, tx_ant_cfg_cmd, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(tx_power_cmd), &tx_power_cmd); } void iwlagn_temperature(struct iwl_priv *priv) { + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->statistics.lock); + /* store temperature from correct statistics (in Celsius) */ priv->temperature = le32_to_cpu(priv->statistics.common.temperature); iwl_tt_handler(priv); @@ -233,19 +234,19 @@ int iwlagn_txfifo_flush(struct iwl_priv *priv, u16 flush_control) IWL_PAN_SCD_BK_MSK | IWL_PAN_SCD_MGMT_MSK | IWL_PAN_SCD_MULTICAST_MSK; - if (cfg(priv)->sku & EEPROM_SKU_CAP_11N_ENABLE) + if (hw_params(priv).sku & EEPROM_SKU_CAP_11N_ENABLE) flush_cmd.fifo_control |= IWL_AGG_TX_QUEUE_MSK; IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "fifo queue control: 0X%x\n", flush_cmd.fifo_control); flush_cmd.flush_control = cpu_to_le16(flush_control); - return iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), &cmd); + return iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &cmd); } void iwlagn_dev_txfifo_flush(struct iwl_priv *priv, u16 flush_control) { - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); ieee80211_stop_queues(priv->hw); if (iwlagn_txfifo_flush(priv, IWL_DROP_ALL)) { IWL_ERR(priv, "flush request fail\n"); @@ -255,7 +256,7 @@ void iwlagn_dev_txfifo_flush(struct iwl_priv *priv, u16 flush_control) iwl_trans_wait_tx_queue_empty(trans(priv)); done: ieee80211_wake_queues(priv->hw); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); } /* @@ -434,12 +435,12 @@ void iwlagn_send_advance_bt_config(struct iwl_priv *priv) if (cfg(priv)->bt_params->bt_session_2) { memcpy(&bt_cmd_2000.basic, &basic, sizeof(basic)); - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), REPLY_BT_CONFIG, + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, REPLY_BT_CONFIG, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(bt_cmd_2000), &bt_cmd_2000); } else { memcpy(&bt_cmd_6000.basic, &basic, sizeof(basic)); - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), REPLY_BT_CONFIG, + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, REPLY_BT_CONFIG, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(bt_cmd_6000), &bt_cmd_6000); } if (ret) @@ -452,7 +453,7 @@ void iwlagn_bt_adjust_rssi_monitor(struct iwl_priv *priv, bool rssi_ena) struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, *found_ctx = NULL; bool found_ap = false; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); /* Check whether AP or GO mode is active. */ if (rssi_ena) { @@ -565,7 +566,7 @@ static void iwlagn_bt_traffic_change_work(struct work_struct *work) break; } - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); /* * We can not send command to firmware while scanning. When the scan @@ -574,7 +575,7 @@ static void iwlagn_bt_traffic_change_work(struct work_struct *work) * STATUS_SCANNING to avoid race when queue_work two times from * different notifications, but quit and not perform any work at all. */ - if (test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->status)) goto out; iwl_update_chain_flags(priv); @@ -593,7 +594,7 @@ static void iwlagn_bt_traffic_change_work(struct work_struct *work) */ iwlagn_bt_coex_rssi_monitor(priv); out: - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); } /* @@ -700,17 +701,16 @@ static void iwlagn_set_kill_msk(struct iwl_priv *priv, priv->kill_cts_mask = bt_kill_cts_msg[kill_msk]; /* schedule to send runtime bt_config */ - queue_work(priv->shrd->workqueue, &priv->bt_runtime_config); + queue_work(priv->workqueue, &priv->bt_runtime_config); } } int iwlagn_bt_coex_profile_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { - unsigned long flags; struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); - struct iwl_bt_coex_profile_notif *coex = &pkt->u.bt_coex_profile_notif; + struct iwl_bt_coex_profile_notif *coex = (void *)pkt->data; struct iwl_bt_uart_msg *uart_msg = &coex->last_bt_uart_msg; if (priv->bt_enable_flag == IWLAGN_BT_FLAG_COEX_MODE_DISABLED) { @@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ int iwlagn_bt_coex_profile_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, IWL_BT_COEX_TRAFFIC_LOAD_NONE; } priv->bt_status = coex->bt_status; - queue_work(priv->shrd->workqueue, + queue_work(priv->workqueue, &priv->bt_traffic_change_work); } } @@ -754,9 +754,7 @@ int iwlagn_bt_coex_profile_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, /* FIXME: based on notification, adjust the prio_boost */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); priv->bt_ci_compliance = coex->bt_ci_compliance; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); return 0; } @@ -959,7 +957,7 @@ static void iwlagn_wowlan_program_keys(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_key_conf *key, void *_data) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); struct wowlan_key_data *data = _data; struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = data->ctx; struct aes_sc *aes_sc, *aes_tx_sc = NULL; @@ -971,7 +969,7 @@ static void iwlagn_wowlan_program_keys(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u16 p1k[IWLAGN_P1K_SIZE]; int ret, i; - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); if ((key->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP40 || key->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP104) && @@ -1077,7 +1075,7 @@ static void iwlagn_wowlan_program_keys(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; } - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); } int iwlagn_send_patterns(struct iwl_priv *priv, @@ -1117,13 +1115,12 @@ int iwlagn_send_patterns(struct iwl_priv *priv, } cmd.data[0] = pattern_cmd; - err = iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), &cmd); + err = iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &cmd); kfree(pattern_cmd); return err; } -int iwlagn_suspend(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct cfg80211_wowlan *wowlan) +int iwlagn_suspend(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct cfg80211_wowlan *wowlan) { struct iwlagn_wowlan_wakeup_filter_cmd wakeup_filter_cmd; struct iwl_rxon_cmd rxon; @@ -1192,11 +1189,12 @@ int iwlagn_suspend(struct iwl_priv *priv, memcpy(&rxon, &ctx->active, sizeof(rxon)); + priv->ucode_loaded = false; iwl_trans_stop_device(trans(priv)); - priv->shrd->wowlan = true; + priv->wowlan = true; - ret = iwl_load_ucode_wait_alive(trans(priv), IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN); + ret = iwl_load_ucode_wait_alive(priv, IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN); if (ret) goto out; @@ -1224,11 +1222,11 @@ int iwlagn_suspend(struct iwl_priv *priv, * constraints. Since we're in the suspend path * that isn't really a problem though. */ - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); ieee80211_iter_keys(priv->hw, ctx->vif, iwlagn_wowlan_program_keys, &key_data); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); if (key_data.error) { ret = -EIO; goto out; @@ -1243,13 +1241,13 @@ int iwlagn_suspend(struct iwl_priv *priv, .len[0] = sizeof(*key_data.rsc_tsc), }; - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), &rsc_tsc_cmd); + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &rsc_tsc_cmd); if (ret) goto out; } if (key_data.use_tkip) { - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, REPLY_WOWLAN_TKIP_PARAMS, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(tkip_cmd), &tkip_cmd); @@ -1265,7 +1263,7 @@ int iwlagn_suspend(struct iwl_priv *priv, kek_kck_cmd.kek_len = cpu_to_le16(NL80211_KEK_LEN); kek_kck_cmd.replay_ctr = priv->replay_ctr; - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, REPLY_WOWLAN_KEK_KCK_MATERIAL, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(kek_kck_cmd), &kek_kck_cmd); @@ -1274,12 +1272,12 @@ int iwlagn_suspend(struct iwl_priv *priv, } } - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), REPLY_D3_CONFIG, CMD_SYNC, + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, REPLY_D3_CONFIG, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(d3_cfg_cmd), &d3_cfg_cmd); if (ret) goto out; - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), REPLY_WOWLAN_WAKEUP_FILTER, + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, REPLY_WOWLAN_WAKEUP_FILTER, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(wakeup_filter_cmd), &wakeup_filter_cmd); if (ret) @@ -1291,3 +1289,41 @@ int iwlagn_suspend(struct iwl_priv *priv, return ret; } #endif + +int iwl_dvm_send_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd) +{ + if (iwl_is_rfkill(priv) || iwl_is_ctkill(priv)) { + IWL_WARN(priv, "Not sending command - %s KILL\n", + iwl_is_rfkill(priv) ? "RF" : "CT"); + return -EIO; + } + + /* + * Synchronous commands from this op-mode must hold + * the mutex, this ensures we don't try to send two + * (or more) synchronous commands at a time. + */ + if (cmd->flags & CMD_SYNC) + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); + + if (priv->ucode_owner == IWL_OWNERSHIP_TM && + !(cmd->flags & CMD_ON_DEMAND)) { + IWL_DEBUG_HC(priv, "tm own the uCode, no regular hcmd send\n"); + return -EIO; + } + + return iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), cmd); +} + +int iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 id, + u32 flags, u16 len, const void *data) +{ + struct iwl_host_cmd cmd = { + .id = id, + .len = { len, }, + .data = { data, }, + .flags = flags, + }; + + return iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &cmd); +} diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-rs.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-rs.c index 334b5ae8fdd454ac69d9f760e28359e2b97429b7..53f8c51cfcdb021d292caf5f911694413df42d4c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-rs.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-rs.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ #include "iwl-dev.h" #include "iwl-core.h" #include "iwl-agn.h" +#include "iwl-op-mode.h" #define RS_NAME "iwl-agn-rs" @@ -869,19 +870,16 @@ static void rs_bt_update_lq(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, { struct iwl_scale_tbl_info *tbl; bool full_concurrent = priv->bt_full_concurrent; - unsigned long flags; if (priv->bt_ant_couple_ok) { /* * Is there a need to switch between * full concurrency and 3-wire? */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); if (priv->bt_ci_compliance && priv->bt_ant_couple_ok) full_concurrent = true; else full_concurrent = false; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); } if ((priv->bt_traffic_load != priv->last_bt_traffic_load) || (priv->bt_full_concurrent != full_concurrent)) { @@ -892,7 +890,7 @@ static void rs_bt_update_lq(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, rs_fill_link_cmd(priv, lq_sta, tbl->current_rate); iwl_send_lq_cmd(priv, ctx, &lq_sta->lq, CMD_ASYNC, false); - queue_work(priv->shrd->workqueue, &priv->bt_full_concurrency); + queue_work(priv->workqueue, &priv->bt_full_concurrency); } } @@ -909,7 +907,8 @@ static void rs_tx_status(void *priv_r, struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband, struct iwl_lq_sta *lq_sta = priv_sta; struct iwl_link_quality_cmd *table; struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)skb->data; - struct iwl_priv *priv = (struct iwl_priv *)priv_r; + struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode = (struct iwl_op_mode *)priv_r; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_OP_MODE_GET_DVM(op_mode); struct ieee80211_tx_info *info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); enum mac80211_rate_control_flags mac_flags; u32 tx_rate; @@ -2678,7 +2677,6 @@ static void rs_rate_scale_perform(struct iwl_priv *priv, * which requires station table entry to exist). */ static void rs_initialize_lq(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct ieee80211_conf *conf, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, struct iwl_lq_sta *lq_sta) { @@ -2737,7 +2735,9 @@ static void rs_get_rate(void *priv_r, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, void *priv_sta, struct sk_buff *skb = txrc->skb; struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband = txrc->sband; - struct iwl_priv *priv __maybe_unused = (struct iwl_priv *)priv_r; + struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode __maybe_unused = + (struct iwl_op_mode *)priv_r; + struct iwl_priv *priv __maybe_unused = IWL_OP_MODE_GET_DVM(op_mode); struct ieee80211_tx_info *info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); struct iwl_lq_sta *lq_sta = priv_sta; int rate_idx; @@ -2805,9 +2805,10 @@ static void *rs_alloc_sta(void *priv_rate, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, gfp_t gfp) { struct iwl_station_priv *sta_priv = (struct iwl_station_priv *) sta->drv_priv; - struct iwl_priv *priv; + struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode __maybe_unused = + (struct iwl_op_mode *)priv_rate; + struct iwl_priv *priv __maybe_unused = IWL_OP_MODE_GET_DVM(op_mode); - priv = (struct iwl_priv *)priv_rate; IWL_DEBUG_RATE(priv, "create station rate scale window\n"); return &sta_priv->lq_sta; @@ -2910,7 +2911,7 @@ void iwl_rs_rate_init(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u8 sta_i lq_sta->dbg_fixed_rate = 0; #endif - rs_initialize_lq(priv, conf, sta, lq_sta); + rs_initialize_lq(priv, sta, lq_sta); } static void rs_fill_link_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, @@ -3074,7 +3075,8 @@ static void rs_free(void *priv_rate) static void rs_free_sta(void *priv_r, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, void *priv_sta) { - struct iwl_priv *priv __maybe_unused = priv_r; + struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode __maybe_unused = priv_r; + struct iwl_priv *priv __maybe_unused = IWL_OP_MODE_GET_DVM(op_mode); IWL_DEBUG_RATE(priv, "enter\n"); IWL_DEBUG_RATE(priv, "leave\n"); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-rs.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-rs.h index 6675b3c816d989e3a7f47f1a8f025fac98aab67e..203b1c13c491ffc00bb0b343caad9b54bdabf839 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-rs.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-rs.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-rx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-rx.c index b22b2976f899e037cb73884c1ef66b9af565386f..44c6f712b77d5f9b5a39359ff7e5e17c86e7b9ab 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-rx.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-rx.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Portions of this file are derived from the ipw3945 project, as well * as portionhelp of the ieee80211 subsystem header files. @@ -131,26 +131,27 @@ const char *get_cmd_string(u8 cmd) ******************************************************************************/ static int iwlagn_rx_reply_error(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); + struct iwl_error_resp *err_resp = (void *)pkt->data; IWL_ERR(priv, "Error Reply type 0x%08X cmd %s (0x%02X) " "seq 0x%04X ser 0x%08X\n", - le32_to_cpu(pkt->u.err_resp.error_type), - get_cmd_string(pkt->u.err_resp.cmd_id), - pkt->u.err_resp.cmd_id, - le16_to_cpu(pkt->u.err_resp.bad_cmd_seq_num), - le32_to_cpu(pkt->u.err_resp.error_info)); + le32_to_cpu(err_resp->error_type), + get_cmd_string(err_resp->cmd_id), + err_resp->cmd_id, + le16_to_cpu(err_resp->bad_cmd_seq_num), + le32_to_cpu(err_resp->error_info)); return 0; } -static int iwlagn_rx_csa(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, +static int iwlagn_rx_csa(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); - struct iwl_csa_notification *csa = &(pkt->u.csa_notif); + struct iwl_csa_notification *csa = (void *)pkt->data; /* * MULTI-FIXME * See iwlagn_mac_channel_switch. @@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_csa(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = &priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS]; struct iwl_rxon_cmd *rxon = (void *)&ctx->active; - if (!test_bit(STATUS_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (!test_bit(STATUS_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING, &priv->status)) return 0; if (!le32_to_cpu(csa->status) && csa->channel == priv->switch_channel) { @@ -177,11 +178,11 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_csa(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, static int iwlagn_rx_spectrum_measure_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); - struct iwl_spectrum_notification *report = &(pkt->u.spectrum_notif); + struct iwl_spectrum_notification *report = (void *)pkt->data; if (!report->state) { IWL_DEBUG_11H(priv, @@ -195,12 +196,12 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_spectrum_measure_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, } static int iwlagn_rx_pm_sleep_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); - struct iwl_sleep_notification *sleep = &(pkt->u.sleep_notif); + struct iwl_sleep_notification *sleep = (void *)pkt->data; IWL_DEBUG_RX(priv, "sleep mode: %d, src: %d\n", sleep->pm_sleep_mode, sleep->pm_wakeup_src); #endif @@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_pm_sleep_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, } static int iwlagn_rx_pm_debug_statistics_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); @@ -217,16 +218,16 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_pm_debug_statistics_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, IWL_DEBUG_RADIO(priv, "Dumping %d bytes of unhandled " "notification for %s:\n", len, get_cmd_string(pkt->hdr.cmd)); - iwl_print_hex_dump(priv, IWL_DL_RADIO, pkt->u.raw, len); + iwl_print_hex_dump(priv, IWL_DL_RADIO, pkt->data, len); return 0; } static int iwlagn_rx_beacon_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); - struct iwlagn_beacon_notif *beacon = (void *)pkt->u.raw; + struct iwlagn_beacon_notif *beacon = (void *)pkt->data; #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG u16 status = le16_to_cpu(beacon->beacon_notify_hdr.status.status); u8 rate = iwl_hw_get_rate(beacon->beacon_notify_hdr.rate_n_flags); @@ -266,6 +267,8 @@ static bool iwlagn_good_ack_health(struct iwl_priv *priv, if (priv->agg_tids_count) return true; + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->statistics.lock); + old = &priv->statistics.tx; actual_delta = le32_to_cpu(cur->actual_ack_cnt) - @@ -318,7 +321,7 @@ static bool iwlagn_good_plcp_health(struct iwl_priv *priv, unsigned int msecs) { int delta; - int threshold = cfg(priv)->base_params->plcp_delta_threshold; + int threshold = priv->plcp_delta_threshold; if (threshold == IWL_MAX_PLCP_ERR_THRESHOLD_DISABLE) { IWL_DEBUG_RADIO(priv, "plcp_err check disabled\n"); @@ -352,7 +355,7 @@ static void iwlagn_recover_from_statistics(struct iwl_priv *priv, { unsigned int msecs; - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) return; msecs = jiffies_to_msecs(stamp - priv->rx_statistics_jiffies); @@ -487,7 +490,7 @@ iwlagn_accumulative_statistics(struct iwl_priv *priv, #endif static int iwlagn_rx_statistics(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { unsigned long stamp = jiffies; @@ -509,9 +512,11 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_statistics(struct iwl_priv *priv, IWL_DEBUG_RX(priv, "Statistics notification received (%d bytes).\n", len); + spin_lock(&priv->statistics.lock); + if (len == sizeof(struct iwl_bt_notif_statistics)) { struct iwl_bt_notif_statistics *stats; - stats = &pkt->u.stats_bt; + stats = (void *)&pkt->data; flag = &stats->flag; common = &stats->general.common; rx_non_phy = &stats->rx.general.common; @@ -529,7 +534,7 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_statistics(struct iwl_priv *priv, #endif } else if (len == sizeof(struct iwl_notif_statistics)) { struct iwl_notif_statistics *stats; - stats = &pkt->u.stats; + stats = (void *)&pkt->data; flag = &stats->flag; common = &stats->general.common; rx_non_phy = &stats->rx.general; @@ -542,6 +547,7 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_statistics(struct iwl_priv *priv, WARN_ONCE(1, "len %d doesn't match BT (%zu) or normal (%zu)\n", len, sizeof(struct iwl_bt_notif_statistics), sizeof(struct iwl_notif_statistics)); + spin_unlock(&priv->statistics.lock); return 0; } @@ -569,7 +575,7 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_statistics(struct iwl_priv *priv, priv->rx_statistics_jiffies = stamp; - set_bit(STATUS_STATISTICS, &priv->shrd->status); + set_bit(STATUS_STATISTICS, &priv->status); /* Reschedule the statistics timer to occur in * reg_recalib_period seconds to ensure we get a @@ -578,23 +584,27 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_statistics(struct iwl_priv *priv, mod_timer(&priv->statistics_periodic, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(reg_recalib_period * 1000)); - if (unlikely(!test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->shrd->status)) && + if (unlikely(!test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->status)) && (pkt->hdr.cmd == STATISTICS_NOTIFICATION)) { iwlagn_rx_calc_noise(priv); - queue_work(priv->shrd->workqueue, &priv->run_time_calib_work); + queue_work(priv->workqueue, &priv->run_time_calib_work); } if (cfg(priv)->lib->temperature && change) cfg(priv)->lib->temperature(priv); + + spin_unlock(&priv->statistics.lock); + return 0; } static int iwlagn_rx_reply_statistics(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); + struct iwl_notif_statistics *stats = (void *)pkt->data; - if (le32_to_cpu(pkt->u.stats.flag) & UCODE_STATISTICS_CLEAR_MSK) { + if (le32_to_cpu(stats->flag) & UCODE_STATISTICS_CLEAR_MSK) { #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUGFS memset(&priv->accum_stats, 0, sizeof(priv->accum_stats)); @@ -612,12 +622,13 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_reply_statistics(struct iwl_priv *priv, /* Handle notification from uCode that card's power state is changing * due to software, hardware, or critical temperature RFKILL */ static int iwlagn_rx_card_state_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); - u32 flags = le32_to_cpu(pkt->u.card_state_notif.flags); - unsigned long status = priv->shrd->status; + struct iwl_card_state_notif *card_state_notif = (void *)pkt->data; + u32 flags = le32_to_cpu(card_state_notif->flags); + unsigned long status = priv->status; IWL_DEBUG_RF_KILL(priv, "Card state received: HW:%s SW:%s CT:%s\n", (flags & HW_CARD_DISABLED) ? "Kill" : "On", @@ -628,16 +639,16 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_card_state_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, if (flags & (SW_CARD_DISABLED | HW_CARD_DISABLED | CT_CARD_DISABLED)) { - iwl_write32(bus(priv), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_SET, + iwl_write32(trans(priv), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_SET, CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_BIT_CMD_BLOCKED); - iwl_write_direct32(bus(priv), HBUS_TARG_MBX_C, + iwl_write_direct32(trans(priv), HBUS_TARG_MBX_C, HBUS_TARG_MBX_C_REG_BIT_CMD_BLOCKED); if (!(flags & RXON_CARD_DISABLED)) { - iwl_write32(bus(priv), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_CLR, + iwl_write32(trans(priv), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_CLR, CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_BIT_CMD_BLOCKED); - iwl_write_direct32(bus(priv), HBUS_TARG_MBX_C, + iwl_write_direct32(trans(priv), HBUS_TARG_MBX_C, HBUS_TARG_MBX_C_REG_BIT_CMD_BLOCKED); } if (flags & CT_CARD_DISABLED) @@ -647,32 +658,31 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_card_state_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, iwl_tt_exit_ct_kill(priv); if (flags & HW_CARD_DISABLED) - set_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &priv->shrd->status); + set_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &priv->status); else - clear_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &priv->shrd->status); + clear_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &priv->status); if (!(flags & RXON_CARD_DISABLED)) iwl_scan_cancel(priv); if ((test_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &status) != - test_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &priv->shrd->status))) + test_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &priv->status))) wiphy_rfkill_set_hw_state(priv->hw->wiphy, - test_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &priv->shrd->status)); + test_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &priv->status)); else - wake_up(&priv->shrd->wait_command_queue); + wake_up(&trans(priv)->wait_command_queue); return 0; } static int iwlagn_rx_missed_beacon_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); - struct iwl_missed_beacon_notif *missed_beacon; + struct iwl_missed_beacon_notif *missed_beacon = (void *)pkt->data; - missed_beacon = &pkt->u.missed_beacon; if (le32_to_cpu(missed_beacon->consecutive_missed_beacons) > priv->missed_beacon_threshold) { IWL_DEBUG_CALIB(priv, @@ -681,7 +691,7 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_missed_beacon_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, le32_to_cpu(missed_beacon->total_missed_becons), le32_to_cpu(missed_beacon->num_recvd_beacons), le32_to_cpu(missed_beacon->num_expected_beacons)); - if (!test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (!test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->status)) iwl_init_sensitivity(priv); } return 0; @@ -690,13 +700,13 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_missed_beacon_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, /* Cache phy data (Rx signal strength, etc) for HT frame (REPLY_RX_PHY_CMD). * This will be used later in iwl_rx_reply_rx() for REPLY_RX_MPDU_CMD. */ static int iwlagn_rx_reply_rx_phy(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); priv->last_phy_res_valid = true; - memcpy(&priv->last_phy_res, pkt->u.raw, + memcpy(&priv->last_phy_res, pkt->data, sizeof(struct iwl_rx_phy_res)); return 0; } @@ -757,12 +767,14 @@ static void iwlagn_pass_packet_to_mac80211(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr, u16 len, u32 ampdu_status, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct ieee80211_rx_status *stats) { struct sk_buff *skb; __le16 fc = hdr->frame_control; struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx; + struct page *p; + int offset; /* We only process data packets if the interface is open */ if (unlikely(!priv->is_open)) { @@ -782,7 +794,9 @@ static void iwlagn_pass_packet_to_mac80211(struct iwl_priv *priv, return; } - skb_add_rx_frag(skb, 0, rxb->page, (void *)hdr - rxb_addr(rxb), len); + offset = (void *)hdr - rxb_addr(rxb); + p = rxb_steal_page(rxb); + skb_add_rx_frag(skb, 0, p, offset, len); iwl_update_stats(priv, false, fc, len); @@ -793,23 +807,18 @@ static void iwlagn_pass_packet_to_mac80211(struct iwl_priv *priv, * sometimes even after already having transmitted frames for the * association because the new RXON may reset the information. */ - if (unlikely(ieee80211_is_beacon(fc))) { + if (unlikely(ieee80211_is_beacon(fc) && priv->passive_no_rx)) { for_each_context(priv, ctx) { - if (!ctx->last_tx_rejected) - continue; if (compare_ether_addr(hdr->addr3, ctx->active.bssid_addr)) continue; - ctx->last_tx_rejected = false; - iwl_trans_wake_any_queue(trans(priv), ctx->ctxid, - "channel got active"); + iwlagn_lift_passive_no_rx(priv); } } memcpy(IEEE80211_SKB_RXCB(skb), stats, sizeof(*stats)); ieee80211_rx(priv->hw, skb); - rxb->page = NULL; } static u32 iwlagn_translate_rx_status(struct iwl_priv *priv, u32 decrypt_in) @@ -915,7 +924,7 @@ static int iwlagn_calc_rssi(struct iwl_priv *priv, /* Called for REPLY_RX (legacy ABG frames), or * REPLY_RX_MPDU_CMD (HT high-throughput N frames). */ static int iwlagn_rx_reply_rx(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { struct ieee80211_hdr *header; @@ -938,12 +947,12 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_reply_rx(struct iwl_priv *priv, * received. */ if (pkt->hdr.cmd == REPLY_RX) { - phy_res = (struct iwl_rx_phy_res *)pkt->u.raw; - header = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)(pkt->u.raw + sizeof(*phy_res) + phy_res = (struct iwl_rx_phy_res *)pkt->data; + header = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)(pkt->data + sizeof(*phy_res) + phy_res->cfg_phy_cnt); len = le16_to_cpu(phy_res->byte_count); - rx_pkt_status = *(__le32 *)(pkt->u.raw + sizeof(*phy_res) + + rx_pkt_status = *(__le32 *)(pkt->data + sizeof(*phy_res) + phy_res->cfg_phy_cnt + len); ampdu_status = le32_to_cpu(rx_pkt_status); } else { @@ -952,10 +961,10 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_reply_rx(struct iwl_priv *priv, return 0; } phy_res = &priv->last_phy_res; - amsdu = (struct iwl_rx_mpdu_res_start *)pkt->u.raw; - header = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)(pkt->u.raw + sizeof(*amsdu)); + amsdu = (struct iwl_rx_mpdu_res_start *)pkt->data; + header = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)(pkt->data + sizeof(*amsdu)); len = le16_to_cpu(amsdu->byte_count); - rx_pkt_status = *(__le32 *)(pkt->u.raw + sizeof(*amsdu) + len); + rx_pkt_status = *(__le32 *)(pkt->data + sizeof(*amsdu) + len); ampdu_status = iwlagn_translate_rx_status(priv, le32_to_cpu(rx_pkt_status)); } @@ -1035,12 +1044,12 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_reply_rx(struct iwl_priv *priv, } static int iwlagn_rx_noa_notification(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { struct iwl_wipan_noa_data *new_data, *old_data; struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); - struct iwl_wipan_noa_notification *noa_notif = (void *)pkt->u.raw; + struct iwl_wipan_noa_notification *noa_notif = (void *)pkt->data; /* no condition -- we're in softirq */ old_data = rcu_dereference_protected(priv->noa_data, true); @@ -1086,7 +1095,7 @@ static int iwlagn_rx_noa_notification(struct iwl_priv *priv, */ void iwl_setup_rx_handlers(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - int (**handlers)(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + int (**handlers)(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd); handlers = priv->rx_handlers; @@ -1131,20 +1140,20 @@ void iwl_setup_rx_handlers(struct iwl_priv *priv) priv->rx_handlers[REPLY_TX] = iwlagn_rx_reply_tx; /* set up notification wait support */ - spin_lock_init(&priv->shrd->notif_wait_lock); - INIT_LIST_HEAD(&priv->shrd->notif_waits); - init_waitqueue_head(&priv->shrd->notif_waitq); + iwl_notification_wait_init(&priv->notif_wait); /* Set up BT Rx handlers */ - if (cfg(priv)->lib->bt_rx_handler_setup) - cfg(priv)->lib->bt_rx_handler_setup(priv); - + if (cfg(priv)->bt_params) + iwlagn_bt_rx_handler_setup(priv); } -int iwl_rx_dispatch(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, - struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) +int iwl_rx_dispatch(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode, struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_OP_MODE_GET_DVM(op_mode); + void (*pre_rx_handler)(struct iwl_priv *, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *); int err = 0; /* @@ -1152,40 +1161,34 @@ int iwl_rx_dispatch(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, * even if the RX handler consumes the RXB we have * access to it in the notification wait entry. */ - if (!list_empty(&priv->shrd->notif_waits)) { - struct iwl_notification_wait *w; - - spin_lock(&priv->shrd->notif_wait_lock); - list_for_each_entry(w, &priv->shrd->notif_waits, list) { - if (w->cmd != pkt->hdr.cmd) - continue; + iwl_notification_wait_notify(&priv->notif_wait, pkt); + + /* RX data may be forwarded to userspace (using pre_rx_handler) in one + * of two cases: the first, that the user owns the uCode through + * testmode - in such case the pre_rx_handler is set and no further + * processing takes place. The other case is when the user want to + * monitor the rx w/o affecting the regular flow - the pre_rx_handler + * will be set but the ownership flag != IWL_OWNERSHIP_TM and the flow + * continues. + * We need to use ACCESS_ONCE to prevent a case where the handler + * changes between the check and the call. + */ + pre_rx_handler = ACCESS_ONCE(priv->pre_rx_handler); + if (pre_rx_handler) + pre_rx_handler(priv, rxb); + if (priv->ucode_owner != IWL_OWNERSHIP_TM) { + /* Based on type of command response or notification, + * handle those that need handling via function in + * rx_handlers table. See iwl_setup_rx_handlers() */ + if (priv->rx_handlers[pkt->hdr.cmd]) { + priv->rx_handlers_stats[pkt->hdr.cmd]++; + err = priv->rx_handlers[pkt->hdr.cmd] (priv, rxb, cmd); + } else { + /* No handling needed */ IWL_DEBUG_RX(priv, - "Notif: %s, 0x%02x - wake the callers up\n", - get_cmd_string(pkt->hdr.cmd), - pkt->hdr.cmd); - w->triggered = true; - if (w->fn) - w->fn(trans(priv), pkt, w->fn_data); + "No handler needed for %s, 0x%02x\n", + get_cmd_string(pkt->hdr.cmd), pkt->hdr.cmd); } - spin_unlock(&priv->shrd->notif_wait_lock); - - wake_up_all(&priv->shrd->notif_waitq); - } - - if (priv->pre_rx_handler) - priv->pre_rx_handler(priv, rxb); - - /* Based on type of command response or notification, - * handle those that need handling via function in - * rx_handlers table. See iwl_setup_rx_handlers() */ - if (priv->rx_handlers[pkt->hdr.cmd]) { - priv->rx_handlers_stats[pkt->hdr.cmd]++; - err = priv->rx_handlers[pkt->hdr.cmd] (priv, rxb, cmd); - } else { - /* No handling needed */ - IWL_DEBUG_RX(priv, - "No handler needed for %s, 0x%02x\n", - get_cmd_string(pkt->hdr.cmd), pkt->hdr.cmd); } return err; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-rxon.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-rxon.c index 1c66594166216ead48f032417f34e10ea6ebd2f3..2e1a31797a9e59c16af11c7630e2b576f236b11e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-rxon.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-rxon.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ static int iwlagn_disable_bss(struct iwl_priv *priv, int ret; send->filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), ctx->rxon_cmd, + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, ctx->rxon_cmd, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(*send), send); send->filter_flags = old_filter; @@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ static int iwlagn_disable_pan(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 old_dev_type = send->dev_type; int ret; - iwl_init_notification_wait(priv->shrd, &disable_wait, - REPLY_WIPAN_DEACTIVATION_COMPLETE, - NULL, NULL); + iwl_init_notification_wait(&priv->notif_wait, &disable_wait, + REPLY_WIPAN_DEACTIVATION_COMPLETE, + NULL, NULL); send->filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; send->dev_type = RXON_DEV_TYPE_P2P; - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), ctx->rxon_cmd, + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, ctx->rxon_cmd, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(*send), send); send->filter_flags = old_filter; @@ -74,9 +74,10 @@ static int iwlagn_disable_pan(struct iwl_priv *priv, if (ret) { IWL_ERR(priv, "Error disabling PAN (%d)\n", ret); - iwl_remove_notification(priv->shrd, &disable_wait); + iwl_remove_notification(&priv->notif_wait, &disable_wait); } else { - ret = iwl_wait_notification(priv->shrd, &disable_wait, HZ); + ret = iwl_wait_notification(&priv->notif_wait, + &disable_wait, HZ); if (ret) IWL_ERR(priv, "Timed out waiting for PAN disable\n"); } @@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ static int iwlagn_disconn_pan(struct iwl_priv *priv, int ret; send->filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), ctx->rxon_cmd, CMD_SYNC, + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, ctx->rxon_cmd, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(*send), send); send->filter_flags = old_filter; @@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ static void iwlagn_update_qos(struct iwl_priv *priv, ctx->qos_data.qos_active, ctx->qos_data.def_qos_parm.qos_flags); - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), ctx->qos_cmd, CMD_SYNC, + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, ctx->qos_cmd, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(struct iwl_qosparam_cmd), &ctx->qos_data.def_qos_parm); if (ret) @@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ static void iwlagn_update_qos(struct iwl_priv *priv, static int iwlagn_update_beacon(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) { - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); dev_kfree_skb(priv->beacon_skb); priv->beacon_skb = ieee80211_beacon_get(priv->hw, vif); @@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ static int iwlagn_send_rxon_assoc(struct iwl_priv *priv, ctx->staging.ofdm_ht_triple_stream_basic_rates; rxon_assoc.acquisition_data = ctx->staging.acquisition_data; - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), ctx->rxon_assoc_cmd, + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, ctx->rxon_assoc_cmd, CMD_ASYNC, sizeof(rxon_assoc), &rxon_assoc); return ret; } @@ -266,7 +267,7 @@ static int iwlagn_rxon_connect(struct iwl_priv *priv, * Associated RXON doesn't clear the station table in uCode, * so we don't need to restore stations etc. after this. */ - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), ctx->rxon_cmd, CMD_SYNC, + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, ctx->rxon_cmd, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(struct iwl_rxon_cmd), &ctx->staging); if (ret) { IWL_ERR(priv, "Error setting new RXON (%d)\n", ret); @@ -274,8 +275,6 @@ static int iwlagn_rxon_connect(struct iwl_priv *priv, } memcpy(active, &ctx->staging, sizeof(*active)); - iwl_reprogram_ap_sta(priv, ctx); - /* IBSS beacon needs to be sent after setting assoc */ if (ctx->vif && (ctx->vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC)) if (iwlagn_update_beacon(priv, ctx->vif)) @@ -315,7 +314,7 @@ int iwlagn_set_pan_params(struct iwl_priv *priv) BUILD_BUG_ON(NUM_IWL_RXON_CTX != 2); - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); ctx_bss = &priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS]; ctx_pan = &priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_PAN]; @@ -362,7 +361,7 @@ int iwlagn_set_pan_params(struct iwl_priv *priv) slot0 = bcnint / 2; slot1 = bcnint - slot0; - if (test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->shrd->status) || + if (test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->status) || (!ctx_bss->vif->bss_conf.idle && !ctx_bss->vif->bss_conf.assoc)) { slot0 = dtim * bcnint * 3 - IWL_MIN_SLOT_TIME; @@ -378,7 +377,7 @@ int iwlagn_set_pan_params(struct iwl_priv *priv) ctx_pan->beacon_int; slot1 = max_t(int, DEFAULT_BEACON_INTERVAL, slot1); - if (test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->shrd->status)) { + if (test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->status)) { slot0 = slot1 * 3 - IWL_MIN_SLOT_TIME; slot1 = IWL_MIN_SLOT_TIME; } @@ -387,7 +386,7 @@ int iwlagn_set_pan_params(struct iwl_priv *priv) cmd.slots[0].width = cpu_to_le16(slot0); cmd.slots[1].width = cpu_to_le16(slot1); - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), REPLY_WIPAN_PARAMS, CMD_SYNC, + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, REPLY_WIPAN_PARAMS, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(cmd), &cmd); if (ret) IWL_ERR(priv, "Error setting PAN parameters (%d)\n", ret); @@ -420,12 +419,9 @@ int iwlagn_commit_rxon(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx) bool new_assoc = !!(ctx->staging.filter_flags & RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK); int ret; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); - - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) - return -EINVAL; + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); - if (!iwl_is_alive(priv->shrd)) + if (!iwl_is_alive(priv)) return -EBUSY; /* This function hardcodes a bunch of dual-mode assumptions */ @@ -434,10 +430,6 @@ int iwlagn_commit_rxon(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx) if (!ctx->is_active) return 0; - /* override BSSID if necessary due to preauth */ - if (ctx->preauth_bssid) - memcpy(ctx->staging.bssid_addr, ctx->bssid, ETH_ALEN); - /* always get timestamp with Rx frame */ ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_TSF2HOST_MSK; @@ -445,8 +437,7 @@ int iwlagn_commit_rxon(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx) * force CTS-to-self frames protection if RTS-CTS is not preferred * one aggregation protection method */ - if (!(cfg(priv)->ht_params && - cfg(priv)->ht_params->use_rts_for_aggregation)) + if (!hw_params(priv).use_rts_for_aggregation) ctx->staging.flags |= RXON_FLG_SELF_CTS_EN; if ((ctx->vif && ctx->vif->bss_conf.use_short_slot) || @@ -466,7 +457,7 @@ int iwlagn_commit_rxon(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx) * receive commit_rxon request * abort any previous channel switch if still in process */ - if (test_bit(STATUS_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status) && + if (test_bit(STATUS_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING, &priv->status) && (priv->switch_channel != ctx->staging.channel)) { IWL_DEBUG_11H(priv, "abort channel switch on %d\n", le16_to_cpu(priv->switch_channel)); @@ -549,7 +540,7 @@ void iwlagn_config_ht40(struct ieee80211_conf *conf, int iwlagn_mac_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 changed) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx; struct ieee80211_conf *conf = &hw->conf; struct ieee80211_channel *channel = conf->channel; @@ -558,17 +549,14 @@ int iwlagn_mac_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 changed) IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "enter: changed %#x", changed); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) - goto out; - - if (unlikely(test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->shrd->status))) { + if (unlikely(test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->status))) { IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave - scanning\n"); goto out; } - if (!iwl_is_ready(priv->shrd)) { + if (!iwl_is_ready(priv)) { IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave - not ready\n"); goto out; } @@ -590,8 +578,6 @@ int iwlagn_mac_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 changed) } if (changed & IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_CHANNEL) { - unsigned long flags; - ch_info = iwl_get_channel_info(priv, channel->band, channel->hw_value); if (!is_channel_valid(ch_info)) { @@ -600,8 +586,6 @@ int iwlagn_mac_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 changed) goto out; } - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); - for_each_context(priv, ctx) { /* Configure HT40 channels */ if (ctx->ht.enabled != conf_is_ht(conf)) @@ -636,8 +620,6 @@ int iwlagn_mac_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 changed) ctx->vif); } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); - iwl_update_bcast_stations(priv); /* @@ -668,7 +650,7 @@ int iwlagn_mac_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 changed) iwlagn_commit_rxon(priv, ctx); } out: - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); return ret; @@ -685,7 +667,7 @@ static void iwlagn_check_needed_chains(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_sta_ht_cap *ht_cap; bool need_multiple; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); switch (vif->type) { case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION: @@ -789,7 +771,7 @@ static void iwlagn_chain_noise_reset(struct iwl_priv *priv) memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); iwl_set_calib_hdr(&cmd.hdr, priv->phy_calib_chain_noise_reset_cmd); - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, REPLY_PHY_CALIBRATION_CMD, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(cmd), &cmd); if (ret) @@ -805,22 +787,22 @@ void iwlagn_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_bss_conf *bss_conf, u32 changes) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = iwl_rxon_ctx_from_vif(vif); int ret; bool force = false; - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); - if (unlikely(!iwl_is_ready(priv->shrd))) { + if (unlikely(!iwl_is_ready(priv))) { IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave - not ready\n"); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); return; } if (unlikely(!ctx->vif)) { IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave - vif is NULL\n"); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); return; } @@ -840,7 +822,7 @@ void iwlagn_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (changes & BSS_CHANGED_ASSOC) { if (bss_conf->assoc) { - priv->timestamp = bss_conf->timestamp; + priv->timestamp = bss_conf->last_tsf; ctx->staging.filter_flags |= RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; } else { /* @@ -851,12 +833,8 @@ void iwlagn_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, * not get stuck in this case either since it * can happen if userspace gets confused. */ - if (ctx->last_tx_rejected) { - ctx->last_tx_rejected = false; - iwl_trans_wake_any_queue(trans(priv), - ctx->ctxid, - "Disassoc: flush queue"); - } + iwlagn_lift_passive_no_rx(priv); + ctx->staging.filter_flags &= ~RXON_FILTER_ASSOC_MSK; if (ctx->ctxid == IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS) @@ -900,6 +878,22 @@ void iwlagn_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } } + /* + * If the ucode decides to do beacon filtering before + * association, it will lose beacons that are needed + * before sending frames out on passive channels. This + * causes association failures on those channels. Enable + * receiving beacons in such cases. + */ + + if (vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) { + if (!bss_conf->assoc) + ctx->staging.filter_flags |= RXON_FILTER_BCON_AWARE_MSK; + else + ctx->staging.filter_flags &= + ~RXON_FILTER_BCON_AWARE_MSK; + } + if (force || memcmp(&ctx->staging, &ctx->active, sizeof(ctx->staging))) iwlagn_commit_rxon(priv, ctx); @@ -916,7 +910,6 @@ void iwlagn_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (!priv->disable_chain_noise_cal) iwlagn_chain_noise_reset(priv); priv->start_calib = 1; - WARN_ON(ctx->preauth_bssid); } if (changes & BSS_CHANGED_IBSS) { @@ -934,7 +927,7 @@ void iwlagn_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, IWL_ERR(priv, "Error sending IBSS beacon\n"); } - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); } void iwlagn_post_scan(struct iwl_priv *priv) diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-sta.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-sta.c index e483cfa8d14e175aac3432f77951d3641989f116..c4175603864b24f195cd0aa9dda554783a67a80f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-sta.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-sta.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Portions of this file are derived from the ipw3945 project, as well * as portions of the ieee80211 subsystem header files. @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ * Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 * *****************************************************************************/ - +#include #include #include "iwl-dev.h" @@ -34,10 +34,14 @@ #include "iwl-agn.h" #include "iwl-trans.h" -/* priv->shrd->sta_lock must be held */ -static void iwl_sta_ucode_activate(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 sta_id) +static int iwl_sta_ucode_activate(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 sta_id) { + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->sta_lock); + if (sta_id >= IWLAGN_STATION_COUNT) { + IWL_ERR(priv, "invalid sta_id %u", sta_id); + return -EINVAL; + } if (!(priv->stations[sta_id].used & IWL_STA_DRIVER_ACTIVE)) IWL_ERR(priv, "ACTIVATE a non DRIVER active station id %u " "addr %pM\n", @@ -53,14 +57,15 @@ static void iwl_sta_ucode_activate(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 sta_id) IWL_DEBUG_ASSOC(priv, "Added STA id %u addr %pM to uCode\n", sta_id, priv->stations[sta_id].sta.sta.addr); } + return 0; } static int iwl_process_add_sta_resp(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_addsta_cmd *addsta, struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt) { + struct iwl_add_sta_resp *add_sta_resp = (void *)pkt->data; u8 sta_id = addsta->sta.sta_id; - unsigned long flags; int ret = -EIO; if (pkt->hdr.flags & IWL_CMD_FAILED_MSK) { @@ -72,13 +77,12 @@ static int iwl_process_add_sta_resp(struct iwl_priv *priv, IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Processing response for adding station %u\n", sta_id); - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_lock(&priv->sta_lock); - switch (pkt->u.add_sta.status) { + switch (add_sta_resp->status) { case ADD_STA_SUCCESS_MSK: IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "REPLY_ADD_STA PASSED\n"); - iwl_sta_ucode_activate(priv, sta_id); - ret = 0; + ret = iwl_sta_ucode_activate(priv, sta_id); break; case ADD_STA_NO_ROOM_IN_TABLE: IWL_ERR(priv, "Adding station %d failed, no room in table.\n", @@ -94,7 +98,7 @@ static int iwl_process_add_sta_resp(struct iwl_priv *priv, break; default: IWL_DEBUG_ASSOC(priv, "Received REPLY_ADD_STA:(0x%08X)\n", - pkt->u.add_sta.status); + add_sta_resp->status); break; } @@ -115,12 +119,12 @@ static int iwl_process_add_sta_resp(struct iwl_priv *priv, priv->stations[sta_id].sta.mode == STA_CONTROL_MODIFY_MSK ? "Modified" : "Added", addsta->sta.addr); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock(&priv->sta_lock); return ret; } -int iwl_add_sta_callback(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, +int iwl_add_sta_callback(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); @@ -150,14 +154,14 @@ int iwl_send_add_sta(struct iwl_priv *priv, might_sleep(); } - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), &cmd); + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &cmd); if (ret || (flags & CMD_ASYNC)) return ret; /*else the command was successfully sent in SYNC mode, need to free * the reply page */ - iwl_free_pages(priv->shrd, cmd.reply_page); + iwl_free_resp(&cmd); if (cmd.handler_status) IWL_ERR(priv, "%s - error in the CMD response %d", __func__, @@ -166,34 +170,38 @@ int iwl_send_add_sta(struct iwl_priv *priv, return cmd.handler_status; } -static void iwl_set_ht_add_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 index, - struct ieee80211_sta *sta, - struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx) +static void iwl_sta_calc_ht_flags(struct iwl_priv *priv, + struct ieee80211_sta *sta, + struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, + __le32 *flags, __le32 *mask) { struct ieee80211_sta_ht_cap *sta_ht_inf = &sta->ht_cap; - __le32 sta_flags; u8 mimo_ps_mode; + *mask = STA_FLG_RTS_MIMO_PROT_MSK | + STA_FLG_MIMO_DIS_MSK | + STA_FLG_HT40_EN_MSK | + STA_FLG_MAX_AGG_SIZE_MSK | + STA_FLG_AGG_MPDU_DENSITY_MSK; + *flags = 0; + if (!sta || !sta_ht_inf->ht_supported) - goto done; + return; mimo_ps_mode = (sta_ht_inf->cap & IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SM_PS) >> 2; - IWL_DEBUG_ASSOC(priv, "spatial multiplexing power save mode: %s\n", + + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "STA %pM SM PS mode: %s\n", (mimo_ps_mode == WLAN_HT_CAP_SM_PS_STATIC) ? "static" : (mimo_ps_mode == WLAN_HT_CAP_SM_PS_DYNAMIC) ? "dynamic" : "disabled"); - sta_flags = priv->stations[index].sta.station_flags; - - sta_flags &= ~(STA_FLG_RTS_MIMO_PROT_MSK | STA_FLG_MIMO_DIS_MSK); - switch (mimo_ps_mode) { case WLAN_HT_CAP_SM_PS_STATIC: - sta_flags |= STA_FLG_MIMO_DIS_MSK; + *flags |= STA_FLG_MIMO_DIS_MSK; break; case WLAN_HT_CAP_SM_PS_DYNAMIC: - sta_flags |= STA_FLG_RTS_MIMO_PROT_MSK; + *flags |= STA_FLG_RTS_MIMO_PROT_MSK; break; case WLAN_HT_CAP_SM_PS_DISABLED: break; @@ -202,20 +210,53 @@ static void iwl_set_ht_add_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 index, break; } - sta_flags |= cpu_to_le32( - (u32)sta_ht_inf->ampdu_factor << STA_FLG_MAX_AGG_SIZE_POS); + *flags |= cpu_to_le32( + (u32)sta_ht_inf->ampdu_factor << STA_FLG_MAX_AGG_SIZE_POS); - sta_flags |= cpu_to_le32( - (u32)sta_ht_inf->ampdu_density << STA_FLG_AGG_MPDU_DENSITY_POS); + *flags |= cpu_to_le32( + (u32)sta_ht_inf->ampdu_density << STA_FLG_AGG_MPDU_DENSITY_POS); if (iwl_is_ht40_tx_allowed(priv, ctx, &sta->ht_cap)) - sta_flags |= STA_FLG_HT40_EN_MSK; - else - sta_flags &= ~STA_FLG_HT40_EN_MSK; + *flags |= STA_FLG_HT40_EN_MSK; +} + +int iwl_sta_update_ht(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, + struct ieee80211_sta *sta) +{ + u8 sta_id = iwl_sta_id(sta); + __le32 flags, mask; + struct iwl_addsta_cmd cmd; + + if (WARN_ON_ONCE(sta_id == IWL_INVALID_STATION)) + return -EINVAL; + + iwl_sta_calc_ht_flags(priv, sta, ctx, &flags, &mask); + + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); + priv->stations[sta_id].sta.station_flags &= ~mask; + priv->stations[sta_id].sta.station_flags |= flags; + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); + + memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); + cmd.mode = STA_CONTROL_MODIFY_MSK; + cmd.station_flags_msk = mask; + cmd.station_flags = flags; + cmd.sta.sta_id = sta_id; + + return iwl_send_add_sta(priv, &cmd, CMD_SYNC); +} - priv->stations[index].sta.station_flags = sta_flags; - done: - return; +static void iwl_set_ht_add_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 index, + struct ieee80211_sta *sta, + struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx) +{ + __le32 flags, mask; + + iwl_sta_calc_ht_flags(priv, sta, ctx, &flags, &mask); + + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->sta_lock); + priv->stations[index].sta.station_flags &= ~mask; + priv->stations[index].sta.station_flags |= flags; } /** @@ -314,18 +355,17 @@ int iwl_add_station_common(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, const u8 *addr, bool is_ap, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u8 *sta_id_r) { - unsigned long flags_spin; int ret = 0; u8 sta_id; struct iwl_addsta_cmd sta_cmd; *sta_id_r = 0; - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags_spin); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); sta_id = iwl_prep_station(priv, ctx, addr, is_ap, sta); if (sta_id == IWL_INVALID_STATION) { IWL_ERR(priv, "Unable to prepare station %pM for addition\n", addr); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags_spin); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); return -EINVAL; } @@ -337,7 +377,7 @@ int iwl_add_station_common(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, if (priv->stations[sta_id].used & IWL_STA_UCODE_INPROGRESS) { IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "STA %d already in process of being " "added.\n", sta_id); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags_spin); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); return -EEXIST; } @@ -345,24 +385,24 @@ int iwl_add_station_common(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, (priv->stations[sta_id].used & IWL_STA_UCODE_ACTIVE)) { IWL_DEBUG_ASSOC(priv, "STA %d (%pM) already added, not " "adding again.\n", sta_id, addr); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags_spin); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); return -EEXIST; } priv->stations[sta_id].used |= IWL_STA_UCODE_INPROGRESS; memcpy(&sta_cmd, &priv->stations[sta_id].sta, sizeof(struct iwl_addsta_cmd)); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags_spin); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); /* Add station to device's station table */ ret = iwl_send_add_sta(priv, &sta_cmd, CMD_SYNC); if (ret) { - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags_spin); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); IWL_ERR(priv, "Adding station %pM failed.\n", priv->stations[sta_id].sta.sta.addr); priv->stations[sta_id].used &= ~IWL_STA_DRIVER_ACTIVE; priv->stations[sta_id].used &= ~IWL_STA_UCODE_INPROGRESS; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags_spin); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); } *sta_id_r = sta_id; return ret; @@ -370,11 +410,11 @@ int iwl_add_station_common(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, /** * iwl_sta_ucode_deactivate - deactivate ucode status for a station - * - * priv->shrd->sta_lock must be held */ static void iwl_sta_ucode_deactivate(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 sta_id) { + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->sta_lock); + /* Ucode must be active and driver must be non active */ if ((priv->stations[sta_id].used & (IWL_STA_UCODE_ACTIVE | IWL_STA_DRIVER_ACTIVE)) != @@ -393,8 +433,6 @@ static int iwl_send_remove_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt; int ret; - - unsigned long flags_spin; struct iwl_rem_sta_cmd rm_sta_cmd; struct iwl_host_cmd cmd = { @@ -410,12 +448,12 @@ static int iwl_send_remove_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, cmd.flags |= CMD_WANT_SKB; - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), &cmd); + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &cmd); if (ret) return ret; - pkt = (struct iwl_rx_packet *)cmd.reply_page; + pkt = cmd.resp_pkt; if (pkt->hdr.flags & IWL_CMD_FAILED_MSK) { IWL_ERR(priv, "Bad return from REPLY_REMOVE_STA (0x%08X)\n", pkt->hdr.flags); @@ -423,14 +461,13 @@ static int iwl_send_remove_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, } if (!ret) { - switch (pkt->u.rem_sta.status) { + struct iwl_rem_sta_resp *rem_sta_resp = (void *)pkt->data; + switch (rem_sta_resp->status) { case REM_STA_SUCCESS_MSK: if (!temporary) { - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, - flags_spin); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); iwl_sta_ucode_deactivate(priv, sta_id); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, - flags_spin); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); } IWL_DEBUG_ASSOC(priv, "REPLY_REMOVE_STA PASSED\n"); break; @@ -440,7 +477,7 @@ static int iwl_send_remove_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, break; } } - iwl_free_pages(priv->shrd, cmd.reply_page); + iwl_free_resp(&cmd); return ret; } @@ -451,10 +488,9 @@ static int iwl_send_remove_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, int iwl_remove_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, const u8 sta_id, const u8 *addr) { - unsigned long flags; u8 tid; - if (!iwl_is_ready(priv->shrd)) { + if (!iwl_is_ready(priv)) { IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Unable to remove station %pM, device not ready.\n", addr); @@ -472,7 +508,7 @@ int iwl_remove_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, const u8 sta_id, if (WARN_ON(sta_id == IWL_INVALID_STATION)) return -EINVAL; - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); if (!(priv->stations[sta_id].used & IWL_STA_DRIVER_ACTIVE)) { IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Removing %pM but non DRIVER active\n", @@ -502,14 +538,49 @@ int iwl_remove_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, const u8 sta_id, if (WARN_ON(priv->num_stations < 0)) priv->num_stations = 0; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); return iwl_send_remove_station(priv, addr, sta_id, false); out_err: - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); return -EINVAL; } +void iwl_deactivate_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, const u8 sta_id, + const u8 *addr) +{ + u8 tid; + + if (!iwl_is_ready(priv)) { + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, + "Unable to remove station %pM, device not ready.\n", + addr); + return; + } + + IWL_DEBUG_ASSOC(priv, "Deactivating STA: %pM (%d)\n", addr, sta_id); + + if (WARN_ON_ONCE(sta_id == IWL_INVALID_STATION)) + return; + + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); + + WARN_ON_ONCE(!(priv->stations[sta_id].used & IWL_STA_DRIVER_ACTIVE)); + + for (tid = 0; tid < IWL_MAX_TID_COUNT; tid++) + memset(&priv->tid_data[sta_id][tid], 0, + sizeof(priv->tid_data[sta_id][tid])); + + priv->stations[sta_id].used &= ~IWL_STA_DRIVER_ACTIVE; + + priv->num_stations--; + + if (WARN_ON_ONCE(priv->num_stations < 0)) + priv->num_stations = 0; + + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); +} + /** * iwl_clear_ucode_stations - clear ucode station table bits * @@ -522,12 +593,11 @@ void iwl_clear_ucode_stations(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx) { int i; - unsigned long flags_spin; bool cleared = false; IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Clearing ucode stations in driver\n"); - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags_spin); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); for (i = 0; i < IWLAGN_STATION_COUNT; i++) { if (ctx && ctx->ctxid != priv->stations[i].ctxid) continue; @@ -539,7 +609,7 @@ void iwl_clear_ucode_stations(struct iwl_priv *priv, cleared = true; } } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags_spin); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); if (!cleared) IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, @@ -558,20 +628,19 @@ void iwl_restore_stations(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx) { struct iwl_addsta_cmd sta_cmd; struct iwl_link_quality_cmd lq; - unsigned long flags_spin; int i; bool found = false; int ret; bool send_lq; - if (!iwl_is_ready(priv->shrd)) { + if (!iwl_is_ready(priv)) { IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Not ready yet, not restoring any stations.\n"); return; } IWL_DEBUG_ASSOC(priv, "Restoring all known stations ... start.\n"); - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags_spin); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); for (i = 0; i < IWLAGN_STATION_COUNT; i++) { if (ctx->ctxid != priv->stations[i].ctxid) continue; @@ -591,27 +660,24 @@ void iwl_restore_stations(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx) sizeof(struct iwl_addsta_cmd)); send_lq = false; if (priv->stations[i].lq) { - if (priv->shrd->wowlan) + if (priv->wowlan) iwl_sta_fill_lq(priv, ctx, i, &lq); else memcpy(&lq, priv->stations[i].lq, sizeof(struct iwl_link_quality_cmd)); send_lq = true; } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, - flags_spin); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); ret = iwl_send_add_sta(priv, &sta_cmd, CMD_SYNC); if (ret) { - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, - flags_spin); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); IWL_ERR(priv, "Adding station %pM failed.\n", priv->stations[i].sta.sta.addr); priv->stations[i].used &= ~IWL_STA_DRIVER_ACTIVE; priv->stations[i].used &= ~IWL_STA_UCODE_INPROGRESS; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, - flags_spin); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); } /* * Rate scaling has already been initialized, send @@ -620,12 +686,12 @@ void iwl_restore_stations(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx) if (send_lq) iwl_send_lq_cmd(priv, ctx, &lq, CMD_SYNC, true); - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags_spin); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); priv->stations[i].used &= ~IWL_STA_UCODE_INPROGRESS; } } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags_spin); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); if (!found) IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Restoring all known stations .... " "no stations to be restored.\n"); @@ -634,52 +700,6 @@ void iwl_restore_stations(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx) "complete.\n"); } -void iwl_reprogram_ap_sta(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx) -{ - unsigned long flags; - int sta_id = ctx->ap_sta_id; - int ret; - struct iwl_addsta_cmd sta_cmd; - struct iwl_link_quality_cmd lq; - bool active, have_lq = false; - - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); - if (!(priv->stations[sta_id].used & IWL_STA_DRIVER_ACTIVE)) { - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); - return; - } - - memcpy(&sta_cmd, &priv->stations[sta_id].sta, sizeof(sta_cmd)); - sta_cmd.mode = 0; - if (priv->stations[sta_id].lq) { - memcpy(&lq, priv->stations[sta_id].lq, sizeof(lq)); - have_lq = true; - } - - active = priv->stations[sta_id].used & IWL_STA_UCODE_ACTIVE; - priv->stations[sta_id].used &= ~IWL_STA_DRIVER_ACTIVE; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); - - if (active) { - ret = iwl_send_remove_station( - priv, priv->stations[sta_id].sta.sta.addr, - sta_id, true); - if (ret) - IWL_ERR(priv, "failed to remove STA %pM (%d)\n", - priv->stations[sta_id].sta.sta.addr, ret); - } - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); - priv->stations[sta_id].used |= IWL_STA_DRIVER_ACTIVE; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); - - ret = iwl_send_add_sta(priv, &sta_cmd, CMD_SYNC); - if (ret) - IWL_ERR(priv, "failed to re-add STA %pM (%d)\n", - priv->stations[sta_id].sta.sta.addr, ret); - if (have_lq) - iwl_send_lq_cmd(priv, ctx, &lq, CMD_SYNC, true); -} - int iwl_get_free_ucode_key_offset(struct iwl_priv *priv) { int i; @@ -693,10 +713,9 @@ int iwl_get_free_ucode_key_offset(struct iwl_priv *priv) void iwl_dealloc_bcast_stations(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - unsigned long flags; int i; - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); for (i = 0; i < IWLAGN_STATION_COUNT; i++) { if (!(priv->stations[i].used & IWL_STA_BCAST)) continue; @@ -708,7 +727,7 @@ void iwl_dealloc_bcast_stations(struct iwl_priv *priv) kfree(priv->stations[i].lq); priv->stations[i].lq = NULL; } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); } #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG @@ -780,8 +799,6 @@ int iwl_send_lq_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, struct iwl_link_quality_cmd *lq, u8 flags, bool init) { int ret = 0; - unsigned long flags_spin; - struct iwl_host_cmd cmd = { .id = REPLY_TX_LINK_QUALITY_CMD, .len = { sizeof(struct iwl_link_quality_cmd), }, @@ -793,19 +810,19 @@ int iwl_send_lq_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, return -EINVAL; - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags_spin); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); if (!(priv->stations[lq->sta_id].used & IWL_STA_DRIVER_ACTIVE)) { - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags_spin); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); return -EINVAL; } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags_spin); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); iwl_dump_lq_cmd(priv, lq); if (WARN_ON(init && (cmd.flags & CMD_ASYNC))) return -EINVAL; if (is_lq_table_valid(priv, ctx, lq)) - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), &cmd); + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &cmd); else ret = -EINVAL; @@ -816,9 +833,9 @@ int iwl_send_lq_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "init LQ command complete, " "clearing sta addition status for sta %d\n", lq->sta_id); - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags_spin); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); priv->stations[lq->sta_id].used &= ~IWL_STA_UCODE_INPROGRESS; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags_spin); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); } return ret; } @@ -831,7 +848,7 @@ void iwl_sta_fill_lq(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, u32 rate_flags = 0; __le32 rate_n_flags; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); memset(link_cmd, 0, sizeof(*link_cmd)); @@ -903,7 +920,6 @@ int iwlagn_add_bssid_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, int ret; u8 sta_id; struct iwl_link_quality_cmd *link_cmd; - unsigned long flags; if (sta_id_r) *sta_id_r = IWL_INVALID_STATION; @@ -917,9 +933,9 @@ int iwlagn_add_bssid_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, if (sta_id_r) *sta_id_r = sta_id; - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); priv->stations[sta_id].used |= IWL_STA_LOCAL; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); /* Set up default rate scaling table in device's station table */ link_cmd = iwl_sta_alloc_lq(priv, ctx, sta_id); @@ -934,9 +950,9 @@ int iwlagn_add_bssid_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, if (ret) IWL_ERR(priv, "Link quality command failed (%d)\n", ret); - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); priv->stations[sta_id].lq = link_cmd; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); return 0; } @@ -991,7 +1007,7 @@ static int iwl_send_static_wepkey_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, cmd.len[0] = cmd_size; if (not_empty || send_if_empty) - return iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), &cmd); + return iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &cmd); else return 0; } @@ -999,7 +1015,7 @@ static int iwl_send_static_wepkey_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, int iwl_restore_default_wep_keys(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx) { - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); return iwl_send_static_wepkey_cmd(priv, ctx, false); } @@ -1010,13 +1026,13 @@ int iwl_remove_default_wep_key(struct iwl_priv *priv, { int ret; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_WEP(priv, "Removing default WEP key: idx=%d\n", keyconf->keyidx); memset(&ctx->wep_keys[keyconf->keyidx], 0, sizeof(ctx->wep_keys[0])); - if (iwl_is_rfkill(priv->shrd)) { + if (iwl_is_rfkill(priv)) { IWL_DEBUG_WEP(priv, "Not sending REPLY_WEPKEY command due to RFKILL.\n"); /* but keys in device are clear anyway so return success */ @@ -1035,7 +1051,7 @@ int iwl_set_default_wep_key(struct iwl_priv *priv, { int ret; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); if (keyconf->keylen != WEP_KEY_LEN_128 && keyconf->keylen != WEP_KEY_LEN_64) { @@ -1077,32 +1093,19 @@ static u8 iwlagn_key_sta_id(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_sta *sta) { struct iwl_vif_priv *vif_priv = (void *)vif->drv_priv; - u8 sta_id = IWL_INVALID_STATION; if (sta) - sta_id = iwl_sta_id(sta); + return iwl_sta_id(sta); /* * The device expects GTKs for station interfaces to be * installed as GTKs for the AP station. If we have no * station ID, then use the ap_sta_id in that case. */ - if (!sta && vif && vif_priv->ctx) { - switch (vif->type) { - case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION: - sta_id = vif_priv->ctx->ap_sta_id; - break; - default: - /* - * In all other cases, the key will be - * used either for TX only or is bound - * to a station already. - */ - break; - } - } + if (vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION && vif_priv->ctx) + return vif_priv->ctx->ap_sta_id; - return sta_id; + return IWL_INVALID_STATION; } static int iwlagn_send_sta_key(struct iwl_priv *priv, @@ -1110,14 +1113,13 @@ static int iwlagn_send_sta_key(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 sta_id, u32 tkip_iv32, u16 *tkip_p1k, u32 cmd_flags) { - unsigned long flags; __le16 key_flags; struct iwl_addsta_cmd sta_cmd; int i; - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); memcpy(&sta_cmd, &priv->stations[sta_id].sta, sizeof(sta_cmd)); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); key_flags = cpu_to_le16(keyconf->keyidx << STA_KEY_FLG_KEYID_POS); key_flags |= STA_KEY_FLG_MAP_KEY_MSK; @@ -1184,7 +1186,6 @@ int iwl_remove_dynamic_key(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_key_conf *keyconf, struct ieee80211_sta *sta) { - unsigned long flags; struct iwl_addsta_cmd sta_cmd; u8 sta_id = iwlagn_key_sta_id(priv, ctx->vif, sta); __le16 key_flags; @@ -1193,16 +1194,16 @@ int iwl_remove_dynamic_key(struct iwl_priv *priv, if (sta_id == IWL_INVALID_STATION) return -ENOENT; - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); memcpy(&sta_cmd, &priv->stations[sta_id].sta, sizeof(sta_cmd)); if (!(priv->stations[sta_id].used & IWL_STA_UCODE_ACTIVE)) sta_id = IWL_INVALID_STATION; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); if (sta_id == IWL_INVALID_STATION) return 0; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); ctx->key_mapping_keys--; @@ -1242,7 +1243,7 @@ int iwl_set_dynamic_key(struct iwl_priv *priv, if (sta_id == IWL_INVALID_STATION) return -EINVAL; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); keyconf->hw_key_idx = iwl_get_free_ucode_key_offset(priv); if (keyconf->hw_key_idx == WEP_INVALID_OFFSET) @@ -1297,21 +1298,20 @@ int iwlagn_alloc_bcast_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx) { struct iwl_link_quality_cmd *link_cmd; - unsigned long flags; u8 sta_id; - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); sta_id = iwl_prep_station(priv, ctx, iwl_bcast_addr, false, NULL); if (sta_id == IWL_INVALID_STATION) { IWL_ERR(priv, "Unable to prepare broadcast station\n"); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); return -EINVAL; } priv->stations[sta_id].used |= IWL_STA_DRIVER_ACTIVE; priv->stations[sta_id].used |= IWL_STA_BCAST; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); link_cmd = iwl_sta_alloc_lq(priv, ctx, sta_id); if (!link_cmd) { @@ -1320,9 +1320,9 @@ int iwlagn_alloc_bcast_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, return -ENOMEM; } - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); priv->stations[sta_id].lq = link_cmd; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); return 0; } @@ -1336,7 +1336,6 @@ int iwlagn_alloc_bcast_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, int iwl_update_bcast_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx) { - unsigned long flags; struct iwl_link_quality_cmd *link_cmd; u8 sta_id = ctx->bcast_sta_id; @@ -1346,13 +1345,13 @@ int iwl_update_bcast_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, return -ENOMEM; } - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); if (priv->stations[sta_id].lq) kfree(priv->stations[sta_id].lq); else IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Bcast station rate scaling has not been initialized yet.\n"); priv->stations[sta_id].lq = link_cmd; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); return 0; } @@ -1376,18 +1375,17 @@ int iwl_update_bcast_stations(struct iwl_priv *priv) */ int iwl_sta_tx_modify_enable_tid(struct iwl_priv *priv, int sta_id, int tid) { - unsigned long flags; struct iwl_addsta_cmd sta_cmd; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); /* Remove "disable" flag, to enable Tx for this TID */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); priv->stations[sta_id].sta.sta.modify_mask = STA_MODIFY_TID_DISABLE_TX; priv->stations[sta_id].sta.tid_disable_tx &= cpu_to_le16(~(1 << tid)); priv->stations[sta_id].sta.mode = STA_CONTROL_MODIFY_MSK; memcpy(&sta_cmd, &priv->stations[sta_id].sta, sizeof(struct iwl_addsta_cmd)); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); return iwl_send_add_sta(priv, &sta_cmd, CMD_SYNC); } @@ -1395,24 +1393,23 @@ int iwl_sta_tx_modify_enable_tid(struct iwl_priv *priv, int sta_id, int tid) int iwl_sta_rx_agg_start(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, int tid, u16 ssn) { - unsigned long flags; int sta_id; struct iwl_addsta_cmd sta_cmd; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); sta_id = iwl_sta_id(sta); if (sta_id == IWL_INVALID_STATION) return -ENXIO; - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); priv->stations[sta_id].sta.station_flags_msk = 0; priv->stations[sta_id].sta.sta.modify_mask = STA_MODIFY_ADDBA_TID_MSK; priv->stations[sta_id].sta.add_immediate_ba_tid = (u8)tid; priv->stations[sta_id].sta.add_immediate_ba_ssn = cpu_to_le16(ssn); priv->stations[sta_id].sta.mode = STA_CONTROL_MODIFY_MSK; memcpy(&sta_cmd, &priv->stations[sta_id].sta, sizeof(struct iwl_addsta_cmd)); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); return iwl_send_add_sta(priv, &sta_cmd, CMD_SYNC); } @@ -1420,11 +1417,10 @@ int iwl_sta_rx_agg_start(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, int iwl_sta_rx_agg_stop(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, int tid) { - unsigned long flags; int sta_id; struct iwl_addsta_cmd sta_cmd; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); sta_id = iwl_sta_id(sta); if (sta_id == IWL_INVALID_STATION) { @@ -1432,13 +1428,13 @@ int iwl_sta_rx_agg_stop(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, return -ENXIO; } - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); priv->stations[sta_id].sta.station_flags_msk = 0; priv->stations[sta_id].sta.sta.modify_mask = STA_MODIFY_DELBA_TID_MSK; priv->stations[sta_id].sta.remove_immediate_ba_tid = (u8)tid; priv->stations[sta_id].sta.mode = STA_CONTROL_MODIFY_MSK; memcpy(&sta_cmd, &priv->stations[sta_id].sta, sizeof(struct iwl_addsta_cmd)); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); return iwl_send_add_sta(priv, &sta_cmd, CMD_SYNC); } @@ -1447,16 +1443,14 @@ int iwl_sta_rx_agg_stop(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, void iwl_sta_modify_sleep_tx_count(struct iwl_priv *priv, int sta_id, int cnt) { - unsigned long flags; - - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); - priv->stations[sta_id].sta.station_flags |= STA_FLG_PWR_SAVE_MSK; - priv->stations[sta_id].sta.station_flags_msk = STA_FLG_PWR_SAVE_MSK; - priv->stations[sta_id].sta.sta.modify_mask = - STA_MODIFY_SLEEP_TX_COUNT_MSK; - priv->stations[sta_id].sta.sleep_tx_count = cpu_to_le16(cnt); - priv->stations[sta_id].sta.mode = STA_CONTROL_MODIFY_MSK; - iwl_send_add_sta(priv, &priv->stations[sta_id].sta, CMD_ASYNC); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + struct iwl_addsta_cmd cmd = { + .mode = STA_CONTROL_MODIFY_MSK, + .station_flags = STA_FLG_PWR_SAVE_MSK, + .station_flags_msk = STA_FLG_PWR_SAVE_MSK, + .sta.sta_id = sta_id, + .sta.modify_mask = STA_MODIFY_SLEEP_TX_COUNT_MSK, + .sleep_tx_count = cpu_to_le16(cnt), + }; + iwl_send_add_sta(priv, &cmd, CMD_ASYNC); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-tt.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-tt.c index b0dff7a753a56a5e60db10f6d5ab46dd024e7932..baaf5ba2fc38b79e818e8e2ef19b469a89bf72d1 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-tt.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-tt.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Portions of this file are derived from the ipw3945 project, as well * as portions of the ieee80211 subsystem header files. @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ #include +#include "iwl-agn.h" #include "iwl-eeprom.h" #include "iwl-dev.h" #include "iwl-core.h" @@ -173,24 +174,24 @@ static void iwl_tt_check_exit_ct_kill(unsigned long data) struct iwl_tt_mgmt *tt = &priv->thermal_throttle; unsigned long flags; - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) return; if (tt->state == IWL_TI_CT_KILL) { if (priv->thermal_throttle.ct_kill_toggle) { - iwl_write32(bus(priv), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_CLR, + iwl_write32(trans(priv), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_CLR, CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_REG_BIT_CT_KILL_EXIT); priv->thermal_throttle.ct_kill_toggle = false; } else { - iwl_write32(bus(priv), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_SET, + iwl_write32(trans(priv), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_SET, CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_REG_BIT_CT_KILL_EXIT); priv->thermal_throttle.ct_kill_toggle = true; } - iwl_read32(bus(priv), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1); - spin_lock_irqsave(&bus(priv)->reg_lock, flags); - if (!iwl_grab_nic_access(bus(priv))) - iwl_release_nic_access(bus(priv)); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus(priv)->reg_lock, flags); + iwl_read32(trans(priv), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans(priv)->reg_lock, flags); + if (likely(iwl_grab_nic_access(trans(priv)))) + iwl_release_nic_access(trans(priv)); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans(priv)->reg_lock, flags); /* Reschedule the ct_kill timer to occur in * CT_KILL_EXIT_DURATION seconds to ensure we get a @@ -224,7 +225,7 @@ static void iwl_tt_ready_for_ct_kill(unsigned long data) struct iwl_priv *priv = (struct iwl_priv *)data; struct iwl_tt_mgmt *tt = &priv->thermal_throttle; - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) return; /* temperature timer expired, ready to go into CT_KILL state */ @@ -232,7 +233,7 @@ static void iwl_tt_ready_for_ct_kill(unsigned long data) IWL_DEBUG_TEMP(priv, "entering CT_KILL state when " "temperature timer expired\n"); tt->state = IWL_TI_CT_KILL; - set_bit(STATUS_CT_KILL, &priv->shrd->status); + set_bit(STATUS_CT_KILL, &priv->status); iwl_perform_ct_kill_task(priv, true); } } @@ -310,24 +311,23 @@ static void iwl_legacy_tt_handler(struct iwl_priv *priv, s32 temp, bool force) tt->tt_power_mode = IWL_POWER_INDEX_5; break; } - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); if (old_state == IWL_TI_CT_KILL) - clear_bit(STATUS_CT_KILL, &priv->shrd->status); + clear_bit(STATUS_CT_KILL, &priv->status); if (tt->state != IWL_TI_CT_KILL && iwl_power_update_mode(priv, true)) { /* TT state not updated * try again during next temperature read */ if (old_state == IWL_TI_CT_KILL) - set_bit(STATUS_CT_KILL, &priv->shrd->status); + set_bit(STATUS_CT_KILL, &priv->status); tt->state = old_state; IWL_ERR(priv, "Cannot update power mode, " "TT state not updated\n"); } else { if (tt->state == IWL_TI_CT_KILL) { if (force) { - set_bit(STATUS_CT_KILL, - &priv->shrd->status); + set_bit(STATUS_CT_KILL, &priv->status); iwl_perform_ct_kill_task(priv, true); } else { iwl_prepare_ct_kill_task(priv); @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ static void iwl_legacy_tt_handler(struct iwl_priv *priv, s32 temp, bool force) IWL_DEBUG_TEMP(priv, "Power Index change to %u\n", tt->tt_power_mode); } - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); } } @@ -451,9 +451,9 @@ static void iwl_advance_tt_handler(struct iwl_priv *priv, s32 temp, bool force) * in case get disabled before */ iwl_set_rxon_ht(priv, &priv->current_ht_config); } - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); if (old_state == IWL_TI_CT_KILL) - clear_bit(STATUS_CT_KILL, &priv->shrd->status); + clear_bit(STATUS_CT_KILL, &priv->status); if (tt->state != IWL_TI_CT_KILL && iwl_power_update_mode(priv, true)) { /* TT state not updated @@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ static void iwl_advance_tt_handler(struct iwl_priv *priv, s32 temp, bool force) IWL_ERR(priv, "Cannot update power mode, " "TT state not updated\n"); if (old_state == IWL_TI_CT_KILL) - set_bit(STATUS_CT_KILL, &priv->shrd->status); + set_bit(STATUS_CT_KILL, &priv->status); tt->state = old_state; } else { IWL_DEBUG_TEMP(priv, @@ -473,8 +473,7 @@ static void iwl_advance_tt_handler(struct iwl_priv *priv, s32 temp, bool force) if (force) { IWL_DEBUG_TEMP(priv, "Enter IWL_TI_CT_KILL\n"); - set_bit(STATUS_CT_KILL, - &priv->shrd->status); + set_bit(STATUS_CT_KILL, &priv->status); iwl_perform_ct_kill_task(priv, true); } else { iwl_prepare_ct_kill_task(priv); @@ -486,7 +485,7 @@ static void iwl_advance_tt_handler(struct iwl_priv *priv, s32 temp, bool force) iwl_perform_ct_kill_task(priv, false); } } - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); } } @@ -505,10 +504,10 @@ static void iwl_bg_ct_enter(struct work_struct *work) struct iwl_priv *priv = container_of(work, struct iwl_priv, ct_enter); struct iwl_tt_mgmt *tt = &priv->thermal_throttle; - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) return; - if (!iwl_is_ready(priv->shrd)) + if (!iwl_is_ready(priv)) return; if (tt->state != IWL_TI_CT_KILL) { @@ -534,10 +533,10 @@ static void iwl_bg_ct_exit(struct work_struct *work) struct iwl_priv *priv = container_of(work, struct iwl_priv, ct_exit); struct iwl_tt_mgmt *tt = &priv->thermal_throttle; - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) return; - if (!iwl_is_ready(priv->shrd)) + if (!iwl_is_ready(priv)) return; /* stop ct_kill_exit_tm timer */ @@ -564,20 +563,20 @@ static void iwl_bg_ct_exit(struct work_struct *work) void iwl_tt_enter_ct_kill(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) return; IWL_DEBUG_TEMP(priv, "Queueing critical temperature enter.\n"); - queue_work(priv->shrd->workqueue, &priv->ct_enter); + queue_work(priv->workqueue, &priv->ct_enter); } void iwl_tt_exit_ct_kill(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) return; IWL_DEBUG_TEMP(priv, "Queueing critical temperature exit.\n"); - queue_work(priv->shrd->workqueue, &priv->ct_exit); + queue_work(priv->workqueue, &priv->ct_exit); } static void iwl_bg_tt_work(struct work_struct *work) @@ -585,7 +584,7 @@ static void iwl_bg_tt_work(struct work_struct *work) struct iwl_priv *priv = container_of(work, struct iwl_priv, tt_work); s32 temp = priv->temperature; /* degrees CELSIUS except specified */ - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) return; if (!priv->thermal_throttle.advanced_tt) @@ -596,11 +595,11 @@ static void iwl_bg_tt_work(struct work_struct *work) void iwl_tt_handler(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) return; IWL_DEBUG_TEMP(priv, "Queueing thermal throttling work.\n"); - queue_work(priv->shrd->workqueue, &priv->tt_work); + queue_work(priv->workqueue, &priv->tt_work); } /* Thermal throttling initialization diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-tt.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-tt.h index 7282a23e8f1ce3faab9e3cf78080323a65b9a453..86bbf47501c1b90d956c9e9035233ca2701e0c08 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-tt.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-tt.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Portions of this file are derived from the ipw3945 project, as well * as portions of the ieee80211 subsystem header files. diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-tx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-tx.c index 63bbc60be28e461ada4e173b5caafbd43f243c31..34adedc74d35a5a4308e07cbb6ad9491d9c88d66 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-tx.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn-tx.c @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ static void iwlagn_tx_cmd_build_rate(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 data_retry_limit; u8 rate_plcp; - if (priv->shrd->wowlan) { + if (priv->wowlan) { rts_retry_limit = IWLAGN_LOW_RETRY_LIMIT; data_retry_limit = IWLAGN_LOW_RETRY_LIMIT; } else { @@ -208,10 +208,9 @@ static void iwlagn_tx_cmd_build_rate(struct iwl_priv *priv, } static void iwlagn_tx_cmd_build_hwcrypto(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct ieee80211_tx_info *info, - struct iwl_tx_cmd *tx_cmd, - struct sk_buff *skb_frag, - int sta_id) + struct ieee80211_tx_info *info, + struct iwl_tx_cmd *tx_cmd, + struct sk_buff *skb_frag) { struct ieee80211_key_conf *keyconf = info->control.hw_key; @@ -249,6 +248,35 @@ static void iwlagn_tx_cmd_build_hwcrypto(struct iwl_priv *priv, } } +/** + * iwl_sta_id_or_broadcast - return sta_id or broadcast sta + * @context: the current context + * @sta: mac80211 station + * + * In certain circumstances mac80211 passes a station pointer + * that may be %NULL, for example during TX or key setup. In + * that case, we need to use the broadcast station, so this + * inline wraps that pattern. + */ +static int iwl_sta_id_or_broadcast(struct iwl_rxon_context *context, + struct ieee80211_sta *sta) +{ + int sta_id; + + if (!sta) + return context->bcast_sta_id; + + sta_id = iwl_sta_id(sta); + + /* + * mac80211 should not be passing a partially + * initialised station! + */ + WARN_ON(sta_id == IWL_INVALID_STATION); + + return sta_id; +} + /* * start REPLY_TX command process */ @@ -260,19 +288,16 @@ int iwlagn_tx_skb(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct sk_buff *skb) struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = &priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS]; struct iwl_device_cmd *dev_cmd = NULL; struct iwl_tx_cmd *tx_cmd; - __le16 fc; u8 hdr_len; u16 len, seq_number = 0; u8 sta_id, tid = IWL_MAX_TID_COUNT; - unsigned long flags; bool is_agg = false; if (info->control.vif) ctx = iwl_rxon_ctx_from_vif(info->control.vif); - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); - if (iwl_is_rfkill(priv->shrd)) { + if (iwl_is_rfkill(priv)) { IWL_DEBUG_DROP(priv, "Dropping - RF KILL\n"); goto drop_unlock_priv; } @@ -308,7 +333,7 @@ int iwlagn_tx_skb(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct sk_buff *skb) sta_id = ctx->bcast_sta_id; else { /* Find index into station table for destination station */ - sta_id = iwl_sta_id_or_broadcast(priv, ctx, info->control.sta); + sta_id = iwl_sta_id_or_broadcast(ctx, info->control.sta); if (sta_id == IWL_INVALID_STATION) { IWL_DEBUG_DROP(priv, "Dropping - INVALID STATION: %pM\n", hdr->addr1); @@ -322,7 +347,7 @@ int iwlagn_tx_skb(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct sk_buff *skb) sta_priv = (void *)info->control.sta->drv_priv; if (sta_priv && sta_priv->asleep && - (info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_POLL_RESPONSE)) { + (info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_PS_BUFFER)) { /* * This sends an asynchronous command to the device, * but we can rely on it being processed before the @@ -331,6 +356,10 @@ int iwlagn_tx_skb(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct sk_buff *skb) * counter. * For now set the counter to just 1 since we do not * support uAPSD yet. + * + * FIXME: If we get two non-bufferable frames one + * after the other, we might only send out one of + * them because this is racy. */ iwl_sta_modify_sleep_tx_count(priv, sta_id, 1); } @@ -338,13 +367,10 @@ int iwlagn_tx_skb(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct sk_buff *skb) if (info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_AMPDU) is_agg = true; - /* irqs already disabled/saved above when locking priv->shrd->lock */ - spin_lock(&priv->shrd->sta_lock); - - dev_cmd = kmem_cache_alloc(priv->tx_cmd_pool, GFP_ATOMIC); + dev_cmd = kmem_cache_alloc(iwl_tx_cmd_pool, GFP_ATOMIC); if (unlikely(!dev_cmd)) - goto drop_unlock_sta; + goto drop_unlock_priv; memset(dev_cmd, 0, sizeof(*dev_cmd)); tx_cmd = (struct iwl_tx_cmd *) dev_cmd->payload; @@ -354,7 +380,7 @@ int iwlagn_tx_skb(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct sk_buff *skb) tx_cmd->len = cpu_to_le16(len); if (info->control.hw_key) - iwlagn_tx_cmd_build_hwcrypto(priv, info, tx_cmd, skb, sta_id); + iwlagn_tx_cmd_build_hwcrypto(priv, info, tx_cmd, skb); /* TODO need this for burst mode later on */ iwlagn_tx_cmd_build_basic(priv, skb, tx_cmd, info, hdr, sta_id); @@ -369,6 +395,8 @@ int iwlagn_tx_skb(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct sk_buff *skb) info->driver_data[0] = ctx; info->driver_data[1] = dev_cmd; + spin_lock(&priv->sta_lock); + if (ieee80211_is_data_qos(fc) && !ieee80211_is_qos_nullfunc(fc)) { u8 *qc = NULL; struct iwl_tid_data *tid_data; @@ -414,8 +442,7 @@ int iwlagn_tx_skb(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct sk_buff *skb) !ieee80211_has_morefrags(fc)) priv->tid_data[sta_id][tid].seq_number = seq_number; - spin_unlock(&priv->shrd->sta_lock); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock(&priv->sta_lock); /* * Avoid atomic ops if it isn't an associated client. @@ -431,10 +458,9 @@ int iwlagn_tx_skb(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct sk_buff *skb) drop_unlock_sta: if (dev_cmd) - kmem_cache_free(priv->tx_cmd_pool, dev_cmd); - spin_unlock(&priv->shrd->sta_lock); + kmem_cache_free(iwl_tx_cmd_pool, dev_cmd); + spin_unlock(&priv->sta_lock); drop_unlock_priv: - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); return -1; } @@ -442,7 +468,6 @@ int iwlagn_tx_agg_stop(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u16 tid) { struct iwl_tid_data *tid_data; - unsigned long flags; int sta_id; sta_id = iwl_sta_id(sta); @@ -452,7 +477,7 @@ int iwlagn_tx_agg_stop(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, return -ENXIO; } - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); tid_data = &priv->tid_data[sta_id][tid]; @@ -472,7 +497,7 @@ int iwlagn_tx_agg_stop(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, IWL_WARN(priv, "Stopping AGG while state not ON " "or starting for %d on %d (%d)\n", sta_id, tid, priv->tid_data[sta_id][tid].agg.state); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); return 0; } @@ -486,7 +511,7 @@ int iwlagn_tx_agg_stop(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, tid_data->next_reclaimed); priv->tid_data[sta_id][tid].agg.state = IWL_EMPTYING_HW_QUEUE_DELBA; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); return 0; } @@ -495,14 +520,10 @@ int iwlagn_tx_agg_stop(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, turn_off: priv->tid_data[sta_id][tid].agg.state = IWL_AGG_OFF; - /* do not restore/save irqs */ - spin_unlock(&priv->shrd->sta_lock); - spin_lock(&priv->shrd->lock); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); iwl_trans_tx_agg_disable(trans(priv), sta_id, tid); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); - ieee80211_stop_tx_ba_cb_irqsafe(vif, sta->addr, tid); return 0; @@ -512,7 +533,6 @@ int iwlagn_tx_agg_start(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u16 tid, u16 *ssn) { struct iwl_tid_data *tid_data; - unsigned long flags; int sta_id; int ret; @@ -536,7 +556,7 @@ int iwlagn_tx_agg_start(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, if (ret) return ret; - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); tid_data = &priv->tid_data[sta_id][tid]; tid_data->agg.ssn = SEQ_TO_SN(tid_data->seq_number); @@ -545,7 +565,7 @@ int iwlagn_tx_agg_start(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, ret = iwl_trans_tx_agg_alloc(trans(priv), sta_id, tid); if (ret) { - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); return ret; } @@ -562,7 +582,7 @@ int iwlagn_tx_agg_start(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, tid_data->agg.state = IWL_EMPTYING_HW_QUEUE_ADDBA; } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); return ret; } @@ -572,14 +592,13 @@ int iwlagn_tx_agg_oper(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, { struct iwl_station_priv *sta_priv = (void *) sta->drv_priv; struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = iwl_rxon_ctx_from_vif(vif); - unsigned long flags; u16 ssn; buf_size = min_t(int, buf_size, LINK_QUAL_AGG_FRAME_LIMIT_DEF); - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); ssn = priv->tid_data[sta_priv->sta_id][tid].agg.ssn; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); iwl_trans_tx_agg_setup(trans(priv), ctx->ctxid, sta_priv->sta_id, tid, buf_size, ssn); @@ -604,8 +623,7 @@ int iwlagn_tx_agg_oper(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, sta_priv->max_agg_bufsize = min(sta_priv->max_agg_bufsize, buf_size); - if (cfg(priv)->ht_params && - cfg(priv)->ht_params->use_rts_for_aggregation) { + if (hw_params(priv).use_rts_for_aggregation) { /* * switch to RTS/CTS if it is the prefer protection * method for HT traffic @@ -635,7 +653,7 @@ static void iwlagn_check_ratid_empty(struct iwl_priv *priv, int sta_id, u8 tid) struct ieee80211_vif *vif; u8 *addr; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->sta_lock); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->sta_lock); addr = priv->stations[sta_id].sta.sta.addr; ctx = priv->stations[sta_id].ctxid; @@ -982,19 +1000,19 @@ static void iwl_check_abort_status(struct iwl_priv *priv, { if (frame_count == 1 && status == TX_STATUS_FAIL_RFKILL_FLUSH) { IWL_ERR(priv, "Tx flush command to flush out all frames\n"); - if (!test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) - queue_work(priv->shrd->workqueue, &priv->tx_flush); + if (!test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) + queue_work(priv->workqueue, &priv->tx_flush); } } -int iwlagn_rx_reply_tx(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, +int iwlagn_rx_reply_tx(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); u16 sequence = le16_to_cpu(pkt->hdr.sequence); int txq_id = SEQ_TO_QUEUE(sequence); int cmd_index __maybe_unused = SEQ_TO_INDEX(sequence); - struct iwlagn_tx_resp *tx_resp = (void *)&pkt->u.raw[0]; + struct iwlagn_tx_resp *tx_resp = (void *)pkt->data; struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr; u32 status = le16_to_cpu(tx_resp->status.status); u16 ssn = iwlagn_get_scd_ssn(tx_resp); @@ -1002,7 +1020,6 @@ int iwlagn_rx_reply_tx(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, int sta_id; int freed; struct ieee80211_tx_info *info; - unsigned long flags; struct sk_buff_head skbs; struct sk_buff *skb; struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx; @@ -1013,11 +1030,13 @@ int iwlagn_rx_reply_tx(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, sta_id = (tx_resp->ra_tid & IWLAGN_TX_RES_RA_MSK) >> IWLAGN_TX_RES_RA_POS; - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_lock(&priv->sta_lock); if (is_agg) iwl_rx_reply_tx_agg(priv, tx_resp); + __skb_queue_head_init(&skbs); + if (tx_resp->frame_count == 1) { u16 next_reclaimed = le16_to_cpu(tx_resp->seq_ctl); next_reclaimed = SEQ_TO_SN(next_reclaimed + 0x10); @@ -1037,8 +1056,6 @@ int iwlagn_rx_reply_tx(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, next_reclaimed = ssn; } - __skb_queue_head_init(&skbs); - if (tid != IWL_TID_NON_QOS) { priv->tid_data[sta_id][tid].next_reclaimed = next_reclaimed; @@ -1047,12 +1064,13 @@ int iwlagn_rx_reply_tx(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, } /*we can free until ssn % q.n_bd not inclusive */ - WARN_ON(iwl_trans_reclaim(trans(priv), sta_id, tid, txq_id, - ssn, status, &skbs)); + WARN_ON(iwl_trans_reclaim(trans(priv), sta_id, tid, + txq_id, ssn, &skbs)); iwlagn_check_ratid_empty(priv, sta_id, tid); freed = 0; - while (!skb_queue_empty(&skbs)) { - skb = __skb_dequeue(&skbs); + + /* process frames */ + skb_queue_walk(&skbs, skb) { hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)skb->data; if (!ieee80211_is_data_qos(hdr->frame_control)) @@ -1060,7 +1078,7 @@ int iwlagn_rx_reply_tx(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); ctx = info->driver_data[0]; - kmem_cache_free(priv->tx_cmd_pool, + kmem_cache_free(iwl_tx_cmd_pool, (info->driver_data[1])); memset(&info->status, 0, sizeof(info->status)); @@ -1068,9 +1086,11 @@ int iwlagn_rx_reply_tx(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, if (status == TX_STATUS_FAIL_PASSIVE_NO_RX && iwl_is_associated_ctx(ctx) && ctx->vif && ctx->vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) { - ctx->last_tx_rejected = true; - iwl_trans_stop_queue(trans(priv), txq_id, - "Tx on passive channel"); + /* block and stop all queues */ + priv->passive_no_rx = true; + IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(priv, "stop all queues: " + "passive channel"); + ieee80211_stop_queues(priv->hw); IWL_DEBUG_TX_REPLY(priv, "TXQ %d status %s (0x%08x) " @@ -1094,8 +1114,6 @@ int iwlagn_rx_reply_tx(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, if (!is_agg) iwlagn_non_agg_tx_status(priv, ctx, hdr->addr1); - ieee80211_tx_status_irqsafe(priv->hw, skb); - freed++; } @@ -1103,7 +1121,13 @@ int iwlagn_rx_reply_tx(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, } iwl_check_abort_status(priv, tx_resp->frame_count, status); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock(&priv->sta_lock); + + while (!skb_queue_empty(&skbs)) { + skb = __skb_dequeue(&skbs); + ieee80211_tx_status(priv->hw, skb); + } + return 0; } @@ -1114,17 +1138,16 @@ int iwlagn_rx_reply_tx(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, * of frames sent via aggregation. */ int iwlagn_rx_reply_compressed_ba(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); - struct iwl_compressed_ba_resp *ba_resp = &pkt->u.compressed_ba; + struct iwl_compressed_ba_resp *ba_resp = (void *)pkt->data; struct iwl_ht_agg *agg; struct sk_buff_head reclaimed_skbs; struct ieee80211_tx_info *info; struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr; struct sk_buff *skb; - unsigned long flags; int sta_id; int tid; int freed; @@ -1136,7 +1159,7 @@ int iwlagn_rx_reply_compressed_ba(struct iwl_priv *priv, * (in Tx queue's circular buffer) of first TFD/frame in window */ u16 ba_resp_scd_ssn = le16_to_cpu(ba_resp->scd_ssn); - if (scd_flow >= hw_params(priv).max_txq_num) { + if (scd_flow >= cfg(priv)->base_params->num_of_queues) { IWL_ERR(priv, "BUG_ON scd_flow is bigger than number of queues\n"); return 0; @@ -1146,12 +1169,12 @@ int iwlagn_rx_reply_compressed_ba(struct iwl_priv *priv, tid = ba_resp->tid; agg = &priv->tid_data[sta_id][tid].agg; - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_lock(&priv->sta_lock); if (unlikely(!agg->wait_for_ba)) { if (unlikely(ba_resp->bitmap)) IWL_ERR(priv, "Received BA when not expected\n"); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + spin_unlock(&priv->sta_lock); return 0; } @@ -1161,8 +1184,8 @@ int iwlagn_rx_reply_compressed_ba(struct iwl_priv *priv, * block-ack window (we assume that they've been successfully * transmitted ... if not, it's too late anyway). */ if (iwl_trans_reclaim(trans(priv), sta_id, tid, scd_flow, - ba_resp_scd_ssn, 0, &reclaimed_skbs)) { - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + ba_resp_scd_ssn, &reclaimed_skbs)) { + spin_unlock(&priv->sta_lock); return 0; } @@ -1198,9 +1221,8 @@ int iwlagn_rx_reply_compressed_ba(struct iwl_priv *priv, iwlagn_check_ratid_empty(priv, sta_id, tid); freed = 0; - while (!skb_queue_empty(&reclaimed_skbs)) { - skb = __skb_dequeue(&reclaimed_skbs); + skb_queue_walk(&reclaimed_skbs, skb) { hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)skb->data; if (ieee80211_is_data_qos(hdr->frame_control)) @@ -1209,7 +1231,7 @@ int iwlagn_rx_reply_compressed_ba(struct iwl_priv *priv, WARN_ON_ONCE(1); info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); - kmem_cache_free(priv->tx_cmd_pool, (info->driver_data[1])); + kmem_cache_free(iwl_tx_cmd_pool, (info->driver_data[1])); if (freed == 1) { /* this is the first skb we deliver in this batch */ @@ -1223,10 +1245,14 @@ int iwlagn_rx_reply_compressed_ba(struct iwl_priv *priv, iwlagn_hwrate_to_tx_control(priv, agg->rate_n_flags, info); } + } + + spin_unlock(&priv->sta_lock); - ieee80211_tx_status_irqsafe(priv->hw, skb); + while (!skb_queue_empty(&reclaimed_skbs)) { + skb = __skb_dequeue(&reclaimed_skbs); + ieee80211_tx_status(priv->hw, skb); } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn.c index b5c7c5f0a753f4da5520982f16b0ca8292958691..f1226dbf789d796c7c366fe102f410eb32537f7f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Portions of this file are derived from the ipw3945 project, as well * as portions of the ieee80211 subsystem header files. @@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ #include #include #include -#include #include #include @@ -43,15 +42,14 @@ #include #include "iwl-eeprom.h" -#include "iwl-wifi.h" #include "iwl-dev.h" #include "iwl-core.h" #include "iwl-io.h" #include "iwl-agn-calib.h" #include "iwl-agn.h" #include "iwl-shared.h" -#include "iwl-bus.h" #include "iwl-trans.h" +#include "iwl-op-mode.h" /****************************************************************************** * @@ -134,7 +132,7 @@ int iwlagn_send_beacon_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv) * beacon contents. */ - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); if (!priv->beacon_ctx) { IWL_ERR(priv, "trying to build beacon w/o beacon context!\n"); @@ -199,7 +197,7 @@ int iwlagn_send_beacon_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv) cmd.data[1] = priv->beacon_skb->data; cmd.dataflags[1] = IWL_HCMD_DFL_NOCOPY; - return iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), &cmd); + return iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &cmd); } static void iwl_bg_beacon_update(struct work_struct *work) @@ -208,7 +206,7 @@ static void iwl_bg_beacon_update(struct work_struct *work) container_of(work, struct iwl_priv, beacon_update); struct sk_buff *beacon; - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); if (!priv->beacon_ctx) { IWL_ERR(priv, "updating beacon w/o beacon context!\n"); goto out; @@ -238,7 +236,7 @@ static void iwl_bg_beacon_update(struct work_struct *work) iwlagn_send_beacon_cmd(priv); out: - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); } static void iwl_bg_bt_runtime_config(struct work_struct *work) @@ -246,11 +244,11 @@ static void iwl_bg_bt_runtime_config(struct work_struct *work) struct iwl_priv *priv = container_of(work, struct iwl_priv, bt_runtime_config); - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) return; /* dont send host command if rf-kill is on */ - if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv->shrd)) + if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv)) return; iwlagn_send_advance_bt_config(priv); } @@ -261,13 +259,13 @@ static void iwl_bg_bt_full_concurrency(struct work_struct *work) container_of(work, struct iwl_priv, bt_full_concurrency); struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx; - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) goto out; /* dont send host command if rf-kill is on */ - if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv->shrd)) + if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv)) goto out; IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "BT coex in %s mode\n", @@ -285,7 +283,7 @@ static void iwl_bg_bt_full_concurrency(struct work_struct *work) iwlagn_send_advance_bt_config(priv); out: - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); } /** @@ -302,11 +300,11 @@ static void iwl_bg_statistics_periodic(unsigned long data) { struct iwl_priv *priv = (struct iwl_priv *)data; - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) return; /* dont send host command if rf-kill is on */ - if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv->shrd)) + if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv)) return; iwl_send_statistics_request(priv, CMD_ASYNC, false); @@ -315,7 +313,7 @@ static void iwl_bg_statistics_periodic(unsigned long data) static void iwl_print_cont_event_trace(struct iwl_priv *priv, u32 base, u32 start_idx, u32 num_events, - u32 mode) + u32 capacity, u32 mode) { u32 i; u32 ptr; /* SRAM byte address of log data */ @@ -328,87 +326,125 @@ static void iwl_print_cont_event_trace(struct iwl_priv *priv, u32 base, ptr = base + (4 * sizeof(u32)) + (start_idx * 3 * sizeof(u32)); /* Make sure device is powered up for SRAM reads */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&bus(priv)->reg_lock, reg_flags); - if (iwl_grab_nic_access(bus(priv))) { - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus(priv)->reg_lock, reg_flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans(priv)->reg_lock, reg_flags); + if (unlikely(!iwl_grab_nic_access(trans(priv)))) { + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans(priv)->reg_lock, reg_flags); return; } /* Set starting address; reads will auto-increment */ - iwl_write32(bus(priv), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RADDR, ptr); - rmb(); + iwl_write32(trans(priv), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RADDR, ptr); + + /* + * Refuse to read more than would have fit into the log from + * the current start_idx. This used to happen due to the race + * described below, but now WARN because the code below should + * prevent it from happening here. + */ + if (WARN_ON(num_events > capacity - start_idx)) + num_events = capacity - start_idx; /* * "time" is actually "data" for mode 0 (no timestamp). * place event id # at far right for easier visual parsing. */ for (i = 0; i < num_events; i++) { - ev = iwl_read32(bus(priv), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); - time = iwl_read32(bus(priv), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); + ev = iwl_read32(trans(priv), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); + time = iwl_read32(trans(priv), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); if (mode == 0) { - trace_iwlwifi_dev_ucode_cont_event(priv, - 0, time, ev); + trace_iwlwifi_dev_ucode_cont_event( + trans(priv)->dev, 0, time, ev); } else { - data = iwl_read32(bus(priv), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); - trace_iwlwifi_dev_ucode_cont_event(priv, - time, data, ev); + data = iwl_read32(trans(priv), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); + trace_iwlwifi_dev_ucode_cont_event( + trans(priv)->dev, time, data, ev); } } /* Allow device to power down */ - iwl_release_nic_access(bus(priv)); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus(priv)->reg_lock, reg_flags); + iwl_release_nic_access(trans(priv)); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans(priv)->reg_lock, reg_flags); } static void iwl_continuous_event_trace(struct iwl_priv *priv) { u32 capacity; /* event log capacity in # entries */ + struct { + u32 capacity; + u32 mode; + u32 wrap_counter; + u32 write_counter; + } __packed read; u32 base; /* SRAM byte address of event log header */ u32 mode; /* 0 - no timestamp, 1 - timestamp recorded */ u32 num_wraps; /* # times uCode wrapped to top of log */ u32 next_entry; /* index of next entry to be written by uCode */ - base = priv->shrd->device_pointers.error_event_table; + base = priv->shrd->device_pointers.log_event_table; if (iwlagn_hw_valid_rtc_data_addr(base)) { - capacity = iwl_read_targ_mem(bus(priv), base); - num_wraps = iwl_read_targ_mem(bus(priv), - base + (2 * sizeof(u32))); - mode = iwl_read_targ_mem(bus(priv), base + (1 * sizeof(u32))); - next_entry = iwl_read_targ_mem(bus(priv), - base + (3 * sizeof(u32))); + iwl_read_targ_mem_words(trans(priv), base, &read, sizeof(read)); + + capacity = read.capacity; + mode = read.mode; + num_wraps = read.wrap_counter; + next_entry = read.write_counter; } else return; + /* + * Unfortunately, the uCode doesn't use temporary variables. + * Therefore, it can happen that we read next_entry == capacity, + * which really means next_entry == 0. + */ + if (unlikely(next_entry == capacity)) + next_entry = 0; + /* + * Additionally, the uCode increases the write pointer before + * the wraps counter, so if the write pointer is smaller than + * the old write pointer (wrap occurred) but we read that no + * wrap occurred, we actually read between the next_entry and + * num_wraps update (this does happen in practice!!) -- take + * that into account by increasing num_wraps. + */ + if (unlikely(next_entry < priv->event_log.next_entry && + num_wraps == priv->event_log.num_wraps)) + num_wraps++; + if (num_wraps == priv->event_log.num_wraps) { - iwl_print_cont_event_trace(priv, - base, priv->event_log.next_entry, - next_entry - priv->event_log.next_entry, - mode); + iwl_print_cont_event_trace( + priv, base, priv->event_log.next_entry, + next_entry - priv->event_log.next_entry, + capacity, mode); + priv->event_log.non_wraps_count++; } else { - if ((num_wraps - priv->event_log.num_wraps) > 1) + if (num_wraps - priv->event_log.num_wraps > 1) priv->event_log.wraps_more_count++; else priv->event_log.wraps_once_count++; - trace_iwlwifi_dev_ucode_wrap_event(priv, + + trace_iwlwifi_dev_ucode_wrap_event(trans(priv)->dev, num_wraps - priv->event_log.num_wraps, next_entry, priv->event_log.next_entry); + if (next_entry < priv->event_log.next_entry) { - iwl_print_cont_event_trace(priv, base, - priv->event_log.next_entry, - capacity - priv->event_log.next_entry, - mode); + iwl_print_cont_event_trace( + priv, base, priv->event_log.next_entry, + capacity - priv->event_log.next_entry, + capacity, mode); - iwl_print_cont_event_trace(priv, base, 0, - next_entry, mode); + iwl_print_cont_event_trace( + priv, base, 0, next_entry, capacity, mode); } else { - iwl_print_cont_event_trace(priv, base, - next_entry, capacity - next_entry, - mode); + iwl_print_cont_event_trace( + priv, base, next_entry, + capacity - next_entry, + capacity, mode); - iwl_print_cont_event_trace(priv, base, 0, - next_entry, mode); + iwl_print_cont_event_trace( + priv, base, 0, next_entry, capacity, mode); } } + priv->event_log.num_wraps = num_wraps; priv->event_log.next_entry = next_entry; } @@ -425,7 +461,7 @@ static void iwl_bg_ucode_trace(unsigned long data) { struct iwl_priv *priv = (struct iwl_priv *)data; - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) return; if (priv->event_log.ucode_trace) { @@ -441,11 +477,11 @@ static void iwl_bg_tx_flush(struct work_struct *work) struct iwl_priv *priv = container_of(work, struct iwl_priv, tx_flush); - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) return; /* do nothing if rf-kill is on */ - if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv->shrd)) + if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv)) return; IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "device request: flush all tx frames\n"); @@ -475,6 +511,7 @@ static void iwl_init_context(struct iwl_priv *priv, u32 ucode_flags) priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS].qos_cmd = REPLY_QOS_PARAM; priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS].ap_sta_id = IWL_AP_ID; priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS].wep_key_cmd = REPLY_WEPKEY; + priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS].bcast_sta_id = IWLAGN_BROADCAST_ID; priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS].exclusive_interface_modes = BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC); priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS].interface_modes = @@ -509,620 +546,15 @@ static void iwl_init_context(struct iwl_priv *priv, u32 ucode_flags) BUILD_BUG_ON(NUM_IWL_RXON_CTX != 2); } -static void iwl_ucode_callback(const struct firmware *ucode_raw, void *context); - -#define UCODE_EXPERIMENTAL_INDEX 100 -#define UCODE_EXPERIMENTAL_TAG "exp" - -static int __must_check iwl_request_firmware(struct iwl_priv *priv, bool first) -{ - const char *name_pre = cfg(priv)->fw_name_pre; - char tag[8]; - - if (first) { -#ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG_EXPERIMENTAL_UCODE - priv->fw_index = UCODE_EXPERIMENTAL_INDEX; - strcpy(tag, UCODE_EXPERIMENTAL_TAG); - } else if (priv->fw_index == UCODE_EXPERIMENTAL_INDEX) { -#endif - priv->fw_index = cfg(priv)->ucode_api_max; - sprintf(tag, "%d", priv->fw_index); - } else { - priv->fw_index--; - sprintf(tag, "%d", priv->fw_index); - } - - if (priv->fw_index < cfg(priv)->ucode_api_min) { - IWL_ERR(priv, "no suitable firmware found!\n"); - return -ENOENT; - } - - sprintf(priv->firmware_name, "%s%s%s", name_pre, tag, ".ucode"); - - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "attempting to load firmware %s'%s'\n", - (priv->fw_index == UCODE_EXPERIMENTAL_INDEX) - ? "EXPERIMENTAL " : "", - priv->firmware_name); - - return request_firmware_nowait(THIS_MODULE, 1, priv->firmware_name, - bus(priv)->dev, - GFP_KERNEL, priv, iwl_ucode_callback); -} - -struct iwlagn_firmware_pieces { - const void *inst, *data, *init, *init_data, *wowlan_inst, *wowlan_data; - size_t inst_size, data_size, init_size, init_data_size, - wowlan_inst_size, wowlan_data_size; - - u32 build; - - u32 init_evtlog_ptr, init_evtlog_size, init_errlog_ptr; - u32 inst_evtlog_ptr, inst_evtlog_size, inst_errlog_ptr; -}; - -static int iwlagn_load_legacy_firmware(struct iwl_priv *priv, - const struct firmware *ucode_raw, - struct iwlagn_firmware_pieces *pieces) -{ - struct iwl_ucode_header *ucode = (void *)ucode_raw->data; - u32 api_ver, hdr_size; - const u8 *src; - - priv->ucode_ver = le32_to_cpu(ucode->ver); - api_ver = IWL_UCODE_API(priv->ucode_ver); - - switch (api_ver) { - default: - hdr_size = 28; - if (ucode_raw->size < hdr_size) { - IWL_ERR(priv, "File size too small!\n"); - return -EINVAL; - } - pieces->build = le32_to_cpu(ucode->u.v2.build); - pieces->inst_size = le32_to_cpu(ucode->u.v2.inst_size); - pieces->data_size = le32_to_cpu(ucode->u.v2.data_size); - pieces->init_size = le32_to_cpu(ucode->u.v2.init_size); - pieces->init_data_size = le32_to_cpu(ucode->u.v2.init_data_size); - src = ucode->u.v2.data; - break; - case 0: - case 1: - case 2: - hdr_size = 24; - if (ucode_raw->size < hdr_size) { - IWL_ERR(priv, "File size too small!\n"); - return -EINVAL; - } - pieces->build = 0; - pieces->inst_size = le32_to_cpu(ucode->u.v1.inst_size); - pieces->data_size = le32_to_cpu(ucode->u.v1.data_size); - pieces->init_size = le32_to_cpu(ucode->u.v1.init_size); - pieces->init_data_size = le32_to_cpu(ucode->u.v1.init_data_size); - src = ucode->u.v1.data; - break; - } - - /* Verify size of file vs. image size info in file's header */ - if (ucode_raw->size != hdr_size + pieces->inst_size + - pieces->data_size + pieces->init_size + - pieces->init_data_size) { - - IWL_ERR(priv, - "uCode file size %d does not match expected size\n", - (int)ucode_raw->size); - return -EINVAL; - } - - pieces->inst = src; - src += pieces->inst_size; - pieces->data = src; - src += pieces->data_size; - pieces->init = src; - src += pieces->init_size; - pieces->init_data = src; - src += pieces->init_data_size; - - return 0; -} - -static int iwlagn_load_firmware(struct iwl_priv *priv, - const struct firmware *ucode_raw, - struct iwlagn_firmware_pieces *pieces, - struct iwlagn_ucode_capabilities *capa) -{ - struct iwl_tlv_ucode_header *ucode = (void *)ucode_raw->data; - struct iwl_ucode_tlv *tlv; - size_t len = ucode_raw->size; - const u8 *data; - int wanted_alternative = iwlagn_mod_params.wanted_ucode_alternative; - int tmp; - u64 alternatives; - u32 tlv_len; - enum iwl_ucode_tlv_type tlv_type; - const u8 *tlv_data; - - if (len < sizeof(*ucode)) { - IWL_ERR(priv, "uCode has invalid length: %zd\n", len); - return -EINVAL; - } - - if (ucode->magic != cpu_to_le32(IWL_TLV_UCODE_MAGIC)) { - IWL_ERR(priv, "invalid uCode magic: 0X%x\n", - le32_to_cpu(ucode->magic)); - return -EINVAL; - } - - /* - * Check which alternatives are present, and "downgrade" - * when the chosen alternative is not present, warning - * the user when that happens. Some files may not have - * any alternatives, so don't warn in that case. - */ - alternatives = le64_to_cpu(ucode->alternatives); - tmp = wanted_alternative; - if (wanted_alternative > 63) - wanted_alternative = 63; - while (wanted_alternative && !(alternatives & BIT(wanted_alternative))) - wanted_alternative--; - if (wanted_alternative && wanted_alternative != tmp) - IWL_WARN(priv, - "uCode alternative %d not available, choosing %d\n", - tmp, wanted_alternative); - - priv->ucode_ver = le32_to_cpu(ucode->ver); - pieces->build = le32_to_cpu(ucode->build); - data = ucode->data; - - len -= sizeof(*ucode); - - while (len >= sizeof(*tlv)) { - u16 tlv_alt; - - len -= sizeof(*tlv); - tlv = (void *)data; - - tlv_len = le32_to_cpu(tlv->length); - tlv_type = le16_to_cpu(tlv->type); - tlv_alt = le16_to_cpu(tlv->alternative); - tlv_data = tlv->data; - - if (len < tlv_len) { - IWL_ERR(priv, "invalid TLV len: %zd/%u\n", - len, tlv_len); - return -EINVAL; - } - len -= ALIGN(tlv_len, 4); - data += sizeof(*tlv) + ALIGN(tlv_len, 4); - - /* - * Alternative 0 is always valid. - * - * Skip alternative TLVs that are not selected. - */ - if (tlv_alt != 0 && tlv_alt != wanted_alternative) - continue; - - switch (tlv_type) { - case IWL_UCODE_TLV_INST: - pieces->inst = tlv_data; - pieces->inst_size = tlv_len; - break; - case IWL_UCODE_TLV_DATA: - pieces->data = tlv_data; - pieces->data_size = tlv_len; - break; - case IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT: - pieces->init = tlv_data; - pieces->init_size = tlv_len; - break; - case IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT_DATA: - pieces->init_data = tlv_data; - pieces->init_data_size = tlv_len; - break; - case IWL_UCODE_TLV_BOOT: - IWL_ERR(priv, "Found unexpected BOOT ucode\n"); - break; - case IWL_UCODE_TLV_PROBE_MAX_LEN: - if (tlv_len != sizeof(u32)) - goto invalid_tlv_len; - capa->max_probe_length = - le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); - break; - case IWL_UCODE_TLV_PAN: - if (tlv_len) - goto invalid_tlv_len; - capa->flags |= IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_PAN; - break; - case IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS: - /* must be at least one u32 */ - if (tlv_len < sizeof(u32)) - goto invalid_tlv_len; - /* and a proper number of u32s */ - if (tlv_len % sizeof(u32)) - goto invalid_tlv_len; - /* - * This driver only reads the first u32 as - * right now no more features are defined, - * if that changes then either the driver - * will not work with the new firmware, or - * it'll not take advantage of new features. - */ - capa->flags = le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); - break; - case IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT_EVTLOG_PTR: - if (tlv_len != sizeof(u32)) - goto invalid_tlv_len; - pieces->init_evtlog_ptr = - le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); - break; - case IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT_EVTLOG_SIZE: - if (tlv_len != sizeof(u32)) - goto invalid_tlv_len; - pieces->init_evtlog_size = - le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); - break; - case IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT_ERRLOG_PTR: - if (tlv_len != sizeof(u32)) - goto invalid_tlv_len; - pieces->init_errlog_ptr = - le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); - break; - case IWL_UCODE_TLV_RUNT_EVTLOG_PTR: - if (tlv_len != sizeof(u32)) - goto invalid_tlv_len; - pieces->inst_evtlog_ptr = - le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); - break; - case IWL_UCODE_TLV_RUNT_EVTLOG_SIZE: - if (tlv_len != sizeof(u32)) - goto invalid_tlv_len; - pieces->inst_evtlog_size = - le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); - break; - case IWL_UCODE_TLV_RUNT_ERRLOG_PTR: - if (tlv_len != sizeof(u32)) - goto invalid_tlv_len; - pieces->inst_errlog_ptr = - le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); - break; - case IWL_UCODE_TLV_ENHANCE_SENS_TBL: - if (tlv_len) - goto invalid_tlv_len; - priv->enhance_sensitivity_table = true; - break; - case IWL_UCODE_TLV_WOWLAN_INST: - pieces->wowlan_inst = tlv_data; - pieces->wowlan_inst_size = tlv_len; - break; - case IWL_UCODE_TLV_WOWLAN_DATA: - pieces->wowlan_data = tlv_data; - pieces->wowlan_data_size = tlv_len; - break; - case IWL_UCODE_TLV_PHY_CALIBRATION_SIZE: - if (tlv_len != sizeof(u32)) - goto invalid_tlv_len; - capa->standard_phy_calibration_size = - le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); - break; - default: - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "unknown TLV: %d\n", tlv_type); - break; - } - } - - if (len) { - IWL_ERR(priv, "invalid TLV after parsing: %zd\n", len); - iwl_print_hex_dump(priv, IWL_DL_FW, (u8 *)data, len); - return -EINVAL; - } - - return 0; - - invalid_tlv_len: - IWL_ERR(priv, "TLV %d has invalid size: %u\n", tlv_type, tlv_len); - iwl_print_hex_dump(priv, IWL_DL_FW, tlv_data, tlv_len); - - return -EINVAL; -} - -/** - * iwl_ucode_callback - callback when firmware was loaded - * - * If loaded successfully, copies the firmware into buffers - * for the card to fetch (via DMA). - */ -static void iwl_ucode_callback(const struct firmware *ucode_raw, void *context) -{ - struct iwl_priv *priv = context; - struct iwl_ucode_header *ucode; - int err; - struct iwlagn_firmware_pieces pieces; - const unsigned int api_max = cfg(priv)->ucode_api_max; - unsigned int api_ok = cfg(priv)->ucode_api_ok; - const unsigned int api_min = cfg(priv)->ucode_api_min; - u32 api_ver; - char buildstr[25]; - u32 build; - struct iwlagn_ucode_capabilities ucode_capa = { - .max_probe_length = 200, - .standard_phy_calibration_size = - IWL_DEFAULT_STANDARD_PHY_CALIBRATE_TBL_SIZE, - }; - - if (!api_ok) - api_ok = api_max; - - memset(&pieces, 0, sizeof(pieces)); - - if (!ucode_raw) { - if (priv->fw_index <= api_ok) - IWL_ERR(priv, - "request for firmware file '%s' failed.\n", - priv->firmware_name); - goto try_again; - } - - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Loaded firmware file '%s' (%zd bytes).\n", - priv->firmware_name, ucode_raw->size); - - /* Make sure that we got at least the API version number */ - if (ucode_raw->size < 4) { - IWL_ERR(priv, "File size way too small!\n"); - goto try_again; - } - - /* Data from ucode file: header followed by uCode images */ - ucode = (struct iwl_ucode_header *)ucode_raw->data; - - if (ucode->ver) - err = iwlagn_load_legacy_firmware(priv, ucode_raw, &pieces); - else - err = iwlagn_load_firmware(priv, ucode_raw, &pieces, - &ucode_capa); - - if (err) - goto try_again; - - api_ver = IWL_UCODE_API(priv->ucode_ver); - build = pieces.build; - - /* - * api_ver should match the api version forming part of the - * firmware filename ... but we don't check for that and only rely - * on the API version read from firmware header from here on forward - */ - /* no api version check required for experimental uCode */ - if (priv->fw_index != UCODE_EXPERIMENTAL_INDEX) { - if (api_ver < api_min || api_ver > api_max) { - IWL_ERR(priv, - "Driver unable to support your firmware API. " - "Driver supports v%u, firmware is v%u.\n", - api_max, api_ver); - goto try_again; - } - - if (api_ver < api_ok) { - if (api_ok != api_max) - IWL_ERR(priv, "Firmware has old API version, " - "expected v%u through v%u, got v%u.\n", - api_ok, api_max, api_ver); - else - IWL_ERR(priv, "Firmware has old API version, " - "expected v%u, got v%u.\n", - api_max, api_ver); - IWL_ERR(priv, "New firmware can be obtained from " - "http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/.\n"); - } - } - - if (build) - sprintf(buildstr, " build %u%s", build, - (priv->fw_index == UCODE_EXPERIMENTAL_INDEX) - ? " (EXP)" : ""); - else - buildstr[0] = '\0'; - - IWL_INFO(priv, "loaded firmware version %u.%u.%u.%u%s\n", - IWL_UCODE_MAJOR(priv->ucode_ver), - IWL_UCODE_MINOR(priv->ucode_ver), - IWL_UCODE_API(priv->ucode_ver), - IWL_UCODE_SERIAL(priv->ucode_ver), - buildstr); - - snprintf(priv->hw->wiphy->fw_version, - sizeof(priv->hw->wiphy->fw_version), - "%u.%u.%u.%u%s", - IWL_UCODE_MAJOR(priv->ucode_ver), - IWL_UCODE_MINOR(priv->ucode_ver), - IWL_UCODE_API(priv->ucode_ver), - IWL_UCODE_SERIAL(priv->ucode_ver), - buildstr); - - /* - * For any of the failures below (before allocating pci memory) - * we will try to load a version with a smaller API -- maybe the - * user just got a corrupted version of the latest API. - */ - - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "f/w package hdr ucode version raw = 0x%x\n", - priv->ucode_ver); - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "f/w package hdr runtime inst size = %Zd\n", - pieces.inst_size); - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "f/w package hdr runtime data size = %Zd\n", - pieces.data_size); - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "f/w package hdr init inst size = %Zd\n", - pieces.init_size); - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "f/w package hdr init data size = %Zd\n", - pieces.init_data_size); - - /* Verify that uCode images will fit in card's SRAM */ - if (pieces.inst_size > hw_params(priv).max_inst_size) { - IWL_ERR(priv, "uCode instr len %Zd too large to fit in\n", - pieces.inst_size); - goto try_again; - } - - if (pieces.data_size > hw_params(priv).max_data_size) { - IWL_ERR(priv, "uCode data len %Zd too large to fit in\n", - pieces.data_size); - goto try_again; - } - - if (pieces.init_size > hw_params(priv).max_inst_size) { - IWL_ERR(priv, "uCode init instr len %Zd too large to fit in\n", - pieces.init_size); - goto try_again; - } - - if (pieces.init_data_size > hw_params(priv).max_data_size) { - IWL_ERR(priv, "uCode init data len %Zd too large to fit in\n", - pieces.init_data_size); - goto try_again; - } - - /* Allocate ucode buffers for card's bus-master loading ... */ - - /* Runtime instructions and 2 copies of data: - * 1) unmodified from disk - * 2) backup cache for save/restore during power-downs */ - if (iwl_alloc_fw_desc(bus(priv), &trans(priv)->ucode_rt.code, - pieces.inst, pieces.inst_size)) - goto err_pci_alloc; - if (iwl_alloc_fw_desc(bus(priv), &trans(priv)->ucode_rt.data, - pieces.data, pieces.data_size)) - goto err_pci_alloc; - - /* Initialization instructions and data */ - if (pieces.init_size && pieces.init_data_size) { - if (iwl_alloc_fw_desc(bus(priv), &trans(priv)->ucode_init.code, - pieces.init, pieces.init_size)) - goto err_pci_alloc; - if (iwl_alloc_fw_desc(bus(priv), &trans(priv)->ucode_init.data, - pieces.init_data, pieces.init_data_size)) - goto err_pci_alloc; - } - - /* WoWLAN instructions and data */ - if (pieces.wowlan_inst_size && pieces.wowlan_data_size) { - if (iwl_alloc_fw_desc(bus(priv), - &trans(priv)->ucode_wowlan.code, - pieces.wowlan_inst, - pieces.wowlan_inst_size)) - goto err_pci_alloc; - if (iwl_alloc_fw_desc(bus(priv), - &trans(priv)->ucode_wowlan.data, - pieces.wowlan_data, - pieces.wowlan_data_size)) - goto err_pci_alloc; - } - - /* Now that we can no longer fail, copy information */ - - /* - * The (size - 16) / 12 formula is based on the information recorded - * for each event, which is of mode 1 (including timestamp) for all - * new microcodes that include this information. - */ - priv->init_evtlog_ptr = pieces.init_evtlog_ptr; - if (pieces.init_evtlog_size) - priv->init_evtlog_size = (pieces.init_evtlog_size - 16)/12; - else - priv->init_evtlog_size = - cfg(priv)->base_params->max_event_log_size; - priv->init_errlog_ptr = pieces.init_errlog_ptr; - priv->inst_evtlog_ptr = pieces.inst_evtlog_ptr; - if (pieces.inst_evtlog_size) - priv->inst_evtlog_size = (pieces.inst_evtlog_size - 16)/12; - else - priv->inst_evtlog_size = - cfg(priv)->base_params->max_event_log_size; - priv->inst_errlog_ptr = pieces.inst_errlog_ptr; -#ifndef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_P2P - ucode_capa.flags &= ~IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_PAN; -#endif - - priv->new_scan_threshold_behaviour = - !!(ucode_capa.flags & IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_NEWSCAN); - - if (!(cfg(priv)->sku & EEPROM_SKU_CAP_IPAN_ENABLE)) - ucode_capa.flags &= ~IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_PAN; - - /* - * if not PAN, then don't support P2P -- might be a uCode - * packaging bug or due to the eeprom check above - */ - if (!(ucode_capa.flags & IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_PAN)) - ucode_capa.flags &= ~IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_P2P; - - if (ucode_capa.flags & IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_PAN) { - priv->sta_key_max_num = STA_KEY_MAX_NUM_PAN; - priv->shrd->cmd_queue = IWL_IPAN_CMD_QUEUE_NUM; - } else { - priv->sta_key_max_num = STA_KEY_MAX_NUM; - priv->shrd->cmd_queue = IWL_DEFAULT_CMD_QUEUE_NUM; - } - /* - * figure out the offset of chain noise reset and gain commands - * base on the size of standard phy calibration commands table size - */ - if (ucode_capa.standard_phy_calibration_size > - IWL_MAX_PHY_CALIBRATE_TBL_SIZE) - ucode_capa.standard_phy_calibration_size = - IWL_MAX_STANDARD_PHY_CALIBRATE_TBL_SIZE; - - priv->phy_calib_chain_noise_reset_cmd = - ucode_capa.standard_phy_calibration_size; - priv->phy_calib_chain_noise_gain_cmd = - ucode_capa.standard_phy_calibration_size + 1; - - /* initialize all valid contexts */ - iwl_init_context(priv, ucode_capa.flags); - - /************************************************** - * This is still part of probe() in a sense... - * - * 9. Setup and register with mac80211 and debugfs - **************************************************/ - err = iwlagn_mac_setup_register(priv, &ucode_capa); - if (err) - goto out_unbind; - - err = iwl_dbgfs_register(priv, DRV_NAME); - if (err) - IWL_ERR(priv, "failed to create debugfs files. Ignoring error: %d\n", err); - - /* We have our copies now, allow OS release its copies */ - release_firmware(ucode_raw); - complete(&priv->firmware_loading_complete); - return; - - try_again: - /* try next, if any */ - if (iwl_request_firmware(priv, false)) - goto out_unbind; - release_firmware(ucode_raw); - return; - - err_pci_alloc: - IWL_ERR(priv, "failed to allocate pci memory\n"); - iwl_dealloc_ucode(trans(priv)); - out_unbind: - complete(&priv->firmware_loading_complete); - device_release_driver(bus(priv)->dev); - release_firmware(ucode_raw); -} - static void iwl_rf_kill_ct_config(struct iwl_priv *priv) { struct iwl_ct_kill_config cmd; struct iwl_ct_kill_throttling_config adv_cmd; - unsigned long flags; int ret = 0; - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); - iwl_write32(bus(priv), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_CLR, + iwl_write32(trans(priv), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_CLR, CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_REG_BIT_CT_KILL_EXIT); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); + priv->thermal_throttle.ct_kill_toggle = false; if (cfg(priv)->base_params->support_ct_kill_exit) { @@ -1131,7 +563,7 @@ static void iwl_rf_kill_ct_config(struct iwl_priv *priv) adv_cmd.critical_temperature_exit = cpu_to_le32(hw_params(priv).ct_kill_exit_threshold); - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, REPLY_CT_KILL_CONFIG_CMD, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(adv_cmd), &adv_cmd); if (ret) @@ -1146,7 +578,7 @@ static void iwl_rf_kill_ct_config(struct iwl_priv *priv) cmd.critical_temperature_R = cpu_to_le32(hw_params(priv).ct_kill_threshold); - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, REPLY_CT_KILL_CONFIG_CMD, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(cmd), &cmd); if (ret) @@ -1172,7 +604,7 @@ static int iwlagn_send_calib_cfg_rt(struct iwl_priv *priv, u32 cfg) calib_cfg_cmd.ucd_calib_cfg.once.is_enable = IWL_CALIB_RT_CFG_ALL; calib_cfg_cmd.ucd_calib_cfg.once.start = cpu_to_le32(cfg); - return iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), &cmd); + return iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &cmd); } @@ -1182,9 +614,9 @@ static int iwlagn_send_tx_ant_config(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 valid_tx_ant) .valid = cpu_to_le32(valid_tx_ant), }; - if (IWL_UCODE_API(priv->ucode_ver) > 1) { + if (IWL_UCODE_API(priv->fw->ucode_ver) > 1) { IWL_DEBUG_HC(priv, "select valid tx ant: %u\n", valid_tx_ant); - return iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), + return iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, TX_ANT_CONFIGURATION_CMD, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(struct iwl_tx_ant_config_cmd), @@ -1205,20 +637,22 @@ int iwl_alive_start(struct iwl_priv *priv) int ret = 0; struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = &priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS]; - /*TODO: this should go to the transport layer */ - iwl_reset_ict(trans(priv)); - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Runtime Alive received.\n"); /* After the ALIVE response, we can send host commands to the uCode */ - set_bit(STATUS_ALIVE, &priv->shrd->status); + set_bit(STATUS_ALIVE, &priv->status); /* Enable watchdog to monitor the driver tx queues */ iwl_setup_watchdog(priv); - if (iwl_is_rfkill(priv->shrd)) + if (iwl_is_rfkill(priv)) return -ERFKILL; + if (priv->event_log.ucode_trace) { + /* start collecting data now */ + mod_timer(&priv->ucode_trace, jiffies); + } + /* download priority table before any calibration request */ if (cfg(priv)->bt_params && cfg(priv)->bt_params->advanced_bt_coexist) { @@ -1235,14 +669,14 @@ int iwl_alive_start(struct iwl_priv *priv) priv->bt_valid = IWLAGN_BT_VALID_ENABLE_FLAGS; priv->cur_rssi_ctx = NULL; - iwl_send_prio_tbl(trans(priv)); + iwl_send_prio_tbl(priv); /* FIXME: w/a to force change uCode BT state machine */ - ret = iwl_send_bt_env(trans(priv), IWL_BT_COEX_ENV_OPEN, + ret = iwl_send_bt_env(priv, IWL_BT_COEX_ENV_OPEN, BT_COEX_PRIO_TBL_EVT_INIT_CALIB2); if (ret) return ret; - ret = iwl_send_bt_env(trans(priv), IWL_BT_COEX_ENV_CLOSE, + ret = iwl_send_bt_env(priv, IWL_BT_COEX_ENV_CLOSE, BT_COEX_PRIO_TBL_EVT_INIT_CALIB2); if (ret) return ret; @@ -1263,9 +697,9 @@ int iwl_alive_start(struct iwl_priv *priv) priv->active_rate = IWL_RATES_MASK; /* Configure Tx antenna selection based on H/W config */ - iwlagn_send_tx_ant_config(priv, cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant); + iwlagn_send_tx_ant_config(priv, hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant); - if (iwl_is_associated_ctx(ctx) && !priv->shrd->wowlan) { + if (iwl_is_associated_ctx(ctx) && !priv->wowlan) { struct iwl_rxon_cmd *active_rxon = (struct iwl_rxon_cmd *)&ctx->active; /* apply any changes in staging */ @@ -1280,12 +714,12 @@ int iwl_alive_start(struct iwl_priv *priv) iwlagn_set_rxon_chain(priv, ctx); } - if (!priv->shrd->wowlan) { + if (!priv->wowlan) { /* WoWLAN ucode will not reply in the same way, skip it */ iwl_reset_run_time_calib(priv); } - set_bit(STATUS_READY, &priv->shrd->status); + set_bit(STATUS_READY, &priv->status); /* Configure the adapter for unassociated operation */ ret = iwlagn_commit_rxon(priv, ctx); @@ -1300,14 +734,48 @@ int iwl_alive_start(struct iwl_priv *priv) return iwl_power_update_mode(priv, true); } -static void iwl_cancel_deferred_work(struct iwl_priv *priv); +/** + * iwl_clear_driver_stations - clear knowledge of all stations from driver + * @priv: iwl priv struct + * + * This is called during iwl_down() to make sure that in the case + * we're coming there from a hardware restart mac80211 will be + * able to reconfigure stations -- if we're getting there in the + * normal down flow then the stations will already be cleared. + */ +static void iwl_clear_driver_stations(struct iwl_priv *priv) +{ + struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx; + + spin_lock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); + memset(priv->stations, 0, sizeof(priv->stations)); + priv->num_stations = 0; -void __iwl_down(struct iwl_priv *priv) + priv->ucode_key_table = 0; + + for_each_context(priv, ctx) { + /* + * Remove all key information that is not stored as part + * of station information since mac80211 may not have had + * a chance to remove all the keys. When device is + * reconfigured by mac80211 after an error all keys will + * be reconfigured. + */ + memset(ctx->wep_keys, 0, sizeof(ctx->wep_keys)); + ctx->key_mapping_keys = 0; + } + + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->sta_lock); +} + +void iwl_down(struct iwl_priv *priv) { int exit_pending; IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, DRV_NAME " is going down\n"); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); + iwl_scan_cancel_timeout(priv, 200); /* @@ -1318,7 +786,7 @@ void __iwl_down(struct iwl_priv *priv) ieee80211_remain_on_channel_expired(priv->hw); exit_pending = - test_and_set_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status); + test_and_set_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status); /* Stop TX queues watchdog. We need to have STATUS_EXIT_PENDING bit set * to prevent rearm timer */ @@ -1343,37 +811,29 @@ void __iwl_down(struct iwl_priv *priv) /* Wipe out the EXIT_PENDING status bit if we are not actually * exiting the module */ if (!exit_pending) - clear_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status); + clear_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status); if (priv->mac80211_registered) ieee80211_stop_queues(priv->hw); + priv->ucode_loaded = false; iwl_trans_stop_device(trans(priv)); /* Clear out all status bits but a few that are stable across reset */ - priv->shrd->status &= - test_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &priv->shrd->status) << + priv->status &= test_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &priv->status) << STATUS_RF_KILL_HW | - test_bit(STATUS_GEO_CONFIGURED, &priv->shrd->status) << + test_bit(STATUS_GEO_CONFIGURED, &priv->status) << STATUS_GEO_CONFIGURED | - test_bit(STATUS_FW_ERROR, &priv->shrd->status) << - STATUS_FW_ERROR | - test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status) << + test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status) << STATUS_EXIT_PENDING; + priv->shrd->status &= + test_bit(STATUS_FW_ERROR, &priv->shrd->status) << + STATUS_FW_ERROR; dev_kfree_skb(priv->beacon_skb); priv->beacon_skb = NULL; } -void iwl_down(struct iwl_priv *priv) -{ - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); - __iwl_down(priv); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); - - iwl_cancel_deferred_work(priv); -} - /***************************************************************************** * * Workqueue callbacks @@ -1385,11 +845,11 @@ static void iwl_bg_run_time_calib_work(struct work_struct *work) struct iwl_priv *priv = container_of(work, struct iwl_priv, run_time_calib_work); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status) || - test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->shrd->status)) { - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status) || + test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->status)) { + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); return; } @@ -1398,7 +858,7 @@ static void iwl_bg_run_time_calib_work(struct work_struct *work) iwl_sensitivity_calibration(priv); } - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); } void iwlagn_prepare_restart(struct iwl_priv *priv) @@ -1410,7 +870,7 @@ void iwlagn_prepare_restart(struct iwl_priv *priv) u8 bt_status; bool bt_is_sco; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); for_each_context(priv, ctx) ctx->vif = NULL; @@ -1431,7 +891,7 @@ void iwlagn_prepare_restart(struct iwl_priv *priv) bt_status = priv->bt_status; bt_is_sco = priv->bt_is_sco; - __iwl_down(priv); + iwl_down(priv); priv->bt_full_concurrent = bt_full_concurrent; priv->bt_ci_compliance = bt_ci_compliance; @@ -1444,13 +904,13 @@ static void iwl_bg_restart(struct work_struct *data) { struct iwl_priv *priv = container_of(data, struct iwl_priv, restart); - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) return; if (test_and_clear_bit(STATUS_FW_ERROR, &priv->shrd->status)) { - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); iwlagn_prepare_restart(priv); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); iwl_cancel_deferred_work(priv); ieee80211_restart_hw(priv->hw); } else { @@ -1465,7 +925,7 @@ void iwlagn_disable_roc(struct iwl_priv *priv) { struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = &priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_PAN]; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); if (!priv->hw_roc_setup) return; @@ -1488,9 +948,9 @@ static void iwlagn_disable_roc_work(struct work_struct *work) struct iwl_priv *priv = container_of(work, struct iwl_priv, hw_roc_disable_work.work); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); iwlagn_disable_roc(priv); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); } /***************************************************************************** @@ -1501,9 +961,7 @@ static void iwlagn_disable_roc_work(struct work_struct *work) static void iwl_setup_deferred_work(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - priv->shrd->workqueue = create_singlethread_workqueue(DRV_NAME); - - init_waitqueue_head(&priv->shrd->wait_command_queue); + priv->workqueue = create_singlethread_workqueue(DRV_NAME); INIT_WORK(&priv->restart, iwl_bg_restart); INIT_WORK(&priv->beacon_update, iwl_bg_beacon_update); @@ -1516,8 +974,8 @@ static void iwl_setup_deferred_work(struct iwl_priv *priv) iwl_setup_scan_deferred_work(priv); - if (cfg(priv)->lib->bt_setup_deferred_work) - cfg(priv)->lib->bt_setup_deferred_work(priv); + if (cfg(priv)->bt_params) + iwlagn_bt_setup_deferred_work(priv); init_timer(&priv->statistics_periodic); priv->statistics_periodic.data = (unsigned long)priv; @@ -1532,10 +990,10 @@ static void iwl_setup_deferred_work(struct iwl_priv *priv) priv->watchdog.function = iwl_bg_watchdog; } -static void iwl_cancel_deferred_work(struct iwl_priv *priv) +void iwl_cancel_deferred_work(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - if (cfg(priv)->lib->cancel_deferred_work) - cfg(priv)->lib->cancel_deferred_work(priv); + if (cfg(priv)->bt_params) + iwlagn_bt_cancel_deferred_work(priv); cancel_work_sync(&priv->run_time_calib_work); cancel_work_sync(&priv->beacon_update); @@ -1550,8 +1008,7 @@ static void iwl_cancel_deferred_work(struct iwl_priv *priv) del_timer_sync(&priv->ucode_trace); } -static void iwl_init_hw_rates(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct ieee80211_rate *rates) +static void iwl_init_hw_rates(struct ieee80211_rate *rates) { int i; @@ -1575,21 +1032,26 @@ static int iwl_init_drv(struct iwl_priv *priv) { int ret; - spin_lock_init(&priv->shrd->sta_lock); + spin_lock_init(&priv->sta_lock); - mutex_init(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_init(&priv->mutex); - INIT_LIST_HEAD(&trans(priv)->calib_results); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&priv->calib_results); priv->ieee_channels = NULL; priv->ieee_rates = NULL; priv->band = IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ; + priv->plcp_delta_threshold = + cfg(priv)->base_params->plcp_delta_threshold; + priv->iw_mode = NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION; priv->current_ht_config.smps = IEEE80211_SMPS_STATIC; priv->missed_beacon_threshold = IWL_MISSED_BEACON_THRESHOLD_DEF; priv->agg_tids_count = 0; + priv->ucode_owner = IWL_OWNERSHIP_DRIVER; + /* initialize force reset */ priv->force_reset[IWL_RF_RESET].reset_duration = IWL_DELAY_NEXT_FORCE_RF_RESET; @@ -1625,7 +1087,7 @@ static int iwl_init_drv(struct iwl_priv *priv) IWL_ERR(priv, "initializing geos failed: %d\n", ret); goto err_free_channel_map; } - iwl_init_hw_rates(priv, priv->ieee_rates); + iwl_init_hw_rates(priv->ieee_rates); return 0; @@ -1639,29 +1101,25 @@ static void iwl_uninit_drv(struct iwl_priv *priv) { iwl_free_geos(priv); iwl_free_channel_map(priv); - if (priv->tx_cmd_pool) - kmem_cache_destroy(priv->tx_cmd_pool); kfree(priv->scan_cmd); kfree(priv->beacon_cmd); kfree(rcu_dereference_raw(priv->noa_data)); + iwl_calib_free_results(priv); #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUGFS kfree(priv->wowlan_sram); #endif } - - -static u32 iwl_hw_detect(struct iwl_priv *priv) -{ - return iwl_read32(bus(priv), CSR_HW_REV); -} - /* Size of one Rx buffer in host DRAM */ #define IWL_RX_BUF_SIZE_4K (4 * 1024) #define IWL_RX_BUF_SIZE_8K (8 * 1024) -static int iwl_set_hw_params(struct iwl_priv *priv) +static void iwl_set_hw_params(struct iwl_priv *priv) { + if (cfg(priv)->ht_params) + hw_params(priv).use_rts_for_aggregation = + cfg(priv)->ht_params->use_rts_for_aggregation; + if (iwlagn_mod_params.amsdu_size_8K) hw_params(priv).rx_page_order = get_order(IWL_RX_BUF_SIZE_8K); @@ -1670,49 +1128,46 @@ static int iwl_set_hw_params(struct iwl_priv *priv) get_order(IWL_RX_BUF_SIZE_4K); if (iwlagn_mod_params.disable_11n & IWL_DISABLE_HT_ALL) - cfg(priv)->sku &= ~EEPROM_SKU_CAP_11N_ENABLE; + hw_params(priv).sku &= ~EEPROM_SKU_CAP_11N_ENABLE; hw_params(priv).num_ampdu_queues = cfg(priv)->base_params->num_of_ampdu_queues; - hw_params(priv).shadow_reg_enable = - cfg(priv)->base_params->shadow_reg_enable; - hw_params(priv).sku = cfg(priv)->sku; hw_params(priv).wd_timeout = cfg(priv)->base_params->wd_timeout; /* Device-specific setup */ - return cfg(priv)->lib->set_hw_params(priv); + cfg(priv)->lib->set_hw_params(priv); } static void iwl_debug_config(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - dev_printk(KERN_INFO, bus(priv)->dev, "CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG " + dev_printk(KERN_INFO, trans(priv)->dev, "CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG " #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG "enabled\n"); #else "disabled\n"); #endif - dev_printk(KERN_INFO, bus(priv)->dev, "CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUGFS " + dev_printk(KERN_INFO, trans(priv)->dev, "CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUGFS " #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUGFS "enabled\n"); #else "disabled\n"); #endif - dev_printk(KERN_INFO, bus(priv)->dev, "CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEVICE_TRACING " + dev_printk(KERN_INFO, trans(priv)->dev, "CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEVICE_TRACING " #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEVICE_TRACING "enabled\n"); #else "disabled\n"); #endif - dev_printk(KERN_INFO, bus(priv)->dev, "CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEVICE_TESTMODE " + dev_printk(KERN_INFO, trans(priv)->dev, "CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEVICE_TESTMODE " #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEVICE_TESTMODE "enabled\n"); #else "disabled\n"); #endif - dev_printk(KERN_INFO, bus(priv)->dev, "CONFIG_IWLWIFI_P2P " + dev_printk(KERN_INFO, trans(priv)->dev, "CONFIG_IWLWIFI_P2P " #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_P2P "enabled\n"); #else @@ -1720,46 +1175,77 @@ static void iwl_debug_config(struct iwl_priv *priv) #endif } -int iwl_probe(struct iwl_bus *bus, const struct iwl_trans_ops *trans_ops, - struct iwl_cfg *cfg) +static struct iwl_op_mode *iwl_op_mode_dvm_start(struct iwl_trans *trans, + const struct iwl_fw *fw) { int err = 0; struct iwl_priv *priv; struct ieee80211_hw *hw; + struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode; u16 num_mac; - u32 hw_rev; + u32 ucode_flags; + struct iwl_trans_config trans_cfg; + static const u8 no_reclaim_cmds[] = { + REPLY_RX_PHY_CMD, + REPLY_RX, + REPLY_RX_MPDU_CMD, + REPLY_COMPRESSED_BA, + STATISTICS_NOTIFICATION, + REPLY_TX, + }; /************************ * 1. Allocating HW data ************************/ hw = iwl_alloc_all(); if (!hw) { - pr_err("%s: Cannot allocate network device\n", cfg->name); + pr_err("%s: Cannot allocate network device\n", + cfg(trans)->name); err = -ENOMEM; goto out; } - priv = hw->priv; - priv->shrd = &priv->_shrd; - bus->shrd = priv->shrd; - priv->shrd->bus = bus; - priv->shrd->priv = priv; + op_mode = hw->priv; + op_mode->ops = &iwl_dvm_ops; + priv = IWL_OP_MODE_GET_DVM(op_mode); + priv->shrd = trans->shrd; + priv->fw = fw; + /* TODO: remove fw from shared data later */ + priv->shrd->fw = fw; - priv->shrd->trans = trans_ops->alloc(priv->shrd); - if (priv->shrd->trans == NULL) { - err = -ENOMEM; - goto out_free_traffic_mem; + /* + * Populate the state variables that the transport layer needs + * to know about. + */ + trans_cfg.op_mode = op_mode; + trans_cfg.no_reclaim_cmds = no_reclaim_cmds; + trans_cfg.n_no_reclaim_cmds = ARRAY_SIZE(no_reclaim_cmds); + + ucode_flags = fw->ucode_capa.flags; + +#ifndef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_P2P + ucode_flags &= ~IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_PAN; +#endif + + if (ucode_flags & IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_PAN) { + priv->sta_key_max_num = STA_KEY_MAX_NUM_PAN; + trans_cfg.cmd_queue = IWL_IPAN_CMD_QUEUE_NUM; + } else { + priv->sta_key_max_num = STA_KEY_MAX_NUM; + trans_cfg.cmd_queue = IWL_DEFAULT_CMD_QUEUE_NUM; } + /* Configure transport layer */ + iwl_trans_configure(trans(priv), &trans_cfg); + /* At this point both hw and priv are allocated. */ - SET_IEEE80211_DEV(hw, bus(priv)->dev); + SET_IEEE80211_DEV(priv->hw, trans(priv)->dev); - /* what debugging capabilities we have */ + /* show what debugging capabilities we have */ iwl_debug_config(priv); IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "*** LOAD DRIVER ***\n"); - cfg(priv) = cfg; /* is antenna coupling more than 35dB ? */ priv->bt_ant_couple_ok = @@ -1778,47 +1264,34 @@ int iwl_probe(struct iwl_bus *bus, const struct iwl_trans_ops *trans_ops, /* these spin locks will be used in apm_ops.init and EEPROM access * we should init now */ - spin_lock_init(&bus(priv)->reg_lock); - spin_lock_init(&priv->shrd->lock); - - /* - * stop and reset the on-board processor just in case it is in a - * strange state ... like being left stranded by a primary kernel - * and this is now the kdump kernel trying to start up - */ - iwl_write32(bus(priv), CSR_RESET, CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_NEVO_RESET); + spin_lock_init(&trans(priv)->reg_lock); + spin_lock_init(&priv->statistics.lock); /*********************** - * 3. Read REV register + * 2. Read REV register ***********************/ - hw_rev = iwl_hw_detect(priv); IWL_INFO(priv, "Detected %s, REV=0x%X\n", - cfg(priv)->name, hw_rev); + cfg(priv)->name, trans(priv)->hw_rev); - err = iwl_trans_request_irq(trans(priv)); + err = iwl_trans_start_hw(trans(priv)); if (err) - goto out_free_trans; - - if (iwl_trans_prepare_card_hw(trans(priv))) { - err = -EIO; - IWL_WARN(priv, "Failed, HW not ready\n"); - goto out_free_trans; - } + goto out_free_traffic_mem; /***************** - * 4. Read EEPROM + * 3. Read EEPROM *****************/ - /* Read the EEPROM */ - err = iwl_eeprom_init(priv, hw_rev); + err = iwl_eeprom_init(trans(priv), trans(priv)->hw_rev); + /* Reset chip to save power until we load uCode during "up". */ + iwl_trans_stop_hw(trans(priv)); if (err) { IWL_ERR(priv, "Unable to init EEPROM\n"); - goto out_free_trans; + goto out_free_traffic_mem; } err = iwl_eeprom_check_version(priv); if (err) goto out_free_eeprom; - err = iwl_eeprom_check_sku(priv); + err = iwl_eeprom_init_hw_params(priv); if (err) goto out_free_eeprom; @@ -1836,16 +1309,27 @@ int iwl_probe(struct iwl_bus *bus, const struct iwl_trans_ops *trans_ops, } /************************ - * 5. Setup HW constants + * 4. Setup HW constants ************************/ - if (iwl_set_hw_params(priv)) { - err = -ENOENT; - IWL_ERR(priv, "failed to set hw parameters\n"); - goto out_free_eeprom; + iwl_set_hw_params(priv); + + if (!(hw_params(priv).sku & EEPROM_SKU_CAP_IPAN_ENABLE)) { + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Your EEPROM disabled PAN"); + ucode_flags &= ~IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_PAN; + /* + * if not PAN, then don't support P2P -- might be a uCode + * packaging bug or due to the eeprom check above + */ + ucode_flags &= ~IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_P2P; + priv->sta_key_max_num = STA_KEY_MAX_NUM; + trans_cfg.cmd_queue = IWL_DEFAULT_CMD_QUEUE_NUM; + + /* Configure transport layer again*/ + iwl_trans_configure(trans(priv), &trans_cfg); } /******************* - * 6. Setup priv + * 5. Setup priv *******************/ err = iwl_init_drv(priv); @@ -1854,92 +1338,90 @@ int iwl_probe(struct iwl_bus *bus, const struct iwl_trans_ops *trans_ops, /* At this point both hw and priv are initialized. */ /******************** - * 7. Setup services + * 6. Setup services ********************/ iwl_setup_deferred_work(priv); iwl_setup_rx_handlers(priv); iwl_testmode_init(priv); - /********************************************* - * 8. Enable interrupts - *********************************************/ - - iwl_enable_rfkill_int(priv); + iwl_power_initialize(priv); + iwl_tt_initialize(priv); - /* If platform's RF_KILL switch is NOT set to KILL */ - if (iwl_read32(bus(priv), - CSR_GP_CNTRL) & CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_HW_RF_KILL_SW) - clear_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &priv->shrd->status); - else - set_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &priv->shrd->status); + snprintf(priv->hw->wiphy->fw_version, + sizeof(priv->hw->wiphy->fw_version), + "%s", fw->fw_version); - wiphy_rfkill_set_hw_state(priv->hw->wiphy, - test_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &priv->shrd->status)); + priv->new_scan_threshold_behaviour = + !!(ucode_flags & IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_NEWSCAN); - iwl_power_initialize(priv); - iwl_tt_initialize(priv); + priv->phy_calib_chain_noise_reset_cmd = + fw->ucode_capa.standard_phy_calibration_size; + priv->phy_calib_chain_noise_gain_cmd = + fw->ucode_capa.standard_phy_calibration_size + 1; - init_completion(&priv->firmware_loading_complete); + /* initialize all valid contexts */ + iwl_init_context(priv, ucode_flags); - err = iwl_request_firmware(priv, true); + /************************************************** + * This is still part of probe() in a sense... + * + * 7. Setup and register with mac80211 and debugfs + **************************************************/ + err = iwlagn_mac_setup_register(priv, &fw->ucode_capa); if (err) goto out_destroy_workqueue; - return 0; + err = iwl_dbgfs_register(priv, DRV_NAME); + if (err) + IWL_ERR(priv, + "failed to create debugfs files. Ignoring error: %d\n", + err); + + return op_mode; out_destroy_workqueue: - destroy_workqueue(priv->shrd->workqueue); - priv->shrd->workqueue = NULL; + destroy_workqueue(priv->workqueue); + priv->workqueue = NULL; iwl_uninit_drv(priv); out_free_eeprom: iwl_eeprom_free(priv->shrd); -out_free_trans: - iwl_trans_free(trans(priv)); out_free_traffic_mem: iwl_free_traffic_mem(priv); ieee80211_free_hw(priv->hw); out: - return err; + op_mode = NULL; + return op_mode; } -void __devexit iwl_remove(struct iwl_priv * priv) +static void iwl_op_mode_dvm_stop(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode) { - wait_for_completion(&priv->firmware_loading_complete); + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_OP_MODE_GET_DVM(op_mode); IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "*** UNLOAD DRIVER ***\n"); iwl_dbgfs_unregister(priv); - /* ieee80211_unregister_hw call wil cause iwlagn_mac_stop to - * to be called and iwl_down since we are removing the device - * we need to set STATUS_EXIT_PENDING bit. - */ - set_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status); - iwl_testmode_cleanup(priv); iwlagn_mac_unregister(priv); iwl_tt_exit(priv); /*This will stop the queues, move the device to low power state */ + priv->ucode_loaded = false; iwl_trans_stop_device(trans(priv)); - iwl_dealloc_ucode(trans(priv)); - iwl_eeprom_free(priv->shrd); /*netif_stop_queue(dev); */ - flush_workqueue(priv->shrd->workqueue); + flush_workqueue(priv->workqueue); /* ieee80211_unregister_hw calls iwlagn_mac_stop, which flushes - * priv->shrd->workqueue... so we can't take down the workqueue + * priv->workqueue... so we can't take down the workqueue * until now... */ - destroy_workqueue(priv->shrd->workqueue); - priv->shrd->workqueue = NULL; + destroy_workqueue(priv->workqueue); + priv->workqueue = NULL; iwl_free_traffic_mem(priv); - iwl_trans_free(trans(priv)); - iwl_uninit_drv(priv); dev_kfree_skb(priv->beacon_skb); @@ -1947,12 +1429,81 @@ void __devexit iwl_remove(struct iwl_priv * priv) ieee80211_free_hw(priv->hw); } +static void iwl_cmd_queue_full(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode) +{ + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_OP_MODE_GET_DVM(op_mode); + + if (!iwl_check_for_ct_kill(priv)) { + IWL_ERR(priv, "Restarting adapter queue is full\n"); + iwl_nic_error(op_mode); + } +} + +static void iwl_nic_config(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode) +{ + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_OP_MODE_GET_DVM(op_mode); + + cfg(priv)->lib->nic_config(priv); +} + +static void iwl_stop_sw_queue(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode, u8 ac) +{ + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_OP_MODE_GET_DVM(op_mode); + + set_bit(ac, &priv->transport_queue_stop); + ieee80211_stop_queue(priv->hw, ac); +} + +static void iwl_wake_sw_queue(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode, u8 ac) +{ + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_OP_MODE_GET_DVM(op_mode); + + clear_bit(ac, &priv->transport_queue_stop); + + if (!priv->passive_no_rx) + ieee80211_wake_queue(priv->hw, ac); +} + +void iwlagn_lift_passive_no_rx(struct iwl_priv *priv) +{ + int ac; + + if (!priv->passive_no_rx) + return; + + for (ac = IEEE80211_AC_VO; ac < IEEE80211_NUM_ACS; ac++) { + if (!test_bit(ac, &priv->transport_queue_stop)) { + IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(priv, "Wake queue %d"); + ieee80211_wake_queue(priv->hw, ac); + } else { + IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(priv, "Don't wake queue %d"); + } + } + + priv->passive_no_rx = false; +} + +const struct iwl_op_mode_ops iwl_dvm_ops = { + .start = iwl_op_mode_dvm_start, + .stop = iwl_op_mode_dvm_stop, + .rx = iwl_rx_dispatch, + .queue_full = iwl_stop_sw_queue, + .queue_not_full = iwl_wake_sw_queue, + .hw_rf_kill = iwl_set_hw_rfkill_state, + .free_skb = iwl_free_skb, + .nic_error = iwl_nic_error, + .cmd_queue_full = iwl_cmd_queue_full, + .nic_config = iwl_nic_config, +}; /***************************************************************************** * * driver and module entry point * *****************************************************************************/ + +struct kmem_cache *iwl_tx_cmd_pool; + static int __init iwl_init(void) { @@ -1960,20 +1511,27 @@ static int __init iwl_init(void) pr_info(DRV_DESCRIPTION ", " DRV_VERSION "\n"); pr_info(DRV_COPYRIGHT "\n"); + iwl_tx_cmd_pool = kmem_cache_create("iwl_dev_cmd", + sizeof(struct iwl_device_cmd), + sizeof(void *), 0, NULL); + if (!iwl_tx_cmd_pool) + return -ENOMEM; + ret = iwlagn_rate_control_register(); if (ret) { pr_err("Unable to register rate control algorithm: %d\n", ret); - return ret; + goto error_rc_register; } ret = iwl_pci_register_driver(); - if (ret) - goto error_register; + goto error_pci_register; return ret; -error_register: +error_pci_register: iwlagn_rate_control_unregister(); +error_rc_register: + kmem_cache_destroy(iwl_tx_cmd_pool); return ret; } @@ -1981,6 +1539,7 @@ static void __exit iwl_exit(void) { iwl_pci_unregister_driver(); iwlagn_rate_control_unregister(); + kmem_cache_destroy(iwl_tx_cmd_pool); } module_exit(iwl_exit); @@ -1994,8 +1553,6 @@ MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "debug output mask"); module_param_named(swcrypto, iwlagn_mod_params.sw_crypto, int, S_IRUGO); MODULE_PARM_DESC(swcrypto, "using crypto in software (default 0 [hardware])"); -module_param_named(queues_num, iwlagn_mod_params.num_of_queues, int, S_IRUGO); -MODULE_PARM_DESC(queues_num, "number of hw queues."); module_param_named(11n_disable, iwlagn_mod_params.disable_11n, uint, S_IRUGO); MODULE_PARM_DESC(11n_disable, "disable 11n functionality, bitmap: 1: full, 2: agg TX, 4: agg RX"); @@ -2054,7 +1611,7 @@ MODULE_PARM_DESC(bt_coex_active, "enable wifi/bt co-exist (default: enable)"); module_param_named(led_mode, iwlagn_mod_params.led_mode, int, S_IRUGO); MODULE_PARM_DESC(led_mode, "0=system default, " - "1=On(RF On)/Off(RF Off), 2=blinking (default: 0)"); + "1=On(RF On)/Off(RF Off), 2=blinking, 3=Off (default: 0)"); module_param_named(power_save, iwlagn_mod_params.power_save, bool, S_IRUGO); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn.h index f84fb3c535639980f9e5f9d2ae157b236085d92c..3780a03f2716219197938c0815c10d048c9c914a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @@ -65,16 +65,10 @@ #include "iwl-dev.h" -struct iwlagn_ucode_capabilities { - u32 max_probe_length; - u32 standard_phy_calibration_size; - u32 flags; -}; +struct iwl_ucode_capabilities; extern struct ieee80211_ops iwlagn_hw_ops; -int iwl_reset_ict(struct iwl_trans *trans); - static inline void iwl_set_calib_hdr(struct iwl_calib_hdr *hdr, u8 cmd) { hdr->op_code = cmd; @@ -83,16 +77,31 @@ static inline void iwl_set_calib_hdr(struct iwl_calib_hdr *hdr, u8 cmd) hdr->data_valid = 1; } -void __iwl_down(struct iwl_priv *priv); void iwl_down(struct iwl_priv *priv); +void iwl_cancel_deferred_work(struct iwl_priv *priv); void iwlagn_prepare_restart(struct iwl_priv *priv); +void iwl_free_skb(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode, struct sk_buff *skb); +int __must_check iwl_rx_dispatch(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd); +void iwl_set_hw_rfkill_state(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode, bool state); +void iwl_nic_error(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode); + +bool iwl_check_for_ct_kill(struct iwl_priv *priv); + +void iwlagn_lift_passive_no_rx(struct iwl_priv *priv); /* MAC80211 */ struct ieee80211_hw *iwl_alloc_all(void); int iwlagn_mac_setup_register(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwlagn_ucode_capabilities *capa); + const struct iwl_ucode_capabilities *capa); void iwlagn_mac_unregister(struct iwl_priv *priv); +/* commands */ +int iwl_dvm_send_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd); +int iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 id, + u32 flags, u16 len, const void *data); + /* RXON */ int iwlagn_set_pan_params(struct iwl_priv *priv); int iwlagn_commit_rxon(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx); @@ -107,8 +116,18 @@ void iwlagn_config_ht40(struct ieee80211_conf *conf, /* uCode */ int iwlagn_rx_calib_result(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd); +int iwl_send_bt_env(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 action, u8 type); +void iwl_send_prio_tbl(struct iwl_priv *priv); +int iwl_init_alive_start(struct iwl_priv *priv); +int iwl_run_init_ucode(struct iwl_priv *priv); +int iwl_load_ucode_wait_alive(struct iwl_priv *priv, + enum iwl_ucode_type ucode_type); +int iwl_send_calib_results(struct iwl_priv *priv); +int iwl_calib_set(struct iwl_priv *priv, + const struct iwl_calib_hdr *cmd, int len); +void iwl_calib_free_results(struct iwl_priv *priv); /* lib */ int iwlagn_send_tx_power(struct iwl_priv *priv); @@ -120,8 +139,7 @@ int iwlagn_send_beacon_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv); #ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP int iwlagn_send_patterns(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct cfg80211_wowlan *wowlan); -int iwlagn_suspend(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct cfg80211_wowlan *wowlan); +int iwlagn_suspend(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct cfg80211_wowlan *wowlan); #endif /* rx */ @@ -138,9 +156,9 @@ int iwlagn_tx_agg_oper(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, int iwlagn_tx_agg_stop(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u16 tid); int iwlagn_rx_reply_compressed_ba(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd); -int iwlagn_rx_reply_tx(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, +int iwlagn_rx_reply_tx(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd); static inline u32 iwl_tx_status_to_mac80211(u32 status) @@ -175,7 +193,7 @@ void iwlagn_disable_roc(struct iwl_priv *priv); /* bt coex */ void iwlagn_send_advance_bt_config(struct iwl_priv *priv); int iwlagn_bt_coex_profile_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd); void iwlagn_bt_rx_handler_setup(struct iwl_priv *priv); void iwlagn_bt_setup_deferred_work(struct iwl_priv *priv); @@ -216,6 +234,8 @@ int iwl_add_station_common(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u8 *sta_id_r); int iwl_remove_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, const u8 sta_id, const u8 *addr); +void iwl_deactivate_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, const u8 sta_id, + const u8 *addr); u8 iwl_prep_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, const u8 *addr, bool is_ap, struct ieee80211_sta *sta); @@ -223,46 +243,12 @@ void iwl_sta_fill_lq(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, u8 sta_id, struct iwl_link_quality_cmd *link_cmd); int iwl_send_lq_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, struct iwl_link_quality_cmd *lq, u8 flags, bool init); -void iwl_reprogram_ap_sta(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx); -int iwl_add_sta_callback(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, +int iwl_add_sta_callback(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd); +int iwl_sta_update_ht(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, + struct ieee80211_sta *sta); -/** - * iwl_clear_driver_stations - clear knowledge of all stations from driver - * @priv: iwl priv struct - * - * This is called during iwl_down() to make sure that in the case - * we're coming there from a hardware restart mac80211 will be - * able to reconfigure stations -- if we're getting there in the - * normal down flow then the stations will already be cleared. - */ -static inline void iwl_clear_driver_stations(struct iwl_priv *priv) -{ - unsigned long flags; - struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx; - - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); - memset(priv->stations, 0, sizeof(priv->stations)); - priv->num_stations = 0; - - priv->ucode_key_table = 0; - - for_each_context(priv, ctx) { - /* - * Remove all key information that is not stored as part - * of station information since mac80211 may not have had - * a chance to remove all the keys. When device is - * reconfigured by mac80211 after an error all keys will - * be reconfigured. - */ - memset(ctx->wep_keys, 0, sizeof(ctx->wep_keys)); - ctx->key_mapping_keys = 0; - } - - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); -} - static inline int iwl_sta_id(struct ieee80211_sta *sta) { if (WARN_ON(!sta)) @@ -271,37 +257,6 @@ static inline int iwl_sta_id(struct ieee80211_sta *sta) return ((struct iwl_station_priv *)sta->drv_priv)->sta_id; } -/** - * iwl_sta_id_or_broadcast - return sta_id or broadcast sta - * @priv: iwl priv - * @context: the current context - * @sta: mac80211 station - * - * In certain circumstances mac80211 passes a station pointer - * that may be %NULL, for example during TX or key setup. In - * that case, we need to use the broadcast station, so this - * inline wraps that pattern. - */ -static inline int iwl_sta_id_or_broadcast(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rxon_context *context, - struct ieee80211_sta *sta) -{ - int sta_id; - - if (!sta) - return context->bcast_sta_id; - - sta_id = iwl_sta_id(sta); - - /* - * mac80211 should not be passing a partially - * initialised station! - */ - WARN_ON(sta_id == IWL_INVALID_STATION); - - return sta_id; -} - int iwlagn_alloc_bcast_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx); int iwlagn_add_bssid_station(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, @@ -351,7 +306,6 @@ static inline __le32 iwl_hw_set_rate_n_flags(u8 rate, u32 flags) } /* eeprom */ -void iwl_eeprom_enhanced_txpower(struct iwl_priv *priv); void iwl_eeprom_get_mac(const struct iwl_shared *shrd, u8 *mac); extern int iwl_alive_start(struct iwl_priv *priv); @@ -388,4 +342,68 @@ void iwl_testmode_cleanup(struct iwl_priv *priv) } #endif +#ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG +void iwl_print_rx_config_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, + enum iwl_rxon_context_id ctxid); +#else +static inline void iwl_print_rx_config_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, + enum iwl_rxon_context_id ctxid) +{ +} +#endif + +/* status checks */ + +static inline int iwl_is_ready(struct iwl_priv *priv) +{ + /* The adapter is 'ready' if READY and GEO_CONFIGURED bits are + * set but EXIT_PENDING is not */ + return test_bit(STATUS_READY, &priv->status) && + test_bit(STATUS_GEO_CONFIGURED, &priv->status) && + !test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status); +} + +static inline int iwl_is_alive(struct iwl_priv *priv) +{ + return test_bit(STATUS_ALIVE, &priv->status); +} + +static inline int iwl_is_rfkill(struct iwl_priv *priv) +{ + return test_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &priv->status); +} + +static inline int iwl_is_ctkill(struct iwl_priv *priv) +{ + return test_bit(STATUS_CT_KILL, &priv->status); +} + +static inline int iwl_is_ready_rf(struct iwl_priv *priv) +{ + if (iwl_is_rfkill(priv)) + return 0; + + return iwl_is_ready(priv); +} + +#ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG +#define IWL_DEBUG_QUIET_RFKILL(m, fmt, args...) \ +do { \ + if (!iwl_is_rfkill((m))) \ + IWL_ERR(m, fmt, ##args); \ + else \ + __iwl_err(trans(m)->dev, true, \ + !iwl_have_debug_level(IWL_DL_RADIO), \ + fmt, ##args); \ +} while (0) +#else +#define IWL_DEBUG_QUIET_RFKILL(m, fmt, args...) \ +do { \ + if (!iwl_is_rfkill((m))) \ + IWL_ERR(m, fmt, ##args); \ + else \ + __iwl_err(trans(m)->dev, true, true, fmt, ##args); \ +} while (0) +#endif /* CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG */ + #endif /* __iwl_agn_h__ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-bus.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-bus.h deleted file mode 100644 index 940d5038b39c2d93966f64dbcbf17efe25bc8bd6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-bus.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,209 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************** - * - * This file is provided under a dual BSD/GPLv2 license. When using or - * redistributing this file, you may do so under either license. - * - * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY - * - * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as - * published by the Free Software Foundation. - * - * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but - * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - * General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, - * USA - * - * The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution - * in the file called LICENSE.GPL. - * - * Contact Information: - * Intel Linux Wireless - * Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 - * - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - * - *****************************************************************************/ -#ifndef __iwl_bus_h__ -#define __iwl_bus_h__ - -#include -#include - -/** - * DOC: Bus layer - role and goal - * - * iwl-bus.h defines the API to the bus layer of the iwlwifi driver. - * The bus layer is responsible for doing very basic bus operations that are - * listed in the iwl_bus_ops structure. - * The bus layer registers to the bus driver, advertises the supported HW and - * gets notifications about enumeration, suspend, resume. - * For the moment, the bus layer is not a linux kernel module as itself, and - * the module_init function of the driver must call the bus specific - * registration functions. These functions are listed at the end of this file. - * For the moment, there is only one implementation of this interface: PCI-e. - * This implementation is iwl-pci.c - */ - -/** - * DOC: encapsulation and type safety - * - * The iwl_bus describes the data that is shared amongst all the bus layer - * implementations. This data is visible to other layers. Data in the bus - * specific area is not visible outside the bus specific implementation. - * iwl_bus holds a pointer to iwl_shared which holds pointer to all the other - * layers of the driver (iwl_priv, iwl_trans). In fact, this is the way to go - * when the transport layer needs to call a function of another layer. - * - * In order to achieve encapsulation, iwl_priv cannot be dereferenced from the - * bus layer. Type safety is still kept since functions that gets iwl_priv gets - * a typed pointer (as opposed to void *). - */ - -/** - * DOC: probe flow - * - * The module_init calls the bus specific registration function. The - * registration to the bus layer will trigger an enumeration of the bus which - * will call the bus specific probe function. - * The first thing this function must do is to allocate the memory needed by - * iwl_bus + the bus_specific data. - * Once the bus specific probe function has configured the hardware, it - * chooses the appropriate transport layer and calls iwl_probe that will run - * the bus independent probe flow. - * - * Note: The bus specific code must set the following data in iwl_bus before it - * calls iwl_probe: - * * bus->dev - * * bus->irq - * * bus->ops - */ - -struct iwl_shared; -struct iwl_bus; - -/** - * struct iwl_bus_ops - bus specific operations - * @get_pm_support: must returns true if the bus can go to sleep - * @apm_config: will be called during the config of the APM - * @get_hw_id_string: prints the hw_id in the provided buffer - * @get_hw_id: get hw_id in u32 - * @write8: write a byte to register at offset ofs - * @write32: write a dword to register at offset ofs - * @wread32: read a dword at register at offset ofs - */ -struct iwl_bus_ops { - bool (*get_pm_support)(struct iwl_bus *bus); - void (*apm_config)(struct iwl_bus *bus); - void (*get_hw_id_string)(struct iwl_bus *bus, char buf[], int buf_len); - u32 (*get_hw_id)(struct iwl_bus *bus); - void (*write8)(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 ofs, u8 val); - void (*write32)(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 ofs, u32 val); - u32 (*read32)(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 ofs); -}; - -/** - * struct iwl_bus - bus common data - * - * This data is common to all bus layer implementations. - * - * @dev - pointer to struct device * that represents the device - * @ops - pointer to iwl_bus_ops - * @shrd - pointer to iwl_shared which holds shared data from the upper layer - * NB: for the time being this needs to be set by the upper layer since - * it allocates the shared data - * @irq - the irq number for the device - * @reg_lock - protect hw register access - */ -struct iwl_bus { - struct device *dev; - const struct iwl_bus_ops *ops; - struct iwl_shared *shrd; - - unsigned int irq; - spinlock_t reg_lock; - - /* pointer to bus specific struct */ - /*Ensure that this pointer will always be aligned to sizeof pointer */ - char bus_specific[0] __attribute__((__aligned__(sizeof(void *)))); -}; - -static inline bool bus_get_pm_support(struct iwl_bus *bus) -{ - return bus->ops->get_pm_support(bus); -} - -static inline void bus_apm_config(struct iwl_bus *bus) -{ - bus->ops->apm_config(bus); -} - -static inline void bus_get_hw_id_string(struct iwl_bus *bus, char buf[], - int buf_len) -{ - bus->ops->get_hw_id_string(bus, buf, buf_len); -} - -static inline u32 bus_get_hw_id(struct iwl_bus *bus) -{ - return bus->ops->get_hw_id(bus); -} - -static inline void bus_write8(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 ofs, u8 val) -{ - bus->ops->write8(bus, ofs, val); -} - -static inline void bus_write32(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 ofs, u32 val) -{ - bus->ops->write32(bus, ofs, val); -} - -static inline u32 bus_read32(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 ofs) -{ - return bus->ops->read32(bus, ofs); -} - -/***************************************************** -* Bus layer registration functions -******************************************************/ -int __must_check iwl_pci_register_driver(void); -void iwl_pci_unregister_driver(void); - -#endif /* __iwl_bus_h__ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-cfg.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-cfg.h index e1d78257e4a9426c0908a0b64acd7b31a1ca972b..82152311d73b3ebe5a89d3cdfac1732892327696 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-cfg.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-cfg.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @@ -68,44 +68,46 @@ * This file declares the config structures for all devices. */ -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl5300_agn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl5100_agn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl5350_agn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl5100_bgn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl5100_abg_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl5150_agn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl5150_abg_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2agn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2abg_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2bg_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2agn_sff_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2agn_d_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl1030_bgn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl1030_bg_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl6030_2agn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl6030_2abg_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl6030_2bgn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl6030_2bg_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl6000i_2agn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl6000i_2abg_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl6000i_2bg_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl6000_3agn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl6050_2agn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl6050_2abg_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl6150_bgn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl6150_bg_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl1000_bgn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl1000_bg_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl100_bgn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl100_bg_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl130_bgn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl130_bg_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl2000_2bgn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl2000_2bgn_d_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl2030_2bgn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl6035_2agn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl105_bgn_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl105_bgn_d_cfg; -extern struct iwl_cfg iwl135_bgn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl5300_agn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl5100_agn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl5350_agn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl5100_bgn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl5100_abg_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl5150_agn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl5150_abg_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2agn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2abg_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2bg_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2agn_sff_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2agn_d_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2agn_mow1_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6005_2agn_mow2_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl1030_bgn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl1030_bg_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6030_2agn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6030_2abg_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6030_2bgn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6030_2bg_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6000i_2agn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6000i_2abg_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6000i_2bg_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6000_3agn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6050_2agn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6050_2abg_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6150_bgn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6150_bg_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl1000_bgn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl1000_bg_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl100_bgn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl100_bg_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl130_bgn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl130_bg_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl2000_2bgn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl2000_2bgn_d_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl2030_2bgn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl6035_2agn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl105_bgn_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl105_bgn_d_cfg; +extern const struct iwl_cfg iwl135_bgn_cfg; #endif /* __iwl_pci_h__ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-commands.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-commands.h index f822ac447c3bcd484979d9ce5179a6064bb2e2f9..9ed73e5154be908a18662fb9493292233594e0d8 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-commands.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-commands.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @@ -69,22 +69,9 @@ #ifndef __iwl_commands_h__ #define __iwl_commands_h__ -#include #include +#include -struct iwl_priv; - -/* uCode version contains 4 values: Major/Minor/API/Serial */ -#define IWL_UCODE_MAJOR(ver) (((ver) & 0xFF000000) >> 24) -#define IWL_UCODE_MINOR(ver) (((ver) & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) -#define IWL_UCODE_API(ver) (((ver) & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) -#define IWL_UCODE_SERIAL(ver) ((ver) & 0x000000FF) - - -/* Tx rates */ -#define IWL_CCK_RATES 4 -#define IWL_OFDM_RATES 8 -#define IWL_MAX_RATES (IWL_CCK_RATES + IWL_OFDM_RATES) enum { REPLY_ALIVE = 0x1, @@ -213,48 +200,6 @@ enum { /* iwl_cmd_header flags value */ #define IWL_CMD_FAILED_MSK 0x40 -#define SEQ_TO_QUEUE(s) (((s) >> 8) & 0x1f) -#define QUEUE_TO_SEQ(q) (((q) & 0x1f) << 8) -#define SEQ_TO_INDEX(s) ((s) & 0xff) -#define INDEX_TO_SEQ(i) ((i) & 0xff) -#define SEQ_RX_FRAME cpu_to_le16(0x8000) - -/** - * struct iwl_cmd_header - * - * This header format appears in the beginning of each command sent from the - * driver, and each response/notification received from uCode. - */ -struct iwl_cmd_header { - u8 cmd; /* Command ID: REPLY_RXON, etc. */ - u8 flags; /* 0:5 reserved, 6 abort, 7 internal */ - /* - * The driver sets up the sequence number to values of its choosing. - * uCode does not use this value, but passes it back to the driver - * when sending the response to each driver-originated command, so - * the driver can match the response to the command. Since the values - * don't get used by uCode, the driver may set up an arbitrary format. - * - * There is one exception: uCode sets bit 15 when it originates - * the response/notification, i.e. when the response/notification - * is not a direct response to a command sent by the driver. For - * example, uCode issues REPLY_RX when it sends a received frame - * to the driver; it is not a direct response to any driver command. - * - * The Linux driver uses the following format: - * - * 0:7 tfd index - position within TX queue - * 8:12 TX queue id - * 13:14 reserved - * 15 unsolicited RX or uCode-originated notification - */ - __le16 sequence; - - /* command or response/notification data follows immediately */ - u8 data[0]; -} __packed; - - /** * iwlagn rate_n_flags bit fields * @@ -3151,8 +3096,6 @@ struct iwl_enhance_sensitivity_cmd { */ /* Phy calibration command for series */ -/* The default calibrate table size if not specified by firmware */ -#define IWL_DEFAULT_STANDARD_PHY_CALIBRATE_TBL_SIZE 18 enum { IWL_PHY_CALIBRATE_DC_CMD = 8, IWL_PHY_CALIBRATE_LO_CMD = 9, @@ -3161,11 +3104,8 @@ enum { IWL_PHY_CALIBRATE_BASE_BAND_CMD = 16, IWL_PHY_CALIBRATE_TX_IQ_PERD_CMD = 17, IWL_PHY_CALIBRATE_TEMP_OFFSET_CMD = 18, - IWL_MAX_STANDARD_PHY_CALIBRATE_TBL_SIZE = 19, }; -#define IWL_MAX_PHY_CALIBRATE_TBL_SIZE (253) - /* This enum defines the bitmap of various calibrations to enable in both * init ucode and runtime ucode through CALIBRATION_CFG_CMD. */ @@ -3905,50 +3845,6 @@ struct iwlagn_wowlan_kek_kck_material_cmd { __le64 replay_ctr; } __packed; -/****************************************************************************** - * (13) - * Union of all expected notifications/responses: - * - *****************************************************************************/ -#define FH_RSCSR_FRAME_SIZE_MSK (0x00003FFF) /* bits 0-13 */ - -struct iwl_rx_packet { - /* - * The first 4 bytes of the RX frame header contain both the RX frame - * size and some flags. - * Bit fields: - * 31: flag flush RB request - * 30: flag ignore TC (terminal counter) request - * 29: flag fast IRQ request - * 28-14: Reserved - * 13-00: RX frame size - */ - __le32 len_n_flags; - struct iwl_cmd_header hdr; - union { - struct iwl_alive_resp alive_frame; - struct iwl_spectrum_notification spectrum_notif; - struct iwl_csa_notification csa_notif; - struct iwl_error_resp err_resp; - struct iwl_card_state_notif card_state_notif; - struct iwl_add_sta_resp add_sta; - struct iwl_rem_sta_resp rem_sta; - struct iwl_sleep_notification sleep_notif; - struct iwl_spectrum_resp spectrum; - struct iwl_notif_statistics stats; - struct iwl_bt_notif_statistics stats_bt; - struct iwl_compressed_ba_resp compressed_ba; - struct iwl_missed_beacon_notif missed_beacon; - struct iwl_coex_medium_notification coex_medium_notif; - struct iwl_coex_event_resp coex_event; - struct iwl_bt_coex_profile_notif bt_coex_profile_notif; - __le32 status; - u8 raw[0]; - } u; -} __packed; - -int iwl_agn_check_rxon_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv); - /* * REPLY_WIPAN_PARAMS = 0xb2 (Commands and Notification) */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-core.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-core.c index 7bcfa781e0b914594c9157d561a7509d2a32a291..46490d3b95b9eb943ce08cc6ee868065b454a835 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-core.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-core.c @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ #include "iwl-core.h" #include "iwl-io.h" #include "iwl-power.h" -#include "iwl-agn.h" #include "iwl-shared.h" #include "iwl-agn.h" #include "iwl-trans.h" @@ -114,7 +113,7 @@ int iwl_init_geos(struct iwl_priv *priv) if (priv->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ].n_bitrates || priv->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ].n_bitrates) { IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Geography modes already initialized.\n"); - set_bit(STATUS_GEO_CONFIGURED, &priv->shrd->status); + set_bit(STATUS_GEO_CONFIGURED, &priv->status); return 0; } @@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ int iwl_init_geos(struct iwl_priv *priv) sband->bitrates = &rates[IWL_FIRST_OFDM_RATE]; sband->n_bitrates = IWL_RATE_COUNT_LEGACY - IWL_FIRST_OFDM_RATE; - if (cfg(priv)->sku & EEPROM_SKU_CAP_11N_ENABLE) + if (hw_params(priv).sku & EEPROM_SKU_CAP_11N_ENABLE) iwl_init_ht_hw_capab(priv, &sband->ht_cap, IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ); @@ -147,7 +146,7 @@ int iwl_init_geos(struct iwl_priv *priv) sband->bitrates = rates; sband->n_bitrates = IWL_RATE_COUNT_LEGACY; - if (cfg(priv)->sku & EEPROM_SKU_CAP_11N_ENABLE) + if (hw_params(priv).sku & EEPROM_SKU_CAP_11N_ENABLE) iwl_init_ht_hw_capab(priv, &sband->ht_cap, IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ); @@ -202,19 +201,18 @@ int iwl_init_geos(struct iwl_priv *priv) priv->tx_power_next = max_tx_power; if ((priv->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ].n_channels == 0) && - cfg(priv)->sku & EEPROM_SKU_CAP_BAND_52GHZ) { - char buf[32]; - bus_get_hw_id_string(bus(priv), buf, sizeof(buf)); + hw_params(priv).sku & EEPROM_SKU_CAP_BAND_52GHZ) { IWL_INFO(priv, "Incorrectly detected BG card as ABG. " - "Please send your %s to maintainer.\n", buf); - cfg(priv)->sku &= ~EEPROM_SKU_CAP_BAND_52GHZ; + "Please send your %s to maintainer.\n", + trans(priv)->hw_id_str); + hw_params(priv).sku &= ~EEPROM_SKU_CAP_BAND_52GHZ; } IWL_INFO(priv, "Tunable channels: %d 802.11bg, %d 802.11a channels\n", priv->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ].n_channels, priv->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ].n_channels); - set_bit(STATUS_GEO_CONFIGURED, &priv->shrd->status); + set_bit(STATUS_GEO_CONFIGURED, &priv->status); return 0; } @@ -226,7 +224,7 @@ void iwl_free_geos(struct iwl_priv *priv) { kfree(priv->ieee_channels); kfree(priv->ieee_rates); - clear_bit(STATUS_GEO_CONFIGURED, &priv->shrd->status); + clear_bit(STATUS_GEO_CONFIGURED, &priv->status); } static bool iwl_is_channel_extension(struct iwl_priv *priv, @@ -318,7 +316,7 @@ int iwl_send_rxon_timing(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx) conf = &priv->hw->conf; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); memset(&ctx->timing, 0, sizeof(struct iwl_rxon_time_cmd)); @@ -371,7 +369,7 @@ int iwl_send_rxon_timing(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx) le32_to_cpu(ctx->timing.beacon_init_val), le16_to_cpu(ctx->timing.atim_window)); - return iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), ctx->rxon_timing_cmd, + return iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, ctx->rxon_timing_cmd, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(ctx->timing), &ctx->timing); } @@ -644,7 +642,7 @@ u8 iwl_get_single_channel_number(struct iwl_priv *priv, * NOTE: Does not commit to the hardware; it sets appropriate bit fields * in the staging RXON flag structure based on the ch->band */ -int iwl_set_rxon_channel(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_channel *ch, +void iwl_set_rxon_channel(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_channel *ch, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx) { enum ieee80211_band band = ch->band; @@ -652,7 +650,7 @@ int iwl_set_rxon_channel(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_channel *ch, if ((le16_to_cpu(ctx->staging.channel) == channel) && (priv->band == band)) - return 0; + return; ctx->staging.channel = cpu_to_le16(channel); if (band == IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ) @@ -664,7 +662,6 @@ int iwl_set_rxon_channel(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_channel *ch, IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Staging channel set to %d [%d]\n", channel, band); - return 0; } void iwl_set_flags_for_band(struct iwl_priv *priv, @@ -801,11 +798,10 @@ void iwl_chswitch_done(struct iwl_priv *priv, bool is_success) */ struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = &priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS]; - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) return; - if (test_and_clear_bit(STATUS_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING, - &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_and_clear_bit(STATUS_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING, &priv->status)) ieee80211_chswitch_done(ctx->vif, is_success); } @@ -832,24 +828,32 @@ void iwl_print_rx_config_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, } #endif -void iwlagn_fw_error(struct iwl_priv *priv, bool ondemand) +static void iwlagn_fw_error(struct iwl_priv *priv, bool ondemand) { unsigned int reload_msec; unsigned long reload_jiffies; +#ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG + if (iwl_have_debug_level(IWL_DL_FW_ERRORS)) + iwl_print_rx_config_cmd(priv, IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS); +#endif + + /* uCode is no longer loaded. */ + priv->ucode_loaded = false; + /* Set the FW error flag -- cleared on iwl_down */ set_bit(STATUS_FW_ERROR, &priv->shrd->status); /* Cancel currently queued command. */ clear_bit(STATUS_HCMD_ACTIVE, &priv->shrd->status); - iwl_abort_notification_waits(priv->shrd); + iwl_abort_notification_waits(&priv->notif_wait); /* Keep the restart process from trying to send host * commands by clearing the ready bit */ - clear_bit(STATUS_READY, &priv->shrd->status); + clear_bit(STATUS_READY, &priv->status); - wake_up(&priv->shrd->wait_command_queue); + wake_up(&trans(priv)->wait_command_queue); if (!ondemand) { /* @@ -872,140 +876,17 @@ void iwlagn_fw_error(struct iwl_priv *priv, bool ondemand) priv->reload_count = 0; } - if (!test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) { + if (!test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) { if (iwlagn_mod_params.restart_fw) { IWL_DEBUG_FW_ERRORS(priv, "Restarting adapter due to uCode error.\n"); - queue_work(priv->shrd->workqueue, &priv->restart); + queue_work(priv->workqueue, &priv->restart); } else IWL_DEBUG_FW_ERRORS(priv, "Detected FW error, but not restarting\n"); } } -static int iwl_apm_stop_master(struct iwl_priv *priv) -{ - int ret = 0; - - /* stop device's busmaster DMA activity */ - iwl_set_bit(bus(priv), CSR_RESET, CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_STOP_MASTER); - - ret = iwl_poll_bit(bus(priv), CSR_RESET, - CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_MASTER_DISABLED, - CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_MASTER_DISABLED, 100); - if (ret) - IWL_WARN(priv, "Master Disable Timed Out, 100 usec\n"); - - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "stop master\n"); - - return ret; -} - -void iwl_apm_stop(struct iwl_priv *priv) -{ - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Stop card, put in low power state\n"); - - clear_bit(STATUS_DEVICE_ENABLED, &priv->shrd->status); - - /* Stop device's DMA activity */ - iwl_apm_stop_master(priv); - - /* Reset the entire device */ - iwl_set_bit(bus(priv), CSR_RESET, CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_SW_RESET); - - udelay(10); - - /* - * Clear "initialization complete" bit to move adapter from - * D0A* (powered-up Active) --> D0U* (Uninitialized) state. - */ - iwl_clear_bit(bus(priv), CSR_GP_CNTRL, CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_INIT_DONE); -} - - -/* - * Start up NIC's basic functionality after it has been reset - * (e.g. after platform boot, or shutdown via iwl_apm_stop()) - * NOTE: This does not load uCode nor start the embedded processor - */ -int iwl_apm_init(struct iwl_priv *priv) -{ - int ret = 0; - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Init card's basic functions\n"); - - /* - * Use "set_bit" below rather than "write", to preserve any hardware - * bits already set by default after reset. - */ - - /* Disable L0S exit timer (platform NMI Work/Around) */ - iwl_set_bit(bus(priv), CSR_GIO_CHICKEN_BITS, - CSR_GIO_CHICKEN_BITS_REG_BIT_DIS_L0S_EXIT_TIMER); - - /* - * Disable L0s without affecting L1; - * don't wait for ICH L0s (ICH bug W/A) - */ - iwl_set_bit(bus(priv), CSR_GIO_CHICKEN_BITS, - CSR_GIO_CHICKEN_BITS_REG_BIT_L1A_NO_L0S_RX); - - /* Set FH wait threshold to maximum (HW error during stress W/A) */ - iwl_set_bit(bus(priv), CSR_DBG_HPET_MEM_REG, CSR_DBG_HPET_MEM_REG_VAL); - - /* - * Enable HAP INTA (interrupt from management bus) to - * wake device's PCI Express link L1a -> L0s - */ - iwl_set_bit(bus(priv), CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, - CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_HAP_WAKE_L1A); - - bus_apm_config(bus(priv)); - - /* Configure analog phase-lock-loop before activating to D0A */ - if (cfg(priv)->base_params->pll_cfg_val) - iwl_set_bit(bus(priv), CSR_ANA_PLL_CFG, - cfg(priv)->base_params->pll_cfg_val); - - /* - * Set "initialization complete" bit to move adapter from - * D0U* --> D0A* (powered-up active) state. - */ - iwl_set_bit(bus(priv), CSR_GP_CNTRL, CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_INIT_DONE); - - /* - * Wait for clock stabilization; once stabilized, access to - * device-internal resources is supported, e.g. iwl_write_prph() - * and accesses to uCode SRAM. - */ - ret = iwl_poll_bit(bus(priv), CSR_GP_CNTRL, - CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_CLOCK_READY, - CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_CLOCK_READY, 25000); - if (ret < 0) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Failed to init the card\n"); - goto out; - } - - /* - * Enable DMA clock and wait for it to stabilize. - * - * Write to "CLK_EN_REG"; "1" bits enable clocks, while "0" bits - * do not disable clocks. This preserves any hardware bits already - * set by default in "CLK_CTRL_REG" after reset. - */ - iwl_write_prph(bus(priv), APMG_CLK_EN_REG, APMG_CLK_VAL_DMA_CLK_RQT); - udelay(20); - - /* Disable L1-Active */ - iwl_set_bits_prph(bus(priv), APMG_PCIDEV_STT_REG, - APMG_PCIDEV_STT_VAL_L1_ACT_DIS); - - set_bit(STATUS_DEVICE_ENABLED, &priv->shrd->status); - -out: - return ret; -} - - int iwl_set_tx_power(struct iwl_priv *priv, s8 tx_power, bool force) { int ret; @@ -1013,7 +894,7 @@ int iwl_set_tx_power(struct iwl_priv *priv, s8 tx_power, bool force) bool defer; struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = &priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS]; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); if (priv->tx_power_user_lmt == tx_power && !force) return 0; @@ -1033,7 +914,7 @@ int iwl_set_tx_power(struct iwl_priv *priv, s8 tx_power, bool force) return -EINVAL; } - if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv->shrd)) + if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv)) return -EIO; /* scan complete and commit_rxon use tx_power_next value, @@ -1041,7 +922,7 @@ int iwl_set_tx_power(struct iwl_priv *priv, s8 tx_power, bool force) priv->tx_power_next = tx_power; /* do not set tx power when scanning or channel changing */ - defer = test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->shrd->status) || + defer = test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->status) || memcmp(&ctx->active, &ctx->staging, sizeof(ctx->staging)); if (defer && !force) { IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Deferring tx power set\n"); @@ -1079,7 +960,7 @@ void iwl_send_bt_config(struct iwl_priv *priv) IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "BT coex %s\n", (bt_cmd.flags == BT_COEX_DISABLE) ? "disable" : "active"); - if (iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), REPLY_BT_CONFIG, + if (iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, REPLY_BT_CONFIG, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(struct iwl_bt_cmd), &bt_cmd)) IWL_ERR(priv, "failed to send BT Coex Config\n"); } @@ -1092,12 +973,12 @@ int iwl_send_statistics_request(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 flags, bool clear) }; if (flags & CMD_ASYNC) - return iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), REPLY_STATISTICS_CMD, + return iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, REPLY_STATISTICS_CMD, CMD_ASYNC, sizeof(struct iwl_statistics_cmd), &statistics_cmd); else - return iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), REPLY_STATISTICS_CMD, + return iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, REPLY_STATISTICS_CMD, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(struct iwl_statistics_cmd), &statistics_cmd); @@ -1124,7 +1005,7 @@ int iwl_alloc_traffic_mem(struct iwl_priv *priv) { u32 traffic_size = IWL_TRAFFIC_DUMP_SIZE; - if (iwl_get_debug_level(priv->shrd) & IWL_DL_TX) { + if (iwl_have_debug_level(IWL_DL_TX)) { if (!priv->tx_traffic) { priv->tx_traffic = kzalloc(traffic_size, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -1132,7 +1013,7 @@ int iwl_alloc_traffic_mem(struct iwl_priv *priv) return -ENOMEM; } } - if (iwl_get_debug_level(priv->shrd) & IWL_DL_RX) { + if (iwl_have_debug_level(IWL_DL_RX)) { if (!priv->rx_traffic) { priv->rx_traffic = kzalloc(traffic_size, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -1159,7 +1040,7 @@ void iwl_dbg_log_tx_data_frame(struct iwl_priv *priv, __le16 fc; u16 len; - if (likely(!(iwl_get_debug_level(priv->shrd) & IWL_DL_TX))) + if (likely(!iwl_have_debug_level(IWL_DL_TX))) return; if (!priv->tx_traffic) @@ -1183,7 +1064,7 @@ void iwl_dbg_log_rx_data_frame(struct iwl_priv *priv, __le16 fc; u16 len; - if (likely(!(iwl_get_debug_level(priv->shrd) & IWL_DL_RX))) + if (likely(!iwl_have_debug_level(IWL_DL_RX))) return; if (!priv->rx_traffic) @@ -1340,7 +1221,7 @@ void iwl_update_stats(struct iwl_priv *priv, bool is_tx, __le16 fc, u16 len) static void iwl_force_rf_reset(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) return; if (!iwl_is_any_associated(priv)) { @@ -1365,7 +1246,7 @@ int iwl_force_reset(struct iwl_priv *priv, int mode, bool external) { struct iwl_force_reset *force_reset; - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) return -EINVAL; if (mode >= IWL_MAX_FORCE_RESET) { @@ -1421,7 +1302,7 @@ int iwl_cmd_echo_test(struct iwl_priv *priv) .flags = CMD_SYNC, }; - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), &cmd); + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &cmd); if (ret) IWL_ERR(priv, "echo testing fail: 0X%x\n", ret); else @@ -1455,30 +1336,20 @@ void iwl_bg_watchdog(unsigned long data) int cnt; unsigned long timeout; - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) return; - if (iwl_is_rfkill(priv->shrd)) + if (iwl_is_rfkill(priv)) return; - timeout = cfg(priv)->base_params->wd_timeout; + timeout = hw_params(priv).wd_timeout; if (timeout == 0) return; - /* monitor and check for stuck cmd queue */ - if (iwl_check_stuck_queue(priv, priv->shrd->cmd_queue)) - return; - - /* monitor and check for other stuck queues */ - if (iwl_is_any_associated(priv)) { - for (cnt = 0; cnt < hw_params(priv).max_txq_num; cnt++) { - /* skip as we already checked the command queue */ - if (cnt == priv->shrd->cmd_queue) - continue; - if (iwl_check_stuck_queue(priv, cnt)) - return; - } - } + /* monitor and check for stuck queues */ + for (cnt = 0; cnt < cfg(priv)->base_params->num_of_queues; cnt++) + if (iwl_check_stuck_queue(priv, cnt)) + return; mod_timer(&priv->watchdog, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(IWL_WD_TICK(timeout))); @@ -1486,7 +1357,7 @@ void iwl_bg_watchdog(unsigned long data) void iwl_setup_watchdog(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - unsigned int timeout = cfg(priv)->base_params->wd_timeout; + unsigned int timeout = hw_params(priv).wd_timeout; if (!iwlagn_mod_params.wd_disable) { /* use system default */ @@ -1580,31 +1451,30 @@ __le32 iwl_add_beacon_time(struct iwl_priv *priv, u32 base, return cpu_to_le32(res); } -void iwl_set_hw_rfkill_state(struct iwl_priv *priv, bool state) +void iwl_nic_error(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode) { - wiphy_rfkill_set_hw_state(priv->hw->wiphy, state); + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_OP_MODE_GET_DVM(op_mode); + + iwlagn_fw_error(priv, false); } -void iwl_nic_config(struct iwl_priv *priv) +void iwl_set_hw_rfkill_state(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode, bool state) { - cfg(priv)->lib->nic_config(priv); + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_OP_MODE_GET_DVM(op_mode); + + if (state) + set_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &priv->status); + else + clear_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &priv->status); + + wiphy_rfkill_set_hw_state(priv->hw->wiphy, state); } -void iwl_free_skb(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct sk_buff *skb) +void iwl_free_skb(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode, struct sk_buff *skb) { struct ieee80211_tx_info *info; info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); - kmem_cache_free(priv->tx_cmd_pool, (info->driver_data[1])); + kmem_cache_free(iwl_tx_cmd_pool, (info->driver_data[1])); dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); } - -void iwl_stop_sw_queue(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 ac) -{ - ieee80211_stop_queue(priv->hw, ac); -} - -void iwl_wake_sw_queue(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 ac) -{ - ieee80211_wake_queue(priv->hw, ac); -} diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-core.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-core.h index 7bf76ab94dd21afb5fc8d80351eca3788d8452fa..635eb685edeb9308b35d0a2d015aaeb3db795cd0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-core.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-core.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @@ -76,13 +76,7 @@ struct iwl_cmd; struct iwl_lib_ops { /* set hw dependent parameters */ - int (*set_hw_params)(struct iwl_priv *priv); - /* setup BT Rx handler */ - void (*bt_rx_handler_setup)(struct iwl_priv *priv); - /* setup BT related deferred work */ - void (*bt_setup_deferred_work)(struct iwl_priv *priv); - /* cancel deferred work */ - void (*cancel_deferred_work)(struct iwl_priv *priv); + void (*set_hw_params)(struct iwl_priv *priv); int (*set_channel_switch)(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_channel_switch *ch_switch); /* device specific configuration */ @@ -95,72 +89,6 @@ struct iwl_lib_ops { void (*temperature)(struct iwl_priv *priv); }; -/* - * @max_ll_items: max number of OTP blocks - * @shadow_ram_support: shadow support for OTP memory - * @led_compensation: compensate on the led on/off time per HW according - * to the deviation to achieve the desired led frequency. - * The detail algorithm is described in iwl-led.c - * @chain_noise_num_beacons: number of beacons used to compute chain noise - * @adv_thermal_throttle: support advance thermal throttle - * @support_ct_kill_exit: support ct kill exit condition - * @support_wimax_coexist: support wimax/wifi co-exist - * @plcp_delta_threshold: plcp error rate threshold used to trigger - * radio tuning when there is a high receiving plcp error rate - * @chain_noise_scale: default chain noise scale used for gain computation - * @wd_timeout: TX queues watchdog timeout - * @max_event_log_size: size of event log buffer size for ucode event logging - * @shadow_reg_enable: HW shadhow register bit - * @no_idle_support: do not support idle mode - * @hd_v2: v2 of enhanced sensitivity value, used for 2000 series and up - * wd_disable: disable watchdog timer - */ -struct iwl_base_params { - int eeprom_size; - int num_of_queues; /* def: HW dependent */ - int num_of_ampdu_queues;/* def: HW dependent */ - /* for iwl_apm_init() */ - u32 pll_cfg_val; - - const u16 max_ll_items; - const bool shadow_ram_support; - u16 led_compensation; - bool adv_thermal_throttle; - bool support_ct_kill_exit; - const bool support_wimax_coexist; - u8 plcp_delta_threshold; - s32 chain_noise_scale; - unsigned int wd_timeout; - u32 max_event_log_size; - const bool shadow_reg_enable; - const bool no_idle_support; - const bool hd_v2; - const bool wd_disable; -}; -/* - * @advanced_bt_coexist: support advanced bt coexist - * @bt_init_traffic_load: specify initial bt traffic load - * @bt_prio_boost: default bt priority boost value - * @agg_time_limit: maximum number of uSec in aggregation - * @bt_sco_disable: uCode should not response to BT in SCO/ESCO mode - */ -struct iwl_bt_params { - bool advanced_bt_coexist; - u8 bt_init_traffic_load; - u8 bt_prio_boost; - u16 agg_time_limit; - bool bt_sco_disable; - bool bt_session_2; -}; -/* - * @use_rts_for_aggregation: use rts/cts protection for HT traffic - */ -struct iwl_ht_params { - const bool ht_greenfield_support; /* if used set to true */ - bool use_rts_for_aggregation; - enum ieee80211_smps_mode smps_mode; -}; - /*************************** * L i b * ***************************/ @@ -169,7 +97,7 @@ void iwl_set_rxon_hwcrypto(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, int hw_decrypt); int iwl_check_rxon_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx); int iwl_full_rxon_required(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx); -int iwl_set_rxon_channel(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_channel *ch, +void iwl_set_rxon_channel(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_channel *ch, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx); void iwl_set_flags_for_band(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx, @@ -197,6 +125,8 @@ const char *get_ctrl_string(int cmd); void iwl_clear_traffic_stats(struct iwl_priv *priv); void iwl_update_stats(struct iwl_priv *priv, bool is_tx, __le16 fc, u16 len); +void iwl_reset_traffic_log(struct iwl_priv *priv); + #else static inline int iwl_alloc_traffic_mem(struct iwl_priv *priv) { @@ -242,8 +172,6 @@ void iwl_scan_cancel_timeout(struct iwl_priv *priv, unsigned long ms); void iwl_force_scan_end(struct iwl_priv *priv); void iwl_internal_short_hw_scan(struct iwl_priv *priv); int iwl_force_reset(struct iwl_priv *priv, int mode, bool external); -u16 iwl_fill_probe_req(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_mgmt *frame, - const u8 *ta, const u8 *ie, int ie_len, int left); void iwl_setup_rx_scan_handlers(struct iwl_priv *priv); void iwl_setup_scan_deferred_work(struct iwl_priv *priv); void iwl_cancel_scan_deferred_work(struct iwl_priv *priv); @@ -263,6 +191,10 @@ int __must_check iwl_scan_initiate(struct iwl_priv *priv, #define IWL_SCAN_CHECK_WATCHDOG (HZ * 7) +/* traffic log definitions */ +#define IWL_TRAFFIC_ENTRIES (256) +#define IWL_TRAFFIC_ENTRY_SIZE (64) + /***************************************************** * S e n d i n g H o s t C o m m a n d s * *****************************************************/ @@ -297,12 +229,6 @@ static inline bool iwl_advanced_bt_coexist(struct iwl_priv *priv) cfg(priv)->bt_params->advanced_bt_coexist; } -static inline void iwl_enable_rfkill_int(struct iwl_priv *priv) -{ - IWL_DEBUG_ISR(priv, "Enabling rfkill interrupt\n"); - iwl_write32(bus(priv), CSR_INT_MASK, CSR_INT_BIT_RF_KILL); -} - extern bool bt_siso_mode; #endif /* __iwl_core_h__ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-csr.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-csr.h index fbc3095c7b445b71f9ddf09bc15d3cf2fd308869..5f96ce105f08c1916abd41246a57b1ce610b3082 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-csr.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-csr.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-debug.c similarity index 68% rename from drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans.c rename to drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-debug.c index 1b20c4fb791b07bac2473978d79f24c37a4b5703..059efabda18424b3af7299f1fd676f43cb2e4865 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-debug.c @@ -61,17 +61,67 @@ * *****************************************************************************/ -#include "iwl-trans.h" +#include +#include "iwl-debug.h" -int iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(struct iwl_trans *trans, u8 id, - u32 flags, u16 len, const void *data) +#define __iwl_fn(fn) \ +void __iwl_ ##fn(struct device *dev, const char *fmt, ...) \ +{ \ + struct va_format vaf = { \ + .fmt = fmt, \ + }; \ + va_list args; \ + \ + va_start(args, fmt); \ + vaf.va = &args; \ + dev_ ##fn(dev, "%pV", &vaf); \ + trace_iwlwifi_ ##fn(&vaf); \ + va_end(args); \ +} + +__iwl_fn(warn) +__iwl_fn(info) +__iwl_fn(crit) + +void __iwl_err(struct device *dev, bool rfkill_prefix, bool trace_only, + const char *fmt, ...) +{ + struct va_format vaf = { + .fmt = fmt, + }; + va_list args; + + va_start(args, fmt); + vaf.va = &args; + if (!trace_only) { + if (rfkill_prefix) + dev_err(dev, "(RFKILL) %pV", &vaf); + else + dev_err(dev, "%pV", &vaf); + } + trace_iwlwifi_err(&vaf); + va_end(args); +} + +#if defined(CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG) || defined(CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEVICE_TRACING) +void __iwl_dbg(struct device *dev, + u32 level, bool limit, const char *function, + const char *fmt, ...) { - struct iwl_host_cmd cmd = { - .id = id, - .len = { len, }, - .data = { data, }, - .flags = flags, + struct va_format vaf = { + .fmt = fmt, }; + va_list args; - return iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans, &cmd); + va_start(args, fmt); + vaf.va = &args; +#ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG + if (iwl_have_debug_level(level) && + (!limit || net_ratelimit())) + dev_err(dev, "%c %s %pV", in_interrupt() ? 'I' : 'U', + function, &vaf); +#endif + trace_iwlwifi_dbg(level, in_interrupt(), function, &vaf); + va_end(args); } +#endif diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-debug.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-debug.h index f8fc2393dd4c15686755a702392dd936b963f95c..a6b32a11e103092fd11ce2d074034fca9e23d854 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-debug.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-debug.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Portions of this file are derived from the ipw3945 project. * @@ -29,16 +29,34 @@ #ifndef __iwl_debug_h__ #define __iwl_debug_h__ -#include "iwl-bus.h" #include "iwl-shared.h" +#include "iwl-devtrace.h" struct iwl_priv; -/*No matter what is m (priv, bus, trans), this will work */ -#define IWL_ERR(m, f, a...) dev_err(bus(m)->dev, f, ## a) -#define IWL_WARN(m, f, a...) dev_warn(bus(m)->dev, f, ## a) -#define IWL_INFO(m, f, a...) dev_info(bus(m)->dev, f, ## a) -#define IWL_CRIT(m, f, a...) dev_crit(bus(m)->dev, f, ## a) +void __iwl_err(struct device *dev, bool rfkill_prefix, bool only_trace, + const char *fmt, ...); +void __iwl_warn(struct device *dev, const char *fmt, ...); +void __iwl_info(struct device *dev, const char *fmt, ...); +void __iwl_crit(struct device *dev, const char *fmt, ...); + +/* No matter what is m (priv, bus, trans), this will work */ +#define IWL_ERR(m, f, a...) __iwl_err(trans(m)->dev, false, false, f, ## a) +#define IWL_WARN(m, f, a...) __iwl_warn(trans(m)->dev, f, ## a) +#define IWL_INFO(m, f, a...) __iwl_info(trans(m)->dev, f, ## a) +#define IWL_CRIT(m, f, a...) __iwl_crit(trans(m)->dev, f, ## a) + +#if defined(CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG) || defined(CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEVICE_TRACING) +void __iwl_dbg(struct device *dev, + u32 level, bool limit, const char *function, + const char *fmt, ...); +#else +static inline void +__iwl_dbg(struct device *dev, + u32 level, bool limit, const char *function, + const char *fmt, ...) +{} +#endif #define iwl_print_hex_error(m, p, len) \ do { \ @@ -46,54 +64,20 @@ do { \ DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, 16, 1, p, len, 1); \ } while (0) -#ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG -#define IWL_DEBUG(m, level, fmt, ...) \ -do { \ - if (iwl_get_debug_level((m)->shrd) & (level)) \ - dev_err(bus(m)->dev, "%c %s " fmt, \ - in_interrupt() ? 'I' : 'U', __func__, \ - ##__VA_ARGS__); \ -} while (0) - -#define IWL_DEBUG_LIMIT(m, level, fmt, ...) \ -do { \ - if (iwl_get_debug_level((m)->shrd) & (level) && \ - net_ratelimit()) \ - dev_err(bus(m)->dev, "%c %s " fmt, \ - in_interrupt() ? 'I' : 'U', __func__, \ - ##__VA_ARGS__); \ -} while (0) +#define IWL_DEBUG(m, level, fmt, args...) \ + __iwl_dbg(trans(m)->dev, level, false, __func__, fmt, ##args) +#define IWL_DEBUG_LIMIT(m, level, fmt, args...) \ + __iwl_dbg(trans(m)->dev, level, true, __func__, fmt, ##args) +#ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG #define iwl_print_hex_dump(m, level, p, len) \ do { \ - if (iwl_get_debug_level((m)->shrd) & level) \ + if (iwl_have_debug_level(level)) \ print_hex_dump(KERN_DEBUG, "iwl data: ", \ DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, 16, 1, p, len, 1); \ } while (0) - -#define IWL_DEBUG_QUIET_RFKILL(p, fmt, ...) \ -do { \ - if (!iwl_is_rfkill(p->shrd)) \ - dev_err(bus(p)->dev, "%s%c %s " fmt, \ - "", \ - in_interrupt() ? 'I' : 'U', __func__, \ - ##__VA_ARGS__); \ - else if (iwl_get_debug_level(p->shrd) & IWL_DL_RADIO) \ - dev_err(bus(p)->dev, "%s%c %s " fmt, \ - "(RFKILL) ", \ - in_interrupt() ? 'I' : 'U', __func__, \ - ##__VA_ARGS__); \ -} while (0) - #else -#define IWL_DEBUG(m, level, fmt, args...) -#define IWL_DEBUG_LIMIT(m, level, fmt, args...) #define iwl_print_hex_dump(m, level, p, len) -#define IWL_DEBUG_QUIET_RFKILL(p, fmt, args...) \ -do { \ - if (!iwl_is_rfkill(p->shrd)) \ - IWL_ERR(p, fmt, ##args); \ -} while (0) #endif /* CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG */ #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUGFS diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-debugfs.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-debugfs.c index 04a3343f4610faf4e654b5232c2d0d29f6773c75..b7b1c04f2fba4c7b449d8106de5471b6548c1d2c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-debugfs.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-debugfs.c @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -230,16 +230,18 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_sram_read(struct file *file, int pos = 0; int sram; struct iwl_priv *priv = file->private_data; + const struct fw_img *img; size_t bufsz; /* default is to dump the entire data segment */ if (!priv->dbgfs_sram_offset && !priv->dbgfs_sram_len) { - struct iwl_trans *trans = trans(priv); priv->dbgfs_sram_offset = 0x800000; - if (trans->shrd->ucode_type == IWL_UCODE_INIT) - priv->dbgfs_sram_len = trans->ucode_init.data.len; - else - priv->dbgfs_sram_len = trans->ucode_rt.data.len; + if (!priv->ucode_loaded) { + IWL_ERR(priv, "No uCode has been loadded.\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + img = &priv->fw->img[priv->shrd->ucode_type]; + priv->dbgfs_sram_len = img->sec[IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA].len; } len = priv->dbgfs_sram_len; @@ -263,7 +265,7 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_sram_read(struct file *file, sram = priv->dbgfs_sram_offset & ~0x3; /* read the first u32 from sram */ - val = iwl_read_targ_mem(bus(priv), sram); + val = iwl_read_targ_mem(trans(priv), sram); for (; len; len--) { /* put the address at the start of every line */ @@ -282,7 +284,7 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_sram_read(struct file *file, if (++offset == 4) { sram += 4; offset = 0; - val = iwl_read_targ_mem(bus(priv), sram); + val = iwl_read_targ_mem(trans(priv), sram); } /* put in extra spaces and split lines for human readability */ @@ -336,13 +338,14 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_wowlan_sram_read(struct file *file, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { struct iwl_priv *priv = file->private_data; + const struct fw_img *img = &priv->fw->img[IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN]; if (!priv->wowlan_sram) return -ENODATA; return simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, priv->wowlan_sram, - trans(priv)->ucode_wowlan.data.len); + img->sec[IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA].len); } static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_stations_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) @@ -455,7 +458,7 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_channels_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, char *buf; ssize_t ret; - if (!test_bit(STATUS_GEO_CONFIGURED, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (!test_bit(STATUS_GEO_CONFIGURED, &priv->status)) return -EAGAIN; buf = kzalloc(bufsz, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -526,32 +529,26 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_status_read(struct file *file, pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "STATUS_HCMD_ACTIVE:\t %d\n", test_bit(STATUS_HCMD_ACTIVE, &priv->shrd->status)); - pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "STATUS_INT_ENABLED:\t %d\n", - test_bit(STATUS_INT_ENABLED, &priv->shrd->status)); pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "STATUS_RF_KILL_HW:\t %d\n", - test_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &priv->shrd->status)); + test_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &priv->status)); pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "STATUS_CT_KILL:\t\t %d\n", - test_bit(STATUS_CT_KILL, &priv->shrd->status)); - pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "STATUS_INIT:\t\t %d\n", - test_bit(STATUS_INIT, &priv->shrd->status)); + test_bit(STATUS_CT_KILL, &priv->status)); pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "STATUS_ALIVE:\t\t %d\n", - test_bit(STATUS_ALIVE, &priv->shrd->status)); + test_bit(STATUS_ALIVE, &priv->status)); pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "STATUS_READY:\t\t %d\n", - test_bit(STATUS_READY, &priv->shrd->status)); - pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "STATUS_TEMPERATURE:\t %d\n", - test_bit(STATUS_TEMPERATURE, &priv->shrd->status)); + test_bit(STATUS_READY, &priv->status)); pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "STATUS_GEO_CONFIGURED:\t %d\n", - test_bit(STATUS_GEO_CONFIGURED, &priv->shrd->status)); + test_bit(STATUS_GEO_CONFIGURED, &priv->status)); pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "STATUS_EXIT_PENDING:\t %d\n", - test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)); + test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)); pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "STATUS_STATISTICS:\t %d\n", - test_bit(STATUS_STATISTICS, &priv->shrd->status)); + test_bit(STATUS_STATISTICS, &priv->status)); pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "STATUS_SCANNING:\t %d\n", - test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->shrd->status)); + test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->status)); pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "STATUS_SCAN_ABORTING:\t %d\n", - test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_ABORTING, &priv->shrd->status)); + test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_ABORTING, &priv->status)); pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "STATUS_SCAN_HW:\t\t %d\n", - test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->shrd->status)); + test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->status)); pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "STATUS_POWER_PMI:\t %d\n", test_bit(STATUS_POWER_PMI, &priv->shrd->status)); pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "STATUS_FW_ERROR:\t %d\n", @@ -757,14 +754,14 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_sleep_level_override_write(struct file *file, if (value != -1 && (value < 0 || value >= IWL_POWER_NUM)) return -EINVAL; - if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv->shrd)) + if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv)) return -EAGAIN; priv->power_data.debug_sleep_level_override = value; - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); iwl_power_update_mode(priv, true); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); return count; } @@ -835,7 +832,7 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_traffic_log_read(struct file *file, char *buf; int bufsz = ((IWL_TRAFFIC_ENTRIES * IWL_TRAFFIC_ENTRY_SIZE * 64) * 2) + - (hw_params(priv).max_txq_num * 32 * 8) + 400; + (cfg(priv)->base_params->num_of_queues * 32 * 8) + 400; const u8 *ptr; ssize_t ret; @@ -844,8 +841,7 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_traffic_log_read(struct file *file, IWL_ERR(priv, "Can not allocate buffer\n"); return -ENOMEM; } - if (priv->tx_traffic && - (iwl_get_debug_level(priv->shrd) & IWL_DL_TX)) { + if (priv->tx_traffic && iwl_have_debug_level(IWL_DL_TX)) { ptr = priv->tx_traffic; pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "Tx Traffic idx: %u\n", priv->tx_traffic_idx); @@ -863,8 +859,7 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_traffic_log_read(struct file *file, } } - if (priv->rx_traffic && - (iwl_get_debug_level(priv->shrd) & IWL_DL_RX)) { + if (priv->rx_traffic && iwl_have_debug_level(IWL_DL_RX)) { ptr = priv->rx_traffic; pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "Rx Traffic idx: %u\n", priv->rx_traffic_idx); @@ -919,6 +914,8 @@ static int iwl_statistics_flag(struct iwl_priv *priv, char *buf, int bufsz) int p = 0; u32 flag; + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->statistics.lock); + flag = le32_to_cpu(priv->statistics.flag); p += scnprintf(buf + p, bufsz - p, "Statistics Flag(0x%X):\n", flag); @@ -952,7 +949,7 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_ucode_rx_stats_read(struct file *file, struct statistics_rx_non_phy *delta_general, *max_general; struct statistics_rx_ht_phy *ht, *accum_ht, *delta_ht, *max_ht; - if (!iwl_is_alive(priv->shrd)) + if (!iwl_is_alive(priv)) return -EAGAIN; buf = kzalloc(bufsz, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -966,6 +963,7 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_ucode_rx_stats_read(struct file *file, * the last statistics notification from uCode * might not reflect the current uCode activity */ + spin_lock_bh(&priv->statistics.lock); ofdm = &priv->statistics.rx_ofdm; cck = &priv->statistics.rx_cck; general = &priv->statistics.rx_non_phy; @@ -1362,6 +1360,8 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_ucode_rx_stats_read(struct file *file, accum_ht->unsupport_mcs, delta_ht->unsupport_mcs, max_ht->unsupport_mcs); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->statistics.lock); + ret = simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, pos); kfree(buf); return ret; @@ -1378,7 +1378,7 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_ucode_tx_stats_read(struct file *file, ssize_t ret; struct statistics_tx *tx, *accum_tx, *delta_tx, *max_tx; - if (!iwl_is_alive(priv->shrd)) + if (!iwl_is_alive(priv)) return -EAGAIN; buf = kzalloc(bufsz, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -1391,6 +1391,8 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_ucode_tx_stats_read(struct file *file, * the last statistics notification from uCode * might not reflect the current uCode activity */ + spin_lock_bh(&priv->statistics.lock); + tx = &priv->statistics.tx; accum_tx = &priv->accum_stats.tx; delta_tx = &priv->delta_stats.tx; @@ -1540,19 +1542,25 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_ucode_tx_stats_read(struct file *file, if (tx->tx_power.ant_a || tx->tx_power.ant_b || tx->tx_power.ant_c) { pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "tx power: (1/2 dB step)\n"); - if ((cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant & ANT_A) && tx->tx_power.ant_a) + if ((hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant & ANT_A) && + tx->tx_power.ant_a) pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, fmt_hex, "antenna A:", tx->tx_power.ant_a); - if ((cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant & ANT_B) && tx->tx_power.ant_b) + if ((hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant & ANT_B) && + tx->tx_power.ant_b) pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, fmt_hex, "antenna B:", tx->tx_power.ant_b); - if ((cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant & ANT_C) && tx->tx_power.ant_c) + if ((hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant & ANT_C) && + tx->tx_power.ant_c) pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, fmt_hex, "antenna C:", tx->tx_power.ant_c); } + + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->statistics.lock); + ret = simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, pos); kfree(buf); return ret; @@ -1572,7 +1580,7 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_ucode_general_stats_read(struct file *file, struct statistics_dbg *dbg, *accum_dbg, *delta_dbg, *max_dbg; struct statistics_div *div, *accum_div, *delta_div, *max_div; - if (!iwl_is_alive(priv->shrd)) + if (!iwl_is_alive(priv)) return -EAGAIN; buf = kzalloc(bufsz, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -1585,6 +1593,9 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_ucode_general_stats_read(struct file *file, * the last statistics notification from uCode * might not reflect the current uCode activity */ + + spin_lock_bh(&priv->statistics.lock); + general = &priv->statistics.common; dbg = &priv->statistics.common.dbg; div = &priv->statistics.common.div; @@ -1669,6 +1680,9 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_ucode_general_stats_read(struct file *file, accum_general->num_of_sos_states, delta_general->num_of_sos_states, max_general->num_of_sos_states); + + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->statistics.lock); + ret = simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, pos); kfree(buf); return ret; @@ -1685,16 +1699,16 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_ucode_bt_stats_read(struct file *file, ssize_t ret; struct statistics_bt_activity *bt, *accum_bt; - if (!iwl_is_alive(priv->shrd)) + if (!iwl_is_alive(priv)) return -EAGAIN; if (!priv->bt_enable_flag) return -EINVAL; /* make request to uCode to retrieve statistics information */ - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); ret = iwl_send_statistics_request(priv, CMD_SYNC, false); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); if (ret) { IWL_ERR(priv, @@ -1712,6 +1726,9 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_ucode_bt_stats_read(struct file *file, * the last statistics notification from uCode * might not reflect the current uCode activity */ + + spin_lock_bh(&priv->statistics.lock); + bt = &priv->statistics.bt_activity; accum_bt = &priv->accum_stats.bt_activity; @@ -1757,6 +1774,8 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_ucode_bt_stats_read(struct file *file, le32_to_cpu(priv->statistics.num_bt_kills), priv->statistics.accum_num_bt_kills); + spin_unlock_bh(&priv->statistics.lock); + ret = simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, pos); kfree(buf); return ret; @@ -1773,7 +1792,7 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_reply_tx_error_read(struct file *file, (sizeof(struct reply_agg_tx_error_statistics) * 24) + 200; ssize_t ret; - if (!iwl_is_alive(priv->shrd)) + if (!iwl_is_alive(priv)) return -EAGAIN; buf = kzalloc(bufsz, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -2055,7 +2074,7 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_power_save_status_read(struct file *file, const size_t bufsz = sizeof(buf); u32 pwrsave_status; - pwrsave_status = iwl_read32(bus(priv), CSR_GP_CNTRL) & + pwrsave_status = iwl_read32(trans(priv), CSR_GP_CNTRL) & CSR_GP_REG_POWER_SAVE_STATUS_MSK; pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "Power Save Status: "); @@ -2085,9 +2104,9 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_clear_ucode_statistics_write(struct file *file, return -EFAULT; /* make request to uCode to retrieve statistics information */ - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); iwl_send_statistics_request(priv, CMD_SYNC, true); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); return count; } @@ -2131,9 +2150,10 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_ucode_tracing_write(struct file *file, if (trace) { priv->event_log.ucode_trace = true; - /* schedule the ucode timer to occur in UCODE_TRACE_PERIOD */ - mod_timer(&priv->ucode_trace, - jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(UCODE_TRACE_PERIOD)); + if (iwl_is_alive(priv)) { + /* start collecting data now */ + mod_timer(&priv->ucode_trace, jiffies); + } } else { priv->event_log.ucode_trace = false; del_timer_sync(&priv->ucode_trace); @@ -2219,7 +2239,7 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_plcp_delta_read(struct file *file, const size_t bufsz = sizeof(buf); pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "%u\n", - cfg(priv)->base_params->plcp_delta_threshold); + priv->plcp_delta_threshold); return simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, pos); } @@ -2241,10 +2261,10 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_plcp_delta_write(struct file *file, return -EINVAL; if ((plcp < IWL_MAX_PLCP_ERR_THRESHOLD_MIN) || (plcp > IWL_MAX_PLCP_ERR_THRESHOLD_MAX)) - cfg(priv)->base_params->plcp_delta_threshold = + priv->plcp_delta_threshold = IWL_MAX_PLCP_ERR_THRESHOLD_DISABLE; else - cfg(priv)->base_params->plcp_delta_threshold = plcp; + priv->plcp_delta_threshold = plcp; return count; } @@ -2320,7 +2340,7 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_txfifo_flush_write(struct file *file, if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &flush) != 1) return -EINVAL; - if (iwl_is_rfkill(priv->shrd)) + if (iwl_is_rfkill(priv)) return -EFAULT; iwlagn_dev_txfifo_flush(priv, IWL_DROP_ALL); @@ -2346,7 +2366,7 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_wd_timeout_write(struct file *file, if (timeout < 0 || timeout > IWL_MAX_WD_TIMEOUT) timeout = IWL_DEF_WD_TIMEOUT; - cfg(priv)->base_params->wd_timeout = timeout; + hw_params(priv).wd_timeout = timeout; iwl_setup_watchdog(priv); return count; } @@ -2409,7 +2429,7 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_protection_mode_read(struct file *file, if (cfg(priv)->ht_params) pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "use %s for aggregation\n", - (cfg(priv)->ht_params->use_rts_for_aggregation) ? + (hw_params(priv).use_rts_for_aggregation) ? "rts/cts" : "cts-to-self"); else pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "N/A"); @@ -2436,9 +2456,9 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_protection_mode_write(struct file *file, if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &rts) != 1) return -EINVAL; if (rts) - cfg(priv)->ht_params->use_rts_for_aggregation = true; + hw_params(priv).use_rts_for_aggregation = true; else - cfg(priv)->ht_params->use_rts_for_aggregation = false; + hw_params(priv).use_rts_for_aggregation = false; return count; } @@ -2484,52 +2504,6 @@ DEBUGFS_READ_WRITE_FILE_OPS(protection_mode); DEBUGFS_READ_FILE_OPS(reply_tx_error); DEBUGFS_WRITE_FILE_OPS(echo_test); -#ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG -static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_debug_level_read(struct file *file, - char __user *user_buf, - size_t count, loff_t *ppos) -{ - struct iwl_priv *priv = file->private_data; - struct iwl_shared *shrd = priv->shrd; - char buf[11]; - int len; - - len = scnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "0x%.8x", - iwl_get_debug_level(shrd)); - - return simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, len); -} - -static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_debug_level_write(struct file *file, - const char __user *user_buf, - size_t count, loff_t *ppos) -{ - struct iwl_priv *priv = file->private_data; - struct iwl_shared *shrd = priv->shrd; - char buf[11]; - unsigned long val; - int ret; - - if (count > sizeof(buf)) - return -EINVAL; - - memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); - if (copy_from_user(buf, user_buf, count)) - return -EFAULT; - - ret = strict_strtoul(buf, 0, &val); - if (ret) - return ret; - - shrd->dbg_level_dev = val; - if (iwl_alloc_traffic_mem(priv)) - IWL_ERR(priv, "Not enough memory to generate traffic log\n"); - - return count; -} -DEBUGFS_READ_WRITE_FILE_OPS(debug_level); -#endif /* CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG */ - /* * Create the debugfs files and directories * @@ -2594,9 +2568,6 @@ int iwl_dbgfs_register(struct iwl_priv *priv, const char *name) DEBUGFS_ADD_FILE(echo_test, dir_debug, S_IWUSR); if (iwl_advanced_bt_coexist(priv)) DEBUGFS_ADD_FILE(bt_traffic, dir_debug, S_IRUSR); -#ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG - DEBUGFS_ADD_FILE(debug_level, dir_debug, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); -#endif DEBUGFS_ADD_BOOL(disable_sensitivity, dir_rf, &priv->disable_sens_cal); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-dev.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-dev.h index e54a4d11e5845316bbb2b1067b9e958e35b0dbaf..16956b777f969486977dc74e21cdda876349319c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-dev.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-dev.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -36,20 +36,20 @@ #include #include #include -#include +#include #include "iwl-eeprom.h" #include "iwl-csr.h" -#include "iwl-prph.h" #include "iwl-debug.h" #include "iwl-agn-hw.h" #include "iwl-led.h" #include "iwl-power.h" #include "iwl-agn-rs.h" #include "iwl-agn-tt.h" -#include "iwl-bus.h" #include "iwl-trans.h" #include "iwl-shared.h" +#include "iwl-op-mode.h" +#include "iwl-notif-wait.h" struct iwl_tx_queue; @@ -292,117 +292,8 @@ struct iwl_vif_priv { u8 ibss_bssid_sta_id; }; -/* v1/v2 uCode file layout */ -struct iwl_ucode_header { - __le32 ver; /* major/minor/API/serial */ - union { - struct { - __le32 inst_size; /* bytes of runtime code */ - __le32 data_size; /* bytes of runtime data */ - __le32 init_size; /* bytes of init code */ - __le32 init_data_size; /* bytes of init data */ - __le32 boot_size; /* bytes of bootstrap code */ - u8 data[0]; /* in same order as sizes */ - } v1; - struct { - __le32 build; /* build number */ - __le32 inst_size; /* bytes of runtime code */ - __le32 data_size; /* bytes of runtime data */ - __le32 init_size; /* bytes of init code */ - __le32 init_data_size; /* bytes of init data */ - __le32 boot_size; /* bytes of bootstrap code */ - u8 data[0]; /* in same order as sizes */ - } v2; - } u; -}; - -/* - * new TLV uCode file layout - * - * The new TLV file format contains TLVs, that each specify - * some piece of data. To facilitate "groups", for example - * different instruction image with different capabilities, - * bundled with the same init image, an alternative mechanism - * is provided: - * When the alternative field is 0, that means that the item - * is always valid. When it is non-zero, then it is only - * valid in conjunction with items of the same alternative, - * in which case the driver (user) selects one alternative - * to use. - */ - -enum iwl_ucode_tlv_type { - IWL_UCODE_TLV_INVALID = 0, /* unused */ - IWL_UCODE_TLV_INST = 1, - IWL_UCODE_TLV_DATA = 2, - IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT = 3, - IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT_DATA = 4, - IWL_UCODE_TLV_BOOT = 5, - IWL_UCODE_TLV_PROBE_MAX_LEN = 6, /* a u32 value */ - IWL_UCODE_TLV_PAN = 7, - IWL_UCODE_TLV_RUNT_EVTLOG_PTR = 8, - IWL_UCODE_TLV_RUNT_EVTLOG_SIZE = 9, - IWL_UCODE_TLV_RUNT_ERRLOG_PTR = 10, - IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT_EVTLOG_PTR = 11, - IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT_EVTLOG_SIZE = 12, - IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT_ERRLOG_PTR = 13, - IWL_UCODE_TLV_ENHANCE_SENS_TBL = 14, - IWL_UCODE_TLV_PHY_CALIBRATION_SIZE = 15, - IWL_UCODE_TLV_WOWLAN_INST = 16, - IWL_UCODE_TLV_WOWLAN_DATA = 17, - IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS = 18, -}; - -/** - * enum iwl_ucode_tlv_flag - ucode API flags - * @IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_PAN: This is PAN capable microcode; this previously - * was a separate TLV but moved here to save space. - * @IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_NEWSCAN: new uCode scan behaviour on hidden SSID, - * treats good CRC threshold as a boolean - * @IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_MFP: This uCode image supports MFP (802.11w). - * @IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_P2P: This uCode image supports P2P. - */ -enum iwl_ucode_tlv_flag { - IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_PAN = BIT(0), - IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_NEWSCAN = BIT(1), - IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_MFP = BIT(2), - IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_P2P = BIT(3), -}; - -struct iwl_ucode_tlv { - __le16 type; /* see above */ - __le16 alternative; /* see comment */ - __le32 length; /* not including type/length fields */ - u8 data[0]; -} __packed; - -#define IWL_TLV_UCODE_MAGIC 0x0a4c5749 - -struct iwl_tlv_ucode_header { - /* - * The TLV style ucode header is distinguished from - * the v1/v2 style header by first four bytes being - * zero, as such is an invalid combination of - * major/minor/API/serial versions. - */ - __le32 zero; - __le32 magic; - u8 human_readable[64]; - __le32 ver; /* major/minor/API/serial */ - __le32 build; - __le64 alternatives; /* bitmask of valid alternatives */ - /* - * The data contained herein has a TLV layout, - * see above for the TLV header and types. - * Note that each TLV is padded to a length - * that is a multiple of 4 for alignment. - */ - u8 data[0]; -}; - struct iwl_sensitivity_ranges { u16 min_nrg_cck; - u16 max_nrg_cck; u16 nrg_th_cck; u16 nrg_th_ofdm; @@ -550,9 +441,6 @@ struct iwl_chain_noise_data { u8 state; }; -#define EEPROM_SEM_TIMEOUT 10 /* milliseconds */ -#define EEPROM_SEM_RETRY_LIMIT 1000 /* number of attempts (not time) */ - enum { MEASUREMENT_READY = (1 << 0), MEASUREMENT_ACTIVE = (1 << 1), @@ -661,7 +549,7 @@ struct traffic_stats { * schedule the timer to wake up every UCODE_TRACE_PERIOD milliseconds * to perform continuous uCode event logging operation if enabled */ -#define UCODE_TRACE_PERIOD (100) +#define UCODE_TRACE_PERIOD (10) /* * iwl_event_log: current uCode event log position @@ -781,11 +669,6 @@ struct iwl_rxon_context { bool enabled, is_40mhz; u8 extension_chan_offset; } ht; - - u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; - bool preauth_bssid; - - bool last_tx_rejected; }; enum iwl_scan_type { @@ -804,11 +687,11 @@ struct iwl_testmode_trace { dma_addr_t dma_addr; bool trace_enabled; }; -struct iwl_testmode_sram { +struct iwl_testmode_mem { u32 buff_size; u32 num_chunks; u8 *buff_addr; - bool sram_readed; + bool read_in_progress; }; #endif @@ -818,32 +701,55 @@ struct iwl_wipan_noa_data { u8 data[]; }; +#define IWL_OP_MODE_GET_DVM(_iwl_op_mode) \ + ((struct iwl_priv *) ((_iwl_op_mode)->op_mode_specific)) + +#define IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(_hw) \ + ((struct iwl_priv *) ((struct iwl_op_mode *) \ + (_hw)->priv)->op_mode_specific) + struct iwl_priv { /*data shared among all the driver's layers */ - struct iwl_shared _shrd; struct iwl_shared *shrd; + const struct iwl_fw *fw; + unsigned long status; + + spinlock_t sta_lock; + struct mutex mutex; + + unsigned long transport_queue_stop; + bool passive_no_rx; /* ieee device used by generic ieee processing code */ struct ieee80211_hw *hw; struct ieee80211_channel *ieee_channels; struct ieee80211_rate *ieee_rates; - struct kmem_cache *tx_cmd_pool; + + struct list_head calib_results; + + struct workqueue_struct *workqueue; enum ieee80211_band band; void (*pre_rx_handler)(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb); + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb); int (*rx_handlers[REPLY_MAX])(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd); + struct iwl_notif_wait_data notif_wait; + struct ieee80211_supported_band bands[IEEE80211_NUM_BANDS]; /* spectrum measurement report caching */ struct iwl_spectrum_notification measure_report; u8 measurement_status; +#define IWL_OWNERSHIP_DRIVER 0 +#define IWL_OWNERSHIP_TM 1 + u8 ucode_owner; + /* ucode beacon time */ u32 ucode_beacon_time; int missed_beacon_threshold; @@ -863,12 +769,16 @@ struct iwl_priv { /* firmware reload counter and timestamp */ unsigned long reload_jiffies; int reload_count; + bool ucode_loaded; + bool init_ucode_run; /* Don't run init uCode again */ /* we allocate array of iwl_channel_info for NIC's valid channels. * Access via channel # using indirect index array */ struct iwl_channel_info *channel_info; /* channel info array */ u8 channel_count; /* # of channels */ + u8 plcp_delta_threshold; + /* thermal calibration */ s32 temperature; /* Celsius */ s32 last_temperature; @@ -891,16 +801,11 @@ struct iwl_priv { bool new_scan_threshold_behaviour; + bool wowlan; + /* EEPROM MAC addresses */ struct mac_address addresses[2]; - /* uCode images, save to reload in case of failure */ - int fw_index; /* firmware we're trying to load */ - u32 ucode_ver; /* version of ucode, copy of - iwl_ucode.ver */ - - char firmware_name[25]; - struct iwl_rxon_context contexts[NUM_IWL_RXON_CTX]; __le16 switch_channel; @@ -910,7 +815,6 @@ struct iwl_priv { u8 start_calib; struct iwl_sensitivity_data sensitivity_data; struct iwl_chain_noise_data chain_noise_data; - bool enhance_sensitivity_table; __le16 sensitivity_tbl[HD_TABLE_SIZE]; __le16 enhance_sensitivity_tbl[ENHANCE_HD_TABLE_ENTRIES]; @@ -956,6 +860,7 @@ struct iwl_priv { struct statistics_bt_activity bt_activity; __le32 num_bt_kills, accum_num_bt_kills; #endif + spinlock_t lock; } statistics; #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUGFS struct { @@ -978,11 +883,6 @@ struct iwl_priv { struct iwl_rx_phy_res last_phy_res; bool last_phy_res_valid; - struct completion firmware_loading_complete; - - u32 init_evtlog_ptr, init_evtlog_size, init_errlog_ptr; - u32 inst_evtlog_ptr, inst_evtlog_size, inst_errlog_ptr; - /* * chain noise reset and gain commands are the * two extra calibration commands follows the standard @@ -1073,7 +973,7 @@ struct iwl_priv { bool led_registered; #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEVICE_TESTMODE struct iwl_testmode_trace testmode_trace; - struct iwl_testmode_sram testmode_sram; + struct iwl_testmode_mem testmode_mem; u32 tm_fixed_rate; #endif @@ -1084,6 +984,7 @@ struct iwl_priv { bool have_rekey_data; }; /*iwl_priv */ +extern struct kmem_cache *iwl_tx_cmd_pool; extern struct iwl_mod_params iwlagn_mod_params; static inline struct iwl_rxon_context * diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-devtrace.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-devtrace.c index 2a2c8de64a04d135052d2e8ec421f2aebbd8553d..91f45e71e0a2568498e60f01003f8c79e27670f7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-devtrace.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-devtrace.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2009 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-devtrace.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-devtrace.h index 9b212a8f30bb8789bb4bd5c214e7841bd4672cf7..06203d6a1d86fe50c38c590ded15954aa0ab0c04 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-devtrace.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-devtrace.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2009 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -34,185 +34,254 @@ #undef TRACE_EVENT #define TRACE_EVENT(name, proto, ...) \ static inline void trace_ ## name(proto) {} +#undef DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS +#define DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS(...) +#undef DEFINE_EVENT +#define DEFINE_EVENT(evt_class, name, proto, ...) \ +static inline void trace_ ## name(proto) {} #endif -#define PRIV_ENTRY __field(void *, priv) -#define PRIV_ASSIGN __entry->priv = priv +#define DEV_ENTRY __string(dev, dev_name(dev)) +#define DEV_ASSIGN __assign_str(dev, dev_name(dev)) #undef TRACE_SYSTEM #define TRACE_SYSTEM iwlwifi_io TRACE_EVENT(iwlwifi_dev_ioread32, - TP_PROTO(void *priv, u32 offs, u32 val), - TP_ARGS(priv, offs, val), + TP_PROTO(const struct device *dev, u32 offs, u32 val), + TP_ARGS(dev, offs, val), TP_STRUCT__entry( - PRIV_ENTRY + DEV_ENTRY __field(u32, offs) __field(u32, val) ), TP_fast_assign( - PRIV_ASSIGN; + DEV_ASSIGN; __entry->offs = offs; __entry->val = val; ), - TP_printk("[%p] read io[%#x] = %#x", __entry->priv, __entry->offs, __entry->val) + TP_printk("[%s] read io[%#x] = %#x", + __get_str(dev), __entry->offs, __entry->val) ); TRACE_EVENT(iwlwifi_dev_iowrite8, - TP_PROTO(void *priv, u32 offs, u8 val), - TP_ARGS(priv, offs, val), + TP_PROTO(const struct device *dev, u32 offs, u8 val), + TP_ARGS(dev, offs, val), TP_STRUCT__entry( - PRIV_ENTRY + DEV_ENTRY __field(u32, offs) __field(u8, val) ), TP_fast_assign( - PRIV_ASSIGN; + DEV_ASSIGN; __entry->offs = offs; __entry->val = val; ), - TP_printk("[%p] write io[%#x] = %#x)", __entry->priv, __entry->offs, __entry->val) + TP_printk("[%s] write io[%#x] = %#x)", + __get_str(dev), __entry->offs, __entry->val) ); TRACE_EVENT(iwlwifi_dev_iowrite32, - TP_PROTO(void *priv, u32 offs, u32 val), - TP_ARGS(priv, offs, val), + TP_PROTO(const struct device *dev, u32 offs, u32 val), + TP_ARGS(dev, offs, val), TP_STRUCT__entry( - PRIV_ENTRY + DEV_ENTRY __field(u32, offs) __field(u32, val) ), TP_fast_assign( - PRIV_ASSIGN; + DEV_ASSIGN; __entry->offs = offs; __entry->val = val; ), - TP_printk("[%p] write io[%#x] = %#x)", __entry->priv, __entry->offs, __entry->val) + TP_printk("[%s] write io[%#x] = %#x)", + __get_str(dev), __entry->offs, __entry->val) ); TRACE_EVENT(iwlwifi_dev_irq, - TP_PROTO(void *priv), - TP_ARGS(priv), + TP_PROTO(const struct device *dev), + TP_ARGS(dev), TP_STRUCT__entry( - PRIV_ENTRY + DEV_ENTRY ), TP_fast_assign( - PRIV_ASSIGN; + DEV_ASSIGN; ), /* TP_printk("") doesn't compile */ TP_printk("%d", 0) ); TRACE_EVENT(iwlwifi_dev_ict_read, - TP_PROTO(void *priv, u32 index, u32 value), - TP_ARGS(priv, index, value), + TP_PROTO(const struct device *dev, u32 index, u32 value), + TP_ARGS(dev, index, value), TP_STRUCT__entry( - PRIV_ENTRY + DEV_ENTRY __field(u32, index) __field(u32, value) ), TP_fast_assign( - PRIV_ASSIGN; + DEV_ASSIGN; __entry->index = index; __entry->value = value; ), - TP_printk("read ict[%d] = %#.8x", __entry->index, __entry->value) + TP_printk("[%s] read ict[%d] = %#.8x", + __get_str(dev), __entry->index, __entry->value) ); #undef TRACE_SYSTEM #define TRACE_SYSTEM iwlwifi_ucode TRACE_EVENT(iwlwifi_dev_ucode_cont_event, - TP_PROTO(void *priv, u32 time, u32 data, u32 ev), - TP_ARGS(priv, time, data, ev), + TP_PROTO(const struct device *dev, u32 time, u32 data, u32 ev), + TP_ARGS(dev, time, data, ev), TP_STRUCT__entry( - PRIV_ENTRY + DEV_ENTRY __field(u32, time) __field(u32, data) __field(u32, ev) ), TP_fast_assign( - PRIV_ASSIGN; + DEV_ASSIGN; __entry->time = time; __entry->data = data; __entry->ev = ev; ), - TP_printk("[%p] EVT_LOGT:%010u:0x%08x:%04u", - __entry->priv, __entry->time, __entry->data, __entry->ev) + TP_printk("[%s] EVT_LOGT:%010u:0x%08x:%04u", + __get_str(dev), __entry->time, __entry->data, __entry->ev) ); TRACE_EVENT(iwlwifi_dev_ucode_wrap_event, - TP_PROTO(void *priv, u32 wraps, u32 n_entry, u32 p_entry), - TP_ARGS(priv, wraps, n_entry, p_entry), + TP_PROTO(const struct device *dev, u32 wraps, u32 n_entry, u32 p_entry), + TP_ARGS(dev, wraps, n_entry, p_entry), TP_STRUCT__entry( - PRIV_ENTRY + DEV_ENTRY __field(u32, wraps) __field(u32, n_entry) __field(u32, p_entry) ), TP_fast_assign( - PRIV_ASSIGN; + DEV_ASSIGN; __entry->wraps = wraps; __entry->n_entry = n_entry; __entry->p_entry = p_entry; ), - TP_printk("[%p] wraps=#%02d n=0x%X p=0x%X", - __entry->priv, __entry->wraps, __entry->n_entry, + TP_printk("[%s] wraps=#%02d n=0x%X p=0x%X", + __get_str(dev), __entry->wraps, __entry->n_entry, __entry->p_entry) ); +#undef TRACE_SYSTEM +#define TRACE_SYSTEM iwlwifi_msg + +#define MAX_MSG_LEN 100 + +DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS(iwlwifi_msg_event, + TP_PROTO(struct va_format *vaf), + TP_ARGS(vaf), + TP_STRUCT__entry( + __dynamic_array(char, msg, MAX_MSG_LEN) + ), + TP_fast_assign( + WARN_ON_ONCE(vsnprintf(__get_dynamic_array(msg), + MAX_MSG_LEN, vaf->fmt, + *vaf->va) >= MAX_MSG_LEN); + ), + TP_printk("%s", (char *)__get_dynamic_array(msg)) +); + +DEFINE_EVENT(iwlwifi_msg_event, iwlwifi_err, + TP_PROTO(struct va_format *vaf), + TP_ARGS(vaf) +); + +DEFINE_EVENT(iwlwifi_msg_event, iwlwifi_warn, + TP_PROTO(struct va_format *vaf), + TP_ARGS(vaf) +); + +DEFINE_EVENT(iwlwifi_msg_event, iwlwifi_info, + TP_PROTO(struct va_format *vaf), + TP_ARGS(vaf) +); + +DEFINE_EVENT(iwlwifi_msg_event, iwlwifi_crit, + TP_PROTO(struct va_format *vaf), + TP_ARGS(vaf) +); + +TRACE_EVENT(iwlwifi_dbg, + TP_PROTO(u32 level, bool in_interrupt, const char *function, + struct va_format *vaf), + TP_ARGS(level, in_interrupt, function, vaf), + TP_STRUCT__entry( + __field(u32, level) + __field(u8, in_interrupt) + __string(function, function) + __dynamic_array(char, msg, MAX_MSG_LEN) + ), + TP_fast_assign( + __entry->level = level; + __entry->in_interrupt = in_interrupt; + __assign_str(function, function); + WARN_ON_ONCE(vsnprintf(__get_dynamic_array(msg), + MAX_MSG_LEN, vaf->fmt, + *vaf->va) >= MAX_MSG_LEN); + ), + TP_printk("%s", (char *)__get_dynamic_array(msg)) +); + #undef TRACE_SYSTEM #define TRACE_SYSTEM iwlwifi TRACE_EVENT(iwlwifi_dev_hcmd, - TP_PROTO(void *priv, u32 flags, + TP_PROTO(const struct device *dev, u32 flags, const void *hcmd0, size_t len0, const void *hcmd1, size_t len1, const void *hcmd2, size_t len2), - TP_ARGS(priv, flags, hcmd0, len0, hcmd1, len1, hcmd2, len2), + TP_ARGS(dev, flags, hcmd0, len0, hcmd1, len1, hcmd2, len2), TP_STRUCT__entry( - PRIV_ENTRY + DEV_ENTRY __dynamic_array(u8, hcmd0, len0) __dynamic_array(u8, hcmd1, len1) __dynamic_array(u8, hcmd2, len2) __field(u32, flags) ), TP_fast_assign( - PRIV_ASSIGN; + DEV_ASSIGN; memcpy(__get_dynamic_array(hcmd0), hcmd0, len0); memcpy(__get_dynamic_array(hcmd1), hcmd1, len1); memcpy(__get_dynamic_array(hcmd2), hcmd2, len2); __entry->flags = flags; ), - TP_printk("[%p] hcmd %#.2x (%ssync)", - __entry->priv, ((u8 *)__get_dynamic_array(hcmd0))[0], + TP_printk("[%s] hcmd %#.2x (%ssync)", + __get_str(dev), ((u8 *)__get_dynamic_array(hcmd0))[0], __entry->flags & CMD_ASYNC ? "a" : "") ); TRACE_EVENT(iwlwifi_dev_rx, - TP_PROTO(void *priv, void *rxbuf, size_t len), - TP_ARGS(priv, rxbuf, len), + TP_PROTO(const struct device *dev, void *rxbuf, size_t len), + TP_ARGS(dev, rxbuf, len), TP_STRUCT__entry( - PRIV_ENTRY + DEV_ENTRY __dynamic_array(u8, rxbuf, len) ), TP_fast_assign( - PRIV_ASSIGN; + DEV_ASSIGN; memcpy(__get_dynamic_array(rxbuf), rxbuf, len); ), - TP_printk("[%p] RX cmd %#.2x", - __entry->priv, ((u8 *)__get_dynamic_array(rxbuf))[4]) + TP_printk("[%s] RX cmd %#.2x", + __get_str(dev), ((u8 *)__get_dynamic_array(rxbuf))[4]) ); TRACE_EVENT(iwlwifi_dev_tx, - TP_PROTO(void *priv, void *tfd, size_t tfdlen, + TP_PROTO(const struct device *dev, void *tfd, size_t tfdlen, void *buf0, size_t buf0_len, void *buf1, size_t buf1_len), - TP_ARGS(priv, tfd, tfdlen, buf0, buf0_len, buf1, buf1_len), + TP_ARGS(dev, tfd, tfdlen, buf0, buf0_len, buf1, buf1_len), TP_STRUCT__entry( - PRIV_ENTRY + DEV_ENTRY __field(size_t, framelen) __dynamic_array(u8, tfd, tfdlen) @@ -226,29 +295,28 @@ TRACE_EVENT(iwlwifi_dev_tx, __dynamic_array(u8, buf1, buf1_len) ), TP_fast_assign( - PRIV_ASSIGN; + DEV_ASSIGN; __entry->framelen = buf0_len + buf1_len; memcpy(__get_dynamic_array(tfd), tfd, tfdlen); memcpy(__get_dynamic_array(buf0), buf0, buf0_len); memcpy(__get_dynamic_array(buf1), buf1, buf1_len); ), - TP_printk("[%p] TX %.2x (%zu bytes)", - __entry->priv, - ((u8 *)__get_dynamic_array(buf0))[0], + TP_printk("[%s] TX %.2x (%zu bytes)", + __get_str(dev), ((u8 *)__get_dynamic_array(buf0))[0], __entry->framelen) ); TRACE_EVENT(iwlwifi_dev_ucode_error, - TP_PROTO(void *priv, u32 desc, u32 tsf_low, + TP_PROTO(const struct device *dev, u32 desc, u32 tsf_low, u32 data1, u32 data2, u32 line, u32 blink1, u32 blink2, u32 ilink1, u32 ilink2, u32 bcon_time, u32 gp1, u32 gp2, u32 gp3, u32 ucode_ver, u32 hw_ver, u32 brd_ver), - TP_ARGS(priv, desc, tsf_low, data1, data2, line, + TP_ARGS(dev, desc, tsf_low, data1, data2, line, blink1, blink2, ilink1, ilink2, bcon_time, gp1, gp2, gp3, ucode_ver, hw_ver, brd_ver), TP_STRUCT__entry( - PRIV_ENTRY + DEV_ENTRY __field(u32, desc) __field(u32, tsf_low) __field(u32, data1) @@ -267,7 +335,7 @@ TRACE_EVENT(iwlwifi_dev_ucode_error, __field(u32, brd_ver) ), TP_fast_assign( - PRIV_ASSIGN; + DEV_ASSIGN; __entry->desc = desc; __entry->tsf_low = tsf_low; __entry->data1 = data1; @@ -285,11 +353,11 @@ TRACE_EVENT(iwlwifi_dev_ucode_error, __entry->hw_ver = hw_ver; __entry->brd_ver = brd_ver; ), - TP_printk("[%p] #%02d %010u data 0x%08X 0x%08X line %u, " + TP_printk("[%s] #%02d %010u data 0x%08X 0x%08X line %u, " "blink 0x%05X 0x%05X ilink 0x%05X 0x%05X " "bcon_tm %010u gp 0x%08X 0x%08X 0x%08X uCode 0x%08X " "hw 0x%08X brd 0x%08X", - __entry->priv, __entry->desc, __entry->tsf_low, + __get_str(dev), __entry->desc, __entry->tsf_low, __entry->data1, __entry->data2, __entry->line, __entry->blink1, __entry->blink2, __entry->ilink1, __entry->ilink2, @@ -299,23 +367,23 @@ TRACE_EVENT(iwlwifi_dev_ucode_error, ); TRACE_EVENT(iwlwifi_dev_ucode_event, - TP_PROTO(void *priv, u32 time, u32 data, u32 ev), - TP_ARGS(priv, time, data, ev), + TP_PROTO(const struct device *dev, u32 time, u32 data, u32 ev), + TP_ARGS(dev, time, data, ev), TP_STRUCT__entry( - PRIV_ENTRY + DEV_ENTRY __field(u32, time) __field(u32, data) __field(u32, ev) ), TP_fast_assign( - PRIV_ASSIGN; + DEV_ASSIGN; __entry->time = time; __entry->data = data; __entry->ev = ev; ), - TP_printk("[%p] EVT_LOGT:%010u:0x%08x:%04u", - __entry->priv, __entry->time, __entry->data, __entry->ev) + TP_printk("[%s] EVT_LOGT:%010u:0x%08x:%04u", + __get_str(dev), __entry->time, __entry->data, __entry->ev) ); #endif /* __IWLWIFI_DEVICE_TRACE */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-drv.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-drv.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6f312c77af5ef279388f6447884618ec386fbede --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-drv.c @@ -0,0 +1,993 @@ +/****************************************************************************** + * + * This file is provided under a dual BSD/GPLv2 license. When using or + * redistributing this file, you may do so under either license. + * + * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY + * + * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, + * USA + * + * The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution + * in the file called LICENSE.GPL. + * + * Contact Information: + * Intel Linux Wireless + * Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 + * + * BSD LICENSE + * + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in + * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name Intel Corporation nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived + * from this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + *****************************************************************************/ +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "iwl-drv.h" +#include "iwl-trans.h" +#include "iwl-shared.h" +#include "iwl-op-mode.h" +#include "iwl-agn-hw.h" + +/* private includes */ +#include "iwl-fw-file.h" + +/** + * struct iwl_drv - drv common data + * @fw: the iwl_fw structure + * @shrd: pointer to common shared structure + * @op_mode: the running op_mode + * @fw_index: firmware revision to try loading + * @firmware_name: composite filename of ucode file to load + * @request_firmware_complete: the firmware has been obtained from user space + */ +struct iwl_drv { + struct iwl_fw fw; + + struct iwl_shared *shrd; + struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode; + + int fw_index; /* firmware we're trying to load */ + char firmware_name[25]; /* name of firmware file to load */ + + struct completion request_firmware_complete; +}; + + + +/* + * struct fw_sec: Just for the image parsing proccess. + * For the fw storage we are using struct fw_desc. + */ +struct fw_sec { + const void *data; /* the sec data */ + size_t size; /* section size */ + u32 offset; /* offset of writing in the device */ +}; + +static void iwl_free_fw_desc(struct iwl_drv *drv, struct fw_desc *desc) +{ + if (desc->v_addr) + dma_free_coherent(trans(drv)->dev, desc->len, + desc->v_addr, desc->p_addr); + desc->v_addr = NULL; + desc->len = 0; +} + +static void iwl_free_fw_img(struct iwl_drv *drv, struct fw_img *img) +{ + int i; + for (i = 0; i < IWL_UCODE_SECTION_MAX; i++) + iwl_free_fw_desc(drv, &img->sec[i]); +} + +static void iwl_dealloc_ucode(struct iwl_drv *drv) +{ + int i; + for (i = 0; i < IWL_UCODE_TYPE_MAX; i++) + iwl_free_fw_img(drv, drv->fw.img + i); +} + +static int iwl_alloc_fw_desc(struct iwl_drv *drv, struct fw_desc *desc, + struct fw_sec *sec) +{ + if (!sec || !sec->size) { + desc->v_addr = NULL; + return -EINVAL; + } + + desc->v_addr = dma_alloc_coherent(trans(drv)->dev, sec->size, + &desc->p_addr, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!desc->v_addr) + return -ENOMEM; + + desc->len = sec->size; + desc->offset = sec->offset; + memcpy(desc->v_addr, sec->data, sec->size); + return 0; +} + +static void iwl_ucode_callback(const struct firmware *ucode_raw, void *context); + +#define UCODE_EXPERIMENTAL_INDEX 100 +#define UCODE_EXPERIMENTAL_TAG "exp" + +static int iwl_request_firmware(struct iwl_drv *drv, bool first) +{ + const struct iwl_cfg *cfg = cfg(drv); + const char *name_pre = cfg->fw_name_pre; + char tag[8]; + + if (first) { +#ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG_EXPERIMENTAL_UCODE + drv->fw_index = UCODE_EXPERIMENTAL_INDEX; + strcpy(tag, UCODE_EXPERIMENTAL_TAG); + } else if (drv->fw_index == UCODE_EXPERIMENTAL_INDEX) { +#endif + drv->fw_index = cfg->ucode_api_max; + sprintf(tag, "%d", drv->fw_index); + } else { + drv->fw_index--; + sprintf(tag, "%d", drv->fw_index); + } + + if (drv->fw_index < cfg->ucode_api_min) { + IWL_ERR(drv, "no suitable firmware found!\n"); + return -ENOENT; + } + + sprintf(drv->firmware_name, "%s%s%s", name_pre, tag, ".ucode"); + + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(drv, "attempting to load firmware %s'%s'\n", + (drv->fw_index == UCODE_EXPERIMENTAL_INDEX) + ? "EXPERIMENTAL " : "", + drv->firmware_name); + + return request_firmware_nowait(THIS_MODULE, 1, drv->firmware_name, + trans(drv)->dev, + GFP_KERNEL, drv, iwl_ucode_callback); +} + +struct fw_img_parsing { + struct fw_sec sec[IWL_UCODE_SECTION_MAX]; + int sec_counter; +}; + +/* + * struct fw_sec_parsing: to extract fw section and it's offset from tlv + */ +struct fw_sec_parsing { + __le32 offset; + const u8 data[]; +} __packed; + +/** + * struct iwl_tlv_calib_data - parse the default calib data from TLV + * + * @ucode_type: the uCode to which the following default calib relates. + * @calib: default calibrations. + */ +struct iwl_tlv_calib_data { + __le32 ucode_type; + __le64 calib; +} __packed; + +struct iwl_firmware_pieces { + struct fw_img_parsing img[IWL_UCODE_TYPE_MAX]; + + u32 init_evtlog_ptr, init_evtlog_size, init_errlog_ptr; + u32 inst_evtlog_ptr, inst_evtlog_size, inst_errlog_ptr; +}; + +/* + * These functions are just to extract uCode section data from the pieces + * structure. + */ +static struct fw_sec *get_sec(struct iwl_firmware_pieces *pieces, + enum iwl_ucode_type type, + int sec) +{ + return &pieces->img[type].sec[sec]; +} + +static void set_sec_data(struct iwl_firmware_pieces *pieces, + enum iwl_ucode_type type, + int sec, + const void *data) +{ + pieces->img[type].sec[sec].data = data; +} + +static void set_sec_size(struct iwl_firmware_pieces *pieces, + enum iwl_ucode_type type, + int sec, + size_t size) +{ + pieces->img[type].sec[sec].size = size; +} + +static size_t get_sec_size(struct iwl_firmware_pieces *pieces, + enum iwl_ucode_type type, + int sec) +{ + return pieces->img[type].sec[sec].size; +} + +static void set_sec_offset(struct iwl_firmware_pieces *pieces, + enum iwl_ucode_type type, + int sec, + u32 offset) +{ + pieces->img[type].sec[sec].offset = offset; +} + +/* + * Gets uCode section from tlv. + */ +static int iwl_store_ucode_sec(struct iwl_firmware_pieces *pieces, + const void *data, enum iwl_ucode_type type, + int size) +{ + struct fw_img_parsing *img; + struct fw_sec *sec; + struct fw_sec_parsing *sec_parse; + + if (WARN_ON(!pieces || !data || type >= IWL_UCODE_TYPE_MAX)) + return -1; + + sec_parse = (struct fw_sec_parsing *)data; + + img = &pieces->img[type]; + sec = &img->sec[img->sec_counter]; + + sec->offset = le32_to_cpu(sec_parse->offset); + sec->data = sec_parse->data; + + ++img->sec_counter; + + return 0; +} + +static int iwl_set_default_calib(struct iwl_drv *drv, const u8 *data) +{ + struct iwl_tlv_calib_data *def_calib = + (struct iwl_tlv_calib_data *)data; + u32 ucode_type = le32_to_cpu(def_calib->ucode_type); + if (ucode_type >= IWL_UCODE_TYPE_MAX) { + IWL_ERR(drv, "Wrong ucode_type %u for default calibration.\n", + ucode_type); + return -EINVAL; + } + drv->fw.default_calib[ucode_type] = le64_to_cpu(def_calib->calib); + return 0; +} + +static int iwl_parse_v1_v2_firmware(struct iwl_drv *drv, + const struct firmware *ucode_raw, + struct iwl_firmware_pieces *pieces) +{ + struct iwl_ucode_header *ucode = (void *)ucode_raw->data; + u32 api_ver, hdr_size, build; + char buildstr[25]; + const u8 *src; + + drv->fw.ucode_ver = le32_to_cpu(ucode->ver); + api_ver = IWL_UCODE_API(drv->fw.ucode_ver); + + switch (api_ver) { + default: + hdr_size = 28; + if (ucode_raw->size < hdr_size) { + IWL_ERR(drv, "File size too small!\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + build = le32_to_cpu(ucode->u.v2.build); + set_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST, + le32_to_cpu(ucode->u.v2.inst_size)); + set_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA, + le32_to_cpu(ucode->u.v2.data_size)); + set_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST, + le32_to_cpu(ucode->u.v2.init_size)); + set_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA, + le32_to_cpu(ucode->u.v2.init_data_size)); + src = ucode->u.v2.data; + break; + case 0: + case 1: + case 2: + hdr_size = 24; + if (ucode_raw->size < hdr_size) { + IWL_ERR(drv, "File size too small!\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + build = 0; + set_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST, + le32_to_cpu(ucode->u.v1.inst_size)); + set_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA, + le32_to_cpu(ucode->u.v1.data_size)); + set_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST, + le32_to_cpu(ucode->u.v1.init_size)); + set_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA, + le32_to_cpu(ucode->u.v1.init_data_size)); + src = ucode->u.v1.data; + break; + } + + if (build) + sprintf(buildstr, " build %u%s", build, + (drv->fw_index == UCODE_EXPERIMENTAL_INDEX) + ? " (EXP)" : ""); + else + buildstr[0] = '\0'; + + snprintf(drv->fw.fw_version, + sizeof(drv->fw.fw_version), + "%u.%u.%u.%u%s", + IWL_UCODE_MAJOR(drv->fw.ucode_ver), + IWL_UCODE_MINOR(drv->fw.ucode_ver), + IWL_UCODE_API(drv->fw.ucode_ver), + IWL_UCODE_SERIAL(drv->fw.ucode_ver), + buildstr); + + /* Verify size of file vs. image size info in file's header */ + + if (ucode_raw->size != hdr_size + + get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST) + + get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA) + + get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST) + + get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA)) { + + IWL_ERR(drv, + "uCode file size %d does not match expected size\n", + (int)ucode_raw->size); + return -EINVAL; + } + + + set_sec_data(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST, src); + src += get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST); + set_sec_offset(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST, + IWLAGN_RTC_INST_LOWER_BOUND); + set_sec_data(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA, src); + src += get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA); + set_sec_offset(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA, + IWLAGN_RTC_DATA_LOWER_BOUND); + set_sec_data(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST, src); + src += get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST); + set_sec_offset(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST, + IWLAGN_RTC_INST_LOWER_BOUND); + set_sec_data(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA, src); + src += get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA); + set_sec_offset(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA, + IWLAGN_RTC_DATA_LOWER_BOUND); + return 0; +} + +static int iwl_parse_tlv_firmware(struct iwl_drv *drv, + const struct firmware *ucode_raw, + struct iwl_firmware_pieces *pieces, + struct iwl_ucode_capabilities *capa) +{ + struct iwl_tlv_ucode_header *ucode = (void *)ucode_raw->data; + struct iwl_ucode_tlv *tlv; + size_t len = ucode_raw->size; + const u8 *data; + int wanted_alternative = iwlagn_mod_params.wanted_ucode_alternative; + int tmp; + u64 alternatives; + u32 tlv_len; + enum iwl_ucode_tlv_type tlv_type; + const u8 *tlv_data; + char buildstr[25]; + u32 build; + + if (len < sizeof(*ucode)) { + IWL_ERR(drv, "uCode has invalid length: %zd\n", len); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (ucode->magic != cpu_to_le32(IWL_TLV_UCODE_MAGIC)) { + IWL_ERR(drv, "invalid uCode magic: 0X%x\n", + le32_to_cpu(ucode->magic)); + return -EINVAL; + } + + /* + * Check which alternatives are present, and "downgrade" + * when the chosen alternative is not present, warning + * the user when that happens. Some files may not have + * any alternatives, so don't warn in that case. + */ + alternatives = le64_to_cpu(ucode->alternatives); + tmp = wanted_alternative; + if (wanted_alternative > 63) + wanted_alternative = 63; + while (wanted_alternative && !(alternatives & BIT(wanted_alternative))) + wanted_alternative--; + if (wanted_alternative && wanted_alternative != tmp) + IWL_WARN(drv, + "uCode alternative %d not available, choosing %d\n", + tmp, wanted_alternative); + + drv->fw.ucode_ver = le32_to_cpu(ucode->ver); + build = le32_to_cpu(ucode->build); + + if (build) + sprintf(buildstr, " build %u%s", build, + (drv->fw_index == UCODE_EXPERIMENTAL_INDEX) + ? " (EXP)" : ""); + else + buildstr[0] = '\0'; + + snprintf(drv->fw.fw_version, + sizeof(drv->fw.fw_version), + "%u.%u.%u.%u%s", + IWL_UCODE_MAJOR(drv->fw.ucode_ver), + IWL_UCODE_MINOR(drv->fw.ucode_ver), + IWL_UCODE_API(drv->fw.ucode_ver), + IWL_UCODE_SERIAL(drv->fw.ucode_ver), + buildstr); + + data = ucode->data; + + len -= sizeof(*ucode); + + while (len >= sizeof(*tlv)) { + u16 tlv_alt; + + len -= sizeof(*tlv); + tlv = (void *)data; + + tlv_len = le32_to_cpu(tlv->length); + tlv_type = le16_to_cpu(tlv->type); + tlv_alt = le16_to_cpu(tlv->alternative); + tlv_data = tlv->data; + + if (len < tlv_len) { + IWL_ERR(drv, "invalid TLV len: %zd/%u\n", + len, tlv_len); + return -EINVAL; + } + len -= ALIGN(tlv_len, 4); + data += sizeof(*tlv) + ALIGN(tlv_len, 4); + + /* + * Alternative 0 is always valid. + * + * Skip alternative TLVs that are not selected. + */ + if (tlv_alt != 0 && tlv_alt != wanted_alternative) + continue; + + switch (tlv_type) { + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_INST: + set_sec_data(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST, tlv_data); + set_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST, tlv_len); + set_sec_offset(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST, + IWLAGN_RTC_INST_LOWER_BOUND); + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_DATA: + set_sec_data(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA, tlv_data); + set_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA, tlv_len); + set_sec_offset(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA, + IWLAGN_RTC_DATA_LOWER_BOUND); + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT: + set_sec_data(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST, tlv_data); + set_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST, tlv_len); + set_sec_offset(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST, + IWLAGN_RTC_INST_LOWER_BOUND); + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT_DATA: + set_sec_data(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA, tlv_data); + set_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA, tlv_len); + set_sec_offset(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA, + IWLAGN_RTC_DATA_LOWER_BOUND); + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_BOOT: + IWL_ERR(drv, "Found unexpected BOOT ucode\n"); + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_PROBE_MAX_LEN: + if (tlv_len != sizeof(u32)) + goto invalid_tlv_len; + capa->max_probe_length = + le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_PAN: + if (tlv_len) + goto invalid_tlv_len; + capa->flags |= IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_PAN; + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS: + /* must be at least one u32 */ + if (tlv_len < sizeof(u32)) + goto invalid_tlv_len; + /* and a proper number of u32s */ + if (tlv_len % sizeof(u32)) + goto invalid_tlv_len; + /* + * This driver only reads the first u32 as + * right now no more features are defined, + * if that changes then either the driver + * will not work with the new firmware, or + * it'll not take advantage of new features. + */ + capa->flags = le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT_EVTLOG_PTR: + if (tlv_len != sizeof(u32)) + goto invalid_tlv_len; + pieces->init_evtlog_ptr = + le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT_EVTLOG_SIZE: + if (tlv_len != sizeof(u32)) + goto invalid_tlv_len; + pieces->init_evtlog_size = + le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT_ERRLOG_PTR: + if (tlv_len != sizeof(u32)) + goto invalid_tlv_len; + pieces->init_errlog_ptr = + le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_RUNT_EVTLOG_PTR: + if (tlv_len != sizeof(u32)) + goto invalid_tlv_len; + pieces->inst_evtlog_ptr = + le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_RUNT_EVTLOG_SIZE: + if (tlv_len != sizeof(u32)) + goto invalid_tlv_len; + pieces->inst_evtlog_size = + le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_RUNT_ERRLOG_PTR: + if (tlv_len != sizeof(u32)) + goto invalid_tlv_len; + pieces->inst_errlog_ptr = + le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_ENHANCE_SENS_TBL: + if (tlv_len) + goto invalid_tlv_len; + drv->fw.enhance_sensitivity_table = true; + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_WOWLAN_INST: + set_sec_data(pieces, IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST, tlv_data); + set_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST, tlv_len); + set_sec_offset(pieces, IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST, + IWLAGN_RTC_INST_LOWER_BOUND); + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_WOWLAN_DATA: + set_sec_data(pieces, IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA, tlv_data); + set_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA, tlv_len); + set_sec_offset(pieces, IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA, + IWLAGN_RTC_DATA_LOWER_BOUND); + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_PHY_CALIBRATION_SIZE: + if (tlv_len != sizeof(u32)) + goto invalid_tlv_len; + capa->standard_phy_calibration_size = + le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_SEC_RT: + iwl_store_ucode_sec(pieces, tlv_data, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, + tlv_len); + drv->fw.mvm_fw = true; + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_SEC_INIT: + iwl_store_ucode_sec(pieces, tlv_data, IWL_UCODE_INIT, + tlv_len); + drv->fw.mvm_fw = true; + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_SEC_WOWLAN: + iwl_store_ucode_sec(pieces, tlv_data, IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN, + tlv_len); + drv->fw.mvm_fw = true; + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_DEF_CALIB: + if (tlv_len != sizeof(struct iwl_tlv_calib_data)) + goto invalid_tlv_len; + if (iwl_set_default_calib(drv, tlv_data)) + goto tlv_error; + break; + case IWL_UCODE_TLV_PHY_SKU: + if (tlv_len != sizeof(u32)) + goto invalid_tlv_len; + drv->fw.phy_config = le32_to_cpup((__le32 *)tlv_data); + break; + default: + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(drv, "unknown TLV: %d\n", tlv_type); + break; + } + } + + if (len) { + IWL_ERR(drv, "invalid TLV after parsing: %zd\n", len); + iwl_print_hex_dump(drv, IWL_DL_FW, (u8 *)data, len); + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; + + invalid_tlv_len: + IWL_ERR(drv, "TLV %d has invalid size: %u\n", tlv_type, tlv_len); + tlv_error: + iwl_print_hex_dump(drv, IWL_DL_FW, tlv_data, tlv_len); + + return -EINVAL; +} + +static int alloc_pci_desc(struct iwl_drv *drv, + struct iwl_firmware_pieces *pieces, + enum iwl_ucode_type type) +{ + int i; + for (i = 0; + i < IWL_UCODE_SECTION_MAX && get_sec_size(pieces, type, i); + i++) + if (iwl_alloc_fw_desc(drv, &(drv->fw.img[type].sec[i]), + get_sec(pieces, type, i))) + return -1; + return 0; +} + +static int validate_sec_sizes(struct iwl_drv *drv, + struct iwl_firmware_pieces *pieces, + const struct iwl_cfg *cfg) +{ + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(drv, "f/w package hdr runtime inst size = %Zd\n", + get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST)); + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(drv, "f/w package hdr runtime data size = %Zd\n", + get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA)); + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(drv, "f/w package hdr init inst size = %Zd\n", + get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST)); + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(drv, "f/w package hdr init data size = %Zd\n", + get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA)); + + /* Verify that uCode images will fit in card's SRAM. */ + if (get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST) > + cfg->max_inst_size) { + IWL_ERR(drv, "uCode instr len %Zd too large to fit in\n", + get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST)); + return -1; + } + + if (get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA) > + cfg->max_data_size) { + IWL_ERR(drv, "uCode data len %Zd too large to fit in\n", + get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA)); + return -1; + } + + if (get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST) > + cfg->max_inst_size) { + IWL_ERR(drv, "uCode init instr len %Zd too large to fit in\n", + get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST)); + return -1; + } + + if (get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA) > + cfg->max_data_size) { + IWL_ERR(drv, "uCode init data len %Zd too large to fit in\n", + get_sec_size(pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA)); + return -1; + } + return 0; +} + + +/** + * iwl_ucode_callback - callback when firmware was loaded + * + * If loaded successfully, copies the firmware into buffers + * for the card to fetch (via DMA). + */ +static void iwl_ucode_callback(const struct firmware *ucode_raw, void *context) +{ + struct iwl_drv *drv = context; + const struct iwl_cfg *cfg = cfg(drv); + struct iwl_fw *fw = &drv->fw; + struct iwl_ucode_header *ucode; + int err; + struct iwl_firmware_pieces pieces; + const unsigned int api_max = cfg->ucode_api_max; + unsigned int api_ok = cfg->ucode_api_ok; + const unsigned int api_min = cfg->ucode_api_min; + u32 api_ver; + int i; + + fw->ucode_capa.max_probe_length = 200; + fw->ucode_capa.standard_phy_calibration_size = + IWL_DEFAULT_STANDARD_PHY_CALIBRATE_TBL_SIZE; + + if (!api_ok) + api_ok = api_max; + + memset(&pieces, 0, sizeof(pieces)); + + if (!ucode_raw) { + if (drv->fw_index <= api_ok) + IWL_ERR(drv, + "request for firmware file '%s' failed.\n", + drv->firmware_name); + goto try_again; + } + + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(drv, "Loaded firmware file '%s' (%zd bytes).\n", + drv->firmware_name, ucode_raw->size); + + /* Make sure that we got at least the API version number */ + if (ucode_raw->size < 4) { + IWL_ERR(drv, "File size way too small!\n"); + goto try_again; + } + + /* Data from ucode file: header followed by uCode images */ + ucode = (struct iwl_ucode_header *)ucode_raw->data; + + if (ucode->ver) + err = iwl_parse_v1_v2_firmware(drv, ucode_raw, &pieces); + else + err = iwl_parse_tlv_firmware(drv, ucode_raw, &pieces, + &fw->ucode_capa); + + if (err) + goto try_again; + + api_ver = IWL_UCODE_API(drv->fw.ucode_ver); + + /* + * api_ver should match the api version forming part of the + * firmware filename ... but we don't check for that and only rely + * on the API version read from firmware header from here on forward + */ + /* no api version check required for experimental uCode */ + if (drv->fw_index != UCODE_EXPERIMENTAL_INDEX) { + if (api_ver < api_min || api_ver > api_max) { + IWL_ERR(drv, + "Driver unable to support your firmware API. " + "Driver supports v%u, firmware is v%u.\n", + api_max, api_ver); + goto try_again; + } + + if (api_ver < api_ok) { + if (api_ok != api_max) + IWL_ERR(drv, "Firmware has old API version, " + "expected v%u through v%u, got v%u.\n", + api_ok, api_max, api_ver); + else + IWL_ERR(drv, "Firmware has old API version, " + "expected v%u, got v%u.\n", + api_max, api_ver); + IWL_ERR(drv, "New firmware can be obtained from " + "http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/.\n"); + } + } + + IWL_INFO(drv, "loaded firmware version %s", drv->fw.fw_version); + + /* + * For any of the failures below (before allocating pci memory) + * we will try to load a version with a smaller API -- maybe the + * user just got a corrupted version of the latest API. + */ + + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(drv, "f/w package hdr ucode version raw = 0x%x\n", + drv->fw.ucode_ver); + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(drv, "f/w package hdr runtime inst size = %Zd\n", + get_sec_size(&pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST)); + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(drv, "f/w package hdr runtime data size = %Zd\n", + get_sec_size(&pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA)); + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(drv, "f/w package hdr init inst size = %Zd\n", + get_sec_size(&pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST)); + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(drv, "f/w package hdr init data size = %Zd\n", + get_sec_size(&pieces, IWL_UCODE_INIT, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA)); + + /* Verify that uCode images will fit in card's SRAM */ + if (get_sec_size(&pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST) > + cfg->max_inst_size) { + IWL_ERR(drv, "uCode instr len %Zd too large to fit in\n", + get_sec_size(&pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST)); + goto try_again; + } + + if (get_sec_size(&pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA) > + cfg->max_data_size) { + IWL_ERR(drv, "uCode data len %Zd too large to fit in\n", + get_sec_size(&pieces, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA)); + goto try_again; + } + + /* + * In mvm uCode there is no difference between data and instructions + * sections. + */ + if (!fw->mvm_fw && validate_sec_sizes(drv, &pieces, cfg)) + goto try_again; + + /* Allocate ucode buffers for card's bus-master loading ... */ + + /* Runtime instructions and 2 copies of data: + * 1) unmodified from disk + * 2) backup cache for save/restore during power-downs */ + for (i = 0; i < IWL_UCODE_TYPE_MAX; i++) + if (alloc_pci_desc(drv, &pieces, i)) + goto err_pci_alloc; + + /* Now that we can no longer fail, copy information */ + + /* + * The (size - 16) / 12 formula is based on the information recorded + * for each event, which is of mode 1 (including timestamp) for all + * new microcodes that include this information. + */ + fw->init_evtlog_ptr = pieces.init_evtlog_ptr; + if (pieces.init_evtlog_size) + fw->init_evtlog_size = (pieces.init_evtlog_size - 16)/12; + else + fw->init_evtlog_size = + cfg->base_params->max_event_log_size; + fw->init_errlog_ptr = pieces.init_errlog_ptr; + fw->inst_evtlog_ptr = pieces.inst_evtlog_ptr; + if (pieces.inst_evtlog_size) + fw->inst_evtlog_size = (pieces.inst_evtlog_size - 16)/12; + else + fw->inst_evtlog_size = + cfg->base_params->max_event_log_size; + fw->inst_errlog_ptr = pieces.inst_errlog_ptr; + + /* + * figure out the offset of chain noise reset and gain commands + * base on the size of standard phy calibration commands table size + */ + if (fw->ucode_capa.standard_phy_calibration_size > + IWL_MAX_PHY_CALIBRATE_TBL_SIZE) + fw->ucode_capa.standard_phy_calibration_size = + IWL_MAX_STANDARD_PHY_CALIBRATE_TBL_SIZE; + + /* We have our copies now, allow OS release its copies */ + release_firmware(ucode_raw); + complete(&drv->request_firmware_complete); + + drv->op_mode = iwl_dvm_ops.start(drv->shrd->trans, &drv->fw); + + if (!drv->op_mode) + goto out_unbind; + + return; + + try_again: + /* try next, if any */ + release_firmware(ucode_raw); + if (iwl_request_firmware(drv, false)) + goto out_unbind; + return; + + err_pci_alloc: + IWL_ERR(drv, "failed to allocate pci memory\n"); + iwl_dealloc_ucode(drv); + release_firmware(ucode_raw); + out_unbind: + complete(&drv->request_firmware_complete); + device_release_driver(trans(drv)->dev); +} + +int iwl_drv_start(struct iwl_shared *shrd, + struct iwl_trans *trans, const struct iwl_cfg *cfg) +{ + struct iwl_drv *drv; + int ret; + + shrd->cfg = cfg; + + drv = kzalloc(sizeof(*drv), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!drv) { + dev_printk(KERN_ERR, trans->dev, "Couldn't allocate iwl_drv"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + drv->shrd = shrd; + shrd->drv = drv; + + init_completion(&drv->request_firmware_complete); + + ret = iwl_request_firmware(drv, true); + + if (ret) { + dev_printk(KERN_ERR, trans->dev, "Couldn't request the fw"); + kfree(drv); + shrd->drv = NULL; + } + + return ret; +} + +void iwl_drv_stop(struct iwl_shared *shrd) +{ + struct iwl_drv *drv = shrd->drv; + + wait_for_completion(&drv->request_firmware_complete); + + /* op_mode can be NULL if its start failed */ + if (drv->op_mode) + iwl_op_mode_stop(drv->op_mode); + + iwl_dealloc_ucode(drv); + + kfree(drv); + shrd->drv = NULL; +} diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-drv.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-drv.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3b771c1d9096f11f61910e6c84ed956798e5e42f --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-drv.h @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +/****************************************************************************** + * + * This file is provided under a dual BSD/GPLv2 license. When using or + * redistributing this file, you may do so under either license. + * + * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY + * + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, + * USA + * + * The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution + * in the file called LICENSE.GPL. + * + * Contact Information: + * Intel Linux Wireless + * Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 + * + * BSD LICENSE + * + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in + * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name Intel Corporation nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived + * from this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + *****************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef __iwl_drv_h__ +#define __iwl_drv_h__ + +#include "iwl-shared.h" + +/** + * DOC: Driver system flows - drv component + * + * This component implements the system flows such as bus enumeration, bus + * removal. Bus dependent parts of system flows (such as iwl_pci_probe) are in + * bus specific files (transport files). This is the code that is common among + * different buses. + * + * This component is also in charge of managing the several implementations of + * the wifi flows: it will allow to have several fw API implementation. These + * different implementations will differ in the way they implement mac80211's + * handlers too. + + * The init flow wrt to the drv component looks like this: + * 1) The bus specific component is called from module_init + * 2) The bus specific component registers the bus driver + * 3) The bus driver calls the probe function + * 4) The bus specific component configures the bus + * 5) The bus specific component calls to the drv bus agnostic part + * (iwl_drv_start) + * 6) iwl_drv_start fetches the fw ASYNC, iwl_ucode_callback + * 7) iwl_ucode_callback parses the fw file + * 8) iwl_ucode_callback starts the wifi implementation to matches the fw + */ + +/** + * iwl_drv_start - start the drv + * + * @shrd: the shrd area + * @trans_ops: the ops of the transport + * @cfg: device specific constants / virtual functions + * + * TODO: review the parameters given to this function + * + * starts the driver: fetches the firmware. This should be called by bus + * specific system flows implementations. For example, the bus specific probe + * function should do bus related operations only, and then call to this + * function. + */ +int iwl_drv_start(struct iwl_shared *shrd, + struct iwl_trans *trans, const struct iwl_cfg *cfg); + +/** + * iwl_drv_stop - stop the drv + * + * @shrd: the shrd area + * + * TODO: review the parameters given to this function + * + * Stop the driver. This should be called by bus specific system flows + * implementations. For example, the bus specific remove function should first + * call this function and then do the bus related operations only. + */ +void iwl_drv_stop(struct iwl_shared *shrd); + +#endif /* __iwl_drv_h__ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-eeprom.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-eeprom.c index c1eda9724f42f41059b4e161f60a64d7b7f7bdf0..23cea42b94959ba5c09ad852b24b7c28ad3a85dc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-eeprom.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-eeprom.c @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ #include "iwl-agn.h" #include "iwl-eeprom.h" #include "iwl-io.h" +#include "iwl-prph.h" /************************** EEPROM BANDS **************************** * @@ -149,23 +150,27 @@ static const u8 iwl_eeprom_band_7[] = { /* 5.2 ht40 channel */ * EEPROM chip, not a single event, so even reads could conflict if they * weren't arbitrated by the semaphore. */ -static int iwl_eeprom_acquire_semaphore(struct iwl_bus *bus) + +#define EEPROM_SEM_TIMEOUT 10 /* milliseconds */ +#define EEPROM_SEM_RETRY_LIMIT 1000 /* number of attempts (not time) */ + +static int iwl_eeprom_acquire_semaphore(struct iwl_trans *trans) { u16 count; int ret; for (count = 0; count < EEPROM_SEM_RETRY_LIMIT; count++) { /* Request semaphore */ - iwl_set_bit(bus, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_EEPROM_OWN_SEM); /* See if we got it */ - ret = iwl_poll_bit(bus, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, + ret = iwl_poll_bit(trans, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_EEPROM_OWN_SEM, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_EEPROM_OWN_SEM, EEPROM_SEM_TIMEOUT); if (ret >= 0) { - IWL_DEBUG_EEPROM(bus, + IWL_DEBUG_EEPROM(trans, "Acquired semaphore after %d tries.\n", count+1); return ret; @@ -175,16 +180,17 @@ static int iwl_eeprom_acquire_semaphore(struct iwl_bus *bus) return ret; } -static void iwl_eeprom_release_semaphore(struct iwl_bus *bus) +static void iwl_eeprom_release_semaphore(struct iwl_trans *trans) { - iwl_clear_bit(bus, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, + iwl_clear_bit(trans, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_EEPROM_OWN_SEM); } static int iwl_eeprom_verify_signature(struct iwl_trans *trans) { - u32 gp = iwl_read32(bus(trans), CSR_EEPROM_GP) & CSR_EEPROM_GP_VALID_MSK; + u32 gp = iwl_read32(trans, CSR_EEPROM_GP) & + CSR_EEPROM_GP_VALID_MSK; int ret = 0; IWL_DEBUG_EEPROM(trans, "EEPROM signature=0x%08x\n", gp); @@ -247,46 +253,46 @@ int iwl_eeprom_check_version(struct iwl_priv *priv) } -int iwl_eeprom_check_sku(struct iwl_priv *priv) +int iwl_eeprom_init_hw_params(struct iwl_priv *priv) { struct iwl_shared *shrd = priv->shrd; u16 radio_cfg; - if (!cfg(priv)->sku) { - /* not using sku overwrite */ - cfg(priv)->sku = iwl_eeprom_query16(shrd, EEPROM_SKU_CAP); - if (cfg(priv)->sku & EEPROM_SKU_CAP_11N_ENABLE && - !cfg(priv)->ht_params) { - IWL_ERR(priv, "Invalid 11n configuration\n"); - return -EINVAL; - } + hw_params(priv).sku = iwl_eeprom_query16(shrd, EEPROM_SKU_CAP); + if (hw_params(priv).sku & EEPROM_SKU_CAP_11N_ENABLE && + !cfg(priv)->ht_params) { + IWL_ERR(priv, "Invalid 11n configuration\n"); + return -EINVAL; } - if (!cfg(priv)->sku) { + + if (!hw_params(priv).sku) { IWL_ERR(priv, "Invalid device sku\n"); return -EINVAL; } - IWL_INFO(priv, "Device SKU: 0x%X\n", cfg(priv)->sku); - - if (!cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant && !cfg(priv)->valid_rx_ant) { - /* not using .cfg overwrite */ - radio_cfg = iwl_eeprom_query16(shrd, EEPROM_RADIO_CONFIG); - cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant = EEPROM_RF_CFG_TX_ANT_MSK(radio_cfg); - cfg(priv)->valid_rx_ant = EEPROM_RF_CFG_RX_ANT_MSK(radio_cfg); - if (!cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant || !cfg(priv)->valid_rx_ant) { - IWL_ERR(priv, "Invalid chain (0x%X, 0x%X)\n", - cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant, - cfg(priv)->valid_rx_ant); - return -EINVAL; - } - IWL_INFO(priv, "Valid Tx ant: 0x%X, Valid Rx ant: 0x%X\n", - cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant, cfg(priv)->valid_rx_ant); + IWL_INFO(priv, "Device SKU: 0x%X\n", hw_params(priv).sku); + + radio_cfg = iwl_eeprom_query16(shrd, EEPROM_RADIO_CONFIG); + + hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant = EEPROM_RF_CFG_TX_ANT_MSK(radio_cfg); + hw_params(priv).valid_rx_ant = EEPROM_RF_CFG_RX_ANT_MSK(radio_cfg); + + /* check overrides (some devices have wrong EEPROM) */ + if (cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant) + hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant = cfg(priv)->valid_tx_ant; + if (cfg(priv)->valid_rx_ant) + hw_params(priv).valid_rx_ant = cfg(priv)->valid_rx_ant; + + if (!hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant || !hw_params(priv).valid_rx_ant) { + IWL_ERR(priv, "Invalid chain (0x%X, 0x%X)\n", + hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant, + hw_params(priv).valid_rx_ant); + return -EINVAL; } - /* - * for some special cases, - * EEPROM did not reflect the correct antenna setting - * so overwrite the valid tx/rx antenna from .cfg - */ + + IWL_INFO(priv, "Valid Tx ant: 0x%X, Valid Rx ant: 0x%X\n", + hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant, hw_params(priv).valid_rx_ant); + return 0; } @@ -303,19 +309,20 @@ void iwl_eeprom_get_mac(const struct iwl_shared *shrd, u8 *mac) * ******************************************************************************/ -static void iwl_set_otp_access(struct iwl_bus *bus, enum iwl_access_mode mode) +static void iwl_set_otp_access(struct iwl_trans *trans, + enum iwl_access_mode mode) { - iwl_read32(bus, CSR_OTP_GP_REG); + iwl_read32(trans, CSR_OTP_GP_REG); if (mode == IWL_OTP_ACCESS_ABSOLUTE) - iwl_clear_bit(bus, CSR_OTP_GP_REG, + iwl_clear_bit(trans, CSR_OTP_GP_REG, CSR_OTP_GP_REG_OTP_ACCESS_MODE); else - iwl_set_bit(bus, CSR_OTP_GP_REG, + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_OTP_GP_REG, CSR_OTP_GP_REG_OTP_ACCESS_MODE); } -static int iwl_get_nvm_type(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 hw_rev) +static int iwl_get_nvm_type(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 hw_rev) { u32 otpgp; int nvm_type; @@ -323,7 +330,7 @@ static int iwl_get_nvm_type(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 hw_rev) /* OTP only valid for CP/PP and after */ switch (hw_rev & CSR_HW_REV_TYPE_MSK) { case CSR_HW_REV_TYPE_NONE: - IWL_ERR(bus, "Unknown hardware type\n"); + IWL_ERR(trans, "Unknown hardware type\n"); return -ENOENT; case CSR_HW_REV_TYPE_5300: case CSR_HW_REV_TYPE_5350: @@ -332,7 +339,7 @@ static int iwl_get_nvm_type(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 hw_rev) nvm_type = NVM_DEVICE_TYPE_EEPROM; break; default: - otpgp = iwl_read32(bus, CSR_OTP_GP_REG); + otpgp = iwl_read32(trans, CSR_OTP_GP_REG); if (otpgp & CSR_OTP_GP_REG_DEVICE_SELECT) nvm_type = NVM_DEVICE_TYPE_OTP; else @@ -342,73 +349,74 @@ static int iwl_get_nvm_type(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 hw_rev) return nvm_type; } -static int iwl_init_otp_access(struct iwl_bus *bus) +static int iwl_init_otp_access(struct iwl_trans *trans) { int ret; /* Enable 40MHz radio clock */ - iwl_write32(bus, CSR_GP_CNTRL, - iwl_read32(bus, CSR_GP_CNTRL) | + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_GP_CNTRL, + iwl_read32(trans, CSR_GP_CNTRL) | CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_INIT_DONE); /* wait for clock to be ready */ - ret = iwl_poll_bit(bus, CSR_GP_CNTRL, + ret = iwl_poll_bit(trans, CSR_GP_CNTRL, CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_CLOCK_READY, CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_CLOCK_READY, 25000); if (ret < 0) - IWL_ERR(bus, "Time out access OTP\n"); + IWL_ERR(trans, "Time out access OTP\n"); else { - iwl_set_bits_prph(bus, APMG_PS_CTRL_REG, + iwl_set_bits_prph(trans, APMG_PS_CTRL_REG, APMG_PS_CTRL_VAL_RESET_REQ); udelay(5); - iwl_clear_bits_prph(bus, APMG_PS_CTRL_REG, + iwl_clear_bits_prph(trans, APMG_PS_CTRL_REG, APMG_PS_CTRL_VAL_RESET_REQ); /* * CSR auto clock gate disable bit - * this is only applicable for HW with OTP shadow RAM */ - if (cfg(bus)->base_params->shadow_ram_support) - iwl_set_bit(bus, CSR_DBG_LINK_PWR_MGMT_REG, + if (cfg(trans)->base_params->shadow_ram_support) + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_DBG_LINK_PWR_MGMT_REG, CSR_RESET_LINK_PWR_MGMT_DISABLED); } return ret; } -static int iwl_read_otp_word(struct iwl_bus *bus, u16 addr, __le16 *eeprom_data) +static int iwl_read_otp_word(struct iwl_trans *trans, u16 addr, + __le16 *eeprom_data) { int ret = 0; u32 r; u32 otpgp; - iwl_write32(bus, CSR_EEPROM_REG, + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_EEPROM_REG, CSR_EEPROM_REG_MSK_ADDR & (addr << 1)); - ret = iwl_poll_bit(bus, CSR_EEPROM_REG, + ret = iwl_poll_bit(trans, CSR_EEPROM_REG, CSR_EEPROM_REG_READ_VALID_MSK, CSR_EEPROM_REG_READ_VALID_MSK, IWL_EEPROM_ACCESS_TIMEOUT); if (ret < 0) { - IWL_ERR(bus, "Time out reading OTP[%d]\n", addr); + IWL_ERR(trans, "Time out reading OTP[%d]\n", addr); return ret; } - r = iwl_read32(bus, CSR_EEPROM_REG); + r = iwl_read32(trans, CSR_EEPROM_REG); /* check for ECC errors: */ - otpgp = iwl_read32(bus, CSR_OTP_GP_REG); + otpgp = iwl_read32(trans, CSR_OTP_GP_REG); if (otpgp & CSR_OTP_GP_REG_ECC_UNCORR_STATUS_MSK) { /* stop in this case */ /* set the uncorrectable OTP ECC bit for acknowledgement */ - iwl_set_bit(bus, CSR_OTP_GP_REG, + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_OTP_GP_REG, CSR_OTP_GP_REG_ECC_UNCORR_STATUS_MSK); - IWL_ERR(bus, "Uncorrectable OTP ECC error, abort OTP read\n"); + IWL_ERR(trans, "Uncorrectable OTP ECC error, abort OTP read\n"); return -EINVAL; } if (otpgp & CSR_OTP_GP_REG_ECC_CORR_STATUS_MSK) { /* continue in this case */ /* set the correctable OTP ECC bit for acknowledgement */ - iwl_set_bit(bus, CSR_OTP_GP_REG, + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_OTP_GP_REG, CSR_OTP_GP_REG_ECC_CORR_STATUS_MSK); - IWL_ERR(bus, "Correctable OTP ECC error, continue read\n"); + IWL_ERR(trans, "Correctable OTP ECC error, continue read\n"); } *eeprom_data = cpu_to_le16(r >> 16); return 0; @@ -417,20 +425,20 @@ static int iwl_read_otp_word(struct iwl_bus *bus, u16 addr, __le16 *eeprom_data) /* * iwl_is_otp_empty: check for empty OTP */ -static bool iwl_is_otp_empty(struct iwl_bus *bus) +static bool iwl_is_otp_empty(struct iwl_trans *trans) { u16 next_link_addr = 0; __le16 link_value; bool is_empty = false; /* locate the beginning of OTP link list */ - if (!iwl_read_otp_word(bus, next_link_addr, &link_value)) { + if (!iwl_read_otp_word(trans, next_link_addr, &link_value)) { if (!link_value) { - IWL_ERR(bus, "OTP is empty\n"); + IWL_ERR(trans, "OTP is empty\n"); is_empty = true; } } else { - IWL_ERR(bus, "Unable to read first block of OTP list.\n"); + IWL_ERR(trans, "Unable to read first block of OTP list.\n"); is_empty = true; } @@ -447,7 +455,7 @@ static bool iwl_is_otp_empty(struct iwl_bus *bus) * we should read and used to configure the device. * only perform this operation if shadow RAM is disabled */ -static int iwl_find_otp_image(struct iwl_bus *bus, +static int iwl_find_otp_image(struct iwl_trans *trans, u16 *validblockaddr) { u16 next_link_addr = 0, valid_addr; @@ -455,10 +463,10 @@ static int iwl_find_otp_image(struct iwl_bus *bus, int usedblocks = 0; /* set addressing mode to absolute to traverse the link list */ - iwl_set_otp_access(bus, IWL_OTP_ACCESS_ABSOLUTE); + iwl_set_otp_access(trans, IWL_OTP_ACCESS_ABSOLUTE); /* checking for empty OTP or error */ - if (iwl_is_otp_empty(bus)) + if (iwl_is_otp_empty(trans)) return -EINVAL; /* @@ -472,9 +480,9 @@ static int iwl_find_otp_image(struct iwl_bus *bus, */ valid_addr = next_link_addr; next_link_addr = le16_to_cpu(link_value) * sizeof(u16); - IWL_DEBUG_EEPROM(bus, "OTP blocks %d addr 0x%x\n", + IWL_DEBUG_EEPROM(trans, "OTP blocks %d addr 0x%x\n", usedblocks, next_link_addr); - if (iwl_read_otp_word(bus, next_link_addr, &link_value)) + if (iwl_read_otp_word(trans, next_link_addr, &link_value)) return -EINVAL; if (!link_value) { /* @@ -489,10 +497,10 @@ static int iwl_find_otp_image(struct iwl_bus *bus, } /* more in the link list, continue */ usedblocks++; - } while (usedblocks <= cfg(bus)->base_params->max_ll_items); + } while (usedblocks <= cfg(trans)->base_params->max_ll_items); /* OTP has no valid blocks */ - IWL_DEBUG_EEPROM(bus, "OTP has no valid blocks\n"); + IWL_DEBUG_EEPROM(trans, "OTP has no valid blocks\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -505,7 +513,7 @@ static int iwl_find_otp_image(struct iwl_bus *bus, * iwl_get_max_txpower_avg - get the highest tx power from all chains. * find the highest tx power from all chains for the channel */ -static s8 iwl_get_max_txpower_avg(struct iwl_cfg *cfg, +static s8 iwl_get_max_txpower_avg(const struct iwl_cfg *cfg, struct iwl_eeprom_enhanced_txpwr *enhanced_txpower, int element, s8 *max_txpower_in_half_dbm) { @@ -581,7 +589,7 @@ iwl_eeprom_enh_txp_read_element(struct iwl_priv *priv, #define TXP_CHECK_AND_PRINT(x) ((txp->flags & IWL_EEPROM_ENH_TXP_FL_##x) \ ? # x " " : "") -void iwl_eeprom_enhanced_txpower(struct iwl_priv *priv) +static void iwl_eeprom_enhanced_txpower(struct iwl_priv *priv) { struct iwl_shared *shrd = priv->shrd; struct iwl_eeprom_enhanced_txpwr *txp_array, *txp; @@ -652,65 +660,62 @@ void iwl_eeprom_enhanced_txpower(struct iwl_priv *priv) * * NOTE: This routine uses the non-debug IO access functions. */ -int iwl_eeprom_init(struct iwl_priv *priv, u32 hw_rev) +int iwl_eeprom_init(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 hw_rev) { - struct iwl_shared *shrd = priv->shrd; __le16 *e; - u32 gp = iwl_read32(bus(priv), CSR_EEPROM_GP); + u32 gp = iwl_read32(trans, CSR_EEPROM_GP); int sz; int ret; u16 addr; u16 validblockaddr = 0; u16 cache_addr = 0; - trans(priv)->nvm_device_type = iwl_get_nvm_type(bus(priv), hw_rev); - if (trans(priv)->nvm_device_type == -ENOENT) + trans->nvm_device_type = iwl_get_nvm_type(trans, hw_rev); + if (trans->nvm_device_type == -ENOENT) return -ENOENT; /* allocate eeprom */ - sz = cfg(priv)->base_params->eeprom_size; - IWL_DEBUG_EEPROM(priv, "NVM size = %d\n", sz); - shrd->eeprom = kzalloc(sz, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!shrd->eeprom) { + sz = cfg(trans)->base_params->eeprom_size; + IWL_DEBUG_EEPROM(trans, "NVM size = %d\n", sz); + trans->shrd->eeprom = kzalloc(sz, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!trans->shrd->eeprom) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto alloc_err; } - e = (__le16 *)shrd->eeprom; - - iwl_apm_init(priv); + e = (__le16 *)trans->shrd->eeprom; - ret = iwl_eeprom_verify_signature(trans(priv)); + ret = iwl_eeprom_verify_signature(trans); if (ret < 0) { - IWL_ERR(priv, "EEPROM not found, EEPROM_GP=0x%08x\n", gp); + IWL_ERR(trans, "EEPROM not found, EEPROM_GP=0x%08x\n", gp); ret = -ENOENT; goto err; } /* Make sure driver (instead of uCode) is allowed to read EEPROM */ - ret = iwl_eeprom_acquire_semaphore(bus(priv)); + ret = iwl_eeprom_acquire_semaphore(trans); if (ret < 0) { - IWL_ERR(priv, "Failed to acquire EEPROM semaphore.\n"); + IWL_ERR(trans, "Failed to acquire EEPROM semaphore.\n"); ret = -ENOENT; goto err; } - if (trans(priv)->nvm_device_type == NVM_DEVICE_TYPE_OTP) { + if (trans->nvm_device_type == NVM_DEVICE_TYPE_OTP) { - ret = iwl_init_otp_access(bus(priv)); + ret = iwl_init_otp_access(trans); if (ret) { - IWL_ERR(priv, "Failed to initialize OTP access.\n"); + IWL_ERR(trans, "Failed to initialize OTP access.\n"); ret = -ENOENT; goto done; } - iwl_write32(bus(priv), CSR_EEPROM_GP, - iwl_read32(bus(priv), CSR_EEPROM_GP) & + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_EEPROM_GP, + iwl_read32(trans, CSR_EEPROM_GP) & ~CSR_EEPROM_GP_IF_OWNER_MSK); - iwl_set_bit(bus(priv), CSR_OTP_GP_REG, + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_OTP_GP_REG, CSR_OTP_GP_REG_ECC_CORR_STATUS_MSK | CSR_OTP_GP_REG_ECC_UNCORR_STATUS_MSK); /* traversing the linked list if no shadow ram supported */ - if (!cfg(priv)->base_params->shadow_ram_support) { - if (iwl_find_otp_image(bus(priv), &validblockaddr)) { + if (!cfg(trans)->base_params->shadow_ram_support) { + if (iwl_find_otp_image(trans, &validblockaddr)) { ret = -ENOENT; goto done; } @@ -719,7 +724,7 @@ int iwl_eeprom_init(struct iwl_priv *priv, u32 hw_rev) addr += sizeof(u16)) { __le16 eeprom_data; - ret = iwl_read_otp_word(bus(priv), addr, &eeprom_data); + ret = iwl_read_otp_word(trans, addr, &eeprom_data); if (ret) goto done; e[cache_addr / 2] = eeprom_data; @@ -730,36 +735,35 @@ int iwl_eeprom_init(struct iwl_priv *priv, u32 hw_rev) for (addr = 0; addr < sz; addr += sizeof(u16)) { u32 r; - iwl_write32(bus(priv), CSR_EEPROM_REG, + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_EEPROM_REG, CSR_EEPROM_REG_MSK_ADDR & (addr << 1)); - ret = iwl_poll_bit(bus(priv), CSR_EEPROM_REG, + ret = iwl_poll_bit(trans, CSR_EEPROM_REG, CSR_EEPROM_REG_READ_VALID_MSK, CSR_EEPROM_REG_READ_VALID_MSK, IWL_EEPROM_ACCESS_TIMEOUT); if (ret < 0) { - IWL_ERR(priv, "Time out reading EEPROM[%d]\n", addr); + IWL_ERR(trans, + "Time out reading EEPROM[%d]\n", addr); goto done; } - r = iwl_read32(bus(priv), CSR_EEPROM_REG); + r = iwl_read32(trans, CSR_EEPROM_REG); e[addr / 2] = cpu_to_le16(r >> 16); } } - IWL_DEBUG_EEPROM(priv, "NVM Type: %s, version: 0x%x\n", - (trans(priv)->nvm_device_type == NVM_DEVICE_TYPE_OTP) + IWL_DEBUG_EEPROM(trans, "NVM Type: %s, version: 0x%x\n", + (trans->nvm_device_type == NVM_DEVICE_TYPE_OTP) ? "OTP" : "EEPROM", - iwl_eeprom_query16(shrd, EEPROM_VERSION)); + iwl_eeprom_query16(trans->shrd, EEPROM_VERSION)); ret = 0; done: - iwl_eeprom_release_semaphore(bus(priv)); + iwl_eeprom_release_semaphore(trans); err: if (ret) - iwl_eeprom_free(priv->shrd); - /* Reset chip to save power until we load uCode during "up". */ - iwl_apm_stop(priv); + iwl_eeprom_free(trans->shrd); alloc_err: return ret; } @@ -1021,8 +1025,8 @@ int iwl_init_channel_map(struct iwl_priv *priv) * driver need to process addition information * to determine the max channel tx power limits */ - if (cfg(priv)->lib->eeprom_ops.update_enhanced_txpower) - cfg(priv)->lib->eeprom_ops.update_enhanced_txpower(priv); + if (cfg(priv)->lib->eeprom_ops.enhanced_txpower) + iwl_eeprom_enhanced_txpower(priv); return 0; } @@ -1072,7 +1076,7 @@ void iwl_rf_config(struct iwl_priv *priv) /* write radio config values to register */ if (EEPROM_RF_CFG_TYPE_MSK(radio_cfg) <= EEPROM_RF_CONFIG_TYPE_MAX) { - iwl_set_bit(bus(priv), CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, + iwl_set_bit(trans(priv), CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, EEPROM_RF_CFG_TYPE_MSK(radio_cfg) | EEPROM_RF_CFG_STEP_MSK(radio_cfg) | EEPROM_RF_CFG_DASH_MSK(radio_cfg)); @@ -1084,7 +1088,7 @@ void iwl_rf_config(struct iwl_priv *priv) WARN_ON(1); /* set CSR_HW_CONFIG_REG for uCode use */ - iwl_set_bit(bus(priv), CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, + iwl_set_bit(trans(priv), CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_RADIO_SI | CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_MAC_SI); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-eeprom.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-eeprom.h index 9fa937ec35e38ca314284453ebad05de058c505e..e4a758340996211f8072c5cdb3223e536741802e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-eeprom.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-eeprom.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ struct iwl_priv; struct iwl_shared; +struct iwl_trans; /* * EEPROM access time values: @@ -301,14 +302,14 @@ extern const u8 iwl_eeprom_band_1[14]; struct iwl_eeprom_ops { const u32 regulatory_bands[7]; - void (*update_enhanced_txpower) (struct iwl_priv *priv); + bool enhanced_txpower; }; -int iwl_eeprom_init(struct iwl_priv *priv, u32 hw_rev); +int iwl_eeprom_init(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 hw_rev); void iwl_eeprom_free(struct iwl_shared *shrd); int iwl_eeprom_check_version(struct iwl_priv *priv); -int iwl_eeprom_check_sku(struct iwl_priv *priv); +int iwl_eeprom_init_hw_params(struct iwl_priv *priv); const u8 *iwl_eeprom_query_addr(const struct iwl_shared *shrd, size_t offset); u16 iwl_eeprom_query16(const struct iwl_shared *shrd, size_t offset); int iwl_init_channel_map(struct iwl_priv *priv); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-fh.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-fh.h index 5bede9d7f9555ed04ea82a5ad76cb1d928381ba7..90208094b8ebdb472fcc9078ca605c83f37d9197 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-fh.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-fh.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-fw-file.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-fw-file.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c924ccb93c8ca566bd9286e50ec440957eaf40bd --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-fw-file.h @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +/****************************************************************************** + * + * This file is provided under a dual BSD/GPLv2 license. When using or + * redistributing this file, you may do so under either license. + * + * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY + * + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, + * USA + * + * The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution + * in the file called LICENSE.GPL. + * + * Contact Information: + * Intel Linux Wireless + * Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 + * + * BSD LICENSE + * + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in + * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name Intel Corporation nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived + * from this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + *****************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef __iwl_fw_file_h__ +#define __iwl_fw_file_h__ + +#include + +/* v1/v2 uCode file layout */ +struct iwl_ucode_header { + __le32 ver; /* major/minor/API/serial */ + union { + struct { + __le32 inst_size; /* bytes of runtime code */ + __le32 data_size; /* bytes of runtime data */ + __le32 init_size; /* bytes of init code */ + __le32 init_data_size; /* bytes of init data */ + __le32 boot_size; /* bytes of bootstrap code */ + u8 data[0]; /* in same order as sizes */ + } v1; + struct { + __le32 build; /* build number */ + __le32 inst_size; /* bytes of runtime code */ + __le32 data_size; /* bytes of runtime data */ + __le32 init_size; /* bytes of init code */ + __le32 init_data_size; /* bytes of init data */ + __le32 boot_size; /* bytes of bootstrap code */ + u8 data[0]; /* in same order as sizes */ + } v2; + } u; +}; + +/* + * new TLV uCode file layout + * + * The new TLV file format contains TLVs, that each specify + * some piece of data. To facilitate "groups", for example + * different instruction image with different capabilities, + * bundled with the same init image, an alternative mechanism + * is provided: + * When the alternative field is 0, that means that the item + * is always valid. When it is non-zero, then it is only + * valid in conjunction with items of the same alternative, + * in which case the driver (user) selects one alternative + * to use. + */ + +enum iwl_ucode_tlv_type { + IWL_UCODE_TLV_INVALID = 0, /* unused */ + IWL_UCODE_TLV_INST = 1, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_DATA = 2, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT = 3, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT_DATA = 4, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_BOOT = 5, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_PROBE_MAX_LEN = 6, /* a u32 value */ + IWL_UCODE_TLV_PAN = 7, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_RUNT_EVTLOG_PTR = 8, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_RUNT_EVTLOG_SIZE = 9, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_RUNT_ERRLOG_PTR = 10, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT_EVTLOG_PTR = 11, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT_EVTLOG_SIZE = 12, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_INIT_ERRLOG_PTR = 13, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_ENHANCE_SENS_TBL = 14, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_PHY_CALIBRATION_SIZE = 15, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_WOWLAN_INST = 16, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_WOWLAN_DATA = 17, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS = 18, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_SEC_RT = 19, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_SEC_INIT = 20, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_SEC_WOWLAN = 21, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_DEF_CALIB = 22, + IWL_UCODE_TLV_PHY_SKU = 23, +}; + +struct iwl_ucode_tlv { + __le16 type; /* see above */ + __le16 alternative; /* see comment */ + __le32 length; /* not including type/length fields */ + u8 data[0]; +}; + +#define IWL_TLV_UCODE_MAGIC 0x0a4c5749 + +struct iwl_tlv_ucode_header { + /* + * The TLV style ucode header is distinguished from + * the v1/v2 style header by first four bytes being + * zero, as such is an invalid combination of + * major/minor/API/serial versions. + */ + __le32 zero; + __le32 magic; + u8 human_readable[64]; + __le32 ver; /* major/minor/API/serial */ + __le32 build; + __le64 alternatives; /* bitmask of valid alternatives */ + /* + * The data contained herein has a TLV layout, + * see above for the TLV header and types. + * Note that each TLV is padded to a length + * that is a multiple of 4 for alignment. + */ + u8 data[0]; +}; + +#endif /* __iwl_fw_file_h__ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-fw.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-fw.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8e36bdc1e522f703afa0bc1995d67afbeda90c58 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-fw.h @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +/****************************************************************************** + * + * This file is provided under a dual BSD/GPLv2 license. When using or + * redistributing this file, you may do so under either license. + * + * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY + * + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, + * USA + * + * The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution + * in the file called LICENSE.GPL. + * + * Contact Information: + * Intel Linux Wireless + * Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 + * + * BSD LICENSE + * + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in + * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name Intel Corporation nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived + * from this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + *****************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef __iwl_fw_h__ +#define __iwl_fw_h__ +#include + +/** + * enum iwl_ucode_tlv_flag - ucode API flags + * @IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_PAN: This is PAN capable microcode; this previously + * was a separate TLV but moved here to save space. + * @IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_NEWSCAN: new uCode scan behaviour on hidden SSID, + * treats good CRC threshold as a boolean + * @IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_MFP: This uCode image supports MFP (802.11w). + * @IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_P2P: This uCode image supports P2P. + */ +enum iwl_ucode_tlv_flag { + IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_PAN = BIT(0), + IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_NEWSCAN = BIT(1), + IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_MFP = BIT(2), + IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_P2P = BIT(3), +}; + +/* The default calibrate table size if not specified by firmware file */ +#define IWL_DEFAULT_STANDARD_PHY_CALIBRATE_TBL_SIZE 18 +#define IWL_MAX_STANDARD_PHY_CALIBRATE_TBL_SIZE 19 +#define IWL_MAX_PHY_CALIBRATE_TBL_SIZE 253 + +/** + * enum iwl_ucode_type + * + * The type of ucode. + * + * @IWL_UCODE_REGULAR: Normal runtime ucode + * @IWL_UCODE_INIT: Initial ucode + * @IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN: Wake on Wireless enabled ucode + */ +enum iwl_ucode_type { + IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, + IWL_UCODE_INIT, + IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN, + IWL_UCODE_TYPE_MAX, +}; + +/* + * enumeration of ucode section. + * This enumeration is used for legacy tlv style (before 16.0 uCode). + */ +enum iwl_ucode_sec { + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST, + IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA, +}; +/* + * For 16.0 uCode and above, there is no differentiation between sections, + * just an offset to the HW address. + */ +#define IWL_UCODE_SECTION_MAX 4 + +struct iwl_ucode_capabilities { + u32 max_probe_length; + u32 standard_phy_calibration_size; + u32 flags; +}; + +/* one for each uCode image (inst/data, init/runtime/wowlan) */ +struct fw_desc { + dma_addr_t p_addr; /* hardware address */ + void *v_addr; /* software address */ + u32 len; /* size in bytes */ + u32 offset; /* offset in the device */ +}; + +struct fw_img { + struct fw_desc sec[IWL_UCODE_SECTION_MAX]; +}; + +/* uCode version contains 4 values: Major/Minor/API/Serial */ +#define IWL_UCODE_MAJOR(ver) (((ver) & 0xFF000000) >> 24) +#define IWL_UCODE_MINOR(ver) (((ver) & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) +#define IWL_UCODE_API(ver) (((ver) & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) +#define IWL_UCODE_SERIAL(ver) ((ver) & 0x000000FF) + +/** + * struct iwl_fw - variables associated with the firmware + * + * @ucode_ver: ucode version from the ucode file + * @fw_version: firmware version string + * @img: ucode image like ucode_rt, ucode_init, ucode_wowlan. + * @ucode_capa: capabilities parsed from the ucode file. + * @enhance_sensitivity_table: device can do enhanced sensitivity. + * @init_evtlog_ptr: event log offset for init ucode. + * @init_evtlog_size: event log size for init ucode. + * @init_errlog_ptr: error log offfset for init ucode. + * @inst_evtlog_ptr: event log offset for runtime ucode. + * @inst_evtlog_size: event log size for runtime ucode. + * @inst_errlog_ptr: error log offfset for runtime ucode. + */ +struct iwl_fw { + u32 ucode_ver; + + char fw_version[ETHTOOL_BUSINFO_LEN]; + + /* ucode images */ + struct fw_img img[IWL_UCODE_TYPE_MAX]; + + struct iwl_ucode_capabilities ucode_capa; + bool enhance_sensitivity_table; + + u32 init_evtlog_ptr, init_evtlog_size, init_errlog_ptr; + u32 inst_evtlog_ptr, inst_evtlog_size, inst_errlog_ptr; + + u64 default_calib[IWL_UCODE_TYPE_MAX]; + u32 phy_config; + + bool mvm_fw; +}; + +#endif /* __iwl_fw_h__ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-io.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-io.c index d57ea6484bbedf7529f47d6d79d4f79695bd6e19..081dd34d2387d1787ab575ebb2106c9d683ab119 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-io.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-io.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Portions of this file are derived from the ipw3945 project. * @@ -34,41 +34,41 @@ #define IWL_POLL_INTERVAL 10 /* microseconds */ -static inline void __iwl_set_bit(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg, u32 mask) +static inline void __iwl_set_bit(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg, u32 mask) { - iwl_write32(bus, reg, iwl_read32(bus, reg) | mask); + iwl_write32(trans, reg, iwl_read32(trans, reg) | mask); } -static inline void __iwl_clear_bit(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg, u32 mask) +static inline void __iwl_clear_bit(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg, u32 mask) { - iwl_write32(bus, reg, iwl_read32(bus, reg) & ~mask); + iwl_write32(trans, reg, iwl_read32(trans, reg) & ~mask); } -void iwl_set_bit(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg, u32 mask) +void iwl_set_bit(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg, u32 mask) { unsigned long flags; - spin_lock_irqsave(&bus->reg_lock, flags); - __iwl_set_bit(bus, reg, mask); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus->reg_lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->reg_lock, flags); + __iwl_set_bit(trans, reg, mask); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->reg_lock, flags); } -void iwl_clear_bit(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg, u32 mask) +void iwl_clear_bit(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg, u32 mask) { unsigned long flags; - spin_lock_irqsave(&bus->reg_lock, flags); - __iwl_clear_bit(bus, reg, mask); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus->reg_lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->reg_lock, flags); + __iwl_clear_bit(trans, reg, mask); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->reg_lock, flags); } -int iwl_poll_bit(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 addr, +int iwl_poll_bit(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 addr, u32 bits, u32 mask, int timeout) { int t = 0; do { - if ((iwl_read32(bus, addr) & mask) == (bits & mask)) + if ((iwl_read32(trans, addr) & mask) == (bits & mask)) return t; udelay(IWL_POLL_INTERVAL); t += IWL_POLL_INTERVAL; @@ -77,14 +77,15 @@ int iwl_poll_bit(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 addr, return -ETIMEDOUT; } -int iwl_grab_nic_access_silent(struct iwl_bus *bus) +int iwl_grab_nic_access_silent(struct iwl_trans *trans) { int ret; - lockdep_assert_held(&bus->reg_lock); + lockdep_assert_held(&trans->reg_lock); /* this bit wakes up the NIC */ - __iwl_set_bit(bus, CSR_GP_CNTRL, CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_ACCESS_REQ); + __iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_GP_CNTRL, + CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_ACCESS_REQ); /* * These bits say the device is running, and should keep running for @@ -105,70 +106,78 @@ int iwl_grab_nic_access_silent(struct iwl_bus *bus) * 5000 series and later (including 1000 series) have non-volatile SRAM, * and do not save/restore SRAM when power cycling. */ - ret = iwl_poll_bit(bus, CSR_GP_CNTRL, + ret = iwl_poll_bit(trans, CSR_GP_CNTRL, CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_VAL_MAC_ACCESS_EN, (CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_CLOCK_READY | CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_GOING_TO_SLEEP), 15000); if (ret < 0) { - iwl_write32(bus, CSR_RESET, CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_FORCE_NMI); + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_RESET, CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_FORCE_NMI); return -EIO; } return 0; } -int iwl_grab_nic_access(struct iwl_bus *bus) +bool iwl_grab_nic_access(struct iwl_trans *trans) { - int ret = iwl_grab_nic_access_silent(bus); - if (ret) { - u32 val = iwl_read32(bus, CSR_GP_CNTRL); - IWL_ERR(bus, - "MAC is in deep sleep!. CSR_GP_CNTRL = 0x%08X\n", val); + int ret = iwl_grab_nic_access_silent(trans); + if (unlikely(ret)) { + u32 val = iwl_read32(trans, CSR_GP_CNTRL); + WARN_ONCE(1, "Timeout waiting for hardware access " + "(CSR_GP_CNTRL 0x%08x)\n", val); + return false; } - return ret; + return true; } -void iwl_release_nic_access(struct iwl_bus *bus) +void iwl_release_nic_access(struct iwl_trans *trans) { - lockdep_assert_held(&bus->reg_lock); - __iwl_clear_bit(bus, CSR_GP_CNTRL, + lockdep_assert_held(&trans->reg_lock); + __iwl_clear_bit(trans, CSR_GP_CNTRL, CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_ACCESS_REQ); + /* + * Above we read the CSR_GP_CNTRL register, which will flush + * any previous writes, but we need the write that clears the + * MAC_ACCESS_REQ bit to be performed before any other writes + * scheduled on different CPUs (after we drop reg_lock). + */ + mmiowb(); } -u32 iwl_read_direct32(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg) +u32 iwl_read_direct32(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg) { u32 value; unsigned long flags; - spin_lock_irqsave(&bus->reg_lock, flags); - iwl_grab_nic_access(bus); - value = iwl_read32(bus, reg); - iwl_release_nic_access(bus); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus->reg_lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->reg_lock, flags); + iwl_grab_nic_access(trans); + value = iwl_read32(trans, reg); + iwl_release_nic_access(trans); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->reg_lock, flags); return value; } -void iwl_write_direct32(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg, u32 value) +void iwl_write_direct32(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg, u32 value) { unsigned long flags; - spin_lock_irqsave(&bus->reg_lock, flags); - if (!iwl_grab_nic_access(bus)) { - iwl_write32(bus, reg, value); - iwl_release_nic_access(bus); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->reg_lock, flags); + if (likely(iwl_grab_nic_access(trans))) { + iwl_write32(trans, reg, value); + iwl_release_nic_access(trans); } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus->reg_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->reg_lock, flags); } -int iwl_poll_direct_bit(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 addr, u32 mask, +int iwl_poll_direct_bit(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 addr, u32 mask, int timeout) { int t = 0; do { - if ((iwl_read_direct32(bus, addr) & mask) == mask) + if ((iwl_read_direct32(trans, addr) & mask) == mask) return t; udelay(IWL_POLL_INTERVAL); t += IWL_POLL_INTERVAL; @@ -177,135 +186,132 @@ int iwl_poll_direct_bit(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 addr, u32 mask, return -ETIMEDOUT; } -static inline u32 __iwl_read_prph(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg) +static inline u32 __iwl_read_prph(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg) { - iwl_write32(bus, HBUS_TARG_PRPH_RADDR, reg | (3 << 24)); - rmb(); - return iwl_read32(bus, HBUS_TARG_PRPH_RDAT); + iwl_write32(trans, HBUS_TARG_PRPH_RADDR, reg | (3 << 24)); + return iwl_read32(trans, HBUS_TARG_PRPH_RDAT); } -static inline void __iwl_write_prph(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 addr, u32 val) +static inline void __iwl_write_prph(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 addr, u32 val) { - iwl_write32(bus, HBUS_TARG_PRPH_WADDR, + iwl_write32(trans, HBUS_TARG_PRPH_WADDR, ((addr & 0x0000FFFF) | (3 << 24))); - wmb(); - iwl_write32(bus, HBUS_TARG_PRPH_WDAT, val); + iwl_write32(trans, HBUS_TARG_PRPH_WDAT, val); } -u32 iwl_read_prph(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg) +u32 iwl_read_prph(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg) { unsigned long flags; u32 val; - spin_lock_irqsave(&bus->reg_lock, flags); - iwl_grab_nic_access(bus); - val = __iwl_read_prph(bus, reg); - iwl_release_nic_access(bus); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus->reg_lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->reg_lock, flags); + iwl_grab_nic_access(trans); + val = __iwl_read_prph(trans, reg); + iwl_release_nic_access(trans); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->reg_lock, flags); return val; } -void iwl_write_prph(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 addr, u32 val) +void iwl_write_prph(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 addr, u32 val) { unsigned long flags; - spin_lock_irqsave(&bus->reg_lock, flags); - if (!iwl_grab_nic_access(bus)) { - __iwl_write_prph(bus, addr, val); - iwl_release_nic_access(bus); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->reg_lock, flags); + if (likely(iwl_grab_nic_access(trans))) { + __iwl_write_prph(trans, addr, val); + iwl_release_nic_access(trans); } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus->reg_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->reg_lock, flags); } -void iwl_set_bits_prph(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg, u32 mask) +void iwl_set_bits_prph(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg, u32 mask) { unsigned long flags; - spin_lock_irqsave(&bus->reg_lock, flags); - iwl_grab_nic_access(bus); - __iwl_write_prph(bus, reg, __iwl_read_prph(bus, reg) | mask); - iwl_release_nic_access(bus); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus->reg_lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->reg_lock, flags); + if (likely(iwl_grab_nic_access(trans))) { + __iwl_write_prph(trans, reg, + __iwl_read_prph(trans, reg) | mask); + iwl_release_nic_access(trans); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->reg_lock, flags); } -void iwl_set_bits_mask_prph(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg, +void iwl_set_bits_mask_prph(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg, u32 bits, u32 mask) { unsigned long flags; - spin_lock_irqsave(&bus->reg_lock, flags); - iwl_grab_nic_access(bus); - __iwl_write_prph(bus, reg, - (__iwl_read_prph(bus, reg) & mask) | bits); - iwl_release_nic_access(bus); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus->reg_lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->reg_lock, flags); + if (likely(iwl_grab_nic_access(trans))) { + __iwl_write_prph(trans, reg, + (__iwl_read_prph(trans, reg) & mask) | bits); + iwl_release_nic_access(trans); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->reg_lock, flags); } -void iwl_clear_bits_prph(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg, u32 mask) +void iwl_clear_bits_prph(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg, u32 mask) { unsigned long flags; u32 val; - spin_lock_irqsave(&bus->reg_lock, flags); - iwl_grab_nic_access(bus); - val = __iwl_read_prph(bus, reg); - __iwl_write_prph(bus, reg, (val & ~mask)); - iwl_release_nic_access(bus); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus->reg_lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->reg_lock, flags); + if (likely(iwl_grab_nic_access(trans))) { + val = __iwl_read_prph(trans, reg); + __iwl_write_prph(trans, reg, (val & ~mask)); + iwl_release_nic_access(trans); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->reg_lock, flags); } -void _iwl_read_targ_mem_words(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 addr, +void _iwl_read_targ_mem_words(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 addr, void *buf, int words) { unsigned long flags; int offs; u32 *vals = buf; - spin_lock_irqsave(&bus->reg_lock, flags); - iwl_grab_nic_access(bus); - - iwl_write32(bus, HBUS_TARG_MEM_RADDR, addr); - rmb(); - - for (offs = 0; offs < words; offs++) - vals[offs] = iwl_read32(bus, HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); - - iwl_release_nic_access(bus); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus->reg_lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->reg_lock, flags); + if (likely(iwl_grab_nic_access(trans))) { + iwl_write32(trans, HBUS_TARG_MEM_RADDR, addr); + for (offs = 0; offs < words; offs++) + vals[offs] = iwl_read32(trans, HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); + iwl_release_nic_access(trans); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->reg_lock, flags); } -u32 iwl_read_targ_mem(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 addr) +u32 iwl_read_targ_mem(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 addr) { u32 value; - _iwl_read_targ_mem_words(bus, addr, &value, 1); + _iwl_read_targ_mem_words(trans, addr, &value, 1); return value; } -int _iwl_write_targ_mem_words(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 addr, +int _iwl_write_targ_mem_words(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 addr, void *buf, int words) { unsigned long flags; int offs, result = 0; u32 *vals = buf; - spin_lock_irqsave(&bus->reg_lock, flags); - if (!iwl_grab_nic_access(bus)) { - iwl_write32(bus, HBUS_TARG_MEM_WADDR, addr); - wmb(); - + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->reg_lock, flags); + if (likely(iwl_grab_nic_access(trans))) { + iwl_write32(trans, HBUS_TARG_MEM_WADDR, addr); for (offs = 0; offs < words; offs++) - iwl_write32(bus, HBUS_TARG_MEM_WDAT, vals[offs]); - iwl_release_nic_access(bus); + iwl_write32(trans, HBUS_TARG_MEM_WDAT, vals[offs]); + iwl_release_nic_access(trans); } else result = -EBUSY; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus->reg_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->reg_lock, flags); return result; } -int iwl_write_targ_mem(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 addr, u32 val) +int iwl_write_targ_mem(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 addr, u32 val) { - return _iwl_write_targ_mem_words(bus, addr, &val, 1); + return _iwl_write_targ_mem_words(trans, addr, &val, 1); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-io.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-io.h index aae2eeb331a8e277e8cb668c9bfab6ddc5bad799..09b856768f628bb5aad2d00a09c4ffe360db6b7a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-io.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-io.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Portions of this file are derived from the ipw3945 project. * @@ -31,63 +31,63 @@ #include "iwl-devtrace.h" #include "iwl-shared.h" -#include "iwl-bus.h" +#include "iwl-trans.h" -static inline void iwl_write8(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 ofs, u8 val) +static inline void iwl_write8(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 ofs, u8 val) { - trace_iwlwifi_dev_iowrite8(priv(bus), ofs, val); - bus_write8(bus, ofs, val); + trace_iwlwifi_dev_iowrite8(trans->dev, ofs, val); + iwl_trans_write8(trans, ofs, val); } -static inline void iwl_write32(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 ofs, u32 val) +static inline void iwl_write32(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 ofs, u32 val) { - trace_iwlwifi_dev_iowrite32(priv(bus), ofs, val); - bus_write32(bus, ofs, val); + trace_iwlwifi_dev_iowrite32(trans->dev, ofs, val); + iwl_trans_write32(trans, ofs, val); } -static inline u32 iwl_read32(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 ofs) +static inline u32 iwl_read32(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 ofs) { - u32 val = bus_read32(bus, ofs); - trace_iwlwifi_dev_ioread32(priv(bus), ofs, val); + u32 val = iwl_trans_read32(trans, ofs); + trace_iwlwifi_dev_ioread32(trans->dev, ofs, val); return val; } -void iwl_set_bit(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg, u32 mask); -void iwl_clear_bit(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg, u32 mask); +void iwl_set_bit(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg, u32 mask); +void iwl_clear_bit(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg, u32 mask); -int iwl_poll_bit(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 addr, +int iwl_poll_bit(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 addr, u32 bits, u32 mask, int timeout); -int iwl_poll_direct_bit(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 addr, u32 mask, +int iwl_poll_direct_bit(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 addr, u32 mask, int timeout); -int iwl_grab_nic_access_silent(struct iwl_bus *bus); -int iwl_grab_nic_access(struct iwl_bus *bus); -void iwl_release_nic_access(struct iwl_bus *bus); +int iwl_grab_nic_access_silent(struct iwl_trans *trans); +bool iwl_grab_nic_access(struct iwl_trans *trans); +void iwl_release_nic_access(struct iwl_trans *trans); -u32 iwl_read_direct32(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg); -void iwl_write_direct32(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg, u32 value); +u32 iwl_read_direct32(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg); +void iwl_write_direct32(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg, u32 value); -u32 iwl_read_prph(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg); -void iwl_write_prph(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 addr, u32 val); -void iwl_set_bits_prph(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg, u32 mask); -void iwl_set_bits_mask_prph(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg, +u32 iwl_read_prph(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg); +void iwl_write_prph(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 addr, u32 val); +void iwl_set_bits_prph(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg, u32 mask); +void iwl_set_bits_mask_prph(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg, u32 bits, u32 mask); -void iwl_clear_bits_prph(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 reg, u32 mask); +void iwl_clear_bits_prph(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 reg, u32 mask); -void _iwl_read_targ_mem_words(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 addr, +void _iwl_read_targ_mem_words(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 addr, void *buf, int words); -#define iwl_read_targ_mem_words(bus, addr, buf, bufsize) \ +#define iwl_read_targ_mem_words(trans, addr, buf, bufsize) \ do { \ BUILD_BUG_ON((bufsize) % sizeof(u32)); \ - _iwl_read_targ_mem_words(bus, addr, buf, \ + _iwl_read_targ_mem_words(trans, addr, buf, \ (bufsize) / sizeof(u32));\ } while (0) -int _iwl_write_targ_mem_words(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 addr, +int _iwl_write_targ_mem_words(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 addr, void *buf, int words); -u32 iwl_read_targ_mem(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 addr); -int iwl_write_targ_mem(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 addr, u32 val); +u32 iwl_read_targ_mem(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 addr); +int iwl_write_targ_mem(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 addr, u32 val); #endif diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-led.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-led.c index 14dcbfcdc0fd3247a74f69f55460d9198840b1f9..1993a2b7ae63ce0a844b233254daf6d488d06cf9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-led.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-led.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ static const struct ieee80211_tpt_blink iwl_blink[] = { /* Set led register off */ void iwlagn_led_enable(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - iwl_write32(bus(priv), CSR_LED_REG, CSR_LED_REG_TRUN_ON); + iwl_write32(trans(priv), CSR_LED_REG, CSR_LED_REG_TRUN_ON); } /* @@ -107,11 +107,12 @@ static int iwl_send_led_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_led_cmd *led_cmd) }; u32 reg; - reg = iwl_read32(bus(priv), CSR_LED_REG); + reg = iwl_read32(trans(priv), CSR_LED_REG); if (reg != (reg & CSR_LED_BSM_CTRL_MSK)) - iwl_write32(bus(priv), CSR_LED_REG, reg & CSR_LED_BSM_CTRL_MSK); + iwl_write32(trans(priv), CSR_LED_REG, + reg & CSR_LED_BSM_CTRL_MSK); - return iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), &cmd); + return iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &cmd); } /* Set led pattern command */ @@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ static int iwl_led_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, }; int ret; - if (!test_bit(STATUS_READY, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (!test_bit(STATUS_READY, &priv->status)) return -EBUSY; if (priv->blink_on == on && priv->blink_off == off) @@ -177,6 +178,10 @@ void iwl_leds_init(struct iwl_priv *priv) int mode = iwlagn_mod_params.led_mode; int ret; + if (mode == IWL_LED_DISABLE) { + IWL_INFO(priv, "Led disabled\n"); + return; + } if (mode == IWL_LED_DEFAULT) mode = cfg(priv)->led_mode; @@ -202,7 +207,7 @@ void iwl_leds_init(struct iwl_priv *priv) break; } - ret = led_classdev_register(bus(priv)->dev, &priv->led); + ret = led_classdev_register(trans(priv)->dev, &priv->led); if (ret) { kfree(priv->led.name); return; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-led.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-led.h index 2550b3c7dcbf4d26ed7a111944bf91ae0648bd79..b02a853103d380397b940afdfb1068c0ef37632a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-led.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-led.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-mac80211.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-mac80211.c index f980e574e1f90dc38b2c9bc426107b9bb1fd400a..b6805f8e9a014553cca088e4992aa09c421897f7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-mac80211.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-mac80211.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Portions of this file are derived from the ipw3945 project, as well * as portions of the ieee80211 subsystem header files. @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ #include #include #include -#include #include #include @@ -44,15 +43,14 @@ #include #include "iwl-eeprom.h" -#include "iwl-wifi.h" #include "iwl-dev.h" #include "iwl-core.h" #include "iwl-io.h" #include "iwl-agn-calib.h" #include "iwl-agn.h" #include "iwl-shared.h" -#include "iwl-bus.h" #include "iwl-trans.h" +#include "iwl-op-mode.h" /***************************************************************************** * @@ -136,7 +134,7 @@ iwlagn_iface_combinations_p2p[] = { * other mac80211 functions grouped here. */ int iwlagn_mac_setup_register(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwlagn_ucode_capabilities *capa) + const struct iwl_ucode_capabilities *capa) { int ret; struct ieee80211_hw *hw = priv->hw; @@ -161,11 +159,14 @@ int iwlagn_mac_setup_register(struct iwl_priv *priv, hw->flags |= IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_PS | IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_DYNAMIC_PS; - if (cfg(priv)->sku & EEPROM_SKU_CAP_11N_ENABLE) + if (hw_params(priv).sku & EEPROM_SKU_CAP_11N_ENABLE) hw->flags |= IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_DYNAMIC_SMPS | IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_STATIC_SMPS; +#ifndef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_EXPERIMENTAL_MFP + /* enable 11w if the uCode advertise */ if (capa->flags & IWL_UCODE_TLV_FLAGS_MFP) +#endif /* !CONFIG_IWLWIFI_EXPERIMENTAL_MFP */ hw->flags |= IEEE80211_HW_MFP_CAPABLE; hw->sta_data_size = sizeof(struct iwl_station_priv); @@ -195,8 +196,9 @@ int iwlagn_mac_setup_register(struct iwl_priv *priv, WIPHY_FLAG_DISABLE_BEACON_HINTS | WIPHY_FLAG_IBSS_RSN; - if (trans(priv)->ucode_wowlan.code.len && - device_can_wakeup(bus(priv)->dev)) { + if (priv->fw->img[IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN].sec[0].len && + trans(priv)->ops->wowlan_suspend && + device_can_wakeup(trans(priv)->dev)) { hw->wiphy->wowlan.flags = WIPHY_WOWLAN_MAGIC_PKT | WIPHY_WOWLAN_DISCONNECT | WIPHY_WOWLAN_EAP_IDENTITY_REQ | @@ -234,7 +236,7 @@ int iwlagn_mac_setup_register(struct iwl_priv *priv, priv->hw->wiphy->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ] = &priv->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ]; - hw->wiphy->hw_version = bus_get_hw_id(bus(priv)); + hw->wiphy->hw_version = trans(priv)->hw_id; iwl_leds_init(priv); @@ -262,9 +264,9 @@ static int __iwl_up(struct iwl_priv *priv) struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx; int ret; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) { + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) { IWL_WARN(priv, "Exit pending; will not bring the NIC up\n"); return -EIO; } @@ -277,13 +279,13 @@ static int __iwl_up(struct iwl_priv *priv) } } - ret = iwl_run_init_ucode(trans(priv)); + ret = iwl_run_init_ucode(priv); if (ret) { IWL_ERR(priv, "Failed to run INIT ucode: %d\n", ret); goto error; } - ret = iwl_load_ucode_wait_alive(trans(priv), IWL_UCODE_REGULAR); + ret = iwl_load_ucode_wait_alive(priv, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR); if (ret) { IWL_ERR(priv, "Failed to start RT ucode: %d\n", ret); goto error; @@ -295,9 +297,9 @@ static int __iwl_up(struct iwl_priv *priv) return 0; error: - set_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status); - __iwl_down(priv); - clear_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status); + set_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status); + iwl_down(priv); + clear_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status); IWL_ERR(priv, "Unable to initialize device.\n"); return ret; @@ -305,22 +307,22 @@ static int __iwl_up(struct iwl_priv *priv) static int iwlagn_mac_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); int ret; IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "enter\n"); /* we should be verifying the device is ready to be opened */ - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); ret = __iwl_up(priv); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); if (ret) return ret; IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Start UP work done.\n"); /* Now we should be done, and the READY bit should be set. */ - if (WARN_ON(!test_bit(STATUS_READY, &priv->shrd->status))) + if (WARN_ON(!test_bit(STATUS_READY, &priv->status))) ret = -EIO; iwlagn_led_enable(priv); @@ -332,7 +334,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) static void iwlagn_mac_stop(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "enter\n"); @@ -341,14 +343,19 @@ static void iwlagn_mac_stop(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) priv->is_open = 0; + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); iwl_down(priv); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); + + iwl_cancel_deferred_work(priv); - flush_workqueue(priv->shrd->workqueue); + flush_workqueue(priv->workqueue); /* User space software may expect getting rfkill changes - * even if interface is down */ - iwl_write32(bus(priv), CSR_INT, 0xFFFFFFFF); - iwl_enable_rfkill_int(priv); + * even if interface is down, trans->down will leave the RF + * kill interrupt enabled + */ + iwl_trans_stop_hw(trans(priv)); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); } @@ -357,13 +364,13 @@ static void iwlagn_mac_set_rekey_data(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, struct cfg80211_gtk_rekey_data *data) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); if (iwlagn_mod_params.sw_crypto) return; IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "enter\n"); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); if (priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS].vif != vif) goto out; @@ -375,7 +382,7 @@ static void iwlagn_mac_set_rekey_data(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, priv->have_rekey_data = true; out: - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); } @@ -384,7 +391,7 @@ static void iwlagn_mac_set_rekey_data(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, static int iwlagn_mac_suspend(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct cfg80211_wowlan *wowlan) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = &priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS]; int ret; @@ -392,7 +399,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_suspend(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, return -EINVAL; IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "enter\n"); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); /* Don't attempt WoWLAN when not associated, tear down instead. */ if (!ctx->vif || ctx->vif->type != NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION || @@ -401,24 +408,22 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_suspend(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, goto out; } - ret = iwlagn_suspend(priv, hw, wowlan); + ret = iwlagn_suspend(priv, wowlan); if (ret) goto error; - device_set_wakeup_enable(bus(priv)->dev, true); + device_set_wakeup_enable(trans(priv)->dev, true); - /* Now let the ucode operate on its own */ - iwl_write32(bus(priv), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_SET, - CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_BIT_D3_CFG_COMPLETE); + iwl_trans_wowlan_suspend(trans(priv)); goto out; error: - priv->shrd->wowlan = false; + priv->wowlan = false; iwlagn_prepare_restart(priv); ieee80211_restart_hw(priv->hw); out: - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); return ret; @@ -426,42 +431,45 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_suspend(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, static int iwlagn_mac_resume(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = &priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS]; struct ieee80211_vif *vif; unsigned long flags; u32 base, status = 0xffffffff; int ret = -EIO; + const struct fw_img *img; IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "enter\n"); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); - iwl_write32(bus(priv), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_CLR, + iwl_write32(trans(priv), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_CLR, CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_BIT_D3_CFG_COMPLETE); base = priv->shrd->device_pointers.error_event_table; if (iwlagn_hw_valid_rtc_data_addr(base)) { - spin_lock_irqsave(&bus(priv)->reg_lock, flags); - ret = iwl_grab_nic_access_silent(bus(priv)); - if (ret == 0) { - iwl_write32(bus(priv), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RADDR, base); - status = iwl_read32(bus(priv), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); - iwl_release_nic_access(bus(priv)); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans(priv)->reg_lock, flags); + ret = iwl_grab_nic_access_silent(trans(priv)); + if (likely(ret == 0)) { + iwl_write32(trans(priv), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RADDR, base); + status = iwl_read32(trans(priv), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); + iwl_release_nic_access(trans(priv)); } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus(priv)->reg_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans(priv)->reg_lock, flags); #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUGFS if (ret == 0) { - struct iwl_trans *trans = trans(priv); - if (!priv->wowlan_sram) + img = &(priv->fw->img[IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN]); + if (!priv->wowlan_sram) { priv->wowlan_sram = - kzalloc(trans->ucode_wowlan.data.len, + kzalloc(img->sec[IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA].len, GFP_KERNEL); + } if (priv->wowlan_sram) _iwl_read_targ_mem_words( - bus(priv), 0x800000, priv->wowlan_sram, - trans->ucode_wowlan.data.len / 4); + trans(priv), 0x800000, + priv->wowlan_sram, + img->sec[IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA].len / 4); } #endif } @@ -469,9 +477,9 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_resume(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) /* we'll clear ctx->vif during iwlagn_prepare_restart() */ vif = ctx->vif; - priv->shrd->wowlan = false; + priv->wowlan = false; - device_set_wakeup_enable(bus(priv)->dev, false); + device_set_wakeup_enable(trans(priv)->dev, false); iwlagn_prepare_restart(priv); @@ -479,7 +487,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_resume(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) iwl_connection_init_rx_config(priv, ctx); iwlagn_set_rxon_chain(priv, ctx); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); ieee80211_resume_disconnect(vif); @@ -491,7 +499,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_resume(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) static void iwlagn_mac_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); IWL_DEBUG_TX(priv, "dev->xmit(%d bytes) at rate 0x%02x\n", skb->len, ieee80211_get_tx_rate(hw, IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb))->bitrate); @@ -506,7 +514,7 @@ static void iwlagn_mac_update_tkip_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u32 iv32, u16 *phase1key) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); iwl_update_tkip_key(priv, vif, keyconf, sta, iv32, phase1key); } @@ -516,7 +524,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, struct ieee80211_key_conf *key) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); struct iwl_vif_priv *vif_priv = (void *)vif->drv_priv; struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = vif_priv->ctx; int ret; @@ -557,7 +565,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, if (cmd == DISABLE_KEY && key->hw_key_idx == WEP_INVALID_OFFSET) return 0; - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); iwl_scan_cancel_timeout(priv, 100); BUILD_BUG_ON(WEP_INVALID_OFFSET == IWLAGN_HW_KEY_DEFAULT); @@ -608,7 +616,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, ret = -EINVAL; } - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); return ret; @@ -620,18 +628,18 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_ampdu_action(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u16 tid, u16 *ssn, u8 buf_size) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); int ret = -EINVAL; struct iwl_station_priv *sta_priv = (void *) sta->drv_priv; IWL_DEBUG_HT(priv, "A-MPDU action on addr %pM tid %d\n", sta->addr, tid); - if (!(cfg(priv)->sku & EEPROM_SKU_CAP_11N_ENABLE)) + if (!(hw_params(priv).sku & EEPROM_SKU_CAP_11N_ENABLE)) return -EACCES; IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "enter\n"); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); switch (action) { case IEEE80211_AMPDU_RX_START: @@ -643,8 +651,6 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_ampdu_action(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, case IEEE80211_AMPDU_RX_STOP: IWL_DEBUG_HT(priv, "stop Rx\n"); ret = iwl_sta_rx_agg_stop(priv, sta, tid); - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) - ret = 0; break; case IEEE80211_AMPDU_TX_START: if (iwlagn_mod_params.disable_11n & IWL_DISABLE_HT_TXAGG) @@ -660,10 +666,8 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_ampdu_action(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, IWL_DEBUG_HT(priv, "priv->agg_tids_count = %u\n", priv->agg_tids_count); } - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) - ret = 0; - if (!priv->agg_tids_count && cfg(priv)->ht_params && - cfg(priv)->ht_params->use_rts_for_aggregation) { + if (!priv->agg_tids_count && + hw_params(priv).use_rts_for_aggregation) { /* * switch off RTS/CTS if it was previously enabled */ @@ -677,7 +681,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_ampdu_action(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, ret = iwlagn_tx_agg_oper(priv, vif, sta, tid, buf_size); break; } - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); return ret; } @@ -686,16 +690,13 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_sta_add(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, struct ieee80211_sta *sta) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); struct iwl_station_priv *sta_priv = (void *)sta->drv_priv; struct iwl_vif_priv *vif_priv = (void *)vif->drv_priv; bool is_ap = vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION; - int ret = 0; + int ret; u8 sta_id; - IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "received request to add station %pM\n", - sta->addr); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "proceeding to add station %pM\n", sta->addr); sta_priv->sta_id = IWL_INVALID_STATION; @@ -710,17 +711,119 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_sta_add(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, IWL_ERR(priv, "Unable to add station %pM (%d)\n", sta->addr, ret); /* Should we return success if return code is EEXIST ? */ - goto out; + return ret; } sta_priv->sta_id = sta_id; - /* Initialize rate scaling */ - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Initializing rate scaling for station %pM\n", - sta->addr); - iwl_rs_rate_init(priv, sta, sta_id); - out: - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + return 0; +} + +static int iwlagn_mac_sta_remove(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, + struct ieee80211_vif *vif, + struct ieee80211_sta *sta) +{ + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); + struct iwl_station_priv *sta_priv = (void *)sta->drv_priv; + int ret; + + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "proceeding to remove station %pM\n", sta->addr); + + if (vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) { + /* + * Station will be removed from device when the RXON + * is set to unassociated -- just deactivate it here + * to avoid re-programming it. + */ + ret = 0; + iwl_deactivate_station(priv, sta_priv->sta_id, sta->addr); + } else { + ret = iwl_remove_station(priv, sta_priv->sta_id, sta->addr); + if (ret) + IWL_DEBUG_QUIET_RFKILL(priv, + "Error removing station %pM\n", sta->addr); + } + return ret; +} + +static int iwlagn_mac_sta_state(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, + struct ieee80211_vif *vif, + struct ieee80211_sta *sta, + enum ieee80211_sta_state old_state, + enum ieee80211_sta_state new_state) +{ + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); + struct iwl_vif_priv *vif_priv = (void *)vif->drv_priv; + enum { + NONE, ADD, REMOVE, HT_RATE_INIT, ADD_RATE_INIT, + } op = NONE; + int ret; + + IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "station %pM state change %d->%d\n", + sta->addr, old_state, new_state); + + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); + if (vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) { + if (old_state == IEEE80211_STA_NOTEXIST && + new_state == IEEE80211_STA_NONE) + op = ADD; + else if (old_state == IEEE80211_STA_NONE && + new_state == IEEE80211_STA_NOTEXIST) + op = REMOVE; + else if (old_state == IEEE80211_STA_AUTH && + new_state == IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC) + op = HT_RATE_INIT; + } else { + if (old_state == IEEE80211_STA_AUTH && + new_state == IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC) + op = ADD_RATE_INIT; + else if (old_state == IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC && + new_state == IEEE80211_STA_AUTH) + op = REMOVE; + } + + switch (op) { + case ADD: + ret = iwlagn_mac_sta_add(hw, vif, sta); + break; + case REMOVE: + ret = iwlagn_mac_sta_remove(hw, vif, sta); + break; + case ADD_RATE_INIT: + ret = iwlagn_mac_sta_add(hw, vif, sta); + if (ret) + break; + /* Initialize rate scaling */ + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, + "Initializing rate scaling for station %pM\n", + sta->addr); + iwl_rs_rate_init(priv, sta, iwl_sta_id(sta)); + ret = 0; + break; + case HT_RATE_INIT: + /* Initialize rate scaling */ + ret = iwl_sta_update_ht(priv, vif_priv->ctx, sta); + if (ret) + break; + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, + "Initializing rate scaling for station %pM\n", + sta->addr); + iwl_rs_rate_init(priv, sta, iwl_sta_id(sta)); + ret = 0; + break; + default: + ret = 0; + break; + } + + /* + * mac80211 might WARN if we fail, but due the way we + * (badly) handle hard rfkill, we might fail here + */ + if (iwl_is_rfkill(priv)) + ret = 0; + + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); return ret; @@ -729,7 +832,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_sta_add(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, static void iwlagn_mac_channel_switch(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_channel_switch *ch_switch) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); const struct iwl_channel_info *ch_info; struct ieee80211_conf *conf = &hw->conf; struct ieee80211_channel *channel = ch_switch->channel; @@ -747,14 +850,14 @@ static void iwlagn_mac_channel_switch(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "enter\n"); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); - if (iwl_is_rfkill(priv->shrd)) + if (iwl_is_rfkill(priv)) goto out; - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status) || - test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->shrd->status) || - test_bit(STATUS_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status) || + test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->status) || + test_bit(STATUS_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING, &priv->status)) goto out; if (!iwl_is_associated_ctx(ctx)) @@ -773,8 +876,6 @@ static void iwlagn_mac_channel_switch(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, goto out; } - spin_lock_irq(&priv->shrd->lock); - priv->current_ht_config.smps = conf->smps_mode; /* Configure HT40 channels */ @@ -791,23 +892,21 @@ static void iwlagn_mac_channel_switch(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, iwl_set_rxon_ht(priv, ht_conf); iwl_set_flags_for_band(priv, ctx, channel->band, ctx->vif); - spin_unlock_irq(&priv->shrd->lock); - iwl_set_rate(priv); /* * at this point, staging_rxon has the * configuration for channel switch */ - set_bit(STATUS_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status); + set_bit(STATUS_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING, &priv->status); priv->switch_channel = cpu_to_le16(ch); if (cfg(priv)->lib->set_channel_switch(priv, ch_switch)) { - clear_bit(STATUS_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status); + clear_bit(STATUS_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING, &priv->status); priv->switch_channel = 0; ieee80211_chswitch_done(ctx->vif, false); } out: - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); } @@ -816,7 +915,7 @@ static void iwlagn_configure_filter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, unsigned int *total_flags, u64 multicast) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); __le32 filter_or = 0, filter_nand = 0; struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx; @@ -837,7 +936,7 @@ static void iwlagn_configure_filter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, #undef CHK - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); for_each_context(priv, ctx) { ctx->staging.filter_flags &= ~filter_nand; @@ -849,7 +948,7 @@ static void iwlagn_configure_filter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, */ } - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); /* * Receiving all multicast frames is always enabled by the @@ -863,16 +962,16 @@ static void iwlagn_configure_filter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, static void iwlagn_mac_flush(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool drop) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "enter\n"); - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) { + if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->status)) { IWL_DEBUG_TX(priv, "Aborting flush due to device shutdown\n"); goto done; } - if (iwl_is_rfkill(priv->shrd)) { + if (iwl_is_rfkill(priv)) { IWL_DEBUG_TX(priv, "Aborting flush due to RF Kill\n"); goto done; } @@ -891,7 +990,7 @@ static void iwlagn_mac_flush(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool drop) IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "wait transmit/flush all frames\n"); iwl_trans_wait_tx_queue_empty(trans(priv)); done: - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); } @@ -900,7 +999,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_remain_on_channel(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum nl80211_channel_type channel_type, int duration) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = &priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_PAN]; int err = 0; @@ -911,9 +1010,9 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_remain_on_channel(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, return -EOPNOTSUPP; IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "enter\n"); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); - if (test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->shrd->status)) { + if (test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->status)) { err = -EBUSY; goto out; } @@ -982,7 +1081,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_remain_on_channel(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, iwlagn_disable_roc(priv); out: - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); return err; @@ -990,108 +1089,28 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_remain_on_channel(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, static int iwlagn_mac_cancel_remain_on_channel(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); if (!(priv->shrd->valid_contexts & BIT(IWL_RXON_CTX_PAN))) return -EOPNOTSUPP; IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "enter\n"); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); iwl_scan_cancel_timeout(priv, priv->hw_roc_duration); iwlagn_disable_roc(priv); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); return 0; } -static int iwlagn_mac_tx_sync(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, - struct ieee80211_vif *vif, - const u8 *bssid, - enum ieee80211_tx_sync_type type) -{ - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; - struct iwl_vif_priv *vif_priv = (void *)vif->drv_priv; - struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = vif_priv->ctx; - int ret; - u8 sta_id; - - if (ctx->ctxid != IWL_RXON_CTX_PAN) - return 0; - - IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "enter\n"); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); - - if (iwl_is_associated_ctx(ctx)) { - ret = 0; - goto out; - } - - if (ctx->preauth_bssid || test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, - &priv->shrd->status)) { - ret = -EBUSY; - goto out; - } - - ret = iwl_add_station_common(priv, ctx, bssid, true, NULL, &sta_id); - if (ret) - goto out; - - if (WARN_ON(sta_id != ctx->ap_sta_id)) { - ret = -EIO; - goto out_remove_sta; - } - - memcpy(ctx->bssid, bssid, ETH_ALEN); - ctx->preauth_bssid = true; - - ret = iwlagn_commit_rxon(priv, ctx); - - if (ret == 0) - goto out; - - out_remove_sta: - iwl_remove_station(priv, sta_id, bssid); - out: - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); - IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); - - return ret; -} - -static void iwlagn_mac_finish_tx_sync(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, - struct ieee80211_vif *vif, - const u8 *bssid, - enum ieee80211_tx_sync_type type) -{ - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; - struct iwl_vif_priv *vif_priv = (void *)vif->drv_priv; - struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = vif_priv->ctx; - - if (ctx->ctxid != IWL_RXON_CTX_PAN) - return; - - IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "enter\n"); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); - - if (iwl_is_associated_ctx(ctx)) - goto out; - - iwl_remove_station(priv, ctx->ap_sta_id, bssid); - ctx->preauth_bssid = false; - /* no need to commit */ - out: - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); - IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); -} - static void iwlagn_mac_rssi_callback(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum ieee80211_rssi_event rssi_event) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "enter\n"); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); if (cfg(priv)->bt_params && cfg(priv)->bt_params->advanced_bt_coexist) { @@ -1106,16 +1125,16 @@ static void iwlagn_mac_rssi_callback(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, "ignoring RSSI callback\n"); } - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); } static int iwlagn_mac_set_tim(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, bool set) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); - queue_work(priv->shrd->workqueue, &priv->beacon_update); + queue_work(priv->workqueue, &priv->beacon_update); return 0; } @@ -1124,10 +1143,9 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_conf_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, u16 queue, const struct ieee80211_tx_queue_params *params) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); struct iwl_vif_priv *vif_priv = (void *)vif->drv_priv; struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = vif_priv->ctx; - unsigned long flags; int q; if (WARN_ON(!ctx)) @@ -1135,7 +1153,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_conf_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "enter\n"); - if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv->shrd)) { + if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv)) { IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave - RF not ready\n"); return -EIO; } @@ -1147,7 +1165,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_conf_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, q = AC_NUM - 1 - queue; - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); ctx->qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[q].cw_min = cpu_to_le16(params->cw_min); @@ -1159,7 +1177,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_conf_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, ctx->qos_data.def_qos_parm.ac[q].reserved1 = 0; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->lock, flags); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); return 0; @@ -1167,7 +1185,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_conf_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, static int iwlagn_mac_tx_last_beacon(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); return priv->ibss_manager == IWL_IBSS_MANAGER; } @@ -1187,7 +1205,7 @@ static int iwl_setup_interface(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif = ctx->vif; int err; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); /* * This variable will be correct only when there's just @@ -1221,7 +1239,7 @@ static int iwl_setup_interface(struct iwl_priv *priv, static int iwlagn_mac_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); struct iwl_vif_priv *vif_priv = (void *)vif->drv_priv; struct iwl_rxon_context *tmp, *ctx = NULL; int err; @@ -1232,11 +1250,11 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, cancel_delayed_work_sync(&priv->hw_roc_disable_work); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); iwlagn_disable_roc(priv); - if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv->shrd)) { + if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv)) { IWL_WARN(priv, "Try to add interface when device not ready\n"); err = -EINVAL; goto out; @@ -1279,7 +1297,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, ctx->vif = NULL; priv->iw_mode = NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION; out: - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); return err; @@ -1291,7 +1309,7 @@ static void iwl_teardown_interface(struct iwl_priv *priv, { struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = iwl_rxon_ctx_from_vif(vif); - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); if (priv->scan_vif == vif) { iwl_scan_cancel_timeout(priv, 200); @@ -1318,12 +1336,12 @@ static void iwl_teardown_interface(struct iwl_priv *priv, static void iwlagn_mac_remove_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = iwl_rxon_ctx_from_vif(vif); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "enter\n"); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); if (WARN_ON(ctx->vif != vif)) { struct iwl_rxon_context *tmp; @@ -1336,7 +1354,7 @@ static void iwlagn_mac_remove_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, iwl_teardown_interface(priv, vif, false); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); @@ -1346,7 +1364,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_change_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, enum nl80211_iftype newtype, bool newp2p) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx = iwl_rxon_ctx_from_vif(vif); struct iwl_rxon_context *bss_ctx = &priv->contexts[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS]; struct iwl_rxon_context *tmp; @@ -1358,9 +1376,9 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_change_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, newtype = ieee80211_iftype_p2p(newtype, newp2p); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); - if (!ctx->vif || !iwl_is_ready_rf(priv->shrd)) { + if (!ctx->vif || !iwl_is_ready_rf(priv)) { /* * Huh? But wait ... this can maybe happen when * we're in the middle of a firmware restart! @@ -1422,7 +1440,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_change_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, err = 0; out: - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); return err; @@ -1432,7 +1450,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_hw_scan(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, struct cfg80211_scan_request *req) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); int ret; IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "enter\n"); @@ -1440,7 +1458,7 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_hw_scan(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (req->n_channels == 0) return -EINVAL; - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); /* * If an internal scan is in progress, just set @@ -1469,47 +1487,20 @@ static int iwlagn_mac_hw_scan(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); - - return ret; -} - -static int iwlagn_mac_sta_remove(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, - struct ieee80211_vif *vif, - struct ieee80211_sta *sta) -{ - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; - struct iwl_station_priv *sta_priv = (void *)sta->drv_priv; - int ret; - - IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "enter: received request to remove " - "station %pM\n", sta->addr); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "proceeding to remove station %pM\n", - sta->addr); - ret = iwl_remove_station(priv, sta_priv->sta_id, sta->addr); - if (ret) - IWL_DEBUG_QUIET_RFKILL(priv, "Error removing station %pM\n", - sta->addr); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); - IWL_DEBUG_MAC80211(priv, "leave\n"); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); return ret; } static void iwl_sta_modify_ps_wake(struct iwl_priv *priv, int sta_id) { - unsigned long flags; - - spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); - priv->stations[sta_id].sta.station_flags &= ~STA_FLG_PWR_SAVE_MSK; - priv->stations[sta_id].sta.station_flags_msk = STA_FLG_PWR_SAVE_MSK; - priv->stations[sta_id].sta.sta.modify_mask = 0; - priv->stations[sta_id].sta.sleep_tx_count = 0; - priv->stations[sta_id].sta.mode = STA_CONTROL_MODIFY_MSK; - iwl_send_add_sta(priv, &priv->stations[sta_id].sta, CMD_ASYNC); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->shrd->sta_lock, flags); + struct iwl_addsta_cmd cmd = { + .mode = STA_CONTROL_MODIFY_MSK, + .station_flags_msk = STA_FLG_PWR_SAVE_MSK, + .sta.sta_id = sta_id, + }; + iwl_send_add_sta(priv, &cmd, CMD_ASYNC); } static void iwlagn_mac_sta_notify(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -1517,7 +1508,7 @@ static void iwlagn_mac_sta_notify(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum sta_notify_cmd cmd, struct ieee80211_sta *sta) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); struct iwl_station_priv *sta_priv = (void *)sta->drv_priv; int sta_id; @@ -1566,8 +1557,7 @@ struct ieee80211_ops iwlagn_hw_ops = { .ampdu_action = iwlagn_mac_ampdu_action, .hw_scan = iwlagn_mac_hw_scan, .sta_notify = iwlagn_mac_sta_notify, - .sta_add = iwlagn_mac_sta_add, - .sta_remove = iwlagn_mac_sta_remove, + .sta_state = iwlagn_mac_sta_state, .channel_switch = iwlagn_mac_channel_switch, .flush = iwlagn_mac_flush, .tx_last_beacon = iwlagn_mac_tx_last_beacon, @@ -1576,8 +1566,6 @@ struct ieee80211_ops iwlagn_hw_ops = { .rssi_callback = iwlagn_mac_rssi_callback, CFG80211_TESTMODE_CMD(iwlagn_mac_testmode_cmd) CFG80211_TESTMODE_DUMP(iwlagn_mac_testmode_dump) - .tx_sync = iwlagn_mac_tx_sync, - .finish_tx_sync = iwlagn_mac_finish_tx_sync, .set_tim = iwlagn_mac_set_tim, }; @@ -1585,15 +1573,18 @@ struct ieee80211_ops iwlagn_hw_ops = { struct ieee80211_hw *iwl_alloc_all(void) { struct iwl_priv *priv; + struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode; /* mac80211 allocates memory for this device instance, including * space for this driver's private structure */ struct ieee80211_hw *hw; - hw = ieee80211_alloc_hw(sizeof(struct iwl_priv), &iwlagn_hw_ops); + hw = ieee80211_alloc_hw(sizeof(struct iwl_priv) + + sizeof(struct iwl_op_mode), &iwlagn_hw_ops); if (!hw) goto out; - priv = hw->priv; + op_mode = hw->priv; + priv = IWL_OP_MODE_GET_DVM(op_mode); priv->hw = hw; out: diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-notif-wait.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-notif-wait.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..88dc4a0f96b45657c032d9f6cd5071d70b720a4e --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-notif-wait.c @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +/****************************************************************************** + * + * This file is provided under a dual BSD/GPLv2 license. When using or + * redistributing this file, you may do so under either license. + * + * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY + * + * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, + * USA + * + * The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution + * in the file called LICENSE.GPL. + * + * Contact Information: + * Intel Linux Wireless + * Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 + * + * BSD LICENSE + * + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in + * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name Intel Corporation nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived + * from this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + *****************************************************************************/ +#include + +#include "iwl-notif-wait.h" + + +void iwl_notification_wait_init(struct iwl_notif_wait_data *notif_wait) +{ + spin_lock_init(¬if_wait->notif_wait_lock); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(¬if_wait->notif_waits); + init_waitqueue_head(¬if_wait->notif_waitq); +} + +void iwl_notification_wait_notify(struct iwl_notif_wait_data *notif_wait, + struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt) +{ + if (!list_empty(¬if_wait->notif_waits)) { + struct iwl_notification_wait *w; + + spin_lock(¬if_wait->notif_wait_lock); + list_for_each_entry(w, ¬if_wait->notif_waits, list) { + if (w->cmd != pkt->hdr.cmd) + continue; + w->triggered = true; + if (w->fn) + w->fn(notif_wait, pkt, w->fn_data); + } + spin_unlock(¬if_wait->notif_wait_lock); + + wake_up_all(¬if_wait->notif_waitq); + } +} + +void iwl_abort_notification_waits(struct iwl_notif_wait_data *notif_wait) +{ + unsigned long flags; + struct iwl_notification_wait *wait_entry; + + spin_lock_irqsave(¬if_wait->notif_wait_lock, flags); + list_for_each_entry(wait_entry, ¬if_wait->notif_waits, list) + wait_entry->aborted = true; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(¬if_wait->notif_wait_lock, flags); + + wake_up_all(¬if_wait->notif_waitq); +} + + +void +iwl_init_notification_wait(struct iwl_notif_wait_data *notif_wait, + struct iwl_notification_wait *wait_entry, + u8 cmd, + void (*fn)(struct iwl_notif_wait_data *notif_wait, + struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt, void *data), + void *fn_data) +{ + wait_entry->fn = fn; + wait_entry->fn_data = fn_data; + wait_entry->cmd = cmd; + wait_entry->triggered = false; + wait_entry->aborted = false; + + spin_lock_bh(¬if_wait->notif_wait_lock); + list_add(&wait_entry->list, ¬if_wait->notif_waits); + spin_unlock_bh(¬if_wait->notif_wait_lock); +} + +int iwl_wait_notification(struct iwl_notif_wait_data *notif_wait, + struct iwl_notification_wait *wait_entry, + unsigned long timeout) +{ + int ret; + + ret = wait_event_timeout(notif_wait->notif_waitq, + wait_entry->triggered || wait_entry->aborted, + timeout); + + spin_lock_bh(¬if_wait->notif_wait_lock); + list_del(&wait_entry->list); + spin_unlock_bh(¬if_wait->notif_wait_lock); + + if (wait_entry->aborted) + return -EIO; + + /* return value is always >= 0 */ + if (ret <= 0) + return -ETIMEDOUT; + return 0; +} + +void iwl_remove_notification(struct iwl_notif_wait_data *notif_wait, + struct iwl_notification_wait *wait_entry) +{ + spin_lock_bh(¬if_wait->notif_wait_lock); + list_del(&wait_entry->list); + spin_unlock_bh(¬if_wait->notif_wait_lock); +} diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-wifi.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-notif-wait.h similarity index 55% rename from drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-wifi.h rename to drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-notif-wait.h index 18501101a53032d2b04007d2fbb7bfb5879c0138..5e8af957aa7bf730586dcc235b779df904df7913 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-wifi.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-notif-wait.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived @@ -58,17 +57,73 @@ * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * *****************************************************************************/ +#ifndef __iwl_notif_wait_h__ +#define __iwl_notif_wait_h__ + +#include + +#include "iwl-trans.h" + +struct iwl_notif_wait_data { + struct list_head notif_waits; + spinlock_t notif_wait_lock; + wait_queue_head_t notif_waitq; +}; + +/** + * struct iwl_notification_wait - notification wait entry + * @list: list head for global list + * @fn: function called with the notification + * @cmd: command ID + * + * This structure is not used directly, to wait for a + * notification declare it on the stack, and call + * iwlagn_init_notification_wait() with appropriate + * parameters. Then do whatever will cause the ucode + * to notify the driver, and to wait for that then + * call iwlagn_wait_notification(). + * + * Each notification is one-shot. If at some point we + * need to support multi-shot notifications (which + * can't be allocated on the stack) we need to modify + * the code for them. + */ +struct iwl_notification_wait { + struct list_head list; + + void (*fn)(struct iwl_notif_wait_data *notif_data, + struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt, void *data); + void *fn_data; + + u8 cmd; + bool triggered, aborted; +}; + + +/* caller functions */ +void iwl_notification_wait_init(struct iwl_notif_wait_data *notif_data); +void iwl_notification_wait_notify(struct iwl_notif_wait_data *notif_data, + struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt); +void iwl_abort_notification_waits(struct iwl_notif_wait_data *notif_data); + +/* user functions */ +void __acquires(wait_entry) +iwl_init_notification_wait(struct iwl_notif_wait_data *notif_data, + struct iwl_notification_wait *wait_entry, + u8 cmd, + void (*fn)(struct iwl_notif_wait_data *notif_data, + struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt, void *data), + void *fn_data); -#ifndef __iwl_wifi_h__ -#define __iwl_wifi_h__ +int __must_check __releases(wait_entry) +iwl_wait_notification(struct iwl_notif_wait_data *notif_data, + struct iwl_notification_wait *wait_entry, + unsigned long timeout); -#include "iwl-shared.h" +void __releases(wait_entry) +iwl_remove_notification(struct iwl_notif_wait_data *notif_data, + struct iwl_notification_wait *wait_entry); -int iwl_send_bt_env(struct iwl_trans *trans, u8 action, u8 type); -void iwl_send_prio_tbl(struct iwl_trans *trans); -int iwl_init_alive_start(struct iwl_trans *trans); -int iwl_run_init_ucode(struct iwl_trans *trans); -int iwl_load_ucode_wait_alive(struct iwl_trans *trans, - enum iwl_ucode_type ucode_type); -#endif /* __iwl_wifi_h__ */ +#endif /* __iwl_notif_wait_h__ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-op-mode.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-op-mode.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6ea4163ff56a591117a36eb75c03587131601cc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-op-mode.h @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +/****************************************************************************** + * + * This file is provided under a dual BSD/GPLv2 license. When using or + * redistributing this file, you may do so under either license. + * + * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY + * + * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, + * USA + * + * The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution + * in the file called LICENSE.GPL. + * + * Contact Information: + * Intel Linux Wireless + * Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 + * + * BSD LICENSE + * + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in + * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name Intel Corporation nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived + * from this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + *****************************************************************************/ +#ifndef __iwl_op_mode_h__ +#define __iwl_op_mode_h__ + +struct iwl_op_mode; +struct iwl_trans; +struct sk_buff; +struct iwl_device_cmd; +struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer; +struct iwl_fw; + +/** + * DOC: Operational mode - what is it ? + * + * The operational mode (a.k.a. op_mode) is the layer that implements + * mac80211's handlers. It knows two APIs: mac80211's and the fw's. It uses + * the transport API to access the HW. The op_mode doesn't need to know how the + * underlying HW works, since the transport layer takes care of that. + * + * There can be several op_mode: i.e. different fw APIs will require two + * different op_modes. This is why the op_mode is virtualized. + */ + +/** + * DOC: Life cycle of the Operational mode + * + * The operational mode has a very simple life cycle. + * + * 1) The driver layer (iwl-drv.c) chooses the op_mode based on the + * capabilities advertized by the fw file (in TLV format). + * 2) The driver layer starts the op_mode (ops->start) + * 3) The op_mode registers registers mac80211 + * 4) The op_mode is governed by mac80211 + * 5) The driver layer stops the op_mode + */ + +/** + * struct iwl_op_mode_ops - op_mode specific operations + * + * The op_mode exports its ops so that external components can start it and + * interact with it. The driver layer typically calls the start and stop + * handlers, the transport layer calls the others. + * + * All the handlers MUST be implemented + * + * @start: start the op_mode. The transport layer is already allocated. + * May sleep + * @stop: stop the op_mode. Must free all the memory allocated. + * May sleep + * @rx: Rx notification to the op_mode. rxb is the Rx buffer itself. Cmd is the + * HCMD the this Rx responds to. + * Must be atomic. + * @queue_full: notifies that a HW queue is full. Ac is the ac of the queue + * Must be atomic + * @queue_not_full: notifies that a HW queue is not full any more. + * Ac is the ac of the queue. Must be atomic + * @hw_rf_kill:notifies of a change in the HW rf kill switch. True means that + * the radio is killed. Must be atomic. + * @free_skb: allows the transport layer to free skbs that haven't been + * reclaimed by the op_mode. This can happen when the driver is freed and + * there are Tx packets pending in the transport layer. + * Must be atomic + * @nic_error: error notification. Must be atomic + * @cmd_queue_full: Called when the command queue gets full. Must be atomic. + * @nic_config: configure NIC, called before firmware is started. + * May sleep + */ +struct iwl_op_mode_ops { + struct iwl_op_mode *(*start)(struct iwl_trans *trans, + const struct iwl_fw *fw); + void (*stop)(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode); + int (*rx)(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode, struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd); + void (*queue_full)(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode, u8 ac); + void (*queue_not_full)(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode, u8 ac); + void (*hw_rf_kill)(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode, bool state); + void (*free_skb)(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode, struct sk_buff *skb); + void (*nic_error)(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode); + void (*cmd_queue_full)(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode); + void (*nic_config)(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode); +}; + +/** + * struct iwl_op_mode - operational mode + * + * This holds an implementation of the mac80211 / fw API. + * + * @ops - pointer to its own ops + */ +struct iwl_op_mode { + const struct iwl_op_mode_ops *ops; + const struct iwl_trans *trans; + + char op_mode_specific[0] __aligned(sizeof(void *)); +}; + +static inline void iwl_op_mode_stop(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode) +{ + might_sleep(); + + op_mode->ops->stop(op_mode); +} + +static inline int iwl_op_mode_rx(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) +{ + return op_mode->ops->rx(op_mode, rxb, cmd); +} + +static inline void iwl_op_mode_queue_full(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode, u8 ac) +{ + op_mode->ops->queue_full(op_mode, ac); +} + +static inline void iwl_op_mode_queue_not_full(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode, + u8 ac) +{ + op_mode->ops->queue_not_full(op_mode, ac); +} + +static inline void iwl_op_mode_hw_rf_kill(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode, + bool state) +{ + op_mode->ops->hw_rf_kill(op_mode, state); +} + +static inline void iwl_op_mode_free_skb(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode, + struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + op_mode->ops->free_skb(op_mode, skb); +} + +static inline void iwl_op_mode_nic_error(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode) +{ + op_mode->ops->nic_error(op_mode); +} + +static inline void iwl_op_mode_cmd_queue_full(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode) +{ + op_mode->ops->cmd_queue_full(op_mode); +} + +static inline void iwl_op_mode_nic_config(struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode) +{ + might_sleep(); + op_mode->ops->nic_config(op_mode); +} + +/***************************************************** +* Op mode layers implementations +******************************************************/ +extern const struct iwl_op_mode_ops iwl_dvm_ops; + +#endif /* __iwl_op_mode_h__ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-pci.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-pci.c index fb30ea7ca96b54d43aa1bf0048d52a7c0f4df161..c5e339ee918b03bb49c689eca7f33b0fc7ad592a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-pci.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-pci.c @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @@ -64,118 +64,13 @@ #include #include -#include "iwl-bus.h" #include "iwl-io.h" #include "iwl-shared.h" #include "iwl-trans.h" #include "iwl-csr.h" #include "iwl-cfg.h" - -/* PCI registers */ -#define PCI_CFG_RETRY_TIMEOUT 0x041 -#define PCI_CFG_LINK_CTRL_VAL_L0S_EN 0x01 -#define PCI_CFG_LINK_CTRL_VAL_L1_EN 0x02 - -struct iwl_pci_bus { - /* basic pci-network driver stuff */ - struct pci_dev *pci_dev; - - /* pci hardware address support */ - void __iomem *hw_base; -}; - -#define IWL_BUS_GET_PCI_BUS(_iwl_bus) \ - ((struct iwl_pci_bus *) ((_iwl_bus)->bus_specific)) - -#define IWL_BUS_GET_PCI_DEV(_iwl_bus) \ - ((IWL_BUS_GET_PCI_BUS(_iwl_bus))->pci_dev) - -static u16 iwl_pciexp_link_ctrl(struct iwl_bus *bus) -{ - int pos; - u16 pci_lnk_ctl; - - struct pci_dev *pci_dev = IWL_BUS_GET_PCI_DEV(bus); - - pos = pci_pcie_cap(pci_dev); - pci_read_config_word(pci_dev, pos + PCI_EXP_LNKCTL, &pci_lnk_ctl); - return pci_lnk_ctl; -} - -static bool iwl_pci_is_pm_supported(struct iwl_bus *bus) -{ - u16 lctl = iwl_pciexp_link_ctrl(bus); - - return !(lctl & PCI_CFG_LINK_CTRL_VAL_L0S_EN); -} - -static void iwl_pci_apm_config(struct iwl_bus *bus) -{ - /* - * HW bug W/A for instability in PCIe bus L0S->L1 transition. - * Check if BIOS (or OS) enabled L1-ASPM on this device. - * If so (likely), disable L0S, so device moves directly L0->L1; - * costs negligible amount of power savings. - * If not (unlikely), enable L0S, so there is at least some - * power savings, even without L1. - */ - u16 lctl = iwl_pciexp_link_ctrl(bus); - - if ((lctl & PCI_CFG_LINK_CTRL_VAL_L1_EN) == - PCI_CFG_LINK_CTRL_VAL_L1_EN) { - /* L1-ASPM enabled; disable(!) L0S */ - iwl_set_bit(bus, CSR_GIO_REG, - CSR_GIO_REG_VAL_L0S_ENABLED); - dev_printk(KERN_INFO, bus->dev, "L1 Enabled; Disabling L0S\n"); - } else { - /* L1-ASPM disabled; enable(!) L0S */ - iwl_clear_bit(bus, CSR_GIO_REG, - CSR_GIO_REG_VAL_L0S_ENABLED); - dev_printk(KERN_INFO, bus->dev, "L1 Disabled; Enabling L0S\n"); - } -} - -static void iwl_pci_get_hw_id_string(struct iwl_bus *bus, char buf[], - int buf_len) -{ - struct pci_dev *pci_dev = IWL_BUS_GET_PCI_DEV(bus); - - snprintf(buf, buf_len, "PCI ID: 0x%04X:0x%04X", pci_dev->device, - pci_dev->subsystem_device); -} - -static u32 iwl_pci_get_hw_id(struct iwl_bus *bus) -{ - struct pci_dev *pci_dev = IWL_BUS_GET_PCI_DEV(bus); - - return (pci_dev->device << 16) + pci_dev->subsystem_device; -} - -static void iwl_pci_write8(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 ofs, u8 val) -{ - iowrite8(val, IWL_BUS_GET_PCI_BUS(bus)->hw_base + ofs); -} - -static void iwl_pci_write32(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 ofs, u32 val) -{ - iowrite32(val, IWL_BUS_GET_PCI_BUS(bus)->hw_base + ofs); -} - -static u32 iwl_pci_read32(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 ofs) -{ - u32 val = ioread32(IWL_BUS_GET_PCI_BUS(bus)->hw_base + ofs); - return val; -} - -static const struct iwl_bus_ops bus_ops_pci = { - .get_pm_support = iwl_pci_is_pm_supported, - .apm_config = iwl_pci_apm_config, - .get_hw_id_string = iwl_pci_get_hw_id_string, - .get_hw_id = iwl_pci_get_hw_id, - .write8 = iwl_pci_write8, - .write32 = iwl_pci_write32, - .read32 = iwl_pci_read32, -}; +#include "iwl-drv.h" +#include "iwl-trans.h" #define IWL_PCI_DEVICE(dev, subdev, cfg) \ .vendor = PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, .device = (dev), \ @@ -263,9 +158,9 @@ static DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE(iwl_hw_card_ids) = { {IWL_PCI_DEVICE(0x0085, 0x1316, iwl6005_2abg_cfg)}, {IWL_PCI_DEVICE(0x0082, 0xC020, iwl6005_2agn_sff_cfg)}, {IWL_PCI_DEVICE(0x0085, 0xC220, iwl6005_2agn_sff_cfg)}, - {IWL_PCI_DEVICE(0x0082, 0x1341, iwl6005_2agn_d_cfg)}, - {IWL_PCI_DEVICE(0x0082, 0x1304, iwl6005_2agn_cfg)},/* low 5GHz active */ - {IWL_PCI_DEVICE(0x0082, 0x1305, iwl6005_2agn_cfg)},/* high 5GHz active */ + {IWL_PCI_DEVICE(0x0082, 0x4820, iwl6005_2agn_d_cfg)}, + {IWL_PCI_DEVICE(0x0082, 0x1304, iwl6005_2agn_mow1_cfg)},/* low 5GHz active */ + {IWL_PCI_DEVICE(0x0082, 0x1305, iwl6005_2agn_mow2_cfg)},/* high 5GHz active */ /* 6x30 Series */ {IWL_PCI_DEVICE(0x008A, 0x5305, iwl1030_bgn_cfg)}, @@ -346,6 +241,7 @@ static DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE(iwl_hw_card_ids) = { {IWL_PCI_DEVICE(0x088E, 0x4060, iwl6035_2agn_cfg)}, {IWL_PCI_DEVICE(0x088F, 0x4260, iwl6035_2agn_cfg)}, {IWL_PCI_DEVICE(0x088E, 0x4460, iwl6035_2agn_cfg)}, + {IWL_PCI_DEVICE(0x088E, 0x4860, iwl6035_2agn_cfg)}, /* 105 Series */ {IWL_PCI_DEVICE(0x0894, 0x0022, iwl105_bgn_cfg)}, @@ -362,132 +258,62 @@ static DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE(iwl_hw_card_ids) = { }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, iwl_hw_card_ids); +/* PCI registers */ +#define PCI_CFG_RETRY_TIMEOUT 0x041 + static int iwl_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) { - struct iwl_cfg *cfg = (struct iwl_cfg *)(ent->driver_data); - struct iwl_bus *bus; - struct iwl_pci_bus *pci_bus; - u16 pci_cmd; + const struct iwl_cfg *cfg = (struct iwl_cfg *)(ent->driver_data); + struct iwl_shared *shrd; + struct iwl_trans *iwl_trans; int err; - bus = kzalloc(sizeof(*bus) + sizeof(*pci_bus), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!bus) { + shrd = kzalloc(sizeof(*iwl_trans->shrd), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!shrd) { dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &pdev->dev, - "Couldn't allocate iwl_pci_bus"); + "Couldn't allocate iwl_shared"); err = -ENOMEM; - goto out_no_pci; + goto out_free_bus; } - pci_bus = IWL_BUS_GET_PCI_BUS(bus); - pci_bus->pci_dev = pdev; - - pci_set_drvdata(pdev, bus); - - /* W/A - seems to solve weird behavior. We need to remove this if we - * don't want to stay in L1 all the time. This wastes a lot of power */ - pci_disable_link_state(pdev, PCIE_LINK_STATE_L0S | PCIE_LINK_STATE_L1 | - PCIE_LINK_STATE_CLKPM); - - if (pci_enable_device(pdev)) { - err = -ENODEV; - goto out_no_pci; - } - - pci_set_master(pdev); - - err = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(36)); - if (!err) - err = pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(36)); - if (err) { - err = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32)); - if (!err) - err = pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(pdev, - DMA_BIT_MASK(32)); - /* both attempts failed: */ - if (err) { - dev_printk(KERN_ERR, bus->dev, - "No suitable DMA available.\n"); - goto out_pci_disable_device; - } - } - - err = pci_request_regions(pdev, DRV_NAME); - if (err) { - dev_printk(KERN_ERR, bus->dev, "pci_request_regions failed"); - goto out_pci_disable_device; - } - - pci_bus->hw_base = pci_iomap(pdev, 0, 0); - if (!pci_bus->hw_base) { - dev_printk(KERN_ERR, bus->dev, "pci_iomap failed"); - err = -ENODEV; - goto out_pci_release_regions; +#ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_IDI + iwl_trans = iwl_trans_idi_alloc(shrd, pdev, ent); +#else + iwl_trans = iwl_trans_pcie_alloc(shrd, pdev, ent); +#endif + if (iwl_trans == NULL) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto out_free_bus; } - dev_printk(KERN_INFO, &pdev->dev, - "pci_resource_len = 0x%08llx\n", - (unsigned long long) pci_resource_len(pdev, 0)); - dev_printk(KERN_INFO, &pdev->dev, - "pci_resource_base = %p\n", pci_bus->hw_base); + shrd->trans = iwl_trans; + pci_set_drvdata(pdev, iwl_trans); - dev_printk(KERN_INFO, &pdev->dev, - "HW Revision ID = 0x%X\n", pdev->revision); - - /* We disable the RETRY_TIMEOUT register (0x41) to keep - * PCI Tx retries from interfering with C3 CPU state */ - pci_write_config_byte(pdev, PCI_CFG_RETRY_TIMEOUT, 0x00); - - err = pci_enable_msi(pdev); + err = iwl_drv_start(shrd, iwl_trans, cfg); if (err) - dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &pdev->dev, - "pci_enable_msi failed(0X%x)", err); - - /* TODO: Move this away, not needed if not MSI */ - /* enable rfkill interrupt: hw bug w/a */ - pci_read_config_word(pdev, PCI_COMMAND, &pci_cmd); - if (pci_cmd & PCI_COMMAND_INTX_DISABLE) { - pci_cmd &= ~PCI_COMMAND_INTX_DISABLE; - pci_write_config_word(pdev, PCI_COMMAND, pci_cmd); - } - - bus->dev = &pdev->dev; - bus->irq = pdev->irq; - bus->ops = &bus_ops_pci; + goto out_free_trans; - err = iwl_probe(bus, &trans_ops_pcie, cfg); - if (err) - goto out_disable_msi; return 0; -out_disable_msi: - pci_disable_msi(pdev); - pci_iounmap(pdev, pci_bus->hw_base); -out_pci_release_regions: +out_free_trans: + iwl_trans_free(iwl_trans); pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); - pci_release_regions(pdev); -out_pci_disable_device: - pci_disable_device(pdev); -out_no_pci: - kfree(bus); +out_free_bus: + kfree(shrd); return err; } static void __devexit iwl_pci_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) { - struct iwl_bus *bus = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); - struct iwl_pci_bus *pci_bus = IWL_BUS_GET_PCI_BUS(bus); - struct pci_dev *pci_dev = IWL_BUS_GET_PCI_DEV(bus); - struct iwl_shared *shrd = bus->shrd; + struct iwl_trans *iwl_trans = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + struct iwl_shared *shrd = iwl_trans->shrd; - iwl_remove(shrd->priv); + iwl_drv_stop(shrd); + iwl_trans_free(shrd->trans); - pci_disable_msi(pci_dev); - pci_iounmap(pci_dev, pci_bus->hw_base); - pci_release_regions(pci_dev); - pci_disable_device(pci_dev); - pci_set_drvdata(pci_dev, NULL); + pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); - kfree(bus); + kfree(shrd); } #ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP @@ -495,22 +321,20 @@ static void __devexit iwl_pci_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) static int iwl_pci_suspend(struct device *device) { struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(device); - struct iwl_bus *bus = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); - struct iwl_shared *shrd = bus->shrd; + struct iwl_trans *iwl_trans = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); /* Before you put code here, think about WoWLAN. You cannot check here * whether WoWLAN is enabled or not, and your code will run even if * WoWLAN is enabled - don't kill the NIC, someone may need it in Sx. */ - return iwl_trans_suspend(shrd->trans); + return iwl_trans_suspend(iwl_trans); } static int iwl_pci_resume(struct device *device) { struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(device); - struct iwl_bus *bus = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); - struct iwl_shared *shrd = bus->shrd; + struct iwl_trans *iwl_trans = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); /* Before you put code here, think about WoWLAN. You cannot check here * whether WoWLAN is enabled or not, and your code will run even if @@ -523,7 +347,7 @@ static int iwl_pci_resume(struct device *device) */ pci_write_config_byte(pdev, PCI_CFG_RETRY_TIMEOUT, 0x00); - return iwl_trans_resume(shrd->trans); + return iwl_trans_resume(iwl_trans); } static SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS(iwl_dev_pm_ops, iwl_pci_suspend, iwl_pci_resume); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-power.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-power.c index 2b188a6025b319ac7fcc3aa804b117ba3d29bdca..958d9d09aee3f0e55137ac58b7095a535481591d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-power.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-power.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Portions of this file are derived from the ipw3945 project, as well * as portions of the ieee80211 subsystem header files. @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ static void iwl_static_sleep_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, else cmd->flags &= ~IWL_POWER_SLEEP_OVER_DTIM_MSK; - if (hw_params(priv).shadow_reg_enable) + if (cfg(priv)->base_params->shadow_reg_enable) cmd->flags |= IWL_POWER_SHADOW_REG_ENA; else cmd->flags &= ~IWL_POWER_SHADOW_REG_ENA; @@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ static void iwl_power_fill_sleep_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, if (priv->power_data.bus_pm) cmd->flags |= IWL_POWER_PCI_PM_MSK; - if (hw_params(priv).shadow_reg_enable) + if (cfg(priv)->base_params->shadow_reg_enable) cmd->flags |= IWL_POWER_SHADOW_REG_ENA; else cmd->flags &= ~IWL_POWER_SHADOW_REG_ENA; @@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ static int iwl_set_power(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_powertable_cmd *cmd) le32_to_cpu(cmd->sleep_interval[3]), le32_to_cpu(cmd->sleep_interval[4])); - return iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans(priv), POWER_TABLE_CMD, CMD_SYNC, + return iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, POWER_TABLE_CMD, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(struct iwl_powertable_cmd), cmd); } @@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ static void iwl_power_build_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, dtimper = priv->hw->conf.ps_dtim_period ?: 1; - if (priv->shrd->wowlan) + if (priv->wowlan) iwl_static_sleep_cmd(priv, cmd, IWL_POWER_INDEX_5, dtimper); else if (!cfg(priv)->base_params->no_idle_support && priv->hw->conf.flags & IEEE80211_CONF_IDLE) @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ int iwl_power_set_mode(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_powertable_cmd *cmd, int ret; bool update_chains; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); /* Don't update the RX chain when chain noise calibration is running */ update_chains = priv->chain_noise_data.state == IWL_CHAIN_NOISE_DONE || @@ -392,12 +392,12 @@ int iwl_power_set_mode(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct iwl_powertable_cmd *cmd, if (!memcmp(&priv->power_data.sleep_cmd, cmd, sizeof(*cmd)) && !force) return 0; - if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv->shrd)) + if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv)) return -EIO; /* scan complete use sleep_power_next, need to be updated */ memcpy(&priv->power_data.sleep_cmd_next, cmd, sizeof(*cmd)); - if (test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->shrd->status) && !force) { + if (test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->status) && !force) { IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Defer power set mode while scanning\n"); return 0; } @@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ int iwl_power_update_mode(struct iwl_priv *priv, bool force) /* initialize to default */ void iwl_power_initialize(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - priv->power_data.bus_pm = bus_get_pm_support(bus(priv)); + priv->power_data.bus_pm = trans(priv)->pm_support; priv->power_data.debug_sleep_level_override = -1; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-power.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-power.h index 5f7b720cf1a4335236c86ed5cc1f8230658c9f01..07a19fce5fdc7cfb77b2b25cc00a976914b61d26 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-power.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-power.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Portions of this file are derived from the ipw3945 project, as well * as portions of the ieee80211 subsystem header files. diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-prph.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-prph.h index bebdd828f324ef2295e6bc92525c401792dcdc59..75dc20bd965b4d80715881b5657d099c75274854 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-prph.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-prph.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @@ -216,10 +216,6 @@ #define SCD_TRANS_TBL_OFFSET_QUEUE(x) \ ((SCD_TRANS_TBL_MEM_LOWER_BOUND + ((x) * 2)) & 0xfffc) -#define SCD_QUEUECHAIN_SEL_ALL(priv) \ - (((1<shrd->cmd_queue))) - #define SCD_BASE (PRPH_BASE + 0xa02c00) #define SCD_SRAM_BASE_ADDR (SCD_BASE + 0x0) diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-scan.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-scan.c index a6454726737e04b207d0c9ae710098f98cef6c63..902efe4bc89845e578a352d9f2565958f88d5e7a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-scan.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-scan.c @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -57,39 +57,39 @@ static int iwl_send_scan_abort(struct iwl_priv *priv) { int ret; - struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt; struct iwl_host_cmd cmd = { .id = REPLY_SCAN_ABORT_CMD, .flags = CMD_SYNC | CMD_WANT_SKB, }; + __le32 *status; /* Exit instantly with error when device is not ready * to receive scan abort command or it does not perform * hardware scan currently */ - if (!test_bit(STATUS_READY, &priv->shrd->status) || - !test_bit(STATUS_GEO_CONFIGURED, &priv->shrd->status) || - !test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->shrd->status) || - test_bit(STATUS_FW_ERROR, &priv->shrd->status) || - test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (!test_bit(STATUS_READY, &priv->status) || + !test_bit(STATUS_GEO_CONFIGURED, &priv->status) || + !test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->status) || + test_bit(STATUS_FW_ERROR, &priv->shrd->status)) return -EIO; - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), &cmd); + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &cmd); if (ret) return ret; - pkt = (struct iwl_rx_packet *)cmd.reply_page; - if (pkt->u.status != CAN_ABORT_STATUS) { + status = (void *)cmd.resp_pkt->data; + if (*status != CAN_ABORT_STATUS) { /* The scan abort will return 1 for success or * 2 for "failure". A failure condition can be * due to simply not being in an active scan which * can occur if we send the scan abort before we * the microcode has notified us that a scan is * completed. */ - IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "SCAN_ABORT ret %d.\n", pkt->u.status); + IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "SCAN_ABORT ret %d.\n", + le32_to_cpu(*status)); ret = -EIO; } - iwl_free_pages(priv->shrd, cmd.reply_page); + iwl_free_resp(&cmd); return ret; } @@ -116,20 +116,20 @@ static void iwl_process_scan_complete(struct iwl_priv *priv) { bool aborted; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); - if (!test_and_clear_bit(STATUS_SCAN_COMPLETE, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (!test_and_clear_bit(STATUS_SCAN_COMPLETE, &priv->status)) return; IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "Completed scan.\n"); cancel_delayed_work(&priv->scan_check); - aborted = test_and_clear_bit(STATUS_SCAN_ABORTING, &priv->shrd->status); + aborted = test_and_clear_bit(STATUS_SCAN_ABORTING, &priv->status); if (aborted) IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "Aborted scan completed.\n"); - if (!test_and_clear_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->shrd->status)) { + if (!test_and_clear_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->status)) { IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "Scan already completed.\n"); goto out_settings; } @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ static void iwl_process_scan_complete(struct iwl_priv *priv) out_settings: /* Can we still talk to firmware ? */ - if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv->shrd)) + if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv)) return; iwlagn_post_scan(priv); @@ -173,18 +173,18 @@ static void iwl_process_scan_complete(struct iwl_priv *priv) void iwl_force_scan_end(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); - if (!test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->shrd->status)) { + if (!test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->status)) { IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "Forcing scan end while not scanning\n"); return; } IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "Forcing scan end\n"); - clear_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->shrd->status); - clear_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->shrd->status); - clear_bit(STATUS_SCAN_ABORTING, &priv->shrd->status); - clear_bit(STATUS_SCAN_COMPLETE, &priv->shrd->status); + clear_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->status); + clear_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->status); + clear_bit(STATUS_SCAN_ABORTING, &priv->status); + clear_bit(STATUS_SCAN_COMPLETE, &priv->status); iwl_complete_scan(priv, true); } @@ -192,14 +192,14 @@ static void iwl_do_scan_abort(struct iwl_priv *priv) { int ret; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); - if (!test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->shrd->status)) { + if (!test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->status)) { IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "Not performing scan to abort\n"); return; } - if (test_and_set_bit(STATUS_SCAN_ABORTING, &priv->shrd->status)) { + if (test_and_set_bit(STATUS_SCAN_ABORTING, &priv->status)) { IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "Scan abort in progress\n"); return; } @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ static void iwl_do_scan_abort(struct iwl_priv *priv) int iwl_scan_cancel(struct iwl_priv *priv) { IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "Queuing abort scan\n"); - queue_work(priv->shrd->workqueue, &priv->abort_scan); + queue_work(priv->workqueue, &priv->abort_scan); return 0; } @@ -231,14 +231,14 @@ void iwl_scan_cancel_timeout(struct iwl_priv *priv, unsigned long ms) { unsigned long timeout = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(ms); - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "Scan cancel timeout\n"); iwl_do_scan_abort(priv); while (time_before_eq(jiffies, timeout)) { - if (!test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->shrd->status)) + if (!test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->status)) goto finished; msleep(20); } @@ -261,13 +261,12 @@ void iwl_scan_cancel_timeout(struct iwl_priv *priv, unsigned long ms) /* Service response to REPLY_SCAN_CMD (0x80) */ static int iwl_rx_reply_scan(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); - struct iwl_scanreq_notification *notif = - (struct iwl_scanreq_notification *)pkt->u.raw; + struct iwl_scanreq_notification *notif = (void *)pkt->data; IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "Scan request status = 0x%x\n", notif->status); #endif @@ -276,12 +275,12 @@ static int iwl_rx_reply_scan(struct iwl_priv *priv, /* Service SCAN_START_NOTIFICATION (0x82) */ static int iwl_rx_scan_start_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); - struct iwl_scanstart_notification *notif = - (struct iwl_scanstart_notification *)pkt->u.raw; + struct iwl_scanstart_notification *notif = (void *)pkt->data; + priv->scan_start_tsf = le32_to_cpu(notif->tsf_low); IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "Scan start: " "%d [802.11%s] " @@ -303,13 +302,12 @@ static int iwl_rx_scan_start_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, /* Service SCAN_RESULTS_NOTIFICATION (0x83) */ static int iwl_rx_scan_results_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); - struct iwl_scanresults_notification *notif = - (struct iwl_scanresults_notification *)pkt->u.raw; + struct iwl_scanresults_notification *notif = (void *)pkt->data; IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "Scan ch.res: " "%d [802.11%s] " @@ -329,11 +327,11 @@ static int iwl_rx_scan_results_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, /* Service SCAN_COMPLETE_NOTIFICATION (0x84) */ static int iwl_rx_scan_complete_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); - struct iwl_scancomplete_notification *scan_notif = (void *)pkt->u.raw; + struct iwl_scancomplete_notification *scan_notif = (void *)pkt->data; IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "Scan complete: %d channels (TSF 0x%08X:%08X) - %d\n", scan_notif->scanned_channels, @@ -352,9 +350,9 @@ static int iwl_rx_scan_complete_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, * to clear, we need to set SCAN_COMPLETE before clearing SCAN_HW * to avoid a race there. */ - set_bit(STATUS_SCAN_COMPLETE, &priv->shrd->status); - clear_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->shrd->status); - queue_work(priv->shrd->workqueue, &priv->scan_completed); + set_bit(STATUS_SCAN_COMPLETE, &priv->status); + clear_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->status); + queue_work(priv->workqueue, &priv->scan_completed); if (priv->iw_mode != NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC && iwl_advanced_bt_coexist(priv) && @@ -374,7 +372,7 @@ static int iwl_rx_scan_complete_notif(struct iwl_priv *priv, IWL_BT_COEX_TRAFFIC_LOAD_NONE; } priv->bt_status = scan_notif->bt_status; - queue_work(priv->shrd->workqueue, + queue_work(priv->workqueue, &priv->bt_traffic_change_work); } return 0; @@ -414,10 +412,25 @@ static u16 iwl_limit_dwell(struct iwl_priv *priv, u16 dwell_time) for_each_context(priv, ctx) { u16 value; - if (!iwl_is_associated_ctx(ctx)) - continue; - if (ctx->staging.dev_type == RXON_DEV_TYPE_P2P) + switch (ctx->staging.dev_type) { + case RXON_DEV_TYPE_P2P: + /* no timing constraints */ continue; + case RXON_DEV_TYPE_ESS: + default: + /* timing constraints if associated */ + if (!iwl_is_associated_ctx(ctx)) + continue; + break; + case RXON_DEV_TYPE_CP: + case RXON_DEV_TYPE_2STA: + /* + * These seem to always have timers for TBTT + * active in uCode even when not associated yet. + */ + break; + } + value = ctx->beacon_int; if (!value) value = IWL_PASSIVE_DWELL_BASE; @@ -559,6 +572,53 @@ static int iwl_get_channels_for_scan(struct iwl_priv *priv, return added; } +/** + * iwl_fill_probe_req - fill in all required fields and IE for probe request + */ + +static u16 iwl_fill_probe_req(struct ieee80211_mgmt *frame, const u8 *ta, + const u8 *ies, int ie_len, int left) +{ + int len = 0; + u8 *pos = NULL; + + /* Make sure there is enough space for the probe request, + * two mandatory IEs and the data */ + left -= 24; + if (left < 0) + return 0; + + frame->frame_control = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_REQ); + memcpy(frame->da, iwl_bcast_addr, ETH_ALEN); + memcpy(frame->sa, ta, ETH_ALEN); + memcpy(frame->bssid, iwl_bcast_addr, ETH_ALEN); + frame->seq_ctrl = 0; + + len += 24; + + /* ...next IE... */ + pos = &frame->u.probe_req.variable[0]; + + /* fill in our indirect SSID IE */ + left -= 2; + if (left < 0) + return 0; + *pos++ = WLAN_EID_SSID; + *pos++ = 0; + + len += 2; + + if (WARN_ON(left < ie_len)) + return len; + + if (ies && ie_len) { + memcpy(pos, ies, ie_len); + len += ie_len; + } + + return (u16)len; +} + static int iwlagn_request_scan(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) { struct iwl_host_cmd cmd = { @@ -581,7 +641,7 @@ static int iwlagn_request_scan(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) u8 scan_tx_antennas = hw_params(priv).valid_tx_ant; int ret; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); if (vif) ctx = iwl_rxon_ctx_from_vif(vif); @@ -778,7 +838,7 @@ static int iwlagn_request_scan(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) scan->rx_chain = cpu_to_le16(rx_chain); switch (priv->scan_type) { case IWL_SCAN_NORMAL: - cmd_len = iwl_fill_probe_req(priv, + cmd_len = iwl_fill_probe_req( (struct ieee80211_mgmt *)scan->data, vif->addr, priv->scan_request->ie, @@ -788,7 +848,7 @@ static int iwlagn_request_scan(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) case IWL_SCAN_RADIO_RESET: case IWL_SCAN_ROC: /* use bcast addr, will not be transmitted but must be valid */ - cmd_len = iwl_fill_probe_req(priv, + cmd_len = iwl_fill_probe_req( (struct ieee80211_mgmt *)scan->data, iwl_bcast_addr, NULL, 0, IWL_MAX_SCAN_SIZE - sizeof(*scan)); @@ -867,15 +927,15 @@ static int iwlagn_request_scan(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) scan->len = cpu_to_le16(cmd.len[0]); /* set scan bit here for PAN params */ - set_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->shrd->status); + set_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->status); ret = iwlagn_set_pan_params(priv); if (ret) return ret; - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), &cmd); + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &cmd); if (ret) { - clear_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->shrd->status); + clear_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->status); iwlagn_set_pan_params(priv); } @@ -898,22 +958,22 @@ int __must_check iwl_scan_initiate(struct iwl_priv *priv, { int ret; - lockdep_assert_held(&priv->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); cancel_delayed_work(&priv->scan_check); - if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv->shrd)) { + if (!iwl_is_ready_rf(priv)) { IWL_WARN(priv, "Request scan called when driver not ready.\n"); return -EIO; } - if (test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->shrd->status)) { + if (test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_HW, &priv->status)) { IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "Multiple concurrent scan requests in parallel.\n"); return -EBUSY; } - if (test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_ABORTING, &priv->shrd->status)) { + if (test_bit(STATUS_SCAN_ABORTING, &priv->status)) { IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "Scan request while abort pending.\n"); return -EBUSY; } @@ -923,19 +983,19 @@ int __must_check iwl_scan_initiate(struct iwl_priv *priv, scan_type == IWL_SCAN_ROC ? "remain-on-channel " : "internal short "); - set_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->shrd->status); + set_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->status); priv->scan_type = scan_type; priv->scan_start = jiffies; priv->scan_band = band; ret = iwlagn_request_scan(priv, vif); if (ret) { - clear_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->shrd->status); + clear_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->status); priv->scan_type = IWL_SCAN_NORMAL; return ret; } - queue_delayed_work(priv->shrd->workqueue, &priv->scan_check, + queue_delayed_work(priv->workqueue, &priv->scan_check, IWL_SCAN_CHECK_WATCHDOG); return 0; @@ -948,7 +1008,7 @@ int __must_check iwl_scan_initiate(struct iwl_priv *priv, */ void iwl_internal_short_hw_scan(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - queue_work(priv->shrd->workqueue, &priv->start_internal_scan); + queue_work(priv->workqueue, &priv->start_internal_scan); } static void iwl_bg_start_internal_scan(struct work_struct *work) @@ -958,14 +1018,14 @@ static void iwl_bg_start_internal_scan(struct work_struct *work) IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "Start internal scan\n"); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); if (priv->scan_type == IWL_SCAN_RADIO_RESET) { IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "Internal scan already in progress\n"); goto unlock; } - if (test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->shrd->status)) { + if (test_bit(STATUS_SCANNING, &priv->status)) { IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "Scan already in progress.\n"); goto unlock; } @@ -973,7 +1033,7 @@ static void iwl_bg_start_internal_scan(struct work_struct *work) if (iwl_scan_initiate(priv, NULL, IWL_SCAN_RADIO_RESET, priv->band)) IWL_DEBUG_SCAN(priv, "failed to start internal short scan\n"); unlock: - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); } static void iwl_bg_scan_check(struct work_struct *data) @@ -986,56 +1046,9 @@ static void iwl_bg_scan_check(struct work_struct *data) /* Since we are here firmware does not finish scan and * most likely is in bad shape, so we don't bother to * send abort command, just force scan complete to mac80211 */ - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); iwl_force_scan_end(priv); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); -} - -/** - * iwl_fill_probe_req - fill in all required fields and IE for probe request - */ - -u16 iwl_fill_probe_req(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct ieee80211_mgmt *frame, - const u8 *ta, const u8 *ies, int ie_len, int left) -{ - int len = 0; - u8 *pos = NULL; - - /* Make sure there is enough space for the probe request, - * two mandatory IEs and the data */ - left -= 24; - if (left < 0) - return 0; - - frame->frame_control = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_REQ); - memcpy(frame->da, iwl_bcast_addr, ETH_ALEN); - memcpy(frame->sa, ta, ETH_ALEN); - memcpy(frame->bssid, iwl_bcast_addr, ETH_ALEN); - frame->seq_ctrl = 0; - - len += 24; - - /* ...next IE... */ - pos = &frame->u.probe_req.variable[0]; - - /* fill in our indirect SSID IE */ - left -= 2; - if (left < 0) - return 0; - *pos++ = WLAN_EID_SSID; - *pos++ = 0; - - len += 2; - - if (WARN_ON(left < ie_len)) - return len; - - if (ies && ie_len) { - memcpy(pos, ies, ie_len); - len += ie_len; - } - - return (u16)len; + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); } static void iwl_bg_abort_scan(struct work_struct *work) @@ -1046,9 +1059,9 @@ static void iwl_bg_abort_scan(struct work_struct *work) /* We keep scan_check work queued in case when firmware will not * report back scan completed notification */ - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); iwl_scan_cancel_timeout(priv, 200); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); } static void iwl_bg_scan_completed(struct work_struct *work) @@ -1056,9 +1069,9 @@ static void iwl_bg_scan_completed(struct work_struct *work) struct iwl_priv *priv = container_of(work, struct iwl_priv, scan_completed); - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); iwl_process_scan_complete(priv); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); } void iwl_setup_scan_deferred_work(struct iwl_priv *priv) @@ -1076,8 +1089,8 @@ void iwl_cancel_scan_deferred_work(struct iwl_priv *priv) cancel_work_sync(&priv->scan_completed); if (cancel_delayed_work_sync(&priv->scan_check)) { - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); iwl_force_scan_end(priv); - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); } } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-shared.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-shared.h index dc55cc4a8108191fbdb84ccdb7296cd25d394d98..b515d657a0ade1a99675af8c92207403819bbf5c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-shared.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-shared.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @@ -65,12 +65,11 @@ #include #include -#include #include -#include /* for page_address */ #include #include "iwl-commands.h" +#include "iwl-fw.h" /** * DOC: shared area - role and goal @@ -94,7 +93,6 @@ * This implementation is iwl-pci.c */ -struct iwl_bus; struct iwl_priv; struct iwl_trans; struct iwl_sensitivity_ranges; @@ -102,7 +100,7 @@ struct iwl_trans_ops; #define DRV_NAME "iwlwifi" #define IWLWIFI_VERSION "in-tree:" -#define DRV_COPYRIGHT "Copyright(c) 2003-2011 Intel Corporation" +#define DRV_COPYRIGHT "Copyright(c) 2003-2012 Intel Corporation" #define DRV_AUTHOR "" extern struct iwl_mod_params iwlagn_mod_params; @@ -117,7 +115,6 @@ extern struct iwl_mod_params iwlagn_mod_params; * Holds the module parameters * * @sw_crypto: using hardware encryption, default = 0 - * @num_of_queues: number of tx queue, HW dependent * @disable_11n: disable 11n capabilities, default = 0, * use IWL_DISABLE_HT_* constants * @amsdu_size_8K: enable 8K amsdu size, default = 1 @@ -139,7 +136,6 @@ extern struct iwl_mod_params iwlagn_mod_params; */ struct iwl_mod_params { int sw_crypto; - int num_of_queues; unsigned int disable_11n; int amsdu_size_8K; int antenna; @@ -164,7 +160,6 @@ struct iwl_mod_params { * * Holds the module parameters * - * @max_txq_num: Max # Tx queues supported * @num_ampdu_queues: num of ampdu queues * @tx_chains_num: Number of TX chains * @rx_chains_num: Number of RX chains @@ -173,27 +168,23 @@ struct iwl_mod_params { * @ht40_channel: is 40MHz width possible: BIT(IEEE80211_BAND_XXX) * @sku: sku read from EEPROM * @rx_page_order: Rx buffer page order - * @max_inst_size: for ucode use - * @max_data_size: for ucode use * @ct_kill_threshold: temperature threshold - in hw dependent unit * @ct_kill_exit_threshold: when to reeable the device - in hw dependent unit * relevant for 1000, 6000 and up * @wd_timeout: TX queues watchdog timeout * @struct iwl_sensitivity_ranges: range of sensitivity values + * @use_rts_for_aggregation: use rts/cts protection for HT traffic */ struct iwl_hw_params { - u8 max_txq_num; u8 num_ampdu_queues; u8 tx_chains_num; u8 rx_chains_num; u8 valid_tx_ant; u8 valid_rx_ant; u8 ht40_channel; - bool shadow_reg_enable; + bool use_rts_for_aggregation; u16 sku; u32 rx_page_order; - u32 max_inst_size; - u32 max_data_size; u32 ct_kill_threshold; u32 ct_kill_exit_threshold; unsigned int wd_timeout; @@ -201,62 +192,6 @@ struct iwl_hw_params { const struct iwl_sensitivity_ranges *sens; }; -/** - * enum iwl_ucode_type - * - * The type of ucode currently loaded on the hardware. - * - * @IWL_UCODE_NONE: No ucode loaded - * @IWL_UCODE_REGULAR: Normal runtime ucode - * @IWL_UCODE_INIT: Initial ucode - * @IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN: Wake on Wireless enabled ucode - */ -enum iwl_ucode_type { - IWL_UCODE_NONE, - IWL_UCODE_REGULAR, - IWL_UCODE_INIT, - IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN, -}; - -/** - * struct iwl_notification_wait - notification wait entry - * @list: list head for global list - * @fn: function called with the notification - * @cmd: command ID - * - * This structure is not used directly, to wait for a - * notification declare it on the stack, and call - * iwlagn_init_notification_wait() with appropriate - * parameters. Then do whatever will cause the ucode - * to notify the driver, and to wait for that then - * call iwlagn_wait_notification(). - * - * Each notification is one-shot. If at some point we - * need to support multi-shot notifications (which - * can't be allocated on the stack) we need to modify - * the code for them. - */ -struct iwl_notification_wait { - struct list_head list; - - void (*fn)(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt, - void *data); - void *fn_data; - - u8 cmd; - bool triggered, aborted; -}; - -/** - * enum iwl_pa_type - Power Amplifier type - * @IWL_PA_SYSTEM: based on uCode configuration - * @IWL_PA_INTERNAL: use Internal only - */ -enum iwl_pa_type { - IWL_PA_SYSTEM = 0, - IWL_PA_INTERNAL = 1, -}; - /* * LED mode * IWL_LED_DEFAULT: use device default @@ -264,11 +199,80 @@ enum iwl_pa_type { * LED ON = RF ON * LED OFF = RF OFF * IWL_LED_BLINK: adjust led blink rate based on blink table + * IWL_LED_DISABLE: led disabled */ enum iwl_led_mode { IWL_LED_DEFAULT, IWL_LED_RF_STATE, IWL_LED_BLINK, + IWL_LED_DISABLE, +}; + +/* + * @max_ll_items: max number of OTP blocks + * @shadow_ram_support: shadow support for OTP memory + * @led_compensation: compensate on the led on/off time per HW according + * to the deviation to achieve the desired led frequency. + * The detail algorithm is described in iwl-led.c + * @chain_noise_num_beacons: number of beacons used to compute chain noise + * @adv_thermal_throttle: support advance thermal throttle + * @support_ct_kill_exit: support ct kill exit condition + * @support_wimax_coexist: support wimax/wifi co-exist + * @plcp_delta_threshold: plcp error rate threshold used to trigger + * radio tuning when there is a high receiving plcp error rate + * @chain_noise_scale: default chain noise scale used for gain computation + * @wd_timeout: TX queues watchdog timeout + * @max_event_log_size: size of event log buffer size for ucode event logging + * @shadow_reg_enable: HW shadhow register bit + * @hd_v2: v2 of enhanced sensitivity value, used for 2000 series and up + * @no_idle_support: do not support idle mode + * wd_disable: disable watchdog timer + */ +struct iwl_base_params { + int eeprom_size; + int num_of_queues; /* def: HW dependent */ + int num_of_ampdu_queues;/* def: HW dependent */ + /* for iwl_apm_init() */ + u32 pll_cfg_val; + + const u16 max_ll_items; + const bool shadow_ram_support; + u16 led_compensation; + bool adv_thermal_throttle; + bool support_ct_kill_exit; + const bool support_wimax_coexist; + u8 plcp_delta_threshold; + s32 chain_noise_scale; + unsigned int wd_timeout; + u32 max_event_log_size; + const bool shadow_reg_enable; + const bool hd_v2; + const bool no_idle_support; + const bool wd_disable; +}; + +/* + * @advanced_bt_coexist: support advanced bt coexist + * @bt_init_traffic_load: specify initial bt traffic load + * @bt_prio_boost: default bt priority boost value + * @agg_time_limit: maximum number of uSec in aggregation + * @bt_sco_disable: uCode should not response to BT in SCO/ESCO mode + */ +struct iwl_bt_params { + bool advanced_bt_coexist; + u8 bt_init_traffic_load; + u8 bt_prio_boost; + u16 agg_time_limit; + bool bt_sco_disable; + bool bt_session_2; +}; +/* + * @use_rts_for_aggregation: use rts/cts protection for HT traffic + */ +struct iwl_ht_params { + const bool ht_greenfield_support; /* if used set to true */ + bool use_rts_for_aggregation; + enum ieee80211_smps_mode smps_mode; }; /** @@ -281,9 +285,10 @@ enum iwl_led_mode { * @ucode_api_ok: oldest version of the uCode API that is OK to load * without a warning, for use in transitions * @ucode_api_min: Lowest version of uCode API supported by driver. + * @max_inst_size: The maximal length of the fw inst section + * @max_data_size: The maximal length of the fw data section * @valid_tx_ant: valid transmit antenna * @valid_rx_ant: valid receive antenna - * @sku: sku information from EEPROM * @eeprom_ver: EEPROM version * @eeprom_calib_ver: EEPROM calibration version * @lib: pointer to the lib ops @@ -291,7 +296,6 @@ enum iwl_led_mode { * @base_params: pointer to basic parameters * @ht_params: point to ht patameters * @bt_params: pointer to bt parameters - * @pa_type: used by 6000 series only to identify the type of Power Amplifier * @need_temp_offset_calib: need to perform temperature offset calibration * @no_xtal_calib: some devices do not need crystal calibration data, * don't send it to those @@ -318,19 +322,19 @@ struct iwl_cfg { const unsigned int ucode_api_max; const unsigned int ucode_api_ok; const unsigned int ucode_api_min; + const u32 max_data_size; + const u32 max_inst_size; u8 valid_tx_ant; u8 valid_rx_ant; - u16 sku; u16 eeprom_ver; u16 eeprom_calib_ver; const struct iwl_lib_ops *lib; void (*additional_nic_config)(struct iwl_priv *priv); /* params not likely to change within a device family */ - struct iwl_base_params *base_params; + const struct iwl_base_params *base_params; /* params likely to change within a device family */ - struct iwl_ht_params *ht_params; - struct iwl_bt_params *bt_params; - enum iwl_pa_type pa_type; /* if used set to IWL_PA_SYSTEM */ + const struct iwl_ht_params *ht_params; + const struct iwl_bt_params *bt_params; const bool need_temp_offset_calib; /* if used set to true */ const bool no_xtal_calib; u8 scan_rx_antennas[IEEE80211_NUM_BANDS]; @@ -345,10 +349,6 @@ struct iwl_cfg { /** * struct iwl_shared - shared fields for all the layers of the driver * - * @dbg_level_dev: dbg level set per device. Prevails on - * iwlagn_mod_params.debug_level if set (!= 0) - * @ucode_owner: IWL_OWNERSHIP_* - * @cmd_queue: command queue number * @status: STATUS_* * @wowlan: are we running wowlan uCode * @valid_contexts: microcode/device supports multiple contexts @@ -356,45 +356,22 @@ struct iwl_cfg { * @cfg: see struct iwl_cfg * @priv: pointer to the upper layer data * @trans: pointer to the transport layer data + * @nic: pointer to the nic data * @hw_params: see struct iwl_hw_params - * @workqueue: the workqueue used by all the layers of the driver * @lock: protect general shared data - * @sta_lock: protects the station table. - * If lock and sta_lock are needed, lock must be acquired first. - * @mutex: - * @wait_command_queue: the wait_queue for SYNC host command nad uCode load * @eeprom: pointer to the eeprom/OTP image * @ucode_type: indicator of loaded ucode image - * @notif_waits: things waiting for notification - * @notif_wait_lock: lock protecting notification - * @notif_waitq: head of notification wait queue * @device_pointers: pointers to ucode event tables */ struct iwl_shared { -#ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG - u32 dbg_level_dev; -#endif /* CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG */ - -#define IWL_OWNERSHIP_DRIVER 0 -#define IWL_OWNERSHIP_TM 1 - u8 ucode_owner; - u8 cmd_queue; unsigned long status; - bool wowlan; u8 valid_contexts; - struct iwl_bus *bus; - struct iwl_cfg *cfg; - struct iwl_priv *priv; + const struct iwl_cfg *cfg; struct iwl_trans *trans; + void *drv; struct iwl_hw_params hw_params; - - struct workqueue_struct *workqueue; - spinlock_t lock; - spinlock_t sta_lock; - struct mutex mutex; - - wait_queue_head_t wait_command_queue; + const struct iwl_fw *fw; /* eeprom -- this is in the card's little endian byte order */ u8 *eeprom; @@ -402,11 +379,6 @@ struct iwl_shared { /* ucode related variables */ enum iwl_ucode_type ucode_type; - /* notification wait support */ - struct list_head notif_waits; - spinlock_t notif_wait_lock; - wait_queue_head_t notif_waitq; - struct { u32 error_event_table; u32 log_event_table; @@ -414,112 +386,14 @@ struct iwl_shared { }; -/*Whatever _m is (iwl_trans, iwl_priv, iwl_bus, these macros will work */ -#define priv(_m) ((_m)->shrd->priv) +/*Whatever _m is (iwl_trans, iwl_priv, these macros will work */ #define cfg(_m) ((_m)->shrd->cfg) -#define bus(_m) ((_m)->shrd->bus) #define trans(_m) ((_m)->shrd->trans) #define hw_params(_m) ((_m)->shrd->hw_params) -#ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG -/* - * iwl_get_debug_level: Return active debug level for device - * - * Using sysfs it is possible to set per device debug level. This debug - * level will be used if set, otherwise the global debug level which can be - * set via module parameter is used. - */ -static inline u32 iwl_get_debug_level(struct iwl_shared *shrd) +static inline bool iwl_have_debug_level(u32 level) { - if (shrd->dbg_level_dev) - return shrd->dbg_level_dev; - else - return iwlagn_mod_params.debug_level; -} -#else -static inline u32 iwl_get_debug_level(struct iwl_shared *shrd) -{ - return iwlagn_mod_params.debug_level; -} -#endif - -static inline void iwl_free_pages(struct iwl_shared *shrd, unsigned long page) -{ - free_pages(page, shrd->hw_params.rx_page_order); -} - -/** - * iwl_queue_inc_wrap - increment queue index, wrap back to beginning - * @index -- current index - * @n_bd -- total number of entries in queue (must be power of 2) - */ -static inline int iwl_queue_inc_wrap(int index, int n_bd) -{ - return ++index & (n_bd - 1); -} - -/** - * iwl_queue_dec_wrap - decrement queue index, wrap back to end - * @index -- current index - * @n_bd -- total number of entries in queue (must be power of 2) - */ -static inline int iwl_queue_dec_wrap(int index, int n_bd) -{ - return --index & (n_bd - 1); -} - -struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer { - dma_addr_t page_dma; - struct page *page; - struct list_head list; -}; - -#define rxb_addr(r) page_address(r->page) - -/* - * mac80211 queues, ACs, hardware queues, FIFOs. - * - * Cf. http://wireless.kernel.org/en/developers/Documentation/mac80211/queues - * - * Mac80211 uses the following numbers, which we get as from it - * by way of skb_get_queue_mapping(skb): - * - * VO 0 - * VI 1 - * BE 2 - * BK 3 - * - * - * Regular (not A-MPDU) frames are put into hardware queues corresponding - * to the FIFOs, see comments in iwl-prph.h. Aggregated frames get their - * own queue per aggregation session (RA/TID combination), such queues are - * set up to map into FIFOs too, for which we need an AC->FIFO mapping. In - * order to map frames to the right queue, we also need an AC->hw queue - * mapping. This is implemented here. - * - * Due to the way hw queues are set up (by the hw specific modules like - * iwl-4965.c, iwl-5000.c etc.), the AC->hw queue mapping is the identity - * mapping. - */ - -static const u8 tid_to_ac[] = { - IEEE80211_AC_BE, - IEEE80211_AC_BK, - IEEE80211_AC_BK, - IEEE80211_AC_BE, - IEEE80211_AC_VI, - IEEE80211_AC_VI, - IEEE80211_AC_VO, - IEEE80211_AC_VO -}; - -static inline int get_ac_from_tid(u16 tid) -{ - if (likely(tid < ARRAY_SIZE(tid_to_ac))) - return tid_to_ac[tid]; - - /* no support for TIDs 8-15 yet */ - return -EINVAL; + return iwlagn_mod_params.debug_level & level; } enum iwl_rxon_context_id { @@ -529,64 +403,10 @@ enum iwl_rxon_context_id { NUM_IWL_RXON_CTX }; -int iwl_probe(struct iwl_bus *bus, const struct iwl_trans_ops *trans_ops, - struct iwl_cfg *cfg); -void __devexit iwl_remove(struct iwl_priv * priv); -struct iwl_device_cmd; -int __must_check iwl_rx_dispatch(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, - struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd); - int iwlagn_hw_valid_rtc_data_addr(u32 addr); -void iwl_set_hw_rfkill_state(struct iwl_priv *priv, bool state); -void iwl_nic_config(struct iwl_priv *priv); -void iwl_free_skb(struct iwl_priv *priv, struct sk_buff *skb); -void iwl_apm_stop(struct iwl_priv *priv); -int iwl_apm_init(struct iwl_priv *priv); -void iwlagn_fw_error(struct iwl_priv *priv, bool ondemand); const char *get_cmd_string(u8 cmd); -bool iwl_check_for_ct_kill(struct iwl_priv *priv); - -void iwl_stop_sw_queue(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 ac); -void iwl_wake_sw_queue(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 ac); - -/* notification wait support */ -void iwl_abort_notification_waits(struct iwl_shared *shrd); -void __acquires(wait_entry) -iwl_init_notification_wait(struct iwl_shared *shrd, - struct iwl_notification_wait *wait_entry, - u8 cmd, - void (*fn)(struct iwl_trans *trans, - struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt, - void *data), - void *fn_data); -int __must_check __releases(wait_entry) -iwl_wait_notification(struct iwl_shared *shrd, - struct iwl_notification_wait *wait_entry, - unsigned long timeout); -void __releases(wait_entry) -iwl_remove_notification(struct iwl_shared *shrd, - struct iwl_notification_wait *wait_entry); - -#ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUGFS -void iwl_reset_traffic_log(struct iwl_priv *priv); -#endif /* CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUGFS */ - -#ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG -void iwl_print_rx_config_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, - enum iwl_rxon_context_id ctxid); -#else -static inline void iwl_print_rx_config_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, - enum iwl_rxon_context_id ctxid) -{ -} -#endif #define IWL_CMD(x) case x: return #x -#define IWL_MASK(lo, hi) ((1 << (hi)) | ((1 << (hi)) - (1 << (lo)))) - -#define IWL_TRAFFIC_ENTRIES (256) -#define IWL_TRAFFIC_ENTRY_SIZE (64) /***************************************************** * DRIVER STATUS FUNCTIONS @@ -612,46 +432,4 @@ static inline void iwl_print_rx_config_cmd(struct iwl_priv *priv, #define STATUS_CHANNEL_SWITCH_PENDING 19 #define STATUS_SCAN_COMPLETE 20 -static inline int iwl_is_ready(struct iwl_shared *shrd) -{ - /* The adapter is 'ready' if READY and GEO_CONFIGURED bits are - * set but EXIT_PENDING is not */ - return test_bit(STATUS_READY, &shrd->status) && - test_bit(STATUS_GEO_CONFIGURED, &shrd->status) && - !test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &shrd->status); -} - -static inline int iwl_is_alive(struct iwl_shared *shrd) -{ - return test_bit(STATUS_ALIVE, &shrd->status); -} - -static inline int iwl_is_init(struct iwl_shared *shrd) -{ - return test_bit(STATUS_INIT, &shrd->status); -} - -static inline int iwl_is_rfkill_hw(struct iwl_shared *shrd) -{ - return test_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &shrd->status); -} - -static inline int iwl_is_rfkill(struct iwl_shared *shrd) -{ - return iwl_is_rfkill_hw(shrd); -} - -static inline int iwl_is_ctkill(struct iwl_shared *shrd) -{ - return test_bit(STATUS_CT_KILL, &shrd->status); -} - -static inline int iwl_is_ready_rf(struct iwl_shared *shrd) -{ - if (iwl_is_rfkill(shrd)) - return 0; - - return iwl_is_ready(shrd); -} - #endif /* #__iwl_shared_h__ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-testmode.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-testmode.c index 4a5cddd2d56bfb867a21c6d00f49cd219743ce2a..76f7f925143614c351c45bfc0e590809dcc4e638 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-testmode.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-testmode.c @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2010 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2010 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2010 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2010 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ #include #include -#include "iwl-wifi.h" #include "iwl-dev.h" #include "iwl-core.h" #include "iwl-debug.h" @@ -78,7 +77,15 @@ #include "iwl-agn.h" #include "iwl-testmode.h" #include "iwl-trans.h" -#include "iwl-bus.h" +#include "iwl-fh.h" +#include "iwl-prph.h" + + +/* Periphery registers absolute lower bound. This is used in order to + * differentiate registery access through HBUS_TARG_PRPH_* and + * HBUS_TARG_MEM_* accesses. + */ +#define IWL_TM_ABS_PRPH_START (0xA00000) /* The TLVs used in the gnl message policy between the kernel module and * user space application. iwl_testmode_gnl_msg_policy is to be carried @@ -109,19 +116,24 @@ struct nla_policy iwl_testmode_gnl_msg_policy[IWL_TM_ATTR_MAX] = { [IWL_TM_ATTR_UCODE_OWNER] = { .type = NLA_U8, }, - [IWL_TM_ATTR_SRAM_ADDR] = { .type = NLA_U32, }, - [IWL_TM_ATTR_SRAM_SIZE] = { .type = NLA_U32, }, - [IWL_TM_ATTR_SRAM_DUMP] = { .type = NLA_UNSPEC, }, + [IWL_TM_ATTR_MEM_ADDR] = { .type = NLA_U32, }, + [IWL_TM_ATTR_BUFFER_SIZE] = { .type = NLA_U32, }, + [IWL_TM_ATTR_BUFFER_DUMP] = { .type = NLA_UNSPEC, }, [IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_VERSION] = { .type = NLA_U32, }, [IWL_TM_ATTR_DEVICE_ID] = { .type = NLA_U32, }, + [IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_TYPE] = { .type = NLA_U32, }, + [IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_INST_SIZE] = { .type = NLA_U32, }, + [IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_DATA_SIZE] = { .type = NLA_U32, }, + + [IWL_TM_ATTR_ENABLE_NOTIFICATION] = {.type = NLA_FLAG, }, }; /* * See the struct iwl_rx_packet in iwl-commands.h for the format of the * received events from the device */ -static inline int get_event_length(struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb) +static inline int get_event_length(struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb) { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); if (pkt) @@ -152,7 +164,7 @@ static inline int get_event_length(struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb) */ static void iwl_testmode_ucode_rx_pkt(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb) + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb) { struct ieee80211_hw *hw = priv->hw; struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -168,35 +180,36 @@ static void iwl_testmode_ucode_rx_pkt(struct iwl_priv *priv, skb = cfg80211_testmode_alloc_event_skb(hw->wiphy, 20 + length, GFP_ATOMIC); if (skb == NULL) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, + IWL_ERR(priv, "Run out of memory for messages to user space ?\n"); return; } NLA_PUT_U32(skb, IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND, IWL_TM_CMD_DEV2APP_UCODE_RX_PKT); - NLA_PUT(skb, IWL_TM_ATTR_UCODE_RX_PKT, length, data); + /* the length doesn't include len_n_flags field, so add it manually */ + NLA_PUT(skb, IWL_TM_ATTR_UCODE_RX_PKT, length + sizeof(__le32), data); cfg80211_testmode_event(skb, GFP_ATOMIC); return; nla_put_failure: kfree_skb(skb); - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Ouch, overran buffer, check allocation!\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Ouch, overran buffer, check allocation!\n"); } void iwl_testmode_init(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - priv->pre_rx_handler = iwl_testmode_ucode_rx_pkt; + priv->pre_rx_handler = NULL; priv->testmode_trace.trace_enabled = false; - priv->testmode_sram.sram_readed = false; + priv->testmode_mem.read_in_progress = false; } -static void iwl_sram_cleanup(struct iwl_priv *priv) +static void iwl_mem_cleanup(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - if (priv->testmode_sram.sram_readed) { - kfree(priv->testmode_sram.buff_addr); - priv->testmode_sram.buff_addr = NULL; - priv->testmode_sram.buff_size = 0; - priv->testmode_sram.num_chunks = 0; - priv->testmode_sram.sram_readed = false; + if (priv->testmode_mem.read_in_progress) { + kfree(priv->testmode_mem.buff_addr); + priv->testmode_mem.buff_addr = NULL; + priv->testmode_mem.buff_size = 0; + priv->testmode_mem.num_chunks = 0; + priv->testmode_mem.read_in_progress = false; } } @@ -205,7 +218,7 @@ static void iwl_trace_cleanup(struct iwl_priv *priv) if (priv->testmode_trace.trace_enabled) { if (priv->testmode_trace.cpu_addr && priv->testmode_trace.dma_addr) - dma_free_coherent(bus(priv)->dev, + dma_free_coherent(trans(priv)->dev, priv->testmode_trace.total_size, priv->testmode_trace.cpu_addr, priv->testmode_trace.dma_addr); @@ -222,9 +235,10 @@ static void iwl_trace_cleanup(struct iwl_priv *priv) void iwl_testmode_cleanup(struct iwl_priv *priv) { iwl_trace_cleanup(priv); - iwl_sram_cleanup(priv); + iwl_mem_cleanup(priv); } + /* * This function handles the user application commands to the ucode. * @@ -233,35 +247,80 @@ void iwl_testmode_cleanup(struct iwl_priv *priv) * host command to the ucode. * * If any mandatory field is missing, -ENOMSG is replied to the user space - * application; otherwise, the actual execution result of the host command to - * ucode is replied. + * application; otherwise, waits for the host command to be sent and checks + * the return code. In case or error, it is returned, otherwise a reply is + * allocated and the reply RX packet + * is returned. * * @hw: ieee80211_hw object that represents the device * @tb: gnl message fields from the user space */ static int iwl_testmode_ucode(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); struct iwl_host_cmd cmd; + struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt; + struct sk_buff *skb; + void *reply_buf; + u32 reply_len; + int ret; + bool cmd_want_skb; memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(struct iwl_host_cmd)); if (!tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_UCODE_CMD_ID] || !tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_UCODE_CMD_DATA]) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, - "Error finding ucode command mandatory fields\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Missing ucode command mandatory fields\n"); return -ENOMSG; } - cmd.flags = CMD_ON_DEMAND; + cmd.flags = CMD_ON_DEMAND | CMD_SYNC; + cmd_want_skb = nla_get_flag(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_UCODE_CMD_SKB]); + if (cmd_want_skb) + cmd.flags |= CMD_WANT_SKB; + cmd.id = nla_get_u8(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_UCODE_CMD_ID]); cmd.data[0] = nla_data(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_UCODE_CMD_DATA]); cmd.len[0] = nla_len(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_UCODE_CMD_DATA]); cmd.dataflags[0] = IWL_HCMD_DFL_NOCOPY; - IWL_INFO(priv, "testmode ucode command ID 0x%x, flags 0x%x," + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "testmode ucode command ID 0x%x, flags 0x%x," " len %d\n", cmd.id, cmd.flags, cmd.len[0]); - /* ok, let's submit the command to ucode */ - return iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans(priv), &cmd); + + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &cmd); + if (ret) { + IWL_ERR(priv, "Failed to send hcmd\n"); + return ret; + } + if (!cmd_want_skb) + return ret; + + /* Handling return of SKB to the user */ + pkt = cmd.resp_pkt; + if (!pkt) { + IWL_ERR(priv, "HCMD received a null response packet\n"); + return ret; + } + + reply_len = le32_to_cpu(pkt->len_n_flags) & FH_RSCSR_FRAME_SIZE_MSK; + skb = cfg80211_testmode_alloc_reply_skb(hw->wiphy, reply_len + 20); + reply_buf = kmalloc(reply_len, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!skb || !reply_buf) { + kfree_skb(skb); + kfree(reply_buf); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + /* The reply is in a page, that we cannot send to user space. */ + memcpy(reply_buf, &(pkt->hdr), reply_len); + iwl_free_resp(&cmd); + + NLA_PUT_U32(skb, IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND, IWL_TM_CMD_DEV2APP_UCODE_RX_PKT); + NLA_PUT(skb, IWL_TM_ATTR_UCODE_RX_PKT, reply_len, reply_buf); + return cfg80211_testmode_reply(skb); + +nla_put_failure: + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Failed creating NL attributes\n"); + return -ENOMSG; } @@ -284,84 +343,69 @@ static int iwl_testmode_ucode(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb) */ static int iwl_testmode_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; - u32 ofs, val32; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); + u32 ofs, val32, cmd; u8 val8; struct sk_buff *skb; int status = 0; if (!tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_REG_OFFSET]) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Error finding register offset\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Missing register offset\n"); return -ENOMSG; } ofs = nla_get_u32(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_REG_OFFSET]); IWL_INFO(priv, "testmode register access command offset 0x%x\n", ofs); - switch (nla_get_u32(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND])) { + /* Allow access only to FH/CSR/HBUS in direct mode. + Since we don't have the upper bounds for the CSR and HBUS segments, + we will use only the upper bound of FH for sanity check. */ + cmd = nla_get_u32(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND]); + if ((cmd == IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_DIRECT_REG_READ32 || + cmd == IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_DIRECT_REG_WRITE32 || + cmd == IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_DIRECT_REG_WRITE8) && + (ofs >= FH_MEM_UPPER_BOUND)) { + IWL_ERR(priv, "offset out of segment (0x0 - 0x%x)\n", + FH_MEM_UPPER_BOUND); + return -EINVAL; + } + + switch (cmd) { case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_DIRECT_REG_READ32: - val32 = iwl_read32(bus(priv), ofs); + val32 = iwl_read_direct32(trans(priv), ofs); IWL_INFO(priv, "32bit value to read 0x%x\n", val32); skb = cfg80211_testmode_alloc_reply_skb(hw->wiphy, 20); if (!skb) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Error allocating memory\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Memory allocation fail\n"); return -ENOMEM; } NLA_PUT_U32(skb, IWL_TM_ATTR_REG_VALUE32, val32); status = cfg80211_testmode_reply(skb); if (status < 0) - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, - "Error sending msg : %d\n", status); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Error sending msg : %d\n", status); break; case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_DIRECT_REG_WRITE32: if (!tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_REG_VALUE32]) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, - "Error finding value to write\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Missing value to write\n"); return -ENOMSG; } else { val32 = nla_get_u32(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_REG_VALUE32]); IWL_INFO(priv, "32bit value to write 0x%x\n", val32); - iwl_write32(bus(priv), ofs, val32); + iwl_write_direct32(trans(priv), ofs, val32); } break; case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_DIRECT_REG_WRITE8: if (!tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_REG_VALUE8]) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Error finding value to write\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Missing value to write\n"); return -ENOMSG; } else { val8 = nla_get_u8(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_REG_VALUE8]); IWL_INFO(priv, "8bit value to write 0x%x\n", val8); - iwl_write8(bus(priv), ofs, val8); - } - break; - case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_REG_READ32: - val32 = iwl_read_prph(bus(priv), ofs); - IWL_INFO(priv, "32bit value to read 0x%x\n", val32); - - skb = cfg80211_testmode_alloc_reply_skb(hw->wiphy, 20); - if (!skb) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Error allocating memory\n"); - return -ENOMEM; - } - NLA_PUT_U32(skb, IWL_TM_ATTR_REG_VALUE32, val32); - status = cfg80211_testmode_reply(skb); - if (status < 0) - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, - "Error sending msg : %d\n", status); - break; - case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_REG_WRITE32: - if (!tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_REG_VALUE32]) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, - "Error finding value to write\n"); - return -ENOMSG; - } else { - val32 = nla_get_u32(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_REG_VALUE32]); - IWL_INFO(priv, "32bit value to write 0x%x\n", val32); - iwl_write_prph(bus(priv), ofs, val32); + iwl_write8(trans(priv), ofs, val8); } break; default: - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Unknown testmode register command ID\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Unknown testmode register command ID\n"); return -ENOSYS; } @@ -378,24 +422,23 @@ static int iwl_testmode_cfg_init_calib(struct iwl_priv *priv) struct iwl_notification_wait calib_wait; int ret; - iwl_init_notification_wait(priv->shrd, &calib_wait, - CALIBRATION_COMPLETE_NOTIFICATION, - NULL, NULL); - ret = iwl_init_alive_start(trans(priv)); + iwl_init_notification_wait(&priv->notif_wait, &calib_wait, + CALIBRATION_COMPLETE_NOTIFICATION, + NULL, NULL); + ret = iwl_init_alive_start(priv); if (ret) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, - "Error configuring init calibration: %d\n", ret); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Fail init calibration: %d\n", ret); goto cfg_init_calib_error; } - ret = iwl_wait_notification(priv->shrd, &calib_wait, 2 * HZ); + ret = iwl_wait_notification(&priv->notif_wait, &calib_wait, 2 * HZ); if (ret) - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Error detecting" + IWL_ERR(priv, "Error detecting" " CALIBRATION_COMPLETE_NOTIFICATION: %d\n", ret); return ret; cfg_init_calib_error: - iwl_remove_notification(priv->shrd, &calib_wait); + iwl_remove_notification(&priv->notif_wait, &calib_wait); return ret; } @@ -417,12 +460,13 @@ static int iwl_testmode_cfg_init_calib(struct iwl_priv *priv) */ static int iwl_testmode_driver(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); struct iwl_trans *trans = trans(priv); struct sk_buff *skb; unsigned char *rsp_data_ptr = NULL; int status = 0, rsp_data_len = 0; - u32 devid; + u32 devid, inst_size = 0, data_size = 0; + const struct fw_img *img; switch (nla_get_u32(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND])) { case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_GET_DEVICENAME: @@ -431,8 +475,7 @@ static int iwl_testmode_driver(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb) skb = cfg80211_testmode_alloc_reply_skb(hw->wiphy, rsp_data_len + 20); if (!skb) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, - "Error allocating memory\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Memory allocation fail\n"); return -ENOMEM; } NLA_PUT_U32(skb, IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND, @@ -441,47 +484,47 @@ static int iwl_testmode_driver(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb) rsp_data_len, rsp_data_ptr); status = cfg80211_testmode_reply(skb); if (status < 0) - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Error sending msg : %d\n", - status); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Error sending msg : %d\n", status); break; case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_LOAD_INIT_FW: - status = iwl_load_ucode_wait_alive(trans, IWL_UCODE_INIT); + status = iwl_load_ucode_wait_alive(priv, IWL_UCODE_INIT); if (status) - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, - "Error loading init ucode: %d\n", status); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Error loading init ucode: %d\n", status); break; case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_CFG_INIT_CALIB: iwl_testmode_cfg_init_calib(priv); + priv->ucode_loaded = false; iwl_trans_stop_device(trans); break; case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_LOAD_RUNTIME_FW: - status = iwl_load_ucode_wait_alive(trans, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR); + status = iwl_load_ucode_wait_alive(priv, IWL_UCODE_REGULAR); if (status) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, + IWL_ERR(priv, "Error loading runtime ucode: %d\n", status); break; } status = iwl_alive_start(priv); if (status) - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, + IWL_ERR(priv, "Error starting the device: %d\n", status); break; case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_LOAD_WOWLAN_FW: iwl_scan_cancel_timeout(priv, 200); + priv->ucode_loaded = false; iwl_trans_stop_device(trans); - status = iwl_load_ucode_wait_alive(trans, IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN); + status = iwl_load_ucode_wait_alive(priv, IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN); if (status) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, + IWL_ERR(priv, "Error loading WOWLAN ucode: %d\n", status); break; } status = iwl_alive_start(priv); if (status) - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, + IWL_ERR(priv, "Error starting the device: %d\n", status); break; @@ -490,8 +533,7 @@ static int iwl_testmode_driver(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb) skb = cfg80211_testmode_alloc_reply_skb(hw->wiphy, cfg(priv)->base_params->eeprom_size + 20); if (!skb) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, - "Error allocating memory\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Memory allocation fail\n"); return -ENOMEM; } NLA_PUT_U32(skb, IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND, @@ -501,55 +543,75 @@ static int iwl_testmode_driver(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb) priv->shrd->eeprom); status = cfg80211_testmode_reply(skb); if (status < 0) - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, - "Error sending msg : %d\n", - status); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Error sending msg : %d\n", + status); } else return -EFAULT; break; case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_FIXRATE_REQ: if (!tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_FIXRATE]) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, - "Error finding fixrate setting\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Missing fixrate setting\n"); return -ENOMSG; } priv->tm_fixed_rate = nla_get_u32(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_FIXRATE]); break; case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_GET_FW_VERSION: - IWL_INFO(priv, "uCode version raw: 0x%x\n", priv->ucode_ver); + IWL_INFO(priv, "uCode version raw: 0x%x\n", + priv->fw->ucode_ver); skb = cfg80211_testmode_alloc_reply_skb(hw->wiphy, 20); if (!skb) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Error allocating memory\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Memory allocation fail\n"); return -ENOMEM; } - NLA_PUT_U32(skb, IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_VERSION, priv->ucode_ver); + NLA_PUT_U32(skb, IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_VERSION, + priv->fw->ucode_ver); status = cfg80211_testmode_reply(skb); if (status < 0) - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, - "Error sending msg : %d\n", status); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Error sending msg : %d\n", status); break; case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_GET_DEVICE_ID: - devid = bus_get_hw_id(bus(priv)); + devid = trans(priv)->hw_id; IWL_INFO(priv, "hw version: 0x%x\n", devid); skb = cfg80211_testmode_alloc_reply_skb(hw->wiphy, 20); if (!skb) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Error allocating memory\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Memory allocation fail\n"); return -ENOMEM; } NLA_PUT_U32(skb, IWL_TM_ATTR_DEVICE_ID, devid); status = cfg80211_testmode_reply(skb); if (status < 0) - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, - "Error sending msg : %d\n", status); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Error sending msg : %d\n", status); + break; + + case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_GET_FW_INFO: + skb = cfg80211_testmode_alloc_reply_skb(hw->wiphy, 20 + 8); + if (!skb) { + IWL_ERR(priv, "Memory allocation fail\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + if (!priv->ucode_loaded) { + IWL_ERR(priv, "No uCode has not been loaded\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } else { + img = &priv->fw->img[priv->shrd->ucode_type]; + inst_size = img->sec[IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST].len; + data_size = img->sec[IWL_UCODE_SECTION_DATA].len; + } + NLA_PUT_U32(skb, IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_TYPE, priv->shrd->ucode_type); + NLA_PUT_U32(skb, IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_INST_SIZE, inst_size); + NLA_PUT_U32(skb, IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_DATA_SIZE, data_size); + status = cfg80211_testmode_reply(skb); + if (status < 0) + IWL_ERR(priv, "Error sending msg : %d\n", status); break; default: - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Unknown testmode driver command ID\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Unknown testmode driver command ID\n"); return -ENOSYS; } return status; @@ -574,10 +636,10 @@ static int iwl_testmode_driver(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb) */ static int iwl_testmode_trace(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); struct sk_buff *skb; int status = 0; - struct device *dev = bus(priv)->dev; + struct device *dev = trans(priv)->dev; switch (nla_get_u32(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND])) { case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_BEGIN_TRACE: @@ -612,8 +674,7 @@ static int iwl_testmode_trace(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb) skb = cfg80211_testmode_alloc_reply_skb(hw->wiphy, sizeof(priv->testmode_trace.dma_addr) + 20); if (!skb) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, - "Error allocating memory\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Memory allocation fail\n"); iwl_trace_cleanup(priv); return -ENOMEM; } @@ -622,9 +683,7 @@ static int iwl_testmode_trace(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb) (u64 *)&priv->testmode_trace.dma_addr); status = cfg80211_testmode_reply(skb); if (status < 0) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, - "Error sending msg : %d\n", - status); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Error sending msg : %d\n", status); } priv->testmode_trace.num_chunks = DIV_ROUND_UP(priv->testmode_trace.buff_size, @@ -635,7 +694,7 @@ static int iwl_testmode_trace(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb) iwl_trace_cleanup(priv); break; default: - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Unknown testmode mem command ID\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Unknown testmode mem command ID\n"); return -ENOSYS; } return status; @@ -648,11 +707,11 @@ static int iwl_testmode_trace(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb) return -EMSGSIZE; } -static int iwl_testmode_trace_dump(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb, +static int iwl_testmode_trace_dump(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb, struct netlink_callback *cb) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); int idx, length; if (priv->testmode_trace.trace_enabled && @@ -696,24 +755,105 @@ static int iwl_testmode_trace_dump(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb, */ static int iwl_testmode_ownership(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); u8 owner; if (!tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_UCODE_OWNER]) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Error finding ucode owner\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Missing ucode owner\n"); return -ENOMSG; } owner = nla_get_u8(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_UCODE_OWNER]); - if ((owner == IWL_OWNERSHIP_DRIVER) || (owner == IWL_OWNERSHIP_TM)) - priv->shrd->ucode_owner = owner; - else { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Invalid owner\n"); + if (owner == IWL_OWNERSHIP_DRIVER) { + priv->ucode_owner = owner; + priv->pre_rx_handler = NULL; + } else if (owner == IWL_OWNERSHIP_TM) { + priv->pre_rx_handler = iwl_testmode_ucode_rx_pkt; + priv->ucode_owner = owner; + } else { + IWL_ERR(priv, "Invalid owner\n"); return -EINVAL; } return 0; } +static int iwl_testmode_indirect_read(struct iwl_priv *priv, u32 addr, u32 size) +{ + struct iwl_trans *trans = trans(priv); + unsigned long flags; + int i; + + if (size & 0x3) + return -EINVAL; + priv->testmode_mem.buff_size = size; + priv->testmode_mem.buff_addr = + kmalloc(priv->testmode_mem.buff_size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (priv->testmode_mem.buff_addr == NULL) + return -ENOMEM; + + /* Hard-coded periphery absolute address */ + if (IWL_TM_ABS_PRPH_START <= addr && + addr < IWL_TM_ABS_PRPH_START + PRPH_END) { + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->reg_lock, flags); + iwl_grab_nic_access(trans); + iwl_write32(trans, HBUS_TARG_PRPH_RADDR, + addr | (3 << 24)); + for (i = 0; i < size; i += 4) + *(u32 *)(priv->testmode_mem.buff_addr + i) = + iwl_read32(trans, HBUS_TARG_PRPH_RDAT); + iwl_release_nic_access(trans); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->reg_lock, flags); + } else { /* target memory (SRAM) */ + _iwl_read_targ_mem_words(trans, addr, + priv->testmode_mem.buff_addr, + priv->testmode_mem.buff_size / 4); + } + + priv->testmode_mem.num_chunks = + DIV_ROUND_UP(priv->testmode_mem.buff_size, DUMP_CHUNK_SIZE); + priv->testmode_mem.read_in_progress = true; + return 0; + +} + +static int iwl_testmode_indirect_write(struct iwl_priv *priv, u32 addr, + u32 size, unsigned char *buf) +{ + struct iwl_trans *trans = trans(priv); + u32 val, i; + unsigned long flags; + + if (IWL_TM_ABS_PRPH_START <= addr && + addr < IWL_TM_ABS_PRPH_START + PRPH_END) { + /* Periphery writes can be 1-3 bytes long, or DWORDs */ + if (size < 4) { + memcpy(&val, buf, size); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->reg_lock, flags); + iwl_grab_nic_access(trans); + iwl_write32(trans, HBUS_TARG_PRPH_WADDR, + (addr & 0x0000FFFF) | + ((size - 1) << 24)); + iwl_write32(trans, HBUS_TARG_PRPH_WDAT, val); + iwl_release_nic_access(trans); + /* needed after consecutive writes w/o read */ + mmiowb(); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->reg_lock, flags); + } else { + if (size % 4) + return -EINVAL; + for (i = 0; i < size; i += 4) + iwl_write_prph(trans, addr+i, + *(u32 *)(buf+i)); + } + } else if (iwlagn_hw_valid_rtc_data_addr(addr) || + (IWLAGN_RTC_INST_LOWER_BOUND <= addr && + addr < IWLAGN_RTC_INST_UPPER_BOUND)) { + _iwl_write_targ_mem_words(trans, addr, buf, size/4); + } else + return -EINVAL; + return 0; +} + /* * This function handles the user application commands for SRAM data dump * @@ -730,83 +870,60 @@ static int iwl_testmode_ownership(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb) * @hw: ieee80211_hw object that represents the device * @tb: gnl message fields from the user space */ -static int iwl_testmode_sram(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb) +static int iwl_testmode_indirect_mem(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, + struct nlattr **tb) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; - u32 base, ofs, size, maxsize; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); + u32 addr, size, cmd; + unsigned char *buf; - if (priv->testmode_sram.sram_readed) + /* Both read and write should be blocked, for atomicity */ + if (priv->testmode_mem.read_in_progress) return -EBUSY; - if (!tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_SRAM_ADDR]) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Error finding SRAM offset address\n"); + cmd = nla_get_u32(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND]); + if (!tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_MEM_ADDR]) { + IWL_ERR(priv, "Error finding memory offset address\n"); return -ENOMSG; } - ofs = nla_get_u32(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_SRAM_ADDR]); - if (!tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_SRAM_SIZE]) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Error finding size for SRAM reading\n"); + addr = nla_get_u32(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_MEM_ADDR]); + if (!tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_BUFFER_SIZE]) { + IWL_ERR(priv, "Error finding size for memory reading\n"); return -ENOMSG; } - size = nla_get_u32(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_SRAM_SIZE]); - switch (priv->shrd->ucode_type) { - case IWL_UCODE_REGULAR: - maxsize = trans(priv)->ucode_rt.data.len; - break; - case IWL_UCODE_INIT: - maxsize = trans(priv)->ucode_init.data.len; - break; - case IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN: - maxsize = trans(priv)->ucode_wowlan.data.len; - break; - case IWL_UCODE_NONE: - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Error, uCode does not been loaded\n"); - return -ENOSYS; - default: - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Error, unsupported uCode type\n"); - return -ENOSYS; - } - if ((ofs + size) > maxsize) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Invalid offset/size: out of range\n"); - return -EINVAL; - } - priv->testmode_sram.buff_size = (size / 4) * 4; - priv->testmode_sram.buff_addr = - kmalloc(priv->testmode_sram.buff_size, GFP_KERNEL); - if (priv->testmode_sram.buff_addr == NULL) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Error allocating memory\n"); - return -ENOMEM; + size = nla_get_u32(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_BUFFER_SIZE]); + + if (cmd == IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_BUFFER_READ) + return iwl_testmode_indirect_read(priv, addr, size); + else { + if (!tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_BUFFER_DUMP]) + return -EINVAL; + buf = (unsigned char *) nla_data(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_BUFFER_DUMP]); + return iwl_testmode_indirect_write(priv, addr, size, buf); } - base = 0x800000; - _iwl_read_targ_mem_words(bus(priv), base + ofs, - priv->testmode_sram.buff_addr, - priv->testmode_sram.buff_size / 4); - priv->testmode_sram.num_chunks = - DIV_ROUND_UP(priv->testmode_sram.buff_size, DUMP_CHUNK_SIZE); - priv->testmode_sram.sram_readed = true; - return 0; } -static int iwl_testmode_sram_dump(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb, - struct sk_buff *skb, - struct netlink_callback *cb) +static int iwl_testmode_buffer_dump(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, + struct sk_buff *skb, + struct netlink_callback *cb) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); int idx, length; - if (priv->testmode_sram.sram_readed) { + if (priv->testmode_mem.read_in_progress) { idx = cb->args[4]; - if (idx >= priv->testmode_sram.num_chunks) { - iwl_sram_cleanup(priv); + if (idx >= priv->testmode_mem.num_chunks) { + iwl_mem_cleanup(priv); return -ENOENT; } length = DUMP_CHUNK_SIZE; - if (((idx + 1) == priv->testmode_sram.num_chunks) && - (priv->testmode_sram.buff_size % DUMP_CHUNK_SIZE)) - length = priv->testmode_sram.buff_size % + if (((idx + 1) == priv->testmode_mem.num_chunks) && + (priv->testmode_mem.buff_size % DUMP_CHUNK_SIZE)) + length = priv->testmode_mem.buff_size % DUMP_CHUNK_SIZE; - NLA_PUT(skb, IWL_TM_ATTR_SRAM_DUMP, length, - priv->testmode_sram.buff_addr + + NLA_PUT(skb, IWL_TM_ATTR_BUFFER_DUMP, length, + priv->testmode_mem.buff_addr + (DUMP_CHUNK_SIZE * idx)); idx++; cb->args[4] = idx; @@ -818,6 +935,20 @@ static int iwl_testmode_sram_dump(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb, return -ENOBUFS; } +static int iwl_testmode_notifications(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, + struct nlattr **tb) +{ + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); + bool enable; + + enable = nla_get_flag(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_ENABLE_NOTIFICATION]); + if (enable) + priv->pre_rx_handler = iwl_testmode_ucode_rx_pkt; + else + priv->pre_rx_handler = NULL; + return 0; +} + /* The testmode gnl message handler that takes the gnl message from the * user space and parses it per the policy iwl_testmode_gnl_msg_policy, then @@ -841,24 +972,23 @@ static int iwl_testmode_sram_dump(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct nlattr **tb, int iwlagn_mac_testmode_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, void *data, int len) { struct nlattr *tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_MAX]; - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); int result; result = nla_parse(tb, IWL_TM_ATTR_MAX - 1, data, len, iwl_testmode_gnl_msg_policy); if (result != 0) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, - "Error parsing the gnl message : %d\n", result); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Error parsing the gnl message : %d\n", result); return result; } /* IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND is absolutely mandatory */ if (!tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND]) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Error finding testmode command type\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Missing testmode command type\n"); return -ENOMSG; } /* in case multiple accesses to the device happens */ - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); switch (nla_get_u32(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND])) { case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_UCODE: @@ -868,8 +998,6 @@ int iwlagn_mac_testmode_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, void *data, int len) case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_DIRECT_REG_READ32: case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_DIRECT_REG_WRITE32: case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_DIRECT_REG_WRITE8: - case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_REG_READ32: - case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_REG_WRITE32: IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "testmode cmd to register\n"); result = iwl_testmode_reg(hw, tb); break; @@ -882,6 +1010,7 @@ int iwlagn_mac_testmode_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, void *data, int len) case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_LOAD_WOWLAN_FW: case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_GET_FW_VERSION: case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_GET_DEVICE_ID: + case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_GET_FW_INFO: IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "testmode cmd to driver\n"); result = iwl_testmode_driver(hw, tb); break; @@ -898,18 +1027,26 @@ int iwlagn_mac_testmode_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, void *data, int len) result = iwl_testmode_ownership(hw, tb); break; - case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_READ_SRAM: - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "testmode sram read cmd to driver\n"); - result = iwl_testmode_sram(hw, tb); + case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_BUFFER_READ: + case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_BUFFER_WRITE: + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "testmode indirect memory cmd " + "to driver\n"); + result = iwl_testmode_indirect_mem(hw, tb); + break; + + case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_NOTIFICATIONS: + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "testmode notifications cmd " + "to driver\n"); + result = iwl_testmode_notifications(hw, tb); break; default: - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "Unknown testmode command\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Unknown testmode command\n"); result = -ENOSYS; break; } - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); return result; } @@ -918,7 +1055,7 @@ int iwlagn_mac_testmode_dump(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb, void *data, int len) { struct nlattr *tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_MAX]; - struct iwl_priv *priv = hw->priv; + struct iwl_priv *priv = IWL_MAC80211_GET_DVM(hw); int result; u32 cmd; @@ -929,15 +1066,14 @@ int iwlagn_mac_testmode_dump(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb, result = nla_parse(tb, IWL_TM_ATTR_MAX - 1, data, len, iwl_testmode_gnl_msg_policy); if (result) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, - "Error parsing the gnl message : %d\n", result); + IWL_ERR(priv, + "Error parsing the gnl message : %d\n", result); return result; } /* IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND is absolutely mandatory */ if (!tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND]) { - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, - "Error finding testmode command type\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Missing testmode command type\n"); return -ENOMSG; } cmd = nla_get_u32(tb[IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND]); @@ -945,21 +1081,21 @@ int iwlagn_mac_testmode_dump(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb, } /* in case multiple accesses to the device happens */ - mutex_lock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_lock(&priv->mutex); switch (cmd) { case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_READ_TRACE: IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "uCode trace cmd to driver\n"); - result = iwl_testmode_trace_dump(hw, tb, skb, cb); + result = iwl_testmode_trace_dump(hw, skb, cb); break; - case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_DUMP_SRAM: + case IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_BUFFER_DUMP: IWL_DEBUG_INFO(priv, "testmode sram dump cmd to driver\n"); - result = iwl_testmode_sram_dump(hw, tb, skb, cb); + result = iwl_testmode_buffer_dump(hw, skb, cb); break; default: result = -EINVAL; break; } - mutex_unlock(&priv->shrd->mutex); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mutex); return result; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-testmode.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-testmode.h index 26138f110340819fc68407d21e3a827cce101591..6ba211b09426044df2a6564ae4cb08a749aa2d06 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-testmode.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-testmode.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2010 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2010 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2010 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2010 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ * to user application * @IWL_TM_CMD_DEV2APP_UCODE_RX_PKT: * commands from kernel space to multicast the spontaneous messages - * to user application + * to user application, or reply of host commands * @IWL_TM_CMD_DEV2APP_EEPROM_RSP: * commands from kernel space to carry the eeprom response * to user application @@ -109,18 +109,22 @@ * if application has the ownership, the only host command from * testmode will deliver to uCode. Default owner is driver * - * @IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_REG_READ32: - * @IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_REG_WRITE32: - * commands from user applicaiton to indirectly access peripheral register - * - * @IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_READ_SRAM: - * @IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_DUMP_SRAM: - * commands from user applicaiton to read data in sram - * - * @IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_LOAD_WOWLAN_FW: load Weak On Wireless LAN uCode image + * @IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_LOAD_WOWLAN_FW: load Wake On Wireless LAN uCode image * @IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_GET_FW_VERSION: retrieve uCode version * @IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_GET_DEVICE_ID: retrieve ID information in device - * + * @IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_GET_FW_INFO: + * retrieve information of existing loaded uCode image + * + * @IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_BUFFER_READ: + * @IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_BUFFER_DUMP: + * @IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_BUFFER_WRITE: + * Commands to read/write data from periphery or SRAM memory ranges. + * Fore reading, a READ command is sent from the userspace and the data + * is returned when the user calls a DUMP command. + * For writing, only a WRITE command is used. + * @IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_NOTIFICATIONS: + * Command to enable/disable notifications (currently RX packets) from the + * driver to userspace. */ enum iwl_tm_cmd_t { IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_UCODE = 1, @@ -140,14 +144,19 @@ enum iwl_tm_cmd_t { IWL_TM_CMD_DEV2APP_UCODE_RX_PKT = 15, IWL_TM_CMD_DEV2APP_EEPROM_RSP = 16, IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_OWNERSHIP = 17, - IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_REG_READ32 = 18, - IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_REG_WRITE32 = 19, - IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_READ_SRAM = 20, - IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_DUMP_SRAM = 21, + RESERVED_18 = 18, + RESERVED_19 = 19, + RESERVED_20 = 20, + RESERVED_21 = 21, IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_LOAD_WOWLAN_FW = 22, IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_GET_FW_VERSION = 23, IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_GET_DEVICE_ID = 24, - IWL_TM_CMD_MAX = 25, + IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_GET_FW_INFO = 25, + IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_BUFFER_READ = 26, + IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_BUFFER_DUMP = 27, + IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_BUFFER_WRITE = 28, + IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_NOTIFICATIONS = 29, + IWL_TM_CMD_MAX = 30, }; /* @@ -168,8 +177,6 @@ enum iwl_tm_cmd_t { * When IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND is IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_UCODE, * The mandatory fields are : * IWL_TM_ATTR_UCODE_CMD_ID for recognizable command ID; - * IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND_FLAG for the flags of the commands; - * The optional fields are: * IWL_TM_ATTR_UCODE_CMD_DATA for the actual command payload * to the ucode * @@ -218,16 +225,19 @@ enum iwl_tm_cmd_t { * The mandatory fields are: * IWL_TM_ATTR_UCODE_OWNER for the new owner * - * @IWL_TM_ATTR_SRAM_ADDR: - * @IWL_TM_ATTR_SRAM_SIZE: - * When IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND is IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_READ_SRAM, + * @IWL_TM_ATTR_MEM_ADDR: + * @IWL_TM_ATTR_BUFFER_SIZE: + * When IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND is IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_BUFFER_READ + * or IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_BUFFER_WRITE. * The mandatory fields are: - * IWL_TM_ATTR_SRAM_ADDR for the address in sram - * IWL_TM_ATTR_SRAM_SIZE for the buffer size of data reading + * IWL_TM_ATTR_MEM_ADDR for the address in SRAM/periphery to read/write + * IWL_TM_ATTR_BUFFER_SIZE for the buffer size of data to read/write. * - * @IWL_TM_ATTR_SRAM_DUMP: - * When IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND is IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_DUMP_SRAM, - * IWL_TM_ATTR_SRAM_DUMP for the data in sram + * @IWL_TM_ATTR_BUFFER_DUMP: + * When IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND is IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_BUFFER_DUMP, + * IWL_TM_ATTR_BUFFER_DUMP is used for the data that was read. + * When IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND is IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_INDIRECT_BUFFER_WRITE, + * this attribute contains the data to write. * * @IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_VERSION: * When IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND is IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_GET_FW_VERSION, @@ -237,6 +247,23 @@ enum iwl_tm_cmd_t { * When IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND is IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_GET_DEVICE_ID, * IWL_TM_ATTR_DEVICE_ID for the device ID information * + * @IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_TYPE: + * @IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_INST_SIZE: + * @IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_DATA_SIZE: + * When IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND is IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_GET_FW_INFO, + * The mandatory fields are: + * IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_TYPE for the uCode type (INIT/RUNTIME/...) + * IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_INST_SIZE for the size of instruction section + * IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_DATA_SIZE for the size of data section + * + * @IWL_TM_ATTR_UCODE_CMD_SKB: + * When IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND is IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_UCODE this flag + * indicates that the user wants to receive the response of the command + * in a reply SKB. If it's not present, the response is not returned. + * @IWL_TM_ATTR_ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS: + * When IWL_TM_ATTR_COMMAND is IWL_TM_CMD_APP2DEV_NOTIFICATIONS, this + * flag enables (if present) or disables (if not) the forwarding + * to userspace. */ enum iwl_tm_attr_t { IWL_TM_ATTR_NOT_APPLICABLE = 0, @@ -254,12 +281,17 @@ enum iwl_tm_attr_t { IWL_TM_ATTR_TRACE_DUMP = 12, IWL_TM_ATTR_FIXRATE = 13, IWL_TM_ATTR_UCODE_OWNER = 14, - IWL_TM_ATTR_SRAM_ADDR = 15, - IWL_TM_ATTR_SRAM_SIZE = 16, - IWL_TM_ATTR_SRAM_DUMP = 17, + IWL_TM_ATTR_MEM_ADDR = 15, + IWL_TM_ATTR_BUFFER_SIZE = 16, + IWL_TM_ATTR_BUFFER_DUMP = 17, IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_VERSION = 18, IWL_TM_ATTR_DEVICE_ID = 19, - IWL_TM_ATTR_MAX = 20, + IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_TYPE = 20, + IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_INST_SIZE = 21, + IWL_TM_ATTR_FW_DATA_SIZE = 22, + IWL_TM_ATTR_UCODE_CMD_SKB = 23, + IWL_TM_ATTR_ENABLE_NOTIFICATION = 24, + IWL_TM_ATTR_MAX = 25, }; /* uCode trace buffer */ @@ -271,4 +303,7 @@ enum iwl_tm_attr_t { /* Maximum data size of each dump it packet */ #define DUMP_CHUNK_SIZE (PAGE_SIZE - 1024) +/* Address offset of data segment in SRAM */ +#define SRAM_DATA_SEG_OFFSET 0x800000 + #endif diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans-pcie-int.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans-pcie-int.h index f6debf91d7b514036baf05530af28507440cab3e..1c2fe87bd7e2de3a472afd1bd8107cd6cc54eafc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans-pcie-int.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans-pcie-int.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Portions of this file are derived from the ipw3945 project, as well * as portions of the ieee80211 subsystem header files. @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #include "iwl-fh.h" @@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ #include "iwl-trans.h" #include "iwl-debug.h" #include "iwl-io.h" +#include "iwl-op-mode.h" struct iwl_tx_queue; struct iwl_queue; @@ -48,6 +50,12 @@ struct iwl_host_cmd; /*This file includes the declaration that are internal to the * trans_pcie layer */ +struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer { + dma_addr_t page_dma; + struct page *page; + struct list_head list; +}; + /** * struct isr_statistics - interrupt statistics * @@ -108,6 +116,26 @@ struct iwl_dma_ptr { size_t size; }; +/** + * iwl_queue_inc_wrap - increment queue index, wrap back to beginning + * @index -- current index + * @n_bd -- total number of entries in queue (must be power of 2) + */ +static inline int iwl_queue_inc_wrap(int index, int n_bd) +{ + return ++index & (n_bd - 1); +} + +/** + * iwl_queue_dec_wrap - decrement queue index, wrap back to end + * @index -- current index + * @n_bd -- total number of entries in queue (must be power of 2) + */ +static inline int iwl_queue_dec_wrap(int index, int n_bd) +{ + return --index & (n_bd - 1); +} + /* * This queue number is required for proper operation * because the ucode will stop/start the scheduler as @@ -168,6 +196,7 @@ struct iwl_queue { * @meta: array of meta data for each command/tx buffer * @dma_addr_cmd: physical address of cmd/tx buffer array * @txb: array of per-TFD driver data + * lock: queue lock * @time_stamp: time (in jiffies) of last read_ptr change * @need_update: indicates need to update read/write index * @sched_retry: indicates queue is high-throughput aggregation (HT AGG) enabled @@ -186,6 +215,7 @@ struct iwl_tx_queue { struct iwl_device_cmd **cmd; struct iwl_cmd_meta *meta; struct sk_buff **skbs; + spinlock_t lock; unsigned long time_stamp; u8 need_update; u8 sched_retry; @@ -201,6 +231,8 @@ struct iwl_tx_queue { * @rxq: all the RX queue data * @rx_replenish: work that will be called when buffers need to be allocated * @trans: pointer to the generic transport area + * @irq - the irq number for the device + * @irq_requested: true when the irq has been requested * @scd_base_addr: scheduler sram base address in SRAM * @scd_bc_tbls: pointer to the byte count table of the scheduler * @kw: keep warm address @@ -211,6 +243,12 @@ struct iwl_tx_queue { * @txq_ctx_active_msk: what queue is active * queue_stopped: tracks what queue is stopped * queue_stop_count: tracks what SW queue is stopped + * @pci_dev: basic pci-network driver stuff + * @hw_base: pci hardware address support + * @ucode_write_complete: indicates that the ucode has been copied. + * @ucode_write_waitq: wait queue for uCode load + * @status - transport specific status flags + * @cmd_queue - command queue number */ struct iwl_trans_pcie { struct iwl_rx_queue rxq; @@ -223,9 +261,12 @@ struct iwl_trans_pcie { int ict_index; u32 inta; bool use_ict; + bool irq_requested; struct tasklet_struct irq_tasklet; struct isr_statistics isr_stats; + unsigned int irq; + spinlock_t irq_lock; u32 inta_mask; u32 scd_base_addr; struct iwl_dma_ptr scd_bc_tbls; @@ -241,6 +282,17 @@ struct iwl_trans_pcie { #define IWL_MAX_HW_QUEUES 32 unsigned long queue_stopped[BITS_TO_LONGS(IWL_MAX_HW_QUEUES)]; atomic_t queue_stop_count[4]; + + /* PCI bus related data */ + struct pci_dev *pci_dev; + void __iomem *hw_base; + + bool ucode_write_complete; + wait_queue_head_t ucode_write_waitq; + unsigned long status; + u8 cmd_queue; + u8 n_no_reclaim_cmds; + u8 no_reclaim_cmds[MAX_NO_RECLAIM_CMDS]; }; #define IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(_iwl_trans) \ @@ -258,7 +310,7 @@ void iwl_rx_queue_update_write_ptr(struct iwl_trans *trans, /***************************************************** * ICT ******************************************************/ -int iwl_reset_ict(struct iwl_trans *trans); +void iwl_reset_ict(struct iwl_trans *trans); void iwl_disable_ict(struct iwl_trans *trans); int iwl_alloc_isr_ict(struct iwl_trans *trans); void iwl_free_isr_ict(struct iwl_trans *trans); @@ -275,7 +327,7 @@ int iwlagn_txq_attach_buf_to_tfd(struct iwl_trans *trans, int iwl_queue_init(struct iwl_queue *q, int count, int slots_num, u32 id); int iwl_trans_pcie_send_cmd(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd); void iwl_tx_cmd_complete(struct iwl_trans *trans, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, int handler_status); + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, int handler_status); void iwl_trans_txq_update_byte_cnt_tbl(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_tx_queue *txq, u16 byte_cnt); @@ -308,26 +360,32 @@ void iwl_dump_csr(struct iwl_trans *trans); ******************************************************/ static inline void iwl_disable_interrupts(struct iwl_trans *trans) { - clear_bit(STATUS_INT_ENABLED, &trans->shrd->status); + struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); + clear_bit(STATUS_INT_ENABLED, &trans_pcie->status); /* disable interrupts from uCode/NIC to host */ - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_INT_MASK, 0x00000000); + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_INT_MASK, 0x00000000); /* acknowledge/clear/reset any interrupts still pending * from uCode or flow handler (Rx/Tx DMA) */ - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_INT, 0xffffffff); - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_FH_INT_STATUS, 0xffffffff); + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_INT, 0xffffffff); + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_FH_INT_STATUS, 0xffffffff); IWL_DEBUG_ISR(trans, "Disabled interrupts\n"); } static inline void iwl_enable_interrupts(struct iwl_trans *trans) { - struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = - IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); + struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); IWL_DEBUG_ISR(trans, "Enabling interrupts\n"); - set_bit(STATUS_INT_ENABLED, &trans->shrd->status); - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_INT_MASK, trans_pcie->inta_mask); + set_bit(STATUS_INT_ENABLED, &trans_pcie->status); + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_INT_MASK, trans_pcie->inta_mask); +} + +static inline void iwl_enable_rfkill_int(struct iwl_trans *trans) +{ + IWL_DEBUG_ISR(trans, "Enabling rfkill interrupt\n"); + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_INT_MASK, CSR_INT_BIT_RF_KILL); } /* @@ -355,7 +413,7 @@ static inline u8 iwl_get_queue_ac(struct iwl_tx_queue *txq) } static inline void iwl_wake_queue(struct iwl_trans *trans, - struct iwl_tx_queue *txq, const char *msg) + struct iwl_tx_queue *txq) { u8 queue = txq->swq_id; u8 ac = queue & 3; @@ -365,20 +423,20 @@ static inline void iwl_wake_queue(struct iwl_trans *trans, if (test_and_clear_bit(hwq, trans_pcie->queue_stopped)) { if (atomic_dec_return(&trans_pcie->queue_stop_count[ac]) <= 0) { - iwl_wake_sw_queue(priv(trans), ac); - IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(trans, "Wake hwq %d ac %d. %s", - hwq, ac, msg); + iwl_op_mode_queue_not_full(trans->op_mode, ac); + IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(trans, "Wake hwq %d ac %d", + hwq, ac); } else { - IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(trans, "Don't wake hwq %d ac %d" - " stop count %d. %s", - hwq, ac, atomic_read(&trans_pcie-> - queue_stop_count[ac]), msg); + IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(trans, + "Don't wake hwq %d ac %d stop count %d", + hwq, ac, + atomic_read(&trans_pcie->queue_stop_count[ac])); } } } static inline void iwl_stop_queue(struct iwl_trans *trans, - struct iwl_tx_queue *txq, const char *msg) + struct iwl_tx_queue *txq) { u8 queue = txq->swq_id; u8 ac = queue & 3; @@ -388,35 +446,23 @@ static inline void iwl_stop_queue(struct iwl_trans *trans, if (!test_and_set_bit(hwq, trans_pcie->queue_stopped)) { if (atomic_inc_return(&trans_pcie->queue_stop_count[ac]) > 0) { - iwl_stop_sw_queue(priv(trans), ac); - IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(trans, "Stop hwq %d ac %d" - " stop count %d. %s", - hwq, ac, atomic_read(&trans_pcie-> - queue_stop_count[ac]), msg); + iwl_op_mode_queue_full(trans->op_mode, ac); + IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(trans, + "Stop hwq %d ac %d stop count %d", + hwq, ac, + atomic_read(&trans_pcie->queue_stop_count[ac])); } else { - IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(trans, "Don't stop hwq %d ac %d" - " stop count %d. %s", - hwq, ac, atomic_read(&trans_pcie-> - queue_stop_count[ac]), msg); + IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(trans, + "Don't stop hwq %d ac %d stop count %d", + hwq, ac, + atomic_read(&trans_pcie->queue_stop_count[ac])); } } else { - IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(trans, "stop hwq %d, but it is stopped/ %s", - hwq, msg); + IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(trans, "stop hwq %d, but it is stopped", + hwq); } } -#ifdef ieee80211_stop_queue -#undef ieee80211_stop_queue -#endif - -#define ieee80211_stop_queue DO_NOT_USE_ieee80211_stop_queue - -#ifdef ieee80211_wake_queue -#undef ieee80211_wake_queue -#endif - -#define ieee80211_wake_queue DO_NOT_USE_ieee80211_wake_queue - static inline void iwl_txq_ctx_activate(struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie, int txq_id) { diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans-pcie-rx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans-pcie-rx.c index 65d1f05007be0e0b6ba421e24b273b3bb77adc97..8b1a7988e176ee715f611035b9756c066bfbbd57 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans-pcie-rx.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans-pcie-rx.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Portions of this file are derived from the ipw3945 project, as well * as portions of the ieee80211 subsystem header files. @@ -30,10 +30,14 @@ #include #include -/*TODO: Remove include to iwl-core.h*/ -#include "iwl-core.h" +#include "iwl-prph.h" #include "iwl-io.h" #include "iwl-trans-pcie-int.h" +#include "iwl-op-mode.h" + +#ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_IDI +#include "iwl-amfh.h" +#endif /****************************************************************************** * @@ -136,34 +140,34 @@ void iwl_rx_queue_update_write_ptr(struct iwl_trans *trans, if (q->need_update == 0) goto exit_unlock; - if (hw_params(trans).shadow_reg_enable) { + if (cfg(trans)->base_params->shadow_reg_enable) { /* shadow register enabled */ /* Device expects a multiple of 8 */ q->write_actual = (q->write & ~0x7); - iwl_write32(bus(trans), FH_RSCSR_CHNL0_WPTR, q->write_actual); + iwl_write32(trans, FH_RSCSR_CHNL0_WPTR, q->write_actual); } else { /* If power-saving is in use, make sure device is awake */ if (test_bit(STATUS_POWER_PMI, &trans->shrd->status)) { - reg = iwl_read32(bus(trans), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1); + reg = iwl_read32(trans, CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1); if (reg & CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_BIT_MAC_SLEEP) { IWL_DEBUG_INFO(trans, "Rx queue requesting wakeup," " GP1 = 0x%x\n", reg); - iwl_set_bit(bus(trans), CSR_GP_CNTRL, + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_GP_CNTRL, CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_ACCESS_REQ); goto exit_unlock; } q->write_actual = (q->write & ~0x7); - iwl_write_direct32(bus(trans), FH_RSCSR_CHNL0_WPTR, + iwl_write_direct32(trans, FH_RSCSR_CHNL0_WPTR, q->write_actual); /* Else device is assumed to be awake */ } else { /* Device expects a multiple of 8 */ q->write_actual = (q->write & ~0x7); - iwl_write_direct32(bus(trans), FH_RSCSR_CHNL0_WPTR, + iwl_write_direct32(trans, FH_RSCSR_CHNL0_WPTR, q->write_actual); } } @@ -223,7 +227,7 @@ static void iwlagn_rx_queue_restock(struct iwl_trans *trans) /* If the pre-allocated buffer pool is dropping low, schedule to * refill it */ if (rxq->free_count <= RX_LOW_WATERMARK) - queue_work(trans->shrd->workqueue, &trans_pcie->rx_replenish); + schedule_work(&trans_pcie->rx_replenish); /* If we've added more space for the firmware to place data, tell it. @@ -308,7 +312,7 @@ static void iwlagn_rx_allocate(struct iwl_trans *trans, gfp_t priority) BUG_ON(rxb->page); rxb->page = page; /* Get physical address of the RB */ - rxb->page_dma = dma_map_page(bus(trans)->dev, page, 0, + rxb->page_dma = dma_map_page(trans->dev, page, 0, PAGE_SIZE << hw_params(trans).rx_page_order, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); /* dma address must be no more than 36 bits */ @@ -327,13 +331,14 @@ static void iwlagn_rx_allocate(struct iwl_trans *trans, gfp_t priority) void iwlagn_rx_replenish(struct iwl_trans *trans) { + struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); unsigned long flags; iwlagn_rx_allocate(trans, GFP_KERNEL); - spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); iwlagn_rx_queue_restock(trans); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); } static void iwlagn_rx_replenish_now(struct iwl_trans *trans) @@ -347,14 +352,108 @@ void iwl_bg_rx_replenish(struct work_struct *data) { struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = container_of(data, struct iwl_trans_pcie, rx_replenish); - struct iwl_trans *trans = trans_pcie->trans; - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &trans->shrd->status)) + iwlagn_rx_replenish(trans_pcie->trans); +} + +static void iwl_rx_handle_rxbuf(struct iwl_trans *trans, + struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb) +{ + struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); + struct iwl_rx_queue *rxq = &trans_pcie->rxq; + struct iwl_tx_queue *txq = &trans_pcie->txq[trans_pcie->cmd_queue]; + struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd; + unsigned long flags; + int len, err; + u16 sequence; + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer rxcb; + struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt; + bool reclaim; + int index, cmd_index; + + if (WARN_ON(!rxb)) return; - mutex_lock(&trans->shrd->mutex); - iwlagn_rx_replenish(trans); - mutex_unlock(&trans->shrd->mutex); + dma_unmap_page(trans->dev, rxb->page_dma, + PAGE_SIZE << hw_params(trans).rx_page_order, + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + + rxcb._page = rxb->page; + pkt = rxb_addr(&rxcb); + + IWL_DEBUG_RX(trans, "%s, 0x%02x\n", + get_cmd_string(pkt->hdr.cmd), pkt->hdr.cmd); + + + len = le32_to_cpu(pkt->len_n_flags) & FH_RSCSR_FRAME_SIZE_MSK; + len += sizeof(u32); /* account for status word */ + trace_iwlwifi_dev_rx(trans->dev, pkt, len); + + /* Reclaim a command buffer only if this packet is a response + * to a (driver-originated) command. + * If the packet (e.g. Rx frame) originated from uCode, + * there is no command buffer to reclaim. + * Ucode should set SEQ_RX_FRAME bit if ucode-originated, + * but apparently a few don't get set; catch them here. */ + reclaim = !(pkt->hdr.sequence & SEQ_RX_FRAME); + if (reclaim) { + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < trans_pcie->n_no_reclaim_cmds; i++) { + if (trans_pcie->no_reclaim_cmds[i] == pkt->hdr.cmd) { + reclaim = false; + break; + } + } + } + + sequence = le16_to_cpu(pkt->hdr.sequence); + index = SEQ_TO_INDEX(sequence); + cmd_index = get_cmd_index(&txq->q, index); + + if (reclaim) + cmd = txq->cmd[cmd_index]; + else + cmd = NULL; + + err = iwl_op_mode_rx(trans->op_mode, &rxcb, cmd); + + /* + * XXX: After here, we should always check rxcb._page + * against NULL before touching it or its virtual + * memory (pkt). Because some rx_handler might have + * already taken or freed the pages. + */ + + if (reclaim) { + /* Invoke any callbacks, transfer the buffer to caller, + * and fire off the (possibly) blocking + * iwl_trans_send_cmd() + * as we reclaim the driver command queue */ + if (rxcb._page) + iwl_tx_cmd_complete(trans, &rxcb, err); + else + IWL_WARN(trans, "Claim null rxb?\n"); + } + + /* page was stolen from us */ + if (rxcb._page == NULL) + rxb->page = NULL; + + /* Reuse the page if possible. For notification packets and + * SKBs that fail to Rx correctly, add them back into the + * rx_free list for reuse later. */ + spin_lock_irqsave(&rxq->lock, flags); + if (rxb->page != NULL) { + rxb->page_dma = + dma_map_page(trans->dev, rxb->page, 0, + PAGE_SIZE << hw_params(trans).rx_page_order, + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + list_add_tail(&rxb->list, &rxq->rx_free); + rxq->free_count++; + } else + list_add_tail(&rxb->list, &rxq->rx_used); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rxq->lock, flags); } /** @@ -366,20 +465,12 @@ void iwl_bg_rx_replenish(struct work_struct *data) */ static void iwl_rx_handle(struct iwl_trans *trans) { - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb; - struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt; - struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = - IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); + struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); struct iwl_rx_queue *rxq = &trans_pcie->rxq; - struct iwl_tx_queue *txq = &trans_pcie->txq[trans->shrd->cmd_queue]; - struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd; u32 r, i; - int reclaim; - unsigned long flags; u8 fill_rx = 0; u32 count = 8; int total_empty; - int index, cmd_index; /* uCode's read index (stored in shared DRAM) indicates the last Rx * buffer that the driver may process (last buffer filled by ucode). */ @@ -399,102 +490,14 @@ static void iwl_rx_handle(struct iwl_trans *trans) fill_rx = 1; while (i != r) { - int len, err; - u16 sequence; + struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb; rxb = rxq->queue[i]; - - /* If an RXB doesn't have a Rx queue slot associated with it, - * then a bug has been introduced in the queue refilling - * routines -- catch it here */ - if (WARN_ON(rxb == NULL)) { - i = (i + 1) & RX_QUEUE_MASK; - continue; - } - rxq->queue[i] = NULL; - dma_unmap_page(bus(trans)->dev, rxb->page_dma, - PAGE_SIZE << hw_params(trans).rx_page_order, - DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); - - IWL_DEBUG_RX(trans, "r = %d, i = %d, %s, 0x%02x\n", r, - i, get_cmd_string(pkt->hdr.cmd), pkt->hdr.cmd); - - len = le32_to_cpu(pkt->len_n_flags) & FH_RSCSR_FRAME_SIZE_MSK; - len += sizeof(u32); /* account for status word */ - trace_iwlwifi_dev_rx(priv(trans), pkt, len); - - /* Reclaim a command buffer only if this packet is a response - * to a (driver-originated) command. - * If the packet (e.g. Rx frame) originated from uCode, - * there is no command buffer to reclaim. - * Ucode should set SEQ_RX_FRAME bit if ucode-originated, - * but apparently a few don't get set; catch them here. */ - reclaim = !(pkt->hdr.sequence & SEQ_RX_FRAME) && - (pkt->hdr.cmd != REPLY_RX_PHY_CMD) && - (pkt->hdr.cmd != REPLY_RX) && - (pkt->hdr.cmd != REPLY_RX_MPDU_CMD) && - (pkt->hdr.cmd != REPLY_COMPRESSED_BA) && - (pkt->hdr.cmd != STATISTICS_NOTIFICATION) && - (pkt->hdr.cmd != REPLY_TX); - - sequence = le16_to_cpu(pkt->hdr.sequence); - index = SEQ_TO_INDEX(sequence); - cmd_index = get_cmd_index(&txq->q, index); - - if (reclaim) - cmd = txq->cmd[cmd_index]; - else - cmd = NULL; - - /* warn if this is cmd response / notification and the uCode - * didn't set the SEQ_RX_FRAME for a frame that is - * uCode-originated - * If you saw this code after the second half of 2012, then - * please remove it - */ - WARN(pkt->hdr.cmd != REPLY_TX && reclaim == false && - (!(pkt->hdr.sequence & SEQ_RX_FRAME)), - "reclaim is false, SEQ_RX_FRAME unset: %s\n", - get_cmd_string(pkt->hdr.cmd)); - - err = iwl_rx_dispatch(priv(trans), rxb, cmd); - - /* - * XXX: After here, we should always check rxb->page - * against NULL before touching it or its virtual - * memory (pkt). Because some rx_handler might have - * already taken or freed the pages. - */ - - if (reclaim) { - /* Invoke any callbacks, transfer the buffer to caller, - * and fire off the (possibly) blocking - * iwl_trans_send_cmd() - * as we reclaim the driver command queue */ - if (rxb->page) - iwl_tx_cmd_complete(trans, rxb, err); - else - IWL_WARN(trans, "Claim null rxb?\n"); - } - - /* Reuse the page if possible. For notification packets and - * SKBs that fail to Rx correctly, add them back into the - * rx_free list for reuse later. */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&rxq->lock, flags); - if (rxb->page != NULL) { - rxb->page_dma = dma_map_page(bus(trans)->dev, rxb->page, - 0, PAGE_SIZE << - hw_params(trans).rx_page_order, - DMA_FROM_DEVICE); - list_add_tail(&rxb->list, &rxq->rx_free); - rxq->free_count++; - } else - list_add_tail(&rxb->list, &rxq->rx_used); + IWL_DEBUG_RX(trans, "rxbuf: r = %d, i = %d (%p)\n", rxb); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rxq->lock, flags); + iwl_rx_handle_rxbuf(trans, rxb); i = (i + 1) & RX_QUEUE_MASK; /* If there are a lot of unused frames, @@ -590,17 +593,16 @@ static void iwl_dump_nic_error_log(struct iwl_trans *trans) { u32 base; struct iwl_error_event_table table; - struct iwl_priv *priv = priv(trans); struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); base = trans->shrd->device_pointers.error_event_table; if (trans->shrd->ucode_type == IWL_UCODE_INIT) { if (!base) - base = priv->init_errlog_ptr; + base = trans->shrd->fw->init_errlog_ptr; } else { if (!base) - base = priv->inst_errlog_ptr; + base = trans->shrd->fw->inst_errlog_ptr; } if (!iwlagn_hw_valid_rtc_data_addr(base)) { @@ -612,7 +614,7 @@ static void iwl_dump_nic_error_log(struct iwl_trans *trans) return; } - iwl_read_targ_mem_words(bus(priv), base, &table, sizeof(table)); + iwl_read_targ_mem_words(trans, base, &table, sizeof(table)); if (ERROR_START_OFFSET <= table.valid * ERROR_ELEM_SIZE) { IWL_ERR(trans, "Start IWL Error Log Dump:\n"); @@ -622,7 +624,7 @@ static void iwl_dump_nic_error_log(struct iwl_trans *trans) trans_pcie->isr_stats.err_code = table.error_id; - trace_iwlwifi_dev_ucode_error(priv, table.error_id, table.tsf_low, + trace_iwlwifi_dev_ucode_error(trans->dev, table.error_id, table.tsf_low, table.data1, table.data2, table.line, table.blink1, table.blink2, table.ilink1, table.ilink2, table.bcon_time, table.gp1, @@ -670,12 +672,11 @@ static void iwl_dump_nic_error_log(struct iwl_trans *trans) */ static void iwl_irq_handle_error(struct iwl_trans *trans) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = priv(trans); /* W/A for WiFi/WiMAX coex and WiMAX own the RF */ - if (cfg(priv)->internal_wimax_coex && - (!(iwl_read_prph(bus(trans), APMG_CLK_CTRL_REG) & + if (cfg(trans)->internal_wimax_coex && + (!(iwl_read_prph(trans, APMG_CLK_CTRL_REG) & APMS_CLK_VAL_MRB_FUNC_MODE) || - (iwl_read_prph(bus(trans), APMG_PS_CTRL_REG) & + (iwl_read_prph(trans, APMG_PS_CTRL_REG) & APMG_PS_CTRL_VAL_RESET_REQ))) { /* * Keep the restart process from trying to send host @@ -683,24 +684,20 @@ static void iwl_irq_handle_error(struct iwl_trans *trans) */ clear_bit(STATUS_READY, &trans->shrd->status); clear_bit(STATUS_HCMD_ACTIVE, &trans->shrd->status); - wake_up(&priv->shrd->wait_command_queue); + wake_up(&trans->wait_command_queue); IWL_ERR(trans, "RF is used by WiMAX\n"); return; } IWL_ERR(trans, "Loaded firmware version: %s\n", - priv->hw->wiphy->fw_version); + trans->shrd->fw->fw_version); iwl_dump_nic_error_log(trans); iwl_dump_csr(trans); iwl_dump_fh(trans, NULL, false); iwl_dump_nic_event_log(trans, false, NULL, false); -#ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG - if (iwl_get_debug_level(trans->shrd) & IWL_DL_FW_ERRORS) - iwl_print_rx_config_cmd(priv(trans), IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS); -#endif - iwlagn_fw_error(priv, false); + iwl_op_mode_nic_error(trans->op_mode); } #define EVENT_START_OFFSET (4 * sizeof(u32)) @@ -719,7 +716,6 @@ static int iwl_print_event_log(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 start_idx, u32 ptr; /* SRAM byte address of log data */ u32 ev, time, data; /* event log data */ unsigned long reg_flags; - struct iwl_priv *priv = priv(trans); if (num_events == 0) return pos; @@ -727,10 +723,10 @@ static int iwl_print_event_log(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 start_idx, base = trans->shrd->device_pointers.log_event_table; if (trans->shrd->ucode_type == IWL_UCODE_INIT) { if (!base) - base = priv->init_evtlog_ptr; + base = trans->shrd->fw->init_evtlog_ptr; } else { if (!base) - base = priv->inst_evtlog_ptr; + base = trans->shrd->fw->inst_evtlog_ptr; } if (mode == 0) @@ -741,18 +737,18 @@ static int iwl_print_event_log(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 start_idx, ptr = base + EVENT_START_OFFSET + (start_idx * event_size); /* Make sure device is powered up for SRAM reads */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&bus(trans)->reg_lock, reg_flags); - iwl_grab_nic_access(bus(trans)); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->reg_lock, reg_flags); + if (unlikely(!iwl_grab_nic_access(trans))) + goto out_unlock; /* Set starting address; reads will auto-increment */ - iwl_write32(bus(trans), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RADDR, ptr); - rmb(); + iwl_write32(trans, HBUS_TARG_MEM_RADDR, ptr); /* "time" is actually "data" for mode 0 (no timestamp). * place event id # at far right for easier visual parsing. */ for (i = 0; i < num_events; i++) { - ev = iwl_read32(bus(trans), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); - time = iwl_read32(bus(trans), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); + ev = iwl_read32(trans, HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); + time = iwl_read32(trans, HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); if (mode == 0) { /* data, ev */ if (bufsz) { @@ -760,13 +756,13 @@ static int iwl_print_event_log(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 start_idx, "EVT_LOG:0x%08x:%04u\n", time, ev); } else { - trace_iwlwifi_dev_ucode_event(priv, 0, + trace_iwlwifi_dev_ucode_event(trans->dev, 0, time, ev); IWL_ERR(trans, "EVT_LOG:0x%08x:%04u\n", time, ev); } } else { - data = iwl_read32(bus(trans), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); + data = iwl_read32(trans, HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); if (bufsz) { pos += scnprintf(*buf + pos, bufsz - pos, "EVT_LOGT:%010u:0x%08x:%04u\n", @@ -774,15 +770,16 @@ static int iwl_print_event_log(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 start_idx, } else { IWL_ERR(trans, "EVT_LOGT:%010u:0x%08x:%04u\n", time, data, ev); - trace_iwlwifi_dev_ucode_event(priv, time, + trace_iwlwifi_dev_ucode_event(trans->dev, time, data, ev); } } } /* Allow device to power down */ - iwl_release_nic_access(bus(trans)); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus(trans)->reg_lock, reg_flags); + iwl_release_nic_access(trans); +out_unlock: + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->reg_lock, reg_flags); return pos; } @@ -836,17 +833,16 @@ int iwl_dump_nic_event_log(struct iwl_trans *trans, bool full_log, u32 logsize; int pos = 0; size_t bufsz = 0; - struct iwl_priv *priv = priv(trans); base = trans->shrd->device_pointers.log_event_table; if (trans->shrd->ucode_type == IWL_UCODE_INIT) { - logsize = priv->init_evtlog_size; + logsize = trans->shrd->fw->init_evtlog_size; if (!base) - base = priv->init_evtlog_ptr; + base = trans->shrd->fw->init_evtlog_ptr; } else { - logsize = priv->inst_evtlog_size; + logsize = trans->shrd->fw->inst_evtlog_size; if (!base) - base = priv->inst_evtlog_ptr; + base = trans->shrd->fw->inst_evtlog_ptr; } if (!iwlagn_hw_valid_rtc_data_addr(base)) { @@ -859,10 +855,10 @@ int iwl_dump_nic_event_log(struct iwl_trans *trans, bool full_log, } /* event log header */ - capacity = iwl_read_targ_mem(bus(trans), base); - mode = iwl_read_targ_mem(bus(trans), base + (1 * sizeof(u32))); - num_wraps = iwl_read_targ_mem(bus(trans), base + (2 * sizeof(u32))); - next_entry = iwl_read_targ_mem(bus(trans), base + (3 * sizeof(u32))); + capacity = iwl_read_targ_mem(trans, base); + mode = iwl_read_targ_mem(trans, base + (1 * sizeof(u32))); + num_wraps = iwl_read_targ_mem(trans, base + (2 * sizeof(u32))); + next_entry = iwl_read_targ_mem(trans, base + (3 * sizeof(u32))); if (capacity > logsize) { IWL_ERR(trans, "Log capacity %d is bogus, limit to %d " @@ -885,7 +881,7 @@ int iwl_dump_nic_event_log(struct iwl_trans *trans, bool full_log, } #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG - if (!(iwl_get_debug_level(trans->shrd) & IWL_DL_FW_ERRORS) && !full_log) + if (!(iwl_have_debug_level(IWL_DL_FW_ERRORS)) && !full_log) size = (size > DEFAULT_DUMP_EVENT_LOG_ENTRIES) ? DEFAULT_DUMP_EVENT_LOG_ENTRIES : size; #else @@ -905,7 +901,7 @@ int iwl_dump_nic_event_log(struct iwl_trans *trans, bool full_log, if (!*buf) return -ENOMEM; } - if ((iwl_get_debug_level(trans->shrd) & IWL_DL_FW_ERRORS) || full_log) { + if (iwl_have_debug_level(IWL_DL_FW_ERRORS) || full_log) { /* * if uCode has wrapped back to top of log, * start at the oldest entry, @@ -945,7 +941,7 @@ void iwl_irq_tasklet(struct iwl_trans *trans) struct isr_statistics *isr_stats = &trans_pcie->isr_stats; - spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); /* Ack/clear/reset pending uCode interrupts. * Note: Some bits in CSR_INT are "OR" of bits in CSR_FH_INT_STATUS, @@ -958,15 +954,15 @@ void iwl_irq_tasklet(struct iwl_trans *trans) * hardware bugs here by ACKing all the possible interrupts so that * interrupt coalescing can still be achieved. */ - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_INT, + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_INT, trans_pcie->inta | ~trans_pcie->inta_mask); inta = trans_pcie->inta; #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG - if (iwl_get_debug_level(trans->shrd) & IWL_DL_ISR) { + if (iwl_have_debug_level(IWL_DL_ISR)) { /* just for debug */ - inta_mask = iwl_read32(bus(trans), CSR_INT_MASK); + inta_mask = iwl_read32(trans, CSR_INT_MASK); IWL_DEBUG_ISR(trans, "inta 0x%08x, enabled 0x%08x\n ", inta, inta_mask); } @@ -975,7 +971,7 @@ void iwl_irq_tasklet(struct iwl_trans *trans) /* saved interrupt in inta variable now we can reset trans_pcie->inta */ trans_pcie->inta = 0; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); /* Now service all interrupt bits discovered above. */ if (inta & CSR_INT_BIT_HW_ERR) { @@ -993,7 +989,7 @@ void iwl_irq_tasklet(struct iwl_trans *trans) } #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG - if (iwl_get_debug_level(trans->shrd) & (IWL_DL_ISR)) { + if (iwl_have_debug_level(IWL_DL_ISR)) { /* NIC fires this, but we don't use it, redundant with WAKEUP */ if (inta & CSR_INT_BIT_SCD) { IWL_DEBUG_ISR(trans, "Scheduler finished to transmit " @@ -1013,30 +1009,16 @@ void iwl_irq_tasklet(struct iwl_trans *trans) /* HW RF KILL switch toggled */ if (inta & CSR_INT_BIT_RF_KILL) { - int hw_rf_kill = 0; - if (!(iwl_read32(bus(trans), CSR_GP_CNTRL) & - CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_HW_RF_KILL_SW)) - hw_rf_kill = 1; + bool hw_rfkill; + hw_rfkill = !(iwl_read32(trans, CSR_GP_CNTRL) & + CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_HW_RF_KILL_SW); IWL_WARN(trans, "RF_KILL bit toggled to %s.\n", - hw_rf_kill ? "disable radio" : "enable radio"); + hw_rfkill ? "disable radio" : "enable radio"); isr_stats->rfkill++; - /* driver only loads ucode once setting the interface up. - * the driver allows loading the ucode even if the radio - * is killed. Hence update the killswitch state here. The - * rfkill handler will care about restarting if needed. - */ - if (!test_bit(STATUS_ALIVE, &trans->shrd->status)) { - if (hw_rf_kill) - set_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, - &trans->shrd->status); - else - clear_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, - &trans->shrd->status); - iwl_set_hw_rfkill_state(priv(trans), hw_rf_kill); - } + iwl_op_mode_hw_rf_kill(trans->op_mode, hw_rfkill); handled |= CSR_INT_BIT_RF_KILL; } @@ -1061,7 +1043,7 @@ void iwl_irq_tasklet(struct iwl_trans *trans) if (inta & CSR_INT_BIT_WAKEUP) { IWL_DEBUG_ISR(trans, "Wakeup interrupt\n"); iwl_rx_queue_update_write_ptr(trans, &trans_pcie->rxq); - for (i = 0; i < hw_params(trans).max_txq_num; i++) + for (i = 0; i < cfg(trans)->base_params->num_of_queues; i++) iwl_txq_update_write_ptr(trans, &trans_pcie->txq[i]); @@ -1078,12 +1060,12 @@ void iwl_irq_tasklet(struct iwl_trans *trans) IWL_DEBUG_ISR(trans, "Rx interrupt\n"); if (inta & (CSR_INT_BIT_FH_RX | CSR_INT_BIT_SW_RX)) { handled |= (CSR_INT_BIT_FH_RX | CSR_INT_BIT_SW_RX); - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_FH_INT_STATUS, + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_FH_INT_STATUS, CSR_FH_INT_RX_MASK); } if (inta & CSR_INT_BIT_RX_PERIODIC) { handled |= CSR_INT_BIT_RX_PERIODIC; - iwl_write32(bus(trans), + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_INT, CSR_INT_BIT_RX_PERIODIC); } /* Sending RX interrupt require many steps to be done in the @@ -1098,10 +1080,13 @@ void iwl_irq_tasklet(struct iwl_trans *trans) */ /* Disable periodic interrupt; we use it as just a one-shot. */ - iwl_write8(bus(trans), CSR_INT_PERIODIC_REG, + iwl_write8(trans, CSR_INT_PERIODIC_REG, CSR_INT_PERIODIC_DIS); +#ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_IDI + iwl_amfh_rx_handler(); +#else iwl_rx_handle(trans); - +#endif /* * Enable periodic interrupt in 8 msec only if we received * real RX interrupt (instead of just periodic int), to catch @@ -1110,7 +1095,7 @@ void iwl_irq_tasklet(struct iwl_trans *trans) * to extend the periodic interrupt; one-shot is enough. */ if (inta & (CSR_INT_BIT_FH_RX | CSR_INT_BIT_SW_RX)) - iwl_write8(bus(trans), CSR_INT_PERIODIC_REG, + iwl_write8(trans, CSR_INT_PERIODIC_REG, CSR_INT_PERIODIC_ENA); isr_stats->rx++; @@ -1118,13 +1103,13 @@ void iwl_irq_tasklet(struct iwl_trans *trans) /* This "Tx" DMA channel is used only for loading uCode */ if (inta & CSR_INT_BIT_FH_TX) { - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_FH_INT_STATUS, CSR_FH_INT_TX_MASK); + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_FH_INT_STATUS, CSR_FH_INT_TX_MASK); IWL_DEBUG_ISR(trans, "uCode load interrupt\n"); isr_stats->tx++; handled |= CSR_INT_BIT_FH_TX; /* Wake up uCode load routine, now that load is complete */ - trans->ucode_write_complete = 1; - wake_up(&trans->shrd->wait_command_queue); + trans_pcie->ucode_write_complete = true; + wake_up(&trans_pcie->ucode_write_waitq); } if (inta & ~handled) { @@ -1139,11 +1124,11 @@ void iwl_irq_tasklet(struct iwl_trans *trans) /* Re-enable all interrupts */ /* only Re-enable if disabled by irq */ - if (test_bit(STATUS_INT_ENABLED, &trans->shrd->status)) + if (test_bit(STATUS_INT_ENABLED, &trans_pcie->status)) iwl_enable_interrupts(trans); /* Re-enable RF_KILL if it occurred */ else if (handled & CSR_INT_BIT_RF_KILL) - iwl_enable_rfkill_int(priv(trans)); + iwl_enable_rfkill_int(trans); } /****************************************************************************** @@ -1164,7 +1149,7 @@ void iwl_free_isr_ict(struct iwl_trans *trans) IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); if (trans_pcie->ict_tbl) { - dma_free_coherent(bus(trans)->dev, ICT_SIZE, + dma_free_coherent(trans->dev, ICT_SIZE, trans_pcie->ict_tbl, trans_pcie->ict_tbl_dma); trans_pcie->ict_tbl = NULL; @@ -1184,7 +1169,7 @@ int iwl_alloc_isr_ict(struct iwl_trans *trans) IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); trans_pcie->ict_tbl = - dma_alloc_coherent(bus(trans)->dev, ICT_SIZE, + dma_alloc_coherent(trans->dev, ICT_SIZE, &trans_pcie->ict_tbl_dma, GFP_KERNEL); if (!trans_pcie->ict_tbl) @@ -1213,7 +1198,7 @@ int iwl_alloc_isr_ict(struct iwl_trans *trans) /* Device is going up inform it about using ICT interrupt table, * also we need to tell the driver to start using ICT interrupt. */ -int iwl_reset_ict(struct iwl_trans *trans) +void iwl_reset_ict(struct iwl_trans *trans) { u32 val; unsigned long flags; @@ -1221,9 +1206,9 @@ int iwl_reset_ict(struct iwl_trans *trans) IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); if (!trans_pcie->ict_tbl) - return 0; + return; - spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); iwl_disable_interrupts(trans); memset(trans_pcie->ict_tbl, 0, ICT_SIZE); @@ -1235,14 +1220,12 @@ int iwl_reset_ict(struct iwl_trans *trans) IWL_DEBUG_ISR(trans, "CSR_DRAM_INT_TBL_REG =0x%x\n", val); - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_DRAM_INT_TBL_REG, val); + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_DRAM_INT_TBL_REG, val); trans_pcie->use_ict = true; trans_pcie->ict_index = 0; - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_INT, trans_pcie->inta_mask); + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_INT, trans_pcie->inta_mask); iwl_enable_interrupts(trans); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); - - return 0; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); } /* Device is going down disable ict interrupt usage */ @@ -1253,9 +1236,9 @@ void iwl_disable_ict(struct iwl_trans *trans) unsigned long flags; - spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); trans_pcie->use_ict = false; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); } static irqreturn_t iwl_isr(int irq, void *data) @@ -1270,21 +1253,21 @@ static irqreturn_t iwl_isr(int irq, void *data) if (!trans) return IRQ_NONE; - trace_iwlwifi_dev_irq(priv(trans)); + trace_iwlwifi_dev_irq(trans->dev); trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); - spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); /* Disable (but don't clear!) interrupts here to avoid * back-to-back ISRs and sporadic interrupts from our NIC. * If we have something to service, the tasklet will re-enable ints. * If we *don't* have something, we'll re-enable before leaving here. */ - inta_mask = iwl_read32(bus(trans), CSR_INT_MASK); /* just for debug */ - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_INT_MASK, 0x00000000); + inta_mask = iwl_read32(trans, CSR_INT_MASK); /* just for debug */ + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_INT_MASK, 0x00000000); /* Discover which interrupts are active/pending */ - inta = iwl_read32(bus(trans), CSR_INT); + inta = iwl_read32(trans, CSR_INT); /* Ignore interrupt if there's nothing in NIC to service. * This may be due to IRQ shared with another device, @@ -1302,8 +1285,8 @@ static irqreturn_t iwl_isr(int irq, void *data) } #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG - if (iwl_get_debug_level(trans->shrd) & (IWL_DL_ISR)) { - inta_fh = iwl_read32(bus(trans), CSR_FH_INT_STATUS); + if (iwl_have_debug_level(IWL_DL_ISR)) { + inta_fh = iwl_read32(trans, CSR_FH_INT_STATUS); IWL_DEBUG_ISR(trans, "ISR inta 0x%08x, enabled 0x%08x, " "fh 0x%08x\n", inta, inta_mask, inta_fh); } @@ -1313,22 +1296,22 @@ static irqreturn_t iwl_isr(int irq, void *data) /* iwl_irq_tasklet() will service interrupts and re-enable them */ if (likely(inta)) tasklet_schedule(&trans_pcie->irq_tasklet); - else if (test_bit(STATUS_INT_ENABLED, &trans->shrd->status) && + else if (test_bit(STATUS_INT_ENABLED, &trans_pcie->status) && !trans_pcie->inta) iwl_enable_interrupts(trans); unplugged: - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); return IRQ_HANDLED; none: /* re-enable interrupts here since we don't have anything to service. */ /* only Re-enable if disabled by irq and no schedules tasklet. */ - if (test_bit(STATUS_INT_ENABLED, &trans->shrd->status) && + if (test_bit(STATUS_INT_ENABLED, &trans_pcie->status) && !trans_pcie->inta) iwl_enable_interrupts(trans); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); return IRQ_NONE; } @@ -1360,24 +1343,24 @@ irqreturn_t iwl_isr_ict(int irq, void *data) if (!trans_pcie->use_ict) return iwl_isr(irq, data); - trace_iwlwifi_dev_irq(priv(trans)); + trace_iwlwifi_dev_irq(trans->dev); - spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); /* Disable (but don't clear!) interrupts here to avoid * back-to-back ISRs and sporadic interrupts from our NIC. * If we have something to service, the tasklet will re-enable ints. * If we *don't* have something, we'll re-enable before leaving here. */ - inta_mask = iwl_read32(bus(trans), CSR_INT_MASK); /* just for debug */ - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_INT_MASK, 0x00000000); + inta_mask = iwl_read32(trans, CSR_INT_MASK); /* just for debug */ + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_INT_MASK, 0x00000000); /* Ignore interrupt if there's nothing in NIC to service. * This may be due to IRQ shared with another device, * or due to sporadic interrupts thrown from our NIC. */ read = le32_to_cpu(trans_pcie->ict_tbl[trans_pcie->ict_index]); - trace_iwlwifi_dev_ict_read(priv(trans), trans_pcie->ict_index, read); + trace_iwlwifi_dev_ict_read(trans->dev, trans_pcie->ict_index, read); if (!read) { IWL_DEBUG_ISR(trans, "Ignore interrupt, inta == 0\n"); goto none; @@ -1396,7 +1379,7 @@ irqreturn_t iwl_isr_ict(int irq, void *data) iwl_queue_inc_wrap(trans_pcie->ict_index, ICT_COUNT); read = le32_to_cpu(trans_pcie->ict_tbl[trans_pcie->ict_index]); - trace_iwlwifi_dev_ict_read(priv(trans), trans_pcie->ict_index, + trace_iwlwifi_dev_ict_read(trans->dev, trans_pcie->ict_index, read); } while (read); @@ -1424,7 +1407,7 @@ irqreturn_t iwl_isr_ict(int irq, void *data) /* iwl_irq_tasklet() will service interrupts and re-enable them */ if (likely(inta)) tasklet_schedule(&trans_pcie->irq_tasklet); - else if (test_bit(STATUS_INT_ENABLED, &trans->shrd->status) && + else if (test_bit(STATUS_INT_ENABLED, &trans_pcie->status) && !trans_pcie->inta) { /* Allow interrupt if was disabled by this handler and * no tasklet was schedules, We should not enable interrupt, @@ -1433,17 +1416,17 @@ irqreturn_t iwl_isr_ict(int irq, void *data) iwl_enable_interrupts(trans); } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); return IRQ_HANDLED; none: /* re-enable interrupts here since we don't have anything to service. * only Re-enable if disabled by irq. */ - if (test_bit(STATUS_INT_ENABLED, &trans->shrd->status) && + if (test_bit(STATUS_INT_ENABLED, &trans_pcie->status) && !trans_pcie->inta) iwl_enable_interrupts(trans); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); return IRQ_NONE; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans-pcie-tx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans-pcie-tx.c index bd29568177e6354eb2f6523c0a782155221072a5..e92972fd6ecfc1e794e32470cdc760b1c668f230 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans-pcie-tx.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans-pcie-tx.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Portions of this file are derived from the ipw3945 project, as well * as portions of the ieee80211 subsystem header files. @@ -35,11 +35,49 @@ #include "iwl-prph.h" #include "iwl-io.h" #include "iwl-agn-hw.h" +#include "iwl-op-mode.h" #include "iwl-trans-pcie-int.h" #define IWL_TX_CRC_SIZE 4 #define IWL_TX_DELIMITER_SIZE 4 +/* + * mac80211 queues, ACs, hardware queues, FIFOs. + * + * Cf. http://wireless.kernel.org/en/developers/Documentation/mac80211/queues + * + * Mac80211 uses the following numbers, which we get as from it + * by way of skb_get_queue_mapping(skb): + * + * VO 0 + * VI 1 + * BE 2 + * BK 3 + * + * + * Regular (not A-MPDU) frames are put into hardware queues corresponding + * to the FIFOs, see comments in iwl-prph.h. Aggregated frames get their + * own queue per aggregation session (RA/TID combination), such queues are + * set up to map into FIFOs too, for which we need an AC->FIFO mapping. In + * order to map frames to the right queue, we also need an AC->hw queue + * mapping. This is implemented here. + * + * Due to the way hw queues are set up (by the hw specific code), the AC->hw + * queue mapping is the identity mapping. + */ + +static const u8 tid_to_ac[] = { + IEEE80211_AC_BE, + IEEE80211_AC_BK, + IEEE80211_AC_BK, + IEEE80211_AC_BE, + IEEE80211_AC_VI, + IEEE80211_AC_VI, + IEEE80211_AC_VO, + IEEE80211_AC_VO +}; + + /** * iwl_trans_txq_update_byte_cnt_tbl - Set up entry in Tx byte-count array */ @@ -98,9 +136,9 @@ void iwl_txq_update_write_ptr(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_tx_queue *txq) if (txq->need_update == 0) return; - if (hw_params(trans).shadow_reg_enable) { + if (cfg(trans)->base_params->shadow_reg_enable) { /* shadow register enabled */ - iwl_write32(bus(trans), HBUS_TARG_WRPTR, + iwl_write32(trans, HBUS_TARG_WRPTR, txq->q.write_ptr | (txq_id << 8)); } else { /* if we're trying to save power */ @@ -108,18 +146,18 @@ void iwl_txq_update_write_ptr(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_tx_queue *txq) /* wake up nic if it's powered down ... * uCode will wake up, and interrupt us again, so next * time we'll skip this part. */ - reg = iwl_read32(bus(trans), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1); + reg = iwl_read32(trans, CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1); if (reg & CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_BIT_MAC_SLEEP) { IWL_DEBUG_INFO(trans, "Tx queue %d requesting wakeup," " GP1 = 0x%x\n", txq_id, reg); - iwl_set_bit(bus(trans), CSR_GP_CNTRL, + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_GP_CNTRL, CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_ACCESS_REQ); return; } - iwl_write_direct32(bus(trans), HBUS_TARG_WRPTR, + iwl_write_direct32(trans, HBUS_TARG_WRPTR, txq->q.write_ptr | (txq_id << 8)); /* @@ -128,7 +166,7 @@ void iwl_txq_update_write_ptr(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_tx_queue *txq) * trying to tx (during RFKILL, we're not trying to tx). */ } else - iwl_write32(bus(trans), HBUS_TARG_WRPTR, + iwl_write32(trans, HBUS_TARG_WRPTR, txq->q.write_ptr | (txq_id << 8)); } txq->need_update = 0; @@ -190,14 +228,14 @@ static void iwlagn_unmap_tfd(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_cmd_meta *meta, /* Unmap tx_cmd */ if (num_tbs) - dma_unmap_single(bus(trans)->dev, + dma_unmap_single(trans->dev, dma_unmap_addr(meta, mapping), dma_unmap_len(meta, len), DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL); /* Unmap chunks, if any. */ for (i = 1; i < num_tbs; i++) - dma_unmap_single(bus(trans)->dev, iwl_tfd_tb_get_addr(tfd, i), + dma_unmap_single(trans->dev, iwl_tfd_tb_get_addr(tfd, i), iwl_tfd_tb_get_len(tfd, i), dma_dir); } @@ -216,6 +254,8 @@ void iwlagn_txq_free_tfd(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_tx_queue *txq, { struct iwl_tfd *tfd_tmp = txq->tfds; + lockdep_assert_held(&txq->lock); + iwlagn_unmap_tfd(trans, &txq->meta[index], &tfd_tmp[index], dma_dir); /* free SKB */ @@ -229,7 +269,7 @@ void iwlagn_txq_free_tfd(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_tx_queue *txq, * freed and that the queue is not empty - free the skb */ if (skb) { - iwl_free_skb(priv(trans), skb); + iwl_op_mode_free_skb(trans->op_mode, skb); txq->skbs[index] = NULL; } } @@ -357,7 +397,7 @@ static void iwlagn_txq_inval_byte_cnt_tbl(struct iwl_trans *trans, WARN_ON(read_ptr >= TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_MAX); - if (txq_id != trans->shrd->cmd_queue) + if (txq_id != trans_pcie->cmd_queue) sta_id = tx_cmd->sta_id; bc_ent = cpu_to_le16(1 | (sta_id << 12)); @@ -383,14 +423,14 @@ static int iwlagn_tx_queue_set_q2ratid(struct iwl_trans *trans, u16 ra_tid, tbl_dw_addr = trans_pcie->scd_base_addr + SCD_TRANS_TBL_OFFSET_QUEUE(txq_id); - tbl_dw = iwl_read_targ_mem(bus(trans), tbl_dw_addr); + tbl_dw = iwl_read_targ_mem(trans, tbl_dw_addr); if (txq_id & 0x1) tbl_dw = (scd_q2ratid << 16) | (tbl_dw & 0x0000FFFF); else tbl_dw = scd_q2ratid | (tbl_dw & 0xFFFF0000); - iwl_write_targ_mem(bus(trans), tbl_dw_addr, tbl_dw); + iwl_write_targ_mem(trans, tbl_dw_addr, tbl_dw); return 0; } @@ -399,7 +439,7 @@ static void iwlagn_tx_queue_stop_scheduler(struct iwl_trans *trans, u16 txq_id) { /* Simply stop the queue, but don't change any configuration; * the SCD_ACT_EN bit is the write-enable mask for the ACTIVE bit. */ - iwl_write_prph(bus(trans), + iwl_write_prph(trans, SCD_QUEUE_STATUS_BITS(txq_id), (0 << SCD_QUEUE_STTS_REG_POS_ACTIVE)| (1 << SCD_QUEUE_STTS_REG_POS_SCD_ACT_EN)); @@ -409,9 +449,9 @@ void iwl_trans_set_wr_ptrs(struct iwl_trans *trans, int txq_id, u32 index) { IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(trans, "Q %d WrPtr: %d", txq_id, index & 0xff); - iwl_write_direct32(bus(trans), HBUS_TARG_WRPTR, + iwl_write_direct32(trans, HBUS_TARG_WRPTR, (index & 0xff) | (txq_id << 8)); - iwl_write_prph(bus(trans), SCD_QUEUE_RDPTR(txq_id), index); + iwl_write_prph(trans, SCD_QUEUE_RDPTR(txq_id), index); } void iwl_trans_tx_queue_set_status(struct iwl_trans *trans, @@ -423,7 +463,7 @@ void iwl_trans_tx_queue_set_status(struct iwl_trans *trans, int active = test_bit(txq_id, &trans_pcie->txq_ctx_active_msk) ? 1 : 0; - iwl_write_prph(bus(trans), SCD_QUEUE_STATUS_BITS(txq_id), + iwl_write_prph(trans, SCD_QUEUE_STATUS_BITS(txq_id), (active << SCD_QUEUE_STTS_REG_POS_ACTIVE) | (tx_fifo_id << SCD_QUEUE_STTS_REG_POS_TXF) | (1 << SCD_QUEUE_STTS_REG_POS_WSL) | @@ -431,9 +471,21 @@ void iwl_trans_tx_queue_set_status(struct iwl_trans *trans, txq->sched_retry = scd_retry; - IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(trans, "%s %s Queue %d on FIFO %d\n", - active ? "Activate" : "Deactivate", - scd_retry ? "BA" : "AC/CMD", txq_id, tx_fifo_id); + if (active) + IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(trans, "Activate %s Queue %d on FIFO %d\n", + scd_retry ? "BA" : "AC/CMD", txq_id, tx_fifo_id); + else + IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(trans, "Deactivate %s Queue %d\n", + scd_retry ? "BA" : "AC/CMD", txq_id); +} + +static inline int get_ac_from_tid(u16 tid) +{ + if (likely(tid < ARRAY_SIZE(tid_to_ac))) + return tid_to_ac[tid]; + + /* no support for TIDs 8-15 yet */ + return -EINVAL; } static inline int get_fifo_from_tid(struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie, @@ -478,7 +530,7 @@ void iwl_trans_pcie_tx_agg_setup(struct iwl_trans *trans, } txq_id = trans_pcie->agg_txq[sta_id][tid]; - if (WARN_ON_ONCE(is_agg_txqid_valid(trans, txq_id) == false)) { + if (WARN_ON_ONCE(!is_agg_txqid_valid(trans, txq_id))) { IWL_ERR(trans, "queue number out of range: %d, must be %d to %d\n", txq_id, IWLAGN_FIRST_AMPDU_QUEUE, @@ -489,7 +541,7 @@ void iwl_trans_pcie_tx_agg_setup(struct iwl_trans *trans, ra_tid = BUILD_RAxTID(sta_id, tid); - spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); /* Stop this Tx queue before configuring it */ iwlagn_tx_queue_stop_scheduler(trans, txq_id); @@ -498,10 +550,10 @@ void iwl_trans_pcie_tx_agg_setup(struct iwl_trans *trans, iwlagn_tx_queue_set_q2ratid(trans, ra_tid, txq_id); /* Set this queue as a chain-building queue */ - iwl_set_bits_prph(bus(trans), SCD_QUEUECHAIN_SEL, (1<scd_base_addr + + iwl_write_targ_mem(trans, trans_pcie->scd_base_addr + SCD_CONTEXT_QUEUE_OFFSET(txq_id) + sizeof(u32), ((frame_limit << @@ -520,7 +572,7 @@ void iwl_trans_pcie_tx_agg_setup(struct iwl_trans *trans, SCD_QUEUE_CTX_REG2_FRAME_LIMIT_POS) & SCD_QUEUE_CTX_REG2_FRAME_LIMIT_MSK)); - iwl_set_bits_prph(bus(trans), SCD_INTERRUPT_MASK, (1 << txq_id)); + iwl_set_bits_prph(trans, SCD_INTERRUPT_MASK, (1 << txq_id)); /* Set up Status area in SRAM, map to Tx DMA/FIFO, activate the queue */ iwl_trans_tx_queue_set_status(trans, &trans_pcie->txq[txq_id], @@ -529,7 +581,7 @@ void iwl_trans_pcie_tx_agg_setup(struct iwl_trans *trans, trans_pcie->txq[txq_id].sta_id = sta_id; trans_pcie->txq[txq_id].tid = tid; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); } /* @@ -543,7 +595,8 @@ static int iwlagn_txq_ctx_activate_free(struct iwl_trans *trans) struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); int txq_id; - for (txq_id = 0; txq_id < hw_params(trans).max_txq_num; txq_id++) + for (txq_id = 0; txq_id < cfg(trans)->base_params->num_of_queues; + txq_id++) if (!test_and_set_bit(txq_id, &trans_pcie->txq_ctx_active_msk)) return txq_id; @@ -573,7 +626,7 @@ int iwl_trans_pcie_tx_agg_disable(struct iwl_trans *trans, int sta_id, int tid) struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); u8 txq_id = trans_pcie->agg_txq[sta_id][tid]; - if (WARN_ON_ONCE(is_agg_txqid_valid(trans, txq_id) == false)) { + if (WARN_ON_ONCE(!is_agg_txqid_valid(trans, txq_id))) { IWL_ERR(trans, "queue number out of range: %d, must be %d to %d\n", txq_id, IWLAGN_FIRST_AMPDU_QUEUE, @@ -584,7 +637,7 @@ int iwl_trans_pcie_tx_agg_disable(struct iwl_trans *trans, int sta_id, int tid) iwlagn_tx_queue_stop_scheduler(trans, txq_id); - iwl_clear_bits_prph(bus(trans), SCD_AGGR_SEL, (1 << txq_id)); + iwl_clear_bits_prph(trans, SCD_AGGR_SEL, (1 << txq_id)); trans_pcie->agg_txq[sta_id][tid] = 0; trans_pcie->txq[txq_id].q.read_ptr = 0; @@ -592,7 +645,7 @@ int iwl_trans_pcie_tx_agg_disable(struct iwl_trans *trans, int sta_id, int tid) /* supposes that ssn_idx is valid (!= 0xFFF) */ iwl_trans_set_wr_ptrs(trans, txq_id, 0); - iwl_clear_bits_prph(bus(trans), SCD_INTERRUPT_MASK, (1 << txq_id)); + iwl_clear_bits_prph(trans, SCD_INTERRUPT_MASK, (1 << txq_id)); iwl_txq_ctx_deactivate(trans_pcie, txq_id); iwl_trans_tx_queue_set_status(trans, &trans_pcie->txq[txq_id], 0, 0); return 0; @@ -612,15 +665,13 @@ int iwl_trans_pcie_tx_agg_disable(struct iwl_trans *trans, int sta_id, int tid) static int iwl_enqueue_hcmd(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd) { struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); - struct iwl_tx_queue *txq = &trans_pcie->txq[trans->shrd->cmd_queue]; + struct iwl_tx_queue *txq = &trans_pcie->txq[trans_pcie->cmd_queue]; struct iwl_queue *q = &txq->q; struct iwl_device_cmd *out_cmd; struct iwl_cmd_meta *out_meta; dma_addr_t phys_addr; - unsigned long flags; u32 idx; u16 copy_size, cmd_size; - bool is_ct_kill = false; bool had_nocopy = false; int i; u8 *cmd_dest; @@ -635,12 +686,6 @@ static int iwl_enqueue_hcmd(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd) return -EIO; } - if ((trans->shrd->ucode_owner == IWL_OWNERSHIP_TM) && - !(cmd->flags & CMD_ON_DEMAND)) { - IWL_DEBUG_HC(trans, "tm own the uCode, no regular hcmd send\n"); - return -EIO; - } - copy_size = sizeof(out_cmd->hdr); cmd_size = sizeof(out_cmd->hdr); @@ -670,23 +715,13 @@ static int iwl_enqueue_hcmd(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd) if (WARN_ON(copy_size > TFD_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE)) return -EINVAL; - if (iwl_is_rfkill(trans->shrd) || iwl_is_ctkill(trans->shrd)) { - IWL_WARN(trans, "Not sending command - %s KILL\n", - iwl_is_rfkill(trans->shrd) ? "RF" : "CT"); - return -EIO; - } - - spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->hcmd_lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&txq->lock); if (iwl_queue_space(q) < ((cmd->flags & CMD_ASYNC) ? 2 : 1)) { - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->hcmd_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&txq->lock); IWL_ERR(trans, "No space in command queue\n"); - is_ct_kill = iwl_check_for_ct_kill(priv(trans)); - if (!is_ct_kill) { - IWL_ERR(trans, "Restarting adapter queue is full\n"); - iwlagn_fw_error(priv(trans), false); - } + iwl_op_mode_cmd_queue_full(trans->op_mode); return -ENOSPC; } @@ -703,7 +738,7 @@ static int iwl_enqueue_hcmd(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd) out_cmd->hdr.cmd = cmd->id; out_cmd->hdr.flags = 0; out_cmd->hdr.sequence = - cpu_to_le16(QUEUE_TO_SEQ(trans->shrd->cmd_queue) | + cpu_to_le16(QUEUE_TO_SEQ(trans_pcie->cmd_queue) | INDEX_TO_SEQ(q->write_ptr)); /* and copy the data that needs to be copied */ @@ -723,11 +758,11 @@ static int iwl_enqueue_hcmd(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd) get_cmd_string(out_cmd->hdr.cmd), out_cmd->hdr.cmd, le16_to_cpu(out_cmd->hdr.sequence), cmd_size, - q->write_ptr, idx, trans->shrd->cmd_queue); + q->write_ptr, idx, trans_pcie->cmd_queue); - phys_addr = dma_map_single(bus(trans)->dev, &out_cmd->hdr, copy_size, + phys_addr = dma_map_single(trans->dev, &out_cmd->hdr, copy_size, DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL); - if (unlikely(dma_mapping_error(bus(trans)->dev, phys_addr))) { + if (unlikely(dma_mapping_error(trans->dev, phys_addr))) { idx = -ENOMEM; goto out; } @@ -748,10 +783,10 @@ static int iwl_enqueue_hcmd(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd) continue; if (!(cmd->dataflags[i] & IWL_HCMD_DFL_NOCOPY)) continue; - phys_addr = dma_map_single(bus(trans)->dev, + phys_addr = dma_map_single(trans->dev, (void *)cmd->data[i], cmd->len[i], DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL); - if (dma_mapping_error(bus(trans)->dev, phys_addr)) { + if (dma_mapping_error(trans->dev, phys_addr)) { iwlagn_unmap_tfd(trans, out_meta, &txq->tfds[q->write_ptr], DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL); @@ -775,7 +810,7 @@ static int iwl_enqueue_hcmd(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd) /* check that tracing gets all possible blocks */ BUILD_BUG_ON(IWL_MAX_CMD_TFDS + 1 != 3); #ifdef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEVICE_TRACING - trace_iwlwifi_dev_hcmd(priv(trans), cmd->flags, + trace_iwlwifi_dev_hcmd(trans->dev, cmd->flags, trace_bufs[0], trace_lens[0], trace_bufs[1], trace_lens[1], trace_bufs[2], trace_lens[2]); @@ -786,7 +821,7 @@ static int iwl_enqueue_hcmd(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd) iwl_txq_update_write_ptr(trans, txq); out: - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->hcmd_lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&txq->lock); return idx; } @@ -805,6 +840,8 @@ static void iwl_hcmd_queue_reclaim(struct iwl_trans *trans, int txq_id, struct iwl_queue *q = &txq->q; int nfreed = 0; + lockdep_assert_held(&txq->lock); + if ((idx >= q->n_bd) || (iwl_queue_used(q, idx) == 0)) { IWL_ERR(trans, "%s: Read index for DMA queue txq id (%d), " "index %d is out of range [0-%d] %d %d.\n", __func__, @@ -818,7 +855,7 @@ static void iwl_hcmd_queue_reclaim(struct iwl_trans *trans, int txq_id, if (nfreed++ > 0) { IWL_ERR(trans, "HCMD skipped: index (%d) %d %d\n", idx, q->write_ptr, q->read_ptr); - iwlagn_fw_error(priv(trans), false); + iwl_op_mode_nic_error(trans->op_mode); } } @@ -834,7 +871,7 @@ static void iwl_hcmd_queue_reclaim(struct iwl_trans *trans, int txq_id, * will be executed. The attached skb (if present) will only be freed * if the callback returns 1 */ -void iwl_tx_cmd_complete(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, +void iwl_tx_cmd_complete(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, int handler_status) { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); @@ -845,21 +882,22 @@ void iwl_tx_cmd_complete(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd; struct iwl_cmd_meta *meta; struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); - struct iwl_tx_queue *txq = &trans_pcie->txq[trans->shrd->cmd_queue]; - unsigned long flags; + struct iwl_tx_queue *txq = &trans_pcie->txq[trans_pcie->cmd_queue]; /* If a Tx command is being handled and it isn't in the actual * command queue then there a command routing bug has been introduced * in the queue management code. */ - if (WARN(txq_id != trans->shrd->cmd_queue, + if (WARN(txq_id != trans_pcie->cmd_queue, "wrong command queue %d (should be %d), sequence 0x%X readp=%d writep=%d\n", - txq_id, trans->shrd->cmd_queue, sequence, - trans_pcie->txq[trans->shrd->cmd_queue].q.read_ptr, - trans_pcie->txq[trans->shrd->cmd_queue].q.write_ptr)) { + txq_id, trans_pcie->cmd_queue, sequence, + trans_pcie->txq[trans_pcie->cmd_queue].q.read_ptr, + trans_pcie->txq[trans_pcie->cmd_queue].q.write_ptr)) { iwl_print_hex_error(trans, pkt, 32); return; } + spin_lock(&txq->lock); + cmd_index = get_cmd_index(&txq->q, index); cmd = txq->cmd[cmd_index]; meta = &txq->meta[cmd_index]; @@ -871,13 +909,14 @@ void iwl_tx_cmd_complete(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, /* Input error checking is done when commands are added to queue. */ if (meta->flags & CMD_WANT_SKB) { - meta->source->reply_page = (unsigned long)rxb_addr(rxb); + struct page *p = rxb_steal_page(rxb); + + meta->source->resp_pkt = pkt; + meta->source->_rx_page_addr = (unsigned long)page_address(p); + meta->source->_rx_page_order = hw_params(trans).rx_page_order; meta->source->handler_status = handler_status; - rxb->page = NULL; } - spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->hcmd_lock, flags); - iwl_hcmd_queue_reclaim(trans, txq_id, index); if (!(meta->flags & CMD_ASYNC)) { @@ -889,12 +928,12 @@ void iwl_tx_cmd_complete(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, clear_bit(STATUS_HCMD_ACTIVE, &trans->shrd->status); IWL_DEBUG_INFO(trans, "Clearing HCMD_ACTIVE for command %s\n", get_cmd_string(cmd->hdr.cmd)); - wake_up(&trans->shrd->wait_command_queue); + wake_up(&trans->wait_command_queue); } meta->flags = 0; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->hcmd_lock, flags); + spin_unlock(&txq->lock); } #define HOST_COMPLETE_TIMEOUT (2 * HZ) @@ -908,12 +947,9 @@ static int iwl_send_cmd_async(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd) return -EINVAL; - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &trans->shrd->status)) - return -EBUSY; - ret = iwl_enqueue_hcmd(trans, cmd); if (ret < 0) { - IWL_DEBUG_QUIET_RFKILL(trans, + IWL_ERR(trans, "Error sending %s: enqueue_hcmd failed: %d\n", get_cmd_string(cmd->id), ret); return ret; @@ -927,26 +963,22 @@ static int iwl_send_cmd_sync(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd) int cmd_idx; int ret; - lockdep_assert_held(&trans->shrd->mutex); - IWL_DEBUG_INFO(trans, "Attempting to send sync command %s\n", get_cmd_string(cmd->id)); - if (test_bit(STATUS_EXIT_PENDING, &trans->shrd->status)) - return -EBUSY; - - - if (test_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &trans->shrd->status)) { - IWL_ERR(trans, "Command %s aborted: RF KILL Switch\n", - get_cmd_string(cmd->id)); - return -ECANCELED; - } if (test_bit(STATUS_FW_ERROR, &trans->shrd->status)) { IWL_ERR(trans, "Command %s failed: FW Error\n", get_cmd_string(cmd->id)); return -EIO; } - set_bit(STATUS_HCMD_ACTIVE, &trans->shrd->status); + + if (WARN_ON(test_and_set_bit(STATUS_HCMD_ACTIVE, + &trans->shrd->status))) { + IWL_ERR(trans, "Command %s: a command is already active!\n", + get_cmd_string(cmd->id)); + return -EIO; + } + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(trans, "Setting HCMD_ACTIVE for command %s\n", get_cmd_string(cmd->id)); @@ -954,27 +986,27 @@ static int iwl_send_cmd_sync(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd) if (cmd_idx < 0) { ret = cmd_idx; clear_bit(STATUS_HCMD_ACTIVE, &trans->shrd->status); - IWL_DEBUG_QUIET_RFKILL(trans, + IWL_ERR(trans, "Error sending %s: enqueue_hcmd failed: %d\n", get_cmd_string(cmd->id), ret); return ret; } - ret = wait_event_timeout(trans->shrd->wait_command_queue, + ret = wait_event_timeout(trans->wait_command_queue, !test_bit(STATUS_HCMD_ACTIVE, &trans->shrd->status), HOST_COMPLETE_TIMEOUT); if (!ret) { if (test_bit(STATUS_HCMD_ACTIVE, &trans->shrd->status)) { struct iwl_tx_queue *txq = - &trans_pcie->txq[trans->shrd->cmd_queue]; + &trans_pcie->txq[trans_pcie->cmd_queue]; struct iwl_queue *q = &txq->q; - IWL_DEBUG_QUIET_RFKILL(trans, + IWL_ERR(trans, "Error sending %s: time out after %dms.\n", get_cmd_string(cmd->id), jiffies_to_msecs(HOST_COMPLETE_TIMEOUT)); - IWL_DEBUG_QUIET_RFKILL(trans, + IWL_ERR(trans, "Current CMD queue read_ptr %d write_ptr %d\n", q->read_ptr, q->write_ptr); @@ -986,7 +1018,7 @@ static int iwl_send_cmd_sync(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd) } } - if ((cmd->flags & CMD_WANT_SKB) && !cmd->reply_page) { + if ((cmd->flags & CMD_WANT_SKB) && !cmd->resp_pkt) { IWL_ERR(trans, "Error: Response NULL in '%s'\n", get_cmd_string(cmd->id)); ret = -EIO; @@ -1003,13 +1035,13 @@ static int iwl_send_cmd_sync(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd) * in later, it will possibly set an invalid * address (cmd->meta.source). */ - trans_pcie->txq[trans->shrd->cmd_queue].meta[cmd_idx].flags &= + trans_pcie->txq[trans_pcie->cmd_queue].meta[cmd_idx].flags &= ~CMD_WANT_SKB; } - if (cmd->reply_page) { - iwl_free_pages(trans->shrd, cmd->reply_page); - cmd->reply_page = 0; + if (cmd->resp_pkt) { + iwl_free_resp(cmd); + cmd->resp_pkt = NULL; } return ret; @@ -1034,9 +1066,11 @@ int iwl_tx_queue_reclaim(struct iwl_trans *trans, int txq_id, int index, int freed = 0; /* This function is not meant to release cmd queue*/ - if (WARN_ON(txq_id == trans->shrd->cmd_queue)) + if (WARN_ON(txq_id == trans_pcie->cmd_queue)) return 0; + lockdep_assert_held(&txq->lock); + /*Since we free until index _not_ inclusive, the one before index is * the last we will free. This one must be used */ last_to_free = iwl_queue_dec_wrap(index, q->n_bd); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans-pcie.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans-pcie.c index 324d06dfb69003ca14ac5ab024d800a750057568..b4f796c82e1ec90ddf3a466960c242a49f99138f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans-pcie.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans-pcie.c @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @@ -60,8 +60,11 @@ * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *****************************************************************************/ +#include +#include #include #include +#include #include #include @@ -73,12 +76,18 @@ #include "iwl-eeprom.h" #include "iwl-agn-hw.h" +#define IWL_MASK(lo, hi) ((1 << (hi)) | ((1 << (hi)) - (1 << (lo)))) + +#define SCD_QUEUECHAIN_SEL_ALL(trans, trans_pcie) \ + (((1<base_params->num_of_queues) - 1) &\ + (~(1<<(trans_pcie)->cmd_queue))) + static int iwl_trans_rx_alloc(struct iwl_trans *trans) { struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); struct iwl_rx_queue *rxq = &trans_pcie->rxq; - struct device *dev = bus(trans)->dev; + struct device *dev = trans->dev; memset(&trans_pcie->rxq, 0, sizeof(trans_pcie->rxq)); @@ -122,7 +131,7 @@ static void iwl_trans_rxq_free_rx_bufs(struct iwl_trans *trans) /* In the reset function, these buffers may have been allocated * to an SKB, so we need to unmap and free potential storage */ if (rxq->pool[i].page != NULL) { - dma_unmap_page(bus(trans)->dev, rxq->pool[i].page_dma, + dma_unmap_page(trans->dev, rxq->pool[i].page_dma, PAGE_SIZE << hw_params(trans).rx_page_order, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); __free_pages(rxq->pool[i].page, @@ -146,17 +155,17 @@ static void iwl_trans_rx_hw_init(struct iwl_trans *trans, rb_size = FH_RCSR_RX_CONFIG_REG_VAL_RB_SIZE_4K; /* Stop Rx DMA */ - iwl_write_direct32(bus(trans), FH_MEM_RCSR_CHNL0_CONFIG_REG, 0); + iwl_write_direct32(trans, FH_MEM_RCSR_CHNL0_CONFIG_REG, 0); /* Reset driver's Rx queue write index */ - iwl_write_direct32(bus(trans), FH_RSCSR_CHNL0_RBDCB_WPTR_REG, 0); + iwl_write_direct32(trans, FH_RSCSR_CHNL0_RBDCB_WPTR_REG, 0); /* Tell device where to find RBD circular buffer in DRAM */ - iwl_write_direct32(bus(trans), FH_RSCSR_CHNL0_RBDCB_BASE_REG, + iwl_write_direct32(trans, FH_RSCSR_CHNL0_RBDCB_BASE_REG, (u32)(rxq->bd_dma >> 8)); /* Tell device where in DRAM to update its Rx status */ - iwl_write_direct32(bus(trans), FH_RSCSR_CHNL0_STTS_WPTR_REG, + iwl_write_direct32(trans, FH_RSCSR_CHNL0_STTS_WPTR_REG, rxq->rb_stts_dma >> 4); /* Enable Rx DMA @@ -167,7 +176,7 @@ static void iwl_trans_rx_hw_init(struct iwl_trans *trans, * RB timeout 0x10 * 256 RBDs */ - iwl_write_direct32(bus(trans), FH_MEM_RCSR_CHNL0_CONFIG_REG, + iwl_write_direct32(trans, FH_MEM_RCSR_CHNL0_CONFIG_REG, FH_RCSR_RX_CONFIG_CHNL_EN_ENABLE_VAL | FH_RCSR_CHNL0_RX_IGNORE_RXF_EMPTY | FH_RCSR_CHNL0_RX_CONFIG_IRQ_DEST_INT_HOST_VAL | @@ -177,7 +186,7 @@ static void iwl_trans_rx_hw_init(struct iwl_trans *trans, (rfdnlog << FH_RCSR_RX_CONFIG_RBDCB_SIZE_POS)); /* Set interrupt coalescing timer to default (2048 usecs) */ - iwl_write8(bus(trans), CSR_INT_COALESCING, IWL_HOST_INT_TIMEOUT_DEF); + iwl_write8(trans, CSR_INT_COALESCING, IWL_HOST_INT_TIMEOUT_DEF); } static int iwl_rx_init(struct iwl_trans *trans) @@ -215,10 +224,10 @@ static int iwl_rx_init(struct iwl_trans *trans) iwl_trans_rx_hw_init(trans, rxq); - spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); rxq->need_update = 1; iwl_rx_queue_update_write_ptr(trans, rxq); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); return 0; } @@ -242,13 +251,13 @@ static void iwl_trans_pcie_rx_free(struct iwl_trans *trans) iwl_trans_rxq_free_rx_bufs(trans); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rxq->lock, flags); - dma_free_coherent(bus(trans)->dev, sizeof(__le32) * RX_QUEUE_SIZE, + dma_free_coherent(trans->dev, sizeof(__le32) * RX_QUEUE_SIZE, rxq->bd, rxq->bd_dma); memset(&rxq->bd_dma, 0, sizeof(rxq->bd_dma)); rxq->bd = NULL; if (rxq->rb_stts) - dma_free_coherent(bus(trans)->dev, + dma_free_coherent(trans->dev, sizeof(struct iwl_rb_status), rxq->rb_stts, rxq->rb_stts_dma); else @@ -261,8 +270,8 @@ static int iwl_trans_rx_stop(struct iwl_trans *trans) { /* stop Rx DMA */ - iwl_write_direct32(bus(trans), FH_MEM_RCSR_CHNL0_CONFIG_REG, 0); - return iwl_poll_direct_bit(bus(trans), FH_MEM_RSSR_RX_STATUS_REG, + iwl_write_direct32(trans, FH_MEM_RCSR_CHNL0_CONFIG_REG, 0); + return iwl_poll_direct_bit(trans, FH_MEM_RSSR_RX_STATUS_REG, FH_RSSR_CHNL0_RX_STATUS_CHNL_IDLE, 1000); } @@ -272,7 +281,7 @@ static inline int iwlagn_alloc_dma_ptr(struct iwl_trans *trans, if (WARN_ON(ptr->addr)) return -EINVAL; - ptr->addr = dma_alloc_coherent(bus(trans)->dev, size, + ptr->addr = dma_alloc_coherent(trans->dev, size, &ptr->dma, GFP_KERNEL); if (!ptr->addr) return -ENOMEM; @@ -286,7 +295,7 @@ static inline void iwlagn_free_dma_ptr(struct iwl_trans *trans, if (unlikely(!ptr->addr)) return; - dma_free_coherent(bus(trans)->dev, ptr->size, ptr->addr, ptr->dma); + dma_free_coherent(trans->dev, ptr->size, ptr->addr, ptr->dma); memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(*ptr)); } @@ -296,6 +305,7 @@ static int iwl_trans_txq_alloc(struct iwl_trans *trans, { size_t tfd_sz = sizeof(struct iwl_tfd) * TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_MAX; int i; + struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); if (WARN_ON(txq->meta || txq->cmd || txq->skbs || txq->tfds)) return -EINVAL; @@ -308,7 +318,7 @@ static int iwl_trans_txq_alloc(struct iwl_trans *trans, if (!txq->meta || !txq->cmd) goto error; - if (txq_id == trans->shrd->cmd_queue) + if (txq_id == trans_pcie->cmd_queue) for (i = 0; i < slots_num; i++) { txq->cmd[i] = kmalloc(sizeof(struct iwl_device_cmd), GFP_KERNEL); @@ -319,7 +329,7 @@ static int iwl_trans_txq_alloc(struct iwl_trans *trans, /* Alloc driver data array and TFD circular buffer */ /* Driver private data, only for Tx (not command) queues, * not shared with device. */ - if (txq_id != trans->shrd->cmd_queue) { + if (txq_id != trans_pcie->cmd_queue) { txq->skbs = kcalloc(TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_MAX, sizeof(txq->skbs[0]), GFP_KERNEL); if (!txq->skbs) { @@ -333,7 +343,7 @@ static int iwl_trans_txq_alloc(struct iwl_trans *trans, /* Circular buffer of transmit frame descriptors (TFDs), * shared with device */ - txq->tfds = dma_alloc_coherent(bus(trans)->dev, tfd_sz, + txq->tfds = dma_alloc_coherent(trans->dev, tfd_sz, &txq->q.dma_addr, GFP_KERNEL); if (!txq->tfds) { IWL_ERR(trans, "dma_alloc_coherent(%zd) failed\n", tfd_sz); @@ -347,7 +357,7 @@ static int iwl_trans_txq_alloc(struct iwl_trans *trans, txq->skbs = NULL; /* since txq->cmd has been zeroed, * all non allocated cmd[i] will be NULL */ - if (txq->cmd && txq_id == trans->shrd->cmd_queue) + if (txq->cmd && txq_id == trans_pcie->cmd_queue) for (i = 0; i < slots_num; i++) kfree(txq->cmd[i]); kfree(txq->meta); @@ -385,11 +395,13 @@ static int iwl_trans_txq_init(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_tx_queue *txq, if (ret) return ret; + spin_lock_init(&txq->lock); + /* * Tell nic where to find circular buffer of Tx Frame Descriptors for * given Tx queue, and enable the DMA channel used for that queue. * Circular buffer (TFD queue in DRAM) physical base address */ - iwl_write_direct32(bus(trans), FH_MEM_CBBC_QUEUE(txq_id), + iwl_write_direct32(trans, FH_MEM_CBBC_QUEUE(txq_id), txq->q.dma_addr >> 8); return 0; @@ -404,8 +416,6 @@ static void iwl_tx_queue_unmap(struct iwl_trans *trans, int txq_id) struct iwl_tx_queue *txq = &trans_pcie->txq[txq_id]; struct iwl_queue *q = &txq->q; enum dma_data_direction dma_dir; - unsigned long flags; - spinlock_t *lock; if (!q->n_bd) return; @@ -413,22 +423,19 @@ static void iwl_tx_queue_unmap(struct iwl_trans *trans, int txq_id) /* In the command queue, all the TBs are mapped as BIDI * so unmap them as such. */ - if (txq_id == trans->shrd->cmd_queue) { + if (txq_id == trans_pcie->cmd_queue) dma_dir = DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL; - lock = &trans->hcmd_lock; - } else { + else dma_dir = DMA_TO_DEVICE; - lock = &trans->shrd->sta_lock; - } - spin_lock_irqsave(lock, flags); + spin_lock_bh(&txq->lock); while (q->write_ptr != q->read_ptr) { /* The read_ptr needs to bound by q->n_window */ iwlagn_txq_free_tfd(trans, txq, get_cmd_index(q, q->read_ptr), dma_dir); q->read_ptr = iwl_queue_inc_wrap(q->read_ptr, q->n_bd); } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(lock, flags); + spin_unlock_bh(&txq->lock); } /** @@ -443,7 +450,7 @@ static void iwl_tx_queue_free(struct iwl_trans *trans, int txq_id) { struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); struct iwl_tx_queue *txq = &trans_pcie->txq[txq_id]; - struct device *dev = bus(trans)->dev; + struct device *dev = trans->dev; int i; if (WARN_ON(!txq)) return; @@ -452,7 +459,7 @@ static void iwl_tx_queue_free(struct iwl_trans *trans, int txq_id) /* De-alloc array of command/tx buffers */ - if (txq_id == trans->shrd->cmd_queue) + if (txq_id == trans_pcie->cmd_queue) for (i = 0; i < txq->q.n_window; i++) kfree(txq->cmd[i]); @@ -490,7 +497,7 @@ static void iwl_trans_pcie_tx_free(struct iwl_trans *trans) /* Tx queues */ if (trans_pcie->txq) { for (txq_id = 0; - txq_id < hw_params(trans).max_txq_num; txq_id++) + txq_id < cfg(trans)->base_params->num_of_queues; txq_id++) iwl_tx_queue_free(trans, txq_id); } @@ -515,7 +522,7 @@ static int iwl_trans_tx_alloc(struct iwl_trans *trans) int txq_id, slots_num; struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); - u16 scd_bc_tbls_size = hw_params(trans).max_txq_num * + u16 scd_bc_tbls_size = cfg(trans)->base_params->num_of_queues * sizeof(struct iwlagn_scd_bc_tbl); /*It is not allowed to alloc twice, so warn when this happens. @@ -539,7 +546,7 @@ static int iwl_trans_tx_alloc(struct iwl_trans *trans) goto error; } - trans_pcie->txq = kcalloc(hw_params(trans).max_txq_num, + trans_pcie->txq = kcalloc(cfg(trans)->base_params->num_of_queues, sizeof(struct iwl_tx_queue), GFP_KERNEL); if (!trans_pcie->txq) { IWL_ERR(trans, "Not enough memory for txq\n"); @@ -548,8 +555,9 @@ static int iwl_trans_tx_alloc(struct iwl_trans *trans) } /* Alloc and init all Tx queues, including the command queue (#4/#9) */ - for (txq_id = 0; txq_id < hw_params(trans).max_txq_num; txq_id++) { - slots_num = (txq_id == trans->shrd->cmd_queue) ? + for (txq_id = 0; txq_id < cfg(trans)->base_params->num_of_queues; + txq_id++) { + slots_num = (txq_id == trans_pcie->cmd_queue) ? TFD_CMD_SLOTS : TFD_TX_CMD_SLOTS; ret = iwl_trans_txq_alloc(trans, &trans_pcie->txq[txq_id], slots_num, txq_id); @@ -581,20 +589,21 @@ static int iwl_tx_init(struct iwl_trans *trans) alloc = true; } - spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); /* Turn off all Tx DMA fifos */ - iwl_write_prph(bus(trans), SCD_TXFACT, 0); + iwl_write_prph(trans, SCD_TXFACT, 0); /* Tell NIC where to find the "keep warm" buffer */ - iwl_write_direct32(bus(trans), FH_KW_MEM_ADDR_REG, + iwl_write_direct32(trans, FH_KW_MEM_ADDR_REG, trans_pcie->kw.dma >> 4); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); /* Alloc and init all Tx queues, including the command queue (#4/#9) */ - for (txq_id = 0; txq_id < hw_params(trans).max_txq_num; txq_id++) { - slots_num = (txq_id == trans->shrd->cmd_queue) ? + for (txq_id = 0; txq_id < cfg(trans)->base_params->num_of_queues; + txq_id++) { + slots_num = (txq_id == trans_pcie->cmd_queue) ? TFD_CMD_SLOTS : TFD_TX_CMD_SLOTS; ret = iwl_trans_txq_init(trans, &trans_pcie->txq[txq_id], slots_num, txq_id); @@ -619,49 +628,220 @@ static void iwl_set_pwr_vmain(struct iwl_trans *trans) * to set power to V_AUX, do: if (pci_pme_capable(priv->pci_dev, PCI_D3cold)) - iwl_set_bits_mask_prph(bus(trans), APMG_PS_CTRL_REG, + iwl_set_bits_mask_prph(trans, APMG_PS_CTRL_REG, APMG_PS_CTRL_VAL_PWR_SRC_VAUX, ~APMG_PS_CTRL_MSK_PWR_SRC); */ - iwl_set_bits_mask_prph(bus(trans), APMG_PS_CTRL_REG, + iwl_set_bits_mask_prph(trans, APMG_PS_CTRL_REG, APMG_PS_CTRL_VAL_PWR_SRC_VMAIN, ~APMG_PS_CTRL_MSK_PWR_SRC); } +/* PCI registers */ +#define PCI_CFG_RETRY_TIMEOUT 0x041 +#define PCI_CFG_LINK_CTRL_VAL_L0S_EN 0x01 +#define PCI_CFG_LINK_CTRL_VAL_L1_EN 0x02 + +static u16 iwl_pciexp_link_ctrl(struct iwl_trans *trans) +{ + int pos; + u16 pci_lnk_ctl; + struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = + IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); + + struct pci_dev *pci_dev = trans_pcie->pci_dev; + + pos = pci_pcie_cap(pci_dev); + pci_read_config_word(pci_dev, pos + PCI_EXP_LNKCTL, &pci_lnk_ctl); + return pci_lnk_ctl; +} + +static void iwl_apm_config(struct iwl_trans *trans) +{ + /* + * HW bug W/A for instability in PCIe bus L0S->L1 transition. + * Check if BIOS (or OS) enabled L1-ASPM on this device. + * If so (likely), disable L0S, so device moves directly L0->L1; + * costs negligible amount of power savings. + * If not (unlikely), enable L0S, so there is at least some + * power savings, even without L1. + */ + u16 lctl = iwl_pciexp_link_ctrl(trans); + + if ((lctl & PCI_CFG_LINK_CTRL_VAL_L1_EN) == + PCI_CFG_LINK_CTRL_VAL_L1_EN) { + /* L1-ASPM enabled; disable(!) L0S */ + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_GIO_REG, CSR_GIO_REG_VAL_L0S_ENABLED); + dev_printk(KERN_INFO, trans->dev, + "L1 Enabled; Disabling L0S\n"); + } else { + /* L1-ASPM disabled; enable(!) L0S */ + iwl_clear_bit(trans, CSR_GIO_REG, CSR_GIO_REG_VAL_L0S_ENABLED); + dev_printk(KERN_INFO, trans->dev, + "L1 Disabled; Enabling L0S\n"); + } + trans->pm_support = !(lctl & PCI_CFG_LINK_CTRL_VAL_L0S_EN); +} + +/* + * Start up NIC's basic functionality after it has been reset + * (e.g. after platform boot, or shutdown via iwl_apm_stop()) + * NOTE: This does not load uCode nor start the embedded processor + */ +static int iwl_apm_init(struct iwl_trans *trans) +{ + struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); + int ret = 0; + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(trans, "Init card's basic functions\n"); + + /* + * Use "set_bit" below rather than "write", to preserve any hardware + * bits already set by default after reset. + */ + + /* Disable L0S exit timer (platform NMI Work/Around) */ + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_GIO_CHICKEN_BITS, + CSR_GIO_CHICKEN_BITS_REG_BIT_DIS_L0S_EXIT_TIMER); + + /* + * Disable L0s without affecting L1; + * don't wait for ICH L0s (ICH bug W/A) + */ + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_GIO_CHICKEN_BITS, + CSR_GIO_CHICKEN_BITS_REG_BIT_L1A_NO_L0S_RX); + + /* Set FH wait threshold to maximum (HW error during stress W/A) */ + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_DBG_HPET_MEM_REG, CSR_DBG_HPET_MEM_REG_VAL); + + /* + * Enable HAP INTA (interrupt from management bus) to + * wake device's PCI Express link L1a -> L0s + */ + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, + CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_HAP_WAKE_L1A); + + iwl_apm_config(trans); + + /* Configure analog phase-lock-loop before activating to D0A */ + if (cfg(trans)->base_params->pll_cfg_val) + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_ANA_PLL_CFG, + cfg(trans)->base_params->pll_cfg_val); + + /* + * Set "initialization complete" bit to move adapter from + * D0U* --> D0A* (powered-up active) state. + */ + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_GP_CNTRL, CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_INIT_DONE); + + /* + * Wait for clock stabilization; once stabilized, access to + * device-internal resources is supported, e.g. iwl_write_prph() + * and accesses to uCode SRAM. + */ + ret = iwl_poll_bit(trans, CSR_GP_CNTRL, + CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_CLOCK_READY, + CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_CLOCK_READY, 25000); + if (ret < 0) { + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(trans, "Failed to init the card\n"); + goto out; + } + + /* + * Enable DMA clock and wait for it to stabilize. + * + * Write to "CLK_EN_REG"; "1" bits enable clocks, while "0" bits + * do not disable clocks. This preserves any hardware bits already + * set by default in "CLK_CTRL_REG" after reset. + */ + iwl_write_prph(trans, APMG_CLK_EN_REG, APMG_CLK_VAL_DMA_CLK_RQT); + udelay(20); + + /* Disable L1-Active */ + iwl_set_bits_prph(trans, APMG_PCIDEV_STT_REG, + APMG_PCIDEV_STT_VAL_L1_ACT_DIS); + + set_bit(STATUS_DEVICE_ENABLED, &trans_pcie->status); + +out: + return ret; +} + +static int iwl_apm_stop_master(struct iwl_trans *trans) +{ + int ret = 0; + + /* stop device's busmaster DMA activity */ + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_RESET, CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_STOP_MASTER); + + ret = iwl_poll_bit(trans, CSR_RESET, + CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_MASTER_DISABLED, + CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_MASTER_DISABLED, 100); + if (ret) + IWL_WARN(trans, "Master Disable Timed Out, 100 usec\n"); + + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(trans, "stop master\n"); + + return ret; +} + +static void iwl_apm_stop(struct iwl_trans *trans) +{ + struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); + IWL_DEBUG_INFO(trans, "Stop card, put in low power state\n"); + + clear_bit(STATUS_DEVICE_ENABLED, &trans_pcie->status); + + /* Stop device's DMA activity */ + iwl_apm_stop_master(trans); + + /* Reset the entire device */ + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_RESET, CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_SW_RESET); + + udelay(10); + + /* + * Clear "initialization complete" bit to move adapter from + * D0A* (powered-up Active) --> D0U* (Uninitialized) state. + */ + iwl_clear_bit(trans, CSR_GP_CNTRL, + CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_INIT_DONE); +} + static int iwl_nic_init(struct iwl_trans *trans) { + struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); unsigned long flags; /* nic_init */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); - iwl_apm_init(priv(trans)); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); + iwl_apm_init(trans); /* Set interrupt coalescing calibration timer to default (512 usecs) */ - iwl_write8(bus(trans), CSR_INT_COALESCING, + iwl_write8(trans, CSR_INT_COALESCING, IWL_HOST_INT_CALIB_TIMEOUT_DEF); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); iwl_set_pwr_vmain(trans); - iwl_nic_config(priv(trans)); + iwl_op_mode_nic_config(trans->op_mode); +#ifndef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_IDI /* Allocate the RX queue, or reset if it is already allocated */ iwl_rx_init(trans); +#endif /* Allocate or reset and init all Tx and Command queues */ if (iwl_tx_init(trans)) return -ENOMEM; - if (hw_params(trans).shadow_reg_enable) { + if (cfg(trans)->base_params->shadow_reg_enable) { /* enable shadow regs in HW */ - iwl_set_bit(bus(trans), CSR_MAC_SHADOW_REG_CTRL, + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_MAC_SHADOW_REG_CTRL, 0x800FFFFF); } - set_bit(STATUS_INIT, &trans->shrd->status); - return 0; } @@ -672,11 +852,11 @@ static int iwl_set_hw_ready(struct iwl_trans *trans) { int ret; - iwl_set_bit(bus(trans), CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_NIC_READY); /* See if we got it */ - ret = iwl_poll_bit(bus(trans), CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, + ret = iwl_poll_bit(trans, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_NIC_READY, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_NIC_READY, HW_READY_TIMEOUT); @@ -686,21 +866,22 @@ static int iwl_set_hw_ready(struct iwl_trans *trans) } /* Note: returns standard 0/-ERROR code */ -static int iwl_trans_pcie_prepare_card_hw(struct iwl_trans *trans) +static int iwl_prepare_card_hw(struct iwl_trans *trans) { int ret; IWL_DEBUG_INFO(trans, "iwl_trans_prepare_card_hw enter\n"); ret = iwl_set_hw_ready(trans); + /* If the card is ready, exit 0 */ if (ret >= 0) return 0; /* If HW is not ready, prepare the conditions to check again */ - iwl_set_bit(bus(trans), CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, + iwl_set_bit(trans, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_PREPARE); - ret = iwl_poll_bit(bus(trans), CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, + ret = iwl_poll_bit(trans, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG, ~CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_NIC_PREPARE_DONE, CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG_BIT_NIC_PREPARE_DONE, 150000); @@ -767,13 +948,90 @@ static const u8 iwlagn_pan_ac_to_queue[] = { 7, 6, 5, 4, }; -static int iwl_trans_pcie_start_device(struct iwl_trans *trans) +/* + * ucode + */ +static int iwl_load_section(struct iwl_trans *trans, u8 section_num, + const struct fw_desc *section) +{ + struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); + dma_addr_t phy_addr = section->p_addr; + u32 byte_cnt = section->len; + u32 dst_addr = section->offset; + int ret; + + trans_pcie->ucode_write_complete = false; + + iwl_write_direct32(trans, + FH_TCSR_CHNL_TX_CONFIG_REG(FH_SRVC_CHNL), + FH_TCSR_TX_CONFIG_REG_VAL_DMA_CHNL_PAUSE); + + iwl_write_direct32(trans, + FH_SRVC_CHNL_SRAM_ADDR_REG(FH_SRVC_CHNL), dst_addr); + + iwl_write_direct32(trans, + FH_TFDIB_CTRL0_REG(FH_SRVC_CHNL), + phy_addr & FH_MEM_TFDIB_DRAM_ADDR_LSB_MSK); + + iwl_write_direct32(trans, + FH_TFDIB_CTRL1_REG(FH_SRVC_CHNL), + (iwl_get_dma_hi_addr(phy_addr) + << FH_MEM_TFDIB_REG1_ADDR_BITSHIFT) | byte_cnt); + + iwl_write_direct32(trans, + FH_TCSR_CHNL_TX_BUF_STS_REG(FH_SRVC_CHNL), + 1 << FH_TCSR_CHNL_TX_BUF_STS_REG_POS_TB_NUM | + 1 << FH_TCSR_CHNL_TX_BUF_STS_REG_POS_TB_IDX | + FH_TCSR_CHNL_TX_BUF_STS_REG_VAL_TFDB_VALID); + + iwl_write_direct32(trans, + FH_TCSR_CHNL_TX_CONFIG_REG(FH_SRVC_CHNL), + FH_TCSR_TX_CONFIG_REG_VAL_DMA_CHNL_ENABLE | + FH_TCSR_TX_CONFIG_REG_VAL_DMA_CREDIT_DISABLE | + FH_TCSR_TX_CONFIG_REG_VAL_CIRQ_HOST_ENDTFD); + + IWL_DEBUG_FW(trans, "[%d] uCode section being loaded...\n", + section_num); + ret = wait_event_timeout(trans_pcie->ucode_write_waitq, + trans_pcie->ucode_write_complete, 5 * HZ); + if (!ret) { + IWL_ERR(trans, "Could not load the [%d] uCode section\n", + section_num); + return -ETIMEDOUT; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int iwl_load_given_ucode(struct iwl_trans *trans, + const struct fw_img *image) +{ + int ret = 0; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < IWL_UCODE_SECTION_MAX; i++) { + if (!image->sec[i].p_addr) + break; + + ret = iwl_load_section(trans, i, &image->sec[i]); + if (ret) + return ret; + } + + /* Remove all resets to allow NIC to operate */ + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_RESET, 0); + + return 0; +} + +static int iwl_trans_pcie_start_fw(struct iwl_trans *trans, + const struct fw_img *fw) { int ret; struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); + bool hw_rfkill; - trans->shrd->ucode_owner = IWL_OWNERSHIP_DRIVER; trans_pcie->ac_to_queue[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS] = iwlagn_bss_ac_to_queue; trans_pcie->ac_to_queue[IWL_RXON_CTX_PAN] = iwlagn_pan_ac_to_queue; @@ -783,26 +1041,23 @@ static int iwl_trans_pcie_start_device(struct iwl_trans *trans) trans_pcie->mcast_queue[IWL_RXON_CTX_BSS] = 0; trans_pcie->mcast_queue[IWL_RXON_CTX_PAN] = IWL_IPAN_MCAST_QUEUE; - if ((hw_params(trans).sku & EEPROM_SKU_CAP_AMT_ENABLE) && - iwl_trans_pcie_prepare_card_hw(trans)) { + /* This may fail if AMT took ownership of the device */ + if (iwl_prepare_card_hw(trans)) { IWL_WARN(trans, "Exit HW not ready\n"); return -EIO; } /* If platform's RF_KILL switch is NOT set to KILL */ - if (iwl_read32(bus(trans), CSR_GP_CNTRL) & - CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_HW_RF_KILL_SW) - clear_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &trans->shrd->status); - else - set_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &trans->shrd->status); + hw_rfkill = !(iwl_read32(trans, CSR_GP_CNTRL) & + CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_HW_RF_KILL_SW); + iwl_op_mode_hw_rf_kill(trans->op_mode, hw_rfkill); - if (iwl_is_rfkill(trans->shrd)) { - iwl_set_hw_rfkill_state(priv(trans), true); - iwl_enable_interrupts(trans); + if (hw_rfkill) { + iwl_enable_rfkill_int(trans); return -ERFKILL; } - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_INT, 0xFFFFFFFF); + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_INT, 0xFFFFFFFF); ret = iwl_nic_init(trans); if (ret) { @@ -811,31 +1066,37 @@ static int iwl_trans_pcie_start_device(struct iwl_trans *trans) } /* make sure rfkill handshake bits are cleared */ - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_CLR, CSR_UCODE_SW_BIT_RFKILL); - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_CLR, + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_CLR, CSR_UCODE_SW_BIT_RFKILL); + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_CLR, CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_BIT_CMD_BLOCKED); /* clear (again), then enable host interrupts */ - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_INT, 0xFFFFFFFF); + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_INT, 0xFFFFFFFF); iwl_enable_interrupts(trans); /* really make sure rfkill handshake bits are cleared */ - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_CLR, CSR_UCODE_SW_BIT_RFKILL); - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_CLR, CSR_UCODE_SW_BIT_RFKILL); + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_CLR, CSR_UCODE_SW_BIT_RFKILL); + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_CLR, CSR_UCODE_SW_BIT_RFKILL); - return 0; + /* Load the given image to the HW */ + return iwl_load_given_ucode(trans, fw); } /* * Activate/Deactivate Tx DMA/FIFO channels according tx fifos mask - * must be called under priv->shrd->lock and mac access + * must be called under the irq lock and with MAC access */ static void iwl_trans_txq_set_sched(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 mask) { - iwl_write_prph(bus(trans), SCD_TXFACT, mask); + struct iwl_trans_pcie __maybe_unused *trans_pcie = + IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); + + lockdep_assert_held(&trans_pcie->irq_lock); + + iwl_write_prph(trans, SCD_TXFACT, mask); } -static void iwl_trans_pcie_tx_start(struct iwl_trans *trans) +static void iwl_tx_start(struct iwl_trans *trans) { const struct queue_to_fifo_ac *queue_to_fifo; struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = @@ -845,49 +1106,50 @@ static void iwl_trans_pcie_tx_start(struct iwl_trans *trans) int i, chan; u32 reg_val; - spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); trans_pcie->scd_base_addr = - iwl_read_prph(bus(trans), SCD_SRAM_BASE_ADDR); + iwl_read_prph(trans, SCD_SRAM_BASE_ADDR); a = trans_pcie->scd_base_addr + SCD_CONTEXT_MEM_LOWER_BOUND; /* reset conext data memory */ for (; a < trans_pcie->scd_base_addr + SCD_CONTEXT_MEM_UPPER_BOUND; a += 4) - iwl_write_targ_mem(bus(trans), a, 0); + iwl_write_targ_mem(trans, a, 0); /* reset tx status memory */ for (; a < trans_pcie->scd_base_addr + SCD_TX_STTS_MEM_UPPER_BOUND; a += 4) - iwl_write_targ_mem(bus(trans), a, 0); + iwl_write_targ_mem(trans, a, 0); for (; a < trans_pcie->scd_base_addr + - SCD_TRANS_TBL_OFFSET_QUEUE(hw_params(trans).max_txq_num); + SCD_TRANS_TBL_OFFSET_QUEUE( + cfg(trans)->base_params->num_of_queues); a += 4) - iwl_write_targ_mem(bus(trans), a, 0); + iwl_write_targ_mem(trans, a, 0); - iwl_write_prph(bus(trans), SCD_DRAM_BASE_ADDR, + iwl_write_prph(trans, SCD_DRAM_BASE_ADDR, trans_pcie->scd_bc_tbls.dma >> 10); /* Enable DMA channel */ for (chan = 0; chan < FH_TCSR_CHNL_NUM ; chan++) - iwl_write_direct32(bus(trans), FH_TCSR_CHNL_TX_CONFIG_REG(chan), + iwl_write_direct32(trans, FH_TCSR_CHNL_TX_CONFIG_REG(chan), FH_TCSR_TX_CONFIG_REG_VAL_DMA_CHNL_ENABLE | FH_TCSR_TX_CONFIG_REG_VAL_DMA_CREDIT_ENABLE); /* Update FH chicken bits */ - reg_val = iwl_read_direct32(bus(trans), FH_TX_CHICKEN_BITS_REG); - iwl_write_direct32(bus(trans), FH_TX_CHICKEN_BITS_REG, + reg_val = iwl_read_direct32(trans, FH_TX_CHICKEN_BITS_REG); + iwl_write_direct32(trans, FH_TX_CHICKEN_BITS_REG, reg_val | FH_TX_CHICKEN_BITS_SCD_AUTO_RETRY_EN); - iwl_write_prph(bus(trans), SCD_QUEUECHAIN_SEL, - SCD_QUEUECHAIN_SEL_ALL(trans)); - iwl_write_prph(bus(trans), SCD_AGGR_SEL, 0); + iwl_write_prph(trans, SCD_QUEUECHAIN_SEL, + SCD_QUEUECHAIN_SEL_ALL(trans, trans_pcie)); + iwl_write_prph(trans, SCD_AGGR_SEL, 0); /* initiate the queues */ - for (i = 0; i < hw_params(trans).max_txq_num; i++) { - iwl_write_prph(bus(trans), SCD_QUEUE_RDPTR(i), 0); - iwl_write_direct32(bus(trans), HBUS_TARG_WRPTR, 0 | (i << 8)); - iwl_write_targ_mem(bus(trans), trans_pcie->scd_base_addr + + for (i = 0; i < cfg(trans)->base_params->num_of_queues; i++) { + iwl_write_prph(trans, SCD_QUEUE_RDPTR(i), 0); + iwl_write_direct32(trans, HBUS_TARG_WRPTR, 0 | (i << 8)); + iwl_write_targ_mem(trans, trans_pcie->scd_base_addr + SCD_CONTEXT_QUEUE_OFFSET(i), 0); - iwl_write_targ_mem(bus(trans), trans_pcie->scd_base_addr + + iwl_write_targ_mem(trans, trans_pcie->scd_base_addr + SCD_CONTEXT_QUEUE_OFFSET(i) + sizeof(u32), ((SCD_WIN_SIZE << @@ -898,8 +1160,8 @@ static void iwl_trans_pcie_tx_start(struct iwl_trans *trans) SCD_QUEUE_CTX_REG2_FRAME_LIMIT_MSK)); } - iwl_write_prph(bus(trans), SCD_INTERRUPT_MASK, - IWL_MASK(0, hw_params(trans).max_txq_num)); + iwl_write_prph(trans, SCD_INTERRUPT_MASK, + IWL_MASK(0, cfg(trans)->base_params->num_of_queues)); /* Activate all Tx DMA/FIFO channels */ iwl_trans_txq_set_sched(trans, IWL_MASK(0, 7)); @@ -910,7 +1172,7 @@ static void iwl_trans_pcie_tx_start(struct iwl_trans *trans) else queue_to_fifo = iwlagn_default_queue_to_tx_fifo; - iwl_trans_set_wr_ptrs(trans, trans->shrd->cmd_queue, 0); + iwl_trans_set_wr_ptrs(trans, trans_pcie->cmd_queue, 0); /* make sure all queue are not stopped */ memset(&trans_pcie->queue_stopped[0], 0, @@ -941,40 +1203,47 @@ static void iwl_trans_pcie_tx_start(struct iwl_trans *trans) fifo, 0); } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); /* Enable L1-Active */ - iwl_clear_bits_prph(bus(trans), APMG_PCIDEV_STT_REG, + iwl_clear_bits_prph(trans, APMG_PCIDEV_STT_REG, APMG_PCIDEV_STT_VAL_L1_ACT_DIS); } +static void iwl_trans_pcie_fw_alive(struct iwl_trans *trans) +{ + iwl_reset_ict(trans); + iwl_tx_start(trans); +} + /** * iwlagn_txq_ctx_stop - Stop all Tx DMA channels */ static int iwl_trans_tx_stop(struct iwl_trans *trans) { - int ch, txq_id; + int ch, txq_id, ret; unsigned long flags; struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); /* Turn off all Tx DMA fifos */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); iwl_trans_txq_set_sched(trans, 0); /* Stop each Tx DMA channel, and wait for it to be idle */ for (ch = 0; ch < FH_TCSR_CHNL_NUM; ch++) { - iwl_write_direct32(bus(trans), + iwl_write_direct32(trans, FH_TCSR_CHNL_TX_CONFIG_REG(ch), 0x0); - if (iwl_poll_direct_bit(bus(trans), FH_TSSR_TX_STATUS_REG, + ret = iwl_poll_direct_bit(trans, FH_TSSR_TX_STATUS_REG, FH_TSSR_TX_STATUS_REG_MSK_CHNL_IDLE(ch), - 1000)) + 1000); + if (ret < 0) IWL_ERR(trans, "Failing on timeout while stopping" " DMA channel %d [0x%08x]", ch, - iwl_read_direct32(bus(trans), + iwl_read_direct32(trans, FH_TSSR_TX_STATUS_REG)); } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); if (!trans_pcie->txq) { IWL_WARN(trans, "Stopping tx queues that aren't allocated..."); @@ -982,7 +1251,8 @@ static int iwl_trans_tx_stop(struct iwl_trans *trans) } /* Unmap DMA from host system and free skb's */ - for (txq_id = 0; txq_id < hw_params(trans).max_txq_num; txq_id++) + for (txq_id = 0; txq_id < cfg(trans)->base_params->num_of_queues; + txq_id++) iwl_tx_queue_unmap(trans, txq_id); return 0; @@ -994,9 +1264,9 @@ static void iwl_trans_pcie_stop_device(struct iwl_trans *trans) struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); /* tell the device to stop sending interrupts */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); iwl_disable_interrupts(trans); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); /* device going down, Stop using ICT table */ iwl_disable_ict(trans); @@ -1008,36 +1278,50 @@ static void iwl_trans_pcie_stop_device(struct iwl_trans *trans) * restart. So don't process again if the device is * already dead. */ - if (test_bit(STATUS_DEVICE_ENABLED, &trans->shrd->status)) { + if (test_bit(STATUS_DEVICE_ENABLED, &trans_pcie->status)) { iwl_trans_tx_stop(trans); +#ifndef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_IDI iwl_trans_rx_stop(trans); - +#endif /* Power-down device's busmaster DMA clocks */ - iwl_write_prph(bus(trans), APMG_CLK_DIS_REG, + iwl_write_prph(trans, APMG_CLK_DIS_REG, APMG_CLK_VAL_DMA_CLK_RQT); udelay(5); } /* Make sure (redundant) we've released our request to stay awake */ - iwl_clear_bit(bus(trans), CSR_GP_CNTRL, + iwl_clear_bit(trans, CSR_GP_CNTRL, CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_ACCESS_REQ); /* Stop the device, and put it in low power state */ - iwl_apm_stop(priv(trans)); + iwl_apm_stop(trans); /* Upon stop, the APM issues an interrupt if HW RF kill is set. * Clean again the interrupt here */ - spin_lock_irqsave(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_lock_irqsave(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); iwl_disable_interrupts(trans); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans->shrd->lock, flags); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&trans_pcie->irq_lock, flags); /* wait to make sure we flush pending tasklet*/ - synchronize_irq(bus(trans)->irq); + synchronize_irq(trans_pcie->irq); tasklet_kill(&trans_pcie->irq_tasklet); + cancel_work_sync(&trans_pcie->rx_replenish); + /* stop and reset the on-board processor */ - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_RESET, CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_NEVO_RESET); + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_RESET, CSR_RESET_REG_FLAG_NEVO_RESET); +} + +static void iwl_trans_pcie_wowlan_suspend(struct iwl_trans *trans) +{ + /* let the ucode operate on its own */ + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_SET, + CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1_BIT_D3_CFG_COMPLETE); + + iwl_disable_interrupts(trans); + iwl_clear_bit(trans, CSR_GP_CNTRL, + CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_ACCESS_REQ); } static int iwl_trans_pcie_tx(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct sk_buff *skb, @@ -1092,6 +1376,8 @@ static int iwl_trans_pcie_tx(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct sk_buff *skb, txq = &trans_pcie->txq[txq_id]; q = &txq->q; + spin_lock(&txq->lock); + /* In AGG mode, the index in the ring must correspond to the WiFi * sequence number. This is a HW requirements to help the SCD to parse * the BA. @@ -1134,11 +1420,11 @@ static int iwl_trans_pcie_tx(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct sk_buff *skb, /* Physical address of this Tx command's header (not MAC header!), * within command buffer array. */ - txcmd_phys = dma_map_single(bus(trans)->dev, + txcmd_phys = dma_map_single(trans->dev, &dev_cmd->hdr, firstlen, DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL); - if (unlikely(dma_mapping_error(bus(trans)->dev, txcmd_phys))) - return -1; + if (unlikely(dma_mapping_error(trans->dev, txcmd_phys))) + goto out_err; dma_unmap_addr_set(out_meta, mapping, txcmd_phys); dma_unmap_len_set(out_meta, len, firstlen); @@ -1153,14 +1439,14 @@ static int iwl_trans_pcie_tx(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct sk_buff *skb, * if any (802.11 null frames have no payload). */ secondlen = skb->len - hdr_len; if (secondlen > 0) { - phys_addr = dma_map_single(bus(trans)->dev, skb->data + hdr_len, + phys_addr = dma_map_single(trans->dev, skb->data + hdr_len, secondlen, DMA_TO_DEVICE); - if (unlikely(dma_mapping_error(bus(trans)->dev, phys_addr))) { - dma_unmap_single(bus(trans)->dev, + if (unlikely(dma_mapping_error(trans->dev, phys_addr))) { + dma_unmap_single(trans->dev, dma_unmap_addr(out_meta, mapping), dma_unmap_len(out_meta, len), DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL); - return -1; + goto out_err; } } @@ -1174,7 +1460,7 @@ static int iwl_trans_pcie_tx(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct sk_buff *skb, offsetof(struct iwl_tx_cmd, scratch); /* take back ownership of DMA buffer to enable update */ - dma_sync_single_for_cpu(bus(trans)->dev, txcmd_phys, firstlen, + dma_sync_single_for_cpu(trans->dev, txcmd_phys, firstlen, DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL); tx_cmd->dram_lsb_ptr = cpu_to_le32(scratch_phys); tx_cmd->dram_msb_ptr = iwl_get_dma_hi_addr(scratch_phys); @@ -1182,16 +1468,14 @@ static int iwl_trans_pcie_tx(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct sk_buff *skb, IWL_DEBUG_TX(trans, "sequence nr = 0X%x\n", le16_to_cpu(dev_cmd->hdr.sequence)); IWL_DEBUG_TX(trans, "tx_flags = 0X%x\n", le32_to_cpu(tx_cmd->tx_flags)); - iwl_print_hex_dump(trans, IWL_DL_TX, (u8 *)tx_cmd, sizeof(*tx_cmd)); - iwl_print_hex_dump(trans, IWL_DL_TX, (u8 *)tx_cmd->hdr, hdr_len); /* Set up entry for this TFD in Tx byte-count array */ iwl_trans_txq_update_byte_cnt_tbl(trans, txq, le16_to_cpu(tx_cmd->len)); - dma_sync_single_for_device(bus(trans)->dev, txcmd_phys, firstlen, + dma_sync_single_for_device(trans->dev, txcmd_phys, firstlen, DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL); - trace_iwlwifi_dev_tx(priv(trans), + trace_iwlwifi_dev_tx(trans->dev, &((struct iwl_tfd *)txq->tfds)[txq->q.write_ptr], sizeof(struct iwl_tfd), &dev_cmd->hdr, firstlen, @@ -1212,46 +1496,77 @@ static int iwl_trans_pcie_tx(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct sk_buff *skb, txq->need_update = 1; iwl_txq_update_write_ptr(trans, txq); } else { - iwl_stop_queue(trans, txq, "Queue is full"); + iwl_stop_queue(trans, txq); } } + spin_unlock(&txq->lock); return 0; + out_err: + spin_unlock(&txq->lock); + return -1; } -static void iwl_trans_pcie_kick_nic(struct iwl_trans *trans) -{ - /* Remove all resets to allow NIC to operate */ - iwl_write32(bus(trans), CSR_RESET, 0); -} - -static int iwl_trans_pcie_request_irq(struct iwl_trans *trans) +static int iwl_trans_pcie_start_hw(struct iwl_trans *trans) { struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); int err; + bool hw_rfkill; trans_pcie->inta_mask = CSR_INI_SET_MASK; - tasklet_init(&trans_pcie->irq_tasklet, (void (*)(unsigned long)) - iwl_irq_tasklet, (unsigned long)trans); + if (!trans_pcie->irq_requested) { + tasklet_init(&trans_pcie->irq_tasklet, (void (*)(unsigned long)) + iwl_irq_tasklet, (unsigned long)trans); - iwl_alloc_isr_ict(trans); + iwl_alloc_isr_ict(trans); - err = request_irq(bus(trans)->irq, iwl_isr_ict, IRQF_SHARED, - DRV_NAME, trans); + err = request_irq(trans_pcie->irq, iwl_isr_ict, IRQF_SHARED, + DRV_NAME, trans); + if (err) { + IWL_ERR(trans, "Error allocating IRQ %d\n", + trans_pcie->irq); + goto error; + } + + INIT_WORK(&trans_pcie->rx_replenish, iwl_bg_rx_replenish); + trans_pcie->irq_requested = true; + } + + err = iwl_prepare_card_hw(trans); if (err) { - IWL_ERR(trans, "Error allocating IRQ %d\n", bus(trans)->irq); - iwl_free_isr_ict(trans); - return err; + IWL_ERR(trans, "Error while preparing HW: %d", err); + goto err_free_irq; } - INIT_WORK(&trans_pcie->rx_replenish, iwl_bg_rx_replenish); - return 0; + iwl_apm_init(trans); + + hw_rfkill = !(iwl_read32(trans, CSR_GP_CNTRL) & + CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_HW_RF_KILL_SW); + iwl_op_mode_hw_rf_kill(trans->op_mode, hw_rfkill); + + return err; + +err_free_irq: + free_irq(trans_pcie->irq, trans); +error: + iwl_free_isr_ict(trans); + tasklet_kill(&trans_pcie->irq_tasklet); + return err; +} + +static void iwl_trans_pcie_stop_hw(struct iwl_trans *trans) +{ + iwl_apm_stop(trans); + + iwl_write32(trans, CSR_INT, 0xFFFFFFFF); + + /* Even if we stop the HW, we still want the RF kill interrupt */ + iwl_enable_rfkill_int(trans); } static int iwl_trans_pcie_reclaim(struct iwl_trans *trans, int sta_id, int tid, - int txq_id, int ssn, u32 status, - struct sk_buff_head *skbs) + int txq_id, int ssn, struct sk_buff_head *skbs) { struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); struct iwl_tx_queue *txq = &trans_pcie->txq[txq_id]; @@ -1259,6 +1574,8 @@ static int iwl_trans_pcie_reclaim(struct iwl_trans *trans, int sta_id, int tid, int tfd_num = ssn & (txq->q.n_bd - 1); int freed = 0; + spin_lock(&txq->lock); + txq->time_stamp = jiffies; if (unlikely(txq_id >= IWLAGN_FIRST_AMPDU_QUEUE && @@ -1273,6 +1590,7 @@ static int iwl_trans_pcie_reclaim(struct iwl_trans *trans, int sta_id, int tid, IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(trans, "Bad queue mapping txq_id %d, " "agg_txq[sta_id[tid] %d", txq_id, trans_pcie->agg_txq[sta_id][tid]); + spin_unlock(&txq->lock); return 1; } @@ -1281,115 +1599,90 @@ static int iwl_trans_pcie_reclaim(struct iwl_trans *trans, int sta_id, int tid, txq_id, iwl_get_queue_ac(txq), txq->q.read_ptr, tfd_num, ssn); freed = iwl_tx_queue_reclaim(trans, txq_id, tfd_num, skbs); - if (iwl_queue_space(&txq->q) > txq->q.low_mark && - (!txq->sched_retry || - status != TX_STATUS_FAIL_PASSIVE_NO_RX)) - iwl_wake_queue(trans, txq, "Packets reclaimed"); + if (iwl_queue_space(&txq->q) > txq->q.low_mark) + iwl_wake_queue(trans, txq); } + + spin_unlock(&txq->lock); return 0; } -static void iwl_trans_pcie_free(struct iwl_trans *trans) +static void iwl_trans_pcie_write8(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 ofs, u8 val) { - iwl_calib_free_results(trans); - iwl_trans_pcie_tx_free(trans); - iwl_trans_pcie_rx_free(trans); - free_irq(bus(trans)->irq, trans); - iwl_free_isr_ict(trans); - trans->shrd->trans = NULL; - kfree(trans); + writeb(val, IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans)->hw_base + ofs); } -#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP -static int iwl_trans_pcie_suspend(struct iwl_trans *trans) +static void iwl_trans_pcie_write32(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 ofs, u32 val) { - /* - * This function is called when system goes into suspend state - * mac80211 will call iwlagn_mac_stop() from the mac80211 suspend - * function first but since iwlagn_mac_stop() has no knowledge of - * who the caller is, - * it will not call apm_ops.stop() to stop the DMA operation. - * Calling apm_ops.stop here to make sure we stop the DMA. - * - * But of course ... if we have configured WoWLAN then we did other - * things already :-) - */ - if (!trans->shrd->wowlan) { - iwl_apm_stop(priv(trans)); - } else { - iwl_disable_interrupts(trans); - iwl_clear_bit(bus(trans), CSR_GP_CNTRL, - CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_MAC_ACCESS_REQ); - } - - return 0; + writel(val, IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans)->hw_base + ofs); } -static int iwl_trans_pcie_resume(struct iwl_trans *trans) +static u32 iwl_trans_pcie_read32(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 ofs) { - bool hw_rfkill = false; - - iwl_enable_interrupts(trans); + return readl(IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans)->hw_base + ofs); +} - if (!(iwl_read32(bus(trans), CSR_GP_CNTRL) & - CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_HW_RF_KILL_SW)) - hw_rfkill = true; +static void iwl_trans_pcie_configure(struct iwl_trans *trans, + const struct iwl_trans_config *trans_cfg) +{ + struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); - if (hw_rfkill) - set_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &trans->shrd->status); + trans_pcie->cmd_queue = trans_cfg->cmd_queue; + if (WARN_ON(trans_cfg->n_no_reclaim_cmds > MAX_NO_RECLAIM_CMDS)) + trans_pcie->n_no_reclaim_cmds = 0; else - clear_bit(STATUS_RF_KILL_HW, &trans->shrd->status); - - iwl_set_hw_rfkill_state(priv(trans), hw_rfkill); - - return 0; + trans_pcie->n_no_reclaim_cmds = trans_cfg->n_no_reclaim_cmds; + if (trans_pcie->n_no_reclaim_cmds) + memcpy(trans_pcie->no_reclaim_cmds, trans_cfg->no_reclaim_cmds, + trans_pcie->n_no_reclaim_cmds * sizeof(u8)); } -#endif /* CONFIG_PM_SLEEP */ -static void iwl_trans_pcie_wake_any_queue(struct iwl_trans *trans, - enum iwl_rxon_context_id ctx, - const char *msg) +static void iwl_trans_pcie_free(struct iwl_trans *trans) { - u8 ac, txq_id; struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); - for (ac = 0; ac < AC_NUM; ac++) { - txq_id = trans_pcie->ac_to_queue[ctx][ac]; - IWL_DEBUG_TX_QUEUES(trans, "Queue Status: Q[%d] %s\n", - ac, - (atomic_read(&trans_pcie->queue_stop_count[ac]) > 0) - ? "stopped" : "awake"); - iwl_wake_queue(trans, &trans_pcie->txq[txq_id], msg); + iwl_trans_pcie_tx_free(trans); +#ifndef CONFIG_IWLWIFI_IDI + iwl_trans_pcie_rx_free(trans); +#endif + if (trans_pcie->irq_requested == true) { + free_irq(trans_pcie->irq, trans); + iwl_free_isr_ict(trans); } -} -const struct iwl_trans_ops trans_ops_pcie; + pci_disable_msi(trans_pcie->pci_dev); + iounmap(trans_pcie->hw_base); + pci_release_regions(trans_pcie->pci_dev); + pci_disable_device(trans_pcie->pci_dev); -static struct iwl_trans *iwl_trans_pcie_alloc(struct iwl_shared *shrd) -{ - struct iwl_trans *iwl_trans = kzalloc(sizeof(struct iwl_trans) + - sizeof(struct iwl_trans_pcie), - GFP_KERNEL); - if (iwl_trans) { - struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = - IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(iwl_trans); - iwl_trans->ops = &trans_ops_pcie; - iwl_trans->shrd = shrd; - trans_pcie->trans = iwl_trans; - spin_lock_init(&iwl_trans->hcmd_lock); - } + trans->shrd->trans = NULL; + kfree(trans); +} - return iwl_trans; +#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP +static int iwl_trans_pcie_suspend(struct iwl_trans *trans) +{ + return 0; } -static void iwl_trans_pcie_stop_queue(struct iwl_trans *trans, int txq_id, - const char *msg) +static int iwl_trans_pcie_resume(struct iwl_trans *trans) { - struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); + bool hw_rfkill; + + hw_rfkill = !(iwl_read32(trans, CSR_GP_CNTRL) & + CSR_GP_CNTRL_REG_FLAG_HW_RF_KILL_SW); + + if (hw_rfkill) + iwl_enable_rfkill_int(trans); + else + iwl_enable_interrupts(trans); - iwl_stop_queue(trans, &trans_pcie->txq[txq_id], msg); + iwl_op_mode_hw_rf_kill(trans->op_mode, hw_rfkill); + + return 0; } +#endif /* CONFIG_PM_SLEEP */ #define IWL_FLUSH_WAIT_MS 2000 @@ -1403,8 +1696,8 @@ static int iwl_trans_pcie_wait_tx_queue_empty(struct iwl_trans *trans) int ret = 0; /* waiting for all the tx frames complete might take a while */ - for (cnt = 0; cnt < hw_params(trans).max_txq_num; cnt++) { - if (cnt == trans->shrd->cmd_queue) + for (cnt = 0; cnt < cfg(trans)->base_params->num_of_queues; cnt++) { + if (cnt == trans_pcie->cmd_queue) continue; txq = &trans_pcie->txq[cnt]; q = &txq->q; @@ -1446,9 +1739,9 @@ static int iwl_trans_pcie_check_stuck_queue(struct iwl_trans *trans, int cnt) IWL_ERR(trans, "Current SW read_ptr %d write_ptr %d\n", q->read_ptr, q->write_ptr); IWL_ERR(trans, "Current HW read_ptr %d write_ptr %d\n", - iwl_read_prph(bus(trans), SCD_QUEUE_RDPTR(cnt)) + iwl_read_prph(trans, SCD_QUEUE_RDPTR(cnt)) & (TFD_QUEUE_SIZE_MAX - 1), - iwl_read_prph(bus(trans), SCD_QUEUE_WRPTR(cnt))); + iwl_read_prph(trans, SCD_QUEUE_WRPTR(cnt))); return 1; } @@ -1502,7 +1795,7 @@ int iwl_dump_fh(struct iwl_trans *trans, char **buf, bool display) pos += scnprintf(*buf + pos, bufsz - pos, " %34s: 0X%08x\n", get_fh_string(fh_tbl[i]), - iwl_read_direct32(bus(trans), fh_tbl[i])); + iwl_read_direct32(trans, fh_tbl[i])); } return pos; } @@ -1511,7 +1804,7 @@ int iwl_dump_fh(struct iwl_trans *trans, char **buf, bool display) for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(fh_tbl); i++) { IWL_ERR(trans, " %34s: 0X%08x\n", get_fh_string(fh_tbl[i]), - iwl_read_direct32(bus(trans), fh_tbl[i])); + iwl_read_direct32(trans, fh_tbl[i])); } return 0; } @@ -1581,7 +1874,7 @@ void iwl_dump_csr(struct iwl_trans *trans) for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(csr_tbl); i++) { IWL_ERR(trans, " %25s: 0X%08x\n", get_csr_string(csr_tbl[i]), - iwl_read32(bus(trans), csr_tbl[i])); + iwl_read32(trans, csr_tbl[i])); } } @@ -1649,7 +1942,9 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_tx_queue_read(struct file *file, int pos = 0; int cnt; int ret; - const size_t bufsz = sizeof(char) * 64 * hw_params(trans).max_txq_num; + size_t bufsz; + + bufsz = sizeof(char) * 64 * cfg(trans)->base_params->num_of_queues; if (!trans_pcie->txq) { IWL_ERR(trans, "txq not ready\n"); @@ -1659,7 +1954,7 @@ static ssize_t iwl_dbgfs_tx_queue_read(struct file *file, if (!buf) return -ENOMEM; - for (cnt = 0; cnt < hw_params(trans).max_txq_num; cnt++) { + for (cnt = 0; cnt < cfg(trans)->base_params->num_of_queues; cnt++) { txq = &trans_pcie->txq[cnt]; q = &txq->q; pos += scnprintf(buf + pos, bufsz - pos, @@ -1902,14 +2197,13 @@ static int iwl_trans_pcie_dbgfs_register(struct iwl_trans *trans, #endif /*CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUGFS */ const struct iwl_trans_ops trans_ops_pcie = { - .alloc = iwl_trans_pcie_alloc, - .request_irq = iwl_trans_pcie_request_irq, - .start_device = iwl_trans_pcie_start_device, - .prepare_card_hw = iwl_trans_pcie_prepare_card_hw, + .start_hw = iwl_trans_pcie_start_hw, + .stop_hw = iwl_trans_pcie_stop_hw, + .fw_alive = iwl_trans_pcie_fw_alive, + .start_fw = iwl_trans_pcie_start_fw, .stop_device = iwl_trans_pcie_stop_device, - .tx_start = iwl_trans_pcie_tx_start, - .wake_any_queue = iwl_trans_pcie_wake_any_queue, + .wowlan_suspend = iwl_trans_pcie_wowlan_suspend, .send_cmd = iwl_trans_pcie_send_cmd, @@ -1920,10 +2214,7 @@ const struct iwl_trans_ops trans_ops_pcie = { .tx_agg_alloc = iwl_trans_pcie_tx_agg_alloc, .tx_agg_setup = iwl_trans_pcie_tx_agg_setup, - .kick_nic = iwl_trans_pcie_kick_nic, - .free = iwl_trans_pcie_free, - .stop_queue = iwl_trans_pcie_stop_queue, .dbgfs_register = iwl_trans_pcie_dbgfs_register, @@ -1934,4 +2225,121 @@ const struct iwl_trans_ops trans_ops_pcie = { .suspend = iwl_trans_pcie_suspend, .resume = iwl_trans_pcie_resume, #endif + .write8 = iwl_trans_pcie_write8, + .write32 = iwl_trans_pcie_write32, + .read32 = iwl_trans_pcie_read32, + .configure = iwl_trans_pcie_configure, }; + +struct iwl_trans *iwl_trans_pcie_alloc(struct iwl_shared *shrd, + struct pci_dev *pdev, + const struct pci_device_id *ent) +{ + struct iwl_trans_pcie *trans_pcie; + struct iwl_trans *trans; + u16 pci_cmd; + int err; + + trans = kzalloc(sizeof(struct iwl_trans) + + sizeof(struct iwl_trans_pcie), GFP_KERNEL); + + if (WARN_ON(!trans)) + return NULL; + + trans_pcie = IWL_TRANS_GET_PCIE_TRANS(trans); + + trans->ops = &trans_ops_pcie; + trans->shrd = shrd; + trans_pcie->trans = trans; + spin_lock_init(&trans_pcie->irq_lock); + init_waitqueue_head(&trans_pcie->ucode_write_waitq); + + /* W/A - seems to solve weird behavior. We need to remove this if we + * don't want to stay in L1 all the time. This wastes a lot of power */ + pci_disable_link_state(pdev, PCIE_LINK_STATE_L0S | PCIE_LINK_STATE_L1 | + PCIE_LINK_STATE_CLKPM); + + if (pci_enable_device(pdev)) { + err = -ENODEV; + goto out_no_pci; + } + + pci_set_master(pdev); + + err = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(36)); + if (!err) + err = pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(36)); + if (err) { + err = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32)); + if (!err) + err = pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(pdev, + DMA_BIT_MASK(32)); + /* both attempts failed: */ + if (err) { + dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &pdev->dev, + "No suitable DMA available.\n"); + goto out_pci_disable_device; + } + } + + err = pci_request_regions(pdev, DRV_NAME); + if (err) { + dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &pdev->dev, "pci_request_regions failed"); + goto out_pci_disable_device; + } + + trans_pcie->hw_base = pci_ioremap_bar(pdev, 0); + if (!trans_pcie->hw_base) { + dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &pdev->dev, "pci_ioremap_bar failed"); + err = -ENODEV; + goto out_pci_release_regions; + } + + dev_printk(KERN_INFO, &pdev->dev, + "pci_resource_len = 0x%08llx\n", + (unsigned long long) pci_resource_len(pdev, 0)); + dev_printk(KERN_INFO, &pdev->dev, + "pci_resource_base = %p\n", trans_pcie->hw_base); + + dev_printk(KERN_INFO, &pdev->dev, + "HW Revision ID = 0x%X\n", pdev->revision); + + /* We disable the RETRY_TIMEOUT register (0x41) to keep + * PCI Tx retries from interfering with C3 CPU state */ + pci_write_config_byte(pdev, PCI_CFG_RETRY_TIMEOUT, 0x00); + + err = pci_enable_msi(pdev); + if (err) + dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &pdev->dev, + "pci_enable_msi failed(0X%x)", err); + + trans->dev = &pdev->dev; + trans_pcie->irq = pdev->irq; + trans_pcie->pci_dev = pdev; + trans->hw_rev = iwl_read32(trans, CSR_HW_REV); + trans->hw_id = (pdev->device << 16) + pdev->subsystem_device; + snprintf(trans->hw_id_str, sizeof(trans->hw_id_str), + "PCI ID: 0x%04X:0x%04X", pdev->device, pdev->subsystem_device); + + /* TODO: Move this away, not needed if not MSI */ + /* enable rfkill interrupt: hw bug w/a */ + pci_read_config_word(pdev, PCI_COMMAND, &pci_cmd); + if (pci_cmd & PCI_COMMAND_INTX_DISABLE) { + pci_cmd &= ~PCI_COMMAND_INTX_DISABLE; + pci_write_config_word(pdev, PCI_COMMAND, pci_cmd); + } + + /* Initialize the wait queue for commands */ + init_waitqueue_head(&trans->wait_command_queue); + + return trans; + +out_pci_release_regions: + pci_release_regions(pdev); +out_pci_disable_device: + pci_disable_device(pdev); +out_no_pci: + kfree(trans); + return NULL; +} + diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans.h index e6bf3f554772354ed816c2e707b5fed2f3d28105..0c81cbaa80888dfbf13d00010c19675f3202bd50 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-trans.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * BSD LICENSE * - * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @@ -63,23 +63,132 @@ #ifndef __iwl_trans_h__ #define __iwl_trans_h__ -#include -#include +#include +#include /* for page_address */ #include "iwl-shared.h" -#include "iwl-commands.h" +#include "iwl-debug.h" - /*This file includes the declaration that are exported from the transport - * layer */ +/** + * DOC: Transport layer - what is it ? + * + * The tranport layer is the layer that deals with the HW directly. It provides + * an abstraction of the underlying HW to the upper layer. The transport layer + * doesn't provide any policy, algorithm or anything of this kind, but only + * mechanisms to make the HW do something.It is not completely stateless but + * close to it. + * We will have an implementation for each different supported bus. + */ + +/** + * DOC: Life cycle of the transport layer + * + * The transport layer has a very precise life cycle. + * + * 1) A helper function is called during the module initialization and + * registers the bus driver's ops with the transport's alloc function. + * 2) Bus's probe calls to the transport layer's allocation functions. + * Of course this function is bus specific. + * 3) This allocation functions will spawn the upper layer which will + * register mac80211. + * + * 4) At some point (i.e. mac80211's start call), the op_mode will call + * the following sequence: + * start_hw + * start_fw + * + * 5) Then when finished (or reset): + * stop_fw (a.k.a. stop device for the moment) + * stop_hw + * + * 6) Eventually, the free function will be called. + */ struct iwl_priv; struct iwl_shared; +struct iwl_op_mode; +struct fw_img; +struct sk_buff; +struct dentry; +/** + * DOC: Host command section + * + * A host command is a commaned issued by the upper layer to the fw. There are + * several versions of fw that have several APIs. The transport layer is + * completely agnostic to these differences. + * The transport does provide helper functionnality (i.e. SYNC / ASYNC mode), + */ #define SEQ_TO_SN(seq) (((seq) & IEEE80211_SCTL_SEQ) >> 4) #define SN_TO_SEQ(ssn) (((ssn) << 4) & IEEE80211_SCTL_SEQ) #define MAX_SN ((IEEE80211_SCTL_SEQ) >> 4) +#define SEQ_TO_QUEUE(s) (((s) >> 8) & 0x1f) +#define QUEUE_TO_SEQ(q) (((q) & 0x1f) << 8) +#define SEQ_TO_INDEX(s) ((s) & 0xff) +#define INDEX_TO_SEQ(i) ((i) & 0xff) +#define SEQ_RX_FRAME cpu_to_le16(0x8000) + +/** + * struct iwl_cmd_header + * + * This header format appears in the beginning of each command sent from the + * driver, and each response/notification received from uCode. + */ +struct iwl_cmd_header { + u8 cmd; /* Command ID: REPLY_RXON, etc. */ + u8 flags; /* 0:5 reserved, 6 abort, 7 internal */ + /* + * The driver sets up the sequence number to values of its choosing. + * uCode does not use this value, but passes it back to the driver + * when sending the response to each driver-originated command, so + * the driver can match the response to the command. Since the values + * don't get used by uCode, the driver may set up an arbitrary format. + * + * There is one exception: uCode sets bit 15 when it originates + * the response/notification, i.e. when the response/notification + * is not a direct response to a command sent by the driver. For + * example, uCode issues REPLY_RX when it sends a received frame + * to the driver; it is not a direct response to any driver command. + * + * The Linux driver uses the following format: + * + * 0:7 tfd index - position within TX queue + * 8:12 TX queue id + * 13:14 reserved + * 15 unsolicited RX or uCode-originated notification + */ + __le16 sequence; +} __packed; + -enum { +#define FH_RSCSR_FRAME_SIZE_MSK 0x00003FFF /* bits 0-13 */ + +struct iwl_rx_packet { + /* + * The first 4 bytes of the RX frame header contain both the RX frame + * size and some flags. + * Bit fields: + * 31: flag flush RB request + * 30: flag ignore TC (terminal counter) request + * 29: flag fast IRQ request + * 28-14: Reserved + * 13-00: RX frame size + */ + __le32 len_n_flags; + struct iwl_cmd_header hdr; + u8 data[]; +} __packed; + +/** + * enum CMD_MODE - how to send the host commands ? + * + * @CMD_SYNC: The caller will be stalled until the fw responds to the command + * @CMD_ASYNC: Return right away and don't want for the response + * @CMD_WANT_SKB: valid only with CMD_SYNC. The caller needs the buffer of the + * response. + * @CMD_ON_DEMAND: This command is sent by the test mode pipe. + */ +enum CMD_MODE { CMD_SYNC = 0, CMD_ASYNC = BIT(0), CMD_WANT_SKB = BIT(1), @@ -104,25 +213,38 @@ struct iwl_device_cmd { #define IWL_MAX_CMD_TFDS 2 +/** + * struct iwl_hcmd_dataflag - flag for each one of the chunks of the command + * + * IWL_HCMD_DFL_NOCOPY: By default, the command is copied to the host command's + * ring. The transport layer doesn't map the command's buffer to DMA, but + * rather copies it to an previously allocated DMA buffer. This flag tells + * the transport layer not to copy the command, but to map the existing + * buffer. This can save memcpy and is worth with very big comamnds. + */ enum iwl_hcmd_dataflag { IWL_HCMD_DFL_NOCOPY = BIT(0), }; /** * struct iwl_host_cmd - Host command to the uCode + * * @data: array of chunks that composes the data of the host command - * @reply_page: pointer to the page that holds the response to the host command + * @resp_pkt: response packet, if %CMD_WANT_SKB was set + * @_rx_page_order: (internally used to free response packet) + * @_rx_page_addr: (internally used to free response packet) * @handler_status: return value of the handler of the command * (put in setup_rx_handlers) - valid for SYNC mode only - * @callback: - * @flags: can be CMD_* note CMD_WANT_SKB is incompatible withe CMD_ASYNC + * @flags: can be CMD_* * @len: array of the lenths of the chunks in data - * @dataflags: + * @dataflags: IWL_HCMD_DFL_* * @id: id of the host command */ struct iwl_host_cmd { const void *data[IWL_MAX_CMD_TFDS]; - unsigned long reply_page; + struct iwl_rx_packet *resp_pkt; + unsigned long _rx_page_addr; + u32 _rx_page_order; int handler_status; u32 flags; @@ -131,48 +253,109 @@ struct iwl_host_cmd { u8 id; }; +static inline void iwl_free_resp(struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd) +{ + free_pages(cmd->_rx_page_addr, cmd->_rx_page_order); +} + +struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer { + struct page *_page; +}; + +static inline void *rxb_addr(struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *r) +{ + return page_address(r->_page); +} + +static inline struct page *rxb_steal_page(struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *r) +{ + struct page *p = r->_page; + r->_page = NULL; + return p; +} + +#define MAX_NO_RECLAIM_CMDS 6 + +/** + * struct iwl_trans_config - transport configuration + * + * @op_mode: pointer to the upper layer. + * Must be set before any other call. + * @cmd_queue: the index of the command queue. + * Must be set before start_fw. + * @no_reclaim_cmds: Some devices erroneously don't set the + * SEQ_RX_FRAME bit on some notifications, this is the + * list of such notifications to filter. Max length is + * %MAX_NO_RECLAIM_CMDS. + * @n_no_reclaim_cmds: # of commands in list + */ +struct iwl_trans_config { + struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode; + u8 cmd_queue; + const u8 *no_reclaim_cmds; + int n_no_reclaim_cmds; +}; + /** * struct iwl_trans_ops - transport specific operations - * @alloc: allocates the meta data (not the queues themselves) - * @request_irq: requests IRQ - will be called before the FW load in probe flow - * @start_device: allocates and inits all the resources for the transport - * layer. - * @prepare_card_hw: claim the ownership on the HW. Will be called during - * probe. - * @tx_start: starts and configures all the Tx fifo - usually done once the fw - * is alive. - * @wake_any_queue: wake all the queues of a specfic context IWL_RXON_CTX_* + * + * All the handlers MUST be implemented + * + * @start_hw: starts the HW- from that point on, the HW can send interrupts + * May sleep + * @stop_hw: stops the HW- from that point on, the HW will be in low power but + * will still issue interrupt if the HW RF kill is triggered. + * May sleep + * @start_fw: allocates and inits all the resources for the transport + * layer. Also kick a fw image. + * May sleep + * @fw_alive: called when the fw sends alive notification + * May sleep * @stop_device:stops the whole device (embedded CPU put to reset) + * May sleep + * @wowlan_suspend: put the device into the correct mode for WoWLAN during + * suspend. This is optional, if not implemented WoWLAN will not be + * supported. This callback may sleep. * @send_cmd:send a host command + * May sleep only if CMD_SYNC is set * @tx: send an skb + * Must be atomic * @reclaim: free packet until ssn. Returns a list of freed packets. + * Must be atomic * @tx_agg_alloc: allocate resources for a TX BA session + * Must be atomic * @tx_agg_setup: setup a tx queue for AMPDU - will be called once the HW is - * ready and a successful ADDBA response has been received. + * ready and a successful ADDBA response has been received. + * May sleep * @tx_agg_disable: de-configure a Tx queue to send AMPDUs - * @kick_nic: remove the RESET from the embedded CPU and let it run + * Must be atomic * @free: release all the ressource for the transport layer itself such as - * irq, tasklet etc... - * @stop_queue: stop a specific queue + * irq, tasklet etc... From this point on, the device may not issue + * any interrupt (incl. RFKILL). + * May sleep * @check_stuck_queue: check if a specific queue is stuck * @wait_tx_queue_empty: wait until all tx queues are empty + * May sleep * @dbgfs_register: add the dbgfs files under this directory. Files will be * automatically deleted. * @suspend: stop the device unless WoWLAN is configured * @resume: resume activity of the device + * @write8: write a u8 to a register at offset ofs from the BAR + * @write32: write a u32 to a register at offset ofs from the BAR + * @read32: read a u32 register at offset ofs from the BAR + * @configure: configure parameters required by the transport layer from + * the op_mode. May be called several times before start_fw, can't be + * called after that. */ struct iwl_trans_ops { - struct iwl_trans *(*alloc)(struct iwl_shared *shrd); - int (*request_irq)(struct iwl_trans *iwl_trans); - int (*start_device)(struct iwl_trans *trans); - int (*prepare_card_hw)(struct iwl_trans *trans); + int (*start_hw)(struct iwl_trans *iwl_trans); + void (*stop_hw)(struct iwl_trans *iwl_trans); + int (*start_fw)(struct iwl_trans *trans, const struct fw_img *fw); + void (*fw_alive)(struct iwl_trans *trans); void (*stop_device)(struct iwl_trans *trans); - void (*tx_start)(struct iwl_trans *trans); - void (*wake_any_queue)(struct iwl_trans *trans, - enum iwl_rxon_context_id ctx, - const char *msg); + void (*wowlan_suspend)(struct iwl_trans *trans); int (*send_cmd)(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd); @@ -180,8 +363,7 @@ struct iwl_trans_ops { struct iwl_device_cmd *dev_cmd, enum iwl_rxon_context_id ctx, u8 sta_id, u8 tid); int (*reclaim)(struct iwl_trans *trans, int sta_id, int tid, - int txq_id, int ssn, u32 status, - struct sk_buff_head *skbs); + int txq_id, int ssn, struct sk_buff_head *skbs); int (*tx_agg_disable)(struct iwl_trans *trans, int sta_id, int tid); @@ -191,12 +373,8 @@ struct iwl_trans_ops { enum iwl_rxon_context_id ctx, int sta_id, int tid, int frame_limit, u16 ssn); - void (*kick_nic)(struct iwl_trans *trans); - void (*free)(struct iwl_trans *trans); - void (*stop_queue)(struct iwl_trans *trans, int q, const char *msg); - int (*dbgfs_register)(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct dentry* dir); int (*check_stuck_queue)(struct iwl_trans *trans, int q); int (*wait_tx_queue_empty)(struct iwl_trans *trans); @@ -204,127 +382,165 @@ struct iwl_trans_ops { int (*suspend)(struct iwl_trans *trans); int (*resume)(struct iwl_trans *trans); #endif + void (*write8)(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 ofs, u8 val); + void (*write32)(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 ofs, u32 val); + u32 (*read32)(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 ofs); + void (*configure)(struct iwl_trans *trans, + const struct iwl_trans_config *trans_cfg); }; -/* one for each uCode image (inst/data, boot/init/runtime) */ -struct fw_desc { - dma_addr_t p_addr; /* hardware address */ - void *v_addr; /* software address */ - u32 len; /* size in bytes */ -}; - -struct fw_img { - struct fw_desc code; /* firmware code image */ - struct fw_desc data; /* firmware data image */ -}; - -/* Opaque calibration results */ -struct iwl_calib_result { - struct list_head list; - size_t cmd_len; - struct iwl_calib_hdr hdr; - /* data follows */ +/** + * enum iwl_trans_state - state of the transport layer + * + * @IWL_TRANS_NO_FW: no fw has sent an alive response + * @IWL_TRANS_FW_ALIVE: a fw has sent an alive response + */ +enum iwl_trans_state { + IWL_TRANS_NO_FW = 0, + IWL_TRANS_FW_ALIVE = 1, }; /** * struct iwl_trans - transport common data + * * @ops - pointer to iwl_trans_ops + * @op_mode - pointer to the op_mode * @shrd - pointer to iwl_shared which holds shared data from the upper layer - * @hcmd_lock: protects HCMD - * @ucode_write_complete: indicates that the ucode has been copied. - * @ucode_rt: run time ucode image - * @ucode_init: init ucode image - * @ucode_wowlan: wake on wireless ucode image (optional) + * @reg_lock - protect hw register access + * @dev - pointer to struct device * that represents the device + * @hw_id: a u32 with the ID of the device / subdevice. + * Set during transport allocation. + * @hw_id_str: a string with info about HW ID. Set during transport allocation. * @nvm_device_type: indicates OTP or eeprom - * @calib_results: list head for init calibration results + * @pm_support: set to true in start_hw if link pm is supported + * @wait_command_queue: the wait_queue for SYNC host commands */ struct iwl_trans { const struct iwl_trans_ops *ops; + struct iwl_op_mode *op_mode; struct iwl_shared *shrd; - spinlock_t hcmd_lock; + enum iwl_trans_state state; + spinlock_t reg_lock; - u8 ucode_write_complete; /* the image write is complete */ - struct fw_img ucode_rt; - struct fw_img ucode_init; - struct fw_img ucode_wowlan; + struct device *dev; + u32 hw_rev; + u32 hw_id; + char hw_id_str[52]; - /* eeprom related variables */ int nvm_device_type; + bool pm_support; - /* init calibration results */ - struct list_head calib_results; + wait_queue_head_t wait_command_queue; /* pointer to trans specific struct */ /*Ensure that this pointer will always be aligned to sizeof pointer */ - char trans_specific[0] __attribute__((__aligned__(sizeof(void *)))); + char trans_specific[0] __aligned(sizeof(void *)); }; -static inline int iwl_trans_request_irq(struct iwl_trans *trans) +static inline void iwl_trans_configure(struct iwl_trans *trans, + const struct iwl_trans_config *trans_cfg) { - return trans->ops->request_irq(trans); + /* + * only set the op_mode for the moment. Later on, this function will do + * more + */ + trans->op_mode = trans_cfg->op_mode; + + trans->ops->configure(trans, trans_cfg); } -static inline int iwl_trans_start_device(struct iwl_trans *trans) +static inline int iwl_trans_start_hw(struct iwl_trans *trans) { - return trans->ops->start_device(trans); + might_sleep(); + + return trans->ops->start_hw(trans); } -static inline int iwl_trans_prepare_card_hw(struct iwl_trans *trans) +static inline void iwl_trans_stop_hw(struct iwl_trans *trans) { - return trans->ops->prepare_card_hw(trans); + might_sleep(); + + trans->ops->stop_hw(trans); + + trans->state = IWL_TRANS_NO_FW; } -static inline void iwl_trans_stop_device(struct iwl_trans *trans) +static inline void iwl_trans_fw_alive(struct iwl_trans *trans) { - trans->ops->stop_device(trans); + might_sleep(); + + trans->ops->fw_alive(trans); + + trans->state = IWL_TRANS_FW_ALIVE; } -static inline void iwl_trans_tx_start(struct iwl_trans *trans) +static inline int iwl_trans_start_fw(struct iwl_trans *trans, + const struct fw_img *fw) { - trans->ops->tx_start(trans); + might_sleep(); + + return trans->ops->start_fw(trans, fw); } -static inline void iwl_trans_wake_any_queue(struct iwl_trans *trans, - enum iwl_rxon_context_id ctx, - const char *msg) +static inline void iwl_trans_stop_device(struct iwl_trans *trans) { - trans->ops->wake_any_queue(trans, ctx, msg); + might_sleep(); + + trans->ops->stop_device(trans); + + trans->state = IWL_TRANS_NO_FW; } +static inline void iwl_trans_wowlan_suspend(struct iwl_trans *trans) +{ + might_sleep(); + trans->ops->wowlan_suspend(trans); +} static inline int iwl_trans_send_cmd(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct iwl_host_cmd *cmd) { + WARN_ONCE(trans->state != IWL_TRANS_FW_ALIVE, + "%s bad state = %d", __func__, trans->state); + return trans->ops->send_cmd(trans, cmd); } -int iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(struct iwl_trans *trans, u8 id, - u32 flags, u16 len, const void *data); - static inline int iwl_trans_tx(struct iwl_trans *trans, struct sk_buff *skb, struct iwl_device_cmd *dev_cmd, enum iwl_rxon_context_id ctx, u8 sta_id, u8 tid) { + if (trans->state != IWL_TRANS_FW_ALIVE) + IWL_ERR(trans, "%s bad state = %d", __func__, trans->state); + return trans->ops->tx(trans, skb, dev_cmd, ctx, sta_id, tid); } static inline int iwl_trans_reclaim(struct iwl_trans *trans, int sta_id, - int tid, int txq_id, int ssn, u32 status, + int tid, int txq_id, int ssn, struct sk_buff_head *skbs) { - return trans->ops->reclaim(trans, sta_id, tid, txq_id, ssn, - status, skbs); + WARN_ONCE(trans->state != IWL_TRANS_FW_ALIVE, + "%s bad state = %d", __func__, trans->state); + + return trans->ops->reclaim(trans, sta_id, tid, txq_id, ssn, skbs); } static inline int iwl_trans_tx_agg_disable(struct iwl_trans *trans, int sta_id, int tid) { + WARN_ONCE(trans->state != IWL_TRANS_FW_ALIVE, + "%s bad state = %d", __func__, trans->state); + return trans->ops->tx_agg_disable(trans, sta_id, tid); } static inline int iwl_trans_tx_agg_alloc(struct iwl_trans *trans, int sta_id, int tid) { + WARN_ONCE(trans->state != IWL_TRANS_FW_ALIVE, + "%s bad state = %d", __func__, trans->state); + return trans->ops->tx_agg_alloc(trans, sta_id, tid); } @@ -334,12 +550,12 @@ static inline void iwl_trans_tx_agg_setup(struct iwl_trans *trans, int sta_id, int tid, int frame_limit, u16 ssn) { - trans->ops->tx_agg_setup(trans, ctx, sta_id, tid, frame_limit, ssn); -} + might_sleep(); -static inline void iwl_trans_kick_nic(struct iwl_trans *trans) -{ - trans->ops->kick_nic(trans); + WARN_ONCE(trans->state != IWL_TRANS_FW_ALIVE, + "%s bad state = %d", __func__, trans->state); + + trans->ops->tx_agg_setup(trans, ctx, sta_id, tid, frame_limit, ssn); } static inline void iwl_trans_free(struct iwl_trans *trans) @@ -347,19 +563,19 @@ static inline void iwl_trans_free(struct iwl_trans *trans) trans->ops->free(trans); } -static inline void iwl_trans_stop_queue(struct iwl_trans *trans, int q, - const char *msg) -{ - trans->ops->stop_queue(trans, q, msg); -} - static inline int iwl_trans_wait_tx_queue_empty(struct iwl_trans *trans) { + WARN_ONCE(trans->state != IWL_TRANS_FW_ALIVE, + "%s bad state = %d", __func__, trans->state); + return trans->ops->wait_tx_queue_empty(trans); } static inline int iwl_trans_check_stuck_queue(struct iwl_trans *trans, int q) { + WARN_ONCE(trans->state != IWL_TRANS_FW_ALIVE, + "%s bad state = %d", __func__, trans->state); + return trans->ops->check_stuck_queue(trans, q); } static inline int iwl_trans_dbgfs_register(struct iwl_trans *trans, @@ -380,18 +596,35 @@ static inline int iwl_trans_resume(struct iwl_trans *trans) } #endif -/***************************************************** -* Transport layers implementations -******************************************************/ -extern const struct iwl_trans_ops trans_ops_pcie; +static inline void iwl_trans_write8(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 ofs, u8 val) +{ + trans->ops->write8(trans, ofs, val); +} -int iwl_alloc_fw_desc(struct iwl_bus *bus, struct fw_desc *desc, - const void *data, size_t len); -void iwl_dealloc_ucode(struct iwl_trans *trans); +static inline void iwl_trans_write32(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 ofs, u32 val) +{ + trans->ops->write32(trans, ofs, val); +} -int iwl_send_calib_results(struct iwl_trans *trans); -int iwl_calib_set(struct iwl_trans *trans, - const struct iwl_calib_hdr *cmd, int len); -void iwl_calib_free_results(struct iwl_trans *trans); +static inline u32 iwl_trans_read32(struct iwl_trans *trans, u32 ofs) +{ + return trans->ops->read32(trans, ofs); +} +/***************************************************** +* Transport layers implementations + their allocation function +******************************************************/ +struct pci_dev; +struct pci_device_id; +extern const struct iwl_trans_ops trans_ops_pcie; +struct iwl_trans *iwl_trans_pcie_alloc(struct iwl_shared *shrd, + struct pci_dev *pdev, + const struct pci_device_id *ent); +int __must_check iwl_pci_register_driver(void); +void iwl_pci_unregister_driver(void); + +extern const struct iwl_trans_ops trans_ops_idi; +struct iwl_trans *iwl_trans_idi_alloc(struct iwl_shared *shrd, + void *pdev_void, + const void *ent_void); #endif /* __iwl_trans_h__ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-ucode.c b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-ucode.c index 36a1b5b2585898094d158c7a5f874958d35c7851..2528287288372b0137c44b5abded3c6ce92b47e4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-ucode.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-ucode.c @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * - * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -28,12 +28,8 @@ *****************************************************************************/ #include -#include #include -#include -#include -#include "iwl-wifi.h" #include "iwl-dev.h" #include "iwl-core.h" #include "iwl-io.h" @@ -42,6 +38,7 @@ #include "iwl-agn-calib.h" #include "iwl-trans.h" #include "iwl-fh.h" +#include "iwl-op-mode.h" static struct iwl_wimax_coex_event_entry cu_priorities[COEX_NUM_OF_EVENTS] = { {COEX_CU_UNASSOC_IDLE_RP, COEX_CU_UNASSOC_IDLE_WP, @@ -80,157 +77,35 @@ static struct iwl_wimax_coex_event_entry cu_priorities[COEX_NUM_OF_EVENTS] = { * ******************************************************************************/ -static void iwl_free_fw_desc(struct iwl_bus *bus, struct fw_desc *desc) +static inline const struct fw_img * +iwl_get_ucode_image(struct iwl_priv *priv, enum iwl_ucode_type ucode_type) { - if (desc->v_addr) - dma_free_coherent(bus->dev, desc->len, - desc->v_addr, desc->p_addr); - desc->v_addr = NULL; - desc->len = 0; -} - -static void iwl_free_fw_img(struct iwl_bus *bus, struct fw_img *img) -{ - iwl_free_fw_desc(bus, &img->code); - iwl_free_fw_desc(bus, &img->data); -} - -void iwl_dealloc_ucode(struct iwl_trans *trans) -{ - iwl_free_fw_img(bus(trans), &trans->ucode_rt); - iwl_free_fw_img(bus(trans), &trans->ucode_init); - iwl_free_fw_img(bus(trans), &trans->ucode_wowlan); -} - -int iwl_alloc_fw_desc(struct iwl_bus *bus, struct fw_desc *desc, - const void *data, size_t len) -{ - if (!len) { - desc->v_addr = NULL; - return -EINVAL; - } - - desc->v_addr = dma_alloc_coherent(bus->dev, len, - &desc->p_addr, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!desc->v_addr) - return -ENOMEM; + if (ucode_type >= IWL_UCODE_TYPE_MAX) + return NULL; - desc->len = len; - memcpy(desc->v_addr, data, len); - return 0; -} - -/* - * ucode - */ -static int iwl_load_section(struct iwl_trans *trans, const char *name, - struct fw_desc *image, u32 dst_addr) -{ - struct iwl_bus *bus = bus(trans); - dma_addr_t phy_addr = image->p_addr; - u32 byte_cnt = image->len; - int ret; - - trans->ucode_write_complete = 0; - - iwl_write_direct32(bus, - FH_TCSR_CHNL_TX_CONFIG_REG(FH_SRVC_CHNL), - FH_TCSR_TX_CONFIG_REG_VAL_DMA_CHNL_PAUSE); - - iwl_write_direct32(bus, - FH_SRVC_CHNL_SRAM_ADDR_REG(FH_SRVC_CHNL), dst_addr); - - iwl_write_direct32(bus, - FH_TFDIB_CTRL0_REG(FH_SRVC_CHNL), - phy_addr & FH_MEM_TFDIB_DRAM_ADDR_LSB_MSK); - - iwl_write_direct32(bus, - FH_TFDIB_CTRL1_REG(FH_SRVC_CHNL), - (iwl_get_dma_hi_addr(phy_addr) - << FH_MEM_TFDIB_REG1_ADDR_BITSHIFT) | byte_cnt); - - iwl_write_direct32(bus, - FH_TCSR_CHNL_TX_BUF_STS_REG(FH_SRVC_CHNL), - 1 << FH_TCSR_CHNL_TX_BUF_STS_REG_POS_TB_NUM | - 1 << FH_TCSR_CHNL_TX_BUF_STS_REG_POS_TB_IDX | - FH_TCSR_CHNL_TX_BUF_STS_REG_VAL_TFDB_VALID); - - iwl_write_direct32(bus, - FH_TCSR_CHNL_TX_CONFIG_REG(FH_SRVC_CHNL), - FH_TCSR_TX_CONFIG_REG_VAL_DMA_CHNL_ENABLE | - FH_TCSR_TX_CONFIG_REG_VAL_DMA_CREDIT_DISABLE | - FH_TCSR_TX_CONFIG_REG_VAL_CIRQ_HOST_ENDTFD); - - IWL_DEBUG_FW(bus, "%s uCode section being loaded...\n", name); - ret = wait_event_timeout(trans->shrd->wait_command_queue, - trans->ucode_write_complete, 5 * HZ); - if (!ret) { - IWL_ERR(trans, "Could not load the %s uCode section\n", - name); - return -ETIMEDOUT; - } - - return 0; -} - -static inline struct fw_img *iwl_get_ucode_image(struct iwl_trans *trans, - enum iwl_ucode_type ucode_type) -{ - switch (ucode_type) { - case IWL_UCODE_INIT: - return &trans->ucode_init; - case IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN: - return &trans->ucode_wowlan; - case IWL_UCODE_REGULAR: - return &trans->ucode_rt; - case IWL_UCODE_NONE: - break; - } - return NULL; -} - -static int iwl_load_given_ucode(struct iwl_trans *trans, - enum iwl_ucode_type ucode_type) -{ - int ret = 0; - struct fw_img *image = iwl_get_ucode_image(trans, ucode_type); - - - if (!image) { - IWL_ERR(trans, "Invalid ucode requested (%d)\n", - ucode_type); - return -EINVAL; - } - - ret = iwl_load_section(trans, "INST", &image->code, - IWLAGN_RTC_INST_LOWER_BOUND); - if (ret) - return ret; - - return iwl_load_section(trans, "DATA", &image->data, - IWLAGN_RTC_DATA_LOWER_BOUND); + return &priv->fw->img[ucode_type]; } /* * Calibration */ -static int iwl_set_Xtal_calib(struct iwl_trans *trans) +static int iwl_set_Xtal_calib(struct iwl_priv *priv) { struct iwl_calib_xtal_freq_cmd cmd; __le16 *xtal_calib = - (__le16 *)iwl_eeprom_query_addr(trans->shrd, EEPROM_XTAL); + (__le16 *)iwl_eeprom_query_addr(priv->shrd, EEPROM_XTAL); iwl_set_calib_hdr(&cmd.hdr, IWL_PHY_CALIBRATE_CRYSTAL_FRQ_CMD); cmd.cap_pin1 = le16_to_cpu(xtal_calib[0]); cmd.cap_pin2 = le16_to_cpu(xtal_calib[1]); - return iwl_calib_set(trans, (void *)&cmd, sizeof(cmd)); + return iwl_calib_set(priv, (void *)&cmd, sizeof(cmd)); } -static int iwl_set_temperature_offset_calib(struct iwl_trans *trans) +static int iwl_set_temperature_offset_calib(struct iwl_priv *priv) { struct iwl_calib_temperature_offset_cmd cmd; __le16 *offset_calib = - (__le16 *)iwl_eeprom_query_addr(trans->shrd, + (__le16 *)iwl_eeprom_query_addr(priv->shrd, EEPROM_RAW_TEMPERATURE); memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); @@ -239,48 +114,48 @@ static int iwl_set_temperature_offset_calib(struct iwl_trans *trans) if (!(cmd.radio_sensor_offset)) cmd.radio_sensor_offset = DEFAULT_RADIO_SENSOR_OFFSET; - IWL_DEBUG_CALIB(trans, "Radio sensor offset: %d\n", + IWL_DEBUG_CALIB(priv, "Radio sensor offset: %d\n", le16_to_cpu(cmd.radio_sensor_offset)); - return iwl_calib_set(trans, (void *)&cmd, sizeof(cmd)); + return iwl_calib_set(priv, (void *)&cmd, sizeof(cmd)); } -static int iwl_set_temperature_offset_calib_v2(struct iwl_trans *trans) +static int iwl_set_temperature_offset_calib_v2(struct iwl_priv *priv) { struct iwl_calib_temperature_offset_v2_cmd cmd; - __le16 *offset_calib_high = (__le16 *)iwl_eeprom_query_addr(trans->shrd, + __le16 *offset_calib_high = (__le16 *)iwl_eeprom_query_addr(priv->shrd, EEPROM_KELVIN_TEMPERATURE); __le16 *offset_calib_low = - (__le16 *)iwl_eeprom_query_addr(trans->shrd, + (__le16 *)iwl_eeprom_query_addr(priv->shrd, EEPROM_RAW_TEMPERATURE); struct iwl_eeprom_calib_hdr *hdr; memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); iwl_set_calib_hdr(&cmd.hdr, IWL_PHY_CALIBRATE_TEMP_OFFSET_CMD); - hdr = (struct iwl_eeprom_calib_hdr *)iwl_eeprom_query_addr(trans->shrd, + hdr = (struct iwl_eeprom_calib_hdr *)iwl_eeprom_query_addr(priv->shrd, EEPROM_CALIB_ALL); memcpy(&cmd.radio_sensor_offset_high, offset_calib_high, sizeof(*offset_calib_high)); memcpy(&cmd.radio_sensor_offset_low, offset_calib_low, sizeof(*offset_calib_low)); if (!(cmd.radio_sensor_offset_low)) { - IWL_DEBUG_CALIB(trans, "no info in EEPROM, use default\n"); + IWL_DEBUG_CALIB(priv, "no info in EEPROM, use default\n"); cmd.radio_sensor_offset_low = DEFAULT_RADIO_SENSOR_OFFSET; cmd.radio_sensor_offset_high = DEFAULT_RADIO_SENSOR_OFFSET; } memcpy(&cmd.burntVoltageRef, &hdr->voltage, sizeof(hdr->voltage)); - IWL_DEBUG_CALIB(trans, "Radio sensor offset high: %d\n", + IWL_DEBUG_CALIB(priv, "Radio sensor offset high: %d\n", le16_to_cpu(cmd.radio_sensor_offset_high)); - IWL_DEBUG_CALIB(trans, "Radio sensor offset low: %d\n", + IWL_DEBUG_CALIB(priv, "Radio sensor offset low: %d\n", le16_to_cpu(cmd.radio_sensor_offset_low)); - IWL_DEBUG_CALIB(trans, "Voltage Ref: %d\n", + IWL_DEBUG_CALIB(priv, "Voltage Ref: %d\n", le16_to_cpu(cmd.burntVoltageRef)); - return iwl_calib_set(trans, (void *)&cmd, sizeof(cmd)); + return iwl_calib_set(priv, (void *)&cmd, sizeof(cmd)); } -static int iwl_send_calib_cfg(struct iwl_trans *trans) +static int iwl_send_calib_cfg(struct iwl_priv *priv) { struct iwl_calib_cfg_cmd calib_cfg_cmd; struct iwl_host_cmd cmd = { @@ -296,47 +171,47 @@ static int iwl_send_calib_cfg(struct iwl_trans *trans) calib_cfg_cmd.ucd_calib_cfg.flags = IWL_CALIB_CFG_FLAG_SEND_COMPLETE_NTFY_MSK; - return iwl_trans_send_cmd(trans, &cmd); + return iwl_dvm_send_cmd(priv, &cmd); } int iwlagn_rx_calib_result(struct iwl_priv *priv, - struct iwl_rx_mem_buffer *rxb, + struct iwl_rx_cmd_buffer *rxb, struct iwl_device_cmd *cmd) { struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt = rxb_addr(rxb); - struct iwl_calib_hdr *hdr = (struct iwl_calib_hdr *)pkt->u.raw; + struct iwl_calib_hdr *hdr = (struct iwl_calib_hdr *)pkt->data; int len = le32_to_cpu(pkt->len_n_flags) & FH_RSCSR_FRAME_SIZE_MSK; /* reduce the size of the length field itself */ len -= 4; - if (iwl_calib_set(trans(priv), hdr, len)) + if (iwl_calib_set(priv, hdr, len)) IWL_ERR(priv, "Failed to record calibration data %d\n", hdr->op_code); return 0; } -int iwl_init_alive_start(struct iwl_trans *trans) +int iwl_init_alive_start(struct iwl_priv *priv) { int ret; - if (cfg(trans)->bt_params && - cfg(trans)->bt_params->advanced_bt_coexist) { + if (cfg(priv)->bt_params && + cfg(priv)->bt_params->advanced_bt_coexist) { /* * Tell uCode we are ready to perform calibration * need to perform this before any calibration * no need to close the envlope since we are going * to load the runtime uCode later. */ - ret = iwl_send_bt_env(trans, IWL_BT_COEX_ENV_OPEN, + ret = iwl_send_bt_env(priv, IWL_BT_COEX_ENV_OPEN, BT_COEX_PRIO_TBL_EVT_INIT_CALIB2); if (ret) return ret; } - ret = iwl_send_calib_cfg(trans); + ret = iwl_send_calib_cfg(priv); if (ret) return ret; @@ -344,21 +219,21 @@ int iwl_init_alive_start(struct iwl_trans *trans) * temperature offset calibration is only needed for runtime ucode, * so prepare the value now. */ - if (cfg(trans)->need_temp_offset_calib) { - if (cfg(trans)->temp_offset_v2) - return iwl_set_temperature_offset_calib_v2(trans); + if (cfg(priv)->need_temp_offset_calib) { + if (cfg(priv)->temp_offset_v2) + return iwl_set_temperature_offset_calib_v2(priv); else - return iwl_set_temperature_offset_calib(trans); + return iwl_set_temperature_offset_calib(priv); } return 0; } -static int iwl_send_wimax_coex(struct iwl_trans *trans) +static int iwl_send_wimax_coex(struct iwl_priv *priv) { struct iwl_wimax_coex_cmd coex_cmd; - if (cfg(trans)->base_params->support_wimax_coexist) { + if (cfg(priv)->base_params->support_wimax_coexist) { /* UnMask wake up src at associated sleep */ coex_cmd.flags = COEX_FLAGS_ASSOC_WA_UNMASK_MSK; @@ -377,7 +252,7 @@ static int iwl_send_wimax_coex(struct iwl_trans *trans) /* coexistence is disabled */ memset(&coex_cmd, 0, sizeof(coex_cmd)); } - return iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans, + return iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, COEX_PRIORITY_TABLE_CMD, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(coex_cmd), &coex_cmd); } @@ -404,64 +279,54 @@ static const u8 iwl_bt_prio_tbl[BT_COEX_PRIO_TBL_EVT_MAX] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; -void iwl_send_prio_tbl(struct iwl_trans *trans) +void iwl_send_prio_tbl(struct iwl_priv *priv) { struct iwl_bt_coex_prio_table_cmd prio_tbl_cmd; memcpy(prio_tbl_cmd.prio_tbl, iwl_bt_prio_tbl, sizeof(iwl_bt_prio_tbl)); - if (iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans, + if (iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, REPLY_BT_COEX_PRIO_TABLE, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(prio_tbl_cmd), &prio_tbl_cmd)) - IWL_ERR(trans, "failed to send BT prio tbl command\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "failed to send BT prio tbl command\n"); } -int iwl_send_bt_env(struct iwl_trans *trans, u8 action, u8 type) +int iwl_send_bt_env(struct iwl_priv *priv, u8 action, u8 type) { struct iwl_bt_coex_prot_env_cmd env_cmd; int ret; env_cmd.action = action; env_cmd.type = type; - ret = iwl_trans_send_cmd_pdu(trans, + ret = iwl_dvm_send_cmd_pdu(priv, REPLY_BT_COEX_PROT_ENV, CMD_SYNC, sizeof(env_cmd), &env_cmd); if (ret) - IWL_ERR(trans, "failed to send BT env command\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "failed to send BT env command\n"); return ret; } -static int iwl_alive_notify(struct iwl_trans *trans) +static int iwl_alive_notify(struct iwl_priv *priv) { - struct iwl_priv *priv = priv(trans); - struct iwl_rxon_context *ctx; int ret; - if (!priv->tx_cmd_pool) - priv->tx_cmd_pool = - kmem_cache_create("iwl_dev_cmd", - sizeof(struct iwl_device_cmd), - sizeof(void *), 0, NULL); + iwl_trans_fw_alive(trans(priv)); - if (!priv->tx_cmd_pool) - return -ENOMEM; + priv->passive_no_rx = false; + priv->transport_queue_stop = 0; - iwl_trans_tx_start(trans); - for_each_context(priv, ctx) - ctx->last_tx_rejected = false; - - ret = iwl_send_wimax_coex(trans); + ret = iwl_send_wimax_coex(priv); if (ret) return ret; if (!cfg(priv)->no_xtal_calib) { - ret = iwl_set_Xtal_calib(trans); + ret = iwl_set_Xtal_calib(priv); if (ret) return ret; } - return iwl_send_calib_results(trans); + return iwl_send_calib_results(priv); } @@ -470,23 +335,23 @@ static int iwl_alive_notify(struct iwl_trans *trans) * using sample data 100 bytes apart. If these sample points are good, * it's a pretty good bet that everything between them is good, too. */ -static int iwl_verify_inst_sparse(struct iwl_bus *bus, - struct fw_desc *fw_desc) +static int iwl_verify_sec_sparse(struct iwl_priv *priv, + const struct fw_desc *fw_desc) { __le32 *image = (__le32 *)fw_desc->v_addr; u32 len = fw_desc->len; u32 val; u32 i; - IWL_DEBUG_FW(bus, "ucode inst image size is %u\n", len); + IWL_DEBUG_FW(priv, "ucode inst image size is %u\n", len); for (i = 0; i < len; i += 100, image += 100/sizeof(u32)) { /* read data comes through single port, auto-incr addr */ /* NOTE: Use the debugless read so we don't flood kernel log * if IWL_DL_IO is set */ - iwl_write_direct32(bus, HBUS_TARG_MEM_RADDR, - i + IWLAGN_RTC_INST_LOWER_BOUND); - val = iwl_read32(bus, HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); + iwl_write_direct32(trans(priv), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RADDR, + i + fw_desc->offset); + val = iwl_read32(trans(priv), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); if (val != le32_to_cpu(*image)) return -EIO; } @@ -494,8 +359,8 @@ static int iwl_verify_inst_sparse(struct iwl_bus *bus, return 0; } -static void iwl_print_mismatch_inst(struct iwl_bus *bus, - struct fw_desc *fw_desc) +static void iwl_print_mismatch_sec(struct iwl_priv *priv, + const struct fw_desc *fw_desc) { __le32 *image = (__le32 *)fw_desc->v_addr; u32 len = fw_desc->len; @@ -503,18 +368,18 @@ static void iwl_print_mismatch_inst(struct iwl_bus *bus, u32 offs; int errors = 0; - IWL_DEBUG_FW(bus, "ucode inst image size is %u\n", len); + IWL_DEBUG_FW(priv, "ucode inst image size is %u\n", len); - iwl_write_direct32(bus, HBUS_TARG_MEM_RADDR, - IWLAGN_RTC_INST_LOWER_BOUND); + iwl_write_direct32(trans(priv), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RADDR, + fw_desc->offset); for (offs = 0; offs < len && errors < 20; offs += sizeof(u32), image++) { /* read data comes through single port, auto-incr addr */ - val = iwl_read32(bus, HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); + val = iwl_read32(trans(priv), HBUS_TARG_MEM_RDAT); if (val != le32_to_cpu(*image)) { - IWL_ERR(bus, "uCode INST section at " + IWL_ERR(priv, "uCode INST section at " "offset 0x%x, is 0x%x, s/b 0x%x\n", offs, val, le32_to_cpu(*image)); errors++; @@ -526,24 +391,24 @@ static void iwl_print_mismatch_inst(struct iwl_bus *bus, * iwl_verify_ucode - determine which instruction image is in SRAM, * and verify its contents */ -static int iwl_verify_ucode(struct iwl_trans *trans, +static int iwl_verify_ucode(struct iwl_priv *priv, enum iwl_ucode_type ucode_type) { - struct fw_img *img = iwl_get_ucode_image(trans, ucode_type); + const struct fw_img *img = iwl_get_ucode_image(priv, ucode_type); if (!img) { - IWL_ERR(trans, "Invalid ucode requested (%d)\n", ucode_type); + IWL_ERR(priv, "Invalid ucode requested (%d)\n", ucode_type); return -EINVAL; } - if (!iwl_verify_inst_sparse(bus(trans), &img->code)) { - IWL_DEBUG_FW(trans, "uCode is good in inst SRAM\n"); + if (!iwl_verify_sec_sparse(priv, &img->sec[IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST])) { + IWL_DEBUG_FW(priv, "uCode is good in inst SRAM\n"); return 0; } - IWL_ERR(trans, "UCODE IMAGE IN INSTRUCTION SRAM NOT VALID!!\n"); + IWL_ERR(priv, "UCODE IMAGE IN INSTRUCTION SRAM NOT VALID!!\n"); - iwl_print_mismatch_inst(bus(trans), &img->code); + iwl_print_mismatch_sec(priv, &img->sec[IWL_UCODE_SECTION_INST]); return -EIO; } @@ -552,137 +417,76 @@ struct iwl_alive_data { u8 subtype; }; -static void iwl_alive_fn(struct iwl_trans *trans, +static void iwl_alive_fn(struct iwl_notif_wait_data *notif_wait, struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt, void *data) { + struct iwl_priv *priv = + container_of(notif_wait, struct iwl_priv, notif_wait); struct iwl_alive_data *alive_data = data; struct iwl_alive_resp *palive; - palive = &pkt->u.alive_frame; + palive = (void *)pkt->data; - IWL_DEBUG_FW(trans, "Alive ucode status 0x%08X revision " + IWL_DEBUG_FW(priv, "Alive ucode status 0x%08X revision " "0x%01X 0x%01X\n", palive->is_valid, palive->ver_type, palive->ver_subtype); - trans->shrd->device_pointers.error_event_table = + priv->shrd->device_pointers.error_event_table = le32_to_cpu(palive->error_event_table_ptr); - trans->shrd->device_pointers.log_event_table = + priv->shrd->device_pointers.log_event_table = le32_to_cpu(palive->log_event_table_ptr); alive_data->subtype = palive->ver_subtype; alive_data->valid = palive->is_valid == UCODE_VALID_OK; } -/* notification wait support */ -void iwl_init_notification_wait(struct iwl_shared *shrd, - struct iwl_notification_wait *wait_entry, - u8 cmd, - void (*fn)(struct iwl_trans *trans, - struct iwl_rx_packet *pkt, - void *data), - void *fn_data) -{ - wait_entry->fn = fn; - wait_entry->fn_data = fn_data; - wait_entry->cmd = cmd; - wait_entry->triggered = false; - wait_entry->aborted = false; - - spin_lock_bh(&shrd->notif_wait_lock); - list_add(&wait_entry->list, &shrd->notif_waits); - spin_unlock_bh(&shrd->notif_wait_lock); -} - -int iwl_wait_notification(struct iwl_shared *shrd, - struct iwl_notification_wait *wait_entry, - unsigned long timeout) -{ - int ret; - - ret = wait_event_timeout(shrd->notif_waitq, - wait_entry->triggered || wait_entry->aborted, - timeout); - - spin_lock_bh(&shrd->notif_wait_lock); - list_del(&wait_entry->list); - spin_unlock_bh(&shrd->notif_wait_lock); - - if (wait_entry->aborted) - return -EIO; - - /* return value is always >= 0 */ - if (ret <= 0) - return -ETIMEDOUT; - return 0; -} - -void iwl_remove_notification(struct iwl_shared *shrd, - struct iwl_notification_wait *wait_entry) -{ - spin_lock_bh(&shrd->notif_wait_lock); - list_del(&wait_entry->list); - spin_unlock_bh(&shrd->notif_wait_lock); -} - -void iwl_abort_notification_waits(struct iwl_shared *shrd) -{ - unsigned long flags; - struct iwl_notification_wait *wait_entry; - - spin_lock_irqsave(&shrd->notif_wait_lock, flags); - list_for_each_entry(wait_entry, &shrd->notif_waits, list) - wait_entry->aborted = true; - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&shrd->notif_wait_lock, flags); - - wake_up_all(&shrd->notif_waitq); -} - #define UCODE_ALIVE_TIMEOUT HZ #define UCODE_CALIB_TIMEOUT (2*HZ) -int iwl_load_ucode_wait_alive(struct iwl_trans *trans, +int iwl_load_ucode_wait_alive(struct iwl_priv *priv, enum iwl_ucode_type ucode_type) { struct iwl_notification_wait alive_wait; struct iwl_alive_data alive_data; + const struct fw_img *fw; int ret; enum iwl_ucode_type old_type; - ret = iwl_trans_start_device(trans); - if (ret) - return ret; + old_type = priv->shrd->ucode_type; + priv->shrd->ucode_type = ucode_type; + fw = iwl_get_ucode_image(priv, ucode_type); - iwl_init_notification_wait(trans->shrd, &alive_wait, REPLY_ALIVE, - iwl_alive_fn, &alive_data); + priv->ucode_loaded = false; + + if (!fw) + return -EINVAL; - old_type = trans->shrd->ucode_type; - trans->shrd->ucode_type = ucode_type; + iwl_init_notification_wait(&priv->notif_wait, &alive_wait, REPLY_ALIVE, + iwl_alive_fn, &alive_data); - ret = iwl_load_given_ucode(trans, ucode_type); + ret = iwl_trans_start_fw(trans(priv), fw); if (ret) { - trans->shrd->ucode_type = old_type; - iwl_remove_notification(trans->shrd, &alive_wait); + priv->shrd->ucode_type = old_type; + iwl_remove_notification(&priv->notif_wait, &alive_wait); return ret; } - iwl_trans_kick_nic(trans); - /* * Some things may run in the background now, but we * just wait for the ALIVE notification here. */ - ret = iwl_wait_notification(trans->shrd, &alive_wait, + ret = iwl_wait_notification(&priv->notif_wait, &alive_wait, UCODE_ALIVE_TIMEOUT); if (ret) { - trans->shrd->ucode_type = old_type; + priv->shrd->ucode_type = old_type; return ret; } if (!alive_data.valid) { - IWL_ERR(trans, "Loaded ucode is not valid!\n"); - trans->shrd->ucode_type = old_type; + IWL_ERR(priv, "Loaded ucode is not valid!\n"); + priv->shrd->ucode_type = old_type; return -EIO; } @@ -692,9 +496,9 @@ int iwl_load_ucode_wait_alive(struct iwl_trans *trans, * skip it for WoWLAN. */ if (ucode_type != IWL_UCODE_WOWLAN) { - ret = iwl_verify_ucode(trans, ucode_type); + ret = iwl_verify_ucode(priv, ucode_type); if (ret) { - trans->shrd->ucode_type = old_type; + priv->shrd->ucode_type = old_type; return ret; } @@ -702,41 +506,43 @@ int iwl_load_ucode_wait_alive(struct iwl_trans *trans, msleep(5); } - ret = iwl_alive_notify(trans); + ret = iwl_alive_notify(priv); if (ret) { - IWL_WARN(trans, + IWL_WARN(priv, "Could not complete ALIVE transition: %d\n", ret); - trans->shrd->ucode_type = old_type; + priv->shrd->ucode_type = old_type; return ret; } + priv->ucode_loaded = true; + return 0; } -int iwl_run_init_ucode(struct iwl_trans *trans) +int iwl_run_init_ucode(struct iwl_priv *priv) { struct iwl_notification_wait calib_wait; int ret; - lockdep_assert_held(&trans->shrd->mutex); + lockdep_assert_held(&priv->mutex); /* No init ucode required? Curious, but maybe ok */ - if (!trans->ucode_init.code.len) + if (!priv->fw->img[IWL_UCODE_INIT].sec[0].len) return 0; - if (trans->shrd->ucode_type != IWL_UCODE_NONE) + if (priv->init_ucode_run) return 0; - iwl_init_notification_wait(trans->shrd, &calib_wait, + iwl_init_notification_wait(&priv->notif_wait, &calib_wait, CALIBRATION_COMPLETE_NOTIFICATION, NULL, NULL); /* Will also start the device */ - ret = iwl_load_ucode_wait_alive(trans, IWL_UCODE_INIT); + ret = iwl_load_ucode_wait_alive(priv, IWL_UCODE_INIT); if (ret) goto error; - ret = iwl_init_alive_start(trans); + ret = iwl_init_alive_start(priv); if (ret) goto error; @@ -744,15 +550,19 @@ int iwl_run_init_ucode(struct iwl_trans *trans) * Some things may run in the background now, but we * just wait for the calibration complete notification. */ - ret = iwl_wait_notification(trans->shrd, &calib_wait, + ret = iwl_wait_notification(&priv->notif_wait, &calib_wait, UCODE_CALIB_TIMEOUT); + if (!ret) + priv->init_ucode_run = true; goto out; error: - iwl_remove_notification(trans->shrd, &calib_wait); + iwl_remove_notification(&priv->notif_wait, &calib_wait); out: /* Whatever happened, stop the device */ - iwl_trans_stop_device(trans); + iwl_trans_stop_device(trans(priv)); + priv->ucode_loaded = false; + return ret; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwmc3200wifi/trace.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwmc3200wifi/trace.h index abb4805fa8dfe2b82d8aee77ece564524ca7f596..f5f7070b7e222e8c41cc72eaae2c50f06e78e25a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwmc3200wifi/trace.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwmc3200wifi/trace.h @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ TRACE_EVENT(iwm_tx_packets, TP_printk( IWM_PR_FMT " Tx %spacket: eot %d, seq 0x%x, sta_color 0x%x, " - "ra_tid 0x%x, credit_group 0x%x, embeded_packets %d, %d bytes", + "ra_tid 0x%x, credit_group 0x%x, embedded_packets %d, %d bytes", IWM_PR_ARG, !__entry->eot ? "concatenated " : "", __entry->eot, __entry->seq, __entry->color, __entry->ra_tid, __entry->credit_group, __entry->npkt, __entry->bytes diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/libertas/cfg.c b/drivers/net/wireless/libertas/cfg.c index a7cd311cb1b74fe3bacd5e73b41b882d38752b54..3fa1ecebadfd33e3d15e63e1f79de46d851a7ab3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/libertas/cfg.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/libertas/cfg.c @@ -1630,42 +1630,6 @@ static int lbs_cfg_get_station(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, -/* - * "Site survey", here just current channel and noise level - */ - -static int lbs_get_survey(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, - int idx, struct survey_info *survey) -{ - struct lbs_private *priv = wiphy_priv(wiphy); - s8 signal, noise; - int ret; - - if (dev == priv->mesh_dev) - return -EOPNOTSUPP; - - if (idx != 0) - ret = -ENOENT; - - lbs_deb_enter(LBS_DEB_CFG80211); - - survey->channel = ieee80211_get_channel(wiphy, - ieee80211_channel_to_frequency(priv->channel, - IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ)); - - ret = lbs_get_rssi(priv, &signal, &noise); - if (ret == 0) { - survey->filled = SURVEY_INFO_NOISE_DBM; - survey->noise = noise; - } - - lbs_deb_leave_args(LBS_DEB_CFG80211, "ret %d", ret); - return ret; -} - - - - /* * Change interface */ @@ -2068,7 +2032,6 @@ static struct cfg80211_ops lbs_cfg80211_ops = { .del_key = lbs_cfg_del_key, .set_default_key = lbs_cfg_set_default_key, .get_station = lbs_cfg_get_station, - .dump_survey = lbs_get_survey, .change_virtual_intf = lbs_change_intf, .join_ibss = lbs_join_ibss, .leave_ibss = lbs_leave_ibss, diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_cs.c b/drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_cs.c index 3f7bf4d912b614e828abcd1a94e95aff6e0ee9b3..234ee88dec95400f4e6fce337d6e500251a805f8 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_cs.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_cs.c @@ -815,10 +815,9 @@ static int if_cs_probe(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev) lbs_deb_enter(LBS_DEB_CS); card = kzalloc(sizeof(struct if_cs_card), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!card) { - pr_err("error in kzalloc\n"); + if (!card) goto out; - } + card->p_dev = p_dev; p_dev->priv = card; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c b/drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c index b5fbbc7947dfc89738f08a4d18663f739d1ef2a7..74da5f1ea243eae088c227ecc15861a640f95bca 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c @@ -261,10 +261,8 @@ static int if_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, udev = interface_to_usbdev(intf); cardp = kzalloc(sizeof(struct if_usb_card), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!cardp) { - pr_err("Out of memory allocating private data\n"); + if (!cardp) goto error; - } setup_timer(&cardp->fw_timeout, if_usb_fw_timeo, (unsigned long)cardp); init_waitqueue_head(&cardp->fw_wq); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/libertas_tf/if_usb.c b/drivers/net/wireless/libertas_tf/if_usb.c index aff8b5743af0c1999159553e66bfd25d6afcf281..7ced130f4f9e2abe6c5593c18f871426fb98621a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/libertas_tf/if_usb.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/libertas_tf/if_usb.c @@ -153,10 +153,8 @@ static int if_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, udev = interface_to_usbdev(intf); cardp = kzalloc(sizeof(struct if_usb_card), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!cardp) { - pr_err("Out of memory allocating private data.\n"); + if (!cardp) goto error; - } setup_timer(&cardp->fw_timeout, if_usb_fw_timeo, (unsigned long)cardp); init_waitqueue_head(&cardp->fw_wq); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mac80211_hwsim.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mac80211_hwsim.c index 4b9e730d2c8a13cc184f1ee5b5cba868f59398a7..b7ce6a6e355f68c30d2c55cb772dfd8d5414af57 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mac80211_hwsim.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mac80211_hwsim.c @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #include "mac80211_hwsim.h" @@ -321,11 +322,15 @@ struct mac80211_hwsim_data { struct dentry *debugfs_group; int power_level; + + /* difference between this hw's clock and the real clock, in usecs */ + u64 tsf_offset; }; struct hwsim_radiotap_hdr { struct ieee80211_radiotap_header hdr; + __le64 rt_tsft; u8 rt_flags; u8 rt_rate; __le16 rt_channel; @@ -367,6 +372,28 @@ static netdev_tx_t hwsim_mon_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, return NETDEV_TX_OK; } +static __le64 __mac80211_hwsim_get_tsf(struct mac80211_hwsim_data *data) +{ + struct timeval tv = ktime_to_timeval(ktime_get_real()); + u64 now = tv.tv_sec * USEC_PER_SEC + tv.tv_usec; + return cpu_to_le64(now + data->tsf_offset); +} + +static u64 mac80211_hwsim_get_tsf(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, + struct ieee80211_vif *vif) +{ + struct mac80211_hwsim_data *data = hw->priv; + return le64_to_cpu(__mac80211_hwsim_get_tsf(data)); +} + +static void mac80211_hwsim_set_tsf(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, + struct ieee80211_vif *vif, u64 tsf) +{ + struct mac80211_hwsim_data *data = hw->priv; + struct timeval tv = ktime_to_timeval(ktime_get_real()); + u64 now = tv.tv_sec * USEC_PER_SEC + tv.tv_usec; + data->tsf_offset = tsf - now; +} static void mac80211_hwsim_monitor_rx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *tx_skb) @@ -391,7 +418,9 @@ static void mac80211_hwsim_monitor_rx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, hdr->hdr.it_len = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(*hdr)); hdr->hdr.it_present = cpu_to_le32((1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_FLAGS) | (1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_RATE) | + (1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_TSFT) | (1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_CHANNEL)); + hdr->rt_tsft = __mac80211_hwsim_get_tsf(data); hdr->rt_flags = 0; hdr->rt_rate = txrate->bitrate / 5; hdr->rt_channel = cpu_to_le16(data->channel->center_freq); @@ -592,7 +621,7 @@ static void mac80211_hwsim_tx_frame_nl(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, return; nla_put_failure: - printk(KERN_DEBUG "mac80211_hwsim: error occured in %s\n", __func__); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "mac80211_hwsim: error occurred in %s\n", __func__); } static bool mac80211_hwsim_tx_frame_no_nl(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -610,7 +639,7 @@ static bool mac80211_hwsim_tx_frame_no_nl(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } memset(&rx_status, 0, sizeof(rx_status)); - /* TODO: set mactime */ + rx_status.flag |= RX_FLAG_MACTIME_MPDU; rx_status.freq = data->channel->center_freq; rx_status.band = data->channel->band; rx_status.rate_idx = info->control.rates[0].idx; @@ -654,6 +683,8 @@ static bool mac80211_hwsim_tx_frame_no_nl(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (mac80211_hwsim_addr_match(data2, hdr->addr1)) ack = true; + rx_status.mactime = + le64_to_cpu(__mac80211_hwsim_get_tsf(data2)); memcpy(IEEE80211_SKB_RXCB(nskb), &rx_status, sizeof(rx_status)); ieee80211_rx_irqsafe(data2->hw, nskb); } @@ -667,6 +698,12 @@ static void mac80211_hwsim_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb) bool ack; struct ieee80211_tx_info *txi; u32 _pid; + struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt = (struct ieee80211_mgmt *) skb->data; + struct mac80211_hwsim_data *data = hw->priv; + + if (ieee80211_is_beacon(mgmt->frame_control) || + ieee80211_is_probe_resp(mgmt->frame_control)) + mgmt->u.beacon.timestamp = __mac80211_hwsim_get_tsf(data); mac80211_hwsim_monitor_rx(hw, skb); @@ -763,9 +800,11 @@ static void mac80211_hwsim_beacon_tx(void *arg, u8 *mac, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) { struct ieee80211_hw *hw = arg; + struct mac80211_hwsim_data *data = hw->priv; struct sk_buff *skb; struct ieee80211_tx_info *info; u32 _pid; + struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt; hwsim_check_magic(vif); @@ -779,6 +818,9 @@ static void mac80211_hwsim_beacon_tx(void *arg, u8 *mac, return; info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + mgmt = (struct ieee80211_mgmt *) skb->data; + mgmt->u.beacon.timestamp = __mac80211_hwsim_get_tsf(data); + mac80211_hwsim_monitor_rx(hw, skb); /* wmediumd mode check */ @@ -1199,6 +1241,8 @@ static struct ieee80211_ops mac80211_hwsim_ops = .sw_scan_start = mac80211_hwsim_sw_scan, .sw_scan_complete = mac80211_hwsim_sw_scan_complete, .flush = mac80211_hwsim_flush, + .get_tsf = mac80211_hwsim_get_tsf, + .set_tsf = mac80211_hwsim_set_tsf, }; @@ -1564,7 +1608,7 @@ static int hwsim_cloned_frame_received_nl(struct sk_buff *skb_2, return 0; err: - printk(KERN_DEBUG "mac80211_hwsim: error occured in %s\n", __func__); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "mac80211_hwsim: error occurred in %s\n", __func__); goto out; out: dev_kfree_skb(skb); @@ -1580,11 +1624,11 @@ static int hwsim_register_received_nl(struct sk_buff *skb_2, wmediumd_pid = info->snd_pid; printk(KERN_DEBUG "mac80211_hwsim: received a REGISTER, " - "switching to wmediumd mode with pid %d\n", info->snd_pid); + "switching to wmediumd mode with pid %d\n", info->snd_pid); return 0; out: - printk(KERN_DEBUG "mac80211_hwsim: error occured in %s\n", __func__); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "mac80211_hwsim: error occurred in %s\n", __func__); return -EINVAL; } @@ -1647,7 +1691,7 @@ static int hwsim_init_netlink(void) return 0; failure: - printk(KERN_DEBUG "mac80211_hwsim: error occured in %s\n", __func__); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "mac80211_hwsim: error occurred in %s\n", __func__); return -EINVAL; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n.c index 34bba5234294f5b17eb56e2b77bc0f86091f2775..a5e182b5e9442792bf3961764174a84bf231af77 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n.c @@ -44,16 +44,16 @@ mwifiex_fill_cap_info(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 radio_type, ht_cap->ht_cap.ampdu_params_info = (sband->ht_cap.ampdu_factor & - IEEE80211_HT_AMPDU_PARM_FACTOR)| + IEEE80211_HT_AMPDU_PARM_FACTOR) | ((sband->ht_cap.ampdu_density << IEEE80211_HT_AMPDU_PARM_DENSITY_SHIFT) & IEEE80211_HT_AMPDU_PARM_DENSITY); memcpy((u8 *) &ht_cap->ht_cap.mcs, &sband->ht_cap.mcs, - sizeof(sband->ht_cap.mcs)); + sizeof(sband->ht_cap.mcs)); if (priv->bss_mode == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION || - (sband->ht_cap.cap & IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SUP_WIDTH_20_40)) + sband->ht_cap.cap & IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SUP_WIDTH_20_40) /* Set MCS32 for infra mode or ad-hoc mode with 40MHz support */ SETHT_MCS32(ht_cap->ht_cap.mcs.rx_mask); @@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ mwifiex_fill_cap_info(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 radio_type, * table which matches the requested BA status. */ static struct mwifiex_tx_ba_stream_tbl * -mwifiex_11n_get_tx_ba_stream_status(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - enum mwifiex_ba_status ba_status) +mwifiex_get_ba_status(struct mwifiex_private *priv, + enum mwifiex_ba_status ba_status) { struct mwifiex_tx_ba_stream_tbl *tx_ba_tsr_tbl; unsigned long flags; @@ -107,12 +107,11 @@ int mwifiex_ret_11n_delba(struct mwifiex_private *priv, tid = del_ba_param_set >> DELBA_TID_POS; if (del_ba->del_result == BA_RESULT_SUCCESS) { - mwifiex_11n_delete_ba_stream_tbl(priv, tid, - del_ba->peer_mac_addr, TYPE_DELBA_SENT, - INITIATOR_BIT(del_ba_param_set)); + mwifiex_del_ba_tbl(priv, tid, del_ba->peer_mac_addr, + TYPE_DELBA_SENT, + INITIATOR_BIT(del_ba_param_set)); - tx_ba_tbl = mwifiex_11n_get_tx_ba_stream_status(priv, - BA_STREAM_SETUP_INPROGRESS); + tx_ba_tbl = mwifiex_get_ba_status(priv, BA_SETUP_INPROGRESS); if (tx_ba_tbl) mwifiex_send_addba(priv, tx_ba_tbl->tid, tx_ba_tbl->ra); @@ -120,18 +119,17 @@ int mwifiex_ret_11n_delba(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * In case of failure, recreate the deleted stream in case * we initiated the ADDBA */ - if (INITIATOR_BIT(del_ba_param_set)) { - mwifiex_11n_create_tx_ba_stream_tbl(priv, - del_ba->peer_mac_addr, tid, - BA_STREAM_SETUP_INPROGRESS); - - tx_ba_tbl = mwifiex_11n_get_tx_ba_stream_status(priv, - BA_STREAM_SETUP_INPROGRESS); - if (tx_ba_tbl) - mwifiex_11n_delete_ba_stream_tbl(priv, - tx_ba_tbl->tid, tx_ba_tbl->ra, - TYPE_DELBA_SENT, true); - } + if (!INITIATOR_BIT(del_ba_param_set)) + return 0; + + mwifiex_create_ba_tbl(priv, del_ba->peer_mac_addr, tid, + BA_SETUP_INPROGRESS); + + tx_ba_tbl = mwifiex_get_ba_status(priv, BA_SETUP_INPROGRESS); + + if (tx_ba_tbl) + mwifiex_del_ba_tbl(priv, tx_ba_tbl->tid, tx_ba_tbl->ra, + TYPE_DELBA_SENT, true); } return 0; @@ -160,18 +158,17 @@ int mwifiex_ret_11n_addba_req(struct mwifiex_private *priv, & IEEE80211_ADDBA_PARAM_TID_MASK) >> BLOCKACKPARAM_TID_POS; if (le16_to_cpu(add_ba_rsp->status_code) == BA_RESULT_SUCCESS) { - tx_ba_tbl = mwifiex_11n_get_tx_ba_stream_tbl(priv, tid, + tx_ba_tbl = mwifiex_get_ba_tbl(priv, tid, add_ba_rsp->peer_mac_addr); if (tx_ba_tbl) { dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: BA stream complete\n"); - tx_ba_tbl->ba_status = BA_STREAM_SETUP_COMPLETE; + tx_ba_tbl->ba_status = BA_SETUP_COMPLETE; } else { dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "BA stream not created\n"); } } else { - mwifiex_11n_delete_ba_stream_tbl(priv, tid, - add_ba_rsp->peer_mac_addr, - TYPE_DELBA_SENT, true); + mwifiex_del_ba_tbl(priv, tid, add_ba_rsp->peer_mac_addr, + TYPE_DELBA_SENT, true); if (add_ba_rsp->add_rsp_result != BA_RESULT_TIMEOUT) priv->aggr_prio_tbl[tid].ampdu_ap = BA_STREAM_NOT_ALLOWED; @@ -392,9 +389,9 @@ mwifiex_cmd_append_11n_tlv(struct mwifiex_private *priv, chan_list->chan_scan_param[0].radio_type = mwifiex_band_to_radio_type((u8) bss_desc->bss_band); - if ((sband->ht_cap.cap & IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SUP_WIDTH_20_40) - && (bss_desc->bcn_ht_info->ht_param & - IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHAN_WIDTH_ANY)) + if (sband->ht_cap.cap & IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SUP_WIDTH_20_40 && + bss_desc->bcn_ht_info->ht_param & + IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHAN_WIDTH_ANY) SET_SECONDARYCHAN(chan_list->chan_scan_param[0]. radio_type, (bss_desc->bcn_ht_info->ht_param & @@ -467,7 +464,7 @@ mwifiex_cfg_tx_buf(struct mwifiex_private *priv, tx_buf = min(priv->adapter->max_tx_buf_size, max_amsdu); dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: max_amsdu=%d, max_tx_buf=%d\n", - max_amsdu, priv->adapter->max_tx_buf_size); + max_amsdu, priv->adapter->max_tx_buf_size); if (priv->adapter->curr_tx_buf_size <= MWIFIEX_TX_DATA_BUF_SIZE_2K) curr_tx_buf_size = MWIFIEX_TX_DATA_BUF_SIZE_2K; @@ -507,7 +504,7 @@ void mwifiex_11n_delete_tx_ba_stream_tbl_entry(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct mwifiex_tx_ba_stream_tbl *tx_ba_tsr_tbl) { if (!tx_ba_tsr_tbl && - mwifiex_is_tx_ba_stream_ptr_valid(priv, tx_ba_tsr_tbl)) + mwifiex_is_tx_ba_stream_ptr_valid(priv, tx_ba_tsr_tbl)) return; dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: tx_ba_tsr_tbl %p\n", tx_ba_tsr_tbl); @@ -544,16 +541,15 @@ void mwifiex_11n_delete_all_tx_ba_stream_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv) * table which matches the given RA/TID pair. */ struct mwifiex_tx_ba_stream_tbl * -mwifiex_11n_get_tx_ba_stream_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - int tid, u8 *ra) +mwifiex_get_ba_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int tid, u8 *ra) { struct mwifiex_tx_ba_stream_tbl *tx_ba_tsr_tbl; unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->tx_ba_stream_tbl_lock, flags); list_for_each_entry(tx_ba_tsr_tbl, &priv->tx_ba_stream_tbl_ptr, list) { - if ((!memcmp(tx_ba_tsr_tbl->ra, ra, ETH_ALEN)) - && (tx_ba_tsr_tbl->tid == tid)) { + if (!memcmp(tx_ba_tsr_tbl->ra, ra, ETH_ALEN) && + tx_ba_tsr_tbl->tid == tid) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->tx_ba_stream_tbl_lock, flags); return tx_ba_tsr_tbl; @@ -567,14 +563,13 @@ mwifiex_11n_get_tx_ba_stream_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * This function creates an entry in Tx BA stream table for the * given RA/TID pair. */ -void mwifiex_11n_create_tx_ba_stream_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - u8 *ra, int tid, - enum mwifiex_ba_status ba_status) +void mwifiex_create_ba_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 *ra, int tid, + enum mwifiex_ba_status ba_status) { struct mwifiex_tx_ba_stream_tbl *new_node; unsigned long flags; - if (!mwifiex_11n_get_tx_ba_stream_tbl(priv, tid, ra)) { + if (!mwifiex_get_ba_tbl(priv, tid, ra)) { new_node = kzalloc(sizeof(struct mwifiex_tx_ba_stream_tbl), GFP_ATOMIC); if (!new_node) { @@ -668,9 +663,8 @@ void mwifiex_11n_delete_ba_stream(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 *del_ba) tid = del_ba_param_set >> DELBA_TID_POS; - mwifiex_11n_delete_ba_stream_tbl(priv, tid, cmd_del_ba->peer_mac_addr, - TYPE_DELBA_RECEIVE, - INITIATOR_BIT(del_ba_param_set)); + mwifiex_del_ba_tbl(priv, tid, cmd_del_ba->peer_mac_addr, + TYPE_DELBA_RECEIVE, INITIATOR_BIT(del_ba_param_set)); } /* @@ -724,7 +718,7 @@ int mwifiex_get_tx_ba_stream_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv, list_for_each_entry(tx_ba_tsr_tbl, &priv->tx_ba_stream_tbl_ptr, list) { rx_reo_tbl->tid = (u16) tx_ba_tsr_tbl->tid; dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "data: %s tid=%d\n", - __func__, rx_reo_tbl->tid); + __func__, rx_reo_tbl->tid); memcpy(rx_reo_tbl->ra, tx_ba_tsr_tbl->ra, ETH_ALEN); rx_reo_tbl++; count++; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n.h b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n.h index 90b421e343d4fcd339fbb10be72f5ec8d2413b4d..77646d777dcead88b1838a0fcf1c5aa66c3e4c70 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n.h @@ -46,13 +46,12 @@ void mwifiex_11n_delete_tx_ba_stream_tbl_entry(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct mwifiex_tx_ba_stream_tbl *tx_tbl); void mwifiex_11n_delete_all_tx_ba_stream_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv); -struct mwifiex_tx_ba_stream_tbl *mwifiex_11n_get_tx_ba_stream_tbl(struct +struct mwifiex_tx_ba_stream_tbl *mwifiex_get_ba_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int tid, u8 *ra); -void mwifiex_11n_create_tx_ba_stream_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 *ra, - int tid, - enum mwifiex_ba_status ba_status); +void mwifiex_create_ba_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 *ra, int tid, + enum mwifiex_ba_status ba_status); int mwifiex_send_addba(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int tid, u8 *peer_mac); int mwifiex_send_delba(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int tid, u8 *peer_mac, int initiator); @@ -87,9 +86,8 @@ mwifiex_is_ampdu_allowed(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int tid) static inline u8 mwifiex_is_amsdu_allowed(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int tid) { - return (((priv->aggr_prio_tbl[tid].amsdu != BA_STREAM_NOT_ALLOWED) - && ((priv->is_data_rate_auto) - || !((priv->bitmap_rates[2]) & 0x03))) + return (((priv->aggr_prio_tbl[tid].amsdu != BA_STREAM_NOT_ALLOWED) && + (priv->is_data_rate_auto || !(priv->bitmap_rates[2] & 0x03))) ? true : false); } @@ -150,11 +148,11 @@ mwifiex_find_stream_to_delete(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int ptr_tid, */ static inline int mwifiex_is_ba_stream_setup(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - struct mwifiex_ra_list_tbl *ptr, int tid) + struct mwifiex_ra_list_tbl *ptr, int tid) { struct mwifiex_tx_ba_stream_tbl *tx_tbl; - tx_tbl = mwifiex_11n_get_tx_ba_stream_tbl(priv, tid, ptr->ra); + tx_tbl = mwifiex_get_ba_tbl(priv, tid, ptr->ra); if (tx_tbl && IS_BASTREAM_SETUP(tx_tbl)) return true; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n_aggr.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n_aggr.c index 079e5532e686c0c9f4256fc5b4207316b0248f1c..9eefb2a0ce9f9bfc1bd94ee951cd4c44502ca94d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n_aggr.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n_aggr.c @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ mwifiex_11n_form_amsdu_pkt(struct sk_buff *skb_aggr, /* Add payload */ skb_put(skb_aggr, skb_src->len); memcpy(skb_aggr->data + sizeof(*tx_header), skb_src->data, - skb_src->len); + skb_src->len); *pad = (((skb_src->len + LLC_SNAP_LEN) & 3)) ? (4 - (((skb_src->len + LLC_SNAP_LEN)) & 3)) : 0; skb_put(skb_aggr, *pad); @@ -119,14 +119,14 @@ mwifiex_11n_form_amsdu_txpd(struct mwifiex_private *priv, local_tx_pd->tx_pkt_offset = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(struct txpd)); local_tx_pd->tx_pkt_type = cpu_to_le16(PKT_TYPE_AMSDU); local_tx_pd->tx_pkt_length = cpu_to_le16(skb->len - - sizeof(*local_tx_pd)); + sizeof(*local_tx_pd)); if (local_tx_pd->tx_control == 0) /* TxCtrl set by user or default */ local_tx_pd->tx_control = cpu_to_le32(priv->pkt_tx_ctrl); - if ((GET_BSS_ROLE(priv) == MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA) && - (priv->adapter->pps_uapsd_mode)) { + if (GET_BSS_ROLE(priv) == MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA && + priv->adapter->pps_uapsd_mode) { if (true == mwifiex_check_last_packet_indication(priv)) { priv->adapter->tx_lock_flag = true; local_tx_pd->flags = @@ -182,7 +182,8 @@ mwifiex_11n_aggregate_pkt(struct mwifiex_private *priv, skb_reserve(skb_aggr, headroom + sizeof(struct txpd)); tx_info_aggr = MWIFIEX_SKB_TXCB(skb_aggr); - tx_info_aggr->bss_index = tx_info_src->bss_index; + tx_info_aggr->bss_type = tx_info_src->bss_type; + tx_info_aggr->bss_num = tx_info_src->bss_num; skb_aggr->priority = skb_src->priority; do { @@ -256,9 +257,8 @@ mwifiex_11n_aggregate_pkt(struct mwifiex_private *priv, mwifiex_write_data_complete(adapter, skb_aggr, -1); return -1; } - if ((GET_BSS_ROLE(priv) == MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA) && - (adapter->pps_uapsd_mode) && - (adapter->tx_lock_flag)) { + if (GET_BSS_ROLE(priv) == MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA && + adapter->pps_uapsd_mode && adapter->tx_lock_flag) { priv->adapter->tx_lock_flag = false; if (ptx_pd) ptx_pd->flags = 0; @@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ mwifiex_11n_aggregate_pkt(struct mwifiex_private *priv, case -1: adapter->data_sent = false; dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: host_to_card failed: %#x\n", - __func__, ret); + __func__, ret); adapter->dbg.num_tx_host_to_card_failure++; mwifiex_write_data_complete(adapter, skb_aggr, ret); return 0; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n_rxreorder.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n_rxreorder.c index 681d3f2a4c2885b82b0e76256403bca2c060f782..9c44088054dd90bd967626d8416e63c083225fc8 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n_rxreorder.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n_rxreorder.c @@ -27,31 +27,31 @@ #include "11n_rxreorder.h" /* - * This function dispatches all packets in the Rx reorder table. + * This function dispatches all packets in the Rx reorder table until the + * start window. * * There could be holes in the buffer, which are skipped by the function. * Since the buffer is linear, the function uses rotation to simulate * circular buffer. */ static void -mwifiex_11n_dispatch_pkt_until_start_win(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl - *rx_reor_tbl_ptr, int start_win) +mwifiex_11n_dispatch_pkt(struct mwifiex_private *priv, + struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl *tbl, int start_win) { - int no_pkt_to_send, i; + int pkt_to_send, i; void *rx_tmp_ptr; unsigned long flags; - no_pkt_to_send = (start_win > rx_reor_tbl_ptr->start_win) ? - min((start_win - rx_reor_tbl_ptr->start_win), - rx_reor_tbl_ptr->win_size) : rx_reor_tbl_ptr->win_size; + pkt_to_send = (start_win > tbl->start_win) ? + min((start_win - tbl->start_win), tbl->win_size) : + tbl->win_size; - for (i = 0; i < no_pkt_to_send; ++i) { + for (i = 0; i < pkt_to_send; ++i) { spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->rx_pkt_lock, flags); rx_tmp_ptr = NULL; - if (rx_reor_tbl_ptr->rx_reorder_ptr[i]) { - rx_tmp_ptr = rx_reor_tbl_ptr->rx_reorder_ptr[i]; - rx_reor_tbl_ptr->rx_reorder_ptr[i] = NULL; + if (tbl->rx_reorder_ptr[i]) { + rx_tmp_ptr = tbl->rx_reorder_ptr[i]; + tbl->rx_reorder_ptr[i] = NULL; } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->rx_pkt_lock, flags); if (rx_tmp_ptr) @@ -63,13 +63,12 @@ mwifiex_11n_dispatch_pkt_until_start_win(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * We don't have a circular buffer, hence use rotation to simulate * circular buffer */ - for (i = 0; i < rx_reor_tbl_ptr->win_size - no_pkt_to_send; ++i) { - rx_reor_tbl_ptr->rx_reorder_ptr[i] = - rx_reor_tbl_ptr->rx_reorder_ptr[no_pkt_to_send + i]; - rx_reor_tbl_ptr->rx_reorder_ptr[no_pkt_to_send + i] = NULL; + for (i = 0; i < tbl->win_size - pkt_to_send; ++i) { + tbl->rx_reorder_ptr[i] = tbl->rx_reorder_ptr[pkt_to_send + i]; + tbl->rx_reorder_ptr[pkt_to_send + i] = NULL; } - rx_reor_tbl_ptr->start_win = start_win; + tbl->start_win = start_win; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->rx_pkt_lock, flags); } @@ -83,20 +82,20 @@ mwifiex_11n_dispatch_pkt_until_start_win(struct mwifiex_private *priv, */ static void mwifiex_11n_scan_and_dispatch(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl *rx_reor_tbl_ptr) + struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl *tbl) { int i, j, xchg; void *rx_tmp_ptr; unsigned long flags; - for (i = 0; i < rx_reor_tbl_ptr->win_size; ++i) { + for (i = 0; i < tbl->win_size; ++i) { spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->rx_pkt_lock, flags); - if (!rx_reor_tbl_ptr->rx_reorder_ptr[i]) { + if (!tbl->rx_reorder_ptr[i]) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->rx_pkt_lock, flags); break; } - rx_tmp_ptr = rx_reor_tbl_ptr->rx_reorder_ptr[i]; - rx_reor_tbl_ptr->rx_reorder_ptr[i] = NULL; + rx_tmp_ptr = tbl->rx_reorder_ptr[i]; + tbl->rx_reorder_ptr[i] = NULL; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->rx_pkt_lock, flags); mwifiex_process_rx_packet(priv->adapter, rx_tmp_ptr); } @@ -107,15 +106,13 @@ mwifiex_11n_scan_and_dispatch(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * circular buffer */ if (i > 0) { - xchg = rx_reor_tbl_ptr->win_size - i; + xchg = tbl->win_size - i; for (j = 0; j < xchg; ++j) { - rx_reor_tbl_ptr->rx_reorder_ptr[j] = - rx_reor_tbl_ptr->rx_reorder_ptr[i + j]; - rx_reor_tbl_ptr->rx_reorder_ptr[i + j] = NULL; + tbl->rx_reorder_ptr[j] = tbl->rx_reorder_ptr[i + j]; + tbl->rx_reorder_ptr[i + j] = NULL; } } - rx_reor_tbl_ptr->start_win = (rx_reor_tbl_ptr->start_win + i) - &(MAX_TID_VALUE - 1); + tbl->start_win = (tbl->start_win + i) & (MAX_TID_VALUE - 1); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->rx_pkt_lock, flags); } @@ -126,28 +123,25 @@ mwifiex_11n_scan_and_dispatch(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * pending packets in the Rx reorder table before deletion. */ static void -mwifiex_11n_delete_rx_reorder_tbl_entry(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl - *rx_reor_tbl_ptr) +mwifiex_del_rx_reorder_entry(struct mwifiex_private *priv, + struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl *tbl) { unsigned long flags; - if (!rx_reor_tbl_ptr) + if (!tbl) return; - mwifiex_11n_dispatch_pkt_until_start_win(priv, rx_reor_tbl_ptr, - (rx_reor_tbl_ptr->start_win + - rx_reor_tbl_ptr->win_size) - &(MAX_TID_VALUE - 1)); + mwifiex_11n_dispatch_pkt(priv, tbl, (tbl->start_win + tbl->win_size) & + (MAX_TID_VALUE - 1)); - del_timer(&rx_reor_tbl_ptr->timer_context.timer); + del_timer(&tbl->timer_context.timer); spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->rx_reorder_tbl_lock, flags); - list_del(&rx_reor_tbl_ptr->list); + list_del(&tbl->list); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->rx_reorder_tbl_lock, flags); - kfree(rx_reor_tbl_ptr->rx_reorder_ptr); - kfree(rx_reor_tbl_ptr); + kfree(tbl->rx_reorder_ptr); + kfree(tbl); } /* @@ -157,16 +151,15 @@ mwifiex_11n_delete_rx_reorder_tbl_entry(struct mwifiex_private *priv, static struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl * mwifiex_11n_get_rx_reorder_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int tid, u8 *ta) { - struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl *rx_reor_tbl_ptr; + struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl *tbl; unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->rx_reorder_tbl_lock, flags); - list_for_each_entry(rx_reor_tbl_ptr, &priv->rx_reorder_tbl_ptr, list) { - if ((!memcmp(rx_reor_tbl_ptr->ta, ta, ETH_ALEN)) - && (rx_reor_tbl_ptr->tid == tid)) { + list_for_each_entry(tbl, &priv->rx_reorder_tbl_ptr, list) { + if (!memcmp(tbl->ta, ta, ETH_ALEN) && tbl->tid == tid) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->rx_reorder_tbl_lock, flags); - return rx_reor_tbl_ptr; + return tbl; } } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->rx_reorder_tbl_lock, flags); @@ -200,19 +193,19 @@ mwifiex_11n_find_last_seq_num(struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl *rx_reorder_tbl_ptr) static void mwifiex_flush_data(unsigned long context) { - struct reorder_tmr_cnxt *reorder_cnxt = + struct reorder_tmr_cnxt *ctx = (struct reorder_tmr_cnxt *) context; int start_win; - start_win = mwifiex_11n_find_last_seq_num(reorder_cnxt->ptr); - if (start_win >= 0) { - dev_dbg(reorder_cnxt->priv->adapter->dev, - "info: flush data %d\n", start_win); - mwifiex_11n_dispatch_pkt_until_start_win(reorder_cnxt->priv, - reorder_cnxt->ptr, - ((reorder_cnxt->ptr->start_win + - start_win + 1) & (MAX_TID_VALUE - 1))); - } + start_win = mwifiex_11n_find_last_seq_num(ctx->ptr); + + if (start_win < 0) + return; + + dev_dbg(ctx->priv->adapter->dev, "info: flush data %d\n", start_win); + mwifiex_11n_dispatch_pkt(ctx->priv, ctx->ptr, + (ctx->ptr->start_win + start_win + 1) & + (MAX_TID_VALUE - 1)); } /* @@ -227,10 +220,10 @@ mwifiex_flush_data(unsigned long context) */ static void mwifiex_11n_create_rx_reorder_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 *ta, - int tid, int win_size, int seq_num) + int tid, int win_size, int seq_num) { int i; - struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl *rx_reor_tbl_ptr, *new_node; + struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl *tbl, *new_node; u16 last_seq = 0; unsigned long flags; @@ -238,17 +231,16 @@ mwifiex_11n_create_rx_reorder_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 *ta, * If we get a TID, ta pair which is already present dispatch all the * the packets and move the window size until the ssn */ - rx_reor_tbl_ptr = mwifiex_11n_get_rx_reorder_tbl(priv, tid, ta); - if (rx_reor_tbl_ptr) { - mwifiex_11n_dispatch_pkt_until_start_win(priv, rx_reor_tbl_ptr, - seq_num); + tbl = mwifiex_11n_get_rx_reorder_tbl(priv, tid, ta); + if (tbl) { + mwifiex_11n_dispatch_pkt(priv, tbl, seq_num); return; } - /* if !rx_reor_tbl_ptr then create one */ + /* if !tbl then create one */ new_node = kzalloc(sizeof(struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl), GFP_KERNEL); if (!new_node) { dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "%s: failed to alloc new_node\n", - __func__); + __func__); return; } @@ -360,7 +352,8 @@ int mwifiex_cmd_11n_addba_rsp_gen(struct mwifiex_private *priv, cmd_addba_req->block_ack_param_set = cpu_to_le16(block_ack_param_set); mwifiex_11n_create_rx_reorder_tbl(priv, cmd_addba_req->peer_mac_addr, - tid, win_size, le16_to_cpu(cmd_addba_req->ssn)); + tid, win_size, + le16_to_cpu(cmd_addba_req->ssn)); return 0; } @@ -401,35 +394,34 @@ int mwifiex_11n_rx_reorder_pkt(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u16 seq_num, u16 tid, u8 *ta, u8 pkt_type, void *payload) { - struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl *rx_reor_tbl_ptr; + struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl *tbl; int start_win, end_win, win_size; u16 pkt_index; - rx_reor_tbl_ptr = - mwifiex_11n_get_rx_reorder_tbl((struct mwifiex_private *) priv, - tid, ta); - if (!rx_reor_tbl_ptr) { + tbl = mwifiex_11n_get_rx_reorder_tbl((struct mwifiex_private *) priv, + tid, ta); + if (!tbl) { if (pkt_type != PKT_TYPE_BAR) mwifiex_process_rx_packet(priv->adapter, payload); return 0; } - start_win = rx_reor_tbl_ptr->start_win; - win_size = rx_reor_tbl_ptr->win_size; + start_win = tbl->start_win; + win_size = tbl->win_size; end_win = ((start_win + win_size) - 1) & (MAX_TID_VALUE - 1); - del_timer(&rx_reor_tbl_ptr->timer_context.timer); - mod_timer(&rx_reor_tbl_ptr->timer_context.timer, jiffies - + (MIN_FLUSH_TIMER_MS * win_size * HZ) / 1000); + del_timer(&tbl->timer_context.timer); + mod_timer(&tbl->timer_context.timer, + jiffies + (MIN_FLUSH_TIMER_MS * win_size * HZ) / 1000); /* * If seq_num is less then starting win then ignore and drop the * packet */ if ((start_win + TWOPOW11) > (MAX_TID_VALUE - 1)) {/* Wrap */ - if (seq_num >= ((start_win + (TWOPOW11)) & (MAX_TID_VALUE - 1)) - && (seq_num < start_win)) + if (seq_num >= ((start_win + TWOPOW11) & + (MAX_TID_VALUE - 1)) && (seq_num < start_win)) return -1; - } else if ((seq_num < start_win) - || (seq_num > (start_win + (TWOPOW11)))) { + } else if ((seq_num < start_win) || + (seq_num > (start_win + TWOPOW11))) { return -1; } @@ -440,17 +432,17 @@ int mwifiex_11n_rx_reorder_pkt(struct mwifiex_private *priv, if (pkt_type == PKT_TYPE_BAR) seq_num = ((seq_num + win_size) - 1) & (MAX_TID_VALUE - 1); - if (((end_win < start_win) - && (seq_num < (TWOPOW11 - (MAX_TID_VALUE - start_win))) - && (seq_num > end_win)) || ((end_win > start_win) - && ((seq_num > end_win) || (seq_num < start_win)))) { + if (((end_win < start_win) && + (seq_num < (TWOPOW11 - (MAX_TID_VALUE - start_win))) && + (seq_num > end_win)) || + ((end_win > start_win) && ((seq_num > end_win) || + (seq_num < start_win)))) { end_win = seq_num; if (((seq_num - win_size) + 1) >= 0) start_win = (end_win - win_size) + 1; else start_win = (MAX_TID_VALUE - (win_size - seq_num)) + 1; - mwifiex_11n_dispatch_pkt_until_start_win(priv, - rx_reor_tbl_ptr, start_win); + mwifiex_11n_dispatch_pkt(priv, tbl, start_win); } if (pkt_type != PKT_TYPE_BAR) { @@ -459,17 +451,17 @@ int mwifiex_11n_rx_reorder_pkt(struct mwifiex_private *priv, else pkt_index = (seq_num+MAX_TID_VALUE) - start_win; - if (rx_reor_tbl_ptr->rx_reorder_ptr[pkt_index]) + if (tbl->rx_reorder_ptr[pkt_index]) return -1; - rx_reor_tbl_ptr->rx_reorder_ptr[pkt_index] = payload; + tbl->rx_reorder_ptr[pkt_index] = payload; } /* * Dispatch all packets sequentially from start_win until a * hole is found and adjust the start_win appropriately */ - mwifiex_11n_scan_and_dispatch(priv, rx_reor_tbl_ptr); + mwifiex_11n_scan_and_dispatch(priv, tbl); return 0; } @@ -480,10 +472,10 @@ int mwifiex_11n_rx_reorder_pkt(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * The TID/TA are taken from del BA event body. */ void -mwifiex_11n_delete_ba_stream_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int tid, - u8 *peer_mac, u8 type, int initiator) +mwifiex_del_ba_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int tid, u8 *peer_mac, + u8 type, int initiator) { - struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl *rx_reor_tbl_ptr; + struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl *tbl; struct mwifiex_tx_ba_stream_tbl *ptx_tbl; u8 cleanup_rx_reorder_tbl; unsigned long flags; @@ -493,23 +485,23 @@ mwifiex_11n_delete_ba_stream_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int tid, else cleanup_rx_reorder_tbl = (initiator) ? false : true; - dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "event: DELBA: %pM tid=%d, " - "initiator=%d\n", peer_mac, tid, initiator); + dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "event: DELBA: %pM tid=%d initiator=%d\n", + peer_mac, tid, initiator); if (cleanup_rx_reorder_tbl) { - rx_reor_tbl_ptr = mwifiex_11n_get_rx_reorder_tbl(priv, tid, + tbl = mwifiex_11n_get_rx_reorder_tbl(priv, tid, peer_mac); - if (!rx_reor_tbl_ptr) { + if (!tbl) { dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, - "event: TID, TA not found in table\n"); + "event: TID, TA not found in table\n"); return; } - mwifiex_11n_delete_rx_reorder_tbl_entry(priv, rx_reor_tbl_ptr); + mwifiex_del_rx_reorder_entry(priv, tbl); } else { - ptx_tbl = mwifiex_11n_get_tx_ba_stream_tbl(priv, tid, peer_mac); + ptx_tbl = mwifiex_get_ba_tbl(priv, tid, peer_mac); if (!ptx_tbl) { dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, - "event: TID, RA not found in table\n"); + "event: TID, RA not found in table\n"); return; } @@ -532,7 +524,7 @@ int mwifiex_ret_11n_addba_resp(struct mwifiex_private *priv, (struct host_cmd_ds_11n_addba_rsp *) &resp->params.add_ba_rsp; int tid, win_size; - struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl *rx_reor_tbl_ptr; + struct mwifiex_rx_reorder_tbl *tbl; uint16_t block_ack_param_set; block_ack_param_set = le16_to_cpu(add_ba_rsp->block_ack_param_set); @@ -548,19 +540,18 @@ int mwifiex_ret_11n_addba_resp(struct mwifiex_private *priv, IEEE80211_ADDBA_PARAM_BUF_SIZE_MASK) >> BLOCKACKPARAM_WINSIZE_POS; - dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "cmd: ADDBA RSP: %pM" - " tid=%d ssn=%d win_size=%d\n", - add_ba_rsp->peer_mac_addr, - tid, add_ba_rsp->ssn, win_size); + dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, + "cmd: ADDBA RSP: %pM tid=%d ssn=%d win_size=%d\n", + add_ba_rsp->peer_mac_addr, tid, + add_ba_rsp->ssn, win_size); } else { dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "ADDBA RSP: failed %pM tid=%d)\n", - add_ba_rsp->peer_mac_addr, tid); + add_ba_rsp->peer_mac_addr, tid); - rx_reor_tbl_ptr = mwifiex_11n_get_rx_reorder_tbl(priv, - tid, add_ba_rsp->peer_mac_addr); - if (rx_reor_tbl_ptr) - mwifiex_11n_delete_rx_reorder_tbl_entry(priv, - rx_reor_tbl_ptr); + tbl = mwifiex_11n_get_rx_reorder_tbl(priv, tid, + add_ba_rsp->peer_mac_addr); + if (tbl) + mwifiex_del_rx_reorder_entry(priv, tbl); } return 0; @@ -599,7 +590,7 @@ void mwifiex_11n_cleanup_reorder_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv) list_for_each_entry_safe(del_tbl_ptr, tmp_node, &priv->rx_reorder_tbl_ptr, list) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->rx_reorder_tbl_lock, flags); - mwifiex_11n_delete_rx_reorder_tbl_entry(priv, del_tbl_ptr); + mwifiex_del_rx_reorder_entry(priv, del_tbl_ptr); spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->rx_reorder_tbl_lock, flags); } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->rx_reorder_tbl_lock, flags); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n_rxreorder.h b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n_rxreorder.h index 033c8adbdcd435cdf8c823f2b46bb92c6a87cab5..f1bffebabc60a6ab1059276664bc3f3f71e129bb 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n_rxreorder.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/11n_rxreorder.h @@ -41,9 +41,8 @@ int mwifiex_11n_rx_reorder_pkt(struct mwifiex_private *, u16 seqNum, u16 tid, u8 *ta, u8 pkttype, void *payload); -void mwifiex_11n_delete_ba_stream_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int Tid, - u8 *PeerMACAddr, u8 type, - int initiator); +void mwifiex_del_ba_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int Tid, + u8 *PeerMACAddr, u8 type, int initiator); void mwifiex_11n_ba_stream_timeout(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct host_cmd_ds_11n_batimeout *event); int mwifiex_ret_11n_addba_resp(struct mwifiex_private *priv, diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/cfg80211.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/cfg80211.c index 2210a0f9af2da52c0f761841e586f18d7ee75480..65050384c42b061100fe9bd8ca42ce302b0cc369 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/cfg80211.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/cfg80211.c @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ static int mwifiex_cfg80211_del_key(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *netdev, u8 key_index, bool pairwise, const u8 *mac_addr) { - struct mwifiex_private *priv = mwifiex_cfg80211_get_priv(wiphy); + struct mwifiex_private *priv = mwifiex_netdev_get_priv(netdev); if (mwifiex_set_encode(priv, NULL, 0, key_index, 1)) { wiphy_err(wiphy, "deleting the crypto keys\n"); @@ -122,13 +122,12 @@ mwifiex_cfg80211_set_power_mgmt(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, bool enabled, int timeout) { - struct mwifiex_private *priv = mwifiex_cfg80211_get_priv(wiphy); + struct mwifiex_private *priv = mwifiex_netdev_get_priv(dev); u32 ps_mode; if (timeout) wiphy_dbg(wiphy, - "info: ignoring the timeout value" - " for IEEE power save\n"); + "info: ignore timeout value for IEEE Power Save\n"); ps_mode = enabled; @@ -143,10 +142,10 @@ mwifiex_cfg80211_set_default_key(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *netdev, u8 key_index, bool unicast, bool multicast) { - struct mwifiex_private *priv = mwifiex_cfg80211_get_priv(wiphy); + struct mwifiex_private *priv = mwifiex_netdev_get_priv(netdev); /* Return if WEP key not configured */ - if (priv->sec_info.wep_status == MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_DISABLED) + if (!priv->sec_info.wep_enabled) return 0; if (mwifiex_set_encode(priv, NULL, 0, key_index, 0)) { @@ -165,10 +164,10 @@ mwifiex_cfg80211_add_key(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *netdev, u8 key_index, bool pairwise, const u8 *mac_addr, struct key_params *params) { - struct mwifiex_private *priv = mwifiex_cfg80211_get_priv(wiphy); + struct mwifiex_private *priv = mwifiex_netdev_get_priv(netdev); if (mwifiex_set_encode(priv, params->key, params->key_len, - key_index, 0)) { + key_index, 0)) { wiphy_err(wiphy, "crypto keys added\n"); return -EFAULT; } @@ -225,7 +224,7 @@ static int mwifiex_send_domain_info_cmd_fw(struct wiphy *wiphy) } if (ch->hw_value == next_chan + 1 && - ch->max_power == max_pwr) { + ch->max_power == max_pwr) { next_chan++; no_of_parsed_chan++; } else { @@ -252,7 +251,7 @@ static int mwifiex_send_domain_info_cmd_fw(struct wiphy *wiphy) domain_info->no_of_triplet = no_of_triplet; if (mwifiex_send_cmd_async(priv, HostCmd_CMD_802_11D_DOMAIN_INFO, - HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, 0, NULL)) { + HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, 0, NULL)) { wiphy_err(wiphy, "11D: setting domain info in FW\n"); return -1; } @@ -271,7 +270,7 @@ static int mwifiex_send_domain_info_cmd_fw(struct wiphy *wiphy) * - Set bt Country IE */ static int mwifiex_reg_notifier(struct wiphy *wiphy, - struct regulatory_request *request) + struct regulatory_request *request) { struct mwifiex_private *priv = mwifiex_cfg80211_get_priv(wiphy); @@ -316,7 +315,7 @@ mwifiex_set_rf_channel(struct mwifiex_private *priv, if (chan->band == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) { if (channel_type == NL80211_CHAN_NO_HT) if (priv->adapter->config_bands == BAND_B || - priv->adapter->config_bands == BAND_G) + priv->adapter->config_bands == BAND_G) config_bands = priv->adapter->config_bands; else @@ -336,7 +335,7 @@ mwifiex_set_rf_channel(struct mwifiex_private *priv, if (priv->bss_mode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) { adapter->adhoc_start_band = config_bands; if ((config_bands & BAND_GN) || - (config_bands & BAND_AN)) + (config_bands & BAND_AN)) adapter->adhoc_11n_enabled = true; else adapter->adhoc_11n_enabled = false; @@ -350,9 +349,8 @@ mwifiex_set_rf_channel(struct mwifiex_private *priv, mwifiex_send_domain_info_cmd_fw(wiphy); } - wiphy_dbg(wiphy, "info: setting band %d, channel offset %d and " - "mode %d\n", config_bands, adapter->sec_chan_offset, - priv->bss_mode); + wiphy_dbg(wiphy, "info: setting band %d, chan offset %d, mode %d\n", + config_bands, adapter->sec_chan_offset, priv->bss_mode); if (!chan) return 0; @@ -376,7 +374,12 @@ mwifiex_cfg80211_set_channel(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, struct ieee80211_channel *chan, enum nl80211_channel_type channel_type) { - struct mwifiex_private *priv = mwifiex_cfg80211_get_priv(wiphy); + struct mwifiex_private *priv; + + if (dev) + priv = mwifiex_netdev_get_priv(dev); + else + priv = mwifiex_cfg80211_get_priv(wiphy); if (priv->media_connected) { wiphy_err(wiphy, "This setting is valid only when station " @@ -398,8 +401,8 @@ mwifiex_set_frag(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u32 frag_thr) { int ret; - if (frag_thr < MWIFIEX_FRAG_MIN_VALUE - || frag_thr > MWIFIEX_FRAG_MAX_VALUE) + if (frag_thr < MWIFIEX_FRAG_MIN_VALUE || + frag_thr > MWIFIEX_FRAG_MAX_VALUE) return -EINVAL; /* Send request to firmware */ @@ -534,6 +537,11 @@ mwifiex_dump_station_info(struct mwifiex_private *priv, ret = -EFAULT; } + /* Get DTIM period information from firmware */ + mwifiex_send_cmd_sync(priv, HostCmd_CMD_802_11_SNMP_MIB, + HostCmd_ACT_GEN_GET, DTIM_PERIOD_I, + &priv->dtim_period); + /* * Bit 0 in tx_htinfo indicates that current Tx rate is 11n rate. Valid * MCS index values for us are 0 to 7. @@ -557,6 +565,22 @@ mwifiex_dump_station_info(struct mwifiex_private *priv, /* bit rate is in 500 kb/s units. Convert it to 100kb/s units */ sinfo->txrate.legacy = rate.rate * 5; + if (priv->bss_mode == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) { + sinfo->filled |= STATION_INFO_BSS_PARAM; + sinfo->bss_param.flags = 0; + if (priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.cap_info_bitmap & + WLAN_CAPABILITY_SHORT_PREAMBLE) + sinfo->bss_param.flags |= + BSS_PARAM_FLAGS_SHORT_PREAMBLE; + if (priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.cap_info_bitmap & + WLAN_CAPABILITY_SHORT_SLOT_TIME) + sinfo->bss_param.flags |= + BSS_PARAM_FLAGS_SHORT_SLOT_TIME; + sinfo->bss_param.dtim_period = priv->dtim_period; + sinfo->bss_param.beacon_interval = + priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.beacon_period; + } + return ret; } @@ -587,7 +611,6 @@ static struct ieee80211_rate mwifiex_rates[] = { {.bitrate = 20, .hw_value = 4, }, {.bitrate = 55, .hw_value = 11, }, {.bitrate = 110, .hw_value = 22, }, - {.bitrate = 220, .hw_value = 44, }, {.bitrate = 60, .hw_value = 12, }, {.bitrate = 90, .hw_value = 18, }, {.bitrate = 120, .hw_value = 24, }, @@ -596,7 +619,6 @@ static struct ieee80211_rate mwifiex_rates[] = { {.bitrate = 360, .hw_value = 72, }, {.bitrate = 480, .hw_value = 96, }, {.bitrate = 540, .hw_value = 108, }, - {.bitrate = 720, .hw_value = 144, }, }; /* Channel definitions to be advertised to cfg80211 */ @@ -622,7 +644,7 @@ static struct ieee80211_supported_band mwifiex_band_2ghz = { .channels = mwifiex_channels_2ghz, .n_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(mwifiex_channels_2ghz), .bitrates = mwifiex_rates, - .n_bitrates = 14, + .n_bitrates = ARRAY_SIZE(mwifiex_rates), }; static struct ieee80211_channel mwifiex_channels_5ghz[] = { @@ -662,8 +684,8 @@ static struct ieee80211_channel mwifiex_channels_5ghz[] = { static struct ieee80211_supported_band mwifiex_band_5ghz = { .channels = mwifiex_channels_5ghz, .n_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(mwifiex_channels_5ghz), - .bitrates = mwifiex_rates - 4, - .n_bitrates = ARRAY_SIZE(mwifiex_rates) + 4, + .bitrates = mwifiex_rates + 4, + .n_bitrates = ARRAY_SIZE(mwifiex_rates) - 4, }; @@ -722,8 +744,7 @@ static int mwifiex_cfg80211_set_bitrate_mask(struct wiphy *wiphy, adapter->channel_type = NL80211_CHAN_NO_HT; wiphy_debug(wiphy, "info: device configured in 802.11%s%s mode\n", - (mode & BAND_B) ? "b" : "", - (mode & BAND_G) ? "g" : ""); + (mode & BAND_B) ? "b" : "", (mode & BAND_G) ? "g" : ""); return 0; } @@ -778,8 +799,7 @@ static int mwifiex_cfg80211_inform_ibss_bss(struct mwifiex_private *priv) ie_buf[1] = bss_info.ssid.ssid_len; memcpy(&ie_buf[sizeof(struct ieee_types_header)], - &bss_info.ssid.ssid, - bss_info.ssid.ssid_len); + &bss_info.ssid.ssid, bss_info.ssid.ssid_len); ie_len = ie_buf[1] + sizeof(struct ieee_types_header); band = mwifiex_band_to_radio_type(priv->curr_bss_params.band); @@ -788,8 +808,8 @@ static int mwifiex_cfg80211_inform_ibss_bss(struct mwifiex_private *priv) band)); bss = cfg80211_inform_bss(priv->wdev->wiphy, chan, - bss_info.bssid, 0, WLAN_CAPABILITY_IBSS, - 0, ie_buf, ie_len, 0, GFP_KERNEL); + bss_info.bssid, 0, WLAN_CAPABILITY_IBSS, + 0, ie_buf, ie_len, 0, GFP_KERNEL); cfg80211_put_bss(bss); memcpy(priv->cfg_bssid, bss_info.bssid, ETH_ALEN); @@ -815,12 +835,12 @@ mwifiex_cfg80211_assoc(struct mwifiex_private *priv, size_t ssid_len, u8 *ssid, u8 *bssid, int mode, struct ieee80211_channel *channel, struct cfg80211_connect_params *sme, bool privacy) { - struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid req_ssid; + struct cfg80211_ssid req_ssid; int ret, auth_type = 0; struct cfg80211_bss *bss = NULL; u8 is_scanning_required = 0; - memset(&req_ssid, 0, sizeof(struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid)); + memset(&req_ssid, 0, sizeof(struct cfg80211_ssid)); req_ssid.ssid_len = ssid_len; if (ssid_len > IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN) { @@ -847,6 +867,7 @@ mwifiex_cfg80211_assoc(struct mwifiex_private *priv, size_t ssid_len, u8 *ssid, priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled = false; priv->wep_key_curr_index = 0; priv->sec_info.encryption_mode = 0; + priv->sec_info.is_authtype_auto = 0; ret = mwifiex_set_encode(priv, NULL, 0, 0, 1); if (mode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) { @@ -868,11 +889,12 @@ mwifiex_cfg80211_assoc(struct mwifiex_private *priv, size_t ssid_len, u8 *ssid, } /* Now handle infra mode. "sme" is valid for infra mode only */ - if (sme->auth_type == NL80211_AUTHTYPE_AUTOMATIC - || sme->auth_type == NL80211_AUTHTYPE_OPEN_SYSTEM) + if (sme->auth_type == NL80211_AUTHTYPE_AUTOMATIC) { auth_type = NL80211_AUTHTYPE_OPEN_SYSTEM; - else if (sme->auth_type == NL80211_AUTHTYPE_SHARED_KEY) - auth_type = NL80211_AUTHTYPE_SHARED_KEY; + priv->sec_info.is_authtype_auto = 1; + } else { + auth_type = sme->auth_type; + } if (sme->crypto.n_ciphers_pairwise) { priv->sec_info.encryption_mode = @@ -898,12 +920,6 @@ mwifiex_cfg80211_assoc(struct mwifiex_private *priv, size_t ssid_len, u8 *ssid, } } done: - /* Do specific SSID scanning */ - if (mwifiex_request_scan(priv, &req_ssid)) { - dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "scan error\n"); - return -EFAULT; - } - /* * Scan entries are valid for some time (15 sec). So we can save one * active scan time if we just try cfg80211_get_bss first. If it fails @@ -932,14 +948,15 @@ mwifiex_cfg80211_assoc(struct mwifiex_private *priv, size_t ssid_len, u8 *ssid, if (!bss) { if (is_scanning_required) { - dev_warn(priv->adapter->dev, "assoc: requested " - "bss not found in scan results\n"); + dev_warn(priv->adapter->dev, + "assoc: requested bss not found in scan results\n"); break; } is_scanning_required = 1; } else { - dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: trying to associate to %s and bssid %pM\n", - (char *) req_ssid.ssid, bss->bssid); + dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, + "info: trying to associate to '%s' bssid %pM\n", + (char *) req_ssid.ssid, bss->bssid); memcpy(&priv->cfg_bssid, bss->bssid, ETH_ALEN); break; } @@ -979,7 +996,7 @@ mwifiex_cfg80211_connect(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, } wiphy_dbg(wiphy, "info: Trying to associate to %s and bssid %pM\n", - (char *) sme->ssid, sme->bssid); + (char *) sme->ssid, sme->bssid); ret = mwifiex_cfg80211_assoc(priv, sme->ssid_len, sme->ssid, sme->bssid, priv->bss_mode, sme->channel, sme, 0); @@ -1011,7 +1028,7 @@ static int mwifiex_cfg80211_join_ibss(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, struct cfg80211_ibss_params *params) { - struct mwifiex_private *priv = mwifiex_cfg80211_get_priv(wiphy); + struct mwifiex_private *priv = mwifiex_netdev_get_priv(dev); int ret = 0; if (priv->bss_mode != NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) { @@ -1021,11 +1038,11 @@ mwifiex_cfg80211_join_ibss(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, } wiphy_dbg(wiphy, "info: trying to join to %s and bssid %pM\n", - (char *) params->ssid, params->bssid); + (char *) params->ssid, params->bssid); ret = mwifiex_cfg80211_assoc(priv, params->ssid_len, params->ssid, - params->bssid, priv->bss_mode, - params->channel, NULL, params->privacy); + params->bssid, priv->bss_mode, + params->channel, NULL, params->privacy); done: if (!ret) { cfg80211_ibss_joined(priv->netdev, priv->cfg_bssid, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -1049,10 +1066,10 @@ mwifiex_cfg80211_join_ibss(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, static int mwifiex_cfg80211_leave_ibss(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev) { - struct mwifiex_private *priv = mwifiex_cfg80211_get_priv(wiphy); + struct mwifiex_private *priv = mwifiex_netdev_get_priv(dev); wiphy_dbg(wiphy, "info: disconnecting from essid %pM\n", - priv->cfg_bssid); + priv->cfg_bssid); if (mwifiex_deauthenticate(priv, NULL)) return -EFAULT; @@ -1081,17 +1098,15 @@ mwifiex_cfg80211_scan(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, priv->scan_request = request; priv->user_scan_cfg = kzalloc(sizeof(struct mwifiex_user_scan_cfg), - GFP_KERNEL); + GFP_KERNEL); if (!priv->user_scan_cfg) { dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "failed to alloc scan_req\n"); return -ENOMEM; } - for (i = 0; i < request->n_ssids; i++) { - memcpy(priv->user_scan_cfg->ssid_list[i].ssid, - request->ssids[i].ssid, request->ssids[i].ssid_len); - priv->user_scan_cfg->ssid_list[i].max_len = - request->ssids[i].ssid_len; - } + + priv->user_scan_cfg->num_ssids = request->n_ssids; + priv->user_scan_cfg->ssid_list = request->ssids; + for (i = 0; i < request->n_channels; i++) { chan = request->channels[i]; priv->user_scan_cfg->chan_list[i].chan_number = chan->hw_value; @@ -1099,10 +1114,10 @@ mwifiex_cfg80211_scan(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, if (chan->flags & IEEE80211_CHAN_PASSIVE_SCAN) priv->user_scan_cfg->chan_list[i].scan_type = - MWIFIEX_SCAN_TYPE_PASSIVE; + MWIFIEX_SCAN_TYPE_PASSIVE; else priv->user_scan_cfg->chan_list[i].scan_type = - MWIFIEX_SCAN_TYPE_ACTIVE; + MWIFIEX_SCAN_TYPE_ACTIVE; priv->user_scan_cfg->chan_list[i].scan_time = 0; } @@ -1173,9 +1188,9 @@ mwifiex_setup_ht_caps(struct ieee80211_sta_ht_cap *ht_info, memset(mcs, 0xff, rx_mcs_supp); /* Clear all the other values */ memset(&mcs[rx_mcs_supp], 0, - sizeof(struct ieee80211_mcs_info) - rx_mcs_supp); + sizeof(struct ieee80211_mcs_info) - rx_mcs_supp); if (priv->bss_mode == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION || - ISSUPP_CHANWIDTH40(adapter->hw_dot_11n_dev_cap)) + ISSUPP_CHANWIDTH40(adapter->hw_dot_11n_dev_cap)) /* Set MCS32 for infra mode or ad-hoc mode with 40MHz support */ SETHT_MCS32(mcs_set.rx_mask); @@ -1188,10 +1203,10 @@ mwifiex_setup_ht_caps(struct ieee80211_sta_ht_cap *ht_info, * create a new virtual interface with the given name */ struct net_device *mwifiex_add_virtual_intf(struct wiphy *wiphy, - char *name, - enum nl80211_iftype type, - u32 *flags, - struct vif_params *params) + char *name, + enum nl80211_iftype type, + u32 *flags, + struct vif_params *params) { struct mwifiex_private *priv = mwifiex_cfg80211_get_priv(wiphy); struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter; @@ -1224,7 +1239,6 @@ struct net_device *mwifiex_add_virtual_intf(struct wiphy *wiphy, priv->frame_type = MWIFIEX_DATA_FRAME_TYPE_ETH_II; priv->bss_priority = 0; priv->bss_role = MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA; - priv->bss_index = 0; priv->bss_num = 0; break; @@ -1288,10 +1302,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(mwifiex_add_virtual_intf); */ int mwifiex_del_virtual_intf(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev) { - struct mwifiex_private *priv = mwifiex_cfg80211_get_priv(wiphy); - - if (!priv || !dev) - return 0; + struct mwifiex_private *priv = mwifiex_netdev_get_priv(dev); #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_FS mwifiex_dev_debugfs_remove(priv); @@ -1353,11 +1364,12 @@ int mwifiex_register_cfg80211(struct mwifiex_private *priv) int ret; void *wdev_priv; struct wireless_dev *wdev; + struct ieee80211_sta_ht_cap *ht_info; wdev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct wireless_dev), GFP_KERNEL); if (!wdev) { dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "%s: allocating wireless device\n", - __func__); + __func__); return -ENOMEM; } wdev->wiphy = @@ -1369,17 +1381,17 @@ int mwifiex_register_cfg80211(struct mwifiex_private *priv) } wdev->iftype = NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION; wdev->wiphy->max_scan_ssids = 10; - wdev->wiphy->interface_modes = - BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) | BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC); + wdev->wiphy->interface_modes = BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) | + BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC); wdev->wiphy->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ] = &mwifiex_band_2ghz; - mwifiex_setup_ht_caps( - &wdev->wiphy->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ]->ht_cap, priv); + ht_info = &wdev->wiphy->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ]->ht_cap; + mwifiex_setup_ht_caps(ht_info, priv); if (priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_A) { wdev->wiphy->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ] = &mwifiex_band_5ghz; - mwifiex_setup_ht_caps( - &wdev->wiphy->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ]->ht_cap, priv); + ht_info = &wdev->wiphy->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ]->ht_cap; + mwifiex_setup_ht_caps(ht_info, priv); } else { wdev->wiphy->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ] = NULL; } @@ -1406,13 +1418,13 @@ int mwifiex_register_cfg80211(struct mwifiex_private *priv) ret = wiphy_register(wdev->wiphy); if (ret < 0) { dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "%s: registering cfg80211 device\n", - __func__); + __func__); wiphy_free(wdev->wiphy); kfree(wdev); return ret; } else { dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, - "info: successfully registered wiphy device\n"); + "info: successfully registered wiphy device\n"); } priv->wdev = wdev; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/cfp.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/cfp.c index 1782a77f15dcb82b9a2d1febef1f0fecd03f2895..2fe1c33765b85cf435eb36f1fc15bbed20e5d8fe 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/cfp.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/cfp.c @@ -163,65 +163,24 @@ u32 mwifiex_get_active_data_rates(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 *rates) return mwifiex_get_supported_rates(priv, rates); else return mwifiex_copy_rates(rates, 0, - priv->curr_bss_params.data_rates, - priv->curr_bss_params.num_of_rates); + priv->curr_bss_params.data_rates, + priv->curr_bss_params.num_of_rates); } /* * This function locates the Channel-Frequency-Power triplet based upon - * band and channel parameters. + * band and channel/frequency parameters. */ struct mwifiex_chan_freq_power * -mwifiex_get_cfp_by_band_and_channel_from_cfg80211(struct mwifiex_private - *priv, u8 band, u16 channel) +mwifiex_get_cfp(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 band, u16 channel, u32 freq) { struct mwifiex_chan_freq_power *cfp = NULL; struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband; - struct ieee80211_channel *ch; + struct ieee80211_channel *ch = NULL; int i; - if (mwifiex_band_to_radio_type(band) == HostCmd_SCAN_RADIO_TYPE_BG) - sband = priv->wdev->wiphy->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ]; - else - sband = priv->wdev->wiphy->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ]; - - if (!sband) { - dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "%s: cannot find cfp by band %d" - " & channel %d\n", __func__, band, channel); + if (!channel && !freq) return cfp; - } - - for (i = 0; i < sband->n_channels; i++) { - ch = &sband->channels[i]; - if (((ch->hw_value == channel) || - (channel == FIRST_VALID_CHANNEL)) - && !(ch->flags & IEEE80211_CHAN_DISABLED)) { - priv->cfp.channel = channel; - priv->cfp.freq = ch->center_freq; - priv->cfp.max_tx_power = ch->max_power; - cfp = &priv->cfp; - break; - } - } - if (i == sband->n_channels) - dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "%s: cannot find cfp by band %d" - " & channel %d\n", __func__, band, channel); - - return cfp; -} - -/* - * This function locates the Channel-Frequency-Power triplet based upon - * band and frequency parameters. - */ -struct mwifiex_chan_freq_power * -mwifiex_get_cfp_by_band_and_freq_from_cfg80211(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - u8 band, u32 freq) -{ - struct mwifiex_chan_freq_power *cfp = NULL; - struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband; - struct ieee80211_channel *ch; - int i; if (mwifiex_band_to_radio_type(band) == HostCmd_SCAN_RADIO_TYPE_BG) sband = priv->wdev->wiphy->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ]; @@ -229,25 +188,40 @@ mwifiex_get_cfp_by_band_and_freq_from_cfg80211(struct mwifiex_private *priv, sband = priv->wdev->wiphy->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ]; if (!sband) { - dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "%s: cannot find cfp by band %d" - " & freq %d\n", __func__, band, freq); + dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "%s: cannot find cfp by band %d\n", + __func__, band); return cfp; } for (i = 0; i < sband->n_channels; i++) { ch = &sband->channels[i]; - if ((ch->center_freq == freq) && - !(ch->flags & IEEE80211_CHAN_DISABLED)) { - priv->cfp.channel = ch->hw_value; - priv->cfp.freq = freq; - priv->cfp.max_tx_power = ch->max_power; - cfp = &priv->cfp; - break; + + if (ch->flags & IEEE80211_CHAN_DISABLED) + continue; + + if (freq) { + if (ch->center_freq == freq) + break; + } else { + /* find by valid channel*/ + if (ch->hw_value == channel || + channel == FIRST_VALID_CHANNEL) + break; } } - if (i == sband->n_channels) + if (i == sband->n_channels) { dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "%s: cannot find cfp by band %d" - " & freq %d\n", __func__, band, freq); + " & channel=%d freq=%d\n", __func__, band, channel, + freq); + } else { + if (!ch) + return cfp; + + priv->cfp.channel = ch->hw_value; + priv->cfp.freq = ch->center_freq; + priv->cfp.max_tx_power = ch->max_power; + cfp = &priv->cfp; + } return cfp; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/cmdevt.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/cmdevt.c index 6e0a3eaecf7070bcdcce90eb91e63d7fe6cc6aab..07f6e0092552be8d02d28288d3f5c49aaef4f757 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/cmdevt.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/cmdevt.c @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ mwifiex_get_cmd_node(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) return NULL; } cmd_node = list_first_entry(&adapter->cmd_free_q, - struct cmd_ctrl_node, list); + struct cmd_ctrl_node, list); list_del(&cmd_node->list); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->cmd_free_q_lock, flags); @@ -158,8 +158,9 @@ static int mwifiex_dnld_cmd_to_fw(struct mwifiex_private *priv, /* Set command sequence number */ adapter->seq_num++; host_cmd->seq_num = cpu_to_le16(HostCmd_SET_SEQ_NO_BSS_INFO - (adapter->seq_num, cmd_node->priv->bss_num, - cmd_node->priv->bss_type)); + (adapter->seq_num, + cmd_node->priv->bss_num, + cmd_node->priv->bss_type)); spin_lock_irqsave(&adapter->mwifiex_cmd_lock, flags); adapter->curr_cmd = cmd_node; @@ -174,8 +175,8 @@ static int mwifiex_dnld_cmd_to_fw(struct mwifiex_private *priv, dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "cmd: DNLD_CMD: (%lu.%lu): %#x, act %#x, len %d," " seqno %#x\n", tstamp.tv_sec, tstamp.tv_usec, cmd_code, - le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *) ((u8 *) host_cmd + S_DS_GEN)), cmd_size, - le16_to_cpu(host_cmd->seq_num)); + le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *) ((u8 *) host_cmd + S_DS_GEN)), cmd_size, + le16_to_cpu(host_cmd->seq_num)); skb_push(cmd_node->cmd_skb, INTF_HEADER_LEN); @@ -200,17 +201,17 @@ static int mwifiex_dnld_cmd_to_fw(struct mwifiex_private *priv, /* Save the last command id and action to debug log */ adapter->dbg.last_cmd_index = - (adapter->dbg.last_cmd_index + 1) % DBG_CMD_NUM; + (adapter->dbg.last_cmd_index + 1) % DBG_CMD_NUM; adapter->dbg.last_cmd_id[adapter->dbg.last_cmd_index] = cmd_code; adapter->dbg.last_cmd_act[adapter->dbg.last_cmd_index] = - le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *) ((u8 *) host_cmd + S_DS_GEN)); + le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *) ((u8 *) host_cmd + S_DS_GEN)); /* Clear BSS_NO_BITS from HostCmd */ cmd_code &= HostCmd_CMD_ID_MASK; /* Setup the timer after transmit command */ mod_timer(&adapter->cmd_timer, - jiffies + (MWIFIEX_TIMER_10S * HZ) / 1000); + jiffies + (MWIFIEX_TIMER_10S * HZ) / 1000); return 0; } @@ -230,7 +231,7 @@ static int mwifiex_dnld_sleep_confirm_cmd(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) struct mwifiex_private *priv; struct mwifiex_opt_sleep_confirm *sleep_cfm_buf = (struct mwifiex_opt_sleep_confirm *) - adapter->sleep_cfm->data; + adapter->sleep_cfm->data; priv = mwifiex_get_priv(adapter, MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_ANY); sleep_cfm_buf->seq_num = @@ -250,7 +251,7 @@ static int mwifiex_dnld_sleep_confirm_cmd(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) return -1; } if (GET_BSS_ROLE(mwifiex_get_priv(adapter, MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_ANY)) - == MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA) { + == MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA) { if (!sleep_cfm_buf->resp_ctrl) /* Response is not needed for sleep confirm command */ @@ -258,12 +259,12 @@ static int mwifiex_dnld_sleep_confirm_cmd(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) else adapter->ps_state = PS_STATE_SLEEP_CFM; - if (!sleep_cfm_buf->resp_ctrl - && (adapter->is_hs_configured - && !adapter->sleep_period.period)) { + if (!sleep_cfm_buf->resp_ctrl && + (adapter->is_hs_configured && + !adapter->sleep_period.period)) { adapter->pm_wakeup_card_req = true; - mwifiex_hs_activated_event(mwifiex_get_priv(adapter, - MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA), true); + mwifiex_hs_activated_event(mwifiex_get_priv + (adapter, MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA), true); } } @@ -293,7 +294,7 @@ int mwifiex_alloc_cmd_buffer(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) cmd_array = kzalloc(buf_size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!cmd_array) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: failed to alloc cmd_array\n", - __func__); + __func__); return -ENOMEM; } @@ -376,9 +377,9 @@ int mwifiex_process_event(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) /* Save the last event to debug log */ adapter->dbg.last_event_index = - (adapter->dbg.last_event_index + 1) % DBG_CMD_NUM; + (adapter->dbg.last_event_index + 1) % DBG_CMD_NUM; adapter->dbg.last_event[adapter->dbg.last_event_index] = - (u16) eventcause; + (u16) eventcause; /* Get BSS number and corresponding priv */ priv = mwifiex_get_priv_by_id(adapter, EVENT_GET_BSS_NUM(eventcause), @@ -391,13 +392,14 @@ int mwifiex_process_event(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) if (skb) { rx_info = MWIFIEX_SKB_RXCB(skb); - rx_info->bss_index = priv->bss_index; + rx_info->bss_num = priv->bss_num; + rx_info->bss_type = priv->bss_type; } if (eventcause != EVENT_PS_SLEEP && eventcause != EVENT_PS_AWAKE) { do_gettimeofday(&tstamp); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "event: %lu.%lu: cause: %#x\n", - tstamp.tv_sec, tstamp.tv_usec, eventcause); + tstamp.tv_sec, tstamp.tv_usec, eventcause); } ret = mwifiex_process_sta_event(priv); @@ -508,7 +510,7 @@ int mwifiex_send_cmd_async(struct mwifiex_private *priv, uint16_t cmd_no, /* Return error, since the command preparation failed */ if (ret) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "PREP_CMD: cmd %#x preparation failed\n", - cmd_no); + cmd_no); mwifiex_insert_cmd_to_free_q(adapter, cmd_node); return -1; } @@ -576,9 +578,9 @@ mwifiex_insert_cmd_to_pending_q(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, /* Exit_PS command needs to be queued in the header always. */ if (command == HostCmd_CMD_802_11_PS_MODE_ENH) { struct host_cmd_ds_802_11_ps_mode_enh *pm = - &host_cmd->params.psmode_enh; - if ((le16_to_cpu(pm->action) == DIS_PS) - || (le16_to_cpu(pm->action) == DIS_AUTO_PS)) { + &host_cmd->params.psmode_enh; + if ((le16_to_cpu(pm->action) == DIS_PS) || + (le16_to_cpu(pm->action) == DIS_AUTO_PS)) { if (adapter->ps_state != PS_STATE_AWAKE) add_tail = false; } @@ -691,7 +693,7 @@ int mwifiex_process_cmdresp(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) if (!adapter->curr_cmd || !adapter->curr_cmd->resp_skb) { resp = (struct host_cmd_ds_command *) adapter->upld_buf; dev_err(adapter->dev, "CMD_RESP: NULL curr_cmd, %#x\n", - le16_to_cpu(resp->command)); + le16_to_cpu(resp->command)); return -1; } @@ -700,7 +702,7 @@ int mwifiex_process_cmdresp(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) resp = (struct host_cmd_ds_command *) adapter->curr_cmd->resp_skb->data; if (adapter->curr_cmd->cmd_flag & CMD_F_CANCELED) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "CMD_RESP: %#x been canceled\n", - le16_to_cpu(resp->command)); + le16_to_cpu(resp->command)); mwifiex_insert_cmd_to_free_q(adapter, adapter->curr_cmd); spin_lock_irqsave(&adapter->mwifiex_cmd_lock, flags); adapter->curr_cmd = NULL; @@ -724,8 +726,8 @@ int mwifiex_process_cmdresp(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) /* Get BSS number and corresponding priv */ priv = mwifiex_get_priv_by_id(adapter, - HostCmd_GET_BSS_NO(le16_to_cpu(resp->seq_num)), - HostCmd_GET_BSS_TYPE(le16_to_cpu(resp->seq_num))); + HostCmd_GET_BSS_NO(le16_to_cpu(resp->seq_num)), + HostCmd_GET_BSS_TYPE(le16_to_cpu(resp->seq_num))); if (!priv) priv = mwifiex_get_priv(adapter, MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_ANY); /* Clear RET_BIT from HostCmd */ @@ -736,9 +738,9 @@ int mwifiex_process_cmdresp(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) /* Save the last command response to debug log */ adapter->dbg.last_cmd_resp_index = - (adapter->dbg.last_cmd_resp_index + 1) % DBG_CMD_NUM; + (adapter->dbg.last_cmd_resp_index + 1) % DBG_CMD_NUM; adapter->dbg.last_cmd_resp_id[adapter->dbg.last_cmd_resp_index] = - orig_cmdresp_no; + orig_cmdresp_no; do_gettimeofday(&tstamp); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "cmd: CMD_RESP: (%lu.%lu): 0x%x, result %d," @@ -760,8 +762,8 @@ int mwifiex_process_cmdresp(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) if (adapter->curr_cmd->cmd_flag & CMD_F_HOSTCMD) { adapter->curr_cmd->cmd_flag &= ~CMD_F_HOSTCMD; - if ((cmdresp_result == HostCmd_RESULT_OK) - && (cmdresp_no == HostCmd_CMD_802_11_HS_CFG_ENH)) + if ((cmdresp_result == HostCmd_RESULT_OK) && + (cmdresp_no == HostCmd_CMD_802_11_HS_CFG_ENH)) ret = mwifiex_ret_802_11_hs_cfg(priv, resp); } else { /* handle response */ @@ -770,7 +772,7 @@ int mwifiex_process_cmdresp(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) /* Check init command response */ if (adapter->hw_status == MWIFIEX_HW_STATUS_INITIALIZING) { - if (ret == -1) { + if (ret) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: cmd %#x failed during " "initialization\n", __func__, cmdresp_no); mwifiex_init_fw_complete(adapter); @@ -780,10 +782,8 @@ int mwifiex_process_cmdresp(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) } if (adapter->curr_cmd) { - if (adapter->curr_cmd->wait_q_enabled && (!ret)) - adapter->cmd_wait_q.status = 0; - else if (adapter->curr_cmd->wait_q_enabled && (ret == -1)) - adapter->cmd_wait_q.status = -1; + if (adapter->curr_cmd->wait_q_enabled) + adapter->cmd_wait_q.status = ret; /* Clean up and put current command back to cmd_free_q */ mwifiex_insert_cmd_to_free_q(adapter, adapter->curr_cmd); @@ -825,44 +825,45 @@ mwifiex_cmd_timeout_func(unsigned long function_context) adapter->dbg.timeout_cmd_act = adapter->dbg.last_cmd_act[adapter->dbg.last_cmd_index]; do_gettimeofday(&tstamp); - dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: Timeout cmd id (%lu.%lu) = %#x," - " act = %#x\n", __func__, - tstamp.tv_sec, tstamp.tv_usec, - adapter->dbg.timeout_cmd_id, - adapter->dbg.timeout_cmd_act); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "%s: Timeout cmd id (%lu.%lu) = %#x, act = %#x\n", + __func__, tstamp.tv_sec, tstamp.tv_usec, + adapter->dbg.timeout_cmd_id, + adapter->dbg.timeout_cmd_act); dev_err(adapter->dev, "num_data_h2c_failure = %d\n", - adapter->dbg.num_tx_host_to_card_failure); + adapter->dbg.num_tx_host_to_card_failure); dev_err(adapter->dev, "num_cmd_h2c_failure = %d\n", - adapter->dbg.num_cmd_host_to_card_failure); + adapter->dbg.num_cmd_host_to_card_failure); dev_err(adapter->dev, "num_cmd_timeout = %d\n", - adapter->dbg.num_cmd_timeout); + adapter->dbg.num_cmd_timeout); dev_err(adapter->dev, "num_tx_timeout = %d\n", - adapter->dbg.num_tx_timeout); + adapter->dbg.num_tx_timeout); dev_err(adapter->dev, "last_cmd_index = %d\n", - adapter->dbg.last_cmd_index); + adapter->dbg.last_cmd_index); print_hex_dump_bytes("last_cmd_id: ", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, - adapter->dbg.last_cmd_id, DBG_CMD_NUM); + adapter->dbg.last_cmd_id, DBG_CMD_NUM); print_hex_dump_bytes("last_cmd_act: ", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, - adapter->dbg.last_cmd_act, DBG_CMD_NUM); + adapter->dbg.last_cmd_act, DBG_CMD_NUM); dev_err(adapter->dev, "last_cmd_resp_index = %d\n", - adapter->dbg.last_cmd_resp_index); + adapter->dbg.last_cmd_resp_index); print_hex_dump_bytes("last_cmd_resp_id: ", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, - adapter->dbg.last_cmd_resp_id, DBG_CMD_NUM); + adapter->dbg.last_cmd_resp_id, + DBG_CMD_NUM); dev_err(adapter->dev, "last_event_index = %d\n", - adapter->dbg.last_event_index); + adapter->dbg.last_event_index); print_hex_dump_bytes("last_event: ", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, - adapter->dbg.last_event, DBG_CMD_NUM); + adapter->dbg.last_event, DBG_CMD_NUM); dev_err(adapter->dev, "data_sent=%d cmd_sent=%d\n", - adapter->data_sent, adapter->cmd_sent); + adapter->data_sent, adapter->cmd_sent); dev_err(adapter->dev, "ps_mode=%d ps_state=%d\n", - adapter->ps_mode, adapter->ps_state); + adapter->ps_mode, adapter->ps_state); } if (adapter->hw_status == MWIFIEX_HW_STATUS_INITIALIZING) mwifiex_init_fw_complete(adapter); @@ -943,7 +944,7 @@ mwifiex_cancel_pending_ioctl(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) uint16_t cancel_scan_cmd = false; if ((adapter->curr_cmd) && - (adapter->curr_cmd->wait_q_enabled)) { + (adapter->curr_cmd->wait_q_enabled)) { spin_lock_irqsave(&adapter->mwifiex_cmd_lock, cmd_flags); cmd_node = adapter->curr_cmd; cmd_node->wait_q_enabled = false; @@ -997,9 +998,9 @@ mwifiex_check_ps_cond(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) else dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "cmd: Delay Sleep Confirm (%s%s%s)\n", - (adapter->cmd_sent) ? "D" : "", - (adapter->curr_cmd) ? "C" : "", - (IS_CARD_RX_RCVD(adapter)) ? "R" : ""); + (adapter->cmd_sent) ? "D" : "", + (adapter->curr_cmd) ? "C" : "", + (IS_CARD_RX_RCVD(adapter)) ? "R" : ""); } /* @@ -1051,8 +1052,8 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_hs_cfg(struct mwifiex_private *priv, dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "cmd: CMD_RESP: HS_CFG cmd reply" " result=%#x, conditions=0x%x gpio=0x%x gap=0x%x\n", resp->result, conditions, - phs_cfg->params.hs_config.gpio, - phs_cfg->params.hs_config.gap); + phs_cfg->params.hs_config.gpio, + phs_cfg->params.hs_config.gap); } if (conditions != HOST_SLEEP_CFG_CANCEL) { adapter->is_hs_configured = true; @@ -1079,7 +1080,8 @@ mwifiex_process_hs_config(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) adapter->hs_activated = false; adapter->is_hs_configured = false; mwifiex_hs_activated_event(mwifiex_get_priv(adapter, - MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_ANY), false); + MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_ANY), + false); } /* @@ -1115,22 +1117,24 @@ mwifiex_process_sleep_confirm_resp(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, command &= HostCmd_CMD_ID_MASK; if (command != HostCmd_CMD_802_11_PS_MODE_ENH) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: received unexpected response for" - " cmd %x, result = %x\n", __func__, command, result); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "%s: rcvd unexpected resp for cmd %#x, result = %x\n", + __func__, command, result); return; } if (result) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: sleep confirm cmd failed\n", - __func__); + __func__); adapter->pm_wakeup_card_req = false; adapter->ps_state = PS_STATE_AWAKE; return; } adapter->pm_wakeup_card_req = true; if (adapter->is_hs_configured) - mwifiex_hs_activated_event(mwifiex_get_priv(adapter, - MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_ANY), true); + mwifiex_hs_activated_event(mwifiex_get_priv + (adapter, MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_ANY), + true); adapter->ps_state = PS_STATE_SLEEP; cmd->command = cpu_to_le16(command); cmd->seq_num = cpu_to_le16(seq_num); @@ -1164,17 +1168,17 @@ int mwifiex_cmd_enh_power_mode(struct mwifiex_private *priv, psmode_enh->action = cpu_to_le16(DIS_AUTO_PS); psmode_enh->params.ps_bitmap = cpu_to_le16(ps_bitmap); cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(S_DS_GEN + sizeof(psmode_enh->action) + - sizeof(psmode_enh->params.ps_bitmap)); + sizeof(psmode_enh->params.ps_bitmap)); } else if (cmd_action == GET_PS) { psmode_enh->action = cpu_to_le16(GET_PS); psmode_enh->params.ps_bitmap = cpu_to_le16(ps_bitmap); cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(S_DS_GEN + sizeof(psmode_enh->action) + - sizeof(psmode_enh->params.ps_bitmap)); + sizeof(psmode_enh->params.ps_bitmap)); } else if (cmd_action == EN_AUTO_PS) { psmode_enh->action = cpu_to_le16(EN_AUTO_PS); psmode_enh->params.ps_bitmap = cpu_to_le16(ps_bitmap); cmd_size = S_DS_GEN + sizeof(psmode_enh->action) + - sizeof(psmode_enh->params.ps_bitmap); + sizeof(psmode_enh->params.ps_bitmap); tlv = (u8 *) cmd + cmd_size; if (ps_bitmap & BITMAP_STA_PS) { struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter = priv->adapter; @@ -1188,19 +1192,18 @@ int mwifiex_cmd_enh_power_mode(struct mwifiex_private *priv, tlv += sizeof(*ps_tlv); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "cmd: PS Command: Enter PS\n"); ps_mode->null_pkt_interval = - cpu_to_le16(adapter->null_pkt_interval); + cpu_to_le16(adapter->null_pkt_interval); ps_mode->multiple_dtims = - cpu_to_le16(adapter->multiple_dtim); + cpu_to_le16(adapter->multiple_dtim); ps_mode->bcn_miss_timeout = - cpu_to_le16(adapter->bcn_miss_time_out); + cpu_to_le16(adapter->bcn_miss_time_out); ps_mode->local_listen_interval = cpu_to_le16(adapter->local_listen_interval); ps_mode->adhoc_wake_period = cpu_to_le16(adapter->adhoc_awake_period); ps_mode->delay_to_ps = - cpu_to_le16(adapter->delay_to_ps); - ps_mode->mode = - cpu_to_le16(adapter->enhanced_ps_mode); + cpu_to_le16(adapter->delay_to_ps); + ps_mode->mode = cpu_to_le16(adapter->enhanced_ps_mode); } if (ps_bitmap & BITMAP_AUTO_DS) { @@ -1218,7 +1221,7 @@ int mwifiex_cmd_enh_power_mode(struct mwifiex_private *priv, if (auto_ds) idletime = auto_ds->idle_time; dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, - "cmd: PS Command: Enter Auto Deep Sleep\n"); + "cmd: PS Command: Enter Auto Deep Sleep\n"); auto_ds_tlv->deep_sleep_timeout = cpu_to_le16(idletime); } cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(cmd_size); @@ -1245,8 +1248,9 @@ int mwifiex_ret_enh_power_mode(struct mwifiex_private *priv, uint16_t auto_ps_bitmap = le16_to_cpu(ps_mode->params.ps_bitmap); - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: %s: PS_MODE cmd reply result=%#x action=%#X\n", - __func__, resp->result, action); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, + "info: %s: PS_MODE cmd reply result=%#x action=%#X\n", + __func__, resp->result, action); if (action == EN_AUTO_PS) { if (auto_ps_bitmap & BITMAP_AUTO_DS) { dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "cmd: Enabled auto deep sleep\n"); @@ -1255,7 +1259,8 @@ int mwifiex_ret_enh_power_mode(struct mwifiex_private *priv, if (auto_ps_bitmap & BITMAP_STA_PS) { dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "cmd: Enabled STA power save\n"); if (adapter->sleep_period.period) - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "cmd: set to uapsd/pps mode\n"); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, + "cmd: set to uapsd/pps mode\n"); } } else if (action == DIS_AUTO_PS) { if (ps_bitmap & BITMAP_AUTO_DS) { @@ -1374,12 +1379,13 @@ int mwifiex_ret_get_hw_spec(struct mwifiex_private *priv, adapter->number_of_antenna = le16_to_cpu(hw_spec->number_of_antenna); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: GET_HW_SPEC: fw_release_number- %#x\n", - adapter->fw_release_number); + adapter->fw_release_number); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: GET_HW_SPEC: permanent addr: %pM\n", - hw_spec->permanent_addr); - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: GET_HW_SPEC: hw_if_version=%#x version=%#x\n", + hw_spec->permanent_addr); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, + "info: GET_HW_SPEC: hw_if_version=%#x version=%#x\n", le16_to_cpu(hw_spec->hw_if_version), - le16_to_cpu(hw_spec->version)); + le16_to_cpu(hw_spec->version)); if (priv->curr_addr[0] == 0xff) memmove(priv->curr_addr, hw_spec->permanent_addr, ETH_ALEN); @@ -1394,7 +1400,8 @@ int mwifiex_ret_get_hw_spec(struct mwifiex_private *priv, /* If it's unidentified region code, use the default (USA) */ if (i >= MWIFIEX_MAX_REGION_CODE) { adapter->region_code = 0x10; - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "cmd: unknown region code, use default (USA)\n"); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, + "cmd: unknown region code, use default (USA)\n"); } adapter->hw_dot_11n_dev_cap = le32_to_cpu(hw_spec->dot_11n_dev_cap); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/decl.h b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/decl.h index ae17ce02a3d0f074d24924a39f54a8a59748f30f..be5fd1652e53a3d5930f14c42f4ec77439858373 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/decl.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/decl.h @@ -91,18 +91,14 @@ struct mwifiex_fw_image { u32 fw_len; }; -struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid { - u32 ssid_len; - u8 ssid[IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN]; -}; - struct mwifiex_wait_queue { wait_queue_head_t wait; int status; }; struct mwifiex_rxinfo { - u8 bss_index; + u8 bss_num; + u8 bss_type; struct sk_buff *parent; u8 use_count; }; @@ -110,7 +106,8 @@ struct mwifiex_rxinfo { struct mwifiex_txinfo { u32 status_code; u8 flags; - u8 bss_index; + u8 bss_num; + u8 bss_type; }; enum mwifiex_wmm_ac_e { diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/fw.h b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/fw.h index 51c5417c569c42570e0a3300c59529c2c6af767c..e98fc5af73dc1f3197059c1609e123d346c9b182 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/fw.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/fw.h @@ -86,11 +86,6 @@ enum MWIFIEX_802_11_PRIVACY_FILTER { MWIFIEX_802_11_PRIV_FILTER_8021X_WEP }; -enum MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_STATUS { - MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_ENABLED, - MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_DISABLED, -}; - #define CAL_SNR(RSSI, NF) ((s16)((s16)(RSSI)-(s16)(NF))) #define PROPRIETARY_TLV_BASE_ID 0x0100 @@ -122,8 +117,8 @@ enum MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_STATUS { #define BA_STREAM_NOT_ALLOWED 0xff #define IS_11N_ENABLED(priv) ((priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_GN || \ - priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_AN) \ - && priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.bcn_ht_cap) + priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_AN) && \ + priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.bcn_ht_cap) #define INITIATOR_BIT(DelBAParamSet) (((DelBAParamSet) &\ BIT(DELBA_INITIATOR_POS)) >> DELBA_INITIATOR_POS) @@ -857,11 +852,6 @@ struct mwifiex_user_scan_chan { u32 scan_time; } __packed; -struct mwifiex_user_scan_ssid { - u8 ssid[IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN + 1]; - u8 max_len; -} __packed; - struct mwifiex_user_scan_cfg { /* * BSS mode to be sent in the firmware command @@ -872,8 +862,9 @@ struct mwifiex_user_scan_cfg { u8 reserved; /* BSSID filter sent in the firmware command to limit the results */ u8 specific_bssid[ETH_ALEN]; - /* SSID filter list used in the to limit the scan results */ - struct mwifiex_user_scan_ssid ssid_list[MWIFIEX_MAX_SSID_LIST_LENGTH]; + /* SSID filter list used in the firmware to limit the scan results */ + struct cfg80211_ssid *ssid_list; + u8 num_ssids; /* Variable number (fixed maximum) of channels to scan up */ struct mwifiex_user_scan_chan chan_list[MWIFIEX_USER_SCAN_CHAN_MAX]; } __packed; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/init.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/init.c index 1d0ec57a0143d8f0a2b15cfbb2220ba065171045..54bb4839b57c7cc8f2e1dc4c11ab7f97896bbd9f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/init.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/init.c @@ -35,28 +35,24 @@ static int mwifiex_add_bss_prio_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv) { struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter = priv->adapter; struct mwifiex_bss_prio_node *bss_prio; + struct mwifiex_bss_prio_tbl *tbl = adapter->bss_prio_tbl; unsigned long flags; bss_prio = kzalloc(sizeof(struct mwifiex_bss_prio_node), GFP_KERNEL); if (!bss_prio) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: failed to alloc bss_prio\n", - __func__); + __func__); return -ENOMEM; } bss_prio->priv = priv; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&bss_prio->list); - if (!adapter->bss_prio_tbl[priv->bss_priority].bss_prio_cur) - adapter->bss_prio_tbl[priv->bss_priority].bss_prio_cur = - bss_prio; - - spin_lock_irqsave(&adapter->bss_prio_tbl[priv->bss_priority] - .bss_prio_lock, flags); - list_add_tail(&bss_prio->list, - &adapter->bss_prio_tbl[priv->bss_priority] - .bss_prio_head); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->bss_prio_tbl[priv->bss_priority] - .bss_prio_lock, flags); + if (!tbl[priv->bss_priority].bss_prio_cur) + tbl[priv->bss_priority].bss_prio_cur = bss_prio; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&tbl[priv->bss_priority].bss_prio_lock, flags); + list_add_tail(&bss_prio->list, &tbl[priv->bss_priority].bss_prio_head); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tbl[priv->bss_priority].bss_prio_lock, flags); return 0; } @@ -82,7 +78,7 @@ static int mwifiex_init_priv(struct mwifiex_private *priv) priv->bcn_avg_factor = DEFAULT_BCN_AVG_FACTOR; priv->data_avg_factor = DEFAULT_DATA_AVG_FACTOR; - priv->sec_info.wep_status = MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_DISABLED; + priv->sec_info.wep_enabled = 0; priv->sec_info.authentication_mode = NL80211_AUTHTYPE_OPEN_SYSTEM; priv->sec_info.encryption_mode = 0; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(priv->wep_key); i++) @@ -157,13 +153,13 @@ static int mwifiex_allocate_adapter(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) ret = mwifiex_alloc_cmd_buffer(adapter); if (ret) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: failed to alloc cmd buffer\n", - __func__); + __func__); return -1; } adapter->sleep_cfm = dev_alloc_skb(sizeof(struct mwifiex_opt_sleep_confirm) - + INTF_HEADER_LEN); + + INTF_HEADER_LEN); if (!adapter->sleep_cfm) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: failed to alloc sleep cfm" @@ -280,6 +276,7 @@ static void mwifiex_init_adapter(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) adapter->adhoc_awake_period = 0; memset(&adapter->arp_filter, 0, sizeof(adapter->arp_filter)); adapter->arp_filter_size = 0; + adapter->channel_type = NL80211_CHAN_HT20; } /* @@ -519,7 +516,7 @@ static void mwifiex_delete_bss_prio_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv) struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter = priv->adapter; struct mwifiex_bss_prio_node *bssprio_node, *tmp_node, **cur; struct list_head *head; - spinlock_t *lock; + spinlock_t *lock; /* bss priority lock */ unsigned long flags; for (i = 0; i < adapter->priv_num; ++i) { @@ -527,8 +524,9 @@ static void mwifiex_delete_bss_prio_tbl(struct mwifiex_private *priv) cur = &adapter->bss_prio_tbl[i].bss_prio_cur; lock = &adapter->bss_prio_tbl[i].bss_prio_lock; dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: delete BSS priority table," - " index = %d, i = %d, head = %p, cur = %p\n", - priv->bss_index, i, head, *cur); + " bss_type = %d, bss_num = %d, i = %d," + " head = %p, cur = %p\n", + priv->bss_type, priv->bss_num, i, head, *cur); if (*cur) { spin_lock_irqsave(lock, flags); if (list_empty(head)) { @@ -636,7 +634,7 @@ int mwifiex_dnld_fw(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, ret = adapter->if_ops.check_fw_status(adapter, poll_num); if (!ret) { dev_notice(adapter->dev, - "WLAN FW already running! Skip FW download\n"); + "WLAN FW already running! Skip FW download\n"); goto done; } poll_num = MAX_FIRMWARE_POLL_TRIES; @@ -644,8 +642,7 @@ int mwifiex_dnld_fw(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, /* Check if we are the winner for downloading FW */ if (!adapter->winner) { dev_notice(adapter->dev, - "Other interface already running!" - " Skip FW download\n"); + "Other intf already running! Skip FW download\n"); poll_num = MAX_MULTI_INTERFACE_POLL_TRIES; goto poll_fw; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/ioctl.h b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/ioctl.h index d5d81f1fe41c9c5b310e21cf0778284a43478f86..7ca4e8234f3ee6512dc9599a6a3d2a3d1bcaa012 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/ioctl.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/ioctl.h @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ struct mwifiex_chan_freq { }; struct mwifiex_ssid_bssid { - struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid ssid; + struct cfg80211_ssid ssid; u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; }; @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ struct mwifiex_ver_ext { struct mwifiex_bss_info { u32 bss_mode; - struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid ssid; + struct cfg80211_ssid ssid; u32 bss_chan; u32 region_code; u32 media_connected; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/join.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/join.c index 0b0eb5efba9dd4206d08b8f79c817319ab4c8037..8f9382b9c3cabf0f75285a3935fca48238d3dd96 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/join.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/join.c @@ -52,8 +52,9 @@ mwifiex_cmd_append_generic_ie(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 **buffer) * parameter buffer pointer. */ if (priv->gen_ie_buf_len) { - dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: %s: append generic %d to %p\n", - __func__, priv->gen_ie_buf_len, *buffer); + dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, + "info: %s: append generic ie len %d to %p\n", + __func__, priv->gen_ie_buf_len, *buffer); /* Wrap the generic IE buffer with a pass through TLV type */ ie_header.type = cpu_to_le16(TLV_TYPE_PASSTHROUGH); @@ -123,8 +124,9 @@ mwifiex_cmd_append_tsf_tlv(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 **buffer, memcpy(&tsf_val, bss_desc->time_stamp, sizeof(tsf_val)); - dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: %s: TSF offset calc: %016llx - " - "%016llx\n", __func__, tsf_val, bss_desc->network_tsf); + dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, + "info: %s: TSF offset calc: %016llx - %016llx\n", + __func__, tsf_val, bss_desc->network_tsf); memcpy(*buffer, &tsf_val, sizeof(tsf_val)); *buffer += sizeof(tsf_val); @@ -167,7 +169,7 @@ static int mwifiex_get_common_rates(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 *rate1, } dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: Tx data rate set to %#x\n", - priv->data_rate); + priv->data_rate); if (!priv->is_data_rate_auto) { while (*ptr) { @@ -212,7 +214,7 @@ mwifiex_setup_rates_from_bssdesc(struct mwifiex_private *priv, card_rates, card_rates_size)) { *out_rates_size = 0; dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "%s: cannot get common rates\n", - __func__); + __func__); return -1; } @@ -248,7 +250,7 @@ mwifiex_cmd_append_wapi_ie(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 **buffer) */ if (priv->wapi_ie_len) { dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "cmd: append wapi ie %d to %p\n", - priv->wapi_ie_len, *buffer); + priv->wapi_ie_len, *buffer); /* Wrap the generic IE buffer with a pass through TLV type */ ie_header.type = cpu_to_le16(TLV_TYPE_WAPI_IE); @@ -293,10 +295,10 @@ static int mwifiex_append_rsn_ie_wpa_wpa2(struct mwifiex_private *priv, le16_to_cpu(rsn_ie_tlv->header.type) & 0x00FF); rsn_ie_tlv->header.len = cpu_to_le16((u16) priv->wpa_ie[1]); rsn_ie_tlv->header.len = cpu_to_le16(le16_to_cpu(rsn_ie_tlv->header.len) - & 0x00FF); + & 0x00FF); if (le16_to_cpu(rsn_ie_tlv->header.len) <= (sizeof(priv->wpa_ie) - 2)) memcpy(rsn_ie_tlv->rsn_ie, &priv->wpa_ie[2], - le16_to_cpu(rsn_ie_tlv->header.len)); + le16_to_cpu(rsn_ie_tlv->header.len)); else return -1; @@ -379,7 +381,7 @@ int mwifiex_cmd_802_11_associate(struct mwifiex_private *priv, ssid_tlv->header.type = cpu_to_le16(WLAN_EID_SSID); ssid_tlv->header.len = cpu_to_le16((u16) bss_desc->ssid.ssid_len); memcpy(ssid_tlv->ssid, bss_desc->ssid.ssid, - le16_to_cpu(ssid_tlv->header.len)); + le16_to_cpu(ssid_tlv->header.len)); pos += sizeof(ssid_tlv->header) + le16_to_cpu(ssid_tlv->header.len); phy_tlv = (struct mwifiex_ie_types_phy_param_set *) pos; @@ -411,13 +413,13 @@ int mwifiex_cmd_802_11_associate(struct mwifiex_private *priv, memcpy(rates_tlv->rates, rates, rates_size); pos += sizeof(rates_tlv->header) + rates_size; dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: ASSOC_CMD: rates size = %d\n", - rates_size); + rates_size); /* Add the Authentication type to be used for Auth frames */ auth_tlv = (struct mwifiex_ie_types_auth_type *) pos; auth_tlv->header.type = cpu_to_le16(TLV_TYPE_AUTH_TYPE); auth_tlv->header.len = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(auth_tlv->auth_type)); - if (priv->sec_info.wep_status == MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_ENABLED) + if (priv->sec_info.wep_enabled) auth_tlv->auth_type = cpu_to_le16( (u16) priv->sec_info.authentication_mode); else @@ -425,12 +427,12 @@ int mwifiex_cmd_802_11_associate(struct mwifiex_private *priv, pos += sizeof(auth_tlv->header) + le16_to_cpu(auth_tlv->header.len); - if (IS_SUPPORT_MULTI_BANDS(priv->adapter) - && !(ISSUPP_11NENABLED(priv->adapter->fw_cap_info) - && (!bss_desc->disable_11n) - && (priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_GN - || priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_AN) - && (bss_desc->bcn_ht_cap) + if (IS_SUPPORT_MULTI_BANDS(priv->adapter) && + !(ISSUPP_11NENABLED(priv->adapter->fw_cap_info) && + (!bss_desc->disable_11n) && + (priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_GN || + priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_AN) && + (bss_desc->bcn_ht_cap) ) ) { /* Append a channel TLV for the channel the attempted AP was @@ -445,13 +447,13 @@ int mwifiex_cmd_802_11_associate(struct mwifiex_private *priv, chan_tlv->chan_scan_param[0].chan_number = (bss_desc->phy_param_set.ds_param_set.current_chan); dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: Assoc: TLV Chan = %d\n", - chan_tlv->chan_scan_param[0].chan_number); + chan_tlv->chan_scan_param[0].chan_number); chan_tlv->chan_scan_param[0].radio_type = mwifiex_band_to_radio_type((u8) bss_desc->bss_band); dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: Assoc: TLV Band = %d\n", - chan_tlv->chan_scan_param[0].radio_type); + chan_tlv->chan_scan_param[0].radio_type); pos += sizeof(chan_tlv->header) + sizeof(struct mwifiex_chan_scan_param_set); } @@ -464,10 +466,10 @@ int mwifiex_cmd_802_11_associate(struct mwifiex_private *priv, return -1; } - if (ISSUPP_11NENABLED(priv->adapter->fw_cap_info) - && (!bss_desc->disable_11n) - && (priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_GN - || priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_AN)) + if (ISSUPP_11NENABLED(priv->adapter->fw_cap_info) && + (!bss_desc->disable_11n) && + (priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_GN || + priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_AN)) mwifiex_cmd_append_11n_tlv(priv, bss_desc, &pos); /* Append vendor specific IE TLV */ @@ -493,7 +495,7 @@ int mwifiex_cmd_802_11_associate(struct mwifiex_private *priv, tmp_cap &= CAPINFO_MASK; dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: ASSOC_CMD: tmp_cap=%4X CAPINFO_MASK=%4lX\n", - tmp_cap, CAPINFO_MASK); + tmp_cap, CAPINFO_MASK); assoc->cap_info_bitmap = cpu_to_le16(tmp_cap); return 0; @@ -573,19 +575,19 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_associate(struct mwifiex_private *priv, assoc_rsp = (struct ieee_types_assoc_rsp *) &resp->params; priv->assoc_rsp_size = min(le16_to_cpu(resp->size) - S_DS_GEN, - sizeof(priv->assoc_rsp_buf)); + sizeof(priv->assoc_rsp_buf)); memcpy(priv->assoc_rsp_buf, &resp->params, priv->assoc_rsp_size); if (le16_to_cpu(assoc_rsp->status_code)) { priv->adapter->dbg.num_cmd_assoc_failure++; - dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "ASSOC_RESP: association failed, " - "status code = %d, error = 0x%x, a_id = 0x%x\n", - le16_to_cpu(assoc_rsp->status_code), - le16_to_cpu(assoc_rsp->cap_info_bitmap), - le16_to_cpu(assoc_rsp->a_id)); + dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, + "ASSOC_RESP: failed, status code=%d err=%#x a_id=%#x\n", + le16_to_cpu(assoc_rsp->status_code), + le16_to_cpu(assoc_rsp->cap_info_bitmap), + le16_to_cpu(assoc_rsp->a_id)); - ret = -1; + ret = le16_to_cpu(assoc_rsp->status_code); goto done; } @@ -600,7 +602,7 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_associate(struct mwifiex_private *priv, bss_desc = priv->attempted_bss_desc; dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: ASSOC_RESP: %s\n", - bss_desc->ssid.ssid); + bss_desc->ssid.ssid); /* Make a copy of current BSSID descriptor */ memcpy(&priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor, @@ -617,8 +619,8 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_associate(struct mwifiex_private *priv, else priv->curr_bss_params.wmm_enabled = false; - if ((priv->wmm_required || bss_desc->bcn_ht_cap) - && priv->curr_bss_params.wmm_enabled) + if ((priv->wmm_required || bss_desc->bcn_ht_cap) && + priv->curr_bss_params.wmm_enabled) priv->wmm_enabled = true; else priv->wmm_enabled = false; @@ -631,7 +633,7 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_associate(struct mwifiex_private *priv, IEEE80211_WMM_IE_AP_QOSINFO_UAPSD) ? 1 : 0); dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: ASSOC_RESP: curr_pkt_filter is %#x\n", - priv->curr_pkt_filter); + priv->curr_pkt_filter); if (priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled || priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled) priv->wpa_is_gtk_set = false; @@ -714,7 +716,7 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_associate(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_start(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct host_cmd_ds_command *cmd, - struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid *req_ssid) + struct cfg80211_ssid *req_ssid) { int rsn_ie_len = 0; struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter = priv->adapter; @@ -755,7 +757,7 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_start(struct mwifiex_private *priv, memcpy(adhoc_start->ssid, req_ssid->ssid, req_ssid->ssid_len); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: ADHOC_S_CMD: SSID = %s\n", - adhoc_start->ssid); + adhoc_start->ssid); memset(bss_desc->ssid.ssid, 0, IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN); memcpy(bss_desc->ssid.ssid, req_ssid->ssid, req_ssid->ssid_len); @@ -777,12 +779,11 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_start(struct mwifiex_private *priv, adhoc_start->phy_param_set.ds_param_set.element_id = DS_PARA_IE_ID; adhoc_start->phy_param_set.ds_param_set.len = DS_PARA_IE_LEN; - if (!mwifiex_get_cfp_by_band_and_channel_from_cfg80211 - (priv, adapter->adhoc_start_band, (u16) - priv->adhoc_channel)) { + if (!mwifiex_get_cfp(priv, adapter->adhoc_start_band, + (u16) priv->adhoc_channel, 0)) { struct mwifiex_chan_freq_power *cfp; - cfp = mwifiex_get_cfp_by_band_and_channel_from_cfg80211(priv, - adapter->adhoc_start_band, FIRST_VALID_CHANNEL); + cfp = mwifiex_get_cfp(priv, adapter->adhoc_start_band, + FIRST_VALID_CHANNEL, 0); if (cfp) priv->adhoc_channel = (u8) cfp->channel; } @@ -793,7 +794,7 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_start(struct mwifiex_private *priv, } dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: ADHOC_S_CMD: creating ADHOC on channel %d\n", - priv->adhoc_channel); + priv->adhoc_channel); priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.channel = priv->adhoc_channel; priv->curr_bss_params.band = adapter->adhoc_start_band; @@ -814,7 +815,7 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_start(struct mwifiex_private *priv, adhoc_start->ss_param_set.ibss_param_set.element_id = IBSS_PARA_IE_ID; adhoc_start->ss_param_set.ibss_param_set.len = IBSS_PARA_IE_LEN; adhoc_start->ss_param_set.ibss_param_set.atim_window - = cpu_to_le16(priv->atim_window); + = cpu_to_le16(priv->atim_window); memcpy(&bss_desc->ss_param_set, &adhoc_start->ss_param_set, sizeof(union ieee_types_ss_param_set)); @@ -842,10 +843,10 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_start(struct mwifiex_private *priv, if ((adapter->adhoc_start_band & BAND_G) && (priv->curr_pkt_filter & HostCmd_ACT_MAC_ADHOC_G_PROTECTION_ON)) { if (mwifiex_send_cmd_async(priv, HostCmd_CMD_MAC_CONTROL, - HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, 0, - &priv->curr_pkt_filter)) { + HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, 0, + &priv->curr_pkt_filter)) { dev_err(adapter->dev, - "ADHOC_S_CMD: G Protection config failed\n"); + "ADHOC_S_CMD: G Protection config failed\n"); return -1; } } @@ -861,8 +862,8 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_start(struct mwifiex_private *priv, &adhoc_start->data_rate, priv->curr_bss_params.num_of_rates); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: ADHOC_S_CMD: rates=%02x %02x %02x %02x\n", - adhoc_start->data_rate[0], adhoc_start->data_rate[1], - adhoc_start->data_rate[2], adhoc_start->data_rate[3]); + adhoc_start->data_rate[0], adhoc_start->data_rate[1], + adhoc_start->data_rate[2], adhoc_start->data_rate[3]); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: ADHOC_S_CMD: AD-HOC Start command is ready\n"); @@ -879,12 +880,12 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_start(struct mwifiex_private *priv, (u8) priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.channel; dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: ADHOC_S_CMD: TLV Chan = %d\n", - chan_tlv->chan_scan_param[0].chan_number); + chan_tlv->chan_scan_param[0].chan_number); chan_tlv->chan_scan_param[0].radio_type = mwifiex_band_to_radio_type(priv->curr_bss_params.band); - if (adapter->adhoc_start_band & BAND_GN - || adapter->adhoc_start_band & BAND_AN) { + if (adapter->adhoc_start_band & BAND_GN || + adapter->adhoc_start_band & BAND_AN) { if (adapter->sec_chan_offset == IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_ABOVE) chan_tlv->chan_scan_param[0].radio_type |= @@ -895,7 +896,7 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_start(struct mwifiex_private *priv, (IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_BELOW << 4); } dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: ADHOC_S_CMD: TLV Band = %d\n", - chan_tlv->chan_scan_param[0].radio_type); + chan_tlv->chan_scan_param[0].radio_type); pos += sizeof(chan_tlv->header) + sizeof(struct mwifiex_chan_scan_param_set); cmd_append_size += @@ -926,15 +927,14 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_start(struct mwifiex_private *priv, mwifiex_fill_cap_info(priv, radio_type, ht_cap); pos += sizeof(struct mwifiex_ie_types_htcap); - cmd_append_size += - sizeof(struct mwifiex_ie_types_htcap); + cmd_append_size += sizeof(struct mwifiex_ie_types_htcap); /* Fill HT INFORMATION */ ht_info = (struct mwifiex_ie_types_htinfo *) pos; memset(ht_info, 0, sizeof(struct mwifiex_ie_types_htinfo)); ht_info->header.type = cpu_to_le16(WLAN_EID_HT_INFORMATION); ht_info->header.len = - cpu_to_le16(sizeof(struct ieee80211_ht_info)); + cpu_to_le16(sizeof(struct ieee80211_ht_info)); ht_info->ht_info.control_chan = (u8) priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.channel; @@ -948,12 +948,12 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_start(struct mwifiex_private *priv, ht_info->ht_info.basic_set[0] = 0xff; pos += sizeof(struct mwifiex_ie_types_htinfo); cmd_append_size += - sizeof(struct mwifiex_ie_types_htinfo); + sizeof(struct mwifiex_ie_types_htinfo); } - cmd->size = cpu_to_le16((u16) - (sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_802_11_ad_hoc_start) - + S_DS_GEN + cmd_append_size)); + cmd->size = + cpu_to_le16((u16)(sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_802_11_ad_hoc_start) + + S_DS_GEN + cmd_append_size)); if (adapter->adhoc_start_band == BAND_B) tmp_cap &= ~WLAN_CAPABILITY_SHORT_SLOT_TIME; @@ -1006,10 +1006,10 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_join(struct mwifiex_private *priv, curr_pkt_filter | HostCmd_ACT_MAC_ADHOC_G_PROTECTION_ON; if (mwifiex_send_cmd_async(priv, HostCmd_CMD_MAC_CONTROL, - HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, 0, - &curr_pkt_filter)) { + HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, 0, + &curr_pkt_filter)) { dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, - "ADHOC_J_CMD: G Protection config failed\n"); + "ADHOC_J_CMD: G Protection config failed\n"); return -1; } } @@ -1040,13 +1040,14 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_join(struct mwifiex_private *priv, tmp_cap &= CAPINFO_MASK; - dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: ADHOC_J_CMD: tmp_cap=%4X" - " CAPINFO_MASK=%4lX\n", tmp_cap, CAPINFO_MASK); + dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, + "info: ADHOC_J_CMD: tmp_cap=%4X CAPINFO_MASK=%4lX\n", + tmp_cap, CAPINFO_MASK); /* Information on BSSID descriptor passed to FW */ - dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: ADHOC_J_CMD: BSSID = %pM, SSID = %s\n", - adhoc_join->bss_descriptor.bssid, - adhoc_join->bss_descriptor.ssid); + dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: ADHOC_J_CMD: BSSID=%pM, SSID='%s'\n", + adhoc_join->bss_descriptor.bssid, + adhoc_join->bss_descriptor.ssid); for (i = 0; bss_desc->supported_rates[i] && i < MWIFIEX_SUPPORTED_RATES; @@ -1069,8 +1070,7 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_join(struct mwifiex_private *priv, priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.channel = bss_desc->channel; priv->curr_bss_params.band = (u8) bss_desc->bss_band; - if (priv->sec_info.wep_status == MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_ENABLED - || priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled) + if (priv->sec_info.wep_enabled || priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled) tmp_cap |= WLAN_CAPABILITY_PRIVACY; if (IS_SUPPORT_MULTI_BANDS(priv->adapter)) { @@ -1084,18 +1084,18 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_join(struct mwifiex_private *priv, sizeof(struct mwifiex_chan_scan_param_set)); chan_tlv->chan_scan_param[0].chan_number = (bss_desc->phy_param_set.ds_param_set.current_chan); - dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: ADHOC_J_CMD: TLV Chan = %d\n", - chan_tlv->chan_scan_param[0].chan_number); + dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: ADHOC_J_CMD: TLV Chan=%d\n", + chan_tlv->chan_scan_param[0].chan_number); chan_tlv->chan_scan_param[0].radio_type = mwifiex_band_to_radio_type((u8) bss_desc->bss_band); - dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: ADHOC_J_CMD: TLV Band = %d\n", - chan_tlv->chan_scan_param[0].radio_type); + dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: ADHOC_J_CMD: TLV Band=%d\n", + chan_tlv->chan_scan_param[0].radio_type); pos += sizeof(chan_tlv->header) + - sizeof(struct mwifiex_chan_scan_param_set); + sizeof(struct mwifiex_chan_scan_param_set); cmd_append_size += sizeof(chan_tlv->header) + - sizeof(struct mwifiex_chan_scan_param_set); + sizeof(struct mwifiex_chan_scan_param_set); } if (priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled) @@ -1112,9 +1112,9 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_join(struct mwifiex_private *priv, cmd_append_size += mwifiex_cmd_append_vsie_tlv(priv, MWIFIEX_VSIE_MASK_ADHOC, &pos); - cmd->size = cpu_to_le16((u16) - (sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_802_11_ad_hoc_join) - + S_DS_GEN + cmd_append_size)); + cmd->size = cpu_to_le16 + ((u16) (sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_802_11_ad_hoc_join) + + S_DS_GEN + cmd_append_size)); adhoc_join->bss_descriptor.cap_info_bitmap = cpu_to_le16(tmp_cap); @@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_ad_hoc(struct mwifiex_private *priv, if (le16_to_cpu(resp->command) == HostCmd_CMD_802_11_AD_HOC_START) { dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: ADHOC_S_RESP %s\n", - bss_desc->ssid.ssid); + bss_desc->ssid.ssid); /* Update the created network descriptor with the new BSSID */ memcpy(bss_desc->mac_address, @@ -1172,7 +1172,7 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_ad_hoc(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * If BSSID has changed use SSID to compare instead of BSSID */ dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: ADHOC_J_RESP %s\n", - bss_desc->ssid.ssid); + bss_desc->ssid.ssid); /* * Make a copy of current BSSID descriptor, only needed for @@ -1186,9 +1186,9 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_ad_hoc(struct mwifiex_private *priv, } dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: ADHOC_RESP: channel = %d\n", - priv->adhoc_channel); + priv->adhoc_channel); dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: ADHOC_RESP: BSSID = %pM\n", - priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.mac_address); + priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.mac_address); if (!netif_carrier_ok(priv->netdev)) netif_carrier_on(priv->netdev); @@ -1246,14 +1246,14 @@ int mwifiex_associate(struct mwifiex_private *priv, */ int mwifiex_adhoc_start(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid *adhoc_ssid) + struct cfg80211_ssid *adhoc_ssid) { dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: Adhoc Channel = %d\n", priv->adhoc_channel); dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: curr_bss_params.channel = %d\n", - priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.channel); + priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.channel); dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: curr_bss_params.band = %d\n", - priv->curr_bss_params.band); + priv->curr_bss_params.band); return mwifiex_send_cmd_sync(priv, HostCmd_CMD_802_11_AD_HOC_START, HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, 0, adhoc_ssid); @@ -1269,13 +1269,13 @@ int mwifiex_adhoc_join(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc) { dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: adhoc join: curr_bss ssid =%s\n", - priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.ssid.ssid); + priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.ssid.ssid); dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: adhoc join: curr_bss ssid_len =%u\n", - priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.ssid.ssid_len); + priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.ssid.ssid_len); dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: adhoc join: ssid =%s\n", bss_desc->ssid.ssid); dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: adhoc join: ssid_len =%u\n", - bss_desc->ssid.ssid_len); + bss_desc->ssid.ssid_len); /* Check if the requested SSID is already joined */ if (priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.ssid.ssid_len && @@ -1289,9 +1289,9 @@ int mwifiex_adhoc_join(struct mwifiex_private *priv, } dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: curr_bss_params.channel = %d\n", - priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.channel); + priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.channel); dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: curr_bss_params.band = %c\n", - priv->curr_bss_params.band); + priv->curr_bss_params.band); return mwifiex_send_cmd_sync(priv, HostCmd_CMD_802_11_AD_HOC_JOIN, HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, 0, bss_desc); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/main.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/main.c index b728f54451e48e65bf4bef4841d0bd69f2e03492..9d1b3ca6334b70a827cb047a0a4b2bb54378a0ec 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/main.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/main.c @@ -64,11 +64,10 @@ static int mwifiex_register(void *card, struct mwifiex_if_ops *if_ops, adapter->priv_num = 0; /* Allocate memory for private structure */ - adapter->priv[0] = kzalloc(sizeof(struct mwifiex_private), - GFP_KERNEL); + adapter->priv[0] = kzalloc(sizeof(struct mwifiex_private), GFP_KERNEL); if (!adapter->priv[0]) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: failed to alloc priv[0]\n", - __func__); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "%s: failed to alloc priv[0]\n", __func__); goto error; } @@ -169,8 +168,8 @@ int mwifiex_main_process(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) if ((adapter->ps_state == PS_STATE_SLEEP) && (adapter->pm_wakeup_card_req && !adapter->pm_wakeup_fw_try) && - (is_command_pending(adapter) - || !mwifiex_wmm_lists_empty(adapter))) { + (is_command_pending(adapter) || + !mwifiex_wmm_lists_empty(adapter))) { adapter->pm_wakeup_fw_try = true; adapter->if_ops.wakeup(adapter); continue; @@ -187,10 +186,10 @@ int mwifiex_main_process(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) adapter->tx_lock_flag) break; - if (adapter->scan_processing || adapter->data_sent - || mwifiex_wmm_lists_empty(adapter)) { - if (adapter->cmd_sent || adapter->curr_cmd - || (!is_command_pending(adapter))) + if (adapter->scan_processing || adapter->data_sent || + mwifiex_wmm_lists_empty(adapter)) { + if (adapter->cmd_sent || adapter->curr_cmd || + (!is_command_pending(adapter))) break; } } @@ -223,10 +222,10 @@ int mwifiex_main_process(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) /* * The ps_state may have been changed during processing of * Sleep Request event. */ - if ((adapter->ps_state == PS_STATE_SLEEP) - || (adapter->ps_state == PS_STATE_PRE_SLEEP) - || (adapter->ps_state == PS_STATE_SLEEP_CFM) - || adapter->tx_lock_flag) + if ((adapter->ps_state == PS_STATE_SLEEP) || + (adapter->ps_state == PS_STATE_PRE_SLEEP) || + (adapter->ps_state == PS_STATE_SLEEP_CFM) || + adapter->tx_lock_flag) continue; if (!adapter->cmd_sent && !adapter->curr_cmd) { @@ -249,8 +248,8 @@ int mwifiex_main_process(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) } if (adapter->delay_null_pkt && !adapter->cmd_sent && - !adapter->curr_cmd && !is_command_pending(adapter) - && mwifiex_wmm_lists_empty(adapter)) { + !adapter->curr_cmd && !is_command_pending(adapter) && + mwifiex_wmm_lists_empty(adapter)) { if (!mwifiex_send_null_packet (mwifiex_get_priv(adapter, MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA), MWIFIEX_TxPD_POWER_MGMT_NULL_PACKET | @@ -371,7 +370,7 @@ mwifiex_fill_buffer(struct sk_buff *skb) iph = ip_hdr(skb); tid = IPTOS_PREC(iph->tos); pr_debug("data: packet type ETH_P_IP: %04x, tid=%#x prio=%#x\n", - eth->h_proto, tid, skb->priority); + eth->h_proto, tid, skb->priority); break; case __constant_htons(ETH_P_ARP): pr_debug("data: ARP packet: %04x\n", eth->h_proto); @@ -424,8 +423,8 @@ mwifiex_hard_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) struct sk_buff *new_skb; struct mwifiex_txinfo *tx_info; - dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "data: %lu BSS(%d): Data <= kernel\n", - jiffies, priv->bss_index); + dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "data: %lu BSS(%d-%d): Data <= kernel\n", + jiffies, priv->bss_type, priv->bss_num); if (priv->adapter->surprise_removed) { kfree_skb(skb); @@ -441,7 +440,7 @@ mwifiex_hard_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) if (skb_headroom(skb) < MWIFIEX_MIN_DATA_HEADER_LEN) { dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "data: Tx: insufficient skb headroom %d\n", - skb_headroom(skb)); + skb_headroom(skb)); /* Insufficient skb headroom - allocate a new skb */ new_skb = skb_realloc_headroom(skb, MWIFIEX_MIN_DATA_HEADER_LEN); @@ -454,14 +453,15 @@ mwifiex_hard_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) kfree_skb(skb); skb = new_skb; dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: new skb headroomd %d\n", - skb_headroom(skb)); + skb_headroom(skb)); } tx_info = MWIFIEX_SKB_TXCB(skb); - tx_info->bss_index = priv->bss_index; + tx_info->bss_num = priv->bss_num; + tx_info->bss_type = priv->bss_type; mwifiex_fill_buffer(skb); - mwifiex_wmm_add_buf_txqueue(priv->adapter, skb); + mwifiex_wmm_add_buf_txqueue(priv, skb); atomic_inc(&priv->adapter->tx_pending); if (atomic_read(&priv->adapter->tx_pending) >= MAX_TX_PENDING) { @@ -493,8 +493,8 @@ mwifiex_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *addr) if (!ret) memcpy(priv->netdev->dev_addr, priv->curr_addr, ETH_ALEN); else - dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "set mac address failed: ret=%d" - "\n", ret); + dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, + "set mac address failed: ret=%d\n", ret); memcpy(dev->dev_addr, priv->curr_addr, ETH_ALEN); @@ -531,8 +531,8 @@ mwifiex_tx_timeout(struct net_device *dev) { struct mwifiex_private *priv = mwifiex_netdev_get_priv(dev); - dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "%lu : Tx timeout, bss_index=%d\n", - jiffies, priv->bss_index); + dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "%lu : Tx timeout, bss_type-num = %d-%d\n", + jiffies, priv->bss_type, priv->bss_num); mwifiex_set_trans_start(dev); priv->num_tx_timeout++; } @@ -604,18 +604,6 @@ int is_command_pending(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) return !is_cmd_pend_q_empty; } -/* - * This function returns the correct private structure pointer based - * upon the BSS number. - */ -struct mwifiex_private * -mwifiex_bss_index_to_priv(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, u8 bss_index) -{ - if (!adapter || (bss_index >= adapter->priv_num)) - return NULL; - return adapter->priv[bss_index]; -} - /* * This is the main work queue function. * @@ -715,7 +703,7 @@ mwifiex_add_card(void *card, struct semaphore *sem, rtnl_lock(); /* Create station interface by default */ if (!mwifiex_add_virtual_intf(priv->wdev->wiphy, "mlan%d", - NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION, NULL, NULL)) { + NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION, NULL, NULL)) { rtnl_unlock(); dev_err(adapter->dev, "cannot create default station" " interface\n"); @@ -792,7 +780,7 @@ int mwifiex_remove_card(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, struct semaphore *sem) if (priv && priv->netdev) { if (!netif_queue_stopped(priv->netdev)) mwifiex_stop_net_dev_queue(priv->netdev, - adapter); + adapter); if (netif_carrier_ok(priv->netdev)) netif_carrier_off(priv->netdev); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/main.h b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/main.h index 3186aa437f421272f929ebdfb8872312c768782f..35225e9b10804a625f1dd32ac20f2c3cdf7ee326 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/main.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/main.h @@ -217,8 +217,9 @@ struct mwifiex_802_11_security { u8 wpa2_enabled; u8 wapi_enabled; u8 wapi_key_on; - enum MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_STATUS wep_status; + u8 wep_enabled; u32 authentication_mode; + u8 is_authtype_auto; u32 encryption_mode; }; @@ -243,7 +244,7 @@ struct ieee_types_generic { struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor { u8 mac_address[ETH_ALEN]; - struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid ssid; + struct cfg80211_ssid ssid; u32 privacy; s32 rssi; u32 channel; @@ -352,7 +353,6 @@ struct mwifiex_private; struct mwifiex_private { struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter; - u8 bss_index; u8 bss_type; u8 bss_role; u8 bss_priority; @@ -388,10 +388,11 @@ struct mwifiex_private { s16 bcn_rssi_avg; s16 bcn_nf_avg; struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *attempted_bss_desc; - struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid prev_ssid; + struct cfg80211_ssid prev_ssid; u8 prev_bssid[ETH_ALEN]; struct mwifiex_current_bss_params curr_bss_params; u16 beacon_period; + u8 dtim_period; u16 listen_interval; u16 atim_window; u8 adhoc_channel; @@ -461,9 +462,9 @@ struct mwifiex_private { }; enum mwifiex_ba_status { - BA_STREAM_NOT_SETUP = 0, - BA_STREAM_SETUP_INPROGRESS, - BA_STREAM_SETUP_COMPLETE + BA_SETUP_NONE = 0, + BA_SETUP_INPROGRESS, + BA_SETUP_COMPLETE }; struct mwifiex_tx_ba_stream_tbl { @@ -746,8 +747,7 @@ void mwifiex_queue_scan_cmd(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct cmd_ctrl_node *cmd_node); int mwifiex_ret_802_11_scan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct host_cmd_ds_command *resp); -s32 mwifiex_ssid_cmp(struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid *ssid1, - struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid *ssid2); +s32 mwifiex_ssid_cmp(struct cfg80211_ssid *ssid1, struct cfg80211_ssid *ssid2); int mwifiex_associate(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc); int mwifiex_cmd_802_11_associate(struct mwifiex_private *priv, @@ -759,25 +759,20 @@ void mwifiex_reset_connect_state(struct mwifiex_private *priv); u8 mwifiex_band_to_radio_type(u8 band); int mwifiex_deauthenticate(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 *mac); int mwifiex_adhoc_start(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid *adhoc_ssid); + struct cfg80211_ssid *adhoc_ssid); int mwifiex_adhoc_join(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc); int mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_start(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct host_cmd_ds_command *cmd, - struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid *req_ssid); + struct cfg80211_ssid *req_ssid); int mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_join(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct host_cmd_ds_command *cmd, struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc); int mwifiex_ret_802_11_ad_hoc(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct host_cmd_ds_command *resp); int mwifiex_cmd_802_11_bg_scan_query(struct host_cmd_ds_command *cmd); -struct mwifiex_chan_freq_power * - mwifiex_get_cfp_by_band_and_channel_from_cfg80211( - struct mwifiex_private *priv, - u8 band, u16 channel); -struct mwifiex_chan_freq_power *mwifiex_get_cfp_by_band_and_freq_from_cfg80211( - struct mwifiex_private *priv, - u8 band, u32 freq); +struct mwifiex_chan_freq_power *mwifiex_get_cfp(struct mwifiex_private *priv, + u8 band, u16 channel, u32 freq); u32 mwifiex_index_to_data_rate(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 index, u8 ht_info); u32 mwifiex_find_freq_from_band_chan(u8, u8); @@ -846,8 +841,8 @@ mwifiex_get_priv_by_id(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, for (i = 0; i < adapter->priv_num; i++) { if (adapter->priv[i]) { - if ((adapter->priv[i]->bss_num == bss_num) - && (adapter->priv[i]->bss_type == bss_type)) + if ((adapter->priv[i]->bss_num == bss_num) && + (adapter->priv[i]->bss_type == bss_type)) break; } } @@ -884,8 +879,6 @@ mwifiex_netdev_get_priv(struct net_device *dev) return (struct mwifiex_private *) (*(unsigned long *) netdev_priv(dev)); } -struct mwifiex_private *mwifiex_bss_index_to_priv(struct mwifiex_adapter - *adapter, u8 bss_index); int mwifiex_init_shutdown_fw(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u32 func_init_shutdown); int mwifiex_add_card(void *, struct semaphore *, struct mwifiex_if_ops *, u8); @@ -899,7 +892,7 @@ int mwifiex_copy_mcast_addr(struct mwifiex_multicast_list *mlist, struct net_device *dev); int mwifiex_wait_queue_complete(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter); int mwifiex_bss_start(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct cfg80211_bss *bss, - struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid *req_ssid); + struct cfg80211_ssid *req_ssid); int mwifiex_cancel_hs(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int cmd_type); int mwifiex_enable_hs(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter); int mwifiex_disable_auto_ds(struct mwifiex_private *priv); @@ -908,13 +901,12 @@ int mwifiex_get_signal_info(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int mwifiex_drv_get_data_rate(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct mwifiex_rate_cfg *rate); int mwifiex_request_scan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid *req_ssid); + struct cfg80211_ssid *req_ssid); int mwifiex_set_user_scan_ioctl(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct mwifiex_user_scan_cfg *scan_req); -int mwifiex_change_adhoc_chan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int channel); int mwifiex_set_radio(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 option); -int mwifiex_drv_change_adhoc_chan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int channel); +int mwifiex_drv_change_adhoc_chan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u16 channel); int mwifiex_set_encode(struct mwifiex_private *priv, const u8 *key, int key_len, u8 key_index, int disable); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/pcie.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/pcie.c index 405350940a45aad728059f0909cdcdd6098de0b3..5867facd415d445e1bfd12ae160dd6834ba6aa3e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/pcie.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/pcie.c @@ -83,13 +83,11 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct pcie_service_card *card; pr_debug("info: vendor=0x%4.04X device=0x%4.04X rev=%d\n", - pdev->vendor, pdev->device, pdev->revision); + pdev->vendor, pdev->device, pdev->revision); card = kzalloc(sizeof(struct pcie_service_card), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!card) { - pr_err("%s: failed to alloc memory\n", __func__); + if (!card) return -ENOMEM; - } card->dev = pdev; @@ -110,6 +108,7 @@ static void mwifiex_pcie_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) { struct pcie_service_card *card; struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter; + struct mwifiex_private *priv; int i; card = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); @@ -128,16 +127,15 @@ static void mwifiex_pcie_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) for (i = 0; i < adapter->priv_num; i++) if ((GET_BSS_ROLE(adapter->priv[i]) == - MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA) && - adapter->priv[i]->media_connected) + MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA) && + adapter->priv[i]->media_connected) mwifiex_deauthenticate(adapter->priv[i], NULL); - mwifiex_disable_auto_ds(mwifiex_get_priv(adapter, - MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_ANY)); + priv = mwifiex_get_priv(adapter, MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_ANY); + + mwifiex_disable_auto_ds(priv); - mwifiex_init_shutdown_fw(mwifiex_get_priv(adapter, - MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_ANY), - MWIFIEX_FUNC_SHUTDOWN); + mwifiex_init_shutdown_fw(priv, MWIFIEX_FUNC_SHUTDOWN); } mwifiex_remove_card(card->adapter, &add_remove_card_sem); @@ -221,7 +219,7 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev) netif_carrier_on(adapter->priv[i]->netdev); mwifiex_cancel_hs(mwifiex_get_priv(adapter, MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA), - MWIFIEX_ASYNC_CMD); + MWIFIEX_ASYNC_CMD); return 0; } @@ -288,7 +286,7 @@ static int mwifiex_pm_wakeup_card(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) while (mwifiex_pcie_ok_to_access_hw(adapter)) { i++; - udelay(10); + usleep_range(10, 20); /* 50ms max wait */ if (i == 50000) break; @@ -380,26 +378,26 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_create_txbd_ring(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) /* allocate shared memory for the BD ring and divide the same in to several descriptors */ card->txbd_ring_size = sizeof(struct mwifiex_pcie_buf_desc) * - MWIFIEX_MAX_TXRX_BD; + MWIFIEX_MAX_TXRX_BD; dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: txbd_ring: Allocating %d bytes\n", - card->txbd_ring_size); + card->txbd_ring_size); card->txbd_ring_vbase = kzalloc(card->txbd_ring_size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!card->txbd_ring_vbase) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "Unable to allocate buffer for txbd ring.\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, "Unable to alloc buffer for txbd ring\n"); return -ENOMEM; } card->txbd_ring_pbase = virt_to_phys(card->txbd_ring_vbase); - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: txbd_ring - base: %p, pbase: %#x:%x," - "len: %x\n", card->txbd_ring_vbase, - (u32)card->txbd_ring_pbase, - (u32)((u64)card->txbd_ring_pbase >> 32), - card->txbd_ring_size); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, + "info: txbd_ring - base: %p, pbase: %#x:%x, len: %x\n", + card->txbd_ring_vbase, (u32)card->txbd_ring_pbase, + (u32)((u64)card->txbd_ring_pbase >> 32), card->txbd_ring_size); for (i = 0; i < MWIFIEX_MAX_TXRX_BD; i++) { card->txbd_ring[i] = (struct mwifiex_pcie_buf_desc *) - (card->txbd_ring_vbase + - (sizeof(struct mwifiex_pcie_buf_desc) * i)); + (card->txbd_ring_vbase + + (sizeof(struct mwifiex_pcie_buf_desc) + * i)); /* Allocate buffer here so that firmware can DMA data from it */ skb = dev_alloc_skb(MWIFIEX_RX_DATA_BUF_SIZE); @@ -412,10 +410,9 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_create_txbd_ring(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) skb_put(skb, MWIFIEX_RX_DATA_BUF_SIZE); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: TX ring: add new skb base: %p, " - "buf_base: %p, buf_pbase: %#x:%x, " - "buf_len: %#x\n", skb, skb->data, - (u32)*buf_pa, (u32)(((u64)*buf_pa >> 32)), - skb->len); + "buf_base: %p, buf_pbase: %#x:%x, buf_len: %#x\n", + skb, skb->data, (u32)*buf_pa, + (u32)(((u64)*buf_pa >> 32)), skb->len); card->tx_buf_list[i] = skb; card->txbd_ring[i]->paddr = *buf_pa; @@ -469,9 +466,9 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_create_rxbd_ring(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) card->rxbd_rdptr |= MWIFIEX_BD_FLAG_ROLLOVER_IND; card->rxbd_ring_size = sizeof(struct mwifiex_pcie_buf_desc) * - MWIFIEX_MAX_TXRX_BD; + MWIFIEX_MAX_TXRX_BD; dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: rxbd_ring: Allocating %d bytes\n", - card->rxbd_ring_size); + card->rxbd_ring_size); card->rxbd_ring_vbase = kzalloc(card->rxbd_ring_size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!card->rxbd_ring_vbase) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "Unable to allocate buffer for " @@ -480,21 +477,23 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_create_rxbd_ring(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) } card->rxbd_ring_pbase = virt_to_phys(card->rxbd_ring_vbase); - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: rxbd_ring - base: %p, pbase: %#x:%x," - "len: %#x\n", card->rxbd_ring_vbase, - (u32)card->rxbd_ring_pbase, - (u32)((u64)card->rxbd_ring_pbase >> 32), - card->rxbd_ring_size); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, + "info: rxbd_ring - base: %p, pbase: %#x:%x, len: %#x\n", + card->rxbd_ring_vbase, (u32)card->rxbd_ring_pbase, + (u32)((u64)card->rxbd_ring_pbase >> 32), + card->rxbd_ring_size); for (i = 0; i < MWIFIEX_MAX_TXRX_BD; i++) { card->rxbd_ring[i] = (struct mwifiex_pcie_buf_desc *) - (card->rxbd_ring_vbase + - (sizeof(struct mwifiex_pcie_buf_desc) * i)); + (card->rxbd_ring_vbase + + (sizeof(struct mwifiex_pcie_buf_desc) + * i)); /* Allocate skb here so that firmware can DMA data from it */ skb = dev_alloc_skb(MWIFIEX_RX_DATA_BUF_SIZE); if (!skb) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "Unable to allocate skb for RX ring.\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "Unable to allocate skb for RX ring.\n"); kfree(card->rxbd_ring_vbase); return -ENOMEM; } @@ -502,10 +501,9 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_create_rxbd_ring(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) skb_put(skb, MWIFIEX_RX_DATA_BUF_SIZE); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: RX ring: add new skb base: %p, " - "buf_base: %p, buf_pbase: %#x:%x, " - "buf_len: %#x\n", skb, skb->data, - (u32)*buf_pa, (u32)((u64)*buf_pa >> 32), - skb->len); + "buf_base: %p, buf_pbase: %#x:%x, buf_len: %#x\n", + skb, skb->data, (u32)*buf_pa, (u32)((u64)*buf_pa >> 32), + skb->len); card->rx_buf_list[i] = skb; card->rxbd_ring[i]->paddr = *buf_pa; @@ -562,32 +560,34 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_create_evtbd_ring(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) card->evtbd_rdptr |= MWIFIEX_BD_FLAG_ROLLOVER_IND; card->evtbd_ring_size = sizeof(struct mwifiex_pcie_buf_desc) * - MWIFIEX_MAX_EVT_BD; + MWIFIEX_MAX_EVT_BD; dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: evtbd_ring: Allocating %d bytes\n", - card->evtbd_ring_size); + card->evtbd_ring_size); card->evtbd_ring_vbase = kzalloc(card->evtbd_ring_size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!card->evtbd_ring_vbase) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "Unable to allocate buffer. " - "Terminating download\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "Unable to allocate buffer. Terminating download\n"); return -ENOMEM; } card->evtbd_ring_pbase = virt_to_phys(card->evtbd_ring_vbase); - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: CMDRSP/EVT bd_ring - base: %p, " - "pbase: %#x:%x, len: %#x\n", card->evtbd_ring_vbase, - (u32)card->evtbd_ring_pbase, - (u32)((u64)card->evtbd_ring_pbase >> 32), - card->evtbd_ring_size); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, + "info: CMDRSP/EVT bd_ring - base: %p pbase: %#x:%x len: %#x\n", + card->evtbd_ring_vbase, (u32)card->evtbd_ring_pbase, + (u32)((u64)card->evtbd_ring_pbase >> 32), + card->evtbd_ring_size); for (i = 0; i < MWIFIEX_MAX_EVT_BD; i++) { card->evtbd_ring[i] = (struct mwifiex_pcie_buf_desc *) - (card->evtbd_ring_vbase + - (sizeof(struct mwifiex_pcie_buf_desc) * i)); + (card->evtbd_ring_vbase + + (sizeof(struct mwifiex_pcie_buf_desc) + * i)); /* Allocate skb here so that firmware can DMA data from it */ skb = dev_alloc_skb(MAX_EVENT_SIZE); if (!skb) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "Unable to allocate skb for EVENT buf.\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "Unable to allocate skb for EVENT buf.\n"); kfree(card->evtbd_ring_vbase); return -ENOMEM; } @@ -595,10 +595,9 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_create_evtbd_ring(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) skb_put(skb, MAX_EVENT_SIZE); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: Evt ring: add new skb. base: %p, " - "buf_base: %p, buf_pbase: %#x:%x, " - "buf_len: %#x\n", skb, skb->data, - (u32)*buf_pa, (u32)((u64)*buf_pa >> 32), - skb->len); + "buf_base: %p, buf_pbase: %#x:%x, buf_len: %#x\n", + skb, skb->data, (u32)*buf_pa, (u32)((u64)*buf_pa >> 32), + skb->len); card->evt_buf_list[i] = skb; card->evtbd_ring[i]->paddr = *buf_pa; @@ -647,8 +646,8 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_alloc_cmdrsp_buf(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) /* Allocate memory for receiving command response data */ skb = dev_alloc_skb(MWIFIEX_UPLD_SIZE); if (!skb) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "Unable to allocate skb for command " - "response data.\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "Unable to allocate skb for command response data.\n"); return -ENOMEM; } mwifiex_update_sk_buff_pa(skb); @@ -659,8 +658,8 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_alloc_cmdrsp_buf(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) /* Allocate memory for sending command to firmware */ skb = dev_alloc_skb(MWIFIEX_SIZE_OF_CMD_BUFFER); if (!skb) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "Unable to allocate skb for command " - "data.\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "Unable to allocate skb for command data.\n"); return -ENOMEM; } mwifiex_update_sk_buff_pa(skb); @@ -702,8 +701,8 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_alloc_sleep_cookie_buf(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) /* Allocate memory for sleep cookie */ skb = dev_alloc_skb(sizeof(u32)); if (!skb) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "Unable to allocate skb for sleep " - "cookie!\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "Unable to allocate skb for sleep cookie!\n"); return -ENOMEM; } mwifiex_update_sk_buff_pa(skb); @@ -713,7 +712,7 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_alloc_sleep_cookie_buf(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) *(u32 *)skb->data = FW_AWAKE_COOKIE; dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "alloc_scook: sleep cookie=0x%x\n", - *((u32 *)skb->data)); + *((u32 *)skb->data)); /* Save the sleep cookie */ card->sleep_cookie = skb; @@ -757,15 +756,15 @@ mwifiex_pcie_send_data(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, struct sk_buff *skb) /* Read the TX ring read pointer set by firmware */ if (mwifiex_read_reg(adapter, REG_TXBD_RDPTR, &rdptr)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "SEND DATA: failed to read " - "REG_TXBD_RDPTR\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "SEND DATA: failed to read REG_TXBD_RDPTR\n"); return -1; } wrindx = card->txbd_wrptr & MWIFIEX_TXBD_MASK; dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: SEND DATA: \n", rdptr, - card->txbd_wrptr); + card->txbd_wrptr); if (((card->txbd_wrptr & MWIFIEX_TXBD_MASK) != (rdptr & MWIFIEX_TXBD_MASK)) || ((card->txbd_wrptr & MWIFIEX_BD_FLAG_ROLLOVER_IND) != @@ -797,32 +796,31 @@ mwifiex_pcie_send_data(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, struct sk_buff *skb) /* Write the TX ring write pointer in to REG_TXBD_WRPTR */ if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, REG_TXBD_WRPTR, - card->txbd_wrptr)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "SEND DATA: failed to write " - "REG_TXBD_WRPTR\n"); + card->txbd_wrptr)) { + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "SEND DATA: failed to write REG_TXBD_WRPTR\n"); return 0; } /* Send the TX ready interrupt */ if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, PCIE_CPU_INT_EVENT, CPU_INTR_DNLD_RDY)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "SEND DATA: failed to assert " - "door-bell interrupt.\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "SEND DATA: failed to assert door-bell intr\n"); return -1; } dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: SEND DATA: Updated and sent packet to firmware " - "successfully\n", rdptr, - card->txbd_wrptr); + "%#x> and sent packet to firmware successfully\n", + rdptr, card->txbd_wrptr); } else { - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: TX Ring full, can't send anymore " - "packets to firmware\n"); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, + "info: TX Ring full, can't send packets to fw\n"); adapter->data_sent = true; /* Send the TX ready interrupt */ if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, PCIE_CPU_INT_EVENT, CPU_INTR_DNLD_RDY)) - dev_err(adapter->dev, "SEND DATA: failed to assert " - "door-bell interrupt\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "SEND DATA: failed to assert door-bell intr\n"); return -EBUSY; } @@ -842,8 +840,8 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_process_recv_data(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) /* Read the RX ring Write pointer set by firmware */ if (mwifiex_read_reg(adapter, REG_RXBD_WRPTR, &wrptr)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "RECV DATA: failed to read " - "REG_TXBD_RDPTR\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "RECV DATA: failed to read REG_TXBD_RDPTR\n"); ret = -1; goto done; } @@ -861,12 +859,13 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_process_recv_data(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) /* Get data length from interface header - first byte is len, second byte is type */ rx_len = *((u16 *)skb_data->data); - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: RECV DATA: Rd=%#x, Wr=%#x, " - "Len=%d\n", card->rxbd_rdptr, wrptr, rx_len); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, + "info: RECV DATA: Rd=%#x, Wr=%#x, Len=%d\n", + card->rxbd_rdptr, wrptr, rx_len); skb_tmp = dev_alloc_skb(rx_len); if (!skb_tmp) { - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: Failed to alloc skb " - "for RX\n"); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, + "info: Failed to alloc skb for RX\n"); ret = -EBUSY; goto done; } @@ -881,26 +880,26 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_process_recv_data(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) MWIFIEX_BD_FLAG_ROLLOVER_IND); } dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: RECV DATA: \n", - card->rxbd_rdptr, wrptr); + card->rxbd_rdptr, wrptr); /* Write the RX ring read pointer in to REG_RXBD_RDPTR */ if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, REG_RXBD_RDPTR, card->rxbd_rdptr)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "RECV DATA: failed to " - "write REG_RXBD_RDPTR\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "RECV DATA: failed to write REG_RXBD_RDPTR\n"); ret = -1; goto done; } /* Read the RX ring Write pointer set by firmware */ if (mwifiex_read_reg(adapter, REG_RXBD_WRPTR, &wrptr)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "RECV DATA: failed to read " - "REG_TXBD_RDPTR\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "RECV DATA: failed to read REG_TXBD_RDPTR\n"); ret = -1; goto done; } - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: RECV DATA: Received packet from " - "firmware successfully\n"); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, + "info: RECV DATA: Rcvd packet from fw successfully\n"); mwifiex_handle_rx_packet(adapter, skb_tmp); } @@ -919,17 +918,19 @@ mwifiex_pcie_send_boot_cmd(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, struct sk_buff *skb) phys_addr_t *buf_pa = MWIFIEX_SKB_PACB(skb); if (!(skb->data && skb->len && *buf_pa)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "Invalid parameter in %s <%p, %#x:%x, " - "%x>\n", __func__, skb->data, skb->len, - (u32)*buf_pa, (u32)((u64)*buf_pa >> 32)); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "Invalid parameter in %s <%p, %#x:%x, %x>\n", + __func__, skb->data, skb->len, + (u32)*buf_pa, (u32)((u64)*buf_pa >> 32)); return -1; } /* Write the lower 32bits of the physical address to scratch * register 0 */ if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, PCIE_SCRATCH_0_REG, (u32)*buf_pa)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: failed to write download command " - "to boot code.\n", __func__); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "%s: failed to write download command to boot code.\n", + __func__); return -1; } @@ -937,23 +938,25 @@ mwifiex_pcie_send_boot_cmd(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, struct sk_buff *skb) * register 1 */ if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, PCIE_SCRATCH_1_REG, (u32)((u64)*buf_pa >> 32))) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: failed to write download command " - "to boot code.\n", __func__); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "%s: failed to write download command to boot code.\n", + __func__); return -1; } /* Write the command length to scratch register 2 */ if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, PCIE_SCRATCH_2_REG, skb->len)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: failed to write command length to " - "scratch register 2\n", __func__); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "%s: failed to write command len to scratch reg 2\n", + __func__); return -1; } /* Ring the door bell */ if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, PCIE_CPU_INT_EVENT, CPU_INTR_DOOR_BELL)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: failed to assert door-bell " - "interrupt.\n", __func__); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "%s: failed to assert door-bell intr\n", __func__); return -1; } @@ -973,14 +976,14 @@ mwifiex_pcie_send_cmd(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, struct sk_buff *skb) if (!(skb->data && skb->len)) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "Invalid parameter in %s <%p, %#x>\n", - __func__, skb->data, skb->len); + __func__, skb->data, skb->len); return -1; } /* Make sure a command response buffer is available */ if (!card->cmdrsp_buf) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "No response buffer available, send " - "command failed\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "No response buffer available, send command failed\n"); return -EBUSY; } @@ -1011,17 +1014,18 @@ mwifiex_pcie_send_cmd(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, struct sk_buff *skb) /* Write the lower 32bits of the cmdrsp buffer physical address */ if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, REG_CMDRSP_ADDR_LO, - (u32)*cmdrsp_buf_pa)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "Failed to write download command to boot code.\n"); + (u32)*cmdrsp_buf_pa)) { + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "Failed to write download cmd to boot code.\n"); ret = -1; goto done; } /* Write the upper 32bits of the cmdrsp buffer physical address */ if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, REG_CMDRSP_ADDR_HI, - (u32)((u64)*cmdrsp_buf_pa >> 32))) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "Failed to write download command" - " to boot code.\n"); + (u32)((u64)*cmdrsp_buf_pa >> 32))) { + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "Failed to write download cmd to boot code.\n"); ret = -1; goto done; } @@ -1029,27 +1033,25 @@ mwifiex_pcie_send_cmd(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, struct sk_buff *skb) cmd_buf_pa = MWIFIEX_SKB_PACB(card->cmd_buf); /* Write the lower 32bits of the physical address to REG_CMD_ADDR_LO */ - if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, REG_CMD_ADDR_LO, - (u32)*cmd_buf_pa)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "Failed to write download command " - "to boot code.\n"); + if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, REG_CMD_ADDR_LO, (u32)*cmd_buf_pa)) { + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "Failed to write download cmd to boot code.\n"); ret = -1; goto done; } /* Write the upper 32bits of the physical address to REG_CMD_ADDR_HI */ if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, REG_CMD_ADDR_HI, - (u32)((u64)*cmd_buf_pa >> 32))) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "Failed to write download command " - "to boot code.\n"); + (u32)((u64)*cmd_buf_pa >> 32))) { + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "Failed to write download cmd to boot code.\n"); ret = -1; goto done; } /* Write the command length to REG_CMD_SIZE */ - if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, REG_CMD_SIZE, - card->cmd_buf->len)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "Failed to write command length to " - "REG_CMD_SIZE\n"); + if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, REG_CMD_SIZE, card->cmd_buf->len)) { + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "Failed to write cmd len to REG_CMD_SIZE\n"); ret = -1; goto done; } @@ -1057,8 +1059,8 @@ mwifiex_pcie_send_cmd(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, struct sk_buff *skb) /* Ring the door bell */ if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, PCIE_CPU_INT_EVENT, CPU_INTR_DOOR_BELL)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "Failed to assert door-bell " - "interrupt.\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "Failed to assert door-bell intr\n"); ret = -1; goto done; } @@ -1076,30 +1078,29 @@ mwifiex_pcie_send_cmd(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, struct sk_buff *skb) static int mwifiex_pcie_process_cmd_complete(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) { struct pcie_service_card *card = adapter->card; + struct sk_buff *skb = card->cmdrsp_buf; int count = 0; dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: Rx CMD Response\n"); if (!adapter->curr_cmd) { - skb_pull(card->cmdrsp_buf, INTF_HEADER_LEN); + skb_pull(skb, INTF_HEADER_LEN); if (adapter->ps_state == PS_STATE_SLEEP_CFM) { - mwifiex_process_sleep_confirm_resp(adapter, - card->cmdrsp_buf->data, - card->cmdrsp_buf->len); + mwifiex_process_sleep_confirm_resp(adapter, skb->data, + skb->len); while (mwifiex_pcie_ok_to_access_hw(adapter) && (count++ < 10)) - udelay(50); + usleep_range(50, 60); } else { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "There is no command but " - "got cmdrsp\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "There is no command but got cmdrsp\n"); } - memcpy(adapter->upld_buf, card->cmdrsp_buf->data, - min_t(u32, MWIFIEX_SIZE_OF_CMD_BUFFER, - card->cmdrsp_buf->len)); - skb_push(card->cmdrsp_buf, INTF_HEADER_LEN); + memcpy(adapter->upld_buf, skb->data, + min_t(u32, MWIFIEX_SIZE_OF_CMD_BUFFER, skb->len)); + skb_push(skb, INTF_HEADER_LEN); } else if (mwifiex_pcie_ok_to_access_hw(adapter)) { - skb_pull(card->cmdrsp_buf, INTF_HEADER_LEN); - adapter->curr_cmd->resp_skb = card->cmdrsp_buf; + skb_pull(skb, INTF_HEADER_LEN); + adapter->curr_cmd->resp_skb = skb; adapter->cmd_resp_received = true; /* Take the pointer and set it to CMD node and will return in the response complete callback */ @@ -1109,15 +1110,15 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_process_cmd_complete(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) will prevent firmware from writing to the same response buffer again. */ if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, REG_CMDRSP_ADDR_LO, 0)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "cmd_done: failed to clear " - "cmd_rsp address.\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "cmd_done: failed to clear cmd_rsp_addr_lo\n"); return -1; } /* Write the upper 32bits of the cmdrsp buffer physical address */ if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, REG_CMDRSP_ADDR_HI, 0)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "cmd_done: failed to clear " - "cmd_rsp address.\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "cmd_done: failed to clear cmd_rsp_addr_hi\n"); return -1; } } @@ -1151,8 +1152,8 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_process_event_ready(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) u32 wrptr, event; if (adapter->event_received) { - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: Event being processed, "\ - "do not process this interrupt just yet\n"); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: Event being processed, " + "do not process this interrupt just yet\n"); return 0; } @@ -1163,14 +1164,15 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_process_event_ready(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) /* Read the event ring write pointer set by firmware */ if (mwifiex_read_reg(adapter, REG_EVTBD_WRPTR, &wrptr)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "EventReady: failed to read REG_EVTBD_WRPTR\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "EventReady: failed to read REG_EVTBD_WRPTR\n"); return -1; } dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: EventReady: Initial ", - card->evtbd_rdptr, wrptr); - if (((wrptr & MWIFIEX_EVTBD_MASK) != - (card->evtbd_rdptr & MWIFIEX_EVTBD_MASK)) || + card->evtbd_rdptr, wrptr); + if (((wrptr & MWIFIEX_EVTBD_MASK) != (card->evtbd_rdptr + & MWIFIEX_EVTBD_MASK)) || ((wrptr & MWIFIEX_BD_FLAG_ROLLOVER_IND) == (card->evtbd_rdptr & MWIFIEX_BD_FLAG_ROLLOVER_IND))) { struct sk_buff *skb_cmd; @@ -1230,13 +1232,14 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_event_complete(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if (rdptr >= MWIFIEX_MAX_EVT_BD) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "event_complete: Invalid rdptr 0x%x\n", - rdptr); + rdptr); return -EINVAL; } /* Read the event ring write pointer set by firmware */ if (mwifiex_read_reg(adapter, REG_EVTBD_WRPTR, &wrptr)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "event_complete: failed to read REG_EVTBD_WRPTR\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "event_complete: failed to read REG_EVTBD_WRPTR\n"); return -1; } @@ -1249,9 +1252,9 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_event_complete(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, card->evtbd_ring[rdptr]->flags = 0; skb = NULL; } else { - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: ERROR: Buffer is still valid at " - "index %d, <%p, %p>\n", rdptr, - card->evt_buf_list[rdptr], skb); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, + "info: ERROR: buf still valid at index %d, <%p, %p>\n", + rdptr, card->evt_buf_list[rdptr], skb); } if ((++card->evtbd_rdptr & MWIFIEX_EVTBD_MASK) == MWIFIEX_MAX_EVT_BD) { @@ -1261,11 +1264,12 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_event_complete(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, } dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: Updated ", - card->evtbd_rdptr, wrptr); + card->evtbd_rdptr, wrptr); /* Write the event ring read pointer in to REG_EVTBD_RDPTR */ if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, REG_EVTBD_RDPTR, card->evtbd_rdptr)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "event_complete: failed to read REG_EVTBD_RDPTR\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "event_complete: failed to read REG_EVTBD_RDPTR\n"); return -1; } @@ -1299,17 +1303,17 @@ static int mwifiex_prog_fw_w_helper(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, } if (!firmware || !firmware_len) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "No firmware image found! " - "Terminating download\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "No firmware image found! Terminating download\n"); return -1; } dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: Downloading FW image (%d bytes)\n", - firmware_len); + firmware_len); if (mwifiex_pcie_disable_host_int(adapter)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: Disabling interrupts" - " failed.\n", __func__); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "%s: Disabling interrupts failed.\n", __func__); return -1; } @@ -1332,19 +1336,20 @@ static int mwifiex_prog_fw_w_helper(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, ret = mwifiex_read_reg(adapter, PCIE_SCRATCH_2_REG, &len); if (ret) { - dev_warn(adapter->dev, "Failed reading length from boot code\n"); + dev_warn(adapter->dev, + "Failed reading len from boot code\n"); goto done; } if (len) break; - udelay(10); + usleep_range(10, 20); } if (!len) { break; } else if (len > MWIFIEX_UPLD_SIZE) { pr_err("FW download failure @ %d, invalid length %d\n", - offset, len); + offset, len); ret = -1; goto done; } @@ -1360,8 +1365,8 @@ static int mwifiex_prog_fw_w_helper(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, goto done; } dev_err(adapter->dev, "FW CRC error indicated by the " - "helper: len = 0x%04X, txlen = " - "%d\n", len, txlen); + "helper: len = 0x%04X, txlen = %d\n", + len, txlen); len &= ~BIT(0); /* Setting this to 0 to resend from same offset */ txlen = 0; @@ -1374,9 +1379,9 @@ static int mwifiex_prog_fw_w_helper(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "."); - tx_blocks = - (txlen + MWIFIEX_PCIE_BLOCK_SIZE_FW_DNLD - 1) / - MWIFIEX_PCIE_BLOCK_SIZE_FW_DNLD; + tx_blocks = (txlen + + MWIFIEX_PCIE_BLOCK_SIZE_FW_DNLD - 1) / + MWIFIEX_PCIE_BLOCK_SIZE_FW_DNLD; /* Copy payload to buffer */ memmove(skb->data, &firmware[offset], txlen); @@ -1387,7 +1392,8 @@ static int mwifiex_prog_fw_w_helper(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, /* Send the boot command to device */ if (mwifiex_pcie_send_boot_cmd(adapter, skb)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "Failed to send firmware download command\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "Failed to send firmware download command\n"); ret = -1; goto done; } @@ -1396,8 +1402,8 @@ static int mwifiex_prog_fw_w_helper(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if (mwifiex_read_reg(adapter, PCIE_CPU_INT_STATUS, &ireg_intr)) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: Failed to read " - "interrupt status during " - "fw dnld.\n", __func__); + "interrupt status during fw dnld.\n", + __func__); ret = -1; goto done; } @@ -1407,7 +1413,7 @@ static int mwifiex_prog_fw_w_helper(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, } while (true); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info:\nFW download over, size %d bytes\n", - offset); + offset); ret = 0; @@ -1430,14 +1436,15 @@ mwifiex_check_fw_status(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, u32 poll_num) /* Mask spurios interrupts */ if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, PCIE_HOST_INT_STATUS_MASK, - HOST_INTR_MASK)) { + HOST_INTR_MASK)) { dev_warn(adapter->dev, "Write register failed\n"); return -1; } dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "Setting driver ready signature\n"); if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, REG_DRV_READY, FIRMWARE_READY_PCIE)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "Failed to write driver ready signature\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "Failed to write driver ready signature\n"); return -1; } @@ -1468,8 +1475,9 @@ mwifiex_check_fw_status(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, u32 poll_num) adapter->winner = 1; ret = -1; } else { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "PCI-E is not the winner <%#x, %d>, exit download\n", - ret, adapter->winner); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "PCI-E is not the winner <%#x,%d>, exit dnld\n", + ret, adapter->winner); ret = 0; } } @@ -1512,10 +1520,11 @@ static void mwifiex_interrupt_status(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) (adapter->ps_state == PS_STATE_SLEEP)) { mwifiex_pcie_enable_host_int(adapter); if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, - PCIE_CPU_INT_EVENT, - CPU_INTR_SLEEP_CFM_DONE)) { - dev_warn(adapter->dev, "Write register" - " failed\n"); + PCIE_CPU_INT_EVENT, + CPU_INTR_SLEEP_CFM_DONE) + ) { + dev_warn(adapter->dev, + "Write register failed\n"); return; } @@ -1551,7 +1560,7 @@ static irqreturn_t mwifiex_pcie_interrupt(int irq, void *context) card = (struct pcie_service_card *) pci_get_drvdata(pdev); if (!card || !card->adapter) { pr_debug("info: %s: card=%p adapter=%p\n", __func__, card, - card ? card->adapter : NULL); + card ? card->adapter : NULL); goto exit; } adapter = card->adapter; @@ -1594,7 +1603,7 @@ static int mwifiex_process_int_status(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) if (adapter->int_status & HOST_INTR_DNLD_DONE) { adapter->int_status &= ~HOST_INTR_DNLD_DONE; if (adapter->data_sent) { - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: DATA sent Interrupt\n"); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: DATA sent intr\n"); adapter->data_sent = false; } } @@ -1616,7 +1625,8 @@ static int mwifiex_process_int_status(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) if (adapter->int_status & HOST_INTR_CMD_DONE) { adapter->int_status &= ~HOST_INTR_CMD_DONE; if (adapter->cmd_sent) { - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: CMD sent Interrupt\n"); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, + "info: CMD sent Interrupt\n"); adapter->cmd_sent = false; } /* Handle command response */ @@ -1628,15 +1638,17 @@ static int mwifiex_process_int_status(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) if (mwifiex_pcie_ok_to_access_hw(adapter)) { if (mwifiex_read_reg(adapter, PCIE_HOST_INT_STATUS, &pcie_ireg)) { - dev_warn(adapter->dev, "Read register failed\n"); + dev_warn(adapter->dev, + "Read register failed\n"); return -1; } if ((pcie_ireg != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (pcie_ireg)) { if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, - PCIE_HOST_INT_STATUS, ~pcie_ireg)) { - dev_warn(adapter->dev, "Write register" - " failed\n"); + PCIE_HOST_INT_STATUS, + ~pcie_ireg)) { + dev_warn(adapter->dev, + "Write register failed\n"); return -1; } adapter->int_status |= pcie_ireg; @@ -1646,7 +1658,7 @@ static int mwifiex_process_int_status(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) } } dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: cmd_sent=%d data_sent=%d\n", - adapter->cmd_sent, adapter->data_sent); + adapter->cmd_sent, adapter->data_sent); mwifiex_pcie_enable_host_int(adapter); return 0; @@ -1737,8 +1749,9 @@ static int mwifiex_pcie_init(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) goto err_iomap2; } - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "PCI memory map Virt0: %p PCI memory map Virt2: " - "%p\n", card->pci_mmap, card->pci_mmap1); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, + "PCI memory map Virt0: %p PCI memory map Virt2: %p\n", + card->pci_mmap, card->pci_mmap1); card->cmdrsp_buf = NULL; ret = mwifiex_pcie_create_txbd_ring(adapter); @@ -1808,7 +1821,8 @@ static void mwifiex_pcie_cleanup(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "Clearing driver ready signature\n"); if (user_rmmod) { if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, REG_DRV_READY, 0x00000000)) - dev_err(adapter->dev, "Failed to write driver not-ready signature\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "Failed to write driver not-ready signature\n"); } if (pdev) { diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/scan.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/scan.c index 6396d3318ead1e3b3afb26858d57873a228022b4..aff9cd763f2ba0616cf0bddf094a5fdfa378571f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/scan.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/scan.c @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ mwifiex_is_rsn_oui_present(struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc, u32 cipher) ieee_hdr.element_id == WLAN_EID_RSN))) { iebody = (struct ie_body *) (((u8 *) bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie->data) + - RSN_GTK_OUI_OFFSET); + RSN_GTK_OUI_OFFSET); oui = &mwifiex_rsn_oui[cipher][0]; ret = mwifiex_search_oui_in_ie(iebody, oui); if (ret) @@ -148,8 +148,9 @@ mwifiex_is_wpa_oui_present(struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc, u32 cipher) struct ie_body *iebody; u8 ret = MWIFIEX_OUI_NOT_PRESENT; - if (((bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie) && ((*(bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie)). - vend_hdr.element_id == WLAN_EID_WPA))) { + if (((bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie) && + ((*(bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie)).vend_hdr.element_id == + WLAN_EID_WPA))) { iebody = (struct ie_body *) bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie->data; oui = &mwifiex_wpa_oui[cipher][0]; ret = mwifiex_search_oui_in_ie(iebody, oui); @@ -163,8 +164,7 @@ mwifiex_is_wpa_oui_present(struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc, u32 cipher) * This function compares two SSIDs and checks if they match. */ s32 -mwifiex_ssid_cmp(struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid *ssid1, - struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid *ssid2) +mwifiex_ssid_cmp(struct cfg80211_ssid *ssid1, struct cfg80211_ssid *ssid2) { if (!ssid1 || !ssid2 || (ssid1->ssid_len != ssid2->ssid_len)) return -1; @@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ mwifiex_ssid_cmp(struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid *ssid1, * compatible with it. */ static bool -mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_wapi(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc) +mwifiex_is_bss_wapi(struct mwifiex_private *priv, + struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc) { if (priv->sec_info.wapi_enabled && (bss_desc->bcn_wapi_ie && @@ -193,19 +193,17 @@ mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_wapi(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * scanned network is compatible with it. */ static bool -mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_no_sec(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc) +mwifiex_is_bss_no_sec(struct mwifiex_private *priv, + struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc) { - if (priv->sec_info.wep_status == MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_DISABLED - && !priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled && !priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled - && ((!bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie) || + if (!priv->sec_info.wep_enabled && !priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled && + !priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled && ((!bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie) || ((*(bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie)).vend_hdr.element_id != - WLAN_EID_WPA)) - && ((!bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie) || + WLAN_EID_WPA)) && + ((!bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie) || ((*(bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie)).ieee_hdr.element_id != - WLAN_EID_RSN)) - && !priv->sec_info.encryption_mode - && !bss_desc->privacy) { + WLAN_EID_RSN)) && + !priv->sec_info.encryption_mode && !bss_desc->privacy) { return true; } return false; @@ -216,12 +214,11 @@ mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_no_sec(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * is compatible with it. */ static bool -mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_static_wep(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc) +mwifiex_is_bss_static_wep(struct mwifiex_private *priv, + struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc) { - if (priv->sec_info.wep_status == MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_ENABLED - && !priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled && !priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled - && bss_desc->privacy) { + if (priv->sec_info.wep_enabled && !priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled && + !priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled && bss_desc->privacy) { return true; } return false; @@ -232,13 +229,12 @@ mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_static_wep(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * compatible with it. */ static bool -mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_wpa(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc) +mwifiex_is_bss_wpa(struct mwifiex_private *priv, + struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc) { - if (priv->sec_info.wep_status == MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_DISABLED - && priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled && !priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled - && ((bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie) && ((*(bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie)).vend_hdr. - element_id == WLAN_EID_WPA)) + if (!priv->sec_info.wep_enabled && priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled && + !priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled && ((bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie) && + ((*(bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie)).vend_hdr.element_id == WLAN_EID_WPA)) /* * Privacy bit may NOT be set in some APs like * LinkSys WRT54G && bss_desc->privacy @@ -253,8 +249,7 @@ mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_wpa(struct mwifiex_private *priv, (bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie) ? (*(bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie)). ieee_hdr.element_id : 0, - (priv->sec_info.wep_status == - MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_ENABLED) ? "e" : "d", + (priv->sec_info.wep_enabled) ? "e" : "d", (priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled) ? "e" : "d", (priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled) ? "e" : "d", priv->sec_info.encryption_mode, @@ -269,18 +264,18 @@ mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_wpa(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * compatible with it. */ static bool -mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_wpa2(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc) +mwifiex_is_bss_wpa2(struct mwifiex_private *priv, + struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc) { - if (priv->sec_info.wep_status == MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_DISABLED - && !priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled && priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled - && ((bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie) && ((*(bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie)).ieee_hdr. - element_id == WLAN_EID_RSN)) - /* - * Privacy bit may NOT be set in some APs like - * LinkSys WRT54G && bss_desc->privacy - */ - ) { + if (!priv->sec_info.wep_enabled && + !priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled && + priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled && + ((bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie) && + ((*(bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie)).ieee_hdr.element_id == WLAN_EID_RSN))) { + /* + * Privacy bit may NOT be set in some APs like + * LinkSys WRT54G && bss_desc->privacy + */ dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: %s: WPA2: " " wpa_ie=%#x wpa2_ie=%#x WEP=%s WPA=%s WPA2=%s " "EncMode=%#x privacy=%#x\n", __func__, @@ -290,8 +285,7 @@ mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_wpa2(struct mwifiex_private *priv, (bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie) ? (*(bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie)). ieee_hdr.element_id : 0, - (priv->sec_info.wep_status == - MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_ENABLED) ? "e" : "d", + (priv->sec_info.wep_enabled) ? "e" : "d", (priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled) ? "e" : "d", (priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled) ? "e" : "d", priv->sec_info.encryption_mode, @@ -306,17 +300,16 @@ mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_wpa2(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * compatible with it. */ static bool -mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_adhoc_aes(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc) +mwifiex_is_bss_adhoc_aes(struct mwifiex_private *priv, + struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc) { - if (priv->sec_info.wep_status == MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_DISABLED - && !priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled && !priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled - && ((!bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie) || ((*(bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie)).vend_hdr. - element_id != WLAN_EID_WPA)) - && ((!bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie) || ((*(bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie)).ieee_hdr. - element_id != WLAN_EID_RSN)) - && !priv->sec_info.encryption_mode - && bss_desc->privacy) { + if (!priv->sec_info.wep_enabled && !priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled && + !priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled && + ((!bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie) || + ((*(bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie)).vend_hdr.element_id != WLAN_EID_WPA)) && + ((!bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie) || + ((*(bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie)).ieee_hdr.element_id != WLAN_EID_RSN)) && + !priv->sec_info.encryption_mode && bss_desc->privacy) { return true; } return false; @@ -327,17 +320,16 @@ mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_adhoc_aes(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * is compatible with it. */ static bool -mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_dynamic_wep(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc) +mwifiex_is_bss_dynamic_wep(struct mwifiex_private *priv, + struct mwifiex_bssdescriptor *bss_desc) { - if (priv->sec_info.wep_status == MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_DISABLED - && !priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled && !priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled - && ((!bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie) || ((*(bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie)).vend_hdr. - element_id != WLAN_EID_WPA)) - && ((!bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie) || ((*(bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie)).ieee_hdr. - element_id != WLAN_EID_RSN)) - && priv->sec_info.encryption_mode - && bss_desc->privacy) { + if (!priv->sec_info.wep_enabled && !priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled && + !priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled && + ((!bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie) || + ((*(bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie)).vend_hdr.element_id != WLAN_EID_WPA)) && + ((!bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie) || + ((*(bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie)).ieee_hdr.element_id != WLAN_EID_RSN)) && + priv->sec_info.encryption_mode && bss_desc->privacy) { dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: %s: dynamic " "WEP: wpa_ie=%#x wpa2_ie=%#x " "EncMode=%#x privacy=%#x\n", @@ -382,8 +374,9 @@ mwifiex_is_network_compatible(struct mwifiex_private *priv, bss_desc->disable_11n = false; /* Don't check for compatibility if roaming */ - if (priv->media_connected && (priv->bss_mode == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) - && (bss_desc->bss_mode == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION)) + if (priv->media_connected && + (priv->bss_mode == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) && + (bss_desc->bss_mode == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION)) return 0; if (priv->wps.session_enable) { @@ -392,32 +385,30 @@ mwifiex_is_network_compatible(struct mwifiex_private *priv, return 0; } - if (mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_wapi(priv, bss_desc)) { + if (mwifiex_is_bss_wapi(priv, bss_desc)) { dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: return success for WAPI AP\n"); return 0; } if (bss_desc->bss_mode == mode) { - if (mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_no_sec(priv, bss_desc)) { + if (mwifiex_is_bss_no_sec(priv, bss_desc)) { /* No security */ return 0; - } else if (mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_static_wep(priv, - bss_desc)) { + } else if (mwifiex_is_bss_static_wep(priv, bss_desc)) { /* Static WEP enabled */ dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: Disable 11n in WEP mode.\n"); bss_desc->disable_11n = true; return 0; - } else if (mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_wpa(priv, - bss_desc)) { + } else if (mwifiex_is_bss_wpa(priv, bss_desc)) { /* WPA enabled */ - if (((priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_GN - || priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_AN) - && bss_desc->bcn_ht_cap) - && !mwifiex_is_wpa_oui_present(bss_desc, - CIPHER_SUITE_CCMP)) { - - if (mwifiex_is_wpa_oui_present(bss_desc, - CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP)) { + if (((priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_GN || + priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_AN) && + bss_desc->bcn_ht_cap) && + !mwifiex_is_wpa_oui_present(bss_desc, + CIPHER_SUITE_CCMP)) { + + if (mwifiex_is_wpa_oui_present + (bss_desc, CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP)) { dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: Disable 11n if AES " "is not supported by AP\n"); @@ -427,17 +418,16 @@ mwifiex_is_network_compatible(struct mwifiex_private *priv, } } return 0; - } else if (mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_wpa2(priv, - bss_desc)) { + } else if (mwifiex_is_bss_wpa2(priv, bss_desc)) { /* WPA2 enabled */ - if (((priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_GN - || priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_AN) - && bss_desc->bcn_ht_cap) - && !mwifiex_is_rsn_oui_present(bss_desc, - CIPHER_SUITE_CCMP)) { - - if (mwifiex_is_rsn_oui_present(bss_desc, - CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP)) { + if (((priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_GN || + priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_AN) && + bss_desc->bcn_ht_cap) && + !mwifiex_is_rsn_oui_present(bss_desc, + CIPHER_SUITE_CCMP)) { + + if (mwifiex_is_rsn_oui_present + (bss_desc, CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP)) { dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: Disable 11n if AES " "is not supported by AP\n"); @@ -447,32 +437,26 @@ mwifiex_is_network_compatible(struct mwifiex_private *priv, } } return 0; - } else if (mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_adhoc_aes(priv, - bss_desc)) { + } else if (mwifiex_is_bss_adhoc_aes(priv, bss_desc)) { /* Ad-hoc AES enabled */ return 0; - } else if (mwifiex_is_network_compatible_for_dynamic_wep(priv, - bss_desc)) { + } else if (mwifiex_is_bss_dynamic_wep(priv, bss_desc)) { /* Dynamic WEP enabled */ return 0; } /* Security doesn't match */ - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: %s: failed: " - "wpa_ie=%#x wpa2_ie=%#x WEP=%s WPA=%s WPA2=%s EncMode" - "=%#x privacy=%#x\n", - __func__, - (bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie) ? - (*(bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie)).vend_hdr. - element_id : 0, - (bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie) ? - (*(bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie)).ieee_hdr. - element_id : 0, - (priv->sec_info.wep_status == - MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_ENABLED) ? "e" : "d", - (priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled) ? "e" : "d", - (priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled) ? "e" : "d", - priv->sec_info.encryption_mode, bss_desc->privacy); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, + "info: %s: failed: wpa_ie=%#x wpa2_ie=%#x WEP=%s " + "WPA=%s WPA2=%s EncMode=%#x privacy=%#x\n", __func__, + (bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie) ? + (*(bss_desc->bcn_wpa_ie)).vend_hdr.element_id : 0, + (bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie) ? + (*(bss_desc->bcn_rsn_ie)).ieee_hdr.element_id : 0, + (priv->sec_info.wep_enabled) ? "e" : "d", + (priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled) ? "e" : "d", + (priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled) ? "e" : "d", + priv->sec_info.encryption_mode, bss_desc->privacy); return -1; } @@ -489,11 +473,11 @@ mwifiex_is_network_compatible(struct mwifiex_private *priv, */ static void mwifiex_scan_create_channel_list(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - const struct mwifiex_user_scan_cfg - *user_scan_in, - struct mwifiex_chan_scan_param_set - *scan_chan_list, - u8 filtered_scan) + const struct mwifiex_user_scan_cfg + *user_scan_in, + struct mwifiex_chan_scan_param_set + *scan_chan_list, + u8 filtered_scan) { enum ieee80211_band band; struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband; @@ -515,7 +499,7 @@ mwifiex_scan_create_channel_list(struct mwifiex_private *priv, scan_chan_list[chan_idx].radio_type = band; if (user_scan_in && - user_scan_in->chan_list[0].scan_time) + user_scan_in->chan_list[0].scan_time) scan_chan_list[chan_idx].max_scan_time = cpu_to_le16((u16) user_scan_in-> chan_list[0].scan_time); @@ -604,19 +588,19 @@ mwifiex_scan_channel_list(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * - done_early is set (controlling individual scanning of * 1,6,11) */ - while (tlv_idx < max_chan_per_scan - && tmp_chan_list->chan_number && !done_early) { + while (tlv_idx < max_chan_per_scan && + tmp_chan_list->chan_number && !done_early) { dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: Scan: Chan(%3d), Radio(%d)," " Mode(%d, %d), Dur(%d)\n", - tmp_chan_list->chan_number, - tmp_chan_list->radio_type, - tmp_chan_list->chan_scan_mode_bitmap - & MWIFIEX_PASSIVE_SCAN, - (tmp_chan_list->chan_scan_mode_bitmap - & MWIFIEX_DISABLE_CHAN_FILT) >> 1, - le16_to_cpu(tmp_chan_list->max_scan_time)); + tmp_chan_list->chan_number, + tmp_chan_list->radio_type, + tmp_chan_list->chan_scan_mode_bitmap + & MWIFIEX_PASSIVE_SCAN, + (tmp_chan_list->chan_scan_mode_bitmap + & MWIFIEX_DISABLE_CHAN_FILT) >> 1, + le16_to_cpu(tmp_chan_list->max_scan_time)); /* Copy the current channel TLV to the command being prepared */ @@ -658,9 +642,10 @@ mwifiex_scan_channel_list(struct mwifiex_private *priv, /* Stop the loop if the *current* channel is in the 1,6,11 set and we are not filtering on a BSSID or SSID. */ - if (!filtered_scan && (tmp_chan_list->chan_number == 1 - || tmp_chan_list->chan_number == 6 - || tmp_chan_list->chan_number == 11)) + if (!filtered_scan && + (tmp_chan_list->chan_number == 1 || + tmp_chan_list->chan_number == 6 || + tmp_chan_list->chan_number == 11)) done_early = true; /* Increment the tmp pointer to the next channel to @@ -670,9 +655,10 @@ mwifiex_scan_channel_list(struct mwifiex_private *priv, /* Stop the loop if the *next* channel is in the 1,6,11 set. This will cause it to be the only channel scanned on the next interation */ - if (!filtered_scan && (tmp_chan_list->chan_number == 1 - || tmp_chan_list->chan_number == 6 - || tmp_chan_list->chan_number == 11)) + if (!filtered_scan && + (tmp_chan_list->chan_number == 1 || + tmp_chan_list->chan_number == 6 || + tmp_chan_list->chan_number == 11)) done_early = true; } @@ -724,15 +710,13 @@ mwifiex_scan_channel_list(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * If the number of probes is not set, adapter default setting is used. */ static void -mwifiex_scan_setup_scan_config(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - const struct mwifiex_user_scan_cfg *user_scan_in, - struct mwifiex_scan_cmd_config *scan_cfg_out, - struct mwifiex_ie_types_chan_list_param_set - **chan_list_out, - struct mwifiex_chan_scan_param_set - *scan_chan_list, - u8 *max_chan_per_scan, u8 *filtered_scan, - u8 *scan_current_only) +mwifiex_config_scan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, + const struct mwifiex_user_scan_cfg *user_scan_in, + struct mwifiex_scan_cmd_config *scan_cfg_out, + struct mwifiex_ie_types_chan_list_param_set **chan_list_out, + struct mwifiex_chan_scan_param_set *scan_chan_list, + u8 *max_chan_per_scan, u8 *filtered_scan, + u8 *scan_current_only) { struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter = priv->adapter; struct mwifiex_ie_types_num_probes *num_probes_tlv; @@ -747,7 +731,7 @@ mwifiex_scan_setup_scan_config(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u16 scan_dur; u8 channel; u8 radio_type; - u32 ssid_idx; + int i; u8 ssid_filter; u8 rates[MWIFIEX_SUPPORTED_RATES]; u32 rates_size; @@ -802,14 +786,8 @@ mwifiex_scan_setup_scan_config(struct mwifiex_private *priv, user_scan_in->specific_bssid, sizeof(scan_cfg_out->specific_bssid)); - for (ssid_idx = 0; - ((ssid_idx < ARRAY_SIZE(user_scan_in->ssid_list)) - && (*user_scan_in->ssid_list[ssid_idx].ssid - || user_scan_in->ssid_list[ssid_idx].max_len)); - ssid_idx++) { - - ssid_len = strlen(user_scan_in->ssid_list[ssid_idx]. - ssid) + 1; + for (i = 0; i < user_scan_in->num_ssids; i++) { + ssid_len = user_scan_in->ssid_list[i].ssid_len; wildcard_ssid_tlv = (struct mwifiex_ie_types_wildcard_ssid_params *) @@ -820,19 +798,26 @@ mwifiex_scan_setup_scan_config(struct mwifiex_private *priv, (u16) (ssid_len + sizeof(wildcard_ssid_tlv-> max_ssid_length))); - /* max_ssid_length = 0 tells firmware to perform - specific scan for the SSID filled */ - wildcard_ssid_tlv->max_ssid_length = 0; + /* + * max_ssid_length = 0 tells firmware to perform + * specific scan for the SSID filled, whereas + * max_ssid_length = IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN is for + * wildcard scan. + */ + if (ssid_len) + wildcard_ssid_tlv->max_ssid_length = 0; + else + wildcard_ssid_tlv->max_ssid_length = + IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN; memcpy(wildcard_ssid_tlv->ssid, - user_scan_in->ssid_list[ssid_idx].ssid, - ssid_len); + user_scan_in->ssid_list[i].ssid, ssid_len); tlv_pos += (sizeof(wildcard_ssid_tlv->header) + le16_to_cpu(wildcard_ssid_tlv->header.len)); - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: scan: ssid_list[%d]: %s, %d\n", - ssid_idx, wildcard_ssid_tlv->ssid, + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: scan: ssid[%d]: %s, %d\n", + i, wildcard_ssid_tlv->ssid, wildcard_ssid_tlv->max_ssid_length); /* Empty wildcard ssid with a maxlen will match many or @@ -841,7 +826,6 @@ mwifiex_scan_setup_scan_config(struct mwifiex_private *priv, filtered. */ if (!ssid_len && wildcard_ssid_tlv->max_ssid_length) ssid_filter = false; - } /* @@ -850,9 +834,9 @@ mwifiex_scan_setup_scan_config(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * truncate scan results. That is not an issue with an SSID * or BSSID filter applied to the scan results in the firmware. */ - if ((ssid_idx && ssid_filter) - || memcmp(scan_cfg_out->specific_bssid, &zero_mac, - sizeof(zero_mac))) + if ((i && ssid_filter) || + memcmp(scan_cfg_out->specific_bssid, &zero_mac, + sizeof(zero_mac))) *filtered_scan = true; } else { scan_cfg_out->bss_mode = (u8) adapter->scan_mode; @@ -873,7 +857,7 @@ mwifiex_scan_setup_scan_config(struct mwifiex_private *priv, if (num_probes) { dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: scan: num_probes = %d\n", - num_probes); + num_probes); num_probes_tlv = (struct mwifiex_ie_types_num_probes *) tlv_pos; num_probes_tlv->header.type = cpu_to_le16(TLV_TYPE_NUMPROBES); @@ -899,9 +883,9 @@ mwifiex_scan_setup_scan_config(struct mwifiex_private *priv, dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: SCAN_CMD: Rates size = %d\n", rates_size); - if (ISSUPP_11NENABLED(priv->adapter->fw_cap_info) - && (priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_GN - || priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_AN)) { + if (ISSUPP_11NENABLED(priv->adapter->fw_cap_info) && + (priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_GN || + priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_AN)) { ht_cap = (struct mwifiex_ie_types_htcap *) tlv_pos; memset(ht_cap, 0, sizeof(struct mwifiex_ie_types_htcap)); ht_cap->header.type = cpu_to_le16(WLAN_EID_HT_CAPABILITY); @@ -930,8 +914,8 @@ mwifiex_scan_setup_scan_config(struct mwifiex_private *priv, dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: Scan: Using supplied channel list\n"); for (chan_idx = 0; - chan_idx < MWIFIEX_USER_SCAN_CHAN_MAX - && user_scan_in->chan_list[chan_idx].chan_number; + chan_idx < MWIFIEX_USER_SCAN_CHAN_MAX && + user_scan_in->chan_list[chan_idx].chan_number; chan_idx++) { channel = user_scan_in->chan_list[chan_idx].chan_number; @@ -971,9 +955,9 @@ mwifiex_scan_setup_scan_config(struct mwifiex_private *priv, } /* Check if we are only scanning the current channel */ - if ((chan_idx == 1) - && (user_scan_in->chan_list[0].chan_number - == priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.channel)) { + if ((chan_idx == 1) && + (user_scan_in->chan_list[0].chan_number == + priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.channel)) { *scan_current_only = true; dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: Scan: Scanning current channel only\n"); @@ -981,7 +965,7 @@ mwifiex_scan_setup_scan_config(struct mwifiex_private *priv, } else { dev_dbg(adapter->dev, - "info: Scan: Creating full region channel list\n"); + "info: Scan: Creating full region channel list\n"); mwifiex_scan_create_channel_list(priv, user_scan_in, scan_chan_list, *filtered_scan); @@ -1013,7 +997,7 @@ mwifiex_ret_802_11_scan_get_tlv_ptrs(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, *tlv_data = NULL; dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: SCAN_RESP: tlv_buf_size = %d\n", - tlv_buf_size); + tlv_buf_size); while (tlv_buf_left >= sizeof(struct mwifiex_ie_types_header)) { @@ -1110,8 +1094,9 @@ mwifiex_update_bss_desc_with_ie(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, bss_entry->ssid.ssid_len = element_len; memcpy(bss_entry->ssid.ssid, (current_ptr + 2), element_len); - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: InterpretIE: ssid: " - "%-32s\n", bss_entry->ssid.ssid); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, + "info: InterpretIE: ssid: %-32s\n", + bss_entry->ssid.ssid); break; case WLAN_EID_SUPP_RATES: @@ -1199,13 +1184,13 @@ mwifiex_update_bss_desc_with_ie(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, bss_entry->bcn_wpa_ie = (struct ieee_types_vendor_specific *) current_ptr; - bss_entry->wpa_offset = (u16) (current_ptr - - bss_entry->beacon_buf); + bss_entry->wpa_offset = (u16) + (current_ptr - bss_entry->beacon_buf); } else if (!memcmp(vendor_ie->vend_hdr.oui, wmm_oui, sizeof(wmm_oui))) { if (total_ie_len == - sizeof(struct ieee_types_wmm_parameter) - || total_ie_len == + sizeof(struct ieee_types_wmm_parameter) || + total_ie_len == sizeof(struct ieee_types_wmm_info)) /* * Only accept and copy the WMM IE if @@ -1326,14 +1311,14 @@ static int mwifiex_scan_networks(struct mwifiex_private *priv, } scan_cfg_out = kzalloc(sizeof(union mwifiex_scan_cmd_config_tlv), - GFP_KERNEL); + GFP_KERNEL); if (!scan_cfg_out) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "failed to alloc scan_cfg_out\n"); return -ENOMEM; } buf_size = sizeof(struct mwifiex_chan_scan_param_set) * - MWIFIEX_USER_SCAN_CHAN_MAX; + MWIFIEX_USER_SCAN_CHAN_MAX; scan_chan_list = kzalloc(buf_size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!scan_chan_list) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "failed to alloc scan_chan_list\n"); @@ -1341,10 +1326,9 @@ static int mwifiex_scan_networks(struct mwifiex_private *priv, return -ENOMEM; } - mwifiex_scan_setup_scan_config(priv, user_scan_in, - &scan_cfg_out->config, &chan_list_out, - scan_chan_list, &max_chan_per_scan, - &filtered_scan, &scan_current_chan_only); + mwifiex_config_scan(priv, user_scan_in, &scan_cfg_out->config, + &chan_list_out, scan_chan_list, &max_chan_per_scan, + &filtered_scan, &scan_current_chan_only); ret = mwifiex_scan_channel_list(priv, max_chan_per_scan, filtered_scan, &scan_cfg_out->config, chan_list_out, @@ -1355,10 +1339,10 @@ static int mwifiex_scan_networks(struct mwifiex_private *priv, spin_lock_irqsave(&adapter->scan_pending_q_lock, flags); if (!list_empty(&adapter->scan_pending_q)) { cmd_node = list_first_entry(&adapter->scan_pending_q, - struct cmd_ctrl_node, list); + struct cmd_ctrl_node, list); list_del(&cmd_node->list); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->scan_pending_q_lock, - flags); + flags); adapter->cmd_queued = cmd_node; mwifiex_insert_cmd_to_pending_q(adapter, cmd_node, true); @@ -1444,8 +1428,8 @@ int mwifiex_check_network_compatibility(struct mwifiex_private *priv, if (!bss_desc) return -1; - if ((mwifiex_get_cfp_by_band_and_channel_from_cfg80211(priv, - (u8) bss_desc->bss_band, (u16) bss_desc->channel))) { + if ((mwifiex_get_cfp(priv, (u8) bss_desc->bss_band, + (u16) bss_desc->channel, 0))) { switch (priv->bss_mode) { case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION: case NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC: @@ -1524,7 +1508,7 @@ mwifiex_update_curr_bss_params(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 *bssid, /* Make a copy of current BSSID descriptor */ memcpy(&priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor, bss_desc, - sizeof(priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor)); + sizeof(priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor)); mwifiex_save_curr_bcn(priv); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->curr_bcn_buf_lock, flags); @@ -1575,7 +1559,7 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_scan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct cfg80211_bss *bss; is_bgscan_resp = (le16_to_cpu(resp->command) - == HostCmd_CMD_802_11_BG_SCAN_QUERY); + == HostCmd_CMD_802_11_BG_SCAN_QUERY); if (is_bgscan_resp) scan_rsp = &resp->params.bg_scan_query_resp.scan_resp; else @@ -1584,20 +1568,20 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_scan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, if (scan_rsp->number_of_sets > MWIFIEX_MAX_AP) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "SCAN_RESP: too many AP returned (%d)\n", - scan_rsp->number_of_sets); + scan_rsp->number_of_sets); ret = -1; goto done; } bytes_left = le16_to_cpu(scan_rsp->bss_descript_size); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: SCAN_RESP: bss_descript_size %d\n", - bytes_left); + bytes_left); scan_resp_size = le16_to_cpu(resp->size); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: SCAN_RESP: returned %d APs before parsing\n", - scan_rsp->number_of_sets); + scan_rsp->number_of_sets); bss_info = scan_rsp->bss_desc_and_tlv_buffer; @@ -1635,7 +1619,7 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_scan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, s32 rssi; const u8 *ie_buf; size_t ie_len; - int channel = -1; + u16 channel = 0; u64 network_tsf = 0; u16 beacon_size = 0; u32 curr_bcn_bytes; @@ -1673,7 +1657,8 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_scan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * and capability information */ if (curr_bcn_bytes < sizeof(struct mwifiex_bcn_param)) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "InterpretIE: not enough bytes left\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "InterpretIE: not enough bytes left\n"); continue; } bcn_param = (struct mwifiex_bcn_param *)current_ptr; @@ -1683,20 +1668,20 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_scan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, memcpy(bssid, bcn_param->bssid, ETH_ALEN); rssi = (s32) (bcn_param->rssi); - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: InterpretIE: RSSI=%02X\n", - rssi); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: InterpretIE: RSSI=%02X\n", rssi); beacon_period = le16_to_cpu(bcn_param->beacon_period); cap_info_bitmap = le16_to_cpu(bcn_param->cap_info_bitmap); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: InterpretIE: capabilities=0x%X\n", - cap_info_bitmap); + cap_info_bitmap); /* Rest of the current buffer are IE's */ ie_buf = current_ptr; ie_len = curr_bcn_bytes; - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: InterpretIE: IELength for this AP" - " = %d\n", curr_bcn_bytes); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, + "info: InterpretIE: IELength for this AP = %d\n", + curr_bcn_bytes); while (curr_bcn_bytes >= sizeof(struct ieee_types_header)) { u8 element_id, element_len; @@ -1705,8 +1690,8 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_scan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, element_len = *(current_ptr + 1); if (curr_bcn_bytes < element_len + sizeof(struct ieee_types_header)) { - dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "%s: in processing" - " IE, bytes left < IE length\n", + dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, + "%s: bytes left < IE length\n", __func__); goto done; } @@ -1730,10 +1715,10 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_scan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, */ if (tsf_tlv) memcpy(&network_tsf, - &tsf_tlv->tsf_data[idx * TSF_DATA_SIZE], - sizeof(network_tsf)); + &tsf_tlv->tsf_data[idx * TSF_DATA_SIZE], + sizeof(network_tsf)); - if (channel != -1) { + if (channel) { struct ieee80211_channel *chan; u8 band; @@ -1746,8 +1731,7 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_scan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, & (BIT(0) | BIT(1))); } - cfp = mwifiex_get_cfp_by_band_and_channel_from_cfg80211( - priv, (u8)band, (u16)channel); + cfp = mwifiex_get_cfp(priv, band, channel, 0); freq = cfp ? cfp->freq : 0; @@ -1761,13 +1745,15 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_scan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, *(u8 *)bss->priv = band; cfg80211_put_bss(bss); - if (priv->media_connected && !memcmp(bssid, - priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor - .mac_address, ETH_ALEN)) - mwifiex_update_curr_bss_params(priv, - bssid, rssi, ie_buf, - ie_len, beacon_period, - cap_info_bitmap, band); + if (priv->media_connected && + !memcmp(bssid, + priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor + .mac_address, ETH_ALEN)) + mwifiex_update_curr_bss_params + (priv, bssid, rssi, + ie_buf, ie_len, + beacon_period, + cap_info_bitmap, band); } } else { dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "missing BSS channel IE\n"); @@ -1794,8 +1780,8 @@ int mwifiex_ret_802_11_scan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, } if (priv->user_scan_cfg) { - dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: %s: sending scan " - "results\n", __func__); + dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, + "info: %s: sending scan results\n", __func__); cfg80211_scan_done(priv->scan_request, 0); priv->scan_request = NULL; kfree(priv->user_scan_cfg); @@ -1860,7 +1846,7 @@ mwifiex_queue_scan_cmd(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * firmware, filtered on a specific SSID. */ static int mwifiex_scan_specific_ssid(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid *req_ssid) + struct cfg80211_ssid *req_ssid) { struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter = priv->adapter; int ret = 0; @@ -1886,8 +1872,8 @@ static int mwifiex_scan_specific_ssid(struct mwifiex_private *priv, return -ENOMEM; } - memcpy(scan_cfg->ssid_list[0].ssid, req_ssid->ssid, - req_ssid->ssid_len); + scan_cfg->ssid_list = req_ssid; + scan_cfg->num_ssids = 1; ret = mwifiex_scan_networks(priv, scan_cfg); @@ -1905,13 +1891,13 @@ static int mwifiex_scan_specific_ssid(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * scan, depending upon whether an SSID is provided or not. */ int mwifiex_request_scan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid *req_ssid) + struct cfg80211_ssid *req_ssid) { int ret; if (down_interruptible(&priv->async_sem)) { dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "%s: acquire semaphore\n", - __func__); + __func__); return -1; } priv->scan_pending_on_block = true; @@ -1996,21 +1982,21 @@ mwifiex_save_curr_bcn(struct mwifiex_private *priv) /* allocate beacon buffer at 1st time; or if it's size has changed */ if (!priv->curr_bcn_buf || - priv->curr_bcn_size != curr_bss->beacon_buf_size) { + priv->curr_bcn_size != curr_bss->beacon_buf_size) { priv->curr_bcn_size = curr_bss->beacon_buf_size; kfree(priv->curr_bcn_buf); priv->curr_bcn_buf = kmalloc(curr_bss->beacon_buf_size, - GFP_KERNEL); + GFP_ATOMIC); if (!priv->curr_bcn_buf) { dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, - "failed to alloc curr_bcn_buf\n"); + "failed to alloc curr_bcn_buf\n"); return; } } memcpy(priv->curr_bcn_buf, curr_bss->beacon_buf, - curr_bss->beacon_buf_size); + curr_bss->beacon_buf_size); dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: current beacon saved %d\n", priv->curr_bcn_size); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sdio.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sdio.c index d39d8457f25284b8b81f871eddcb36937d4a268d..f8012e2b7f7c735c99394f314a314073a330dd87 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sdio.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sdio.c @@ -67,13 +67,11 @@ mwifiex_sdio_probe(struct sdio_func *func, const struct sdio_device_id *id) struct sdio_mmc_card *card = NULL; pr_debug("info: vendor=0x%4.04X device=0x%4.04X class=%d function=%d\n", - func->vendor, func->device, func->class, func->num); + func->vendor, func->device, func->class, func->num); card = kzalloc(sizeof(struct sdio_mmc_card), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!card) { - pr_err("%s: failed to alloc memory\n", __func__); + if (!card) return -ENOMEM; - } card->func = func; @@ -112,6 +110,7 @@ mwifiex_sdio_remove(struct sdio_func *func) { struct sdio_mmc_card *card; struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter; + struct mwifiex_private *priv; int i; pr_debug("info: SDIO func num=%d\n", func->num); @@ -131,15 +130,12 @@ mwifiex_sdio_remove(struct sdio_func *func) for (i = 0; i < adapter->priv_num; i++) if ((GET_BSS_ROLE(adapter->priv[i]) == MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA) && - adapter->priv[i]->media_connected) + adapter->priv[i]->media_connected) mwifiex_deauthenticate(adapter->priv[i], NULL); - mwifiex_disable_auto_ds(mwifiex_get_priv(adapter, - MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_ANY)); - - mwifiex_init_shutdown_fw(mwifiex_get_priv(adapter, - MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_ANY), - MWIFIEX_FUNC_SHUTDOWN); + priv = mwifiex_get_priv(adapter, MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_ANY); + mwifiex_disable_auto_ds(priv); + mwifiex_init_shutdown_fw(priv, MWIFIEX_FUNC_SHUTDOWN); } mwifiex_remove_card(card->adapter, &add_remove_card_sem); @@ -169,7 +165,7 @@ static int mwifiex_sdio_suspend(struct device *dev) if (func) { pm_flag = sdio_get_host_pm_caps(func); pr_debug("cmd: %s: suspend: PM flag = 0x%x\n", - sdio_func_id(func), pm_flag); + sdio_func_id(func), pm_flag); if (!(pm_flag & MMC_PM_KEEP_POWER)) { pr_err("%s: cannot remain alive while host is" " suspended\n", sdio_func_id(func)); @@ -363,12 +359,11 @@ static int mwifiex_read_data_sync(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, u8 *buffer, { struct sdio_mmc_card *card = adapter->card; int ret = -1; - u8 blk_mode = - (port & MWIFIEX_SDIO_BYTE_MODE_MASK) ? BYTE_MODE : BLOCK_MODE; + u8 blk_mode = (port & MWIFIEX_SDIO_BYTE_MODE_MASK) ? BYTE_MODE + : BLOCK_MODE; u32 blk_size = (blk_mode == BLOCK_MODE) ? MWIFIEX_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE : 1; - u32 blk_cnt = - (blk_mode == - BLOCK_MODE) ? (len / MWIFIEX_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE) : len; + u32 blk_cnt = (blk_mode == BLOCK_MODE) ? (len / MWIFIEX_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE) + : len; u32 ioport = (port & MWIFIEX_SDIO_IO_PORT_MASK); if (claim) @@ -472,8 +467,7 @@ static int mwifiex_write_data_to_card(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, i++; dev_err(adapter->dev, "host_to_card, write iomem" " (%d) failed: %d\n", i, ret); - if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, - CONFIGURATION_REG, 0x04)) + if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, CONFIGURATION_REG, 0x04)) dev_err(adapter->dev, "write CFG reg failed\n"); ret = -1; @@ -507,11 +501,11 @@ static int mwifiex_get_rd_port(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, u8 *port) card->mp_rd_bitmap &= (u16) (~CTRL_PORT_MASK); *port = CTRL_PORT; dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "data: port=%d mp_rd_bitmap=0x%04x\n", - *port, card->mp_rd_bitmap); + *port, card->mp_rd_bitmap); } else { if (card->mp_rd_bitmap & (1 << card->curr_rd_port)) { - card->mp_rd_bitmap &= - (u16) (~(1 << card->curr_rd_port)); + card->mp_rd_bitmap &= (u16) + (~(1 << card->curr_rd_port)); *port = card->curr_rd_port; if (++card->curr_rd_port == MAX_PORT) @@ -522,7 +516,7 @@ static int mwifiex_get_rd_port(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, u8 *port) dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "data: port=%d mp_rd_bitmap=0x%04x -> 0x%04x\n", - *port, rd_bitmap, card->mp_rd_bitmap); + *port, rd_bitmap, card->mp_rd_bitmap); } return 0; } @@ -556,14 +550,14 @@ static int mwifiex_get_wr_port_data(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, u8 *port) if (*port == CTRL_PORT) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "invalid data port=%d cur port=%d" - " mp_wr_bitmap=0x%04x -> 0x%04x\n", - *port, card->curr_wr_port, wr_bitmap, - card->mp_wr_bitmap); + " mp_wr_bitmap=0x%04x -> 0x%04x\n", + *port, card->curr_wr_port, wr_bitmap, + card->mp_wr_bitmap); return -1; } dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "data: port=%d mp_wr_bitmap=0x%04x -> 0x%04x\n", - *port, wr_bitmap, card->mp_wr_bitmap); + *port, wr_bitmap, card->mp_wr_bitmap); return 0; } @@ -583,11 +577,11 @@ mwifiex_sdio_poll_card_status(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, u8 bits) else if ((cs & bits) == bits) return 0; - udelay(10); + usleep_range(10, 20); } - dev_err(adapter->dev, "poll card status failed, tries = %d\n", - tries); + dev_err(adapter->dev, "poll card status failed, tries = %d\n", tries); + return -1; } @@ -670,14 +664,14 @@ static int mwifiex_sdio_card_to_host(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if (ret) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: read iomem failed: %d\n", __func__, - ret); + ret); return -1; } nb = le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *) (buffer)); if (nb > npayload) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: invalid packet, nb=%d, npayload=%d\n", - __func__, nb, npayload); + dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: invalid packet, nb=%d npayload=%d\n", + __func__, nb, npayload); return -1; } @@ -707,19 +701,19 @@ static int mwifiex_prog_fw_w_helper(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, u32 i = 0; if (!firmware_len) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "firmware image not found!" - " Terminating download\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "firmware image not found! Terminating download\n"); return -1; } dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: downloading FW image (%d bytes)\n", - firmware_len); + firmware_len); /* Assume that the allocated buffer is 8-byte aligned */ fwbuf = kzalloc(MWIFIEX_UPLD_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); if (!fwbuf) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "unable to alloc buffer for firmware." - " Terminating download\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "unable to alloc buffer for FW. Terminating dnld\n"); return -ENOMEM; } @@ -731,7 +725,7 @@ static int mwifiex_prog_fw_w_helper(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, DN_LD_CARD_RDY); if (ret) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "FW download with helper:" - " poll status timeout @ %d\n", offset); + " poll status timeout @ %d\n", offset); goto done; } @@ -743,17 +737,19 @@ static int mwifiex_prog_fw_w_helper(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, ret = mwifiex_read_reg(adapter, HOST_F1_RD_BASE_0, &base0); if (ret) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "dev BASE0 register read" - " failed: base0=0x%04X(%d). Terminating " - "download\n", base0, base0); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "dev BASE0 register read failed: " + "base0=%#04X(%d). Terminating dnld\n", + base0, base0); goto done; } ret = mwifiex_read_reg(adapter, HOST_F1_RD_BASE_1, &base1); if (ret) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "dev BASE1 register read" - " failed: base1=0x%04X(%d). Terminating " - "download\n", base1, base1); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "dev BASE1 register read failed: " + "base1=%#04X(%d). Terminating dnld\n", + base1, base1); goto done; } len = (u16) (((base1 & 0xff) << 8) | (base0 & 0xff)); @@ -761,14 +757,15 @@ static int mwifiex_prog_fw_w_helper(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if (len) break; - udelay(10); + usleep_range(10, 20); } if (!len) { break; } else if (len > MWIFIEX_UPLD_SIZE) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "FW download failed @ %d," - " invalid length %d\n", offset, len); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "FW dnld failed @ %d, invalid length %d\n", + offset, len); ret = -1; goto done; } @@ -778,13 +775,14 @@ static int mwifiex_prog_fw_w_helper(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if (len & BIT(0)) { i++; if (i > MAX_WRITE_IOMEM_RETRY) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "FW download failed @" - " %d, over max retry count\n", offset); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "FW dnld failed @ %d, over max retry\n", + offset); ret = -1; goto done; } dev_err(adapter->dev, "CRC indicated by the helper:" - " len = 0x%04X, txlen = %d\n", len, txlen); + " len = 0x%04X, txlen = %d\n", len, txlen); len &= ~BIT(0); /* Setting this to 0 to resend from same offset */ txlen = 0; @@ -796,8 +794,8 @@ static int mwifiex_prog_fw_w_helper(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if (firmware_len - offset < txlen) txlen = firmware_len - offset; - tx_blocks = (txlen + MWIFIEX_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE - - 1) / MWIFIEX_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE; + tx_blocks = (txlen + MWIFIEX_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) + / MWIFIEX_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE; /* Copy payload to buffer */ memmove(fwbuf, &firmware[offset], txlen); @@ -807,8 +805,9 @@ static int mwifiex_prog_fw_w_helper(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, MWIFIEX_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE, adapter->ioport); if (ret) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "FW download, write iomem (%d)" - " failed @ %d\n", i, offset); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "FW download, write iomem (%d) failed @ %d\n", + i, offset); if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, CONFIGURATION_REG, 0x04)) dev_err(adapter->dev, "write CFG reg failed\n"); @@ -820,7 +819,7 @@ static int mwifiex_prog_fw_w_helper(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, } while (true); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: FW download over, size %d bytes\n", - offset); + offset); ret = 0; done: @@ -912,7 +911,7 @@ mwifiex_sdio_interrupt(struct sdio_func *func) card = sdio_get_drvdata(func); if (!card || !card->adapter) { pr_debug("int: func=%p card=%p adapter=%p\n", - func, card, card ? card->adapter : NULL); + func, card, card ? card->adapter : NULL); return; } adapter = card->adapter; @@ -955,10 +954,12 @@ static int mwifiex_decode_rx_packet(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if (adapter->ps_state == PS_STATE_SLEEP_CFM) mwifiex_process_sleep_confirm_resp(adapter, - skb->data, skb->len); + skb->data, + skb->len); - memcpy(cmd_buf, skb->data, min_t(u32, - MWIFIEX_SIZE_OF_CMD_BUFFER, skb->len)); + memcpy(cmd_buf, skb->data, + min_t(u32, MWIFIEX_SIZE_OF_CMD_BUFFER, + skb->len)); dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); } else { @@ -1016,7 +1017,7 @@ static int mwifiex_sdio_card_to_host_mp_aggr(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if (port == CTRL_PORT) { /* Read the command Resp without aggr */ dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: %s: no aggregation for cmd " - "response\n", __func__); + "response\n", __func__); f_do_rx_cur = 1; goto rx_curr_single; @@ -1024,7 +1025,7 @@ static int mwifiex_sdio_card_to_host_mp_aggr(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if (!card->mpa_rx.enabled) { dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: %s: rx aggregation disabled\n", - __func__); + __func__); f_do_rx_cur = 1; goto rx_curr_single; @@ -1071,7 +1072,7 @@ static int mwifiex_sdio_card_to_host_mp_aggr(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if (MP_RX_AGGR_PKT_LIMIT_REACHED(card) || MP_RX_AGGR_PORT_LIMIT_REACHED(card)) { dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: %s: aggregated packet " - "limit reached\n", __func__); + "limit reached\n", __func__); /* No more pkts allowed in Aggr buf, rx it */ f_do_rx_aggr = 1; } @@ -1080,7 +1081,7 @@ static int mwifiex_sdio_card_to_host_mp_aggr(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if (f_do_rx_aggr) { /* do aggr RX now */ dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: do_rx_aggr: num of packets: %d\n", - card->mpa_rx.pkt_cnt); + card->mpa_rx.pkt_cnt); if (mwifiex_read_data_sync(adapter, card->mpa_rx.buf, card->mpa_rx.buf_len, @@ -1194,7 +1195,7 @@ static int mwifiex_process_int_status(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) card->mp_wr_bitmap = ((u16) card->mp_regs[WR_BITMAP_U]) << 8; card->mp_wr_bitmap |= (u16) card->mp_regs[WR_BITMAP_L]; dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "int: DNLD: wr_bitmap=0x%04x\n", - card->mp_wr_bitmap); + card->mp_wr_bitmap); if (adapter->data_sent && (card->mp_wr_bitmap & card->mp_data_port_mask)) { dev_dbg(adapter->dev, @@ -1216,12 +1217,12 @@ static int mwifiex_process_int_status(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) } dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: cmd_sent=%d data_sent=%d\n", - adapter->cmd_sent, adapter->data_sent); + adapter->cmd_sent, adapter->data_sent); if (sdio_ireg & UP_LD_HOST_INT_STATUS) { card->mp_rd_bitmap = ((u16) card->mp_regs[RD_BITMAP_U]) << 8; card->mp_rd_bitmap |= (u16) card->mp_regs[RD_BITMAP_L]; dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "int: UPLD: rd_bitmap=0x%04x\n", - card->mp_rd_bitmap); + card->mp_rd_bitmap); while (true) { ret = mwifiex_get_rd_port(adapter, &port); @@ -1235,15 +1236,15 @@ static int mwifiex_process_int_status(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) rx_len = ((u16) card->mp_regs[len_reg_u]) << 8; rx_len |= (u16) card->mp_regs[len_reg_l]; dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: RX: port=%d rx_len=%u\n", - port, rx_len); + port, rx_len); rx_blocks = (rx_len + MWIFIEX_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / MWIFIEX_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE; - if (rx_len <= INTF_HEADER_LEN - || (rx_blocks * MWIFIEX_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE) > - MWIFIEX_RX_DATA_BUF_SIZE) { + if (rx_len <= INTF_HEADER_LEN || + (rx_blocks * MWIFIEX_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE) > + MWIFIEX_RX_DATA_BUF_SIZE) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "invalid rx_len=%d\n", - rx_len); + rx_len); return -1; } rx_len = (u16) (rx_blocks * MWIFIEX_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE); @@ -1252,42 +1253,42 @@ static int mwifiex_process_int_status(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) if (!skb) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: failed to alloc skb", - __func__); + __func__); return -1; } skb_put(skb, rx_len); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: rx_len = %d skb->len = %d\n", - rx_len, skb->len); + rx_len, skb->len); if (mwifiex_sdio_card_to_host_mp_aggr(adapter, skb, port)) { u32 cr = 0; dev_err(adapter->dev, "card_to_host_mpa failed:" - " int status=%#x\n", sdio_ireg); + " int status=%#x\n", sdio_ireg); if (mwifiex_read_reg(adapter, CONFIGURATION_REG, &cr)) dev_err(adapter->dev, - "read CFG reg failed\n"); + "read CFG reg failed\n"); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, - "info: CFG reg val = %d\n", cr); + "info: CFG reg val = %d\n", cr); if (mwifiex_write_reg(adapter, CONFIGURATION_REG, (cr | 0x04))) dev_err(adapter->dev, - "write CFG reg failed\n"); + "write CFG reg failed\n"); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: write success\n"); if (mwifiex_read_reg(adapter, CONFIGURATION_REG, &cr)) dev_err(adapter->dev, - "read CFG reg failed\n"); + "read CFG reg failed\n"); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, - "info: CFG reg val =%x\n", cr); + "info: CFG reg val =%x\n", cr); return -1; } } @@ -1323,7 +1324,7 @@ static int mwifiex_host_to_card_mp_aggr(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if ((!card->mpa_tx.enabled) || (port == CTRL_PORT)) { dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: %s: tx aggregation disabled\n", - __func__); + __func__); f_send_cur_buf = 1; goto tx_curr_single; @@ -1332,7 +1333,7 @@ static int mwifiex_host_to_card_mp_aggr(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if (next_pkt_len) { /* More pkt in TX queue */ dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: %s: more packets in queue.\n", - __func__); + __func__); if (MP_TX_AGGR_IN_PROGRESS(card)) { if (!MP_TX_AGGR_PORT_LIMIT_REACHED(card) && @@ -1340,9 +1341,9 @@ static int mwifiex_host_to_card_mp_aggr(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, f_precopy_cur_buf = 1; if (!(card->mp_wr_bitmap & - (1 << card->curr_wr_port)) - || !MP_TX_AGGR_BUF_HAS_ROOM( - card, pkt_len + next_pkt_len)) + (1 << card->curr_wr_port)) || + !MP_TX_AGGR_BUF_HAS_ROOM( + card, pkt_len + next_pkt_len)) f_send_aggr_buf = 1; } else { /* No room in Aggr buf, send it */ @@ -1356,8 +1357,8 @@ static int mwifiex_host_to_card_mp_aggr(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, f_postcopy_cur_buf = 1; } } else { - if (MP_TX_AGGR_BUF_HAS_ROOM(card, pkt_len) - && (card->mp_wr_bitmap & (1 << card->curr_wr_port))) + if (MP_TX_AGGR_BUF_HAS_ROOM(card, pkt_len) && + (card->mp_wr_bitmap & (1 << card->curr_wr_port))) f_precopy_cur_buf = 1; else f_send_cur_buf = 1; @@ -1365,7 +1366,7 @@ static int mwifiex_host_to_card_mp_aggr(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, } else { /* Last pkt in TX queue */ dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: %s: Last packet in Tx Queue.\n", - __func__); + __func__); if (MP_TX_AGGR_IN_PROGRESS(card)) { /* some packs in Aggr buf already */ @@ -1383,7 +1384,7 @@ static int mwifiex_host_to_card_mp_aggr(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if (f_precopy_cur_buf) { dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "data: %s: precopy current buffer\n", - __func__); + __func__); MP_TX_AGGR_BUF_PUT(card, payload, pkt_len, port); if (MP_TX_AGGR_PKT_LIMIT_REACHED(card) || @@ -1394,7 +1395,7 @@ static int mwifiex_host_to_card_mp_aggr(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if (f_send_aggr_buf) { dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "data: %s: send aggr buffer: %d %d\n", - __func__, + __func__, card->mpa_tx.start_port, card->mpa_tx.ports); ret = mwifiex_write_data_to_card(adapter, card->mpa_tx.buf, card->mpa_tx.buf_len, @@ -1408,14 +1409,14 @@ static int mwifiex_host_to_card_mp_aggr(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, tx_curr_single: if (f_send_cur_buf) { dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "data: %s: send current buffer %d\n", - __func__, port); + __func__, port); ret = mwifiex_write_data_to_card(adapter, payload, pkt_len, adapter->ioport + port); } if (f_postcopy_cur_buf) { dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "data: %s: postcopy current buffer\n", - __func__); + __func__); MP_TX_AGGR_BUF_PUT(card, payload, pkt_len, port); } @@ -1460,7 +1461,7 @@ static int mwifiex_sdio_host_to_card(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, ret = mwifiex_get_wr_port_data(adapter, &port); if (ret) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: no wr_port available\n", - __func__); + __func__); return ret; } } else { @@ -1470,7 +1471,7 @@ static int mwifiex_sdio_host_to_card(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if (pkt_len <= INTF_HEADER_LEN || pkt_len > MWIFIEX_UPLD_SIZE) dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: payload=%p, nb=%d\n", - __func__, payload, pkt_len); + __func__, payload, pkt_len); } /* Transfer data to card */ @@ -1478,10 +1479,11 @@ static int mwifiex_sdio_host_to_card(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if (tx_param) ret = mwifiex_host_to_card_mp_aggr(adapter, payload, pkt_len, - port, tx_param->next_pkt_len); + port, tx_param->next_pkt_len + ); else ret = mwifiex_host_to_card_mp_aggr(adapter, payload, pkt_len, - port, 0); + port, 0); if (ret) { if (type == MWIFIEX_TYPE_CMD) @@ -1734,7 +1736,7 @@ mwifiex_update_mp_end_port(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, u16 port) card->curr_wr_port = 1; dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "cmd: mp_end_port %d, data port mask 0x%x\n", - port, card->mp_data_port_mask); + port, card->mp_data_port_mask); } static struct mwifiex_if_ops sdio_ops = { diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_cmd.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_cmd.c index 6e443ffa0465c7ecb93a0ab8165f90fe6127bd0f..6c8e4594b48bed9bbaa148fe3888e3311ba48d58 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_cmd.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_cmd.c @@ -103,76 +103,32 @@ static int mwifiex_cmd_mac_control(struct mwifiex_private *priv, static int mwifiex_cmd_802_11_snmp_mib(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct host_cmd_ds_command *cmd, u16 cmd_action, u32 cmd_oid, - u32 *ul_temp) + u16 *ul_temp) { struct host_cmd_ds_802_11_snmp_mib *snmp_mib = &cmd->params.smib; dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "cmd: SNMP_CMD: cmd_oid = 0x%x\n", cmd_oid); cmd->command = cpu_to_le16(HostCmd_CMD_802_11_SNMP_MIB); cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_802_11_snmp_mib) - - 1 + S_DS_GEN); + - 1 + S_DS_GEN); + snmp_mib->oid = cpu_to_le16((u16)cmd_oid); if (cmd_action == HostCmd_ACT_GEN_GET) { snmp_mib->query_type = cpu_to_le16(HostCmd_ACT_GEN_GET); snmp_mib->buf_size = cpu_to_le16(MAX_SNMP_BUF_SIZE); - cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(le16_to_cpu(cmd->size) - + MAX_SNMP_BUF_SIZE); + le16_add_cpu(&cmd->size, MAX_SNMP_BUF_SIZE); + } else if (cmd_action == HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET) { + snmp_mib->query_type = cpu_to_le16(HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET); + snmp_mib->buf_size = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(u16)); + *((__le16 *) (snmp_mib->value)) = cpu_to_le16(*ul_temp); + le16_add_cpu(&cmd->size, sizeof(u16)); } - switch (cmd_oid) { - case FRAG_THRESH_I: - snmp_mib->oid = cpu_to_le16((u16) FRAG_THRESH_I); - if (cmd_action == HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET) { - snmp_mib->query_type = cpu_to_le16(HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET); - snmp_mib->buf_size = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(u16)); - *((__le16 *) (snmp_mib->value)) = - cpu_to_le16((u16) *ul_temp); - cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(le16_to_cpu(cmd->size) - + sizeof(u16)); - } - break; - case RTS_THRESH_I: - snmp_mib->oid = cpu_to_le16((u16) RTS_THRESH_I); - if (cmd_action == HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET) { - snmp_mib->query_type = cpu_to_le16(HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET); - snmp_mib->buf_size = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(u16)); - *(__le16 *) (snmp_mib->value) = - cpu_to_le16((u16) *ul_temp); - cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(le16_to_cpu(cmd->size) - + sizeof(u16)); - } - break; - - case SHORT_RETRY_LIM_I: - snmp_mib->oid = cpu_to_le16((u16) SHORT_RETRY_LIM_I); - if (cmd_action == HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET) { - snmp_mib->query_type = cpu_to_le16(HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET); - snmp_mib->buf_size = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(u16)); - *((__le16 *) (snmp_mib->value)) = - cpu_to_le16((u16) *ul_temp); - cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(le16_to_cpu(cmd->size) - + sizeof(u16)); - } - break; - case DOT11D_I: - snmp_mib->oid = cpu_to_le16((u16) DOT11D_I); - if (cmd_action == HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET) { - snmp_mib->query_type = cpu_to_le16(HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET); - snmp_mib->buf_size = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(u16)); - *((__le16 *) (snmp_mib->value)) = - cpu_to_le16((u16) *ul_temp); - cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(le16_to_cpu(cmd->size) - + sizeof(u16)); - } - break; - default: - break; - } dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "cmd: SNMP_CMD: Action=0x%x, OID=0x%x, OIDSize=0x%x," " Value=0x%x\n", - cmd_action, cmd_oid, le16_to_cpu(snmp_mib->buf_size), - le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *) snmp_mib->value)); + cmd_action, cmd_oid, le16_to_cpu(snmp_mib->buf_size), + le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *) snmp_mib->value)); return 0; } @@ -218,8 +174,8 @@ static int mwifiex_cmd_tx_rate_cfg(struct mwifiex_private *priv, rate_scope = (struct mwifiex_rate_scope *) ((u8 *) rate_cfg + sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_tx_rate_cfg)); rate_scope->type = cpu_to_le16(TLV_TYPE_RATE_SCOPE); - rate_scope->length = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(struct mwifiex_rate_scope) - - sizeof(struct mwifiex_ie_types_header)); + rate_scope->length = cpu_to_le16 + (sizeof(*rate_scope) - sizeof(struct mwifiex_ie_types_header)); if (pbitmap_rates != NULL) { rate_scope->hr_dsss_rate_bitmap = cpu_to_le16(pbitmap_rates[0]); rate_scope->ofdm_rate_bitmap = cpu_to_le16(pbitmap_rates[1]); @@ -241,7 +197,7 @@ static int mwifiex_cmd_tx_rate_cfg(struct mwifiex_private *priv, } rate_drop = (struct mwifiex_rate_drop_pattern *) ((u8 *) rate_scope + - sizeof(struct mwifiex_rate_scope)); + sizeof(struct mwifiex_rate_scope)); rate_drop->type = cpu_to_le16(TLV_TYPE_RATE_DROP_CONTROL); rate_drop->length = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(rate_drop->rate_drop_mode)); rate_drop->rate_drop_mode = 0; @@ -328,22 +284,22 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_hs_cfg(struct mwifiex_private *priv, cmd->command = cpu_to_le16(HostCmd_CMD_802_11_HS_CFG_ENH); if (!hs_activate && - (hscfg_param->conditions - != cpu_to_le32(HOST_SLEEP_CFG_CANCEL)) - && ((adapter->arp_filter_size > 0) - && (adapter->arp_filter_size <= ARP_FILTER_MAX_BUF_SIZE))) { + (hscfg_param->conditions != cpu_to_le32(HOST_SLEEP_CFG_CANCEL)) && + ((adapter->arp_filter_size > 0) && + (adapter->arp_filter_size <= ARP_FILTER_MAX_BUF_SIZE))) { dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "cmd: Attach %d bytes ArpFilter to HSCfg cmd\n", - adapter->arp_filter_size); + adapter->arp_filter_size); memcpy(((u8 *) hs_cfg) + sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_802_11_hs_cfg_enh), adapter->arp_filter, adapter->arp_filter_size); - cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(adapter->arp_filter_size + - sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_802_11_hs_cfg_enh) - + S_DS_GEN); + cmd->size = cpu_to_le16 + (adapter->arp_filter_size + + sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_802_11_hs_cfg_enh) + + S_DS_GEN); } else { cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(S_DS_GEN + sizeof(struct - host_cmd_ds_802_11_hs_cfg_enh)); + host_cmd_ds_802_11_hs_cfg_enh)); } if (hs_activate) { hs_cfg->action = cpu_to_le16(HS_ACTIVATE); @@ -511,7 +467,7 @@ mwifiex_set_keyparamset_wep(struct mwifiex_private *priv, key_param_set = (struct mwifiex_ie_type_key_param_set *) ((u8 *)key_param_set + - cur_key_param_len); + cur_key_param_len); } else if (!priv->wep_key[i].key_length) { continue; } else { @@ -571,13 +527,13 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_key_material(struct mwifiex_private *priv, if (enc_key->is_wapi_key) { dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: Set WAPI Key\n"); key_material->key_param_set.key_type_id = - cpu_to_le16(KEY_TYPE_ID_WAPI); + cpu_to_le16(KEY_TYPE_ID_WAPI); if (cmd_oid == KEY_INFO_ENABLED) key_material->key_param_set.key_info = - cpu_to_le16(KEY_ENABLED); + cpu_to_le16(KEY_ENABLED); else key_material->key_param_set.key_info = - cpu_to_le16(!KEY_ENABLED); + cpu_to_le16(!KEY_ENABLED); key_material->key_param_set.key[0] = enc_key->key_index; if (!priv->sec_info.wapi_key_on) @@ -597,9 +553,9 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_key_material(struct mwifiex_private *priv, } key_material->key_param_set.type = - cpu_to_le16(TLV_TYPE_KEY_MATERIAL); + cpu_to_le16(TLV_TYPE_KEY_MATERIAL); key_material->key_param_set.key_len = - cpu_to_le16(WAPI_KEY_LEN); + cpu_to_le16(WAPI_KEY_LEN); memcpy(&key_material->key_param_set.key[2], enc_key->key_material, enc_key->key_len); memcpy(&key_material->key_param_set.key[2 + enc_key->key_len], @@ -609,49 +565,49 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_key_material(struct mwifiex_private *priv, key_param_len = (WAPI_KEY_LEN + KEYPARAMSET_FIXED_LEN) + sizeof(struct mwifiex_ie_types_header); - cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(key_param_len + - sizeof(key_material->action) + S_DS_GEN); + cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(key_material->action) + + S_DS_GEN + key_param_len); return ret; } if (enc_key->key_len == WLAN_KEY_LEN_CCMP) { dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "cmd: WPA_AES\n"); key_material->key_param_set.key_type_id = - cpu_to_le16(KEY_TYPE_ID_AES); + cpu_to_le16(KEY_TYPE_ID_AES); if (cmd_oid == KEY_INFO_ENABLED) key_material->key_param_set.key_info = - cpu_to_le16(KEY_ENABLED); + cpu_to_le16(KEY_ENABLED); else key_material->key_param_set.key_info = - cpu_to_le16(!KEY_ENABLED); + cpu_to_le16(!KEY_ENABLED); if (enc_key->key_index & MWIFIEX_KEY_INDEX_UNICAST) /* AES pairwise key: unicast */ key_material->key_param_set.key_info |= - cpu_to_le16(KEY_UNICAST); + cpu_to_le16(KEY_UNICAST); else /* AES group key: multicast */ key_material->key_param_set.key_info |= - cpu_to_le16(KEY_MCAST); + cpu_to_le16(KEY_MCAST); } else if (enc_key->key_len == WLAN_KEY_LEN_TKIP) { dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "cmd: WPA_TKIP\n"); key_material->key_param_set.key_type_id = - cpu_to_le16(KEY_TYPE_ID_TKIP); + cpu_to_le16(KEY_TYPE_ID_TKIP); key_material->key_param_set.key_info = - cpu_to_le16(KEY_ENABLED); + cpu_to_le16(KEY_ENABLED); if (enc_key->key_index & MWIFIEX_KEY_INDEX_UNICAST) /* TKIP pairwise key: unicast */ key_material->key_param_set.key_info |= - cpu_to_le16(KEY_UNICAST); + cpu_to_le16(KEY_UNICAST); else /* TKIP group key: multicast */ key_material->key_param_set.key_info |= - cpu_to_le16(KEY_MCAST); + cpu_to_le16(KEY_MCAST); } if (key_material->key_param_set.key_type_id) { key_material->key_param_set.type = - cpu_to_le16(TLV_TYPE_KEY_MATERIAL); + cpu_to_le16(TLV_TYPE_KEY_MATERIAL); key_material->key_param_set.key_len = - cpu_to_le16((u16) enc_key->key_len); + cpu_to_le16((u16) enc_key->key_len); memcpy(key_material->key_param_set.key, enc_key->key_material, enc_key->key_len); key_material->key_param_set.length = @@ -659,10 +615,10 @@ mwifiex_cmd_802_11_key_material(struct mwifiex_private *priv, KEYPARAMSET_FIXED_LEN); key_param_len = (u16) (enc_key->key_len + KEYPARAMSET_FIXED_LEN) - + sizeof(struct mwifiex_ie_types_header); + + sizeof(struct mwifiex_ie_types_header); - cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(key_param_len + - sizeof(key_material->action) + S_DS_GEN); + cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(key_material->action) + S_DS_GEN + + key_param_len); } return ret; @@ -699,21 +655,22 @@ static int mwifiex_cmd_802_11d_domain_info(struct mwifiex_private *priv, /* Set domain info fields */ domain->header.type = cpu_to_le16(WLAN_EID_COUNTRY); memcpy(domain->country_code, adapter->domain_reg.country_code, - sizeof(domain->country_code)); + sizeof(domain->country_code)); - domain->header.len = cpu_to_le16((no_of_triplet * - sizeof(struct ieee80211_country_ie_triplet)) + - sizeof(domain->country_code)); + domain->header.len = + cpu_to_le16((no_of_triplet * + sizeof(struct ieee80211_country_ie_triplet)) + + sizeof(domain->country_code)); if (no_of_triplet) { memcpy(domain->triplet, adapter->domain_reg.triplet, - no_of_triplet * - sizeof(struct ieee80211_country_ie_triplet)); + no_of_triplet * sizeof(struct + ieee80211_country_ie_triplet)); cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(domain_info->action) + - le16_to_cpu(domain->header.len) + - sizeof(struct mwifiex_ie_types_header) - + S_DS_GEN); + le16_to_cpu(domain->header.len) + + sizeof(struct mwifiex_ie_types_header) + + S_DS_GEN); } else { cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(domain_info->action) + S_DS_GEN); } @@ -742,8 +699,8 @@ static int mwifiex_cmd_802_11_rf_channel(struct mwifiex_private *priv, + S_DS_GEN); if (cmd_action == HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET) { - if ((priv->adapter->adhoc_start_band & BAND_A) - || (priv->adapter->adhoc_start_band & BAND_AN)) + if ((priv->adapter->adhoc_start_band & BAND_A) || + (priv->adapter->adhoc_start_band & BAND_AN)) rf_chan->rf_type = cpu_to_le16(HostCmd_SCAN_RADIO_TYPE_A); @@ -821,7 +778,7 @@ static int mwifiex_cmd_reg_access(struct host_cmd_ds_command *cmd, cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(*mac_reg) + S_DS_GEN); mac_reg = (struct host_cmd_ds_mac_reg_access *) &cmd-> - params.mac_reg; + params.mac_reg; mac_reg->action = cpu_to_le16(cmd_action); mac_reg->offset = cpu_to_le16((u16) le32_to_cpu(reg_rw->offset)); @@ -833,8 +790,8 @@ static int mwifiex_cmd_reg_access(struct host_cmd_ds_command *cmd, struct host_cmd_ds_bbp_reg_access *bbp_reg; cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(*bbp_reg) + S_DS_GEN); - bbp_reg = (struct host_cmd_ds_bbp_reg_access *) &cmd-> - params.bbp_reg; + bbp_reg = (struct host_cmd_ds_bbp_reg_access *) + &cmd->params.bbp_reg; bbp_reg->action = cpu_to_le16(cmd_action); bbp_reg->offset = cpu_to_le16((u16) le32_to_cpu(reg_rw->offset)); @@ -846,11 +803,10 @@ static int mwifiex_cmd_reg_access(struct host_cmd_ds_command *cmd, struct host_cmd_ds_rf_reg_access *rf_reg; cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(*rf_reg) + S_DS_GEN); - rf_reg = (struct host_cmd_ds_rf_reg_access *) &cmd-> - params.rf_reg; + rf_reg = (struct host_cmd_ds_rf_reg_access *) + &cmd->params.rf_reg; rf_reg->action = cpu_to_le16(cmd_action); - rf_reg->offset = - cpu_to_le16((u16) le32_to_cpu(reg_rw->offset)); + rf_reg->offset = cpu_to_le16((u16) le32_to_cpu(reg_rw->offset)); rf_reg->value = (u8) le32_to_cpu(reg_rw->value); break; } @@ -863,7 +819,7 @@ static int mwifiex_cmd_reg_access(struct host_cmd_ds_command *cmd, params.pmic_reg; pmic_reg->action = cpu_to_le16(cmd_action); pmic_reg->offset = - cpu_to_le16((u16) le32_to_cpu(reg_rw->offset)); + cpu_to_le16((u16) le32_to_cpu(reg_rw->offset)); pmic_reg->value = (u8) le32_to_cpu(reg_rw->value); break; } @@ -872,11 +828,11 @@ static int mwifiex_cmd_reg_access(struct host_cmd_ds_command *cmd, struct host_cmd_ds_rf_reg_access *cau_reg; cmd->size = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(*cau_reg) + S_DS_GEN); - cau_reg = (struct host_cmd_ds_rf_reg_access *) &cmd-> - params.rf_reg; + cau_reg = (struct host_cmd_ds_rf_reg_access *) + &cmd->params.rf_reg; cau_reg->action = cpu_to_le16(cmd_action); cau_reg->offset = - cpu_to_le16((u16) le32_to_cpu(reg_rw->offset)); + cpu_to_le16((u16) le32_to_cpu(reg_rw->offset)); cau_reg->value = (u8) le32_to_cpu(reg_rw->value); break; } @@ -912,7 +868,7 @@ static int mwifiex_cmd_reg_access(struct host_cmd_ds_command *cmd, */ static int mwifiex_cmd_pcie_host_spec(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - struct host_cmd_ds_command *cmd, u16 action) + struct host_cmd_ds_command *cmd, u16 action) { struct host_cmd_ds_pcie_details *host_spec = &cmd->params.pcie_host_spec; @@ -926,29 +882,25 @@ mwifiex_cmd_pcie_host_spec(struct mwifiex_private *priv, memset(host_spec, 0, sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_pcie_details)); - if (action == HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET) { - /* Send the ring base addresses and count to firmware */ - host_spec->txbd_addr_lo = (u32)(card->txbd_ring_pbase); - host_spec->txbd_addr_hi = - (u32)(((u64)card->txbd_ring_pbase)>>32); - host_spec->txbd_count = MWIFIEX_MAX_TXRX_BD; - host_spec->rxbd_addr_lo = (u32)(card->rxbd_ring_pbase); - host_spec->rxbd_addr_hi = - (u32)(((u64)card->rxbd_ring_pbase)>>32); - host_spec->rxbd_count = MWIFIEX_MAX_TXRX_BD; - host_spec->evtbd_addr_lo = - (u32)(card->evtbd_ring_pbase); - host_spec->evtbd_addr_hi = - (u32)(((u64)card->evtbd_ring_pbase)>>32); - host_spec->evtbd_count = MWIFIEX_MAX_EVT_BD; - if (card->sleep_cookie) { - buf_pa = MWIFIEX_SKB_PACB(card->sleep_cookie); - host_spec->sleep_cookie_addr_lo = (u32) *buf_pa; - host_spec->sleep_cookie_addr_hi = - (u32) (((u64)*buf_pa) >> 32); - dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "sleep_cook_lo phy addr: " - "0x%x\n", host_spec->sleep_cookie_addr_lo); - } + if (action != HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET) + return 0; + + /* Send the ring base addresses and count to firmware */ + host_spec->txbd_addr_lo = (u32)(card->txbd_ring_pbase); + host_spec->txbd_addr_hi = (u32)(((u64)card->txbd_ring_pbase)>>32); + host_spec->txbd_count = MWIFIEX_MAX_TXRX_BD; + host_spec->rxbd_addr_lo = (u32)(card->rxbd_ring_pbase); + host_spec->rxbd_addr_hi = (u32)(((u64)card->rxbd_ring_pbase)>>32); + host_spec->rxbd_count = MWIFIEX_MAX_TXRX_BD; + host_spec->evtbd_addr_lo = (u32)(card->evtbd_ring_pbase); + host_spec->evtbd_addr_hi = (u32)(((u64)card->evtbd_ring_pbase)>>32); + host_spec->evtbd_count = MWIFIEX_MAX_EVT_BD; + if (card->sleep_cookie) { + buf_pa = MWIFIEX_SKB_PACB(card->sleep_cookie); + host_spec->sleep_cookie_addr_lo = (u32) *buf_pa; + host_spec->sleep_cookie_addr_hi = (u32) (((u64)*buf_pa) >> 32); + dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "sleep_cook_lo phy addr: 0x%x\n", + host_spec->sleep_cookie_addr_lo); } return 0; @@ -1080,12 +1032,12 @@ int mwifiex_sta_prepare_cmd(struct mwifiex_private *priv, uint16_t cmd_no, break; case HostCmd_CMD_802_11_KEY_MATERIAL: ret = mwifiex_cmd_802_11_key_material(priv, cmd_ptr, - cmd_action, cmd_oid, - data_buf); + cmd_action, cmd_oid, + data_buf); break; case HostCmd_CMD_802_11D_DOMAIN_INFO: ret = mwifiex_cmd_802_11d_domain_info(priv, cmd_ptr, - cmd_action); + cmd_action); break; case HostCmd_CMD_RECONFIGURE_TX_BUFF: ret = mwifiex_cmd_recfg_tx_buf(priv, cmd_ptr, cmd_action, @@ -1096,8 +1048,7 @@ int mwifiex_sta_prepare_cmd(struct mwifiex_private *priv, uint16_t cmd_no, data_buf); break; case HostCmd_CMD_11N_CFG: - ret = mwifiex_cmd_11n_cfg(cmd_ptr, cmd_action, - data_buf); + ret = mwifiex_cmd_11n_cfg(cmd_ptr, cmd_action, data_buf); break; case HostCmd_CMD_WMM_GET_STATUS: dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, @@ -1175,8 +1126,8 @@ int mwifiex_sta_init_cmd(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 first_sta) if (first_sta) { if (priv->adapter->iface_type == MWIFIEX_PCIE) { ret = mwifiex_send_cmd_async(priv, - HostCmd_CMD_PCIE_DESC_DETAILS, - HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, 0, NULL); + HostCmd_CMD_PCIE_DESC_DETAILS, + HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, 0, NULL); if (ret) return -1; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_cmdresp.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_cmdresp.c index e812db8b695cabdfa294c19d9ab08e92b4cb88b7..4da19ed0f078f7d020d2c803e19e0a26754a5269 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_cmdresp.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_cmdresp.c @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ mwifiex_process_cmdresp_error(struct mwifiex_private *priv, unsigned long flags; dev_err(adapter->dev, "CMD_RESP: cmd %#x error, result=%#x\n", - resp->command, resp->result); + resp->command, resp->result); if (adapter->curr_cmd->wait_q_enabled) adapter->cmd_wait_q.status = -1; @@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ mwifiex_process_cmdresp_error(struct mwifiex_private *priv, switch (le16_to_cpu(resp->command)) { case HostCmd_CMD_802_11_PS_MODE_ENH: pm = &resp->params.psmode_enh; - dev_err(adapter->dev, "PS_MODE_ENH cmd failed: " - "result=0x%x action=0x%X\n", - resp->result, le16_to_cpu(pm->action)); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "PS_MODE_ENH cmd failed: result=0x%x action=0x%X\n", + resp->result, le16_to_cpu(pm->action)); /* We do not re-try enter-ps command in ad-hoc mode. */ if (le16_to_cpu(pm->action) == EN_AUTO_PS && - (le16_to_cpu(pm->params.ps_bitmap) & BITMAP_STA_PS) && - priv->bss_mode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) + (le16_to_cpu(pm->params.ps_bitmap) & BITMAP_STA_PS) && + priv->bss_mode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) adapter->ps_mode = MWIFIEX_802_11_POWER_MODE_CAM; break; @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ static int mwifiex_ret_802_11_rssi_info(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct mwifiex_ds_get_signal *signal) { struct host_cmd_ds_802_11_rssi_info_rsp *rssi_info_rsp = - &resp->params.rssi_info_rsp; + &resp->params.rssi_info_rsp; priv->data_rssi_last = le16_to_cpu(rssi_info_rsp->data_rssi_last); priv->data_nf_last = le16_to_cpu(rssi_info_rsp->data_nf_last); @@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ static int mwifiex_ret_802_11_snmp_mib(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u32 ul_temp; dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: SNMP_RESP: oid value = %#x," - " query_type = %#x, buf size = %#x\n", - oid, query_type, le16_to_cpu(smib->buf_size)); + " query_type = %#x, buf size = %#x\n", + oid, query_type, le16_to_cpu(smib->buf_size)); if (query_type == HostCmd_ACT_GEN_GET) { ul_temp = le16_to_cpu(*((__le16 *) (smib->value))); if (data_buf) @@ -210,6 +210,9 @@ static int mwifiex_ret_802_11_snmp_mib(struct mwifiex_private *priv, dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: SNMP_RESP: TxRetryCount=%u\n", ul_temp); break; + case DTIM_PERIOD_I: + dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, + "info: SNMP_RESP: DTIM period=%u\n", ul_temp); default: break; } @@ -324,31 +327,26 @@ static int mwifiex_ret_tx_rate_cfg(struct mwifiex_private *priv, HostCmd_CMD_802_11_TX_RATE_QUERY, HostCmd_ACT_GEN_GET, 0, NULL); - if (ds_rate) { - if (le16_to_cpu(rate_cfg->action) == HostCmd_ACT_GEN_GET) { - if (priv->is_data_rate_auto) { - ds_rate->is_rate_auto = 1; - } else { - ds_rate->rate = mwifiex_get_rate_index(priv-> - bitmap_rates, - sizeof(priv-> - bitmap_rates)); - if (ds_rate->rate >= - MWIFIEX_RATE_BITMAP_OFDM0 - && ds_rate->rate <= - MWIFIEX_RATE_BITMAP_OFDM7) - ds_rate->rate -= - (MWIFIEX_RATE_BITMAP_OFDM0 - - MWIFIEX_RATE_INDEX_OFDM0); - if (ds_rate->rate >= - MWIFIEX_RATE_BITMAP_MCS0 - && ds_rate->rate <= - MWIFIEX_RATE_BITMAP_MCS127) - ds_rate->rate -= - (MWIFIEX_RATE_BITMAP_MCS0 - - MWIFIEX_RATE_INDEX_MCS0); - } - } + if (!ds_rate) + return ret; + + if (le16_to_cpu(rate_cfg->action) == HostCmd_ACT_GEN_GET) { + if (priv->is_data_rate_auto) { + ds_rate->is_rate_auto = 1; + return ret; + } + ds_rate->rate = mwifiex_get_rate_index(priv->bitmap_rates, + sizeof(priv->bitmap_rates)); + + if (ds_rate->rate >= MWIFIEX_RATE_BITMAP_OFDM0 && + ds_rate->rate <= MWIFIEX_RATE_BITMAP_OFDM7) + ds_rate->rate -= (MWIFIEX_RATE_BITMAP_OFDM0 - + MWIFIEX_RATE_INDEX_OFDM0); + + if (ds_rate->rate >= MWIFIEX_RATE_BITMAP_MCS0 && + ds_rate->rate <= MWIFIEX_RATE_BITMAP_MCS127) + ds_rate->rate -= (MWIFIEX_RATE_BITMAP_MCS0 - + MWIFIEX_RATE_INDEX_MCS0); } return ret; @@ -366,34 +364,32 @@ static int mwifiex_get_power_level(struct mwifiex_private *priv, void *data_buf) struct mwifiex_types_power_group *pg_tlv_hdr; struct mwifiex_power_group *pg; - if (data_buf) { - pg_tlv_hdr = - (struct mwifiex_types_power_group *) ((u8 *) data_buf - + sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_txpwr_cfg)); - pg = (struct mwifiex_power_group *) ((u8 *) pg_tlv_hdr + - sizeof(struct mwifiex_types_power_group)); - length = pg_tlv_hdr->length; - if (length > 0) { + if (!data_buf) + return -1; + + pg_tlv_hdr = (struct mwifiex_types_power_group *) + ((u8 *) data_buf + sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_txpwr_cfg)); + pg = (struct mwifiex_power_group *) + ((u8 *) pg_tlv_hdr + sizeof(struct mwifiex_types_power_group)); + length = pg_tlv_hdr->length; + if (length > 0) { + max_power = pg->power_max; + min_power = pg->power_min; + length -= sizeof(struct mwifiex_power_group); + } + while (length) { + pg++; + if (max_power < pg->power_max) max_power = pg->power_max; - min_power = pg->power_min; - length -= sizeof(struct mwifiex_power_group); - } - while (length) { - pg++; - if (max_power < pg->power_max) - max_power = pg->power_max; - if (min_power > pg->power_min) - min_power = pg->power_min; + if (min_power > pg->power_min) + min_power = pg->power_min; - length -= sizeof(struct mwifiex_power_group); - } - if (pg_tlv_hdr->length > 0) { - priv->min_tx_power_level = (u8) min_power; - priv->max_tx_power_level = (u8) max_power; - } - } else { - return -1; + length -= sizeof(struct mwifiex_power_group); + } + if (pg_tlv_hdr->length > 0) { + priv->min_tx_power_level = (u8) min_power; + priv->max_tx_power_level = (u8) max_power; } return 0; @@ -417,42 +413,38 @@ static int mwifiex_ret_tx_power_cfg(struct mwifiex_private *priv, switch (action) { case HostCmd_ACT_GEN_GET: - { - pg_tlv_hdr = - (struct mwifiex_types_power_group *) ((u8 *) - txp_cfg + - sizeof - (struct - host_cmd_ds_txpwr_cfg)); - pg = (struct mwifiex_power_group *) ((u8 *) - pg_tlv_hdr + - sizeof(struct - mwifiex_types_power_group)); - if (adapter->hw_status == - MWIFIEX_HW_STATUS_INITIALIZING) - mwifiex_get_power_level(priv, txp_cfg); - priv->tx_power_level = (u16) pg->power_min; - break; - } + pg_tlv_hdr = (struct mwifiex_types_power_group *) + ((u8 *) txp_cfg + + sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_txpwr_cfg)); + + pg = (struct mwifiex_power_group *) + ((u8 *) pg_tlv_hdr + + sizeof(struct mwifiex_types_power_group)); + + if (adapter->hw_status == MWIFIEX_HW_STATUS_INITIALIZING) + mwifiex_get_power_level(priv, txp_cfg); + + priv->tx_power_level = (u16) pg->power_min; + break; + case HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET: - if (le32_to_cpu(txp_cfg->mode)) { - pg_tlv_hdr = - (struct mwifiex_types_power_group *) ((u8 *) - txp_cfg + - sizeof - (struct - host_cmd_ds_txpwr_cfg)); - pg = (struct mwifiex_power_group *) ((u8 *) pg_tlv_hdr - + - sizeof(struct - mwifiex_types_power_group)); - if (pg->power_max == pg->power_min) - priv->tx_power_level = (u16) pg->power_min; - } + if (!le32_to_cpu(txp_cfg->mode)) + break; + + pg_tlv_hdr = (struct mwifiex_types_power_group *) + ((u8 *) txp_cfg + + sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_txpwr_cfg)); + + pg = (struct mwifiex_power_group *) + ((u8 *) pg_tlv_hdr + + sizeof(struct mwifiex_types_power_group)); + + if (pg->power_max == pg->power_min) + priv->tx_power_level = (u16) pg->power_min; break; default: dev_err(adapter->dev, "CMD_RESP: unknown cmd action %d\n", - action); + action); return 0; } dev_dbg(adapter->dev, @@ -472,7 +464,7 @@ static int mwifiex_ret_802_11_mac_address(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct host_cmd_ds_command *resp) { struct host_cmd_ds_802_11_mac_address *cmd_mac_addr = - &resp->params.mac_addr; + &resp->params.mac_addr; memcpy(priv->curr_addr, cmd_mac_addr->mac_addr, ETH_ALEN); @@ -557,7 +549,7 @@ static int mwifiex_ret_802_11_key_material(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct host_cmd_ds_command *resp) { struct host_cmd_ds_802_11_key_material *key = - &resp->params.key_material; + &resp->params.key_material; if (le16_to_cpu(key->action) == HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET) { if ((le16_to_cpu(key->key_param_set.key_info) & KEY_MCAST)) { @@ -588,17 +580,18 @@ static int mwifiex_ret_802_11d_domain_info(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u16 action = le16_to_cpu(domain_info->action); u8 no_of_triplet; - no_of_triplet = (u8) ((le16_to_cpu(domain->header.len) - - IEEE80211_COUNTRY_STRING_LEN) / - sizeof(struct ieee80211_country_ie_triplet)); + no_of_triplet = (u8) ((le16_to_cpu(domain->header.len) + - IEEE80211_COUNTRY_STRING_LEN) + / sizeof(struct ieee80211_country_ie_triplet)); - dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: 11D Domain Info Resp:" - " no_of_triplet=%d\n", no_of_triplet); + dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, + "info: 11D Domain Info Resp: no_of_triplet=%d\n", + no_of_triplet); if (no_of_triplet > MWIFIEX_MAX_TRIPLET_802_11D) { dev_warn(priv->adapter->dev, - "11D: invalid number of triplets %d " - "returned!!\n", no_of_triplet); + "11D: invalid number of triplets %d returned\n", + no_of_triplet); return -1; } @@ -632,8 +625,8 @@ static int mwifiex_ret_802_11_rf_channel(struct mwifiex_private *priv, if (priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.channel != new_channel) { dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "cmd: Channel Switch: %d to %d\n", - priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.channel, - new_channel); + priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.channel, + new_channel); /* Update the channel again */ priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.channel = new_channel; } @@ -676,90 +669,70 @@ static int mwifiex_ret_reg_access(u16 type, struct host_cmd_ds_command *resp, { struct mwifiex_ds_reg_rw *reg_rw; struct mwifiex_ds_read_eeprom *eeprom; + union reg { + struct host_cmd_ds_mac_reg_access *mac; + struct host_cmd_ds_bbp_reg_access *bbp; + struct host_cmd_ds_rf_reg_access *rf; + struct host_cmd_ds_pmic_reg_access *pmic; + struct host_cmd_ds_802_11_eeprom_access *eeprom; + } r; + + if (!data_buf) + return 0; - if (data_buf) { - reg_rw = data_buf; - eeprom = data_buf; - switch (type) { - case HostCmd_CMD_MAC_REG_ACCESS: - { - struct host_cmd_ds_mac_reg_access *reg; - reg = (struct host_cmd_ds_mac_reg_access *) - &resp->params.mac_reg; - reg_rw->offset = cpu_to_le32( - (u32) le16_to_cpu(reg->offset)); - reg_rw->value = reg->value; - break; - } - case HostCmd_CMD_BBP_REG_ACCESS: - { - struct host_cmd_ds_bbp_reg_access *reg; - reg = (struct host_cmd_ds_bbp_reg_access *) - &resp->params.bbp_reg; - reg_rw->offset = cpu_to_le32( - (u32) le16_to_cpu(reg->offset)); - reg_rw->value = cpu_to_le32((u32) reg->value); - break; - } - - case HostCmd_CMD_RF_REG_ACCESS: - { - struct host_cmd_ds_rf_reg_access *reg; - reg = (struct host_cmd_ds_rf_reg_access *) - &resp->params.rf_reg; - reg_rw->offset = cpu_to_le32( - (u32) le16_to_cpu(reg->offset)); - reg_rw->value = cpu_to_le32((u32) reg->value); - break; - } - case HostCmd_CMD_PMIC_REG_ACCESS: - { - struct host_cmd_ds_pmic_reg_access *reg; - reg = (struct host_cmd_ds_pmic_reg_access *) - &resp->params.pmic_reg; - reg_rw->offset = cpu_to_le32( - (u32) le16_to_cpu(reg->offset)); - reg_rw->value = cpu_to_le32((u32) reg->value); - break; - } - case HostCmd_CMD_CAU_REG_ACCESS: - { - struct host_cmd_ds_rf_reg_access *reg; - reg = (struct host_cmd_ds_rf_reg_access *) - &resp->params.rf_reg; - reg_rw->offset = cpu_to_le32( - (u32) le16_to_cpu(reg->offset)); - reg_rw->value = cpu_to_le32((u32) reg->value); - break; - } - case HostCmd_CMD_802_11_EEPROM_ACCESS: - { - struct host_cmd_ds_802_11_eeprom_access - *cmd_eeprom = - (struct host_cmd_ds_802_11_eeprom_access - *) &resp->params.eeprom; - pr_debug("info: EEPROM read len=%x\n", - cmd_eeprom->byte_count); - if (le16_to_cpu(eeprom->byte_count) < - le16_to_cpu( - cmd_eeprom->byte_count)) { - eeprom->byte_count = cpu_to_le16(0); - pr_debug("info: EEPROM read " - "length is too big\n"); - return -1; - } - eeprom->offset = cmd_eeprom->offset; - eeprom->byte_count = cmd_eeprom->byte_count; - if (le16_to_cpu(eeprom->byte_count) > 0) - memcpy(&eeprom->value, - &cmd_eeprom->value, - le16_to_cpu(eeprom->byte_count)); - - break; - } - default: + reg_rw = data_buf; + eeprom = data_buf; + switch (type) { + case HostCmd_CMD_MAC_REG_ACCESS: + r.mac = (struct host_cmd_ds_mac_reg_access *) + &resp->params.mac_reg; + reg_rw->offset = cpu_to_le32((u32) le16_to_cpu(r.mac->offset)); + reg_rw->value = r.mac->value; + break; + case HostCmd_CMD_BBP_REG_ACCESS: + r.bbp = (struct host_cmd_ds_bbp_reg_access *) + &resp->params.bbp_reg; + reg_rw->offset = cpu_to_le32((u32) le16_to_cpu(r.bbp->offset)); + reg_rw->value = cpu_to_le32((u32) r.bbp->value); + break; + + case HostCmd_CMD_RF_REG_ACCESS: + r.rf = (struct host_cmd_ds_rf_reg_access *) + &resp->params.rf_reg; + reg_rw->offset = cpu_to_le32((u32) le16_to_cpu(r.rf->offset)); + reg_rw->value = cpu_to_le32((u32) r.bbp->value); + break; + case HostCmd_CMD_PMIC_REG_ACCESS: + r.pmic = (struct host_cmd_ds_pmic_reg_access *) + &resp->params.pmic_reg; + reg_rw->offset = cpu_to_le32((u32) le16_to_cpu(r.pmic->offset)); + reg_rw->value = cpu_to_le32((u32) r.pmic->value); + break; + case HostCmd_CMD_CAU_REG_ACCESS: + r.rf = (struct host_cmd_ds_rf_reg_access *) + &resp->params.rf_reg; + reg_rw->offset = cpu_to_le32((u32) le16_to_cpu(r.rf->offset)); + reg_rw->value = cpu_to_le32((u32) r.rf->value); + break; + case HostCmd_CMD_802_11_EEPROM_ACCESS: + r.eeprom = (struct host_cmd_ds_802_11_eeprom_access *) + &resp->params.eeprom; + pr_debug("info: EEPROM read len=%x\n", r.eeprom->byte_count); + if (le16_to_cpu(eeprom->byte_count) < + le16_to_cpu(r.eeprom->byte_count)) { + eeprom->byte_count = cpu_to_le16(0); + pr_debug("info: EEPROM read length is too big\n"); return -1; } + eeprom->offset = r.eeprom->offset; + eeprom->byte_count = r.eeprom->byte_count; + if (le16_to_cpu(eeprom->byte_count) > 0) + memcpy(&eeprom->value, &r.eeprom->value, + le16_to_cpu(r.eeprom->byte_count)); + + break; + default: + return -1; } return 0; } @@ -775,7 +748,7 @@ static int mwifiex_ret_ibss_coalescing_status(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct host_cmd_ds_command *resp) { struct host_cmd_ds_802_11_ibss_status *ibss_coal_resp = - &(resp->params.ibss_coalescing); + &(resp->params.ibss_coalescing); u8 zero_mac[ETH_ALEN] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; if (le16_to_cpu(ibss_coal_resp->action) == HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET) @@ -915,20 +888,17 @@ int mwifiex_process_sta_cmdresp(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u16 cmdresp_no, case HostCmd_CMD_RECONFIGURE_TX_BUFF: adapter->tx_buf_size = (u16) le16_to_cpu(resp->params. tx_buf.buff_size); - adapter->tx_buf_size = (adapter->tx_buf_size / - MWIFIEX_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE) * - MWIFIEX_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE; + adapter->tx_buf_size = (adapter->tx_buf_size + / MWIFIEX_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE) + * MWIFIEX_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE; adapter->curr_tx_buf_size = adapter->tx_buf_size; dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "cmd: max_tx_buf_size=%d, tx_buf_size=%d\n", - adapter->max_tx_buf_size, adapter->tx_buf_size); + adapter->max_tx_buf_size, adapter->tx_buf_size); if (adapter->if_ops.update_mp_end_port) adapter->if_ops.update_mp_end_port(adapter, - le16_to_cpu(resp-> - params. - tx_buf. - mp_end_port)); + le16_to_cpu(resp->params.tx_buf.mp_end_port)); break; case HostCmd_CMD_AMSDU_AGGR_CTRL: ret = mwifiex_ret_amsdu_aggr_ctrl(resp, data_buf); @@ -956,7 +926,7 @@ int mwifiex_process_sta_cmdresp(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u16 cmdresp_no, break; default: dev_err(adapter->dev, "CMD_RESP: unknown cmd response %#x\n", - resp->command); + resp->command); break; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_event.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_event.c index d7aa21da84d0124fd78a181da4bd7d711094c6eb..cc531b536a5658f2ae0f7f7cf61b6393527c5a83 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_event.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_event.c @@ -93,15 +93,15 @@ mwifiex_reset_connect_state(struct mwifiex_private *priv) */ dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: previous SSID=%s, SSID len=%u\n", - priv->prev_ssid.ssid, priv->prev_ssid.ssid_len); + priv->prev_ssid.ssid, priv->prev_ssid.ssid_len); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: current SSID=%s, SSID len=%u\n", - priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.ssid.ssid, - priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.ssid.ssid_len); + priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.ssid.ssid, + priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.ssid.ssid_len); memcpy(&priv->prev_ssid, &priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.ssid, - sizeof(struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid)); + sizeof(struct cfg80211_ssid)); memcpy(priv->prev_bssid, priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.mac_address, ETH_ALEN); @@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ mwifiex_reset_connect_state(struct mwifiex_private *priv) if (adapter->num_cmd_timeout && adapter->curr_cmd) return; priv->media_connected = false; - dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: successfully disconnected from" - " %pM: reason code %d\n", priv->cfg_bssid, - WLAN_REASON_DEAUTH_LEAVING); + dev_dbg(adapter->dev, + "info: successfully disconnected from %pM: reason code %d\n", + priv->cfg_bssid, WLAN_REASON_DEAUTH_LEAVING); if (priv->bss_mode == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) { cfg80211_disconnected(priv->netdev, WLAN_REASON_DEAUTH_LEAVING, NULL, 0, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ int mwifiex_process_sta_event(struct mwifiex_private *priv) switch (eventcause) { case EVENT_DUMMY_HOST_WAKEUP_SIGNAL: - dev_err(adapter->dev, "invalid EVENT: DUMMY_HOST_WAKEUP_SIGNAL," - " ignoring it\n"); + dev_err(adapter->dev, + "invalid EVENT: DUMMY_HOST_WAKEUP_SIGNAL, ignore it\n"); break; case EVENT_LINK_SENSED: dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "event: LINK_SENSED\n"); @@ -235,8 +235,7 @@ int mwifiex_process_sta_event(struct mwifiex_private *priv) case EVENT_PS_AWAKE: dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "info: EVENT: AWAKE\n"); if (!adapter->pps_uapsd_mode && - priv->media_connected && - adapter->sleep_period.period) { + priv->media_connected && adapter->sleep_period.period) { adapter->pps_uapsd_mode = true; dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "event: PPS/UAPSD mode activated\n"); @@ -244,15 +243,19 @@ int mwifiex_process_sta_event(struct mwifiex_private *priv) adapter->tx_lock_flag = false; if (adapter->pps_uapsd_mode && adapter->gen_null_pkt) { if (mwifiex_check_last_packet_indication(priv)) { - if (!adapter->data_sent) { - if (!mwifiex_send_null_packet(priv, - MWIFIEX_TxPD_POWER_MGMT_NULL_PACKET - | - MWIFIEX_TxPD_POWER_MGMT_LAST_PACKET)) + if (adapter->data_sent) { + adapter->ps_state = PS_STATE_AWAKE; + adapter->pm_wakeup_card_req = false; + adapter->pm_wakeup_fw_try = false; + break; + } + if (!mwifiex_send_null_packet + (priv, + MWIFIEX_TxPD_POWER_MGMT_NULL_PACKET | + MWIFIEX_TxPD_POWER_MGMT_LAST_PACKET)) adapter->ps_state = PS_STATE_SLEEP; return 0; - } } } adapter->ps_state = PS_STATE_AWAKE; @@ -371,12 +374,12 @@ int mwifiex_process_sta_event(struct mwifiex_private *priv) break; case EVENT_AMSDU_AGGR_CTRL: dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "event: AMSDU_AGGR_CTRL %d\n", - *(u16 *) adapter->event_body); + *(u16 *) adapter->event_body); adapter->tx_buf_size = min(adapter->curr_tx_buf_size, le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *) adapter->event_body)); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "event: tx_buf_size %d\n", - adapter->tx_buf_size); + adapter->tx_buf_size); break; case EVENT_WEP_ICV_ERR: @@ -392,7 +395,7 @@ int mwifiex_process_sta_event(struct mwifiex_private *priv) break; default: dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "event: unknown event id: %#x\n", - eventcause); + eventcause); break; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_ioctl.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_ioctl.c index b0fbf5d4fea0bd6fbc9b8b340339f1db145059ee..d7b11defafe078050ee7791ce0f33c7c6e83644c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_ioctl.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_ioctl.c @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ int mwifiex_wait_queue_complete(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) /* Wait for completion */ wait_event_interruptible(adapter->cmd_wait_q.wait, - *(cmd_queued->condition)); + *(cmd_queued->condition)); if (!*(cmd_queued->condition)) cancel_flag = true; @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ int mwifiex_fill_new_bss_desc(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * first. */ int mwifiex_bss_start(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct cfg80211_bss *bss, - struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid *req_ssid) + struct cfg80211_ssid *req_ssid) { int ret; struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter = priv->adapter; @@ -249,15 +249,25 @@ int mwifiex_bss_start(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct cfg80211_bss *bss, * application retrieval */ priv->assoc_rsp_size = 0; ret = mwifiex_associate(priv, bss_desc); + + /* If auth type is auto and association fails using open mode, + * try to connect using shared mode */ + if (ret == WLAN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_ALG && + priv->sec_info.is_authtype_auto && + priv->sec_info.wep_enabled) { + priv->sec_info.authentication_mode = + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_SHARED_KEY; + ret = mwifiex_associate(priv, bss_desc); + } + if (bss) cfg80211_put_bss(bss); } else { /* Adhoc mode */ /* If the requested SSID matches current SSID, return */ if (bss_desc && bss_desc->ssid.ssid_len && - (!mwifiex_ssid_cmp - (&priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor.ssid, - &bss_desc->ssid))) { + (!mwifiex_ssid_cmp(&priv->curr_bss_params.bss_descriptor. + ssid, &bss_desc->ssid))) { kfree(bss_desc); kfree(beacon_ie); return 0; @@ -339,9 +349,8 @@ static int mwifiex_set_hs_params(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u16 action, adapter->hs_cfg.gpio = (u8)hs_cfg->gpio; if (hs_cfg->gap) adapter->hs_cfg.gap = (u8)hs_cfg->gap; - } else if (adapter->hs_cfg.conditions == - cpu_to_le32( - HOST_SLEEP_CFG_CANCEL)) { + } else if (adapter->hs_cfg.conditions + == cpu_to_le32(HOST_SLEEP_CFG_CANCEL)) { /* Return failure if no parameters for HS enable */ status = -1; @@ -363,7 +372,7 @@ static int mwifiex_set_hs_params(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u16 action, cpu_to_le32(prev_cond); } else { adapter->hs_cfg.conditions = - cpu_to_le32(hs_cfg->conditions); + cpu_to_le32(hs_cfg->conditions); adapter->hs_cfg.gpio = (u8)hs_cfg->gpio; adapter->hs_cfg.gap = (u8)hs_cfg->gap; } @@ -416,11 +425,11 @@ int mwifiex_enable_hs(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) adapter->hs_activate_wait_q_woken = false; - memset(&hscfg, 0, sizeof(struct mwifiex_hs_config_param)); + memset(&hscfg, 0, sizeof(struct mwifiex_ds_hs_cfg)); hscfg.is_invoke_hostcmd = true; if (mwifiex_set_hs_params(mwifiex_get_priv(adapter, - MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA), + MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA), HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, MWIFIEX_SYNC_CMD, &hscfg)) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "IOCTL request HS enable failed\n"); @@ -428,7 +437,7 @@ int mwifiex_enable_hs(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) } wait_event_interruptible(adapter->hs_activate_wait_q, - adapter->hs_activate_wait_q_woken); + adapter->hs_activate_wait_q_woken); return true; } @@ -453,8 +462,7 @@ int mwifiex_get_bss_info(struct mwifiex_private *priv, info->bss_mode = priv->bss_mode; - memcpy(&info->ssid, &bss_desc->ssid, - sizeof(struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid)); + memcpy(&info->ssid, &bss_desc->ssid, sizeof(struct cfg80211_ssid)); memcpy(&info->bssid, &bss_desc->mac_address, ETH_ALEN); @@ -471,7 +479,7 @@ int mwifiex_get_bss_info(struct mwifiex_private *priv, info->bcn_nf_last = priv->bcn_nf_last; - if (priv->sec_info.wep_status == MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_ENABLED) + if (priv->sec_info.wep_enabled) info->wep_status = true; else info->wep_status = false; @@ -519,30 +527,27 @@ int mwifiex_bss_set_channel(struct mwifiex_private *priv, adapter->adhoc_start_band = BAND_G | BAND_B; if (chan->channel) { if (chan->channel <= MAX_CHANNEL_BAND_BG) - cfp = mwifiex_get_cfp_by_band_and_channel_from_cfg80211 - (priv, 0, (u16) chan->channel); + cfp = mwifiex_get_cfp(priv, 0, (u16) chan->channel, 0); if (!cfp) { - cfp = mwifiex_get_cfp_by_band_and_channel_from_cfg80211 - (priv, BAND_A, (u16) chan->channel); + cfp = mwifiex_get_cfp(priv, BAND_A, + (u16) chan->channel, 0); if (cfp) { if (adapter->adhoc_11n_enabled) adapter->adhoc_start_band = BAND_A - | BAND_AN; + | BAND_AN; else adapter->adhoc_start_band = BAND_A; } } } else { if (chan->freq <= MAX_FREQUENCY_BAND_BG) - cfp = mwifiex_get_cfp_by_band_and_freq_from_cfg80211( - priv, 0, chan->freq); + cfp = mwifiex_get_cfp(priv, 0, 0, chan->freq); if (!cfp) { - cfp = mwifiex_get_cfp_by_band_and_freq_from_cfg80211 - (priv, BAND_A, chan->freq); + cfp = mwifiex_get_cfp(priv, BAND_A, 0, chan->freq); if (cfp) { if (adapter->adhoc_11n_enabled) adapter->adhoc_start_band = BAND_A - | BAND_AN; + | BAND_AN; else adapter->adhoc_start_band = BAND_A; } @@ -578,7 +583,7 @@ static int mwifiex_bss_ioctl_ibss_channel(struct mwifiex_private *priv, } return mwifiex_send_cmd_sync(priv, HostCmd_CMD_802_11_RF_CHANNEL, - action, 0, channel); + action, 0, channel); } /* @@ -599,7 +604,7 @@ static int mwifiex_bss_ioctl_ibss_channel(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * - Start/Join the IBSS */ int -mwifiex_drv_change_adhoc_chan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int channel) +mwifiex_drv_change_adhoc_chan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u16 channel) { int ret; struct mwifiex_bss_info bss_info; @@ -624,7 +629,7 @@ mwifiex_drv_change_adhoc_chan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int channel) goto done; } dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "cmd: updating channel from %d to %d\n", - curr_chan, channel); + curr_chan, channel); if (!bss_info.media_connected) { ret = 0; @@ -636,7 +641,7 @@ mwifiex_drv_change_adhoc_chan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int channel) ret = mwifiex_deauthenticate(priv, ssid_bssid.bssid); ret = mwifiex_bss_ioctl_ibss_channel(priv, HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, - (u16 *) &channel); + &channel); /* Do specific SSID scanning */ if (mwifiex_request_scan(priv, &bss_info.ssid)) { @@ -646,7 +651,8 @@ mwifiex_drv_change_adhoc_chan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int channel) band = mwifiex_band_to_radio_type(priv->curr_bss_params.band); chan = __ieee80211_get_channel(priv->wdev->wiphy, - ieee80211_channel_to_frequency(channel, band)); + ieee80211_channel_to_frequency(channel, + band)); /* Find the BSS we want using available scan results */ bss = cfg80211_get_bss(priv->wdev->wiphy, chan, bss_info.bssid, @@ -654,7 +660,7 @@ mwifiex_drv_change_adhoc_chan(struct mwifiex_private *priv, int channel) WLAN_CAPABILITY_ESS, WLAN_CAPABILITY_ESS); if (!bss) wiphy_warn(priv->wdev->wiphy, "assoc: bss %pM not in scan results\n", - bss_info.bssid); + bss_info.bssid); ret = mwifiex_bss_start(priv, bss, &bss_info.ssid); done: @@ -783,7 +789,9 @@ int mwifiex_drv_get_data_rate(struct mwifiex_private *priv, if (!ret) { if (rate->is_rate_auto) rate->rate = mwifiex_index_to_data_rate(priv, - priv->tx_rate, priv->tx_htinfo); + priv->tx_rate, + priv->tx_htinfo + ); else rate->rate = priv->data_rate; } else { @@ -820,16 +828,16 @@ int mwifiex_set_tx_power(struct mwifiex_private *priv, if ((dbm < priv->min_tx_power_level) || (dbm > priv->max_tx_power_level)) { dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "txpower value %d dBm" - " is out of range (%d dBm-%d dBm)\n", - dbm, priv->min_tx_power_level, - priv->max_tx_power_level); + " is out of range (%d dBm-%d dBm)\n", + dbm, priv->min_tx_power_level, + priv->max_tx_power_level); return -1; } } buf = kzalloc(MWIFIEX_SIZE_OF_CMD_BUFFER, GFP_KERNEL); if (!buf) { dev_err(priv->adapter->dev, "%s: failed to alloc cmd buffer\n", - __func__); + __func__); return -ENOMEM; } @@ -837,13 +845,13 @@ int mwifiex_set_tx_power(struct mwifiex_private *priv, txp_cfg->action = cpu_to_le16(HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET); if (!power_cfg->is_power_auto) { txp_cfg->mode = cpu_to_le32(1); - pg_tlv = (struct mwifiex_types_power_group *) (buf + - sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_txpwr_cfg)); + pg_tlv = (struct mwifiex_types_power_group *) + (buf + sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_txpwr_cfg)); pg_tlv->type = TLV_TYPE_POWER_GROUP; pg_tlv->length = 4 * sizeof(struct mwifiex_power_group); - pg = (struct mwifiex_power_group *) (buf + - sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_txpwr_cfg) + - sizeof(struct mwifiex_types_power_group)); + pg = (struct mwifiex_power_group *) + (buf + sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_txpwr_cfg) + + sizeof(struct mwifiex_types_power_group)); /* Power group for modulation class HR/DSSS */ pg->first_rate_code = 0x00; pg->last_rate_code = 0x03; @@ -906,8 +914,8 @@ int mwifiex_drv_set_power(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u32 *ps_mode) sub_cmd, BITMAP_STA_PS, NULL); if ((!ret) && (sub_cmd == DIS_AUTO_PS)) ret = mwifiex_send_cmd_async(priv, - HostCmd_CMD_802_11_PS_MODE_ENH, GET_PS, - 0, NULL); + HostCmd_CMD_802_11_PS_MODE_ENH, + GET_PS, 0, NULL); return ret; } @@ -931,7 +939,7 @@ static int mwifiex_set_wpa_ie_helper(struct mwifiex_private *priv, memcpy(priv->wpa_ie, ie_data_ptr, ie_len); priv->wpa_ie_len = (u8) ie_len; dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "cmd: Set Wpa_ie_len=%d IE=%#x\n", - priv->wpa_ie_len, priv->wpa_ie[0]); + priv->wpa_ie_len, priv->wpa_ie[0]); if (priv->wpa_ie[0] == WLAN_EID_WPA) { priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled = true; @@ -972,7 +980,7 @@ static int mwifiex_set_wapi_ie(struct mwifiex_private *priv, memcpy(priv->wapi_ie, ie_data_ptr, ie_len); priv->wapi_ie_len = ie_len; dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "cmd: Set wapi_ie_len=%d IE=%#x\n", - priv->wapi_ie_len, priv->wapi_ie[0]); + priv->wapi_ie_len, priv->wapi_ie[0]); if (priv->wapi_ie[0] == WLAN_EID_BSS_AC_ACCESS_DELAY) priv->sec_info.wapi_enabled = true; @@ -998,8 +1006,8 @@ static int mwifiex_sec_ioctl_set_wapi_key(struct mwifiex_private *priv, { return mwifiex_send_cmd_sync(priv, HostCmd_CMD_802_11_KEY_MATERIAL, - HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, KEY_INFO_ENABLED, - encrypt_key); + HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, KEY_INFO_ENABLED, + encrypt_key); } /* @@ -1020,7 +1028,7 @@ static int mwifiex_sec_ioctl_set_wep_key(struct mwifiex_private *priv, wep_key = &priv->wep_key[priv->wep_key_curr_index]; index = encrypt_key->key_index; if (encrypt_key->key_disable) { - priv->sec_info.wep_status = MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_DISABLED; + priv->sec_info.wep_enabled = 0; } else if (!encrypt_key->key_len) { /* Copy the required key as the current key */ wep_key = &priv->wep_key[index]; @@ -1030,7 +1038,7 @@ static int mwifiex_sec_ioctl_set_wep_key(struct mwifiex_private *priv, return -1; } priv->wep_key_curr_index = (u16) index; - priv->sec_info.wep_status = MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_ENABLED; + priv->sec_info.wep_enabled = 1; } else { wep_key = &priv->wep_key[index]; memset(wep_key, 0, sizeof(struct mwifiex_wep_key)); @@ -1040,7 +1048,7 @@ static int mwifiex_sec_ioctl_set_wep_key(struct mwifiex_private *priv, encrypt_key->key_len); wep_key->key_index = index; wep_key->key_length = encrypt_key->key_len; - priv->sec_info.wep_status = MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_ENABLED; + priv->sec_info.wep_enabled = 1; } if (wep_key->key_length) { /* Send request to firmware */ @@ -1050,7 +1058,7 @@ static int mwifiex_sec_ioctl_set_wep_key(struct mwifiex_private *priv, if (ret) return ret; } - if (priv->sec_info.wep_status == MWIFIEX_802_11_WEP_ENABLED) + if (priv->sec_info.wep_enabled) priv->curr_pkt_filter |= HostCmd_ACT_MAC_WEP_ENABLE; else priv->curr_pkt_filter &= ~HostCmd_ACT_MAC_WEP_ENABLE; @@ -1093,9 +1101,9 @@ static int mwifiex_sec_ioctl_set_wpa_key(struct mwifiex_private *priv, /* Send the key as PTK to firmware */ encrypt_key->key_index = MWIFIEX_KEY_INDEX_UNICAST; ret = mwifiex_send_cmd_async(priv, - HostCmd_CMD_802_11_KEY_MATERIAL, - HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, KEY_INFO_ENABLED, - encrypt_key); + HostCmd_CMD_802_11_KEY_MATERIAL, + HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, + KEY_INFO_ENABLED, encrypt_key); if (ret) return ret; @@ -1120,14 +1128,14 @@ static int mwifiex_sec_ioctl_set_wpa_key(struct mwifiex_private *priv, if (remove_key) ret = mwifiex_send_cmd_sync(priv, - HostCmd_CMD_802_11_KEY_MATERIAL, - HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, !(KEY_INFO_ENABLED), - encrypt_key); + HostCmd_CMD_802_11_KEY_MATERIAL, + HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, + !KEY_INFO_ENABLED, encrypt_key); else ret = mwifiex_send_cmd_sync(priv, - HostCmd_CMD_802_11_KEY_MATERIAL, - HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, KEY_INFO_ENABLED, - encrypt_key); + HostCmd_CMD_802_11_KEY_MATERIAL, + HostCmd_ACT_GEN_SET, + KEY_INFO_ENABLED, encrypt_key); return ret; } @@ -1246,7 +1254,7 @@ mwifiex_get_ver_ext(struct mwifiex_private *priv) memset(&ver_ext, 0, sizeof(struct host_cmd_ds_version_ext)); if (mwifiex_send_cmd_sync(priv, HostCmd_CMD_VERSION_EXT, - HostCmd_ACT_GEN_GET, 0, &ver_ext)) + HostCmd_ACT_GEN_GET, 0, &ver_ext)) return -1; return 0; @@ -1263,7 +1271,7 @@ mwifiex_get_stats_info(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct mwifiex_ds_get_stats *log) { return mwifiex_send_cmd_sync(priv, HostCmd_CMD_802_11_GET_LOG, - HostCmd_ACT_GEN_GET, 0, log); + HostCmd_ACT_GEN_GET, 0, log); } /* @@ -1403,9 +1411,9 @@ mwifiex_set_gen_ie_helper(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 *ie_data_ptr, } pvendor_ie = (struct ieee_types_vendor_header *) ie_data_ptr; /* Test to see if it is a WPA IE, if not, then it is a gen IE */ - if (((pvendor_ie->element_id == WLAN_EID_WPA) - && (!memcmp(pvendor_ie->oui, wpa_oui, sizeof(wpa_oui)))) - || (pvendor_ie->element_id == WLAN_EID_RSN)) { + if (((pvendor_ie->element_id == WLAN_EID_WPA) && + (!memcmp(pvendor_ie->oui, wpa_oui, sizeof(wpa_oui)))) || + (pvendor_ie->element_id == WLAN_EID_RSN)) { /* IE is a WPA/WPA2 IE so call set_wpa function */ ret = mwifiex_set_wpa_ie_helper(priv, ie_data_ptr, ie_len); @@ -1428,9 +1436,8 @@ mwifiex_set_gen_ie_helper(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 *ie_data_ptr, * wps session flag */ pvendor_ie = (struct ieee_types_vendor_header *) ie_data_ptr; - if ((pvendor_ie->element_id == WLAN_EID_VENDOR_SPECIFIC) - && (!memcmp(pvendor_ie->oui, wps_oui, - sizeof(wps_oui)))) { + if ((pvendor_ie->element_id == WLAN_EID_VENDOR_SPECIFIC) && + (!memcmp(pvendor_ie->oui, wps_oui, sizeof(wps_oui)))) { priv->wps.session_enable = true; dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: WPS Session Enabled.\n"); @@ -1439,7 +1446,7 @@ mwifiex_set_gen_ie_helper(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 *ie_data_ptr, /* Append the passed data to the end of the genIeBuffer */ memcpy(priv->gen_ie_buf + priv->gen_ie_buf_len, ie_data_ptr, - ie_len); + ie_len); /* Increment the stored buffer length by the size passed */ priv->gen_ie_buf_len += ie_len; @@ -1483,7 +1490,7 @@ static int mwifiex_misc_ioctl_gen_ie(struct mwifiex_private *priv, return -1; } else { memcpy(adapter->arp_filter, gen_ie->ie_data, - gen_ie->len); + gen_ie->len); adapter->arp_filter_size = gen_ie->len; } break; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_rx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_rx.c index 5e1ef7e5da4f3f5b2679c47d012588e642be093f..750b695aca1282304e553cda77c5bb689cd40dfc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_rx.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_rx.c @@ -43,7 +43,9 @@ int mwifiex_process_rx_packet(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, { int ret; struct mwifiex_rxinfo *rx_info = MWIFIEX_SKB_RXCB(skb); - struct mwifiex_private *priv = adapter->priv[rx_info->bss_index]; + struct mwifiex_private *priv = + mwifiex_get_priv_by_id(adapter, rx_info->bss_num, + rx_info->bss_type); struct rx_packet_hdr *rx_pkt_hdr; struct rxpd *local_rx_pd; int hdr_chop; @@ -124,7 +126,9 @@ int mwifiex_process_sta_rx_packet(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, struct rx_packet_hdr *rx_pkt_hdr; u8 ta[ETH_ALEN]; u16 rx_pkt_type; - struct mwifiex_private *priv = adapter->priv[rx_info->bss_index]; + struct mwifiex_private *priv = + mwifiex_get_priv_by_id(adapter, rx_info->bss_num, + rx_info->bss_type); if (!priv) return -1; @@ -155,7 +159,7 @@ int mwifiex_process_sta_rx_packet(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, skb_trim(skb, local_rx_pd->rx_pkt_length); ieee80211_amsdu_to_8023s(skb, &list, priv->curr_addr, - priv->wdev->iftype, 0, false); + priv->wdev->iftype, 0, false); while (!skb_queue_empty(&list)) { rx_skb = __skb_dequeue(&list); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_tx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_tx.c index d97facd70e88b48c45c6f0602f7bfb259d0c1a7c..7af534feb4205ce532d8fa5862c7aaedd0bd9b22 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_tx.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sta_tx.c @@ -50,8 +50,7 @@ void *mwifiex_process_sta_txpd(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 pad; if (!skb->len) { - dev_err(adapter->dev, "Tx: bad packet length: %d\n", - skb->len); + dev_err(adapter->dev, "Tx: bad packet length: %d\n", skb->len); tx_info->status_code = -1; return skb->data; } @@ -60,19 +59,20 @@ void *mwifiex_process_sta_txpd(struct mwifiex_private *priv, pad = (4 - (((void *)skb->data - NULL) & 0x3)) % 4; BUG_ON(skb_headroom(skb) < (sizeof(*local_tx_pd) + INTF_HEADER_LEN - + pad)); + + pad)); skb_push(skb, sizeof(*local_tx_pd) + pad); local_tx_pd = (struct txpd *) skb->data; memset(local_tx_pd, 0, sizeof(struct txpd)); local_tx_pd->bss_num = priv->bss_num; local_tx_pd->bss_type = priv->bss_type; - local_tx_pd->tx_pkt_length = cpu_to_le16((u16) (skb->len - - (sizeof(struct txpd) + pad))); + local_tx_pd->tx_pkt_length = cpu_to_le16((u16)(skb->len - + (sizeof(struct txpd) + + pad))); local_tx_pd->priority = (u8) skb->priority; local_tx_pd->pkt_delay_2ms = - mwifiex_wmm_compute_drv_pkt_delay(priv, skb); + mwifiex_wmm_compute_drv_pkt_delay(priv, skb); if (local_tx_pd->priority < ARRAY_SIZE(priv->wmm.user_pri_pkt_tx_ctrl)) @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ void *mwifiex_process_sta_txpd(struct mwifiex_private *priv, */ local_tx_pd->tx_control = cpu_to_le32(priv->wmm.user_pri_pkt_tx_ctrl[local_tx_pd-> - priority]); + priority]); if (adapter->pps_uapsd_mode) { if (mwifiex_check_last_packet_indication(priv)) { @@ -136,7 +136,8 @@ int mwifiex_send_null_packet(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 flags) return -1; tx_info = MWIFIEX_SKB_TXCB(skb); - tx_info->bss_index = priv->bss_index; + tx_info->bss_num = priv->bss_num; + tx_info->bss_type = priv->bss_type; skb_reserve(skb, sizeof(struct txpd) + INTF_HEADER_LEN); skb_push(skb, sizeof(struct txpd)); @@ -159,13 +160,13 @@ int mwifiex_send_null_packet(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 flags) case -1: dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: host_to_card failed: ret=%d\n", - __func__, ret); + __func__, ret); adapter->dbg.num_tx_host_to_card_failure++; break; case 0: dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "data: %s: host_to_card succeeded\n", - __func__); + __func__); adapter->tx_lock_flag = true; break; case -EINPROGRESS: @@ -191,8 +192,8 @@ mwifiex_check_last_packet_indication(struct mwifiex_private *priv) if (mwifiex_wmm_lists_empty(adapter)) ret = true; - if (ret && !adapter->cmd_sent && !adapter->curr_cmd - && !is_command_pending(adapter)) { + if (ret && !adapter->cmd_sent && !adapter->curr_cmd && + !is_command_pending(adapter)) { adapter->delay_null_pkt = false; ret = true; } else { diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/txrx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/txrx.c index d9274a1b77acabce253e6400af854d71c29b814b..d2af8cb98541fcbccf539cb5b51cb9cc5ed7c7db 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/txrx.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/txrx.c @@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ int mwifiex_handle_rx_packet(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if (!priv) priv = mwifiex_get_priv(adapter, MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_ANY); - rx_info->bss_index = priv->bss_index; + rx_info->bss_num = priv->bss_num; + rx_info->bss_type = priv->bss_type; return mwifiex_process_sta_rx_packet(adapter, skb); } @@ -84,8 +85,7 @@ int mwifiex_process_tx(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct sk_buff *skb, switch (ret) { case -EBUSY: if ((GET_BSS_ROLE(priv) == MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA) && - (adapter->pps_uapsd_mode) && - (adapter->tx_lock_flag)) { + (adapter->pps_uapsd_mode) && (adapter->tx_lock_flag)) { priv->adapter->tx_lock_flag = false; if (local_tx_pd) local_tx_pd->flags = 0; @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ int mwifiex_process_tx(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct sk_buff *skb, case -1: adapter->data_sent = false; dev_err(adapter->dev, "mwifiex_write_data_async failed: 0x%X\n", - ret); + ret); adapter->dbg.num_tx_host_to_card_failure++; mwifiex_write_data_complete(adapter, skb, ret); break; @@ -130,7 +130,8 @@ int mwifiex_write_data_complete(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, return 0; tx_info = MWIFIEX_SKB_TXCB(skb); - priv = mwifiex_bss_index_to_priv(adapter, tx_info->bss_index); + priv = mwifiex_get_priv_by_id(adapter, tx_info->bss_num, + tx_info->bss_type); if (!priv) goto done; @@ -149,11 +150,11 @@ int mwifiex_write_data_complete(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, tpriv = adapter->priv[i]; - if ((GET_BSS_ROLE(tpriv) == MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA) - && (tpriv->media_connected)) { + if ((GET_BSS_ROLE(tpriv) == MWIFIEX_BSS_ROLE_STA) && + (tpriv->media_connected)) { if (netif_queue_stopped(tpriv->netdev)) mwifiex_wake_up_net_dev_queue(tpriv->netdev, - adapter); + adapter); } } done: diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/util.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/util.c index 06976f517f6603998a43e419988aa50b79378d48..6b399976d6c88351c58f14b84470d8fd6404eb7c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/util.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/util.c @@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ int mwifiex_get_debug_info(struct mwifiex_private *priv, sizeof(priv->wmm.packets_out)); info->max_tx_buf_size = (u32) adapter->max_tx_buf_size; info->tx_buf_size = (u32) adapter->tx_buf_size; - info->rx_tbl_num = mwifiex_get_rx_reorder_tbl( - priv, info->rx_tbl); - info->tx_tbl_num = mwifiex_get_tx_ba_stream_tbl( - priv, info->tx_tbl); + info->rx_tbl_num = mwifiex_get_rx_reorder_tbl(priv, + info->rx_tbl); + info->tx_tbl_num = mwifiex_get_tx_ba_stream_tbl(priv, + info->tx_tbl); info->ps_mode = adapter->ps_mode; info->ps_state = adapter->ps_state; info->is_deep_sleep = adapter->is_deep_sleep; @@ -105,19 +105,19 @@ int mwifiex_get_debug_info(struct mwifiex_private *priv, info->is_hs_configured = adapter->is_hs_configured; info->hs_activated = adapter->hs_activated; info->num_cmd_host_to_card_failure - = adapter->dbg.num_cmd_host_to_card_failure; + = adapter->dbg.num_cmd_host_to_card_failure; info->num_cmd_sleep_cfm_host_to_card_failure = adapter->dbg.num_cmd_sleep_cfm_host_to_card_failure; info->num_tx_host_to_card_failure - = adapter->dbg.num_tx_host_to_card_failure; + = adapter->dbg.num_tx_host_to_card_failure; info->num_event_deauth = adapter->dbg.num_event_deauth; info->num_event_disassoc = adapter->dbg.num_event_disassoc; info->num_event_link_lost = adapter->dbg.num_event_link_lost; info->num_cmd_deauth = adapter->dbg.num_cmd_deauth; info->num_cmd_assoc_success = - adapter->dbg.num_cmd_assoc_success; + adapter->dbg.num_cmd_assoc_success; info->num_cmd_assoc_failure = - adapter->dbg.num_cmd_assoc_failure; + adapter->dbg.num_cmd_assoc_failure; info->num_tx_timeout = adapter->dbg.num_tx_timeout; info->num_cmd_timeout = adapter->dbg.num_cmd_timeout; info->timeout_cmd_id = adapter->dbg.timeout_cmd_id; @@ -159,7 +159,8 @@ int mwifiex_recv_packet(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, struct sk_buff *skb) return -1; rx_info = MWIFIEX_SKB_RXCB(skb); - priv = mwifiex_bss_index_to_priv(adapter, rx_info->bss_index); + priv = mwifiex_get_priv_by_id(adapter, rx_info->bss_num, + rx_info->bss_type); if (!priv) return -1; @@ -190,7 +191,7 @@ int mwifiex_complete_cmd(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, { atomic_dec(&adapter->cmd_pending); dev_dbg(adapter->dev, "cmd completed: status=%d\n", - adapter->cmd_wait_q.status); + adapter->cmd_wait_q.status); *(cmd_node->condition) = true; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/wmm.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/wmm.c index 6c239c3c8249c31395d337213b5a1c0e3176e4ab..5a7316c6f125b04f06ff1a86f3724d79b52b301a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/wmm.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/wmm.c @@ -87,15 +87,15 @@ mwifiex_wmm_ac_debug_print(const struct ieee_types_wmm_ac_parameters *ac_param) const char *ac_str[] = { "BK", "BE", "VI", "VO" }; pr_debug("info: WMM AC_%s: ACI=%d, ACM=%d, Aifsn=%d, " - "EcwMin=%d, EcwMax=%d, TxopLimit=%d\n", - ac_str[wmm_aci_to_qidx_map[(ac_param->aci_aifsn_bitmap - & MWIFIEX_ACI) >> 5]], - (ac_param->aci_aifsn_bitmap & MWIFIEX_ACI) >> 5, - (ac_param->aci_aifsn_bitmap & MWIFIEX_ACM) >> 4, - ac_param->aci_aifsn_bitmap & MWIFIEX_AIFSN, - ac_param->ecw_bitmap & MWIFIEX_ECW_MIN, - (ac_param->ecw_bitmap & MWIFIEX_ECW_MAX) >> 4, - le16_to_cpu(ac_param->tx_op_limit)); + "EcwMin=%d, EcwMax=%d, TxopLimit=%d\n", + ac_str[wmm_aci_to_qidx_map[(ac_param->aci_aifsn_bitmap + & MWIFIEX_ACI) >> 5]], + (ac_param->aci_aifsn_bitmap & MWIFIEX_ACI) >> 5, + (ac_param->aci_aifsn_bitmap & MWIFIEX_ACM) >> 4, + ac_param->aci_aifsn_bitmap & MWIFIEX_AIFSN, + ac_param->ecw_bitmap & MWIFIEX_ECW_MIN, + (ac_param->ecw_bitmap & MWIFIEX_ECW_MAX) >> 4, + le16_to_cpu(ac_param->tx_op_limit)); } /* @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ mwifiex_wmm_allocate_ralist_node(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, u8 *ra) if (!ra_list) { dev_err(adapter->dev, "%s: failed to alloc ra_list\n", - __func__); + __func__); return NULL; } INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ra_list->list); @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ mwifiex_ralist_add(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 *ra) ra_list, ra_list->is_11n_enabled); list_add_tail(&ra_list->list, - &priv->wmm.tid_tbl_ptr[i].ra_list); + &priv->wmm.tid_tbl_ptr[i].ra_list); if (!priv->wmm.tid_tbl_ptr[i].ra_list_curr) priv->wmm.tid_tbl_ptr[i].ra_list_curr = ra_list; @@ -217,22 +217,19 @@ mwifiex_wmm_setup_queue_priorities(struct mwifiex_private *priv, wmm_ie->reserved); for (num_ac = 0; num_ac < ARRAY_SIZE(wmm_ie->ac_params); num_ac++) { - cw_min = (1 << (wmm_ie->ac_params[num_ac].ecw_bitmap & - MWIFIEX_ECW_MIN)) - 1; - avg_back_off = (cw_min >> 1) + - (wmm_ie->ac_params[num_ac].aci_aifsn_bitmap & - MWIFIEX_AIFSN); - - ac_idx = wmm_aci_to_qidx_map[(wmm_ie->ac_params[num_ac]. - aci_aifsn_bitmap & - MWIFIEX_ACI) >> 5]; + u8 ecw = wmm_ie->ac_params[num_ac].ecw_bitmap; + u8 aci_aifsn = wmm_ie->ac_params[num_ac].aci_aifsn_bitmap; + cw_min = (1 << (ecw & MWIFIEX_ECW_MIN)) - 1; + avg_back_off = (cw_min >> 1) + (aci_aifsn & MWIFIEX_AIFSN); + + ac_idx = wmm_aci_to_qidx_map[(aci_aifsn & MWIFIEX_ACI) >> 5]; priv->wmm.queue_priority[ac_idx] = ac_idx; tmp[ac_idx] = avg_back_off; - dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: WMM: CWmax=%d CWmin=%d Avg Back-off=%d\n", - (1 << ((wmm_ie->ac_params[num_ac].ecw_bitmap & - MWIFIEX_ECW_MAX) >> 4)) - 1, - cw_min, avg_back_off); + dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, + "info: WMM: CWmax=%d CWmin=%d Avg Back-off=%d\n", + (1 << ((ecw & MWIFIEX_ECW_MAX) >> 4)) - 1, + cw_min, avg_back_off); mwifiex_wmm_ac_debug_print(&wmm_ie->ac_params[num_ac]); } @@ -312,13 +309,14 @@ mwifiex_wmm_setup_ac_downgrade(struct mwifiex_private *priv) /* WMM is not enabled, default priorities */ for (ac_val = WMM_AC_BK; ac_val <= WMM_AC_VO; ac_val++) priv->wmm.ac_down_graded_vals[ac_val] = - (enum mwifiex_wmm_ac_e) ac_val; + (enum mwifiex_wmm_ac_e) ac_val; } else { for (ac_val = WMM_AC_BK; ac_val <= WMM_AC_VO; ac_val++) { priv->wmm.ac_down_graded_vals[ac_val] = mwifiex_wmm_eval_downgrade_ac(priv, (enum mwifiex_wmm_ac_e) ac_val); - dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: WMM: AC PRIO %d maps to %d\n", + dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, + "info: WMM: AC PRIO %d maps to %d\n", ac_val, priv->wmm.ac_down_graded_vals[ac_val]); } } @@ -394,13 +392,13 @@ mwifiex_wmm_init(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) } priv->aggr_prio_tbl[6].amsdu - = priv->aggr_prio_tbl[6].ampdu_ap - = priv->aggr_prio_tbl[6].ampdu_user - = BA_STREAM_NOT_ALLOWED; + = priv->aggr_prio_tbl[6].ampdu_ap + = priv->aggr_prio_tbl[6].ampdu_user + = BA_STREAM_NOT_ALLOWED; priv->aggr_prio_tbl[7].amsdu = priv->aggr_prio_tbl[7].ampdu_ap - = priv->aggr_prio_tbl[7].ampdu_user - = BA_STREAM_NOT_ALLOWED; + = priv->aggr_prio_tbl[7].ampdu_user + = BA_STREAM_NOT_ALLOWED; priv->add_ba_param.timeout = MWIFIEX_DEFAULT_BLOCK_ACK_TIMEOUT; priv->add_ba_param.tx_win_size = MWIFIEX_AMPDU_DEF_TXWINSIZE; @@ -472,7 +470,7 @@ static void mwifiex_wmm_cleanup_queues(struct mwifiex_private *priv) for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_TID; i++) mwifiex_wmm_del_pkts_in_ralist(priv, &priv->wmm.tid_tbl_ptr[i]. - ra_list); + ra_list); atomic_set(&priv->wmm.tx_pkts_queued, 0); atomic_set(&priv->wmm.highest_queued_prio, HIGH_PRIO_TID); @@ -488,9 +486,10 @@ static void mwifiex_wmm_delete_all_ralist(struct mwifiex_private *priv) for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_TID; ++i) { dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, - "info: ra_list: freeing buf for tid %d\n", i); + "info: ra_list: freeing buf for tid %d\n", i); list_for_each_entry_safe(ra_list, tmp_node, - &priv->wmm.tid_tbl_ptr[i].ra_list, list) { + &priv->wmm.tid_tbl_ptr[i].ra_list, + list) { list_del(&ra_list->list); kfree(ra_list); } @@ -599,11 +598,10 @@ mwifiex_is_ralist_valid(struct mwifiex_private *priv, * is queued at the list tail. */ void -mwifiex_wmm_add_buf_txqueue(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, +mwifiex_wmm_add_buf_txqueue(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct sk_buff *skb) { - struct mwifiex_txinfo *tx_info = MWIFIEX_SKB_TXCB(skb); - struct mwifiex_private *priv = adapter->priv[tx_info->bss_index]; + struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter = priv->adapter; u32 tid; struct mwifiex_ra_list_tbl *ra_list; u8 ra[ETH_ALEN], tid_down; @@ -653,7 +651,7 @@ mwifiex_wmm_add_buf_txqueue(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, if (atomic_read(&priv->wmm.highest_queued_prio) < tos_to_tid_inv[tid_down]) atomic_set(&priv->wmm.highest_queued_prio, - tos_to_tid_inv[tid_down]); + tos_to_tid_inv[tid_down]); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->wmm.ra_list_spinlock, flags); } @@ -682,7 +680,7 @@ int mwifiex_ret_wmm_get_status(struct mwifiex_private *priv, struct mwifiex_wmm_ac_status *ac_status; dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: WMM: WMM_GET_STATUS cmdresp received: %d\n", - resp_len); + resp_len); while ((resp_len >= sizeof(tlv_hdr->header)) && valid) { tlv_hdr = (struct mwifiex_ie_types_data *) curr; @@ -696,15 +694,15 @@ int mwifiex_ret_wmm_get_status(struct mwifiex_private *priv, dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: CMD_RESP: WMM_GET_STATUS:" " QSTATUS TLV: %d, %d, %d\n", - tlv_wmm_qstatus->queue_index, - tlv_wmm_qstatus->flow_required, - tlv_wmm_qstatus->disabled); + tlv_wmm_qstatus->queue_index, + tlv_wmm_qstatus->flow_required, + tlv_wmm_qstatus->disabled); ac_status = &priv->wmm.ac_status[tlv_wmm_qstatus-> queue_index]; ac_status->disabled = tlv_wmm_qstatus->disabled; ac_status->flow_required = - tlv_wmm_qstatus->flow_required; + tlv_wmm_qstatus->flow_required; ac_status->flow_created = tlv_wmm_qstatus->flow_created; break; @@ -773,29 +771,27 @@ mwifiex_wmm_process_association_req(struct mwifiex_private *priv, if (!wmm_ie) return 0; - dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, "info: WMM: process assoc req:" - "bss->wmmIe=0x%x\n", - wmm_ie->vend_hdr.element_id); + dev_dbg(priv->adapter->dev, + "info: WMM: process assoc req: bss->wmm_ie=%#x\n", + wmm_ie->vend_hdr.element_id); - if ((priv->wmm_required - || (ht_cap && (priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_GN - || priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_AN)) - ) - && wmm_ie->vend_hdr.element_id == WLAN_EID_VENDOR_SPECIFIC) { + if ((priv->wmm_required || + (ht_cap && (priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_GN || + priv->adapter->config_bands & BAND_AN))) && + wmm_ie->vend_hdr.element_id == WLAN_EID_VENDOR_SPECIFIC) { wmm_tlv = (struct mwifiex_ie_types_wmm_param_set *) *assoc_buf; wmm_tlv->header.type = cpu_to_le16((u16) wmm_info_ie[0]); wmm_tlv->header.len = cpu_to_le16((u16) wmm_info_ie[1]); memcpy(wmm_tlv->wmm_ie, &wmm_info_ie[2], - le16_to_cpu(wmm_tlv->header.len)); + le16_to_cpu(wmm_tlv->header.len)); if (wmm_ie->qos_info_bitmap & IEEE80211_WMM_IE_AP_QOSINFO_UAPSD) memcpy((u8 *) (wmm_tlv->wmm_ie - + le16_to_cpu(wmm_tlv->header.len) - - sizeof(priv->wmm_qosinfo)), - &priv->wmm_qosinfo, - sizeof(priv->wmm_qosinfo)); + + le16_to_cpu(wmm_tlv->header.len) + - sizeof(priv->wmm_qosinfo)), + &priv->wmm_qosinfo, sizeof(priv->wmm_qosinfo)); ret_len = sizeof(wmm_tlv->header) - + le16_to_cpu(wmm_tlv->header.len); + + le16_to_cpu(wmm_tlv->header.len); *assoc_buf += ret_len; } @@ -814,7 +810,7 @@ mwifiex_wmm_process_association_req(struct mwifiex_private *priv, */ u8 mwifiex_wmm_compute_drv_pkt_delay(struct mwifiex_private *priv, - const struct sk_buff *skb) + const struct sk_buff *skb) { u8 ret_val; struct timeval out_tstamp, in_tstamp; @@ -851,17 +847,18 @@ mwifiex_wmm_get_highest_priolist_ptr(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, struct mwifiex_ra_list_tbl *ptr, *head; struct mwifiex_bss_prio_node *bssprio_node, *bssprio_head; struct mwifiex_tid_tbl *tid_ptr; + atomic_t *hqp; int is_list_empty; unsigned long flags; int i, j; for (j = adapter->priv_num - 1; j >= 0; --j) { spin_lock_irqsave(&adapter->bss_prio_tbl[j].bss_prio_lock, - flags); + flags); is_list_empty = list_empty(&adapter->bss_prio_tbl[j] - .bss_prio_head); + .bss_prio_head); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->bss_prio_tbl[j].bss_prio_lock, - flags); + flags); if (is_list_empty) continue; @@ -880,12 +877,8 @@ mwifiex_wmm_get_highest_priolist_ptr(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, } do { - atomic_t *hqp; - spinlock_t *lock; - priv_tmp = bssprio_node->priv; hqp = &priv_tmp->wmm.highest_queued_prio; - lock = &priv_tmp->wmm.ra_list_spinlock; for (i = atomic_read(hqp); i >= LOW_PRIO_TID; --i) { @@ -924,16 +917,10 @@ mwifiex_wmm_get_highest_priolist_ptr(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, do { is_list_empty = skb_queue_empty(&ptr->skb_head); - if (!is_list_empty) { - spin_lock_irqsave(lock, flags); - if (atomic_read(hqp) > i) - atomic_set(hqp, i); - spin_unlock_irqrestore(lock, - flags); - *priv = priv_tmp; - *tid = tos_to_tid[i]; - return ptr; - } + + if (!is_list_empty) + goto found; + /* Get next ra */ ptr = list_first_entry(&ptr->list, struct mwifiex_ra_list_tbl, @@ -970,6 +957,17 @@ mwifiex_wmm_get_highest_priolist_ptr(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, } while (bssprio_node != bssprio_head); } return NULL; + +found: + spin_lock_irqsave(&priv_tmp->wmm.ra_list_spinlock, flags); + if (atomic_read(hqp) > i) + atomic_set(hqp, i); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv_tmp->wmm.ra_list_spinlock, flags); + + *priv = priv_tmp; + *tid = tos_to_tid[i]; + + return ptr; } /* @@ -1209,25 +1207,24 @@ mwifiex_dequeue_tx_packet(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) return 0; } - if (!ptr->is_11n_enabled || mwifiex_is_ba_stream_setup(priv, ptr, tid) - || ((priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled - || priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled) && !priv->wpa_is_gtk_set) - ) { + if (!ptr->is_11n_enabled || + mwifiex_is_ba_stream_setup(priv, ptr, tid) || + ((priv->sec_info.wpa_enabled || + priv->sec_info.wpa2_enabled) && + !priv->wpa_is_gtk_set)) { mwifiex_send_single_packet(priv, ptr, ptr_index, flags); /* ra_list_spinlock has been freed in mwifiex_send_single_packet() */ } else { if (mwifiex_is_ampdu_allowed(priv, tid)) { if (mwifiex_space_avail_for_new_ba_stream(adapter)) { - mwifiex_11n_create_tx_ba_stream_tbl(priv, - ptr->ra, tid, - BA_STREAM_SETUP_INPROGRESS); + mwifiex_create_ba_tbl(priv, ptr->ra, tid, + BA_SETUP_INPROGRESS); mwifiex_send_addba(priv, tid, ptr->ra); } else if (mwifiex_find_stream_to_delete (priv, tid, &tid_del, ra)) { - mwifiex_11n_create_tx_ba_stream_tbl(priv, - ptr->ra, tid, - BA_STREAM_SETUP_INPROGRESS); + mwifiex_create_ba_tbl(priv, ptr->ra, tid, + BA_SETUP_INPROGRESS); mwifiex_send_delba(priv, tid_del, ra, 1); } } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/wmm.h b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/wmm.h index fcea1f68792f8c06e053352a69a17164194d0987..ec839952d2e77bc01bf57bb63be53086913821f0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/wmm.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/wmm.h @@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ mwifiex_wmm_is_ra_list_empty(struct list_head *ra_list_hhead) return true; } -void mwifiex_wmm_add_buf_txqueue(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter, - struct sk_buff *skb); +void mwifiex_wmm_add_buf_txqueue(struct mwifiex_private *priv, + struct sk_buff *skb); void mwifiex_ralist_add(struct mwifiex_private *priv, u8 *ra); int mwifiex_wmm_lists_empty(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/mwl8k.c b/drivers/net/wireless/mwl8k.c index dd5aeaff44ba3483804df003bd5779cbf0138794..b48674b577e6938e34e10af87c447ec66195e065 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/mwl8k.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mwl8k.c @@ -402,6 +402,7 @@ static const struct ieee80211_rate mwl8k_rates_50[] = { #define MWL8K_CMD_SET_MAC_ADDR 0x0202 /* per-vif */ #define MWL8K_CMD_SET_RATEADAPT_MODE 0x0203 #define MWL8K_CMD_GET_WATCHDOG_BITMAP 0x0205 +#define MWL8K_CMD_DEL_MAC_ADDR 0x0206 /* per-vif */ #define MWL8K_CMD_BSS_START 0x1100 /* per-vif */ #define MWL8K_CMD_SET_NEW_STN 0x1111 /* per-vif */ #define MWL8K_CMD_UPDATE_ENCRYPTION 0x1122 /* per-vif */ @@ -1330,7 +1331,7 @@ static int rxq_process(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, int index, int limit) wh->addr1); if (mwl8k_vif != NULL && - mwl8k_vif->is_hw_crypto_enabled == true) { + mwl8k_vif->is_hw_crypto_enabled) { /* * When MMIC ERROR is encountered * by the firmware, payload is @@ -1993,8 +1994,7 @@ mwl8k_txq_xmit(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, int index, struct sk_buff *skb) */ if (txq->len >= MWL8K_TX_DESCS - 2) { - if (mgmtframe == false || - txq->len == MWL8K_TX_DESCS) { + if (!mgmtframe || txq->len == MWL8K_TX_DESCS) { if (start_ba_session) { spin_lock(&priv->stream_lock); mwl8k_remove_stream(hw, stream); @@ -3430,10 +3430,7 @@ static int mwl8k_cmd_enable_sniffer(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool enable) return rc; } -/* - * CMD_SET_MAC_ADDR. - */ -struct mwl8k_cmd_set_mac_addr { +struct mwl8k_cmd_update_mac_addr { struct mwl8k_cmd_pkt header; union { struct { @@ -3449,12 +3446,12 @@ struct mwl8k_cmd_set_mac_addr { #define MWL8K_MAC_TYPE_PRIMARY_AP 2 #define MWL8K_MAC_TYPE_SECONDARY_AP 3 -static int mwl8k_cmd_set_mac_addr(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, - struct ieee80211_vif *vif, u8 *mac) +static int mwl8k_cmd_update_mac_addr(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, + struct ieee80211_vif *vif, u8 *mac, bool set) { struct mwl8k_priv *priv = hw->priv; struct mwl8k_vif *mwl8k_vif = MWL8K_VIF(vif); - struct mwl8k_cmd_set_mac_addr *cmd; + struct mwl8k_cmd_update_mac_addr *cmd; int mac_type; int rc; @@ -3475,7 +3472,11 @@ static int mwl8k_cmd_set_mac_addr(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (cmd == NULL) return -ENOMEM; - cmd->header.code = cpu_to_le16(MWL8K_CMD_SET_MAC_ADDR); + if (set) + cmd->header.code = cpu_to_le16(MWL8K_CMD_SET_MAC_ADDR); + else + cmd->header.code = cpu_to_le16(MWL8K_CMD_DEL_MAC_ADDR); + cmd->header.length = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(*cmd)); if (priv->ap_fw) { cmd->mbss.mac_type = cpu_to_le16(mac_type); @@ -3490,6 +3491,24 @@ static int mwl8k_cmd_set_mac_addr(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, return rc; } +/* + * MWL8K_CMD_SET_MAC_ADDR. + */ +static inline int mwl8k_cmd_set_mac_addr(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, + struct ieee80211_vif *vif, u8 *mac) +{ + return mwl8k_cmd_update_mac_addr(hw, vif, mac, true); +} + +/* + * MWL8K_CMD_DEL_MAC_ADDR. + */ +static inline int mwl8k_cmd_del_mac_addr(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, + struct ieee80211_vif *vif, u8 *mac) +{ + return mwl8k_cmd_update_mac_addr(hw, vif, mac, false); +} + /* * CMD_SET_RATEADAPT_MODE. */ @@ -4093,7 +4112,7 @@ static int mwl8k_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, return -EOPNOTSUPP; if (sta == NULL) - addr = hw->wiphy->perm_addr; + addr = vif->addr; else addr = sta->addr; @@ -4542,7 +4561,7 @@ static void mwl8k_remove_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (priv->ap_fw) mwl8k_cmd_set_new_stn_del(hw, vif, vif->addr); - mwl8k_cmd_set_mac_addr(hw, vif, "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"); + mwl8k_cmd_del_mac_addr(hw, vif, vif->addr); mwl8k_remove_vif(priv, mwl8k_vif); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/orinoco/main.c b/drivers/net/wireless/orinoco/main.c index 9fb77d0319f5de9ffde985de3691d0b4554cf152..dd6c64ac406e8f28d87e69d81dff7b4d8171e19c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/orinoco/main.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/orinoco/main.c @@ -941,11 +941,9 @@ void __orinoco_ev_rx(struct net_device *dev, struct hermes *hw) /* Add desc and skb to rx queue */ rx_data = kzalloc(sizeof(*rx_data), GFP_ATOMIC); - if (!rx_data) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Can't allocate RX packet\n", - dev->name); + if (!rx_data) goto drop; - } + rx_data->desc = desc; rx_data->skb = skb; list_add_tail(&rx_data->list, &priv->rx_list); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/orinoco/orinoco_usb.c b/drivers/net/wireless/orinoco/orinoco_usb.c index ae8ce56670b6734cec89ee5688263dcf2ba39db9..f634d4582bfe9d1d18890870ac74e499dc315a1b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/orinoco/orinoco_usb.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/orinoco/orinoco_usb.c @@ -1754,11 +1754,6 @@ static struct usb_driver orinoco_driver = { .id_table = ezusb_table, }; -/* Can't be declared "const" or the whole __initdata section will - * become const */ -static char version[] __initdata = DRIVER_NAME " " DRIVER_VERSION - " (Manuel Estrada Sainz)"; - module_usb_driver(orinoco_driver); MODULE_AUTHOR("Manuel Estrada Sainz"); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/p54/main.c b/drivers/net/wireless/p54/main.c index af2ca1a9c7d32ed014f11d1390e5c1d8bcf09fb6..ee8af1f047c8834f3f5cf5be4952616b6f44e5f9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/p54/main.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/p54/main.c @@ -227,6 +227,9 @@ static int p54_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *dev, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) { struct p54_common *priv = dev->priv; + int err; + + vif->driver_flags |= IEEE80211_VIF_BEACON_FILTER; mutex_lock(&priv->conf_mutex); if (priv->mode != NL80211_IFTYPE_MONITOR) { @@ -249,9 +252,9 @@ static int p54_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *dev, } memcpy(priv->mac_addr, vif->addr, ETH_ALEN); - p54_setup_mac(priv); + err = p54_setup_mac(priv); mutex_unlock(&priv->conf_mutex); - return 0; + return err; } static void p54_remove_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *dev, @@ -734,7 +737,6 @@ struct ieee80211_hw *p54_init_common(size_t priv_data_len) IEEE80211_HW_SIGNAL_DBM | IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_PS | IEEE80211_HW_PS_NULLFUNC_STACK | - IEEE80211_HW_BEACON_FILTER | IEEE80211_HW_REPORTS_TX_ACK_STATUS; dev->wiphy->interface_modes = BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) | diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54pci.c b/drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54pci.c index b1f51a215792028783223984dec8f0b0ac1a8f17..45df728183fdec6b4bd12017a154103d7069821f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54pci.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54pci.c @@ -624,36 +624,39 @@ static void __devexit p54p_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) } #ifdef CONFIG_PM -static int p54p_suspend(struct pci_dev *pdev, pm_message_t state) +static int p54p_suspend(struct device *device) { - struct ieee80211_hw *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); - struct p54p_priv *priv = dev->priv; - - if (priv->common.mode != NL80211_IFTYPE_UNSPECIFIED) { - ieee80211_stop_queues(dev); - p54p_stop(dev); - } + struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(device); pci_save_state(pdev); - pci_set_power_state(pdev, pci_choose_state(pdev, state)); + pci_set_power_state(pdev, PCI_D3hot); + pci_disable_device(pdev); return 0; } -static int p54p_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev) +static int p54p_resume(struct device *device) { - struct ieee80211_hw *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); - struct p54p_priv *priv = dev->priv; + struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(device); + int err; - pci_set_power_state(pdev, PCI_D0); - pci_restore_state(pdev); + err = pci_reenable_device(pdev); + if (err) + return err; + return pci_set_power_state(pdev, PCI_D0); +} - if (priv->common.mode != NL80211_IFTYPE_UNSPECIFIED) { - p54p_open(dev); - ieee80211_wake_queues(dev); - } +static const struct dev_pm_ops p54pci_pm_ops = { + .suspend = p54p_suspend, + .resume = p54p_resume, + .freeze = p54p_suspend, + .thaw = p54p_resume, + .poweroff = p54p_suspend, + .restore = p54p_resume, +}; - return 0; -} +#define P54P_PM_OPS (&p54pci_pm_ops) +#else +#define P54P_PM_OPS (NULL) #endif /* CONFIG_PM */ static struct pci_driver p54p_driver = { @@ -661,10 +664,7 @@ static struct pci_driver p54p_driver = { .id_table = p54p_table, .probe = p54p_probe, .remove = __devexit_p(p54p_remove), -#ifdef CONFIG_PM - .suspend = p54p_suspend, - .resume = p54p_resume, -#endif /* CONFIG_PM */ + .driver.pm = P54P_PM_OPS, }; static int __init p54p_init(void) diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54spi.c b/drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54spi.c index 7faed62c63786a629c64cfbd423dc228227e8768..f7929906d4371bd59ccdc0ad14ca6a9d5dff7a39 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54spi.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54spi.c @@ -618,19 +618,19 @@ static int __devinit p54spi_probe(struct spi_device *spi) ret = spi_setup(spi); if (ret < 0) { dev_err(&priv->spi->dev, "spi_setup failed"); - goto err_free_common; + goto err_free; } ret = gpio_request(p54spi_gpio_power, "p54spi power"); if (ret < 0) { dev_err(&priv->spi->dev, "power GPIO request failed: %d", ret); - goto err_free_common; + goto err_free; } ret = gpio_request(p54spi_gpio_irq, "p54spi irq"); if (ret < 0) { dev_err(&priv->spi->dev, "irq GPIO request failed: %d", ret); - goto err_free_common; + goto err_free_gpio_power; } gpio_direction_output(p54spi_gpio_power, 0); @@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ static int __devinit p54spi_probe(struct spi_device *spi) priv->spi); if (ret < 0) { dev_err(&priv->spi->dev, "request_irq() failed"); - goto err_free_common; + goto err_free_gpio_irq; } irq_set_irq_type(gpio_to_irq(p54spi_gpio_irq), IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING); @@ -673,6 +673,12 @@ static int __devinit p54spi_probe(struct spi_device *spi) return 0; err_free_common: + free_irq(gpio_to_irq(p54spi_gpio_irq), spi); +err_free_gpio_irq: + gpio_free(p54spi_gpio_irq); +err_free_gpio_power: + gpio_free(p54spi_gpio_power); +err_free: p54_free_common(priv->hw); return ret; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/p54/txrx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/p54/txrx.c index 42b97bc3847717fa017d923fd840c6c12261bd8a..a08a6f0e4dd118064606754e3fbd3be369d7bee5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/p54/txrx.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/p54/txrx.c @@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ static void p54_tx_80211_header(struct p54_common *priv, struct sk_buff *skb, if (!(info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_ASSIGN_SEQ)) *flags |= P54_HDR_FLAG_DATA_OUT_SEQNR; - if (info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_POLL_RESPONSE) + if (info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_PS_BUFFER) *flags |= P54_HDR_FLAG_DATA_OUT_NOCANCEL; if (info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_CLEAR_PS_FILT) diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/prism54/islpci_mgt.c b/drivers/net/wireless/prism54/islpci_mgt.c index a5224f6160e4b8f913ba3150a1891c1beb0e7d15..851fa10241e1e94d8ffa8a6635e7b80e14d2fead 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/prism54/islpci_mgt.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/prism54/islpci_mgt.c @@ -192,11 +192,9 @@ islpci_mgt_transmit(struct net_device *ndev, int operation, unsigned long oid, err = -ENOMEM; p = buf.mem = kmalloc(frag_len, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!buf.mem) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: cannot allocate mgmt frame\n", - ndev->name); + if (!buf.mem) goto error; - } + buf.size = frag_len; /* create the header directly in the fragment data area */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rndis_wlan.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rndis_wlan.c index a330c69583d62a07dc935ebef2c617b4ee135496..d66e2980bc27bab54ddd06867a8fccd50f6cfb0c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rndis_wlan.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rndis_wlan.c @@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ struct rndis_wlan_private { __le32 current_command_oid; /* encryption stuff */ - int encr_tx_key_index; + u8 encr_tx_key_index; struct rndis_wlan_encr_key encr_keys[RNDIS_WLAN_NUM_KEYS]; int wpa_version; @@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ static u32 get_bcm4320_power_dbm(struct rndis_wlan_private *priv) } } -static bool is_wpa_key(struct rndis_wlan_private *priv, int idx) +static bool is_wpa_key(struct rndis_wlan_private *priv, u8 idx) { int cipher = priv->encr_keys[idx].cipher; @@ -1350,7 +1350,7 @@ static int set_channel(struct usbnet *usbdev, int channel) } static struct ieee80211_channel *get_current_channel(struct usbnet *usbdev, - u16 *beacon_interval) + u32 *beacon_period) { struct rndis_wlan_private *priv = get_rndis_wlan_priv(usbdev); struct ieee80211_channel *channel; @@ -1370,14 +1370,14 @@ static struct ieee80211_channel *get_current_channel(struct usbnet *usbdev, if (!channel) return NULL; - if (beacon_interval) - *beacon_interval = le16_to_cpu(config.beacon_period); + if (beacon_period) + *beacon_period = le32_to_cpu(config.beacon_period); return channel; } /* index must be 0 - N, as per NDIS */ static int add_wep_key(struct usbnet *usbdev, const u8 *key, int key_len, - int index) + u8 index) { struct rndis_wlan_private *priv = get_rndis_wlan_priv(usbdev); struct ndis_80211_wep_key ndis_key; @@ -1387,13 +1387,15 @@ static int add_wep_key(struct usbnet *usbdev, const u8 *key, int key_len, netdev_dbg(usbdev->net, "%s(idx: %d, len: %d)\n", __func__, index, key_len); - if ((key_len != 5 && key_len != 13) || index < 0 || index > 3) + if (index >= RNDIS_WLAN_NUM_KEYS) return -EINVAL; if (key_len == 5) cipher = WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP40; - else + else if (key_len == 13) cipher = WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP104; + else + return -EINVAL; memset(&ndis_key, 0, sizeof(ndis_key)); @@ -1428,7 +1430,7 @@ static int add_wep_key(struct usbnet *usbdev, const u8 *key, int key_len, } static int add_wpa_key(struct usbnet *usbdev, const u8 *key, int key_len, - int index, const u8 *addr, const u8 *rx_seq, + u8 index, const u8 *addr, const u8 *rx_seq, int seq_len, u32 cipher, __le32 flags) { struct rndis_wlan_private *priv = get_rndis_wlan_priv(usbdev); @@ -1436,7 +1438,7 @@ static int add_wpa_key(struct usbnet *usbdev, const u8 *key, int key_len, bool is_addr_ok; int ret; - if (index < 0 || index >= 4) { + if (index >= RNDIS_WLAN_NUM_KEYS) { netdev_dbg(usbdev->net, "%s(): index out of range (%i)\n", __func__, index); return -EINVAL; @@ -1524,7 +1526,7 @@ static int add_wpa_key(struct usbnet *usbdev, const u8 *key, int key_len, return 0; } -static int restore_key(struct usbnet *usbdev, int key_idx) +static int restore_key(struct usbnet *usbdev, u8 key_idx) { struct rndis_wlan_private *priv = get_rndis_wlan_priv(usbdev); struct rndis_wlan_encr_key key; @@ -1550,13 +1552,13 @@ static void restore_keys(struct usbnet *usbdev) restore_key(usbdev, i); } -static void clear_key(struct rndis_wlan_private *priv, int idx) +static void clear_key(struct rndis_wlan_private *priv, u8 idx) { memset(&priv->encr_keys[idx], 0, sizeof(priv->encr_keys[idx])); } /* remove_key is for both wep and wpa */ -static int remove_key(struct usbnet *usbdev, int index, const u8 *bssid) +static int remove_key(struct usbnet *usbdev, u8 index, const u8 *bssid) { struct rndis_wlan_private *priv = get_rndis_wlan_priv(usbdev); struct ndis_80211_remove_key remove_key; @@ -1790,9 +1792,9 @@ static struct ndis_80211_pmkid *remove_pmkid(struct usbnet *usbdev, struct cfg80211_pmksa *pmksa, int max_pmkids) { - int i, len, count, newlen, err; + int i, newlen, err; + unsigned int count; - len = le32_to_cpu(pmkids->length); count = le32_to_cpu(pmkids->bssid_info_count); if (count > max_pmkids) @@ -1831,9 +1833,9 @@ static struct ndis_80211_pmkid *update_pmkid(struct usbnet *usbdev, struct cfg80211_pmksa *pmksa, int max_pmkids) { - int i, err, len, count, newlen; + int i, err, newlen; + unsigned int count; - len = le32_to_cpu(pmkids->length); count = le32_to_cpu(pmkids->bssid_info_count); if (count > max_pmkids) @@ -2683,7 +2685,7 @@ static void rndis_wlan_craft_connected_bss(struct usbnet *usbdev, u8 *bssid, s32 signal; u64 timestamp; u16 capability; - u16 beacon_interval = 0; + u32 beacon_period = 0; __le32 rssi; u8 ie_buf[34]; int len, ret, ie_len; @@ -2708,7 +2710,7 @@ static void rndis_wlan_craft_connected_bss(struct usbnet *usbdev, u8 *bssid, } /* Get channel and beacon interval */ - channel = get_current_channel(usbdev, &beacon_interval); + channel = get_current_channel(usbdev, &beacon_period); if (!channel) { netdev_warn(usbdev->net, "%s(): could not get channel.\n", __func__); @@ -2738,11 +2740,11 @@ static void rndis_wlan_craft_connected_bss(struct usbnet *usbdev, u8 *bssid, netdev_dbg(usbdev->net, "%s(): channel:%d(freq), bssid:[%pM], tsf:%d, " "capa:%x, beacon int:%d, resp_ie(len:%d, essid:'%.32s'), " "signal:%d\n", __func__, (channel ? channel->center_freq : -1), - bssid, (u32)timestamp, capability, beacon_interval, ie_len, + bssid, (u32)timestamp, capability, beacon_period, ie_len, ssid.essid, signal); bss = cfg80211_inform_bss(priv->wdev.wiphy, channel, bssid, - timestamp, capability, beacon_interval, ie_buf, ie_len, + timestamp, capability, beacon_period, ie_buf, ie_len, signal, GFP_KERNEL); cfg80211_put_bss(bss); } @@ -2755,9 +2757,10 @@ static void rndis_wlan_do_link_up_work(struct usbnet *usbdev) struct rndis_wlan_private *priv = get_rndis_wlan_priv(usbdev); struct ndis_80211_assoc_info *info = NULL; u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; - int resp_ie_len, req_ie_len; + unsigned int resp_ie_len, req_ie_len; + unsigned int offset; u8 *req_ie, *resp_ie; - int ret, offset; + int ret; bool roamed = false; bool match_bss; @@ -2785,7 +2788,9 @@ static void rndis_wlan_do_link_up_work(struct usbnet *usbdev) ret = get_association_info(usbdev, info, CONTROL_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!ret) { req_ie_len = le32_to_cpu(info->req_ie_length); - if (req_ie_len > 0) { + if (req_ie_len > CONTROL_BUFFER_SIZE) + req_ie_len = CONTROL_BUFFER_SIZE; + if (req_ie_len != 0) { offset = le32_to_cpu(info->offset_req_ies); if (offset > CONTROL_BUFFER_SIZE) @@ -2799,7 +2804,9 @@ static void rndis_wlan_do_link_up_work(struct usbnet *usbdev) } resp_ie_len = le32_to_cpu(info->resp_ie_length); - if (resp_ie_len > 0) { + if (resp_ie_len > CONTROL_BUFFER_SIZE) + resp_ie_len = CONTROL_BUFFER_SIZE; + if (resp_ie_len != 0) { offset = le32_to_cpu(info->offset_resp_ies); if (offset > CONTROL_BUFFER_SIZE) @@ -3038,7 +3045,7 @@ static void rndis_wlan_media_specific_indication(struct usbnet *usbdev, struct rndis_indicate *msg, int buflen) { struct ndis_80211_status_indication *indication; - int len, offset; + unsigned int len, offset; offset = offsetof(struct rndis_indicate, status) + le32_to_cpu(msg->offset); @@ -3050,7 +3057,7 @@ static void rndis_wlan_media_specific_indication(struct usbnet *usbdev, return; } - if (offset + len > buflen) { + if (len > buflen || offset > buflen || offset + len > buflen) { netdev_info(usbdev->net, "media specific indication, too large to fit to buffer (%i > %i)\n", offset + len, buflen); return; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/Kconfig b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/Kconfig index a0a7854facc08e17a40f04f5eccd0a09a3c68c63..299c3879582da14e12ca00d7f11184da8c61bed7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/Kconfig @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ config RT2800USB_RT53XX depends on EXPERIMENTAL ---help--- This adds support for rt53xx wireless chipset family to the - rt2800pci driver. + rt2800usb driver. Supported chips: RT5370 config RT2800USB_UNKNOWN diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800.h index 2571a2fa3d09c67a87dc6a685f4b9114533d7a39..063bfa8b91f4d44deef8477dfb72a49a1cb9e0ac 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800.h @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ #define RF3322 0x000c #define RF3053 0x000d #define RF5370 0x5370 +#define RF5372 0x5372 #define RF5390 0x5390 /* @@ -965,6 +966,7 @@ * TX_PIN_CFG: */ #define TX_PIN_CFG 0x1328 +#define TX_PIN_CFG_PA_PE_DISABLE 0xfcfffff0 #define TX_PIN_CFG_PA_PE_A0_EN FIELD32(0x00000001) #define TX_PIN_CFG_PA_PE_G0_EN FIELD32(0x00000002) #define TX_PIN_CFG_PA_PE_A1_EN FIELD32(0x00000004) @@ -985,6 +987,14 @@ #define TX_PIN_CFG_RFTR_POL FIELD32(0x00020000) #define TX_PIN_CFG_TRSW_EN FIELD32(0x00040000) #define TX_PIN_CFG_TRSW_POL FIELD32(0x00080000) +#define TX_PIN_CFG_PA_PE_A2_EN FIELD32(0x01000000) +#define TX_PIN_CFG_PA_PE_G2_EN FIELD32(0x02000000) +#define TX_PIN_CFG_PA_PE_A2_POL FIELD32(0x04000000) +#define TX_PIN_CFG_PA_PE_G2_POL FIELD32(0x08000000) +#define TX_PIN_CFG_LNA_PE_A2_EN FIELD32(0x10000000) +#define TX_PIN_CFG_LNA_PE_G2_EN FIELD32(0x20000000) +#define TX_PIN_CFG_LNA_PE_A2_POL FIELD32(0x40000000) +#define TX_PIN_CFG_LNA_PE_G2_POL FIELD32(0x80000000) /* * TX_BAND_CFG: 0x1 use upper 20MHz, 0x0 use lower 20MHz @@ -1627,6 +1637,7 @@ struct mac_iveiv_entry { /* * H2M_MAILBOX_CSR: Host-to-MCU Mailbox. + * CMD_TOKEN: Command id, 0xff disable status reporting. */ #define H2M_MAILBOX_CSR 0x7010 #define H2M_MAILBOX_CSR_ARG0 FIELD32(0x000000ff) @@ -1636,6 +1647,8 @@ struct mac_iveiv_entry { /* * H2M_MAILBOX_CID: + * Free slots contain 0xff. MCU will store command's token to lowest free slot. + * If all slots are occupied status will be dropped. */ #define H2M_MAILBOX_CID 0x7014 #define H2M_MAILBOX_CID_CMD0 FIELD32(0x000000ff) @@ -1645,6 +1658,7 @@ struct mac_iveiv_entry { /* * H2M_MAILBOX_STATUS: + * Command status will be saved to same slot as command id. */ #define H2M_MAILBOX_STATUS 0x701c @@ -1795,6 +1809,14 @@ struct mac_iveiv_entry { */ #define RFCSR2_RESCAL_EN FIELD8(0x80) +/* + * RFCSR 3: + */ +#define RFCSR3_K FIELD8(0x0f) +/* Bits [7-4] for RF3320 (RT3370/RT3390), on other chipsets reserved */ +#define RFCSR3_PA1_BIAS_CCK FIELD8(0x70); +#define RFCSR3_PA2_CASCODE_BIAS_CCKK FIELD8(0x80); + /* * FRCSR 5: */ @@ -1811,10 +1833,12 @@ struct mac_iveiv_entry { * RFCSR 7: */ #define RFCSR7_RF_TUNING FIELD8(0x01) -#define RFCSR7_R02 FIELD8(0x07) -#define RFCSR7_R3 FIELD8(0x08) -#define RFCSR7_R45 FIELD8(0x30) -#define RFCSR7_R67 FIELD8(0xc0) +#define RFCSR7_BIT1 FIELD8(0x02) +#define RFCSR7_BIT2 FIELD8(0x04) +#define RFCSR7_BIT3 FIELD8(0x08) +#define RFCSR7_BIT4 FIELD8(0x10) +#define RFCSR7_BIT5 FIELD8(0x20) +#define RFCSR7_BITS67 FIELD8(0xc0) /* * RFCSR 11: @@ -1838,6 +1862,11 @@ struct mac_iveiv_entry { */ #define RFCSR15_TX_LO2_EN FIELD8(0x08) +/* + * RFCSR 16: + */ +#define RFCSR16_TXMIXER_GAIN FIELD8(0x07) + /* * RFCSR 17: */ @@ -1866,6 +1895,13 @@ struct mac_iveiv_entry { */ #define RFCSR23_FREQ_OFFSET FIELD8(0x7f) +/* + * RFCSR 24: + */ +#define RFCSR24_TX_AGC_FC FIELD8(0x1f) +#define RFCSR24_TX_H20M FIELD8(0x20) +#define RFCSR24_TX_CALIB FIELD8(0x7f) + /* * RFCSR 27: */ @@ -1887,6 +1923,7 @@ struct mac_iveiv_entry { */ #define RFCSR31_RX_AGC_FC FIELD8(0x1f) #define RFCSR31_RX_H20M FIELD8(0x20) +#define RFCSR31_RX_CALIB FIELD8(0x7f) /* * RFCSR 38: @@ -2092,6 +2129,12 @@ struct mac_iveiv_entry { #define EEPROM_RSSI_A2_OFFSET2 FIELD16(0x00ff) #define EEPROM_RSSI_A2_LNA_A2 FIELD16(0xff00) +/* + * EEPROM TXMIXER GAIN A offset (note overlaps with EEPROM RSSI A2). + */ +#define EEPROM_TXMIXER_GAIN_A 0x0026 +#define EEPROM_TXMIXER_GAIN_A_VAL FIELD16(0x0007) + /* * EEPROM EIRP Maximum TX power values(unit: dbm) */ @@ -2259,6 +2302,12 @@ struct mac_iveiv_entry { /* * MCU mailbox commands. + * MCU_SLEEP - go to power-save mode. + * arg1: 1: save as much power as possible, 0: save less power. + * status: 1: success, 2: already asleep, + * 3: maybe MAC is busy so can't finish this task. + * MCU_RADIO_OFF + * arg0: 0: do power-saving, NOT turn off radio. */ #define MCU_SLEEP 0x30 #define MCU_WAKEUP 0x31 @@ -2279,7 +2328,10 @@ struct mac_iveiv_entry { /* * MCU mailbox tokens */ -#define TOKEN_WAKUP 3 +#define TOKEN_SLEEP 1 +#define TOKEN_RADIO_OFF 2 +#define TOKEN_WAKEUP 3 + /* * DMA descriptor defines. @@ -2422,4 +2474,23 @@ struct mac_iveiv_entry { */ #define EIRP_MAX_TX_POWER_LIMIT 0x50 +/* + * Number of TBTT intervals after which we have to adjust + * the hw beacon timer. + */ +#define BCN_TBTT_OFFSET 64 + +/* + * RT2800 driver data structure + */ +struct rt2800_drv_data { + u8 calibration_bw20; + u8 calibration_bw40; + u8 bbp25; + u8 bbp26; + u8 txmixer_gain_24g; + u8 txmixer_gain_5g; + unsigned int tbtt_tick; +}; + #endif /* RT2800_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800lib.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800lib.c index 7bef66def10c469166f6689adefbfe1d477bf034..6c0a12ea6a15a44ca94a85f5e2ca79b75d08f916 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800lib.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800lib.c @@ -402,7 +402,8 @@ int rt2800_load_firmware(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, if (rt2x00_is_pci(rt2x00dev)) { if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3572) || - rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) { + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) { rt2800_register_read(rt2x00dev, AUX_CTRL, ®); rt2x00_set_field32(®, AUX_CTRL_FORCE_PCIE_CLK, 1); rt2x00_set_field32(®, AUX_CTRL_WAKE_PCIE_EN, 1); @@ -411,18 +412,6 @@ int rt2800_load_firmware(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, rt2800_register_write(rt2x00dev, PWR_PIN_CFG, 0x00000002); } - /* - * Disable DMA, will be reenabled later when enabling - * the radio. - */ - rt2800_register_read(rt2x00dev, WPDMA_GLO_CFG, ®); - rt2x00_set_field32(®, WPDMA_GLO_CFG_ENABLE_TX_DMA, 0); - rt2x00_set_field32(®, WPDMA_GLO_CFG_TX_DMA_BUSY, 0); - rt2x00_set_field32(®, WPDMA_GLO_CFG_ENABLE_RX_DMA, 0); - rt2x00_set_field32(®, WPDMA_GLO_CFG_RX_DMA_BUSY, 0); - rt2x00_set_field32(®, WPDMA_GLO_CFG_TX_WRITEBACK_DONE, 1); - rt2800_register_write(rt2x00dev, WPDMA_GLO_CFG, reg); - /* * Write firmware to the device. */ @@ -443,11 +432,22 @@ int rt2800_load_firmware(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, return -EBUSY; } + /* + * Disable DMA, will be reenabled later when enabling + * the radio. + */ + rt2800_register_read(rt2x00dev, WPDMA_GLO_CFG, ®); + rt2x00_set_field32(®, WPDMA_GLO_CFG_ENABLE_TX_DMA, 0); + rt2x00_set_field32(®, WPDMA_GLO_CFG_ENABLE_RX_DMA, 0); + rt2800_register_write(rt2x00dev, WPDMA_GLO_CFG, reg); + /* * Initialize firmware. */ rt2800_register_write(rt2x00dev, H2M_BBP_AGENT, 0); rt2800_register_write(rt2x00dev, H2M_MAILBOX_CSR, 0); + if (rt2x00_is_usb(rt2x00dev)) + rt2800_register_write(rt2x00dev, H2M_INT_SRC, 0); msleep(1); return 0; @@ -1646,10 +1646,14 @@ static void rt2800_config_channel_rf3xxx(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, struct rf_channel *rf, struct channel_info *info) { - u8 rfcsr; + struct rt2800_drv_data *drv_data = rt2x00dev->drv_data; + u8 rfcsr, calib_tx, calib_rx; rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 2, rf->rf1); - rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rf->rf3); + + rt2800_rfcsr_read(rt2x00dev, 3, &rfcsr); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR3_K, rf->rf3); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rfcsr); rt2800_rfcsr_read(rt2x00dev, 6, &rfcsr); rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR6_R1, rf->rf2); @@ -1663,16 +1667,82 @@ static void rt2800_config_channel_rf3xxx(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR13_TX_POWER, info->default_power2); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 13, rfcsr); + rt2800_rfcsr_read(rt2x00dev, 1, &rfcsr); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_RX0_PD, 0); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_TX0_PD, 0); + if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3390)) { + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_RX1_PD, + rt2x00dev->default_ant.rx_chain_num == 1); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_TX1_PD, + rt2x00dev->default_ant.tx_chain_num == 1); + } else { + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_RX1_PD, 0); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_TX1_PD, 0); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_RX2_PD, 0); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_TX2_PD, 0); + + switch (rt2x00dev->default_ant.tx_chain_num) { + case 1: + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_TX1_PD, 1); + /* fall through */ + case 2: + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_TX2_PD, 1); + break; + } + + switch (rt2x00dev->default_ant.rx_chain_num) { + case 1: + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_RX1_PD, 1); + /* fall through */ + case 2: + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_RX2_PD, 1); + break; + } + } + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 1, rfcsr); + + rt2800_rfcsr_read(rt2x00dev, 30, &rfcsr); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR30_RF_CALIBRATION, 1); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 30, rfcsr); + msleep(1); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR30_RF_CALIBRATION, 0); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 30, rfcsr); + rt2800_rfcsr_read(rt2x00dev, 23, &rfcsr); rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR23_FREQ_OFFSET, rt2x00dev->freq_offset); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 23, rfcsr); - rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 24, - rt2x00dev->calibration[conf_is_ht40(conf)]); + if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3390)) { + calib_tx = conf_is_ht40(conf) ? 0x68 : 0x4f; + calib_rx = conf_is_ht40(conf) ? 0x6f : 0x4f; + } else { + if (conf_is_ht40(conf)) { + calib_tx = drv_data->calibration_bw40; + calib_rx = drv_data->calibration_bw40; + } else { + calib_tx = drv_data->calibration_bw20; + calib_rx = drv_data->calibration_bw20; + } + } + + rt2800_rfcsr_read(rt2x00dev, 24, &rfcsr); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR24_TX_CALIB, calib_tx); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 24, rfcsr); + + rt2800_rfcsr_read(rt2x00dev, 31, &rfcsr); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR31_RX_CALIB, calib_rx); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 31, rfcsr); rt2800_rfcsr_read(rt2x00dev, 7, &rfcsr); rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR7_RF_TUNING, 1); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 7, rfcsr); + + rt2800_rfcsr_read(rt2x00dev, 30, &rfcsr); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR30_RF_CALIBRATION, 1); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 30, rfcsr); + msleep(1); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR30_RF_CALIBRATION, 0); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 30, rfcsr); } static void rt2800_config_channel_rf3052(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, @@ -1680,12 +1750,13 @@ static void rt2800_config_channel_rf3052(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, struct rf_channel *rf, struct channel_info *info) { + struct rt2800_drv_data *drv_data = rt2x00dev->drv_data; u8 rfcsr; u32 reg; if (rf->channel <= 14) { - rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 25, 0x15); - rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 26, 0x85); + rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 25, drv_data->bbp25); + rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 26, drv_data->bbp26); } else { rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 25, 0x09); rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 26, 0xff); @@ -1713,8 +1784,7 @@ static void rt2800_config_channel_rf3052(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, if (rf->channel <= 14) { rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR12_DR0, 3); rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR12_TX_POWER, - (info->default_power1 & 0x3) | - ((info->default_power1 & 0xC) << 1)); + info->default_power1); } else { rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR12_DR0, 7); rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR12_TX_POWER, @@ -1727,8 +1797,7 @@ static void rt2800_config_channel_rf3052(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, if (rf->channel <= 14) { rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR13_DR0, 3); rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR13_TX_POWER, - (info->default_power2 & 0x3) | - ((info->default_power2 & 0xC) << 1)); + info->default_power2); } else { rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR13_DR0, 7); rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR13_TX_POWER, @@ -1738,11 +1807,12 @@ static void rt2800_config_channel_rf3052(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 13, rfcsr); rt2800_rfcsr_read(rt2x00dev, 1, &rfcsr); - rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_RF_BLOCK_EN, 1); rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_RX0_PD, 0); rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_TX0_PD, 0); rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_RX1_PD, 0); rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_TX1_PD, 0); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_RX2_PD, 0); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_TX2_PD, 0); if (test_bit(CAPABILITY_BT_COEXIST, &rt2x00dev->cap_flags)) { if (rf->channel <= 14) { rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR1_RX0_PD, 1); @@ -1773,10 +1843,13 @@ static void rt2800_config_channel_rf3052(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR23_FREQ_OFFSET, rt2x00dev->freq_offset); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 23, rfcsr); - rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 24, - rt2x00dev->calibration[conf_is_ht40(conf)]); - rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 31, - rt2x00dev->calibration[conf_is_ht40(conf)]); + if (conf_is_ht40(conf)) { + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 24, drv_data->calibration_bw40); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 31, drv_data->calibration_bw40); + } else { + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 24, drv_data->calibration_bw20); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 31, drv_data->calibration_bw20); + } if (rf->channel <= 14) { rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 7, 0xd8); @@ -1784,7 +1857,10 @@ static void rt2800_config_channel_rf3052(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 10, 0xf1); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 11, 0xb9); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 15, 0x53); - rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 16, 0x4c); + rfcsr = 0x4c; + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR16_TXMIXER_GAIN, + drv_data->txmixer_gain_24g); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 16, rfcsr); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 17, 0x23); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 19, 0x93); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 20, 0xb3); @@ -1793,12 +1869,20 @@ static void rt2800_config_channel_rf3052(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 27, 0x00); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 29, 0x9b); } else { - rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 7, 0x14); + rt2800_rfcsr_read(rt2x00dev, 7, &rfcsr); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR7_BIT2, 1); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR7_BIT3, 0); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR7_BIT4, 1); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR7_BITS67, 0); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 7, rfcsr); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 9, 0xc0); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 10, 0xf1); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 11, 0x00); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 15, 0x43); - rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 16, 0x7a); + rfcsr = 0x7a; + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR16_TXMIXER_GAIN, + drv_data->txmixer_gain_5g); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 16, rfcsr); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 17, 0x23); if (rf->channel <= 64) { rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 19, 0xb7); @@ -1906,7 +1990,8 @@ static void rt2800_config_channel_rf53xx(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, r55_nonbt_rev[idx]); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 59, r59_nonbt_rev[idx]); - } else if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) { + } else if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) { static const char r59_non_bt[] = {0x8f, 0x8f, 0x8f, 0x8f, 0x8f, 0x8f, 0x8f, 0x8d, 0x8a, 0x88, 0x88, 0x87, 0x87, 0x86}; @@ -1956,6 +2041,7 @@ static void rt2800_config_channel(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, rt2800_config_channel_rf3052(rt2x00dev, conf, rf, info); break; case RF5370: + case RF5372: case RF5390: rt2800_config_channel_rf53xx(rt2x00dev, conf, rf, info); break; @@ -1972,7 +2058,8 @@ static void rt2800_config_channel(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 86, 0); if (rf->channel <= 14) { - if (!rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) { + if (!rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) && + !rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) { if (test_bit(CAPABILITY_EXTERNAL_LNA_BG, &rt2x00dev->cap_flags)) { rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 82, 0x62); @@ -2414,6 +2501,80 @@ void rt2800_gain_calibration(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(rt2800_gain_calibration); +void rt2800_vco_calibration(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) +{ + u32 tx_pin; + u8 rfcsr; + + /* + * A voltage-controlled oscillator(VCO) is an electronic oscillator + * designed to be controlled in oscillation frequency by a voltage + * input. Maybe the temperature will affect the frequency of + * oscillation to be shifted. The VCO calibration will be called + * periodically to adjust the frequency to be precision. + */ + + rt2800_register_read(rt2x00dev, TX_PIN_CFG, &tx_pin); + tx_pin &= TX_PIN_CFG_PA_PE_DISABLE; + rt2800_register_write(rt2x00dev, TX_PIN_CFG, tx_pin); + + switch (rt2x00dev->chip.rf) { + case RF2020: + case RF3020: + case RF3021: + case RF3022: + case RF3320: + case RF3052: + rt2800_rfcsr_read(rt2x00dev, 7, &rfcsr); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR7_RF_TUNING, 1); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 7, rfcsr); + break; + case RF5370: + case RF5372: + case RF5390: + rt2800_rfcsr_read(rt2x00dev, 3, &rfcsr); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR30_RF_CALIBRATION, 1); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rfcsr); + break; + default: + return; + } + + mdelay(1); + + rt2800_register_read(rt2x00dev, TX_PIN_CFG, &tx_pin); + if (rt2x00dev->rf_channel <= 14) { + switch (rt2x00dev->default_ant.tx_chain_num) { + case 3: + rt2x00_set_field32(&tx_pin, TX_PIN_CFG_PA_PE_G2_EN, 1); + /* fall through */ + case 2: + rt2x00_set_field32(&tx_pin, TX_PIN_CFG_PA_PE_G1_EN, 1); + /* fall through */ + case 1: + default: + rt2x00_set_field32(&tx_pin, TX_PIN_CFG_PA_PE_G0_EN, 1); + break; + } + } else { + switch (rt2x00dev->default_ant.tx_chain_num) { + case 3: + rt2x00_set_field32(&tx_pin, TX_PIN_CFG_PA_PE_A2_EN, 1); + /* fall through */ + case 2: + rt2x00_set_field32(&tx_pin, TX_PIN_CFG_PA_PE_A1_EN, 1); + /* fall through */ + case 1: + default: + rt2x00_set_field32(&tx_pin, TX_PIN_CFG_PA_PE_A0_EN, 1); + break; + } + } + rt2800_register_write(rt2x00dev, TX_PIN_CFG, tx_pin); + +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(rt2800_vco_calibration); + static void rt2800_config_retry_limit(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, struct rt2x00lib_conf *libconf) { @@ -2502,7 +2663,8 @@ static u8 rt2800_get_default_vgc(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3071) || rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3090) || rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3390) || - rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) return 0x1c + (2 * rt2x00dev->lna_gain); else return 0x2e + rt2x00dev->lna_gain; @@ -2637,7 +2799,8 @@ static int rt2800_init_registers(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) } else if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3572)) { rt2800_register_write(rt2x00dev, TX_SW_CFG0, 0x00000400); rt2800_register_write(rt2x00dev, TX_SW_CFG1, 0x00080606); - } else if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) { + } else if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) { rt2800_register_write(rt2x00dev, TX_SW_CFG0, 0x00000404); rt2800_register_write(rt2x00dev, TX_SW_CFG1, 0x00080606); rt2800_register_write(rt2x00dev, TX_SW_CFG2, 0x00000000); @@ -3013,7 +3176,8 @@ static int rt2800_init_bbp(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) rt2800_wait_bbp_ready(rt2x00dev))) return -EACCES; - if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) { + if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) { rt2800_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 4, &value); rt2x00_set_field8(&value, BBP4_MAC_IF_CTRL, 1); rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 4, value); @@ -3021,19 +3185,22 @@ static int rt2800_init_bbp(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) if (rt2800_is_305x_soc(rt2x00dev) || rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3572) || - rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 31, 0x08); rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 65, 0x2c); rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 66, 0x38); - if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) + if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 68, 0x0b); if (rt2x00_rt_rev(rt2x00dev, RT2860, REV_RT2860C)) { rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 69, 0x16); rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 73, 0x12); - } else if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) { + } else if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) { rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 69, 0x12); rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 73, 0x13); rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 75, 0x46); @@ -3051,7 +3218,8 @@ static int rt2800_init_bbp(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3090) || rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3390) || rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3572) || - rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) { + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) { rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 79, 0x13); rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 80, 0x05); rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 81, 0x33); @@ -3063,64 +3231,88 @@ static int rt2800_init_bbp(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) } rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 82, 0x62); - if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) + if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 83, 0x7a); else rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 83, 0x6a); if (rt2x00_rt_rev(rt2x00dev, RT2860, REV_RT2860D)) rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 84, 0x19); - else if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) + else if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 84, 0x9a); else rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 84, 0x99); - if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) + if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 86, 0x38); else rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 86, 0x00); + if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) + rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 88, 0x90); + rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 91, 0x04); - if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) + if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 92, 0x02); else rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 92, 0x00); + if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) { + rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 95, 0x9a); + rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 98, 0x12); + } + if (rt2x00_rt_rev_gte(rt2x00dev, RT3070, REV_RT3070F) || rt2x00_rt_rev_gte(rt2x00dev, RT3071, REV_RT3071E) || rt2x00_rt_rev_gte(rt2x00dev, RT3090, REV_RT3090E) || rt2x00_rt_rev_gte(rt2x00dev, RT3390, REV_RT3390E) || rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3572) || rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392) || rt2800_is_305x_soc(rt2x00dev)) rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 103, 0xc0); else rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 103, 0x00); - if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) + if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 104, 0x92); if (rt2800_is_305x_soc(rt2x00dev)) rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 105, 0x01); - else if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) + else if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 105, 0x3c); else rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 105, 0x05); if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 106, 0x03); + else if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) + rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 106, 0x12); else rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 106, 0x35); - if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) + if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 128, 0x12); + if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) { + rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 134, 0xd0); + rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 135, 0xf6); + } + if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3071) || rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3090) || rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3390) || rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3572) || - rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) { + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) { rt2800_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 138, &value); rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_NIC_CONF0, &eeprom); @@ -3132,7 +3324,8 @@ static int rt2800_init_bbp(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) rt2800_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 138, value); } - if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) { + if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) { int ant, div_mode; rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_NIC_CONF1, &eeprom); @@ -3247,6 +3440,7 @@ static u8 rt2800_init_rx_filter(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, static int rt2800_init_rfcsr(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) { + struct rt2800_drv_data *drv_data = rt2x00dev->drv_data; u8 rfcsr; u8 bbp; u32 reg; @@ -3258,13 +3452,15 @@ static int rt2800_init_rfcsr(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) !rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3390) && !rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3572) && !rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) && + !rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392) && !rt2800_is_305x_soc(rt2x00dev)) return 0; /* * Init RF calibration. */ - if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) { + if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) { rt2800_rfcsr_read(rt2x00dev, 2, &rfcsr); rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR2_RESCAL_EN, 1); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 2, rfcsr); @@ -3482,6 +3678,66 @@ static int rt2800_init_rfcsr(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 61, 0xdd); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 62, 0x00); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 63, 0x00); + } else if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) { + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 1, 0x17); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 2, 0x80); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 3, 0x88); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 5, 0x10); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 6, 0xe0); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 7, 0x00); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 10, 0x53); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 11, 0x4a); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 12, 0x46); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 13, 0x9f); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 14, 0x00); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 15, 0x00); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 16, 0x00); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 18, 0x03); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 19, 0x4d); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 20, 0x00); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 21, 0x8d); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 22, 0x20); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 23, 0x0b); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 24, 0x44); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 25, 0x80); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 26, 0x82); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 27, 0x09); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 28, 0x00); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 29, 0x10); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 30, 0x10); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 31, 0x80); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 32, 0x20); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 33, 0xC0); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 34, 0x07); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 35, 0x12); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 36, 0x00); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 37, 0x08); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 38, 0x89); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 39, 0x1b); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 40, 0x0f); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 41, 0xbb); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 42, 0xd5); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 43, 0x9b); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 44, 0x0e); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 45, 0xa2); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 46, 0x73); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 47, 0x0c); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 48, 0x10); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 49, 0x94); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 50, 0x94); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 51, 0x3a); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 52, 0x48); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 53, 0x44); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 54, 0x38); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 55, 0x43); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 56, 0xa1); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 57, 0x00); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 58, 0x39); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 59, 0x07); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 60, 0x45); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 61, 0x91); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 62, 0x39); + rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 63, 0x07); } if (rt2x00_rt_rev_lt(rt2x00dev, RT3070, REV_RT3070F)) { @@ -3535,21 +3791,28 @@ static int rt2800_init_rfcsr(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) * Set RX Filter calibration for 20MHz and 40MHz */ if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3070)) { - rt2x00dev->calibration[0] = + drv_data->calibration_bw20 = rt2800_init_rx_filter(rt2x00dev, false, 0x07, 0x16); - rt2x00dev->calibration[1] = + drv_data->calibration_bw40 = rt2800_init_rx_filter(rt2x00dev, true, 0x27, 0x19); } else if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3071) || rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3090) || rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3390) || rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3572)) { - rt2x00dev->calibration[0] = + drv_data->calibration_bw20 = rt2800_init_rx_filter(rt2x00dev, false, 0x07, 0x13); - rt2x00dev->calibration[1] = + drv_data->calibration_bw40 = rt2800_init_rx_filter(rt2x00dev, true, 0x27, 0x15); } - if (!rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) { + /* + * Save BBP 25 & 26 values for later use in channel switching + */ + rt2800_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 25, &drv_data->bbp25); + rt2800_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 26, &drv_data->bbp26); + + if (!rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) && + !rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) { /* * Set back to initial state */ @@ -3577,7 +3840,8 @@ static int rt2800_init_rfcsr(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) rt2x00_set_field32(®, OPT_14_CSR_BIT0, 1); rt2800_register_write(rt2x00dev, OPT_14_CSR, reg); - if (!rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) { + if (!rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) && + !rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) { rt2800_rfcsr_read(rt2x00dev, 17, &rfcsr); rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR17_TX_LO1_EN, 0); if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3070) || @@ -3588,11 +3852,8 @@ static int rt2800_init_rfcsr(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) &rt2x00dev->cap_flags)) rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR17_R, 1); } - rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_TXMIXER_GAIN_BG, &eeprom); - if (rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_TXMIXER_GAIN_BG_VAL) >= 1) - rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR17_TXMIXER_GAIN, - rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, - EEPROM_TXMIXER_GAIN_BG_VAL)); + rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR17_TXMIXER_GAIN, + drv_data->txmixer_gain_24g); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 17, rfcsr); } @@ -3645,7 +3906,8 @@ static int rt2800_init_rfcsr(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 27, rfcsr); } - if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390)) { + if (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392)) { rt2800_rfcsr_read(rt2x00dev, 38, &rfcsr); rt2x00_set_field8(&rfcsr, RFCSR38_RX_LO1_EN, 0); rt2800_rfcsr_write(rt2x00dev, 38, rfcsr); @@ -3800,6 +4062,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(rt2800_read_eeprom_efuse); int rt2800_validate_eeprom(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) { + struct rt2800_drv_data *drv_data = rt2x00dev->drv_data; u16 word; u8 *mac; u8 default_lna_gain; @@ -3883,6 +4146,14 @@ int rt2800_validate_eeprom(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_BG_OFFSET1, 0); rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_BG, word); + rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_TXMIXER_GAIN_BG, &word); + if ((word & 0x00ff) != 0x00ff) { + drv_data->txmixer_gain_24g = + rt2x00_get_field16(word, EEPROM_TXMIXER_GAIN_BG_VAL); + } else { + drv_data->txmixer_gain_24g = 0; + } + rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_BG2, &word); if (abs(rt2x00_get_field16(word, EEPROM_RSSI_BG2_OFFSET2)) > 10) rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_BG2_OFFSET2, 0); @@ -3892,6 +4163,14 @@ int rt2800_validate_eeprom(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) default_lna_gain); rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_BG2, word); + rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_TXMIXER_GAIN_A, &word); + if ((word & 0x00ff) != 0x00ff) { + drv_data->txmixer_gain_5g = + rt2x00_get_field16(word, EEPROM_TXMIXER_GAIN_A_VAL); + } else { + drv_data->txmixer_gain_5g = 0; + } + rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_A, &word); if (abs(rt2x00_get_field16(word, EEPROM_RSSI_A_OFFSET0)) > 10) rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_A_OFFSET0, 0); @@ -3929,7 +4208,8 @@ int rt2800_init_eeprom(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) * RT53xx: defined in "EEPROM_CHIP_ID" field */ rt2800_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR0, ®); - if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, MAC_CSR0_CHIPSET) == RT5390) + if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, MAC_CSR0_CHIPSET) == RT5390 || + rt2x00_get_field32(reg, MAC_CSR0_CHIPSET) == RT5392) rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_CHIP_ID, &value); else value = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_NIC_CONF0_RF_TYPE); @@ -3947,9 +4227,10 @@ int rt2800_init_eeprom(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) case RT3390: case RT3572: case RT5390: + case RT5392: break; default: - ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Invalid RT chipset detected.\n"); + ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Invalid RT chipset 0x%04x detected.\n", rt2x00dev->chip.rt); return -ENODEV; } @@ -3965,10 +4246,11 @@ int rt2800_init_eeprom(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) case RF3052: case RF3320: case RF5370: + case RF5372: case RF5390: break; default: - ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Invalid RF chipset 0x%x detected.\n", + ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Invalid RF chipset 0x%04x detected.\n", rt2x00dev->chip.rf); return -ENODEV; } @@ -4218,7 +4500,9 @@ int rt2800_probe_hw_mode(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) IEEE80211_HW_SIGNAL_DBM | IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_PS | IEEE80211_HW_PS_NULLFUNC_STACK | - IEEE80211_HW_AMPDU_AGGREGATION; + IEEE80211_HW_AMPDU_AGGREGATION | + IEEE80211_HW_REPORTS_TX_ACK_STATUS; + /* * Don't set IEEE80211_HW_HOST_BROADCAST_PS_BUFFERING for USB devices * unless we are capable of sending the buffered frames out after the @@ -4271,6 +4555,7 @@ int rt2800_probe_hw_mode(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) rt2x00_rf(rt2x00dev, RF3022) || rt2x00_rf(rt2x00dev, RF3320) || rt2x00_rf(rt2x00dev, RF5370) || + rt2x00_rf(rt2x00dev, RF5372) || rt2x00_rf(rt2x00dev, RF5390)) { spec->num_channels = 14; spec->channels = rf_vals_3x; @@ -4347,6 +4632,20 @@ int rt2800_probe_hw_mode(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) } } + switch (rt2x00dev->chip.rf) { + case RF2020: + case RF3020: + case RF3021: + case RF3022: + case RF3320: + case RF3052: + case RF5370: + case RF5372: + case RF5390: + __set_bit(CAPABILITY_VCO_RECALIBRATION, &rt2x00dev->cap_flags); + break; + } + return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(rt2800_probe_hw_mode); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800lib.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800lib.h index 8c3c281904fe7f4a08a4e9c16100920ea502e022..419e36cb06be3d393ec036ccc614414e4e3f2ddc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800lib.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800lib.h @@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ void rt2800_reset_tuner(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, struct link_qual *qual); void rt2800_link_tuner(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, struct link_qual *qual, const u32 count); void rt2800_gain_calibration(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev); +void rt2800_vco_calibration(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev); int rt2800_enable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev); void rt2800_disable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800pci.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800pci.c index dc88baefa72e88bd2b2f60b3ea2e8f7174ff34ed..0397bbf0ce018d7d651fc0eb82283aeb4db9abe7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800pci.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800pci.c @@ -480,7 +480,8 @@ static int rt2800pci_init_registers(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) if (rt2x00_is_pcie(rt2x00dev) && (rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT3572) || - rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390))) { + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5390) || + rt2x00_rt(rt2x00dev, RT5392))) { rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, AUX_CTRL, ®); rt2x00_set_field32(®, AUX_CTRL_FORCE_PCIE_CLK, 1); rt2x00_set_field32(®, AUX_CTRL_WAKE_PCIE_EN, 1); @@ -489,7 +490,7 @@ static int rt2800pci_init_registers(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PWR_PIN_CFG, 0x00000003); - rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_SYS_CTRL, ®); + reg = 0; rt2x00_set_field32(®, MAC_SYS_CTRL_RESET_CSR, 1); rt2x00_set_field32(®, MAC_SYS_CTRL_RESET_BBP, 1); rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_SYS_CTRL, reg); @@ -501,11 +502,27 @@ static int rt2800pci_init_registers(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) static int rt2800pci_enable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) { + int retval; + if (unlikely(rt2800_wait_wpdma_ready(rt2x00dev) || rt2800pci_init_queues(rt2x00dev))) return -EIO; - return rt2800_enable_radio(rt2x00dev); + retval = rt2800_enable_radio(rt2x00dev); + if (retval) + return retval; + + /* After resume MCU_BOOT_SIGNAL will trash these. */ + rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, H2M_MAILBOX_STATUS, ~0); + rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, H2M_MAILBOX_CID, ~0); + + rt2800_mcu_request(rt2x00dev, MCU_SLEEP, TOKEN_RADIO_OFF, 0xff, 0x02); + rt2800pci_mcu_status(rt2x00dev, TOKEN_RADIO_OFF); + + rt2800_mcu_request(rt2x00dev, MCU_WAKEUP, TOKEN_WAKEUP, 0, 0); + rt2800pci_mcu_status(rt2x00dev, TOKEN_WAKEUP); + + return retval; } static void rt2800pci_disable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) @@ -521,14 +538,16 @@ static int rt2800pci_set_state(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, enum dev_state state) { if (state == STATE_AWAKE) { - rt2800_mcu_request(rt2x00dev, MCU_WAKEUP, TOKEN_WAKUP, 0, 0x02); - rt2800pci_mcu_status(rt2x00dev, TOKEN_WAKUP); + rt2800_mcu_request(rt2x00dev, MCU_WAKEUP, TOKEN_WAKEUP, + 0, 0x02); + rt2800pci_mcu_status(rt2x00dev, TOKEN_WAKEUP); } else if (state == STATE_SLEEP) { rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, H2M_MAILBOX_STATUS, 0xffffffff); rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, H2M_MAILBOX_CID, 0xffffffff); - rt2800_mcu_request(rt2x00dev, MCU_SLEEP, 0x01, 0xff, 0x01); + rt2800_mcu_request(rt2x00dev, MCU_SLEEP, TOKEN_SLEEP, + 0xff, 0x01); } return 0; @@ -541,13 +560,6 @@ static int rt2800pci_set_device_state(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, switch (state) { case STATE_RADIO_ON: - /* - * Before the radio can be enabled, the device first has - * to be woken up. After that it needs a bit of time - * to be fully awake and then the radio can be enabled. - */ - rt2800pci_set_state(rt2x00dev, STATE_AWAKE); - msleep(1); retval = rt2800pci_enable_radio(rt2x00dev); break; case STATE_RADIO_OFF: @@ -797,7 +809,33 @@ static void rt2800pci_pretbtt_tasklet(unsigned long data) static void rt2800pci_tbtt_tasklet(unsigned long data) { struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = (struct rt2x00_dev *)data; + struct rt2800_drv_data *drv_data = rt2x00dev->drv_data; + u32 reg; + rt2x00lib_beacondone(rt2x00dev); + + if (rt2x00dev->intf_ap_count) { + /* + * The rt2800pci hardware tbtt timer is off by 1us per tbtt + * causing beacon skew and as a result causing problems with + * some powersaving clients over time. Shorten the beacon + * interval every 64 beacons by 64us to mitigate this effect. + */ + if (drv_data->tbtt_tick == (BCN_TBTT_OFFSET - 2)) { + rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, BCN_TIME_CFG, ®); + rt2x00_set_field32(®, BCN_TIME_CFG_BEACON_INTERVAL, + (rt2x00dev->beacon_int * 16) - 1); + rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, BCN_TIME_CFG, reg); + } else if (drv_data->tbtt_tick == (BCN_TBTT_OFFSET - 1)) { + rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, BCN_TIME_CFG, ®); + rt2x00_set_field32(®, BCN_TIME_CFG_BEACON_INTERVAL, + (rt2x00dev->beacon_int * 16)); + rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, BCN_TIME_CFG, reg); + } + drv_data->tbtt_tick++; + drv_data->tbtt_tick %= BCN_TBTT_OFFSET; + } + if (test_bit(DEVICE_STATE_ENABLED_RADIO, &rt2x00dev->flags)) rt2800pci_enable_interrupt(rt2x00dev, INT_MASK_CSR_TBTT); } @@ -1050,6 +1088,7 @@ static const struct rt2x00lib_ops rt2800pci_rt2x00_ops = { .reset_tuner = rt2800_reset_tuner, .link_tuner = rt2800_link_tuner, .gain_calibration = rt2800_gain_calibration, + .vco_calibration = rt2800_vco_calibration, .start_queue = rt2800pci_start_queue, .kick_queue = rt2800pci_kick_queue, .stop_queue = rt2800pci_stop_queue, @@ -1093,6 +1132,7 @@ static const struct data_queue_desc rt2800pci_queue_bcn = { static const struct rt2x00_ops rt2800pci_ops = { .name = KBUILD_MODNAME, + .drv_data_size = sizeof(struct rt2800_drv_data), .max_sta_intf = 1, .max_ap_intf = 8, .eeprom_size = EEPROM_SIZE, diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800usb.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800usb.c index 262ee9eefb6f08dc7d8b404c3f1f143060951633..cd490abced9159347cf875b9ea9349192c899dd3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800usb.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800usb.c @@ -114,45 +114,103 @@ static bool rt2800usb_txstatus_pending(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) return false; } +static inline bool rt2800usb_entry_txstatus_timeout(struct queue_entry *entry) +{ + bool tout; + + if (!test_bit(ENTRY_DATA_STATUS_PENDING, &entry->flags)) + return false; + + tout = time_after(jiffies, entry->last_action + msecs_to_jiffies(100)); + if (unlikely(tout)) + WARNING(entry->queue->rt2x00dev, + "TX status timeout for entry %d in queue %d\n", + entry->entry_idx, entry->queue->qid); + return tout; + +} + +static bool rt2800usb_txstatus_timeout(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) +{ + struct data_queue *queue; + struct queue_entry *entry; + + tx_queue_for_each(rt2x00dev, queue) { + entry = rt2x00queue_get_entry(queue, Q_INDEX_DONE); + if (rt2800usb_entry_txstatus_timeout(entry)) + return true; + } + return false; +} + static bool rt2800usb_tx_sta_fifo_read_completed(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, int urb_status, u32 tx_status) { + bool valid; + if (urb_status) { - WARNING(rt2x00dev, "rt2x00usb_register_read_async failed: %d\n", urb_status); - return false; + WARNING(rt2x00dev, "TX status read failed %d\n", urb_status); + + goto stop_reading; } - /* try to read all TX_STA_FIFO entries before scheduling txdone_work */ - if (rt2x00_get_field32(tx_status, TX_STA_FIFO_VALID)) { - if (!kfifo_put(&rt2x00dev->txstatus_fifo, &tx_status)) { - WARNING(rt2x00dev, "TX status FIFO overrun, " - "drop tx status report.\n"); - queue_work(rt2x00dev->workqueue, &rt2x00dev->txdone_work); - } else - return true; - } else if (!kfifo_is_empty(&rt2x00dev->txstatus_fifo)) { + valid = rt2x00_get_field32(tx_status, TX_STA_FIFO_VALID); + if (valid) { + if (!kfifo_put(&rt2x00dev->txstatus_fifo, &tx_status)) + WARNING(rt2x00dev, "TX status FIFO overrun\n"); + queue_work(rt2x00dev->workqueue, &rt2x00dev->txdone_work); + + /* Reschedule urb to read TX status again instantly */ + return true; } else if (rt2800usb_txstatus_pending(rt2x00dev)) { - mod_timer(&rt2x00dev->txstatus_timer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(2)); + /* Read register after 250 us */ + hrtimer_start(&rt2x00dev->txstatus_timer, ktime_set(0, 250000), + HRTIMER_MODE_REL); + return false; } - return false; +stop_reading: + clear_bit(TX_STATUS_READING, &rt2x00dev->flags); + /* + * There is small race window above, between txstatus pending check and + * clear_bit someone could do rt2x00usb_interrupt_txdone, so recheck + * here again if status reading is needed. + */ + if (rt2800usb_txstatus_pending(rt2x00dev) && + test_and_set_bit(TX_STATUS_READING, &rt2x00dev->flags)) + return true; + else + return false; +} + +static void rt2800usb_async_read_tx_status(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) +{ + + if (test_and_set_bit(TX_STATUS_READING, &rt2x00dev->flags)) + return; + + /* Read TX_STA_FIFO register after 500 us */ + hrtimer_start(&rt2x00dev->txstatus_timer, ktime_set(0, 500000), + HRTIMER_MODE_REL); } static void rt2800usb_tx_dma_done(struct queue_entry *entry) { struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = entry->queue->rt2x00dev; - rt2x00usb_register_read_async(rt2x00dev, TX_STA_FIFO, - rt2800usb_tx_sta_fifo_read_completed); + rt2800usb_async_read_tx_status(rt2x00dev); } -static void rt2800usb_tx_sta_fifo_timeout(unsigned long data) +static enum hrtimer_restart rt2800usb_tx_sta_fifo_timeout(struct hrtimer *timer) { - struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = (struct rt2x00_dev *)data; + struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = + container_of(timer, struct rt2x00_dev, txstatus_timer); rt2x00usb_register_read_async(rt2x00dev, TX_STA_FIFO, rt2800usb_tx_sta_fifo_read_completed); + + return HRTIMER_NORESTART; } /* @@ -226,9 +284,7 @@ static int rt2800usb_init_registers(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) rt2x00usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, PBF_SYS_CTRL, ®); rt2x00usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, PBF_SYS_CTRL, reg & ~0x00002000); - rt2x00usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, PWR_PIN_CFG, 0x00000003); - - rt2x00usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_SYS_CTRL, ®); + reg = 0; rt2x00_set_field32(®, MAC_SYS_CTRL_RESET_CSR, 1); rt2x00_set_field32(®, MAC_SYS_CTRL_RESET_BBP, 1); rt2x00usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_SYS_CTRL, reg); @@ -440,35 +496,26 @@ static int rt2800usb_get_tx_data_len(struct queue_entry *entry) /* * TX control handlers */ -static bool rt2800usb_txdone_entry_check(struct queue_entry *entry, u32 reg) +static enum txdone_entry_desc_flags +rt2800usb_txdone_entry_check(struct queue_entry *entry, u32 reg) { __le32 *txwi; u32 word; int wcid, ack, pid; - int tx_wcid, tx_ack, tx_pid; - - if (test_bit(ENTRY_OWNER_DEVICE_DATA, &entry->flags) || - !test_bit(ENTRY_DATA_STATUS_PENDING, &entry->flags)) { - WARNING(entry->queue->rt2x00dev, - "Data pending for entry %u in queue %u\n", - entry->entry_idx, entry->queue->qid); - cond_resched(); - return false; - } - - wcid = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, TX_STA_FIFO_WCID); - ack = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, TX_STA_FIFO_TX_ACK_REQUIRED); - pid = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, TX_STA_FIFO_PID_TYPE); + int tx_wcid, tx_ack, tx_pid, is_agg; /* * This frames has returned with an IO error, * so the status report is not intended for this * frame. */ - if (test_bit(ENTRY_DATA_IO_FAILED, &entry->flags)) { - rt2x00lib_txdone_noinfo(entry, TXDONE_FAILURE); - return false; - } + if (test_bit(ENTRY_DATA_IO_FAILED, &entry->flags)) + return TXDONE_FAILURE; + + wcid = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, TX_STA_FIFO_WCID); + ack = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, TX_STA_FIFO_TX_ACK_REQUIRED); + pid = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, TX_STA_FIFO_PID_TYPE); + is_agg = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, TX_STA_FIFO_TX_AGGRE); /* * Validate if this TX status report is intended for @@ -481,15 +528,14 @@ static bool rt2800usb_txdone_entry_check(struct queue_entry *entry, u32 reg) tx_ack = rt2x00_get_field32(word, TXWI_W1_ACK); tx_pid = rt2x00_get_field32(word, TXWI_W1_PACKETID); - if ((wcid != tx_wcid) || (ack != tx_ack) || (pid != tx_pid)) { + if (wcid != tx_wcid || ack != tx_ack || (!is_agg && pid != tx_pid)) { WARNING(entry->queue->rt2x00dev, "TX status report missed for queue %d entry %d\n", - entry->queue->qid, entry->entry_idx); - rt2x00lib_txdone_noinfo(entry, TXDONE_UNKNOWN); - return false; + entry->queue->qid, entry->entry_idx); + return TXDONE_UNKNOWN; } - return true; + return TXDONE_SUCCESS; } static void rt2800usb_txdone(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) @@ -498,47 +544,44 @@ static void rt2800usb_txdone(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) struct queue_entry *entry; u32 reg; u8 qid; + enum txdone_entry_desc_flags done_status; while (kfifo_get(&rt2x00dev->txstatus_fifo, ®)) { - - /* TX_STA_FIFO_PID_QUEUE is a 2-bit field, thus - * qid is guaranteed to be one of the TX QIDs + /* + * TX_STA_FIFO_PID_QUEUE is a 2-bit field, thus qid is + * guaranteed to be one of the TX QIDs . */ qid = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, TX_STA_FIFO_PID_QUEUE); queue = rt2x00queue_get_tx_queue(rt2x00dev, qid); - if (unlikely(!queue)) { - WARNING(rt2x00dev, "Got TX status for an unavailable " + + if (unlikely(rt2x00queue_empty(queue))) { + WARNING(rt2x00dev, "Got TX status for an empty " "queue %u, dropping\n", qid); - continue; + break; } - /* - * Inside each queue, we process each entry in a chronological - * order. We first check that the queue is not empty. - */ - entry = NULL; - while (!rt2x00queue_empty(queue)) { - entry = rt2x00queue_get_entry(queue, Q_INDEX_DONE); - if (rt2800usb_txdone_entry_check(entry, reg)) - break; - entry = NULL; + entry = rt2x00queue_get_entry(queue, Q_INDEX_DONE); + + if (unlikely(test_bit(ENTRY_OWNER_DEVICE_DATA, &entry->flags) || + !test_bit(ENTRY_DATA_STATUS_PENDING, &entry->flags))) { + WARNING(rt2x00dev, "Data pending for entry %u " + "in queue %u\n", entry->entry_idx, qid); + break; } - if (entry) - rt2800_txdone_entry(entry, reg, - rt2800usb_get_txwi(entry)); + done_status = rt2800usb_txdone_entry_check(entry, reg); + if (likely(done_status == TXDONE_SUCCESS)) + rt2800_txdone_entry(entry, reg, rt2800usb_get_txwi(entry)); + else + rt2x00lib_txdone_noinfo(entry, done_status); } } -static void rt2800usb_work_txdone(struct work_struct *work) +static void rt2800usb_txdone_nostatus(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) { - struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = - container_of(work, struct rt2x00_dev, txdone_work); struct data_queue *queue; struct queue_entry *entry; - rt2800usb_txdone(rt2x00dev); - /* * Process any trailing TX status reports for IO failures, * we loop until we find the first non-IO error entry. This @@ -556,20 +599,34 @@ static void rt2800usb_work_txdone(struct work_struct *work) if (test_bit(ENTRY_DATA_IO_FAILED, &entry->flags)) rt2x00lib_txdone_noinfo(entry, TXDONE_FAILURE); - else if (rt2x00queue_status_timeout(entry)) + else if (rt2800usb_entry_txstatus_timeout(entry)) rt2x00lib_txdone_noinfo(entry, TXDONE_UNKNOWN); else break; } } +} - /* - * The hw may delay sending the packet after DMA complete - * if the medium is busy, thus the TX_STA_FIFO entry is - * also delayed -> use a timer to retrieve it. - */ - if (rt2800usb_txstatus_pending(rt2x00dev)) - mod_timer(&rt2x00dev->txstatus_timer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(2)); +static void rt2800usb_work_txdone(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = + container_of(work, struct rt2x00_dev, txdone_work); + + while (!kfifo_is_empty(&rt2x00dev->txstatus_fifo) || + rt2800usb_txstatus_timeout(rt2x00dev)) { + + rt2800usb_txdone(rt2x00dev); + + rt2800usb_txdone_nostatus(rt2x00dev); + + /* + * The hw may delay sending the packet after DMA complete + * if the medium is busy, thus the TX_STA_FIFO entry is + * also delayed -> use a timer to retrieve it. + */ + if (rt2800usb_txstatus_pending(rt2x00dev)) + rt2800usb_async_read_tx_status(rt2x00dev); + } } /* @@ -711,9 +768,7 @@ static int rt2800usb_probe_hw(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) __set_bit(REQUIRE_TXSTATUS_FIFO, &rt2x00dev->cap_flags); __set_bit(REQUIRE_PS_AUTOWAKE, &rt2x00dev->cap_flags); - setup_timer(&rt2x00dev->txstatus_timer, - rt2800usb_tx_sta_fifo_timeout, - (unsigned long) rt2x00dev); + rt2x00dev->txstatus_timer.function = rt2800usb_tx_sta_fifo_timeout, /* * Set the rssi offset. @@ -783,6 +838,7 @@ static const struct rt2x00lib_ops rt2800usb_rt2x00_ops = { .reset_tuner = rt2800_reset_tuner, .link_tuner = rt2800_link_tuner, .gain_calibration = rt2800_gain_calibration, + .vco_calibration = rt2800_vco_calibration, .watchdog = rt2800usb_watchdog, .start_queue = rt2800usb_start_queue, .kick_queue = rt2x00usb_kick_queue, @@ -814,7 +870,7 @@ static const struct data_queue_desc rt2800usb_queue_rx = { }; static const struct data_queue_desc rt2800usb_queue_tx = { - .entry_num = 64, + .entry_num = 16, .data_size = AGGREGATION_SIZE, .desc_size = TXINFO_DESC_SIZE + TXWI_DESC_SIZE, .priv_size = sizeof(struct queue_entry_priv_usb), @@ -829,6 +885,7 @@ static const struct data_queue_desc rt2800usb_queue_bcn = { static const struct rt2x00_ops rt2800usb_ops = { .name = KBUILD_MODNAME, + .drv_data_size = sizeof(struct rt2800_drv_data), .max_sta_intf = 1, .max_ap_intf = 8, .eeprom_size = EEPROM_SIZE, @@ -922,6 +979,7 @@ static struct usb_device_id rt2800usb_device_table[] = { { USB_DEVICE(0x07d1, 0x3c13) }, { USB_DEVICE(0x07d1, 0x3c15) }, { USB_DEVICE(0x07d1, 0x3c16) }, + { USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3c1b) }, /* Draytek */ { USB_DEVICE(0x07fa, 0x7712) }, /* DVICO */ @@ -1101,12 +1159,26 @@ static struct usb_device_id rt2800usb_device_table[] = { { USB_DEVICE(0x5a57, 0x0284) }, #endif #ifdef CONFIG_RT2800USB_RT53XX + /* Alpha */ + { USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3c15) }, + { USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3c19) }, + /* Arcadyan */ + { USB_DEVICE(0x043e, 0x7a12) }, /* Azurewave */ { USB_DEVICE(0x13d3, 0x3329) }, { USB_DEVICE(0x13d3, 0x3365) }, + /* LG innotek */ + { USB_DEVICE(0x043e, 0x7a22) }, + /* Panasonic */ + { USB_DEVICE(0x04da, 0x1801) }, + { USB_DEVICE(0x04da, 0x1800) }, + /* Philips */ + { USB_DEVICE(0x0471, 0x2104) }, /* Ralink */ { USB_DEVICE(0x148f, 0x5370) }, { USB_DEVICE(0x148f, 0x5372) }, + /* Unknown */ + { USB_DEVICE(0x04da, 0x23f6) }, #endif #ifdef CONFIG_RT2800USB_UNKNOWN /* diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00.h index b03b22c47b187753269ed1a69cf1189af4e71dd6..471f87cab4abe53650de055058d3c9d61a2a2ecc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00.h @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ #include #include #include -#include +#include #include @@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ struct rt2x00_chip { #define RT3593 0x3593 #define RT3883 0x3883 /* WSOC */ #define RT5390 0x5390 /* 2.4GHz */ +#define RT5392 0x5392 /* 2.4GHz */ u16 rf; u16 rev; @@ -355,6 +356,11 @@ struct link { * Work structure for scheduling periodic AGC adjustments. */ struct delayed_work agc_work; + + /* + * Work structure for scheduling periodic VCO calibration. + */ + struct delayed_work vco_work; }; enum rt2x00_delayed_flags { @@ -579,6 +585,7 @@ struct rt2x00lib_ops { void (*link_tuner) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, struct link_qual *qual, const u32 count); void (*gain_calibration) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev); + void (*vco_calibration) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev); /* * Data queue handlers. @@ -647,6 +654,7 @@ struct rt2x00lib_ops { */ struct rt2x00_ops { const char *name; + const unsigned int drv_data_size; const unsigned int max_sta_intf; const unsigned int max_ap_intf; const unsigned int eeprom_size; @@ -684,6 +692,12 @@ enum rt2x00_state_flags { */ CONFIG_CHANNEL_HT40, CONFIG_POWERSAVING, + + /* + * Mark we currently are sequentially reading TX_STA_FIFO register + * FIXME: this is for only rt2800usb, should go to private data + */ + TX_STATUS_READING, }; /* @@ -721,6 +735,7 @@ enum rt2x00_capability_flags { CAPABILITY_EXTERNAL_LNA_BG, CAPABILITY_DOUBLE_ANTENNA, CAPABILITY_BT_COEXIST, + CAPABILITY_VCO_RECALIBRATION, }; /* @@ -741,6 +756,11 @@ struct rt2x00_dev { */ const struct rt2x00_ops *ops; + /* + * Driver data. + */ + void *drv_data; + /* * IEEE80211 control structure. */ @@ -886,17 +906,10 @@ struct rt2x00_dev { u8 rssi_offset; /* - * Frequency offset (for rt61pci & rt73usb). + * Frequency offset. */ u8 freq_offset; - /* - * Calibration information (for rt2800usb & rt2800pci). - * [0] -> BW20 - * [1] -> BW40 - */ - u8 calibration[2]; - /* * Association id. */ @@ -967,7 +980,7 @@ struct rt2x00_dev { /* * Timer to ensure tx status reports are read (rt2800usb). */ - struct timer_list txstatus_timer; + struct hrtimer txstatus_timer; /* * Tasklet for processing tx status reports (rt2800pci). @@ -978,6 +991,11 @@ struct rt2x00_dev { struct tasklet_struct rxdone_tasklet; struct tasklet_struct autowake_tasklet; + /* + * Used for VCO periodic calibration. + */ + int rf_channel; + /* * Protect the interrupt mask register. */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00config.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00config.c index b704e5b183d0bc539e8bec6d08776774854d5479..293676bfa5711352fa3c989183a8360ebfae97af 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00config.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00config.c @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ void rt2x00lib_config_erp(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, /* Update the AID, this is needed for dynamic PS support */ rt2x00dev->aid = bss_conf->assoc ? bss_conf->aid : 0; - rt2x00dev->last_beacon = bss_conf->timestamp; + rt2x00dev->last_beacon = bss_conf->last_tsf; /* Update global beacon interval time, this is needed for PS support */ rt2x00dev->beacon_int = bss_conf->beacon_int; @@ -232,6 +232,9 @@ void rt2x00lib_config(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, memcpy(&libconf.channel, &rt2x00dev->spec.channels_info[hw_value], sizeof(libconf.channel)); + + /* Used for VCO periodic calibration */ + rt2x00dev->rf_channel = libconf.rf.channel; } if (test_bit(REQUIRE_PS_AUTOWAKE, &rt2x00dev->cap_flags) && diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00dev.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00dev.c index fd356b7c0476effaa6ae99dce025e9b7178e6225..fc9901e027c16d521bc59a3570036ba4808bc0f0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00dev.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00dev.c @@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ int rt2x00lib_enable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) rt2x00queue_start_queues(rt2x00dev); rt2x00link_start_tuner(rt2x00dev); rt2x00link_start_agc(rt2x00dev); + if (test_bit(CAPABILITY_VCO_RECALIBRATION, &rt2x00dev->cap_flags)) + rt2x00link_start_vcocal(rt2x00dev); /* * Start watchdog monitoring. @@ -111,6 +113,8 @@ void rt2x00lib_disable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) * Stop all queues */ rt2x00link_stop_agc(rt2x00dev); + if (test_bit(CAPABILITY_VCO_RECALIBRATION, &rt2x00dev->cap_flags)) + rt2x00link_stop_vcocal(rt2x00dev); rt2x00link_stop_tuner(rt2x00dev); rt2x00queue_stop_queues(rt2x00dev); rt2x00queue_flush_queues(rt2x00dev, true); @@ -1125,6 +1129,18 @@ int rt2x00lib_probe_dev(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) { int retval = -ENOMEM; + /* + * Allocate the driver data memory, if necessary. + */ + if (rt2x00dev->ops->drv_data_size > 0) { + rt2x00dev->drv_data = kzalloc(rt2x00dev->ops->drv_data_size, + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!rt2x00dev->drv_data) { + retval = -ENOMEM; + goto exit; + } + } + spin_lock_init(&rt2x00dev->irqmask_lock); mutex_init(&rt2x00dev->csr_mutex); @@ -1220,7 +1236,7 @@ void rt2x00lib_remove_dev(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) cancel_delayed_work_sync(&rt2x00dev->autowakeup_work); cancel_work_sync(&rt2x00dev->sleep_work); if (rt2x00_is_usb(rt2x00dev)) { - del_timer_sync(&rt2x00dev->txstatus_timer); + hrtimer_cancel(&rt2x00dev->txstatus_timer); cancel_work_sync(&rt2x00dev->rxdone_work); cancel_work_sync(&rt2x00dev->txdone_work); } @@ -1266,6 +1282,12 @@ void rt2x00lib_remove_dev(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) * Free queue structures. */ rt2x00queue_free(rt2x00dev); + + /* + * Free the driver data. + */ + if (rt2x00dev->drv_data) + kfree(rt2x00dev->drv_data); } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(rt2x00lib_remove_dev); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00lib.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00lib.h index 4cdf247a870d6e21dbc5557e1e1aad18fa4253c7..78bd43b8961f74f1df8c89178faa5457482f6714 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00lib.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00lib.h @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ #define WATCHDOG_INTERVAL round_jiffies_relative(HZ) #define LINK_TUNE_INTERVAL round_jiffies_relative(HZ) #define AGC_INTERVAL round_jiffies_relative(4 * HZ) +#define VCO_INTERVAL round_jiffies_relative(10 * HZ) /* 10 sec */ /* * rt2x00_rate: Per rate device information @@ -277,12 +278,24 @@ void rt2x00link_stop_watchdog(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev); */ void rt2x00link_start_agc(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev); +/** + * rt2x00link_start_vcocal - Start periodic VCO calibration + * @rt2x00dev: Pointer to &struct rt2x00_dev. + */ +void rt2x00link_start_vcocal(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev); + /** * rt2x00link_stop_agc - Stop periodic gain calibration * @rt2x00dev: Pointer to &struct rt2x00_dev. */ void rt2x00link_stop_agc(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev); +/** + * rt2x00link_stop_vcocal - Stop periodic VCO calibration + * @rt2x00dev: Pointer to &struct rt2x00_dev. + */ +void rt2x00link_stop_vcocal(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev); + /** * rt2x00link_register - Initialize link tuning & watchdog functionality * @rt2x00dev: Pointer to &struct rt2x00_dev. diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00link.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00link.c index ea10b0068f823f503e827f45d9e4c52dd9f8a74f..8368aab86f286ee6ff5be65b85a73940f3c24cd0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00link.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00link.c @@ -447,11 +447,27 @@ void rt2x00link_start_agc(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) AGC_INTERVAL); } +void rt2x00link_start_vcocal(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) +{ + struct link *link = &rt2x00dev->link; + + if (test_bit(DEVICE_STATE_PRESENT, &rt2x00dev->flags) && + rt2x00dev->ops->lib->vco_calibration) + ieee80211_queue_delayed_work(rt2x00dev->hw, + &link->vco_work, + VCO_INTERVAL); +} + void rt2x00link_stop_agc(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) { cancel_delayed_work_sync(&rt2x00dev->link.agc_work); } +void rt2x00link_stop_vcocal(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) +{ + cancel_delayed_work_sync(&rt2x00dev->link.vco_work); +} + static void rt2x00link_agc(struct work_struct *work) { struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = @@ -473,9 +489,32 @@ static void rt2x00link_agc(struct work_struct *work) AGC_INTERVAL); } +static void rt2x00link_vcocal(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = + container_of(work, struct rt2x00_dev, link.vco_work.work); + struct link *link = &rt2x00dev->link; + + /* + * When the radio is shutting down we should + * immediately cease the VCO calibration. + */ + if (!test_bit(DEVICE_STATE_ENABLED_RADIO, &rt2x00dev->flags)) + return; + + rt2x00dev->ops->lib->vco_calibration(rt2x00dev); + + if (test_bit(DEVICE_STATE_PRESENT, &rt2x00dev->flags)) + ieee80211_queue_delayed_work(rt2x00dev->hw, + &link->vco_work, + VCO_INTERVAL); +} + void rt2x00link_register(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) { INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&rt2x00dev->link.agc_work, rt2x00link_agc); + if (test_bit(CAPABILITY_VCO_RECALIBRATION, &rt2x00dev->cap_flags)) + INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&rt2x00dev->link.vco_work, rt2x00link_vcocal); INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&rt2x00dev->link.watchdog_work, rt2x00link_watchdog); INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&rt2x00dev->link.work, rt2x00link_tuner); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00queue.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00queue.h index 349008d1fb286adefe2d6ccb0a815d8fd1003a3e..5f1392c72673237afcfe6d09babba14a905d9bc5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00queue.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00queue.h @@ -636,18 +636,6 @@ static inline int rt2x00queue_threshold(struct data_queue *queue) { return rt2x00queue_available(queue) < queue->threshold; } - -/** - * rt2x00queue_status_timeout - Check if a timeout occurred for STATUS reports - * @entry: Queue entry to check. - */ -static inline int rt2x00queue_status_timeout(struct queue_entry *entry) -{ - if (!test_bit(ENTRY_DATA_STATUS_PENDING, &entry->flags)) - return false; - return time_after(jiffies, entry->last_action + msecs_to_jiffies(100)); -} - /** * rt2x00queue_dma_timeout - Check if a timeout occurred for DMA transfers * @entry: Queue entry to check. diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00usb.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00usb.c index 2eea3866504d494815364247bf97b21314f083a4..66094eb21b611275906572d76195e49751959779 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00usb.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00usb.c @@ -526,22 +526,6 @@ static void rt2x00usb_watchdog_tx_dma(struct data_queue *queue) rt2x00queue_flush_queue(queue, true); } -static void rt2x00usb_watchdog_tx_status(struct data_queue *queue) -{ - WARNING(queue->rt2x00dev, "TX queue %d status timed out," - " invoke forced tx handler\n", queue->qid); - - queue_work(queue->rt2x00dev->workqueue, &queue->rt2x00dev->txdone_work); -} - -static int rt2x00usb_status_timeout(struct data_queue *queue) -{ - struct queue_entry *entry; - - entry = rt2x00queue_get_entry(queue, Q_INDEX_DONE); - return rt2x00queue_status_timeout(entry); -} - static int rt2x00usb_dma_timeout(struct data_queue *queue) { struct queue_entry *entry; @@ -558,8 +542,6 @@ void rt2x00usb_watchdog(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev) if (!rt2x00queue_empty(queue)) { if (rt2x00usb_dma_timeout(queue)) rt2x00usb_watchdog_tx_dma(queue); - if (rt2x00usb_status_timeout(queue)) - rt2x00usb_watchdog_tx_status(queue); } } } @@ -829,7 +811,8 @@ int rt2x00usb_probe(struct usb_interface *usb_intf, INIT_WORK(&rt2x00dev->rxdone_work, rt2x00usb_work_rxdone); INIT_WORK(&rt2x00dev->txdone_work, rt2x00usb_work_txdone); - init_timer(&rt2x00dev->txstatus_timer); + hrtimer_init(&rt2x00dev->txstatus_timer, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, + HRTIMER_MODE_REL); retval = rt2x00usb_alloc_reg(rt2x00dev); if (retval) diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8187/dev.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8187/dev.c index 638fbef693e676372e39c2f20d7a2e7127c1a083..cf53ac9d6f23f2787561883f15985a974abb7f8d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8187/dev.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8187/dev.c @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ * Copyright 2005 Andrea Merello , et al. * * The driver was extended to the RTL8187B in 2008 by: - * Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski + * Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski * Hin-Tak Leung * Larry Finger * @@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ static void rtl8187_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *dev, struct sk_buff *skb) { struct rtl8187_priv *priv = dev->priv; struct ieee80211_tx_info *info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + struct ieee80211_hdr *tx_hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)(skb->data); unsigned int ep; void *buf; struct urb *urb; @@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ static void rtl8187_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *dev, struct sk_buff *skb) flags |= RTL818X_TX_DESC_FLAG_NO_ENC; flags |= ieee80211_get_tx_rate(dev, info)->hw_value << 24; - if (ieee80211_has_morefrags(((struct ieee80211_hdr *)skb->data)->frame_control)) + if (ieee80211_has_morefrags(tx_hdr->frame_control)) flags |= RTL818X_TX_DESC_FLAG_MOREFRAG; if (info->control.rates[0].flags & IEEE80211_TX_RC_USE_RTS_CTS) { flags |= RTL818X_TX_DESC_FLAG_RTS; @@ -261,6 +262,13 @@ static void rtl8187_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *dev, struct sk_buff *skb) flags |= ieee80211_get_rts_cts_rate(dev, info)->hw_value << 19; } + if (info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_ASSIGN_SEQ) { + if (info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_FIRST_FRAGMENT) + priv->seqno += 0x10; + tx_hdr->seq_ctrl &= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_SCTL_FRAG); + tx_hdr->seq_ctrl |= cpu_to_le16(priv->seqno); + } + if (!priv->is_rtl8187b) { struct rtl8187_tx_hdr *hdr = (struct rtl8187_tx_hdr *)skb_push(skb, sizeof(*hdr)); @@ -274,8 +282,6 @@ static void rtl8187_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *dev, struct sk_buff *skb) } else { /* fc needs to be calculated before skb_push() */ unsigned int epmap[4] = { 6, 7, 5, 4 }; - struct ieee80211_hdr *tx_hdr = - (struct ieee80211_hdr *)(skb->data); u16 fc = le16_to_cpu(tx_hdr->frame_control); struct rtl8187b_tx_hdr *hdr = @@ -1031,10 +1037,61 @@ static void rtl8187_stop(struct ieee80211_hw *dev) cancel_delayed_work_sync(&priv->work); } +static u64 rtl8187_get_tsf(struct ieee80211_hw *dev, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) +{ + struct rtl8187_priv *priv = dev->priv; + + return rtl818x_ioread32(priv, &priv->map->TSFT[0]) | + (u64)(rtl818x_ioread32(priv, &priv->map->TSFT[1])) << 32; +} + + +static void rtl8187_beacon_work(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct rtl8187_vif *vif_priv = + container_of(work, struct rtl8187_vif, beacon_work.work); + struct ieee80211_vif *vif = + container_of((void *)vif_priv, struct ieee80211_vif, drv_priv); + struct ieee80211_hw *dev = vif_priv->dev; + struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt; + struct sk_buff *skb; + + /* don't overflow the tx ring */ + if (ieee80211_queue_stopped(dev, 0)) + goto resched; + + /* grab a fresh beacon */ + skb = ieee80211_beacon_get(dev, vif); + if (!skb) + goto resched; + + /* + * update beacon timestamp w/ TSF value + * TODO: make hardware update beacon timestamp + */ + mgmt = (struct ieee80211_mgmt *)skb->data; + mgmt->u.beacon.timestamp = cpu_to_le64(rtl8187_get_tsf(dev, vif)); + + /* TODO: use actual beacon queue */ + skb_set_queue_mapping(skb, 0); + + rtl8187_tx(dev, skb); + +resched: + /* + * schedule next beacon + * TODO: use hardware support for beacon timing + */ + schedule_delayed_work(&vif_priv->beacon_work, + usecs_to_jiffies(1024 * vif->bss_conf.beacon_int)); +} + + static int rtl8187_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *dev, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) { struct rtl8187_priv *priv = dev->priv; + struct rtl8187_vif *vif_priv; int i; int ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; @@ -1044,6 +1101,7 @@ static int rtl8187_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *dev, switch (vif->type) { case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION: + case NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC: break; default: goto exit; @@ -1052,6 +1110,13 @@ static int rtl8187_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *dev, ret = 0; priv->vif = vif; + /* Initialize driver private area */ + vif_priv = (struct rtl8187_vif *)&vif->drv_priv; + vif_priv->dev = dev; + INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&vif_priv->beacon_work, rtl8187_beacon_work); + vif_priv->enable_beacon = false; + + rtl818x_iowrite8(priv, &priv->map->EEPROM_CMD, RTL818X_EEPROM_CMD_CONFIG); for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) rtl818x_iowrite8(priv, &priv->map->MAC[i], @@ -1175,9 +1240,12 @@ static void rtl8187_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *dev, u32 changed) { struct rtl8187_priv *priv = dev->priv; + struct rtl8187_vif *vif_priv; int i; u8 reg; + vif_priv = (struct rtl8187_vif *)&vif->drv_priv; + if (changed & BSS_CHANGED_BSSID) { mutex_lock(&priv->conf_mutex); for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) @@ -1189,8 +1257,12 @@ static void rtl8187_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *dev, else reg = 0; - if (is_valid_ether_addr(info->bssid)) - reg |= RTL818X_MSR_INFRA; + if (is_valid_ether_addr(info->bssid)) { + if (vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) + reg |= RTL818X_MSR_ADHOC; + else + reg |= RTL818X_MSR_INFRA; + } else reg |= RTL818X_MSR_NO_LINK; @@ -1202,6 +1274,16 @@ static void rtl8187_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *dev, if (changed & (BSS_CHANGED_ERP_SLOT | BSS_CHANGED_ERP_PREAMBLE)) rtl8187_conf_erp(priv, info->use_short_slot, info->use_short_preamble); + + if (changed & BSS_CHANGED_BEACON_ENABLED) + vif_priv->enable_beacon = info->enable_beacon; + + if (changed & (BSS_CHANGED_BEACON_ENABLED | BSS_CHANGED_BEACON)) { + cancel_delayed_work_sync(&vif_priv->beacon_work); + if (vif_priv->enable_beacon) + schedule_work(&vif_priv->beacon_work.work); + } + } static u64 rtl8187_prepare_multicast(struct ieee80211_hw *dev, @@ -1279,13 +1361,6 @@ static int rtl8187_conf_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *dev, return 0; } -static u64 rtl8187_get_tsf(struct ieee80211_hw *dev, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) -{ - struct rtl8187_priv *priv = dev->priv; - - return rtl818x_ioread32(priv, &priv->map->TSFT[0]) | - (u64)(rtl818x_ioread32(priv, &priv->map->TSFT[1])) << 32; -} static const struct ieee80211_ops rtl8187_ops = { .tx = rtl8187_tx, @@ -1514,12 +1589,9 @@ static int __devinit rtl8187_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, if (reg & 0xFF00) priv->rfkill_mask = RFKILL_MASK_8198; } - - /* - * XXX: Once this driver supports anything that requires - * beacons it must implement IEEE80211_TX_CTL_ASSIGN_SEQ. - */ - dev->wiphy->interface_modes = BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION); + dev->vif_data_size = sizeof(struct rtl8187_vif); + dev->wiphy->interface_modes = BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) | + BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) ; if ((id->driver_info == DEVICE_RTL8187) && priv->is_rtl8187b) printk(KERN_INFO "rtl8187: inconsistency between id with OEM" diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8187/rtl8187.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8187/rtl8187.h index f1cc90751dbf519a576f5baee035e94aa183e378..e19a20a8e9558f38549df067334ad1b8ce81b793 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8187/rtl8187.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8187/rtl8187.h @@ -89,6 +89,14 @@ enum { DEVICE_RTL8187B }; +struct rtl8187_vif { + struct ieee80211_hw *dev; + + /* beaconing */ + struct delayed_work beacon_work; + bool enable_beacon; +}; + struct rtl8187_priv { /* common between rtl818x drivers */ struct rtl818x_csr *map; @@ -141,6 +149,7 @@ struct rtl8187_priv { __le32 bits32; } *io_dmabuf; bool rfkill_off; + u16 seqno; }; void rtl8187_write_phy(struct ieee80211_hw *dev, u8 addr, u32 data); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/Kconfig b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/Kconfig index d6c42e69bdbd467225d4db746f0e0f82d860fd68..cefac6a43601e17ca6ca9ef6db36589e7d055daf 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/Kconfig @@ -49,6 +49,11 @@ config RTLWIFI depends on RTL8192CE || RTL8192CU || RTL8192SE || RTL8192DE default m +config RTLWIFI_DEBUG + bool "Additional debugging output" + depends on RTL8192CE || RTL8192CU || RTL8192SE || RTL8192DE + default y + config RTL8192C_COMMON tristate depends on RTL8192CE || RTL8192CU diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/base.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/base.c index 8d6eb0f56c031b7b4b7ac2d43756c88cd9b0f28b..510023554e5f43ba0105a2cd5de09e8987b861dd 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/base.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/base.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -27,10 +27,6 @@ * *****************************************************************************/ -#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt - -#include -#include #include "wifi.h" #include "rc.h" #include "base.h" @@ -39,11 +35,14 @@ #include "ps.h" #include "regd.h" +#include +#include + /* - *NOTICE!!!: This file will be very big, we hsould - *keep it clear under follwing roles: + *NOTICE!!!: This file will be very big, we should + *keep it clear under following roles: * - *This file include follwing part, so, if you add new + *This file include following parts, so, if you add new *functions into this file, please check which part it *should includes. or check if you should add new part *for this file: @@ -211,7 +210,7 @@ static void _rtl_init_hw_ht_capab(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, */ if (get_rf_type(rtlphy) == RF_1T2R || get_rf_type(rtlphy) == RF_2T2R) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, ("1T2R or 2T2R\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "1T2R or 2T2R\n"); ht_cap->mcs.rx_mask[0] = 0xFF; ht_cap->mcs.rx_mask[1] = 0xFF; @@ -220,7 +219,7 @@ static void _rtl_init_hw_ht_capab(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, ht_cap->mcs.rx_highest = cpu_to_le16(MAX_BIT_RATE_40MHZ_MCS15); } else if (get_rf_type(rtlphy) == RF_1T1R) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, ("1T1R\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "1T1R\n"); ht_cap->mcs.rx_mask[0] = 0xFF; ht_cap->mcs.rx_mask[1] = 0x00; @@ -302,15 +301,13 @@ static void _rtl_init_mac80211(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) /* <4> set mac->sband to wiphy->sband */ hw->wiphy->bands[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ] = sband; } else { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, - ("Err BAND %d\n", - rtlhal->current_bandtype)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, "Err BAND %d\n", + rtlhal->current_bandtype); } } /* <5> set hw caps */ hw->flags = IEEE80211_HW_SIGNAL_DBM | IEEE80211_HW_RX_INCLUDES_FCS | - IEEE80211_HW_BEACON_FILTER | IEEE80211_HW_AMPDU_AGGREGATION | IEEE80211_HW_CONNECTION_MONITOR | /* IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI | */ @@ -413,6 +410,7 @@ void rtl_init_rfkill(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) wiphy_rfkill_start_polling(hw->wiphy); } +EXPORT_SYMBOL(rtl_init_rfkill); void rtl_deinit_rfkill(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { @@ -436,13 +434,13 @@ int rtl_init_core(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) * mac80211 hw in _rtl_init_mac80211. */ if (rtl_regd_init(hw, rtl_reg_notifier)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("REGD init failed\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "REGD init failed\n"); return 1; } else { /* CRDA regd hint must after init CRDA */ if (regulatory_hint(hw->wiphy, rtlpriv->regd.alpha2)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("regulatory_hint fail\n")); + "regulatory_hint fail\n"); } } @@ -922,17 +920,17 @@ bool rtl_action_proc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb, u8 is_tx) return false; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, (COMP_SEND | COMP_RECV), DBG_DMESG, - ("%s ACT_ADDBAREQ From :%pM\n", - is_tx ? "Tx" : "Rx", hdr->addr2)); + "%s ACT_ADDBAREQ From :%pM\n", + is_tx ? "Tx" : "Rx", hdr->addr2); break; case ACT_ADDBARSP: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, (COMP_SEND | COMP_RECV), DBG_DMESG, - ("%s ACT_ADDBARSP From :%pM\n", - is_tx ? "Tx" : "Rx", hdr->addr2)); + "%s ACT_ADDBARSP From :%pM\n", + is_tx ? "Tx" : "Rx", hdr->addr2); break; case ACT_DELBA: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, (COMP_SEND | COMP_RECV), DBG_DMESG, - ("ACT_ADDBADEL From :%pM\n", hdr->addr2)); + "ACT_ADDBADEL From :%pM\n", hdr->addr2); break; } break; @@ -975,8 +973,8 @@ u8 rtl_is_special_data(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb, u8 is_tx) * 67 : UDP BOOTP server */ RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, (COMP_SEND | COMP_RECV), - DBG_DMESG, ("dhcp %s !!\n", - (is_tx) ? "Tx" : "Rx")); + DBG_DMESG, "dhcp %s !!\n", + is_tx ? "Tx" : "Rx"); if (is_tx) { rtl_lps_leave(hw); @@ -996,7 +994,7 @@ u8 rtl_is_special_data(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb, u8 is_tx) return true; } else if (ETH_P_PAE == ether_type) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, (COMP_SEND | COMP_RECV), DBG_DMESG, - ("802.1X %s EAPOL pkt!!\n", (is_tx) ? "Tx" : "Rx")); + "802.1X %s EAPOL pkt!!\n", is_tx ? "Tx" : "Rx"); if (is_tx) { rtl_lps_leave(hw); @@ -1036,9 +1034,8 @@ int rtl_tx_agg_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, return -ENXIO; tid_data = &sta_entry->tids[tid]; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_DMESG, - ("on ra = %pM tid = %d seq:%d\n", sta->addr, tid, - tid_data->seq_number)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_DMESG, "on ra = %pM tid = %d seq:%d\n", + sta->addr, tid, tid_data->seq_number); *ssn = tid_data->seq_number; tid_data->agg.agg_state = RTL_AGG_START; @@ -1059,12 +1056,12 @@ int rtl_tx_agg_stop(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, return -EINVAL; if (!sta->addr) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("ra = NULL\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "ra = NULL\n"); return -EINVAL; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_DMESG, - ("on ra = %pM tid = %d\n", sta->addr, tid)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_DMESG, "on ra = %pM tid = %d\n", + sta->addr, tid); if (unlikely(tid >= MAX_TID_COUNT)) return -EINVAL; @@ -1087,12 +1084,12 @@ int rtl_tx_agg_oper(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, return -EINVAL; if (!sta->addr) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("ra = NULL\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "ra = NULL\n"); return -EINVAL; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_DMESG, - ("on ra = %pM tid = %d\n", sta->addr, tid)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_DMESG, "on ra = %pM tid = %d\n", + sta->addr, tid); if (unlikely(tid >= MAX_TID_COUNT)) return -EINVAL; @@ -1474,29 +1471,29 @@ void rtl_recognize_peer(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 *data, unsigned int len) (memcmp(mac->bssid, ap5_6, 3) == 0) || vendor == PEER_ATH) { vendor = PEER_ATH; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, ("=>ath find\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, "=>ath find\n"); } else if ((memcmp(mac->bssid, ap4_4, 3) == 0) || (memcmp(mac->bssid, ap4_5, 3) == 0) || (memcmp(mac->bssid, ap4_1, 3) == 0) || (memcmp(mac->bssid, ap4_2, 3) == 0) || (memcmp(mac->bssid, ap4_3, 3) == 0) || vendor == PEER_RAL) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, ("=>ral findn\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, "=>ral find\n"); vendor = PEER_RAL; } else if (memcmp(mac->bssid, ap6_1, 3) == 0 || vendor == PEER_CISCO) { vendor = PEER_CISCO; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, ("=>cisco find\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, "=>cisco find\n"); } else if ((memcmp(mac->bssid, ap3_1, 3) == 0) || (memcmp(mac->bssid, ap3_2, 3) == 0) || (memcmp(mac->bssid, ap3_3, 3) == 0) || vendor == PEER_BROAD) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, ("=>broad find\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, "=>broad find\n"); vendor = PEER_BROAD; } else if (memcmp(mac->bssid, ap7_1, 3) == 0 || vendor == PEER_MARV) { vendor = PEER_MARV; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, ("=>marv find\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, "=>marv find\n"); } mac->vendor = vendor; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/base.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/base.h index f66b5757f6b9b5bfef1a5111b517fa65131eed78..5a23a6d0f49d4b7f6dd8c35da72e16ff21a715f6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/base.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/base.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/cam.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/cam.c index dc36d7461caaaecd07a8f60a93941b843c094ff2..5c7d57947d2338731f7fed6e78cd3460114d17c9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/cam.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/cam.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ * *****************************************************************************/ -#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt - #include #include "wifi.h" #include "cam.h" @@ -55,10 +53,10 @@ static void rtl_cam_program_entry(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 entry_no, u8 entry_i; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("key_cont_128:\n %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\n", - key_cont_128[0], key_cont_128[1], - key_cont_128[2], key_cont_128[3], - key_cont_128[4], key_cont_128[5])); + "key_cont_128:\n %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\n", + key_cont_128[0], key_cont_128[1], + key_cont_128[2], key_cont_128[3], + key_cont_128[4], key_cont_128[5]); for (entry_i = 0; entry_i < CAM_CONTENT_COUNT; entry_i++) { target_command = entry_i + CAM_CONTENT_COUNT * entry_no; @@ -73,14 +71,12 @@ static void rtl_cam_program_entry(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 entry_no, rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RWCAM], target_command); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, "WRITE %x: %x\n", + rtlpriv->cfg->maps[WCAMI], target_content); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("WRITE %x: %x\n", - rtlpriv->cfg->maps[WCAMI], target_content)); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("The Key ID is %d\n", entry_no)); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("WRITE %x: %x\n", - rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RWCAM], target_command)); + "The Key ID is %d\n", entry_no); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, "WRITE %x: %x\n", + rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RWCAM], target_command); } else if (entry_i == 1) { @@ -94,10 +90,10 @@ static void rtl_cam_program_entry(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 entry_no, rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RWCAM], target_command); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("WRITE A4: %x\n", target_content)); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("WRITE A0: %x\n", target_command)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, "WRITE A4: %x\n", + target_content); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, "WRITE A0: %x\n", + target_command); } else { @@ -114,15 +110,15 @@ static void rtl_cam_program_entry(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 entry_no, target_command); udelay(100); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("WRITE A4: %x\n", target_content)); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("WRITE A0: %x\n", target_command)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, "WRITE A4: %x\n", + target_content); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, "WRITE A0: %x\n", + target_command); } } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("after set key, usconfig:%x\n", us_config)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, "after set key, usconfig:%x\n", + us_config); } u8 rtl_cam_add_one_entry(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 *mac_addr, @@ -133,14 +129,13 @@ u8 rtl_cam_add_one_entry(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 *mac_addr, struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("EntryNo:%x, ulKeyId=%x, ulEncAlg=%x, " - "ulUseDK=%x MacAddr %pM\n", - ul_entry_idx, ul_key_id, ul_enc_alg, - ul_default_key, mac_addr)); + "EntryNo:%x, ulKeyId=%x, ulEncAlg=%x, ulUseDK=%x MacAddr %pM\n", + ul_entry_idx, ul_key_id, ul_enc_alg, + ul_default_key, mac_addr); if (ul_key_id == TOTAL_CAM_ENTRY) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("<=== ulKeyId exceed!\n")); + "<=== ulKeyId exceed!\n"); return 0; } @@ -153,7 +148,7 @@ u8 rtl_cam_add_one_entry(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 *mac_addr, rtl_cam_program_entry(hw, ul_entry_idx, mac_addr, (u8 *) key_content, us_config); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, ("<===\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, "<===\n"); return 1; @@ -166,7 +161,7 @@ int rtl_cam_delete_one_entry(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 ul_command; struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, ("key_idx:%d\n", ul_key_id)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, "key_idx:%d\n", ul_key_id); ul_command = ul_key_id * CAM_CONTENT_COUNT; ul_command = ul_command | BIT(31) | BIT(16); @@ -175,9 +170,9 @@ int rtl_cam_delete_one_entry(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RWCAM], ul_command); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("rtl_cam_delete_one_entry(): WRITE A4: %x\n", 0)); + "rtl_cam_delete_one_entry(): WRITE A4: %x\n", 0); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("rtl_cam_delete_one_entry(): WRITE A0: %x\n", ul_command)); + "rtl_cam_delete_one_entry(): WRITE A0: %x\n", ul_command); return 0; @@ -229,9 +224,9 @@ void rtl_cam_mark_invalid(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 uc_index) rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RWCAM], ul_command); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("rtl_cam_mark_invalid(): WRITE A4: %x\n", ul_content)); + "rtl_cam_mark_invalid(): WRITE A4: %x\n", ul_content); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("rtl_cam_mark_invalid(): WRITE A0: %x\n", ul_command)); + "rtl_cam_mark_invalid(): WRITE A0: %x\n", ul_command); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(rtl_cam_mark_invalid); @@ -279,11 +274,11 @@ void rtl_cam_empty_entry(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 uc_index) rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RWCAM], ul_command); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("rtl_cam_empty_entry(): WRITE A4: %x\n", - ul_content)); + "rtl_cam_empty_entry(): WRITE A4: %x\n", + ul_content); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("rtl_cam_empty_entry(): WRITE A0: %x\n", - ul_command)); + "rtl_cam_empty_entry(): WRITE A0: %x\n", + ul_command); } } @@ -297,8 +292,7 @@ u8 rtl_cam_get_free_entry(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 *sta_addr) u8 i, *addr; if (NULL == sta_addr) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_EMERG, - ("sta_addr is NULL.\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_EMERG, "sta_addr is NULL\n"); return TOTAL_CAM_ENTRY; } /* Does STA already exist? */ @@ -311,8 +305,8 @@ u8 rtl_cam_get_free_entry(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 *sta_addr) for (entry_idx = 4; entry_idx < TOTAL_CAM_ENTRY; entry_idx++) { if ((bitmap & BIT(0)) == 0) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_EMERG, - ("-----hwsec_cam_bitmap: 0x%x entry_idx=%d\n", - rtlpriv->sec.hwsec_cam_bitmap, entry_idx)); + "-----hwsec_cam_bitmap: 0x%x entry_idx=%d\n", + rtlpriv->sec.hwsec_cam_bitmap, entry_idx); rtlpriv->sec.hwsec_cam_bitmap |= BIT(0) << entry_idx; memcpy(rtlpriv->sec.hwsec_cam_sta_addr[entry_idx], sta_addr, ETH_ALEN); @@ -331,14 +325,13 @@ void rtl_cam_del_entry(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 *sta_addr) u8 i, *addr; if (NULL == sta_addr) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_EMERG, - ("sta_addr is NULL.\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_EMERG, "sta_addr is NULL\n"); } if ((sta_addr[0]|sta_addr[1]|sta_addr[2]|sta_addr[3]|\ sta_addr[4]|sta_addr[5]) == 0) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_EMERG, - ("sta_addr is 00:00:00:00:00:00.\n")); + "sta_addr is 00:00:00:00:00:00\n"); return; } /* Does STA already exist? */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/cam.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/cam.h index c62da4eefc75e85f11d6aea2d9b9afbb5e111482..35e00086a520bf06393237b3aebf0aa3bbb9e617 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/cam.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/cam.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/core.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/core.c index 3f0f056fae9cda0a4e232d401dd886f834f4e076..278e9f957e0dfcc44e0985453bf2ba54085219d9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/core.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/core.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -31,8 +31,50 @@ #include "core.h" #include "cam.h" #include "base.h" +#include "pci.h" #include "ps.h" +#include + +void rtl_fw_cb(const struct firmware *firmware, void *context) +{ + struct ieee80211_hw *hw = context; + struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); + int err; + + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_LOUD, + "Firmware callback routine entered!\n"); + complete(&rtlpriv->firmware_loading_complete); + if (!firmware) { + pr_err("Firmware %s not available\n", rtlpriv->cfg->fw_name); + rtlpriv->max_fw_size = 0; + return; + } + if (firmware->size > rtlpriv->max_fw_size) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, + "Firmware is too big!\n"); + release_firmware(firmware); + return; + } + memcpy(rtlpriv->rtlhal.pfirmware, firmware->data, firmware->size); + rtlpriv->rtlhal.fwsize = firmware->size; + release_firmware(firmware); + + err = ieee80211_register_hw(hw); + if (err) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, + "Can't register mac80211 hw\n"); + return; + } else { + rtlpriv->mac80211.mac80211_registered = 1; + } + set_bit(RTL_STATUS_INTERFACE_START, &rtlpriv->status); + + /*init rfkill */ + rtl_init_rfkill(hw); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(rtl_fw_cb); + /*mutex for start & stop is must here. */ static int rtl_op_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { @@ -112,9 +154,11 @@ static int rtl_op_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_mac *mac = rtl_mac(rtl_priv(hw)); int err = 0; + vif->driver_flags |= IEEE80211_VIF_BEACON_FILTER; + if (mac->vif) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("vif has been set!! mac->vif = 0x%p\n", mac->vif)); + "vif has been set!! mac->vif = 0x%p\n", mac->vif); return -EOPNOTSUPP; } @@ -125,7 +169,7 @@ static int rtl_op_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION: if (mac->beacon_enabled == 1) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, - ("NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION\n")); + "NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION\n"); mac->beacon_enabled = 0; rtlpriv->cfg->ops->update_interrupt_mask(hw, 0, rtlpriv->cfg->maps @@ -134,7 +178,7 @@ static int rtl_op_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, - ("NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC\n")); + "NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC\n"); mac->link_state = MAC80211_LINKED; rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_bcn_reg(hw); @@ -148,7 +192,7 @@ static int rtl_op_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_AP: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, - ("NL80211_IFTYPE_AP\n")); + "NL80211_IFTYPE_AP\n"); mac->link_state = MAC80211_LINKED; rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_bcn_reg(hw); @@ -161,7 +205,7 @@ static int rtl_op_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("operation mode %d is not support!\n", vif->type)); + "operation mode %d is not supported!\n", vif->type); err = -EOPNOTSUPP; goto out; } @@ -221,7 +265,7 @@ static int rtl_op_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 changed) mutex_lock(&rtlpriv->locks.conf_mutex); if (changed & IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_LISTEN_INTERVAL) { /*BIT(2)*/ RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, - ("IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_LISTEN_INTERVAL\n")); + "IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_LISTEN_INTERVAL\n"); } /*For IPS */ @@ -264,8 +308,8 @@ static int rtl_op_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 changed) if (changed & IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_RETRY_LIMITS) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, - ("IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_RETRY_LIMITS %x\n", - hw->conf.long_frame_max_tx_count)); + "IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_RETRY_LIMITS %x\n", + hw->conf.long_frame_max_tx_count); mac->retry_long = hw->conf.long_frame_max_tx_count; mac->retry_short = hw->conf.long_frame_max_tx_count; rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_hw_reg(hw, HW_VAR_RETRY_LIMIT, @@ -320,7 +364,7 @@ static int rtl_op_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 changed) default: mac->bw_40 = false; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not processed\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } @@ -369,12 +413,12 @@ static void rtl_op_configure_filter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, mac->rx_conf |= rtlpriv->cfg->maps[MAC_RCR_AM] | rtlpriv->cfg->maps[MAC_RCR_AB]; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, - ("Enable receive multicast frame.\n")); + "Enable receive multicast frame\n"); } else { mac->rx_conf &= ~(rtlpriv->cfg->maps[MAC_RCR_AM] | rtlpriv->cfg->maps[MAC_RCR_AB]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, - ("Disable receive multicast frame.\n")); + "Disable receive multicast frame\n"); } } @@ -382,11 +426,11 @@ static void rtl_op_configure_filter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (*new_flags & FIF_FCSFAIL) { mac->rx_conf |= rtlpriv->cfg->maps[MAC_RCR_ACRC32]; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, - ("Enable receive FCS error frame.\n")); + "Enable receive FCS error frame\n"); } else { mac->rx_conf &= ~rtlpriv->cfg->maps[MAC_RCR_ACRC32]; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, - ("Disable receive FCS error frame.\n")); + "Disable receive FCS error frame\n"); } } @@ -409,11 +453,11 @@ static void rtl_op_configure_filter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, mac->rx_conf |= rtlpriv->cfg->maps[MAC_RCR_ACF]; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, - ("Enable receive control frame.\n")); + "Enable receive control frame\n"); } else { mac->rx_conf &= ~rtlpriv->cfg->maps[MAC_RCR_ACF]; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, - ("Disable receive control frame.\n")); + "Disable receive control frame\n"); } } @@ -421,11 +465,11 @@ static void rtl_op_configure_filter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (*new_flags & FIF_OTHER_BSS) { mac->rx_conf |= rtlpriv->cfg->maps[MAC_RCR_AAP]; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, - ("Enable receive other BSS's frame.\n")); + "Enable receive other BSS's frame\n"); } else { mac->rx_conf &= ~rtlpriv->cfg->maps[MAC_RCR_AAP]; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, - ("Disable receive other BSS's frame.\n")); + "Disable receive other BSS's frame\n"); } } } @@ -456,7 +500,7 @@ static int rtl_op_sta_add(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, sta_entry->wireless_mode = WIRELESS_MODE_G; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_DMESG, - ("Add sta addr is %pM\n", sta->addr)); + "Add sta addr is %pM\n", sta->addr); rtlpriv->cfg->ops->update_rate_tbl(hw, sta, 0); } return 0; @@ -469,7 +513,7 @@ static int rtl_op_sta_remove(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_sta_info *sta_entry; if (sta) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_DMESG, - ("Remove sta addr is %pM\n", sta->addr)); + "Remove sta addr is %pM\n", sta->addr); sta_entry = (struct rtl_sta_info *) sta->drv_priv; sta_entry->wireless_mode = 0; sta_entry->ratr_index = 0; @@ -514,7 +558,7 @@ static int rtl_op_conf_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (queue >= AC_MAX) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("queue number %d is incorrect!\n", queue)); + "queue number %d is incorrect!\n", queue); return -EINVAL; } @@ -547,7 +591,7 @@ static void rtl_op_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bss_conf->enable_beacon)) { if (mac->beacon_enabled == 0) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_DMESG, - ("BSS_CHANGED_BEACON_ENABLED\n")); + "BSS_CHANGED_BEACON_ENABLED\n"); /*start hw beacon interrupt. */ /*rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_bcn_reg(hw); */ @@ -565,7 +609,7 @@ static void rtl_op_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, !bss_conf->enable_beacon)) { if (mac->beacon_enabled == 1) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_DMESG, - ("ADHOC DISABLE BEACON\n")); + "ADHOC DISABLE BEACON\n"); mac->beacon_enabled = 0; rtlpriv->cfg->ops->update_interrupt_mask(hw, 0, @@ -575,7 +619,7 @@ static void rtl_op_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } if (changed & BSS_CHANGED_BEACON_INT) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_BEACON, DBG_TRACE, - ("BSS_CHANGED_BEACON_INT\n")); + "BSS_CHANGED_BEACON_INT\n"); mac->beacon_interval = bss_conf->beacon_int; rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_bcn_intv(hw); } @@ -604,7 +648,7 @@ static void rtl_op_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION && sta) rtlpriv->cfg->ops->update_rate_tbl(hw, sta, 0); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_DMESG, - ("BSS_CHANGED_ASSOC\n")); + "BSS_CHANGED_ASSOC\n"); } else { if (mac->link_state == MAC80211_LINKED) rtl_lps_leave(hw); @@ -619,20 +663,20 @@ static void rtl_op_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, mac->vendor = PEER_UNKNOWN; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_DMESG, - ("BSS_CHANGED_UN_ASSOC\n")); + "BSS_CHANGED_UN_ASSOC\n"); } } if (changed & BSS_CHANGED_ERP_CTS_PROT) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_TRACE, - ("BSS_CHANGED_ERP_CTS_PROT\n")); + "BSS_CHANGED_ERP_CTS_PROT\n"); mac->use_cts_protect = bss_conf->use_cts_prot; } if (changed & BSS_CHANGED_ERP_PREAMBLE) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, - ("BSS_CHANGED_ERP_PREAMBLE use short preamble:%x\n", - bss_conf->use_short_preamble)); + "BSS_CHANGED_ERP_PREAMBLE use short preamble:%x\n", + bss_conf->use_short_preamble); mac->short_preamble = bss_conf->use_short_preamble; rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_hw_reg(hw, HW_VAR_ACK_PREAMBLE, @@ -641,7 +685,7 @@ static void rtl_op_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (changed & BSS_CHANGED_ERP_SLOT) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_TRACE, - ("BSS_CHANGED_ERP_SLOT\n")); + "BSS_CHANGED_ERP_SLOT\n"); if (bss_conf->use_short_slot) mac->slot_time = RTL_SLOT_TIME_9; @@ -653,8 +697,7 @@ static void rtl_op_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } if (changed & BSS_CHANGED_HT) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_TRACE, - ("BSS_CHANGED_HT\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_TRACE, "BSS_CHANGED_HT\n"); rcu_read_lock(); sta = get_sta(hw, vif, bss_conf->bssid); if (sta) { @@ -683,8 +726,8 @@ static void rtl_op_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_hw_reg(hw, HW_VAR_BSSID, (u8 *) bss_conf->bssid); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_DMESG, - ("%pM\n", bss_conf->bssid)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_DMESG, "%pM\n", + bss_conf->bssid); mac->vendor = PEER_UNKNOWN; memcpy(mac->bssid, bss_conf->bssid, 6); @@ -831,30 +874,30 @@ static int rtl_op_ampdu_action(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, switch (action) { case IEEE80211_AMPDU_TX_START: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_TRACE, - ("IEEE80211_AMPDU_TX_START: TID:%d\n", tid)); + "IEEE80211_AMPDU_TX_START: TID:%d\n", tid); return rtl_tx_agg_start(hw, sta, tid, ssn); break; case IEEE80211_AMPDU_TX_STOP: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_TRACE, - ("IEEE80211_AMPDU_TX_STOP: TID:%d\n", tid)); + "IEEE80211_AMPDU_TX_STOP: TID:%d\n", tid); return rtl_tx_agg_stop(hw, sta, tid); break; case IEEE80211_AMPDU_TX_OPERATIONAL: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_TRACE, - ("IEEE80211_AMPDU_TX_OPERATIONAL:TID:%d\n", tid)); + "IEEE80211_AMPDU_TX_OPERATIONAL:TID:%d\n", tid); rtl_tx_agg_oper(hw, sta, tid); break; case IEEE80211_AMPDU_RX_START: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_TRACE, - ("IEEE80211_AMPDU_RX_START:TID:%d\n", tid)); + "IEEE80211_AMPDU_RX_START:TID:%d\n", tid); break; case IEEE80211_AMPDU_RX_STOP: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_TRACE, - ("IEEE80211_AMPDU_RX_STOP:TID:%d\n", tid)); + "IEEE80211_AMPDU_RX_STOP:TID:%d\n", tid); break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("IEEE80211_AMPDU_ERR!!!!:\n")); + "IEEE80211_AMPDU_ERR!!!!:\n"); return -EOPNOTSUPP; } return 0; @@ -867,7 +910,7 @@ static void rtl_op_sw_scan_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) mac->act_scanning = true; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, ("\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, "\n"); if (mac->link_state == MAC80211_LINKED) { rtl_lps_leave(hw); @@ -888,7 +931,7 @@ static void rtl_op_sw_scan_complete(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); struct rtl_mac *mac = rtl_mac(rtl_priv(hw)); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, ("\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, "\n"); mac->act_scanning = false; /* Dual mac */ rtlpriv->rtlhal.load_imrandiqk_setting_for2g = false; @@ -921,13 +964,13 @@ static int rtl_op_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, if (rtlpriv->cfg->mod_params->sw_crypto || rtlpriv->sec.use_sw_sec) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("not open hw encryption\n")); + "not open hw encryption\n"); return -ENOSPC; /*User disabled HW-crypto */ } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("%s hardware based encryption for keyidx: %d, mac: %pM\n", - cmd == SET_KEY ? "Using" : "Disabling", key->keyidx, - sta ? sta->addr : bcast_addr)); + "%s hardware based encryption for keyidx: %d, mac: %pM\n", + cmd == SET_KEY ? "Using" : "Disabling", key->keyidx, + sta ? sta->addr : bcast_addr); rtlpriv->sec.being_setkey = true; rtl_ips_nic_on(hw); mutex_lock(&rtlpriv->locks.conf_mutex); @@ -936,24 +979,23 @@ static int rtl_op_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, switch (key->cipher) { case WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP40: key_type = WEP40_ENCRYPTION; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, ("alg:WEP40\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, "alg:WEP40\n"); break; case WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP104: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("alg:WEP104\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, "alg:WEP104\n"); key_type = WEP104_ENCRYPTION; break; case WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP: key_type = TKIP_ENCRYPTION; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, ("alg:TKIP\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, "alg:TKIP\n"); break; case WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_CCMP: key_type = AESCCMP_ENCRYPTION; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, ("alg:CCMP\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, "alg:CCMP\n"); break; default: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("alg_err:%x!!!!:\n", key->cipher)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "alg_err:%x!!!!\n", + key->cipher); goto out_unlock; } if (key_type == WEP40_ENCRYPTION || @@ -995,8 +1037,8 @@ static int rtl_op_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, wep_only = true; rtlpriv->sec.pairwise_enc_algorithm = key_type; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("set enable_hw_sec, key_type:%x(OPEN:0 WEP40:1" - " TKIP:2 AES:4 WEP104:5)\n", key_type)); + "set enable_hw_sec, key_type:%x(OPEN:0 WEP40:1 TKIP:2 AES:4 WEP104:5)\n", + key_type); rtlpriv->cfg->ops->enable_hw_sec(hw); } } @@ -1005,7 +1047,7 @@ static int rtl_op_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, case SET_KEY: if (wep_only) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("set WEP(group/pairwise) key\n")); + "set WEP(group/pairwise) key\n"); /* Pairwise key with an assigned MAC address. */ rtlpriv->sec.pairwise_enc_algorithm = key_type; rtlpriv->sec.group_enc_algorithm = key_type; @@ -1016,7 +1058,7 @@ static int rtl_op_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, memcpy(mac_addr, zero_addr, ETH_ALEN); } else if (group_key) { /* group key */ RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("set group key\n")); + "set group key\n"); /* group key */ rtlpriv->sec.group_enc_algorithm = key_type; /*set local buf about group key. */ @@ -1026,10 +1068,10 @@ static int rtl_op_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, memcpy(mac_addr, bcast_addr, ETH_ALEN); } else { /* pairwise key */ RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("set pairwise key\n")); + "set pairwise key\n"); if (!sta) { - RT_ASSERT(false, ("pairwise key withnot" - "mac_addr\n")); + RT_ASSERT(false, + "pairwise key without mac_addr\n"); err = -EOPNOTSUPP; goto out_unlock; @@ -1056,7 +1098,7 @@ static int rtl_op_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, break; case DISABLE_KEY: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("disable key delete one entry\n")); + "disable key delete one entry\n"); /*set local buf about wep key. */ if (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP) { if (sta) @@ -1077,7 +1119,7 @@ static int rtl_op_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("cmd_err:%x!!!!:\n", cmd)); + "cmd_err:%x!!!!\n", cmd); } out_unlock: mutex_unlock(&rtlpriv->locks.conf_mutex); @@ -1106,8 +1148,8 @@ static void rtl_op_rfkill_poll(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlpriv->rfkill.rfkill_state = radio_state; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - (KERN_INFO "wireless radio switch turned %s\n", - radio_state ? "on" : "off")); + "wireless radio switch turned %s\n", + radio_state ? "on" : "off"); blocked = (rtlpriv->rfkill.rfkill_state == 1) ? 0 : 1; wiphy_rfkill_set_hw_state(hw->wiphy, blocked); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/core.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/core.h index f02824a3b74736d9db8529affc777fe9550cd14c..2fe46a1b4f1f12c3e77ba985d59c4aaff1d88357 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/core.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/core.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * Tmis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ #ifndef __RTL_CORE_H__ #define __RTL_CORE_H__ -#include - #define RTL_SUPPORTED_FILTERS \ (FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS | \ FIF_ALLMULTI | FIF_CONTROL | \ @@ -42,4 +40,6 @@ #define RTL_SUPPORTED_CTRL_FILTER 0xFF extern const struct ieee80211_ops rtl_ops; +void rtl_fw_cb(const struct firmware *firmware, void *context); + #endif diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/debug.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/debug.c index 1b5cb7153a526b97a3f3ad63d8714ec48b8e2e27..bdda9b2fffe151f79af75eb3042d311e054ff3ed 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/debug.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/debug.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * Tmis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ #include "wifi.h" +#include + void rtl_dbgp_flag_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/debug.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/debug.h index 160dd06852136d2a8616b115fdb426c93b093fa2..07493d2957f2a11d313275643b1fee0bc7c6196f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/debug.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/debug.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * Tmis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -156,53 +156,78 @@ enum dbgp_flag_e { DBGP_TYPE_MAX }; -#define RT_ASSERT(_exp, fmt) \ - do { \ - if (!(_exp)) { \ - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s:%s(): ", KBUILD_MODNAME, \ - __func__); \ - printk fmt; \ - } \ - } while (0); - -#define RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, comp, level, fmt)\ - do { \ - if (unlikely(((comp) & rtlpriv->dbg.global_debugcomponents) && \ - ((level) <= rtlpriv->dbg.global_debuglevel))) {\ - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s:%s():<%lx-%x> ", KBUILD_MODNAME, \ - __func__, in_interrupt(), in_atomic()); \ - printk fmt; \ - } \ - } while (0); - -#define RTPRINT(rtlpriv, dbgtype, dbgflag, printstr) \ - do { \ - if (unlikely(rtlpriv->dbg.dbgp_type[dbgtype] & dbgflag)) { \ - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: ", KBUILD_MODNAME); \ - printk printstr; \ - } \ - } while (0); - -#define RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, _comp, _level, _titlestring, _hexdata, \ - _hexdatalen) \ - do {\ - if (unlikely(((_comp) & rtlpriv->dbg.global_debugcomponents) &&\ - (_level <= rtlpriv->dbg.global_debuglevel))) { \ - int __i; \ - u8* ptr = (u8 *)_hexdata; \ - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: ", KBUILD_MODNAME); \ - printk("In process \"%s\" (pid %i):", current->comm,\ - current->pid); \ - printk(_titlestring); \ - for (__i = 0; __i < (int)_hexdatalen; __i++) { \ - printk("%02X%s", ptr[__i], (((__i + 1) % 4)\ - == 0) ? " " : " ");\ - if (((__i + 1) % 16) == 0) \ - printk("\n"); \ - } \ - printk(KERN_DEBUG "\n"); \ - } \ - } while (0); +#ifdef CONFIG_RTLWIFI_DEBUG + +#define RT_ASSERT(_exp, fmt, ...) \ +do { \ + if (!(_exp)) { \ + printk(KERN_DEBUG KBUILD_MODNAME ":%s(): " fmt, \ + __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ + } \ +} while (0) + +#define RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, comp, level, fmt, ...) \ +do { \ + if (unlikely(((comp) & rtlpriv->dbg.global_debugcomponents) && \ + ((level) <= rtlpriv->dbg.global_debuglevel))) { \ + printk(KERN_DEBUG KBUILD_MODNAME ":%s():<%lx-%x> " fmt, \ + __func__, in_interrupt(), in_atomic(), \ + ##__VA_ARGS__); \ + } \ +} while (0) + +#define RTPRINT(rtlpriv, dbgtype, dbgflag, fmt, ...) \ +do { \ + if (unlikely(rtlpriv->dbg.dbgp_type[dbgtype] & dbgflag)) { \ + printk(KERN_DEBUG KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt, \ + ##__VA_ARGS__); \ + } \ +} while (0) + +#define RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, _comp, _level, _titlestring, _hexdata, \ + _hexdatalen) \ +do { \ + if (unlikely(((_comp) & rtlpriv->dbg.global_debugcomponents) && \ + (_level <= rtlpriv->dbg.global_debuglevel))) { \ + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: In process \"%s\" (pid %i): %s\n", \ + KBUILD_MODNAME, current->comm, current->pid, \ + _titlestring); \ + print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_NONE, \ + _hexdata, _hexdatalen); \ + } \ +} while (0) + +#else + +struct rtl_priv; + +__printf(2, 3) +static inline void RT_ASSERT(int exp, const char *fmt, ...) +{ +} + +__printf(4, 5) +static inline void RT_TRACE(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, + int comp, int level, + const char *fmt, ...) +{ +} + +__printf(4, 5) +static inline void RTPRINT(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, + int dbgtype, int dbgflag, + const char *fmt, ...) +{ +} + +static inline void RT_PRINT_DATA(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, + int comp, int level, + const char *titlestring, + const void *hexdata, size_t hexdatalen) +{ +} + +#endif void rtl_dbgp_flag_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw); #endif diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/efuse.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/efuse.c index ed1058b7158700c6eb65cc1f373472577b85ab1f..1f143800a8d7b2c8749bbc531cd60acc4d1678de 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/efuse.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/efuse.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * Tmis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ void efuse_write_1byte(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u16 address, u8 value) const u32 efuse_len = rtlpriv->cfg->maps[EFUSE_REAL_CONTENT_SIZE]; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_EFUSE, DBG_LOUD, - ("Addr=%x Data =%x\n", address, value)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_EFUSE, DBG_LOUD, "Addr=%x Data =%x\n", + address, value); if (address < efuse_len) { rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, rtlpriv->cfg->maps[EFUSE_CTRL], value); @@ -252,8 +252,8 @@ void read_efuse(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u16 _offset, u16 _size_byte, u8 *pbuf) if ((_offset + _size_byte) > rtlpriv->cfg->maps[EFUSE_HWSET_MAX_SIZE]) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_EFUSE, DBG_LOUD, - ("read_efuse(): Invalid offset(%#x) with read " - "bytes(%#x)!!\n", _offset, _size_byte)); + "read_efuse(): Invalid offset(%#x) with read bytes(%#x)!!\n", + _offset, _size_byte); return; } @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ void read_efuse(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u16 _offset, u16 _size_byte, u8 *pbuf) if (*rtemp8 != 0xFF) { efuse_utilized++; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FEEPROM, EFUSE_READ_ALL, - ("Addr=%d\n", efuse_addr)); + "Addr=%d\n", efuse_addr); efuse_addr++; } @@ -290,13 +290,13 @@ void read_efuse(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u16 _offset, u16 _size_byte, u8 *pbuf) if (offset < efuse_max_section) { wren = (*rtemp8 & 0x0f); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FEEPROM, EFUSE_READ_ALL, - ("offset-%d Worden=%x\n", offset, wren)); + "offset-%d Worden=%x\n", offset, wren); for (i = 0; i < EFUSE_MAX_WORD_UNIT; i++) { if (!(wren & 0x01)) { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FEEPROM, - EFUSE_READ_ALL, ("Addr=%d\n", - efuse_addr)); + EFUSE_READ_ALL, + "Addr=%d\n", efuse_addr); read_efuse_byte(hw, efuse_addr, rtemp8); efuse_addr++; @@ -308,8 +308,8 @@ void read_efuse(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u16 _offset, u16 _size_byte, u8 *pbuf) break; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FEEPROM, - EFUSE_READ_ALL, ("Addr=%d\n", - efuse_addr)); + EFUSE_READ_ALL, + "Addr=%d\n", efuse_addr); read_efuse_byte(hw, efuse_addr, rtemp8); efuse_addr++; @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ void read_efuse(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u16 _offset, u16 _size_byte, u8 *pbuf) } RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FEEPROM, EFUSE_READ_ALL, - ("Addr=%d\n", efuse_addr)); + "Addr=%d\n", efuse_addr); read_efuse_byte(hw, efuse_addr, rtemp8); if (*rtemp8 != 0xFF && (efuse_addr < efuse_len)) { efuse_utilized++; @@ -395,9 +395,8 @@ bool efuse_shadow_update_chk(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) result = false; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_EFUSE, DBG_LOUD, - ("efuse_shadow_update_chk(): totalbytes(%#x), " - "hdr_num(%#x), words_need(%#x), efuse_used(%d)\n", - totalbytes, hdr_num, words_need, efuse_used)); + "efuse_shadow_update_chk(): totalbytes(%#x), hdr_num(%#x), words_need(%#x), efuse_used(%d)\n", + totalbytes, hdr_num, words_need, efuse_used); return result; } @@ -434,7 +433,7 @@ bool efuse_shadow_update(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u8 word_en = 0x0F; u8 first_pg = false; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_EFUSE, DBG_LOUD, ("--->\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_EFUSE, DBG_LOUD, "--->\n"); if (!efuse_shadow_update_chk(hw)) { efuse_read_all_map(hw, &rtlefuse->efuse_map[EFUSE_INIT_MAP][0]); @@ -443,7 +442,7 @@ bool efuse_shadow_update(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlpriv->cfg->maps[EFUSE_HWSET_MAX_SIZE]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_EFUSE, DBG_LOUD, - ("<---efuse out of capacity!!\n")); + "<---efuse out of capacity!!\n"); return false; } efuse_power_switch(hw, true, true); @@ -478,12 +477,12 @@ bool efuse_shadow_update(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) &rtlefuse->efuse_map[EFUSE_MODIFY_MAP][base], 8); RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("U-efuse\n"), tmpdata, 8); + "U-efuse", tmpdata, 8); if (!efuse_pg_packet_write(hw, (u8) offset, word_en, tmpdata)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("PG section(%#x) fail!!\n", offset)); + "PG section(%#x) fail!!\n", offset); break; } } @@ -497,7 +496,7 @@ bool efuse_shadow_update(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) &rtlefuse->efuse_map[EFUSE_INIT_MAP][0], rtlpriv->cfg->maps[EFUSE_HWSET_MAX_SIZE]); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_EFUSE, DBG_LOUD, ("<---\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_EFUSE, DBG_LOUD, "<---\n"); return true; } @@ -634,8 +633,8 @@ static int efuse_one_byte_write(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u16 addr, u8 data) struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); u8 tmpidx = 0; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_EFUSE, DBG_LOUD, - ("Addr = %x Data=%x\n", addr, data)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_EFUSE, DBG_LOUD, "Addr = %x Data=%x\n", + addr, data); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, rtlpriv->cfg->maps[EFUSE_CTRL] + 1, (u8) (addr & 0xff)); @@ -778,7 +777,7 @@ static void efuse_write_data_case1(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u16 *efuse_addr, dataempty = false; } - if (dataempty == false) { + if (!dataempty) { *efuse_addr = *efuse_addr + (tmp_word_cnts * 2) + 1; *write_state = PG_STATE_HEADER; } else { @@ -851,7 +850,7 @@ static void efuse_write_data_case1(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u16 *efuse_addr, } } } - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FEEPROM, EFUSE_PG, ("efuse PG_STATE_HEADER-1\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FEEPROM, EFUSE_PG, "efuse PG_STATE_HEADER-1\n"); } static void efuse_write_data_case2(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u16 *efuse_addr, @@ -916,7 +915,7 @@ static void efuse_write_data_case2(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u16 *efuse_addr, } RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FEEPROM, EFUSE_PG, - ("efuse PG_STATE_HEADER-2\n")); + "efuse PG_STATE_HEADER-2\n"); } } @@ -936,7 +935,7 @@ static int efuse_pg_packet_write(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (efuse_get_current_size(hw) >= (EFUSE_MAX_SIZE - EFUSE_OOB_PROTECT_BYTES)) { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FEEPROM, EFUSE_PG, - ("efuse_pg_packet_write error\n")); + "efuse_pg_packet_write error\n"); return false; } @@ -948,7 +947,7 @@ static int efuse_pg_packet_write(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, efuse_word_enable_data_read(word_en, data, target_pkt.data); target_word_cnts = efuse_calculate_word_cnts(target_pkt.word_en); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FEEPROM, EFUSE_PG, ("efuse Power ON\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FEEPROM, EFUSE_PG, "efuse Power ON\n"); while (continual && (efuse_addr < (EFUSE_MAX_SIZE - EFUSE_OOB_PROTECT_BYTES))) { @@ -956,7 +955,7 @@ static int efuse_pg_packet_write(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (write_state == PG_STATE_HEADER) { badworden = 0x0F; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FEEPROM, EFUSE_PG, - ("efuse PG_STATE_HEADER\n")); + "efuse PG_STATE_HEADER\n"); if (efuse_one_byte_read(hw, efuse_addr, &efuse_data) && (efuse_data != 0xFF)) @@ -976,7 +975,7 @@ static int efuse_pg_packet_write(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } else if (write_state == PG_STATE_DATA) { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FEEPROM, EFUSE_PG, - ("efuse PG_STATE_DATA\n")); + "efuse PG_STATE_DATA\n"); badworden = efuse_word_enable_data_write(hw, efuse_addr + 1, target_pkt.word_en, @@ -999,14 +998,14 @@ static int efuse_pg_packet_write(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, result = false; } RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FEEPROM, EFUSE_PG, - ("efuse PG_STATE_HEADER-3\n")); + "efuse PG_STATE_HEADER-3\n"); } } } if (efuse_addr >= (EFUSE_MAX_SIZE - EFUSE_OOB_PROTECT_BYTES)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_EFUSE, DBG_LOUD, - ("efuse_addr(%#x) Out of size!!\n", efuse_addr)); + "efuse_addr(%#x) Out of size!!\n", efuse_addr); } return true; @@ -1046,8 +1045,8 @@ static u8 efuse_word_enable_data_write(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 tmpdata[8]; memset(tmpdata, 0xff, PGPKT_DATA_SIZE); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_EFUSE, DBG_LOUD, - ("word_en = %x efuse_addr=%x\n", word_en, efuse_addr)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_EFUSE, DBG_LOUD, "word_en = %x efuse_addr=%x\n", + word_en, efuse_addr); if (!(word_en & BIT(0))) { tmpaddr = start_addr; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/efuse.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/efuse.h index 164dabaa76159cc14690c535258d3982357e3ac4..2bdea9a8699e1cd653d85371bd54f9d23ec817e7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/efuse.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/efuse.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/pci.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/pci.c index 9245d882c06a3046dfb3d052456e6174d99d2a97..07dd38efe62a01580c9debe210fb2d38c8ddd50e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/pci.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/pci.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ * *****************************************************************************/ -#include -#include "core.h" #include "wifi.h" +#include "core.h" #include "pci.h" #include "base.h" #include "ps.h" #include "efuse.h" +#include static const u16 pcibridge_vendors[PCI_BRIDGE_VENDOR_MAX] = { PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ static void _rtl_pci_update_default_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ static bool _rtl_pci_platform_switch_device_pci_aspm( } /*When we set 0x01 to enable clk request. Set 0x0 to disable clk req.*/ -static bool _rtl_pci_switch_clk_req(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 value) +static void _rtl_pci_switch_clk_req(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 value) { struct rtl_pci *rtlpci = rtl_pcidev(rtl_pcipriv(hw)); struct rtl_hal *rtlhal = rtl_hal(rtl_priv(hw)); @@ -207,8 +207,6 @@ static bool _rtl_pci_switch_clk_req(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 value) if (rtlhal->hw_type == HARDWARE_TYPE_RTL8192SE) udelay(100); - - return true; } /*Disable RTL8192SE ASPM & Disable Pci Bridge ASPM*/ @@ -232,7 +230,7 @@ static void rtl_pci_disable_aspm(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (pcibridge_vendor == PCI_BRIDGE_VENDOR_UNKNOWN) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_TRACE, - ("PCI(Bridge) UNKNOWN.\n")); + "PCI(Bridge) UNKNOWN\n"); return; } @@ -286,7 +284,7 @@ static void rtl_pci_enable_aspm(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (pcibridge_vendor == PCI_BRIDGE_VENDOR_UNKNOWN) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_TRACE, - ("PCI(Bridge) UNKNOWN.\n")); + "PCI(Bridge) UNKNOWN\n"); return; } @@ -303,11 +301,10 @@ static void rtl_pci_enable_aspm(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u_pcibridge_aspmsetting); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("PlatformEnableASPM():PciBridge busnumber[%x], " - "DevNumbe[%x], funcnumber[%x], Write reg[%x] = %x\n", - pcibridge_busnum, pcibridge_devnum, pcibridge_funcnum, - (pcipriv->ndis_adapter.pcibridge_pciehdr_offset + 0x10), - u_pcibridge_aspmsetting)); + "PlatformEnableASPM():PciBridge busnumber[%x], DevNumbe[%x], funcnumber[%x], Write reg[%x] = %x\n", + pcibridge_busnum, pcibridge_devnum, pcibridge_funcnum, + (pcipriv->ndis_adapter.pcibridge_pciehdr_offset + 0x10), + u_pcibridge_aspmsetting); udelay(50); @@ -382,9 +379,8 @@ static void rtl_pci_parse_configuration(struct pci_dev *pdev, pci_read_config_byte(pdev, pos + PCI_EXP_LNKCTL, &linkctrl_reg); pcipriv->ndis_adapter.linkctrl_reg = linkctrl_reg; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Link Control Register =%x\n", - pcipriv->ndis_adapter.linkctrl_reg)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "Link Control Register =%x\n", + pcipriv->ndis_adapter.linkctrl_reg); pci_read_config_byte(pdev, 0x98, &tmp); tmp |= BIT(4); @@ -551,11 +547,10 @@ static void _rtl_pci_tx_isr(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, int prio) skb_pull(skb, EM_HDR_LEN); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, (COMP_INTR | COMP_SEND), DBG_TRACE, - ("new ring->idx:%d, " - "free: skb_queue_len:%d, free: seq:%x\n", - ring->idx, - skb_queue_len(&ring->queue), - *(u16 *) (skb->data + 22))); + "new ring->idx:%d, free: skb_queue_len:%d, free: seq:%x\n", + ring->idx, + skb_queue_len(&ring->queue), + *(u16 *) (skb->data + 22)); if (prio == TXCMD_QUEUE) { dev_kfree_skb(skb); @@ -593,11 +588,9 @@ static void _rtl_pci_tx_isr(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, int prio) == 2) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_LOUD, - ("more desc left, wake" - "skb_queue@%d,ring->idx = %d," - "skb_queue_len = 0x%d\n", - prio, ring->idx, - skb_queue_len(&ring->queue))); + "more desc left, wake skb_queue@%d, ring->idx = %d, skb_queue_len = 0x%d\n", + prio, ring->idx, + skb_queue_len(&ring->queue)); ieee80211_wake_queue(hw, skb_get_queue_mapping @@ -657,6 +650,8 @@ static void _rtl_receive_one(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb, return; uskb = dev_alloc_skb(skb->len + 128); + if (!uskb) + return; /* exit if allocation failed */ memcpy(IEEE80211_SKB_RXCB(uskb), &rx_status, sizeof(rx_status)); pdata = (u8 *)skb_put(uskb, skb->len); memcpy(pdata, skb->data, skb->len); @@ -709,9 +704,8 @@ static void _rtl_pci_rx_interrupt(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) new_skb = dev_alloc_skb(rtlpci->rxbuffersize); if (unlikely(!new_skb)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, (COMP_INTR | COMP_RECV), - DBG_DMESG, - ("can't alloc skb for rx\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, (COMP_INTR | COMP_RECV), DBG_DMESG, + "can't alloc skb for rx\n"); goto done; } @@ -796,38 +790,37 @@ static irqreturn_t _rtl_pci_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) /*<1> beacon related */ if (inta & rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_IMR_TBDOK]) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_TRACE, - ("beacon ok interrupt!\n")); + "beacon ok interrupt!\n"); } if (unlikely(inta & rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_IMR_TBDER])) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_TRACE, - ("beacon err interrupt!\n")); + "beacon err interrupt!\n"); } if (inta & rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_IMR_BDOK]) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_TRACE, - ("beacon interrupt!\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_TRACE, "beacon interrupt!\n"); } if (inta & rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_IMR_BcnInt]) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_TRACE, - ("prepare beacon for interrupt!\n")); + "prepare beacon for interrupt!\n"); tasklet_schedule(&rtlpriv->works.irq_prepare_bcn_tasklet); } /*<3> Tx related */ if (unlikely(inta & rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_IMR_TXFOVW])) - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, ("IMR_TXFOVW!\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, "IMR_TXFOVW!\n"); if (inta & rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_IMR_MGNTDOK]) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_TRACE, - ("Manage ok interrupt!\n")); + "Manage ok interrupt!\n"); _rtl_pci_tx_isr(hw, MGNT_QUEUE); } if (inta & rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_IMR_HIGHDOK]) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_TRACE, - ("HIGH_QUEUE ok interrupt!\n")); + "HIGH_QUEUE ok interrupt!\n"); _rtl_pci_tx_isr(hw, HIGH_QUEUE); } @@ -835,7 +828,7 @@ static irqreturn_t _rtl_pci_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) rtlpriv->link_info.num_tx_inperiod++; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_TRACE, - ("BK Tx OK interrupt!\n")); + "BK Tx OK interrupt!\n"); _rtl_pci_tx_isr(hw, BK_QUEUE); } @@ -843,7 +836,7 @@ static irqreturn_t _rtl_pci_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) rtlpriv->link_info.num_tx_inperiod++; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_TRACE, - ("BE TX OK interrupt!\n")); + "BE TX OK interrupt!\n"); _rtl_pci_tx_isr(hw, BE_QUEUE); } @@ -851,7 +844,7 @@ static irqreturn_t _rtl_pci_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) rtlpriv->link_info.num_tx_inperiod++; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_TRACE, - ("VI TX OK interrupt!\n")); + "VI TX OK interrupt!\n"); _rtl_pci_tx_isr(hw, VI_QUEUE); } @@ -859,7 +852,7 @@ static irqreturn_t _rtl_pci_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) rtlpriv->link_info.num_tx_inperiod++; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_TRACE, - ("Vo TX OK interrupt!\n")); + "Vo TX OK interrupt!\n"); _rtl_pci_tx_isr(hw, VO_QUEUE); } @@ -868,25 +861,25 @@ static irqreturn_t _rtl_pci_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) rtlpriv->link_info.num_tx_inperiod++; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_TRACE, - ("CMD TX OK interrupt!\n")); + "CMD TX OK interrupt!\n"); _rtl_pci_tx_isr(hw, TXCMD_QUEUE); } } /*<2> Rx related */ if (inta & rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_IMR_ROK]) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_TRACE, ("Rx ok interrupt!\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_TRACE, "Rx ok interrupt!\n"); _rtl_pci_rx_interrupt(hw); } if (unlikely(inta & rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_IMR_RDU])) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("rx descriptor unavailable!\n")); + "rx descriptor unavailable!\n"); _rtl_pci_rx_interrupt(hw); } if (unlikely(inta & rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_IMR_RXFOVW])) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, ("rx overflow !\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, "rx overflow !\n"); _rtl_pci_rx_interrupt(hw); } @@ -1028,7 +1021,7 @@ static int _rtl_pci_init_tx_ring(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (!ring || (unsigned long)ring & 0xFF) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Cannot allocate TX ring (prio = %d)\n", prio)); + "Cannot allocate TX ring (prio = %d)\n", prio); return -ENOMEM; } @@ -1039,8 +1032,8 @@ static int _rtl_pci_init_tx_ring(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtlpci->tx_ring[prio].entries = entries; skb_queue_head_init(&rtlpci->tx_ring[prio].queue); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("queue:%d, ring_addr:%p\n", prio, ring)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "queue:%d, ring_addr:%p\n", + prio, ring); for (i = 0; i < entries; i++) { nextdescaddress = (u32) dma + @@ -1078,7 +1071,7 @@ static int _rtl_pci_init_rx_ring(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (!rtlpci->rx_ring[rx_queue_idx].desc || (unsigned long)rtlpci->rx_ring[rx_queue_idx].desc & 0xFF) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Cannot allocate RX ring\n")); + "Cannot allocate RX ring\n"); return -ENOMEM; } @@ -1155,10 +1148,12 @@ static void _rtl_pci_free_tx_ring(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, ring->idx = (ring->idx + 1) % ring->entries; } - pci_free_consistent(rtlpci->pdev, - sizeof(*ring->desc) * ring->entries, - ring->desc, ring->dma); - ring->desc = NULL; + if (ring->desc) { + pci_free_consistent(rtlpci->pdev, + sizeof(*ring->desc) * ring->entries, + ring->desc, ring->dma); + ring->desc = NULL; + } } static void _rtl_pci_free_rx_ring(struct rtl_pci *rtlpci) @@ -1182,12 +1177,14 @@ static void _rtl_pci_free_rx_ring(struct rtl_pci *rtlpci) kfree_skb(skb); } - pci_free_consistent(rtlpci->pdev, + if (rtlpci->rx_ring[rx_queue_idx].desc) { + pci_free_consistent(rtlpci->pdev, sizeof(*rtlpci->rx_ring[rx_queue_idx]. desc) * rtlpci->rxringcount, rtlpci->rx_ring[rx_queue_idx].desc, rtlpci->rx_ring[rx_queue_idx].dma); - rtlpci->rx_ring[rx_queue_idx].desc = NULL; + rtlpci->rx_ring[rx_queue_idx].desc = NULL; + } } } @@ -1355,7 +1352,7 @@ static int rtl_pci_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb, u8 temp_one = 1; if (ieee80211_is_auth(fc)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_DMESG, ("MAC80211_LINKING\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_DMESG, "MAC80211_LINKING\n"); rtl_ips_nic_on(hw); } @@ -1388,10 +1385,9 @@ static int rtl_pci_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb, if ((own == 1) && (hw_queue != BEACON_QUEUE)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("No more TX desc@%d, ring->idx = %d," - "idx = %d, skb_queue_len = 0x%d\n", - hw_queue, ring->idx, idx, - skb_queue_len(&ring->queue))); + "No more TX desc@%d, ring->idx = %d, idx = %d, skb_queue_len = 0x%d\n", + hw_queue, ring->idx, idx, + skb_queue_len(&ring->queue)); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rtlpriv->locks.irq_th_lock, flags); return skb->len; @@ -1426,11 +1422,9 @@ static int rtl_pci_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb, hw_queue != BEACON_QUEUE) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_LOUD, - ("less desc left, stop skb_queue@%d, " - "ring->idx = %d," - "idx = %d, skb_queue_len = 0x%d\n", - hw_queue, ring->idx, idx, - skb_queue_len(&ring->queue))); + "less desc left, stop skb_queue@%d, ring->idx = %d, idx = %d, skb_queue_len = 0x%d\n", + hw_queue, ring->idx, idx, + skb_queue_len(&ring->queue)); ieee80211_stop_queue(hw, skb_get_queue_mapping(skb)); } @@ -1497,7 +1491,7 @@ static int rtl_pci_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct pci_dev *pdev) err = _rtl_pci_init_trx_ring(hw); if (err) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("tx ring initialization failed")); + "tx ring initialization failed\n"); return err; } @@ -1519,12 +1513,12 @@ static int rtl_pci_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) err = rtlpriv->cfg->ops->hw_init(hw); if (err) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("Failed to config hardware!\n")); + "Failed to config hardware!\n"); return err; } rtlpriv->cfg->ops->enable_interrupt(hw); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("enable_interrupt OK\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "enable_interrupt OK\n"); rtl_init_rx_config(hw); @@ -1535,7 +1529,7 @@ static int rtl_pci_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlpci->up_first_time = false; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, ("OK\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "OK\n"); return 0; } @@ -1573,6 +1567,9 @@ static void rtl_pci_stop(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlpci->driver_is_goingto_unload = true; rtlpriv->cfg->ops->hw_disable(hw); + /* some things are not needed if firmware not available */ + if (!rtlpriv->max_fw_size) + return; rtlpriv->cfg->ops->led_control(hw, LED_CTL_POWER_OFF); spin_lock_irqsave(&rtlpriv->locks.rf_ps_lock, flags); @@ -1622,20 +1619,20 @@ static bool _rtl_pci_find_adapter(struct pci_dev *pdev, switch (revisionid) { case RTL_PCI_REVISION_ID_8192PCIE: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("8192 PCI-E is found - " - "vid/did=%x/%x\n", venderid, deviceid)); + "8192 PCI-E is found - vid/did=%x/%x\n", + venderid, deviceid); rtlhal->hw_type = HARDWARE_TYPE_RTL8192E; break; case RTL_PCI_REVISION_ID_8192SE: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("8192SE is found - " - "vid/did=%x/%x\n", venderid, deviceid)); + "8192SE is found - vid/did=%x/%x\n", + venderid, deviceid); rtlhal->hw_type = HARDWARE_TYPE_RTL8192SE; break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("Err: Unknown device - " - "vid/did=%x/%x\n", venderid, deviceid)); + "Err: Unknown device - vid/did=%x/%x\n", + venderid, deviceid); rtlhal->hw_type = HARDWARE_TYPE_RTL8192SE; break; @@ -1646,18 +1643,18 @@ static bool _rtl_pci_find_adapter(struct pci_dev *pdev, deviceid == RTL_PCI_8188CE_DID) { rtlhal->hw_type = HARDWARE_TYPE_RTL8192CE; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("8192C PCI-E is found - " - "vid/did=%x/%x\n", venderid, deviceid)); + "8192C PCI-E is found - vid/did=%x/%x\n", + venderid, deviceid); } else if (deviceid == RTL_PCI_8192DE_DID || deviceid == RTL_PCI_8192DE_DID2) { rtlhal->hw_type = HARDWARE_TYPE_RTL8192DE; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("8192D PCI-E is found - " - "vid/did=%x/%x\n", venderid, deviceid)); + "8192D PCI-E is found - vid/did=%x/%x\n", + venderid, deviceid); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("Err: Unknown device -" - " vid/did=%x/%x\n", venderid, deviceid)); + "Err: Unknown device - vid/did=%x/%x\n", + venderid, deviceid); rtlhal->hw_type = RTL_DEFAULT_HARDWARE_TYPE; } @@ -1665,19 +1662,18 @@ static bool _rtl_pci_find_adapter(struct pci_dev *pdev, if (rtlhal->hw_type == HARDWARE_TYPE_RTL8192DE) { if (revisionid == 0 || revisionid == 1) { if (revisionid == 0) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, - DBG_LOUD, ("Find 92DE MAC0.\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, + "Find 92DE MAC0\n"); rtlhal->interfaceindex = 0; } else if (revisionid == 1) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("Find 92DE MAC1.\n")); + "Find 92DE MAC1\n"); rtlhal->interfaceindex = 1; } } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("Unknown device - " - "VendorID/DeviceID=%x/%x, Revision=%x\n", - venderid, deviceid, revisionid)); + "Unknown device - VendorID/DeviceID=%x/%x, Revision=%x\n", + venderid, deviceid, revisionid); rtlhal->interfaceindex = 0; } } @@ -1693,8 +1689,8 @@ static bool _rtl_pci_find_adapter(struct pci_dev *pdev, if (bridge_pdev->vendor == pcibridge_vendors[tmp]) { pcipriv->ndis_adapter.pcibridge_vendor = tmp; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("Pci Bridge Vendor is found index:" - " %d\n", tmp)); + "Pci Bridge Vendor is found index: %d\n", + tmp); break; } } @@ -1723,23 +1719,21 @@ static bool _rtl_pci_find_adapter(struct pci_dev *pdev, } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("pcidev busnumber:devnumber:funcnumber:" - "vendor:link_ctl %d:%d:%d:%x:%x\n", - pcipriv->ndis_adapter.busnumber, - pcipriv->ndis_adapter.devnumber, - pcipriv->ndis_adapter.funcnumber, - pdev->vendor, pcipriv->ndis_adapter.linkctrl_reg)); + "pcidev busnumber:devnumber:funcnumber:vendor:link_ctl %d:%d:%d:%x:%x\n", + pcipriv->ndis_adapter.busnumber, + pcipriv->ndis_adapter.devnumber, + pcipriv->ndis_adapter.funcnumber, + pdev->vendor, pcipriv->ndis_adapter.linkctrl_reg); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("pci_bridge busnumber:devnumber:funcnumber:vendor:" - "pcie_cap:link_ctl_reg:amd %d:%d:%d:%x:%x:%x:%x\n", - pcipriv->ndis_adapter.pcibridge_busnum, - pcipriv->ndis_adapter.pcibridge_devnum, - pcipriv->ndis_adapter.pcibridge_funcnum, - pcibridge_vendors[pcipriv->ndis_adapter.pcibridge_vendor], - pcipriv->ndis_adapter.pcibridge_pciehdr_offset, - pcipriv->ndis_adapter.pcibridge_linkctrlreg, - pcipriv->ndis_adapter.amd_l1_patch)); + "pci_bridge busnumber:devnumber:funcnumber:vendor:pcie_cap:link_ctl_reg:amd %d:%d:%d:%x:%x:%x:%x\n", + pcipriv->ndis_adapter.pcibridge_busnum, + pcipriv->ndis_adapter.pcibridge_devnum, + pcipriv->ndis_adapter.pcibridge_funcnum, + pcibridge_vendors[pcipriv->ndis_adapter.pcibridge_vendor], + pcipriv->ndis_adapter.pcibridge_pciehdr_offset, + pcipriv->ndis_adapter.pcibridge_linkctrlreg, + pcipriv->ndis_adapter.amd_l1_patch); rtl_pci_parse_configuration(pdev, hw); @@ -1759,18 +1753,17 @@ int __devinit rtl_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, err = pci_enable_device(pdev); if (err) { - RT_ASSERT(false, - ("%s : Cannot enable new PCI device\n", - pci_name(pdev))); + RT_ASSERT(false, "%s : Cannot enable new PCI device\n", + pci_name(pdev)); return err; } if (!pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32))) { if (pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32))) { - RT_ASSERT(false, ("Unable to obtain 32bit DMA " - "for consistent allocations\n")); - pci_disable_device(pdev); - return -ENOMEM; + RT_ASSERT(false, + "Unable to obtain 32bit DMA for consistent allocations\n"); + err = -ENOMEM; + goto fail1; } } @@ -1780,7 +1773,7 @@ int __devinit rtl_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, sizeof(struct rtl_priv), &rtl_ops); if (!hw) { RT_ASSERT(false, - ("%s : ieee80211 alloc failed\n", pci_name(pdev))); + "%s : ieee80211 alloc failed\n", pci_name(pdev)); err = -ENOMEM; goto fail1; } @@ -1791,6 +1784,7 @@ int __devinit rtl_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, rtlpriv = hw->priv; pcipriv = (void *)rtlpriv->priv; pcipriv->dev.pdev = pdev; + init_completion(&rtlpriv->firmware_loading_complete); /* init cfg & intf_ops */ rtlpriv->rtlhal.interface = INTF_PCI; @@ -1810,8 +1804,8 @@ int __devinit rtl_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, /* MEM map */ err = pci_request_regions(pdev, KBUILD_MODNAME); if (err) { - RT_ASSERT(false, ("Can't obtain PCI resources\n")); - return err; + RT_ASSERT(false, "Can't obtain PCI resources\n"); + goto fail1; } pmem_start = pci_resource_start(pdev, rtlpriv->cfg->bar_id); @@ -1823,15 +1817,15 @@ int __devinit rtl_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, (unsigned long)pci_iomap(pdev, rtlpriv->cfg->bar_id, pmem_len); if (rtlpriv->io.pci_mem_start == 0) { - RT_ASSERT(false, ("Can't map PCI mem\n")); + RT_ASSERT(false, "Can't map PCI mem\n"); + err = -ENOMEM; goto fail2; } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("mem mapped space: start: 0x%08lx len:%08lx " - "flags:%08lx, after map:0x%08lx\n", - pmem_start, pmem_len, pmem_flags, - rtlpriv->io.pci_mem_start)); + "mem mapped space: start: 0x%08lx len:%08lx flags:%08lx, after map:0x%08lx\n", + pmem_start, pmem_len, pmem_flags, + rtlpriv->io.pci_mem_start); /* Disable Clk Request */ pci_write_config_byte(pdev, 0x81, 0); @@ -1841,8 +1835,10 @@ int __devinit rtl_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, pci_write_config_byte(pdev, 0x04, 0x07); /* find adapter */ - if (!_rtl_pci_find_adapter(pdev, hw)) + if (!_rtl_pci_find_adapter(pdev, hw)) { + err = -ENODEV; goto fail3; + } /* Init IO handler */ _rtl_pci_io_handler_init(&pdev->dev, hw); @@ -1851,8 +1847,8 @@ int __devinit rtl_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, rtlpriv->cfg->ops->read_eeprom_info(hw); if (rtlpriv->cfg->ops->init_sw_vars(hw)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Can't init_sw_vars.\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "Can't init_sw_vars\n"); + err = -ENODEV; goto fail3; } @@ -1865,69 +1861,55 @@ int __devinit rtl_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, err = rtl_init_core(hw); if (err) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Can't allocate sw for mac80211.\n")); + "Can't allocate sw for mac80211\n"); goto fail3; } /* Init PCI sw */ err = rtl_pci_init(hw, pdev); if (err) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Failed to init PCI.\n")); - goto fail3; - } - - err = ieee80211_register_hw(hw); - if (err) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Can't register mac80211 hw.\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "Failed to init PCI\n"); goto fail3; - } else { - rtlpriv->mac80211.mac80211_registered = 1; } err = sysfs_create_group(&pdev->dev.kobj, &rtl_attribute_group); if (err) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("failed to create sysfs device attributes\n")); + "failed to create sysfs device attributes\n"); goto fail3; } - /*init rfkill */ - rtl_init_rfkill(hw); - rtlpci = rtl_pcidev(pcipriv); err = request_irq(rtlpci->pdev->irq, &_rtl_pci_interrupt, IRQF_SHARED, KBUILD_MODNAME, hw); if (err) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("%s: failed to register IRQ handler\n", - wiphy_name(hw->wiphy))); + "%s: failed to register IRQ handler\n", + wiphy_name(hw->wiphy)); goto fail3; - } else { - rtlpci->irq_alloc = 1; } + rtlpci->irq_alloc = 1; - set_bit(RTL_STATUS_INTERFACE_START, &rtlpriv->status); return 0; fail3: - pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); rtl_deinit_core(hw); _rtl_pci_io_handler_release(hw); - ieee80211_free_hw(hw); if (rtlpriv->io.pci_mem_start != 0) pci_iounmap(pdev, (void __iomem *)rtlpriv->io.pci_mem_start); fail2: pci_release_regions(pdev); + complete(&rtlpriv->firmware_loading_complete); fail1: - + if (hw) + ieee80211_free_hw(hw); + pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); pci_disable_device(pdev); - return -ENODEV; + return err; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(rtl_pci_probe); @@ -1940,6 +1922,8 @@ void rtl_pci_disconnect(struct pci_dev *pdev) struct rtl_pci *rtlpci = rtl_pcidev(pcipriv); struct rtl_mac *rtlmac = rtl_mac(rtlpriv); + /* just in case driver is removed before firmware callback */ + wait_for_completion(&rtlpriv->firmware_loading_complete); clear_bit(RTL_STATUS_INTERFACE_START, &rtlpriv->status); sysfs_remove_group(&pdev->dev.kobj, &rtl_attribute_group); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/pci.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/pci.h index ebe0b42c0518624bb7fcd9d6c4b881c714f39732..241448fc9ed5d190a5a54097571d4f3fc6504870 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/pci.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/pci.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -239,7 +239,6 @@ int __devinit rtl_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, void rtl_pci_disconnect(struct pci_dev *pdev); int rtl_pci_suspend(struct device *dev); int rtl_pci_resume(struct device *dev); - static inline u8 pci_read8_sync(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u32 addr) { return readb((u8 __iomem *) rtlpriv->io.pci_mem_start + addr); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/ps.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/ps.c index 130fdd99d57336de7ebf4475ddf783365f43a24b..5b9c3b5e8c928e9efe03176df1720d1f65df8aba 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/ps.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/ps.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -44,10 +44,11 @@ bool rtl_ps_enable_nic(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (is_hal_stop(rtlhal)) RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("Driver is already down!\n")); + "Driver is already down!\n"); /*<2> Enable Adapter */ - rtlpriv->cfg->ops->hw_init(hw); + if (rtlpriv->cfg->ops->hw_init(hw)) + return 1; RT_CLEAR_PS_LEVEL(ppsc, RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_HALT_NIC); /*<3> Enable Interrupt */ @@ -104,8 +105,7 @@ bool rtl_ps_set_rf_state(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, case ERFOFF: - if ((changesource == RF_CHANGE_BY_HW) - && (ppsc->hwradiooff == false)) { + if ((changesource == RF_CHANGE_BY_HW) && !ppsc->hwradiooff) { ppsc->hwradiooff = true; } @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ bool rtl_ps_set_rf_state(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ void rtl_ips_nic_off_wq_callback(void *data) if (mac->opmode != NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("not station return\n")); + "not station return\n"); return; } @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ void rtl_ips_nic_off_wq_callback(void *data) (mac->link_state == MAC80211_NOLINK) && !mac->act_scanning) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, - ("IPSEnter(): Turn off RF.\n")); + "IPSEnter(): Turn off RF\n"); ppsc->inactive_pwrstate = ERFOFF; ppsc->in_powersavemode = true; @@ -280,8 +280,7 @@ static bool rtl_get_fwlps_doze(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (ps_timediff < 2000) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("Delay enter Fw LPS for DHCP, ARP," - " or EAPOL exchanging state.\n")); + "Delay enter Fw LPS for DHCP, ARP, or EAPOL exchanging state\n"); return false; } @@ -328,8 +327,8 @@ static void rtl_lps_set_psmode(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 rt_psmode) bool fw_current_inps; if (ppsc->dot11_psmode == EACTIVE) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("FW LPS leave ps_mode:%x\n", - FW_PS_ACTIVE_MODE)); + "FW LPS leave ps_mode:%x\n", + FW_PS_ACTIVE_MODE); rpwm_val = 0x0C; /* RF on */ fw_pwrmode = FW_PS_ACTIVE_MODE; @@ -347,8 +346,8 @@ static void rtl_lps_set_psmode(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 rt_psmode) } else { if (rtl_get_fwlps_doze(hw)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("FW LPS enter ps_mode:%x\n", - ppsc->fwctrl_psmode)); + "FW LPS enter ps_mode:%x\n", + ppsc->fwctrl_psmode); rpwm_val = 0x02; /* RF off */ fw_current_inps = true; @@ -402,7 +401,7 @@ void rtl_lps_enter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (mac->cnt_after_linked >= 2) { if (ppsc->dot11_psmode == EACTIVE) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("Enter 802.11 power save mode...\n")); + "Enter 802.11 power save mode...\n"); rtl_lps_set_psmode(hw, EAUTOPS); } @@ -434,7 +433,7 @@ void rtl_lps_leave(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("Busy Traffic,Leave 802.11 power save..\n")); + "Busy Traffic,Leave 802.11 power save..\n"); rtl_lps_set_psmode(hw, EACTIVE); } @@ -518,8 +517,8 @@ void rtl_swlps_beacon(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, void *data, unsigned int len) queue_delayed_work(rtlpriv->works.rtl_wq, &rtlpriv->works.ps_work, MSECS(5)); } else { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_DMESG, ("u_bufferd: %x, " - "m_buffered: %x\n", u_buffed, m_buffed)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_DMESG, + "u_bufferd: %x, m_buffered: %x\n", u_buffed, m_buffed); } } @@ -607,8 +606,8 @@ void rtl_swlps_rf_sleep(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) * sleep = dtim_period, that meaons, we should * awake before every dtim */ RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_DMESG, - ("dtim_counter:%x will sleep :%d" - " beacon_intv\n", rtlpriv->psc.dtim_counter, sleep_intv)); + "dtim_counter:%x will sleep :%d beacon_intv\n", + rtlpriv->psc.dtim_counter, sleep_intv); /* we tested that 40ms is enough for sw & hw sw delay */ queue_delayed_work(rtlpriv->works.rtl_wq, &rtlpriv->works.ps_rfon_wq, diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/ps.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/ps.h index 84628e6041c7120b57d238dcbe8d49ee4549758d..1357856998c21b8a252c016af2a8af17c8af954b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/ps.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/ps.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rc.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rc.c index 539df66dce0a9ed9252e3984c5c1c9e5b9cbe123..c66f08a0524ac6f839c7b69ae7c6d6c16884d157 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rc.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rc.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ static void *rtl_rate_alloc_sta(void *ppriv, rate_priv = kzalloc(sizeof(struct rtl_rate_priv), gfp); if (!rate_priv) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Unable to allocate private rc structure\n")); + "Unable to allocate private rc structure\n"); return NULL; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rc.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rc.h index 4afa2c20adcf29870b8d97718006f448eb3ea86e..4d61761606101faa35b0a9da503dc62a409f1a75 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rc.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rc.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/regd.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/regd.c index 9fedb1f709191638ffd4a35bf96118d094456a92..c1608cddc5299e5150a323d0a3efb7a2f0b63de6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/regd.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/regd.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -398,13 +398,11 @@ int rtl_regd_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtlpriv->regd.country_code = rtlpriv->efuse.channel_plan; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_REGD, DBG_TRACE, - (KERN_DEBUG "rtl: EEPROM regdomain: 0x%0x\n", - rtlpriv->regd.country_code)); + "rtl: EEPROM regdomain: 0x%0x\n", rtlpriv->regd.country_code); if (rtlpriv->regd.country_code >= COUNTRY_CODE_MAX) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_REGD, DBG_DMESG, - (KERN_DEBUG "rtl: EEPROM indicates invalid contry code" - "world wide 13 should be used\n")); + "rtl: EEPROM indicates invalid contry code, world wide 13 should be used\n"); rtlpriv->regd.country_code = COUNTRY_CODE_WORLD_WIDE_13; } @@ -420,8 +418,8 @@ int rtl_regd_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_REGD, DBG_TRACE, - (KERN_DEBUG "rtl: Country alpha2 being used: %c%c\n", - rtlpriv->regd.alpha2[0], rtlpriv->regd.alpha2[1])); + "rtl: Country alpha2 being used: %c%c\n", + rtlpriv->regd.alpha2[0], rtlpriv->regd.alpha2[1]); _rtl_regd_init_wiphy(&rtlpriv->regd, wiphy, reg_notifier); @@ -433,7 +431,7 @@ int rtl_reg_notifier(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct regulatory_request *request) struct ieee80211_hw *hw = wiphy_to_ieee80211_hw(wiphy); struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_REGD, DBG_LOUD, ("\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_REGD, DBG_LOUD, "\n"); return _rtl_reg_notifier_apply(wiphy, request, &rtlpriv->regd); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/regd.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/regd.h index d23118938fac57035452331e4dbab04318e5aac8..70ef2f418a44134d1fd1d810afd5f4ace4705151 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/regd.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/regd.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/dm_common.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/dm_common.c index 72a98cab6f699e124ac18cb0bf0a3c4d7f778634..1208b753f62f30aaf24ed88ec7cd9d6014b46d76 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/dm_common.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/dm_common.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -246,16 +246,15 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_false_alarm_counter_statistics(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RCCK0_FALSEALARMREPORT, 0x0000c000, 2); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_TRACE, - ("cnt_parity_fail = %d, cnt_rate_illegal = %d, " - "cnt_crc8_fail = %d, cnt_mcs_fail = %d\n", - falsealm_cnt->cnt_parity_fail, - falsealm_cnt->cnt_rate_illegal, - falsealm_cnt->cnt_crc8_fail, falsealm_cnt->cnt_mcs_fail)); + "cnt_parity_fail = %d, cnt_rate_illegal = %d, cnt_crc8_fail = %d, cnt_mcs_fail = %d\n", + falsealm_cnt->cnt_parity_fail, + falsealm_cnt->cnt_rate_illegal, + falsealm_cnt->cnt_crc8_fail, falsealm_cnt->cnt_mcs_fail); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_TRACE, - ("cnt_ofdm_fail = %x, cnt_cck_fail = %x, cnt_all = %x\n", - falsealm_cnt->cnt_ofdm_fail, - falsealm_cnt->cnt_cck_fail, falsealm_cnt->cnt_all)); + "cnt_ofdm_fail = %x, cnt_cck_fail = %x, cnt_all = %x\n", + falsealm_cnt->cnt_ofdm_fail, + falsealm_cnt->cnt_cck_fail, falsealm_cnt->cnt_all); } static void rtl92c_dm_ctrl_initgain_by_fa(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -313,8 +312,8 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_ctrl_initgain_by_rssi(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) dm_digtable.backoff_val; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_TRACE, - ("rssi_val_min = %x backoff_val %x\n", - dm_digtable.rssi_val_min, dm_digtable.backoff_val)); + "rssi_val_min = %x backoff_val %x\n", + dm_digtable.rssi_val_min, dm_digtable.backoff_val); rtl92c_dm_write_dig(hw); } @@ -330,8 +329,8 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_initial_gain_multi_sta(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) multi_sta = true; - if ((multi_sta == false) || (dm_digtable.cursta_connectctate != - DIG_STA_DISCONNECT)) { + if (!multi_sta || + dm_digtable.cursta_connectctate != DIG_STA_DISCONNECT) { initialized = false; dm_digtable.dig_ext_port_stage = DIG_EXT_PORT_STAGE_MAX; return; @@ -364,10 +363,9 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_initial_gain_multi_sta(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_TRACE, - ("curmultista_connectstate = " - "%x dig_ext_port_stage %x\n", - dm_digtable.curmultista_connectstate, - dm_digtable.dig_ext_port_stage)); + "curmultista_connectstate = %x dig_ext_port_stage %x\n", + dm_digtable.curmultista_connectstate, + dm_digtable.dig_ext_port_stage); } static void rtl92c_dm_initial_gain_sta(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -375,10 +373,9 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_initial_gain_sta(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_TRACE, - ("presta_connectstate = %x," - " cursta_connectctate = %x\n", - dm_digtable.presta_connectstate, - dm_digtable.cursta_connectctate)); + "presta_connectstate = %x, cursta_connectctate = %x\n", + dm_digtable.presta_connectstate, + dm_digtable.cursta_connectctate); if (dm_digtable.presta_connectstate == dm_digtable.cursta_connectctate || dm_digtable.cursta_connectctate == DIG_STA_BEFORE_CONNECT @@ -464,11 +461,11 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_cck_packet_detection_thresh(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) dm_digtable.pre_cck_pd_state = dm_digtable.cur_cck_pd_state; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_TRACE, - ("CCKPDStage=%x\n", dm_digtable.cur_cck_pd_state)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_TRACE, "CCKPDStage=%x\n", + dm_digtable.cur_cck_pd_state); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_TRACE, - ("is92C=%x\n", IS_92C_SERIAL(rtlhal->version))); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_TRACE, "is92C=%x\n", + IS_92C_SERIAL(rtlhal->version)); } static void rtl92c_dm_ctrl_initgain_by_twoport(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -519,10 +516,13 @@ void rtl92c_dm_write_dig(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, - ("cur_igvalue = 0x%x, " - "pre_igvalue = 0x%x, backoff_val = %d\n", - dm_digtable.cur_igvalue, dm_digtable.pre_igvalue, - dm_digtable.backoff_val)); + "cur_igvalue = 0x%x, pre_igvalue = 0x%x, backoff_val = %d\n", + dm_digtable.cur_igvalue, dm_digtable.pre_igvalue, + dm_digtable.backoff_val); + + dm_digtable.cur_igvalue += 2; + if (dm_digtable.cur_igvalue > 0x3f) + dm_digtable.cur_igvalue = 0x3f; if (dm_digtable.pre_igvalue != dm_digtable.cur_igvalue) { rtl_set_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_XAAGCCORE1, 0x7f, @@ -676,15 +676,14 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter(struct ieee80211_hw rtlpriv->dm.txpower_trackinginit = true; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("rtl92c_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter\n")); + "rtl92c_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter\n"); thermalvalue = (u8) rtl_get_rfreg(hw, RF90_PATH_A, RF_T_METER, 0x1f); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("Readback Thermal Meter = 0x%x pre thermal meter 0x%x " - "eeprom_thermalmeter 0x%x\n", - thermalvalue, rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue, - rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter)); + "Readback Thermal Meter = 0x%x pre thermal meter 0x%x eeprom_thermalmeter 0x%x\n", + thermalvalue, rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue, + rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter); rtl92c_phy_ap_calibrate(hw, (thermalvalue - rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter)); @@ -702,10 +701,9 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter(struct ieee80211_hw ofdm_index_old[0] = (u8) i; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("Initial pathA ele_d reg0x%x = 0x%lx, " - "ofdm_index=0x%x\n", + "Initial pathA ele_d reg0x%x = 0x%lx, ofdm_index=0x%x\n", ROFDM0_XATXIQIMBALANCE, - ele_d, ofdm_index_old[0])); + ele_d, ofdm_index_old[0]); break; } } @@ -719,11 +717,10 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter(struct ieee80211_hw MASKOFDM_D)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, - DBG_LOUD, - ("Initial pathB ele_d reg0x%x = " - "0x%lx, ofdm_index=0x%x\n", - ROFDM0_XBTXIQIMBALANCE, ele_d, - ofdm_index_old[1])); + DBG_LOUD, + "Initial pathB ele_d reg0x%x = 0x%lx, ofdm_index=0x%x\n", + ROFDM0_XBTXIQIMBALANCE, ele_d, + ofdm_index_old[1]); break; } } @@ -741,11 +738,10 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter(struct ieee80211_hw RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("Initial reg0x%x = 0x%lx, " - "cck_index=0x%x, ch 14 %d\n", - RCCK0_TXFILTER2, temp_cck, - cck_index_old, - rtlpriv->dm.cck_inch14)); + "Initial reg0x%x = 0x%lx, cck_index=0x%x, ch 14 %d\n", + RCCK0_TXFILTER2, temp_cck, + cck_index_old, + rtlpriv->dm.cck_inch14); break; } } else { @@ -757,11 +753,10 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter(struct ieee80211_hw RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("Initial reg0x%x = 0x%lx, " - "cck_index=0x%x, ch14 %d\n", - RCCK0_TXFILTER2, temp_cck, - cck_index_old, - rtlpriv->dm.cck_inch14)); + "Initial reg0x%x = 0x%lx, cck_index=0x%x, ch14 %d\n", + RCCK0_TXFILTER2, temp_cck, + cck_index_old, + rtlpriv->dm.cck_inch14); break; } } @@ -790,12 +785,10 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter(struct ieee80211_hw (rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue_iqk - thermalvalue); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("Readback Thermal Meter = 0x%x pre thermal meter 0x%x " - "eeprom_thermalmeter 0x%x delta 0x%x " - "delta_lck 0x%x delta_iqk 0x%x\n", + "Readback Thermal Meter = 0x%x pre thermal meter 0x%x eeprom_thermalmeter 0x%x delta 0x%x delta_lck 0x%x delta_iqk 0x%x\n", thermalvalue, rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue, rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter, delta, delta_lck, - delta_iqk)); + delta_iqk); if (delta_lck > 1) { rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue_lck = thermalvalue; @@ -815,18 +808,15 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter(struct ieee80211_hw if (is2t) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("temp OFDM_A_index=0x%x, " - "OFDM_B_index=0x%x," - "cck_index=0x%x\n", - rtlpriv->dm.ofdm_index[0], - rtlpriv->dm.ofdm_index[1], - rtlpriv->dm.cck_index)); + "temp OFDM_A_index=0x%x, OFDM_B_index=0x%x, cck_index=0x%x\n", + rtlpriv->dm.ofdm_index[0], + rtlpriv->dm.ofdm_index[1], + rtlpriv->dm.cck_index); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("temp OFDM_A_index=0x%x," - "cck_index=0x%x\n", - rtlpriv->dm.ofdm_index[0], - rtlpriv->dm.cck_index)); + "temp OFDM_A_index=0x%x, cck_index=0x%x\n", + rtlpriv->dm.ofdm_index[0], + rtlpriv->dm.cck_index); } if (thermalvalue > rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter) { @@ -918,16 +908,13 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter(struct ieee80211_hw if (is2t) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("new OFDM_A_index=0x%x, " - "OFDM_B_index=0x%x," - "cck_index=0x%x\n", - ofdm_index[0], ofdm_index[1], - cck_index)); + "new OFDM_A_index=0x%x, OFDM_B_index=0x%x, cck_index=0x%x\n", + ofdm_index[0], ofdm_index[1], + cck_index); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("new OFDM_A_index=0x%x," - "cck_index=0x%x\n", - ofdm_index[0], cck_index)); + "new OFDM_A_index=0x%x, cck_index=0x%x\n", + ofdm_index[0], cck_index); } } @@ -1085,7 +1072,7 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter(struct ieee80211_hw rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue = thermalvalue; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, ("<===\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, "<===\n"); } @@ -1098,8 +1085,8 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_initialize_txpower_tracking_thermalmeter( rtlpriv->dm.txpower_trackinginit = false; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("pMgntInfo->txpower_tracking = %d\n", - rtlpriv->dm.txpower_tracking)); + "pMgntInfo->txpower_tracking = %d\n", + rtlpriv->dm.txpower_tracking); } static void rtl92c_dm_initialize_txpower_tracking(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -1125,12 +1112,12 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_check_txpower_tracking_thermal_meter( rtl_set_rfreg(hw, RF90_PATH_A, RF_T_METER, RFREG_OFFSET_MASK, 0x60); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("Trigger 92S Thermal Meter!!\n")); + "Trigger 92S Thermal Meter!!\n"); tm_trigger = 1; return; } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("Schedule TxPowerTracking direct call!!\n")); + "Schedule TxPowerTracking direct call!!\n"); rtl92c_dm_txpower_tracking_directcall(hw); tm_trigger = 0; } @@ -1169,13 +1156,13 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_refresh_rate_adaptive_mask(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (is_hal_stop(rtlhal)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATE, DBG_LOUD, - ("<---- driver is going to unload\n")); + "<---- driver is going to unload\n"); return; } if (!rtlpriv->dm.useramask) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATE, DBG_LOUD, - ("<---- driver does not control rate adaptive mask\n")); + "<---- driver does not control rate adaptive mask\n"); return; } @@ -1210,22 +1197,26 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_refresh_rate_adaptive_mask(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) p_ra->ratr_state = DM_RATR_STA_LOW; if (p_ra->pre_ratr_state != p_ra->ratr_state) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATE, DBG_LOUD, "RSSI = %ld\n", + rtlpriv->dm.undecorated_smoothed_pwdb); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATE, DBG_LOUD, - ("RSSI = %ld\n", - rtlpriv->dm.undecorated_smoothed_pwdb)); + "RSSI_LEVEL = %d\n", p_ra->ratr_state); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATE, DBG_LOUD, - ("RSSI_LEVEL = %d\n", p_ra->ratr_state)); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATE, DBG_LOUD, - ("PreState = %d, CurState = %d\n", - p_ra->pre_ratr_state, p_ra->ratr_state)); - - rcu_read_lock(); - sta = ieee80211_find_sta(mac->vif, mac->bssid); + "PreState = %d, CurState = %d\n", + p_ra->pre_ratr_state, p_ra->ratr_state); + + /* Only the PCI card uses sta in the update rate table + * callback routine */ + if (rtlhal->interface == INTF_PCI) { + rcu_read_lock(); + sta = ieee80211_find_sta(mac->vif, mac->bssid); + } rtlpriv->cfg->ops->update_rate_tbl(hw, sta, p_ra->ratr_state); p_ra->pre_ratr_state = p_ra->ratr_state; - rcu_read_unlock(); + if (rtlhal->interface == INTF_PCI) + rcu_read_unlock(); } } } @@ -1316,8 +1307,7 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_dynamic_bb_powersaving(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (((mac->link_state == MAC80211_NOLINK)) && (rtlpriv->dm.entry_min_undecoratedsmoothed_pwdb == 0)) { dm_pstable.rssi_val_min = 0; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, DBG_LOUD, DBG_LOUD, - ("Not connected to any\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, DBG_LOUD, DBG_LOUD, "Not connected to any\n"); } if (mac->link_state == MAC80211_LINKED) { @@ -1325,22 +1315,22 @@ static void rtl92c_dm_dynamic_bb_powersaving(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) dm_pstable.rssi_val_min = rtlpriv->dm.entry_min_undecoratedsmoothed_pwdb; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, DBG_LOUD, DBG_LOUD, - ("AP Client PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - dm_pstable.rssi_val_min)); + "AP Client PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + dm_pstable.rssi_val_min); } else { dm_pstable.rssi_val_min = rtlpriv->dm.undecorated_smoothed_pwdb; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, DBG_LOUD, DBG_LOUD, - ("STA Default Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - dm_pstable.rssi_val_min)); + "STA Default Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + dm_pstable.rssi_val_min); } } else { dm_pstable.rssi_val_min = rtlpriv->dm.entry_min_undecoratedsmoothed_pwdb; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, DBG_LOUD, DBG_LOUD, - ("AP Ext Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - dm_pstable.rssi_val_min)); + "AP Ext Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + dm_pstable.rssi_val_min); } if (IS_92C_SERIAL(rtlhal->version)) @@ -1381,7 +1371,7 @@ void rtl92c_dm_dynamic_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if ((mac->link_state < MAC80211_LINKED) && (rtlpriv->dm.entry_min_undecoratedsmoothed_pwdb == 0)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_TRACE, - ("Not connected to any\n")); + "Not connected to any\n"); rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_NORMAL; @@ -1394,28 +1384,28 @@ void rtl92c_dm_dynamic_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) undecorated_smoothed_pwdb = rtlpriv->dm.entry_min_undecoratedsmoothed_pwdb; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("AP Client PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - undecorated_smoothed_pwdb)); + "AP Client PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + undecorated_smoothed_pwdb); } else { undecorated_smoothed_pwdb = rtlpriv->dm.undecorated_smoothed_pwdb; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("STA Default Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - undecorated_smoothed_pwdb)); + "STA Default Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + undecorated_smoothed_pwdb); } } else { undecorated_smoothed_pwdb = rtlpriv->dm.entry_min_undecoratedsmoothed_pwdb; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("AP Ext Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - undecorated_smoothed_pwdb)); + "AP Ext Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + undecorated_smoothed_pwdb); } if (undecorated_smoothed_pwdb >= TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LVL2) { rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1 (TxPwr=0x0)\n")); + "TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1 (TxPwr=0x0)\n"); } else if ((undecorated_smoothed_pwdb < (TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LVL2 - 3)) && (undecorated_smoothed_pwdb >= @@ -1423,18 +1413,18 @@ void rtl92c_dm_dynamic_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1 (TxPwr=0x10)\n")); + "TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1 (TxPwr=0x10)\n"); } else if (undecorated_smoothed_pwdb < (TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LVL1 - 5)) { rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_NORMAL; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_NORMAL\n")); + "TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_NORMAL\n"); } if ((rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl != rtlpriv->dm.last_dtp_lvl)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("PHY_SetTxPowerLevel8192S() Channel = %d\n", - rtlphy->current_channel)); + "PHY_SetTxPowerLevel8192S() Channel = %d\n", + rtlphy->current_channel); rtl92c_phy_set_txpower_level(hw, rtlphy->current_channel); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/dm_common.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/dm_common.h index b9736d3e9a397cad52a009df793449550cd1b490..2178e3761883f831d381b9fbe850c37800a427bd 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/dm_common.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/dm_common.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/fw_common.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/fw_common.c index 931d97979b04e3bcd26dbdfa1fdfa390be48db6e..c20b3c30f62ed7bfdeef57cebef888228ec07d9f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/fw_common.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/fw_common.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -27,16 +27,13 @@ * *****************************************************************************/ -#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt - -#include -#include #include "../wifi.h" #include "../pci.h" #include "../base.h" #include "../rtl8192ce/reg.h" #include "../rtl8192ce/def.h" #include "fw_common.h" +#include static void _rtl92c_enable_fw_download(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool enable) { @@ -172,7 +169,7 @@ static void _rtl92c_write_fw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_hal *rtlhal = rtl_hal(rtl_priv(hw)); u8 *bufferPtr = (u8 *) buffer; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_TRACE, ("FW size is %d bytes,\n", size)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_TRACE, "FW size is %d bytes\n", size); if (IS_CHIP_VER_B(version)) { u32 pageNums, remainSize; @@ -186,7 +183,7 @@ static void _rtl92c_write_fw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (pageNums > 4) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Page numbers should not greater then 4\n")); + "Page numbers should not greater then 4\n"); } for (page = 0; page < pageNums; page++) { @@ -219,13 +216,12 @@ static int _rtl92c_fw_free_to_go(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (counter >= FW_8192C_POLLING_TIMEOUT_COUNT) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("chksum report faill ! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x .\n", - value32)); + "chksum report faill ! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x\n", value32); return -EIO; } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_TRACE, - ("Checksum report OK ! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x .\n", value32)); + "Checksum report OK ! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x\n", value32); value32 = rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, REG_MCUFWDL); value32 |= MCUFWDL_RDY; @@ -238,9 +234,8 @@ static int _rtl92c_fw_free_to_go(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) value32 = rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, REG_MCUFWDL); if (value32 & WINTINI_RDY) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_TRACE, - ("Polling FW ready success!!" - " REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x .\n", - value32)); + "Polling FW ready success!! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x\n", + value32); return 0; } @@ -249,7 +244,7 @@ static int _rtl92c_fw_free_to_go(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) } while (counter++ < FW_8192C_POLLING_TIMEOUT_COUNT); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Polling FW ready fail!! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x .\n", value32)); + "Polling FW ready fail!! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x\n", value32); return -EIO; } @@ -262,20 +257,19 @@ int rtl92c_download_fw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u32 fwsize; enum version_8192c version = rtlhal->version; - if (!rtlhal->pfirmware) + if (rtlpriv->max_fw_size == 0 || !rtlhal->pfirmware) return 1; - pr_info("Loading firmware file %s\n", rtlpriv->cfg->fw_name); pfwheader = (struct rtl92c_firmware_header *)rtlhal->pfirmware; pfwdata = (u8 *) rtlhal->pfirmware; fwsize = rtlhal->fwsize; if (IS_FW_HEADER_EXIST(pfwheader)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_DMESG, - ("Firmware Version(%d), Signature(%#x),Size(%d)\n", + "Firmware Version(%d), Signature(%#x),Size(%d)\n", le16_to_cpu(pfwheader->version), le16_to_cpu(pfwheader->signature), - (uint)sizeof(struct rtl92c_firmware_header))); + (uint)sizeof(struct rtl92c_firmware_header)); pfwdata = pfwdata + sizeof(struct rtl92c_firmware_header); fwsize = fwsize - sizeof(struct rtl92c_firmware_header); @@ -287,10 +281,10 @@ int rtl92c_download_fw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (_rtl92c_fw_free_to_go(hw)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Firmware is not ready to run!\n")); + "Firmware is not ready to run!\n"); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_TRACE, - ("Firmware is ready to run!\n")); + "Firmware is ready to run!\n"); } return 0; @@ -328,22 +322,22 @@ static void _rtl92c_fill_h2c_command(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, unsigned long flag; u8 idx; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, ("come in\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "come in\n"); while (true) { spin_lock_irqsave(&rtlpriv->locks.h2c_lock, flag); if (rtlhal->h2c_setinprogress) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("H2C set in progress! Wait to set.." - "element_id(%d).\n", element_id)); + "H2C set in progress! Wait to set..element_id(%d)\n", + element_id); while (rtlhal->h2c_setinprogress) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rtlpriv->locks.h2c_lock, flag); h2c_waitcounter++; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("Wait 100 us (%d times)...\n", - h2c_waitcounter)); + "Wait 100 us (%d times)...\n", + h2c_waitcounter); udelay(100); if (h2c_waitcounter > 1000) @@ -363,8 +357,7 @@ static void _rtl92c_fill_h2c_command(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, wait_writeh2c_limmit--; if (wait_writeh2c_limmit == 0) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Write H2C fail because no trigger " - "for FW INT!\n")); + "Write H2C fail because no trigger for FW INT!\n"); break; } @@ -388,7 +381,7 @@ static void _rtl92c_fill_h2c_command(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } @@ -398,8 +391,8 @@ static void _rtl92c_fill_h2c_command(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, wait_h2c_limmit--; if (wait_h2c_limmit == 0) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("Wating too long for FW read " - "clear HMEBox(%d)!\n", boxnum)); + "Waiting too long for FW read clear HMEBox(%d)!\n", + boxnum); break; } @@ -408,14 +401,14 @@ static void _rtl92c_fill_h2c_command(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, isfw_read = _rtl92c_check_fw_read_last_h2c(hw, boxnum); u1b_tmp = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, 0x1BF); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("Wating for FW read clear HMEBox(%d)!!! " - "0x1BF = %2x\n", boxnum, u1b_tmp)); + "Waiting for FW read clear HMEBox(%d)!!! 0x1BF = %2x\n", + boxnum, u1b_tmp); } if (!isfw_read) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("Write H2C register BOX[%d] fail!!!!! " - "Fw do not read.\n", boxnum)); + "Write H2C register BOX[%d] fail!!!!! Fw do not read\n", + boxnum); break; } @@ -423,8 +416,8 @@ static void _rtl92c_fill_h2c_command(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, memset(boxextcontent, 0, sizeof(boxextcontent)); boxcontent[0] = element_id; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("Write element_id box_reg(%4x) = %2x\n", - box_reg, element_id)); + "Write element_id box_reg(%4x) = %2x\n", + box_reg, element_id); switch (cmd_len) { case 1: @@ -493,7 +486,7 @@ static void _rtl92c_fill_h2c_command(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } @@ -504,29 +497,22 @@ static void _rtl92c_fill_h2c_command(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtlhal->last_hmeboxnum = 0; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("pHalData->last_hmeboxnum = %d\n", - rtlhal->last_hmeboxnum)); + "pHalData->last_hmeboxnum = %d\n", + rtlhal->last_hmeboxnum); } spin_lock_irqsave(&rtlpriv->locks.h2c_lock, flag); rtlhal->h2c_setinprogress = false; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rtlpriv->locks.h2c_lock, flag); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, ("go out\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "go out\n"); } void rtl92c_fill_h2c_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 element_id, u32 cmd_len, u8 *p_cmdbuffer) { - struct rtl_hal *rtlhal = rtl_hal(rtl_priv(hw)); u32 tmp_cmdbuf[2]; - if (rtlhal->fw_ready == false) { - RT_ASSERT(false, ("return H2C cmd because of Fw " - "download fail!!!\n")); - return; - } - memset(tmp_cmdbuf, 0, 8); memcpy(tmp_cmdbuf, p_cmdbuffer, cmd_len); _rtl92c_fill_h2c_command(hw, element_id, cmd_len, (u8 *)&tmp_cmdbuf); @@ -547,7 +533,7 @@ void rtl92c_firmware_selfreset(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) while (u1b_tmp & BIT(2)) { delay--; if (delay == 0) { - RT_ASSERT(false, ("8051 reset fail.\n")); + RT_ASSERT(false, "8051 reset fail\n"); break; } udelay(50); @@ -562,7 +548,7 @@ void rtl92c_set_fw_pwrmode_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 mode) u8 u1_h2c_set_pwrmode[3] = {0}; struct rtl_ps_ctl *ppsc = rtl_psc(rtl_priv(hw)); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, ("FW LPS mode = %d\n", mode)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, "FW LPS mode = %d\n", mode); SET_H2CCMD_PWRMODE_PARM_MODE(u1_h2c_set_pwrmode, mode); SET_H2CCMD_PWRMODE_PARM_SMART_PS(u1_h2c_set_pwrmode, 1); @@ -570,7 +556,7 @@ void rtl92c_set_fw_pwrmode_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 mode) ppsc->reg_max_lps_awakeintvl); RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, - "rtl92c_set_fw_rsvdpagepkt(): u1_h2c_set_pwrmode\n", + "rtl92c_set_fw_rsvdpagepkt(): u1_h2c_set_pwrmode", u1_h2c_set_pwrmode, 3); rtl92c_fill_h2c_cmd(hw, H2C_SETPWRMODE, 3, u1_h2c_set_pwrmode); @@ -780,14 +766,16 @@ void rtl92c_set_fw_rsvdpagepkt(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool dl_finished) totalpacketlen = TOTAL_RESERVED_PKT_LEN; RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - "rtl92c_set_fw_rsvdpagepkt(): HW_VAR_SET_TX_CMD: ALL\n", + "rtl92c_set_fw_rsvdpagepkt(): HW_VAR_SET_TX_CMD: ALL", &reserved_page_packet[0], totalpacketlen); RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, - "rtl92c_set_fw_rsvdpagepkt(): HW_VAR_SET_TX_CMD: ALL\n", + "rtl92c_set_fw_rsvdpagepkt(): HW_VAR_SET_TX_CMD: ALL", u1RsvdPageLoc, 3); skb = dev_alloc_skb(totalpacketlen); + if (!skb) + return; memcpy((u8 *) skb_put(skb, totalpacketlen), &reserved_page_packet, totalpacketlen); @@ -798,15 +786,14 @@ void rtl92c_set_fw_rsvdpagepkt(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool dl_finished) if (dlok) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set RSVD page location to Fw.\n")); + "Set RSVD page location to Fw\n"); RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, - "H2C_RSVDPAGE:\n", - u1RsvdPageLoc, 3); + "H2C_RSVDPAGE", u1RsvdPageLoc, 3); rtl92c_fill_h2c_cmd(hw, H2C_RSVDPAGE, sizeof(u1RsvdPageLoc), u1RsvdPageLoc); } else RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("Set RSVD page location to Fw FAIL!!!!!!.\n")); + "Set RSVD page location to Fw FAIL!!!!!!\n"); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(rtl92c_set_fw_rsvdpagepkt); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/fw_common.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/fw_common.h index cec5a3a1cc5338ab0f136c933b3073cbbd02dc53..780ea5b1e24c4ae37e5b281b6c9fad6492c2a773 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/fw_common.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/fw_common.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/main.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/main.c index 605ff191aeb7f437c756aba158c3a5daa49726ce..918b1d129e77cc48e0b936b207bfcd0d861489c5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/main.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/main.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ * *****************************************************************************/ -#include #include "../wifi.h" +#include MODULE_AUTHOR("lizhaoming "); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/phy_common.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/phy_common.c index 1f07558debf2b05b41bad4391b8fbccae9a19c68..1eec3a06d1f350935332a440f379367145b837d0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/phy_common.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/phy_common.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -42,16 +42,15 @@ u32 rtl92c_phy_query_bb_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 regaddr, u32 bitmask) struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); u32 returnvalue, originalvalue, bitshift; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), " - "bitmask(%#x)\n", regaddr, - bitmask)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, "regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x)\n", + regaddr, bitmask); originalvalue = rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, regaddr); bitshift = _rtl92c_phy_calculate_bit_shift(bitmask); returnvalue = (originalvalue & bitmask) >> bitshift; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("BBR MASK=0x%x " - "Addr[0x%x]=0x%x\n", bitmask, - regaddr, originalvalue)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "BBR MASK=0x%x Addr[0x%x]=0x%x\n", + bitmask, regaddr, originalvalue); return returnvalue; @@ -64,9 +63,9 @@ void rtl92c_phy_set_bb_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); u32 originalvalue, bitshift; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x)," - " data(%#x)\n", regaddr, bitmask, - data)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x), data(%#x)\n", + regaddr, bitmask, data); if (bitmask != MASKDWORD) { originalvalue = rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, regaddr); @@ -76,9 +75,9 @@ void rtl92c_phy_set_bb_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, regaddr, data); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x)," - " data(%#x)\n", regaddr, bitmask, - data)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x), data(%#x)\n", + regaddr, bitmask, data); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(rtl92c_phy_set_bb_reg); @@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(rtl92c_phy_set_bb_reg); u32 _rtl92c_phy_fw_rf_serial_read(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum radio_path rfpath, u32 offset) { - RT_ASSERT(false, ("deprecated!\n")); + RT_ASSERT(false, "deprecated!\n"); return 0; } @@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ void _rtl92c_phy_fw_rf_serial_write(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum radio_path rfpath, u32 offset, u32 data) { - RT_ASSERT(false, ("deprecated!\n")); + RT_ASSERT(false, "deprecated!\n"); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(_rtl92c_phy_fw_rf_serial_write); @@ -114,7 +113,7 @@ u32 _rtl92c_phy_rf_serial_read(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, offset &= 0x3f; newoffset = offset; if (RT_CANNOT_IO(hw)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("return all one\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "return all one\n"); return 0xFFFFFFFF; } tmplong = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, RFPGA0_XA_HSSIPARAMETER2, MASKDWORD); @@ -144,9 +143,8 @@ u32 _rtl92c_phy_rf_serial_read(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, else retvalue = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, pphyreg->rflssi_readback, BLSSIREADBACKDATA); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("RFR-%d Addr[0x%x]=0x%x\n", - rfpath, pphyreg->rflssi_readback, - retvalue)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, "RFR-%d Addr[0x%x]=0x%x\n", + rfpath, pphyreg->rflssi_readback, retvalue); return retvalue; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(_rtl92c_phy_rf_serial_read); @@ -162,16 +160,15 @@ void _rtl92c_phy_rf_serial_write(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct bb_reg_def *pphyreg = &rtlphy->phyreg_def[rfpath]; if (RT_CANNOT_IO(hw)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("stop\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "stop\n"); return; } offset &= 0x3f; newoffset = offset; data_and_addr = ((newoffset << 20) | (data & 0x000fffff)) & 0x0fffffff; rtl_set_bbreg(hw, pphyreg->rf3wire_offset, MASKDWORD, data_and_addr); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("RFW-%d Addr[0x%x]=0x%x\n", - rfpath, pphyreg->rf3wire_offset, - data_and_addr)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, "RFW-%d Addr[0x%x]=0x%x\n", + rfpath, pphyreg->rf3wire_offset, data_and_addr); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(_rtl92c_phy_rf_serial_write); @@ -180,7 +177,7 @@ u32 _rtl92c_phy_calculate_bit_shift(u32 bitmask) u32 i; for (i = 0; i <= 31; i++) { - if (((bitmask >> i) & 0x1) == 1) + if ((bitmask >> i) & 0x1) break; } return i; @@ -216,30 +213,30 @@ bool _rtl92c_phy_bb8192c_config_parafile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) struct rtl_efuse *rtlefuse = rtl_efuse(rtl_priv(hw)); bool rtstatus; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, ("==>\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "==>\n"); rtstatus = rtlpriv->cfg->ops->config_bb_with_headerfile(hw, BASEBAND_CONFIG_PHY_REG); - if (rtstatus != true) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("Write BB Reg Fail!!")); + if (!rtstatus) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "Write BB Reg Fail!!\n"); return false; } if (rtlphy->rf_type == RF_1T2R) { _rtl92c_phy_bb_config_1t(hw); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, ("Config to 1T!!\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "Config to 1T!!\n"); } if (rtlefuse->autoload_failflag == false) { rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt = 0; rtstatus = rtlpriv->cfg->ops->config_bb_with_pgheaderfile(hw, BASEBAND_CONFIG_PHY_REG); } - if (rtstatus != true) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("BB_PG Reg Fail!!")); + if (!rtstatus) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "BB_PG Reg Fail!!\n"); return false; } rtstatus = rtlpriv->cfg->ops->config_bb_with_headerfile(hw, BASEBAND_CONFIG_AGC_TAB); - if (rtstatus != true) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("AGC Table Fail\n")); + if (!rtstatus) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "AGC Table Fail\n"); return false; } rtlphy->cck_high_power = (bool) (rtl_get_bbreg(hw, @@ -256,121 +253,51 @@ void _rtl92c_store_pwrIndex_diffrate_offset(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, { struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); struct rtl_phy *rtlphy = &(rtlpriv->phy); + int index; + + if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_RATE18_06) + index = 0; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_RATE54_24) + index = 1; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_CCK1_MCS32) + index = 6; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11 && bitmask == 0xffffff00) + index = 7; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_MCS03_MCS00) + index = 2; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_MCS07_MCS04) + index = 3; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_MCS11_MCS08) + index = 4; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_MCS15_MCS12) + index = 5; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_RATE18_06) + index = 8; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_RATE54_24) + index = 9; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_CCK1_55_MCS32) + index = 14; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11 && bitmask == 0x000000ff) + index = 15; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_MCS03_MCS00) + index = 10; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_MCS07_MCS04) + index = 11; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_MCS11_MCS08) + index = 12; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_MCS15_MCS12) + index = 13; + else + return; - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_RATE18_06) { - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][0] = data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][0] = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][0])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_RATE54_24) { - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][1] = data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][1] = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][1])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_CCK1_MCS32) { - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][6] = data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][6] = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][6])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11 && bitmask == 0xffffff00) { - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][7] = data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][7] = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][7])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_MCS03_MCS00) { - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][2] = data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][2] = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][2])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_MCS07_MCS04) { - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][3] = data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][3] = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][3])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_MCS11_MCS08) { - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][4] = data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][4] = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][4])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_MCS15_MCS12) { - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][5] = data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][5] = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][5])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_RATE18_06) { - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][8] = data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][8] = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][8])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_RATE54_24) { - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][9] = data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][9] = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][9])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_CCK1_55_MCS32) { - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][14] = data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][14] = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][14])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11 && bitmask == 0x000000ff) { - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][15] = data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][15] = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][15])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_MCS03_MCS00) { - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][10] = data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][10] = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][10])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_MCS07_MCS04) { - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][11] = data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][11] = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][11])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_MCS11_MCS08) { - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][12] = data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][12] = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][12])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_MCS15_MCS12) { - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][13] = data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][13] = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][13])); + rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][index] = data; + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, + "MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][%d] = 0x%x\n", + rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, index, + rtlphy->MCS_TXPWR[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][index]); + if (index == 13) rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt++; - } } EXPORT_SYMBOL(_rtl92c_store_pwrIndex_diffrate_offset); @@ -389,12 +316,11 @@ void rtl92c_phy_get_hw_reg_originalvalue(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) (u8) rtl_get_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_XDAGCCORE1, MASKBYTE0); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Default initial gain (c50=0x%x, " - "c58=0x%x, c60=0x%x, c68=0x%x\n", - rtlphy->default_initialgain[0], - rtlphy->default_initialgain[1], - rtlphy->default_initialgain[2], - rtlphy->default_initialgain[3])); + "Default initial gain (c50=0x%x, c58=0x%x, c60=0x%x, c68=0x%x\n", + rtlphy->default_initialgain[0], + rtlphy->default_initialgain[1], + rtlphy->default_initialgain[2], + rtlphy->default_initialgain[3]); rtlphy->framesync = (u8) rtl_get_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_RXDETECTOR3, MASKBYTE0); @@ -402,8 +328,8 @@ void rtl92c_phy_get_hw_reg_originalvalue(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) ROFDM0_RXDETECTOR2, MASKDWORD); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Default framesync (0x%x) = 0x%x\n", - ROFDM0_RXDETECTOR3, rtlphy->framesync)); + "Default framesync (0x%x) = 0x%x\n", + ROFDM0_RXDETECTOR3, rtlphy->framesync); } void _rtl92c_phy_init_bb_rf_register_definition(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -584,7 +510,7 @@ void rtl92c_phy_set_txpower_level(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 channel) struct rtl_efuse *rtlefuse = rtl_efuse(rtlpriv); u8 cckpowerlevel[2], ofdmpowerlevel[2]; - if (rtlefuse->txpwr_fromeprom == false) + if (!rtlefuse->txpwr_fromeprom) return; _rtl92c_get_txpower_index(hw, channel, &cckpowerlevel[0], &ofdmpowerlevel[0]); @@ -615,8 +541,8 @@ bool rtl92c_phy_update_txpower_dbm(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, long power_indbm) else ofdmtxpwridx = 0; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_TXAGC, DBG_TRACE, - ("%lx dBm, ccktxpwridx = %d, ofdmtxpwridx = %d\n", - power_indbm, ccktxpwridx, ofdmtxpwridx)); + "%lx dBm, ccktxpwridx = %d, ofdmtxpwridx = %d\n", + power_indbm, ccktxpwridx, ofdmtxpwridx); for (idx = 0; idx < 14; idx++) { for (rf_path = 0; rf_path < 2; rf_path++) { rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_cck[rf_path][idx] = ccktxpwridx; @@ -710,7 +636,7 @@ void rtl92c_phy_scan_operation_backup(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 operation) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Unknown Scan Backup operation.\n")); + "Unknown Scan Backup operation\n"); break; } } @@ -732,7 +658,7 @@ void rtl92c_phy_set_bw_mode(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtlpriv->cfg->ops->phy_set_bw_mode_callback(hw); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("FALSE driver sleep or unload\n")); + "FALSE driver sleep or unload\n"); rtlphy->set_bwmode_inprogress = false; rtlphy->current_chan_bw = tmp_bw; } @@ -747,7 +673,7 @@ void rtl92c_phy_sw_chnl_callback(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u32 delay; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, - ("switch to channel%d\n", rtlphy->current_channel)); + "switch to channel%d\n", rtlphy->current_channel); if (is_hal_stop(rtlhal)) return; do { @@ -765,7 +691,7 @@ void rtl92c_phy_sw_chnl_callback(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) } break; } while (true); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, ("<==\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, "<==\n"); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(rtl92c_phy_sw_chnl_callback); @@ -780,19 +706,18 @@ u8 rtl92c_phy_sw_chnl(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (rtlphy->set_bwmode_inprogress) return 0; RT_ASSERT((rtlphy->current_channel <= 14), - ("WIRELESS_MODE_G but channel>14")); + "WIRELESS_MODE_G but channel>14\n"); rtlphy->sw_chnl_inprogress = true; rtlphy->sw_chnl_stage = 0; rtlphy->sw_chnl_step = 0; if (!(is_hal_stop(rtlhal)) && !(RT_CANNOT_IO(hw))) { rtl92c_phy_sw_chnl_callback(hw); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CHAN, DBG_LOUD, - ("sw_chnl_inprogress false schdule workitem\n")); + "sw_chnl_inprogress false schdule workitem\n"); rtlphy->sw_chnl_inprogress = false; } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CHAN, DBG_LOUD, - ("sw_chnl_inprogress false driver sleep or" - " unload\n")); + "sw_chnl_inprogress false driver sleep or unload\n"); rtlphy->sw_chnl_inprogress = false; } return 1; @@ -807,7 +732,7 @@ static bool _rtl92c_phy_set_sw_chnl_cmdarray(struct swchnlcmd *cmdtable, struct swchnlcmd *pcmd; if (cmdtable == NULL) { - RT_ASSERT(false, ("cmdtable cannot be NULL.\n")); + RT_ASSERT(false, "cmdtable cannot be NULL\n"); return false; } @@ -853,7 +778,7 @@ bool _rtl92c_phy_sw_chnl_step_by_step(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rfdependcmdcnt = 0; RT_ASSERT((channel >= 1 && channel <= 14), - ("illegal channel for Zebra: %d\n", channel)); + "invalid channel for Zebra: %d\n", channel); _rtl92c_phy_set_sw_chnl_cmdarray(rfdependcmd, rfdependcmdcnt++, MAX_RFDEPENDCMD_CNT, CMDID_RF_WRITEREG, @@ -916,7 +841,7 @@ bool _rtl92c_phy_sw_chnl_step_by_step(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } @@ -1920,23 +1845,23 @@ bool rtl92c_phy_set_io_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum io_type iotype) bool postprocessing = false; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_TRACE, - ("-->IO Cmd(%#x), set_io_inprogress(%d)\n", - iotype, rtlphy->set_io_inprogress)); + "-->IO Cmd(%#x), set_io_inprogress(%d)\n", + iotype, rtlphy->set_io_inprogress); do { switch (iotype) { case IO_CMD_RESUME_DM_BY_SCAN: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_TRACE, - ("[IO CMD] Resume DM after scan.\n")); + "[IO CMD] Resume DM after scan\n"); postprocessing = true; break; case IO_CMD_PAUSE_DM_BY_SCAN: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_TRACE, - ("[IO CMD] Pause DM before scan.\n")); + "[IO CMD] Pause DM before scan\n"); postprocessing = true; break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } } while (false); @@ -1947,7 +1872,7 @@ bool rtl92c_phy_set_io_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum io_type iotype) return false; } rtl92c_phy_set_io(hw); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_TRACE, ("<--IO Type(%#x)\n", iotype)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_TRACE, "<--IO Type(%#x)\n", iotype); return true; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(rtl92c_phy_set_io_cmd); @@ -1958,8 +1883,8 @@ void rtl92c_phy_set_io(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) struct rtl_phy *rtlphy = &(rtlpriv->phy); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_TRACE, - ("--->Cmd(%#x), set_io_inprogress(%d)\n", - rtlphy->current_io_type, rtlphy->set_io_inprogress)); + "--->Cmd(%#x), set_io_inprogress(%d)\n", + rtlphy->current_io_type, rtlphy->set_io_inprogress); switch (rtlphy->current_io_type) { case IO_CMD_RESUME_DM_BY_SCAN: dm_digtable.cur_igvalue = rtlphy->initgain_backup.xaagccore1; @@ -1973,12 +1898,12 @@ void rtl92c_phy_set_io(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } rtlphy->set_io_inprogress = false; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_TRACE, - ("<---(%#x)\n", rtlphy->current_io_type)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_TRACE, "<---(%#x)\n", + rtlphy->current_io_type); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(rtl92c_phy_set_io); @@ -2018,7 +1943,7 @@ void _rtl92c_phy_set_rf_sleep(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_SYS_FUNC_EN, 0xE3); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_TXPAUSE, 0x00); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_TRACE, - ("Switch RF timeout !!!.\n")); + "Switch RF timeout !!!\n"); return; } rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_SYS_FUNC_EN, 0xE2); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/phy_common.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/phy_common.h index 9a264c0d6127da662691d0a790997b5982d838b9..cec10d696492ab4055a2982ffadb1202494eea5e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/phy_common.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192c/phy_common.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/def.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/def.h index 9fc804d89d65984dffb70b047e3ca21a151033f8..04c3aef8a4f62e178fbac155a956c64c529b97c8 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/def.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/def.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.c index 2df33e53e15a53ac9a5b68e9ef0524e376a52361..27b3af880d96ed235e163bbfb3defa53a669f3b5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ void rtl92ce_dm_dynamic_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if ((mac->link_state < MAC80211_LINKED) && (rtlpriv->dm.entry_min_undecoratedsmoothed_pwdb == 0)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_TRACE, - ("Not connected to any\n")); + "Not connected to any\n"); rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_NORMAL; @@ -67,28 +67,28 @@ void rtl92ce_dm_dynamic_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) undecorated_smoothed_pwdb = rtlpriv->dm.entry_min_undecoratedsmoothed_pwdb; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("AP Client PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - undecorated_smoothed_pwdb)); + "AP Client PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + undecorated_smoothed_pwdb); } else { undecorated_smoothed_pwdb = rtlpriv->dm.undecorated_smoothed_pwdb; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("STA Default Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - undecorated_smoothed_pwdb)); + "STA Default Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + undecorated_smoothed_pwdb); } } else { undecorated_smoothed_pwdb = rtlpriv->dm.entry_min_undecoratedsmoothed_pwdb; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("AP Ext Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - undecorated_smoothed_pwdb)); + "AP Ext Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + undecorated_smoothed_pwdb); } if (undecorated_smoothed_pwdb >= TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LVL2) { rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1 (TxPwr=0x0)\n")); + "TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1 (TxPwr=0x0)\n"); } else if ((undecorated_smoothed_pwdb < (TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LVL2 - 3)) && (undecorated_smoothed_pwdb >= @@ -96,18 +96,18 @@ void rtl92ce_dm_dynamic_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1 (TxPwr=0x10)\n")); + "TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1 (TxPwr=0x10)\n"); } else if (undecorated_smoothed_pwdb < (TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LVL1 - 5)) { rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_NORMAL; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_NORMAL\n")); + "TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_NORMAL\n"); } if ((rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl != rtlpriv->dm.last_dtp_lvl)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("PHY_SetTxPowerLevel8192S() Channel = %d\n", - rtlphy->current_channel)); + "PHY_SetTxPowerLevel8192S() Channel = %d\n", + rtlphy->current_channel); rtl92c_phy_set_txpower_level(hw, rtlphy->current_channel); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.h index 07dd9552e82f559344a239ce7b46a91c3d686708..26747fa8600507042ee3f3d7cbac169431b7457c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/hw.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/hw.c index a3deaefa788c1c30f630f57bdb12c6d09007d46d..5c4d9bc040f13b2428fe203d6afda030153a320d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/hw.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ void rtl92ce_get_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) } default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } } @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ void rtl92ce_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) u8 e_aci; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("HW_VAR_SLOT_TIME %x\n", val[0])); + "HW_VAR_SLOT_TIME %x\n", val[0]); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_SLOT, val[0]); @@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ void rtl92ce_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) *val = min_spacing_to_set; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set HW_VAR_AMPDU_MIN_SPACE: %#x\n", - mac->min_space_cfg)); + "Set HW_VAR_AMPDU_MIN_SPACE: %#x\n", + mac->min_space_cfg); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_AMPDU_MIN_SPACE, mac->min_space_cfg); @@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ void rtl92ce_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) mac->min_space_cfg |= (density_to_set << 3); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set HW_VAR_SHORTGI_DENSITY: %#x\n", - mac->min_space_cfg)); + "Set HW_VAR_SHORTGI_DENSITY: %#x\n", + mac->min_space_cfg); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_AMPDU_MIN_SPACE, mac->min_space_cfg); @@ -310,8 +310,8 @@ void rtl92ce_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set HW_VAR_AMPDU_FACTOR: %#x\n", - factor_toset)); + "Set HW_VAR_AMPDU_FACTOR: %#x\n", + factor_toset); } break; } @@ -348,8 +348,8 @@ void rtl92ce_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL acm set " - "failed: eACI is %d\n", acm)); + "HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL acm set failed: eACI is %d\n", + acm); break; } } else { @@ -365,14 +365,14 @@ void rtl92ce_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_QOS, DBG_TRACE, - ("SetHwReg8190pci(): [HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL] " - "Write 0x%X\n", acm_ctrl)); + "SetHwReg8190pci(): [HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL] Write 0x%X\n", + acm_ctrl); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_ACMHWCTRL, acm_ctrl); break; } @@ -507,8 +507,8 @@ void rtl92ce_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) } default: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("switch case " - "not process\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } } @@ -530,8 +530,8 @@ static bool _rtl92ce_llt_write(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 address, u32 data) if (count > POLLING_LLT_THRESHOLD) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Failed to polling write LLT done at " - "address %d!\n", address)); + "Failed to polling write LLT done at address %d!\n", + address); status = false; break; } @@ -669,18 +669,15 @@ static bool _rtl92ce_init_mac(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) udelay(2); retry = 0; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("reg0xec:%x:%x\n", - rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, 0xEC), - bytetmp)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "reg0xec:%x:%x\n", + rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, 0xEC), bytetmp); while ((bytetmp & BIT(0)) && retry < 1000) { retry++; udelay(50); bytetmp = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_APS_FSMCO + 1); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("reg0xec:%x:%x\n", - rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, - 0xEC), - bytetmp)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "reg0xec:%x:%x\n", + rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, 0xEC), bytetmp); udelay(50); } @@ -696,7 +693,7 @@ static bool _rtl92ce_init_mac(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtl_write_word(rtlpriv, REG_CR, 0x2ff); - if (_rtl92ce_llt_table_init(hw) == false) + if (!_rtl92ce_llt_table_init(hw)) return false; rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, REG_HISR, 0xffffffff); @@ -864,13 +861,13 @@ void rtl92ce_enable_hw_security_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u8 sec_reg_value; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("PairwiseEncAlgorithm = %d GroupEncAlgorithm = %d\n", - rtlpriv->sec.pairwise_enc_algorithm, - rtlpriv->sec.group_enc_algorithm)); + "PairwiseEncAlgorithm = %d GroupEncAlgorithm = %d\n", + rtlpriv->sec.pairwise_enc_algorithm, + rtlpriv->sec.group_enc_algorithm); if (rtlpriv->cfg->mod_params->sw_crypto || rtlpriv->sec.use_sw_sec) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, ("not open " - "hw encryption\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, + "not open hw encryption\n"); return; } @@ -886,7 +883,7 @@ void rtl92ce_enable_hw_security_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_CR + 1, 0x02); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("The SECR-value %x\n", sec_reg_value)); + "The SECR-value %x\n", sec_reg_value); rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_hw_reg(hw, HW_VAR_WPA_CONFIG, &sec_reg_value); @@ -909,8 +906,8 @@ int rtl92ce_hw_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlpci->being_init_adapter = true; rtlpriv->intf_ops->disable_aspm(hw); rtstatus = _rtl92ce_init_mac(hw); - if (rtstatus != true) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("Init MAC failed\n")); + if (!rtstatus) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "Init MAC failed\n"); err = 1; return err; } @@ -918,13 +915,9 @@ int rtl92ce_hw_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) err = rtl92c_download_fw(hw); if (err) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("Failed to download FW. Init HW " - "without FW now..\n")); + "Failed to download FW. Init HW without FW now..\n"); err = 1; - rtlhal->fw_ready = false; return err; - } else { - rtlhal->fw_ready = true; } rtlhal->last_hmeboxnum = 0; @@ -968,12 +961,12 @@ int rtl92ce_hw_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) tmp_u1b = efuse_read_1byte(hw, 0x1FA); if (!(tmp_u1b & BIT(0))) { rtl_set_rfreg(hw, RF90_PATH_A, 0x15, 0x0F, 0x05); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, ("PA BIAS path A\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "PA BIAS path A\n"); } if (!(tmp_u1b & BIT(1)) && is92c) { rtl_set_rfreg(hw, RF90_PATH_B, 0x15, 0x0F, 0x05); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, ("PA BIAS path B\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "PA BIAS path B\n"); } if (!(tmp_u1b & BIT(4))) { @@ -982,7 +975,7 @@ int rtl92ce_hw_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, 0x16, tmp_u1b | 0x80); udelay(10); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, 0x16, tmp_u1b | 0x90); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, ("under 1.5V\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "under 1.5V\n"); } rtl92c_dm_init(hw); rtlpci->being_init_adapter = false; @@ -995,6 +988,7 @@ static enum version_8192c _rtl92ce_read_chip_version(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) struct rtl_phy *rtlphy = &(rtlpriv->phy); enum version_8192c version = VERSION_UNKNOWN; u32 value32; + const char *versionid; value32 = rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, REG_SYS_CFG); if (value32 & TRP_VAUX_EN) { @@ -1007,27 +1001,25 @@ static enum version_8192c _rtl92ce_read_chip_version(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) switch (version) { case VERSION_B_CHIP_92C: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Chip Version ID: VERSION_B_CHIP_92C.\n")); + versionid = "B_CHIP_92C"; break; case VERSION_B_CHIP_88C: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Chip Version ID: VERSION_B_CHIP_88C.\n")); + versionid = "B_CHIP_88C"; break; case VERSION_A_CHIP_92C: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Chip Version ID: VERSION_A_CHIP_92C.\n")); + versionid = "A_CHIP_92C"; break; case VERSION_A_CHIP_88C: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Chip Version ID: VERSION_A_CHIP_88C.\n")); + versionid = "A_CHIP_88C"; break; default: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Chip Version ID: Unknown. Bug?\n")); + versionid = "Unknown. Bug?"; break; } + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, + "Chip Version ID: %s\n", versionid); + switch (version & 0x3) { case CHIP_88C: rtlphy->rf_type = RF_1T1R; @@ -1041,13 +1033,12 @@ static enum version_8192c _rtl92ce_read_chip_version(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) default: rtlphy->rf_type = RF_1T1R; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("ERROR RF_Type is set!!")); + "ERROR RF_Type is set!!\n"); break; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("Chip RF Type: %s\n", (rtlphy->rf_type == RF_2T2R) ? - "RF_2T2R" : "RF_1T1R")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "Chip RF Type: %s\n", + rtlphy->rf_type == RF_2T2R ? "RF_2T2R" : "RF_1T1R"); return version; } @@ -1069,8 +1060,8 @@ static int _rtl92ce_set_media_status(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, _rtl92ce_disable_bcn_sub_func(hw); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("Set HW_VAR_MEDIA_STATUS: " - "No such media status(%x).\n", type)); + "Set HW_VAR_MEDIA_STATUS: No such media status(%x)\n", + type); } switch (type) { @@ -1078,27 +1069,27 @@ static int _rtl92ce_set_media_status(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bt_msr |= MSR_NOLINK; ledaction = LED_CTL_LINK; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Set Network type to NO LINK!\n")); + "Set Network type to NO LINK!\n"); break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC: bt_msr |= MSR_ADHOC; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Set Network type to Ad Hoc!\n")); + "Set Network type to Ad Hoc!\n"); break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION: bt_msr |= MSR_INFRA; ledaction = LED_CTL_LINK; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Set Network type to STA!\n")); + "Set Network type to STA!\n"); break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_AP: bt_msr |= MSR_AP; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Set Network type to AP!\n")); + "Set Network type to AP!\n"); break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Network type %d not support!\n", type)); + "Network type %d not supported!\n", type); return 1; break; @@ -1126,7 +1117,7 @@ void rtl92ce_set_check_bssid(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool check_bssid) rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_hw_reg(hw, HW_VAR_RCR, (u8 *) (®_rcr)); _rtl92ce_set_bcn_ctrl_reg(hw, 0, BIT(4)); - } else if (check_bssid == false) { + } else if (!check_bssid) { reg_rcr &= (~(RCR_CBSSID_DATA | RCR_CBSSID_BCN)); _rtl92ce_set_bcn_ctrl_reg(hw, BIT(4), 0); rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_hw_reg(hw, @@ -1171,7 +1162,7 @@ void rtl92ce_set_qos(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, int aci) rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, REG_EDCA_VO_PARAM, 0x2f3222); break; default: - RT_ASSERT(false, ("invalid aci: %d !\n", aci)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "invalid aci: %d !\n", aci); break; } } @@ -1199,7 +1190,6 @@ static void _rtl92ce_poweroff_adapter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); struct rtl_pci_priv *rtlpcipriv = rtl_pcipriv(hw); - struct rtl_hal *rtlhal = rtl_hal(rtl_priv(hw)); u8 u1b_tmp; u32 u4b_tmp; @@ -1210,7 +1200,7 @@ static void _rtl92ce_poweroff_adapter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_APSD_CTRL, 0x40); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_SYS_FUNC_EN, 0xE2); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_SYS_FUNC_EN, 0xE0); - if ((rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MCUFWDL) & BIT(7)) && rtlhal->fw_ready) + if (rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MCUFWDL) & BIT(7)) rtl92c_firmware_selfreset(hw); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_SYS_FUNC_EN + 1, 0x51); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MCUFWDL, 0x00); @@ -1300,7 +1290,7 @@ void rtl92ce_set_beacon_interval(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u16 bcn_interval = mac->beacon_interval; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_BEACON, DBG_DMESG, - ("beacon_interval:%d\n", bcn_interval)); + "beacon_interval:%d\n", bcn_interval); rtl92ce_disable_interrupt(hw); rtl_write_word(rtlpriv, REG_BCN_INTERVAL, bcn_interval); rtl92ce_enable_interrupt(hw); @@ -1312,8 +1302,8 @@ void rtl92ce_update_interrupt_mask(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); struct rtl_pci *rtlpci = rtl_pcidev(rtl_pcipriv(hw)); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_LOUD, - ("add_msr:%x, rm_msr:%x\n", add_msr, rm_msr)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_LOUD, "add_msr:%x, rm_msr:%x\n", + add_msr, rm_msr); if (add_msr) rtlpci->irq_mask[0] |= add_msr; @@ -1367,25 +1357,24 @@ static void _rtl92ce_read_txpower_info_from_hwpg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, for (rf_path = 0; rf_path < 2; rf_path++) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_EEPROM, - ("RF(%d) EEPROM CCK Area(%d) = 0x%x\n", rf_path, - i, - rtlefuse-> - eeprom_chnlarea_txpwr_cck[rf_path][i])); + "RF(%d) EEPROM CCK Area(%d) = 0x%x\n", + rf_path, i, + rtlefuse-> + eeprom_chnlarea_txpwr_cck[rf_path][i]); for (rf_path = 0; rf_path < 2; rf_path++) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_EEPROM, - ("RF(%d) EEPROM HT40 1S Area(%d) = 0x%x\n", - rf_path, i, - rtlefuse-> - eeprom_chnlarea_txpwr_ht40_1s[rf_path][i])); + "RF(%d) EEPROM HT40 1S Area(%d) = 0x%x\n", + rf_path, i, + rtlefuse-> + eeprom_chnlarea_txpwr_ht40_1s[rf_path][i]); for (rf_path = 0; rf_path < 2; rf_path++) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_EEPROM, - ("RF(%d) EEPROM HT40 2S Diff Area(%d) = 0x%x\n", - rf_path, i, - rtlefuse-> - eeprom_chnlarea_txpwr_ht40_2sdiif[rf_path] - [i])); + "RF(%d) EEPROM HT40 2S Diff Area(%d) = 0x%x\n", + rf_path, i, + rtlefuse-> + eeprom_chnlarea_txpwr_ht40_2sdiif[rf_path][i]); for (rf_path = 0; rf_path < 2; rf_path++) { for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) { @@ -1416,11 +1405,11 @@ static void _rtl92ce_read_txpower_info_from_hwpg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF(%d)-Ch(%d) [CCK / HT40_1S / HT40_2S] = " - "[0x%x / 0x%x / 0x%x]\n", rf_path, i, - rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_cck[rf_path][i], - rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_ht40_1s[rf_path][i], - rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_ht40_2s[rf_path][i])); + "RF(%d)-Ch(%d) [CCK / HT40_1S / HT40_2S] = [0x%x / 0x%x / 0x%x]\n", + rf_path, i, + rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_cck[rf_path][i], + rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_ht40_1s[rf_path][i], + rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_ht40_2s[rf_path][i]); } } @@ -1457,13 +1446,13 @@ static void _rtl92ce_read_txpower_info_from_hwpg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF-%d pwrgroup_ht20[%d] = 0x%x\n", - rf_path, i, - rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht20[rf_path][i])); + "RF-%d pwrgroup_ht20[%d] = 0x%x\n", + rf_path, i, + rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht20[rf_path][i]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF-%d pwrgroup_ht40[%d] = 0x%x\n", - rf_path, i, - rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht40[rf_path][i])); + "RF-%d pwrgroup_ht40[%d] = 0x%x\n", + rf_path, i, + rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht40[rf_path][i]); } } @@ -1502,27 +1491,27 @@ static void _rtl92ce_read_txpower_info_from_hwpg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF-A Ht20 to HT40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, - rtlefuse->txpwr_ht20diff[RF90_PATH_A][i])); + "RF-A Ht20 to HT40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", + i, rtlefuse->txpwr_ht20diff[RF90_PATH_A][i]); for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF-A Legacy to Ht40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, - rtlefuse->txpwr_legacyhtdiff[RF90_PATH_A][i])); + "RF-A Legacy to Ht40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", + i, rtlefuse->txpwr_legacyhtdiff[RF90_PATH_A][i]); for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF-B Ht20 to HT40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, - rtlefuse->txpwr_ht20diff[RF90_PATH_B][i])); + "RF-B Ht20 to HT40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", + i, rtlefuse->txpwr_ht20diff[RF90_PATH_B][i]); for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF-B Legacy to HT40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, - rtlefuse->txpwr_legacyhtdiff[RF90_PATH_B][i])); + "RF-B Legacy to HT40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", + i, rtlefuse->txpwr_legacyhtdiff[RF90_PATH_B][i]); if (!autoload_fail) rtlefuse->eeprom_regulatory = (hwinfo[RF_OPTION1] & 0x7); else rtlefuse->eeprom_regulatory = 0; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("eeprom_regulatory = 0x%x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_regulatory)); + "eeprom_regulatory = 0x%x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_regulatory); if (!autoload_fail) { rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_A] = hwinfo[EEPROM_TSSI_A]; @@ -1531,10 +1520,9 @@ static void _rtl92ce_read_txpower_info_from_hwpg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_A] = EEPROM_DEFAULT_TSSI; rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_B] = EEPROM_DEFAULT_TSSI; } - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("TSSI_A = 0x%x, TSSI_B = 0x%x\n", - rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_A], - rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_B])); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, "TSSI_A = 0x%x, TSSI_B = 0x%x\n", + rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_A], + rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_B]); if (!autoload_fail) tempval = hwinfo[EEPROM_THERMAL_METER]; @@ -1547,7 +1535,7 @@ static void _rtl92ce_read_txpower_info_from_hwpg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtlefuse->thermalmeter[0] = rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("thermalmeter = 0x%x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter)); + "thermalmeter = 0x%x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter); } static void _rtl92ce_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -1567,19 +1555,19 @@ static void _rtl92ce_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) HWSET_MAX_SIZE); } else if (rtlefuse->epromtype == EEPROM_93C46) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("RTL819X Not boot from eeprom, check it !!")); + "RTL819X Not boot from eeprom, check it !!"); } - RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, ("MAP\n"), + RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "MAP", hwinfo, HWSET_MAX_SIZE); eeprom_id = *((u16 *)&hwinfo[0]); if (eeprom_id != RTL8190_EEPROM_ID) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("EEPROM ID(%#x) is invalid!!\n", eeprom_id)); + "EEPROM ID(%#x) is invalid!!\n", eeprom_id); rtlefuse->autoload_failflag = true; } else { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("Autoload OK\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "Autoload OK\n"); rtlefuse->autoload_failflag = false; } @@ -1591,8 +1579,7 @@ static void _rtl92ce_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) *((u16 *) (&rtlefuse->dev_addr[i])) = usvalue; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("%pM\n", rtlefuse->dev_addr)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "%pM\n", rtlefuse->dev_addr); _rtl92ce_read_txpower_info_from_hwpg(hw, rtlefuse->autoload_failflag, @@ -1608,7 +1595,7 @@ static void _rtl92ce_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlefuse->eeprom_oemid = *(u8 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_CUSTOMER_ID]; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("EEPROM Customer ID: 0x%2x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_oemid)); + "EEPROM Customer ID: 0x%2x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_oemid); /* set channel paln to world wide 13 */ rtlefuse->channel_plan = COUNTRY_CODE_WORLD_WIDE_13; @@ -1662,7 +1649,7 @@ static void _rtl92ce_hal_customized_behavior(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) break; } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("RT Customized ID: 0x%02X\n", rtlhal->oem_id)); + "RT Customized ID: 0x%02X\n", rtlhal->oem_id); } void rtl92ce_read_eeprom_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -1679,22 +1666,22 @@ void rtl92ce_read_eeprom_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) else rtlpriv->dm.rfpath_rxenable[0] = rtlpriv->dm.rfpath_rxenable[1] = true; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("VersionID = 0x%4x\n", - rtlhal->version)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "VersionID = 0x%4x\n", + rtlhal->version); tmp_u1b = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_9346CR); if (tmp_u1b & BIT(4)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, ("Boot from EEPROM\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "Boot from EEPROM\n"); rtlefuse->epromtype = EEPROM_93C46; } else { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, ("Boot from EFUSE\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "Boot from EFUSE\n"); rtlefuse->epromtype = EEPROM_BOOT_EFUSE; } if (tmp_u1b & BIT(5)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("Autoload OK\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "Autoload OK\n"); rtlefuse->autoload_failflag = false; _rtl92ce_read_adapter_info(hw); } else { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("Autoload ERR!!\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "Autoload ERR!!\n"); } _rtl92ce_hal_customized_behavior(hw); } @@ -1790,8 +1777,8 @@ static void rtl92ce_update_hal_rate_table(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, REG_ARFR0 + ratr_index * 4, ratr_value); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATR, DBG_DMESG, - ("%x\n", rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, REG_ARFR0))); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATR, DBG_DMESG, "%x\n", + rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, REG_ARFR0)); } static void rtl92ce_update_hal_rate_mask(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -1919,16 +1906,15 @@ static void rtl92ce_update_hal_rate_mask(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATR, DBG_DMESG, - ("ratr_bitmap :%x\n", ratr_bitmap)); + "ratr_bitmap :%x\n", ratr_bitmap); *(u32 *)&rate_mask = EF4BYTE((ratr_bitmap & 0x0fffffff) | (ratr_index << 28)); rate_mask[4] = macid | (shortgi ? 0x20 : 0x00) | 0x80; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATR, DBG_DMESG, ("Rate_index:%x, " - "ratr_val:%x, %x:%x:%x:%x:%x\n", - ratr_index, ratr_bitmap, - rate_mask[0], rate_mask[1], - rate_mask[2], rate_mask[3], - rate_mask[4])); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATR, DBG_DMESG, + "Rate_index:%x, ratr_val:%x, %x:%x:%x:%x:%x\n", + ratr_index, ratr_bitmap, + rate_mask[0], rate_mask[1], rate_mask[2], rate_mask[3], + rate_mask[4]); rtl92c_fill_h2c_cmd(hw, H2C_RA_MASK, 5, rate_mask); if (macid != 0) @@ -1994,15 +1980,14 @@ bool rtl92ce_gpio_radio_on_off_checking(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 *valid) if ((ppsc->hwradiooff) && (e_rfpowerstate_toset == ERFON)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("GPIOChangeRF - HW Radio ON, RF ON\n")); + "GPIOChangeRF - HW Radio ON, RF ON\n"); e_rfpowerstate_toset = ERFON; ppsc->hwradiooff = false; actuallyset = true; - } else if ((ppsc->hwradiooff == false) - && (e_rfpowerstate_toset == ERFOFF)) { + } else if (!ppsc->hwradiooff && (e_rfpowerstate_toset == ERFOFF)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("GPIOChangeRF - HW Radio OFF, RF OFF\n")); + "GPIOChangeRF - HW Radio OFF, RF OFF\n"); e_rfpowerstate_toset = ERFOFF; ppsc->hwradiooff = true; @@ -2053,7 +2038,7 @@ void rtl92ce_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, u8 cam_offset = 0; u8 clear_number = 5; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, ("clear_all\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, "clear_all\n"); for (idx = 0; idx < clear_number; idx++) { rtl_cam_mark_invalid(hw, cam_offset + idx); @@ -2081,8 +2066,8 @@ void rtl92ce_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, enc_algo = CAM_AES; break; default: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("switch case " - "not process\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, + "switch case not processed\n"); enc_algo = CAM_TKIP; break; } @@ -2100,9 +2085,8 @@ void rtl92ce_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, p_macaddr); if (entry_id >= TOTAL_CAM_ENTRY) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, - DBG_EMERG, - ("Can not find free hw" - " security cam entry\n")); + DBG_EMERG, + "Can not find free hw security cam entry\n"); return; } } else { @@ -2116,31 +2100,31 @@ void rtl92ce_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, if (rtlpriv->sec.key_len[key_index] == 0) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("delete one entry, entry_id is %d\n", - entry_id)); + "delete one entry, entry_id is %d\n", + entry_id); if (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP) rtl_cam_del_entry(hw, p_macaddr); rtl_cam_delete_one_entry(hw, p_macaddr, entry_id); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("The insert KEY length is %d\n", - rtlpriv->sec.key_len[PAIRWISE_KEYIDX])); + "The insert KEY length is %d\n", + rtlpriv->sec.key_len[PAIRWISE_KEYIDX]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("The insert KEY is %x %x\n", - rtlpriv->sec.key_buf[0][0], - rtlpriv->sec.key_buf[0][1])); + "The insert KEY is %x %x\n", + rtlpriv->sec.key_buf[0][0], + rtlpriv->sec.key_buf[0][1]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("add one entry\n")); + "add one entry\n"); if (is_pairwise) { RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - "Pairwiase Key content :", + "Pairwise Key content", rtlpriv->sec.pairwise_key, rtlpriv->sec. key_len[PAIRWISE_KEYIDX]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("set Pairwiase key\n")); + "set Pairwise key\n"); rtl_cam_add_one_entry(hw, macaddr, key_index, entry_id, enc_algo, @@ -2149,7 +2133,7 @@ void rtl92ce_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, key_buf[key_index]); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("set group key\n")); + "set group key\n"); if (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) { rtl_cam_add_one_entry(hw, diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/hw.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/hw.h index 07dbe3e340a5579c4af1c55ca805eb69dc649372..52a3aea9b3deecf8052293010ab3d95947d5cfb9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/hw.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/hw.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/led.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/led.c index 28a1a707d09ceb275f5266adc5c7e9d8d711181b..8283e9b27639f5bd95350fd09652ccfded1888ed 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/led.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/led.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ void rtl92ce_sw_led_on(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_led *pled) u8 ledcfg; struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, - ("LedAddr:%X ledpin=%d\n", REG_LEDCFG2, pled->ledpin)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, "LedAddr:%X ledpin=%d\n", + REG_LEDCFG2, pled->ledpin); ledcfg = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_LEDCFG2); @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ void rtl92ce_sw_led_on(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_led *pled) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } pled->ledon = true; @@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ void rtl92ce_sw_led_off(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_led *pled) struct rtl_pci_priv *pcipriv = rtl_pcipriv(hw); u8 ledcfg; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, - ("LedAddr:%X ledpin=%d\n", REG_LEDCFG2, pled->ledpin)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, "LedAddr:%X ledpin=%d\n", + REG_LEDCFG2, pled->ledpin); ledcfg = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_LEDCFG2); @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ void rtl92ce_sw_led_off(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_led *pled) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } pled->ledon = false; @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ void rtl92ce_led_control(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, ledaction == LED_CTL_POWER_ON)) { return; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, ("ledaction %d.\n", - ledaction)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, "ledaction %d\n", + ledaction); _rtl92ce_sw_led_control(hw, ledaction); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/led.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/led.h index 7dfccea2095b016705f60174c4f3ee7ad91ab49e..c5761066d3835118ddf9f69a5bf4130e2bef4bea 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/led.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/led.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/phy.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/phy.c index 3b585aadabfcdae61bc7aed6b8b2694266ed1f14..88deae67cc1482a9714ff1e7c263b2063a323395 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/phy.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/phy.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ u32 rtl92c_phy_query_rf_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 original_value, readback_value, bitshift; struct rtl_phy *rtlphy = &(rtlpriv->phy); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), " - "rfpath(%#x), bitmask(%#x)\n", - regaddr, rfpath, bitmask)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "regaddr(%#x), rfpath(%#x), bitmask(%#x)\n", + regaddr, rfpath, bitmask); spin_lock(&rtlpriv->locks.rf_lock); @@ -67,9 +67,8 @@ u32 rtl92c_phy_query_rf_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, spin_unlock(&rtlpriv->locks.rf_lock); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, - ("regaddr(%#x), rfpath(%#x), " - "bitmask(%#x), original_value(%#x)\n", - regaddr, rfpath, bitmask, original_value)); + "regaddr(%#x), rfpath(%#x), bitmask(%#x), original_value(%#x)\n", + regaddr, rfpath, bitmask, original_value); return readback_value; } @@ -121,8 +120,8 @@ void rtl92ce_phy_set_rf_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 original_value, bitshift; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, - ("regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x), data(%#x), rfpath(%#x)\n", - regaddr, bitmask, data, rfpath)); + "regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x), data(%#x), rfpath(%#x)\n", + regaddr, bitmask, data, rfpath); spin_lock(&rtlpriv->locks.rf_lock); @@ -153,10 +152,9 @@ void rtl92ce_phy_set_rf_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, spin_unlock(&rtlpriv->locks.rf_lock); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), " - "bitmask(%#x), data(%#x), " - "rfpath(%#x)\n", regaddr, - bitmask, data, rfpath)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x), data(%#x), rfpath(%#x)\n", + regaddr, bitmask, data, rfpath); } static bool _rtl92c_phy_config_mac_with_headerfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -166,11 +164,10 @@ static bool _rtl92c_phy_config_mac_with_headerfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u32 arraylength; u32 *ptrarray; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, ("Read Rtl819XMACPHY_Array\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "Read Rtl819XMACPHY_Array\n"); arraylength = MAC_2T_ARRAYLENGTH; ptrarray = RTL8192CEMAC_2T_ARRAY; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Img:RTL8192CEMAC_2T_ARRAY\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "Img:RTL8192CEMAC_2T_ARRAY\n"); for (i = 0; i < arraylength; i = i + 2) rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, ptrarray[i], (u8) ptrarray[i + 1]); return true; @@ -215,10 +212,9 @@ bool _rtl92ce_phy_config_bb_with_headerfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, phy_regarray_table[i + 1]); udelay(1); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("The phy_regarray_table[0] is %x" - " Rtl819XPHY_REGArray[1] is %x\n", - phy_regarray_table[i], - phy_regarray_table[i + 1])); + "The phy_regarray_table[0] is %x Rtl819XPHY_REGArray[1] is %x\n", + phy_regarray_table[i], + phy_regarray_table[i + 1]); } } else if (configtype == BASEBAND_CONFIG_AGC_TAB) { for (i = 0; i < agctab_arraylen; i = i + 2) { @@ -226,10 +222,9 @@ bool _rtl92ce_phy_config_bb_with_headerfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, agctab_array_table[i + 1]); udelay(1); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("The agctab_array_table[0] is " - "%x Rtl819XPHY_REGArray[1] is %x\n", - agctab_array_table[i], - agctab_array_table[i + 1])); + "The agctab_array_table[0] is %x Rtl819XPHY_REGArray[1] is %x\n", + agctab_array_table[i], + agctab_array_table[i + 1]); } } return true; @@ -269,7 +264,7 @@ bool _rtl92ce_phy_config_bb_with_pgheaderfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_TRACE, - ("configtype != BaseBand_Config_PHY_REG\n")); + "configtype != BaseBand_Config_PHY_REG\n"); } return true; } @@ -291,20 +286,20 @@ bool rtl92c_phy_config_rf_with_headerfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, radiob_arraylen = RADIOB_2TARRAYLENGTH; radiob_array_table = RTL8192CE_RADIOB_2TARRAY; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Radio_A:RTL8192CERADIOA_2TARRAY\n")); + "Radio_A:RTL8192CERADIOA_2TARRAY\n"); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Radio_B:RTL8192CE_RADIOB_2TARRAY\n")); + "Radio_B:RTL8192CE_RADIOB_2TARRAY\n"); } else { radioa_arraylen = RADIOA_1TARRAYLENGTH; radioa_array_table = RTL8192CE_RADIOA_1TARRAY; radiob_arraylen = RADIOB_1TARRAYLENGTH; radiob_array_table = RTL8192CE_RADIOB_1TARRAY; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Radio_A:RTL8192CE_RADIOA_1TARRAY\n")); + "Radio_A:RTL8192CE_RADIOA_1TARRAY\n"); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Radio_B:RTL8192CE_RADIOB_1TARRAY\n")); + "Radio_B:RTL8192CE_RADIOB_1TARRAY\n"); } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, ("Radio No %x\n", rfpath)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "Radio No %x\n", rfpath); switch (rfpath) { case RF90_PATH_A: for (i = 0; i < radioa_arraylen; i = i + 2) { @@ -352,11 +347,11 @@ bool rtl92c_phy_config_rf_with_headerfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; case RF90_PATH_C: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; case RF90_PATH_D: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } return true; @@ -371,10 +366,9 @@ void rtl92ce_phy_set_bw_mode_callback(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u8 reg_bw_opmode; u8 reg_prsr_rsc; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, - ("Switch to %s bandwidth\n", - rtlphy->current_chan_bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20 ? - "20MHz" : "40MHz")) + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, "Switch to %s bandwidth\n", + rtlphy->current_chan_bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20 ? + "20MHz" : "40MHz"); if (is_hal_stop(rtlhal)) { rtlphy->set_bwmode_inprogress = false; @@ -398,7 +392,7 @@ void rtl92ce_phy_set_bw_mode_callback(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", rtlphy->current_chan_bw)); + "unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", rtlphy->current_chan_bw); break; } @@ -423,12 +417,12 @@ void rtl92ce_phy_set_bw_mode_callback(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", rtlphy->current_chan_bw)); + "unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", rtlphy->current_chan_bw); break; } rtl92ce_phy_rf6052_set_bandwidth(hw, rtlphy->current_chan_bw); rtlphy->set_bwmode_inprogress = false; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, ("<==\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, "<==\n"); } void _rtl92ce_phy_lc_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool is2t) @@ -499,7 +493,7 @@ static void _rtl92ce_phy_set_rf_sleep(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_SYS_FUNC_EN, 0xE3); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_TXPAUSE, 0x00); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_TRACE, - ("Switch RF timeout !!!.\n")); + "Switch RF timeout !!!\n"); return; } rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_SYS_FUNC_EN, 0xE2); @@ -526,18 +520,17 @@ static bool _rtl92ce_phy_set_rf_power_state(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, do { InitializeCount++; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("IPS Set eRf nic enable\n")); + "IPS Set eRf nic enable\n"); rtstatus = rtl_ps_enable_nic(hw); - } while ((rtstatus != true) - && (InitializeCount < 10)); + } while (!rtstatus && (InitializeCount < 10)); RT_CLEAR_PS_LEVEL(ppsc, RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_HALT_NIC); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("Set ERFON sleeped:%d ms\n", - jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - - ppsc-> - last_sleep_jiffies))); + "Set ERFON sleeped:%d ms\n", + jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - + ppsc-> + last_sleep_jiffies)); ppsc->last_awake_jiffies = jiffies; rtl92ce_phy_set_rf_on(hw); } @@ -553,7 +546,7 @@ static bool _rtl92ce_phy_set_rf_power_state(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, case ERFOFF:{ if (ppsc->reg_rfps_level & RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_HALT_NIC) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("IPS Set eRf nic disable\n")); + "IPS Set eRf nic disable\n"); rtl_ps_disable_nic(hw); RT_SET_PS_LEVEL(ppsc, RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_HALT_NIC); } else { @@ -578,35 +571,33 @@ static bool _rtl92ce_phy_set_rf_power_state(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, continue; } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("eRf Off/Sleep: %d times " - "TcbBusyQueue[%d] =%d before " - "doze!\n", (i + 1), queue_id, - skb_queue_len(&ring->queue))); + "eRf Off/Sleep: %d times TcbBusyQueue[%d] =%d before doze!\n", + i + 1, queue_id, + skb_queue_len(&ring->queue)); udelay(10); i++; } if (i >= MAX_DOZE_WAITING_TIMES_9x) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("\n ERFSLEEP: %d times " - "TcbBusyQueue[%d] = %d !\n", - MAX_DOZE_WAITING_TIMES_9x, - queue_id, - skb_queue_len(&ring->queue))); + "ERFSLEEP: %d times TcbBusyQueue[%d] = %d !\n", + MAX_DOZE_WAITING_TIMES_9x, + queue_id, + skb_queue_len(&ring->queue)); break; } } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("Set ERFSLEEP awaked:%d ms\n", - jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - - ppsc->last_awake_jiffies))); + "Set ERFSLEEP awaked:%d ms\n", + jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - + ppsc->last_awake_jiffies)); ppsc->last_sleep_jiffies = jiffies; _rtl92ce_phy_set_rf_sleep(hw); break; } default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); bresult = false; break; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/phy.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/phy.h index be2c92adef33d293e1579a78f57c4eb56e8574de..d5e3b704f9304a596bd943cfcbebd00db6559776 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/phy.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/phy.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/reg.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/reg.h index ba5ff0411f0abce3c6e4e1e87b2e764b6182e6d0..e4d738f6166dae68f778f8faa13227c95220bcea 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/reg.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/reg.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -1190,7 +1190,6 @@ #define USB_AGG_EN BIT(3) -#define MAC_ADDR_LEN 6 #define LAST_ENTRY_OF_TX_PKT_BUFFER 255 #define POLLING_LLT_THRESHOLD 20 diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/rf.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/rf.c index d3b01e6023bac8b0549a2e46c876ecd7734be3a2..54c7614958a890c1fc2b8dc4149a66101c0a09a3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/rf.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/rf.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void rtl92ce_phy_rf6052_set_bandwidth(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 bandwidth) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", bandwidth)); + "unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", bandwidth); break; } } @@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ void rtl92ce_phy_rf6052_set_cck_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RTXAGC_A_CCK1_MCS32, MASKBYTE1, tmpval); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("CCK PWR 1M (rf-A) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", tmpval, - RTXAGC_A_CCK1_MCS32)); + "CCK PWR 1M (rf-A) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", + tmpval, RTXAGC_A_CCK1_MCS32); tmpval = tx_agc[RF90_PATH_A] >> 8; @@ -133,22 +133,22 @@ void rtl92ce_phy_rf6052_set_cck_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11, 0xffffff00, tmpval); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("CCK PWR 2~11M (rf-A) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", tmpval, - RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11)); + "CCK PWR 2~11M (rf-A) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", + tmpval, RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11); tmpval = tx_agc[RF90_PATH_B] >> 24; rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11, MASKBYTE0, tmpval); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("CCK PWR 11M (rf-B) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", tmpval, - RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11)); + "CCK PWR 11M (rf-B) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", + tmpval, RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11); tmpval = tx_agc[RF90_PATH_B] & 0x00ffffff; rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RTXAGC_B_CCK1_55_MCS32, 0xffffff00, tmpval); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("CCK PWR 1~5.5M (rf-B) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", tmpval, - RTXAGC_B_CCK1_55_MCS32)); + "CCK PWR 1~5.5M (rf-B) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", + tmpval, RTXAGC_B_CCK1_55_MCS32); } static void rtl92c_phy_get_power_base(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ static void rtl92c_phy_get_power_base(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, (powerBase0 << 8) | powerBase0; *(ofdmbase + i) = powerBase0; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - (" [OFDM power base index rf(%c) = 0x%x]\n", - ((i == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), *(ofdmbase + i))); + " [OFDM power base index rf(%c) = 0x%x]\n", + i == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', *(ofdmbase + i)); } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { @@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ static void rtl92c_phy_get_power_base(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, *(mcsbase + i) = powerBase1; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - (" [MCS power base index rf(%c) = 0x%x]\n", - ((i == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), *(mcsbase + i))); + " [MCS power base index rf(%c) = 0x%x]\n", + i == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', *(mcsbase + i)); } } @@ -215,9 +215,8 @@ static void _rtl92c_get_txpower_writeval_by_regulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, + ((index < 2) ? powerBase0[rf] : powerBase1[rf]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("RTK better performance, " - "writeVal(%c) = 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), writeVal)); + "RTK better performance, writeVal(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', writeVal); break; case 1: if (rtlphy->current_chan_bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40) { @@ -225,9 +224,8 @@ static void _rtl92c_get_txpower_writeval_by_regulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, powerBase1[rf]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("Realtek regulatory, 40MHz, " - "writeVal(%c) = 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), writeVal)); + "Realtek regulatory, 40MHz, writeVal(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', writeVal); } else { if (rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt == 1) chnlgroup = 0; @@ -249,9 +247,8 @@ static void _rtl92c_get_txpower_writeval_by_regulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, powerBase1[rf]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("Realtek regulatory, 20MHz, " - "writeVal(%c) = 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), writeVal)); + "Realtek regulatory, 20MHz, writeVal(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', writeVal); } break; case 2: @@ -259,27 +256,24 @@ static void _rtl92c_get_txpower_writeval_by_regulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, ((index < 2) ? powerBase0[rf] : powerBase1[rf]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("Better regulatory, " - "writeVal(%c) = 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), writeVal)); + "Better regulatory, writeVal(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', writeVal); break; case 3: chnlgroup = 0; if (rtlphy->current_chan_bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40) { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("customer's limit, 40MHz " - "rf(%c) = 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), - rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht40[rf][channel - - 1])); + "customer's limit, 40MHz rf(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', + rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht40[rf][channel - + 1]); } else { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("customer's limit, 20MHz " - "rf(%c) = 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), - rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht20[rf][channel - - 1])); + "customer's limit, 20MHz rf(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', + rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht20[rf][channel - + 1]); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { pwr_diff_limit[i] = @@ -311,15 +305,15 @@ static void _rtl92c_get_txpower_writeval_by_regulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, (pwr_diff_limit[1] << 8) | (pwr_diff_limit[0]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("Customer's limit rf(%c) = 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), customer_limit)); + "Customer's limit rf(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', customer_limit); writeVal = customer_limit + ((index < 2) ? powerBase0[rf] : powerBase1[rf]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("Customer, writeVal rf(%c)= 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), writeVal)); + "Customer, writeVal rf(%c)= 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', writeVal); break; default: chnlgroup = 0; @@ -329,9 +323,8 @@ static void _rtl92c_get_txpower_writeval_by_regulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, + ((index < 2) ? powerBase0[rf] : powerBase1[rf]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("RTK better performance, writeVal " - "rf(%c) = 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), writeVal)); + "RTK better performance, writeVal rf(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', writeVal); break; } @@ -383,7 +376,7 @@ static void _rtl92c_write_ofdm_power_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtl_set_bbreg(hw, regoffset, MASKDWORD, writeVal); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("Set 0x%x = %08x\n", regoffset, writeVal)); + "Set 0x%x = %08x\n", regoffset, writeVal); if (((get_rf_type(rtlphy) == RF_2T2R) && (regoffset == RTXAGC_A_MCS15_MCS12 || @@ -510,14 +503,14 @@ static bool _rtl92ce_phy_rf6052_config_parafile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) break; } - if (rtstatus != true) { + if (!rtstatus) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Radio[%d] Fail!!", rfpath)); + "Radio[%d] Fail!!\n", rfpath); return false; } } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, ("<---\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "<---\n"); return rtstatus; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/rf.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/rf.h index 39ff03685986a130b3304150bb0ab56a3ab42015..6c8d56efceae2fd8e76e8e128fea6e720241cf12 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/rf.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/rf.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/sw.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/sw.c index 89ef6982ce50ea836c03975c3b39850f0b41aa5e..2c3b73366cd2e2928423c1f600d7106966bd34c4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/sw.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/sw.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -27,9 +27,6 @@ * *****************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - #include "../wifi.h" #include "../core.h" #include "../pci.h" @@ -43,6 +40,8 @@ #include "trx.h" #include "led.h" +#include + static void rtl92c_init_aspm_vars(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { struct rtl_pci *rtlpci = rtl_pcidev(rtl_pcipriv(hw)); @@ -92,9 +91,7 @@ int rtl92c_init_sw_vars(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) int err; struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); struct rtl_pci *rtlpci = rtl_pcidev(rtl_pcipriv(hw)); - const struct firmware *firmware; struct rtl_hal *rtlhal = rtl_hal(rtl_priv(hw)); - char *fw_name = NULL; rtl8192ce_bt_reg_init(hw); @@ -159,33 +156,27 @@ int rtl92c_init_sw_vars(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlpriv->rtlhal.pfirmware = vzalloc(0x4000); if (!rtlpriv->rtlhal.pfirmware) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Can't alloc buffer for fw.\n")); + "Can't alloc buffer for fw\n"); return 1; } /* request fw */ if (IS_VENDOR_UMC_A_CUT(rtlhal->version) && !IS_92C_SERIAL(rtlhal->version)) - fw_name = "rtlwifi/rtl8192cfwU.bin"; + rtlpriv->cfg->fw_name = "rtlwifi/rtl8192cfwU.bin"; else if (IS_81xxC_VENDOR_UMC_B_CUT(rtlhal->version)) - fw_name = "rtlwifi/rtl8192cfwU_B.bin"; - else - fw_name = rtlpriv->cfg->fw_name; - err = request_firmware(&firmware, fw_name, rtlpriv->io.dev); + rtlpriv->cfg->fw_name = "rtlwifi/rtl8192cfwU_B.bin"; + + rtlpriv->max_fw_size = 0x4000; + pr_info("Using firmware %s\n", rtlpriv->cfg->fw_name); + err = request_firmware_nowait(THIS_MODULE, 1, rtlpriv->cfg->fw_name, + rtlpriv->io.dev, GFP_KERNEL, hw, + rtl_fw_cb); if (err) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Failed to request firmware!\n")); - return 1; - } - if (firmware->size > 0x4000) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Firmware is too big!\n")); - release_firmware(firmware); + "Failed to request firmware!\n"); return 1; } - memcpy(rtlpriv->rtlhal.pfirmware, firmware->data, firmware->size); - rtlpriv->rtlhal.fwsize = firmware->size; - release_firmware(firmware); return 0; } @@ -404,7 +395,7 @@ static int __init rtl92ce_module_init(void) ret = pci_register_driver(&rtl92ce_driver); if (ret) - RT_ASSERT(false, (": No device found\n")); + RT_ASSERT(false, "No device found\n"); return ret; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/sw.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/sw.h index b7dc3263e433171d8bc7687cca8af063630d7a9e..d2367a5d0cf5152ff9595328eac103b4923811a2 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/sw.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/sw.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/table.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/table.c index ba938b91aa6f3d9d506b6f67b984f42e41797ab8..752f943a84ae10bf7f2f466bcc35078fcf0bc5dc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/table.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/table.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/table.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/table.h index 3a6e8b6aeee0987df98c0d3ee37a050c7b635532..8b79161f71be25764db207edea9634127aab340f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/table.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/table.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/trx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/trx.c index 4fb5ae24dee07fc08819add09b6e7793298beff8..37b13636a7786c4a66fc7397116e389e2801a90f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/trx.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/trx.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ void rtl92ce_tx_fill_desc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (ieee80211_is_data_qos(fc)) { if (mac->rdg_en) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_TRACE, - ("Enable RDG function.\n")); + "Enable RDG function\n"); SET_TX_DESC_RDG_ENABLE(pdesc, 1); SET_TX_DESC_HTC(pdesc, 1); } @@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ void rtl92ce_tx_fill_desc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, SET_TX_DESC_BMC(pdesc, 1); } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_TRACE, ("\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_TRACE, "\n"); } void rtl92ce_tx_fill_cmddesc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -821,8 +821,7 @@ void rtl92ce_tx_fill_cmddesc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - "H2C Tx Cmd Content\n", - pdesc, TX_DESC_SIZE); + "H2C Tx Cmd Content", pdesc, TX_DESC_SIZE); } void rtl92ce_set_desc(u8 *pdesc, bool istx, u8 desc_name, u8 *val) @@ -837,8 +836,8 @@ void rtl92ce_set_desc(u8 *pdesc, bool istx, u8 desc_name, u8 *val) SET_TX_DESC_NEXT_DESC_ADDRESS(pdesc, *(u32 *) val); break; default: - RT_ASSERT(false, ("ERR txdesc :%d" - " not process\n", desc_name)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "ERR txdesc :%d not process\n", + desc_name); break; } } else { @@ -857,8 +856,8 @@ void rtl92ce_set_desc(u8 *pdesc, bool istx, u8 desc_name, u8 *val) SET_RX_DESC_EOR(pdesc, 1); break; default: - RT_ASSERT(false, ("ERR rxdesc :%d " - "not process\n", desc_name)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "ERR rxdesc :%d not process\n", + desc_name); break; } } @@ -877,8 +876,8 @@ u32 rtl92ce_get_desc(u8 *p_desc, bool istx, u8 desc_name) ret = GET_TX_DESC_TX_BUFFER_ADDRESS(p_desc); break; default: - RT_ASSERT(false, ("ERR txdesc :%d " - "not process\n", desc_name)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "ERR txdesc :%d not process\n", + desc_name); break; } } else { @@ -891,8 +890,8 @@ u32 rtl92ce_get_desc(u8 *p_desc, bool istx, u8 desc_name) ret = GET_RX_DESC_PKT_LEN(pdesc); break; default: - RT_ASSERT(false, ("ERR rxdesc :%d " - "not process\n", desc_name)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "ERR rxdesc :%d not process\n", + desc_name); break; } } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/trx.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/trx.h index c8977a50ca36de7b2d52f3abe8f55d4abd004e07..efb9ab270403321aec894da08569ca97eba6d11d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/trx.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/trx.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/def.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/def.h index d097efb1e717b850a753b6c65e2101f0128330f9..f916555e6311dafef2c3821222d8d8bb54e8a916 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/def.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/def.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/dm.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/dm.c index f311baee668dfe6a7ff4b6ee1e47cc833a9e37eb..6fd39eaf361ee2bf5cdbcf70fc45804c6aa4e144 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/dm.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/dm.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ void rtl92cu_dm_dynamic_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if ((mac->link_state < MAC80211_LINKED) && (rtlpriv->dm.entry_min_undecoratedsmoothed_pwdb == 0)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_TRACE, - ("Not connected to any\n")); + "Not connected to any\n"); rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_NORMAL; @@ -65,28 +65,28 @@ void rtl92cu_dm_dynamic_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) undecorated_smoothed_pwdb = rtlpriv->dm.entry_min_undecoratedsmoothed_pwdb; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("AP Client PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - undecorated_smoothed_pwdb)); + "AP Client PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + undecorated_smoothed_pwdb); } else { undecorated_smoothed_pwdb = rtlpriv->dm.undecorated_smoothed_pwdb; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("STA Default Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - undecorated_smoothed_pwdb)); + "STA Default Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + undecorated_smoothed_pwdb); } } else { undecorated_smoothed_pwdb = rtlpriv->dm.entry_min_undecoratedsmoothed_pwdb; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("AP Ext Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - undecorated_smoothed_pwdb)); + "AP Ext Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + undecorated_smoothed_pwdb); } if (undecorated_smoothed_pwdb >= TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LVL2) { rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1 (TxPwr=0x0)\n")); + "TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1 (TxPwr=0x0)\n"); } else if ((undecorated_smoothed_pwdb < (TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LVL2 - 3)) && (undecorated_smoothed_pwdb >= @@ -94,18 +94,18 @@ void rtl92cu_dm_dynamic_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1 (TxPwr=0x10)\n")); + "TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1 (TxPwr=0x10)\n"); } else if (undecorated_smoothed_pwdb < (TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LVL1 - 5)) { rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_NORMAL; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_NORMAL\n")); + "TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_NORMAL\n"); } if ((rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl != rtlpriv->dm.last_dtp_lvl)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("PHY_SetTxPowerLevel8192S() Channel = %d\n", - rtlphy->current_channel)); + "PHY_SetTxPowerLevel8192S() Channel = %d\n", + rtlphy->current_channel); rtl92c_phy_set_txpower_level(hw, rtlphy->current_channel); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/dm.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/dm.h index 7f966c666b5adbce2ced9a094fd93a1deb3c6edb..d947e7d350bbc146d7b56b1c463c9dce829b5dce 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/dm.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/dm.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/hw.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/hw.c index 124cf633861c3d6f061e44af9083f95a0a12b395..0c74d4f2eeb43c86ed59f9309b3170bd3aaed7a1 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/hw.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ * *****************************************************************************/ -#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt - #include "../wifi.h" #include "../efuse.h" #include "../base.h" @@ -162,24 +160,24 @@ static void _rtl92cu_read_txpower_info_from_hwpg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, for (rf_path = 0; rf_path < 2; rf_path++) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_EEPROM, - ("RF(%d) EEPROM CCK Area(%d) = 0x%x\n", rf_path, - i, rtlefuse-> - eeprom_chnlarea_txpwr_cck[rf_path][i])); + "RF(%d) EEPROM CCK Area(%d) = 0x%x\n", + rf_path, i, + rtlefuse-> + eeprom_chnlarea_txpwr_cck[rf_path][i]); for (rf_path = 0; rf_path < 2; rf_path++) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_EEPROM, - ("RF(%d) EEPROM HT40 1S Area(%d) = 0x%x\n", - rf_path, i, - rtlefuse-> - eeprom_chnlarea_txpwr_ht40_1s[rf_path][i])); + "RF(%d) EEPROM HT40 1S Area(%d) = 0x%x\n", + rf_path, i, + rtlefuse-> + eeprom_chnlarea_txpwr_ht40_1s[rf_path][i]); for (rf_path = 0; rf_path < 2; rf_path++) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_EEPROM, - ("RF(%d) EEPROM HT40 2S Diff Area(%d) = 0x%x\n", - rf_path, i, - rtlefuse-> - eeprom_chnlarea_txpwr_ht40_2sdiif[rf_path] - [i])); + "RF(%d) EEPROM HT40 2S Diff Area(%d) = 0x%x\n", + rf_path, i, + rtlefuse-> + eeprom_chnlarea_txpwr_ht40_2sdiif[rf_path][i]); for (rf_path = 0; rf_path < 2; rf_path++) { for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) { index = _rtl92c_get_chnl_group((u8) i); @@ -205,11 +203,10 @@ static void _rtl92cu_read_txpower_info_from_hwpg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF(%d)-Ch(%d) [CCK / HT40_1S / HT40_2S] = " - "[0x%x / 0x%x / 0x%x]\n", rf_path, i, - rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_cck[rf_path][i], - rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_ht40_1s[rf_path][i], - rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_ht40_2s[rf_path][i])); + "RF(%d)-Ch(%d) [CCK / HT40_1S / HT40_2S] = [0x%x / 0x%x / 0x%x]\n", rf_path, i, + rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_cck[rf_path][i], + rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_ht40_1s[rf_path][i], + rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_ht40_2s[rf_path][i]); } } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { @@ -242,13 +239,13 @@ static void _rtl92cu_read_txpower_info_from_hwpg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, & 0xf0) >> 4); } RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF-%d pwrgroup_ht20[%d] = 0x%x\n", - rf_path, i, - rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht20[rf_path][i])); + "RF-%d pwrgroup_ht20[%d] = 0x%x\n", + rf_path, i, + rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht20[rf_path][i]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF-%d pwrgroup_ht40[%d] = 0x%x\n", - rf_path, i, - rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht40[rf_path][i])); + "RF-%d pwrgroup_ht40[%d] = 0x%x\n", + rf_path, i, + rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht40[rf_path][i]); } } for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) { @@ -277,26 +274,26 @@ static void _rtl92cu_read_txpower_info_from_hwpg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtlefuse->txpwr_legacyhtdiff[RF90_PATH_A][7]; for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF-A Ht20 to HT40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, - rtlefuse->txpwr_ht20diff[RF90_PATH_A][i])); + "RF-A Ht20 to HT40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", + i, rtlefuse->txpwr_ht20diff[RF90_PATH_A][i]); for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF-A Legacy to Ht40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, - rtlefuse->txpwr_legacyhtdiff[RF90_PATH_A][i])); + "RF-A Legacy to Ht40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", + i, rtlefuse->txpwr_legacyhtdiff[RF90_PATH_A][i]); for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF-B Ht20 to HT40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, - rtlefuse->txpwr_ht20diff[RF90_PATH_B][i])); + "RF-B Ht20 to HT40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", + i, rtlefuse->txpwr_ht20diff[RF90_PATH_B][i]); for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF-B Legacy to HT40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, - rtlefuse->txpwr_legacyhtdiff[RF90_PATH_B][i])); + "RF-B Legacy to HT40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", + i, rtlefuse->txpwr_legacyhtdiff[RF90_PATH_B][i]); if (!autoload_fail) rtlefuse->eeprom_regulatory = (hwinfo[RF_OPTION1] & 0x7); else rtlefuse->eeprom_regulatory = 0; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("eeprom_regulatory = 0x%x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_regulatory)); + "eeprom_regulatory = 0x%x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_regulatory); if (!autoload_fail) { rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_A] = hwinfo[EEPROM_TSSI_A]; rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_B] = hwinfo[EEPROM_TSSI_B]; @@ -305,9 +302,9 @@ static void _rtl92cu_read_txpower_info_from_hwpg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_B] = EEPROM_DEFAULT_TSSI; } RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("TSSI_A = 0x%x, TSSI_B = 0x%x\n", - rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_A], - rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_B])); + "TSSI_A = 0x%x, TSSI_B = 0x%x\n", + rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_A], + rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_B]); if (!autoload_fail) tempval = hwinfo[EEPROM_THERMAL_METER]; else @@ -320,7 +317,7 @@ static void _rtl92cu_read_txpower_info_from_hwpg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtlefuse->apk_thermalmeterignore = true; rtlefuse->thermalmeter[0] = rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("thermalmeter = 0x%x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter)); + "thermalmeter = 0x%x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter); } static void _rtl92cu_read_board_type(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 *contents) @@ -340,144 +337,8 @@ static void _rtl92cu_read_board_type(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 *contents) if (IS_HIGHT_PA(rtlefuse->board_type)) rtlefuse->external_pa = 1; pr_info("Board Type %x\n", rtlefuse->board_type); - -#ifdef CONFIG_ANTENNA_DIVERSITY - /* Antenna Diversity setting. */ - if (registry_par->antdiv_cfg == 2) /* 2: From Efuse */ - rtl_efuse->antenna_cfg = (contents[EEPROM_RF_OPT1]&0x18)>>3; - else - rtl_efuse->antenna_cfg = registry_par->antdiv_cfg; /* 0:OFF, */ - - pr_info("Antenna Config %x\n", rtl_efuse->antenna_cfg); -#endif -} - -#ifdef CONFIG_BT_COEXIST -static void _update_bt_param(_adapter *padapter) -{ - struct btcoexist_priv *pbtpriv = &(padapter->halpriv.bt_coexist); - struct registry_priv *registry_par = &padapter->registrypriv; - if (2 != registry_par->bt_iso) { - /* 0:Low, 1:High, 2:From Efuse */ - pbtpriv->BT_Ant_isolation = registry_par->bt_iso; - } - if (registry_par->bt_sco == 1) { - /* 0:Idle, 1:None-SCO, 2:SCO, 3:From Counter, 4.Busy, - * 5.OtherBusy */ - pbtpriv->BT_Service = BT_OtherAction; - } else if (registry_par->bt_sco == 2) { - pbtpriv->BT_Service = BT_SCO; - } else if (registry_par->bt_sco == 4) { - pbtpriv->BT_Service = BT_Busy; - } else if (registry_par->bt_sco == 5) { - pbtpriv->BT_Service = BT_OtherBusy; - } else { - pbtpriv->BT_Service = BT_Idle; - } - pbtpriv->BT_Ampdu = registry_par->bt_ampdu; - pbtpriv->bCOBT = _TRUE; - pbtpriv->BtEdcaUL = 0; - pbtpriv->BtEdcaDL = 0; - pbtpriv->BtRssiState = 0xff; - pbtpriv->bInitSet = _FALSE; - pbtpriv->bBTBusyTraffic = _FALSE; - pbtpriv->bBTTrafficModeSet = _FALSE; - pbtpriv->bBTNonTrafficModeSet = _FALSE; - pbtpriv->CurrentState = 0; - pbtpriv->PreviousState = 0; - pr_info("BT Coexistance = %s\n", - (pbtpriv->BT_Coexist == _TRUE) ? "enable" : "disable"); - if (pbtpriv->BT_Coexist) { - if (pbtpriv->BT_Ant_Num == Ant_x2) - pr_info("BlueTooth BT_Ant_Num = Antx2\n"); - else if (pbtpriv->BT_Ant_Num == Ant_x1) - pr_info("BlueTooth BT_Ant_Num = Antx1\n"); - switch (pbtpriv->BT_CoexistType) { - case BT_2Wire: - pr_info("BlueTooth BT_CoexistType = BT_2Wire\n"); - break; - case BT_ISSC_3Wire: - pr_info("BlueTooth BT_CoexistType = BT_ISSC_3Wire\n"); - break; - case BT_Accel: - pr_info("BlueTooth BT_CoexistType = BT_Accel\n"); - break; - case BT_CSR_BC4: - pr_info("BlueTooth BT_CoexistType = BT_CSR_BC4\n"); - break; - case BT_CSR_BC8: - pr_info("BlueTooth BT_CoexistType = BT_CSR_BC8\n"); - break; - case BT_RTL8756: - pr_info("BlueTooth BT_CoexistType = BT_RTL8756\n"); - break; - default: - pr_info("BlueTooth BT_CoexistType = Unknown\n"); - break; - } - pr_info("BlueTooth BT_Ant_isolation = %d\n", - pbtpriv->BT_Ant_isolation); - switch (pbtpriv->BT_Service) { - case BT_OtherAction: - pr_info("BlueTooth BT_Service = BT_OtherAction\n"); - break; - case BT_SCO: - pr_info("BlueTooth BT_Service = BT_SCO\n"); - break; - case BT_Busy: - pr_info("BlueTooth BT_Service = BT_Busy\n"); - break; - case BT_OtherBusy: - pr_info("BlueTooth BT_Service = BT_OtherBusy\n"); - break; - default: - pr_info("BlueTooth BT_Service = BT_Idle\n"); - break; - } - pr_info("BT_RadioSharedType = 0x%x\n", - pbtpriv->BT_RadioSharedType); - } } -#define GET_BT_COEXIST(priv) (&priv->bt_coexist) - -static void _rtl92cu_read_bluetooth_coexistInfo(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, - u8 *contents, - bool bautoloadfailed); -{ - HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter); - bool isNormal = IS_NORMAL_CHIP(pHalData->VersionID); - struct btcoexist_priv *pbtpriv = &pHalData->bt_coexist; - u8 rf_opt4; - - _rtw_memset(pbtpriv, 0, sizeof(struct btcoexist_priv)); - if (AutoloadFail) { - pbtpriv->BT_Coexist = _FALSE; - pbtpriv->BT_CoexistType = BT_2Wire; - pbtpriv->BT_Ant_Num = Ant_x2; - pbtpriv->BT_Ant_isolation = 0; - pbtpriv->BT_RadioSharedType = BT_Radio_Shared; - return; - } - if (isNormal) { - if (pHalData->BoardType == BOARD_USB_COMBO) - pbtpriv->BT_Coexist = _TRUE; - else - pbtpriv->BT_Coexist = ((PROMContent[EEPROM_RF_OPT3] & - 0x20) >> 5); /* bit[5] */ - rf_opt4 = PROMContent[EEPROM_RF_OPT4]; - pbtpriv->BT_CoexistType = ((rf_opt4&0xe)>>1); /* bit [3:1] */ - pbtpriv->BT_Ant_Num = (rf_opt4&0x1); /* bit [0] */ - pbtpriv->BT_Ant_isolation = ((rf_opt4&0x10)>>4); /* bit [4] */ - pbtpriv->BT_RadioSharedType = ((rf_opt4&0x20)>>5); /* bit [5] */ - } else { - pbtpriv->BT_Coexist = (PROMContent[EEPROM_RF_OPT4] >> 4) ? - _TRUE : _FALSE; - } - _update_bt_param(Adapter); -} -#endif - static void _rtl92cu_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); @@ -494,17 +355,17 @@ static void _rtl92cu_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) HWSET_MAX_SIZE); } else if (rtlefuse->epromtype == EEPROM_93C46) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("RTL819X Not boot from eeprom, check it !!")); + "RTL819X Not boot from eeprom, check it !!\n"); } - RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("MAP\n"), + RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "MAP", hwinfo, HWSET_MAX_SIZE); eeprom_id = le16_to_cpu(*((__le16 *)&hwinfo[0])); if (eeprom_id != RTL8190_EEPROM_ID) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("EEPROM ID(%#x) is invalid!!\n", eeprom_id)); + "EEPROM ID(%#x) is invalid!!\n", eeprom_id); rtlefuse->autoload_failflag = true; } else { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("Autoload OK\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "Autoload OK\n"); rtlefuse->autoload_failflag = false; } if (rtlefuse->autoload_failflag) @@ -518,16 +379,15 @@ static void _rtl92cu_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlefuse->autoload_failflag, hwinfo); rtlefuse->eeprom_vid = le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_VID]); rtlefuse->eeprom_did = le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_DID]); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - (" VID = 0x%02x PID = 0x%02x\n", - rtlefuse->eeprom_vid, rtlefuse->eeprom_did)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, " VID = 0x%02x PID = 0x%02x\n", + rtlefuse->eeprom_vid, rtlefuse->eeprom_did); rtlefuse->eeprom_channelplan = *(u8 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_CHANNELPLAN]; rtlefuse->eeprom_version = le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_VERSION]); rtlefuse->txpwr_fromeprom = true; rtlefuse->eeprom_oemid = *(u8 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_CUSTOMER_ID]; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("EEPROM Customer ID: 0x%2x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_oemid)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "EEPROM Customer ID: 0x%2x\n", + rtlefuse->eeprom_oemid); if (rtlhal->oem_id == RT_CID_DEFAULT) { switch (rtlefuse->eeprom_oemid) { case EEPROM_CID_DEFAULT: @@ -554,10 +414,6 @@ static void _rtl92cu_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) } } _rtl92cu_read_board_type(hw, hwinfo); -#ifdef CONFIG_BT_COEXIST - _rtl92cu_read_bluetooth_coexistInfo(hw, hwinfo, - rtlefuse->autoload_failflag); -#endif } static void _rtl92cu_hal_customized_behavior(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -579,8 +435,8 @@ static void _rtl92cu_hal_customized_behavior(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) default: break; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("RT Customized ID: 0x%02X\n", rtlhal->oem_id)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "RT Customized ID: 0x%02X\n", + rtlhal->oem_id); } void rtl92cu_read_eeprom_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -596,11 +452,11 @@ void rtl92cu_read_eeprom_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) tmp_u1b = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_9346CR); rtlefuse->epromtype = (tmp_u1b & BOOT_FROM_EEPROM) ? EEPROM_93C46 : EEPROM_BOOT_EFUSE; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, ("Boot from %s\n", - (tmp_u1b & BOOT_FROM_EEPROM) ? "EERROM" : "EFUSE")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "Boot from %s\n", + tmp_u1b & BOOT_FROM_EEPROM ? "EERROM" : "EFUSE"); rtlefuse->autoload_failflag = (tmp_u1b & EEPROM_EN) ? false : true; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("Autoload %s\n", - (tmp_u1b & EEPROM_EN) ? "OK!!" : "ERR!!")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "Autoload %s\n", + tmp_u1b & EEPROM_EN ? "OK!!" : "ERR!!"); _rtl92cu_read_adapter_info(hw); _rtl92cu_hal_customized_behavior(hw); return; @@ -618,13 +474,12 @@ static int _rtl92cu_init_power_on(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) do { if (rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_APS_FSMCO) & PFM_ALDN) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("Autoload Done!\n")); + "Autoload Done!\n"); break; } if (pollingCount++ > 100) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, - ("Failed to polling REG_APS_FSMCO[PFM_ALDN]" - " done!\n")); + "Failed to polling REG_APS_FSMCO[PFM_ALDN] done!\n"); return -ENODEV; } } while (true); @@ -639,8 +494,8 @@ static int _rtl92cu_init_power_on(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) value8 |= LDV12_EN; rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_LDOV12D_CTRL, value8); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - (" power-on :REG_LDOV12D_CTRL Reg0x21:0x%02x.\n", - value8)); + " power-on :REG_LDOV12D_CTRL Reg0x21:0x%02x\n", + value8); udelay(100); value8 = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_SYS_ISO_CTRL); value8 &= ~ISO_MD2PP; @@ -658,8 +513,7 @@ static int _rtl92cu_init_power_on(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) } if (pollingCount++ > 100) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, - ("Failed to polling REG_APS_FSMCO[APFM_ONMAC]" - " done!\n")); + "Failed to polling REG_APS_FSMCO[APFM_ONMAC] done!\n"); return -ENODEV; } } while (true); @@ -877,8 +731,8 @@ static void _rtl92cu_init_chipN_three_out_ep_priority(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, hiQ = QUEUE_HIGH; } _rtl92c_init_chipN_reg_priority(hw, beQ, bkQ, viQ, voQ, mgtQ, hiQ); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, - ("Tx queue select :0x%02x..\n", queue_sel)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, "Tx queue select :0x%02x..\n", + queue_sel); } static void _rtl92cu_init_chipN_queue_priority(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -937,8 +791,8 @@ static void _rtl92cu_init_chipT_queue_priority(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; } rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, (REG_TRXDMA_CTRL+1), hq_sele); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, - ("Tx queue select :0x%02x..\n", hq_sele)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, "Tx queue select :0x%02x..\n", + hq_sele); } static void _rtl92cu_init_queue_priority(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -998,7 +852,7 @@ static int _rtl92cu_init_mac(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (err) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Failed to init power on!\n")); + "Failed to init power on!\n"); return err; } if (!wmm_enable) { @@ -1010,7 +864,7 @@ static int _rtl92cu_init_mac(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) } if (false == rtl92c_init_llt_table(hw, boundary)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Failed to init LLT Table!\n")); + "Failed to init LLT Table!\n"); return -EINVAL; } _rtl92cu_init_queue_reserved_page(hw, wmm_enable, out_ep_nums, @@ -1043,12 +897,12 @@ void rtl92cu_enable_hw_security_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) struct rtl_hal *rtlhal = rtl_hal(rtlpriv); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("PairwiseEncAlgorithm = %d GroupEncAlgorithm = %d\n", - rtlpriv->sec.pairwise_enc_algorithm, - rtlpriv->sec.group_enc_algorithm)); + "PairwiseEncAlgorithm = %d GroupEncAlgorithm = %d\n", + rtlpriv->sec.pairwise_enc_algorithm, + rtlpriv->sec.group_enc_algorithm); if (rtlpriv->cfg->mod_params->sw_crypto || rtlpriv->sec.use_sw_sec) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("not open sw encryption\n")); + "not open sw encryption\n"); return; } sec_reg_value = SCR_TxEncEnable | SCR_RxDecEnable; @@ -1059,8 +913,8 @@ void rtl92cu_enable_hw_security_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (IS_NORMAL_CHIP(rtlhal->version)) sec_reg_value |= (SCR_RXBCUSEDK | SCR_TXBCUSEDK); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_CR + 1, 0x02); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("The SECR-value %x\n", sec_reg_value)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, "The SECR-value %x\n", + sec_reg_value); rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_hw_reg(hw, HW_VAR_WPA_CONFIG, &sec_reg_value); } @@ -1111,34 +965,6 @@ static void _InitPABias(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) } } -static void _InitAntenna_Selection(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) -{ -#ifdef CONFIG_ANTENNA_DIVERSITY - struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); - struct rtl_hal *rtlhal = rtl_hal(rtl_priv(hw)); - struct rtl_phy *rtlphy = &(rtlpriv->phy); - - if (pHalData->AntDivCfg == 0) - return; - - if (rtlphy->rf_type == RF_1T1R) { - rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, REG_LEDCFG0, - rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, - REG_LEDCFG0)|BIT(23)); - rtl_set_bbreg(hw, rFPGA0_XAB_RFPARAMETER, BIT(13), 0x01); - if (rtl_get_bbreg(hw, RFPGA0_XA_RFINTERFACEOE, 0x300) == - Antenna_A) - pHalData->CurAntenna = Antenna_A; - else - pHalData->CurAntenna = Antenna_B; - } -#endif -} - -static void _dump_registers(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) -{ -} - static void _update_mac_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); @@ -1163,18 +989,15 @@ int rtl92cu_hw_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlhal->hw_type = HARDWARE_TYPE_RTL8192CU; err = _rtl92cu_init_mac(hw); if (err) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("init mac failed!\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "init mac failed!\n"); return err; } err = rtl92c_download_fw(hw); if (err) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("Failed to download FW. Init HW without FW now..\n")); + "Failed to download FW. Init HW without FW now..\n"); err = 1; - rtlhal->fw_ready = false; return err; - } else { - rtlhal->fw_ready = true; } rtlhal->last_hmeboxnum = 0; /* h2c */ _rtl92cu_phy_param_tab_init(hw); @@ -1209,10 +1032,8 @@ int rtl92cu_hw_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) } _rtl92cu_hw_configure(hw); _InitPABias(hw); - _InitAntenna_Selection(hw); _update_mac_setting(hw); rtl92c_dm_init(hw); - _dump_registers(hw); return err; } @@ -1270,24 +1091,21 @@ static void _ResetDigitalProcedure1(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool bWithoutHWSM) if (rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MCUFWDL) & BIT(1)) { /* reset MCU ready status */ rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MCUFWDL, 0); - if (rtlhal->fw_ready) { - /* 8051 reset by self */ - rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_HMETFR+3, 0x20); - while ((retry_cnts++ < 100) && - (FEN_CPUEN & rtl_read_word(rtlpriv, - REG_SYS_FUNC_EN))) { - udelay(50); - } - if (retry_cnts >= 100) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("#####=> 8051 reset failed!.." - ".......................\n");); - /* if 8051 reset fail, reset MAC. */ - rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, - REG_SYS_FUNC_EN + 1, - 0x50); - udelay(100); - } + /* 8051 reset by self */ + rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_HMETFR+3, 0x20); + while ((retry_cnts++ < 100) && + (FEN_CPUEN & rtl_read_word(rtlpriv, + REG_SYS_FUNC_EN))) { + udelay(50); + } + if (retry_cnts >= 100) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, + "#####=> 8051 reset failed!.........................\n"); + /* if 8051 reset fail, reset MAC. */ + rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, + REG_SYS_FUNC_EN + 1, + 0x50); + udelay(100); } } /* Reset MAC and Enable 8051 */ @@ -1495,35 +1313,36 @@ static int _rtl92cu_set_media_status(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, _rtl92cu_resume_tx_beacon(hw); _rtl92cu_disable_bcn_sub_func(hw); } else { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, ("Set HW_VAR_MEDIA_" - "STATUS:No such media status(%x).\n", type)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, + "Set HW_VAR_MEDIA_STATUS:No such media status(%x)\n", + type); } switch (type) { case NL80211_IFTYPE_UNSPECIFIED: bt_msr |= MSR_NOLINK; ledaction = LED_CTL_LINK; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Set Network type to NO LINK!\n")); + "Set Network type to NO LINK!\n"); break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC: bt_msr |= MSR_ADHOC; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Set Network type to Ad Hoc!\n")); + "Set Network type to Ad Hoc!\n"); break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION: bt_msr |= MSR_INFRA; ledaction = LED_CTL_LINK; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Set Network type to STA!\n")); + "Set Network type to STA!\n"); break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_AP: bt_msr |= MSR_AP; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Set Network type to AP!\n")); + "Set Network type to AP!\n"); break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Network type %d not support!\n", type)); + "Network type %d not supported!\n", type); goto error_out; } rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, (MSR), bt_msr); @@ -1684,8 +1503,8 @@ void rtl92cu_set_beacon_related_registers(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) value32 |= TSFRST; rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, REG_TCR, value32); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT|COMP_BEACON, DBG_LOUD, - ("SetBeaconRelatedRegisters8192CUsb(): Set TCR(%x)\n", - value32)); + "SetBeaconRelatedRegisters8192CUsb(): Set TCR(%x)\n", + value32); /* TODO: Modify later (Find the right parameters) * NOTE: Fix test chip's bug (about contention windows's randomness) */ if ((mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) || @@ -1702,8 +1521,8 @@ void rtl92cu_set_beacon_interval(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) struct rtl_mac *mac = rtl_mac(rtl_priv(hw)); u16 bcn_interval = mac->beacon_interval; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_BEACON, DBG_DMESG, - ("beacon_interval:%d\n", bcn_interval)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_BEACON, DBG_DMESG, "beacon_interval:%d\n", + bcn_interval); rtl_write_word(rtlpriv, REG_BCN_INTERVAL, bcn_interval); } @@ -1767,7 +1586,7 @@ void rtl92cu_get_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } } @@ -1827,8 +1646,7 @@ void rtl92cu_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MAC_SPEC_SIFS + 1, val[0]); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_R2T_SIFS+1, val[0]); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_T2T_SIFS+1, val[0]); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("HW_VAR_SIFS\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, "HW_VAR_SIFS\n"); break; } case HW_VAR_SLOT_TIME:{ @@ -1837,7 +1655,7 @@ void rtl92cu_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_SLOT, val[0]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("HW_VAR_SLOT_TIME %x\n", val[0])); + "HW_VAR_SLOT_TIME %x\n", val[0]); if (QOS_MODE) { for (e_aci = 0; e_aci < AC_MAX; e_aci++) rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_hw_reg(hw, @@ -1901,8 +1719,8 @@ void rtl92cu_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) min_spacing_to_set); *val = min_spacing_to_set; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set HW_VAR_AMPDU_MIN_SPACE: %#x\n", - mac->min_space_cfg)); + "Set HW_VAR_AMPDU_MIN_SPACE: %#x\n", + mac->min_space_cfg); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_AMPDU_MIN_SPACE, mac->min_space_cfg); } @@ -1916,8 +1734,8 @@ void rtl92cu_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) mac->min_space_cfg &= 0x07; mac->min_space_cfg |= (density_to_set << 3); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set HW_VAR_SHORTGI_DENSITY: %#x\n", - mac->min_space_cfg)); + "Set HW_VAR_SHORTGI_DENSITY: %#x\n", + mac->min_space_cfg); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_AMPDU_MIN_SPACE, mac->min_space_cfg); break; @@ -1950,8 +1768,8 @@ void rtl92cu_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) p_regtoset[index]); } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set HW_VAR_AMPDU_FACTOR: %#x\n", - factor_toset)); + "Set HW_VAR_AMPDU_FACTOR: %#x\n", + factor_toset); } break; } @@ -1969,8 +1787,8 @@ void rtl92cu_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) AC_PARAM_ECW_MAX_OFFSET); u4b_ac_param |= (u32) tx_op << AC_PARAM_TXOP_OFFSET; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("queue:%x, ac_param:%x\n", e_aci, - u4b_ac_param)); + "queue:%x, ac_param:%x\n", + e_aci, u4b_ac_param); switch (e_aci) { case AC1_BK: rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, REG_EDCA_BK_PARAM, @@ -1989,8 +1807,9 @@ void rtl92cu_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) u4b_ac_param); break; default: - RT_ASSERT(false, ("SetHwReg8185(): invalid" - " aci: %d !\n", e_aci)); + RT_ASSERT(false, + "SetHwReg8185(): invalid aci: %d !\n", + e_aci); break; } if (rtlusb->acm_method != eAcmWay2_SW) @@ -2020,8 +1839,8 @@ void rtl92cu_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL acm set " - "failed: eACI is %d\n", acm)); + "HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL acm set failed: eACI is %d\n", + acm); break; } } else { @@ -2037,13 +1856,13 @@ void rtl92cu_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_QOS, DBG_TRACE, - ("SetHwReg8190pci(): [HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL] " - "Write 0x%X\n", acm_ctrl)); + "SetHwReg8190pci(): [HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL] Write 0x%X\n", + acm_ctrl); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_ACMHWCTRL, acm_ctrl); break; } @@ -2051,7 +1870,7 @@ void rtl92cu_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, REG_RCR, ((u32 *) (val))[0]); mac->rx_conf = ((u32 *) (val))[0]; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RECV, DBG_DMESG, - ("### Set RCR(0x%08x) ###\n", mac->rx_conf)); + "### Set RCR(0x%08x) ###\n", mac->rx_conf); break; } case HW_VAR_RETRY_LIMIT:{ @@ -2060,8 +1879,9 @@ void rtl92cu_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) rtl_write_word(rtlpriv, REG_RL, retry_limit << RETRY_LIMIT_SHORT_SHIFT | retry_limit << RETRY_LIMIT_LONG_SHIFT); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_DMESG, ("Set HW_VAR_R" - "ETRY_LIMIT(0x%08x)\n", retry_limit)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_DMESG, + "Set HW_VAR_RETRY_LIMIT(0x%08x)\n", + retry_limit); break; } case HW_VAR_DUAL_TSF_RST: @@ -2165,8 +1985,8 @@ void rtl92cu_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) rtl_write_word(rtlpriv, REG_RXFLTMAP2, *(u16 *)val); break; default: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("switch case " - "not process\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } } @@ -2239,8 +2059,8 @@ void rtl92cu_update_hal_rate_table(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, (shortgi_rate << 4) | (shortgi_rate); } rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, REG_ARFR0 + ratr_index * 4, ratr_value); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATR, DBG_DMESG, ("%x\n", rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, - REG_ARFR0))); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATR, DBG_DMESG, "%x\n", + rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, REG_ARFR0)); } void rtl92cu_update_hal_rate_mask(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 rssi_level) @@ -2344,17 +2164,16 @@ void rtl92cu_update_hal_rate_mask(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 rssi_level) ratr_bitmap &= 0x0f0ff0ff; break; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATR, DBG_DMESG, ("ratr_bitmap :%x\n", - ratr_bitmap)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATR, DBG_DMESG, "ratr_bitmap :%x\n", + ratr_bitmap); *(u32 *)&rate_mask = ((ratr_bitmap & 0x0fffffff) | ratr_index << 28); rate_mask[4] = macid | (shortgi ? 0x20 : 0x00) | 0x80; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATR, DBG_DMESG, ("Rate_index:%x, " - "ratr_val:%x, %x:%x:%x:%x:%x\n", - ratr_index, ratr_bitmap, - rate_mask[0], rate_mask[1], - rate_mask[2], rate_mask[3], - rate_mask[4])); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATR, DBG_DMESG, + "Rate_index:%x, ratr_val:%x, %x:%x:%x:%x:%x\n", + ratr_index, ratr_bitmap, + rate_mask[0], rate_mask[1], rate_mask[2], rate_mask[3], + rate_mask[4]); rtl92c_fill_h2c_cmd(hw, H2C_RA_MASK, 5, rate_mask); } @@ -2404,7 +2223,7 @@ bool rtl92cu_gpio_radio_on_off_checking(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 * valid) e_rfpowerstate_toset = (u1tmp & BIT(7)) ? ERFOFF : ERFON; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_DMESG, - ("pwrdown, 0x5c(BIT7)=%02x\n", u1tmp)); + "pwrdown, 0x5c(BIT7)=%02x\n", u1tmp); } else { rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MAC_PINMUX_CFG, rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, @@ -2413,27 +2232,26 @@ bool rtl92cu_gpio_radio_on_off_checking(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 * valid) e_rfpowerstate_toset = (u1tmp & BIT(3)) ? ERFON : ERFOFF; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_DMESG, - ("GPIO_IN=%02x\n", u1tmp)); + "GPIO_IN=%02x\n", u1tmp); } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, ("N-SS RF =%x\n", - e_rfpowerstate_toset)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, "N-SS RF =%x\n", + e_rfpowerstate_toset); } if ((ppsc->hwradiooff) && (e_rfpowerstate_toset == ERFON)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, ("GPIOChangeRF - HW " - "Radio ON, RF ON\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, + "GPIOChangeRF - HW Radio ON, RF ON\n"); ppsc->hwradiooff = false; actuallyset = true; } else if ((!ppsc->hwradiooff) && (e_rfpowerstate_toset == ERFOFF)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, ("GPIOChangeRF - HW" - " Radio OFF\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, + "GPIOChangeRF - HW Radio OFF\n"); ppsc->hwradiooff = true; actuallyset = true; } else { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD , - ("pHalData->bHwRadioOff and eRfPowerStateToSet do not" - " match: pHalData->bHwRadioOff %x, eRfPowerStateToSet " - "%x\n", ppsc->hwradiooff, e_rfpowerstate_toset)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, + "pHalData->bHwRadioOff and eRfPowerStateToSet do not match: pHalData->bHwRadioOff %x, eRfPowerStateToSet %x\n", + ppsc->hwradiooff, e_rfpowerstate_toset); } if (actuallyset) { ppsc->hwradiooff = true; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/hw.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/hw.h index 32f85cba106ae7f2491e84a5caebf208208a0c53..f41a3aa4a26f3a90003a4aa0781e6fb041ef61cd 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/hw.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/hw.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/led.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/led.c index 2ff9d8314e7b318fe3d9be9bc6f8c695422d26da..75a2deb23af101a7c2dacf92e4e3f803cd03aed7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/led.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/led.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ void rtl92cu_sw_led_on(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_led *pled) u8 ledcfg; struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, - ("LedAddr:%X ledpin=%d\n", REG_LEDCFG2, pled->ledpin)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, "LedAddr:%X ledpin=%d\n", + REG_LEDCFG2, pled->ledpin); ledcfg = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_LEDCFG2); switch (pled->ledpin) { case LED_PIN_GPIO0: @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ void rtl92cu_sw_led_on(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_led *pled) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } pled->ledon = true; @@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ void rtl92cu_sw_led_off(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_led *pled) struct rtl_usb_priv *usbpriv = rtl_usbpriv(hw); u8 ledcfg; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, - ("LedAddr:%X ledpin=%d\n", REG_LEDCFG2, pled->ledpin)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, "LedAddr:%X ledpin=%d\n", + REG_LEDCFG2, pled->ledpin); ledcfg = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_LEDCFG2); switch (pled->ledpin) { case LED_PIN_GPIO0: @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ void rtl92cu_sw_led_off(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_led *pled) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } pled->ledon = false; @@ -136,7 +136,6 @@ void rtl92cu_led_control(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, ledaction == LED_CTL_POWER_ON)) { return; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, ("ledaction %d,\n", - ledaction)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, "ledaction %d\n", ledaction); _rtl92cu_sw_led_control(hw, ledaction); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/led.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/led.h index decaee4d1eb1c459dc984a98993bda51bffc7a62..0f372278b7af84e4d310ecc7fb2a608f127c4385 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/led.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/led.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/mac.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/mac.c index 9e0c8fcdf90fb60c1fb9370e3fe0c36d563f3da7..025bdc2eba44868d0f84caeed607b45c82fccee9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/mac.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/mac.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -27,10 +27,6 @@ * ****************************************************************************/ -#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt - -#include - #include "../wifi.h" #include "../pci.h" #include "../usb.h" @@ -44,6 +40,8 @@ #include "mac.h" #include "trx.h" +#include + /* macro to shorten lines */ #define LINK_Q ui_link_quality @@ -57,6 +55,7 @@ void rtl92c_read_chip_version(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) struct rtl_phy *rtlphy = &(rtlpriv->phy); struct rtl_hal *rtlhal = rtl_hal(rtlpriv); enum version_8192c chip_version = VERSION_UNKNOWN; + const char *versionid; u32 value32; value32 = rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, REG_SYS_CFG); @@ -84,88 +83,69 @@ void rtl92c_read_chip_version(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) } } rtlhal->version = (enum version_8192c)chip_version; - pr_info("rtl8192cu: Chip version 0x%x\n", chip_version); + pr_info("Chip version 0x%x\n", chip_version); switch (rtlhal->version) { case VERSION_NORMAL_TSMC_CHIP_92C_1T2R: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Chip Version ID: VERSION_B_CHIP_92C.\n")); + versionid = "NORMAL_B_CHIP_92C"; break; case VERSION_NORMAL_TSMC_CHIP_92C: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Chip Version ID: VERSION_NORMAL_TSMC_CHIP_92C.\n")); + versionid = "NORMAL_TSMC_CHIP_92C"; break; case VERSION_NORMAL_TSMC_CHIP_88C: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Chip Version ID: VERSION_NORMAL_TSMC_CHIP_88C.\n")); + versionid = "NORMAL_TSMC_CHIP_88C"; break; case VERSION_NORMAL_UMC_CHIP_92C_1T2R_A_CUT: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Chip Version ID: VERSION_NORMAL_UMC_CHIP_i" - "92C_1T2R_A_CUT.\n")); + versionid = "NORMAL_UMC_CHIP_i92C_1T2R_A_CUT"; break; case VERSION_NORMAL_UMC_CHIP_92C_A_CUT: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Chip Version ID: VERSION_NORMAL_UMC_CHIP_" - "92C_A_CUT.\n")); + versionid = "NORMAL_UMC_CHIP_92C_A_CUT"; break; case VERSION_NORMAL_UMC_CHIP_88C_A_CUT: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Chip Version ID: VERSION_NORMAL_UMC_CHIP" - "_88C_A_CUT.\n")); + versionid = "NORMAL_UMC_CHIP_88C_A_CUT"; break; case VERSION_NORMAL_UMC_CHIP_92C_1T2R_B_CUT: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Chip Version ID: VERSION_NORMAL_UMC_CHIP" - "_92C_1T2R_B_CUT.\n")); + versionid = "NORMAL_UMC_CHIP_92C_1T2R_B_CUT"; break; case VERSION_NORMAL_UMC_CHIP_92C_B_CUT: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Chip Version ID: VERSION_NORMAL_UMC_CHIP" - "_92C_B_CUT.\n")); + versionid = "NORMAL_UMC_CHIP_92C_B_CUT"; break; case VERSION_NORMAL_UMC_CHIP_88C_B_CUT: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Chip Version ID: VERSION_NORMAL_UMC_CHIP" - "_88C_B_CUT.\n")); + versionid = "NORMAL_UMC_CHIP_88C_B_CUT"; break; case VERSION_NORMA_UMC_CHIP_8723_1T1R_A_CUT: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Chip Version ID: VERSION_NORMA_UMC_CHIP" - "_8723_1T1R_A_CUT.\n")); + versionid = "NORMAL_UMC_CHIP_8723_1T1R_A_CUT"; break; case VERSION_NORMA_UMC_CHIP_8723_1T1R_B_CUT: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Chip Version ID: VERSION_NORMA_UMC_CHIP" - "_8723_1T1R_B_CUT.\n")); + versionid = "NORMAL_UMC_CHIP_8723_1T1R_B_CUT"; break; case VERSION_TEST_CHIP_92C: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Chip Version ID: VERSION_TEST_CHIP_92C.\n")); + versionid = "TEST_CHIP_92C"; break; case VERSION_TEST_CHIP_88C: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Chip Version ID: VERSION_TEST_CHIP_88C.\n")); + versionid = "TEST_CHIP_88C"; break; default: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Chip Version ID: ???????????????.\n")); + versionid = "UNKNOWN"; break; } + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, + "Chip Version ID: %s\n", versionid); + if (IS_92C_SERIAL(rtlhal->version)) rtlphy->rf_type = (IS_92C_1T2R(rtlhal->version)) ? RF_1T2R : RF_2T2R; else rtlphy->rf_type = RF_1T1R; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("Chip RF Type: %s\n", (rtlphy->rf_type == RF_2T2R) ? - "RF_2T2R" : "RF_1T1R")); + "Chip RF Type: %s\n", + rtlphy->rf_type == RF_2T2R ? "RF_2T2R" : "RF_1T1R"); if (get_rf_type(rtlphy) == RF_1T1R) rtlpriv->dm.rfpath_rxenable[0] = true; else rtlpriv->dm.rfpath_rxenable[0] = rtlpriv->dm.rfpath_rxenable[1] = true; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("VersionID = 0x%4x\n", - rtlhal->version)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "VersionID = 0x%4x\n", + rtlhal->version); } /** @@ -192,9 +172,8 @@ bool rtl92c_llt_write(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 address, u32 data) break; if (count > POLLING_LLT_THRESHOLD) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Failed to polling write LLT done at" - " address %d! _LLT_OP_VALUE(%x)\n", - address, _LLT_OP_VALUE(value))); + "Failed to polling write LLT done at address %d! _LLT_OP_VALUE(%x)\n", + address, _LLT_OP_VALUE(value)); status = false; break; } @@ -272,7 +251,7 @@ void rtl92c_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, u8 cam_offset = 0; u8 clear_number = 5; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, ("clear_all\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, "clear_all\n"); for (idx = 0; idx < clear_number; idx++) { rtl_cam_mark_invalid(hw, cam_offset + idx); rtl_cam_empty_entry(hw, cam_offset + idx); @@ -298,7 +277,7 @@ void rtl92c_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("iillegal switch case\n")); + "illegal switch case\n"); enc_algo = CAM_TKIP; break; } @@ -317,26 +296,26 @@ void rtl92c_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, } if (rtlpriv->sec.key_len[key_index] == 0) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("delete one entry\n")); + "delete one entry\n"); rtl_cam_delete_one_entry(hw, p_macaddr, entry_id); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("The insert KEY length is %d\n", - rtlpriv->sec.key_len[PAIRWISE_KEYIDX])); + "The insert KEY length is %d\n", + rtlpriv->sec.key_len[PAIRWISE_KEYIDX]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("The insert KEY is %x %x\n", - rtlpriv->sec.key_buf[0][0], - rtlpriv->sec.key_buf[0][1])); + "The insert KEY is %x %x\n", + rtlpriv->sec.key_buf[0][0], + rtlpriv->sec.key_buf[0][1]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("add one entry\n")); + "add one entry\n"); if (is_pairwise) { RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - "Pairwiase Key content :", + "Pairwise Key content", rtlpriv->sec.pairwise_key, rtlpriv->sec. key_len[PAIRWISE_KEYIDX]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("set Pairwiase key\n")); + "set Pairwise key\n"); rtl_cam_add_one_entry(hw, macaddr, key_index, entry_id, enc_algo, @@ -345,7 +324,7 @@ void rtl92c_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, key_buf[key_index]); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("set group key\n")); + "set group key\n"); if (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) { rtl_cam_add_one_entry(hw, rtlefuse->dev_addr, @@ -421,8 +400,8 @@ void rtl92c_set_qos(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, int aci) AC_PARAM_ECW_MAX_OFFSET; u4b_ac_param |= (u32) le16_to_cpu(mac->ac[aci].tx_op) << AC_PARAM_TXOP_OFFSET; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_QOS, DBG_LOUD, - ("queue:%x, ac_param:%x\n", aci, u4b_ac_param)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_QOS, DBG_LOUD, "queue:%x, ac_param:%x\n", + aci, u4b_ac_param); switch (aci) { case AC1_BK: rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, REG_EDCA_BK_PARAM, u4b_ac_param); @@ -437,7 +416,7 @@ void rtl92c_set_qos(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, int aci) rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, REG_EDCA_VO_PARAM, u4b_ac_param); break; default: - RT_ASSERT(false, ("invalid aci: %d !\n", aci)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "invalid aci: %d !\n", aci); break; } } @@ -453,14 +432,14 @@ void rtl92c_set_mac_addr(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, const u8 *addr) for (i = 0 ; i < ETH_ALEN ; i++) rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, (REG_MACID + i), *(addr+i)); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, ("MAC Address: %02X-%02X-%02X-" - "%02X-%02X-%02X\n", - rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MACID), - rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MACID+1), - rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MACID+2), - rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MACID+3), - rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MACID+4), - rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MACID+5))); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, + "MAC Address: %02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X\n", + rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MACID), + rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MACID+1), + rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MACID+2), + rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MACID+3), + rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MACID+4), + rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_MACID+5)); } void rtl92c_init_driver_info_size(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 size) @@ -478,26 +457,26 @@ int rtl92c_set_network_type(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum nl80211_iftype type) case NL80211_IFTYPE_UNSPECIFIED: value = NT_NO_LINK; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("Set Network type to NO LINK!\n")); + "Set Network type to NO LINK!\n"); break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC: value = NT_LINK_AD_HOC; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("Set Network type to Ad Hoc!\n")); + "Set Network type to Ad Hoc!\n"); break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION: value = NT_LINK_AP; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("Set Network type to STA!\n")); + "Set Network type to STA!\n"); break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_AP: value = NT_AS_AP; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("Set Network type to AP!\n")); + "Set Network type to AP!\n"); break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("Network type %d not support!\n", type)); + "Network type %d not supported!\n", type); return -EOPNOTSUPP; } rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, (REG_CR + 2), value); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/mac.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/mac.h index 626d88e88e26b70c598d902c01747d8341a18965..bf53652e4eddb3428c5e80850c0a3aa59e4346f3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/mac.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/mac.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/phy.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/phy.c index e49cf2244c7568af1958a57608804a61763cd23d..34e56308301e8942c9ed3f216ad307a9b6b07763 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/phy.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/phy.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ u32 rtl92cu_phy_query_rf_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 original_value, readback_value, bitshift; struct rtl_phy *rtlphy = &(rtlpriv->phy); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), " - "rfpath(%#x), bitmask(%#x)\n", - regaddr, rfpath, bitmask)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "regaddr(%#x), rfpath(%#x), bitmask(%#x)\n", + regaddr, rfpath, bitmask); if (rtlphy->rf_mode != RF_OP_BY_FW) { original_value = _rtl92c_phy_rf_serial_read(hw, rfpath, regaddr); @@ -57,9 +57,8 @@ u32 rtl92cu_phy_query_rf_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bitshift = _rtl92c_phy_calculate_bit_shift(bitmask); readback_value = (original_value & bitmask) >> bitshift; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, - ("regaddr(%#x), rfpath(%#x), " - "bitmask(%#x), original_value(%#x)\n", - regaddr, rfpath, bitmask, original_value)); + "regaddr(%#x), rfpath(%#x), bitmask(%#x), original_value(%#x)\n", + regaddr, rfpath, bitmask, original_value); return readback_value; } @@ -72,8 +71,8 @@ void rtl92cu_phy_set_rf_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 original_value, bitshift; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, - ("regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x), data(%#x), rfpath(%#x)\n", - regaddr, bitmask, data, rfpath)); + "regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x), data(%#x), rfpath(%#x)\n", + regaddr, bitmask, data, rfpath); if (rtlphy->rf_mode != RF_OP_BY_FW) { if (bitmask != RFREG_OFFSET_MASK) { original_value = _rtl92c_phy_rf_serial_read(hw, @@ -97,9 +96,9 @@ void rtl92cu_phy_set_rf_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } _rtl92c_phy_fw_rf_serial_write(hw, rfpath, regaddr, data); } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), " - "bitmask(%#x), data(%#x), rfpath(%#x)\n", - regaddr, bitmask, data, rfpath)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x), data(%#x), rfpath(%#x)\n", + regaddr, bitmask, data, rfpath); } bool rtl92cu_phy_mac_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -152,11 +151,10 @@ bool _rtl92cu_phy_config_mac_with_headerfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u32 arraylength; u32 *ptrarray; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, ("Read Rtl819XMACPHY_Array\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "Read Rtl819XMACPHY_Array\n"); arraylength = rtlphy->hwparam_tables[MAC_REG].length ; ptrarray = rtlphy->hwparam_tables[MAC_REG].pdata; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Img:RTL8192CEMAC_2T_ARRAY\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "Img:RTL8192CEMAC_2T_ARRAY\n"); for (i = 0; i < arraylength; i = i + 2) rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, ptrarray[i], (u8) ptrarray[i + 1]); return true; @@ -202,10 +200,9 @@ bool _rtl92cu_phy_config_bb_with_headerfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, phy_regarray_table[i + 1]); udelay(1); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("The phy_regarray_table[0] is %x" - " Rtl819XPHY_REGArray[1] is %x\n", - phy_regarray_table[i], - phy_regarray_table[i + 1])); + "The phy_regarray_table[0] is %x Rtl819XPHY_REGArray[1] is %x\n", + phy_regarray_table[i], + phy_regarray_table[i + 1]); } } else if (configtype == BASEBAND_CONFIG_AGC_TAB) { for (i = 0; i < agctab_arraylen; i = i + 2) { @@ -213,10 +210,9 @@ bool _rtl92cu_phy_config_bb_with_headerfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, agctab_array_table[i + 1]); udelay(1); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("The agctab_array_table[0] is " - "%x Rtl819XPHY_REGArray[1] is %x\n", - agctab_array_table[i], - agctab_array_table[i + 1])); + "The agctab_array_table[0] is %x Rtl819XPHY_REGArray[1] is %x\n", + agctab_array_table[i], + agctab_array_table[i + 1]); } } return true; @@ -255,7 +251,7 @@ bool _rtl92cu_phy_config_bb_with_pgheaderfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_TRACE, - ("configtype != BaseBand_Config_PHY_REG\n")); + "configtype != BaseBand_Config_PHY_REG\n"); } return true; } @@ -277,20 +273,20 @@ bool rtl92cu_phy_config_rf_with_headerfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, radiob_arraylen = rtlphy->hwparam_tables[RADIOB_2T].length; radiob_array_table = rtlphy->hwparam_tables[RADIOB_2T].pdata; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Radio_A:RTL8192CERADIOA_2TARRAY\n")); + "Radio_A:RTL8192CERADIOA_2TARRAY\n"); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Radio_B:RTL8192CE_RADIOB_2TARRAY\n")); + "Radio_B:RTL8192CE_RADIOB_2TARRAY\n"); } else { radioa_arraylen = rtlphy->hwparam_tables[RADIOA_1T].length; radioa_array_table = rtlphy->hwparam_tables[RADIOA_1T].pdata; radiob_arraylen = rtlphy->hwparam_tables[RADIOB_1T].length; radiob_array_table = rtlphy->hwparam_tables[RADIOB_1T].pdata; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Radio_A:RTL8192CE_RADIOA_1TARRAY\n")); + "Radio_A:RTL8192CE_RADIOA_1TARRAY\n"); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Radio_B:RTL8192CE_RADIOB_1TARRAY\n")); + "Radio_B:RTL8192CE_RADIOB_1TARRAY\n"); } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, ("Radio No %x\n", rfpath)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "Radio No %x\n", rfpath); switch (rfpath) { case RF90_PATH_A: for (i = 0; i < radioa_arraylen; i = i + 2) { @@ -338,11 +334,11 @@ bool rtl92cu_phy_config_rf_with_headerfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; case RF90_PATH_C: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; case RF90_PATH_D: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } return true; @@ -357,10 +353,9 @@ void rtl92cu_phy_set_bw_mode_callback(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u8 reg_bw_opmode; u8 reg_prsr_rsc; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, - ("Switch to %s bandwidth\n", - rtlphy->current_chan_bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20 ? - "20MHz" : "40MHz")) + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, "Switch to %s bandwidth\n", + rtlphy->current_chan_bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20 ? + "20MHz" : "40MHz"); if (is_hal_stop(rtlhal)) { rtlphy->set_bwmode_inprogress = false; return; @@ -381,7 +376,7 @@ void rtl92cu_phy_set_bw_mode_callback(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", rtlphy->current_chan_bw)); + "unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", rtlphy->current_chan_bw); break; } switch (rtlphy->current_chan_bw) { @@ -403,12 +398,12 @@ void rtl92cu_phy_set_bw_mode_callback(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", rtlphy->current_chan_bw)); + "unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", rtlphy->current_chan_bw); break; } rtl92cu_phy_rf6052_set_bandwidth(hw, rtlphy->current_chan_bw); rtlphy->set_bwmode_inprogress = false; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, ("<==\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, "<==\n"); } void rtl92cu_bb_block_on(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -480,18 +475,16 @@ static bool _rtl92cu_phy_set_rf_power_state(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, do { InitializeCount++; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("IPS Set eRf nic enable\n")); + "IPS Set eRf nic enable\n"); rtstatus = rtl_ps_enable_nic(hw); - } while ((rtstatus != true) - && (InitializeCount < 10)); + } while (!rtstatus && (InitializeCount < 10)); RT_CLEAR_PS_LEVEL(ppsc, RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_HALT_NIC); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("Set ERFON sleeped:%d ms\n", - jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - - ppsc-> - last_sleep_jiffies))); + "Set ERFON sleeped:%d ms\n", + jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - + ppsc->last_sleep_jiffies)); ppsc->last_awake_jiffies = jiffies; rtl92ce_phy_set_rf_on(hw); } @@ -513,27 +506,25 @@ static bool _rtl92cu_phy_set_rf_power_state(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, continue; } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("eRf Off/Sleep: %d times " - "TcbBusyQueue[%d] " - "=%d before doze!\n", (i + 1), - queue_id, - skb_queue_len(&ring->queue))); + "eRf Off/Sleep: %d times TcbBusyQueue[%d] =%d before doze!\n", + i + 1, + queue_id, + skb_queue_len(&ring->queue)); udelay(10); i++; } if (i >= MAX_DOZE_WAITING_TIMES_9x) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("\nERFOFF: %d times " - "TcbBusyQueue[%d] = %d !\n", - MAX_DOZE_WAITING_TIMES_9x, - queue_id, - skb_queue_len(&ring->queue))); + "ERFOFF: %d times TcbBusyQueue[%d] = %d !\n", + MAX_DOZE_WAITING_TIMES_9x, + queue_id, + skb_queue_len(&ring->queue)); break; } } if (ppsc->reg_rfps_level & RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_HALT_NIC) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("IPS Set eRf nic disable\n")); + "IPS Set eRf nic disable\n"); rtl_ps_disable_nic(hw); RT_SET_PS_LEVEL(ppsc, RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_HALT_NIC); } else { @@ -557,33 +548,30 @@ static bool _rtl92cu_phy_set_rf_power_state(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, continue; } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("eRf Off/Sleep: %d times " - "TcbBusyQueue[%d] =%d before " - "doze!\n", (i + 1), queue_id, - skb_queue_len(&ring->queue))); + "eRf Off/Sleep: %d times TcbBusyQueue[%d] =%d before doze!\n", + i + 1, queue_id, + skb_queue_len(&ring->queue)); udelay(10); i++; } if (i >= MAX_DOZE_WAITING_TIMES_9x) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("\n ERFSLEEP: %d times " - "TcbBusyQueue[%d] = %d !\n", - MAX_DOZE_WAITING_TIMES_9x, - queue_id, - skb_queue_len(&ring->queue))); + "ERFSLEEP: %d times TcbBusyQueue[%d] = %d !\n", + MAX_DOZE_WAITING_TIMES_9x, + queue_id, + skb_queue_len(&ring->queue)); break; } } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("Set ERFSLEEP awaked:%d ms\n", - jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - - ppsc->last_awake_jiffies))); + "Set ERFSLEEP awaked:%d ms\n", + jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - ppsc->last_awake_jiffies)); ppsc->last_sleep_jiffies = jiffies; _rtl92c_phy_set_rf_sleep(hw); break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); bresult = false; break; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/phy.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/phy.h index ff81a61729d7bb1a353c9d05556363e205a21bf4..42b0686604833d87310e9d1d21295585ecc0b9c7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/phy.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/phy.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/reg.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/reg.h index 7f1be614c998ffead947a309e76c2913fdb8d91b..8b81465c629b9abfae5f337d709c9f45d3d99317 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/reg.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/reg.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/rf.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/rf.c index 1e851aae58db913ebd49cc34878b24ab7d45937d..506b9a078ed1885bea8583722d3275a0b5a94c93 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/rf.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/rf.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void rtl92cu_phy_rf6052_set_bandwidth(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 bandwidth) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", bandwidth)); + "unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", bandwidth); break; } } @@ -140,26 +140,26 @@ void rtl92cu_phy_rf6052_set_cck_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RTXAGC_A_CCK1_MCS32, MASKBYTE1, tmpval); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("CCK PWR 1M (rf-A) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", tmpval, - RTXAGC_A_CCK1_MCS32)); + "CCK PWR 1M (rf-A) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", + tmpval, RTXAGC_A_CCK1_MCS32); tmpval = tx_agc[RF90_PATH_A] >> 8; if (mac->mode == WIRELESS_MODE_B) tmpval = tmpval & 0xff00ffff; rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11, 0xffffff00, tmpval); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("CCK PWR 2~11M (rf-A) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", tmpval, - RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11)); + "CCK PWR 2~11M (rf-A) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", + tmpval, RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11); tmpval = tx_agc[RF90_PATH_B] >> 24; rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11, MASKBYTE0, tmpval); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("CCK PWR 11M (rf-B) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", tmpval, - RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11)); + "CCK PWR 11M (rf-B) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", + tmpval, RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11); tmpval = tx_agc[RF90_PATH_B] & 0x00ffffff; rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RTXAGC_B_CCK1_55_MCS32, 0xffffff00, tmpval); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("CCK PWR 1~5.5M (rf-B) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", tmpval, - RTXAGC_B_CCK1_55_MCS32)); + "CCK PWR 1~5.5M (rf-B) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", + tmpval, RTXAGC_B_CCK1_55_MCS32); } static void rtl92c_phy_get_power_base(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ static void rtl92c_phy_get_power_base(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, (powerBase0 << 8) | powerBase0; *(ofdmbase + i) = powerBase0; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - (" [OFDM power base index rf(%c) = 0x%x]\n", - ((i == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), *(ofdmbase + i))); + " [OFDM power base index rf(%c) = 0x%x]\n", + i == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', *(ofdmbase + i)); } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (rtlphy->current_chan_bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20) { @@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ static void rtl92c_phy_get_power_base(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, (powerBase1 << 16) | (powerBase1 << 8) | powerBase1; *(mcsbase + i) = powerBase1; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - (" [MCS power base index rf(%c) = 0x%x]\n", - ((i == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), *(mcsbase + i))); + " [MCS power base index rf(%c) = 0x%x]\n", + i == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', *(mcsbase + i)); } } @@ -219,8 +219,8 @@ static void _rtl92c_get_txpower_writeval_by_regulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, [chnlgroup][index + (rf ? 8 : 0)] + ((index < 2) ? powerBase0[rf] : powerBase1[rf]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("RTK better performance,writeVal(%c) = 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), writeVal)); + "RTK better performance,writeVal(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', writeVal); break; case 1: if (rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt == 1) @@ -244,32 +244,31 @@ static void _rtl92c_get_txpower_writeval_by_regulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, ((index < 2) ? powerBase0[rf] : powerBase1[rf]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("Realtek regulatory, 20MHz, " - "writeVal(%c) = 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), writeVal)); + "Realtek regulatory, 20MHz, writeVal(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', writeVal); break; case 2: writeVal = ((index < 2) ? powerBase0[rf] : powerBase1[rf]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("Better regulatory,writeVal(%c) = 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), writeVal)); + "Better regulatory,writeVal(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', writeVal); break; case 3: chnlgroup = 0; if (rtlphy->current_chan_bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40) { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("customer's limit, 40MHzrf(%c) = " - "0x%x\n", ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), + "customer's limit, 40MHzrf(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht40[rf] - [channel - 1])); + [channel - 1]); } else { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("customer's limit, 20MHz rf(%c) = " - "0x%x\n", ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), + "customer's limit, 20MHz rf(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht20[rf] - [channel - 1])); + [channel - 1]); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { pwr_diff_limit[i] = @@ -297,22 +296,22 @@ static void _rtl92c_get_txpower_writeval_by_regulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, (pwr_diff_limit[2] << 16) | (pwr_diff_limit[1] << 8) | (pwr_diff_limit[0]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("Customer's limit rf(%c) = 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), customer_limit)); + "Customer's limit rf(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', customer_limit); writeVal = customer_limit + ((index < 2) ? powerBase0[rf] : powerBase1[rf]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("Customer, writeVal rf(%c)= 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), writeVal)); + "Customer, writeVal rf(%c)= 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', writeVal); break; default: chnlgroup = 0; writeVal = rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[chnlgroup] [index + (rf ? 8 : 0)] + ((index < 2) ? powerBase0[rf] : powerBase1[rf]); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("RTK better " - "performance, writeValrf(%c) = 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), writeVal)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, + "RTK better performance, writeValrf(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', writeVal); break; } if (rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl == @@ -365,7 +364,7 @@ static void _rtl92c_write_ofdm_power_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, regoffset = regoffset_b[index]; rtl_set_bbreg(hw, regoffset, MASKDWORD, writeVal); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("Set 0x%x = %08x\n", regoffset, writeVal)); + "Set 0x%x = %08x\n", regoffset, writeVal); if (((get_rf_type(rtlphy) == RF_2T2R) && (regoffset == RTXAGC_A_MCS15_MCS12 || regoffset == RTXAGC_B_MCS15_MCS12)) || @@ -480,13 +479,13 @@ static bool _rtl92c_phy_rf6052_config_parafile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) BRFSI_RFENV << 16, u4_regvalue); break; } - if (rtstatus != true) { + if (!rtstatus) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Radio[%d] Fail!!", rfpath)); + "Radio[%d] Fail!!", rfpath); goto phy_rf_cfg_fail; } } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, ("<---\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "<---\n"); return rtstatus; phy_rf_cfg_fail: return rtstatus; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/rf.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/rf.h index 500a2094b6bbe496078b6c73c2ca9164b26a3390..090fd33a158db1635c14d3ea323a5363f7c82169 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/rf.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/rf.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/sw.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/sw.c index 6d2ca773bbc7d9b6a9db6e28a91d2562c23ea37a..82c85286ab2e25852eb7e45f878fc7b783e07f97 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/sw.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/sw.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ #include "trx.h" #include "led.h" #include "hw.h" -#include #include MODULE_AUTHOR("Georgia "); @@ -54,7 +53,6 @@ MODULE_FIRMWARE("rtlwifi/rtl8192cufw.bin"); static int rtl92cu_init_sw_vars(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); - const struct firmware *firmware; int err; rtlpriv->dm.dm_initialgain_enable = true; @@ -62,29 +60,21 @@ static int rtl92cu_init_sw_vars(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlpriv->dm.disable_framebursting = false; rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue = 0; rtlpriv->dbg.global_debuglevel = rtlpriv->cfg->mod_params->debug; - rtlpriv->rtlhal.pfirmware = vmalloc(0x4000); + + /* for firmware buf */ + rtlpriv->rtlhal.pfirmware = vzalloc(0x4000); if (!rtlpriv->rtlhal.pfirmware) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Can't alloc buffer for fw.\n")); + "Can't alloc buffer for fw\n"); return 1; } - /* request fw */ - err = request_firmware(&firmware, rtlpriv->cfg->fw_name, - rtlpriv->io.dev); - if (err) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Failed to request firmware!\n")); - return 1; - } - if (firmware->size > 0x4000) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Firmware is too big!\n")); - release_firmware(firmware); - return 1; - } - memcpy(rtlpriv->rtlhal.pfirmware, firmware->data, firmware->size); - rtlpriv->rtlhal.fwsize = firmware->size; - release_firmware(firmware); + + pr_info("Loading firmware %s\n", rtlpriv->cfg->fw_name); + rtlpriv->max_fw_size = 0x4000; + err = request_firmware_nowait(THIS_MODULE, 1, + rtlpriv->cfg->fw_name, rtlpriv->io.dev, + GFP_KERNEL, hw, rtl_fw_cb); + return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/sw.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/sw.h index 43b1177924ab70073636cc93700865a0be26c3ef..a1310abd0d54605e6bbd1a1cc9f9200bc3ecbe43 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/sw.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/sw.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/table.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/table.c index d57ef5e88a9eb8db066b1a68905166f207946637..966be519edb89b8780778ad0145e4ece80c6621a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/table.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/table.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/table.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/table.h index c3d5cd826cfaebfaf10e60bdda68c75e67d2ea78..4b020e9e30b1eb8a2f559b41c5906e10276c5e9a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/table.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/table.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/trx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/trx.c index b3cc7b9499927d3db75af87c0d1d2ebcd66e8b3b..21bc827c5fa60fe207e9c8883fa1d889b46b4db6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/trx.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/trx.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ static void _TwoOutEpMapping(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool bIsChipB, if (bwificfg) { /* for WMM */ RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("USB Chip-B & WMM Setting.....\n")); + "USB Chip-B & WMM Setting.....\n"); ep_map->ep_mapping[RTL_TXQ_BE] = 2; ep_map->ep_mapping[RTL_TXQ_BK] = 3; ep_map->ep_mapping[RTL_TXQ_VI] = 3; @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ static void _TwoOutEpMapping(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool bIsChipB, ep_map->ep_mapping[RTL_TXQ_HI] = 2; } else { /* typical setting */ RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("USB typical Setting.....\n")); + "USB typical Setting.....\n"); ep_map->ep_mapping[RTL_TXQ_BE] = 3; ep_map->ep_mapping[RTL_TXQ_BK] = 3; ep_map->ep_mapping[RTL_TXQ_VI] = 2; @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ static void _ThreeOutEpMapping(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool bwificfg, struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); if (bwificfg) { /* for WMM */ RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("USB 3EP Setting for WMM.....\n")); + "USB 3EP Setting for WMM.....\n"); ep_map->ep_mapping[RTL_TXQ_BE] = 5; ep_map->ep_mapping[RTL_TXQ_BK] = 3; ep_map->ep_mapping[RTL_TXQ_VI] = 3; @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ static void _ThreeOutEpMapping(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool bwificfg, ep_map->ep_mapping[RTL_TXQ_HI] = 2; } else { /* typical setting */ RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("USB 3EP Setting for typical.....\n")); + "USB 3EP Setting for typical.....\n"); ep_map->ep_mapping[RTL_TXQ_BE] = 5; ep_map->ep_mapping[RTL_TXQ_BK] = 5; ep_map->ep_mapping[RTL_TXQ_VI] = 3; @@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ u16 rtl8192cu_mq_to_hwq(__le16 fc, u16 mac80211_queue_index) break; default: hw_queue_index = RTL_TXQ_BE; - RT_ASSERT(false, ("QSLT_BE queue, skb_queue:%d\n", - mac80211_queue_index)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "QSLT_BE queue, skb_queue:%d\n", + mac80211_queue_index); break; } out: @@ -270,23 +270,23 @@ static enum rtl_desc_qsel _rtl8192cu_mq_to_descq(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, case 0: /* VO */ qsel = QSLT_VO; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_USB, DBG_DMESG, - ("VO queue, set qsel = 0x%x\n", QSLT_VO)); + "VO queue, set qsel = 0x%x\n", QSLT_VO); break; case 1: /* VI */ qsel = QSLT_VI; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_USB, DBG_DMESG, - ("VI queue, set qsel = 0x%x\n", QSLT_VI)); + "VI queue, set qsel = 0x%x\n", QSLT_VI); break; case 3: /* BK */ qsel = QSLT_BK; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_USB, DBG_DMESG, - ("BK queue, set qsel = 0x%x\n", QSLT_BK)); + "BK queue, set qsel = 0x%x\n", QSLT_BK); break; case 2: /* BE */ default: qsel = QSLT_BE; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_USB, DBG_DMESG, - ("BE queue, set qsel = 0x%x\n", QSLT_BE)); + "BE queue, set qsel = 0x%x\n", QSLT_BE); break; } out: @@ -422,17 +422,17 @@ static void _rtl_rx_process(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb) bv = ieee80211_is_probe_resp(fc); if (bv) RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("Got probe response frame.\n")); + "Got probe response frame\n"); if (ieee80211_is_beacon(fc)) - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("Got beacon frame.\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "Got beacon frame\n"); if (ieee80211_is_data(fc)) - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, ("Got data frame.\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "Got data frame\n"); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("Fram: fc = 0x%X addr1 = 0x%02X:0x%02X:0x%02X:0x%02X:0x%02X:" - "0x%02X\n", fc, (u32)hdr->addr1[0], (u32)hdr->addr1[1], - (u32)hdr->addr1[2], (u32)hdr->addr1[3], (u32)hdr->addr1[4], - (u32)hdr->addr1[5])); + "Fram: fc = 0x%X addr1 = 0x%02X:0x%02X:0x%02X:0x%02X:0x%02X:0x%02X\n", + fc, + (u32)hdr->addr1[0], (u32)hdr->addr1[1], + (u32)hdr->addr1[2], (u32)hdr->addr1[3], + (u32)hdr->addr1[4], (u32)hdr->addr1[5]); memcpy(IEEE80211_SKB_RXCB(skb), rx_status, sizeof(*rx_status)); ieee80211_rx_irqsafe(hw, skb); } @@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ void rtl92cu_tx_fill_desc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (ieee80211_is_data_qos(fc)) { if (mac->rdg_en) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_TRACE, - ("Enable RDG function.\n")); + "Enable RDG function\n"); SET_TX_DESC_RDG_ENABLE(txdesc, 1); SET_TX_DESC_HTC(txdesc, 1); } @@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ void rtl92cu_tx_fill_desc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, SET_TX_DESC_BMC(txdesc, 1); _rtl_fill_usb_tx_desc(txdesc); _rtl_tx_desc_checksum(txdesc); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_TRACE, (" %s ==>\n", __func__)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_TRACE, "==>\n"); } void rtl92cu_fill_fake_txdesc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 * pDesc, @@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ void rtl92cu_tx_fill_cmddesc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, SET_TX_DESC_HWSEQ_EN(pdesc, 1); SET_TX_DESC_PKT_ID(pdesc, 8); } - RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "H2C Tx Cmd Content\n", + RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "H2C Tx Cmd Content", pdesc, RTL_TX_DESC_SIZE); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/trx.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/trx.h index 53de5f66e2424803a6d9424fb4d301439a8d7155..332b06e78b00d8e9fb849e03709fcb0b412849b0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/trx.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/trx.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/def.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/def.h index 946304771748fab0781c65991b33882f982c6d70..eafdf76ed64db95c42972e7fb725ad4b7a4f3a18 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/def.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/def.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/dm.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/dm.c index 3cd0736fe8e17230b52d2f0727be33af59c5ddf7..4737018c9daa5a3fd3100e3c5f0be5ae5853523d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/dm.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/dm.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -246,23 +246,21 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_false_alarm_counter_statistics(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RCCK0_FALSEALARMREPORT, 0x0000c000, 2); rtl92d_release_cckandrw_pagea_ctl(hw, &flag); } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("Cnt_Fast_Fsync_fail = %x, " - "Cnt_SB_Search_fail = %x\n", + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, + "Cnt_Fast_Fsync_fail = %x, Cnt_SB_Search_fail = %x\n", falsealm_cnt->cnt_fast_fsync_fail, - falsealm_cnt->cnt_sb_search_fail)); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("Cnt_Parity_Fail = %x, " - "Cnt_Rate_Illegal = %x, Cnt_Crc8_fail = %x, " - "Cnt_Mcs_fail = %x\n", + falsealm_cnt->cnt_sb_search_fail); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, + "Cnt_Parity_Fail = %x, Cnt_Rate_Illegal = %x, Cnt_Crc8_fail = %x, Cnt_Mcs_fail = %x\n", falsealm_cnt->cnt_parity_fail, falsealm_cnt->cnt_rate_illegal, falsealm_cnt->cnt_crc8_fail, - falsealm_cnt->cnt_mcs_fail)); + falsealm_cnt->cnt_mcs_fail); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, - ("Cnt_Ofdm_fail = %x, " "Cnt_Cck_fail = %x, " - "Cnt_all = %x\n", + "Cnt_Ofdm_fail = %x, Cnt_Cck_fail = %x, Cnt_all = %x\n", falsealm_cnt->cnt_ofdm_fail, falsealm_cnt->cnt_cck_fail, - falsealm_cnt->cnt_all)); + falsealm_cnt->cnt_all); } static void rtl92d_dm_find_minimum_rssi(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -275,7 +273,7 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_find_minimum_rssi(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) (rtlpriv->dm.UNDEC_SM_PWDB == 0)) { de_digtable.min_undecorated_pwdb_for_dm = 0; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_BB_POWERSAVING, DBG_LOUD, - ("Not connected to any\n")); + "Not connected to any\n"); } if (mac->link_state >= MAC80211_LINKED) { if (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP || @@ -283,25 +281,25 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_find_minimum_rssi(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) de_digtable.min_undecorated_pwdb_for_dm = rtlpriv->dm.UNDEC_SM_PWDB; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_BB_POWERSAVING, DBG_LOUD, - ("AP Client PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - rtlpriv->dm.UNDEC_SM_PWDB)); + "AP Client PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + rtlpriv->dm.UNDEC_SM_PWDB); } else { de_digtable.min_undecorated_pwdb_for_dm = rtlpriv->dm.undecorated_smoothed_pwdb; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_BB_POWERSAVING, DBG_LOUD, - ("STA Default Port PWDB = 0x%x\n", - de_digtable.min_undecorated_pwdb_for_dm)); + "STA Default Port PWDB = 0x%x\n", + de_digtable.min_undecorated_pwdb_for_dm); } } else { de_digtable.min_undecorated_pwdb_for_dm = rtlpriv->dm.UNDEC_SM_PWDB; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_BB_POWERSAVING, DBG_LOUD, - ("AP Ext Port or disconnet PWDB = 0x%x\n", - de_digtable.min_undecorated_pwdb_for_dm)); + "AP Ext Port or disconnect PWDB = 0x%x\n", + de_digtable.min_undecorated_pwdb_for_dm); } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("MinUndecoratedPWDBForDM =%d\n", - de_digtable.min_undecorated_pwdb_for_dm)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, "MinUndecoratedPWDBForDM =%d\n", + de_digtable.min_undecorated_pwdb_for_dm); } static void rtl92d_dm_cck_packet_detection_thresh(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -340,14 +338,14 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_cck_packet_detection_thresh(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) } de_digtable.pre_cck_pd_state = de_digtable.cur_cck_pd_state; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("CurSTAConnectState=%s\n", - (de_digtable.cursta_connectctate == DIG_STA_CONNECT ? - "DIG_STA_CONNECT " : "DIG_STA_DISCONNECT"))); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("CCKPDStage=%s\n", - (de_digtable.cur_cck_pd_state == CCK_PD_STAGE_LOWRSSI ? - "Low RSSI " : "High RSSI "))); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("is92d single phy =%x\n", - IS_92D_SINGLEPHY(rtlpriv->rtlhal.version))); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, "CurSTAConnectState=%s\n", + de_digtable.cursta_connectctate == DIG_STA_CONNECT ? + "DIG_STA_CONNECT " : "DIG_STA_DISCONNECT"); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, "CCKPDStage=%s\n", + de_digtable.cur_cck_pd_state == CCK_PD_STAGE_LOWRSSI ? + "Low RSSI " : "High RSSI "); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, "is92d single phy =%x\n", + IS_92D_SINGLEPHY(rtlpriv->rtlhal.version)); } @@ -355,12 +353,12 @@ void rtl92d_dm_write_dig(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("cur_igvalue = 0x%x, " - "pre_igvalue = 0x%x, backoff_val = %d\n", + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, + "cur_igvalue = 0x%x, pre_igvalue = 0x%x, backoff_val = %d\n", de_digtable.cur_igvalue, de_digtable.pre_igvalue, - de_digtable.backoff_val)); + de_digtable.backoff_val); if (de_digtable.dig_enable_flag == false) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("DIG is disabled\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, "DIG is disabled\n"); de_digtable.pre_igvalue = 0x17; return; } @@ -377,22 +375,21 @@ static void rtl92d_early_mode_enabled(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv) { if ((rtlpriv->mac80211.link_state >= MAC80211_LINKED) && (rtlpriv->mac80211.vendor == PEER_CISCO)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, - ("IOT_PEER = CISCO\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, "IOT_PEER = CISCO\n"); if (de_digtable.last_min_undecorated_pwdb_for_dm >= 50 && de_digtable.min_undecorated_pwdb_for_dm < 50) { rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_EARLY_MODE_CONTROL, 0x00); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, - ("Early Mode Off\n")); + "Early Mode Off\n"); } else if (de_digtable.last_min_undecorated_pwdb_for_dm <= 55 && de_digtable.min_undecorated_pwdb_for_dm > 55) { rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_EARLY_MODE_CONTROL, 0x0f); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, - ("Early Mode On\n")); + "Early Mode On\n"); } } else if (!(rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_EARLY_MODE_CONTROL) & 0xf)) { rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_EARLY_MODE_CONTROL, 0x0f); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("Early Mode On\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, "Early Mode On\n"); } } @@ -402,13 +399,13 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_dig(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u8 value_igi = de_digtable.cur_igvalue; struct false_alarm_statistics *falsealm_cnt = &(rtlpriv->falsealm_cnt); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("==>\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, "==>\n"); if (rtlpriv->rtlhal.earlymode_enable) { rtl92d_early_mode_enabled(rtlpriv); de_digtable.last_min_undecorated_pwdb_for_dm = de_digtable.min_undecorated_pwdb_for_dm; } - if (rtlpriv->dm.dm_initialgain_enable == false) + if (!rtlpriv->dm.dm_initialgain_enable) return; /* because we will send data pkt when scanning @@ -421,7 +418,7 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_dig(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) /* Not STA mode return tmp */ if (rtlpriv->mac80211.opmode != NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) return; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("progress\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, "progress\n"); /* Decide the current status and if modify initial gain or not */ if (rtlpriv->mac80211.link_state >= MAC80211_LINKED) de_digtable.cursta_connectctate = DIG_STA_CONNECT; @@ -438,16 +435,16 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_dig(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) else if (falsealm_cnt->cnt_all >= DM_DIG_FA_TH2) value_igi += 2; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, - ("dm_DIG() Before: large_fa_hit=%d, forbidden_igi=%x\n", - de_digtable.large_fa_hit, de_digtable.forbidden_igi)); + "dm_DIG() Before: large_fa_hit=%d, forbidden_igi=%x\n", + de_digtable.large_fa_hit, de_digtable.forbidden_igi); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, - ("dm_DIG() Before: Recover_cnt=%d, rx_gain_range_min=%x\n", - de_digtable.recover_cnt, de_digtable.rx_gain_range_min)); + "dm_DIG() Before: Recover_cnt=%d, rx_gain_range_min=%x\n", + de_digtable.recover_cnt, de_digtable.rx_gain_range_min); /* deal with abnorally large false alarm */ if (falsealm_cnt->cnt_all > 10000) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, - ("dm_DIG(): Abnornally false alarm case.\n")); + "dm_DIG(): Abnormally false alarm case\n"); de_digtable.large_fa_hit++; if (de_digtable.forbidden_igi < de_digtable.cur_igvalue) { @@ -486,11 +483,11 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_dig(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) } } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, - ("dm_DIG() After: large_fa_hit=%d, forbidden_igi=%x\n", - de_digtable.large_fa_hit, de_digtable.forbidden_igi)); + "dm_DIG() After: large_fa_hit=%d, forbidden_igi=%x\n", + de_digtable.large_fa_hit, de_digtable.forbidden_igi); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, - ("dm_DIG() After: recover_cnt=%d, rx_gain_range_min=%x\n", - de_digtable.recover_cnt, de_digtable.rx_gain_range_min)); + "dm_DIG() After: recover_cnt=%d, rx_gain_range_min=%x\n", + de_digtable.recover_cnt, de_digtable.rx_gain_range_min); if (value_igi > DM_DIG_MAX) value_igi = DM_DIG_MAX; @@ -500,7 +497,7 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_dig(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtl92d_dm_write_dig(hw); if (rtlpriv->rtlhal.current_bandtype != BAND_ON_5G) rtl92d_dm_cck_packet_detection_thresh(hw); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, ("<<==\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_DIG, DBG_LOUD, "<<==\n"); } static void rtl92d_dm_init_dynamic_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -528,7 +525,7 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_dynamic_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if ((mac->link_state < MAC80211_LINKED) && (rtlpriv->dm.UNDEC_SM_PWDB == 0)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_TRACE, - ("Not connected to any\n")); + "Not connected to any\n"); rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_NORMAL; rtlpriv->dm.last_dtp_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_NORMAL; return; @@ -538,40 +535,40 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_dynamic_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) undecorated_smoothed_pwdb = rtlpriv->dm.UNDEC_SM_PWDB; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("IBSS Client PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - undecorated_smoothed_pwdb)); + "IBSS Client PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + undecorated_smoothed_pwdb); } else { undecorated_smoothed_pwdb = rtlpriv->dm.undecorated_smoothed_pwdb; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("STA Default Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - undecorated_smoothed_pwdb)); + "STA Default Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + undecorated_smoothed_pwdb); } } else { undecorated_smoothed_pwdb = rtlpriv->dm.UNDEC_SM_PWDB; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("AP Ext Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - undecorated_smoothed_pwdb)); + "AP Ext Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + undecorated_smoothed_pwdb); } if (rtlhal->current_bandtype == BAND_ON_5G) { if (undecorated_smoothed_pwdb >= 0x33) { rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL2; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_HIPWR, DBG_LOUD, - ("5G:TxHighPwrLevel_Level2 (TxPwr=0x0)\n")); + "5G:TxHighPwrLevel_Level2 (TxPwr=0x0)\n"); } else if ((undecorated_smoothed_pwdb < 0x33) && (undecorated_smoothed_pwdb >= 0x2b)) { rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_HIPWR, DBG_LOUD, - ("5G:TxHighPwrLevel_Level1 (TxPwr=0x10)\n")); + "5G:TxHighPwrLevel_Level1 (TxPwr=0x10)\n"); } else if (undecorated_smoothed_pwdb < 0x2b) { rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_NORMAL; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_HIPWR, DBG_LOUD, - ("5G:TxHighPwrLevel_Normal\n")); + "5G:TxHighPwrLevel_Normal\n"); } } else { if (undecorated_smoothed_pwdb >= @@ -579,7 +576,7 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_dynamic_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL2; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1 (TxPwr=0x0)\n")); + "TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1 (TxPwr=0x0)\n"); } else if ((undecorated_smoothed_pwdb < (TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LVL2 - 3)) @@ -589,19 +586,19 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_dynamic_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1 (TxPwr=0x10)\n")); + "TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_LEVEL1 (TxPwr=0x10)\n"); } else if (undecorated_smoothed_pwdb < (TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LVL1 - 5)) { rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_NORMAL; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_NORMAL\n")); + "TXHIGHPWRLEVEL_NORMAL\n"); } } if ((rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl != rtlpriv->dm.last_dtp_lvl)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("PHY_SetTxPowerLevel8192S() Channel = %d\n", - rtlphy->current_channel)); + "PHY_SetTxPowerLevel8192S() Channel = %d\n", + rtlphy->current_channel); rtl92d_phy_set_txpower_level(hw, rtlphy->current_channel); } rtlpriv->dm.last_dtp_lvl = rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl; @@ -717,7 +714,7 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_rxgain_tracking_thermalmeter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u4tmp = (index_mapping[(rtlpriv->efuse.eeprom_thermalmeter - rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue_rxgain)]) << 12; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("===> Rx Gain %x\n", u4tmp)); + "===> Rx Gain %x\n", u4tmp); for (i = RF90_PATH_A; i < rtlpriv->phy.num_total_rfpath; i++) rtl_set_rfreg(hw, i, 0x3C, BRFREGOFFSETMASK, (rtlpriv->phy.reg_rf3c[i] & (~(0xF000))) | u4tmp); @@ -741,27 +738,22 @@ static void rtl92d_bandtype_2_4G(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, long *temp_cckg, if (!memcmp((void *)&temp_cck, (void *)&cckswing_table_ch14[i][2], 4)) { *cck_index_old = (u8) i; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, - COMP_POWER_TRACKING, - DBG_LOUD, - ("Initial reg0x%x = 0x%lx, " - "cck_index=0x%x, ch 14 %d\n", - RCCK0_TXFILTER2, - temp_cck, *cck_index_old, - rtlpriv->dm.cck_inch14)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, + "Initial reg0x%x = 0x%lx, cck_index=0x%x, ch 14 %d\n", + RCCK0_TXFILTER2, temp_cck, + *cck_index_old, + rtlpriv->dm.cck_inch14); break; } } else { if (!memcmp((void *) &temp_cck, &cckswing_table_ch1ch13[i][2], 4)) { *cck_index_old = (u8) i; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, - DBG_LOUD, - ("Initial reg0x%x = 0x%lx, " - "cck_index = 0x%x, ch14 %d\n", - RCCK0_TXFILTER2, - temp_cck, *cck_index_old, - rtlpriv->dm.cck_inch14)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, + "Initial reg0x%x = 0x%lx, cck_index = 0x%x, ch14 %d\n", + RCCK0_TXFILTER2, temp_cck, + *cck_index_old, + rtlpriv->dm.cck_inch14); break; } } @@ -884,12 +876,12 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter( }; rtlpriv->dm.txpower_trackinginit = true; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, ("\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, "\n"); thermalvalue = (u8) rtl_get_rfreg(hw, RF90_PATH_A, RF_T_METER, 0xf800); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("Readback Thermal Meter = 0x%x pre thermal meter 0x%x " - "eeprom_thermalmeter 0x%x\n", thermalvalue, - rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue, rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter)); + "Readback Thermal Meter = 0x%x pre thermal meter 0x%x eeprom_thermalmeter 0x%x\n", + thermalvalue, + rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue, rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter); rtl92d_phy_ap_calibrate(hw, (thermalvalue - rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter)); if (is2t) @@ -904,10 +896,9 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter( ofdm_index_old[0] = (u8) i; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("Initial pathA ele_d reg0x%x = 0x%lx," - " ofdm_index=0x%x\n", + "Initial pathA ele_d reg0x%x = 0x%lx, ofdm_index=0x%x\n", ROFDM0_XATxIQIMBALANCE, - ele_d, ofdm_index_old[0])); + ele_d, ofdm_index_old[0]); break; } } @@ -920,11 +911,9 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter( ofdm_index_old[1] = (u8) i; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("Initial pathB ele_d reg " - "0x%x = 0x%lx, ofdm_index " - "= 0x%x\n", + "Initial pathB ele_d reg 0x%x = 0x%lx, ofdm_index = 0x%x\n", ROFDM0_XBTxIQIMBALANCE, ele_d, - ofdm_index_old[1])); + ofdm_index_old[1]); break; } } @@ -952,7 +941,7 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter( rtlpriv->dm.ofdm_index[i] = ofdm_index_old[i]; rtlpriv->dm.cck_index = cck_index_old; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("reload ofdm index for band switch\n")); + "reload ofdm index for band switch\n"); } rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue_avg [rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue_avg_index] = thermalvalue; @@ -995,12 +984,10 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter( (thermalvalue - rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue_rxgain) : (rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue_rxgain - thermalvalue); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("Readback Thermal Meter = 0x%x pre thermal meter 0x%x" - " eeprom_thermalmeter 0x%x delta 0x%x " - "delta_lck 0x%x delta_iqk 0x%x\n", - thermalvalue, rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue, - rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter, delta, delta_lck, - delta_iqk)); + "Readback Thermal Meter = 0x%x pre thermal meter 0x%x eeprom_thermalmeter 0x%x delta 0x%x delta_lck 0x%x delta_iqk 0x%x\n", + thermalvalue, rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue, + rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter, delta, delta_lck, + delta_iqk); if ((delta_lck > rtlefuse->delta_lck) && (rtlefuse->delta_lck != 0)) { rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue_lck = thermalvalue; @@ -1036,17 +1023,15 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter( } if (is2t) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("temp OFDM_A_index=0x%x, OFDM_B_index" - " = 0x%x,cck_index=0x%x\n", - rtlpriv->dm.ofdm_index[0], - rtlpriv->dm.ofdm_index[1], - rtlpriv->dm.cck_index)); + "temp OFDM_A_index=0x%x, OFDM_B_index = 0x%x,cck_index=0x%x\n", + rtlpriv->dm.ofdm_index[0], + rtlpriv->dm.ofdm_index[1], + rtlpriv->dm.cck_index); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("temp OFDM_A_index=0x%x,cck_index = " - "0x%x\n", - rtlpriv->dm.ofdm_index[0], - rtlpriv->dm.cck_index)); + "temp OFDM_A_index=0x%x,cck_index = 0x%x\n", + rtlpriv->dm.ofdm_index[0], + rtlpriv->dm.cck_index); } for (i = 0; i < rf; i++) { if (ofdm_index[i] > OFDM_TABLE_SIZE_92D - 1) @@ -1070,15 +1055,13 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter( } if (is2t) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("new OFDM_A_index=0x%x, OFDM_B_index " - "= 0x%x, cck_index=0x%x\n", + "new OFDM_A_index=0x%x, OFDM_B_index = 0x%x, cck_index=0x%x\n", ofdm_index[0], ofdm_index[1], - cck_index)); + cck_index); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("new OFDM_A_index=0x%x,cck_index = " - "0x%x\n", - ofdm_index[0], cck_index)); + "new OFDM_A_index=0x%x,cck_index = 0x%x\n", + ofdm_index[0], cck_index); } ele_d = (ofdmswing_table[(u8) ofdm_index[0]] & 0xFFC00000) >> 22; @@ -1124,12 +1107,10 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter( } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("TxPwrTracking for interface %d path A: X =" - " 0x%lx, Y = 0x%lx ele_A = 0x%lx ele_C = " - "0x%lx ele_D = 0x%lx 0xe94 = 0x%lx 0xe9c = " - "0x%lx\n", rtlhal->interfaceindex, + "TxPwrTracking for interface %d path A: X = 0x%lx, Y = 0x%lx ele_A = 0x%lx ele_C = 0x%lx ele_D = 0x%lx 0xe94 = 0x%lx 0xe9c = 0x%lx\n", + rtlhal->interfaceindex, val_x, val_y, ele_a, ele_c, ele_d, - val_x, val_y)); + val_x, val_y); if (rtlhal->current_bandtype == BAND_ON_2_4G) { /* Adjust CCK according to IQK result */ @@ -1232,20 +1213,16 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter( BIT(28), 0x00); } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("TxPwrTracking path B: X = 0x%lx, " - "Y = 0x%lx ele_A = 0x%lx ele_C = 0x" - "%lx ele_D = 0x%lx 0xeb4 = 0x%lx " - "0xebc = 0x%lx\n", - val_x, val_y, ele_a, ele_c, - ele_d, val_x, val_y)); + "TxPwrTracking path B: X = 0x%lx, Y = 0x%lx ele_A = 0x%lx ele_C = 0x%lx ele_D = 0x%lx 0xeb4 = 0x%lx 0xebc = 0x%lx\n", + val_x, val_y, ele_a, ele_c, + ele_d, val_x, val_y); } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("TxPwrTracking 0xc80 = 0x%x, 0xc94 = " - "0x%x RF 0x24 = 0x%x\n", + "TxPwrTracking 0xc80 = 0x%x, 0xc94 = 0x%x RF 0x24 = 0x%x\n", rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xc80, BMASKDWORD), rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xc94, BMASKDWORD), rtl_get_rfreg(hw, RF90_PATH_A, 0x24, - BRFREGOFFSETMASK))); + BRFREGOFFSETMASK)); } if ((delta_iqk > rtlefuse->delta_iqk) && (rtlefuse->delta_iqk != 0)) { @@ -1262,7 +1239,7 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter( rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue = thermalvalue; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, ("<===\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, "<===\n"); } static void rtl92d_dm_initialize_txpower_tracking(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -1273,8 +1250,8 @@ static void rtl92d_dm_initialize_txpower_tracking(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlpriv->dm.txpower_trackinginit = false; rtlpriv->dm.txpower_track_control = true; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("pMgntInfo->txpower_tracking = %d\n", - rtlpriv->dm.txpower_tracking)); + "pMgntInfo->txpower_tracking = %d\n", + rtlpriv->dm.txpower_tracking); } void rtl92d_dm_check_txpower_tracking_thermal_meter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -1289,12 +1266,12 @@ void rtl92d_dm_check_txpower_tracking_thermal_meter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtl_set_rfreg(hw, RF90_PATH_A, RF_T_METER, BIT(17) | BIT(16), 0x03); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("Trigger 92S Thermal Meter!!\n")); + "Trigger 92S Thermal Meter!!\n"); tm_trigger = 1; return; } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("Schedule TxPowerTracking direct call!!\n")); + "Schedule TxPowerTracking direct call!!\n"); rtl92d_dm_txpower_tracking_callback_thermalmeter(hw); tm_trigger = 0; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/dm.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/dm.h index 69354657f0f5d7d64d537abe4f40ec2f2043b88d..91030ec8ac3e9e2eef67ea9913ffb8e9a3d5e8d9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/dm.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/dm.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/fw.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/fw.c index 82f060bdbc0b7fa8b22b14b96c8b478c977758ee..f548a8d0068d22d672bf505a9e9f071f1171560e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/fw.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/fw.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -124,14 +124,14 @@ static void _rtl92d_write_fw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 pagenums, remainSize; u32 page, offset; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_TRACE, ("FW size is %d bytes,\n", size)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_TRACE, "FW size is %d bytes,\n", size); if (rtlhal->hw_type == HARDWARE_TYPE_RTL8192DE) _rtl92d_fill_dummy(bufferPtr, &size); pagenums = size / FW_8192D_PAGE_SIZE; remainSize = size % FW_8192D_PAGE_SIZE; if (pagenums > 8) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Page numbers should not greater then 8\n")); + "Page numbers should not greater then 8\n"); } for (page = 0; page < pagenums; page++) { offset = page * FW_8192D_PAGE_SIZE; @@ -158,12 +158,12 @@ static int _rtl92d_fw_free_to_go(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) (!(value32 & FWDL_ChkSum_rpt))); if (counter >= FW_8192D_POLLING_TIMEOUT_COUNT) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("chksum report faill ! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x .\n", - value32)); + "chksum report faill ! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x\n", + value32); return -EIO; } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_TRACE, - ("Checksum report OK ! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x .\n", value32)); + "Checksum report OK ! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x\n", value32); value32 = rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, REG_MCUFWDL); value32 |= MCUFWDL_RDY; rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, REG_MCUFWDL, value32); @@ -186,9 +186,9 @@ void rtl92d_firmware_selfreset(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) udelay(50); u1b_tmp = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_SYS_FUNC_EN + 1); } - RT_ASSERT((delay > 0), ("8051 reset failed!\n")); + RT_ASSERT((delay > 0), "8051 reset failed!\n"); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_DMESG, - ("=====> 8051 reset success (%d) .\n", delay)); + "=====> 8051 reset success (%d)\n", delay); } static int _rtl92d_fw_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ static int _rtl92d_fw_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) struct rtl_hal *rtlhal = rtl_hal(rtl_priv(hw)); u32 counter; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_DMESG, ("FW already have download\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_DMESG, "FW already have download\n"); /* polling for FW ready */ counter = 0; do { @@ -205,10 +205,9 @@ static int _rtl92d_fw_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, FW_MAC0_READY) & MAC0_READY) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_DMESG, - ("Polling FW ready success!! " - "REG_MCUFWDL: 0x%x .\n", + "Polling FW ready success!! REG_MCUFWDL: 0x%x\n", rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, - FW_MAC0_READY))); + FW_MAC0_READY)); return 0; } udelay(5); @@ -216,10 +215,9 @@ static int _rtl92d_fw_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, FW_MAC1_READY) & MAC1_READY) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_DMESG, - ("Polling FW ready success!! " - "REG_MCUFWDL: 0x%x .\n", + "Polling FW ready success!! REG_MCUFWDL: 0x%x\n", rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, - FW_MAC1_READY))); + FW_MAC1_READY)); return 0; } udelay(5); @@ -228,18 +226,16 @@ static int _rtl92d_fw_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (rtlhal->interfaceindex == 0) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_DMESG, - ("Polling FW ready fail!! MAC0 FW init not ready: " - "0x%x .\n", - rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, FW_MAC0_READY))); + "Polling FW ready fail!! MAC0 FW init not ready: 0x%x\n", + rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, FW_MAC0_READY)); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_DMESG, - ("Polling FW ready fail!! MAC1 FW init not ready: " - "0x%x .\n", - rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, FW_MAC1_READY))); + "Polling FW ready fail!! MAC1 FW init not ready: 0x%x\n", + rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, FW_MAC1_READY)); } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_DMESG, - ("Polling FW ready fail!! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08ul .\n", - rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, REG_MCUFWDL))); + "Polling FW ready fail!! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08ul\n", + rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, REG_MCUFWDL)); return -1; } @@ -257,20 +253,20 @@ int rtl92d_download_fw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) bool fw_downloaded = false, fwdl_in_process = false; unsigned long flags; - if (!rtlhal->pfirmware) + if (rtlpriv->max_fw_size == 0 || !rtlhal->pfirmware) return 1; fwsize = rtlhal->fwsize; pfwheader = (u8 *) rtlhal->pfirmware; pfwdata = (u8 *) rtlhal->pfirmware; rtlhal->fw_version = (u16) GET_FIRMWARE_HDR_VERSION(pfwheader); rtlhal->fw_subversion = (u16) GET_FIRMWARE_HDR_SUB_VER(pfwheader); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, (" FirmwareVersion(%d)," - "FirmwareSubVersion(%d), Signature(%#x)\n", - rtlhal->fw_version, rtlhal->fw_subversion, - GET_FIRMWARE_HDR_SIGNATURE(pfwheader))); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, + "FirmwareVersion(%d), FirmwareSubVersion(%d), Signature(%#x)\n", + rtlhal->fw_version, rtlhal->fw_subversion, + GET_FIRMWARE_HDR_SIGNATURE(pfwheader)); if (IS_FW_HEADER_EXIST(pfwheader)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("Shift 32 bytes for FW header!!\n")); + "Shift 32 bytes for FW header!!\n"); pfwdata = pfwdata + 32; fwsize = fwsize - 32; } @@ -302,8 +298,7 @@ int rtl92d_download_fw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) break; else RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_DMESG, - ("Wait for another mac " - "download fw\n")); + "Wait for another mac download fw\n"); } spin_lock_irqsave(&globalmutex_for_fwdownload, flags); value = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, 0x1f); @@ -337,11 +332,10 @@ int rtl92d_download_fw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&globalmutex_for_fwdownload, flags); if (err) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("fw is not ready to run!\n")); + "fw is not ready to run!\n"); goto exit; } else { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_TRACE, - ("fw is ready to run!\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_FW, DBG_TRACE, "fw is ready to run!\n"); } exit: err = _rtl92d_fw_init(hw); @@ -381,24 +375,24 @@ static void _rtl92d_fill_h2c_command(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (ppsc->rfpwr_state == ERFOFF || ppsc->inactive_pwrstate == ERFOFF) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("Return as RF is off!!!\n")); + "Return as RF is off!!!\n"); return; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, ("come in\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "come in\n"); while (true) { spin_lock_irqsave(&rtlpriv->locks.h2c_lock, flag); if (rtlhal->h2c_setinprogress) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("H2C set in progress! Wait to set.." - "element_id(%d).\n", element_id)); + "H2C set in progress! Wait to set..element_id(%d)\n", + element_id); while (rtlhal->h2c_setinprogress) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rtlpriv->locks.h2c_lock, flag); h2c_waitcounter++; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("Wait 100 us (%d times)...\n", - h2c_waitcounter)); + "Wait 100 us (%d times)...\n", + h2c_waitcounter); udelay(100); if (h2c_waitcounter > 1000) @@ -418,8 +412,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_fill_h2c_command(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, wait_writeh2c_limmit--; if (wait_writeh2c_limmit == 0) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Write H2C fail because no trigger " - "for FW INT!\n")); + "Write H2C fail because no trigger for FW INT!\n"); break; } boxnum = rtlhal->last_hmeboxnum; @@ -442,7 +435,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_fill_h2c_command(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } isfw_read = _rtl92d_check_fw_read_last_h2c(hw, boxnum); @@ -450,29 +443,29 @@ static void _rtl92d_fill_h2c_command(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, wait_h2c_limmit--; if (wait_h2c_limmit == 0) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("Wating too long for FW read " - "clear HMEBox(%d)!\n", boxnum)); + "Waiting too long for FW read clear HMEBox(%d)!\n", + boxnum); break; } udelay(10); isfw_read = _rtl92d_check_fw_read_last_h2c(hw, boxnum); u1b_tmp = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, 0x1BF); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("Wating for FW read clear HMEBox(%d)!!! " - "0x1BF = %2x\n", boxnum, u1b_tmp)); + "Waiting for FW read clear HMEBox(%d)!!! 0x1BF = %2x\n", + boxnum, u1b_tmp); } if (!isfw_read) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("Write H2C register BOX[%d] fail!!!!! " - "Fw do not read.\n", boxnum)); + "Write H2C register BOX[%d] fail!!!!! Fw do not read.\n", + boxnum); break; } memset(boxcontent, 0, sizeof(boxcontent)); memset(boxextcontent, 0, sizeof(boxextcontent)); boxcontent[0] = element_id; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("Write element_id box_reg(%4x) = %2x\n", - box_reg, element_id)); + "Write element_id box_reg(%4x) = %2x\n", + box_reg, element_id); switch (cmd_len) { case 1: boxcontent[0] &= ~(BIT(7)); @@ -519,7 +512,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_fill_h2c_command(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } bwrite_sucess = true; @@ -527,26 +520,20 @@ static void _rtl92d_fill_h2c_command(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (rtlhal->last_hmeboxnum == 4) rtlhal->last_hmeboxnum = 0; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("pHalData->last_hmeboxnum = %d\n", - rtlhal->last_hmeboxnum)); + "pHalData->last_hmeboxnum = %d\n", + rtlhal->last_hmeboxnum); } spin_lock_irqsave(&rtlpriv->locks.h2c_lock, flag); rtlhal->h2c_setinprogress = false; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rtlpriv->locks.h2c_lock, flag); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, ("go out\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "go out\n"); } void rtl92d_fill_h2c_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 element_id, u32 cmd_len, u8 *cmdbuffer) { - struct rtl_hal *rtlhal = rtl_hal(rtl_priv(hw)); u32 tmp_cmdbuf[2]; - if (rtlhal->fw_ready == false) { - RT_ASSERT(false, ("return H2C cmd because of Fw " - "download fail!!!\n")); - return; - } memset(tmp_cmdbuf, 0, 8); memcpy(tmp_cmdbuf, cmdbuffer, cmd_len); _rtl92d_fill_h2c_command(hw, element_id, cmd_len, (u8 *)&tmp_cmdbuf); @@ -559,13 +546,13 @@ void rtl92d_set_fw_pwrmode_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 mode) u8 u1_h2c_set_pwrmode[3] = { 0 }; struct rtl_ps_ctl *ppsc = rtl_psc(rtl_priv(hw)); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, ("FW LPS mode = %d\n", mode)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, "FW LPS mode = %d\n", mode); SET_H2CCMD_PWRMODE_PARM_MODE(u1_h2c_set_pwrmode, mode); SET_H2CCMD_PWRMODE_PARM_SMART_PS(u1_h2c_set_pwrmode, 1); SET_H2CCMD_PWRMODE_PARM_BCN_PASS_TIME(u1_h2c_set_pwrmode, ppsc->reg_max_lps_awakeintvl); RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, - "rtl92d_set_fw_rsvdpagepkt(): u1_h2c_set_pwrmode\n", + "rtl92d_set_fw_rsvdpagepkt(): u1_h2c_set_pwrmode", u1_h2c_set_pwrmode, 3); rtl92d_fill_h2c_cmd(hw, H2C_SETPWRMODE, 3, u1_h2c_set_pwrmode); } @@ -757,28 +744,32 @@ void rtl92d_set_fw_rsvdpagepkt(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool dl_finished) SET_H2CCMD_RSVDPAGE_LOC_PROBE_RSP(u1RsvdPageLoc, PROBERSP_PG); totalpacketlen = TOTAL_RESERVED_PKT_LEN; RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - "rtl92d_set_fw_rsvdpagepkt(): HW_VAR_SET_TX_CMD: ALL\n", + "rtl92d_set_fw_rsvdpagepkt(): HW_VAR_SET_TX_CMD: ALL", &reserved_page_packet[0], totalpacketlen); RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, - "rtl92d_set_fw_rsvdpagepkt(): HW_VAR_SET_TX_CMD: ALL\n", + "rtl92d_set_fw_rsvdpagepkt(): HW_VAR_SET_TX_CMD: ALL", u1RsvdPageLoc, 3); skb = dev_alloc_skb(totalpacketlen); - memcpy((u8 *) skb_put(skb, totalpacketlen), &reserved_page_packet, - totalpacketlen); - rtstatus = _rtl92d_cmd_send_packet(hw, skb); + if (!skb) { + dlok = false; + } else { + memcpy((u8 *) skb_put(skb, totalpacketlen), + &reserved_page_packet, totalpacketlen); + rtstatus = _rtl92d_cmd_send_packet(hw, skb); - if (rtstatus) - dlok = true; + if (rtstatus) + dlok = true; + } if (dlok) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set RSVD page location to Fw.\n")); + "Set RSVD page location to Fw\n"); RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, - "H2C_RSVDPAGE:\n", u1RsvdPageLoc, 3); + "H2C_RSVDPAGE", u1RsvdPageLoc, 3); rtl92d_fill_h2c_cmd(hw, H2C_RSVDPAGE, sizeof(u1RsvdPageLoc), u1RsvdPageLoc); } else RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("Set RSVD page location to Fw FAIL!!!!!!.\n")); + "Set RSVD page location to Fw FAIL!!!!!!\n"); } void rtl92d_set_fw_joinbss_report_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 mstatus) diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/fw.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/fw.h index 0c4d489eaa487ca572a21a085bf77c5a01052acb..1ffacdda734c96222ff59370dd917a3d73cb28e3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/fw.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/fw.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/hw.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/hw.c index 9d89d7ccdafb7fa389499ae5d9d6df1be75ddc0b..509f5af38adf7b7756159cfb0394f87591c1bf06 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/hw.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ void rtl92de_get_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } } @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ void rtl92de_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) u8 e_aci; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("HW_VAR_SLOT_TIME %x\n", val[0])); + "HW_VAR_SLOT_TIME %x\n", val[0]); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_SLOT, val[0]); for (e_aci = 0; e_aci < AC_MAX; e_aci++) rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_hw_reg(hw, @@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ void rtl92de_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) min_spacing_to_set); *val = min_spacing_to_set; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set HW_VAR_AMPDU_MIN_SPACE: %#x\n", - mac->min_space_cfg)); + "Set HW_VAR_AMPDU_MIN_SPACE: %#x\n", + mac->min_space_cfg); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_AMPDU_MIN_SPACE, mac->min_space_cfg); } @@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ void rtl92de_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) mac->min_space_cfg = rtlpriv->rtlhal.minspace_cfg; mac->min_space_cfg |= (density_to_set << 3); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set HW_VAR_SHORTGI_DENSITY: %#x\n", - mac->min_space_cfg)); + "Set HW_VAR_SHORTGI_DENSITY: %#x\n", + mac->min_space_cfg); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_AMPDU_MIN_SPACE, mac->min_space_cfg); break; @@ -310,8 +310,8 @@ void rtl92de_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) } rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, REG_AGGLEN_LMT, regtoSet); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set HW_VAR_AMPDU_FACTOR: %#x\n", - factor_toset)); + "Set HW_VAR_AMPDU_FACTOR: %#x\n", + factor_toset); } break; } @@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ void rtl92de_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL acm set " - "failed: eACI is %d\n", acm)); + "HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL acm set failed: eACI is %d\n", + acm); break; } } else { @@ -361,13 +361,13 @@ void rtl92de_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_QOS, DBG_TRACE, - ("SetHwReg8190pci(): [HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL] " - "Write 0x%X\n", acm_ctrl)); + "SetHwReg8190pci(): [HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL] Write 0x%X\n", + acm_ctrl); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_ACMHWCTRL, acm_ctrl); break; } @@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ void rtl92de_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) } default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } } @@ -522,8 +522,8 @@ static bool _rtl92de_llt_write(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 address, u32 data) break; if (count > POLLING_LLT_THRESHOLD) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Failed to polling write LLT done at " - "address %d!\n", address)); + "Failed to polling write LLT done at address %d!\n", + address); status = false; break; } @@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ static bool _rtl92de_init_mac(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) /* System init */ /* 18. LLT_table_init(Adapter); */ - if (_rtl92de_llt_table_init(hw) == false) + if (!_rtl92de_llt_table_init(hw)) return false; /* Clear interrupt and enable interrupt */ @@ -879,12 +879,12 @@ void rtl92de_enable_hw_security_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u8 sec_reg_value; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("PairwiseEncAlgorithm = %d GroupEncAlgorithm = %d\n", - rtlpriv->sec.pairwise_enc_algorithm, - rtlpriv->sec.group_enc_algorithm)); + "PairwiseEncAlgorithm = %d GroupEncAlgorithm = %d\n", + rtlpriv->sec.pairwise_enc_algorithm, + rtlpriv->sec.group_enc_algorithm); if (rtlpriv->cfg->mod_params->sw_crypto || rtlpriv->sec.use_sw_sec) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("not open hw encryption\n")); + "not open hw encryption\n"); return; } sec_reg_value = SCR_TXENCENABLE | SCR_RXENCENABLE; @@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ void rtl92de_enable_hw_security_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) sec_reg_value |= (SCR_RXBCUSEDK | SCR_TXBCUSEDK); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_CR + 1, 0x02); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("The SECR-value %x\n", sec_reg_value)); + "The SECR-value %x\n", sec_reg_value); rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_hw_reg(hw, HW_VAR_WPA_CONFIG, &sec_reg_value); } @@ -920,8 +920,8 @@ int rtl92de_hw_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtl92d_phy_reset_iqk_result(hw); /* rtlpriv->intf_ops->disable_aspm(hw); */ rtstatus = _rtl92de_init_mac(hw); - if (rtstatus != true) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("Init MAC failed\n")); + if (!rtstatus) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "Init MAC failed\n"); err = 1; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&globalmutex_for_power_and_efuse, flags); return err; @@ -930,12 +930,8 @@ int rtl92de_hw_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&globalmutex_for_power_and_efuse, flags); if (err) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("Failed to download FW. Init HW " - "without FW..\n")); - rtlhal->fw_ready = false; + "Failed to download FW. Init HW without FW..\n"); return 1; - } else { - rtlhal->fw_ready = true; } rtlhal->last_hmeboxnum = 0; rtlpriv->psc.fw_current_inpsmode = false; @@ -946,7 +942,7 @@ int rtl92de_hw_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (rtlhal->earlymode_enable) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("EarlyMode Enabled!!!\n")); + "EarlyMode Enabled!!!\n"); tmp_u1b = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, 0x4d0); tmp_u1b = tmp_u1b | 0x1f; @@ -1064,10 +1060,10 @@ static enum version_8192d _rtl92de_read_chip_version(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) value32 = rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, REG_SYS_CFG); if (!(value32 & 0x000f0000)) { version = VERSION_TEST_CHIP_92D_SINGLEPHY; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("TEST CHIP!!!\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "TEST CHIP!!!\n"); } else { version = VERSION_NORMAL_CHIP_92D_SINGLEPHY; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("Normal CHIP!!!\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "Normal CHIP!!!\n"); } return version; } @@ -1092,8 +1088,8 @@ static int _rtl92de_set_media_status(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, _rtl92de_disable_bcn_sub_func(hw); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("Set HW_VAR_MEDIA_STATUS: No such media " - "status(%x).\n", type)); + "Set HW_VAR_MEDIA_STATUS: No such media status(%x)\n", + type); } bcnfunc_enable = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_BCN_CTRL); switch (type) { @@ -1102,30 +1098,30 @@ static int _rtl92de_set_media_status(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, ledaction = LED_CTL_LINK; bcnfunc_enable &= 0xF7; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Set Network type to NO LINK!\n")); + "Set Network type to NO LINK!\n"); break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC: bt_msr |= MSR_ADHOC; bcnfunc_enable |= 0x08; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Set Network type to Ad Hoc!\n")); + "Set Network type to Ad Hoc!\n"); break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION: bt_msr |= MSR_INFRA; ledaction = LED_CTL_LINK; bcnfunc_enable &= 0xF7; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Set Network type to STA!\n")); + "Set Network type to STA!\n"); break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_AP: bt_msr |= MSR_AP; bcnfunc_enable |= 0x08; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Set Network type to AP!\n")); + "Set Network type to AP!\n"); break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Network type %d not support!\n", type)); + "Network type %d not supported!\n", type); return 1; break; @@ -1151,7 +1147,7 @@ void rtl92de_set_check_bssid(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool check_bssid) reg_rcr |= (RCR_CBSSID_DATA | RCR_CBSSID_BCN); rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_hw_reg(hw, HW_VAR_RCR, (u8 *)(®_rcr)); _rtl92de_set_bcn_ctrl_reg(hw, 0, BIT(4)); - } else if (check_bssid == false) { + } else if (!check_bssid) { reg_rcr &= (~(RCR_CBSSID_DATA | RCR_CBSSID_BCN)); _rtl92de_set_bcn_ctrl_reg(hw, BIT(4), 0); rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_hw_reg(hw, HW_VAR_RCR, (u8 *)(®_rcr)); @@ -1189,7 +1185,7 @@ void rtl92d_linked_set_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) indexforchannel = rtl92d_get_rightchnlplace_for_iqk(channel); if (!rtlphy->iqk_matrix_regsetting[indexforchannel].iqk_done) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN | COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("Do IQK for channel:%d.\n", channel)); + "Do IQK for channel:%d\n", channel); rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate(hw); } } @@ -1214,7 +1210,7 @@ void rtl92de_set_qos(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, int aci) rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, REG_EDCA_VO_PARAM, 0x2f3222); break; default: - RT_ASSERT(false, ("invalid aci: %d !\n", aci)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "invalid aci: %d !\n", aci); break; } } @@ -1305,8 +1301,8 @@ static void _rtl92de_poweroff_adapter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_APS_FSMCO + 1, 0x10); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("In PowerOff,reg0x%x=%X\n", REG_SPS0_CTRL, - rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_SPS0_CTRL))); + "In PowerOff,reg0x%x=%X\n", + REG_SPS0_CTRL, rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_SPS0_CTRL)); /* r. Note: for PCIe interface, PON will not turn */ /* off m-bias and BandGap in PCIe suspend mode. */ @@ -1319,7 +1315,7 @@ static void _rtl92de_poweroff_adapter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&globalmutex_power, flags); } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("<=======\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "<=======\n"); } void rtl92de_card_disable(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -1377,7 +1373,7 @@ void rtl92de_card_disable(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_PCIE_CTRL_REG + 1, 0xff); udelay(50); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_CR, 0x0); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("==> Do power off.......\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "==> Do power off.......\n"); if (rtl92d_phy_check_poweroff(hw)) _rtl92de_poweroff_adapter(hw); return; @@ -1425,7 +1421,7 @@ void rtl92de_set_beacon_interval(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u16 bcn_interval = mac->beacon_interval; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_BEACON, DBG_DMESG, - ("beacon_interval:%d\n", bcn_interval)); + "beacon_interval:%d\n", bcn_interval); /* rtl92de_disable_interrupt(hw); */ rtl_write_word(rtlpriv, REG_BCN_INTERVAL, bcn_interval); /* rtl92de_enable_interrupt(hw); */ @@ -1437,8 +1433,8 @@ void rtl92de_update_interrupt_mask(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); struct rtl_pci *rtlpci = rtl_pcidev(rtl_pcipriv(hw)); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_LOUD, - ("add_msr:%x, rm_msr:%x\n", add_msr, rm_msr)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_LOUD, "add_msr:%x, rm_msr:%x\n", + add_msr, rm_msr); if (add_msr) rtlpci->irq_mask[0] |= add_msr; if (rm_msr) @@ -1615,9 +1611,9 @@ static void _rtl92de_read_txpower_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtlefuse->internal_pa_5g[1] = !((hwinfo[EEPROM_TSSI_B_5G] & BIT(6)) >> 6); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("Is D cut,Internal PA0 %d Internal PA1 %d\n", + "Is D cut,Internal PA0 %d Internal PA1 %d\n", rtlefuse->internal_pa_5g[0], - rtlefuse->internal_pa_5g[1])) + rtlefuse->internal_pa_5g[1]); } rtlefuse->eeprom_c9 = hwinfo[EEPROM_RF_OPT6]; rtlefuse->eeprom_cc = hwinfo[EEPROM_RF_OPT7]; @@ -1667,14 +1663,14 @@ static void _rtl92de_read_txpower_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (rtlefuse->eeprom_c9 == 0xFF) rtlefuse->eeprom_c9 = 0x00; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_LOUD, - ("EEPROMRegulatory = 0x%x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_regulatory)); + "EEPROMRegulatory = 0x%x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_regulatory); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_LOUD, - ("ThermalMeter = 0x%x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter)); + "ThermalMeter = 0x%x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_LOUD, - ("CrystalCap = 0x%x\n", rtlefuse->crystalcap)); + "CrystalCap = 0x%x\n", rtlefuse->crystalcap); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_LOUD, - ("Delta_IQK = 0x%x Delta_LCK = 0x%x\n", rtlefuse->delta_iqk, - rtlefuse->delta_lck)); + "Delta_IQK = 0x%x Delta_LCK = 0x%x\n", + rtlefuse->delta_iqk, rtlefuse->delta_lck); for (rfPath = 0; rfPath < RF6052_MAX_PATH; rfPath++) { for (ch = 0; ch < CHANNEL_MAX_NUMBER; ch++) { @@ -1710,11 +1706,11 @@ static void _rtl92de_read_macphymode_from_prom(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (macphy_crvalue & BIT(3)) { rtlhal->macphymode = SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("MacPhyMode SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY\n")); + "MacPhyMode SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY\n"); } else { rtlhal->macphymode = DUALMAC_DUALPHY; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("MacPhyMode DUALMAC_DUALPHY\n")); + "MacPhyMode DUALMAC_DUALPHY\n"); } } @@ -1741,15 +1737,15 @@ static void _rtl92de_efuse_update_chip_version(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) switch (chipvalue) { case 0xAA55: chipver |= CHIP_92D_C_CUT; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("C-CUT!!!\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "C-CUT!!!\n"); break; case 0x9966: chipver |= CHIP_92D_D_CUT; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("D-CUT!!!\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "D-CUT!!!\n"); break; default: chipver |= CHIP_92D_D_CUT; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, ("Unkown CUT!\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, "Unkown CUT!\n"); break; } rtlpriv->rtlhal.version = chipver; @@ -1775,23 +1771,23 @@ static void _rtl92de_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) HWSET_MAX_SIZE); } else if (rtlefuse->epromtype == EEPROM_93C46) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("RTL819X Not boot from eeprom, check it !!")); + "RTL819X Not boot from eeprom, check it !!\n"); } - RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, ("MAP\n"), + RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "MAP", hwinfo, HWSET_MAX_SIZE); eeprom_id = *((u16 *)&hwinfo[0]); if (eeprom_id != RTL8190_EEPROM_ID) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("EEPROM ID(%#x) is invalid!!\n", eeprom_id)); + "EEPROM ID(%#x) is invalid!!\n", eeprom_id); rtlefuse->autoload_failflag = true; } else { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("Autoload OK\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "Autoload OK\n"); rtlefuse->autoload_failflag = false; } if (rtlefuse->autoload_failflag) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("RTL819X Not boot from eeprom, check it !!")); + "RTL819X Not boot from eeprom, check it !!\n"); return; } rtlefuse->eeprom_oemid = *(u8 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_CUSTOMER_ID]; @@ -1802,16 +1798,15 @@ static void _rtl92de_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlefuse->eeprom_did = *(u16 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_DID]; rtlefuse->eeprom_svid = *(u16 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_SVID]; rtlefuse->eeprom_smid = *(u16 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_SMID]; + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "EEPROMId = 0x%4x\n", eeprom_id); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("EEPROMId = 0x%4x\n", eeprom_id)); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("EEPROM VID = 0x%4x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_vid)); + "EEPROM VID = 0x%4x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_vid); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("EEPROM DID = 0x%4x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_did)); + "EEPROM DID = 0x%4x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_did); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("EEPROM SVID = 0x%4x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_svid)); + "EEPROM SVID = 0x%4x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_svid); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("EEPROM SMID = 0x%4x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_smid)); + "EEPROM SMID = 0x%4x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_smid); /* Read Permanent MAC address */ if (rtlhal->interfaceindex == 0) { @@ -1827,8 +1822,7 @@ static void _rtl92de_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) } rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_hw_reg(hw, HW_VAR_ETHER_ADDR, rtlefuse->dev_addr); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("%pM\n", rtlefuse->dev_addr)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "%pM\n", rtlefuse->dev_addr); _rtl92de_read_txpower_info(hw, rtlefuse->autoload_failflag, hwinfo); /* Read Channel Plan */ @@ -1849,7 +1843,7 @@ static void _rtl92de_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlefuse->eeprom_version = *(u16 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_VERSION]; rtlefuse->txpwr_fromeprom = true; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("EEPROM Customer ID: 0x%2x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_oemid)); + "EEPROM Customer ID: 0x%2x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_oemid); } void rtl92de_read_eeprom_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -1863,19 +1857,19 @@ void rtl92de_read_eeprom_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) tmp_u1b = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_9346CR); rtlefuse->autoload_status = tmp_u1b; if (tmp_u1b & BIT(4)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, ("Boot from EEPROM\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "Boot from EEPROM\n"); rtlefuse->epromtype = EEPROM_93C46; } else { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, ("Boot from EFUSE\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "Boot from EFUSE\n"); rtlefuse->epromtype = EEPROM_BOOT_EFUSE; } if (tmp_u1b & BIT(5)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("Autoload OK\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "Autoload OK\n"); rtlefuse->autoload_failflag = false; _rtl92de_read_adapter_info(hw); } else { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("Autoload ERR!!\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "Autoload ERR!!\n"); } return; } @@ -1958,8 +1952,8 @@ static void rtl92de_update_hal_rate_table(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, (shortgi_rate << 4) | (shortgi_rate); } rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, REG_ARFR0 + ratr_index * 4, ratr_value); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATR, DBG_DMESG, - ("%x\n", rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, REG_ARFR0))); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATR, DBG_DMESG, "%x\n", + rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, REG_ARFR0)); } static void rtl92de_update_hal_rate_mask(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -2092,8 +2086,8 @@ static void rtl92de_update_hal_rate_mask(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, value[0] = (ratr_bitmap & 0x0fffffff) | (ratr_index << 28); value[1] = macid | (shortgi ? 0x20 : 0x00) | 0x80; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATR, DBG_DMESG, - ("ratr_bitmap :%x value0:%x value1:%x\n", - ratr_bitmap, value[0], value[1])); + "ratr_bitmap :%x value0:%x value1:%x\n", + ratr_bitmap, value[0], value[1]); rtl92d_fill_h2c_cmd(hw, H2C_RA_MASK, 5, (u8 *) value); if (macid != 0) sta_entry->ratr_index = ratr_index; @@ -2153,14 +2147,13 @@ bool rtl92de_gpio_radio_on_off_checking(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 *valid) e_rfpowerstate_toset = (u1tmp & BIT(3)) ? ERFON : ERFOFF; if (ppsc->hwradiooff && (e_rfpowerstate_toset == ERFON)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("GPIOChangeRF - HW Radio ON, RF ON\n")); + "GPIOChangeRF - HW Radio ON, RF ON\n"); e_rfpowerstate_toset = ERFON; ppsc->hwradiooff = false; actuallyset = true; - } else if ((ppsc->hwradiooff == false) - && (e_rfpowerstate_toset == ERFOFF)) { + } else if (!ppsc->hwradiooff && (e_rfpowerstate_toset == ERFOFF)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("GPIOChangeRF - HW Radio OFF, RF OFF\n")); + "GPIOChangeRF - HW Radio OFF, RF OFF\n"); e_rfpowerstate_toset = ERFOFF; ppsc->hwradiooff = true; actuallyset = true; @@ -2204,7 +2197,7 @@ void rtl92de_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, u8 idx; u8 cam_offset = 0; u8 clear_number = 5; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, ("clear_all\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, "clear_all\n"); for (idx = 0; idx < clear_number; idx++) { rtl_cam_mark_invalid(hw, cam_offset + idx); rtl_cam_empty_entry(hw, cam_offset + idx); @@ -2230,8 +2223,8 @@ void rtl92de_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, enc_algo = CAM_AES; break; default: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("switch case " - "not process\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, + "switch case not processed\n"); enc_algo = CAM_TKIP; break; } @@ -2248,9 +2241,8 @@ void rtl92de_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, p_macaddr); if (entry_id >= TOTAL_CAM_ENTRY) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, - DBG_EMERG, ("Can not " - "find free hw security" - " cam entry\n")); + DBG_EMERG, + "Can not find free hw security cam entry\n"); return; } } else { @@ -2262,29 +2254,29 @@ void rtl92de_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, } if (rtlpriv->sec.key_len[key_index] == 0) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("delete one entry, entry_id is %d\n", - entry_id)); + "delete one entry, entry_id is %d\n", + entry_id); if (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP) rtl_cam_del_entry(hw, p_macaddr); rtl_cam_delete_one_entry(hw, p_macaddr, entry_id); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("The insert KEY length is %d\n", - rtlpriv->sec.key_len[PAIRWISE_KEYIDX])); + "The insert KEY length is %d\n", + rtlpriv->sec.key_len[PAIRWISE_KEYIDX]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("The insert KEY is %x %x\n", - rtlpriv->sec.key_buf[0][0], - rtlpriv->sec.key_buf[0][1])); + "The insert KEY is %x %x\n", + rtlpriv->sec.key_buf[0][0], + rtlpriv->sec.key_buf[0][1]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("add one entry\n")); + "add one entry\n"); if (is_pairwise) { RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - "Pairwiase Key content :", + "Pairwise Key content", rtlpriv->sec.pairwise_key, rtlpriv-> sec.key_len[PAIRWISE_KEYIDX]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("set Pairwiase key\n")); + "set Pairwise key\n"); rtl_cam_add_one_entry(hw, macaddr, key_index, entry_id, enc_algo, CAM_CONFIG_NO_USEDK, @@ -2292,7 +2284,7 @@ void rtl92de_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, sec.key_buf[key_index]); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("set group key\n")); + "set group key\n"); if (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) { rtl_cam_add_one_entry(hw, rtlefuse->dev_addr, diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/hw.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/hw.h index ad44ffa520e619aa5f99556d51eca3d5e4b0e241..7c9f7a2f1e427d2bac52cfacdea38c949f390a2e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/hw.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/hw.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/led.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/led.c index f1552f4df65805aea48848d402c6d71e2188395a..76a57ae4af3eb77a24a44d17f44c38da106e2312 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/led.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/led.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ void rtl92de_sw_led_on(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_led *pled) u8 ledcfg; struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, - ("LedAddr:%X ledpin=%d\n", REG_LEDCFG2, pled->ledpin)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, "LedAddr:%X ledpin=%d\n", + REG_LEDCFG2, pled->ledpin); switch (pled->ledpin) { case LED_PIN_GPIO0: @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ void rtl92de_sw_led_on(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_led *pled) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } pled->ledon = true; @@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ void rtl92de_sw_led_off(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_led *pled) struct rtl_pci_priv *pcipriv = rtl_pcipriv(hw); u8 ledcfg; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, - ("LedAddr:%X ledpin=%d\n", REG_LEDCFG2, pled->ledpin)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, "LedAddr:%X ledpin=%d\n", + REG_LEDCFG2, pled->ledpin); ledcfg = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_LEDCFG2); @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ void rtl92de_sw_led_off(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_led *pled) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } pled->ledon = false; @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ void rtl92de_led_control(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum led_ctl_mode ledaction) ledaction == LED_CTL_POWER_ON)) { return; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, ("ledaction %d,\n", ledaction)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, "ledaction %d,\n", ledaction); _rtl92ce_sw_led_control(hw, ledaction); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/led.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/led.h index 57f4a3c583d43c83ebc50702e9e773ee9ac5f827..a29df30c30255414bfa522ce61ebe469cfc9fae0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/led.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/led.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/phy.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/phy.c index 0883349e1c8371f9828deee3bb78ac04ccf0c4d9..34591eeb837617308284c5e5765e4f1440d5a7fd 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/phy.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/phy.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -204,8 +204,8 @@ u32 rtl92d_phy_query_bb_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 regaddr, u32 bitmask) u32 returnvalue, originalvalue, bitshift; u8 dbi_direct; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), " - "bitmask(%#x)\n", regaddr, bitmask)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, "regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x)\n", + regaddr, bitmask); if (rtlhal->during_mac1init_radioa || rtlhal->during_mac0init_radiob) { /* mac1 use phy0 read radio_b. */ /* mac0 use phy1 read radio_b. */ @@ -220,8 +220,9 @@ u32 rtl92d_phy_query_bb_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 regaddr, u32 bitmask) } bitshift = _rtl92d_phy_calculate_bit_shift(bitmask); returnvalue = (originalvalue & bitmask) >> bitshift; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("BBR MASK=0x%x " - "Addr[0x%x]=0x%x\n", bitmask, regaddr, originalvalue)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "BBR MASK=0x%x Addr[0x%x]=0x%x\n", + bitmask, regaddr, originalvalue); return returnvalue; } @@ -233,8 +234,9 @@ void rtl92d_phy_set_bb_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 dbi_direct = 0; u32 originalvalue, bitshift; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x)," - " data(%#x)\n", regaddr, bitmask, data)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x), data(%#x)\n", + regaddr, bitmask, data); if (rtlhal->during_mac1init_radioa) dbi_direct = BIT(3); else if (rtlhal->during_mac0init_radiob) @@ -255,8 +257,9 @@ void rtl92d_phy_set_bb_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtl92de_write_dword_dbi(hw, (u16) regaddr, data, dbi_direct); else rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, regaddr, data); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x)," - " data(%#x)\n", regaddr, bitmask, data)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x), data(%#x)\n", + regaddr, bitmask, data); } static u32 _rtl92d_phy_rf_serial_read(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -300,8 +303,8 @@ static u32 _rtl92d_phy_rf_serial_read(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, else retvalue = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, pphyreg->rflssi_readback, BLSSIREADBACKDATA); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("RFR-%d Addr[0x%x] = 0x%x\n", - rfpath, pphyreg->rflssi_readback, retvalue)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, "RFR-%d Addr[0x%x] = 0x%x\n", + rfpath, pphyreg->rflssi_readback, retvalue); return retvalue; } @@ -319,8 +322,8 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_rf_serial_write(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, /* T65 RF */ data_and_addr = ((newoffset << 20) | (data & 0x000fffff)) & 0x0fffffff; rtl_set_bbreg(hw, pphyreg->rf3wire_offset, BMASKDWORD, data_and_addr); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("RFW-%d Addr[0x%x]=0x%x\n", - rfpath, pphyreg->rf3wire_offset, data_and_addr)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, "RFW-%d Addr[0x%x]=0x%x\n", + rfpath, pphyreg->rf3wire_offset, data_and_addr); } u32 rtl92d_phy_query_rf_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -330,17 +333,17 @@ u32 rtl92d_phy_query_rf_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 original_value, readback_value, bitshift; unsigned long flags; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), " - "rfpath(%#x), bitmask(%#x)\n", - regaddr, rfpath, bitmask)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "regaddr(%#x), rfpath(%#x), bitmask(%#x)\n", + regaddr, rfpath, bitmask); spin_lock_irqsave(&rtlpriv->locks.rf_lock, flags); original_value = _rtl92d_phy_rf_serial_read(hw, rfpath, regaddr); bitshift = _rtl92d_phy_calculate_bit_shift(bitmask); readback_value = (original_value & bitmask) >> bitshift; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rtlpriv->locks.rf_lock, flags); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), rfpath(%#x), " - "bitmask(%#x), original_value(%#x)\n", - regaddr, rfpath, bitmask, original_value)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "regaddr(%#x), rfpath(%#x), bitmask(%#x), original_value(%#x)\n", + regaddr, rfpath, bitmask, original_value); return readback_value; } @@ -353,8 +356,8 @@ void rtl92d_phy_set_rf_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum radio_path rfpath, unsigned long flags; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, - ("regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x), data(%#x), rfpath(%#x)\n", - regaddr, bitmask, data, rfpath)); + "regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x), data(%#x), rfpath(%#x)\n", + regaddr, bitmask, data, rfpath); if (bitmask == 0) return; spin_lock_irqsave(&rtlpriv->locks.rf_lock, flags); @@ -369,9 +372,9 @@ void rtl92d_phy_set_rf_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum radio_path rfpath, _rtl92d_phy_rf_serial_write(hw, rfpath, regaddr, data); } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rtlpriv->locks.rf_lock, flags); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), " - "bitmask(%#x), data(%#x), rfpath(%#x)\n", - regaddr, bitmask, data, rfpath)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x), data(%#x), rfpath(%#x)\n", + regaddr, bitmask, data, rfpath); } bool rtl92d_phy_mac_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -381,10 +384,10 @@ bool rtl92d_phy_mac_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u32 arraylength; u32 *ptrarray; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, ("Read Rtl819XMACPHY_Array\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "Read Rtl819XMACPHY_Array\n"); arraylength = MAC_2T_ARRAYLENGTH; ptrarray = rtl8192de_mac_2tarray; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, ("Img:Rtl819XMAC_Array\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "Img:Rtl819XMAC_Array\n"); for (i = 0; i < arraylength; i = i + 2) rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, ptrarray[i], (u8) ptrarray[i + 1]); if (rtlpriv->rtlhal.macphymode == SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY) { @@ -561,25 +564,25 @@ static bool _rtl92d_phy_config_bb_with_headerfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, agctab_arraylen = AGCTAB_ARRAYLENGTH; agctab_array_table = rtl8192de_agctab_array; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - (" ===> phy:MAC0, Rtl819XAGCTAB_Array\n")); + " ===> phy:MAC0, Rtl819XAGCTAB_Array\n"); } else { if (rtlhal->current_bandtype == BAND_ON_2_4G) { agctab_arraylen = AGCTAB_2G_ARRAYLENGTH; agctab_array_table = rtl8192de_agctab_2garray; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - (" ===> phy:MAC1, Rtl819XAGCTAB_2GArray\n")); + " ===> phy:MAC1, Rtl819XAGCTAB_2GArray\n"); } else { agctab_5garraylen = AGCTAB_5G_ARRAYLENGTH; agctab_5garray_table = rtl8192de_agctab_5garray; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - (" ===> phy:MAC1, Rtl819XAGCTAB_5GArray\n")); + " ===> phy:MAC1, Rtl819XAGCTAB_5GArray\n"); } } phy_reg_arraylen = PHY_REG_2T_ARRAYLENGTH; phy_regarray_table = rtl8192de_phy_reg_2tarray; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - (" ===> phy:Rtl819XPHY_REG_Array_PG\n")); + " ===> phy:Rtl819XPHY_REG_Array_PG\n"); if (configtype == BASEBAND_CONFIG_PHY_REG) { for (i = 0; i < phy_reg_arraylen; i = i + 2) { if (phy_regarray_table[i] == 0xfe) @@ -598,10 +601,9 @@ static bool _rtl92d_phy_config_bb_with_headerfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, phy_regarray_table[i + 1]); udelay(1); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("The phy_regarray_table[0] is %x" - " Rtl819XPHY_REGArray[1] is %x\n", - phy_regarray_table[i], - phy_regarray_table[i + 1])); + "The phy_regarray_table[0] is %x Rtl819XPHY_REGArray[1] is %x\n", + phy_regarray_table[i], + phy_regarray_table[i + 1]); } } else if (configtype == BASEBAND_CONFIG_AGC_TAB) { if (rtlhal->interfaceindex == 0) { @@ -613,15 +615,12 @@ static bool _rtl92d_phy_config_bb_with_headerfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, * setting. */ udelay(1); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("The Rtl819XAGCTAB_Array_" - "Table[0] is %ul " - "Rtl819XPHY_REGArray[1] is %ul\n", + "The Rtl819XAGCTAB_Array_Table[0] is %ul Rtl819XPHY_REGArray[1] is %ul\n", agctab_array_table[i], - agctab_array_table[i + 1])); + agctab_array_table[i + 1]); } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("Normal Chip, MAC0, load " - "Rtl819XAGCTAB_Array\n")); + "Normal Chip, MAC0, load Rtl819XAGCTAB_Array\n"); } else { if (rtlhal->current_bandtype == BAND_ON_2_4G) { for (i = 0; i < agctab_arraylen; i = i + 2) { @@ -632,14 +631,12 @@ static bool _rtl92d_phy_config_bb_with_headerfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, * setting. */ udelay(1); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("The Rtl819XAGCTAB_Array_" - "Table[0] is %ul Rtl819XPHY_" - "REGArray[1] is %ul\n", + "The Rtl819XAGCTAB_Array_Table[0] is %ul Rtl819XPHY_REGArray[1] is %ul\n", agctab_array_table[i], - agctab_array_table[i + 1])); + agctab_array_table[i + 1]); } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("Load Rtl819XAGCTAB_2GArray\n")); + "Load Rtl819XAGCTAB_2GArray\n"); } else { for (i = 0; i < agctab_5garraylen; i = i + 2) { rtl_set_bbreg(hw, @@ -650,14 +647,12 @@ static bool _rtl92d_phy_config_bb_with_headerfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, * setting. */ udelay(1); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("The Rtl819XAGCTAB_5GArray_" - "Table[0] is %ul Rtl819XPHY_" - "REGArray[1] is %ul\n", + "The Rtl819XAGCTAB_5GArray_Table[0] is %ul Rtl819XPHY_REGArray[1] is %ul\n", agctab_5garray_table[i], - agctab_5garray_table[i + 1])); + agctab_5garray_table[i + 1]); } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("Load Rtl819XAGCTAB_5GArray\n")); + "Load Rtl819XAGCTAB_5GArray\n"); } } } @@ -670,152 +665,51 @@ static void _rtl92d_store_pwrindex_diffrate_offset(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, { struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); struct rtl_phy *rtlphy = &(rtlpriv->phy); + int index; + + if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_RATE18_06) + index = 0; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_RATE54_24) + index = 1; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_CCK1_MCS32) + index = 6; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11 && bitmask == 0xffffff00) + index = 7; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_MCS03_MCS00) + index = 2; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_MCS07_MCS04) + index = 3; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_MCS11_MCS08) + index = 4; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_MCS15_MCS12) + index = 5; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_RATE18_06) + index = 8; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_RATE54_24) + index = 9; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_CCK1_55_MCS32) + index = 14; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11 && bitmask == 0x000000ff) + index = 15; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_MCS03_MCS00) + index = 10; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_MCS07_MCS04) + index = 11; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_MCS11_MCS08) + index = 12; + else if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_MCS15_MCS12) + index = 13; + else + return; - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_RATE18_06) { - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][0] = - data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][0] = 0x%ulx\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset - [rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][0])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_RATE54_24) { - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][1] = - data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][1] = 0x%ulx\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset - [rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][1])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_CCK1_MCS32) { - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][6] = - data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][6] = 0x%ulx\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset - [rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][6])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11 && bitmask == 0xffffff00) { - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][7] = - data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][7] = 0x%ulx\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset - [rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][7])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_MCS03_MCS00) { - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][2] = - data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][2] = 0x%ulx\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset - [rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][2])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_MCS07_MCS04) { - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][3] = - data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][3] = 0x%ulx\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset - [rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][3])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_MCS11_MCS08) { - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][4] = - data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][4] = 0x%ulx\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset - [rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][4])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_A_MCS15_MCS12) { - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][5] = - data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][5] = 0x%ulx\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset - [rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][5])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_RATE18_06) { - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][8] = - data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][8] = 0x%ulx\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset - [rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][8])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_RATE54_24) { - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][9] = - data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][9] = 0x%ulx\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset - [rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][9])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_CCK1_55_MCS32) { - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][14] = - data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][14] = 0x%ulx\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset - [rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][14])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11 && bitmask == 0x000000ff) { - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][15] = - data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][15] = 0x%ulx\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset - [rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][15])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_MCS03_MCS00) { - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][10] = - data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][10] = 0x%ulx\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset - [rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][10])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_MCS07_MCS04) { - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][11] = - data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][11] = 0x%ulx\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset - [rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][11])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_MCS11_MCS08) { - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][12] = - data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][12] = 0x%ulx\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset - [rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][12])); - } - if (regaddr == RTXAGC_B_MCS15_MCS12) { - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][13] = - data; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][13] = 0x%ulx\n", - rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset - [rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][13])); + rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][index] = data; + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, + "MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][%d] = 0x%ulx\n", + rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt, index, + rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset + [rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][index]); + if (index == 13) rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt++; - } } static bool _rtl92d_phy_config_bb_with_pgheaderfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -849,7 +743,7 @@ static bool _rtl92d_phy_config_bb_with_pgheaderfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_TRACE, - ("configtype != BaseBand_Config_PHY_REG\n")); + "configtype != BaseBand_Config_PHY_REG\n"); } return true; } @@ -861,17 +755,17 @@ static bool _rtl92d_phy_bb_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) struct rtl_efuse *rtlefuse = rtl_efuse(rtl_priv(hw)); bool rtstatus = true; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, ("==>\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "==>\n"); rtstatus = _rtl92d_phy_config_bb_with_headerfile(hw, BASEBAND_CONFIG_PHY_REG); - if (rtstatus != true) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("Write BB Reg Fail!!")); + if (!rtstatus) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "Write BB Reg Fail!!\n"); return false; } /* if (rtlphy->rf_type == RF_1T2R) { * _rtl92c_phy_bb_config_1t(hw); - * RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, ("Config to 1T!!\n")); + * RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "Config to 1T!!\n"); *} */ if (rtlefuse->autoload_failflag == false) { @@ -879,14 +773,14 @@ static bool _rtl92d_phy_bb_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtstatus = _rtl92d_phy_config_bb_with_pgheaderfile(hw, BASEBAND_CONFIG_PHY_REG); } - if (rtstatus != true) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("BB_PG Reg Fail!!")); + if (!rtstatus) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "BB_PG Reg Fail!!\n"); return false; } rtstatus = _rtl92d_phy_config_bb_with_headerfile(hw, BASEBAND_CONFIG_AGC_TAB); - if (rtstatus != true) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("AGC Table Fail\n")); + if (!rtstatus) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "AGC Table Fail\n"); return false; } rtlphy->cck_high_power = (bool) (rtl_get_bbreg(hw, @@ -951,19 +845,17 @@ bool rtl92d_phy_config_rf_with_headerfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, radiob_array_table = rtl8192de_radiob_2t_int_paarray; } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("PHY_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile() " - "Radio_A:Rtl819XRadioA_1TArray\n")); + "PHY_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile() Radio_A:Rtl819XRadioA_1TArray\n"); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("PHY_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile() " - "Radio_B:Rtl819XRadioB_1TArray\n")); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, ("Radio No %x\n", rfpath)); + "PHY_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile() Radio_B:Rtl819XRadioB_1TArray\n"); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "Radio No %x\n", rfpath); /* this only happens when DMDP, mac0 start on 2.4G, * mac1 start on 5G, mac 0 has to set phy0&phy1 * pathA or mac1 has to set phy0&phy1 pathA */ if ((content == radiob_txt) && (rfpath == RF90_PATH_A)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - (" ===> althougth Path A, we load radiob.txt\n")); + " ===> althougth Path A, we load radiob.txt\n"); radioa_arraylen = radiob_arraylen; radioa_array_table = radiob_array_table; } @@ -1022,11 +914,11 @@ bool rtl92d_phy_config_rf_with_headerfile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; case RF90_PATH_C: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; case RF90_PATH_D: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } return true; @@ -1046,19 +938,18 @@ void rtl92d_phy_get_hw_reg_originalvalue(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlphy->default_initialgain[3] = (u8) rtl_get_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_XDAGCCORE1, BMASKBYTE0); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Default initial gain (c50=0x%x, " - "c58=0x%x, c60=0x%x, c68=0x%x\n", - rtlphy->default_initialgain[0], - rtlphy->default_initialgain[1], - rtlphy->default_initialgain[2], - rtlphy->default_initialgain[3])); + "Default initial gain (c50=0x%x, c58=0x%x, c60=0x%x, c68=0x%x\n", + rtlphy->default_initialgain[0], + rtlphy->default_initialgain[1], + rtlphy->default_initialgain[2], + rtlphy->default_initialgain[3]); rtlphy->framesync = (u8)rtl_get_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_RXDETECTOR3, BMASKBYTE0); rtlphy->framesync_c34 = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_RXDETECTOR2, BMASKDWORD); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Default framesync (0x%x) = 0x%x\n", - ROFDM0_RXDETECTOR3, rtlphy->framesync)); + "Default framesync (0x%x) = 0x%x\n", + ROFDM0_RXDETECTOR3, rtlphy->framesync); } static void _rtl92d_get_txpower_index(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 channel, @@ -1137,7 +1028,7 @@ void rtl92d_phy_set_txpower_level(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 channel) struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); u8 cckpowerlevel[2], ofdmpowerlevel[2]; - if (rtlefuse->txpwr_fromeprom == false) + if (!rtlefuse->txpwr_fromeprom) return; channel = _rtl92c_phy_get_rightchnlplace(channel); _rtl92d_get_txpower_index(hw, channel, &cckpowerlevel[0], @@ -1172,7 +1063,7 @@ void rtl92d_phy_scan_operation_backup(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 operation) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Unknown Scan Backup operation.\n")); + "Unknown Scan Backup operation\n"); break; } } @@ -1193,14 +1084,13 @@ void rtl92d_phy_set_bw_mode(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, return; if ((is_hal_stop(rtlhal)) || (RT_CANNOT_IO(hw))) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("FALSE driver sleep or unload\n")); + "FALSE driver sleep or unload\n"); return; } rtlphy->set_bwmode_inprogress = true; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, - ("Switch to %s bandwidth\n", - rtlphy->current_chan_bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20 ? - "20MHz" : "40MHz")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, "Switch to %s bandwidth\n", + rtlphy->current_chan_bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20 ? + "20MHz" : "40MHz"); reg_bw_opmode = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_BWOPMODE); reg_prsr_rsc = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, REG_RRSR + 2); switch (rtlphy->current_chan_bw) { @@ -1218,7 +1108,7 @@ void rtl92d_phy_set_bw_mode(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", rtlphy->current_chan_bw)); + "unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", rtlphy->current_chan_bw); break; } switch (rtlphy->current_chan_bw) { @@ -1250,13 +1140,13 @@ void rtl92d_phy_set_bw_mode(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", rtlphy->current_chan_bw)); + "unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", rtlphy->current_chan_bw); break; } rtl92d_phy_rf6052_set_bandwidth(hw, rtlphy->current_chan_bw); rtlphy->set_bwmode_inprogress = false; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, ("<==\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, "<==\n"); } static void _rtl92d_phy_stop_trx_before_changeband(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -1273,7 +1163,7 @@ static void rtl92d_phy_switch_wirelessband(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 band) struct rtl_hal *rtlhal = rtl_hal(rtl_priv(hw)); u8 value8; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("==>\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "==>\n"); rtlhal->bandset = band; rtlhal->current_bandtype = band; if (IS_92D_SINGLEPHY(rtlhal->version)) @@ -1283,13 +1173,13 @@ static void rtl92d_phy_switch_wirelessband(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 band) /* reconfig BB/RF according to wireless mode */ if (rtlhal->current_bandtype == BAND_ON_2_4G) { /* BB & RF Config */ - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, ("====>2.4G\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, "====>2.4G\n"); if (rtlhal->interfaceindex == 1) _rtl92d_phy_config_bb_with_headerfile(hw, BASEBAND_CONFIG_AGC_TAB); } else { /* 5G band */ - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, ("====>5G\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, "====>5G\n"); if (rtlhal->interfaceindex == 1) _rtl92d_phy_config_bb_with_headerfile(hw, BASEBAND_CONFIG_AGC_TAB); @@ -1317,7 +1207,7 @@ static void rtl92d_phy_switch_wirelessband(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 band) 0 ? REG_MAC0 : REG_MAC1), value8); } mdelay(1); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("<==Switch Band OK.\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "<==Switch Band OK\n"); } static void _rtl92d_phy_reload_imr_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -1329,9 +1219,9 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_reload_imr_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 group, i; unsigned long flag = 0; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, ("====>path %d\n", rfpath)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "====>path %d\n", rfpath); if (rtlpriv->rtlhal.current_bandtype == BAND_ON_5G) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, ("====>5G\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "====>5G\n"); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RFPGA0_RFMOD, BIT(25) | BIT(24), 0); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RFPGA0_ANALOGPARAMETER4, 0x00f00000, 0xf); /* fc area 0xd2c */ @@ -1353,14 +1243,13 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_reload_imr_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } else { /* G band. */ RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_LOUD, - ("Load RF IMR parameters for G band. IMR already " - "setting %d\n", - rtlpriv->rtlhal.load_imrandiqk_setting_for2g)); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, ("====>2.4G\n")); + "Load RF IMR parameters for G band. IMR already setting %d\n", + rtlpriv->rtlhal.load_imrandiqk_setting_for2g); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "====>2.4G\n"); if (!rtlpriv->rtlhal.load_imrandiqk_setting_for2g) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_LOUD, - ("Load RF IMR parameters " - "for G band. %d\n", rfpath)); + "Load RF IMR parameters for G band. %d\n", + rfpath); rtl92d_acquire_cckandrw_pagea_ctl(hw, &flag); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RFPGA0_RFMOD, BIT(25) | BIT(24), 0); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RFPGA0_ANALOGPARAMETER4, @@ -1378,7 +1267,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_reload_imr_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtl92d_release_cckandrw_pagea_ctl(hw, &flag); } } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, ("<====\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "<====\n"); } static void _rtl92d_phy_enable_rf_env(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -1388,7 +1277,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_enable_rf_env(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_phy *rtlphy = &(rtlpriv->phy); struct bb_reg_def *pphyreg = &rtlphy->phyreg_def[rfpath]; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, ("====>\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, "====>\n"); /*----Store original RFENV control type----*/ switch (rfpath) { case RF90_PATH_A: @@ -1414,7 +1303,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_enable_rf_env(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, /*Set 0 to 12 bits for 8255 */ rtl_set_bbreg(hw, pphyreg->rfhssi_para2, B3WIREDATALENGTH, 0x0); udelay(1); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, ("<====\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, "<====\n"); } static void _rtl92d_phy_restore_rf_env(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 rfpath, @@ -1424,7 +1313,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_restore_rf_env(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 rfpath, struct rtl_phy *rtlphy = &(rtlpriv->phy); struct bb_reg_def *pphyreg = &rtlphy->phyreg_def[rfpath]; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, ("=====>\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, "=====>\n"); /*----Restore RFENV control type----*/ ; switch (rfpath) { case RF90_PATH_A: @@ -1437,7 +1326,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_restore_rf_env(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 rfpath, *pu4_regval); break; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, ("<=====\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, "<=====\n"); } static void _rtl92d_phy_switch_rf_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 channel) @@ -1451,13 +1340,13 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_switch_rf_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 channel) bool need_pwr_down = false, internal_pa = false; u32 u4regvalue, mask = 0x1C000, value = 0, u4tmp, u4tmp2; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, ("====>\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "====>\n"); /* config path A for 5G */ if (rtlhal->current_bandtype == BAND_ON_5G) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, ("====>5G\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "====>5G\n"); u4tmp = curveindex_5g[channel - 1]; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("ver 1 set RF-A, 5G, " - "0x28 = 0x%x !!\n", u4tmp)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, + "ver 1 set RF-A, 5G, 0x28 = 0x%x !!\n", u4tmp); for (i = 0; i < RF_CHNL_NUM_5G; i++) { if (channel == rf_chnl_5g[i] && channel <= 140) index = 0; @@ -1503,12 +1392,13 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_switch_rf_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 channel) rf_reg_pram_c_5g[index][i]); } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, - ("offset 0x%x value 0x%x " - "path %d index %d readback 0x%x\n", - rf_reg_for_c_cut_5g[i], - rf_reg_pram_c_5g[index][i], path, - index, rtl_get_rfreg(hw, (enum radio_path)path, - rf_reg_for_c_cut_5g[i], BRFREGOFFSETMASK))); + "offset 0x%x value 0x%x path %d index %d readback 0x%x\n", + rf_reg_for_c_cut_5g[i], + rf_reg_pram_c_5g[index][i], + path, index, + rtl_get_rfreg(hw, (enum radio_path)path, + rf_reg_for_c_cut_5g[i], + BRFREGOFFSETMASK)); } if (need_pwr_down) _rtl92d_phy_restore_rf_env(hw, path, &u4regvalue); @@ -1541,11 +1431,10 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_switch_rf_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 channel) BRFREGOFFSETMASK, rf_pram_c_5g_int_pa[index][i]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, - ("offset 0x%x value 0x%x " - "path %d index %d\n", + "offset 0x%x value 0x%x path %d index %d\n", rf_for_c_cut_5g_internal_pa[i], rf_pram_c_5g_int_pa[index][i], - rfpath, index)); + rfpath, index); } } else { rtl_set_rfreg(hw, (enum radio_path)rfpath, 0x0B, @@ -1553,10 +1442,10 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_switch_rf_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 channel) } } } else if (rtlhal->current_bandtype == BAND_ON_2_4G) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, ("====>2.4G\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "====>2.4G\n"); u4tmp = curveindex_2g[channel - 1]; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("ver 3 set RF-B, 2G, " - "0x28 = 0x%x !!\n", u4tmp)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, + "ver 3 set RF-B, 2G, 0x28 = 0x%x !!\n", u4tmp); if (channel == 1 || channel == 2 || channel == 4 || channel == 9 || channel == 10 || channel == 11 || channel == 12) index = 0; @@ -1590,18 +1479,17 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_switch_rf_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 channel) rf_reg_param_for_c_cut_2g [index][i]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, - ("offset 0x%x value 0x%x mak 0x%x path %d " - "index %d readback 0x%x\n", - rf_reg_for_c_cut_2g[i], - rf_reg_param_for_c_cut_2g[index][i], - rf_reg_mask_for_c_cut_2g[i], path, index, - rtl_get_rfreg(hw, (enum radio_path)path, - rf_reg_for_c_cut_2g[i], - BRFREGOFFSETMASK))); + "offset 0x%x value 0x%x mak 0x%x path %d index %d readback 0x%x\n", + rf_reg_for_c_cut_2g[i], + rf_reg_param_for_c_cut_2g[index][i], + rf_reg_mask_for_c_cut_2g[i], path, index, + rtl_get_rfreg(hw, (enum radio_path)path, + rf_reg_for_c_cut_2g[i], + BRFREGOFFSETMASK)); } RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("cosa ver 3 set RF-B, 2G, 0x28 = 0x%x !!\n", - rf_syn_g4_for_c_cut_2g | (u4tmp << 11))); + "cosa ver 3 set RF-B, 2G, 0x28 = 0x%x !!\n", + rf_syn_g4_for_c_cut_2g | (u4tmp << 11)); rtl_set_rfreg(hw, (enum radio_path)path, RF_SYN_G4, BRFREGOFFSETMASK, @@ -1611,7 +1499,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_switch_rf_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 channel) if (rtlhal->during_mac0init_radiob) rtl92d_phy_powerdown_anotherphy(hw, true); } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, ("<====\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "<====\n"); } u8 rtl92d_get_rightchnlplace_for_iqk(u8 chnl) @@ -1648,9 +1536,9 @@ static u8 _rtl92d_phy_patha_iqk(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool configpathb) u32 regeac, rege94, rege9c, regea4; u8 result = 0; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Path A IQK!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "Path A IQK!\n"); /* path-A IQK setting */ - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Path-A IQK setting!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "Path-A IQK setting!\n"); if (rtlhal->interfaceindex == 0) { rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe30, BMASKDWORD, 0x10008c1f); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe34, BMASKDWORD, 0x10008c1f); @@ -1668,26 +1556,26 @@ static u8 _rtl92d_phy_patha_iqk(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool configpathb) rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe5c, BMASKDWORD, 0x28160206); } /* LO calibration setting */ - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("LO calibration setting!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "LO calibration setting!\n"); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe4c, BMASKDWORD, 0x00462911); /* One shot, path A LOK & IQK */ - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("One shot, path A LOK & IQK!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "One shot, path A LOK & IQK!\n"); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe48, BMASKDWORD, 0xf9000000); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe48, BMASKDWORD, 0xf8000000); /* delay x ms */ RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("Delay %d ms for One shot, path A LOK & IQK.\n", - IQK_DELAY_TIME)); + "Delay %d ms for One shot, path A LOK & IQK\n", + IQK_DELAY_TIME); mdelay(IQK_DELAY_TIME); /* Check failed */ regeac = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xeac, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xeac = 0x%x\n", regeac)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xeac = 0x%x\n", regeac); rege94 = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xe94, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xe94 = 0x%x\n", rege94)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xe94 = 0x%x\n", rege94); rege9c = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xe9c, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xe9c = 0x%x\n", rege9c)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xe9c = 0x%x\n", rege9c); regea4 = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xea4, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xea4 = 0x%x\n", regea4)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xea4 = 0x%x\n", regea4); if (!(regeac & BIT(28)) && (((rege94 & 0x03FF0000) >> 16) != 0x142) && (((rege9c & 0x03FF0000) >> 16) != 0x42)) result |= 0x01; @@ -1698,7 +1586,7 @@ static u8 _rtl92d_phy_patha_iqk(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool configpathb) (((regeac & 0x03FF0000) >> 16) != 0x36)) result |= 0x02; else - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Path A Rx IQK fail!!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "Path A Rx IQK fail!!\n"); return result; } @@ -1719,9 +1607,9 @@ static u8 _rtl92d_phy_patha_iqk_5g_normal(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, TxOKBit = BIT(31); RxOKBit = BIT(30); } - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Path A IQK!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "Path A IQK!\n"); /* path-A IQK setting */ - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Path-A IQK setting!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "Path-A IQK setting!\n"); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe30, BMASKDWORD, 0x18008c1f); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe34, BMASKDWORD, 0x18008c1f); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe38, BMASKDWORD, 0x82140307); @@ -1734,7 +1622,7 @@ static u8 _rtl92d_phy_patha_iqk_5g_normal(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe5c, BMASKDWORD, 0x68110000); } /* LO calibration setting */ - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("LO calibration setting!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "LO calibration setting!\n"); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe4c, BMASKDWORD, 0x00462911); /* path-A PA on */ rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RFPGA0_XAB_RFINTERFACESW, BMASKDWORD, 0x07000f60); @@ -1742,29 +1630,29 @@ static u8 _rtl92d_phy_patha_iqk_5g_normal(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, for (i = 0; i < retrycount; i++) { /* One shot, path A LOK & IQK */ RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("One shot, path A LOK & IQK!\n")); + "One shot, path A LOK & IQK!\n"); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe48, BMASKDWORD, 0xf9000000); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe48, BMASKDWORD, 0xf8000000); /* delay x ms */ RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("Delay %d ms for One shot, path A LOK & IQK.\n", - IQK_DELAY_TIME)); + "Delay %d ms for One shot, path A LOK & IQK.\n", + IQK_DELAY_TIME); mdelay(IQK_DELAY_TIME * 10); /* Check failed */ regeac = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xeac, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xeac = 0x%x\n", regeac)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xeac = 0x%x\n", regeac); rege94 = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xe94, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xe94 = 0x%x\n", rege94)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xe94 = 0x%x\n", rege94); rege9c = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xe9c, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xe9c = 0x%x\n", rege9c)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xe9c = 0x%x\n", rege9c); regea4 = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xea4, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xea4 = 0x%x\n", regea4)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xea4 = 0x%x\n", regea4); if (!(regeac & TxOKBit) && (((rege94 & 0x03FF0000) >> 16) != 0x142)) { result |= 0x01; } else { /* if Tx not OK, ignore Rx */ RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("Path A Tx IQK fail!!\n")); + "Path A Tx IQK fail!!\n"); continue; } @@ -1775,7 +1663,7 @@ static u8 _rtl92d_phy_patha_iqk_5g_normal(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; } else { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("Path A Rx IQK fail!!\n")); + "Path A Rx IQK fail!!\n"); } } /* path A PA off */ @@ -1793,27 +1681,26 @@ static u8 _rtl92d_phy_pathb_iqk(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u32 regeac, regeb4, regebc, regec4, regecc; u8 result = 0; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Path B IQK!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "Path B IQK!\n"); /* One shot, path B LOK & IQK */ - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("One shot, path A LOK & IQK!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "One shot, path A LOK & IQK!\n"); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe60, BMASKDWORD, 0x00000002); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe60, BMASKDWORD, 0x00000000); /* delay x ms */ RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("Delay %d ms for One shot, path B LOK & IQK.\n", - IQK_DELAY_TIME)); + "Delay %d ms for One shot, path B LOK & IQK\n", IQK_DELAY_TIME); mdelay(IQK_DELAY_TIME); /* Check failed */ regeac = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xeac, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xeac = 0x%x\n", regeac)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xeac = 0x%x\n", regeac); regeb4 = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xeb4, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xeb4 = 0x%x\n", regeb4)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xeb4 = 0x%x\n", regeb4); regebc = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xebc, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xebc = 0x%x\n", regebc)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xebc = 0x%x\n", regebc); regec4 = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xec4, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xec4 = 0x%x\n", regec4)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xec4 = 0x%x\n", regec4); regecc = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xecc, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xecc = 0x%x\n", regecc)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xecc = 0x%x\n", regecc); if (!(regeac & BIT(31)) && (((regeb4 & 0x03FF0000) >> 16) != 0x142) && (((regebc & 0x03FF0000) >> 16) != 0x42)) result |= 0x01; @@ -1823,7 +1710,7 @@ static u8 _rtl92d_phy_pathb_iqk(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) (((regecc & 0x03FF0000) >> 16) != 0x36)) result |= 0x02; else - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Path B Rx IQK fail!!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "Path B Rx IQK fail!!\n"); return result; } @@ -1837,9 +1724,9 @@ static u8 _rtl92d_phy_pathb_iqk_5g_normal(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u8 i; u8 retrycount = 2; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Path B IQK!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "Path B IQK!\n"); /* path-A IQK setting */ - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Path-A IQK setting!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "Path-A IQK setting!\n"); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe30, BMASKDWORD, 0x18008c1f); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe34, BMASKDWORD, 0x18008c1f); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe38, BMASKDWORD, 0x82110000); @@ -1852,7 +1739,7 @@ static u8 _rtl92d_phy_pathb_iqk_5g_normal(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe5c, BMASKDWORD, 0x68160960); /* LO calibration setting */ - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("LO calibration setting!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "LO calibration setting!\n"); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe4c, BMASKDWORD, 0x00462911); /* path-B PA on */ @@ -1862,26 +1749,26 @@ static u8 _rtl92d_phy_pathb_iqk_5g_normal(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) for (i = 0; i < retrycount; i++) { /* One shot, path B LOK & IQK */ RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("One shot, path A LOK & IQK!\n")); + "One shot, path A LOK & IQK!\n"); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe48, BMASKDWORD, 0xfa000000); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe48, BMASKDWORD, 0xf8000000); /* delay x ms */ RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("Delay %d ms for One shot, path B LOK & IQK.\n", 10)); + "Delay %d ms for One shot, path B LOK & IQK.\n", 10); mdelay(IQK_DELAY_TIME * 10); /* Check failed */ regeac = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xeac, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xeac = 0x%x\n", regeac)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xeac = 0x%x\n", regeac); regeb4 = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xeb4, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xeb4 = 0x%x\n", regeb4)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xeb4 = 0x%x\n", regeb4); regebc = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xebc, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xebc = 0x%x\n", regebc)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xebc = 0x%x\n", regebc); regec4 = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xec4, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xec4 = 0x%x\n", regec4)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xec4 = 0x%x\n", regec4); regecc = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xecc, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xecc = 0x%x\n", regecc)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xecc = 0x%x\n", regecc); if (!(regeac & BIT(31)) && (((regeb4 & 0x03FF0000) >> 16) != 0x142)) result |= 0x01; @@ -1893,7 +1780,7 @@ static u8 _rtl92d_phy_pathb_iqk_5g_normal(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) break; } else { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("Path B Rx IQK fail!!\n")); + "Path B Rx IQK fail!!\n"); } } @@ -1912,7 +1799,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_save_adda_registers(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); u32 i; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Save ADDA parameters.\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "Save ADDA parameters.\n"); for (i = 0; i < regnum; i++) adda_backup[i] = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, adda_reg[i], BMASKDWORD); } @@ -1923,7 +1810,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_save_mac_registers(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); u32 i; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Save MAC parameters.\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "Save MAC parameters.\n"); for (i = 0; i < (IQK_MAC_REG_NUM - 1); i++) macbackup[i] = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, macreg[i]); macbackup[i] = rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, macreg[i]); @@ -1937,7 +1824,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_reload_adda_registers(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 i; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("Reload ADDA power saving parameters !\n")); + "Reload ADDA power saving parameters !\n"); for (i = 0; i < regnum; i++) rtl_set_bbreg(hw, adda_reg[i], BMASKDWORD, adda_backup[i]); } @@ -1948,7 +1835,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_reload_mac_registers(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); u32 i; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Reload MAC parameters !\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "Reload MAC parameters !\n"); for (i = 0; i < (IQK_MAC_REG_NUM - 1); i++) rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, macreg[i], (u8) macbackup[i]); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, macreg[i], macbackup[i]); @@ -1961,7 +1848,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_path_adda_on(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 pathon; u32 i; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("ADDA ON.\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "ADDA ON.\n"); pathon = patha_on ? 0x04db25a4 : 0x0b1b25a4; if (patha_on) pathon = rtlpriv->rtlhal.interfaceindex == 0 ? @@ -1976,7 +1863,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_mac_setting_calibration(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); u32 i; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("MAC settings for Calibration.\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "MAC settings for Calibration.\n"); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, macreg[0], 0x3F); for (i = 1; i < (IQK_MAC_REG_NUM - 1); i++) @@ -1988,7 +1875,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_mac_setting_calibration(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, static void _rtl92d_phy_patha_standby(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Path-A standby mode!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "Path-A standby mode!\n"); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe28, BMASKDWORD, 0x0); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RFPGA0_XA_LSSIPARAMETER, BMASKDWORD, 0x00010000); @@ -2001,7 +1888,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_pimode_switch(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool pi_mode) u32 mode; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("BB Switch to %s mode!\n", (pi_mode ? "PI" : "SI"))); + "BB Switch to %s mode!\n", pi_mode ? "PI" : "SI"); mode = pi_mode ? 0x01000100 : 0x01000000; rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0x820, BMASKDWORD, mode); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0x828, BMASKDWORD, mode); @@ -2033,12 +1920,12 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, long result[][8], const u32 retrycount = 2; u32 bbvalue; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("IQK for 2.4G :Start!!!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "IQK for 2.4G :Start!!!\n"); if (t == 0) { bbvalue = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, RFPGA0_RFMOD, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("==>0x%08x\n", bbvalue)); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("IQ Calibration for %s\n", - (is2t ? "2T2R" : "1T1R"))); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "==>0x%08x\n", bbvalue); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "IQ Calibration for %s\n", + is2t ? "2T2R" : "1T1R"); /* Save ADDA parameters, turn Path A ADDA on */ _rtl92d_phy_save_adda_registers(hw, adda_reg, @@ -2076,7 +1963,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, long result[][8], if (is2t) rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xb6c, BMASKDWORD, 0x0f600000); /* IQ calibration setting */ - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("IQK setting!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "IQK setting!\n"); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe28, BMASKDWORD, 0x80800000); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe40, BMASKDWORD, 0x01007c00); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe44, BMASKDWORD, 0x01004800); @@ -2084,7 +1971,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, long result[][8], patha_ok = _rtl92d_phy_patha_iqk(hw, is2t); if (patha_ok == 0x03) { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("Path A IQK Success!!\n")); + "Path A IQK Success!!\n"); result[t][0] = (rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xe94, BMASKDWORD) & 0x3FF0000) >> 16; result[t][1] = (rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xe9c, BMASKDWORD) & @@ -2097,7 +1984,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, long result[][8], } else if (i == (retrycount - 1) && patha_ok == 0x01) { /* Tx IQK OK */ RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("Path A IQK Only Tx Success!!\n")); + "Path A IQK Only Tx Success!!\n"); result[t][0] = (rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xe94, BMASKDWORD) & 0x3FF0000) >> 16; @@ -2106,7 +1993,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, long result[][8], } } if (0x00 == patha_ok) - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Path A IQK failed!!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "Path A IQK failed!!\n"); if (is2t) { _rtl92d_phy_patha_standby(hw); /* Turn Path B ADDA on */ @@ -2115,7 +2002,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, long result[][8], pathb_ok = _rtl92d_phy_pathb_iqk(hw); if (pathb_ok == 0x03) { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("Path B IQK Success!!\n")); + "Path B IQK Success!!\n"); result[t][4] = (rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xeb4, BMASKDWORD) & 0x3FF0000) >> 16; result[t][5] = (rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xebc, @@ -2128,7 +2015,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, long result[][8], } else if (i == (retrycount - 1) && pathb_ok == 0x01) { /* Tx IQK OK */ RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("Path B Only Tx IQK Success!!\n")); + "Path B Only Tx IQK Success!!\n"); result[t][4] = (rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xeb4, BMASKDWORD) & 0x3FF0000) >> 16; result[t][5] = (rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xebc, @@ -2137,12 +2024,12 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, long result[][8], } if (0x00 == pathb_ok) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("Path B IQK failed!!\n")); + "Path B IQK failed!!\n"); } /* Back to BB mode, load original value */ RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("IQK:Back to BB mode, load original value!\n")); + "IQK:Back to BB mode, load original value!\n"); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe28, BMASKDWORD, 0); if (t != 0) { @@ -2167,7 +2054,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, long result[][8], rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe30, BMASKDWORD, 0x01008c00); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe34, BMASKDWORD, 0x01008c00); } - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("<==\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "<==\n"); } static void _rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate_5g_normal(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -2199,13 +2086,13 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate_5g_normal(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, /* Note: IQ calibration must be performed after loading * PHY_REG.txt , and radio_a, radio_b.txt */ - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("IQK for 5G NORMAL:Start!!!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "IQK for 5G NORMAL:Start!!!\n"); mdelay(IQK_DELAY_TIME * 20); if (t == 0) { bbvalue = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, RFPGA0_RFMOD, BMASKDWORD); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("==>0x%08x\n", bbvalue)); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("IQ Calibration for %s\n", - (is2t ? "2T2R" : "1T1R"))); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "==>0x%08x\n", bbvalue); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "IQ Calibration for %s\n", + is2t ? "2T2R" : "1T1R"); /* Save ADDA parameters, turn Path A ADDA on */ _rtl92d_phy_save_adda_registers(hw, adda_reg, rtlphy->adda_backup, @@ -2242,13 +2129,13 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate_5g_normal(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (is2t) rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xb6c, BMASKDWORD, 0x0f600000); /* IQ calibration setting */ - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("IQK setting!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "IQK setting!\n"); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe28, BMASKDWORD, 0x80800000); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe40, BMASKDWORD, 0x10007c00); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe44, BMASKDWORD, 0x01004800); patha_ok = _rtl92d_phy_patha_iqk_5g_normal(hw, is2t); if (patha_ok == 0x03) { - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Path A IQK Success!!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "Path A IQK Success!!\n"); result[t][0] = (rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xe94, BMASKDWORD) & 0x3FF0000) >> 16; result[t][1] = (rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xe9c, BMASKDWORD) & @@ -2259,14 +2146,14 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate_5g_normal(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, 0x3FF0000) >> 16; } else if (patha_ok == 0x01) { /* Tx IQK OK */ RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("Path A IQK Only Tx Success!!\n")); + "Path A IQK Only Tx Success!!\n"); result[t][0] = (rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xe94, BMASKDWORD) & 0x3FF0000) >> 16; result[t][1] = (rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xe9c, BMASKDWORD) & 0x3FF0000) >> 16; } else { - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Path A IQK Fail!!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "Path A IQK Fail!!\n"); } if (is2t) { /* _rtl92d_phy_patha_standby(hw); */ @@ -2275,7 +2162,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate_5g_normal(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, pathb_ok = _rtl92d_phy_pathb_iqk_5g_normal(hw); if (pathb_ok == 0x03) { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("Path B IQK Success!!\n")); + "Path B IQK Success!!\n"); result[t][4] = (rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xeb4, BMASKDWORD) & 0x3FF0000) >> 16; result[t][5] = (rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xebc, BMASKDWORD) & @@ -2286,20 +2173,20 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate_5g_normal(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, 0x3FF0000) >> 16; } else if (pathb_ok == 0x01) { /* Tx IQK OK */ RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("Path B Only Tx IQK Success!!\n")); + "Path B Only Tx IQK Success!!\n"); result[t][4] = (rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xeb4, BMASKDWORD) & 0x3FF0000) >> 16; result[t][5] = (rtl_get_bbreg(hw, 0xebc, BMASKDWORD) & 0x3FF0000) >> 16; } else { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("Path B IQK failed!!\n")); + "Path B IQK failed!!\n"); } } /* Back to BB mode, load original value */ RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("IQK:Back to BB mode, load original value!\n")); + "IQK:Back to BB mode, load original value!\n"); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, 0xe28, BMASKDWORD, 0); if (t != 0) { if (is2t) @@ -2321,7 +2208,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate_5g_normal(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtlphy->adda_backup, IQK_ADDA_REG_NUM); } - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("<==\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "<==\n"); } static bool _rtl92d_phy_simularity_compare(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -2395,8 +2282,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_patha_fill_iqk_matrix(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtlhal->macphymode == DUALMAC_DUALPHY; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("Path A IQ Calibration %s !\n", - (iqk_ok) ? "Success" : "Failed")); + "Path A IQ Calibration %s !\n", iqk_ok ? "Success" : "Failed"); if (final_candidate == 0xFF) { return; } else if (iqk_ok) { @@ -2406,8 +2292,9 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_patha_fill_iqk_matrix(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if ((val_x & 0x00000200) != 0) val_x = val_x | 0xFFFFFC00; tx0_a = (val_x * oldval_0) >> 8; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("X = 0x%x, tx0_a = 0x%x," - " oldval_0 0x%x\n", val_x, tx0_a, oldval_0)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, + "X = 0x%x, tx0_a = 0x%x, oldval_0 0x%x\n", + val_x, tx0_a, oldval_0); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_XATxIQIMBALANCE, 0x3FF, tx0_a); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_ECCATHRESHOLD, BIT(24), ((val_x * oldval_0 >> 7) & 0x1)); @@ -2419,8 +2306,9 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_patha_fill_iqk_matrix(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtlhal->current_bandtype == BAND_ON_5G) val_y += 3; tx0_c = (val_y * oldval_0) >> 8; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Y = 0x%lx, tx0_c = 0x%lx\n", - val_y, tx0_c)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, + "Y = 0x%lx, tx0_c = 0x%lx\n", + val_y, tx0_c); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_XCTxAFE, 0xF0000000, ((tx0_c & 0x3C0) >> 6)); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_XATxIQIMBALANCE, 0x003F0000, @@ -2428,11 +2316,11 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_patha_fill_iqk_matrix(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (is2t) rtl_set_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_ECCATHRESHOLD, BIT(26), ((val_y * oldval_0 >> 7) & 0x1)); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("0xC80 = 0x%x\n", - rtl_get_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_XATxIQIMBALANCE, - BMASKDWORD))); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "0xC80 = 0x%x\n", + rtl_get_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_XATxIQIMBALANCE, + BMASKDWORD)); if (txonly) { - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("only Tx OK\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "only Tx OK\n"); return; } reg = result[final_candidate][2]; @@ -2452,8 +2340,8 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_pathb_fill_iqk_matrix(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 oldval_1, val_x, tx1_a, reg; long val_y, tx1_c; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Path B IQ Calibration %s !\n", - (iqk_ok) ? "Success" : "Failed")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "Path B IQ Calibration %s !\n", + iqk_ok ? "Success" : "Failed"); if (final_candidate == 0xFF) { return; } else if (iqk_ok) { @@ -2463,8 +2351,8 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_pathb_fill_iqk_matrix(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if ((val_x & 0x00000200) != 0) val_x = val_x | 0xFFFFFC00; tx1_a = (val_x * oldval_1) >> 8; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("X = 0x%x, tx1_a = 0x%x\n", - val_x, tx1_a)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "X = 0x%x, tx1_a = 0x%x\n", + val_x, tx1_a); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_XBTxIQIMBALANCE, 0x3FF, tx1_a); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_ECCATHRESHOLD, BIT(28), ((val_x * oldval_1 >> 7) & 0x1)); @@ -2474,8 +2362,8 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_pathb_fill_iqk_matrix(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (rtlhal->current_bandtype == BAND_ON_5G) val_y += 3; tx1_c = (val_y * oldval_1) >> 8; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Y = 0x%lx, tx1_c = 0x%lx\n", - val_y, tx1_c)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "Y = 0x%lx, tx1_c = 0x%lx\n", + val_y, tx1_c); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_XDTxAFE, 0xF0000000, ((tx1_c & 0x3C0) >> 6)); rtl_set_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_XBTxIQIMBALANCE, 0x003F0000, @@ -2507,7 +2395,7 @@ void rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) unsigned long flag = 0; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("IQK:Start!!!channel %d\n", rtlphy->current_channel)); + "IQK:Start!!!channel %d\n", rtlphy->current_channel); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { result[0][i] = 0; result[1][i] = 0; @@ -2521,7 +2409,7 @@ void rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) is23simular = false; is13simular = false; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("IQK !!!currentband %d\n", rtlhal->current_bandtype)); + "IQK !!!currentband %d\n", rtlhal->current_bandtype); rtl92d_acquire_cckandrw_pagea_ctl(hw, &flag); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (rtlhal->current_bandtype == BAND_ON_5G) { @@ -2573,10 +2461,9 @@ void rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) regec4 = result[i][6]; regecc = result[i][7]; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("IQK: rege94=%lx rege9c=%lx regea4=%lx regeac=%lx " - "regeb4=%lx regebc=%lx regec4=%lx regecc=%lx\n ", + "IQK: rege94=%lx rege9c=%lx regea4=%lx regeac=%lx regeb4=%lx regebc=%lx regec4=%lx regecc=%lx\n", rege94, rege9c, regea4, regeac, regeb4, regebc, regec4, - regecc)); + regecc); } if (final_candidate != 0xff) { rtlphy->reg_e94 = rege94 = result[final_candidate][0]; @@ -2588,12 +2475,11 @@ void rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) regec4 = result[final_candidate][6]; regecc = result[final_candidate][7]; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("IQK: final_candidate is %x\n", final_candidate)); + "IQK: final_candidate is %x\n", final_candidate); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("IQK: rege94=%lx rege9c=%lx regea4=%lx regeac=%lx " - "regeb4=%lx regebc=%lx regec4=%lx regecc=%lx\n ", + "IQK: rege94=%lx rege9c=%lx regea4=%lx regeac=%lx regeb4=%lx regebc=%lx regec4=%lx regecc=%lx\n", rege94, rege9c, regea4, regeac, regeb4, regebc, regec4, - regecc)); + regecc); patha_ok = pathb_ok = true; } else { rtlphy->reg_e94 = rtlphy->reg_eb4 = 0x100; /* X default value */ @@ -2618,7 +2504,7 @@ void rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) true; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN | COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("\nIQK OK indexforchannel %d.\n", indexforchannel)); + "IQK OK indexforchannel %d\n", indexforchannel); } } @@ -2629,17 +2515,17 @@ void rtl92d_phy_reload_iqk_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 channel) struct rtl_hal *rtlhal = &(rtlpriv->rtlhal); u8 indexforchannel; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, ("channel %d\n", channel)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "channel %d\n", channel); /*------Do IQK for normal chip and test chip 5G band------- */ indexforchannel = rtl92d_get_rightchnlplace_for_iqk(channel); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("indexforchannel %d done %d\n", indexforchannel, - rtlphy->iqk_matrix_regsetting[indexforchannel].iqk_done)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "indexforchannel %d done %d\n", + indexforchannel, + rtlphy->iqk_matrix_regsetting[indexforchannel].iqk_done); if (0 && !rtlphy->iqk_matrix_regsetting[indexforchannel].iqk_done && rtlphy->need_iqk) { /* Re Do IQK. */ RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN | COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("Do IQK Matrix reg for channel:%d....\n", channel)); + "Do IQK Matrix reg for channel:%d....\n", channel); rtl92d_phy_iq_calibrate(hw); } else { /* Just load the value. */ @@ -2647,8 +2533,8 @@ void rtl92d_phy_reload_iqk_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 channel) if (((!rtlhal->load_imrandiqk_setting_for2g) && indexforchannel == 0) || indexforchannel > 0) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_LOUD, - ("Just Read IQK Matrix reg for channel:%d" - "....\n", channel)); + "Just Read IQK Matrix reg for channel:%d....\n", + channel); if ((rtlphy->iqk_matrix_regsetting[indexforchannel]. value[0] != NULL) /*&&(regea4 != 0) */) @@ -2672,7 +2558,7 @@ void rtl92d_phy_reload_iqk_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 channel) } } rtlphy->need_iqk = false; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, ("<====\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "<====\n"); } static u32 _rtl92d_phy_get_abs(u32 val1, u32 val2) @@ -2727,8 +2613,8 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_calc_curvindex(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } } smallest_abs_val = 0xffffffff; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("curveindex[%d] = %x\n", i, - curveindex[i])); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "curveindex[%d] = %x\n", + i, curveindex[i]); } } @@ -2743,14 +2629,14 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_reload_lck_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 u4tmp = 0, u4regvalue = 0; bool bneed_powerdown_radio = false; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, ("path %d\n", erfpath)); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("band type = %d\n", - rtlpriv->rtlhal.current_bandtype)); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("channel = %d\n", channel)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "path %d\n", erfpath); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "band type = %d\n", + rtlpriv->rtlhal.current_bandtype); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "channel = %d\n", channel); if (rtlpriv->rtlhal.current_bandtype == BAND_ON_5G) {/* Path-A for 5G */ u4tmp = curveindex_5g[channel-1]; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("ver 1 set RF-A, 5G, 0x28 = 0x%ulx !!\n", u4tmp)); + "ver 1 set RF-A, 5G, 0x28 = 0x%ulx !!\n", u4tmp); if (rtlpriv->rtlhal.macphymode == DUALMAC_DUALPHY && rtlpriv->rtlhal.interfaceindex == 1) { bneed_powerdown_radio = @@ -2769,7 +2655,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_reload_lck_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } else if (rtlpriv->rtlhal.current_bandtype == BAND_ON_2_4G) { u4tmp = curveindex_2g[channel-1]; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("ver 3 set RF-B, 2G, 0x28 = 0x%ulx !!\n", u4tmp)); + "ver 3 set RF-B, 2G, 0x28 = 0x%ulx !!\n", u4tmp); if (rtlpriv->rtlhal.macphymode == DUALMAC_DUALPHY && rtlpriv->rtlhal.interfaceindex == 0) { bneed_powerdown_radio = @@ -2781,14 +2667,14 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_reload_lck_setting(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } rtl_set_rfreg(hw, erfpath, RF_SYN_G4, 0x3f800, u4tmp); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("ver 3 set RF-B, 2G, 0x28 = 0x%ulx !!\n", - rtl_get_rfreg(hw, erfpath, RF_SYN_G4, 0x3f800))); + "ver 3 set RF-B, 2G, 0x28 = 0x%ulx !!\n", + rtl_get_rfreg(hw, erfpath, RF_SYN_G4, 0x3f800)); if (bneed_powerdown_radio) _rtl92d_phy_restore_rf_env(hw, erfpath, &u4regvalue); if (rtlpriv->rtlhal.during_mac0init_radiob) rtl92d_phy_powerdown_anotherphy(hw, true); } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, ("<====\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "<====\n"); } static void _rtl92d_phy_lc_calibrate_sw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool is2t) @@ -2836,20 +2722,20 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_lc_calibrate_sw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool is2t) RF_SYN_G6, BRFREGOFFSETMASK); } RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("PHY_LCK finish delay for %d ms=2\n", timecount)); + "PHY_LCK finish delay for %d ms=2\n", timecount); u4tmp = rtl_get_rfreg(hw, index, RF_SYN_G4, BRFREGOFFSETMASK); if (index == 0 && rtlhal->interfaceindex == 0) { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("path-A / 5G LCK\n")); + "path-A / 5G LCK\n"); } else { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("path-B / 2.4G LCK\n")); + "path-B / 2.4G LCK\n"); } memset(&curvecount_val[0], 0, CV_CURVE_CNT * 2); /* Set LC calibration off */ rtl_set_rfreg(hw, (enum radio_path)index, RF_CHNLBW, 0x08000, 0x0); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("set RF 0x18[15] = 0\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "set RF 0x18[15] = 0\n"); /* save Curve-counting number */ for (i = 0; i < CV_CURVE_CNT; i++) { u32 readval = 0, readval2 = 0; @@ -2899,7 +2785,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_lc_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool is2t) { struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("cosa PHY_LCK ver=2\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "cosa PHY_LCK ver=2\n"); _rtl92d_phy_lc_calibrate_sw(hw, is2t); } @@ -2917,8 +2803,8 @@ void rtl92d_phy_lc_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlphy->lck_inprogress = true; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, - ("LCK:Start!!! currentband %x delay %d ms\n", - rtlhal->current_bandtype, timecount)); + "LCK:Start!!! currentband %x delay %d ms\n", + rtlhal->current_bandtype, timecount); if (IS_92D_SINGLEPHY(rtlhal->version)) { _rtl92d_phy_lc_calibrate(hw, true); } else { @@ -2926,7 +2812,7 @@ void rtl92d_phy_lc_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) _rtl92d_phy_lc_calibrate(hw, false); } rtlphy->lck_inprogress = false; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("LCK:Finish!!!\n")); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_IQK, "LCK:Finish!!!\n"); } void rtl92d_phy_ap_calibrate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, char delta) @@ -2941,7 +2827,7 @@ static bool _rtl92d_phy_set_sw_chnl_cmdarray(struct swchnlcmd *cmdtable, struct swchnlcmd *pcmd; if (cmdtable == NULL) { - RT_ASSERT(false, ("cmdtable cannot be NULL.\n")); + RT_ASSERT(false, "cmdtable cannot be NULL\n"); return false; } if (cmdtableidx >= cmdtablesz) @@ -2962,10 +2848,10 @@ void rtl92d_phy_reset_iqk_result(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u8 i; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("settings regs %d default regs %d\n", - (int)(sizeof(rtlphy->iqk_matrix_regsetting) / - sizeof(struct iqk_matrix_regs)), - IQK_MATRIX_REG_NUM)); + "settings regs %d default regs %d\n", + (int)(sizeof(rtlphy->iqk_matrix_regsetting) / + sizeof(struct iqk_matrix_regs)), + IQK_MATRIX_REG_NUM); /* 0xe94, 0xe9c, 0xea4, 0xeac, 0xeb4, 0xebc, 0xec4, 0xecc */ for (i = 0; i < IQK_MATRIX_SETTINGS_NUM; i++) { rtlphy->iqk_matrix_regsetting[i].value[0][0] = 0x100; @@ -3084,7 +2970,7 @@ static bool _rtl92d_phy_sw_chnl_step_by_step(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } break; @@ -3111,7 +2997,7 @@ u8 rtl92d_phy_sw_chnl(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if ((is_hal_stop(rtlhal)) || (RT_CANNOT_IO(hw))) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CHAN, DBG_LOUD, - ("sw_chnl_inprogress false driver sleep or unload\n")); + "sw_chnl_inprogress false driver sleep or unload\n"); return 0; } while (rtlphy->lck_inprogress && timecount < timeout) { @@ -3133,19 +3019,18 @@ u8 rtl92d_phy_sw_chnl(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) * 5G and 2.4G band. */ if (channel <= 14) return 0; - RT_ASSERT((channel > 14), ("5G but channel<=14")); + RT_ASSERT((channel > 14), "5G but channel<=14\n"); break; case BAND_ON_2_4G: /* Get first channel error when change between * 5G and 2.4G band. */ if (channel > 14) return 0; - RT_ASSERT((channel <= 14), ("2G but channel>14")); + RT_ASSERT((channel <= 14), "2G but channel>14\n"); break; default: - RT_ASSERT(false, - ("Invalid WirelessMode(%#x)!!\n", - rtlpriv->mac80211.mode)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "Invalid WirelessMode(%#x)!!\n", + rtlpriv->mac80211.mode); break; } rtlphy->sw_chnl_inprogress = true; @@ -3154,7 +3039,7 @@ u8 rtl92d_phy_sw_chnl(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlphy->sw_chnl_stage = 0; rtlphy->sw_chnl_step = 0; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, - ("switch to channel%d\n", rtlphy->current_channel)); + "switch to channel%d\n", rtlphy->current_channel); do { if (!rtlphy->sw_chnl_inprogress) @@ -3171,7 +3056,7 @@ u8 rtl92d_phy_sw_chnl(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) } break; } while (true); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, ("<==\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, "<==\n"); rtlphy->sw_chnl_inprogress = false; return 1; } @@ -3182,8 +3067,8 @@ static void rtl92d_phy_set_io(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) struct rtl_phy *rtlphy = &(rtlpriv->phy); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_TRACE, - ("--->Cmd(%#x), set_io_inprogress(%d)\n", - rtlphy->current_io_type, rtlphy->set_io_inprogress)); + "--->Cmd(%#x), set_io_inprogress(%d)\n", + rtlphy->current_io_type, rtlphy->set_io_inprogress); switch (rtlphy->current_io_type) { case IO_CMD_RESUME_DM_BY_SCAN: de_digtable.cur_igvalue = rtlphy->initgain_backup.xaagccore1; @@ -3197,12 +3082,12 @@ static void rtl92d_phy_set_io(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } rtlphy->set_io_inprogress = false; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_TRACE, - ("<---(%#x)\n", rtlphy->current_io_type)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_TRACE, "<---(%#x)\n", + rtlphy->current_io_type); } bool rtl92d_phy_set_io_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum io_type iotype) @@ -3212,23 +3097,23 @@ bool rtl92d_phy_set_io_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum io_type iotype) bool postprocessing = false; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_TRACE, - ("-->IO Cmd(%#x), set_io_inprogress(%d)\n", - iotype, rtlphy->set_io_inprogress)); + "-->IO Cmd(%#x), set_io_inprogress(%d)\n", + iotype, rtlphy->set_io_inprogress); do { switch (iotype) { case IO_CMD_RESUME_DM_BY_SCAN: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_TRACE, - ("[IO CMD] Resume DM after scan.\n")); + "[IO CMD] Resume DM after scan\n"); postprocessing = true; break; case IO_CMD_PAUSE_DM_BY_SCAN: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_TRACE, - ("[IO CMD] Pause DM before scan.\n")); + "[IO CMD] Pause DM before scan\n"); postprocessing = true; break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } } while (false); @@ -3239,7 +3124,7 @@ bool rtl92d_phy_set_io_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum io_type iotype) return false; } rtl92d_phy_set_io(hw); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_TRACE, ("<--IO Type(%#x)\n", iotype)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_TRACE, "<--IO Type(%#x)\n", iotype); return true; } @@ -3297,7 +3182,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_set_rfsleep(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_SYS_FUNC_EN, 0xE3); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_TXPAUSE, 0x00); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("Fail !!! Switch RF timeout.\n")); + "Fail !!! Switch RF timeout\n"); return; } /* e. For PCIE: SYS_FUNC_EN 0x02[7:0] = 0xE2 reset BB TRX function */ @@ -3332,20 +3217,18 @@ bool rtl92d_phy_set_rf_power_state(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, do { InitializeCount++; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("IPS Set eRf nic enable\n")); + "IPS Set eRf nic enable\n"); rtstatus = rtl_ps_enable_nic(hw); - } while ((rtstatus != true) && - (InitializeCount < 10)); + } while (!rtstatus && (InitializeCount < 10)); RT_CLEAR_PS_LEVEL(ppsc, RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_HALT_NIC); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_DMESG, - ("awake, sleeped:%d ms state_" - "inap:%x\n", + "awake, sleeped:%d ms state_inap:%x\n", jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - - ppsc->last_sleep_jiffies), - rtlpriv->psc.state_inap)); + ppsc->last_sleep_jiffies), + rtlpriv->psc.state_inap); ppsc->last_awake_jiffies = jiffies; _rtl92d_phy_set_rfon(hw); } @@ -3360,7 +3243,7 @@ bool rtl92d_phy_set_rf_power_state(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, case ERFOFF: if (ppsc->reg_rfps_level & RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_HALT_NIC) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("IPS Set eRf nic disable\n")); + "IPS Set eRf nic disable\n"); rtl_ps_disable_nic(hw); RT_SET_PS_LEVEL(ppsc, RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_HALT_NIC); } else { @@ -3385,41 +3268,40 @@ bool rtl92d_phy_set_rf_power_state(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, continue; } else if (rtlpci->pdev->current_state != PCI_D0) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("eRf Off/Sleep: %d times TcbBusyQueu" - "e[%d] !=0 but lower power state!\n", - (i + 1), queue_id)); + "eRf Off/Sleep: %d times TcbBusyQueue[%d] !=0 but lower power state!\n", + i + 1, queue_id); break; } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("eRf Off/Sleep: %d times TcbBusyQueu" - "e[%d] =%d " - "before doze!\n", (i + 1), queue_id, - skb_queue_len(&ring->queue))); + "eRf Off/Sleep: %d times TcbBusyQueue[%d] =%d before doze!\n", + i + 1, queue_id, + skb_queue_len(&ring->queue)); udelay(10); i++; } if (i >= MAX_DOZE_WAITING_TIMES_9x) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("\nERFOFF: %d times TcbBusyQueue[%d] " - "= %d !\n", - MAX_DOZE_WAITING_TIMES_9x, queue_id, - skb_queue_len(&ring->queue))); + "ERFOFF: %d times TcbBusyQueue[%d] = %d !\n", + MAX_DOZE_WAITING_TIMES_9x, queue_id, + skb_queue_len(&ring->queue)); break; } } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_DMESG, - ("Set rfsleep awaked:%d ms\n", - jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - ppsc->last_awake_jiffies))); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_DMESG, ("sleep awaked:%d ms " - "state_inap:%x\n", jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - - ppsc->last_awake_jiffies), rtlpriv->psc.state_inap)); + "Set rfsleep awaked:%d ms\n", + jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - ppsc->last_awake_jiffies)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_DMESG, + "sleep awaked:%d ms state_inap:%x\n", + jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - + ppsc->last_awake_jiffies), + rtlpriv->psc.state_inap); ppsc->last_sleep_jiffies = jiffies; _rtl92d_phy_set_rfsleep(hw); break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); bresult = false; break; } @@ -3437,17 +3319,17 @@ void rtl92d_phy_config_macphymode(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) switch (rtlhal->macphymode) { case DUALMAC_DUALPHY: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("MacPhyMode: DUALMAC_DUALPHY\n")); + "MacPhyMode: DUALMAC_DUALPHY\n"); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, offset, 0xF3); break; case SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("MacPhyMode: SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY\n")); + "MacPhyMode: SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY\n"); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, offset, 0xF4); break; case DUALMAC_SINGLEPHY: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("MacPhyMode: DUALMAC_SINGLEPHY\n")); + "MacPhyMode: DUALMAC_SINGLEPHY\n"); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, offset, 0xF1); break; } @@ -3578,7 +3460,7 @@ void rtl92d_phy_set_poweron(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) } } if (i == 200) - RT_ASSERT(false, ("Another mac power off over time\n")); + RT_ASSERT(false, "Another mac power off over time\n"); } } @@ -3615,7 +3497,7 @@ void rtl92d_update_bbrf_configuration(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) struct rtl_efuse *rtlefuse = rtl_efuse(rtl_priv(hw)); u8 rfpath, i; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("==>\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "==>\n"); /* r_select_5G for path_A/B 0 for 2.4G, 1 for 5G */ if (rtlhal->current_bandtype == BAND_ON_2_4G) { /* r_select_5G for path_A/B,0x878 */ @@ -3764,7 +3646,7 @@ void rtl92d_update_bbrf_configuration(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) } else { rtl92d_phy_enable_anotherphy(hw, false); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("MAC1 use DBI to update 0x888")); + "MAC1 use DBI to update 0x888\n"); /* 0x888 */ rtl92de_write_dword_dbi(hw, RFPGA0_ADDALLOCKEN, rtl92de_read_dword_dbi(hw, @@ -3789,9 +3671,9 @@ void rtl92d_update_bbrf_configuration(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) BRFREGOFFSETMASK); } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, ("RF 0x18 = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->rfreg_chnlval[i])); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("<==\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, "RF 0x18 = 0x%x\n", + rtlphy->rfreg_chnlval[i]); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "<==\n"); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/phy.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/phy.h index a52c824b41e32e1d09cc29d451339316cd53dfe2..f074952bf25c53c3fcd6dbf6ae22f0a1f8de9316 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/phy.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/phy.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/reg.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/reg.h index 131acc306fcc07ea2d1eec4bb32193f83a74eefd..ebb1d5f5e7b5c627e3f78566f23e7cbaeb90ba2e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/reg.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/reg.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -998,7 +998,6 @@ #define SCR_RXBCUSEDK BIT(7) /* General definitions */ -#define MAC_ADDR_LEN 6 #define LAST_ENTRY_OF_TX_PKT_BUFFER 255 #define LAST_ENTRY_OF_TX_PKT_BUFFER_DUAL_MAC 127 diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/rf.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/rf.c index db27cebaac2c80052a0479992c88ebfa25017896..3066a7fb0b57b5147b750300164b6f39ad134b73 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/rf.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/rf.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ void rtl92d_phy_rf6052_set_bandwidth(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 bandwidth) BIT(11), 0x01); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, - ("20M RF 0x18 = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->rfreg_chnlval[rfpath])); + "20M RF 0x18 = 0x%x\n", + rtlphy->rfreg_chnlval[rfpath]); } break; @@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ void rtl92d_phy_rf6052_set_bandwidth(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 bandwidth) rtl_set_rfreg(hw, rfpath, RF_CHNLBW, BIT(10) | BIT(11), 0x00); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, - ("40M RF 0x18 = 0x%x\n", - rtlphy->rfreg_chnlval[rfpath])); + "40M RF 0x18 = 0x%x\n", + rtlphy->rfreg_chnlval[rfpath]); } break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", bandwidth)); + "unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", bandwidth); break; } } @@ -127,23 +127,23 @@ void rtl92d_phy_rf6052_set_cck_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, tmpval = tx_agc[RF90_PATH_A] & 0xff; rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RTXAGC_A_CCK1_MCS32, BMASKBYTE1, tmpval); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("CCK PWR 1M (rf-A) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", tmpval, - RTXAGC_A_CCK1_MCS32)); + "CCK PWR 1M (rf-A) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", + tmpval, RTXAGC_A_CCK1_MCS32); tmpval = tx_agc[RF90_PATH_A] >> 8; rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11, 0xffffff00, tmpval); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("CCK PWR 2~11M (rf-A) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", tmpval, - RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11)); + "CCK PWR 2~11M (rf-A) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", + tmpval, RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11); tmpval = tx_agc[RF90_PATH_B] >> 24; rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11, BMASKBYTE0, tmpval); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("CCK PWR 11M (rf-B) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", tmpval, - RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11)); + "CCK PWR 11M (rf-B) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", + tmpval, RTXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11); tmpval = tx_agc[RF90_PATH_B] & 0x00ffffff; rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RTXAGC_B_CCK1_55_MCS32, 0xffffff00, tmpval); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("CCK PWR 1~5.5M (rf-B) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", tmpval, - RTXAGC_B_CCK1_55_MCS32)); + "CCK PWR 1~5.5M (rf-B) = 0x%x (reg 0x%x)\n", + tmpval, RTXAGC_B_CCK1_55_MCS32); } static void _rtl92d_phy_get_power_base(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_get_power_base(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, (powerbase0 << 8) | powerbase0; *(ofdmbase + i) = powerbase0; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - (" [OFDM power base index rf(%c) = 0x%x]\n", - ((i == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), *(ofdmbase + i))); + " [OFDM power base index rf(%c) = 0x%x]\n", + i == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', *(ofdmbase + i)); } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { @@ -179,8 +179,8 @@ static void _rtl92d_phy_get_power_base(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, (powerbase1 << 8) | powerbase1; *(mcsbase + i) = powerbase1; RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - (" [MCS power base index rf(%c) = 0x%x]\n", - ((i == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), *(mcsbase + i))); + " [MCS power base index rf(%c) = 0x%x]\n", + i == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', *(mcsbase + i)); } } @@ -232,9 +232,9 @@ static void _rtl92d_get_txpower_writeval_by_regulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, (rf ? 8 : 0)] + ((index < 2) ? powerbase0[rf] : powerbase1[rf]); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("RTK better " - "performance, writeval(%c) = 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), writeval)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, + "RTK better performance, writeval(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', writeval); break; case 1: if (rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt == 1) @@ -253,33 +253,31 @@ static void _rtl92d_get_txpower_writeval_by_regulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, powerbase0[rf] : powerbase1[rf]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("Realtek regulatory, " - "20MHz, writeval(%c) = 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), - writeval)); + "Realtek regulatory, 20MHz, writeval(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', writeval); } break; case 2: writeval = ((index < 2) ? powerbase0[rf] : powerbase1[rf]); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("Better regulatory, " - "writeval(%c) = 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), writeval)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, + "Better regulatory, writeval(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', writeval); break; case 3: chnlgroup = 0; if (rtlphy->current_chan_bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40) { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("customer's limit, 40MHz rf(%c) = " - "0x%x\n", ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), + "customer's limit, 40MHz rf(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht40[rf] - [channel - 1])); + [channel - 1]); } else { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("customer's limit, 20MHz rf(%c) = " - "0x%x\n", ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), + "customer's limit, 20MHz rf(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht20[rf] - [channel - 1])); + [channel - 1]); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { pwr_diff_limit[i] = @@ -308,13 +306,13 @@ static void _rtl92d_get_txpower_writeval_by_regulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, (pwr_diff_limit[1] << 8) | (pwr_diff_limit[0]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("Customer's limit rf(%c) = 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), customer_limit)); + "Customer's limit rf(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', customer_limit); writeval = customer_limit + ((index < 2) ? powerbase0[rf] : powerbase1[rf]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("Customer, writeval rf(%c)= 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), writeval)); + "Customer, writeval rf(%c)= 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', writeval); break; default: chnlgroup = 0; @@ -323,9 +321,8 @@ static void _rtl92d_get_txpower_writeval_by_regulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, (rf ? 8 : 0)] + ((index < 2) ? powerbase0[rf] : powerbase1[rf]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("RTK better performance, writeval " - "rf(%c) = 0x%x\n", - ((rf == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'), writeval)); + "RTK better performance, writeval rf(%c) = 0x%x\n", + rf == 0 ? 'A' : 'B', writeval); break; } *(p_outwriteval + rf) = writeval; @@ -367,7 +364,7 @@ static void _rtl92d_write_ofdm_power_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, regoffset = regoffset_b[index]; rtl_set_bbreg(hw, regoffset, BMASKDWORD, writeval); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, - ("Set 0x%x = %08x\n", regoffset, writeval)); + "Set 0x%x = %08x\n", regoffset, writeval); if (((get_rf_type(rtlphy) == RF_2T2R) && (regoffset == RTXAGC_A_MCS15_MCS12 || regoffset == RTXAGC_B_MCS15_MCS12)) || @@ -423,11 +420,11 @@ bool rtl92d_phy_enable_anotherphy(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool bmac0) rtlhal->during_mac0init_radiob = false; rtlhal->during_mac1init_radioa = false; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, ("===>\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, "===>\n"); /* MAC0 Need PHY1 load radio_b.txt . Driver use DBI to write. */ u1btmp = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, mac_reg); if (!(u1btmp & mac_on_bit)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("enable BB & RF\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "enable BB & RF\n"); /* Enable BB and RF power */ rtl92de_write_dword_dbi(hw, REG_SYS_ISO_CTRL, rtl92de_read_dword_dbi(hw, REG_SYS_ISO_CTRL, direct) | @@ -437,7 +434,7 @@ bool rtl92d_phy_enable_anotherphy(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool bmac0) * and radio_b.txt has been load. */ bresult = false; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, ("<===\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, "<===\n"); return bresult; } @@ -453,17 +450,17 @@ void rtl92d_phy_powerdown_anotherphy(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool bmac0) rtlhal->during_mac0init_radiob = false; rtlhal->during_mac1init_radioa = false; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, ("====>\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, "====>\n"); /* check MAC0 enable or not again now, if * enabled, not power down radio A. */ u1btmp = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, mac_reg); if (!(u1btmp & mac_on_bit)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("power down\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "power down\n"); /* power down RF radio A according to YuNan's advice. */ rtl92de_write_dword_dbi(hw, RFPGA0_XA_LSSIPARAMETER, 0x00000000, direct); } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, ("<====\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_LOUD, "<====\n"); } bool rtl92d_phy_rf6052_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -604,9 +601,9 @@ bool rtl92d_phy_rf6052_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u4_regvalue); break; } - if (rtstatus != true) { + if (!rtstatus) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Radio[%d] Fail!!", rfpath)); + "Radio[%d] Fail!!", rfpath); goto phy_rf_cfg_fail; } @@ -620,7 +617,7 @@ bool rtl92d_phy_rf6052_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtl92d_phy_powerdown_anotherphy(hw, false); else if (need_pwrdown_radiob) rtl92d_phy_powerdown_anotherphy(hw, true); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, ("<---\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, "<---\n"); return rtstatus; phy_rf_cfg_fail: diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/rf.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/rf.h index 74b9cfc39a83ba9bfca24d39bf5d7317de170e23..0fe1a48593e8b90dd797335efed9fd9e38598ef6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/rf.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/rf.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/sw.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/sw.c index 7911c9c870859ab11c5e03e3bb7cdede5eb0bb54..4898c502974db606bf725ed0664318f0655ab7f8 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/sw.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/sw.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -27,11 +27,6 @@ * *****************************************************************************/ -#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt - -#include -#include - #include "../wifi.h" #include "../core.h" #include "../pci.h" @@ -44,6 +39,8 @@ #include "trx.h" #include "led.h" +#include + static void rtl92d_init_aspm_vars(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { struct rtl_pci *rtlpci = rtl_pcidev(rtl_pcipriv(hw)); @@ -94,7 +91,6 @@ static int rtl92d_init_sw_vars(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u8 tid; struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); struct rtl_pci *rtlpci = rtl_pcidev(rtl_pcipriv(hw)); - const struct firmware *firmware; static int header_print; rtlpriv->dm.dm_initialgain_enable = true; @@ -154,9 +150,9 @@ static int rtl92d_init_sw_vars(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlpriv->psc.swctrl_lps = rtlpriv->cfg->mod_params->swctrl_lps; rtlpriv->psc.fwctrl_lps = rtlpriv->cfg->mod_params->fwctrl_lps; if (!rtlpriv->psc.inactiveps) - pr_info("rtl8192ce: Power Save off (module option)\n"); + pr_info("Power Save off (module option)\n"); if (!rtlpriv->psc.fwctrl_lps) - pr_info("rtl8192ce: FW Power Save off (module option)\n"); + pr_info("FW Power Save off (module option)\n"); rtlpriv->psc.reg_fwctrl_lps = 3; rtlpriv->psc.reg_max_lps_awakeintvl = 5; /* for ASPM, you can close aspm through @@ -170,41 +166,38 @@ static int rtl92d_init_sw_vars(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) else if (rtlpriv->psc.reg_fwctrl_lps == 3) rtlpriv->psc.fwctrl_psmode = FW_PS_DTIM_MODE; + /* for early mode */ + rtlpriv->rtlhal.earlymode_enable = true; + for (tid = 0; tid < 8; tid++) + skb_queue_head_init(&rtlpriv->mac80211.skb_waitq[tid]); + + /* Only load firmware for first MAC */ + if (header_print) + return 0; + /* for firmware buf */ rtlpriv->rtlhal.pfirmware = vzalloc(0x8000); if (!rtlpriv->rtlhal.pfirmware) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Can't alloc buffer for fw.\n")); + "Can't alloc buffer for fw\n"); return 1; } - if (!header_print) { - pr_info("Driver for Realtek RTL8192DE WLAN interface\n"); - pr_info("Loading firmware file %s\n", rtlpriv->cfg->fw_name); - header_print++; - } + rtlpriv->max_fw_size = 0x8000; + pr_info("Driver for Realtek RTL8192DE WLAN interface\n"); + pr_info("Loading firmware file %s\n", rtlpriv->cfg->fw_name); + header_print++; + /* request fw */ - err = request_firmware(&firmware, rtlpriv->cfg->fw_name, - rtlpriv->io.dev); + err = request_firmware_nowait(THIS_MODULE, 1, rtlpriv->cfg->fw_name, + rtlpriv->io.dev, GFP_KERNEL, hw, + rtl_fw_cb); if (err) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Failed to request firmware!\n")); - return 1; - } - if (firmware->size > 0x8000) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Firmware is too big!\n")); - release_firmware(firmware); + "Failed to request firmware!\n"); return 1; } - memcpy(rtlpriv->rtlhal.pfirmware, firmware->data, firmware->size); - rtlpriv->rtlhal.fwsize = firmware->size; - release_firmware(firmware); - /* for early mode */ - rtlpriv->rtlhal.earlymode_enable = true; - for (tid = 0; tid < 8; tid++) - skb_queue_head_init(&rtlpriv->mac80211.skb_waitq[tid]); return 0; } @@ -424,7 +417,7 @@ static int __init rtl92de_module_init(void) ret = pci_register_driver(&rtl92de_driver); if (ret) - RT_ASSERT(false, (": No device found\n")); + RT_ASSERT(false, "No device found\n"); return ret; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/sw.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/sw.h index c95e47de13461ed2269629dd71acac312319547a..0e6035b8fd86faec14d07dd64f22b0acd4037356 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/sw.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/sw.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/table.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/table.c index bad7f9449ecf597f6f3aae0635d5219260d675dd..8ea6f528dfa6d72c4b460ce8bcf60b8555cd8c3e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/table.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/table.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/table.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/table.h index 93f30ca62d8fcfd9d37938f02657f1f8d992e8a9..8b724a86117a5f1130d0d7e83fe87e466182676f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/table.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/table.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/trx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/trx.c index 3637c0c3352513b2dab6a6c964feb61b0f2085ad..a7f6126e2f861f970c0e0f1c63a27021b649be36 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/trx.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/trx.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -602,8 +602,8 @@ void rtl92de_tx_fill_desc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, EM_HDR_LEN); if (ptcb_desc->empkt_num) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_LOUD, - ("Insert 8 byte.pTcb->EMPktNum:%d\n", - ptcb_desc->empkt_num)); + "Insert 8 byte.pTcb->EMPktNum:%d\n", + ptcb_desc->empkt_num); _rtl92de_insert_emcontent(ptcb_desc, (u8 *)(skb->data)); } @@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ void rtl92de_tx_fill_desc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (ieee80211_is_data_qos(fc)) { if (mac->rdg_en) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_TRACE, - ("Enable RDG function.\n")); + "Enable RDG function\n"); SET_TX_DESC_RDG_ENABLE(pdesc, 1); SET_TX_DESC_HTC(pdesc, 1); } @@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ void rtl92de_tx_fill_desc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, SET_TX_DESC_PKT_ID(pdesc, 8); } SET_TX_DESC_MORE_FRAG(pdesc, (lastseg ? 0 : 1)); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_TRACE, ("\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_TRACE, "\n"); } void rtl92de_tx_fill_cmddesc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ void rtl92de_tx_fill_cmddesc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - "H2C Tx Cmd Content\n", pdesc, TX_DESC_SIZE); + "H2C Tx Cmd Content", pdesc, TX_DESC_SIZE); wmb(); SET_TX_DESC_OWN(pdesc, 1); } @@ -793,8 +793,8 @@ void rtl92de_set_desc(u8 *pdesc, bool istx, u8 desc_name, u8 *val) SET_TX_DESC_NEXT_DESC_ADDRESS(pdesc, *(u32 *) val); break; default: - RT_ASSERT(false, ("ERR txdesc :%d" - " not process\n", desc_name)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "ERR txdesc :%d not process\n", + desc_name); break; } } else { @@ -813,8 +813,8 @@ void rtl92de_set_desc(u8 *pdesc, bool istx, u8 desc_name, u8 *val) SET_RX_DESC_EOR(pdesc, 1); break; default: - RT_ASSERT(false, ("ERR rxdesc :%d " - "not process\n", desc_name)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "ERR rxdesc :%d not process\n", + desc_name); break; } } @@ -833,8 +833,8 @@ u32 rtl92de_get_desc(u8 *p_desc, bool istx, u8 desc_name) ret = GET_TX_DESC_TX_BUFFER_ADDRESS(p_desc); break; default: - RT_ASSERT(false, ("ERR txdesc :%d " - "not process\n", desc_name)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "ERR txdesc :%d not process\n", + desc_name); break; } } else { @@ -847,8 +847,8 @@ u32 rtl92de_get_desc(u8 *p_desc, bool istx, u8 desc_name) ret = GET_RX_DESC_PKT_LEN(pdesc); break; default: - RT_ASSERT(false, ("ERR rxdesc :%d " - "not process\n", desc_name)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "ERR rxdesc :%d not process\n", + desc_name); break; } } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/trx.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/trx.h index 4d55d0b6816dca21b1b4322b46be14f1e87cf7b7..0dc736c2723b827661f973a8a9999fbd1e8f366f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/trx.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/trx.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/def.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/def.h index c6c044816d39e585a4cf9e0625675aaf1a1d7574..d1b0a1e1497181220146ce9eb82e7a321252ac07 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/def.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/def.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/dm.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/dm.c index 4203a8531ca0b0569774ad0b72e53c2af07a9d36..fbabae17259e6e6f6e021d754c6a36094f3e2ac2 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/dm.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/dm.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ static void _rtl92s_dm_txpowertracking_callback_thermalmeter( thermalvalue = (u8)rtl_get_rfreg(hw, RF90_PATH_A, RF_T_METER, 0x1f); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER_TRACKING, DBG_LOUD, - ("Readback Thermal Meter = 0x%x pre thermal meter 0x%x " - "eeprom_thermalmeter 0x%x\n", thermalvalue, - rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue, rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter)); + "Readback Thermal Meter = 0x%x pre thermal meter 0x%x eeprom_thermal meter 0x%x\n", + thermalvalue, + rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue, rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter); if (thermalvalue) { rtlpriv->dm.thermalvalue = thermalvalue; @@ -282,11 +282,11 @@ static void _rtl92s_dm_refresh_rateadaptive_mask(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) } if (ra->pre_ratr_state != ra->ratr_state) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATE, DBG_LOUD, ("RSSI = %ld " - "RSSI_LEVEL = %d PreState = %d, CurState = %d\n", - rtlpriv->dm.undecorated_smoothed_pwdb, - ra->ratr_state, - ra->pre_ratr_state, ra->ratr_state)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATE, DBG_LOUD, + "RSSI = %ld RSSI_LEVEL = %d PreState = %d, CurState = %d\n", + rtlpriv->dm.undecorated_smoothed_pwdb, + ra->ratr_state, + ra->pre_ratr_state, ra->ratr_state); rtlpriv->cfg->ops->update_rate_tbl(hw, sta, ra->ratr_state); @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ static void _rtl92s_dm_dynamic_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if ((mac->link_state < MAC80211_LINKED) && (rtlpriv->dm.entry_min_undecoratedsmoothed_pwdb == 0)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_TRACE, - ("Not connected to any\n")); + "Not connected to any\n"); rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txhighpower_lvl = TX_HIGHPWR_LEVEL_NORMAL; @@ -599,22 +599,22 @@ static void _rtl92s_dm_dynamic_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) undecorated_smoothed_pwdb = rtlpriv->dm.entry_min_undecoratedsmoothed_pwdb; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("AP Client PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - undecorated_smoothed_pwdb)); + "AP Client PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + undecorated_smoothed_pwdb); } else { undecorated_smoothed_pwdb = rtlpriv->dm.undecorated_smoothed_pwdb; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("STA Default Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - undecorated_smoothed_pwdb)); + "STA Default Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + undecorated_smoothed_pwdb); } } else { undecorated_smoothed_pwdb = rtlpriv->dm.entry_min_undecoratedsmoothed_pwdb; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("AP Ext Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", - undecorated_smoothed_pwdb)); + "AP Ext Port PWDB = 0x%lx\n", + undecorated_smoothed_pwdb); } txpwr_threshold_lv2 = TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LVL2; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/dm.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/dm.h index 9051a556acc4f0ded17763cc7a6247f346f5c7ca..e1b19a64176584731f018ff6c926588872d44c7b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/dm.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/dm.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/fw.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/fw.c index 3fda6b1dcf465ee3fcda52a5807d78dedb50c760..380e7d4b1ccf8a3629ab142354b88c35535629f1 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/fw.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/fw.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ static bool _rtl92s_firmware_enable_cpu(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) cpustatus = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, TCR); if (cpustatus & IMEM_RDY) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("IMEM Ready after CPU has refilled.\n")); + "IMEM Ready after CPU has refilled\n"); break; } @@ -120,9 +120,8 @@ static u8 _rtl92s_firmware_header_map_rftype(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) return 0x22; break; default: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, - ("Unknown RF type(%x)\n", - rtlphy->rf_type)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, "Unknown RF type(%x)\n", + rtlphy->rf_type); break; } return 0x22; @@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ static bool _rtl92s_firmware_downloadcode(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (buffer_len >= MAX_FIRMWARE_CODE_SIZE) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Size over FIRMWARE_CODE_SIZE!\n")); + "Size over FIRMWARE_CODE_SIZE!\n"); return false; } @@ -231,8 +230,8 @@ static bool _rtl92s_firmware_checkready(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, short pollingcnt = 1000; bool rtstatus = true; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("LoadStaus(%d)\n", - loadfw_status)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, + "LoadStaus(%d)\n", loadfw_status); firmware->fwstatus = (enum fw_status)loadfw_status; @@ -248,8 +247,8 @@ static bool _rtl92s_firmware_checkready(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (!(cpustatus & IMEM_CHK_RPT) || (pollingcnt <= 0)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("FW_STATUS_LOAD_IMEM" - " FAIL CPU, Status=%x\r\n", cpustatus)); + "FW_STATUS_LOAD_IMEM FAIL CPU, Status=%x\n", + cpustatus); goto status_check_fail; } break; @@ -266,16 +265,16 @@ static bool _rtl92s_firmware_checkready(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (!(cpustatus & EMEM_CHK_RPT) || (pollingcnt <= 0)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("FW_STATUS_LOAD_EMEM" - " FAIL CPU, Status=%x\r\n", cpustatus)); + "FW_STATUS_LOAD_EMEM FAIL CPU, Status=%x\n", + cpustatus); goto status_check_fail; } /* Turn On CPU */ rtstatus = _rtl92s_firmware_enable_cpu(hw); - if (rtstatus != true) { + if (!rtstatus) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Enable CPU fail!\n")); + "Enable CPU fail!\n"); goto status_check_fail; } break; @@ -291,14 +290,14 @@ static bool _rtl92s_firmware_checkready(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (!(cpustatus & DMEM_CODE_DONE) || (pollingcnt <= 0)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Polling DMEM code done" - " fail ! cpustatus(%#x)\n", cpustatus)); + "Polling DMEM code done fail ! cpustatus(%#x)\n", + cpustatus); goto status_check_fail; } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("DMEM code download success," - " cpustatus(%#x)\n", cpustatus)); + "DMEM code download success, cpustatus(%#x)\n", + cpustatus); /* Prevent Delay too much and being scheduled out */ /* Polling Load Firmware ready */ @@ -311,14 +310,14 @@ static bool _rtl92s_firmware_checkready(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } while (pollingcnt--); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("Polling Load Firmware ready," - " cpustatus(%x)\n", cpustatus)); + "Polling Load Firmware ready, cpustatus(%x)\n", + cpustatus); if (((cpustatus & LOAD_FW_READY) != LOAD_FW_READY) || (pollingcnt <= 0)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Polling Load Firmware" - " ready fail ! cpustatus(%x)\n", cpustatus)); + "Polling Load Firmware ready fail ! cpustatus(%x)\n", + cpustatus); goto status_check_fail; } @@ -332,7 +331,7 @@ static bool _rtl92s_firmware_checkready(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, RCR_APP_ICV | RCR_APP_MIC)); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("Current RCR settings(%#x)\n", tmpu4b)); + "Current RCR settings(%#x)\n", tmpu4b); /* Set to normal mode. */ rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, LBKMD_SEL, LBK_NORMAL); @@ -340,14 +339,15 @@ static bool _rtl92s_firmware_checkready(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, - ("Unknown status check!\n")); + "Unknown status check!\n"); rtstatus = false; break; } status_check_fail: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("loadfw_status(%d), " - "rtstatus(%x)\n", loadfw_status, rtstatus)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, + "loadfw_status(%d), rtstatus(%x)\n", + loadfw_status, rtstatus); return rtstatus; } @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ int rtl92s_download_fw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u8 fwstatus = FW_STATUS_INIT; bool rtstatus = true; - if (!rtlhal->pfirmware) + if (rtlpriv->max_fw_size == 0 || !rtlhal->pfirmware) return 1; firmware = (struct rt_firmware *)rtlhal->pfirmware; @@ -378,17 +378,17 @@ int rtl92s_download_fw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) firmware->firmwareversion = byte(pfwheader->version, 0); firmware->pfwheader->fwpriv.hci_sel = 1;/* pcie */ - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("signature:%x, version:" - "%x, size:%x," - "imemsize:%x, sram size:%x\n", pfwheader->signature, + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, + "signature:%x, version:%x, size:%x, imemsize:%x, sram size:%x\n", + pfwheader->signature, pfwheader->version, pfwheader->dmem_size, - pfwheader->img_imem_size, pfwheader->img_sram_size)); + pfwheader->img_imem_size, pfwheader->img_sram_size); /* 2. Retrieve IMEM image. */ if ((pfwheader->img_imem_size == 0) || (pfwheader->img_imem_size > sizeof(firmware->fw_imem))) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("memory for data image is less than IMEM required\n")); + "memory for data image is less than IMEM required\n"); goto fail; } else { puc_mappedfile += fwhdr_size; @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ int rtl92s_download_fw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) /* 3. Retriecve EMEM image. */ if (pfwheader->img_sram_size > sizeof(firmware->fw_emem)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("memory for data image is less than EMEM required\n")); + "memory for data image is less than EMEM required\n"); goto fail; } else { puc_mappedfile += firmware->fw_imem_len; @@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ int rtl92s_download_fw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Unexpected Download step!!\n")); + "Unexpected Download step!!\n"); goto fail; break; } @@ -445,15 +445,15 @@ int rtl92s_download_fw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtstatus = _rtl92s_firmware_downloadcode(hw, puc_mappedfile, ul_filelength); - if (rtstatus != true) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("fail!\n")); + if (!rtstatus) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "fail!\n"); goto fail; } /* <3> Check whether load FW process is ready */ rtstatus = _rtl92s_firmware_checkready(hw, fwstatus); - if (rtstatus != true) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("fail!\n")); + if (!rtstatus) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "fail!\n"); goto fail; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/fw.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/fw.h index 74cc503efe8a8474eed867f84b44ed3d7e7f4d66..b4afff62643763f15db2f954d5abc6f1f59e3e3f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/fw.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/fw.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ #define __REALTEK_FIRMWARE92S_H__ #define RTL8190_MAX_FIRMWARE_CODE_SIZE 64000 +#define RTL8190_MAX_RAW_FIRMWARE_CODE_SIZE 90000 #define RTL8190_CPU_START_OFFSET 0x80 /* Firmware Local buffer size. 64k */ #define MAX_FIRMWARE_CODE_SIZE 0xFF00 @@ -217,7 +218,7 @@ struct rt_firmware { u8 fw_emem[RTL8190_MAX_FIRMWARE_CODE_SIZE]; u32 fw_imem_len; u32 fw_emem_len; - u8 sz_fw_tmpbuffer[164000]; + u8 sz_fw_tmpbuffer[RTL8190_MAX_RAW_FIRMWARE_CODE_SIZE]; u32 sz_fw_tmpbufferlen; u16 cmdpacket_fragthresold; }; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/hw.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/hw.c index c474486e391157d1d2be8c4ff40c4ca82db91ce1..b141c35bf9268ae170608b29d562e08436ee5c85 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/hw.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ * *****************************************************************************/ -#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt - #include "../wifi.h" #include "../efuse.h" #include "../base.h" @@ -80,8 +78,8 @@ void rtl92se_get_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) break; } default: { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } } @@ -140,7 +138,7 @@ void rtl92se_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) u8 e_aci; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("HW_VAR_SLOT_TIME %x\n", val[0])); + "HW_VAR_SLOT_TIME %x\n", val[0]); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, SLOT_TIME, val[0]); @@ -185,8 +183,8 @@ void rtl92se_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) *val = min_spacing_to_set; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set HW_VAR_AMPDU_MIN_SPACE: %#x\n", - mac->min_space_cfg)); + "Set HW_VAR_AMPDU_MIN_SPACE: %#x\n", + mac->min_space_cfg); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, AMPDU_MIN_SPACE, mac->min_space_cfg); @@ -201,8 +199,8 @@ void rtl92se_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) mac->min_space_cfg |= (density_to_set << 3); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set HW_VAR_SHORTGI_DENSITY: %#x\n", - mac->min_space_cfg)); + "Set HW_VAR_SHORTGI_DENSITY: %#x\n", + mac->min_space_cfg); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, AMPDU_MIN_SPACE, mac->min_space_cfg); @@ -244,8 +242,8 @@ void rtl92se_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, AGGLEN_LMT_H, regtoset); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MLME, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set HW_VAR_AMPDU_FACTOR: %#x\n", - factor_toset)); + "Set HW_VAR_AMPDU_FACTOR: %#x\n", + factor_toset); } break; } @@ -282,8 +280,8 @@ void rtl92se_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL acm set " - "failed: eACI is %d\n", acm)); + "HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL acm set failed: eACI is %d\n", + acm); break; } } else { @@ -299,13 +297,13 @@ void rtl92se_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_QOS, DBG_TRACE, - ("HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL Write 0x%X\n", acm_ctrl)); + "HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL Write 0x%X\n", acm_ctrl); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, AcmHwCtrl, acm_ctrl); break; } @@ -404,7 +402,7 @@ void rtl92se_set_hw_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 variable, u8 *val) } default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } @@ -415,14 +413,14 @@ void rtl92se_enable_hw_security_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); u8 sec_reg_value = 0x0; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("PairwiseEncAlgorithm = %d " - "GroupEncAlgorithm = %d\n", + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, + "PairwiseEncAlgorithm = %d GroupEncAlgorithm = %d\n", rtlpriv->sec.pairwise_enc_algorithm, - rtlpriv->sec.group_enc_algorithm)); + rtlpriv->sec.group_enc_algorithm); if (rtlpriv->cfg->mod_params->sw_crypto || rtlpriv->sec.use_sw_sec) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("not open hw encryption\n")); + "not open hw encryption\n"); return; } @@ -433,8 +431,8 @@ void rtl92se_enable_hw_security_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) sec_reg_value |= SCR_RXUSEDK; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, ("The SECR-value %x\n", - sec_reg_value)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, "The SECR-value %x\n", + sec_reg_value); rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_hw_reg(hw, HW_VAR_WPA_CONFIG, &sec_reg_value); @@ -718,8 +716,8 @@ static void _rtl92se_macconfig_before_fwdownload(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (pollingcnt <= 0) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Polling TXDMA_INIT_VALUE " - "timeout!! Current TCR(%#x)\n", tmpu1b)); + "Polling TXDMA_INIT_VALUE timeout!! Current TCR(%#x)\n", + tmpu1b); tmpu1b = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, CMDR); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, CMDR, tmpu1b & (~TXDMA_EN)); udelay(2); @@ -870,10 +868,10 @@ static void _rtl92se_macconfig_after_fwdownload(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) /* Change Program timing */ rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, REG_EFUSE_CTRL + 3, 0x72); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, ("EFUSE CONFIG OK\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "EFUSE CONFIG OK\n"); } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, ("OK\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "OK\n"); } @@ -951,12 +949,9 @@ int rtl92se_hw_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtstatus = rtl92s_download_fw(hw); if (!rtstatus) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("Failed to download FW. " - "Init HW without FW now.., Please copy FW into" - "/lib/firmware/rtlwifi\n")); - rtlhal->fw_ready = false; - } else { - rtlhal->fw_ready = true; + "Failed to download FW. Init HW without FW now... " + "Please copy FW into /lib/firmware/rtlwifi\n"); + return 1; } /* After FW download, we have to reset MAC register */ @@ -967,8 +962,8 @@ int rtl92se_hw_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlhal->fwcmd_ioparam = rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, LBUS_ADDR_MASK); /* 3. Initialize MAC/PHY Config by MACPHY_reg.txt */ - if (rtl92s_phy_mac_config(hw) != true) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("MAC Config failed\n")); + if (!rtl92s_phy_mac_config(hw)) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "MAC Config failed\n"); return rtstatus; } @@ -977,8 +972,8 @@ int rtl92se_hw_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, CMDR, 0x37FC); /* 4. Initialize BB After MAC Config PHY_reg.txt, AGC_Tab.txt */ - if (rtl92s_phy_bb_config(hw) != true) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, ("BB Config failed\n")); + if (!rtl92s_phy_bb_config(hw)) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, "BB Config failed\n"); return rtstatus; } @@ -1013,8 +1008,8 @@ int rtl92se_hw_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) else rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, RF_CTRL, 0x07); - if (rtl92s_phy_rf_config(hw) != true) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, ("RF Config failed\n")); + if (!rtl92s_phy_rf_config(hw)) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "RF Config failed\n"); return rtstatus; } @@ -1110,7 +1105,7 @@ void rtl92se_set_check_bssid(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool check_bssid) if (check_bssid) { reg_rcr |= (RCR_CBSSID); rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_hw_reg(hw, HW_VAR_RCR, (u8 *)(®_rcr)); - } else if (check_bssid == false) { + } else if (!check_bssid) { reg_rcr &= (~RCR_CBSSID); rtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_hw_reg(hw, HW_VAR_RCR, (u8 *)(®_rcr)); } @@ -1129,26 +1124,26 @@ static int _rtl92se_set_media_status(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, case NL80211_IFTYPE_UNSPECIFIED: bt_msr |= (MSR_LINK_NONE << MSR_LINK_SHIFT); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Set Network type to NO LINK!\n")); + "Set Network type to NO LINK!\n"); break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC: bt_msr |= (MSR_LINK_ADHOC << MSR_LINK_SHIFT); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Set Network type to Ad Hoc!\n")); + "Set Network type to Ad Hoc!\n"); break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION: bt_msr |= (MSR_LINK_MANAGED << MSR_LINK_SHIFT); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Set Network type to STA!\n")); + "Set Network type to STA!\n"); break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_AP: bt_msr |= (MSR_LINK_MASTER << MSR_LINK_SHIFT); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_TRACE, - ("Set Network type to AP!\n")); + "Set Network type to AP!\n"); break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Network type %d not support!\n", type)); + "Network type %d not supported!\n", type); return 1; break; @@ -1202,7 +1197,7 @@ void rtl92se_set_qos(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, int aci) rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, EDCAPARA_VO, 0x2f3222); break; default: - RT_ASSERT(false, ("invalid aci: %d !\n", aci)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "invalid aci: %d !\n", aci); break; } } @@ -1219,9 +1214,14 @@ void rtl92se_enable_interrupt(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) void rtl92se_disable_interrupt(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { - struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); - struct rtl_pci *rtlpci = rtl_pcidev(rtl_pcipriv(hw)); + struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv; + struct rtl_pci *rtlpci; + rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); + /* if firmware not available, no interrupts */ + if (!rtlpriv || !rtlpriv->max_fw_size) + return; + rtlpci = rtl_pcidev(rtl_pcipriv(hw)); rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, INTA_MASK, 0); rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, INTA_MASK + 4, 0); @@ -1583,8 +1583,8 @@ void rtl92se_update_interrupt_mask(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); struct rtl_pci *rtlpci = rtl_pcidev(rtl_pcipriv(hw)); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_LOUD, - ("add_msr:%x, rm_msr:%x\n", add_msr, rm_msr)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INTR, DBG_LOUD, "add_msr:%x, rm_msr:%x\n", + add_msr, rm_msr); if (add_msr) rtlpci->irq_mask[0] |= add_msr; @@ -1627,7 +1627,7 @@ static void _rtl92se_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (rtlefuse->epromtype == EEPROM_93C46) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("RTL819X Not boot from eeprom, check it !!")); + "RTL819X Not boot from eeprom, check it !!\n"); } else if (rtlefuse->epromtype == EEPROM_BOOT_EFUSE) { rtl_efuse_shadow_map_update(hw); @@ -1636,16 +1636,16 @@ static void _rtl92se_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) HWSET_MAX_SIZE_92S); } - RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, ("MAP\n"), + RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "MAP", hwinfo, HWSET_MAX_SIZE_92S); eeprom_id = *((u16 *)&hwinfo[0]); if (eeprom_id != RTL8190_EEPROM_ID) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("EEPROM ID(%#x) is invalid!!\n", eeprom_id)); + "EEPROM ID(%#x) is invalid!!\n", eeprom_id); rtlefuse->autoload_failflag = true; } else { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("Autoload OK\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "Autoload OK\n"); rtlefuse->autoload_failflag = false; } @@ -1663,15 +1663,15 @@ static void _rtl92se_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlefuse->eeprom_version = *(u16 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_VERSION]; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("EEPROMId = 0x%4x\n", eeprom_id)); + "EEPROMId = 0x%4x\n", eeprom_id); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("EEPROM VID = 0x%4x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_vid)); + "EEPROM VID = 0x%4x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_vid); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("EEPROM DID = 0x%4x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_did)); + "EEPROM DID = 0x%4x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_did); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("EEPROM SVID = 0x%4x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_svid)); + "EEPROM SVID = 0x%4x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_svid); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("EEPROM SMID = 0x%4x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_smid)); + "EEPROM SMID = 0x%4x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_smid); for (i = 0; i < 6; i += 2) { usvalue = *(u16 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_MAC_ADDR + i]; @@ -1681,8 +1681,7 @@ static void _rtl92se_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, MACIDR0 + i, rtlefuse->dev_addr[i]); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("%pM\n", rtlefuse->dev_addr)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "%pM\n", rtlefuse->dev_addr); /* Get Tx Power Level by Channel */ /* Read Tx power of Channel 1 ~ 14 from EEPROM. */ @@ -1707,23 +1706,24 @@ static void _rtl92se_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) for (rf_path = 0; rf_path < 2; rf_path++) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_EEPROM, - ("RF(%d) EEPROM CCK Area(%d) = 0x%x\n", rf_path, - i, rtlefuse->eeprom_chnlarea_txpwr_cck - [rf_path][i])); + "RF(%d) EEPROM CCK Area(%d) = 0x%x\n", + rf_path, i, + rtlefuse->eeprom_chnlarea_txpwr_cck + [rf_path][i]); for (rf_path = 0; rf_path < 2; rf_path++) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_EEPROM, - ("RF(%d) EEPROM HT40 1S Area(%d) = 0x%x\n", - rf_path, i, - rtlefuse->eeprom_chnlarea_txpwr_ht40_1s - [rf_path][i])); + "RF(%d) EEPROM HT40 1S Area(%d) = 0x%x\n", + rf_path, i, + rtlefuse->eeprom_chnlarea_txpwr_ht40_1s + [rf_path][i]); for (rf_path = 0; rf_path < 2; rf_path++) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_EEPROM, - ("RF(%d) EEPROM HT40 2S Diff Area(%d) = 0x%x\n", - rf_path, i, - rtlefuse->eeprom_chnlarea_txpwr_ht40_2sdiif - [rf_path][i])); + "RF(%d) EEPROM HT40 2S Diff Area(%d) = 0x%x\n", + rf_path, i, + rtlefuse->eeprom_chnlarea_txpwr_ht40_2sdiif + [rf_path][i]); for (rf_path = 0; rf_path < 2; rf_path++) { @@ -1754,11 +1754,11 @@ static void _rtl92se_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) { RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF(%d)-Ch(%d) [CCK / HT40_1S / HT40_2S] = " - "[0x%x / 0x%x / 0x%x]\n", rf_path, i, - rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_cck[rf_path][i], - rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_ht40_1s[rf_path][i], - rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_ht40_2s[rf_path][i])); + "RF(%d)-Ch(%d) [CCK / HT40_1S / HT40_2S] = [0x%x / 0x%x / 0x%x]\n", + rf_path, i, + rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_cck[rf_path][i], + rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_ht40_1s[rf_path][i], + rtlefuse->txpwrlevel_ht40_2s[rf_path][i]); } } @@ -1791,13 +1791,13 @@ static void _rtl92se_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) 0xf0) >> 4); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF-%d pwrgroup_ht20[%d] = 0x%x\n", - rf_path, i, - rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht20[rf_path][i])); + "RF-%d pwrgroup_ht20[%d] = 0x%x\n", + rf_path, i, + rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht20[rf_path][i]); RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF-%d pwrgroup_ht40[%d] = 0x%x\n", - rf_path, i, - rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht40[rf_path][i])); + "RF-%d pwrgroup_ht40[%d] = 0x%x\n", + rf_path, i, + rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht40[rf_path][i]); } } @@ -1852,27 +1852,27 @@ static void _rtl92se_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) (hwinfo[EEPROM_REGULATORY] & 0x1); } RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("eeprom_regulatory = 0x%x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_regulatory)); + "eeprom_regulatory = 0x%x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_regulatory); for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF-A Ht20 to HT40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, - rtlefuse->txpwr_ht20diff[RF90_PATH_A][i])); + "RF-A Ht20 to HT40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", + i, rtlefuse->txpwr_ht20diff[RF90_PATH_A][i]); for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF-A Legacy to Ht40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, - rtlefuse->txpwr_legacyhtdiff[RF90_PATH_A][i])); + "RF-A Legacy to Ht40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", + i, rtlefuse->txpwr_legacyhtdiff[RF90_PATH_A][i]); for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF-B Ht20 to HT40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, - rtlefuse->txpwr_ht20diff[RF90_PATH_B][i])); + "RF-B Ht20 to HT40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", + i, rtlefuse->txpwr_ht20diff[RF90_PATH_B][i]); for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, - ("RF-B Legacy to HT40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, - rtlefuse->txpwr_legacyhtdiff[RF90_PATH_B][i])); + "RF-B Legacy to HT40 Diff[%d] = 0x%x\n", + i, rtlefuse->txpwr_legacyhtdiff[RF90_PATH_B][i]); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, ("TxPwrSafetyFlag = %d\n", - rtlefuse->txpwr_safetyflag)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, + "TxPwrSafetyFlag = %d\n", rtlefuse->txpwr_safetyflag); /* Read RF-indication and Tx Power gain * index diff of legacy to HT OFDM rate. */ @@ -1881,8 +1881,8 @@ static void _rtl92se_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlefuse->legacy_httxpowerdiff = rtlefuse->txpwr_legacyhtdiff[RF90_PATH_A][0]; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, ("TxPowerDiff = %#x\n", - rtlefuse->eeprom_txpowerdiff)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, + "TxPowerDiff = %#x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_txpowerdiff); /* Get TSSI value for each path. */ usvalue = *(u16 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_TSSI_A]; @@ -1890,16 +1890,16 @@ static void _rtl92se_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) usvalue = *(u8 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_TSSI_B]; rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_B] = (u8)(usvalue & 0xff); - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, ("TSSI_A = 0x%x, TSSI_B = 0x%x\n", - rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_A], - rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_B])); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, "TSSI_A = 0x%x, TSSI_B = 0x%x\n", + rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_A], + rtlefuse->eeprom_tssi[RF90_PATH_B]); /* Read antenna tx power offset of B/C/D to A from EEPROM */ /* and read ThermalMeter from EEPROM */ tempval = *(u8 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_THERMALMETER]; rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter = tempval; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, ("thermalmeter = 0x%x\n", - rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, + "thermalmeter = 0x%x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter); /* ThermalMeter, BIT(0)~3 for RFIC1, BIT(4)~7 for RFIC2 */ rtlefuse->thermalmeter[0] = (rtlefuse->eeprom_thermalmeter & 0x1f); @@ -1915,8 +1915,8 @@ static void _rtl92se_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) /* Version ID, Channel plan */ rtlefuse->eeprom_channelplan = *(u8 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_CHANNELPLAN]; rtlefuse->txpwr_fromeprom = true; - RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, ("EEPROM ChannelPlan = 0x%4x\n", - rtlefuse->eeprom_channelplan)); + RTPRINT(rtlpriv, FINIT, INIT_TxPower, + "EEPROM ChannelPlan = 0x%4x\n", rtlefuse->eeprom_channelplan); /* Read Customer ID or Board Type!!! */ tempval = *(u8 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_BOARDTYPE]; @@ -1937,14 +1937,14 @@ static void _rtl92se_read_adapter_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) if (!(tempval & BIT(0))) { rtlefuse->b1x1_recvcombine = true; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("RF_TYPE=1T2R but only 1SS\n")); + "RF_TYPE=1T2R but only 1SS\n"); } } rtlefuse->b1ss_support = rtlefuse->b1x1_recvcombine; rtlefuse->eeprom_oemid = *(u8 *)&hwinfo[EEPROM_CUSTOMID]; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("EEPROM Customer ID: 0x%2x", - rtlefuse->eeprom_oemid)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "EEPROM Customer ID: 0x%2x", + rtlefuse->eeprom_oemid); /* set channel paln to world wide 13 */ rtlefuse->channel_plan = COUNTRY_CODE_WORLD_WIDE_13; @@ -1959,19 +1959,19 @@ void rtl92se_read_eeprom_info(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) tmp_u1b = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, EPROM_CMD); if (tmp_u1b & BIT(4)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, ("Boot from EEPROM\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "Boot from EEPROM\n"); rtlefuse->epromtype = EEPROM_93C46; } else { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, ("Boot from EFUSE\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "Boot from EFUSE\n"); rtlefuse->epromtype = EEPROM_BOOT_EFUSE; } if (tmp_u1b & BIT(5)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("Autoload OK\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "Autoload OK\n"); rtlefuse->autoload_failflag = false; _rtl92se_read_adapter_info(hw); } else { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("Autoload ERR!!\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "Autoload ERR!!\n"); rtlefuse->autoload_failflag = true; } } @@ -2071,8 +2071,8 @@ static void rtl92se_update_hal_rate_table(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, else rtl92s_phy_set_fw_cmd(hw, FW_CMD_RA_REFRESH_BG); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATR, DBG_DMESG, - ("%x\n", rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, ARFR0))); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATR, DBG_DMESG, "%x\n", + rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, ARFR0)); } static void rtl92se_update_hal_rate_mask(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -2224,8 +2224,8 @@ static void rtl92se_update_hal_rate_mask(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, mask |= (bmulticast ? 1 : 0) << 9 | (macid & 0x1f) << 4 | (band & 0xf); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATR, DBG_TRACE, ("mask = %x, bitmap = %x\n", - mask, ratr_bitmap)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RATR, DBG_TRACE, "mask = %x, bitmap = %x\n", + mask, ratr_bitmap); rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, 0x2c4, ratr_bitmap); rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, WFM5, (FW_RA_UPDATE_MASK | (mask << 8))); @@ -2301,14 +2301,14 @@ bool rtl92se_gpio_radio_on_off_checking(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 *valid) if ((ppsc->hwradiooff) && (rfpwr_toset == ERFON)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("RFKILL-HW Radio ON, RF ON\n")); + "RFKILL-HW Radio ON, RF ON\n"); rfpwr_toset = ERFON; ppsc->hwradiooff = false; actuallyset = true; - } else if ((ppsc->hwradiooff == false) && (rfpwr_toset == ERFOFF)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("RFKILL-HW Radio OFF, RF OFF\n")); + } else if ((!ppsc->hwradiooff) && (rfpwr_toset == ERFOFF)) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, + DBG_DMESG, "RFKILL-HW Radio OFF, RF OFF\n"); rfpwr_toset = ERFOFF; ppsc->hwradiooff = true; @@ -2372,7 +2372,7 @@ void rtl92se_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, u8 *p_macaddr, u8 cam_offset = 0; u8 clear_number = 5; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, ("clear_all\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, "clear_all\n"); for (idx = 0; idx < clear_number; idx++) { rtl_cam_mark_invalid(hw, cam_offset + idx); @@ -2401,7 +2401,7 @@ void rtl92se_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, u8 *p_macaddr, break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); enc_algo = CAM_TKIP; break; } @@ -2419,9 +2419,8 @@ void rtl92se_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, u8 *p_macaddr, p_macaddr); if (entry_id >= TOTAL_CAM_ENTRY) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, - COMP_SEC, DBG_EMERG, - ("Can not find free hw" - " security cam entry\n")); + COMP_SEC, DBG_EMERG, + "Can not find free hw security cam entry\n"); return; } } else { @@ -2435,30 +2434,31 @@ void rtl92se_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, u8 *p_macaddr, if (rtlpriv->sec.key_len[key_index] == 0) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("delete one entry, entry_id is %d\n", - entry_id)); + "delete one entry, entry_id is %d\n", + entry_id); if (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP) rtl_cam_del_entry(hw, p_macaddr); rtl_cam_delete_one_entry(hw, p_macaddr, entry_id); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("The insert KEY length is %d\n", - rtlpriv->sec.key_len[PAIRWISE_KEYIDX])); + "The insert KEY length is %d\n", + rtlpriv->sec.key_len[PAIRWISE_KEYIDX]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - ("The insert KEY is %x %x\n", - rtlpriv->sec.key_buf[0][0], - rtlpriv->sec.key_buf[0][1])); + "The insert KEY is %x %x\n", + rtlpriv->sec.key_buf[0][0], + rtlpriv->sec.key_buf[0][1]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("add one entry\n")); + "add one entry\n"); if (is_pairwise) { RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_LOUD, - "Pairwiase Key content :", - rtlpriv->sec.pairwise_key, - rtlpriv->sec.key_len[PAIRWISE_KEYIDX]); + "Pairwise Key content", + rtlpriv->sec.pairwise_key, + rtlpriv->sec. + key_len[PAIRWISE_KEYIDX]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("set Pairwiase key\n")); + "set Pairwise key\n"); rtl_cam_add_one_entry(hw, macaddr, key_index, entry_id, enc_algo, @@ -2466,7 +2466,7 @@ void rtl92se_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 key_index, u8 *p_macaddr, rtlpriv->sec.key_buf[key_index]); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEC, DBG_DMESG, - ("set group key\n")); + "set group key\n"); if (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) { rtl_cam_add_one_entry(hw, diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/hw.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/hw.h index 6160a9bfe98a563e168f5e6c37b518c1fb55b4c9..1886c2644a26104d37c99e38709c2dc9a58c8350 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/hw.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/hw.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/led.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/led.c index e3fe7c90ebf4ea661c0c0a52b75d258f01dfd981..44949b5cbb872e9ccbdc3416486b1d45d214c094 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/led.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/led.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ void rtl92se_sw_led_on(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_led *pled) u8 ledcfg; struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, - ("LedAddr:%X ledpin=%d\n", LEDCFG, pled->ledpin)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, "LedAddr:%X ledpin=%d\n", + LEDCFG, pled->ledpin); ledcfg = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, LEDCFG); @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ void rtl92se_sw_led_on(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_led *pled) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } pled->ledon = true; @@ -76,12 +76,15 @@ void rtl92se_sw_led_on(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_led *pled) void rtl92se_sw_led_off(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_led *pled) { - struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); + struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv; struct rtl_pci_priv *pcipriv = rtl_pcipriv(hw); u8 ledcfg; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, - ("LedAddr:%X ledpin=%d\n", LEDCFG, pled->ledpin)); + rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); + if (!rtlpriv || rtlpriv->max_fw_size) + return; + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, "LedAddr:%X ledpin=%d\n", + LEDCFG, pled->ledpin); ledcfg = rtl_read_byte(rtlpriv, LEDCFG); @@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ void rtl92se_sw_led_off(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_led *pled) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } pled->ledon = false; @@ -141,8 +144,7 @@ void rtl92se_led_control(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum led_ctl_mode ledaction) ledaction == LED_CTL_POWER_ON)) { return; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, ("ledaction %d,\n", - ledaction)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_LED, DBG_LOUD, "ledaction %d\n", ledaction); _rtl92se_sw_led_control(hw, ledaction); } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/led.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/led.h index 8cce3870af3c88fabf0f5d9ded8a15023e3e2d42..2182dbeb5f32b56b8b2e64824f19159d4a63ce32 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/led.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/led.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/phy.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/phy.c index f10ac1ad9087e594747d9e4c71b29863fe623da8..4a499928e4c6ca740890ad98f3c0aabeceb3f8a5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/phy.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/phy.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ * *****************************************************************************/ -#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt - #include "../wifi.h" #include "../pci.h" #include "../ps.h" @@ -58,16 +56,15 @@ u32 rtl92s_phy_query_bb_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 regaddr, u32 bitmask) struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); u32 returnvalue = 0, originalvalue, bitshift; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x)\n", - regaddr, bitmask)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, "regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x)\n", + regaddr, bitmask); originalvalue = rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, regaddr); bitshift = _rtl92s_phy_calculate_bit_shift(bitmask); returnvalue = (originalvalue & bitmask) >> bitshift; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, - ("BBR MASK=0x%x Addr[0x%x]=0x%x\n", - bitmask, regaddr, originalvalue)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, "BBR MASK=0x%x Addr[0x%x]=0x%x\n", + bitmask, regaddr, originalvalue); return returnvalue; @@ -79,8 +76,9 @@ void rtl92s_phy_set_bb_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 regaddr, u32 bitmask, struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); u32 originalvalue, bitshift; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x)," - " data(%#x)\n", regaddr, bitmask, data)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x), data(%#x)\n", + regaddr, bitmask, data); if (bitmask != MASKDWORD) { originalvalue = rtl_read_dword(rtlpriv, regaddr); @@ -90,8 +88,9 @@ void rtl92s_phy_set_bb_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u32 regaddr, u32 bitmask, rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, regaddr, data); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x)," - " data(%#x)\n", regaddr, bitmask, data)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x), data(%#x)\n", + regaddr, bitmask, data); } @@ -149,8 +148,8 @@ static u32 _rtl92s_phy_rf_serial_read(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, retvalue = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, pphyreg->rflssi_readback, BLSSI_READBACK_DATA); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("RFR-%d Addr[0x%x]=0x%x\n", - rfpath, pphyreg->rflssi_readback, retvalue)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, "RFR-%d Addr[0x%x]=0x%x\n", + rfpath, pphyreg->rflssi_readback, retvalue); return retvalue; @@ -172,8 +171,8 @@ static void _rtl92s_phy_rf_serial_write(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, data_and_addr = ((newoffset << 20) | (data & 0x000fffff)) & 0x0fffffff; rtl_set_bbreg(hw, pphyreg->rf3wire_offset, MASKDWORD, data_and_addr); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("RFW-%d Addr[0x%x]=0x%x\n", - rfpath, pphyreg->rf3wire_offset, data_and_addr)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, "RFW-%d Addr[0x%x]=0x%x\n", + rfpath, pphyreg->rf3wire_offset, data_and_addr); } @@ -183,8 +182,9 @@ u32 rtl92s_phy_query_rf_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum radio_path rfpath, struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); u32 original_value, readback_value, bitshift; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), rfpath(%#x), " - "bitmask(%#x)\n", regaddr, rfpath, bitmask)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "regaddr(%#x), rfpath(%#x), bitmask(%#x)\n", + regaddr, rfpath, bitmask); spin_lock(&rtlpriv->locks.rf_lock); @@ -195,9 +195,9 @@ u32 rtl92s_phy_query_rf_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum radio_path rfpath, spin_unlock(&rtlpriv->locks.rf_lock); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), rfpath(%#x), " - "bitmask(%#x), original_value(%#x)\n", regaddr, rfpath, - bitmask, original_value)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "regaddr(%#x), rfpath(%#x), bitmask(%#x), original_value(%#x)\n", + regaddr, rfpath, bitmask, original_value); return readback_value; } @@ -212,8 +212,9 @@ void rtl92s_phy_set_rf_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum radio_path rfpath, if (!((rtlphy->rf_pathmap >> rfpath) & 0x1)) return; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x)," - " data(%#x), rfpath(%#x)\n", regaddr, bitmask, data, rfpath)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x), data(%#x), rfpath(%#x)\n", + regaddr, bitmask, data, rfpath); spin_lock(&rtlpriv->locks.rf_lock); @@ -228,8 +229,9 @@ void rtl92s_phy_set_rf_reg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum radio_path rfpath, spin_unlock(&rtlpriv->locks.rf_lock); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, ("regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x), " - "data(%#x), rfpath(%#x)\n", regaddr, bitmask, data, rfpath)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_TRACE, + "regaddr(%#x), bitmask(%#x), data(%#x), rfpath(%#x)\n", + regaddr, bitmask, data, rfpath); } @@ -249,7 +251,7 @@ void rtl92s_phy_scan_operation_backup(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Unknown operation.\n")); + "Unknown operation\n"); break; } } @@ -264,9 +266,9 @@ void rtl92s_phy_set_bw_mode(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct rtl_mac *mac = rtl_mac(rtl_priv(hw)); u8 reg_bw_opmode; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, ("Switch to %s bandwidth\n", - rtlphy->current_chan_bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20 ? - "20MHz" : "40MHz")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, "Switch to %s bandwidth\n", + rtlphy->current_chan_bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20 ? + "20MHz" : "40MHz"); if (rtlphy->set_bwmode_inprogress) return; @@ -290,8 +292,7 @@ void rtl92s_phy_set_bw_mode(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", - rtlphy->current_chan_bw)); + "unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", rtlphy->current_chan_bw); break; } @@ -316,13 +317,13 @@ void rtl92s_phy_set_bw_mode(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", rtlphy->current_chan_bw)); + "unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", rtlphy->current_chan_bw); break; } rtl92s_phy_rf6052_set_bandwidth(hw, rtlphy->current_chan_bw); rtlphy->set_bwmode_inprogress = false; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, ("<==\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, "<==\n"); } static bool _rtl92s_phy_set_sw_chnl_cmdarray(struct swchnlcmd *cmdtable, @@ -332,7 +333,7 @@ static bool _rtl92s_phy_set_sw_chnl_cmdarray(struct swchnlcmd *cmdtable, struct swchnlcmd *pcmd; if (cmdtable == NULL) { - RT_ASSERT(false, ("cmdtable cannot be NULL.\n")); + RT_ASSERT(false, "cmdtable cannot be NULL\n"); return false; } @@ -377,7 +378,7 @@ static bool _rtl92s_phy_sw_chnl_step_by_step(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rfdependcmdcnt = 0; RT_ASSERT((channel >= 1 && channel <= 14), - ("illegal channel for Zebra: %d\n", channel)); + "invalid channel for Zebra: %d\n", channel); _rtl92s_phy_set_sw_chnl_cmdarray(rfdependcmd, rfdependcmdcnt++, MAX_RFDEPENDCMD_CNT, CMDID_RF_WRITEREG, @@ -438,7 +439,7 @@ static bool _rtl92s_phy_sw_chnl_step_by_step(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); break; } @@ -458,9 +459,8 @@ u8 rtl92s_phy_sw_chnl(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) u32 delay; bool ret; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, - ("switch to channel%d\n", - rtlphy->current_channel)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, "switch to channel%d\n", + rtlphy->current_channel); if (rtlphy->sw_chnl_inprogress) return 0; @@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ u8 rtl92s_phy_sw_chnl(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlphy->sw_chnl_inprogress = false; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, ("<==\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SCAN, DBG_TRACE, "<==\n"); return 1; } @@ -556,20 +556,19 @@ bool rtl92s_phy_set_rf_power_state(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, do { InitializeCount++; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("IPS Set eRf nic enable\n")); + "IPS Set eRf nic enable\n"); rtstatus = rtl_ps_enable_nic(hw); - } while ((rtstatus != true) && - (InitializeCount < 10)); + } while (!rtstatus && (InitializeCount < 10)); RT_CLEAR_PS_LEVEL(ppsc, RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_HALT_NIC); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_DMESG, - ("awake, sleeped:%d ms " - "state_inap:%x\n", - jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - - ppsc->last_sleep_jiffies), - rtlpriv->psc.state_inap)); + "awake, sleeped:%d ms state_inap:%x\n", + jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - + ppsc-> + last_sleep_jiffies), + rtlpriv->psc.state_inap); ppsc->last_awake_jiffies = jiffies; rtl_write_word(rtlpriv, CMDR, 0x37FC); rtl_write_byte(rtlpriv, TXPAUSE, 0x00); @@ -587,7 +586,7 @@ bool rtl92s_phy_set_rf_power_state(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, case ERFOFF:{ if (ppsc->reg_rfps_level & RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_HALT_NIC) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RF, DBG_DMESG, - ("IPS Set eRf nic disable\n")); + "IPS Set eRf nic disable\n"); rtl_ps_disable_nic(hw); RT_SET_PS_LEVEL(ppsc, RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_HALT_NIC); } else { @@ -613,11 +612,9 @@ bool rtl92s_phy_set_rf_power_state(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, continue; } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("eRf Off/Sleep: " - "%d times TcbBusyQueue[%d] = " - "%d before doze!\n", - (i + 1), queue_id, - skb_queue_len(&ring->queue))); + "eRf Off/Sleep: %d times TcbBusyQueue[%d] = %d before doze!\n", + i + 1, queue_id, + skb_queue_len(&ring->queue)); udelay(10); i++; @@ -625,31 +622,30 @@ bool rtl92s_phy_set_rf_power_state(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (i >= MAX_DOZE_WAITING_TIMES_9x) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_WARNING, - ("\nERFOFF: %d times" - "TcbBusyQueue[%d] = %d !\n", + "ERFOFF: %d times TcbBusyQueue[%d] = %d !\n", MAX_DOZE_WAITING_TIMES_9x, queue_id, - skb_queue_len(&ring->queue))); + skb_queue_len(&ring->queue)); break; } } RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_DMESG, - ("Set ERFSLEEP awaked:%d ms\n", + "Set ERFSLEEP awaked:%d ms\n", jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - - ppsc->last_awake_jiffies))); + ppsc->last_awake_jiffies)); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_DMESG, - ("sleep awaked:%d ms " - "state_inap:%x\n", jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - - ppsc->last_awake_jiffies), - rtlpriv->psc.state_inap)); + "sleep awaked:%d ms state_inap:%x\n", + jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - + ppsc->last_awake_jiffies), + rtlpriv->psc.state_inap); ppsc->last_sleep_jiffies = jiffies; _rtl92se_phy_set_rf_sleep(hw); break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("switch case not process\n")); + "switch case not processed\n"); bresult = false; break; } @@ -681,30 +677,28 @@ static void _rtl92s_store_pwrindex_diffrate_offset(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, { struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); struct rtl_phy *rtlphy = &(rtlpriv->phy); + int index; if (reg_addr == RTXAGC_RATE18_06) - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][0] = - data; - if (reg_addr == RTXAGC_RATE54_24) - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][1] = - data; - if (reg_addr == RTXAGC_CCK_MCS32) - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][6] = - data; - if (reg_addr == RTXAGC_MCS03_MCS00) - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][2] = - data; - if (reg_addr == RTXAGC_MCS07_MCS04) - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][3] = - data; - if (reg_addr == RTXAGC_MCS11_MCS08) - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][4] = - data; - if (reg_addr == RTXAGC_MCS15_MCS12) { - rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][5] = - data; + index = 0; + else if (reg_addr == RTXAGC_RATE54_24) + index = 1; + else if (reg_addr == RTXAGC_CCK_MCS32) + index = 6; + else if (reg_addr == RTXAGC_MCS03_MCS00) + index = 2; + else if (reg_addr == RTXAGC_MCS07_MCS04) + index = 3; + else if (reg_addr == RTXAGC_MCS11_MCS08) + index = 4; + else if (reg_addr == RTXAGC_MCS15_MCS12) + index = 5; + else + return; + + rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt][index] = data; + if (index == 5) rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt++; - } } static void _rtl92s_phy_init_register_definition(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) @@ -993,9 +987,9 @@ static bool _rtl92s_phy_bb_config_parafile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtstatus = false; } - if (rtstatus != true) { + if (!rtstatus) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, - ("Write BB Reg Fail!!")); + "Write BB Reg Fail!!\n"); goto phy_BB8190_Config_ParaFile_Fail; } @@ -1007,17 +1001,16 @@ static bool _rtl92s_phy_bb_config_parafile(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtstatus = _rtl92s_phy_config_bb_with_pg(hw, BASEBAND_CONFIG_PHY_REG); } - if (rtstatus != true) { + if (!rtstatus) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, - ("_rtl92s_phy_bb_config_parafile(): " - "BB_PG Reg Fail!!")); + "_rtl92s_phy_bb_config_parafile(): BB_PG Reg Fail!!\n"); goto phy_BB8190_Config_ParaFile_Fail; } /* 3. BB AGC table Initialization */ rtstatus = _rtl92s_phy_config_bb(hw, BASEBAND_CONFIG_AGC_TAB); - if (rtstatus != true) { + if (!rtstatus) { pr_err("%s(): AGC Table Fail\n", __func__); goto phy_BB8190_Config_ParaFile_Fail; } @@ -1053,7 +1046,7 @@ u8 rtl92s_phy_config_rf(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum radio_path rfpath) radio_b_tblen = RADIOB_ARRAYLENGTH; } - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("Radio No %x\n", rfpath)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, "Radio No %x\n", rfpath); rtstatus = true; switch (rfpath) { @@ -1175,11 +1168,11 @@ bool rtl92s_phy_bb_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) (rtlphy->rf_type == RF_2T2R && rf_num != 2) || (rtlphy->rf_type == RF_2T2R_GREEN && rf_num != 2)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, - ("RF_Type(%x) does not match " - "RF_Num(%x)!!\n", rtlphy->rf_type, rf_num)); + "RF_Type(%x) does not match RF_Num(%x)!!\n", + rtlphy->rf_type, rf_num); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, - ("path1 0x%x, path2 0x%x, pathmap " - "0x%x\n", path1, path2, pathmap)); + "path1 0x%x, path2 0x%x, pathmap 0x%x\n", + path1, path2, pathmap); } return rtstatus; @@ -1214,20 +1207,20 @@ void rtl92s_phy_get_hw_reg_originalvalue(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) ROFDM0_XCAGCCORE1, MASKBYTE0); rtlphy->default_initialgain[3] = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_XDAGCCORE1, MASKBYTE0); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("Default initial gain " - "(c50=0x%x, c58=0x%x, c60=0x%x, c68=0x%x)\n", + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, + "Default initial gain (c50=0x%x, c58=0x%x, c60=0x%x, c68=0x%x)\n", rtlphy->default_initialgain[0], rtlphy->default_initialgain[1], rtlphy->default_initialgain[2], - rtlphy->default_initialgain[3])); + rtlphy->default_initialgain[3]); /* read framesync */ rtlphy->framesync = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_RXDETECTOR3, MASKBYTE0); rtlphy->framesync_c34 = rtl_get_bbreg(hw, ROFDM0_RXDETECTOR2, MASKDWORD); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, - ("Default framesync (0x%x) = 0x%x\n", - ROFDM0_RXDETECTOR3, rtlphy->framesync)); + "Default framesync (0x%x) = 0x%x\n", + ROFDM0_RXDETECTOR3, rtlphy->framesync); } @@ -1274,7 +1267,7 @@ void rtl92s_phy_set_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 channel) /* [0]:RF-A, [1]:RF-B */ u8 cckpowerlevel[2], ofdmpowerLevel[2]; - if (rtlefuse->txpwr_fromeprom == false) + if (!rtlefuse->txpwr_fromeprom) return; /* Mainly we use RF-A Tx Power to write the Tx Power registers, @@ -1287,10 +1280,9 @@ void rtl92s_phy_set_txpower(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 channel) &ofdmpowerLevel[0]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("Channel-%d, cckPowerLevel (A / B) = " - "0x%x / 0x%x, ofdmPowerLevel (A / B) = 0x%x / 0x%x\n", - channel, cckpowerlevel[0], cckpowerlevel[1], - ofdmpowerLevel[0], ofdmpowerLevel[1])); + "Channel-%d, cckPowerLevel (A / B) = 0x%x / 0x%x, ofdmPowerLevel (A / B) = 0x%x / 0x%x\n", + channel, cckpowerlevel[0], cckpowerlevel[1], + ofdmpowerLevel[0], ofdmpowerLevel[1]); _rtl92s_phy_ccxpower_indexcheck(hw, channel, &cckpowerlevel[0], &ofdmpowerLevel[0]); @@ -1316,7 +1308,7 @@ void rtl92s_phy_chk_fwcmd_iodone(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) } while (--pollingcnt); if (pollingcnt == 0) - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, ("Set FW Cmd fail!!\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "Set FW Cmd fail!!\n"); } @@ -1345,20 +1337,17 @@ static void _rtl92s_phy_set_fwcmd_io(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) switch (rtlhal->current_fwcmd_io) { case FW_CMD_RA_RESET: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, - ("FW_CMD_RA_RESET\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, "FW_CMD_RA_RESET\n"); rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, WFM5, FW_RA_RESET); rtl92s_phy_chk_fwcmd_iodone(hw); break; case FW_CMD_RA_ACTIVE: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, - ("FW_CMD_RA_ACTIVE\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, "FW_CMD_RA_ACTIVE\n"); rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, WFM5, FW_RA_ACTIVE); rtl92s_phy_chk_fwcmd_iodone(hw); break; case FW_CMD_RA_REFRESH_N: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, - ("FW_CMD_RA_REFRESH_N\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, "FW_CMD_RA_REFRESH_N\n"); input = FW_RA_REFRESH; rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, WFM5, input); rtl92s_phy_chk_fwcmd_iodone(hw); @@ -1367,7 +1356,7 @@ static void _rtl92s_phy_set_fwcmd_io(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) break; case FW_CMD_RA_REFRESH_BG: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, - ("FW_CMD_RA_REFRESH_BG\n")); + "FW_CMD_RA_REFRESH_BG\n"); rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, WFM5, FW_RA_REFRESH); rtl92s_phy_chk_fwcmd_iodone(hw); rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, WFM5, FW_RA_DISABLE_RSSI_MASK); @@ -1375,21 +1364,20 @@ static void _rtl92s_phy_set_fwcmd_io(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) break; case FW_CMD_RA_REFRESH_N_COMB: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, - ("FW_CMD_RA_REFRESH_N_COMB\n")); + "FW_CMD_RA_REFRESH_N_COMB\n"); input = FW_RA_IOT_N_COMB; rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, WFM5, input); rtl92s_phy_chk_fwcmd_iodone(hw); break; case FW_CMD_RA_REFRESH_BG_COMB: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, - ("FW_CMD_RA_REFRESH_BG_COMB\n")); + "FW_CMD_RA_REFRESH_BG_COMB\n"); input = FW_RA_IOT_BG_COMB; rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, WFM5, input); rtl92s_phy_chk_fwcmd_iodone(hw); break; case FW_CMD_IQK_ENABLE: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, - ("FW_CMD_IQK_ENABLE\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, "FW_CMD_IQK_ENABLE\n"); rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, WFM5, FW_IQK_ENABLE); rtl92s_phy_chk_fwcmd_iodone(hw); break; @@ -1424,8 +1412,7 @@ static void _rtl92s_phy_set_fwcmd_io(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RCCK0_CCA, MASKBYTE2, 0xcd); break; case FW_CMD_LPS_ENTER: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, - ("FW_CMD_LPS_ENTER\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, "FW_CMD_LPS_ENTER\n"); current_aid = rtlpriv->mac80211.assoc_id; rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, WFM5, (FW_LPS_ENTER | ((current_aid | 0xc000) << 8))); @@ -1434,20 +1421,18 @@ static void _rtl92s_phy_set_fwcmd_io(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) * turbo mode until driver leave LPS */ break; case FW_CMD_LPS_LEAVE: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, - ("FW_CMD_LPS_LEAVE\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, "FW_CMD_LPS_LEAVE\n"); rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, WFM5, FW_LPS_LEAVE); rtl92s_phy_chk_fwcmd_iodone(hw); break; case FW_CMD_ADD_A2_ENTRY: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, - ("FW_CMD_ADD_A2_ENTRY\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_DMESG, "FW_CMD_ADD_A2_ENTRY\n"); rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, WFM5, FW_ADD_A2_ENTRY); rtl92s_phy_chk_fwcmd_iodone(hw); break; case FW_CMD_CTRL_DM_BY_DRIVER: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("FW_CMD_CTRL_DM_BY_DRIVER\n")); + "FW_CMD_CTRL_DM_BY_DRIVER\n"); rtl_write_dword(rtlpriv, WFM5, FW_CTRL_DM_BY_DRIVER); rtl92s_phy_chk_fwcmd_iodone(hw); break; @@ -1472,8 +1457,8 @@ bool rtl92s_phy_set_fw_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum fwcmd_iotype fw_cmdio) bool bPostProcessing = false; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set FW Cmd(%#x), set_fwcmd_inprogress(%d)\n", - fw_cmdio, rtlhal->set_fwcmd_inprogress)); + "Set FW Cmd(%#x), set_fwcmd_inprogress(%d)\n", + fw_cmdio, rtlhal->set_fwcmd_inprogress); do { /* We re-map to combined FW CMD ones if firmware version */ @@ -1501,7 +1486,7 @@ bool rtl92s_phy_set_fw_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum fwcmd_iotype fw_cmdio) * DM map table in the future. */ switch (fw_cmdio) { case FW_CMD_RA_INIT: - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, ("RA init!!\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, "RA init!!\n"); fw_cmdmap |= FW_RA_INIT_CTL; FW_CMD_IO_SET(rtlpriv, fw_cmdmap); /* Clear control flag to sync with FW. */ @@ -1509,7 +1494,7 @@ bool rtl92s_phy_set_fw_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum fwcmd_iotype fw_cmdio) break; case FW_CMD_DIG_DISABLE: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set DIG disable!!\n")); + "Set DIG disable!!\n"); fw_cmdmap &= ~FW_DIG_ENABLE_CTL; FW_CMD_IO_SET(rtlpriv, fw_cmdmap); break; @@ -1517,14 +1502,14 @@ bool rtl92s_phy_set_fw_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum fwcmd_iotype fw_cmdio) case FW_CMD_DIG_RESUME: if (!(rtlpriv->dm.dm_flag & HAL_DM_DIG_DISABLE)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set DIG enable or resume!!\n")); + "Set DIG enable or resume!!\n"); fw_cmdmap |= (FW_DIG_ENABLE_CTL | FW_SS_CTL); FW_CMD_IO_SET(rtlpriv, fw_cmdmap); } break; case FW_CMD_DIG_HALT: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set DIG halt!!\n")); + "Set DIG halt!!\n"); fw_cmdmap &= ~(FW_DIG_ENABLE_CTL | FW_SS_CTL); FW_CMD_IO_SET(rtlpriv, fw_cmdmap); break; @@ -1540,9 +1525,8 @@ bool rtl92s_phy_set_fw_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum fwcmd_iotype fw_cmdio) (rtlefuse->thermalmeter[0] << 16)); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("Set TxPwr tracking!! " - "FwCmdMap(%#x), FwParam(%#x)\n", - fw_cmdmap, fw_param)); + "Set TxPwr tracking!! FwCmdMap(%#x), FwParam(%#x)\n", + fw_cmdmap, fw_param); FW_CMD_PARA_SET(rtlpriv, fw_param); FW_CMD_IO_SET(rtlpriv, fw_cmdmap); @@ -1563,9 +1547,8 @@ bool rtl92s_phy_set_fw_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum fwcmd_iotype fw_cmdio) fw_param &= FW_RA_PARAM_CLR; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("[FW CMD] [New Version] " - "Set RA/IOT Comb in n mode!! FwCmdMap(%#x), " - "FwParam(%#x)\n", fw_cmdmap, fw_param)); + "[FW CMD] [New Version] Set RA/IOT Comb in n mode!! FwCmdMap(%#x), FwParam(%#x)\n", + fw_cmdmap, fw_param); FW_CMD_PARA_SET(rtlpriv, fw_param); FW_CMD_IO_SET(rtlpriv, fw_cmdmap); @@ -1635,7 +1618,7 @@ bool rtl92s_phy_set_fw_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum fwcmd_iotype fw_cmdio) break; case FW_CMD_HIGH_PWR_ENABLE: if (!(rtlpriv->dm.dm_flag & HAL_DM_HIPWR_DISABLE) && - (rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txpower_enable != true)) { + !rtlpriv->dm.dynamic_txpower_enable) { fw_cmdmap |= (FW_HIGH_PWR_ENABLE_CTL | FW_SS_CTL); FW_CMD_IO_SET(rtlpriv, fw_cmdmap); @@ -1652,7 +1635,7 @@ bool rtl92s_phy_set_fw_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum fwcmd_iotype fw_cmdio) break; case FW_CMD_PAPE_CONTROL: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_LOUD, - ("[FW CMD] Set PAPE Control\n")); + "[FW CMD] Set PAPE Control\n"); fw_cmdmap &= ~FW_PAPE_CTL_BY_SW_HW; FW_CMD_IO_SET(rtlpriv, fw_cmdmap); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/phy.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/phy.h index 37e504af6446215a9cfe15a1ea7dc09b0bbdab12..ac0387770630dfedb9dc7d682b898d2d2e78690c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/phy.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/phy.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/reg.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/reg.h index 11f125c030ce0f923dab24d1b0a55dcfec64f2b2..84d1181795b8aeba6ff9d3d0d0245f75e596933f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/reg.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/reg.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/rf.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/rf.c index 0ad50fe44aa288f3783f9d4b966ea4fbb08296ed..08c2f562512986c9f27dd6f5fd1db282664d32fa 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/rf.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/rf.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ * *****************************************************************************/ -#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt - #include "../wifi.h" #include "reg.h" #include "def.h" @@ -123,13 +121,13 @@ static void _rtl92s_get_powerbase(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 *p_pwrlevel, } if (rtlphy->current_chan_bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, ("40MHz finalpwr_idx " - "(A / B) = 0x%x / 0x%x\n", p_final_pwridx[0], - p_final_pwridx[1])); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, + "40MHz finalpwr_idx (A / B) = 0x%x / 0x%x\n", + p_final_pwridx[0], p_final_pwridx[1]); } else { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, ("20MHz finalpwr_idx " - "(A / B) = 0x%x / 0x%x\n", p_final_pwridx[0], - p_final_pwridx[1])); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, + "20MHz finalpwr_idx (A / B) = 0x%x / 0x%x\n", + p_final_pwridx[0], p_final_pwridx[1]); } } @@ -153,9 +151,8 @@ static void _rtl92s_set_antennadiff(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, ant_pwr_diff = -8; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("Antenna Diff from RF-B " - "to RF-A = %d (0x%x)\n", ant_pwr_diff, - ant_pwr_diff & 0xf)); + "Antenna Diff from RF-B to RF-A = %d (0x%x)\n", + ant_pwr_diff, ant_pwr_diff & 0xf); ant_pwr_diff &= 0xf; } @@ -172,9 +169,8 @@ static void _rtl92s_set_antennadiff(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, rtl_set_bbreg(hw, RFPGA0_TXGAINSTAGE, (BXBTXAGC | BXCTXAGC | BXDTXAGC), u4reg_val); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("Write BCD-Diff(0x%x) = 0x%x\n", - RFPGA0_TXGAINSTAGE, u4reg_val)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, "Write BCD-Diff(0x%x) = 0x%x\n", + RFPGA0_TXGAINSTAGE, u4reg_val); } static void _rtl92s_get_txpower_writeval_byregulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -201,8 +197,7 @@ static void _rtl92s_get_txpower_writeval_byregulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, ((index < 2) ? pwrbase0 : pwrbase1); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("RTK better performance, " - "writeval = 0x%x\n", writeval)); + "RTK better performance, writeval = 0x%x\n", writeval); break; case 1: /* Realtek regulatory increase power diff defined @@ -211,8 +206,8 @@ static void _rtl92s_get_txpower_writeval_byregulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, writeval = ((index < 2) ? pwrbase0 : pwrbase1); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("Realtek regulatory, " - "40MHz, writeval = 0x%x\n", writeval)); + "Realtek regulatory, 40MHz, writeval = 0x%x\n", + writeval); } else { if (rtlphy->pwrgroup_cnt == 1) chnlgroup = 0; @@ -234,16 +229,15 @@ static void _rtl92s_get_txpower_writeval_byregulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, pwrbase0 : pwrbase1); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("Realtek regulatory, " - "20MHz, writeval = 0x%x\n", writeval)); + "Realtek regulatory, 20MHz, writeval = 0x%x\n", + writeval); } break; case 2: /* Better regulatory don't increase any power diff */ writeval = ((index < 2) ? pwrbase0 : pwrbase1); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("Better regulatory, " - "writeval = 0x%x\n", writeval)); + "Better regulatory, writeval = 0x%x\n", writeval); break; case 3: /* Customer defined power diff. increase power diff @@ -252,14 +246,14 @@ static void _rtl92s_get_txpower_writeval_byregulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (rtlphy->current_chan_bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("customer's limit, 40MHz = 0x%x\n", - rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht40 - [RF90_PATH_A][chnl - 1])); + "customer's limit, 40MHz = 0x%x\n", + rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht40 + [RF90_PATH_A][chnl - 1]); } else { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("customer's limit, 20MHz = 0x%x\n", - rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht20 - [RF90_PATH_A][chnl - 1])); + "customer's limit, 20MHz = 0x%x\n", + rtlefuse->pwrgroup_ht20 + [RF90_PATH_A][chnl - 1]); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { @@ -293,22 +287,19 @@ static void _rtl92s_get_txpower_writeval_byregulatory(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, (pwrdiff_limit[1] << 8) | (pwrdiff_limit[0]); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("Customer's limit = 0x%x\n", - customer_limit)); + "Customer's limit = 0x%x\n", customer_limit); writeval = customer_limit + ((index < 2) ? pwrbase0 : pwrbase1); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("Customer, writeval = " - "0x%x\n", writeval)); + "Customer, writeval = 0x%x\n", writeval); break; default: chnlgroup = 0; writeval = rtlphy->mcs_txpwrlevel_origoffset[chnlgroup][index] + ((index < 2) ? pwrbase0 : pwrbase1); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_POWER, DBG_LOUD, - ("RTK better performance, " - "writeval = 0x%x\n", writeval)); + "RTK better performance, writeval = 0x%x\n", writeval); break; } @@ -508,7 +499,7 @@ bool rtl92s_phy_rf6052_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) break; } - if (rtstatus != true) { + if (!rtstatus) { pr_err("Radio[%d] Fail!!\n", rfpath); goto fail; } @@ -541,8 +532,7 @@ void rtl92s_phy_rf6052_set_bandwidth(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 bandwidth) break; default: RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", - bandwidth)); + "unknown bandwidth: %#X\n", bandwidth); break; } } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/rf.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/rf.h index 3843baa1a87411213385d43a43504718f21b290d..8a29eb94ab174dbfef5a2cac60c1f61f2a206437 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/rf.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/rf.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/sw.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/sw.c index 78723cf59491264706b636be638d68eb5585818f..f1b36005c6a2c9496bdce302e17571a144cf2393 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/sw.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/sw.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -27,14 +27,11 @@ * *****************************************************************************/ -#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt - -#include -#include - #include "../wifi.h" #include "../core.h" #include "../pci.h" +#include "../base.h" +#include "../pci.h" #include "reg.h" #include "def.h" #include "phy.h" @@ -45,6 +42,8 @@ #include "trx.h" #include "led.h" +#include + static void rtl92s_init_aspm_vars(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { struct rtl_pci *rtlpci = rtl_pcidev(rtl_pcipriv(hw)); @@ -89,12 +88,54 @@ static void rtl92s_init_aspm_vars(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlpci->const_support_pciaspm = 2; } +static void rtl92se_fw_cb(const struct firmware *firmware, void *context) +{ + struct ieee80211_hw *hw = context; + struct rtl_pci_priv *pcipriv = rtl_pcipriv(hw); + struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); + struct rtl_pci *rtlpci = rtl_pcidev(pcipriv); + struct rt_firmware *pfirmware = NULL; + int err; + + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_LOUD, + "Firmware callback routine entered!\n"); + complete(&rtlpriv->firmware_loading_complete); + if (!firmware) { + pr_err("Firmware %s not available\n", rtlpriv->cfg->fw_name); + rtlpriv->max_fw_size = 0; + return; + } + if (firmware->size > rtlpriv->max_fw_size) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, + "Firmware is too big!\n"); + rtlpriv->max_fw_size = 0; + release_firmware(firmware); + return; + } + pfirmware = (struct rt_firmware *)rtlpriv->rtlhal.pfirmware; + memcpy(pfirmware->sz_fw_tmpbuffer, firmware->data, firmware->size); + pfirmware->sz_fw_tmpbufferlen = firmware->size; + release_firmware(firmware); + + err = ieee80211_register_hw(hw); + if (err) { + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, + "Can't register mac80211 hw\n"); + return; + } else { + rtlpriv->mac80211.mac80211_registered = 1; + } + rtlpci->irq_alloc = 1; + set_bit(RTL_STATUS_INTERFACE_START, &rtlpriv->status); + + /*init rfkill */ + rtl_init_rfkill(hw); +} + static int rtl92s_init_sw_vars(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw); struct rtl_pci *rtlpci = rtl_pcidev(rtl_pcipriv(hw)); - const struct firmware *firmware; - struct rt_firmware *pfirmware = NULL; int err = 0; u16 earlyrxthreshold = 7; @@ -168,9 +209,9 @@ static int rtl92s_init_sw_vars(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlpriv->psc.swctrl_lps = rtlpriv->cfg->mod_params->swctrl_lps; rtlpriv->psc.fwctrl_lps = rtlpriv->cfg->mod_params->fwctrl_lps; if (!rtlpriv->psc.inactiveps) - pr_info("rtl8192ce: Power Save off (module option)\n"); + pr_info("Power Save off (module option)\n"); if (!rtlpriv->psc.fwctrl_lps) - pr_info("rtl8192ce: FW Power Save off (module option)\n"); + pr_info("FW Power Save off (module option)\n"); rtlpriv->psc.reg_fwctrl_lps = 3; rtlpriv->psc.reg_max_lps_awakeintvl = 5; /* for ASPM, you can close aspm through @@ -186,33 +227,22 @@ static int rtl92s_init_sw_vars(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) /* for firmware buf */ rtlpriv->rtlhal.pfirmware = vzalloc(sizeof(struct rt_firmware)); - if (!rtlpriv->rtlhal.pfirmware) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Can't alloc buffer for fw.\n")); + if (!rtlpriv->rtlhal.pfirmware) return 1; - } + + rtlpriv->max_fw_size = RTL8190_MAX_RAW_FIRMWARE_CODE_SIZE; pr_info("Driver for Realtek RTL8192SE/RTL8191SE\n" "Loading firmware %s\n", rtlpriv->cfg->fw_name); /* request fw */ - err = request_firmware(&firmware, rtlpriv->cfg->fw_name, - rtlpriv->io.dev); + err = request_firmware_nowait(THIS_MODULE, 1, rtlpriv->cfg->fw_name, + rtlpriv->io.dev, GFP_KERNEL, hw, + rtl92se_fw_cb); if (err) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Failed to request firmware!\n")); + "Failed to request firmware!\n"); return 1; } - if (firmware->size > sizeof(struct rt_firmware)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Firmware is too big!\n")); - release_firmware(firmware); - return 1; - } - - pfirmware = (struct rt_firmware *)rtlpriv->rtlhal.pfirmware; - memcpy(pfirmware->sz_fw_tmpbuffer, firmware->data, firmware->size); - pfirmware->sz_fw_tmpbufferlen = firmware->size; - release_firmware(firmware); return err; } @@ -426,7 +456,7 @@ static int __init rtl92se_module_init(void) ret = pci_register_driver(&rtl92se_driver); if (ret) - RT_ASSERT(false, (": No device found\n")); + RT_ASSERT(false, "No device found\n"); return ret; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/sw.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/sw.h index fc4eb285a0acad21204676126974e6e41fc78574..2eb88862ebe462e701ea4c33ccad756e7be190b8 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/sw.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/sw.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.c index 154185b3969d3bbeabea010ac270086fd04a0f96..f1a73f75127eb0dc76086976a9357faf02636412 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.h index b4ed6d951ebb3de99387be537d5f41770d311f31..2feb73b71a4f6d1e560c7a06a487839dcd1ae6a9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /****************************************************************************** - * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2010 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/trx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/trx.c index fbebe3ea0a22b95cedd432b0ca663d871915112c..2fd3d13b7ced311fd1607f5c4bc437cdc98029f5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/trx.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/trx.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ void rtl92se_tx_fill_desc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, /* DOWRD 8 */ SET_TX_DESC_TX_BUFFER_ADDRESS(pdesc, cpu_to_le32(mapping)); - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_TRACE, ("\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_TRACE, "\n"); } void rtl92se_tx_fill_cmddesc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 *pdesc, @@ -823,8 +823,8 @@ void rtl92se_set_desc(u8 *pdesc, bool istx, u8 desc_name, u8 *val) SET_TX_DESC_NEXT_DESC_ADDRESS(pdesc, *(u32 *) val); break; default: - RT_ASSERT(false, ("ERR txdesc :%d not process\n", - desc_name)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "ERR txdesc :%d not process\n", + desc_name); break; } } else { @@ -843,8 +843,8 @@ void rtl92se_set_desc(u8 *pdesc, bool istx, u8 desc_name, u8 *val) SET_RX_STATUS_DESC_EOR(pdesc, 1); break; default: - RT_ASSERT(false, ("ERR rxdesc :%d not process\n", - desc_name)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "ERR rxdesc :%d not process\n", + desc_name); break; } } @@ -863,8 +863,8 @@ u32 rtl92se_get_desc(u8 *desc, bool istx, u8 desc_name) ret = GET_TX_DESC_TX_BUFFER_ADDRESS(desc); break; default: - RT_ASSERT(false, ("ERR txdesc :%d not process\n", - desc_name)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "ERR txdesc :%d not process\n", + desc_name); break; } } else { @@ -876,8 +876,8 @@ u32 rtl92se_get_desc(u8 *desc, bool istx, u8 desc_name) ret = GET_RX_STATUS_DESC_PKT_LEN(desc); break; default: - RT_ASSERT(false, ("ERR rxdesc :%d not process\n", - desc_name)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "ERR rxdesc :%d not process\n", + desc_name); break; } } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/trx.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/trx.h index 05862c51b861a1ce4be8f8a48d1030b927a41bec..011e7b0695f24f0a00bdd322a82e961cb69faa28 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/trx.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/trx.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/usb.c b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/usb.c index e956fa71d040756952868e423d497b8a329aff2b..2e1e352864bb88ad33489402aee1f19ef2aa4154 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/usb.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/usb.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -25,16 +25,13 @@ * *****************************************************************************/ -#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt - -#include -#include -#include "core.h" #include "wifi.h" +#include "core.h" #include "usb.h" #include "base.h" #include "ps.h" #include "rtl8192c/fw_common.h" +#include #define REALTEK_USB_VENQT_READ 0xC0 #define REALTEK_USB_VENQT_WRITE 0x40 @@ -276,14 +273,14 @@ static int _rtl_usb_init_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) ? USB_HIGH_SPEED_BULK_SIZE : USB_FULL_SPEED_BULK_SIZE; - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, ("USB Max Bulk-out Size=%d\n", - rtlusb->max_bulk_out_size)); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, "USB Max Bulk-out Size=%d\n", + rtlusb->max_bulk_out_size); for (i = 0; i < __RTL_TXQ_NUM; i++) { u32 ep_num = rtlusb->ep_map.ep_mapping[i]; if (!ep_num) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("Invalid endpoint map setting!\n")); + "Invalid endpoint map setting!\n"); return -EINVAL; } } @@ -345,13 +342,18 @@ static int _rtl_usb_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) rtlusb->out_ep_nums++; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, - ("USB EP(0x%02x), MaxPacketSize=%d ,Interval=%d.\n", + "USB EP(0x%02x), MaxPacketSize=%d, Interval=%d\n", pep_desc->bEndpointAddress, pep_desc->wMaxPacketSize, - pep_desc->bInterval)); + pep_desc->bInterval); + } + if (rtlusb->in_ep_nums < rtlpriv->cfg->usb_interface_cfg->in_ep_num) { + pr_err("Too few input end points found\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + if (rtlusb->out_ep_nums == 0) { + pr_err("No output end points found\n"); + return -EINVAL; } - if (rtlusb->in_ep_nums < rtlpriv->cfg->usb_interface_cfg->in_ep_num) - return -EINVAL ; - /* usb endpoint mapping */ err = rtlpriv->cfg->usb_interface_cfg->usb_endpoint_mapping(hw); rtlusb->usb_mq_to_hwq = rtlpriv->cfg->usb_interface_cfg->usb_mq_to_hwq; @@ -360,7 +362,7 @@ static int _rtl_usb_init(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) return err; } -static int _rtl_usb_init_sw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) +static void rtl_usb_init_sw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) { struct rtl_mac *mac = rtl_mac(rtl_priv(hw)); struct rtl_hal *rtlhal = rtl_hal(rtl_priv(hw)); @@ -395,7 +397,6 @@ static int _rtl_usb_init_sw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) /* HIMR_EX - turn all on */ rtlusb->irq_mask[1] = 0xFFFFFFFF; rtlusb->disableHWSM = true; - return 0; } #define __RADIO_TAP_SIZE_RSV 32 @@ -414,7 +415,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *_rtl_prep_rx_urb(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, gfp_mask); if (!skb) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_USB, DBG_EMERG, - ("Failed to __dev_alloc_skb!!\n")) + "Failed to __dev_alloc_skb!!\n"); return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); } @@ -520,12 +521,14 @@ static void _rtl_usb_rx_process_noagg(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 *pdata; uskb = dev_alloc_skb(skb->len + 128); - memcpy(IEEE80211_SKB_RXCB(uskb), &rx_status, - sizeof(rx_status)); - pdata = (u8 *)skb_put(uskb, skb->len); - memcpy(pdata, skb->data, skb->len); + if (uskb) { /* drop packet on allocation failure */ + memcpy(IEEE80211_SKB_RXCB(uskb), &rx_status, + sizeof(rx_status)); + pdata = (u8 *)skb_put(uskb, skb->len); + memcpy(pdata, skb->data, skb->len); + ieee80211_rx_irqsafe(hw, uskb); + } dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); - ieee80211_rx_irqsafe(hw, uskb); } else { dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); } @@ -575,7 +578,7 @@ static void _rtl_rx_completed(struct urb *_urb) if (IS_ERR(_skb)) { err = PTR_ERR(_skb); RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_USB, DBG_EMERG, - ("Can't allocate skb for bulk IN!\n")); + "Can't allocate skb for bulk IN!\n"); return; } skb = _skb; @@ -632,14 +635,14 @@ static int _rtl_usb_receive(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL); if (!urb) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_USB, DBG_EMERG, - ("Failed to alloc URB!!\n")) + "Failed to alloc URB!!\n"); goto err_out; } skb = _rtl_prep_rx_urb(hw, rtlusb, urb, GFP_KERNEL); if (IS_ERR(skb)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_USB, DBG_EMERG, - ("Failed to prep_rx_urb!!\n")) + "Failed to prep_rx_urb!!\n"); err = PTR_ERR(skb); goto err_out; } @@ -665,15 +668,17 @@ static int rtl_usb_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) struct rtl_usb *rtlusb = rtl_usbdev(rtl_usbpriv(hw)); err = rtlpriv->cfg->ops->hw_init(hw); - rtl_init_rx_config(hw); + if (!err) { + rtl_init_rx_config(hw); - /* Enable software */ - SET_USB_START(rtlusb); - /* should after adapter start and interrupt enable. */ - set_hal_start(rtlhal); + /* Enable software */ + SET_USB_START(rtlusb); + /* should after adapter start and interrupt enable. */ + set_hal_start(rtlhal); - /* Start bulk IN */ - _rtl_usb_receive(hw); + /* Start bulk IN */ + _rtl_usb_receive(hw); + } return err; } @@ -745,7 +750,7 @@ static void _rtl_submit_tx_urb(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct urb *_urb) struct sk_buff *skb; RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_USB, DBG_EMERG, - ("Failed to submit urb.\n")); + "Failed to submit urb\n"); usb_unanchor_urb(_urb); skb = (struct sk_buff *)_urb->context; kfree_skb(skb); @@ -768,7 +773,7 @@ static int _usb_tx_post(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct urb *urb, if (urb->status) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_USB, DBG_EMERG, - ("Urb has error status 0x%X\n", urb->status)); + "Urb has error status 0x%X\n", urb->status); goto out; } /* TODO: statistics */ @@ -805,7 +810,7 @@ static struct urb *_rtl_usb_tx_urb_setup(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, _urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!_urb) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_USB, DBG_EMERG, - ("Can't allocate URB for bulk out!\n")); + "Can't allocate URB for bulk out!\n"); kfree_skb(skb); return NULL; } @@ -830,7 +835,7 @@ static void _rtl_usb_transmit(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb, WARN_ON(NULL == rtlusb->usb_tx_aggregate_hdl); if (unlikely(IS_USB_STOP(rtlusb))) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_USB, DBG_EMERG, - ("USB device is stopping...\n")); + "USB device is stopping...\n"); kfree_skb(skb); return; } @@ -840,7 +845,7 @@ static void _rtl_usb_transmit(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb, _urb = _rtl_usb_tx_urb_setup(hw, _skb, ep_num); if (unlikely(!_urb)) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Can't allocate urb. Drop skb!\n")); + "Can't allocate urb. Drop skb!\n"); return; } urb_list = &rtlusb->tx_pending[ep_num]; @@ -865,7 +870,7 @@ static void _rtl_usb_tx_preprocess(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb, memset(&tcb_desc, 0, sizeof(struct rtl_tcb_desc)); if (ieee80211_is_auth(fc)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_DMESG, ("MAC80211_LINKING\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_DMESG, "MAC80211_LINKING\n"); rtl_ips_nic_on(hw); } @@ -946,10 +951,11 @@ int __devinit rtl_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, hw = ieee80211_alloc_hw(sizeof(struct rtl_priv) + sizeof(struct rtl_usb_priv), &rtl_ops); if (!hw) { - RT_ASSERT(false, ("%s : ieee80211 alloc failed\n", __func__)); + RT_ASSERT(false, "ieee80211 alloc failed\n"); return -ENOMEM; } rtlpriv = hw->priv; + init_completion(&rtlpriv->firmware_loading_complete); SET_IEEE80211_DEV(hw, &intf->dev); udev = interface_to_usbdev(intf); usb_get_dev(udev); @@ -969,39 +975,28 @@ int __devinit rtl_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, /*like read eeprom and so on */ rtlpriv->cfg->ops->read_eeprom_info(hw); if (rtlpriv->cfg->ops->init_sw_vars(hw)) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Can't init_sw_vars.\n")); + RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, "Can't init_sw_vars\n"); goto error_out; } rtlpriv->cfg->ops->init_sw_leds(hw); err = _rtl_usb_init(hw); - err = _rtl_usb_init_sw(hw); + if (err) + goto error_out; + rtl_usb_init_sw(hw); /* Init mac80211 sw */ err = rtl_init_core(hw); if (err) { RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_EMERG, - ("Can't allocate sw for mac80211.\n")); + "Can't allocate sw for mac80211\n"); goto error_out; } - /*init rfkill */ - /* rtl_init_rfkill(hw); */ - - err = ieee80211_register_hw(hw); - if (err) { - RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_EMERG, - ("Can't register mac80211 hw.\n")); - goto error_out; - } else { - rtlpriv->mac80211.mac80211_registered = 1; - } - set_bit(RTL_STATUS_INTERFACE_START, &rtlpriv->status); return 0; error_out: rtl_deinit_core(hw); _rtl_usb_io_handler_release(hw); - ieee80211_free_hw(hw); usb_put_dev(udev); + complete(&rtlpriv->firmware_loading_complete); return -ENODEV; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(rtl_usb_probe); @@ -1015,6 +1010,9 @@ void rtl_usb_disconnect(struct usb_interface *intf) if (unlikely(!rtlpriv)) return; + + /* just in case driver is removed before firmware callback */ + wait_for_completion(&rtlpriv->firmware_loading_complete); /*ieee80211_unregister_hw will call ops_stop */ if (rtlmac->mac80211_registered == 1) { ieee80211_unregister_hw(hw); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/usb.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/usb.h index d2a63fb3e1e60ca61598dfdf73aea13b4da3f002..43846b329153195fbe123b884d84e365483aa97e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/usb.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/usb.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ #ifndef __RTL_USB_H__ #define __RTL_USB_H__ -#include #include #define RTL_RX_DESC_SIZE 24 diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/wifi.h b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/wifi.h index cdaf1429fa0b30b6322f31d21f48f5216e51f7d3..b591614c3b9bb79c7b6e00ec6fe48cb8b06c480b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/wifi.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/wifi.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /****************************************************************************** * - * Copyright(c) 2009-2010 Realtek Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as @@ -30,12 +30,15 @@ #ifndef __RTL_WIFI_H__ #define __RTL_WIFI_H__ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include "debug.h" #define RF_CHANGE_BY_INIT 0 @@ -1045,7 +1048,6 @@ struct rtl_hal { u16 fw_subversion; bool h2c_setinprogress; u8 last_hmeboxnum; - bool fw_ready; /*Reserve page start offset except beacon in TxQ. */ u8 fw_rsvdpage_startoffset; u8 h2c_txcmd_seq; @@ -1591,6 +1593,7 @@ struct rtl_debug { }; struct rtl_priv { + struct completion firmware_loading_complete; struct rtl_locks locks; struct rtl_works works; struct rtl_mac mac80211; @@ -1612,6 +1615,7 @@ struct rtl_priv { struct rtl_rate_priv *rate_priv; struct rtl_debug dbg; + int max_fw_size; /* *hal_cfg : for diff cards diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/Makefile b/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/Makefile index 58b4f935a3f634f89157e32389e90cbf29898310..a5c6328b5f725bd3e92e8292df48328f219b08f2 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/Makefile @@ -6,3 +6,5 @@ wl1251_sdio-objs += sdio.o obj-$(CONFIG_WL1251) += wl1251.o obj-$(CONFIG_WL1251_SPI) += wl1251_spi.o obj-$(CONFIG_WL1251_SDIO) += wl1251_sdio.o + +ccflags-y += -D__CHECK_ENDIAN__ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/boot.c b/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/boot.c index d729daf8e8411f9de8ccdb388af37346e1a9a4da..a2e5241382da3ddab3fd71920863a9cca12ea4d3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/boot.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/boot.c @@ -464,8 +464,6 @@ static int wl1251_boot_upload_nvs(struct wl1251 *wl) val = (nvs_ptr[0] | (nvs_ptr[1] << 8) | (nvs_ptr[2] << 16) | (nvs_ptr[3] << 24)); - val = cpu_to_le32(val); - wl1251_debug(DEBUG_BOOT, "nvs write table 0x%x: 0x%x", nvs_start, val); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/io.h b/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/io.h index c545e9d5f512a34f2cc8a61e847f829dc74d73bc..d382877c34cc179c35cb7b0f65a8efa42c2ed341 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/io.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/io.h @@ -36,16 +36,15 @@ static inline u32 wl1251_read32(struct wl1251 *wl, int addr) { - u32 response; - - wl->if_ops->read(wl, addr, &response, sizeof(u32)); + wl->if_ops->read(wl, addr, &wl->buffer_32, sizeof(wl->buffer_32)); - return response; + return le32_to_cpu(wl->buffer_32); } static inline void wl1251_write32(struct wl1251 *wl, int addr, u32 val) { - wl->if_ops->write(wl, addr, &val, sizeof(u32)); + wl->buffer_32 = cpu_to_le32(val); + wl->if_ops->write(wl, addr, &wl->buffer_32, sizeof(wl->buffer_32)); } static inline u32 wl1251_read_elp(struct wl1251 *wl, int addr) diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/main.c b/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/main.c index ba3268ea81fe57563c9f0f95a293773c21f68ffe..41302c7b1ad0089480a495a26dac4da2552eecf2 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/main.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/main.c @@ -514,6 +514,9 @@ static int wl1251_op_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct wl1251 *wl = hw->priv; int ret = 0; + vif->driver_flags |= IEEE80211_VIF_BEACON_FILTER | + IEEE80211_VIF_SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI; + wl1251_debug(DEBUG_MAC80211, "mac80211 add interface type %d mac %pM", vif->type, vif->addr); @@ -1338,9 +1341,7 @@ int wl1251_init_ieee80211(struct wl1251 *wl) wl->hw->flags = IEEE80211_HW_SIGNAL_DBM | IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_PS | - IEEE80211_HW_BEACON_FILTER | - IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_UAPSD | - IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI; + IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_UAPSD; wl->hw->wiphy->interface_modes = BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) | BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/wl1251.h b/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/wl1251.h index a77f1bbbed0ad063aae085ff857c4cc7abadd717..9d8f5816c6f91628d609ecd0090c438133c5b115 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/wl1251.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/wl1251.h @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ struct wl1251 { struct wl1251_stats stats; struct wl1251_debugfs debugfs; - u32 buffer_32; + __le32 buffer_32; u32 buffer_cmd; u8 buffer_busyword[WL1251_BUSY_WORD_LEN]; struct wl1251_rx_descriptor *rx_descriptor; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/Makefile b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/Makefile index fe67262ba19f7997b16c37b9a42395c25890e6ec..98f289c907a97db3f1ef619d391545478af0a7cb 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/Makefile @@ -11,3 +11,5 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_WL12XX_SDIO) += wl12xx_sdio.o # small builtin driver bit obj-$(CONFIG_WL12XX_PLATFORM_DATA) += wl12xx_platform_data.o + +ccflags-y += -D__CHECK_ENDIAN__ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/acx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/acx.c index 7537c401a4487174a0d50680b1d84e68c3e16675..bc96db0683a5ce99d9fe58d3480813a529675e1a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/acx.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/acx.c @@ -34,12 +34,14 @@ #include "reg.h" #include "ps.h" -int wl1271_acx_wake_up_conditions(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif) +int wl1271_acx_wake_up_conditions(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, + u8 wake_up_event, u8 listen_interval) { struct acx_wake_up_condition *wake_up; int ret; - wl1271_debug(DEBUG_ACX, "acx wake up conditions"); + wl1271_debug(DEBUG_ACX, "acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event %d listen_interval %d)", + wake_up_event, listen_interval); wake_up = kzalloc(sizeof(*wake_up), GFP_KERNEL); if (!wake_up) { @@ -48,8 +50,8 @@ int wl1271_acx_wake_up_conditions(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif) } wake_up->role_id = wlvif->role_id; - wake_up->wake_up_event = wl->conf.conn.wake_up_event; - wake_up->listen_interval = wl->conf.conn.listen_interval; + wake_up->wake_up_event = wake_up_event; + wake_up->listen_interval = listen_interval; ret = wl1271_cmd_configure(wl, ACX_WAKE_UP_CONDITIONS, wake_up, sizeof(*wake_up)); @@ -1459,9 +1461,10 @@ int wl12xx_acx_set_ba_receiver_session(struct wl1271 *wl, u8 tid_index, return ret; } -int wl1271_acx_tsf_info(struct wl1271 *wl, u64 *mactime) +int wl12xx_acx_tsf_info(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, + u64 *mactime) { - struct wl1271_acx_fw_tsf_information *tsf_info; + struct wl12xx_acx_fw_tsf_information *tsf_info; int ret; tsf_info = kzalloc(sizeof(*tsf_info), GFP_KERNEL); @@ -1470,6 +1473,8 @@ int wl1271_acx_tsf_info(struct wl1271 *wl, u64 *mactime) goto out; } + tsf_info->role_id = wlvif->role_id; + ret = wl1271_cmd_interrogate(wl, ACX_TSF_INFO, tsf_info, sizeof(*tsf_info)); if (ret < 0) { diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/acx.h b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/acx.h index 69892b40c2dfc850cd44b434a155c5ce81da4c6c..a28fc044034c8e194a4e8bf82649a88a6231d4d0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/acx.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/acx.h @@ -995,15 +995,17 @@ struct wl1271_acx_ba_receiver_setup { u8 padding[2]; } __packed; -struct wl1271_acx_fw_tsf_information { +struct wl12xx_acx_fw_tsf_information { struct acx_header header; + u8 role_id; + u8 padding1[3]; __le32 current_tsf_high; __le32 current_tsf_low; __le32 last_bttt_high; __le32 last_tbtt_low; u8 last_dtim_count; - u8 padding[3]; + u8 padding2[3]; } __packed; struct wl1271_acx_ps_rx_streaming { @@ -1151,79 +1153,81 @@ struct wl12xx_acx_config_hangover { } __packed; enum { - ACX_WAKE_UP_CONDITIONS = 0x0002, - ACX_MEM_CFG = 0x0003, - ACX_SLOT = 0x0004, - ACX_AC_CFG = 0x0007, - ACX_MEM_MAP = 0x0008, - ACX_AID = 0x000A, - ACX_MEDIUM_USAGE = 0x000F, - ACX_TX_QUEUE_CFG = 0x0011, /* FIXME: only used by wl1251 */ - ACX_STATISTICS = 0x0013, /* Debug API */ - ACX_PWR_CONSUMPTION_STATISTICS = 0x0014, - ACX_FEATURE_CFG = 0x0015, - ACX_TID_CFG = 0x001A, - ACX_PS_RX_STREAMING = 0x001B, - ACX_BEACON_FILTER_OPT = 0x001F, - ACX_NOISE_HIST = 0x0021, - ACX_HDK_VERSION = 0x0022, /* ??? */ - ACX_PD_THRESHOLD = 0x0023, - ACX_TX_CONFIG_OPT = 0x0024, - ACX_CCA_THRESHOLD = 0x0025, - ACX_EVENT_MBOX_MASK = 0x0026, - ACX_CONN_MONIT_PARAMS = 0x002D, - ACX_BCN_DTIM_OPTIONS = 0x0031, - ACX_SG_ENABLE = 0x0032, - ACX_SG_CFG = 0x0033, - ACX_FM_COEX_CFG = 0x0034, - ACX_BEACON_FILTER_TABLE = 0x0038, - ACX_ARP_IP_FILTER = 0x0039, - ACX_ROAMING_STATISTICS_TBL = 0x003B, - ACX_RATE_POLICY = 0x003D, - ACX_CTS_PROTECTION = 0x003E, - ACX_SLEEP_AUTH = 0x003F, - ACX_PREAMBLE_TYPE = 0x0040, - ACX_ERROR_CNT = 0x0041, - ACX_IBSS_FILTER = 0x0044, - ACX_SERVICE_PERIOD_TIMEOUT = 0x0045, - ACX_TSF_INFO = 0x0046, - ACX_CONFIG_PS_WMM = 0x0049, - ACX_ENABLE_RX_DATA_FILTER = 0x004A, - ACX_SET_RX_DATA_FILTER = 0x004B, - ACX_GET_DATA_FILTER_STATISTICS = 0x004C, - ACX_RX_CONFIG_OPT = 0x004E, - ACX_FRAG_CFG = 0x004F, - ACX_BET_ENABLE = 0x0050, - ACX_RSSI_SNR_TRIGGER = 0x0051, - ACX_RSSI_SNR_WEIGHTS = 0x0052, - ACX_KEEP_ALIVE_MODE = 0x0053, - ACX_SET_KEEP_ALIVE_CONFIG = 0x0054, - ACX_BA_SESSION_INIT_POLICY = 0x0055, - ACX_BA_SESSION_RX_SETUP = 0x0056, - ACX_PEER_HT_CAP = 0x0057, - ACX_HT_BSS_OPERATION = 0x0058, - ACX_COEX_ACTIVITY = 0x0059, - ACX_BURST_MODE = 0x005C, - ACX_SET_RATE_MGMT_PARAMS = 0x005D, - ACX_SET_RATE_ADAPT_PARAMS = 0x0060, - ACX_SET_DCO_ITRIM_PARAMS = 0x0061, - ACX_GEN_FW_CMD = 0x0070, - ACX_HOST_IF_CFG_BITMAP = 0x0071, - ACX_MAX_TX_FAILURE = 0x0072, - ACX_UPDATE_INCONNECTION_STA_LIST = 0x0073, - DOT11_RX_MSDU_LIFE_TIME = 0x1004, - DOT11_CUR_TX_PWR = 0x100D, - DOT11_RX_DOT11_MODE = 0x1012, - DOT11_RTS_THRESHOLD = 0x1013, - DOT11_GROUP_ADDRESS_TBL = 0x1014, - ACX_PM_CONFIG = 0x1016, - ACX_CONFIG_PS = 0x1017, - ACX_CONFIG_HANGOVER = 0x1018, + ACX_WAKE_UP_CONDITIONS = 0x0000, + ACX_MEM_CFG = 0x0001, + ACX_SLOT = 0x0002, + ACX_AC_CFG = 0x0003, + ACX_MEM_MAP = 0x0004, + ACX_AID = 0x0005, + ACX_MEDIUM_USAGE = 0x0006, + ACX_STATISTICS = 0x0007, + ACX_PWR_CONSUMPTION_STATISTICS = 0x0008, + ACX_TID_CFG = 0x0009, + ACX_PS_RX_STREAMING = 0x000A, + ACX_BEACON_FILTER_OPT = 0x000B, + ACX_NOISE_HIST = 0x000C, + ACX_HDK_VERSION = 0x000D, + ACX_PD_THRESHOLD = 0x000E, + ACX_TX_CONFIG_OPT = 0x000F, + ACX_CCA_THRESHOLD = 0x0010, + ACX_EVENT_MBOX_MASK = 0x0011, + ACX_CONN_MONIT_PARAMS = 0x0012, + ACX_DISABLE_BROADCASTS = 0x0013, + ACX_BCN_DTIM_OPTIONS = 0x0014, + ACX_SG_ENABLE = 0x0015, + ACX_SG_CFG = 0x0016, + ACX_FM_COEX_CFG = 0x0017, + ACX_BEACON_FILTER_TABLE = 0x0018, + ACX_ARP_IP_FILTER = 0x0019, + ACX_ROAMING_STATISTICS_TBL = 0x001A, + ACX_RATE_POLICY = 0x001B, + ACX_CTS_PROTECTION = 0x001C, + ACX_SLEEP_AUTH = 0x001D, + ACX_PREAMBLE_TYPE = 0x001E, + ACX_ERROR_CNT = 0x001F, + ACX_IBSS_FILTER = 0x0020, + ACX_SERVICE_PERIOD_TIMEOUT = 0x0021, + ACX_TSF_INFO = 0x0022, + ACX_CONFIG_PS_WMM = 0x0023, + ACX_ENABLE_RX_DATA_FILTER = 0x0024, + ACX_SET_RX_DATA_FILTER = 0x0025, + ACX_GET_DATA_FILTER_STATISTICS = 0x0026, + ACX_RX_CONFIG_OPT = 0x0027, + ACX_FRAG_CFG = 0x0028, + ACX_BET_ENABLE = 0x0029, + ACX_RSSI_SNR_TRIGGER = 0x002A, + ACX_RSSI_SNR_WEIGHTS = 0x002B, + ACX_KEEP_ALIVE_MODE = 0x002C, + ACX_SET_KEEP_ALIVE_CONFIG = 0x002D, + ACX_BA_SESSION_INIT_POLICY = 0x002E, + ACX_BA_SESSION_RX_SETUP = 0x002F, + ACX_PEER_HT_CAP = 0x0030, + ACX_HT_BSS_OPERATION = 0x0031, + ACX_COEX_ACTIVITY = 0x0032, + ACX_BURST_MODE = 0x0033, + ACX_SET_RATE_MGMT_PARAMS = 0x0034, + ACX_GET_RATE_MGMT_PARAMS = 0x0035, + ACX_SET_RATE_ADAPT_PARAMS = 0x0036, + ACX_SET_DCO_ITRIM_PARAMS = 0x0037, + ACX_GEN_FW_CMD = 0x0038, + ACX_HOST_IF_CFG_BITMAP = 0x0039, + ACX_MAX_TX_FAILURE = 0x003A, + ACX_UPDATE_INCONNECTION_STA_LIST = 0x003B, + DOT11_RX_MSDU_LIFE_TIME = 0x003C, + DOT11_CUR_TX_PWR = 0x003D, + DOT11_RTS_THRESHOLD = 0x003E, + DOT11_GROUP_ADDRESS_TBL = 0x003F, + ACX_PM_CONFIG = 0x0040, + ACX_CONFIG_PS = 0x0041, + ACX_CONFIG_HANGOVER = 0x0042, + ACX_FEATURE_CFG = 0x0043, + ACX_PROTECTION_CFG = 0x0044, }; int wl1271_acx_wake_up_conditions(struct wl1271 *wl, - struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif); + struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, + u8 wake_up_event, u8 listen_interval); int wl1271_acx_sleep_auth(struct wl1271 *wl, u8 sleep_auth); int wl1271_acx_tx_power(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, int power); @@ -1296,7 +1300,8 @@ int wl12xx_acx_set_ba_initiator_policy(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif); int wl12xx_acx_set_ba_receiver_session(struct wl1271 *wl, u8 tid_index, u16 ssn, bool enable, u8 peer_hlid); -int wl1271_acx_tsf_info(struct wl1271 *wl, u64 *mactime); +int wl12xx_acx_tsf_info(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, + u64 *mactime); int wl1271_acx_ps_rx_streaming(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, bool enable); int wl1271_acx_ap_max_tx_retry(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/boot.c b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/boot.c index 8f9cf5a816ea494601acb5cd4c55112530cd02f2..954101d03f068300e4ed731a8f8cbfa420af166d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/boot.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/boot.c @@ -33,65 +33,6 @@ #include "event.h" #include "rx.h" -static struct wl1271_partition_set part_table[PART_TABLE_LEN] = { - [PART_DOWN] = { - .mem = { - .start = 0x00000000, - .size = 0x000177c0 - }, - .reg = { - .start = REGISTERS_BASE, - .size = 0x00008800 - }, - .mem2 = { - .start = 0x00000000, - .size = 0x00000000 - }, - .mem3 = { - .start = 0x00000000, - .size = 0x00000000 - }, - }, - - [PART_WORK] = { - .mem = { - .start = 0x00040000, - .size = 0x00014fc0 - }, - .reg = { - .start = REGISTERS_BASE, - .size = 0x0000a000 - }, - .mem2 = { - .start = 0x003004f8, - .size = 0x00000004 - }, - .mem3 = { - .start = 0x00040404, - .size = 0x00000000 - }, - }, - - [PART_DRPW] = { - .mem = { - .start = 0x00040000, - .size = 0x00014fc0 - }, - .reg = { - .start = DRPW_BASE, - .size = 0x00006000 - }, - .mem2 = { - .start = 0x00000000, - .size = 0x00000000 - }, - .mem3 = { - .start = 0x00000000, - .size = 0x00000000 - } - } -}; - static void wl1271_boot_set_ecpu_ctrl(struct wl1271 *wl, u32 flag) { u32 cpu_ctrl; @@ -181,13 +122,13 @@ static int wl1271_boot_upload_firmware_chunk(struct wl1271 *wl, void *buf, return -ENOMEM; } - memcpy(&partition, &part_table[PART_DOWN], sizeof(partition)); + memcpy(&partition, &wl12xx_part_table[PART_DOWN], sizeof(partition)); partition.mem.start = dest; wl1271_set_partition(wl, &partition); /* 10.1 set partition limit and chunk num */ chunk_num = 0; - partition_limit = part_table[PART_DOWN].mem.size; + partition_limit = wl12xx_part_table[PART_DOWN].mem.size; while (chunk_num < fw_data_len / CHUNK_SIZE) { /* 10.2 update partition, if needed */ @@ -195,7 +136,7 @@ static int wl1271_boot_upload_firmware_chunk(struct wl1271 *wl, void *buf, if (addr > partition_limit) { addr = dest + chunk_num * CHUNK_SIZE; partition_limit = chunk_num * CHUNK_SIZE + - part_table[PART_DOWN].mem.size; + wl12xx_part_table[PART_DOWN].mem.size; partition.mem.start = addr; wl1271_set_partition(wl, &partition); } @@ -317,12 +258,12 @@ static int wl1271_boot_upload_nvs(struct wl1271 *wl) } /* update current MAC address to NVS */ - nvs_ptr[11] = wl->mac_addr[0]; - nvs_ptr[10] = wl->mac_addr[1]; - nvs_ptr[6] = wl->mac_addr[2]; - nvs_ptr[5] = wl->mac_addr[3]; - nvs_ptr[4] = wl->mac_addr[4]; - nvs_ptr[3] = wl->mac_addr[5]; + nvs_ptr[11] = wl->addresses[0].addr[0]; + nvs_ptr[10] = wl->addresses[0].addr[1]; + nvs_ptr[6] = wl->addresses[0].addr[2]; + nvs_ptr[5] = wl->addresses[0].addr[3]; + nvs_ptr[4] = wl->addresses[0].addr[4]; + nvs_ptr[3] = wl->addresses[0].addr[5]; /* * Layout before the actual NVS tables: @@ -383,7 +324,7 @@ static int wl1271_boot_upload_nvs(struct wl1271 *wl) nvs_len -= nvs_ptr - (u8 *)wl->nvs; /* Now we must set the partition correctly */ - wl1271_set_partition(wl, &part_table[PART_WORK]); + wl1271_set_partition(wl, &wl12xx_part_table[PART_WORK]); /* Copy the NVS tables to a new block to ensure alignment */ nvs_aligned = kmemdup(nvs_ptr, nvs_len, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -492,7 +433,7 @@ static int wl1271_boot_run_firmware(struct wl1271 *wl) wl->event_box_addr = wl1271_read32(wl, REG_EVENT_MAILBOX_PTR); /* set the working partition to its "running" mode offset */ - wl1271_set_partition(wl, &part_table[PART_WORK]); + wl1271_set_partition(wl, &wl12xx_part_table[PART_WORK]); wl1271_debug(DEBUG_MAILBOX, "cmd_box_addr 0x%x event_box_addr 0x%x", wl->cmd_box_addr, wl->event_box_addr); @@ -507,8 +448,7 @@ static int wl1271_boot_run_firmware(struct wl1271 *wl) /* unmask required mbox events */ wl->event_mask = BSS_LOSE_EVENT_ID | SCAN_COMPLETE_EVENT_ID | - PS_REPORT_EVENT_ID | - DISCONNECT_EVENT_COMPLETE_ID | + ROLE_STOP_COMPLETE_EVENT_ID | RSSI_SNR_TRIGGER_0_EVENT_ID | PSPOLL_DELIVERY_FAILURE_EVENT_ID | SOFT_GEMINI_SENSE_EVENT_ID | @@ -547,19 +487,6 @@ static int wl1271_boot_write_irq_polarity(struct wl1271 *wl) return 0; } -static void wl1271_boot_hw_version(struct wl1271 *wl) -{ - u32 fuse; - - if (wl->chip.id == CHIP_ID_1283_PG20) - fuse = wl1271_top_reg_read(wl, WL128X_REG_FUSE_DATA_2_1); - else - fuse = wl1271_top_reg_read(wl, WL127X_REG_FUSE_DATA_2_1); - fuse = (fuse & PG_VER_MASK) >> PG_VER_OFFSET; - - wl->hw_pg_ver = (s8)fuse; -} - static int wl128x_switch_tcxo_to_fref(struct wl1271 *wl) { u16 spare_reg; @@ -698,7 +625,7 @@ static int wl127x_boot_clk(struct wl1271 *wl) u32 pause; u32 clk; - if (((wl->hw_pg_ver & PG_MAJOR_VER_MASK) >> PG_MAJOR_VER_OFFSET) < 3) + if (WL127X_PG_GET_MAJOR(wl->hw_pg_ver) < 3) wl->quirks |= WL12XX_QUIRK_END_OF_TRANSACTION; if (wl->ref_clock == CONF_REF_CLK_19_2_E || @@ -753,8 +680,6 @@ int wl1271_load_firmware(struct wl1271 *wl) u32 tmp, clk; int selected_clock = -1; - wl1271_boot_hw_version(wl); - if (wl->chip.id == CHIP_ID_1283_PG20) { ret = wl128x_boot_clk(wl, &selected_clock); if (ret < 0) @@ -769,7 +694,7 @@ int wl1271_load_firmware(struct wl1271 *wl) wl1271_write32(wl, WELP_ARM_COMMAND, WELP_ARM_COMMAND_VAL); udelay(500); - wl1271_set_partition(wl, &part_table[PART_DRPW]); + wl1271_set_partition(wl, &wl12xx_part_table[PART_DRPW]); /* Read-modify-write DRPW_SCRATCH_START register (see next state) to be used by DRPw FW. The RTRIM value will be added by the FW @@ -788,7 +713,7 @@ int wl1271_load_firmware(struct wl1271 *wl) wl1271_write32(wl, DRPW_SCRATCH_START, clk); - wl1271_set_partition(wl, &part_table[PART_WORK]); + wl1271_set_partition(wl, &wl12xx_part_table[PART_WORK]); /* Disable interrupts */ wl1271_write32(wl, ACX_REG_INTERRUPT_MASK, WL1271_ACX_INTR_ALL); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/boot.h b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/boot.h index 06dad9380fa7f427e5318d5f5e0e191a5c00f1cb..c3adc09f403dd1319fe99303d1a75357d21a9127 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/boot.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/boot.h @@ -55,16 +55,6 @@ struct wl1271_static_data { #define OCP_REG_CLK_POLARITY 0x0cb2 #define OCP_REG_CLK_PULL 0x0cb4 -#define WL127X_REG_FUSE_DATA_2_1 0x050a -#define WL128X_REG_FUSE_DATA_2_1 0x2152 -#define PG_VER_MASK 0x3c -#define PG_VER_OFFSET 2 - -#define PG_MAJOR_VER_MASK 0x3 -#define PG_MAJOR_VER_OFFSET 0x0 -#define PG_MINOR_VER_MASK 0xc -#define PG_MINOR_VER_OFFSET 0x2 - #define CMD_MBOX_ADDRESS 0x407B4 #define POLARITY_LOW BIT(1) diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/cmd.c b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/cmd.c index 25990bd38be633d57bc17ae13573875f3cce4a7a..3414fc11e9ba71da93eb4723d252bac693871899 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/cmd.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/cmd.c @@ -459,23 +459,39 @@ int wl12xx_cmd_role_disable(struct wl1271 *wl, u8 *role_id) int wl12xx_allocate_link(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, u8 *hlid) { + unsigned long flags; u8 link = find_first_zero_bit(wl->links_map, WL12XX_MAX_LINKS); if (link >= WL12XX_MAX_LINKS) return -EBUSY; + /* these bits are used by op_tx */ + spin_lock_irqsave(&wl->wl_lock, flags); __set_bit(link, wl->links_map); __set_bit(link, wlvif->links_map); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&wl->wl_lock, flags); *hlid = link; return 0; } void wl12xx_free_link(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, u8 *hlid) { + unsigned long flags; + if (*hlid == WL12XX_INVALID_LINK_ID) return; + /* these bits are used by op_tx */ + spin_lock_irqsave(&wl->wl_lock, flags); __clear_bit(*hlid, wl->links_map); __clear_bit(*hlid, wlvif->links_map); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&wl->wl_lock, flags); + + /* + * At this point op_tx() will not add more packets to the queues. We + * can purge them. + */ + wl1271_tx_reset_link_queues(wl, *hlid); + *hlid = WL12XX_INVALID_LINK_ID; } @@ -515,7 +531,7 @@ static int wl12xx_cmd_role_start_dev(struct wl1271 *wl, goto out_free; } cmd->device.hlid = wlvif->dev_hlid; - cmd->device.session = wlvif->session_counter; + cmd->device.session = wl12xx_get_new_session_id(wl, wlvif); wl1271_debug(DEBUG_CMD, "role start: roleid=%d, hlid=%d, session=%d", cmd->role_id, cmd->device.hlid, cmd->device.session); @@ -566,7 +582,7 @@ static int wl12xx_cmd_role_stop_dev(struct wl1271 *wl, goto out_free; } - ret = wl1271_cmd_wait_for_event(wl, DISCONNECT_EVENT_COMPLETE_ID); + ret = wl1271_cmd_wait_for_event(wl, ROLE_STOP_COMPLETE_EVENT_ID); if (ret < 0) { wl1271_error("cmd role stop dev event completion error"); goto out_free; @@ -715,6 +731,8 @@ int wl12xx_cmd_role_start_ap(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif) cmd->ap.beacon_interval = cpu_to_le16(wlvif->beacon_int); cmd->ap.dtim_interval = bss_conf->dtim_period; cmd->ap.beacon_expiry = WL1271_AP_DEF_BEACON_EXP; + /* FIXME: Change when adding DFS */ + cmd->ap.reset_tsf = 1; /* By default reset AP TSF */ cmd->channel = wlvif->channel; if (!bss_conf->hidden_ssid) { @@ -994,7 +1012,7 @@ int wl1271_cmd_data_path(struct wl1271 *wl, bool enable) } int wl1271_cmd_ps_mode(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, - u8 ps_mode) + u8 ps_mode, u16 auto_ps_timeout) { struct wl1271_cmd_ps_params *ps_params = NULL; int ret = 0; @@ -1009,6 +1027,7 @@ int wl1271_cmd_ps_mode(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, ps_params->role_id = wlvif->role_id; ps_params->ps_mode = ps_mode; + ps_params->auto_ps_timeout = auto_ps_timeout; ret = wl1271_cmd_send(wl, CMD_SET_PS_MODE, ps_params, sizeof(*ps_params), 0); @@ -1022,13 +1041,15 @@ int wl1271_cmd_ps_mode(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, return ret; } -int wl1271_cmd_template_set(struct wl1271 *wl, u16 template_id, - void *buf, size_t buf_len, int index, u32 rates) +int wl1271_cmd_template_set(struct wl1271 *wl, u8 role_id, + u16 template_id, void *buf, size_t buf_len, + int index, u32 rates) { struct wl1271_cmd_template_set *cmd; int ret = 0; - wl1271_debug(DEBUG_CMD, "cmd template_set %d", template_id); + wl1271_debug(DEBUG_CMD, "cmd template_set %d (role %d)", + template_id, role_id); WARN_ON(buf_len > WL1271_CMD_TEMPL_MAX_SIZE); buf_len = min_t(size_t, buf_len, WL1271_CMD_TEMPL_MAX_SIZE); @@ -1039,6 +1060,8 @@ int wl1271_cmd_template_set(struct wl1271 *wl, u16 template_id, goto out; } + /* during initialization wlvif is NULL */ + cmd->role_id = role_id; cmd->len = cpu_to_le16(buf_len); cmd->template_type = template_id; cmd->enabled_rates = cpu_to_le32(rates); @@ -1082,7 +1105,8 @@ int wl12xx_cmd_build_null_data(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif) ptr = skb->data; } - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_NULL_DATA, ptr, size, 0, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, wlvif->role_id, + CMD_TEMPL_NULL_DATA, ptr, size, 0, wlvif->basic_rate); out: @@ -1105,7 +1129,7 @@ int wl12xx_cmd_build_klv_null_data(struct wl1271 *wl, if (!skb) goto out; - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_KLV, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, wlvif->role_id, CMD_TEMPL_KLV, skb->data, skb->len, CMD_TEMPL_KLV_IDX_NULL_DATA, wlvif->basic_rate); @@ -1130,7 +1154,8 @@ int wl1271_cmd_build_ps_poll(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, if (!skb) goto out; - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_PS_POLL, skb->data, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, wlvif->role_id, + CMD_TEMPL_PS_POLL, skb->data, skb->len, 0, wlvif->basic_rate_set); out: @@ -1138,9 +1163,10 @@ int wl1271_cmd_build_ps_poll(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, return ret; } -int wl1271_cmd_build_probe_req(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, +int wl12xx_cmd_build_probe_req(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, + u8 role_id, u8 band, const u8 *ssid, size_t ssid_len, - const u8 *ie, size_t ie_len, u8 band) + const u8 *ie, size_t ie_len) { struct ieee80211_vif *vif = wl12xx_wlvif_to_vif(wlvif); struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -1158,10 +1184,12 @@ int wl1271_cmd_build_probe_req(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, rate = wl1271_tx_min_rate_get(wl, wlvif->bitrate_masks[band]); if (band == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_CFG_PROBE_REQ_2_4, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, role_id, + CMD_TEMPL_CFG_PROBE_REQ_2_4, skb->data, skb->len, 0, rate); else - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_CFG_PROBE_REQ_5, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, role_id, + CMD_TEMPL_CFG_PROBE_REQ_5, skb->data, skb->len, 0, rate); out: @@ -1186,10 +1214,12 @@ struct sk_buff *wl1271_cmd_build_ap_probe_req(struct wl1271 *wl, rate = wl1271_tx_min_rate_get(wl, wlvif->bitrate_masks[wlvif->band]); if (wlvif->band == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_CFG_PROBE_REQ_2_4, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, wlvif->role_id, + CMD_TEMPL_CFG_PROBE_REQ_2_4, skb->data, skb->len, 0, rate); else - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_CFG_PROBE_REQ_5, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, wlvif->role_id, + CMD_TEMPL_CFG_PROBE_REQ_5, skb->data, skb->len, 0, rate); if (ret < 0) @@ -1199,32 +1229,34 @@ struct sk_buff *wl1271_cmd_build_ap_probe_req(struct wl1271 *wl, return skb; } -int wl1271_cmd_build_arp_rsp(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, - __be32 ip_addr) +int wl1271_cmd_build_arp_rsp(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif) { - int ret; + int ret, extra; + u16 fc; struct ieee80211_vif *vif = wl12xx_wlvif_to_vif(wlvif); - struct wl12xx_arp_rsp_template tmpl; + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct wl12xx_arp_rsp_template *tmpl; struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr *hdr; struct arphdr *arp_hdr; - memset(&tmpl, 0, sizeof(tmpl)); + skb = dev_alloc_skb(sizeof(*hdr) + sizeof(__le16) + sizeof(*tmpl) + + WL1271_EXTRA_SPACE_MAX); + if (!skb) { + wl1271_error("failed to allocate buffer for arp rsp template"); + return -ENOMEM; + } - /* mac80211 header */ - hdr = &tmpl.hdr; - hdr->frame_control = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_DATA | - IEEE80211_STYPE_DATA | - IEEE80211_FCTL_TODS); - memcpy(hdr->addr1, vif->bss_conf.bssid, ETH_ALEN); - memcpy(hdr->addr2, vif->addr, ETH_ALEN); - memset(hdr->addr3, 0xff, ETH_ALEN); + skb_reserve(skb, sizeof(*hdr) + WL1271_EXTRA_SPACE_MAX); + + tmpl = (struct wl12xx_arp_rsp_template *)skb_put(skb, sizeof(*tmpl)); + memset(tmpl, 0, sizeof(tmpl)); /* llc layer */ - memcpy(tmpl.llc_hdr, rfc1042_header, sizeof(rfc1042_header)); - tmpl.llc_type = cpu_to_be16(ETH_P_ARP); + memcpy(tmpl->llc_hdr, rfc1042_header, sizeof(rfc1042_header)); + tmpl->llc_type = cpu_to_be16(ETH_P_ARP); /* arp header */ - arp_hdr = &tmpl.arp_hdr; + arp_hdr = &tmpl->arp_hdr; arp_hdr->ar_hrd = cpu_to_be16(ARPHRD_ETHER); arp_hdr->ar_pro = cpu_to_be16(ETH_P_IP); arp_hdr->ar_hln = ETH_ALEN; @@ -1232,13 +1264,59 @@ int wl1271_cmd_build_arp_rsp(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, arp_hdr->ar_op = cpu_to_be16(ARPOP_REPLY); /* arp payload */ - memcpy(tmpl.sender_hw, vif->addr, ETH_ALEN); - tmpl.sender_ip = ip_addr; + memcpy(tmpl->sender_hw, vif->addr, ETH_ALEN); + tmpl->sender_ip = wlvif->ip_addr; - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_ARP_RSP, - &tmpl, sizeof(tmpl), 0, - wlvif->basic_rate); + /* encryption space */ + switch (wlvif->encryption_type) { + case KEY_TKIP: + extra = WL1271_EXTRA_SPACE_TKIP; + break; + case KEY_AES: + extra = WL1271_EXTRA_SPACE_AES; + break; + case KEY_NONE: + case KEY_WEP: + case KEY_GEM: + extra = 0; + break; + default: + wl1271_warning("Unknown encryption type: %d", + wlvif->encryption_type); + ret = -EINVAL; + goto out; + } + + if (extra) { + u8 *space = skb_push(skb, extra); + memset(space, 0, extra); + } + + /* QoS header - BE */ + if (wlvif->sta.qos) + memset(skb_push(skb, sizeof(__le16)), 0, sizeof(__le16)); + /* mac80211 header */ + hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr *)skb_push(skb, sizeof(*hdr)); + memset(hdr, 0, sizeof(hdr)); + fc = IEEE80211_FTYPE_DATA | IEEE80211_FCTL_TODS; + if (wlvif->sta.qos) + fc |= IEEE80211_STYPE_QOS_DATA; + else + fc |= IEEE80211_STYPE_DATA; + if (wlvif->encryption_type != KEY_NONE) + fc |= IEEE80211_FCTL_PROTECTED; + + hdr->frame_control = cpu_to_le16(fc); + memcpy(hdr->addr1, vif->bss_conf.bssid, ETH_ALEN); + memcpy(hdr->addr2, vif->addr, ETH_ALEN); + memset(hdr->addr3, 0xff, ETH_ALEN); + + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, wlvif->role_id, CMD_TEMPL_ARP_RSP, + skb->data, skb->len, 0, + wlvif->basic_rate); +out: + dev_kfree_skb(skb); return ret; } @@ -1260,7 +1338,8 @@ int wl1271_build_qos_null_data(struct wl1271 *wl, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) /* FIXME: not sure what priority to use here */ template.qos_ctrl = cpu_to_le16(0); - return wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_QOS_NULL_DATA, &template, + return wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, wlvif->role_id, + CMD_TEMPL_QOS_NULL_DATA, &template, sizeof(template), 0, wlvif->basic_rate); } @@ -1739,11 +1818,20 @@ int wl12xx_croc(struct wl1271 *wl, u8 role_id) goto out; __clear_bit(role_id, wl->roc_map); + + /* + * Rearm the tx watchdog when removing the last ROC. This prevents + * recoveries due to just finished ROCs - when Tx hasn't yet had + * a chance to get out. + */ + if (find_first_bit(wl->roc_map, WL12XX_MAX_ROLES) >= WL12XX_MAX_ROLES) + wl12xx_rearm_tx_watchdog_locked(wl); out: return ret; } int wl12xx_cmd_channel_switch(struct wl1271 *wl, + struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, struct ieee80211_channel_switch *ch_switch) { struct wl12xx_cmd_channel_switch *cmd; @@ -1757,10 +1845,13 @@ int wl12xx_cmd_channel_switch(struct wl1271 *wl, goto out; } + cmd->role_id = wlvif->role_id; cmd->channel = ch_switch->channel->hw_value; cmd->switch_time = ch_switch->count; - cmd->tx_suspend = ch_switch->block_tx; - cmd->flush = 0; /* this value is ignored by the FW */ + cmd->stop_tx = ch_switch->block_tx; + + /* FIXME: control from mac80211 in the future */ + cmd->post_switch_tx_disable = 0; /* Enable TX on the target channel */ ret = wl1271_cmd_send(wl, CMD_CHANNEL_SWITCH, cmd, sizeof(*cmd), 0); if (ret < 0) { diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/cmd.h b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/cmd.h index 3f7d0b93c24d76c2853fc17ce43580646904e283..de217d92516b4efede360f4c1f187b156b76a294 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/cmd.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/cmd.h @@ -51,22 +51,23 @@ int wl1271_cmd_interrogate(struct wl1271 *wl, u16 id, void *buf, size_t len); int wl1271_cmd_configure(struct wl1271 *wl, u16 id, void *buf, size_t len); int wl1271_cmd_data_path(struct wl1271 *wl, bool enable); int wl1271_cmd_ps_mode(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, - u8 ps_mode); + u8 ps_mode, u16 auto_ps_timeout); int wl1271_cmd_read_memory(struct wl1271 *wl, u32 addr, void *answer, size_t len); -int wl1271_cmd_template_set(struct wl1271 *wl, u16 template_id, - void *buf, size_t buf_len, int index, u32 rates); +int wl1271_cmd_template_set(struct wl1271 *wl, u8 role_id, + u16 template_id, void *buf, size_t buf_len, + int index, u32 rates); int wl12xx_cmd_build_null_data(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif); int wl1271_cmd_build_ps_poll(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, u16 aid); -int wl1271_cmd_build_probe_req(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, +int wl12xx_cmd_build_probe_req(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, + u8 role_id, u8 band, const u8 *ssid, size_t ssid_len, - const u8 *ie, size_t ie_len, u8 band); + const u8 *ie, size_t ie_len); struct sk_buff *wl1271_cmd_build_ap_probe_req(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, struct sk_buff *skb); -int wl1271_cmd_build_arp_rsp(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, - __be32 ip_addr); +int wl1271_cmd_build_arp_rsp(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif); int wl1271_build_qos_null_data(struct wl1271 *wl, struct ieee80211_vif *vif); int wl12xx_cmd_build_klv_null_data(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif); @@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ int wl12xx_cmd_config_fwlog(struct wl1271 *wl); int wl12xx_cmd_start_fwlog(struct wl1271 *wl); int wl12xx_cmd_stop_fwlog(struct wl1271 *wl); int wl12xx_cmd_channel_switch(struct wl1271 *wl, + struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, struct ieee80211_channel_switch *ch_switch); int wl12xx_cmd_stop_channel_switch(struct wl1271 *wl); int wl12xx_allocate_link(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, @@ -96,62 +98,65 @@ int wl12xx_allocate_link(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, void wl12xx_free_link(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, u8 *hlid); enum wl1271_commands { - CMD_INTERROGATE = 1, /*use this to read information elements*/ - CMD_CONFIGURE = 2, /*use this to write information elements*/ - CMD_ENABLE_RX = 3, - CMD_ENABLE_TX = 4, - CMD_DISABLE_RX = 5, - CMD_DISABLE_TX = 6, - CMD_SCAN = 8, - CMD_STOP_SCAN = 9, - CMD_SET_KEYS = 12, - CMD_READ_MEMORY = 13, - CMD_WRITE_MEMORY = 14, - CMD_SET_TEMPLATE = 19, - CMD_TEST = 23, - CMD_NOISE_HIST = 28, - CMD_QUIET_ELEMENT_SET_STATE = 29, - CMD_SET_BCN_MODE = 33, - CMD_MEASUREMENT = 34, - CMD_STOP_MEASUREMENT = 35, - CMD_SET_PS_MODE = 37, - CMD_CHANNEL_SWITCH = 38, - CMD_STOP_CHANNEL_SWICTH = 39, - CMD_AP_DISCOVERY = 40, - CMD_STOP_AP_DISCOVERY = 41, - CMD_HEALTH_CHECK = 45, - CMD_DEBUG = 46, - CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN_TO = 47, - CMD_CONNECTION_SCAN_CFG = 48, - CMD_CONNECTION_SCAN_SSID_CFG = 49, - CMD_START_PERIODIC_SCAN = 50, - CMD_STOP_PERIODIC_SCAN = 51, - CMD_SET_PEER_STATE = 52, - CMD_REMAIN_ON_CHANNEL = 53, - CMD_CANCEL_REMAIN_ON_CHANNEL = 54, - - CMD_CONFIG_FWLOGGER = 55, - CMD_START_FWLOGGER = 56, - CMD_STOP_FWLOGGER = 57, - - /* AP commands */ - CMD_ADD_PEER = 62, - CMD_REMOVE_PEER = 63, + CMD_INTERROGATE = 1, /* use this to read information elements */ + CMD_CONFIGURE = 2, /* use this to write information elements */ + CMD_ENABLE_RX = 3, + CMD_ENABLE_TX = 4, + CMD_DISABLE_RX = 5, + CMD_DISABLE_TX = 6, + CMD_SCAN = 7, + CMD_STOP_SCAN = 8, + CMD_SET_KEYS = 9, + CMD_READ_MEMORY = 10, + CMD_WRITE_MEMORY = 11, + CMD_SET_TEMPLATE = 12, + CMD_TEST = 13, + CMD_NOISE_HIST = 14, + CMD_QUIET_ELEMENT_SET_STATE = 15, + CMD_SET_BCN_MODE = 16, + + CMD_MEASUREMENT = 17, + CMD_STOP_MEASUREMENT = 18, + CMD_SET_PS_MODE = 19, + CMD_CHANNEL_SWITCH = 20, + CMD_STOP_CHANNEL_SWICTH = 21, + CMD_AP_DISCOVERY = 22, + CMD_STOP_AP_DISCOVERY = 23, + CMD_HEALTH_CHECK = 24, + CMD_DEBUG = 25, + CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN_TO = 26, + CMD_CONNECTION_SCAN_CFG = 27, + CMD_CONNECTION_SCAN_SSID_CFG = 28, + CMD_START_PERIODIC_SCAN = 29, + CMD_STOP_PERIODIC_SCAN = 30, + CMD_SET_PEER_STATE = 31, + CMD_REMAIN_ON_CHANNEL = 32, + CMD_CANCEL_REMAIN_ON_CHANNEL = 33, + CMD_CONFIG_FWLOGGER = 34, + CMD_START_FWLOGGER = 35, + CMD_STOP_FWLOGGER = 36, + + /* Access point commands */ + CMD_ADD_PEER = 37, + CMD_REMOVE_PEER = 38, /* Role API */ - CMD_ROLE_ENABLE = 70, - CMD_ROLE_DISABLE = 71, - CMD_ROLE_START = 72, - CMD_ROLE_STOP = 73, + CMD_ROLE_ENABLE = 39, + CMD_ROLE_DISABLE = 40, + CMD_ROLE_START = 41, + CMD_ROLE_STOP = 42, - /* WIFI Direct */ - CMD_WFD_START_DISCOVERY = 80, - CMD_WFD_STOP_DISCOVERY = 81, - CMD_WFD_ATTRIBUTE_CONFIG = 82, + /* DFS */ + CMD_START_RADAR_DETECTION = 43, + CMD_STOP_RADAR_DETECTION = 44, - CMD_NOP = 100, + /* WIFI Direct */ + CMD_WFD_START_DISCOVERY = 45, + CMD_WFD_STOP_DISCOVERY = 46, + CMD_WFD_ATTRIBUTE_CONFIG = 47, + CMD_NOP = 48, + CMD_LAST_COMMAND, - NUM_COMMANDS, MAX_COMMAND_ID = 0xFFFF, }; @@ -191,7 +196,7 @@ enum cmd_templ { /* unit ms */ #define WL1271_COMMAND_TIMEOUT 2000 #define WL1271_CMD_TEMPL_DFLT_SIZE 252 -#define WL1271_CMD_TEMPL_MAX_SIZE 548 +#define WL1271_CMD_TEMPL_MAX_SIZE 512 #define WL1271_EVENT_TIMEOUT 750 struct wl1271_cmd_header { @@ -339,7 +344,9 @@ struct wl12xx_cmd_role_start { u8 ssid_len; u8 ssid[IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN]; - u8 padding_1[5]; + u8 reset_tsf; + + u8 padding_1[4]; } __packed ap; }; } __packed; @@ -364,14 +371,18 @@ struct cmd_enabledisable_path { struct wl1271_cmd_template_set { struct wl1271_cmd_header header; - __le16 len; + u8 role_id; u8 template_type; + __le16 len; u8 index; /* relevant only for KLV_TEMPLATE type */ + u8 padding[3]; + __le32 enabled_rates; u8 short_retry_limit; u8 long_retry_limit; u8 aflags; u8 reserved; + u8 template_data[WL1271_CMD_TEMPL_MAX_SIZE]; } __packed; @@ -388,6 +399,7 @@ struct wl1271_tim { } __packed; enum wl1271_cmd_ps_mode { + STATION_AUTO_PS_MODE, /* Dynamic Power Save */ STATION_ACTIVE_MODE, STATION_POWER_SAVE_MODE }; @@ -397,7 +409,7 @@ struct wl1271_cmd_ps_params { u8 role_id; u8 ps_mode; /* STATION_* */ - u8 padding[2]; + u16 auto_ps_timeout; } __packed; /* HW encryption keys */ @@ -695,14 +707,18 @@ struct wl12xx_cmd_stop_fwlog { struct wl12xx_cmd_channel_switch { struct wl1271_cmd_header header; + u8 role_id; + /* The new serving channel */ u8 channel; /* Relative time of the serving channel switch in TBTT units */ u8 switch_time; - /* 1: Suspend TX till switch time; 0: Do not suspend TX */ - u8 tx_suspend; - /* 1: Flush TX at switch time; 0: Do not flush */ - u8 flush; + /* Stop the role TX, should expect it after radar detection */ + u8 stop_tx; + /* The target channel tx status 1-stopped 0-open*/ + u8 post_switch_tx_disable; + + u8 padding[3]; } __packed; struct wl12xx_cmd_stop_channel_switch { diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/conf.h b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/conf.h index 1bcfb017058d19da42682bdb817488575d8be6d1..3e581e19424c85f68afc272e7ec33ba458f1baf3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/conf.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/conf.h @@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ enum { }; enum { - CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS7 = 0, + CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS7_SGI = 0, + CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS7, CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS6, CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS5, CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS4, @@ -91,6 +92,10 @@ enum { CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_UNSUPPORTED = 0xff }; +/* Rates between and including these are MCS rates */ +#define CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS_MIN CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS7_SGI +#define CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS_MAX CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS0 + enum { CONF_SG_DISABLE = 0, CONF_SG_PROTECTIVE, @@ -312,6 +317,10 @@ enum { CONF_AP_BT_ACL_VAL_BT_SERVE_TIME, CONF_AP_BT_ACL_VAL_WL_SERVE_TIME, + /* CTS Diluting params */ + CONF_SG_CTS_DILUTED_BAD_RX_PACKETS_TH, + CONF_SG_CTS_CHOP_IN_DUAL_ANT_SCO_MASTER, + CONF_SG_TEMP_PARAM_1, CONF_SG_TEMP_PARAM_2, CONF_SG_TEMP_PARAM_3, @@ -681,6 +690,9 @@ struct conf_tx_settings { */ u8 tmpl_short_retry_limit; u8 tmpl_long_retry_limit; + + /* Time in ms for Tx watchdog timer to expire */ + u32 tx_watchdog_timeout; }; enum { @@ -809,6 +821,19 @@ struct conf_conn_settings { */ u8 listen_interval; + /* + * Firmware wakeup conditions during suspend + * Range: CONF_WAKE_UP_EVENT_* + */ + u8 suspend_wake_up_event; + + /* + * Listen interval during suspend. + * Currently will be in DTIMs (1-10) + * + */ + u8 suspend_listen_interval; + /* * Enable or disable the beacon filtering. * @@ -867,13 +892,6 @@ struct conf_conn_settings { */ u8 ps_poll_threshold; - /* - * PS Poll failure recovery ACTIVE period length - * - * Range: u32 (ms) - */ - u32 ps_poll_recovery_period; - /* * Configuration of signal average weights. */ @@ -921,6 +939,18 @@ struct conf_conn_settings { */ u8 psm_entry_nullfunc_retries; + /* + * Specifies the dynamic PS timeout in ms that will be used + * by the FW when in AUTO_PS mode + */ + u16 dynamic_ps_timeout; + + /* + * Specifies whether dynamic PS should be disabled and PSM forced. + * This is required for certain WiFi certification tests. + */ + u8 forced_ps; + /* * * Specifies the interval of the connection keep-alive null-func @@ -1055,6 +1085,14 @@ struct conf_scan_settings { */ u16 num_probe_reqs; + /* + * Scan trigger (split scan) timeout. The FW will split the scan + * operation into slices of the given time and allow the FW to schedule + * other tasks in between. + * + * Range: u32 Microsecs + */ + u32 split_scan_timeout; }; struct conf_sched_scan_settings { diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/debug.h b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/debug.h index b85fd8c41e8f04065535b34eee0a3777190b8599..ec0fdc25b28027c58a39d711fc846c25b356eaee 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/debug.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/debug.h @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ enum { DEBUG_FILTERS = BIT(15), DEBUG_ADHOC = BIT(16), DEBUG_AP = BIT(17), + DEBUG_PROBE = BIT(18), DEBUG_MASTER = (DEBUG_ADHOC | DEBUG_AP), DEBUG_ALL = ~0, }; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/debugfs.c b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/debugfs.c index 15eb3a9c30ca11907ea92ef4aaf3ce794c91ea0c..e1cf727659650a90f9ae43f8636003409404eb00 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/debugfs.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/debugfs.c @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ static void wl1271_debugfs_update_stats(struct wl1271 *wl) if (ret < 0) goto out; - if (wl->state == WL1271_STATE_ON && + if (wl->state == WL1271_STATE_ON && !wl->plt && time_after(jiffies, wl->stats.fw_stats_update + msecs_to_jiffies(WL1271_DEBUGFS_STATS_LIFETIME))) { wl1271_acx_statistics(wl, wl->stats.fw_stats); @@ -312,6 +312,181 @@ static const struct file_operations start_recovery_ops = { .llseek = default_llseek, }; +static ssize_t dynamic_ps_timeout_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, + size_t count, loff_t *ppos) +{ + struct wl1271 *wl = file->private_data; + + return wl1271_format_buffer(user_buf, count, + ppos, "%d\n", + wl->conf.conn.dynamic_ps_timeout); +} + +static ssize_t dynamic_ps_timeout_write(struct file *file, + const char __user *user_buf, + size_t count, loff_t *ppos) +{ + struct wl1271 *wl = file->private_data; + struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif; + unsigned long value; + int ret; + + ret = kstrtoul_from_user(user_buf, count, 10, &value); + if (ret < 0) { + wl1271_warning("illegal value in dynamic_ps"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (value < 1 || value > 65535) { + wl1271_warning("dyanmic_ps_timeout is not in valid range"); + return -ERANGE; + } + + mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); + + wl->conf.conn.dynamic_ps_timeout = value; + + if (wl->state == WL1271_STATE_OFF) + goto out; + + ret = wl1271_ps_elp_wakeup(wl); + if (ret < 0) + goto out; + + /* In case we're already in PSM, trigger it again to set new timeout + * immediately without waiting for re-association + */ + + wl12xx_for_each_wlvif_sta(wl, wlvif) { + if (test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_IN_PS, &wlvif->flags)) + wl1271_ps_set_mode(wl, wlvif, STATION_AUTO_PS_MODE); + } + + wl1271_ps_elp_sleep(wl); + +out: + mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); + return count; +} + +static const struct file_operations dynamic_ps_timeout_ops = { + .read = dynamic_ps_timeout_read, + .write = dynamic_ps_timeout_write, + .open = wl1271_open_file_generic, + .llseek = default_llseek, +}; + +static ssize_t forced_ps_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, + size_t count, loff_t *ppos) +{ + struct wl1271 *wl = file->private_data; + + return wl1271_format_buffer(user_buf, count, + ppos, "%d\n", + wl->conf.conn.forced_ps); +} + +static ssize_t forced_ps_write(struct file *file, + const char __user *user_buf, + size_t count, loff_t *ppos) +{ + struct wl1271 *wl = file->private_data; + struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif; + unsigned long value; + int ret, ps_mode; + + ret = kstrtoul_from_user(user_buf, count, 10, &value); + if (ret < 0) { + wl1271_warning("illegal value in forced_ps"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (value != 1 && value != 0) { + wl1271_warning("forced_ps should be either 0 or 1"); + return -ERANGE; + } + + mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); + + if (wl->conf.conn.forced_ps == value) + goto out; + + wl->conf.conn.forced_ps = value; + + if (wl->state == WL1271_STATE_OFF) + goto out; + + ret = wl1271_ps_elp_wakeup(wl); + if (ret < 0) + goto out; + + /* In case we're already in PSM, trigger it again to switch mode + * immediately without waiting for re-association + */ + + ps_mode = value ? STATION_POWER_SAVE_MODE : STATION_AUTO_PS_MODE; + + wl12xx_for_each_wlvif_sta(wl, wlvif) { + if (test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_IN_PS, &wlvif->flags)) + wl1271_ps_set_mode(wl, wlvif, ps_mode); + } + + wl1271_ps_elp_sleep(wl); + +out: + mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); + return count; +} + +static const struct file_operations forced_ps_ops = { + .read = forced_ps_read, + .write = forced_ps_write, + .open = wl1271_open_file_generic, + .llseek = default_llseek, +}; + +static ssize_t split_scan_timeout_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, + size_t count, loff_t *ppos) +{ + struct wl1271 *wl = file->private_data; + + return wl1271_format_buffer(user_buf, count, + ppos, "%d\n", + wl->conf.scan.split_scan_timeout / 1000); +} + +static ssize_t split_scan_timeout_write(struct file *file, + const char __user *user_buf, + size_t count, loff_t *ppos) +{ + struct wl1271 *wl = file->private_data; + unsigned long value; + int ret; + + ret = kstrtoul_from_user(user_buf, count, 10, &value); + if (ret < 0) { + wl1271_warning("illegal value in split_scan_timeout"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (value == 0) + wl1271_info("split scan will be disabled"); + + mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); + + wl->conf.scan.split_scan_timeout = value * 1000; + + mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); + return count; +} + +static const struct file_operations split_scan_timeout_ops = { + .read = split_scan_timeout_read, + .write = split_scan_timeout_write, + .open = wl1271_open_file_generic, + .llseek = default_llseek, +}; + static ssize_t driver_state_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { @@ -446,6 +621,7 @@ static ssize_t vifs_state_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, VIF_STATE_PRINT_INT(sta.basic_rate_idx); VIF_STATE_PRINT_INT(sta.ap_rate_idx); VIF_STATE_PRINT_INT(sta.p2p_rate_idx); + VIF_STATE_PRINT_INT(sta.qos); } else { VIF_STATE_PRINT_INT(ap.global_hlid); VIF_STATE_PRINT_INT(ap.bcast_hlid); @@ -471,7 +647,6 @@ static ssize_t vifs_state_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, VIF_STATE_PRINT_INT(default_key); VIF_STATE_PRINT_INT(aid); VIF_STATE_PRINT_INT(session_counter); - VIF_STATE_PRINT_INT(ps_poll_failures); VIF_STATE_PRINT_INT(psm_entry_retry); VIF_STATE_PRINT_INT(power_level); VIF_STATE_PRINT_INT(rssi_thold); @@ -562,6 +737,64 @@ static const struct file_operations dtim_interval_ops = { .llseek = default_llseek, }; + + +static ssize_t suspend_dtim_interval_read(struct file *file, + char __user *user_buf, + size_t count, loff_t *ppos) +{ + struct wl1271 *wl = file->private_data; + u8 value; + + if (wl->conf.conn.suspend_wake_up_event == CONF_WAKE_UP_EVENT_DTIM || + wl->conf.conn.suspend_wake_up_event == CONF_WAKE_UP_EVENT_N_DTIM) + value = wl->conf.conn.suspend_listen_interval; + else + value = 0; + + return wl1271_format_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, "%d\n", value); +} + +static ssize_t suspend_dtim_interval_write(struct file *file, + const char __user *user_buf, + size_t count, loff_t *ppos) +{ + struct wl1271 *wl = file->private_data; + unsigned long value; + int ret; + + ret = kstrtoul_from_user(user_buf, count, 10, &value); + if (ret < 0) { + wl1271_warning("illegal value for suspend_dtim_interval"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (value < 1 || value > 10) { + wl1271_warning("suspend_dtim value is not in valid range"); + return -ERANGE; + } + + mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); + + wl->conf.conn.suspend_listen_interval = value; + /* for some reason there are different event types for 1 and >1 */ + if (value == 1) + wl->conf.conn.suspend_wake_up_event = CONF_WAKE_UP_EVENT_DTIM; + else + wl->conf.conn.suspend_wake_up_event = CONF_WAKE_UP_EVENT_N_DTIM; + + mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); + return count; +} + + +static const struct file_operations suspend_dtim_interval_ops = { + .read = suspend_dtim_interval_read, + .write = suspend_dtim_interval_write, + .open = wl1271_open_file_generic, + .llseek = default_llseek, +}; + static ssize_t beacon_interval_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { @@ -886,8 +1119,12 @@ static int wl1271_debugfs_add_files(struct wl1271 *wl, DEBUGFS_ADD(driver_state, rootdir); DEBUGFS_ADD(vifs_state, rootdir); DEBUGFS_ADD(dtim_interval, rootdir); + DEBUGFS_ADD(suspend_dtim_interval, rootdir); DEBUGFS_ADD(beacon_interval, rootdir); DEBUGFS_ADD(beacon_filtering, rootdir); + DEBUGFS_ADD(dynamic_ps_timeout, rootdir); + DEBUGFS_ADD(forced_ps, rootdir); + DEBUGFS_ADD(split_scan_timeout, rootdir); streaming = debugfs_create_dir("rx_streaming", rootdir); if (!streaming || IS_ERR(streaming)) diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/event.c b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/event.c index d3280df68f5dee8de32537c22e6200f53fa69e60..c953717f38ebab69ed3acdbd117563925916a139 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/event.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/event.c @@ -30,133 +30,6 @@ #include "scan.h" #include "wl12xx_80211.h" -void wl1271_pspoll_work(struct work_struct *work) -{ - struct ieee80211_vif *vif; - struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif; - struct delayed_work *dwork; - struct wl1271 *wl; - int ret; - - dwork = container_of(work, struct delayed_work, work); - wlvif = container_of(dwork, struct wl12xx_vif, pspoll_work); - vif = container_of((void *)wlvif, struct ieee80211_vif, drv_priv); - wl = wlvif->wl; - - wl1271_debug(DEBUG_EVENT, "pspoll work"); - - mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); - - if (unlikely(wl->state == WL1271_STATE_OFF)) - goto out; - - if (!test_and_clear_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_PSPOLL_FAILURE, &wlvif->flags)) - goto out; - - if (!test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_STA_ASSOCIATED, &wlvif->flags)) - goto out; - - /* - * if we end up here, then we were in powersave when the pspoll - * delivery failure occurred, and no-one changed state since, so - * we should go back to powersave. - */ - ret = wl1271_ps_elp_wakeup(wl); - if (ret < 0) - goto out; - - wl1271_ps_set_mode(wl, wlvif, STATION_POWER_SAVE_MODE, - wlvif->basic_rate, true); - - wl1271_ps_elp_sleep(wl); -out: - mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); -}; - -static void wl1271_event_pspoll_delivery_fail(struct wl1271 *wl, - struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif) -{ - int delay = wl->conf.conn.ps_poll_recovery_period; - int ret; - - wlvif->ps_poll_failures++; - if (wlvif->ps_poll_failures == 1) - wl1271_info("AP with dysfunctional ps-poll, " - "trying to work around it."); - - /* force active mode receive data from the AP */ - if (test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_PSM, &wlvif->flags)) { - ret = wl1271_ps_set_mode(wl, wlvif, STATION_ACTIVE_MODE, - wlvif->basic_rate, true); - if (ret < 0) - return; - set_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_PSPOLL_FAILURE, &wlvif->flags); - ieee80211_queue_delayed_work(wl->hw, &wlvif->pspoll_work, - msecs_to_jiffies(delay)); - } - - /* - * If already in active mode, lets we should be getting data from - * the AP right away. If we enter PSM too fast after this, and data - * remains on the AP, we will get another event like this, and we'll - * go into active once more. - */ -} - -static int wl1271_event_ps_report(struct wl1271 *wl, - struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, - struct event_mailbox *mbox, - bool *beacon_loss) -{ - int ret = 0; - u32 total_retries = wl->conf.conn.psm_entry_retries; - - wl1271_debug(DEBUG_EVENT, "ps_status: 0x%x", mbox->ps_status); - - switch (mbox->ps_status) { - case EVENT_ENTER_POWER_SAVE_FAIL: - wl1271_debug(DEBUG_PSM, "PSM entry failed"); - - if (!test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_PSM, &wlvif->flags)) { - /* remain in active mode */ - wlvif->psm_entry_retry = 0; - break; - } - - if (wlvif->psm_entry_retry < total_retries) { - wlvif->psm_entry_retry++; - ret = wl1271_ps_set_mode(wl, wlvif, - STATION_POWER_SAVE_MODE, - wlvif->basic_rate, true); - } else { - wl1271_info("No ack to nullfunc from AP."); - wlvif->psm_entry_retry = 0; - *beacon_loss = true; - } - break; - case EVENT_ENTER_POWER_SAVE_SUCCESS: - wlvif->psm_entry_retry = 0; - - /* - * BET has only a minor effect in 5GHz and masks - * channel switch IEs, so we only enable BET on 2.4GHz - */ - if (wlvif->band == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) - /* enable beacon early termination */ - ret = wl1271_acx_bet_enable(wl, wlvif, true); - - if (wlvif->ps_compl) { - complete(wlvif->ps_compl); - wlvif->ps_compl = NULL; - } - break; - default: - break; - } - - return ret; -} - static void wl1271_event_rssi_trigger(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, struct event_mailbox *mbox) @@ -205,21 +78,13 @@ static void wl1271_stop_ba_event(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif) static void wl12xx_event_soft_gemini_sense(struct wl1271 *wl, u8 enable) { - struct ieee80211_vif *vif; struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif; if (enable) { - /* disable dynamic PS when requested by the firmware */ - wl12xx_for_each_wlvif_sta(wl, wlvif) { - vif = wl12xx_wlvif_to_vif(wlvif); - ieee80211_disable_dyn_ps(vif); - } set_bit(WL1271_FLAG_SOFT_GEMINI, &wl->flags); } else { clear_bit(WL1271_FLAG_SOFT_GEMINI, &wl->flags); wl12xx_for_each_wlvif_sta(wl, wlvif) { - vif = wl12xx_wlvif_to_vif(wlvif); - ieee80211_enable_dyn_ps(vif); wl1271_recalc_rx_streaming(wl, wlvif); } } @@ -237,7 +102,6 @@ static int wl1271_event_process(struct wl1271 *wl, struct event_mailbox *mbox) { struct ieee80211_vif *vif; struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif; - int ret; u32 vector; bool beacon_loss = false; bool disconnect_sta = false; @@ -293,21 +157,6 @@ static int wl1271_event_process(struct wl1271 *wl, struct event_mailbox *mbox) beacon_loss = true; } - if (vector & PS_REPORT_EVENT_ID) { - wl1271_debug(DEBUG_EVENT, "PS_REPORT_EVENT"); - wl12xx_for_each_wlvif_sta(wl, wlvif) { - ret = wl1271_event_ps_report(wl, wlvif, - mbox, &beacon_loss); - if (ret < 0) - return ret; - } - } - - if (vector & PSPOLL_DELIVERY_FAILURE_EVENT_ID) - wl12xx_for_each_wlvif_sta(wl, wlvif) { - wl1271_event_pspoll_delivery_fail(wl, wlvif); - } - if (vector & RSSI_SNR_TRIGGER_0_EVENT_ID) { /* TODO: check actual multi-role support */ wl1271_debug(DEBUG_EVENT, "RSSI_SNR_TRIGGER_0_EVENT"); @@ -344,7 +193,6 @@ static int wl1271_event_process(struct wl1271 *wl, struct event_mailbox *mbox) /* TODO: configure only the relevant vif */ wl12xx_for_each_wlvif_sta(wl, wlvif) { - struct ieee80211_vif *vif = wl12xx_wlvif_to_vif(wlvif); bool success; if (!test_and_clear_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_CS_PROGRESS, @@ -352,6 +200,8 @@ static int wl1271_event_process(struct wl1271 *wl, struct event_mailbox *mbox) continue; success = mbox->channel_switch_status ? false : true; + vif = wl12xx_wlvif_to_vif(wlvif); + ieee80211_chswitch_done(vif, success); } } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/event.h b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/event.h index 1d878ba47bf47b1dc85e9af485963a610ff92e59..057d193d3525c39adce0b26e4ac170b8688c08bc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/event.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/event.h @@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ enum { SCAN_COMPLETE_EVENT_ID = BIT(10), WFD_DISCOVERY_COMPLETE_EVENT_ID = BIT(11), AP_DISCOVERY_COMPLETE_EVENT_ID = BIT(12), - PS_REPORT_EVENT_ID = BIT(13), + RESERVED1 = BIT(13), PSPOLL_DELIVERY_FAILURE_EVENT_ID = BIT(14), - DISCONNECT_EVENT_COMPLETE_ID = BIT(15), - /* BIT(16) is reserved */ + ROLE_STOP_COMPLETE_EVENT_ID = BIT(15), + RADAR_DETECTED_EVENT_ID = BIT(16), CHANNEL_SWITCH_COMPLETE_EVENT_ID = BIT(17), BSS_LOSE_EVENT_ID = BIT(18), REGAINED_BSS_EVENT_ID = BIT(19), @@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ struct event_mailbox { u8 soft_gemini_sense_info; u8 soft_gemini_protective_info; s8 rssi_snr_trigger_metric[NUM_OF_RSSI_SNR_TRIGGERS]; - u8 channel_switch_status; + u8 change_auto_mode_timeout; u8 scheduled_scan_status; - u8 ps_status; + u8 reserved4; /* tuned channel (roc) */ u8 roc_channel; @@ -119,17 +119,21 @@ struct event_mailbox { u8 rx_ba_allowed; u8 reserved_6[2]; + /* Channel switch results */ + + u8 channel_switch_role_id; + u8 channel_switch_status; + u8 reserved_7[2]; + u8 ps_poll_delivery_failure_role_ids; u8 stopped_role_ids; u8 started_role_ids; - u8 change_auto_mode_timeout; - u8 reserved_7[12]; + u8 reserved_8[9]; } __packed; int wl1271_event_unmask(struct wl1271 *wl); void wl1271_event_mbox_config(struct wl1271 *wl); int wl1271_event_handle(struct wl1271 *wl, u8 mbox); -void wl1271_pspoll_work(struct work_struct *work); #endif diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/init.c b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/init.c index ca7ee59e4505b297c104197bfde176e34336458b..203fbebf09eb472e8fa49a9178264181c0b15b3b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/init.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/init.c @@ -37,54 +37,64 @@ int wl1271_init_templates_config(struct wl1271 *wl) { int ret, i; + size_t max_size; /* send empty templates for fw memory reservation */ - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_CFG_PROBE_REQ_2_4, NULL, - WL1271_CMD_TEMPL_DFLT_SIZE, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, WL12XX_INVALID_ROLE_ID, + CMD_TEMPL_CFG_PROBE_REQ_2_4, NULL, + WL1271_CMD_TEMPL_MAX_SIZE, 0, WL1271_RATE_AUTOMATIC); if (ret < 0) return ret; - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_CFG_PROBE_REQ_5, - NULL, WL1271_CMD_TEMPL_DFLT_SIZE, 0, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, WL12XX_INVALID_ROLE_ID, + CMD_TEMPL_CFG_PROBE_REQ_5, + NULL, WL1271_CMD_TEMPL_MAX_SIZE, 0, WL1271_RATE_AUTOMATIC); if (ret < 0) return ret; - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_NULL_DATA, NULL, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, WL12XX_INVALID_ROLE_ID, + CMD_TEMPL_NULL_DATA, NULL, sizeof(struct wl12xx_null_data_template), 0, WL1271_RATE_AUTOMATIC); if (ret < 0) return ret; - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_PS_POLL, NULL, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, WL12XX_INVALID_ROLE_ID, + CMD_TEMPL_PS_POLL, NULL, sizeof(struct wl12xx_ps_poll_template), 0, WL1271_RATE_AUTOMATIC); if (ret < 0) return ret; - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_QOS_NULL_DATA, NULL, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, WL12XX_INVALID_ROLE_ID, + CMD_TEMPL_QOS_NULL_DATA, NULL, sizeof (struct ieee80211_qos_hdr), 0, WL1271_RATE_AUTOMATIC); if (ret < 0) return ret; - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_PROBE_RESPONSE, NULL, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, WL12XX_INVALID_ROLE_ID, + CMD_TEMPL_PROBE_RESPONSE, NULL, WL1271_CMD_TEMPL_DFLT_SIZE, 0, WL1271_RATE_AUTOMATIC); if (ret < 0) return ret; - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_BEACON, NULL, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, WL12XX_INVALID_ROLE_ID, + CMD_TEMPL_BEACON, NULL, WL1271_CMD_TEMPL_DFLT_SIZE, 0, WL1271_RATE_AUTOMATIC); if (ret < 0) return ret; - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_ARP_RSP, NULL, - sizeof - (struct wl12xx_arp_rsp_template), + max_size = sizeof(struct wl12xx_arp_rsp_template) + + WL1271_EXTRA_SPACE_MAX; + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, WL12XX_INVALID_ROLE_ID, + CMD_TEMPL_ARP_RSP, NULL, + max_size, 0, WL1271_RATE_AUTOMATIC); if (ret < 0) return ret; @@ -93,19 +103,22 @@ int wl1271_init_templates_config(struct wl1271 *wl) * Put very large empty placeholders for all templates. These * reserve memory for later. */ - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_AP_PROBE_RESPONSE, NULL, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, WL12XX_INVALID_ROLE_ID, + CMD_TEMPL_AP_PROBE_RESPONSE, NULL, WL1271_CMD_TEMPL_MAX_SIZE, 0, WL1271_RATE_AUTOMATIC); if (ret < 0) return ret; - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_AP_BEACON, NULL, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, WL12XX_INVALID_ROLE_ID, + CMD_TEMPL_AP_BEACON, NULL, WL1271_CMD_TEMPL_MAX_SIZE, 0, WL1271_RATE_AUTOMATIC); if (ret < 0) return ret; - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_DEAUTH_AP, NULL, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, WL12XX_INVALID_ROLE_ID, + CMD_TEMPL_DEAUTH_AP, NULL, sizeof (struct wl12xx_disconn_template), 0, WL1271_RATE_AUTOMATIC); @@ -113,7 +126,8 @@ int wl1271_init_templates_config(struct wl1271 *wl) return ret; for (i = 0; i < CMD_TEMPL_KLV_IDX_MAX; i++) { - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_KLV, NULL, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, WL12XX_INVALID_ROLE_ID, + CMD_TEMPL_KLV, NULL, sizeof(struct ieee80211_qos_hdr), i, WL1271_RATE_AUTOMATIC); if (ret < 0) @@ -140,7 +154,8 @@ static int wl1271_ap_init_deauth_template(struct wl1271 *wl, IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH); rate = wl1271_tx_min_rate_get(wl, wlvif->basic_rate_set); - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_DEAUTH_AP, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, wlvif->role_id, + CMD_TEMPL_DEAUTH_AP, tmpl, sizeof(*tmpl), 0, rate); out: @@ -172,7 +187,8 @@ static int wl1271_ap_init_null_template(struct wl1271 *wl, memcpy(nullfunc->addr3, vif->addr, ETH_ALEN); rate = wl1271_tx_min_rate_get(wl, wlvif->basic_rate_set); - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_NULL_DATA, nullfunc, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, wlvif->role_id, + CMD_TEMPL_NULL_DATA, nullfunc, sizeof(*nullfunc), 0, rate); out: @@ -204,7 +220,8 @@ static int wl1271_ap_init_qos_null_template(struct wl1271 *wl, memcpy(qosnull->addr3, vif->addr, ETH_ALEN); rate = wl1271_tx_min_rate_get(wl, wlvif->basic_rate_set); - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, CMD_TEMPL_QOS_NULL_DATA, qosnull, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, wlvif->role_id, + CMD_TEMPL_QOS_NULL_DATA, qosnull, sizeof(*qosnull), 0, rate); out: diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/io.c b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/io.c index 079ad380e8ff7902ea2359d8e99a203e19941b81..c574a3b31e3127e514d74ab7d09a3e8e9664f15f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/io.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/io.c @@ -45,6 +45,65 @@ #define OCP_STATUS_REQ_FAILED 0x20000 #define OCP_STATUS_RESP_ERROR 0x30000 +struct wl1271_partition_set wl12xx_part_table[PART_TABLE_LEN] = { + [PART_DOWN] = { + .mem = { + .start = 0x00000000, + .size = 0x000177c0 + }, + .reg = { + .start = REGISTERS_BASE, + .size = 0x00008800 + }, + .mem2 = { + .start = 0x00000000, + .size = 0x00000000 + }, + .mem3 = { + .start = 0x00000000, + .size = 0x00000000 + }, + }, + + [PART_WORK] = { + .mem = { + .start = 0x00040000, + .size = 0x00014fc0 + }, + .reg = { + .start = REGISTERS_BASE, + .size = 0x0000a000 + }, + .mem2 = { + .start = 0x003004f8, + .size = 0x00000004 + }, + .mem3 = { + .start = 0x00040404, + .size = 0x00000000 + }, + }, + + [PART_DRPW] = { + .mem = { + .start = 0x00040000, + .size = 0x00014fc0 + }, + .reg = { + .start = DRPW_BASE, + .size = 0x00006000 + }, + .mem2 = { + .start = 0x00000000, + .size = 0x00000000 + }, + .mem3 = { + .start = 0x00000000, + .size = 0x00000000 + } + } +}; + bool wl1271_set_block_size(struct wl1271 *wl) { if (wl->if_ops->set_block_size) { diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/io.h b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/io.h index d398cbcea98677ae4b2c952b3077ed7d10c8920d..4fb3dab8c3b2124516ccac22ef9f71d82a9a50e2 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/io.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/io.h @@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ #define HW_ACCESS_PRAM_MAX_RANGE 0x3c000 +extern struct wl1271_partition_set wl12xx_part_table[PART_TABLE_LEN]; + struct wl1271; void wl1271_disable_interrupts(struct wl1271 *wl); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/main.c b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/main.c index d5f55a149de5e43216ad46c7ebf0d4825e9d0628..39002363611e19460473f9bca60504c4475db640 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/main.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/main.c @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + /* * This file is part of wl1271 * @@ -115,6 +116,9 @@ static struct conf_drv_settings default_conf = { [CONF_AP_CONNECTION_PROTECTION_TIME] = 0, [CONF_AP_BT_ACL_VAL_BT_SERVE_TIME] = 25, [CONF_AP_BT_ACL_VAL_WL_SERVE_TIME] = 25, + /* CTS Diluting params */ + [CONF_SG_CTS_DILUTED_BAD_RX_PACKETS_TH] = 0, + [CONF_SG_CTS_CHOP_IN_DUAL_ANT_SCO_MASTER] = 0, }, .state = CONF_SG_PROTECTIVE, }, @@ -213,10 +217,13 @@ static struct conf_drv_settings default_conf = { .basic_rate_5 = CONF_HW_BIT_RATE_6MBPS, .tmpl_short_retry_limit = 10, .tmpl_long_retry_limit = 10, + .tx_watchdog_timeout = 5000, }, .conn = { .wake_up_event = CONF_WAKE_UP_EVENT_DTIM, .listen_interval = 1, + .suspend_wake_up_event = CONF_WAKE_UP_EVENT_N_DTIM, + .suspend_listen_interval = 3, .bcn_filt_mode = CONF_BCN_FILT_MODE_ENABLED, .bcn_filt_ie_count = 2, .bcn_filt_ie = { @@ -235,12 +242,13 @@ static struct conf_drv_settings default_conf = { .broadcast_timeout = 20000, .rx_broadcast_in_ps = 1, .ps_poll_threshold = 10, - .ps_poll_recovery_period = 700, .bet_enable = CONF_BET_MODE_ENABLE, .bet_max_consecutive = 50, .psm_entry_retries = 8, .psm_exit_retries = 16, .psm_entry_nullfunc_retries = 3, + .dynamic_ps_timeout = 200, + .forced_ps = false, .keep_alive_interval = 55000, .max_listen_interval = 20, }, @@ -265,6 +273,7 @@ static struct conf_drv_settings default_conf = { .min_dwell_time_passive = 100000, .max_dwell_time_passive = 100000, .num_probe_reqs = 2, + .split_scan_timeout = 50000, }, .sched_scan = { /* sched_scan requires dwell times in TU instead of TU/1000 */ @@ -384,15 +393,15 @@ static void __wl1271_op_remove_interface(struct wl1271 *wl, static void wl1271_op_stop(struct ieee80211_hw *hw); static void wl1271_free_ap_keys(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif); -static DEFINE_MUTEX(wl_list_mutex); -static LIST_HEAD(wl_list); - -static int wl1271_check_operstate(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, - unsigned char operstate) +static int wl12xx_set_authorized(struct wl1271 *wl, + struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif) { int ret; - if (operstate != IF_OPER_UP) + if (WARN_ON(wlvif->bss_type != BSS_TYPE_STA_BSS)) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_STA_ASSOCIATED, &wlvif->flags)) return 0; if (test_and_set_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_STA_STATE_SENT, &wlvif->flags)) @@ -407,76 +416,6 @@ static int wl1271_check_operstate(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, wl1271_info("Association completed."); return 0; } -static int wl1271_dev_notify(struct notifier_block *me, unsigned long what, - void *arg) -{ - struct net_device *dev = arg; - struct wireless_dev *wdev; - struct wiphy *wiphy; - struct ieee80211_hw *hw; - struct wl1271 *wl; - struct wl1271 *wl_temp; - struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif; - int ret = 0; - - /* Check that this notification is for us. */ - if (what != NETDEV_CHANGE) - return NOTIFY_DONE; - - wdev = dev->ieee80211_ptr; - if (wdev == NULL) - return NOTIFY_DONE; - - wiphy = wdev->wiphy; - if (wiphy == NULL) - return NOTIFY_DONE; - - hw = wiphy_priv(wiphy); - if (hw == NULL) - return NOTIFY_DONE; - - wl_temp = hw->priv; - mutex_lock(&wl_list_mutex); - list_for_each_entry(wl, &wl_list, list) { - if (wl == wl_temp) - break; - } - mutex_unlock(&wl_list_mutex); - if (wl != wl_temp) - return NOTIFY_DONE; - - mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); - - if (wl->state == WL1271_STATE_OFF) - goto out; - - if (dev->operstate != IF_OPER_UP) - goto out; - /* - * The correct behavior should be just getting the appropriate wlvif - * from the given dev, but currently we don't have a mac80211 - * interface for it. - */ - wl12xx_for_each_wlvif_sta(wl, wlvif) { - struct ieee80211_vif *vif = wl12xx_wlvif_to_vif(wlvif); - - if (!test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_STA_ASSOCIATED, &wlvif->flags)) - continue; - - ret = wl1271_ps_elp_wakeup(wl); - if (ret < 0) - goto out; - - wl1271_check_operstate(wl, wlvif, - ieee80211_get_operstate(vif)); - - wl1271_ps_elp_sleep(wl); - } -out: - mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); - - return NOTIFY_OK; -} static int wl1271_reg_notify(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct regulatory_request *request) @@ -615,6 +554,80 @@ static void wl1271_rx_streaming_timer(unsigned long data) ieee80211_queue_work(wl->hw, &wlvif->rx_streaming_disable_work); } +/* wl->mutex must be taken */ +void wl12xx_rearm_tx_watchdog_locked(struct wl1271 *wl) +{ + /* if the watchdog is not armed, don't do anything */ + if (wl->tx_allocated_blocks == 0) + return; + + cancel_delayed_work(&wl->tx_watchdog_work); + ieee80211_queue_delayed_work(wl->hw, &wl->tx_watchdog_work, + msecs_to_jiffies(wl->conf.tx.tx_watchdog_timeout)); +} + +static void wl12xx_tx_watchdog_work(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct delayed_work *dwork; + struct wl1271 *wl; + + dwork = container_of(work, struct delayed_work, work); + wl = container_of(dwork, struct wl1271, tx_watchdog_work); + + mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); + + if (unlikely(wl->state == WL1271_STATE_OFF)) + goto out; + + /* Tx went out in the meantime - everything is ok */ + if (unlikely(wl->tx_allocated_blocks == 0)) + goto out; + + /* + * if a ROC is in progress, we might not have any Tx for a long + * time (e.g. pending Tx on the non-ROC channels) + */ + if (find_first_bit(wl->roc_map, WL12XX_MAX_ROLES) < WL12XX_MAX_ROLES) { + wl1271_debug(DEBUG_TX, "No Tx (in FW) for %d ms due to ROC", + wl->conf.tx.tx_watchdog_timeout); + wl12xx_rearm_tx_watchdog_locked(wl); + goto out; + } + + /* + * if a scan is in progress, we might not have any Tx for a long + * time + */ + if (wl->scan.state != WL1271_SCAN_STATE_IDLE) { + wl1271_debug(DEBUG_TX, "No Tx (in FW) for %d ms due to scan", + wl->conf.tx.tx_watchdog_timeout); + wl12xx_rearm_tx_watchdog_locked(wl); + goto out; + } + + /* + * AP might cache a frame for a long time for a sleeping station, + * so rearm the timer if there's an AP interface with stations. If + * Tx is genuinely stuck we will most hopefully discover it when all + * stations are removed due to inactivity. + */ + if (wl->active_sta_count) { + wl1271_debug(DEBUG_TX, "No Tx (in FW) for %d ms. AP has " + " %d stations", + wl->conf.tx.tx_watchdog_timeout, + wl->active_sta_count); + wl12xx_rearm_tx_watchdog_locked(wl); + goto out; + } + + wl1271_error("Tx stuck (in FW) for %d ms. Starting recovery", + wl->conf.tx.tx_watchdog_timeout); + wl12xx_queue_recovery_work(wl); + +out: + mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); +} + static void wl1271_conf_init(struct wl1271 *wl) { @@ -672,8 +685,6 @@ static int wl1271_plt_init(struct wl1271 *wl) if (ret < 0) return ret; } - if (ret < 0) - return ret; /* Chip-specific initializations */ ret = wl1271_chip_specific_init(wl); @@ -809,6 +820,18 @@ static void wl12xx_fw_status(struct wl1271 *wl, wl->tx_allocated_blocks -= freed_blocks; + /* + * If the FW freed some blocks: + * If we still have allocated blocks - re-arm the timer, Tx is + * not stuck. Otherwise, cancel the timer (no Tx currently). + */ + if (freed_blocks) { + if (wl->tx_allocated_blocks) + wl12xx_rearm_tx_watchdog_locked(wl); + else + cancel_delayed_work(&wl->tx_watchdog_work); + } + avail = le32_to_cpu(status->tx_total) - wl->tx_allocated_blocks; /* @@ -985,16 +1008,70 @@ static irqreturn_t wl1271_irq(int irq, void *cookie) return IRQ_HANDLED; } -static int wl1271_fetch_firmware(struct wl1271 *wl) +struct vif_counter_data { + u8 counter; + + struct ieee80211_vif *cur_vif; + bool cur_vif_running; +}; + +static void wl12xx_vif_count_iter(void *data, u8 *mac, + struct ieee80211_vif *vif) +{ + struct vif_counter_data *counter = data; + + counter->counter++; + if (counter->cur_vif == vif) + counter->cur_vif_running = true; +} + +/* caller must not hold wl->mutex, as it might deadlock */ +static void wl12xx_get_vif_count(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, + struct ieee80211_vif *cur_vif, + struct vif_counter_data *data) +{ + memset(data, 0, sizeof(*data)); + data->cur_vif = cur_vif; + + ieee80211_iterate_active_interfaces(hw, + wl12xx_vif_count_iter, data); +} + +static int wl12xx_fetch_firmware(struct wl1271 *wl, bool plt) { const struct firmware *fw; const char *fw_name; + enum wl12xx_fw_type fw_type; int ret; - if (wl->chip.id == CHIP_ID_1283_PG20) - fw_name = WL128X_FW_NAME; - else - fw_name = WL127X_FW_NAME; + if (plt) { + fw_type = WL12XX_FW_TYPE_PLT; + if (wl->chip.id == CHIP_ID_1283_PG20) + fw_name = WL128X_PLT_FW_NAME; + else + fw_name = WL127X_PLT_FW_NAME; + } else { + /* + * we can't call wl12xx_get_vif_count() here because + * wl->mutex is taken, so use the cached last_vif_count value + */ + if (wl->last_vif_count > 1) { + fw_type = WL12XX_FW_TYPE_MULTI; + if (wl->chip.id == CHIP_ID_1283_PG20) + fw_name = WL128X_FW_NAME_MULTI; + else + fw_name = WL127X_FW_NAME_MULTI; + } else { + fw_type = WL12XX_FW_TYPE_NORMAL; + if (wl->chip.id == CHIP_ID_1283_PG20) + fw_name = WL128X_FW_NAME_SINGLE; + else + fw_name = WL127X_FW_NAME_SINGLE; + } + } + + if (wl->fw_type == fw_type) + return 0; wl1271_debug(DEBUG_BOOT, "booting firmware %s", fw_name); @@ -1013,6 +1090,7 @@ static int wl1271_fetch_firmware(struct wl1271 *wl) } vfree(wl->fw); + wl->fw_type = WL12XX_FW_TYPE_NONE; wl->fw_len = fw->size; wl->fw = vmalloc(wl->fw_len); @@ -1024,7 +1102,7 @@ static int wl1271_fetch_firmware(struct wl1271 *wl) memcpy(wl->fw, fw->data, wl->fw_len); ret = 0; - + wl->fw_type = fw_type; out: release_firmware(fw); @@ -1152,7 +1230,7 @@ static void wl1271_recovery_work(struct work_struct *work) mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); - if (wl->state != WL1271_STATE_ON) + if (wl->state != WL1271_STATE_ON || wl->plt) goto out_unlock; /* Avoid a recursive recovery */ @@ -1163,7 +1241,8 @@ static void wl1271_recovery_work(struct work_struct *work) wl1271_info("Hardware recovery in progress. FW ver: %s pc: 0x%x", wl->chip.fw_ver_str, wl1271_read32(wl, SCR_PAD4)); - BUG_ON(bug_on_recovery); + BUG_ON(bug_on_recovery && + !test_bit(WL1271_FLAG_INTENDED_FW_RECOVERY, &wl->flags)); /* * Advance security sequence number to overcome potential progress @@ -1232,10 +1311,9 @@ static int wl1271_setup(struct wl1271 *wl) return 0; } -static int wl1271_chip_wakeup(struct wl1271 *wl) +static int wl12xx_set_power_on(struct wl1271 *wl) { - struct wl1271_partition_set partition; - int ret = 0; + int ret; msleep(WL1271_PRE_POWER_ON_SLEEP); ret = wl1271_power_on(wl); @@ -1245,20 +1323,22 @@ static int wl1271_chip_wakeup(struct wl1271 *wl) wl1271_io_reset(wl); wl1271_io_init(wl); - /* We don't need a real memory partition here, because we only want - * to use the registers at this point. */ - memset(&partition, 0, sizeof(partition)); - partition.reg.start = REGISTERS_BASE; - partition.reg.size = REGISTERS_DOWN_SIZE; - wl1271_set_partition(wl, &partition); + wl1271_set_partition(wl, &wl12xx_part_table[PART_DOWN]); /* ELP module wake up */ wl1271_fw_wakeup(wl); - /* whal_FwCtrl_BootSm() */ +out: + return ret; +} + +static int wl12xx_chip_wakeup(struct wl1271 *wl, bool plt) +{ + int ret = 0; - /* 0. read chip id from CHIP_ID */ - wl->chip.id = wl1271_read32(wl, CHIP_ID_B); + ret = wl12xx_set_power_on(wl); + if (ret < 0) + goto out; /* * For wl127x based devices we could use the default block @@ -1307,11 +1387,9 @@ static int wl1271_chip_wakeup(struct wl1271 *wl) goto out; } - if (wl->fw == NULL) { - ret = wl1271_fetch_firmware(wl); - if (ret < 0) - goto out; - } + ret = wl12xx_fetch_firmware(wl, plt); + if (ret < 0) + goto out; /* No NVS from netlink, try to get it from the filesystem */ if (wl->nvs == NULL) { @@ -1343,7 +1421,7 @@ int wl1271_plt_start(struct wl1271 *wl) while (retries) { retries--; - ret = wl1271_chip_wakeup(wl); + ret = wl12xx_chip_wakeup(wl, true); if (ret < 0) goto power_off; @@ -1355,7 +1433,8 @@ int wl1271_plt_start(struct wl1271 *wl) if (ret < 0) goto irq_disable; - wl->state = WL1271_STATE_PLT; + wl->plt = true; + wl->state = WL1271_STATE_ON; wl1271_notice("firmware booted in PLT mode (%s)", wl->chip.fw_ver_str); @@ -1391,41 +1470,52 @@ int wl1271_plt_start(struct wl1271 *wl) return ret; } -static int __wl1271_plt_stop(struct wl1271 *wl) +int wl1271_plt_stop(struct wl1271 *wl) { int ret = 0; wl1271_notice("power down"); - if (wl->state != WL1271_STATE_PLT) { + /* + * Interrupts must be disabled before setting the state to OFF. + * Otherwise, the interrupt handler might be called and exit without + * reading the interrupt status. + */ + wl1271_disable_interrupts(wl); + mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); + if (!wl->plt) { + mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); + + /* + * This will not necessarily enable interrupts as interrupts + * may have been disabled when op_stop was called. It will, + * however, balance the above call to disable_interrupts(). + */ + wl1271_enable_interrupts(wl); + wl1271_error("cannot power down because not in PLT " "state: %d", wl->state); ret = -EBUSY; goto out; } - wl1271_power_off(wl); - - wl->state = WL1271_STATE_OFF; - wl->rx_counter = 0; - mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); - wl1271_disable_interrupts(wl); + wl1271_flush_deferred_work(wl); cancel_work_sync(&wl->netstack_work); cancel_work_sync(&wl->recovery_work); - mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); -out: - return ret; -} - -int wl1271_plt_stop(struct wl1271 *wl) -{ - int ret; + cancel_delayed_work_sync(&wl->elp_work); + cancel_delayed_work_sync(&wl->tx_watchdog_work); mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); - ret = __wl1271_plt_stop(wl); + wl1271_power_off(wl); + wl->flags = 0; + wl->state = WL1271_STATE_OFF; + wl->plt = false; + wl->rx_counter = 0; mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); + +out: return ret; } @@ -1457,7 +1547,8 @@ static void wl1271_op_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb) goto out; } - wl1271_debug(DEBUG_TX, "queue skb hlid %d q %d", hlid, q); + wl1271_debug(DEBUG_TX, "queue skb hlid %d q %d len %d", + hlid, q, skb->len); skb_queue_tail(&wl->links[hlid].tx_queue[q], skb); wl->tx_queue_count[q]++; @@ -1555,10 +1646,6 @@ static struct sk_buff *wl12xx_alloc_dummy_packet(struct wl1271 *wl) } -static struct notifier_block wl1271_dev_notifier = { - .notifier_call = wl1271_dev_notify, -}; - #ifdef CONFIG_PM static int wl1271_configure_suspend_sta(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif) @@ -1574,38 +1661,16 @@ static int wl1271_configure_suspend_sta(struct wl1271 *wl, if (ret < 0) goto out_unlock; - /* enter psm if needed*/ - if (!test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_PSM, &wlvif->flags)) { - DECLARE_COMPLETION_ONSTACK(compl); - - wlvif->ps_compl = &compl; - ret = wl1271_ps_set_mode(wl, wlvif, STATION_POWER_SAVE_MODE, - wlvif->basic_rate, true); - if (ret < 0) - goto out_sleep; - - /* we must unlock here so we will be able to get events */ - wl1271_ps_elp_sleep(wl); - mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); + ret = wl1271_acx_wake_up_conditions(wl, wlvif, + wl->conf.conn.suspend_wake_up_event, + wl->conf.conn.suspend_listen_interval); - ret = wait_for_completion_timeout( - &compl, msecs_to_jiffies(WL1271_PS_COMPLETE_TIMEOUT)); + if (ret < 0) + wl1271_error("suspend: set wake up conditions failed: %d", ret); - mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); - if (ret <= 0) { - wl1271_warning("couldn't enter ps mode!"); - ret = -EBUSY; - goto out_cleanup; - } - ret = wl1271_ps_elp_wakeup(wl); - if (ret < 0) - goto out_cleanup; - } -out_sleep: wl1271_ps_elp_sleep(wl); -out_cleanup: - wlvif->ps_compl = NULL; + out_unlock: mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); return ret; @@ -1648,11 +1713,11 @@ static int wl1271_configure_suspend(struct wl1271 *wl, static void wl1271_configure_resume(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif) { - int ret; - bool is_sta = wlvif->bss_type == BSS_TYPE_STA_BSS; + int ret = 0; bool is_ap = wlvif->bss_type == BSS_TYPE_AP_BSS; + bool is_sta = wlvif->bss_type == BSS_TYPE_STA_BSS; - if (!is_sta && !is_ap) + if ((!is_ap) && (!is_sta)) return; mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); @@ -1661,12 +1726,16 @@ static void wl1271_configure_resume(struct wl1271 *wl, goto out; if (is_sta) { - /* exit psm if it wasn't configured */ - if (!test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_PSM_REQUESTED, &wlvif->flags)) - wl1271_ps_set_mode(wl, wlvif, STATION_ACTIVE_MODE, - wlvif->basic_rate, true); + ret = wl1271_acx_wake_up_conditions(wl, wlvif, + wl->conf.conn.wake_up_event, + wl->conf.conn.listen_interval); + + if (ret < 0) + wl1271_error("resume: wake up conditions failed: %d", + ret); + } else if (is_ap) { - wl1271_acx_beacon_filter_opt(wl, wlvif, false); + ret = wl1271_acx_beacon_filter_opt(wl, wlvif, false); } wl1271_ps_elp_sleep(wl); @@ -1684,6 +1753,8 @@ static int wl1271_op_suspend(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, wl1271_debug(DEBUG_MAC80211, "mac80211 suspend wow=%d", !!wow); WARN_ON(!wow || !wow->any); + wl1271_tx_flush(wl); + wl->wow_enabled = true; wl12xx_for_each_wlvif(wl, wlvif) { ret = wl1271_configure_suspend(wl, wlvif); @@ -1709,9 +1780,6 @@ static int wl1271_op_suspend(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, wl1271_enable_interrupts(wl); flush_work(&wl->tx_work); - wl12xx_for_each_wlvif(wl, wlvif) { - flush_delayed_work(&wlvif->pspoll_work); - } flush_delayed_work(&wl->elp_work); return 0; @@ -1778,11 +1846,25 @@ static void wl1271_op_stop(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) wl1271_debug(DEBUG_MAC80211, "mac80211 stop"); + /* + * Interrupts must be disabled before setting the state to OFF. + * Otherwise, the interrupt handler might be called and exit without + * reading the interrupt status. + */ + wl1271_disable_interrupts(wl); mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); if (wl->state == WL1271_STATE_OFF) { mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); + + /* + * This will not necessarily enable interrupts as interrupts + * may have been disabled when op_stop was called. It will, + * however, balance the above call to disable_interrupts(). + */ + wl1271_enable_interrupts(wl); return; } + /* * this must be before the cancel_work calls below, so that the work * functions don't perform further work. @@ -1790,16 +1872,12 @@ static void wl1271_op_stop(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) wl->state = WL1271_STATE_OFF; mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); - mutex_lock(&wl_list_mutex); - list_del(&wl->list); - mutex_unlock(&wl_list_mutex); - - wl1271_disable_interrupts(wl); wl1271_flush_deferred_work(wl); cancel_delayed_work_sync(&wl->scan_complete_work); cancel_work_sync(&wl->netstack_work); cancel_work_sync(&wl->tx_work); cancel_delayed_work_sync(&wl->elp_work); + cancel_delayed_work_sync(&wl->tx_watchdog_work); /* let's notify MAC80211 about the remaining pending TX frames */ wl12xx_tx_reset(wl, true); @@ -1969,7 +2047,6 @@ static int wl12xx_init_vif_data(struct wl1271 *wl, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) wl1271_rx_streaming_enable_work); INIT_WORK(&wlvif->rx_streaming_disable_work, wl1271_rx_streaming_disable_work); - INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&wlvif->pspoll_work, wl1271_pspoll_work); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&wlvif->list); setup_timer(&wlvif->rx_streaming_timer, wl1271_rx_streaming_timer, @@ -1986,7 +2063,7 @@ static bool wl12xx_init_fw(struct wl1271 *wl) while (retries) { retries--; - ret = wl1271_chip_wakeup(wl); + ret = wl12xx_chip_wakeup(wl, false); if (ret < 0) goto power_off; @@ -2051,30 +2128,77 @@ static bool wl12xx_dev_role_started(struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif) return wlvif->dev_hlid != WL12XX_INVALID_LINK_ID; } +/* + * Check whether a fw switch (i.e. moving from one loaded + * fw to another) is needed. This function is also responsible + * for updating wl->last_vif_count, so it must be called before + * loading a non-plt fw (so the correct fw (single-role/multi-role) + * will be used). + */ +static bool wl12xx_need_fw_change(struct wl1271 *wl, + struct vif_counter_data vif_counter_data, + bool add) +{ + enum wl12xx_fw_type current_fw = wl->fw_type; + u8 vif_count = vif_counter_data.counter; + + if (test_bit(WL1271_FLAG_VIF_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESS, &wl->flags)) + return false; + + /* increase the vif count if this is a new vif */ + if (add && !vif_counter_data.cur_vif_running) + vif_count++; + + wl->last_vif_count = vif_count; + + /* no need for fw change if the device is OFF */ + if (wl->state == WL1271_STATE_OFF) + return false; + + if (vif_count > 1 && current_fw == WL12XX_FW_TYPE_NORMAL) + return true; + if (vif_count <= 1 && current_fw == WL12XX_FW_TYPE_MULTI) + return true; + + return false; +} + +/* + * Enter "forced psm". Make sure the sta is in psm against the ap, + * to make the fw switch a bit more disconnection-persistent. + */ +static void wl12xx_force_active_psm(struct wl1271 *wl) +{ + struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif; + + wl12xx_for_each_wlvif_sta(wl, wlvif) { + wl1271_ps_set_mode(wl, wlvif, STATION_POWER_SAVE_MODE); + } +} + static int wl1271_op_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) { struct wl1271 *wl = hw->priv; struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif = wl12xx_vif_to_data(vif); + struct vif_counter_data vif_count; int ret = 0; u8 role_type; bool booted = false; + vif->driver_flags |= IEEE80211_VIF_BEACON_FILTER | + IEEE80211_VIF_SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI; + wl1271_debug(DEBUG_MAC80211, "mac80211 add interface type %d mac %pM", ieee80211_vif_type_p2p(vif), vif->addr); + wl12xx_get_vif_count(hw, vif, &vif_count); + mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); ret = wl1271_ps_elp_wakeup(wl); if (ret < 0) goto out_unlock; - if (wl->vif) { - wl1271_debug(DEBUG_MAC80211, - "multiple vifs are not supported yet"); - ret = -EBUSY; - goto out; - } - /* * in some very corner case HW recovery scenarios its possible to * get here before __wl1271_op_remove_interface is complete, so @@ -2086,6 +2210,7 @@ static int wl1271_op_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, goto out; } + ret = wl12xx_init_vif_data(wl, vif); if (ret < 0) goto out; @@ -2097,6 +2222,14 @@ static int wl1271_op_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, goto out; } + if (wl12xx_need_fw_change(wl, vif_count, true)) { + wl12xx_force_active_psm(wl); + set_bit(WL1271_FLAG_INTENDED_FW_RECOVERY, &wl->flags); + mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); + wl1271_recovery_work(&wl->recovery_work); + return 0; + } + /* * TODO: after the nvs issue will be solved, move this block * to start(), and make sure here the driver is ON. @@ -2106,7 +2239,7 @@ static int wl1271_op_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, * we still need this in order to configure the fw * while uploading the nvs */ - memcpy(wl->mac_addr, vif->addr, ETH_ALEN); + memcpy(wl->addresses[0].addr, vif->addr, ETH_ALEN); booted = wl12xx_init_fw(wl); if (!booted) { @@ -2139,7 +2272,6 @@ static int wl1271_op_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (ret < 0) goto out; - wl->vif = vif; list_add(&wlvif->list, &wl->wlvif_list); set_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_INITIALIZED, &wlvif->flags); @@ -2152,11 +2284,6 @@ static int wl1271_op_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, out_unlock: mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); - mutex_lock(&wl_list_mutex); - if (!ret) - list_add(&wl->list, &wl_list); - mutex_unlock(&wl_list_mutex); - return ret; } @@ -2172,20 +2299,20 @@ static void __wl1271_op_remove_interface(struct wl1271 *wl, if (!test_and_clear_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_INITIALIZED, &wlvif->flags)) return; - wl->vif = NULL; - /* because of hardware recovery, we may get here twice */ if (wl->state != WL1271_STATE_ON) return; wl1271_info("down"); - /* enable dyn ps just in case (if left on due to fw crash etc) */ - if (wlvif->bss_type == BSS_TYPE_STA_BSS) - ieee80211_enable_dyn_ps(vif); - if (wl->scan.state != WL1271_SCAN_STATE_IDLE && wl->scan_vif == vif) { + /* + * Rearm the tx watchdog just before idling scan. This + * prevents just-finished scans from triggering the watchdog + */ + wl12xx_rearm_tx_watchdog_locked(wl); + wl->scan.state = WL1271_SCAN_STATE_IDLE; memset(wl->scan.scanned_ch, 0, sizeof(wl->scan.scanned_ch)); wl->scan_vif = NULL; @@ -2250,10 +2377,10 @@ static void __wl1271_op_remove_interface(struct wl1271 *wl, wl->sta_count--; mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); + del_timer_sync(&wlvif->rx_streaming_timer); cancel_work_sync(&wlvif->rx_streaming_enable_work); cancel_work_sync(&wlvif->rx_streaming_disable_work); - cancel_delayed_work_sync(&wlvif->pspoll_work); mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); } @@ -2264,7 +2391,10 @@ static void wl1271_op_remove_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct wl1271 *wl = hw->priv; struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif = wl12xx_vif_to_data(vif); struct wl12xx_vif *iter; + struct vif_counter_data vif_count; + bool cancel_recovery = true; + wl12xx_get_vif_count(hw, vif, &vif_count); mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); if (wl->state == WL1271_STATE_OFF || @@ -2283,20 +2413,34 @@ static void wl1271_op_remove_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, break; } WARN_ON(iter != wlvif); + if (wl12xx_need_fw_change(wl, vif_count, false)) { + wl12xx_force_active_psm(wl); + set_bit(WL1271_FLAG_INTENDED_FW_RECOVERY, &wl->flags); + wl12xx_queue_recovery_work(wl); + cancel_recovery = false; + } out: mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); - cancel_work_sync(&wl->recovery_work); + if (cancel_recovery) + cancel_work_sync(&wl->recovery_work); } static int wl12xx_op_change_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, enum nl80211_iftype new_type, bool p2p) { + struct wl1271 *wl = hw->priv; + int ret; + + set_bit(WL1271_FLAG_VIF_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESS, &wl->flags); wl1271_op_remove_interface(hw, vif); - vif->type = ieee80211_iftype_p2p(new_type, p2p); + vif->type = new_type; vif->p2p = p2p; - return wl1271_op_add_interface(hw, vif); + ret = wl1271_op_add_interface(hw, vif); + + clear_bit(WL1271_FLAG_VIF_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESS, &wl->flags); + return ret; } static int wl1271_join(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, @@ -2317,6 +2461,9 @@ static int wl1271_join(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, if (test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_STA_ASSOCIATED, &wlvif->flags)) wl1271_info("JOIN while associated."); + /* clear encryption type */ + wlvif->encryption_type = KEY_NONE; + if (set_assoc) set_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_STA_ASSOCIATED, &wlvif->flags); @@ -2467,71 +2614,61 @@ static int wl12xx_config_vif(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, wl1271_warning("rate policy for channel " "failed %d", ret); - if (test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_STA_ASSOCIATED, - &wlvif->flags)) { - if (wl12xx_dev_role_started(wlvif)) { - /* roaming */ - ret = wl12xx_croc(wl, - wlvif->dev_role_id); - if (ret < 0) - return ret; - } - ret = wl1271_join(wl, wlvif, false); + /* + * change the ROC channel. do it only if we are + * not idle. otherwise, CROC will be called + * anyway. + */ + if (!test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_STA_ASSOCIATED, + &wlvif->flags) && + wl12xx_dev_role_started(wlvif) && + !(conf->flags & IEEE80211_CONF_IDLE)) { + ret = wl12xx_stop_dev(wl, wlvif); if (ret < 0) - wl1271_warning("cmd join on channel " - "failed %d", ret); - } else { - /* - * change the ROC channel. do it only if we are - * not idle. otherwise, CROC will be called - * anyway. - */ - if (wl12xx_dev_role_started(wlvif) && - !(conf->flags & IEEE80211_CONF_IDLE)) { - ret = wl12xx_stop_dev(wl, wlvif); - if (ret < 0) - return ret; + return ret; - ret = wl12xx_start_dev(wl, wlvif); - if (ret < 0) - return ret; - } + ret = wl12xx_start_dev(wl, wlvif); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; } } } - /* - * if mac80211 changes the PSM mode, make sure the mode is not - * incorrectly changed after the pspoll failure active window. - */ - if (changed & IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_PS) - clear_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_PSPOLL_FAILURE, &wlvif->flags); + if ((changed & IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_PS) && !is_ap) { - if (conf->flags & IEEE80211_CONF_PS && - !test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_PSM_REQUESTED, &wlvif->flags)) { - set_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_PSM_REQUESTED, &wlvif->flags); + if ((conf->flags & IEEE80211_CONF_PS) && + test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_STA_ASSOCIATED, &wlvif->flags) && + !test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_IN_PS, &wlvif->flags)) { - /* - * We enter PSM only if we're already associated. - * If we're not, we'll enter it when joining an SSID, - * through the bss_info_changed() hook. - */ - if (test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_STA_ASSOCIATED, &wlvif->flags)) { - wl1271_debug(DEBUG_PSM, "psm enabled"); - ret = wl1271_ps_set_mode(wl, wlvif, - STATION_POWER_SAVE_MODE, - wlvif->basic_rate, true); - } - } else if (!(conf->flags & IEEE80211_CONF_PS) && - test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_PSM_REQUESTED, &wlvif->flags)) { - wl1271_debug(DEBUG_PSM, "psm disabled"); + int ps_mode; + char *ps_mode_str; + + if (wl->conf.conn.forced_ps) { + ps_mode = STATION_POWER_SAVE_MODE; + ps_mode_str = "forced"; + } else { + ps_mode = STATION_AUTO_PS_MODE; + ps_mode_str = "auto"; + } + + wl1271_debug(DEBUG_PSM, "%s ps enabled", ps_mode_str); + + ret = wl1271_ps_set_mode(wl, wlvif, ps_mode); - clear_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_PSM_REQUESTED, &wlvif->flags); + if (ret < 0) + wl1271_warning("enter %s ps failed %d", + ps_mode_str, ret); + + } else if (!(conf->flags & IEEE80211_CONF_PS) && + test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_IN_PS, &wlvif->flags)) { + + wl1271_debug(DEBUG_PSM, "auto ps disabled"); - if (test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_PSM, &wlvif->flags)) ret = wl1271_ps_set_mode(wl, wlvif, - STATION_ACTIVE_MODE, - wlvif->basic_rate, true); + STATION_ACTIVE_MODE); + if (ret < 0) + wl1271_warning("exit auto ps failed %d", ret); + } } if (conf->power_level != wlvif->power_level) { @@ -2971,6 +3108,21 @@ static int wl1271_op_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, wl1271_error("Could not add or replace key"); goto out_sleep; } + + /* + * reconfiguring arp response if the unicast (or common) + * encryption key type was changed + */ + if (wlvif->bss_type == BSS_TYPE_STA_BSS && + (sta || key_type == KEY_WEP) && + wlvif->encryption_type != key_type) { + wlvif->encryption_type = key_type; + ret = wl1271_cmd_build_arp_rsp(wl, wlvif); + if (ret < 0) { + wl1271_warning("build arp rsp failed: %d", ret); + goto out_sleep; + } + } break; case DISABLE_KEY: @@ -3004,8 +3156,6 @@ static int wl1271_op_hw_scan(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct cfg80211_scan_request *req) { struct wl1271 *wl = hw->priv; - struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif = wl12xx_vif_to_data(vif); - int ret; u8 *ssid = NULL; size_t len = 0; @@ -3033,17 +3183,13 @@ static int wl1271_op_hw_scan(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (ret < 0) goto out; - if (test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_STA_ASSOCIATED, &wlvif->flags) && - test_bit(wlvif->role_id, wl->roc_map)) { + /* fail if there is any role in ROC */ + if (find_first_bit(wl->roc_map, WL12XX_MAX_ROLES) < WL12XX_MAX_ROLES) { /* don't allow scanning right now */ ret = -EBUSY; goto out_sleep; } - /* cancel ROC before scanning */ - if (wl12xx_dev_role_started(wlvif)) - wl12xx_stop_dev(wl, wlvif); - ret = wl1271_scan(hw->priv, vif, ssid, len, req); out_sleep: wl1271_ps_elp_sleep(wl); @@ -3078,6 +3224,13 @@ static void wl1271_op_cancel_hw_scan(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (ret < 0) goto out_sleep; } + + /* + * Rearm the tx watchdog just before idling scan. This + * prevents just-finished scans from triggering the watchdog + */ + wl12xx_rearm_tx_watchdog_locked(wl); + wl->scan.state = WL1271_SCAN_STATE_IDLE; memset(wl->scan.scanned_ch, 0, sizeof(wl->scan.scanned_ch)); wl->scan_vif = NULL; @@ -3105,6 +3258,11 @@ static int wl1271_op_sched_scan_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); + if (wl->state == WL1271_STATE_OFF) { + ret = -EAGAIN; + goto out; + } + ret = wl1271_ps_elp_wakeup(wl); if (ret < 0) goto out; @@ -3136,6 +3294,9 @@ static void wl1271_op_sched_scan_stop(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); + if (wl->state == WL1271_STATE_OFF) + goto out; + ret = wl1271_ps_elp_wakeup(wl); if (ret < 0) goto out; @@ -3263,6 +3424,7 @@ static void wl12xx_remove_vendor_ie(struct sk_buff *skb, static int wl1271_ap_set_probe_resp_tmpl(struct wl1271 *wl, u32 rates, struct ieee80211_vif *vif) { + struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif = wl12xx_vif_to_data(vif); struct sk_buff *skb; int ret; @@ -3270,7 +3432,7 @@ static int wl1271_ap_set_probe_resp_tmpl(struct wl1271 *wl, u32 rates, if (!skb) return -EOPNOTSUPP; - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, wlvif->role_id, CMD_TEMPL_AP_PROBE_RESPONSE, skb->data, skb->len, 0, @@ -3294,7 +3456,7 @@ static int wl1271_ap_set_probe_resp_tmpl_legacy(struct wl1271 *wl, /* no need to change probe response if the SSID is set correctly */ if (wlvif->ssid_len > 0) - return wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, + return wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, wlvif->role_id, CMD_TEMPL_AP_PROBE_RESPONSE, probe_rsp_data, probe_rsp_len, 0, @@ -3331,7 +3493,7 @@ static int wl1271_ap_set_probe_resp_tmpl_legacy(struct wl1271 *wl, ptr, probe_rsp_len - (ptr - probe_rsp_data)); templ_len += probe_rsp_len - (ptr - probe_rsp_data); - return wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, + return wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, wlvif->role_id, CMD_TEMPL_AP_PROBE_RESPONSE, probe_rsp_templ, templ_len, 0, @@ -3428,7 +3590,7 @@ static int wl1271_bss_beacon_info_changed(struct wl1271 *wl, min_rate = wl1271_tx_min_rate_get(wl, wlvif->basic_rate_set); tmpl_id = is_ap ? CMD_TEMPL_AP_BEACON : CMD_TEMPL_BEACON; - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, tmpl_id, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, wlvif->role_id, tmpl_id, beacon->data, beacon->len, 0, min_rate); @@ -3467,7 +3629,7 @@ static int wl1271_bss_beacon_info_changed(struct wl1271 *wl, beacon->len, min_rate); else - ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, + ret = wl1271_cmd_template_set(wl, wlvif->role_id, CMD_TEMPL_PROBE_RESPONSE, beacon->data, beacon->len, 0, @@ -3592,10 +3754,8 @@ static void wl1271_bss_info_changed_sta(struct wl1271 *wl, ibss_joined = true; } else { if (test_and_clear_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_IBSS_JOINED, - &wlvif->flags)) { + &wlvif->flags)) wl1271_unjoin(wl, wlvif); - wl12xx_start_dev(wl, wlvif); - } } } @@ -3613,7 +3773,7 @@ static void wl1271_bss_info_changed_sta(struct wl1271 *wl, do_join = true; } - if (changed & BSS_CHANGED_IDLE) { + if (changed & BSS_CHANGED_IDLE && !is_ibss) { ret = wl1271_sta_handle_idle(wl, wlvif, bss_conf->idle); if (ret < 0) wl1271_warning("idle mode change failed %d", ret); @@ -3631,7 +3791,8 @@ static void wl1271_bss_info_changed_sta(struct wl1271 *wl, wlvif->rssi_thold = bss_conf->cqm_rssi_thold; } - if (changed & BSS_CHANGED_BSSID) + if (changed & BSS_CHANGED_BSSID && + (is_ibss || bss_conf->assoc)) if (!is_zero_ether_addr(bss_conf->bssid)) { ret = wl12xx_cmd_build_null_data(wl, wlvif); if (ret < 0) @@ -3668,10 +3829,9 @@ static void wl1271_bss_info_changed_sta(struct wl1271 *wl, u32 rates; int ieoffset; wlvif->aid = bss_conf->aid; + wlvif->beacon_int = bss_conf->beacon_int; set_assoc = true; - wlvif->ps_poll_failures = 0; - /* * use basic rates from AP, and determine lowest rate * to use with control frames. @@ -3731,9 +3891,6 @@ static void wl1271_bss_info_changed_sta(struct wl1271 *wl, dev_kfree_skb(wlvif->probereq); wlvif->probereq = NULL; - /* re-enable dynamic ps - just in case */ - ieee80211_enable_dyn_ps(vif); - /* revert back to minimum rates for the current band */ wl1271_set_band_rate(wl, wlvif); wlvif->basic_rate = @@ -3753,7 +3910,6 @@ static void wl1271_bss_info_changed_sta(struct wl1271 *wl, /* restore the bssid filter and go to dummy bssid */ if (was_assoc) { - u32 conf_flags = wl->hw->conf.flags; /* * we might have to disable roc, if there was * no IF_OPER_UP notification. @@ -3776,7 +3932,7 @@ static void wl1271_bss_info_changed_sta(struct wl1271 *wl, } wl1271_unjoin(wl, wlvif); - if (!(conf_flags & IEEE80211_CONF_IDLE)) + if (!bss_conf->idle) wl12xx_start_dev(wl, wlvif); } } @@ -3807,34 +3963,6 @@ static void wl1271_bss_info_changed_sta(struct wl1271 *wl, if (ret < 0) goto out; - if (changed & BSS_CHANGED_ARP_FILTER) { - __be32 addr = bss_conf->arp_addr_list[0]; - WARN_ON(wlvif->bss_type != BSS_TYPE_STA_BSS); - - if (bss_conf->arp_addr_cnt == 1 && - bss_conf->arp_filter_enabled) { - /* - * The template should have been configured only upon - * association. however, it seems that the correct ip - * isn't being set (when sending), so we have to - * reconfigure the template upon every ip change. - */ - ret = wl1271_cmd_build_arp_rsp(wl, wlvif, addr); - if (ret < 0) { - wl1271_warning("build arp rsp failed: %d", ret); - goto out; - } - - ret = wl1271_acx_arp_ip_filter(wl, wlvif, - ACX_ARP_FILTER_ARP_FILTERING, - addr); - } else - ret = wl1271_acx_arp_ip_filter(wl, wlvif, 0, addr); - - if (ret < 0) - goto out; - } - if (do_join) { ret = wl1271_join(wl, wlvif, set_assoc); if (ret < 0) { @@ -3848,8 +3976,8 @@ static void wl1271_bss_info_changed_sta(struct wl1271 *wl, if (ret < 0) goto out; - wl1271_check_operstate(wl, wlvif, - ieee80211_get_operstate(vif)); + if (test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_STA_AUTHORIZED, &wlvif->flags)) + wl12xx_set_authorized(wl, wlvif); } /* * stop device role if started (we might already be in @@ -3860,19 +3988,6 @@ static void wl1271_bss_info_changed_sta(struct wl1271 *wl, if (ret < 0) goto out; } - - /* If we want to go in PSM but we're not there yet */ - if (test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_PSM_REQUESTED, &wlvif->flags) && - !test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_PSM, &wlvif->flags)) { - enum wl1271_cmd_ps_mode mode; - - mode = STATION_POWER_SAVE_MODE; - ret = wl1271_ps_set_mode(wl, wlvif, mode, - wlvif->basic_rate, - true); - if (ret < 0) - goto out; - } } /* Handle new association with HT. Do this after join. */ @@ -3914,6 +4029,41 @@ static void wl1271_bss_info_changed_sta(struct wl1271 *wl, } } + /* Handle arp filtering. Done after join. */ + if ((changed & BSS_CHANGED_ARP_FILTER) || + (!is_ibss && (changed & BSS_CHANGED_QOS))) { + __be32 addr = bss_conf->arp_addr_list[0]; + wlvif->sta.qos = bss_conf->qos; + WARN_ON(wlvif->bss_type != BSS_TYPE_STA_BSS); + + if (bss_conf->arp_addr_cnt == 1 && + bss_conf->arp_filter_enabled) { + wlvif->ip_addr = addr; + /* + * The template should have been configured only upon + * association. however, it seems that the correct ip + * isn't being set (when sending), so we have to + * reconfigure the template upon every ip change. + */ + ret = wl1271_cmd_build_arp_rsp(wl, wlvif); + if (ret < 0) { + wl1271_warning("build arp rsp failed: %d", ret); + goto out; + } + + ret = wl1271_acx_arp_ip_filter(wl, wlvif, + (ACX_ARP_FILTER_ARP_FILTERING | + ACX_ARP_FILTER_AUTO_ARP), + addr); + } else { + wlvif->ip_addr = 0; + ret = wl1271_acx_arp_ip_filter(wl, wlvif, 0, addr); + } + + if (ret < 0) + goto out; + } + out: return; } @@ -4009,6 +4159,7 @@ static u64 wl1271_op_get_tsf(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, { struct wl1271 *wl = hw->priv; + struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif = wl12xx_vif_to_data(vif); u64 mactime = ULLONG_MAX; int ret; @@ -4023,7 +4174,7 @@ static u64 wl1271_op_get_tsf(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (ret < 0) goto out; - ret = wl1271_acx_tsf_info(wl, &mactime); + ret = wl12xx_acx_tsf_info(wl, wlvif, &mactime); if (ret < 0) goto out_sleep; @@ -4085,107 +4236,155 @@ void wl1271_free_sta(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, u8 hlid) clear_bit(hlid, wlvif->ap.sta_hlid_map); memset(wl->links[hlid].addr, 0, ETH_ALEN); wl->links[hlid].ba_bitmap = 0; - wl1271_tx_reset_link_queues(wl, hlid); __clear_bit(hlid, &wl->ap_ps_map); __clear_bit(hlid, (unsigned long *)&wl->ap_fw_ps_map); wl12xx_free_link(wl, wlvif, &hlid); wl->active_sta_count--; + + /* + * rearm the tx watchdog when the last STA is freed - give the FW a + * chance to return STA-buffered packets before complaining. + */ + if (wl->active_sta_count == 0) + wl12xx_rearm_tx_watchdog_locked(wl); } -static int wl1271_op_sta_add(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, - struct ieee80211_vif *vif, - struct ieee80211_sta *sta) +static int wl12xx_sta_add(struct wl1271 *wl, + struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, + struct ieee80211_sta *sta) { - struct wl1271 *wl = hw->priv; - struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif = wl12xx_vif_to_data(vif); struct wl1271_station *wl_sta; int ret = 0; u8 hlid; - mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); - - if (unlikely(wl->state == WL1271_STATE_OFF)) - goto out; - - if (wlvif->bss_type != BSS_TYPE_AP_BSS) - goto out; - wl1271_debug(DEBUG_MAC80211, "mac80211 add sta %d", (int)sta->aid); ret = wl1271_allocate_sta(wl, wlvif, sta); if (ret < 0) - goto out; + return ret; wl_sta = (struct wl1271_station *)sta->drv_priv; hlid = wl_sta->hlid; - ret = wl1271_ps_elp_wakeup(wl); - if (ret < 0) - goto out_free_sta; - ret = wl12xx_cmd_add_peer(wl, wlvif, sta, hlid); if (ret < 0) - goto out_sleep; + wl1271_free_sta(wl, wlvif, hlid); - ret = wl12xx_cmd_set_peer_state(wl, hlid); - if (ret < 0) - goto out_sleep; + return ret; +} - ret = wl1271_acx_set_ht_capabilities(wl, &sta->ht_cap, true, hlid); - if (ret < 0) - goto out_sleep; +static int wl12xx_sta_remove(struct wl1271 *wl, + struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, + struct ieee80211_sta *sta) +{ + struct wl1271_station *wl_sta; + int ret = 0, id; -out_sleep: - wl1271_ps_elp_sleep(wl); + wl1271_debug(DEBUG_MAC80211, "mac80211 remove sta %d", (int)sta->aid); + + wl_sta = (struct wl1271_station *)sta->drv_priv; + id = wl_sta->hlid; + if (WARN_ON(!test_bit(id, wlvif->ap.sta_hlid_map))) + return -EINVAL; -out_free_sta: + ret = wl12xx_cmd_remove_peer(wl, wl_sta->hlid); if (ret < 0) - wl1271_free_sta(wl, wlvif, hlid); + return ret; -out: - mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); + wl1271_free_sta(wl, wlvif, wl_sta->hlid); return ret; } -static int wl1271_op_sta_remove(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, - struct ieee80211_vif *vif, - struct ieee80211_sta *sta) +static int wl12xx_update_sta_state(struct wl1271 *wl, + struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, + struct ieee80211_sta *sta, + enum ieee80211_sta_state old_state, + enum ieee80211_sta_state new_state) { - struct wl1271 *wl = hw->priv; - struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif = wl12xx_vif_to_data(vif); struct wl1271_station *wl_sta; - int ret = 0, id; + u8 hlid; + bool is_ap = wlvif->bss_type == BSS_TYPE_AP_BSS; + bool is_sta = wlvif->bss_type == BSS_TYPE_STA_BSS; + int ret; - mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); + wl_sta = (struct wl1271_station *)sta->drv_priv; + hlid = wl_sta->hlid; - if (unlikely(wl->state == WL1271_STATE_OFF)) - goto out; + /* Add station (AP mode) */ + if (is_ap && + old_state == IEEE80211_STA_NOTEXIST && + new_state == IEEE80211_STA_NONE) + return wl12xx_sta_add(wl, wlvif, sta); + + /* Remove station (AP mode) */ + if (is_ap && + old_state == IEEE80211_STA_NONE && + new_state == IEEE80211_STA_NOTEXIST) { + /* must not fail */ + wl12xx_sta_remove(wl, wlvif, sta); + return 0; + } - if (wlvif->bss_type != BSS_TYPE_AP_BSS) - goto out; + /* Authorize station (AP mode) */ + if (is_ap && + new_state == IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED) { + ret = wl12xx_cmd_set_peer_state(wl, hlid); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; - wl1271_debug(DEBUG_MAC80211, "mac80211 remove sta %d", (int)sta->aid); + ret = wl1271_acx_set_ht_capabilities(wl, &sta->ht_cap, true, + hlid); + return ret; + } - wl_sta = (struct wl1271_station *)sta->drv_priv; - id = wl_sta->hlid; - if (WARN_ON(!test_bit(id, wlvif->ap.sta_hlid_map))) + /* Authorize station */ + if (is_sta && + new_state == IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED) { + set_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_STA_AUTHORIZED, &wlvif->flags); + return wl12xx_set_authorized(wl, wlvif); + } + + if (is_sta && + old_state == IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED && + new_state == IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC) { + clear_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_STA_AUTHORIZED, &wlvif->flags); + return 0; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int wl12xx_op_sta_state(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, + struct ieee80211_vif *vif, + struct ieee80211_sta *sta, + enum ieee80211_sta_state old_state, + enum ieee80211_sta_state new_state) +{ + struct wl1271 *wl = hw->priv; + struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif = wl12xx_vif_to_data(vif); + int ret; + + wl1271_debug(DEBUG_MAC80211, "mac80211 sta %d state=%d->%d", + sta->aid, old_state, new_state); + + mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); + + if (unlikely(wl->state == WL1271_STATE_OFF)) { + ret = -EBUSY; goto out; + } ret = wl1271_ps_elp_wakeup(wl); if (ret < 0) goto out; - ret = wl12xx_cmd_remove_peer(wl, wl_sta->hlid); - if (ret < 0) - goto out_sleep; + ret = wl12xx_update_sta_state(wl, wlvif, sta, old_state, new_state); - wl1271_free_sta(wl, wlvif, wl_sta->hlid); - -out_sleep: wl1271_ps_elp_sleep(wl); - out: mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); + if (new_state < old_state) + return 0; return ret; } @@ -4354,6 +4553,8 @@ static void wl12xx_op_channel_switch(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, wl1271_debug(DEBUG_MAC80211, "mac80211 channel switch"); + wl1271_tx_flush(wl); + mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); if (unlikely(wl->state == WL1271_STATE_OFF)) { @@ -4370,7 +4571,7 @@ static void wl12xx_op_channel_switch(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, /* TODO: change mac80211 to pass vif as param */ wl12xx_for_each_wlvif_sta(wl, wlvif) { - ret = wl12xx_cmd_channel_switch(wl, ch_switch); + ret = wl12xx_cmd_channel_switch(wl, wlvif, ch_switch); if (!ret) set_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_CS_PROGRESS, &wlvif->flags); @@ -4464,6 +4665,7 @@ static struct ieee80211_channel wl1271_channels[] = { /* mapping to indexes for wl1271_rates */ static const u8 wl1271_rate_to_idx_2ghz[] = { /* MCS rates are used only with 11n */ + 7, /* CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS7_SGI */ 7, /* CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS7 */ 6, /* CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS6 */ 5, /* CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS5 */ @@ -4585,6 +4787,7 @@ static struct ieee80211_channel wl1271_channels_5ghz[] = { /* mapping to indexes for wl1271_rates_5ghz */ static const u8 wl1271_rate_to_idx_5ghz[] = { /* MCS rates are used only with 11n */ + 7, /* CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS7_SGI */ 7, /* CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS7 */ 6, /* CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS6 */ 5, /* CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS5 */ @@ -4650,8 +4853,7 @@ static const struct ieee80211_ops wl1271_ops = { .conf_tx = wl1271_op_conf_tx, .get_tsf = wl1271_op_get_tsf, .get_survey = wl1271_op_get_survey, - .sta_add = wl1271_op_sta_add, - .sta_remove = wl1271_op_sta_remove, + .sta_state = wl12xx_op_sta_state, .ampdu_action = wl1271_op_ampdu_action, .tx_frames_pending = wl1271_tx_frames_pending, .set_bitrate_mask = wl12xx_set_bitrate_mask, @@ -4825,13 +5027,120 @@ static struct bin_attribute fwlog_attr = { .read = wl1271_sysfs_read_fwlog, }; +static bool wl12xx_mac_in_fuse(struct wl1271 *wl) +{ + bool supported = false; + u8 major, minor; + + if (wl->chip.id == CHIP_ID_1283_PG20) { + major = WL128X_PG_GET_MAJOR(wl->hw_pg_ver); + minor = WL128X_PG_GET_MINOR(wl->hw_pg_ver); + + /* in wl128x we have the MAC address if the PG is >= (2, 1) */ + if (major > 2 || (major == 2 && minor >= 1)) + supported = true; + } else { + major = WL127X_PG_GET_MAJOR(wl->hw_pg_ver); + minor = WL127X_PG_GET_MINOR(wl->hw_pg_ver); + + /* in wl127x we have the MAC address if the PG is >= (3, 1) */ + if (major == 3 && minor >= 1) + supported = true; + } + + wl1271_debug(DEBUG_PROBE, + "PG Ver major = %d minor = %d, MAC %s present", + major, minor, supported ? "is" : "is not"); + + return supported; +} + +static void wl12xx_derive_mac_addresses(struct wl1271 *wl, + u32 oui, u32 nic, int n) +{ + int i; + + wl1271_debug(DEBUG_PROBE, "base address: oui %06x nic %06x, n %d", + oui, nic, n); + + if (nic + n - 1 > 0xffffff) + wl1271_warning("NIC part of the MAC address wraps around!"); + + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { + wl->addresses[i].addr[0] = (u8)(oui >> 16); + wl->addresses[i].addr[1] = (u8)(oui >> 8); + wl->addresses[i].addr[2] = (u8) oui; + wl->addresses[i].addr[3] = (u8)(nic >> 16); + wl->addresses[i].addr[4] = (u8)(nic >> 8); + wl->addresses[i].addr[5] = (u8) nic; + nic++; + } + + wl->hw->wiphy->n_addresses = n; + wl->hw->wiphy->addresses = wl->addresses; +} + +static void wl12xx_get_fuse_mac(struct wl1271 *wl) +{ + u32 mac1, mac2; + + wl1271_set_partition(wl, &wl12xx_part_table[PART_DRPW]); + + mac1 = wl1271_read32(wl, WL12XX_REG_FUSE_BD_ADDR_1); + mac2 = wl1271_read32(wl, WL12XX_REG_FUSE_BD_ADDR_2); + + /* these are the two parts of the BD_ADDR */ + wl->fuse_oui_addr = ((mac2 & 0xffff) << 8) + + ((mac1 & 0xff000000) >> 24); + wl->fuse_nic_addr = mac1 & 0xffffff; + + wl1271_set_partition(wl, &wl12xx_part_table[PART_DOWN]); +} + +static int wl12xx_get_hw_info(struct wl1271 *wl) +{ + int ret; + u32 die_info; + + ret = wl12xx_set_power_on(wl); + if (ret < 0) + goto out; + + wl->chip.id = wl1271_read32(wl, CHIP_ID_B); + + if (wl->chip.id == CHIP_ID_1283_PG20) + die_info = wl1271_top_reg_read(wl, WL128X_REG_FUSE_DATA_2_1); + else + die_info = wl1271_top_reg_read(wl, WL127X_REG_FUSE_DATA_2_1); + + wl->hw_pg_ver = (s8) (die_info & PG_VER_MASK) >> PG_VER_OFFSET; + + if (!wl12xx_mac_in_fuse(wl)) { + wl->fuse_oui_addr = 0; + wl->fuse_nic_addr = 0; + } else { + wl12xx_get_fuse_mac(wl); + } + + wl1271_power_off(wl); +out: + return ret; +} + static int wl1271_register_hw(struct wl1271 *wl) { int ret; + u32 oui_addr = 0, nic_addr = 0; if (wl->mac80211_registered) return 0; + ret = wl12xx_get_hw_info(wl); + if (ret < 0) { + wl1271_error("couldn't get hw info"); + goto out; + } + ret = wl1271_fetch_nvs(wl); if (ret == 0) { /* NOTE: The wl->nvs->nvs element must be first, in @@ -4840,39 +5149,42 @@ static int wl1271_register_hw(struct wl1271 *wl) */ u8 *nvs_ptr = (u8 *)wl->nvs; - wl->mac_addr[0] = nvs_ptr[11]; - wl->mac_addr[1] = nvs_ptr[10]; - wl->mac_addr[2] = nvs_ptr[6]; - wl->mac_addr[3] = nvs_ptr[5]; - wl->mac_addr[4] = nvs_ptr[4]; - wl->mac_addr[5] = nvs_ptr[3]; + oui_addr = + (nvs_ptr[11] << 16) + (nvs_ptr[10] << 8) + nvs_ptr[6]; + nic_addr = + (nvs_ptr[5] << 16) + (nvs_ptr[4] << 8) + nvs_ptr[3]; } - SET_IEEE80211_PERM_ADDR(wl->hw, wl->mac_addr); + /* if the MAC address is zeroed in the NVS derive from fuse */ + if (oui_addr == 0 && nic_addr == 0) { + oui_addr = wl->fuse_oui_addr; + /* fuse has the BD_ADDR, the WLAN addresses are the next two */ + nic_addr = wl->fuse_nic_addr + 1; + } + + wl12xx_derive_mac_addresses(wl, oui_addr, nic_addr, 2); ret = ieee80211_register_hw(wl->hw); if (ret < 0) { wl1271_error("unable to register mac80211 hw: %d", ret); - return ret; + goto out; } wl->mac80211_registered = true; wl1271_debugfs_init(wl); - register_netdevice_notifier(&wl1271_dev_notifier); - wl1271_notice("loaded"); - return 0; +out: + return ret; } static void wl1271_unregister_hw(struct wl1271 *wl) { - if (wl->state == WL1271_STATE_PLT) - __wl1271_plt_stop(wl); + if (wl->plt) + wl1271_plt_stop(wl); - unregister_netdevice_notifier(&wl1271_dev_notifier); ieee80211_unregister_hw(wl->hw); wl->mac80211_registered = false; @@ -4889,7 +5201,7 @@ static int wl1271_init_ieee80211(struct wl1271 *wl) }; /* The tx descriptor buffer and the TKIP space. */ - wl->hw->extra_tx_headroom = WL1271_TKIP_IV_SPACE + + wl->hw->extra_tx_headroom = WL1271_EXTRA_SPACE_TKIP + sizeof(struct wl1271_tx_hw_descr); /* unit us */ @@ -4898,17 +5210,17 @@ static int wl1271_init_ieee80211(struct wl1271 *wl) wl->hw->max_listen_interval = wl->conf.conn.max_listen_interval; wl->hw->flags = IEEE80211_HW_SIGNAL_DBM | - IEEE80211_HW_BEACON_FILTER | IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_PS | + IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_DYNAMIC_PS | IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_UAPSD | IEEE80211_HW_HAS_RATE_CONTROL | IEEE80211_HW_CONNECTION_MONITOR | - IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI | IEEE80211_HW_REPORTS_TX_ACK_STATUS | IEEE80211_HW_SPECTRUM_MGMT | IEEE80211_HW_AP_LINK_PS | IEEE80211_HW_AMPDU_AGGREGATION | - IEEE80211_HW_TX_AMPDU_SETUP_IN_HW; + IEEE80211_HW_TX_AMPDU_SETUP_IN_HW | + IEEE80211_HW_SCAN_WHILE_IDLE; wl->hw->wiphy->cipher_suites = cipher_suites; wl->hw->wiphy->n_cipher_suites = ARRAY_SIZE(cipher_suites); @@ -4924,10 +5236,10 @@ static int wl1271_init_ieee80211(struct wl1271 *wl) * should be the maximum length possible for a template, without * the IEEE80211 header of the template */ - wl->hw->wiphy->max_scan_ie_len = WL1271_CMD_TEMPL_DFLT_SIZE - + wl->hw->wiphy->max_scan_ie_len = WL1271_CMD_TEMPL_MAX_SIZE - sizeof(struct ieee80211_header); - wl->hw->wiphy->max_sched_scan_ie_len = WL1271_CMD_TEMPL_DFLT_SIZE - + wl->hw->wiphy->max_sched_scan_ie_len = WL1271_CMD_TEMPL_MAX_SIZE - sizeof(struct ieee80211_header); wl->hw->wiphy->flags |= WIPHY_FLAG_AP_UAPSD; @@ -4993,7 +5305,6 @@ static struct ieee80211_hw *wl1271_alloc_hw(void) wl = hw->priv; memset(wl, 0, sizeof(*wl)); - INIT_LIST_HEAD(&wl->list); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&wl->wlvif_list); wl->hw = hw; @@ -5010,6 +5321,7 @@ static struct ieee80211_hw *wl1271_alloc_hw(void) INIT_WORK(&wl->tx_work, wl1271_tx_work); INIT_WORK(&wl->recovery_work, wl1271_recovery_work); INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&wl->scan_complete_work, wl1271_scan_complete_work); + INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&wl->tx_watchdog_work, wl12xx_tx_watchdog_work); wl->freezable_wq = create_freezable_workqueue("wl12xx_wq"); if (!wl->freezable_wq) { @@ -5021,7 +5333,6 @@ static struct ieee80211_hw *wl1271_alloc_hw(void) wl->rx_counter = 0; wl->power_level = WL1271_DEFAULT_POWER_LEVEL; wl->band = IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ; - wl->vif = NULL; wl->flags = 0; wl->sg_enabled = true; wl->hw_pg_ver = -1; @@ -5046,6 +5357,7 @@ static struct ieee80211_hw *wl1271_alloc_hw(void) spin_lock_init(&wl->wl_lock); wl->state = WL1271_STATE_OFF; + wl->fw_type = WL12XX_FW_TYPE_NONE; mutex_init(&wl->mutex); /* Apply default driver configuration. */ @@ -5113,6 +5425,7 @@ static int wl1271_free_hw(struct wl1271 *wl) vfree(wl->fw); wl->fw = NULL; + wl->fw_type = WL12XX_FW_TYPE_NONE; kfree(wl->nvs); wl->nvs = NULL; @@ -5299,7 +5612,7 @@ module_param_named(debug_level, wl12xx_debug_level, uint, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug_level, "wl12xx debugging level"); module_param_named(fwlog, fwlog_param, charp, 0); -MODULE_PARM_DESC(keymap, +MODULE_PARM_DESC(fwlog, "FW logger options: continuous, ondemand, dbgpins or disable"); module_param(bug_on_recovery, bool, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/ps.c b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/ps.c index a2bdacdd7e1dd742ae9398ef70c1d2eb1c8037d2..78f598b4f97b977cbc747a0bd93b0877bc900ff0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/ps.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/ps.c @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void wl1271_elp_work(struct work_struct *work) if (wlvif->bss_type == BSS_TYPE_AP_BSS) goto out; - if (!test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_PSM, &wlvif->flags) && + if (!test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_IN_PS, &wlvif->flags) && test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_IN_USE, &wlvif->flags)) goto out; } @@ -69,8 +69,6 @@ void wl1271_elp_work(struct work_struct *work) mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); } -#define ELP_ENTRY_DELAY 5 - /* Routines to toggle sleep mode while in ELP */ void wl1271_ps_elp_sleep(struct wl1271 *wl) { @@ -84,13 +82,13 @@ void wl1271_ps_elp_sleep(struct wl1271 *wl) if (wlvif->bss_type == BSS_TYPE_AP_BSS) return; - if (!test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_PSM, &wlvif->flags) && + if (!test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_IN_PS, &wlvif->flags) && test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_IN_USE, &wlvif->flags)) return; } ieee80211_queue_delayed_work(wl->hw, &wl->elp_work, - msecs_to_jiffies(ELP_ENTRY_DELAY)); + msecs_to_jiffies(wl->conf.conn.dynamic_ps_timeout)); } int wl1271_ps_elp_wakeup(struct wl1271 *wl) @@ -160,28 +158,39 @@ int wl1271_ps_elp_wakeup(struct wl1271 *wl) } int wl1271_ps_set_mode(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, - enum wl1271_cmd_ps_mode mode, u32 rates, bool send) + enum wl1271_cmd_ps_mode mode) { int ret; + u16 timeout = wl->conf.conn.dynamic_ps_timeout; switch (mode) { + case STATION_AUTO_PS_MODE: case STATION_POWER_SAVE_MODE: - wl1271_debug(DEBUG_PSM, "entering psm"); + wl1271_debug(DEBUG_PSM, "entering psm (mode=%d,timeout=%u)", + mode, timeout); - ret = wl1271_acx_wake_up_conditions(wl, wlvif); + ret = wl1271_acx_wake_up_conditions(wl, wlvif, + wl->conf.conn.wake_up_event, + wl->conf.conn.listen_interval); if (ret < 0) { wl1271_error("couldn't set wake up conditions"); return ret; } - ret = wl1271_cmd_ps_mode(wl, wlvif, STATION_POWER_SAVE_MODE); + ret = wl1271_cmd_ps_mode(wl, wlvif, mode, timeout); if (ret < 0) return ret; - set_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_PSM, &wlvif->flags); + set_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_IN_PS, &wlvif->flags); + + /* enable beacon early termination. Not relevant for 5GHz */ + if (wlvif->band == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) { + ret = wl1271_acx_bet_enable(wl, wlvif, true); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + } break; case STATION_ACTIVE_MODE: - default: wl1271_debug(DEBUG_PSM, "leaving psm"); /* disable beacon early termination */ @@ -191,12 +200,15 @@ int wl1271_ps_set_mode(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, return ret; } - ret = wl1271_cmd_ps_mode(wl, wlvif, STATION_ACTIVE_MODE); + ret = wl1271_cmd_ps_mode(wl, wlvif, mode, 0); if (ret < 0) return ret; - clear_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_PSM, &wlvif->flags); + clear_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_IN_PS, &wlvif->flags); break; + default: + wl1271_warning("trying to set ps to unsupported mode %d", mode); + ret = -EINVAL; } return ret; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/ps.h b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/ps.h index a12052f02026fba0a943258913cb7ad099254f75..5f19d4fbbf27e88345dd7d4fb406d1ad37e2bf0b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/ps.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/ps.h @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ #include "acx.h" int wl1271_ps_set_mode(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, - enum wl1271_cmd_ps_mode mode, u32 rates, bool send); + enum wl1271_cmd_ps_mode mode); void wl1271_ps_elp_sleep(struct wl1271 *wl); int wl1271_ps_elp_wakeup(struct wl1271 *wl); void wl1271_elp_work(struct work_struct *work); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/reg.h b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/reg.h index df34d5977b98581a2e4b321665a9d0de0dc00398..340db324bc26016933b68afe8abb031d2302513d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/reg.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/reg.h @@ -525,4 +525,31 @@ b12-b0 - Supported Rate indicator bits as defined below. */ #define INTR_TRIG_TX_PROC1 BIT(18) +#define WL127X_REG_FUSE_DATA_2_1 0x050a +#define WL128X_REG_FUSE_DATA_2_1 0x2152 +#define PG_VER_MASK 0x3c +#define PG_VER_OFFSET 2 + +#define WL127X_PG_MAJOR_VER_MASK 0x3 +#define WL127X_PG_MAJOR_VER_OFFSET 0x0 +#define WL127X_PG_MINOR_VER_MASK 0xc +#define WL127X_PG_MINOR_VER_OFFSET 0x2 + +#define WL128X_PG_MAJOR_VER_MASK 0xc +#define WL128X_PG_MAJOR_VER_OFFSET 0x2 +#define WL128X_PG_MINOR_VER_MASK 0x3 +#define WL128X_PG_MINOR_VER_OFFSET 0x0 + +#define WL127X_PG_GET_MAJOR(pg_ver) ((pg_ver & WL127X_PG_MAJOR_VER_MASK) >> \ + WL127X_PG_MAJOR_VER_OFFSET) +#define WL127X_PG_GET_MINOR(pg_ver) ((pg_ver & WL127X_PG_MINOR_VER_MASK) >> \ + WL127X_PG_MINOR_VER_OFFSET) +#define WL128X_PG_GET_MAJOR(pg_ver) ((pg_ver & WL128X_PG_MAJOR_VER_MASK) >> \ + WL128X_PG_MAJOR_VER_OFFSET) +#define WL128X_PG_GET_MINOR(pg_ver) ((pg_ver & WL128X_PG_MINOR_VER_MASK) >> \ + WL128X_PG_MINOR_VER_OFFSET) + +#define WL12XX_REG_FUSE_BD_ADDR_1 0x00310eb4 +#define WL12XX_REG_FUSE_BD_ADDR_2 0x00310eb8 + #endif diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/rx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/rx.c index 4fbd2a722ffabf28eb4f3c383490b2060c1535dc..cfa6071704c591d3be1100b469a140302da95489 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/rx.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/rx.c @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ static int wl1271_rx_handle_data(struct wl1271 *wl, u8 *data, u32 length, * In PLT mode we seem to get frames and mac80211 warns about them, * workaround this by not retrieving them at all. */ - if (unlikely(wl->state == WL1271_STATE_PLT)) + if (unlikely(wl->plt)) return -EINVAL; /* the data read starts with the descriptor */ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/scan.c b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/scan.c index e24111ececc5c64ba40cf87133b1193b93b0aaa5..fcba055ef196a050023796152d66cafb550c68e2 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/scan.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/scan.c @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ void wl1271_scan_complete_work(struct work_struct *work) struct ieee80211_vif *vif; struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif; int ret; - bool is_sta, is_ibss; dwork = container_of(work, struct delayed_work, work); wl = container_of(dwork, struct wl1271, scan_complete_work); @@ -56,6 +55,12 @@ void wl1271_scan_complete_work(struct work_struct *work) vif = wl->scan_vif; wlvif = wl12xx_vif_to_data(vif); + /* + * Rearm the tx watchdog just before idling scan. This + * prevents just-finished scans from triggering the watchdog + */ + wl12xx_rearm_tx_watchdog_locked(wl); + wl->scan.state = WL1271_SCAN_STATE_IDLE; memset(wl->scan.scanned_ch, 0, sizeof(wl->scan.scanned_ch)); wl->scan.req = NULL; @@ -70,15 +75,6 @@ void wl1271_scan_complete_work(struct work_struct *work) wl1271_cmd_build_ap_probe_req(wl, wlvif, wlvif->probereq); } - /* return to ROC if needed */ - is_sta = (wlvif->bss_type == BSS_TYPE_STA_BSS); - is_ibss = (wlvif->bss_type == BSS_TYPE_IBSS); - if (((is_sta && !test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_STA_ASSOCIATED, &wlvif->flags)) || - (is_ibss && !test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_IBSS_JOINED, &wlvif->flags))) && - !test_bit(wlvif->dev_role_id, wl->roc_map)) { - /* restore remain on channel */ - wl12xx_start_dev(wl, wlvif); - } wl1271_ps_elp_sleep(wl); if (wl->scan.failed) { @@ -182,14 +178,23 @@ static int wl1271_scan_send(struct wl1271 *wl, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, goto out; } + if (wl->conf.scan.split_scan_timeout) + scan_options |= WL1271_SCAN_OPT_SPLIT_SCAN; + if (passive) scan_options |= WL1271_SCAN_OPT_PASSIVE; - if (WARN_ON(wlvif->role_id == WL12XX_INVALID_ROLE_ID)) { + if (wlvif->bss_type == BSS_TYPE_AP_BSS || + test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_STA_ASSOCIATED, &wlvif->flags)) + cmd->params.role_id = wlvif->role_id; + else + cmd->params.role_id = wlvif->dev_role_id; + + if (WARN_ON(cmd->params.role_id == WL12XX_INVALID_ROLE_ID)) { ret = -EINVAL; goto out; } - cmd->params.role_id = wlvif->role_id; + cmd->params.scan_options = cpu_to_le16(scan_options); cmd->params.n_ch = wl1271_get_scan_channels(wl, wl->scan.req, @@ -202,7 +207,7 @@ static int wl1271_scan_send(struct wl1271 *wl, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, cmd->params.tx_rate = cpu_to_le32(basic_rate); cmd->params.n_probe_reqs = wl->conf.scan.num_probe_reqs; - cmd->params.tid_trigger = 0; + cmd->params.tid_trigger = CONF_TX_AC_ANY_TID; cmd->params.scan_tag = WL1271_SCAN_DEFAULT_TAG; if (band == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) @@ -217,16 +222,17 @@ static int wl1271_scan_send(struct wl1271 *wl, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, memcpy(cmd->addr, vif->addr, ETH_ALEN); - ret = wl1271_cmd_build_probe_req(wl, wlvif, wl->scan.ssid, - wl->scan.ssid_len, wl->scan.req->ie, - wl->scan.req->ie_len, band); + ret = wl12xx_cmd_build_probe_req(wl, wlvif, + cmd->params.role_id, band, + wl->scan.ssid, wl->scan.ssid_len, + wl->scan.req->ie, + wl->scan.req->ie_len); if (ret < 0) { wl1271_error("PROBE request template failed"); goto out; } - /* disable the timeout */ - trigger->timeout = 0; + trigger->timeout = cpu_to_le32(wl->conf.scan.split_scan_timeout); ret = wl1271_cmd_send(wl, CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN_TO, trigger, sizeof(*trigger), 0); if (ret < 0) { @@ -658,11 +664,13 @@ int wl1271_scan_sched_scan_config(struct wl1271 *wl, } if (!force_passive && cfg->active[0]) { - ret = wl1271_cmd_build_probe_req(wl, wlvif, req->ssids[0].ssid, + u8 band = IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ; + ret = wl12xx_cmd_build_probe_req(wl, wlvif, + wlvif->dev_role_id, band, + req->ssids[0].ssid, req->ssids[0].ssid_len, - ies->ie[IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ], - ies->len[IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ], - IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ); + ies->ie[band], + ies->len[band]); if (ret < 0) { wl1271_error("2.4GHz PROBE request template failed"); goto out; @@ -670,11 +678,13 @@ int wl1271_scan_sched_scan_config(struct wl1271 *wl, } if (!force_passive && cfg->active[1]) { - ret = wl1271_cmd_build_probe_req(wl, wlvif, req->ssids[0].ssid, + u8 band = IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ; + ret = wl12xx_cmd_build_probe_req(wl, wlvif, + wlvif->dev_role_id, band, + req->ssids[0].ssid, req->ssids[0].ssid_len, - ies->ie[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ], - ies->len[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ], - IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ); + ies->ie[band], + ies->len[band]); if (ret < 0) { wl1271_error("5GHz PROBE request template failed"); goto out; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/scan.h b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/scan.h index a7ed43dc08c9e89217bc4430ca8b5b2b3ce2607a..96ff457a3a0bee224996788195d9fcdb49bdb31b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/scan.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/scan.h @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ void wl1271_scan_sched_scan_results(struct wl1271 *wl); #define WL1271_SCAN_CURRENT_TX_PWR 0 #define WL1271_SCAN_OPT_ACTIVE 0 #define WL1271_SCAN_OPT_PASSIVE 1 -#define WL1271_SCAN_OPT_TRIGGERED_SCAN 2 +#define WL1271_SCAN_OPT_SPLIT_SCAN 2 #define WL1271_SCAN_OPT_PRIORITY_HIGH 4 /* scan even if we fail to enter psm */ #define WL1271_SCAN_OPT_FORCE 8 diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/sdio.c b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/sdio.c index 468a50553fac8f345e689432f82cd075d9413828..4b3c32774baee1978a45bb5ee95d62f0840a041c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/sdio.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/sdio.c @@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ static void wl12xx_sdio_raw_read(struct device *child, int addr, void *buf, struct wl12xx_sdio_glue *glue = dev_get_drvdata(child->parent); struct sdio_func *func = dev_to_sdio_func(glue->dev); + sdio_claim_host(func); + if (unlikely(addr == HW_ACCESS_ELP_CTRL_REG_ADDR)) { ((u8 *)buf)[0] = sdio_f0_readb(func, addr, &ret); dev_dbg(child->parent, "sdio read 52 addr 0x%x, byte 0x%02x\n", @@ -88,6 +90,8 @@ static void wl12xx_sdio_raw_read(struct device *child, int addr, void *buf, addr, len); } + sdio_release_host(func); + if (ret) dev_err(child->parent, "sdio read failed (%d)\n", ret); } @@ -99,6 +103,8 @@ static void wl12xx_sdio_raw_write(struct device *child, int addr, void *buf, struct wl12xx_sdio_glue *glue = dev_get_drvdata(child->parent); struct sdio_func *func = dev_to_sdio_func(glue->dev); + sdio_claim_host(func); + if (unlikely(addr == HW_ACCESS_ELP_CTRL_REG_ADDR)) { sdio_f0_writeb(func, ((u8 *)buf)[0], addr, &ret); dev_dbg(child->parent, "sdio write 52 addr 0x%x, byte 0x%02x\n", @@ -113,6 +119,8 @@ static void wl12xx_sdio_raw_write(struct device *child, int addr, void *buf, ret = sdio_memcpy_toio(func, addr, buf, len); } + sdio_release_host(func); + if (ret) dev_err(child->parent, "sdio write failed (%d)\n", ret); } @@ -136,6 +144,7 @@ static int wl12xx_sdio_power_on(struct wl12xx_sdio_glue *glue) sdio_claim_host(func); sdio_enable_func(func); + sdio_release_host(func); out: return ret; @@ -146,6 +155,7 @@ static int wl12xx_sdio_power_off(struct wl12xx_sdio_glue *glue) int ret; struct sdio_func *func = dev_to_sdio_func(glue->dev); + sdio_claim_host(func); sdio_disable_func(func); sdio_release_host(func); @@ -314,9 +324,6 @@ static int wl1271_suspend(struct device *dev) dev_err(dev, "error while trying to keep power\n"); goto out; } - - /* release host */ - sdio_release_host(func); } out: return ret; @@ -324,15 +331,7 @@ static int wl1271_suspend(struct device *dev) static int wl1271_resume(struct device *dev) { - struct sdio_func *func = dev_to_sdio_func(dev); - struct wl12xx_sdio_glue *glue = sdio_get_drvdata(func); - struct wl1271 *wl = platform_get_drvdata(glue->core); - dev_dbg(dev, "wl1271 resume\n"); - if (wl->wow_enabled) { - /* claim back host */ - sdio_claim_host(func); - } return 0; } @@ -371,5 +370,9 @@ module_exit(wl1271_exit); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); MODULE_AUTHOR("Luciano Coelho "); MODULE_AUTHOR("Juuso Oikarinen "); -MODULE_FIRMWARE(WL127X_FW_NAME); -MODULE_FIRMWARE(WL128X_FW_NAME); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(WL127X_FW_NAME_SINGLE); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(WL127X_FW_NAME_MULTI); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(WL127X_PLT_FW_NAME); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(WL128X_FW_NAME_SINGLE); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(WL128X_FW_NAME_MULTI); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(WL128X_PLT_FW_NAME); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/spi.c b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/spi.c index 92caa7ce6053efc1c36227553b03b05e61844cbe..2fc18a8dcce8329436805a38d0582578325a8368 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/spi.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/spi.c @@ -433,6 +433,10 @@ module_exit(wl1271_exit); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); MODULE_AUTHOR("Luciano Coelho "); MODULE_AUTHOR("Juuso Oikarinen "); -MODULE_FIRMWARE(WL127X_FW_NAME); -MODULE_FIRMWARE(WL128X_FW_NAME); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(WL127X_FW_NAME_SINGLE); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(WL127X_FW_NAME_MULTI); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(WL127X_PLT_FW_NAME); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(WL128X_FW_NAME_SINGLE); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(WL128X_FW_NAME_MULTI); +MODULE_FIRMWARE(WL128X_PLT_FW_NAME); MODULE_ALIAS("spi:wl1271"); diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/testmode.c b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/testmode.c index 25093c0cb0edf654ad04f603e3c1b7eb47603a1b..1e93bb9c0246cfa02e44f6160851909b422b14ec 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/testmode.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/testmode.c @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ #include "acx.h" #include "reg.h" #include "ps.h" +#include "io.h" #define WL1271_TM_MAX_DATA_LENGTH 1024 @@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ enum wl1271_tm_commands { WL1271_TM_CMD_NVS_PUSH, /* Not in use. Keep to not break ABI */ WL1271_TM_CMD_SET_PLT_MODE, WL1271_TM_CMD_RECOVER, + WL1271_TM_CMD_GET_MAC, __WL1271_TM_CMD_AFTER_LAST }; @@ -264,6 +266,52 @@ static int wl1271_tm_cmd_recover(struct wl1271 *wl, struct nlattr *tb[]) return 0; } +static int wl12xx_tm_cmd_get_mac(struct wl1271 *wl, struct nlattr *tb[]) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb; + u8 mac_addr[ETH_ALEN]; + int ret = 0; + + mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); + + if (!wl->plt) { + ret = -EINVAL; + goto out; + } + + if (wl->fuse_oui_addr == 0 && wl->fuse_nic_addr == 0) { + ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; + goto out; + } + + mac_addr[0] = (u8)(wl->fuse_oui_addr >> 16); + mac_addr[1] = (u8)(wl->fuse_oui_addr >> 8); + mac_addr[2] = (u8) wl->fuse_oui_addr; + mac_addr[3] = (u8)(wl->fuse_nic_addr >> 16); + mac_addr[4] = (u8)(wl->fuse_nic_addr >> 8); + mac_addr[5] = (u8) wl->fuse_nic_addr; + + skb = cfg80211_testmode_alloc_reply_skb(wl->hw->wiphy, ETH_ALEN); + if (!skb) { + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto out; + } + + NLA_PUT(skb, WL1271_TM_ATTR_DATA, ETH_ALEN, mac_addr); + ret = cfg80211_testmode_reply(skb); + if (ret < 0) + goto out; + +out: + mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); + return ret; + +nla_put_failure: + kfree_skb(skb); + ret = -EMSGSIZE; + goto out; +} + int wl1271_tm_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, void *data, int len) { struct wl1271 *wl = hw->priv; @@ -288,6 +336,8 @@ int wl1271_tm_cmd(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, void *data, int len) return wl1271_tm_cmd_set_plt_mode(wl, tb); case WL1271_TM_CMD_RECOVER: return wl1271_tm_cmd_recover(wl, tb); + case WL1271_TM_CMD_GET_MAC: + return wl12xx_tm_cmd_get_mac(wl, tb); default: return -EOPNOTSUPP; } diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/tx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/tx.c index 4508ccd78328017b173215fbfec69ea3a6c5c413..43ae49143d68bf47a4fa98c25f15b5d3b20cd3a9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/tx.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/tx.c @@ -77,35 +77,6 @@ static void wl1271_free_tx_id(struct wl1271 *wl, int id) } } -static int wl1271_tx_update_filters(struct wl1271 *wl, - struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, - struct sk_buff *skb) -{ - struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr; - int ret; - - hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)skb->data; - - /* - * stop bssid-based filtering before transmitting authentication - * requests. this way the hw will never drop authentication - * responses coming from BSSIDs it isn't familiar with (e.g. on - * roaming) - */ - if (!ieee80211_is_auth(hdr->frame_control)) - return 0; - - if (wlvif->dev_hlid != WL12XX_INVALID_LINK_ID) - goto out; - - wl1271_debug(DEBUG_CMD, "starting device role for roaming"); - ret = wl12xx_start_dev(wl, wlvif); - if (ret < 0) - goto out; -out: - return 0; -} - static void wl1271_tx_ap_update_inconnection_sta(struct wl1271 *wl, struct sk_buff *skb) { @@ -187,8 +158,6 @@ u8 wl12xx_tx_get_hlid(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, if (wlvif->bss_type == BSS_TYPE_AP_BSS) return wl12xx_tx_get_hlid_ap(wl, wlvif, skb); - wl1271_tx_update_filters(wl, wlvif, skb); - if ((test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_STA_ASSOCIATED, &wlvif->flags) || test_bit(WLVIF_FLAG_IBSS_JOINED, &wlvif->flags)) && !ieee80211_is_auth(hdr->frame_control) && @@ -257,6 +226,10 @@ static int wl1271_tx_allocate(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, wl->tx_blocks_available -= total_blocks; wl->tx_allocated_blocks += total_blocks; + /* If the FW was empty before, arm the Tx watchdog */ + if (wl->tx_allocated_blocks == total_blocks) + wl12xx_rearm_tx_watchdog_locked(wl); + ac = wl1271_tx_get_queue(skb_get_queue_mapping(skb)); wl->tx_allocated_pkts[ac]++; @@ -286,16 +259,20 @@ static void wl1271_tx_fill_hdr(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, int aligned_len, ac, rate_idx; s64 hosttime; u16 tx_attr = 0; + __le16 frame_control; + struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr; + u8 *frame_start; bool is_dummy; desc = (struct wl1271_tx_hw_descr *) skb->data; + frame_start = (u8 *)(desc + 1); + hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)(frame_start + extra); + frame_control = hdr->frame_control; /* relocate space for security header */ if (extra) { - void *framestart = skb->data + sizeof(*desc); - u16 fc = *(u16 *)(framestart + extra); - int hdrlen = ieee80211_hdrlen(cpu_to_le16(fc)); - memmove(framestart, framestart + extra, hdrlen); + int hdrlen = ieee80211_hdrlen(frame_control); + memmove(frame_start, hdr, hdrlen); } /* configure packet life time */ @@ -384,6 +361,11 @@ static void wl1271_tx_fill_hdr(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, desc->wl127x_mem.total_mem_blocks); } + /* for WEP shared auth - no fw encryption is needed */ + if (ieee80211_is_auth(frame_control) && + ieee80211_has_protected(frame_control)) + tx_attr |= TX_HW_ATTR_HOST_ENCRYPT; + desc->tx_attr = cpu_to_le16(tx_attr); } @@ -408,7 +390,7 @@ static int wl1271_prepare_tx_frame(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, if (info->control.hw_key && info->control.hw_key->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP) - extra = WL1271_TKIP_IV_SPACE; + extra = WL1271_EXTRA_SPACE_TKIP; if (info->control.hw_key) { bool is_wep; @@ -549,6 +531,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *wl12xx_lnk_skb_dequeue(struct wl1271 *wl, if (skb) { int q = wl1271_tx_get_queue(skb_get_queue_mapping(skb)); spin_lock_irqsave(&wl->wl_lock, flags); + WARN_ON_ONCE(wl->tx_queue_count[q] <= 0); wl->tx_queue_count[q]--; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&wl->wl_lock, flags); } @@ -593,6 +576,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *wl1271_skb_dequeue(struct wl1271 *wl) struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif = wl->last_wlvif; struct sk_buff *skb = NULL; + /* continue from last wlvif (round robin) */ if (wlvif) { wl12xx_for_each_wlvif_continue(wl, wlvif) { skb = wl12xx_vif_skb_dequeue(wl, wlvif); @@ -603,7 +587,11 @@ static struct sk_buff *wl1271_skb_dequeue(struct wl1271 *wl) } } - /* do another pass */ + /* dequeue from the system HLID before the restarting wlvif list */ + if (!skb) + skb = wl12xx_lnk_skb_dequeue(wl, &wl->links[wl->system_hlid]); + + /* do a new pass over the wlvif list */ if (!skb) { wl12xx_for_each_wlvif(wl, wlvif) { skb = wl12xx_vif_skb_dequeue(wl, wlvif); @@ -611,12 +599,16 @@ static struct sk_buff *wl1271_skb_dequeue(struct wl1271 *wl) wl->last_wlvif = wlvif; break; } + + /* + * No need to continue after last_wlvif. The previous + * pass should have found it. + */ + if (wlvif == wl->last_wlvif) + break; } } - if (!skb) - skb = wl12xx_lnk_skb_dequeue(wl, &wl->links[wl->system_hlid]); - if (!skb && test_and_clear_bit(WL1271_FLAG_DUMMY_PACKET_PENDING, &wl->flags)) { int q; @@ -624,6 +616,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *wl1271_skb_dequeue(struct wl1271 *wl) skb = wl->dummy_packet; q = wl1271_tx_get_queue(skb_get_queue_mapping(skb)); spin_lock_irqsave(&wl->wl_lock, flags); + WARN_ON_ONCE(wl->tx_queue_count[q] <= 0); wl->tx_queue_count[q]--; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&wl->wl_lock, flags); } @@ -795,6 +788,18 @@ void wl1271_tx_work(struct work_struct *work) mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); } +static u8 wl1271_tx_get_rate_flags(u8 rate_class_index) +{ + u8 flags = 0; + + if (rate_class_index >= CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS_MIN && + rate_class_index <= CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS_MAX) + flags |= IEEE80211_TX_RC_MCS; + if (rate_class_index == CONF_HW_RXTX_RATE_MCS7_SGI) + flags |= IEEE80211_TX_RC_SHORT_GI; + return flags; +} + static void wl1271_tx_complete_packet(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl1271_tx_hw_res_descr *result) { @@ -804,6 +809,7 @@ static void wl1271_tx_complete_packet(struct wl1271 *wl, struct sk_buff *skb; int id = result->id; int rate = -1; + u8 rate_flags = 0; u8 retries = 0; /* check for id legality */ @@ -830,6 +836,7 @@ static void wl1271_tx_complete_packet(struct wl1271 *wl, info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_STAT_ACK; rate = wl1271_rate_to_idx(result->rate_class_index, wlvif->band); + rate_flags = wl1271_tx_get_rate_flags(result->rate_class_index); retries = result->ack_failures; } else if (result->status == TX_RETRY_EXCEEDED) { wl->stats.excessive_retries++; @@ -838,7 +845,7 @@ static void wl1271_tx_complete_packet(struct wl1271 *wl, info->status.rates[0].idx = rate; info->status.rates[0].count = retries; - info->status.rates[0].flags = 0; + info->status.rates[0].flags = rate_flags; info->status.ack_signal = -1; wl->stats.retry_count += result->ack_failures; @@ -869,8 +876,9 @@ static void wl1271_tx_complete_packet(struct wl1271 *wl, if (info->control.hw_key && info->control.hw_key->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP) { int hdrlen = ieee80211_get_hdrlen_from_skb(skb); - memmove(skb->data + WL1271_TKIP_IV_SPACE, skb->data, hdrlen); - skb_pull(skb, WL1271_TKIP_IV_SPACE); + memmove(skb->data + WL1271_EXTRA_SPACE_TKIP, skb->data, + hdrlen); + skb_pull(skb, WL1271_EXTRA_SPACE_TKIP); } wl1271_debug(DEBUG_TX, "tx status id %u skb 0x%p failures %u rate 0x%x" @@ -966,7 +974,6 @@ void wl12xx_tx_reset_wlvif(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif) else wlvif->sta.ba_rx_bitmap = 0; - wl1271_tx_reset_link_queues(wl, i); wl->links[i].allocated_pkts = 0; wl->links[i].prev_freed_pkts = 0; } @@ -980,8 +987,14 @@ void wl12xx_tx_reset(struct wl1271 *wl, bool reset_tx_queues) struct sk_buff *skb; struct ieee80211_tx_info *info; - for (i = 0; i < NUM_TX_QUEUES; i++) - wl->tx_queue_count[i] = 0; + /* only reset the queues if something bad happened */ + if (WARN_ON_ONCE(wl1271_tx_total_queue_count(wl) != 0)) { + for (i = 0; i < WL12XX_MAX_LINKS; i++) + wl1271_tx_reset_link_queues(wl, i); + + for (i = 0; i < NUM_TX_QUEUES; i++) + wl->tx_queue_count[i] = 0; + } wl->stopped_queues_map = 0; @@ -1012,9 +1025,9 @@ void wl12xx_tx_reset(struct wl1271 *wl, bool reset_tx_queues) info->control.hw_key->cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP) { int hdrlen = ieee80211_get_hdrlen_from_skb(skb); - memmove(skb->data + WL1271_TKIP_IV_SPACE, + memmove(skb->data + WL1271_EXTRA_SPACE_TKIP, skb->data, hdrlen); - skb_pull(skb, WL1271_TKIP_IV_SPACE); + skb_pull(skb, WL1271_EXTRA_SPACE_TKIP); } info->status.rates[0].idx = -1; @@ -1031,6 +1044,7 @@ void wl12xx_tx_reset(struct wl1271 *wl, bool reset_tx_queues) void wl1271_tx_flush(struct wl1271 *wl) { unsigned long timeout; + int i; timeout = jiffies + usecs_to_jiffies(WL1271_TX_FLUSH_TIMEOUT); while (!time_after(jiffies, timeout)) { @@ -1048,6 +1062,12 @@ void wl1271_tx_flush(struct wl1271 *wl) } wl1271_warning("Unable to flush all TX buffers, timed out."); + + /* forcibly flush all Tx buffers on our queues */ + mutex_lock(&wl->mutex); + for (i = 0; i < WL12XX_MAX_LINKS; i++) + wl1271_tx_reset_link_queues(wl, i); + mutex_unlock(&wl->mutex); } u32 wl1271_tx_min_rate_get(struct wl1271 *wl, u32 rate_set) diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/tx.h b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/tx.h index 2dbb24e6d541a8c9dbff30efd9144f922217fb92..5cf8c32d40d14e1915a6e65eaa2e980b35ecaef3 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/tx.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/tx.h @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ #define TX_HW_ATTR_LAST_WORD_PAD (BIT(10) | BIT(11)) #define TX_HW_ATTR_TX_CMPLT_REQ BIT(12) #define TX_HW_ATTR_TX_DUMMY_REQ BIT(13) +#define TX_HW_ATTR_HOST_ENCRYPT BIT(14) #define TX_HW_ATTR_OFST_SAVE_RETRIES 0 #define TX_HW_ATTR_OFST_HEADER_PAD 1 @@ -51,7 +52,9 @@ #define TX_HW_RESULT_QUEUE_LEN_MASK 0xf #define WL1271_TX_ALIGN_TO 4 -#define WL1271_TKIP_IV_SPACE 4 +#define WL1271_EXTRA_SPACE_TKIP 4 +#define WL1271_EXTRA_SPACE_AES 8 +#define WL1271_EXTRA_SPACE_MAX 8 /* Used for management frames and dummy packets */ #define WL1271_TID_MGMT 7 @@ -224,5 +227,6 @@ void wl12xx_rearm_rx_streaming(struct wl1271 *wl, unsigned long *active_hlids); /* from main.c */ void wl1271_free_sta(struct wl1271 *wl, struct wl12xx_vif *wlvif, u8 hlid); +void wl12xx_rearm_tx_watchdog_locked(struct wl1271 *wl); #endif diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl12xx.h b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl12xx.h index b2b09cd0202256c4a623c65f6870160f5fa106b9..749a15a75d384c763b5bf68a06b038a3961e2af0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl12xx.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl12xx.h @@ -35,8 +35,14 @@ #include "conf.h" #include "ini.h" -#define WL127X_FW_NAME "ti-connectivity/wl127x-fw-3.bin" -#define WL128X_FW_NAME "ti-connectivity/wl128x-fw-3.bin" +#define WL127X_FW_NAME_MULTI "ti-connectivity/wl127x-fw-4-mr.bin" +#define WL127X_FW_NAME_SINGLE "ti-connectivity/wl127x-fw-4-sr.bin" + +#define WL128X_FW_NAME_MULTI "ti-connectivity/wl128x-fw-4-mr.bin" +#define WL128X_FW_NAME_SINGLE "ti-connectivity/wl128x-fw-4-sr.bin" + +#define WL127X_PLT_FW_NAME "ti-connectivity/wl127x-fw-4-plt.bin" +#define WL128X_PLT_FW_NAME "ti-connectivity/wl128x-fw-4-plt.bin" /* * wl127x and wl128x are using the same NVS file name. However, the @@ -90,7 +96,13 @@ enum wl1271_state { WL1271_STATE_OFF, WL1271_STATE_ON, - WL1271_STATE_PLT, +}; + +enum wl12xx_fw_type { + WL12XX_FW_TYPE_NONE, + WL12XX_FW_TYPE_NORMAL, + WL12XX_FW_TYPE_MULTI, + WL12XX_FW_TYPE_PLT, }; enum wl1271_partition_type { @@ -247,15 +259,17 @@ enum wl12xx_flags { WL1271_FLAG_PENDING_WORK, WL1271_FLAG_SOFT_GEMINI, WL1271_FLAG_RECOVERY_IN_PROGRESS, + WL1271_FLAG_VIF_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESS, + WL1271_FLAG_INTENDED_FW_RECOVERY, }; enum wl12xx_vif_flags { WLVIF_FLAG_INITIALIZED, WLVIF_FLAG_STA_ASSOCIATED, + WLVIF_FLAG_STA_AUTHORIZED, WLVIF_FLAG_IBSS_JOINED, WLVIF_FLAG_AP_STARTED, - WLVIF_FLAG_PSM, - WLVIF_FLAG_PSM_REQUESTED, + WLVIF_FLAG_IN_PS, WLVIF_FLAG_STA_STATE_SENT, WLVIF_FLAG_RX_STREAMING_STARTED, WLVIF_FLAG_PSPOLL_FAILURE, @@ -295,6 +309,9 @@ struct wl1271 { spinlock_t wl_lock; enum wl1271_state state; + enum wl12xx_fw_type fw_type; + bool plt; + u8 last_vif_count; struct mutex mutex; unsigned long flags; @@ -313,7 +330,12 @@ struct wl1271 { s8 hw_pg_ver; - u8 mac_addr[ETH_ALEN]; + /* address read from the fuse ROM */ + u32 fuse_oui_addr; + u32 fuse_nic_addr; + + /* we have up to 2 MAC addresses */ + struct mac_address addresses[2]; int channel; u8 system_hlid; @@ -425,8 +447,6 @@ struct wl1271 { struct wl12xx_fw_status *fw_status; struct wl1271_tx_hw_res_if *tx_res_if; - struct ieee80211_vif *vif; - /* Current chipset configuration */ struct conf_drv_settings conf; @@ -434,8 +454,6 @@ struct wl1271 { bool enable_11a; - struct list_head list; - /* Most recently reported noise in dBm */ s8 noise; @@ -477,6 +495,9 @@ struct wl1271 { /* last wlvif we transmitted from */ struct wl12xx_vif *last_wlvif; + + /* work to fire when Tx is stuck */ + struct delayed_work tx_watchdog_work; }; struct wl1271_station { @@ -503,6 +524,8 @@ struct wl12xx_vif { u8 basic_rate_idx; u8 ap_rate_idx; u8 p2p_rate_idx; + + bool qos; } sta; struct { u8 global_hlid; @@ -560,12 +583,6 @@ struct wl12xx_vif { /* Session counter for the chipset */ int session_counter; - struct completion *ps_compl; - struct delayed_work pspoll_work; - - /* counter for ps-poll delivery failures */ - int ps_poll_failures; - /* retry counter for PSM entries */ u8 psm_entry_retry; @@ -575,6 +592,10 @@ struct wl12xx_vif { int rssi_thold; int last_rssi_event; + /* save the current encryption type for auto-arp config */ + u8 encryption_type; + __be32 ip_addr; + /* RX BA constraint value */ bool ba_support; bool ba_allowed; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl12xx_80211.h b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl12xx_80211.h index 8f0ffaf62309f8208a1bd6299cf3fd1c66c29e45..22b0bc98d7b5baeb05aec26a180dc060f9712a6d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl12xx_80211.h +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl12xx_80211.h @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ struct wl12xx_ps_poll_template { } __packed; struct wl12xx_arp_rsp_template { - struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr hdr; + /* not including ieee80211 header */ u8 llc_hdr[sizeof(rfc1042_header)]; __be16 llc_type; diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/zd_mac.c b/drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/zd_mac.c index 98a574a4a465004728792a293551ae867f450d6c..9fcde36d5013d9435d0070e2eadd4c36f5dc21aa 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/zd_mac.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/zd_mac.c @@ -306,9 +306,19 @@ int zd_op_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) r = set_mc_hash(mac); if (r) goto disable_int; + + /* Wait after setting the multicast hash table and powering on + * the radio otherwise interface bring up will fail. This matches + * what the vendor driver did. + */ + msleep(10); + r = zd_chip_switch_radio_on(chip); - if (r < 0) + if (r < 0) { + dev_err(zd_chip_dev(chip), + "%s: failed to set radio on\n", __func__); goto disable_int; + } r = zd_chip_enable_rxtx(chip); if (r < 0) goto disable_radio; diff --git a/drivers/net/xen-netback/netback.c b/drivers/net/xen-netback/netback.c index 59effac15f36ad0d87b92858223436b2152225c5..2596401308a86e24210efd65d531d91d6be60746 100644 --- a/drivers/net/xen-netback/netback.c +++ b/drivers/net/xen-netback/netback.c @@ -1639,10 +1639,8 @@ static int __init netback_init(void) xen_netbk_group_nr = num_online_cpus(); xen_netbk = vzalloc(sizeof(struct xen_netbk) * xen_netbk_group_nr); - if (!xen_netbk) { - printk(KERN_ALERT "%s: out of memory\n", __func__); + if (!xen_netbk) return -ENOMEM; - } for (group = 0; group < xen_netbk_group_nr; group++) { struct xen_netbk *netbk = &xen_netbk[group]; diff --git a/drivers/net/xen-netfront.c b/drivers/net/xen-netfront.c index 698b905058dd23435b3f13b40ab4e0b7c870b5c5..b16175032327c3e0d6fd02fa8e3e0c96e6dd265a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/xen-netfront.c +++ b/drivers/net/xen-netfront.c @@ -489,6 +489,7 @@ static int xennet_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) int frags = skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags; unsigned int offset = offset_in_page(data); unsigned int len = skb_headlen(skb); + unsigned long flags; frags += DIV_ROUND_UP(offset + len, PAGE_SIZE); if (unlikely(frags > MAX_SKB_FRAGS + 1)) { @@ -498,12 +499,12 @@ static int xennet_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) goto drop; } - spin_lock_irq(&np->tx_lock); + spin_lock_irqsave(&np->tx_lock, flags); if (unlikely(!netif_carrier_ok(dev) || (frags > 1 && !xennet_can_sg(dev)) || netif_needs_gso(skb, netif_skb_features(skb)))) { - spin_unlock_irq(&np->tx_lock); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&np->tx_lock, flags); goto drop; } @@ -574,7 +575,7 @@ static int xennet_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) if (!netfront_tx_slot_available(np)) netif_stop_queue(dev); - spin_unlock_irq(&np->tx_lock); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&np->tx_lock, flags); return NETDEV_TX_OK; @@ -1228,6 +1229,33 @@ static int xennet_set_features(struct net_device *dev, return 0; } +static irqreturn_t xennet_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) +{ + struct net_device *dev = dev_id; + struct netfront_info *np = netdev_priv(dev); + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&np->tx_lock, flags); + + if (likely(netif_carrier_ok(dev))) { + xennet_tx_buf_gc(dev); + /* Under tx_lock: protects access to rx shared-ring indexes. */ + if (RING_HAS_UNCONSUMED_RESPONSES(&np->rx)) + napi_schedule(&np->napi); + } + + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&np->tx_lock, flags); + + return IRQ_HANDLED; +} + +#ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER +static void xennet_poll_controller(struct net_device *dev) +{ + xennet_interrupt(0, dev); +} +#endif + static const struct net_device_ops xennet_netdev_ops = { .ndo_open = xennet_open, .ndo_uninit = xennet_uninit, @@ -1239,6 +1267,9 @@ static const struct net_device_ops xennet_netdev_ops = { .ndo_validate_addr = eth_validate_addr, .ndo_fix_features = xennet_fix_features, .ndo_set_features = xennet_set_features, +#ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER + .ndo_poll_controller = xennet_poll_controller, +#endif }; static struct net_device * __devinit xennet_create_dev(struct xenbus_device *dev) @@ -1248,11 +1279,8 @@ static struct net_device * __devinit xennet_create_dev(struct xenbus_device *dev struct netfront_info *np; netdev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct netfront_info)); - if (!netdev) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s> alloc_etherdev failed.\n", - __func__); + if (!netdev) return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); - } np = netdev_priv(netdev); np->xbdev = dev; @@ -1448,26 +1476,6 @@ static int xen_net_read_mac(struct xenbus_device *dev, u8 mac[]) return 0; } -static irqreturn_t xennet_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) -{ - struct net_device *dev = dev_id; - struct netfront_info *np = netdev_priv(dev); - unsigned long flags; - - spin_lock_irqsave(&np->tx_lock, flags); - - if (likely(netif_carrier_ok(dev))) { - xennet_tx_buf_gc(dev); - /* Under tx_lock: protects access to rx shared-ring indexes. */ - if (RING_HAS_UNCONSUMED_RESPONSES(&np->rx)) - napi_schedule(&np->napi); - } - - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&np->tx_lock, flags); - - return IRQ_HANDLED; -} - static int setup_netfront(struct xenbus_device *dev, struct netfront_info *info) { struct xen_netif_tx_sring *txs; diff --git a/drivers/nfc/nfcwilink.c b/drivers/nfc/nfcwilink.c index 06c3642e5bdb0f1525c6bde54bf2c73058e1b26e..1f74a77d040df4c5b9b93589cf786c4deea12c4d 100644 --- a/drivers/nfc/nfcwilink.c +++ b/drivers/nfc/nfcwilink.c @@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ */ #include #include +#include +#include #include #include #include @@ -40,11 +42,52 @@ #define NFCWILINK_OFFSET_LEN_IN_HDR 1 #define NFCWILINK_LEN_SIZE 2 #define NFCWILINK_REGISTER_TIMEOUT 8000 /* 8 sec */ +#define NFCWILINK_CMD_TIMEOUT 5000 /* 5 sec */ + +#define BTS_FILE_NAME_MAX_SIZE 40 +#define BTS_FILE_HDR_MAGIC 0x42535442 +#define BTS_FILE_CMD_MAX_LEN 0xff +#define BTS_FILE_ACTION_TYPE_SEND_CMD 1 + +#define NCI_VS_NFCC_INFO_CMD_GID 0x2f +#define NCI_VS_NFCC_INFO_CMD_OID 0x12 +#define NCI_VS_NFCC_INFO_RSP_GID 0x4f +#define NCI_VS_NFCC_INFO_RSP_OID 0x12 struct nfcwilink_hdr { - u8 chnl; - u8 opcode; - u16 len; + __u8 chnl; + __u8 opcode; + __le16 len; +} __packed; + +struct nci_vs_nfcc_info_cmd { + __u8 gid; + __u8 oid; + __u8 plen; +} __packed; + +struct nci_vs_nfcc_info_rsp { + __u8 gid; + __u8 oid; + __u8 plen; + __u8 status; + __u8 hw_id; + __u8 sw_ver_x; + __u8 sw_ver_z; + __u8 patch_id; +} __packed; + +struct bts_file_hdr { + __le32 magic; + __le32 ver; + __u8 rfu[24]; + __u8 actions[0]; +} __packed; + +struct bts_file_action { + __le16 type; + __le16 len; + __u8 data[0]; } __packed; struct nfcwilink { @@ -54,14 +97,241 @@ struct nfcwilink { char st_register_cb_status; long (*st_write) (struct sk_buff *); - struct completion st_register_completed; + + struct completion completed; + + struct nci_vs_nfcc_info_rsp nfcc_info; }; /* NFCWILINK driver flags */ enum { NFCWILINK_RUNNING, + NFCWILINK_FW_DOWNLOAD, }; +static int nfcwilink_send(struct sk_buff *skb); + +static inline struct sk_buff *nfcwilink_skb_alloc(unsigned int len, gfp_t how) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb; + + skb = alloc_skb(len + NFCWILINK_HDR_LEN, how); + if (skb) + skb_reserve(skb, NFCWILINK_HDR_LEN); + + return skb; +} + +static void nfcwilink_fw_download_receive(struct nfcwilink *drv, + struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + struct nci_vs_nfcc_info_rsp *rsp = (void *)skb->data; + + /* Detect NCI_VS_NFCC_INFO_RSP and store the result */ + if ((skb->len > 3) && (rsp->gid == NCI_VS_NFCC_INFO_RSP_GID) && + (rsp->oid == NCI_VS_NFCC_INFO_RSP_OID)) { + memcpy(&drv->nfcc_info, rsp, + sizeof(struct nci_vs_nfcc_info_rsp)); + } + + kfree_skb(skb); + + complete(&drv->completed); +} + +static int nfcwilink_get_bts_file_name(struct nfcwilink *drv, char *file_name) +{ + struct nci_vs_nfcc_info_cmd *cmd; + struct sk_buff *skb; + unsigned long comp_ret; + int rc; + + nfc_dev_dbg(&drv->pdev->dev, "get_bts_file_name entry"); + + skb = nfcwilink_skb_alloc(sizeof(struct nci_vs_nfcc_info_cmd), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!skb) { + nfc_dev_err(&drv->pdev->dev, + "no memory for nci_vs_nfcc_info_cmd"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + skb->dev = (void *)drv->ndev; + + cmd = (struct nci_vs_nfcc_info_cmd *) + skb_put(skb, sizeof(struct nci_vs_nfcc_info_cmd)); + cmd->gid = NCI_VS_NFCC_INFO_CMD_GID; + cmd->oid = NCI_VS_NFCC_INFO_CMD_OID; + cmd->plen = 0; + + drv->nfcc_info.plen = 0; + + rc = nfcwilink_send(skb); + if (rc) + return rc; + + comp_ret = wait_for_completion_timeout(&drv->completed, + msecs_to_jiffies(NFCWILINK_CMD_TIMEOUT)); + nfc_dev_dbg(&drv->pdev->dev, "wait_for_completion_timeout returned %ld", + comp_ret); + if (comp_ret == 0) { + nfc_dev_err(&drv->pdev->dev, + "timeout on wait_for_completion_timeout"); + return -ETIMEDOUT; + } + + nfc_dev_dbg(&drv->pdev->dev, "nci_vs_nfcc_info_rsp: plen %d, status %d", + drv->nfcc_info.plen, + drv->nfcc_info.status); + + if ((drv->nfcc_info.plen != 5) || (drv->nfcc_info.status != 0)) { + nfc_dev_err(&drv->pdev->dev, + "invalid nci_vs_nfcc_info_rsp"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + snprintf(file_name, BTS_FILE_NAME_MAX_SIZE, + "TINfcInit_%d.%d.%d.%d.bts", + drv->nfcc_info.hw_id, + drv->nfcc_info.sw_ver_x, + drv->nfcc_info.sw_ver_z, + drv->nfcc_info.patch_id); + + nfc_dev_info(&drv->pdev->dev, "nfcwilink FW file name: %s", file_name); + + return 0; +} + +static int nfcwilink_send_bts_cmd(struct nfcwilink *drv, __u8 *data, int len) +{ + struct nfcwilink_hdr *hdr = (struct nfcwilink_hdr *)data; + struct sk_buff *skb; + unsigned long comp_ret; + int rc; + + nfc_dev_dbg(&drv->pdev->dev, "send_bts_cmd entry"); + + /* verify valid cmd for the NFC channel */ + if ((len <= sizeof(struct nfcwilink_hdr)) || + (len > BTS_FILE_CMD_MAX_LEN) || + (hdr->chnl != NFCWILINK_CHNL) || + (hdr->opcode != NFCWILINK_OPCODE)) { + nfc_dev_err(&drv->pdev->dev, + "ignoring invalid bts cmd, len %d, chnl %d, opcode %d", + len, hdr->chnl, hdr->opcode); + return 0; + } + + /* remove the ST header */ + len -= sizeof(struct nfcwilink_hdr); + data += sizeof(struct nfcwilink_hdr); + + skb = nfcwilink_skb_alloc(len, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!skb) { + nfc_dev_err(&drv->pdev->dev, "no memory for bts cmd"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + skb->dev = (void *)drv->ndev; + + memcpy(skb_put(skb, len), data, len); + + rc = nfcwilink_send(skb); + if (rc) + return rc; + + comp_ret = wait_for_completion_timeout(&drv->completed, + msecs_to_jiffies(NFCWILINK_CMD_TIMEOUT)); + nfc_dev_dbg(&drv->pdev->dev, "wait_for_completion_timeout returned %ld", + comp_ret); + if (comp_ret == 0) { + nfc_dev_err(&drv->pdev->dev, + "timeout on wait_for_completion_timeout"); + return -ETIMEDOUT; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int nfcwilink_download_fw(struct nfcwilink *drv) +{ + unsigned char file_name[BTS_FILE_NAME_MAX_SIZE]; + const struct firmware *fw; + __u16 action_type, action_len; + __u8 *ptr; + int len, rc; + + nfc_dev_dbg(&drv->pdev->dev, "download_fw entry"); + + set_bit(NFCWILINK_FW_DOWNLOAD, &drv->flags); + + rc = nfcwilink_get_bts_file_name(drv, file_name); + if (rc) + goto exit; + + rc = request_firmware(&fw, file_name, &drv->pdev->dev); + if (rc) { + nfc_dev_err(&drv->pdev->dev, "request_firmware failed %d", rc); + + /* if the file is not found, don't exit with failure */ + if (rc == -ENOENT) + rc = 0; + + goto exit; + } + + len = fw->size; + ptr = (__u8 *)fw->data; + + if ((len == 0) || (ptr == NULL)) { + nfc_dev_dbg(&drv->pdev->dev, + "request_firmware returned size %d", len); + goto release_fw; + } + + if (__le32_to_cpu(((struct bts_file_hdr *)ptr)->magic) != + BTS_FILE_HDR_MAGIC) { + nfc_dev_err(&drv->pdev->dev, "wrong bts magic number"); + rc = -EINVAL; + goto release_fw; + } + + /* remove the BTS header */ + len -= sizeof(struct bts_file_hdr); + ptr += sizeof(struct bts_file_hdr); + + while (len > 0) { + action_type = + __le16_to_cpu(((struct bts_file_action *)ptr)->type); + action_len = + __le16_to_cpu(((struct bts_file_action *)ptr)->len); + + nfc_dev_dbg(&drv->pdev->dev, "bts_file_action type %d, len %d", + action_type, action_len); + + switch (action_type) { + case BTS_FILE_ACTION_TYPE_SEND_CMD: + rc = nfcwilink_send_bts_cmd(drv, + ((struct bts_file_action *)ptr)->data, + action_len); + if (rc) + goto release_fw; + break; + } + + /* advance to the next action */ + len -= (sizeof(struct bts_file_action) + action_len); + ptr += (sizeof(struct bts_file_action) + action_len); + } + +release_fw: + release_firmware(fw); + +exit: + clear_bit(NFCWILINK_FW_DOWNLOAD, &drv->flags); + return rc; +} + /* Called by ST when registration is complete */ static void nfcwilink_register_complete(void *priv_data, char data) { @@ -73,7 +343,7 @@ static void nfcwilink_register_complete(void *priv_data, char data) drv->st_register_cb_status = data; /* complete the wait in nfc_st_open() */ - complete(&drv->st_register_completed); + complete(&drv->completed); } /* Called by ST when receive data is available */ @@ -96,6 +366,11 @@ static long nfcwilink_receive(void *priv_data, struct sk_buff *skb) (apart for the chnl byte, which is not received in the hdr) */ skb_pull(skb, (NFCWILINK_HDR_LEN-1)); + if (test_bit(NFCWILINK_FW_DOWNLOAD, &drv->flags)) { + nfcwilink_fw_download_receive(drv, skb); + return 0; + } + skb->dev = (void *) drv->ndev; /* Forward skb to NCI core layer */ @@ -136,14 +411,14 @@ static int nfcwilink_open(struct nci_dev *ndev) nfcwilink_proto.priv_data = drv; - init_completion(&drv->st_register_completed); + init_completion(&drv->completed); drv->st_register_cb_status = -EINPROGRESS; rc = st_register(&nfcwilink_proto); if (rc < 0) { if (rc == -EINPROGRESS) { comp_ret = wait_for_completion_timeout( - &drv->st_register_completed, + &drv->completed, msecs_to_jiffies(NFCWILINK_REGISTER_TIMEOUT)); nfc_dev_dbg(&drv->pdev->dev, @@ -171,6 +446,12 @@ static int nfcwilink_open(struct nci_dev *ndev) BUG_ON(nfcwilink_proto.write == NULL); drv->st_write = nfcwilink_proto.write; + if (nfcwilink_download_fw(drv)) { + nfc_dev_err(&drv->pdev->dev, "nfcwilink_download_fw failed %d", + rc); + /* open should succeed, even if the FW download failed */ + } + goto exit; clear_exit: @@ -208,11 +489,13 @@ static int nfcwilink_send(struct sk_buff *skb) nfc_dev_dbg(&drv->pdev->dev, "send entry, len %d", skb->len); - if (!test_bit(NFCWILINK_RUNNING, &drv->flags)) - return -EBUSY; + if (!test_bit(NFCWILINK_RUNNING, &drv->flags)) { + kfree_skb(skb); + return -EINVAL; + } /* add the ST hdr to the start of the buffer */ - hdr.len = skb->len; + hdr.len = cpu_to_le16(skb->len); memcpy(skb_push(skb, NFCWILINK_HDR_LEN), &hdr, NFCWILINK_HDR_LEN); /* Insert skb to shared transport layer's transmit queue. @@ -239,7 +522,7 @@ static int nfcwilink_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) { static struct nfcwilink *drv; int rc; - u32 protocols; + __u32 protocols; nfc_dev_dbg(&pdev->dev, "probe entry"); diff --git a/drivers/nfc/pn533.c b/drivers/nfc/pn533.c index 1a1500bc845233dc1537ea2b05c35379c33907e5..cb6204f783002dc3ddcc79adebcc79fa61cc4392 100644 --- a/drivers/nfc/pn533.c +++ b/drivers/nfc/pn533.c @@ -736,6 +736,8 @@ static int pn533_target_found_type_a(struct nfc_target *nfc_tgt, u8 *tgt_data, nfc_tgt->sens_res = be16_to_cpu(tgt_type_a->sens_res); nfc_tgt->sel_res = tgt_type_a->sel_res; + nfc_tgt->nfcid1_len = tgt_type_a->nfcid_len; + memcpy(nfc_tgt->nfcid1, tgt_type_a->nfcid_data, nfc_tgt->nfcid1_len); return 0; } @@ -781,6 +783,9 @@ static int pn533_target_found_felica(struct nfc_target *nfc_tgt, u8 *tgt_data, else nfc_tgt->supported_protocols = NFC_PROTO_FELICA_MASK; + memcpy(nfc_tgt->sensf_res, &tgt_felica->opcode, 9); + nfc_tgt->sensf_res_len = 9; + return 0; } @@ -823,6 +828,8 @@ static int pn533_target_found_jewel(struct nfc_target *nfc_tgt, u8 *tgt_data, nfc_tgt->supported_protocols = NFC_PROTO_JEWEL_MASK; nfc_tgt->sens_res = be16_to_cpu(tgt_jewel->sens_res); + nfc_tgt->nfcid1_len = 4; + memcpy(nfc_tgt->nfcid1, tgt_jewel->jewelid, nfc_tgt->nfcid1_len); return 0; } @@ -902,6 +909,8 @@ static int pn533_target_found(struct pn533 *dev, if (resp->tg != 1) return -EPROTO; + memset(&nfc_tgt, 0, sizeof(struct nfc_target)); + target_data_len = resp_len - sizeof(struct pn533_poll_response); switch (dev->poll_mod_curr) { @@ -1307,6 +1316,8 @@ static int pn533_in_dep_link_up_complete(struct pn533 *dev, void *arg, nfc_dev_dbg(&dev->interface->dev, "Creating new target"); nfc_target.supported_protocols = NFC_PROTO_NFC_DEP_MASK; + nfc_target.nfcid1_len = 10; + memcpy(nfc_target.nfcid1, resp->nfcid3t, nfc_target.nfcid1_len); rc = nfc_targets_found(dev->nfc_dev, &nfc_target, 1); if (rc) return 0; @@ -1329,21 +1340,15 @@ static int pn533_in_dep_link_up_complete(struct pn533 *dev, void *arg, } static int pn533_dep_link_up(struct nfc_dev *nfc_dev, int target_idx, - u8 comm_mode, u8 rf_mode) + u8 comm_mode, u8* gb, size_t gb_len) { struct pn533 *dev = nfc_get_drvdata(nfc_dev); struct pn533_cmd_jump_dep *cmd; - u8 cmd_len, local_gt_len, *local_gt; + u8 cmd_len; int rc; nfc_dev_dbg(&dev->interface->dev, "%s", __func__); - if (rf_mode == NFC_RF_TARGET) { - nfc_dev_err(&dev->interface->dev, "Target mode not supported"); - return -EOPNOTSUPP; - } - - if (dev->poll_mod_count) { nfc_dev_err(&dev->interface->dev, "Cannot bring the DEP link up while polling"); @@ -1356,11 +1361,7 @@ static int pn533_dep_link_up(struct nfc_dev *nfc_dev, int target_idx, return -EBUSY; } - local_gt = nfc_get_local_general_bytes(dev->nfc_dev, &local_gt_len); - if (local_gt_len > NFC_MAX_GT_LEN) - return -EINVAL; - - cmd_len = sizeof(struct pn533_cmd_jump_dep) + local_gt_len; + cmd_len = sizeof(struct pn533_cmd_jump_dep) + gb_len; cmd = kzalloc(cmd_len, GFP_KERNEL); if (cmd == NULL) return -ENOMEM; @@ -1369,9 +1370,9 @@ static int pn533_dep_link_up(struct nfc_dev *nfc_dev, int target_idx, cmd->active = !comm_mode; cmd->baud = 0; - if (local_gt != NULL) { + if (gb != NULL && gb_len > 0) { cmd->next = 4; /* We have some Gi */ - memcpy(cmd->gt, local_gt, local_gt_len); + memcpy(cmd->gt, gb, gb_len); } else { cmd->next = 0; } diff --git a/drivers/pci/quirks.c b/drivers/pci/quirks.c index 64765474676f6ddd37f893cac1be69d1c07bed91..f722c5f6951aba99929d7dd3d12b6fcd0f8f05d3 100644 --- a/drivers/pci/quirks.c +++ b/drivers/pci/quirks.c @@ -2161,6 +2161,24 @@ DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_FINAL(PCI_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM, PCI_DEVICE_ID_NX2_5709S, quirk_brcm_570x_limit_vpd); +static void __devinit quirk_brcm_5719_limit_mrrs(struct pci_dev *dev) +{ + u32 rev; + + pci_read_config_dword(dev, 0xf4, &rev); + + /* Only CAP the MRRS if the device is a 5719 A0 */ + if (rev == 0x05719000) { + int readrq = pcie_get_readrq(dev); + if (readrq > 2048) + pcie_set_readrq(dev, 2048); + } +} + +DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_ENABLE(PCI_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM, + PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5719, + quirk_brcm_5719_limit_mrrs); + /* Originally in EDAC sources for i82875P: * Intel tells BIOS developers to hide device 6 which * configures the overflow device access containing diff --git a/drivers/ptp/Kconfig b/drivers/ptp/Kconfig index 68d720102296d6db01ff5d98dac0944b64a9c926..cd9bc3b129bc7fde6e07066ad28925fec4c6304b 100644 --- a/drivers/ptp/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/ptp/Kconfig @@ -72,4 +72,17 @@ config DP83640_PHY In order for this to work, your MAC driver must also implement the skb_tx_timetamp() function. +config PTP_1588_CLOCK_PCH + tristate "Intel PCH EG20T as PTP clock" + depends on PTP_1588_CLOCK + depends on PCH_GBE + help + This driver adds support for using the PCH EG20T as a PTP + clock. This clock is only useful if your PTP programs are + getting hardware time stamps on the PTP Ethernet packets + using the SO_TIMESTAMPING API. + + To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module + will be called ptp_pch. + endmenu diff --git a/drivers/ptp/Makefile b/drivers/ptp/Makefile index f6933e83de724679d2c62948a7452ddead1a3683..8b58597298de392fa2ded9c8f5d3401e2932182d 100644 --- a/drivers/ptp/Makefile +++ b/drivers/ptp/Makefile @@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ ptp-y := ptp_clock.o ptp_chardev.o ptp_sysfs.o obj-$(CONFIG_PTP_1588_CLOCK) += ptp.o obj-$(CONFIG_PTP_1588_CLOCK_IXP46X) += ptp_ixp46x.o +obj-$(CONFIG_PTP_1588_CLOCK_PCH) += ptp_pch.o diff --git a/drivers/ptp/ptp_clock.c b/drivers/ptp/ptp_clock.c index 10451a15e8284f33be26996363c5ffd6c79ad56a..f519a131238d7df6a38cd7326c36f2f2cc4369d7 100644 --- a/drivers/ptp/ptp_clock.c +++ b/drivers/ptp/ptp_clock.c @@ -340,6 +340,6 @@ static int __init ptp_init(void) subsys_initcall(ptp_init); module_exit(ptp_exit); -MODULE_AUTHOR("Richard Cochran "); +MODULE_AUTHOR("Richard Cochran "); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("PTP clocks support"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/ptp/ptp_ixp46x.c b/drivers/ptp/ptp_ixp46x.c index 803d665b15efa2e225171191ce6ffd7fd41ca2d7..6f2782bb5f41e036ac9b66c06eb6e9df9169db55 100644 --- a/drivers/ptp/ptp_ixp46x.c +++ b/drivers/ptp/ptp_ixp46x.c @@ -327,6 +327,6 @@ static int __init ptp_ixp_init(void) module_init(ptp_ixp_init); module_exit(ptp_ixp_exit); -MODULE_AUTHOR("Richard Cochran "); +MODULE_AUTHOR("Richard Cochran "); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("PTP clock using the IXP46X timer"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/ptp/ptp_pch.c b/drivers/ptp/ptp_pch.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..375eb04c16ea4833d0858c0497b784ea475cbf37 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/ptp/ptp_pch.c @@ -0,0 +1,730 @@ +/* + * PTP 1588 clock using the EG20T PCH + * + * Copyright (C) 2010 OMICRON electronics GmbH + * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 LAPIS SEMICONDUCTOR Co., LTD. + * + * This code was derived from the IXP46X driver. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#define STATION_ADDR_LEN 20 +#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_PCH_1588 0x8819 +#define IO_MEM_BAR 1 + +#define DEFAULT_ADDEND 0xA0000000 +#define TICKS_NS_SHIFT 5 +#define N_EXT_TS 2 + +enum pch_status { + PCH_SUCCESS, + PCH_INVALIDPARAM, + PCH_NOTIMESTAMP, + PCH_INTERRUPTMODEINUSE, + PCH_FAILED, + PCH_UNSUPPORTED, +}; +/** + * struct pch_ts_regs - IEEE 1588 registers + */ +struct pch_ts_regs { + u32 control; + u32 event; + u32 addend; + u32 accum; + u32 test; + u32 ts_compare; + u32 rsystime_lo; + u32 rsystime_hi; + u32 systime_lo; + u32 systime_hi; + u32 trgt_lo; + u32 trgt_hi; + u32 asms_lo; + u32 asms_hi; + u32 amms_lo; + u32 amms_hi; + u32 ch_control; + u32 ch_event; + u32 tx_snap_lo; + u32 tx_snap_hi; + u32 rx_snap_lo; + u32 rx_snap_hi; + u32 src_uuid_lo; + u32 src_uuid_hi; + u32 can_status; + u32 can_snap_lo; + u32 can_snap_hi; + u32 ts_sel; + u32 ts_st[6]; + u32 reserve1[14]; + u32 stl_max_set_en; + u32 stl_max_set; + u32 reserve2[13]; + u32 srst; +}; + +#define PCH_TSC_RESET (1 << 0) +#define PCH_TSC_TTM_MASK (1 << 1) +#define PCH_TSC_ASMS_MASK (1 << 2) +#define PCH_TSC_AMMS_MASK (1 << 3) +#define PCH_TSC_PPSM_MASK (1 << 4) +#define PCH_TSE_TTIPEND (1 << 1) +#define PCH_TSE_SNS (1 << 2) +#define PCH_TSE_SNM (1 << 3) +#define PCH_TSE_PPS (1 << 4) +#define PCH_CC_MM (1 << 0) +#define PCH_CC_TA (1 << 1) + +#define PCH_CC_MODE_SHIFT 16 +#define PCH_CC_MODE_MASK 0x001F0000 +#define PCH_CC_VERSION (1 << 31) +#define PCH_CE_TXS (1 << 0) +#define PCH_CE_RXS (1 << 1) +#define PCH_CE_OVR (1 << 0) +#define PCH_CE_VAL (1 << 1) +#define PCH_ECS_ETH (1 << 0) + +#define PCH_ECS_CAN (1 << 1) +#define PCH_STATION_BYTES 6 + +#define PCH_IEEE1588_ETH (1 << 0) +#define PCH_IEEE1588_CAN (1 << 1) +/** + * struct pch_dev - Driver private data + */ +struct pch_dev { + struct pch_ts_regs *regs; + struct ptp_clock *ptp_clock; + struct ptp_clock_info caps; + int exts0_enabled; + int exts1_enabled; + + u32 mem_base; + u32 mem_size; + u32 irq; + struct pci_dev *pdev; + spinlock_t register_lock; +}; + +/** + * struct pch_params - 1588 module parameter + */ +struct pch_params { + u8 station[STATION_ADDR_LEN]; +}; + +/* structure to hold the module parameters */ +static struct pch_params pch_param = { + "00:00:00:00:00:00" +}; + +/* + * Register access functions + */ +static inline void pch_eth_enable_set(struct pch_dev *chip) +{ + u32 val; + /* SET the eth_enable bit */ + val = ioread32(&chip->regs->ts_sel) | (PCH_ECS_ETH); + iowrite32(val, (&chip->regs->ts_sel)); +} + +static u64 pch_systime_read(struct pch_ts_regs *regs) +{ + u64 ns; + u32 lo, hi; + + lo = ioread32(®s->systime_lo); + hi = ioread32(®s->systime_hi); + + ns = ((u64) hi) << 32; + ns |= lo; + ns <<= TICKS_NS_SHIFT; + + return ns; +} + +static void pch_systime_write(struct pch_ts_regs *regs, u64 ns) +{ + u32 hi, lo; + + ns >>= TICKS_NS_SHIFT; + hi = ns >> 32; + lo = ns & 0xffffffff; + + iowrite32(lo, ®s->systime_lo); + iowrite32(hi, ®s->systime_hi); +} + +static inline void pch_block_reset(struct pch_dev *chip) +{ + u32 val; + /* Reset Hardware Assist block */ + val = ioread32(&chip->regs->control) | PCH_TSC_RESET; + iowrite32(val, (&chip->regs->control)); + val = val & ~PCH_TSC_RESET; + iowrite32(val, (&chip->regs->control)); +} + +u32 pch_ch_control_read(struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + struct pch_dev *chip = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + u32 val; + + val = ioread32(&chip->regs->ch_control); + + return val; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(pch_ch_control_read); + +void pch_ch_control_write(struct pci_dev *pdev, u32 val) +{ + struct pch_dev *chip = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + + iowrite32(val, (&chip->regs->ch_control)); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(pch_ch_control_write); + +u32 pch_ch_event_read(struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + struct pch_dev *chip = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + u32 val; + + val = ioread32(&chip->regs->ch_event); + + return val; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(pch_ch_event_read); + +void pch_ch_event_write(struct pci_dev *pdev, u32 val) +{ + struct pch_dev *chip = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + + iowrite32(val, (&chip->regs->ch_event)); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(pch_ch_event_write); + +u32 pch_src_uuid_lo_read(struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + struct pch_dev *chip = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + u32 val; + + val = ioread32(&chip->regs->src_uuid_lo); + + return val; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(pch_src_uuid_lo_read); + +u32 pch_src_uuid_hi_read(struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + struct pch_dev *chip = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + u32 val; + + val = ioread32(&chip->regs->src_uuid_hi); + + return val; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(pch_src_uuid_hi_read); + +u64 pch_rx_snap_read(struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + struct pch_dev *chip = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + u64 ns; + u32 lo, hi; + + lo = ioread32(&chip->regs->rx_snap_lo); + hi = ioread32(&chip->regs->rx_snap_hi); + + ns = ((u64) hi) << 32; + ns |= lo; + + return ns; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(pch_rx_snap_read); + +u64 pch_tx_snap_read(struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + struct pch_dev *chip = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + u64 ns; + u32 lo, hi; + + lo = ioread32(&chip->regs->tx_snap_lo); + hi = ioread32(&chip->regs->tx_snap_hi); + + ns = ((u64) hi) << 32; + ns |= lo; + + return ns; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(pch_tx_snap_read); + +/* This function enables all 64 bits in system time registers [high & low]. +This is a work-around for non continuous value in the SystemTime Register*/ +static void pch_set_system_time_count(struct pch_dev *chip) +{ + iowrite32(0x01, &chip->regs->stl_max_set_en); + iowrite32(0xFFFFFFFF, &chip->regs->stl_max_set); + iowrite32(0x00, &chip->regs->stl_max_set_en); +} + +static void pch_reset(struct pch_dev *chip) +{ + /* Reset Hardware Assist */ + pch_block_reset(chip); + + /* enable all 32 bits in system time registers */ + pch_set_system_time_count(chip); +} + +/** + * pch_set_station_address() - This API sets the station address used by + * IEEE 1588 hardware when looking at PTP + * traffic on the ethernet interface + * @addr: dress which contain the column separated address to be used. + */ +static int pch_set_station_address(u8 *addr, struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + s32 i; + struct pch_dev *chip = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + + /* Verify the parameter */ + if ((chip->regs == 0) || addr == (u8 *)NULL) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, + "invalid params returning PCH_INVALIDPARAM\n"); + return PCH_INVALIDPARAM; + } + /* For all station address bytes */ + for (i = 0; i < PCH_STATION_BYTES; i++) { + u32 val; + s32 tmp; + + tmp = hex_to_bin(addr[i * 3]); + if (tmp < 0) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, + "invalid params returning PCH_INVALIDPARAM\n"); + return PCH_INVALIDPARAM; + } + val = tmp * 16; + tmp = hex_to_bin(addr[(i * 3) + 1]); + if (tmp < 0) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, + "invalid params returning PCH_INVALIDPARAM\n"); + return PCH_INVALIDPARAM; + } + val += tmp; + /* Expects ':' separated addresses */ + if ((i < 5) && (addr[(i * 3) + 2] != ':')) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, + "invalid params returning PCH_INVALIDPARAM\n"); + return PCH_INVALIDPARAM; + } + + /* Ideally we should set the address only after validating + entire string */ + dev_dbg(&pdev->dev, "invoking pch_station_set\n"); + iowrite32(val, &chip->regs->ts_st[i]); + } + return 0; +} + +/* + * Interrupt service routine + */ +static irqreturn_t isr(int irq, void *priv) +{ + struct pch_dev *pch_dev = priv; + struct pch_ts_regs *regs = pch_dev->regs; + struct ptp_clock_event event; + u32 ack = 0, lo, hi, val; + + val = ioread32(®s->event); + + if (val & PCH_TSE_SNS) { + ack |= PCH_TSE_SNS; + if (pch_dev->exts0_enabled) { + hi = ioread32(®s->asms_hi); + lo = ioread32(®s->asms_lo); + event.type = PTP_CLOCK_EXTTS; + event.index = 0; + event.timestamp = ((u64) hi) << 32; + event.timestamp |= lo; + event.timestamp <<= TICKS_NS_SHIFT; + ptp_clock_event(pch_dev->ptp_clock, &event); + } + } + + if (val & PCH_TSE_SNM) { + ack |= PCH_TSE_SNM; + if (pch_dev->exts1_enabled) { + hi = ioread32(®s->amms_hi); + lo = ioread32(®s->amms_lo); + event.type = PTP_CLOCK_EXTTS; + event.index = 1; + event.timestamp = ((u64) hi) << 32; + event.timestamp |= lo; + event.timestamp <<= TICKS_NS_SHIFT; + ptp_clock_event(pch_dev->ptp_clock, &event); + } + } + + if (val & PCH_TSE_TTIPEND) + ack |= PCH_TSE_TTIPEND; /* this bit seems to be always set */ + + if (ack) { + iowrite32(ack, ®s->event); + return IRQ_HANDLED; + } else + return IRQ_NONE; +} + +/* + * PTP clock operations + */ + +static int ptp_pch_adjfreq(struct ptp_clock_info *ptp, s32 ppb) +{ + u64 adj; + u32 diff, addend; + int neg_adj = 0; + struct pch_dev *pch_dev = container_of(ptp, struct pch_dev, caps); + struct pch_ts_regs *regs = pch_dev->regs; + + if (ppb < 0) { + neg_adj = 1; + ppb = -ppb; + } + addend = DEFAULT_ADDEND; + adj = addend; + adj *= ppb; + diff = div_u64(adj, 1000000000ULL); + + addend = neg_adj ? addend - diff : addend + diff; + + iowrite32(addend, ®s->addend); + + return 0; +} + +static int ptp_pch_adjtime(struct ptp_clock_info *ptp, s64 delta) +{ + s64 now; + unsigned long flags; + struct pch_dev *pch_dev = container_of(ptp, struct pch_dev, caps); + struct pch_ts_regs *regs = pch_dev->regs; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&pch_dev->register_lock, flags); + now = pch_systime_read(regs); + now += delta; + pch_systime_write(regs, now); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pch_dev->register_lock, flags); + + return 0; +} + +static int ptp_pch_gettime(struct ptp_clock_info *ptp, struct timespec *ts) +{ + u64 ns; + u32 remainder; + unsigned long flags; + struct pch_dev *pch_dev = container_of(ptp, struct pch_dev, caps); + struct pch_ts_regs *regs = pch_dev->regs; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&pch_dev->register_lock, flags); + ns = pch_systime_read(regs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pch_dev->register_lock, flags); + + ts->tv_sec = div_u64_rem(ns, 1000000000, &remainder); + ts->tv_nsec = remainder; + return 0; +} + +static int ptp_pch_settime(struct ptp_clock_info *ptp, + const struct timespec *ts) +{ + u64 ns; + unsigned long flags; + struct pch_dev *pch_dev = container_of(ptp, struct pch_dev, caps); + struct pch_ts_regs *regs = pch_dev->regs; + + ns = ts->tv_sec * 1000000000ULL; + ns += ts->tv_nsec; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&pch_dev->register_lock, flags); + pch_systime_write(regs, ns); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pch_dev->register_lock, flags); + + return 0; +} + +static int ptp_pch_enable(struct ptp_clock_info *ptp, + struct ptp_clock_request *rq, int on) +{ + struct pch_dev *pch_dev = container_of(ptp, struct pch_dev, caps); + + switch (rq->type) { + case PTP_CLK_REQ_EXTTS: + switch (rq->extts.index) { + case 0: + pch_dev->exts0_enabled = on ? 1 : 0; + break; + case 1: + pch_dev->exts1_enabled = on ? 1 : 0; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + return 0; + default: + break; + } + + return -EOPNOTSUPP; +} + +static struct ptp_clock_info ptp_pch_caps = { + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .name = "PCH timer", + .max_adj = 50000000, + .n_ext_ts = N_EXT_TS, + .pps = 0, + .adjfreq = ptp_pch_adjfreq, + .adjtime = ptp_pch_adjtime, + .gettime = ptp_pch_gettime, + .settime = ptp_pch_settime, + .enable = ptp_pch_enable, +}; + + +#ifdef CONFIG_PM +static s32 pch_suspend(struct pci_dev *pdev, pm_message_t state) +{ + pci_disable_device(pdev); + pci_enable_wake(pdev, PCI_D3hot, 0); + + if (pci_save_state(pdev) != 0) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "could not save PCI config state\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + pci_set_power_state(pdev, pci_choose_state(pdev, state)); + + return 0; +} + +static s32 pch_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + s32 ret; + + pci_set_power_state(pdev, PCI_D0); + pci_restore_state(pdev); + ret = pci_enable_device(pdev); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "pci_enable_device failed\n"); + return ret; + } + pci_enable_wake(pdev, PCI_D3hot, 0); + return 0; +} +#else +#define pch_suspend NULL +#define pch_resume NULL +#endif + +static void __devexit pch_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + struct pch_dev *chip = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + + ptp_clock_unregister(chip->ptp_clock); + /* free the interrupt */ + if (pdev->irq != 0) + free_irq(pdev->irq, chip); + + /* unmap the virtual IO memory space */ + if (chip->regs != 0) { + iounmap(chip->regs); + chip->regs = 0; + } + /* release the reserved IO memory space */ + if (chip->mem_base != 0) { + release_mem_region(chip->mem_base, chip->mem_size); + chip->mem_base = 0; + } + pci_disable_device(pdev); + kfree(chip); + dev_info(&pdev->dev, "complete\n"); +} + +static s32 __devinit +pch_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *id) +{ + s32 ret; + unsigned long flags; + struct pch_dev *chip; + + chip = kzalloc(sizeof(struct pch_dev), GFP_KERNEL); + if (chip == NULL) + return -ENOMEM; + + /* enable the 1588 pci device */ + ret = pci_enable_device(pdev); + if (ret != 0) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "could not enable the pci device\n"); + goto err_pci_en; + } + + chip->mem_base = pci_resource_start(pdev, IO_MEM_BAR); + if (!chip->mem_base) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "could not locate IO memory address\n"); + ret = -ENODEV; + goto err_pci_start; + } + + /* retrieve the available length of the IO memory space */ + chip->mem_size = pci_resource_len(pdev, IO_MEM_BAR); + + /* allocate the memory for the device registers */ + if (!request_mem_region(chip->mem_base, chip->mem_size, "1588_regs")) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, + "could not allocate register memory space\n"); + ret = -EBUSY; + goto err_req_mem_region; + } + + /* get the virtual address to the 1588 registers */ + chip->regs = ioremap(chip->mem_base, chip->mem_size); + + if (!chip->regs) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Could not get virtual address\n"); + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto err_ioremap; + } + + chip->caps = ptp_pch_caps; + chip->ptp_clock = ptp_clock_register(&chip->caps); + + if (IS_ERR(chip->ptp_clock)) + return PTR_ERR(chip->ptp_clock); + + spin_lock_init(&chip->register_lock); + + ret = request_irq(pdev->irq, &isr, IRQF_SHARED, KBUILD_MODNAME, chip); + if (ret != 0) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "failed to get irq %d\n", pdev->irq); + goto err_req_irq; + } + + /* indicate success */ + chip->irq = pdev->irq; + chip->pdev = pdev; + pci_set_drvdata(pdev, chip); + + spin_lock_irqsave(&chip->register_lock, flags); + /* reset the ieee1588 h/w */ + pch_reset(chip); + + iowrite32(DEFAULT_ADDEND, &chip->regs->addend); + iowrite32(1, &chip->regs->trgt_lo); + iowrite32(0, &chip->regs->trgt_hi); + iowrite32(PCH_TSE_TTIPEND, &chip->regs->event); + /* Version: IEEE1588 v1 and IEEE1588-2008, Mode: All Evwnt, Locked */ + iowrite32(0x80020000, &chip->regs->ch_control); + + pch_eth_enable_set(chip); + + if (strcmp(pch_param.station, "00:00:00:00:00:00") != 0) { + if (pch_set_station_address(pch_param.station, pdev) != 0) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, + "Invalid station address parameter\n" + "Module loaded but station address not set correctly\n" + ); + } + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&chip->register_lock, flags); + return 0; + +err_req_irq: + ptp_clock_unregister(chip->ptp_clock); + iounmap(chip->regs); + chip->regs = 0; + +err_ioremap: + release_mem_region(chip->mem_base, chip->mem_size); + +err_req_mem_region: + chip->mem_base = 0; + +err_pci_start: + pci_disable_device(pdev); + +err_pci_en: + kfree(chip); + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "probe failed(ret=0x%x)\n", ret); + + return ret; +} + +static DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE(pch_ieee1588_pcidev_id) = { + { + .vendor = PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, + .device = PCI_DEVICE_ID_PCH_1588 + }, + {0} +}; + +static struct pci_driver pch_driver = { + .name = KBUILD_MODNAME, + .id_table = pch_ieee1588_pcidev_id, + .probe = pch_probe, + .remove = pch_remove, + .suspend = pch_suspend, + .resume = pch_resume, +}; + +static void __exit ptp_pch_exit(void) +{ + pci_unregister_driver(&pch_driver); +} + +static s32 __init ptp_pch_init(void) +{ + s32 ret; + + /* register the driver with the pci core */ + ret = pci_register_driver(&pch_driver); + + return ret; +} + +module_init(ptp_pch_init); +module_exit(ptp_pch_exit); + +module_param_string(station, pch_param.station, sizeof pch_param.station, 0444); +MODULE_PARM_DESC(station, + "IEEE 1588 station address to use - column separated hex values"); + +MODULE_AUTHOR("LAPIS SEMICONDUCTOR, "); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("PTP clock using the EG20T timer"); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/s390/net/ctcm_fsms.c b/drivers/s390/net/ctcm_fsms.c index 2d602207541b20a95ed590c4186e2705cf7c077a..a69766900a17badf80952614a89182a915aba7fa 100644 --- a/drivers/s390/net/ctcm_fsms.c +++ b/drivers/s390/net/ctcm_fsms.c @@ -1341,6 +1341,12 @@ static void ctcmpc_chx_txdone(fsm_instance *fi, int event, void *arg) spin_unlock(&ch->collect_lock); clear_normalized_cda(&ch->ccw[1]); + + CTCM_PR_DBGDATA("ccwcda=0x%p data=0x%p\n", + (void *)(unsigned long)ch->ccw[1].cda, + ch->trans_skb->data); + ch->ccw[1].count = ch->max_bufsize; + if (set_normalized_cda(&ch->ccw[1], ch->trans_skb->data)) { dev_kfree_skb_any(ch->trans_skb); ch->trans_skb = NULL; @@ -1350,6 +1356,11 @@ static void ctcmpc_chx_txdone(fsm_instance *fi, int event, void *arg) fsm_event(priv->mpcg->fsm, MPCG_EVENT_INOP, dev); return; } + + CTCM_PR_DBGDATA("ccwcda=0x%p data=0x%p\n", + (void *)(unsigned long)ch->ccw[1].cda, + ch->trans_skb->data); + ch->ccw[1].count = ch->trans_skb->len; fsm_addtimer(&ch->timer, CTCM_TIME_5_SEC, CTC_EVENT_TIMER, ch); ch->prof.send_stamp = current_kernel_time(); /* xtime */ diff --git a/drivers/s390/net/ctcm_main.c b/drivers/s390/net/ctcm_main.c index 5cb93a8e340326b5a23a4d6e3c3e64a75b09749b..11f3b071f30539abd07001c25b09f9213fb6effa 100644 --- a/drivers/s390/net/ctcm_main.c +++ b/drivers/s390/net/ctcm_main.c @@ -562,6 +562,9 @@ static int ctcm_transmit_skb(struct channel *ch, struct sk_buff *skb) skb_queue_tail(&ch->io_queue, skb); ccw_idx = 3; } + if (do_debug_ccw) + ctcmpc_dumpit((char *)&ch->ccw[ccw_idx], + sizeof(struct ccw1) * 3); ch->retry = 0; fsm_newstate(ch->fsm, CTC_STATE_TX); fsm_addtimer(&ch->timer, CTCM_TIME_5_SEC, CTC_EVENT_TIMER, ch); diff --git a/drivers/s390/net/ctcm_mpc.c b/drivers/s390/net/ctcm_mpc.c index da4c747335e7ca448f5c69d803ba7dd898242df1..ac7975b7a837a9a3db240787d162e57d0fe26e17 100644 --- a/drivers/s390/net/ctcm_mpc.c +++ b/drivers/s390/net/ctcm_mpc.c @@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ #include #include -#include "ctcm_mpc.h" #include "ctcm_main.h" +#include "ctcm_mpc.h" #include "ctcm_fsms.h" static const struct xid2 init_xid = { @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ void ctcmpc_dumpit(char *buf, int len) __u32 ct, sw, rm, dup; char *ptr, *rptr; char tbuf[82], tdup[82]; - #if (UTS_MACHINE == s390x) + #ifdef CONFIG_64BIT char addr[22]; #else char addr[12]; @@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ void ctcmpc_dumpit(char *buf, int len) for (ct = 0; ct < len; ct++, ptr++, rptr++) { if (sw == 0) { - #if (UTS_MACHINE == s390x) - sprintf(addr, "%16.16lx", (__u64)rptr); + #ifdef CONFIG_64BIT + sprintf(addr, "%16.16llx", (__u64)rptr); #else sprintf(addr, "%8.8X", (__u32)rptr); #endif @@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ void ctcmpc_dumpit(char *buf, int len) if (sw == 8) strcat(bhex, " "); - #if (UTS_MACHINE == s390x) - sprintf(tbuf, "%2.2lX", (__u64)*ptr); + #if CONFIG_64BIT + sprintf(tbuf, "%2.2llX", (__u64)*ptr); #else sprintf(tbuf, "%2.2X", (__u32)*ptr); #endif diff --git a/drivers/s390/net/lcs.c b/drivers/s390/net/lcs.c index 863fc2197155c36c0f956cd9d3bb7781d8b46778..687efe4d589a517274687e17ae45f0d32d9739f6 100644 --- a/drivers/s390/net/lcs.c +++ b/drivers/s390/net/lcs.c @@ -2240,7 +2240,7 @@ __lcs_shutdown_device(struct ccwgroup_device *ccwgdev, int recovery_mode) { struct lcs_card *card; enum lcs_dev_states recover_state; - int ret; + int ret = 0, ret2 = 0, ret3 = 0; LCS_DBF_TEXT(3, setup, "shtdndev"); card = dev_get_drvdata(&ccwgdev->dev); @@ -2255,13 +2255,15 @@ __lcs_shutdown_device(struct ccwgroup_device *ccwgdev, int recovery_mode) recover_state = card->state; ret = lcs_stop_device(card->dev); - ret = ccw_device_set_offline(card->read.ccwdev); - ret = ccw_device_set_offline(card->write.ccwdev); + ret2 = ccw_device_set_offline(card->read.ccwdev); + ret3 = ccw_device_set_offline(card->write.ccwdev); + if (!ret) + ret = (ret2) ? ret2 : ret3; + if (ret) + LCS_DBF_TEXT_(3, setup, "1err:%d", ret); if (recover_state == DEV_STATE_UP) { card->state = DEV_STATE_RECOVER; } - if (ret) - return ret; return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/s390/net/qeth_core.h b/drivers/s390/net/qeth_core.h index 4abc79d3963f86ee2dc7dfd14c1fb240bf2eb540..ec7921b5138eeeab2ffa6475d0cd8423a7048f9a 100644 --- a/drivers/s390/net/qeth_core.h +++ b/drivers/s390/net/qeth_core.h @@ -906,6 +906,7 @@ void qeth_prepare_ipa_cmd(struct qeth_card *, struct qeth_cmd_buffer *, char); struct qeth_cmd_buffer *qeth_wait_for_buffer(struct qeth_channel *); int qeth_mdio_read(struct net_device *, int, int); int qeth_snmp_command(struct qeth_card *, char __user *); +int qeth_query_oat_command(struct qeth_card *, char __user *); struct qeth_cmd_buffer *qeth_get_adapter_cmd(struct qeth_card *, __u32, __u32); int qeth_default_setadapterparms_cb(struct qeth_card *, struct qeth_reply *, unsigned long); diff --git a/drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_main.c b/drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_main.c index 9c3f38da4c01f7b9996c4d44feb7c53423fd4e23..120955c66410faf8e4c8254baebba15895d38aa9 100644 --- a/drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_main.c +++ b/drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_main.c @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include "qeth_core.h" @@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ static struct kmem_cache *qeth_qdio_outbuf_cache; static struct device *qeth_core_root_dev; static unsigned int known_devices[][6] = QETH_MODELLIST_ARRAY; static struct lock_class_key qdio_out_skb_queue_key; +static struct mutex qeth_mod_mutex; static void qeth_send_control_data_cb(struct qeth_channel *, struct qeth_cmd_buffer *); @@ -677,6 +679,7 @@ void qeth_release_buffer(struct qeth_channel *channel, iob->callback = qeth_send_control_data_cb; iob->rc = 0; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&channel->iob_lock, flags); + wake_up(&channel->wait_q); } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(qeth_release_buffer); @@ -2942,8 +2945,8 @@ static int qeth_query_ipassists_cb(struct qeth_card *card, card->options.ipa6.enabled_funcs = cmd->hdr.ipa_enabled; } QETH_DBF_TEXT(SETUP, 2, "suppenbl"); - QETH_DBF_TEXT_(SETUP, 2, "%x", cmd->hdr.ipa_supported); - QETH_DBF_TEXT_(SETUP, 2, "%x", cmd->hdr.ipa_enabled); + QETH_DBF_TEXT_(SETUP, 2, "%08x", (__u32)cmd->hdr.ipa_supported); + QETH_DBF_TEXT_(SETUP, 2, "%08x", (__u32)cmd->hdr.ipa_enabled); return 0; } @@ -4319,7 +4322,7 @@ static int qeth_snmp_command_cb(struct qeth_card *card, /* check if there is enough room in userspace */ if ((qinfo->udata_len - qinfo->udata_offset) < data_len) { QETH_CARD_TEXT_(card, 4, "scer3%i", -ENOMEM); - cmd->hdr.return_code = -ENOMEM; + cmd->hdr.return_code = IPA_RC_ENOMEM; return 0; } QETH_CARD_TEXT_(card, 4, "snore%i", @@ -4402,6 +4405,104 @@ int qeth_snmp_command(struct qeth_card *card, char __user *udata) } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(qeth_snmp_command); +static int qeth_setadpparms_query_oat_cb(struct qeth_card *card, + struct qeth_reply *reply, unsigned long data) +{ + struct qeth_ipa_cmd *cmd; + struct qeth_qoat_priv *priv; + char *resdata; + int resdatalen; + + QETH_CARD_TEXT(card, 3, "qoatcb"); + + cmd = (struct qeth_ipa_cmd *)data; + priv = (struct qeth_qoat_priv *)reply->param; + resdatalen = cmd->data.setadapterparms.hdr.cmdlength; + resdata = (char *)data + 28; + + if (resdatalen > (priv->buffer_len - priv->response_len)) { + cmd->hdr.return_code = IPA_RC_FFFF; + return 0; + } + + memcpy((priv->buffer + priv->response_len), resdata, + resdatalen); + priv->response_len += resdatalen; + + if (cmd->data.setadapterparms.hdr.seq_no < + cmd->data.setadapterparms.hdr.used_total) + return 1; + return 0; +} + +int qeth_query_oat_command(struct qeth_card *card, char __user *udata) +{ + int rc = 0; + struct qeth_cmd_buffer *iob; + struct qeth_ipa_cmd *cmd; + struct qeth_query_oat *oat_req; + struct qeth_query_oat_data oat_data; + struct qeth_qoat_priv priv; + void __user *tmp; + + QETH_CARD_TEXT(card, 3, "qoatcmd"); + + if (!qeth_adp_supported(card, IPA_SETADP_QUERY_OAT)) { + rc = -EOPNOTSUPP; + goto out; + } + + if (copy_from_user(&oat_data, udata, + sizeof(struct qeth_query_oat_data))) { + rc = -EFAULT; + goto out; + } + + priv.buffer_len = oat_data.buffer_len; + priv.response_len = 0; + priv.buffer = kzalloc(oat_data.buffer_len, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!priv.buffer) { + rc = -ENOMEM; + goto out; + } + + iob = qeth_get_adapter_cmd(card, IPA_SETADP_QUERY_OAT, + sizeof(struct qeth_ipacmd_setadpparms_hdr) + + sizeof(struct qeth_query_oat)); + cmd = (struct qeth_ipa_cmd *)(iob->data+IPA_PDU_HEADER_SIZE); + oat_req = &cmd->data.setadapterparms.data.query_oat; + oat_req->subcmd_code = oat_data.command; + + rc = qeth_send_ipa_cmd(card, iob, qeth_setadpparms_query_oat_cb, + &priv); + if (!rc) { + if (is_compat_task()) + tmp = compat_ptr(oat_data.ptr); + else + tmp = (void __user *)(unsigned long)oat_data.ptr; + + if (copy_to_user(tmp, priv.buffer, + priv.response_len)) { + rc = -EFAULT; + goto out_free; + } + + oat_data.response_len = priv.response_len; + + if (copy_to_user(udata, &oat_data, + sizeof(struct qeth_query_oat_data))) + rc = -EFAULT; + } else + if (rc == IPA_RC_FFFF) + rc = -EFAULT; + +out_free: + kfree(priv.buffer); +out: + return rc; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(qeth_query_oat_command); + static inline int qeth_get_qdio_q_format(struct qeth_card *card) { switch (card->info.type) { @@ -4940,6 +5041,7 @@ int qeth_core_load_discipline(struct qeth_card *card, enum qeth_discipline_id discipline) { int rc = 0; + mutex_lock(&qeth_mod_mutex); switch (discipline) { case QETH_DISCIPLINE_LAYER3: card->discipline.ccwgdriver = try_then_request_module( @@ -4957,6 +5059,7 @@ int qeth_core_load_discipline(struct qeth_card *card, "support discipline %d\n", discipline); rc = -EINVAL; } + mutex_unlock(&qeth_mod_mutex); return rc; } @@ -5440,6 +5543,7 @@ static int __init qeth_core_init(void) pr_info("loading core functions\n"); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&qeth_core_card_list.list); rwlock_init(&qeth_core_card_list.rwlock); + mutex_init(&qeth_mod_mutex); rc = qeth_register_dbf_views(); if (rc) diff --git a/drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c b/drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c index ec24901c802c565231f27a9b369c3fb19950ca9b..7fab6544def66b02f9756fe67a6d0a7a529077b5 100644 --- a/drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c +++ b/drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c @@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ static struct ipa_rc_msg qeth_ipa_rc_msg[] = { {IPA_RC_MC_ADDR_ALREADY_DEFINED, "Multicast address already defined"}, {IPA_RC_LAN_OFFLINE, "STRTLAN_LAN_DISABLED - LAN offline"}, {IPA_RC_INVALID_IP_VERSION2, "Invalid IP version"}, + {IPA_RC_ENOMEM, "Memory problem"}, {IPA_RC_FFFF, "Unknown Error"} }; diff --git a/drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.h b/drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.h index e5a9d1c03839600f5fad28b300c47c591a3d83c2..ff41e42004ac4e13c880f5e45e8cf95eb7342ad5 100644 --- a/drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.h +++ b/drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.h @@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ enum qeth_ipa_return_codes { IPA_RC_MC_ADDR_ALREADY_DEFINED = 0xe013, IPA_RC_LAN_OFFLINE = 0xe080, IPA_RC_INVALID_IP_VERSION2 = 0xf001, + IPA_RC_ENOMEM = 0xfffe, IPA_RC_FFFF = 0xffff }; /* for DELIP */ @@ -249,6 +250,7 @@ enum qeth_ipa_setadp_cmd { IPA_SETADP_SET_PROMISC_MODE = 0x00000800L, IPA_SETADP_SET_DIAG_ASSIST = 0x00002000L, IPA_SETADP_SET_ACCESS_CONTROL = 0x00010000L, + IPA_SETADP_QUERY_OAT = 0x00080000L, }; enum qeth_ipa_mac_ops { CHANGE_ADDR_READ_MAC = 0, @@ -398,6 +400,17 @@ struct qeth_set_access_ctrl { __u32 subcmd_code; } __attribute__((packed)); +struct qeth_query_oat { + __u32 subcmd_code; + __u8 reserved[12]; +} __packed; + +struct qeth_qoat_priv { + __u32 buffer_len; + __u32 response_len; + char *buffer; +}; + struct qeth_ipacmd_setadpparms_hdr { __u32 supp_hw_cmds; __u32 reserved1; @@ -417,6 +430,7 @@ struct qeth_ipacmd_setadpparms { struct qeth_change_addr change_addr; struct qeth_snmp_cmd snmp; struct qeth_set_access_ctrl set_access_ctrl; + struct qeth_query_oat query_oat; __u32 mode; } data; } __attribute__ ((packed)); diff --git a/drivers/s390/net/qeth_l2_main.c b/drivers/s390/net/qeth_l2_main.c index c1296713311404469026efc04e6e34081d812552..0e7c29d1d7efc5991904a5d54f906a56086d244c 100644 --- a/drivers/s390/net/qeth_l2_main.c +++ b/drivers/s390/net/qeth_l2_main.c @@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ static int qeth_l2_do_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *rq, int cmd) mii_data->val_out = qeth_mdio_read(dev, mii_data->phy_id, mii_data->reg_num); break; + case SIOC_QETH_QUERY_OAT: + rc = qeth_query_oat_command(card, rq->ifr_ifru.ifru_data); + break; default: rc = -EOPNOTSUPP; } @@ -573,7 +576,6 @@ static int qeth_l2_send_setmac_cb(struct qeth_card *card, default: break; } - cmd->hdr.return_code = -EIO; } else { card->info.mac_bits |= QETH_LAYER2_MAC_REGISTERED; memcpy(card->dev->dev_addr, cmd->data.setdelmac.mac, @@ -602,7 +604,6 @@ static int qeth_l2_send_delmac_cb(struct qeth_card *card, cmd = (struct qeth_ipa_cmd *) data; if (cmd->hdr.return_code) { QETH_CARD_TEXT_(card, 2, "err%d", cmd->hdr.return_code); - cmd->hdr.return_code = -EIO; return 0; } card->info.mac_bits &= ~QETH_LAYER2_MAC_REGISTERED; @@ -679,7 +680,7 @@ static int qeth_l2_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *p) rc = qeth_l2_send_delmac(card, &card->dev->dev_addr[0]); if (!rc) rc = qeth_l2_send_setmac(card, addr->sa_data); - return rc; + return rc ? -EINVAL : 0; } static void qeth_l2_set_multicast_list(struct net_device *dev) diff --git a/drivers/s390/net/qeth_l3_main.c b/drivers/s390/net/qeth_l3_main.c index 9648e4e68337d35a05fd12cf997d27411033d493..f859216076867b805548085ee1ea86ae5d4103e8 100644 --- a/drivers/s390/net/qeth_l3_main.c +++ b/drivers/s390/net/qeth_l3_main.c @@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ #include #include +#include +#include #include #include @@ -2428,7 +2430,7 @@ static int qeth_l3_arp_query_cb(struct qeth_card *card, if ((qinfo->udata_len - qinfo->udata_offset) < esize) { QETH_CARD_TEXT_(card, 4, "qaer3%i", -ENOMEM); - cmd->hdr.return_code = -ENOMEM; + cmd->hdr.return_code = IPA_RC_ENOMEM; goto out_error; } @@ -2743,6 +2745,9 @@ static int qeth_l3_do_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *rq, int cmd) mii_data->phy_id, mii_data->reg_num); break; + case SIOC_QETH_QUERY_OAT: + rc = qeth_query_oat_command(card, rq->ifr_ifru.ifru_data); + break; default: rc = -EOPNOTSUPP; } @@ -2832,7 +2837,6 @@ static void qeth_l3_fill_af_iucv_hdr(struct qeth_card *card, static void qeth_l3_fill_header(struct qeth_card *card, struct qeth_hdr *hdr, struct sk_buff *skb, int ipv, int cast_type) { - struct neighbour *n = NULL; struct dst_entry *dst; memset(hdr, 0, sizeof(struct qeth_hdr)); @@ -2855,33 +2859,29 @@ static void qeth_l3_fill_header(struct qeth_card *card, struct qeth_hdr *hdr, rcu_read_lock(); dst = skb_dst(skb); - if (dst) - n = dst_get_neighbour_noref(dst); if (ipv == 4) { + struct rtable *rt = (struct rtable *) dst; + __be32 *pkey = &ip_hdr(skb)->daddr; + + if (rt->rt_gateway) + pkey = &rt->rt_gateway; + /* IPv4 */ hdr->hdr.l3.flags = qeth_l3_get_qeth_hdr_flags4(cast_type); memset(hdr->hdr.l3.dest_addr, 0, 12); - if (n) { - *((u32 *) (&hdr->hdr.l3.dest_addr[12])) = - *((u32 *) n->primary_key); - } else { - /* fill in destination address used in ip header */ - *((u32 *) (&hdr->hdr.l3.dest_addr[12])) = - ip_hdr(skb)->daddr; - } + *((__be32 *) (&hdr->hdr.l3.dest_addr[12])) = *pkey; } else if (ipv == 6) { + struct rt6_info *rt = (struct rt6_info *) dst; + struct in6_addr *pkey = &ipv6_hdr(skb)->daddr; + + if (!ipv6_addr_any(&rt->rt6i_gateway)) + pkey = &rt->rt6i_gateway; + /* IPv6 */ hdr->hdr.l3.flags = qeth_l3_get_qeth_hdr_flags6(cast_type); if (card->info.type == QETH_CARD_TYPE_IQD) hdr->hdr.l3.flags &= ~QETH_HDR_PASSTHRU; - if (n) { - memcpy(hdr->hdr.l3.dest_addr, - n->primary_key, 16); - } else { - /* fill in destination address used in ip header */ - memcpy(hdr->hdr.l3.dest_addr, - &ipv6_hdr(skb)->daddr, 16); - } + memcpy(hdr->hdr.l3.dest_addr, pkey, 16); } else { /* passthrough */ if ((skb->dev->type == ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR) && diff --git a/drivers/scsi/bnx2fc/bnx2fc_constants.h b/drivers/scsi/bnx2fc/bnx2fc_constants.h index 399cda047a7770ab079f414962edce09457993bb..c12702bb16d6b22b352a7cf4acc33ce566316923 100644 --- a/drivers/scsi/bnx2fc/bnx2fc_constants.h +++ b/drivers/scsi/bnx2fc/bnx2fc_constants.h @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ /* Current FCoE HSI version number composed of two fields (16 bit) */ /* Implies on a change broken previous HSI */ -#define FCOE_HSI_MAJOR_VERSION (1) +#define FCOE_HSI_MAJOR_VERSION (2) /* Implies on a change which does not broken previous HSI */ #define FCOE_HSI_MINOR_VERSION (1) diff --git a/drivers/scsi/bnx2fc/bnx2fc_hwi.c b/drivers/scsi/bnx2fc/bnx2fc_hwi.c index 1923a25cb6a22201bc45456cb06f2da9c7715f90..afd570962b8c288636fad351671a376ad03992e7 100644 --- a/drivers/scsi/bnx2fc/bnx2fc_hwi.c +++ b/drivers/scsi/bnx2fc/bnx2fc_hwi.c @@ -1716,15 +1716,19 @@ void bnx2fc_init_task(struct bnx2fc_cmd *io_req, /* Tx only */ bd_count = bd_tbl->bd_valid; + cached_sge = &task->rxwr_only.union_ctx.read_info.sgl_ctx.cached_sge; if (task_type == FCOE_TASK_TYPE_WRITE) { if ((dev_type == TYPE_DISK) && (bd_count == 1)) { struct fcoe_bd_ctx *fcoe_bd_tbl = bd_tbl->bd_tbl; task->txwr_only.sgl_ctx.cached_sge.cur_buf_addr.lo = + cached_sge->cur_buf_addr.lo = fcoe_bd_tbl->buf_addr_lo; task->txwr_only.sgl_ctx.cached_sge.cur_buf_addr.hi = + cached_sge->cur_buf_addr.hi = fcoe_bd_tbl->buf_addr_hi; task->txwr_only.sgl_ctx.cached_sge.cur_buf_rem = + cached_sge->cur_buf_rem = fcoe_bd_tbl->buf_len; task->txwr_rxrd.const_ctx.init_flags |= 1 << @@ -1790,11 +1794,13 @@ void bnx2fc_init_task(struct bnx2fc_cmd *io_req, task->rxwr_txrd.var_ctx.rx_id = 0xffff; /* Rx Only */ - cached_sge = &task->rxwr_only.union_ctx.read_info.sgl_ctx.cached_sge; + if (task_type != FCOE_TASK_TYPE_READ) + return; + sgl = &task->rxwr_only.union_ctx.read_info.sgl_ctx.sgl; bd_count = bd_tbl->bd_valid; - if (task_type == FCOE_TASK_TYPE_READ && - dev_type == TYPE_DISK) { + + if (dev_type == TYPE_DISK) { if (bd_count == 1) { struct fcoe_bd_ctx *fcoe_bd_tbl = bd_tbl->bd_tbl; diff --git a/drivers/scsi/fcoe/fcoe.c b/drivers/scsi/fcoe/fcoe.c index e9599600aa230b8b6315c405730352f99e6a7d9a..c164890224d221526e645e9bdcb1bcc9d8b22d0c 100644 --- a/drivers/scsi/fcoe/fcoe.c +++ b/drivers/scsi/fcoe/fcoe.c @@ -1498,7 +1498,7 @@ static int fcoe_xmit(struct fc_lport *lport, struct fc_frame *fp) /* crc offload */ if (likely(lport->crc_offload)) { - skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_PARTIAL; + skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY; skb->csum_start = skb_headroom(skb); skb->csum_offset = skb->len; crc = 0; diff --git a/drivers/ssb/driver_chipcommon_pmu.c b/drivers/ssb/driver_chipcommon_pmu.c index e5a2e0e9bc19bbf586c49cc06b49f35cb16c5a88..b58fef780ea063827f6bf5d66aa10547f17c9edf 100644 --- a/drivers/ssb/driver_chipcommon_pmu.c +++ b/drivers/ssb/driver_chipcommon_pmu.c @@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ #include #include #include +#ifdef CONFIG_BCM47XX +#include +#endif #include "ssb_private.h" @@ -92,10 +95,6 @@ static void ssb_pmu0_pllinit_r0(struct ssb_chipcommon *cc, u32 pmuctl, tmp, pllctl; unsigned int i; - if ((bus->chip_id == 0x5354) && !crystalfreq) { - /* The 5354 crystal freq is 25MHz */ - crystalfreq = 25000; - } if (crystalfreq) e = pmu0_plltab_find_entry(crystalfreq); if (!e) @@ -321,7 +320,11 @@ static void ssb_pmu_pll_init(struct ssb_chipcommon *cc) u32 crystalfreq = 0; /* in kHz. 0 = keep default freq. */ if (bus->bustype == SSB_BUSTYPE_SSB) { - /* TODO: The user may override the crystal frequency. */ +#ifdef CONFIG_BCM47XX + char buf[20]; + if (nvram_getenv("xtalfreq", buf, sizeof(buf)) >= 0) + crystalfreq = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); +#endif } switch (bus->chip_id) { @@ -330,7 +333,11 @@ static void ssb_pmu_pll_init(struct ssb_chipcommon *cc) ssb_pmu1_pllinit_r0(cc, crystalfreq); break; case 0x4328: + ssb_pmu0_pllinit_r0(cc, crystalfreq); + break; case 0x5354: + if (crystalfreq == 0) + crystalfreq = 25000; ssb_pmu0_pllinit_r0(cc, crystalfreq); break; case 0x4322: @@ -607,3 +614,34 @@ void ssb_pmu_set_ldo_paref(struct ssb_chipcommon *cc, bool on) EXPORT_SYMBOL(ssb_pmu_set_ldo_voltage); EXPORT_SYMBOL(ssb_pmu_set_ldo_paref); + +u32 ssb_pmu_get_cpu_clock(struct ssb_chipcommon *cc) +{ + struct ssb_bus *bus = cc->dev->bus; + + switch (bus->chip_id) { + case 0x5354: + /* 5354 chip uses a non programmable PLL of frequency 240MHz */ + return 240000000; + default: + ssb_printk(KERN_ERR PFX + "ERROR: PMU cpu clock unknown for device %04X\n", + bus->chip_id); + return 0; + } +} + +u32 ssb_pmu_get_controlclock(struct ssb_chipcommon *cc) +{ + struct ssb_bus *bus = cc->dev->bus; + + switch (bus->chip_id) { + case 0x5354: + return 120000000; + default: + ssb_printk(KERN_ERR PFX + "ERROR: PMU controlclock unknown for device %04X\n", + bus->chip_id); + return 0; + } +} diff --git a/drivers/ssb/driver_mipscore.c b/drivers/ssb/driver_mipscore.c index ced501568594837a7852350a8449a997cb03033c..7e2ddc042f5bff19954bc4d61200a36bf6523609 100644 --- a/drivers/ssb/driver_mipscore.c +++ b/drivers/ssb/driver_mipscore.c @@ -208,6 +208,9 @@ u32 ssb_cpu_clock(struct ssb_mipscore *mcore) struct ssb_bus *bus = mcore->dev->bus; u32 pll_type, n, m, rate = 0; + if (bus->chipco.capabilities & SSB_CHIPCO_CAP_PMU) + return ssb_pmu_get_cpu_clock(&bus->chipco); + if (bus->extif.dev) { ssb_extif_get_clockcontrol(&bus->extif, &pll_type, &n, &m); } else if (bus->chipco.dev) { diff --git a/drivers/ssb/main.c b/drivers/ssb/main.c index ff109ae947677d0b5c672539b1e1496d9ad1c344..df0f145c22fc80c175d277cca0f68647fbfd90fd 100644 --- a/drivers/ssb/main.c +++ b/drivers/ssb/main.c @@ -1078,6 +1078,9 @@ u32 ssb_clockspeed(struct ssb_bus *bus) u32 plltype; u32 clkctl_n, clkctl_m; + if (bus->chipco.capabilities & SSB_CHIPCO_CAP_PMU) + return ssb_pmu_get_controlclock(&bus->chipco); + if (ssb_extif_available(&bus->extif)) ssb_extif_get_clockcontrol(&bus->extif, &plltype, &clkctl_n, &clkctl_m); diff --git a/drivers/ssb/pci.c b/drivers/ssb/pci.c index 973223f5de8ebbeee690da524d0cf94c2593ce85..ed4124469a3a34493088db68b725c081620ab81d 100644 --- a/drivers/ssb/pci.c +++ b/drivers/ssb/pci.c @@ -331,7 +331,6 @@ static void sprom_extract_r123(struct ssb_sprom *out, const u16 *in) { int i; u16 v; - s8 gain; u16 loc[3]; if (out->revision == 3) /* rev 3 moved MAC */ @@ -390,20 +389,12 @@ static void sprom_extract_r123(struct ssb_sprom *out, const u16 *in) SPEX(boardflags_hi, SSB_SPROM2_BFLHI, 0xFFFF, 0); /* Extract the antenna gain values. */ - gain = r123_extract_antgain(out->revision, in, - SSB_SPROM1_AGAIN_BG, - SSB_SPROM1_AGAIN_BG_SHIFT); - out->antenna_gain.ghz24.a0 = gain; - out->antenna_gain.ghz24.a1 = gain; - out->antenna_gain.ghz24.a2 = gain; - out->antenna_gain.ghz24.a3 = gain; - gain = r123_extract_antgain(out->revision, in, - SSB_SPROM1_AGAIN_A, - SSB_SPROM1_AGAIN_A_SHIFT); - out->antenna_gain.ghz5.a0 = gain; - out->antenna_gain.ghz5.a1 = gain; - out->antenna_gain.ghz5.a2 = gain; - out->antenna_gain.ghz5.a3 = gain; + out->antenna_gain.a0 = r123_extract_antgain(out->revision, in, + SSB_SPROM1_AGAIN_BG, + SSB_SPROM1_AGAIN_BG_SHIFT); + out->antenna_gain.a1 = r123_extract_antgain(out->revision, in, + SSB_SPROM1_AGAIN_A, + SSB_SPROM1_AGAIN_A_SHIFT); } /* Revs 4 5 and 8 have partially shared layout */ @@ -504,16 +495,14 @@ static void sprom_extract_r45(struct ssb_sprom *out, const u16 *in) } /* Extract the antenna gain values. */ - SPEX(antenna_gain.ghz24.a0, SSB_SPROM4_AGAIN01, + SPEX(antenna_gain.a0, SSB_SPROM4_AGAIN01, SSB_SPROM4_AGAIN0, SSB_SPROM4_AGAIN0_SHIFT); - SPEX(antenna_gain.ghz24.a1, SSB_SPROM4_AGAIN01, + SPEX(antenna_gain.a1, SSB_SPROM4_AGAIN01, SSB_SPROM4_AGAIN1, SSB_SPROM4_AGAIN1_SHIFT); - SPEX(antenna_gain.ghz24.a2, SSB_SPROM4_AGAIN23, + SPEX(antenna_gain.a2, SSB_SPROM4_AGAIN23, SSB_SPROM4_AGAIN2, SSB_SPROM4_AGAIN2_SHIFT); - SPEX(antenna_gain.ghz24.a3, SSB_SPROM4_AGAIN23, + SPEX(antenna_gain.a3, SSB_SPROM4_AGAIN23, SSB_SPROM4_AGAIN3, SSB_SPROM4_AGAIN3_SHIFT); - memcpy(&out->antenna_gain.ghz5, &out->antenna_gain.ghz24, - sizeof(out->antenna_gain.ghz5)); sprom_extract_r458(out, in); @@ -523,7 +512,13 @@ static void sprom_extract_r45(struct ssb_sprom *out, const u16 *in) static void sprom_extract_r8(struct ssb_sprom *out, const u16 *in) { int i; - u16 v; + u16 v, o; + u16 pwr_info_offset[] = { + SSB_SROM8_PWR_INFO_CORE0, SSB_SROM8_PWR_INFO_CORE1, + SSB_SROM8_PWR_INFO_CORE2, SSB_SROM8_PWR_INFO_CORE3 + }; + BUILD_BUG_ON(ARRAY_SIZE(pwr_info_offset) != + ARRAY_SIZE(out->core_pwr_info)); /* extract the MAC address */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { @@ -596,16 +591,46 @@ static void sprom_extract_r8(struct ssb_sprom *out, const u16 *in) SPEX32(ofdm5ghpo, SSB_SPROM8_OFDM5GHPO, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0); /* Extract the antenna gain values. */ - SPEX(antenna_gain.ghz24.a0, SSB_SPROM8_AGAIN01, + SPEX(antenna_gain.a0, SSB_SPROM8_AGAIN01, SSB_SPROM8_AGAIN0, SSB_SPROM8_AGAIN0_SHIFT); - SPEX(antenna_gain.ghz24.a1, SSB_SPROM8_AGAIN01, + SPEX(antenna_gain.a1, SSB_SPROM8_AGAIN01, SSB_SPROM8_AGAIN1, SSB_SPROM8_AGAIN1_SHIFT); - SPEX(antenna_gain.ghz24.a2, SSB_SPROM8_AGAIN23, + SPEX(antenna_gain.a2, SSB_SPROM8_AGAIN23, SSB_SPROM8_AGAIN2, SSB_SPROM8_AGAIN2_SHIFT); - SPEX(antenna_gain.ghz24.a3, SSB_SPROM8_AGAIN23, + SPEX(antenna_gain.a3, SSB_SPROM8_AGAIN23, SSB_SPROM8_AGAIN3, SSB_SPROM8_AGAIN3_SHIFT); - memcpy(&out->antenna_gain.ghz5, &out->antenna_gain.ghz24, - sizeof(out->antenna_gain.ghz5)); + + /* Extract cores power info info */ + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(pwr_info_offset); i++) { + o = pwr_info_offset[i]; + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].itssi_2g, o + SSB_SROM8_2G_MAXP_ITSSI, + SSB_SPROM8_2G_ITSSI, SSB_SPROM8_2G_ITSSI_SHIFT); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].maxpwr_2g, o + SSB_SROM8_2G_MAXP_ITSSI, + SSB_SPROM8_2G_MAXP, 0); + + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_2g[0], o + SSB_SROM8_2G_PA_0, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_2g[1], o + SSB_SROM8_2G_PA_1, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_2g[2], o + SSB_SROM8_2G_PA_2, ~0, 0); + + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].itssi_5g, o + SSB_SROM8_5G_MAXP_ITSSI, + SSB_SPROM8_5G_ITSSI, SSB_SPROM8_5G_ITSSI_SHIFT); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].maxpwr_5g, o + SSB_SROM8_5G_MAXP_ITSSI, + SSB_SPROM8_5G_MAXP, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].maxpwr_5gh, o + SSB_SPROM8_5GHL_MAXP, + SSB_SPROM8_5GH_MAXP, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].maxpwr_5gl, o + SSB_SPROM8_5GHL_MAXP, + SSB_SPROM8_5GL_MAXP, SSB_SPROM8_5GL_MAXP_SHIFT); + + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_5gl[0], o + SSB_SROM8_5GL_PA_0, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_5gl[1], o + SSB_SROM8_5GL_PA_1, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_5gl[2], o + SSB_SROM8_5GL_PA_2, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_5g[0], o + SSB_SROM8_5G_PA_0, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_5g[1], o + SSB_SROM8_5G_PA_1, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_5g[2], o + SSB_SROM8_5G_PA_2, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_5gh[0], o + SSB_SROM8_5GH_PA_0, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_5gh[1], o + SSB_SROM8_5GH_PA_1, ~0, 0); + SPEX(core_pwr_info[i].pa_5gh[2], o + SSB_SROM8_5GH_PA_2, ~0, 0); + } /* Extract FEM info */ SPEX(fem.ghz2.tssipos, SSB_SPROM8_FEM2G, diff --git a/drivers/ssb/pcmcia.c b/drivers/ssb/pcmcia.c index c821c6b2a6a0b778da37a7994ad1ad2d57335428..fbafed5b729bdcf6ae57889c3c9d4f05ca0509c5 100644 --- a/drivers/ssb/pcmcia.c +++ b/drivers/ssb/pcmcia.c @@ -676,14 +676,10 @@ static int ssb_pcmcia_do_get_invariants(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev, case SSB_PCMCIA_CIS_ANTGAIN: GOTO_ERROR_ON(tuple->TupleDataLen != 2, "antg tpl size"); - sprom->antenna_gain.ghz24.a0 = tuple->TupleData[1]; - sprom->antenna_gain.ghz24.a1 = tuple->TupleData[1]; - sprom->antenna_gain.ghz24.a2 = tuple->TupleData[1]; - sprom->antenna_gain.ghz24.a3 = tuple->TupleData[1]; - sprom->antenna_gain.ghz5.a0 = tuple->TupleData[1]; - sprom->antenna_gain.ghz5.a1 = tuple->TupleData[1]; - sprom->antenna_gain.ghz5.a2 = tuple->TupleData[1]; - sprom->antenna_gain.ghz5.a3 = tuple->TupleData[1]; + sprom->antenna_gain.a0 = tuple->TupleData[1]; + sprom->antenna_gain.a1 = tuple->TupleData[1]; + sprom->antenna_gain.a2 = tuple->TupleData[1]; + sprom->antenna_gain.a3 = tuple->TupleData[1]; break; case SSB_PCMCIA_CIS_BFLAGS: GOTO_ERROR_ON((tuple->TupleDataLen != 3) && diff --git a/drivers/ssb/scan.c b/drivers/ssb/scan.c index 3e844874631f84badb6faead992d6391253d9348..266c7c5c86dcba7dcb6c70965534bea331f1b153 100644 --- a/drivers/ssb/scan.c +++ b/drivers/ssb/scan.c @@ -318,6 +318,9 @@ int ssb_bus_scan(struct ssb_bus *bus, bus->chip_package = 0; } } + ssb_printk(KERN_INFO PFX "Found chip with id 0x%04X, rev 0x%02X and " + "package 0x%02X\n", bus->chip_id, bus->chip_rev, + bus->chip_package); if (!bus->nr_devices) bus->nr_devices = chipid_to_nrcores(bus->chip_id); if (bus->nr_devices > ARRAY_SIZE(bus->devices)) { diff --git a/drivers/ssb/sdio.c b/drivers/ssb/sdio.c index 63fd709038caed0d7bbb70121159f27028bd0b41..b2d36f7736c537ef5ba6ec65d6144f965b75f971 100644 --- a/drivers/ssb/sdio.c +++ b/drivers/ssb/sdio.c @@ -551,14 +551,10 @@ int ssb_sdio_get_invariants(struct ssb_bus *bus, case SSB_SDIO_CIS_ANTGAIN: GOTO_ERROR_ON(tuple->size != 2, "antg tpl size"); - sprom->antenna_gain.ghz24.a0 = tuple->data[1]; - sprom->antenna_gain.ghz24.a1 = tuple->data[1]; - sprom->antenna_gain.ghz24.a2 = tuple->data[1]; - sprom->antenna_gain.ghz24.a3 = tuple->data[1]; - sprom->antenna_gain.ghz5.a0 = tuple->data[1]; - sprom->antenna_gain.ghz5.a1 = tuple->data[1]; - sprom->antenna_gain.ghz5.a2 = tuple->data[1]; - sprom->antenna_gain.ghz5.a3 = tuple->data[1]; + sprom->antenna_gain.a0 = tuple->data[1]; + sprom->antenna_gain.a1 = tuple->data[1]; + sprom->antenna_gain.a2 = tuple->data[1]; + sprom->antenna_gain.a3 = tuple->data[1]; break; case SSB_SDIO_CIS_BFLAGS: GOTO_ERROR_ON((tuple->size != 3) && diff --git a/drivers/ssb/ssb_private.h b/drivers/ssb/ssb_private.h index 77653014db0b8f997a61dec98a26933cacb874d1..a305550b4b65ecce6c5e6e925c63c36667edd3b0 100644 --- a/drivers/ssb/ssb_private.h +++ b/drivers/ssb/ssb_private.h @@ -207,4 +207,8 @@ static inline void b43_pci_ssb_bridge_exit(void) } #endif /* CONFIG_SSB_B43_PCI_BRIDGE */ +/* driver_chipcommon_pmu.c */ +extern u32 ssb_pmu_get_cpu_clock(struct ssb_chipcommon *cc); +extern u32 ssb_pmu_get_controlclock(struct ssb_chipcommon *cc); + #endif /* LINUX_SSB_PRIVATE_H_ */ diff --git a/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-pcmcia/ft1000_hw.c b/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-pcmcia/ft1000_hw.c index 917bbb082a6ed4f88b6e90d687eb2dbd6a319e5b..7569aa0f24d152bc527136ec7a4a42b7fd5f2f45 100644 --- a/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-pcmcia/ft1000_hw.c +++ b/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-pcmcia/ft1000_hw.c @@ -2211,11 +2211,8 @@ struct net_device *init_ft1000_card(struct pcmcia_device *link, ft1000InitProc(dev); ft1000_card_present = 1; SET_ETHTOOL_OPS(dev, &ops); - printk(KERN_INFO - "ft1000: %s: addr 0x%04lx irq %d, MAC addr %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", - dev->name, dev->base_addr, dev->irq, dev->dev_addr[0], - dev->dev_addr[1], dev->dev_addr[2], dev->dev_addr[3], - dev->dev_addr[4], dev->dev_addr[5]); + printk(KERN_INFO "ft1000: %s: addr 0x%04lx irq %d, MAC addr %pM\n", + dev->name, dev->base_addr, dev->irq, dev->dev_addr); return dev; err_unreg: diff --git a/drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/wl_cs.c b/drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/wl_cs.c index 2faee2dd4bb1a801773f65b29cfb6efaf574f963..a2cbb29c3f597e0ce01c79115778f0e5be8edd56 100644 --- a/drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/wl_cs.c +++ b/drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/wl_cs.c @@ -229,7 +229,6 @@ static int wl_adapter_resume(struct pcmcia_device *link) void wl_adapter_insert(struct pcmcia_device *link) { struct net_device *dev; - int i; int ret; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ @@ -266,10 +265,8 @@ void wl_adapter_insert(struct pcmcia_device *link) register_wlags_sysfs(dev); - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Wireless, io_addr %#03lx, irq %d, ""mac_address ", - dev->name, dev->base_addr, dev->irq); - for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) - printk("%02X%c", dev->dev_addr[i], ((i < (ETH_ALEN-1)) ? ':' : '\n')); + printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Wireless, io_addr %#03lx, irq %d, mac_address" + " %pM\n", dev->name, dev->base_addr, dev->irq, dev->dev_addr); DBG_LEAVE(DbgInfo); return; diff --git a/drivers/tty/ipwireless/network.c b/drivers/tty/ipwireless/network.c index f7daeea598e43e12e02b0cceafd066c1690ad3d4..57c8b481113f79fd01c96ddbcde3ca013fc6cb5b 100644 --- a/drivers/tty/ipwireless/network.c +++ b/drivers/tty/ipwireless/network.c @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ #include #include #include -#include +#include #include #include "network.h" diff --git a/drivers/tty/ipwireless/tty.c b/drivers/tty/ipwireless/tty.c index 77ceaa9c9e3fe0dad717357cb2d41ed4c374ac71..4daf962f70557c637bda448b346ffc52ec4bac46 100644 --- a/drivers/tty/ipwireless/tty.c +++ b/drivers/tty/ipwireless/tty.c @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ #include #include #include -#include +#include #include #include #include diff --git a/fs/compat_ioctl.c b/fs/compat_ioctl.c index a26bea10e81bae5c9ee1890102ce86b7929bde28..10d8cd90ca6f9dc7870c2a2f8ca460d0d7db2afc 100644 --- a/fs/compat_ioctl.c +++ b/fs/compat_ioctl.c @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ #include #include #include -#include +#include #include #include #include diff --git a/fs/dlm/lowcomms.c b/fs/dlm/lowcomms.c index 0b3109ee42571e258fd4a2ff3ef342e9ddb1658c..ca0c59a4246c92d66812063df59403d199e6d8e0 100644 --- a/fs/dlm/lowcomms.c +++ b/fs/dlm/lowcomms.c @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #include @@ -474,9 +475,6 @@ static void process_sctp_notification(struct connection *con, int prim_len, ret; int addr_len; struct connection *new_con; - sctp_peeloff_arg_t parg; - int parglen = sizeof(parg); - int err; /* * We get this before any data for an association. @@ -525,23 +523,19 @@ static void process_sctp_notification(struct connection *con, return; /* Peel off a new sock */ - parg.associd = sn->sn_assoc_change.sac_assoc_id; - ret = kernel_getsockopt(con->sock, IPPROTO_SCTP, - SCTP_SOCKOPT_PEELOFF, - (void *)&parg, &parglen); + sctp_lock_sock(con->sock->sk); + ret = sctp_do_peeloff(con->sock->sk, + sn->sn_assoc_change.sac_assoc_id, + &new_con->sock); + sctp_release_sock(con->sock->sk); if (ret < 0) { log_print("Can't peel off a socket for " "connection %d to node %d: err=%d", - parg.associd, nodeid, ret); - return; - } - new_con->sock = sockfd_lookup(parg.sd, &err); - if (!new_con->sock) { - log_print("sockfd_lookup error %d", err); + (int)sn->sn_assoc_change.sac_assoc_id, + nodeid, ret); return; } add_sock(new_con->sock, new_con); - sockfd_put(new_con->sock); log_print("connecting to %d sctp association %d", nodeid, (int)sn->sn_assoc_change.sac_assoc_id); diff --git a/include/asm-generic/socket.h b/include/asm-generic/socket.h index 49c1704173e757a5e75db1dca27fbf4081aa2dd7..b1bea03274d5dd0ca36d31e90b361d0dc63225ec 100644 --- a/include/asm-generic/socket.h +++ b/include/asm-generic/socket.h @@ -67,4 +67,9 @@ #define SO_WIFI_STATUS 41 #define SCM_WIFI_STATUS SO_WIFI_STATUS +#define SO_PEEK_OFF 42 + +/* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */ +#define SO_NOFCS 43 + #endif /* __ASM_GENERIC_SOCKET_H */ diff --git a/include/linux/Kbuild b/include/linux/Kbuild index c94e71781b7983dd537f9b99e76ab106caf1d390..a2555538109733da56f3feffd523cf2cdef58ca9 100644 --- a/include/linux/Kbuild +++ b/include/linux/Kbuild @@ -238,6 +238,7 @@ header-y += magic.h header-y += major.h header-y += map_to_7segment.h header-y += matroxfb.h +header-y += mdio.h header-y += media.h header-y += mempolicy.h header-y += meye.h @@ -304,6 +305,7 @@ header-y += poll.h header-y += posix_types.h header-y += ppdev.h header-y += ppp-comp.h +header-y += ppp-ioctl.h header-y += ppp_defs.h header-y += pps.h header-y += prctl.h diff --git a/include/linux/bcma/bcma.h b/include/linux/bcma/bcma.h index 83c209f39493adf3ef4ae659c2cc46b3770c2948..5af9a075498f144fa3c6ea6d86744201a65428b7 100644 --- a/include/linux/bcma/bcma.h +++ b/include/linux/bcma/bcma.h @@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ struct bcma_device { bool dev_registered; u8 core_index; + u8 core_unit; u32 addr; u32 wrap; @@ -175,6 +176,12 @@ int __bcma_driver_register(struct bcma_driver *drv, struct module *owner); extern void bcma_driver_unregister(struct bcma_driver *drv); +/* Set a fallback SPROM. + * See kdoc at the function definition for complete documentation. */ +extern int bcma_arch_register_fallback_sprom( + int (*sprom_callback)(struct bcma_bus *bus, + struct ssb_sprom *out)); + struct bcma_bus { /* The MMIO area. */ void __iomem *mmio; @@ -195,6 +202,7 @@ struct bcma_bus { struct list_head cores; u8 nr_cores; u8 init_done:1; + u8 num; struct bcma_drv_cc drv_cc; struct bcma_drv_pci drv_pci; @@ -282,6 +290,7 @@ static inline void bcma_maskset16(struct bcma_device *cc, bcma_write16(cc, offset, (bcma_read16(cc, offset) & mask) | set); } +extern struct bcma_device *bcma_find_core(struct bcma_bus *bus, u16 coreid); extern bool bcma_core_is_enabled(struct bcma_device *core); extern void bcma_core_disable(struct bcma_device *core, u32 flags); extern int bcma_core_enable(struct bcma_device *core, u32 flags); diff --git a/include/linux/bcma/bcma_driver_chipcommon.h b/include/linux/bcma/bcma_driver_chipcommon.h index a33086a7530bc708e9b903723cd80a8967d429e7..8bbfe31fbac864db2fa60e9edeef149097d3a32e 100644 --- a/include/linux/bcma/bcma_driver_chipcommon.h +++ b/include/linux/bcma/bcma_driver_chipcommon.h @@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ #define BCMA_CC_OTPS_HW_PROTECT 0x00000001 #define BCMA_CC_OTPS_SW_PROTECT 0x00000002 #define BCMA_CC_OTPS_CID_PROTECT 0x00000004 +#define BCMA_CC_OTPS_GU_PROG_IND 0x00000F00 /* General Use programmed indication */ +#define BCMA_CC_OTPS_GU_PROG_IND_SHIFT 8 +#define BCMA_CC_OTPS_GU_PROG_HW 0x00000100 /* HW region programmed */ #define BCMA_CC_OTPC 0x0014 /* OTP control */ #define BCMA_CC_OTPC_RECWAIT 0xFF000000 #define BCMA_CC_OTPC_PROGWAIT 0x00FFFF00 @@ -72,6 +75,8 @@ #define BCMA_CC_OTPP_READ 0x40000000 #define BCMA_CC_OTPP_START 0x80000000 #define BCMA_CC_OTPP_BUSY 0x80000000 +#define BCMA_CC_OTPL 0x001C /* OTP layout */ +#define BCMA_CC_OTPL_GURGN_OFFSET 0x00000FFF /* offset of general use region */ #define BCMA_CC_IRQSTAT 0x0020 #define BCMA_CC_IRQMASK 0x0024 #define BCMA_CC_IRQ_GPIO 0x00000001 /* gpio intr */ @@ -79,6 +84,10 @@ #define BCMA_CC_IRQ_WDRESET 0x80000000 /* watchdog reset occurred */ #define BCMA_CC_CHIPCTL 0x0028 /* Rev >= 11 only */ #define BCMA_CC_CHIPSTAT 0x002C /* Rev >= 11 only */ +#define BCMA_CC_CHIPST_4313_SPROM_PRESENT 1 +#define BCMA_CC_CHIPST_4313_OTP_PRESENT 2 +#define BCMA_CC_CHIPST_4331_SPROM_PRESENT 2 +#define BCMA_CC_CHIPST_4331_OTP_PRESENT 4 #define BCMA_CC_JCMD 0x0030 /* Rev >= 10 only */ #define BCMA_CC_JCMD_START 0x80000000 #define BCMA_CC_JCMD_BUSY 0x80000000 @@ -181,6 +190,22 @@ #define BCMA_CC_FLASH_CFG 0x0128 #define BCMA_CC_FLASH_CFG_DS 0x0010 /* Data size, 0=8bit, 1=16bit */ #define BCMA_CC_FLASH_WAITCNT 0x012C +#define BCMA_CC_SROM_CONTROL 0x0190 +#define BCMA_CC_SROM_CONTROL_START 0x80000000 +#define BCMA_CC_SROM_CONTROL_BUSY 0x80000000 +#define BCMA_CC_SROM_CONTROL_OPCODE 0x60000000 +#define BCMA_CC_SROM_CONTROL_OP_READ 0x00000000 +#define BCMA_CC_SROM_CONTROL_OP_WRITE 0x20000000 +#define BCMA_CC_SROM_CONTROL_OP_WRDIS 0x40000000 +#define BCMA_CC_SROM_CONTROL_OP_WREN 0x60000000 +#define BCMA_CC_SROM_CONTROL_OTPSEL 0x00000010 +#define BCMA_CC_SROM_CONTROL_LOCK 0x00000008 +#define BCMA_CC_SROM_CONTROL_SIZE_MASK 0x00000006 +#define BCMA_CC_SROM_CONTROL_SIZE_1K 0x00000000 +#define BCMA_CC_SROM_CONTROL_SIZE_4K 0x00000002 +#define BCMA_CC_SROM_CONTROL_SIZE_16K 0x00000004 +#define BCMA_CC_SROM_CONTROL_SIZE_SHIFT 1 +#define BCMA_CC_SROM_CONTROL_PRESENT 0x00000001 /* 0x1E0 is defined as shared BCMA_CLKCTLST */ #define BCMA_CC_HW_WORKAROUND 0x01E4 /* Hardware workaround (rev >= 20) */ #define BCMA_CC_UART0_DATA 0x0300 @@ -240,7 +265,6 @@ #define BCMA_CC_PLLCTL_ADDR 0x0660 #define BCMA_CC_PLLCTL_DATA 0x0664 #define BCMA_CC_SPROM 0x0800 /* SPROM beginning */ -#define BCMA_CC_SPROM_PCIE6 0x0830 /* SPROM beginning on PCIe rev >= 6 */ /* Divider allocation in 4716/47162/5356 */ #define BCMA_CC_PMU5_MAINPLL_CPU 1 diff --git a/include/linux/bcma/bcma_driver_pci.h b/include/linux/bcma/bcma_driver_pci.h index 3871b668caf91a507268954dab35282afaedb735..46c71e27d31f2c1fc25118195aa3e1fc75496cd5 100644 --- a/include/linux/bcma/bcma_driver_pci.h +++ b/include/linux/bcma/bcma_driver_pci.h @@ -53,6 +53,35 @@ struct pci_dev; #define BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI1_MASK 0xFC000000 #define BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI2 0x0108 /* Backplane to PCI translation 2 (sbtopci2) */ #define BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI2_MASK 0xC0000000 +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_CONFIG_ADDR 0x0120 /* pcie config space access */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_CONFIG_DATA 0x0124 /* pcie config space access */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIO_CONTROL 0x0128 /* controls the mdio access */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIOCTL_DIVISOR_MASK 0x7f /* clock to be used on MDIO */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIOCTL_DIVISOR_VAL 0x2 +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIOCTL_PREAM_EN 0x80 /* Enable preamble sequnce */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIOCTL_ACCESS_DONE 0x100 /* Tranaction complete */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIO_DATA 0x012c /* Data to the mdio access */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_MASK 0x0000ffff /* data 2 bytes */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_TA 0x00020000 /* Turnaround */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_REGADDR_SHF_OLD 18 /* Regaddr shift (rev < 10) */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_REGADDR_MASK_OLD 0x003c0000 /* Regaddr Mask (rev < 10) */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEVADDR_SHF_OLD 22 /* Physmedia devaddr shift (rev < 10) */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEVADDR_MASK_OLD 0x0fc00000 /* Physmedia devaddr Mask (rev < 10) */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_REGADDR_SHF 18 /* Regaddr shift */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_REGADDR_MASK 0x007c0000 /* Regaddr Mask */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEVADDR_SHF 23 /* Physmedia devaddr shift */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEVADDR_MASK 0x0f800000 /* Physmedia devaddr Mask */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_WRITE 0x10000000 /* write Transaction */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_READ 0x20000000 /* Read Transaction */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_START 0x40000000 /* start of Transaction */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEV_ADDR 0x0 /* dev address for serdes */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_BLK_ADDR 0x1F /* blk address for serdes */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEV_PLL 0x1d /* SERDES PLL Dev */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEV_TX 0x1e /* SERDES TX Dev */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_MDIODATA_DEV_RX 0x1f /* SERDES RX Dev */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PCIEIND_ADDR 0x0130 /* indirect access to the internal register */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PCIEIND_DATA 0x0134 /* Data to/from the internal regsiter */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_CLKREQENCTRL 0x0138 /* >= rev 6, Clkreq rdma control */ #define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PCICFG0 0x0400 /* PCI config space 0 (rev >= 8) */ #define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PCICFG1 0x0500 /* PCI config space 1 (rev >= 8) */ #define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PCICFG2 0x0600 /* PCI config space 2 (rev >= 8) */ @@ -72,20 +101,114 @@ struct pci_dev; #define BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI_RC_READL 0x00000010 /* Memory read line */ #define BCMA_CORE_PCI_SBTOPCI_RC_READM 0x00000020 /* Memory read multiple */ +/* PCIE protocol PHY diagnostic registers */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_MODEREG 0x200 /* Mode */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_STATUSREG 0x204 /* Status */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_POLARITYINV_STAT 0x10 /* Status reg PCIE_PLP_STATUSREG */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_LTSSMCTRLREG 0x208 /* LTSSM control */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_LTLINKNUMREG 0x20c /* Link Training Link number */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_LTLANENUMREG 0x210 /* Link Training Lane number */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_LTNFTSREG 0x214 /* Link Training N_FTS */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_ATTNREG 0x218 /* Attention */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_ATTNMASKREG 0x21C /* Attention Mask */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_RXERRCTR 0x220 /* Rx Error */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_RXFRMERRCTR 0x224 /* Rx Framing Error */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_RXERRTHRESHREG 0x228 /* Rx Error threshold */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_TESTCTRLREG 0x22C /* Test Control reg */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_SERDESCTRLOVRDREG 0x230 /* SERDES Control Override */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_TIMINGOVRDREG 0x234 /* Timing param override */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_RXTXSMDIAGREG 0x238 /* RXTX State Machine Diag */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLP_LTSSMDIAGREG 0x23C /* LTSSM State Machine Diag */ + +/* PCIE protocol DLLP diagnostic registers */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_LCREG 0x100 /* Link Control */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_LSREG 0x104 /* Link Status */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_LAREG 0x108 /* Link Attention */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_LSREG_LINKUP (1 << 16) +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_LAMASKREG 0x10C /* Link Attention Mask */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_NEXTTXSEQNUMREG 0x110 /* Next Tx Seq Num */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_ACKEDTXSEQNUMREG 0x114 /* Acked Tx Seq Num */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_PURGEDTXSEQNUMREG 0x118 /* Purged Tx Seq Num */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_RXSEQNUMREG 0x11C /* Rx Sequence Number */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_LRREG 0x120 /* Link Replay */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_LACKTOREG 0x124 /* Link Ack Timeout */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_PMTHRESHREG 0x128 /* Power Management Threshold */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_RTRYWPREG 0x12C /* Retry buffer write ptr */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_RTRYRPREG 0x130 /* Retry buffer Read ptr */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_RTRYPPREG 0x134 /* Retry buffer Purged ptr */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_RTRRWREG 0x138 /* Retry buffer Read/Write */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_ECTHRESHREG 0x13C /* Error Count Threshold */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_TLPERRCTRREG 0x140 /* TLP Error Counter */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_ERRCTRREG 0x144 /* Error Counter */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_NAKRXCTRREG 0x148 /* NAK Received Counter */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_TESTREG 0x14C /* Test */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_PKTBIST 0x150 /* Packet BIST */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_DLLP_PCIE11 0x154 /* DLLP PCIE 1.1 reg */ + +/* SERDES RX registers */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_SERDES_RX_CTRL 1 /* Rx cntrl */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_SERDES_RX_CTRL_FORCE 0x80 /* rxpolarity_force */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_SERDES_RX_CTRL_POLARITY 0x40 /* rxpolarity_value */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_SERDES_RX_TIMER1 2 /* Rx Timer1 */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_SERDES_RX_CDR 6 /* CDR */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_SERDES_RX_CDRBW 7 /* CDR BW */ + +/* SERDES PLL registers */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_SERDES_PLL_CTRL 1 /* PLL control reg */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_PLL_CTRL_FREQDET_EN 0x4000 /* bit 14 is FREQDET on */ + /* PCIcore specific boardflags */ #define BCMA_CORE_PCI_BFL_NOPCI 0x00000400 /* Board leaves PCI floating */ +/* PCIE Config space accessing MACROS */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_CFG_BUS_SHIFT 24 /* Bus shift */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_CFG_SLOT_SHIFT 19 /* Slot/Device shift */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_CFG_FUN_SHIFT 16 /* Function shift */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_CFG_OFF_SHIFT 0 /* Register shift */ + +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_CFG_BUS_MASK 0xff /* Bus mask */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_CFG_SLOT_MASK 0x1f /* Slot/Device mask */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_CFG_FUN_MASK 7 /* Function mask */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_CFG_OFF_MASK 0xfff /* Register mask */ + +/* PCIE Root Capability Register bits (Host mode only) */ +#define BCMA_CORE_PCI_RC_CRS_VISIBILITY 0x0001 + +struct bcma_drv_pci; + +#ifdef CONFIG_BCMA_DRIVER_PCI_HOSTMODE +struct bcma_drv_pci_host { + struct bcma_drv_pci *pdev; + + u32 host_cfg_addr; + spinlock_t cfgspace_lock; + + struct pci_controller pci_controller; + struct pci_ops pci_ops; + struct resource mem_resource; + struct resource io_resource; +}; +#endif + struct bcma_drv_pci { struct bcma_device *core; u8 setup_done:1; + u8 hostmode:1; + +#ifdef CONFIG_BCMA_DRIVER_PCI_HOSTMODE + struct bcma_drv_pci_host *host_controller; +#endif }; /* Register access */ #define pcicore_read32(pc, offset) bcma_read32((pc)->core, offset) #define pcicore_write32(pc, offset, val) bcma_write32((pc)->core, offset, val) -extern void bcma_core_pci_init(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc); +extern void __devinit bcma_core_pci_init(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc); extern int bcma_core_pci_irq_ctl(struct bcma_drv_pci *pc, struct bcma_device *core, bool enable); +extern int bcma_core_pci_pcibios_map_irq(const struct pci_dev *dev); +extern int bcma_core_pci_plat_dev_init(struct pci_dev *dev); + #endif /* LINUX_BCMA_DRIVER_PCI_H_ */ diff --git a/include/linux/bcma/bcma_regs.h b/include/linux/bcma/bcma_regs.h index 9faae2ae02e8c34abecffc6bcb86f2d0c0fcb72b..5a71d57196404780ab587458ac1826343fd74c1c 100644 --- a/include/linux/bcma/bcma_regs.h +++ b/include/linux/bcma/bcma_regs.h @@ -56,4 +56,31 @@ #define BCMA_PCI_GPIO_XTAL 0x40 /* PCI config space GPIO 14 for Xtal powerup */ #define BCMA_PCI_GPIO_PLL 0x80 /* PCI config space GPIO 15 for PLL powerdown */ +/* SiliconBackplane Address Map. + * All regions may not exist on all chips. + */ +#define BCMA_SOC_SDRAM_BASE 0x00000000U /* Physical SDRAM */ +#define BCMA_SOC_PCI_MEM 0x08000000U /* Host Mode sb2pcitranslation0 (64 MB) */ +#define BCMA_SOC_PCI_MEM_SZ (64 * 1024 * 1024) +#define BCMA_SOC_PCI_CFG 0x0c000000U /* Host Mode sb2pcitranslation1 (64 MB) */ +#define BCMA_SOC_SDRAM_SWAPPED 0x10000000U /* Byteswapped Physical SDRAM */ +#define BCMA_SOC_SDRAM_R2 0x80000000U /* Region 2 for sdram (512 MB) */ + + +#define BCMA_SOC_PCI_DMA 0x40000000U /* Client Mode sb2pcitranslation2 (1 GB) */ +#define BCMA_SOC_PCI_DMA2 0x80000000U /* Client Mode sb2pcitranslation2 (1 GB) */ +#define BCMA_SOC_PCI_DMA_SZ 0x40000000U /* Client Mode sb2pcitranslation2 size in bytes */ +#define BCMA_SOC_PCIE_DMA_L32 0x00000000U /* PCIE Client Mode sb2pcitranslation2 + * (2 ZettaBytes), low 32 bits + */ +#define BCMA_SOC_PCIE_DMA_H32 0x80000000U /* PCIE Client Mode sb2pcitranslation2 + * (2 ZettaBytes), high 32 bits + */ + +#define BCMA_SOC_PCI1_MEM 0x40000000U /* Host Mode sb2pcitranslation0 (64 MB) */ +#define BCMA_SOC_PCI1_CFG 0x44000000U /* Host Mode sb2pcitranslation1 (64 MB) */ +#define BCMA_SOC_PCIE1_DMA_H32 0xc0000000U /* PCIE Client Mode sb2pcitranslation2 + * (2 ZettaBytes), high 32 bits + */ + #endif /* LINUX_BCMA_REGS_H_ */ diff --git a/include/linux/can/dev.h b/include/linux/can/dev.h index a0969fcb72b9eddbca569ebe60b19bb0b8787c20..5d2efe7e3f1bfb97429cbb30e8d0b31395ced8ac 100644 --- a/include/linux/can/dev.h +++ b/include/linux/can/dev.h @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ void can_bus_off(struct net_device *dev); void can_put_echo_skb(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, unsigned int idx); -void can_get_echo_skb(struct net_device *dev, unsigned int idx); +unsigned int can_get_echo_skb(struct net_device *dev, unsigned int idx); void can_free_echo_skb(struct net_device *dev, unsigned int idx); struct sk_buff *alloc_can_skb(struct net_device *dev, struct can_frame **cf); diff --git a/include/linux/dccp.h b/include/linux/dccp.h index 710c04302a157f1c3d56a8f4f163d2ce66347497..eaf95a023af4ee3b4276aa892a8280181a8cfeee 100644 --- a/include/linux/dccp.h +++ b/include/linux/dccp.h @@ -376,8 +376,10 @@ static inline unsigned int dccp_hdr_len(const struct sk_buff *skb) /** * struct dccp_request_sock - represent DCCP-specific connection request * @dreq_inet_rsk: structure inherited from - * @dreq_iss: initial sequence number sent on the Response (RFC 4340, 7.1) - * @dreq_isr: initial sequence number received on the Request + * @dreq_iss: initial sequence number, sent on the first Response (RFC 4340, 7.1) + * @dreq_gss: greatest sequence number sent (for retransmitted Responses) + * @dreq_isr: initial sequence number received in the first Request + * @dreq_gsr: greatest sequence number received (for retransmitted Request(s)) * @dreq_service: service code present on the Request (there is just one) * @dreq_featneg: feature negotiation options for this connection * The following two fields are analogous to the ones in dccp_sock: @@ -387,7 +389,9 @@ static inline unsigned int dccp_hdr_len(const struct sk_buff *skb) struct dccp_request_sock { struct inet_request_sock dreq_inet_rsk; __u64 dreq_iss; + __u64 dreq_gss; __u64 dreq_isr; + __u64 dreq_gsr; __be32 dreq_service; struct list_head dreq_featneg; __u32 dreq_timestamp_echo; diff --git a/include/linux/etherdevice.h b/include/linux/etherdevice.h index 05955cf09937c17e0db7584275168485008b7a0d..8a1835855faa792f93cc1934109aa7da3c6bdcac 100644 --- a/include/linux/etherdevice.h +++ b/include/linux/etherdevice.h @@ -140,17 +140,18 @@ static inline void random_ether_addr(u8 *addr) } /** - * dev_hw_addr_random - Create random MAC and set device flag + * eth_hw_addr_random - Generate software assigned random Ethernet and + * set device flag * @dev: pointer to net_device structure - * @hwaddr: Pointer to a six-byte array containing the Ethernet address * - * Generate random MAC to be used by a device and set addr_assign_type - * so the state can be read by sysfs and be used by udev. + * Generate a random Ethernet address (MAC) to be used by a net device + * and set addr_assign_type so the state can be read by sysfs and be + * used by userspace. */ -static inline void dev_hw_addr_random(struct net_device *dev, u8 *hwaddr) +static inline void eth_hw_addr_random(struct net_device *dev) { dev->addr_assign_type |= NET_ADDR_RANDOM; - random_ether_addr(hwaddr); + random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); } /** diff --git a/include/linux/ethtool.h b/include/linux/ethtool.h index da5b2de99ae450a1239cfb3cf6f24d7e71fc9b4c..e1d9e0ede3095a080c0a40cefa70799a0654e756 100644 --- a/include/linux/ethtool.h +++ b/include/linux/ethtool.h @@ -30,10 +30,15 @@ struct ethtool_cmd { * access it */ __u8 duplex; /* Duplex, half or full */ __u8 port; /* Which connector port */ - __u8 phy_address; + __u8 phy_address; /* MDIO PHY address (PRTAD for clause 45). + * May be read-only or read-write + * depending on the driver. + */ __u8 transceiver; /* Which transceiver to use */ __u8 autoneg; /* Enable or disable autonegotiation */ - __u8 mdio_support; + __u8 mdio_support; /* MDIO protocols supported. Read-only. + * Not set by all drivers. + */ __u32 maxtxpkt; /* Tx pkts before generating tx int */ __u32 maxrxpkt; /* Rx pkts before generating rx int */ __u16 speed_hi; /* The forced speed (upper @@ -59,6 +64,20 @@ static inline __u32 ethtool_cmd_speed(const struct ethtool_cmd *ep) return (ep->speed_hi << 16) | ep->speed; } +/* Device supports clause 22 register access to PHY or peripherals + * using the interface defined in . This should not be + * set if there are known to be no such peripherals present or if + * the driver only emulates clause 22 registers for compatibility. + */ +#define ETH_MDIO_SUPPORTS_C22 1 + +/* Device supports clause 45 register access to PHY or peripherals + * using the interface defined in and . + * This should not be set if there are known to be no such peripherals + * present. + */ +#define ETH_MDIO_SUPPORTS_C45 2 + #define ETHTOOL_FWVERS_LEN 32 #define ETHTOOL_BUSINFO_LEN 32 /* these strings are set to whatever the driver author decides... */ diff --git a/include/linux/if.h b/include/linux/if.h index 06b6ef60c821a43be68135d8fb4055c2425ff441..f995c663c493baf4d369bcf05d3bed20d38dcd1f 100644 --- a/include/linux/if.h +++ b/include/linux/if.h @@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ * skbs on transmit */ #define IFF_UNICAST_FLT 0x20000 /* Supports unicast filtering */ #define IFF_TEAM_PORT 0x40000 /* device used as team port */ +#define IFF_SUPP_NOFCS 0x80000 /* device supports sending custom FCS */ + #define IF_GET_IFACE 0x0001 /* for querying only */ #define IF_GET_PROTO 0x0002 diff --git a/include/linux/if_ppp.h b/include/linux/if_ppp.h index c9ad383225763abc92d811e0011e4a7b3016f485..9048fabb7a4ea98fd91586089a984487dfc536d2 100644 --- a/include/linux/if_ppp.h +++ b/include/linux/if_ppp.h @@ -1,173 +1 @@ -/* - * if_ppp.h - Point-to-Point Protocol definitions. - * - * Copyright (c) 1989 Carnegie Mellon University. - * All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted - * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are - * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, - * advertising materials, and other materials related to such - * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed - * by Carnegie Mellon University. The name of the - * University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR - * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED - * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - */ - -/* - * ==FILEVERSION 20050812== - * - * NOTE TO MAINTAINERS: - * If you modify this file at all, please set the above date. - * if_ppp.h is shipped with a PPP distribution as well as with the kernel; - * if everyone increases the FILEVERSION number above, then scripts - * can do the right thing when deciding whether to install a new if_ppp.h - * file. Don't change the format of that line otherwise, so the - * installation script can recognize it. - */ - -#ifndef _IF_PPP_H_ -#define _IF_PPP_H_ - -#include -#include - -/* - * Packet sizes - */ - -#define PPP_MTU 1500 /* Default MTU (size of Info field) */ -#define PPP_MAXMRU 65000 /* Largest MRU we allow */ -#define PROTO_IPX 0x002b /* protocol numbers */ -#define PROTO_DNA_RT 0x0027 /* DNA Routing */ - - -/* - * Bit definitions for flags. - */ - -#define SC_COMP_PROT 0x00000001 /* protocol compression (output) */ -#define SC_COMP_AC 0x00000002 /* header compression (output) */ -#define SC_COMP_TCP 0x00000004 /* TCP (VJ) compression (output) */ -#define SC_NO_TCP_CCID 0x00000008 /* disable VJ connection-id comp. */ -#define SC_REJ_COMP_AC 0x00000010 /* reject adrs/ctrl comp. on input */ -#define SC_REJ_COMP_TCP 0x00000020 /* reject TCP (VJ) comp. on input */ -#define SC_CCP_OPEN 0x00000040 /* Look at CCP packets */ -#define SC_CCP_UP 0x00000080 /* May send/recv compressed packets */ -#define SC_ENABLE_IP 0x00000100 /* IP packets may be exchanged */ -#define SC_LOOP_TRAFFIC 0x00000200 /* send traffic to pppd */ -#define SC_MULTILINK 0x00000400 /* do multilink encapsulation */ -#define SC_MP_SHORTSEQ 0x00000800 /* use short MP sequence numbers */ -#define SC_COMP_RUN 0x00001000 /* compressor has been inited */ -#define SC_DECOMP_RUN 0x00002000 /* decompressor has been inited */ -#define SC_MP_XSHORTSEQ 0x00004000 /* transmit short MP seq numbers */ -#define SC_DEBUG 0x00010000 /* enable debug messages */ -#define SC_LOG_INPKT 0x00020000 /* log contents of good pkts recvd */ -#define SC_LOG_OUTPKT 0x00040000 /* log contents of pkts sent */ -#define SC_LOG_RAWIN 0x00080000 /* log all chars received */ -#define SC_LOG_FLUSH 0x00100000 /* log all chars flushed */ -#define SC_SYNC 0x00200000 /* synchronous serial mode */ -#define SC_MUST_COMP 0x00400000 /* no uncompressed packets may be sent or received */ -#define SC_MASK 0x0f600fff /* bits that user can change */ - -/* state bits */ -#define SC_XMIT_BUSY 0x10000000 /* (used by isdn_ppp?) */ -#define SC_RCV_ODDP 0x08000000 /* have rcvd char with odd parity */ -#define SC_RCV_EVNP 0x04000000 /* have rcvd char with even parity */ -#define SC_RCV_B7_1 0x02000000 /* have rcvd char with bit 7 = 1 */ -#define SC_RCV_B7_0 0x01000000 /* have rcvd char with bit 7 = 0 */ -#define SC_DC_FERROR 0x00800000 /* fatal decomp error detected */ -#define SC_DC_ERROR 0x00400000 /* non-fatal decomp error detected */ - -/* - * Ioctl definitions. - */ - -struct npioctl { - int protocol; /* PPP protocol, e.g. PPP_IP */ - enum NPmode mode; -}; - -/* Structure describing a CCP configuration option, for PPPIOCSCOMPRESS */ -struct ppp_option_data { - __u8 __user *ptr; - __u32 length; - int transmit; -}; - -struct ifpppstatsreq { - struct ifreq b; - struct ppp_stats stats; /* statistic information */ -}; - -struct ifpppcstatsreq { - struct ifreq b; - struct ppp_comp_stats stats; -}; - -/* For PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS */ -struct pppol2tp_ioc_stats { - __u16 tunnel_id; /* redundant */ - __u16 session_id; /* if zero, get tunnel stats */ - __u32 using_ipsec:1; /* valid only for session_id == 0 */ - __aligned_u64 tx_packets; - __aligned_u64 tx_bytes; - __aligned_u64 tx_errors; - __aligned_u64 rx_packets; - __aligned_u64 rx_bytes; - __aligned_u64 rx_seq_discards; - __aligned_u64 rx_oos_packets; - __aligned_u64 rx_errors; -}; - -#define ifr__name b.ifr_ifrn.ifrn_name -#define stats_ptr b.ifr_ifru.ifru_data - -/* - * Ioctl definitions. - */ - -#define PPPIOCGFLAGS _IOR('t', 90, int) /* get configuration flags */ -#define PPPIOCSFLAGS _IOW('t', 89, int) /* set configuration flags */ -#define PPPIOCGASYNCMAP _IOR('t', 88, int) /* get async map */ -#define PPPIOCSASYNCMAP _IOW('t', 87, int) /* set async map */ -#define PPPIOCGUNIT _IOR('t', 86, int) /* get ppp unit number */ -#define PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP _IOR('t', 85, int) /* get receive async map */ -#define PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP _IOW('t', 84, int) /* set receive async map */ -#define PPPIOCGMRU _IOR('t', 83, int) /* get max receive unit */ -#define PPPIOCSMRU _IOW('t', 82, int) /* set max receive unit */ -#define PPPIOCSMAXCID _IOW('t', 81, int) /* set VJ max slot ID */ -#define PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP _IOR('t', 80, ext_accm) /* get extended ACCM */ -#define PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP _IOW('t', 79, ext_accm) /* set extended ACCM */ -#define PPPIOCXFERUNIT _IO('t', 78) /* transfer PPP unit */ -#define PPPIOCSCOMPRESS _IOW('t', 77, struct ppp_option_data) -#define PPPIOCGNPMODE _IOWR('t', 76, struct npioctl) /* get NP mode */ -#define PPPIOCSNPMODE _IOW('t', 75, struct npioctl) /* set NP mode */ -#define PPPIOCSPASS _IOW('t', 71, struct sock_fprog) /* set pass filter */ -#define PPPIOCSACTIVE _IOW('t', 70, struct sock_fprog) /* set active filt */ -#define PPPIOCGDEBUG _IOR('t', 65, int) /* Read debug level */ -#define PPPIOCSDEBUG _IOW('t', 64, int) /* Set debug level */ -#define PPPIOCGIDLE _IOR('t', 63, struct ppp_idle) /* get idle time */ -#define PPPIOCNEWUNIT _IOWR('t', 62, int) /* create new ppp unit */ -#define PPPIOCATTACH _IOW('t', 61, int) /* attach to ppp unit */ -#define PPPIOCDETACH _IOW('t', 60, int) /* detach from ppp unit/chan */ -#define PPPIOCSMRRU _IOW('t', 59, int) /* set multilink MRU */ -#define PPPIOCCONNECT _IOW('t', 58, int) /* connect channel to unit */ -#define PPPIOCDISCONN _IO('t', 57) /* disconnect channel */ -#define PPPIOCATTCHAN _IOW('t', 56, int) /* attach to ppp channel */ -#define PPPIOCGCHAN _IOR('t', 55, int) /* get ppp channel number */ -#define PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS _IOR('t', 54, struct pppol2tp_ioc_stats) - -#define SIOCGPPPSTATS (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 0) -#define SIOCGPPPVER (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 1) /* NEVER change this!! */ -#define SIOCGPPPCSTATS (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 2) - -#if !defined(ifr_mtu) -#define ifr_mtu ifr_ifru.ifru_metric -#endif - -#endif /* _IF_PPP_H_ */ +#include diff --git a/include/linux/if_vlan.h b/include/linux/if_vlan.h index 13aff1e2183baeb7b2493b6d50cc75184d908ef1..33a6e1951d4df57bc2d9bad947e71713fa5aa7c7 100644 --- a/include/linux/if_vlan.h +++ b/include/linux/if_vlan.h @@ -18,10 +18,9 @@ #include #include -#define VLAN_HLEN 4 /* The additional bytes (on top of the Ethernet header) - * that VLAN requires. +#define VLAN_HLEN 4 /* The additional bytes required by VLAN + * (in addition to the Ethernet header) */ -#define VLAN_ETH_ALEN 6 /* Octets in one ethernet addr */ #define VLAN_ETH_HLEN 18 /* Total octets in header. */ #define VLAN_ETH_ZLEN 64 /* Min. octets in frame sans FCS */ @@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ static inline struct sk_buff *vlan_insert_tag(struct sk_buff *skb, u16 vlan_tci) veth = (struct vlan_ethhdr *)skb_push(skb, VLAN_HLEN); /* Move the mac addresses to the beginning of the new header. */ - memmove(skb->data, skb->data + VLAN_HLEN, 2 * VLAN_ETH_ALEN); + memmove(skb->data, skb->data + VLAN_HLEN, 2 * ETH_ALEN); skb->mac_header -= VLAN_HLEN; /* first, the ethernet type */ diff --git a/include/linux/in.h b/include/linux/in.h index 01129c0ea87cb385c558adaf1df526555fbec1a0..e0337f11d92eb54e0c78db71a9d1b6fcb3f42d80 100644 --- a/include/linux/in.h +++ b/include/linux/in.h @@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ struct in_addr { #define MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP 47 #define MCAST_MSFILTER 48 #define IP_MULTICAST_ALL 49 +#define IP_UNICAST_IF 50 #define MCAST_EXCLUDE 0 #define MCAST_INCLUDE 1 diff --git a/include/linux/in6.h b/include/linux/in6.h index 097a34b55560a9d4434f61f78b85f5fbbef8e2e7..5c83d9e3eb8f1bbc14cb7e906394080fb1760686 100644 --- a/include/linux/in6.h +++ b/include/linux/in6.h @@ -271,6 +271,7 @@ struct in6_flowlabel_req { #define IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR 74 #define IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR #define IPV6_TRANSPARENT 75 +#define IPV6_UNICAST_IF 76 /* * Multicast Routing: diff --git a/include/linux/inetdevice.h b/include/linux/inetdevice.h index 5f8146695b7ff199b3135c89a079b4649d5cf269..597f4a9f3240d1b3b9f964b1b21f498e5a18d08a 100644 --- a/include/linux/inetdevice.h +++ b/include/linux/inetdevice.h @@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ static inline void ipv4_devconf_setall(struct in_device *in_dev) IN_DEV_ORCONF((in_dev), ACCEPT_REDIRECTS))) #define IN_DEV_ARPFILTER(in_dev) IN_DEV_ORCONF((in_dev), ARPFILTER) +#define IN_DEV_ARP_ACCEPT(in_dev) IN_DEV_ORCONF((in_dev), ARP_ACCEPT) #define IN_DEV_ARP_ANNOUNCE(in_dev) IN_DEV_MAXCONF((in_dev), ARP_ANNOUNCE) #define IN_DEV_ARP_IGNORE(in_dev) IN_DEV_MAXCONF((in_dev), ARP_IGNORE) #define IN_DEV_ARP_NOTIFY(in_dev) IN_DEV_MAXCONF((in_dev), ARP_NOTIFY) diff --git a/include/linux/ipv6.h b/include/linux/ipv6.h index 6318268dcaf5c93cef691ea922c5d598fcbda749..8260ef7797626196a5f8124faa3198cb4c269888 100644 --- a/include/linux/ipv6.h +++ b/include/linux/ipv6.h @@ -233,6 +233,11 @@ static inline struct ipv6hdr *ipipv6_hdr(const struct sk_buff *skb) return (struct ipv6hdr *)skb_transport_header(skb); } +static inline __u8 ipv6_tclass(const struct ipv6hdr *iph) +{ + return (ntohl(*(__be32 *)iph) >> 20) & 0xff; +} + /* This structure contains results of exthdrs parsing as offsets from skb->nh. @@ -324,6 +329,7 @@ struct ipv6_pinfo { __unused_2:6; __s16 mcast_hops:9; #endif + int ucast_oif; int mcast_oif; /* pktoption flags */ @@ -360,7 +366,7 @@ struct ipv6_pinfo { dontfrag:1; __u8 min_hopcount; __u8 tclass; - __u8 padding; + __u8 rcv_tclass; __u32 dst_cookie; diff --git a/include/linux/isdn.h b/include/linux/isdn.h index 4ccf95d681b4e8aa32eb0e1ec4a6ec485ea99938..292f27a793d4c270b8b2393d3d677f978e954b14 100644 --- a/include/linux/isdn.h +++ b/include/linux/isdn.h @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ typedef struct { #endif #include -#include +#include #include #endif diff --git a/include/linux/mdio.h b/include/linux/mdio.h index b1494aced217d0bcdab6967a896025043cecd263..dfb947959ec9bc559a4b15a1ba302b0366aeae81 100644 --- a/include/linux/mdio.h +++ b/include/linux/mdio.h @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ #ifndef __LINUX_MDIO_H__ #define __LINUX_MDIO_H__ +#include #include /* MDIO Manageable Devices (MMDs). */ @@ -273,6 +274,8 @@ static inline __u16 mdio_phy_id_c45(int prtad, int devad) return MDIO_PHY_ID_C45 | (prtad << 5) | devad; } +#ifdef __KERNEL__ + static inline bool mdio_phy_id_is_c45(int phy_id) { return (phy_id & MDIO_PHY_ID_C45) && !(phy_id & ~MDIO_PHY_ID_C45_MASK); @@ -288,11 +291,6 @@ static inline __u16 mdio_phy_id_devad(int phy_id) return phy_id & MDIO_PHY_ID_DEVAD; } -#define MDIO_SUPPORTS_C22 1 -#define MDIO_SUPPORTS_C45 2 - -#ifdef __KERNEL__ - /** * struct mdio_if_info - Ethernet controller MDIO interface * @prtad: PRTAD of the PHY (%MDIO_PRTAD_NONE if not present/unknown) @@ -321,6 +319,8 @@ struct mdio_if_info { #define MDIO_PRTAD_NONE (-1) #define MDIO_DEVAD_NONE (-1) +#define MDIO_SUPPORTS_C22 1 +#define MDIO_SUPPORTS_C45 2 #define MDIO_EMULATE_C22 4 struct ethtool_cmd; diff --git a/include/linux/mlx4/device.h b/include/linux/mlx4/device.h index aea61905499b0e20598969cb02e63f32a3010d2d..44d8144e9ae8e1ad7ba7742197001f121719d263 100644 --- a/include/linux/mlx4/device.h +++ b/include/linux/mlx4/device.h @@ -622,7 +622,10 @@ int mlx4_replace_mac(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 port, int qpn, u64 new_mac); int mlx4_get_eth_qp(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 port, u64 mac, int *qpn); void mlx4_put_eth_qp(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 port, u64 mac, int qpn); void mlx4_set_stats_bitmap(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u64 *stats_bitmap); - +int mlx4_SET_PORT_general(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 port, int mtu, + u8 pptx, u8 pfctx, u8 pprx, u8 pfcrx); +int mlx4_SET_PORT_qpn_calc(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 port, u32 base_qpn, + u8 promisc); int mlx4_find_cached_vlan(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 port, u16 vid, int *idx); int mlx4_register_vlan(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 port, u16 vlan, int *index); void mlx4_unregister_vlan(struct mlx4_dev *dev, u8 port, int index); diff --git a/include/linux/mlx4/qp.h b/include/linux/mlx4/qp.h index bee8fa231276e2d29d7b4419b9ac92e8620fb2d8..091f9e7dc8b9629387a3d8e0d4bee9e3f915b702 100644 --- a/include/linux/mlx4/qp.h +++ b/include/linux/mlx4/qp.h @@ -212,7 +212,10 @@ struct mlx4_wqe_ctrl_seg { * [1] SE (solicited event) * [0] FL (force loopback) */ - __be32 srcrb_flags; + union { + __be32 srcrb_flags; + __be16 srcrb_flags16[2]; + }; /* * imm is immediate data for send/RDMA write w/ immediate; * also invalidation key for send with invalidate; input diff --git a/include/linux/net.h b/include/linux/net.h index b29923006b11e50b4aac2c99f9a81be14afc7fd1..be60c7f5e145d657d158ff58bb80f3ebda2e2fde 100644 --- a/include/linux/net.h +++ b/include/linux/net.h @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ struct proto_ops { int offset, size_t size, int flags); ssize_t (*splice_read)(struct socket *sock, loff_t *ppos, struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len, unsigned int flags); + void (*set_peek_off)(struct sock *sk, int val); }; #define DECLARE_SOCKADDR(type, dst, src) \ diff --git a/include/linux/netdev_features.h b/include/linux/netdev_features.h index 77f5202977ceb6ced9785142189bd2d5e702539e..5ac32123035a5159c7c017a3ac29aec8ee9291af 100644 --- a/include/linux/netdev_features.h +++ b/include/linux/netdev_features.h @@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ enum { NETIF_F_RXCSUM_BIT, /* Receive checksumming offload */ NETIF_F_NOCACHE_COPY_BIT, /* Use no-cache copyfromuser */ NETIF_F_LOOPBACK_BIT, /* Enable loopback */ + NETIF_F_RXFCS_BIT, /* Append FCS to skb pkt data */ + NETIF_F_RXALL_BIT, /* Receive errored frames too */ /* * Add your fresh new feature above and remember to update @@ -98,6 +100,8 @@ enum { #define NETIF_F_TSO __NETIF_F(TSO) #define NETIF_F_UFO __NETIF_F(UFO) #define NETIF_F_VLAN_CHALLENGED __NETIF_F(VLAN_CHALLENGED) +#define NETIF_F_RXFCS __NETIF_F(RXFCS) +#define NETIF_F_RXALL __NETIF_F(RXALL) /* Features valid for ethtool to change */ /* = all defined minus driver/device-class-related */ diff --git a/include/linux/netdevice.h b/include/linux/netdevice.h index 3e5cb2546e4fd084ac6a4cd211fcbc91447cda22..8debe299676def907931e6580f15886cf80402f3 100644 --- a/include/linux/netdevice.h +++ b/include/linux/netdevice.h @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ typedef rx_handler_result_t rx_handler_func_t(struct sk_buff **pskb); extern void __napi_schedule(struct napi_struct *n); -static inline int napi_disable_pending(struct napi_struct *n) +static inline bool napi_disable_pending(struct napi_struct *n) { return test_bit(NAPI_STATE_DISABLE, &n->state); } @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ static inline int napi_disable_pending(struct napi_struct *n) * insure only one NAPI poll instance runs. We also make * sure there is no pending NAPI disable. */ -static inline int napi_schedule_prep(struct napi_struct *n) +static inline bool napi_schedule_prep(struct napi_struct *n) { return !napi_disable_pending(n) && !test_and_set_bit(NAPI_STATE_SCHED, &n->state); @@ -451,13 +451,13 @@ static inline void napi_schedule(struct napi_struct *n) } /* Try to reschedule poll. Called by dev->poll() after napi_complete(). */ -static inline int napi_reschedule(struct napi_struct *napi) +static inline bool napi_reschedule(struct napi_struct *napi) { if (napi_schedule_prep(napi)) { __napi_schedule(napi); - return 1; + return true; } - return 0; + return false; } /** @@ -1082,7 +1082,8 @@ struct net_device { const struct header_ops *header_ops; unsigned int flags; /* interface flags (a la BSD) */ - unsigned int priv_flags; /* Like 'flags' but invisible to userspace. */ + unsigned int priv_flags; /* Like 'flags' but invisible to userspace. + * See if.h for definitions. */ unsigned short gflags; unsigned short padded; /* How much padding added by alloc_netdev() */ @@ -1867,7 +1868,7 @@ static inline void netif_tx_stop_all_queues(struct net_device *dev) } } -static inline int netif_tx_queue_stopped(const struct netdev_queue *dev_queue) +static inline bool netif_tx_queue_stopped(const struct netdev_queue *dev_queue) { return test_bit(__QUEUE_STATE_DRV_XOFF, &dev_queue->state); } @@ -1878,17 +1879,17 @@ static inline int netif_tx_queue_stopped(const struct netdev_queue *dev_queue) * * Test if transmit queue on device is currently unable to send. */ -static inline int netif_queue_stopped(const struct net_device *dev) +static inline bool netif_queue_stopped(const struct net_device *dev) { return netif_tx_queue_stopped(netdev_get_tx_queue(dev, 0)); } -static inline int netif_xmit_stopped(const struct netdev_queue *dev_queue) +static inline bool netif_xmit_stopped(const struct netdev_queue *dev_queue) { return dev_queue->state & QUEUE_STATE_ANY_XOFF; } -static inline int netif_xmit_frozen_or_stopped(const struct netdev_queue *dev_queue) +static inline bool netif_xmit_frozen_or_stopped(const struct netdev_queue *dev_queue) { return dev_queue->state & QUEUE_STATE_ANY_XOFF_OR_FROZEN; } @@ -1898,12 +1899,22 @@ static inline void netdev_tx_sent_queue(struct netdev_queue *dev_queue, { #ifdef CONFIG_BQL dql_queued(&dev_queue->dql, bytes); - if (unlikely(dql_avail(&dev_queue->dql) < 0)) { - set_bit(__QUEUE_STATE_STACK_XOFF, &dev_queue->state); - if (unlikely(dql_avail(&dev_queue->dql) >= 0)) - clear_bit(__QUEUE_STATE_STACK_XOFF, - &dev_queue->state); - } + + if (likely(dql_avail(&dev_queue->dql) >= 0)) + return; + + set_bit(__QUEUE_STATE_STACK_XOFF, &dev_queue->state); + + /* + * The XOFF flag must be set before checking the dql_avail below, + * because in netdev_tx_completed_queue we update the dql_completed + * before checking the XOFF flag. + */ + smp_mb(); + + /* check again in case another CPU has just made room avail */ + if (unlikely(dql_avail(&dev_queue->dql) >= 0)) + clear_bit(__QUEUE_STATE_STACK_XOFF, &dev_queue->state); #endif } @@ -1916,16 +1927,23 @@ static inline void netdev_tx_completed_queue(struct netdev_queue *dev_queue, unsigned pkts, unsigned bytes) { #ifdef CONFIG_BQL - if (likely(bytes)) { - dql_completed(&dev_queue->dql, bytes); - if (unlikely(test_bit(__QUEUE_STATE_STACK_XOFF, - &dev_queue->state) && - dql_avail(&dev_queue->dql) >= 0)) { - if (test_and_clear_bit(__QUEUE_STATE_STACK_XOFF, - &dev_queue->state)) - netif_schedule_queue(dev_queue); - } - } + if (unlikely(!bytes)) + return; + + dql_completed(&dev_queue->dql, bytes); + + /* + * Without the memory barrier there is a small possiblity that + * netdev_tx_sent_queue will miss the update and cause the queue to + * be stopped forever + */ + smp_mb(); + + if (dql_avail(&dev_queue->dql) < 0) + return; + + if (test_and_clear_bit(__QUEUE_STATE_STACK_XOFF, &dev_queue->state)) + netif_schedule_queue(dev_queue); #endif } @@ -1938,6 +1956,7 @@ static inline void netdev_completed_queue(struct net_device *dev, static inline void netdev_tx_reset_queue(struct netdev_queue *q) { #ifdef CONFIG_BQL + clear_bit(__QUEUE_STATE_STACK_XOFF, &q->state); dql_reset(&q->dql); #endif } @@ -1953,7 +1972,7 @@ static inline void netdev_reset_queue(struct net_device *dev_queue) * * Test if the device has been brought up. */ -static inline int netif_running(const struct net_device *dev) +static inline bool netif_running(const struct net_device *dev) { return test_bit(__LINK_STATE_START, &dev->state); } @@ -2003,16 +2022,16 @@ static inline void netif_stop_subqueue(struct net_device *dev, u16 queue_index) * * Check individual transmit queue of a device with multiple transmit queues. */ -static inline int __netif_subqueue_stopped(const struct net_device *dev, - u16 queue_index) +static inline bool __netif_subqueue_stopped(const struct net_device *dev, + u16 queue_index) { struct netdev_queue *txq = netdev_get_tx_queue(dev, queue_index); return netif_tx_queue_stopped(txq); } -static inline int netif_subqueue_stopped(const struct net_device *dev, - struct sk_buff *skb) +static inline bool netif_subqueue_stopped(const struct net_device *dev, + struct sk_buff *skb) { return __netif_subqueue_stopped(dev, skb_get_queue_mapping(skb)); } @@ -2051,7 +2070,7 @@ static inline u16 skb_tx_hash(const struct net_device *dev, * * Check if device has multiple transmit queues */ -static inline int netif_is_multiqueue(const struct net_device *dev) +static inline bool netif_is_multiqueue(const struct net_device *dev) { return dev->num_tx_queues > 1; } @@ -2121,7 +2140,7 @@ extern int netdev_rx_handler_register(struct net_device *dev, void *rx_handler_data); extern void netdev_rx_handler_unregister(struct net_device *dev); -extern int dev_valid_name(const char *name); +extern bool dev_valid_name(const char *name); extern int dev_ioctl(struct net *net, unsigned int cmd, void __user *); extern int dev_ethtool(struct net *net, struct ifreq *); extern unsigned dev_get_flags(const struct net_device *); @@ -2187,7 +2206,7 @@ extern void linkwatch_forget_dev(struct net_device *dev); * * Check if carrier is present on device */ -static inline int netif_carrier_ok(const struct net_device *dev) +static inline bool netif_carrier_ok(const struct net_device *dev) { return !test_bit(__LINK_STATE_NOCARRIER, &dev->state); } @@ -2239,7 +2258,7 @@ static inline void netif_dormant_off(struct net_device *dev) * * Check if carrier is present on device */ -static inline int netif_dormant(const struct net_device *dev) +static inline bool netif_dormant(const struct net_device *dev) { return test_bit(__LINK_STATE_DORMANT, &dev->state); } @@ -2251,7 +2270,7 @@ static inline int netif_dormant(const struct net_device *dev) * * Check if carrier is operational */ -static inline int netif_oper_up(const struct net_device *dev) +static inline bool netif_oper_up(const struct net_device *dev) { return (dev->operstate == IF_OPER_UP || dev->operstate == IF_OPER_UNKNOWN /* backward compat */); @@ -2263,7 +2282,7 @@ static inline int netif_oper_up(const struct net_device *dev) * * Check if device has not been removed from system. */ -static inline int netif_device_present(struct net_device *dev) +static inline bool netif_device_present(struct net_device *dev) { return test_bit(__LINK_STATE_PRESENT, &dev->state); } @@ -2333,9 +2352,9 @@ static inline void __netif_tx_lock_bh(struct netdev_queue *txq) txq->xmit_lock_owner = smp_processor_id(); } -static inline int __netif_tx_trylock(struct netdev_queue *txq) +static inline bool __netif_tx_trylock(struct netdev_queue *txq) { - int ok = spin_trylock(&txq->_xmit_lock); + bool ok = spin_trylock(&txq->_xmit_lock); if (likely(ok)) txq->xmit_lock_owner = smp_processor_id(); return ok; @@ -2556,6 +2575,8 @@ extern void dev_load(struct net *net, const char *name); extern void dev_mcast_init(void); extern struct rtnl_link_stats64 *dev_get_stats(struct net_device *dev, struct rtnl_link_stats64 *storage); +extern void netdev_stats_to_stats64(struct rtnl_link_stats64 *stats64, + const struct net_device_stats *netdev_stats); extern int netdev_max_backlog; extern int netdev_tstamp_prequeue; @@ -2611,7 +2632,7 @@ void netif_stacked_transfer_operstate(const struct net_device *rootdev, netdev_features_t netif_skb_features(struct sk_buff *skb); -static inline int net_gso_ok(netdev_features_t features, int gso_type) +static inline bool net_gso_ok(netdev_features_t features, int gso_type) { netdev_features_t feature = gso_type << NETIF_F_GSO_SHIFT; @@ -2626,17 +2647,18 @@ static inline int net_gso_ok(netdev_features_t features, int gso_type) return (features & feature) == feature; } -static inline int skb_gso_ok(struct sk_buff *skb, netdev_features_t features) +static inline bool skb_gso_ok(struct sk_buff *skb, netdev_features_t features) { return net_gso_ok(features, skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_type) && (!skb_has_frag_list(skb) || (features & NETIF_F_FRAGLIST)); } -static inline int netif_needs_gso(struct sk_buff *skb, - netdev_features_t features) +static inline bool netif_needs_gso(struct sk_buff *skb, + netdev_features_t features) { return skb_is_gso(skb) && (!skb_gso_ok(skb, features) || - unlikely(skb->ip_summed != CHECKSUM_PARTIAL)); + unlikely((skb->ip_summed != CHECKSUM_PARTIAL) && + (skb->ip_summed != CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY))); } static inline void netif_set_gso_max_size(struct net_device *dev, @@ -2645,11 +2667,16 @@ static inline void netif_set_gso_max_size(struct net_device *dev, dev->gso_max_size = size; } -static inline int netif_is_bond_slave(struct net_device *dev) +static inline bool netif_is_bond_slave(struct net_device *dev) { return dev->flags & IFF_SLAVE && dev->priv_flags & IFF_BONDING; } +static inline bool netif_supports_nofcs(struct net_device *dev) +{ + return dev->priv_flags & IFF_SUPP_NOFCS; +} + extern struct pernet_operations __net_initdata loopback_net_ops; /* Logging, debugging and troubleshooting/diagnostic helpers. */ diff --git a/include/linux/netfilter/Kbuild b/include/linux/netfilter/Kbuild index e144f54185c019a01d2210791e54f1feb12b1586..1697036336b6623a474212ebf8e4eeda4d4dc752 100644 --- a/include/linux/netfilter/Kbuild +++ b/include/linux/netfilter/Kbuild @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ header-y += nfnetlink.h header-y += nfnetlink_acct.h header-y += nfnetlink_compat.h header-y += nfnetlink_conntrack.h +header-y += nfnetlink_cttimeout.h header-y += nfnetlink_log.h header-y += nfnetlink_queue.h header-y += x_tables.h @@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ header-y += xt_CT.h header-y += xt_DSCP.h header-y += xt_IDLETIMER.h header-y += xt_LED.h +header-y += xt_LOG.h header-y += xt_MARK.h header-y += xt_nfacct.h header-y += xt_NFLOG.h diff --git a/include/linux/netfilter/ipset/ip_set.h b/include/linux/netfilter/ipset/ip_set.h index 3540c6e262f7b1288c31e32b0769d40a90e9b1e3..2f8e18a232273faa679a1d7ee60944b292f16de6 100644 --- a/include/linux/netfilter/ipset/ip_set.h +++ b/include/linux/netfilter/ipset/ip_set.h @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ +#include + /* The protocol version */ #define IPSET_PROTOCOL 6 @@ -148,6 +150,7 @@ enum ipset_cmd_flags { IPSET_FLAG_LIST_SETNAME = (1 << IPSET_FLAG_BIT_LIST_SETNAME), IPSET_FLAG_BIT_LIST_HEADER = 2, IPSET_FLAG_LIST_HEADER = (1 << IPSET_FLAG_BIT_LIST_HEADER), + IPSET_FLAG_CMD_MAX = 15, /* Lower half */ }; /* Flags at CADT attribute level */ @@ -156,6 +159,9 @@ enum ipset_cadt_flags { IPSET_FLAG_BEFORE = (1 << IPSET_FLAG_BIT_BEFORE), IPSET_FLAG_BIT_PHYSDEV = 1, IPSET_FLAG_PHYSDEV = (1 << IPSET_FLAG_BIT_PHYSDEV), + IPSET_FLAG_BIT_NOMATCH = 2, + IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH = (1 << IPSET_FLAG_BIT_NOMATCH), + IPSET_FLAG_CADT_MAX = 15, /* Upper half */ }; /* Commands with settype-specific attributes */ @@ -168,19 +174,10 @@ enum ipset_adt { IPSET_CADT_MAX, }; -#ifdef __KERNEL__ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - /* Sets are identified by an index in kernel space. Tweak with ip_set_id_t * and IPSET_INVALID_ID if you want to increase the max number of sets. */ -typedef u16 ip_set_id_t; +typedef __u16 ip_set_id_t; #define IPSET_INVALID_ID 65535 @@ -203,6 +200,15 @@ enum ip_set_kopt { IPSET_DIM_THREE_SRC = (1 << IPSET_DIM_THREE), }; +#ifdef __KERNEL__ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + /* Set features */ enum ip_set_feature { IPSET_TYPE_IP_FLAG = 0, @@ -288,7 +294,10 @@ struct ip_set_type { u8 features; /* Set type dimension */ u8 dimension; - /* Supported family: may be AF_UNSPEC for both AF_INET/AF_INET6 */ + /* + * Supported family: may be NFPROTO_UNSPEC for both + * NFPROTO_IPV4/NFPROTO_IPV6. + */ u8 family; /* Type revisions */ u8 revision_min, revision_max; @@ -450,6 +459,8 @@ bitmap_bytes(u32 a, u32 b) return 4 * ((((b - a + 8) / 8) + 3) / 4); } +#endif /* __KERNEL__ */ + /* Interface to iptables/ip6tables */ #define SO_IP_SET 83 @@ -475,6 +486,4 @@ struct ip_set_req_version { unsigned version; }; -#endif /* __KERNEL__ */ - #endif /*_IP_SET_H */ diff --git a/include/linux/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_ahash.h b/include/linux/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_ahash.h index b89fb79cb44fb9ed819c192776b525b243b8f895..05a5d72680bed904c23687a69e43a7759bc61848 100644 --- a/include/linux/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_ahash.h +++ b/include/linux/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_ahash.h @@ -113,6 +113,12 @@ htable_bits(u32 hashsize) } #ifdef IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NETS +#ifdef IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NETS_PACKED +/* When cidr is packed with nomatch, cidr - 1 is stored in the entry */ +#define CIDR(cidr) (cidr + 1) +#else +#define CIDR(cidr) (cidr) +#endif #define SET_HOST_MASK(family) (family == AF_INET ? 32 : 128) @@ -262,6 +268,12 @@ ip_set_hash_destroy(struct ip_set *set) #define type_pf_data_list TOKEN(TYPE, PF, _data_list) #define type_pf_data_tlist TOKEN(TYPE, PF, _data_tlist) #define type_pf_data_next TOKEN(TYPE, PF, _data_next) +#define type_pf_data_flags TOKEN(TYPE, PF, _data_flags) +#ifdef IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NETS +#define type_pf_data_match TOKEN(TYPE, PF, _data_match) +#else +#define type_pf_data_match(d) 1 +#endif #define type_pf_elem TOKEN(TYPE, PF, _elem) #define type_pf_telem TOKEN(TYPE, PF, _telem) @@ -308,8 +320,10 @@ ip_set_hash_destroy(struct ip_set *set) * we spare the maintenance of the internal counters. */ static int type_pf_elem_add(struct hbucket *n, const struct type_pf_elem *value, - u8 ahash_max) + u8 ahash_max, u32 cadt_flags) { + struct type_pf_elem *data; + if (n->pos >= n->size) { void *tmp; @@ -330,7 +344,13 @@ type_pf_elem_add(struct hbucket *n, const struct type_pf_elem *value, n->value = tmp; n->size += AHASH_INIT_SIZE; } - type_pf_data_copy(ahash_data(n, n->pos++), value); + data = ahash_data(n, n->pos++); + type_pf_data_copy(data, value); +#ifdef IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NETS + /* Resizing won't overwrite stored flags */ + if (cadt_flags) + type_pf_data_flags(data, cadt_flags); +#endif return 0; } @@ -353,9 +373,12 @@ type_pf_resize(struct ip_set *set, bool retried) htable_bits++; pr_debug("attempt to resize set %s from %u to %u, t %p\n", set->name, orig->htable_bits, htable_bits, orig); - if (!htable_bits) + if (!htable_bits) { /* In case we have plenty of memory :-) */ + pr_warning("Cannot increase the hashsize of set %s further\n", + set->name); return -IPSET_ERR_HASH_FULL; + } t = ip_set_alloc(sizeof(*t) + jhash_size(htable_bits) * sizeof(struct hbucket)); if (!t) @@ -368,7 +391,7 @@ type_pf_resize(struct ip_set *set, bool retried) for (j = 0; j < n->pos; j++) { data = ahash_data(n, j); m = hbucket(t, HKEY(data, h->initval, htable_bits)); - ret = type_pf_elem_add(m, data, AHASH_MAX(h)); + ret = type_pf_elem_add(m, data, AHASH_MAX(h), 0); if (ret < 0) { read_unlock_bh(&set->lock); ahash_destroy(t); @@ -406,9 +429,14 @@ type_pf_add(struct ip_set *set, void *value, u32 timeout, u32 flags) struct hbucket *n; int i, ret = 0; u32 key, multi = 0; + u32 cadt_flags = flags >> 16; - if (h->elements >= h->maxelem) + if (h->elements >= h->maxelem) { + if (net_ratelimit()) + pr_warning("Set %s is full, maxelem %u reached\n", + set->name, h->maxelem); return -IPSET_ERR_HASH_FULL; + } rcu_read_lock_bh(); t = rcu_dereference_bh(h->table); @@ -416,11 +444,17 @@ type_pf_add(struct ip_set *set, void *value, u32 timeout, u32 flags) n = hbucket(t, key); for (i = 0; i < n->pos; i++) if (type_pf_data_equal(ahash_data(n, i), d, &multi)) { +#ifdef IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NETS + if (flags & IPSET_FLAG_EXIST) + /* Support overwriting just the flags */ + type_pf_data_flags(ahash_data(n, i), + cadt_flags); +#endif ret = -IPSET_ERR_EXIST; goto out; } TUNE_AHASH_MAX(h, multi); - ret = type_pf_elem_add(n, value, AHASH_MAX(h)); + ret = type_pf_elem_add(n, value, AHASH_MAX(h), cadt_flags); if (ret != 0) { if (ret == -EAGAIN) type_pf_data_next(h, d); @@ -428,7 +462,7 @@ type_pf_add(struct ip_set *set, void *value, u32 timeout, u32 flags) } #ifdef IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NETS - add_cidr(h, d->cidr, HOST_MASK); + add_cidr(h, CIDR(d->cidr), HOST_MASK); #endif h->elements++; out: @@ -463,7 +497,7 @@ type_pf_del(struct ip_set *set, void *value, u32 timeout, u32 flags) n->pos--; h->elements--; #ifdef IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NETS - del_cidr(h, d->cidr, HOST_MASK); + del_cidr(h, CIDR(d->cidr), HOST_MASK); #endif if (n->pos + AHASH_INIT_SIZE < n->size) { void *tmp = kzalloc((n->size - AHASH_INIT_SIZE) @@ -506,7 +540,7 @@ type_pf_test_cidrs(struct ip_set *set, struct type_pf_elem *d, u32 timeout) for (i = 0; i < n->pos; i++) { data = ahash_data(n, i); if (type_pf_data_equal(data, d, &multi)) - return 1; + return type_pf_data_match(data); } } return 0; @@ -528,7 +562,7 @@ type_pf_test(struct ip_set *set, void *value, u32 timeout, u32 flags) #ifdef IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NETS /* If we test an IP address and not a network address, * try all possible network sizes */ - if (d->cidr == SET_HOST_MASK(set->family)) + if (CIDR(d->cidr) == SET_HOST_MASK(set->family)) return type_pf_test_cidrs(set, d, timeout); #endif @@ -537,7 +571,7 @@ type_pf_test(struct ip_set *set, void *value, u32 timeout, u32 flags) for (i = 0; i < n->pos; i++) { data = ahash_data(n, i); if (type_pf_data_equal(data, d, &multi)) - return 1; + return type_pf_data_match(data); } return 0; } @@ -693,7 +727,7 @@ type_pf_data_timeout_set(struct type_pf_elem *data, u32 timeout) static int type_pf_elem_tadd(struct hbucket *n, const struct type_pf_elem *value, - u8 ahash_max, u32 timeout) + u8 ahash_max, u32 cadt_flags, u32 timeout) { struct type_pf_elem *data; @@ -720,6 +754,11 @@ type_pf_elem_tadd(struct hbucket *n, const struct type_pf_elem *value, data = ahash_tdata(n, n->pos++); type_pf_data_copy(data, value); type_pf_data_timeout_set(data, timeout); +#ifdef IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NETS + /* Resizing won't overwrite stored flags */ + if (cadt_flags) + type_pf_data_flags(data, cadt_flags); +#endif return 0; } @@ -740,7 +779,7 @@ type_pf_expire(struct ip_set_hash *h) if (type_pf_data_expired(data)) { pr_debug("expired %u/%u\n", i, j); #ifdef IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NETS - del_cidr(h, data->cidr, HOST_MASK); + del_cidr(h, CIDR(data->cidr), HOST_MASK); #endif if (j != n->pos - 1) /* Not last one */ @@ -790,9 +829,12 @@ type_pf_tresize(struct ip_set *set, bool retried) retry: ret = 0; htable_bits++; - if (!htable_bits) + if (!htable_bits) { /* In case we have plenty of memory :-) */ + pr_warning("Cannot increase the hashsize of set %s further\n", + set->name); return -IPSET_ERR_HASH_FULL; + } t = ip_set_alloc(sizeof(*t) + jhash_size(htable_bits) * sizeof(struct hbucket)); if (!t) @@ -805,7 +847,7 @@ type_pf_tresize(struct ip_set *set, bool retried) for (j = 0; j < n->pos; j++) { data = ahash_tdata(n, j); m = hbucket(t, HKEY(data, h->initval, htable_bits)); - ret = type_pf_elem_tadd(m, data, AHASH_MAX(h), + ret = type_pf_elem_tadd(m, data, AHASH_MAX(h), 0, type_pf_data_timeout(data)); if (ret < 0) { read_unlock_bh(&set->lock); @@ -839,12 +881,17 @@ type_pf_tadd(struct ip_set *set, void *value, u32 timeout, u32 flags) int ret = 0, i, j = AHASH_MAX(h) + 1; bool flag_exist = flags & IPSET_FLAG_EXIST; u32 key, multi = 0; + u32 cadt_flags = flags >> 16; if (h->elements >= h->maxelem) /* FIXME: when set is full, we slow down here */ type_pf_expire(h); - if (h->elements >= h->maxelem) + if (h->elements >= h->maxelem) { + if (net_ratelimit()) + pr_warning("Set %s is full, maxelem %u reached\n", + set->name, h->maxelem); return -IPSET_ERR_HASH_FULL; + } rcu_read_lock_bh(); t = rcu_dereference_bh(h->table); @@ -854,6 +901,7 @@ type_pf_tadd(struct ip_set *set, void *value, u32 timeout, u32 flags) data = ahash_tdata(n, i); if (type_pf_data_equal(data, d, &multi)) { if (type_pf_data_expired(data) || flag_exist) + /* Just timeout value may be updated */ j = i; else { ret = -IPSET_ERR_EXIST; @@ -866,15 +914,18 @@ type_pf_tadd(struct ip_set *set, void *value, u32 timeout, u32 flags) if (j != AHASH_MAX(h) + 1) { data = ahash_tdata(n, j); #ifdef IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NETS - del_cidr(h, data->cidr, HOST_MASK); - add_cidr(h, d->cidr, HOST_MASK); + del_cidr(h, CIDR(data->cidr), HOST_MASK); + add_cidr(h, CIDR(d->cidr), HOST_MASK); #endif type_pf_data_copy(data, d); type_pf_data_timeout_set(data, timeout); +#ifdef IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NETS + type_pf_data_flags(data, cadt_flags); +#endif goto out; } TUNE_AHASH_MAX(h, multi); - ret = type_pf_elem_tadd(n, d, AHASH_MAX(h), timeout); + ret = type_pf_elem_tadd(n, d, AHASH_MAX(h), cadt_flags, timeout); if (ret != 0) { if (ret == -EAGAIN) type_pf_data_next(h, d); @@ -882,7 +933,7 @@ type_pf_tadd(struct ip_set *set, void *value, u32 timeout, u32 flags) } #ifdef IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NETS - add_cidr(h, d->cidr, HOST_MASK); + add_cidr(h, CIDR(d->cidr), HOST_MASK); #endif h->elements++; out: @@ -916,7 +967,7 @@ type_pf_tdel(struct ip_set *set, void *value, u32 timeout, u32 flags) n->pos--; h->elements--; #ifdef IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NETS - del_cidr(h, d->cidr, HOST_MASK); + del_cidr(h, CIDR(d->cidr), HOST_MASK); #endif if (n->pos + AHASH_INIT_SIZE < n->size) { void *tmp = kzalloc((n->size - AHASH_INIT_SIZE) @@ -954,8 +1005,17 @@ type_pf_ttest_cidrs(struct ip_set *set, struct type_pf_elem *d, u32 timeout) n = hbucket(t, key); for (i = 0; i < n->pos; i++) { data = ahash_tdata(n, i); - if (type_pf_data_equal(data, d, &multi)) - return !type_pf_data_expired(data); +#ifdef IP_SET_HASH_WITH_MULTI + if (type_pf_data_equal(data, d, &multi)) { + if (!type_pf_data_expired(data)) + return type_pf_data_match(data); + multi = 0; + } +#else + if (type_pf_data_equal(data, d, &multi) && + !type_pf_data_expired(data)) + return type_pf_data_match(data); +#endif } } return 0; @@ -973,15 +1033,16 @@ type_pf_ttest(struct ip_set *set, void *value, u32 timeout, u32 flags) u32 key, multi = 0; #ifdef IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NETS - if (d->cidr == SET_HOST_MASK(set->family)) + if (CIDR(d->cidr) == SET_HOST_MASK(set->family)) return type_pf_ttest_cidrs(set, d, timeout); #endif key = HKEY(d, h->initval, t->htable_bits); n = hbucket(t, key); for (i = 0; i < n->pos; i++) { data = ahash_tdata(n, i); - if (type_pf_data_equal(data, d, &multi)) - return !type_pf_data_expired(data); + if (type_pf_data_equal(data, d, &multi) && + !type_pf_data_expired(data)) + return type_pf_data_match(data); } return 0; } @@ -1094,14 +1155,17 @@ type_pf_gc_init(struct ip_set *set) #undef type_pf_data_isnull #undef type_pf_data_copy #undef type_pf_data_zero_out +#undef type_pf_data_netmask #undef type_pf_data_list #undef type_pf_data_tlist +#undef type_pf_data_next +#undef type_pf_data_flags +#undef type_pf_data_match #undef type_pf_elem #undef type_pf_telem #undef type_pf_data_timeout #undef type_pf_data_expired -#undef type_pf_data_netmask #undef type_pf_data_timeout_set #undef type_pf_elem_add @@ -1111,6 +1175,7 @@ type_pf_gc_init(struct ip_set *set) #undef type_pf_test #undef type_pf_elem_tadd +#undef type_pf_del_telem #undef type_pf_expire #undef type_pf_tadd #undef type_pf_tdel diff --git a/include/linux/netfilter/nf_conntrack_tcp.h b/include/linux/netfilter/nf_conntrack_tcp.h index 6e135f97e59a6eee9e0854ddc6c0db35a2ca01e4..e59868ae12d42114df83e28f3712bd28de1a4564 100644 --- a/include/linux/netfilter/nf_conntrack_tcp.h +++ b/include/linux/netfilter/nf_conntrack_tcp.h @@ -18,7 +18,10 @@ enum tcp_conntrack { TCP_CONNTRACK_LISTEN, /* obsolete */ #define TCP_CONNTRACK_SYN_SENT2 TCP_CONNTRACK_LISTEN TCP_CONNTRACK_MAX, - TCP_CONNTRACK_IGNORE + TCP_CONNTRACK_IGNORE, + TCP_CONNTRACK_RETRANS, + TCP_CONNTRACK_UNACK, + TCP_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT_MAX }; /* Window scaling is advertised by the sender */ diff --git a/include/linux/netfilter/nfnetlink.h b/include/linux/netfilter/nfnetlink.h index b64454c2f79f67aad7d18d4ff3168cbed7867b3e..6fd1f0d07e64436a25863880e5d4ba239bc54bb5 100644 --- a/include/linux/netfilter/nfnetlink.h +++ b/include/linux/netfilter/nfnetlink.h @@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ struct nfgenmsg { #define NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF 5 #define NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET 6 #define NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT 7 -#define NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT 8 +#define NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_TIMEOUT 8 +#define NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT 9 #ifdef __KERNEL__ diff --git a/include/linux/netfilter/nfnetlink_conntrack.h b/include/linux/netfilter/nfnetlink_conntrack.h index debf1aefd753cef4770c4249222f0bebe2cd0a5c..e58e4b93c10813c4959c59e81349b2432c0d722e 100644 --- a/include/linux/netfilter/nfnetlink_conntrack.h +++ b/include/linux/netfilter/nfnetlink_conntrack.h @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ enum ctattr_type { CTA_ZONE, CTA_SECCTX, CTA_TIMESTAMP, + CTA_MARK_MASK, __CTA_MAX }; #define CTA_MAX (__CTA_MAX - 1) @@ -172,10 +173,21 @@ enum ctattr_expect { CTA_EXPECT_HELP_NAME, CTA_EXPECT_ZONE, CTA_EXPECT_FLAGS, + CTA_EXPECT_CLASS, + CTA_EXPECT_NAT, + CTA_EXPECT_FN, __CTA_EXPECT_MAX }; #define CTA_EXPECT_MAX (__CTA_EXPECT_MAX - 1) +enum ctattr_expect_nat { + CTA_EXPECT_NAT_UNSPEC, + CTA_EXPECT_NAT_DIR, + CTA_EXPECT_NAT_TUPLE, + __CTA_EXPECT_NAT_MAX +}; +#define CTA_EXPECT_NAT_MAX (__CTA_EXPECT_NAT_MAX - 1) + enum ctattr_help { CTA_HELP_UNSPEC, CTA_HELP_NAME, diff --git a/include/linux/netfilter/nfnetlink_cttimeout.h b/include/linux/netfilter/nfnetlink_cttimeout.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a2810a7c5e3002d63c9651e25830431a39d51abb --- /dev/null +++ b/include/linux/netfilter/nfnetlink_cttimeout.h @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +#ifndef _CTTIMEOUT_NETLINK_H +#define _CTTIMEOUT_NETLINK_H +#include + +enum ctnl_timeout_msg_types { + IPCTNL_MSG_TIMEOUT_NEW, + IPCTNL_MSG_TIMEOUT_GET, + IPCTNL_MSG_TIMEOUT_DELETE, + + IPCTNL_MSG_TIMEOUT_MAX +}; + +enum ctattr_timeout { + CTA_TIMEOUT_UNSPEC, + CTA_TIMEOUT_NAME, + CTA_TIMEOUT_L3PROTO, + CTA_TIMEOUT_L4PROTO, + CTA_TIMEOUT_DATA, + CTA_TIMEOUT_USE, + __CTA_TIMEOUT_MAX +}; +#define CTA_TIMEOUT_MAX (__CTA_TIMEOUT_MAX - 1) + +enum ctattr_timeout_generic { + CTA_TIMEOUT_GENERIC_UNSPEC, + CTA_TIMEOUT_GENERIC_TIMEOUT, + __CTA_TIMEOUT_GENERIC_MAX +}; +#define CTA_TIMEOUT_GENERIC_MAX (__CTA_TIMEOUT_GENERIC_MAX - 1) + +enum ctattr_timeout_tcp { + CTA_TIMEOUT_TCP_UNSPEC, + CTA_TIMEOUT_TCP_SYN_SENT, + CTA_TIMEOUT_TCP_SYN_RECV, + CTA_TIMEOUT_TCP_ESTABLISHED, + CTA_TIMEOUT_TCP_FIN_WAIT, + CTA_TIMEOUT_TCP_CLOSE_WAIT, + CTA_TIMEOUT_TCP_LAST_ACK, + CTA_TIMEOUT_TCP_TIME_WAIT, + CTA_TIMEOUT_TCP_CLOSE, + CTA_TIMEOUT_TCP_SYN_SENT2, + CTA_TIMEOUT_TCP_RETRANS, + CTA_TIMEOUT_TCP_UNACK, + __CTA_TIMEOUT_TCP_MAX +}; +#define CTA_TIMEOUT_TCP_MAX (__CTA_TIMEOUT_TCP_MAX - 1) + +enum ctattr_timeout_udp { + CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_UNSPEC, + CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_UNREPLIED, + CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_REPLIED, + __CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_MAX +}; +#define CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_MAX (__CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_MAX - 1) + +enum ctattr_timeout_udplite { + CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_UNSPEC, + CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_UNREPLIED, + CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_REPLIED, + __CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_MAX +}; +#define CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_MAX (__CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_MAX - 1) + +enum ctattr_timeout_icmp { + CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMP_UNSPEC, + CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMP_TIMEOUT, + __CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMP_MAX +}; +#define CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMP_MAX (__CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMP_MAX - 1) + +enum ctattr_timeout_dccp { + CTA_TIMEOUT_DCCP_UNSPEC, + CTA_TIMEOUT_DCCP_REQUEST, + CTA_TIMEOUT_DCCP_RESPOND, + CTA_TIMEOUT_DCCP_PARTOPEN, + CTA_TIMEOUT_DCCP_OPEN, + CTA_TIMEOUT_DCCP_CLOSEREQ, + CTA_TIMEOUT_DCCP_CLOSING, + CTA_TIMEOUT_DCCP_TIMEWAIT, + __CTA_TIMEOUT_DCCP_MAX +}; +#define CTA_TIMEOUT_DCCP_MAX (__CTA_TIMEOUT_DCCP_MAX - 1) + +enum ctattr_timeout_sctp { + CTA_TIMEOUT_SCTP_UNSPEC, + CTA_TIMEOUT_SCTP_CLOSED, + CTA_TIMEOUT_SCTP_COOKIE_WAIT, + CTA_TIMEOUT_SCTP_COOKIE_ECHOED, + CTA_TIMEOUT_SCTP_ESTABLISHED, + CTA_TIMEOUT_SCTP_SHUTDOWN_SENT, + CTA_TIMEOUT_SCTP_SHUTDOWN_RECD, + CTA_TIMEOUT_SCTP_SHUTDOWN_ACK_SENT, + __CTA_TIMEOUT_SCTP_MAX +}; +#define CTA_TIMEOUT_SCTP_MAX (__CTA_TIMEOUT_SCTP_MAX - 1) + +enum ctattr_timeout_icmpv6 { + CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMPV6_UNSPEC, + CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMPV6_TIMEOUT, + __CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMPV6_MAX +}; +#define CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMPV6_MAX (__CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMPV6_MAX - 1) + +enum ctattr_timeout_gre { + CTA_TIMEOUT_GRE_UNSPEC, + CTA_TIMEOUT_GRE_UNREPLIED, + CTA_TIMEOUT_GRE_REPLIED, + __CTA_TIMEOUT_GRE_MAX +}; +#define CTA_TIMEOUT_GRE_MAX (__CTA_TIMEOUT_GRE_MAX - 1) + +#define CTNL_TIMEOUT_NAME_MAX 32 + +#endif diff --git a/include/linux/netfilter/xt_CT.h b/include/linux/netfilter/xt_CT.h index b56e76811c04380e9779dbe82c2cfa4a5b0c6abd..a064b8af360cac57143280730ba60009379a7c4b 100644 --- a/include/linux/netfilter/xt_CT.h +++ b/include/linux/netfilter/xt_CT.h @@ -16,4 +16,16 @@ struct xt_ct_target_info { struct nf_conn *ct __attribute__((aligned(8))); }; +struct xt_ct_target_info_v1 { + __u16 flags; + __u16 zone; + __u32 ct_events; + __u32 exp_events; + char helper[16]; + char timeout[32]; + + /* Used internally by the kernel */ + struct nf_conn *ct __attribute__((aligned(8))); +}; + #endif /* _XT_CT_H */ diff --git a/include/linux/netfilter/xt_LOG.h b/include/linux/netfilter/xt_LOG.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cac0790953059f0106e242eed82993f4bfab6100 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/linux/netfilter/xt_LOG.h @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +#ifndef _XT_LOG_H +#define _XT_LOG_H + +/* make sure not to change this without changing nf_log.h:NF_LOG_* (!) */ +#define XT_LOG_TCPSEQ 0x01 /* Log TCP sequence numbers */ +#define XT_LOG_TCPOPT 0x02 /* Log TCP options */ +#define XT_LOG_IPOPT 0x04 /* Log IP options */ +#define XT_LOG_UID 0x08 /* Log UID owning local socket */ +#define XT_LOG_NFLOG 0x10 /* Unsupported, don't reuse */ +#define XT_LOG_MACDECODE 0x20 /* Decode MAC header */ +#define XT_LOG_MASK 0x2f + +struct xt_log_info { + unsigned char level; + unsigned char logflags; + char prefix[30]; +}; + +#endif /* _XT_LOG_H */ diff --git a/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/Kbuild b/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/Kbuild index f9930c87fff3a7beb35f558a788909ee1f27c5df..31f8bec95650292bcfb7770f3900f4634c5d9594 100644 --- a/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/Kbuild +++ b/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/Kbuild @@ -4,11 +4,9 @@ header-y += ipt_CLUSTERIP.h header-y += ipt_ECN.h header-y += ipt_LOG.h header-y += ipt_REJECT.h -header-y += ipt_SAME.h header-y += ipt_TTL.h header-y += ipt_ULOG.h header-y += ipt_addrtype.h header-y += ipt_ah.h header-y += ipt_ecn.h -header-y += ipt_realm.h header-y += ipt_ttl.h diff --git a/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_LOG.h b/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_LOG.h index dcdbadf9fd4a94180ed0705db436e4470bf0e9dd..5d8152077d7154324d61e5bd8241cdcb450c22d7 100644 --- a/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_LOG.h +++ b/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_LOG.h @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ #ifndef _IPT_LOG_H #define _IPT_LOG_H +#warning "Please update iptables, this file will be removed soon!" + /* make sure not to change this without changing netfilter.h:NF_LOG_* (!) */ #define IPT_LOG_TCPSEQ 0x01 /* Log TCP sequence numbers */ #define IPT_LOG_TCPOPT 0x02 /* Log TCP options */ diff --git a/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_SAME.h b/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_SAME.h deleted file mode 100644 index 5bca78267afddf0275a59368ec7db35d31b6c6b6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_SAME.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef _IPT_SAME_H -#define _IPT_SAME_H - -#include - -#define IPT_SAME_MAX_RANGE 10 - -#define IPT_SAME_NODST 0x01 - -struct ipt_same_info { - unsigned char info; - __u32 rangesize; - __u32 ipnum; - __u32 *iparray; - - /* hangs off end. */ - struct nf_nat_range range[IPT_SAME_MAX_RANGE]; -}; - -#endif /*_IPT_SAME_H*/ diff --git a/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_realm.h b/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_realm.h deleted file mode 100644 index b3996eaa0188aa1352e13699256e92ffa6f32edf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_realm.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef _IPT_REALM_H -#define _IPT_REALM_H - -#include -#define ipt_realm_info xt_realm_info - -#endif /* _IPT_REALM_H */ diff --git a/include/linux/netfilter_ipv6/ip6t_LOG.h b/include/linux/netfilter_ipv6/ip6t_LOG.h index 9dd5579e02ec75b82a503fc818d292e19b6b78c0..3dd0bc4e07358612622e41a30fdc9fd374b5250b 100644 --- a/include/linux/netfilter_ipv6/ip6t_LOG.h +++ b/include/linux/netfilter_ipv6/ip6t_LOG.h @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ #ifndef _IP6T_LOG_H #define _IP6T_LOG_H +#warning "Please update iptables, this file will be removed soon!" + /* make sure not to change this without changing netfilter.h:NF_LOG_* (!) */ #define IP6T_LOG_TCPSEQ 0x01 /* Log TCP sequence numbers */ #define IP6T_LOG_TCPOPT 0x02 /* Log TCP options */ diff --git a/include/linux/netlink.h b/include/linux/netlink.h index 52e48959cfa166058a997e95aeb53a9e7bd23820..a2092f582a784f6df9443f6a773cff660288a9a7 100644 --- a/include/linux/netlink.h +++ b/include/linux/netlink.h @@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ struct netlink_callback { int (*dump)(struct sk_buff * skb, struct netlink_callback *cb); int (*done)(struct netlink_callback *cb); + void *data; u16 family; u16 min_dump_alloc; unsigned int prev_seq, seq; @@ -237,22 +238,8 @@ struct netlink_notify { int protocol; }; -static __inline__ struct nlmsghdr * -__nlmsg_put(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 pid, u32 seq, int type, int len, int flags) -{ - struct nlmsghdr *nlh; - int size = NLMSG_LENGTH(len); - - nlh = (struct nlmsghdr*)skb_put(skb, NLMSG_ALIGN(size)); - nlh->nlmsg_type = type; - nlh->nlmsg_len = size; - nlh->nlmsg_flags = flags; - nlh->nlmsg_pid = pid; - nlh->nlmsg_seq = seq; - if (!__builtin_constant_p(size) || NLMSG_ALIGN(size) - size != 0) - memset(NLMSG_DATA(nlh) + len, 0, NLMSG_ALIGN(size) - size); - return nlh; -} +struct nlmsghdr * +__nlmsg_put(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 pid, u32 seq, int type, int len, int flags); #define NLMSG_NEW(skb, pid, seq, type, len, flags) \ ({ if (unlikely(skb_tailroom(skb) < (int)NLMSG_SPACE(len))) \ @@ -262,11 +249,16 @@ __nlmsg_put(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 pid, u32 seq, int type, int len, int flags) #define NLMSG_PUT(skb, pid, seq, type, len) \ NLMSG_NEW(skb, pid, seq, type, len, 0) +struct netlink_dump_control { + int (*dump)(struct sk_buff *skb, struct netlink_callback *); + int (*done)(struct netlink_callback*); + void *data; + u16 min_dump_alloc; +}; + extern int netlink_dump_start(struct sock *ssk, struct sk_buff *skb, const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, - int (*dump)(struct sk_buff *skb, struct netlink_callback*), - int (*done)(struct netlink_callback*), - u16 min_dump_alloc); + struct netlink_dump_control *control); #define NL_NONROOT_RECV 0x1 diff --git a/include/linux/nfc.h b/include/linux/nfc.h index 01d4e5d60325bd58f51c12876a25e2bfc13550d9..39c1fcf089c0a99ec654d4c5fb190eda696dd665 100644 --- a/include/linux/nfc.h +++ b/include/linux/nfc.h @@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ enum nfc_commands { * @NFC_ATTR_TARGET_SEL_RES: NFC-A targets extra information (useful if the * target is not NFC-Forum compliant) * @NFC_ATTR_TARGET_NFCID1: NFC-A targets identifier, max 10 bytes + * @NFC_ATTR_TARGET_SENSB_RES: NFC-B targets extra information, max 12 bytes + * @NFC_ATTR_TARGET_SENSF_RES: NFC-F targets extra information, max 18 bytes * @NFC_ATTR_COMM_MODE: Passive or active mode * @NFC_ATTR_RF_MODE: Initiator or target */ @@ -101,14 +103,20 @@ enum nfc_attrs { NFC_ATTR_TARGET_SENS_RES, NFC_ATTR_TARGET_SEL_RES, NFC_ATTR_TARGET_NFCID1, + NFC_ATTR_TARGET_SENSB_RES, + NFC_ATTR_TARGET_SENSF_RES, NFC_ATTR_COMM_MODE, NFC_ATTR_RF_MODE, + NFC_ATTR_DEVICE_POWERED, /* private: internal use only */ __NFC_ATTR_AFTER_LAST }; #define NFC_ATTR_MAX (__NFC_ATTR_AFTER_LAST - 1) #define NFC_DEVICE_NAME_MAXSIZE 8 +#define NFC_NFCID1_MAXSIZE 10 +#define NFC_SENSB_RES_MAXSIZE 12 +#define NFC_SENSF_RES_MAXSIZE 18 /* NFC protocols */ #define NFC_PROTO_JEWEL 1 diff --git a/include/linux/nl80211.h b/include/linux/nl80211.h index 0f5ff37398206d0cb30f866244879be020b99ed5..e474f6e780cc7261731d8bb81f45361f8f858d1c 100644 --- a/include/linux/nl80211.h +++ b/include/linux/nl80211.h @@ -156,21 +156,23 @@ * @NL80211_CMD_DEL_KEY: delete a key identified by %NL80211_ATTR_KEY_IDX * or %NL80211_ATTR_MAC. * - * @NL80211_CMD_GET_BEACON: retrieve beacon information (returned in a - * %NL80222_CMD_NEW_BEACON message) - * @NL80211_CMD_SET_BEACON: set the beacon on an access point interface - * using the %NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_INTERVAL, %NL80211_ATTR_DTIM_PERIOD, - * %NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_HEAD and %NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_TAIL attributes. - * Following attributes are provided for drivers that generate full Beacon - * and Probe Response frames internally: %NL80211_ATTR_SSID, + * @NL80211_CMD_GET_BEACON: (not used) + * @NL80211_CMD_SET_BEACON: change the beacon on an access point interface + * using the %NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_HEAD and %NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_TAIL + * attributes. For drivers that generate the beacon and probe responses + * internally, the following attributes must be provided: %NL80211_ATTR_IE, + * %NL80211_ATTR_IE_PROBE_RESP and %NL80211_ATTR_IE_ASSOC_RESP. + * @NL80211_CMD_START_AP: Start AP operation on an AP interface, parameters + * are like for %NL80211_CMD_SET_BEACON, and additionally parameters that + * do not change are used, these include %NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_INTERVAL, + * %NL80211_ATTR_DTIM_PERIOD, %NL80211_ATTR_SSID, * %NL80211_ATTR_HIDDEN_SSID, %NL80211_ATTR_CIPHERS_PAIRWISE, * %NL80211_ATTR_CIPHER_GROUP, %NL80211_ATTR_WPA_VERSIONS, * %NL80211_ATTR_AKM_SUITES, %NL80211_ATTR_PRIVACY, - * %NL80211_ATTR_AUTH_TYPE, %NL80211_ATTR_IE, %NL80211_ATTR_IE_PROBE_RESP, - * %NL80211_ATTR_IE_ASSOC_RESP. - * @NL80211_CMD_NEW_BEACON: add a new beacon to an access point interface, - * parameters are like for %NL80211_CMD_SET_BEACON. - * @NL80211_CMD_DEL_BEACON: remove the beacon, stop sending it + * %NL80211_ATTR_AUTH_TYPE and %NL80211_ATTR_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT. + * @NL80211_CMD_NEW_BEACON: old alias for %NL80211_CMD_START_AP + * @NL80211_CMD_STOP_AP: Stop AP operation on the given interface + * @NL80211_CMD_DEL_BEACON: old alias for %NL80211_CMD_STOP_AP * * @NL80211_CMD_GET_STATION: Get station attributes for station identified by * %NL80211_ATTR_MAC on the interface identified by %NL80211_ATTR_IFINDEX. @@ -367,6 +369,11 @@ * %NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_FREQ, %NL80211_ATTR_CONTROL_PORT, * %NL80211_ATTR_CONTROL_PORT_ETHERTYPE and * %NL80211_ATTR_CONTROL_PORT_NO_ENCRYPT. + * Background scan period can optionally be + * specified in %NL80211_ATTR_BG_SCAN_PERIOD, + * if not specified default background scan configuration + * in driver is used and if period value is 0, bg scan will be disabled. + * This attribute is ignored if driver does not support roam scan. * It is also sent as an event, with the BSSID and response IEs when the * connection is established or failed to be established. This can be * determined by the STATUS_CODE attribute. @@ -565,8 +572,10 @@ enum nl80211_commands { NL80211_CMD_GET_BEACON, NL80211_CMD_SET_BEACON, - NL80211_CMD_NEW_BEACON, - NL80211_CMD_DEL_BEACON, + NL80211_CMD_START_AP, + NL80211_CMD_NEW_BEACON = NL80211_CMD_START_AP, + NL80211_CMD_STOP_AP, + NL80211_CMD_DEL_BEACON = NL80211_CMD_STOP_AP, NL80211_CMD_GET_STATION, NL80211_CMD_SET_STATION, @@ -1193,6 +1202,19 @@ enum nl80211_commands { * @NL80211_ATTR_NOACK_MAP: This u16 bitmap contains the No Ack Policy of * up to 16 TIDs. * + * @NL80211_ATTR_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT: timeout value in seconds, this can be + * used by the drivers which has MLME in firmware and does not have support + * to report per station tx/rx activity to free up the staion entry from + * the list. This needs to be used when the driver advertises the + * capability to timeout the stations. + * + * @NL80211_ATTR_RX_SIGNAL_DBM: signal strength in dBm (as a 32-bit int); + * this attribute is (depending on the driver capabilities) added to + * received frames indicated with %NL80211_CMD_FRAME. + * + * @NL80211_ATTR_BG_SCAN_PERIOD: Background scan period in seconds + * or 0 to disable background scan. + * * @NL80211_ATTR_MAX: highest attribute number currently defined * @__NL80211_ATTR_AFTER_LAST: internal use */ @@ -1438,6 +1460,12 @@ enum nl80211_attrs { NL80211_ATTR_NOACK_MAP, + NL80211_ATTR_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT, + + NL80211_ATTR_RX_SIGNAL_DBM, + + NL80211_ATTR_BG_SCAN_PERIOD, + /* add attributes here, update the policy in nl80211.c */ __NL80211_ATTR_AFTER_LAST, @@ -1475,6 +1503,7 @@ enum nl80211_attrs { #define NL80211_ATTR_FEATURE_FLAGS NL80211_ATTR_FEATURE_FLAGS #define NL80211_MAX_SUPP_RATES 32 +#define NL80211_MAX_SUPP_HT_RATES 77 #define NL80211_MAX_SUPP_REG_RULES 32 #define NL80211_TKIP_DATA_OFFSET_ENCR_KEY 0 #define NL80211_TKIP_DATA_OFFSET_TX_MIC_KEY 16 @@ -2104,6 +2133,13 @@ enum nl80211_mntr_flags { * TUs) during which a mesh STA can send only one Action frame containing a * PERR element. * + * @NL80211_MESHCONF_FORWARDING: set Mesh STA as forwarding or non-forwarding + * or forwarding entity (default is TRUE - forwarding entity) + * + * @NL80211_MESHCONF_RSSI_THRESHOLD: RSSI threshold in dBm. This specifies the + * threshold for average signal strength of candidate station to establish + * a peer link. + * * @NL80211_MESHCONF_ATTR_MAX: highest possible mesh configuration attribute * * @__NL80211_MESHCONF_ATTR_AFTER_LAST: internal use @@ -2128,6 +2164,8 @@ enum nl80211_meshconf_params { NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_RANN_INTERVAL, NL80211_MESHCONF_GATE_ANNOUNCEMENTS, NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_PERR_MIN_INTERVAL, + NL80211_MESHCONF_FORWARDING, + NL80211_MESHCONF_RSSI_THRESHOLD, /* keep last */ __NL80211_MESHCONF_ATTR_AFTER_LAST, @@ -2401,12 +2439,15 @@ enum nl80211_key_attributes { * in an array of rates as defined in IEEE 802.11 (u8 values with * 1 = 500 kbps) but without the IE length restriction (at most * %NL80211_MAX_SUPP_RATES in a single array). + * @NL80211_TXRATE_MCS: HT (MCS) rates allowed for TX rate selection + * in an array of MCS numbers. * @__NL80211_TXRATE_AFTER_LAST: internal * @NL80211_TXRATE_MAX: highest TX rate attribute */ enum nl80211_tx_rate_attributes { __NL80211_TXRATE_INVALID, NL80211_TXRATE_LEGACY, + NL80211_TXRATE_MCS, /* keep last */ __NL80211_TXRATE_AFTER_LAST, @@ -2792,10 +2833,13 @@ enum nl80211_ap_sme_features { * TX status to the socket error queue when requested with the * socket option. * @NL80211_FEATURE_HT_IBSS: This driver supports IBSS with HT datarates. + * @NL80211_FEATURE_INACTIVITY_TIMER: This driver takes care of freeing up + * the connected inactive stations in AP mode. */ enum nl80211_feature_flags { NL80211_FEATURE_SK_TX_STATUS = 1 << 0, NL80211_FEATURE_HT_IBSS = 1 << 1, + NL80211_FEATURE_INACTIVITY_TIMER = 1 << 2, }; /** diff --git a/include/linux/pci_ids.h b/include/linux/pci_ids.h index 31d77af2ef42acfff8a1cb5b364f7fcfb6d054b6..3329965ed63f3aa1c2b54e49d82917d8f34a3839 100644 --- a/include/linux/pci_ids.h +++ b/include/linux/pci_ids.h @@ -2105,6 +2105,7 @@ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_NX2_57711E 0x1650 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5705 0x1653 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5705_2 0x1654 +#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5719 0x1657 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5721 0x1659 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5722 0x165a #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5723 0x165b diff --git a/include/linux/pkt_sched.h b/include/linux/pkt_sched.h index 0d5b79365d0350cc73f185ae85f11235d56ac7cf..410b33d014d2dfc3fb0c8ad0c6bb0c20a68ddbc2 100644 --- a/include/linux/pkt_sched.h +++ b/include/linux/pkt_sched.h @@ -127,6 +127,27 @@ struct tc_multiq_qopt { __u16 max_bands; /* Maximum number of queues */ }; +/* PLUG section */ + +#define TCQ_PLUG_BUFFER 0 +#define TCQ_PLUG_RELEASE_ONE 1 +#define TCQ_PLUG_RELEASE_INDEFINITE 2 +#define TCQ_PLUG_LIMIT 3 + +struct tc_plug_qopt { + /* TCQ_PLUG_BUFFER: Inset a plug into the queue and + * buffer any incoming packets + * TCQ_PLUG_RELEASE_ONE: Dequeue packets from queue head + * to beginning of the next plug. + * TCQ_PLUG_RELEASE_INDEFINITE: Dequeue all packets from queue. + * Stop buffering packets until the next TCQ_PLUG_BUFFER + * command is received (just act as a pass-thru queue). + * TCQ_PLUG_LIMIT: Increase/decrease queue size + */ + int action; + __u32 limit; +}; + /* TBF section */ struct tc_tbf_qopt { diff --git a/include/linux/platform_data/cpsw.h b/include/linux/platform_data/cpsw.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c4e23d0294987a64a3fbc6202df4bb3dbe6f8ff5 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/linux/platform_data/cpsw.h @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +/* + * Texas Instruments Ethernet Switch Driver + * + * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation version 2. + * + * This program is distributed "as is" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any + * kind, whether express or implied; without even the implied warranty + * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + */ +#ifndef __CPSW_H__ +#define __CPSW_H__ + +#include + +struct cpsw_slave_data { + u32 slave_reg_ofs; + u32 sliver_reg_ofs; + const char *phy_id; + int phy_if; + u8 mac_addr[ETH_ALEN]; +}; + +struct cpsw_platform_data { + u32 ss_reg_ofs; /* Subsystem control register offset */ + u32 channels; /* number of cpdma channels (symmetric) */ + u32 cpdma_reg_ofs; /* cpdma register offset */ + u32 cpdma_sram_ofs; /* cpdma sram offset */ + + u32 slaves; /* number of slave cpgmac ports */ + struct cpsw_slave_data *slave_data; + + u32 ale_reg_ofs; /* address lookup engine reg offset */ + u32 ale_entries; /* ale table size */ + + u32 host_port_reg_ofs; /* cpsw cpdma host port registers */ + u32 host_port_num; /* The port number for the host port */ + + u32 hw_stats_reg_ofs; /* cpsw hardware statistics counters */ + + u32 bd_ram_ofs; /* embedded buffer descriptor RAM offset*/ + u32 bd_ram_size; /*buffer descriptor ram size */ + u32 hw_ram_addr; /*if the HW address for BD RAM is different */ + bool no_bd_ram; /* no embedded BD ram*/ + + u32 rx_descs; /* Number of Rx Descriptios */ + + u32 mac_control; /* Mac control register */ +}; + +#endif /* __CPSW_H__ */ diff --git a/include/linux/ppp-comp.h b/include/linux/ppp-comp.h index b8d4ddd2273634f614dc680f4d5a9e5c994ebdd4..e53ff65935ddf9d5e9737005cea66a39c477d923 100644 --- a/include/linux/ppp-comp.h +++ b/include/linux/ppp-comp.h @@ -1,42 +1,12 @@ /* * ppp-comp.h - Definitions for doing PPP packet compression. * - * Copyright (c) 1994 The Australian National University. - * All rights reserved. + * Copyright 1994-1998 Paul Mackerras. * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its - * documentation is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright - * notice appears in all copies. This software is provided without any - * warranty, express or implied. The Australian National University - * makes no representations about the suitability of this software for - * any purpose. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY BE LIABLE TO ANY - * PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES - * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF - * THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY - * OF SUCH DAMAGE. - * - * THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, - * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY - * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS - * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HAS NO - * OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, - * OR MODIFICATIONS. + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ - -/* - * ==FILEVERSION 980319== - * - * NOTE TO MAINTAINERS: - * If you modify this file at all, please set the above date. - * ppp-comp.h is shipped with a PPP distribution as well as with the kernel; - * if everyone increases the FILEVERSION number above, then scripts - * can do the right thing when deciding whether to install a new ppp-comp.h - * file. Don't change the format of that line otherwise, so the - * installation script can recognize it. - */ - #ifndef _NET_PPP_COMP_H #define _NET_PPP_COMP_H diff --git a/include/linux/ppp-ioctl.h b/include/linux/ppp-ioctl.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2d9a8859550a00a16cd3178ccd0b8444bd861d60 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/linux/ppp-ioctl.h @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +/* + * ppp-ioctl.h - PPP ioctl definitions. + * + * Copyright 1999-2002 Paul Mackerras. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. + */ +#ifndef _PPP_IOCTL_H +#define _PPP_IOCTL_H + +#include +#include + +/* + * Bit definitions for flags argument to PPPIOCGFLAGS/PPPIOCSFLAGS. + */ +#define SC_COMP_PROT 0x00000001 /* protocol compression (output) */ +#define SC_COMP_AC 0x00000002 /* header compression (output) */ +#define SC_COMP_TCP 0x00000004 /* TCP (VJ) compression (output) */ +#define SC_NO_TCP_CCID 0x00000008 /* disable VJ connection-id comp. */ +#define SC_REJ_COMP_AC 0x00000010 /* reject adrs/ctrl comp. on input */ +#define SC_REJ_COMP_TCP 0x00000020 /* reject TCP (VJ) comp. on input */ +#define SC_CCP_OPEN 0x00000040 /* Look at CCP packets */ +#define SC_CCP_UP 0x00000080 /* May send/recv compressed packets */ +#define SC_ENABLE_IP 0x00000100 /* IP packets may be exchanged */ +#define SC_LOOP_TRAFFIC 0x00000200 /* send traffic to pppd */ +#define SC_MULTILINK 0x00000400 /* do multilink encapsulation */ +#define SC_MP_SHORTSEQ 0x00000800 /* use short MP sequence numbers */ +#define SC_COMP_RUN 0x00001000 /* compressor has been inited */ +#define SC_DECOMP_RUN 0x00002000 /* decompressor has been inited */ +#define SC_MP_XSHORTSEQ 0x00004000 /* transmit short MP seq numbers */ +#define SC_DEBUG 0x00010000 /* enable debug messages */ +#define SC_LOG_INPKT 0x00020000 /* log contents of good pkts recvd */ +#define SC_LOG_OUTPKT 0x00040000 /* log contents of pkts sent */ +#define SC_LOG_RAWIN 0x00080000 /* log all chars received */ +#define SC_LOG_FLUSH 0x00100000 /* log all chars flushed */ +#define SC_SYNC 0x00200000 /* synchronous serial mode */ +#define SC_MUST_COMP 0x00400000 /* no uncompressed packets may be sent or received */ +#define SC_MASK 0x0f600fff /* bits that user can change */ + +/* state bits */ +#define SC_XMIT_BUSY 0x10000000 /* (used by isdn_ppp?) */ +#define SC_RCV_ODDP 0x08000000 /* have rcvd char with odd parity */ +#define SC_RCV_EVNP 0x04000000 /* have rcvd char with even parity */ +#define SC_RCV_B7_1 0x02000000 /* have rcvd char with bit 7 = 1 */ +#define SC_RCV_B7_0 0x01000000 /* have rcvd char with bit 7 = 0 */ +#define SC_DC_FERROR 0x00800000 /* fatal decomp error detected */ +#define SC_DC_ERROR 0x00400000 /* non-fatal decomp error detected */ + +/* Used with PPPIOCGNPMODE/PPPIOCSNPMODE */ +struct npioctl { + int protocol; /* PPP protocol, e.g. PPP_IP */ + enum NPmode mode; +}; + +/* Structure describing a CCP configuration option, for PPPIOCSCOMPRESS */ +struct ppp_option_data { + __u8 __user *ptr; + __u32 length; + int transmit; +}; + +/* For PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS */ +struct pppol2tp_ioc_stats { + __u16 tunnel_id; /* redundant */ + __u16 session_id; /* if zero, get tunnel stats */ + __u32 using_ipsec:1; /* valid only for session_id == 0 */ + __aligned_u64 tx_packets; + __aligned_u64 tx_bytes; + __aligned_u64 tx_errors; + __aligned_u64 rx_packets; + __aligned_u64 rx_bytes; + __aligned_u64 rx_seq_discards; + __aligned_u64 rx_oos_packets; + __aligned_u64 rx_errors; +}; + +/* + * Ioctl definitions. + */ + +#define PPPIOCGFLAGS _IOR('t', 90, int) /* get configuration flags */ +#define PPPIOCSFLAGS _IOW('t', 89, int) /* set configuration flags */ +#define PPPIOCGASYNCMAP _IOR('t', 88, int) /* get async map */ +#define PPPIOCSASYNCMAP _IOW('t', 87, int) /* set async map */ +#define PPPIOCGUNIT _IOR('t', 86, int) /* get ppp unit number */ +#define PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP _IOR('t', 85, int) /* get receive async map */ +#define PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP _IOW('t', 84, int) /* set receive async map */ +#define PPPIOCGMRU _IOR('t', 83, int) /* get max receive unit */ +#define PPPIOCSMRU _IOW('t', 82, int) /* set max receive unit */ +#define PPPIOCSMAXCID _IOW('t', 81, int) /* set VJ max slot ID */ +#define PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP _IOR('t', 80, ext_accm) /* get extended ACCM */ +#define PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP _IOW('t', 79, ext_accm) /* set extended ACCM */ +#define PPPIOCXFERUNIT _IO('t', 78) /* transfer PPP unit */ +#define PPPIOCSCOMPRESS _IOW('t', 77, struct ppp_option_data) +#define PPPIOCGNPMODE _IOWR('t', 76, struct npioctl) /* get NP mode */ +#define PPPIOCSNPMODE _IOW('t', 75, struct npioctl) /* set NP mode */ +#define PPPIOCSPASS _IOW('t', 71, struct sock_fprog) /* set pass filter */ +#define PPPIOCSACTIVE _IOW('t', 70, struct sock_fprog) /* set active filt */ +#define PPPIOCGDEBUG _IOR('t', 65, int) /* Read debug level */ +#define PPPIOCSDEBUG _IOW('t', 64, int) /* Set debug level */ +#define PPPIOCGIDLE _IOR('t', 63, struct ppp_idle) /* get idle time */ +#define PPPIOCNEWUNIT _IOWR('t', 62, int) /* create new ppp unit */ +#define PPPIOCATTACH _IOW('t', 61, int) /* attach to ppp unit */ +#define PPPIOCDETACH _IOW('t', 60, int) /* detach from ppp unit/chan */ +#define PPPIOCSMRRU _IOW('t', 59, int) /* set multilink MRU */ +#define PPPIOCCONNECT _IOW('t', 58, int) /* connect channel to unit */ +#define PPPIOCDISCONN _IO('t', 57) /* disconnect channel */ +#define PPPIOCATTCHAN _IOW('t', 56, int) /* attach to ppp channel */ +#define PPPIOCGCHAN _IOR('t', 55, int) /* get ppp channel number */ +#define PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS _IOR('t', 54, struct pppol2tp_ioc_stats) + +#define SIOCGPPPSTATS (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 0) +#define SIOCGPPPVER (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 1) /* NEVER change this!! */ +#define SIOCGPPPCSTATS (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 2) + +#endif /* _PPP_IOCTL_H */ diff --git a/include/linux/ppp_defs.h b/include/linux/ppp_defs.h index 0f93ed6b4a8823567dbfd6f597ea840040ebb6ed..ba416f67eb621d3c74be22f426d49f3ddd8f173e 100644 --- a/include/linux/ppp_defs.h +++ b/include/linux/ppp_defs.h @@ -1,44 +1,14 @@ /* * ppp_defs.h - PPP definitions. * - * Copyright (c) 1994 The Australian National University. - * All rights reserved. + * Copyright 1994-2000 Paul Mackerras. * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its - * documentation is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright - * notice appears in all copies. This software is provided without any - * warranty, express or implied. The Australian National University - * makes no representations about the suitability of this software for - * any purpose. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY BE LIABLE TO ANY - * PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES - * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF - * THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY - * OF SUCH DAMAGE. - * - * THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, - * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY - * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS - * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HAS NO - * OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, - * OR MODIFICATIONS. + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ - #include -/* - * ==FILEVERSION 20000114== - * - * NOTE TO MAINTAINERS: - * If you modify this file at all, please set the above date. - * ppp_defs.h is shipped with a PPP distribution as well as with the kernel; - * if everyone increases the FILEVERSION number above, then scripts - * can do the right thing when deciding whether to install a new ppp_defs.h - * file. Don't change the format of that line otherwise, so the - * installation script can recognize it. - */ - #ifndef _PPP_DEFS_H_ #define _PPP_DEFS_H_ diff --git a/include/linux/sh_eth.h b/include/linux/sh_eth.h index 2076acf8294de4409d68a6c844a99d4587212980..b17d765ded84cc35cb56d066e9f55b683533a8c0 100644 --- a/include/linux/sh_eth.h +++ b/include/linux/sh_eth.h @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ struct sh_eth_plat_data { unsigned char mac_addr[6]; unsigned no_ether_link:1; unsigned ether_link_active_low:1; + unsigned needs_init:1; }; #endif diff --git a/include/linux/skbuff.h b/include/linux/skbuff.h index ae86adee3746aec6661ef35e2b18cf62e0d17780..a2b9953b582d9a3f69a97fe31b084a43a2a6a3bd 100644 --- a/include/linux/skbuff.h +++ b/include/linux/skbuff.h @@ -94,6 +94,13 @@ * about CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY. 8) * NETIF_F_IPV6_CSUM about as dumb as the last one but does IPv6 instead. * + * UNNECESSARY: device will do per protocol specific csum. Protocol drivers + * that do not want net to perform the checksum calculation should use + * this flag in their outgoing skbs. + * NETIF_F_FCOE_CRC this indicates the device can do FCoE FC CRC + * offload. Correspondingly, the FCoE protocol driver + * stack should use CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY. + * * Any questions? No questions, good. --ANK */ @@ -361,6 +368,7 @@ typedef unsigned char *sk_buff_data_t; * ports. * @wifi_acked_valid: wifi_acked was set * @wifi_acked: whether frame was acked on wifi or not + * @no_fcs: Request NIC to treat last 4 bytes as Ethernet FCS * @dma_cookie: a cookie to one of several possible DMA operations * done by skb DMA functions * @secmark: security marking @@ -438,6 +446,11 @@ struct sk_buff { #endif int skb_iif; + + __u32 rxhash; + + __u16 vlan_tci; + #ifdef CONFIG_NET_SCHED __u16 tc_index; /* traffic control index */ #ifdef CONFIG_NET_CLS_ACT @@ -445,8 +458,6 @@ struct sk_buff { #endif #endif - __u32 rxhash; - __u16 queue_mapping; kmemcheck_bitfield_begin(flags2); #ifdef CONFIG_IPV6_NDISC_NODETYPE @@ -456,7 +467,8 @@ struct sk_buff { __u8 l4_rxhash:1; __u8 wifi_acked_valid:1; __u8 wifi_acked:1; - /* 10/12 bit hole (depending on ndisc_nodetype presence) */ + __u8 no_fcs:1; + /* 9/11 bit hole (depending on ndisc_nodetype presence) */ kmemcheck_bitfield_end(flags2); #ifdef CONFIG_NET_DMA @@ -470,8 +482,6 @@ struct sk_buff { __u32 dropcount; }; - __u16 vlan_tci; - sk_buff_data_t transport_header; sk_buff_data_t network_header; sk_buff_data_t mac_header; @@ -875,6 +885,24 @@ static inline struct sk_buff *skb_peek(const struct sk_buff_head *list_) return list; } +/** + * skb_peek_next - peek skb following the given one from a queue + * @skb: skb to start from + * @list_: list to peek at + * + * Returns %NULL when the end of the list is met or a pointer to the + * next element. The reference count is not incremented and the + * reference is therefore volatile. Use with caution. + */ +static inline struct sk_buff *skb_peek_next(struct sk_buff *skb, + const struct sk_buff_head *list_) +{ + struct sk_buff *next = skb->next; + if (next == (struct sk_buff *)list_) + next = NULL; + return next; +} + /** * skb_peek_tail - peek at the tail of an &sk_buff_head * @list_: list to peek at @@ -1152,7 +1180,7 @@ static inline struct sk_buff *__skb_dequeue_tail(struct sk_buff_head *list) } -static inline int skb_is_nonlinear(const struct sk_buff *skb) +static inline bool skb_is_nonlinear(const struct sk_buff *skb) { return skb->data_len; } @@ -2055,7 +2083,7 @@ static inline void skb_frag_add_head(struct sk_buff *skb, struct sk_buff *frag) for (iter = skb_shinfo(skb)->frag_list; iter; iter = iter->next) extern struct sk_buff *__skb_recv_datagram(struct sock *sk, unsigned flags, - int *peeked, int *err); + int *peeked, int *off, int *err); extern struct sk_buff *skb_recv_datagram(struct sock *sk, unsigned flags, int noblock, int *err); extern unsigned int datagram_poll(struct file *file, struct socket *sock, @@ -2448,12 +2476,12 @@ static inline struct sec_path *skb_sec_path(struct sk_buff *skb) } #endif -static inline int skb_is_gso(const struct sk_buff *skb) +static inline bool skb_is_gso(const struct sk_buff *skb) { return skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_size; } -static inline int skb_is_gso_v6(const struct sk_buff *skb) +static inline bool skb_is_gso_v6(const struct sk_buff *skb) { return skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_type & SKB_GSO_TCPV6; } diff --git a/include/linux/snmp.h b/include/linux/snmp.h index c1241c428179c78bce7c8a774cbaeea9b38da35a..2e68f5ba03896947942c9b9886476c4af2a5da03 100644 --- a/include/linux/snmp.h +++ b/include/linux/snmp.h @@ -232,6 +232,8 @@ enum LINUX_MIB_TCPTIMEWAITOVERFLOW, /* TCPTimeWaitOverflow */ LINUX_MIB_TCPREQQFULLDOCOOKIES, /* TCPReqQFullDoCookies */ LINUX_MIB_TCPREQQFULLDROP, /* TCPReqQFullDrop */ + LINUX_MIB_TCPRETRANSFAIL, /* TCPRetransFail */ + LINUX_MIB_TCPRCVCOALESCE, /* TCPRcvCoalesce */ __LINUX_MIB_MAX }; diff --git a/include/linux/socket.h b/include/linux/socket.h index d0e77f607a7989ccc7336d9abf895b82abe88b61..da2d3e2543f31cbd1464d40609dac996379c1449 100644 --- a/include/linux/socket.h +++ b/include/linux/socket.h @@ -326,11 +326,11 @@ extern int csum_partial_copy_fromiovecend(unsigned char *kdata, int offset, unsigned int len, __wsum *csump); -extern int verify_iovec(struct msghdr *m, struct iovec *iov, struct sockaddr *address, int mode); +extern int verify_iovec(struct msghdr *m, struct iovec *iov, struct sockaddr_storage *address, int mode); extern int memcpy_toiovec(struct iovec *v, unsigned char *kdata, int len); extern int memcpy_toiovecend(const struct iovec *v, unsigned char *kdata, int offset, int len); -extern int move_addr_to_kernel(void __user *uaddr, int ulen, struct sockaddr *kaddr); +extern int move_addr_to_kernel(void __user *uaddr, int ulen, struct sockaddr_storage *kaddr); extern int put_cmsg(struct msghdr*, int level, int type, int len, void *data); struct timespec; diff --git a/include/linux/ssb/ssb.h b/include/linux/ssb/ssb.h index dcf35b0f303aabef3698b0f7b06d4568748b87fb..d2768318002519510971a60a156ff32591f6790c 100644 --- a/include/linux/ssb/ssb.h +++ b/include/linux/ssb/ssb.h @@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ struct pcmcia_device; struct ssb_bus; struct ssb_driver; +struct ssb_sprom_core_pwr_info { + u8 itssi_2g, itssi_5g; + u8 maxpwr_2g, maxpwr_5gl, maxpwr_5g, maxpwr_5gh; + u16 pa_2g[4], pa_5gl[4], pa_5g[4], pa_5gh[4]; +}; + struct ssb_sprom { u8 revision; u8 il0mac[6]; /* MAC address for 802.11b/g */ @@ -26,9 +32,12 @@ struct ssb_sprom { u8 et0mdcport; /* MDIO for enet0 */ u8 et1mdcport; /* MDIO for enet1 */ u16 board_rev; /* Board revision number from SPROM. */ + u16 board_num; /* Board number from SPROM. */ + u16 board_type; /* Board type from SPROM. */ u8 country_code; /* Country Code */ - u16 leddc_on_time; /* LED Powersave Duty Cycle On Count */ - u16 leddc_off_time; /* LED Powersave Duty Cycle Off Count */ + char alpha2[2]; /* Country Code as two chars like EU or US */ + u8 leddc_on_time; /* LED Powersave Duty Cycle On Count */ + u8 leddc_off_time; /* LED Powersave Duty Cycle Off Count */ u8 ant_available_a; /* 2GHz antenna available bits (up to 4) */ u8 ant_available_bg; /* 5GHz antenna available bits (up to 4) */ u16 pa0b0; @@ -47,10 +56,10 @@ struct ssb_sprom { u8 gpio1; /* GPIO pin 1 */ u8 gpio2; /* GPIO pin 2 */ u8 gpio3; /* GPIO pin 3 */ - u16 maxpwr_bg; /* 2.4GHz Amplifier Max Power (in dBm Q5.2) */ - u16 maxpwr_al; /* 5.2GHz Amplifier Max Power (in dBm Q5.2) */ - u16 maxpwr_a; /* 5.3GHz Amplifier Max Power (in dBm Q5.2) */ - u16 maxpwr_ah; /* 5.8GHz Amplifier Max Power (in dBm Q5.2) */ + u8 maxpwr_bg; /* 2.4GHz Amplifier Max Power (in dBm Q5.2) */ + u8 maxpwr_al; /* 5.2GHz Amplifier Max Power (in dBm Q5.2) */ + u8 maxpwr_a; /* 5.3GHz Amplifier Max Power (in dBm Q5.2) */ + u8 maxpwr_ah; /* 5.8GHz Amplifier Max Power (in dBm Q5.2) */ u8 itssi_a; /* Idle TSSI Target for A-PHY */ u8 itssi_bg; /* Idle TSSI Target for B/G-PHY */ u8 tri2g; /* 2.4GHz TX isolation */ @@ -61,8 +70,8 @@ struct ssb_sprom { u8 txpid5gl[4]; /* 4.9 - 5.1GHz TX power index */ u8 txpid5g[4]; /* 5.1 - 5.5GHz TX power index */ u8 txpid5gh[4]; /* 5.5 - ...GHz TX power index */ - u8 rxpo2g; /* 2GHz RX power offset */ - u8 rxpo5g; /* 5GHz RX power offset */ + s8 rxpo2g; /* 2GHz RX power offset */ + s8 rxpo5g; /* 5GHz RX power offset */ u8 rssisav2g; /* 2GHz RSSI params */ u8 rssismc2g; u8 rssismf2g; @@ -82,16 +91,13 @@ struct ssb_sprom { u16 boardflags2_hi; /* Board flags (bits 48-63) */ /* TODO store board flags in a single u64 */ + struct ssb_sprom_core_pwr_info core_pwr_info[4]; + /* Antenna gain values for up to 4 antennas * on each band. Values in dBm/4 (Q5.2). Negative gain means the * loss in the connectors is bigger than the gain. */ struct { - struct { - s8 a0, a1, a2, a3; - } ghz24; /* 2.4GHz band */ - struct { - s8 a0, a1, a2, a3; - } ghz5; /* 5GHz band */ + s8 a0, a1, a2, a3; } antenna_gain; struct { @@ -103,7 +109,79 @@ struct ssb_sprom { } ghz5; } fem; - /* TODO - add any parameters needed from rev 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 SPROMs */ + u16 mcs2gpo[8]; + u16 mcs5gpo[8]; + u16 mcs5glpo[8]; + u16 mcs5ghpo[8]; + u8 opo; + + u8 rxgainerr2ga[3]; + u8 rxgainerr5gla[3]; + u8 rxgainerr5gma[3]; + u8 rxgainerr5gha[3]; + u8 rxgainerr5gua[3]; + + u8 noiselvl2ga[3]; + u8 noiselvl5gla[3]; + u8 noiselvl5gma[3]; + u8 noiselvl5gha[3]; + u8 noiselvl5gua[3]; + + u8 regrev; + u8 txchain; + u8 rxchain; + u8 antswitch; + u16 cddpo; + u16 stbcpo; + u16 bw40po; + u16 bwduppo; + + u8 tempthresh; + u8 tempoffset; + u16 rawtempsense; + u8 measpower; + u8 tempsense_slope; + u8 tempcorrx; + u8 tempsense_option; + u8 freqoffset_corr; + u8 iqcal_swp_dis; + u8 hw_iqcal_en; + u8 elna2g; + u8 elna5g; + u8 phycal_tempdelta; + u8 temps_period; + u8 temps_hysteresis; + u8 measpower1; + u8 measpower2; + u8 pcieingress_war; + + /* power per rate from sromrev 9 */ + u16 cckbw202gpo; + u16 cckbw20ul2gpo; + u32 legofdmbw202gpo; + u32 legofdmbw20ul2gpo; + u32 legofdmbw205glpo; + u32 legofdmbw20ul5glpo; + u32 legofdmbw205gmpo; + u32 legofdmbw20ul5gmpo; + u32 legofdmbw205ghpo; + u32 legofdmbw20ul5ghpo; + u32 mcsbw202gpo; + u32 mcsbw20ul2gpo; + u32 mcsbw402gpo; + u32 mcsbw205glpo; + u32 mcsbw20ul5glpo; + u32 mcsbw405glpo; + u32 mcsbw205gmpo; + u32 mcsbw20ul5gmpo; + u32 mcsbw405gmpo; + u32 mcsbw205ghpo; + u32 mcsbw20ul5ghpo; + u32 mcsbw405ghpo; + u16 mcs32po; + u16 legofdm40duppo; + u8 sar2g; + u8 sar5g; }; /* Information about the PCB the circuitry is soldered on. */ diff --git a/include/linux/ssb/ssb_regs.h b/include/linux/ssb/ssb_regs.h index c814ae6eeb2292df3cb8080b0a10bf04726418fd..40b1ef8595ee9518bda1325765e01a0b3bc355e8 100644 --- a/include/linux/ssb/ssb_regs.h +++ b/include/linux/ssb/ssb_regs.h @@ -449,6 +449,39 @@ #define SSB_SPROM8_TS_SLP_OPT_CORRX 0x00B6 #define SSB_SPROM8_FOC_HWIQ_IQSWP 0x00B8 #define SSB_SPROM8_PHYCAL_TEMPDELTA 0x00BA + +/* There are 4 blocks with power info sharing the same layout */ +#define SSB_SROM8_PWR_INFO_CORE0 0x00C0 +#define SSB_SROM8_PWR_INFO_CORE1 0x00E0 +#define SSB_SROM8_PWR_INFO_CORE2 0x0100 +#define SSB_SROM8_PWR_INFO_CORE3 0x0120 + +#define SSB_SROM8_2G_MAXP_ITSSI 0x00 +#define SSB_SPROM8_2G_MAXP 0x00FF +#define SSB_SPROM8_2G_ITSSI 0xFF00 +#define SSB_SPROM8_2G_ITSSI_SHIFT 8 +#define SSB_SROM8_2G_PA_0 0x02 /* 2GHz power amp settings */ +#define SSB_SROM8_2G_PA_1 0x04 +#define SSB_SROM8_2G_PA_2 0x06 +#define SSB_SROM8_5G_MAXP_ITSSI 0x08 /* 5GHz ITSSI and 5.3GHz Max Power */ +#define SSB_SPROM8_5G_MAXP 0x00FF +#define SSB_SPROM8_5G_ITSSI 0xFF00 +#define SSB_SPROM8_5G_ITSSI_SHIFT 8 +#define SSB_SPROM8_5GHL_MAXP 0x0A /* 5.2GHz and 5.8GHz Max Power */ +#define SSB_SPROM8_5GH_MAXP 0x00FF +#define SSB_SPROM8_5GL_MAXP 0xFF00 +#define SSB_SPROM8_5GL_MAXP_SHIFT 8 +#define SSB_SROM8_5G_PA_0 0x0C /* 5.3GHz power amp settings */ +#define SSB_SROM8_5G_PA_1 0x0E +#define SSB_SROM8_5G_PA_2 0x10 +#define SSB_SROM8_5GL_PA_0 0x12 /* 5.2GHz power amp settings */ +#define SSB_SROM8_5GL_PA_1 0x14 +#define SSB_SROM8_5GL_PA_2 0x16 +#define SSB_SROM8_5GH_PA_0 0x18 /* 5.8GHz power amp settings */ +#define SSB_SROM8_5GH_PA_1 0x1A +#define SSB_SROM8_5GH_PA_2 0x1C + +/* TODO: Make it deprecated */ #define SSB_SPROM8_MAXP_BG 0x00C0 /* Max Power 2GHz in path 1 */ #define SSB_SPROM8_MAXP_BG_MASK 0x00FF /* Mask for Max Power 2GHz */ #define SSB_SPROM8_ITSSI_BG 0xFF00 /* Mask for path 1 itssi_bg */ @@ -473,6 +506,7 @@ #define SSB_SPROM8_PA1HIB0 0x00D8 /* 5.8GHz power amp settings */ #define SSB_SPROM8_PA1HIB1 0x00DA #define SSB_SPROM8_PA1HIB2 0x00DC + #define SSB_SPROM8_CCK2GPO 0x0140 /* CCK power offset */ #define SSB_SPROM8_OFDM2GPO 0x0142 /* 2.4GHz OFDM power offset */ #define SSB_SPROM8_OFDM5GPO 0x0146 /* 5.3GHz OFDM power offset */ diff --git a/include/linux/tcp.h b/include/linux/tcp.h index 3c7ffdb40dc64ba62cd8f9586fd04d668c4a469c..b6c62d2943805c52411d7d0c881831dee5905577 100644 --- a/include/linux/tcp.h +++ b/include/linux/tcp.h @@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ struct tcp_sock { const struct tcp_sock_af_ops *af_specific; /* TCP MD5 Signature Option information */ - struct tcp_md5sig_info *md5sig_info; + struct tcp_md5sig_info __rcu *md5sig_info; #endif /* When the cookie options are generated and exchanged, then this @@ -487,8 +487,7 @@ struct tcp_timewait_sock { u32 tw_ts_recent; long tw_ts_recent_stamp; #ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG - u16 tw_md5_keylen; - u8 tw_md5_key[TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN]; + struct tcp_md5sig_key *tw_md5_key; #endif /* Few sockets in timewait have cookies; in that case, then this * object holds a reference to them (tw_cookie_values->kref). diff --git a/include/net/addrconf.h b/include/net/addrconf.h index f68dce2d8d88f806a162ebce3a67714e856bbcb2..757a17638b1b640f87e2609cf8271e0d6b3f070c 100644 --- a/include/net/addrconf.h +++ b/include/net/addrconf.h @@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ extern void addrconf_prefix_rcv(struct net_device *dev, extern int ipv6_sock_ac_join(struct sock *sk,int ifindex, const struct in6_addr *addr); extern int ipv6_sock_ac_drop(struct sock *sk,int ifindex, const struct in6_addr *addr); extern void ipv6_sock_ac_close(struct sock *sk); -extern int inet6_ac_check(struct sock *sk, const struct in6_addr *addr, int ifindex); extern int ipv6_dev_ac_inc(struct net_device *dev, const struct in6_addr *addr); extern int __ipv6_dev_ac_dec(struct inet6_dev *idev, const struct in6_addr *addr); diff --git a/include/net/arp.h b/include/net/arp.h index 0013dc87940bf17c77a1a0c083b60c5c2f6a0a57..4a1f3fb562eb500ec0739f64f1fc7e4cb9f28a2e 100644 --- a/include/net/arp.h +++ b/include/net/arp.h @@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ static inline u32 arp_hashfn(u32 key, const struct net_device *dev, u32 hash_rnd return val * hash_rnd; } -static inline struct neighbour *__ipv4_neigh_lookup(struct neigh_table *tbl, struct net_device *dev, u32 key) +static inline struct neighbour *__ipv4_neigh_lookup(struct net_device *dev, u32 key) { struct neigh_hash_table *nht; struct neighbour *n; u32 hash_val; rcu_read_lock_bh(); - nht = rcu_dereference_bh(tbl->nht); + nht = rcu_dereference_bh(arp_tbl.nht); hash_val = arp_hashfn(key, dev, nht->hash_rnd[0]) >> (32 - nht->hash_shift); for (n = rcu_dereference_bh(nht->hash_buckets[hash_val]); n != NULL; diff --git a/include/net/bluetooth/bluetooth.h b/include/net/bluetooth/bluetooth.h index 4a82ca0bb0b209a12c65a83b42138098e6572ad1..262ebd1747d4d2d0121f20a5114741d48c8a48fe 100644 --- a/include/net/bluetooth/bluetooth.h +++ b/include/net/bluetooth/bluetooth.h @@ -109,12 +109,14 @@ struct bt_power { */ #define BT_CHANNEL_POLICY_AMP_PREFERRED 2 -__printf(2, 3) -int bt_printk(const char *level, const char *fmt, ...); +__printf(1, 2) +int bt_info(const char *fmt, ...); +__printf(1, 2) +int bt_err(const char *fmt, ...); -#define BT_INFO(fmt, arg...) bt_printk(KERN_INFO, pr_fmt(fmt), ##arg) -#define BT_ERR(fmt, arg...) bt_printk(KERN_ERR, pr_fmt(fmt), ##arg) -#define BT_DBG(fmt, arg...) pr_debug(fmt "\n", ##arg) +#define BT_INFO(fmt, ...) bt_info(fmt "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__) +#define BT_ERR(fmt, ...) bt_err(fmt "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__) +#define BT_DBG(fmt, ...) pr_debug(fmt "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__) /* Connection and socket states */ enum { @@ -129,6 +131,33 @@ enum { BT_CLOSED }; +/* If unused will be removed by compiler */ +static inline const char *state_to_string(int state) +{ + switch (state) { + case BT_CONNECTED: + return "BT_CONNECTED"; + case BT_OPEN: + return "BT_OPEN"; + case BT_BOUND: + return "BT_BOUND"; + case BT_LISTEN: + return "BT_LISTEN"; + case BT_CONNECT: + return "BT_CONNECT"; + case BT_CONNECT2: + return "BT_CONNECT2"; + case BT_CONFIG: + return "BT_CONFIG"; + case BT_DISCONN: + return "BT_DISCONN"; + case BT_CLOSED: + return "BT_CLOSED"; + } + + return "invalid state"; +} + /* BD Address */ typedef struct { __u8 b[6]; @@ -193,7 +222,6 @@ struct bt_skb_cb { __u16 tx_seq; __u8 retries; __u8 sar; - unsigned short channel; __u8 force_active; }; #define bt_cb(skb) ((struct bt_skb_cb *)((skb)->cb)) diff --git a/include/net/bluetooth/hci.h b/include/net/bluetooth/hci.h index 00596e816b4d6d8dd79f6272d0e293f163d277d0..344b0f972828f4167393948c4263a628309ca7c6 100644 --- a/include/net/bluetooth/hci.h +++ b/include/net/bluetooth/hci.h @@ -77,14 +77,6 @@ enum { HCI_RAW, - HCI_SETUP, - HCI_AUTO_OFF, - HCI_MGMT, - HCI_PAIRABLE, - HCI_SERVICE_CACHE, - HCI_LINK_KEYS, - HCI_DEBUG_KEYS, - HCI_RESET, }; @@ -93,7 +85,22 @@ enum { * states from the controller. */ enum { + HCI_SETUP, + HCI_AUTO_OFF, + HCI_MGMT, + HCI_PAIRABLE, + HCI_SERVICE_CACHE, + HCI_LINK_KEYS, + HCI_DEBUG_KEYS, + HCI_LE_SCAN, + HCI_SSP_ENABLED, + HCI_HS_ENABLED, + HCI_LE_ENABLED, + HCI_CONNECTABLE, + HCI_DISCOVERABLE, + HCI_LINK_SECURITY, + HCI_PENDING_CLASS, }; /* HCI ioctl defines */ @@ -130,6 +137,7 @@ enum { #define HCI_IDLE_TIMEOUT (6000) /* 6 seconds */ #define HCI_INIT_TIMEOUT (10000) /* 10 seconds */ #define HCI_CMD_TIMEOUT (1000) /* 1 seconds */ +#define HCI_ACL_TX_TIMEOUT (45000) /* 45 seconds */ /* HCI data types */ #define HCI_COMMAND_PKT 0x01 @@ -229,7 +237,9 @@ enum { #define LMP_EXTFEATURES 0x80 /* Extended LMP features */ -#define LMP_HOST_LE 0x02 +#define LMP_HOST_SSP 0x01 +#define LMP_HOST_LE 0x02 +#define LMP_HOST_LE_BREDR 0x04 /* Connection modes */ #define HCI_CM_ACTIVE 0x0000 @@ -268,10 +278,11 @@ enum { #define HCI_LK_UNAUTH_COMBINATION 0x04 #define HCI_LK_AUTH_COMBINATION 0x05 #define HCI_LK_CHANGED_COMBINATION 0x06 -/* The spec doesn't define types for SMP keys */ -#define HCI_LK_SMP_LTK 0x81 -#define HCI_LK_SMP_IRK 0x82 -#define HCI_LK_SMP_CSRK 0x83 +/* The spec doesn't define types for SMP keys, the _MASTER suffix is implied */ +#define HCI_SMP_STK 0x80 +#define HCI_SMP_STK_SLAVE 0x81 +#define HCI_SMP_LTK 0x82 +#define HCI_SMP_LTK_SLAVE 0x83 /* ---- HCI Error Codes ---- */ #define HCI_ERROR_AUTH_FAILURE 0x05 @@ -284,6 +295,22 @@ enum { #define HCI_FLOW_CTL_MODE_PACKET_BASED 0x00 #define HCI_FLOW_CTL_MODE_BLOCK_BASED 0x01 +/* Extended Inquiry Response field types */ +#define EIR_FLAGS 0x01 /* flags */ +#define EIR_UUID16_SOME 0x02 /* 16-bit UUID, more available */ +#define EIR_UUID16_ALL 0x03 /* 16-bit UUID, all listed */ +#define EIR_UUID32_SOME 0x04 /* 32-bit UUID, more available */ +#define EIR_UUID32_ALL 0x05 /* 32-bit UUID, all listed */ +#define EIR_UUID128_SOME 0x06 /* 128-bit UUID, more available */ +#define EIR_UUID128_ALL 0x07 /* 128-bit UUID, all listed */ +#define EIR_NAME_SHORT 0x08 /* shortened local name */ +#define EIR_NAME_COMPLETE 0x09 /* complete local name */ +#define EIR_TX_POWER 0x0A /* transmit power level */ +#define EIR_CLASS_OF_DEV 0x0D /* Class of Device */ +#define EIR_SSP_HASH_C 0x0E /* Simple Pairing Hash C */ +#define EIR_SSP_RAND_R 0x0F /* Simple Pairing Randomizer R */ +#define EIR_DEVICE_ID 0x10 /* device ID */ + /* ----- HCI Commands ---- */ #define HCI_OP_NOP 0x0000 @@ -666,8 +693,8 @@ struct hci_cp_host_buffer_size { #define HCI_OP_WRITE_EIR 0x0c52 struct hci_cp_write_eir { - uint8_t fec; - uint8_t data[HCI_MAX_EIR_LENGTH]; + __u8 fec; + __u8 data[HCI_MAX_EIR_LENGTH]; } __packed; #define HCI_OP_READ_SSP_MODE 0x0c55 @@ -698,8 +725,8 @@ struct hci_rp_read_flow_control_mode { #define HCI_OP_WRITE_LE_HOST_SUPPORTED 0x0c6d struct hci_cp_write_le_host_supported { - __u8 le; - __u8 simul; + __u8 le; + __u8 simul; } __packed; #define HCI_OP_READ_LOCAL_VERSION 0x1001 @@ -1155,6 +1182,19 @@ struct hci_ev_le_meta { __u8 subevent; } __packed; +#define HCI_EV_NUM_COMP_BLOCKS 0x48 +struct hci_comp_blocks_info { + __le16 handle; + __le16 pkts; + __le16 blocks; +} __packed; + +struct hci_ev_num_comp_blocks { + __le16 num_blocks; + __u8 num_hndl; + struct hci_comp_blocks_info handles[0]; +} __packed; + /* Low energy meta events */ #define HCI_EV_LE_CONN_COMPLETE 0x01 struct hci_ev_le_conn_complete { @@ -1288,6 +1328,7 @@ struct sockaddr_hci { #define HCI_CHANNEL_RAW 0 #define HCI_CHANNEL_CONTROL 1 +#define HCI_CHANNEL_MONITOR 2 struct hci_filter { unsigned long type_mask; @@ -1389,5 +1430,6 @@ struct hci_inquiry_req { #define IREQ_CACHE_FLUSH 0x0001 extern bool enable_hs; +extern bool enable_le; #endif /* __HCI_H */ diff --git a/include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h b/include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h index 453893b3120ef6b81d024047a420802dedcb9247..daefaac511311348ac2772eeeed9d2f9ca0c7679 100644 --- a/include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h +++ b/include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h @@ -44,14 +44,31 @@ struct inquiry_data { }; struct inquiry_entry { - struct inquiry_entry *next; + struct list_head all; /* inq_cache.all */ + struct list_head list; /* unknown or resolve */ + enum { + NAME_NOT_KNOWN, + NAME_NEEDED, + NAME_PENDING, + NAME_KNOWN, + } name_state; __u32 timestamp; struct inquiry_data data; }; -struct inquiry_cache { +struct discovery_state { + int type; + enum { + DISCOVERY_STOPPED, + DISCOVERY_STARTING, + DISCOVERY_FINDING, + DISCOVERY_RESOLVING, + DISCOVERY_STOPPING, + } state; + struct list_head all; /* All devices found during inquiry */ + struct list_head unknown; /* Name state not known */ + struct list_head resolve; /* Name needs to be resolved */ __u32 timestamp; - struct inquiry_entry *list; }; struct hci_conn_hash { @@ -72,18 +89,16 @@ struct bt_uuid { u8 svc_hint; }; -struct key_master_id { - __le16 ediv; - u8 rand[8]; -} __packed; - -struct link_key_data { +struct smp_ltk { + struct list_head list; bdaddr_t bdaddr; + u8 bdaddr_type; + u8 authenticated; u8 type; + u8 enc_size; + __le16 ediv; + u8 rand[8]; u8 val[16]; - u8 pin_len; - u8 dlen; - u8 data[0]; } __packed; struct link_key { @@ -92,8 +107,6 @@ struct link_key { u8 type; u8 val[16]; u8 pin_len; - u8 dlen; - u8 data[0]; }; struct oob_data { @@ -109,11 +122,19 @@ struct adv_entry { u8 bdaddr_type; }; +struct le_scan_params { + u8 type; + u16 interval; + u16 window; + int timeout; +}; + +#define HCI_MAX_SHORT_NAME_LENGTH 10 + #define NUM_REASSEMBLY 4 struct hci_dev { struct list_head list; struct mutex lock; - atomic_t refcnt; char name[8]; unsigned long flags; @@ -122,6 +143,7 @@ struct hci_dev { __u8 dev_type; bdaddr_t bdaddr; __u8 dev_name[HCI_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; + __u8 short_name[HCI_MAX_SHORT_NAME_LENGTH]; __u8 eir[HCI_MAX_EIR_LENGTH]; __u8 dev_class[3]; __u8 major_class; @@ -129,7 +151,6 @@ struct hci_dev { __u8 features[8]; __u8 host_features[8]; __u8 commands[64]; - __u8 ssp_mode; __u8 hci_ver; __u16 hci_rev; __u8 lmp_ver; @@ -217,7 +238,7 @@ struct hci_dev { struct list_head mgmt_pending; - struct inquiry_cache inq_cache; + struct discovery_state discovery; struct hci_conn_hash conn_hash; struct list_head blacklist; @@ -225,6 +246,8 @@ struct hci_dev { struct list_head link_keys; + struct list_head long_term_keys; + struct list_head remote_oob_data; struct list_head adv_entries; @@ -234,7 +257,6 @@ struct hci_dev { struct sk_buff_head driver_init; - void *driver_data; void *core_data; atomic_t promisc; @@ -246,15 +268,17 @@ struct hci_dev { struct rfkill *rfkill; - struct module *owner; - unsigned long dev_flags; + struct delayed_work le_scan_disable; + + struct work_struct le_scan; + struct le_scan_params le_scan_params; + int (*open)(struct hci_dev *hdev); int (*close)(struct hci_dev *hdev); int (*flush)(struct hci_dev *hdev); int (*send)(struct sk_buff *skb); - void (*destruct)(struct hci_dev *hdev); void (*notify)(struct hci_dev *hdev, unsigned int evt); int (*ioctl)(struct hci_dev *hdev, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg); }; @@ -270,11 +294,10 @@ struct hci_conn { __u16 state; __u8 mode; __u8 type; - __u8 out; + bool out; __u8 attempt; __u8 dev_class[3]; __u8 features[8]; - __u8 ssp_mode; __u16 interval; __u16 pkt_type; __u16 link_policy; @@ -286,12 +309,10 @@ struct hci_conn { __u8 pin_length; __u8 enc_key_size; __u8 io_capability; - __u8 power_save; __u16 disc_timeout; - unsigned long pend; + unsigned long flags; __u8 remote_cap; - __u8 remote_oob; __u8 remote_auth; unsigned int sent; @@ -348,21 +369,26 @@ extern int sco_recv_scodata(struct hci_conn *hcon, struct sk_buff *skb); #define INQUIRY_CACHE_AGE_MAX (HZ*30) /* 30 seconds */ #define INQUIRY_ENTRY_AGE_MAX (HZ*60) /* 60 seconds */ -static inline void inquiry_cache_init(struct hci_dev *hdev) +static inline void discovery_init(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct inquiry_cache *c = &hdev->inq_cache; - c->list = NULL; + hdev->discovery.state = DISCOVERY_STOPPED; + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hdev->discovery.all); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hdev->discovery.unknown); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hdev->discovery.resolve); } +bool hci_discovery_active(struct hci_dev *hdev); + +void hci_discovery_set_state(struct hci_dev *hdev, int state); + static inline int inquiry_cache_empty(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct inquiry_cache *c = &hdev->inq_cache; - return c->list == NULL; + return list_empty(&hdev->discovery.all); } static inline long inquiry_cache_age(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct inquiry_cache *c = &hdev->inq_cache; + struct discovery_state *c = &hdev->discovery; return jiffies - c->timestamp; } @@ -372,8 +398,16 @@ static inline long inquiry_entry_age(struct inquiry_entry *e) } struct inquiry_entry *hci_inquiry_cache_lookup(struct hci_dev *hdev, - bdaddr_t *bdaddr); -void hci_inquiry_cache_update(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct inquiry_data *data); + bdaddr_t *bdaddr); +struct inquiry_entry *hci_inquiry_cache_lookup_unknown(struct hci_dev *hdev, + bdaddr_t *bdaddr); +struct inquiry_entry *hci_inquiry_cache_lookup_resolve(struct hci_dev *hdev, + bdaddr_t *bdaddr, + int state); +void hci_inquiry_cache_update_resolve(struct hci_dev *hdev, + struct inquiry_entry *ie); +bool hci_inquiry_cache_update(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct inquiry_data *data, + bool name_known, bool *ssp); /* ----- HCI Connections ----- */ enum { @@ -384,8 +418,19 @@ enum { HCI_CONN_MODE_CHANGE_PEND, HCI_CONN_SCO_SETUP_PEND, HCI_CONN_LE_SMP_PEND, + HCI_CONN_MGMT_CONNECTED, + HCI_CONN_SSP_ENABLED, + HCI_CONN_POWER_SAVE, + HCI_CONN_REMOTE_OOB, }; +static inline bool hci_conn_ssp_enabled(struct hci_conn *conn) +{ + struct hci_dev *hdev = conn->hdev; + return (test_bit(HCI_SSP_ENABLED, &hdev->flags) && + test_bit(HCI_CONN_SSP_ENABLED, &conn->flags)); +} + static inline void hci_conn_hash_init(struct hci_dev *hdev) { struct hci_conn_hash *h = &hdev->conn_hash; @@ -566,36 +611,33 @@ static inline void hci_conn_put(struct hci_conn *conn) } /* ----- HCI Devices ----- */ -static inline void __hci_dev_put(struct hci_dev *d) +static inline void hci_dev_put(struct hci_dev *d) { - if (atomic_dec_and_test(&d->refcnt)) - d->destruct(d); + put_device(&d->dev); } -/* - * hci_dev_put and hci_dev_hold are macros to avoid dragging all the - * overhead of all the modular infrastructure into this header. - */ -#define hci_dev_put(d) \ -do { \ - __hci_dev_put(d); \ - module_put(d->owner); \ -} while (0) - -static inline struct hci_dev *__hci_dev_hold(struct hci_dev *d) +static inline struct hci_dev *hci_dev_hold(struct hci_dev *d) { - atomic_inc(&d->refcnt); + get_device(&d->dev); return d; } -#define hci_dev_hold(d) \ -({ \ - try_module_get(d->owner) ? __hci_dev_hold(d) : NULL; \ -}) - #define hci_dev_lock(d) mutex_lock(&d->lock) #define hci_dev_unlock(d) mutex_unlock(&d->lock) +#define to_hci_dev(d) container_of(d, struct hci_dev, dev) +#define to_hci_conn(c) container_of(c, struct hci_conn, dev) + +static inline void *hci_get_drvdata(struct hci_dev *hdev) +{ + return dev_get_drvdata(&hdev->dev); +} + +static inline void hci_set_drvdata(struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data) +{ + dev_set_drvdata(&hdev->dev, data); +} + struct hci_dev *hci_dev_get(int index); struct hci_dev *hci_get_route(bdaddr_t *src, bdaddr_t *dst); @@ -619,20 +661,23 @@ int hci_inquiry(void __user *arg); struct bdaddr_list *hci_blacklist_lookup(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr); int hci_blacklist_clear(struct hci_dev *hdev); -int hci_blacklist_add(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr); -int hci_blacklist_del(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr); +int hci_blacklist_add(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 type); +int hci_blacklist_del(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 type); int hci_uuids_clear(struct hci_dev *hdev); int hci_link_keys_clear(struct hci_dev *hdev); struct link_key *hci_find_link_key(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr); int hci_add_link_key(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct hci_conn *conn, int new_key, - bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 *val, u8 type, u8 pin_len); -struct link_key *hci_find_ltk(struct hci_dev *hdev, __le16 ediv, u8 rand[8]); -struct link_key *hci_find_link_key_type(struct hci_dev *hdev, - bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 type); -int hci_add_ltk(struct hci_dev *hdev, int new_key, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, - u8 key_size, __le16 ediv, u8 rand[8], u8 ltk[16]); + bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 *val, u8 type, u8 pin_len); +struct smp_ltk *hci_find_ltk(struct hci_dev *hdev, __le16 ediv, u8 rand[8]); +int hci_add_ltk(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 addr_type, u8 type, + int new_key, u8 authenticated, u8 tk[16], u8 enc_size, u16 ediv, + u8 rand[8]); +struct smp_ltk *hci_find_ltk_by_addr(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, + u8 addr_type); +int hci_remove_ltk(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr); +int hci_smp_ltks_clear(struct hci_dev *hdev); int hci_remove_link_key(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr); int hci_remote_oob_data_clear(struct hci_dev *hdev); @@ -674,6 +719,7 @@ void hci_conn_del_sysfs(struct hci_conn *conn); #define lmp_ssp_capable(dev) ((dev)->features[6] & LMP_SIMPLE_PAIR) #define lmp_no_flush_capable(dev) ((dev)->features[6] & LMP_NO_FLUSH) #define lmp_le_capable(dev) ((dev)->features[4] & LMP_LE) +#define lmp_bredr_capable(dev) (!((dev)->features[4] & LMP_NO_BREDR)) /* ----- Extended LMP capabilities ----- */ #define lmp_host_le_capable(dev) ((dev)->host_features[0] & LMP_HOST_LE) @@ -755,7 +801,7 @@ static inline void hci_proto_auth_cfm(struct hci_conn *conn, __u8 status) if (conn->type != ACL_LINK && conn->type != LE_LINK) return; - if (test_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &conn->pend)) + if (test_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &conn->flags)) return; encrypt = (conn->link_mode & HCI_LM_ENCRYPT) ? 0x01 : 0x00; @@ -796,7 +842,7 @@ static inline void hci_auth_cfm(struct hci_conn *conn, __u8 status) hci_proto_auth_cfm(conn, status); - if (test_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &conn->pend)) + if (test_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &conn->flags)) return; encrypt = (conn->link_mode & HCI_LM_ENCRYPT) ? 0x01 : 0x00; @@ -859,25 +905,71 @@ static inline void hci_role_switch_cfm(struct hci_conn *conn, __u8 status, read_unlock(&hci_cb_list_lock); } +static inline bool eir_has_data_type(u8 *data, size_t data_len, u8 type) +{ + u8 field_len; + size_t parsed; + + for (parsed = 0; parsed < data_len - 1; parsed += field_len) { + field_len = data[0]; + + if (field_len == 0) + break; + + parsed += field_len + 1; + + if (parsed > data_len) + break; + + if (data[1] == type) + return true; + + data += field_len + 1; + } + + return false; +} + +static inline u16 eir_append_data(u8 *eir, u16 eir_len, u8 type, u8 *data, + u8 data_len) +{ + eir[eir_len++] = sizeof(type) + data_len; + eir[eir_len++] = type; + memcpy(&eir[eir_len], data, data_len); + eir_len += data_len; + + return eir_len; +} + int hci_register_cb(struct hci_cb *hcb); int hci_unregister_cb(struct hci_cb *hcb); -int hci_register_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb); -int hci_unregister_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb); - int hci_send_cmd(struct hci_dev *hdev, __u16 opcode, __u32 plen, void *param); void hci_send_acl(struct hci_chan *chan, struct sk_buff *skb, __u16 flags); void hci_send_sco(struct hci_conn *conn, struct sk_buff *skb); void *hci_sent_cmd_data(struct hci_dev *hdev, __u16 opcode); -void hci_si_event(struct hci_dev *hdev, int type, int dlen, void *data); - /* ----- HCI Sockets ----- */ -void hci_send_to_sock(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb, - struct sock *skip_sk); +void hci_send_to_sock(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb); +void hci_send_to_control(struct sk_buff *skb, struct sock *skip_sk); +void hci_send_to_monitor(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb); + +void hci_sock_dev_event(struct hci_dev *hdev, int event); /* Management interface */ +#define MGMT_ADDR_BREDR 0x00 +#define MGMT_ADDR_LE_PUBLIC 0x01 +#define MGMT_ADDR_LE_RANDOM 0x02 +#define MGMT_ADDR_INVALID 0xff + +#define DISCOV_TYPE_BREDR (BIT(MGMT_ADDR_BREDR)) +#define DISCOV_TYPE_LE (BIT(MGMT_ADDR_LE_PUBLIC) | \ + BIT(MGMT_ADDR_LE_RANDOM)) +#define DISCOV_TYPE_INTERLEAVED (BIT(MGMT_ADDR_BREDR) | \ + BIT(MGMT_ADDR_LE_PUBLIC) | \ + BIT(MGMT_ADDR_LE_RANDOM)) + int mgmt_control(struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, size_t len); int mgmt_index_added(struct hci_dev *hdev); int mgmt_index_removed(struct hci_dev *hdev); @@ -886,56 +978,67 @@ int mgmt_discoverable(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 discoverable); int mgmt_connectable(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 connectable); int mgmt_write_scan_failed(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 scan, u8 status); int mgmt_new_link_key(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct link_key *key, - u8 persistent); -int mgmt_connected(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 link_type, - u8 addr_type); -int mgmt_disconnected(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 link_type, - u8 addr_type); -int mgmt_disconnect_failed(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 status); + u8 persistent); +int mgmt_device_connected(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 link_type, + u8 addr_type, u32 flags, u8 *name, u8 name_len, + u8 *dev_class); +int mgmt_device_disconnected(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, + u8 link_type, u8 addr_type); +int mgmt_disconnect_failed(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, + u8 link_type, u8 addr_type, u8 status); int mgmt_connect_failed(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 link_type, - u8 addr_type, u8 status); + u8 addr_type, u8 status); int mgmt_pin_code_request(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 secure); int mgmt_pin_code_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, - u8 status); + u8 status); int mgmt_pin_code_neg_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, - u8 status); + u8 status); int mgmt_user_confirm_request(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, - __le32 value, u8 confirm_hint); + u8 link_type, u8 addr_type, __le32 value, + u8 confirm_hint); int mgmt_user_confirm_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, - u8 status); -int mgmt_user_confirm_neg_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, - bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 status); -int mgmt_user_passkey_request(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr); + u8 link_type, u8 addr_type, u8 status); +int mgmt_user_confirm_neg_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, + u8 link_type, u8 addr_type, u8 status); +int mgmt_user_passkey_request(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, + u8 link_type, u8 addr_type); int mgmt_user_passkey_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, - u8 status); -int mgmt_user_passkey_neg_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, - bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 status); -int mgmt_auth_failed(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 status); + u8 link_type, u8 addr_type, u8 status); +int mgmt_user_passkey_neg_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, + u8 link_type, u8 addr_type, u8 status); +int mgmt_auth_failed(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 link_type, + u8 addr_type, u8 status); +int mgmt_auth_enable_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 status); +int mgmt_ssp_enable_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 enable, u8 status); +int mgmt_set_class_of_dev_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 *dev_class, + u8 status); int mgmt_set_local_name_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 *name, u8 status); int mgmt_read_local_oob_data_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 *hash, - u8 *randomizer, u8 status); + u8 *randomizer, u8 status); +int mgmt_le_enable_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 enable, u8 status); int mgmt_device_found(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 link_type, - u8 addr_type, u8 *dev_class, s8 rssi, u8 *eir); -int mgmt_remote_name(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 *name); + u8 addr_type, u8 *dev_class, s8 rssi, u8 cfm_name, + u8 ssp, u8 *eir, u16 eir_len); +int mgmt_remote_name(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 link_type, + u8 addr_type, s8 rssi, u8 *name, u8 name_len); int mgmt_start_discovery_failed(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 status); int mgmt_stop_discovery_failed(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 status); int mgmt_discovering(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 discovering); -int mgmt_device_blocked(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr); -int mgmt_device_unblocked(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr); +int mgmt_interleaved_discovery(struct hci_dev *hdev); +int mgmt_device_blocked(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 type); +int mgmt_device_unblocked(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 type); + +int mgmt_new_ltk(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct smp_ltk *key, u8 persistent); /* HCI info for socket */ #define hci_pi(sk) ((struct hci_pinfo *) sk) -/* HCI socket flags */ -#define HCI_PI_MGMT_INIT 0 - struct hci_pinfo { struct bt_sock bt; struct hci_dev *hdev; struct hci_filter filter; __u32 cmsg_mask; unsigned short channel; - unsigned long flags; }; /* HCI security filter */ @@ -966,5 +1069,7 @@ void hci_le_ltk_neg_reply(struct hci_conn *conn); int hci_do_inquiry(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 length); int hci_cancel_inquiry(struct hci_dev *hdev); +int hci_le_scan(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 type, u16 interval, u16 window, + int timeout); #endif /* __HCI_CORE_H */ diff --git a/include/net/bluetooth/hci_mon.h b/include/net/bluetooth/hci_mon.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..77d1e5764185acc0aea30c3cc4fc7eb2a3d79509 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/net/bluetooth/hci_mon.h @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +/* + BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + + Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Intel Corporation + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as + published by the Free Software Foundation; + + THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. + IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND AUTHOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY + CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES + WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN + ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF + OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. + + ALL LIABILITY, INCLUDING LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENTS, + COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS, RELATING TO USE OF THIS + SOFTWARE IS DISCLAIMED. +*/ + +#ifndef __HCI_MON_H +#define __HCI_MON_H + +struct hci_mon_hdr { + __le16 opcode; + __le16 index; + __le16 len; +} __packed; +#define HCI_MON_HDR_SIZE 6 + +#define HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX 0 +#define HCI_MON_DEL_INDEX 1 +#define HCI_MON_COMMAND_PKT 2 +#define HCI_MON_EVENT_PKT 3 +#define HCI_MON_ACL_TX_PKT 4 +#define HCI_MON_ACL_RX_PKT 5 +#define HCI_MON_SCO_TX_PKT 6 +#define HCI_MON_SCO_RX_PKT 7 + +struct hci_mon_new_index { + __u8 type; + __u8 bus; + bdaddr_t bdaddr; + char name[8]; +} __packed; +#define HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX_SIZE 16 + +#endif /* __HCI_MON_H */ diff --git a/include/net/bluetooth/l2cap.h b/include/net/bluetooth/l2cap.h index b1664ed884e68c461088217b9d97915e519592f0..9b242c6bf55b2d9ecf8b0bebb725a45b1a7ee947 100644 --- a/include/net/bluetooth/l2cap.h +++ b/include/net/bluetooth/l2cap.h @@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ #define L2CAP_DEFAULT_SDU_ITIME 0xFFFFFFFF #define L2CAP_DEFAULT_ACC_LAT 0xFFFFFFFF -#define L2CAP_DISC_TIMEOUT (100) -#define L2CAP_DISC_REJ_TIMEOUT (5000) /* 5 seconds */ -#define L2CAP_ENC_TIMEOUT (5000) /* 5 seconds */ -#define L2CAP_CONN_TIMEOUT (40000) /* 40 seconds */ -#define L2CAP_INFO_TIMEOUT (4000) /* 4 seconds */ +#define L2CAP_DISC_TIMEOUT msecs_to_jiffies(100) +#define L2CAP_DISC_REJ_TIMEOUT msecs_to_jiffies(5000) +#define L2CAP_ENC_TIMEOUT msecs_to_jiffies(5000) +#define L2CAP_CONN_TIMEOUT msecs_to_jiffies(40000) +#define L2CAP_INFO_TIMEOUT msecs_to_jiffies(4000) /* L2CAP socket address */ struct sockaddr_l2 { @@ -492,51 +492,56 @@ struct l2cap_chan { struct sk_buff_head srej_q; struct list_head srej_l; - struct list_head list; - struct list_head global_l; + struct list_head list; + struct list_head global_l; - void *data; - struct l2cap_ops *ops; + void *data; + struct l2cap_ops *ops; + struct mutex lock; }; struct l2cap_ops { - char *name; + char *name; struct l2cap_chan *(*new_connection) (void *data); int (*recv) (void *data, struct sk_buff *skb); void (*close) (void *data); void (*state_change) (void *data, int state); + struct sk_buff *(*alloc_skb) (struct l2cap_chan *chan, + unsigned long len, int nb, int *err); + }; struct l2cap_conn { - struct hci_conn *hcon; - struct hci_chan *hchan; + struct hci_conn *hcon; + struct hci_chan *hchan; - bdaddr_t *dst; - bdaddr_t *src; + bdaddr_t *dst; + bdaddr_t *src; - unsigned int mtu; + unsigned int mtu; - __u32 feat_mask; + __u32 feat_mask; + __u8 fixed_chan_mask; - __u8 info_state; - __u8 info_ident; + __u8 info_state; + __u8 info_ident; - struct delayed_work info_timer; + struct delayed_work info_timer; - spinlock_t lock; + spinlock_t lock; - struct sk_buff *rx_skb; - __u32 rx_len; - __u8 tx_ident; + struct sk_buff *rx_skb; + __u32 rx_len; + __u8 tx_ident; - __u8 disc_reason; + __u8 disc_reason; - struct delayed_work security_timer; - struct smp_chan *smp_chan; + struct delayed_work security_timer; + struct smp_chan *smp_chan; - struct list_head chan_l; - struct mutex chan_lock; + struct list_head chan_l; + struct mutex chan_lock; }; #define L2CAP_INFO_CL_MTU_REQ_SENT 0x01 @@ -551,9 +556,9 @@ struct l2cap_conn { #define l2cap_pi(sk) ((struct l2cap_pinfo *) sk) struct l2cap_pinfo { - struct bt_sock bt; + struct bt_sock bt; struct l2cap_chan *chan; - struct sk_buff *rx_busy_skb; + struct sk_buff *rx_busy_skb; }; enum { @@ -606,21 +611,37 @@ static inline void l2cap_chan_put(struct l2cap_chan *c) kfree(c); } +static inline void l2cap_chan_lock(struct l2cap_chan *chan) +{ + mutex_lock(&chan->lock); +} + +static inline void l2cap_chan_unlock(struct l2cap_chan *chan) +{ + mutex_unlock(&chan->lock); +} + static inline void l2cap_set_timer(struct l2cap_chan *chan, struct delayed_work *work, long timeout) { - BT_DBG("chan %p state %d timeout %ld", chan, chan->state, timeout); + BT_DBG("chan %p state %s timeout %ld", chan, + state_to_string(chan->state), timeout); if (!cancel_delayed_work(work)) l2cap_chan_hold(chan); schedule_delayed_work(work, timeout); } -static inline void l2cap_clear_timer(struct l2cap_chan *chan, +static inline bool l2cap_clear_timer(struct l2cap_chan *chan, struct delayed_work *work) { - if (cancel_delayed_work(work)) + bool ret; + + ret = cancel_delayed_work(work); + if (ret) l2cap_chan_put(chan); + + return ret; } #define __set_chan_timer(c, t) l2cap_set_timer(c, &c->chan_timer, (t)) diff --git a/include/net/bluetooth/mgmt.h b/include/net/bluetooth/mgmt.h index be65d34178839e6426f245ab64a6f4c55ad3e826..ffc1377e092eb2a9b15b91a799e4e18672b10bb6 100644 --- a/include/net/bluetooth/mgmt.h +++ b/include/net/bluetooth/mgmt.h @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation + Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Intel Corporation This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as @@ -39,29 +40,47 @@ #define MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS 0x0d #define MGMT_STATUS_DISCONNECTED 0x0e #define MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED 0x0f +#define MGMT_STATUS_CANCELLED 0x10 +#define MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_INDEX 0x11 struct mgmt_hdr { - __le16 opcode; - __le16 index; - __le16 len; + __le16 opcode; + __le16 index; + __le16 len; } __packed; +struct mgmt_addr_info { + bdaddr_t bdaddr; + __u8 type; +} __packed; +#define MGMT_ADDR_INFO_SIZE 7 + #define MGMT_OP_READ_VERSION 0x0001 +#define MGMT_READ_VERSION_SIZE 0 struct mgmt_rp_read_version { - __u8 version; - __le16 revision; + __u8 version; + __le16 revision; +} __packed; + +#define MGMT_OP_READ_COMMANDS 0x0002 +#define MGMT_READ_COMMANDS_SIZE 0 +struct mgmt_rp_read_commands { + __le16 num_commands; + __le16 num_events; + __le16 opcodes[0]; } __packed; #define MGMT_OP_READ_INDEX_LIST 0x0003 +#define MGMT_READ_INDEX_LIST_SIZE 0 struct mgmt_rp_read_index_list { - __le16 num_controllers; - __le16 index[0]; + __le16 num_controllers; + __le16 index[0]; } __packed; /* Reserve one extra byte for names in management messages so that they * are always guaranteed to be nul-terminated */ #define MGMT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH (HCI_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1) -#define MGMT_MAX_SHORT_NAME_LENGTH (10 + 1) +#define MGMT_MAX_SHORT_NAME_LENGTH (HCI_MAX_SHORT_NAME_LENGTH + 1) #define MGMT_SETTING_POWERED 0x00000001 #define MGMT_SETTING_CONNECTABLE 0x00000002 @@ -75,28 +94,32 @@ struct mgmt_rp_read_index_list { #define MGMT_SETTING_LE 0x00000200 #define MGMT_OP_READ_INFO 0x0004 +#define MGMT_READ_INFO_SIZE 0 struct mgmt_rp_read_info { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; - __u8 version; - __le16 manufacturer; - __le32 supported_settings; - __le32 current_settings; - __u8 dev_class[3]; - __u8 name[MGMT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; - __u8 short_name[MGMT_MAX_SHORT_NAME_LENGTH]; + bdaddr_t bdaddr; + __u8 version; + __le16 manufacturer; + __le32 supported_settings; + __le32 current_settings; + __u8 dev_class[3]; + __u8 name[MGMT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; + __u8 short_name[MGMT_MAX_SHORT_NAME_LENGTH]; } __packed; struct mgmt_mode { __u8 val; } __packed; +#define MGMT_SETTING_SIZE 1 + #define MGMT_OP_SET_POWERED 0x0005 #define MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE 0x0006 struct mgmt_cp_set_discoverable { - __u8 val; - __u16 timeout; + __u8 val; + __u16 timeout; } __packed; +#define MGMT_SET_DISCOVERABLE_SIZE 3 #define MGMT_OP_SET_CONNECTABLE 0x0007 @@ -111,73 +134,76 @@ struct mgmt_cp_set_discoverable { #define MGMT_OP_SET_HS 0x000C #define MGMT_OP_SET_LE 0x000D - #define MGMT_OP_SET_DEV_CLASS 0x000E struct mgmt_cp_set_dev_class { - __u8 major; - __u8 minor; + __u8 major; + __u8 minor; } __packed; +#define MGMT_SET_DEV_CLASS_SIZE 2 #define MGMT_OP_SET_LOCAL_NAME 0x000F struct mgmt_cp_set_local_name { - __u8 name[MGMT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; + __u8 name[MGMT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; + __u8 short_name[MGMT_MAX_SHORT_NAME_LENGTH]; } __packed; +#define MGMT_SET_LOCAL_NAME_SIZE 260 #define MGMT_OP_ADD_UUID 0x0010 struct mgmt_cp_add_uuid { - __u8 uuid[16]; - __u8 svc_hint; + __u8 uuid[16]; + __u8 svc_hint; } __packed; +#define MGMT_ADD_UUID_SIZE 17 #define MGMT_OP_REMOVE_UUID 0x0011 struct mgmt_cp_remove_uuid { - __u8 uuid[16]; + __u8 uuid[16]; } __packed; +#define MGMT_REMOVE_UUID_SIZE 16 struct mgmt_link_key_info { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; - u8 type; - u8 val[16]; - u8 pin_len; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; + __u8 type; + __u8 val[16]; + __u8 pin_len; } __packed; #define MGMT_OP_LOAD_LINK_KEYS 0x0012 struct mgmt_cp_load_link_keys { - __u8 debug_keys; - __le16 key_count; - struct mgmt_link_key_info keys[0]; + __u8 debug_keys; + __le16 key_count; + struct mgmt_link_key_info keys[0]; } __packed; +#define MGMT_LOAD_LINK_KEYS_SIZE 3 -#define MGMT_OP_REMOVE_KEYS 0x0013 -struct mgmt_cp_remove_keys { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; - __u8 disconnect; +struct mgmt_ltk_info { + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; + __u8 authenticated; + __u8 master; + __u8 enc_size; + __le16 ediv; + __u8 rand[8]; + __u8 val[16]; } __packed; -struct mgmt_rp_remove_keys { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; - __u8 status; -}; + +#define MGMT_OP_LOAD_LONG_TERM_KEYS 0x0013 +struct mgmt_cp_load_long_term_keys { + __le16 key_count; + struct mgmt_ltk_info keys[0]; +} __packed; +#define MGMT_LOAD_LONG_TERM_KEYS_SIZE 2 #define MGMT_OP_DISCONNECT 0x0014 struct mgmt_cp_disconnect { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; } __packed; +#define MGMT_DISCONNECT_SIZE MGMT_ADDR_INFO_SIZE struct mgmt_rp_disconnect { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; - __u8 status; -} __packed; - -#define MGMT_ADDR_BREDR 0x00 -#define MGMT_ADDR_LE_PUBLIC 0x01 -#define MGMT_ADDR_LE_RANDOM 0x02 -#define MGMT_ADDR_INVALID 0xff - -struct mgmt_addr_info { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; - __u8 type; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; } __packed; #define MGMT_OP_GET_CONNECTIONS 0x0015 +#define MGMT_GET_CONNECTIONS_SIZE 0 struct mgmt_rp_get_connections { __le16 conn_count; struct mgmt_addr_info addr[0]; @@ -185,124 +211,152 @@ struct mgmt_rp_get_connections { #define MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_REPLY 0x0016 struct mgmt_cp_pin_code_reply { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; - __u8 pin_len; - __u8 pin_code[16]; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; + __u8 pin_len; + __u8 pin_code[16]; } __packed; +#define MGMT_PIN_CODE_REPLY_SIZE (MGMT_ADDR_INFO_SIZE + 17) struct mgmt_rp_pin_code_reply { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; - uint8_t status; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; } __packed; #define MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY 0x0017 struct mgmt_cp_pin_code_neg_reply { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; } __packed; +#define MGMT_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY_SIZE MGMT_ADDR_INFO_SIZE #define MGMT_OP_SET_IO_CAPABILITY 0x0018 struct mgmt_cp_set_io_capability { - __u8 io_capability; + __u8 io_capability; } __packed; +#define MGMT_SET_IO_CAPABILITY_SIZE 1 #define MGMT_OP_PAIR_DEVICE 0x0019 struct mgmt_cp_pair_device { struct mgmt_addr_info addr; - __u8 io_cap; + __u8 io_cap; } __packed; +#define MGMT_PAIR_DEVICE_SIZE (MGMT_ADDR_INFO_SIZE + 1) struct mgmt_rp_pair_device { struct mgmt_addr_info addr; - __u8 status; } __packed; -#define MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_REPLY 0x001A +#define MGMT_OP_CANCEL_PAIR_DEVICE 0x001A +#define MGMT_CANCEL_PAIR_DEVICE_SIZE MGMT_ADDR_INFO_SIZE + +#define MGMT_OP_UNPAIR_DEVICE 0x001B +struct mgmt_cp_unpair_device { + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; + __u8 disconnect; +} __packed; +#define MGMT_UNPAIR_DEVICE_SIZE (MGMT_ADDR_INFO_SIZE + 1) +struct mgmt_rp_unpair_device { + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; +}; + +#define MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_REPLY 0x001C struct mgmt_cp_user_confirm_reply { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; } __packed; +#define MGMT_USER_CONFIRM_REPLY_SIZE MGMT_ADDR_INFO_SIZE struct mgmt_rp_user_confirm_reply { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; - __u8 status; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; } __packed; -#define MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_NEG_REPLY 0x001B +#define MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_NEG_REPLY 0x001D struct mgmt_cp_user_confirm_neg_reply { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; } __packed; +#define MGMT_USER_CONFIRM_NEG_REPLY_SIZE MGMT_ADDR_INFO_SIZE -#define MGMT_OP_USER_PASSKEY_REPLY 0x001C +#define MGMT_OP_USER_PASSKEY_REPLY 0x001E struct mgmt_cp_user_passkey_reply { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; - __le32 passkey; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; + __le32 passkey; } __packed; +#define MGMT_USER_PASSKEY_REPLY_SIZE (MGMT_ADDR_INFO_SIZE + 4) struct mgmt_rp_user_passkey_reply { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; - __u8 status; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; } __packed; -#define MGMT_OP_USER_PASSKEY_NEG_REPLY 0x001D +#define MGMT_OP_USER_PASSKEY_NEG_REPLY 0x001F struct mgmt_cp_user_passkey_neg_reply { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; } __packed; +#define MGMT_USER_PASSKEY_NEG_REPLY_SIZE MGMT_ADDR_INFO_SIZE -#define MGMT_OP_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA 0x001E +#define MGMT_OP_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA 0x0020 +#define MGMT_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA_SIZE 0 struct mgmt_rp_read_local_oob_data { - __u8 hash[16]; - __u8 randomizer[16]; + __u8 hash[16]; + __u8 randomizer[16]; } __packed; -#define MGMT_OP_ADD_REMOTE_OOB_DATA 0x001F +#define MGMT_OP_ADD_REMOTE_OOB_DATA 0x0021 struct mgmt_cp_add_remote_oob_data { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; - __u8 hash[16]; - __u8 randomizer[16]; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; + __u8 hash[16]; + __u8 randomizer[16]; } __packed; +#define MGMT_ADD_REMOTE_OOB_DATA_SIZE (MGMT_ADDR_INFO_SIZE + 32) -#define MGMT_OP_REMOVE_REMOTE_OOB_DATA 0x0020 +#define MGMT_OP_REMOVE_REMOTE_OOB_DATA 0x0022 struct mgmt_cp_remove_remote_oob_data { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; } __packed; +#define MGMT_REMOVE_REMOTE_OOB_DATA_SIZE MGMT_ADDR_INFO_SIZE -#define MGMT_OP_START_DISCOVERY 0x0021 +#define MGMT_OP_START_DISCOVERY 0x0023 struct mgmt_cp_start_discovery { __u8 type; } __packed; +#define MGMT_START_DISCOVERY_SIZE 1 -#define MGMT_OP_STOP_DISCOVERY 0x0022 +#define MGMT_OP_STOP_DISCOVERY 0x0024 +struct mgmt_cp_stop_discovery { + __u8 type; +} __packed; +#define MGMT_STOP_DISCOVERY_SIZE 1 -#define MGMT_OP_CONFIRM_NAME 0x0023 +#define MGMT_OP_CONFIRM_NAME 0x0025 struct mgmt_cp_confirm_name { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; - __u8 name_known; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; + __u8 name_known; } __packed; +#define MGMT_CONFIRM_NAME_SIZE (MGMT_ADDR_INFO_SIZE + 1) struct mgmt_rp_confirm_name { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; - __u8 status; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; } __packed; -#define MGMT_OP_BLOCK_DEVICE 0x0024 +#define MGMT_OP_BLOCK_DEVICE 0x0026 struct mgmt_cp_block_device { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; } __packed; +#define MGMT_BLOCK_DEVICE_SIZE MGMT_ADDR_INFO_SIZE -#define MGMT_OP_UNBLOCK_DEVICE 0x0025 +#define MGMT_OP_UNBLOCK_DEVICE 0x0027 struct mgmt_cp_unblock_device { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; } __packed; +#define MGMT_UNBLOCK_DEVICE_SIZE MGMT_ADDR_INFO_SIZE #define MGMT_EV_CMD_COMPLETE 0x0001 struct mgmt_ev_cmd_complete { - __le16 opcode; - __u8 data[0]; + __le16 opcode; + __u8 status; + __u8 data[0]; } __packed; #define MGMT_EV_CMD_STATUS 0x0002 struct mgmt_ev_cmd_status { - __u8 status; - __le16 opcode; + __le16 opcode; + __u8 status; } __packed; #define MGMT_EV_CONTROLLER_ERROR 0x0003 struct mgmt_ev_controller_error { - __u8 error_code; + __u8 error_code; } __packed; #define MGMT_EV_INDEX_ADDED 0x0004 @@ -313,78 +367,96 @@ struct mgmt_ev_controller_error { #define MGMT_EV_CLASS_OF_DEV_CHANGED 0x0007 struct mgmt_ev_class_of_dev_changed { - __u8 dev_class[3]; + __u8 dev_class[3]; }; #define MGMT_EV_LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED 0x0008 struct mgmt_ev_local_name_changed { - __u8 name[MGMT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; - __u8 short_name[MGMT_MAX_SHORT_NAME_LENGTH]; + __u8 name[MGMT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; + __u8 short_name[MGMT_MAX_SHORT_NAME_LENGTH]; } __packed; #define MGMT_EV_NEW_LINK_KEY 0x0009 struct mgmt_ev_new_link_key { - __u8 store_hint; + __u8 store_hint; struct mgmt_link_key_info key; } __packed; -#define MGMT_EV_CONNECTED 0x000A +#define MGMT_EV_NEW_LONG_TERM_KEY 0x000A +struct mgmt_ev_new_long_term_key { + __u8 store_hint; + struct mgmt_ltk_info key; +} __packed; -#define MGMT_EV_DISCONNECTED 0x000B +#define MGMT_EV_DEVICE_CONNECTED 0x000B +struct mgmt_ev_device_connected { + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; + __le32 flags; + __le16 eir_len; + __u8 eir[0]; +} __packed; + +#define MGMT_EV_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED 0x000C -#define MGMT_EV_CONNECT_FAILED 0x000C +#define MGMT_EV_CONNECT_FAILED 0x000D struct mgmt_ev_connect_failed { struct mgmt_addr_info addr; - __u8 status; + __u8 status; } __packed; -#define MGMT_EV_PIN_CODE_REQUEST 0x000D +#define MGMT_EV_PIN_CODE_REQUEST 0x000E struct mgmt_ev_pin_code_request { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; - __u8 secure; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; + __u8 secure; } __packed; -#define MGMT_EV_USER_CONFIRM_REQUEST 0x000E +#define MGMT_EV_USER_CONFIRM_REQUEST 0x000F struct mgmt_ev_user_confirm_request { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; - __u8 confirm_hint; - __le32 value; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; + __u8 confirm_hint; + __le32 value; } __packed; -#define MGMT_EV_USER_PASSKEY_REQUEST 0x000F +#define MGMT_EV_USER_PASSKEY_REQUEST 0x0010 struct mgmt_ev_user_passkey_request { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; } __packed; -#define MGMT_EV_AUTH_FAILED 0x0010 +#define MGMT_EV_AUTH_FAILED 0x0011 struct mgmt_ev_auth_failed { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; - __u8 status; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; + __u8 status; } __packed; -#define MGMT_EV_DEVICE_FOUND 0x0011 +#define MGMT_DEV_FOUND_CONFIRM_NAME 0x01 +#define MGMT_DEV_FOUND_LEGACY_PAIRING 0x02 + +#define MGMT_EV_DEVICE_FOUND 0x0012 struct mgmt_ev_device_found { struct mgmt_addr_info addr; - __u8 dev_class[3]; - __s8 rssi; - __u8 confirm_name; - __u8 eir[HCI_MAX_EIR_LENGTH]; -} __packed; - -#define MGMT_EV_REMOTE_NAME 0x0012 -struct mgmt_ev_remote_name { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; - __u8 name[MGMT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; + __s8 rssi; + __u8 flags[4]; + __le16 eir_len; + __u8 eir[0]; } __packed; #define MGMT_EV_DISCOVERING 0x0013 +struct mgmt_ev_discovering { + __u8 type; + __u8 discovering; +} __packed; #define MGMT_EV_DEVICE_BLOCKED 0x0014 struct mgmt_ev_device_blocked { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; } __packed; #define MGMT_EV_DEVICE_UNBLOCKED 0x0015 struct mgmt_ev_device_unblocked { - bdaddr_t bdaddr; + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; +} __packed; + +#define MGMT_EV_DEVICE_UNPAIRED 0x0016 +struct mgmt_ev_device_unpaired { + struct mgmt_addr_info addr; } __packed; diff --git a/include/net/bluetooth/smp.h b/include/net/bluetooth/smp.h index aeaf5fa2b9f15e9c0b6c5cd0ba41af510a012464..7b3acdd29134df26025d4a79460a4d113ad7dabe 100644 --- a/include/net/bluetooth/smp.h +++ b/include/net/bluetooth/smp.h @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ struct smp_chan { u8 rrnd[16]; /* SMP Pairing Random (remote) */ u8 pcnf[16]; /* SMP Pairing Confirm */ u8 tk[16]; /* SMP Temporary Key */ - u8 smp_key_size; + u8 enc_key_size; unsigned long smp_flags; struct crypto_blkcipher *tfm; struct work_struct confirm; diff --git a/include/net/caif/caif_hsi.h b/include/net/caif/caif_hsi.h index 8d552519ff67949c2148e23a75138422b02d715f..6db8ecf52aa2d80f65238bdb8132b6db1850622c 100644 --- a/include/net/caif/caif_hsi.h +++ b/include/net/caif/caif_hsi.h @@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ struct cfhsi { u8 *rx_ptr; u8 *tx_buf; u8 *rx_buf; + u8 *rx_flip_buf; spinlock_t lock; int flow_off_sent; u32 q_low_mark; diff --git a/include/net/cfg80211.h b/include/net/cfg80211.h index a067d30ce73e88fa86dce220e3f2002cac5be878..69b7ad3a9925d37055b7ca0f4174066121f39ac7 100644 --- a/include/net/cfg80211.h +++ b/include/net/cfg80211.h @@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ enum ieee80211_channel_flags { * @band: band this channel belongs to. * @max_antenna_gain: maximum antenna gain in dBi * @max_power: maximum transmission power (in dBm) + * @max_reg_power: maximum regulatory transmission power (in dBm) * @beacon_found: helper to regulatory code to indicate when a beacon * has been found on this channel. Use regulatory_hint_found_beacon() * to enable this, this is useful only on 5 GHz band. @@ -133,6 +134,7 @@ struct ieee80211_channel { u32 flags; int max_antenna_gain; int max_power; + int max_reg_power; bool beacon_found; u32 orig_flags; int orig_mag, orig_mpwr; @@ -364,25 +366,13 @@ struct cfg80211_crypto_settings { }; /** - * struct beacon_parameters - beacon parameters - * - * Used to configure the beacon for an interface. - * + * struct cfg80211_beacon_data - beacon data * @head: head portion of beacon (before TIM IE) * or %NULL if not changed * @tail: tail portion of beacon (after TIM IE) * or %NULL if not changed - * @interval: beacon interval or zero if not changed - * @dtim_period: DTIM period or zero if not changed * @head_len: length of @head * @tail_len: length of @tail - * @ssid: SSID to be used in the BSS (note: may be %NULL if not provided from - * user space) - * @ssid_len: length of @ssid - * @hidden_ssid: whether to hide the SSID in Beacon/Probe Response frames - * @crypto: crypto settings - * @privacy: the BSS uses privacy - * @auth_type: Authentication type (algorithm) * @beacon_ies: extra information element(s) to add into Beacon frames or %NULL * @beacon_ies_len: length of beacon_ies in octets * @proberesp_ies: extra information element(s) to add into Probe Response @@ -394,24 +384,48 @@ struct cfg80211_crypto_settings { * @probe_resp_len: length of probe response template (@probe_resp) * @probe_resp: probe response template (AP mode only) */ -struct beacon_parameters { - u8 *head, *tail; - int interval, dtim_period; - int head_len, tail_len; +struct cfg80211_beacon_data { + const u8 *head, *tail; + const u8 *beacon_ies; + const u8 *proberesp_ies; + const u8 *assocresp_ies; + const u8 *probe_resp; + + size_t head_len, tail_len; + size_t beacon_ies_len; + size_t proberesp_ies_len; + size_t assocresp_ies_len; + size_t probe_resp_len; +}; + +/** + * struct cfg80211_ap_settings - AP configuration + * + * Used to configure an AP interface. + * + * @beacon: beacon data + * @beacon_interval: beacon interval + * @dtim_period: DTIM period + * @ssid: SSID to be used in the BSS (note: may be %NULL if not provided from + * user space) + * @ssid_len: length of @ssid + * @hidden_ssid: whether to hide the SSID in Beacon/Probe Response frames + * @crypto: crypto settings + * @privacy: the BSS uses privacy + * @auth_type: Authentication type (algorithm) + * @inactivity_timeout: time in seconds to determine station's inactivity. + */ +struct cfg80211_ap_settings { + struct cfg80211_beacon_data beacon; + + int beacon_interval, dtim_period; const u8 *ssid; size_t ssid_len; enum nl80211_hidden_ssid hidden_ssid; struct cfg80211_crypto_settings crypto; bool privacy; enum nl80211_auth_type auth_type; - const u8 *beacon_ies; - size_t beacon_ies_len; - const u8 *proberesp_ies; - size_t proberesp_ies_len; - const u8 *assocresp_ies; - size_t assocresp_ies_len; - int probe_resp_len; - u8 *probe_resp; + int inactivity_timeout; }; /** @@ -796,6 +810,8 @@ struct mesh_config { * mesh gate, but not necessarily using the gate announcement protocol. * Still keeping the same nomenclature to be in sync with the spec. */ bool dot11MeshGateAnnouncementProtocol; + bool dot11MeshForwarding; + s32 rssi_threshold; }; /** @@ -1036,10 +1052,6 @@ const u8 *ieee80211_bss_get_ie(struct cfg80211_bss *bss, u8 ie); * @key_len: length of WEP key for shared key authentication * @key_idx: index of WEP key for shared key authentication * @key: WEP key for shared key authentication - * @local_state_change: This is a request for a local state only, i.e., no - * Authentication frame is to be transmitted and authentication state is - * to be changed without having to wait for a response from the peer STA - * (AP). */ struct cfg80211_auth_request { struct cfg80211_bss *bss; @@ -1048,7 +1060,6 @@ struct cfg80211_auth_request { enum nl80211_auth_type auth_type; const u8 *key; u8 key_len, key_idx; - bool local_state_change; }; /** @@ -1065,7 +1076,11 @@ enum cfg80211_assoc_req_flags { * * This structure provides information needed to complete IEEE 802.11 * (re)association. - * @bss: The BSS to associate with. + * @bss: The BSS to associate with. If the call is successful the driver + * is given a reference that it must release, normally via a call to + * cfg80211_send_rx_assoc(), or, if association timed out, with a + * call to cfg80211_put_bss() (in addition to calling + * cfg80211_send_assoc_timeout()) * @ie: Extra IEs to add to (Re)Association Request frame or %NULL * @ie_len: Length of ie buffer in octets * @use_mfp: Use management frame protection (IEEE 802.11w) in this association @@ -1093,19 +1108,16 @@ struct cfg80211_assoc_request { * This structure provides information needed to complete IEEE 802.11 * deauthentication. * - * @bss: the BSS to deauthenticate from + * @bssid: the BSSID of the BSS to deauthenticate from * @ie: Extra IEs to add to Deauthentication frame or %NULL * @ie_len: Length of ie buffer in octets * @reason_code: The reason code for the deauthentication - * @local_state_change: This is a request for a local state only, i.e., no - * Deauthentication frame is to be transmitted. */ struct cfg80211_deauth_request { - struct cfg80211_bss *bss; + const u8 *bssid; const u8 *ie; size_t ie_len; u16 reason_code; - bool local_state_change; }; /** @@ -1148,6 +1160,10 @@ struct cfg80211_disassoc_request { * @beacon_interval: beacon interval to use * @privacy: this is a protected network, keys will be configured * after joining + * @control_port: whether user space controls IEEE 802.1X port, i.e., + * sets/clears %NL80211_STA_FLAG_AUTHORIZED. If true, the driver is + * required to assume that the port is unauthorized until authorized by + * user space. Otherwise, port is marked authorized by default. * @basic_rates: bitmap of basic rates to use when creating the IBSS * @mcast_rate: per-band multicast rate index + 1 (0: disabled) */ @@ -1162,6 +1178,7 @@ struct cfg80211_ibss_params { u32 basic_rates; bool channel_fixed; bool privacy; + bool control_port; int mcast_rate[IEEE80211_NUM_BANDS]; }; @@ -1186,6 +1203,8 @@ struct cfg80211_ibss_params { * @key_idx: index of WEP key for shared key authentication * @key: WEP key for shared key authentication * @flags: See &enum cfg80211_assoc_req_flags + * @bg_scan_period: Background scan period in seconds + * or -1 to indicate that default value is to be used. * @ht_capa: HT Capabilities over-rides. Values set in ht_capa_mask * will be used in ht_capa. Un-supported values will be ignored. * @ht_capa_mask: The bits of ht_capa which are to be used. @@ -1203,6 +1222,7 @@ struct cfg80211_connect_params { const u8 *key; u8 key_len, key_idx; u32 flags; + int bg_scan_period; struct ieee80211_ht_cap ht_capa; struct ieee80211_ht_cap ht_capa_mask; }; @@ -1229,8 +1249,7 @@ enum wiphy_params_flags { struct cfg80211_bitrate_mask { struct { u32 legacy; - /* TODO: add support for masking MCS rates; e.g.: */ - /* u8 mcs[IEEE80211_HT_MCS_MASK_LEN]; */ + u8 mcs[IEEE80211_HT_MCS_MASK_LEN]; } control[IEEE80211_NUM_BANDS]; }; /** @@ -1343,12 +1362,10 @@ struct cfg80211_gtk_rekey_data { * * @set_rekey_data: give the data necessary for GTK rekeying to the driver * - * @add_beacon: Add a beacon with given parameters, @head, @interval - * and @dtim_period will be valid, @tail is optional. - * @set_beacon: Change the beacon parameters for an access point mode - * interface. This should reject the call when no beacon has been - * configured. - * @del_beacon: Remove beacon configuration and stop sending the beacon. + * @start_ap: Start acting in AP mode defined by the parameters. + * @change_beacon: Change the beacon parameters for an access point mode + * interface. This should reject the call when AP mode wasn't started. + * @stop_ap: Stop being an AP, including stopping beaconing. * * @add_station: Add a new station. * @del_station: Remove a station; @mac may be NULL to remove all stations. @@ -1515,11 +1532,11 @@ struct cfg80211_ops { struct net_device *netdev, u8 key_index); - int (*add_beacon)(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, - struct beacon_parameters *info); - int (*set_beacon)(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, - struct beacon_parameters *info); - int (*del_beacon)(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev); + int (*start_ap)(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, + struct cfg80211_ap_settings *settings); + int (*change_beacon)(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, + struct cfg80211_beacon_data *info); + int (*stop_ap)(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev); int (*add_station)(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, @@ -1574,11 +1591,9 @@ struct cfg80211_ops { int (*assoc)(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, struct cfg80211_assoc_request *req); int (*deauth)(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, - struct cfg80211_deauth_request *req, - void *cookie); + struct cfg80211_deauth_request *req); int (*disassoc)(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, - struct cfg80211_disassoc_request *req, - void *cookie); + struct cfg80211_disassoc_request *req); int (*connect)(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, struct cfg80211_connect_params *sme); @@ -2204,8 +2219,6 @@ struct cfg80211_conn; struct cfg80211_internal_bss; struct cfg80211_cached_keys; -#define MAX_AUTH_BSSES 4 - /** * struct wireless_dev - wireless per-netdev state * @@ -2269,8 +2282,6 @@ struct wireless_dev { struct list_head event_list; spinlock_t event_lock; - struct cfg80211_internal_bss *authtry_bsses[MAX_AUTH_BSSES]; - struct cfg80211_internal_bss *auth_bsses[MAX_AUTH_BSSES]; struct cfg80211_internal_bss *current_bss; /* associated / joined */ struct ieee80211_channel *channel; @@ -2686,7 +2697,7 @@ cfg80211_inform_bss_frame(struct wiphy *wiphy, * @wiphy: the wiphy reporting the BSS * @channel: The channel the frame was received on * @bssid: the BSSID of the BSS - * @timestamp: the TSF timestamp sent by the peer + * @tsf: the TSF sent by the peer in the beacon/probe response (or 0) * @capability: the capability field sent by the peer * @beacon_interval: the beacon interval announced by the peer * @ie: additional IEs sent by the peer @@ -2702,9 +2713,8 @@ cfg80211_inform_bss_frame(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct cfg80211_bss * __must_check cfg80211_inform_bss(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct ieee80211_channel *channel, - const u8 *bssid, - u64 timestamp, u16 capability, u16 beacon_interval, - const u8 *ie, size_t ielen, + const u8 *bssid, u64 tsf, u16 capability, + u16 beacon_interval, const u8 *ie, size_t ielen, s32 signal, gfp_t gfp); struct cfg80211_bss *cfg80211_get_bss(struct wiphy *wiphy, @@ -2725,6 +2735,20 @@ struct cfg80211_bss *cfg80211_get_mesh(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct ieee80211_channel *channel, const u8 *meshid, size_t meshidlen, const u8 *meshcfg); +/** + * cfg80211_ref_bss - reference BSS struct + * @bss: the BSS struct to reference + * + * Increments the refcount of the given BSS struct. + */ +void cfg80211_ref_bss(struct cfg80211_bss *bss); + +/** + * cfg80211_put_bss - unref BSS struct + * @bss: the BSS struct + * + * Decrements the refcount of the given BSS struct. + */ void cfg80211_put_bss(struct cfg80211_bss *bss); /** @@ -2761,21 +2785,11 @@ void cfg80211_send_rx_auth(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *buf, size_t len); */ void cfg80211_send_auth_timeout(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *addr); -/** - * __cfg80211_auth_canceled - notify cfg80211 that authentication was canceled - * @dev: network device - * @addr: The MAC address of the device with which the authentication timed out - * - * When a pending authentication had no action yet, the driver may decide - * to not send a deauth frame, but in that case must calls this function - * to tell cfg80211 about this decision. It is only valid to call this - * function within the deauth() callback. - */ -void __cfg80211_auth_canceled(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *addr); - /** * cfg80211_send_rx_assoc - notification of processed association * @dev: network device + * @bss: the BSS struct association was requested for, the struct reference + * is owned by cfg80211 after this call * @buf: (re)association response frame (header + body) * @len: length of the frame data * @@ -2784,7 +2798,8 @@ void __cfg80211_auth_canceled(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *addr); * function or cfg80211_send_assoc_timeout() to indicate the result of * cfg80211_ops::assoc() call. This function may sleep. */ -void cfg80211_send_rx_assoc(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *buf, size_t len); +void cfg80211_send_rx_assoc(struct net_device *dev, struct cfg80211_bss *bss, + const u8 *buf, size_t len); /** * cfg80211_send_assoc_timeout - notification of timed out association @@ -3176,6 +3191,7 @@ void cfg80211_del_sta(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *mac_addr, gfp_t gfp); * cfg80211_rx_mgmt - notification of received, unprocessed management frame * @dev: network device * @freq: Frequency on which the frame was received in MHz + * @sig_dbm: signal strength in mBm, or 0 if unknown * @buf: Management frame (header + body) * @len: length of the frame data * @gfp: context flags @@ -3188,8 +3204,8 @@ void cfg80211_del_sta(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *mac_addr, gfp_t gfp); * This function is called whenever an Action frame is received for a station * mode interface, but is not processed in kernel. */ -bool cfg80211_rx_mgmt(struct net_device *dev, int freq, const u8 *buf, - size_t len, gfp_t gfp); +bool cfg80211_rx_mgmt(struct net_device *dev, int freq, int sig_dbm, + const u8 *buf, size_t len, gfp_t gfp); /** * cfg80211_mgmt_tx_status - notification of TX status for management frame @@ -3302,6 +3318,7 @@ void cfg80211_probe_status(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *addr, * @frame: the frame * @len: length of the frame * @freq: frequency the frame was received on + * @sig_dbm: signal strength in mBm, or 0 if unknown * @gfp: allocation flags * * Use this function to report to userspace when a beacon was @@ -3310,7 +3327,7 @@ void cfg80211_probe_status(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *addr, */ void cfg80211_report_obss_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, const u8 *frame, size_t len, - int freq, gfp_t gfp); + int freq, int sig_dbm, gfp_t gfp); /* * cfg80211_can_beacon_sec_chan - test if ht40 on extension channel can be used @@ -3322,6 +3339,14 @@ int cfg80211_can_beacon_sec_chan(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct ieee80211_channel *chan, enum nl80211_channel_type channel_type); +/* + * cfg80211_calculate_bitrate - calculate actual bitrate (in 100Kbps units) + * @rate: given rate_info to calculate bitrate from + * + * return 0 if MCS index >= 32 + */ +u16 cfg80211_calculate_bitrate(struct rate_info *rate); + /* Logging, debugging and troubleshooting/diagnostic helpers. */ /* wiphy_printk helpers, similar to dev_printk */ diff --git a/include/net/compat.h b/include/net/compat.h index 9ee75edcc295da48db3cad0fbd8e1fd1a1b79f76..a974ae92d1827850280d52f9006ce65545c32551 100644 --- a/include/net/compat.h +++ b/include/net/compat.h @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ extern int compat_sock_get_timestampns(struct sock *, struct timespec __user *); #endif /* defined(CONFIG_COMPAT) */ extern int get_compat_msghdr(struct msghdr *, struct compat_msghdr __user *); -extern int verify_compat_iovec(struct msghdr *, struct iovec *, struct sockaddr *, int); +extern int verify_compat_iovec(struct msghdr *, struct iovec *, struct sockaddr_storage *, int); extern asmlinkage long compat_sys_sendmsg(int,struct compat_msghdr __user *,unsigned); extern asmlinkage long compat_sys_sendmmsg(int, struct compat_mmsghdr __user *, unsigned, unsigned); diff --git a/include/net/dcbnl.h b/include/net/dcbnl.h index 2cd66d0be34839276e202e900dd17392ba15e124..f55c980d8e23d14b42bfdfa583dccdb76aa4d303 100644 --- a/include/net/dcbnl.h +++ b/include/net/dcbnl.h @@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ struct dcbnl_rtnl_ops { void (*getpfccfg)(struct net_device *, int, u8 *); u8 (*setall)(struct net_device *); u8 (*getcap)(struct net_device *, int, u8 *); - u8 (*getnumtcs)(struct net_device *, int, u8 *); - u8 (*setnumtcs)(struct net_device *, int, u8); + int (*getnumtcs)(struct net_device *, int, u8 *); + int (*setnumtcs)(struct net_device *, int, u8); u8 (*getpfcstate)(struct net_device *); void (*setpfcstate)(struct net_device *, u8); void (*getbcncfg)(struct net_device *, int, u32 *); diff --git a/include/net/dn.h b/include/net/dn.h index 298521e0d8a2c1915377f127008225ed39d3dac9..814af0b9387dde4149b50d08a26c16b77e630eba 100644 --- a/include/net/dn.h +++ b/include/net/dn.h @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ #include #include +#include #include #include diff --git a/include/net/genetlink.h b/include/net/genetlink.h index 7db32995ccd34b6aa8298f79f0bbc42ae4ebc5bb..ccb68880abf5178dce80db3002a373a522f713dd 100644 --- a/include/net/genetlink.h +++ b/include/net/genetlink.h @@ -131,35 +131,8 @@ extern void genl_unregister_mc_group(struct genl_family *family, extern void genl_notify(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net *net, u32 pid, u32 group, struct nlmsghdr *nlh, gfp_t flags); -/** - * genlmsg_put - Add generic netlink header to netlink message - * @skb: socket buffer holding the message - * @pid: netlink pid the message is addressed to - * @seq: sequence number (usually the one of the sender) - * @family: generic netlink family - * @flags netlink message flags - * @cmd: generic netlink command - * - * Returns pointer to user specific header - */ -static inline void *genlmsg_put(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 pid, u32 seq, - struct genl_family *family, int flags, u8 cmd) -{ - struct nlmsghdr *nlh; - struct genlmsghdr *hdr; - - nlh = nlmsg_put(skb, pid, seq, family->id, GENL_HDRLEN + - family->hdrsize, flags); - if (nlh == NULL) - return NULL; - - hdr = nlmsg_data(nlh); - hdr->cmd = cmd; - hdr->version = family->version; - hdr->reserved = 0; - - return (char *) hdr + GENL_HDRLEN; -} +void *genlmsg_put(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 pid, u32 seq, + struct genl_family *family, int flags, u8 cmd); /** * genlmsg_nlhdr - Obtain netlink header from user specified header diff --git a/include/net/inet_sock.h b/include/net/inet_sock.h index e3e405106afea5ac34eb5d84e0d92f192e810c31..ae17e1352d7eb1c93f9c1b1ba5a67832d6e4c0c6 100644 --- a/include/net/inet_sock.h +++ b/include/net/inet_sock.h @@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ struct rtable; * @tos - TOS * @mc_ttl - Multicasting TTL * @is_icsk - is this an inet_connection_sock? + * @uc_index - Unicast outgoing device index * @mc_index - Multicast device index * @mc_list - Group array * @cork - info to build ip hdr on each ip frag while socket is corked @@ -167,6 +168,8 @@ struct inet_sock { transparent:1, mc_all:1, nodefrag:1; + __u8 rcv_tos; + int uc_index; int mc_index; __be32 mc_addr; struct ip_mc_socklist __rcu *mc_list; diff --git a/include/net/ip.h b/include/net/ip.h index 775009f9eaba4870b8bcd3b83a4eb67af889b772..b53d65f24f7be8497b60475952d5a66c579aee68 100644 --- a/include/net/ip.h +++ b/include/net/ip.h @@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ static inline int sk_mc_loop(struct sock *sk) return 1; } -extern int ip_call_ra_chain(struct sk_buff *skb); +extern bool ip_call_ra_chain(struct sk_buff *skb); /* * Functions provided by ip_fragment.c diff --git a/include/net/iucv/af_iucv.h b/include/net/iucv/af_iucv.h index 0954ec9591594c9c5071ac11d07c6329da32952c..cc7c19732389dba327a92742de4cfeba96b5903e 100644 --- a/include/net/iucv/af_iucv.h +++ b/include/net/iucv/af_iucv.h @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ struct sock_msg_q { #define AF_IUCV_FLAG_SYN 0x2 #define AF_IUCV_FLAG_FIN 0x4 #define AF_IUCV_FLAG_WIN 0x8 +#define AF_IUCV_FLAG_SHT 0x10 struct af_iucv_trans_hdr { u16 magic; @@ -113,6 +114,7 @@ struct iucv_sock { spinlock_t accept_q_lock; struct sock *parent; struct iucv_path *path; + struct net_device *hs_dev; struct sk_buff_head send_skb_q; struct sk_buff_head backlog_skb_q; struct sock_msg_q message_q; @@ -131,6 +133,7 @@ struct iucv_sock { /* iucv socket options (SOL_IUCV) */ #define SO_IPRMDATA_MSG 0x0080 /* send/recv IPRM_DATA msgs */ #define SO_MSGLIMIT 0x1000 /* get/set IUCV MSGLIMIT */ +#define SO_MSGSIZE 0x0800 /* get maximum msgsize */ /* iucv related control messages (scm) */ #define SCM_IUCV_TRGCLS 0x0001 /* target class control message */ diff --git a/include/net/mac80211.h b/include/net/mac80211.h index d49928ba5d09fa379fd5db91ea173cfe08d57475..9a012be615ffba4f145aa1846906eed9ce8e5b82 100644 --- a/include/net/mac80211.h +++ b/include/net/mac80211.h @@ -229,7 +229,8 @@ enum ieee80211_rssi_event { * valid in station mode only while @assoc is true and if also * requested by %IEEE80211_HW_NEED_DTIM_PERIOD (cf. also hw conf * @ps_dtim_period) - * @timestamp: beacon timestamp + * @last_tsf: last beacon's/probe response's TSF timestamp (could be old + * as it may have been received during scanning long ago) * @beacon_int: beacon interval * @assoc_capability: capabilities taken from assoc resp * @basic_rates: bitmap of basic rates, each bit stands for an @@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ struct ieee80211_bss_conf { u8 dtim_period; u16 beacon_int; u16 assoc_capability; - u64 timestamp; + u64 last_tsf; u32 basic_rates; int mcast_rate[IEEE80211_NUM_BANDS]; u16 ht_operation_mode; @@ -341,9 +342,9 @@ struct ieee80211_bss_conf { * used to indicate that a frame was already retried due to PS * @IEEE80211_TX_INTFL_DONT_ENCRYPT: completely internal to mac80211, * used to indicate frame should not be encrypted - * @IEEE80211_TX_CTL_POLL_RESPONSE: This frame is a response to a poll - * frame (PS-Poll or uAPSD) and should be sent although the station - * is in powersave mode. + * @IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_PS_BUFFER: This frame is a response to a poll + * frame (PS-Poll or uAPSD) or a non-bufferable MMPDU and must + * be sent although the station is in powersave mode. * @IEEE80211_TX_CTL_MORE_FRAMES: More frames will be passed to the * transmit function after the current frame, this can be used * by drivers to kick the DMA queue only if unset or when the @@ -399,7 +400,7 @@ enum mac80211_tx_control_flags { IEEE80211_TX_INTFL_NEED_TXPROCESSING = BIT(14), IEEE80211_TX_INTFL_RETRIED = BIT(15), IEEE80211_TX_INTFL_DONT_ENCRYPT = BIT(16), - IEEE80211_TX_CTL_POLL_RESPONSE = BIT(17), + IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_PS_BUFFER = BIT(17), IEEE80211_TX_CTL_MORE_FRAMES = BIT(18), IEEE80211_TX_INTFL_RETRANSMISSION = BIT(19), /* hole at 20, use later */ @@ -425,7 +426,7 @@ enum mac80211_tx_control_flags { IEEE80211_TX_CTL_SEND_AFTER_DTIM | IEEE80211_TX_CTL_AMPDU | \ IEEE80211_TX_STAT_TX_FILTERED | IEEE80211_TX_STAT_ACK | \ IEEE80211_TX_STAT_AMPDU | IEEE80211_TX_STAT_AMPDU_NO_BACK | \ - IEEE80211_TX_CTL_RATE_CTRL_PROBE | IEEE80211_TX_CTL_POLL_RESPONSE | \ + IEEE80211_TX_CTL_RATE_CTRL_PROBE | IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_PS_BUFFER | \ IEEE80211_TX_CTL_MORE_FRAMES | IEEE80211_TX_CTL_LDPC | \ IEEE80211_TX_CTL_STBC | IEEE80211_TX_STATUS_EOSP) @@ -659,6 +660,8 @@ ieee80211_tx_info_clear_status(struct ieee80211_tx_info *info) * @RX_FLAG_HT: HT MCS was used and rate_idx is MCS index * @RX_FLAG_40MHZ: HT40 (40 MHz) was used * @RX_FLAG_SHORT_GI: Short guard interval was used + * @RX_FLAG_NO_SIGNAL_VAL: The signal strength value is not present. + * Valid only for data frames (mainly A-MPDU) */ enum mac80211_rx_flags { RX_FLAG_MMIC_ERROR = 1<<0, @@ -672,6 +675,7 @@ enum mac80211_rx_flags { RX_FLAG_HT = 1<<9, RX_FLAG_40MHZ = 1<<10, RX_FLAG_SHORT_GI = 1<<11, + RX_FLAG_NO_SIGNAL_VAL = 1<<12, }; /** @@ -851,6 +855,21 @@ struct ieee80211_channel_switch { u8 count; }; +/** + * enum ieee80211_vif_flags - virtual interface flags + * + * @IEEE80211_VIF_BEACON_FILTER: the device performs beacon filtering + * on this virtual interface to avoid unnecessary CPU wakeups + * @IEEE80211_VIF_SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI: the device can do connection quality + * monitoring on this virtual interface -- i.e. it can monitor + * connection quality related parameters, such as the RSSI level and + * provide notifications if configured trigger levels are reached. + */ +enum ieee80211_vif_flags { + IEEE80211_VIF_BEACON_FILTER = BIT(0), + IEEE80211_VIF_SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI = BIT(1), +}; + /** * struct ieee80211_vif - per-interface data * @@ -863,6 +882,10 @@ struct ieee80211_channel_switch { * @addr: address of this interface * @p2p: indicates whether this AP or STA interface is a p2p * interface, i.e. a GO or p2p-sta respectively + * @driver_flags: flags/capabilities the driver has for this interface, + * these need to be set (or cleared) when the interface is added + * or, if supported by the driver, the interface type is changed + * at runtime, mac80211 will never touch this field * @drv_priv: data area for driver use, will always be aligned to * sizeof(void *). */ @@ -871,6 +894,7 @@ struct ieee80211_vif { struct ieee80211_bss_conf bss_conf; u8 addr[ETH_ALEN]; bool p2p; + u32 driver_flags; /* must be last */ u8 drv_priv[0] __attribute__((__aligned__(sizeof(void *)))); }; @@ -961,6 +985,25 @@ enum set_key_cmd { SET_KEY, DISABLE_KEY, }; +/** + * enum ieee80211_sta_state - station state + * + * @IEEE80211_STA_NOTEXIST: station doesn't exist at all, + * this is a special state for add/remove transitions + * @IEEE80211_STA_NONE: station exists without special state + * @IEEE80211_STA_AUTH: station is authenticated + * @IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC: station is associated + * @IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED: station is authorized (802.1X) + */ +enum ieee80211_sta_state { + /* NOTE: These need to be ordered correctly! */ + IEEE80211_STA_NOTEXIST, + IEEE80211_STA_NONE, + IEEE80211_STA_AUTH, + IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC, + IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED, +}; + /** * struct ieee80211_sta - station table entry * @@ -1079,10 +1122,6 @@ enum sta_notify_cmd { * @IEEE80211_HW_MFP_CAPABLE: * Hardware supports management frame protection (MFP, IEEE 802.11w). * - * @IEEE80211_HW_BEACON_FILTER: - * Hardware supports dropping of irrelevant beacon frames to - * avoid waking up cpu. - * * @IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_STATIC_SMPS: * Hardware supports static spatial multiplexing powersave, * ie. can turn off all but one chain even on HT connections @@ -1108,11 +1147,6 @@ enum sta_notify_cmd { * When this flag is set, signaling beacon-loss will cause an immediate * change to disassociated state. * - * @IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI: - * Hardware can do connection quality monitoring - i.e. it can monitor - * connection quality related parameters, such as the RSSI level and - * provide notifications if configured trigger levels are reached. - * * @IEEE80211_HW_NEED_DTIM_PERIOD: * This device needs to know the DTIM period for the BSS before * associating. @@ -1134,6 +1168,10 @@ enum sta_notify_cmd { * @IEEE80211_HW_TX_AMPDU_SETUP_IN_HW: The device handles TX A-MPDU session * setup strictly in HW. mac80211 should not attempt to do this in * software. + * + * @IEEE80211_HW_SCAN_WHILE_IDLE: The device can do hw scan while + * being idle (i.e. mac80211 doesn't have to go idle-off during the + * the scan). */ enum ieee80211_hw_flags { IEEE80211_HW_HAS_RATE_CONTROL = 1<<0, @@ -1150,16 +1188,17 @@ enum ieee80211_hw_flags { IEEE80211_HW_PS_NULLFUNC_STACK = 1<<11, IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_DYNAMIC_PS = 1<<12, IEEE80211_HW_MFP_CAPABLE = 1<<13, - IEEE80211_HW_BEACON_FILTER = 1<<14, + /* reuse bit 14 */ IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_STATIC_SMPS = 1<<15, IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_DYNAMIC_SMPS = 1<<16, IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_UAPSD = 1<<17, IEEE80211_HW_REPORTS_TX_ACK_STATUS = 1<<18, IEEE80211_HW_CONNECTION_MONITOR = 1<<19, - IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI = 1<<20, + /* reuse bit 20 */ IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_PER_STA_GTK = 1<<21, IEEE80211_HW_AP_LINK_PS = 1<<22, IEEE80211_HW_TX_AMPDU_SETUP_IN_HW = 1<<23, + IEEE80211_HW_SCAN_WHILE_IDLE = 1<<24, }; /** @@ -1446,8 +1485,8 @@ void ieee80211_free_txskb(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb); * way the host will only receive beacons where some relevant information * (for example ERP protection or WMM settings) have changed. * - * Beacon filter support is advertised with the %IEEE80211_HW_BEACON_FILTER - * hardware capability. The driver needs to enable beacon filter support + * Beacon filter support is advertised with the %IEEE80211_VIF_BEACON_FILTER + * interface capability. The driver needs to enable beacon filter support * whenever power save is enabled, that is %IEEE80211_CONF_PS is set. When * power save is enabled, the stack will not check for beacon loss and the * driver needs to notify about loss of beacons with ieee80211_beacon_loss(). @@ -1599,7 +1638,7 @@ void ieee80211_free_txskb(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb); * the station sends a PS-Poll or a uAPSD trigger frame, mac80211 * will inform the driver of this with the @allow_buffered_frames * callback; this callback is optional. mac80211 will then transmit - * the frames as usual and set the %IEEE80211_TX_CTL_POLL_RESPONSE + * the frames as usual and set the %IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_PS_BUFFER * on each frame. The last frame in the service period (or the only * response to a PS-Poll) also has %IEEE80211_TX_STATUS_EOSP set to * indicate that it ends the service period; as this frame must have @@ -1607,6 +1646,9 @@ void ieee80211_free_txskb(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb); * When TX status is reported for this frame, the service period is * marked has having ended and a new one can be started by the peer. * + * Additionally, non-bufferable MMPDUs can also be transmitted by + * mac80211 with the %IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_PS_BUFFER set in them. + * * Another race condition can happen on some devices like iwlwifi * when there are frames queued for the station and it wakes up * or polls; the frames that are already queued could end up being @@ -1724,20 +1766,6 @@ enum ieee80211_ampdu_mlme_action { IEEE80211_AMPDU_TX_OPERATIONAL, }; -/** - * enum ieee80211_tx_sync_type - TX sync type - * @IEEE80211_TX_SYNC_AUTH: sync TX for authentication - * (and possibly also before direct probe) - * @IEEE80211_TX_SYNC_ASSOC: sync TX for association - * @IEEE80211_TX_SYNC_ACTION: sync TX for action frame - * (not implemented yet) - */ -enum ieee80211_tx_sync_type { - IEEE80211_TX_SYNC_AUTH, - IEEE80211_TX_SYNC_ASSOC, - IEEE80211_TX_SYNC_ACTION, -}; - /** * enum ieee80211_frame_release_type - frame release reason * @IEEE80211_FRAME_RELEASE_PSPOLL: frame released for PS-Poll @@ -1848,26 +1876,6 @@ enum ieee80211_frame_release_type { * of the bss parameters has changed when a call is made. The callback * can sleep. * - * @tx_sync: Called before a frame is sent to an AP/GO. In the GO case, the - * driver should sync with the GO's powersaving so the device doesn't - * transmit the frame while the GO is asleep. In the regular AP case - * it may be used by drivers for devices implementing other restrictions - * on talking to APs, e.g. due to regulatory enforcement or just HW - * restrictions. - * This function is called for every authentication, association and - * action frame separately since applications might attempt to auth - * with multiple APs before chosing one to associate to. If it returns - * an error, the corresponding authentication, association or frame - * transmission is aborted and reported as having failed. It is always - * called after tuning to the correct channel. - * The callback might be called multiple times before @finish_tx_sync - * (but @finish_tx_sync will be called once for each) but in practice - * this is unlikely to happen. It can also refuse in that case if the - * driver cannot handle that situation. - * This callback can sleep. - * @finish_tx_sync: Called as a counterpart to @tx_sync, unless that returned - * an error. This callback can sleep. - * * @prepare_multicast: Prepare for multicast filter configuration. * This callback is optional, and its return value is passed * to configure_filter(). This callback must be atomic. @@ -1963,6 +1971,13 @@ enum ieee80211_frame_release_type { * in AP mode, this callback will not be called when the flag * %IEEE80211_HW_AP_LINK_PS is set. Must be atomic. * + * @sta_state: Notifies low level driver about state transition of a + * station (which can be the AP, a client, IBSS/WDS/mesh peer etc.) + * This callback is mutually exclusive with @sta_add/@sta_remove. + * It must not fail for down transitions but may fail for transitions + * up the list of states. + * The callback can sleep. + * * @conf_tx: Configure TX queue parameters (EDCF (aifs, cw_min, cw_max), * bursting) for a hardware TX queue. * Returns a negative error code on failure. @@ -2098,7 +2113,7 @@ enum ieee80211_frame_release_type { * @allow_buffered_frames: Prepare device to allow the given number of frames * to go out to the given station. The frames will be sent by mac80211 * via the usual TX path after this call. The TX information for frames - * released will also have the %IEEE80211_TX_CTL_POLL_RESPONSE flag set + * released will also have the %IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_PS_BUFFER flag set * and the last one will also have %IEEE80211_TX_STATUS_EOSP set. In case * frames from multiple TIDs are released and the driver might reorder * them between the TIDs, it must set the %IEEE80211_TX_STATUS_EOSP flag @@ -2132,13 +2147,6 @@ struct ieee80211_ops { struct ieee80211_bss_conf *info, u32 changed); - int (*tx_sync)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, - const u8 *bssid, enum ieee80211_tx_sync_type type); - void (*finish_tx_sync)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, - struct ieee80211_vif *vif, - const u8 *bssid, - enum ieee80211_tx_sync_type type); - u64 (*prepare_multicast)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct netdev_hw_addr_list *mc_list); void (*configure_filter)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, @@ -2182,6 +2190,10 @@ struct ieee80211_ops { struct ieee80211_sta *sta); void (*sta_notify)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, enum sta_notify_cmd, struct ieee80211_sta *sta); + int (*sta_state)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, + struct ieee80211_sta *sta, + enum ieee80211_sta_state old_state, + enum ieee80211_sta_state new_state); int (*conf_tx)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, u16 queue, const struct ieee80211_tx_queue_params *params); @@ -3316,7 +3328,7 @@ struct sk_buff *ieee80211_ap_probereq_get(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, * * @vif: &struct ieee80211_vif pointer from the add_interface callback. * - * When beacon filtering is enabled with %IEEE80211_HW_BEACON_FILTER and + * When beacon filtering is enabled with %IEEE80211_VIF_BEACON_FILTER and * %IEEE80211_CONF_PS is set, the driver needs to inform whenever the * hardware is not receiving beacons with this function. */ @@ -3327,7 +3339,7 @@ void ieee80211_beacon_loss(struct ieee80211_vif *vif); * * @vif: &struct ieee80211_vif pointer from the add_interface callback. * - * When beacon filtering is enabled with %IEEE80211_HW_BEACON_FILTER, and + * When beacon filtering is enabled with %IEEE80211_VIF_BEACON_FILTER, and * %IEEE80211_CONF_PS and %IEEE80211_HW_CONNECTION_MONITOR are set, the driver * needs to inform if the connection to the AP has been lost. * @@ -3397,7 +3409,7 @@ void ieee80211_enable_dyn_ps(struct ieee80211_vif *vif); * @rssi_event: the RSSI trigger event type * @gfp: context flags * - * When the %IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI is set, and a connection quality + * When the %IEEE80211_VIF_SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI is set, and a connection quality * monitoring is configured with an rssi threshold, the driver will inform * whenever the rssi level reaches the threshold. */ @@ -3516,6 +3528,8 @@ enum rate_control_changed { * @hw: The hardware the algorithm is invoked for. * @sband: The band this frame is being transmitted on. * @bss_conf: the current BSS configuration + * @skb: the skb that will be transmitted, the control information in it needs + * to be filled in * @reported_rate: The rate control algorithm can fill this in to indicate * which rate should be reported to userspace as the current rate and * used for rate calculations in the mesh network. @@ -3523,12 +3537,11 @@ enum rate_control_changed { * RTS threshold * @short_preamble: whether mac80211 will request short-preamble transmission * if the selected rate supports it - * @max_rate_idx: user-requested maximum rate (not MCS for now) + * @max_rate_idx: user-requested maximum (legacy) rate * (deprecated; this will be removed once drivers get updated to use * rate_idx_mask) - * @rate_idx_mask: user-requested rate mask (not MCS for now) - * @skb: the skb that will be transmitted, the control information in it needs - * to be filled in + * @rate_idx_mask: user-requested (legacy) rate mask + * @rate_idx_mcs_mask: user-requested MCS rate mask * @bss: whether this frame is sent out in AP or IBSS mode */ struct ieee80211_tx_rate_control { @@ -3540,6 +3553,7 @@ struct ieee80211_tx_rate_control { bool rts, short_preamble; u8 max_rate_idx; u32 rate_idx_mask; + u8 rate_idx_mcs_mask[IEEE80211_HT_MCS_MASK_LEN]; bool bss; }; diff --git a/include/net/ndisc.h b/include/net/ndisc.h index e3133c23980efbfccb7da335305815416e7d8ec0..6f9c25a76cd1328856293c1af4d9cf8b10188c1c 100644 --- a/include/net/ndisc.h +++ b/include/net/ndisc.h @@ -133,7 +133,6 @@ extern void ndisc_send_rs(struct net_device *dev, const struct in6_addr *daddr); extern void ndisc_send_redirect(struct sk_buff *skb, - struct neighbour *neigh, const struct in6_addr *target); extern int ndisc_mc_map(const struct in6_addr *addr, char *buf, diff --git a/include/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_extend.h b/include/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_extend.h index 2dcf31703acba7a18b9f167866390827054f9d98..96755c3798a552cbcb74d978685c0a3648ee86e4 100644 --- a/include/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_extend.h +++ b/include/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_extend.h @@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ enum nf_ct_ext_id { #endif #ifdef CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMESTAMP NF_CT_EXT_TSTAMP, +#endif +#ifdef CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT + NF_CT_EXT_TIMEOUT, #endif NF_CT_EXT_NUM, }; @@ -29,6 +32,7 @@ enum nf_ct_ext_id { #define NF_CT_EXT_ECACHE_TYPE struct nf_conntrack_ecache #define NF_CT_EXT_ZONE_TYPE struct nf_conntrack_zone #define NF_CT_EXT_TSTAMP_TYPE struct nf_conn_tstamp +#define NF_CT_EXT_TIMEOUT_TYPE struct nf_conn_timeout /* Extensions: optional stuff which isn't permanently in struct. */ struct nf_ct_ext { diff --git a/include/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_helper.h b/include/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_helper.h index f1c1311adc2cb6fba8d013cc641e995105cdf655..5767dc242dee50cc07aad55fc211dc3d5e808650 100644 --- a/include/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_helper.h +++ b/include/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_helper.h @@ -69,4 +69,17 @@ extern int nf_conntrack_broadcast_help(struct sk_buff *skb, enum ip_conntrack_info ctinfo, unsigned int timeout); +struct nf_ct_helper_expectfn { + struct list_head head; + const char *name; + void (*expectfn)(struct nf_conn *ct, struct nf_conntrack_expect *exp); +}; + +void nf_ct_helper_expectfn_register(struct nf_ct_helper_expectfn *n); +void nf_ct_helper_expectfn_unregister(struct nf_ct_helper_expectfn *n); +struct nf_ct_helper_expectfn * +nf_ct_helper_expectfn_find_by_name(const char *name); +struct nf_ct_helper_expectfn * +nf_ct_helper_expectfn_find_by_symbol(const void *symbol); + #endif /*_NF_CONNTRACK_HELPER_H*/ diff --git a/include/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_l4proto.h b/include/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_l4proto.h index e3d3ee3c06a2cc477fb2b85acf33090a2ef3496e..90c67c7db7e9135b1a762ccb1700846c91aff281 100644 --- a/include/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_l4proto.h +++ b/include/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_l4proto.h @@ -39,12 +39,13 @@ struct nf_conntrack_l4proto { unsigned int dataoff, enum ip_conntrack_info ctinfo, u_int8_t pf, - unsigned int hooknum); + unsigned int hooknum, + unsigned int *timeouts); /* Called when a new connection for this protocol found; * returns TRUE if it's OK. If so, packet() called next. */ bool (*new)(struct nf_conn *ct, const struct sk_buff *skb, - unsigned int dataoff); + unsigned int dataoff, unsigned int *timeouts); /* Called when a conntrack entry is destroyed */ void (*destroy)(struct nf_conn *ct); @@ -60,6 +61,9 @@ struct nf_conntrack_l4proto { /* Print out the private part of the conntrack. */ int (*print_conntrack)(struct seq_file *s, struct nf_conn *); + /* Return the array of timeouts for this protocol. */ + unsigned int *(*get_timeouts)(struct net *net); + /* convert protoinfo to nfnetink attributes */ int (*to_nlattr)(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlattr *nla, struct nf_conn *ct); @@ -79,6 +83,17 @@ struct nf_conntrack_l4proto { size_t nla_size; +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT) + struct { + size_t obj_size; + int (*nlattr_to_obj)(struct nlattr *tb[], void *data); + int (*obj_to_nlattr)(struct sk_buff *skb, const void *data); + + unsigned int nlattr_max; + const struct nla_policy *nla_policy; + } ctnl_timeout; +#endif + #ifdef CONFIG_SYSCTL struct ctl_table_header **ctl_table_header; struct ctl_table *ctl_table; diff --git a/include/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_timeout.h b/include/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_timeout.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0e04db4a086531a14b817edd85782b912c0c20fc --- /dev/null +++ b/include/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_timeout.h @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +#ifndef _NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT_H +#define _NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT_H + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#define CTNL_TIMEOUT_NAME_MAX 32 + +struct ctnl_timeout { + struct list_head head; + struct rcu_head rcu_head; + atomic_t refcnt; + char name[CTNL_TIMEOUT_NAME_MAX]; + __u16 l3num; + __u8 l4num; + char data[0]; +}; + +struct nf_conn_timeout { + struct ctnl_timeout *timeout; +}; + +#define NF_CT_TIMEOUT_EXT_DATA(__t) (unsigned int *) &((__t)->timeout->data) + +static inline +struct nf_conn_timeout *nf_ct_timeout_find(const struct nf_conn *ct) +{ +#ifdef CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT + return nf_ct_ext_find(ct, NF_CT_EXT_TIMEOUT); +#else + return NULL; +#endif +} + +static inline +struct nf_conn_timeout *nf_ct_timeout_ext_add(struct nf_conn *ct, + struct ctnl_timeout *timeout, + gfp_t gfp) +{ +#ifdef CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT + struct nf_conn_timeout *timeout_ext; + + timeout_ext = nf_ct_ext_add(ct, NF_CT_EXT_TIMEOUT, gfp); + if (timeout_ext == NULL) + return NULL; + + timeout_ext->timeout = timeout; + + return timeout_ext; +#else + return NULL; +#endif +}; + +#ifdef CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT +extern int nf_conntrack_timeout_init(struct net *net); +extern void nf_conntrack_timeout_fini(struct net *net); +#else +static inline int nf_conntrack_timeout_init(struct net *net) +{ + return 0; +} + +static inline void nf_conntrack_timeout_fini(struct net *net) +{ + return; +} +#endif /* CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT */ + +#ifdef CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT +extern struct ctnl_timeout *(*nf_ct_timeout_find_get_hook)(const char *name); +extern void (*nf_ct_timeout_put_hook)(struct ctnl_timeout *timeout); +#endif + +#endif /* _NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT_H */ diff --git a/include/net/netfilter/xt_log.h b/include/net/netfilter/xt_log.h index 0dfb34a5b53c3440469e51873d886a5312ec9615..7e1544e8f70d36599205fd821f1cdc34705d1676 100644 --- a/include/net/netfilter/xt_log.h +++ b/include/net/netfilter/xt_log.h @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ struct sbuff { }; static struct sbuff emergency, *emergency_ptr = &emergency; -static int sb_add(struct sbuff *m, const char *f, ...) +static __printf(2, 3) int sb_add(struct sbuff *m, const char *f, ...) { va_list args; int len; diff --git a/include/net/netlink.h b/include/net/netlink.h index cb1f3504687fb74df065191ce65add598f063dac..f394fe5d764109e61f0493aa178cfd652b14dee1 100644 --- a/include/net/netlink.h +++ b/include/net/netlink.h @@ -441,41 +441,6 @@ static inline int nlmsg_report(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh) nla_for_each_attr(pos, nlmsg_attrdata(nlh, hdrlen), \ nlmsg_attrlen(nlh, hdrlen), rem) -#if 0 -/* FIXME: Enable once all users have been converted */ - -/** - * __nlmsg_put - Add a new netlink message to an skb - * @skb: socket buffer to store message in - * @pid: netlink process id - * @seq: sequence number of message - * @type: message type - * @payload: length of message payload - * @flags: message flags - * - * The caller is responsible to ensure that the skb provides enough - * tailroom for both the netlink header and payload. - */ -static inline struct nlmsghdr *__nlmsg_put(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 pid, - u32 seq, int type, int payload, - int flags) -{ - struct nlmsghdr *nlh; - - nlh = (struct nlmsghdr *) skb_put(skb, nlmsg_total_size(payload)); - nlh->nlmsg_type = type; - nlh->nlmsg_len = nlmsg_msg_size(payload); - nlh->nlmsg_flags = flags; - nlh->nlmsg_pid = pid; - nlh->nlmsg_seq = seq; - - memset((unsigned char *) nlmsg_data(nlh) + payload, 0, - nlmsg_padlen(payload)); - - return nlh; -} -#endif - /** * nlmsg_put - Add a new netlink message to an skb * @skb: socket buffer to store message in diff --git a/include/net/nfc/nci.h b/include/net/nfc/nci.h index 2be95e2626c0a364f7c7a8858503971be5428aff..276094b91d7ced880477730fd487f162cf5b4a6e 100644 --- a/include/net/nfc/nci.h +++ b/include/net/nfc/nci.h @@ -116,6 +116,11 @@ #define NCI_DISC_MAP_MODE_POLL 0x01 #define NCI_DISC_MAP_MODE_LISTEN 0x02 +/* NCI Discover Notification Type */ +#define NCI_DISCOVER_NTF_TYPE_LAST 0x00 +#define NCI_DISCOVER_NTF_TYPE_LAST_NFCC 0x01 +#define NCI_DISCOVER_NTF_TYPE_MORE 0x02 + /* NCI Deactivation Type */ #define NCI_DEACTIVATE_TYPE_IDLE_MODE 0x00 #define NCI_DEACTIVATE_TYPE_SLEEP_MODE 0x01 @@ -207,6 +212,13 @@ struct nci_rf_disc_cmd { struct disc_config disc_configs[NCI_MAX_NUM_RF_CONFIGS]; } __packed; +#define NCI_OP_RF_DISCOVER_SELECT_CMD nci_opcode_pack(NCI_GID_RF_MGMT, 0x04) +struct nci_rf_discover_select_cmd { + __u8 rf_discovery_id; + __u8 rf_protocol; + __u8 rf_interface; +} __packed; + #define NCI_OP_RF_DEACTIVATE_CMD nci_opcode_pack(NCI_GID_RF_MGMT, 0x06) struct nci_rf_deactivate_cmd { __u8 type; @@ -244,6 +256,8 @@ struct nci_core_init_rsp_2 { #define NCI_OP_RF_DISCOVER_RSP nci_opcode_pack(NCI_GID_RF_MGMT, 0x03) +#define NCI_OP_RF_DISCOVER_SELECT_RSP nci_opcode_pack(NCI_GID_RF_MGMT, 0x04) + #define NCI_OP_RF_DEACTIVATE_RSP nci_opcode_pack(NCI_GID_RF_MGMT, 0x06) /* --------------------------- */ @@ -260,13 +274,15 @@ struct nci_core_conn_credit_ntf { struct conn_credit_entry conn_entries[NCI_MAX_NUM_CONN]; } __packed; +#define NCI_OP_CORE_GENERIC_ERROR_NTF nci_opcode_pack(NCI_GID_CORE, 0x07) + #define NCI_OP_CORE_INTF_ERROR_NTF nci_opcode_pack(NCI_GID_CORE, 0x08) struct nci_core_intf_error_ntf { __u8 status; __u8 conn_id; } __packed; -#define NCI_OP_RF_INTF_ACTIVATED_NTF nci_opcode_pack(NCI_GID_RF_MGMT, 0x05) +#define NCI_OP_RF_DISCOVER_NTF nci_opcode_pack(NCI_GID_RF_MGMT, 0x03) struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfca_poll { __u16 sens_res; __u8 nfcid1_len; /* 0, 4, 7, or 10 Bytes */ @@ -275,11 +291,43 @@ struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfca_poll { __u8 sel_res; } __packed; +struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfcb_poll { + __u8 sensb_res_len; + __u8 sensb_res[12]; /* 11 or 12 Bytes */ +} __packed; + +struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfcf_poll { + __u8 bit_rate; + __u8 sensf_res_len; + __u8 sensf_res[18]; /* 16 or 18 Bytes */ +} __packed; + +struct nci_rf_discover_ntf { + __u8 rf_discovery_id; + __u8 rf_protocol; + __u8 rf_tech_and_mode; + __u8 rf_tech_specific_params_len; + + union { + struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfca_poll nfca_poll; + struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfcb_poll nfcb_poll; + struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfcf_poll nfcf_poll; + } rf_tech_specific_params; + + __u8 ntf_type; +} __packed; + +#define NCI_OP_RF_INTF_ACTIVATED_NTF nci_opcode_pack(NCI_GID_RF_MGMT, 0x05) struct activation_params_nfca_poll_iso_dep { __u8 rats_res_len; __u8 rats_res[20]; }; +struct activation_params_nfcb_poll_iso_dep { + __u8 attrib_res_len; + __u8 attrib_res[50]; +}; + struct nci_rf_intf_activated_ntf { __u8 rf_discovery_id; __u8 rf_interface; @@ -291,6 +339,8 @@ struct nci_rf_intf_activated_ntf { union { struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfca_poll nfca_poll; + struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfcb_poll nfcb_poll; + struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfcf_poll nfcf_poll; } rf_tech_specific_params; __u8 data_exch_rf_tech_and_mode; @@ -300,6 +350,7 @@ struct nci_rf_intf_activated_ntf { union { struct activation_params_nfca_poll_iso_dep nfca_poll_iso_dep; + struct activation_params_nfcb_poll_iso_dep nfcb_poll_iso_dep; } activation_params; } __packed; diff --git a/include/net/nfc/nci_core.h b/include/net/nfc/nci_core.h index bccd89e9d4c2702851895f4ce9f1ff14729f2ed5..feba74027ff8bc18674c68625f8f6e5a9cd6562f 100644 --- a/include/net/nfc/nci_core.h +++ b/include/net/nfc/nci_core.h @@ -34,21 +34,31 @@ #include #include -/* NCI device state */ -enum { +/* NCI device flags */ +enum nci_flag { NCI_INIT, NCI_UP, + NCI_DATA_EXCHANGE, + NCI_DATA_EXCHANGE_TO, +}; + +/* NCI device states */ +enum nci_state { + NCI_IDLE, NCI_DISCOVERY, + NCI_W4_ALL_DISCOVERIES, + NCI_W4_HOST_SELECT, NCI_POLL_ACTIVE, - NCI_DATA_EXCHANGE, }; /* NCI timeouts */ #define NCI_RESET_TIMEOUT 5000 #define NCI_INIT_TIMEOUT 5000 #define NCI_RF_DISC_TIMEOUT 5000 -#define NCI_RF_DEACTIVATE_TIMEOUT 5000 +#define NCI_RF_DISC_SELECT_TIMEOUT 5000 +#define NCI_RF_DEACTIVATE_TIMEOUT 30000 #define NCI_CMD_TIMEOUT 5000 +#define NCI_DATA_TIMEOUT 700 struct nci_dev; @@ -59,6 +69,7 @@ struct nci_ops { }; #define NCI_MAX_SUPPORTED_RF_INTERFACES 4 +#define NCI_MAX_DISCOVERED_TARGETS 10 /* NCI Core structures */ struct nci_dev { @@ -68,12 +79,14 @@ struct nci_dev { int tx_headroom; int tx_tailroom; + atomic_t state; unsigned long flags; atomic_t cmd_cnt; atomic_t credits_cnt; struct timer_list cmd_timer; + struct timer_list data_timer; struct workqueue_struct *cmd_wq; struct work_struct cmd_work; @@ -96,9 +109,11 @@ struct nci_dev { void *driver_data; __u32 poll_prots; - __u32 target_available_prots; __u32 target_active_prot; + struct nfc_target targets[NCI_MAX_DISCOVERED_TARGETS]; + int n_targets; + /* received during NCI_OP_CORE_RESET_RSP */ __u8 nci_ver; @@ -126,17 +141,17 @@ struct nci_dev { /* ----- NCI Devices ----- */ struct nci_dev *nci_allocate_device(struct nci_ops *ops, - __u32 supported_protocols, - int tx_headroom, - int tx_tailroom); + __u32 supported_protocols, + int tx_headroom, + int tx_tailroom); void nci_free_device(struct nci_dev *ndev); int nci_register_device(struct nci_dev *ndev); void nci_unregister_device(struct nci_dev *ndev); int nci_recv_frame(struct sk_buff *skb); static inline struct sk_buff *nci_skb_alloc(struct nci_dev *ndev, - unsigned int len, - gfp_t how) + unsigned int len, + gfp_t how) { struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -169,6 +184,7 @@ int nci_send_cmd(struct nci_dev *ndev, __u16 opcode, __u8 plen, void *payload); int nci_send_data(struct nci_dev *ndev, __u8 conn_id, struct sk_buff *skb); void nci_data_exchange_complete(struct nci_dev *ndev, struct sk_buff *skb, int err); +void nci_clear_target_list(struct nci_dev *ndev); /* ----- NCI requests ----- */ #define NCI_REQ_DONE 0 diff --git a/include/net/nfc/nfc.h b/include/net/nfc/nfc.h index 8696b773a6951c881cd202738a6cfbbcc7919714..bac070bf3514188c589b1769484abacfa8470ca1 100644 --- a/include/net/nfc/nfc.h +++ b/include/net/nfc/nfc.h @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ #ifndef __NET_NFC_H #define __NET_NFC_H +#include #include #include @@ -52,20 +53,19 @@ struct nfc_ops { int (*dev_down)(struct nfc_dev *dev); int (*start_poll)(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 protocols); void (*stop_poll)(struct nfc_dev *dev); - int (*dep_link_up)(struct nfc_dev *dev, int target_idx, - u8 comm_mode, u8 rf_mode); + int (*dep_link_up)(struct nfc_dev *dev, int target_idx, u8 comm_mode, + u8 *gb, size_t gb_len); int (*dep_link_down)(struct nfc_dev *dev); int (*activate_target)(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 target_idx, - u32 protocol); + u32 protocol); void (*deactivate_target)(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 target_idx); int (*data_exchange)(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 target_idx, - struct sk_buff *skb, data_exchange_cb_t cb, - void *cb_context); + struct sk_buff *skb, data_exchange_cb_t cb, + void *cb_context); }; #define NFC_TARGET_IDX_ANY -1 #define NFC_MAX_GT_LEN 48 -#define NFC_MAX_NFCID1_LEN 10 struct nfc_target { u32 idx; @@ -73,7 +73,11 @@ struct nfc_target { u16 sens_res; u8 sel_res; u8 nfcid1_len; - u8 nfcid1[NFC_MAX_NFCID1_LEN]; + u8 nfcid1[NFC_NFCID1_MAXSIZE]; + u8 sensb_res_len; + u8 sensb_res[NFC_SENSB_RES_MAXSIZE]; + u8 sensf_res_len; + u8 sensf_res[NFC_SENSF_RES_MAXSIZE]; }; struct nfc_genl_data { @@ -83,7 +87,6 @@ struct nfc_genl_data { struct nfc_dev { unsigned idx; - unsigned target_idx; struct nfc_target *targets; int n_targets; int targets_generation; @@ -107,9 +110,9 @@ struct nfc_dev { extern struct class nfc_class; struct nfc_dev *nfc_allocate_device(struct nfc_ops *ops, - u32 supported_protocols, - int tx_headroom, - int tx_tailroom); + u32 supported_protocols, + int tx_headroom, + int tx_tailroom); /** * nfc_free_device - free nfc device @@ -132,7 +135,7 @@ void nfc_unregister_device(struct nfc_dev *dev); * @dev: The parent device */ static inline void nfc_set_parent_dev(struct nfc_dev *nfc_dev, - struct device *dev) + struct device *dev) { nfc_dev->dev.parent = dev; } @@ -169,17 +172,15 @@ static inline const char *nfc_device_name(struct nfc_dev *dev) } struct sk_buff *nfc_alloc_send_skb(struct nfc_dev *dev, struct sock *sk, - unsigned int flags, unsigned int size, - unsigned int *err); + unsigned int flags, unsigned int size, + unsigned int *err); struct sk_buff *nfc_alloc_recv_skb(unsigned int size, gfp_t gfp); int nfc_set_remote_general_bytes(struct nfc_dev *dev, - u8 *gt, u8 gt_len); + u8 *gt, u8 gt_len); -u8 *nfc_get_local_general_bytes(struct nfc_dev *dev, u8 *gt_len); - -int nfc_targets_found(struct nfc_dev *dev, struct nfc_target *targets, - int ntargets); +int nfc_targets_found(struct nfc_dev *dev, + struct nfc_target *targets, int ntargets); int nfc_dep_link_is_up(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 target_idx, u8 comm_mode, u8 rf_mode); diff --git a/include/net/sctp/sctp.h b/include/net/sctp/sctp.h index d3685615a8b0eeff1d0f7ca032fa04c3fd5000c5..6ee44b24864ac96d21e9949ac4c07c258dbce6ad 100644 --- a/include/net/sctp/sctp.h +++ b/include/net/sctp/sctp.h @@ -413,6 +413,7 @@ static inline sctp_assoc_t sctp_assoc2id(const struct sctp_association *asoc) /* Look up the association by its id. */ struct sctp_association *sctp_id2assoc(struct sock *sk, sctp_assoc_t id); +int sctp_do_peeloff(struct sock *sk, sctp_assoc_t id, struct socket **sockp); /* A macro to walk a list of skbs. */ #define sctp_skb_for_each(pos, head, tmp) \ diff --git a/include/net/sock.h b/include/net/sock.h index 7ef5c58f3f49ab4ea0477d3b9fc0509b9f283eee..f84be9ed6110fd474b4061c599845bcb4f54d041 100644 --- a/include/net/sock.h +++ b/include/net/sock.h @@ -357,6 +357,7 @@ struct sock { struct page *sk_sndmsg_page; struct sk_buff *sk_send_head; __u32 sk_sndmsg_off; + __s32 sk_peek_off; int sk_write_pending; #ifdef CONFIG_SECURITY void *sk_security; @@ -373,6 +374,30 @@ struct sock { void (*sk_destruct)(struct sock *sk); }; +static inline int sk_peek_offset(struct sock *sk, int flags) +{ + if ((flags & MSG_PEEK) && (sk->sk_peek_off >= 0)) + return sk->sk_peek_off; + else + return 0; +} + +static inline void sk_peek_offset_bwd(struct sock *sk, int val) +{ + if (sk->sk_peek_off >= 0) { + if (sk->sk_peek_off >= val) + sk->sk_peek_off -= val; + else + sk->sk_peek_off = 0; + } +} + +static inline void sk_peek_offset_fwd(struct sock *sk, int val) +{ + if (sk->sk_peek_off >= 0) + sk->sk_peek_off += val; +} + /* * Hashed lists helper routines */ @@ -590,6 +615,10 @@ enum sock_flags { SOCK_RXQ_OVFL, SOCK_ZEROCOPY, /* buffers from userspace */ SOCK_WIFI_STATUS, /* push wifi status to userspace */ + SOCK_NOFCS, /* Tell NIC not to do the Ethernet FCS. + * Will use last 4 bytes of packet sent from + * user-space instead. + */ }; static inline void sock_copy_flags(struct sock *nsk, struct sock *osk) diff --git a/include/net/tcp.h b/include/net/tcp.h index 2d80c291fffbad01828648c46df1da0f69763e49..8607e6aad42ba214b1718208da3ab799d5f19b88 100644 --- a/include/net/tcp.h +++ b/include/net/tcp.h @@ -1138,35 +1138,27 @@ static inline void tcp_clear_all_retrans_hints(struct tcp_sock *tp) /* MD5 Signature */ struct crypto_hash; +union tcp_md5_addr { + struct in_addr a4; +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) + struct in6_addr a6; +#endif +}; + /* - key database */ struct tcp_md5sig_key { - u8 *key; + struct hlist_node node; u8 keylen; -}; - -struct tcp4_md5sig_key { - struct tcp_md5sig_key base; - __be32 addr; -}; - -struct tcp6_md5sig_key { - struct tcp_md5sig_key base; -#if 0 - u32 scope_id; /* XXX */ -#endif - struct in6_addr addr; + u8 family; /* AF_INET or AF_INET6 */ + union tcp_md5_addr addr; + u8 key[TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN]; + struct rcu_head rcu; }; /* - sock block */ struct tcp_md5sig_info { - struct tcp4_md5sig_key *keys4; -#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) - struct tcp6_md5sig_key *keys6; - u32 entries6; - u32 alloced6; -#endif - u32 entries4; - u32 alloced4; + struct hlist_head head; + struct rcu_head rcu; }; /* - pseudo header */ @@ -1203,19 +1195,25 @@ extern int tcp_v4_md5_hash_skb(char *md5_hash, struct tcp_md5sig_key *key, const struct sock *sk, const struct request_sock *req, const struct sk_buff *skb); -extern struct tcp_md5sig_key * tcp_v4_md5_lookup(struct sock *sk, - struct sock *addr_sk); -extern int tcp_v4_md5_do_add(struct sock *sk, __be32 addr, u8 *newkey, - u8 newkeylen); -extern int tcp_v4_md5_do_del(struct sock *sk, __be32 addr); +extern int tcp_md5_do_add(struct sock *sk, const union tcp_md5_addr *addr, + int family, const u8 *newkey, + u8 newkeylen, gfp_t gfp); +extern int tcp_md5_do_del(struct sock *sk, const union tcp_md5_addr *addr, + int family); +extern struct tcp_md5sig_key *tcp_v4_md5_lookup(struct sock *sk, + struct sock *addr_sk); #ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG -#define tcp_twsk_md5_key(twsk) ((twsk)->tw_md5_keylen ? \ - &(struct tcp_md5sig_key) { \ - .key = (twsk)->tw_md5_key, \ - .keylen = (twsk)->tw_md5_keylen, \ - } : NULL) +extern struct tcp_md5sig_key *tcp_md5_do_lookup(struct sock *sk, + const union tcp_md5_addr *addr, int family); +#define tcp_twsk_md5_key(twsk) ((twsk)->tw_md5_key) #else +static inline struct tcp_md5sig_key *tcp_md5_do_lookup(struct sock *sk, + const union tcp_md5_addr *addr, + int family) +{ + return NULL; +} #define tcp_twsk_md5_key(twsk) NULL #endif @@ -1471,10 +1469,6 @@ struct tcp_sock_af_ops { const struct sock *sk, const struct request_sock *req, const struct sk_buff *skb); - int (*md5_add) (struct sock *sk, - struct sock *addr_sk, - u8 *newkey, - u8 len); int (*md5_parse) (struct sock *sk, char __user *optval, int optlen); diff --git a/include/net/udplite.h b/include/net/udplite.h index 5f097ca7d5c5ad3904cb72acd2e030f7589d76df..71375459a8843da6cbbf7062a0e71bf90a6ee716 100644 --- a/include/net/udplite.h +++ b/include/net/udplite.h @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ static inline int udplite_checksum_init(struct sk_buff *skb, struct udphdr *uh) * checksum. UDP-Lite (like IPv6) mandates checksums, hence packets * with a zero checksum field are illegal. */ if (uh->check == 0) { - LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_DEBUG "UDPLITE: zeroed checksum field\n"); + LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_DEBUG "UDPLite: zeroed checksum field\n"); return 1; } @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ static inline int udplite_checksum_init(struct sk_buff *skb, struct udphdr *uh) /* * Coverage length violates RFC 3828: log and discard silently. */ - LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_DEBUG "UDPLITE: bad csum coverage %d/%d\n", + LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_DEBUG "UDPLite: bad csum coverage %d/%d\n", cscov, skb->len); return 1; diff --git a/include/net/xfrm.h b/include/net/xfrm.h index 89174e29dca99bf943aed6d3ed6544fd040f002e..96239e78e621fa0654d9e436d8cbe50b8ebff5d0 100644 --- a/include/net/xfrm.h +++ b/include/net/xfrm.h @@ -1566,11 +1566,6 @@ extern struct xfrm_algo_desc *xfrm_calg_get_byname(const char *name, int probe); extern struct xfrm_algo_desc *xfrm_aead_get_byname(const char *name, int icv_len, int probe); -struct hash_desc; -struct scatterlist; -typedef int (icv_update_fn_t)(struct hash_desc *, struct scatterlist *, - unsigned int); - static inline int xfrm_addr_cmp(const xfrm_address_t *a, const xfrm_address_t *b, int family) diff --git a/net/atm/clip.c b/net/atm/clip.c index 127fe70a1baa3d8ecf937b76367767b9bf46f9e0..5de42ea309bc9e1d9c4dbdb583b04fa5814651ba 100644 --- a/net/atm/clip.c +++ b/net/atm/clip.c @@ -330,6 +330,8 @@ static netdev_tx_t clip_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct atmarp_entry *entry; struct neighbour *n; struct atm_vcc *vcc; + struct rtable *rt; + __be32 *daddr; int old; unsigned long flags; @@ -340,7 +342,12 @@ static netdev_tx_t clip_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, dev->stats.tx_dropped++; return NETDEV_TX_OK; } - n = dst_get_neighbour_noref(dst); + rt = (struct rtable *) dst; + if (rt->rt_gateway) + daddr = &rt->rt_gateway; + else + daddr = &ip_hdr(skb)->daddr; + n = dst_neigh_lookup(dst, daddr); if (!n) { pr_err("NO NEIGHBOUR !\n"); dev_kfree_skb(skb); @@ -360,7 +367,7 @@ static netdev_tx_t clip_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, dev_kfree_skb(skb); dev->stats.tx_dropped++; } - return NETDEV_TX_OK; + goto out_release_neigh; } pr_debug("neigh %p, vccs %p\n", entry, entry->vccs); ATM_SKB(skb)->vcc = vcc = entry->vccs->vcc; @@ -379,14 +386,14 @@ static netdev_tx_t clip_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, old = xchg(&entry->vccs->xoff, 1); /* assume XOFF ... */ if (old) { pr_warning("XOFF->XOFF transition\n"); - return NETDEV_TX_OK; + goto out_release_neigh; } dev->stats.tx_packets++; dev->stats.tx_bytes += skb->len; vcc->send(vcc, skb); if (atm_may_send(vcc, 0)) { entry->vccs->xoff = 0; - return NETDEV_TX_OK; + goto out_release_neigh; } spin_lock_irqsave(&clip_priv->xoff_lock, flags); netif_stop_queue(dev); /* XOFF -> throttle immediately */ @@ -398,6 +405,8 @@ static netdev_tx_t clip_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, of the brief netif_stop_queue. If this isn't true or if it changes, use netif_wake_queue instead. */ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&clip_priv->xoff_lock, flags); +out_release_neigh: + neigh_release(n); return NETDEV_TX_OK; } diff --git a/net/atm/pppoatm.c b/net/atm/pppoatm.c index df35d9a3b5fe91672cf0890d49566ae96e1f11e5..614d3fc47ede9a7af14a5d7f08a920644d939a83 100644 --- a/net/atm/pppoatm.c +++ b/net/atm/pppoatm.c @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ #include #include #include -#include +#include #include #include diff --git a/net/batman-adv/Makefile b/net/batman-adv/Makefile index ce6861166499c58988a74a8e11fdeccaa834bf70..4e392ebedb6459ee21c2108b9d850661b503c710 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/Makefile +++ b/net/batman-adv/Makefile @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # -# Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: +# Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: # # Marek Lindner, Simon Wunderlich # diff --git a/net/batman-adv/bat_ogm.h b/net/batman-adv/bat_algo.h similarity index 51% rename from net/batman-adv/bat_ogm.h rename to net/batman-adv/bat_algo.h index 69329c107e2863322356ab084e1d17cd51fa411d..9852a688ba43258e8265913e951231771c7830d8 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/bat_ogm.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/bat_algo.h @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * - * Marek Lindner, Simon Wunderlich + * Marek Lindner * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public @@ -19,17 +19,9 @@ * */ -#ifndef _NET_BATMAN_ADV_OGM_H_ -#define _NET_BATMAN_ADV_OGM_H_ +#ifndef _NET_BATMAN_ADV_BAT_ALGO_H_ +#define _NET_BATMAN_ADV_BAT_ALGO_H_ -#include "main.h" +int bat_iv_init(void); -void bat_ogm_init(struct hard_iface *hard_iface); -void bat_ogm_init_primary(struct hard_iface *hard_iface); -void bat_ogm_update_mac(struct hard_iface *hard_iface); -void bat_ogm_schedule(struct hard_iface *hard_iface, int tt_num_changes); -void bat_ogm_emit(struct forw_packet *forw_packet); -void bat_ogm_receive(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, unsigned char *packet_buff, - int packet_len, struct hard_iface *if_incoming); - -#endif /* _NET_BATMAN_ADV_OGM_H_ */ +#endif /* _NET_BATMAN_ADV_BAT_ALGO_H_ */ diff --git a/net/batman-adv/bat_debugfs.c b/net/batman-adv/bat_debugfs.c index d0af9bf69e460bf881f6661003c360e60b44773b..c3b0548b175d3a77b7c3dbad84b4ed311ea2a291 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/bat_debugfs.c +++ b/net/batman-adv/bat_debugfs.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner * @@ -221,6 +221,11 @@ static void debug_log_cleanup(struct bat_priv *bat_priv) } #endif +static int bat_algorithms_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) +{ + return single_open(file, bat_algo_seq_print_text, NULL); +} + static int originators_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { struct net_device *net_dev = (struct net_device *)inode->i_private; @@ -274,6 +279,7 @@ struct bat_debuginfo bat_debuginfo_##_name = { \ } \ }; +static BAT_DEBUGINFO(routing_algos, S_IRUGO, bat_algorithms_open); static BAT_DEBUGINFO(originators, S_IRUGO, originators_open); static BAT_DEBUGINFO(gateways, S_IRUGO, gateways_open); static BAT_DEBUGINFO(softif_neigh, S_IRUGO, softif_neigh_open); @@ -293,9 +299,25 @@ static struct bat_debuginfo *mesh_debuginfos[] = { void debugfs_init(void) { + struct bat_debuginfo *bat_debug; + struct dentry *file; + bat_debugfs = debugfs_create_dir(DEBUGFS_BAT_SUBDIR, NULL); if (bat_debugfs == ERR_PTR(-ENODEV)) bat_debugfs = NULL; + + if (!bat_debugfs) + goto out; + + bat_debug = &bat_debuginfo_routing_algos; + file = debugfs_create_file(bat_debug->attr.name, + S_IFREG | bat_debug->attr.mode, + bat_debugfs, NULL, &bat_debug->fops); + if (!file) + pr_err("Can't add debugfs file: %s\n", bat_debug->attr.name); + +out: + return; } void debugfs_destroy(void) diff --git a/net/batman-adv/bat_debugfs.h b/net/batman-adv/bat_debugfs.h index bc9cda3f01e14179cf11124c441a0eff090c3fc4..d605c6746428a3731d6a694c1b0d1a55997f5650 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/bat_debugfs.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/bat_debugfs.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner * diff --git a/net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c b/net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c index 3512e251545bae229b15a0facdc9cf0a380ceafd..a6d5d63fb6ad9da8c7f82e87a44a2cb6f2b01935 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c +++ b/net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner, Simon Wunderlich * @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ */ #include "main.h" -#include "bat_ogm.h" #include "translation-table.h" #include "ring_buffer.h" #include "originator.h" @@ -29,8 +28,9 @@ #include "gateway_client.h" #include "hard-interface.h" #include "send.h" +#include "bat_algo.h" -void bat_ogm_init(struct hard_iface *hard_iface) +static void bat_iv_ogm_init(struct hard_iface *hard_iface) { struct batman_ogm_packet *batman_ogm_packet; @@ -38,25 +38,25 @@ void bat_ogm_init(struct hard_iface *hard_iface) hard_iface->packet_buff = kmalloc(hard_iface->packet_len, GFP_ATOMIC); batman_ogm_packet = (struct batman_ogm_packet *)hard_iface->packet_buff; - batman_ogm_packet->packet_type = BAT_OGM; - batman_ogm_packet->version = COMPAT_VERSION; + batman_ogm_packet->header.packet_type = BAT_OGM; + batman_ogm_packet->header.version = COMPAT_VERSION; + batman_ogm_packet->header.ttl = 2; batman_ogm_packet->flags = NO_FLAGS; - batman_ogm_packet->ttl = 2; batman_ogm_packet->tq = TQ_MAX_VALUE; batman_ogm_packet->tt_num_changes = 0; batman_ogm_packet->ttvn = 0; } -void bat_ogm_init_primary(struct hard_iface *hard_iface) +static void bat_iv_ogm_init_primary(struct hard_iface *hard_iface) { struct batman_ogm_packet *batman_ogm_packet; batman_ogm_packet = (struct batman_ogm_packet *)hard_iface->packet_buff; batman_ogm_packet->flags = PRIMARIES_FIRST_HOP; - batman_ogm_packet->ttl = TTL; + batman_ogm_packet->header.ttl = TTL; } -void bat_ogm_update_mac(struct hard_iface *hard_iface) +static void bat_iv_ogm_update_mac(struct hard_iface *hard_iface) { struct batman_ogm_packet *batman_ogm_packet; @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ void bat_ogm_update_mac(struct hard_iface *hard_iface) } /* when do we schedule our own ogm to be sent */ -static unsigned long bat_ogm_emit_send_time(const struct bat_priv *bat_priv) +static unsigned long bat_iv_ogm_emit_send_time(const struct bat_priv *bat_priv) { return jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies( atomic_read(&bat_priv->orig_interval) - @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ static unsigned long bat_ogm_emit_send_time(const struct bat_priv *bat_priv) } /* when do we schedule a ogm packet to be sent */ -static unsigned long bat_ogm_fwd_send_time(void) +static unsigned long bat_iv_ogm_fwd_send_time(void) { return jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(random32() % (JITTER/2)); } @@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ static uint8_t hop_penalty(uint8_t tq, const struct bat_priv *bat_priv) } /* is there another aggregated packet here? */ -static int bat_ogm_aggr_packet(int buff_pos, int packet_len, - int tt_num_changes) +static int bat_iv_ogm_aggr_packet(int buff_pos, int packet_len, + int tt_num_changes) { int next_buff_pos = buff_pos + BATMAN_OGM_LEN + tt_len(tt_num_changes); @@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ static int bat_ogm_aggr_packet(int buff_pos, int packet_len, } /* send a batman ogm to a given interface */ -static void bat_ogm_send_to_if(struct forw_packet *forw_packet, - struct hard_iface *hard_iface) +static void bat_iv_ogm_send_to_if(struct forw_packet *forw_packet, + struct hard_iface *hard_iface) { struct bat_priv *bat_priv = netdev_priv(hard_iface->soft_iface); char *fwd_str; @@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ static void bat_ogm_send_to_if(struct forw_packet *forw_packet, batman_ogm_packet = (struct batman_ogm_packet *)forw_packet->skb->data; /* adjust all flags and log packets */ - while (bat_ogm_aggr_packet(buff_pos, forw_packet->packet_len, - batman_ogm_packet->tt_num_changes)) { + while (bat_iv_ogm_aggr_packet(buff_pos, forw_packet->packet_len, + batman_ogm_packet->tt_num_changes)) { /* we might have aggregated direct link packets with an * ordinary base packet */ @@ -132,12 +132,11 @@ static void bat_ogm_send_to_if(struct forw_packet *forw_packet, "Sending own" : "Forwarding")); bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, - "%s %spacket (originator %pM, seqno %d, TQ %d, TTL %d," - " IDF %s, ttvn %d) on interface %s [%pM]\n", + "%s %spacket (originator %pM, seqno %d, TQ %d, TTL %d, IDF %s, ttvn %d) on interface %s [%pM]\n", fwd_str, (packet_num > 0 ? "aggregated " : ""), batman_ogm_packet->orig, ntohl(batman_ogm_packet->seqno), - batman_ogm_packet->tq, batman_ogm_packet->ttl, + batman_ogm_packet->tq, batman_ogm_packet->header.ttl, (batman_ogm_packet->flags & DIRECTLINK ? "on" : "off"), batman_ogm_packet->ttvn, hard_iface->net_dev->name, @@ -157,7 +156,7 @@ static void bat_ogm_send_to_if(struct forw_packet *forw_packet, } /* send a batman ogm packet */ -void bat_ogm_emit(struct forw_packet *forw_packet) +static void bat_iv_ogm_emit(struct forw_packet *forw_packet) { struct hard_iface *hard_iface; struct net_device *soft_iface; @@ -171,8 +170,7 @@ void bat_ogm_emit(struct forw_packet *forw_packet) directlink = (batman_ogm_packet->flags & DIRECTLINK ? 1 : 0); if (!forw_packet->if_incoming) { - pr_err("Error - can't forward packet: incoming iface not " - "specified\n"); + pr_err("Error - can't forward packet: incoming iface not specified\n"); goto out; } @@ -188,17 +186,16 @@ void bat_ogm_emit(struct forw_packet *forw_packet) /* multihomed peer assumed */ /* non-primary OGMs are only broadcasted on their interface */ - if ((directlink && (batman_ogm_packet->ttl == 1)) || + if ((directlink && (batman_ogm_packet->header.ttl == 1)) || (forw_packet->own && (forw_packet->if_incoming != primary_if))) { /* FIXME: what about aggregated packets ? */ bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, - "%s packet (originator %pM, seqno %d, TTL %d) " - "on interface %s [%pM]\n", + "%s packet (originator %pM, seqno %d, TTL %d) on interface %s [%pM]\n", (forw_packet->own ? "Sending own" : "Forwarding"), batman_ogm_packet->orig, ntohl(batman_ogm_packet->seqno), - batman_ogm_packet->ttl, + batman_ogm_packet->header.ttl, forw_packet->if_incoming->net_dev->name, forw_packet->if_incoming->net_dev->dev_addr); @@ -216,7 +213,7 @@ void bat_ogm_emit(struct forw_packet *forw_packet) if (hard_iface->soft_iface != soft_iface) continue; - bat_ogm_send_to_if(forw_packet, hard_iface); + bat_iv_ogm_send_to_if(forw_packet, hard_iface); } rcu_read_unlock(); @@ -226,13 +223,13 @@ void bat_ogm_emit(struct forw_packet *forw_packet) } /* return true if new_packet can be aggregated with forw_packet */ -static bool bat_ogm_can_aggregate(const struct batman_ogm_packet +static bool bat_iv_ogm_can_aggregate(const struct batman_ogm_packet *new_batman_ogm_packet, - struct bat_priv *bat_priv, - int packet_len, unsigned long send_time, - bool directlink, - const struct hard_iface *if_incoming, - const struct forw_packet *forw_packet) + struct bat_priv *bat_priv, + int packet_len, unsigned long send_time, + bool directlink, + const struct hard_iface *if_incoming, + const struct forw_packet *forw_packet) { struct batman_ogm_packet *batman_ogm_packet; int aggregated_bytes = forw_packet->packet_len + packet_len; @@ -272,7 +269,7 @@ static bool bat_ogm_can_aggregate(const struct batman_ogm_packet * are flooded through the net */ if ((!directlink) && (!(batman_ogm_packet->flags & DIRECTLINK)) && - (batman_ogm_packet->ttl != 1) && + (batman_ogm_packet->header.ttl != 1) && /* own packets originating non-primary * interfaces leave only that interface */ @@ -285,7 +282,7 @@ static bool bat_ogm_can_aggregate(const struct batman_ogm_packet /* if the incoming packet is sent via this one * interface only - we still can aggregate */ if ((directlink) && - (new_batman_ogm_packet->ttl == 1) && + (new_batman_ogm_packet->header.ttl == 1) && (forw_packet->if_incoming == if_incoming) && /* packets from direct neighbors or @@ -306,11 +303,11 @@ static bool bat_ogm_can_aggregate(const struct batman_ogm_packet } /* create a new aggregated packet and add this packet to it */ -static void bat_ogm_aggregate_new(const unsigned char *packet_buff, - int packet_len, unsigned long send_time, - bool direct_link, - struct hard_iface *if_incoming, - int own_packet) +static void bat_iv_ogm_aggregate_new(const unsigned char *packet_buff, + int packet_len, unsigned long send_time, + bool direct_link, + struct hard_iface *if_incoming, + int own_packet) { struct bat_priv *bat_priv = netdev_priv(if_incoming->soft_iface); struct forw_packet *forw_packet_aggr; @@ -385,9 +382,9 @@ static void bat_ogm_aggregate_new(const unsigned char *packet_buff, } /* aggregate a new packet into the existing ogm packet */ -static void bat_ogm_aggregate(struct forw_packet *forw_packet_aggr, - const unsigned char *packet_buff, - int packet_len, bool direct_link) +static void bat_iv_ogm_aggregate(struct forw_packet *forw_packet_aggr, + const unsigned char *packet_buff, + int packet_len, bool direct_link) { unsigned char *skb_buff; @@ -402,10 +399,10 @@ static void bat_ogm_aggregate(struct forw_packet *forw_packet_aggr, (1 << forw_packet_aggr->num_packets); } -static void bat_ogm_queue_add(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, - unsigned char *packet_buff, - int packet_len, struct hard_iface *if_incoming, - int own_packet, unsigned long send_time) +static void bat_iv_ogm_queue_add(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, + unsigned char *packet_buff, + int packet_len, struct hard_iface *if_incoming, + int own_packet, unsigned long send_time) { /** * _aggr -> pointer to the packet we want to aggregate with @@ -425,11 +422,11 @@ static void bat_ogm_queue_add(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, if ((atomic_read(&bat_priv->aggregated_ogms)) && (!own_packet)) { hlist_for_each_entry(forw_packet_pos, tmp_node, &bat_priv->forw_bat_list, list) { - if (bat_ogm_can_aggregate(batman_ogm_packet, - bat_priv, packet_len, - send_time, direct_link, - if_incoming, - forw_packet_pos)) { + if (bat_iv_ogm_can_aggregate(batman_ogm_packet, + bat_priv, packet_len, + send_time, direct_link, + if_incoming, + forw_packet_pos)) { forw_packet_aggr = forw_packet_pos; break; } @@ -451,27 +448,27 @@ static void bat_ogm_queue_add(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, (atomic_read(&bat_priv->aggregated_ogms))) send_time += msecs_to_jiffies(MAX_AGGREGATION_MS); - bat_ogm_aggregate_new(packet_buff, packet_len, - send_time, direct_link, - if_incoming, own_packet); + bat_iv_ogm_aggregate_new(packet_buff, packet_len, + send_time, direct_link, + if_incoming, own_packet); } else { - bat_ogm_aggregate(forw_packet_aggr, packet_buff, packet_len, - direct_link); + bat_iv_ogm_aggregate(forw_packet_aggr, packet_buff, + packet_len, direct_link); spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->forw_bat_list_lock); } } -static void bat_ogm_forward(struct orig_node *orig_node, - const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, - struct batman_ogm_packet *batman_ogm_packet, - int directlink, struct hard_iface *if_incoming) +static void bat_iv_ogm_forward(struct orig_node *orig_node, + const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, + struct batman_ogm_packet *batman_ogm_packet, + int directlink, struct hard_iface *if_incoming) { struct bat_priv *bat_priv = netdev_priv(if_incoming->soft_iface); struct neigh_node *router; uint8_t in_tq, in_ttl, tq_avg = 0; uint8_t tt_num_changes; - if (batman_ogm_packet->ttl <= 1) { + if (batman_ogm_packet->header.ttl <= 1) { bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, "ttl exceeded\n"); return; } @@ -479,10 +476,10 @@ static void bat_ogm_forward(struct orig_node *orig_node, router = orig_node_get_router(orig_node); in_tq = batman_ogm_packet->tq; - in_ttl = batman_ogm_packet->ttl; + in_ttl = batman_ogm_packet->header.ttl; tt_num_changes = batman_ogm_packet->tt_num_changes; - batman_ogm_packet->ttl--; + batman_ogm_packet->header.ttl--; memcpy(batman_ogm_packet->prev_sender, ethhdr->h_source, ETH_ALEN); /* rebroadcast tq of our best ranking neighbor to ensure the rebroadcast @@ -494,7 +491,8 @@ static void bat_ogm_forward(struct orig_node *orig_node, batman_ogm_packet->tq = router->tq_avg; if (router->last_ttl) - batman_ogm_packet->ttl = router->last_ttl - 1; + batman_ogm_packet->header.ttl = + router->last_ttl - 1; } tq_avg = router->tq_avg; @@ -507,10 +505,9 @@ static void bat_ogm_forward(struct orig_node *orig_node, batman_ogm_packet->tq = hop_penalty(batman_ogm_packet->tq, bat_priv); bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, - "Forwarding packet: tq_orig: %i, tq_avg: %i, " - "tq_forw: %i, ttl_orig: %i, ttl_forw: %i\n", + "Forwarding packet: tq_orig: %i, tq_avg: %i, tq_forw: %i, ttl_orig: %i, ttl_forw: %i\n", in_tq, tq_avg, batman_ogm_packet->tq, in_ttl - 1, - batman_ogm_packet->ttl); + batman_ogm_packet->header.ttl); batman_ogm_packet->seqno = htonl(batman_ogm_packet->seqno); batman_ogm_packet->tt_crc = htons(batman_ogm_packet->tt_crc); @@ -522,12 +519,13 @@ static void bat_ogm_forward(struct orig_node *orig_node, else batman_ogm_packet->flags &= ~DIRECTLINK; - bat_ogm_queue_add(bat_priv, (unsigned char *)batman_ogm_packet, - BATMAN_OGM_LEN + tt_len(tt_num_changes), - if_incoming, 0, bat_ogm_fwd_send_time()); + bat_iv_ogm_queue_add(bat_priv, (unsigned char *)batman_ogm_packet, + BATMAN_OGM_LEN + tt_len(tt_num_changes), + if_incoming, 0, bat_iv_ogm_fwd_send_time()); } -void bat_ogm_schedule(struct hard_iface *hard_iface, int tt_num_changes) +static void bat_iv_ogm_schedule(struct hard_iface *hard_iface, + int tt_num_changes) { struct bat_priv *bat_priv = netdev_priv(hard_iface->soft_iface); struct batman_ogm_packet *batman_ogm_packet; @@ -564,21 +562,22 @@ void bat_ogm_schedule(struct hard_iface *hard_iface, int tt_num_changes) atomic_inc(&hard_iface->seqno); slide_own_bcast_window(hard_iface); - bat_ogm_queue_add(bat_priv, hard_iface->packet_buff, - hard_iface->packet_len, hard_iface, 1, - bat_ogm_emit_send_time(bat_priv)); + bat_iv_ogm_queue_add(bat_priv, hard_iface->packet_buff, + hard_iface->packet_len, hard_iface, 1, + bat_iv_ogm_emit_send_time(bat_priv)); if (primary_if) hardif_free_ref(primary_if); } -static void bat_ogm_orig_update(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, - struct orig_node *orig_node, - const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, - const struct batman_ogm_packet +static void bat_iv_ogm_orig_update(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, + struct orig_node *orig_node, + const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, + const struct batman_ogm_packet *batman_ogm_packet, - struct hard_iface *if_incoming, - const unsigned char *tt_buff, int is_duplicate) + struct hard_iface *if_incoming, + const unsigned char *tt_buff, + int is_duplicate) { struct neigh_node *neigh_node = NULL, *tmp_neigh_node = NULL; struct neigh_node *router = NULL; @@ -586,8 +585,8 @@ static void bat_ogm_orig_update(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct hlist_node *node; uint8_t bcast_own_sum_orig, bcast_own_sum_neigh; - bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, "update_originator(): " - "Searching and updating originator entry of received packet\n"); + bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, + "update_originator(): Searching and updating originator entry of received packet\n"); rcu_read_lock(); hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(tmp_neigh_node, node, @@ -642,8 +641,8 @@ static void bat_ogm_orig_update(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, spin_unlock_bh(&neigh_node->tq_lock); if (!is_duplicate) { - orig_node->last_ttl = batman_ogm_packet->ttl; - neigh_node->last_ttl = batman_ogm_packet->ttl; + orig_node->last_ttl = batman_ogm_packet->header.ttl; + neigh_node->last_ttl = batman_ogm_packet->header.ttl; } bonding_candidate_add(orig_node, neigh_node); @@ -683,7 +682,7 @@ static void bat_ogm_orig_update(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, /* I have to check for transtable changes only if the OGM has been * sent through a primary interface */ if (((batman_ogm_packet->orig != ethhdr->h_source) && - (batman_ogm_packet->ttl > 2)) || + (batman_ogm_packet->header.ttl > 2)) || (batman_ogm_packet->flags & PRIMARIES_FIRST_HOP)) tt_update_orig(bat_priv, orig_node, tt_buff, batman_ogm_packet->tt_num_changes, @@ -713,10 +712,10 @@ static void bat_ogm_orig_update(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, neigh_node_free_ref(router); } -static int bat_ogm_calc_tq(struct orig_node *orig_node, - struct orig_node *orig_neigh_node, - struct batman_ogm_packet *batman_ogm_packet, - struct hard_iface *if_incoming) +static int bat_iv_ogm_calc_tq(struct orig_node *orig_node, + struct orig_node *orig_neigh_node, + struct batman_ogm_packet *batman_ogm_packet, + struct hard_iface *if_incoming) { struct bat_priv *bat_priv = netdev_priv(if_incoming->soft_iface); struct neigh_node *neigh_node = NULL, *tmp_neigh_node; @@ -780,8 +779,7 @@ static int bat_ogm_calc_tq(struct orig_node *orig_node, * information */ tq_own = (TQ_MAX_VALUE * total_count) / neigh_rq_count; - /* - * 1 - ((1-x) ** 3), normalized to TQ_MAX_VALUE this does + /* 1 - ((1-x) ** 3), normalized to TQ_MAX_VALUE this does * affect the nearly-symmetric links only a little, but * punishes asymmetric links more. This will give a value * between 0 and TQ_MAX_VALUE @@ -799,10 +797,7 @@ static int bat_ogm_calc_tq(struct orig_node *orig_node, (TQ_MAX_VALUE * TQ_MAX_VALUE)); bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, - "bidirectional: " - "orig = %-15pM neigh = %-15pM => own_bcast = %2i, " - "real recv = %2i, local tq: %3i, asym_penalty: %3i, " - "total tq: %3i\n", + "bidirectional: orig = %-15pM neigh = %-15pM => own_bcast = %2i, real recv = %2i, local tq: %3i, asym_penalty: %3i, total tq: %3i\n", orig_node->orig, orig_neigh_node->orig, total_count, neigh_rq_count, tq_own, tq_asym_penalty, batman_ogm_packet->tq); @@ -825,10 +820,10 @@ static int bat_ogm_calc_tq(struct orig_node *orig_node, * -1 the packet is old and has been received while the seqno window * was protected. Caller should drop it. */ -static int bat_ogm_update_seqnos(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, - const struct batman_ogm_packet +static int bat_iv_ogm_update_seqnos(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, + const struct batman_ogm_packet *batman_ogm_packet, - const struct hard_iface *if_incoming) + const struct hard_iface *if_incoming) { struct bat_priv *bat_priv = netdev_priv(if_incoming->soft_iface); struct orig_node *orig_node; @@ -890,10 +885,10 @@ static int bat_ogm_update_seqnos(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, return ret; } -static void bat_ogm_process(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, - struct batman_ogm_packet *batman_ogm_packet, - const unsigned char *tt_buff, - struct hard_iface *if_incoming) +static void bat_iv_ogm_process(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, + struct batman_ogm_packet *batman_ogm_packet, + const unsigned char *tt_buff, + struct hard_iface *if_incoming) { struct bat_priv *bat_priv = netdev_priv(if_incoming->soft_iface); struct hard_iface *hard_iface; @@ -918,7 +913,7 @@ static void bat_ogm_process(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, * packet in an aggregation. Here we expect that the padding * is always zero (or not 0x01) */ - if (batman_ogm_packet->packet_type != BAT_OGM) + if (batman_ogm_packet->header.packet_type != BAT_OGM) return; /* could be changed by schedule_own_packet() */ @@ -930,16 +925,14 @@ static void bat_ogm_process(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, batman_ogm_packet->orig) ? 1 : 0); bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, - "Received BATMAN packet via NB: %pM, IF: %s [%pM] " - "(from OG: %pM, via prev OG: %pM, seqno %d, ttvn %u, " - "crc %u, changes %u, td %d, TTL %d, V %d, IDF %d)\n", + "Received BATMAN packet via NB: %pM, IF: %s [%pM] (from OG: %pM, via prev OG: %pM, seqno %d, ttvn %u, crc %u, changes %u, td %d, TTL %d, V %d, IDF %d)\n", ethhdr->h_source, if_incoming->net_dev->name, if_incoming->net_dev->dev_addr, batman_ogm_packet->orig, batman_ogm_packet->prev_sender, batman_ogm_packet->seqno, batman_ogm_packet->ttvn, batman_ogm_packet->tt_crc, batman_ogm_packet->tt_num_changes, batman_ogm_packet->tq, - batman_ogm_packet->ttl, batman_ogm_packet->version, - has_directlink_flag); + batman_ogm_packet->header.ttl, + batman_ogm_packet->header.version, has_directlink_flag); rcu_read_lock(); list_for_each_entry_rcu(hard_iface, &hardif_list, list) { @@ -966,25 +959,24 @@ static void bat_ogm_process(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, } rcu_read_unlock(); - if (batman_ogm_packet->version != COMPAT_VERSION) { + if (batman_ogm_packet->header.version != COMPAT_VERSION) { bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, "Drop packet: incompatible batman version (%i)\n", - batman_ogm_packet->version); + batman_ogm_packet->header.version); return; } if (is_my_addr) { bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, - "Drop packet: received my own broadcast (sender: %pM" - ")\n", + "Drop packet: received my own broadcast (sender: %pM)\n", ethhdr->h_source); return; } if (is_broadcast) { - bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, "Drop packet: " - "ignoring all packets with broadcast source addr (sender: %pM" - ")\n", ethhdr->h_source); + bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, + "Drop packet: ignoring all packets with broadcast source addr (sender: %pM)\n", + ethhdr->h_source); return; } @@ -1014,16 +1006,16 @@ static void bat_ogm_process(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, spin_unlock_bh(&orig_neigh_node->ogm_cnt_lock); } - bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, "Drop packet: " - "originator packet from myself (via neighbor)\n"); + bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, + "Drop packet: originator packet from myself (via neighbor)\n"); orig_node_free_ref(orig_neigh_node); return; } if (is_my_oldorig) { bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, - "Drop packet: ignoring all rebroadcast echos (sender: " - "%pM)\n", ethhdr->h_source); + "Drop packet: ignoring all rebroadcast echos (sender: %pM)\n", + ethhdr->h_source); return; } @@ -1031,13 +1023,13 @@ static void bat_ogm_process(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, if (!orig_node) return; - is_duplicate = bat_ogm_update_seqnos(ethhdr, batman_ogm_packet, - if_incoming); + is_duplicate = bat_iv_ogm_update_seqnos(ethhdr, batman_ogm_packet, + if_incoming); if (is_duplicate == -1) { bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, - "Drop packet: packet within seqno protection time " - "(sender: %pM)\n", ethhdr->h_source); + "Drop packet: packet within seqno protection time (sender: %pM)\n", + ethhdr->h_source); goto out; } @@ -1058,8 +1050,8 @@ static void bat_ogm_process(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, batman_ogm_packet->prev_sender)) && (compare_eth(router->addr, router_router->addr))) { bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, - "Drop packet: ignoring all rebroadcast packets that " - "may make me loop (sender: %pM)\n", ethhdr->h_source); + "Drop packet: ignoring all rebroadcast packets that may make me loop (sender: %pM)\n", + ethhdr->h_source); goto out; } @@ -1081,8 +1073,8 @@ static void bat_ogm_process(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, goto out_neigh; } - is_bidirectional = bat_ogm_calc_tq(orig_node, orig_neigh_node, - batman_ogm_packet, if_incoming); + is_bidirectional = bat_iv_ogm_calc_tq(orig_node, orig_neigh_node, + batman_ogm_packet, if_incoming); bonding_save_primary(orig_node, orig_neigh_node, batman_ogm_packet); @@ -1091,20 +1083,20 @@ static void bat_ogm_process(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, if (is_bidirectional && (!is_duplicate || ((orig_node->last_real_seqno == batman_ogm_packet->seqno) && - (orig_node->last_ttl - 3 <= batman_ogm_packet->ttl)))) - bat_ogm_orig_update(bat_priv, orig_node, ethhdr, - batman_ogm_packet, if_incoming, - tt_buff, is_duplicate); + (orig_node->last_ttl - 3 <= batman_ogm_packet->header.ttl)))) + bat_iv_ogm_orig_update(bat_priv, orig_node, ethhdr, + batman_ogm_packet, if_incoming, + tt_buff, is_duplicate); /* is single hop (direct) neighbor */ if (is_single_hop_neigh) { /* mark direct link on incoming interface */ - bat_ogm_forward(orig_node, ethhdr, batman_ogm_packet, - 1, if_incoming); + bat_iv_ogm_forward(orig_node, ethhdr, batman_ogm_packet, + 1, if_incoming); - bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, "Forwarding packet: " - "rebroadcast neighbor packet with direct link flag\n"); + bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, + "Forwarding packet: rebroadcast neighbor packet with direct link flag\n"); goto out_neigh; } @@ -1123,7 +1115,8 @@ static void bat_ogm_process(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, "Forwarding packet: rebroadcast originator packet\n"); - bat_ogm_forward(orig_node, ethhdr, batman_ogm_packet, 0, if_incoming); + bat_iv_ogm_forward(orig_node, ethhdr, batman_ogm_packet, + 0, if_incoming); out_neigh: if ((orig_neigh_node) && (!is_single_hop_neigh)) @@ -1139,13 +1132,17 @@ static void bat_ogm_process(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, orig_node_free_ref(orig_node); } -void bat_ogm_receive(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, unsigned char *packet_buff, - int packet_len, struct hard_iface *if_incoming) +static void bat_iv_ogm_receive(struct hard_iface *if_incoming, + struct sk_buff *skb) { struct batman_ogm_packet *batman_ogm_packet; - int buff_pos = 0; - unsigned char *tt_buff; + struct ethhdr *ethhdr; + int buff_pos = 0, packet_len; + unsigned char *tt_buff, *packet_buff; + packet_len = skb_headlen(skb); + ethhdr = (struct ethhdr *)skb_mac_header(skb); + packet_buff = skb->data; batman_ogm_packet = (struct batman_ogm_packet *)packet_buff; /* unpack the aggregated packets and process them one by one */ @@ -1157,14 +1154,29 @@ void bat_ogm_receive(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr, unsigned char *packet_buff, tt_buff = packet_buff + buff_pos + BATMAN_OGM_LEN; - bat_ogm_process(ethhdr, batman_ogm_packet, - tt_buff, if_incoming); + bat_iv_ogm_process(ethhdr, batman_ogm_packet, + tt_buff, if_incoming); buff_pos += BATMAN_OGM_LEN + tt_len(batman_ogm_packet->tt_num_changes); batman_ogm_packet = (struct batman_ogm_packet *) (packet_buff + buff_pos); - } while (bat_ogm_aggr_packet(buff_pos, packet_len, - batman_ogm_packet->tt_num_changes)); + } while (bat_iv_ogm_aggr_packet(buff_pos, packet_len, + batman_ogm_packet->tt_num_changes)); +} + +static struct bat_algo_ops batman_iv __read_mostly = { + .name = "BATMAN IV", + .bat_ogm_init = bat_iv_ogm_init, + .bat_ogm_init_primary = bat_iv_ogm_init_primary, + .bat_ogm_update_mac = bat_iv_ogm_update_mac, + .bat_ogm_schedule = bat_iv_ogm_schedule, + .bat_ogm_emit = bat_iv_ogm_emit, + .bat_ogm_receive = bat_iv_ogm_receive, +}; + +int __init bat_iv_init(void) +{ + return bat_algo_register(&batman_iv); } diff --git a/net/batman-adv/bat_sysfs.c b/net/batman-adv/bat_sysfs.c index c25492f7d665266897a68d8ac06d9860ca87cbf4..68ff759fc3048d7a3f8031cf4a983eeafaf0bfa8 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/bat_sysfs.c +++ b/net/batman-adv/bat_sysfs.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner * @@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ static ssize_t store_vis_mode(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr, buff[count - 1] = '\0'; bat_info(net_dev, - "Invalid parameter for 'vis mode' setting received: " - "%s\n", buff); + "Invalid parameter for 'vis mode' setting received: %s\n", + buff); return -EINVAL; } @@ -272,6 +272,13 @@ static ssize_t store_vis_mode(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr, return count; } +static ssize_t show_bat_algo(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr, + char *buff) +{ + struct bat_priv *bat_priv = kobj_to_batpriv(kobj); + return sprintf(buff, "%s\n", bat_priv->bat_algo_ops->name); +} + static void post_gw_deselect(struct net_device *net_dev) { struct bat_priv *bat_priv = netdev_priv(net_dev); @@ -314,17 +321,17 @@ static ssize_t store_gw_mode(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr, gw_mode_tmp = GW_MODE_OFF; if (strncmp(buff, GW_MODE_CLIENT_NAME, - strlen(GW_MODE_CLIENT_NAME)) == 0) + strlen(GW_MODE_CLIENT_NAME)) == 0) gw_mode_tmp = GW_MODE_CLIENT; if (strncmp(buff, GW_MODE_SERVER_NAME, - strlen(GW_MODE_SERVER_NAME)) == 0) + strlen(GW_MODE_SERVER_NAME)) == 0) gw_mode_tmp = GW_MODE_SERVER; if (gw_mode_tmp < 0) { bat_info(net_dev, - "Invalid parameter for 'gw mode' setting received: " - "%s\n", buff); + "Invalid parameter for 'gw mode' setting received: %s\n", + buff); return -EINVAL; } @@ -382,6 +389,7 @@ BAT_ATTR_BOOL(bonding, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, NULL); BAT_ATTR_BOOL(fragmentation, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, update_min_mtu); BAT_ATTR_BOOL(ap_isolation, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, NULL); static BAT_ATTR(vis_mode, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, show_vis_mode, store_vis_mode); +static BAT_ATTR(routing_algo, S_IRUGO, show_bat_algo, NULL); static BAT_ATTR(gw_mode, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, show_gw_mode, store_gw_mode); BAT_ATTR_UINT(orig_interval, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, 2 * JITTER, INT_MAX, NULL); BAT_ATTR_UINT(hop_penalty, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, 0, TQ_MAX_VALUE, NULL); @@ -399,6 +407,7 @@ static struct bat_attribute *mesh_attrs[] = { &bat_attr_fragmentation, &bat_attr_ap_isolation, &bat_attr_vis_mode, + &bat_attr_routing_algo, &bat_attr_gw_mode, &bat_attr_orig_interval, &bat_attr_hop_penalty, @@ -493,8 +502,8 @@ static ssize_t store_mesh_iface(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr, buff[count - 1] = '\0'; if (strlen(buff) >= IFNAMSIZ) { - pr_err("Invalid parameter for 'mesh_iface' setting received: " - "interface name too long '%s'\n", buff); + pr_err("Invalid parameter for 'mesh_iface' setting received: interface name too long '%s'\n", + buff); hardif_free_ref(hard_iface); return -EINVAL; } @@ -668,8 +677,8 @@ int throw_uevent(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, enum uev_type type, hardif_free_ref(primary_if); if (ret) - bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, "Impossible to send " - "uevent for (%s,%s,%s) event (err: %d)\n", + bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, + "Impossible to send uevent for (%s,%s,%s) event (err: %d)\n", uev_type_str[type], uev_action_str[action], (action == UEV_DEL ? "NULL" : data), ret); return ret; diff --git a/net/batman-adv/bat_sysfs.h b/net/batman-adv/bat_sysfs.h index a3f75a723c568e21a7554117584d80098b2f50af..fece77ae586e39a0b7d4d4f9d2c4ad334ddbf255 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/bat_sysfs.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/bat_sysfs.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner * diff --git a/net/batman-adv/bitarray.c b/net/batman-adv/bitarray.c index 9bc63b209b3fd0987c31db60716d70f92cd9e7a5..6d0aa216b23214f55a257990cdabb0dc8738b1bd 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/bitarray.c +++ b/net/batman-adv/bitarray.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Simon Wunderlich, Marek Lindner * @@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ int bit_get_packet(void *priv, unsigned long *seq_bits, /* sequence number is much newer, probably missed a lot of packets */ - if ((seq_num_diff >= TQ_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE) - && (seq_num_diff < EXPECTED_SEQNO_RANGE)) { + if ((seq_num_diff >= TQ_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE) && + (seq_num_diff < EXPECTED_SEQNO_RANGE)) { bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, "We missed a lot of packets (%i) !\n", seq_num_diff - 1); @@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ int bit_get_packet(void *priv, unsigned long *seq_bits, * packet should be dropped without calling this function if the * seqno window is protected. */ - if ((seq_num_diff <= -TQ_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE) - || (seq_num_diff >= EXPECTED_SEQNO_RANGE)) { + if ((seq_num_diff <= -TQ_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE) || + (seq_num_diff >= EXPECTED_SEQNO_RANGE)) { bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, "Other host probably restarted!\n"); diff --git a/net/batman-adv/bitarray.h b/net/batman-adv/bitarray.h index 9c04422aeb07ded0614fc5936a1dd001d0f40b5a..c6135728a680f853a00f161a823c0b23574a7c3d 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/bitarray.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/bitarray.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Simon Wunderlich, Marek Lindner * diff --git a/net/batman-adv/gateway_client.c b/net/batman-adv/gateway_client.c index 24403a7350f75fb5767e8855041c31b8d166fea9..6f9b9b78f77d253396cfc9fab961d7dcb656c1ff 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/gateway_client.c +++ b/net/batman-adv/gateway_client.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner * @@ -224,16 +224,13 @@ void gw_election(struct bat_priv *bat_priv) } else if ((!curr_gw) && (next_gw)) { bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, "Adding route to gateway %pM (gw_flags: %i, tq: %i)\n", - next_gw->orig_node->orig, - next_gw->orig_node->gw_flags, + next_gw->orig_node->orig, next_gw->orig_node->gw_flags, router->tq_avg); throw_uevent(bat_priv, UEV_GW, UEV_ADD, gw_addr); } else { bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, - "Changing route to gateway %pM " - "(gw_flags: %i, tq: %i)\n", - next_gw->orig_node->orig, - next_gw->orig_node->gw_flags, + "Changing route to gateway %pM (gw_flags: %i, tq: %i)\n", + next_gw->orig_node->orig, next_gw->orig_node->gw_flags, router->tq_avg); throw_uevent(bat_priv, UEV_GW, UEV_CHANGE, gw_addr); } @@ -287,8 +284,7 @@ void gw_check_election(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct orig_node *orig_node) goto out; bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, - "Restarting gateway selection: better gateway found (tq curr: " - "%i, tq new: %i)\n", + "Restarting gateway selection: better gateway found (tq curr: %i, tq new: %i)\n", gw_tq_avg, orig_tq_avg); deselect: @@ -352,8 +348,7 @@ void gw_node_update(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, continue; bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, - "Gateway class of originator %pM changed from " - "%i to %i\n", + "Gateway class of originator %pM changed from %i to %i\n", orig_node->orig, gw_node->orig_node->gw_flags, new_gwflags); @@ -396,7 +391,7 @@ void gw_node_purge(struct bat_priv *bat_priv) { struct gw_node *gw_node, *curr_gw; struct hlist_node *node, *node_tmp; - unsigned long timeout = 2 * PURGE_TIMEOUT * HZ; + unsigned long timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(2 * PURGE_TIMEOUT); int do_deselect = 0; curr_gw = gw_get_selected_gw_node(bat_priv); @@ -474,23 +469,23 @@ int gw_client_seq_print_text(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset) primary_if = primary_if_get_selected(bat_priv); if (!primary_if) { - ret = seq_printf(seq, "BATMAN mesh %s disabled - please " - "specify interfaces to enable it\n", + ret = seq_printf(seq, + "BATMAN mesh %s disabled - please specify interfaces to enable it\n", net_dev->name); goto out; } if (primary_if->if_status != IF_ACTIVE) { - ret = seq_printf(seq, "BATMAN mesh %s disabled - " - "primary interface not active\n", + ret = seq_printf(seq, + "BATMAN mesh %s disabled - primary interface not active\n", net_dev->name); goto out; } - seq_printf(seq, " %-12s (%s/%i) %17s [%10s]: gw_class ... " - "[B.A.T.M.A.N. adv %s, MainIF/MAC: %s/%pM (%s)]\n", - "Gateway", "#", TQ_MAX_VALUE, "Nexthop", - "outgoingIF", SOURCE_VERSION, primary_if->net_dev->name, + seq_printf(seq, + " %-12s (%s/%i) %17s [%10s]: gw_class ... [B.A.T.M.A.N. adv %s, MainIF/MAC: %s/%pM (%s)]\n", + "Gateway", "#", TQ_MAX_VALUE, "Nexthop", "outgoingIF", + SOURCE_VERSION, primary_if->net_dev->name, primary_if->net_dev->dev_addr, net_dev->name); rcu_read_lock(); @@ -629,7 +624,7 @@ bool gw_is_dhcp_target(struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int *header_len) /* check for bootp port */ if ((ntohs(ethhdr->h_proto) == ETH_P_IP) && - (ntohs(udphdr->dest) != 67)) + (ntohs(udphdr->dest) != 67)) return false; if ((ntohs(ethhdr->h_proto) == ETH_P_IPV6) && diff --git a/net/batman-adv/gateway_client.h b/net/batman-adv/gateway_client.h index e1edba08eb1d8ffdc31ac21fbb63543175aabe7d..bf56a5aea10bcf83c30320c6525fdfd04b4d64fa 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/gateway_client.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/gateway_client.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner * diff --git a/net/batman-adv/gateway_common.c b/net/batman-adv/gateway_common.c index c4ac7b0a2a63cb641ea86f28347ce6bcc7f35016..ca57ac7d73b279609a3dd9f711a430d45cd1cc7e 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/gateway_common.c +++ b/net/batman-adv/gateway_common.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner * @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ static bool parse_gw_bandwidth(struct net_device *net_dev, char *buff, multi = 1024; if ((strnicmp(tmp_ptr, "kbit", 4) == 0) || - (multi > 1)) + (multi > 1)) *tmp_ptr = '\0'; } @@ -118,15 +118,15 @@ static bool parse_gw_bandwidth(struct net_device *net_dev, char *buff, multi = 1024; if ((strnicmp(tmp_ptr, "kbit", 4) == 0) || - (multi > 1)) + (multi > 1)) *tmp_ptr = '\0'; } ret = kstrtol(slash_ptr + 1, 10, &lup); if (ret) { bat_err(net_dev, - "Upload speed of gateway mode invalid: " - "%s\n", slash_ptr + 1); + "Upload speed of gateway mode invalid: %s\n", + slash_ptr + 1); return false; } @@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ ssize_t gw_bandwidth_set(struct net_device *net_dev, char *buff, size_t count) gw_bandwidth_to_kbit((uint8_t)gw_bandwidth_tmp, &down, &up); gw_deselect(bat_priv); - bat_info(net_dev, "Changing gateway bandwidth from: '%i' to: '%ld' " - "(propagating: %d%s/%d%s)\n", + bat_info(net_dev, + "Changing gateway bandwidth from: '%i' to: '%ld' (propagating: %d%s/%d%s)\n", atomic_read(&bat_priv->gw_bandwidth), gw_bandwidth_tmp, (down > 2048 ? down / 1024 : down), (down > 2048 ? "MBit" : "KBit"), diff --git a/net/batman-adv/gateway_common.h b/net/batman-adv/gateway_common.h index 55e527a489fed08494b051e6c6d294f73b6018bb..b8fb11c4f927703204294bf31c5d0129ebabb96c 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/gateway_common.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/gateway_common.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner * diff --git a/net/batman-adv/hard-interface.c b/net/batman-adv/hard-interface.c index 7704df468e0b4ec32eefa9fcd2c12fae1162a5cf..377897701a850bff63b7eb981e187f11e1db6fd6 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/hard-interface.c +++ b/net/batman-adv/hard-interface.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner, Simon Wunderlich * @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ #include "bat_sysfs.h" #include "originator.h" #include "hash.h" -#include "bat_ogm.h" #include @@ -147,7 +146,7 @@ static void primary_if_select(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, if (!new_hard_iface) return; - bat_ogm_init_primary(new_hard_iface); + bat_priv->bat_algo_ops->bat_ogm_init_primary(new_hard_iface); primary_if_update_addr(bat_priv); } @@ -176,11 +175,9 @@ static void check_known_mac_addr(const struct net_device *net_dev) net_dev->dev_addr)) continue; - pr_warning("The newly added mac address (%pM) already exists " - "on: %s\n", net_dev->dev_addr, - hard_iface->net_dev->name); - pr_warning("It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses " - "unique to avoid problems!\n"); + pr_warning("The newly added mac address (%pM) already exists on: %s\n", + net_dev->dev_addr, hard_iface->net_dev->name); + pr_warning("It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems!\n"); } rcu_read_unlock(); } @@ -233,7 +230,7 @@ static void hardif_activate_interface(struct hard_iface *hard_iface) bat_priv = netdev_priv(hard_iface->soft_iface); - bat_ogm_update_mac(hard_iface); + bat_priv->bat_algo_ops->bat_ogm_update_mac(hard_iface); hard_iface->if_status = IF_TO_BE_ACTIVATED; /** @@ -281,6 +278,11 @@ int hardif_enable_interface(struct hard_iface *hard_iface, if (!atomic_inc_not_zero(&hard_iface->refcount)) goto out; + /* hard-interface is part of a bridge */ + if (hard_iface->net_dev->priv_flags & IFF_BRIDGE_PORT) + pr_err("You are about to enable batman-adv on '%s' which already is part of a bridge. Unless you know exactly what you are doing this is probably wrong and won't work the way you think it would.\n", + hard_iface->net_dev->name); + soft_iface = dev_get_by_name(&init_net, iface_name); if (!soft_iface) { @@ -296,8 +298,7 @@ int hardif_enable_interface(struct hard_iface *hard_iface, } if (!softif_is_valid(soft_iface)) { - pr_err("Can't create batman mesh interface %s: " - "already exists as regular interface\n", + pr_err("Can't create batman mesh interface %s: already exists as regular interface\n", soft_iface->name); dev_put(soft_iface); ret = -EINVAL; @@ -307,11 +308,12 @@ int hardif_enable_interface(struct hard_iface *hard_iface, hard_iface->soft_iface = soft_iface; bat_priv = netdev_priv(hard_iface->soft_iface); - bat_ogm_init(hard_iface); + bat_priv->bat_algo_ops->bat_ogm_init(hard_iface); if (!hard_iface->packet_buff) { - bat_err(hard_iface->soft_iface, "Can't add interface packet " - "(%s): out of memory\n", hard_iface->net_dev->name); + bat_err(hard_iface->soft_iface, + "Can't add interface packet (%s): out of memory\n", + hard_iface->net_dev->name); ret = -ENOMEM; goto err; } @@ -334,29 +336,22 @@ int hardif_enable_interface(struct hard_iface *hard_iface, if (atomic_read(&bat_priv->fragmentation) && hard_iface->net_dev->mtu < ETH_DATA_LEN + BAT_HEADER_LEN) bat_info(hard_iface->soft_iface, - "The MTU of interface %s is too small (%i) to handle " - "the transport of batman-adv packets. Packets going " - "over this interface will be fragmented on layer2 " - "which could impact the performance. Setting the MTU " - "to %zi would solve the problem.\n", - hard_iface->net_dev->name, hard_iface->net_dev->mtu, - ETH_DATA_LEN + BAT_HEADER_LEN); + "The MTU of interface %s is too small (%i) to handle the transport of batman-adv packets. Packets going over this interface will be fragmented on layer2 which could impact the performance. Setting the MTU to %zi would solve the problem.\n", + hard_iface->net_dev->name, hard_iface->net_dev->mtu, + ETH_DATA_LEN + BAT_HEADER_LEN); if (!atomic_read(&bat_priv->fragmentation) && hard_iface->net_dev->mtu < ETH_DATA_LEN + BAT_HEADER_LEN) bat_info(hard_iface->soft_iface, - "The MTU of interface %s is too small (%i) to handle " - "the transport of batman-adv packets. If you experience" - " problems getting traffic through try increasing the " - "MTU to %zi.\n", - hard_iface->net_dev->name, hard_iface->net_dev->mtu, - ETH_DATA_LEN + BAT_HEADER_LEN); + "The MTU of interface %s is too small (%i) to handle the transport of batman-adv packets. If you experience problems getting traffic through try increasing the MTU to %zi.\n", + hard_iface->net_dev->name, hard_iface->net_dev->mtu, + ETH_DATA_LEN + BAT_HEADER_LEN); if (hardif_is_iface_up(hard_iface)) hardif_activate_interface(hard_iface); else - bat_err(hard_iface->soft_iface, "Not using interface %s " - "(retrying later): interface not active\n", + bat_err(hard_iface->soft_iface, + "Not using interface %s (retrying later): interface not active\n", hard_iface->net_dev->name); /* begin scheduling originator messages on that interface */ @@ -527,9 +522,10 @@ static int hard_if_event(struct notifier_block *this, goto hardif_put; check_known_mac_addr(hard_iface->net_dev); - bat_ogm_update_mac(hard_iface); bat_priv = netdev_priv(hard_iface->soft_iface); + bat_priv->bat_algo_ops->bat_ogm_update_mac(hard_iface); + primary_if = primary_if_get_selected(bat_priv); if (!primary_if) goto hardif_put; @@ -572,8 +568,8 @@ static int batman_skb_recv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, goto err_free; /* expect a valid ethernet header here. */ - if (unlikely(skb->mac_len != sizeof(struct ethhdr) - || !skb_mac_header(skb))) + if (unlikely(skb->mac_len != sizeof(struct ethhdr) || + !skb_mac_header(skb))) goto err_free; if (!hard_iface->soft_iface) @@ -590,17 +586,17 @@ static int batman_skb_recv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, batman_ogm_packet = (struct batman_ogm_packet *)skb->data; - if (batman_ogm_packet->version != COMPAT_VERSION) { + if (batman_ogm_packet->header.version != COMPAT_VERSION) { bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, "Drop packet: incompatible batman version (%i)\n", - batman_ogm_packet->version); + batman_ogm_packet->header.version); goto err_free; } /* all receive handlers return whether they received or reused * the supplied skb. if not, we have to free the skb. */ - switch (batman_ogm_packet->packet_type) { + switch (batman_ogm_packet->header.packet_type) { /* batman originator packet */ case BAT_OGM: ret = recv_bat_ogm_packet(skb, hard_iface); diff --git a/net/batman-adv/hard-interface.h b/net/batman-adv/hard-interface.h index 67f78d1a63b4a771819e72baec00e653f1e330c7..e68c5655e616e40696bc2006b2eedc755845e350 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/hard-interface.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/hard-interface.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner, Simon Wunderlich * diff --git a/net/batman-adv/hash.c b/net/batman-adv/hash.c index d1da29da333b35d33185e5bf883a6f5776239361..117687bedf25e2a7a68da42ed2c8fe82c011cb1e 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/hash.c +++ b/net/batman-adv/hash.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Simon Wunderlich, Marek Lindner * diff --git a/net/batman-adv/hash.h b/net/batman-adv/hash.h index 4768717f07f9f850ccefd681fa75c93c4d09363a..d4bd7862719b1b4c3229e2dcdd22f9889d4ec111 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/hash.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/hash.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Simon Wunderlich, Marek Lindner * diff --git a/net/batman-adv/icmp_socket.c b/net/batman-adv/icmp_socket.c index d9c1e7bb7fbfa4ba6d5d579bfe1b266cbab65052..b87518edcef935d749e46d552c1860d2045b7616 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/icmp_socket.c +++ b/net/batman-adv/icmp_socket.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner * @@ -59,8 +59,7 @@ static int bat_socket_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) } if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(socket_client_hash)) { - pr_err("Error - can't add another packet client: " - "maximum number of clients reached\n"); + pr_err("Error - can't add another packet client: maximum number of clients reached\n"); kfree(socket_client); return -EXFULL; } @@ -162,8 +161,7 @@ static ssize_t bat_socket_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buff, if (len < sizeof(struct icmp_packet)) { bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, - "Error - can't send packet from char device: " - "invalid packet size\n"); + "Error - can't send packet from char device: invalid packet size\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -191,27 +189,25 @@ static ssize_t bat_socket_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buff, goto free_skb; } - if (icmp_packet->packet_type != BAT_ICMP) { + if (icmp_packet->header.packet_type != BAT_ICMP) { bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, - "Error - can't send packet from char device: " - "got bogus packet type (expected: BAT_ICMP)\n"); + "Error - can't send packet from char device: got bogus packet type (expected: BAT_ICMP)\n"); len = -EINVAL; goto free_skb; } if (icmp_packet->msg_type != ECHO_REQUEST) { bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, - "Error - can't send packet from char device: " - "got bogus message type (expected: ECHO_REQUEST)\n"); + "Error - can't send packet from char device: got bogus message type (expected: ECHO_REQUEST)\n"); len = -EINVAL; goto free_skb; } icmp_packet->uid = socket_client->index; - if (icmp_packet->version != COMPAT_VERSION) { + if (icmp_packet->header.version != COMPAT_VERSION) { icmp_packet->msg_type = PARAMETER_PROBLEM; - icmp_packet->version = COMPAT_VERSION; + icmp_packet->header.version = COMPAT_VERSION; bat_socket_add_packet(socket_client, icmp_packet, packet_len); goto free_skb; } diff --git a/net/batman-adv/icmp_socket.h b/net/batman-adv/icmp_socket.h index 462b190fa1019bc795e0ce6b648e739d5c0b7b52..380ed4c2443add30aaf505492287ffb3c53af214 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/icmp_socket.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/icmp_socket.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner * diff --git a/net/batman-adv/main.c b/net/batman-adv/main.c index fb87bdc2ce9bdba9b551f90fcdcada42fdc594a4..6d51caaf8cecb782fcb9c4da2b50000f1546f865 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/main.c +++ b/net/batman-adv/main.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner, Simon Wunderlich * @@ -32,11 +32,14 @@ #include "gateway_client.h" #include "vis.h" #include "hash.h" +#include "bat_algo.h" /* List manipulations on hardif_list have to be rtnl_lock()'ed, * list traversals just rcu-locked */ struct list_head hardif_list; +char bat_routing_algo[20] = "BATMAN IV"; +static struct hlist_head bat_algo_list; unsigned char broadcast_addr[] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}; @@ -45,6 +48,9 @@ struct workqueue_struct *bat_event_workqueue; static int __init batman_init(void) { INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hardif_list); + INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&bat_algo_list); + + bat_iv_init(); /* the name should not be longer than 10 chars - see * http://lwn.net/Articles/23634/ */ @@ -58,8 +64,8 @@ static int __init batman_init(void) register_netdevice_notifier(&hard_if_notifier); - pr_info("B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced %s (compatibility version %i) " - "loaded\n", SOURCE_VERSION, COMPAT_VERSION); + pr_info("B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced %s (compatibility version %i) loaded\n", + SOURCE_VERSION, COMPAT_VERSION); return 0; } @@ -170,9 +176,110 @@ int is_my_mac(const uint8_t *addr) } rcu_read_unlock(); return 0; +} + +static struct bat_algo_ops *bat_algo_get(char *name) +{ + struct bat_algo_ops *bat_algo_ops = NULL, *bat_algo_ops_tmp; + struct hlist_node *node; + + hlist_for_each_entry(bat_algo_ops_tmp, node, &bat_algo_list, list) { + if (strcmp(bat_algo_ops_tmp->name, name) != 0) + continue; + + bat_algo_ops = bat_algo_ops_tmp; + break; + } + + return bat_algo_ops; +} + +int bat_algo_register(struct bat_algo_ops *bat_algo_ops) +{ + struct bat_algo_ops *bat_algo_ops_tmp; + int ret = -1; + + bat_algo_ops_tmp = bat_algo_get(bat_algo_ops->name); + if (bat_algo_ops_tmp) { + pr_info("Trying to register already registered routing algorithm: %s\n", + bat_algo_ops->name); + goto out; + } + + /* all algorithms must implement all ops (for now) */ + if (!bat_algo_ops->bat_ogm_init || + !bat_algo_ops->bat_ogm_init_primary || + !bat_algo_ops->bat_ogm_update_mac || + !bat_algo_ops->bat_ogm_schedule || + !bat_algo_ops->bat_ogm_emit || + !bat_algo_ops->bat_ogm_receive) { + pr_info("Routing algo '%s' does not implement required ops\n", + bat_algo_ops->name); + goto out; + } + + INIT_HLIST_NODE(&bat_algo_ops->list); + hlist_add_head(&bat_algo_ops->list, &bat_algo_list); + ret = 0; + +out: + return ret; +} + +int bat_algo_select(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, char *name) +{ + struct bat_algo_ops *bat_algo_ops; + int ret = -1; + + bat_algo_ops = bat_algo_get(name); + if (!bat_algo_ops) + goto out; + + bat_priv->bat_algo_ops = bat_algo_ops; + ret = 0; + +out: + return ret; +} + +int bat_algo_seq_print_text(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset) +{ + struct bat_algo_ops *bat_algo_ops; + struct hlist_node *node; + + seq_printf(seq, "Available routing algorithms:\n"); + + hlist_for_each_entry(bat_algo_ops, node, &bat_algo_list, list) { + seq_printf(seq, "%s\n", bat_algo_ops->name); + } + + return 0; +} + +static int param_set_ra(const char *val, const struct kernel_param *kp) +{ + struct bat_algo_ops *bat_algo_ops; + bat_algo_ops = bat_algo_get((char *)val); + if (!bat_algo_ops) { + pr_err("Routing algorithm '%s' is not supported\n", val); + return -EINVAL; + } + + return param_set_copystring(val, kp); } +static const struct kernel_param_ops param_ops_ra = { + .set = param_set_ra, + .get = param_get_string, +}; + +static struct kparam_string __param_string_ra = { + .maxlen = sizeof(bat_routing_algo), + .string = bat_routing_algo, +}; + +module_param_cb(routing_algo, ¶m_ops_ra, &__param_string_ra, 0644); module_init(batman_init); module_exit(batman_exit); diff --git a/net/batman-adv/main.h b/net/batman-adv/main.h index 86354e06eb48bceb3d43ea443d7090805cf78e46..94fa1c2393a6952fdbeeae735110e3033de9a6d9 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/main.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/main.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner, Simon Wunderlich * @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ #define DRIVER_DEVICE "batman-adv" #ifndef SOURCE_VERSION -#define SOURCE_VERSION "2012.0.0" +#define SOURCE_VERSION "2012.1.0" #endif /* B.A.T.M.A.N. parameters */ @@ -41,13 +41,14 @@ /* purge originators after time in seconds if no valid packet comes in * -> TODO: check influence on TQ_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE */ -#define PURGE_TIMEOUT 200 -#define TT_LOCAL_TIMEOUT 3600 /* in seconds */ -#define TT_CLIENT_ROAM_TIMEOUT 600 +#define PURGE_TIMEOUT 200000 /* 200 seconds */ +#define TT_LOCAL_TIMEOUT 3600000 /* in miliseconds */ +#define TT_CLIENT_ROAM_TIMEOUT 600000 /* in miliseconds */ /* sliding packet range of received originator messages in sequence numbers * (should be a multiple of our word size) */ #define TQ_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE 64 -#define TT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 3 /* seconds we have to keep pending tt_req */ +#define TT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 3000 /* miliseconds we have to keep + * pending tt_req */ #define TQ_GLOBAL_WINDOW_SIZE 5 #define TQ_LOCAL_BIDRECT_SEND_MINIMUM 1 @@ -56,8 +57,8 @@ #define TT_OGM_APPEND_MAX 3 /* number of OGMs sent with the last tt diff */ -#define ROAMING_MAX_TIME 20 /* Time in which a client can roam at most - * ROAMING_MAX_COUNT times */ +#define ROAMING_MAX_TIME 20000 /* Time in which a client can roam at most + * ROAMING_MAX_COUNT times in miliseconds*/ #define ROAMING_MAX_COUNT 5 #define NO_FLAGS 0 @@ -106,9 +107,7 @@ enum uev_type { #define GW_THRESHOLD 50 -/* - * Debug Messages - */ +/* Debug Messages */ #ifdef pr_fmt #undef pr_fmt #endif @@ -123,14 +122,7 @@ enum dbg_level { DBG_ALL = 7 }; - -/* - * Vis - */ - -/* - * Kernel headers - */ +/* Kernel headers */ #include /* mutex */ #include /* needed by all modules */ @@ -147,6 +139,7 @@ enum dbg_level { #include #include "types.h" +extern char bat_routing_algo[]; extern struct list_head hardif_list; extern unsigned char broadcast_addr[]; @@ -157,6 +150,9 @@ void mesh_free(struct net_device *soft_iface); void inc_module_count(void); void dec_module_count(void); int is_my_mac(const uint8_t *addr); +int bat_algo_register(struct bat_algo_ops *bat_algo_ops); +int bat_algo_select(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, char *name); +int bat_algo_seq_print_text(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset); #ifdef CONFIG_BATMAN_ADV_DEBUG int debug_log(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, const char *fmt, ...) __printf(2, 3); @@ -202,6 +198,17 @@ static inline int compare_eth(const void *data1, const void *data2) return (memcmp(data1, data2, ETH_ALEN) == 0 ? 1 : 0); } +/** + * has_timed_out - compares current time (jiffies) and timestamp + timeout + * @timestamp: base value to compare with (in jiffies) + * @timeout: added to base value before comparing (in milliseconds) + * + * Returns true if current time is after timestamp + timeout + */ +static inline bool has_timed_out(unsigned long timestamp, unsigned int timeout) +{ + return time_is_before_jiffies(timestamp + msecs_to_jiffies(timeout)); +} #define atomic_dec_not_zero(v) atomic_add_unless((v), -1, 0) diff --git a/net/batman-adv/originator.c b/net/batman-adv/originator.c index 0bc2045a2f2e519118167469f07fa868d6e806ea..43c0a4f1399e9d2bfacd970193de10afcd0503f3 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/originator.c +++ b/net/batman-adv/originator.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner, Simon Wunderlich * @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ static void orig_node_free_rcu(struct rcu_head *rcu) frag_list_free(&orig_node->frag_list); tt_global_del_orig(orig_node->bat_priv, orig_node, - "originator timed out"); + "originator timed out"); kfree(orig_node->tt_buff); kfree(orig_node->bcast_own); @@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ struct orig_node *get_orig_node(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, const uint8_t *addr) /* extra reference for return */ atomic_set(&orig_node->refcount, 2); + orig_node->tt_initialised = false; orig_node->tt_poss_change = false; orig_node->bat_priv = bat_priv; memcpy(orig_node->orig, addr, ETH_ALEN); @@ -281,8 +282,7 @@ static bool purge_orig_neighbors(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, hlist_for_each_entry_safe(neigh_node, node, node_tmp, &orig_node->neigh_list, list) { - if ((time_after(jiffies, - neigh_node->last_valid + PURGE_TIMEOUT * HZ)) || + if ((has_timed_out(neigh_node->last_valid, PURGE_TIMEOUT)) || (neigh_node->if_incoming->if_status == IF_INACTIVE) || (neigh_node->if_incoming->if_status == IF_NOT_IN_USE) || (neigh_node->if_incoming->if_status == IF_TO_BE_REMOVED)) { @@ -294,14 +294,12 @@ static bool purge_orig_neighbors(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, (neigh_node->if_incoming->if_status == IF_TO_BE_REMOVED)) bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, - "neighbor purge: originator %pM, " - "neighbor: %pM, iface: %s\n", + "neighbor purge: originator %pM, neighbor: %pM, iface: %s\n", orig_node->orig, neigh_node->addr, neigh_node->if_incoming->net_dev->name); else bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, - "neighbor timeout: originator %pM, " - "neighbor: %pM, last_valid: %lu\n", + "neighbor timeout: originator %pM, neighbor: %pM, last_valid: %lu\n", orig_node->orig, neigh_node->addr, (neigh_node->last_valid / HZ)); @@ -326,18 +324,15 @@ static bool purge_orig_node(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, { struct neigh_node *best_neigh_node; - if (time_after(jiffies, - orig_node->last_valid + 2 * PURGE_TIMEOUT * HZ)) { - + if (has_timed_out(orig_node->last_valid, 2 * PURGE_TIMEOUT)) { bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, "Originator timeout: originator %pM, last_valid %lu\n", orig_node->orig, (orig_node->last_valid / HZ)); return true; } else { if (purge_orig_neighbors(bat_priv, orig_node, - &best_neigh_node)) { + &best_neigh_node)) update_route(bat_priv, orig_node, best_neigh_node); - } } return false; @@ -371,8 +366,8 @@ static void _purge_orig(struct bat_priv *bat_priv) continue; } - if (time_after(jiffies, orig_node->last_frag_packet + - msecs_to_jiffies(FRAG_TIMEOUT))) + if (has_timed_out(orig_node->last_frag_packet, + FRAG_TIMEOUT)) frag_list_free(&orig_node->frag_list); } spin_unlock_bh(list_lock); @@ -419,15 +414,15 @@ int orig_seq_print_text(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset) primary_if = primary_if_get_selected(bat_priv); if (!primary_if) { - ret = seq_printf(seq, "BATMAN mesh %s disabled - " - "please specify interfaces to enable it\n", + ret = seq_printf(seq, + "BATMAN mesh %s disabled - please specify interfaces to enable it\n", net_dev->name); goto out; } if (primary_if->if_status != IF_ACTIVE) { - ret = seq_printf(seq, "BATMAN mesh %s " - "disabled - primary interface not active\n", + ret = seq_printf(seq, + "BATMAN mesh %s disabled - primary interface not active\n", net_dev->name); goto out; } diff --git a/net/batman-adv/originator.h b/net/batman-adv/originator.h index 67765ffef731d20b544aef7002909820956ef6d0..3fe2eda85652d288ba152791734c9b8322f57d2e 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/originator.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/originator.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner, Simon Wunderlich * diff --git a/net/batman-adv/packet.h b/net/batman-adv/packet.h index 4d9e54c57a360352323a1b2d720545878dc7332d..441f3db1bd91a3d51f1821126ce5e16e37af4c7a 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/packet.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/packet.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner, Simon Wunderlich * @@ -90,10 +90,14 @@ enum tt_client_flags { TT_CLIENT_PENDING = 1 << 10 }; -struct batman_ogm_packet { +struct batman_header { uint8_t packet_type; uint8_t version; /* batman version field */ uint8_t ttl; +} __packed; + +struct batman_ogm_packet { + struct batman_header header; uint8_t flags; /* 0x40: DIRECTLINK flag, 0x20 VIS_SERVER flag... */ uint32_t seqno; uint8_t orig[6]; @@ -108,9 +112,7 @@ struct batman_ogm_packet { #define BATMAN_OGM_LEN sizeof(struct batman_ogm_packet) struct icmp_packet { - uint8_t packet_type; - uint8_t version; /* batman version field */ - uint8_t ttl; + struct batman_header header; uint8_t msg_type; /* see ICMP message types above */ uint8_t dst[6]; uint8_t orig[6]; @@ -124,9 +126,7 @@ struct icmp_packet { /* icmp_packet_rr must start with all fields from imcp_packet * as this is assumed by code that handles ICMP packets */ struct icmp_packet_rr { - uint8_t packet_type; - uint8_t version; /* batman version field */ - uint8_t ttl; + struct batman_header header; uint8_t msg_type; /* see ICMP message types above */ uint8_t dst[6]; uint8_t orig[6]; @@ -137,17 +137,13 @@ struct icmp_packet_rr { } __packed; struct unicast_packet { - uint8_t packet_type; - uint8_t version; /* batman version field */ - uint8_t ttl; + struct batman_header header; uint8_t ttvn; /* destination translation table version number */ uint8_t dest[6]; } __packed; struct unicast_frag_packet { - uint8_t packet_type; - uint8_t version; /* batman version field */ - uint8_t ttl; + struct batman_header header; uint8_t ttvn; /* destination translation table version number */ uint8_t dest[6]; uint8_t flags; @@ -157,18 +153,14 @@ struct unicast_frag_packet { } __packed; struct bcast_packet { - uint8_t packet_type; - uint8_t version; /* batman version field */ - uint8_t ttl; + struct batman_header header; uint8_t reserved; uint32_t seqno; uint8_t orig[6]; } __packed; struct vis_packet { - uint8_t packet_type; - uint8_t version; /* batman version field */ - uint8_t ttl; /* TTL */ + struct batman_header header; uint8_t vis_type; /* which type of vis-participant sent this? */ uint32_t seqno; /* sequence number */ uint8_t entries; /* number of entries behind this struct */ @@ -179,9 +171,7 @@ struct vis_packet { } __packed; struct tt_query_packet { - uint8_t packet_type; - uint8_t version; /* batman version field */ - uint8_t ttl; + struct batman_header header; /* the flag field is a combination of: * - TT_REQUEST or TT_RESPONSE * - TT_FULL_TABLE */ @@ -202,9 +192,7 @@ struct tt_query_packet { } __packed; struct roam_adv_packet { - uint8_t packet_type; - uint8_t version; - uint8_t ttl; + struct batman_header header; uint8_t reserved; uint8_t dst[ETH_ALEN]; uint8_t src[ETH_ALEN]; diff --git a/net/batman-adv/ring_buffer.c b/net/batman-adv/ring_buffer.c index f1ccfa76ce8a36b7473e5980356b2b4d08771876..fd63951d118d44530e2221a42e2ff8bb798444c5 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/ring_buffer.c +++ b/net/batman-adv/ring_buffer.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner * diff --git a/net/batman-adv/ring_buffer.h b/net/batman-adv/ring_buffer.h index 7cdfe62b657c0bed063b57cff413067c71ed9102..8b58bd82767d0278aadcf424d25d2721038f5048 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/ring_buffer.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/ring_buffer.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner * diff --git a/net/batman-adv/routing.c b/net/batman-adv/routing.c index 773e606f9702bfcc04b7c41ddf2234790fb205c0..7f8e15899417c351c5344640682acb26a23b852a 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/routing.c +++ b/net/batman-adv/routing.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner, Simon Wunderlich * @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ #include "originator.h" #include "vis.h" #include "unicast.h" -#include "bat_ogm.h" void slide_own_bcast_window(struct hard_iface *hard_iface) { @@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ static void _update_route(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv, "Deleting route towards: %pM\n", orig_node->orig); tt_global_del_orig(bat_priv, orig_node, - "Deleted route towards originator"); + "Deleted route towards originator"); /* route added */ } else if ((!curr_router) && (neigh_node)) { @@ -84,8 +83,7 @@ static void _update_route(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, /* route changed */ } else if (neigh_node && curr_router) { bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv, - "Changing route towards: %pM " - "(now via %pM - was via %pM)\n", + "Changing route towards: %pM (now via %pM - was via %pM)\n", orig_node->orig, neigh_node->addr, curr_router->addr); } @@ -230,24 +228,25 @@ void bonding_save_primary(const struct orig_node *orig_node, int window_protected(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, int32_t seq_num_diff, unsigned long *last_reset) { - if ((seq_num_diff <= -TQ_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE) - || (seq_num_diff >= EXPECTED_SEQNO_RANGE)) { - if (time_after(jiffies, *last_reset + - msecs_to_jiffies(RESET_PROTECTION_MS))) { + if ((seq_num_diff <= -TQ_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE) || + (seq_num_diff >= EXPECTED_SEQNO_RANGE)) { + if (has_timed_out(*last_reset, RESET_PROTECTION_MS)) { *last_reset = jiffies; bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, "old packet received, start protection\n"); return 0; - } else + } else { return 1; + } } return 0; } int recv_bat_ogm_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *hard_iface) { + struct bat_priv *bat_priv = netdev_priv(hard_iface->soft_iface); struct ethhdr *ethhdr; /* drop packet if it has not necessary minimum size */ @@ -272,9 +271,7 @@ int recv_bat_ogm_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *hard_iface) if (skb_linearize(skb) < 0) return NET_RX_DROP; - ethhdr = (struct ethhdr *)skb_mac_header(skb); - - bat_ogm_receive(ethhdr, skb->data, skb_headlen(skb), hard_iface); + bat_priv->bat_algo_ops->bat_ogm_receive(hard_iface, skb); kfree_skb(skb); return NET_RX_SUCCESS; @@ -320,7 +317,7 @@ static int recv_my_icmp_packet(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, memcpy(icmp_packet->dst, icmp_packet->orig, ETH_ALEN); memcpy(icmp_packet->orig, primary_if->net_dev->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN); icmp_packet->msg_type = ECHO_REPLY; - icmp_packet->ttl = TTL; + icmp_packet->header.ttl = TTL; send_skb_packet(skb, router->if_incoming, router->addr); ret = NET_RX_SUCCESS; @@ -348,9 +345,8 @@ static int recv_icmp_ttl_exceeded(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, /* send TTL exceeded if packet is an echo request (traceroute) */ if (icmp_packet->msg_type != ECHO_REQUEST) { - pr_debug("Warning - can't forward icmp packet from %pM to " - "%pM: ttl exceeded\n", icmp_packet->orig, - icmp_packet->dst); + pr_debug("Warning - can't forward icmp packet from %pM to %pM: ttl exceeded\n", + icmp_packet->orig, icmp_packet->dst); goto out; } @@ -376,7 +372,7 @@ static int recv_icmp_ttl_exceeded(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, memcpy(icmp_packet->dst, icmp_packet->orig, ETH_ALEN); memcpy(icmp_packet->orig, primary_if->net_dev->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN); icmp_packet->msg_type = TTL_EXCEEDED; - icmp_packet->ttl = TTL; + icmp_packet->header.ttl = TTL; send_skb_packet(skb, router->if_incoming, router->addr); ret = NET_RX_SUCCESS; @@ -432,7 +428,7 @@ int recv_icmp_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if) if ((hdr_size == sizeof(struct icmp_packet_rr)) && (icmp_packet->rr_cur < BAT_RR_LEN)) { memcpy(&(icmp_packet->rr[icmp_packet->rr_cur]), - ethhdr->h_dest, ETH_ALEN); + ethhdr->h_dest, ETH_ALEN); icmp_packet->rr_cur++; } @@ -441,7 +437,7 @@ int recv_icmp_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if) return recv_my_icmp_packet(bat_priv, skb, hdr_size); /* TTL exceeded */ - if (icmp_packet->ttl < 2) + if (icmp_packet->header.ttl < 2) return recv_icmp_ttl_exceeded(bat_priv, skb); /* get routing information */ @@ -460,7 +456,7 @@ int recv_icmp_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if) icmp_packet = (struct icmp_packet_rr *)skb->data; /* decrement ttl */ - icmp_packet->ttl--; + icmp_packet->header.ttl--; /* route it */ send_skb_packet(skb, router->if_incoming, router->addr); @@ -677,9 +673,9 @@ int recv_roam_adv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if) if (!orig_node) goto out; - bat_dbg(DBG_TT, bat_priv, "Received ROAMING_ADV from %pM " - "(client %pM)\n", roam_adv_packet->src, - roam_adv_packet->client); + bat_dbg(DBG_TT, bat_priv, + "Received ROAMING_ADV from %pM (client %pM)\n", + roam_adv_packet->src, roam_adv_packet->client); tt_global_add(bat_priv, orig_node, roam_adv_packet->client, atomic_read(&orig_node->last_ttvn) + 1, true, false); @@ -815,10 +811,9 @@ int route_unicast_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if) unicast_packet = (struct unicast_packet *)skb->data; /* TTL exceeded */ - if (unicast_packet->ttl < 2) { - pr_debug("Warning - can't forward unicast packet from %pM to " - "%pM: ttl exceeded\n", ethhdr->h_source, - unicast_packet->dest); + if (unicast_packet->header.ttl < 2) { + pr_debug("Warning - can't forward unicast packet from %pM to %pM: ttl exceeded\n", + ethhdr->h_source, unicast_packet->dest); goto out; } @@ -840,7 +835,7 @@ int route_unicast_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if) unicast_packet = (struct unicast_packet *)skb->data; - if (unicast_packet->packet_type == BAT_UNICAST && + if (unicast_packet->header.packet_type == BAT_UNICAST && atomic_read(&bat_priv->fragmentation) && skb->len > neigh_node->if_incoming->net_dev->mtu) { ret = frag_send_skb(skb, bat_priv, @@ -848,7 +843,7 @@ int route_unicast_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if) goto out; } - if (unicast_packet->packet_type == BAT_UNICAST_FRAG && + if (unicast_packet->header.packet_type == BAT_UNICAST_FRAG && frag_can_reassemble(skb, neigh_node->if_incoming->net_dev->mtu)) { ret = frag_reassemble_skb(skb, bat_priv, &new_skb); @@ -867,7 +862,7 @@ int route_unicast_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if) } /* decrement ttl */ - unicast_packet->ttl--; + unicast_packet->header.ttl--; /* route it */ send_skb_packet(skb, neigh_node->if_incoming, neigh_node->addr); @@ -937,10 +932,10 @@ static int check_unicast_ttvn(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, orig_node_free_ref(orig_node); } - bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv, "TTVN mismatch (old_ttvn %u " - "new_ttvn %u)! Rerouting unicast packet (for %pM) to " - "%pM\n", unicast_packet->ttvn, curr_ttvn, - ethhdr->h_dest, unicast_packet->dest); + bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv, + "TTVN mismatch (old_ttvn %u new_ttvn %u)! Rerouting unicast packet (for %pM) to %pM\n", + unicast_packet->ttvn, curr_ttvn, ethhdr->h_dest, + unicast_packet->dest); unicast_packet->ttvn = curr_ttvn; } @@ -1041,7 +1036,7 @@ int recv_bcast_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if) if (is_my_mac(bcast_packet->orig)) goto out; - if (bcast_packet->ttl < 2) + if (bcast_packet->header.ttl < 2) goto out; orig_node = orig_hash_find(bat_priv, bcast_packet->orig); diff --git a/net/batman-adv/routing.h b/net/batman-adv/routing.h index 7aaee0fb0fdcf63df6aefd817970c6d216afdc0c..92ac100d83dad1557f3d2f0710dc2df7f05c4ed8 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/routing.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/routing.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner, Simon Wunderlich * diff --git a/net/batman-adv/send.c b/net/batman-adv/send.c index 8a684eb738ad375adc37a2e76d69dbfe56680fba..af7a6741a685dbe8f06f7a844ef404b364736772 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/send.c +++ b/net/batman-adv/send.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner, Simon Wunderlich * @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ #include "vis.h" #include "gateway_common.h" #include "originator.h" -#include "bat_ogm.h" static void send_outstanding_bcast_packet(struct work_struct *work); @@ -46,8 +45,8 @@ int send_skb_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *hard_iface, goto send_skb_err; if (!(hard_iface->net_dev->flags & IFF_UP)) { - pr_warning("Interface %s is not up - can't send packet via " - "that interface!\n", hard_iface->net_dev->name); + pr_warning("Interface %s is not up - can't send packet via that interface!\n", + hard_iface->net_dev->name); goto send_skb_err; } @@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ int send_skb_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *hard_iface, skb_reset_mac_header(skb); - ethhdr = (struct ethhdr *) skb_mac_header(skb); + ethhdr = (struct ethhdr *)skb_mac_header(skb); memcpy(ethhdr->h_source, hard_iface->net_dev->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN); memcpy(ethhdr->h_dest, dst_addr, ETH_ALEN); ethhdr->h_proto = __constant_htons(ETH_P_BATMAN); @@ -168,7 +167,7 @@ void schedule_bat_ogm(struct hard_iface *hard_iface) if (primary_if) hardif_free_ref(primary_if); - bat_ogm_schedule(hard_iface, tt_num_changes); + bat_priv->bat_algo_ops->bat_ogm_schedule(hard_iface, tt_num_changes); } static void forw_packet_free(struct forw_packet *forw_packet) @@ -234,7 +233,7 @@ int add_bcast_packet_to_list(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, /* as we have a copy now, it is safe to decrease the TTL */ bcast_packet = (struct bcast_packet *)newskb->data; - bcast_packet->ttl--; + bcast_packet->header.ttl--; skb_reset_mac_header(newskb); @@ -318,7 +317,7 @@ void send_outstanding_bat_ogm_packet(struct work_struct *work) if (atomic_read(&bat_priv->mesh_state) == MESH_DEACTIVATING) goto out; - bat_ogm_emit(forw_packet); + bat_priv->bat_algo_ops->bat_ogm_emit(forw_packet); /** * we have to have at least one packet in the queue diff --git a/net/batman-adv/send.h b/net/batman-adv/send.h index c8ca3ef7385be4bd64254c39f35035ff19667068..824ef06f9b013e9453076fede60faef83a3f1c82 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/send.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/send.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner, Simon Wunderlich * diff --git a/net/batman-adv/soft-interface.c b/net/batman-adv/soft-interface.c index 987c75a775f9c034c5f6648fc13f05203f1419dc..a5590f4193f1f731cb9a562e952e72f02ed85d0e 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/soft-interface.c +++ b/net/batman-adv/soft-interface.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner, Simon Wunderlich * @@ -252,8 +252,8 @@ static void softif_neigh_vid_select(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, vid, curr_neigh->addr); else if ((curr_neigh) && (new_neigh)) bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv, - "Changing mesh exit point on vid: %d from %pM " - "to %pM.\n", vid, curr_neigh->addr, new_neigh->addr); + "Changing mesh exit point on vid: %d from %pM to %pM.\n", + vid, curr_neigh->addr, new_neigh->addr); else if ((!curr_neigh) && (new_neigh)) bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv, "Setting mesh exit point on vid: %d to %pM.\n", @@ -327,15 +327,15 @@ int softif_neigh_seq_print_text(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset) primary_if = primary_if_get_selected(bat_priv); if (!primary_if) { - ret = seq_printf(seq, "BATMAN mesh %s disabled - " - "please specify interfaces to enable it\n", + ret = seq_printf(seq, + "BATMAN mesh %s disabled - please specify interfaces to enable it\n", net_dev->name); goto out; } if (primary_if->if_status != IF_ACTIVE) { - ret = seq_printf(seq, "BATMAN mesh %s " - "disabled - primary interface not active\n", + ret = seq_printf(seq, + "BATMAN mesh %s disabled - primary interface not active\n", net_dev->name); goto out; } @@ -396,15 +396,14 @@ void softif_neigh_purge(struct bat_priv *bat_priv) hlist_for_each_entry_safe(softif_neigh, node_tmp, node_tmp2, &softif_neigh_vid->softif_neigh_list, list) { - if ((!time_after(jiffies, softif_neigh->last_seen + - msecs_to_jiffies(SOFTIF_NEIGH_TIMEOUT))) && + if ((!has_timed_out(softif_neigh->last_seen, + SOFTIF_NEIGH_TIMEOUT)) && (atomic_read(&bat_priv->mesh_state) == MESH_ACTIVE)) continue; if (curr_softif_neigh == softif_neigh) { bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv, - "Current mesh exit point on vid: %d " - "'%pM' vanished.\n", + "Current mesh exit point on vid: %d '%pM' vanished.\n", softif_neigh_vid->vid, softif_neigh->addr); do_deselect = 1; @@ -457,10 +456,10 @@ static void softif_batman_recv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, batman_ogm_packet = (struct batman_ogm_packet *) (skb->data + ETH_HLEN); - if (batman_ogm_packet->version != COMPAT_VERSION) + if (batman_ogm_packet->header.version != COMPAT_VERSION) goto out; - if (batman_ogm_packet->packet_type != BAT_OGM) + if (batman_ogm_packet->header.packet_type != BAT_OGM) goto out; if (!(batman_ogm_packet->flags & PRIMARIES_FIRST_HOP)) @@ -541,6 +540,7 @@ static int interface_set_mac_addr(struct net_device *dev, void *p) } memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, ETH_ALEN); + dev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; return 0; } @@ -632,11 +632,11 @@ static int interface_tx(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *soft_iface) goto dropped; bcast_packet = (struct bcast_packet *)skb->data; - bcast_packet->version = COMPAT_VERSION; - bcast_packet->ttl = TTL; + bcast_packet->header.version = COMPAT_VERSION; + bcast_packet->header.ttl = TTL; /* batman packet type: broadcast */ - bcast_packet->packet_type = BAT_BCAST; + bcast_packet->header.packet_type = BAT_BCAST; /* hw address of first interface is the orig mac because only * this mac is known throughout the mesh */ @@ -725,8 +725,8 @@ void interface_rx(struct net_device *soft_iface, skb_push(skb, hdr_size); unicast_packet = (struct unicast_packet *)skb->data; - if ((unicast_packet->packet_type != BAT_UNICAST) && - (unicast_packet->packet_type != BAT_UNICAST_FRAG)) + if ((unicast_packet->header.packet_type != BAT_UNICAST) && + (unicast_packet->header.packet_type != BAT_UNICAST_FRAG)) goto dropped; skb_reset_mac_header(skb); @@ -783,7 +783,6 @@ static const struct net_device_ops bat_netdev_ops = { static void interface_setup(struct net_device *dev) { struct bat_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev); - char dev_addr[ETH_ALEN]; ether_setup(dev); @@ -800,8 +799,7 @@ static void interface_setup(struct net_device *dev) dev->hard_header_len = BAT_HEADER_LEN; /* generate random address */ - random_ether_addr(dev_addr); - memcpy(dev->dev_addr, dev_addr, ETH_ALEN); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); SET_ETHTOOL_OPS(dev, &bat_ethtool_ops); @@ -855,6 +853,10 @@ struct net_device *softif_create(const char *name) bat_priv->primary_if = NULL; bat_priv->num_ifaces = 0; + ret = bat_algo_select(bat_priv, bat_routing_algo); + if (ret < 0) + goto unreg_soft_iface; + ret = sysfs_add_meshif(soft_iface); if (ret < 0) goto unreg_soft_iface; diff --git a/net/batman-adv/soft-interface.h b/net/batman-adv/soft-interface.h index 001546fc96f153629a2ae758c2201a4611b97efc..756eab5b8dd481766019b5777f4c731238485872 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/soft-interface.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/soft-interface.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner * diff --git a/net/batman-adv/translation-table.c b/net/batman-adv/translation-table.c index ab8dea8b0b2e6ae0bcf5f29e2253f0e6aa37b207..1f86921278404ce2f17597a2c9a53fe602021d3c 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/translation-table.c +++ b/net/batman-adv/translation-table.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner, Simon Wunderlich * @@ -108,14 +108,6 @@ static struct tt_global_entry *tt_global_hash_find(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, } -static bool is_out_of_time(unsigned long starting_time, unsigned long timeout) -{ - unsigned long deadline; - deadline = starting_time + msecs_to_jiffies(timeout); - - return time_after(jiffies, deadline); -} - static void tt_local_entry_free_ref(struct tt_local_entry *tt_local_entry) { if (atomic_dec_and_test(&tt_local_entry->common.refcount)) @@ -218,6 +210,11 @@ void tt_local_add(struct net_device *soft_iface, const uint8_t *addr, if (compare_eth(addr, soft_iface->dev_addr)) tt_local_entry->common.flags |= TT_CLIENT_NOPURGE; + /* The local entry has to be marked as NEW to avoid to send it in + * a full table response going out before the next ttvn increment + * (consistency check) */ + tt_local_entry->common.flags |= TT_CLIENT_NEW; + hash_added = hash_add(bat_priv->tt_local_hash, compare_tt, choose_orig, &tt_local_entry->common, &tt_local_entry->common.hash_entry); @@ -230,11 +227,6 @@ void tt_local_add(struct net_device *soft_iface, const uint8_t *addr, tt_local_event(bat_priv, addr, tt_local_entry->common.flags); - /* The local entry has to be marked as NEW to avoid to send it in - * a full table response going out before the next ttvn increment - * (consistency check) */ - tt_local_entry->common.flags |= TT_CLIENT_NEW; - /* remove address from global hash if present */ tt_global_entry = tt_global_hash_find(bat_priv, addr); @@ -269,7 +261,7 @@ int tt_changes_fill_buffer(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, atomic_set(&bat_priv->tt_local_changes, 0); list_for_each_entry_safe(entry, safe, &bat_priv->tt_changes_list, - list) { + list) { if (count < tot_changes) { memcpy(buff + tt_len(count), &entry->change, sizeof(struct tt_change)); @@ -317,21 +309,21 @@ int tt_local_seq_print_text(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset) primary_if = primary_if_get_selected(bat_priv); if (!primary_if) { - ret = seq_printf(seq, "BATMAN mesh %s disabled - " - "please specify interfaces to enable it\n", + ret = seq_printf(seq, + "BATMAN mesh %s disabled - please specify interfaces to enable it\n", net_dev->name); goto out; } if (primary_if->if_status != IF_ACTIVE) { - ret = seq_printf(seq, "BATMAN mesh %s disabled - " - "primary interface not active\n", + ret = seq_printf(seq, + "BATMAN mesh %s disabled - primary interface not active\n", net_dev->name); goto out; } - seq_printf(seq, "Locally retrieved addresses (from %s) " - "announced via TT (TTVN: %u):\n", + seq_printf(seq, + "Locally retrieved addresses (from %s) announced via TT (TTVN: %u):\n", net_dev->name, (uint8_t)atomic_read(&bat_priv->ttvn)); for (i = 0; i < hash->size; i++) { @@ -341,17 +333,17 @@ int tt_local_seq_print_text(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset) hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(tt_common_entry, node, head, hash_entry) { seq_printf(seq, " * %pM [%c%c%c%c%c]\n", - tt_common_entry->addr, - (tt_common_entry->flags & - TT_CLIENT_ROAM ? 'R' : '.'), - (tt_common_entry->flags & - TT_CLIENT_NOPURGE ? 'P' : '.'), - (tt_common_entry->flags & - TT_CLIENT_NEW ? 'N' : '.'), - (tt_common_entry->flags & - TT_CLIENT_PENDING ? 'X' : '.'), - (tt_common_entry->flags & - TT_CLIENT_WIFI ? 'W' : '.')); + tt_common_entry->addr, + (tt_common_entry->flags & + TT_CLIENT_ROAM ? 'R' : '.'), + (tt_common_entry->flags & + TT_CLIENT_NOPURGE ? 'P' : '.'), + (tt_common_entry->flags & + TT_CLIENT_NEW ? 'N' : '.'), + (tt_common_entry->flags & + TT_CLIENT_PENDING ? 'X' : '.'), + (tt_common_entry->flags & + TT_CLIENT_WIFI ? 'W' : '.')); } rcu_read_unlock(); } @@ -363,7 +355,7 @@ int tt_local_seq_print_text(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset) static void tt_local_set_pending(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct tt_local_entry *tt_local_entry, - uint16_t flags) + uint16_t flags, const char *message) { tt_local_event(bat_priv, tt_local_entry->common.addr, tt_local_entry->common.flags | flags); @@ -372,6 +364,10 @@ static void tt_local_set_pending(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, * to be kept in the table in order to send it in a full table * response issued before the net ttvn increment (consistency check) */ tt_local_entry->common.flags |= TT_CLIENT_PENDING; + + bat_dbg(DBG_TT, bat_priv, + "Local tt entry (%pM) pending to be removed: %s\n", + tt_local_entry->common.addr, message); } void tt_local_remove(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, const uint8_t *addr, @@ -384,10 +380,7 @@ void tt_local_remove(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, const uint8_t *addr, goto out; tt_local_set_pending(bat_priv, tt_local_entry, TT_CLIENT_DEL | - (roaming ? TT_CLIENT_ROAM : NO_FLAGS)); - - bat_dbg(DBG_TT, bat_priv, "Local tt entry (%pM) pending to be removed: " - "%s\n", tt_local_entry->common.addr, message); + (roaming ? TT_CLIENT_ROAM : NO_FLAGS), message); out: if (tt_local_entry) tt_local_entry_free_ref(tt_local_entry); @@ -420,15 +413,12 @@ static void tt_local_purge(struct bat_priv *bat_priv) if (tt_local_entry->common.flags & TT_CLIENT_PENDING) continue; - if (!is_out_of_time(tt_local_entry->last_seen, - TT_LOCAL_TIMEOUT * 1000)) + if (!has_timed_out(tt_local_entry->last_seen, + TT_LOCAL_TIMEOUT)) continue; tt_local_set_pending(bat_priv, tt_local_entry, - TT_CLIENT_DEL); - bat_dbg(DBG_TT, bat_priv, "Local tt entry (%pM) " - "pending to be removed: timed out\n", - tt_local_entry->common.addr); + TT_CLIENT_DEL, "timed out"); } spin_unlock_bh(list_lock); } @@ -585,15 +575,15 @@ int tt_global_seq_print_text(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset) primary_if = primary_if_get_selected(bat_priv); if (!primary_if) { - ret = seq_printf(seq, "BATMAN mesh %s disabled - please " - "specify interfaces to enable it\n", + ret = seq_printf(seq, + "BATMAN mesh %s disabled - please specify interfaces to enable it\n", net_dev->name); goto out; } if (primary_if->if_status != IF_ACTIVE) { - ret = seq_printf(seq, "BATMAN mesh %s disabled - " - "primary interface not active\n", + ret = seq_printf(seq, + "BATMAN mesh %s disabled - primary interface not active\n", net_dev->name); goto out; } @@ -613,20 +603,18 @@ int tt_global_seq_print_text(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset) tt_global_entry = container_of(tt_common_entry, struct tt_global_entry, common); - seq_printf(seq, " * %pM (%3u) via %pM (%3u) " - "[%c%c%c]\n", - tt_global_entry->common.addr, - tt_global_entry->ttvn, - tt_global_entry->orig_node->orig, - (uint8_t) atomic_read( + seq_printf(seq, + " * %pM (%3u) via %pM (%3u) [%c%c]\n", + tt_global_entry->common.addr, + tt_global_entry->ttvn, + tt_global_entry->orig_node->orig, + (uint8_t) atomic_read( &tt_global_entry->orig_node-> last_ttvn), - (tt_global_entry->common.flags & - TT_CLIENT_ROAM ? 'R' : '.'), - (tt_global_entry->common.flags & - TT_CLIENT_PENDING ? 'X' : '.'), - (tt_global_entry->common.flags & - TT_CLIENT_WIFI ? 'W' : '.')); + (tt_global_entry->common.flags & + TT_CLIENT_ROAM ? 'R' : '.'), + (tt_global_entry->common.flags & + TT_CLIENT_WIFI ? 'W' : '.')); } rcu_read_unlock(); } @@ -665,29 +653,31 @@ void tt_global_del(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct tt_local_entry *tt_local_entry = NULL; tt_global_entry = tt_global_hash_find(bat_priv, addr); - if (!tt_global_entry) + if (!tt_global_entry || tt_global_entry->orig_node != orig_node) goto out; - if (tt_global_entry->orig_node == orig_node) { - if (roaming) { - /* if we are deleting a global entry due to a roam - * event, there are two possibilities: - * 1) the client roamed from node A to node B => we mark - * it with TT_CLIENT_ROAM, we start a timer and we - * wait for node B to claim it. In case of timeout - * the entry is purged. - * 2) the client roamed to us => we can directly delete - * the global entry, since it is useless now. */ - tt_local_entry = tt_local_hash_find(bat_priv, - tt_global_entry->common.addr); - if (!tt_local_entry) { - tt_global_entry->common.flags |= TT_CLIENT_ROAM; - tt_global_entry->roam_at = jiffies; - goto out; - } - } - _tt_global_del(bat_priv, tt_global_entry, message); + if (!roaming) + goto out_del; + + /* if we are deleting a global entry due to a roam + * event, there are two possibilities: + * 1) the client roamed from node A to node B => we mark + * it with TT_CLIENT_ROAM, we start a timer and we + * wait for node B to claim it. In case of timeout + * the entry is purged. + * 2) the client roamed to us => we can directly delete + * the global entry, since it is useless now. */ + tt_local_entry = tt_local_hash_find(bat_priv, + tt_global_entry->common.addr); + if (!tt_local_entry) { + tt_global_entry->common.flags |= TT_CLIENT_ROAM; + tt_global_entry->roam_at = jiffies; + goto out; } + +out_del: + _tt_global_del(bat_priv, tt_global_entry, message); + out: if (tt_global_entry) tt_global_entry_free_ref(tt_global_entry); @@ -715,14 +705,13 @@ void tt_global_del_orig(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, spin_lock_bh(list_lock); hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tt_common_entry, node, safe, - head, hash_entry) { + head, hash_entry) { tt_global_entry = container_of(tt_common_entry, struct tt_global_entry, common); if (tt_global_entry->orig_node == orig_node) { bat_dbg(DBG_TT, bat_priv, - "Deleting global tt entry %pM " - "(via %pM): %s\n", + "Deleting global tt entry %pM (via %pM): %s\n", tt_global_entry->common.addr, tt_global_entry->orig_node->orig, message); @@ -733,6 +722,7 @@ void tt_global_del_orig(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, spin_unlock_bh(list_lock); } atomic_set(&orig_node->tt_size, 0); + orig_node->tt_initialised = false; } static void tt_global_roam_purge(struct bat_priv *bat_priv) @@ -757,12 +747,12 @@ static void tt_global_roam_purge(struct bat_priv *bat_priv) common); if (!(tt_global_entry->common.flags & TT_CLIENT_ROAM)) continue; - if (!is_out_of_time(tt_global_entry->roam_at, - TT_CLIENT_ROAM_TIMEOUT * 1000)) + if (!has_timed_out(tt_global_entry->roam_at, + TT_CLIENT_ROAM_TIMEOUT)) continue; - bat_dbg(DBG_TT, bat_priv, "Deleting global " - "tt entry (%pM): Roaming timeout\n", + bat_dbg(DBG_TT, bat_priv, + "Deleting global tt entry (%pM): Roaming timeout\n", tt_global_entry->common.addr); atomic_dec(&tt_global_entry->orig_node->tt_size); hlist_del_rcu(node); @@ -846,11 +836,6 @@ struct orig_node *transtable_search(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, if (!atomic_inc_not_zero(&tt_global_entry->orig_node->refcount)) goto out; - /* A global client marked as PENDING has already moved from that - * originator */ - if (tt_global_entry->common.flags & TT_CLIENT_PENDING) - goto out; - orig_node = tt_global_entry->orig_node; out: @@ -977,8 +962,7 @@ static void tt_req_purge(struct bat_priv *bat_priv) spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_req_list_lock); list_for_each_entry_safe(node, safe, &bat_priv->tt_req_list, list) { - if (is_out_of_time(node->issued_at, - TT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT * 1000)) { + if (has_timed_out(node->issued_at, TT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT)) { list_del(&node->list); kfree(node); } @@ -996,8 +980,8 @@ static struct tt_req_node *new_tt_req_node(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_req_list_lock); list_for_each_entry(tt_req_node_tmp, &bat_priv->tt_req_list, list) { if (compare_eth(tt_req_node_tmp, orig_node) && - !is_out_of_time(tt_req_node_tmp->issued_at, - TT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT * 1000)) + !has_timed_out(tt_req_node_tmp->issued_at, + TT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT)) goto unlock; } @@ -1134,11 +1118,11 @@ static int send_tt_request(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, tt_request = (struct tt_query_packet *)skb_put(skb, sizeof(struct tt_query_packet)); - tt_request->packet_type = BAT_TT_QUERY; - tt_request->version = COMPAT_VERSION; + tt_request->header.packet_type = BAT_TT_QUERY; + tt_request->header.version = COMPAT_VERSION; memcpy(tt_request->src, primary_if->net_dev->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN); memcpy(tt_request->dst, dst_orig_node->orig, ETH_ALEN); - tt_request->ttl = TTL; + tt_request->header.ttl = TTL; tt_request->ttvn = ttvn; tt_request->tt_data = tt_crc; tt_request->flags = TT_REQUEST; @@ -1150,8 +1134,9 @@ static int send_tt_request(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, if (!neigh_node) goto out; - bat_dbg(DBG_TT, bat_priv, "Sending TT_REQUEST to %pM via %pM " - "[%c]\n", dst_orig_node->orig, neigh_node->addr, + bat_dbg(DBG_TT, bat_priv, + "Sending TT_REQUEST to %pM via %pM [%c]\n", + dst_orig_node->orig, neigh_node->addr, (full_table ? 'F' : '.')); send_skb_packet(skb, neigh_node->if_incoming, neigh_node->addr); @@ -1188,9 +1173,8 @@ static bool send_other_tt_response(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct tt_query_packet *tt_response; bat_dbg(DBG_TT, bat_priv, - "Received TT_REQUEST from %pM for " - "ttvn: %u (%pM) [%c]\n", tt_request->src, - tt_request->ttvn, tt_request->dst, + "Received TT_REQUEST from %pM for ttvn: %u (%pM) [%c]\n", + tt_request->src, tt_request->ttvn, tt_request->dst, (tt_request->flags & TT_FULL_TABLE ? 'F' : '.')); /* Let's get the orig node of the REAL destination */ @@ -1264,9 +1248,9 @@ static bool send_other_tt_response(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, tt_response = (struct tt_query_packet *)skb->data; } - tt_response->packet_type = BAT_TT_QUERY; - tt_response->version = COMPAT_VERSION; - tt_response->ttl = TTL; + tt_response->header.packet_type = BAT_TT_QUERY; + tt_response->header.version = COMPAT_VERSION; + tt_response->header.ttl = TTL; memcpy(tt_response->src, req_dst_orig_node->orig, ETH_ALEN); memcpy(tt_response->dst, tt_request->src, ETH_ALEN); tt_response->flags = TT_RESPONSE; @@ -1315,9 +1299,8 @@ static bool send_my_tt_response(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct tt_query_packet *tt_response; bat_dbg(DBG_TT, bat_priv, - "Received TT_REQUEST from %pM for " - "ttvn: %u (me) [%c]\n", tt_request->src, - tt_request->ttvn, + "Received TT_REQUEST from %pM for ttvn: %u (me) [%c]\n", + tt_request->src, tt_request->ttvn, (tt_request->flags & TT_FULL_TABLE ? 'F' : '.')); @@ -1381,9 +1364,9 @@ static bool send_my_tt_response(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, tt_response = (struct tt_query_packet *)skb->data; } - tt_response->packet_type = BAT_TT_QUERY; - tt_response->version = COMPAT_VERSION; - tt_response->ttl = TTL; + tt_response->header.packet_type = BAT_TT_QUERY; + tt_response->header.version = COMPAT_VERSION; + tt_response->header.ttl = TTL; memcpy(tt_response->src, primary_if->net_dev->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN); memcpy(tt_response->dst, tt_request->src, ETH_ALEN); tt_response->flags = TT_RESPONSE; @@ -1450,6 +1433,7 @@ static void _tt_update_changes(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, */ return; } + orig_node->tt_initialised = true; } static void tt_fill_gtable(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, @@ -1519,10 +1503,9 @@ void handle_tt_response(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct tt_req_node *node, *safe; struct orig_node *orig_node = NULL; - bat_dbg(DBG_TT, bat_priv, "Received TT_RESPONSE from %pM for " - "ttvn %d t_size: %d [%c]\n", - tt_response->src, tt_response->ttvn, - tt_response->tt_data, + bat_dbg(DBG_TT, bat_priv, + "Received TT_RESPONSE from %pM for ttvn %d t_size: %d [%c]\n", + tt_response->src, tt_response->ttvn, tt_response->tt_data, (tt_response->flags & TT_FULL_TABLE ? 'F' : '.')); orig_node = orig_hash_find(bat_priv, tt_response->src); @@ -1589,8 +1572,7 @@ static void tt_roam_purge(struct bat_priv *bat_priv) spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_roam_list_lock); list_for_each_entry_safe(node, safe, &bat_priv->tt_roam_list, list) { - if (!is_out_of_time(node->first_time, - ROAMING_MAX_TIME * 1000)) + if (!has_timed_out(node->first_time, ROAMING_MAX_TIME)) continue; list_del(&node->list); @@ -1617,8 +1599,7 @@ static bool tt_check_roam_count(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, if (!compare_eth(tt_roam_node->addr, client)) continue; - if (is_out_of_time(tt_roam_node->first_time, - ROAMING_MAX_TIME * 1000)) + if (has_timed_out(tt_roam_node->first_time, ROAMING_MAX_TIME)) continue; if (!atomic_dec_not_zero(&tt_roam_node->counter)) @@ -1669,9 +1650,9 @@ void send_roam_adv(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, uint8_t *client, roam_adv_packet = (struct roam_adv_packet *)skb_put(skb, sizeof(struct roam_adv_packet)); - roam_adv_packet->packet_type = BAT_ROAM_ADV; - roam_adv_packet->version = COMPAT_VERSION; - roam_adv_packet->ttl = TTL; + roam_adv_packet->header.packet_type = BAT_ROAM_ADV; + roam_adv_packet->header.version = COMPAT_VERSION; + roam_adv_packet->header.ttl = TTL; primary_if = primary_if_get_selected(bat_priv); if (!primary_if) goto out; @@ -1788,8 +1769,9 @@ static void tt_local_purge_pending_clients(struct bat_priv *bat_priv) if (!(tt_common_entry->flags & TT_CLIENT_PENDING)) continue; - bat_dbg(DBG_TT, bat_priv, "Deleting local tt entry " - "(%pM): pending\n", tt_common_entry->addr); + bat_dbg(DBG_TT, bat_priv, + "Deleting local tt entry (%pM): pending\n", + tt_common_entry->addr); atomic_dec(&bat_priv->num_local_tt); hlist_del_rcu(node); @@ -1854,8 +1836,10 @@ void tt_update_orig(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct orig_node *orig_node, uint8_t orig_ttvn = (uint8_t)atomic_read(&orig_node->last_ttvn); bool full_table = true; - /* the ttvn increased by one -> we can apply the attached changes */ - if (ttvn - orig_ttvn == 1) { + /* orig table not initialised AND first diff is in the OGM OR the ttvn + * increased by one -> we can apply the attached changes */ + if ((!orig_node->tt_initialised && ttvn == 1) || + ttvn - orig_ttvn == 1) { /* the OGM could not contain the changes due to their size or * because they have already been sent TT_OGM_APPEND_MAX times. * In this case send a tt request */ @@ -1889,14 +1873,13 @@ void tt_update_orig(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct orig_node *orig_node, } else { /* if we missed more than one change or our tables are not * in sync anymore -> request fresh tt data */ - if (ttvn != orig_ttvn || orig_node->tt_crc != tt_crc) { + if (!orig_node->tt_initialised || ttvn != orig_ttvn || + orig_node->tt_crc != tt_crc) { request_table: - bat_dbg(DBG_TT, bat_priv, "TT inconsistency for %pM. " - "Need to retrieve the correct information " - "(ttvn: %u last_ttvn: %u crc: %u last_crc: " - "%u num_changes: %u)\n", orig_node->orig, ttvn, - orig_ttvn, tt_crc, orig_node->tt_crc, - tt_num_changes); + bat_dbg(DBG_TT, bat_priv, + "TT inconsistency for %pM. Need to retrieve the correct information (ttvn: %u last_ttvn: %u crc: %u last_crc: %u num_changes: %u)\n", + orig_node->orig, ttvn, orig_ttvn, tt_crc, + orig_node->tt_crc, tt_num_changes); send_tt_request(bat_priv, orig_node, ttvn, tt_crc, full_table); return; diff --git a/net/batman-adv/translation-table.h b/net/batman-adv/translation-table.h index 30efd49881a3a2ec518eca4c9939dbbd51af4230..c753633b1da130d0e65eba2d120847647ea67457 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/translation-table.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/translation-table.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner, Simon Wunderlich * diff --git a/net/batman-adv/types.h b/net/batman-adv/types.h index e9eb043719ace347b1ac29142879cf15d218f8f4..302efb523475a093a10569246a2ec9cf085ff2db 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/types.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/types.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Marek Lindner, Simon Wunderlich * @@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ struct orig_node { int16_t tt_buff_len; spinlock_t tt_buff_lock; /* protects tt_buff */ atomic_t tt_size; + bool tt_initialised; /* The tt_poss_change flag is used to detect an ongoing roaming phase. * If true, then I sent a Roaming_adv to this orig_node and I have to * inspect every packet directed to it to check whether it is still @@ -205,6 +206,7 @@ struct bat_priv { atomic_t gw_reselect; struct hard_iface __rcu *primary_if; /* rcu protected pointer */ struct vis_info *my_vis_info; + struct bat_algo_ops *bat_algo_ops; }; struct socket_client { @@ -343,4 +345,23 @@ struct softif_neigh { struct rcu_head rcu; }; +struct bat_algo_ops { + struct hlist_node list; + char *name; + /* init OGM when hard-interface is enabled */ + void (*bat_ogm_init)(struct hard_iface *hard_iface); + /* init primary OGM when primary interface is selected */ + void (*bat_ogm_init_primary)(struct hard_iface *hard_iface); + /* init mac addresses of the OGM belonging to this hard-interface */ + void (*bat_ogm_update_mac)(struct hard_iface *hard_iface); + /* prepare a new outgoing OGM for the send queue */ + void (*bat_ogm_schedule)(struct hard_iface *hard_iface, + int tt_num_changes); + /* send scheduled OGM */ + void (*bat_ogm_emit)(struct forw_packet *forw_packet); + /* receive incoming OGM */ + void (*bat_ogm_receive)(struct hard_iface *if_incoming, + struct sk_buff *skb); +}; + #endif /* _NET_BATMAN_ADV_TYPES_H_ */ diff --git a/net/batman-adv/unicast.c b/net/batman-adv/unicast.c index 07d1c1da89dde625a7c42a64ba0f5fa5694b491c..676f6a626b2cd0f9eb49f3aa137202db461dafe8 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/unicast.c +++ b/net/batman-adv/unicast.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Andreas Langer * @@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ static struct sk_buff *frag_merge_packet(struct list_head *head, kfree_skb(tmp_skb); memmove(skb->data + uni_diff, skb->data, hdr_len); - unicast_packet = (struct unicast_packet *) skb_pull(skb, uni_diff); - unicast_packet->packet_type = BAT_UNICAST; + unicast_packet = (struct unicast_packet *)skb_pull(skb, uni_diff); + unicast_packet->header.packet_type = BAT_UNICAST; return skb; @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ int frag_send_skb(struct sk_buff *skb, struct bat_priv *bat_priv, goto dropped; skb_reserve(frag_skb, ucf_hdr_len); - unicast_packet = (struct unicast_packet *) skb->data; + unicast_packet = (struct unicast_packet *)skb->data; memcpy(&tmp_uc, unicast_packet, uc_hdr_len); skb_split(skb, frag_skb, data_len / 2 + uc_hdr_len); @@ -251,9 +251,9 @@ int frag_send_skb(struct sk_buff *skb, struct bat_priv *bat_priv, memcpy(frag1, &tmp_uc, sizeof(tmp_uc)); - frag1->ttl--; - frag1->version = COMPAT_VERSION; - frag1->packet_type = BAT_UNICAST_FRAG; + frag1->header.ttl--; + frag1->header.version = COMPAT_VERSION; + frag1->header.packet_type = BAT_UNICAST_FRAG; memcpy(frag1->orig, primary_if->net_dev->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN); memcpy(frag2, frag1, sizeof(*frag2)); @@ -320,11 +320,11 @@ int unicast_send_skb(struct sk_buff *skb, struct bat_priv *bat_priv) unicast_packet = (struct unicast_packet *)skb->data; - unicast_packet->version = COMPAT_VERSION; + unicast_packet->header.version = COMPAT_VERSION; /* batman packet type: unicast */ - unicast_packet->packet_type = BAT_UNICAST; + unicast_packet->header.packet_type = BAT_UNICAST; /* set unicast ttl */ - unicast_packet->ttl = TTL; + unicast_packet->header.ttl = TTL; /* copy the destination for faster routing */ memcpy(unicast_packet->dest, orig_node->orig, ETH_ALEN); /* set the destination tt version number */ @@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ int unicast_send_skb(struct sk_buff *skb, struct bat_priv *bat_priv) data_len + sizeof(*unicast_packet) > neigh_node->if_incoming->net_dev->mtu) { /* send frag skb decreases ttl */ - unicast_packet->ttl++; + unicast_packet->header.ttl++; ret = frag_send_skb(skb, bat_priv, neigh_node->if_incoming, neigh_node->addr); goto out; diff --git a/net/batman-adv/unicast.h b/net/batman-adv/unicast.h index 8fd5535544b9b0289eb5861fd101f39a9468dd23..a9faf6b1db197e1842a894585b1be8805ab815a9 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/unicast.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/unicast.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Andreas Langer * diff --git a/net/batman-adv/vis.c b/net/batman-adv/vis.c index cc3b9f2f3b5dde8f524f05d8089fa9adf2384292..c4a5b8cafadae068582e44b213b0e09422443b28 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/vis.c +++ b/net/batman-adv/vis.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Simon Wunderlich * @@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ static int generate_vis_packet(struct bat_priv *bat_priv) packet->vis_type = atomic_read(&bat_priv->vis_mode); memcpy(packet->target_orig, broadcast_addr, ETH_ALEN); - packet->ttl = TTL; + packet->header.ttl = TTL; packet->seqno = htonl(ntohl(packet->seqno) + 1); packet->entries = 0; skb_trim(info->skb_packet, sizeof(*packet)); @@ -714,8 +714,7 @@ static void purge_vis_packets(struct bat_priv *bat_priv) if (info == bat_priv->my_vis_info) continue; - if (time_after(jiffies, - info->first_seen + VIS_TIMEOUT * HZ)) { + if (has_timed_out(info->first_seen, VIS_TIMEOUT)) { hlist_del(node); send_list_del(info); kref_put(&info->refcount, free_info); @@ -818,19 +817,19 @@ static void send_vis_packet(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct vis_info *info) goto out; packet = (struct vis_packet *)info->skb_packet->data; - if (packet->ttl < 2) { + if (packet->header.ttl < 2) { pr_debug("Error - can't send vis packet: ttl exceeded\n"); goto out; } memcpy(packet->sender_orig, primary_if->net_dev->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN); - packet->ttl--; + packet->header.ttl--; if (is_broadcast_ether_addr(packet->target_orig)) broadcast_vis_packet(bat_priv, info); else unicast_vis_packet(bat_priv, info); - packet->ttl++; /* restore TTL */ + packet->header.ttl++; /* restore TTL */ out: if (primary_if) @@ -910,9 +909,9 @@ int vis_init(struct bat_priv *bat_priv) INIT_LIST_HEAD(&bat_priv->my_vis_info->send_list); kref_init(&bat_priv->my_vis_info->refcount); bat_priv->my_vis_info->bat_priv = bat_priv; - packet->version = COMPAT_VERSION; - packet->packet_type = BAT_VIS; - packet->ttl = TTL; + packet->header.version = COMPAT_VERSION; + packet->header.packet_type = BAT_VIS; + packet->header.ttl = TTL; packet->seqno = 0; packet->entries = 0; diff --git a/net/batman-adv/vis.h b/net/batman-adv/vis.h index 31b820d07f232ac474911e2cd159a54fed73612c..ee2e46e5347b27749130974ff3bb5ea8a2dd8f16 100644 --- a/net/batman-adv/vis.h +++ b/net/batman-adv/vis.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: + * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Simon Wunderlich, Marek Lindner * @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ #ifndef _NET_BATMAN_ADV_VIS_H_ #define _NET_BATMAN_ADV_VIS_H_ -#define VIS_TIMEOUT 200 /* timeout of vis packets in seconds */ +#define VIS_TIMEOUT 200000 /* timeout of vis packets + * in miliseconds */ int vis_seq_print_text(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset); void receive_server_sync_packet(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, diff --git a/net/bluetooth/Kconfig b/net/bluetooth/Kconfig index 9ec85eb8853dc378286e4c482f23b70fc2eeb7c2..3537d385035e61fc090e9094b83850243268f992 100644 --- a/net/bluetooth/Kconfig +++ b/net/bluetooth/Kconfig @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ menuconfig BT BNEP Module (Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol) CMTP Module (CAPI Message Transport Protocol) HIDP Module (Human Interface Device Protocol) - SMP Module (Security Manager Protocol) Say Y here to compile Bluetooth support into the kernel or say M to compile it as module (bluetooth). diff --git a/net/bluetooth/bnep/sock.c b/net/bluetooth/bnep/sock.c index 17800b1d28ea33c4d3b36801cdc1092a2930b88f..9f9c8dcd8af01bbae591733a093344126f0b9500 100644 --- a/net/bluetooth/bnep/sock.c +++ b/net/bluetooth/bnep/sock.c @@ -143,10 +143,10 @@ static int bnep_sock_compat_ioctl(struct socket *sock, unsigned int cmd, unsigne { if (cmd == BNEPGETCONNLIST) { struct bnep_connlist_req cl; - uint32_t uci; + u32 uci; int err; - if (get_user(cl.cnum, (uint32_t __user *) arg) || + if (get_user(cl.cnum, (u32 __user *) arg) || get_user(uci, (u32 __user *) (arg + 4))) return -EFAULT; @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ static int bnep_sock_compat_ioctl(struct socket *sock, unsigned int cmd, unsigne err = bnep_get_connlist(&cl); - if (!err && put_user(cl.cnum, (uint32_t __user *) arg)) + if (!err && put_user(cl.cnum, (u32 __user *) arg)) err = -EFAULT; return err; diff --git a/net/bluetooth/cmtp/sock.c b/net/bluetooth/cmtp/sock.c index 3f2dd5c25ae516f3d267f1f038cb151af21c04c8..1230faaac29b01c54abac33a4913851db085ab22 100644 --- a/net/bluetooth/cmtp/sock.c +++ b/net/bluetooth/cmtp/sock.c @@ -137,10 +137,10 @@ static int cmtp_sock_compat_ioctl(struct socket *sock, unsigned int cmd, unsigne { if (cmd == CMTPGETCONNLIST) { struct cmtp_connlist_req cl; - uint32_t uci; + u32 uci; int err; - if (get_user(cl.cnum, (uint32_t __user *) arg) || + if (get_user(cl.cnum, (u32 __user *) arg) || get_user(uci, (u32 __user *) (arg + 4))) return -EFAULT; @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ static int cmtp_sock_compat_ioctl(struct socket *sock, unsigned int cmd, unsigne err = cmtp_get_connlist(&cl); - if (!err && put_user(cl.cnum, (uint32_t __user *) arg)) + if (!err && put_user(cl.cnum, (u32 __user *) arg)) err = -EFAULT; return err; diff --git a/net/bluetooth/hci_conn.c b/net/bluetooth/hci_conn.c index 07bc69ed9498c276e272d9215a3189b0df7beb30..947172bf16219e7d1df1f0efcf9c3c70018c7870 100644 --- a/net/bluetooth/hci_conn.c +++ b/net/bluetooth/hci_conn.c @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ #include #include #include -#include #include #include @@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ static void hci_le_connect(struct hci_conn *conn) struct hci_cp_le_create_conn cp; conn->state = BT_CONNECT; - conn->out = 1; + conn->out = true; conn->link_mode |= HCI_LM_MASTER; conn->sec_level = BT_SECURITY_LOW; @@ -80,10 +79,10 @@ void hci_acl_connect(struct hci_conn *conn) struct inquiry_entry *ie; struct hci_cp_create_conn cp; - BT_DBG("%p", conn); + BT_DBG("hcon %p", conn); conn->state = BT_CONNECT; - conn->out = 1; + conn->out = true; conn->link_mode = HCI_LM_MASTER; @@ -105,7 +104,8 @@ void hci_acl_connect(struct hci_conn *conn) } memcpy(conn->dev_class, ie->data.dev_class, 3); - conn->ssp_mode = ie->data.ssp_mode; + if (ie->data.ssp_mode > 0) + set_bit(HCI_CONN_SSP_ENABLED, &conn->flags); } cp.pkt_type = cpu_to_le16(conn->pkt_type); @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ void hci_add_sco(struct hci_conn *conn, __u16 handle) BT_DBG("%p", conn); conn->state = BT_CONNECT; - conn->out = 1; + conn->out = true; conn->attempt++; @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ void hci_setup_sync(struct hci_conn *conn, __u16 handle) BT_DBG("%p", conn); conn->state = BT_CONNECT; - conn->out = 1; + conn->out = true; conn->attempt++; @@ -279,16 +279,13 @@ static void hci_conn_timeout(struct work_struct *work) { struct hci_conn *conn = container_of(work, struct hci_conn, disc_work.work); - struct hci_dev *hdev = conn->hdev; __u8 reason; - BT_DBG("conn %p state %d", conn, conn->state); + BT_DBG("conn %p state %s", conn, state_to_string(conn->state)); if (atomic_read(&conn->refcnt)) return; - hci_dev_lock(hdev); - switch (conn->state) { case BT_CONNECT: case BT_CONNECT2: @@ -308,8 +305,6 @@ static void hci_conn_timeout(struct work_struct *work) conn->state = BT_CLOSED; break; } - - hci_dev_unlock(hdev); } /* Enter sniff mode */ @@ -337,7 +332,7 @@ static void hci_conn_enter_sniff_mode(struct hci_conn *conn) hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_SNIFF_SUBRATE, sizeof(cp), &cp); } - if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_MODE_CHANGE_PEND, &conn->pend)) { + if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_MODE_CHANGE_PEND, &conn->flags)) { struct hci_cp_sniff_mode cp; cp.handle = cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); cp.max_interval = cpu_to_le16(hdev->sniff_max_interval); @@ -372,7 +367,7 @@ struct hci_conn *hci_conn_add(struct hci_dev *hdev, int type, bdaddr_t *dst) BT_DBG("%s dst %s", hdev->name, batostr(dst)); - conn = kzalloc(sizeof(struct hci_conn), GFP_ATOMIC); + conn = kzalloc(sizeof(struct hci_conn), GFP_KERNEL); if (!conn) return NULL; @@ -386,7 +381,7 @@ struct hci_conn *hci_conn_add(struct hci_dev *hdev, int type, bdaddr_t *dst) conn->remote_auth = 0xff; conn->key_type = 0xff; - conn->power_save = 1; + set_bit(HCI_CONN_POWER_SAVE, &conn->flags); conn->disc_timeout = HCI_DISCONN_TIMEOUT; switch (type) { @@ -407,7 +402,7 @@ struct hci_conn *hci_conn_add(struct hci_dev *hdev, int type, bdaddr_t *dst) skb_queue_head_init(&conn->data_q); - INIT_LIST_HEAD(&conn->chan_list);; + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&conn->chan_list); INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&conn->disc_work, hci_conn_timeout); setup_timer(&conn->idle_timer, hci_conn_idle, (unsigned long)conn); @@ -555,7 +550,7 @@ struct hci_conn *hci_connect(struct hci_dev *hdev, int type, bdaddr_t *dst, __u8 if (!acl) { acl = hci_conn_add(hdev, ACL_LINK, dst); if (!acl) - return NULL; + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); } hci_conn_hold(acl); @@ -575,7 +570,7 @@ struct hci_conn *hci_connect(struct hci_dev *hdev, int type, bdaddr_t *dst, __u8 sco = hci_conn_add(hdev, type, dst); if (!sco) { hci_conn_put(acl); - return NULL; + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); } } @@ -586,12 +581,12 @@ struct hci_conn *hci_connect(struct hci_dev *hdev, int type, bdaddr_t *dst, __u8 if (acl->state == BT_CONNECTED && (sco->state == BT_OPEN || sco->state == BT_CLOSED)) { - acl->power_save = 1; + set_bit(HCI_CONN_POWER_SAVE, &acl->flags); hci_conn_enter_active_mode(acl, BT_POWER_FORCE_ACTIVE_ON); - if (test_bit(HCI_CONN_MODE_CHANGE_PEND, &acl->pend)) { + if (test_bit(HCI_CONN_MODE_CHANGE_PEND, &acl->flags)) { /* defer SCO setup until mode change completed */ - set_bit(HCI_CONN_SCO_SETUP_PEND, &acl->pend); + set_bit(HCI_CONN_SCO_SETUP_PEND, &acl->flags); return sco; } @@ -607,8 +602,7 @@ int hci_conn_check_link_mode(struct hci_conn *conn) { BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); - if (conn->ssp_mode > 0 && conn->hdev->ssp_mode > 0 && - !(conn->link_mode & HCI_LM_ENCRYPT)) + if (hci_conn_ssp_enabled(conn) && !(conn->link_mode & HCI_LM_ENCRYPT)) return 0; return 1; @@ -633,17 +627,17 @@ static int hci_conn_auth(struct hci_conn *conn, __u8 sec_level, __u8 auth_type) conn->auth_type = auth_type; - if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_AUTH_PEND, &conn->pend)) { + if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_AUTH_PEND, &conn->flags)) { struct hci_cp_auth_requested cp; /* encrypt must be pending if auth is also pending */ - set_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &conn->pend); + set_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &conn->flags); cp.handle = cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); hci_send_cmd(conn->hdev, HCI_OP_AUTH_REQUESTED, sizeof(cp), &cp); if (conn->key_type != 0xff) - set_bit(HCI_CONN_REAUTH_PEND, &conn->pend); + set_bit(HCI_CONN_REAUTH_PEND, &conn->flags); } return 0; @@ -654,7 +648,7 @@ static void hci_conn_encrypt(struct hci_conn *conn) { BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); - if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &conn->pend)) { + if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &conn->flags)) { struct hci_cp_set_conn_encrypt cp; cp.handle = cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); cp.encrypt = 0x01; @@ -674,8 +668,7 @@ int hci_conn_security(struct hci_conn *conn, __u8 sec_level, __u8 auth_type) /* For non 2.1 devices and low security level we don't need the link key. */ - if (sec_level == BT_SECURITY_LOW && - (!conn->ssp_mode || !conn->hdev->ssp_mode)) + if (sec_level == BT_SECURITY_LOW && !hci_conn_ssp_enabled(conn)) return 1; /* For other security levels we need the link key. */ @@ -704,7 +697,7 @@ int hci_conn_security(struct hci_conn *conn, __u8 sec_level, __u8 auth_type) goto encrypt; auth: - if (test_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &conn->pend)) + if (test_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &conn->flags)) return 0; if (!hci_conn_auth(conn, sec_level, auth_type)) @@ -739,7 +732,7 @@ int hci_conn_change_link_key(struct hci_conn *conn) { BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); - if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_AUTH_PEND, &conn->pend)) { + if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_AUTH_PEND, &conn->flags)) { struct hci_cp_change_conn_link_key cp; cp.handle = cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); hci_send_cmd(conn->hdev, HCI_OP_CHANGE_CONN_LINK_KEY, @@ -758,7 +751,7 @@ int hci_conn_switch_role(struct hci_conn *conn, __u8 role) if (!role && conn->link_mode & HCI_LM_MASTER) return 1; - if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_RSWITCH_PEND, &conn->pend)) { + if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_RSWITCH_PEND, &conn->flags)) { struct hci_cp_switch_role cp; bacpy(&cp.bdaddr, &conn->dst); cp.role = role; @@ -782,10 +775,10 @@ void hci_conn_enter_active_mode(struct hci_conn *conn, __u8 force_active) if (conn->mode != HCI_CM_SNIFF) goto timer; - if (!conn->power_save && !force_active) + if (!test_bit(HCI_CONN_POWER_SAVE, &conn->flags) && !force_active) goto timer; - if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_MODE_CHANGE_PEND, &conn->pend)) { + if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_MODE_CHANGE_PEND, &conn->flags)) { struct hci_cp_exit_sniff_mode cp; cp.handle = cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_EXIT_SNIFF_MODE, sizeof(cp), &cp); @@ -801,11 +794,11 @@ void hci_conn_enter_active_mode(struct hci_conn *conn, __u8 force_active) void hci_conn_hash_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) { struct hci_conn_hash *h = &hdev->conn_hash; - struct hci_conn *c; + struct hci_conn *c, *n; BT_DBG("hdev %s", hdev->name); - list_for_each_entry_rcu(c, &h->list, list) { + list_for_each_entry_safe(c, n, &h->list, list) { c->state = BT_CLOSED; hci_proto_disconn_cfm(c, HCI_ERROR_LOCAL_HOST_TERM); @@ -950,7 +943,7 @@ struct hci_chan *hci_chan_create(struct hci_conn *conn) BT_DBG("%s conn %p", hdev->name, conn); - chan = kzalloc(sizeof(struct hci_chan), GFP_ATOMIC); + chan = kzalloc(sizeof(struct hci_chan), GFP_KERNEL); if (!chan) return NULL; @@ -981,10 +974,10 @@ int hci_chan_del(struct hci_chan *chan) void hci_chan_list_flush(struct hci_conn *conn) { - struct hci_chan *chan; + struct hci_chan *chan, *n; BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); - list_for_each_entry_rcu(chan, &conn->chan_list, list) + list_for_each_entry_safe(chan, n, &conn->chan_list, list) hci_chan_del(chan); } diff --git a/net/bluetooth/hci_core.c b/net/bluetooth/hci_core.c index 5aeb62491198b193b26e7b5e2c46a90b089bf848..59ec99eb739b2d403ce2a25630d50d195c9b1263 100644 --- a/net/bluetooth/hci_core.c +++ b/net/bluetooth/hci_core.c @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include @@ -55,8 +54,6 @@ #define AUTO_OFF_TIMEOUT 2000 -bool enable_hs; - static void hci_rx_work(struct work_struct *work); static void hci_cmd_work(struct work_struct *work); static void hci_tx_work(struct work_struct *work); @@ -69,24 +66,11 @@ DEFINE_RWLOCK(hci_dev_list_lock); LIST_HEAD(hci_cb_list); DEFINE_RWLOCK(hci_cb_list_lock); -/* HCI notifiers list */ -static ATOMIC_NOTIFIER_HEAD(hci_notifier); - /* ---- HCI notifications ---- */ -int hci_register_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb) -{ - return atomic_notifier_chain_register(&hci_notifier, nb); -} - -int hci_unregister_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb) -{ - return atomic_notifier_chain_unregister(&hci_notifier, nb); -} - static void hci_notify(struct hci_dev *hdev, int event) { - atomic_notifier_call_chain(&hci_notifier, event, hdev); + hci_sock_dev_event(hdev, event); } /* ---- HCI requests ---- */ @@ -98,8 +82,28 @@ void hci_req_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, __u16 cmd, int result) /* If this is the init phase check if the completed command matches * the last init command, and if not just return. */ - if (test_bit(HCI_INIT, &hdev->flags) && hdev->init_last_cmd != cmd) + if (test_bit(HCI_INIT, &hdev->flags) && hdev->init_last_cmd != cmd) { + struct hci_command_hdr *sent = (void *) hdev->sent_cmd->data; + struct sk_buff *skb; + + /* Some CSR based controllers generate a spontaneous + * reset complete event during init and any pending + * command will never be completed. In such a case we + * need to resend whatever was the last sent + * command. + */ + + if (cmd != HCI_OP_RESET || sent->opcode == HCI_OP_RESET) + return; + + skb = skb_clone(hdev->sent_cmd, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (skb) { + skb_queue_head(&hdev->cmd_q, skb); + queue_work(hdev->workqueue, &hdev->cmd_work); + } + return; + } if (hdev->req_status == HCI_REQ_PEND) { hdev->req_result = result; @@ -355,72 +359,209 @@ struct hci_dev *hci_dev_get(int index) } /* ---- Inquiry support ---- */ -static void inquiry_cache_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) + +bool hci_discovery_active(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - struct inquiry_cache *cache = &hdev->inq_cache; - struct inquiry_entry *next = cache->list, *e; + struct discovery_state *discov = &hdev->discovery; + + switch (discov->state) { + case DISCOVERY_FINDING: + case DISCOVERY_RESOLVING: + return true; + + default: + return false; + } +} + +void hci_discovery_set_state(struct hci_dev *hdev, int state) +{ + BT_DBG("%s state %u -> %u", hdev->name, hdev->discovery.state, state); + + if (hdev->discovery.state == state) + return; + + switch (state) { + case DISCOVERY_STOPPED: + if (hdev->discovery.state != DISCOVERY_STARTING) + mgmt_discovering(hdev, 0); + hdev->discovery.type = 0; + break; + case DISCOVERY_STARTING: + break; + case DISCOVERY_FINDING: + mgmt_discovering(hdev, 1); + break; + case DISCOVERY_RESOLVING: + break; + case DISCOVERY_STOPPING: + break; + } + + hdev->discovery.state = state; +} - BT_DBG("cache %p", cache); +static void inquiry_cache_flush(struct hci_dev *hdev) +{ + struct discovery_state *cache = &hdev->discovery; + struct inquiry_entry *p, *n; - cache->list = NULL; - while ((e = next)) { - next = e->next; - kfree(e); + list_for_each_entry_safe(p, n, &cache->all, all) { + list_del(&p->all); + kfree(p); } + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cache->unknown); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cache->resolve); } struct inquiry_entry *hci_inquiry_cache_lookup(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr) { - struct inquiry_cache *cache = &hdev->inq_cache; + struct discovery_state *cache = &hdev->discovery; struct inquiry_entry *e; BT_DBG("cache %p, %s", cache, batostr(bdaddr)); - for (e = cache->list; e; e = e->next) + list_for_each_entry(e, &cache->all, all) { + if (!bacmp(&e->data.bdaddr, bdaddr)) + return e; + } + + return NULL; +} + +struct inquiry_entry *hci_inquiry_cache_lookup_unknown(struct hci_dev *hdev, + bdaddr_t *bdaddr) +{ + struct discovery_state *cache = &hdev->discovery; + struct inquiry_entry *e; + + BT_DBG("cache %p, %s", cache, batostr(bdaddr)); + + list_for_each_entry(e, &cache->unknown, list) { + if (!bacmp(&e->data.bdaddr, bdaddr)) + return e; + } + + return NULL; +} + +struct inquiry_entry *hci_inquiry_cache_lookup_resolve(struct hci_dev *hdev, + bdaddr_t *bdaddr, + int state) +{ + struct discovery_state *cache = &hdev->discovery; + struct inquiry_entry *e; + + BT_DBG("cache %p bdaddr %s state %d", cache, batostr(bdaddr), state); + + list_for_each_entry(e, &cache->resolve, list) { + if (!bacmp(bdaddr, BDADDR_ANY) && e->name_state == state) + return e; if (!bacmp(&e->data.bdaddr, bdaddr)) + return e; + } + + return NULL; +} + +void hci_inquiry_cache_update_resolve(struct hci_dev *hdev, + struct inquiry_entry *ie) +{ + struct discovery_state *cache = &hdev->discovery; + struct list_head *pos = &cache->resolve; + struct inquiry_entry *p; + + list_del(&ie->list); + + list_for_each_entry(p, &cache->resolve, list) { + if (p->name_state != NAME_PENDING && + abs(p->data.rssi) >= abs(ie->data.rssi)) break; - return e; + pos = &p->list; + } + + list_add(&ie->list, pos); } -void hci_inquiry_cache_update(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct inquiry_data *data) +bool hci_inquiry_cache_update(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct inquiry_data *data, + bool name_known, bool *ssp) { - struct inquiry_cache *cache = &hdev->inq_cache; + struct discovery_state *cache = &hdev->discovery; struct inquiry_entry *ie; BT_DBG("cache %p, %s", cache, batostr(&data->bdaddr)); + if (ssp) + *ssp = data->ssp_mode; + ie = hci_inquiry_cache_lookup(hdev, &data->bdaddr); - if (!ie) { - /* Entry not in the cache. Add new one. */ - ie = kzalloc(sizeof(struct inquiry_entry), GFP_ATOMIC); - if (!ie) - return; + if (ie) { + if (ie->data.ssp_mode && ssp) + *ssp = true; + + if (ie->name_state == NAME_NEEDED && + data->rssi != ie->data.rssi) { + ie->data.rssi = data->rssi; + hci_inquiry_cache_update_resolve(hdev, ie); + } - ie->next = cache->list; - cache->list = ie; + goto update; + } + + /* Entry not in the cache. Add new one. */ + ie = kzalloc(sizeof(struct inquiry_entry), GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!ie) + return false; + + list_add(&ie->all, &cache->all); + + if (name_known) { + ie->name_state = NAME_KNOWN; + } else { + ie->name_state = NAME_NOT_KNOWN; + list_add(&ie->list, &cache->unknown); + } + +update: + if (name_known && ie->name_state != NAME_KNOWN && + ie->name_state != NAME_PENDING) { + ie->name_state = NAME_KNOWN; + list_del(&ie->list); } memcpy(&ie->data, data, sizeof(*data)); ie->timestamp = jiffies; cache->timestamp = jiffies; + + if (ie->name_state == NAME_NOT_KNOWN) + return false; + + return true; } static int inquiry_cache_dump(struct hci_dev *hdev, int num, __u8 *buf) { - struct inquiry_cache *cache = &hdev->inq_cache; + struct discovery_state *cache = &hdev->discovery; struct inquiry_info *info = (struct inquiry_info *) buf; struct inquiry_entry *e; int copied = 0; - for (e = cache->list; e && copied < num; e = e->next, copied++) { + list_for_each_entry(e, &cache->all, all) { struct inquiry_data *data = &e->data; + + if (copied >= num) + break; + bacpy(&info->bdaddr, &data->bdaddr); info->pscan_rep_mode = data->pscan_rep_mode; info->pscan_period_mode = data->pscan_period_mode; info->pscan_mode = data->pscan_mode; memcpy(info->dev_class, data->dev_class, 3); info->clock_offset = data->clock_offset; + info++; + copied++; } BT_DBG("cache %p, copied %d", cache, copied); @@ -567,7 +708,7 @@ int hci_dev_open(__u16 dev) hci_dev_hold(hdev); set_bit(HCI_UP, &hdev->flags); hci_notify(hdev, HCI_DEV_UP); - if (!test_bit(HCI_SETUP, &hdev->flags)) { + if (!test_bit(HCI_SETUP, &hdev->dev_flags)) { hci_dev_lock(hdev); mgmt_powered(hdev, 1); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); @@ -603,6 +744,8 @@ static int hci_dev_do_close(struct hci_dev *hdev) { BT_DBG("%s %p", hdev->name, hdev); + cancel_work_sync(&hdev->le_scan); + hci_req_cancel(hdev, ENODEV); hci_req_lock(hdev); @@ -619,14 +762,14 @@ static int hci_dev_do_close(struct hci_dev *hdev) if (hdev->discov_timeout > 0) { cancel_delayed_work(&hdev->discov_off); hdev->discov_timeout = 0; + clear_bit(HCI_DISCOVERABLE, &hdev->dev_flags); } - if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_AUTO_OFF, &hdev->flags)) - cancel_delayed_work(&hdev->power_off); - - if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_SERVICE_CACHE, &hdev->flags)) + if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_SERVICE_CACHE, &hdev->dev_flags)) cancel_delayed_work(&hdev->service_cache); + cancel_delayed_work_sync(&hdev->le_scan_disable); + hci_dev_lock(hdev); inquiry_cache_flush(hdev); hci_conn_hash_flush(hdev); @@ -667,13 +810,18 @@ static int hci_dev_do_close(struct hci_dev *hdev) * and no tasks are scheduled. */ hdev->close(hdev); - hci_dev_lock(hdev); - mgmt_powered(hdev, 0); - hci_dev_unlock(hdev); + if (!test_and_clear_bit(HCI_AUTO_OFF, &hdev->dev_flags)) { + hci_dev_lock(hdev); + mgmt_powered(hdev, 0); + hci_dev_unlock(hdev); + } /* Clear flags */ hdev->flags = 0; + memset(hdev->eir, 0, sizeof(hdev->eir)); + memset(hdev->dev_class, 0, sizeof(hdev->dev_class)); + hci_req_unlock(hdev); hci_dev_put(hdev); @@ -688,7 +836,12 @@ int hci_dev_close(__u16 dev) hdev = hci_dev_get(dev); if (!hdev) return -ENODEV; + + if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_AUTO_OFF, &hdev->dev_flags)) + cancel_delayed_work(&hdev->power_off); + err = hci_dev_do_close(hdev); + hci_dev_put(hdev); return err; } @@ -847,11 +1000,11 @@ int hci_get_dev_list(void __user *arg) read_lock(&hci_dev_list_lock); list_for_each_entry(hdev, &hci_dev_list, list) { - if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_AUTO_OFF, &hdev->flags)) + if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_AUTO_OFF, &hdev->dev_flags)) cancel_delayed_work(&hdev->power_off); - if (!test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->flags)) - set_bit(HCI_PAIRABLE, &hdev->flags); + if (!test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) + set_bit(HCI_PAIRABLE, &hdev->dev_flags); (dr + n)->dev_id = hdev->id; (dr + n)->dev_opt = hdev->flags; @@ -883,11 +1036,11 @@ int hci_get_dev_info(void __user *arg) if (!hdev) return -ENODEV; - if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_AUTO_OFF, &hdev->flags)) + if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_AUTO_OFF, &hdev->dev_flags)) cancel_delayed_work_sync(&hdev->power_off); - if (!test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->flags)) - set_bit(HCI_PAIRABLE, &hdev->flags); + if (!test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) + set_bit(HCI_PAIRABLE, &hdev->dev_flags); strcpy(di.name, hdev->name); di.bdaddr = hdev->bdaddr; @@ -967,11 +1120,11 @@ static void hci_power_on(struct work_struct *work) if (hci_dev_open(hdev->id) < 0) return; - if (test_bit(HCI_AUTO_OFF, &hdev->flags)) + if (test_bit(HCI_AUTO_OFF, &hdev->dev_flags)) schedule_delayed_work(&hdev->power_off, msecs_to_jiffies(AUTO_OFF_TIMEOUT)); - if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_SETUP, &hdev->flags)) + if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_SETUP, &hdev->dev_flags)) mgmt_index_added(hdev); } @@ -982,9 +1135,7 @@ static void hci_power_off(struct work_struct *work) BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); - clear_bit(HCI_AUTO_OFF, &hdev->flags); - - hci_dev_close(hdev->id); + hci_dev_do_close(hdev); } static void hci_discov_off(struct work_struct *work) @@ -1037,6 +1188,18 @@ int hci_link_keys_clear(struct hci_dev *hdev) return 0; } +int hci_smp_ltks_clear(struct hci_dev *hdev) +{ + struct smp_ltk *k, *tmp; + + list_for_each_entry_safe(k, tmp, &hdev->long_term_keys, list) { + list_del(&k->list); + kfree(k); + } + + return 0; +} + struct link_key *hci_find_link_key(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr) { struct link_key *k; @@ -1084,44 +1247,38 @@ static int hci_persistent_key(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct hci_conn *conn, return 0; } -struct link_key *hci_find_ltk(struct hci_dev *hdev, __le16 ediv, u8 rand[8]) +struct smp_ltk *hci_find_ltk(struct hci_dev *hdev, __le16 ediv, u8 rand[8]) { - struct link_key *k; + struct smp_ltk *k; - list_for_each_entry(k, &hdev->link_keys, list) { - struct key_master_id *id; - - if (k->type != HCI_LK_SMP_LTK) + list_for_each_entry(k, &hdev->long_term_keys, list) { + if (k->ediv != ediv || + memcmp(rand, k->rand, sizeof(k->rand))) continue; - if (k->dlen != sizeof(*id)) - continue; - - id = (void *) &k->data; - if (id->ediv == ediv && - (memcmp(rand, id->rand, sizeof(id->rand)) == 0)) - return k; + return k; } return NULL; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(hci_find_ltk); -struct link_key *hci_find_link_key_type(struct hci_dev *hdev, - bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 type) +struct smp_ltk *hci_find_ltk_by_addr(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, + u8 addr_type) { - struct link_key *k; + struct smp_ltk *k; - list_for_each_entry(k, &hdev->link_keys, list) - if (k->type == type && bacmp(bdaddr, &k->bdaddr) == 0) + list_for_each_entry(k, &hdev->long_term_keys, list) + if (addr_type == k->bdaddr_type && + bacmp(bdaddr, &k->bdaddr) == 0) return k; return NULL; } -EXPORT_SYMBOL(hci_find_link_key_type); +EXPORT_SYMBOL(hci_find_ltk_by_addr); int hci_add_link_key(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct hci_conn *conn, int new_key, - bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 *val, u8 type, u8 pin_len) + bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 *val, u8 type, u8 pin_len) { struct link_key *key, *old_key; u8 old_key_type, persistent; @@ -1175,40 +1332,39 @@ int hci_add_link_key(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct hci_conn *conn, int new_key, return 0; } -int hci_add_ltk(struct hci_dev *hdev, int new_key, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, - u8 key_size, __le16 ediv, u8 rand[8], u8 ltk[16]) +int hci_add_ltk(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 addr_type, u8 type, + int new_key, u8 authenticated, u8 tk[16], u8 enc_size, u16 + ediv, u8 rand[8]) { - struct link_key *key, *old_key; - struct key_master_id *id; - u8 old_key_type; + struct smp_ltk *key, *old_key; - BT_DBG("%s addr %s", hdev->name, batostr(bdaddr)); + if (!(type & HCI_SMP_STK) && !(type & HCI_SMP_LTK)) + return 0; - old_key = hci_find_link_key_type(hdev, bdaddr, HCI_LK_SMP_LTK); - if (old_key) { + old_key = hci_find_ltk_by_addr(hdev, bdaddr, addr_type); + if (old_key) key = old_key; - old_key_type = old_key->type; - } else { - key = kzalloc(sizeof(*key) + sizeof(*id), GFP_ATOMIC); + else { + key = kzalloc(sizeof(*key), GFP_ATOMIC); if (!key) return -ENOMEM; - list_add(&key->list, &hdev->link_keys); - old_key_type = 0xff; + list_add(&key->list, &hdev->long_term_keys); } - key->dlen = sizeof(*id); - bacpy(&key->bdaddr, bdaddr); - memcpy(key->val, ltk, sizeof(key->val)); - key->type = HCI_LK_SMP_LTK; - key->pin_len = key_size; + key->bdaddr_type = addr_type; + memcpy(key->val, tk, sizeof(key->val)); + key->authenticated = authenticated; + key->ediv = ediv; + key->enc_size = enc_size; + key->type = type; + memcpy(key->rand, rand, sizeof(key->rand)); - id = (void *) &key->data; - id->ediv = ediv; - memcpy(id->rand, rand, sizeof(id->rand)); + if (!new_key) + return 0; - if (new_key) - mgmt_new_link_key(hdev, key, old_key_type); + if (type & HCI_SMP_LTK) + mgmt_new_ltk(hdev, key, 1); return 0; } @@ -1229,6 +1385,23 @@ int hci_remove_link_key(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr) return 0; } +int hci_remove_ltk(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr) +{ + struct smp_ltk *k, *tmp; + + list_for_each_entry_safe(k, tmp, &hdev->long_term_keys, list) { + if (bacmp(bdaddr, &k->bdaddr)) + continue; + + BT_DBG("%s removing %s", hdev->name, batostr(bdaddr)); + + list_del(&k->list); + kfree(k); + } + + return 0; +} + /* HCI command timer function */ static void hci_cmd_timer(unsigned long arg) { @@ -1240,7 +1413,7 @@ static void hci_cmd_timer(unsigned long arg) } struct oob_data *hci_find_remote_oob_data(struct hci_dev *hdev, - bdaddr_t *bdaddr) + bdaddr_t *bdaddr) { struct oob_data *data; @@ -1280,7 +1453,7 @@ int hci_remote_oob_data_clear(struct hci_dev *hdev) } int hci_add_remote_oob_data(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 *hash, - u8 *randomizer) + u8 *randomizer) { struct oob_data *data; @@ -1303,8 +1476,7 @@ int hci_add_remote_oob_data(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 *hash, return 0; } -struct bdaddr_list *hci_blacklist_lookup(struct hci_dev *hdev, - bdaddr_t *bdaddr) +struct bdaddr_list *hci_blacklist_lookup(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr) { struct bdaddr_list *b; @@ -1331,7 +1503,7 @@ int hci_blacklist_clear(struct hci_dev *hdev) return 0; } -int hci_blacklist_add(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr) +int hci_blacklist_add(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 type) { struct bdaddr_list *entry; @@ -1349,10 +1521,10 @@ int hci_blacklist_add(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr) list_add(&entry->list, &hdev->blacklist); - return mgmt_device_blocked(hdev, bdaddr); + return mgmt_device_blocked(hdev, bdaddr, type); } -int hci_blacklist_del(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr) +int hci_blacklist_del(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 type) { struct bdaddr_list *entry; @@ -1366,13 +1538,13 @@ int hci_blacklist_del(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr) list_del(&entry->list); kfree(entry); - return mgmt_device_unblocked(hdev, bdaddr); + return mgmt_device_unblocked(hdev, bdaddr, type); } static void hci_clear_adv_cache(struct work_struct *work) { struct hci_dev *hdev = container_of(work, struct hci_dev, - adv_work.work); + adv_work.work); hci_dev_lock(hdev); @@ -1415,11 +1587,7 @@ static inline int is_connectable_adv(u8 evt_type) } int hci_add_adv_entry(struct hci_dev *hdev, - struct hci_ev_le_advertising_info *ev) -{ - struct adv_entry *entry; - - if (!is_connectable_adv(ev->evt_type)) + struct hci_ev_le_advertising_info *ev) { struct adv_entry *entry; if (!is_connectable_adv(ev->evt_type)) return -EINVAL; /* Only new entries should be added to adv_entries. So, if @@ -1427,7 +1595,7 @@ int hci_add_adv_entry(struct hci_dev *hdev, if (hci_find_adv_entry(hdev, &ev->bdaddr)) return 0; - entry = kzalloc(sizeof(*entry), GFP_ATOMIC); + entry = kzalloc(sizeof(*entry), GFP_KERNEL); if (!entry) return -ENOMEM; @@ -1442,16 +1610,116 @@ int hci_add_adv_entry(struct hci_dev *hdev, return 0; } +static void le_scan_param_req(struct hci_dev *hdev, unsigned long opt) +{ + struct le_scan_params *param = (struct le_scan_params *) opt; + struct hci_cp_le_set_scan_param cp; + + memset(&cp, 0, sizeof(cp)); + cp.type = param->type; + cp.interval = cpu_to_le16(param->interval); + cp.window = cpu_to_le16(param->window); + + hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_LE_SET_SCAN_PARAM, sizeof(cp), &cp); +} + +static void le_scan_enable_req(struct hci_dev *hdev, unsigned long opt) +{ + struct hci_cp_le_set_scan_enable cp; + + memset(&cp, 0, sizeof(cp)); + cp.enable = 1; + + hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_LE_SET_SCAN_ENABLE, sizeof(cp), &cp); +} + +static int hci_do_le_scan(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 type, u16 interval, + u16 window, int timeout) +{ + long timeo = msecs_to_jiffies(3000); + struct le_scan_params param; + int err; + + BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); + + if (test_bit(HCI_LE_SCAN, &hdev->dev_flags)) + return -EINPROGRESS; + + param.type = type; + param.interval = interval; + param.window = window; + + hci_req_lock(hdev); + + err = __hci_request(hdev, le_scan_param_req, (unsigned long) ¶m, + timeo); + if (!err) + err = __hci_request(hdev, le_scan_enable_req, 0, timeo); + + hci_req_unlock(hdev); + + if (err < 0) + return err; + + schedule_delayed_work(&hdev->le_scan_disable, + msecs_to_jiffies(timeout)); + + return 0; +} + +static void le_scan_disable_work(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct hci_dev *hdev = container_of(work, struct hci_dev, + le_scan_disable.work); + struct hci_cp_le_set_scan_enable cp; + + BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); + + memset(&cp, 0, sizeof(cp)); + + hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_LE_SET_SCAN_ENABLE, sizeof(cp), &cp); +} + +static void le_scan_work(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct hci_dev *hdev = container_of(work, struct hci_dev, le_scan); + struct le_scan_params *param = &hdev->le_scan_params; + + BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); + + hci_do_le_scan(hdev, param->type, param->interval, param->window, + param->timeout); +} + +int hci_le_scan(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 type, u16 interval, u16 window, + int timeout) +{ + struct le_scan_params *param = &hdev->le_scan_params; + + BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); + + if (work_busy(&hdev->le_scan)) + return -EINPROGRESS; + + param->type = type; + param->interval = interval; + param->window = window; + param->timeout = timeout; + + queue_work(system_long_wq, &hdev->le_scan); + + return 0; +} + /* Register HCI device */ int hci_register_dev(struct hci_dev *hdev) { struct list_head *head = &hci_dev_list, *p; int i, id, error; - BT_DBG("%p name %s bus %d owner %p", hdev, hdev->name, - hdev->bus, hdev->owner); + BT_DBG("%p name %s bus %d", hdev, hdev->name, hdev->bus); - if (!hdev->open || !hdev->close || !hdev->destruct) + if (!hdev->open || !hdev->close) return -EINVAL; /* Do not allow HCI_AMP devices to register at index 0, @@ -1472,7 +1740,6 @@ int hci_register_dev(struct hci_dev *hdev) hdev->id = id; list_add_tail(&hdev->list, head); - atomic_set(&hdev->refcnt, 1); mutex_init(&hdev->lock); hdev->flags = 0; @@ -1503,7 +1770,7 @@ int hci_register_dev(struct hci_dev *hdev) init_waitqueue_head(&hdev->req_wait_q); mutex_init(&hdev->req_lock); - inquiry_cache_init(hdev); + discovery_init(hdev); hci_conn_hash_init(hdev); @@ -1514,6 +1781,7 @@ int hci_register_dev(struct hci_dev *hdev) INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hdev->uuids); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hdev->link_keys); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hdev->long_term_keys); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hdev->remote_oob_data); @@ -1529,6 +1797,10 @@ int hci_register_dev(struct hci_dev *hdev) atomic_set(&hdev->promisc, 0); + INIT_WORK(&hdev->le_scan, le_scan_work); + + INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&hdev->le_scan_disable, le_scan_disable_work); + write_unlock(&hci_dev_list_lock); hdev->workqueue = alloc_workqueue(hdev->name, WQ_HIGHPRI | WQ_UNBOUND | @@ -1551,11 +1823,12 @@ int hci_register_dev(struct hci_dev *hdev) } } - set_bit(HCI_AUTO_OFF, &hdev->flags); - set_bit(HCI_SETUP, &hdev->flags); + set_bit(HCI_AUTO_OFF, &hdev->dev_flags); + set_bit(HCI_SETUP, &hdev->dev_flags); schedule_work(&hdev->power_on); hci_notify(hdev, HCI_DEV_REG); + hci_dev_hold(hdev); return id; @@ -1587,7 +1860,7 @@ void hci_unregister_dev(struct hci_dev *hdev) kfree_skb(hdev->reassembly[i]); if (!test_bit(HCI_INIT, &hdev->flags) && - !test_bit(HCI_SETUP, &hdev->flags)) { + !test_bit(HCI_SETUP, &hdev->dev_flags)) { hci_dev_lock(hdev); mgmt_index_removed(hdev); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); @@ -1614,11 +1887,12 @@ void hci_unregister_dev(struct hci_dev *hdev) hci_blacklist_clear(hdev); hci_uuids_clear(hdev); hci_link_keys_clear(hdev); + hci_smp_ltks_clear(hdev); hci_remote_oob_data_clear(hdev); hci_adv_entries_clear(hdev); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - __hci_dev_put(hdev); + hci_dev_put(hdev); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(hci_unregister_dev); @@ -1706,7 +1980,7 @@ static int hci_reassembly(struct hci_dev *hdev, int type, void *data, while (count) { scb = (void *) skb->cb; - len = min(scb->expect, (__u16)count); + len = min_t(uint, scb->expect, count); memcpy(skb_put(skb, len), data, len); @@ -1862,11 +2136,15 @@ static int hci_send_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) BT_DBG("%s type %d len %d", hdev->name, bt_cb(skb)->pkt_type, skb->len); - if (atomic_read(&hdev->promisc)) { - /* Time stamp */ - __net_timestamp(skb); + /* Time stamp */ + __net_timestamp(skb); + + /* Send copy to monitor */ + hci_send_to_monitor(hdev, skb); - hci_send_to_sock(hdev, skb, NULL); + if (atomic_read(&hdev->promisc)) { + /* Send copy to the sockets */ + hci_send_to_sock(hdev, skb); } /* Get rid of skb owner, prior to sending to the driver. */ @@ -2235,26 +2513,31 @@ static void hci_prio_recalculate(struct hci_dev *hdev, __u8 type) } -static inline void hci_sched_acl(struct hci_dev *hdev) +static inline int __get_blocks(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) { - struct hci_chan *chan; - struct sk_buff *skb; - int quote; - unsigned int cnt; - - BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); - - if (!hci_conn_num(hdev, ACL_LINK)) - return; + /* Calculate count of blocks used by this packet */ + return DIV_ROUND_UP(skb->len - HCI_ACL_HDR_SIZE, hdev->block_len); +} +static inline void __check_timeout(struct hci_dev *hdev, unsigned int cnt) +{ if (!test_bit(HCI_RAW, &hdev->flags)) { /* ACL tx timeout must be longer than maximum * link supervision timeout (40.9 seconds) */ - if (!hdev->acl_cnt && time_after(jiffies, hdev->acl_last_tx + HZ * 45)) + if (!cnt && time_after(jiffies, hdev->acl_last_tx + + msecs_to_jiffies(HCI_ACL_TX_TIMEOUT))) hci_link_tx_to(hdev, ACL_LINK); } +} + +static inline void hci_sched_acl_pkt(struct hci_dev *hdev) +{ + unsigned int cnt = hdev->acl_cnt; + struct hci_chan *chan; + struct sk_buff *skb; + int quote; - cnt = hdev->acl_cnt; + __check_timeout(hdev, cnt); while (hdev->acl_cnt && (chan = hci_chan_sent(hdev, ACL_LINK, "e))) { @@ -2270,7 +2553,7 @@ static inline void hci_sched_acl(struct hci_dev *hdev) skb = skb_dequeue(&chan->data_q); hci_conn_enter_active_mode(chan->conn, - bt_cb(skb)->force_active); + bt_cb(skb)->force_active); hci_send_frame(skb); hdev->acl_last_tx = jiffies; @@ -2285,6 +2568,70 @@ static inline void hci_sched_acl(struct hci_dev *hdev) hci_prio_recalculate(hdev, ACL_LINK); } +static inline void hci_sched_acl_blk(struct hci_dev *hdev) +{ + unsigned int cnt = hdev->block_cnt; + struct hci_chan *chan; + struct sk_buff *skb; + int quote; + + __check_timeout(hdev, cnt); + + while (hdev->block_cnt > 0 && + (chan = hci_chan_sent(hdev, ACL_LINK, "e))) { + u32 priority = (skb_peek(&chan->data_q))->priority; + while (quote > 0 && (skb = skb_peek(&chan->data_q))) { + int blocks; + + BT_DBG("chan %p skb %p len %d priority %u", chan, skb, + skb->len, skb->priority); + + /* Stop if priority has changed */ + if (skb->priority < priority) + break; + + skb = skb_dequeue(&chan->data_q); + + blocks = __get_blocks(hdev, skb); + if (blocks > hdev->block_cnt) + return; + + hci_conn_enter_active_mode(chan->conn, + bt_cb(skb)->force_active); + + hci_send_frame(skb); + hdev->acl_last_tx = jiffies; + + hdev->block_cnt -= blocks; + quote -= blocks; + + chan->sent += blocks; + chan->conn->sent += blocks; + } + } + + if (cnt != hdev->block_cnt) + hci_prio_recalculate(hdev, ACL_LINK); +} + +static inline void hci_sched_acl(struct hci_dev *hdev) +{ + BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); + + if (!hci_conn_num(hdev, ACL_LINK)) + return; + + switch (hdev->flow_ctl_mode) { + case HCI_FLOW_CTL_MODE_PACKET_BASED: + hci_sched_acl_pkt(hdev); + break; + + case HCI_FLOW_CTL_MODE_BLOCK_BASED: + hci_sched_acl_blk(hdev); + break; + } +} + /* Schedule SCO */ static inline void hci_sched_sco(struct hci_dev *hdev) { @@ -2482,9 +2829,12 @@ static void hci_rx_work(struct work_struct *work) BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); while ((skb = skb_dequeue(&hdev->rx_q))) { + /* Send copy to monitor */ + hci_send_to_monitor(hdev, skb); + if (atomic_read(&hdev->promisc)) { /* Send copy to the sockets */ - hci_send_to_sock(hdev, skb, NULL); + hci_send_to_sock(hdev, skb); } if (test_bit(HCI_RAW, &hdev->flags)) { @@ -2568,6 +2918,8 @@ int hci_do_inquiry(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 length) if (test_bit(HCI_INQUIRY, &hdev->flags)) return -EINPROGRESS; + inquiry_cache_flush(hdev); + memset(&cp, 0, sizeof(cp)); memcpy(&cp.lap, lap, sizeof(cp.lap)); cp.length = length; @@ -2584,6 +2936,3 @@ int hci_cancel_inquiry(struct hci_dev *hdev) return hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_INQUIRY_CANCEL, 0, NULL); } - -module_param(enable_hs, bool, 0644); -MODULE_PARM_DESC(enable_hs, "Enable High Speed"); diff --git a/net/bluetooth/hci_event.c b/net/bluetooth/hci_event.c index 001307f810577111d0bbeea9265e0da37574cb5e..badb7851d11669a8da55be315bc77054c5eaf7a3 100644 --- a/net/bluetooth/hci_event.c +++ b/net/bluetooth/hci_event.c @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ #include #include #include -#include #include #include @@ -45,8 +44,6 @@ #include #include -static bool enable_le; - /* Handle HCI Event packets */ static void hci_cc_inquiry_cancel(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) @@ -65,7 +62,7 @@ static void hci_cc_inquiry_cancel(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) clear_bit(HCI_INQUIRY, &hdev->flags); hci_dev_lock(hdev); - mgmt_discovering(hdev, 0); + hci_discovery_set_state(hdev, DISCOVERY_STOPPED); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); hci_req_complete(hdev, HCI_OP_INQUIRY_CANCEL, status); @@ -195,7 +192,10 @@ static void hci_cc_reset(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) hci_req_complete(hdev, HCI_OP_RESET, status); - hdev->dev_flags = 0; + /* Reset all non-persistent flags */ + hdev->dev_flags &= ~(BIT(HCI_LE_SCAN) | BIT(HCI_PENDING_CLASS)); + + hdev->discovery.state = DISCOVERY_STOPPED; } static void hci_cc_write_local_name(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) @@ -211,13 +211,14 @@ static void hci_cc_write_local_name(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->flags)) + if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) mgmt_set_local_name_complete(hdev, sent, status); - - if (status == 0) + else if (!status) memcpy(hdev->dev_name, sent, HCI_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); + + hci_req_complete(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_LOCAL_NAME, status); } static void hci_cc_read_local_name(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) @@ -229,7 +230,8 @@ static void hci_cc_read_local_name(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) if (rp->status) return; - memcpy(hdev->dev_name, rp->name, HCI_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); + if (test_bit(HCI_SETUP, &hdev->dev_flags)) + memcpy(hdev->dev_name, rp->name, HCI_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); } static void hci_cc_write_auth_enable(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) @@ -252,6 +254,9 @@ static void hci_cc_write_auth_enable(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) clear_bit(HCI_AUTH, &hdev->flags); } + if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) + mgmt_auth_enable_complete(hdev, status); + hci_req_complete(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_AUTH_ENABLE, status); } @@ -349,14 +354,19 @@ static void hci_cc_write_class_of_dev(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) BT_DBG("%s status 0x%x", hdev->name, status); - if (status) - return; - sent = hci_sent_cmd_data(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_CLASS_OF_DEV); if (!sent) return; - memcpy(hdev->dev_class, sent, 3); + hci_dev_lock(hdev); + + if (status == 0) + memcpy(hdev->dev_class, sent, 3); + + if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) + mgmt_set_class_of_dev_complete(hdev, sent, status); + + hci_dev_unlock(hdev); } static void hci_cc_read_voice_setting(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) @@ -419,18 +429,6 @@ static void hci_cc_host_buffer_size(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) hci_req_complete(hdev, HCI_OP_HOST_BUFFER_SIZE, status); } -static void hci_cc_read_ssp_mode(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) -{ - struct hci_rp_read_ssp_mode *rp = (void *) skb->data; - - BT_DBG("%s status 0x%x", hdev->name, rp->status); - - if (rp->status) - return; - - hdev->ssp_mode = rp->mode; -} - static void hci_cc_write_ssp_mode(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) { __u8 status = *((__u8 *) skb->data); @@ -438,14 +436,18 @@ static void hci_cc_write_ssp_mode(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) BT_DBG("%s status 0x%x", hdev->name, status); - if (status) - return; - sent = hci_sent_cmd_data(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_SSP_MODE); if (!sent) return; - hdev->ssp_mode = *((__u8 *) sent); + if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) + mgmt_ssp_enable_complete(hdev, *((u8 *) sent), status); + else if (!status) { + if (*((u8 *) sent)) + set_bit(HCI_SSP_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags); + else + clear_bit(HCI_SSP_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags); + } } static u8 hci_get_inquiry_mode(struct hci_dev *hdev) @@ -540,20 +542,6 @@ static void hci_setup_event_mask(struct hci_dev *hdev) hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_SET_EVENT_MASK, sizeof(events), events); } -static void hci_set_le_support(struct hci_dev *hdev) -{ - struct hci_cp_write_le_host_supported cp; - - memset(&cp, 0, sizeof(cp)); - - if (enable_le) { - cp.le = 1; - cp.simul = !!(hdev->features[6] & LMP_SIMUL_LE_BR); - } - - hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_LE_HOST_SUPPORTED, sizeof(cp), &cp); -} - static void hci_setup(struct hci_dev *hdev) { if (hdev->dev_type != HCI_BREDR) @@ -565,8 +553,18 @@ static void hci_setup(struct hci_dev *hdev) hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_READ_LOCAL_COMMANDS, 0, NULL); if (hdev->features[6] & LMP_SIMPLE_PAIR) { - u8 mode = 0x01; - hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_SSP_MODE, sizeof(mode), &mode); + if (test_bit(HCI_SSP_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags)) { + u8 mode = 0x01; + hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_SSP_MODE, + sizeof(mode), &mode); + } else { + struct hci_cp_write_eir cp; + + memset(hdev->eir, 0, sizeof(hdev->eir)); + memset(&cp, 0, sizeof(cp)); + + hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_EIR, sizeof(cp), &cp); + } } if (hdev->features[3] & LMP_RSSI_INQ) @@ -579,12 +577,15 @@ static void hci_setup(struct hci_dev *hdev) struct hci_cp_read_local_ext_features cp; cp.page = 0x01; - hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_READ_LOCAL_EXT_FEATURES, - sizeof(cp), &cp); + hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_READ_LOCAL_EXT_FEATURES, sizeof(cp), + &cp); } - if (hdev->features[4] & LMP_LE) - hci_set_le_support(hdev); + if (test_bit(HCI_LINK_SECURITY, &hdev->dev_flags)) { + u8 enable = 1; + hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_AUTH_ENABLE, sizeof(enable), + &enable); + } } static void hci_cc_read_local_version(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) @@ -594,7 +595,7 @@ static void hci_cc_read_local_version(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) BT_DBG("%s status 0x%x", hdev->name, rp->status); if (rp->status) - return; + goto done; hdev->hci_ver = rp->hci_ver; hdev->hci_rev = __le16_to_cpu(rp->hci_rev); @@ -608,6 +609,9 @@ static void hci_cc_read_local_version(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) if (test_bit(HCI_INIT, &hdev->flags)) hci_setup(hdev); + +done: + hci_req_complete(hdev, HCI_OP_READ_LOCAL_VERSION, rp->status); } static void hci_setup_link_policy(struct hci_dev *hdev) @@ -624,8 +628,8 @@ static void hci_setup_link_policy(struct hci_dev *hdev) link_policy |= HCI_LP_PARK; link_policy = cpu_to_le16(link_policy); - hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_DEF_LINK_POLICY, - sizeof(link_policy), &link_policy); + hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_DEF_LINK_POLICY, sizeof(link_policy), + &link_policy); } static void hci_cc_read_local_commands(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) @@ -701,6 +705,22 @@ static void hci_cc_read_local_features(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb hdev->features[6], hdev->features[7]); } +static void hci_set_le_support(struct hci_dev *hdev) +{ + struct hci_cp_write_le_host_supported cp; + + memset(&cp, 0, sizeof(cp)); + + if (enable_le && test_bit(HCI_LE_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags)) { + cp.le = 1; + cp.simul = !!(hdev->features[6] & LMP_SIMUL_LE_BR); + } + + if (cp.le != !!(hdev->host_features[0] & LMP_HOST_LE)) + hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_LE_HOST_SUPPORTED, sizeof(cp), + &cp); +} + static void hci_cc_read_local_ext_features(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) { @@ -709,7 +729,7 @@ static void hci_cc_read_local_ext_features(struct hci_dev *hdev, BT_DBG("%s status 0x%x", hdev->name, rp->status); if (rp->status) - return; + goto done; switch (rp->page) { case 0: @@ -720,6 +740,10 @@ static void hci_cc_read_local_ext_features(struct hci_dev *hdev, break; } + if (test_bit(HCI_INIT, &hdev->flags) && hdev->features[4] & LMP_LE) + hci_set_le_support(hdev); + +done: hci_req_complete(hdev, HCI_OP_READ_LOCAL_EXT_FEATURES, rp->status); } @@ -890,7 +914,7 @@ static void hci_cc_pin_code_reply(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->flags)) + if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) mgmt_pin_code_reply_complete(hdev, &rp->bdaddr, rp->status); if (rp->status != 0) @@ -916,7 +940,7 @@ static void hci_cc_pin_code_neg_reply(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->flags)) + if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) mgmt_pin_code_neg_reply_complete(hdev, &rp->bdaddr, rp->status); @@ -951,9 +975,9 @@ static void hci_cc_user_confirm_reply(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->flags)) - mgmt_user_confirm_reply_complete(hdev, &rp->bdaddr, - rp->status); + if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) + mgmt_user_confirm_reply_complete(hdev, &rp->bdaddr, ACL_LINK, 0, + rp->status); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); } @@ -967,9 +991,9 @@ static void hci_cc_user_confirm_neg_reply(struct hci_dev *hdev, hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->flags)) + if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) mgmt_user_confirm_neg_reply_complete(hdev, &rp->bdaddr, - rp->status); + ACL_LINK, 0, rp->status); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); } @@ -982,9 +1006,9 @@ static void hci_cc_user_passkey_reply(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->flags)) - mgmt_user_passkey_reply_complete(hdev, &rp->bdaddr, - rp->status); + if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) + mgmt_user_passkey_reply_complete(hdev, &rp->bdaddr, ACL_LINK, + 0, rp->status); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); } @@ -998,9 +1022,9 @@ static void hci_cc_user_passkey_neg_reply(struct hci_dev *hdev, hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->flags)) + if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) mgmt_user_passkey_neg_reply_complete(hdev, &rp->bdaddr, - rp->status); + ACL_LINK, 0, rp->status); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); } @@ -1023,6 +1047,15 @@ static void hci_cc_le_set_scan_param(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) __u8 status = *((__u8 *) skb->data); BT_DBG("%s status 0x%x", hdev->name, status); + + hci_req_complete(hdev, HCI_OP_LE_SET_SCAN_PARAM, status); + + if (status) { + hci_dev_lock(hdev); + mgmt_start_discovery_failed(hdev, status); + hci_dev_unlock(hdev); + return; + } } static void hci_cc_le_set_scan_enable(struct hci_dev *hdev, @@ -1033,28 +1066,47 @@ static void hci_cc_le_set_scan_enable(struct hci_dev *hdev, BT_DBG("%s status 0x%x", hdev->name, status); - if (status) - return; - cp = hci_sent_cmd_data(hdev, HCI_OP_LE_SET_SCAN_ENABLE); if (!cp) return; switch (cp->enable) { case LE_SCANNING_ENABLED: + hci_req_complete(hdev, HCI_OP_LE_SET_SCAN_ENABLE, status); + + if (status) { + hci_dev_lock(hdev); + mgmt_start_discovery_failed(hdev, status); + hci_dev_unlock(hdev); + return; + } + set_bit(HCI_LE_SCAN, &hdev->dev_flags); cancel_delayed_work_sync(&hdev->adv_work); hci_dev_lock(hdev); hci_adv_entries_clear(hdev); + hci_discovery_set_state(hdev, DISCOVERY_FINDING); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); break; case LE_SCANNING_DISABLED: + if (status) + return; + clear_bit(HCI_LE_SCAN, &hdev->dev_flags); schedule_delayed_work(&hdev->adv_work, ADV_CLEAR_TIMEOUT); + + if (hdev->discovery.type == DISCOV_TYPE_INTERLEAVED) { + mgmt_interleaved_discovery(hdev); + } else { + hci_dev_lock(hdev); + hci_discovery_set_state(hdev, DISCOVERY_STOPPED); + hci_dev_unlock(hdev); + } + break; default: @@ -1090,16 +1142,27 @@ static void hci_cc_le_ltk_neg_reply(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) static inline void hci_cc_write_le_host_supported(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) { - struct hci_cp_read_local_ext_features cp; + struct hci_cp_write_le_host_supported *sent; __u8 status = *((__u8 *) skb->data); BT_DBG("%s status 0x%x", hdev->name, status); - if (status) + sent = hci_sent_cmd_data(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_LE_HOST_SUPPORTED); + if (!sent) return; - cp.page = 0x01; - hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_READ_LOCAL_EXT_FEATURES, sizeof(cp), &cp); + if (!status) { + if (sent->le) + hdev->host_features[0] |= LMP_HOST_LE; + else + hdev->host_features[0] &= ~LMP_HOST_LE; + } + + if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags) && + !test_bit(HCI_INIT, &hdev->flags)) + mgmt_le_enable_complete(hdev, sent->le, status); + + hci_req_complete(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_LE_HOST_SUPPORTED, status); } static inline void hci_cs_inquiry(struct hci_dev *hdev, __u8 status) @@ -1110,7 +1173,7 @@ static inline void hci_cs_inquiry(struct hci_dev *hdev, __u8 status) hci_req_complete(hdev, HCI_OP_INQUIRY, status); hci_conn_check_pending(hdev); hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->flags)) + if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) mgmt_start_discovery_failed(hdev, status); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); return; @@ -1119,7 +1182,7 @@ static inline void hci_cs_inquiry(struct hci_dev *hdev, __u8 status) set_bit(HCI_INQUIRY, &hdev->flags); hci_dev_lock(hdev); - mgmt_discovering(hdev, 1); + hci_discovery_set_state(hdev, DISCOVERY_FINDING); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); } @@ -1153,7 +1216,7 @@ static inline void hci_cs_create_conn(struct hci_dev *hdev, __u8 status) if (!conn) { conn = hci_conn_add(hdev, ACL_LINK, &cp->bdaddr); if (conn) { - conn->out = 1; + conn->out = true; conn->link_mode |= HCI_LM_MASTER; } else BT_ERR("No memory for new connection"); @@ -1263,7 +1326,7 @@ static int hci_outgoing_auth_needed(struct hci_dev *hdev, /* Only request authentication for SSP connections or non-SSP * devices with sec_level HIGH or if MITM protection is requested */ - if (!(hdev->ssp_mode > 0 && conn->ssp_mode > 0) && + if (!hci_conn_ssp_enabled(conn) && conn->pending_sec_level != BT_SECURITY_HIGH && !(conn->auth_type & 0x01)) return 0; @@ -1271,6 +1334,73 @@ static int hci_outgoing_auth_needed(struct hci_dev *hdev, return 1; } +static inline int hci_resolve_name(struct hci_dev *hdev, + struct inquiry_entry *e) +{ + struct hci_cp_remote_name_req cp; + + memset(&cp, 0, sizeof(cp)); + + bacpy(&cp.bdaddr, &e->data.bdaddr); + cp.pscan_rep_mode = e->data.pscan_rep_mode; + cp.pscan_mode = e->data.pscan_mode; + cp.clock_offset = e->data.clock_offset; + + return hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_REMOTE_NAME_REQ, sizeof(cp), &cp); +} + +static bool hci_resolve_next_name(struct hci_dev *hdev) +{ + struct discovery_state *discov = &hdev->discovery; + struct inquiry_entry *e; + + if (list_empty(&discov->resolve)) + return false; + + e = hci_inquiry_cache_lookup_resolve(hdev, BDADDR_ANY, NAME_NEEDED); + if (hci_resolve_name(hdev, e) == 0) { + e->name_state = NAME_PENDING; + return true; + } + + return false; +} + +static void hci_check_pending_name(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct hci_conn *conn, + bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 *name, u8 name_len) +{ + struct discovery_state *discov = &hdev->discovery; + struct inquiry_entry *e; + + if (conn && !test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_MGMT_CONNECTED, &conn->flags)) + mgmt_device_connected(hdev, bdaddr, ACL_LINK, 0x00, 0, name, + name_len, conn->dev_class); + + if (discov->state == DISCOVERY_STOPPED) + return; + + if (discov->state == DISCOVERY_STOPPING) + goto discov_complete; + + if (discov->state != DISCOVERY_RESOLVING) + return; + + e = hci_inquiry_cache_lookup_resolve(hdev, bdaddr, NAME_PENDING); + if (e) { + e->name_state = NAME_KNOWN; + list_del(&e->list); + if (name) + mgmt_remote_name(hdev, bdaddr, ACL_LINK, 0x00, + e->data.rssi, name, name_len); + } + + if (hci_resolve_next_name(hdev)) + return; + +discov_complete: + hci_discovery_set_state(hdev, DISCOVERY_STOPPED); +} + static void hci_cs_remote_name_req(struct hci_dev *hdev, __u8 status) { struct hci_cp_remote_name_req *cp; @@ -1290,13 +1420,17 @@ static void hci_cs_remote_name_req(struct hci_dev *hdev, __u8 status) hci_dev_lock(hdev); conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_ba(hdev, ACL_LINK, &cp->bdaddr); + + if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) + hci_check_pending_name(hdev, conn, &cp->bdaddr, NULL, 0); + if (!conn) goto unlock; if (!hci_outgoing_auth_needed(hdev, conn)) goto unlock; - if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_AUTH_PEND, &conn->pend)) { + if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_AUTH_PEND, &conn->flags)) { struct hci_cp_auth_requested cp; cp.handle = __cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_AUTH_REQUESTED, sizeof(cp), &cp); @@ -1413,9 +1547,9 @@ static void hci_cs_sniff_mode(struct hci_dev *hdev, __u8 status) conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_handle(hdev, __le16_to_cpu(cp->handle)); if (conn) { - clear_bit(HCI_CONN_MODE_CHANGE_PEND, &conn->pend); + clear_bit(HCI_CONN_MODE_CHANGE_PEND, &conn->flags); - if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_CONN_SCO_SETUP_PEND, &conn->pend)) + if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_CONN_SCO_SETUP_PEND, &conn->flags)) hci_sco_setup(conn, status); } @@ -1440,15 +1574,37 @@ static void hci_cs_exit_sniff_mode(struct hci_dev *hdev, __u8 status) conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_handle(hdev, __le16_to_cpu(cp->handle)); if (conn) { - clear_bit(HCI_CONN_MODE_CHANGE_PEND, &conn->pend); + clear_bit(HCI_CONN_MODE_CHANGE_PEND, &conn->flags); - if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_CONN_SCO_SETUP_PEND, &conn->pend)) + if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_CONN_SCO_SETUP_PEND, &conn->flags)) hci_sco_setup(conn, status); } hci_dev_unlock(hdev); } +static void hci_cs_disconnect(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 status) +{ + struct hci_cp_disconnect *cp; + struct hci_conn *conn; + + if (!status) + return; + + cp = hci_sent_cmd_data(hdev, HCI_OP_DISCONNECT); + if (!cp) + return; + + hci_dev_lock(hdev); + + conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_handle(hdev, __le16_to_cpu(cp->handle)); + if (conn) + mgmt_disconnect_failed(hdev, &conn->dst, conn->type, + conn->dst_type, status); + + hci_dev_unlock(hdev); +} + static void hci_cs_le_create_conn(struct hci_dev *hdev, __u8 status) { struct hci_cp_le_create_conn *cp; @@ -1478,7 +1634,7 @@ static void hci_cs_le_create_conn(struct hci_dev *hdev, __u8 status) conn = hci_conn_add(hdev, LE_LINK, &cp->peer_addr); if (conn) { conn->dst_type = cp->peer_addr_type; - conn->out = 1; + conn->out = true; } else { BT_ERR("No memory for new connection"); } @@ -1496,6 +1652,8 @@ static void hci_cs_le_start_enc(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 status) static inline void hci_inquiry_complete_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) { __u8 status = *((__u8 *) skb->data); + struct discovery_state *discov = &hdev->discovery; + struct inquiry_entry *e; BT_DBG("%s status %d", hdev->name, status); @@ -1506,8 +1664,28 @@ static inline void hci_inquiry_complete_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff if (!test_and_clear_bit(HCI_INQUIRY, &hdev->flags)) return; + if (!test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) + return; + hci_dev_lock(hdev); - mgmt_discovering(hdev, 0); + + if (discov->state != DISCOVERY_FINDING) + goto unlock; + + if (list_empty(&discov->resolve)) { + hci_discovery_set_state(hdev, DISCOVERY_STOPPED); + goto unlock; + } + + e = hci_inquiry_cache_lookup_resolve(hdev, BDADDR_ANY, NAME_NEEDED); + if (e && hci_resolve_name(hdev, e) == 0) { + e->name_state = NAME_PENDING; + hci_discovery_set_state(hdev, DISCOVERY_RESOLVING); + } else { + hci_discovery_set_state(hdev, DISCOVERY_STOPPED); + } + +unlock: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); } @@ -1525,6 +1703,8 @@ static inline void hci_inquiry_result_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff * hci_dev_lock(hdev); for (; num_rsp; num_rsp--, info++) { + bool name_known, ssp; + bacpy(&data.bdaddr, &info->bdaddr); data.pscan_rep_mode = info->pscan_rep_mode; data.pscan_period_mode = info->pscan_period_mode; @@ -1533,9 +1713,11 @@ static inline void hci_inquiry_result_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff * data.clock_offset = info->clock_offset; data.rssi = 0x00; data.ssp_mode = 0x00; - hci_inquiry_cache_update(hdev, &data); + + name_known = hci_inquiry_cache_update(hdev, &data, false, &ssp); mgmt_device_found(hdev, &info->bdaddr, ACL_LINK, 0x00, - info->dev_class, 0, NULL); + info->dev_class, 0, !name_known, ssp, NULL, + 0); } hci_dev_unlock(hdev); @@ -1569,8 +1751,6 @@ static inline void hci_conn_complete_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *s conn->state = BT_CONFIG; hci_conn_hold(conn); conn->disc_timeout = HCI_DISCONN_TIMEOUT; - mgmt_connected(hdev, &ev->bdaddr, conn->type, - conn->dst_type); } else conn->state = BT_CONNECTED; @@ -1588,7 +1768,7 @@ static inline void hci_conn_complete_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *s struct hci_cp_read_remote_features cp; cp.handle = ev->handle; hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_READ_REMOTE_FEATURES, - sizeof(cp), &cp); + sizeof(cp), &cp); } /* Set packet type for incoming connection */ @@ -1596,14 +1776,14 @@ static inline void hci_conn_complete_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *s struct hci_cp_change_conn_ptype cp; cp.handle = ev->handle; cp.pkt_type = cpu_to_le16(conn->pkt_type); - hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_CHANGE_CONN_PTYPE, - sizeof(cp), &cp); + hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_CHANGE_CONN_PTYPE, sizeof(cp), + &cp); } } else { conn->state = BT_CLOSED; if (conn->type == ACL_LINK) mgmt_connect_failed(hdev, &ev->bdaddr, conn->type, - conn->dst_type, ev->status); + conn->dst_type, ev->status); } if (conn->type == ACL_LINK) @@ -1668,8 +1848,8 @@ static inline void hci_conn_request_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *sk else cp.role = 0x01; /* Remain slave */ - hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_ACCEPT_CONN_REQ, - sizeof(cp), &cp); + hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_ACCEPT_CONN_REQ, sizeof(cp), + &cp); } else { struct hci_cp_accept_sync_conn_req cp; @@ -1683,7 +1863,7 @@ static inline void hci_conn_request_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *sk cp.retrans_effort = 0xff; hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_ACCEPT_SYNC_CONN_REQ, - sizeof(cp), &cp); + sizeof(cp), &cp); } } else { /* Connection rejected */ @@ -1711,12 +1891,14 @@ static inline void hci_disconn_complete_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff if (ev->status == 0) conn->state = BT_CLOSED; - if (conn->type == ACL_LINK || conn->type == LE_LINK) { + if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_CONN_MGMT_CONNECTED, &conn->flags) && + (conn->type == ACL_LINK || conn->type == LE_LINK)) { if (ev->status != 0) - mgmt_disconnect_failed(hdev, &conn->dst, ev->status); + mgmt_disconnect_failed(hdev, &conn->dst, conn->type, + conn->dst_type, ev->status); else - mgmt_disconnected(hdev, &conn->dst, conn->type, - conn->dst_type); + mgmt_device_disconnected(hdev, &conn->dst, conn->type, + conn->dst_type); } if (ev->status == 0) { @@ -1742,22 +1924,23 @@ static inline void hci_auth_complete_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *s goto unlock; if (!ev->status) { - if (!(conn->ssp_mode > 0 && hdev->ssp_mode > 0) && - test_bit(HCI_CONN_REAUTH_PEND, &conn->pend)) { + if (!hci_conn_ssp_enabled(conn) && + test_bit(HCI_CONN_REAUTH_PEND, &conn->flags)) { BT_INFO("re-auth of legacy device is not possible."); } else { conn->link_mode |= HCI_LM_AUTH; conn->sec_level = conn->pending_sec_level; } } else { - mgmt_auth_failed(hdev, &conn->dst, ev->status); + mgmt_auth_failed(hdev, &conn->dst, conn->type, conn->dst_type, + ev->status); } - clear_bit(HCI_CONN_AUTH_PEND, &conn->pend); - clear_bit(HCI_CONN_REAUTH_PEND, &conn->pend); + clear_bit(HCI_CONN_AUTH_PEND, &conn->flags); + clear_bit(HCI_CONN_REAUTH_PEND, &conn->flags); if (conn->state == BT_CONFIG) { - if (!ev->status && hdev->ssp_mode > 0 && conn->ssp_mode > 0) { + if (!ev->status && hci_conn_ssp_enabled(conn)) { struct hci_cp_set_conn_encrypt cp; cp.handle = ev->handle; cp.encrypt = 0x01; @@ -1776,7 +1959,7 @@ static inline void hci_auth_complete_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *s hci_conn_put(conn); } - if (test_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &conn->pend)) { + if (test_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &conn->flags)) { if (!ev->status) { struct hci_cp_set_conn_encrypt cp; cp.handle = ev->handle; @@ -1784,7 +1967,7 @@ static inline void hci_auth_complete_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *s hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_SET_CONN_ENCRYPT, sizeof(cp), &cp); } else { - clear_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &conn->pend); + clear_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &conn->flags); hci_encrypt_cfm(conn, ev->status, 0x00); } } @@ -1804,17 +1987,25 @@ static inline void hci_remote_name_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (ev->status == 0 && test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->flags)) - mgmt_remote_name(hdev, &ev->bdaddr, ev->name); - conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_ba(hdev, ACL_LINK, &ev->bdaddr); + + if (!test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) + goto check_auth; + + if (ev->status == 0) + hci_check_pending_name(hdev, conn, &ev->bdaddr, ev->name, + strnlen(ev->name, HCI_MAX_NAME_LENGTH)); + else + hci_check_pending_name(hdev, conn, &ev->bdaddr, NULL, 0); + +check_auth: if (!conn) goto unlock; if (!hci_outgoing_auth_needed(hdev, conn)) goto unlock; - if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_AUTH_PEND, &conn->pend)) { + if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_AUTH_PEND, &conn->flags)) { struct hci_cp_auth_requested cp; cp.handle = __cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_AUTH_REQUESTED, sizeof(cp), &cp); @@ -1845,7 +2036,7 @@ static inline void hci_encrypt_change_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff * conn->link_mode &= ~HCI_LM_ENCRYPT; } - clear_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &conn->pend); + clear_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &conn->flags); if (conn->state == BT_CONFIG) { if (!ev->status) @@ -1874,7 +2065,7 @@ static inline void hci_change_link_key_complete_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct if (!ev->status) conn->link_mode |= HCI_LM_SECURE; - clear_bit(HCI_CONN_AUTH_PEND, &conn->pend); + clear_bit(HCI_CONN_AUTH_PEND, &conn->flags); hci_key_change_cfm(conn, ev->status); } @@ -1916,7 +2107,10 @@ static inline void hci_remote_features_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff bacpy(&cp.bdaddr, &conn->dst); cp.pscan_rep_mode = 0x02; hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_REMOTE_NAME_REQ, sizeof(cp), &cp); - } + } else if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_MGMT_CONNECTED, &conn->flags)) + mgmt_device_connected(hdev, &conn->dst, conn->type, + conn->dst_type, 0, NULL, 0, + conn->dev_class); if (!hci_outgoing_auth_needed(hdev, conn)) { conn->state = BT_CONNECTED; @@ -2024,10 +2218,6 @@ static inline void hci_cmd_complete_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *sk hci_cc_host_buffer_size(hdev, skb); break; - case HCI_OP_READ_SSP_MODE: - hci_cc_read_ssp_mode(hdev, skb); - break; - case HCI_OP_WRITE_SSP_MODE: hci_cc_write_ssp_mode(hdev, skb); break; @@ -2213,8 +2403,7 @@ static inline void hci_cmd_status_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) break; case HCI_OP_DISCONNECT: - if (ev->status != 0) - mgmt_disconnect_failed(hdev, NULL, ev->status); + hci_cs_disconnect(hdev, ev->status); break; case HCI_OP_LE_CREATE_CONN: @@ -2258,7 +2447,7 @@ static inline void hci_role_change_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb conn->link_mode |= HCI_LM_MASTER; } - clear_bit(HCI_CONN_RSWITCH_PEND, &conn->pend); + clear_bit(HCI_CONN_RSWITCH_PEND, &conn->flags); hci_role_switch_cfm(conn, ev->status, ev->role); } @@ -2332,6 +2521,56 @@ static inline void hci_num_comp_pkts_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *s queue_work(hdev->workqueue, &hdev->tx_work); } +static inline void hci_num_comp_blocks_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, + struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + struct hci_ev_num_comp_blocks *ev = (void *) skb->data; + int i; + + if (hdev->flow_ctl_mode != HCI_FLOW_CTL_MODE_BLOCK_BASED) { + BT_ERR("Wrong event for mode %d", hdev->flow_ctl_mode); + return; + } + + if (skb->len < sizeof(*ev) || skb->len < sizeof(*ev) + + ev->num_hndl * sizeof(struct hci_comp_blocks_info)) { + BT_DBG("%s bad parameters", hdev->name); + return; + } + + BT_DBG("%s num_blocks %d num_hndl %d", hdev->name, ev->num_blocks, + ev->num_hndl); + + for (i = 0; i < ev->num_hndl; i++) { + struct hci_comp_blocks_info *info = &ev->handles[i]; + struct hci_conn *conn; + __u16 handle, block_count; + + handle = __le16_to_cpu(info->handle); + block_count = __le16_to_cpu(info->blocks); + + conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_handle(hdev, handle); + if (!conn) + continue; + + conn->sent -= block_count; + + switch (conn->type) { + case ACL_LINK: + hdev->block_cnt += block_count; + if (hdev->block_cnt > hdev->num_blocks) + hdev->block_cnt = hdev->num_blocks; + break; + + default: + BT_ERR("Unknown type %d conn %p", conn->type, conn); + break; + } + } + + queue_work(hdev->workqueue, &hdev->tx_work); +} + static inline void hci_mode_change_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) { struct hci_ev_mode_change *ev = (void *) skb->data; @@ -2346,14 +2585,14 @@ static inline void hci_mode_change_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb conn->mode = ev->mode; conn->interval = __le16_to_cpu(ev->interval); - if (!test_and_clear_bit(HCI_CONN_MODE_CHANGE_PEND, &conn->pend)) { + if (!test_and_clear_bit(HCI_CONN_MODE_CHANGE_PEND, &conn->flags)) { if (conn->mode == HCI_CM_ACTIVE) - conn->power_save = 1; + set_bit(HCI_CONN_POWER_SAVE, &conn->flags); else - conn->power_save = 0; + clear_bit(HCI_CONN_POWER_SAVE, &conn->flags); } - if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_CONN_SCO_SETUP_PEND, &conn->pend)) + if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_CONN_SCO_SETUP_PEND, &conn->flags)) hci_sco_setup(conn, ev->status); } @@ -2379,10 +2618,10 @@ static inline void hci_pin_code_request_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff hci_conn_put(conn); } - if (!test_bit(HCI_PAIRABLE, &hdev->flags)) + if (!test_bit(HCI_PAIRABLE, &hdev->dev_flags)) hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY, sizeof(ev->bdaddr), &ev->bdaddr); - else if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->flags)) { + else if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) { u8 secure; if (conn->pending_sec_level == BT_SECURITY_HIGH) @@ -2406,7 +2645,7 @@ static inline void hci_link_key_request_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); - if (!test_bit(HCI_LINK_KEYS, &hdev->flags)) + if (!test_bit(HCI_LINK_KEYS, &hdev->dev_flags)) return; hci_dev_lock(hdev); @@ -2421,7 +2660,7 @@ static inline void hci_link_key_request_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff BT_DBG("%s found key type %u for %s", hdev->name, key->type, batostr(&ev->bdaddr)); - if (!test_bit(HCI_DEBUG_KEYS, &hdev->flags) && + if (!test_bit(HCI_DEBUG_KEYS, &hdev->dev_flags) && key->type == HCI_LK_DEBUG_COMBINATION) { BT_DBG("%s ignoring debug key", hdev->name); goto not_found; @@ -2483,7 +2722,7 @@ static inline void hci_link_key_notify_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff hci_conn_put(conn); } - if (test_bit(HCI_LINK_KEYS, &hdev->flags)) + if (test_bit(HCI_LINK_KEYS, &hdev->dev_flags)) hci_add_link_key(hdev, conn, 1, &ev->bdaddr, ev->link_key, ev->key_type, pin_len); @@ -2551,6 +2790,7 @@ static inline void hci_inquiry_result_with_rssi_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct { struct inquiry_data data; int num_rsp = *((__u8 *) skb->data); + bool name_known, ssp; BT_DBG("%s num_rsp %d", hdev->name, num_rsp); @@ -2572,10 +2812,12 @@ static inline void hci_inquiry_result_with_rssi_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct data.clock_offset = info->clock_offset; data.rssi = info->rssi; data.ssp_mode = 0x00; - hci_inquiry_cache_update(hdev, &data); + + name_known = hci_inquiry_cache_update(hdev, &data, + false, &ssp); mgmt_device_found(hdev, &info->bdaddr, ACL_LINK, 0x00, - info->dev_class, info->rssi, - NULL); + info->dev_class, info->rssi, + !name_known, ssp, NULL, 0); } } else { struct inquiry_info_with_rssi *info = (void *) (skb->data + 1); @@ -2589,10 +2831,11 @@ static inline void hci_inquiry_result_with_rssi_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct data.clock_offset = info->clock_offset; data.rssi = info->rssi; data.ssp_mode = 0x00; - hci_inquiry_cache_update(hdev, &data); + name_known = hci_inquiry_cache_update(hdev, &data, + false, &ssp); mgmt_device_found(hdev, &info->bdaddr, ACL_LINK, 0x00, - info->dev_class, info->rssi, - NULL); + info->dev_class, info->rssi, + !name_known, ssp, NULL, 0); } } @@ -2617,9 +2860,10 @@ static inline void hci_remote_ext_features_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_b ie = hci_inquiry_cache_lookup(hdev, &conn->dst); if (ie) - ie->data.ssp_mode = (ev->features[0] & 0x01); + ie->data.ssp_mode = (ev->features[0] & LMP_HOST_SSP); - conn->ssp_mode = (ev->features[0] & 0x01); + if (ev->features[0] & LMP_HOST_SSP) + set_bit(HCI_CONN_SSP_ENABLED, &conn->flags); } if (conn->state != BT_CONFIG) @@ -2631,7 +2875,10 @@ static inline void hci_remote_ext_features_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_b bacpy(&cp.bdaddr, &conn->dst); cp.pscan_rep_mode = 0x02; hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_REMOTE_NAME_REQ, sizeof(cp), &cp); - } + } else if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_MGMT_CONNECTED, &conn->flags)) + mgmt_device_connected(hdev, &conn->dst, conn->type, + conn->dst_type, 0, NULL, 0, + conn->dev_class); if (!hci_outgoing_auth_needed(hdev, conn)) { conn->state = BT_CONNECTED; @@ -2724,6 +2971,8 @@ static inline void hci_extended_inquiry_result_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct hci_dev_lock(hdev); for (; num_rsp; num_rsp--, info++) { + bool name_known, ssp; + bacpy(&data.bdaddr, &info->bdaddr); data.pscan_rep_mode = info->pscan_rep_mode; data.pscan_period_mode = info->pscan_period_mode; @@ -2732,9 +2981,19 @@ static inline void hci_extended_inquiry_result_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct data.clock_offset = info->clock_offset; data.rssi = info->rssi; data.ssp_mode = 0x01; - hci_inquiry_cache_update(hdev, &data); + + if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) + name_known = eir_has_data_type(info->data, + sizeof(info->data), + EIR_NAME_COMPLETE); + else + name_known = true; + + name_known = hci_inquiry_cache_update(hdev, &data, name_known, + &ssp); mgmt_device_found(hdev, &info->bdaddr, ACL_LINK, 0x00, - info->dev_class, info->rssi, info->data); + info->dev_class, info->rssi, !name_known, + ssp, info->data, sizeof(info->data)); } hci_dev_unlock(hdev); @@ -2774,19 +3033,22 @@ static inline void hci_io_capa_request_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff hci_conn_hold(conn); - if (!test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->flags)) + if (!test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) goto unlock; - if (test_bit(HCI_PAIRABLE, &hdev->flags) || + if (test_bit(HCI_PAIRABLE, &hdev->dev_flags) || (conn->remote_auth & ~0x01) == HCI_AT_NO_BONDING) { struct hci_cp_io_capability_reply cp; bacpy(&cp.bdaddr, &ev->bdaddr); - cp.capability = conn->io_capability; + /* Change the IO capability from KeyboardDisplay + * to DisplayYesNo as it is not supported by BT spec. */ + cp.capability = (conn->io_capability == 0x04) ? + 0x01 : conn->io_capability; conn->auth_type = hci_get_auth_req(conn); cp.authentication = conn->auth_type; - if ((conn->out == 0x01 || conn->remote_oob == 0x01) && + if ((conn->out || test_bit(HCI_CONN_REMOTE_OOB, &conn->flags)) && hci_find_remote_oob_data(hdev, &conn->dst)) cp.oob_data = 0x01; else @@ -2822,8 +3084,9 @@ static inline void hci_io_capa_reply_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *s goto unlock; conn->remote_cap = ev->capability; - conn->remote_oob = ev->oob_data; conn->remote_auth = ev->authentication; + if (ev->oob_data) + set_bit(HCI_CONN_REMOTE_OOB, &conn->flags); unlock: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); @@ -2840,7 +3103,7 @@ static inline void hci_user_confirm_request_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (!test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->flags)) + if (!test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) goto unlock; conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_ba(hdev, ACL_LINK, &ev->bdaddr); @@ -2869,7 +3132,7 @@ static inline void hci_user_confirm_request_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, /* If we're not the initiators request authorization to * proceed from user space (mgmt_user_confirm with * confirm_hint set to 1). */ - if (!test_bit(HCI_CONN_AUTH_PEND, &conn->pend)) { + if (!test_bit(HCI_CONN_AUTH_PEND, &conn->flags)) { BT_DBG("Confirming auto-accept as acceptor"); confirm_hint = 1; goto confirm; @@ -2890,8 +3153,8 @@ static inline void hci_user_confirm_request_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, } confirm: - mgmt_user_confirm_request(hdev, &ev->bdaddr, ev->passkey, - confirm_hint); + mgmt_user_confirm_request(hdev, &ev->bdaddr, ACL_LINK, 0, ev->passkey, + confirm_hint); unlock: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); @@ -2906,8 +3169,8 @@ static inline void hci_user_passkey_request_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->flags)) - mgmt_user_passkey_request(hdev, &ev->bdaddr); + if (test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) + mgmt_user_passkey_request(hdev, &ev->bdaddr, ACL_LINK, 0); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); } @@ -2930,8 +3193,9 @@ static inline void hci_simple_pair_complete_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_ * initiated the authentication. A traditional auth_complete * event gets always produced as initiator and is also mapped to * the mgmt_auth_failed event */ - if (!test_bit(HCI_CONN_AUTH_PEND, &conn->pend) && ev->status != 0) - mgmt_auth_failed(hdev, &conn->dst, ev->status); + if (!test_bit(HCI_CONN_AUTH_PEND, &conn->flags) && ev->status != 0) + mgmt_auth_failed(hdev, &conn->dst, conn->type, conn->dst_type, + ev->status); hci_conn_put(conn); @@ -2950,13 +3214,13 @@ static inline void hci_remote_host_features_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_ ie = hci_inquiry_cache_lookup(hdev, &ev->bdaddr); if (ie) - ie->data.ssp_mode = (ev->features[0] & 0x01); + ie->data.ssp_mode = (ev->features[0] & LMP_HOST_SSP); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); } static inline void hci_remote_oob_data_request_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, - struct sk_buff *skb) + struct sk_buff *skb) { struct hci_ev_remote_oob_data_request *ev = (void *) skb->data; struct oob_data *data; @@ -2965,7 +3229,7 @@ static inline void hci_remote_oob_data_request_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (!test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->flags)) + if (!test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) goto unlock; data = hci_find_remote_oob_data(hdev, &ev->bdaddr); @@ -3020,7 +3284,9 @@ static inline void hci_le_conn_complete_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff goto unlock; } - mgmt_connected(hdev, &ev->bdaddr, conn->type, conn->dst_type); + if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_MGMT_CONNECTED, &conn->flags)) + mgmt_device_connected(hdev, &ev->bdaddr, conn->type, + conn->dst_type, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); conn->sec_level = BT_SECURITY_LOW; conn->handle = __le16_to_cpu(ev->handle); @@ -3040,6 +3306,7 @@ static inline void hci_le_adv_report_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, { u8 num_reports = skb->data[0]; void *ptr = &skb->data[1]; + s8 rssi; hci_dev_lock(hdev); @@ -3048,6 +3315,10 @@ static inline void hci_le_adv_report_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, hci_add_adv_entry(hdev, ev); + rssi = ev->data[ev->length]; + mgmt_device_found(hdev, &ev->bdaddr, LE_LINK, ev->bdaddr_type, + NULL, rssi, 0, 1, ev->data, ev->length); + ptr += sizeof(*ev) + ev->length + 1; } @@ -3061,7 +3332,7 @@ static inline void hci_le_ltk_request_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct hci_cp_le_ltk_reply cp; struct hci_cp_le_ltk_neg_reply neg; struct hci_conn *conn; - struct link_key *ltk; + struct smp_ltk *ltk; BT_DBG("%s handle %d", hdev->name, cpu_to_le16(ev->handle)); @@ -3077,10 +3348,17 @@ static inline void hci_le_ltk_request_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, memcpy(cp.ltk, ltk->val, sizeof(ltk->val)); cp.handle = cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); - conn->pin_length = ltk->pin_len; + + if (ltk->authenticated) + conn->sec_level = BT_SECURITY_HIGH; hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_LE_LTK_REPLY, sizeof(cp), &cp); + if (ltk->type & HCI_SMP_STK) { + list_del(<k->list); + kfree(ltk); + } + hci_dev_unlock(hdev); return; @@ -3271,6 +3549,10 @@ void hci_event_packet(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) hci_remote_oob_data_request_evt(hdev, skb); break; + case HCI_EV_NUM_COMP_BLOCKS: + hci_num_comp_blocks_evt(hdev, skb); + break; + default: BT_DBG("%s event 0x%x", hdev->name, event); break; @@ -3279,34 +3561,3 @@ void hci_event_packet(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) kfree_skb(skb); hdev->stat.evt_rx++; } - -/* Generate internal stack event */ -void hci_si_event(struct hci_dev *hdev, int type, int dlen, void *data) -{ - struct hci_event_hdr *hdr; - struct hci_ev_stack_internal *ev; - struct sk_buff *skb; - - skb = bt_skb_alloc(HCI_EVENT_HDR_SIZE + sizeof(*ev) + dlen, GFP_ATOMIC); - if (!skb) - return; - - hdr = (void *) skb_put(skb, HCI_EVENT_HDR_SIZE); - hdr->evt = HCI_EV_STACK_INTERNAL; - hdr->plen = sizeof(*ev) + dlen; - - ev = (void *) skb_put(skb, sizeof(*ev) + dlen); - ev->type = type; - memcpy(ev->data, data, dlen); - - bt_cb(skb)->incoming = 1; - __net_timestamp(skb); - - bt_cb(skb)->pkt_type = HCI_EVENT_PKT; - skb->dev = (void *) hdev; - hci_send_to_sock(hdev, skb, NULL); - kfree_skb(skb); -} - -module_param(enable_le, bool, 0644); -MODULE_PARM_DESC(enable_le, "Enable LE support"); diff --git a/net/bluetooth/hci_sock.c b/net/bluetooth/hci_sock.c index 0dcc9626677973d23708b53c7716a126adea107f..63afd234283e1af474dedffc0843caad1ad8d627 100644 --- a/net/bluetooth/hci_sock.c +++ b/net/bluetooth/hci_sock.c @@ -48,8 +48,9 @@ #include #include +#include -static bool enable_mgmt; +static atomic_t monitor_promisc = ATOMIC_INIT(0); /* ----- HCI socket interface ----- */ @@ -85,22 +86,20 @@ static struct bt_sock_list hci_sk_list = { }; /* Send frame to RAW socket */ -void hci_send_to_sock(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb, - struct sock *skip_sk) +void hci_send_to_sock(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) { struct sock *sk; struct hlist_node *node; + struct sk_buff *skb_copy = NULL; BT_DBG("hdev %p len %d", hdev, skb->len); read_lock(&hci_sk_list.lock); + sk_for_each(sk, node, &hci_sk_list.head) { struct hci_filter *flt; struct sk_buff *nskb; - if (sk == skip_sk) - continue; - if (sk->sk_state != BT_BOUND || hci_pi(sk)->hdev != hdev) continue; @@ -108,12 +107,9 @@ void hci_send_to_sock(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb, if (skb->sk == sk) continue; - if (bt_cb(skb)->channel != hci_pi(sk)->channel) + if (hci_pi(sk)->channel != HCI_CHANNEL_RAW) continue; - if (bt_cb(skb)->channel == HCI_CHANNEL_CONTROL) - goto clone; - /* Apply filter */ flt = &hci_pi(sk)->filter; @@ -137,21 +133,303 @@ void hci_send_to_sock(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb, continue; } -clone: + if (!skb_copy) { + /* Create a private copy with headroom */ + skb_copy = __pskb_copy(skb, 1, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!skb_copy) + continue; + + /* Put type byte before the data */ + memcpy(skb_push(skb_copy, 1), &bt_cb(skb)->pkt_type, 1); + } + + nskb = skb_clone(skb_copy, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!nskb) + continue; + + if (sock_queue_rcv_skb(sk, nskb)) + kfree_skb(nskb); + } + + read_unlock(&hci_sk_list.lock); + + kfree_skb(skb_copy); +} + +/* Send frame to control socket */ +void hci_send_to_control(struct sk_buff *skb, struct sock *skip_sk) +{ + struct sock *sk; + struct hlist_node *node; + + BT_DBG("len %d", skb->len); + + read_lock(&hci_sk_list.lock); + + sk_for_each(sk, node, &hci_sk_list.head) { + struct sk_buff *nskb; + + /* Skip the original socket */ + if (sk == skip_sk) + continue; + + if (sk->sk_state != BT_BOUND) + continue; + + if (hci_pi(sk)->channel != HCI_CHANNEL_CONTROL) + continue; + nskb = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!nskb) continue; - /* Put type byte before the data */ - if (bt_cb(skb)->channel == HCI_CHANNEL_RAW) - memcpy(skb_push(nskb, 1), &bt_cb(nskb)->pkt_type, 1); + if (sock_queue_rcv_skb(sk, nskb)) + kfree_skb(nskb); + } + + read_unlock(&hci_sk_list.lock); +} + +/* Send frame to monitor socket */ +void hci_send_to_monitor(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + struct sock *sk; + struct hlist_node *node; + struct sk_buff *skb_copy = NULL; + __le16 opcode; + + if (!atomic_read(&monitor_promisc)) + return; + + BT_DBG("hdev %p len %d", hdev, skb->len); + + switch (bt_cb(skb)->pkt_type) { + case HCI_COMMAND_PKT: + opcode = __constant_cpu_to_le16(HCI_MON_COMMAND_PKT); + break; + case HCI_EVENT_PKT: + opcode = __constant_cpu_to_le16(HCI_MON_EVENT_PKT); + break; + case HCI_ACLDATA_PKT: + if (bt_cb(skb)->incoming) + opcode = __constant_cpu_to_le16(HCI_MON_ACL_RX_PKT); + else + opcode = __constant_cpu_to_le16(HCI_MON_ACL_TX_PKT); + break; + case HCI_SCODATA_PKT: + if (bt_cb(skb)->incoming) + opcode = __constant_cpu_to_le16(HCI_MON_SCO_RX_PKT); + else + opcode = __constant_cpu_to_le16(HCI_MON_SCO_TX_PKT); + break; + default: + return; + } + + read_lock(&hci_sk_list.lock); + + sk_for_each(sk, node, &hci_sk_list.head) { + struct sk_buff *nskb; + + if (sk->sk_state != BT_BOUND) + continue; + + if (hci_pi(sk)->channel != HCI_CHANNEL_MONITOR) + continue; + + if (!skb_copy) { + struct hci_mon_hdr *hdr; + + /* Create a private copy with headroom */ + skb_copy = __pskb_copy(skb, HCI_MON_HDR_SIZE, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!skb_copy) + continue; + + /* Put header before the data */ + hdr = (void *) skb_push(skb_copy, HCI_MON_HDR_SIZE); + hdr->opcode = opcode; + hdr->index = cpu_to_le16(hdev->id); + hdr->len = cpu_to_le16(skb->len); + } + + nskb = skb_clone(skb_copy, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!nskb) + continue; + + if (sock_queue_rcv_skb(sk, nskb)) + kfree_skb(nskb); + } + + read_unlock(&hci_sk_list.lock); + + kfree_skb(skb_copy); +} + +static void send_monitor_event(struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + struct sock *sk; + struct hlist_node *node; + + BT_DBG("len %d", skb->len); + + read_lock(&hci_sk_list.lock); + + sk_for_each(sk, node, &hci_sk_list.head) { + struct sk_buff *nskb; + + if (sk->sk_state != BT_BOUND) + continue; + + if (hci_pi(sk)->channel != HCI_CHANNEL_MONITOR) + continue; + + nskb = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!nskb) + continue; if (sock_queue_rcv_skb(sk, nskb)) kfree_skb(nskb); } + read_unlock(&hci_sk_list.lock); } +static struct sk_buff *create_monitor_event(struct hci_dev *hdev, int event) +{ + struct hci_mon_hdr *hdr; + struct hci_mon_new_index *ni; + struct sk_buff *skb; + __le16 opcode; + + switch (event) { + case HCI_DEV_REG: + skb = bt_skb_alloc(HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX_SIZE, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!skb) + return NULL; + + ni = (void *) skb_put(skb, HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX_SIZE); + ni->type = hdev->dev_type; + ni->bus = hdev->bus; + bacpy(&ni->bdaddr, &hdev->bdaddr); + memcpy(ni->name, hdev->name, 8); + + opcode = __constant_cpu_to_le16(HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX); + break; + + case HCI_DEV_UNREG: + skb = bt_skb_alloc(0, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!skb) + return NULL; + + opcode = __constant_cpu_to_le16(HCI_MON_DEL_INDEX); + break; + + default: + return NULL; + } + + __net_timestamp(skb); + + hdr = (void *) skb_push(skb, HCI_MON_HDR_SIZE); + hdr->opcode = opcode; + hdr->index = cpu_to_le16(hdev->id); + hdr->len = cpu_to_le16(skb->len - HCI_MON_HDR_SIZE); + + return skb; +} + +static void send_monitor_replay(struct sock *sk) +{ + struct hci_dev *hdev; + + read_lock(&hci_dev_list_lock); + + list_for_each_entry(hdev, &hci_dev_list, list) { + struct sk_buff *skb; + + skb = create_monitor_event(hdev, HCI_DEV_REG); + if (!skb) + continue; + + if (sock_queue_rcv_skb(sk, skb)) + kfree_skb(skb); + } + + read_unlock(&hci_dev_list_lock); +} + +/* Generate internal stack event */ +static void hci_si_event(struct hci_dev *hdev, int type, int dlen, void *data) +{ + struct hci_event_hdr *hdr; + struct hci_ev_stack_internal *ev; + struct sk_buff *skb; + + skb = bt_skb_alloc(HCI_EVENT_HDR_SIZE + sizeof(*ev) + dlen, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!skb) + return; + + hdr = (void *) skb_put(skb, HCI_EVENT_HDR_SIZE); + hdr->evt = HCI_EV_STACK_INTERNAL; + hdr->plen = sizeof(*ev) + dlen; + + ev = (void *) skb_put(skb, sizeof(*ev) + dlen); + ev->type = type; + memcpy(ev->data, data, dlen); + + bt_cb(skb)->incoming = 1; + __net_timestamp(skb); + + bt_cb(skb)->pkt_type = HCI_EVENT_PKT; + skb->dev = (void *) hdev; + hci_send_to_sock(hdev, skb); + kfree_skb(skb); +} + +void hci_sock_dev_event(struct hci_dev *hdev, int event) +{ + struct hci_ev_si_device ev; + + BT_DBG("hdev %s event %d", hdev->name, event); + + /* Send event to monitor */ + if (atomic_read(&monitor_promisc)) { + struct sk_buff *skb; + + skb = create_monitor_event(hdev, event); + if (skb) { + send_monitor_event(skb); + kfree_skb(skb); + } + } + + /* Send event to sockets */ + ev.event = event; + ev.dev_id = hdev->id; + hci_si_event(NULL, HCI_EV_SI_DEVICE, sizeof(ev), &ev); + + if (event == HCI_DEV_UNREG) { + struct sock *sk; + struct hlist_node *node; + + /* Detach sockets from device */ + read_lock(&hci_sk_list.lock); + sk_for_each(sk, node, &hci_sk_list.head) { + bh_lock_sock_nested(sk); + if (hci_pi(sk)->hdev == hdev) { + hci_pi(sk)->hdev = NULL; + sk->sk_err = EPIPE; + sk->sk_state = BT_OPEN; + sk->sk_state_change(sk); + + hci_dev_put(hdev); + } + bh_unlock_sock(sk); + } + read_unlock(&hci_sk_list.lock); + } +} + static int hci_sock_release(struct socket *sock) { struct sock *sk = sock->sk; @@ -164,6 +442,9 @@ static int hci_sock_release(struct socket *sock) hdev = hci_pi(sk)->hdev; + if (hci_pi(sk)->channel == HCI_CHANNEL_MONITOR) + atomic_dec(&monitor_promisc); + bt_sock_unlink(&hci_sk_list, sk); if (hdev) { @@ -190,7 +471,7 @@ static int hci_sock_blacklist_add(struct hci_dev *hdev, void __user *arg) hci_dev_lock(hdev); - err = hci_blacklist_add(hdev, &bdaddr); + err = hci_blacklist_add(hdev, &bdaddr, 0); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); @@ -207,7 +488,7 @@ static int hci_sock_blacklist_del(struct hci_dev *hdev, void __user *arg) hci_dev_lock(hdev); - err = hci_blacklist_del(hdev, &bdaddr); + err = hci_blacklist_del(hdev, &bdaddr, 0); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); @@ -340,34 +621,69 @@ static int hci_sock_bind(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *addr, int addr_le if (haddr.hci_family != AF_BLUETOOTH) return -EINVAL; - if (haddr.hci_channel > HCI_CHANNEL_CONTROL) - return -EINVAL; - - if (haddr.hci_channel == HCI_CHANNEL_CONTROL) { - if (!enable_mgmt) - return -EINVAL; - set_bit(HCI_PI_MGMT_INIT, &hci_pi(sk)->flags); - } - lock_sock(sk); - if (sk->sk_state == BT_BOUND || hci_pi(sk)->hdev) { + if (sk->sk_state == BT_BOUND) { err = -EALREADY; goto done; } - if (haddr.hci_dev != HCI_DEV_NONE) { - hdev = hci_dev_get(haddr.hci_dev); - if (!hdev) { - err = -ENODEV; + switch (haddr.hci_channel) { + case HCI_CHANNEL_RAW: + if (hci_pi(sk)->hdev) { + err = -EALREADY; goto done; } - atomic_inc(&hdev->promisc); + if (haddr.hci_dev != HCI_DEV_NONE) { + hdev = hci_dev_get(haddr.hci_dev); + if (!hdev) { + err = -ENODEV; + goto done; + } + + atomic_inc(&hdev->promisc); + } + + hci_pi(sk)->hdev = hdev; + break; + + case HCI_CHANNEL_CONTROL: + if (haddr.hci_dev != HCI_DEV_NONE) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto done; + } + + if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN)) { + err = -EPERM; + goto done; + } + + break; + + case HCI_CHANNEL_MONITOR: + if (haddr.hci_dev != HCI_DEV_NONE) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto done; + } + + if (!capable(CAP_NET_RAW)) { + err = -EPERM; + goto done; + } + + send_monitor_replay(sk); + + atomic_inc(&monitor_promisc); + break; + + default: + err = -EINVAL; + goto done; } + hci_pi(sk)->channel = haddr.hci_channel; - hci_pi(sk)->hdev = hdev; sk->sk_state = BT_BOUND; done: @@ -461,7 +777,15 @@ static int hci_sock_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, skb_reset_transport_header(skb); err = skb_copy_datagram_iovec(skb, 0, msg->msg_iov, copied); - hci_sock_cmsg(sk, msg, skb); + switch (hci_pi(sk)->channel) { + case HCI_CHANNEL_RAW: + hci_sock_cmsg(sk, msg, skb); + break; + case HCI_CHANNEL_CONTROL: + case HCI_CHANNEL_MONITOR: + sock_recv_timestamp(msg, sk, skb); + break; + } skb_free_datagram(sk, skb); @@ -495,6 +819,9 @@ static int hci_sock_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, case HCI_CHANNEL_CONTROL: err = mgmt_control(sk, msg, len); goto done; + case HCI_CHANNEL_MONITOR: + err = -EOPNOTSUPP; + goto done; default: err = -EINVAL; goto done; @@ -574,6 +901,11 @@ static int hci_sock_setsockopt(struct socket *sock, int level, int optname, char lock_sock(sk); + if (hci_pi(sk)->channel != HCI_CHANNEL_RAW) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto done; + } + switch (optname) { case HCI_DATA_DIR: if (get_user(opt, (int __user *)optval)) { @@ -636,6 +968,7 @@ static int hci_sock_setsockopt(struct socket *sock, int level, int optname, char break; } +done: release_sock(sk); return err; } @@ -644,11 +977,20 @@ static int hci_sock_getsockopt(struct socket *sock, int level, int optname, char { struct hci_ufilter uf; struct sock *sk = sock->sk; - int len, opt; + int len, opt, err = 0; + + BT_DBG("sk %p, opt %d", sk, optname); if (get_user(len, optlen)) return -EFAULT; + lock_sock(sk); + + if (hci_pi(sk)->channel != HCI_CHANNEL_RAW) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto done; + } + switch (optname) { case HCI_DATA_DIR: if (hci_pi(sk)->cmsg_mask & HCI_CMSG_DIR) @@ -657,7 +999,7 @@ static int hci_sock_getsockopt(struct socket *sock, int level, int optname, char opt = 0; if (put_user(opt, optval)) - return -EFAULT; + err = -EFAULT; break; case HCI_TIME_STAMP: @@ -667,7 +1009,7 @@ static int hci_sock_getsockopt(struct socket *sock, int level, int optname, char opt = 0; if (put_user(opt, optval)) - return -EFAULT; + err = -EFAULT; break; case HCI_FILTER: @@ -682,15 +1024,17 @@ static int hci_sock_getsockopt(struct socket *sock, int level, int optname, char len = min_t(unsigned int, len, sizeof(uf)); if (copy_to_user(optval, &uf, len)) - return -EFAULT; + err = -EFAULT; break; default: - return -ENOPROTOOPT; + err = -ENOPROTOOPT; break; } - return 0; +done: + release_sock(sk); + return err; } static const struct proto_ops hci_sock_ops = { @@ -748,52 +1092,12 @@ static int hci_sock_create(struct net *net, struct socket *sock, int protocol, return 0; } -static int hci_sock_dev_event(struct notifier_block *this, unsigned long event, void *ptr) -{ - struct hci_dev *hdev = (struct hci_dev *) ptr; - struct hci_ev_si_device ev; - - BT_DBG("hdev %s event %ld", hdev->name, event); - - /* Send event to sockets */ - ev.event = event; - ev.dev_id = hdev->id; - hci_si_event(NULL, HCI_EV_SI_DEVICE, sizeof(ev), &ev); - - if (event == HCI_DEV_UNREG) { - struct sock *sk; - struct hlist_node *node; - - /* Detach sockets from device */ - read_lock(&hci_sk_list.lock); - sk_for_each(sk, node, &hci_sk_list.head) { - bh_lock_sock_nested(sk); - if (hci_pi(sk)->hdev == hdev) { - hci_pi(sk)->hdev = NULL; - sk->sk_err = EPIPE; - sk->sk_state = BT_OPEN; - sk->sk_state_change(sk); - - hci_dev_put(hdev); - } - bh_unlock_sock(sk); - } - read_unlock(&hci_sk_list.lock); - } - - return NOTIFY_DONE; -} - static const struct net_proto_family hci_sock_family_ops = { .family = PF_BLUETOOTH, .owner = THIS_MODULE, .create = hci_sock_create, }; -static struct notifier_block hci_sock_nblock = { - .notifier_call = hci_sock_dev_event -}; - int __init hci_sock_init(void) { int err; @@ -806,8 +1110,6 @@ int __init hci_sock_init(void) if (err < 0) goto error; - hci_register_notifier(&hci_sock_nblock); - BT_INFO("HCI socket layer initialized"); return 0; @@ -823,10 +1125,5 @@ void hci_sock_cleanup(void) if (bt_sock_unregister(BTPROTO_HCI) < 0) BT_ERR("HCI socket unregistration failed"); - hci_unregister_notifier(&hci_sock_nblock); - proto_unregister(&hci_sk_proto); } - -module_param(enable_mgmt, bool, 0644); -MODULE_PARM_DESC(enable_mgmt, "Enable Management interface"); diff --git a/net/bluetooth/hci_sysfs.c b/net/bluetooth/hci_sysfs.c index 52109561423514fcbd16e1c1895d2e9f7ee7a490..bc154298979a8278efa4611309e025d663f056bc 100644 --- a/net/bluetooth/hci_sysfs.c +++ b/net/bluetooth/hci_sysfs.c @@ -33,19 +33,19 @@ static inline char *link_typetostr(int type) static ssize_t show_link_type(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { - struct hci_conn *conn = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct hci_conn *conn = to_hci_conn(dev); return sprintf(buf, "%s\n", link_typetostr(conn->type)); } static ssize_t show_link_address(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { - struct hci_conn *conn = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct hci_conn *conn = to_hci_conn(dev); return sprintf(buf, "%s\n", batostr(&conn->dst)); } static ssize_t show_link_features(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { - struct hci_conn *conn = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct hci_conn *conn = to_hci_conn(dev); return sprintf(buf, "0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n", conn->features[0], conn->features[1], @@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ static const struct attribute_group *bt_link_groups[] = { static void bt_link_release(struct device *dev) { - void *data = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - kfree(data); + struct hci_conn *conn = to_hci_conn(dev); + kfree(conn); } static struct device_type bt_link = { @@ -120,8 +120,6 @@ void hci_conn_add_sysfs(struct hci_conn *conn) dev_set_name(&conn->dev, "%s:%d", hdev->name, conn->handle); - dev_set_drvdata(&conn->dev, conn); - if (device_add(&conn->dev) < 0) { BT_ERR("Failed to register connection device"); return; @@ -189,19 +187,19 @@ static inline char *host_typetostr(int type) static ssize_t show_bus(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { - struct hci_dev *hdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct hci_dev *hdev = to_hci_dev(dev); return sprintf(buf, "%s\n", host_bustostr(hdev->bus)); } static ssize_t show_type(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { - struct hci_dev *hdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct hci_dev *hdev = to_hci_dev(dev); return sprintf(buf, "%s\n", host_typetostr(hdev->dev_type)); } static ssize_t show_name(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { - struct hci_dev *hdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct hci_dev *hdev = to_hci_dev(dev); char name[HCI_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; int i; @@ -214,20 +212,20 @@ static ssize_t show_name(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char static ssize_t show_class(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { - struct hci_dev *hdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct hci_dev *hdev = to_hci_dev(dev); return sprintf(buf, "0x%.2x%.2x%.2x\n", hdev->dev_class[2], hdev->dev_class[1], hdev->dev_class[0]); } static ssize_t show_address(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { - struct hci_dev *hdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct hci_dev *hdev = to_hci_dev(dev); return sprintf(buf, "%s\n", batostr(&hdev->bdaddr)); } static ssize_t show_features(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { - struct hci_dev *hdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct hci_dev *hdev = to_hci_dev(dev); return sprintf(buf, "0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n", hdev->features[0], hdev->features[1], @@ -238,31 +236,31 @@ static ssize_t show_features(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, static ssize_t show_manufacturer(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { - struct hci_dev *hdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct hci_dev *hdev = to_hci_dev(dev); return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", hdev->manufacturer); } static ssize_t show_hci_version(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { - struct hci_dev *hdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct hci_dev *hdev = to_hci_dev(dev); return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", hdev->hci_ver); } static ssize_t show_hci_revision(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { - struct hci_dev *hdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct hci_dev *hdev = to_hci_dev(dev); return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", hdev->hci_rev); } static ssize_t show_idle_timeout(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { - struct hci_dev *hdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct hci_dev *hdev = to_hci_dev(dev); return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", hdev->idle_timeout); } static ssize_t store_idle_timeout(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count) { - struct hci_dev *hdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct hci_dev *hdev = to_hci_dev(dev); unsigned int val; int rv; @@ -280,13 +278,13 @@ static ssize_t store_idle_timeout(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *a static ssize_t show_sniff_max_interval(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { - struct hci_dev *hdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct hci_dev *hdev = to_hci_dev(dev); return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", hdev->sniff_max_interval); } static ssize_t store_sniff_max_interval(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count) { - struct hci_dev *hdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct hci_dev *hdev = to_hci_dev(dev); u16 val; int rv; @@ -304,13 +302,13 @@ static ssize_t store_sniff_max_interval(struct device *dev, struct device_attrib static ssize_t show_sniff_min_interval(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { - struct hci_dev *hdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct hci_dev *hdev = to_hci_dev(dev); return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", hdev->sniff_min_interval); } static ssize_t store_sniff_min_interval(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count) { - struct hci_dev *hdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct hci_dev *hdev = to_hci_dev(dev); u16 val; int rv; @@ -370,8 +368,9 @@ static const struct attribute_group *bt_host_groups[] = { static void bt_host_release(struct device *dev) { - void *data = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - kfree(data); + struct hci_dev *hdev = to_hci_dev(dev); + kfree(hdev); + module_put(THIS_MODULE); } static struct device_type bt_host = { @@ -383,12 +382,12 @@ static struct device_type bt_host = { static int inquiry_cache_show(struct seq_file *f, void *p) { struct hci_dev *hdev = f->private; - struct inquiry_cache *cache = &hdev->inq_cache; + struct discovery_state *cache = &hdev->discovery; struct inquiry_entry *e; hci_dev_lock(hdev); - for (e = cache->list; e; e = e->next) { + list_for_each_entry(e, &cache->all, all) { struct inquiry_data *data = &e->data; seq_printf(f, "%s %d %d %d 0x%.2x%.2x%.2x 0x%.4x %d %d %u\n", batostr(&data->bdaddr), @@ -523,7 +522,7 @@ void hci_init_sysfs(struct hci_dev *hdev) dev->type = &bt_host; dev->class = bt_class; - dev_set_drvdata(dev, hdev); + __module_get(THIS_MODULE); device_initialize(dev); } diff --git a/net/bluetooth/hidp/sock.c b/net/bluetooth/hidp/sock.c index 178ac7f127adcace1c672eddff2a55e10f0be1f1..73a32d705c1fc14f423c5178c367ee4064cd9284 100644 --- a/net/bluetooth/hidp/sock.c +++ b/net/bluetooth/hidp/sock.c @@ -160,10 +160,10 @@ static int hidp_sock_compat_ioctl(struct socket *sock, unsigned int cmd, unsigne { if (cmd == HIDPGETCONNLIST) { struct hidp_connlist_req cl; - uint32_t uci; + u32 uci; int err; - if (get_user(cl.cnum, (uint32_t __user *) arg) || + if (get_user(cl.cnum, (u32 __user *) arg) || get_user(uci, (u32 __user *) (arg + 4))) return -EFAULT; @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ static int hidp_sock_compat_ioctl(struct socket *sock, unsigned int cmd, unsigne err = hidp_get_connlist(&cl); - if (!err && put_user(cl.cnum, (uint32_t __user *) arg)) + if (!err && put_user(cl.cnum, (u32 __user *) arg)) err = -EFAULT; return err; diff --git a/net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c b/net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c index 32d338c30e65a034460652579112fb6c9b61f806..3e450f4a3125338c8d38b68d1441d545ec9ad2e3 100644 --- a/net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c +++ b/net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c @@ -73,42 +73,28 @@ static int l2cap_build_conf_req(struct l2cap_chan *chan, void *data); static void l2cap_send_disconn_req(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_chan *chan, int err); -static int l2cap_ertm_data_rcv(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb); - /* ---- L2CAP channels ---- */ static struct l2cap_chan *__l2cap_get_chan_by_dcid(struct l2cap_conn *conn, u16 cid) { - struct l2cap_chan *c, *r = NULL; - - rcu_read_lock(); + struct l2cap_chan *c; - list_for_each_entry_rcu(c, &conn->chan_l, list) { - if (c->dcid == cid) { - r = c; - break; - } + list_for_each_entry(c, &conn->chan_l, list) { + if (c->dcid == cid) + return c; } - - rcu_read_unlock(); - return r; + return NULL; } static struct l2cap_chan *__l2cap_get_chan_by_scid(struct l2cap_conn *conn, u16 cid) { - struct l2cap_chan *c, *r = NULL; - - rcu_read_lock(); + struct l2cap_chan *c; - list_for_each_entry_rcu(c, &conn->chan_l, list) { - if (c->scid == cid) { - r = c; - break; - } + list_for_each_entry(c, &conn->chan_l, list) { + if (c->scid == cid) + return c; } - - rcu_read_unlock(); - return r; + return NULL; } /* Find channel with given SCID. @@ -117,36 +103,32 @@ static struct l2cap_chan *l2cap_get_chan_by_scid(struct l2cap_conn *conn, u16 ci { struct l2cap_chan *c; + mutex_lock(&conn->chan_lock); c = __l2cap_get_chan_by_scid(conn, cid); - if (c) - lock_sock(c->sk); + mutex_unlock(&conn->chan_lock); + return c; } static struct l2cap_chan *__l2cap_get_chan_by_ident(struct l2cap_conn *conn, u8 ident) { - struct l2cap_chan *c, *r = NULL; - - rcu_read_lock(); + struct l2cap_chan *c; - list_for_each_entry_rcu(c, &conn->chan_l, list) { - if (c->ident == ident) { - r = c; - break; - } + list_for_each_entry(c, &conn->chan_l, list) { + if (c->ident == ident) + return c; } - - rcu_read_unlock(); - return r; + return NULL; } static inline struct l2cap_chan *l2cap_get_chan_by_ident(struct l2cap_conn *conn, u8 ident) { struct l2cap_chan *c; + mutex_lock(&conn->chan_lock); c = __l2cap_get_chan_by_ident(conn, ident); - if (c) - lock_sock(c->sk); + mutex_unlock(&conn->chan_lock); + return c; } @@ -217,51 +199,51 @@ static u16 l2cap_alloc_cid(struct l2cap_conn *conn) return 0; } -static char *state_to_string(int state) +static void __l2cap_state_change(struct l2cap_chan *chan, int state) { - switch(state) { - case BT_CONNECTED: - return "BT_CONNECTED"; - case BT_OPEN: - return "BT_OPEN"; - case BT_BOUND: - return "BT_BOUND"; - case BT_LISTEN: - return "BT_LISTEN"; - case BT_CONNECT: - return "BT_CONNECT"; - case BT_CONNECT2: - return "BT_CONNECT2"; - case BT_CONFIG: - return "BT_CONFIG"; - case BT_DISCONN: - return "BT_DISCONN"; - case BT_CLOSED: - return "BT_CLOSED"; - } + BT_DBG("chan %p %s -> %s", chan, state_to_string(chan->state), + state_to_string(state)); - return "invalid state"; + chan->state = state; + chan->ops->state_change(chan->data, state); } static void l2cap_state_change(struct l2cap_chan *chan, int state) { - BT_DBG("%p %s -> %s", chan, state_to_string(chan->state), - state_to_string(state)); + struct sock *sk = chan->sk; - chan->state = state; - chan->ops->state_change(chan->data, state); + lock_sock(sk); + __l2cap_state_change(chan, state); + release_sock(sk); +} + +static inline void __l2cap_chan_set_err(struct l2cap_chan *chan, int err) +{ + struct sock *sk = chan->sk; + + sk->sk_err = err; +} + +static inline void l2cap_chan_set_err(struct l2cap_chan *chan, int err) +{ + struct sock *sk = chan->sk; + + lock_sock(sk); + __l2cap_chan_set_err(chan, err); + release_sock(sk); } static void l2cap_chan_timeout(struct work_struct *work) { struct l2cap_chan *chan = container_of(work, struct l2cap_chan, chan_timer.work); - struct sock *sk = chan->sk; + struct l2cap_conn *conn = chan->conn; int reason; - BT_DBG("chan %p state %d", chan, chan->state); + BT_DBG("chan %p state %s", chan, state_to_string(chan->state)); - lock_sock(sk); + mutex_lock(&conn->chan_lock); + l2cap_chan_lock(chan); if (chan->state == BT_CONNECTED || chan->state == BT_CONFIG) reason = ECONNREFUSED; @@ -273,9 +255,11 @@ static void l2cap_chan_timeout(struct work_struct *work) l2cap_chan_close(chan, reason); - release_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); chan->ops->close(chan->data); + mutex_unlock(&conn->chan_lock); + l2cap_chan_put(chan); } @@ -287,6 +271,8 @@ struct l2cap_chan *l2cap_chan_create(struct sock *sk) if (!chan) return NULL; + mutex_init(&chan->lock); + chan->sk = sk; write_lock(&chan_list_lock); @@ -313,7 +299,7 @@ void l2cap_chan_destroy(struct l2cap_chan *chan) l2cap_chan_put(chan); } -static void l2cap_chan_add(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_chan *chan) +void __l2cap_chan_add(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_chan *chan) { BT_DBG("conn %p, psm 0x%2.2x, dcid 0x%4.4x", conn, chan->psm, chan->dcid); @@ -322,7 +308,8 @@ static void l2cap_chan_add(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_chan *chan) chan->conn = conn; - if (chan->chan_type == L2CAP_CHAN_CONN_ORIENTED) { + switch (chan->chan_type) { + case L2CAP_CHAN_CONN_ORIENTED: if (conn->hcon->type == LE_LINK) { /* LE connection */ chan->omtu = L2CAP_LE_DEFAULT_MTU; @@ -333,12 +320,16 @@ static void l2cap_chan_add(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_chan *chan) chan->scid = l2cap_alloc_cid(conn); chan->omtu = L2CAP_DEFAULT_MTU; } - } else if (chan->chan_type == L2CAP_CHAN_CONN_LESS) { + break; + + case L2CAP_CHAN_CONN_LESS: /* Connectionless socket */ chan->scid = L2CAP_CID_CONN_LESS; chan->dcid = L2CAP_CID_CONN_LESS; chan->omtu = L2CAP_DEFAULT_MTU; - } else { + break; + + default: /* Raw socket can send/recv signalling messages only */ chan->scid = L2CAP_CID_SIGNALING; chan->dcid = L2CAP_CID_SIGNALING; @@ -354,11 +345,16 @@ static void l2cap_chan_add(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_chan *chan) l2cap_chan_hold(chan); - list_add_rcu(&chan->list, &conn->chan_l); + list_add(&chan->list, &conn->chan_l); +} + +void l2cap_chan_add(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_chan *chan) +{ + mutex_lock(&conn->chan_lock); + __l2cap_chan_add(conn, chan); + mutex_unlock(&conn->chan_lock); } -/* Delete channel. - * Must be called on the locked socket. */ static void l2cap_chan_del(struct l2cap_chan *chan, int err) { struct sock *sk = chan->sk; @@ -371,8 +367,7 @@ static void l2cap_chan_del(struct l2cap_chan *chan, int err) if (conn) { /* Delete from channel list */ - list_del_rcu(&chan->list); - synchronize_rcu(); + list_del(&chan->list); l2cap_chan_put(chan); @@ -380,11 +375,13 @@ static void l2cap_chan_del(struct l2cap_chan *chan, int err) hci_conn_put(conn->hcon); } - l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CLOSED); + lock_sock(sk); + + __l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CLOSED); sock_set_flag(sk, SOCK_ZAPPED); if (err) - sk->sk_err = err; + __l2cap_chan_set_err(chan, err); if (parent) { bt_accept_unlink(sk); @@ -392,6 +389,8 @@ static void l2cap_chan_del(struct l2cap_chan *chan, int err) } else sk->sk_state_change(sk); + release_sock(sk); + if (!(test_bit(CONF_OUTPUT_DONE, &chan->conf_state) && test_bit(CONF_INPUT_DONE, &chan->conf_state))) return; @@ -423,10 +422,12 @@ static void l2cap_chan_cleanup_listen(struct sock *parent) /* Close not yet accepted channels */ while ((sk = bt_accept_dequeue(parent, NULL))) { struct l2cap_chan *chan = l2cap_pi(sk)->chan; + + l2cap_chan_lock(chan); __clear_chan_timer(chan); - lock_sock(sk); l2cap_chan_close(chan, ECONNRESET); - release_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); + chan->ops->close(chan->data); } } @@ -436,14 +437,17 @@ void l2cap_chan_close(struct l2cap_chan *chan, int reason) struct l2cap_conn *conn = chan->conn; struct sock *sk = chan->sk; - BT_DBG("chan %p state %d socket %p", chan, chan->state, sk->sk_socket); + BT_DBG("chan %p state %s sk %p", chan, + state_to_string(chan->state), sk); switch (chan->state) { case BT_LISTEN: + lock_sock(sk); l2cap_chan_cleanup_listen(sk); - l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CLOSED); + __l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CLOSED); sock_set_flag(sk, SOCK_ZAPPED); + release_sock(sk); break; case BT_CONNECTED: @@ -486,7 +490,9 @@ void l2cap_chan_close(struct l2cap_chan *chan, int reason) break; default: + lock_sock(sk); sock_set_flag(sk, SOCK_ZAPPED); + release_sock(sk); break; } } @@ -661,6 +667,21 @@ static inline int __l2cap_no_conn_pending(struct l2cap_chan *chan) return !test_bit(CONF_CONNECT_PEND, &chan->conf_state); } +static void l2cap_send_conn_req(struct l2cap_chan *chan) +{ + struct l2cap_conn *conn = chan->conn; + struct l2cap_conn_req req; + + req.scid = cpu_to_le16(chan->scid); + req.psm = chan->psm; + + chan->ident = l2cap_get_ident(conn); + + set_bit(CONF_CONNECT_PEND, &chan->conf_state); + + l2cap_send_cmd(conn, chan->ident, L2CAP_CONN_REQ, sizeof(req), &req); +} + static void l2cap_do_start(struct l2cap_chan *chan) { struct l2cap_conn *conn = chan->conn; @@ -670,17 +691,8 @@ static void l2cap_do_start(struct l2cap_chan *chan) return; if (l2cap_chan_check_security(chan) && - __l2cap_no_conn_pending(chan)) { - struct l2cap_conn_req req; - req.scid = cpu_to_le16(chan->scid); - req.psm = chan->psm; - - chan->ident = l2cap_get_ident(conn); - set_bit(CONF_CONNECT_PEND, &chan->conf_state); - - l2cap_send_cmd(conn, chan->ident, L2CAP_CONN_REQ, - sizeof(req), &req); - } + __l2cap_no_conn_pending(chan)) + l2cap_send_conn_req(chan); } else { struct l2cap_info_req req; req.type = cpu_to_le16(L2CAP_IT_FEAT_MASK); @@ -688,8 +700,7 @@ static void l2cap_do_start(struct l2cap_chan *chan) conn->info_state |= L2CAP_INFO_FEAT_MASK_REQ_SENT; conn->info_ident = l2cap_get_ident(conn); - schedule_delayed_work(&conn->info_timer, - msecs_to_jiffies(L2CAP_INFO_TIMEOUT)); + schedule_delayed_work(&conn->info_timer, L2CAP_INFO_TIMEOUT); l2cap_send_cmd(conn, conn->info_ident, L2CAP_INFO_REQ, sizeof(req), &req); @@ -714,14 +725,12 @@ static inline int l2cap_mode_supported(__u8 mode, __u32 feat_mask) static void l2cap_send_disconn_req(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_chan *chan, int err) { - struct sock *sk; + struct sock *sk = chan->sk; struct l2cap_disconn_req req; if (!conn) return; - sk = chan->sk; - if (chan->mode == L2CAP_MODE_ERTM) { __clear_retrans_timer(chan); __clear_monitor_timer(chan); @@ -733,56 +742,47 @@ static void l2cap_send_disconn_req(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_chan *c l2cap_send_cmd(conn, l2cap_get_ident(conn), L2CAP_DISCONN_REQ, sizeof(req), &req); - l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_DISCONN); - sk->sk_err = err; + lock_sock(sk); + __l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_DISCONN); + __l2cap_chan_set_err(chan, err); + release_sock(sk); } /* ---- L2CAP connections ---- */ static void l2cap_conn_start(struct l2cap_conn *conn) { - struct l2cap_chan *chan; + struct l2cap_chan *chan, *tmp; BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); - rcu_read_lock(); + mutex_lock(&conn->chan_lock); - list_for_each_entry_rcu(chan, &conn->chan_l, list) { + list_for_each_entry_safe(chan, tmp, &conn->chan_l, list) { struct sock *sk = chan->sk; - bh_lock_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_lock(chan); if (chan->chan_type != L2CAP_CHAN_CONN_ORIENTED) { - bh_unlock_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); continue; } if (chan->state == BT_CONNECT) { - struct l2cap_conn_req req; - if (!l2cap_chan_check_security(chan) || !__l2cap_no_conn_pending(chan)) { - bh_unlock_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); continue; } if (!l2cap_mode_supported(chan->mode, conn->feat_mask) && test_bit(CONF_STATE2_DEVICE, &chan->conf_state)) { - /* l2cap_chan_close() calls list_del(chan) - * so release the lock */ l2cap_chan_close(chan, ECONNRESET); - bh_unlock_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); continue; } - req.scid = cpu_to_le16(chan->scid); - req.psm = chan->psm; - - chan->ident = l2cap_get_ident(conn); - set_bit(CONF_CONNECT_PEND, &chan->conf_state); - - l2cap_send_cmd(conn, chan->ident, L2CAP_CONN_REQ, - sizeof(req), &req); + l2cap_send_conn_req(chan); } else if (chan->state == BT_CONNECT2) { struct l2cap_conn_rsp rsp; @@ -791,6 +791,7 @@ static void l2cap_conn_start(struct l2cap_conn *conn) rsp.dcid = cpu_to_le16(chan->scid); if (l2cap_chan_check_security(chan)) { + lock_sock(sk); if (bt_sk(sk)->defer_setup) { struct sock *parent = bt_sk(sk)->parent; rsp.result = cpu_to_le16(L2CAP_CR_PEND); @@ -799,10 +800,11 @@ static void l2cap_conn_start(struct l2cap_conn *conn) parent->sk_data_ready(parent, 0); } else { - l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONFIG); + __l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONFIG); rsp.result = cpu_to_le16(L2CAP_CR_SUCCESS); rsp.status = cpu_to_le16(L2CAP_CS_NO_INFO); } + release_sock(sk); } else { rsp.result = cpu_to_le16(L2CAP_CR_PEND); rsp.status = cpu_to_le16(L2CAP_CS_AUTHEN_PEND); @@ -813,7 +815,7 @@ static void l2cap_conn_start(struct l2cap_conn *conn) if (test_bit(CONF_REQ_SENT, &chan->conf_state) || rsp.result != L2CAP_CR_SUCCESS) { - bh_unlock_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); continue; } @@ -823,10 +825,10 @@ static void l2cap_conn_start(struct l2cap_conn *conn) chan->num_conf_req++; } - bh_unlock_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); } - rcu_read_unlock(); + mutex_unlock(&conn->chan_lock); } /* Find socket with cid and source bdaddr. @@ -902,28 +904,34 @@ static void l2cap_le_conn_ready(struct l2cap_conn *conn) __set_chan_timer(chan, sk->sk_sndtimeo); - l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONNECTED); + __l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONNECTED); parent->sk_data_ready(parent, 0); clean: release_sock(parent); } -static void l2cap_chan_ready(struct sock *sk) +static void l2cap_chan_ready(struct l2cap_chan *chan) { - struct l2cap_chan *chan = l2cap_pi(sk)->chan; - struct sock *parent = bt_sk(sk)->parent; + struct sock *sk = chan->sk; + struct sock *parent; + + lock_sock(sk); + + parent = bt_sk(sk)->parent; BT_DBG("sk %p, parent %p", sk, parent); chan->conf_state = 0; __clear_chan_timer(chan); - l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONNECTED); + __l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONNECTED); sk->sk_state_change(sk); if (parent) parent->sk_data_ready(parent, 0); + + release_sock(sk); } static void l2cap_conn_ready(struct l2cap_conn *conn) @@ -938,29 +946,31 @@ static void l2cap_conn_ready(struct l2cap_conn *conn) if (conn->hcon->out && conn->hcon->type == LE_LINK) smp_conn_security(conn, conn->hcon->pending_sec_level); - rcu_read_lock(); + mutex_lock(&conn->chan_lock); - list_for_each_entry_rcu(chan, &conn->chan_l, list) { - struct sock *sk = chan->sk; + list_for_each_entry(chan, &conn->chan_l, list) { - bh_lock_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_lock(chan); if (conn->hcon->type == LE_LINK) { if (smp_conn_security(conn, chan->sec_level)) - l2cap_chan_ready(sk); + l2cap_chan_ready(chan); } else if (chan->chan_type != L2CAP_CHAN_CONN_ORIENTED) { + struct sock *sk = chan->sk; __clear_chan_timer(chan); - l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONNECTED); + lock_sock(sk); + __l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONNECTED); sk->sk_state_change(sk); + release_sock(sk); } else if (chan->state == BT_CONNECT) l2cap_do_start(chan); - bh_unlock_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); } - rcu_read_unlock(); + mutex_unlock(&conn->chan_lock); } /* Notify sockets that we cannot guaranty reliability anymore */ @@ -970,16 +980,14 @@ static void l2cap_conn_unreliable(struct l2cap_conn *conn, int err) BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); - rcu_read_lock(); - - list_for_each_entry_rcu(chan, &conn->chan_l, list) { - struct sock *sk = chan->sk; + mutex_lock(&conn->chan_lock); + list_for_each_entry(chan, &conn->chan_l, list) { if (test_bit(FLAG_FORCE_RELIABLE, &chan->flags)) - sk->sk_err = err; + __l2cap_chan_set_err(chan, err); } - rcu_read_unlock(); + mutex_unlock(&conn->chan_lock); } static void l2cap_info_timeout(struct work_struct *work) @@ -997,7 +1005,6 @@ static void l2cap_conn_del(struct hci_conn *hcon, int err) { struct l2cap_conn *conn = hcon->l2cap_data; struct l2cap_chan *chan, *l; - struct sock *sk; if (!conn) return; @@ -1006,21 +1013,27 @@ static void l2cap_conn_del(struct hci_conn *hcon, int err) kfree_skb(conn->rx_skb); + mutex_lock(&conn->chan_lock); + /* Kill channels */ list_for_each_entry_safe(chan, l, &conn->chan_l, list) { - sk = chan->sk; - lock_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_lock(chan); + l2cap_chan_del(chan, err); - release_sock(sk); + + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); + chan->ops->close(chan->data); } + mutex_unlock(&conn->chan_lock); + hci_chan_del(conn->hchan); if (conn->info_state & L2CAP_INFO_FEAT_MASK_REQ_SENT) cancel_delayed_work_sync(&conn->info_timer); - if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_CONN_LE_SMP_PEND, &hcon->pend)) { + if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_CONN_LE_SMP_PEND, &hcon->flags)) { cancel_delayed_work_sync(&conn->security_timer); smp_chan_destroy(conn); } @@ -1072,6 +1085,7 @@ static struct l2cap_conn *l2cap_conn_add(struct hci_conn *hcon, u8 status) conn->feat_mask = 0; spin_lock_init(&conn->lock); + mutex_init(&conn->chan_lock); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&conn->chan_l); @@ -1139,7 +1153,7 @@ int l2cap_chan_connect(struct l2cap_chan *chan, __le16 psm, u16 cid, bdaddr_t *d hci_dev_lock(hdev); - lock_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_lock(chan); /* PSM must be odd and lsb of upper byte must be 0 */ if ((__le16_to_cpu(psm) & 0x0101) != 0x0001 && !cid && @@ -1166,17 +1180,21 @@ int l2cap_chan_connect(struct l2cap_chan *chan, __le16 psm, u16 cid, bdaddr_t *d goto done; } + lock_sock(sk); + switch (sk->sk_state) { case BT_CONNECT: case BT_CONNECT2: case BT_CONFIG: /* Already connecting */ err = 0; + release_sock(sk); goto done; case BT_CONNECTED: /* Already connected */ err = -EISCONN; + release_sock(sk); goto done; case BT_OPEN: @@ -1186,11 +1204,15 @@ int l2cap_chan_connect(struct l2cap_chan *chan, __le16 psm, u16 cid, bdaddr_t *d default: err = -EBADFD; + release_sock(sk); goto done; } /* Set destination address and psm */ bacpy(&bt_sk(sk)->dst, dst); + + release_sock(sk); + chan->psm = psm; chan->dcid = cid; @@ -1218,7 +1240,9 @@ int l2cap_chan_connect(struct l2cap_chan *chan, __le16 psm, u16 cid, bdaddr_t *d /* Update source addr of the socket */ bacpy(src, conn->src); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); l2cap_chan_add(conn, chan); + l2cap_chan_lock(chan); l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONNECT); __set_chan_timer(chan, sk->sk_sndtimeo); @@ -1235,6 +1259,7 @@ int l2cap_chan_connect(struct l2cap_chan *chan, __le16 psm, u16 cid, bdaddr_t *d err = 0; done: + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); hci_dev_put(hdev); return err; @@ -1276,14 +1301,14 @@ static void l2cap_monitor_timeout(struct work_struct *work) { struct l2cap_chan *chan = container_of(work, struct l2cap_chan, monitor_timer.work); - struct sock *sk = chan->sk; BT_DBG("chan %p", chan); - lock_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_lock(chan); + if (chan->retry_count >= chan->remote_max_tx) { l2cap_send_disconn_req(chan->conn, chan, ECONNABORTED); - release_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); return; } @@ -1291,25 +1316,26 @@ static void l2cap_monitor_timeout(struct work_struct *work) __set_monitor_timer(chan); l2cap_send_rr_or_rnr(chan, L2CAP_CTRL_POLL); - release_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); } static void l2cap_retrans_timeout(struct work_struct *work) { struct l2cap_chan *chan = container_of(work, struct l2cap_chan, retrans_timer.work); - struct sock *sk = chan->sk; BT_DBG("chan %p", chan); - lock_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_lock(chan); + chan->retry_count = 1; __set_monitor_timer(chan); set_bit(CONN_WAIT_F, &chan->conn_state); l2cap_send_rr_or_rnr(chan, L2CAP_CTRL_POLL); - release_sock(sk); + + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); } static void l2cap_drop_acked_frames(struct l2cap_chan *chan) @@ -1450,17 +1476,19 @@ static int l2cap_ertm_send(struct l2cap_chan *chan) chan->next_tx_seq = __next_seq(chan, chan->next_tx_seq); - if (bt_cb(skb)->retries == 1) + if (bt_cb(skb)->retries == 1) { chan->unacked_frames++; + if (!nsent++) + __clear_ack_timer(chan); + } + chan->frames_sent++; if (skb_queue_is_last(&chan->tx_q, skb)) chan->tx_send_head = NULL; else chan->tx_send_head = skb_queue_next(&chan->tx_q, skb); - - nsent++; } return nsent; @@ -1478,7 +1506,7 @@ static int l2cap_retransmit_frames(struct l2cap_chan *chan) return ret; } -static void l2cap_send_ack(struct l2cap_chan *chan) +static void __l2cap_send_ack(struct l2cap_chan *chan) { u32 control = 0; @@ -1498,6 +1526,12 @@ static void l2cap_send_ack(struct l2cap_chan *chan) l2cap_send_sframe(chan, control); } +static void l2cap_send_ack(struct l2cap_chan *chan) +{ + __clear_ack_timer(chan); + __l2cap_send_ack(chan); +} + static void l2cap_send_srejtail(struct l2cap_chan *chan) { struct srej_list *tail; @@ -1512,9 +1546,11 @@ static void l2cap_send_srejtail(struct l2cap_chan *chan) l2cap_send_sframe(chan, control); } -static inline int l2cap_skbuff_fromiovec(struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, int len, int count, struct sk_buff *skb) +static inline int l2cap_skbuff_fromiovec(struct l2cap_chan *chan, + struct msghdr *msg, int len, + int count, struct sk_buff *skb) { - struct l2cap_conn *conn = l2cap_pi(sk)->chan->conn; + struct l2cap_conn *conn = chan->conn; struct sk_buff **frag; int err, sent = 0; @@ -1529,7 +1565,10 @@ static inline int l2cap_skbuff_fromiovec(struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, in while (len) { count = min_t(unsigned int, conn->mtu, len); - *frag = bt_skb_send_alloc(sk, count, msg->msg_flags & MSG_DONTWAIT, &err); + *frag = chan->ops->alloc_skb(chan, count, + msg->msg_flags & MSG_DONTWAIT, + &err); + if (!*frag) return err; if (memcpy_fromiovec(skb_put(*frag, count), msg->msg_iov, count)) @@ -1550,17 +1589,18 @@ static struct sk_buff *l2cap_create_connless_pdu(struct l2cap_chan *chan, struct msghdr *msg, size_t len, u32 priority) { - struct sock *sk = chan->sk; struct l2cap_conn *conn = chan->conn; struct sk_buff *skb; int err, count, hlen = L2CAP_HDR_SIZE + L2CAP_PSMLEN_SIZE; struct l2cap_hdr *lh; - BT_DBG("sk %p len %d priority %u", sk, (int)len, priority); + BT_DBG("chan %p len %d priority %u", chan, (int)len, priority); count = min_t(unsigned int, (conn->mtu - hlen), len); - skb = bt_skb_send_alloc(sk, count + hlen, - msg->msg_flags & MSG_DONTWAIT, &err); + + skb = chan->ops->alloc_skb(chan, count + hlen, + msg->msg_flags & MSG_DONTWAIT, &err); + if (!skb) return ERR_PTR(err); @@ -1572,7 +1612,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *l2cap_create_connless_pdu(struct l2cap_chan *chan, lh->len = cpu_to_le16(len + (hlen - L2CAP_HDR_SIZE)); put_unaligned_le16(chan->psm, skb_put(skb, 2)); - err = l2cap_skbuff_fromiovec(sk, msg, len, count, skb); + err = l2cap_skbuff_fromiovec(chan, msg, len, count, skb); if (unlikely(err < 0)) { kfree_skb(skb); return ERR_PTR(err); @@ -1584,17 +1624,18 @@ static struct sk_buff *l2cap_create_basic_pdu(struct l2cap_chan *chan, struct msghdr *msg, size_t len, u32 priority) { - struct sock *sk = chan->sk; struct l2cap_conn *conn = chan->conn; struct sk_buff *skb; int err, count, hlen = L2CAP_HDR_SIZE; struct l2cap_hdr *lh; - BT_DBG("sk %p len %d", sk, (int)len); + BT_DBG("chan %p len %d", chan, (int)len); count = min_t(unsigned int, (conn->mtu - hlen), len); - skb = bt_skb_send_alloc(sk, count + hlen, - msg->msg_flags & MSG_DONTWAIT, &err); + + skb = chan->ops->alloc_skb(chan, count + hlen, + msg->msg_flags & MSG_DONTWAIT, &err); + if (!skb) return ERR_PTR(err); @@ -1605,7 +1646,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *l2cap_create_basic_pdu(struct l2cap_chan *chan, lh->cid = cpu_to_le16(chan->dcid); lh->len = cpu_to_le16(len + (hlen - L2CAP_HDR_SIZE)); - err = l2cap_skbuff_fromiovec(sk, msg, len, count, skb); + err = l2cap_skbuff_fromiovec(chan, msg, len, count, skb); if (unlikely(err < 0)) { kfree_skb(skb); return ERR_PTR(err); @@ -1617,13 +1658,12 @@ static struct sk_buff *l2cap_create_iframe_pdu(struct l2cap_chan *chan, struct msghdr *msg, size_t len, u32 control, u16 sdulen) { - struct sock *sk = chan->sk; struct l2cap_conn *conn = chan->conn; struct sk_buff *skb; int err, count, hlen; struct l2cap_hdr *lh; - BT_DBG("sk %p len %d", sk, (int)len); + BT_DBG("chan %p len %d", chan, (int)len); if (!conn) return ERR_PTR(-ENOTCONN); @@ -1640,8 +1680,10 @@ static struct sk_buff *l2cap_create_iframe_pdu(struct l2cap_chan *chan, hlen += L2CAP_FCS_SIZE; count = min_t(unsigned int, (conn->mtu - hlen), len); - skb = bt_skb_send_alloc(sk, count + hlen, - msg->msg_flags & MSG_DONTWAIT, &err); + + skb = chan->ops->alloc_skb(chan, count + hlen, + msg->msg_flags & MSG_DONTWAIT, &err); + if (!skb) return ERR_PTR(err); @@ -1655,7 +1697,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *l2cap_create_iframe_pdu(struct l2cap_chan *chan, if (sdulen) put_unaligned_le16(sdulen, skb_put(skb, L2CAP_SDULEN_SIZE)); - err = l2cap_skbuff_fromiovec(sk, msg, len, count, skb); + err = l2cap_skbuff_fromiovec(chan, msg, len, count, skb); if (unlikely(err < 0)) { kfree_skb(skb); return ERR_PTR(err); @@ -1801,9 +1843,9 @@ static void l2cap_raw_recv(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct sk_buff *skb) BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); - rcu_read_lock(); + mutex_lock(&conn->chan_lock); - list_for_each_entry_rcu(chan, &conn->chan_l, list) { + list_for_each_entry(chan, &conn->chan_l, list) { struct sock *sk = chan->sk; if (chan->chan_type != L2CAP_CHAN_RAW) continue; @@ -1819,7 +1861,7 @@ static void l2cap_raw_recv(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct sk_buff *skb) kfree_skb(nskb); } - rcu_read_unlock(); + mutex_unlock(&conn->chan_lock); } /* ---- L2CAP signalling commands ---- */ @@ -1987,9 +2029,13 @@ static void l2cap_ack_timeout(struct work_struct *work) BT_DBG("chan %p", chan); - lock_sock(chan->sk); - l2cap_send_ack(chan); - release_sock(chan->sk); + l2cap_chan_lock(chan); + + __l2cap_send_ack(chan); + + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); + + l2cap_chan_put(chan); } static inline void l2cap_ertm_init(struct l2cap_chan *chan) @@ -2607,6 +2653,7 @@ static inline int l2cap_connect_req(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cmd_hd parent = pchan->sk; + mutex_lock(&conn->chan_lock); lock_sock(parent); /* Check if the ACL is secure enough (if not SDP) */ @@ -2647,7 +2694,7 @@ static inline int l2cap_connect_req(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cmd_hd bt_accept_enqueue(parent, sk); - l2cap_chan_add(conn, chan); + __l2cap_chan_add(conn, chan); dcid = chan->scid; @@ -2658,28 +2705,29 @@ static inline int l2cap_connect_req(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cmd_hd if (conn->info_state & L2CAP_INFO_FEAT_MASK_REQ_DONE) { if (l2cap_chan_check_security(chan)) { if (bt_sk(sk)->defer_setup) { - l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONNECT2); + __l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONNECT2); result = L2CAP_CR_PEND; status = L2CAP_CS_AUTHOR_PEND; parent->sk_data_ready(parent, 0); } else { - l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONFIG); + __l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONFIG); result = L2CAP_CR_SUCCESS; status = L2CAP_CS_NO_INFO; } } else { - l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONNECT2); + __l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONNECT2); result = L2CAP_CR_PEND; status = L2CAP_CS_AUTHEN_PEND; } } else { - l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONNECT2); + __l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONNECT2); result = L2CAP_CR_PEND; status = L2CAP_CS_NO_INFO; } response: release_sock(parent); + mutex_unlock(&conn->chan_lock); sendresp: rsp.scid = cpu_to_le16(scid); @@ -2695,8 +2743,7 @@ static inline int l2cap_connect_req(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cmd_hd conn->info_state |= L2CAP_INFO_FEAT_MASK_REQ_SENT; conn->info_ident = l2cap_get_ident(conn); - schedule_delayed_work(&conn->info_timer, - msecs_to_jiffies(L2CAP_INFO_TIMEOUT)); + schedule_delayed_work(&conn->info_timer, L2CAP_INFO_TIMEOUT); l2cap_send_cmd(conn, conn->info_ident, L2CAP_INFO_REQ, sizeof(info), &info); @@ -2719,27 +2766,36 @@ static inline int l2cap_connect_rsp(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cmd_hd struct l2cap_conn_rsp *rsp = (struct l2cap_conn_rsp *) data; u16 scid, dcid, result, status; struct l2cap_chan *chan; - struct sock *sk; u8 req[128]; + int err; scid = __le16_to_cpu(rsp->scid); dcid = __le16_to_cpu(rsp->dcid); result = __le16_to_cpu(rsp->result); status = __le16_to_cpu(rsp->status); - BT_DBG("dcid 0x%4.4x scid 0x%4.4x result 0x%2.2x status 0x%2.2x", dcid, scid, result, status); + BT_DBG("dcid 0x%4.4x scid 0x%4.4x result 0x%2.2x status 0x%2.2x", + dcid, scid, result, status); + + mutex_lock(&conn->chan_lock); if (scid) { - chan = l2cap_get_chan_by_scid(conn, scid); - if (!chan) - return -EFAULT; + chan = __l2cap_get_chan_by_scid(conn, scid); + if (!chan) { + err = -EFAULT; + goto unlock; + } } else { - chan = l2cap_get_chan_by_ident(conn, cmd->ident); - if (!chan) - return -EFAULT; + chan = __l2cap_get_chan_by_ident(conn, cmd->ident); + if (!chan) { + err = -EFAULT; + goto unlock; + } } - sk = chan->sk; + err = 0; + + l2cap_chan_lock(chan); switch (result) { case L2CAP_CR_SUCCESS: @@ -2765,8 +2821,12 @@ static inline int l2cap_connect_rsp(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cmd_hd break; } - release_sock(sk); - return 0; + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); + +unlock: + mutex_unlock(&conn->chan_lock); + + return err; } static inline void set_default_fcs(struct l2cap_chan *chan) @@ -2786,7 +2846,6 @@ static inline int l2cap_config_req(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cmd_hdr u16 dcid, flags; u8 rsp[64]; struct l2cap_chan *chan; - struct sock *sk; int len; dcid = __le16_to_cpu(req->dcid); @@ -2798,7 +2857,7 @@ static inline int l2cap_config_req(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cmd_hdr if (!chan) return -ENOENT; - sk = chan->sk; + l2cap_chan_lock(chan); if (chan->state != BT_CONFIG && chan->state != BT_CONNECT2) { struct l2cap_cmd_rej_cid rej; @@ -2860,7 +2919,7 @@ static inline int l2cap_config_req(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cmd_hdr if (chan->mode == L2CAP_MODE_ERTM) l2cap_ertm_init(chan); - l2cap_chan_ready(sk); + l2cap_chan_ready(chan); goto unlock; } @@ -2887,7 +2946,7 @@ static inline int l2cap_config_req(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cmd_hdr } unlock: - release_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); return 0; } @@ -2896,7 +2955,6 @@ static inline int l2cap_config_rsp(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cmd_hdr struct l2cap_conf_rsp *rsp = (struct l2cap_conf_rsp *)data; u16 scid, flags, result; struct l2cap_chan *chan; - struct sock *sk; int len = cmd->len - sizeof(*rsp); scid = __le16_to_cpu(rsp->scid); @@ -2910,7 +2968,7 @@ static inline int l2cap_config_rsp(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cmd_hdr if (!chan) return 0; - sk = chan->sk; + l2cap_chan_lock(chan); switch (result) { case L2CAP_CONF_SUCCESS: @@ -2969,9 +3027,9 @@ static inline int l2cap_config_rsp(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cmd_hdr } default: - sk->sk_err = ECONNRESET; - __set_chan_timer(chan, - msecs_to_jiffies(L2CAP_DISC_REJ_TIMEOUT)); + l2cap_chan_set_err(chan, ECONNRESET); + + __set_chan_timer(chan, L2CAP_DISC_REJ_TIMEOUT); l2cap_send_disconn_req(conn, chan, ECONNRESET); goto done; } @@ -2991,11 +3049,11 @@ static inline int l2cap_config_rsp(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cmd_hdr if (chan->mode == L2CAP_MODE_ERTM) l2cap_ertm_init(chan); - l2cap_chan_ready(sk); + l2cap_chan_ready(chan); } done: - release_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); return 0; } @@ -3012,9 +3070,15 @@ static inline int l2cap_disconnect_req(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cmd BT_DBG("scid 0x%4.4x dcid 0x%4.4x", scid, dcid); - chan = l2cap_get_chan_by_scid(conn, dcid); - if (!chan) + mutex_lock(&conn->chan_lock); + + chan = __l2cap_get_chan_by_scid(conn, dcid); + if (!chan) { + mutex_unlock(&conn->chan_lock); return 0; + } + + l2cap_chan_lock(chan); sk = chan->sk; @@ -3022,12 +3086,18 @@ static inline int l2cap_disconnect_req(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cmd rsp.scid = cpu_to_le16(chan->dcid); l2cap_send_cmd(conn, cmd->ident, L2CAP_DISCONN_RSP, sizeof(rsp), &rsp); + lock_sock(sk); sk->sk_shutdown = SHUTDOWN_MASK; + release_sock(sk); l2cap_chan_del(chan, ECONNRESET); - release_sock(sk); + + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); chan->ops->close(chan->data); + + mutex_unlock(&conn->chan_lock); + return 0; } @@ -3036,23 +3106,30 @@ static inline int l2cap_disconnect_rsp(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cmd struct l2cap_disconn_rsp *rsp = (struct l2cap_disconn_rsp *) data; u16 dcid, scid; struct l2cap_chan *chan; - struct sock *sk; scid = __le16_to_cpu(rsp->scid); dcid = __le16_to_cpu(rsp->dcid); BT_DBG("dcid 0x%4.4x scid 0x%4.4x", dcid, scid); - chan = l2cap_get_chan_by_scid(conn, scid); - if (!chan) + mutex_lock(&conn->chan_lock); + + chan = __l2cap_get_chan_by_scid(conn, scid); + if (!chan) { + mutex_unlock(&conn->chan_lock); return 0; + } - sk = chan->sk; + l2cap_chan_lock(chan); l2cap_chan_del(chan, 0); - release_sock(sk); + + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); chan->ops->close(chan->data); + + mutex_unlock(&conn->chan_lock); + return 0; } @@ -3132,7 +3209,8 @@ static inline int l2cap_information_rsp(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cm return 0; } - if (type == L2CAP_IT_FEAT_MASK) { + switch (type) { + case L2CAP_IT_FEAT_MASK: conn->feat_mask = get_unaligned_le32(rsp->data); if (conn->feat_mask & L2CAP_FEAT_FIXED_CHAN) { @@ -3149,11 +3227,15 @@ static inline int l2cap_information_rsp(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct l2cap_cm l2cap_conn_start(conn); } - } else if (type == L2CAP_IT_FIXED_CHAN) { + break; + + case L2CAP_IT_FIXED_CHAN: + conn->fixed_chan_mask = rsp->data[0]; conn->info_state |= L2CAP_INFO_FEAT_MASK_REQ_DONE; conn->info_ident = 0; l2cap_conn_start(conn); + break; } return 0; @@ -3713,19 +3795,11 @@ static int l2cap_reassemble_sdu(struct l2cap_chan *chan, struct sk_buff *skb, u3 static void l2cap_ertm_enter_local_busy(struct l2cap_chan *chan) { - u32 control; - BT_DBG("chan %p, Enter local busy", chan); set_bit(CONN_LOCAL_BUSY, &chan->conn_state); - control = __set_reqseq(chan, chan->buffer_seq); - control |= __set_ctrl_super(chan, L2CAP_SUPER_RNR); - l2cap_send_sframe(chan, control); - - set_bit(CONN_RNR_SENT, &chan->conn_state); - - __clear_ack_timer(chan); + __set_ack_timer(chan); } static void l2cap_ertm_exit_local_busy(struct l2cap_chan *chan) @@ -3865,8 +3939,11 @@ static inline int l2cap_data_channel_iframe(struct l2cap_chan *chan, u32 rx_cont goto drop; } - if (test_bit(CONN_LOCAL_BUSY, &chan->conn_state)) + if (test_bit(CONN_LOCAL_BUSY, &chan->conn_state)) { + if (!test_bit(CONN_RNR_SENT, &chan->conn_state)) + l2cap_send_ack(chan); goto drop; + } if (tx_seq == chan->expected_tx_seq) goto expected; @@ -3927,15 +4004,15 @@ static inline int l2cap_data_channel_iframe(struct l2cap_chan *chan, u32 rx_cont __skb_queue_head_init(&chan->srej_q); l2cap_add_to_srej_queue(chan, skb, tx_seq, sar); - set_bit(CONN_SEND_PBIT, &chan->conn_state); + /* Set P-bit only if there are some I-frames to ack. */ + if (__clear_ack_timer(chan)) + set_bit(CONN_SEND_PBIT, &chan->conn_state); err = l2cap_send_srejframe(chan, tx_seq); if (err < 0) { l2cap_send_disconn_req(chan->conn, chan, -err); return err; } - - __clear_ack_timer(chan); } return 0; @@ -4135,9 +4212,8 @@ static inline int l2cap_data_channel_sframe(struct l2cap_chan *chan, u32 rx_cont return 0; } -static int l2cap_ertm_data_rcv(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) +static int l2cap_ertm_data_rcv(struct l2cap_chan *chan, struct sk_buff *skb) { - struct l2cap_chan *chan = l2cap_pi(sk)->chan; u32 control; u16 req_seq; int len, next_tx_seq_offset, req_seq_offset; @@ -4205,7 +4281,6 @@ static int l2cap_ertm_data_rcv(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) static inline int l2cap_data_channel(struct l2cap_conn *conn, u16 cid, struct sk_buff *skb) { struct l2cap_chan *chan; - struct sock *sk = NULL; u32 control; u16 tx_seq; int len; @@ -4213,10 +4288,12 @@ static inline int l2cap_data_channel(struct l2cap_conn *conn, u16 cid, struct sk chan = l2cap_get_chan_by_scid(conn, cid); if (!chan) { BT_DBG("unknown cid 0x%4.4x", cid); - goto drop; + /* Drop packet and return */ + kfree_skb(skb); + return 0; } - sk = chan->sk; + l2cap_chan_lock(chan); BT_DBG("chan %p, len %d", chan, skb->len); @@ -4238,7 +4315,7 @@ static inline int l2cap_data_channel(struct l2cap_conn *conn, u16 cid, struct sk break; case L2CAP_MODE_ERTM: - l2cap_ertm_data_rcv(sk, skb); + l2cap_ertm_data_rcv(chan, skb); goto done; @@ -4287,26 +4364,20 @@ static inline int l2cap_data_channel(struct l2cap_conn *conn, u16 cid, struct sk kfree_skb(skb); done: - if (sk) - release_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); return 0; } static inline int l2cap_conless_channel(struct l2cap_conn *conn, __le16 psm, struct sk_buff *skb) { - struct sock *sk = NULL; struct l2cap_chan *chan; chan = l2cap_global_chan_by_psm(0, psm, conn->src); if (!chan) goto drop; - sk = chan->sk; - - lock_sock(sk); - - BT_DBG("sk %p, len %d", sk, skb->len); + BT_DBG("chan %p, len %d", chan, skb->len); if (chan->state != BT_BOUND && chan->state != BT_CONNECTED) goto drop; @@ -4315,31 +4386,23 @@ static inline int l2cap_conless_channel(struct l2cap_conn *conn, __le16 psm, str goto drop; if (!chan->ops->recv(chan->data, skb)) - goto done; + return 0; drop: kfree_skb(skb); -done: - if (sk) - release_sock(sk); return 0; } static inline int l2cap_att_channel(struct l2cap_conn *conn, __le16 cid, struct sk_buff *skb) { - struct sock *sk = NULL; struct l2cap_chan *chan; chan = l2cap_global_chan_by_scid(0, cid, conn->src); if (!chan) goto drop; - sk = chan->sk; - - lock_sock(sk); - - BT_DBG("sk %p, len %d", sk, skb->len); + BT_DBG("chan %p, len %d", chan, skb->len); if (chan->state != BT_BOUND && chan->state != BT_CONNECTED) goto drop; @@ -4348,14 +4411,11 @@ static inline int l2cap_att_channel(struct l2cap_conn *conn, __le16 cid, struct goto drop; if (!chan->ops->recv(chan->data, skb)) - goto done; + return 0; drop: kfree_skb(skb); -done: - if (sk) - release_sock(sk); return 0; } @@ -4479,8 +4539,7 @@ static inline void l2cap_check_encryption(struct l2cap_chan *chan, u8 encrypt) if (encrypt == 0x00) { if (chan->sec_level == BT_SECURITY_MEDIUM) { __clear_chan_timer(chan); - __set_chan_timer(chan, - msecs_to_jiffies(L2CAP_ENC_TIMEOUT)); + __set_chan_timer(chan, L2CAP_ENC_TIMEOUT); } else if (chan->sec_level == BT_SECURITY_HIGH) l2cap_chan_close(chan, ECONNREFUSED); } else { @@ -4504,57 +4563,49 @@ int l2cap_security_cfm(struct hci_conn *hcon, u8 status, u8 encrypt) cancel_delayed_work(&conn->security_timer); } - rcu_read_lock(); - - list_for_each_entry_rcu(chan, &conn->chan_l, list) { - struct sock *sk = chan->sk; + mutex_lock(&conn->chan_lock); - bh_lock_sock(sk); + list_for_each_entry(chan, &conn->chan_l, list) { + l2cap_chan_lock(chan); BT_DBG("chan->scid %d", chan->scid); if (chan->scid == L2CAP_CID_LE_DATA) { if (!status && encrypt) { chan->sec_level = hcon->sec_level; - l2cap_chan_ready(sk); + l2cap_chan_ready(chan); } - bh_unlock_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); continue; } if (test_bit(CONF_CONNECT_PEND, &chan->conf_state)) { - bh_unlock_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); continue; } if (!status && (chan->state == BT_CONNECTED || chan->state == BT_CONFIG)) { l2cap_check_encryption(chan, encrypt); - bh_unlock_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); continue; } if (chan->state == BT_CONNECT) { if (!status) { - struct l2cap_conn_req req; - req.scid = cpu_to_le16(chan->scid); - req.psm = chan->psm; - - chan->ident = l2cap_get_ident(conn); - set_bit(CONF_CONNECT_PEND, &chan->conf_state); - - l2cap_send_cmd(conn, chan->ident, - L2CAP_CONN_REQ, sizeof(req), &req); + l2cap_send_conn_req(chan); } else { __clear_chan_timer(chan); - __set_chan_timer(chan, - msecs_to_jiffies(L2CAP_DISC_TIMEOUT)); + __set_chan_timer(chan, L2CAP_DISC_TIMEOUT); } } else if (chan->state == BT_CONNECT2) { + struct sock *sk = chan->sk; struct l2cap_conn_rsp rsp; __u16 res, stat; + lock_sock(sk); + if (!status) { if (bt_sk(sk)->defer_setup) { struct sock *parent = bt_sk(sk)->parent; @@ -4563,18 +4614,19 @@ int l2cap_security_cfm(struct hci_conn *hcon, u8 status, u8 encrypt) if (parent) parent->sk_data_ready(parent, 0); } else { - l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONFIG); + __l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_CONFIG); res = L2CAP_CR_SUCCESS; stat = L2CAP_CS_NO_INFO; } } else { - l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_DISCONN); - __set_chan_timer(chan, - msecs_to_jiffies(L2CAP_DISC_TIMEOUT)); + __l2cap_state_change(chan, BT_DISCONN); + __set_chan_timer(chan, L2CAP_DISC_TIMEOUT); res = L2CAP_CR_SEC_BLOCK; stat = L2CAP_CS_NO_INFO; } + release_sock(sk); + rsp.scid = cpu_to_le16(chan->dcid); rsp.dcid = cpu_to_le16(chan->scid); rsp.result = cpu_to_le16(res); @@ -4583,10 +4635,10 @@ int l2cap_security_cfm(struct hci_conn *hcon, u8 status, u8 encrypt) sizeof(rsp), &rsp); } - bh_unlock_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); } - rcu_read_unlock(); + mutex_unlock(&conn->chan_lock); return 0; } @@ -4647,6 +4699,7 @@ int l2cap_recv_acldata(struct hci_conn *hcon, struct sk_buff *skb, u16 flags) if (chan && chan->sk) { struct sock *sk = chan->sk; + lock_sock(sk); if (chan->imtu < len - L2CAP_HDR_SIZE) { BT_ERR("Frame exceeding recv MTU (len %d, " @@ -4717,7 +4770,7 @@ static int l2cap_debugfs_show(struct seq_file *f, void *p) c->state, __le16_to_cpu(c->psm), c->scid, c->dcid, c->imtu, c->omtu, c->sec_level, c->mode); -} + } read_unlock(&chan_list_lock); diff --git a/net/bluetooth/l2cap_sock.c b/net/bluetooth/l2cap_sock.c index 401d9428ae4c824f6dbe2871d77bb6742ba4688c..c4fe583b0af65f0a2bccfa9b3ee6e9d459f1c245 100644 --- a/net/bluetooth/l2cap_sock.c +++ b/net/bluetooth/l2cap_sock.c @@ -125,13 +125,15 @@ static int l2cap_sock_connect(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *addr, int al err = l2cap_chan_connect(chan, la.l2_psm, la.l2_cid, &la.l2_bdaddr); if (err) - goto done; + return err; + + lock_sock(sk); err = bt_sock_wait_state(sk, BT_CONNECTED, sock_sndtimeo(sk, flags & O_NONBLOCK)); -done: - if (sock_owned_by_user(sk)) - release_sock(sk); + + release_sock(sk); + return err; } @@ -783,7 +785,7 @@ static void l2cap_sock_kill(struct sock *sk) if (!sock_flag(sk, SOCK_ZAPPED) || sk->sk_socket) return; - BT_DBG("sk %p state %d", sk, sk->sk_state); + BT_DBG("sk %p state %s", sk, state_to_string(sk->sk_state)); /* Kill poor orphan */ @@ -795,7 +797,8 @@ static void l2cap_sock_kill(struct sock *sk) static int l2cap_sock_shutdown(struct socket *sock, int how) { struct sock *sk = sock->sk; - struct l2cap_chan *chan = l2cap_pi(sk)->chan; + struct l2cap_chan *chan; + struct l2cap_conn *conn; int err = 0; BT_DBG("sock %p, sk %p", sock, sk); @@ -803,13 +806,24 @@ static int l2cap_sock_shutdown(struct socket *sock, int how) if (!sk) return 0; + chan = l2cap_pi(sk)->chan; + conn = chan->conn; + + if (conn) + mutex_lock(&conn->chan_lock); + + l2cap_chan_lock(chan); lock_sock(sk); + if (!sk->sk_shutdown) { if (chan->mode == L2CAP_MODE_ERTM) err = __l2cap_wait_ack(sk); sk->sk_shutdown = SHUTDOWN_MASK; + + release_sock(sk); l2cap_chan_close(chan, 0); + lock_sock(sk); if (sock_flag(sk, SOCK_LINGER) && sk->sk_lingertime) err = bt_sock_wait_state(sk, BT_CLOSED, @@ -820,6 +834,11 @@ static int l2cap_sock_shutdown(struct socket *sock, int how) err = -sk->sk_err; release_sock(sk); + l2cap_chan_unlock(chan); + + if (conn) + mutex_unlock(&conn->chan_lock); + return err; } @@ -862,8 +881,12 @@ static int l2cap_sock_recv_cb(void *data, struct sk_buff *skb) struct sock *sk = data; struct l2cap_pinfo *pi = l2cap_pi(sk); - if (pi->rx_busy_skb) - return -ENOMEM; + lock_sock(sk); + + if (pi->rx_busy_skb) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto done; + } err = sock_queue_rcv_skb(sk, skb); @@ -882,6 +905,9 @@ static int l2cap_sock_recv_cb(void *data, struct sk_buff *skb) err = 0; } +done: + release_sock(sk); + return err; } @@ -899,12 +925,22 @@ static void l2cap_sock_state_change_cb(void *data, int state) sk->sk_state = state; } +static struct sk_buff *l2cap_sock_alloc_skb_cb(struct l2cap_chan *chan, + unsigned long len, int nb, + int *err) +{ + struct sock *sk = chan->sk; + + return bt_skb_send_alloc(sk, len, nb, err); +} + static struct l2cap_ops l2cap_chan_ops = { .name = "L2CAP Socket Interface", .new_connection = l2cap_sock_new_connection_cb, .recv = l2cap_sock_recv_cb, .close = l2cap_sock_close_cb, .state_change = l2cap_sock_state_change_cb, + .alloc_skb = l2cap_sock_alloc_skb_cb, }; static void l2cap_sock_destruct(struct sock *sk) @@ -1004,7 +1040,7 @@ static struct sock *l2cap_sock_alloc(struct net *net, struct socket *sock, int p INIT_LIST_HEAD(&bt_sk(sk)->accept_q); sk->sk_destruct = l2cap_sock_destruct; - sk->sk_sndtimeo = msecs_to_jiffies(L2CAP_CONN_TIMEOUT); + sk->sk_sndtimeo = L2CAP_CONN_TIMEOUT; sock_reset_flag(sk, SOCK_ZAPPED); diff --git a/net/bluetooth/lib.c b/net/bluetooth/lib.c index 86a6bed229df3af89f8b0b891099a0e305047955..506628876f3604dcdf9530852e6a27095dbf1f21 100644 --- a/net/bluetooth/lib.c +++ b/net/bluetooth/lib.c @@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ /* Bluetooth kernel library. */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) "Bluetooth: " fmt + #include #include @@ -151,7 +153,26 @@ int bt_to_errno(__u16 code) } EXPORT_SYMBOL(bt_to_errno); -int bt_printk(const char *level, const char *format, ...) +int bt_info(const char *format, ...) +{ + struct va_format vaf; + va_list args; + int r; + + va_start(args, format); + + vaf.fmt = format; + vaf.va = &args; + + r = pr_info("%pV", &vaf); + + va_end(args); + + return r; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(bt_info); + +int bt_err(const char *format, ...) { struct va_format vaf; va_list args; @@ -162,10 +183,10 @@ int bt_printk(const char *level, const char *format, ...) vaf.fmt = format; vaf.va = &args; - r = printk("%sBluetooth: %pV\n", level, &vaf); + r = pr_err("%pV", &vaf); va_end(args); return r; } -EXPORT_SYMBOL(bt_printk); +EXPORT_SYMBOL(bt_err); diff --git a/net/bluetooth/mgmt.c b/net/bluetooth/mgmt.c index bc8e59dda78e2bf72f81c3eeacea748d5cbd78ae..7fcff888713171cb760296726fdcfca19f72aaca 100644 --- a/net/bluetooth/mgmt.c +++ b/net/bluetooth/mgmt.c @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ /* BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation + Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Intel Corporation This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as @@ -32,12 +34,92 @@ #include #include -#define MGMT_VERSION 0 -#define MGMT_REVISION 1 +bool enable_hs; +bool enable_le; + +#define MGMT_VERSION 1 +#define MGMT_REVISION 0 + +static const u16 mgmt_commands[] = { + MGMT_OP_READ_INDEX_LIST, + MGMT_OP_READ_INFO, + MGMT_OP_SET_POWERED, + MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE, + MGMT_OP_SET_CONNECTABLE, + MGMT_OP_SET_FAST_CONNECTABLE, + MGMT_OP_SET_PAIRABLE, + MGMT_OP_SET_LINK_SECURITY, + MGMT_OP_SET_SSP, + MGMT_OP_SET_HS, + MGMT_OP_SET_LE, + MGMT_OP_SET_DEV_CLASS, + MGMT_OP_SET_LOCAL_NAME, + MGMT_OP_ADD_UUID, + MGMT_OP_REMOVE_UUID, + MGMT_OP_LOAD_LINK_KEYS, + MGMT_OP_LOAD_LONG_TERM_KEYS, + MGMT_OP_DISCONNECT, + MGMT_OP_GET_CONNECTIONS, + MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_REPLY, + MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY, + MGMT_OP_SET_IO_CAPABILITY, + MGMT_OP_PAIR_DEVICE, + MGMT_OP_CANCEL_PAIR_DEVICE, + MGMT_OP_UNPAIR_DEVICE, + MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_REPLY, + MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_NEG_REPLY, + MGMT_OP_USER_PASSKEY_REPLY, + MGMT_OP_USER_PASSKEY_NEG_REPLY, + MGMT_OP_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA, + MGMT_OP_ADD_REMOTE_OOB_DATA, + MGMT_OP_REMOVE_REMOTE_OOB_DATA, + MGMT_OP_START_DISCOVERY, + MGMT_OP_STOP_DISCOVERY, + MGMT_OP_CONFIRM_NAME, + MGMT_OP_BLOCK_DEVICE, + MGMT_OP_UNBLOCK_DEVICE, +}; + +static const u16 mgmt_events[] = { + MGMT_EV_CONTROLLER_ERROR, + MGMT_EV_INDEX_ADDED, + MGMT_EV_INDEX_REMOVED, + MGMT_EV_NEW_SETTINGS, + MGMT_EV_CLASS_OF_DEV_CHANGED, + MGMT_EV_LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED, + MGMT_EV_NEW_LINK_KEY, + MGMT_EV_NEW_LONG_TERM_KEY, + MGMT_EV_DEVICE_CONNECTED, + MGMT_EV_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED, + MGMT_EV_CONNECT_FAILED, + MGMT_EV_PIN_CODE_REQUEST, + MGMT_EV_USER_CONFIRM_REQUEST, + MGMT_EV_USER_PASSKEY_REQUEST, + MGMT_EV_AUTH_FAILED, + MGMT_EV_DEVICE_FOUND, + MGMT_EV_DISCOVERING, + MGMT_EV_DEVICE_BLOCKED, + MGMT_EV_DEVICE_UNBLOCKED, + MGMT_EV_DEVICE_UNPAIRED, +}; + +/* + * These LE scan and inquiry parameters were chosen according to LE General + * Discovery Procedure specification. + */ +#define LE_SCAN_TYPE 0x01 +#define LE_SCAN_WIN 0x12 +#define LE_SCAN_INT 0x12 +#define LE_SCAN_TIMEOUT_LE_ONLY 10240 /* TGAP(gen_disc_scan_min) */ +#define LE_SCAN_TIMEOUT_BREDR_LE 5120 /* TGAP(100)/2 */ + +#define INQUIRY_LEN_BREDR 0x08 /* TGAP(100) */ +#define INQUIRY_LEN_BREDR_LE 0x04 /* TGAP(100)/2 */ -#define INQUIRY_LEN_BREDR 0x08 /* TGAP(100) */ +#define CACHE_TIMEOUT msecs_to_jiffies(2 * 1000) -#define SERVICE_CACHE_TIMEOUT (5 * 1000) +#define hdev_is_powered(hdev) (test_bit(HCI_UP, &hdev->flags) && \ + !test_bit(HCI_AUTO_OFF, &hdev->dev_flags)) struct pending_cmd { struct list_head list; @@ -151,8 +233,8 @@ static int cmd_status(struct sock *sk, u16 index, u16 cmd, u8 status) return err; } -static int cmd_complete(struct sock *sk, u16 index, u16 cmd, void *rp, - size_t rp_len) +static int cmd_complete(struct sock *sk, u16 index, u16 cmd, u8 status, + void *rp, size_t rp_len) { struct sk_buff *skb; struct mgmt_hdr *hdr; @@ -173,6 +255,7 @@ static int cmd_complete(struct sock *sk, u16 index, u16 cmd, void *rp, ev = (void *) skb_put(skb, sizeof(*ev) + rp_len); put_unaligned_le16(cmd, &ev->opcode); + ev->status = status; if (rp) memcpy(ev->data, rp, rp_len); @@ -181,10 +264,11 @@ static int cmd_complete(struct sock *sk, u16 index, u16 cmd, void *rp, if (err < 0) kfree_skb(skb); - return err;; + return err; } -static int read_version(struct sock *sk) +static int read_version(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 data_len) { struct mgmt_rp_read_version rp; @@ -193,11 +277,46 @@ static int read_version(struct sock *sk) rp.version = MGMT_VERSION; put_unaligned_le16(MGMT_REVISION, &rp.revision); - return cmd_complete(sk, MGMT_INDEX_NONE, MGMT_OP_READ_VERSION, &rp, - sizeof(rp)); + return cmd_complete(sk, MGMT_INDEX_NONE, MGMT_OP_READ_VERSION, 0, &rp, + sizeof(rp)); +} + +static int read_commands(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 data_len) +{ + struct mgmt_rp_read_commands *rp; + u16 num_commands = ARRAY_SIZE(mgmt_commands); + u16 num_events = ARRAY_SIZE(mgmt_events); + u16 *opcode; + size_t rp_size; + int i, err; + + BT_DBG("sock %p", sk); + + rp_size = sizeof(*rp) + ((num_commands + num_events) * sizeof(u16)); + + rp = kmalloc(rp_size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!rp) + return -ENOMEM; + + put_unaligned_le16(num_commands, &rp->num_commands); + put_unaligned_le16(num_events, &rp->num_events); + + for (i = 0, opcode = rp->opcodes; i < num_commands; i++, opcode++) + put_unaligned_le16(mgmt_commands[i], opcode); + + for (i = 0; i < num_events; i++, opcode++) + put_unaligned_le16(mgmt_events[i], opcode); + + err = cmd_complete(sk, MGMT_INDEX_NONE, MGMT_OP_READ_COMMANDS, 0, rp, + rp_size); + kfree(rp); + + return err; } -static int read_index_list(struct sock *sk) +static int read_index_list(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 data_len) { struct mgmt_rp_read_index_list *rp; struct list_head *p; @@ -226,10 +345,7 @@ static int read_index_list(struct sock *sk) i = 0; list_for_each_entry(d, &hci_dev_list, list) { - if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_AUTO_OFF, &d->flags)) - cancel_delayed_work(&d->power_off); - - if (test_bit(HCI_SETUP, &d->flags)) + if (test_bit(HCI_SETUP, &d->dev_flags)) continue; put_unaligned_le16(d->id, &rp->index[i++]); @@ -238,8 +354,8 @@ static int read_index_list(struct sock *sk) read_unlock(&hci_dev_list_lock); - err = cmd_complete(sk, MGMT_INDEX_NONE, MGMT_OP_READ_INDEX_LIST, rp, - rp_len); + err = cmd_complete(sk, MGMT_INDEX_NONE, MGMT_OP_READ_INDEX_LIST, 0, rp, + rp_len); kfree(rp); @@ -264,8 +380,13 @@ static u32 get_supported_settings(struct hci_dev *hdev) settings |= MGMT_SETTING_LINK_SECURITY; } - if (hdev->features[4] & LMP_LE) - settings |= MGMT_SETTING_LE; + if (enable_hs) + settings |= MGMT_SETTING_HS; + + if (enable_le) { + if (hdev->features[4] & LMP_LE) + settings |= MGMT_SETTING_LE; + } return settings; } @@ -274,47 +395,36 @@ static u32 get_current_settings(struct hci_dev *hdev) { u32 settings = 0; - if (test_bit(HCI_UP, &hdev->flags)) + if (hdev_is_powered(hdev)) settings |= MGMT_SETTING_POWERED; - else - return settings; - if (test_bit(HCI_PSCAN, &hdev->flags)) + if (test_bit(HCI_CONNECTABLE, &hdev->dev_flags)) settings |= MGMT_SETTING_CONNECTABLE; - if (test_bit(HCI_ISCAN, &hdev->flags)) + if (test_bit(HCI_DISCOVERABLE, &hdev->dev_flags)) settings |= MGMT_SETTING_DISCOVERABLE; - if (test_bit(HCI_PAIRABLE, &hdev->flags)) + if (test_bit(HCI_PAIRABLE, &hdev->dev_flags)) settings |= MGMT_SETTING_PAIRABLE; if (!(hdev->features[4] & LMP_NO_BREDR)) settings |= MGMT_SETTING_BREDR; - if (hdev->host_features[0] & LMP_HOST_LE) + if (test_bit(HCI_LE_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags)) settings |= MGMT_SETTING_LE; - if (test_bit(HCI_AUTH, &hdev->flags)) + if (test_bit(HCI_LINK_SECURITY, &hdev->dev_flags)) settings |= MGMT_SETTING_LINK_SECURITY; - if (hdev->ssp_mode > 0) + if (test_bit(HCI_SSP_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags)) settings |= MGMT_SETTING_SSP; + if (test_bit(HCI_HS_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags)) + settings |= MGMT_SETTING_HS; + return settings; } -#define EIR_FLAGS 0x01 /* flags */ -#define EIR_UUID16_SOME 0x02 /* 16-bit UUID, more available */ -#define EIR_UUID16_ALL 0x03 /* 16-bit UUID, all listed */ -#define EIR_UUID32_SOME 0x04 /* 32-bit UUID, more available */ -#define EIR_UUID32_ALL 0x05 /* 32-bit UUID, all listed */ -#define EIR_UUID128_SOME 0x06 /* 128-bit UUID, more available */ -#define EIR_UUID128_ALL 0x07 /* 128-bit UUID, all listed */ -#define EIR_NAME_SHORT 0x08 /* shortened local name */ -#define EIR_NAME_COMPLETE 0x09 /* complete local name */ -#define EIR_TX_POWER 0x0A /* transmit power level */ -#define EIR_DEVICE_ID 0x10 /* device ID */ - #define PNP_INFO_SVCLASS_ID 0x1200 static u8 bluetooth_base_uuid[] = { @@ -425,13 +535,16 @@ static int update_eir(struct hci_dev *hdev) { struct hci_cp_write_eir cp; + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) + return 0; + if (!(hdev->features[6] & LMP_EXT_INQ)) return 0; - if (hdev->ssp_mode == 0) + if (!test_bit(HCI_SSP_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags)) return 0; - if (test_bit(HCI_SERVICE_CACHE, &hdev->flags)) + if (test_bit(HCI_SERVICE_CACHE, &hdev->dev_flags)) return 0; memset(&cp, 0, sizeof(cp)); @@ -460,10 +573,14 @@ static u8 get_service_classes(struct hci_dev *hdev) static int update_class(struct hci_dev *hdev) { u8 cod[3]; + int err; BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); - if (test_bit(HCI_SERVICE_CACHE, &hdev->flags)) + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) + return 0; + + if (test_bit(HCI_SERVICE_CACHE, &hdev->dev_flags)) return 0; cod[0] = hdev->minor_class; @@ -473,15 +590,19 @@ static int update_class(struct hci_dev *hdev) if (memcmp(cod, hdev->dev_class, 3) == 0) return 0; - return hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_CLASS_OF_DEV, sizeof(cod), cod); + err = hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_CLASS_OF_DEV, sizeof(cod), cod); + if (err == 0) + set_bit(HCI_PENDING_CLASS, &hdev->dev_flags); + + return err; } static void service_cache_off(struct work_struct *work) { struct hci_dev *hdev = container_of(work, struct hci_dev, - service_cache.work); + service_cache.work); - if (!test_and_clear_bit(HCI_SERVICE_CACHE, &hdev->flags)) + if (!test_and_clear_bit(HCI_SERVICE_CACHE, &hdev->dev_flags)) return; hci_dev_lock(hdev); @@ -492,36 +613,30 @@ static void service_cache_off(struct work_struct *work) hci_dev_unlock(hdev); } -static void mgmt_init_hdev(struct hci_dev *hdev) +static void mgmt_init_hdev(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev) { - if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->flags)) - INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&hdev->service_cache, service_cache_off); + if (test_and_set_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) + return; + + INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&hdev->service_cache, service_cache_off); - if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_SERVICE_CACHE, &hdev->flags)) - schedule_delayed_work(&hdev->service_cache, - msecs_to_jiffies(SERVICE_CACHE_TIMEOUT)); + /* Non-mgmt controlled devices get this bit set + * implicitly so that pairing works for them, however + * for mgmt we require user-space to explicitly enable + * it + */ + clear_bit(HCI_PAIRABLE, &hdev->dev_flags); } -static int read_controller_info(struct sock *sk, u16 index) +static int read_controller_info(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, + void *data, u16 data_len) { struct mgmt_rp_read_info rp; - struct hci_dev *hdev; - BT_DBG("sock %p hci%u", sk, index); - - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_READ_INFO, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - - if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_AUTO_OFF, &hdev->flags)) - cancel_delayed_work_sync(&hdev->power_off); + BT_DBG("sock %p %s", sk, hdev->name); hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_PI_MGMT_INIT, &hci_pi(sk)->flags)) - mgmt_init_hdev(hdev); - memset(&rp, 0, sizeof(rp)); bacpy(&rp.bdaddr, &hdev->bdaddr); @@ -536,11 +651,12 @@ static int read_controller_info(struct sock *sk, u16 index) memcpy(rp.dev_class, hdev->dev_class, 3); memcpy(rp.name, hdev->dev_name, sizeof(hdev->dev_name)); + memcpy(rp.short_name, hdev->short_name, sizeof(hdev->short_name)); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); - return cmd_complete(sk, index, MGMT_OP_READ_INFO, &rp, sizeof(rp)); + return cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_READ_INFO, 0, &rp, + sizeof(rp)); } static void mgmt_pending_free(struct pending_cmd *cmd) @@ -551,8 +667,8 @@ static void mgmt_pending_free(struct pending_cmd *cmd) } static struct pending_cmd *mgmt_pending_add(struct sock *sk, u16 opcode, - struct hci_dev *hdev, - void *data, u16 len) + struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) { struct pending_cmd *cmd; @@ -581,8 +697,8 @@ static struct pending_cmd *mgmt_pending_add(struct sock *sk, u16 opcode, } static void mgmt_pending_foreach(u16 opcode, struct hci_dev *hdev, - void (*cb)(struct pending_cmd *cmd, void *data), - void *data) + void (*cb)(struct pending_cmd *cmd, void *data), + void *data) { struct list_head *p, *n; @@ -620,40 +736,39 @@ static int send_settings_rsp(struct sock *sk, u16 opcode, struct hci_dev *hdev) { __le32 settings = cpu_to_le32(get_current_settings(hdev)); - return cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, opcode, &settings, sizeof(settings)); + return cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, opcode, 0, &settings, + sizeof(settings)); } -static int set_powered(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, u16 len) +static int set_powered(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) { - struct mgmt_mode *cp; - struct hci_dev *hdev; + struct mgmt_mode *cp = data; struct pending_cmd *cmd; - int err, up; - - cp = (void *) data; + int err; - BT_DBG("request for hci%u", index); + BT_DBG("request for %s", hdev->name); - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_POWERED, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + hci_dev_lock(hdev); - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_POWERED, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_AUTO_OFF, &hdev->dev_flags)) { + cancel_delayed_work(&hdev->power_off); - hci_dev_lock(hdev); + if (cp->val) { + err = send_settings_rsp(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_POWERED, hdev); + mgmt_powered(hdev, 1); + goto failed; + } + } - up = test_bit(HCI_UP, &hdev->flags); - if ((cp->val && up) || (!cp->val && !up)) { + if (!!cp->val == hdev_is_powered(hdev)) { err = send_settings_rsp(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_POWERED, hdev); goto failed; } if (mgmt_pending_find(MGMT_OP_SET_POWERED, hdev)) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_POWERED, - MGMT_STATUS_BUSY); + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_POWERED, + MGMT_STATUS_BUSY); goto failed; } @@ -672,49 +787,115 @@ static int set_powered(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, u16 len) failed: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); return err; } -static int set_discoverable(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, - u16 len) +static int mgmt_event(u16 event, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, u16 data_len, + struct sock *skip_sk) { - struct mgmt_cp_set_discoverable *cp; - struct hci_dev *hdev; + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct mgmt_hdr *hdr; + + skb = alloc_skb(sizeof(*hdr) + data_len, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!skb) + return -ENOMEM; + + hdr = (void *) skb_put(skb, sizeof(*hdr)); + hdr->opcode = cpu_to_le16(event); + if (hdev) + hdr->index = cpu_to_le16(hdev->id); + else + hdr->index = cpu_to_le16(MGMT_INDEX_NONE); + hdr->len = cpu_to_le16(data_len); + + if (data) + memcpy(skb_put(skb, data_len), data, data_len); + + /* Time stamp */ + __net_timestamp(skb); + + hci_send_to_control(skb, skip_sk); + kfree_skb(skb); + + return 0; +} + +static int new_settings(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sock *skip) +{ + __le32 ev; + + ev = cpu_to_le32(get_current_settings(hdev)); + + return mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_NEW_SETTINGS, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), skip); +} + +static int set_discoverable(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) +{ + struct mgmt_cp_set_discoverable *cp = data; struct pending_cmd *cmd; + u16 timeout; u8 scan; int err; - cp = (void *) data; + BT_DBG("request for %s", hdev->name); - BT_DBG("request for hci%u", index); - - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + timeout = get_unaligned_le16(&cp->timeout); + if (!cp->val && timeout > 0) + return cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE, + MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (!test_bit(HCI_UP, &hdev->flags)) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE, - MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev) && timeout > 0) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); goto failed; } if (mgmt_pending_find(MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE, hdev) || mgmt_pending_find(MGMT_OP_SET_CONNECTABLE, hdev)) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE, - MGMT_STATUS_BUSY); + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE, + MGMT_STATUS_BUSY); + goto failed; + } + + if (!test_bit(HCI_CONNECTABLE, &hdev->dev_flags)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE, + MGMT_STATUS_REJECTED); + goto failed; + } + + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) { + bool changed = false; + + if (!!cp->val != test_bit(HCI_DISCOVERABLE, &hdev->dev_flags)) { + change_bit(HCI_DISCOVERABLE, &hdev->dev_flags); + changed = true; + } + + err = send_settings_rsp(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE, hdev); + if (err < 0) + goto failed; + + if (changed) + err = new_settings(hdev, sk); + goto failed; } - if (cp->val == test_bit(HCI_ISCAN, &hdev->flags) && - test_bit(HCI_PSCAN, &hdev->flags)) { + if (!!cp->val == test_bit(HCI_DISCOVERABLE, &hdev->dev_flags)) { + if (hdev->discov_timeout > 0) { + cancel_delayed_work(&hdev->discov_off); + hdev->discov_timeout = 0; + } + + if (cp->val && timeout > 0) { + hdev->discov_timeout = timeout; + queue_delayed_work(hdev->workqueue, &hdev->discov_off, + msecs_to_jiffies(hdev->discov_timeout * 1000)); + } + err = send_settings_rsp(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE, hdev); goto failed; } @@ -737,53 +918,56 @@ static int set_discoverable(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); if (cp->val) - hdev->discov_timeout = get_unaligned_le16(&cp->timeout); + hdev->discov_timeout = timeout; failed: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); - return err; } -static int set_connectable(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, - u16 len) +static int set_connectable(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) { - struct mgmt_mode *cp; - struct hci_dev *hdev; + struct mgmt_mode *cp = data; struct pending_cmd *cmd; u8 scan; int err; - cp = (void *) data; + BT_DBG("request for %s", hdev->name); - BT_DBG("request for hci%u", index); + hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_CONNECTABLE, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) { + bool changed = false; - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_CONNECTABLE, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + if (!!cp->val != test_bit(HCI_CONNECTABLE, &hdev->dev_flags)) + changed = true; - hci_dev_lock(hdev); + if (cp->val) { + set_bit(HCI_CONNECTABLE, &hdev->dev_flags); + } else { + clear_bit(HCI_CONNECTABLE, &hdev->dev_flags); + clear_bit(HCI_DISCOVERABLE, &hdev->dev_flags); + } + + err = send_settings_rsp(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_CONNECTABLE, hdev); + if (err < 0) + goto failed; + + if (changed) + err = new_settings(hdev, sk); - if (!test_bit(HCI_UP, &hdev->flags)) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_CONNECTABLE, - MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); goto failed; } if (mgmt_pending_find(MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE, hdev) || mgmt_pending_find(MGMT_OP_SET_CONNECTABLE, hdev)) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_CONNECTABLE, - MGMT_STATUS_BUSY); + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_CONNECTABLE, + MGMT_STATUS_BUSY); goto failed; } - if (cp->val == test_bit(HCI_PSCAN, &hdev->flags)) { + if (!!cp->val == test_bit(HCI_PSCAN, &hdev->flags)) { err = send_settings_rsp(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_CONNECTABLE, hdev); goto failed; } @@ -794,233 +978,433 @@ static int set_connectable(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, goto failed; } - if (cp->val) + if (cp->val) { scan = SCAN_PAGE; - else + } else { scan = 0; + if (test_bit(HCI_ISCAN, &hdev->flags) && + hdev->discov_timeout > 0) + cancel_delayed_work(&hdev->discov_off); + } + err = hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_SCAN_ENABLE, 1, &scan); if (err < 0) mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); failed: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); - return err; } -static int mgmt_event(u16 event, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, - u16 data_len, struct sock *skip_sk) +static int set_pairable(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) { - struct sk_buff *skb; - struct mgmt_hdr *hdr; + struct mgmt_mode *cp = data; + int err; - skb = alloc_skb(sizeof(*hdr) + data_len, GFP_ATOMIC); - if (!skb) - return -ENOMEM; + BT_DBG("request for %s", hdev->name); - bt_cb(skb)->channel = HCI_CHANNEL_CONTROL; + hci_dev_lock(hdev); - hdr = (void *) skb_put(skb, sizeof(*hdr)); - hdr->opcode = cpu_to_le16(event); - if (hdev) - hdr->index = cpu_to_le16(hdev->id); + if (cp->val) + set_bit(HCI_PAIRABLE, &hdev->dev_flags); else - hdr->index = cpu_to_le16(MGMT_INDEX_NONE); - hdr->len = cpu_to_le16(data_len); + clear_bit(HCI_PAIRABLE, &hdev->dev_flags); - if (data) - memcpy(skb_put(skb, data_len), data, data_len); + err = send_settings_rsp(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_PAIRABLE, hdev); + if (err < 0) + goto failed; - hci_send_to_sock(NULL, skb, skip_sk); - kfree_skb(skb); + err = new_settings(hdev, sk); - return 0; +failed: + hci_dev_unlock(hdev); + return err; } -static int set_pairable(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, - u16 len) +static int set_link_security(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) { - struct mgmt_mode *cp; - struct hci_dev *hdev; - __le32 ev; + struct mgmt_mode *cp = data; + struct pending_cmd *cmd; + u8 val; int err; - cp = (void *) data; + BT_DBG("request for %s", hdev->name); - BT_DBG("request for hci%u", index); + hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_PAIRABLE, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) { + bool changed = false; - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_PAIRABLE, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + if (!!cp->val != test_bit(HCI_LINK_SECURITY, + &hdev->dev_flags)) { + change_bit(HCI_LINK_SECURITY, &hdev->dev_flags); + changed = true; + } - hci_dev_lock(hdev); + err = send_settings_rsp(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_LINK_SECURITY, hdev); + if (err < 0) + goto failed; - if (cp->val) - set_bit(HCI_PAIRABLE, &hdev->flags); - else - clear_bit(HCI_PAIRABLE, &hdev->flags); + if (changed) + err = new_settings(hdev, sk); - err = send_settings_rsp(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_PAIRABLE, hdev); - if (err < 0) goto failed; + } - ev = cpu_to_le32(get_current_settings(hdev)); + if (mgmt_pending_find(MGMT_OP_SET_LINK_SECURITY, hdev)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_LINK_SECURITY, + MGMT_STATUS_BUSY); + goto failed; + } + + val = !!cp->val; + + if (test_bit(HCI_AUTH, &hdev->flags) == val) { + err = send_settings_rsp(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_LINK_SECURITY, hdev); + goto failed; + } + + cmd = mgmt_pending_add(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_LINK_SECURITY, hdev, data, len); + if (!cmd) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto failed; + } - err = mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_NEW_SETTINGS, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), sk); + err = hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_AUTH_ENABLE, sizeof(val), &val); + if (err < 0) { + mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); + goto failed; + } failed: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); - return err; } -static int add_uuid(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, u16 len) +static int set_ssp(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, u16 len) { - struct mgmt_cp_add_uuid *cp; - struct hci_dev *hdev; - struct bt_uuid *uuid; + struct mgmt_mode *cp = data; + struct pending_cmd *cmd; + u8 val; int err; - cp = (void *) data; + BT_DBG("request for %s", hdev->name); - BT_DBG("request for hci%u", index); + hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_ADD_UUID, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + if (!(hdev->features[6] & LMP_SIMPLE_PAIR)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_SSP, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED); + goto failed; + } - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_ADD_UUID, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + val = !!cp->val; - hci_dev_lock(hdev); + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) { + bool changed = false; + + if (val != test_bit(HCI_SSP_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags)) { + change_bit(HCI_SSP_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags); + changed = true; + } + + err = send_settings_rsp(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_SSP, hdev); + if (err < 0) + goto failed; + + if (changed) + err = new_settings(hdev, sk); - uuid = kmalloc(sizeof(*uuid), GFP_ATOMIC); - if (!uuid) { - err = -ENOMEM; goto failed; } - memcpy(uuid->uuid, cp->uuid, 16); - uuid->svc_hint = cp->svc_hint; - - list_add(&uuid->list, &hdev->uuids); + if (mgmt_pending_find(MGMT_OP_SET_SSP, hdev)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_SSP, + MGMT_STATUS_BUSY); + goto failed; + } - err = update_class(hdev); - if (err < 0) + if (test_bit(HCI_SSP_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags) == val) { + err = send_settings_rsp(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_SSP, hdev); goto failed; + } - err = update_eir(hdev); - if (err < 0) + cmd = mgmt_pending_add(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_SSP, hdev, data, len); + if (!cmd) { + err = -ENOMEM; goto failed; + } - err = cmd_complete(sk, index, MGMT_OP_ADD_UUID, NULL, 0); + err = hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_SSP_MODE, sizeof(val), &val); + if (err < 0) { + mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); + goto failed; + } failed: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); - return err; } -static int remove_uuid(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, u16 len) +static int set_hs(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, u16 len) { - struct list_head *p, *n; - struct mgmt_cp_remove_uuid *cp; - struct hci_dev *hdev; - u8 bt_uuid_any[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; - int err, found; + struct mgmt_mode *cp = data; - cp = (void *) data; + BT_DBG("request for %s", hdev->name); - BT_DBG("request for hci%u", index); + if (!enable_hs) + return cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_HS, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED); - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_UUID, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + if (cp->val) + set_bit(HCI_HS_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags); + else + clear_bit(HCI_HS_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags); + + return send_settings_rsp(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_HS, hdev); +} - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_UUID, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); +static int set_le(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, u16 len) +{ + struct mgmt_mode *cp = data; + struct hci_cp_write_le_host_supported hci_cp; + struct pending_cmd *cmd; + int err; + u8 val, enabled; + + BT_DBG("request for %s", hdev->name); hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (memcmp(cp->uuid, bt_uuid_any, 16) == 0) { - err = hci_uuids_clear(hdev); + if (!enable_le || !(hdev->features[4] & LMP_LE)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_LE, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED); goto unlock; } - found = 0; + val = !!cp->val; + enabled = !!(hdev->host_features[0] & LMP_HOST_LE); - list_for_each_safe(p, n, &hdev->uuids) { - struct bt_uuid *match = list_entry(p, struct bt_uuid, list); + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev) || val == enabled) { + bool changed = false; - if (memcmp(match->uuid, cp->uuid, 16) != 0) - continue; + if (val != test_bit(HCI_LE_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags)) { + change_bit(HCI_LE_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags); + changed = true; + } - list_del(&match->list); - found++; - } + err = send_settings_rsp(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_LE, hdev); + if (err < 0) + goto unlock; + + if (changed) + err = new_settings(hdev, sk); - if (found == 0) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_UUID, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); goto unlock; } - err = update_class(hdev); - if (err < 0) + if (mgmt_pending_find(MGMT_OP_SET_LE, hdev)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_LE, + MGMT_STATUS_BUSY); goto unlock; + } - err = update_eir(hdev); - if (err < 0) + cmd = mgmt_pending_add(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_LE, hdev, data, len); + if (!cmd) { + err = -ENOMEM; goto unlock; + } + + memset(&hci_cp, 0, sizeof(hci_cp)); + + if (val) { + hci_cp.le = val; + hci_cp.simul = !!(hdev->features[6] & LMP_SIMUL_LE_BR); + } - err = cmd_complete(sk, index, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_UUID, NULL, 0); + err = hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_LE_HOST_SUPPORTED, sizeof(hci_cp), + &hci_cp); + if (err < 0) { + mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); + goto unlock; + } unlock: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); - return err; } -static int set_dev_class(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, - u16 len) +static int add_uuid(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, u16 len) { - struct hci_dev *hdev; - struct mgmt_cp_set_dev_class *cp; + struct mgmt_cp_add_uuid *cp = data; + struct pending_cmd *cmd; + struct bt_uuid *uuid; int err; - cp = (void *) data; + BT_DBG("request for %s", hdev->name); - BT_DBG("request for hci%u", index); + hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_DEV_CLASS, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + if (test_bit(HCI_PENDING_CLASS, &hdev->dev_flags)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_ADD_UUID, + MGMT_STATUS_BUSY); + goto failed; + } + + uuid = kmalloc(sizeof(*uuid), GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!uuid) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto failed; + } + + memcpy(uuid->uuid, cp->uuid, 16); + uuid->svc_hint = cp->svc_hint; + + list_add(&uuid->list, &hdev->uuids); + + err = update_class(hdev); + if (err < 0) + goto failed; + + err = update_eir(hdev); + if (err < 0) + goto failed; + + if (!test_bit(HCI_PENDING_CLASS, &hdev->dev_flags)) { + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_ADD_UUID, 0, + hdev->dev_class, 3); + goto failed; + } + + cmd = mgmt_pending_add(sk, MGMT_OP_ADD_UUID, hdev, data, len); + if (!cmd) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto failed; + } + +failed: + hci_dev_unlock(hdev); + return err; +} + +static bool enable_service_cache(struct hci_dev *hdev) +{ + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) + return false; + + if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_SERVICE_CACHE, &hdev->dev_flags)) { + schedule_delayed_work(&hdev->service_cache, CACHE_TIMEOUT); + return true; + } + + return false; +} + +static int remove_uuid(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) +{ + struct mgmt_cp_remove_uuid *cp = data; + struct pending_cmd *cmd; + struct list_head *p, *n; + u8 bt_uuid_any[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; + int err, found; + + BT_DBG("request for %s", hdev->name); + + hci_dev_lock(hdev); + + if (test_bit(HCI_PENDING_CLASS, &hdev->dev_flags)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_UUID, + MGMT_STATUS_BUSY); + goto unlock; + } + + if (memcmp(cp->uuid, bt_uuid_any, 16) == 0) { + err = hci_uuids_clear(hdev); + + if (enable_service_cache(hdev)) { + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_UUID, + 0, hdev->dev_class, 3); + goto unlock; + } - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_DEV_CLASS, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + goto update_class; + } + + found = 0; + + list_for_each_safe(p, n, &hdev->uuids) { + struct bt_uuid *match = list_entry(p, struct bt_uuid, list); + + if (memcmp(match->uuid, cp->uuid, 16) != 0) + continue; + + list_del(&match->list); + found++; + } + + if (found == 0) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_UUID, + MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + goto unlock; + } + +update_class: + err = update_class(hdev); + if (err < 0) + goto unlock; + + err = update_eir(hdev); + if (err < 0) + goto unlock; + + if (!test_bit(HCI_PENDING_CLASS, &hdev->dev_flags)) { + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_UUID, 0, + hdev->dev_class, 3); + goto unlock; + } + + cmd = mgmt_pending_add(sk, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_UUID, hdev, data, len); + if (!cmd) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto unlock; + } + +unlock: + hci_dev_unlock(hdev); + return err; +} + +static int set_dev_class(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) +{ + struct mgmt_cp_set_dev_class *cp = data; + struct pending_cmd *cmd; + int err; + + BT_DBG("request for %s", hdev->name); hci_dev_lock(hdev); + if (test_bit(HCI_PENDING_CLASS, &hdev->dev_flags)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_DEV_CLASS, + MGMT_STATUS_BUSY); + goto unlock; + } + hdev->major_class = cp->major; hdev->minor_class = cp->minor; - if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_SERVICE_CACHE, &hdev->flags)) { + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) { + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_DEV_CLASS, 0, + hdev->dev_class, 3); + goto unlock; + } + + if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_SERVICE_CACHE, &hdev->dev_flags)) { hci_dev_unlock(hdev); cancel_delayed_work_sync(&hdev->service_cache); hci_dev_lock(hdev); @@ -1028,30 +1412,33 @@ static int set_dev_class(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, } err = update_class(hdev); + if (err < 0) + goto unlock; - if (err == 0) - err = cmd_complete(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_DEV_CLASS, NULL, 0); + if (!test_bit(HCI_PENDING_CLASS, &hdev->dev_flags)) { + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_DEV_CLASS, 0, + hdev->dev_class, 3); + goto unlock; + } - hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); + cmd = mgmt_pending_add(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_DEV_CLASS, hdev, data, len); + if (!cmd) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto unlock; + } +unlock: + hci_dev_unlock(hdev); return err; } -static int load_link_keys(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, +static int load_link_keys(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, u16 len) { - struct hci_dev *hdev; - struct mgmt_cp_load_link_keys *cp; + struct mgmt_cp_load_link_keys *cp = data; u16 key_count, expected_len; int i; - cp = (void *) data; - - if (len < sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_LOAD_LINK_KEYS, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - key_count = get_unaligned_le16(&cp->key_count); expected_len = sizeof(*cp) + key_count * @@ -1059,92 +1446,103 @@ static int load_link_keys(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, if (expected_len != len) { BT_ERR("load_link_keys: expected %u bytes, got %u bytes", len, expected_len); - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_LOAD_LINK_KEYS, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + return cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_LOAD_LINK_KEYS, + MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); } - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_LOAD_LINK_KEYS, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - - BT_DBG("hci%u debug_keys %u key_count %u", index, cp->debug_keys, + BT_DBG("%s debug_keys %u key_count %u", hdev->name, cp->debug_keys, key_count); hci_dev_lock(hdev); hci_link_keys_clear(hdev); - set_bit(HCI_LINK_KEYS, &hdev->flags); + set_bit(HCI_LINK_KEYS, &hdev->dev_flags); if (cp->debug_keys) - set_bit(HCI_DEBUG_KEYS, &hdev->flags); + set_bit(HCI_DEBUG_KEYS, &hdev->dev_flags); else - clear_bit(HCI_DEBUG_KEYS, &hdev->flags); + clear_bit(HCI_DEBUG_KEYS, &hdev->dev_flags); for (i = 0; i < key_count; i++) { struct mgmt_link_key_info *key = &cp->keys[i]; - hci_add_link_key(hdev, NULL, 0, &key->bdaddr, key->val, key->type, - key->pin_len); + hci_add_link_key(hdev, NULL, 0, &key->addr.bdaddr, key->val, + key->type, key->pin_len); } - cmd_complete(sk, index, MGMT_OP_LOAD_LINK_KEYS, NULL, 0); + cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_LOAD_LINK_KEYS, 0, NULL, 0); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); return 0; } -static int remove_keys(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, - u16 len) +static int device_unpaired(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, + u8 addr_type, struct sock *skip_sk) { - struct hci_dev *hdev; - struct mgmt_cp_remove_keys *cp; - struct mgmt_rp_remove_keys rp; + struct mgmt_ev_device_unpaired ev; + + bacpy(&ev.addr.bdaddr, bdaddr); + ev.addr.type = addr_type; + + return mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_DEVICE_UNPAIRED, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), + skip_sk); +} + +static int unpair_device(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) +{ + struct mgmt_cp_unpair_device *cp = data; + struct mgmt_rp_unpair_device rp; struct hci_cp_disconnect dc; struct pending_cmd *cmd; struct hci_conn *conn; int err; - cp = (void *) data; - - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_KEYS, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_KEYS, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - hci_dev_lock(hdev); memset(&rp, 0, sizeof(rp)); - bacpy(&rp.bdaddr, &cp->bdaddr); - rp.status = MGMT_STATUS_FAILED; + bacpy(&rp.addr.bdaddr, &cp->addr.bdaddr); + rp.addr.type = cp->addr.type; - err = hci_remove_link_key(hdev, &cp->bdaddr); - if (err < 0) { - rp.status = MGMT_STATUS_NOT_PAIRED; + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) { + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_UNPAIR_DEVICE, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED, &rp, sizeof(rp)); goto unlock; } - if (!test_bit(HCI_UP, &hdev->flags) || !cp->disconnect) { - err = cmd_complete(sk, index, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_KEYS, &rp, - sizeof(rp)); + if (cp->addr.type == MGMT_ADDR_BREDR) + err = hci_remove_link_key(hdev, &cp->addr.bdaddr); + else + err = hci_remove_ltk(hdev, &cp->addr.bdaddr); + + if (err < 0) { + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_UNPAIR_DEVICE, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_PAIRED, &rp, sizeof(rp)); goto unlock; } - conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_ba(hdev, ACL_LINK, &cp->bdaddr); + if (cp->disconnect) { + if (cp->addr.type == MGMT_ADDR_BREDR) + conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_ba(hdev, ACL_LINK, + &cp->addr.bdaddr); + else + conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_ba(hdev, LE_LINK, + &cp->addr.bdaddr); + } else { + conn = NULL; + } + if (!conn) { - err = cmd_complete(sk, index, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_KEYS, &rp, - sizeof(rp)); + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_UNPAIR_DEVICE, 0, + &rp, sizeof(rp)); + device_unpaired(hdev, &cp->addr.bdaddr, cp->addr.type, sk); goto unlock; } - cmd = mgmt_pending_add(sk, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_KEYS, hdev, cp, sizeof(*cp)); + cmd = mgmt_pending_add(sk, MGMT_OP_UNPAIR_DEVICE, hdev, cp, + sizeof(*cp)); if (!cmd) { err = -ENOMEM; goto unlock; @@ -1157,19 +1555,14 @@ static int remove_keys(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); unlock: - if (err < 0) - err = cmd_complete(sk, index, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_KEYS, &rp, - sizeof(rp)); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); - return err; } -static int disconnect(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, u16 len) +static int disconnect(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) { - struct hci_dev *hdev; - struct mgmt_cp_disconnect *cp; + struct mgmt_cp_disconnect *cp = data; struct hci_cp_disconnect dc; struct pending_cmd *cmd; struct hci_conn *conn; @@ -1177,38 +1570,28 @@ static int disconnect(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, u16 len) BT_DBG(""); - cp = (void *) data; - - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_DISCONNECT, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_DISCONNECT, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - hci_dev_lock(hdev); if (!test_bit(HCI_UP, &hdev->flags)) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_DISCONNECT, - MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_DISCONNECT, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); goto failed; } if (mgmt_pending_find(MGMT_OP_DISCONNECT, hdev)) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_DISCONNECT, - MGMT_STATUS_BUSY); + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_DISCONNECT, + MGMT_STATUS_BUSY); goto failed; } - conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_ba(hdev, ACL_LINK, &cp->bdaddr); - if (!conn) - conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_ba(hdev, LE_LINK, &cp->bdaddr); + if (cp->addr.type == MGMT_ADDR_BREDR) + conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_ba(hdev, ACL_LINK, &cp->addr.bdaddr); + else + conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_ba(hdev, LE_LINK, &cp->addr.bdaddr); if (!conn) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_DISCONNECT, - MGMT_STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED); + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_DISCONNECT, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED); goto failed; } @@ -1227,8 +1610,6 @@ static int disconnect(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, u16 len) failed: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); - return err; } @@ -1251,41 +1632,42 @@ static u8 link_to_mgmt(u8 link_type, u8 addr_type) } } -static int get_connections(struct sock *sk, u16 index) +static int get_connections(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 data_len) { struct mgmt_rp_get_connections *rp; - struct hci_dev *hdev; struct hci_conn *c; - struct list_head *p; size_t rp_len; - u16 count; - int i, err; + int err; + u16 i; BT_DBG(""); - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_GET_CONNECTIONS, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - hci_dev_lock(hdev); - count = 0; - list_for_each(p, &hdev->conn_hash.list) { - count++; + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_GET_CONNECTIONS, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); + goto unlock; + } + + i = 0; + list_for_each_entry(c, &hdev->conn_hash.list, list) { + if (test_bit(HCI_CONN_MGMT_CONNECTED, &c->flags)) + i++; } - rp_len = sizeof(*rp) + (count * sizeof(struct mgmt_addr_info)); + rp_len = sizeof(*rp) + (i * sizeof(struct mgmt_addr_info)); rp = kmalloc(rp_len, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!rp) { err = -ENOMEM; goto unlock; } - put_unaligned_le16(count, &rp->conn_count); - i = 0; list_for_each_entry(c, &hdev->conn_hash.list, list) { + if (!test_bit(HCI_CONN_MGMT_CONNECTED, &c->flags)) + continue; bacpy(&rp->addr[i].bdaddr, &c->dst); rp->addr[i].type = link_to_mgmt(c->type, c->dst_type); if (rp->addr[i].type == MGMT_ADDR_INVALID) @@ -1293,85 +1675,77 @@ static int get_connections(struct sock *sk, u16 index) i++; } + put_unaligned_le16(i, &rp->conn_count); + /* Recalculate length in case of filtered SCO connections, etc */ rp_len = sizeof(*rp) + (i * sizeof(struct mgmt_addr_info)); - err = cmd_complete(sk, index, MGMT_OP_GET_CONNECTIONS, rp, rp_len); + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_GET_CONNECTIONS, 0, rp, + rp_len); -unlock: kfree(rp); + +unlock: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); return err; } -static int send_pin_code_neg_reply(struct sock *sk, u16 index, - struct hci_dev *hdev, struct mgmt_cp_pin_code_neg_reply *cp) +static int send_pin_code_neg_reply(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, + struct mgmt_cp_pin_code_neg_reply *cp) { struct pending_cmd *cmd; int err; cmd = mgmt_pending_add(sk, MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY, hdev, cp, - sizeof(*cp)); + sizeof(*cp)); if (!cmd) return -ENOMEM; - err = hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY, sizeof(cp->bdaddr), - &cp->bdaddr); + err = hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY, + sizeof(cp->addr.bdaddr), &cp->addr.bdaddr); if (err < 0) mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); return err; } -static int pin_code_reply(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, - u16 len) +static int pin_code_reply(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) { - struct hci_dev *hdev; struct hci_conn *conn; - struct mgmt_cp_pin_code_reply *cp; - struct mgmt_cp_pin_code_neg_reply ncp; + struct mgmt_cp_pin_code_reply *cp = data; struct hci_cp_pin_code_reply reply; struct pending_cmd *cmd; int err; BT_DBG(""); - cp = (void *) data; - - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_REPLY, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_REPLY, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (!test_bit(HCI_UP, &hdev->flags)) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_REPLY, - MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_REPLY, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); goto failed; } - conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_ba(hdev, ACL_LINK, &cp->bdaddr); + conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_ba(hdev, ACL_LINK, &cp->addr.bdaddr); if (!conn) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_REPLY, - MGMT_STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED); + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_REPLY, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED); goto failed; } if (conn->pending_sec_level == BT_SECURITY_HIGH && cp->pin_len != 16) { - bacpy(&ncp.bdaddr, &cp->bdaddr); + struct mgmt_cp_pin_code_neg_reply ncp; + + memcpy(&ncp.addr, &cp->addr, sizeof(ncp.addr)); BT_ERR("PIN code is not 16 bytes long"); - err = send_pin_code_neg_reply(sk, index, hdev, &ncp); + err = send_pin_code_neg_reply(sk, hdev, &ncp); if (err >= 0) - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_REPLY, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_REPLY, + MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); goto failed; } @@ -1382,7 +1756,7 @@ static int pin_code_reply(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, goto failed; } - bacpy(&reply.bdaddr, &cp->bdaddr); + bacpy(&reply.bdaddr, &cp->addr.bdaddr); reply.pin_len = cp->pin_len; memcpy(reply.pin_code, cp->pin_code, sizeof(reply.pin_code)); @@ -1392,67 +1766,39 @@ static int pin_code_reply(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, failed: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); - return err; } -static int pin_code_neg_reply(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, - u16 len) +static int pin_code_neg_reply(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, + void *data, u16 len) { - struct hci_dev *hdev; - struct mgmt_cp_pin_code_neg_reply *cp; + struct mgmt_cp_pin_code_neg_reply *cp = data; int err; BT_DBG(""); - cp = (void *) data; - - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (!test_bit(HCI_UP, &hdev->flags)) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY, - MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); goto failed; } - err = send_pin_code_neg_reply(sk, index, hdev, cp); + err = send_pin_code_neg_reply(sk, hdev, cp); failed: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); - return err; } -static int set_io_capability(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, - u16 len) +static int set_io_capability(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) { - struct hci_dev *hdev; - struct mgmt_cp_set_io_capability *cp; + struct mgmt_cp_set_io_capability *cp = data; BT_DBG(""); - cp = (void *) data; - - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_IO_CAPABILITY, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_IO_CAPABILITY, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - hci_dev_lock(hdev); hdev->io_capability = cp->io_capability; @@ -1461,9 +1807,9 @@ static int set_io_capability(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, hdev->io_capability); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); - return cmd_complete(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_IO_CAPABILITY, NULL, 0); + return cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_IO_CAPABILITY, 0, NULL, + 0); } static inline struct pending_cmd *find_pairing(struct hci_conn *conn) @@ -1491,9 +1837,9 @@ static void pairing_complete(struct pending_cmd *cmd, u8 status) bacpy(&rp.addr.bdaddr, &conn->dst); rp.addr.type = link_to_mgmt(conn->type, conn->dst_type); - rp.status = status; - cmd_complete(cmd->sk, cmd->index, MGMT_OP_PAIR_DEVICE, &rp, sizeof(rp)); + cmd_complete(cmd->sk, cmd->index, MGMT_OP_PAIR_DEVICE, status, + &rp, sizeof(rp)); /* So we don't get further callbacks for this connection */ conn->connect_cfm_cb = NULL; @@ -1515,13 +1861,13 @@ static void pairing_complete_cb(struct hci_conn *conn, u8 status) if (!cmd) BT_DBG("Unable to find a pending command"); else - pairing_complete(cmd, status); + pairing_complete(cmd, mgmt_status(status)); } -static int pair_device(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, u16 len) +static int pair_device(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) { - struct hci_dev *hdev; - struct mgmt_cp_pair_device *cp; + struct mgmt_cp_pair_device *cp = data; struct mgmt_rp_pair_device rp; struct pending_cmd *cmd; u8 sec_level, auth_type; @@ -1530,19 +1876,14 @@ static int pair_device(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, u16 len) BT_DBG(""); - cp = (void *) data; - - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_PAIR_DEVICE, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_PAIR_DEVICE, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - hci_dev_lock(hdev); + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_PAIR_DEVICE, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); + goto unlock; + } + sec_level = BT_SECURITY_MEDIUM; if (cp->io_cap == 0x03) auth_type = HCI_AT_DEDICATED_BONDING; @@ -1551,27 +1892,26 @@ static int pair_device(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, u16 len) if (cp->addr.type == MGMT_ADDR_BREDR) conn = hci_connect(hdev, ACL_LINK, &cp->addr.bdaddr, sec_level, - auth_type); + auth_type); else conn = hci_connect(hdev, LE_LINK, &cp->addr.bdaddr, sec_level, - auth_type); + auth_type); memset(&rp, 0, sizeof(rp)); bacpy(&rp.addr.bdaddr, &cp->addr.bdaddr); rp.addr.type = cp->addr.type; if (IS_ERR(conn)) { - rp.status = -PTR_ERR(conn); - err = cmd_complete(sk, index, MGMT_OP_PAIR_DEVICE, - &rp, sizeof(rp)); + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_PAIR_DEVICE, + MGMT_STATUS_CONNECT_FAILED, &rp, + sizeof(rp)); goto unlock; } if (conn->connect_cfm_cb) { hci_conn_put(conn); - rp.status = EBUSY; - err = cmd_complete(sk, index, MGMT_OP_PAIR_DEVICE, - &rp, sizeof(rp)); + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_PAIR_DEVICE, + MGMT_STATUS_BUSY, &rp, sizeof(rp)); goto unlock; } @@ -1599,58 +1939,88 @@ static int pair_device(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, u16 len) unlock: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); - return err; } -static int user_pairing_resp(struct sock *sk, u16 index, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, - u16 mgmt_op, u16 hci_op, __le32 passkey) +static int cancel_pair_device(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) { + struct mgmt_addr_info *addr = data; struct pending_cmd *cmd; - struct hci_dev *hdev; struct hci_conn *conn; int err; - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, mgmt_op, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + BT_DBG(""); hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (!test_bit(HCI_UP, &hdev->flags)) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, mgmt_op, MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_CANCEL_PAIR_DEVICE, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); + goto unlock; + } + + cmd = mgmt_pending_find(MGMT_OP_PAIR_DEVICE, hdev); + if (!cmd) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_CANCEL_PAIR_DEVICE, + MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + goto unlock; + } + + conn = cmd->user_data; + + if (bacmp(&addr->bdaddr, &conn->dst) != 0) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_CANCEL_PAIR_DEVICE, + MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + goto unlock; + } + + pairing_complete(cmd, MGMT_STATUS_CANCELLED); + + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_CANCEL_PAIR_DEVICE, 0, + addr, sizeof(*addr)); +unlock: + hci_dev_unlock(hdev); + return err; +} + +static int user_pairing_resp(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, + bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 type, u16 mgmt_op, + u16 hci_op, __le32 passkey) +{ + struct pending_cmd *cmd; + struct hci_conn *conn; + int err; + + hci_dev_lock(hdev); + + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, mgmt_op, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); goto done; } - /* - * Check for an existing ACL link, if present pair via - * HCI commands. - * - * If no ACL link is present, check for an LE link and if - * present, pair via the SMP engine. - * - * If neither ACL nor LE links are present, fail with error. - */ - conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_ba(hdev, ACL_LINK, bdaddr); - if (!conn) { + if (type == MGMT_ADDR_BREDR) + conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_ba(hdev, ACL_LINK, bdaddr); + else conn = hci_conn_hash_lookup_ba(hdev, LE_LINK, bdaddr); - if (!conn) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, mgmt_op, - MGMT_STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED); - goto done; - } + if (!conn) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, mgmt_op, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED); + goto done; + } + + if (type == MGMT_ADDR_LE_PUBLIC || type == MGMT_ADDR_LE_RANDOM) { /* Continue with pairing via SMP */ err = smp_user_confirm_reply(conn, mgmt_op, passkey); if (!err) - err = cmd_status(sk, index, mgmt_op, - MGMT_STATUS_SUCCESS); + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, mgmt_op, + MGMT_STATUS_SUCCESS); else - err = cmd_status(sk, index, mgmt_op, - MGMT_STATUS_FAILED); + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, mgmt_op, + MGMT_STATUS_FAILED); goto done; } @@ -1676,94 +2046,96 @@ static int user_pairing_resp(struct sock *sk, u16 index, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, done: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); - return err; } -static int user_confirm_reply(struct sock *sk, u16 index, void *data, u16 len) +static int user_confirm_reply(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) { - struct mgmt_cp_user_confirm_reply *cp = (void *) data; + struct mgmt_cp_user_confirm_reply *cp = data; BT_DBG(""); if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_REPLY, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + return cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_REPLY, + MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - return user_pairing_resp(sk, index, &cp->bdaddr, - MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_REPLY, - HCI_OP_USER_CONFIRM_REPLY, 0); + return user_pairing_resp(sk, hdev, &cp->addr.bdaddr, cp->addr.type, + MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_REPLY, + HCI_OP_USER_CONFIRM_REPLY, 0); } -static int user_confirm_neg_reply(struct sock *sk, u16 index, void *data, - u16 len) +static int user_confirm_neg_reply(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, + void *data, u16 len) { struct mgmt_cp_user_confirm_neg_reply *cp = data; BT_DBG(""); - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_NEG_REPLY, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - - return user_pairing_resp(sk, index, &cp->bdaddr, - MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_NEG_REPLY, - HCI_OP_USER_CONFIRM_NEG_REPLY, 0); + return user_pairing_resp(sk, hdev, &cp->addr.bdaddr, cp->addr.type, + MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_NEG_REPLY, + HCI_OP_USER_CONFIRM_NEG_REPLY, 0); } -static int user_passkey_reply(struct sock *sk, u16 index, void *data, u16 len) +static int user_passkey_reply(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) { - struct mgmt_cp_user_passkey_reply *cp = (void *) data; + struct mgmt_cp_user_passkey_reply *cp = data; BT_DBG(""); - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_USER_PASSKEY_REPLY, - EINVAL); - - return user_pairing_resp(sk, index, &cp->bdaddr, - MGMT_OP_USER_PASSKEY_REPLY, - HCI_OP_USER_PASSKEY_REPLY, cp->passkey); + return user_pairing_resp(sk, hdev, &cp->addr.bdaddr, cp->addr.type, + MGMT_OP_USER_PASSKEY_REPLY, + HCI_OP_USER_PASSKEY_REPLY, cp->passkey); } -static int user_passkey_neg_reply(struct sock *sk, u16 index, void *data, - u16 len) +static int user_passkey_neg_reply(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, + void *data, u16 len) { - struct mgmt_cp_user_passkey_neg_reply *cp = (void *) data; + struct mgmt_cp_user_passkey_neg_reply *cp = data; BT_DBG(""); - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_USER_PASSKEY_NEG_REPLY, - EINVAL); - - return user_pairing_resp(sk, index, &cp->bdaddr, - MGMT_OP_USER_PASSKEY_NEG_REPLY, - HCI_OP_USER_PASSKEY_NEG_REPLY, 0); + return user_pairing_resp(sk, hdev, &cp->addr.bdaddr, cp->addr.type, + MGMT_OP_USER_PASSKEY_NEG_REPLY, + HCI_OP_USER_PASSKEY_NEG_REPLY, 0); } -static int set_local_name(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, - u16 len) +static int update_name(struct hci_dev *hdev, const char *name) { - struct mgmt_cp_set_local_name *mgmt_cp = (void *) data; - struct hci_cp_write_local_name hci_cp; - struct hci_dev *hdev; + struct hci_cp_write_local_name cp; + + memcpy(cp.name, name, sizeof(cp.name)); + + return hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_LOCAL_NAME, sizeof(cp), &cp); +} + +static int set_local_name(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) +{ + struct mgmt_cp_set_local_name *cp = data; struct pending_cmd *cmd; int err; BT_DBG(""); - if (len != sizeof(*mgmt_cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_LOCAL_NAME, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + hci_dev_lock(hdev); - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_LOCAL_NAME, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + memcpy(hdev->short_name, cp->short_name, sizeof(hdev->short_name)); - hci_dev_lock(hdev); + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) { + memcpy(hdev->dev_name, cp->name, sizeof(hdev->dev_name)); + + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_LOCAL_NAME, 0, + data, len); + if (err < 0) + goto failed; + + err = mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED, hdev, data, len, + sk); + + goto failed; + } cmd = mgmt_pending_add(sk, MGMT_OP_SET_LOCAL_NAME, hdev, data, len); if (!cmd) { @@ -1771,49 +2143,40 @@ static int set_local_name(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, goto failed; } - memcpy(hci_cp.name, mgmt_cp->name, sizeof(hci_cp.name)); - err = hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_LOCAL_NAME, sizeof(hci_cp), - &hci_cp); + err = update_name(hdev, cp->name); if (err < 0) mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); failed: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); - return err; } -static int read_local_oob_data(struct sock *sk, u16 index) +static int read_local_oob_data(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, + void *data, u16 data_len) { - struct hci_dev *hdev; struct pending_cmd *cmd; int err; - BT_DBG("hci%u", index); - - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (!test_bit(HCI_UP, &hdev->flags)) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA, - MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); goto unlock; } if (!(hdev->features[6] & LMP_SIMPLE_PAIR)) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA, - MGMT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED); + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED); goto unlock; } if (mgmt_pending_find(MGMT_OP_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA, hdev)) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA, - MGMT_STATUS_BUSY); + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA, + MGMT_STATUS_BUSY); goto unlock; } @@ -1829,104 +2192,112 @@ static int read_local_oob_data(struct sock *sk, u16 index) unlock: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); - return err; } -static int add_remote_oob_data(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, - u16 len) +static int add_remote_oob_data(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, + void *data, u16 len) { - struct hci_dev *hdev; - struct mgmt_cp_add_remote_oob_data *cp = (void *) data; + struct mgmt_cp_add_remote_oob_data *cp = data; + u8 status; int err; - BT_DBG("hci%u ", index); - - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_ADD_REMOTE_OOB_DATA, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_ADD_REMOTE_OOB_DATA, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + BT_DBG("%s ", hdev->name); hci_dev_lock(hdev); - err = hci_add_remote_oob_data(hdev, &cp->bdaddr, cp->hash, - cp->randomizer); + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) { + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_ADD_REMOTE_OOB_DATA, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED, &cp->addr, + sizeof(cp->addr)); + goto unlock; + } + + err = hci_add_remote_oob_data(hdev, &cp->addr.bdaddr, cp->hash, + cp->randomizer); if (err < 0) - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_ADD_REMOTE_OOB_DATA, - MGMT_STATUS_FAILED); + status = MGMT_STATUS_FAILED; else - err = cmd_complete(sk, index, MGMT_OP_ADD_REMOTE_OOB_DATA, NULL, - 0); + status = 0; - hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_ADD_REMOTE_OOB_DATA, status, + &cp->addr, sizeof(cp->addr)); +unlock: + hci_dev_unlock(hdev); return err; } -static int remove_remote_oob_data(struct sock *sk, u16 index, - unsigned char *data, u16 len) +static int remove_remote_oob_data(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, + void *data, u16 len) { - struct hci_dev *hdev; - struct mgmt_cp_remove_remote_oob_data *cp = (void *) data; + struct mgmt_cp_remove_remote_oob_data *cp = data; + u8 status; int err; - BT_DBG("hci%u ", index); + BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_REMOTE_OOB_DATA, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + hci_dev_lock(hdev); + + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) { + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, + MGMT_OP_REMOVE_REMOTE_OOB_DATA, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED, &cp->addr, + sizeof(cp->addr)); + goto unlock; + } + + err = hci_remove_remote_oob_data(hdev, &cp->addr.bdaddr); + if (err < 0) + status = MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS; + else + status = 0; + + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_REMOTE_OOB_DATA, + status, &cp->addr, sizeof(cp->addr)); - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_REMOTE_OOB_DATA, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); +unlock: + hci_dev_unlock(hdev); + return err; +} + +int mgmt_interleaved_discovery(struct hci_dev *hdev) +{ + int err; + + BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); hci_dev_lock(hdev); - err = hci_remove_remote_oob_data(hdev, &cp->bdaddr); + err = hci_do_inquiry(hdev, INQUIRY_LEN_BREDR_LE); if (err < 0) - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_REMOTE_OOB_DATA, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - else - err = cmd_complete(sk, index, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_REMOTE_OOB_DATA, - NULL, 0); + hci_discovery_set_state(hdev, DISCOVERY_STOPPED); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); return err; } -static int start_discovery(struct sock *sk, u16 index, - unsigned char *data, u16 len) +static int start_discovery(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, + void *data, u16 len) { - struct mgmt_cp_start_discovery *cp = (void *) data; + struct mgmt_cp_start_discovery *cp = data; struct pending_cmd *cmd; - struct hci_dev *hdev; int err; - BT_DBG("hci%u", index); - - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_START_DISCOVERY, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_START_DISCOVERY, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); hci_dev_lock(hdev); - if (!test_bit(HCI_UP, &hdev->flags)) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_START_DISCOVERY, - MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_START_DISCOVERY, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); + goto failed; + } + + if (hdev->discovery.state != DISCOVERY_STOPPED) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_START_DISCOVERY, + MGMT_STATUS_BUSY); goto failed; } @@ -1936,137 +2307,217 @@ static int start_discovery(struct sock *sk, u16 index, goto failed; } - err = hci_do_inquiry(hdev, INQUIRY_LEN_BREDR); + hdev->discovery.type = cp->type; + + switch (hdev->discovery.type) { + case DISCOV_TYPE_BREDR: + if (lmp_bredr_capable(hdev)) + err = hci_do_inquiry(hdev, INQUIRY_LEN_BREDR); + else + err = -ENOTSUPP; + break; + + case DISCOV_TYPE_LE: + if (lmp_host_le_capable(hdev)) + err = hci_le_scan(hdev, LE_SCAN_TYPE, LE_SCAN_INT, + LE_SCAN_WIN, LE_SCAN_TIMEOUT_LE_ONLY); + else + err = -ENOTSUPP; + break; + + case DISCOV_TYPE_INTERLEAVED: + if (lmp_host_le_capable(hdev) && lmp_bredr_capable(hdev)) + err = hci_le_scan(hdev, LE_SCAN_TYPE, LE_SCAN_INT, + LE_SCAN_WIN, + LE_SCAN_TIMEOUT_BREDR_LE); + else + err = -ENOTSUPP; + break; + + default: + err = -EINVAL; + } + if (err < 0) mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); + else + hci_discovery_set_state(hdev, DISCOVERY_STARTING); failed: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); - return err; } -static int stop_discovery(struct sock *sk, u16 index) +static int stop_discovery(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) { - struct hci_dev *hdev; + struct mgmt_cp_stop_discovery *mgmt_cp = data; struct pending_cmd *cmd; + struct hci_cp_remote_name_req_cancel cp; + struct inquiry_entry *e; int err; - BT_DBG("hci%u", index); - - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_STOP_DISCOVERY, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); hci_dev_lock(hdev); + if (!hci_discovery_active(hdev)) { + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_STOP_DISCOVERY, + MGMT_STATUS_REJECTED, &mgmt_cp->type, + sizeof(mgmt_cp->type)); + goto unlock; + } + + if (hdev->discovery.type != mgmt_cp->type) { + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_STOP_DISCOVERY, + MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS, &mgmt_cp->type, + sizeof(mgmt_cp->type)); + goto unlock; + } + cmd = mgmt_pending_add(sk, MGMT_OP_STOP_DISCOVERY, hdev, NULL, 0); if (!cmd) { err = -ENOMEM; - goto failed; + goto unlock; } - err = hci_cancel_inquiry(hdev); + if (hdev->discovery.state == DISCOVERY_FINDING) { + err = hci_cancel_inquiry(hdev); + if (err < 0) + mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); + else + hci_discovery_set_state(hdev, DISCOVERY_STOPPING); + goto unlock; + } + + e = hci_inquiry_cache_lookup_resolve(hdev, BDADDR_ANY, NAME_PENDING); + if (!e) { + mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_STOP_DISCOVERY, 0, + &mgmt_cp->type, sizeof(mgmt_cp->type)); + hci_discovery_set_state(hdev, DISCOVERY_STOPPED); + goto unlock; + } + + bacpy(&cp.bdaddr, &e->data.bdaddr); + err = hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_REMOTE_NAME_REQ_CANCEL, sizeof(cp), + &cp); if (err < 0) mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); + else + hci_discovery_set_state(hdev, DISCOVERY_STOPPING); -failed: +unlock: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); - return err; } -static int block_device(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, - u16 len) +static int confirm_name(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) { - struct hci_dev *hdev; - struct mgmt_cp_block_device *cp = (void *) data; + struct mgmt_cp_confirm_name *cp = data; + struct inquiry_entry *e; int err; - BT_DBG("hci%u", index); + BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_BLOCK_DEVICE, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + hci_dev_lock(hdev); - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_BLOCK_DEVICE, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + if (!hci_discovery_active(hdev)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_CONFIRM_NAME, + MGMT_STATUS_FAILED); + goto failed; + } + + e = hci_inquiry_cache_lookup_unknown(hdev, &cp->addr.bdaddr); + if (!e) { + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_CONFIRM_NAME, + MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + goto failed; + } + + if (cp->name_known) { + e->name_state = NAME_KNOWN; + list_del(&e->list); + } else { + e->name_state = NAME_NEEDED; + hci_inquiry_cache_update_resolve(hdev, e); + } + + err = 0; + +failed: + hci_dev_unlock(hdev); + return err; +} + +static int block_device(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) +{ + struct mgmt_cp_block_device *cp = data; + u8 status; + int err; + + BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); hci_dev_lock(hdev); - err = hci_blacklist_add(hdev, &cp->bdaddr); + err = hci_blacklist_add(hdev, &cp->addr.bdaddr, cp->addr.type); if (err < 0) - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_BLOCK_DEVICE, - MGMT_STATUS_FAILED); + status = MGMT_STATUS_FAILED; else - err = cmd_complete(sk, index, MGMT_OP_BLOCK_DEVICE, - NULL, 0); + status = 0; + + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_BLOCK_DEVICE, status, + &cp->addr, sizeof(cp->addr)); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); return err; } -static int unblock_device(struct sock *sk, u16 index, unsigned char *data, - u16 len) +static int unblock_device(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 len) { - struct hci_dev *hdev; - struct mgmt_cp_unblock_device *cp = (void *) data; + struct mgmt_cp_unblock_device *cp = data; + u8 status; int err; - BT_DBG("hci%u", index); - - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_UNBLOCK_DEVICE, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); - - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_UNBLOCK_DEVICE, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); hci_dev_lock(hdev); - err = hci_blacklist_del(hdev, &cp->bdaddr); - + err = hci_blacklist_del(hdev, &cp->addr.bdaddr, cp->addr.type); if (err < 0) - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_UNBLOCK_DEVICE, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + status = MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS; else - err = cmd_complete(sk, index, MGMT_OP_UNBLOCK_DEVICE, - NULL, 0); + status = 0; + + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_UNBLOCK_DEVICE, status, + &cp->addr, sizeof(cp->addr)); hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); return err; } -static int set_fast_connectable(struct sock *sk, u16 index, - unsigned char *data, u16 len) +static int set_fast_connectable(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, + void *data, u16 len) { - struct hci_dev *hdev; - struct mgmt_mode *cp = (void *) data; + struct mgmt_mode *cp = data; struct hci_cp_write_page_scan_activity acp; u8 type; int err; - BT_DBG("hci%u", index); + BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); - if (len != sizeof(*cp)) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_FAST_CONNECTABLE, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + if (!hdev_is_powered(hdev)) + return cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_FAST_CONNECTABLE, + MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED); - hdev = hci_dev_get(index); - if (!hdev) - return cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_FAST_CONNECTABLE, - MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + if (!test_bit(HCI_CONNECTABLE, &hdev->dev_flags)) + return cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_FAST_CONNECTABLE, + MGMT_STATUS_REJECTED); hci_dev_lock(hdev); @@ -2080,35 +2531,128 @@ static int set_fast_connectable(struct sock *sk, u16 index, acp.window = 0x0012; /* default 11.25 msec page scan window */ - err = hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_PAGE_SCAN_ACTIVITY, - sizeof(acp), &acp); + err = hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_PAGE_SCAN_ACTIVITY, sizeof(acp), + &acp); if (err < 0) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_FAST_CONNECTABLE, - MGMT_STATUS_FAILED); + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_FAST_CONNECTABLE, + MGMT_STATUS_FAILED); goto done; } err = hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_PAGE_SCAN_TYPE, 1, &type); if (err < 0) { - err = cmd_status(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_FAST_CONNECTABLE, - MGMT_STATUS_FAILED); + err = cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_FAST_CONNECTABLE, + MGMT_STATUS_FAILED); goto done; } - err = cmd_complete(sk, index, MGMT_OP_SET_FAST_CONNECTABLE, - NULL, 0); + err = cmd_complete(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_FAST_CONNECTABLE, 0, + NULL, 0); done: hci_dev_unlock(hdev); - hci_dev_put(hdev); - return err; } +static int load_long_term_keys(struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, + void *cp_data, u16 len) +{ + struct mgmt_cp_load_long_term_keys *cp = cp_data; + u16 key_count, expected_len; + int i; + + key_count = get_unaligned_le16(&cp->key_count); + + expected_len = sizeof(*cp) + key_count * + sizeof(struct mgmt_ltk_info); + if (expected_len != len) { + BT_ERR("load_keys: expected %u bytes, got %u bytes", + len, expected_len); + return cmd_status(sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_LOAD_LONG_TERM_KEYS, + EINVAL); + } + + BT_DBG("%s key_count %u", hdev->name, key_count); + + hci_dev_lock(hdev); + + hci_smp_ltks_clear(hdev); + + for (i = 0; i < key_count; i++) { + struct mgmt_ltk_info *key = &cp->keys[i]; + u8 type; + + if (key->master) + type = HCI_SMP_LTK; + else + type = HCI_SMP_LTK_SLAVE; + + hci_add_ltk(hdev, &key->addr.bdaddr, key->addr.type, + type, 0, key->authenticated, key->val, + key->enc_size, key->ediv, key->rand); + } + + hci_dev_unlock(hdev); + + return 0; +} + +struct mgmt_handler { + int (*func) (struct sock *sk, struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data, + u16 data_len); + bool var_len; + size_t data_len; +} mgmt_handlers[] = { + { NULL }, /* 0x0000 (no command) */ + { read_version, false, MGMT_READ_VERSION_SIZE }, + { read_commands, false, MGMT_READ_COMMANDS_SIZE }, + { read_index_list, false, MGMT_READ_INDEX_LIST_SIZE }, + { read_controller_info, false, MGMT_READ_INFO_SIZE }, + { set_powered, false, MGMT_SETTING_SIZE }, + { set_discoverable, false, MGMT_SET_DISCOVERABLE_SIZE }, + { set_connectable, false, MGMT_SETTING_SIZE }, + { set_fast_connectable, false, MGMT_SETTING_SIZE }, + { set_pairable, false, MGMT_SETTING_SIZE }, + { set_link_security, false, MGMT_SETTING_SIZE }, + { set_ssp, false, MGMT_SETTING_SIZE }, + { set_hs, false, MGMT_SETTING_SIZE }, + { set_le, false, MGMT_SETTING_SIZE }, + { set_dev_class, false, MGMT_SET_DEV_CLASS_SIZE }, + { set_local_name, false, MGMT_SET_LOCAL_NAME_SIZE }, + { add_uuid, false, MGMT_ADD_UUID_SIZE }, + { remove_uuid, false, MGMT_REMOVE_UUID_SIZE }, + { load_link_keys, true, MGMT_LOAD_LINK_KEYS_SIZE }, + { load_long_term_keys, true, MGMT_LOAD_LONG_TERM_KEYS_SIZE }, + { disconnect, false, MGMT_DISCONNECT_SIZE }, + { get_connections, false, MGMT_GET_CONNECTIONS_SIZE }, + { pin_code_reply, false, MGMT_PIN_CODE_REPLY_SIZE }, + { pin_code_neg_reply, false, MGMT_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY_SIZE }, + { set_io_capability, false, MGMT_SET_IO_CAPABILITY_SIZE }, + { pair_device, false, MGMT_PAIR_DEVICE_SIZE }, + { cancel_pair_device, false, MGMT_CANCEL_PAIR_DEVICE_SIZE }, + { unpair_device, false, MGMT_UNPAIR_DEVICE_SIZE }, + { user_confirm_reply, false, MGMT_USER_CONFIRM_REPLY_SIZE }, + { user_confirm_neg_reply, false, MGMT_USER_CONFIRM_NEG_REPLY_SIZE }, + { user_passkey_reply, false, MGMT_USER_PASSKEY_REPLY_SIZE }, + { user_passkey_neg_reply, false, MGMT_USER_PASSKEY_NEG_REPLY_SIZE }, + { read_local_oob_data, false, MGMT_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA_SIZE }, + { add_remote_oob_data, false, MGMT_ADD_REMOTE_OOB_DATA_SIZE }, + { remove_remote_oob_data, false, MGMT_REMOVE_REMOTE_OOB_DATA_SIZE }, + { start_discovery, false, MGMT_START_DISCOVERY_SIZE }, + { stop_discovery, false, MGMT_STOP_DISCOVERY_SIZE }, + { confirm_name, false, MGMT_CONFIRM_NAME_SIZE }, + { block_device, false, MGMT_BLOCK_DEVICE_SIZE }, + { unblock_device, false, MGMT_UNBLOCK_DEVICE_SIZE }, +}; + + int mgmt_control(struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, size_t msglen) { - unsigned char *buf; + void *buf; + u8 *cp; struct mgmt_hdr *hdr; u16 opcode, index, len; + struct hci_dev *hdev = NULL; + struct mgmt_handler *handler; int err; BT_DBG("got %zu bytes", msglen); @@ -2125,7 +2669,7 @@ int mgmt_control(struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, size_t msglen) goto done; } - hdr = (struct mgmt_hdr *) buf; + hdr = buf; opcode = get_unaligned_le16(&hdr->opcode); index = get_unaligned_le16(&hdr->index); len = get_unaligned_le16(&hdr->len); @@ -2135,117 +2679,54 @@ int mgmt_control(struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, size_t msglen) goto done; } - switch (opcode) { - case MGMT_OP_READ_VERSION: - err = read_version(sk); - break; - case MGMT_OP_READ_INDEX_LIST: - err = read_index_list(sk); - break; - case MGMT_OP_READ_INFO: - err = read_controller_info(sk, index); - break; - case MGMT_OP_SET_POWERED: - err = set_powered(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE: - err = set_discoverable(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_SET_CONNECTABLE: - err = set_connectable(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_SET_FAST_CONNECTABLE: - err = set_fast_connectable(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), - len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_SET_PAIRABLE: - err = set_pairable(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_ADD_UUID: - err = add_uuid(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_REMOVE_UUID: - err = remove_uuid(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_SET_DEV_CLASS: - err = set_dev_class(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_LOAD_LINK_KEYS: - err = load_link_keys(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_REMOVE_KEYS: - err = remove_keys(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_DISCONNECT: - err = disconnect(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_GET_CONNECTIONS: - err = get_connections(sk, index); - break; - case MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_REPLY: - err = pin_code_reply(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY: - err = pin_code_neg_reply(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_SET_IO_CAPABILITY: - err = set_io_capability(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_PAIR_DEVICE: - err = pair_device(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_REPLY: - err = user_confirm_reply(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_NEG_REPLY: - err = user_confirm_neg_reply(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), - len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_USER_PASSKEY_REPLY: - err = user_passkey_reply(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_USER_PASSKEY_NEG_REPLY: - err = user_passkey_neg_reply(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), - len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_SET_LOCAL_NAME: - err = set_local_name(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA: - err = read_local_oob_data(sk, index); - break; - case MGMT_OP_ADD_REMOTE_OOB_DATA: - err = add_remote_oob_data(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_REMOVE_REMOTE_OOB_DATA: - err = remove_remote_oob_data(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), - len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_START_DISCOVERY: - err = start_discovery(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_STOP_DISCOVERY: - err = stop_discovery(sk, index); - break; - case MGMT_OP_BLOCK_DEVICE: - err = block_device(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - case MGMT_OP_UNBLOCK_DEVICE: - err = unblock_device(sk, index, buf + sizeof(*hdr), len); - break; - default: + if (index != MGMT_INDEX_NONE) { + hdev = hci_dev_get(index); + if (!hdev) { + err = cmd_status(sk, index, opcode, + MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_INDEX); + goto done; + } + } + + if (opcode >= ARRAY_SIZE(mgmt_handlers) || + mgmt_handlers[opcode].func == NULL) { BT_DBG("Unknown op %u", opcode); err = cmd_status(sk, index, opcode, - MGMT_STATUS_UNKNOWN_COMMAND); - break; + MGMT_STATUS_UNKNOWN_COMMAND); + goto done; + } + + if ((hdev && opcode < MGMT_OP_READ_INFO) || + (!hdev && opcode >= MGMT_OP_READ_INFO)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, index, opcode, + MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_INDEX); + goto done; } + handler = &mgmt_handlers[opcode]; + + if ((handler->var_len && len < handler->data_len) || + (!handler->var_len && len != handler->data_len)) { + err = cmd_status(sk, index, opcode, + MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS); + goto done; + } + + if (hdev) + mgmt_init_hdev(sk, hdev); + + cp = buf + sizeof(*hdr); + + err = handler->func(sk, hdev, cp, len); if (err < 0) goto done; err = msglen; done: + if (hdev) + hci_dev_put(hdev); + kfree(buf); return err; } @@ -2265,7 +2746,7 @@ int mgmt_index_added(struct hci_dev *hdev) int mgmt_index_removed(struct hci_dev *hdev) { - u8 status = ENODEV; + u8 status = MGMT_STATUS_INVALID_INDEX; mgmt_pending_foreach(0, hdev, cmd_status_rsp, &status); @@ -2273,9 +2754,9 @@ int mgmt_index_removed(struct hci_dev *hdev) } struct cmd_lookup { - u8 val; struct sock *sk; struct hci_dev *hdev; + u8 mgmt_status; }; static void settings_rsp(struct pending_cmd *cmd, void *data) @@ -2296,63 +2777,91 @@ static void settings_rsp(struct pending_cmd *cmd, void *data) int mgmt_powered(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 powered) { - struct cmd_lookup match = { powered, NULL, hdev }; - __le32 ev; - int ret; + struct cmd_lookup match = { NULL, hdev }; + int err; + + if (!test_bit(HCI_MGMT, &hdev->dev_flags)) + return 0; mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_SET_POWERED, hdev, settings_rsp, &match); - if (!powered) { - u8 status = ENETDOWN; + if (powered) { + u8 scan = 0; + + if (test_bit(HCI_CONNECTABLE, &hdev->dev_flags)) + scan |= SCAN_PAGE; + if (test_bit(HCI_DISCOVERABLE, &hdev->dev_flags)) + scan |= SCAN_INQUIRY; + + if (scan) + hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_SCAN_ENABLE, 1, &scan); + + update_class(hdev); + update_name(hdev, hdev->dev_name); + update_eir(hdev); + } else { + u8 status = MGMT_STATUS_NOT_POWERED; mgmt_pending_foreach(0, hdev, cmd_status_rsp, &status); } - ev = cpu_to_le32(get_current_settings(hdev)); - - ret = mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_NEW_SETTINGS, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), - match.sk); + err = new_settings(hdev, match.sk); if (match.sk) sock_put(match.sk); - return ret; + return err; } int mgmt_discoverable(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 discoverable) { - struct cmd_lookup match = { discoverable, NULL, hdev }; - __le32 ev; - int ret; + struct cmd_lookup match = { NULL, hdev }; + bool changed = false; + int err = 0; + + if (discoverable) { + if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_DISCOVERABLE, &hdev->dev_flags)) + changed = true; + } else { + if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_DISCOVERABLE, &hdev->dev_flags)) + changed = true; + } - mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE, hdev, settings_rsp, &match); + mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE, hdev, settings_rsp, + &match); - ev = cpu_to_le32(get_current_settings(hdev)); + if (changed) + err = new_settings(hdev, match.sk); - ret = mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_NEW_SETTINGS, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), - match.sk); if (match.sk) sock_put(match.sk); - return ret; + return err; } int mgmt_connectable(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 connectable) { - __le32 ev; - struct cmd_lookup match = { connectable, NULL, hdev }; - int ret; + struct cmd_lookup match = { NULL, hdev }; + bool changed = false; + int err = 0; - mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_SET_CONNECTABLE, hdev, settings_rsp, - &match); + if (connectable) { + if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONNECTABLE, &hdev->dev_flags)) + changed = true; + } else { + if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_CONNECTABLE, &hdev->dev_flags)) + changed = true; + } - ev = cpu_to_le32(get_current_settings(hdev)); + mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_SET_CONNECTABLE, hdev, settings_rsp, + &match); - ret = mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_NEW_SETTINGS, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), match.sk); + if (changed) + err = new_settings(hdev, match.sk); if (match.sk) sock_put(match.sk); - return ret; + return err; } int mgmt_write_scan_failed(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 scan, u8 status) @@ -2361,24 +2870,24 @@ int mgmt_write_scan_failed(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 scan, u8 status) if (scan & SCAN_PAGE) mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_SET_CONNECTABLE, hdev, - cmd_status_rsp, &mgmt_err); + cmd_status_rsp, &mgmt_err); if (scan & SCAN_INQUIRY) mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE, hdev, - cmd_status_rsp, &mgmt_err); + cmd_status_rsp, &mgmt_err); return 0; } -int mgmt_new_link_key(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct link_key *key, - u8 persistent) +int mgmt_new_link_key(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct link_key *key, u8 persistent) { struct mgmt_ev_new_link_key ev; memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev)); ev.store_hint = persistent; - bacpy(&ev.key.bdaddr, &key->bdaddr); + bacpy(&ev.key.addr.bdaddr, &key->bdaddr); + ev.key.addr.type = MGMT_ADDR_BREDR; ev.key.type = key->type; memcpy(ev.key.val, key->val, 16); ev.key.pin_len = key->pin_len; @@ -2386,15 +2895,54 @@ int mgmt_new_link_key(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct link_key *key, return mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_NEW_LINK_KEY, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), NULL); } -int mgmt_connected(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 link_type, - u8 addr_type) +int mgmt_new_ltk(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct smp_ltk *key, u8 persistent) { - struct mgmt_addr_info ev; + struct mgmt_ev_new_long_term_key ev; - bacpy(&ev.bdaddr, bdaddr); - ev.type = link_to_mgmt(link_type, addr_type); + memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev)); + + ev.store_hint = persistent; + bacpy(&ev.key.addr.bdaddr, &key->bdaddr); + ev.key.addr.type = key->bdaddr_type; + ev.key.authenticated = key->authenticated; + ev.key.enc_size = key->enc_size; + ev.key.ediv = key->ediv; - return mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_CONNECTED, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), NULL); + if (key->type == HCI_SMP_LTK) + ev.key.master = 1; + + memcpy(ev.key.rand, key->rand, sizeof(key->rand)); + memcpy(ev.key.val, key->val, sizeof(key->val)); + + return mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_NEW_LONG_TERM_KEY, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), + NULL); +} + +int mgmt_device_connected(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 link_type, + u8 addr_type, u32 flags, u8 *name, u8 name_len, + u8 *dev_class) +{ + char buf[512]; + struct mgmt_ev_device_connected *ev = (void *) buf; + u16 eir_len = 0; + + bacpy(&ev->addr.bdaddr, bdaddr); + ev->addr.type = link_to_mgmt(link_type, addr_type); + + ev->flags = __cpu_to_le32(flags); + + if (name_len > 0) + eir_len = eir_append_data(ev->eir, 0, EIR_NAME_COMPLETE, + name, name_len); + + if (dev_class && memcmp(dev_class, "\0\0\0", 3) != 0) + eir_len = eir_append_data(&ev->eir[eir_len], eir_len, + EIR_CLASS_OF_DEV, dev_class, 3); + + put_unaligned_le16(eir_len, &ev->eir_len); + + return mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_DEVICE_CONNECTED, hdev, buf, + sizeof(*ev) + eir_len, NULL); } static void disconnect_rsp(struct pending_cmd *cmd, void *data) @@ -2403,10 +2951,11 @@ static void disconnect_rsp(struct pending_cmd *cmd, void *data) struct sock **sk = data; struct mgmt_rp_disconnect rp; - bacpy(&rp.bdaddr, &cp->bdaddr); - rp.status = 0; + bacpy(&rp.addr.bdaddr, &cp->addr.bdaddr); + rp.addr.type = cp->addr.type; - cmd_complete(cmd->sk, cmd->index, MGMT_OP_DISCONNECT, &rp, sizeof(rp)); + cmd_complete(cmd->sk, cmd->index, MGMT_OP_DISCONNECT, 0, &rp, + sizeof(rp)); *sk = cmd->sk; sock_hold(*sk); @@ -2414,25 +2963,25 @@ static void disconnect_rsp(struct pending_cmd *cmd, void *data) mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); } -static void remove_keys_rsp(struct pending_cmd *cmd, void *data) +static void unpair_device_rsp(struct pending_cmd *cmd, void *data) { - u8 *status = data; - struct mgmt_cp_remove_keys *cp = cmd->param; - struct mgmt_rp_remove_keys rp; + struct hci_dev *hdev = data; + struct mgmt_cp_unpair_device *cp = cmd->param; + struct mgmt_rp_unpair_device rp; memset(&rp, 0, sizeof(rp)); - bacpy(&rp.bdaddr, &cp->bdaddr); - if (status != NULL) - rp.status = *status; + bacpy(&rp.addr.bdaddr, &cp->addr.bdaddr); + rp.addr.type = cp->addr.type; + + device_unpaired(hdev, &cp->addr.bdaddr, cp->addr.type, cmd->sk); - cmd_complete(cmd->sk, cmd->index, MGMT_OP_REMOVE_KEYS, &rp, - sizeof(rp)); + cmd_complete(cmd->sk, cmd->index, cmd->opcode, 0, &rp, sizeof(rp)); mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); } -int mgmt_disconnected(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 link_type, - u8 addr_type) +int mgmt_device_disconnected(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, + u8 link_type, u8 addr_type) { struct mgmt_addr_info ev; struct sock *sk = NULL; @@ -2443,45 +2992,44 @@ int mgmt_disconnected(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 link_type, bacpy(&ev.bdaddr, bdaddr); ev.type = link_to_mgmt(link_type, addr_type); - err = mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_DISCONNECTED, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), sk); + err = mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), + sk); if (sk) - sock_put(sk); + sock_put(sk); - mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_REMOVE_KEYS, hdev, remove_keys_rsp, NULL); + mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_UNPAIR_DEVICE, hdev, unpair_device_rsp, + hdev); return err; } -int mgmt_disconnect_failed(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 status) +int mgmt_disconnect_failed(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, + u8 link_type, u8 addr_type, u8 status) { + struct mgmt_rp_disconnect rp; struct pending_cmd *cmd; - u8 mgmt_err = mgmt_status(status); int err; cmd = mgmt_pending_find(MGMT_OP_DISCONNECT, hdev); if (!cmd) return -ENOENT; - if (bdaddr) { - struct mgmt_rp_disconnect rp; - - bacpy(&rp.bdaddr, bdaddr); - rp.status = status; + bacpy(&rp.addr.bdaddr, bdaddr); + rp.addr.type = link_to_mgmt(link_type, addr_type); - err = cmd_complete(cmd->sk, cmd->index, MGMT_OP_DISCONNECT, - &rp, sizeof(rp)); - } else - err = cmd_status(cmd->sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_DISCONNECT, - mgmt_err); + err = cmd_complete(cmd->sk, cmd->index, MGMT_OP_DISCONNECT, + mgmt_status(status), &rp, sizeof(rp)); mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); + mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_UNPAIR_DEVICE, hdev, unpair_device_rsp, + hdev); return err; } int mgmt_connect_failed(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 link_type, - u8 addr_type, u8 status) + u8 addr_type, u8 status) { struct mgmt_ev_connect_failed ev; @@ -2496,15 +3044,16 @@ int mgmt_pin_code_request(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 secure) { struct mgmt_ev_pin_code_request ev; - bacpy(&ev.bdaddr, bdaddr); + bacpy(&ev.addr.bdaddr, bdaddr); + ev.addr.type = MGMT_ADDR_BREDR; ev.secure = secure; return mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_PIN_CODE_REQUEST, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), - NULL); + NULL); } int mgmt_pin_code_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, - u8 status) + u8 status) { struct pending_cmd *cmd; struct mgmt_rp_pin_code_reply rp; @@ -2514,11 +3063,11 @@ int mgmt_pin_code_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, if (!cmd) return -ENOENT; - bacpy(&rp.bdaddr, bdaddr); - rp.status = mgmt_status(status); + bacpy(&rp.addr.bdaddr, bdaddr); + rp.addr.type = MGMT_ADDR_BREDR; - err = cmd_complete(cmd->sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_REPLY, &rp, - sizeof(rp)); + err = cmd_complete(cmd->sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_REPLY, + mgmt_status(status), &rp, sizeof(rp)); mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); @@ -2526,7 +3075,7 @@ int mgmt_pin_code_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, } int mgmt_pin_code_neg_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, - u8 status) + u8 status) { struct pending_cmd *cmd; struct mgmt_rp_pin_code_reply rp; @@ -2536,11 +3085,11 @@ int mgmt_pin_code_neg_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, if (!cmd) return -ENOENT; - bacpy(&rp.bdaddr, bdaddr); - rp.status = mgmt_status(status); + bacpy(&rp.addr.bdaddr, bdaddr); + rp.addr.type = MGMT_ADDR_BREDR; - err = cmd_complete(cmd->sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY, &rp, - sizeof(rp)); + err = cmd_complete(cmd->sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY, + mgmt_status(status), &rp, sizeof(rp)); mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); @@ -2548,34 +3097,39 @@ int mgmt_pin_code_neg_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, } int mgmt_user_confirm_request(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, - __le32 value, u8 confirm_hint) + u8 link_type, u8 addr_type, __le32 value, + u8 confirm_hint) { struct mgmt_ev_user_confirm_request ev; BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); - bacpy(&ev.bdaddr, bdaddr); + bacpy(&ev.addr.bdaddr, bdaddr); + ev.addr.type = link_to_mgmt(link_type, addr_type); ev.confirm_hint = confirm_hint; put_unaligned_le32(value, &ev.value); return mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_USER_CONFIRM_REQUEST, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), - NULL); + NULL); } -int mgmt_user_passkey_request(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr) +int mgmt_user_passkey_request(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, + u8 link_type, u8 addr_type) { struct mgmt_ev_user_passkey_request ev; BT_DBG("%s", hdev->name); - bacpy(&ev.bdaddr, bdaddr); + bacpy(&ev.addr.bdaddr, bdaddr); + ev.addr.type = link_to_mgmt(link_type, addr_type); return mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_USER_PASSKEY_REQUEST, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), - NULL); + NULL); } static int user_pairing_resp_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, - u8 status, u8 opcode) + u8 link_type, u8 addr_type, u8 status, + u8 opcode) { struct pending_cmd *cmd; struct mgmt_rp_user_confirm_reply rp; @@ -2585,9 +3139,10 @@ static int user_pairing_resp_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, if (!cmd) return -ENOENT; - bacpy(&rp.bdaddr, bdaddr); - rp.status = mgmt_status(status); - err = cmd_complete(cmd->sk, hdev->id, opcode, &rp, sizeof(rp)); + bacpy(&rp.addr.bdaddr, bdaddr); + rp.addr.type = link_to_mgmt(link_type, addr_type); + err = cmd_complete(cmd->sk, hdev->id, opcode, mgmt_status(status), + &rp, sizeof(rp)); mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); @@ -2595,72 +3150,215 @@ static int user_pairing_resp_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, } int mgmt_user_confirm_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, - u8 status) + u8 link_type, u8 addr_type, u8 status) { - return user_pairing_resp_complete(hdev, bdaddr, status, - MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_REPLY); + return user_pairing_resp_complete(hdev, bdaddr, link_type, addr_type, + status, MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_REPLY); } -int mgmt_user_confirm_neg_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, - bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 status) +int mgmt_user_confirm_neg_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, + u8 link_type, u8 addr_type, u8 status) { - return user_pairing_resp_complete(hdev, bdaddr, status, - MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_NEG_REPLY); + return user_pairing_resp_complete(hdev, bdaddr, link_type, addr_type, + status, MGMT_OP_USER_CONFIRM_NEG_REPLY); } int mgmt_user_passkey_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, - u8 status) + u8 link_type, u8 addr_type, u8 status) { - return user_pairing_resp_complete(hdev, bdaddr, status, - MGMT_OP_USER_PASSKEY_REPLY); + return user_pairing_resp_complete(hdev, bdaddr, link_type, addr_type, + status, MGMT_OP_USER_PASSKEY_REPLY); } -int mgmt_user_passkey_neg_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, - bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 status) +int mgmt_user_passkey_neg_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, + u8 link_type, u8 addr_type, u8 status) { - return user_pairing_resp_complete(hdev, bdaddr, status, - MGMT_OP_USER_PASSKEY_NEG_REPLY); + return user_pairing_resp_complete(hdev, bdaddr, link_type, addr_type, + status, MGMT_OP_USER_PASSKEY_NEG_REPLY); } -int mgmt_auth_failed(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 status) +int mgmt_auth_failed(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 link_type, + u8 addr_type, u8 status) { struct mgmt_ev_auth_failed ev; - bacpy(&ev.bdaddr, bdaddr); + bacpy(&ev.addr.bdaddr, bdaddr); + ev.addr.type = link_to_mgmt(link_type, addr_type); ev.status = mgmt_status(status); return mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_AUTH_FAILED, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), NULL); } +int mgmt_auth_enable_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 status) +{ + struct cmd_lookup match = { NULL, hdev }; + bool changed = false; + int err = 0; + + if (status) { + u8 mgmt_err = mgmt_status(status); + mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_SET_LINK_SECURITY, hdev, + cmd_status_rsp, &mgmt_err); + return 0; + } + + if (test_bit(HCI_AUTH, &hdev->flags)) { + if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_LINK_SECURITY, &hdev->dev_flags)) + changed = true; + } else { + if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_LINK_SECURITY, &hdev->dev_flags)) + changed = true; + } + + mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_SET_LINK_SECURITY, hdev, settings_rsp, + &match); + + if (changed) + err = new_settings(hdev, match.sk); + + if (match.sk) + sock_put(match.sk); + + return err; +} + +static int clear_eir(struct hci_dev *hdev) +{ + struct hci_cp_write_eir cp; + + if (!(hdev->features[6] & LMP_EXT_INQ)) + return 0; + + memset(hdev->eir, 0, sizeof(hdev->eir)); + + memset(&cp, 0, sizeof(cp)); + + return hci_send_cmd(hdev, HCI_OP_WRITE_EIR, sizeof(cp), &cp); +} + +int mgmt_ssp_enable_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 enable, u8 status) +{ + struct cmd_lookup match = { NULL, hdev }; + bool changed = false; + int err = 0; + + if (status) { + u8 mgmt_err = mgmt_status(status); + + if (enable && test_and_clear_bit(HCI_SSP_ENABLED, + &hdev->dev_flags)) + err = new_settings(hdev, NULL); + + mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_SET_SSP, hdev, cmd_status_rsp, + &mgmt_err); + + return err; + } + + if (enable) { + if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_SSP_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags)) + changed = true; + } else { + if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_SSP_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags)) + changed = true; + } + + mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_SET_SSP, hdev, settings_rsp, &match); + + if (changed) + err = new_settings(hdev, match.sk); + + if (match.sk) + sock_put(match.sk); + + if (test_bit(HCI_SSP_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags)) + update_eir(hdev); + else + clear_eir(hdev); + + return err; +} + +static void class_rsp(struct pending_cmd *cmd, void *data) +{ + struct cmd_lookup *match = data; + + cmd_complete(cmd->sk, cmd->index, cmd->opcode, match->mgmt_status, + match->hdev->dev_class, 3); + + list_del(&cmd->list); + + if (match->sk == NULL) { + match->sk = cmd->sk; + sock_hold(match->sk); + } + + mgmt_pending_free(cmd); +} + +int mgmt_set_class_of_dev_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 *dev_class, + u8 status) +{ + struct cmd_lookup match = { NULL, hdev, mgmt_status(status) }; + int err = 0; + + clear_bit(HCI_PENDING_CLASS, &hdev->dev_flags); + + mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_SET_DEV_CLASS, hdev, class_rsp, &match); + mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_ADD_UUID, hdev, class_rsp, &match); + mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_REMOVE_UUID, hdev, class_rsp, &match); + + if (!status) + err = mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_CLASS_OF_DEV_CHANGED, hdev, dev_class, + 3, NULL); + + if (match.sk) + sock_put(match.sk); + + return err; +} + int mgmt_set_local_name_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 *name, u8 status) { struct pending_cmd *cmd; struct mgmt_cp_set_local_name ev; - int err; + bool changed = false; + int err = 0; + + if (memcmp(name, hdev->dev_name, sizeof(hdev->dev_name)) != 0) { + memcpy(hdev->dev_name, name, sizeof(hdev->dev_name)); + changed = true; + } memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev)); memcpy(ev.name, name, HCI_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); + memcpy(ev.short_name, hdev->short_name, HCI_MAX_SHORT_NAME_LENGTH); cmd = mgmt_pending_find(MGMT_OP_SET_LOCAL_NAME, hdev); if (!cmd) goto send_event; + /* Always assume that either the short or the complete name has + * changed if there was a pending mgmt command */ + changed = true; + if (status) { err = cmd_status(cmd->sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_LOCAL_NAME, - mgmt_status(status)); + mgmt_status(status)); goto failed; } - update_eir(hdev); - - err = cmd_complete(cmd->sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_LOCAL_NAME, &ev, - sizeof(ev)); + err = cmd_complete(cmd->sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_SET_LOCAL_NAME, 0, &ev, + sizeof(ev)); if (err < 0) goto failed; send_event: - err = mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), - cmd ? cmd->sk : NULL); + if (changed) + err = mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED, hdev, &ev, + sizeof(ev), cmd ? cmd->sk : NULL); + + update_eir(hdev); failed: if (cmd) @@ -2669,7 +3367,7 @@ int mgmt_set_local_name_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 *name, u8 status) } int mgmt_read_local_oob_data_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 *hash, - u8 *randomizer, u8 status) + u8 *randomizer, u8 status) { struct pending_cmd *cmd; int err; @@ -2681,9 +3379,8 @@ int mgmt_read_local_oob_data_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 *hash, return -ENOENT; if (status) { - err = cmd_status(cmd->sk, hdev->id, - MGMT_OP_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA, - mgmt_status(status)); + err = cmd_status(cmd->sk, hdev->id, MGMT_OP_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA, + mgmt_status(status)); } else { struct mgmt_rp_read_local_oob_data rp; @@ -2691,8 +3388,8 @@ int mgmt_read_local_oob_data_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 *hash, memcpy(rp.randomizer, randomizer, sizeof(rp.randomizer)); err = cmd_complete(cmd->sk, hdev->id, - MGMT_OP_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA, - &rp, sizeof(rp)); + MGMT_OP_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA, 0, &rp, + sizeof(rp)); } mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); @@ -2700,48 +3397,120 @@ int mgmt_read_local_oob_data_reply_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 *hash, return err; } +int mgmt_le_enable_complete(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 enable, u8 status) +{ + struct cmd_lookup match = { NULL, hdev }; + bool changed = false; + int err = 0; + + if (status) { + u8 mgmt_err = mgmt_status(status); + + if (enable && test_and_clear_bit(HCI_LE_ENABLED, + &hdev->dev_flags)) + err = new_settings(hdev, NULL); + + mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_SET_LE, hdev, + cmd_status_rsp, &mgmt_err); + + return err; + } + + if (enable) { + if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_LE_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags)) + changed = true; + } else { + if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_LE_ENABLED, &hdev->dev_flags)) + changed = true; + } + + mgmt_pending_foreach(MGMT_OP_SET_LE, hdev, settings_rsp, &match); + + if (changed) + err = new_settings(hdev, match.sk); + + if (match.sk) + sock_put(match.sk); + + return err; +} + int mgmt_device_found(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 link_type, - u8 addr_type, u8 *dev_class, s8 rssi, u8 *eir) + u8 addr_type, u8 *dev_class, s8 rssi, u8 cfm_name, u8 + ssp, u8 *eir, u16 eir_len) { - struct mgmt_ev_device_found ev; + char buf[512]; + struct mgmt_ev_device_found *ev = (void *) buf; + size_t ev_size; - memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev)); + /* Leave 5 bytes for a potential CoD field */ + if (sizeof(*ev) + eir_len + 5 > sizeof(buf)) + return -EINVAL; - bacpy(&ev.addr.bdaddr, bdaddr); - ev.addr.type = link_to_mgmt(link_type, addr_type); - ev.rssi = rssi; + memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); + + bacpy(&ev->addr.bdaddr, bdaddr); + ev->addr.type = link_to_mgmt(link_type, addr_type); + ev->rssi = rssi; + if (cfm_name) + ev->flags[0] |= MGMT_DEV_FOUND_CONFIRM_NAME; + if (!ssp) + ev->flags[0] |= MGMT_DEV_FOUND_LEGACY_PAIRING; - if (eir) - memcpy(ev.eir, eir, sizeof(ev.eir)); + if (eir_len > 0) + memcpy(ev->eir, eir, eir_len); - if (dev_class) - memcpy(ev.dev_class, dev_class, sizeof(ev.dev_class)); + if (dev_class && !eir_has_data_type(ev->eir, eir_len, EIR_CLASS_OF_DEV)) + eir_len = eir_append_data(ev->eir, eir_len, EIR_CLASS_OF_DEV, + dev_class, 3); - return mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_DEVICE_FOUND, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), NULL); + put_unaligned_le16(eir_len, &ev->eir_len); + + ev_size = sizeof(*ev) + eir_len; + + return mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_DEVICE_FOUND, hdev, ev, ev_size, NULL); } -int mgmt_remote_name(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 *name) +int mgmt_remote_name(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 link_type, + u8 addr_type, s8 rssi, u8 *name, u8 name_len) { - struct mgmt_ev_remote_name ev; + struct mgmt_ev_device_found *ev; + char buf[sizeof(*ev) + HCI_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 2]; + u16 eir_len; - memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev)); + ev = (struct mgmt_ev_device_found *) buf; - bacpy(&ev.bdaddr, bdaddr); - memcpy(ev.name, name, HCI_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); + memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); + + bacpy(&ev->addr.bdaddr, bdaddr); + ev->addr.type = link_to_mgmt(link_type, addr_type); + ev->rssi = rssi; - return mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_REMOTE_NAME, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), NULL); + eir_len = eir_append_data(ev->eir, 0, EIR_NAME_COMPLETE, name, + name_len); + + put_unaligned_le16(eir_len, &ev->eir_len); + + return mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_DEVICE_FOUND, hdev, ev, + sizeof(*ev) + eir_len, NULL); } int mgmt_start_discovery_failed(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 status) { struct pending_cmd *cmd; + u8 type; int err; + hci_discovery_set_state(hdev, DISCOVERY_STOPPED); + cmd = mgmt_pending_find(MGMT_OP_START_DISCOVERY, hdev); if (!cmd) return -ENOENT; - err = cmd_status(cmd->sk, hdev->id, cmd->opcode, mgmt_status(status)); + type = hdev->discovery.type; + + err = cmd_complete(cmd->sk, hdev->id, cmd->opcode, mgmt_status(status), + &type, sizeof(type)); mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); return err; @@ -2756,7 +3525,8 @@ int mgmt_stop_discovery_failed(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 status) if (!cmd) return -ENOENT; - err = cmd_status(cmd->sk, hdev->id, cmd->opcode, mgmt_status(status)); + err = cmd_complete(cmd->sk, hdev->id, cmd->opcode, mgmt_status(status), + &hdev->discovery.type, sizeof(hdev->discovery.type)); mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); return err; @@ -2764,44 +3534,61 @@ int mgmt_stop_discovery_failed(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 status) int mgmt_discovering(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 discovering) { + struct mgmt_ev_discovering ev; struct pending_cmd *cmd; + BT_DBG("%s discovering %u", hdev->name, discovering); + if (discovering) cmd = mgmt_pending_find(MGMT_OP_START_DISCOVERY, hdev); else cmd = mgmt_pending_find(MGMT_OP_STOP_DISCOVERY, hdev); if (cmd != NULL) { - cmd_complete(cmd->sk, hdev->id, cmd->opcode, NULL, 0); + u8 type = hdev->discovery.type; + + cmd_complete(cmd->sk, hdev->id, cmd->opcode, 0, &type, + sizeof(type)); mgmt_pending_remove(cmd); } - return mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_DISCOVERING, hdev, &discovering, - sizeof(discovering), NULL); + memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev)); + ev.type = hdev->discovery.type; + ev.discovering = discovering; + + return mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_DISCOVERING, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), NULL); } -int mgmt_device_blocked(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr) +int mgmt_device_blocked(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 type) { struct pending_cmd *cmd; struct mgmt_ev_device_blocked ev; cmd = mgmt_pending_find(MGMT_OP_BLOCK_DEVICE, hdev); - bacpy(&ev.bdaddr, bdaddr); + bacpy(&ev.addr.bdaddr, bdaddr); + ev.addr.type = type; return mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_DEVICE_BLOCKED, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), - cmd ? cmd->sk : NULL); + cmd ? cmd->sk : NULL); } -int mgmt_device_unblocked(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr) +int mgmt_device_unblocked(struct hci_dev *hdev, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, u8 type) { struct pending_cmd *cmd; struct mgmt_ev_device_unblocked ev; cmd = mgmt_pending_find(MGMT_OP_UNBLOCK_DEVICE, hdev); - bacpy(&ev.bdaddr, bdaddr); + bacpy(&ev.addr.bdaddr, bdaddr); + ev.addr.type = type; return mgmt_event(MGMT_EV_DEVICE_UNBLOCKED, hdev, &ev, sizeof(ev), - cmd ? cmd->sk : NULL); + cmd ? cmd->sk : NULL); } + +module_param(enable_hs, bool, 0644); +MODULE_PARM_DESC(enable_hs, "Enable High Speed support"); + +module_param(enable_le, bool, 0644); +MODULE_PARM_DESC(enable_le, "Enable Low Energy support"); diff --git a/net/bluetooth/rfcomm/tty.c b/net/bluetooth/rfcomm/tty.c index 7adb03ca51c2b2d51023532b8c6249b4cdb88259..4bf54b37725565031211110253a07920d52df433 100644 --- a/net/bluetooth/rfcomm/tty.c +++ b/net/bluetooth/rfcomm/tty.c @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ static DEVICE_ATTR(channel, S_IRUGO, show_channel, NULL); static int rfcomm_dev_add(struct rfcomm_dev_req *req, struct rfcomm_dlc *dlc) { struct rfcomm_dev *dev, *entry; - struct list_head *head = &rfcomm_dev_list, *p; + struct list_head *head = &rfcomm_dev_list; int err = 0; BT_DBG("id %d channel %d", req->dev_id, req->channel); @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ static int rfcomm_dev_add(struct rfcomm_dev_req *req, struct rfcomm_dlc *dlc) break; dev->id++; - head = p; + head = &entry->list; } } else { dev->id = req->dev_id; @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ static int rfcomm_dev_add(struct rfcomm_dev_req *req, struct rfcomm_dlc *dlc) if (entry->id > dev->id - 1) break; - head = p; + head = &entry->list; } } diff --git a/net/bluetooth/smp.c b/net/bluetooth/smp.c index 32c47de303440846fce21b5c02e53c89e08e92d8..deb119875fd93aee3fa125ecfd49de66495b7786 100644 --- a/net/bluetooth/smp.c +++ b/net/bluetooth/smp.c @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ #include #include -#define SMP_TIMEOUT 30000 /* 30 seconds */ +#define SMP_TIMEOUT msecs_to_jiffies(30000) static inline void swap128(u8 src[16], u8 dst[16]) { @@ -186,8 +186,7 @@ static void smp_send_cmd(struct l2cap_conn *conn, u8 code, u16 len, void *data) hci_send_acl(conn->hchan, skb, 0); cancel_delayed_work_sync(&conn->security_timer); - schedule_delayed_work(&conn->security_timer, - msecs_to_jiffies(SMP_TIMEOUT)); + schedule_delayed_work(&conn->security_timer, SMP_TIMEOUT); } static __u8 authreq_to_seclevel(__u8 authreq) @@ -217,7 +216,7 @@ static void build_pairing_cmd(struct l2cap_conn *conn, { u8 dist_keys = 0; - if (test_bit(HCI_PAIRABLE, &conn->hcon->hdev->flags)) { + if (test_bit(HCI_PAIRABLE, &conn->hcon->hdev->dev_flags)) { dist_keys = SMP_DIST_ENC_KEY; authreq |= SMP_AUTH_BONDING; } else { @@ -250,21 +249,27 @@ static u8 check_enc_key_size(struct l2cap_conn *conn, __u8 max_key_size) (max_key_size < SMP_MIN_ENC_KEY_SIZE)) return SMP_ENC_KEY_SIZE; - smp->smp_key_size = max_key_size; + smp->enc_key_size = max_key_size; return 0; } static void smp_failure(struct l2cap_conn *conn, u8 reason, u8 send) { + struct hci_conn *hcon = conn->hcon; + if (send) smp_send_cmd(conn, SMP_CMD_PAIRING_FAIL, sizeof(reason), &reason); - clear_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &conn->hcon->pend); - mgmt_auth_failed(conn->hcon->hdev, conn->dst, reason); - cancel_delayed_work_sync(&conn->security_timer); - smp_chan_destroy(conn); + clear_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &conn->hcon->flags); + mgmt_auth_failed(conn->hcon->hdev, conn->dst, hcon->type, + hcon->dst_type, reason); + + if (test_and_clear_bit(HCI_CONN_LE_SMP_PEND, &conn->hcon->flags)) { + cancel_delayed_work_sync(&conn->security_timer); + smp_chan_destroy(conn); + } } #define JUST_WORKS 0x00 @@ -305,7 +310,7 @@ static int tk_request(struct l2cap_conn *conn, u8 remote_oob, u8 auth, remote_io > SMP_IO_KEYBOARD_DISPLAY) method = JUST_WORKS; else - method = gen_method[local_io][remote_io]; + method = gen_method[remote_io][local_io]; /* If not bonding, don't ask user to confirm a Zero TK */ if (!(auth & SMP_AUTH_BONDING) && method == JUST_CFM) @@ -346,9 +351,11 @@ static int tk_request(struct l2cap_conn *conn, u8 remote_oob, u8 auth, hci_dev_lock(hcon->hdev); if (method == REQ_PASSKEY) - ret = mgmt_user_passkey_request(hcon->hdev, conn->dst); + ret = mgmt_user_passkey_request(hcon->hdev, conn->dst, + hcon->type, hcon->dst_type); else ret = mgmt_user_confirm_request(hcon->hdev, conn->dst, + hcon->type, hcon->dst_type, cpu_to_le32(passkey), 0); hci_dev_unlock(hcon->hdev); @@ -377,12 +384,11 @@ static void confirm_work(struct work_struct *work) if (conn->hcon->out) ret = smp_c1(tfm, smp->tk, smp->prnd, smp->preq, smp->prsp, 0, - conn->src, conn->hcon->dst_type, conn->dst, - res); + conn->src, conn->hcon->dst_type, conn->dst, res); else ret = smp_c1(tfm, smp->tk, smp->prnd, smp->preq, smp->prsp, - conn->hcon->dst_type, conn->dst, 0, conn->src, - res); + conn->hcon->dst_type, conn->dst, 0, conn->src, + res); if (ret) { reason = SMP_UNSPECIFIED; goto error; @@ -417,12 +423,10 @@ static void random_work(struct work_struct *work) if (hcon->out) ret = smp_c1(tfm, smp->tk, smp->rrnd, smp->preq, smp->prsp, 0, - conn->src, hcon->dst_type, conn->dst, - res); + conn->src, hcon->dst_type, conn->dst, res); else ret = smp_c1(tfm, smp->tk, smp->rrnd, smp->preq, smp->prsp, - hcon->dst_type, conn->dst, 0, conn->src, - res); + hcon->dst_type, conn->dst, 0, conn->src, res); if (ret) { reason = SMP_UNSPECIFIED; goto error; @@ -446,16 +450,16 @@ static void random_work(struct work_struct *work) smp_s1(tfm, smp->tk, smp->rrnd, smp->prnd, key); swap128(key, stk); - memset(stk + smp->smp_key_size, 0, - SMP_MAX_ENC_KEY_SIZE - smp->smp_key_size); + memset(stk + smp->enc_key_size, 0, + SMP_MAX_ENC_KEY_SIZE - smp->enc_key_size); - if (test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &hcon->pend)) { + if (test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &hcon->flags)) { reason = SMP_UNSPECIFIED; goto error; } hci_le_start_enc(hcon, ediv, rand, stk); - hcon->enc_key_size = smp->smp_key_size; + hcon->enc_key_size = smp->enc_key_size; } else { u8 stk[16], r[16], rand[8]; __le16 ediv; @@ -469,11 +473,12 @@ static void random_work(struct work_struct *work) smp_s1(tfm, smp->tk, smp->prnd, smp->rrnd, key); swap128(key, stk); - memset(stk + smp->smp_key_size, 0, - SMP_MAX_ENC_KEY_SIZE - smp->smp_key_size); + memset(stk + smp->enc_key_size, 0, + SMP_MAX_ENC_KEY_SIZE - smp->enc_key_size); - hci_add_ltk(hcon->hdev, 0, conn->dst, smp->smp_key_size, - ediv, rand, stk); + hci_add_ltk(hcon->hdev, conn->dst, hcon->dst_type, + HCI_SMP_STK_SLAVE, 0, 0, stk, smp->enc_key_size, + ediv, rand); } return; @@ -506,7 +511,7 @@ void smp_chan_destroy(struct l2cap_conn *conn) { struct smp_chan *smp = conn->smp_chan; - clear_bit(HCI_CONN_LE_SMP_PEND, &conn->hcon->pend); + BUG_ON(!smp); if (smp->tfm) crypto_free_blkcipher(smp->tfm); @@ -571,7 +576,7 @@ static u8 smp_cmd_pairing_req(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct sk_buff *skb) if (conn->hcon->link_mode & HCI_LM_MASTER) return SMP_CMD_NOTSUPP; - if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_LE_SMP_PEND, &conn->hcon->pend)) + if (!test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_LE_SMP_PEND, &conn->hcon->flags)) smp = smp_chan_create(conn); smp = conn->smp_chan; @@ -584,6 +589,8 @@ static u8 smp_cmd_pairing_req(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct sk_buff *skb) if (req->auth_req & SMP_AUTH_BONDING) auth = req->auth_req; + conn->hcon->pending_sec_level = authreq_to_seclevel(auth); + build_pairing_cmd(conn, req, &rsp, auth); key_size = min(req->max_key_size, rsp.max_key_size); @@ -698,23 +705,18 @@ static u8 smp_cmd_pairing_random(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct sk_buff *skb) static u8 smp_ltk_encrypt(struct l2cap_conn *conn) { - struct link_key *key; - struct key_master_id *master; + struct smp_ltk *key; struct hci_conn *hcon = conn->hcon; - key = hci_find_link_key_type(hcon->hdev, conn->dst, - HCI_LK_SMP_LTK); + key = hci_find_ltk_by_addr(hcon->hdev, conn->dst, hcon->dst_type); if (!key) return 0; - if (test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, - &hcon->pend)) + if (test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_ENCRYPT_PEND, &hcon->flags)) return 1; - master = (void *) key->data; - hci_le_start_enc(hcon, master->ediv, master->rand, - key->val); - hcon->enc_key_size = key->pin_len; + hci_le_start_enc(hcon, key->ediv, key->rand, key->val); + hcon->enc_key_size = key->enc_size; return 1; @@ -733,7 +735,7 @@ static u8 smp_cmd_security_req(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct sk_buff *skb) if (smp_ltk_encrypt(conn)) return 0; - if (test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_LE_SMP_PEND, &hcon->pend)) + if (test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_LE_SMP_PEND, &hcon->flags)) return 0; smp = smp_chan_create(conn); @@ -772,7 +774,7 @@ int smp_conn_security(struct l2cap_conn *conn, __u8 sec_level) if (smp_ltk_encrypt(conn)) goto done; - if (test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_LE_SMP_PEND, &hcon->pend)) + if (test_and_set_bit(HCI_CONN_LE_SMP_PEND, &hcon->flags)) return 0; smp = smp_chan_create(conn); @@ -817,13 +819,19 @@ static int smp_cmd_master_ident(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct sk_buff *skb) { struct smp_cmd_master_ident *rp = (void *) skb->data; struct smp_chan *smp = conn->smp_chan; + struct hci_dev *hdev = conn->hcon->hdev; + struct hci_conn *hcon = conn->hcon; + u8 authenticated; skb_pull(skb, sizeof(*rp)); - hci_add_ltk(conn->hcon->hdev, 1, conn->dst, smp->smp_key_size, - rp->ediv, rp->rand, smp->tk); - + hci_dev_lock(hdev); + authenticated = (conn->hcon->sec_level == BT_SECURITY_HIGH); + hci_add_ltk(conn->hcon->hdev, conn->dst, hcon->dst_type, + HCI_SMP_LTK, 1, authenticated, smp->tk, smp->enc_key_size, + rp->ediv, rp->rand); smp_distribute_keys(conn, 1); + hci_dev_unlock(hdev); return 0; } @@ -908,7 +916,7 @@ int smp_distribute_keys(struct l2cap_conn *conn, __u8 force) BT_DBG("conn %p force %d", conn, force); - if (!test_bit(HCI_CONN_LE_SMP_PEND, &conn->hcon->pend)) + if (!test_bit(HCI_CONN_LE_SMP_PEND, &conn->hcon->flags)) return 0; rsp = (void *) &smp->prsp[1]; @@ -933,6 +941,8 @@ int smp_distribute_keys(struct l2cap_conn *conn, __u8 force) if (*keydist & SMP_DIST_ENC_KEY) { struct smp_cmd_encrypt_info enc; struct smp_cmd_master_ident ident; + struct hci_conn *hcon = conn->hcon; + u8 authenticated; __le16 ediv; get_random_bytes(enc.ltk, sizeof(enc.ltk)); @@ -941,8 +951,10 @@ int smp_distribute_keys(struct l2cap_conn *conn, __u8 force) smp_send_cmd(conn, SMP_CMD_ENCRYPT_INFO, sizeof(enc), &enc); - hci_add_ltk(conn->hcon->hdev, 1, conn->dst, smp->smp_key_size, - ediv, ident.rand, enc.ltk); + authenticated = hcon->sec_level == BT_SECURITY_HIGH; + hci_add_ltk(conn->hcon->hdev, conn->dst, hcon->dst_type, + HCI_SMP_LTK_SLAVE, 1, authenticated, + enc.ltk, smp->enc_key_size, ediv, ident.rand); ident.ediv = cpu_to_le16(ediv); @@ -982,7 +994,7 @@ int smp_distribute_keys(struct l2cap_conn *conn, __u8 force) } if (conn->hcon->out || force) { - clear_bit(HCI_CONN_LE_SMP_PEND, &conn->hcon->pend); + clear_bit(HCI_CONN_LE_SMP_PEND, &conn->hcon->flags); cancel_delayed_work_sync(&conn->security_timer); smp_chan_destroy(conn); } diff --git a/net/bridge/br_device.c b/net/bridge/br_device.c index 71773b014e0ce5a05db8c3acdaa2d0b680314415..ba829de84423e24cf05a1ccb1e73009669281bd9 100644 --- a/net/bridge/br_device.c +++ b/net/bridge/br_device.c @@ -167,10 +167,11 @@ static int br_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *p) struct sockaddr *addr = p; if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) - return -EINVAL; + return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; spin_lock_bh(&br->lock); if (compare_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data)) { + dev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, ETH_ALEN); br_fdb_change_mac_address(br, addr->sa_data); br_stp_change_bridge_id(br, addr->sa_data); @@ -334,7 +335,7 @@ void br_dev_setup(struct net_device *dev) { struct net_bridge *br = netdev_priv(dev); - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); ether_setup(dev); dev->netdev_ops = &br_netdev_ops; diff --git a/net/caif/caif_dev.c b/net/caif/caif_dev.c index 82c57069415fe6644b1c64eff665846b87c63f7a..aa6f716524fd3c0aecbeb0b9393f84df2c8046de 100644 --- a/net/caif/caif_dev.c +++ b/net/caif/caif_dev.c @@ -162,7 +162,6 @@ void caif_flow_cb(struct sk_buff *skb) static int transmit(struct cflayer *layer, struct cfpkt *pkt) { int err, high = 0, qlen = 0; - struct caif_dev_common *caifdev; struct caif_device_entry *caifd = container_of(layer, struct caif_device_entry, layer); struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -174,7 +173,6 @@ static int transmit(struct cflayer *layer, struct cfpkt *pkt) skb->dev = caifd->netdev; skb_reset_network_header(skb); skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_CAIF); - caifdev = netdev_priv(caifd->netdev); /* Check if we need to handle xoff */ if (likely(caifd->netdev->tx_queue_len == 0)) diff --git a/net/caif/caif_socket.c b/net/caif/caif_socket.c index a97d97a3a512706a2e37ecf873407f9b87482409..5016fa57b6231742112083fa06eaf383e7a60154 100644 --- a/net/caif/caif_socket.c +++ b/net/caif/caif_socket.c @@ -43,34 +43,9 @@ enum caif_states { #define TX_FLOW_ON_BIT 1 #define RX_FLOW_ON_BIT 2 -static struct dentry *debugfsdir; - -#ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_FS -struct debug_fs_counter { - atomic_t caif_nr_socks; - atomic_t caif_sock_create; - atomic_t num_connect_req; - atomic_t num_connect_resp; - atomic_t num_connect_fail_resp; - atomic_t num_disconnect; - atomic_t num_remote_shutdown_ind; - atomic_t num_tx_flow_off_ind; - atomic_t num_tx_flow_on_ind; - atomic_t num_rx_flow_off; - atomic_t num_rx_flow_on; -}; -static struct debug_fs_counter cnt; -#define dbfs_atomic_inc(v) atomic_inc_return(v) -#define dbfs_atomic_dec(v) atomic_dec_return(v) -#else -#define dbfs_atomic_inc(v) 0 -#define dbfs_atomic_dec(v) 0 -#endif - struct caifsock { struct sock sk; /* must be first member */ struct cflayer layer; - char name[CAIF_LAYER_NAME_SZ]; /* Used for debugging */ u32 flow_state; struct caif_connect_request conn_req; struct mutex readlock; @@ -161,7 +136,6 @@ static int caif_queue_rcv_skb(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) atomic_read(&cf_sk->sk.sk_rmem_alloc), sk_rcvbuf_lowwater(cf_sk)); set_rx_flow_off(cf_sk); - dbfs_atomic_inc(&cnt.num_rx_flow_off); caif_flow_ctrl(sk, CAIF_MODEMCMD_FLOW_OFF_REQ); } @@ -172,7 +146,6 @@ static int caif_queue_rcv_skb(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) set_rx_flow_off(cf_sk); if (net_ratelimit()) pr_debug("sending flow OFF due to rmem_schedule\n"); - dbfs_atomic_inc(&cnt.num_rx_flow_off); caif_flow_ctrl(sk, CAIF_MODEMCMD_FLOW_OFF_REQ); } skb->dev = NULL; @@ -233,14 +206,12 @@ static void caif_ctrl_cb(struct cflayer *layr, switch (flow) { case CAIF_CTRLCMD_FLOW_ON_IND: /* OK from modem to start sending again */ - dbfs_atomic_inc(&cnt.num_tx_flow_on_ind); set_tx_flow_on(cf_sk); cf_sk->sk.sk_state_change(&cf_sk->sk); break; case CAIF_CTRLCMD_FLOW_OFF_IND: /* Modem asks us to shut up */ - dbfs_atomic_inc(&cnt.num_tx_flow_off_ind); set_tx_flow_off(cf_sk); cf_sk->sk.sk_state_change(&cf_sk->sk); break; @@ -249,7 +220,6 @@ static void caif_ctrl_cb(struct cflayer *layr, /* We're now connected */ caif_client_register_refcnt(&cf_sk->layer, cfsk_hold, cfsk_put); - dbfs_atomic_inc(&cnt.num_connect_resp); cf_sk->sk.sk_state = CAIF_CONNECTED; set_tx_flow_on(cf_sk); cf_sk->sk.sk_state_change(&cf_sk->sk); @@ -263,7 +233,6 @@ static void caif_ctrl_cb(struct cflayer *layr, case CAIF_CTRLCMD_INIT_FAIL_RSP: /* Connect request failed */ - dbfs_atomic_inc(&cnt.num_connect_fail_resp); cf_sk->sk.sk_err = ECONNREFUSED; cf_sk->sk.sk_state = CAIF_DISCONNECTED; cf_sk->sk.sk_shutdown = SHUTDOWN_MASK; @@ -277,7 +246,6 @@ static void caif_ctrl_cb(struct cflayer *layr, case CAIF_CTRLCMD_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_IND: /* Modem has closed this connection, or device is down. */ - dbfs_atomic_inc(&cnt.num_remote_shutdown_ind); cf_sk->sk.sk_shutdown = SHUTDOWN_MASK; cf_sk->sk.sk_err = ECONNRESET; set_rx_flow_on(cf_sk); @@ -297,7 +265,6 @@ static void caif_check_flow_release(struct sock *sk) return; if (atomic_read(&sk->sk_rmem_alloc) <= sk_rcvbuf_lowwater(cf_sk)) { - dbfs_atomic_inc(&cnt.num_rx_flow_on); set_rx_flow_on(cf_sk); caif_flow_ctrl(sk, CAIF_MODEMCMD_FLOW_ON_REQ); } @@ -856,7 +823,6 @@ static int caif_connect(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *uaddr, /*ifindex = id of the interface.*/ cf_sk->conn_req.ifindex = cf_sk->sk.sk_bound_dev_if; - dbfs_atomic_inc(&cnt.num_connect_req); cf_sk->layer.receive = caif_sktrecv_cb; err = caif_connect_client(sock_net(sk), &cf_sk->conn_req, @@ -945,8 +911,6 @@ static int caif_release(struct socket *sock) spin_unlock_bh(&sk->sk_receive_queue.lock); sock->sk = NULL; - dbfs_atomic_inc(&cnt.num_disconnect); - WARN_ON(IS_ERR(cf_sk->debugfs_socket_dir)); if (cf_sk->debugfs_socket_dir != NULL) debugfs_remove_recursive(cf_sk->debugfs_socket_dir); @@ -1054,14 +1018,12 @@ static void caif_sock_destructor(struct sock *sk) return; } sk_stream_kill_queues(&cf_sk->sk); - dbfs_atomic_dec(&cnt.caif_nr_socks); caif_free_client(&cf_sk->layer); } static int caif_create(struct net *net, struct socket *sock, int protocol, int kern) { - int num; struct sock *sk = NULL; struct caifsock *cf_sk = NULL; static struct proto prot = {.name = "PF_CAIF", @@ -1122,34 +1084,6 @@ static int caif_create(struct net *net, struct socket *sock, int protocol, cf_sk->sk.sk_priority = CAIF_PRIO_NORMAL; cf_sk->conn_req.link_selector = CAIF_LINK_LOW_LATENCY; cf_sk->conn_req.protocol = protocol; - /* Increase the number of sockets created. */ - dbfs_atomic_inc(&cnt.caif_nr_socks); - num = dbfs_atomic_inc(&cnt.caif_sock_create); -#ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_FS - if (!IS_ERR(debugfsdir)) { - - /* Fill in some information concerning the misc socket. */ - snprintf(cf_sk->name, sizeof(cf_sk->name), "cfsk%d", num); - - cf_sk->debugfs_socket_dir = - debugfs_create_dir(cf_sk->name, debugfsdir); - - debugfs_create_u32("sk_state", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, - cf_sk->debugfs_socket_dir, - (u32 *) &cf_sk->sk.sk_state); - debugfs_create_u32("flow_state", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, - cf_sk->debugfs_socket_dir, &cf_sk->flow_state); - debugfs_create_u32("sk_rmem_alloc", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, - cf_sk->debugfs_socket_dir, - (u32 *) &cf_sk->sk.sk_rmem_alloc); - debugfs_create_u32("sk_wmem_alloc", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, - cf_sk->debugfs_socket_dir, - (u32 *) &cf_sk->sk.sk_wmem_alloc); - debugfs_create_u32("identity", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, - cf_sk->debugfs_socket_dir, - (u32 *) &cf_sk->layer.id); - } -#endif release_sock(&cf_sk->sk); return 0; } @@ -1161,7 +1095,7 @@ static struct net_proto_family caif_family_ops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, }; -static int af_caif_init(void) +static int __init caif_sktinit_module(void) { int err = sock_register(&caif_family_ops); if (!err) @@ -1169,54 +1103,9 @@ static int af_caif_init(void) return 0; } -static int __init caif_sktinit_module(void) -{ -#ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_FS - debugfsdir = debugfs_create_dir("caif_sk", NULL); - if (!IS_ERR(debugfsdir)) { - debugfs_create_u32("num_sockets", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, - debugfsdir, - (u32 *) &cnt.caif_nr_socks); - debugfs_create_u32("num_create", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, - debugfsdir, - (u32 *) &cnt.caif_sock_create); - debugfs_create_u32("num_connect_req", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, - debugfsdir, - (u32 *) &cnt.num_connect_req); - debugfs_create_u32("num_connect_resp", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, - debugfsdir, - (u32 *) &cnt.num_connect_resp); - debugfs_create_u32("num_connect_fail_resp", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, - debugfsdir, - (u32 *) &cnt.num_connect_fail_resp); - debugfs_create_u32("num_disconnect", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, - debugfsdir, - (u32 *) &cnt.num_disconnect); - debugfs_create_u32("num_remote_shutdown_ind", - S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, debugfsdir, - (u32 *) &cnt.num_remote_shutdown_ind); - debugfs_create_u32("num_tx_flow_off_ind", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, - debugfsdir, - (u32 *) &cnt.num_tx_flow_off_ind); - debugfs_create_u32("num_tx_flow_on_ind", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, - debugfsdir, - (u32 *) &cnt.num_tx_flow_on_ind); - debugfs_create_u32("num_rx_flow_off", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, - debugfsdir, - (u32 *) &cnt.num_rx_flow_off); - debugfs_create_u32("num_rx_flow_on", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, - debugfsdir, - (u32 *) &cnt.num_rx_flow_on); - } -#endif - return af_caif_init(); -} - static void __exit caif_sktexit_module(void) { sock_unregister(PF_CAIF); - if (debugfsdir != NULL) - debugfs_remove_recursive(debugfsdir); } module_init(caif_sktinit_module); module_exit(caif_sktexit_module); diff --git a/net/caif/cfdbgl.c b/net/caif/cfdbgl.c index 65d6ef3cf9aab24d4df6af935f61a014d356e85f..2914659eb9b2aa96e011b43a515306334bab43de 100644 --- a/net/caif/cfdbgl.c +++ b/net/caif/cfdbgl.c @@ -41,8 +41,10 @@ static int cfdbgl_transmit(struct cflayer *layr, struct cfpkt *pkt) struct caif_payload_info *info; int ret; - if (!cfsrvl_ready(service, &ret)) + if (!cfsrvl_ready(service, &ret)) { + cfpkt_destroy(pkt); return ret; + } /* Add info for MUX-layer to route the packet out */ info = cfpkt_info(pkt); diff --git a/net/caif/cfdgml.c b/net/caif/cfdgml.c index 0f5ff27aa41ca133550d5bb3ed7ec160d6c2a586..a63f4a5f5aff6e89f4b37365d05556bc6bd99e01 100644 --- a/net/caif/cfdgml.c +++ b/net/caif/cfdgml.c @@ -86,12 +86,17 @@ static int cfdgml_transmit(struct cflayer *layr, struct cfpkt *pkt) struct caif_payload_info *info; struct cfsrvl *service = container_obj(layr); int ret; - if (!cfsrvl_ready(service, &ret)) + + if (!cfsrvl_ready(service, &ret)) { + cfpkt_destroy(pkt); return ret; + } /* STE Modem cannot handle more than 1500 bytes datagrams */ - if (cfpkt_getlen(pkt) > DGM_MTU) + if (cfpkt_getlen(pkt) > DGM_MTU) { + cfpkt_destroy(pkt); return -EMSGSIZE; + } cfpkt_add_head(pkt, &zero, 3); packet_type = 0x08; /* B9 set - UNCLASSIFIED */ diff --git a/net/caif/cfrfml.c b/net/caif/cfrfml.c index 6dc75d4f8d942a183123b8720fdfe42c1e42888d..2b563ad04597de1b049e8d52c4944d9ed48b5da3 100644 --- a/net/caif/cfrfml.c +++ b/net/caif/cfrfml.c @@ -184,6 +184,11 @@ static int cfrfml_receive(struct cflayer *layr, struct cfpkt *pkt) rfml->serv.dev_info.id); } spin_unlock(&rfml->sync); + + if (unlikely(err == -EAGAIN)) + /* It is not possible to recover after drop of a fragment */ + err = -EIO; + return err; } @@ -218,7 +223,7 @@ static int cfrfml_transmit(struct cflayer *layr, struct cfpkt *pkt) caif_assert(layr->dn->transmit != NULL); if (!cfsrvl_ready(&rfml->serv, &err)) - return err; + goto out; err = -EPROTO; if (cfpkt_getlen(pkt) <= RFM_HEAD_SIZE-1) @@ -251,8 +256,11 @@ static int cfrfml_transmit(struct cflayer *layr, struct cfpkt *pkt) err = cfrfml_transmit_segment(rfml, frontpkt); - if (err != 0) + if (err != 0) { + frontpkt = NULL; goto out; + } + frontpkt = rearpkt; rearpkt = NULL; @@ -286,19 +294,8 @@ static int cfrfml_transmit(struct cflayer *layr, struct cfpkt *pkt) if (rearpkt) cfpkt_destroy(rearpkt); - if (frontpkt && frontpkt != pkt) { - + if (frontpkt) cfpkt_destroy(frontpkt); - /* - * Socket layer will free the original packet, - * but this packet may already be sent and - * freed. So we have to return 0 in this case - * to avoid socket layer to re-free this packet. - * The return of shutdown indication will - * cause connection to be invalidated anyhow. - */ - err = 0; - } } return err; diff --git a/net/caif/cfsrvl.c b/net/caif/cfsrvl.c index b99f5b22689dd333f4f83a7d68dba39e798a5789..4aa33d4496b681af783b1da932ee7e3c565b2ed6 100644 --- a/net/caif/cfsrvl.c +++ b/net/caif/cfsrvl.c @@ -174,15 +174,11 @@ void cfsrvl_init(struct cfsrvl *service, bool cfsrvl_ready(struct cfsrvl *service, int *err) { - if (service->open && service->modem_flow_on && service->phy_flow_on) - return true; if (!service->open) { *err = -ENOTCONN; return false; } - caif_assert(!(service->modem_flow_on && service->phy_flow_on)); - *err = -EAGAIN; - return false; + return true; } u8 cfsrvl_getphyid(struct cflayer *layer) diff --git a/net/caif/cfutill.c b/net/caif/cfutill.c index 53e49f3e3af3c5078fab927b461d8e1427fd975d..86d2dadb4b737d9c8ec2fae9f5d677e084ccd748 100644 --- a/net/caif/cfutill.c +++ b/net/caif/cfutill.c @@ -84,8 +84,11 @@ static int cfutill_transmit(struct cflayer *layr, struct cfpkt *pkt) caif_assert(layr != NULL); caif_assert(layr->dn != NULL); caif_assert(layr->dn->transmit != NULL); - if (!cfsrvl_ready(service, &ret)) + + if (!cfsrvl_ready(service, &ret)) { + cfpkt_destroy(pkt); return ret; + } cfpkt_add_head(pkt, &zero, 1); /* Add info for MUX-layer to route the packet out. */ diff --git a/net/caif/cfvidl.c b/net/caif/cfvidl.c index e3f37db40ac39df501abc1e717d7e06a9a932b64..a8e2a2d758a5a773ff64dfa72a76bf9ef83bb503 100644 --- a/net/caif/cfvidl.c +++ b/net/caif/cfvidl.c @@ -50,8 +50,12 @@ static int cfvidl_transmit(struct cflayer *layr, struct cfpkt *pkt) struct caif_payload_info *info; u32 videoheader = 0; int ret; - if (!cfsrvl_ready(service, &ret)) + + if (!cfsrvl_ready(service, &ret)) { + cfpkt_destroy(pkt); return ret; + } + cfpkt_add_head(pkt, &videoheader, 4); /* Add info for MUX-layer to route the packet out */ info = cfpkt_info(pkt); diff --git a/net/caif/chnl_net.c b/net/caif/chnl_net.c index 865690948bbc7da373cbb12a3abd6c787cb1b7cb..20618dd3088b79e0f1528436c7b1c9359f9c9cd6 100644 --- a/net/caif/chnl_net.c +++ b/net/caif/chnl_net.c @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ /* 5 sec. connect timeout */ #define CONNECT_TIMEOUT (5 * HZ) #define CAIF_NET_DEFAULT_QUEUE_LEN 500 +#define UNDEF_CONNID 0xffffffff /*This list is protected by the rtnl lock. */ static LIST_HEAD(chnl_net_list); @@ -72,14 +73,12 @@ static void robust_list_del(struct list_head *delete_node) static int chnl_recv_cb(struct cflayer *layr, struct cfpkt *pkt) { struct sk_buff *skb; - struct chnl_net *priv = container_of(layr, struct chnl_net, chnl); + struct chnl_net *priv; int pktlen; - int err = 0; const u8 *ip_version; u8 buf; priv = container_of(layr, struct chnl_net, chnl); - if (!priv) return -EINVAL; @@ -95,8 +94,7 @@ static int chnl_recv_cb(struct cflayer *layr, struct cfpkt *pkt) /* check the version of IP */ ip_version = skb_header_pointer(skb, 0, 1, &buf); - if (!ip_version) - return -EINVAL; + switch (*ip_version >> 4) { case 4: skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IP); @@ -105,6 +103,7 @@ static int chnl_recv_cb(struct cflayer *layr, struct cfpkt *pkt) skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IPV6); break; default: + priv->netdev->stats.rx_errors++; return -EINVAL; } @@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ static int chnl_recv_cb(struct cflayer *layr, struct cfpkt *pkt) priv->netdev->stats.rx_packets++; priv->netdev->stats.rx_bytes += pktlen; - return err; + return 0; } static int delete_device(struct chnl_net *dev) @@ -221,11 +220,13 @@ static int chnl_net_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) if (skb->len > priv->netdev->mtu) { pr_warn("Size of skb exceeded MTU\n"); + dev->stats.tx_errors++; return -ENOSPC; } if (!priv->flowenabled) { pr_debug("dropping packets flow off\n"); + dev->stats.tx_dropped++; return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; } @@ -240,8 +241,7 @@ static int chnl_net_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) /* Send the packet down the stack. */ result = priv->chnl.dn->transmit(priv->chnl.dn, pkt); if (result) { - if (result == -EAGAIN) - result = NETDEV_TX_BUSY; + dev->stats.tx_dropped++; return result; } @@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ static void ipcaif_net_setup(struct net_device *dev) priv->conn_req.link_selector = CAIF_LINK_HIGH_BANDW; priv->conn_req.priority = CAIF_PRIO_LOW; /* Insert illegal value */ - priv->conn_req.sockaddr.u.dgm.connection_id = 0; + priv->conn_req.sockaddr.u.dgm.connection_id = UNDEF_CONNID; priv->flowenabled = false; init_waitqueue_head(&priv->netmgmt_wq); @@ -472,9 +472,11 @@ static int ipcaif_newlink(struct net *src_net, struct net_device *dev, else list_add(&caifdev->list_field, &chnl_net_list); - /* Take ifindex as connection-id if null */ - if (caifdev->conn_req.sockaddr.u.dgm.connection_id == 0) + /* Use ifindex as connection id, and use loopback channel default. */ + if (caifdev->conn_req.sockaddr.u.dgm.connection_id == UNDEF_CONNID) { caifdev->conn_req.sockaddr.u.dgm.connection_id = dev->ifindex; + caifdev->conn_req.protocol = CAIFPROTO_DATAGRAM_LOOP; + } return ret; } diff --git a/net/compat.c b/net/compat.c index 6def90e0a1124b6772c480d099e7f6a505ba82f8..64b4515a64e6e7e6002b0f923b8ef3902406854f 100644 --- a/net/compat.c +++ b/net/compat.c @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ int get_compat_msghdr(struct msghdr *kmsg, struct compat_msghdr __user *umsg) /* I've named the args so it is easy to tell whose space the pointers are in. */ int verify_compat_iovec(struct msghdr *kern_msg, struct iovec *kern_iov, - struct sockaddr *kern_address, int mode) + struct sockaddr_storage *kern_address, int mode) { int tot_len; diff --git a/net/core/datagram.c b/net/core/datagram.c index 68bbf9f65cb08fac1ffc5a81cb6d69e76d631fae..d3cf12f62c8f213fc2c2a33797c1749f1d18be88 100644 --- a/net/core/datagram.c +++ b/net/core/datagram.c @@ -132,6 +132,8 @@ static int wait_for_packet(struct sock *sk, int *err, long *timeo_p) * __skb_recv_datagram - Receive a datagram skbuff * @sk: socket * @flags: MSG_ flags + * @off: an offset in bytes to peek skb from. Returns an offset + * within an skb where data actually starts * @peeked: returns non-zero if this packet has been seen before * @err: error code returned * @@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ static int wait_for_packet(struct sock *sk, int *err, long *timeo_p) * the standard around please. */ struct sk_buff *__skb_recv_datagram(struct sock *sk, unsigned flags, - int *peeked, int *err) + int *peeked, int *off, int *err) { struct sk_buff *skb; long timeo; @@ -180,21 +182,25 @@ struct sk_buff *__skb_recv_datagram(struct sock *sk, unsigned flags, * However, this function was correct in any case. 8) */ unsigned long cpu_flags; + struct sk_buff_head *queue = &sk->sk_receive_queue; - spin_lock_irqsave(&sk->sk_receive_queue.lock, cpu_flags); - skb = skb_peek(&sk->sk_receive_queue); - if (skb) { + spin_lock_irqsave(&queue->lock, cpu_flags); + skb_queue_walk(queue, skb) { *peeked = skb->peeked; if (flags & MSG_PEEK) { + if (*off >= skb->len) { + *off -= skb->len; + continue; + } skb->peeked = 1; atomic_inc(&skb->users); } else - __skb_unlink(skb, &sk->sk_receive_queue); - } - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sk->sk_receive_queue.lock, cpu_flags); + __skb_unlink(skb, queue); - if (skb) + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&queue->lock, cpu_flags); return skb; + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&queue->lock, cpu_flags); /* User doesn't want to wait */ error = -EAGAIN; @@ -214,10 +220,10 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(__skb_recv_datagram); struct sk_buff *skb_recv_datagram(struct sock *sk, unsigned flags, int noblock, int *err) { - int peeked; + int peeked, off = 0; return __skb_recv_datagram(sk, flags | (noblock ? MSG_DONTWAIT : 0), - &peeked, err); + &peeked, &off, err); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(skb_recv_datagram); diff --git a/net/core/dev.c b/net/core/dev.c index 6982bfd6a781b1e650281ad442cd80fa8f23ce51..0f3eb7d79a2da7ae3ea9102b5f9b1501c1b6690b 100644 --- a/net/core/dev.c +++ b/net/core/dev.c @@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ void __dev_remove_pack(struct packet_type *pt) } } - printk(KERN_WARNING "dev_remove_pack: %p not found.\n", pt); + pr_warn("dev_remove_pack: %p not found\n", pt); out: spin_unlock(&ptype_lock); } @@ -848,21 +848,21 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_get_by_flags_rcu); * to allow sysfs to work. We also disallow any kind of * whitespace. */ -int dev_valid_name(const char *name) +bool dev_valid_name(const char *name) { if (*name == '\0') - return 0; + return false; if (strlen(name) >= IFNAMSIZ) - return 0; + return false; if (!strcmp(name, ".") || !strcmp(name, "..")) - return 0; + return false; while (*name) { if (*name == '/' || isspace(*name)) - return 0; + return false; name++; } - return 1; + return true; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_valid_name); @@ -1039,8 +1039,7 @@ int dev_change_name(struct net_device *dev, const char *newname) memcpy(dev->name, oldname, IFNAMSIZ); goto rollback; } else { - printk(KERN_ERR - "%s: name change rollback failed: %d.\n", + pr_err("%s: name change rollback failed: %d\n", dev->name, ret); } } @@ -1139,9 +1138,8 @@ void dev_load(struct net *net, const char *name) no_module = request_module("netdev-%s", name); if (no_module && capable(CAP_SYS_MODULE)) { if (!request_module("%s", name)) - pr_err("Loading kernel module for a network device " -"with CAP_SYS_MODULE (deprecated). Use CAP_NET_ADMIN and alias netdev-%s " -"instead\n", name); + pr_err("Loading kernel module for a network device with CAP_SYS_MODULE (deprecated). Use CAP_NET_ADMIN and alias netdev-%s instead.\n", + name); } } EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_load); @@ -1655,10 +1653,9 @@ static void dev_queue_xmit_nit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) if (skb_network_header(skb2) < skb2->data || skb2->network_header > skb2->tail) { if (net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_CRIT "protocol %04x is " - "buggy, dev %s\n", - ntohs(skb2->protocol), - dev->name); + pr_crit("protocol %04x is buggy, dev %s\n", + ntohs(skb2->protocol), + dev->name); skb_reset_network_header(skb2); } @@ -1691,9 +1688,7 @@ static void netif_setup_tc(struct net_device *dev, unsigned int txq) /* If TC0 is invalidated disable TC mapping */ if (tc->offset + tc->count > txq) { - pr_warning("Number of in use tx queues changed " - "invalidating tc mappings. Priority " - "traffic classification disabled!\n"); + pr_warn("Number of in use tx queues changed invalidating tc mappings. Priority traffic classification disabled!\n"); dev->num_tc = 0; return; } @@ -1704,11 +1699,8 @@ static void netif_setup_tc(struct net_device *dev, unsigned int txq) tc = &dev->tc_to_txq[q]; if (tc->offset + tc->count > txq) { - pr_warning("Number of in use tx queues " - "changed. Priority %i to tc " - "mapping %i is no longer valid " - "setting map to 0\n", - i, q); + pr_warn("Number of in use tx queues changed. Priority %i to tc mapping %i is no longer valid. Setting map to 0\n", + i, q); netdev_set_prio_tc_map(dev, i, 0); } } @@ -2014,8 +2006,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(skb_gso_segment); void netdev_rx_csum_fault(struct net_device *dev) { if (net_ratelimit()) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: hw csum failure.\n", - dev ? dev->name : ""); + pr_err("%s: hw csum failure\n", dev ? dev->name : ""); dump_stack(); } } @@ -2332,9 +2323,9 @@ static inline u16 dev_cap_txqueue(struct net_device *dev, u16 queue_index) { if (unlikely(queue_index >= dev->real_num_tx_queues)) { if (net_ratelimit()) { - pr_warning("%s selects TX queue %d, but " - "real number of TX queues is %d\n", - dev->name, queue_index, dev->real_num_tx_queues); + pr_warn("%s selects TX queue %d, but real number of TX queues is %d\n", + dev->name, queue_index, + dev->real_num_tx_queues); } return 0; } @@ -2578,16 +2569,16 @@ int dev_queue_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb) } HARD_TX_UNLOCK(dev, txq); if (net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_CRIT "Virtual device %s asks to " - "queue packet!\n", dev->name); + pr_crit("Virtual device %s asks to queue packet!\n", + dev->name); } else { /* Recursion is detected! It is possible, * unfortunately */ recursion_alert: if (net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_CRIT "Dead loop on virtual device " - "%s, fix it urgently!\n", dev->name); + pr_crit("Dead loop on virtual device %s, fix it urgently!\n", + dev->name); } } @@ -3069,8 +3060,8 @@ static int ing_filter(struct sk_buff *skb, struct netdev_queue *rxq) if (unlikely(MAX_RED_LOOP < ttl++)) { if (net_ratelimit()) - pr_warning( "Redir loop detected Dropping packet (%d->%d)\n", - skb->skb_iif, dev->ifindex); + pr_warn("Redir loop detected Dropping packet (%d->%d)\n", + skb->skb_iif, dev->ifindex); return TC_ACT_SHOT; } @@ -4497,16 +4488,15 @@ static int __dev_set_promiscuity(struct net_device *dev, int inc) dev->flags &= ~IFF_PROMISC; else { dev->promiscuity -= inc; - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: promiscuity touches roof, " - "set promiscuity failed, promiscuity feature " - "of device might be broken.\n", dev->name); + pr_warn("%s: promiscuity touches roof, set promiscuity failed. promiscuity feature of device might be broken.\n", + dev->name); return -EOVERFLOW; } } if (dev->flags != old_flags) { - printk(KERN_INFO "device %s %s promiscuous mode\n", - dev->name, (dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC) ? "entered" : - "left"); + pr_info("device %s %s promiscuous mode\n", + dev->name, + dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC ? "entered" : "left"); if (audit_enabled) { current_uid_gid(&uid, &gid); audit_log(current->audit_context, GFP_ATOMIC, @@ -4579,9 +4569,8 @@ int dev_set_allmulti(struct net_device *dev, int inc) dev->flags &= ~IFF_ALLMULTI; else { dev->allmulti -= inc; - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: allmulti touches roof, " - "set allmulti failed, allmulti feature of " - "device might be broken.\n", dev->name); + pr_warn("%s: allmulti touches roof, set allmulti failed. allmulti feature of device might be broken.\n", + dev->name); return -EOVERFLOW; } } @@ -5238,8 +5227,8 @@ static void rollback_registered_many(struct list_head *head) * devices and proceed with the remaining. */ if (dev->reg_state == NETREG_UNINITIALIZED) { - pr_debug("unregister_netdevice: device %s/%p never " - "was registered\n", dev->name, dev); + pr_debug("unregister_netdevice: device %s/%p never was registered\n", + dev->name, dev); WARN_ON(1); list_del(&dev->unreg_list); @@ -5471,7 +5460,7 @@ static int netif_alloc_rx_queues(struct net_device *dev) rx = kcalloc(count, sizeof(struct netdev_rx_queue), GFP_KERNEL); if (!rx) { - pr_err("netdev: Unable to allocate %u rx queues.\n", count); + pr_err("netdev: Unable to allocate %u rx queues\n", count); return -ENOMEM; } dev->_rx = rx; @@ -5505,8 +5494,7 @@ static int netif_alloc_netdev_queues(struct net_device *dev) tx = kcalloc(count, sizeof(struct netdev_queue), GFP_KERNEL); if (!tx) { - pr_err("netdev: Unable to allocate %u tx queues.\n", - count); + pr_err("netdev: Unable to allocate %u tx queues\n", count); return -ENOMEM; } dev->_tx = tx; @@ -5765,10 +5753,8 @@ static void netdev_wait_allrefs(struct net_device *dev) refcnt = netdev_refcnt_read(dev); if (time_after(jiffies, warning_time + 10 * HZ)) { - printk(KERN_EMERG "unregister_netdevice: " - "waiting for %s to become free. Usage " - "count = %d\n", - dev->name, refcnt); + pr_emerg("unregister_netdevice: waiting for %s to become free. Usage count = %d\n", + dev->name, refcnt); warning_time = jiffies; } } @@ -5819,7 +5805,7 @@ void netdev_run_todo(void) list_del(&dev->todo_list); if (unlikely(dev->reg_state != NETREG_UNREGISTERING)) { - printk(KERN_ERR "network todo '%s' but state %d\n", + pr_err("network todo '%s' but state %d\n", dev->name, dev->reg_state); dump_stack(); continue; @@ -5848,12 +5834,12 @@ void netdev_run_todo(void) /* Convert net_device_stats to rtnl_link_stats64. They have the same * fields in the same order, with only the type differing. */ -static void netdev_stats_to_stats64(struct rtnl_link_stats64 *stats64, - const struct net_device_stats *netdev_stats) +void netdev_stats_to_stats64(struct rtnl_link_stats64 *stats64, + const struct net_device_stats *netdev_stats) { #if BITS_PER_LONG == 64 - BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(*stats64) != sizeof(*netdev_stats)); - memcpy(stats64, netdev_stats, sizeof(*stats64)); + BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(*stats64) != sizeof(*netdev_stats)); + memcpy(stats64, netdev_stats, sizeof(*stats64)); #else size_t i, n = sizeof(*stats64) / sizeof(u64); const unsigned long *src = (const unsigned long *)netdev_stats; @@ -5865,6 +5851,7 @@ static void netdev_stats_to_stats64(struct rtnl_link_stats64 *stats64, dst[i] = src[i]; #endif } +EXPORT_SYMBOL(netdev_stats_to_stats64); /** * dev_get_stats - get network device statistics @@ -5935,15 +5922,13 @@ struct net_device *alloc_netdev_mqs(int sizeof_priv, const char *name, BUG_ON(strlen(name) >= sizeof(dev->name)); if (txqs < 1) { - pr_err("alloc_netdev: Unable to allocate device " - "with zero queues.\n"); + pr_err("alloc_netdev: Unable to allocate device with zero queues\n"); return NULL; } #ifdef CONFIG_RPS if (rxqs < 1) { - pr_err("alloc_netdev: Unable to allocate device " - "with zero RX queues.\n"); + pr_err("alloc_netdev: Unable to allocate device with zero RX queues\n"); return NULL; } #endif @@ -5959,7 +5944,7 @@ struct net_device *alloc_netdev_mqs(int sizeof_priv, const char *name, p = kzalloc(alloc_size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!p) { - printk(KERN_ERR "alloc_netdev: Unable to allocate device.\n"); + pr_err("alloc_netdev: Unable to allocate device\n"); return NULL; } @@ -6492,8 +6477,8 @@ static void __net_exit default_device_exit(struct net *net) snprintf(fb_name, IFNAMSIZ, "dev%d", dev->ifindex); err = dev_change_net_namespace(dev, &init_net, fb_name); if (err) { - printk(KERN_EMERG "%s: failed to move %s to init_net: %d\n", - __func__, dev->name, err); + pr_emerg("%s: failed to move %s to init_net: %d\n", + __func__, dev->name, err); BUG(); } } diff --git a/net/core/ethtool.c b/net/core/ethtool.c index 3f79db1b612a6f1042c3eb0e98e980c62e8d2c02..6d6d7d25caaa30319870c6b1d62b38eb8972e543 100644 --- a/net/core/ethtool.c +++ b/net/core/ethtool.c @@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ static const char netdev_features_strings[NETDEV_FEATURE_COUNT][ETH_GSTRING_LEN] [NETIF_F_RXCSUM_BIT] = "rx-checksum", [NETIF_F_NOCACHE_COPY_BIT] = "tx-nocache-copy", [NETIF_F_LOOPBACK_BIT] = "loopback", + [NETIF_F_RXFCS_BIT] = "rx-fcs", + [NETIF_F_RXALL_BIT] = "rx-all", }; static int ethtool_get_features(struct net_device *dev, void __user *useraddr) diff --git a/net/core/iovec.c b/net/core/iovec.c index c40f27e7d2089f713f5e2dac80d0940a7095156a..7e7aeb01de45cf3236469d7f62b51254b73abac4 100644 --- a/net/core/iovec.c +++ b/net/core/iovec.c @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ * in any case. */ -int verify_iovec(struct msghdr *m, struct iovec *iov, struct sockaddr *address, int mode) +int verify_iovec(struct msghdr *m, struct iovec *iov, struct sockaddr_storage *address, int mode) { int size, ct, err; diff --git a/net/core/neighbour.c b/net/core/neighbour.c index 2a83914b027743fbf047aae18315ab0197bc6e0c..0a68045782d18a635d8071a8ce673f4d1dd95379 100644 --- a/net/core/neighbour.c +++ b/net/core/neighbour.c @@ -2167,6 +2167,35 @@ static int neigh_fill_info(struct sk_buff *skb, struct neighbour *neigh, return -EMSGSIZE; } +static int pneigh_fill_info(struct sk_buff *skb, struct pneigh_entry *pn, + u32 pid, u32 seq, int type, unsigned int flags, + struct neigh_table *tbl) +{ + struct nlmsghdr *nlh; + struct ndmsg *ndm; + + nlh = nlmsg_put(skb, pid, seq, type, sizeof(*ndm), flags); + if (nlh == NULL) + return -EMSGSIZE; + + ndm = nlmsg_data(nlh); + ndm->ndm_family = tbl->family; + ndm->ndm_pad1 = 0; + ndm->ndm_pad2 = 0; + ndm->ndm_flags = pn->flags | NTF_PROXY; + ndm->ndm_type = NDA_DST; + ndm->ndm_ifindex = pn->dev->ifindex; + ndm->ndm_state = NUD_NONE; + + NLA_PUT(skb, NDA_DST, tbl->key_len, pn->key); + + return nlmsg_end(skb, nlh); + +nla_put_failure: + nlmsg_cancel(skb, nlh); + return -EMSGSIZE; +} + static void neigh_update_notify(struct neighbour *neigh) { call_netevent_notifiers(NETEVENT_NEIGH_UPDATE, neigh); @@ -2216,23 +2245,78 @@ static int neigh_dump_table(struct neigh_table *tbl, struct sk_buff *skb, return rc; } +static int pneigh_dump_table(struct neigh_table *tbl, struct sk_buff *skb, + struct netlink_callback *cb) +{ + struct pneigh_entry *n; + struct net *net = sock_net(skb->sk); + int rc, h, s_h = cb->args[3]; + int idx, s_idx = idx = cb->args[4]; + + read_lock_bh(&tbl->lock); + + for (h = 0; h <= PNEIGH_HASHMASK; h++) { + if (h < s_h) + continue; + if (h > s_h) + s_idx = 0; + for (n = tbl->phash_buckets[h], idx = 0; n; n = n->next) { + if (dev_net(n->dev) != net) + continue; + if (idx < s_idx) + goto next; + if (pneigh_fill_info(skb, n, NETLINK_CB(cb->skb).pid, + cb->nlh->nlmsg_seq, + RTM_NEWNEIGH, + NLM_F_MULTI, tbl) <= 0) { + read_unlock_bh(&tbl->lock); + rc = -1; + goto out; + } + next: + idx++; + } + } + + read_unlock_bh(&tbl->lock); + rc = skb->len; +out: + cb->args[3] = h; + cb->args[4] = idx; + return rc; + +} + static int neigh_dump_info(struct sk_buff *skb, struct netlink_callback *cb) { struct neigh_table *tbl; int t, family, s_t; + int proxy = 0; + int err = 0; read_lock(&neigh_tbl_lock); family = ((struct rtgenmsg *) nlmsg_data(cb->nlh))->rtgen_family; + + /* check for full ndmsg structure presence, family member is + * the same for both structures + */ + if (nlmsg_len(cb->nlh) >= sizeof(struct ndmsg) && + ((struct ndmsg *) nlmsg_data(cb->nlh))->ndm_flags == NTF_PROXY) + proxy = 1; + s_t = cb->args[0]; - for (tbl = neigh_tables, t = 0; tbl; tbl = tbl->next, t++) { + for (tbl = neigh_tables, t = 0; tbl && (err >= 0); + tbl = tbl->next, t++) { if (t < s_t || (family && tbl->family != family)) continue; if (t > s_t) memset(&cb->args[1], 0, sizeof(cb->args) - sizeof(cb->args[0])); - if (neigh_dump_table(tbl, skb, cb) < 0) - break; + if (proxy) + err = pneigh_dump_table(tbl, skb, cb); + else + err = neigh_dump_table(tbl, skb, cb); } read_unlock(&neigh_tbl_lock); diff --git a/net/core/netpoll.c b/net/core/netpoll.c index ddefc513b44a6faf99a7878f6fe651147feaa0cc..3d84fb9d88739629b32c77f1a1d77c7f55ad7630 100644 --- a/net/core/netpoll.c +++ b/net/core/netpoll.c @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ * Copyright (C) 2002 Red Hat, Inc. */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -45,9 +47,11 @@ static atomic_t trapped; #define NETPOLL_RX_ENABLED 1 #define NETPOLL_RX_DROP 2 -#define MAX_SKB_SIZE \ - (MAX_UDP_CHUNK + sizeof(struct udphdr) + \ - sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeof(struct ethhdr)) +#define MAX_SKB_SIZE \ + (sizeof(struct ethhdr) + \ + sizeof(struct iphdr) + \ + sizeof(struct udphdr) + \ + MAX_UDP_CHUNK) static void zap_completion_queue(void); static void arp_reply(struct sk_buff *skb); @@ -55,6 +59,13 @@ static void arp_reply(struct sk_buff *skb); static unsigned int carrier_timeout = 4; module_param(carrier_timeout, uint, 0644); +#define np_info(np, fmt, ...) \ + pr_info("%s: " fmt, np->name, ##__VA_ARGS__) +#define np_err(np, fmt, ...) \ + pr_err("%s: " fmt, np->name, ##__VA_ARGS__) +#define np_notice(np, fmt, ...) \ + pr_notice("%s: " fmt, np->name, ##__VA_ARGS__) + static void queue_process(struct work_struct *work) { struct netpoll_info *npinfo = @@ -627,18 +638,12 @@ int __netpoll_rx(struct sk_buff *skb) void netpoll_print_options(struct netpoll *np) { - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: local port %d\n", - np->name, np->local_port); - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: local IP %pI4\n", - np->name, &np->local_ip); - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: interface '%s'\n", - np->name, np->dev_name); - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: remote port %d\n", - np->name, np->remote_port); - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: remote IP %pI4\n", - np->name, &np->remote_ip); - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: remote ethernet address %pM\n", - np->name, np->remote_mac); + np_info(np, "local port %d\n", np->local_port); + np_info(np, "local IP %pI4\n", &np->local_ip); + np_info(np, "interface '%s'\n", np->dev_name); + np_info(np, "remote port %d\n", np->remote_port); + np_info(np, "remote IP %pI4\n", &np->remote_ip); + np_info(np, "remote ethernet address %pM\n", np->remote_mac); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(netpoll_print_options); @@ -680,8 +685,7 @@ int netpoll_parse_options(struct netpoll *np, char *opt) goto parse_failed; *delim = 0; if (*cur == ' ' || *cur == '\t') - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: warning: whitespace" - "is not allowed\n", np->name); + np_info(np, "warning: whitespace is not allowed\n"); np->remote_port = simple_strtol(cur, NULL, 10); cur = delim; } @@ -705,8 +709,7 @@ int netpoll_parse_options(struct netpoll *np, char *opt) return 0; parse_failed: - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: couldn't parse config at '%s'!\n", - np->name, cur); + np_info(np, "couldn't parse config at '%s'!\n", cur); return -1; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(netpoll_parse_options); @@ -721,8 +724,8 @@ int __netpoll_setup(struct netpoll *np) if ((ndev->priv_flags & IFF_DISABLE_NETPOLL) || !ndev->netdev_ops->ndo_poll_controller) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: %s doesn't support polling, aborting.\n", - np->name, np->dev_name); + np_err(np, "%s doesn't support polling, aborting\n", + np->dev_name); err = -ENOTSUPP; goto out; } @@ -785,14 +788,12 @@ int netpoll_setup(struct netpoll *np) if (np->dev_name) ndev = dev_get_by_name(&init_net, np->dev_name); if (!ndev) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: %s doesn't exist, aborting.\n", - np->name, np->dev_name); + np_err(np, "%s doesn't exist, aborting\n", np->dev_name); return -ENODEV; } if (ndev->master) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: %s is a slave device, aborting.\n", - np->name, np->dev_name); + np_err(np, "%s is a slave device, aborting\n", np->dev_name); err = -EBUSY; goto put; } @@ -800,16 +801,14 @@ int netpoll_setup(struct netpoll *np) if (!netif_running(ndev)) { unsigned long atmost, atleast; - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: device %s not up yet, forcing it\n", - np->name, np->dev_name); + np_info(np, "device %s not up yet, forcing it\n", np->dev_name); rtnl_lock(); err = dev_open(ndev); rtnl_unlock(); if (err) { - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed to open %s\n", - np->name, ndev->name); + np_err(np, "failed to open %s\n", ndev->name); goto put; } @@ -817,9 +816,7 @@ int netpoll_setup(struct netpoll *np) atmost = jiffies + carrier_timeout * HZ; while (!netif_carrier_ok(ndev)) { if (time_after(jiffies, atmost)) { - printk(KERN_NOTICE - "%s: timeout waiting for carrier\n", - np->name); + np_notice(np, "timeout waiting for carrier\n"); break; } msleep(1); @@ -831,9 +828,7 @@ int netpoll_setup(struct netpoll *np) */ if (time_before(jiffies, atleast)) { - printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: carrier detect appears" - " untrustworthy, waiting 4 seconds\n", - np->name); + np_notice(np, "carrier detect appears untrustworthy, waiting 4 seconds\n"); msleep(4000); } } @@ -844,15 +839,15 @@ int netpoll_setup(struct netpoll *np) if (!in_dev || !in_dev->ifa_list) { rcu_read_unlock(); - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: no IP address for %s, aborting\n", - np->name, np->dev_name); + np_err(np, "no IP address for %s, aborting\n", + np->dev_name); err = -EDESTADDRREQ; goto put; } np->local_ip = in_dev->ifa_list->ifa_local; rcu_read_unlock(); - printk(KERN_INFO "%s: local IP %pI4\n", np->name, &np->local_ip); + np_info(np, "local IP %pI4\n", &np->local_ip); } np->dev = ndev; diff --git a/net/core/rtnetlink.c b/net/core/rtnetlink.c index f965dce6f20f83c404f7133ab6a00a84a938d2b4..1a63c6efd2eaed0bad1582bd0c1a07a83ed73fb6 100644 --- a/net/core/rtnetlink.c +++ b/net/core/rtnetlink.c @@ -1133,6 +1133,8 @@ static const struct nla_policy ifla_vf_policy[IFLA_VF_MAX+1] = { .len = sizeof(struct ifla_vf_vlan) }, [IFLA_VF_TX_RATE] = { .type = NLA_BINARY, .len = sizeof(struct ifla_vf_tx_rate) }, + [IFLA_VF_SPOOFCHK] = { .type = NLA_BINARY, + .len = sizeof(struct ifla_vf_spoofchk) }, }; static const struct nla_policy ifla_port_policy[IFLA_PORT_MAX+1] = { @@ -2019,8 +2021,13 @@ static int rtnetlink_rcv_msg(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr *nlh) __rtnl_unlock(); rtnl = net->rtnl; - err = netlink_dump_start(rtnl, skb, nlh, dumpit, - NULL, min_dump_alloc); + { + struct netlink_dump_control c = { + .dump = dumpit, + .min_dump_alloc = min_dump_alloc, + }; + err = netlink_dump_start(rtnl, skb, nlh, &c); + } rtnl_lock(); return err; } diff --git a/net/core/skbuff.c b/net/core/skbuff.c index da0c97f2fab446b551e79abd65bb485316ae53fe..6eb656acdfe53a27680c894b5cd8a6a7222f2db1 100644 --- a/net/core/skbuff.c +++ b/net/core/skbuff.c @@ -592,6 +592,7 @@ static void __copy_skb_header(struct sk_buff *new, const struct sk_buff *old) new->rxhash = old->rxhash; new->ooo_okay = old->ooo_okay; new->l4_rxhash = old->l4_rxhash; + new->no_fcs = old->no_fcs; #ifdef CONFIG_XFRM new->sp = secpath_get(old->sp); #endif @@ -2906,7 +2907,7 @@ int skb_gro_receive(struct sk_buff **head, struct sk_buff *skb) nskb->prev = p; nskb->data_len += p->len; - nskb->truesize += p->len; + nskb->truesize += p->truesize; nskb->len += p->len; *head = nskb; @@ -2916,6 +2917,7 @@ int skb_gro_receive(struct sk_buff **head, struct sk_buff *skb) p = nskb; merge: + p->truesize += skb->truesize - len; if (offset > headlen) { unsigned int eat = offset - headlen; diff --git a/net/core/sock.c b/net/core/sock.c index 1fb21b51593b4339e29d99bbb454da4c108ff829..9be6d0d6c5335e0f14ad61a26c1837e5b693e648 100644 --- a/net/core/sock.c +++ b/net/core/sock.c @@ -793,6 +793,17 @@ int sock_setsockopt(struct socket *sock, int level, int optname, sock_valbool_flag(sk, SOCK_WIFI_STATUS, valbool); break; + case SO_PEEK_OFF: + if (sock->ops->set_peek_off) + sock->ops->set_peek_off(sk, val); + else + ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; + break; + + case SO_NOFCS: + sock_valbool_flag(sk, SOCK_NOFCS, valbool); + break; + default: ret = -ENOPROTOOPT; break; @@ -1018,6 +1029,15 @@ int sock_getsockopt(struct socket *sock, int level, int optname, v.val = !!sock_flag(sk, SOCK_WIFI_STATUS); break; + case SO_PEEK_OFF: + if (!sock->ops->set_peek_off) + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + + v.val = sk->sk_peek_off; + break; + case SO_NOFCS: + v.val = !!sock_flag(sk, SOCK_NOFCS); + break; default: return -ENOPROTOOPT; } @@ -2092,6 +2112,7 @@ void sock_init_data(struct socket *sock, struct sock *sk) sk->sk_sndmsg_page = NULL; sk->sk_sndmsg_off = 0; + sk->sk_peek_off = -1; sk->sk_peer_pid = NULL; sk->sk_peer_cred = NULL; diff --git a/net/dccp/ccids/ccid3.c b/net/dccp/ccids/ccid3.c index 560627307200d5d63714c67d5a59b494b687f513..70bfaf2d1965fdd74ec112fca79a4041e0e1a1b4 100644 --- a/net/dccp/ccids/ccid3.c +++ b/net/dccp/ccids/ccid3.c @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ static void ccid3_update_send_interval(struct ccid3_hc_tx_sock *hc) { hc->tx_t_ipi = scaled_div32(((u64)hc->tx_s) << 6, hc->tx_x); + DCCP_BUG_ON(hc->tx_t_ipi == 0); ccid3_pr_debug("t_ipi=%u, s=%u, X=%u\n", hc->tx_t_ipi, hc->tx_s, (unsigned)(hc->tx_x >> 6)); } @@ -236,8 +237,6 @@ static void ccid3_hc_tx_no_feedback_timer(unsigned long data) * * Note that X_recv is scaled by 2^6 while X_calc is not */ - BUG_ON(hc->tx_p && !hc->tx_x_calc); - if (hc->tx_x_calc > (hc->tx_x_recv >> 5)) hc->tx_x_recv = max(hc->tx_x_recv / 2, diff --git a/net/dccp/ipv4.c b/net/dccp/ipv4.c index 1c67fe8ff90d27f32779d4fc674dbc25083393ed..caf6e1734b6296b92a8d4223632a264d9ee09075 100644 --- a/net/dccp/ipv4.c +++ b/net/dccp/ipv4.c @@ -300,7 +300,8 @@ static void dccp_v4_err(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 info) */ WARN_ON(req->sk); - if (seq != dccp_rsk(req)->dreq_iss) { + if (!between48(seq, dccp_rsk(req)->dreq_iss, + dccp_rsk(req)->dreq_gss)) { NET_INC_STATS_BH(net, LINUX_MIB_OUTOFWINDOWICMPS); goto out; } @@ -639,11 +640,12 @@ int dccp_v4_conn_request(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) * * Set S.ISR, S.GSR, S.SWL, S.SWH from packet or Init Cookie * - * In fact we defer setting S.GSR, S.SWL, S.SWH to - * dccp_create_openreq_child. + * Setting S.SWL/S.SWH to is deferred to dccp_create_openreq_child(). */ dreq->dreq_isr = dcb->dccpd_seq; + dreq->dreq_gsr = dreq->dreq_isr; dreq->dreq_iss = dccp_v4_init_sequence(skb); + dreq->dreq_gss = dreq->dreq_iss; dreq->dreq_service = service; if (dccp_v4_send_response(sk, req, NULL)) diff --git a/net/dccp/ipv6.c b/net/dccp/ipv6.c index ce903f747e64ba27675726aa3d1ba9db0abd46ad..4dc588f520e04047c24b2b27f9d94aef0cb634ba 100644 --- a/net/dccp/ipv6.c +++ b/net/dccp/ipv6.c @@ -193,7 +193,8 @@ static void dccp_v6_err(struct sk_buff *skb, struct inet6_skb_parm *opt, */ WARN_ON(req->sk != NULL); - if (seq != dccp_rsk(req)->dreq_iss) { + if (!between48(seq, dccp_rsk(req)->dreq_iss, + dccp_rsk(req)->dreq_gss)) { NET_INC_STATS_BH(net, LINUX_MIB_OUTOFWINDOWICMPS); goto out; } @@ -440,11 +441,12 @@ static int dccp_v6_conn_request(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) * * Set S.ISR, S.GSR, S.SWL, S.SWH from packet or Init Cookie * - * In fact we defer setting S.GSR, S.SWL, S.SWH to - * dccp_create_openreq_child. + * Setting S.SWL/S.SWH to is deferred to dccp_create_openreq_child(). */ dreq->dreq_isr = dcb->dccpd_seq; + dreq->dreq_gsr = dreq->dreq_isr; dreq->dreq_iss = dccp_v6_init_sequence(skb); + dreq->dreq_gss = dreq->dreq_iss; dreq->dreq_service = service; if (dccp_v6_send_response(sk, req, NULL)) diff --git a/net/dccp/minisocks.c b/net/dccp/minisocks.c index 5a7f90bbffacda3c646a8e4d04f7b2c9b6652772..ea850ce35d4acef9ef80cf342a55cbe5e44dae56 100644 --- a/net/dccp/minisocks.c +++ b/net/dccp/minisocks.c @@ -127,9 +127,11 @@ struct sock *dccp_create_openreq_child(struct sock *sk, * activation below, as these windows all depend on the local * and remote Sequence Window feature values (7.5.2). */ - newdp->dccps_gss = newdp->dccps_iss = dreq->dreq_iss; + newdp->dccps_iss = dreq->dreq_iss; + newdp->dccps_gss = dreq->dreq_gss; newdp->dccps_gar = newdp->dccps_iss; - newdp->dccps_gsr = newdp->dccps_isr = dreq->dreq_isr; + newdp->dccps_isr = dreq->dreq_isr; + newdp->dccps_gsr = dreq->dreq_gsr; /* * Activate features: initialise CCIDs, sequence windows etc. @@ -164,9 +166,9 @@ struct sock *dccp_check_req(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, /* Check for retransmitted REQUEST */ if (dccp_hdr(skb)->dccph_type == DCCP_PKT_REQUEST) { - if (after48(DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_seq, dreq->dreq_isr)) { + if (after48(DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_seq, dreq->dreq_gsr)) { dccp_pr_debug("Retransmitted REQUEST\n"); - dreq->dreq_isr = DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_seq; + dreq->dreq_gsr = DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_seq; /* * Send another RESPONSE packet * To protect against Request floods, increment retrans @@ -186,12 +188,14 @@ struct sock *dccp_check_req(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, goto drop; /* Invalid ACK */ - if (DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_ack_seq != dreq->dreq_iss) { + if (!between48(DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_ack_seq, + dreq->dreq_iss, dreq->dreq_gss)) { dccp_pr_debug("Invalid ACK number: ack_seq=%llu, " - "dreq_iss=%llu\n", + "dreq_iss=%llu, dreq_gss=%llu\n", (unsigned long long) DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_ack_seq, - (unsigned long long) dreq->dreq_iss); + (unsigned long long) dreq->dreq_iss, + (unsigned long long) dreq->dreq_gss); goto drop; } diff --git a/net/dccp/output.c b/net/dccp/output.c index dede3edb88495150c2bfe9e8c7af7575abf4c498..7873673087973dd43d697b3a730099bed785331f 100644 --- a/net/dccp/output.c +++ b/net/dccp/output.c @@ -408,10 +408,10 @@ struct sk_buff *dccp_make_response(struct sock *sk, struct dst_entry *dst, skb_dst_set(skb, dst_clone(dst)); dreq = dccp_rsk(req); - if (inet_rsk(req)->acked) /* increase ISS upon retransmission */ - dccp_inc_seqno(&dreq->dreq_iss); + if (inet_rsk(req)->acked) /* increase GSS upon retransmission */ + dccp_inc_seqno(&dreq->dreq_gss); DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_type = DCCP_PKT_RESPONSE; - DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_seq = dreq->dreq_iss; + DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_seq = dreq->dreq_gss; /* Resolve feature dependencies resulting from choice of CCID */ if (dccp_feat_server_ccid_dependencies(dreq)) @@ -429,8 +429,8 @@ struct sk_buff *dccp_make_response(struct sock *sk, struct dst_entry *dst, DCCP_SKB_CB(skb)->dccpd_opt_len) / 4; dh->dccph_type = DCCP_PKT_RESPONSE; dh->dccph_x = 1; - dccp_hdr_set_seq(dh, dreq->dreq_iss); - dccp_hdr_set_ack(dccp_hdr_ack_bits(skb), dreq->dreq_isr); + dccp_hdr_set_seq(dh, dreq->dreq_gss); + dccp_hdr_set_ack(dccp_hdr_ack_bits(skb), dreq->dreq_gsr); dccp_hdr_response(skb)->dccph_resp_service = dreq->dreq_service; dccp_csum_outgoing(skb); diff --git a/net/decnet/dn_neigh.c b/net/decnet/dn_neigh.c index befe426491ba0c793ac176ed9d3994f5d73e9b31..ee7013f24fcabc2518b3dfa8234e8cade433daa8 100644 --- a/net/decnet/dn_neigh.c +++ b/net/decnet/dn_neigh.c @@ -205,17 +205,23 @@ static int dn_neigh_output_packet(struct sk_buff *skb) struct neighbour *neigh = dst_get_neighbour_noref(dst); struct net_device *dev = neigh->dev; char mac_addr[ETH_ALEN]; + unsigned int seq; + int err; dn_dn2eth(mac_addr, rt->rt_local_src); - if (dev_hard_header(skb, dev, ntohs(skb->protocol), neigh->ha, - mac_addr, skb->len) >= 0) - return dev_queue_xmit(skb); - - if (net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "dn_neigh_output_packet: oops, can't send packet\n"); - - kfree_skb(skb); - return -EINVAL; + do { + seq = read_seqbegin(&neigh->ha_lock); + err = dev_hard_header(skb, dev, ntohs(skb->protocol), + neigh->ha, mac_addr, skb->len); + } while (read_seqretry(&neigh->ha_lock, seq)); + + if (err >= 0) + err = dev_queue_xmit(skb); + else { + kfree_skb(skb); + err = -EINVAL; + } + return err; } static int dn_long_output(struct neighbour *neigh, struct sk_buff *skb) diff --git a/net/decnet/dn_route.c b/net/decnet/dn_route.c index f31ce72dca65517a144d61f233e086a2c9ebf481..80a3de4906d3d8bb4c598dde288e1decddf8e7c9 100644 --- a/net/decnet/dn_route.c +++ b/net/decnet/dn_route.c @@ -724,11 +724,10 @@ static int dn_output(struct sk_buff *skb) struct dn_route *rt = (struct dn_route *)dst; struct net_device *dev = dst->dev; struct dn_skb_cb *cb = DN_SKB_CB(skb); - struct neighbour *neigh; int err = -EINVAL; - if ((neigh = dst_get_neighbour_noref(dst)) == NULL) + if (dst_get_neighbour_noref(dst) == NULL) goto error; skb->dev = dev; diff --git a/net/ethernet/eth.c b/net/ethernet/eth.c index a2468363978ea820383c1da988a81b984ea435a5..a93af86b84741c96aca902e75402c7b381de47b0 100644 --- a/net/ethernet/eth.c +++ b/net/ethernet/eth.c @@ -288,6 +288,8 @@ int eth_mac_addr(struct net_device *dev, void *p) if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, ETH_ALEN); + /* if device marked as NET_ADDR_RANDOM, reset it */ + dev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(eth_mac_addr); diff --git a/net/ieee802154/6lowpan.c b/net/ieee802154/6lowpan.c index e4ecc1eef98c3b2aca2b583de283bc7bc7b2f44c..36851588536861bb5fe67f61c69829807e599fb4 100644 --- a/net/ieee802154/6lowpan.c +++ b/net/ieee802154/6lowpan.c @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -924,19 +925,6 @@ lowpan_process_data(struct sk_buff *skb) return -EINVAL; } -static int lowpan_set_address(struct net_device *dev, void *p) -{ - struct sockaddr *sa = p; - - if (netif_running(dev)) - return -EBUSY; - - /* TODO: validate addr */ - memcpy(dev->dev_addr, sa->sa_data, dev->addr_len); - - return 0; -} - static int lowpan_get_mac_header_length(struct sk_buff *skb) { /* @@ -1062,7 +1050,7 @@ static struct header_ops lowpan_header_ops = { static const struct net_device_ops lowpan_netdev_ops = { .ndo_start_xmit = lowpan_xmit, - .ndo_set_mac_address = lowpan_set_address, + .ndo_set_mac_address = eth_mac_addr, }; static void lowpan_setup(struct net_device *dev) diff --git a/net/ipv4/af_inet.c b/net/ipv4/af_inet.c index f7b5670744f0f92991ddf10854309cb3592bed8d..fdf49fd44bb40a30aa4af31171a190dc8ed6256e 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/af_inet.c +++ b/net/ipv4/af_inet.c @@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) "IPv4: " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -381,6 +383,7 @@ static int inet_create(struct net *net, struct socket *sock, int protocol, inet->mc_all = 1; inet->mc_index = 0; inet->mc_list = NULL; + inet->rcv_tos = 0; sk_refcnt_debug_inc(sk); @@ -1084,13 +1087,11 @@ void inet_register_protosw(struct inet_protosw *p) return; out_permanent: - printk(KERN_ERR "Attempt to override permanent protocol %d.\n", - protocol); + pr_err("Attempt to override permanent protocol %d\n", protocol); goto out; out_illegal: - printk(KERN_ERR - "Ignoring attempt to register invalid socket type %d.\n", + pr_err("Ignoring attempt to register invalid socket type %d\n", p->type); goto out; } @@ -1099,8 +1100,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(inet_register_protosw); void inet_unregister_protosw(struct inet_protosw *p) { if (INET_PROTOSW_PERMANENT & p->flags) { - printk(KERN_ERR - "Attempt to unregister permanent protocol %d.\n", + pr_err("Attempt to unregister permanent protocol %d\n", p->protocol); } else { spin_lock_bh(&inetsw_lock); @@ -1149,8 +1149,8 @@ static int inet_sk_reselect_saddr(struct sock *sk) return 0; if (sysctl_ip_dynaddr > 1) { - printk(KERN_INFO "%s(): shifting inet->saddr from %pI4 to %pI4\n", - __func__, &old_saddr, &new_saddr); + pr_info("%s(): shifting inet->saddr from %pI4 to %pI4\n", + __func__, &old_saddr, &new_saddr); } inet->inet_saddr = inet->inet_rcv_saddr = new_saddr; @@ -1679,14 +1679,14 @@ static int __init inet_init(void) */ if (inet_add_protocol(&icmp_protocol, IPPROTO_ICMP) < 0) - printk(KERN_CRIT "inet_init: Cannot add ICMP protocol\n"); + pr_crit("%s: Cannot add ICMP protocol\n", __func__); if (inet_add_protocol(&udp_protocol, IPPROTO_UDP) < 0) - printk(KERN_CRIT "inet_init: Cannot add UDP protocol\n"); + pr_crit("%s: Cannot add UDP protocol\n", __func__); if (inet_add_protocol(&tcp_protocol, IPPROTO_TCP) < 0) - printk(KERN_CRIT "inet_init: Cannot add TCP protocol\n"); + pr_crit("%s: Cannot add TCP protocol\n", __func__); #ifdef CONFIG_IP_MULTICAST if (inet_add_protocol(&igmp_protocol, IPPROTO_IGMP) < 0) - printk(KERN_CRIT "inet_init: Cannot add IGMP protocol\n"); + pr_crit("%s: Cannot add IGMP protocol\n", __func__); #endif /* Register the socket-side information for inet_create. */ @@ -1733,14 +1733,14 @@ static int __init inet_init(void) */ #if defined(CONFIG_IP_MROUTE) if (ip_mr_init()) - printk(KERN_CRIT "inet_init: Cannot init ipv4 mroute\n"); + pr_crit("%s: Cannot init ipv4 mroute\n", __func__); #endif /* * Initialise per-cpu ipv4 mibs */ if (init_ipv4_mibs()) - printk(KERN_CRIT "inet_init: Cannot init ipv4 mibs\n"); + pr_crit("%s: Cannot init ipv4 mibs\n", __func__); ipv4_proc_init(); diff --git a/net/ipv4/ah4.c b/net/ipv4/ah4.c index 36d14406261e8c9ad486103127ae1106baca4678..fd508b526014209eba345ddb1605117a897afdf4 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/ah4.c +++ b/net/ipv4/ah4.c @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) "IPsec: " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -445,9 +447,10 @@ static int ah_init_state(struct xfrm_state *x) if (aalg_desc->uinfo.auth.icv_fullbits/8 != crypto_ahash_digestsize(ahash)) { - printk(KERN_INFO "AH: %s digestsize %u != %hu\n", - x->aalg->alg_name, crypto_ahash_digestsize(ahash), - aalg_desc->uinfo.auth.icv_fullbits/8); + pr_info("%s: %s digestsize %u != %hu\n", + __func__, x->aalg->alg_name, + crypto_ahash_digestsize(ahash), + aalg_desc->uinfo.auth.icv_fullbits / 8); goto error; } @@ -510,11 +513,11 @@ static const struct net_protocol ah4_protocol = { static int __init ah4_init(void) { if (xfrm_register_type(&ah_type, AF_INET) < 0) { - printk(KERN_INFO "ip ah init: can't add xfrm type\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't add xfrm type\n", __func__); return -EAGAIN; } if (inet_add_protocol(&ah4_protocol, IPPROTO_AH) < 0) { - printk(KERN_INFO "ip ah init: can't add protocol\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't add protocol\n", __func__); xfrm_unregister_type(&ah_type, AF_INET); return -EAGAIN; } @@ -524,9 +527,9 @@ static int __init ah4_init(void) static void __exit ah4_fini(void) { if (inet_del_protocol(&ah4_protocol, IPPROTO_AH) < 0) - printk(KERN_INFO "ip ah close: can't remove protocol\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't remove protocol\n", __func__); if (xfrm_unregister_type(&ah_type, AF_INET) < 0) - printk(KERN_INFO "ip ah close: can't remove xfrm type\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't remove xfrm type\n", __func__); } module_init(ah4_init); diff --git a/net/ipv4/arp.c b/net/ipv4/arp.c index 63e49890ad31df807d50c93a9618622dab2c2103..73f46d691abcc71cb382cfd951427e15ff9573b1 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/arp.c +++ b/net/ipv4/arp.c @@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ static int arp_process(struct sk_buff *skb) n = __neigh_lookup(&arp_tbl, &sip, dev, 0); - if (IPV4_DEVCONF_ALL(dev_net(dev), ARP_ACCEPT)) { + if (IN_DEV_ARP_ACCEPT(in_dev)) { /* Unsolicited ARP is not accepted by default. It is possible, that this option should be enabled for some devices (strip is candidate) diff --git a/net/ipv4/esp4.c b/net/ipv4/esp4.c index a5b413416da33305bdf83ed2fd9e6104031e3687..89a47b35905dcc6e1c3bb94b0db7c6a32a61e8fc 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/esp4.c +++ b/net/ipv4/esp4.c @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) "IPsec: " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -706,11 +708,11 @@ static const struct net_protocol esp4_protocol = { static int __init esp4_init(void) { if (xfrm_register_type(&esp_type, AF_INET) < 0) { - printk(KERN_INFO "ip esp init: can't add xfrm type\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't add xfrm type\n", __func__); return -EAGAIN; } if (inet_add_protocol(&esp4_protocol, IPPROTO_ESP) < 0) { - printk(KERN_INFO "ip esp init: can't add protocol\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't add protocol\n", __func__); xfrm_unregister_type(&esp_type, AF_INET); return -EAGAIN; } @@ -720,9 +722,9 @@ static int __init esp4_init(void) static void __exit esp4_fini(void) { if (inet_del_protocol(&esp4_protocol, IPPROTO_ESP) < 0) - printk(KERN_INFO "ip esp close: can't remove protocol\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't remove protocol\n", __func__); if (xfrm_unregister_type(&esp_type, AF_INET) < 0) - printk(KERN_INFO "ip esp close: can't remove xfrm type\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't remove xfrm type\n", __func__); } module_init(esp4_init); diff --git a/net/ipv4/fib_frontend.c b/net/ipv4/fib_frontend.c index 92fc5f69f5da1c36aff62213d0c6bca358e624f7..76e72bacc217a5c3ad30ca0dcac209fec41b7c29 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/fib_frontend.c +++ b/net/ipv4/fib_frontend.c @@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ void fib_add_ifaddr(struct in_ifaddr *ifa) if (ifa->ifa_flags & IFA_F_SECONDARY) { prim = inet_ifa_byprefix(in_dev, prefix, mask); if (prim == NULL) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "fib_add_ifaddr: bug: prim == NULL\n"); + pr_warn("%s: bug: prim == NULL\n", __func__); return; } } @@ -749,11 +749,11 @@ void fib_del_ifaddr(struct in_ifaddr *ifa, struct in_ifaddr *iprim) if (ifa->ifa_flags & IFA_F_SECONDARY) { prim = inet_ifa_byprefix(in_dev, any, ifa->ifa_mask); if (prim == NULL) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "fib_del_ifaddr: bug: prim == NULL\n"); + pr_warn("%s: bug: prim == NULL\n", __func__); return; } if (iprim && iprim != prim) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "fib_del_ifaddr: bug: iprim != prim\n"); + pr_warn("%s: bug: iprim != prim\n", __func__); return; } } else if (!ipv4_is_zeronet(any) && diff --git a/net/ipv4/fib_semantics.c b/net/ipv4/fib_semantics.c index 80106d89d548d841d5986533f749572eb75c3a43..a8c5c1d6715b10f392419f1a256075dfb97ff38b 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/fib_semantics.c +++ b/net/ipv4/fib_semantics.c @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ static void free_fib_info_rcu(struct rcu_head *head) void free_fib_info(struct fib_info *fi) { if (fi->fib_dead == 0) { - pr_warning("Freeing alive fib_info %p\n", fi); + pr_warn("Freeing alive fib_info %p\n", fi); return; } change_nexthops(fi) { diff --git a/net/ipv4/fib_trie.c b/net/ipv4/fib_trie.c index 2b555a5521e0b60f8b373b4c72e70d896da15ff0..da9b9cb2282de5e060e09542afb2dd51957772a7 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/fib_trie.c +++ b/net/ipv4/fib_trie.c @@ -1170,9 +1170,8 @@ static struct list_head *fib_insert_node(struct trie *t, u32 key, int plen) } if (tp && tp->pos + tp->bits > 32) - pr_warning("fib_trie" - " tp=%p pos=%d, bits=%d, key=%0x plen=%d\n", - tp, tp->pos, tp->bits, key, plen); + pr_warn("fib_trie tp=%p pos=%d, bits=%d, key=%0x plen=%d\n", + tp, tp->pos, tp->bits, key, plen); /* Rebalance the trie */ diff --git a/net/ipv4/gre.c b/net/ipv4/gre.c index 8cb1ebb7cd7462b2b70c447b56d1693562b8027a..42a491055c7614f9658cf1f0e9bd4d54ba9959ff 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/gre.c +++ b/net/ipv4/gre.c @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ * */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -118,10 +120,10 @@ static const struct net_protocol net_gre_protocol = { static int __init gre_init(void) { - pr_info("GRE over IPv4 demultiplexor driver"); + pr_info("GRE over IPv4 demultiplexor driver\n"); if (inet_add_protocol(&net_gre_protocol, IPPROTO_GRE) < 0) { - pr_err("gre: can't add protocol\n"); + pr_err("can't add protocol\n"); return -EAGAIN; } diff --git a/net/ipv4/icmp.c b/net/ipv4/icmp.c index ab188ae12fd9e64635f47c92a1cc0acf1b9d3a13..9664d353ccd8af79c4e0dedf9933c61d2e92835d 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/icmp.c +++ b/net/ipv4/icmp.c @@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ * */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -670,7 +672,7 @@ static void icmp_unreach(struct sk_buff *skb) break; case ICMP_FRAG_NEEDED: if (ipv4_config.no_pmtu_disc) { - LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_INFO "ICMP: %pI4: fragmentation needed and DF set.\n", + LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_INFO pr_fmt("%pI4: fragmentation needed and DF set\n"), &iph->daddr); } else { info = ip_rt_frag_needed(net, iph, @@ -681,7 +683,7 @@ static void icmp_unreach(struct sk_buff *skb) } break; case ICMP_SR_FAILED: - LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_INFO "ICMP: %pI4: Source Route Failed.\n", + LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_INFO pr_fmt("%pI4: Source Route Failed\n"), &iph->daddr); break; default: @@ -713,13 +715,10 @@ static void icmp_unreach(struct sk_buff *skb) if (!net->ipv4.sysctl_icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses && inet_addr_type(net, iph->daddr) == RTN_BROADCAST) { if (net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_WARNING "%pI4 sent an invalid ICMP " - "type %u, code %u " - "error to a broadcast: %pI4 on %s\n", - &ip_hdr(skb)->saddr, - icmph->type, icmph->code, - &iph->daddr, - skb->dev->name); + pr_warn("%pI4 sent an invalid ICMP type %u, code %u error to a broadcast: %pI4 on %s\n", + &ip_hdr(skb)->saddr, + icmph->type, icmph->code, + &iph->daddr, skb->dev->name); goto out; } @@ -946,8 +945,8 @@ static void icmp_address_reply(struct sk_buff *skb) break; } if (!ifa && net_ratelimit()) { - printk(KERN_INFO "Wrong address mask %pI4 from %s/%pI4\n", - mp, dev->name, &ip_hdr(skb)->saddr); + pr_info("Wrong address mask %pI4 from %s/%pI4\n", + mp, dev->name, &ip_hdr(skb)->saddr); } } } diff --git a/net/ipv4/inet_diag.c b/net/ipv4/inet_diag.c index fcf281819cd48f51c824674fbb63673922d5cef0..8d25a1c557eb50f012761227634d0ae7155c7180 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/inet_diag.c +++ b/net/ipv4/inet_diag.c @@ -960,9 +960,12 @@ static int inet_diag_rcv_msg_compat(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr *nlh) inet_diag_bc_audit(nla_data(attr), nla_len(attr))) return -EINVAL; } - - return netlink_dump_start(sock_diag_nlsk, skb, nlh, - inet_diag_dump_compat, NULL, 0); + { + struct netlink_dump_control c = { + .dump = inet_diag_dump_compat, + }; + return netlink_dump_start(sock_diag_nlsk, skb, nlh, &c); + } } return inet_diag_get_exact_compat(skb, nlh); @@ -985,9 +988,12 @@ static int inet_diag_handler_dump(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr *h) inet_diag_bc_audit(nla_data(attr), nla_len(attr))) return -EINVAL; } - - return netlink_dump_start(sock_diag_nlsk, skb, h, - inet_diag_dump, NULL, 0); + { + struct netlink_dump_control c = { + .dump = inet_diag_dump, + }; + return netlink_dump_start(sock_diag_nlsk, skb, h, &c); + } } return inet_diag_get_exact(skb, h, (struct inet_diag_req_v2 *)NLMSG_DATA(h)); diff --git a/net/ipv4/ip_fragment.c b/net/ipv4/ip_fragment.c index 1f23a57aa9e68bcafd83a00426deab83ffd49559..3727e234c88444cfa420845d3f899a62b57312a0 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/ip_fragment.c +++ b/net/ipv4/ip_fragment.c @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ * Patrick McHardy : LRU queue of frag heads for evictor. */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) "IPv4: " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -299,7 +301,7 @@ static inline struct ipq *ip_find(struct net *net, struct iphdr *iph, u32 user) return container_of(q, struct ipq, q); out_nomem: - LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_ERR "ip_frag_create: no memory left !\n"); + LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_ERR pr_fmt("ip_frag_create: no memory left !\n")); return NULL; } @@ -637,14 +639,13 @@ static int ip_frag_reasm(struct ipq *qp, struct sk_buff *prev, return 0; out_nomem: - LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_ERR "IP: queue_glue: no memory for gluing " - "queue %p\n", qp); + LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_ERR pr_fmt("queue_glue: no memory for gluing queue %p\n"), + qp); err = -ENOMEM; goto out_fail; out_oversize: if (net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_INFO "Oversized IP packet from %pI4.\n", - &qp->saddr); + pr_info("Oversized IP packet from %pI4\n", &qp->saddr); out_fail: IP_INC_STATS_BH(net, IPSTATS_MIB_REASMFAILS); return err; diff --git a/net/ipv4/ip_gre.c b/net/ipv4/ip_gre.c index 38673d2860e293404a9109c88ec9b03ab6b810f1..b57532d4742c7cccc95a05dd641bfc47875b4717 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/ip_gre.c +++ b/net/ipv4/ip_gre.c @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ * */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -730,15 +732,16 @@ static netdev_tx_t ipgre_tunnel_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev if (skb->protocol == htons(ETH_P_IP)) { rt = skb_rtable(skb); - if ((dst = rt->rt_gateway) == 0) - goto tx_error_icmp; + dst = rt->rt_gateway; } #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) else if (skb->protocol == htons(ETH_P_IPV6)) { - struct neighbour *neigh = dst_get_neighbour_noref(skb_dst(skb)); const struct in6_addr *addr6; + struct neighbour *neigh; + bool do_tx_error_icmp; int addr_type; + neigh = dst_neigh_lookup(skb_dst(skb), &ipv6_hdr(skb)->daddr); if (neigh == NULL) goto tx_error; @@ -751,9 +754,14 @@ static netdev_tx_t ipgre_tunnel_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev } if ((addr_type & IPV6_ADDR_COMPATv4) == 0) + do_tx_error_icmp = true; + else { + do_tx_error_icmp = false; + dst = addr6->s6_addr32[3]; + } + neigh_release(neigh); + if (do_tx_error_icmp) goto tx_error_icmp; - - dst = addr6->s6_addr32[3]; } #endif else @@ -914,9 +922,10 @@ static netdev_tx_t ipgre_tunnel_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev __IPTUNNEL_XMIT(tstats, &dev->stats); return NETDEV_TX_OK; +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) tx_error_icmp: dst_link_failure(skb); - +#endif tx_error: dev->stats.tx_errors++; dev_kfree_skb(skb); @@ -1529,7 +1538,7 @@ static int ipgre_newlink(struct net *src_net, struct net_device *dev, struct nla return -EEXIST; if (dev->type == ARPHRD_ETHER && !tb[IFLA_ADDRESS]) - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); mtu = ipgre_tunnel_bind_dev(dev); if (!tb[IFLA_MTU]) @@ -1709,7 +1718,7 @@ static int __init ipgre_init(void) { int err; - printk(KERN_INFO "GRE over IPv4 tunneling driver\n"); + pr_info("GRE over IPv4 tunneling driver\n"); err = register_pernet_device(&ipgre_net_ops); if (err < 0) @@ -1717,7 +1726,7 @@ static int __init ipgre_init(void) err = gre_add_protocol(&ipgre_protocol, GREPROTO_CISCO); if (err < 0) { - printk(KERN_INFO "ipgre init: can't add protocol\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't add protocol\n", __func__); goto add_proto_failed; } @@ -1746,7 +1755,7 @@ static void __exit ipgre_fini(void) rtnl_link_unregister(&ipgre_tap_ops); rtnl_link_unregister(&ipgre_link_ops); if (gre_del_protocol(&ipgre_protocol, GREPROTO_CISCO) < 0) - printk(KERN_INFO "ipgre close: can't remove protocol\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't remove protocol\n", __func__); unregister_pernet_device(&ipgre_net_ops); } diff --git a/net/ipv4/ip_input.c b/net/ipv4/ip_input.c index 073a9b01c40c9c37400ce9c320ffb355b0ae6e76..f3f1108940f5ee719bafde02bf9f672cc3b49f2f 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/ip_input.c +++ b/net/ipv4/ip_input.c @@ -113,6 +113,8 @@ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) "IPv4: " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -148,7 +150,7 @@ /* * Process Router Attention IP option (RFC 2113) */ -int ip_call_ra_chain(struct sk_buff *skb) +bool ip_call_ra_chain(struct sk_buff *skb) { struct ip_ra_chain *ra; u8 protocol = ip_hdr(skb)->protocol; @@ -167,7 +169,7 @@ int ip_call_ra_chain(struct sk_buff *skb) net_eq(sock_net(sk), dev_net(dev))) { if (ip_is_fragment(ip_hdr(skb))) { if (ip_defrag(skb, IP_DEFRAG_CALL_RA_CHAIN)) - return 1; + return true; } if (last) { struct sk_buff *skb2 = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC); @@ -180,9 +182,9 @@ int ip_call_ra_chain(struct sk_buff *skb) if (last) { raw_rcv(last, skb); - return 1; + return true; } - return 0; + return false; } static int ip_local_deliver_finish(struct sk_buff *skb) @@ -265,7 +267,7 @@ int ip_local_deliver(struct sk_buff *skb) ip_local_deliver_finish); } -static inline int ip_rcv_options(struct sk_buff *skb) +static inline bool ip_rcv_options(struct sk_buff *skb) { struct ip_options *opt; const struct iphdr *iph; @@ -299,8 +301,8 @@ static inline int ip_rcv_options(struct sk_buff *skb) if (!IN_DEV_SOURCE_ROUTE(in_dev)) { if (IN_DEV_LOG_MARTIANS(in_dev) && net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_INFO "source route option %pI4 -> %pI4\n", - &iph->saddr, &iph->daddr); + pr_info("source route option %pI4 -> %pI4\n", + &iph->saddr, &iph->daddr); goto drop; } } @@ -309,9 +311,9 @@ static inline int ip_rcv_options(struct sk_buff *skb) goto drop; } - return 0; + return false; drop: - return -1; + return true; } static int ip_rcv_finish(struct sk_buff *skb) diff --git a/net/ipv4/ip_options.c b/net/ipv4/ip_options.c index 42dd1a90edea0916379f41d9722d5b574f7b69e2..a0d0d9d9b8702e45241f8ca45d92a9993a3d90f1 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/ip_options.c +++ b/net/ipv4/ip_options.c @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ * */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) "IPv4: " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -577,7 +579,7 @@ void ip_forward_options(struct sk_buff *skb) ip_rt_get_source(&optptr[srrptr-1], skb, rt); optptr[2] = srrptr+4; } else if (net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_CRIT "ip_forward(): Argh! Destination lost!\n"); + pr_crit("%s(): Argh! Destination lost!\n", __func__); if (opt->ts_needaddr) { optptr = raw + opt->ts; ip_rt_get_source(&optptr[optptr[2]-9], skb, rt); diff --git a/net/ipv4/ip_sockglue.c b/net/ipv4/ip_sockglue.c index 5343d9ac510b58c4c1dd137f8b49d8a3790c193b..2fd0fba77124e3f0e3031a54e5029c918cd03358 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/ip_sockglue.c +++ b/net/ipv4/ip_sockglue.c @@ -464,6 +464,7 @@ static int do_ip_setsockopt(struct sock *sk, int level, (1<mc_loop = !!val; break; + case IP_UNICAST_IF: + { + struct net_device *dev = NULL; + int ifindex; + + if (optlen != sizeof(int)) + goto e_inval; + + ifindex = (__force int)ntohl((__force __be32)val); + if (ifindex == 0) { + inet->uc_index = 0; + err = 0; + break; + } + + dev = dev_get_by_index(sock_net(sk), ifindex); + err = -EADDRNOTAVAIL; + if (!dev) + break; + dev_put(dev); + + err = -EINVAL; + if (sk->sk_bound_dev_if) + break; + + inet->uc_index = ifindex; + err = 0; + break; + } case IP_MULTICAST_IF: { struct ip_mreqn mreq; @@ -1173,6 +1203,9 @@ static int do_ip_getsockopt(struct sock *sk, int level, int optname, case IP_MULTICAST_LOOP: val = inet->mc_loop; break; + case IP_UNICAST_IF: + val = (__force int)htonl((__u32) inet->uc_index); + break; case IP_MULTICAST_IF: { struct in_addr addr; @@ -1251,6 +1284,10 @@ static int do_ip_getsockopt(struct sock *sk, int level, int optname, int hlim = inet->mc_ttl; put_cmsg(&msg, SOL_IP, IP_TTL, sizeof(hlim), &hlim); } + if (inet->cmsg_flags & IP_CMSG_TOS) { + int tos = inet->rcv_tos; + put_cmsg(&msg, SOL_IP, IP_TOS, sizeof(tos), &tos); + } len -= msg.msg_controllen; return put_user(len, optlen); } diff --git a/net/ipv4/ipcomp.c b/net/ipv4/ipcomp.c index c857f6f49b037ed5159d6554c52adc535e44e951..63b64c45a826391bf4eded1f70b006efdd5a8e36 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/ipcomp.c +++ b/net/ipv4/ipcomp.c @@ -156,11 +156,11 @@ static const struct net_protocol ipcomp4_protocol = { static int __init ipcomp4_init(void) { if (xfrm_register_type(&ipcomp_type, AF_INET) < 0) { - printk(KERN_INFO "ipcomp init: can't add xfrm type\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't add xfrm type\n", __func__); return -EAGAIN; } if (inet_add_protocol(&ipcomp4_protocol, IPPROTO_COMP) < 0) { - printk(KERN_INFO "ipcomp init: can't add protocol\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't add protocol\n", __func__); xfrm_unregister_type(&ipcomp_type, AF_INET); return -EAGAIN; } @@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ static int __init ipcomp4_init(void) static void __exit ipcomp4_fini(void) { if (inet_del_protocol(&ipcomp4_protocol, IPPROTO_COMP) < 0) - printk(KERN_INFO "ip ipcomp close: can't remove protocol\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't remove protocol\n", __func__); if (xfrm_unregister_type(&ipcomp_type, AF_INET) < 0) - printk(KERN_INFO "ip ipcomp close: can't remove xfrm type\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't remove xfrm type\n", __func__); } module_init(ipcomp4_init); diff --git a/net/ipv4/ipconfig.c b/net/ipv4/ipconfig.c index 6e412a60a91f27acb3ea2241a860c6a18401fed8..92ac7e7363a0624b6008ed5eaa6d35cccbd82544 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/ipconfig.c +++ b/net/ipv4/ipconfig.c @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ static int __init ic_open_devs(void) if (!(dev->flags & IFF_LOOPBACK)) continue; if (dev_change_flags(dev, dev->flags | IFF_UP) < 0) - printk(KERN_ERR "IP-Config: Failed to open %s\n", dev->name); + pr_err("IP-Config: Failed to open %s\n", dev->name); } for_each_netdev(&init_net, dev) { @@ -223,7 +223,8 @@ static int __init ic_open_devs(void) if (dev->mtu >= 364) able |= IC_BOOTP; else - printk(KERN_WARNING "DHCP/BOOTP: Ignoring device %s, MTU %d too small", dev->name, dev->mtu); + pr_warn("DHCP/BOOTP: Ignoring device %s, MTU %d too small", + dev->name, dev->mtu); if (!(dev->flags & IFF_NOARP)) able |= IC_RARP; able &= ic_proto_enabled; @@ -231,7 +232,8 @@ static int __init ic_open_devs(void) continue; oflags = dev->flags; if (dev_change_flags(dev, oflags | IFF_UP) < 0) { - printk(KERN_ERR "IP-Config: Failed to open %s\n", dev->name); + pr_err("IP-Config: Failed to open %s\n", + dev->name); continue; } if (!(d = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ic_device), GFP_KERNEL))) { @@ -273,9 +275,10 @@ static int __init ic_open_devs(void) if (!ic_first_dev) { if (user_dev_name[0]) - printk(KERN_ERR "IP-Config: Device `%s' not found.\n", user_dev_name); + pr_err("IP-Config: Device `%s' not found\n", + user_dev_name); else - printk(KERN_ERR "IP-Config: No network devices available.\n"); + pr_err("IP-Config: No network devices available\n"); return -ENODEV; } return 0; @@ -359,17 +362,20 @@ static int __init ic_setup_if(void) strcpy(ir.ifr_ifrn.ifrn_name, ic_dev->name); set_sockaddr(sin, ic_myaddr, 0); if ((err = ic_devinet_ioctl(SIOCSIFADDR, &ir)) < 0) { - printk(KERN_ERR "IP-Config: Unable to set interface address (%d).\n", err); + pr_err("IP-Config: Unable to set interface address (%d)\n", + err); return -1; } set_sockaddr(sin, ic_netmask, 0); if ((err = ic_devinet_ioctl(SIOCSIFNETMASK, &ir)) < 0) { - printk(KERN_ERR "IP-Config: Unable to set interface netmask (%d).\n", err); + pr_err("IP-Config: Unable to set interface netmask (%d)\n", + err); return -1; } set_sockaddr(sin, ic_myaddr | ~ic_netmask, 0); if ((err = ic_devinet_ioctl(SIOCSIFBRDADDR, &ir)) < 0) { - printk(KERN_ERR "IP-Config: Unable to set interface broadcast address (%d).\n", err); + pr_err("IP-Config: Unable to set interface broadcast address (%d)\n", + err); return -1; } /* Handle the case where we need non-standard MTU on the boot link (a network @@ -380,8 +386,8 @@ static int __init ic_setup_if(void) strcpy(ir.ifr_name, ic_dev->name); ir.ifr_mtu = ic_dev_mtu; if ((err = ic_dev_ioctl(SIOCSIFMTU, &ir)) < 0) - printk(KERN_ERR "IP-Config: Unable to set interface mtu to %d (%d).\n", - ic_dev_mtu, err); + pr_err("IP-Config: Unable to set interface mtu to %d (%d)\n", + ic_dev_mtu, err); } return 0; } @@ -396,7 +402,7 @@ static int __init ic_setup_routes(void) memset(&rm, 0, sizeof(rm)); if ((ic_gateway ^ ic_myaddr) & ic_netmask) { - printk(KERN_ERR "IP-Config: Gateway not on directly connected network.\n"); + pr_err("IP-Config: Gateway not on directly connected network\n"); return -1; } set_sockaddr((struct sockaddr_in *) &rm.rt_dst, 0, 0); @@ -404,7 +410,8 @@ static int __init ic_setup_routes(void) set_sockaddr((struct sockaddr_in *) &rm.rt_gateway, ic_gateway, 0); rm.rt_flags = RTF_UP | RTF_GATEWAY; if ((err = ic_route_ioctl(SIOCADDRT, &rm)) < 0) { - printk(KERN_ERR "IP-Config: Cannot add default route (%d).\n", err); + pr_err("IP-Config: Cannot add default route (%d)\n", + err); return -1; } } @@ -437,8 +444,8 @@ static int __init ic_defaults(void) else if (IN_CLASSC(ntohl(ic_myaddr))) ic_netmask = htonl(IN_CLASSC_NET); else { - printk(KERN_ERR "IP-Config: Unable to guess netmask for address %pI4\n", - &ic_myaddr); + pr_err("IP-Config: Unable to guess netmask for address %pI4\n", + &ic_myaddr); return -1; } printk("IP-Config: Guessing netmask %pI4\n", &ic_netmask); @@ -688,8 +695,8 @@ ic_dhcp_init_options(u8 *options) e += len; } if (*vendor_class_identifier) { - printk(KERN_INFO "DHCP: sending class identifier \"%s\"\n", - vendor_class_identifier); + pr_info("DHCP: sending class identifier \"%s\"\n", + vendor_class_identifier); *e++ = 60; /* Class-identifier */ len = strlen(vendor_class_identifier); *e++ = len; @@ -949,8 +956,7 @@ static int __init ic_bootp_recv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, str /* Fragments are not supported */ if (ip_is_fragment(h)) { if (net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_ERR "DHCP/BOOTP: Ignoring fragmented " - "reply.\n"); + pr_err("DHCP/BOOTP: Ignoring fragmented reply\n"); goto drop; } @@ -999,8 +1005,7 @@ static int __init ic_bootp_recv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, str if (b->op != BOOTP_REPLY || b->xid != d->xid) { if (net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_ERR "DHCP/BOOTP: Reply not for us, " - "op[%x] xid[%x]\n", + pr_err("DHCP/BOOTP: Reply not for us, op[%x] xid[%x]\n", b->op, b->xid); goto drop_unlock; } @@ -1008,7 +1013,7 @@ static int __init ic_bootp_recv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, str /* Is it a reply for the device we are configuring? */ if (b->xid != ic_dev_xid) { if (net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_ERR "DHCP/BOOTP: Ignoring delayed packet\n"); + pr_err("DHCP/BOOTP: Ignoring delayed packet\n"); goto drop_unlock; } @@ -1146,17 +1151,17 @@ static int __init ic_dynamic(void) * are missing, and without DHCP/BOOTP/RARP we are unable to get it. */ if (!ic_proto_enabled) { - printk(KERN_ERR "IP-Config: Incomplete network configuration information.\n"); + pr_err("IP-Config: Incomplete network configuration information\n"); return -1; } #ifdef IPCONFIG_BOOTP if ((ic_proto_enabled ^ ic_proto_have_if) & IC_BOOTP) - printk(KERN_ERR "DHCP/BOOTP: No suitable device found.\n"); + pr_err("DHCP/BOOTP: No suitable device found\n"); #endif #ifdef IPCONFIG_RARP if ((ic_proto_enabled ^ ic_proto_have_if) & IC_RARP) - printk(KERN_ERR "RARP: No suitable device found.\n"); + pr_err("RARP: No suitable device found\n"); #endif if (!ic_proto_have_if) @@ -1183,11 +1188,11 @@ static int __init ic_dynamic(void) * [Actually we could now, but the nothing else running note still * applies.. - AC] */ - printk(KERN_NOTICE "Sending %s%s%s requests .", - do_bootp - ? ((ic_proto_enabled & IC_USE_DHCP) ? "DHCP" : "BOOTP") : "", - (do_bootp && do_rarp) ? " and " : "", - do_rarp ? "RARP" : ""); + pr_notice("Sending %s%s%s requests .", + do_bootp + ? ((ic_proto_enabled & IC_USE_DHCP) ? "DHCP" : "BOOTP") : "", + (do_bootp && do_rarp) ? " and " : "", + do_rarp ? "RARP" : ""); start_jiffies = jiffies; d = ic_first_dev; @@ -1216,13 +1221,13 @@ static int __init ic_dynamic(void) (ic_proto_enabled & IC_USE_DHCP) && ic_dhcp_msgtype != DHCPACK) { ic_got_reply = 0; - printk(KERN_CONT ","); + pr_cont(","); continue; } #endif /* IPCONFIG_DHCP */ if (ic_got_reply) { - printk(KERN_CONT " OK\n"); + pr_cont(" OK\n"); break; } @@ -1230,7 +1235,7 @@ static int __init ic_dynamic(void) continue; if (! --retries) { - printk(KERN_CONT " timed out!\n"); + pr_cont(" timed out!\n"); break; } @@ -1240,7 +1245,7 @@ static int __init ic_dynamic(void) if (timeout > CONF_TIMEOUT_MAX) timeout = CONF_TIMEOUT_MAX; - printk(KERN_CONT "."); + pr_cont("."); } #ifdef IPCONFIG_BOOTP @@ -1260,8 +1265,8 @@ static int __init ic_dynamic(void) printk("IP-Config: Got %s answer from %pI4, ", ((ic_got_reply & IC_RARP) ? "RARP" : (ic_proto_enabled & IC_USE_DHCP) ? "DHCP" : "BOOTP"), - &ic_servaddr); - printk(KERN_CONT "my address is %pI4\n", &ic_myaddr); + &ic_servaddr); + pr_cont("my address is %pI4\n", &ic_myaddr); return 0; } @@ -1437,24 +1442,22 @@ static int __init ip_auto_config(void) */ #ifdef CONFIG_ROOT_NFS if (ROOT_DEV == Root_NFS) { - printk(KERN_ERR - "IP-Config: Retrying forever (NFS root)...\n"); + pr_err("IP-Config: Retrying forever (NFS root)...\n"); goto try_try_again; } #endif if (--retries) { - printk(KERN_ERR - "IP-Config: Reopening network devices...\n"); + pr_err("IP-Config: Reopening network devices...\n"); goto try_try_again; } /* Oh, well. At least we tried. */ - printk(KERN_ERR "IP-Config: Auto-configuration of network failed.\n"); + pr_err("IP-Config: Auto-configuration of network failed\n"); return -1; } #else /* !DYNAMIC */ - printk(KERN_ERR "IP-Config: Incomplete network configuration information.\n"); + pr_err("IP-Config: Incomplete network configuration information\n"); ic_close_devs(); return -1; #endif /* IPCONFIG_DYNAMIC */ @@ -1492,19 +1495,16 @@ static int __init ip_auto_config(void) /* * Clue in the operator. */ - printk("IP-Config: Complete:\n"); - printk(" device=%s", ic_dev->name); - printk(KERN_CONT ", addr=%pI4", &ic_myaddr); - printk(KERN_CONT ", mask=%pI4", &ic_netmask); - printk(KERN_CONT ", gw=%pI4", &ic_gateway); - printk(KERN_CONT ",\n host=%s, domain=%s, nis-domain=%s", - utsname()->nodename, ic_domain, utsname()->domainname); - printk(KERN_CONT ",\n bootserver=%pI4", &ic_servaddr); - printk(KERN_CONT ", rootserver=%pI4", &root_server_addr); - printk(KERN_CONT ", rootpath=%s", root_server_path); + pr_info("IP-Config: Complete:\n"); + pr_info(" device=%s, addr=%pI4, mask=%pI4, gw=%pI4\n", + ic_dev->name, &ic_myaddr, &ic_netmask, &ic_gateway); + pr_info(" host=%s, domain=%s, nis-domain=%s\n", + utsname()->nodename, ic_domain, utsname()->domainname); + pr_info(" bootserver=%pI4, rootserver=%pI4, rootpath=%s", + &ic_servaddr, &root_server_addr, root_server_path); if (ic_dev_mtu) - printk(KERN_CONT ", mtu=%d", ic_dev_mtu); - printk(KERN_CONT "\n"); + pr_cont(", mtu=%d", ic_dev_mtu); + pr_cont("\n"); #endif /* !SILENT */ return 0; @@ -1637,8 +1637,8 @@ static int __init vendor_class_identifier_setup(char *addrs) if (strlcpy(vendor_class_identifier, addrs, sizeof(vendor_class_identifier)) >= sizeof(vendor_class_identifier)) - printk(KERN_WARNING "DHCP: vendorclass too long, truncated to \"%s\"", - vendor_class_identifier); + pr_warn("DHCP: vendorclass too long, truncated to \"%s\"", + vendor_class_identifier); return 1; } diff --git a/net/ipv4/ipip.c b/net/ipv4/ipip.c index 22a19931530910a4f6eae62fb28889f019b2dc68..ae1413e3f2f8bd7a16ed73bdd327f908a6012a28 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/ipip.c +++ b/net/ipv4/ipip.c @@ -454,8 +454,7 @@ static netdev_tx_t ipip_tunnel_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) dev->stats.tx_fifo_errors++; goto tx_error; } - if ((dst = rt->rt_gateway) == 0) - goto tx_error_icmp; + dst = rt->rt_gateway; } rt = ip_route_output_ports(dev_net(dev), &fl4, NULL, @@ -893,7 +892,7 @@ static int __init ipip_init(void) err = xfrm4_tunnel_register(&ipip_handler, AF_INET); if (err < 0) { unregister_pernet_device(&ipip_net_ops); - printk(KERN_INFO "ipip init: can't register tunnel\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't register tunnel\n", __func__); } return err; } @@ -901,7 +900,7 @@ static int __init ipip_init(void) static void __exit ipip_fini(void) { if (xfrm4_tunnel_deregister(&ipip_handler, AF_INET)) - printk(KERN_INFO "ipip close: can't deregister tunnel\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't deregister tunnel\n", __func__); unregister_pernet_device(&ipip_net_ops); } diff --git a/net/ipv4/ipmr.c b/net/ipv4/ipmr.c index 7bc2db6db8d407987bbd06f59a25cf1b0f488989..0518a4fb177bbc8c424c930351ddba636d42198f 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/ipmr.c +++ b/net/ipv4/ipmr.c @@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ static int ipmr_cache_report(struct mr_table *mrt, rcu_read_unlock(); if (ret < 0) { if (net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_WARNING "mroute: pending queue full, dropping entries.\n"); + pr_warn("mroute: pending queue full, dropping entries\n"); kfree_skb(skb); } @@ -2538,7 +2538,7 @@ int __init ip_mr_init(void) goto reg_notif_fail; #ifdef CONFIG_IP_PIMSM_V2 if (inet_add_protocol(&pim_protocol, IPPROTO_PIM) < 0) { - printk(KERN_ERR "ip_mr_init: can't add PIM protocol\n"); + pr_err("%s: can't add PIM protocol\n", __func__); err = -EAGAIN; goto add_proto_fail; } diff --git a/net/ipv4/netfilter/Kconfig b/net/ipv4/netfilter/Kconfig index 74dfc9e5211fa70827b3411dd6c5bceb5773dffa..fcc543cd987a3f22b45ea143c9c754019fa8bacd 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/netfilter/Kconfig +++ b/net/ipv4/netfilter/Kconfig @@ -123,15 +123,6 @@ config IP_NF_TARGET_REJECT To compile it as a module, choose M here. If unsure, say N. -config IP_NF_TARGET_LOG - tristate "LOG target support" - default m if NETFILTER_ADVANCED=n - help - This option adds a `LOG' target, which allows you to create rules in - any iptables table which records the packet header to the syslog. - - To compile it as a module, choose M here. If unsure, say N. - config IP_NF_TARGET_ULOG tristate "ULOG target support" default m if NETFILTER_ADVANCED=n diff --git a/net/ipv4/netfilter/Makefile b/net/ipv4/netfilter/Makefile index 213a462b739bbd937ed511485db824aa94e7d26c..240b68469a7a178f990f07559f65ad46b2ae43f0 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/netfilter/Makefile +++ b/net/ipv4/netfilter/Makefile @@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_RPFILTER) += ipt_rpfilter.o # targets obj-$(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_CLUSTERIP) += ipt_CLUSTERIP.o obj-$(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_ECN) += ipt_ECN.o -obj-$(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_LOG) += ipt_LOG.o obj-$(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_MASQUERADE) += ipt_MASQUERADE.o obj-$(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_NETMAP) += ipt_NETMAP.o obj-$(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_REDIRECT) += ipt_REDIRECT.o diff --git a/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_LOG.c b/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_LOG.c deleted file mode 100644 index d76d6c9ed9468263547a918936a76a1a9526b368..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_LOG.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,516 +0,0 @@ -/* - * This is a module which is used for logging packets. - */ - -/* (C) 1999-2001 Paul `Rusty' Russell - * (C) 2002-2004 Netfilter Core Team - * - * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as - * published by the Free Software Foundation. - */ -#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); -MODULE_AUTHOR("Netfilter Core Team "); -MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Xtables: IPv4 packet logging to syslog"); - -/* One level of recursion won't kill us */ -static void dump_packet(struct sbuff *m, - const struct nf_loginfo *info, - const struct sk_buff *skb, - unsigned int iphoff) -{ - struct iphdr _iph; - const struct iphdr *ih; - unsigned int logflags; - - if (info->type == NF_LOG_TYPE_LOG) - logflags = info->u.log.logflags; - else - logflags = NF_LOG_MASK; - - ih = skb_header_pointer(skb, iphoff, sizeof(_iph), &_iph); - if (ih == NULL) { - sb_add(m, "TRUNCATED"); - return; - } - - /* Important fields: - * TOS, len, DF/MF, fragment offset, TTL, src, dst, options. */ - /* Max length: 40 "SRC= DST= " */ - sb_add(m, "SRC=%pI4 DST=%pI4 ", - &ih->saddr, &ih->daddr); - - /* Max length: 46 "LEN=65535 TOS=0xFF PREC=0xFF TTL=255 ID=65535 " */ - sb_add(m, "LEN=%u TOS=0x%02X PREC=0x%02X TTL=%u ID=%u ", - ntohs(ih->tot_len), ih->tos & IPTOS_TOS_MASK, - ih->tos & IPTOS_PREC_MASK, ih->ttl, ntohs(ih->id)); - - /* Max length: 6 "CE DF MF " */ - if (ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_CE) - sb_add(m, "CE "); - if (ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_DF) - sb_add(m, "DF "); - if (ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_MF) - sb_add(m, "MF "); - - /* Max length: 11 "FRAG:65535 " */ - if (ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_OFFSET) - sb_add(m, "FRAG:%u ", ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_OFFSET); - - if ((logflags & IPT_LOG_IPOPT) && - ih->ihl * 4 > sizeof(struct iphdr)) { - const unsigned char *op; - unsigned char _opt[4 * 15 - sizeof(struct iphdr)]; - unsigned int i, optsize; - - optsize = ih->ihl * 4 - sizeof(struct iphdr); - op = skb_header_pointer(skb, iphoff+sizeof(_iph), - optsize, _opt); - if (op == NULL) { - sb_add(m, "TRUNCATED"); - return; - } - - /* Max length: 127 "OPT (" 15*4*2chars ") " */ - sb_add(m, "OPT ("); - for (i = 0; i < optsize; i++) - sb_add(m, "%02X", op[i]); - sb_add(m, ") "); - } - - switch (ih->protocol) { - case IPPROTO_TCP: { - struct tcphdr _tcph; - const struct tcphdr *th; - - /* Max length: 10 "PROTO=TCP " */ - sb_add(m, "PROTO=TCP "); - - if (ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_OFFSET) - break; - - /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */ - th = skb_header_pointer(skb, iphoff + ih->ihl * 4, - sizeof(_tcph), &_tcph); - if (th == NULL) { - sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ", - skb->len - iphoff - ih->ihl*4); - break; - } - - /* Max length: 20 "SPT=65535 DPT=65535 " */ - sb_add(m, "SPT=%u DPT=%u ", - ntohs(th->source), ntohs(th->dest)); - /* Max length: 30 "SEQ=4294967295 ACK=4294967295 " */ - if (logflags & IPT_LOG_TCPSEQ) - sb_add(m, "SEQ=%u ACK=%u ", - ntohl(th->seq), ntohl(th->ack_seq)); - /* Max length: 13 "WINDOW=65535 " */ - sb_add(m, "WINDOW=%u ", ntohs(th->window)); - /* Max length: 9 "RES=0x3F " */ - sb_add(m, "RES=0x%02x ", (u8)(ntohl(tcp_flag_word(th) & TCP_RESERVED_BITS) >> 22)); - /* Max length: 32 "CWR ECE URG ACK PSH RST SYN FIN " */ - if (th->cwr) - sb_add(m, "CWR "); - if (th->ece) - sb_add(m, "ECE "); - if (th->urg) - sb_add(m, "URG "); - if (th->ack) - sb_add(m, "ACK "); - if (th->psh) - sb_add(m, "PSH "); - if (th->rst) - sb_add(m, "RST "); - if (th->syn) - sb_add(m, "SYN "); - if (th->fin) - sb_add(m, "FIN "); - /* Max length: 11 "URGP=65535 " */ - sb_add(m, "URGP=%u ", ntohs(th->urg_ptr)); - - if ((logflags & IPT_LOG_TCPOPT) && - th->doff * 4 > sizeof(struct tcphdr)) { - unsigned char _opt[4 * 15 - sizeof(struct tcphdr)]; - const unsigned char *op; - unsigned int i, optsize; - - optsize = th->doff * 4 - sizeof(struct tcphdr); - op = skb_header_pointer(skb, - iphoff+ih->ihl*4+sizeof(_tcph), - optsize, _opt); - if (op == NULL) { - sb_add(m, "TRUNCATED"); - return; - } - - /* Max length: 127 "OPT (" 15*4*2chars ") " */ - sb_add(m, "OPT ("); - for (i = 0; i < optsize; i++) - sb_add(m, "%02X", op[i]); - sb_add(m, ") "); - } - break; - } - case IPPROTO_UDP: - case IPPROTO_UDPLITE: { - struct udphdr _udph; - const struct udphdr *uh; - - if (ih->protocol == IPPROTO_UDP) - /* Max length: 10 "PROTO=UDP " */ - sb_add(m, "PROTO=UDP " ); - else /* Max length: 14 "PROTO=UDPLITE " */ - sb_add(m, "PROTO=UDPLITE "); - - if (ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_OFFSET) - break; - - /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */ - uh = skb_header_pointer(skb, iphoff+ih->ihl*4, - sizeof(_udph), &_udph); - if (uh == NULL) { - sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ", - skb->len - iphoff - ih->ihl*4); - break; - } - - /* Max length: 20 "SPT=65535 DPT=65535 " */ - sb_add(m, "SPT=%u DPT=%u LEN=%u ", - ntohs(uh->source), ntohs(uh->dest), - ntohs(uh->len)); - break; - } - case IPPROTO_ICMP: { - struct icmphdr _icmph; - const struct icmphdr *ich; - static const size_t required_len[NR_ICMP_TYPES+1] - = { [ICMP_ECHOREPLY] = 4, - [ICMP_DEST_UNREACH] - = 8 + sizeof(struct iphdr), - [ICMP_SOURCE_QUENCH] - = 8 + sizeof(struct iphdr), - [ICMP_REDIRECT] - = 8 + sizeof(struct iphdr), - [ICMP_ECHO] = 4, - [ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED] - = 8 + sizeof(struct iphdr), - [ICMP_PARAMETERPROB] - = 8 + sizeof(struct iphdr), - [ICMP_TIMESTAMP] = 20, - [ICMP_TIMESTAMPREPLY] = 20, - [ICMP_ADDRESS] = 12, - [ICMP_ADDRESSREPLY] = 12 }; - - /* Max length: 11 "PROTO=ICMP " */ - sb_add(m, "PROTO=ICMP "); - - if (ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_OFFSET) - break; - - /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */ - ich = skb_header_pointer(skb, iphoff + ih->ihl * 4, - sizeof(_icmph), &_icmph); - if (ich == NULL) { - sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ", - skb->len - iphoff - ih->ihl*4); - break; - } - - /* Max length: 18 "TYPE=255 CODE=255 " */ - sb_add(m, "TYPE=%u CODE=%u ", ich->type, ich->code); - - /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */ - if (ich->type <= NR_ICMP_TYPES && - required_len[ich->type] && - skb->len-iphoff-ih->ihl*4 < required_len[ich->type]) { - sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ", - skb->len - iphoff - ih->ihl*4); - break; - } - - switch (ich->type) { - case ICMP_ECHOREPLY: - case ICMP_ECHO: - /* Max length: 19 "ID=65535 SEQ=65535 " */ - sb_add(m, "ID=%u SEQ=%u ", - ntohs(ich->un.echo.id), - ntohs(ich->un.echo.sequence)); - break; - - case ICMP_PARAMETERPROB: - /* Max length: 14 "PARAMETER=255 " */ - sb_add(m, "PARAMETER=%u ", - ntohl(ich->un.gateway) >> 24); - break; - case ICMP_REDIRECT: - /* Max length: 24 "GATEWAY= " */ - sb_add(m, "GATEWAY=%pI4 ", &ich->un.gateway); - /* Fall through */ - case ICMP_DEST_UNREACH: - case ICMP_SOURCE_QUENCH: - case ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED: - /* Max length: 3+maxlen */ - if (!iphoff) { /* Only recurse once. */ - sb_add(m, "["); - dump_packet(m, info, skb, - iphoff + ih->ihl*4+sizeof(_icmph)); - sb_add(m, "] "); - } - - /* Max length: 10 "MTU=65535 " */ - if (ich->type == ICMP_DEST_UNREACH && - ich->code == ICMP_FRAG_NEEDED) - sb_add(m, "MTU=%u ", ntohs(ich->un.frag.mtu)); - } - break; - } - /* Max Length */ - case IPPROTO_AH: { - struct ip_auth_hdr _ahdr; - const struct ip_auth_hdr *ah; - - if (ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_OFFSET) - break; - - /* Max length: 9 "PROTO=AH " */ - sb_add(m, "PROTO=AH "); - - /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */ - ah = skb_header_pointer(skb, iphoff+ih->ihl*4, - sizeof(_ahdr), &_ahdr); - if (ah == NULL) { - sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ", - skb->len - iphoff - ih->ihl*4); - break; - } - - /* Length: 15 "SPI=0xF1234567 " */ - sb_add(m, "SPI=0x%x ", ntohl(ah->spi)); - break; - } - case IPPROTO_ESP: { - struct ip_esp_hdr _esph; - const struct ip_esp_hdr *eh; - - /* Max length: 10 "PROTO=ESP " */ - sb_add(m, "PROTO=ESP "); - - if (ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_OFFSET) - break; - - /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */ - eh = skb_header_pointer(skb, iphoff+ih->ihl*4, - sizeof(_esph), &_esph); - if (eh == NULL) { - sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ", - skb->len - iphoff - ih->ihl*4); - break; - } - - /* Length: 15 "SPI=0xF1234567 " */ - sb_add(m, "SPI=0x%x ", ntohl(eh->spi)); - break; - } - /* Max length: 10 "PROTO 255 " */ - default: - sb_add(m, "PROTO=%u ", ih->protocol); - } - - /* Max length: 15 "UID=4294967295 " */ - if ((logflags & IPT_LOG_UID) && !iphoff && skb->sk) { - read_lock_bh(&skb->sk->sk_callback_lock); - if (skb->sk->sk_socket && skb->sk->sk_socket->file) - sb_add(m, "UID=%u GID=%u ", - skb->sk->sk_socket->file->f_cred->fsuid, - skb->sk->sk_socket->file->f_cred->fsgid); - read_unlock_bh(&skb->sk->sk_callback_lock); - } - - /* Max length: 16 "MARK=0xFFFFFFFF " */ - if (!iphoff && skb->mark) - sb_add(m, "MARK=0x%x ", skb->mark); - - /* Proto Max log string length */ - /* IP: 40+46+6+11+127 = 230 */ - /* TCP: 10+max(25,20+30+13+9+32+11+127) = 252 */ - /* UDP: 10+max(25,20) = 35 */ - /* UDPLITE: 14+max(25,20) = 39 */ - /* ICMP: 11+max(25, 18+25+max(19,14,24+3+n+10,3+n+10)) = 91+n */ - /* ESP: 10+max(25)+15 = 50 */ - /* AH: 9+max(25)+15 = 49 */ - /* unknown: 10 */ - - /* (ICMP allows recursion one level deep) */ - /* maxlen = IP + ICMP + IP + max(TCP,UDP,ICMP,unknown) */ - /* maxlen = 230+ 91 + 230 + 252 = 803 */ -} - -static void dump_mac_header(struct sbuff *m, - const struct nf_loginfo *info, - const struct sk_buff *skb) -{ - struct net_device *dev = skb->dev; - unsigned int logflags = 0; - - if (info->type == NF_LOG_TYPE_LOG) - logflags = info->u.log.logflags; - - if (!(logflags & IPT_LOG_MACDECODE)) - goto fallback; - - switch (dev->type) { - case ARPHRD_ETHER: - sb_add(m, "MACSRC=%pM MACDST=%pM MACPROTO=%04x ", - eth_hdr(skb)->h_source, eth_hdr(skb)->h_dest, - ntohs(eth_hdr(skb)->h_proto)); - return; - default: - break; - } - -fallback: - sb_add(m, "MAC="); - if (dev->hard_header_len && - skb->mac_header != skb->network_header) { - const unsigned char *p = skb_mac_header(skb); - unsigned int i; - - sb_add(m, "%02x", *p++); - for (i = 1; i < dev->hard_header_len; i++, p++) - sb_add(m, ":%02x", *p); - } - sb_add(m, " "); -} - -static struct nf_loginfo default_loginfo = { - .type = NF_LOG_TYPE_LOG, - .u = { - .log = { - .level = 5, - .logflags = NF_LOG_MASK, - }, - }, -}; - -static void -ipt_log_packet(u_int8_t pf, - unsigned int hooknum, - const struct sk_buff *skb, - const struct net_device *in, - const struct net_device *out, - const struct nf_loginfo *loginfo, - const char *prefix) -{ - struct sbuff *m = sb_open(); - - if (!loginfo) - loginfo = &default_loginfo; - - sb_add(m, "<%d>%sIN=%s OUT=%s ", loginfo->u.log.level, - prefix, - in ? in->name : "", - out ? out->name : ""); -#ifdef CONFIG_BRIDGE_NETFILTER - if (skb->nf_bridge) { - const struct net_device *physindev; - const struct net_device *physoutdev; - - physindev = skb->nf_bridge->physindev; - if (physindev && in != physindev) - sb_add(m, "PHYSIN=%s ", physindev->name); - physoutdev = skb->nf_bridge->physoutdev; - if (physoutdev && out != physoutdev) - sb_add(m, "PHYSOUT=%s ", physoutdev->name); - } -#endif - - if (in != NULL) - dump_mac_header(m, loginfo, skb); - - dump_packet(m, loginfo, skb, 0); - - sb_close(m); -} - -static unsigned int -log_tg(struct sk_buff *skb, const struct xt_action_param *par) -{ - const struct ipt_log_info *loginfo = par->targinfo; - struct nf_loginfo li; - - li.type = NF_LOG_TYPE_LOG; - li.u.log.level = loginfo->level; - li.u.log.logflags = loginfo->logflags; - - ipt_log_packet(NFPROTO_IPV4, par->hooknum, skb, par->in, par->out, &li, - loginfo->prefix); - return XT_CONTINUE; -} - -static int log_tg_check(const struct xt_tgchk_param *par) -{ - const struct ipt_log_info *loginfo = par->targinfo; - - if (loginfo->level >= 8) { - pr_debug("level %u >= 8\n", loginfo->level); - return -EINVAL; - } - if (loginfo->prefix[sizeof(loginfo->prefix)-1] != '\0') { - pr_debug("prefix is not null-terminated\n"); - return -EINVAL; - } - return 0; -} - -static struct xt_target log_tg_reg __read_mostly = { - .name = "LOG", - .family = NFPROTO_IPV4, - .target = log_tg, - .targetsize = sizeof(struct ipt_log_info), - .checkentry = log_tg_check, - .me = THIS_MODULE, -}; - -static struct nf_logger ipt_log_logger __read_mostly = { - .name = "ipt_LOG", - .logfn = &ipt_log_packet, - .me = THIS_MODULE, -}; - -static int __init log_tg_init(void) -{ - int ret; - - ret = xt_register_target(&log_tg_reg); - if (ret < 0) - return ret; - nf_log_register(NFPROTO_IPV4, &ipt_log_logger); - return 0; -} - -static void __exit log_tg_exit(void) -{ - nf_log_unregister(&ipt_log_logger); - xt_unregister_target(&log_tg_reg); -} - -module_init(log_tg_init); -module_exit(log_tg_exit); diff --git a/net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_icmp.c b/net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_icmp.c index ab5b27a2916f70b79430f1a90ac7d7af6cceaebe..7cbe9cb261c29d44907760b7d51f0d95a9d64b27 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_icmp.c +++ b/net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_icmp.c @@ -75,25 +75,31 @@ static int icmp_print_tuple(struct seq_file *s, ntohs(tuple->src.u.icmp.id)); } +static unsigned int *icmp_get_timeouts(struct net *net) +{ + return &nf_ct_icmp_timeout; +} + /* Returns verdict for packet, or -1 for invalid. */ static int icmp_packet(struct nf_conn *ct, const struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int dataoff, enum ip_conntrack_info ctinfo, u_int8_t pf, - unsigned int hooknum) + unsigned int hooknum, + unsigned int *timeout) { /* Do not immediately delete the connection after the first successful reply to avoid excessive conntrackd traffic and also to handle correctly ICMP echo reply duplicates. */ - nf_ct_refresh_acct(ct, ctinfo, skb, nf_ct_icmp_timeout); + nf_ct_refresh_acct(ct, ctinfo, skb, *timeout); return NF_ACCEPT; } /* Called when a new connection for this protocol found. */ static bool icmp_new(struct nf_conn *ct, const struct sk_buff *skb, - unsigned int dataoff) + unsigned int dataoff, unsigned int *timeouts) { static const u_int8_t valid_new[] = { [ICMP_ECHO] = 1, @@ -263,6 +269,44 @@ static int icmp_nlattr_tuple_size(void) } #endif +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT) + +#include +#include + +static int icmp_timeout_nlattr_to_obj(struct nlattr *tb[], void *data) +{ + unsigned int *timeout = data; + + if (tb[CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMP_TIMEOUT]) { + *timeout = + ntohl(nla_get_be32(tb[CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMP_TIMEOUT])) * HZ; + } else { + /* Set default ICMP timeout. */ + *timeout = nf_ct_icmp_timeout; + } + return 0; +} + +static int +icmp_timeout_obj_to_nlattr(struct sk_buff *skb, const void *data) +{ + const unsigned int *timeout = data; + + NLA_PUT_BE32(skb, CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMP_TIMEOUT, htonl(*timeout / HZ)); + + return 0; + +nla_put_failure: + return -ENOSPC; +} + +static const struct nla_policy +icmp_timeout_nla_policy[CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMP_MAX+1] = { + [CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMP_TIMEOUT] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, +}; +#endif /* CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT */ + #ifdef CONFIG_SYSCTL static struct ctl_table_header *icmp_sysctl_header; static struct ctl_table icmp_sysctl_table[] = { @@ -298,6 +342,7 @@ struct nf_conntrack_l4proto nf_conntrack_l4proto_icmp __read_mostly = .invert_tuple = icmp_invert_tuple, .print_tuple = icmp_print_tuple, .packet = icmp_packet, + .get_timeouts = icmp_get_timeouts, .new = icmp_new, .error = icmp_error, .destroy = NULL, @@ -308,6 +353,15 @@ struct nf_conntrack_l4proto nf_conntrack_l4proto_icmp __read_mostly = .nlattr_to_tuple = icmp_nlattr_to_tuple, .nla_policy = icmp_nla_policy, #endif +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT) + .ctnl_timeout = { + .nlattr_to_obj = icmp_timeout_nlattr_to_obj, + .obj_to_nlattr = icmp_timeout_obj_to_nlattr, + .nlattr_max = CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMP_MAX, + .obj_size = sizeof(unsigned int), + .nla_policy = icmp_timeout_nla_policy, + }, +#endif /* CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT */ #ifdef CONFIG_SYSCTL .ctl_table_header = &icmp_sysctl_header, .ctl_table = icmp_sysctl_table, diff --git a/net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_core.c b/net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_core.c index a708933dc2304959bb3192e4fc49d44e4a2f3fa1..abb52adf5acdfdda9f816cb4e336ad9137452396 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_core.c +++ b/net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_core.c @@ -686,6 +686,11 @@ static struct pernet_operations nf_nat_net_ops = { .exit = nf_nat_net_exit, }; +static struct nf_ct_helper_expectfn follow_master_nat = { + .name = "nat-follow-master", + .expectfn = nf_nat_follow_master, +}; + static int __init nf_nat_init(void) { size_t i; @@ -717,6 +722,8 @@ static int __init nf_nat_init(void) l3proto = nf_ct_l3proto_find_get((u_int16_t)AF_INET); + nf_ct_helper_expectfn_register(&follow_master_nat); + BUG_ON(nf_nat_seq_adjust_hook != NULL); RCU_INIT_POINTER(nf_nat_seq_adjust_hook, nf_nat_seq_adjust); BUG_ON(nfnetlink_parse_nat_setup_hook != NULL); @@ -736,6 +743,7 @@ static void __exit nf_nat_cleanup(void) unregister_pernet_subsys(&nf_nat_net_ops); nf_ct_l3proto_put(l3proto); nf_ct_extend_unregister(&nat_extend); + nf_ct_helper_expectfn_unregister(&follow_master_nat); RCU_INIT_POINTER(nf_nat_seq_adjust_hook, NULL); RCU_INIT_POINTER(nfnetlink_parse_nat_setup_hook, NULL); RCU_INIT_POINTER(nf_ct_nat_offset, NULL); diff --git a/net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_h323.c b/net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_h323.c index dc1dd912baf4689df151a0756425f6bde4151cd4..82536701e3a39fb1fab54e1636999b0c4c18d35f 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_h323.c +++ b/net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_h323.c @@ -568,6 +568,16 @@ static int nat_callforwarding(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nf_conn *ct, return 0; } +static struct nf_ct_helper_expectfn q931_nat = { + .name = "Q.931", + .expectfn = ip_nat_q931_expect, +}; + +static struct nf_ct_helper_expectfn callforwarding_nat = { + .name = "callforwarding", + .expectfn = ip_nat_callforwarding_expect, +}; + /****************************************************************************/ static int __init init(void) { @@ -590,6 +600,8 @@ static int __init init(void) RCU_INIT_POINTER(nat_h245_hook, nat_h245); RCU_INIT_POINTER(nat_callforwarding_hook, nat_callforwarding); RCU_INIT_POINTER(nat_q931_hook, nat_q931); + nf_ct_helper_expectfn_register(&q931_nat); + nf_ct_helper_expectfn_register(&callforwarding_nat); return 0; } @@ -605,6 +617,8 @@ static void __exit fini(void) RCU_INIT_POINTER(nat_h245_hook, NULL); RCU_INIT_POINTER(nat_callforwarding_hook, NULL); RCU_INIT_POINTER(nat_q931_hook, NULL); + nf_ct_helper_expectfn_unregister(&q931_nat); + nf_ct_helper_expectfn_unregister(&callforwarding_nat); synchronize_rcu(); } diff --git a/net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_sip.c b/net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_sip.c index d0319f96269fb88384dcf5a64205761589b2e791..57932c43960ec27d32c55f6986ee28c74b138482 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_sip.c +++ b/net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_sip.c @@ -526,6 +526,11 @@ static unsigned int ip_nat_sdp_media(struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int dataoff, return NF_DROP; } +static struct nf_ct_helper_expectfn sip_nat = { + .name = "sip", + .expectfn = ip_nat_sip_expected, +}; + static void __exit nf_nat_sip_fini(void) { RCU_INIT_POINTER(nf_nat_sip_hook, NULL); @@ -535,6 +540,7 @@ static void __exit nf_nat_sip_fini(void) RCU_INIT_POINTER(nf_nat_sdp_port_hook, NULL); RCU_INIT_POINTER(nf_nat_sdp_session_hook, NULL); RCU_INIT_POINTER(nf_nat_sdp_media_hook, NULL); + nf_ct_helper_expectfn_unregister(&sip_nat); synchronize_rcu(); } @@ -554,6 +560,7 @@ static int __init nf_nat_sip_init(void) RCU_INIT_POINTER(nf_nat_sdp_port_hook, ip_nat_sdp_port); RCU_INIT_POINTER(nf_nat_sdp_session_hook, ip_nat_sdp_session); RCU_INIT_POINTER(nf_nat_sdp_media_hook, ip_nat_sdp_media); + nf_ct_helper_expectfn_register(&sip_nat); return 0; } diff --git a/net/ipv4/ping.c b/net/ipv4/ping.c index b072386cee218ba508d572d049b2371ba9bf370e..ab6b36e6da153638714c8a716e23a9832b432f49 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/ping.c +++ b/net/ipv4/ping.c @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ static struct sock *ping_v4_lookup(struct net *net, __be32 saddr, __be32 daddr, struct hlist_nulls_node *hnode; pr_debug("try to find: num = %d, daddr = %pI4, dif = %d\n", - (int)ident, &daddr, dif); + (int)ident, &daddr, dif); read_lock_bh(&ping_table.lock); ping_portaddr_for_each_entry(sk, hnode, hslot) { @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ static int ping_init_sock(struct sock *sk) static void ping_close(struct sock *sk, long timeout) { pr_debug("ping_close(sk=%p,sk->num=%u)\n", - inet_sk(sk), inet_sk(sk)->inet_num); + inet_sk(sk), inet_sk(sk)->inet_num); pr_debug("isk->refcnt = %d\n", sk->sk_refcnt.counter); sk_common_release(sk); @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ static int ping_bind(struct sock *sk, struct sockaddr *uaddr, int addr_len) return -EINVAL; pr_debug("ping_v4_bind(sk=%p,sa_addr=%08x,sa_port=%d)\n", - sk, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, ntohs(addr->sin_port)); + sk, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, ntohs(addr->sin_port)); chk_addr_ret = inet_addr_type(sock_net(sk), addr->sin_addr.s_addr); if (addr->sin_addr.s_addr == htonl(INADDR_ANY)) @@ -280,9 +280,9 @@ static int ping_bind(struct sock *sk, struct sockaddr *uaddr, int addr_len) } pr_debug("after bind(): num = %d, daddr = %pI4, dif = %d\n", - (int)isk->inet_num, - &isk->inet_rcv_saddr, - (int)sk->sk_bound_dev_if); + (int)isk->inet_num, + &isk->inet_rcv_saddr, + (int)sk->sk_bound_dev_if); err = 0; if (isk->inet_rcv_saddr) @@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ void ping_err(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 info) return; pr_debug("ping_err(type=%04x,code=%04x,id=%04x,seq=%04x)\n", type, - code, ntohs(icmph->un.echo.id), ntohs(icmph->un.echo.sequence)); + code, ntohs(icmph->un.echo.id), ntohs(icmph->un.echo.sequence)); sk = ping_v4_lookup(net, iph->daddr, iph->saddr, ntohs(icmph->un.echo.id), skb->dev->ifindex); @@ -556,7 +556,8 @@ static int ping_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, ipc.oif = inet->mc_index; if (!saddr) saddr = inet->mc_addr; - } + } else if (!ipc.oif) + ipc.oif = inet->uc_index; flowi4_init_output(&fl4, ipc.oif, sk->sk_mark, tos, RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE, sk->sk_protocol, @@ -678,7 +679,7 @@ static int ping_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, static int ping_queue_rcv_skb(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) { pr_debug("ping_queue_rcv_skb(sk=%p,sk->num=%d,skb=%p)\n", - inet_sk(sk), inet_sk(sk)->inet_num, skb); + inet_sk(sk), inet_sk(sk)->inet_num, skb); if (sock_queue_rcv_skb(sk, skb) < 0) { kfree_skb(skb); pr_debug("ping_queue_rcv_skb -> failed\n"); @@ -704,7 +705,7 @@ void ping_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb) /* We assume the packet has already been checked by icmp_rcv */ pr_debug("ping_rcv(skb=%p,id=%04x,seq=%04x)\n", - skb, ntohs(icmph->un.echo.id), ntohs(icmph->un.echo.sequence)); + skb, ntohs(icmph->un.echo.id), ntohs(icmph->un.echo.sequence)); /* Push ICMP header back */ skb_push(skb, skb->data - (u8 *)icmph); diff --git a/net/ipv4/proc.c b/net/ipv4/proc.c index 6afc807ee2ad66991f0e41d5a46602c4f3729310..8af0d44e4e2219cee75126adc6f2348e1d1f2d70 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/proc.c +++ b/net/ipv4/proc.c @@ -256,6 +256,8 @@ static const struct snmp_mib snmp4_net_list[] = { SNMP_MIB_ITEM("TCPTimeWaitOverflow", LINUX_MIB_TCPTIMEWAITOVERFLOW), SNMP_MIB_ITEM("TCPReqQFullDoCookies", LINUX_MIB_TCPREQQFULLDOCOOKIES), SNMP_MIB_ITEM("TCPReqQFullDrop", LINUX_MIB_TCPREQQFULLDROP), + SNMP_MIB_ITEM("TCPRetransFail", LINUX_MIB_TCPRETRANSFAIL), + SNMP_MIB_ITEM("TCPRcvCoalesce", LINUX_MIB_TCPRCVCOALESCE), SNMP_MIB_SENTINEL }; diff --git a/net/ipv4/raw.c b/net/ipv4/raw.c index 3ccda5ae8a27b24855c86cf0f3e858c648fc5295..bbd604c68e68bd0a4b9a400d3055cb45055a6d42 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/raw.c +++ b/net/ipv4/raw.c @@ -491,11 +491,8 @@ static int raw_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, if (msg->msg_namelen < sizeof(*usin)) goto out; if (usin->sin_family != AF_INET) { - static int complained; - if (!complained++) - printk(KERN_INFO "%s forgot to set AF_INET in " - "raw sendmsg. Fix it!\n", - current->comm); + pr_info_once("%s: %s forgot to set AF_INET. Fix it!\n", + __func__, current->comm); err = -EAFNOSUPPORT; if (usin->sin_family) goto out; @@ -563,7 +560,8 @@ static int raw_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, ipc.oif = inet->mc_index; if (!saddr) saddr = inet->mc_addr; - } + } else if (!ipc.oif) + ipc.oif = inet->uc_index; flowi4_init_output(&fl4, ipc.oif, sk->sk_mark, tos, RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE, diff --git a/net/ipv4/route.c b/net/ipv4/route.c index 0197747961748aff73465a90bd689d70b3113880..12ccf880eb88377161eb1eae3f5e66ceb41de8b4 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/route.c +++ b/net/ipv4/route.c @@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) "IPv4: " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -959,7 +961,7 @@ void rt_cache_flush_batch(struct net *net) static void rt_emergency_hash_rebuild(struct net *net) { if (net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_WARNING "Route hash chain too long!\n"); + pr_warn("Route hash chain too long!\n"); rt_cache_invalidate(net); } @@ -1083,7 +1085,7 @@ static int rt_garbage_collect(struct dst_ops *ops) if (dst_entries_get_slow(&ipv4_dst_ops) < ip_rt_max_size) goto out; if (net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_WARNING "dst cache overflow\n"); + pr_warn("dst cache overflow\n"); RT_CACHE_STAT_INC(gc_dst_overflow); return 1; @@ -1116,12 +1118,17 @@ static struct neighbour *ipv4_neigh_lookup(const struct dst_entry *dst, const vo static const __be32 inaddr_any = 0; struct net_device *dev = dst->dev; const __be32 *pkey = daddr; + const struct rtable *rt; struct neighbour *n; + rt = (const struct rtable *) dst; + if (dev->flags & (IFF_LOOPBACK | IFF_POINTOPOINT)) pkey = &inaddr_any; + else if (rt->rt_gateway) + pkey = (const __be32 *) &rt->rt_gateway; - n = __ipv4_neigh_lookup(&arp_tbl, dev, *(__force u32 *)pkey); + n = __ipv4_neigh_lookup(dev, *(__force u32 *)pkey); if (n) return n; return neigh_create(&arp_tbl, pkey, dev); @@ -1176,8 +1183,7 @@ static struct rtable *rt_intern_hash(unsigned hash, struct rtable *rt, int err = rt_bind_neighbour(rt); if (err) { if (net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_WARNING - "Neighbour table failure & not caching routes.\n"); + pr_warn("Neighbour table failure & not caching routes\n"); ip_rt_put(rt); return ERR_PTR(err); } @@ -1253,7 +1259,7 @@ static struct rtable *rt_intern_hash(unsigned hash, struct rtable *rt, struct net *net = dev_net(rt->dst.dev); int num = ++net->ipv4.current_rt_cache_rebuild_count; if (!rt_caching(net)) { - printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: %d rebuilds is over limit, route caching disabled\n", + pr_warn("%s: %d rebuilds is over limit, route caching disabled\n", rt->dst.dev->name, num); } rt_emergency_hash_rebuild(net); @@ -1294,7 +1300,7 @@ static struct rtable *rt_intern_hash(unsigned hash, struct rtable *rt, } if (net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_WARNING "ipv4: Neighbour table overflow.\n"); + pr_warn("Neighbour table overflow\n"); rt_drop(rt); return ERR_PTR(-ENOBUFS); } @@ -1498,10 +1504,10 @@ void ip_rt_redirect(__be32 old_gw, __be32 daddr, __be32 new_gw, reject_redirect: #ifdef CONFIG_IP_ROUTE_VERBOSE if (IN_DEV_LOG_MARTIANS(in_dev) && net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_INFO "Redirect from %pI4 on %s about %pI4 ignored.\n" + pr_info("Redirect from %pI4 on %s about %pI4 ignored\n" " Advised path = %pI4 -> %pI4\n", - &old_gw, dev->name, &new_gw, - &saddr, &daddr); + &old_gw, dev->name, &new_gw, + &saddr, &daddr); #endif ; } @@ -1613,8 +1619,8 @@ void ip_rt_send_redirect(struct sk_buff *skb) if (log_martians && peer->rate_tokens == ip_rt_redirect_number && net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_WARNING "host %pI4/if%d ignores redirects for %pI4 to %pI4.\n", - &ip_hdr(skb)->saddr, rt->rt_iif, + pr_warn("host %pI4/if%d ignores redirects for %pI4 to %pI4\n", + &ip_hdr(skb)->saddr, rt->rt_iif, &rt->rt_dst, &rt->rt_gateway); #endif } @@ -2100,18 +2106,13 @@ static void ip_handle_martian_source(struct net_device *dev, * RFC1812 recommendation, if source is martian, * the only hint is MAC header. */ - printk(KERN_WARNING "martian source %pI4 from %pI4, on dev %s\n", + pr_warn("martian source %pI4 from %pI4, on dev %s\n", &daddr, &saddr, dev->name); if (dev->hard_header_len && skb_mac_header_was_set(skb)) { - int i; - const unsigned char *p = skb_mac_header(skb); - printk(KERN_WARNING "ll header: "); - for (i = 0; i < dev->hard_header_len; i++, p++) { - printk("%02x", *p); - if (i < (dev->hard_header_len - 1)) - printk(":"); - } - printk("\n"); + print_hex_dump(KERN_WARNING, "ll header: ", + DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, 16, 1, + skb_mac_header(skb), + dev->hard_header_len, true); } } #endif @@ -2135,8 +2136,7 @@ static int __mkroute_input(struct sk_buff *skb, out_dev = __in_dev_get_rcu(FIB_RES_DEV(*res)); if (out_dev == NULL) { if (net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_CRIT "Bug in ip_route_input" \ - "_slow(). Please, report\n"); + pr_crit("Bug in ip_route_input_slow(). Please report.\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -2408,7 +2408,7 @@ out: return err; RT_CACHE_STAT_INC(in_martian_dst); #ifdef CONFIG_IP_ROUTE_VERBOSE if (IN_DEV_LOG_MARTIANS(in_dev) && net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_WARNING "martian destination %pI4 from %pI4, dev %s\n", + pr_warn("martian destination %pI4 from %pI4, dev %s\n", &daddr, &saddr, dev->name); #endif @@ -3485,7 +3485,7 @@ int __init ip_rt_init(void) net_random() % ip_rt_gc_interval + ip_rt_gc_interval); if (ip_rt_proc_init()) - printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to create route proc files\n"); + pr_err("Unable to create route proc files\n"); #ifdef CONFIG_XFRM xfrm_init(); xfrm4_init(ip_rt_max_size); diff --git a/net/ipv4/tcp.c b/net/ipv4/tcp.c index 22ef5f9fd2ff2e92dc4955dc9a2ac450d8a435fa..cfd7edda0a8eb6e8dd908a1bc5c309225c4ce495 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/tcp.c +++ b/net/ipv4/tcp.c @@ -245,6 +245,8 @@ * TCP_CLOSE socket is finished */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) "TCP: " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -1675,7 +1677,8 @@ int tcp_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, if (tp->ucopy.dma_cookie < 0) { - printk(KERN_ALERT "dma_cookie < 0\n"); + pr_alert("%s: dma_cookie < 0\n", + __func__); /* Exception. Bailout! */ if (!copied) @@ -1884,9 +1887,9 @@ bool tcp_check_oom(struct sock *sk, int shift) out_of_socket_memory = tcp_out_of_memory(sk); if (too_many_orphans && net_ratelimit()) - pr_info("TCP: too many orphaned sockets\n"); + pr_info("too many orphaned sockets\n"); if (out_of_socket_memory && net_ratelimit()) - pr_info("TCP: out of memory -- consider tuning tcp_mem\n"); + pr_info("out of memory -- consider tuning tcp_mem\n"); return too_many_orphans || out_of_socket_memory; } @@ -3311,9 +3314,8 @@ void __init tcp_init(void) sysctl_tcp_rmem[1] = 87380; sysctl_tcp_rmem[2] = max(87380, max_share); - printk(KERN_INFO "TCP: Hash tables configured " - "(established %u bind %u)\n", - tcp_hashinfo.ehash_mask + 1, tcp_hashinfo.bhash_size); + pr_info("Hash tables configured (established %u bind %u)\n", + tcp_hashinfo.ehash_mask + 1, tcp_hashinfo.bhash_size); tcp_register_congestion_control(&tcp_reno); diff --git a/net/ipv4/tcp_cong.c b/net/ipv4/tcp_cong.c index fc6d475f488f87a9bb084e9b9930e8e28cf7757f..272a84593c855729d3d687ea3071ae9c800c444d 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/tcp_cong.c +++ b/net/ipv4/tcp_cong.c @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ * Copyright (C) 2005 Stephen Hemminger */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) "TCP: " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -41,18 +43,17 @@ int tcp_register_congestion_control(struct tcp_congestion_ops *ca) /* all algorithms must implement ssthresh and cong_avoid ops */ if (!ca->ssthresh || !ca->cong_avoid) { - printk(KERN_ERR "TCP %s does not implement required ops\n", - ca->name); + pr_err("%s does not implement required ops\n", ca->name); return -EINVAL; } spin_lock(&tcp_cong_list_lock); if (tcp_ca_find(ca->name)) { - printk(KERN_NOTICE "TCP %s already registered\n", ca->name); + pr_notice("%s already registered\n", ca->name); ret = -EEXIST; } else { list_add_tail_rcu(&ca->list, &tcp_cong_list); - printk(KERN_INFO "TCP %s registered\n", ca->name); + pr_info("%s registered\n", ca->name); } spin_unlock(&tcp_cong_list_lock); diff --git a/net/ipv4/tcp_input.c b/net/ipv4/tcp_input.c index b5e315f13641d683c2ab9031c0d52969c6c0873a..e886e2f7fa8d03edc8644179a6f1ef7ca6a374f6 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/tcp_input.c +++ b/net/ipv4/tcp_input.c @@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ * Pasi Sarolahti: F-RTO for dealing with spurious RTOs */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) "TCP: " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -3867,9 +3869,9 @@ void tcp_parse_options(const struct sk_buff *skb, struct tcp_options_received *o opt_rx->wscale_ok = 1; if (snd_wscale > 14) { if (net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_INFO "tcp_parse_options: Illegal window " - "scaling value %d >14 received.\n", - snd_wscale); + pr_info("%s: Illegal window scaling value %d >14 received\n", + __func__, + snd_wscale); snd_wscale = 14; } opt_rx->snd_wscale = snd_wscale; @@ -4191,7 +4193,7 @@ static void tcp_fin(struct sock *sk) /* Only TCP_LISTEN and TCP_CLOSE are left, in these * cases we should never reach this piece of code. */ - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Impossible, sk->sk_state=%d\n", + pr_err("%s: Impossible, sk->sk_state=%d\n", __func__, sk->sk_state); break; } @@ -4444,6 +4446,137 @@ static inline int tcp_try_rmem_schedule(struct sock *sk, unsigned int size) return 0; } +static void tcp_data_queue_ofo(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk); + struct sk_buff *skb1; + u32 seq, end_seq; + + TCP_ECN_check_ce(tp, skb); + + if (tcp_try_rmem_schedule(sk, skb->truesize)) { + /* TODO: should increment a counter */ + __kfree_skb(skb); + return; + } + + /* Disable header prediction. */ + tp->pred_flags = 0; + inet_csk_schedule_ack(sk); + + SOCK_DEBUG(sk, "out of order segment: rcv_next %X seq %X - %X\n", + tp->rcv_nxt, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq); + + skb1 = skb_peek_tail(&tp->out_of_order_queue); + if (!skb1) { + /* Initial out of order segment, build 1 SACK. */ + if (tcp_is_sack(tp)) { + tp->rx_opt.num_sacks = 1; + tp->selective_acks[0].start_seq = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq; + tp->selective_acks[0].end_seq = + TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq; + } + __skb_queue_head(&tp->out_of_order_queue, skb); + goto end; + } + + seq = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq; + end_seq = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq; + + if (seq == TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->end_seq) { + /* Packets in ofo can stay in queue a long time. + * Better try to coalesce them right now + * to avoid future tcp_collapse_ofo_queue(), + * probably the most expensive function in tcp stack. + */ + if (skb->len <= skb_tailroom(skb1) && !tcp_hdr(skb)->fin) { + NET_INC_STATS_BH(sock_net(sk), + LINUX_MIB_TCPRCVCOALESCE); + BUG_ON(skb_copy_bits(skb, 0, + skb_put(skb1, skb->len), + skb->len)); + TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->end_seq = end_seq; + TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->ack_seq = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->ack_seq; + __kfree_skb(skb); + skb = NULL; + } else { + __skb_queue_after(&tp->out_of_order_queue, skb1, skb); + } + + if (!tp->rx_opt.num_sacks || + tp->selective_acks[0].end_seq != seq) + goto add_sack; + + /* Common case: data arrive in order after hole. */ + tp->selective_acks[0].end_seq = end_seq; + goto end; + } + + /* Find place to insert this segment. */ + while (1) { + if (!after(TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->seq, seq)) + break; + if (skb_queue_is_first(&tp->out_of_order_queue, skb1)) { + skb1 = NULL; + break; + } + skb1 = skb_queue_prev(&tp->out_of_order_queue, skb1); + } + + /* Do skb overlap to previous one? */ + if (skb1 && before(seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->end_seq)) { + if (!after(end_seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->end_seq)) { + /* All the bits are present. Drop. */ + __kfree_skb(skb); + skb = NULL; + tcp_dsack_set(sk, seq, end_seq); + goto add_sack; + } + if (after(seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->seq)) { + /* Partial overlap. */ + tcp_dsack_set(sk, seq, + TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->end_seq); + } else { + if (skb_queue_is_first(&tp->out_of_order_queue, + skb1)) + skb1 = NULL; + else + skb1 = skb_queue_prev( + &tp->out_of_order_queue, + skb1); + } + } + if (!skb1) + __skb_queue_head(&tp->out_of_order_queue, skb); + else + __skb_queue_after(&tp->out_of_order_queue, skb1, skb); + + /* And clean segments covered by new one as whole. */ + while (!skb_queue_is_last(&tp->out_of_order_queue, skb)) { + skb1 = skb_queue_next(&tp->out_of_order_queue, skb); + + if (!after(end_seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->seq)) + break; + if (before(end_seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->end_seq)) { + tcp_dsack_extend(sk, TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->seq, + end_seq); + break; + } + __skb_unlink(skb1, &tp->out_of_order_queue); + tcp_dsack_extend(sk, TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->seq, + TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->end_seq); + __kfree_skb(skb1); + } + +add_sack: + if (tcp_is_sack(tp)) + tcp_sack_new_ofo_skb(sk, seq, end_seq); +end: + if (skb) + skb_set_owner_r(skb, sk); +} + + static void tcp_data_queue(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) { const struct tcphdr *th = tcp_hdr(skb); @@ -4559,105 +4692,7 @@ static void tcp_data_queue(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) goto queue_and_out; } - TCP_ECN_check_ce(tp, skb); - - if (tcp_try_rmem_schedule(sk, skb->truesize)) - goto drop; - - /* Disable header prediction. */ - tp->pred_flags = 0; - inet_csk_schedule_ack(sk); - - SOCK_DEBUG(sk, "out of order segment: rcv_next %X seq %X - %X\n", - tp->rcv_nxt, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq); - - skb_set_owner_r(skb, sk); - - if (!skb_peek(&tp->out_of_order_queue)) { - /* Initial out of order segment, build 1 SACK. */ - if (tcp_is_sack(tp)) { - tp->rx_opt.num_sacks = 1; - tp->selective_acks[0].start_seq = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq; - tp->selective_acks[0].end_seq = - TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq; - } - __skb_queue_head(&tp->out_of_order_queue, skb); - } else { - struct sk_buff *skb1 = skb_peek_tail(&tp->out_of_order_queue); - u32 seq = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq; - u32 end_seq = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq; - - if (seq == TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->end_seq) { - __skb_queue_after(&tp->out_of_order_queue, skb1, skb); - - if (!tp->rx_opt.num_sacks || - tp->selective_acks[0].end_seq != seq) - goto add_sack; - - /* Common case: data arrive in order after hole. */ - tp->selective_acks[0].end_seq = end_seq; - return; - } - - /* Find place to insert this segment. */ - while (1) { - if (!after(TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->seq, seq)) - break; - if (skb_queue_is_first(&tp->out_of_order_queue, skb1)) { - skb1 = NULL; - break; - } - skb1 = skb_queue_prev(&tp->out_of_order_queue, skb1); - } - - /* Do skb overlap to previous one? */ - if (skb1 && before(seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->end_seq)) { - if (!after(end_seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->end_seq)) { - /* All the bits are present. Drop. */ - __kfree_skb(skb); - tcp_dsack_set(sk, seq, end_seq); - goto add_sack; - } - if (after(seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->seq)) { - /* Partial overlap. */ - tcp_dsack_set(sk, seq, - TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->end_seq); - } else { - if (skb_queue_is_first(&tp->out_of_order_queue, - skb1)) - skb1 = NULL; - else - skb1 = skb_queue_prev( - &tp->out_of_order_queue, - skb1); - } - } - if (!skb1) - __skb_queue_head(&tp->out_of_order_queue, skb); - else - __skb_queue_after(&tp->out_of_order_queue, skb1, skb); - - /* And clean segments covered by new one as whole. */ - while (!skb_queue_is_last(&tp->out_of_order_queue, skb)) { - skb1 = skb_queue_next(&tp->out_of_order_queue, skb); - - if (!after(end_seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->seq)) - break; - if (before(end_seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->end_seq)) { - tcp_dsack_extend(sk, TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->seq, - end_seq); - break; - } - __skb_unlink(skb1, &tp->out_of_order_queue); - tcp_dsack_extend(sk, TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->seq, - TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->end_seq); - __kfree_skb(skb1); - } - -add_sack: - if (tcp_is_sack(tp)) - tcp_sack_new_ofo_skb(sk, seq, end_seq); - } + tcp_data_queue_ofo(sk, skb); } static struct sk_buff *tcp_collapse_one(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, diff --git a/net/ipv4/tcp_ipv4.c b/net/ipv4/tcp_ipv4.c index fd54c5f8a255e81f490846e13fa827da9aaf77ac..3a25cf743f8ba5a70d72dd9b068e42fe52675026 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/tcp_ipv4.c +++ b/net/ipv4/tcp_ipv4.c @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ * a single port at the same time. */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) "TCP: " fmt #include #include @@ -90,16 +91,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(sysctl_tcp_low_latency); #ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG -static struct tcp_md5sig_key *tcp_v4_md5_do_lookup(struct sock *sk, - __be32 addr); -static int tcp_v4_md5_hash_hdr(char *md5_hash, struct tcp_md5sig_key *key, +static int tcp_v4_md5_hash_hdr(char *md5_hash, const struct tcp_md5sig_key *key, __be32 daddr, __be32 saddr, const struct tcphdr *th); -#else -static inline -struct tcp_md5sig_key *tcp_v4_md5_do_lookup(struct sock *sk, __be32 addr) -{ - return NULL; -} #endif struct inet_hashinfo tcp_hashinfo; @@ -601,6 +594,10 @@ static void tcp_v4_send_reset(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) struct ip_reply_arg arg; #ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG struct tcp_md5sig_key *key; + const __u8 *hash_location = NULL; + unsigned char newhash[16]; + int genhash; + struct sock *sk1 = NULL; #endif struct net *net; @@ -631,7 +628,36 @@ static void tcp_v4_send_reset(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) arg.iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(rep.th); #ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG - key = sk ? tcp_v4_md5_do_lookup(sk, ip_hdr(skb)->saddr) : NULL; + hash_location = tcp_parse_md5sig_option(th); + if (!sk && hash_location) { + /* + * active side is lost. Try to find listening socket through + * source port, and then find md5 key through listening socket. + * we are not loose security here: + * Incoming packet is checked with md5 hash with finding key, + * no RST generated if md5 hash doesn't match. + */ + sk1 = __inet_lookup_listener(dev_net(skb_dst(skb)->dev), + &tcp_hashinfo, ip_hdr(skb)->daddr, + ntohs(th->source), inet_iif(skb)); + /* don't send rst if it can't find key */ + if (!sk1) + return; + rcu_read_lock(); + key = tcp_md5_do_lookup(sk1, (union tcp_md5_addr *) + &ip_hdr(skb)->saddr, AF_INET); + if (!key) + goto release_sk1; + + genhash = tcp_v4_md5_hash_skb(newhash, key, NULL, NULL, skb); + if (genhash || memcmp(hash_location, newhash, 16) != 0) + goto release_sk1; + } else { + key = sk ? tcp_md5_do_lookup(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *) + &ip_hdr(skb)->saddr, + AF_INET) : NULL; + } + if (key) { rep.opt[0] = htonl((TCPOPT_NOP << 24) | (TCPOPT_NOP << 16) | @@ -664,6 +690,14 @@ static void tcp_v4_send_reset(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) TCP_INC_STATS_BH(net, TCP_MIB_OUTSEGS); TCP_INC_STATS_BH(net, TCP_MIB_OUTRSTS); + +#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG +release_sk1: + if (sk1) { + rcu_read_unlock(); + sock_put(sk1); + } +#endif } /* The code following below sending ACKs in SYN-RECV and TIME-WAIT states @@ -764,7 +798,8 @@ static void tcp_v4_reqsk_send_ack(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, tcp_rsk(req)->rcv_isn + 1, req->rcv_wnd, req->ts_recent, 0, - tcp_v4_md5_do_lookup(sk, ip_hdr(skb)->daddr), + tcp_md5_do_lookup(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&ip_hdr(skb)->daddr, + AF_INET), inet_rsk(req)->no_srccheck ? IP_REPLY_ARG_NOSRCCHECK : 0, ip_hdr(skb)->tos); } @@ -842,8 +877,7 @@ int tcp_syn_flood_action(struct sock *sk, lopt = inet_csk(sk)->icsk_accept_queue.listen_opt; if (!lopt->synflood_warned) { lopt->synflood_warned = 1; - pr_info("%s: Possible SYN flooding on port %d. %s. " - " Check SNMP counters.\n", + pr_info("%s: Possible SYN flooding on port %d. %s. Check SNMP counters.\n", proto, ntohs(tcp_hdr(skb)->dest), msg); } return want_cookie; @@ -881,153 +915,138 @@ static struct ip_options_rcu *tcp_v4_save_options(struct sock *sk, */ /* Find the Key structure for an address. */ -static struct tcp_md5sig_key * - tcp_v4_md5_do_lookup(struct sock *sk, __be32 addr) +struct tcp_md5sig_key *tcp_md5_do_lookup(struct sock *sk, + const union tcp_md5_addr *addr, + int family) { struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk); - int i; - - if (!tp->md5sig_info || !tp->md5sig_info->entries4) + struct tcp_md5sig_key *key; + struct hlist_node *pos; + unsigned int size = sizeof(struct in_addr); + struct tcp_md5sig_info *md5sig; + + /* caller either holds rcu_read_lock() or socket lock */ + md5sig = rcu_dereference_check(tp->md5sig_info, + sock_owned_by_user(sk) || + lockdep_is_held(&sk->sk_lock.slock)); + if (!md5sig) return NULL; - for (i = 0; i < tp->md5sig_info->entries4; i++) { - if (tp->md5sig_info->keys4[i].addr == addr) - return &tp->md5sig_info->keys4[i].base; +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) + if (family == AF_INET6) + size = sizeof(struct in6_addr); +#endif + hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(key, pos, &md5sig->head, node) { + if (key->family != family) + continue; + if (!memcmp(&key->addr, addr, size)) + return key; } return NULL; } +EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_md5_do_lookup); struct tcp_md5sig_key *tcp_v4_md5_lookup(struct sock *sk, struct sock *addr_sk) { - return tcp_v4_md5_do_lookup(sk, inet_sk(addr_sk)->inet_daddr); + union tcp_md5_addr *addr; + + addr = (union tcp_md5_addr *)&inet_sk(addr_sk)->inet_daddr; + return tcp_md5_do_lookup(sk, addr, AF_INET); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_md5_lookup); static struct tcp_md5sig_key *tcp_v4_reqsk_md5_lookup(struct sock *sk, struct request_sock *req) { - return tcp_v4_md5_do_lookup(sk, inet_rsk(req)->rmt_addr); + union tcp_md5_addr *addr; + + addr = (union tcp_md5_addr *)&inet_rsk(req)->rmt_addr; + return tcp_md5_do_lookup(sk, addr, AF_INET); } /* This can be called on a newly created socket, from other files */ -int tcp_v4_md5_do_add(struct sock *sk, __be32 addr, - u8 *newkey, u8 newkeylen) +int tcp_md5_do_add(struct sock *sk, const union tcp_md5_addr *addr, + int family, const u8 *newkey, u8 newkeylen, gfp_t gfp) { /* Add Key to the list */ struct tcp_md5sig_key *key; struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk); - struct tcp4_md5sig_key *keys; + struct tcp_md5sig_info *md5sig; - key = tcp_v4_md5_do_lookup(sk, addr); + key = tcp_md5_do_lookup(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&addr, AF_INET); if (key) { /* Pre-existing entry - just update that one. */ - kfree(key->key); - key->key = newkey; + memcpy(key->key, newkey, newkeylen); key->keylen = newkeylen; - } else { - struct tcp_md5sig_info *md5sig; - - if (!tp->md5sig_info) { - tp->md5sig_info = kzalloc(sizeof(*tp->md5sig_info), - GFP_ATOMIC); - if (!tp->md5sig_info) { - kfree(newkey); - return -ENOMEM; - } - sk_nocaps_add(sk, NETIF_F_GSO_MASK); - } + return 0; + } - md5sig = tp->md5sig_info; - if (md5sig->entries4 == 0 && - tcp_alloc_md5sig_pool(sk) == NULL) { - kfree(newkey); + md5sig = rcu_dereference_protected(tp->md5sig_info, + sock_owned_by_user(sk)); + if (!md5sig) { + md5sig = kmalloc(sizeof(*md5sig), gfp); + if (!md5sig) return -ENOMEM; - } - - if (md5sig->alloced4 == md5sig->entries4) { - keys = kmalloc((sizeof(*keys) * - (md5sig->entries4 + 1)), GFP_ATOMIC); - if (!keys) { - kfree(newkey); - if (md5sig->entries4 == 0) - tcp_free_md5sig_pool(); - return -ENOMEM; - } - if (md5sig->entries4) - memcpy(keys, md5sig->keys4, - sizeof(*keys) * md5sig->entries4); + sk_nocaps_add(sk, NETIF_F_GSO_MASK); + INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&md5sig->head); + rcu_assign_pointer(tp->md5sig_info, md5sig); + } - /* Free old key list, and reference new one */ - kfree(md5sig->keys4); - md5sig->keys4 = keys; - md5sig->alloced4++; - } - md5sig->entries4++; - md5sig->keys4[md5sig->entries4 - 1].addr = addr; - md5sig->keys4[md5sig->entries4 - 1].base.key = newkey; - md5sig->keys4[md5sig->entries4 - 1].base.keylen = newkeylen; + key = sock_kmalloc(sk, sizeof(*key), gfp); + if (!key) + return -ENOMEM; + if (hlist_empty(&md5sig->head) && !tcp_alloc_md5sig_pool(sk)) { + sock_kfree_s(sk, key, sizeof(*key)); + return -ENOMEM; } - return 0; -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_md5_do_add); -static int tcp_v4_md5_add_func(struct sock *sk, struct sock *addr_sk, - u8 *newkey, u8 newkeylen) -{ - return tcp_v4_md5_do_add(sk, inet_sk(addr_sk)->inet_daddr, - newkey, newkeylen); + memcpy(key->key, newkey, newkeylen); + key->keylen = newkeylen; + key->family = family; + memcpy(&key->addr, addr, + (family == AF_INET6) ? sizeof(struct in6_addr) : + sizeof(struct in_addr)); + hlist_add_head_rcu(&key->node, &md5sig->head); + return 0; } +EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_md5_do_add); -int tcp_v4_md5_do_del(struct sock *sk, __be32 addr) +int tcp_md5_do_del(struct sock *sk, const union tcp_md5_addr *addr, int family) { struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk); - int i; - - for (i = 0; i < tp->md5sig_info->entries4; i++) { - if (tp->md5sig_info->keys4[i].addr == addr) { - /* Free the key */ - kfree(tp->md5sig_info->keys4[i].base.key); - tp->md5sig_info->entries4--; - - if (tp->md5sig_info->entries4 == 0) { - kfree(tp->md5sig_info->keys4); - tp->md5sig_info->keys4 = NULL; - tp->md5sig_info->alloced4 = 0; - tcp_free_md5sig_pool(); - } else if (tp->md5sig_info->entries4 != i) { - /* Need to do some manipulation */ - memmove(&tp->md5sig_info->keys4[i], - &tp->md5sig_info->keys4[i+1], - (tp->md5sig_info->entries4 - i) * - sizeof(struct tcp4_md5sig_key)); - } - return 0; - } - } - return -ENOENT; + struct tcp_md5sig_key *key; + struct tcp_md5sig_info *md5sig; + + key = tcp_md5_do_lookup(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&addr, AF_INET); + if (!key) + return -ENOENT; + hlist_del_rcu(&key->node); + atomic_sub(sizeof(*key), &sk->sk_omem_alloc); + kfree_rcu(key, rcu); + md5sig = rcu_dereference_protected(tp->md5sig_info, + sock_owned_by_user(sk)); + if (hlist_empty(&md5sig->head)) + tcp_free_md5sig_pool(); + return 0; } -EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_md5_do_del); +EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_md5_do_del); -static void tcp_v4_clear_md5_list(struct sock *sk) +void tcp_clear_md5_list(struct sock *sk) { struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk); + struct tcp_md5sig_key *key; + struct hlist_node *pos, *n; + struct tcp_md5sig_info *md5sig; - /* Free each key, then the set of key keys, - * the crypto element, and then decrement our - * hold on the last resort crypto. - */ - if (tp->md5sig_info->entries4) { - int i; - for (i = 0; i < tp->md5sig_info->entries4; i++) - kfree(tp->md5sig_info->keys4[i].base.key); - tp->md5sig_info->entries4 = 0; + md5sig = rcu_dereference_protected(tp->md5sig_info, 1); + + if (!hlist_empty(&md5sig->head)) tcp_free_md5sig_pool(); - } - if (tp->md5sig_info->keys4) { - kfree(tp->md5sig_info->keys4); - tp->md5sig_info->keys4 = NULL; - tp->md5sig_info->alloced4 = 0; + hlist_for_each_entry_safe(key, pos, n, &md5sig->head, node) { + hlist_del_rcu(&key->node); + atomic_sub(sizeof(*key), &sk->sk_omem_alloc); + kfree_rcu(key, rcu); } } @@ -1036,7 +1055,6 @@ static int tcp_v4_parse_md5_keys(struct sock *sk, char __user *optval, { struct tcp_md5sig cmd; struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&cmd.tcpm_addr; - u8 *newkey; if (optlen < sizeof(cmd)) return -EINVAL; @@ -1047,32 +1065,16 @@ static int tcp_v4_parse_md5_keys(struct sock *sk, char __user *optval, if (sin->sin_family != AF_INET) return -EINVAL; - if (!cmd.tcpm_key || !cmd.tcpm_keylen) { - if (!tcp_sk(sk)->md5sig_info) - return -ENOENT; - return tcp_v4_md5_do_del(sk, sin->sin_addr.s_addr); - } + if (!cmd.tcpm_key || !cmd.tcpm_keylen) + return tcp_md5_do_del(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&sin->sin_addr.s_addr, + AF_INET); if (cmd.tcpm_keylen > TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN) return -EINVAL; - if (!tcp_sk(sk)->md5sig_info) { - struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk); - struct tcp_md5sig_info *p; - - p = kzalloc(sizeof(*p), sk->sk_allocation); - if (!p) - return -EINVAL; - - tp->md5sig_info = p; - sk_nocaps_add(sk, NETIF_F_GSO_MASK); - } - - newkey = kmemdup(cmd.tcpm_key, cmd.tcpm_keylen, sk->sk_allocation); - if (!newkey) - return -ENOMEM; - return tcp_v4_md5_do_add(sk, sin->sin_addr.s_addr, - newkey, cmd.tcpm_keylen); + return tcp_md5_do_add(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&sin->sin_addr.s_addr, + AF_INET, cmd.tcpm_key, cmd.tcpm_keylen, + GFP_KERNEL); } static int tcp_v4_md5_hash_pseudoheader(struct tcp_md5sig_pool *hp, @@ -1098,7 +1100,7 @@ static int tcp_v4_md5_hash_pseudoheader(struct tcp_md5sig_pool *hp, return crypto_hash_update(&hp->md5_desc, &sg, sizeof(*bp)); } -static int tcp_v4_md5_hash_hdr(char *md5_hash, struct tcp_md5sig_key *key, +static int tcp_v4_md5_hash_hdr(char *md5_hash, const struct tcp_md5sig_key *key, __be32 daddr, __be32 saddr, const struct tcphdr *th) { struct tcp_md5sig_pool *hp; @@ -1198,7 +1200,8 @@ static int tcp_v4_inbound_md5_hash(struct sock *sk, const struct sk_buff *skb) int genhash; unsigned char newhash[16]; - hash_expected = tcp_v4_md5_do_lookup(sk, iph->saddr); + hash_expected = tcp_md5_do_lookup(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&iph->saddr, + AF_INET); hash_location = tcp_parse_md5sig_option(th); /* We've parsed the options - do we have a hash? */ @@ -1224,10 +1227,10 @@ static int tcp_v4_inbound_md5_hash(struct sock *sk, const struct sk_buff *skb) if (genhash || memcmp(hash_location, newhash, 16) != 0) { if (net_ratelimit()) { - printk(KERN_INFO "MD5 Hash failed for (%pI4, %d)->(%pI4, %d)%s\n", - &iph->saddr, ntohs(th->source), - &iph->daddr, ntohs(th->dest), - genhash ? " tcp_v4_calc_md5_hash failed" : ""); + pr_info("MD5 Hash failed for (%pI4, %d)->(%pI4, %d)%s\n", + &iph->saddr, ntohs(th->source), + &iph->daddr, ntohs(th->dest), + genhash ? " tcp_v4_calc_md5_hash failed" : ""); } return 1; } @@ -1396,7 +1399,7 @@ int tcp_v4_conn_request(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) * to destinations, already remembered * to the moment of synflood. */ - LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_DEBUG "TCP: drop open request from %pI4/%u\n", + LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_DEBUG pr_fmt("drop open request from %pI4/%u\n"), &saddr, ntohs(tcp_hdr(skb)->source)); goto drop_and_release; } @@ -1461,6 +1464,7 @@ struct sock *tcp_v4_syn_recv_sock(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, ireq->opt = NULL; newinet->mc_index = inet_iif(skb); newinet->mc_ttl = ip_hdr(skb)->ttl; + newinet->rcv_tos = ip_hdr(skb)->tos; inet_csk(newsk)->icsk_ext_hdr_len = 0; if (inet_opt) inet_csk(newsk)->icsk_ext_hdr_len = inet_opt->opt.optlen; @@ -1490,7 +1494,8 @@ struct sock *tcp_v4_syn_recv_sock(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, #ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG /* Copy over the MD5 key from the original socket */ - key = tcp_v4_md5_do_lookup(sk, newinet->inet_daddr); + key = tcp_md5_do_lookup(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&newinet->inet_daddr, + AF_INET); if (key != NULL) { /* * We're using one, so create a matching key @@ -1498,10 +1503,8 @@ struct sock *tcp_v4_syn_recv_sock(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, * memory, then we end up not copying the key * across. Shucks. */ - char *newkey = kmemdup(key->key, key->keylen, GFP_ATOMIC); - if (newkey != NULL) - tcp_v4_md5_do_add(newsk, newinet->inet_daddr, - newkey, key->keylen); + tcp_md5_do_add(newsk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&newinet->inet_daddr, + AF_INET, key->key, key->keylen, GFP_ATOMIC); sk_nocaps_add(newsk, NETIF_F_GSO_MASK); } #endif @@ -1862,7 +1865,6 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipv4_specific); static const struct tcp_sock_af_ops tcp_sock_ipv4_specific = { .md5_lookup = tcp_v4_md5_lookup, .calc_md5_hash = tcp_v4_md5_hash_skb, - .md5_add = tcp_v4_md5_add_func, .md5_parse = tcp_v4_parse_md5_keys, }; #endif @@ -1951,8 +1953,8 @@ void tcp_v4_destroy_sock(struct sock *sk) #ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG /* Clean up the MD5 key list, if any */ if (tp->md5sig_info) { - tcp_v4_clear_md5_list(sk); - kfree(tp->md5sig_info); + tcp_clear_md5_list(sk); + kfree_rcu(tp->md5sig_info, rcu); tp->md5sig_info = NULL; } #endif diff --git a/net/ipv4/tcp_minisocks.c b/net/ipv4/tcp_minisocks.c index 550e755747e0651610d481f4e91e47ca07fcf82c..3cabafb5cdd16d5fb811c6c8246a62e214e517d1 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/tcp_minisocks.c +++ b/net/ipv4/tcp_minisocks.c @@ -359,13 +359,11 @@ void tcp_time_wait(struct sock *sk, int state, int timeo) */ do { struct tcp_md5sig_key *key; - memset(tcptw->tw_md5_key, 0, sizeof(tcptw->tw_md5_key)); - tcptw->tw_md5_keylen = 0; + tcptw->tw_md5_key = NULL; key = tp->af_specific->md5_lookup(sk, sk); if (key != NULL) { - memcpy(&tcptw->tw_md5_key, key->key, key->keylen); - tcptw->tw_md5_keylen = key->keylen; - if (tcp_alloc_md5sig_pool(sk) == NULL) + tcptw->tw_md5_key = kmemdup(key, sizeof(*key), GFP_ATOMIC); + if (tcptw->tw_md5_key && tcp_alloc_md5sig_pool(sk) == NULL) BUG(); } } while (0); @@ -405,8 +403,10 @@ void tcp_twsk_destructor(struct sock *sk) { #ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG struct tcp_timewait_sock *twsk = tcp_twsk(sk); - if (twsk->tw_md5_keylen) + if (twsk->tw_md5_key) { tcp_free_md5sig_pool(); + kfree_rcu(twsk->tw_md5_key, rcu); + } #endif } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(tcp_twsk_destructor); diff --git a/net/ipv4/tcp_output.c b/net/ipv4/tcp_output.c index 4ff3b6dc74fc013b00720443587e2f40d2f1bbbf..364784a91939c50eff90f8d8f29a174e1f63bafe 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/tcp_output.c +++ b/net/ipv4/tcp_output.c @@ -2306,8 +2306,10 @@ void tcp_xmit_retransmit_queue(struct sock *sk) if (sacked & (TCPCB_SACKED_ACKED|TCPCB_SACKED_RETRANS)) continue; - if (tcp_retransmit_skb(sk, skb)) + if (tcp_retransmit_skb(sk, skb)) { + NET_INC_STATS_BH(sock_net(sk), LINUX_MIB_TCPRETRANSFAIL); return; + } NET_INC_STATS_BH(sock_net(sk), mib_idx); if (inet_csk(sk)->icsk_ca_state == TCP_CA_Recovery) diff --git a/net/ipv4/tcp_probe.c b/net/ipv4/tcp_probe.c index 85ee7eb7e38e58bb5088cd31090af665512fe361..a981cdc0a6e9cc7ded80cc103a398a1845a1a693 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/tcp_probe.c +++ b/net/ipv4/tcp_probe.c @@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -239,7 +241,7 @@ static __init int tcpprobe_init(void) if (ret) goto err1; - pr_info("TCP probe registered (port=%d) bufsize=%u\n", port, bufsize); + pr_info("probe registered (port=%d) bufsize=%u\n", port, bufsize); return 0; err1: proc_net_remove(&init_net, procname); diff --git a/net/ipv4/tcp_timer.c b/net/ipv4/tcp_timer.c index cd2e0723266d12b508569be0f4f6836cb21f94e7..34d4a02c2f16d867cb95827ee5ebc2256d0745b3 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/tcp_timer.c +++ b/net/ipv4/tcp_timer.c @@ -333,16 +333,18 @@ void tcp_retransmit_timer(struct sock *sk) */ struct inet_sock *inet = inet_sk(sk); if (sk->sk_family == AF_INET) { - LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_DEBUG "TCP: Peer %pI4:%u/%u unexpectedly shrunk window %u:%u (repaired)\n", - &inet->inet_daddr, ntohs(inet->inet_dport), - inet->inet_num, tp->snd_una, tp->snd_nxt); + LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_DEBUG pr_fmt("Peer %pI4:%u/%u unexpectedly shrunk window %u:%u (repaired)\n"), + &inet->inet_daddr, + ntohs(inet->inet_dport), inet->inet_num, + tp->snd_una, tp->snd_nxt); } #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) else if (sk->sk_family == AF_INET6) { struct ipv6_pinfo *np = inet6_sk(sk); - LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_DEBUG "TCP: Peer %pI6:%u/%u unexpectedly shrunk window %u:%u (repaired)\n", - &np->daddr, ntohs(inet->inet_dport), - inet->inet_num, tp->snd_una, tp->snd_nxt); + LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_DEBUG pr_fmt("Peer %pI6:%u/%u unexpectedly shrunk window %u:%u (repaired)\n"), + &np->daddr, + ntohs(inet->inet_dport), inet->inet_num, + tp->snd_una, tp->snd_nxt); } #endif if (tcp_time_stamp - tp->rcv_tstamp > TCP_RTO_MAX) { diff --git a/net/ipv4/tunnel4.c b/net/ipv4/tunnel4.c index 01775983b997da37ab2c85faa05da34b34e0ffd9..0d0171830620be95473ed86b20a103d5926e8e57 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/tunnel4.c +++ b/net/ipv4/tunnel4.c @@ -164,12 +164,12 @@ static const struct net_protocol tunnel64_protocol = { static int __init tunnel4_init(void) { if (inet_add_protocol(&tunnel4_protocol, IPPROTO_IPIP)) { - printk(KERN_ERR "tunnel4 init: can't add protocol\n"); + pr_err("%s: can't add protocol\n", __func__); return -EAGAIN; } #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) if (inet_add_protocol(&tunnel64_protocol, IPPROTO_IPV6)) { - printk(KERN_ERR "tunnel64 init: can't add protocol\n"); + pr_err("tunnel64 init: can't add protocol\n"); inet_del_protocol(&tunnel4_protocol, IPPROTO_IPIP); return -EAGAIN; } @@ -181,10 +181,10 @@ static void __exit tunnel4_fini(void) { #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) if (inet_del_protocol(&tunnel64_protocol, IPPROTO_IPV6)) - printk(KERN_ERR "tunnel64 close: can't remove protocol\n"); + pr_err("tunnel64 close: can't remove protocol\n"); #endif if (inet_del_protocol(&tunnel4_protocol, IPPROTO_IPIP)) - printk(KERN_ERR "tunnel4 close: can't remove protocol\n"); + pr_err("tunnel4 close: can't remove protocol\n"); } module_init(tunnel4_init); diff --git a/net/ipv4/udp.c b/net/ipv4/udp.c index 5d075b5f70fcd61dabe0c38ac6864771b4022093..d6f5feeb3eaf9e780f25acbdd360467beddc2536 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/udp.c +++ b/net/ipv4/udp.c @@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) "UDP: " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -917,7 +919,8 @@ int udp_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, if (!saddr) saddr = inet->mc_addr; connected = 0; - } + } else if (!ipc.oif) + ipc.oif = inet->uc_index; if (connected) rt = (struct rtable *)sk_dst_check(sk, 0); @@ -974,7 +977,7 @@ int udp_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, /* ... which is an evident application bug. --ANK */ release_sock(sk); - LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_DEBUG "udp cork app bug 2\n"); + LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_DEBUG pr_fmt("cork app bug 2\n")); err = -EINVAL; goto out; } @@ -1053,7 +1056,7 @@ int udp_sendpage(struct sock *sk, struct page *page, int offset, if (unlikely(!up->pending)) { release_sock(sk); - LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_DEBUG "udp cork app bug 3\n"); + LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_DEBUG pr_fmt("udp cork app bug 3\n")); return -EINVAL; } @@ -1166,7 +1169,7 @@ int udp_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)msg->msg_name; struct sk_buff *skb; unsigned int ulen, copied; - int peeked; + int peeked, off = 0; int err; int is_udplite = IS_UDPLITE(sk); bool slow; @@ -1182,7 +1185,7 @@ int udp_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, try_again: skb = __skb_recv_datagram(sk, flags | (noblock ? MSG_DONTWAIT : 0), - &peeked, &err); + &peeked, &off, &err); if (!skb) goto out; @@ -1446,9 +1449,8 @@ int udp_queue_rcv_skb(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) * provided by the application." */ if (up->pcrlen == 0) { /* full coverage was set */ - LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_WARNING "UDPLITE: partial coverage " - "%d while full coverage %d requested\n", - UDP_SKB_CB(skb)->cscov, skb->len); + LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_WARNING "UDPLite: partial coverage %d while full coverage %d requested\n", + UDP_SKB_CB(skb)->cscov, skb->len); goto drop; } /* The next case involves violating the min. coverage requested @@ -1458,9 +1460,8 @@ int udp_queue_rcv_skb(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) * Therefore the above ...()->partial_cov statement is essential. */ if (UDP_SKB_CB(skb)->cscov < up->pcrlen) { - LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_WARNING - "UDPLITE: coverage %d too small, need min %d\n", - UDP_SKB_CB(skb)->cscov, up->pcrlen); + LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_WARNING "UDPLite: coverage %d too small, need min %d\n", + UDP_SKB_CB(skb)->cscov, up->pcrlen); goto drop; } } @@ -1688,13 +1689,10 @@ int __udp4_lib_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct udp_table *udptable, short_packet: LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_DEBUG "UDP%s: short packet: From %pI4:%u %d/%d to %pI4:%u\n", - proto == IPPROTO_UDPLITE ? "-Lite" : "", - &saddr, - ntohs(uh->source), - ulen, - skb->len, - &daddr, - ntohs(uh->dest)); + proto == IPPROTO_UDPLITE ? "Lite" : "", + &saddr, ntohs(uh->source), + ulen, skb->len, + &daddr, ntohs(uh->dest)); goto drop; csum_error: @@ -1703,11 +1701,8 @@ int __udp4_lib_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct udp_table *udptable, * the network is concerned, anyway) as per (MUST). */ LIMIT_NETDEBUG(KERN_DEBUG "UDP%s: bad checksum. From %pI4:%u to %pI4:%u ulen %d\n", - proto == IPPROTO_UDPLITE ? "-Lite" : "", - &saddr, - ntohs(uh->source), - &daddr, - ntohs(uh->dest), + proto == IPPROTO_UDPLITE ? "Lite" : "", + &saddr, ntohs(uh->source), &daddr, ntohs(uh->dest), ulen); drop: UDP_INC_STATS_BH(net, UDP_MIB_INERRORS, proto == IPPROTO_UDPLITE); diff --git a/net/ipv4/udplite.c b/net/ipv4/udplite.c index 12e9499a1a6c63c7aef41a879d6e1f5a5d1479c8..2c46acd4cc3636e33fb240a963367ec629b482b5 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/udplite.c +++ b/net/ipv4/udplite.c @@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ + +#define pr_fmt(fmt) "UDPLite: " fmt + #include #include "udp_impl.h" @@ -129,11 +132,11 @@ void __init udplite4_register(void) inet_register_protosw(&udplite4_protosw); if (udplite4_proc_init()) - printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Cannot register /proc!\n", __func__); + pr_err("%s: Cannot register /proc!\n", __func__); return; out_unregister_proto: proto_unregister(&udplite_prot); out_register_err: - printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: Cannot add UDP-Lite protocol.\n", __func__); + pr_crit("%s: Cannot add UDP-Lite protocol\n", __func__); } diff --git a/net/ipv4/xfrm4_tunnel.c b/net/ipv4/xfrm4_tunnel.c index 9247d9d70e9db5439d8e59fb7748f47279da91f5..05a5df2febc9d34ed22bdc8749b4a064c4550c14 100644 --- a/net/ipv4/xfrm4_tunnel.c +++ b/net/ipv4/xfrm4_tunnel.c @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ * Copyright (C) 2003 David S. Miller (davem@redhat.com) */ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) "IPsec: " fmt + #include #include #include @@ -75,18 +77,18 @@ static struct xfrm_tunnel xfrm64_tunnel_handler __read_mostly = { static int __init ipip_init(void) { if (xfrm_register_type(&ipip_type, AF_INET) < 0) { - printk(KERN_INFO "ipip init: can't add xfrm type\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't add xfrm type\n", __func__); return -EAGAIN; } if (xfrm4_tunnel_register(&xfrm_tunnel_handler, AF_INET)) { - printk(KERN_INFO "ipip init: can't add xfrm handler for AF_INET\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't add xfrm handler for AF_INET\n", __func__); xfrm_unregister_type(&ipip_type, AF_INET); return -EAGAIN; } #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) if (xfrm4_tunnel_register(&xfrm64_tunnel_handler, AF_INET6)) { - printk(KERN_INFO "ipip init: can't add xfrm handler for AF_INET6\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't add xfrm handler for AF_INET6\n", __func__); xfrm4_tunnel_deregister(&xfrm_tunnel_handler, AF_INET); xfrm_unregister_type(&ipip_type, AF_INET); return -EAGAIN; @@ -99,12 +101,14 @@ static void __exit ipip_fini(void) { #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) if (xfrm4_tunnel_deregister(&xfrm64_tunnel_handler, AF_INET6)) - printk(KERN_INFO "ipip close: can't remove xfrm handler for AF_INET6\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't remove xfrm handler for AF_INET6\n", + __func__); #endif if (xfrm4_tunnel_deregister(&xfrm_tunnel_handler, AF_INET)) - printk(KERN_INFO "ipip close: can't remove xfrm handler for AF_INET\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't remove xfrm handler for AF_INET\n", + __func__); if (xfrm_unregister_type(&ipip_type, AF_INET) < 0) - printk(KERN_INFO "ipip close: can't remove xfrm type\n"); + pr_info("%s: can't remove xfrm type\n", __func__); } module_init(ipip_init); diff --git a/net/ipv6/addrconf.c b/net/ipv6/addrconf.c index 6b8ebc5da0e1344ad58994e327ba42cac44f3ac3..6a3bb6077e19715bf2732bbce3d1c09d06aed104 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/addrconf.c +++ b/net/ipv6/addrconf.c @@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ static struct inet6_dev * ipv6_add_dev(struct net_device *dev) ipv6_dev_mc_inc(dev, &in6addr_linklocal_allnodes); /* Join all-router multicast group if forwarding is set */ - if (ndev->cnf.forwarding && dev && (dev->flags & IFF_MULTICAST)) + if (ndev->cnf.forwarding && (dev->flags & IFF_MULTICAST)) ipv6_dev_mc_inc(dev, &in6addr_linklocal_allrouters); return ndev; diff --git a/net/ipv6/af_inet6.c b/net/ipv6/af_inet6.c index 273f48d1df2e974b5722e9133c3dd04ffd39473e..5605f9dca87e45cdd6b21dcc02864d2f5648160f 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/af_inet6.c +++ b/net/ipv6/af_inet6.c @@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ static int inet6_create(struct net *net, struct socket *sock, int protocol, inet->mc_ttl = 1; inet->mc_index = 0; inet->mc_list = NULL; + inet->rcv_tos = 0; if (ipv4_config.no_pmtu_disc) inet->pmtudisc = IP_PMTUDISC_DONT; diff --git a/net/ipv6/anycast.c b/net/ipv6/anycast.c index 59402b4637f90d57a8be2664c921f2def94ead3b..db00d27ffb168f87f5137cbc4fe2a9102d5561d1 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/anycast.c +++ b/net/ipv6/anycast.c @@ -211,35 +211,6 @@ void ipv6_sock_ac_close(struct sock *sk) rcu_read_unlock(); } -#if 0 -/* The function is not used, which is funny. Apparently, author - * supposed to use it to filter out datagrams inside udp/raw but forgot. - * - * It is OK, anycasts are not special comparing to delivery to unicasts. - */ - -int inet6_ac_check(struct sock *sk, struct in6_addr *addr, int ifindex) -{ - struct ipv6_ac_socklist *pac; - struct ipv6_pinfo *np = inet6_sk(sk); - int found; - - found = 0; - read_lock(&ipv6_sk_ac_lock); - for (pac=np->ipv6_ac_list; pac; pac=pac->acl_next) { - if (ifindex && pac->acl_ifindex != ifindex) - continue; - found = ipv6_addr_equal(&pac->acl_addr, addr); - if (found) - break; - } - read_unlock(&ipv6_sk_ac_lock); - - return found; -} - -#endif - static void aca_put(struct ifacaddr6 *ac) { if (atomic_dec_and_test(&ac->aca_refcnt)) { diff --git a/net/ipv6/datagram.c b/net/ipv6/datagram.c index 251e7cd75e89787f5346037a278bfd7e5b8c8ced..76832c8dc89dae671905728c391ea827dabc613f 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/datagram.c +++ b/net/ipv6/datagram.c @@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ int datagram_recv_ctl(struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, struct sk_buff *skb) } if (np->rxopt.bits.rxtclass) { - int tclass = (ntohl(*(__be32 *)ipv6_hdr(skb)) >> 20) & 0xff; + int tclass = ipv6_tclass(ipv6_hdr(skb)); put_cmsg(msg, SOL_IPV6, IPV6_TCLASS, sizeof(tclass), &tclass); } diff --git a/net/ipv6/icmp.c b/net/ipv6/icmp.c index 01d46bff63c312b7804c8132d6860a1a749eb043..af88934e4d79aebe751d420737866656418397af 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/icmp.c +++ b/net/ipv6/icmp.c @@ -468,6 +468,8 @@ void icmpv6_send(struct sk_buff *skb, u8 type, u8 code, __u32 info) if (!fl6.flowi6_oif && ipv6_addr_is_multicast(&fl6.daddr)) fl6.flowi6_oif = np->mcast_oif; + else if (!fl6.flowi6_oif) + fl6.flowi6_oif = np->ucast_oif; dst = icmpv6_route_lookup(net, skb, sk, &fl6); if (IS_ERR(dst)) @@ -553,6 +555,8 @@ static void icmpv6_echo_reply(struct sk_buff *skb) if (!fl6.flowi6_oif && ipv6_addr_is_multicast(&fl6.daddr)) fl6.flowi6_oif = np->mcast_oif; + else if (!fl6.flowi6_oif) + fl6.flowi6_oif = np->ucast_oif; err = ip6_dst_lookup(sk, &dst, &fl6); if (err) diff --git a/net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c b/net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c index b82bcde53f7a02ddceb2a015a7e54d2fc52373e7..5b27fbcae346677a28db262c5ffc1a272e1b1cd5 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c +++ b/net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c @@ -1552,11 +1552,20 @@ static int fib6_age(struct rt6_info *rt, void *arg) time_after_eq(now, rt->dst.lastuse + gc_args.timeout)) { RT6_TRACE("aging clone %p\n", rt); return -1; - } else if ((rt->rt6i_flags & RTF_GATEWAY) && - (!(dst_get_neighbour_noref_raw(&rt->dst)->flags & NTF_ROUTER))) { - RT6_TRACE("purging route %p via non-router but gateway\n", - rt); - return -1; + } else if (rt->rt6i_flags & RTF_GATEWAY) { + struct neighbour *neigh; + __u8 neigh_flags = 0; + + neigh = dst_neigh_lookup(&rt->dst, &rt->rt6i_gateway); + if (neigh) { + neigh_flags = neigh->flags; + neigh_release(neigh); + } + if (neigh_flags & NTF_ROUTER) { + RT6_TRACE("purging route %p via non-router but gateway\n", + rt); + return -1; + } } gc_args.more++; } diff --git a/net/ipv6/ip6_output.c b/net/ipv6/ip6_output.c index d97e07183ce9c12123ece97e954004b912c88b30..b7ca46161cb9b587d02c056f3236ae5725bf21f5 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/ip6_output.c +++ b/net/ipv6/ip6_output.c @@ -388,7 +388,6 @@ int ip6_forward(struct sk_buff *skb) struct ipv6hdr *hdr = ipv6_hdr(skb); struct inet6_skb_parm *opt = IP6CB(skb); struct net *net = dev_net(dst->dev); - struct neighbour *n; u32 mtu; if (net->ipv6.devconf_all->forwarding == 0) @@ -463,8 +462,7 @@ int ip6_forward(struct sk_buff *skb) send redirects to source routed frames. We don't send redirects to frames decapsulated from IPsec. */ - n = dst_get_neighbour_noref(dst); - if (skb->dev == dst->dev && n && opt->srcrt == 0 && !skb_sec_path(skb)) { + if (skb->dev == dst->dev && opt->srcrt == 0 && !skb_sec_path(skb)) { struct in6_addr *target = NULL; struct rt6_info *rt; @@ -474,8 +472,8 @@ int ip6_forward(struct sk_buff *skb) */ rt = (struct rt6_info *) dst; - if ((rt->rt6i_flags & RTF_GATEWAY)) - target = (struct in6_addr*)&n->primary_key; + if (rt->rt6i_flags & RTF_GATEWAY) + target = &rt->rt6i_gateway; else target = &hdr->daddr; @@ -486,7 +484,7 @@ int ip6_forward(struct sk_buff *skb) and by source (inside ndisc_send_redirect) */ if (inet_peer_xrlim_allow(rt->rt6i_peer, 1*HZ)) - ndisc_send_redirect(skb, n, target); + ndisc_send_redirect(skb, target); } else { int addrtype = ipv6_addr_type(&hdr->saddr); @@ -1416,8 +1414,9 @@ int ip6_append_data(struct sock *sk, int getfrag(void *from, char *to, */ skb->ip_summed = csummode; skb->csum = 0; - /* reserve for fragmentation */ - skb_reserve(skb, hh_len+sizeof(struct frag_hdr)); + /* reserve for fragmentation and ipsec header */ + skb_reserve(skb, hh_len + sizeof(struct frag_hdr) + + dst_exthdrlen); if (sk->sk_type == SOCK_DGRAM) skb_shinfo(skb)->tx_flags = tx_flags; @@ -1425,9 +1424,9 @@ int ip6_append_data(struct sock *sk, int getfrag(void *from, char *to, /* * Find where to start putting bytes */ - data = skb_put(skb, fraglen + dst_exthdrlen); - skb_set_network_header(skb, exthdrlen + dst_exthdrlen); - data += fragheaderlen + dst_exthdrlen; + data = skb_put(skb, fraglen); + skb_set_network_header(skb, exthdrlen); + data += fragheaderlen; skb->transport_header = (skb->network_header + fragheaderlen); if (fraggap) { diff --git a/net/ipv6/ipv6_sockglue.c b/net/ipv6/ipv6_sockglue.c index 18a2719003c378e95a02dacf5f71023380244739..63dd1f89ed7deaed484382e6a82b66233e60dd6b 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/ipv6_sockglue.c +++ b/net/ipv6/ipv6_sockglue.c @@ -516,6 +516,36 @@ static int do_ipv6_setsockopt(struct sock *sk, int level, int optname, retv = 0; break; + case IPV6_UNICAST_IF: + { + struct net_device *dev = NULL; + int ifindex; + + if (optlen != sizeof(int)) + goto e_inval; + + ifindex = (__force int)ntohl((__force __be32)val); + if (ifindex == 0) { + np->ucast_oif = 0; + retv = 0; + break; + } + + dev = dev_get_by_index(net, ifindex); + retv = -EADDRNOTAVAIL; + if (!dev) + break; + dev_put(dev); + + retv = -EINVAL; + if (sk->sk_bound_dev_if) + break; + + np->ucast_oif = ifindex; + retv = 0; + break; + } + case IPV6_MULTICAST_IF: if (sk->sk_type == SOCK_STREAM) break; @@ -987,6 +1017,10 @@ static int do_ipv6_getsockopt(struct sock *sk, int level, int optname, int hlim = np->mcast_hops; put_cmsg(&msg, SOL_IPV6, IPV6_HOPLIMIT, sizeof(hlim), &hlim); } + if (np->rxopt.bits.rxtclass) { + int tclass = np->rcv_tclass; + put_cmsg(&msg, SOL_IPV6, IPV6_TCLASS, sizeof(tclass), &tclass); + } if (np->rxopt.bits.rxoinfo) { struct in6_pktinfo src_info; src_info.ipi6_ifindex = np->mcast_oif ? np->mcast_oif : @@ -1160,6 +1194,10 @@ static int do_ipv6_getsockopt(struct sock *sk, int level, int optname, val = np->mcast_oif; break; + case IPV6_UNICAST_IF: + val = (__force int)htonl((__u32) np->ucast_oif); + break; + case IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER: val = np->pmtudisc; break; diff --git a/net/ipv6/ndisc.c b/net/ipv6/ndisc.c index c964958ac470f65408c09642814a532205fa497c..3dcdb81ec3e8abdb934627cd243aed0e5ce3b5a3 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/ndisc.c +++ b/net/ipv6/ndisc.c @@ -1223,11 +1223,17 @@ static void ndisc_router_discovery(struct sk_buff *skb) rt = rt6_get_dflt_router(&ipv6_hdr(skb)->saddr, skb->dev); - if (rt) - neigh = dst_get_neighbour_noref(&rt->dst); - + if (rt) { + neigh = dst_neigh_lookup(&rt->dst, &ipv6_hdr(skb)->saddr); + if (!neigh) { + ND_PRINTK0(KERN_ERR + "ICMPv6 RA: %s() got default router without neighbour.\n", + __func__); + dst_release(&rt->dst); + return; + } + } if (rt && lifetime == 0) { - neigh_clone(neigh); ip6_del_rt(rt); rt = NULL; } @@ -1244,7 +1250,7 @@ static void ndisc_router_discovery(struct sk_buff *skb) return; } - neigh = dst_get_neighbour_noref(&rt->dst); + neigh = dst_neigh_lookup(&rt->dst, &ipv6_hdr(skb)->saddr); if (neigh == NULL) { ND_PRINTK0(KERN_ERR "ICMPv6 RA: %s() got default router without neighbour.\n", @@ -1411,7 +1417,7 @@ static void ndisc_router_discovery(struct sk_buff *skb) out: if (rt) dst_release(&rt->dst); - else if (neigh) + if (neigh) neigh_release(neigh); } @@ -1506,8 +1512,7 @@ static void ndisc_redirect_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb) } } -void ndisc_send_redirect(struct sk_buff *skb, struct neighbour *neigh, - const struct in6_addr *target) +void ndisc_send_redirect(struct sk_buff *skb, const struct in6_addr *target) { struct net_device *dev = skb->dev; struct net *net = dev_net(dev); @@ -1566,6 +1571,13 @@ void ndisc_send_redirect(struct sk_buff *skb, struct neighbour *neigh, goto release; if (dev->addr_len) { + struct neighbour *neigh = dst_neigh_lookup(skb_dst(skb), target); + if (!neigh) { + ND_PRINTK2(KERN_WARNING + "ICMPv6 Redirect: no neigh for target address\n"); + goto release; + } + read_lock_bh(&neigh->lock); if (neigh->nud_state & NUD_VALID) { memcpy(ha_buf, neigh->ha, dev->addr_len); @@ -1574,6 +1586,8 @@ void ndisc_send_redirect(struct sk_buff *skb, struct neighbour *neigh, len += ndisc_opt_addr_space(dev); } else read_unlock_bh(&neigh->lock); + + neigh_release(neigh); } rd_len = min_t(unsigned int, diff --git a/net/ipv6/netfilter/Kconfig b/net/ipv6/netfilter/Kconfig index 9a68fb5b9e77f47a2d8fa89d4d234edff805526b..d33cddd16fbb6a720217a9db1f1eef353f990fcb 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/netfilter/Kconfig +++ b/net/ipv6/netfilter/Kconfig @@ -154,15 +154,6 @@ config IP6_NF_TARGET_HL (e.g. when running oldconfig). It selects CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_HL. -config IP6_NF_TARGET_LOG - tristate "LOG target support" - default m if NETFILTER_ADVANCED=n - help - This option adds a `LOG' target, which allows you to create rules in - any iptables table which records the packet header to the syslog. - - To compile it as a module, choose M here. If unsure, say N. - config IP6_NF_FILTER tristate "Packet filtering" default m if NETFILTER_ADVANCED=n diff --git a/net/ipv6/netfilter/Makefile b/net/ipv6/netfilter/Makefile index 2eaed96db02c4fe203efedad2a2b6c20350781ff..d4dfd0a21097b053c2d646b10104473e27f05ae8 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/netfilter/Makefile +++ b/net/ipv6/netfilter/Makefile @@ -31,5 +31,4 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_IP6_NF_MATCH_RPFILTER) += ip6t_rpfilter.o obj-$(CONFIG_IP6_NF_MATCH_RT) += ip6t_rt.o # targets -obj-$(CONFIG_IP6_NF_TARGET_LOG) += ip6t_LOG.o obj-$(CONFIG_IP6_NF_TARGET_REJECT) += ip6t_REJECT.o diff --git a/net/ipv6/netfilter/ip6t_LOG.c b/net/ipv6/netfilter/ip6t_LOG.c deleted file mode 100644 index e6af8d72f26be3cfb509b45bffb9198a151ae395..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/net/ipv6/netfilter/ip6t_LOG.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,527 +0,0 @@ -/* - * This is a module which is used for logging packets. - */ - -/* (C) 2001 Jan Rekorajski - * (C) 2002-2004 Netfilter Core Team - * - * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as - * published by the Free Software Foundation. - */ -#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -MODULE_AUTHOR("Jan Rekorajski "); -MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Xtables: IPv6 packet logging to syslog"); -MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); - -struct in_device; -#include -#include - -/* One level of recursion won't kill us */ -static void dump_packet(struct sbuff *m, - const struct nf_loginfo *info, - const struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int ip6hoff, - int recurse) -{ - u_int8_t currenthdr; - int fragment; - struct ipv6hdr _ip6h; - const struct ipv6hdr *ih; - unsigned int ptr; - unsigned int hdrlen = 0; - unsigned int logflags; - - if (info->type == NF_LOG_TYPE_LOG) - logflags = info->u.log.logflags; - else - logflags = NF_LOG_MASK; - - ih = skb_header_pointer(skb, ip6hoff, sizeof(_ip6h), &_ip6h); - if (ih == NULL) { - sb_add(m, "TRUNCATED"); - return; - } - - /* Max length: 88 "SRC=0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000 DST=0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000 " */ - sb_add(m, "SRC=%pI6 DST=%pI6 ", &ih->saddr, &ih->daddr); - - /* Max length: 44 "LEN=65535 TC=255 HOPLIMIT=255 FLOWLBL=FFFFF " */ - sb_add(m, "LEN=%Zu TC=%u HOPLIMIT=%u FLOWLBL=%u ", - ntohs(ih->payload_len) + sizeof(struct ipv6hdr), - (ntohl(*(__be32 *)ih) & 0x0ff00000) >> 20, - ih->hop_limit, - (ntohl(*(__be32 *)ih) & 0x000fffff)); - - fragment = 0; - ptr = ip6hoff + sizeof(struct ipv6hdr); - currenthdr = ih->nexthdr; - while (currenthdr != NEXTHDR_NONE && ip6t_ext_hdr(currenthdr)) { - struct ipv6_opt_hdr _hdr; - const struct ipv6_opt_hdr *hp; - - hp = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, sizeof(_hdr), &_hdr); - if (hp == NULL) { - sb_add(m, "TRUNCATED"); - return; - } - - /* Max length: 48 "OPT (...) " */ - if (logflags & IP6T_LOG_IPOPT) - sb_add(m, "OPT ( "); - - switch (currenthdr) { - case IPPROTO_FRAGMENT: { - struct frag_hdr _fhdr; - const struct frag_hdr *fh; - - sb_add(m, "FRAG:"); - fh = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, sizeof(_fhdr), - &_fhdr); - if (fh == NULL) { - sb_add(m, "TRUNCATED "); - return; - } - - /* Max length: 6 "65535 " */ - sb_add(m, "%u ", ntohs(fh->frag_off) & 0xFFF8); - - /* Max length: 11 "INCOMPLETE " */ - if (fh->frag_off & htons(0x0001)) - sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE "); - - sb_add(m, "ID:%08x ", ntohl(fh->identification)); - - if (ntohs(fh->frag_off) & 0xFFF8) - fragment = 1; - - hdrlen = 8; - - break; - } - case IPPROTO_DSTOPTS: - case IPPROTO_ROUTING: - case IPPROTO_HOPOPTS: - if (fragment) { - if (logflags & IP6T_LOG_IPOPT) - sb_add(m, ")"); - return; - } - hdrlen = ipv6_optlen(hp); - break; - /* Max Length */ - case IPPROTO_AH: - if (logflags & IP6T_LOG_IPOPT) { - struct ip_auth_hdr _ahdr; - const struct ip_auth_hdr *ah; - - /* Max length: 3 "AH " */ - sb_add(m, "AH "); - - if (fragment) { - sb_add(m, ")"); - return; - } - - ah = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, sizeof(_ahdr), - &_ahdr); - if (ah == NULL) { - /* - * Max length: 26 "INCOMPLETE [65535 - * bytes] )" - */ - sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] )", - skb->len - ptr); - return; - } - - /* Length: 15 "SPI=0xF1234567 */ - sb_add(m, "SPI=0x%x ", ntohl(ah->spi)); - - } - - hdrlen = (hp->hdrlen+2)<<2; - break; - case IPPROTO_ESP: - if (logflags & IP6T_LOG_IPOPT) { - struct ip_esp_hdr _esph; - const struct ip_esp_hdr *eh; - - /* Max length: 4 "ESP " */ - sb_add(m, "ESP "); - - if (fragment) { - sb_add(m, ")"); - return; - } - - /* - * Max length: 26 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] )" - */ - eh = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, sizeof(_esph), - &_esph); - if (eh == NULL) { - sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] )", - skb->len - ptr); - return; - } - - /* Length: 16 "SPI=0xF1234567 )" */ - sb_add(m, "SPI=0x%x )", ntohl(eh->spi) ); - - } - return; - default: - /* Max length: 20 "Unknown Ext Hdr 255" */ - sb_add(m, "Unknown Ext Hdr %u", currenthdr); - return; - } - if (logflags & IP6T_LOG_IPOPT) - sb_add(m, ") "); - - currenthdr = hp->nexthdr; - ptr += hdrlen; - } - - switch (currenthdr) { - case IPPROTO_TCP: { - struct tcphdr _tcph; - const struct tcphdr *th; - - /* Max length: 10 "PROTO=TCP " */ - sb_add(m, "PROTO=TCP "); - - if (fragment) - break; - - /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */ - th = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, sizeof(_tcph), &_tcph); - if (th == NULL) { - sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ", skb->len - ptr); - return; - } - - /* Max length: 20 "SPT=65535 DPT=65535 " */ - sb_add(m, "SPT=%u DPT=%u ", - ntohs(th->source), ntohs(th->dest)); - /* Max length: 30 "SEQ=4294967295 ACK=4294967295 " */ - if (logflags & IP6T_LOG_TCPSEQ) - sb_add(m, "SEQ=%u ACK=%u ", - ntohl(th->seq), ntohl(th->ack_seq)); - /* Max length: 13 "WINDOW=65535 " */ - sb_add(m, "WINDOW=%u ", ntohs(th->window)); - /* Max length: 9 "RES=0x3C " */ - sb_add(m, "RES=0x%02x ", (u_int8_t)(ntohl(tcp_flag_word(th) & TCP_RESERVED_BITS) >> 22)); - /* Max length: 32 "CWR ECE URG ACK PSH RST SYN FIN " */ - if (th->cwr) - sb_add(m, "CWR "); - if (th->ece) - sb_add(m, "ECE "); - if (th->urg) - sb_add(m, "URG "); - if (th->ack) - sb_add(m, "ACK "); - if (th->psh) - sb_add(m, "PSH "); - if (th->rst) - sb_add(m, "RST "); - if (th->syn) - sb_add(m, "SYN "); - if (th->fin) - sb_add(m, "FIN "); - /* Max length: 11 "URGP=65535 " */ - sb_add(m, "URGP=%u ", ntohs(th->urg_ptr)); - - if ((logflags & IP6T_LOG_TCPOPT) && - th->doff * 4 > sizeof(struct tcphdr)) { - u_int8_t _opt[60 - sizeof(struct tcphdr)]; - const u_int8_t *op; - unsigned int i; - unsigned int optsize = th->doff * 4 - - sizeof(struct tcphdr); - - op = skb_header_pointer(skb, - ptr + sizeof(struct tcphdr), - optsize, _opt); - if (op == NULL) { - sb_add(m, "OPT (TRUNCATED)"); - return; - } - - /* Max length: 127 "OPT (" 15*4*2chars ") " */ - sb_add(m, "OPT ("); - for (i =0; i < optsize; i++) - sb_add(m, "%02X", op[i]); - sb_add(m, ") "); - } - break; - } - case IPPROTO_UDP: - case IPPROTO_UDPLITE: { - struct udphdr _udph; - const struct udphdr *uh; - - if (currenthdr == IPPROTO_UDP) - /* Max length: 10 "PROTO=UDP " */ - sb_add(m, "PROTO=UDP " ); - else /* Max length: 14 "PROTO=UDPLITE " */ - sb_add(m, "PROTO=UDPLITE "); - - if (fragment) - break; - - /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */ - uh = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, sizeof(_udph), &_udph); - if (uh == NULL) { - sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ", skb->len - ptr); - return; - } - - /* Max length: 20 "SPT=65535 DPT=65535 " */ - sb_add(m, "SPT=%u DPT=%u LEN=%u ", - ntohs(uh->source), ntohs(uh->dest), - ntohs(uh->len)); - break; - } - case IPPROTO_ICMPV6: { - struct icmp6hdr _icmp6h; - const struct icmp6hdr *ic; - - /* Max length: 13 "PROTO=ICMPv6 " */ - sb_add(m, "PROTO=ICMPv6 "); - - if (fragment) - break; - - /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */ - ic = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, sizeof(_icmp6h), &_icmp6h); - if (ic == NULL) { - sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ", skb->len - ptr); - return; - } - - /* Max length: 18 "TYPE=255 CODE=255 " */ - sb_add(m, "TYPE=%u CODE=%u ", ic->icmp6_type, ic->icmp6_code); - - switch (ic->icmp6_type) { - case ICMPV6_ECHO_REQUEST: - case ICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY: - /* Max length: 19 "ID=65535 SEQ=65535 " */ - sb_add(m, "ID=%u SEQ=%u ", - ntohs(ic->icmp6_identifier), - ntohs(ic->icmp6_sequence)); - break; - case ICMPV6_MGM_QUERY: - case ICMPV6_MGM_REPORT: - case ICMPV6_MGM_REDUCTION: - break; - - case ICMPV6_PARAMPROB: - /* Max length: 17 "POINTER=ffffffff " */ - sb_add(m, "POINTER=%08x ", ntohl(ic->icmp6_pointer)); - /* Fall through */ - case ICMPV6_DEST_UNREACH: - case ICMPV6_PKT_TOOBIG: - case ICMPV6_TIME_EXCEED: - /* Max length: 3+maxlen */ - if (recurse) { - sb_add(m, "["); - dump_packet(m, info, skb, - ptr + sizeof(_icmp6h), 0); - sb_add(m, "] "); - } - - /* Max length: 10 "MTU=65535 " */ - if (ic->icmp6_type == ICMPV6_PKT_TOOBIG) - sb_add(m, "MTU=%u ", ntohl(ic->icmp6_mtu)); - } - break; - } - /* Max length: 10 "PROTO=255 " */ - default: - sb_add(m, "PROTO=%u ", currenthdr); - } - - /* Max length: 15 "UID=4294967295 " */ - if ((logflags & IP6T_LOG_UID) && recurse && skb->sk) { - read_lock_bh(&skb->sk->sk_callback_lock); - if (skb->sk->sk_socket && skb->sk->sk_socket->file) - sb_add(m, "UID=%u GID=%u ", - skb->sk->sk_socket->file->f_cred->fsuid, - skb->sk->sk_socket->file->f_cred->fsgid); - read_unlock_bh(&skb->sk->sk_callback_lock); - } - - /* Max length: 16 "MARK=0xFFFFFFFF " */ - if (!recurse && skb->mark) - sb_add(m, "MARK=0x%x ", skb->mark); -} - -static void dump_mac_header(struct sbuff *m, - const struct nf_loginfo *info, - const struct sk_buff *skb) -{ - struct net_device *dev = skb->dev; - unsigned int logflags = 0; - - if (info->type == NF_LOG_TYPE_LOG) - logflags = info->u.log.logflags; - - if (!(logflags & IP6T_LOG_MACDECODE)) - goto fallback; - - switch (dev->type) { - case ARPHRD_ETHER: - sb_add(m, "MACSRC=%pM MACDST=%pM MACPROTO=%04x ", - eth_hdr(skb)->h_source, eth_hdr(skb)->h_dest, - ntohs(eth_hdr(skb)->h_proto)); - return; - default: - break; - } - -fallback: - sb_add(m, "MAC="); - if (dev->hard_header_len && - skb->mac_header != skb->network_header) { - const unsigned char *p = skb_mac_header(skb); - unsigned int len = dev->hard_header_len; - unsigned int i; - - if (dev->type == ARPHRD_SIT && - (p -= ETH_HLEN) < skb->head) - p = NULL; - - if (p != NULL) { - sb_add(m, "%02x", *p++); - for (i = 1; i < len; i++) - sb_add(m, ":%02x", *p++); - } - sb_add(m, " "); - - if (dev->type == ARPHRD_SIT) { - const struct iphdr *iph = - (struct iphdr *)skb_mac_header(skb); - sb_add(m, "TUNNEL=%pI4->%pI4 ", &iph->saddr, &iph->daddr); - } - } else - sb_add(m, " "); -} - -static struct nf_loginfo default_loginfo = { - .type = NF_LOG_TYPE_LOG, - .u = { - .log = { - .level = 5, - .logflags = NF_LOG_MASK, - }, - }, -}; - -static void -ip6t_log_packet(u_int8_t pf, - unsigned int hooknum, - const struct sk_buff *skb, - const struct net_device *in, - const struct net_device *out, - const struct nf_loginfo *loginfo, - const char *prefix) -{ - struct sbuff *m = sb_open(); - - if (!loginfo) - loginfo = &default_loginfo; - - sb_add(m, "<%d>%sIN=%s OUT=%s ", loginfo->u.log.level, - prefix, - in ? in->name : "", - out ? out->name : ""); - - if (in != NULL) - dump_mac_header(m, loginfo, skb); - - dump_packet(m, loginfo, skb, skb_network_offset(skb), 1); - - sb_close(m); -} - -static unsigned int -log_tg6(struct sk_buff *skb, const struct xt_action_param *par) -{ - const struct ip6t_log_info *loginfo = par->targinfo; - struct nf_loginfo li; - - li.type = NF_LOG_TYPE_LOG; - li.u.log.level = loginfo->level; - li.u.log.logflags = loginfo->logflags; - - ip6t_log_packet(NFPROTO_IPV6, par->hooknum, skb, par->in, par->out, - &li, loginfo->prefix); - return XT_CONTINUE; -} - - -static int log_tg6_check(const struct xt_tgchk_param *par) -{ - const struct ip6t_log_info *loginfo = par->targinfo; - - if (loginfo->level >= 8) { - pr_debug("level %u >= 8\n", loginfo->level); - return -EINVAL; - } - if (loginfo->prefix[sizeof(loginfo->prefix)-1] != '\0') { - pr_debug("prefix not null-terminated\n"); - return -EINVAL; - } - return 0; -} - -static struct xt_target log_tg6_reg __read_mostly = { - .name = "LOG", - .family = NFPROTO_IPV6, - .target = log_tg6, - .targetsize = sizeof(struct ip6t_log_info), - .checkentry = log_tg6_check, - .me = THIS_MODULE, -}; - -static struct nf_logger ip6t_logger __read_mostly = { - .name = "ip6t_LOG", - .logfn = &ip6t_log_packet, - .me = THIS_MODULE, -}; - -static int __init log_tg6_init(void) -{ - int ret; - - ret = xt_register_target(&log_tg6_reg); - if (ret < 0) - return ret; - nf_log_register(NFPROTO_IPV6, &ip6t_logger); - return 0; -} - -static void __exit log_tg6_exit(void) -{ - nf_log_unregister(&ip6t_logger); - xt_unregister_target(&log_tg6_reg); -} - -module_init(log_tg6_init); -module_exit(log_tg6_exit); diff --git a/net/ipv6/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_icmpv6.c b/net/ipv6/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_icmpv6.c index 7c05e7eacbc6561744566168c4ff3c3f64fc828d..92cc9f2931ae46367a7e5fad02e3f31d7978069c 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_icmpv6.c +++ b/net/ipv6/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_icmpv6.c @@ -88,25 +88,31 @@ static int icmpv6_print_tuple(struct seq_file *s, ntohs(tuple->src.u.icmp.id)); } +static unsigned int *icmpv6_get_timeouts(struct net *net) +{ + return &nf_ct_icmpv6_timeout; +} + /* Returns verdict for packet, or -1 for invalid. */ static int icmpv6_packet(struct nf_conn *ct, const struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int dataoff, enum ip_conntrack_info ctinfo, u_int8_t pf, - unsigned int hooknum) + unsigned int hooknum, + unsigned int *timeout) { /* Do not immediately delete the connection after the first successful reply to avoid excessive conntrackd traffic and also to handle correctly ICMP echo reply duplicates. */ - nf_ct_refresh_acct(ct, ctinfo, skb, nf_ct_icmpv6_timeout); + nf_ct_refresh_acct(ct, ctinfo, skb, *timeout); return NF_ACCEPT; } /* Called when a new connection for this protocol found. */ static bool icmpv6_new(struct nf_conn *ct, const struct sk_buff *skb, - unsigned int dataoff) + unsigned int dataoff, unsigned int *timeouts) { static const u_int8_t valid_new[] = { [ICMPV6_ECHO_REQUEST - 128] = 1, @@ -270,6 +276,44 @@ static int icmpv6_nlattr_tuple_size(void) } #endif +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT) + +#include +#include + +static int icmpv6_timeout_nlattr_to_obj(struct nlattr *tb[], void *data) +{ + unsigned int *timeout = data; + + if (tb[CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMPV6_TIMEOUT]) { + *timeout = + ntohl(nla_get_be32(tb[CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMPV6_TIMEOUT])) * HZ; + } else { + /* Set default ICMPv6 timeout. */ + *timeout = nf_ct_icmpv6_timeout; + } + return 0; +} + +static int +icmpv6_timeout_obj_to_nlattr(struct sk_buff *skb, const void *data) +{ + const unsigned int *timeout = data; + + NLA_PUT_BE32(skb, CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMPV6_TIMEOUT, htonl(*timeout / HZ)); + + return 0; + +nla_put_failure: + return -ENOSPC; +} + +static const struct nla_policy +icmpv6_timeout_nla_policy[CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMPV6_MAX+1] = { + [CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMPV6_TIMEOUT] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, +}; +#endif /* CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT */ + #ifdef CONFIG_SYSCTL static struct ctl_table_header *icmpv6_sysctl_header; static struct ctl_table icmpv6_sysctl_table[] = { @@ -293,6 +337,7 @@ struct nf_conntrack_l4proto nf_conntrack_l4proto_icmpv6 __read_mostly = .invert_tuple = icmpv6_invert_tuple, .print_tuple = icmpv6_print_tuple, .packet = icmpv6_packet, + .get_timeouts = icmpv6_get_timeouts, .new = icmpv6_new, .error = icmpv6_error, #if defined(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK) || defined(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_MODULE) @@ -301,6 +346,15 @@ struct nf_conntrack_l4proto nf_conntrack_l4proto_icmpv6 __read_mostly = .nlattr_to_tuple = icmpv6_nlattr_to_tuple, .nla_policy = icmpv6_nla_policy, #endif +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT) + .ctnl_timeout = { + .nlattr_to_obj = icmpv6_timeout_nlattr_to_obj, + .obj_to_nlattr = icmpv6_timeout_obj_to_nlattr, + .nlattr_max = CTA_TIMEOUT_ICMP_MAX, + .obj_size = sizeof(unsigned int), + .nla_policy = icmpv6_timeout_nla_policy, + }, +#endif /* CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT */ #ifdef CONFIG_SYSCTL .ctl_table_header = &icmpv6_sysctl_header, .ctl_table = icmpv6_sysctl_table, diff --git a/net/ipv6/raw.c b/net/ipv6/raw.c index d02f7e4dd6113c8c23cb8a3f7ee9be9cbae37685..5bddea778840721b01d2aea417ed96475518f918 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/raw.c +++ b/net/ipv6/raw.c @@ -856,6 +856,8 @@ static int rawv6_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct sock *sk, if (!fl6.flowi6_oif && ipv6_addr_is_multicast(&fl6.daddr)) fl6.flowi6_oif = np->mcast_oif; + else if (!fl6.flowi6_oif) + fl6.flowi6_oif = np->ucast_oif; security_sk_classify_flow(sk, flowi6_to_flowi(&fl6)); dst = ip6_dst_lookup_flow(sk, &fl6, final_p, true); diff --git a/net/ipv6/reassembly.c b/net/ipv6/reassembly.c index b69fae76a6f1c18fa326a828b7b47fa8ade3b94c..9447bd69873af6b7bb8979547eab9bd7624b6bd4 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/reassembly.c +++ b/net/ipv6/reassembly.c @@ -336,12 +336,11 @@ static int ip6_frag_queue(struct frag_queue *fq, struct sk_buff *skb, } found: - /* RFC5722, Section 4: - * When reassembling an IPv6 datagram, if + /* RFC5722, Section 4, amended by Errata ID : 3089 + * When reassembling an IPv6 datagram, if * one or more its constituent fragments is determined to be an * overlapping fragment, the entire datagram (and any constituent - * fragments, including those not yet received) MUST be silently - * discarded. + * fragments) MUST be silently discarded. */ /* Check for overlap with preceding fragment. */ diff --git a/net/ipv6/route.c b/net/ipv6/route.c index 22b766407de15f95c6ab87621b61cc8936a3505a..24c456e8aa1d3eb615f4b4aa102bf2b166367cf8 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/route.c +++ b/net/ipv6/route.c @@ -121,9 +121,22 @@ static u32 *ipv6_cow_metrics(struct dst_entry *dst, unsigned long old) return p; } +static inline const void *choose_neigh_daddr(struct rt6_info *rt, const void *daddr) +{ + struct in6_addr *p = &rt->rt6i_gateway; + + if (!ipv6_addr_any(p)) + return (const void *) p; + return daddr; +} + static struct neighbour *ip6_neigh_lookup(const struct dst_entry *dst, const void *daddr) { - struct neighbour *n = __ipv6_neigh_lookup(&nd_tbl, dst->dev, daddr); + struct rt6_info *rt = (struct rt6_info *) dst; + struct neighbour *n; + + daddr = choose_neigh_daddr(rt, daddr); + n = __ipv6_neigh_lookup(&nd_tbl, dst->dev, daddr); if (n) return n; return neigh_create(&nd_tbl, daddr, dst->dev); diff --git a/net/ipv6/sit.c b/net/ipv6/sit.c index 133768e52912bd561930736f36c0085c594000b4..c4ffd174352895630c878729cb7ce001ae9c9bf3 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/sit.c +++ b/net/ipv6/sit.c @@ -680,9 +680,10 @@ static netdev_tx_t ipip6_tunnel_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, /* ISATAP (RFC4214) - must come before 6to4 */ if (dev->priv_flags & IFF_ISATAP) { struct neighbour *neigh = NULL; + bool do_tx_error = false; if (skb_dst(skb)) - neigh = dst_get_neighbour_noref(skb_dst(skb)); + neigh = dst_neigh_lookup(skb_dst(skb), &iph6->daddr); if (neigh == NULL) { if (net_ratelimit()) @@ -697,6 +698,10 @@ static netdev_tx_t ipip6_tunnel_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, ipv6_addr_is_isatap(addr6)) dst = addr6->s6_addr32[3]; else + do_tx_error = true; + + neigh_release(neigh); + if (do_tx_error) goto tx_error; } @@ -705,9 +710,10 @@ static netdev_tx_t ipip6_tunnel_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, if (!dst) { struct neighbour *neigh = NULL; + bool do_tx_error = false; if (skb_dst(skb)) - neigh = dst_get_neighbour_noref(skb_dst(skb)); + neigh = dst_neigh_lookup(skb_dst(skb), &iph6->daddr); if (neigh == NULL) { if (net_ratelimit()) @@ -723,10 +729,14 @@ static netdev_tx_t ipip6_tunnel_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, addr_type = ipv6_addr_type(addr6); } - if ((addr_type & IPV6_ADDR_COMPATv4) == 0) - goto tx_error_icmp; + if ((addr_type & IPV6_ADDR_COMPATv4) != 0) + dst = addr6->s6_addr32[3]; + else + do_tx_error = true; - dst = addr6->s6_addr32[3]; + neigh_release(neigh); + if (do_tx_error) + goto tx_error; } rt = ip_route_output_ports(dev_net(dev), &fl4, NULL, diff --git a/net/ipv6/tcp_ipv6.c b/net/ipv6/tcp_ipv6.c index 3edd05ae4388741176949e9c72f3543fa8d52c87..12c6ece67f396a2d01f641b7a0e0d728fcab3337 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/tcp_ipv6.c +++ b/net/ipv6/tcp_ipv6.c @@ -540,19 +540,7 @@ static void tcp_v6_reqsk_destructor(struct request_sock *req) static struct tcp_md5sig_key *tcp_v6_md5_do_lookup(struct sock *sk, const struct in6_addr *addr) { - struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk); - int i; - - BUG_ON(tp == NULL); - - if (!tp->md5sig_info || !tp->md5sig_info->entries6) - return NULL; - - for (i = 0; i < tp->md5sig_info->entries6; i++) { - if (ipv6_addr_equal(&tp->md5sig_info->keys6[i].addr, addr)) - return &tp->md5sig_info->keys6[i].base; - } - return NULL; + return tcp_md5_do_lookup(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)addr, AF_INET6); } static struct tcp_md5sig_key *tcp_v6_md5_lookup(struct sock *sk, @@ -567,136 +555,11 @@ static struct tcp_md5sig_key *tcp_v6_reqsk_md5_lookup(struct sock *sk, return tcp_v6_md5_do_lookup(sk, &inet6_rsk(req)->rmt_addr); } -static int tcp_v6_md5_do_add(struct sock *sk, const struct in6_addr *peer, - char *newkey, u8 newkeylen) -{ - /* Add key to the list */ - struct tcp_md5sig_key *key; - struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk); - struct tcp6_md5sig_key *keys; - - key = tcp_v6_md5_do_lookup(sk, peer); - if (key) { - /* modify existing entry - just update that one */ - kfree(key->key); - key->key = newkey; - key->keylen = newkeylen; - } else { - /* reallocate new list if current one is full. */ - if (!tp->md5sig_info) { - tp->md5sig_info = kzalloc(sizeof(*tp->md5sig_info), GFP_ATOMIC); - if (!tp->md5sig_info) { - kfree(newkey); - return -ENOMEM; - } - sk_nocaps_add(sk, NETIF_F_GSO_MASK); - } - if (tp->md5sig_info->entries6 == 0 && - tcp_alloc_md5sig_pool(sk) == NULL) { - kfree(newkey); - return -ENOMEM; - } - if (tp->md5sig_info->alloced6 == tp->md5sig_info->entries6) { - keys = kmalloc((sizeof (tp->md5sig_info->keys6[0]) * - (tp->md5sig_info->entries6 + 1)), GFP_ATOMIC); - - if (!keys) { - kfree(newkey); - if (tp->md5sig_info->entries6 == 0) - tcp_free_md5sig_pool(); - return -ENOMEM; - } - - if (tp->md5sig_info->entries6) - memmove(keys, tp->md5sig_info->keys6, - (sizeof (tp->md5sig_info->keys6[0]) * - tp->md5sig_info->entries6)); - - kfree(tp->md5sig_info->keys6); - tp->md5sig_info->keys6 = keys; - tp->md5sig_info->alloced6++; - } - - tp->md5sig_info->keys6[tp->md5sig_info->entries6].addr = *peer; - tp->md5sig_info->keys6[tp->md5sig_info->entries6].base.key = newkey; - tp->md5sig_info->keys6[tp->md5sig_info->entries6].base.keylen = newkeylen; - - tp->md5sig_info->entries6++; - } - return 0; -} - -static int tcp_v6_md5_add_func(struct sock *sk, struct sock *addr_sk, - u8 *newkey, __u8 newkeylen) -{ - return tcp_v6_md5_do_add(sk, &inet6_sk(addr_sk)->daddr, - newkey, newkeylen); -} - -static int tcp_v6_md5_do_del(struct sock *sk, const struct in6_addr *peer) -{ - struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk); - int i; - - for (i = 0; i < tp->md5sig_info->entries6; i++) { - if (ipv6_addr_equal(&tp->md5sig_info->keys6[i].addr, peer)) { - /* Free the key */ - kfree(tp->md5sig_info->keys6[i].base.key); - tp->md5sig_info->entries6--; - - if (tp->md5sig_info->entries6 == 0) { - kfree(tp->md5sig_info->keys6); - tp->md5sig_info->keys6 = NULL; - tp->md5sig_info->alloced6 = 0; - tcp_free_md5sig_pool(); - } else { - /* shrink the database */ - if (tp->md5sig_info->entries6 != i) - memmove(&tp->md5sig_info->keys6[i], - &tp->md5sig_info->keys6[i+1], - (tp->md5sig_info->entries6 - i) - * sizeof (tp->md5sig_info->keys6[0])); - } - return 0; - } - } - return -ENOENT; -} - -static void tcp_v6_clear_md5_list (struct sock *sk) -{ - struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk); - int i; - - if (tp->md5sig_info->entries6) { - for (i = 0; i < tp->md5sig_info->entries6; i++) - kfree(tp->md5sig_info->keys6[i].base.key); - tp->md5sig_info->entries6 = 0; - tcp_free_md5sig_pool(); - } - - kfree(tp->md5sig_info->keys6); - tp->md5sig_info->keys6 = NULL; - tp->md5sig_info->alloced6 = 0; - - if (tp->md5sig_info->entries4) { - for (i = 0; i < tp->md5sig_info->entries4; i++) - kfree(tp->md5sig_info->keys4[i].base.key); - tp->md5sig_info->entries4 = 0; - tcp_free_md5sig_pool(); - } - - kfree(tp->md5sig_info->keys4); - tp->md5sig_info->keys4 = NULL; - tp->md5sig_info->alloced4 = 0; -} - static int tcp_v6_parse_md5_keys (struct sock *sk, char __user *optval, int optlen) { struct tcp_md5sig cmd; struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&cmd.tcpm_addr; - u8 *newkey; if (optlen < sizeof(cmd)) return -EINVAL; @@ -708,36 +571,22 @@ static int tcp_v6_parse_md5_keys (struct sock *sk, char __user *optval, return -EINVAL; if (!cmd.tcpm_keylen) { - if (!tcp_sk(sk)->md5sig_info) - return -ENOENT; if (ipv6_addr_v4mapped(&sin6->sin6_addr)) - return tcp_v4_md5_do_del(sk, sin6->sin6_addr.s6_addr32[3]); - return tcp_v6_md5_do_del(sk, &sin6->sin6_addr); + return tcp_md5_do_del(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&sin6->sin6_addr.s6_addr32[3], + AF_INET); + return tcp_md5_do_del(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&sin6->sin6_addr, + AF_INET6); } if (cmd.tcpm_keylen > TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN) return -EINVAL; - if (!tcp_sk(sk)->md5sig_info) { - struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk); - struct tcp_md5sig_info *p; - - p = kzalloc(sizeof(struct tcp_md5sig_info), GFP_KERNEL); - if (!p) - return -ENOMEM; + if (ipv6_addr_v4mapped(&sin6->sin6_addr)) + return tcp_md5_do_add(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&sin6->sin6_addr.s6_addr32[3], + AF_INET, cmd.tcpm_key, cmd.tcpm_keylen, GFP_KERNEL); - tp->md5sig_info = p; - sk_nocaps_add(sk, NETIF_F_GSO_MASK); - } - - newkey = kmemdup(cmd.tcpm_key, cmd.tcpm_keylen, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!newkey) - return -ENOMEM; - if (ipv6_addr_v4mapped(&sin6->sin6_addr)) { - return tcp_v4_md5_do_add(sk, sin6->sin6_addr.s6_addr32[3], - newkey, cmd.tcpm_keylen); - } - return tcp_v6_md5_do_add(sk, &sin6->sin6_addr, newkey, cmd.tcpm_keylen); + return tcp_md5_do_add(sk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&sin6->sin6_addr, + AF_INET6, cmd.tcpm_key, cmd.tcpm_keylen, GFP_KERNEL); } static int tcp_v6_md5_hash_pseudoheader(struct tcp_md5sig_pool *hp, @@ -1074,6 +923,13 @@ static void tcp_v6_send_reset(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) const struct tcphdr *th = tcp_hdr(skb); u32 seq = 0, ack_seq = 0; struct tcp_md5sig_key *key = NULL; +#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG + const __u8 *hash_location = NULL; + struct ipv6hdr *ipv6h = ipv6_hdr(skb); + unsigned char newhash[16]; + int genhash; + struct sock *sk1 = NULL; +#endif if (th->rst) return; @@ -1082,8 +938,32 @@ static void tcp_v6_send_reset(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) return; #ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG - if (sk) - key = tcp_v6_md5_do_lookup(sk, &ipv6_hdr(skb)->saddr); + hash_location = tcp_parse_md5sig_option(th); + if (!sk && hash_location) { + /* + * active side is lost. Try to find listening socket through + * source port, and then find md5 key through listening socket. + * we are not loose security here: + * Incoming packet is checked with md5 hash with finding key, + * no RST generated if md5 hash doesn't match. + */ + sk1 = inet6_lookup_listener(dev_net(skb_dst(skb)->dev), + &tcp_hashinfo, &ipv6h->daddr, + ntohs(th->source), inet6_iif(skb)); + if (!sk1) + return; + + rcu_read_lock(); + key = tcp_v6_md5_do_lookup(sk1, &ipv6h->saddr); + if (!key) + goto release_sk1; + + genhash = tcp_v6_md5_hash_skb(newhash, key, NULL, NULL, skb); + if (genhash || memcmp(hash_location, newhash, 16) != 0) + goto release_sk1; + } else { + key = sk ? tcp_v6_md5_do_lookup(sk, &ipv6h->saddr) : NULL; + } #endif if (th->ack) @@ -1093,6 +973,14 @@ static void tcp_v6_send_reset(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) (th->doff << 2); tcp_v6_send_response(skb, seq, ack_seq, 0, 0, key, 1, 0); + +#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG +release_sk1: + if (sk1) { + rcu_read_unlock(); + sock_put(sk1); + } +#endif } static void tcp_v6_send_ack(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 seq, u32 ack, u32 win, u32 ts, @@ -1394,6 +1282,7 @@ static struct sock * tcp_v6_syn_recv_sock(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, newnp->opt = NULL; newnp->mcast_oif = inet6_iif(skb); newnp->mcast_hops = ipv6_hdr(skb)->hop_limit; + newnp->rcv_tclass = ipv6_tclass(ipv6_hdr(skb)); /* * No need to charge this sock to the relevant IPv6 refcnt debug socks count @@ -1472,6 +1361,7 @@ static struct sock * tcp_v6_syn_recv_sock(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, newnp->opt = NULL; newnp->mcast_oif = inet6_iif(skb); newnp->mcast_hops = ipv6_hdr(skb)->hop_limit; + newnp->rcv_tclass = ipv6_tclass(ipv6_hdr(skb)); /* Clone native IPv6 options from listening socket (if any) @@ -1510,10 +1400,8 @@ static struct sock * tcp_v6_syn_recv_sock(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, * memory, then we end up not copying the key * across. Shucks. */ - char *newkey = kmemdup(key->key, key->keylen, GFP_ATOMIC); - if (newkey != NULL) - tcp_v6_md5_do_add(newsk, &newnp->daddr, - newkey, key->keylen); + tcp_md5_do_add(newsk, (union tcp_md5_addr *)&newnp->daddr, + AF_INET6, key->key, key->keylen, GFP_ATOMIC); } #endif @@ -1676,6 +1564,8 @@ static int tcp_v6_do_rcv(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) np->mcast_oif = inet6_iif(opt_skb); if (np->rxopt.bits.rxhlim || np->rxopt.bits.rxohlim) np->mcast_hops = ipv6_hdr(opt_skb)->hop_limit; + if (np->rxopt.bits.rxtclass) + np->rcv_tclass = ipv6_tclass(ipv6_hdr(skb)); if (ipv6_opt_accepted(sk, opt_skb)) { skb_set_owner_r(opt_skb, sk); opt_skb = xchg(&np->pktoptions, opt_skb); @@ -1898,7 +1788,6 @@ static const struct inet_connection_sock_af_ops ipv6_specific = { static const struct tcp_sock_af_ops tcp_sock_ipv6_specific = { .md5_lookup = tcp_v6_md5_lookup, .calc_md5_hash = tcp_v6_md5_hash_skb, - .md5_add = tcp_v6_md5_add_func, .md5_parse = tcp_v6_parse_md5_keys, }; #endif @@ -1930,7 +1819,6 @@ static const struct inet_connection_sock_af_ops ipv6_mapped = { static const struct tcp_sock_af_ops tcp_sock_ipv6_mapped_specific = { .md5_lookup = tcp_v4_md5_lookup, .calc_md5_hash = tcp_v4_md5_hash_skb, - .md5_add = tcp_v6_md5_add_func, .md5_parse = tcp_v6_parse_md5_keys, }; #endif @@ -2004,11 +1892,6 @@ static int tcp_v6_init_sock(struct sock *sk) static void tcp_v6_destroy_sock(struct sock *sk) { -#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG - /* Clean up the MD5 key list */ - if (tcp_sk(sk)->md5sig_info) - tcp_v6_clear_md5_list(sk); -#endif tcp_v4_destroy_sock(sk); inet6_destroy_sock(sk); } diff --git a/net/ipv6/udp.c b/net/ipv6/udp.c index 4f96b5c636856eef46c0ec3a0dd990ae997ee7b0..37b0699e95e5331dffb186f6971411d2d16c88c8 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/udp.c +++ b/net/ipv6/udp.c @@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ int udpv6_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct sock *sk, struct inet_sock *inet = inet_sk(sk); struct sk_buff *skb; unsigned int ulen, copied; - int peeked; + int peeked, off = 0; int err; int is_udplite = IS_UDPLITE(sk); int is_udp4; @@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ int udpv6_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct sock *sk, try_again: skb = __skb_recv_datagram(sk, flags | (noblock ? MSG_DONTWAIT : 0), - &peeked, &err); + &peeked, &off, &err); if (!skb) goto out; @@ -1130,7 +1130,8 @@ int udpv6_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct sock *sk, if (!fl6.flowi6_oif && ipv6_addr_is_multicast(&fl6.daddr)) { fl6.flowi6_oif = np->mcast_oif; connected = 0; - } + } else if (!fl6.flowi6_oif) + fl6.flowi6_oif = np->ucast_oif; security_sk_classify_flow(sk, flowi6_to_flowi(&fl6)); diff --git a/net/ipv6/xfrm6_output.c b/net/ipv6/xfrm6_output.c index 4eeff89c1aaa7d44d8b6369583b0b9e1c15317e9..8755a3079d0f3279255e54520fbfcdeb19a2006b 100644 --- a/net/ipv6/xfrm6_output.c +++ b/net/ipv6/xfrm6_output.c @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ static int __xfrm6_output(struct sk_buff *skb) return -EMSGSIZE; } - if ((x && x->props.mode == XFRM_MODE_TUNNEL) && + if (x->props.mode == XFRM_MODE_TUNNEL && ((skb->len > mtu && !skb_is_gso(skb)) || dst_allfrag(skb_dst(skb)))) { return ip6_fragment(skb, x->outer_mode->afinfo->output_finish); diff --git a/net/irda/irnet/irnet.h b/net/irda/irnet/irnet.h index 979ecb2435a70f98248593e3b8fc586c09c7cb38..564eb0b8afa350eb5f933c981ab7bd0d68abd1b0 100644 --- a/net/irda/irnet/irnet.h +++ b/net/irda/irnet/irnet.h @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ #include #include -#include +#include #include #include diff --git a/net/iucv/af_iucv.c b/net/iucv/af_iucv.c index d5c5b8fd1d01e50f2c9a928809184b28e77ea4bd..07d7d55a1b93af13013b23c361d8c2f7ff8382aa 100644 --- a/net/iucv/af_iucv.c +++ b/net/iucv/af_iucv.c @@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ do { \ static void iucv_sock_kill(struct sock *sk); static void iucv_sock_close(struct sock *sk); +static void iucv_sever_path(struct sock *, int); static int afiucv_hs_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, struct packet_type *pt, struct net_device *orig_dev); @@ -130,17 +131,6 @@ static inline void low_nmcpy(unsigned char *dst, char *src) memcpy(&dst[8], src, 8); } -static void iucv_skb_queue_purge(struct sk_buff_head *list) -{ - struct sk_buff *skb; - - while ((skb = skb_dequeue(list)) != NULL) { - if (skb->dev) - dev_put(skb->dev); - kfree_skb(skb); - } -} - static int afiucv_pm_prepare(struct device *dev) { #ifdef CONFIG_PM_DEBUG @@ -175,17 +165,11 @@ static int afiucv_pm_freeze(struct device *dev) read_lock(&iucv_sk_list.lock); sk_for_each(sk, node, &iucv_sk_list.head) { iucv = iucv_sk(sk); - iucv_skb_queue_purge(&iucv->send_skb_q); - skb_queue_purge(&iucv->backlog_skb_q); switch (sk->sk_state) { case IUCV_DISCONN: case IUCV_CLOSING: case IUCV_CONNECTED: - if (iucv->path) { - err = pr_iucv->path_sever(iucv->path, NULL); - iucv_path_free(iucv->path); - iucv->path = NULL; - } + iucv_sever_path(sk, 0); break; case IUCV_OPEN: case IUCV_BOUND: @@ -194,6 +178,8 @@ static int afiucv_pm_freeze(struct device *dev) default: break; } + skb_queue_purge(&iucv->send_skb_q); + skb_queue_purge(&iucv->backlog_skb_q); } read_unlock(&iucv_sk_list.lock); return err; @@ -338,7 +324,6 @@ static void iucv_sock_wake_msglim(struct sock *sk) static int afiucv_hs_send(struct iucv_message *imsg, struct sock *sock, struct sk_buff *skb, u8 flags) { - struct net *net = sock_net(sock); struct iucv_sock *iucv = iucv_sk(sock); struct af_iucv_trans_hdr *phs_hdr; struct sk_buff *nskb; @@ -375,10 +360,10 @@ static int afiucv_hs_send(struct iucv_message *imsg, struct sock *sock, if (imsg) memcpy(&phs_hdr->iucv_hdr, imsg, sizeof(struct iucv_message)); - skb->dev = dev_get_by_index(net, sock->sk_bound_dev_if); + skb->dev = iucv->hs_dev; if (!skb->dev) return -ENODEV; - if (!(skb->dev->flags & IFF_UP)) + if (!(skb->dev->flags & IFF_UP) || !netif_carrier_ok(skb->dev)) return -ENETDOWN; if (skb->len > skb->dev->mtu) { if (sock->sk_type == SOCK_SEQPACKET) @@ -393,15 +378,14 @@ static int afiucv_hs_send(struct iucv_message *imsg, struct sock *sock, return -ENOMEM; skb_queue_tail(&iucv->send_skb_q, nskb); err = dev_queue_xmit(skb); - if (err) { + if (net_xmit_eval(err)) { skb_unlink(nskb, &iucv->send_skb_q); - dev_put(nskb->dev); kfree_skb(nskb); } else { atomic_sub(confirm_recv, &iucv->msg_recv); WARN_ON(atomic_read(&iucv->msg_recv) < 0); } - return err; + return net_xmit_eval(err); } static struct sock *__iucv_get_sock_by_name(char *nm) @@ -419,7 +403,19 @@ static struct sock *__iucv_get_sock_by_name(char *nm) static void iucv_sock_destruct(struct sock *sk) { skb_queue_purge(&sk->sk_receive_queue); - skb_queue_purge(&sk->sk_write_queue); + skb_queue_purge(&sk->sk_error_queue); + + sk_mem_reclaim(sk); + + if (!sock_flag(sk, SOCK_DEAD)) { + pr_err("Attempt to release alive iucv socket %p\n", sk); + return; + } + + WARN_ON(atomic_read(&sk->sk_rmem_alloc)); + WARN_ON(atomic_read(&sk->sk_wmem_alloc)); + WARN_ON(sk->sk_wmem_queued); + WARN_ON(sk->sk_forward_alloc); } /* Cleanup Listen */ @@ -447,14 +443,48 @@ static void iucv_sock_kill(struct sock *sk) sock_put(sk); } +/* Terminate an IUCV path */ +static void iucv_sever_path(struct sock *sk, int with_user_data) +{ + unsigned char user_data[16]; + struct iucv_sock *iucv = iucv_sk(sk); + struct iucv_path *path = iucv->path; + + if (iucv->path) { + iucv->path = NULL; + if (with_user_data) { + low_nmcpy(user_data, iucv->src_name); + high_nmcpy(user_data, iucv->dst_name); + ASCEBC(user_data, sizeof(user_data)); + pr_iucv->path_sever(path, user_data); + } else + pr_iucv->path_sever(path, NULL); + iucv_path_free(path); + } +} + +/* Send FIN through an IUCV socket for HIPER transport */ +static int iucv_send_ctrl(struct sock *sk, u8 flags) +{ + int err = 0; + int blen; + struct sk_buff *skb; + + blen = sizeof(struct af_iucv_trans_hdr) + ETH_HLEN; + skb = sock_alloc_send_skb(sk, blen, 1, &err); + if (skb) { + skb_reserve(skb, blen); + err = afiucv_hs_send(NULL, sk, skb, flags); + } + return err; +} + /* Close an IUCV socket */ static void iucv_sock_close(struct sock *sk) { - unsigned char user_data[16]; struct iucv_sock *iucv = iucv_sk(sk); unsigned long timeo; - int err, blen; - struct sk_buff *skb; + int err = 0; lock_sock(sk); @@ -465,14 +495,7 @@ static void iucv_sock_close(struct sock *sk) case IUCV_CONNECTED: if (iucv->transport == AF_IUCV_TRANS_HIPER) { - /* send fin */ - blen = sizeof(struct af_iucv_trans_hdr) + ETH_HLEN; - skb = sock_alloc_send_skb(sk, blen, 1, &err); - if (skb) { - skb_reserve(skb, blen); - err = afiucv_hs_send(NULL, sk, skb, - AF_IUCV_FLAG_FIN); - } + err = iucv_send_ctrl(sk, AF_IUCV_FLAG_FIN); sk->sk_state = IUCV_DISCONN; sk->sk_state_change(sk); } @@ -480,7 +503,7 @@ static void iucv_sock_close(struct sock *sk) sk->sk_state = IUCV_CLOSING; sk->sk_state_change(sk); - if (!skb_queue_empty(&iucv->send_skb_q)) { + if (!err && !skb_queue_empty(&iucv->send_skb_q)) { if (sock_flag(sk, SOCK_LINGER) && sk->sk_lingertime) timeo = sk->sk_lingertime; else @@ -494,25 +517,20 @@ static void iucv_sock_close(struct sock *sk) sk->sk_state = IUCV_CLOSED; sk->sk_state_change(sk); - if (iucv->path) { - low_nmcpy(user_data, iucv->src_name); - high_nmcpy(user_data, iucv->dst_name); - ASCEBC(user_data, sizeof(user_data)); - pr_iucv->path_sever(iucv->path, user_data); - iucv_path_free(iucv->path); - iucv->path = NULL; - } - sk->sk_err = ECONNRESET; sk->sk_state_change(sk); - iucv_skb_queue_purge(&iucv->send_skb_q); + skb_queue_purge(&iucv->send_skb_q); skb_queue_purge(&iucv->backlog_skb_q); - break; - default: - /* nothing to do here */ - break; + default: /* fall through */ + iucv_sever_path(sk, 1); + } + + if (iucv->hs_dev) { + dev_put(iucv->hs_dev); + iucv->hs_dev = NULL; + sk->sk_bound_dev_if = 0; } /* mark socket for deletion by iucv_sock_kill() */ @@ -706,7 +724,6 @@ static int iucv_sock_bind(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *addr, goto done_unlock; /* Bind the socket */ - if (pr_iucv) if (!memcmp(sa->siucv_user_id, iucv_userid, 8)) goto vm_bind; /* VM IUCV transport */ @@ -720,6 +737,8 @@ static int iucv_sock_bind(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *addr, memcpy(iucv->src_name, sa->siucv_name, 8); memcpy(iucv->src_user_id, sa->siucv_user_id, 8); sk->sk_bound_dev_if = dev->ifindex; + iucv->hs_dev = dev; + dev_hold(dev); sk->sk_state = IUCV_BOUND; iucv->transport = AF_IUCV_TRANS_HIPER; if (!iucv->msglimit) @@ -780,26 +799,6 @@ static int iucv_sock_autobind(struct sock *sk) return err; } -static int afiucv_hs_connect(struct socket *sock) -{ - struct sock *sk = sock->sk; - struct sk_buff *skb; - int blen = sizeof(struct af_iucv_trans_hdr) + ETH_HLEN; - int err = 0; - - /* send syn */ - skb = sock_alloc_send_skb(sk, blen, 1, &err); - if (!skb) { - err = -ENOMEM; - goto done; - } - skb->dev = NULL; - skb_reserve(skb, blen); - err = afiucv_hs_send(NULL, sk, skb, AF_IUCV_FLAG_SYN); -done: - return err; -} - static int afiucv_path_connect(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *addr) { struct sockaddr_iucv *sa = (struct sockaddr_iucv *) addr; @@ -880,7 +879,7 @@ static int iucv_sock_connect(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *addr, memcpy(iucv->dst_name, sa->siucv_name, 8); if (iucv->transport == AF_IUCV_TRANS_HIPER) - err = afiucv_hs_connect(sock); + err = iucv_send_ctrl(sock->sk, AF_IUCV_FLAG_SYN); else err = afiucv_path_connect(sock, addr); if (err) @@ -894,11 +893,8 @@ static int iucv_sock_connect(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *addr, if (sk->sk_state == IUCV_DISCONN || sk->sk_state == IUCV_CLOSED) err = -ECONNREFUSED; - if (err && iucv->transport == AF_IUCV_TRANS_IUCV) { - pr_iucv->path_sever(iucv->path, NULL); - iucv_path_free(iucv->path); - iucv->path = NULL; - } + if (err && iucv->transport == AF_IUCV_TRANS_IUCV) + iucv_sever_path(sk, 0); done: release_sock(sk); @@ -1124,8 +1120,10 @@ static int iucv_sock_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, noblock, &err); else skb = sock_alloc_send_skb(sk, len, noblock, &err); - if (!skb) + if (!skb) { + err = -ENOMEM; goto out; + } if (iucv->transport == AF_IUCV_TRANS_HIPER) skb_reserve(skb, sizeof(struct af_iucv_trans_hdr) + ETH_HLEN); if (memcpy_fromiovec(skb_put(skb, len), msg->msg_iov, len)) { @@ -1148,6 +1146,7 @@ static int iucv_sock_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, /* increment and save iucv message tag for msg_completion cbk */ txmsg.tag = iucv->send_tag++; memcpy(CB_TAG(skb), &txmsg.tag, CB_TAG_LEN); + if (iucv->transport == AF_IUCV_TRANS_HIPER) { atomic_inc(&iucv->msg_sent); err = afiucv_hs_send(&txmsg, sk, skb, 0); @@ -1202,8 +1201,6 @@ static int iucv_sock_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, return len; fail: - if (skb->dev) - dev_put(skb->dev); kfree_skb(skb); out: release_sock(sk); @@ -1332,8 +1329,7 @@ static int iucv_sock_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, struct sock *sk = sock->sk; struct iucv_sock *iucv = iucv_sk(sk); unsigned int copied, rlen; - struct sk_buff *skb, *rskb, *cskb, *sskb; - int blen; + struct sk_buff *skb, *rskb, *cskb; int err = 0; if ((sk->sk_state == IUCV_DISCONN) && @@ -1356,6 +1352,8 @@ static int iucv_sock_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, rlen = skb->len; /* real length of skb */ copied = min_t(unsigned int, rlen, len); + if (!rlen) + sk->sk_shutdown = sk->sk_shutdown | RCV_SHUTDOWN; cskb = skb; if (skb_copy_datagram_iovec(cskb, 0, msg->msg_iov, copied)) { @@ -1396,7 +1394,14 @@ static int iucv_sock_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, } kfree_skb(skb); - atomic_inc(&iucv->msg_recv); + if (iucv->transport == AF_IUCV_TRANS_HIPER) { + atomic_inc(&iucv->msg_recv); + if (atomic_read(&iucv->msg_recv) > iucv->msglimit) { + WARN_ON(1); + iucv_sock_close(sk); + return -EFAULT; + } + } /* Queue backlog skbs */ spin_lock_bh(&iucv->message_q.lock); @@ -1415,15 +1420,7 @@ static int iucv_sock_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, iucv_process_message_q(sk); if (atomic_read(&iucv->msg_recv) >= iucv->msglimit / 2) { - /* send WIN to peer */ - blen = sizeof(struct af_iucv_trans_hdr) + - ETH_HLEN; - sskb = sock_alloc_send_skb(sk, blen, 1, &err); - if (sskb) { - skb_reserve(sskb, blen); - err = afiucv_hs_send(NULL, sk, sskb, - AF_IUCV_FLAG_WIN); - } + err = iucv_send_ctrl(sk, AF_IUCV_FLAG_WIN); if (err) { sk->sk_state = IUCV_DISCONN; sk->sk_state_change(sk); @@ -1486,7 +1483,7 @@ unsigned int iucv_sock_poll(struct file *file, struct socket *sock, if (sk->sk_state == IUCV_DISCONN) mask |= POLLIN; - if (sock_writeable(sk)) + if (sock_writeable(sk) && iucv_below_msglim(sk)) mask |= POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM | POLLWRBAND; else set_bit(SOCK_ASYNC_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags); @@ -1508,42 +1505,47 @@ static int iucv_sock_shutdown(struct socket *sock, int how) lock_sock(sk); switch (sk->sk_state) { + case IUCV_LISTEN: case IUCV_DISCONN: case IUCV_CLOSING: case IUCV_CLOSED: err = -ENOTCONN; goto fail; - default: - sk->sk_shutdown |= how; break; } if (how == SEND_SHUTDOWN || how == SHUTDOWN_MASK) { - txmsg.class = 0; - txmsg.tag = 0; - err = pr_iucv->message_send(iucv->path, &txmsg, IUCV_IPRMDATA, - 0, (void *) iprm_shutdown, 8); - if (err) { - switch (err) { - case 1: - err = -ENOTCONN; - break; - case 2: - err = -ECONNRESET; - break; - default: - err = -ENOTCONN; - break; + if (iucv->transport == AF_IUCV_TRANS_IUCV) { + txmsg.class = 0; + txmsg.tag = 0; + err = pr_iucv->message_send(iucv->path, &txmsg, + IUCV_IPRMDATA, 0, (void *) iprm_shutdown, 8); + if (err) { + switch (err) { + case 1: + err = -ENOTCONN; + break; + case 2: + err = -ECONNRESET; + break; + default: + err = -ENOTCONN; + break; + } } - } + } else + iucv_send_ctrl(sk, AF_IUCV_FLAG_SHT); } + sk->sk_shutdown |= how; if (how == RCV_SHUTDOWN || how == SHUTDOWN_MASK) { - err = pr_iucv->path_quiesce(iucv->path, NULL); - if (err) - err = -ENOTCONN; - + if (iucv->transport == AF_IUCV_TRANS_IUCV) { + err = pr_iucv->path_quiesce(iucv->path, NULL); + if (err) + err = -ENOTCONN; +/* skb_queue_purge(&sk->sk_receive_queue); */ + } skb_queue_purge(&sk->sk_receive_queue); } @@ -1565,13 +1567,6 @@ static int iucv_sock_release(struct socket *sock) iucv_sock_close(sk); - /* Unregister with IUCV base support */ - if (iucv_sk(sk)->path) { - pr_iucv->path_sever(iucv_sk(sk)->path, NULL); - iucv_path_free(iucv_sk(sk)->path); - iucv_sk(sk)->path = NULL; - } - sock_orphan(sk); iucv_sock_kill(sk); return err; @@ -1633,7 +1628,8 @@ static int iucv_sock_getsockopt(struct socket *sock, int level, int optname, { struct sock *sk = sock->sk; struct iucv_sock *iucv = iucv_sk(sk); - int val, len; + unsigned int val; + int len; if (level != SOL_IUCV) return -ENOPROTOOPT; @@ -1656,6 +1652,13 @@ static int iucv_sock_getsockopt(struct socket *sock, int level, int optname, : iucv->msglimit; /* default */ release_sock(sk); break; + case SO_MSGSIZE: + if (sk->sk_state == IUCV_OPEN) + return -EBADFD; + val = (iucv->hs_dev) ? iucv->hs_dev->mtu - + sizeof(struct af_iucv_trans_hdr) - ETH_HLEN : + 0x7fffffff; + break; default: return -ENOPROTOOPT; } @@ -1750,8 +1753,7 @@ static int iucv_callback_connreq(struct iucv_path *path, path->msglim = iucv->msglimit; err = pr_iucv->path_accept(path, &af_iucv_handler, nuser_data, nsk); if (err) { - err = pr_iucv->path_sever(path, user_data); - iucv_path_free(path); + iucv_sever_path(nsk, 1); iucv_sock_kill(nsk); goto fail; } @@ -1828,6 +1830,7 @@ static void iucv_callback_txdone(struct iucv_path *path, struct sk_buff *list_skb = list->next; unsigned long flags; + bh_lock_sock(sk); if (!skb_queue_empty(list)) { spin_lock_irqsave(&list->lock, flags); @@ -1849,7 +1852,6 @@ static void iucv_callback_txdone(struct iucv_path *path, iucv_sock_wake_msglim(sk); } } - BUG_ON(!this); if (sk->sk_state == IUCV_CLOSING) { if (skb_queue_empty(&iucv_sk(sk)->send_skb_q)) { @@ -1857,6 +1859,7 @@ static void iucv_callback_txdone(struct iucv_path *path, sk->sk_state_change(sk); } } + bh_unlock_sock(sk); } @@ -1864,9 +1867,15 @@ static void iucv_callback_connrej(struct iucv_path *path, u8 ipuser[16]) { struct sock *sk = path->private; + if (sk->sk_state == IUCV_CLOSED) + return; + + bh_lock_sock(sk); + iucv_sever_path(sk, 1); sk->sk_state = IUCV_DISCONN; sk->sk_state_change(sk); + bh_unlock_sock(sk); } /* called if the other communication side shuts down its RECV direction; @@ -1954,6 +1963,8 @@ static int afiucv_hs_callback_syn(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) memcpy(niucv->src_name, iucv->src_name, 8); memcpy(niucv->src_user_id, iucv->src_user_id, 8); nsk->sk_bound_dev_if = sk->sk_bound_dev_if; + niucv->hs_dev = iucv->hs_dev; + dev_hold(niucv->hs_dev); afiucv_swap_src_dest(skb); trans_hdr->flags = AF_IUCV_FLAG_SYN | AF_IUCV_FLAG_ACK; trans_hdr->window = niucv->msglimit; @@ -2022,12 +2033,15 @@ static int afiucv_hs_callback_fin(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) struct iucv_sock *iucv = iucv_sk(sk); /* other end of connection closed */ - if (iucv) { - bh_lock_sock(sk); + if (!iucv) + goto out; + bh_lock_sock(sk); + if (sk->sk_state == IUCV_CONNECTED) { sk->sk_state = IUCV_DISCONN; sk->sk_state_change(sk); - bh_unlock_sock(sk); } + bh_unlock_sock(sk); +out: kfree_skb(skb); return NET_RX_SUCCESS; } @@ -2069,8 +2083,13 @@ static int afiucv_hs_callback_rx(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) return NET_RX_SUCCESS; } + if (sk->sk_shutdown & RCV_SHUTDOWN) { + kfree_skb(skb); + return NET_RX_SUCCESS; + } + /* write stuff from iucv_msg to skb cb */ - if (skb->len <= sizeof(struct af_iucv_trans_hdr)) { + if (skb->len < sizeof(struct af_iucv_trans_hdr)) { kfree_skb(skb); return NET_RX_SUCCESS; } @@ -2172,11 +2191,14 @@ static int afiucv_hs_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, break; case (AF_IUCV_FLAG_WIN): err = afiucv_hs_callback_win(sk, skb); - if (skb->len > sizeof(struct af_iucv_trans_hdr)) - err = afiucv_hs_callback_rx(sk, skb); - else - kfree(skb); - break; + if (skb->len == sizeof(struct af_iucv_trans_hdr)) { + kfree_skb(skb); + break; + } + /* fall through and receive non-zero length data */ + case (AF_IUCV_FLAG_SHT): + /* shutdown request */ + /* fall through and receive zero length data */ case 0: /* plain data frame */ memcpy(CB_TRGCLS(skb), &trans_hdr->iucv_hdr.class, @@ -2202,65 +2224,64 @@ static void afiucv_hs_callback_txnotify(struct sk_buff *skb, struct iucv_sock *iucv = NULL; struct sk_buff_head *list; struct sk_buff *list_skb; - struct sk_buff *this = NULL; + struct sk_buff *nskb; unsigned long flags; struct hlist_node *node; - read_lock(&iucv_sk_list.lock); + read_lock_irqsave(&iucv_sk_list.lock, flags); sk_for_each(sk, node, &iucv_sk_list.head) if (sk == isk) { iucv = iucv_sk(sk); break; } - read_unlock(&iucv_sk_list.lock); + read_unlock_irqrestore(&iucv_sk_list.lock, flags); - if (!iucv) + if (!iucv || sock_flag(sk, SOCK_ZAPPED)) return; - bh_lock_sock(sk); list = &iucv->send_skb_q; - list_skb = list->next; + spin_lock_irqsave(&list->lock, flags); if (skb_queue_empty(list)) goto out_unlock; - - spin_lock_irqsave(&list->lock, flags); + list_skb = list->next; + nskb = list_skb->next; while (list_skb != (struct sk_buff *)list) { if (skb_shinfo(list_skb) == skb_shinfo(skb)) { - this = list_skb; switch (n) { case TX_NOTIFY_OK: - __skb_unlink(this, list); + __skb_unlink(list_skb, list); + kfree_skb(list_skb); iucv_sock_wake_msglim(sk); - dev_put(this->dev); - kfree_skb(this); break; case TX_NOTIFY_PENDING: atomic_inc(&iucv->pendings); break; case TX_NOTIFY_DELAYED_OK: - __skb_unlink(this, list); + __skb_unlink(list_skb, list); atomic_dec(&iucv->pendings); if (atomic_read(&iucv->pendings) <= 0) iucv_sock_wake_msglim(sk); - dev_put(this->dev); - kfree_skb(this); + kfree_skb(list_skb); break; case TX_NOTIFY_UNREACHABLE: case TX_NOTIFY_DELAYED_UNREACHABLE: case TX_NOTIFY_TPQFULL: /* not yet used */ case TX_NOTIFY_GENERALERROR: case TX_NOTIFY_DELAYED_GENERALERROR: - __skb_unlink(this, list); - dev_put(this->dev); - kfree_skb(this); - sk->sk_state = IUCV_DISCONN; - sk->sk_state_change(sk); + __skb_unlink(list_skb, list); + kfree_skb(list_skb); + if (sk->sk_state == IUCV_CONNECTED) { + sk->sk_state = IUCV_DISCONN; + sk->sk_state_change(sk); + } break; } break; } - list_skb = list_skb->next; + list_skb = nskb; + nskb = nskb->next; } +out_unlock: spin_unlock_irqrestore(&list->lock, flags); if (sk->sk_state == IUCV_CLOSING) { @@ -2270,9 +2291,45 @@ static void afiucv_hs_callback_txnotify(struct sk_buff *skb, } } -out_unlock: - bh_unlock_sock(sk); } + +/* + * afiucv_netdev_event: handle netdev notifier chain events + */ +static int afiucv_netdev_event(struct notifier_block *this, + unsigned long event, void *ptr) +{ + struct net_device *event_dev = (struct net_device *)ptr; + struct hlist_node *node; + struct sock *sk; + struct iucv_sock *iucv; + + switch (event) { + case NETDEV_REBOOT: + case NETDEV_GOING_DOWN: + sk_for_each(sk, node, &iucv_sk_list.head) { + iucv = iucv_sk(sk); + if ((iucv->hs_dev == event_dev) && + (sk->sk_state == IUCV_CONNECTED)) { + if (event == NETDEV_GOING_DOWN) + iucv_send_ctrl(sk, AF_IUCV_FLAG_FIN); + sk->sk_state = IUCV_DISCONN; + sk->sk_state_change(sk); + } + } + break; + case NETDEV_DOWN: + case NETDEV_UNREGISTER: + default: + break; + } + return NOTIFY_DONE; +} + +static struct notifier_block afiucv_netdev_notifier = { + .notifier_call = afiucv_netdev_event, +}; + static const struct proto_ops iucv_sock_ops = { .family = PF_IUCV, .owner = THIS_MODULE, @@ -2372,7 +2429,8 @@ static int __init afiucv_init(void) err = afiucv_iucv_init(); if (err) goto out_sock; - } + } else + register_netdevice_notifier(&afiucv_netdev_notifier); dev_add_pack(&iucv_packet_type); return 0; @@ -2393,7 +2451,8 @@ static void __exit afiucv_exit(void) driver_unregister(&af_iucv_driver); pr_iucv->iucv_unregister(&af_iucv_handler, 0); symbol_put(iucv_if); - } + } else + unregister_netdevice_notifier(&afiucv_netdev_notifier); dev_remove_pack(&iucv_packet_type); sock_unregister(PF_IUCV); proto_unregister(&iucv_proto); diff --git a/net/l2tp/l2tp_eth.c b/net/l2tp/l2tp_eth.c index d2726a74597d104eb3fa57b2f6b48ab297106f23..63fe5f353f0497f60ddba20ce814f6d102c31ff0 100644 --- a/net/l2tp/l2tp_eth.c +++ b/net/l2tp/l2tp_eth.c @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ static int l2tp_eth_dev_init(struct net_device *dev) struct l2tp_eth *priv = netdev_priv(dev); priv->dev = dev; - random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(dev); memset(&dev->broadcast[0], 0xff, 6); return 0; diff --git a/net/l2tp/l2tp_ppp.c b/net/l2tp/l2tp_ppp.c index 8a90d756c904cedec8e0757f68885715ff42e55a..9b071910b4ba6a31ea4edc5b5dd53c84375c7f23 100644 --- a/net/l2tp/l2tp_ppp.c +++ b/net/l2tp/l2tp_ppp.c @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ #include #include #include -#include +#include #include #include #include @@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ static int pppol2tp_getname(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *uaddr, goto end_put_sess; } - inet = inet_sk(sk); + inet = inet_sk(tunnel->sock); if (tunnel->version == 2) { struct sockaddr_pppol2tp sp; len = sizeof(sp); diff --git a/net/mac80211/Makefile b/net/mac80211/Makefile index d540c3b160f37fde53c1cbdc867291849b0d08fa..1be7a454aa77b6c6de370d44c84f2ccdb64ee53a 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/Makefile +++ b/net/mac80211/Makefile @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ mac80211-y := \ scan.o offchannel.o \ ht.o agg-tx.o agg-rx.o \ ibss.o \ - mlme.o work.o \ + work.o \ iface.o \ rate.o \ michael.o \ @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ mac80211-y := \ wme.o \ event.o \ chan.o \ - driver-trace.o + driver-trace.o mlme.o mac80211-$(CONFIG_MAC80211_LEDS) += led.o mac80211-$(CONFIG_MAC80211_DEBUGFS) += \ diff --git a/net/mac80211/cfg.c b/net/mac80211/cfg.c index 296620d6ca0c0c2388f05ffaffd9c5d832eb3cbd..677d65929780ad147a531657f30ee26f6b52ae82 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/cfg.c +++ b/net/mac80211/cfg.c @@ -336,6 +336,20 @@ static void rate_idx_to_bitrate(struct rate_info *rate, struct sta_info *sta, in rate->mcs = idx; } +void sta_set_rate_info_tx(struct sta_info *sta, + const struct ieee80211_tx_rate *rate, + struct rate_info *rinfo) +{ + rinfo->flags = 0; + if (rate->flags & IEEE80211_TX_RC_MCS) + rinfo->flags |= RATE_INFO_FLAGS_MCS; + if (rate->flags & IEEE80211_TX_RC_40_MHZ_WIDTH) + rinfo->flags |= RATE_INFO_FLAGS_40_MHZ_WIDTH; + if (rate->flags & IEEE80211_TX_RC_SHORT_GI) + rinfo->flags |= RATE_INFO_FLAGS_SHORT_GI; + rate_idx_to_bitrate(rinfo, sta, rate->idx); +} + static void sta_set_sinfo(struct sta_info *sta, struct station_info *sinfo) { struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = sta->sdata; @@ -378,14 +392,7 @@ static void sta_set_sinfo(struct sta_info *sta, struct station_info *sinfo) sinfo->signal_avg = (s8) -ewma_read(&sta->avg_signal); } - sinfo->txrate.flags = 0; - if (sta->last_tx_rate.flags & IEEE80211_TX_RC_MCS) - sinfo->txrate.flags |= RATE_INFO_FLAGS_MCS; - if (sta->last_tx_rate.flags & IEEE80211_TX_RC_40_MHZ_WIDTH) - sinfo->txrate.flags |= RATE_INFO_FLAGS_40_MHZ_WIDTH; - if (sta->last_tx_rate.flags & IEEE80211_TX_RC_SHORT_GI) - sinfo->txrate.flags |= RATE_INFO_FLAGS_SHORT_GI; - rate_idx_to_bitrate(&sinfo->txrate, sta, sta->last_tx_rate.idx); + sta_set_rate_info_tx(sta, &sta->last_tx_rate, &sinfo->txrate); sinfo->rxrate.flags = 0; if (sta->last_rx_rate_flag & RX_FLAG_HT) @@ -489,27 +496,13 @@ static int ieee80211_get_station(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, return ret; } -static void ieee80211_config_ap_ssid(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - struct beacon_parameters *params) -{ - struct ieee80211_bss_conf *bss_conf = &sdata->vif.bss_conf; - - bss_conf->ssid_len = params->ssid_len; - - if (params->ssid_len) - memcpy(bss_conf->ssid, params->ssid, params->ssid_len); - - bss_conf->hidden_ssid = - (params->hidden_ssid != NL80211_HIDDEN_SSID_NOT_IN_USE); -} - static int ieee80211_set_probe_resp(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - u8 *resp, size_t resp_len) + const u8 *resp, size_t resp_len) { struct sk_buff *new, *old; if (!resp || !resp_len) - return -EINVAL; + return 1; old = rtnl_dereference(sdata->u.ap.probe_resp); @@ -520,50 +513,28 @@ static int ieee80211_set_probe_resp(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, memcpy(skb_put(new, resp_len), resp, resp_len); rcu_assign_pointer(sdata->u.ap.probe_resp, new); - synchronize_rcu(); - - if (old) + if (old) { + /* TODO: use call_rcu() */ + synchronize_rcu(); dev_kfree_skb(old); + } return 0; } -/* - * This handles both adding a beacon and setting new beacon info - */ -static int ieee80211_config_beacon(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - struct beacon_parameters *params) +static int ieee80211_assign_beacon(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, + struct cfg80211_beacon_data *params) { struct beacon_data *new, *old; int new_head_len, new_tail_len; - int size; - int err = -EINVAL; - u32 changed = 0; + int size, err; + u32 changed = BSS_CHANGED_BEACON; old = rtnl_dereference(sdata->u.ap.beacon); - /* head must not be zero-length */ - if (params->head && !params->head_len) - return -EINVAL; - - /* - * This is a kludge. beacon interval should really be part - * of the beacon information. - */ - if (params->interval && - (sdata->vif.bss_conf.beacon_int != params->interval)) { - sdata->vif.bss_conf.beacon_int = params->interval; - ieee80211_bss_info_change_notify(sdata, - BSS_CHANGED_BEACON_INT); - } - /* Need to have a beacon head if we don't have one yet */ if (!params->head && !old) - return err; - - /* sorry, no way to start beaconing without dtim period */ - if (!params->dtim_period && !old) - return err; + return -EINVAL; /* new or old head? */ if (params->head) @@ -586,12 +557,6 @@ static int ieee80211_config_beacon(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, /* start filling the new info now */ - /* new or old dtim period? */ - if (params->dtim_period) - new->dtim_period = params->dtim_period; - else - new->dtim_period = old->dtim_period; - /* * pointers go into the block we allocated, * memory is | beacon_data | head | tail | @@ -614,46 +579,37 @@ static int ieee80211_config_beacon(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, if (old) memcpy(new->tail, old->tail, new_tail_len); - sdata->vif.bss_conf.dtim_period = new->dtim_period; - - rcu_assign_pointer(sdata->u.ap.beacon, new); - - synchronize_rcu(); - - kfree(old); - err = ieee80211_set_probe_resp(sdata, params->probe_resp, params->probe_resp_len); - if (!err) + if (err < 0) + return err; + if (err == 0) changed |= BSS_CHANGED_AP_PROBE_RESP; - ieee80211_config_ap_ssid(sdata, params); - changed |= BSS_CHANGED_BEACON_ENABLED | - BSS_CHANGED_BEACON | - BSS_CHANGED_SSID; + rcu_assign_pointer(sdata->u.ap.beacon, new); - ieee80211_bss_info_change_notify(sdata, changed); - return 0; + if (old) + kfree_rcu(old, rcu_head); + + return changed; } -static int ieee80211_add_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, - struct beacon_parameters *params) +static int ieee80211_start_ap(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, + struct cfg80211_ap_settings *params) { - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata; + struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = IEEE80211_DEV_TO_SUB_IF(dev); struct beacon_data *old; struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *vlan; - int ret; - - sdata = IEEE80211_DEV_TO_SUB_IF(dev); + u32 changed = BSS_CHANGED_BEACON_INT | + BSS_CHANGED_BEACON_ENABLED | + BSS_CHANGED_BEACON | + BSS_CHANGED_SSID; + int err; old = rtnl_dereference(sdata->u.ap.beacon); if (old) return -EALREADY; - ret = ieee80211_config_beacon(sdata, params); - if (ret) - return ret; - /* * Apply control port protocol, this allows us to * not encrypt dynamic WEP control frames. @@ -667,14 +623,32 @@ static int ieee80211_add_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, params->crypto.control_port_no_encrypt; } + sdata->vif.bss_conf.beacon_int = params->beacon_interval; + sdata->vif.bss_conf.dtim_period = params->dtim_period; + + sdata->vif.bss_conf.ssid_len = params->ssid_len; + if (params->ssid_len) + memcpy(sdata->vif.bss_conf.ssid, params->ssid, + params->ssid_len); + sdata->vif.bss_conf.hidden_ssid = + (params->hidden_ssid != NL80211_HIDDEN_SSID_NOT_IN_USE); + + err = ieee80211_assign_beacon(sdata, ¶ms->beacon); + if (err < 0) + return err; + changed |= err; + + ieee80211_bss_info_change_notify(sdata, changed); + return 0; } -static int ieee80211_set_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, - struct beacon_parameters *params) +static int ieee80211_change_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, + struct cfg80211_beacon_data *params) { struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata; struct beacon_data *old; + int err; sdata = IEEE80211_DEV_TO_SUB_IF(dev); @@ -682,10 +656,14 @@ static int ieee80211_set_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, if (!old) return -ENOENT; - return ieee80211_config_beacon(sdata, params); + err = ieee80211_assign_beacon(sdata, params); + if (err < 0) + return err; + ieee80211_bss_info_change_notify(sdata, err); + return 0; } -static int ieee80211_del_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev) +static int ieee80211_stop_ap(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev) { struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata; struct beacon_data *old; @@ -697,10 +675,11 @@ static int ieee80211_del_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev) return -ENOENT; RCU_INIT_POINTER(sdata->u.ap.beacon, NULL); - synchronize_rcu(); - kfree(old); + + kfree_rcu(old, rcu_head); ieee80211_bss_info_change_notify(sdata, BSS_CHANGED_BEACON_ENABLED); + return 0; } @@ -776,12 +755,10 @@ static int sta_apply_parameters(struct ieee80211_local *local, if (set & BIT(NL80211_STA_FLAG_AUTHENTICATED) && !test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_AUTH)) { - ret = sta_info_move_state_checked(sta, - IEEE80211_STA_AUTH); + ret = sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTH); if (ret) return ret; - ret = sta_info_move_state_checked(sta, - IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC); + ret = sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC); if (ret) return ret; } @@ -789,11 +766,9 @@ static int sta_apply_parameters(struct ieee80211_local *local, if (mask & BIT(NL80211_STA_FLAG_AUTHORIZED)) { if (set & BIT(NL80211_STA_FLAG_AUTHORIZED)) - ret = sta_info_move_state_checked(sta, - IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED); + ret = sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED); else if (test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_AUTHORIZED)) - ret = sta_info_move_state_checked(sta, - IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC); + ret = sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC); if (ret) return ret; } @@ -805,12 +780,10 @@ static int sta_apply_parameters(struct ieee80211_local *local, if (!(set & BIT(NL80211_STA_FLAG_AUTHENTICATED)) && test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_AUTH)) { - ret = sta_info_move_state_checked(sta, - IEEE80211_STA_AUTH); + ret = sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTH); if (ret) return ret; - ret = sta_info_move_state_checked(sta, - IEEE80211_STA_NONE); + ret = sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_NONE); if (ret) return ret; } @@ -944,8 +917,8 @@ static int ieee80211_add_station(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, if (!sta) return -ENOMEM; - sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTH); - sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC); + sta_info_pre_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTH); + sta_info_pre_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC); err = sta_apply_parameters(local, sta, params); if (err) { @@ -1001,6 +974,7 @@ static int ieee80211_change_station(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct ieee80211_local *local = wiphy_priv(wiphy); struct sta_info *sta; struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *vlansdata; + int err; mutex_lock(&local->sta_mtx); @@ -1040,7 +1014,11 @@ static int ieee80211_change_station(struct wiphy *wiphy, ieee80211_send_layer2_update(sta); } - sta_apply_parameters(local, sta, params); + err = sta_apply_parameters(local, sta, params); + if (err) { + mutex_unlock(&local->sta_mtx); + return err; + } if (test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_TDLS_PEER) && params->supported_rates) rate_control_rate_init(sta); @@ -1341,6 +1319,16 @@ static int ieee80211_update_mesh_config(struct wiphy *wiphy, conf->dot11MeshHWMPRannInterval = nconf->dot11MeshHWMPRannInterval; } + if (_chg_mesh_attr(NL80211_MESHCONF_FORWARDING, mask)) + conf->dot11MeshForwarding = nconf->dot11MeshForwarding; + if (_chg_mesh_attr(NL80211_MESHCONF_RSSI_THRESHOLD, mask)) { + /* our RSSI threshold implementation is supported only for + * devices that report signal in dBm. + */ + if (!(sdata->local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_SIGNAL_DBM)) + return -ENOTSUPP; + conf->rssi_threshold = nconf->rssi_threshold; + } return 0; } @@ -1622,19 +1610,15 @@ static int ieee80211_assoc(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, } static int ieee80211_deauth(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, - struct cfg80211_deauth_request *req, - void *cookie) + struct cfg80211_deauth_request *req) { - return ieee80211_mgd_deauth(IEEE80211_DEV_TO_SUB_IF(dev), - req, cookie); + return ieee80211_mgd_deauth(IEEE80211_DEV_TO_SUB_IF(dev), req); } static int ieee80211_disassoc(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, - struct cfg80211_disassoc_request *req, - void *cookie) + struct cfg80211_disassoc_request *req) { - return ieee80211_mgd_disassoc(IEEE80211_DEV_TO_SUB_IF(dev), - req, cookie); + return ieee80211_mgd_disassoc(IEEE80211_DEV_TO_SUB_IF(dev), req); } static int ieee80211_join_ibss(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, @@ -1868,7 +1852,6 @@ static int ieee80211_set_cqm_rssi_config(struct wiphy *wiphy, s32 rssi_thold, u32 rssi_hyst) { struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = IEEE80211_DEV_TO_SUB_IF(dev); - struct ieee80211_local *local = wdev_priv(dev->ieee80211_ptr); struct ieee80211_vif *vif = &sdata->vif; struct ieee80211_bss_conf *bss_conf = &vif->bss_conf; @@ -1879,14 +1862,9 @@ static int ieee80211_set_cqm_rssi_config(struct wiphy *wiphy, bss_conf->cqm_rssi_thold = rssi_thold; bss_conf->cqm_rssi_hyst = rssi_hyst; - if (!(local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI)) { - if (sdata->vif.type != NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) - return -EOPNOTSUPP; - return 0; - } - /* tell the driver upon association, unless already associated */ - if (sdata->u.mgd.associated) + if (sdata->u.mgd.associated && + sdata->vif.driver_flags & IEEE80211_VIF_SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI) ieee80211_bss_info_change_notify(sdata, BSS_CHANGED_CQM); return 0; @@ -1907,8 +1885,11 @@ static int ieee80211_set_bitrate_mask(struct wiphy *wiphy, return ret; } - for (i = 0; i < IEEE80211_NUM_BANDS; i++) + for (i = 0; i < IEEE80211_NUM_BANDS; i++) { sdata->rc_rateidx_mask[i] = mask->control[i].legacy; + memcpy(sdata->rc_rateidx_mcs_mask[i], mask->control[i].mcs, + sizeof(mask->control[i].mcs)); + } return 0; } @@ -2030,7 +2011,7 @@ ieee80211_offchan_tx_done(struct ieee80211_work *wk, struct sk_buff *skb) if (wk->offchan_tx.wait && !wk->offchan_tx.status) cfg80211_mgmt_tx_status(wk->sdata->dev, (unsigned long) wk->offchan_tx.frame, - wk->ie, wk->ie_len, false, GFP_KERNEL); + wk->data, wk->data_len, false, GFP_KERNEL); return WORK_DONE_DESTROY; } @@ -2181,8 +2162,8 @@ static int ieee80211_mgmt_tx(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, wk->done = ieee80211_offchan_tx_done; wk->offchan_tx.frame = skb; wk->offchan_tx.wait = wait; - wk->ie_len = len; - memcpy(wk->ie, buf, len); + wk->data_len = len; + memcpy(wk->data, buf, len); ieee80211_add_work(wk); return 0; @@ -2701,9 +2682,9 @@ struct cfg80211_ops mac80211_config_ops = { .get_key = ieee80211_get_key, .set_default_key = ieee80211_config_default_key, .set_default_mgmt_key = ieee80211_config_default_mgmt_key, - .add_beacon = ieee80211_add_beacon, - .set_beacon = ieee80211_set_beacon, - .del_beacon = ieee80211_del_beacon, + .start_ap = ieee80211_start_ap, + .change_beacon = ieee80211_change_beacon, + .stop_ap = ieee80211_stop_ap, .add_station = ieee80211_add_station, .del_station = ieee80211_del_station, .change_station = ieee80211_change_station, diff --git a/net/mac80211/chan.c b/net/mac80211/chan.c index 889c3e93e0f4a9df2a1a2007799f2a2f13e8a496..e00ce8c3e28e431c4232a1441ee2b0b2eeb3d480 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/chan.c +++ b/net/mac80211/chan.c @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ */ #include +#include #include "ieee80211_i.h" static enum ieee80211_chan_mode @@ -20,23 +21,29 @@ __ieee80211_get_channel_mode(struct ieee80211_local *local, if (!ieee80211_sdata_running(sdata)) continue; - if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_MONITOR) + switch (sdata->vif.type) { + case NL80211_IFTYPE_MONITOR: continue; - - if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION && - !sdata->u.mgd.associated) - continue; - - if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) { + case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION: + if (!sdata->u.mgd.associated) + continue; + break; + case NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC: if (!sdata->u.ibss.ssid_len) continue; if (!sdata->u.ibss.fixed_channel) return CHAN_MODE_HOPPING; - } - - if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP && - !sdata->u.ap.beacon) + break; + case NL80211_IFTYPE_AP_VLAN: + /* will also have _AP interface */ continue; + case NL80211_IFTYPE_AP: + if (!sdata->u.ap.beacon) + continue; + break; + default: + break; + } return CHAN_MODE_FIXED; } @@ -128,3 +135,29 @@ bool ieee80211_set_channel_type(struct ieee80211_local *local, return result; } + +/* + * ieee80211_get_tx_channel_type returns the channel type we should + * use for packet transmission, given the channel capability and + * whatever regulatory flags we have been given. + */ +enum nl80211_channel_type ieee80211_get_tx_channel_type( + struct ieee80211_local *local, + enum nl80211_channel_type channel_type) +{ + switch (channel_type) { + case NL80211_CHAN_HT40PLUS: + if (local->hw.conf.channel->flags & + IEEE80211_CHAN_NO_HT40PLUS) + return NL80211_CHAN_HT20; + break; + case NL80211_CHAN_HT40MINUS: + if (local->hw.conf.channel->flags & + IEEE80211_CHAN_NO_HT40MINUS) + return NL80211_CHAN_HT20; + break; + default: + break; + } + return channel_type; +} diff --git a/net/mac80211/debugfs.c b/net/mac80211/debugfs.c index 90baea53e7c56572df7562d201237fed48ef49e9..cc5b7a6e7e0b084d2e8cb7e2f06d0e3f392eabc1 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/debugfs.c +++ b/net/mac80211/debugfs.c @@ -97,85 +97,6 @@ static const struct file_operations reset_ops = { .llseek = noop_llseek, }; -static ssize_t uapsd_queues_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, - size_t count, loff_t *ppos) -{ - struct ieee80211_local *local = file->private_data; - return mac80211_format_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, "0x%x\n", - local->uapsd_queues); -} - -static ssize_t uapsd_queues_write(struct file *file, - const char __user *user_buf, - size_t count, loff_t *ppos) -{ - struct ieee80211_local *local = file->private_data; - u8 val; - int ret; - - ret = kstrtou8_from_user(user_buf, count, 0, &val); - if (ret) - return ret; - - if (val & ~IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_AC_MASK) - return -ERANGE; - - local->uapsd_queues = val; - - return count; -} - -static const struct file_operations uapsd_queues_ops = { - .read = uapsd_queues_read, - .write = uapsd_queues_write, - .open = mac80211_open_file_generic, - .llseek = default_llseek, -}; - -static ssize_t uapsd_max_sp_len_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, - size_t count, loff_t *ppos) -{ - struct ieee80211_local *local = file->private_data; - - return mac80211_format_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, "0x%x\n", - local->uapsd_max_sp_len); -} - -static ssize_t uapsd_max_sp_len_write(struct file *file, - const char __user *user_buf, - size_t count, loff_t *ppos) -{ - struct ieee80211_local *local = file->private_data; - unsigned long val; - char buf[10]; - size_t len; - int ret; - - len = min(count, sizeof(buf) - 1); - if (copy_from_user(buf, user_buf, len)) - return -EFAULT; - buf[len] = '\0'; - - ret = kstrtoul(buf, 0, &val); - - if (ret) - return -EINVAL; - - if (val & ~IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_SP_MASK) - return -ERANGE; - - local->uapsd_max_sp_len = val; - - return count; -} - -static const struct file_operations uapsd_max_sp_len_ops = { - .read = uapsd_max_sp_len_read, - .write = uapsd_max_sp_len_write, - .open = mac80211_open_file_generic, - .llseek = default_llseek, -}; - static ssize_t channel_type_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { @@ -247,8 +168,6 @@ static ssize_t hwflags_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, sf += snprintf(buf + sf, mxln - sf, "SUPPORTS_DYNAMIC_PS\n"); if (local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_MFP_CAPABLE) sf += snprintf(buf + sf, mxln - sf, "MFP_CAPABLE\n"); - if (local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_BEACON_FILTER) - sf += snprintf(buf + sf, mxln - sf, "BEACON_FILTER\n"); if (local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_STATIC_SMPS) sf += snprintf(buf + sf, mxln - sf, "SUPPORTS_STATIC_SMPS\n"); if (local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_DYNAMIC_SMPS) @@ -259,14 +178,14 @@ static ssize_t hwflags_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf, sf += snprintf(buf + sf, mxln - sf, "REPORTS_TX_ACK_STATUS\n"); if (local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_CONNECTION_MONITOR) sf += snprintf(buf + sf, mxln - sf, "CONNECTION_MONITOR\n"); - if (local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI) - sf += snprintf(buf + sf, mxln - sf, "SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI\n"); if (local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_PER_STA_GTK) sf += snprintf(buf + sf, mxln - sf, "SUPPORTS_PER_STA_GTK\n"); if (local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_AP_LINK_PS) sf += snprintf(buf + sf, mxln - sf, "AP_LINK_PS\n"); if (local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_TX_AMPDU_SETUP_IN_HW) sf += snprintf(buf + sf, mxln - sf, "TX_AMPDU_SETUP_IN_HW\n"); + if (local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_SCAN_WHILE_IDLE) + sf += snprintf(buf + sf, mxln - sf, "SCAN_WHILE_IDLE\n"); rv = simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, strlen(buf)); kfree(buf); @@ -364,8 +283,6 @@ void debugfs_hw_add(struct ieee80211_local *local) DEBUGFS_ADD(wep_iv); DEBUGFS_ADD(queues); DEBUGFS_ADD_MODE(reset, 0200); - DEBUGFS_ADD(uapsd_queues); - DEBUGFS_ADD(uapsd_max_sp_len); DEBUGFS_ADD(channel_type); DEBUGFS_ADD(hwflags); DEBUGFS_ADD(user_power); diff --git a/net/mac80211/debugfs_netdev.c b/net/mac80211/debugfs_netdev.c index 176c08ffb13c50e5f5fa8c212175a8367f09bb97..a32eeda04aa3f1bb980066f0183615c2acffd8df 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/debugfs_netdev.c +++ b/net/mac80211/debugfs_netdev.c @@ -49,16 +49,15 @@ static ssize_t ieee80211_if_write( size_t count, loff_t *ppos, ssize_t (*write)(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *, const char *, int)) { - u8 *buf; + char buf[64]; ssize_t ret; - buf = kmalloc(count, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!buf) - return -ENOMEM; + if (count >= sizeof(buf)) + return -E2BIG; - ret = -EFAULT; if (copy_from_user(buf, userbuf, count)) - goto freebuf; + return -EFAULT; + buf[count] = '\0'; ret = -ENODEV; rtnl_lock(); @@ -66,8 +65,6 @@ static ssize_t ieee80211_if_write( ret = (*write)(sdata, buf, count); rtnl_unlock(); -freebuf: - kfree(buf); return ret; } @@ -87,6 +84,21 @@ static ssize_t ieee80211_if_fmt_##name( \ #define IEEE80211_IF_FMT_SIZE(name, field) \ IEEE80211_IF_FMT(name, field, "%zd\n") +#define IEEE80211_IF_FMT_HEXARRAY(name, field) \ +static ssize_t ieee80211_if_fmt_##name( \ + const struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, \ + char *buf, int buflen) \ +{ \ + char *p = buf; \ + int i; \ + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sdata->field); i++) { \ + p += scnprintf(p, buflen + buf - p, "%.2x ", \ + sdata->field[i]); \ + } \ + p += scnprintf(p, buflen + buf - p, "\n"); \ + return p - buf; \ +} + #define IEEE80211_IF_FMT_ATOMIC(name, field) \ static ssize_t ieee80211_if_fmt_##name( \ const struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, \ @@ -148,6 +160,11 @@ IEEE80211_IF_FILE(rc_rateidx_mask_2ghz, rc_rateidx_mask[IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ], HEX); IEEE80211_IF_FILE(rc_rateidx_mask_5ghz, rc_rateidx_mask[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ], HEX); +IEEE80211_IF_FILE(rc_rateidx_mcs_mask_2ghz, + rc_rateidx_mcs_mask[IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ], HEXARRAY); +IEEE80211_IF_FILE(rc_rateidx_mcs_mask_5ghz, + rc_rateidx_mcs_mask[IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ], HEXARRAY); + IEEE80211_IF_FILE(flags, flags, HEX); IEEE80211_IF_FILE(state, state, LHEX); IEEE80211_IF_FILE(channel_type, vif.bss_conf.channel_type, DEC); @@ -320,6 +337,62 @@ static ssize_t ieee80211_if_parse_tkip_mic_test( __IEEE80211_IF_FILE_W(tkip_mic_test); +static ssize_t ieee80211_if_fmt_uapsd_queues( + const struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, char *buf, int buflen) +{ + const struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; + + return snprintf(buf, buflen, "0x%x\n", ifmgd->uapsd_queues); +} + +static ssize_t ieee80211_if_parse_uapsd_queues( + struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, const char *buf, int buflen) +{ + struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; + u8 val; + int ret; + + ret = kstrtou8(buf, 0, &val); + if (ret) + return ret; + + if (val & ~IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_AC_MASK) + return -ERANGE; + + ifmgd->uapsd_queues = val; + + return buflen; +} +__IEEE80211_IF_FILE_W(uapsd_queues); + +static ssize_t ieee80211_if_fmt_uapsd_max_sp_len( + const struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, char *buf, int buflen) +{ + const struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; + + return snprintf(buf, buflen, "0x%x\n", ifmgd->uapsd_max_sp_len); +} + +static ssize_t ieee80211_if_parse_uapsd_max_sp_len( + struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, const char *buf, int buflen) +{ + struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; + unsigned long val; + int ret; + + ret = kstrtoul(buf, 0, &val); + if (ret) + return -EINVAL; + + if (val & ~IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_SP_MASK) + return -ERANGE; + + ifmgd->uapsd_max_sp_len = val; + + return buflen; +} +__IEEE80211_IF_FILE_W(uapsd_max_sp_len); + /* AP attributes */ IEEE80211_IF_FILE(num_sta_authorized, u.ap.num_sta_authorized, ATOMIC); IEEE80211_IF_FILE(num_sta_ps, u.ap.num_sta_ps, ATOMIC); @@ -422,6 +495,8 @@ IEEE80211_IF_FILE(dot11MeshGateAnnouncementProtocol, u.mesh.mshcfg.dot11MeshGateAnnouncementProtocol, DEC); IEEE80211_IF_FILE(dot11MeshHWMPRannInterval, u.mesh.mshcfg.dot11MeshHWMPRannInterval, DEC); +IEEE80211_IF_FILE(dot11MeshForwarding, u.mesh.mshcfg.dot11MeshForwarding, DEC); +IEEE80211_IF_FILE(rssi_threshold, u.mesh.mshcfg.rssi_threshold, DEC); #endif @@ -441,6 +516,8 @@ static void add_sta_files(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) DEBUGFS_ADD(channel_type); DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mask_2ghz); DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mask_5ghz); + DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mcs_mask_2ghz); + DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mcs_mask_5ghz); DEBUGFS_ADD(bssid); DEBUGFS_ADD(aid); @@ -448,6 +525,8 @@ static void add_sta_files(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) DEBUGFS_ADD(ave_beacon); DEBUGFS_ADD_MODE(smps, 0600); DEBUGFS_ADD_MODE(tkip_mic_test, 0200); + DEBUGFS_ADD_MODE(uapsd_queues, 0600); + DEBUGFS_ADD_MODE(uapsd_max_sp_len, 0600); } static void add_ap_files(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) @@ -458,6 +537,8 @@ static void add_ap_files(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) DEBUGFS_ADD(channel_type); DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mask_2ghz); DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mask_5ghz); + DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mcs_mask_2ghz); + DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mcs_mask_5ghz); DEBUGFS_ADD(num_sta_authorized); DEBUGFS_ADD(num_sta_ps); @@ -468,6 +549,12 @@ static void add_ap_files(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) static void add_ibss_files(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) { + DEBUGFS_ADD(channel_type); + DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mask_2ghz); + DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mask_5ghz); + DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mcs_mask_2ghz); + DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mcs_mask_5ghz); + DEBUGFS_ADD_MODE(tsf, 0600); } @@ -479,6 +566,8 @@ static void add_wds_files(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) DEBUGFS_ADD(channel_type); DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mask_2ghz); DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mask_5ghz); + DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mcs_mask_2ghz); + DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mcs_mask_5ghz); DEBUGFS_ADD(peer); } @@ -491,6 +580,8 @@ static void add_vlan_files(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) DEBUGFS_ADD(channel_type); DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mask_2ghz); DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mask_5ghz); + DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mcs_mask_2ghz); + DEBUGFS_ADD(rc_rateidx_mcs_mask_5ghz); } static void add_monitor_files(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) @@ -502,11 +593,15 @@ static void add_monitor_files(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) #ifdef CONFIG_MAC80211_MESH +static void add_mesh_files(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) +{ + DEBUGFS_ADD_MODE(tsf, 0600); +} + static void add_mesh_stats(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) { struct dentry *dir = debugfs_create_dir("mesh_stats", sdata->debugfs.dir); - #define MESHSTATS_ADD(name)\ debugfs_create_file(#name, 0400, dir, sdata, &name##_ops); @@ -546,6 +641,7 @@ static void add_mesh_config(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) MESHPARAMS_ADD(dot11MeshHWMPRootMode); MESHPARAMS_ADD(dot11MeshHWMPRannInterval); MESHPARAMS_ADD(dot11MeshGateAnnouncementProtocol); + MESHPARAMS_ADD(rssi_threshold); #undef MESHPARAMS_ADD } #endif @@ -558,6 +654,7 @@ static void add_files(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) switch (sdata->vif.type) { case NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT: #ifdef CONFIG_MAC80211_MESH + add_mesh_files(sdata); add_mesh_stats(sdata); add_mesh_config(sdata); #endif diff --git a/net/mac80211/debugfs_sta.c b/net/mac80211/debugfs_sta.c index d86217d56bd703fcb0bc602ff93f14b665c27c5f..6d45804d09bc0a26ef9025c8751355ffebd13b8f 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/debugfs_sta.c +++ b/net/mac80211/debugfs_sta.c @@ -63,14 +63,15 @@ static ssize_t sta_flags_read(struct file *file, char __user *userbuf, test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_##flg) ? #flg "\n" : "" int res = scnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), - "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", + "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", TEST(AUTH), TEST(ASSOC), TEST(PS_STA), TEST(PS_DRIVER), TEST(AUTHORIZED), TEST(SHORT_PREAMBLE), TEST(WME), TEST(WDS), TEST(CLEAR_PS_FILT), TEST(MFP), TEST(BLOCK_BA), TEST(PSPOLL), TEST(UAPSD), TEST(SP), TEST(TDLS_PEER), - TEST(TDLS_PEER_AUTH), TEST(RATE_CONTROL)); + TEST(TDLS_PEER_AUTH), TEST(4ADDR_EVENT), + TEST(INSERTED), TEST(RATE_CONTROL)); #undef TEST return simple_read_from_buffer(userbuf, count, ppos, buf, res); } diff --git a/net/mac80211/driver-ops.h b/net/mac80211/driver-ops.h index e8960ae3986126aadd0b4254909d7b9b45fd07c9..af4691fed6457e4df103d3e27332a01b9b304f66 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/driver-ops.h +++ b/net/mac80211/driver-ops.h @@ -168,41 +168,6 @@ static inline void drv_bss_info_changed(struct ieee80211_local *local, trace_drv_return_void(local); } -static inline int drv_tx_sync(struct ieee80211_local *local, - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - const u8 *bssid, - enum ieee80211_tx_sync_type type) -{ - int ret = 0; - - might_sleep(); - - check_sdata_in_driver(sdata); - - trace_drv_tx_sync(local, sdata, bssid, type); - if (local->ops->tx_sync) - ret = local->ops->tx_sync(&local->hw, &sdata->vif, - bssid, type); - trace_drv_return_int(local, ret); - return ret; -} - -static inline void drv_finish_tx_sync(struct ieee80211_local *local, - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - const u8 *bssid, - enum ieee80211_tx_sync_type type) -{ - might_sleep(); - - check_sdata_in_driver(sdata); - - trace_drv_finish_tx_sync(local, sdata, bssid, type); - if (local->ops->finish_tx_sync) - local->ops->finish_tx_sync(&local->hw, &sdata->vif, - bssid, type); - trace_drv_return_void(local); -} - static inline u64 drv_prepare_multicast(struct ieee80211_local *local, struct netdev_hw_addr_list *mc_list) { @@ -253,6 +218,7 @@ static inline int drv_set_key(struct ieee80211_local *local, might_sleep(); + sdata = get_bss_sdata(sdata); check_sdata_in_driver(sdata); trace_drv_set_key(local, cmd, sdata, sta, key); @@ -272,6 +238,7 @@ static inline void drv_update_tkip_key(struct ieee80211_local *local, if (sta) ista = &sta->sta; + sdata = get_bss_sdata(sdata); check_sdata_in_driver(sdata); trace_drv_update_tkip_key(local, sdata, conf, ista, iv32); @@ -476,6 +443,37 @@ static inline void drv_sta_remove(struct ieee80211_local *local, trace_drv_return_void(local); } +static inline __must_check +int drv_sta_state(struct ieee80211_local *local, + struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, + struct sta_info *sta, + enum ieee80211_sta_state old_state, + enum ieee80211_sta_state new_state) +{ + int ret = 0; + + might_sleep(); + + sdata = get_bss_sdata(sdata); + check_sdata_in_driver(sdata); + + trace_drv_sta_state(local, sdata, &sta->sta, old_state, new_state); + if (local->ops->sta_state) { + ret = local->ops->sta_state(&local->hw, &sdata->vif, &sta->sta, + old_state, new_state); + } else if (old_state == IEEE80211_STA_AUTH && + new_state == IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC) { + ret = drv_sta_add(local, sdata, &sta->sta); + if (ret == 0) + sta->uploaded = true; + } else if (old_state == IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC && + new_state == IEEE80211_STA_AUTH) { + drv_sta_remove(local, sdata, &sta->sta); + } + trace_drv_return_int(local, ret); + return ret; +} + static inline int drv_conf_tx(struct ieee80211_local *local, struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, u16 queue, const struct ieee80211_tx_queue_params *params) diff --git a/net/mac80211/driver-trace.h b/net/mac80211/driver-trace.h index 6e9df8fd8fb8c7d04e2d834232152a0377952823..21d6f5290a1c67883d004ab5c2215bd9ebdafc54 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/driver-trace.h +++ b/net/mac80211/driver-trace.h @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ TRACE_EVENT(drv_bss_info_changed, __entry->dtimper = info->dtim_period; __entry->bcnint = info->beacon_int; __entry->assoc_cap = info->assoc_capability; - __entry->timestamp = info->timestamp; + __entry->timestamp = info->last_tsf; __entry->basic_rates = info->basic_rates; __entry->enable_beacon = info->enable_beacon; __entry->ht_operation_mode = info->ht_operation_mode; @@ -308,49 +308,6 @@ TRACE_EVENT(drv_bss_info_changed, ) ); -DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS(tx_sync_evt, - TP_PROTO(struct ieee80211_local *local, - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - const u8 *bssid, - enum ieee80211_tx_sync_type type), - TP_ARGS(local, sdata, bssid, type), - - TP_STRUCT__entry( - LOCAL_ENTRY - VIF_ENTRY - __array(char, bssid, ETH_ALEN) - __field(u32, sync_type) - ), - - TP_fast_assign( - LOCAL_ASSIGN; - VIF_ASSIGN; - memcpy(__entry->bssid, bssid, ETH_ALEN); - __entry->sync_type = type; - ), - - TP_printk( - LOCAL_PR_FMT VIF_PR_FMT " bssid:%pM type:%d", - LOCAL_PR_ARG, VIF_PR_ARG, __entry->bssid, __entry->sync_type - ) -); - -DEFINE_EVENT(tx_sync_evt, drv_tx_sync, - TP_PROTO(struct ieee80211_local *local, - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - const u8 *bssid, - enum ieee80211_tx_sync_type type), - TP_ARGS(local, sdata, bssid, type) -); - -DEFINE_EVENT(tx_sync_evt, drv_finish_tx_sync, - TP_PROTO(struct ieee80211_local *local, - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - const u8 *bssid, - enum ieee80211_tx_sync_type type), - TP_ARGS(local, sdata, bssid, type) -); - TRACE_EVENT(drv_prepare_multicast, TP_PROTO(struct ieee80211_local *local, int mc_count), @@ -635,6 +592,38 @@ TRACE_EVENT(drv_sta_notify, ) ); +TRACE_EVENT(drv_sta_state, + TP_PROTO(struct ieee80211_local *local, + struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, + struct ieee80211_sta *sta, + enum ieee80211_sta_state old_state, + enum ieee80211_sta_state new_state), + + TP_ARGS(local, sdata, sta, old_state, new_state), + + TP_STRUCT__entry( + LOCAL_ENTRY + VIF_ENTRY + STA_ENTRY + __field(u32, old_state) + __field(u32, new_state) + ), + + TP_fast_assign( + LOCAL_ASSIGN; + VIF_ASSIGN; + STA_ASSIGN; + __entry->old_state = old_state; + __entry->new_state = new_state; + ), + + TP_printk( + LOCAL_PR_FMT VIF_PR_FMT STA_PR_FMT " state: %d->%d", + LOCAL_PR_ARG, VIF_PR_ARG, STA_PR_ARG, + __entry->old_state, __entry->new_state + ) +); + TRACE_EVENT(drv_sta_add, TP_PROTO(struct ieee80211_local *local, struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, diff --git a/net/mac80211/ibss.c b/net/mac80211/ibss.c index a4643969a13b22524a7f90f0304c18d917f025be..33fd8d9f714ec05db8aeba88d0bb5c6bf97e8fd0 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/ibss.c +++ b/net/mac80211/ibss.c @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ #include #include #include -#include #include "ieee80211_i.h" #include "driver-ops.h" @@ -36,31 +35,6 @@ #define IEEE80211_IBSS_MAX_STA_ENTRIES 128 -static void ieee80211_rx_mgmt_auth_ibss(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt, - size_t len) -{ - u16 auth_alg, auth_transaction; - - lockdep_assert_held(&sdata->u.ibss.mtx); - - if (len < 24 + 6) - return; - - auth_alg = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.auth.auth_alg); - auth_transaction = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.auth.auth_transaction); - - /* - * IEEE 802.11 standard does not require authentication in IBSS - * networks and most implementations do not seem to use it. - * However, try to reply to authentication attempts if someone - * has actually implemented this. - */ - if (auth_alg == WLAN_AUTH_OPEN && auth_transaction == 1) - ieee80211_send_auth(sdata, 2, WLAN_AUTH_OPEN, NULL, 0, - sdata->u.ibss.bssid, NULL, 0, 0); -} - static void __ieee80211_sta_join_ibss(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, const u8 *bssid, const int beacon_int, struct ieee80211_channel *chan, @@ -92,7 +66,7 @@ static void __ieee80211_sta_join_ibss(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, skb_reset_tail_pointer(skb); skb_reserve(skb, sdata->local->hw.extra_tx_headroom); - if (memcmp(ifibss->bssid, bssid, ETH_ALEN)) + if (compare_ether_addr(ifibss->bssid, bssid)) sta_info_flush(sdata->local, sdata); /* if merging, indicate to driver that we leave the old IBSS */ @@ -276,7 +250,8 @@ static void ieee80211_sta_join_ibss(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, cbss->tsf); } -static struct sta_info *ieee80211_ibss_finish_sta(struct sta_info *sta) +static struct sta_info *ieee80211_ibss_finish_sta(struct sta_info *sta, + bool auth) __acquires(RCU) { struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = sta->sdata; @@ -290,22 +265,34 @@ static struct sta_info *ieee80211_ibss_finish_sta(struct sta_info *sta) addr, sdata->name); #endif - sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTH); - sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC); - sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED); + sta_info_pre_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTH); + sta_info_pre_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC); + /* authorize the station only if the network is not RSN protected. If + * not wait for the userspace to authorize it */ + if (!sta->sdata->u.ibss.control_port) + sta_info_pre_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED); rate_control_rate_init(sta); /* If it fails, maybe we raced another insertion? */ if (sta_info_insert_rcu(sta)) return sta_info_get(sdata, addr); + if (auth) { +#ifdef CONFIG_MAC80211_IBSS_DEBUG + printk(KERN_DEBUG "TX Auth SA=%pM DA=%pM BSSID=%pM" + "(auth_transaction=1)\n", sdata->vif.addr, + sdata->u.ibss.bssid, addr); +#endif + ieee80211_send_auth(sdata, 1, WLAN_AUTH_OPEN, NULL, 0, + addr, sdata->u.ibss.bssid, NULL, 0, 0); + } return sta; } static struct sta_info * ieee80211_ibss_add_sta(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, const u8 *bssid, const u8 *addr, - u32 supp_rates) + u32 supp_rates, bool auth) __acquires(RCU) { struct ieee80211_if_ibss *ifibss = &sdata->u.ibss; @@ -347,7 +334,42 @@ ieee80211_ibss_add_sta(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, sta->sta.supp_rates[band] = supp_rates | ieee80211_mandatory_rates(local, band); - return ieee80211_ibss_finish_sta(sta); + return ieee80211_ibss_finish_sta(sta, auth); +} + +static void ieee80211_rx_mgmt_auth_ibss(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, + struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt, + size_t len) +{ + u16 auth_alg, auth_transaction; + + lockdep_assert_held(&sdata->u.ibss.mtx); + + if (len < 24 + 6) + return; + + auth_alg = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.auth.auth_alg); + auth_transaction = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.auth.auth_transaction); + + if (auth_alg != WLAN_AUTH_OPEN || auth_transaction != 1) + return; +#ifdef CONFIG_MAC80211_IBSS_DEBUG + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: RX Auth SA=%pM DA=%pM BSSID=%pM." + "(auth_transaction=%d)\n", + sdata->name, mgmt->sa, mgmt->da, mgmt->bssid, auth_transaction); +#endif + sta_info_destroy_addr(sdata, mgmt->sa); + ieee80211_ibss_add_sta(sdata, mgmt->bssid, mgmt->sa, 0, false); + rcu_read_unlock(); + + /* + * IEEE 802.11 standard does not require authentication in IBSS + * networks and most implementations do not seem to use it. + * However, try to reply to authentication attempts if someone + * has actually implemented this. + */ + ieee80211_send_auth(sdata, 2, WLAN_AUTH_OPEN, NULL, 0, + mgmt->sa, sdata->u.ibss.bssid, NULL, 0, 0); } static void ieee80211_rx_bss_info(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, @@ -381,7 +403,7 @@ static void ieee80211_rx_bss_info(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, return; if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC && - memcmp(mgmt->bssid, sdata->u.ibss.bssid, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { + compare_ether_addr(mgmt->bssid, sdata->u.ibss.bssid) == 0) { rcu_read_lock(); sta = sta_info_get(sdata, mgmt->sa); @@ -412,7 +434,7 @@ static void ieee80211_rx_bss_info(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, } else { rcu_read_unlock(); sta = ieee80211_ibss_add_sta(sdata, mgmt->bssid, - mgmt->sa, supp_rates); + mgmt->sa, supp_rates, true); } } @@ -486,7 +508,7 @@ static void ieee80211_rx_bss_info(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, goto put_bss; /* same BSSID */ - if (memcmp(cbss->bssid, sdata->u.ibss.bssid, ETH_ALEN) == 0) + if (compare_ether_addr(cbss->bssid, sdata->u.ibss.bssid) == 0) goto put_bss; if (rx_status->flag & RX_FLAG_MACTIME_MPDU) { @@ -540,7 +562,7 @@ static void ieee80211_rx_bss_info(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, ieee80211_sta_join_ibss(sdata, bss); supp_rates = ieee80211_sta_get_rates(local, elems, band); ieee80211_ibss_add_sta(sdata, mgmt->bssid, mgmt->sa, - supp_rates); + supp_rates, true); rcu_read_unlock(); } @@ -643,8 +665,7 @@ static void ieee80211_sta_merge_ibss(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) "IBSS networks with same SSID (merge)\n", sdata->name); ieee80211_request_internal_scan(sdata, - ifibss->ssid, ifibss->ssid_len, - ifibss->fixed_channel ? ifibss->channel : NULL); + ifibss->ssid, ifibss->ssid_len, NULL); } static void ieee80211_sta_create_ibss(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) @@ -810,8 +831,8 @@ static void ieee80211_rx_mgmt_probe_req(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, if (!tx_last_beacon && is_multicast_ether_addr(mgmt->da)) return; - if (memcmp(mgmt->bssid, ifibss->bssid, ETH_ALEN) != 0 && - memcmp(mgmt->bssid, "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff", ETH_ALEN) != 0) + if (compare_ether_addr(mgmt->bssid, ifibss->bssid) != 0 && + !is_broadcast_ether_addr(mgmt->bssid)) return; end = ((u8 *) mgmt) + len; @@ -855,9 +876,6 @@ static void ieee80211_rx_mgmt_probe_resp(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, size_t baselen; struct ieee802_11_elems elems; - if (memcmp(mgmt->da, sdata->vif.addr, ETH_ALEN)) - return; /* ignore ProbeResp to foreign address */ - baselen = (u8 *) mgmt->u.probe_resp.variable - (u8 *) mgmt; if (baselen > len) return; @@ -945,7 +963,7 @@ void ieee80211_ibss_work(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) list_del(&sta->list); spin_unlock_bh(&ifibss->incomplete_lock); - ieee80211_ibss_finish_sta(sta); + ieee80211_ibss_finish_sta(sta, true); rcu_read_unlock(); spin_lock_bh(&ifibss->incomplete_lock); } @@ -1059,6 +1077,7 @@ int ieee80211_ibss_join(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, sdata->u.ibss.fixed_bssid = false; sdata->u.ibss.privacy = params->privacy; + sdata->u.ibss.control_port = params->control_port; sdata->u.ibss.basic_rates = params->basic_rates; memcpy(sdata->vif.bss_conf.mcast_rate, params->mcast_rate, sizeof(params->mcast_rate)); diff --git a/net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h b/net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h index 2f0642d9e154672da4959bfe4c3e3d828fc3cdac..d9798a307f20dabdeea69179e76008bccf144673 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h +++ b/net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h @@ -105,6 +105,44 @@ struct ieee80211_bss { */ bool has_erp_value; u8 erp_value; + + /* Keep track of the corruption of the last beacon/probe response. */ + u8 corrupt_data; + + /* Keep track of what bits of information we have valid info for. */ + u8 valid_data; +}; + +/** + * enum ieee80211_corrupt_data_flags - BSS data corruption flags + * @IEEE80211_BSS_CORRUPT_BEACON: last beacon frame received was corrupted + * @IEEE80211_BSS_CORRUPT_PROBE_RESP: last probe response received was corrupted + * + * These are bss flags that are attached to a bss in the + * @corrupt_data field of &struct ieee80211_bss. + */ +enum ieee80211_bss_corrupt_data_flags { + IEEE80211_BSS_CORRUPT_BEACON = BIT(0), + IEEE80211_BSS_CORRUPT_PROBE_RESP = BIT(1) +}; + +/** + * enum ieee80211_valid_data_flags - BSS valid data flags + * @IEEE80211_BSS_VALID_DTIM: DTIM data was gathered from non-corrupt IE + * @IEEE80211_BSS_VALID_WMM: WMM/UAPSD data was gathered from non-corrupt IE + * @IEEE80211_BSS_VALID_RATES: Supported rates were gathered from non-corrupt IE + * @IEEE80211_BSS_VALID_ERP: ERP flag was gathered from non-corrupt IE + * + * These are bss flags that are attached to a bss in the + * @valid_data field of &struct ieee80211_bss. They show which parts + * of the data structure were recieved as a result of an un-corrupted + * beacon/probe response. + */ +enum ieee80211_bss_valid_data_flags { + IEEE80211_BSS_VALID_DTIM = BIT(0), + IEEE80211_BSS_VALID_WMM = BIT(1), + IEEE80211_BSS_VALID_RATES = BIT(2), + IEEE80211_BSS_VALID_ERP = BIT(3) }; static inline u8 *bss_mesh_cfg(struct ieee80211_bss *bss) @@ -228,7 +266,7 @@ struct ieee80211_rx_data { struct beacon_data { u8 *head, *tail; int head_len, tail_len; - int dtim_period; + struct rcu_head rcu_head; }; struct ieee80211_if_ap { @@ -280,10 +318,6 @@ struct mesh_preq_queue { enum ieee80211_work_type { IEEE80211_WORK_ABORT, - IEEE80211_WORK_DIRECT_PROBE, - IEEE80211_WORK_AUTH, - IEEE80211_WORK_ASSOC_BEACON_WAIT, - IEEE80211_WORK_ASSOC, IEEE80211_WORK_REMAIN_ON_CHANNEL, IEEE80211_WORK_OFFCHANNEL_TX, }; @@ -316,35 +350,9 @@ struct ieee80211_work { unsigned long timeout; enum ieee80211_work_type type; - u8 filter_ta[ETH_ALEN]; - bool started; union { - struct { - int tries; - u16 algorithm, transaction; - u8 ssid[IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN]; - u8 ssid_len; - u8 key[WLAN_KEY_LEN_WEP104]; - u8 key_len, key_idx; - bool privacy; - bool synced; - } probe_auth; - struct { - struct cfg80211_bss *bss; - const u8 *supp_rates; - const u8 *ht_information_ie; - enum ieee80211_smps_mode smps; - int tries; - u16 capability; - u8 prev_bssid[ETH_ALEN]; - u8 ssid[IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN]; - u8 ssid_len; - u8 supp_rates_len; - bool wmm_used, use_11n, uapsd_used; - bool synced; - } assoc; struct { u32 duration; } remain; @@ -355,9 +363,8 @@ struct ieee80211_work { } offchan_tx; }; - int ie_len; - /* must be last */ - u8 ie[0]; + size_t data_len; + u8 data[]; }; /* flags used in struct ieee80211_if_managed.flags */ @@ -373,6 +380,42 @@ enum ieee80211_sta_flags { IEEE80211_STA_RESET_SIGNAL_AVE = BIT(9), }; +struct ieee80211_mgd_auth_data { + struct cfg80211_bss *bss; + unsigned long timeout; + int tries; + u16 algorithm, expected_transaction; + + u8 key[WLAN_KEY_LEN_WEP104]; + u8 key_len, key_idx; + bool done; + + size_t ie_len; + u8 ie[]; +}; + +struct ieee80211_mgd_assoc_data { + struct cfg80211_bss *bss; + const u8 *supp_rates; + const u8 *ht_information_ie; + + unsigned long timeout; + int tries; + + u16 capability; + u8 prev_bssid[ETH_ALEN]; + u8 ssid[IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN]; + u8 ssid_len; + u8 supp_rates_len; + bool wmm, uapsd; + bool have_beacon; + bool sent_assoc; + bool synced; + + size_t ie_len; + u8 ie[]; +}; + struct ieee80211_if_managed { struct timer_list timer; struct timer_list conn_mon_timer; @@ -389,6 +432,8 @@ struct ieee80211_if_managed { struct mutex mtx; struct cfg80211_bss *associated; + struct ieee80211_mgd_auth_data *auth_data; + struct ieee80211_mgd_assoc_data *assoc_data; u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; @@ -414,6 +459,20 @@ struct ieee80211_if_managed { IEEE80211_MFP_REQUIRED } mfp; /* management frame protection */ + /* + * Bitmask of enabled u-apsd queues, + * IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_AC_BE & co. Needs a new association + * to take effect. + */ + unsigned int uapsd_queues; + + /* + * Maximum number of buffered frames AP can deliver during a + * service period, IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_SP_ALL or similar. + * Needs a new association to take effect. + */ + unsigned int uapsd_max_sp_len; + int wmm_last_param_set; u8 use_4addr; @@ -470,7 +529,9 @@ struct ieee80211_if_ibss { bool fixed_channel; bool privacy; - u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; + bool control_port; + + u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN] __aligned(2); u8 ssid[IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN]; u8 ssid_len, ie_len; u8 *ie; @@ -646,6 +707,7 @@ struct ieee80211_sub_if_data { /* bitmap of allowed (non-MCS) rate indexes for rate control */ u32 rc_rateidx_mask[IEEE80211_NUM_BANDS]; + u8 rc_rateidx_mcs_mask[IEEE80211_NUM_BANDS][IEEE80211_HT_MCS_MASK_LEN]; union { struct ieee80211_if_ap ap; @@ -769,7 +831,6 @@ struct ieee80211_local { struct list_head work_list; struct timer_list work_timer; struct work_struct work_work; - struct sk_buff_head work_skb_queue; /* * private workqueue to mac80211. mac80211 makes this accessible @@ -970,20 +1031,6 @@ struct ieee80211_local { */ unsigned int wmm_acm; /* bit field of ACM bits (BIT(802.1D tag)) */ - /* - * Bitmask of enabled u-apsd queues, - * IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_AC_BE & co. Needs a new association - * to take effect. - */ - unsigned int uapsd_queues; - - /* - * Maximum number of buffered frames AP can deliver during a - * service period, IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_SP_ALL or similar. - * Needs a new association to take effect. - */ - unsigned int uapsd_max_sp_len; - bool pspolling; bool offchannel_ps_enabled; /* @@ -1110,6 +1157,9 @@ struct ieee802_11_elems { u8 quiet_elem_len; u8 num_of_quiet_elem; /* can be more the one */ u8 timeout_int_len; + + /* whether a parse error occurred while retrieving these elements */ + bool parse_error; }; static inline struct ieee80211_local *hw_to_local( @@ -1118,12 +1168,6 @@ static inline struct ieee80211_local *hw_to_local( return container_of(hw, struct ieee80211_local, hw); } -static inline struct ieee80211_hw *local_to_hw( - struct ieee80211_local *local) -{ - return &local->hw; -} - static inline int ieee80211_bssid_match(const u8 *raddr, const u8 *addr) { @@ -1146,11 +1190,9 @@ int ieee80211_mgd_auth(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, int ieee80211_mgd_assoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, struct cfg80211_assoc_request *req); int ieee80211_mgd_deauth(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - struct cfg80211_deauth_request *req, - void *cookie); + struct cfg80211_deauth_request *req); int ieee80211_mgd_disassoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - struct cfg80211_disassoc_request *req, - void *cookie); + struct cfg80211_disassoc_request *req); void ieee80211_send_pspoll(struct ieee80211_local *local, struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata); void ieee80211_recalc_ps(struct ieee80211_local *local, s32 latency); @@ -1168,6 +1210,7 @@ void ieee80211_sta_rx_queued_mgmt(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, struct sk_buff *skb); void ieee80211_sta_reset_beacon_monitor(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata); void ieee80211_sta_reset_conn_monitor(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata); +void ieee80211_mgd_teardown(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata); /* IBSS code */ void ieee80211_ibss_notify_scan_completed(struct ieee80211_local *local); @@ -1345,7 +1388,8 @@ int ieee80211_frame_duration(struct ieee80211_local *local, size_t len, void mac80211_ev_michael_mic_failure(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, int keyidx, struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr, const u8 *tsc, gfp_t gfp); -void ieee80211_set_wmm_default(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata); +void ieee80211_set_wmm_default(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, + bool bss_notify); void ieee80211_xmit(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, struct sk_buff *skb); void ieee80211_tx_skb_tid(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, @@ -1396,7 +1440,7 @@ void ieee80211_add_pending_skbs_fn(struct ieee80211_local *local, void ieee80211_send_auth(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, u16 transaction, u16 auth_alg, u8 *extra, size_t extra_len, const u8 *bssid, - const u8 *key, u8 key_len, u8 key_idx); + const u8 *da, const u8 *key, u8 key_len, u8 key_idx); int ieee80211_build_preq_ies(struct ieee80211_local *local, u8 *buffer, const u8 *ie, size_t ie_len, enum ieee80211_band band, u32 rate_mask, @@ -1436,8 +1480,6 @@ void ieee80211_work_init(struct ieee80211_local *local); void ieee80211_add_work(struct ieee80211_work *wk); void free_work(struct ieee80211_work *wk); void ieee80211_work_purge(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata); -ieee80211_rx_result ieee80211_work_rx_mgmt(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - struct sk_buff *skb); int ieee80211_wk_remain_on_channel(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, struct ieee80211_channel *chan, enum nl80211_channel_type channel_type, @@ -1460,6 +1502,9 @@ bool ieee80211_set_channel_type(struct ieee80211_local *local, enum nl80211_channel_type chantype); enum nl80211_channel_type ieee80211_ht_info_to_channel_type(struct ieee80211_ht_info *ht_info); +enum nl80211_channel_type ieee80211_get_tx_channel_type( + struct ieee80211_local *local, + enum nl80211_channel_type channel_type); #ifdef CONFIG_MAC80211_NOINLINE #define debug_noinline noinline diff --git a/net/mac80211/iface.c b/net/mac80211/iface.c index 8e2137bd87e2435d45294ffa192f34688ab61097..401c01f0731e996e5c22435f0066b53c97529559 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/iface.c +++ b/net/mac80211/iface.c @@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ static int ieee80211_do_open(struct net_device *dev, bool coming_up) * need to initialise the hardware if the hardware * doesn't start up with sane defaults */ - ieee80211_set_wmm_default(sdata); + ieee80211_set_wmm_default(sdata, true); } set_bit(SDATA_STATE_RUNNING, &sdata->state); @@ -318,9 +318,9 @@ static int ieee80211_do_open(struct net_device *dev, bool coming_up) goto err_del_interface; } - sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTH); - sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC); - sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED); + sta_info_pre_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTH); + sta_info_pre_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC); + sta_info_pre_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED); res = sta_info_insert(sta); if (res) { @@ -644,6 +644,8 @@ static void ieee80211_teardown_sdata(struct net_device *dev) if (ieee80211_vif_is_mesh(&sdata->vif)) mesh_rmc_free(sdata); + else if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) + ieee80211_mgd_teardown(sdata); flushed = sta_info_flush(local, sdata); WARN_ON(flushed); @@ -1181,6 +1183,13 @@ int ieee80211_if_add(struct ieee80211_local *local, const char *name, sband = local->hw.wiphy->bands[i]; sdata->rc_rateidx_mask[i] = sband ? (1 << sband->n_bitrates) - 1 : 0; + if (sband) + memcpy(sdata->rc_rateidx_mcs_mask[i], + sband->ht_cap.mcs.rx_mask, + sizeof(sdata->rc_rateidx_mcs_mask[i])); + else + memset(sdata->rc_rateidx_mcs_mask[i], 0, + sizeof(sdata->rc_rateidx_mcs_mask[i])); } /* setup type-dependent data */ @@ -1303,7 +1312,9 @@ u32 __ieee80211_recalc_idle(struct ieee80211_local *local) /* do not count disabled managed interfaces */ if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION && - !sdata->u.mgd.associated) { + !sdata->u.mgd.associated && + !sdata->u.mgd.auth_data && + !sdata->u.mgd.assoc_data) { sdata->vif.bss_conf.idle = true; continue; } @@ -1323,7 +1334,8 @@ u32 __ieee80211_recalc_idle(struct ieee80211_local *local) wk->sdata->vif.bss_conf.idle = false; } - if (local->scan_sdata) { + if (local->scan_sdata && + !(local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_SCAN_WHILE_IDLE)) { scanning = true; local->scan_sdata->vif.bss_conf.idle = false; } diff --git a/net/mac80211/key.c b/net/mac80211/key.c index 87a89741432dce811cdb31168036788146f5721b..5bb600d93d77b4cf2ec9c0196c002b7ab46538df 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/key.c +++ b/net/mac80211/key.c @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include "ieee80211_i.h" #include "driver-ops.h" #include "debugfs_key.h" @@ -54,14 +55,6 @@ static void assert_key_lock(struct ieee80211_local *local) lockdep_assert_held(&local->key_mtx); } -static struct ieee80211_sta *get_sta_for_key(struct ieee80211_key *key) -{ - if (key->sta) - return &key->sta->sta; - - return NULL; -} - static void increment_tailroom_need_count(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) { /* @@ -95,7 +88,7 @@ static void increment_tailroom_need_count(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) static int ieee80211_key_enable_hw_accel(struct ieee80211_key *key) { struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata; - struct ieee80211_sta *sta; + struct sta_info *sta; int ret; might_sleep(); @@ -105,7 +98,7 @@ static int ieee80211_key_enable_hw_accel(struct ieee80211_key *key) assert_key_lock(key->local); - sta = get_sta_for_key(key); + sta = key->sta; /* * If this is a per-STA GTK, check if it @@ -115,6 +108,9 @@ static int ieee80211_key_enable_hw_accel(struct ieee80211_key *key) !(key->local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_PER_STA_GTK)) goto out_unsupported; + if (sta && !sta->uploaded) + goto out_unsupported; + sdata = key->sdata; if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP_VLAN) { /* @@ -123,12 +119,10 @@ static int ieee80211_key_enable_hw_accel(struct ieee80211_key *key) */ if (!(key->conf.flags & IEEE80211_KEY_FLAG_PAIRWISE)) goto out_unsupported; - sdata = container_of(sdata->bss, - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data, - u.ap); } - ret = drv_set_key(key->local, SET_KEY, sdata, sta, &key->conf); + ret = drv_set_key(key->local, SET_KEY, sdata, + sta ? &sta->sta : NULL, &key->conf); if (!ret) { key->flags |= KEY_FLAG_UPLOADED_TO_HARDWARE; @@ -147,7 +141,8 @@ static int ieee80211_key_enable_hw_accel(struct ieee80211_key *key) if (ret != -ENOSPC && ret != -EOPNOTSUPP) wiphy_err(key->local->hw.wiphy, "failed to set key (%d, %pM) to hardware (%d)\n", - key->conf.keyidx, sta ? sta->addr : bcast_addr, ret); + key->conf.keyidx, + sta ? sta->sta.addr : bcast_addr, ret); out_unsupported: switch (key->conf.cipher) { @@ -166,7 +161,7 @@ static int ieee80211_key_enable_hw_accel(struct ieee80211_key *key) static void ieee80211_key_disable_hw_accel(struct ieee80211_key *key) { struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata; - struct ieee80211_sta *sta; + struct sta_info *sta; int ret; might_sleep(); @@ -179,7 +174,7 @@ static void ieee80211_key_disable_hw_accel(struct ieee80211_key *key) if (!(key->flags & KEY_FLAG_UPLOADED_TO_HARDWARE)) return; - sta = get_sta_for_key(key); + sta = key->sta; sdata = key->sdata; if (!((key->conf.flags & IEEE80211_KEY_FLAG_GENERATE_MMIC) || @@ -187,18 +182,14 @@ static void ieee80211_key_disable_hw_accel(struct ieee80211_key *key) (key->conf.flags & IEEE80211_KEY_FLAG_PUT_IV_SPACE))) increment_tailroom_need_count(sdata); - if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP_VLAN) - sdata = container_of(sdata->bss, - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data, - u.ap); - ret = drv_set_key(key->local, DISABLE_KEY, sdata, - sta, &key->conf); + sta ? &sta->sta : NULL, &key->conf); if (ret) wiphy_err(key->local->hw.wiphy, "failed to remove key (%d, %pM) from hardware (%d)\n", - key->conf.keyidx, sta ? sta->addr : bcast_addr, ret); + key->conf.keyidx, + sta ? sta->sta.addr : bcast_addr, ret); key->flags &= ~KEY_FLAG_UPLOADED_TO_HARDWARE; } diff --git a/net/mac80211/main.c b/net/mac80211/main.c index b142bd4c239096f51fbf0e79e9b507a2bf35d1d0..b581a24fa15c43739538ea8d4ae0b4a843feedce 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/main.c +++ b/net/mac80211/main.c @@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ int ieee80211_hw_config(struct ieee80211_local *local, u32 changed) power = chan->max_power; else power = local->power_constr_level ? - (chan->max_power - local->power_constr_level) : + min(chan->max_power, + (chan->max_reg_power - local->power_constr_level)) : chan->max_power; if (local->user_power_level >= 0) @@ -198,15 +199,7 @@ void ieee80211_bss_info_change_notify(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, return; if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) { - /* - * While not associated, claim a BSSID of all-zeroes - * so that drivers don't do any weird things with the - * BSSID at that time. - */ - if (sdata->vif.bss_conf.assoc) - sdata->vif.bss_conf.bssid = sdata->u.mgd.bssid; - else - sdata->vif.bss_conf.bssid = zero; + sdata->vif.bss_conf.bssid = sdata->u.mgd.bssid; } else if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) sdata->vif.bss_conf.bssid = sdata->u.ibss.bssid; else if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP) @@ -293,11 +286,11 @@ static void ieee80211_tasklet_handler(unsigned long data) /* Clear skb->pkt_type in order to not confuse kernel * netstack. */ skb->pkt_type = 0; - ieee80211_rx(local_to_hw(local), skb); + ieee80211_rx(&local->hw, skb); break; case IEEE80211_TX_STATUS_MSG: skb->pkt_type = 0; - ieee80211_tx_status(local_to_hw(local), skb); + ieee80211_tx_status(&local->hw, skb); break; case IEEE80211_EOSP_MSG: eosp_data = (void *)skb->cb; @@ -534,6 +527,9 @@ struct ieee80211_hw *ieee80211_alloc_hw(size_t priv_data_len, int priv_size, i; struct wiphy *wiphy; + if (WARN_ON(ops->sta_state && (ops->sta_add || ops->sta_remove))) + return NULL; + /* Ensure 32-byte alignment of our private data and hw private data. * We use the wiphy priv data for both our ieee80211_local and for * the driver's private data @@ -599,8 +595,6 @@ struct ieee80211_hw *ieee80211_alloc_hw(size_t priv_data_len, local->hw.conf.long_frame_max_tx_count = wiphy->retry_long; local->hw.conf.short_frame_max_tx_count = wiphy->retry_short; local->user_power_level = -1; - local->uapsd_queues = IEEE80211_DEFAULT_UAPSD_QUEUES; - local->uapsd_max_sp_len = IEEE80211_DEFAULT_MAX_SP_LEN; wiphy->ht_capa_mod_mask = &mac80211_ht_capa_mod_mask; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&local->interfaces); @@ -672,7 +666,7 @@ struct ieee80211_hw *ieee80211_alloc_hw(size_t priv_data_len, ieee80211_hw_roc_setup(local); - return local_to_hw(local); + return &local->hw; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(ieee80211_alloc_hw); @@ -701,6 +695,9 @@ int ieee80211_register_hw(struct ieee80211_hw *hw) ) return -EINVAL; + if ((hw->flags & IEEE80211_HW_SCAN_WHILE_IDLE) && !local->ops->hw_scan) + return -EINVAL; + if (hw->max_report_rates == 0) hw->max_report_rates = hw->max_rates; diff --git a/net/mac80211/mesh.c b/net/mac80211/mesh.c index c707c8bf6d2cbc1ee8e5e54b8d9776d59e5229a4..e5fbb7cf356250ce75968d8102d4dd87430ef551 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/mesh.c +++ b/net/mac80211/mesh.c @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ int mesh_rmc_check(u8 *sa, struct ieee80211s_hdr *mesh_hdr, kmem_cache_free(rm_cache, p); --entries; } else if ((seqnum == p->seqnum) && - (memcmp(sa, p->sa, ETH_ALEN) == 0)) + (compare_ether_addr(sa, p->sa) == 0)) return -1; } diff --git a/net/mac80211/mesh.h b/net/mac80211/mesh.h index bd14bd26a2b64eec5321bb218e2cd407e60b2ada..8d53b71378e3865cb38376ad35195be8c8193e41 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/mesh.h +++ b/net/mac80211/mesh.h @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ #include #include -#include #include "ieee80211_i.h" @@ -86,6 +85,8 @@ enum mesh_deferred_task_flags { * @state_lock: mesh path state lock used to protect changes to the * mpath itself. No need to take this lock when adding or removing * an mpath to a hash bucket on a path table. + * @rann_snd_addr: the RANN sender address + * @is_root: the destination station of this path is a root node * @is_gate: the destination station of this path is a mesh gate * * @@ -110,6 +111,8 @@ struct mesh_path { u8 discovery_retries; enum mesh_path_flags flags; spinlock_t state_lock; + u8 rann_snd_addr[ETH_ALEN]; + bool is_root; bool is_gate; }; diff --git a/net/mac80211/mesh_hwmp.c b/net/mac80211/mesh_hwmp.c index 54df1b2bafd2882454bc71b3a018161f0f83e5e3..1c6f3d02aebf5a4f19630f604aae94cda6810247 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/mesh_hwmp.c +++ b/net/mac80211/mesh_hwmp.c @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ */ #include +#include +#include #include "wme.h" #include "mesh.h" @@ -322,6 +324,7 @@ static u32 airtime_link_metric_get(struct ieee80211_local *local, struct sta_info *sta) { struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband; + struct rate_info rinfo; /* This should be adjusted for each device */ int device_constant = 1 << ARITH_SHIFT; int test_frame_len = TEST_FRAME_LEN << ARITH_SHIFT; @@ -335,7 +338,9 @@ static u32 airtime_link_metric_get(struct ieee80211_local *local, if (sta->fail_avg >= 100) return MAX_METRIC; - if (sta->last_tx_rate.flags & IEEE80211_TX_RC_MCS) + sta_set_rate_info_tx(sta, &sta->last_tx_rate, &rinfo); + rate = cfg80211_calculate_bitrate(&rinfo); + if (WARN_ON(!rate)) return MAX_METRIC; err = (sta->fail_avg << ARITH_SHIFT) / 100; @@ -343,7 +348,6 @@ static u32 airtime_link_metric_get(struct ieee80211_local *local, /* bitrate is in units of 100 Kbps, while we need rate in units of * 1Mbps. This will be corrected on tx_time computation. */ - rate = sband->bitrates[sta->last_tx_rate.idx].bitrate; tx_time = (device_constant + 10 * test_frame_len / rate); estimated_retx = ((1 << (2 * ARITH_SHIFT)) / (s_unit - err)); result = (tx_time * estimated_retx) >> (2 * ARITH_SHIFT) ; @@ -418,7 +422,7 @@ static u32 hwmp_route_info_get(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, new_metric = MAX_METRIC; exp_time = TU_TO_EXP_TIME(orig_lifetime); - if (memcmp(orig_addr, sdata->vif.addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { + if (compare_ether_addr(orig_addr, sdata->vif.addr) == 0) { /* This MP is the originator, we are not interested in this * frame, except for updating transmitter's path info. */ @@ -468,7 +472,7 @@ static u32 hwmp_route_info_get(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, /* Update and check transmitter routing info */ ta = mgmt->sa; - if (memcmp(orig_addr, ta, ETH_ALEN) == 0) + if (compare_ether_addr(orig_addr, ta) == 0) fresh_info = false; else { fresh_info = true; @@ -512,8 +516,9 @@ static void hwmp_preq_frame_process(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, u8 *preq_elem, u32 metric) { struct ieee80211_if_mesh *ifmsh = &sdata->u.mesh; - struct mesh_path *mpath; + struct mesh_path *mpath = NULL; u8 *target_addr, *orig_addr; + const u8 *da; u8 target_flags, ttl; u32 orig_sn, target_sn, lifetime; bool reply = false; @@ -528,7 +533,7 @@ static void hwmp_preq_frame_process(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, mhwmp_dbg("received PREQ from %pM", orig_addr); - if (memcmp(target_addr, sdata->vif.addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { + if (compare_ether_addr(target_addr, sdata->vif.addr) == 0) { mhwmp_dbg("PREQ is for us"); forward = false; reply = true; @@ -575,7 +580,7 @@ static void hwmp_preq_frame_process(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, ifmsh->mshstats.dropped_frames_ttl++; } - if (forward) { + if (forward && ifmsh->mshcfg.dot11MeshForwarding) { u32 preq_id; u8 hopcount, flags; @@ -590,9 +595,11 @@ static void hwmp_preq_frame_process(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, flags = PREQ_IE_FLAGS(preq_elem); preq_id = PREQ_IE_PREQ_ID(preq_elem); hopcount = PREQ_IE_HOPCOUNT(preq_elem) + 1; + da = (mpath && mpath->is_root) ? + mpath->rann_snd_addr : broadcast_addr; mesh_path_sel_frame_tx(MPATH_PREQ, flags, orig_addr, cpu_to_le32(orig_sn), target_flags, target_addr, - cpu_to_le32(target_sn), broadcast_addr, + cpu_to_le32(target_sn), da, hopcount, ttl, cpu_to_le32(lifetime), cpu_to_le32(metric), cpu_to_le32(preq_id), sdata); @@ -614,6 +621,7 @@ static void hwmp_prep_frame_process(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt, u8 *prep_elem, u32 metric) { + struct ieee80211_if_mesh *ifmsh = &sdata->u.mesh; struct mesh_path *mpath; u8 *target_addr, *orig_addr; u8 ttl, hopcount, flags; @@ -623,10 +631,13 @@ static void hwmp_prep_frame_process(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, mhwmp_dbg("received PREP from %pM", PREP_IE_ORIG_ADDR(prep_elem)); orig_addr = PREP_IE_ORIG_ADDR(prep_elem); - if (memcmp(orig_addr, sdata->vif.addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0) + if (compare_ether_addr(orig_addr, sdata->vif.addr) == 0) /* destination, no forwarding required */ return; + if (!ifmsh->mshcfg.dot11MeshForwarding) + return; + ttl = PREP_IE_TTL(prep_elem); if (ttl <= 1) { sdata->u.mesh.mshstats.dropped_frames_ttl++; @@ -693,21 +704,26 @@ static void hwmp_perr_frame_process(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, rcu_read_lock(); mpath = mesh_path_lookup(target_addr, sdata); if (mpath) { + struct sta_info *sta; + spin_lock_bh(&mpath->state_lock); + sta = next_hop_deref_protected(mpath); if (mpath->flags & MESH_PATH_ACTIVE && - memcmp(ta, next_hop_deref_protected(mpath)->sta.addr, - ETH_ALEN) == 0 && + compare_ether_addr(ta, sta->sta.addr) == 0 && (!(mpath->flags & MESH_PATH_SN_VALID) || SN_GT(target_sn, mpath->sn))) { mpath->flags &= ~MESH_PATH_ACTIVE; mpath->sn = target_sn; spin_unlock_bh(&mpath->state_lock); + if (!ifmsh->mshcfg.dot11MeshForwarding) + goto endperr; mesh_path_error_tx(ttl, target_addr, cpu_to_le32(target_sn), cpu_to_le16(target_rcode), broadcast_addr, sdata); } else spin_unlock_bh(&mpath->state_lock); } +endperr: rcu_read_unlock(); } @@ -738,11 +754,11 @@ static void hwmp_rann_frame_process(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, metric = rann->rann_metric; /* Ignore our own RANNs */ - if (memcmp(orig_addr, sdata->vif.addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0) + if (compare_ether_addr(orig_addr, sdata->vif.addr) == 0) return; - mhwmp_dbg("received RANN from %pM (is_gate=%d)", orig_addr, - root_is_gate); + mhwmp_dbg("received RANN from %pM via neighbour %pM (is_gate=%d)", + orig_addr, mgmt->sa, root_is_gate); rcu_read_lock(); mpath = mesh_path_lookup(orig_addr, sdata); @@ -764,7 +780,7 @@ static void hwmp_rann_frame_process(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, mesh_queue_preq(mpath, PREQ_Q_F_START | PREQ_Q_F_REFRESH); } - if (mpath->sn < orig_sn) { + if (mpath->sn < orig_sn && ifmsh->mshcfg.dot11MeshForwarding) { mesh_path_sel_frame_tx(MPATH_RANN, flags, orig_addr, cpu_to_le32(orig_sn), 0, NULL, 0, broadcast_addr, @@ -773,6 +789,11 @@ static void hwmp_rann_frame_process(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, 0, sdata); mpath->sn = orig_sn; } + + /* Using individually addressed PREQ for root node */ + memcpy(mpath->rann_snd_addr, mgmt->sa, ETH_ALEN); + mpath->is_root = true; + if (root_is_gate) mesh_path_add_gate(mpath); @@ -908,6 +929,7 @@ void mesh_path_start_discovery(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) struct mesh_preq_queue *preq_node; struct mesh_path *mpath; u8 ttl, target_flags; + const u8 *da; u32 lifetime; spin_lock_bh(&ifmsh->mesh_preq_queue_lock); @@ -970,9 +992,10 @@ void mesh_path_start_discovery(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) target_flags = MP_F_RF; spin_unlock_bh(&mpath->state_lock); + da = (mpath->is_root) ? mpath->rann_snd_addr : broadcast_addr; mesh_path_sel_frame_tx(MPATH_PREQ, 0, sdata->vif.addr, cpu_to_le32(ifmsh->sn), target_flags, mpath->dst, - cpu_to_le32(mpath->sn), broadcast_addr, 0, + cpu_to_le32(mpath->sn), da, 0, ttl, cpu_to_le32(lifetime), 0, cpu_to_le32(ifmsh->preq_id++), sdata); mod_timer(&mpath->timer, jiffies + mpath->discovery_timeout); @@ -1063,7 +1086,7 @@ int mesh_nexthop_lookup(struct sk_buff *skb, if (time_after(jiffies, mpath->exp_time - msecs_to_jiffies(sdata->u.mesh.mshcfg.path_refresh_time)) && - !memcmp(sdata->vif.addr, hdr->addr4, ETH_ALEN) && + !compare_ether_addr(sdata->vif.addr, hdr->addr4) && !(mpath->flags & MESH_PATH_RESOLVING) && !(mpath->flags & MESH_PATH_FIXED)) mesh_queue_preq(mpath, PREQ_Q_F_START | PREQ_Q_F_REFRESH); diff --git a/net/mac80211/mesh_pathtbl.c b/net/mac80211/mesh_pathtbl.c index 30420bc1f69971d8d64d4dbeda6981dae189746a..49aaefd99635f5ca08c31dbe735f568416ae054c 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/mesh_pathtbl.c +++ b/net/mac80211/mesh_pathtbl.c @@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ static void mesh_path_move_to_queue(struct mesh_path *gate_mpath, } -static struct mesh_path *path_lookup(struct mesh_table *tbl, u8 *dst, +static struct mesh_path *mpath_lookup(struct mesh_table *tbl, u8 *dst, struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) { struct mesh_path *mpath; @@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ static struct mesh_path *path_lookup(struct mesh_table *tbl, u8 *dst, hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(node, n, bucket, list) { mpath = node->mpath; if (mpath->sdata == sdata && - memcmp(dst, mpath->dst, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { + compare_ether_addr(dst, mpath->dst) == 0) { if (MPATH_EXPIRED(mpath)) { spin_lock_bh(&mpath->state_lock); mpath->flags &= ~MESH_PATH_ACTIVE; @@ -371,12 +371,12 @@ static struct mesh_path *path_lookup(struct mesh_table *tbl, u8 *dst, */ struct mesh_path *mesh_path_lookup(u8 *dst, struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) { - return path_lookup(rcu_dereference(mesh_paths), dst, sdata); + return mpath_lookup(rcu_dereference(mesh_paths), dst, sdata); } struct mesh_path *mpp_path_lookup(u8 *dst, struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) { - return path_lookup(rcu_dereference(mpp_paths), dst, sdata); + return mpath_lookup(rcu_dereference(mpp_paths), dst, sdata); } @@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ int mesh_path_add(u8 *dst, struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) int err = 0; u32 hash_idx; - if (memcmp(dst, sdata->vif.addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0) + if (compare_ether_addr(dst, sdata->vif.addr) == 0) /* never add ourselves as neighbours */ return -ENOTSUPP; @@ -553,12 +553,13 @@ int mesh_path_add(u8 *dst, struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) hash_idx = mesh_table_hash(dst, sdata, tbl); bucket = &tbl->hash_buckets[hash_idx]; - spin_lock_bh(&tbl->hashwlock[hash_idx]); + spin_lock(&tbl->hashwlock[hash_idx]); err = -EEXIST; hlist_for_each_entry(node, n, bucket, list) { mpath = node->mpath; - if (mpath->sdata == sdata && memcmp(dst, mpath->dst, ETH_ALEN) == 0) + if (mpath->sdata == sdata && + compare_ether_addr(dst, mpath->dst) == 0) goto err_exists; } @@ -569,7 +570,7 @@ int mesh_path_add(u8 *dst, struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) mesh_paths_generation++; - spin_unlock_bh(&tbl->hashwlock[hash_idx]); + spin_unlock(&tbl->hashwlock[hash_idx]); read_unlock_bh(&pathtbl_resize_lock); if (grow) { set_bit(MESH_WORK_GROW_MPATH_TABLE, &ifmsh->wrkq_flags); @@ -578,7 +579,7 @@ int mesh_path_add(u8 *dst, struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) return 0; err_exists: - spin_unlock_bh(&tbl->hashwlock[hash_idx]); + spin_unlock(&tbl->hashwlock[hash_idx]); read_unlock_bh(&pathtbl_resize_lock); kfree(new_node); err_node_alloc: @@ -649,7 +650,7 @@ int mpp_path_add(u8 *dst, u8 *mpp, struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) int err = 0; u32 hash_idx; - if (memcmp(dst, sdata->vif.addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0) + if (compare_ether_addr(dst, sdata->vif.addr) == 0) /* never add ourselves as neighbours */ return -ENOTSUPP; @@ -681,12 +682,13 @@ int mpp_path_add(u8 *dst, u8 *mpp, struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) hash_idx = mesh_table_hash(dst, sdata, tbl); bucket = &tbl->hash_buckets[hash_idx]; - spin_lock_bh(&tbl->hashwlock[hash_idx]); + spin_lock(&tbl->hashwlock[hash_idx]); err = -EEXIST; hlist_for_each_entry(node, n, bucket, list) { mpath = node->mpath; - if (mpath->sdata == sdata && memcmp(dst, mpath->dst, ETH_ALEN) == 0) + if (mpath->sdata == sdata && + compare_ether_addr(dst, mpath->dst) == 0) goto err_exists; } @@ -695,7 +697,7 @@ int mpp_path_add(u8 *dst, u8 *mpp, struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) tbl->mean_chain_len * (tbl->hash_mask + 1)) grow = 1; - spin_unlock_bh(&tbl->hashwlock[hash_idx]); + spin_unlock(&tbl->hashwlock[hash_idx]); read_unlock_bh(&pathtbl_resize_lock); if (grow) { set_bit(MESH_WORK_GROW_MPP_TABLE, &ifmsh->wrkq_flags); @@ -704,7 +706,7 @@ int mpp_path_add(u8 *dst, u8 *mpp, struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) return 0; err_exists: - spin_unlock_bh(&tbl->hashwlock[hash_idx]); + spin_unlock(&tbl->hashwlock[hash_idx]); read_unlock_bh(&pathtbl_resize_lock); kfree(new_node); err_node_alloc: @@ -803,9 +805,9 @@ void mesh_path_flush_by_nexthop(struct sta_info *sta) for_each_mesh_entry(tbl, p, node, i) { mpath = node->mpath; if (rcu_dereference(mpath->next_hop) == sta) { - spin_lock_bh(&tbl->hashwlock[i]); + spin_lock(&tbl->hashwlock[i]); __mesh_path_del(tbl, node); - spin_unlock_bh(&tbl->hashwlock[i]); + spin_unlock(&tbl->hashwlock[i]); } } read_unlock_bh(&pathtbl_resize_lock); @@ -876,11 +878,11 @@ int mesh_path_del(u8 *addr, struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) hash_idx = mesh_table_hash(addr, sdata, tbl); bucket = &tbl->hash_buckets[hash_idx]; - spin_lock_bh(&tbl->hashwlock[hash_idx]); + spin_lock(&tbl->hashwlock[hash_idx]); hlist_for_each_entry(node, n, bucket, list) { mpath = node->mpath; if (mpath->sdata == sdata && - memcmp(addr, mpath->dst, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { + compare_ether_addr(addr, mpath->dst) == 0) { __mesh_path_del(tbl, node); goto enddel; } @@ -889,7 +891,7 @@ int mesh_path_del(u8 *addr, struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) err = -ENXIO; enddel: mesh_paths_generation++; - spin_unlock_bh(&tbl->hashwlock[hash_idx]); + spin_unlock(&tbl->hashwlock[hash_idx]); read_unlock_bh(&pathtbl_resize_lock); return err; } diff --git a/net/mac80211/mesh_plink.c b/net/mac80211/mesh_plink.c index a17251730b9e603097ca8763f3301452168444a7..4e53c4cbca9e5248f26254a261796ffdd5236681 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/mesh_plink.c +++ b/net/mac80211/mesh_plink.c @@ -31,6 +31,12 @@ #define dot11MeshHoldingTimeout(s) (s->u.mesh.mshcfg.dot11MeshHoldingTimeout) #define dot11MeshMaxPeerLinks(s) (s->u.mesh.mshcfg.dot11MeshMaxPeerLinks) +/* We only need a valid sta if user configured a minimum rssi_threshold. */ +#define rssi_threshold_check(sta, sdata) \ + (sdata->u.mesh.mshcfg.rssi_threshold == 0 ||\ + (sta && (s8) -ewma_read(&sta->avg_signal) > \ + sdata->u.mesh.mshcfg.rssi_threshold)) + enum plink_event { PLINK_UNDEFINED, OPN_ACPT, @@ -96,9 +102,9 @@ static struct sta_info *mesh_plink_alloc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, if (!sta) return NULL; - sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTH); - sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC); - sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED); + sta_info_pre_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTH); + sta_info_pre_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC); + sta_info_pre_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED); set_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_WME); @@ -301,7 +307,8 @@ void mesh_neighbour_update(u8 *hw_addr, u32 rates, if (mesh_peer_accepts_plinks(elems) && sta->plink_state == NL80211_PLINK_LISTEN && sdata->u.mesh.accepting_plinks && - sdata->u.mesh.mshcfg.auto_open_plinks) + sdata->u.mesh.mshcfg.auto_open_plinks && + rssi_threshold_check(sta, sdata)) mesh_plink_open(sta); rcu_read_unlock(); @@ -531,6 +538,14 @@ void mesh_rx_plink_frame(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, struct ieee80211_m return; } + if (ftype == WLAN_SP_MESH_PEERING_OPEN && + !rssi_threshold_check(sta, sdata)) { + mpl_dbg("Mesh plink: %pM does not meet rssi threshold\n", + mgmt->sa); + rcu_read_unlock(); + return; + } + if (sta && !test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_AUTH)) { mpl_dbg("Mesh plink: Action frame from non-authed peer\n"); rcu_read_unlock(); diff --git a/net/mac80211/mlme.c b/net/mac80211/mlme.c index 295be92f7c7747238ae1ae9204982db8fd264d77..576fb25456dd7479a0ed51c50efad9c6a238c3d1 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/mlme.c +++ b/net/mac80211/mlme.c @@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ #include "rate.h" #include "led.h" +#define IEEE80211_AUTH_TIMEOUT (HZ / 5) +#define IEEE80211_AUTH_MAX_TRIES 3 +#define IEEE80211_AUTH_WAIT_ASSOC (HZ * 5) +#define IEEE80211_ASSOC_TIMEOUT (HZ / 5) +#define IEEE80211_ASSOC_MAX_TRIES 3 + static int max_nullfunc_tries = 2; module_param(max_nullfunc_tries, int, 0644); MODULE_PARM_DESC(max_nullfunc_tries, @@ -82,6 +88,8 @@ MODULE_PARM_DESC(probe_wait_ms, #define TMR_RUNNING_TIMER 0 #define TMR_RUNNING_CHANSW 1 +#define DEAUTH_DISASSOC_LEN (24 /* hdr */ + 2 /* reason */) + /* * All cfg80211 functions have to be called outside a locked * section so that they can acquire a lock themselves... This @@ -97,6 +105,15 @@ enum rx_mgmt_action { /* caller must call cfg80211_send_disassoc() */ RX_MGMT_CFG80211_DISASSOC, + + /* caller must call cfg80211_send_rx_auth() */ + RX_MGMT_CFG80211_RX_AUTH, + + /* caller must call cfg80211_send_rx_assoc() */ + RX_MGMT_CFG80211_RX_ASSOC, + + /* caller must call cfg80211_send_assoc_timeout() */ + RX_MGMT_CFG80211_ASSOC_TIMEOUT, }; /* utils */ @@ -115,8 +132,7 @@ static inline void ASSERT_MGD_MTX(struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd) * has happened -- the work that runs from this timer will * do that. */ -static void run_again(struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd, - unsigned long timeout) +static void run_again(struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd, unsigned long timeout) { ASSERT_MGD_MTX(ifmgd); @@ -127,7 +143,7 @@ static void run_again(struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd, void ieee80211_sta_reset_beacon_monitor(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) { - if (sdata->local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_BEACON_FILTER) + if (sdata->vif.driver_flags & IEEE80211_VIF_BEACON_FILTER) return; mod_timer(&sdata->u.mgd.bcn_mon_timer, @@ -173,40 +189,35 @@ static u32 ieee80211_enable_ht(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, u16 ht_opmode; bool enable_ht = true; enum nl80211_channel_type prev_chantype; - enum nl80211_channel_type channel_type = NL80211_CHAN_NO_HT; + enum nl80211_channel_type rx_channel_type = NL80211_CHAN_NO_HT; + enum nl80211_channel_type tx_channel_type; sband = local->hw.wiphy->bands[local->hw.conf.channel->band]; - prev_chantype = sdata->vif.bss_conf.channel_type; - /* HT is not supported */ - if (!sband->ht_cap.ht_supported) - enable_ht = false; - if (enable_ht) { - hti_cfreq = ieee80211_channel_to_frequency(hti->control_chan, - sband->band); - /* check that channel matches the right operating channel */ - if (local->hw.conf.channel->center_freq != hti_cfreq) { - /* Some APs mess this up, evidently. - * Netgear WNDR3700 sometimes reports 4 higher than - * the actual channel, for instance. - */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: Wrong control channel in association" - " response: configured center-freq: %d" - " hti-cfreq: %d hti->control_chan: %d" - " band: %d. Disabling HT.\n", - sdata->name, - local->hw.conf.channel->center_freq, - hti_cfreq, hti->control_chan, - sband->band); - enable_ht = false; - } + hti_cfreq = ieee80211_channel_to_frequency(hti->control_chan, + sband->band); + /* check that channel matches the right operating channel */ + if (local->hw.conf.channel->center_freq != hti_cfreq) { + /* Some APs mess this up, evidently. + * Netgear WNDR3700 sometimes reports 4 higher than + * the actual channel, for instance. + */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG + "%s: Wrong control channel in association" + " response: configured center-freq: %d" + " hti-cfreq: %d hti->control_chan: %d" + " band: %d. Disabling HT.\n", + sdata->name, + local->hw.conf.channel->center_freq, + hti_cfreq, hti->control_chan, + sband->band); + enable_ht = false; } if (enable_ht) { - channel_type = NL80211_CHAN_HT20; + rx_channel_type = NL80211_CHAN_HT20; if (!(ap_ht_cap_flags & IEEE80211_HT_CAP_40MHZ_INTOLERANT) && !ieee80111_cfg_override_disables_ht40(sdata) && @@ -214,29 +225,28 @@ static u32 ieee80211_enable_ht(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, (hti->ht_param & IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHAN_WIDTH_ANY)) { switch(hti->ht_param & IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_OFFSET) { case IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_ABOVE: - if (!(local->hw.conf.channel->flags & - IEEE80211_CHAN_NO_HT40PLUS)) - channel_type = NL80211_CHAN_HT40PLUS; + rx_channel_type = NL80211_CHAN_HT40PLUS; break; case IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_BELOW: - if (!(local->hw.conf.channel->flags & - IEEE80211_CHAN_NO_HT40MINUS)) - channel_type = NL80211_CHAN_HT40MINUS; + rx_channel_type = NL80211_CHAN_HT40MINUS; break; } } } + tx_channel_type = ieee80211_get_tx_channel_type(local, rx_channel_type); + if (local->tmp_channel) - local->tmp_channel_type = channel_type; + local->tmp_channel_type = rx_channel_type; - if (!ieee80211_set_channel_type(local, sdata, channel_type)) { + if (!ieee80211_set_channel_type(local, sdata, rx_channel_type)) { /* can only fail due to HT40+/- mismatch */ - channel_type = NL80211_CHAN_HT20; - WARN_ON(!ieee80211_set_channel_type(local, sdata, channel_type)); + rx_channel_type = NL80211_CHAN_HT20; + WARN_ON(!ieee80211_set_channel_type(local, sdata, + rx_channel_type)); } - if (beacon_htcap_ie && (prev_chantype != channel_type)) { + if (beacon_htcap_ie && (prev_chantype != rx_channel_type)) { /* * Whenever the AP announces the HT mode change that can be * 40MHz intolerant or etc., it would be safer to stop tx @@ -254,13 +264,13 @@ static u32 ieee80211_enable_ht(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, /* channel_type change automatically detected */ ieee80211_hw_config(local, 0); - if (prev_chantype != channel_type) { + if (prev_chantype != tx_channel_type) { rcu_read_lock(); sta = sta_info_get(sdata, bssid); if (sta) rate_control_rate_update(local, sband, sta, IEEE80211_RC_HT_CHANGED, - channel_type); + tx_channel_type); rcu_read_unlock(); if (beacon_htcap_ie) @@ -273,7 +283,7 @@ static u32 ieee80211_enable_ht(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, /* if bss configuration changed store the new one */ if (sdata->ht_opmode_valid != enable_ht || sdata->vif.bss_conf.ht_operation_mode != ht_opmode || - prev_chantype != channel_type) { + prev_chantype != rx_channel_type) { changed |= BSS_CHANGED_HT; sdata->vif.bss_conf.ht_operation_mode = ht_opmode; sdata->ht_opmode_valid = enable_ht; @@ -284,48 +294,351 @@ static u32 ieee80211_enable_ht(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, /* frame sending functions */ -static void ieee80211_send_deauth_disassoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - const u8 *bssid, u16 stype, u16 reason, - void *cookie, bool send_frame) +static int ieee80211_compatible_rates(const u8 *supp_rates, int supp_rates_len, + struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband, + u32 *rates) +{ + int i, j, count; + *rates = 0; + count = 0; + for (i = 0; i < supp_rates_len; i++) { + int rate = (supp_rates[i] & 0x7F) * 5; + + for (j = 0; j < sband->n_bitrates; j++) + if (sband->bitrates[j].bitrate == rate) { + *rates |= BIT(j); + count++; + break; + } + } + + return count; +} + +static void ieee80211_add_ht_ie(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, + struct sk_buff *skb, const u8 *ht_info_ie, + struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband, + struct ieee80211_channel *channel, + enum ieee80211_smps_mode smps) +{ + struct ieee80211_ht_info *ht_info; + u8 *pos; + u32 flags = channel->flags; + u16 cap; + struct ieee80211_sta_ht_cap ht_cap; + + BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(ht_cap) != sizeof(sband->ht_cap)); + + if (!ht_info_ie) + return; + + if (ht_info_ie[1] < sizeof(struct ieee80211_ht_info)) + return; + + memcpy(&ht_cap, &sband->ht_cap, sizeof(ht_cap)); + ieee80211_apply_htcap_overrides(sdata, &ht_cap); + + ht_info = (struct ieee80211_ht_info *)(ht_info_ie + 2); + + /* determine capability flags */ + cap = ht_cap.cap; + + switch (ht_info->ht_param & IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_OFFSET) { + case IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_ABOVE: + if (flags & IEEE80211_CHAN_NO_HT40PLUS) { + cap &= ~IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SUP_WIDTH_20_40; + cap &= ~IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SGI_40; + } + break; + case IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_BELOW: + if (flags & IEEE80211_CHAN_NO_HT40MINUS) { + cap &= ~IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SUP_WIDTH_20_40; + cap &= ~IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SGI_40; + } + break; + } + + /* set SM PS mode properly */ + cap &= ~IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SM_PS; + switch (smps) { + case IEEE80211_SMPS_AUTOMATIC: + case IEEE80211_SMPS_NUM_MODES: + WARN_ON(1); + case IEEE80211_SMPS_OFF: + cap |= WLAN_HT_CAP_SM_PS_DISABLED << + IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SM_PS_SHIFT; + break; + case IEEE80211_SMPS_STATIC: + cap |= WLAN_HT_CAP_SM_PS_STATIC << + IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SM_PS_SHIFT; + break; + case IEEE80211_SMPS_DYNAMIC: + cap |= WLAN_HT_CAP_SM_PS_DYNAMIC << + IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SM_PS_SHIFT; + break; + } + + /* reserve and fill IE */ + pos = skb_put(skb, sizeof(struct ieee80211_ht_cap) + 2); + ieee80211_ie_build_ht_cap(pos, &ht_cap, cap); +} + +static void ieee80211_send_assoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) { struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; + struct ieee80211_mgd_assoc_data *assoc_data = ifmgd->assoc_data; struct sk_buff *skb; struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt; + u8 *pos, qos_info; + size_t offset = 0, noffset; + int i, count, rates_len, supp_rates_len; + u16 capab; + struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband; + u32 rates = 0; - skb = dev_alloc_skb(local->hw.extra_tx_headroom + sizeof(*mgmt)); + lockdep_assert_held(&ifmgd->mtx); + + sband = local->hw.wiphy->bands[local->oper_channel->band]; + + if (assoc_data->supp_rates_len) { + /* + * Get all rates supported by the device and the AP as + * some APs don't like getting a superset of their rates + * in the association request (e.g. D-Link DAP 1353 in + * b-only mode)... + */ + rates_len = ieee80211_compatible_rates(assoc_data->supp_rates, + assoc_data->supp_rates_len, + sband, &rates); + } else { + /* + * In case AP not provide any supported rates information + * before association, we send information element(s) with + * all rates that we support. + */ + rates = ~0; + rates_len = sband->n_bitrates; + } + + skb = alloc_skb(local->hw.extra_tx_headroom + + sizeof(*mgmt) + /* bit too much but doesn't matter */ + 2 + assoc_data->ssid_len + /* SSID */ + 4 + rates_len + /* (extended) rates */ + 4 + /* power capability */ + 2 + 2 * sband->n_channels + /* supported channels */ + 2 + sizeof(struct ieee80211_ht_cap) + /* HT */ + assoc_data->ie_len + /* extra IEs */ + 9, /* WMM */ + GFP_KERNEL); if (!skb) return; skb_reserve(skb, local->hw.extra_tx_headroom); + capab = WLAN_CAPABILITY_ESS; + + if (sband->band == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) { + if (!(local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_2GHZ_SHORT_SLOT_INCAPABLE)) + capab |= WLAN_CAPABILITY_SHORT_SLOT_TIME; + if (!(local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_2GHZ_SHORT_PREAMBLE_INCAPABLE)) + capab |= WLAN_CAPABILITY_SHORT_PREAMBLE; + } + + if (assoc_data->capability & WLAN_CAPABILITY_PRIVACY) + capab |= WLAN_CAPABILITY_PRIVACY; + + if ((assoc_data->capability & WLAN_CAPABILITY_SPECTRUM_MGMT) && + (local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_SPECTRUM_MGMT)) + capab |= WLAN_CAPABILITY_SPECTRUM_MGMT; + mgmt = (struct ieee80211_mgmt *) skb_put(skb, 24); memset(mgmt, 0, 24); + memcpy(mgmt->da, assoc_data->bss->bssid, ETH_ALEN); + memcpy(mgmt->sa, sdata->vif.addr, ETH_ALEN); + memcpy(mgmt->bssid, assoc_data->bss->bssid, ETH_ALEN); + + if (!is_zero_ether_addr(assoc_data->prev_bssid)) { + skb_put(skb, 10); + mgmt->frame_control = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | + IEEE80211_STYPE_REASSOC_REQ); + mgmt->u.reassoc_req.capab_info = cpu_to_le16(capab); + mgmt->u.reassoc_req.listen_interval = + cpu_to_le16(local->hw.conf.listen_interval); + memcpy(mgmt->u.reassoc_req.current_ap, assoc_data->prev_bssid, + ETH_ALEN); + } else { + skb_put(skb, 4); + mgmt->frame_control = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | + IEEE80211_STYPE_ASSOC_REQ); + mgmt->u.assoc_req.capab_info = cpu_to_le16(capab); + mgmt->u.assoc_req.listen_interval = + cpu_to_le16(local->hw.conf.listen_interval); + } + + /* SSID */ + pos = skb_put(skb, 2 + assoc_data->ssid_len); + *pos++ = WLAN_EID_SSID; + *pos++ = assoc_data->ssid_len; + memcpy(pos, assoc_data->ssid, assoc_data->ssid_len); + + /* add all rates which were marked to be used above */ + supp_rates_len = rates_len; + if (supp_rates_len > 8) + supp_rates_len = 8; + + pos = skb_put(skb, supp_rates_len + 2); + *pos++ = WLAN_EID_SUPP_RATES; + *pos++ = supp_rates_len; + + count = 0; + for (i = 0; i < sband->n_bitrates; i++) { + if (BIT(i) & rates) { + int rate = sband->bitrates[i].bitrate; + *pos++ = (u8) (rate / 5); + if (++count == 8) + break; + } + } + + if (rates_len > count) { + pos = skb_put(skb, rates_len - count + 2); + *pos++ = WLAN_EID_EXT_SUPP_RATES; + *pos++ = rates_len - count; + + for (i++; i < sband->n_bitrates; i++) { + if (BIT(i) & rates) { + int rate = sband->bitrates[i].bitrate; + *pos++ = (u8) (rate / 5); + } + } + } + + if (capab & WLAN_CAPABILITY_SPECTRUM_MGMT) { + /* 1. power capabilities */ + pos = skb_put(skb, 4); + *pos++ = WLAN_EID_PWR_CAPABILITY; + *pos++ = 2; + *pos++ = 0; /* min tx power */ + *pos++ = local->oper_channel->max_power; /* max tx power */ + + /* 2. supported channels */ + /* TODO: get this in reg domain format */ + pos = skb_put(skb, 2 * sband->n_channels + 2); + *pos++ = WLAN_EID_SUPPORTED_CHANNELS; + *pos++ = 2 * sband->n_channels; + for (i = 0; i < sband->n_channels; i++) { + *pos++ = ieee80211_frequency_to_channel( + sband->channels[i].center_freq); + *pos++ = 1; /* one channel in the subband*/ + } + } + + /* if present, add any custom IEs that go before HT */ + if (assoc_data->ie_len && assoc_data->ie) { + static const u8 before_ht[] = { + WLAN_EID_SSID, + WLAN_EID_SUPP_RATES, + WLAN_EID_EXT_SUPP_RATES, + WLAN_EID_PWR_CAPABILITY, + WLAN_EID_SUPPORTED_CHANNELS, + WLAN_EID_RSN, + WLAN_EID_QOS_CAPA, + WLAN_EID_RRM_ENABLED_CAPABILITIES, + WLAN_EID_MOBILITY_DOMAIN, + WLAN_EID_SUPPORTED_REGULATORY_CLASSES, + }; + noffset = ieee80211_ie_split(assoc_data->ie, assoc_data->ie_len, + before_ht, ARRAY_SIZE(before_ht), + offset); + pos = skb_put(skb, noffset - offset); + memcpy(pos, assoc_data->ie + offset, noffset - offset); + offset = noffset; + } + + if (!(ifmgd->flags & IEEE80211_STA_DISABLE_11N)) + ieee80211_add_ht_ie(sdata, skb, assoc_data->ht_information_ie, + sband, local->oper_channel, ifmgd->ap_smps); + + /* if present, add any custom non-vendor IEs that go after HT */ + if (assoc_data->ie_len && assoc_data->ie) { + noffset = ieee80211_ie_split_vendor(assoc_data->ie, + assoc_data->ie_len, + offset); + pos = skb_put(skb, noffset - offset); + memcpy(pos, assoc_data->ie + offset, noffset - offset); + offset = noffset; + } + + if (assoc_data->wmm) { + if (assoc_data->uapsd) { + qos_info = ifmgd->uapsd_queues; + qos_info |= (ifmgd->uapsd_max_sp_len << + IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_SP_SHIFT); + } else { + qos_info = 0; + } + + pos = skb_put(skb, 9); + *pos++ = WLAN_EID_VENDOR_SPECIFIC; + *pos++ = 7; /* len */ + *pos++ = 0x00; /* Microsoft OUI 00:50:F2 */ + *pos++ = 0x50; + *pos++ = 0xf2; + *pos++ = 2; /* WME */ + *pos++ = 0; /* WME info */ + *pos++ = 1; /* WME ver */ + *pos++ = qos_info; + } + + /* add any remaining custom (i.e. vendor specific here) IEs */ + if (assoc_data->ie_len && assoc_data->ie) { + noffset = assoc_data->ie_len; + pos = skb_put(skb, noffset - offset); + memcpy(pos, assoc_data->ie + offset, noffset - offset); + } + + IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb)->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_INTFL_DONT_ENCRYPT; + ieee80211_tx_skb(sdata, skb); +} + +static void ieee80211_send_deauth_disassoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, + const u8 *bssid, u16 stype, + u16 reason, bool send_frame, + u8 *frame_buf) +{ + struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; + struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt = (void *)frame_buf; + + /* build frame */ + mgmt->frame_control = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | stype); + mgmt->duration = 0; /* initialize only */ + mgmt->seq_ctrl = 0; /* initialize only */ memcpy(mgmt->da, bssid, ETH_ALEN); memcpy(mgmt->sa, sdata->vif.addr, ETH_ALEN); memcpy(mgmt->bssid, bssid, ETH_ALEN); - mgmt->frame_control = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | stype); - skb_put(skb, 2); /* u.deauth.reason_code == u.disassoc.reason_code */ mgmt->u.deauth.reason_code = cpu_to_le16(reason); - if (stype == IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH) - if (cookie) - __cfg80211_send_deauth(sdata->dev, (u8 *)mgmt, skb->len); - else - cfg80211_send_deauth(sdata->dev, (u8 *)mgmt, skb->len); - else - if (cookie) - __cfg80211_send_disassoc(sdata->dev, (u8 *)mgmt, skb->len); - else - cfg80211_send_disassoc(sdata->dev, (u8 *)mgmt, skb->len); - if (!(ifmgd->flags & IEEE80211_STA_MFP_ENABLED)) - IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb)->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_INTFL_DONT_ENCRYPT; + if (send_frame) { + skb = dev_alloc_skb(local->hw.extra_tx_headroom + + DEAUTH_DISASSOC_LEN); + if (!skb) + return; + + skb_reserve(skb, local->hw.extra_tx_headroom); + + /* copy in frame */ + memcpy(skb_put(skb, DEAUTH_DISASSOC_LEN), + mgmt, DEAUTH_DISASSOC_LEN); - if (send_frame) + if (!(ifmgd->flags & IEEE80211_STA_MFP_ENABLED)) + IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb)->flags |= + IEEE80211_TX_INTFL_DONT_ENCRYPT; ieee80211_tx_skb(sdata, skb); - else - kfree_skb(skb); + } } void ieee80211_send_pspoll(struct ieee80211_local *local, @@ -547,7 +860,7 @@ static void ieee80211_handle_pwr_constr(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, if (pwr_constr_elem_len != 1) return; - if ((*pwr_constr_elem <= conf->channel->max_power) && + if ((*pwr_constr_elem <= conf->channel->max_reg_power) && (*pwr_constr_elem != sdata->local->power_constr_level)) { sdata->local->power_constr_level = *pwr_constr_elem; ieee80211_hw_config(sdata->local, 0); @@ -879,7 +1192,7 @@ static void ieee80211_sta_wmm_params(struct ieee80211_local *local, return; if (ifmgd->flags & IEEE80211_STA_UAPSD_ENABLED) - uapsd_queues = local->uapsd_queues; + uapsd_queues = ifmgd->uapsd_queues; count = wmm_param[6] & 0x0f; if (count == ifmgd->wmm_last_param_set) @@ -953,7 +1266,6 @@ static void ieee80211_sta_wmm_params(struct ieee80211_local *local, /* enable WMM or activate new settings */ sdata->vif.bss_conf.qos = true; - ieee80211_bss_info_change_notify(sdata, BSS_CHANGED_QOS); } static u32 ieee80211_handle_bss_capability(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, @@ -1006,7 +1318,7 @@ static void ieee80211_set_associated(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, bss_info_changed |= BSS_CHANGED_ASSOC; /* set timing information */ bss_conf->beacon_int = cbss->beacon_interval; - bss_conf->timestamp = cbss->tsf; + bss_conf->last_tsf = cbss->tsf; bss_info_changed |= BSS_CHANGED_BEACON_INT; bss_info_changed |= ieee80211_handle_bss_capability(sdata, @@ -1032,18 +1344,9 @@ static void ieee80211_set_associated(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, bss_conf->dtim_period = 0; bss_conf->assoc = 1; - /* - * For now just always ask the driver to update the basic rateset - * when we have associated, we aren't checking whether it actually - * changed or not. - */ - bss_info_changed |= BSS_CHANGED_BASIC_RATES; - - /* And the BSSID changed - we're associated now */ - bss_info_changed |= BSS_CHANGED_BSSID; /* Tell the driver to monitor connection quality (if supported) */ - if ((local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI) && + if (sdata->vif.driver_flags & IEEE80211_VIF_SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI && bss_conf->cqm_rssi_thold) bss_info_changed |= BSS_CHANGED_CQM; @@ -1065,16 +1368,20 @@ static void ieee80211_set_associated(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, } static void ieee80211_set_disassoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - bool remove_sta, bool tx) + u16 stype, u16 reason, bool tx, + u8 *frame_buf) { struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; struct sta_info *sta; - u32 changed = 0, config_changed = 0; + u32 changed = 0; u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; ASSERT_MGD_MTX(ifmgd); + if (WARN_ON_ONCE(tx && !frame_buf)) + return; + if (WARN_ON(!ifmgd->associated)) return; @@ -1108,17 +1415,25 @@ static void ieee80211_set_disassoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, } mutex_unlock(&local->sta_mtx); + /* deauthenticate/disassociate now */ + if (tx || frame_buf) + ieee80211_send_deauth_disassoc(sdata, bssid, stype, reason, + tx, frame_buf); + + /* flush out frame */ + if (tx) + drv_flush(local, false); + + /* remove AP and TDLS peers */ + sta_info_flush(local, sdata); + + /* finally reset all BSS / config parameters */ changed |= ieee80211_reset_erp_info(sdata); ieee80211_led_assoc(local, 0); changed |= BSS_CHANGED_ASSOC; sdata->vif.bss_conf.assoc = false; - ieee80211_set_wmm_default(sdata); - - /* channel(_type) changes are handled by ieee80211_hw_config */ - WARN_ON(!ieee80211_set_channel_type(local, sdata, NL80211_CHAN_NO_HT)); - /* on the next assoc, re-program HT parameters */ sdata->ht_opmode_valid = false; memset(&ifmgd->ht_capa, 0, sizeof(ifmgd->ht_capa)); @@ -1131,25 +1446,29 @@ static void ieee80211_set_disassoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, if (local->hw.conf.flags & IEEE80211_CONF_PS) { local->hw.conf.flags &= ~IEEE80211_CONF_PS; - config_changed |= IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_PS; + ieee80211_hw_config(local, IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_PS); } local->ps_sdata = NULL; - ieee80211_hw_config(local, config_changed); - /* Disable ARP filtering */ if (sdata->vif.bss_conf.arp_filter_enabled) { sdata->vif.bss_conf.arp_filter_enabled = false; changed |= BSS_CHANGED_ARP_FILTER; } + sdata->vif.bss_conf.qos = false; + changed |= BSS_CHANGED_QOS; + /* The BSSID (not really interesting) and HT changed */ changed |= BSS_CHANGED_BSSID | BSS_CHANGED_HT; ieee80211_bss_info_change_notify(sdata, changed); - /* remove AP and TDLS peers */ - if (remove_sta) - sta_info_flush(local, sdata); + /* channel(_type) changes are handled by ieee80211_hw_config */ + WARN_ON(!ieee80211_set_channel_type(local, sdata, NL80211_CHAN_NO_HT)); + ieee80211_hw_config(local, 0); + + /* disassociated - set to defaults now */ + ieee80211_set_wmm_default(sdata, false); del_timer_sync(&sdata->u.mgd.conn_mon_timer); del_timer_sync(&sdata->u.mgd.bcn_mon_timer); @@ -1347,6 +1666,7 @@ static void __ieee80211_connection_loss(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; + u8 frame_buf[DEAUTH_DISASSOC_LEN]; mutex_lock(&ifmgd->mtx); if (!ifmgd->associated) { @@ -1359,17 +1679,16 @@ static void __ieee80211_connection_loss(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Connection to AP %pM lost.\n", sdata->name, bssid); - ieee80211_set_disassoc(sdata, true, true); + ieee80211_set_disassoc(sdata, IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH, + WLAN_REASON_DISASSOC_DUE_TO_INACTIVITY, + false, frame_buf); mutex_unlock(&ifmgd->mtx); /* * must be outside lock due to cfg80211, * but that's not a problem. */ - ieee80211_send_deauth_disassoc(sdata, bssid, - IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH, - WLAN_REASON_DISASSOC_DUE_TO_INACTIVITY, - NULL, true); + cfg80211_send_deauth(sdata->dev, frame_buf, DEAUTH_DISASSOC_LEN); mutex_lock(&local->mtx); ieee80211_recalc_idle(local); @@ -1423,6 +1742,126 @@ void ieee80211_connection_loss(struct ieee80211_vif *vif) EXPORT_SYMBOL(ieee80211_connection_loss); +static void ieee80211_destroy_auth_data(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, + bool assoc) +{ + struct ieee80211_mgd_auth_data *auth_data = sdata->u.mgd.auth_data; + + lockdep_assert_held(&sdata->u.mgd.mtx); + + if (!assoc) { + sta_info_destroy_addr(sdata, auth_data->bss->bssid); + + memset(sdata->u.mgd.bssid, 0, ETH_ALEN); + ieee80211_bss_info_change_notify(sdata, BSS_CHANGED_BSSID); + } + + cfg80211_put_bss(auth_data->bss); + kfree(auth_data); + sdata->u.mgd.auth_data = NULL; +} + +static void ieee80211_auth_challenge(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, + struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt, size_t len) +{ + struct ieee80211_mgd_auth_data *auth_data = sdata->u.mgd.auth_data; + u8 *pos; + struct ieee802_11_elems elems; + + pos = mgmt->u.auth.variable; + ieee802_11_parse_elems(pos, len - (pos - (u8 *) mgmt), &elems); + if (!elems.challenge) + return; + auth_data->expected_transaction = 4; + ieee80211_send_auth(sdata, 3, auth_data->algorithm, + elems.challenge - 2, elems.challenge_len + 2, + auth_data->bss->bssid, auth_data->bss->bssid, + auth_data->key, auth_data->key_len, + auth_data->key_idx); +} + +static enum rx_mgmt_action __must_check +ieee80211_rx_mgmt_auth(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, + struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt, size_t len) +{ + struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; + u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; + u16 auth_alg, auth_transaction, status_code; + struct sta_info *sta; + + lockdep_assert_held(&ifmgd->mtx); + + if (len < 24 + 6) + return RX_MGMT_NONE; + + if (!ifmgd->auth_data || ifmgd->auth_data->done) + return RX_MGMT_NONE; + + memcpy(bssid, ifmgd->auth_data->bss->bssid, ETH_ALEN); + + if (compare_ether_addr(bssid, mgmt->bssid)) + return RX_MGMT_NONE; + + auth_alg = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.auth.auth_alg); + auth_transaction = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.auth.auth_transaction); + status_code = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.auth.status_code); + + if (auth_alg != ifmgd->auth_data->algorithm || + auth_transaction != ifmgd->auth_data->expected_transaction) + return RX_MGMT_NONE; + + if (status_code != WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %pM denied authentication (status %d)\n", + sdata->name, mgmt->sa, status_code); + goto out; + } + + switch (ifmgd->auth_data->algorithm) { + case WLAN_AUTH_OPEN: + case WLAN_AUTH_LEAP: + case WLAN_AUTH_FT: + break; + case WLAN_AUTH_SHARED_KEY: + if (ifmgd->auth_data->expected_transaction != 4) { + ieee80211_auth_challenge(sdata, mgmt, len); + /* need another frame */ + return RX_MGMT_NONE; + } + break; + default: + WARN_ONCE(1, "invalid auth alg %d", + ifmgd->auth_data->algorithm); + return RX_MGMT_NONE; + } + + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: authenticated\n", sdata->name); + out: + ifmgd->auth_data->done = true; + ifmgd->auth_data->timeout = jiffies + IEEE80211_AUTH_WAIT_ASSOC; + run_again(ifmgd, ifmgd->auth_data->timeout); + + /* move station state to auth */ + mutex_lock(&sdata->local->sta_mtx); + sta = sta_info_get(sdata, bssid); + if (!sta) { + WARN_ONCE(1, "%s: STA %pM not found", sdata->name, bssid); + goto out_err; + } + if (sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTH)) { + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: failed moving %pM to auth\n", + sdata->name, bssid); + goto out_err; + } + mutex_unlock(&sdata->local->sta_mtx); + + return RX_MGMT_CFG80211_RX_AUTH; + out_err: + mutex_unlock(&sdata->local->sta_mtx); + /* ignore frame -- wait for timeout */ + return RX_MGMT_NONE; +} + + static enum rx_mgmt_action __must_check ieee80211_rx_mgmt_deauth(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt, size_t len) @@ -1431,10 +1870,14 @@ ieee80211_rx_mgmt_deauth(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, const u8 *bssid = NULL; u16 reason_code; + lockdep_assert_held(&ifmgd->mtx); + if (len < 24 + 2) return RX_MGMT_NONE; - ASSERT_MGD_MTX(ifmgd); + if (!ifmgd->associated || + compare_ether_addr(mgmt->bssid, ifmgd->associated->bssid)) + return RX_MGMT_NONE; bssid = ifmgd->associated->bssid; @@ -1443,7 +1886,8 @@ ieee80211_rx_mgmt_deauth(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: deauthenticated from %pM (Reason: %u)\n", sdata->name, bssid, reason_code); - ieee80211_set_disassoc(sdata, true, false); + ieee80211_set_disassoc(sdata, 0, 0, false, NULL); + mutex_lock(&sdata->local->mtx); ieee80211_recalc_idle(sdata->local); mutex_unlock(&sdata->local->mtx); @@ -1459,15 +1903,13 @@ ieee80211_rx_mgmt_disassoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; u16 reason_code; - if (len < 24 + 2) - return RX_MGMT_NONE; - - ASSERT_MGD_MTX(ifmgd); + lockdep_assert_held(&ifmgd->mtx); - if (WARN_ON(!ifmgd->associated)) + if (len < 24 + 2) return RX_MGMT_NONE; - if (WARN_ON(memcmp(ifmgd->associated->bssid, mgmt->sa, ETH_ALEN))) + if (!ifmgd->associated || + compare_ether_addr(mgmt->bssid, ifmgd->associated->bssid)) return RX_MGMT_NONE; reason_code = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.disassoc.reason_code); @@ -1475,10 +1917,12 @@ ieee80211_rx_mgmt_disassoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: disassociated from %pM (Reason: %u)\n", sdata->name, mgmt->sa, reason_code); - ieee80211_set_disassoc(sdata, true, false); + ieee80211_set_disassoc(sdata, 0, 0, false, NULL); + mutex_lock(&sdata->local->mtx); ieee80211_recalc_idle(sdata->local); mutex_unlock(&sdata->local->mtx); + return RX_MGMT_CFG80211_DISASSOC; } @@ -1524,25 +1968,39 @@ static void ieee80211_get_rates(struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband, } } -static bool ieee80211_assoc_success(struct ieee80211_work *wk, +static void ieee80211_destroy_assoc_data(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, + bool assoc) +{ + struct ieee80211_mgd_assoc_data *assoc_data = sdata->u.mgd.assoc_data; + + lockdep_assert_held(&sdata->u.mgd.mtx); + + if (!assoc) { + sta_info_destroy_addr(sdata, assoc_data->bss->bssid); + + memset(sdata->u.mgd.bssid, 0, ETH_ALEN); + ieee80211_bss_info_change_notify(sdata, BSS_CHANGED_BSSID); + } + + kfree(assoc_data); + sdata->u.mgd.assoc_data = NULL; +} + +static bool ieee80211_assoc_success(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, + struct cfg80211_bss *cbss, struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt, size_t len) { - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = wk->sdata; struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband; struct sta_info *sta; - struct cfg80211_bss *cbss = wk->assoc.bss; u8 *pos; - u32 rates, basic_rates; u16 capab_info, aid; struct ieee802_11_elems elems; struct ieee80211_bss_conf *bss_conf = &sdata->vif.bss_conf; u32 changed = 0; int err; - bool have_higher_than_11mbit = false; u16 ap_ht_cap_flags; - int min_rate = INT_MAX, min_rate_index = -1; /* AssocResp and ReassocResp have identical structure */ @@ -1581,49 +2039,13 @@ static bool ieee80211_assoc_success(struct ieee80211_work *wk, * station info was already allocated and inserted before * the association and should be available to us */ - sta = sta_info_get_rx(sdata, cbss->bssid); + sta = sta_info_get(sdata, cbss->bssid); if (WARN_ON(!sta)) { mutex_unlock(&sdata->local->sta_mtx); return false; } - sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTH); - sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC); - if (!(ifmgd->flags & IEEE80211_STA_CONTROL_PORT)) - sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED); - - rates = 0; - basic_rates = 0; - sband = local->hw.wiphy->bands[wk->chan->band]; - - ieee80211_get_rates(sband, elems.supp_rates, elems.supp_rates_len, - &rates, &basic_rates, &have_higher_than_11mbit, - &min_rate, &min_rate_index); - - ieee80211_get_rates(sband, elems.ext_supp_rates, - elems.ext_supp_rates_len, &rates, &basic_rates, - &have_higher_than_11mbit, - &min_rate, &min_rate_index); - - /* - * some buggy APs don't advertise basic_rates. use the lowest - * supported rate instead. - */ - if (unlikely(!basic_rates) && min_rate_index >= 0) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: No basic rates in AssocResp. " - "Using min supported rate instead.\n", sdata->name); - basic_rates = BIT(min_rate_index); - } - - sta->sta.supp_rates[wk->chan->band] = rates; - sdata->vif.bss_conf.basic_rates = basic_rates; - - /* cf. IEEE 802.11 9.2.12 */ - if (wk->chan->band == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ && - have_higher_than_11mbit) - sdata->flags |= IEEE80211_SDATA_OPERATING_GMODE; - else - sdata->flags &= ~IEEE80211_SDATA_OPERATING_GMODE; + sband = local->hw.wiphy->bands[local->oper_channel->band]; if (elems.ht_cap_elem && !(ifmgd->flags & IEEE80211_STA_DISABLE_11N)) ieee80211_ht_cap_ie_to_sta_ht_cap(sdata, sband, @@ -1639,15 +2061,22 @@ static bool ieee80211_assoc_success(struct ieee80211_work *wk, if (elems.wmm_param) set_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_WME); - /* sta_info_reinsert will also unlock the mutex lock */ - err = sta_info_reinsert(sta); - sta = NULL; + err = sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTH); + if (!err) + err = sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC); + if (!err && !(ifmgd->flags & IEEE80211_STA_CONTROL_PORT)) + err = sta_info_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED); if (err) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: failed to insert STA entry for" - " the AP (error %d)\n", sdata->name, err); + printk(KERN_DEBUG + "%s: failed to move station %pM to desired state\n", + sdata->name, sta->sta.addr); + WARN_ON(__sta_info_destroy(sta)); + mutex_unlock(&sdata->local->sta_mtx); return false; } + mutex_unlock(&sdata->local->sta_mtx); + /* * Always handle WMM once after association regardless * of the first value the AP uses. Setting -1 here has @@ -1660,12 +2089,10 @@ static bool ieee80211_assoc_success(struct ieee80211_work *wk, ieee80211_sta_wmm_params(local, sdata, elems.wmm_param, elems.wmm_param_len); else - ieee80211_set_wmm_default(sdata); - - local->oper_channel = wk->chan; + ieee80211_set_wmm_default(sdata, false); + changed |= BSS_CHANGED_QOS; if (elems.ht_info_elem && elems.wmm_param && - (sdata->local->hw.queues >= 4) && !(ifmgd->flags & IEEE80211_STA_DISABLE_11N)) changed |= ieee80211_enable_ht(sdata, elems.ht_info_elem, cbss->bssid, ap_ht_cap_flags, @@ -1694,7 +2121,88 @@ static bool ieee80211_assoc_success(struct ieee80211_work *wk, return true; } +static enum rx_mgmt_action __must_check +ieee80211_rx_mgmt_assoc_resp(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, + struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt, size_t len, + struct cfg80211_bss **bss) +{ + struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; + struct ieee80211_mgd_assoc_data *assoc_data = ifmgd->assoc_data; + u16 capab_info, status_code, aid; + struct ieee802_11_elems elems; + u8 *pos; + bool reassoc; + + lockdep_assert_held(&ifmgd->mtx); + + if (!assoc_data) + return RX_MGMT_NONE; + if (compare_ether_addr(assoc_data->bss->bssid, mgmt->bssid)) + return RX_MGMT_NONE; + + /* + * AssocResp and ReassocResp have identical structure, so process both + * of them in this function. + */ + + if (len < 24 + 6) + return RX_MGMT_NONE; + + reassoc = ieee80211_is_reassoc_req(mgmt->frame_control); + capab_info = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.assoc_resp.capab_info); + status_code = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.assoc_resp.status_code); + aid = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.assoc_resp.aid); + + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: RX %sssocResp from %pM (capab=0x%x " + "status=%d aid=%d)\n", + sdata->name, reassoc ? "Rea" : "A", mgmt->sa, + capab_info, status_code, (u16)(aid & ~(BIT(15) | BIT(14)))); + + pos = mgmt->u.assoc_resp.variable; + ieee802_11_parse_elems(pos, len - (pos - (u8 *) mgmt), &elems); + + if (status_code == WLAN_STATUS_ASSOC_REJECTED_TEMPORARILY && + elems.timeout_int && elems.timeout_int_len == 5 && + elems.timeout_int[0] == WLAN_TIMEOUT_ASSOC_COMEBACK) { + u32 tu, ms; + tu = get_unaligned_le32(elems.timeout_int + 1); + ms = tu * 1024 / 1000; + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %pM rejected association temporarily; " + "comeback duration %u TU (%u ms)\n", + sdata->name, mgmt->sa, tu, ms); + assoc_data->timeout = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(ms); + if (ms > IEEE80211_ASSOC_TIMEOUT) + run_again(ifmgd, assoc_data->timeout); + return RX_MGMT_NONE; + } + + *bss = assoc_data->bss; + + if (status_code != WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %pM denied association (code=%d)\n", + sdata->name, mgmt->sa, status_code); + ieee80211_destroy_assoc_data(sdata, false); + } else { + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: associated\n", sdata->name); + + if (!ieee80211_assoc_success(sdata, *bss, mgmt, len)) { + /* oops -- internal error -- send timeout for now */ + ieee80211_destroy_assoc_data(sdata, true); + sta_info_destroy_addr(sdata, mgmt->bssid); + cfg80211_put_bss(*bss); + return RX_MGMT_CFG80211_ASSOC_TIMEOUT; + } + + /* + * destroy assoc_data afterwards, as otherwise an idle + * recalc after assoc_data is NULL but before associated + * is set can cause the interface to go idle + */ + ieee80211_destroy_assoc_data(sdata, true); + } + return RX_MGMT_CFG80211_RX_ASSOC; +} static void ieee80211_rx_bss_info(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt, size_t len, @@ -1708,7 +2216,9 @@ static void ieee80211_rx_bss_info(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, struct ieee80211_channel *channel; bool need_ps = false; - if (sdata->u.mgd.associated) { + if (sdata->u.mgd.associated && + compare_ether_addr(mgmt->bssid, sdata->u.mgd.associated->bssid) + == 0) { bss = (void *)sdata->u.mgd.associated->priv; /* not previously set so we may need to recalc */ need_ps = !bss->dtim_period; @@ -1763,7 +2273,7 @@ static void ieee80211_rx_mgmt_probe_resp(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, ASSERT_MGD_MTX(ifmgd); - if (memcmp(mgmt->da, sdata->vif.addr, ETH_ALEN)) + if (compare_ether_addr(mgmt->da, sdata->vif.addr)) return; /* ignore ProbeResp to foreign address */ baselen = (u8 *) mgmt->u.probe_resp.variable - (u8 *) mgmt; @@ -1776,9 +2286,19 @@ static void ieee80211_rx_mgmt_probe_resp(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, ieee80211_rx_bss_info(sdata, mgmt, len, rx_status, &elems, false); if (ifmgd->associated && - memcmp(mgmt->bssid, ifmgd->associated->bssid, ETH_ALEN) == 0) + compare_ether_addr(mgmt->bssid, ifmgd->associated->bssid) == 0) ieee80211_reset_ap_probe(sdata); -} + + if (ifmgd->auth_data && !ifmgd->auth_data->bss->proberesp_ies && + compare_ether_addr(mgmt->bssid, ifmgd->auth_data->bss->bssid) + == 0) { + /* got probe response, continue with auth */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: direct probe responded\n", sdata->name); + ifmgd->auth_data->tries = 0; + ifmgd->auth_data->timeout = jiffies; + run_again(ifmgd, ifmgd->auth_data->timeout); + } +} /* * This is the canonical list of information elements we care about, @@ -1817,7 +2337,7 @@ static void ieee80211_rx_mgmt_beacon(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, u32 ncrc; u8 *bssid; - ASSERT_MGD_MTX(ifmgd); + lockdep_assert_held(&ifmgd->mtx); /* Process beacon from the current BSS */ baselen = (u8 *) mgmt->u.beacon.variable - (u8 *) mgmt; @@ -1827,21 +2347,26 @@ static void ieee80211_rx_mgmt_beacon(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, if (rx_status->freq != local->hw.conf.channel->center_freq) return; - /* - * We might have received a number of frames, among them a - * disassoc frame and a beacon... - */ - if (!ifmgd->associated) - return; + if (ifmgd->assoc_data && !ifmgd->assoc_data->have_beacon && + compare_ether_addr(mgmt->bssid, ifmgd->assoc_data->bss->bssid) + == 0) { + ieee802_11_parse_elems(mgmt->u.beacon.variable, + len - baselen, &elems); - bssid = ifmgd->associated->bssid; + ieee80211_rx_bss_info(sdata, mgmt, len, rx_status, &elems, + false); + ifmgd->assoc_data->have_beacon = true; + ifmgd->assoc_data->sent_assoc = false; + /* continue assoc process */ + ifmgd->assoc_data->timeout = jiffies; + run_again(ifmgd, ifmgd->assoc_data->timeout); + return; + } - /* - * And in theory even frames from a different AP we were just - * associated to a split-second ago! - */ - if (memcmp(bssid, mgmt->bssid, ETH_ALEN) != 0) + if (!ifmgd->associated || + compare_ether_addr(mgmt->bssid, ifmgd->associated->bssid)) return; + bssid = ifmgd->associated->bssid; /* Track average RSSI from the Beacon frames of the current AP */ ifmgd->last_beacon_signal = rx_status->signal; @@ -1882,7 +2407,7 @@ static void ieee80211_rx_mgmt_beacon(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, if (bss_conf->cqm_rssi_thold && ifmgd->count_beacon_signal >= IEEE80211_SIGNAL_AVE_MIN_COUNT && - !(local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI)) { + !(sdata->vif.driver_flags & IEEE80211_VIF_SUPPORTS_CQM_RSSI)) { int sig = ifmgd->ave_beacon_signal / 16; int last_event = ifmgd->last_cqm_event_signal; int thold = bss_conf->cqm_rssi_thold; @@ -2025,6 +2550,7 @@ void ieee80211_sta_rx_queued_mgmt(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; struct ieee80211_rx_status *rx_status; struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt; + struct cfg80211_bss *bss = NULL; enum rx_mgmt_action rma = RX_MGMT_NONE; u16 fc; @@ -2034,92 +2560,59 @@ void ieee80211_sta_rx_queued_mgmt(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, mutex_lock(&ifmgd->mtx); - if (ifmgd->associated && - memcmp(ifmgd->associated->bssid, mgmt->bssid, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { - switch (fc & IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE) { - case IEEE80211_STYPE_BEACON: - ieee80211_rx_mgmt_beacon(sdata, mgmt, skb->len, - rx_status); - break; - case IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_RESP: - ieee80211_rx_mgmt_probe_resp(sdata, skb); - break; - case IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH: - rma = ieee80211_rx_mgmt_deauth(sdata, mgmt, skb->len); - break; - case IEEE80211_STYPE_DISASSOC: - rma = ieee80211_rx_mgmt_disassoc(sdata, mgmt, skb->len); + switch (fc & IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE) { + case IEEE80211_STYPE_BEACON: + ieee80211_rx_mgmt_beacon(sdata, mgmt, skb->len, rx_status); + break; + case IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_RESP: + ieee80211_rx_mgmt_probe_resp(sdata, skb); + break; + case IEEE80211_STYPE_AUTH: + rma = ieee80211_rx_mgmt_auth(sdata, mgmt, skb->len); + break; + case IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH: + rma = ieee80211_rx_mgmt_deauth(sdata, mgmt, skb->len); + break; + case IEEE80211_STYPE_DISASSOC: + rma = ieee80211_rx_mgmt_disassoc(sdata, mgmt, skb->len); + break; + case IEEE80211_STYPE_ASSOC_RESP: + case IEEE80211_STYPE_REASSOC_RESP: + rma = ieee80211_rx_mgmt_assoc_resp(sdata, mgmt, skb->len, &bss); + break; + case IEEE80211_STYPE_ACTION: + switch (mgmt->u.action.category) { + case WLAN_CATEGORY_SPECTRUM_MGMT: + ieee80211_sta_process_chanswitch(sdata, + &mgmt->u.action.u.chan_switch.sw_elem, + (void *)ifmgd->associated->priv, + rx_status->mactime); break; - case IEEE80211_STYPE_ACTION: - switch (mgmt->u.action.category) { - case WLAN_CATEGORY_SPECTRUM_MGMT: - ieee80211_sta_process_chanswitch(sdata, - &mgmt->u.action.u.chan_switch.sw_elem, - (void *)ifmgd->associated->priv, - rx_status->mactime); - break; - } } - mutex_unlock(&ifmgd->mtx); - - switch (rma) { - case RX_MGMT_NONE: - /* no action */ - break; - case RX_MGMT_CFG80211_DEAUTH: - cfg80211_send_deauth(sdata->dev, (u8 *)mgmt, skb->len); - break; - case RX_MGMT_CFG80211_DISASSOC: - cfg80211_send_disassoc(sdata->dev, (u8 *)mgmt, skb->len); - break; - default: - WARN(1, "unexpected: %d", rma); - } - return; } - mutex_unlock(&ifmgd->mtx); - if (skb->len >= 24 + 2 /* mgmt + deauth reason */ && - (fc & IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE) == IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH) { - struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; - struct ieee80211_work *wk; - - mutex_lock(&local->mtx); - list_for_each_entry(wk, &local->work_list, list) { - if (wk->sdata != sdata) - continue; - - if (wk->type != IEEE80211_WORK_ASSOC && - wk->type != IEEE80211_WORK_ASSOC_BEACON_WAIT) - continue; - - if (memcmp(mgmt->bssid, wk->filter_ta, ETH_ALEN)) - continue; - if (memcmp(mgmt->sa, wk->filter_ta, ETH_ALEN)) - continue; - - /* - * Printing the message only here means we can't - * spuriously print it, but it also means that it - * won't be printed when the frame comes in before - * we even tried to associate or in similar cases. - * - * Ultimately, I suspect cfg80211 should print the - * messages instead. - */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG - "%s: deauthenticated from %pM (Reason: %u)\n", - sdata->name, mgmt->bssid, - le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.deauth.reason_code)); - - list_del_rcu(&wk->list); - free_work(wk); - break; - } - mutex_unlock(&local->mtx); - + switch (rma) { + case RX_MGMT_NONE: + /* no action */ + break; + case RX_MGMT_CFG80211_DEAUTH: cfg80211_send_deauth(sdata->dev, (u8 *)mgmt, skb->len); + break; + case RX_MGMT_CFG80211_DISASSOC: + cfg80211_send_disassoc(sdata->dev, (u8 *)mgmt, skb->len); + break; + case RX_MGMT_CFG80211_RX_AUTH: + cfg80211_send_rx_auth(sdata->dev, (u8 *)mgmt, skb->len); + break; + case RX_MGMT_CFG80211_RX_ASSOC: + cfg80211_send_rx_assoc(sdata->dev, bss, (u8 *)mgmt, skb->len); + break; + case RX_MGMT_CFG80211_ASSOC_TIMEOUT: + cfg80211_send_assoc_timeout(sdata->dev, mgmt->bssid); + break; + default: + WARN(1, "unexpected: %d", rma); } } @@ -2143,19 +2636,20 @@ static void ieee80211_sta_connection_lost(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, { struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; + u8 frame_buf[DEAUTH_DISASSOC_LEN]; ifmgd->flags &= ~(IEEE80211_STA_CONNECTION_POLL | IEEE80211_STA_BEACON_POLL); - ieee80211_set_disassoc(sdata, true, true); + ieee80211_set_disassoc(sdata, IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH, reason, + false, frame_buf); mutex_unlock(&ifmgd->mtx); + /* * must be outside lock due to cfg80211, * but that's not a problem. */ - ieee80211_send_deauth_disassoc(sdata, bssid, - IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH, reason, - NULL, true); + cfg80211_send_deauth(sdata->dev, frame_buf, DEAUTH_DISASSOC_LEN); mutex_lock(&local->mtx); ieee80211_recalc_idle(local); @@ -2164,14 +2658,144 @@ static void ieee80211_sta_connection_lost(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, mutex_lock(&ifmgd->mtx); } +static int ieee80211_probe_auth(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) +{ + struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; + struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; + struct ieee80211_mgd_auth_data *auth_data = ifmgd->auth_data; + + lockdep_assert_held(&ifmgd->mtx); + + if (WARN_ON_ONCE(!auth_data)) + return -EINVAL; + + auth_data->tries++; + + if (auth_data->tries > IEEE80211_AUTH_MAX_TRIES) { + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: authentication with %pM timed out\n", + sdata->name, auth_data->bss->bssid); + + /* + * Most likely AP is not in the range so remove the + * bss struct for that AP. + */ + cfg80211_unlink_bss(local->hw.wiphy, auth_data->bss); + + return -ETIMEDOUT; + } + + if (auth_data->bss->proberesp_ies) { + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: send auth to %pM (try %d/%d)\n", + sdata->name, auth_data->bss->bssid, auth_data->tries, + IEEE80211_AUTH_MAX_TRIES); + + auth_data->expected_transaction = 2; + ieee80211_send_auth(sdata, 1, auth_data->algorithm, + auth_data->ie, auth_data->ie_len, + auth_data->bss->bssid, + auth_data->bss->bssid, NULL, 0, 0); + } else { + const u8 *ssidie; + + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: direct probe to %pM (try %d/%i)\n", + sdata->name, auth_data->bss->bssid, auth_data->tries, + IEEE80211_AUTH_MAX_TRIES); + + ssidie = ieee80211_bss_get_ie(auth_data->bss, WLAN_EID_SSID); + if (!ssidie) + return -EINVAL; + /* + * Direct probe is sent to broadcast address as some APs + * will not answer to direct packet in unassociated state. + */ + ieee80211_send_probe_req(sdata, NULL, ssidie + 2, ssidie[1], + NULL, 0, (u32) -1, true, false); + } + + auth_data->timeout = jiffies + IEEE80211_AUTH_TIMEOUT; + run_again(ifmgd, auth_data->timeout); + + return 0; +} + +static int ieee80211_do_assoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) +{ + struct ieee80211_mgd_assoc_data *assoc_data = sdata->u.mgd.assoc_data; + struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; + + lockdep_assert_held(&sdata->u.mgd.mtx); + + assoc_data->tries++; + if (assoc_data->tries > IEEE80211_ASSOC_MAX_TRIES) { + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: association with %pM timed out\n", + sdata->name, assoc_data->bss->bssid); + + /* + * Most likely AP is not in the range so remove the + * bss struct for that AP. + */ + cfg80211_unlink_bss(local->hw.wiphy, assoc_data->bss); + + return -ETIMEDOUT; + } + + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: associate with %pM (try %d/%d)\n", + sdata->name, assoc_data->bss->bssid, assoc_data->tries, + IEEE80211_ASSOC_MAX_TRIES); + ieee80211_send_assoc(sdata); + + assoc_data->timeout = jiffies + IEEE80211_ASSOC_TIMEOUT; + run_again(&sdata->u.mgd, assoc_data->timeout); + + return 0; +} + void ieee80211_sta_work(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) { struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; - /* then process the rest of the work */ mutex_lock(&ifmgd->mtx); + if (ifmgd->auth_data && + time_after(jiffies, ifmgd->auth_data->timeout)) { + if (ifmgd->auth_data->done) { + /* + * ok ... we waited for assoc but userspace didn't, + * so let's just kill the auth data + */ + ieee80211_destroy_auth_data(sdata, false); + } else if (ieee80211_probe_auth(sdata)) { + u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; + + memcpy(bssid, ifmgd->auth_data->bss->bssid, ETH_ALEN); + + ieee80211_destroy_auth_data(sdata, false); + + mutex_unlock(&ifmgd->mtx); + cfg80211_send_auth_timeout(sdata->dev, bssid); + mutex_lock(&ifmgd->mtx); + } + } else if (ifmgd->auth_data) + run_again(ifmgd, ifmgd->auth_data->timeout); + + if (ifmgd->assoc_data && + time_after(jiffies, ifmgd->assoc_data->timeout)) { + if (!ifmgd->assoc_data->have_beacon || + ieee80211_do_assoc(sdata)) { + u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; + + memcpy(bssid, ifmgd->assoc_data->bss->bssid, ETH_ALEN); + + ieee80211_destroy_assoc_data(sdata, false); + + mutex_unlock(&ifmgd->mtx); + cfg80211_send_assoc_timeout(sdata->dev, bssid); + mutex_lock(&ifmgd->mtx); + } + } else if (ifmgd->assoc_data) + run_again(ifmgd, ifmgd->assoc_data->timeout); + if (ifmgd->flags & (IEEE80211_STA_BEACON_POLL | IEEE80211_STA_CONNECTION_POLL) && ifmgd->associated) { @@ -2247,6 +2871,10 @@ void ieee80211_sta_work(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) } mutex_unlock(&ifmgd->mtx); + + mutex_lock(&local->mtx); + ieee80211_recalc_idle(local); + mutex_unlock(&local->mtx); } static void ieee80211_sta_bcn_mon_timer(unsigned long data) @@ -2286,13 +2914,17 @@ static void ieee80211_sta_monitor_work(struct work_struct *work) static void ieee80211_restart_sta_timer(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) { + u32 flags; + if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) { sdata->u.mgd.flags &= ~(IEEE80211_STA_BEACON_POLL | IEEE80211_STA_CONNECTION_POLL); /* let's probe the connection once */ - ieee80211_queue_work(&sdata->local->hw, - &sdata->u.mgd.monitor_work); + flags = sdata->local->hw.flags; + if (!(flags & IEEE80211_HW_CONNECTION_MONITOR)) + ieee80211_queue_work(&sdata->local->hw, + &sdata->u.mgd.monitor_work); /* and do all the other regular work too */ ieee80211_queue_work(&sdata->local->hw, &sdata->work); } @@ -2356,7 +2988,6 @@ void ieee80211_sta_restart(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) add_timer(&ifmgd->chswitch_timer); ieee80211_sta_reset_beacon_monitor(sdata); ieee80211_restart_sta_timer(sdata); - ieee80211_queue_work(&sdata->local->hw, &sdata->u.mgd.monitor_work); } #endif @@ -2382,6 +3013,8 @@ void ieee80211_sta_setup_sdata(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) ifmgd->flags = 0; ifmgd->powersave = sdata->wdev.ps; + ifmgd->uapsd_queues = IEEE80211_DEFAULT_UAPSD_QUEUES; + ifmgd->uapsd_max_sp_len = IEEE80211_DEFAULT_MAX_SP_LEN; mutex_init(&ifmgd->mtx); @@ -2418,54 +3051,119 @@ int ieee80211_max_network_latency(struct notifier_block *nb, return 0; } -/* config hooks */ -static enum work_done_result -ieee80211_probe_auth_done(struct ieee80211_work *wk, - struct sk_buff *skb) +static int ieee80211_prep_connection(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, + struct cfg80211_bss *cbss, bool assoc) { - struct ieee80211_local *local = wk->sdata->local; + struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; + struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; + struct ieee80211_bss *bss = (void *)cbss->priv; + struct sta_info *sta; + bool have_sta = false; + int err; + + if (WARN_ON(!ifmgd->auth_data && !ifmgd->assoc_data)) + return -EINVAL; - if (!skb) { - cfg80211_send_auth_timeout(wk->sdata->dev, wk->filter_ta); - goto destroy; + if (assoc) { + rcu_read_lock(); + have_sta = sta_info_get(sdata, cbss->bssid); + rcu_read_unlock(); } - if (wk->type == IEEE80211_WORK_AUTH) { - cfg80211_send_rx_auth(wk->sdata->dev, skb->data, skb->len); - goto destroy; + if (!have_sta) { + sta = sta_info_alloc(sdata, cbss->bssid, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!sta) + return -ENOMEM; } - mutex_lock(&wk->sdata->u.mgd.mtx); - ieee80211_rx_mgmt_probe_resp(wk->sdata, skb); - mutex_unlock(&wk->sdata->u.mgd.mtx); + mutex_lock(&local->mtx); + ieee80211_recalc_idle(sdata->local); + mutex_unlock(&local->mtx); + + /* switch to the right channel */ + local->oper_channel = cbss->channel; + ieee80211_hw_config(local, IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_CHANNEL); + + if (!have_sta) { + struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband; + u32 rates = 0, basic_rates = 0; + bool have_higher_than_11mbit; + int min_rate = INT_MAX, min_rate_index = -1; + + sband = sdata->local->hw.wiphy->bands[cbss->channel->band]; + + ieee80211_get_rates(sband, bss->supp_rates, + bss->supp_rates_len, + &rates, &basic_rates, + &have_higher_than_11mbit, + &min_rate, &min_rate_index); - wk->type = IEEE80211_WORK_AUTH; - wk->probe_auth.tries = 0; - return WORK_DONE_REQUEUE; - destroy: - if (wk->probe_auth.synced) - drv_finish_tx_sync(local, wk->sdata, wk->filter_ta, - IEEE80211_TX_SYNC_AUTH); + /* + * This used to be a workaround for basic rates missing + * in the association response frame. Now that we no + * longer use the basic rates from there, it probably + * doesn't happen any more, but keep the workaround so + * in case some *other* APs are buggy in different ways + * we can connect -- with a warning. + */ + if (!basic_rates && min_rate_index >= 0) { + printk(KERN_DEBUG + "%s: No basic rates, using min rate instead.\n", + sdata->name); + basic_rates = BIT(min_rate_index); + } + + sta->sta.supp_rates[cbss->channel->band] = rates; + sdata->vif.bss_conf.basic_rates = basic_rates; + + /* cf. IEEE 802.11 9.2.12 */ + if (local->oper_channel->band == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ && + have_higher_than_11mbit) + sdata->flags |= IEEE80211_SDATA_OPERATING_GMODE; + else + sdata->flags &= ~IEEE80211_SDATA_OPERATING_GMODE; + + memcpy(ifmgd->bssid, cbss->bssid, ETH_ALEN); + + /* tell driver about BSSID and basic rates */ + ieee80211_bss_info_change_notify(sdata, + BSS_CHANGED_BSSID | BSS_CHANGED_BASIC_RATES); - return WORK_DONE_DESTROY; + if (assoc) + sta_info_pre_move_state(sta, IEEE80211_STA_AUTH); + + err = sta_info_insert(sta); + sta = NULL; + if (err) { + printk(KERN_DEBUG + "%s: failed to insert STA entry for the AP (error %d)\n", + sdata->name, err); + return err; + } + } else + WARN_ON_ONCE(compare_ether_addr(ifmgd->bssid, cbss->bssid)); + + return 0; } +/* config hooks */ int ieee80211_mgd_auth(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, struct cfg80211_auth_request *req) { - const u8 *ssid; - struct ieee80211_work *wk; + struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; + struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; + struct ieee80211_mgd_auth_data *auth_data; u16 auth_alg; + int err; - if (req->local_state_change) - return 0; /* no need to update mac80211 state */ + /* prepare auth data structure */ switch (req->auth_type) { case NL80211_AUTHTYPE_OPEN_SYSTEM: auth_alg = WLAN_AUTH_OPEN; break; case NL80211_AUTHTYPE_SHARED_KEY: - if (IS_ERR(sdata->local->wep_tx_tfm)) + if (IS_ERR(local->wep_tx_tfm)) return -EOPNOTSUPP; auth_alg = WLAN_AUTH_SHARED_KEY; break; @@ -2479,201 +3177,154 @@ int ieee80211_mgd_auth(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, return -EOPNOTSUPP; } - wk = kzalloc(sizeof(*wk) + req->ie_len, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!wk) + auth_data = kzalloc(sizeof(*auth_data) + req->ie_len, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!auth_data) return -ENOMEM; - memcpy(wk->filter_ta, req->bss->bssid, ETH_ALEN); + auth_data->bss = req->bss; if (req->ie && req->ie_len) { - memcpy(wk->ie, req->ie, req->ie_len); - wk->ie_len = req->ie_len; + memcpy(auth_data->ie, req->ie, req->ie_len); + auth_data->ie_len = req->ie_len; } if (req->key && req->key_len) { - wk->probe_auth.key_len = req->key_len; - wk->probe_auth.key_idx = req->key_idx; - memcpy(wk->probe_auth.key, req->key, req->key_len); + auth_data->key_len = req->key_len; + auth_data->key_idx = req->key_idx; + memcpy(auth_data->key, req->key, req->key_len); } - ssid = ieee80211_bss_get_ie(req->bss, WLAN_EID_SSID); - memcpy(wk->probe_auth.ssid, ssid + 2, ssid[1]); - wk->probe_auth.ssid_len = ssid[1]; - - wk->probe_auth.algorithm = auth_alg; - wk->probe_auth.privacy = req->bss->capability & WLAN_CAPABILITY_PRIVACY; - - /* if we already have a probe, don't probe again */ - if (req->bss->proberesp_ies) - wk->type = IEEE80211_WORK_AUTH; - else - wk->type = IEEE80211_WORK_DIRECT_PROBE; - wk->chan = req->bss->channel; - wk->chan_type = NL80211_CHAN_NO_HT; - wk->sdata = sdata; - wk->done = ieee80211_probe_auth_done; - - ieee80211_add_work(wk); - return 0; -} + auth_data->algorithm = auth_alg; -/* create and insert a dummy station entry */ -static int ieee80211_pre_assoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - u8 *bssid) { - struct sta_info *sta; - int err; - - sta = sta_info_alloc(sdata, bssid, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!sta) - return -ENOMEM; - - sta->dummy = true; - - err = sta_info_insert(sta); - sta = NULL; - if (err) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: failed to insert Dummy STA entry for" - " the AP (error %d)\n", sdata->name, err); - return err; - } + /* try to authenticate/probe */ - return 0; -} - -static enum work_done_result ieee80211_assoc_done(struct ieee80211_work *wk, - struct sk_buff *skb) -{ - struct ieee80211_local *local = wk->sdata->local; - struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt; - struct ieee80211_rx_status *rx_status; - struct ieee802_11_elems elems; - struct cfg80211_bss *cbss = wk->assoc.bss; - u16 status; + mutex_lock(&ifmgd->mtx); - if (!skb) { - sta_info_destroy_addr(wk->sdata, cbss->bssid); - cfg80211_send_assoc_timeout(wk->sdata->dev, wk->filter_ta); - goto destroy; + if ((ifmgd->auth_data && !ifmgd->auth_data->done) || + ifmgd->assoc_data) { + err = -EBUSY; + goto err_free; } - if (wk->type == IEEE80211_WORK_ASSOC_BEACON_WAIT) { - mutex_lock(&wk->sdata->u.mgd.mtx); - rx_status = (void *) skb->cb; - ieee802_11_parse_elems(skb->data + 24 + 12, skb->len - 24 - 12, &elems); - ieee80211_rx_bss_info(wk->sdata, (void *)skb->data, skb->len, rx_status, - &elems, true); - mutex_unlock(&wk->sdata->u.mgd.mtx); + if (ifmgd->auth_data) + ieee80211_destroy_auth_data(sdata, false); - wk->type = IEEE80211_WORK_ASSOC; - /* not really done yet */ - return WORK_DONE_REQUEUE; - } + /* prep auth_data so we don't go into idle on disassoc */ + ifmgd->auth_data = auth_data; - mgmt = (void *)skb->data; - status = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.assoc_resp.status_code); + if (ifmgd->associated) + ieee80211_set_disassoc(sdata, 0, 0, false, NULL); - if (status == WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { - if (wk->assoc.synced) - drv_finish_tx_sync(local, wk->sdata, wk->filter_ta, - IEEE80211_TX_SYNC_ASSOC); + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: authenticate with %pM\n", + sdata->name, req->bss->bssid); - mutex_lock(&wk->sdata->u.mgd.mtx); - if (!ieee80211_assoc_success(wk, mgmt, skb->len)) { - mutex_unlock(&wk->sdata->u.mgd.mtx); - /* oops -- internal error -- send timeout for now */ - sta_info_destroy_addr(wk->sdata, cbss->bssid); - cfg80211_send_assoc_timeout(wk->sdata->dev, - wk->filter_ta); - return WORK_DONE_DESTROY; - } + err = ieee80211_prep_connection(sdata, req->bss, false); + if (err) + goto err_clear; - mutex_unlock(&wk->sdata->u.mgd.mtx); - } else { - /* assoc failed - destroy the dummy station entry */ - sta_info_destroy_addr(wk->sdata, cbss->bssid); + err = ieee80211_probe_auth(sdata); + if (err) { + sta_info_destroy_addr(sdata, req->bss->bssid); + goto err_clear; } - cfg80211_send_rx_assoc(wk->sdata->dev, skb->data, skb->len); - destroy: - if (wk->assoc.synced) - drv_finish_tx_sync(local, wk->sdata, wk->filter_ta, - IEEE80211_TX_SYNC_ASSOC); + /* hold our own reference */ + cfg80211_ref_bss(auth_data->bss); + err = 0; + goto out_unlock; - return WORK_DONE_DESTROY; + err_clear: + ifmgd->auth_data = NULL; + err_free: + kfree(auth_data); + out_unlock: + mutex_unlock(&ifmgd->mtx); + + return err; } int ieee80211_mgd_assoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, struct cfg80211_assoc_request *req) { + struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; struct ieee80211_bss *bss = (void *)req->bss->priv; - struct ieee80211_work *wk; - const u8 *ssid; + struct ieee80211_mgd_assoc_data *assoc_data; + struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband; + const u8 *ssidie; int i, err; + ssidie = ieee80211_bss_get_ie(req->bss, WLAN_EID_SSID); + if (!ssidie) + return -EINVAL; + + assoc_data = kzalloc(sizeof(*assoc_data) + req->ie_len, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!assoc_data) + return -ENOMEM; + mutex_lock(&ifmgd->mtx); - if (ifmgd->associated) { - if (!req->prev_bssid || - memcmp(req->prev_bssid, ifmgd->associated->bssid, - ETH_ALEN)) { - /* - * We are already associated and the request was not a - * reassociation request from the current BSS, so - * reject it. - */ - mutex_unlock(&ifmgd->mtx); - return -EALREADY; - } - /* Trying to reassociate - clear previous association state */ - ieee80211_set_disassoc(sdata, true, false); + if (ifmgd->associated) + ieee80211_set_disassoc(sdata, 0, 0, false, NULL); + + if (ifmgd->auth_data && !ifmgd->auth_data->done) { + err = -EBUSY; + goto err_free; } - mutex_unlock(&ifmgd->mtx); - wk = kzalloc(sizeof(*wk) + req->ie_len, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!wk) - return -ENOMEM; + if (ifmgd->assoc_data) { + err = -EBUSY; + goto err_free; + } - /* - * create a dummy station info entry in order - * to start accepting incoming EAPOL packets from the station - */ - err = ieee80211_pre_assoc(sdata, req->bss->bssid); - if (err) { - kfree(wk); - return err; + if (ifmgd->auth_data) { + bool match; + + /* keep sta info, bssid if matching */ + match = compare_ether_addr(ifmgd->bssid, req->bss->bssid) == 0; + ieee80211_destroy_auth_data(sdata, match); } + /* prepare assoc data */ + ifmgd->flags &= ~IEEE80211_STA_DISABLE_11N; ifmgd->flags &= ~IEEE80211_STA_NULLFUNC_ACKED; ifmgd->beacon_crc_valid = false; + /* + * IEEE802.11n does not allow TKIP/WEP as pairwise ciphers in HT mode. + * We still associate in non-HT mode (11a/b/g) if any one of these + * ciphers is configured as pairwise. + * We can set this to true for non-11n hardware, that'll be checked + * separately along with the peer capabilities. + */ for (i = 0; i < req->crypto.n_ciphers_pairwise; i++) if (req->crypto.ciphers_pairwise[i] == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP40 || req->crypto.ciphers_pairwise[i] == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP || req->crypto.ciphers_pairwise[i] == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP104) ifmgd->flags |= IEEE80211_STA_DISABLE_11N; - if (req->flags & ASSOC_REQ_DISABLE_HT) ifmgd->flags |= IEEE80211_STA_DISABLE_11N; + /* Also disable HT if we don't support it or the AP doesn't use WMM */ + sband = local->hw.wiphy->bands[req->bss->channel->band]; + if (!sband->ht_cap.ht_supported || + local->hw.queues < 4 || !bss->wmm_used) + ifmgd->flags |= IEEE80211_STA_DISABLE_11N; + memcpy(&ifmgd->ht_capa, &req->ht_capa, sizeof(ifmgd->ht_capa)); memcpy(&ifmgd->ht_capa_mask, &req->ht_capa_mask, sizeof(ifmgd->ht_capa_mask)); if (req->ie && req->ie_len) { - memcpy(wk->ie, req->ie, req->ie_len); - wk->ie_len = req->ie_len; - } else - wk->ie_len = 0; - - wk->assoc.bss = req->bss; + memcpy(assoc_data->ie, req->ie, req->ie_len); + assoc_data->ie_len = req->ie_len; + } - memcpy(wk->filter_ta, req->bss->bssid, ETH_ALEN); + assoc_data->bss = req->bss; - /* new association always uses requested smps mode */ if (ifmgd->req_smps == IEEE80211_SMPS_AUTOMATIC) { if (ifmgd->powersave) ifmgd->ap_smps = IEEE80211_SMPS_DYNAMIC; @@ -2682,47 +3333,27 @@ int ieee80211_mgd_assoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, } else ifmgd->ap_smps = ifmgd->req_smps; - wk->assoc.smps = ifmgd->ap_smps; - /* - * IEEE802.11n does not allow TKIP/WEP as pairwise ciphers in HT mode. - * We still associate in non-HT mode (11a/b/g) if any one of these - * ciphers is configured as pairwise. - * We can set this to true for non-11n hardware, that'll be checked - * separately along with the peer capabilities. - */ - wk->assoc.use_11n = !(ifmgd->flags & IEEE80211_STA_DISABLE_11N); - wk->assoc.capability = req->bss->capability; - wk->assoc.wmm_used = bss->wmm_used; - wk->assoc.supp_rates = bss->supp_rates; - wk->assoc.supp_rates_len = bss->supp_rates_len; - wk->assoc.ht_information_ie = + assoc_data->capability = req->bss->capability; + assoc_data->wmm = bss->wmm_used && (local->hw.queues >= 4); + assoc_data->supp_rates = bss->supp_rates; + assoc_data->supp_rates_len = bss->supp_rates_len; + assoc_data->ht_information_ie = ieee80211_bss_get_ie(req->bss, WLAN_EID_HT_INFORMATION); if (bss->wmm_used && bss->uapsd_supported && (sdata->local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_SUPPORTS_UAPSD)) { - wk->assoc.uapsd_used = true; + assoc_data->uapsd = true; ifmgd->flags |= IEEE80211_STA_UAPSD_ENABLED; } else { - wk->assoc.uapsd_used = false; + assoc_data->uapsd = false; ifmgd->flags &= ~IEEE80211_STA_UAPSD_ENABLED; } - ssid = ieee80211_bss_get_ie(req->bss, WLAN_EID_SSID); - memcpy(wk->assoc.ssid, ssid + 2, ssid[1]); - wk->assoc.ssid_len = ssid[1]; + memcpy(assoc_data->ssid, ssidie + 2, ssidie[1]); + assoc_data->ssid_len = ssidie[1]; if (req->prev_bssid) - memcpy(wk->assoc.prev_bssid, req->prev_bssid, ETH_ALEN); - - wk->chan = req->bss->channel; - wk->chan_type = NL80211_CHAN_NO_HT; - wk->sdata = sdata; - wk->done = ieee80211_assoc_done; - if (!bss->dtim_period && - sdata->local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_NEED_DTIM_PERIOD) - wk->type = IEEE80211_WORK_ASSOC_BEACON_WAIT; - else - wk->type = IEEE80211_WORK_ASSOC; + memcpy(assoc_data->prev_bssid, req->prev_bssid, ETH_ALEN); if (req->use_mfp) { ifmgd->mfp = IEEE80211_MFP_REQUIRED; @@ -2740,91 +3371,87 @@ int ieee80211_mgd_assoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, sdata->control_port_protocol = req->crypto.control_port_ethertype; sdata->control_port_no_encrypt = req->crypto.control_port_no_encrypt; - ieee80211_add_work(wk); - return 0; + /* kick off associate process */ + + ifmgd->assoc_data = assoc_data; + + err = ieee80211_prep_connection(sdata, req->bss, true); + if (err) + goto err_clear; + + if (!bss->dtim_period && + sdata->local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_NEED_DTIM_PERIOD) { + /* + * Wait up to one beacon interval ... + * should this be more if we miss one? + */ + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: waiting for beacon from %pM\n", + sdata->name, ifmgd->bssid); + assoc_data->timeout = jiffies + + TU_TO_EXP_TIME(req->bss->beacon_interval); + } else { + assoc_data->have_beacon = true; + assoc_data->sent_assoc = false; + assoc_data->timeout = jiffies; + } + run_again(ifmgd, assoc_data->timeout); + + if (bss->corrupt_data) { + char *corrupt_type = "data"; + if (bss->corrupt_data & IEEE80211_BSS_CORRUPT_BEACON) { + if (bss->corrupt_data & + IEEE80211_BSS_CORRUPT_PROBE_RESP) + corrupt_type = "beacon and probe response"; + else + corrupt_type = "beacon"; + } else if (bss->corrupt_data & IEEE80211_BSS_CORRUPT_PROBE_RESP) + corrupt_type = "probe response"; + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: associating with AP with corrupt %s\n", + sdata->name, corrupt_type); + } + + err = 0; + goto out; + err_clear: + ifmgd->assoc_data = NULL; + err_free: + kfree(assoc_data); + out: + mutex_unlock(&ifmgd->mtx); + + return err; } int ieee80211_mgd_deauth(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - struct cfg80211_deauth_request *req, - void *cookie) + struct cfg80211_deauth_request *req) { - struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; - u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; - bool assoc_bss = false; + u8 frame_buf[DEAUTH_DISASSOC_LEN]; mutex_lock(&ifmgd->mtx); - memcpy(bssid, req->bss->bssid, ETH_ALEN); - if (ifmgd->associated == req->bss) { - ieee80211_set_disassoc(sdata, false, true); + if (ifmgd->auth_data) { + ieee80211_destroy_auth_data(sdata, false); mutex_unlock(&ifmgd->mtx); - assoc_bss = true; - } else { - bool not_auth_yet = false; - struct ieee80211_work *tmp, *wk = NULL; - - mutex_unlock(&ifmgd->mtx); - - mutex_lock(&local->mtx); - list_for_each_entry(tmp, &local->work_list, list) { - if (tmp->sdata != sdata) - continue; - - if (tmp->type != IEEE80211_WORK_DIRECT_PROBE && - tmp->type != IEEE80211_WORK_AUTH && - tmp->type != IEEE80211_WORK_ASSOC && - tmp->type != IEEE80211_WORK_ASSOC_BEACON_WAIT) - continue; - - if (memcmp(req->bss->bssid, tmp->filter_ta, ETH_ALEN)) - continue; - - not_auth_yet = tmp->type == IEEE80211_WORK_DIRECT_PROBE; - list_del_rcu(&tmp->list); - synchronize_rcu(); - wk = tmp; - break; - } - mutex_unlock(&local->mtx); - - if (wk && wk->type == IEEE80211_WORK_ASSOC) { - /* clean up dummy sta & TX sync */ - sta_info_destroy_addr(wk->sdata, wk->filter_ta); - if (wk->assoc.synced) - drv_finish_tx_sync(local, wk->sdata, - wk->filter_ta, - IEEE80211_TX_SYNC_ASSOC); - } else if (wk && wk->type == IEEE80211_WORK_AUTH) { - if (wk->probe_auth.synced) - drv_finish_tx_sync(local, wk->sdata, - wk->filter_ta, - IEEE80211_TX_SYNC_AUTH); - } - kfree(wk); - - /* - * If somebody requests authentication and we haven't - * sent out an auth frame yet there's no need to send - * out a deauth frame either. If the state was PROBE, - * then this is the case. If it's AUTH we have sent a - * frame, and if it's IDLE we have completed the auth - * process already. - */ - if (not_auth_yet) { - __cfg80211_auth_canceled(sdata->dev, bssid); - return 0; - } + return 0; } - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: deauthenticating from %pM by local choice (reason=%d)\n", - sdata->name, bssid, req->reason_code); + printk(KERN_DEBUG + "%s: deauthenticating from %pM by local choice (reason=%d)\n", + sdata->name, req->bssid, req->reason_code); + + if (ifmgd->associated && + compare_ether_addr(ifmgd->associated->bssid, req->bssid) == 0) + ieee80211_set_disassoc(sdata, IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH, + req->reason_code, true, frame_buf); + else + ieee80211_send_deauth_disassoc(sdata, req->bssid, + IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH, + req->reason_code, true, + frame_buf); + mutex_unlock(&ifmgd->mtx); - ieee80211_send_deauth_disassoc(sdata, bssid, IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH, - req->reason_code, cookie, - !req->local_state_change); - if (assoc_bss) - sta_info_flush(sdata->local, sdata); + __cfg80211_send_deauth(sdata->dev, frame_buf, DEAUTH_DISASSOC_LEN); mutex_lock(&sdata->local->mtx); ieee80211_recalc_idle(sdata->local); @@ -2834,11 +3461,11 @@ int ieee80211_mgd_deauth(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, } int ieee80211_mgd_disassoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - struct cfg80211_disassoc_request *req, - void *cookie) + struct cfg80211_disassoc_request *req) { struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; + u8 frame_buf[DEAUTH_DISASSOC_LEN]; mutex_lock(&ifmgd->mtx); @@ -2857,14 +3484,12 @@ int ieee80211_mgd_disassoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, sdata->name, req->bss->bssid, req->reason_code); memcpy(bssid, req->bss->bssid, ETH_ALEN); - ieee80211_set_disassoc(sdata, false, true); - + ieee80211_set_disassoc(sdata, IEEE80211_STYPE_DISASSOC, + req->reason_code, !req->local_state_change, + frame_buf); mutex_unlock(&ifmgd->mtx); - ieee80211_send_deauth_disassoc(sdata, req->bss->bssid, - IEEE80211_STYPE_DISASSOC, req->reason_code, - cookie, !req->local_state_change); - sta_info_flush(sdata->local, sdata); + __cfg80211_send_disassoc(sdata->dev, frame_buf, DEAUTH_DISASSOC_LEN); mutex_lock(&sdata->local->mtx); ieee80211_recalc_idle(sdata->local); @@ -2873,6 +3498,19 @@ int ieee80211_mgd_disassoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, return 0; } +void ieee80211_mgd_teardown(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) +{ + struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd = &sdata->u.mgd; + + mutex_lock(&ifmgd->mtx); + if (ifmgd->assoc_data) + ieee80211_destroy_assoc_data(sdata, false); + if (ifmgd->auth_data) + ieee80211_destroy_auth_data(sdata, false); + del_timer_sync(&ifmgd->timer); + mutex_unlock(&ifmgd->mtx); +} + void ieee80211_cqm_rssi_notify(struct ieee80211_vif *vif, enum nl80211_cqm_rssi_threshold_event rssi_event, gfp_t gfp) diff --git a/net/mac80211/pm.c b/net/mac80211/pm.c index 596efaf50e096c354aaa3fb0c01abefe1afe87ab..ef8eba1d736d125cffa30c5a8a1431f2c6fdb1b1 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/pm.c +++ b/net/mac80211/pm.c @@ -98,13 +98,12 @@ int __ieee80211_suspend(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct cfg80211_wowlan *wowlan) mutex_lock(&local->sta_mtx); list_for_each_entry(sta, &local->sta_list, list) { if (sta->uploaded) { - sdata = sta->sdata; - if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP_VLAN) - sdata = container_of(sdata->bss, - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data, - u.ap); + enum ieee80211_sta_state state; - drv_sta_remove(local, sdata, &sta->sta); + state = sta->sta_state; + for (; state > IEEE80211_STA_NOTEXIST; state--) + WARN_ON(drv_sta_state(local, sta->sdata, sta, + state, state - 1)); } mesh_plink_quiesce(sta); diff --git a/net/mac80211/rate.c b/net/mac80211/rate.c index f9b8e819ca63c0bfba25028c7d27b8cf42540157..b4f7600a3e36c010f6d428ad0461db2324087dc3 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/rate.c +++ b/net/mac80211/rate.c @@ -159,7 +159,6 @@ static struct rate_control_ref *rate_control_alloc(const char *name, ref = kmalloc(sizeof(struct rate_control_ref), GFP_KERNEL); if (!ref) goto fail_ref; - kref_init(&ref->kref); ref->local = local; ref->ops = ieee80211_rate_control_ops_get(name); if (!ref->ops) @@ -184,11 +183,8 @@ static struct rate_control_ref *rate_control_alloc(const char *name, return NULL; } -static void rate_control_release(struct kref *kref) +static void rate_control_free(struct rate_control_ref *ctrl_ref) { - struct rate_control_ref *ctrl_ref; - - ctrl_ref = container_of(kref, struct rate_control_ref, kref); ctrl_ref->ops->free(ctrl_ref->priv); #ifdef CONFIG_MAC80211_DEBUGFS @@ -293,8 +289,8 @@ bool rate_control_send_low(struct ieee80211_sta *sta, } EXPORT_SYMBOL(rate_control_send_low); -static void rate_idx_match_mask(struct ieee80211_tx_rate *rate, - int n_bitrates, u32 mask) +static bool rate_idx_match_legacy_mask(struct ieee80211_tx_rate *rate, + int n_bitrates, u32 mask) { int j; @@ -303,7 +299,7 @@ static void rate_idx_match_mask(struct ieee80211_tx_rate *rate, if (mask & (1 << j)) { /* Okay, found a suitable rate. Use it. */ rate->idx = j; - return; + return true; } } @@ -312,6 +308,112 @@ static void rate_idx_match_mask(struct ieee80211_tx_rate *rate, if (mask & (1 << j)) { /* Okay, found a suitable rate. Use it. */ rate->idx = j; + return true; + } + } + return false; +} + +static bool rate_idx_match_mcs_mask(struct ieee80211_tx_rate *rate, + u8 mcs_mask[IEEE80211_HT_MCS_MASK_LEN]) +{ + int i, j; + int ridx, rbit; + + ridx = rate->idx / 8; + rbit = rate->idx % 8; + + /* sanity check */ + if (ridx < 0 || ridx >= IEEE80211_HT_MCS_MASK_LEN) + return false; + + /* See whether the selected rate or anything below it is allowed. */ + for (i = ridx; i >= 0; i--) { + for (j = rbit; j >= 0; j--) + if (mcs_mask[i] & BIT(j)) { + rate->idx = i * 8 + j; + return true; + } + rbit = 7; + } + + /* Try to find a higher rate that would be allowed */ + ridx = (rate->idx + 1) / 8; + rbit = (rate->idx + 1) % 8; + + for (i = ridx; i < IEEE80211_HT_MCS_MASK_LEN; i++) { + for (j = rbit; j < 8; j++) + if (mcs_mask[i] & BIT(j)) { + rate->idx = i * 8 + j; + return true; + } + rbit = 0; + } + return false; +} + + + +static void rate_idx_match_mask(struct ieee80211_tx_rate *rate, + struct ieee80211_tx_rate_control *txrc, + u32 mask, + u8 mcs_mask[IEEE80211_HT_MCS_MASK_LEN]) +{ + struct ieee80211_tx_rate alt_rate; + + /* handle HT rates */ + if (rate->flags & IEEE80211_TX_RC_MCS) { + if (rate_idx_match_mcs_mask(rate, mcs_mask)) + return; + + /* also try the legacy rates. */ + alt_rate.idx = 0; + /* keep protection flags */ + alt_rate.flags = rate->flags & + (IEEE80211_TX_RC_USE_RTS_CTS | + IEEE80211_TX_RC_USE_CTS_PROTECT | + IEEE80211_TX_RC_USE_SHORT_PREAMBLE); + alt_rate.count = rate->count; + if (rate_idx_match_legacy_mask(&alt_rate, + txrc->sband->n_bitrates, + mask)) { + *rate = alt_rate; + return; + } + } else { + struct sk_buff *skb = txrc->skb; + struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *) skb->data; + __le16 fc; + + /* handle legacy rates */ + if (rate_idx_match_legacy_mask(rate, txrc->sband->n_bitrates, + mask)) + return; + + /* if HT BSS, and we handle a data frame, also try HT rates */ + if (txrc->bss_conf->channel_type == NL80211_CHAN_NO_HT) + return; + + fc = hdr->frame_control; + if (!ieee80211_is_data(fc)) + return; + + alt_rate.idx = 0; + /* keep protection flags */ + alt_rate.flags = rate->flags & + (IEEE80211_TX_RC_USE_RTS_CTS | + IEEE80211_TX_RC_USE_CTS_PROTECT | + IEEE80211_TX_RC_USE_SHORT_PREAMBLE); + alt_rate.count = rate->count; + + alt_rate.flags |= IEEE80211_TX_RC_MCS; + + if ((txrc->bss_conf->channel_type == NL80211_CHAN_HT40MINUS) || + (txrc->bss_conf->channel_type == NL80211_CHAN_HT40PLUS)) + alt_rate.flags |= IEEE80211_TX_RC_40_MHZ_WIDTH; + + if (rate_idx_match_mcs_mask(&alt_rate, mcs_mask)) { + *rate = alt_rate; return; } } @@ -335,6 +437,7 @@ void rate_control_get_rate(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, struct ieee80211_tx_info *info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(txrc->skb); int i; u32 mask; + u8 mcs_mask[IEEE80211_HT_MCS_MASK_LEN]; if (sta && test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_RATE_CONTROL)) { ista = &sta->sta; @@ -358,10 +461,14 @@ void rate_control_get_rate(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, * the common case. */ mask = sdata->rc_rateidx_mask[info->band]; + memcpy(mcs_mask, sdata->rc_rateidx_mcs_mask[info->band], + sizeof(mcs_mask)); if (mask != (1 << txrc->sband->n_bitrates) - 1) { if (sta) { /* Filter out rates that the STA does not support */ mask &= sta->sta.supp_rates[info->band]; + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(mcs_mask); i++) + mcs_mask[i] &= sta->sta.ht_cap.mcs.rx_mask[i]; } /* * Make sure the rate index selected for each TX rate is @@ -372,32 +479,18 @@ void rate_control_get_rate(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, /* Skip invalid rates */ if (info->control.rates[i].idx < 0) break; - /* Rate masking supports only legacy rates for now */ - if (info->control.rates[i].flags & IEEE80211_TX_RC_MCS) - continue; - rate_idx_match_mask(&info->control.rates[i], - txrc->sband->n_bitrates, mask); + rate_idx_match_mask(&info->control.rates[i], txrc, + mask, mcs_mask); } } BUG_ON(info->control.rates[0].idx < 0); } -struct rate_control_ref *rate_control_get(struct rate_control_ref *ref) -{ - kref_get(&ref->kref); - return ref; -} - -void rate_control_put(struct rate_control_ref *ref) -{ - kref_put(&ref->kref, rate_control_release); -} - int ieee80211_init_rate_ctrl_alg(struct ieee80211_local *local, const char *name) { - struct rate_control_ref *ref, *old; + struct rate_control_ref *ref; ASSERT_RTNL(); @@ -417,12 +510,8 @@ int ieee80211_init_rate_ctrl_alg(struct ieee80211_local *local, return -ENOENT; } - old = local->rate_ctrl; + WARN_ON(local->rate_ctrl); local->rate_ctrl = ref; - if (old) { - rate_control_put(old); - sta_info_flush(local, NULL); - } wiphy_debug(local->hw.wiphy, "Selected rate control algorithm '%s'\n", ref->ops->name); @@ -440,6 +529,6 @@ void rate_control_deinitialize(struct ieee80211_local *local) return; local->rate_ctrl = NULL; - rate_control_put(ref); + rate_control_free(ref); } diff --git a/net/mac80211/rate.h b/net/mac80211/rate.h index 80cfc006dd7408331c753350393c179888b76004..fbb1efdc4d04152237648c0faf48a887a4eab65d 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/rate.h +++ b/net/mac80211/rate.h @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ #include #include #include -#include #include #include "ieee80211_i.h" #include "sta_info.h" @@ -23,14 +22,11 @@ struct rate_control_ref { struct ieee80211_local *local; struct rate_control_ops *ops; void *priv; - struct kref kref; }; void rate_control_get_rate(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, struct sta_info *sta, struct ieee80211_tx_rate_control *txrc); -struct rate_control_ref *rate_control_get(struct rate_control_ref *ref); -void rate_control_put(struct rate_control_ref *ref); static inline void rate_control_tx_status(struct ieee80211_local *local, struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband, diff --git a/net/mac80211/rc80211_minstrel_ht.c b/net/mac80211/rc80211_minstrel_ht.c index ff5f7b84e825a37f925917a2a6488ddc5da38f3a..16e0b277b9a865f440a734f2ff1f44ec267d0219 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/rc80211_minstrel_ht.c +++ b/net/mac80211/rc80211_minstrel_ht.c @@ -567,6 +567,13 @@ minstrel_get_sample_rate(struct minstrel_priv *mp, struct minstrel_ht_sta *mi) sample_idx += mi->sample_group * MCS_GROUP_RATES; minstrel_next_sample_idx(mi); + /* + * Sampling might add some overhead (RTS, no aggregation) + * to the frame. Hence, don't use sampling for the currently + * used max TP rate. + */ + if (sample_idx == mi->max_tp_rate) + return -1; /* * When not using MRR, do not sample if the probability is already * higher than 95% to avoid wasting airtime @@ -692,6 +699,7 @@ minstrel_ht_update_caps(void *priv, struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband, int ack_dur; int stbc; int i; + unsigned int smps; /* fall back to the old minstrel for legacy stations */ if (!sta->ht_cap.ht_supported) @@ -731,6 +739,9 @@ minstrel_ht_update_caps(void *priv, struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband, oper_chan_type != NL80211_CHAN_HT40PLUS) sta_cap &= ~IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SUP_WIDTH_20_40; + smps = (sta_cap & IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SM_PS) >> + IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SM_PS_SHIFT; + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(mi->groups); i++) { u16 req = 0; @@ -748,6 +759,11 @@ minstrel_ht_update_caps(void *priv, struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband, if ((sta_cap & req) != req) continue; + /* Mark MCS > 7 as unsupported if STA is in static SMPS mode */ + if (smps == WLAN_HT_CAP_SM_PS_STATIC && + minstrel_mcs_groups[i].streams > 1) + continue; + mi->groups[i].supported = mcs->rx_mask[minstrel_mcs_groups[i].streams - 1]; diff --git a/net/mac80211/rx.c b/net/mac80211/rx.c index 5a5e504a8ffbc9cbf1d22bf8e35949311990406e..bcfe8c77c8392dae5e730d8b76c0c18bb9720622 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/rx.c +++ b/net/mac80211/rx.c @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include "ieee80211_i.h" #include "driver-ops.h" @@ -176,7 +177,8 @@ ieee80211_add_rx_radiotap_header(struct ieee80211_local *local, pos += 2; /* IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_DBM_ANTSIGNAL */ - if (local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_SIGNAL_DBM) { + if (local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_SIGNAL_DBM && + !(status->flag & RX_FLAG_NO_SIGNAL_VAL)) { *pos = status->signal; rthdr->it_present |= cpu_to_le32(1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_DBM_ANTSIGNAL); @@ -226,7 +228,7 @@ ieee80211_rx_monitor(struct ieee80211_local *local, struct sk_buff *origskb, { struct ieee80211_rx_status *status = IEEE80211_SKB_RXCB(origskb); struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata; - int needed_headroom = 0; + int needed_headroom; struct sk_buff *skb, *skb2; struct net_device *prev_dev = NULL; int present_fcs_len = 0; @@ -488,12 +490,12 @@ ieee80211_rx_mesh_check(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) if (ieee80211_has_tods(hdr->frame_control) || !ieee80211_has_fromds(hdr->frame_control)) return RX_DROP_MONITOR; - if (memcmp(hdr->addr3, dev_addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0) + if (compare_ether_addr(hdr->addr3, dev_addr) == 0) return RX_DROP_MONITOR; } else { if (!ieee80211_has_a4(hdr->frame_control)) return RX_DROP_MONITOR; - if (memcmp(hdr->addr4, dev_addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0) + if (compare_ether_addr(hdr->addr4, dev_addr) == 0) return RX_DROP_MONITOR; } } @@ -859,7 +861,12 @@ ieee80211_rx_h_check(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) rx->sdata->vif.type != NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC && rx->sdata->vif.type != NL80211_IFTYPE_WDS && (!rx->sta || !test_sta_flag(rx->sta, WLAN_STA_ASSOC)))) { - if (rx->sta && rx->sta->dummy && + /* + * accept port control frames from the AP even when it's not + * yet marked ASSOC to prevent a race where we don't set the + * assoc bit quickly enough before it sends the first frame + */ + if (rx->sta && rx->sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION && ieee80211_is_data_present(hdr->frame_control)) { u16 ethertype; u8 *payload; @@ -1056,20 +1063,9 @@ ieee80211_rx_h_decrypt(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) return RX_DROP_MONITOR; } - if (skb_linearize(rx->skb)) - return RX_DROP_UNUSABLE; - /* the hdr variable is invalid now! */ - switch (rx->key->conf.cipher) { case WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP40: case WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP104: - /* Check for weak IVs if possible */ - if (rx->sta && ieee80211_is_data(fc) && - (!(status->flag & RX_FLAG_IV_STRIPPED) || - !(status->flag & RX_FLAG_DECRYPTED)) && - ieee80211_wep_is_weak_iv(rx->skb, rx->key)) - rx->sta->wep_weak_iv_count++; - result = ieee80211_crypto_wep_decrypt(rx); break; case WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP: @@ -1089,6 +1085,8 @@ ieee80211_rx_h_decrypt(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) return RX_DROP_UNUSABLE; } + /* the hdr variable is invalid after the decrypt handlers */ + /* either the frame has been decrypted or will be dropped */ status->flag |= RX_FLAG_DECRYPTED; @@ -1145,19 +1143,15 @@ static void ap_sta_ps_start(struct sta_info *sta) static void ap_sta_ps_end(struct sta_info *sta) { - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = sta->sdata; - - atomic_dec(&sdata->bss->num_sta_ps); - #ifdef CONFIG_MAC80211_VERBOSE_PS_DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: STA %pM aid %d exits power save mode\n", - sdata->name, sta->sta.addr, sta->sta.aid); + sta->sdata->name, sta->sta.addr, sta->sta.aid); #endif /* CONFIG_MAC80211_VERBOSE_PS_DEBUG */ if (test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_PS_DRIVER)) { #ifdef CONFIG_MAC80211_VERBOSE_PS_DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: STA %pM aid %d driver-ps-blocked\n", - sdata->name, sta->sta.addr, sta->sta.aid); + sta->sdata->name, sta->sta.addr, sta->sta.aid); #endif /* CONFIG_MAC80211_VERBOSE_PS_DEBUG */ return; } @@ -1307,8 +1301,10 @@ ieee80211_rx_h_sta_process(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) sta->rx_fragments++; sta->rx_bytes += rx->skb->len; - sta->last_signal = status->signal; - ewma_add(&sta->avg_signal, -status->signal); + if (!(status->flag & RX_FLAG_NO_SIGNAL_VAL)) { + sta->last_signal = status->signal; + ewma_add(&sta->avg_signal, -status->signal); + } /* * Change STA power saving mode only at the end of a frame @@ -1955,6 +1951,9 @@ ieee80211_rx_h_mesh_fwding(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) return RX_DROP_MONITOR; } + if (!ifmsh->mshcfg.dot11MeshForwarding) + goto out; + fwd_skb = skb_copy(skb, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!fwd_skb) { if (net_ratelimit()) @@ -2180,12 +2179,14 @@ ieee80211_rx_h_mgmt_check(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) if (rx->sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP && ieee80211_is_beacon(mgmt->frame_control) && !(rx->flags & IEEE80211_RX_BEACON_REPORTED)) { - struct ieee80211_rx_status *status; + int sig = 0; + + if (rx->local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_SIGNAL_DBM) + sig = status->signal; - status = IEEE80211_SKB_RXCB(rx->skb); cfg80211_report_obss_beacon(rx->local->hw.wiphy, rx->skb->data, rx->skb->len, - status->freq, GFP_ATOMIC); + status->freq, sig, GFP_ATOMIC); rx->flags |= IEEE80211_RX_BEACON_REPORTED; } @@ -2268,9 +2269,11 @@ ieee80211_rx_h_action(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) sband = rx->local->hw.wiphy->bands[status->band]; - rate_control_rate_update(local, sband, rx->sta, - IEEE80211_RC_SMPS_CHANGED, - local->_oper_channel_type); + rate_control_rate_update( + local, sband, rx->sta, + IEEE80211_RC_SMPS_CHANGED, + ieee80211_get_tx_channel_type( + local, local->_oper_channel_type)); goto handled; } default: @@ -2337,7 +2340,7 @@ ieee80211_rx_h_action(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) if (sdata->vif.type != NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) break; - if (memcmp(mgmt->bssid, sdata->u.mgd.bssid, ETH_ALEN)) + if (compare_ether_addr(mgmt->bssid, sdata->u.mgd.bssid)) break; goto queue; @@ -2409,6 +2412,7 @@ static ieee80211_rx_result debug_noinline ieee80211_rx_h_userspace_mgmt(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) { struct ieee80211_rx_status *status = IEEE80211_SKB_RXCB(rx->skb); + int sig = 0; /* skip known-bad action frames and return them in the next handler */ if (status->rx_flags & IEEE80211_RX_MALFORMED_ACTION_FRM) @@ -2421,7 +2425,10 @@ ieee80211_rx_h_userspace_mgmt(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) * it transmitted were processed or returned. */ - if (cfg80211_rx_mgmt(rx->sdata->dev, status->freq, + if (rx->local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_SIGNAL_DBM) + sig = status->signal; + + if (cfg80211_rx_mgmt(rx->sdata->dev, status->freq, sig, rx->skb->data, rx->skb->len, GFP_ATOMIC)) { if (rx->sta) @@ -2486,14 +2493,9 @@ static ieee80211_rx_result debug_noinline ieee80211_rx_h_mgmt(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) { struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = rx->sdata; - ieee80211_rx_result rxs; struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt = (void *)rx->skb->data; __le16 stype; - rxs = ieee80211_work_rx_mgmt(rx->sdata, rx->skb); - if (rxs != RX_CONTINUE) - return rxs; - stype = mgmt->frame_control & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE); if (!ieee80211_vif_is_mesh(&sdata->vif) && @@ -2502,10 +2504,13 @@ ieee80211_rx_h_mgmt(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) return RX_DROP_MONITOR; switch (stype) { + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_AUTH): case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_BEACON): case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_RESP): /* process for all: mesh, mlme, ibss */ break; + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_ASSOC_RESP): + case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_REASSOC_RESP): case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_DEAUTH): case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_DISASSOC): if (is_multicast_ether_addr(mgmt->da) && @@ -2517,7 +2522,6 @@ ieee80211_rx_h_mgmt(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) return RX_DROP_MONITOR; break; case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_REQ): - case cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_AUTH): /* process only for ibss */ if (sdata->vif.type != NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) return RX_DROP_MONITOR; @@ -2542,16 +2546,10 @@ static void ieee80211_rx_cooked_monitor(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx, { struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata; struct ieee80211_local *local = rx->local; - struct ieee80211_rtap_hdr { - struct ieee80211_radiotap_header hdr; - u8 flags; - u8 rate_or_pad; - __le16 chan_freq; - __le16 chan_flags; - } __packed *rthdr; struct sk_buff *skb = rx->skb, *skb2; struct net_device *prev_dev = NULL; struct ieee80211_rx_status *status = IEEE80211_SKB_RXCB(skb); + int needed_headroom; /* * If cooked monitor has been processed already, then @@ -2565,30 +2563,15 @@ static void ieee80211_rx_cooked_monitor(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx, if (!local->cooked_mntrs) goto out_free_skb; - if (skb_headroom(skb) < sizeof(*rthdr) && - pskb_expand_head(skb, sizeof(*rthdr), 0, GFP_ATOMIC)) - goto out_free_skb; - - rthdr = (void *)skb_push(skb, sizeof(*rthdr)); - memset(rthdr, 0, sizeof(*rthdr)); - rthdr->hdr.it_len = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(*rthdr)); - rthdr->hdr.it_present = - cpu_to_le32((1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_FLAGS) | - (1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_CHANNEL)); + /* room for the radiotap header based on driver features */ + needed_headroom = ieee80211_rx_radiotap_len(local, status); - if (rate) { - rthdr->rate_or_pad = rate->bitrate / 5; - rthdr->hdr.it_present |= - cpu_to_le32(1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_RATE); - } - rthdr->chan_freq = cpu_to_le16(status->freq); + if (skb_headroom(skb) < needed_headroom && + pskb_expand_head(skb, needed_headroom, 0, GFP_ATOMIC)) + goto out_free_skb; - if (status->band == IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ) - rthdr->chan_flags = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_CHAN_OFDM | - IEEE80211_CHAN_5GHZ); - else - rthdr->chan_flags = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_CHAN_DYN | - IEEE80211_CHAN_2GHZ); + /* prepend radiotap information */ + ieee80211_add_rx_radiotap_header(local, skb, rate, needed_headroom); skb_set_mac_header(skb, 0); skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY; @@ -2956,7 +2939,7 @@ static void __ieee80211_rx_handle_packet(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, if (ieee80211_is_data(fc)) { prev_sta = NULL; - for_each_sta_info_rx(local, hdr->addr2, sta, tmp) { + for_each_sta_info(local, hdr->addr2, sta, tmp) { if (!prev_sta) { prev_sta = sta; continue; @@ -3000,7 +2983,7 @@ static void __ieee80211_rx_handle_packet(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, continue; } - rx.sta = sta_info_get_bss_rx(prev, hdr->addr2); + rx.sta = sta_info_get_bss(prev, hdr->addr2); rx.sdata = prev; ieee80211_prepare_and_rx_handle(&rx, skb, false); @@ -3008,7 +2991,7 @@ static void __ieee80211_rx_handle_packet(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, } if (prev) { - rx.sta = sta_info_get_bss_rx(prev, hdr->addr2); + rx.sta = sta_info_get_bss(prev, hdr->addr2); rx.sdata = prev; if (ieee80211_prepare_and_rx_handle(&rx, skb, true)) diff --git a/net/mac80211/scan.c b/net/mac80211/scan.c index 9270771702fe9a5a12fef9fcde4554f30b18b58d..33cd169013781321a813e10ebfb474c9595bd857 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/scan.c +++ b/net/mac80211/scan.c @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ */ #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -103,16 +104,35 @@ ieee80211_bss_info_update(struct ieee80211_local *local, cbss->free_priv = ieee80211_rx_bss_free; bss = (void *)cbss->priv; + if (elems->parse_error) { + if (beacon) + bss->corrupt_data |= IEEE80211_BSS_CORRUPT_BEACON; + else + bss->corrupt_data |= IEEE80211_BSS_CORRUPT_PROBE_RESP; + } else { + if (beacon) + bss->corrupt_data &= ~IEEE80211_BSS_CORRUPT_BEACON; + else + bss->corrupt_data &= ~IEEE80211_BSS_CORRUPT_PROBE_RESP; + } + /* save the ERP value so that it is available at association time */ - if (elems->erp_info && elems->erp_info_len >= 1) { + if (elems->erp_info && elems->erp_info_len >= 1 && + (!elems->parse_error || + !(bss->valid_data & IEEE80211_BSS_VALID_ERP))) { bss->erp_value = elems->erp_info[0]; bss->has_erp_value = true; + if (!elems->parse_error) + bss->valid_data |= IEEE80211_BSS_VALID_ERP; } - if (elems->tim) { + if (elems->tim && (!elems->parse_error || + !(bss->valid_data & IEEE80211_BSS_VALID_DTIM))) { struct ieee80211_tim_ie *tim_ie = (struct ieee80211_tim_ie *)elems->tim; bss->dtim_period = tim_ie->dtim_period; + if (!elems->parse_error) + bss->valid_data |= IEEE80211_BSS_VALID_DTIM; } /* If the beacon had no TIM IE, or it was invalid, use 1 */ @@ -120,26 +140,38 @@ ieee80211_bss_info_update(struct ieee80211_local *local, bss->dtim_period = 1; /* replace old supported rates if we get new values */ - srlen = 0; - if (elems->supp_rates) { - clen = IEEE80211_MAX_SUPP_RATES; - if (clen > elems->supp_rates_len) - clen = elems->supp_rates_len; - memcpy(bss->supp_rates, elems->supp_rates, clen); - srlen += clen; - } - if (elems->ext_supp_rates) { - clen = IEEE80211_MAX_SUPP_RATES - srlen; - if (clen > elems->ext_supp_rates_len) - clen = elems->ext_supp_rates_len; - memcpy(bss->supp_rates + srlen, elems->ext_supp_rates, clen); - srlen += clen; + if (!elems->parse_error || + !(bss->valid_data & IEEE80211_BSS_VALID_RATES)) { + srlen = 0; + if (elems->supp_rates) { + clen = IEEE80211_MAX_SUPP_RATES; + if (clen > elems->supp_rates_len) + clen = elems->supp_rates_len; + memcpy(bss->supp_rates, elems->supp_rates, clen); + srlen += clen; + } + if (elems->ext_supp_rates) { + clen = IEEE80211_MAX_SUPP_RATES - srlen; + if (clen > elems->ext_supp_rates_len) + clen = elems->ext_supp_rates_len; + memcpy(bss->supp_rates + srlen, elems->ext_supp_rates, + clen); + srlen += clen; + } + if (srlen) { + bss->supp_rates_len = srlen; + if (!elems->parse_error) + bss->valid_data |= IEEE80211_BSS_VALID_RATES; + } } - if (srlen) - bss->supp_rates_len = srlen; - bss->wmm_used = elems->wmm_param || elems->wmm_info; - bss->uapsd_supported = is_uapsd_supported(elems); + if (!elems->parse_error || + !(bss->valid_data & IEEE80211_BSS_VALID_WMM)) { + bss->wmm_used = elems->wmm_param || elems->wmm_info; + bss->uapsd_supported = is_uapsd_supported(elems); + if (!elems->parse_error) + bss->valid_data |= IEEE80211_BSS_VALID_WMM; + } if (!beacon) bss->last_probe_resp = jiffies; @@ -176,7 +208,7 @@ ieee80211_scan_rx(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, struct sk_buff *skb) presp = ieee80211_is_probe_resp(fc); if (presp) { /* ignore ProbeResp to foreign address */ - if (memcmp(mgmt->da, sdata->vif.addr, ETH_ALEN)) + if (compare_ether_addr(mgmt->da, sdata->vif.addr)) return RX_DROP_MONITOR; presp = true; diff --git a/net/mac80211/sta_info.c b/net/mac80211/sta_info.c index ff11f6bf8266dc1a01b1b16330b416a054d702de..38137cb5f6f05877a6aadca7fcb846d0062df648 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/sta_info.c +++ b/net/mac80211/sta_info.c @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -97,30 +98,11 @@ struct sta_info *sta_info_get(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; struct sta_info *sta; - sta = rcu_dereference_check(local->sta_hash[STA_HASH(addr)], - lockdep_is_held(&local->sta_mtx)); - while (sta) { - if (sta->sdata == sdata && !sta->dummy && - memcmp(sta->sta.addr, addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0) - break; - sta = rcu_dereference_check(sta->hnext, - lockdep_is_held(&local->sta_mtx)); - } - return sta; -} - -/* get a station info entry even if it is a dummy station*/ -struct sta_info *sta_info_get_rx(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - const u8 *addr) -{ - struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; - struct sta_info *sta; - sta = rcu_dereference_check(local->sta_hash[STA_HASH(addr)], lockdep_is_held(&local->sta_mtx)); while (sta) { if (sta->sdata == sdata && - memcmp(sta->sta.addr, addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0) + compare_ether_addr(sta->sta.addr, addr) == 0) break; sta = rcu_dereference_check(sta->hnext, lockdep_is_held(&local->sta_mtx)); @@ -143,31 +125,7 @@ struct sta_info *sta_info_get_bss(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, while (sta) { if ((sta->sdata == sdata || (sta->sdata->bss && sta->sdata->bss == sdata->bss)) && - !sta->dummy && - memcmp(sta->sta.addr, addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0) - break; - sta = rcu_dereference_check(sta->hnext, - lockdep_is_held(&local->sta_mtx)); - } - return sta; -} - -/* - * Get sta info either from the specified interface - * or from one of its vlans (including dummy stations) - */ -struct sta_info *sta_info_get_bss_rx(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - const u8 *addr) -{ - struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; - struct sta_info *sta; - - sta = rcu_dereference_check(local->sta_hash[STA_HASH(addr)], - lockdep_is_held(&local->sta_mtx)); - while (sta) { - if ((sta->sdata == sdata || - (sta->sdata->bss && sta->sdata->bss == sdata->bss)) && - memcmp(sta->sta.addr, addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0) + compare_ether_addr(sta->sta.addr, addr) == 0) break; sta = rcu_dereference_check(sta->hnext, lockdep_is_held(&local->sta_mtx)); @@ -208,10 +166,8 @@ struct sta_info *sta_info_get_by_idx(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, */ void sta_info_free(struct ieee80211_local *local, struct sta_info *sta) { - if (sta->rate_ctrl) { + if (sta->rate_ctrl) rate_control_free_sta(sta); - rate_control_put(sta->rate_ctrl); - } #ifdef CONFIG_MAC80211_VERBOSE_DEBUG wiphy_debug(local->hw.wiphy, "Destroyed STA %pM\n", sta->sta.addr); @@ -264,13 +220,11 @@ static int sta_prepare_rate_control(struct ieee80211_local *local, if (local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_HAS_RATE_CONTROL) return 0; - sta->rate_ctrl = rate_control_get(local->rate_ctrl); + sta->rate_ctrl = local->rate_ctrl; sta->rate_ctrl_priv = rate_control_alloc_sta(sta->rate_ctrl, &sta->sta, gfp); - if (!sta->rate_ctrl_priv) { - rate_control_put(sta->rate_ctrl); + if (!sta->rate_ctrl_priv) return -ENOMEM; - } return 0; } @@ -297,6 +251,8 @@ struct sta_info *sta_info_alloc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, sta->sdata = sdata; sta->last_rx = jiffies; + sta->sta_state = IEEE80211_STA_NONE; + do_posix_clock_monotonic_gettime(&uptime); sta->last_connected = uptime.tv_sec; ewma_init(&sta->avg_signal, 1024, 8); @@ -353,6 +309,43 @@ static int sta_info_insert_check(struct sta_info *sta) return 0; } +static int sta_info_insert_drv_state(struct ieee80211_local *local, + struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, + struct sta_info *sta) +{ + enum ieee80211_sta_state state; + int err = 0; + + for (state = IEEE80211_STA_NOTEXIST; state < sta->sta_state; state++) { + err = drv_sta_state(local, sdata, sta, state, state + 1); + if (err) + break; + } + + if (!err) { + /* + * Drivers using legacy sta_add/sta_remove callbacks only + * get uploaded set to true after sta_add is called. + */ + if (!local->ops->sta_add) + sta->uploaded = true; + return 0; + } + + if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) { + printk(KERN_DEBUG + "%s: failed to move IBSS STA %pM to state %d (%d) - keeping it anyway.\n", + sdata->name, sta->sta.addr, state + 1, err); + err = 0; + } + + /* unwind on error */ + for (; state > IEEE80211_STA_NOTEXIST; state--) + WARN_ON(drv_sta_state(local, sdata, sta, state, state - 1)); + + return err; +} + /* * should be called with sta_mtx locked * this function replaces the mutex lock @@ -362,70 +355,43 @@ static int sta_info_insert_finish(struct sta_info *sta) __acquires(RCU) { struct ieee80211_local *local = sta->local; struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = sta->sdata; - struct sta_info *exist_sta; - bool dummy_reinsert = false; + struct station_info sinfo; int err = 0; lockdep_assert_held(&local->sta_mtx); - /* - * check if STA exists already. - * only accept a scenario of a second call to sta_info_insert_finish - * with a dummy station entry that was inserted earlier - * in that case - assume that the dummy station flag should - * be removed. - */ - exist_sta = sta_info_get_bss_rx(sdata, sta->sta.addr); - if (exist_sta) { - if (exist_sta == sta && sta->dummy) { - dummy_reinsert = true; - } else { - err = -EEXIST; - goto out_err; - } + /* check if STA exists already */ + if (sta_info_get_bss(sdata, sta->sta.addr)) { + err = -EEXIST; + goto out_err; } - if (!sta->dummy || dummy_reinsert) { - /* notify driver */ - err = drv_sta_add(local, sdata, &sta->sta); - if (err) { - if (sdata->vif.type != NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) - goto out_err; - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: failed to add IBSS STA %pM to " - "driver (%d) - keeping it anyway.\n", - sdata->name, sta->sta.addr, err); - } else - sta->uploaded = true; - } + /* notify driver */ + err = sta_info_insert_drv_state(local, sdata, sta); + if (err) + goto out_err; - if (!dummy_reinsert) { - local->num_sta++; - local->sta_generation++; - smp_mb(); + local->num_sta++; + local->sta_generation++; + smp_mb(); - /* make the station visible */ - sta_info_hash_add(local, sta); + /* make the station visible */ + sta_info_hash_add(local, sta); - list_add(&sta->list, &local->sta_list); - } else { - sta->dummy = false; - } + list_add(&sta->list, &local->sta_list); - if (!sta->dummy) { - struct station_info sinfo; + set_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_INSERTED); - ieee80211_sta_debugfs_add(sta); - rate_control_add_sta_debugfs(sta); + ieee80211_sta_debugfs_add(sta); + rate_control_add_sta_debugfs(sta); - memset(&sinfo, 0, sizeof(sinfo)); - sinfo.filled = 0; - sinfo.generation = local->sta_generation; - cfg80211_new_sta(sdata->dev, sta->sta.addr, &sinfo, GFP_KERNEL); - } + memset(&sinfo, 0, sizeof(sinfo)); + sinfo.filled = 0; + sinfo.generation = local->sta_generation; + cfg80211_new_sta(sdata->dev, sta->sta.addr, &sinfo, GFP_KERNEL); #ifdef CONFIG_MAC80211_VERBOSE_DEBUG - wiphy_debug(local->hw.wiphy, "Inserted %sSTA %pM\n", - sta->dummy ? "dummy " : "", sta->sta.addr); + wiphy_debug(local->hw.wiphy, "Inserted STA %pM\n", sta->sta.addr); #endif /* CONFIG_MAC80211_VERBOSE_DEBUG */ /* move reference to rcu-protected */ @@ -477,25 +443,6 @@ int sta_info_insert(struct sta_info *sta) return err; } -/* Caller must hold sta->local->sta_mtx */ -int sta_info_reinsert(struct sta_info *sta) -{ - struct ieee80211_local *local = sta->local; - int err = 0; - - err = sta_info_insert_check(sta); - if (err) { - mutex_unlock(&local->sta_mtx); - return err; - } - - might_sleep(); - - err = sta_info_insert_finish(sta); - rcu_read_unlock(); - return err; -} - static inline void __bss_tim_set(struct ieee80211_if_ap *bss, u16 aid) { /* @@ -711,7 +658,7 @@ static bool sta_info_cleanup_expire_buffered(struct ieee80211_local *local, return have_buffered; } -static int __must_check __sta_info_destroy(struct sta_info *sta) +int __must_check __sta_info_destroy(struct sta_info *sta) { struct ieee80211_local *local; struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata; @@ -726,6 +673,8 @@ static int __must_check __sta_info_destroy(struct sta_info *sta) local = sta->local; sdata = sta->sdata; + lockdep_assert_held(&local->sta_mtx); + /* * Before removing the station from the driver and * rate control, it might still start new aggregation @@ -750,33 +699,24 @@ static int __must_check __sta_info_destroy(struct sta_info *sta) sta->dead = true; - if (test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_PS_STA) || - test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_PS_DRIVER)) { - BUG_ON(!sdata->bss); - - clear_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_PS_STA); - clear_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_PS_DRIVER); - - atomic_dec(&sdata->bss->num_sta_ps); - sta_info_recalc_tim(sta); - } - local->num_sta--; local->sta_generation++; if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP_VLAN) RCU_INIT_POINTER(sdata->u.vlan.sta, NULL); - while (sta->sta_state > IEEE80211_STA_NONE) - sta_info_move_state(sta, sta->sta_state - 1); + while (sta->sta_state > IEEE80211_STA_NONE) { + ret = sta_info_move_state(sta, sta->sta_state - 1); + if (ret) { + WARN_ON_ONCE(1); + break; + } + } if (sta->uploaded) { - if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP_VLAN) - sdata = container_of(sdata->bss, - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data, - u.ap); - drv_sta_remove(local, sdata, &sta->sta); - sdata = sta->sdata; + ret = drv_sta_state(local, sdata, sta, IEEE80211_STA_NONE, + IEEE80211_STA_NOTEXIST); + WARN_ON_ONCE(ret != 0); } /* @@ -787,6 +727,15 @@ static int __must_check __sta_info_destroy(struct sta_info *sta) */ synchronize_rcu(); + if (test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_PS_STA)) { + BUG_ON(!sdata->bss); + + clear_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_PS_STA); + + atomic_dec(&sdata->bss->num_sta_ps); + sta_info_recalc_tim(sta); + } + for (ac = 0; ac < IEEE80211_NUM_ACS; ac++) { local->total_ps_buffered -= skb_queue_len(&sta->ps_tx_buf[ac]); __skb_queue_purge(&sta->ps_tx_buf[ac]); @@ -815,35 +764,20 @@ static int __must_check __sta_info_destroy(struct sta_info *sta) } #endif - /* There could be some memory leaks because of ampdu tx pending queue - * not being freed before destroying the station info. - * - * Make sure that such queues are purged before freeing the station - * info. - * TODO: We have to somehow postpone the full destruction - * until the aggregation stop completes. Refer - * http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel.wireless.general/81936 + /* + * Destroy aggregation state here. It would be nice to wait for the + * driver to finish aggregation stop and then clean up, but for now + * drivers have to handle aggregation stop being requested, followed + * directly by station destruction. */ - - mutex_lock(&sta->ampdu_mlme.mtx); - for (i = 0; i < STA_TID_NUM; i++) { - tid_tx = rcu_dereference_protected_tid_tx(sta, i); + tid_tx = rcu_dereference_raw(sta->ampdu_mlme.tid_tx[i]); if (!tid_tx) continue; - if (skb_queue_len(&tid_tx->pending)) { -#ifdef CONFIG_MAC80211_HT_DEBUG - wiphy_debug(local->hw.wiphy, "TX A-MPDU purging %d " - "packets for tid=%d\n", - skb_queue_len(&tid_tx->pending), i); -#endif /* CONFIG_MAC80211_HT_DEBUG */ - __skb_queue_purge(&tid_tx->pending); - } - kfree_rcu(tid_tx, rcu_head); + __skb_queue_purge(&tid_tx->pending); + kfree(tid_tx); } - mutex_unlock(&sta->ampdu_mlme.mtx); - sta_info_free(local, sta); return 0; @@ -855,7 +789,7 @@ int sta_info_destroy_addr(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, const u8 *addr) int ret; mutex_lock(&sdata->local->sta_mtx); - sta = sta_info_get_rx(sdata, addr); + sta = sta_info_get(sdata, addr); ret = __sta_info_destroy(sta); mutex_unlock(&sdata->local->sta_mtx); @@ -869,7 +803,7 @@ int sta_info_destroy_addr_bss(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, int ret; mutex_lock(&sdata->local->sta_mtx); - sta = sta_info_get_bss_rx(sdata, addr); + sta = sta_info_get_bss(sdata, addr); ret = __sta_info_destroy(sta); mutex_unlock(&sdata->local->sta_mtx); @@ -932,8 +866,10 @@ int sta_info_flush(struct ieee80211_local *local, mutex_lock(&local->sta_mtx); list_for_each_entry_safe(sta, tmp, &local->sta_list, list) { - if (!sdata || sdata == sta->sdata) + if (!sdata || sdata == sta->sdata) { WARN_ON(__sta_info_destroy(sta)); + ret++; + } } mutex_unlock(&local->sta_mtx); @@ -1009,9 +945,11 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ieee80211_find_sta); static void clear_sta_ps_flags(void *_sta) { struct sta_info *sta = _sta; + struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = sta->sdata; clear_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_PS_DRIVER); - clear_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_PS_STA); + if (test_and_clear_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_PS_STA)) + atomic_dec(&sdata->bss->num_sta_ps); } /* powersave support code */ @@ -1113,7 +1051,7 @@ static void ieee80211_send_null_response(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, * exchange. Also set EOSP to indicate this packet * ends the poll/service period. */ - info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_CTL_POLL_RESPONSE | + info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_PS_BUFFER | IEEE80211_TX_STATUS_EOSP | IEEE80211_TX_CTL_REQ_TX_STATUS; @@ -1240,7 +1178,7 @@ ieee80211_sta_ps_deliver_response(struct sta_info *sta, * STA may still remain is PS mode after this frame * exchange. */ - info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_CTL_POLL_RESPONSE; + info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_PS_BUFFER; /* * Use MoreData flag to indicate whether there are @@ -1410,28 +1348,68 @@ void ieee80211_sta_set_buffered(struct ieee80211_sta *pubsta, } EXPORT_SYMBOL(ieee80211_sta_set_buffered); -int sta_info_move_state_checked(struct sta_info *sta, - enum ieee80211_sta_state new_state) +int sta_info_move_state(struct sta_info *sta, + enum ieee80211_sta_state new_state) { might_sleep(); if (sta->sta_state == new_state) return 0; + /* check allowed transitions first */ + + switch (new_state) { + case IEEE80211_STA_NONE: + if (sta->sta_state != IEEE80211_STA_AUTH) + return -EINVAL; + break; + case IEEE80211_STA_AUTH: + if (sta->sta_state != IEEE80211_STA_NONE && + sta->sta_state != IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC) + return -EINVAL; + break; + case IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC: + if (sta->sta_state != IEEE80211_STA_AUTH && + sta->sta_state != IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED) + return -EINVAL; + break; + case IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED: + if (sta->sta_state != IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC) + return -EINVAL; + break; + default: + WARN(1, "invalid state %d", new_state); + return -EINVAL; + } + +#ifdef CONFIG_MAC80211_VERBOSE_DEBUG + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: moving STA %pM to state %d\n", + sta->sdata->name, sta->sta.addr, new_state); +#endif + + /* + * notify the driver before the actual changes so it can + * fail the transition + */ + if (test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_INSERTED)) { + int err = drv_sta_state(sta->local, sta->sdata, sta, + sta->sta_state, new_state); + if (err) + return err; + } + + /* reflect the change in all state variables */ + switch (new_state) { case IEEE80211_STA_NONE: if (sta->sta_state == IEEE80211_STA_AUTH) clear_bit(WLAN_STA_AUTH, &sta->_flags); - else - return -EINVAL; break; case IEEE80211_STA_AUTH: if (sta->sta_state == IEEE80211_STA_NONE) set_bit(WLAN_STA_AUTH, &sta->_flags); else if (sta->sta_state == IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC) clear_bit(WLAN_STA_ASSOC, &sta->_flags); - else - return -EINVAL; break; case IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC: if (sta->sta_state == IEEE80211_STA_AUTH) { @@ -1440,24 +1418,19 @@ int sta_info_move_state_checked(struct sta_info *sta, if (sta->sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP) atomic_dec(&sta->sdata->u.ap.num_sta_authorized); clear_bit(WLAN_STA_AUTHORIZED, &sta->_flags); - } else - return -EINVAL; + } break; case IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED: if (sta->sta_state == IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC) { if (sta->sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP) atomic_inc(&sta->sdata->u.ap.num_sta_authorized); set_bit(WLAN_STA_AUTHORIZED, &sta->_flags); - } else - return -EINVAL; + } break; default: - WARN(1, "invalid state %d", new_state); - return -EINVAL; + break; } - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: moving STA %pM to state %d\n", - sta->sdata->name, sta->sta.addr, new_state); sta->sta_state = new_state; return 0; diff --git a/net/mac80211/sta_info.h b/net/mac80211/sta_info.h index bfed851d0d36f38f8df0904193e29fc47c7bf129..ab0576827baf84c9b22a0b0aef2177699c856adf 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/sta_info.h +++ b/net/mac80211/sta_info.h @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include "key.h" /** @@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ * @WLAN_STA_SP: Station is in a service period, so don't try to * reply to other uAPSD trigger frames or PS-Poll. * @WLAN_STA_4ADDR_EVENT: 4-addr event was already sent for this frame. + * @WLAN_STA_INSERTED: This station is inserted into the hash table. * @WLAN_STA_RATE_CONTROL: rate control was initialized for this station. */ enum ieee80211_sta_info_flags { @@ -72,17 +74,10 @@ enum ieee80211_sta_info_flags { WLAN_STA_UAPSD, WLAN_STA_SP, WLAN_STA_4ADDR_EVENT, + WLAN_STA_INSERTED, WLAN_STA_RATE_CONTROL, }; -enum ieee80211_sta_state { - /* NOTE: These need to be ordered correctly! */ - IEEE80211_STA_NONE, - IEEE80211_STA_AUTH, - IEEE80211_STA_ASSOC, - IEEE80211_STA_AUTHORIZED, -}; - #define STA_TID_NUM 16 #define ADDBA_RESP_INTERVAL HZ #define HT_AGG_MAX_RETRIES 15 @@ -273,8 +268,6 @@ struct sta_ampdu_mlme { * @dead: set to true when sta is unlinked * @uploaded: set to true when sta is uploaded to the driver * @lost_packets: number of consecutive lost packets - * @dummy: indicate a dummy station created for receiving - * EAP frames before association * @sta: station information we share with the driver * @sta_state: duplicates information about station state (for debug) * @beacon_loss_count: number of times beacon loss has triggered @@ -372,9 +365,6 @@ struct sta_info { unsigned int lost_packets; unsigned int beacon_loss_count; - /* should be right in front of sta to be in the same cache line */ - bool dummy; - /* keep last! */ struct ieee80211_sta sta; }; @@ -429,13 +419,17 @@ static inline int test_and_set_sta_flag(struct sta_info *sta, return test_and_set_bit(flag, &sta->_flags); } -int sta_info_move_state_checked(struct sta_info *sta, - enum ieee80211_sta_state new_state); +int sta_info_move_state(struct sta_info *sta, + enum ieee80211_sta_state new_state); -static inline void sta_info_move_state(struct sta_info *sta, - enum ieee80211_sta_state new_state) +static inline void sta_info_pre_move_state(struct sta_info *sta, + enum ieee80211_sta_state new_state) { - int ret = sta_info_move_state_checked(sta, new_state); + int ret; + + WARN_ON_ONCE(test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_INSERTED)); + + ret = sta_info_move_state(sta, new_state); WARN_ON_ONCE(ret); } @@ -472,15 +466,9 @@ rcu_dereference_protected_tid_tx(struct sta_info *sta, int tid) struct sta_info *sta_info_get(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, const u8 *addr); -struct sta_info *sta_info_get_rx(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - const u8 *addr); - struct sta_info *sta_info_get_bss(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, const u8 *addr); -struct sta_info *sta_info_get_bss_rx(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - const u8 *addr); - static inline void for_each_sta_info_type_check(struct ieee80211_local *local, const u8 *addr, @@ -489,23 +477,7 @@ void for_each_sta_info_type_check(struct ieee80211_local *local, { } -#define for_each_sta_info(local, _addr, _sta, nxt) \ - for ( /* initialise loop */ \ - _sta = rcu_dereference(local->sta_hash[STA_HASH(_addr)]),\ - nxt = _sta ? rcu_dereference(_sta->hnext) : NULL; \ - /* typecheck */ \ - for_each_sta_info_type_check(local, (_addr), _sta, nxt),\ - /* continue condition */ \ - _sta; \ - /* advance loop */ \ - _sta = nxt, \ - nxt = _sta ? rcu_dereference(_sta->hnext) : NULL \ - ) \ - /* run code only if address matches and it's not a dummy sta */ \ - if (memcmp(_sta->sta.addr, (_addr), ETH_ALEN) == 0 && \ - !_sta->dummy) - -#define for_each_sta_info_rx(local, _addr, _sta, nxt) \ +#define for_each_sta_info(local, _addr, _sta, nxt) \ for ( /* initialise loop */ \ _sta = rcu_dereference(local->sta_hash[STA_HASH(_addr)]),\ nxt = _sta ? rcu_dereference(_sta->hnext) : NULL; \ @@ -518,7 +490,7 @@ void for_each_sta_info_type_check(struct ieee80211_local *local, nxt = _sta ? rcu_dereference(_sta->hnext) : NULL \ ) \ /* compare address and run code only if it matches */ \ - if (memcmp(_sta->sta.addr, (_addr), ETH_ALEN) == 0) + if (compare_ether_addr(_sta->sta.addr, (_addr)) == 0) /* * Get STA info by index, BROKEN! @@ -544,8 +516,8 @@ void sta_info_free(struct ieee80211_local *local, struct sta_info *sta); */ int sta_info_insert(struct sta_info *sta); int sta_info_insert_rcu(struct sta_info *sta) __acquires(RCU); -int sta_info_reinsert(struct sta_info *sta); +int __must_check __sta_info_destroy(struct sta_info *sta); int sta_info_destroy_addr(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, const u8 *addr); int sta_info_destroy_addr_bss(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, @@ -557,6 +529,9 @@ void sta_info_init(struct ieee80211_local *local); void sta_info_stop(struct ieee80211_local *local); int sta_info_flush(struct ieee80211_local *local, struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata); +void sta_set_rate_info_tx(struct sta_info *sta, + const struct ieee80211_tx_rate *rate, + struct rate_info *rinfo); void ieee80211_sta_expire(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, unsigned long exp_time); diff --git a/net/mac80211/status.c b/net/mac80211/status.c index 30c265c98f73ccb190a0d642977f33d53298650f..5f8f89e89d6b446e989d9d3ae546174a711e016f 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/status.c +++ b/net/mac80211/status.c @@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ */ #include +#include #include +#include #include "ieee80211_i.h" #include "rate.h" #include "mesh.h" @@ -350,7 +352,6 @@ void ieee80211_tx_status(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb) bool send_to_cooked; bool acked; struct ieee80211_bar *bar; - u16 tid; int rtap_len; for (i = 0; i < IEEE80211_TX_MAX_RATES; i++) { @@ -377,7 +378,7 @@ void ieee80211_tx_status(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb) for_each_sta_info(local, hdr->addr1, sta, tmp) { /* skip wrong virtual interface */ - if (memcmp(hdr->addr2, sta->sdata->vif.addr, ETH_ALEN)) + if (compare_ether_addr(hdr->addr2, sta->sdata->vif.addr)) continue; if (info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_STATUS_EOSP) @@ -412,7 +413,7 @@ void ieee80211_tx_status(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb) } if (!acked && ieee80211_is_back_req(fc)) { - u16 control; + u16 tid, control; /* * BAR failed, store the last SSN and retry sending @@ -516,7 +517,8 @@ void ieee80211_tx_status(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb) if (ieee80211_is_nullfunc(hdr->frame_control) || ieee80211_is_qos_nullfunc(hdr->frame_control)) { - bool acked = info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_STAT_ACK; + acked = info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_STAT_ACK; + cfg80211_probe_status(skb->dev, hdr->addr1, cookie, acked, GFP_ATOMIC); } else { diff --git a/net/mac80211/tx.c b/net/mac80211/tx.c index e05667cd5e766057c22770670834e6f2b19e3301..782a60198df46977754c8720f101ed8016b928e5 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/tx.c +++ b/net/mac80211/tx.c @@ -226,12 +226,12 @@ ieee80211_tx_h_dynamic_ps(struct ieee80211_tx_data *tx) * have correct qos tag for some reason, due the network or the * peer application. * - * Note: local->uapsd_queues access is racy here. If the value is + * Note: ifmgd->uapsd_queues access is racy here. If the value is * changed via debugfs, user needs to reassociate manually to have * everything in sync. */ if ((ifmgd->flags & IEEE80211_STA_UAPSD_ENABLED) - && (local->uapsd_queues & IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_AC_VO) + && (ifmgd->uapsd_queues & IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_AC_VO) && skb_get_queue_mapping(tx->skb) == 0) return TX_CONTINUE; @@ -448,18 +448,23 @@ ieee80211_tx_h_unicast_ps_buf(struct ieee80211_tx_data *tx) struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)tx->skb->data; struct ieee80211_local *local = tx->local; - if (unlikely(!sta || - ieee80211_is_probe_resp(hdr->frame_control) || - ieee80211_is_auth(hdr->frame_control) || - ieee80211_is_assoc_resp(hdr->frame_control) || - ieee80211_is_reassoc_resp(hdr->frame_control))) + if (unlikely(!sta)) return TX_CONTINUE; if (unlikely((test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_PS_STA) || test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_PS_DRIVER)) && - !(info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_POLL_RESPONSE))) { + !(info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_PS_BUFFER))) { int ac = skb_get_queue_mapping(tx->skb); + /* only deauth, disassoc and action are bufferable MMPDUs */ + if (ieee80211_is_mgmt(hdr->frame_control) && + !ieee80211_is_deauth(hdr->frame_control) && + !ieee80211_is_disassoc(hdr->frame_control) && + !ieee80211_is_action(hdr->frame_control)) { + info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_PS_BUFFER; + return TX_CONTINUE; + } + #ifdef CONFIG_MAC80211_VERBOSE_PS_DEBUG printk(KERN_DEBUG "STA %pM aid %d: PS buffer for AC %d\n", sta->sta.addr, sta->sta.aid, ac); @@ -625,7 +630,7 @@ ieee80211_tx_h_rate_ctrl(struct ieee80211_tx_data *tx) tx->local->hw.wiphy->frag_threshold); /* set up the tx rate control struct we give the RC algo */ - txrc.hw = local_to_hw(tx->local); + txrc.hw = &tx->local->hw; txrc.sband = sband; txrc.bss_conf = &tx->sdata->vif.bss_conf; txrc.skb = tx->skb; @@ -635,6 +640,9 @@ ieee80211_tx_h_rate_ctrl(struct ieee80211_tx_data *tx) txrc.max_rate_idx = -1; else txrc.max_rate_idx = fls(txrc.rate_idx_mask) - 1; + memcpy(txrc.rate_idx_mcs_mask, + tx->sdata->rc_rateidx_mcs_mask[tx->channel->band], + sizeof(txrc.rate_idx_mcs_mask)); txrc.bss = (tx->sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP || tx->sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT || tx->sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC); @@ -1057,6 +1065,7 @@ static bool ieee80211_tx_prep_agg(struct ieee80211_tx_data *tx, { bool queued = false; bool reset_agg_timer = false; + struct sk_buff *purge_skb = NULL; if (test_bit(HT_AGG_STATE_OPERATIONAL, &tid_tx->state)) { info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_CTL_AMPDU; @@ -1098,8 +1107,13 @@ static bool ieee80211_tx_prep_agg(struct ieee80211_tx_data *tx, info->control.vif = &tx->sdata->vif; info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_INTFL_NEED_TXPROCESSING; __skb_queue_tail(&tid_tx->pending, skb); + if (skb_queue_len(&tid_tx->pending) > STA_MAX_TX_BUFFER) + purge_skb = __skb_dequeue(&tid_tx->pending); } spin_unlock(&tx->sta->lock); + + if (purge_skb) + dev_kfree_skb(purge_skb); } /* reset session timer */ @@ -2203,7 +2217,8 @@ void ieee80211_tx_pending(unsigned long data) /* functions for drivers to get certain frames */ -static void ieee80211_beacon_add_tim(struct ieee80211_if_ap *bss, +static void ieee80211_beacon_add_tim(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, + struct ieee80211_if_ap *bss, struct sk_buff *skb, struct beacon_data *beacon) { @@ -2220,7 +2235,7 @@ static void ieee80211_beacon_add_tim(struct ieee80211_if_ap *bss, IEEE80211_MAX_AID+1); if (bss->dtim_count == 0) - bss->dtim_count = beacon->dtim_period - 1; + bss->dtim_count = sdata->vif.bss_conf.dtim_period - 1; else bss->dtim_count--; @@ -2228,7 +2243,7 @@ static void ieee80211_beacon_add_tim(struct ieee80211_if_ap *bss, *pos++ = WLAN_EID_TIM; *pos++ = 4; *pos++ = bss->dtim_count; - *pos++ = beacon->dtim_period; + *pos++ = sdata->vif.bss_conf.dtim_period; if (bss->dtim_count == 0 && !skb_queue_empty(&bss->ps_bc_buf)) aid0 = 1; @@ -2321,12 +2336,14 @@ struct sk_buff *ieee80211_beacon_get_tim(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, * of the tim bitmap in mac80211 and the driver. */ if (local->tim_in_locked_section) { - ieee80211_beacon_add_tim(ap, skb, beacon); + ieee80211_beacon_add_tim(sdata, ap, skb, + beacon); } else { unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&local->tim_lock, flags); - ieee80211_beacon_add_tim(ap, skb, beacon); + ieee80211_beacon_add_tim(sdata, ap, skb, + beacon); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&local->tim_lock, flags); } @@ -2431,6 +2448,8 @@ struct sk_buff *ieee80211_beacon_get_tim(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, txrc.max_rate_idx = -1; else txrc.max_rate_idx = fls(txrc.rate_idx_mask) - 1; + memcpy(txrc.rate_idx_mcs_mask, sdata->rc_rateidx_mcs_mask[band], + sizeof(txrc.rate_idx_mcs_mask)); txrc.bss = true; rate_control_get_rate(sdata, NULL, &txrc); diff --git a/net/mac80211/util.c b/net/mac80211/util.c index 9919892575f45a94f55e34c474f3f93736755237..32f7a3b3d43ce0f4232ef890f004af5186dceb51 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/util.c +++ b/net/mac80211/util.c @@ -572,24 +572,40 @@ u32 ieee802_11_parse_elems_crc(u8 *start, size_t len, size_t left = len; u8 *pos = start; bool calc_crc = filter != 0; + DECLARE_BITMAP(seen_elems, 256); + bitmap_zero(seen_elems, 256); memset(elems, 0, sizeof(*elems)); elems->ie_start = start; elems->total_len = len; while (left >= 2) { u8 id, elen; + bool elem_parse_failed; id = *pos++; elen = *pos++; left -= 2; - if (elen > left) + if (elen > left) { + elems->parse_error = true; break; + } + + if (id != WLAN_EID_VENDOR_SPECIFIC && + id != WLAN_EID_QUIET && + test_bit(id, seen_elems)) { + elems->parse_error = true; + left -= elen; + pos += elen; + continue; + } if (calc_crc && id < 64 && (filter & (1ULL << id))) crc = crc32_be(crc, pos - 2, elen + 2); + elem_parse_failed = false; + switch (id) { case WLAN_EID_SSID: elems->ssid = pos; @@ -615,7 +631,8 @@ u32 ieee802_11_parse_elems_crc(u8 *start, size_t len, if (elen >= sizeof(struct ieee80211_tim_ie)) { elems->tim = (void *)pos; elems->tim_len = elen; - } + } else + elem_parse_failed = true; break; case WLAN_EID_IBSS_PARAMS: elems->ibss_params = pos; @@ -664,10 +681,14 @@ u32 ieee802_11_parse_elems_crc(u8 *start, size_t len, case WLAN_EID_HT_CAPABILITY: if (elen >= sizeof(struct ieee80211_ht_cap)) elems->ht_cap_elem = (void *)pos; + else + elem_parse_failed = true; break; case WLAN_EID_HT_INFORMATION: if (elen >= sizeof(struct ieee80211_ht_info)) elems->ht_info_elem = (void *)pos; + else + elem_parse_failed = true; break; case WLAN_EID_MESH_ID: elems->mesh_id = pos; @@ -676,6 +697,8 @@ u32 ieee802_11_parse_elems_crc(u8 *start, size_t len, case WLAN_EID_MESH_CONFIG: if (elen >= sizeof(struct ieee80211_meshconf_ie)) elems->mesh_config = (void *)pos; + else + elem_parse_failed = true; break; case WLAN_EID_PEER_MGMT: elems->peering = pos; @@ -696,6 +719,8 @@ u32 ieee802_11_parse_elems_crc(u8 *start, size_t len, case WLAN_EID_RANN: if (elen >= sizeof(struct ieee80211_rann_ie)) elems->rann = (void *)pos; + else + elem_parse_failed = true; break; case WLAN_EID_CHANNEL_SWITCH: elems->ch_switch_elem = pos; @@ -724,10 +749,18 @@ u32 ieee802_11_parse_elems_crc(u8 *start, size_t len, break; } + if (elem_parse_failed) + elems->parse_error = true; + else + set_bit(id, seen_elems); + left -= elen; pos += elen; } + if (left != 0) + elems->parse_error = true; + return crc; } @@ -737,7 +770,8 @@ void ieee802_11_parse_elems(u8 *start, size_t len, ieee802_11_parse_elems_crc(start, len, elems, 0, 0); } -void ieee80211_set_wmm_default(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) +void ieee80211_set_wmm_default(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, + bool bss_notify) { struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; struct ieee80211_tx_queue_params qparam; @@ -753,7 +787,7 @@ void ieee80211_set_wmm_default(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) use_11b = (local->hw.conf.channel->band == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) && !(sdata->flags & IEEE80211_SDATA_OPERATING_GMODE); - for (queue = 0; queue < local_to_hw(local)->queues; queue++) { + for (queue = 0; queue < local->hw.queues; queue++) { /* Set defaults according to 802.11-2007 Table 7-37 */ aCWmax = 1023; if (use_11b) @@ -807,7 +841,9 @@ void ieee80211_set_wmm_default(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) if (sdata->vif.type != NL80211_IFTYPE_MONITOR) { sdata->vif.bss_conf.qos = sdata->vif.type != NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION; - ieee80211_bss_info_change_notify(sdata, BSS_CHANGED_QOS); + if (bss_notify) + ieee80211_bss_info_change_notify(sdata, + BSS_CHANGED_QOS); } } @@ -829,7 +865,7 @@ void ieee80211_sta_def_wmm_params(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, else sdata->flags &= ~IEEE80211_SDATA_OPERATING_GMODE; - ieee80211_set_wmm_default(sdata); + ieee80211_set_wmm_default(sdata, true); } u32 ieee80211_mandatory_rates(struct ieee80211_local *local, @@ -862,8 +898,8 @@ u32 ieee80211_mandatory_rates(struct ieee80211_local *local, void ieee80211_send_auth(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, u16 transaction, u16 auth_alg, - u8 *extra, size_t extra_len, const u8 *bssid, - const u8 *key, u8 key_len, u8 key_idx) + u8 *extra, size_t extra_len, const u8 *da, + const u8 *bssid, const u8 *key, u8 key_len, u8 key_idx) { struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -881,7 +917,7 @@ void ieee80211_send_auth(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, memset(mgmt, 0, 24 + 6); mgmt->frame_control = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | IEEE80211_STYPE_AUTH); - memcpy(mgmt->da, bssid, ETH_ALEN); + memcpy(mgmt->da, da, ETH_ALEN); memcpy(mgmt->sa, sdata->vif.addr, ETH_ALEN); memcpy(mgmt->bssid, bssid, ETH_ALEN); mgmt->u.auth.auth_alg = cpu_to_le16(auth_alg); @@ -1185,13 +1221,12 @@ int ieee80211_reconfig(struct ieee80211_local *local) mutex_lock(&local->sta_mtx); list_for_each_entry(sta, &local->sta_list, list) { if (sta->uploaded) { - sdata = sta->sdata; - if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP_VLAN) - sdata = container_of(sdata->bss, - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data, - u.ap); + enum ieee80211_sta_state state; - WARN_ON(drv_sta_add(local, sdata, &sta->sta)); + for (state = IEEE80211_STA_NOTEXIST; + state < sta->sta_state - 1; state++) + WARN_ON(drv_sta_state(local, sta->sdata, sta, + state, state + 1)); } } mutex_unlock(&local->sta_mtx); @@ -1271,6 +1306,21 @@ int ieee80211_reconfig(struct ieee80211_local *local) ieee80211_recalc_ps(local, -1); + /* + * The sta might be in psm against the ap (e.g. because + * this was the state before a hw restart), so we + * explicitly send a null packet in order to make sure + * it'll sync against the ap (and get out of psm). + */ + if (!(local->hw.conf.flags & IEEE80211_CONF_PS)) { + list_for_each_entry(sdata, &local->interfaces, list) { + if (sdata->vif.type != NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) + continue; + + ieee80211_send_nullfunc(local, sdata, 0); + } + } + /* * Clear the WLAN_STA_BLOCK_BA flag so new aggregation * sessions can be established after a resume. diff --git a/net/mac80211/wep.c b/net/mac80211/wep.c index 68ad351479dff3186ceae2139271a161154fc5dc..7aa31bbfaa3bf7387df2756bf94877cc15fdda9a 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/wep.c +++ b/net/mac80211/wep.c @@ -263,16 +263,14 @@ static int ieee80211_wep_decrypt(struct ieee80211_local *local, } -bool ieee80211_wep_is_weak_iv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct ieee80211_key *key) +static bool ieee80211_wep_is_weak_iv(struct sk_buff *skb, + struct ieee80211_key *key) { struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)skb->data; unsigned int hdrlen; u8 *ivpos; u32 iv; - if (!ieee80211_has_protected(hdr->frame_control)) - return false; - hdrlen = ieee80211_hdrlen(hdr->frame_control); ivpos = skb->data + hdrlen; iv = (ivpos[0] << 16) | (ivpos[1] << 8) | ivpos[2]; @@ -286,18 +284,27 @@ ieee80211_crypto_wep_decrypt(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) struct sk_buff *skb = rx->skb; struct ieee80211_rx_status *status = IEEE80211_SKB_RXCB(skb); struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)skb->data; + __le16 fc = hdr->frame_control; - if (!ieee80211_is_data(hdr->frame_control) && - !ieee80211_is_auth(hdr->frame_control)) + if (!ieee80211_is_data(fc) && !ieee80211_is_auth(fc)) return RX_CONTINUE; if (!(status->flag & RX_FLAG_DECRYPTED)) { + if (skb_linearize(rx->skb)) + return RX_DROP_UNUSABLE; + if (rx->sta && ieee80211_wep_is_weak_iv(rx->skb, rx->key)) + rx->sta->wep_weak_iv_count++; if (ieee80211_wep_decrypt(rx->local, rx->skb, rx->key)) return RX_DROP_UNUSABLE; } else if (!(status->flag & RX_FLAG_IV_STRIPPED)) { + if (!pskb_may_pull(rx->skb, ieee80211_hdrlen(fc) + WEP_IV_LEN)) + return RX_DROP_UNUSABLE; + if (rx->sta && ieee80211_wep_is_weak_iv(rx->skb, rx->key)) + rx->sta->wep_weak_iv_count++; ieee80211_wep_remove_iv(rx->local, rx->skb, rx->key); /* remove ICV */ - skb_trim(rx->skb, rx->skb->len - WEP_ICV_LEN); + if (pskb_trim(rx->skb, rx->skb->len - WEP_ICV_LEN)) + return RX_DROP_UNUSABLE; } return RX_CONTINUE; diff --git a/net/mac80211/wep.h b/net/mac80211/wep.h index 01e54840a6285b625ca48092cd1fb322278e1b00..9615749d1f654b0bce70626b033c4224fc324f91 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/wep.h +++ b/net/mac80211/wep.h @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ int ieee80211_wep_encrypt(struct ieee80211_local *local, const u8 *key, int keylen, int keyidx); int ieee80211_wep_decrypt_data(struct crypto_cipher *tfm, u8 *rc4key, size_t klen, u8 *data, size_t data_len); -bool ieee80211_wep_is_weak_iv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct ieee80211_key *key); ieee80211_rx_result ieee80211_crypto_wep_decrypt(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx); diff --git a/net/mac80211/work.c b/net/mac80211/work.c index c6dd01a05291e25865bac897a67353785131a4fa..c6e230efa04952314cf3f995f4c58d08ba142038 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/work.c +++ b/net/mac80211/work.c @@ -27,16 +27,9 @@ #include "rate.h" #include "driver-ops.h" -#define IEEE80211_AUTH_TIMEOUT (HZ / 5) -#define IEEE80211_AUTH_MAX_TRIES 3 -#define IEEE80211_ASSOC_TIMEOUT (HZ / 5) -#define IEEE80211_ASSOC_MAX_TRIES 3 - enum work_action { - WORK_ACT_MISMATCH, WORK_ACT_NONE, WORK_ACT_TIMEOUT, - WORK_ACT_DONE, }; @@ -71,464 +64,6 @@ void free_work(struct ieee80211_work *wk) kfree_rcu(wk, rcu_head); } -static int ieee80211_compatible_rates(const u8 *supp_rates, int supp_rates_len, - struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband, - u32 *rates) -{ - int i, j, count; - *rates = 0; - count = 0; - for (i = 0; i < supp_rates_len; i++) { - int rate = (supp_rates[i] & 0x7F) * 5; - - for (j = 0; j < sband->n_bitrates; j++) - if (sband->bitrates[j].bitrate == rate) { - *rates |= BIT(j); - count++; - break; - } - } - - return count; -} - -/* frame sending functions */ - -static void ieee80211_add_ht_ie(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - struct sk_buff *skb, const u8 *ht_info_ie, - struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband, - struct ieee80211_channel *channel, - enum ieee80211_smps_mode smps) -{ - struct ieee80211_ht_info *ht_info; - u8 *pos; - u32 flags = channel->flags; - u16 cap; - struct ieee80211_sta_ht_cap ht_cap; - - BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(ht_cap) != sizeof(sband->ht_cap)); - - if (!sband->ht_cap.ht_supported) - return; - - if (!ht_info_ie) - return; - - if (ht_info_ie[1] < sizeof(struct ieee80211_ht_info)) - return; - - memcpy(&ht_cap, &sband->ht_cap, sizeof(ht_cap)); - ieee80211_apply_htcap_overrides(sdata, &ht_cap); - - ht_info = (struct ieee80211_ht_info *)(ht_info_ie + 2); - - /* determine capability flags */ - cap = ht_cap.cap; - - switch (ht_info->ht_param & IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_OFFSET) { - case IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_ABOVE: - if (flags & IEEE80211_CHAN_NO_HT40PLUS) { - cap &= ~IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SUP_WIDTH_20_40; - cap &= ~IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SGI_40; - } - break; - case IEEE80211_HT_PARAM_CHA_SEC_BELOW: - if (flags & IEEE80211_CHAN_NO_HT40MINUS) { - cap &= ~IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SUP_WIDTH_20_40; - cap &= ~IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SGI_40; - } - break; - } - - /* set SM PS mode properly */ - cap &= ~IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SM_PS; - switch (smps) { - case IEEE80211_SMPS_AUTOMATIC: - case IEEE80211_SMPS_NUM_MODES: - WARN_ON(1); - case IEEE80211_SMPS_OFF: - cap |= WLAN_HT_CAP_SM_PS_DISABLED << - IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SM_PS_SHIFT; - break; - case IEEE80211_SMPS_STATIC: - cap |= WLAN_HT_CAP_SM_PS_STATIC << - IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SM_PS_SHIFT; - break; - case IEEE80211_SMPS_DYNAMIC: - cap |= WLAN_HT_CAP_SM_PS_DYNAMIC << - IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SM_PS_SHIFT; - break; - } - - /* reserve and fill IE */ - pos = skb_put(skb, sizeof(struct ieee80211_ht_cap) + 2); - ieee80211_ie_build_ht_cap(pos, &ht_cap, cap); -} - -static void ieee80211_send_assoc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - struct ieee80211_work *wk) -{ - struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; - struct sk_buff *skb; - struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt; - u8 *pos, qos_info; - size_t offset = 0, noffset; - int i, count, rates_len, supp_rates_len; - u16 capab; - struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband; - u32 rates = 0; - - sband = local->hw.wiphy->bands[wk->chan->band]; - - if (wk->assoc.supp_rates_len) { - /* - * Get all rates supported by the device and the AP as - * some APs don't like getting a superset of their rates - * in the association request (e.g. D-Link DAP 1353 in - * b-only mode)... - */ - rates_len = ieee80211_compatible_rates(wk->assoc.supp_rates, - wk->assoc.supp_rates_len, - sband, &rates); - } else { - /* - * In case AP not provide any supported rates information - * before association, we send information element(s) with - * all rates that we support. - */ - rates = ~0; - rates_len = sband->n_bitrates; - } - - skb = alloc_skb(local->hw.extra_tx_headroom + - sizeof(*mgmt) + /* bit too much but doesn't matter */ - 2 + wk->assoc.ssid_len + /* SSID */ - 4 + rates_len + /* (extended) rates */ - 4 + /* power capability */ - 2 + 2 * sband->n_channels + /* supported channels */ - 2 + sizeof(struct ieee80211_ht_cap) + /* HT */ - wk->ie_len + /* extra IEs */ - 9, /* WMM */ - GFP_KERNEL); - if (!skb) - return; - - skb_reserve(skb, local->hw.extra_tx_headroom); - - capab = WLAN_CAPABILITY_ESS; - - if (sband->band == IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ) { - if (!(local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_2GHZ_SHORT_SLOT_INCAPABLE)) - capab |= WLAN_CAPABILITY_SHORT_SLOT_TIME; - if (!(local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_2GHZ_SHORT_PREAMBLE_INCAPABLE)) - capab |= WLAN_CAPABILITY_SHORT_PREAMBLE; - } - - if (wk->assoc.capability & WLAN_CAPABILITY_PRIVACY) - capab |= WLAN_CAPABILITY_PRIVACY; - - if ((wk->assoc.capability & WLAN_CAPABILITY_SPECTRUM_MGMT) && - (local->hw.flags & IEEE80211_HW_SPECTRUM_MGMT)) - capab |= WLAN_CAPABILITY_SPECTRUM_MGMT; - - mgmt = (struct ieee80211_mgmt *) skb_put(skb, 24); - memset(mgmt, 0, 24); - memcpy(mgmt->da, wk->filter_ta, ETH_ALEN); - memcpy(mgmt->sa, sdata->vif.addr, ETH_ALEN); - memcpy(mgmt->bssid, wk->filter_ta, ETH_ALEN); - - if (!is_zero_ether_addr(wk->assoc.prev_bssid)) { - skb_put(skb, 10); - mgmt->frame_control = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | - IEEE80211_STYPE_REASSOC_REQ); - mgmt->u.reassoc_req.capab_info = cpu_to_le16(capab); - mgmt->u.reassoc_req.listen_interval = - cpu_to_le16(local->hw.conf.listen_interval); - memcpy(mgmt->u.reassoc_req.current_ap, wk->assoc.prev_bssid, - ETH_ALEN); - } else { - skb_put(skb, 4); - mgmt->frame_control = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT | - IEEE80211_STYPE_ASSOC_REQ); - mgmt->u.assoc_req.capab_info = cpu_to_le16(capab); - mgmt->u.assoc_req.listen_interval = - cpu_to_le16(local->hw.conf.listen_interval); - } - - /* SSID */ - pos = skb_put(skb, 2 + wk->assoc.ssid_len); - *pos++ = WLAN_EID_SSID; - *pos++ = wk->assoc.ssid_len; - memcpy(pos, wk->assoc.ssid, wk->assoc.ssid_len); - - /* add all rates which were marked to be used above */ - supp_rates_len = rates_len; - if (supp_rates_len > 8) - supp_rates_len = 8; - - pos = skb_put(skb, supp_rates_len + 2); - *pos++ = WLAN_EID_SUPP_RATES; - *pos++ = supp_rates_len; - - count = 0; - for (i = 0; i < sband->n_bitrates; i++) { - if (BIT(i) & rates) { - int rate = sband->bitrates[i].bitrate; - *pos++ = (u8) (rate / 5); - if (++count == 8) - break; - } - } - - if (rates_len > count) { - pos = skb_put(skb, rates_len - count + 2); - *pos++ = WLAN_EID_EXT_SUPP_RATES; - *pos++ = rates_len - count; - - for (i++; i < sband->n_bitrates; i++) { - if (BIT(i) & rates) { - int rate = sband->bitrates[i].bitrate; - *pos++ = (u8) (rate / 5); - } - } - } - - if (capab & WLAN_CAPABILITY_SPECTRUM_MGMT) { - /* 1. power capabilities */ - pos = skb_put(skb, 4); - *pos++ = WLAN_EID_PWR_CAPABILITY; - *pos++ = 2; - *pos++ = 0; /* min tx power */ - *pos++ = wk->chan->max_power; /* max tx power */ - - /* 2. supported channels */ - /* TODO: get this in reg domain format */ - pos = skb_put(skb, 2 * sband->n_channels + 2); - *pos++ = WLAN_EID_SUPPORTED_CHANNELS; - *pos++ = 2 * sband->n_channels; - for (i = 0; i < sband->n_channels; i++) { - *pos++ = ieee80211_frequency_to_channel( - sband->channels[i].center_freq); - *pos++ = 1; /* one channel in the subband*/ - } - } - - /* if present, add any custom IEs that go before HT */ - if (wk->ie_len && wk->ie) { - static const u8 before_ht[] = { - WLAN_EID_SSID, - WLAN_EID_SUPP_RATES, - WLAN_EID_EXT_SUPP_RATES, - WLAN_EID_PWR_CAPABILITY, - WLAN_EID_SUPPORTED_CHANNELS, - WLAN_EID_RSN, - WLAN_EID_QOS_CAPA, - WLAN_EID_RRM_ENABLED_CAPABILITIES, - WLAN_EID_MOBILITY_DOMAIN, - WLAN_EID_SUPPORTED_REGULATORY_CLASSES, - }; - noffset = ieee80211_ie_split(wk->ie, wk->ie_len, - before_ht, ARRAY_SIZE(before_ht), - offset); - pos = skb_put(skb, noffset - offset); - memcpy(pos, wk->ie + offset, noffset - offset); - offset = noffset; - } - - if (wk->assoc.use_11n && wk->assoc.wmm_used && - local->hw.queues >= 4) - ieee80211_add_ht_ie(sdata, skb, wk->assoc.ht_information_ie, - sband, wk->chan, wk->assoc.smps); - - /* if present, add any custom non-vendor IEs that go after HT */ - if (wk->ie_len && wk->ie) { - noffset = ieee80211_ie_split_vendor(wk->ie, wk->ie_len, - offset); - pos = skb_put(skb, noffset - offset); - memcpy(pos, wk->ie + offset, noffset - offset); - offset = noffset; - } - - if (wk->assoc.wmm_used && local->hw.queues >= 4) { - if (wk->assoc.uapsd_used) { - qos_info = local->uapsd_queues; - qos_info |= (local->uapsd_max_sp_len << - IEEE80211_WMM_IE_STA_QOSINFO_SP_SHIFT); - } else { - qos_info = 0; - } - - pos = skb_put(skb, 9); - *pos++ = WLAN_EID_VENDOR_SPECIFIC; - *pos++ = 7; /* len */ - *pos++ = 0x00; /* Microsoft OUI 00:50:F2 */ - *pos++ = 0x50; - *pos++ = 0xf2; - *pos++ = 2; /* WME */ - *pos++ = 0; /* WME info */ - *pos++ = 1; /* WME ver */ - *pos++ = qos_info; - } - - /* add any remaining custom (i.e. vendor specific here) IEs */ - if (wk->ie_len && wk->ie) { - noffset = wk->ie_len; - pos = skb_put(skb, noffset - offset); - memcpy(pos, wk->ie + offset, noffset - offset); - } - - IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb)->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_INTFL_DONT_ENCRYPT; - ieee80211_tx_skb(sdata, skb); -} - -static void ieee80211_remove_auth_bss(struct ieee80211_local *local, - struct ieee80211_work *wk) -{ - struct cfg80211_bss *cbss; - u16 capa_val = WLAN_CAPABILITY_ESS; - - if (wk->probe_auth.privacy) - capa_val |= WLAN_CAPABILITY_PRIVACY; - - cbss = cfg80211_get_bss(local->hw.wiphy, wk->chan, wk->filter_ta, - wk->probe_auth.ssid, wk->probe_auth.ssid_len, - WLAN_CAPABILITY_ESS | WLAN_CAPABILITY_PRIVACY, - capa_val); - if (!cbss) - return; - - cfg80211_unlink_bss(local->hw.wiphy, cbss); - cfg80211_put_bss(cbss); -} - -static enum work_action __must_check -ieee80211_direct_probe(struct ieee80211_work *wk) -{ - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = wk->sdata; - struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; - - if (!wk->probe_auth.synced) { - int ret = drv_tx_sync(local, sdata, wk->filter_ta, - IEEE80211_TX_SYNC_AUTH); - if (ret) - return WORK_ACT_TIMEOUT; - } - wk->probe_auth.synced = true; - - wk->probe_auth.tries++; - if (wk->probe_auth.tries > IEEE80211_AUTH_MAX_TRIES) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: direct probe to %pM timed out\n", - sdata->name, wk->filter_ta); - - /* - * Most likely AP is not in the range so remove the - * bss struct for that AP. - */ - ieee80211_remove_auth_bss(local, wk); - - return WORK_ACT_TIMEOUT; - } - - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: direct probe to %pM (try %d/%i)\n", - sdata->name, wk->filter_ta, wk->probe_auth.tries, - IEEE80211_AUTH_MAX_TRIES); - - /* - * Direct probe is sent to broadcast address as some APs - * will not answer to direct packet in unassociated state. - */ - ieee80211_send_probe_req(sdata, NULL, wk->probe_auth.ssid, - wk->probe_auth.ssid_len, NULL, 0, - (u32) -1, true, false); - - wk->timeout = jiffies + IEEE80211_AUTH_TIMEOUT; - run_again(local, wk->timeout); - - return WORK_ACT_NONE; -} - - -static enum work_action __must_check -ieee80211_authenticate(struct ieee80211_work *wk) -{ - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = wk->sdata; - struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; - - if (!wk->probe_auth.synced) { - int ret = drv_tx_sync(local, sdata, wk->filter_ta, - IEEE80211_TX_SYNC_AUTH); - if (ret) - return WORK_ACT_TIMEOUT; - } - wk->probe_auth.synced = true; - - wk->probe_auth.tries++; - if (wk->probe_auth.tries > IEEE80211_AUTH_MAX_TRIES) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: authentication with %pM" - " timed out\n", sdata->name, wk->filter_ta); - - /* - * Most likely AP is not in the range so remove the - * bss struct for that AP. - */ - ieee80211_remove_auth_bss(local, wk); - - return WORK_ACT_TIMEOUT; - } - - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: authenticate with %pM (try %d)\n", - sdata->name, wk->filter_ta, wk->probe_auth.tries); - - ieee80211_send_auth(sdata, 1, wk->probe_auth.algorithm, wk->ie, - wk->ie_len, wk->filter_ta, NULL, 0, 0); - wk->probe_auth.transaction = 2; - - wk->timeout = jiffies + IEEE80211_AUTH_TIMEOUT; - run_again(local, wk->timeout); - - return WORK_ACT_NONE; -} - -static enum work_action __must_check -ieee80211_associate(struct ieee80211_work *wk) -{ - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = wk->sdata; - struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; - - if (!wk->assoc.synced) { - int ret = drv_tx_sync(local, sdata, wk->filter_ta, - IEEE80211_TX_SYNC_ASSOC); - if (ret) - return WORK_ACT_TIMEOUT; - } - wk->assoc.synced = true; - - wk->assoc.tries++; - if (wk->assoc.tries > IEEE80211_ASSOC_MAX_TRIES) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: association with %pM" - " timed out\n", - sdata->name, wk->filter_ta); - - /* - * Most likely AP is not in the range so remove the - * bss struct for that AP. - */ - if (wk->assoc.bss) - cfg80211_unlink_bss(local->hw.wiphy, wk->assoc.bss); - - return WORK_ACT_TIMEOUT; - } - - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: associate with %pM (try %d)\n", - sdata->name, wk->filter_ta, wk->assoc.tries); - ieee80211_send_assoc(sdata, wk); - - wk->timeout = jiffies + IEEE80211_ASSOC_TIMEOUT; - run_again(local, wk->timeout); - - return WORK_ACT_NONE; -} - static enum work_action __must_check ieee80211_remain_on_channel_timeout(struct ieee80211_work *wk) { @@ -568,300 +103,6 @@ ieee80211_offchannel_tx(struct ieee80211_work *wk) return WORK_ACT_TIMEOUT; } -static enum work_action __must_check -ieee80211_assoc_beacon_wait(struct ieee80211_work *wk) -{ - if (wk->started) - return WORK_ACT_TIMEOUT; - - /* - * Wait up to one beacon interval ... - * should this be more if we miss one? - */ - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: waiting for beacon from %pM\n", - wk->sdata->name, wk->filter_ta); - wk->timeout = TU_TO_EXP_TIME(wk->assoc.bss->beacon_interval); - return WORK_ACT_NONE; -} - -static void ieee80211_auth_challenge(struct ieee80211_work *wk, - struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt, - size_t len) -{ - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = wk->sdata; - u8 *pos; - struct ieee802_11_elems elems; - - pos = mgmt->u.auth.variable; - ieee802_11_parse_elems(pos, len - (pos - (u8 *) mgmt), &elems); - if (!elems.challenge) - return; - ieee80211_send_auth(sdata, 3, wk->probe_auth.algorithm, - elems.challenge - 2, elems.challenge_len + 2, - wk->filter_ta, wk->probe_auth.key, - wk->probe_auth.key_len, wk->probe_auth.key_idx); - wk->probe_auth.transaction = 4; -} - -static enum work_action __must_check -ieee80211_rx_mgmt_auth(struct ieee80211_work *wk, - struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt, size_t len) -{ - u16 auth_alg, auth_transaction, status_code; - - if (wk->type != IEEE80211_WORK_AUTH) - return WORK_ACT_MISMATCH; - - if (len < 24 + 6) - return WORK_ACT_NONE; - - auth_alg = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.auth.auth_alg); - auth_transaction = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.auth.auth_transaction); - status_code = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.auth.status_code); - - if (auth_alg != wk->probe_auth.algorithm || - auth_transaction != wk->probe_auth.transaction) - return WORK_ACT_NONE; - - if (status_code != WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %pM denied authentication (status %d)\n", - wk->sdata->name, mgmt->sa, status_code); - return WORK_ACT_DONE; - } - - switch (wk->probe_auth.algorithm) { - case WLAN_AUTH_OPEN: - case WLAN_AUTH_LEAP: - case WLAN_AUTH_FT: - break; - case WLAN_AUTH_SHARED_KEY: - if (wk->probe_auth.transaction != 4) { - ieee80211_auth_challenge(wk, mgmt, len); - /* need another frame */ - return WORK_ACT_NONE; - } - break; - default: - WARN_ON(1); - return WORK_ACT_NONE; - } - - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: authenticated\n", wk->sdata->name); - return WORK_ACT_DONE; -} - -static enum work_action __must_check -ieee80211_rx_mgmt_assoc_resp(struct ieee80211_work *wk, - struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt, size_t len, - bool reassoc) -{ - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = wk->sdata; - struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; - u16 capab_info, status_code, aid; - struct ieee802_11_elems elems; - u8 *pos; - - if (wk->type != IEEE80211_WORK_ASSOC) - return WORK_ACT_MISMATCH; - - /* - * AssocResp and ReassocResp have identical structure, so process both - * of them in this function. - */ - - if (len < 24 + 6) - return WORK_ACT_NONE; - - capab_info = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.assoc_resp.capab_info); - status_code = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.assoc_resp.status_code); - aid = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.assoc_resp.aid); - - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: RX %sssocResp from %pM (capab=0x%x " - "status=%d aid=%d)\n", - sdata->name, reassoc ? "Rea" : "A", mgmt->sa, - capab_info, status_code, (u16)(aid & ~(BIT(15) | BIT(14)))); - - pos = mgmt->u.assoc_resp.variable; - ieee802_11_parse_elems(pos, len - (pos - (u8 *) mgmt), &elems); - - if (status_code == WLAN_STATUS_ASSOC_REJECTED_TEMPORARILY && - elems.timeout_int && elems.timeout_int_len == 5 && - elems.timeout_int[0] == WLAN_TIMEOUT_ASSOC_COMEBACK) { - u32 tu, ms; - tu = get_unaligned_le32(elems.timeout_int + 1); - ms = tu * 1024 / 1000; - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %pM rejected association temporarily; " - "comeback duration %u TU (%u ms)\n", - sdata->name, mgmt->sa, tu, ms); - wk->timeout = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(ms); - if (ms > IEEE80211_ASSOC_TIMEOUT) - run_again(local, wk->timeout); - return WORK_ACT_NONE; - } - - if (status_code != WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: %pM denied association (code=%d)\n", - sdata->name, mgmt->sa, status_code); - else - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: associated\n", sdata->name); - - return WORK_ACT_DONE; -} - -static enum work_action __must_check -ieee80211_rx_mgmt_probe_resp(struct ieee80211_work *wk, - struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt, size_t len, - struct ieee80211_rx_status *rx_status) -{ - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = wk->sdata; - struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; - size_t baselen; - - ASSERT_WORK_MTX(local); - - if (wk->type != IEEE80211_WORK_DIRECT_PROBE) - return WORK_ACT_MISMATCH; - - if (len < 24 + 12) - return WORK_ACT_NONE; - - baselen = (u8 *) mgmt->u.probe_resp.variable - (u8 *) mgmt; - if (baselen > len) - return WORK_ACT_NONE; - - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: direct probe responded\n", sdata->name); - return WORK_ACT_DONE; -} - -static enum work_action __must_check -ieee80211_rx_mgmt_beacon(struct ieee80211_work *wk, - struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt, size_t len) -{ - struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = wk->sdata; - struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; - - ASSERT_WORK_MTX(local); - - if (wk->type != IEEE80211_WORK_ASSOC_BEACON_WAIT) - return WORK_ACT_MISMATCH; - - if (len < 24 + 12) - return WORK_ACT_NONE; - - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: beacon received\n", sdata->name); - return WORK_ACT_DONE; -} - -static void ieee80211_work_rx_queued_mgmt(struct ieee80211_local *local, - struct sk_buff *skb) -{ - struct ieee80211_rx_status *rx_status; - struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt; - struct ieee80211_work *wk; - enum work_action rma = WORK_ACT_NONE; - u16 fc; - - rx_status = (struct ieee80211_rx_status *) skb->cb; - mgmt = (struct ieee80211_mgmt *) skb->data; - fc = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->frame_control); - - mutex_lock(&local->mtx); - - list_for_each_entry(wk, &local->work_list, list) { - const u8 *bssid = NULL; - - switch (wk->type) { - case IEEE80211_WORK_DIRECT_PROBE: - case IEEE80211_WORK_AUTH: - case IEEE80211_WORK_ASSOC: - case IEEE80211_WORK_ASSOC_BEACON_WAIT: - bssid = wk->filter_ta; - break; - default: - continue; - } - - /* - * Before queuing, we already verified mgmt->sa, - * so this is needed just for matching. - */ - if (compare_ether_addr(bssid, mgmt->bssid)) - continue; - - switch (fc & IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE) { - case IEEE80211_STYPE_BEACON: - rma = ieee80211_rx_mgmt_beacon(wk, mgmt, skb->len); - break; - case IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_RESP: - rma = ieee80211_rx_mgmt_probe_resp(wk, mgmt, skb->len, - rx_status); - break; - case IEEE80211_STYPE_AUTH: - rma = ieee80211_rx_mgmt_auth(wk, mgmt, skb->len); - break; - case IEEE80211_STYPE_ASSOC_RESP: - rma = ieee80211_rx_mgmt_assoc_resp(wk, mgmt, - skb->len, false); - break; - case IEEE80211_STYPE_REASSOC_RESP: - rma = ieee80211_rx_mgmt_assoc_resp(wk, mgmt, - skb->len, true); - break; - default: - WARN_ON(1); - rma = WORK_ACT_NONE; - } - - /* - * We've either received an unexpected frame, or we have - * multiple work items and need to match the frame to the - * right one. - */ - if (rma == WORK_ACT_MISMATCH) - continue; - - /* - * We've processed this frame for that work, so it can't - * belong to another work struct. - * NB: this is also required for correctness for 'rma'! - */ - break; - } - - switch (rma) { - case WORK_ACT_MISMATCH: - /* ignore this unmatched frame */ - break; - case WORK_ACT_NONE: - break; - case WORK_ACT_DONE: - list_del_rcu(&wk->list); - break; - default: - WARN(1, "unexpected: %d", rma); - } - - mutex_unlock(&local->mtx); - - if (rma != WORK_ACT_DONE) - goto out; - - switch (wk->done(wk, skb)) { - case WORK_DONE_DESTROY: - free_work(wk); - break; - case WORK_DONE_REQUEUE: - synchronize_rcu(); - wk->started = false; /* restart */ - mutex_lock(&local->mtx); - list_add_tail(&wk->list, &local->work_list); - mutex_unlock(&local->mtx); - } - - out: - kfree_skb(skb); -} - static void ieee80211_work_timer(unsigned long data) { struct ieee80211_local *local = (void *) data; @@ -876,7 +117,6 @@ static void ieee80211_work_work(struct work_struct *work) { struct ieee80211_local *local = container_of(work, struct ieee80211_local, work_work); - struct sk_buff *skb; struct ieee80211_work *wk, *tmp; LIST_HEAD(free_work); enum work_action rma; @@ -892,10 +132,6 @@ static void ieee80211_work_work(struct work_struct *work) if (WARN(local->suspended, "work scheduled while going to suspend\n")) return; - /* first process frames to avoid timing out while a frame is pending */ - while ((skb = skb_dequeue(&local->work_skb_queue))) - ieee80211_work_rx_queued_mgmt(local, skb); - mutex_lock(&local->mtx); ieee80211_recalc_idle(local); @@ -946,24 +182,12 @@ static void ieee80211_work_work(struct work_struct *work) case IEEE80211_WORK_ABORT: rma = WORK_ACT_TIMEOUT; break; - case IEEE80211_WORK_DIRECT_PROBE: - rma = ieee80211_direct_probe(wk); - break; - case IEEE80211_WORK_AUTH: - rma = ieee80211_authenticate(wk); - break; - case IEEE80211_WORK_ASSOC: - rma = ieee80211_associate(wk); - break; case IEEE80211_WORK_REMAIN_ON_CHANNEL: rma = ieee80211_remain_on_channel_timeout(wk); break; case IEEE80211_WORK_OFFCHANNEL_TX: rma = ieee80211_offchannel_tx(wk); break; - case IEEE80211_WORK_ASSOC_BEACON_WAIT: - rma = ieee80211_assoc_beacon_wait(wk); - break; } wk->started = started; @@ -1051,7 +275,6 @@ void ieee80211_work_init(struct ieee80211_local *local) setup_timer(&local->work_timer, ieee80211_work_timer, (unsigned long)local); INIT_WORK(&local->work_work, ieee80211_work_work); - skb_queue_head_init(&local->work_skb_queue); } void ieee80211_work_purge(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) @@ -1085,43 +308,6 @@ void ieee80211_work_purge(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata) mutex_unlock(&local->mtx); } -ieee80211_rx_result ieee80211_work_rx_mgmt(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, - struct sk_buff *skb) -{ - struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local; - struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt; - struct ieee80211_work *wk; - u16 fc; - - if (skb->len < 24) - return RX_DROP_MONITOR; - - mgmt = (struct ieee80211_mgmt *) skb->data; - fc = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->frame_control); - - list_for_each_entry_rcu(wk, &local->work_list, list) { - if (sdata != wk->sdata) - continue; - if (compare_ether_addr(wk->filter_ta, mgmt->sa)) - continue; - if (compare_ether_addr(wk->filter_ta, mgmt->bssid)) - continue; - - switch (fc & IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE) { - case IEEE80211_STYPE_AUTH: - case IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_RESP: - case IEEE80211_STYPE_ASSOC_RESP: - case IEEE80211_STYPE_REASSOC_RESP: - case IEEE80211_STYPE_BEACON: - skb_queue_tail(&local->work_skb_queue, skb); - ieee80211_queue_work(&local->hw, &local->work_work); - return RX_QUEUED; - } - } - - return RX_CONTINUE; -} - static enum work_done_result ieee80211_remain_done(struct ieee80211_work *wk, struct sk_buff *skb) { diff --git a/net/mac80211/wpa.c b/net/mac80211/wpa.c index b758350919ff4641e69127a220f3c450fb07fcc9..0ae23c60968c0a9e82b214042ee5b01c4f27bb7d 100644 --- a/net/mac80211/wpa.c +++ b/net/mac80211/wpa.c @@ -138,6 +138,10 @@ ieee80211_rx_h_michael_mic_verify(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) if (skb->len < hdrlen + MICHAEL_MIC_LEN) return RX_DROP_UNUSABLE; + if (skb_linearize(rx->skb)) + return RX_DROP_UNUSABLE; + hdr = (void *)skb->data; + data = skb->data + hdrlen; data_len = skb->len - hdrlen - MICHAEL_MIC_LEN; key = &rx->key->conf.key[NL80211_TKIP_DATA_OFFSET_RX_MIC_KEY]; @@ -253,6 +257,11 @@ ieee80211_crypto_tkip_decrypt(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) if (!rx->sta || skb->len - hdrlen < 12) return RX_DROP_UNUSABLE; + /* it may be possible to optimize this a bit more */ + if (skb_linearize(rx->skb)) + return RX_DROP_UNUSABLE; + hdr = (void *)skb->data; + /* * Let TKIP code verify IV, but skip decryption. * In the case where hardware checks the IV as well, @@ -484,6 +493,14 @@ ieee80211_crypto_ccmp_decrypt(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) if (!rx->sta || data_len < 0) return RX_DROP_UNUSABLE; + if (status->flag & RX_FLAG_DECRYPTED) { + if (!pskb_may_pull(rx->skb, hdrlen + CCMP_HDR_LEN)) + return RX_DROP_UNUSABLE; + } else { + if (skb_linearize(rx->skb)) + return RX_DROP_UNUSABLE; + } + ccmp_hdr2pn(pn, skb->data + hdrlen); queue = rx->security_idx; @@ -509,7 +526,8 @@ ieee80211_crypto_ccmp_decrypt(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) memcpy(key->u.ccmp.rx_pn[queue], pn, CCMP_PN_LEN); /* Remove CCMP header and MIC */ - skb_trim(skb, skb->len - CCMP_MIC_LEN); + if (pskb_trim(skb, skb->len - CCMP_MIC_LEN)) + return RX_DROP_UNUSABLE; memmove(skb->data + CCMP_HDR_LEN, skb->data, hdrlen); skb_pull(skb, CCMP_HDR_LEN); @@ -609,6 +627,8 @@ ieee80211_crypto_aes_cmac_decrypt(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx) if (!ieee80211_is_mgmt(hdr->frame_control)) return RX_CONTINUE; + /* management frames are already linear */ + if (skb->len < 24 + sizeof(*mmie)) return RX_DROP_UNUSABLE; diff --git a/net/netfilter/Kconfig b/net/netfilter/Kconfig index f8ac4ef0b7949827a49befea4fb1d6419b41fdde..0c6f67e8f2e5c22e281c34b62b27f171db0c2fb5 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/Kconfig +++ b/net/netfilter/Kconfig @@ -103,6 +103,16 @@ config NF_CONNTRACK_EVENTS If unsure, say `N'. +config NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT + bool 'Connection tracking timeout' + depends on NETFILTER_ADVANCED + help + This option enables support for connection tracking timeout + extension. This allows you to attach timeout policies to flow + via the CT target. + + If unsure, say `N'. + config NF_CONNTRACK_TIMESTAMP bool 'Connection tracking timestamping' depends on NETFILTER_ADVANCED @@ -314,6 +324,17 @@ config NF_CT_NETLINK help This option enables support for a netlink-based userspace interface +config NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT + tristate 'Connection tracking timeout tuning via Netlink' + select NETFILTER_NETLINK + depends on NETFILTER_ADVANCED + help + This option enables support for connection tracking timeout + fine-grain tuning. This allows you to attach specific timeout + policies to flows, instead of using the global timeout policy. + + If unsure, say `N'. + endif # NF_CONNTRACK # transparent proxy support @@ -524,6 +545,15 @@ config NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_LED For more information on the LEDs available on your system, see Documentation/leds/leds-class.txt +config NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_LOG + tristate "LOG target support" + default m if NETFILTER_ADVANCED=n + help + This option adds a `LOG' target, which allows you to create rules in + any iptables table which records the packet header to the syslog. + + To compile it as a module, choose M here. If unsure, say N. + config NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_MARK tristate '"MARK" target support' depends on NETFILTER_ADVANCED diff --git a/net/netfilter/Makefile b/net/netfilter/Makefile index 40f4c3d636c583d0deb95fa1af959e967c635c87..ca3676586f51570c49fed1312390111e13cc10db 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/Makefile +++ b/net/netfilter/Makefile @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ netfilter-objs := core.o nf_log.o nf_queue.o nf_sockopt.o nf_conntrack-y := nf_conntrack_core.o nf_conntrack_standalone.o nf_conntrack_expect.o nf_conntrack_helper.o nf_conntrack_proto.o nf_conntrack_l3proto_generic.o nf_conntrack_proto_generic.o nf_conntrack_proto_tcp.o nf_conntrack_proto_udp.o nf_conntrack_extend.o nf_conntrack_acct.o +nf_conntrack-$(CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT) += nf_conntrack_timeout.o nf_conntrack-$(CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMESTAMP) += nf_conntrack_timestamp.o nf_conntrack-$(CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_EVENTS) += nf_conntrack_ecache.o @@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_NF_CT_PROTO_UDPLITE) += nf_conntrack_proto_udplite.o # netlink interface for nf_conntrack obj-$(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK) += nf_conntrack_netlink.o +obj-$(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT) += nfnetlink_cttimeout.o # connection tracking helpers nf_conntrack_h323-objs := nf_conntrack_h323_main.o nf_conntrack_h323_asn1.o @@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_CT) += xt_CT.o obj-$(CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_DSCP) += xt_DSCP.o obj-$(CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_HL) += xt_HL.o obj-$(CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_LED) += xt_LED.o +obj-$(CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_LOG) += xt_LOG.o obj-$(CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_NFLOG) += xt_NFLOG.o obj-$(CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_NFQUEUE) += xt_NFQUEUE.o obj-$(CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_NOTRACK) += xt_NOTRACK.o diff --git a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_bitmap_ip.c b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_bitmap_ip.c index e3e73997c3be3f260f276c126a8e5c1dc853d682..a72a4dff0031b72ac26412fe953d3f90d698a790 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_bitmap_ip.c +++ b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_bitmap_ip.c @@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ init_map_ip(struct ip_set *set, struct bitmap_ip *map, map->timeout = IPSET_NO_TIMEOUT; set->data = map; - set->family = AF_INET; + set->family = NFPROTO_IPV4; return true; } @@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ static struct ip_set_type bitmap_ip_type __read_mostly = { .protocol = IPSET_PROTOCOL, .features = IPSET_TYPE_IP, .dimension = IPSET_DIM_ONE, - .family = AF_INET, + .family = NFPROTO_IPV4, .revision_min = 0, .revision_max = 0, .create = bitmap_ip_create, diff --git a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_bitmap_ipmac.c b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_bitmap_ipmac.c index 56096f544978e68ce089524e15bd3cb23dff389b..81324c12c5bec09a288cc39a60ea1c920da2ec62 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_bitmap_ipmac.c +++ b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_bitmap_ipmac.c @@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ init_map_ipmac(struct ip_set *set, struct bitmap_ipmac *map, map->timeout = IPSET_NO_TIMEOUT; set->data = map; - set->family = AF_INET; + set->family = NFPROTO_IPV4; return true; } @@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ static struct ip_set_type bitmap_ipmac_type = { .protocol = IPSET_PROTOCOL, .features = IPSET_TYPE_IP | IPSET_TYPE_MAC, .dimension = IPSET_DIM_TWO, - .family = AF_INET, + .family = NFPROTO_IPV4, .revision_min = 0, .revision_max = 0, .create = bitmap_ipmac_create, diff --git a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_bitmap_port.c b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_bitmap_port.c index 29ba93bb94be14268877354e69c7fe46d57cf7eb..382ec28ba72efc1fd420eeb38153825593375ba8 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_bitmap_port.c +++ b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_bitmap_port.c @@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ init_map_port(struct ip_set *set, struct bitmap_port *map, map->timeout = IPSET_NO_TIMEOUT; set->data = map; - set->family = AF_UNSPEC; + set->family = NFPROTO_UNSPEC; return true; } @@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ static struct ip_set_type bitmap_port_type = { .protocol = IPSET_PROTOCOL, .features = IPSET_TYPE_PORT, .dimension = IPSET_DIM_ONE, - .family = AF_UNSPEC, + .family = NFPROTO_UNSPEC, .revision_min = 0, .revision_max = 0, .create = bitmap_port_create, diff --git a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_core.c b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_core.c index 32dbf0fa89db7661e1ee22cee519c273a229c9ca..e6c1c9605a58804fe514406b4a272d7ba1badfd2 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_core.c +++ b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_core.c @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ find_set_type(const char *name, u8 family, u8 revision) list_for_each_entry_rcu(type, &ip_set_type_list, list) if (STREQ(type->name, name) && - (type->family == family || type->family == AF_UNSPEC) && + (type->family == family || type->family == NFPROTO_UNSPEC) && revision >= type->revision_min && revision <= type->revision_max) return type; @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ __find_set_type_minmax(const char *name, u8 family, u8 *min, u8 *max, rcu_read_lock(); list_for_each_entry_rcu(type, &ip_set_type_list, list) if (STREQ(type->name, name) && - (type->family == family || type->family == AF_UNSPEC)) { + (type->family == family || type->family == NFPROTO_UNSPEC)) { found = true; if (type->revision_min < *min) *min = type->revision_min; @@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ __find_set_type_minmax(const char *name, u8 family, u8 *min, u8 *max, __find_set_type_minmax(name, family, min, max, true); } -#define family_name(f) ((f) == AF_INET ? "inet" : \ - (f) == AF_INET6 ? "inet6" : "any") +#define family_name(f) ((f) == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? "inet" : \ + (f) == NFPROTO_IPV6 ? "inet6" : "any") /* Register a set type structure. The type is identified by * the unique triple of name, family and revision. @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ ip_set_test(ip_set_id_t index, const struct sk_buff *skb, pr_debug("set %s, index %u\n", set->name, index); if (opt->dim < set->type->dimension || - !(opt->family == set->family || set->family == AF_UNSPEC)) + !(opt->family == set->family || set->family == NFPROTO_UNSPEC)) return 0; read_lock_bh(&set->lock); @@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ ip_set_add(ip_set_id_t index, const struct sk_buff *skb, pr_debug("set %s, index %u\n", set->name, index); if (opt->dim < set->type->dimension || - !(opt->family == set->family || set->family == AF_UNSPEC)) + !(opt->family == set->family || set->family == NFPROTO_UNSPEC)) return 0; write_lock_bh(&set->lock); @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ ip_set_del(ip_set_id_t index, const struct sk_buff *skb, pr_debug("set %s, index %u\n", set->name, index); if (opt->dim < set->type->dimension || - !(opt->family == set->family || set->family == AF_UNSPEC)) + !(opt->family == set->family || set->family == NFPROTO_UNSPEC)) return 0; write_lock_bh(&set->lock); @@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ start_msg(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 pid, u32 seq, unsigned int flags, return NULL; nfmsg = nlmsg_data(nlh); - nfmsg->nfgen_family = AF_INET; + nfmsg->nfgen_family = NFPROTO_IPV4; nfmsg->version = NFNETLINK_V0; nfmsg->res_id = 0; @@ -1162,9 +1162,13 @@ ip_set_dump(struct sock *ctnl, struct sk_buff *skb, if (unlikely(protocol_failed(attr))) return -IPSET_ERR_PROTOCOL; - return netlink_dump_start(ctnl, skb, nlh, - ip_set_dump_start, - ip_set_dump_done, 0); + { + struct netlink_dump_control c = { + .dump = ip_set_dump_start, + .done = ip_set_dump_done, + }; + return netlink_dump_start(ctnl, skb, nlh, &c); + } } /* Add, del and test */ diff --git a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_getport.c b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_getport.c index 1f03556666f4196cf74e6e0b8433f27756c65ede..6fdf88ae2353b67be38c307fd8d4cb114594e624 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_getport.c +++ b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_getport.c @@ -136,10 +136,10 @@ ip_set_get_ip_port(const struct sk_buff *skb, u8 pf, bool src, __be16 *port) u8 proto; switch (pf) { - case AF_INET: + case NFPROTO_IPV4: ret = ip_set_get_ip4_port(skb, src, port, &proto); break; - case AF_INET6: + case NFPROTO_IPV6: ret = ip_set_get_ip6_port(skb, src, port, &proto); break; default: diff --git a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ip.c b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ip.c index 4015fcaf87bc9556726e5a73b1ebaae1ab29595c..5139dea6019e44ba24ee01d9c4f65beb3eddfe61 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ip.c +++ b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ip.c @@ -366,11 +366,11 @@ hash_ip_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) u8 netmask, hbits; struct ip_set_hash *h; - if (!(set->family == AF_INET || set->family == AF_INET6)) + if (!(set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 || set->family == NFPROTO_IPV6)) return -IPSET_ERR_INVALID_FAMILY; - netmask = set->family == AF_INET ? 32 : 128; + netmask = set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? 32 : 128; pr_debug("Create set %s with family %s\n", - set->name, set->family == AF_INET ? "inet" : "inet6"); + set->name, set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? "inet" : "inet6"); if (unlikely(!ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_HASHSIZE) || !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_MAXELEM) || @@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ hash_ip_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_NETMASK]) { netmask = nla_get_u8(tb[IPSET_ATTR_NETMASK]); - if ((set->family == AF_INET && netmask > 32) || - (set->family == AF_INET6 && netmask > 128) || + if ((set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 && netmask > 32) || + (set->family == NFPROTO_IPV6 && netmask > 128) || netmask == 0) return -IPSET_ERR_INVALID_NETMASK; } @@ -419,15 +419,15 @@ hash_ip_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]) { h->timeout = ip_set_timeout_uget(tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]); - set->variant = set->family == AF_INET + set->variant = set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? &hash_ip4_tvariant : &hash_ip6_tvariant; - if (set->family == AF_INET) + if (set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4) hash_ip4_gc_init(set); else hash_ip6_gc_init(set); } else { - set->variant = set->family == AF_INET + set->variant = set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? &hash_ip4_variant : &hash_ip6_variant; } @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ static struct ip_set_type hash_ip_type __read_mostly = { .protocol = IPSET_PROTOCOL, .features = IPSET_TYPE_IP, .dimension = IPSET_DIM_ONE, - .family = AF_UNSPEC, + .family = NFPROTO_UNSPEC, .revision_min = 0, .revision_max = 0, .create = hash_ip_create, diff --git a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ipport.c b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ipport.c index 37d667e3f6f82d82e442b66d4c38dd592cba06d3..9c27e249c1713bb14d9d03c730bd2a5a125c6177 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ipport.c +++ b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ipport.c @@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ hash_ipport_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) u32 hashsize = IPSET_DEFAULT_HASHSIZE, maxelem = IPSET_DEFAULT_MAXELEM; u8 hbits; - if (!(set->family == AF_INET || set->family == AF_INET6)) + if (!(set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 || set->family == NFPROTO_IPV6)) return -IPSET_ERR_INVALID_FAMILY; if (unlikely(!ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_HASHSIZE) || @@ -490,15 +490,15 @@ hash_ipport_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]) { h->timeout = ip_set_timeout_uget(tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]); - set->variant = set->family == AF_INET + set->variant = set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? &hash_ipport4_tvariant : &hash_ipport6_tvariant; - if (set->family == AF_INET) + if (set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4) hash_ipport4_gc_init(set); else hash_ipport6_gc_init(set); } else { - set->variant = set->family == AF_INET + set->variant = set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? &hash_ipport4_variant : &hash_ipport6_variant; } @@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ static struct ip_set_type hash_ipport_type __read_mostly = { .protocol = IPSET_PROTOCOL, .features = IPSET_TYPE_IP | IPSET_TYPE_PORT, .dimension = IPSET_DIM_TWO, - .family = AF_UNSPEC, + .family = NFPROTO_UNSPEC, .revision_min = 0, .revision_max = 1, /* SCTP and UDPLITE support added */ .create = hash_ipport_create, diff --git a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ipportip.c b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ipportip.c index e69e2718fbe162343eaf97defd30153155ee2ef1..9134057c07284cf41b1e2d119415e8c043a0fc9a 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ipportip.c +++ b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ipportip.c @@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ hash_ipportip_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) u32 hashsize = IPSET_DEFAULT_HASHSIZE, maxelem = IPSET_DEFAULT_MAXELEM; u8 hbits; - if (!(set->family == AF_INET || set->family == AF_INET6)) + if (!(set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 || set->family == NFPROTO_IPV6)) return -IPSET_ERR_INVALID_FAMILY; if (unlikely(!ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_HASHSIZE) || @@ -508,15 +508,15 @@ hash_ipportip_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]) { h->timeout = ip_set_timeout_uget(tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]); - set->variant = set->family == AF_INET + set->variant = set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? &hash_ipportip4_tvariant : &hash_ipportip6_tvariant; - if (set->family == AF_INET) + if (set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4) hash_ipportip4_gc_init(set); else hash_ipportip6_gc_init(set); } else { - set->variant = set->family == AF_INET + set->variant = set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? &hash_ipportip4_variant : &hash_ipportip6_variant; } @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ static struct ip_set_type hash_ipportip_type __read_mostly = { .protocol = IPSET_PROTOCOL, .features = IPSET_TYPE_IP | IPSET_TYPE_PORT | IPSET_TYPE_IP2, .dimension = IPSET_DIM_THREE, - .family = AF_UNSPEC, + .family = NFPROTO_UNSPEC, .revision_min = 0, .revision_max = 1, /* SCTP and UDPLITE support added */ .create = hash_ipportip_create, diff --git a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ipportnet.c b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ipportnet.c index 64199b4e93c952e24ca8c5508af1d3788b1286f8..5d05e69698626570ca8247732d4bb8f8af632674 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ipportnet.c +++ b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ipportnet.c @@ -41,12 +41,19 @@ hash_ipportnet_same_set(const struct ip_set *a, const struct ip_set *b); /* The type variant functions: IPv4 */ +/* We squeeze the "nomatch" flag into cidr: we don't support cidr == 0 + * However this way we have to store internally cidr - 1, + * dancing back and forth. + */ +#define IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NETS_PACKED + /* Member elements without timeout */ struct hash_ipportnet4_elem { __be32 ip; __be32 ip2; __be16 port; - u8 cidr; + u8 cidr:7; + u8 nomatch:1; u8 proto; }; @@ -55,7 +62,8 @@ struct hash_ipportnet4_telem { __be32 ip; __be32 ip2; __be16 port; - u8 cidr; + u8 cidr:7; + u8 nomatch:1; u8 proto; unsigned long timeout; }; @@ -85,11 +93,23 @@ hash_ipportnet4_data_copy(struct hash_ipportnet4_elem *dst, memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(*dst)); } +static inline void +hash_ipportnet4_data_flags(struct hash_ipportnet4_elem *dst, u32 flags) +{ + dst->nomatch = !!(flags & IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH); +} + +static inline bool +hash_ipportnet4_data_match(const struct hash_ipportnet4_elem *elem) +{ + return !elem->nomatch; +} + static inline void hash_ipportnet4_data_netmask(struct hash_ipportnet4_elem *elem, u8 cidr) { elem->ip2 &= ip_set_netmask(cidr); - elem->cidr = cidr; + elem->cidr = cidr - 1; } static inline void @@ -102,11 +122,15 @@ static bool hash_ipportnet4_data_list(struct sk_buff *skb, const struct hash_ipportnet4_elem *data) { + u32 flags = data->nomatch ? IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH : 0; + NLA_PUT_IPADDR4(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP, data->ip); NLA_PUT_IPADDR4(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP2, data->ip2); NLA_PUT_NET16(skb, IPSET_ATTR_PORT, data->port); - NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR2, data->cidr); + NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR2, data->cidr + 1); NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_PROTO, data->proto); + if (flags) + NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, htonl(flags)); return 0; nla_put_failure: @@ -119,14 +143,17 @@ hash_ipportnet4_data_tlist(struct sk_buff *skb, { const struct hash_ipportnet4_telem *tdata = (const struct hash_ipportnet4_telem *)data; + u32 flags = data->nomatch ? IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH : 0; NLA_PUT_IPADDR4(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP, tdata->ip); NLA_PUT_IPADDR4(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP2, tdata->ip2); NLA_PUT_NET16(skb, IPSET_ATTR_PORT, tdata->port); - NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR2, data->cidr); + NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR2, data->cidr + 1); NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_PROTO, data->proto); NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT, htonl(ip_set_timeout_get(tdata->timeout))); + if (flags) + NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, htonl(flags)); return 0; @@ -158,13 +185,11 @@ hash_ipportnet4_kadt(struct ip_set *set, const struct sk_buff *skb, const struct ip_set_hash *h = set->data; ipset_adtfn adtfn = set->variant->adt[adt]; struct hash_ipportnet4_elem data = { - .cidr = h->nets[0].cidr ? h->nets[0].cidr : HOST_MASK + .cidr = h->nets[0].cidr ? h->nets[0].cidr - 1 : HOST_MASK - 1 }; - if (data.cidr == 0) - return -EINVAL; if (adt == IPSET_TEST) - data.cidr = HOST_MASK; + data.cidr = HOST_MASK - 1; if (!ip_set_get_ip4_port(skb, opt->flags & IPSET_DIM_TWO_SRC, &data.port, &data.proto)) @@ -172,7 +197,7 @@ hash_ipportnet4_kadt(struct ip_set *set, const struct sk_buff *skb, ip4addrptr(skb, opt->flags & IPSET_DIM_ONE_SRC, &data.ip); ip4addrptr(skb, opt->flags & IPSET_DIM_THREE_SRC, &data.ip2); - data.ip2 &= ip_set_netmask(data.cidr); + data.ip2 &= ip_set_netmask(data.cidr + 1); return adtfn(set, &data, opt_timeout(opt, h), opt->cmdflags); } @@ -183,17 +208,19 @@ hash_ipportnet4_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], { const struct ip_set_hash *h = set->data; ipset_adtfn adtfn = set->variant->adt[adt]; - struct hash_ipportnet4_elem data = { .cidr = HOST_MASK }; + struct hash_ipportnet4_elem data = { .cidr = HOST_MASK - 1 }; u32 ip, ip_to = 0, p = 0, port, port_to; u32 ip2_from = 0, ip2_to, ip2_last, ip2; u32 timeout = h->timeout; bool with_ports = false; + u8 cidr; int ret; if (unlikely(!tb[IPSET_ATTR_IP] || !tb[IPSET_ATTR_IP2] || !ip_set_attr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_PORT) || !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_PORT_TO) || - !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT))) + !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT) || + !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS))) return -IPSET_ERR_PROTOCOL; if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_LINENO]) @@ -208,9 +235,10 @@ hash_ipportnet4_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], return ret; if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR2]) { - data.cidr = nla_get_u8(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR2]); - if (!data.cidr) + cidr = nla_get_u8(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR2]); + if (!cidr || cidr > HOST_MASK) return -IPSET_ERR_INVALID_CIDR; + data.cidr = cidr - 1; } if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_PORT]) @@ -236,12 +264,18 @@ hash_ipportnet4_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], timeout = ip_set_timeout_uget(tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]); } + if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS] && adt == IPSET_ADD) { + u32 cadt_flags = ip_set_get_h32(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS]); + if (cadt_flags & IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH) + flags |= (cadt_flags << 16); + } + with_ports = with_ports && tb[IPSET_ATTR_PORT_TO]; if (adt == IPSET_TEST || !(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR] || tb[IPSET_ATTR_IP_TO] || with_ports || tb[IPSET_ATTR_IP2_TO])) { data.ip = htonl(ip); - data.ip2 = htonl(ip2_from & ip_set_hostmask(data.cidr)); + data.ip2 = htonl(ip2_from & ip_set_hostmask(data.cidr + 1)); ret = adtfn(set, &data, timeout, flags); return ip_set_eexist(ret, flags) ? 0 : ret; } @@ -275,7 +309,7 @@ hash_ipportnet4_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], if (ip2_from + UINT_MAX == ip2_to) return -IPSET_ERR_HASH_RANGE; } else { - ip_set_mask_from_to(ip2_from, ip2_to, data.cidr); + ip_set_mask_from_to(ip2_from, ip2_to, data.cidr + 1); } if (retried) @@ -290,7 +324,8 @@ hash_ipportnet4_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], while (!after(ip2, ip2_to)) { data.ip2 = htonl(ip2); ip2_last = ip_set_range_to_cidr(ip2, ip2_to, - &data.cidr); + &cidr); + data.cidr = cidr - 1; ret = adtfn(set, &data, timeout, flags); if (ret && !ip_set_eexist(ret, flags)) @@ -321,7 +356,8 @@ struct hash_ipportnet6_elem { union nf_inet_addr ip; union nf_inet_addr ip2; __be16 port; - u8 cidr; + u8 cidr:7; + u8 nomatch:1; u8 proto; }; @@ -329,7 +365,8 @@ struct hash_ipportnet6_telem { union nf_inet_addr ip; union nf_inet_addr ip2; __be16 port; - u8 cidr; + u8 cidr:7; + u8 nomatch:1; u8 proto; unsigned long timeout; }; @@ -359,6 +396,18 @@ hash_ipportnet6_data_copy(struct hash_ipportnet6_elem *dst, memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(*dst)); } +static inline void +hash_ipportnet6_data_flags(struct hash_ipportnet6_elem *dst, u32 flags) +{ + dst->nomatch = !!(flags & IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH); +} + +static inline bool +hash_ipportnet6_data_match(const struct hash_ipportnet6_elem *elem) +{ + return !elem->nomatch; +} + static inline void hash_ipportnet6_data_zero_out(struct hash_ipportnet6_elem *elem) { @@ -378,18 +427,22 @@ static inline void hash_ipportnet6_data_netmask(struct hash_ipportnet6_elem *elem, u8 cidr) { ip6_netmask(&elem->ip2, cidr); - elem->cidr = cidr; + elem->cidr = cidr - 1; } static bool hash_ipportnet6_data_list(struct sk_buff *skb, const struct hash_ipportnet6_elem *data) { + u32 flags = data->nomatch ? IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH : 0; + NLA_PUT_IPADDR6(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP, &data->ip); NLA_PUT_IPADDR6(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP2, &data->ip2); NLA_PUT_NET16(skb, IPSET_ATTR_PORT, data->port); - NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR2, data->cidr); + NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR2, data->cidr + 1); NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_PROTO, data->proto); + if (flags) + NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, htonl(flags)); return 0; nla_put_failure: @@ -402,14 +455,17 @@ hash_ipportnet6_data_tlist(struct sk_buff *skb, { const struct hash_ipportnet6_telem *e = (const struct hash_ipportnet6_telem *)data; + u32 flags = data->nomatch ? IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH : 0; NLA_PUT_IPADDR6(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP, &e->ip); NLA_PUT_IPADDR6(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP2, &data->ip2); NLA_PUT_NET16(skb, IPSET_ATTR_PORT, data->port); - NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR2, data->cidr); + NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR2, data->cidr + 1); NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_PROTO, data->proto); NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT, htonl(ip_set_timeout_get(e->timeout))); + if (flags) + NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, htonl(flags)); return 0; nla_put_failure: @@ -438,13 +494,11 @@ hash_ipportnet6_kadt(struct ip_set *set, const struct sk_buff *skb, const struct ip_set_hash *h = set->data; ipset_adtfn adtfn = set->variant->adt[adt]; struct hash_ipportnet6_elem data = { - .cidr = h->nets[0].cidr ? h->nets[0].cidr : HOST_MASK + .cidr = h->nets[0].cidr ? h->nets[0].cidr - 1 : HOST_MASK - 1 }; - if (data.cidr == 0) - return -EINVAL; if (adt == IPSET_TEST) - data.cidr = HOST_MASK; + data.cidr = HOST_MASK - 1; if (!ip_set_get_ip6_port(skb, opt->flags & IPSET_DIM_TWO_SRC, &data.port, &data.proto)) @@ -452,7 +506,7 @@ hash_ipportnet6_kadt(struct ip_set *set, const struct sk_buff *skb, ip6addrptr(skb, opt->flags & IPSET_DIM_ONE_SRC, &data.ip.in6); ip6addrptr(skb, opt->flags & IPSET_DIM_THREE_SRC, &data.ip2.in6); - ip6_netmask(&data.ip2, data.cidr); + ip6_netmask(&data.ip2, data.cidr + 1); return adtfn(set, &data, opt_timeout(opt, h), opt->cmdflags); } @@ -463,16 +517,18 @@ hash_ipportnet6_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], { const struct ip_set_hash *h = set->data; ipset_adtfn adtfn = set->variant->adt[adt]; - struct hash_ipportnet6_elem data = { .cidr = HOST_MASK }; + struct hash_ipportnet6_elem data = { .cidr = HOST_MASK - 1 }; u32 port, port_to; u32 timeout = h->timeout; bool with_ports = false; + u8 cidr; int ret; if (unlikely(!tb[IPSET_ATTR_IP] || !tb[IPSET_ATTR_IP2] || !ip_set_attr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_PORT) || !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_PORT_TO) || !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT) || + !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS) || tb[IPSET_ATTR_IP_TO] || tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR])) return -IPSET_ERR_PROTOCOL; @@ -490,13 +546,14 @@ hash_ipportnet6_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], if (ret) return ret; - if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR2]) - data.cidr = nla_get_u8(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR2]); - - if (!data.cidr) - return -IPSET_ERR_INVALID_CIDR; + if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR2]) { + cidr = nla_get_u8(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR2]); + if (!cidr || cidr > HOST_MASK) + return -IPSET_ERR_INVALID_CIDR; + data.cidr = cidr - 1; + } - ip6_netmask(&data.ip2, data.cidr); + ip6_netmask(&data.ip2, data.cidr + 1); if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_PORT]) data.port = nla_get_be16(tb[IPSET_ATTR_PORT]); @@ -521,6 +578,12 @@ hash_ipportnet6_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], timeout = ip_set_timeout_uget(tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]); } + if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS] && adt == IPSET_ADD) { + u32 cadt_flags = ip_set_get_h32(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS]); + if (cadt_flags & IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH) + flags |= (cadt_flags << 16); + } + if (adt == IPSET_TEST || !with_ports || !tb[IPSET_ATTR_PORT_TO]) { ret = adtfn(set, &data, timeout, flags); return ip_set_eexist(ret, flags) ? 0 : ret; @@ -554,7 +617,7 @@ hash_ipportnet_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) u32 hashsize = IPSET_DEFAULT_HASHSIZE, maxelem = IPSET_DEFAULT_MAXELEM; u8 hbits; - if (!(set->family == AF_INET || set->family == AF_INET6)) + if (!(set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 || set->family == NFPROTO_IPV6)) return -IPSET_ERR_INVALID_FAMILY; if (unlikely(!ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_HASHSIZE) || @@ -573,7 +636,7 @@ hash_ipportnet_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) h = kzalloc(sizeof(*h) + sizeof(struct ip_set_hash_nets) - * (set->family == AF_INET ? 32 : 128), GFP_KERNEL); + * (set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? 32 : 128), GFP_KERNEL); if (!h) return -ENOMEM; @@ -596,16 +659,16 @@ hash_ipportnet_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]) { h->timeout = ip_set_timeout_uget(tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]); - set->variant = set->family == AF_INET + set->variant = set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? &hash_ipportnet4_tvariant : &hash_ipportnet6_tvariant; - if (set->family == AF_INET) + if (set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4) hash_ipportnet4_gc_init(set); else hash_ipportnet6_gc_init(set); } else { - set->variant = set->family == AF_INET + set->variant = set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? &hash_ipportnet4_variant : &hash_ipportnet6_variant; } @@ -621,10 +684,11 @@ static struct ip_set_type hash_ipportnet_type __read_mostly = { .protocol = IPSET_PROTOCOL, .features = IPSET_TYPE_IP | IPSET_TYPE_PORT | IPSET_TYPE_IP2, .dimension = IPSET_DIM_THREE, - .family = AF_UNSPEC, + .family = NFPROTO_UNSPEC, .revision_min = 0, /* 1 SCTP and UDPLITE support added */ - .revision_max = 2, /* Range as input support for IPv4 added */ + /* 2 Range as input support for IPv4 added */ + .revision_max = 3, /* nomatch flag support added */ .create = hash_ipportnet_create, .create_policy = { [IPSET_ATTR_HASHSIZE] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, @@ -643,6 +707,7 @@ static struct ip_set_type hash_ipportnet_type __read_mostly = { [IPSET_ATTR_CIDR] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [IPSET_ATTR_CIDR2] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [IPSET_ATTR_PROTO] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, + [IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [IPSET_ATTR_LINENO] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, }, diff --git a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_net.c b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_net.c index 28988196775e67a39bcf954e004068d2de456db5..7c3d945517cfa55c62faeccb24d6bce29c958faa 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_net.c +++ b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_net.c @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ hash_net_same_set(const struct ip_set *a, const struct ip_set *b); struct hash_net4_elem { __be32 ip; u16 padding0; - u8 padding1; + u8 nomatch; u8 cidr; }; @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ struct hash_net4_elem { struct hash_net4_telem { __be32 ip; u16 padding0; - u8 padding1; + u8 nomatch; u8 cidr; unsigned long timeout; }; @@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ hash_net4_data_equal(const struct hash_net4_elem *ip1, const struct hash_net4_elem *ip2, u32 *multi) { - return ip1->ip == ip2->ip && ip1->cidr == ip2->cidr; + return ip1->ip == ip2->ip && + ip1->cidr == ip2->cidr; } static inline bool @@ -76,6 +77,19 @@ hash_net4_data_copy(struct hash_net4_elem *dst, { dst->ip = src->ip; dst->cidr = src->cidr; + dst->nomatch = src->nomatch; +} + +static inline void +hash_net4_data_flags(struct hash_net4_elem *dst, u32 flags) +{ + dst->nomatch = flags & IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH; +} + +static inline bool +hash_net4_data_match(const struct hash_net4_elem *elem) +{ + return !elem->nomatch; } static inline void @@ -95,8 +109,12 @@ hash_net4_data_zero_out(struct hash_net4_elem *elem) static bool hash_net4_data_list(struct sk_buff *skb, const struct hash_net4_elem *data) { + u32 flags = data->nomatch ? IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH : 0; + NLA_PUT_IPADDR4(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP, data->ip); NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR, data->cidr); + if (flags) + NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, htonl(flags)); return 0; nla_put_failure: @@ -108,11 +126,14 @@ hash_net4_data_tlist(struct sk_buff *skb, const struct hash_net4_elem *data) { const struct hash_net4_telem *tdata = (const struct hash_net4_telem *)data; + u32 flags = data->nomatch ? IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH : 0; NLA_PUT_IPADDR4(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP, tdata->ip); NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR, tdata->cidr); NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT, htonl(ip_set_timeout_get(tdata->timeout))); + if (flags) + NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, htonl(flags)); return 0; @@ -167,7 +188,8 @@ hash_net4_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], int ret; if (unlikely(!tb[IPSET_ATTR_IP] || - !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT))) + !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT) || + !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS))) return -IPSET_ERR_PROTOCOL; if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_LINENO]) @@ -179,7 +201,7 @@ hash_net4_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR]) { data.cidr = nla_get_u8(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR]); - if (!data.cidr) + if (!data.cidr || data.cidr > HOST_MASK) return -IPSET_ERR_INVALID_CIDR; } @@ -189,6 +211,12 @@ hash_net4_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], timeout = ip_set_timeout_uget(tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]); } + if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS] && adt == IPSET_ADD) { + u32 cadt_flags = ip_set_get_h32(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS]); + if (cadt_flags & IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH) + flags |= (cadt_flags << 16); + } + if (adt == IPSET_TEST || !tb[IPSET_ATTR_IP_TO]) { data.ip = htonl(ip & ip_set_hostmask(data.cidr)); ret = adtfn(set, &data, timeout, flags); @@ -236,14 +264,14 @@ hash_net_same_set(const struct ip_set *a, const struct ip_set *b) struct hash_net6_elem { union nf_inet_addr ip; u16 padding0; - u8 padding1; + u8 nomatch; u8 cidr; }; struct hash_net6_telem { union nf_inet_addr ip; u16 padding0; - u8 padding1; + u8 nomatch; u8 cidr; unsigned long timeout; }; @@ -269,6 +297,19 @@ hash_net6_data_copy(struct hash_net6_elem *dst, { dst->ip.in6 = src->ip.in6; dst->cidr = src->cidr; + dst->nomatch = src->nomatch; +} + +static inline void +hash_net6_data_flags(struct hash_net6_elem *dst, u32 flags) +{ + dst->nomatch = flags & IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH; +} + +static inline bool +hash_net6_data_match(const struct hash_net6_elem *elem) +{ + return !elem->nomatch; } static inline void @@ -296,8 +337,12 @@ hash_net6_data_netmask(struct hash_net6_elem *elem, u8 cidr) static bool hash_net6_data_list(struct sk_buff *skb, const struct hash_net6_elem *data) { + u32 flags = data->nomatch ? IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH : 0; + NLA_PUT_IPADDR6(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP, &data->ip); NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR, data->cidr); + if (flags) + NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, htonl(flags)); return 0; nla_put_failure: @@ -309,11 +354,14 @@ hash_net6_data_tlist(struct sk_buff *skb, const struct hash_net6_elem *data) { const struct hash_net6_telem *e = (const struct hash_net6_telem *)data; + u32 flags = data->nomatch ? IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH : 0; NLA_PUT_IPADDR6(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP, &e->ip); NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR, e->cidr); NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT, htonl(ip_set_timeout_get(e->timeout))); + if (flags) + NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, htonl(flags)); return 0; nla_put_failure: @@ -366,7 +414,8 @@ hash_net6_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], int ret; if (unlikely(!tb[IPSET_ATTR_IP] || - !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT))) + !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT) || + !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS))) return -IPSET_ERR_PROTOCOL; if (unlikely(tb[IPSET_ATTR_IP_TO])) return -IPSET_ERR_HASH_RANGE_UNSUPPORTED; @@ -381,7 +430,7 @@ hash_net6_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR]) data.cidr = nla_get_u8(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR]); - if (!data.cidr) + if (!data.cidr || data.cidr > HOST_MASK) return -IPSET_ERR_INVALID_CIDR; ip6_netmask(&data.ip, data.cidr); @@ -392,6 +441,12 @@ hash_net6_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], timeout = ip_set_timeout_uget(tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]); } + if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS] && adt == IPSET_ADD) { + u32 cadt_flags = ip_set_get_h32(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS]); + if (cadt_flags & IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH) + flags |= (cadt_flags << 16); + } + ret = adtfn(set, &data, timeout, flags); return ip_set_eexist(ret, flags) ? 0 : ret; @@ -406,7 +461,7 @@ hash_net_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) struct ip_set_hash *h; u8 hbits; - if (!(set->family == AF_INET || set->family == AF_INET6)) + if (!(set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 || set->family == NFPROTO_IPV6)) return -IPSET_ERR_INVALID_FAMILY; if (unlikely(!ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_HASHSIZE) || @@ -425,7 +480,7 @@ hash_net_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) h = kzalloc(sizeof(*h) + sizeof(struct ip_set_hash_nets) - * (set->family == AF_INET ? 32 : 128), GFP_KERNEL); + * (set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? 32 : 128), GFP_KERNEL); if (!h) return -ENOMEM; @@ -448,15 +503,15 @@ hash_net_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]) { h->timeout = ip_set_timeout_uget(tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]); - set->variant = set->family == AF_INET + set->variant = set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? &hash_net4_tvariant : &hash_net6_tvariant; - if (set->family == AF_INET) + if (set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4) hash_net4_gc_init(set); else hash_net6_gc_init(set); } else { - set->variant = set->family == AF_INET + set->variant = set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? &hash_net4_variant : &hash_net6_variant; } @@ -472,9 +527,10 @@ static struct ip_set_type hash_net_type __read_mostly = { .protocol = IPSET_PROTOCOL, .features = IPSET_TYPE_IP, .dimension = IPSET_DIM_ONE, - .family = AF_UNSPEC, + .family = NFPROTO_UNSPEC, .revision_min = 0, - .revision_max = 1, /* Range as input support for IPv4 added */ + /* = 1 Range as input support for IPv4 added */ + .revision_max = 2, /* nomatch flag support added */ .create = hash_net_create, .create_policy = { [IPSET_ATTR_HASHSIZE] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, @@ -488,6 +544,7 @@ static struct ip_set_type hash_net_type __read_mostly = { [IPSET_ATTR_IP_TO] = { .type = NLA_NESTED }, [IPSET_ATTR_CIDR] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, + [IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, }, .me = THIS_MODULE, }; diff --git a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_netiface.c b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_netiface.c index e13095deb50d3a9f70ec3c5b5c58899f847d8ee6..f24037ff432201015e81731f61133d45079128d6 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_netiface.c +++ b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_netiface.c @@ -163,7 +163,8 @@ struct hash_netiface4_elem_hashed { __be32 ip; u8 physdev; u8 cidr; - u16 padding; + u8 nomatch; + u8 padding; }; #define HKEY_DATALEN sizeof(struct hash_netiface4_elem_hashed) @@ -173,7 +174,8 @@ struct hash_netiface4_elem { __be32 ip; u8 physdev; u8 cidr; - u16 padding; + u8 nomatch; + u8 padding; const char *iface; }; @@ -182,7 +184,8 @@ struct hash_netiface4_telem { __be32 ip; u8 physdev; u8 cidr; - u16 padding; + u8 nomatch; + u8 padding; const char *iface; unsigned long timeout; }; @@ -207,11 +210,25 @@ hash_netiface4_data_isnull(const struct hash_netiface4_elem *elem) static inline void hash_netiface4_data_copy(struct hash_netiface4_elem *dst, - const struct hash_netiface4_elem *src) { + const struct hash_netiface4_elem *src) +{ dst->ip = src->ip; dst->cidr = src->cidr; dst->physdev = src->physdev; dst->iface = src->iface; + dst->nomatch = src->nomatch; +} + +static inline void +hash_netiface4_data_flags(struct hash_netiface4_elem *dst, u32 flags) +{ + dst->nomatch = flags & IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH; +} + +static inline bool +hash_netiface4_data_match(const struct hash_netiface4_elem *elem) +{ + return !elem->nomatch; } static inline void @@ -233,11 +250,13 @@ hash_netiface4_data_list(struct sk_buff *skb, { u32 flags = data->physdev ? IPSET_FLAG_PHYSDEV : 0; + if (data->nomatch) + flags |= IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH; NLA_PUT_IPADDR4(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP, data->ip); NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR, data->cidr); NLA_PUT_STRING(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IFACE, data->iface); if (flags) - NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, flags); + NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, htonl(flags)); return 0; nla_put_failure: @@ -252,11 +271,13 @@ hash_netiface4_data_tlist(struct sk_buff *skb, (const struct hash_netiface4_telem *)data; u32 flags = data->physdev ? IPSET_FLAG_PHYSDEV : 0; + if (data->nomatch) + flags |= IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH; NLA_PUT_IPADDR4(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP, data->ip); NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR, data->cidr); NLA_PUT_STRING(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IFACE, data->iface); if (flags) - NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, flags); + NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, htonl(flags)); NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT, htonl(ip_set_timeout_get(tdata->timeout))); @@ -361,7 +382,7 @@ hash_netiface4_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR]) { data.cidr = nla_get_u8(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR]); - if (!data.cidr) + if (!data.cidr || data.cidr > HOST_MASK) return -IPSET_ERR_INVALID_CIDR; } @@ -387,6 +408,8 @@ hash_netiface4_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 cadt_flags = ip_set_get_h32(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS]); if (cadt_flags & IPSET_FLAG_PHYSDEV) data.physdev = 1; + if (adt == IPSET_ADD && (cadt_flags & IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH)) + flags |= (cadt_flags << 16); } if (adt == IPSET_TEST || !tb[IPSET_ATTR_IP_TO]) { @@ -440,7 +463,8 @@ struct hash_netiface6_elem_hashed { union nf_inet_addr ip; u8 physdev; u8 cidr; - u16 padding; + u8 nomatch; + u8 padding; }; #define HKEY_DATALEN sizeof(struct hash_netiface6_elem_hashed) @@ -449,7 +473,8 @@ struct hash_netiface6_elem { union nf_inet_addr ip; u8 physdev; u8 cidr; - u16 padding; + u8 nomatch; + u8 padding; const char *iface; }; @@ -457,7 +482,8 @@ struct hash_netiface6_telem { union nf_inet_addr ip; u8 physdev; u8 cidr; - u16 padding; + u8 nomatch; + u8 padding; const char *iface; unsigned long timeout; }; @@ -487,9 +513,22 @@ hash_netiface6_data_copy(struct hash_netiface6_elem *dst, memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(*dst)); } +static inline void +hash_netiface6_data_flags(struct hash_netiface6_elem *dst, u32 flags) +{ + dst->nomatch = flags & IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH; +} + +static inline bool +hash_netiface6_data_match(const struct hash_netiface6_elem *elem) +{ + return !elem->nomatch; +} + static inline void hash_netiface6_data_zero_out(struct hash_netiface6_elem *elem) { + elem->cidr = 0; } static inline void @@ -514,11 +553,13 @@ hash_netiface6_data_list(struct sk_buff *skb, { u32 flags = data->physdev ? IPSET_FLAG_PHYSDEV : 0; + if (data->nomatch) + flags |= IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH; NLA_PUT_IPADDR6(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP, &data->ip); NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR, data->cidr); NLA_PUT_STRING(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IFACE, data->iface); if (flags) - NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, flags); + NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, htonl(flags)); return 0; nla_put_failure: @@ -533,11 +574,13 @@ hash_netiface6_data_tlist(struct sk_buff *skb, (const struct hash_netiface6_telem *)data; u32 flags = data->physdev ? IPSET_FLAG_PHYSDEV : 0; + if (data->nomatch) + flags |= IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH; NLA_PUT_IPADDR6(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP, &e->ip); NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR, data->cidr); NLA_PUT_STRING(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IFACE, data->iface); if (flags) - NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, flags); + NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, htonl(flags)); NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT, htonl(ip_set_timeout_get(e->timeout))); return 0; @@ -636,7 +679,7 @@ hash_netiface6_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR]) data.cidr = nla_get_u8(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR]); - if (!data.cidr) + if (!data.cidr || data.cidr > HOST_MASK) return -IPSET_ERR_INVALID_CIDR; ip6_netmask(&data.ip, data.cidr); @@ -662,6 +705,8 @@ hash_netiface6_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 cadt_flags = ip_set_get_h32(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS]); if (cadt_flags & IPSET_FLAG_PHYSDEV) data.physdev = 1; + if (adt == IPSET_ADD && (cadt_flags & IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH)) + flags |= (cadt_flags << 16); } ret = adtfn(set, &data, timeout, flags); @@ -678,7 +723,7 @@ hash_netiface_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) u32 hashsize = IPSET_DEFAULT_HASHSIZE, maxelem = IPSET_DEFAULT_MAXELEM; u8 hbits; - if (!(set->family == AF_INET || set->family == AF_INET6)) + if (!(set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 || set->family == NFPROTO_IPV6)) return -IPSET_ERR_INVALID_FAMILY; if (unlikely(!ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_HASHSIZE) || @@ -697,7 +742,7 @@ hash_netiface_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) h = kzalloc(sizeof(*h) + sizeof(struct ip_set_hash_nets) - * (set->family == AF_INET ? 32 : 128), GFP_KERNEL); + * (set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? 32 : 128), GFP_KERNEL); if (!h) return -ENOMEM; @@ -722,15 +767,15 @@ hash_netiface_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]) { h->timeout = ip_set_timeout_uget(tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]); - set->variant = set->family == AF_INET + set->variant = set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? &hash_netiface4_tvariant : &hash_netiface6_tvariant; - if (set->family == AF_INET) + if (set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4) hash_netiface4_gc_init(set); else hash_netiface6_gc_init(set); } else { - set->variant = set->family == AF_INET + set->variant = set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? &hash_netiface4_variant : &hash_netiface6_variant; } @@ -746,8 +791,9 @@ static struct ip_set_type hash_netiface_type __read_mostly = { .protocol = IPSET_PROTOCOL, .features = IPSET_TYPE_IP | IPSET_TYPE_IFACE, .dimension = IPSET_DIM_TWO, - .family = AF_UNSPEC, + .family = NFPROTO_UNSPEC, .revision_min = 0, + .revision_max = 1, /* nomatch flag support added */ .create = hash_netiface_create, .create_policy = { [IPSET_ATTR_HASHSIZE] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, diff --git a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_netport.c b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_netport.c index 8f9de7207ec90806638e9c3fa4927ddfe42d25dd..ce2e77100b64ecb521db1cf45c0babd4902a374f 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_netport.c +++ b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_netport.c @@ -40,12 +40,19 @@ hash_netport_same_set(const struct ip_set *a, const struct ip_set *b); /* The type variant functions: IPv4 */ +/* We squeeze the "nomatch" flag into cidr: we don't support cidr == 0 + * However this way we have to store internally cidr - 1, + * dancing back and forth. + */ +#define IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NETS_PACKED + /* Member elements without timeout */ struct hash_netport4_elem { __be32 ip; __be16 port; u8 proto; - u8 cidr; + u8 cidr:7; + u8 nomatch:1; }; /* Member elements with timeout support */ @@ -53,7 +60,8 @@ struct hash_netport4_telem { __be32 ip; __be16 port; u8 proto; - u8 cidr; + u8 cidr:7; + u8 nomatch:1; unsigned long timeout; }; @@ -82,13 +90,26 @@ hash_netport4_data_copy(struct hash_netport4_elem *dst, dst->port = src->port; dst->proto = src->proto; dst->cidr = src->cidr; + dst->nomatch = src->nomatch; +} + +static inline void +hash_netport4_data_flags(struct hash_netport4_elem *dst, u32 flags) +{ + dst->nomatch = !!(flags & IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH); +} + +static inline bool +hash_netport4_data_match(const struct hash_netport4_elem *elem) +{ + return !elem->nomatch; } static inline void hash_netport4_data_netmask(struct hash_netport4_elem *elem, u8 cidr) { elem->ip &= ip_set_netmask(cidr); - elem->cidr = cidr; + elem->cidr = cidr - 1; } static inline void @@ -101,10 +122,14 @@ static bool hash_netport4_data_list(struct sk_buff *skb, const struct hash_netport4_elem *data) { + u32 flags = data->nomatch ? IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH : 0; + NLA_PUT_IPADDR4(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP, data->ip); NLA_PUT_NET16(skb, IPSET_ATTR_PORT, data->port); - NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR, data->cidr); + NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR, data->cidr + 1); NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_PROTO, data->proto); + if (flags) + NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, htonl(flags)); return 0; nla_put_failure: @@ -117,13 +142,16 @@ hash_netport4_data_tlist(struct sk_buff *skb, { const struct hash_netport4_telem *tdata = (const struct hash_netport4_telem *)data; + u32 flags = data->nomatch ? IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH : 0; NLA_PUT_IPADDR4(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP, tdata->ip); NLA_PUT_NET16(skb, IPSET_ATTR_PORT, tdata->port); - NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR, data->cidr); + NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR, data->cidr + 1); NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_PROTO, data->proto); NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT, htonl(ip_set_timeout_get(tdata->timeout))); + if (flags) + NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, htonl(flags)); return 0; @@ -154,20 +182,18 @@ hash_netport4_kadt(struct ip_set *set, const struct sk_buff *skb, const struct ip_set_hash *h = set->data; ipset_adtfn adtfn = set->variant->adt[adt]; struct hash_netport4_elem data = { - .cidr = h->nets[0].cidr ? h->nets[0].cidr : HOST_MASK + .cidr = h->nets[0].cidr ? h->nets[0].cidr - 1 : HOST_MASK - 1 }; - if (data.cidr == 0) - return -EINVAL; if (adt == IPSET_TEST) - data.cidr = HOST_MASK; + data.cidr = HOST_MASK - 1; if (!ip_set_get_ip4_port(skb, opt->flags & IPSET_DIM_TWO_SRC, &data.port, &data.proto)) return -EINVAL; ip4addrptr(skb, opt->flags & IPSET_DIM_ONE_SRC, &data.ip); - data.ip &= ip_set_netmask(data.cidr); + data.ip &= ip_set_netmask(data.cidr + 1); return adtfn(set, &data, opt_timeout(opt, h), opt->cmdflags); } @@ -178,16 +204,18 @@ hash_netport4_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], { const struct ip_set_hash *h = set->data; ipset_adtfn adtfn = set->variant->adt[adt]; - struct hash_netport4_elem data = { .cidr = HOST_MASK }; + struct hash_netport4_elem data = { .cidr = HOST_MASK - 1 }; u32 port, port_to, p = 0, ip = 0, ip_to, last; u32 timeout = h->timeout; bool with_ports = false; + u8 cidr; int ret; if (unlikely(!tb[IPSET_ATTR_IP] || !ip_set_attr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_PORT) || !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_PORT_TO) || - !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT))) + !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT) || + !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS))) return -IPSET_ERR_PROTOCOL; if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_LINENO]) @@ -198,9 +226,10 @@ hash_netport4_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], return ret; if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR]) { - data.cidr = nla_get_u8(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR]); - if (!data.cidr) + cidr = nla_get_u8(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR]); + if (!cidr || cidr > HOST_MASK) return -IPSET_ERR_INVALID_CIDR; + data.cidr = cidr - 1; } if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_PORT]) @@ -227,8 +256,15 @@ hash_netport4_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], } with_ports = with_ports && tb[IPSET_ATTR_PORT_TO]; + + if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS] && adt == IPSET_ADD) { + u32 cadt_flags = ip_set_get_h32(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS]); + if (cadt_flags & IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH) + flags |= (cadt_flags << 16); + } + if (adt == IPSET_TEST || !(with_ports || tb[IPSET_ATTR_IP_TO])) { - data.ip = htonl(ip & ip_set_hostmask(data.cidr)); + data.ip = htonl(ip & ip_set_hostmask(data.cidr + 1)); ret = adtfn(set, &data, timeout, flags); return ip_set_eexist(ret, flags) ? 0 : ret; } @@ -248,14 +284,15 @@ hash_netport4_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], if (ip + UINT_MAX == ip_to) return -IPSET_ERR_HASH_RANGE; } else { - ip_set_mask_from_to(ip, ip_to, data.cidr); + ip_set_mask_from_to(ip, ip_to, data.cidr + 1); } if (retried) ip = h->next.ip; while (!after(ip, ip_to)) { data.ip = htonl(ip); - last = ip_set_range_to_cidr(ip, ip_to, &data.cidr); + last = ip_set_range_to_cidr(ip, ip_to, &cidr); + data.cidr = cidr - 1; p = retried && ip == h->next.ip ? h->next.port : port; for (; p <= port_to; p++) { data.port = htons(p); @@ -288,14 +325,16 @@ struct hash_netport6_elem { union nf_inet_addr ip; __be16 port; u8 proto; - u8 cidr; + u8 cidr:7; + u8 nomatch:1; }; struct hash_netport6_telem { union nf_inet_addr ip; __be16 port; u8 proto; - u8 cidr; + u8 cidr:7; + u8 nomatch:1; unsigned long timeout; }; @@ -323,6 +362,18 @@ hash_netport6_data_copy(struct hash_netport6_elem *dst, memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(*dst)); } +static inline void +hash_netport6_data_flags(struct hash_netport6_elem *dst, u32 flags) +{ + dst->nomatch = !!(flags & IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH); +} + +static inline bool +hash_netport6_data_match(const struct hash_netport6_elem *elem) +{ + return !elem->nomatch; +} + static inline void hash_netport6_data_zero_out(struct hash_netport6_elem *elem) { @@ -342,17 +393,21 @@ static inline void hash_netport6_data_netmask(struct hash_netport6_elem *elem, u8 cidr) { ip6_netmask(&elem->ip, cidr); - elem->cidr = cidr; + elem->cidr = cidr - 1; } static bool hash_netport6_data_list(struct sk_buff *skb, const struct hash_netport6_elem *data) { + u32 flags = data->nomatch ? IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH : 0; + NLA_PUT_IPADDR6(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP, &data->ip); NLA_PUT_NET16(skb, IPSET_ATTR_PORT, data->port); - NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR, data->cidr); + NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR, data->cidr + 1); NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_PROTO, data->proto); + if (flags) + NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, htonl(flags)); return 0; nla_put_failure: @@ -365,13 +420,16 @@ hash_netport6_data_tlist(struct sk_buff *skb, { const struct hash_netport6_telem *e = (const struct hash_netport6_telem *)data; + u32 flags = data->nomatch ? IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH : 0; NLA_PUT_IPADDR6(skb, IPSET_ATTR_IP, &e->ip); NLA_PUT_NET16(skb, IPSET_ATTR_PORT, data->port); - NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR, data->cidr); + NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CIDR, data->cidr + 1); NLA_PUT_U8(skb, IPSET_ATTR_PROTO, data->proto); NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT, htonl(ip_set_timeout_get(e->timeout))); + if (flags) + NLA_PUT_NET32(skb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS, htonl(flags)); return 0; nla_put_failure: @@ -400,20 +458,18 @@ hash_netport6_kadt(struct ip_set *set, const struct sk_buff *skb, const struct ip_set_hash *h = set->data; ipset_adtfn adtfn = set->variant->adt[adt]; struct hash_netport6_elem data = { - .cidr = h->nets[0].cidr ? h->nets[0].cidr : HOST_MASK + .cidr = h->nets[0].cidr ? h->nets[0].cidr - 1 : HOST_MASK - 1, }; - if (data.cidr == 0) - return -EINVAL; if (adt == IPSET_TEST) - data.cidr = HOST_MASK; + data.cidr = HOST_MASK - 1; if (!ip_set_get_ip6_port(skb, opt->flags & IPSET_DIM_TWO_SRC, &data.port, &data.proto)) return -EINVAL; ip6addrptr(skb, opt->flags & IPSET_DIM_ONE_SRC, &data.ip.in6); - ip6_netmask(&data.ip, data.cidr); + ip6_netmask(&data.ip, data.cidr + 1); return adtfn(set, &data, opt_timeout(opt, h), opt->cmdflags); } @@ -424,16 +480,18 @@ hash_netport6_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], { const struct ip_set_hash *h = set->data; ipset_adtfn adtfn = set->variant->adt[adt]; - struct hash_netport6_elem data = { .cidr = HOST_MASK }; + struct hash_netport6_elem data = { .cidr = HOST_MASK - 1 }; u32 port, port_to; u32 timeout = h->timeout; bool with_ports = false; + u8 cidr; int ret; if (unlikely(!tb[IPSET_ATTR_IP] || !ip_set_attr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_PORT) || !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_PORT_TO) || - !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT))) + !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT) || + !ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS))) return -IPSET_ERR_PROTOCOL; if (unlikely(tb[IPSET_ATTR_IP_TO])) return -IPSET_ERR_HASH_RANGE_UNSUPPORTED; @@ -445,11 +503,13 @@ hash_netport6_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], if (ret) return ret; - if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR]) - data.cidr = nla_get_u8(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR]); - if (!data.cidr) - return -IPSET_ERR_INVALID_CIDR; - ip6_netmask(&data.ip, data.cidr); + if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR]) { + cidr = nla_get_u8(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CIDR]); + if (!cidr || cidr > HOST_MASK) + return -IPSET_ERR_INVALID_CIDR; + data.cidr = cidr - 1; + } + ip6_netmask(&data.ip, data.cidr + 1); if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_PORT]) data.port = nla_get_be16(tb[IPSET_ATTR_PORT]); @@ -474,6 +534,12 @@ hash_netport6_uadt(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], timeout = ip_set_timeout_uget(tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]); } + if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS] && adt == IPSET_ADD) { + u32 cadt_flags = ip_set_get_h32(tb[IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS]); + if (cadt_flags & IPSET_FLAG_NOMATCH) + flags |= (cadt_flags << 16); + } + if (adt == IPSET_TEST || !with_ports || !tb[IPSET_ATTR_PORT_TO]) { ret = adtfn(set, &data, timeout, flags); return ip_set_eexist(ret, flags) ? 0 : ret; @@ -507,7 +573,7 @@ hash_netport_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) u32 hashsize = IPSET_DEFAULT_HASHSIZE, maxelem = IPSET_DEFAULT_MAXELEM; u8 hbits; - if (!(set->family == AF_INET || set->family == AF_INET6)) + if (!(set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 || set->family == NFPROTO_IPV6)) return -IPSET_ERR_INVALID_FAMILY; if (unlikely(!ip_set_optattr_netorder(tb, IPSET_ATTR_HASHSIZE) || @@ -526,7 +592,7 @@ hash_netport_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) h = kzalloc(sizeof(*h) + sizeof(struct ip_set_hash_nets) - * (set->family == AF_INET ? 32 : 128), GFP_KERNEL); + * (set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? 32 : 128), GFP_KERNEL); if (!h) return -ENOMEM; @@ -549,15 +615,15 @@ hash_netport_create(struct ip_set *set, struct nlattr *tb[], u32 flags) if (tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]) { h->timeout = ip_set_timeout_uget(tb[IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT]); - set->variant = set->family == AF_INET + set->variant = set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? &hash_netport4_tvariant : &hash_netport6_tvariant; - if (set->family == AF_INET) + if (set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4) hash_netport4_gc_init(set); else hash_netport6_gc_init(set); } else { - set->variant = set->family == AF_INET + set->variant = set->family == NFPROTO_IPV4 ? &hash_netport4_variant : &hash_netport6_variant; } @@ -573,10 +639,11 @@ static struct ip_set_type hash_netport_type __read_mostly = { .protocol = IPSET_PROTOCOL, .features = IPSET_TYPE_IP | IPSET_TYPE_PORT, .dimension = IPSET_DIM_TWO, - .family = AF_UNSPEC, + .family = NFPROTO_UNSPEC, .revision_min = 0, /* 1 SCTP and UDPLITE support added */ - .revision_max = 2, /* Range as input support for IPv4 added */ + /* 2, Range as input support for IPv4 added */ + .revision_max = 3, /* nomatch flag support added */ .create = hash_netport_create, .create_policy = { [IPSET_ATTR_HASHSIZE] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, @@ -595,6 +662,7 @@ static struct ip_set_type hash_netport_type __read_mostly = { [IPSET_ATTR_CIDR] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [IPSET_ATTR_TIMEOUT] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [IPSET_ATTR_LINENO] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, + [IPSET_ATTR_CADT_FLAGS] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, }, .me = THIS_MODULE, }; diff --git a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_list_set.c b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_list_set.c index 4d10819d462e6a9ede447305af10627f0ab671c5..7e095f9005f01f301cefe757533981e787b82ad5 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_list_set.c +++ b/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_list_set.c @@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ static struct ip_set_type list_set_type __read_mostly = { .protocol = IPSET_PROTOCOL, .features = IPSET_TYPE_NAME | IPSET_DUMP_LAST, .dimension = IPSET_DIM_ONE, - .family = AF_UNSPEC, + .family = NFPROTO_UNSPEC, .revision_min = 0, .revision_max = 0, .create = list_set_create, diff --git a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_core.c b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_core.c index fa4b82c8ae8078b7a2e94f367987d8bc79ef991c..7b48035826eeed8b1ae2ad3cefb97024dec84dab 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_core.c +++ b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_core.c @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #include @@ -767,7 +768,8 @@ init_conntrack(struct net *net, struct nf_conn *tmpl, struct nf_conntrack_l3proto *l3proto, struct nf_conntrack_l4proto *l4proto, struct sk_buff *skb, - unsigned int dataoff, u32 hash) + unsigned int dataoff, u32 hash, + unsigned int *timeouts) { struct nf_conn *ct; struct nf_conn_help *help; @@ -786,7 +788,7 @@ init_conntrack(struct net *net, struct nf_conn *tmpl, if (IS_ERR(ct)) return (struct nf_conntrack_tuple_hash *)ct; - if (!l4proto->new(ct, skb, dataoff)) { + if (!l4proto->new(ct, skb, dataoff, timeouts)) { nf_conntrack_free(ct); pr_debug("init conntrack: can't track with proto module\n"); return NULL; @@ -852,7 +854,8 @@ resolve_normal_ct(struct net *net, struct nf_conn *tmpl, struct nf_conntrack_l3proto *l3proto, struct nf_conntrack_l4proto *l4proto, int *set_reply, - enum ip_conntrack_info *ctinfo) + enum ip_conntrack_info *ctinfo, + unsigned int *timeouts) { struct nf_conntrack_tuple tuple; struct nf_conntrack_tuple_hash *h; @@ -872,7 +875,7 @@ resolve_normal_ct(struct net *net, struct nf_conn *tmpl, h = __nf_conntrack_find_get(net, zone, &tuple, hash); if (!h) { h = init_conntrack(net, tmpl, &tuple, l3proto, l4proto, - skb, dataoff, hash); + skb, dataoff, hash, timeouts); if (!h) return NULL; if (IS_ERR(h)) @@ -913,6 +916,8 @@ nf_conntrack_in(struct net *net, u_int8_t pf, unsigned int hooknum, enum ip_conntrack_info ctinfo; struct nf_conntrack_l3proto *l3proto; struct nf_conntrack_l4proto *l4proto; + struct nf_conn_timeout *timeout_ext; + unsigned int *timeouts; unsigned int dataoff; u_int8_t protonum; int set_reply = 0; @@ -959,8 +964,19 @@ nf_conntrack_in(struct net *net, u_int8_t pf, unsigned int hooknum, goto out; } + /* Decide what timeout policy we want to apply to this flow. */ + if (tmpl) { + timeout_ext = nf_ct_timeout_find(tmpl); + if (timeout_ext) + timeouts = NF_CT_TIMEOUT_EXT_DATA(timeout_ext); + else + timeouts = l4proto->get_timeouts(net); + } else + timeouts = l4proto->get_timeouts(net); + ct = resolve_normal_ct(net, tmpl, skb, dataoff, pf, protonum, - l3proto, l4proto, &set_reply, &ctinfo); + l3proto, l4proto, &set_reply, &ctinfo, + timeouts); if (!ct) { /* Not valid part of a connection */ NF_CT_STAT_INC_ATOMIC(net, invalid); @@ -977,7 +993,7 @@ nf_conntrack_in(struct net *net, u_int8_t pf, unsigned int hooknum, NF_CT_ASSERT(skb->nfct); - ret = l4proto->packet(ct, skb, dataoff, ctinfo, pf, hooknum); + ret = l4proto->packet(ct, skb, dataoff, ctinfo, pf, hooknum, timeouts); if (ret <= 0) { /* Invalid: inverse of the return code tells * the netfilter core what to do */ @@ -1331,6 +1347,7 @@ static void nf_conntrack_cleanup_net(struct net *net) } nf_ct_free_hashtable(net->ct.hash, net->ct.htable_size); + nf_conntrack_timeout_fini(net); nf_conntrack_ecache_fini(net); nf_conntrack_tstamp_fini(net); nf_conntrack_acct_fini(net); @@ -1562,9 +1579,14 @@ static int nf_conntrack_init_net(struct net *net) ret = nf_conntrack_ecache_init(net); if (ret < 0) goto err_ecache; + ret = nf_conntrack_timeout_init(net); + if (ret < 0) + goto err_timeout; return 0; +err_timeout: + nf_conntrack_timeout_fini(net); err_ecache: nf_conntrack_tstamp_fini(net); err_tstamp: diff --git a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_ecache.c b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_ecache.c index 14af6329bdda21843ada4be624093e1ac6f980fb..5bd3047ddeec5cf38b160931777fb6c63e6c59b4 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_ecache.c +++ b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_ecache.c @@ -32,9 +32,11 @@ static DEFINE_MUTEX(nf_ct_ecache_mutex); void nf_ct_deliver_cached_events(struct nf_conn *ct) { struct net *net = nf_ct_net(ct); - unsigned long events; + unsigned long events, missed; struct nf_ct_event_notifier *notify; struct nf_conntrack_ecache *e; + struct nf_ct_event item; + int ret; rcu_read_lock(); notify = rcu_dereference(net->ct.nf_conntrack_event_cb); @@ -47,31 +49,32 @@ void nf_ct_deliver_cached_events(struct nf_conn *ct) events = xchg(&e->cache, 0); - if (nf_ct_is_confirmed(ct) && !nf_ct_is_dying(ct) && events) { - struct nf_ct_event item = { - .ct = ct, - .pid = 0, - .report = 0 - }; - int ret; - /* We make a copy of the missed event cache without taking - * the lock, thus we may send missed events twice. However, - * this does not harm and it happens very rarely. */ - unsigned long missed = e->missed; - - if (!((events | missed) & e->ctmask)) - goto out_unlock; - - ret = notify->fcn(events | missed, &item); - if (unlikely(ret < 0 || missed)) { - spin_lock_bh(&ct->lock); - if (ret < 0) - e->missed |= events; - else - e->missed &= ~missed; - spin_unlock_bh(&ct->lock); - } - } + if (!nf_ct_is_confirmed(ct) || nf_ct_is_dying(ct) || !events) + goto out_unlock; + + /* We make a copy of the missed event cache without taking + * the lock, thus we may send missed events twice. However, + * this does not harm and it happens very rarely. */ + missed = e->missed; + + if (!((events | missed) & e->ctmask)) + goto out_unlock; + + item.ct = ct; + item.pid = 0; + item.report = 0; + + ret = notify->fcn(events | missed, &item); + + if (likely(ret >= 0 && !missed)) + goto out_unlock; + + spin_lock_bh(&ct->lock); + if (ret < 0) + e->missed |= events; + else + e->missed &= ~missed; + spin_unlock_bh(&ct->lock); out_unlock: rcu_read_unlock(); diff --git a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_helper.c b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_helper.c index bbe23baa19b64f4df7b2532b1471614a5315cc26..436b7cb79ba43833018477832d3e4ffa185bcb97 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_helper.c +++ b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_helper.c @@ -181,6 +181,60 @@ void nf_ct_helper_destroy(struct nf_conn *ct) } } +static LIST_HEAD(nf_ct_helper_expectfn_list); + +void nf_ct_helper_expectfn_register(struct nf_ct_helper_expectfn *n) +{ + spin_lock_bh(&nf_conntrack_lock); + list_add_rcu(&n->head, &nf_ct_helper_expectfn_list); + spin_unlock_bh(&nf_conntrack_lock); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(nf_ct_helper_expectfn_register); + +void nf_ct_helper_expectfn_unregister(struct nf_ct_helper_expectfn *n) +{ + spin_lock_bh(&nf_conntrack_lock); + list_del_rcu(&n->head); + spin_unlock_bh(&nf_conntrack_lock); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(nf_ct_helper_expectfn_unregister); + +struct nf_ct_helper_expectfn * +nf_ct_helper_expectfn_find_by_name(const char *name) +{ + struct nf_ct_helper_expectfn *cur; + bool found = false; + + rcu_read_lock(); + list_for_each_entry_rcu(cur, &nf_ct_helper_expectfn_list, head) { + if (!strcmp(cur->name, name)) { + found = true; + break; + } + } + rcu_read_unlock(); + return found ? cur : NULL; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(nf_ct_helper_expectfn_find_by_name); + +struct nf_ct_helper_expectfn * +nf_ct_helper_expectfn_find_by_symbol(const void *symbol) +{ + struct nf_ct_helper_expectfn *cur; + bool found = false; + + rcu_read_lock(); + list_for_each_entry_rcu(cur, &nf_ct_helper_expectfn_list, head) { + if (cur->expectfn == symbol) { + found = true; + break; + } + } + rcu_read_unlock(); + return found ? cur : NULL; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(nf_ct_helper_expectfn_find_by_symbol); + int nf_conntrack_helper_register(struct nf_conntrack_helper *me) { unsigned int h = helper_hash(&me->tuple); diff --git a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_netlink.c b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_netlink.c index b49da6c925b3a21ab4f0705cd5262a5f93e72f6b..ca7e8354e4f89d3fd3d6d641e4dd5a0738cadb05 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_netlink.c +++ b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_netlink.c @@ -110,15 +110,16 @@ ctnetlink_dump_tuples(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nf_conntrack_l3proto *l3proto; struct nf_conntrack_l4proto *l4proto; + rcu_read_lock(); l3proto = __nf_ct_l3proto_find(tuple->src.l3num); ret = ctnetlink_dump_tuples_ip(skb, tuple, l3proto); - if (unlikely(ret < 0)) - return ret; - - l4proto = __nf_ct_l4proto_find(tuple->src.l3num, tuple->dst.protonum); - ret = ctnetlink_dump_tuples_proto(skb, tuple, l4proto); - + if (ret >= 0) { + l4proto = __nf_ct_l4proto_find(tuple->src.l3num, + tuple->dst.protonum); + ret = ctnetlink_dump_tuples_proto(skb, tuple, l4proto); + } + rcu_read_unlock(); return ret; } @@ -691,9 +692,18 @@ static int ctnetlink_done(struct netlink_callback *cb) { if (cb->args[1]) nf_ct_put((struct nf_conn *)cb->args[1]); + if (cb->data) + kfree(cb->data); return 0; } +struct ctnetlink_dump_filter { + struct { + u_int32_t val; + u_int32_t mask; + } mark; +}; + static int ctnetlink_dump_table(struct sk_buff *skb, struct netlink_callback *cb) { @@ -703,6 +713,10 @@ ctnetlink_dump_table(struct sk_buff *skb, struct netlink_callback *cb) struct hlist_nulls_node *n; struct nfgenmsg *nfmsg = nlmsg_data(cb->nlh); u_int8_t l3proto = nfmsg->nfgen_family; + int res; +#ifdef CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_MARK + const struct ctnetlink_dump_filter *filter = cb->data; +#endif spin_lock_bh(&nf_conntrack_lock); last = (struct nf_conn *)cb->args[1]; @@ -723,11 +737,20 @@ ctnetlink_dump_table(struct sk_buff *skb, struct netlink_callback *cb) continue; cb->args[1] = 0; } - if (ctnetlink_fill_info(skb, NETLINK_CB(cb->skb).pid, - cb->nlh->nlmsg_seq, - NFNL_MSG_TYPE( - cb->nlh->nlmsg_type), - ct) < 0) { +#ifdef CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_MARK + if (filter && !((ct->mark & filter->mark.mask) == + filter->mark.val)) { + continue; + } +#endif + rcu_read_lock(); + res = + ctnetlink_fill_info(skb, NETLINK_CB(cb->skb).pid, + cb->nlh->nlmsg_seq, + NFNL_MSG_TYPE(cb->nlh->nlmsg_type), + ct); + rcu_read_unlock(); + if (res < 0) { nf_conntrack_get(&ct->ct_general); cb->args[1] = (unsigned long)ct; goto out; @@ -894,6 +917,7 @@ static const struct nla_policy ct_nla_policy[CTA_MAX+1] = { [CTA_NAT_DST] = { .type = NLA_NESTED }, [CTA_TUPLE_MASTER] = { .type = NLA_NESTED }, [CTA_ZONE] = { .type = NLA_U16 }, + [CTA_MARK_MASK] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, }; static int @@ -978,9 +1002,28 @@ ctnetlink_get_conntrack(struct sock *ctnl, struct sk_buff *skb, u16 zone; int err; - if (nlh->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_DUMP) - return netlink_dump_start(ctnl, skb, nlh, ctnetlink_dump_table, - ctnetlink_done, 0); + if (nlh->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_DUMP) { + struct netlink_dump_control c = { + .dump = ctnetlink_dump_table, + .done = ctnetlink_done, + }; +#ifdef CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_MARK + if (cda[CTA_MARK] && cda[CTA_MARK_MASK]) { + struct ctnetlink_dump_filter *filter; + + filter = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ctnetlink_dump_filter), + GFP_ATOMIC); + if (filter == NULL) + return -ENOMEM; + + filter->mark.val = ntohl(nla_get_be32(cda[CTA_MARK])); + filter->mark.mask = + ntohl(nla_get_be32(cda[CTA_MARK_MASK])); + c.data = filter; + } +#endif + return netlink_dump_start(ctnl, skb, nlh, &c); + } err = ctnetlink_parse_zone(cda[CTA_ZONE], &zone); if (err < 0) @@ -1610,14 +1653,16 @@ ctnetlink_exp_dump_mask(struct sk_buff *skb, if (!nest_parms) goto nla_put_failure; + rcu_read_lock(); l3proto = __nf_ct_l3proto_find(tuple->src.l3num); ret = ctnetlink_dump_tuples_ip(skb, &m, l3proto); - - if (unlikely(ret < 0)) - goto nla_put_failure; - - l4proto = __nf_ct_l4proto_find(tuple->src.l3num, tuple->dst.protonum); + if (ret >= 0) { + l4proto = __nf_ct_l4proto_find(tuple->src.l3num, + tuple->dst.protonum); ret = ctnetlink_dump_tuples_proto(skb, &m, l4proto); + } + rcu_read_unlock(); + if (unlikely(ret < 0)) goto nla_put_failure; @@ -1636,6 +1681,11 @@ ctnetlink_exp_dump_expect(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nf_conn *master = exp->master; long timeout = ((long)exp->timeout.expires - (long)jiffies) / HZ; struct nf_conn_help *help; +#ifdef CONFIG_NF_NAT_NEEDED + struct nlattr *nest_parms; + struct nf_conntrack_tuple nat_tuple = {}; +#endif + struct nf_ct_helper_expectfn *expfn; if (timeout < 0) timeout = 0; @@ -1649,9 +1699,29 @@ ctnetlink_exp_dump_expect(struct sk_buff *skb, CTA_EXPECT_MASTER) < 0) goto nla_put_failure; +#ifdef CONFIG_NF_NAT_NEEDED + if (exp->saved_ip || exp->saved_proto.all) { + nest_parms = nla_nest_start(skb, CTA_EXPECT_NAT | NLA_F_NESTED); + if (!nest_parms) + goto nla_put_failure; + + NLA_PUT_BE32(skb, CTA_EXPECT_NAT_DIR, htonl(exp->dir)); + + nat_tuple.src.l3num = nf_ct_l3num(master); + nat_tuple.src.u3.ip = exp->saved_ip; + nat_tuple.dst.protonum = nf_ct_protonum(master); + nat_tuple.src.u = exp->saved_proto; + + if (ctnetlink_exp_dump_tuple(skb, &nat_tuple, + CTA_EXPECT_NAT_TUPLE) < 0) + goto nla_put_failure; + nla_nest_end(skb, nest_parms); + } +#endif NLA_PUT_BE32(skb, CTA_EXPECT_TIMEOUT, htonl(timeout)); NLA_PUT_BE32(skb, CTA_EXPECT_ID, htonl((unsigned long)exp)); NLA_PUT_BE32(skb, CTA_EXPECT_FLAGS, htonl(exp->flags)); + NLA_PUT_BE32(skb, CTA_EXPECT_CLASS, htonl(exp->class)); help = nfct_help(master); if (help) { struct nf_conntrack_helper *helper; @@ -1660,6 +1730,9 @@ ctnetlink_exp_dump_expect(struct sk_buff *skb, if (helper) NLA_PUT_STRING(skb, CTA_EXPECT_HELP_NAME, helper->name); } + expfn = nf_ct_helper_expectfn_find_by_symbol(exp->expectfn); + if (expfn != NULL) + NLA_PUT_STRING(skb, CTA_EXPECT_FN, expfn->name); return 0; @@ -1817,6 +1890,9 @@ static const struct nla_policy exp_nla_policy[CTA_EXPECT_MAX+1] = { [CTA_EXPECT_HELP_NAME] = { .type = NLA_NUL_STRING }, [CTA_EXPECT_ZONE] = { .type = NLA_U16 }, [CTA_EXPECT_FLAGS] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, + [CTA_EXPECT_CLASS] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, + [CTA_EXPECT_NAT] = { .type = NLA_NESTED }, + [CTA_EXPECT_FN] = { .type = NLA_NUL_STRING }, }; static int @@ -1834,9 +1910,11 @@ ctnetlink_get_expect(struct sock *ctnl, struct sk_buff *skb, int err; if (nlh->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_DUMP) { - return netlink_dump_start(ctnl, skb, nlh, - ctnetlink_exp_dump_table, - ctnetlink_exp_done, 0); + struct netlink_dump_control c = { + .dump = ctnetlink_exp_dump_table, + .done = ctnetlink_exp_done, + }; + return netlink_dump_start(ctnl, skb, nlh, &c); } err = ctnetlink_parse_zone(cda[CTA_EXPECT_ZONE], &zone); @@ -1990,6 +2068,41 @@ ctnetlink_change_expect(struct nf_conntrack_expect *x, return -EOPNOTSUPP; } +static const struct nla_policy exp_nat_nla_policy[CTA_EXPECT_NAT_MAX+1] = { + [CTA_EXPECT_NAT_DIR] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, + [CTA_EXPECT_NAT_TUPLE] = { .type = NLA_NESTED }, +}; + +static int +ctnetlink_parse_expect_nat(const struct nlattr *attr, + struct nf_conntrack_expect *exp, + u_int8_t u3) +{ +#ifdef CONFIG_NF_NAT_NEEDED + struct nlattr *tb[CTA_EXPECT_NAT_MAX+1]; + struct nf_conntrack_tuple nat_tuple = {}; + int err; + + nla_parse_nested(tb, CTA_EXPECT_NAT_MAX, attr, exp_nat_nla_policy); + + if (!tb[CTA_EXPECT_NAT_DIR] || !tb[CTA_EXPECT_NAT_TUPLE]) + return -EINVAL; + + err = ctnetlink_parse_tuple((const struct nlattr * const *)tb, + &nat_tuple, CTA_EXPECT_NAT_TUPLE, u3); + if (err < 0) + return err; + + exp->saved_ip = nat_tuple.src.u3.ip; + exp->saved_proto = nat_tuple.src.u; + exp->dir = ntohl(nla_get_be32(tb[CTA_EXPECT_NAT_DIR])); + + return 0; +#else + return -EOPNOTSUPP; +#endif +} + static int ctnetlink_create_expect(struct net *net, u16 zone, const struct nlattr * const cda[], @@ -2001,6 +2114,8 @@ ctnetlink_create_expect(struct net *net, u16 zone, struct nf_conntrack_expect *exp; struct nf_conn *ct; struct nf_conn_help *help; + struct nf_conntrack_helper *helper = NULL; + u_int32_t class = 0; int err = 0; /* caller guarantees that those three CTA_EXPECT_* exist */ @@ -2019,6 +2134,40 @@ ctnetlink_create_expect(struct net *net, u16 zone, if (!h) return -ENOENT; ct = nf_ct_tuplehash_to_ctrack(h); + + /* Look for helper of this expectation */ + if (cda[CTA_EXPECT_HELP_NAME]) { + const char *helpname = nla_data(cda[CTA_EXPECT_HELP_NAME]); + + helper = __nf_conntrack_helper_find(helpname, nf_ct_l3num(ct), + nf_ct_protonum(ct)); + if (helper == NULL) { +#ifdef CONFIG_MODULES + if (request_module("nfct-helper-%s", helpname) < 0) { + err = -EOPNOTSUPP; + goto out; + } + + helper = __nf_conntrack_helper_find(helpname, + nf_ct_l3num(ct), + nf_ct_protonum(ct)); + if (helper) { + err = -EAGAIN; + goto out; + } +#endif + err = -EOPNOTSUPP; + goto out; + } + } + + if (cda[CTA_EXPECT_CLASS] && helper) { + class = ntohl(nla_get_be32(cda[CTA_EXPECT_CLASS])); + if (class > helper->expect_class_max) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto out; + } + } exp = nf_ct_expect_alloc(ct); if (!exp) { err = -ENOMEM; @@ -2045,18 +2194,35 @@ ctnetlink_create_expect(struct net *net, u16 zone, } else exp->flags = 0; } + if (cda[CTA_EXPECT_FN]) { + const char *name = nla_data(cda[CTA_EXPECT_FN]); + struct nf_ct_helper_expectfn *expfn; + + expfn = nf_ct_helper_expectfn_find_by_name(name); + if (expfn == NULL) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto err_out; + } + exp->expectfn = expfn->expectfn; + } else + exp->expectfn = NULL; - exp->class = 0; - exp->expectfn = NULL; + exp->class = class; exp->master = ct; - exp->helper = NULL; + exp->helper = helper; memcpy(&exp->tuple, &tuple, sizeof(struct nf_conntrack_tuple)); memcpy(&exp->mask.src.u3, &mask.src.u3, sizeof(exp->mask.src.u3)); exp->mask.src.u.all = mask.src.u.all; + if (cda[CTA_EXPECT_NAT]) { + err = ctnetlink_parse_expect_nat(cda[CTA_EXPECT_NAT], + exp, u3); + if (err < 0) + goto err_out; + } err = nf_ct_expect_related_report(exp, pid, report); +err_out: nf_ct_expect_put(exp); - out: nf_ct_put(nf_ct_tuplehash_to_ctrack(h)); return err; diff --git a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_dccp.c b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_dccp.c index d6dde6dc09e6679cf1206237d1456f1ecc2f21c0..24fdce256cb0a65ee9996dfa7fa2569e499eebd0 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_dccp.c +++ b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_dccp.c @@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ static bool dccp_invert_tuple(struct nf_conntrack_tuple *inv, } static bool dccp_new(struct nf_conn *ct, const struct sk_buff *skb, - unsigned int dataoff) + unsigned int dataoff, unsigned int *timeouts) { struct net *net = nf_ct_net(ct); struct dccp_net *dn; @@ -472,12 +472,17 @@ static u64 dccp_ack_seq(const struct dccp_hdr *dh) ntohl(dhack->dccph_ack_nr_low); } +static unsigned int *dccp_get_timeouts(struct net *net) +{ + return dccp_pernet(net)->dccp_timeout; +} + static int dccp_packet(struct nf_conn *ct, const struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int dataoff, enum ip_conntrack_info ctinfo, - u_int8_t pf, unsigned int hooknum) + u_int8_t pf, unsigned int hooknum, + unsigned int *timeouts) { struct net *net = nf_ct_net(ct); - struct dccp_net *dn; enum ip_conntrack_dir dir = CTINFO2DIR(ctinfo); struct dccp_hdr _dh, *dh; u_int8_t type, old_state, new_state; @@ -559,8 +564,7 @@ static int dccp_packet(struct nf_conn *ct, const struct sk_buff *skb, if (new_state != old_state) nf_conntrack_event_cache(IPCT_PROTOINFO, ct); - dn = dccp_pernet(net); - nf_ct_refresh_acct(ct, ctinfo, skb, dn->dccp_timeout[new_state]); + nf_ct_refresh_acct(ct, ctinfo, skb, timeouts[new_state]); return NF_ACCEPT; } @@ -702,8 +706,60 @@ static int dccp_nlattr_size(void) return nla_total_size(0) /* CTA_PROTOINFO_DCCP */ + nla_policy_len(dccp_nla_policy, CTA_PROTOINFO_DCCP_MAX + 1); } + #endif +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT) + +#include +#include + +static int dccp_timeout_nlattr_to_obj(struct nlattr *tb[], void *data) +{ + struct dccp_net *dn = dccp_pernet(&init_net); + unsigned int *timeouts = data; + int i; + + /* set default DCCP timeouts. */ + for (i=0; idccp_timeout[i]; + + /* there's a 1:1 mapping between attributes and protocol states. */ + for (i=CTA_TIMEOUT_DCCP_UNSPEC+1; i +#include + +static int generic_timeout_nlattr_to_obj(struct nlattr *tb[], void *data) +{ + unsigned int *timeout = data; + + if (tb[CTA_TIMEOUT_GENERIC_TIMEOUT]) + *timeout = + ntohl(nla_get_be32(tb[CTA_TIMEOUT_GENERIC_TIMEOUT])) * HZ; + else { + /* Set default generic timeout. */ + *timeout = nf_ct_generic_timeout; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int +generic_timeout_obj_to_nlattr(struct sk_buff *skb, const void *data) +{ + const unsigned int *timeout = data; + + NLA_PUT_BE32(skb, CTA_TIMEOUT_GENERIC_TIMEOUT, htonl(*timeout / HZ)); + + return 0; + +nla_put_failure: + return -ENOSPC; +} + +static const struct nla_policy +generic_timeout_nla_policy[CTA_TIMEOUT_GENERIC_MAX+1] = { + [CTA_TIMEOUT_GENERIC_TIMEOUT] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, +}; +#endif /* CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT */ + #ifdef CONFIG_SYSCTL static struct ctl_table_header *generic_sysctl_header; static struct ctl_table generic_sysctl_table[] = { @@ -93,8 +138,18 @@ struct nf_conntrack_l4proto nf_conntrack_l4proto_generic __read_mostly = .pkt_to_tuple = generic_pkt_to_tuple, .invert_tuple = generic_invert_tuple, .print_tuple = generic_print_tuple, - .packet = packet, - .new = new, + .packet = generic_packet, + .get_timeouts = generic_get_timeouts, + .new = generic_new, +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT) + .ctnl_timeout = { + .nlattr_to_obj = generic_timeout_nlattr_to_obj, + .obj_to_nlattr = generic_timeout_obj_to_nlattr, + .nlattr_max = CTA_TIMEOUT_GENERIC_MAX, + .obj_size = sizeof(unsigned int), + .nla_policy = generic_timeout_nla_policy, + }, +#endif /* CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT */ #ifdef CONFIG_SYSCTL .ctl_table_header = &generic_sysctl_header, .ctl_table = generic_sysctl_table, diff --git a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_gre.c b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_gre.c index f0338791b822d238d926486e78084afe5089b1a5..659648c4b14ad50331c996ab6a401e379b23b700 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_gre.c +++ b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_gre.c @@ -41,8 +41,16 @@ #include #include -#define GRE_TIMEOUT (30 * HZ) -#define GRE_STREAM_TIMEOUT (180 * HZ) +enum grep_conntrack { + GRE_CT_UNREPLIED, + GRE_CT_REPLIED, + GRE_CT_MAX +}; + +static unsigned int gre_timeouts[GRE_CT_MAX] = { + [GRE_CT_UNREPLIED] = 30*HZ, + [GRE_CT_REPLIED] = 180*HZ, +}; static int proto_gre_net_id __read_mostly; struct netns_proto_gre { @@ -227,13 +235,19 @@ static int gre_print_conntrack(struct seq_file *s, struct nf_conn *ct) (ct->proto.gre.stream_timeout / HZ)); } +static unsigned int *gre_get_timeouts(struct net *net) +{ + return gre_timeouts; +} + /* Returns verdict for packet, and may modify conntrack */ static int gre_packet(struct nf_conn *ct, const struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int dataoff, enum ip_conntrack_info ctinfo, u_int8_t pf, - unsigned int hooknum) + unsigned int hooknum, + unsigned int *timeouts) { /* If we've seen traffic both ways, this is a GRE connection. * Extend timeout. */ @@ -252,15 +266,15 @@ static int gre_packet(struct nf_conn *ct, /* Called when a new connection for this protocol found. */ static bool gre_new(struct nf_conn *ct, const struct sk_buff *skb, - unsigned int dataoff) + unsigned int dataoff, unsigned int *timeouts) { pr_debug(": "); nf_ct_dump_tuple(&ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple); /* initialize to sane value. Ideally a conntrack helper * (e.g. in case of pptp) is increasing them */ - ct->proto.gre.stream_timeout = GRE_STREAM_TIMEOUT; - ct->proto.gre.timeout = GRE_TIMEOUT; + ct->proto.gre.stream_timeout = timeouts[GRE_CT_REPLIED]; + ct->proto.gre.timeout = timeouts[GRE_CT_UNREPLIED]; return true; } @@ -278,6 +292,52 @@ static void gre_destroy(struct nf_conn *ct) nf_ct_gre_keymap_destroy(master); } +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT) + +#include +#include + +static int gre_timeout_nlattr_to_obj(struct nlattr *tb[], void *data) +{ + unsigned int *timeouts = data; + + /* set default timeouts for GRE. */ + timeouts[GRE_CT_UNREPLIED] = gre_timeouts[GRE_CT_UNREPLIED]; + timeouts[GRE_CT_REPLIED] = gre_timeouts[GRE_CT_REPLIED]; + + if (tb[CTA_TIMEOUT_GRE_UNREPLIED]) { + timeouts[GRE_CT_UNREPLIED] = + ntohl(nla_get_be32(tb[CTA_TIMEOUT_GRE_UNREPLIED])) * HZ; + } + if (tb[CTA_TIMEOUT_GRE_REPLIED]) { + timeouts[GRE_CT_REPLIED] = + ntohl(nla_get_be32(tb[CTA_TIMEOUT_GRE_REPLIED])) * HZ; + } + return 0; +} + +static int +gre_timeout_obj_to_nlattr(struct sk_buff *skb, const void *data) +{ + const unsigned int *timeouts = data; + + NLA_PUT_BE32(skb, CTA_TIMEOUT_GRE_UNREPLIED, + htonl(timeouts[GRE_CT_UNREPLIED] / HZ)); + NLA_PUT_BE32(skb, CTA_TIMEOUT_GRE_REPLIED, + htonl(timeouts[GRE_CT_REPLIED] / HZ)); + return 0; + +nla_put_failure: + return -ENOSPC; +} + +static const struct nla_policy +gre_timeout_nla_policy[CTA_TIMEOUT_GRE_MAX+1] = { + [CTA_TIMEOUT_GRE_UNREPLIED] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, + [CTA_TIMEOUT_GRE_REPLIED] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, +}; +#endif /* CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT */ + /* protocol helper struct */ static struct nf_conntrack_l4proto nf_conntrack_l4proto_gre4 __read_mostly = { .l3proto = AF_INET, @@ -287,6 +347,7 @@ static struct nf_conntrack_l4proto nf_conntrack_l4proto_gre4 __read_mostly = { .invert_tuple = gre_invert_tuple, .print_tuple = gre_print_tuple, .print_conntrack = gre_print_conntrack, + .get_timeouts = gre_get_timeouts, .packet = gre_packet, .new = gre_new, .destroy = gre_destroy, @@ -297,6 +358,15 @@ static struct nf_conntrack_l4proto nf_conntrack_l4proto_gre4 __read_mostly = { .nlattr_to_tuple = nf_ct_port_nlattr_to_tuple, .nla_policy = nf_ct_port_nla_policy, #endif +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT) + .ctnl_timeout = { + .nlattr_to_obj = gre_timeout_nlattr_to_obj, + .obj_to_nlattr = gre_timeout_obj_to_nlattr, + .nlattr_max = CTA_TIMEOUT_GRE_MAX, + .obj_size = sizeof(unsigned int) * GRE_CT_MAX, + .nla_policy = gre_timeout_nla_policy, + }, +#endif /* CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT */ }; static int proto_gre_net_init(struct net *net) diff --git a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_sctp.c b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_sctp.c index afa69136061ac18c7b9e1f1067f9679ddcbf0984..72b5088592dc8557b264c4b0f7de4e72fa3e3b76 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_sctp.c +++ b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_sctp.c @@ -279,13 +279,19 @@ static int sctp_new_state(enum ip_conntrack_dir dir, return sctp_conntracks[dir][i][cur_state]; } +static unsigned int *sctp_get_timeouts(struct net *net) +{ + return sctp_timeouts; +} + /* Returns verdict for packet, or -NF_ACCEPT for invalid. */ static int sctp_packet(struct nf_conn *ct, const struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int dataoff, enum ip_conntrack_info ctinfo, u_int8_t pf, - unsigned int hooknum) + unsigned int hooknum, + unsigned int *timeouts) { enum sctp_conntrack new_state, old_state; enum ip_conntrack_dir dir = CTINFO2DIR(ctinfo); @@ -370,7 +376,7 @@ static int sctp_packet(struct nf_conn *ct, } spin_unlock_bh(&ct->lock); - nf_ct_refresh_acct(ct, ctinfo, skb, sctp_timeouts[new_state]); + nf_ct_refresh_acct(ct, ctinfo, skb, timeouts[new_state]); if (old_state == SCTP_CONNTRACK_COOKIE_ECHOED && dir == IP_CT_DIR_REPLY && @@ -390,7 +396,7 @@ static int sctp_packet(struct nf_conn *ct, /* Called when a new connection for this protocol found. */ static bool sctp_new(struct nf_conn *ct, const struct sk_buff *skb, - unsigned int dataoff) + unsigned int dataoff, unsigned int *timeouts) { enum sctp_conntrack new_state; const struct sctphdr *sh; @@ -543,6 +549,57 @@ static int sctp_nlattr_size(void) } #endif +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT) + +#include +#include + +static int sctp_timeout_nlattr_to_obj(struct nlattr *tb[], void *data) +{ + unsigned int *timeouts = data; + int i; + + /* set default SCTP timeouts. */ + for (i=0; iproto.tcp.seen[dir].flags |= IP_CT_TCP_FLAG_CLOSE_INIT; if (ct->proto.tcp.retrans >= nf_ct_tcp_max_retrans && - tcp_timeouts[new_state] > nf_ct_tcp_timeout_max_retrans) - timeout = nf_ct_tcp_timeout_max_retrans; + timeouts[new_state] > timeouts[TCP_CONNTRACK_RETRANS]) + timeout = timeouts[TCP_CONNTRACK_RETRANS]; else if ((ct->proto.tcp.seen[0].flags | ct->proto.tcp.seen[1].flags) & IP_CT_TCP_FLAG_DATA_UNACKNOWLEDGED && - tcp_timeouts[new_state] > nf_ct_tcp_timeout_unacknowledged) - timeout = nf_ct_tcp_timeout_unacknowledged; + timeouts[new_state] > timeouts[TCP_CONNTRACK_UNACK]) + timeout = timeouts[TCP_CONNTRACK_UNACK]; else - timeout = tcp_timeouts[new_state]; + timeout = timeouts[new_state]; spin_unlock_bh(&ct->lock); if (new_state != old_state) @@ -1054,7 +1059,7 @@ static int tcp_packet(struct nf_conn *ct, /* Called when a new connection for this protocol found. */ static bool tcp_new(struct nf_conn *ct, const struct sk_buff *skb, - unsigned int dataoff) + unsigned int dataoff, unsigned int *timeouts) { enum tcp_conntrack new_state; const struct tcphdr *th; @@ -1239,6 +1244,113 @@ static int tcp_nlattr_tuple_size(void) } #endif +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT) + +#include +#include + +static int tcp_timeout_nlattr_to_obj(struct nlattr *tb[], void *data) +{ + unsigned int *timeouts = data; + int i; + + /* set default TCP timeouts. */ + for (i=0; i #include -static unsigned int nf_ct_udp_timeout __read_mostly = 30*HZ; -static unsigned int nf_ct_udp_timeout_stream __read_mostly = 180*HZ; +enum udp_conntrack { + UDP_CT_UNREPLIED, + UDP_CT_REPLIED, + UDP_CT_MAX +}; + +static unsigned int udp_timeouts[UDP_CT_MAX] = { + [UDP_CT_UNREPLIED] = 30*HZ, + [UDP_CT_REPLIED] = 180*HZ, +}; static bool udp_pkt_to_tuple(const struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int dataoff, @@ -63,30 +71,38 @@ static int udp_print_tuple(struct seq_file *s, ntohs(tuple->dst.u.udp.port)); } +static unsigned int *udp_get_timeouts(struct net *net) +{ + return udp_timeouts; +} + /* Returns verdict for packet, and may modify conntracktype */ static int udp_packet(struct nf_conn *ct, const struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int dataoff, enum ip_conntrack_info ctinfo, u_int8_t pf, - unsigned int hooknum) + unsigned int hooknum, + unsigned int *timeouts) { /* If we've seen traffic both ways, this is some kind of UDP stream. Extend timeout. */ if (test_bit(IPS_SEEN_REPLY_BIT, &ct->status)) { - nf_ct_refresh_acct(ct, ctinfo, skb, nf_ct_udp_timeout_stream); + nf_ct_refresh_acct(ct, ctinfo, skb, + timeouts[UDP_CT_REPLIED]); /* Also, more likely to be important, and not a probe */ if (!test_and_set_bit(IPS_ASSURED_BIT, &ct->status)) nf_conntrack_event_cache(IPCT_ASSURED, ct); - } else - nf_ct_refresh_acct(ct, ctinfo, skb, nf_ct_udp_timeout); - + } else { + nf_ct_refresh_acct(ct, ctinfo, skb, + timeouts[UDP_CT_UNREPLIED]); + } return NF_ACCEPT; } /* Called when a new connection for this protocol found. */ static bool udp_new(struct nf_conn *ct, const struct sk_buff *skb, - unsigned int dataoff) + unsigned int dataoff, unsigned int *timeouts) { return true; } @@ -136,20 +152,66 @@ static int udp_error(struct net *net, struct nf_conn *tmpl, struct sk_buff *skb, return NF_ACCEPT; } +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT) + +#include +#include + +static int udp_timeout_nlattr_to_obj(struct nlattr *tb[], void *data) +{ + unsigned int *timeouts = data; + + /* set default timeouts for UDP. */ + timeouts[UDP_CT_UNREPLIED] = udp_timeouts[UDP_CT_UNREPLIED]; + timeouts[UDP_CT_REPLIED] = udp_timeouts[UDP_CT_REPLIED]; + + if (tb[CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_UNREPLIED]) { + timeouts[UDP_CT_UNREPLIED] = + ntohl(nla_get_be32(tb[CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_UNREPLIED])) * HZ; + } + if (tb[CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_REPLIED]) { + timeouts[UDP_CT_REPLIED] = + ntohl(nla_get_be32(tb[CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_REPLIED])) * HZ; + } + return 0; +} + +static int +udp_timeout_obj_to_nlattr(struct sk_buff *skb, const void *data) +{ + const unsigned int *timeouts = data; + + NLA_PUT_BE32(skb, CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_UNREPLIED, + htonl(timeouts[UDP_CT_UNREPLIED] / HZ)); + NLA_PUT_BE32(skb, CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_REPLIED, + htonl(timeouts[UDP_CT_REPLIED] / HZ)); + return 0; + +nla_put_failure: + return -ENOSPC; +} + +static const struct nla_policy +udp_timeout_nla_policy[CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_MAX+1] = { + [CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_UNREPLIED] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, + [CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_REPLIED] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, +}; +#endif /* CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT */ + #ifdef CONFIG_SYSCTL static unsigned int udp_sysctl_table_users; static struct ctl_table_header *udp_sysctl_header; static struct ctl_table udp_sysctl_table[] = { { .procname = "nf_conntrack_udp_timeout", - .data = &nf_ct_udp_timeout, + .data = &udp_timeouts[UDP_CT_UNREPLIED], .maxlen = sizeof(unsigned int), .mode = 0644, .proc_handler = proc_dointvec_jiffies, }, { .procname = "nf_conntrack_udp_timeout_stream", - .data = &nf_ct_udp_timeout_stream, + .data = &udp_timeouts[UDP_CT_REPLIED], .maxlen = sizeof(unsigned int), .mode = 0644, .proc_handler = proc_dointvec_jiffies, @@ -160,14 +222,14 @@ static struct ctl_table udp_sysctl_table[] = { static struct ctl_table udp_compat_sysctl_table[] = { { .procname = "ip_conntrack_udp_timeout", - .data = &nf_ct_udp_timeout, + .data = &udp_timeouts[UDP_CT_UNREPLIED], .maxlen = sizeof(unsigned int), .mode = 0644, .proc_handler = proc_dointvec_jiffies, }, { .procname = "ip_conntrack_udp_timeout_stream", - .data = &nf_ct_udp_timeout_stream, + .data = &udp_timeouts[UDP_CT_REPLIED], .maxlen = sizeof(unsigned int), .mode = 0644, .proc_handler = proc_dointvec_jiffies, @@ -186,6 +248,7 @@ struct nf_conntrack_l4proto nf_conntrack_l4proto_udp4 __read_mostly = .invert_tuple = udp_invert_tuple, .print_tuple = udp_print_tuple, .packet = udp_packet, + .get_timeouts = udp_get_timeouts, .new = udp_new, .error = udp_error, #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK) @@ -194,6 +257,15 @@ struct nf_conntrack_l4proto nf_conntrack_l4proto_udp4 __read_mostly = .nlattr_tuple_size = nf_ct_port_nlattr_tuple_size, .nla_policy = nf_ct_port_nla_policy, #endif +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT) + .ctnl_timeout = { + .nlattr_to_obj = udp_timeout_nlattr_to_obj, + .obj_to_nlattr = udp_timeout_obj_to_nlattr, + .nlattr_max = CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_MAX, + .obj_size = sizeof(unsigned int) * CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_MAX, + .nla_policy = udp_timeout_nla_policy, + }, +#endif /* CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT */ #ifdef CONFIG_SYSCTL .ctl_table_users = &udp_sysctl_table_users, .ctl_table_header = &udp_sysctl_header, @@ -214,6 +286,7 @@ struct nf_conntrack_l4proto nf_conntrack_l4proto_udp6 __read_mostly = .invert_tuple = udp_invert_tuple, .print_tuple = udp_print_tuple, .packet = udp_packet, + .get_timeouts = udp_get_timeouts, .new = udp_new, .error = udp_error, #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK) @@ -222,6 +295,15 @@ struct nf_conntrack_l4proto nf_conntrack_l4proto_udp6 __read_mostly = .nlattr_tuple_size = nf_ct_port_nlattr_tuple_size, .nla_policy = nf_ct_port_nla_policy, #endif +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT) + .ctnl_timeout = { + .nlattr_to_obj = udp_timeout_nlattr_to_obj, + .obj_to_nlattr = udp_timeout_obj_to_nlattr, + .nlattr_max = CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_MAX, + .obj_size = sizeof(unsigned int) * CTA_TIMEOUT_UDP_MAX, + .nla_policy = udp_timeout_nla_policy, + }, +#endif /* CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT */ #ifdef CONFIG_SYSCTL .ctl_table_users = &udp_sysctl_table_users, .ctl_table_header = &udp_sysctl_header, diff --git a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_udplite.c b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_udplite.c index f52ca1181013e9881d6c2c34d6bccbd4e366d0e2..e0606392cda053a9d1345d465d503e5e6ab20d42 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_udplite.c +++ b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_udplite.c @@ -24,8 +24,16 @@ #include #include -static unsigned int nf_ct_udplite_timeout __read_mostly = 30*HZ; -static unsigned int nf_ct_udplite_timeout_stream __read_mostly = 180*HZ; +enum udplite_conntrack { + UDPLITE_CT_UNREPLIED, + UDPLITE_CT_REPLIED, + UDPLITE_CT_MAX +}; + +static unsigned int udplite_timeouts[UDPLITE_CT_MAX] = { + [UDPLITE_CT_UNREPLIED] = 30*HZ, + [UDPLITE_CT_REPLIED] = 180*HZ, +}; static bool udplite_pkt_to_tuple(const struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int dataoff, @@ -60,31 +68,38 @@ static int udplite_print_tuple(struct seq_file *s, ntohs(tuple->dst.u.udp.port)); } +static unsigned int *udplite_get_timeouts(struct net *net) +{ + return udplite_timeouts; +} + /* Returns verdict for packet, and may modify conntracktype */ static int udplite_packet(struct nf_conn *ct, const struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int dataoff, enum ip_conntrack_info ctinfo, u_int8_t pf, - unsigned int hooknum) + unsigned int hooknum, + unsigned int *timeouts) { /* If we've seen traffic both ways, this is some kind of UDP stream. Extend timeout. */ if (test_bit(IPS_SEEN_REPLY_BIT, &ct->status)) { nf_ct_refresh_acct(ct, ctinfo, skb, - nf_ct_udplite_timeout_stream); + timeouts[UDPLITE_CT_REPLIED]); /* Also, more likely to be important, and not a probe */ if (!test_and_set_bit(IPS_ASSURED_BIT, &ct->status)) nf_conntrack_event_cache(IPCT_ASSURED, ct); - } else - nf_ct_refresh_acct(ct, ctinfo, skb, nf_ct_udplite_timeout); - + } else { + nf_ct_refresh_acct(ct, ctinfo, skb, + timeouts[UDPLITE_CT_UNREPLIED]); + } return NF_ACCEPT; } /* Called when a new connection for this protocol found. */ static bool udplite_new(struct nf_conn *ct, const struct sk_buff *skb, - unsigned int dataoff) + unsigned int dataoff, unsigned int *timeouts) { return true; } @@ -141,20 +156,66 @@ static int udplite_error(struct net *net, struct nf_conn *tmpl, return NF_ACCEPT; } +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT) + +#include +#include + +static int udplite_timeout_nlattr_to_obj(struct nlattr *tb[], void *data) +{ + unsigned int *timeouts = data; + + /* set default timeouts for UDPlite. */ + timeouts[UDPLITE_CT_UNREPLIED] = udplite_timeouts[UDPLITE_CT_UNREPLIED]; + timeouts[UDPLITE_CT_REPLIED] = udplite_timeouts[UDPLITE_CT_REPLIED]; + + if (tb[CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_UNREPLIED]) { + timeouts[UDPLITE_CT_UNREPLIED] = + ntohl(nla_get_be32(tb[CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_UNREPLIED])) * HZ; + } + if (tb[CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_REPLIED]) { + timeouts[UDPLITE_CT_REPLIED] = + ntohl(nla_get_be32(tb[CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_REPLIED])) * HZ; + } + return 0; +} + +static int +udplite_timeout_obj_to_nlattr(struct sk_buff *skb, const void *data) +{ + const unsigned int *timeouts = data; + + NLA_PUT_BE32(skb, CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_UNREPLIED, + htonl(timeouts[UDPLITE_CT_UNREPLIED] / HZ)); + NLA_PUT_BE32(skb, CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_REPLIED, + htonl(timeouts[UDPLITE_CT_REPLIED] / HZ)); + return 0; + +nla_put_failure: + return -ENOSPC; +} + +static const struct nla_policy +udplite_timeout_nla_policy[CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_MAX+1] = { + [CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_UNREPLIED] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, + [CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_REPLIED] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, +}; +#endif /* CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT */ + #ifdef CONFIG_SYSCTL static unsigned int udplite_sysctl_table_users; static struct ctl_table_header *udplite_sysctl_header; static struct ctl_table udplite_sysctl_table[] = { { .procname = "nf_conntrack_udplite_timeout", - .data = &nf_ct_udplite_timeout, + .data = &udplite_timeouts[UDPLITE_CT_UNREPLIED], .maxlen = sizeof(unsigned int), .mode = 0644, .proc_handler = proc_dointvec_jiffies, }, { .procname = "nf_conntrack_udplite_timeout_stream", - .data = &nf_ct_udplite_timeout_stream, + .data = &udplite_timeouts[UDPLITE_CT_REPLIED], .maxlen = sizeof(unsigned int), .mode = 0644, .proc_handler = proc_dointvec_jiffies, @@ -172,6 +233,7 @@ static struct nf_conntrack_l4proto nf_conntrack_l4proto_udplite4 __read_mostly = .invert_tuple = udplite_invert_tuple, .print_tuple = udplite_print_tuple, .packet = udplite_packet, + .get_timeouts = udplite_get_timeouts, .new = udplite_new, .error = udplite_error, #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK) @@ -180,6 +242,16 @@ static struct nf_conntrack_l4proto nf_conntrack_l4proto_udplite4 __read_mostly = .nlattr_to_tuple = nf_ct_port_nlattr_to_tuple, .nla_policy = nf_ct_port_nla_policy, #endif +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT) + .ctnl_timeout = { + .nlattr_to_obj = udplite_timeout_nlattr_to_obj, + .obj_to_nlattr = udplite_timeout_obj_to_nlattr, + .nlattr_max = CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_MAX, + .obj_size = sizeof(unsigned int) * + CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_MAX, + .nla_policy = udplite_timeout_nla_policy, + }, +#endif /* CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT */ #ifdef CONFIG_SYSCTL .ctl_table_users = &udplite_sysctl_table_users, .ctl_table_header = &udplite_sysctl_header, @@ -196,6 +268,7 @@ static struct nf_conntrack_l4proto nf_conntrack_l4proto_udplite6 __read_mostly = .invert_tuple = udplite_invert_tuple, .print_tuple = udplite_print_tuple, .packet = udplite_packet, + .get_timeouts = udplite_get_timeouts, .new = udplite_new, .error = udplite_error, #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK) @@ -204,6 +277,16 @@ static struct nf_conntrack_l4proto nf_conntrack_l4proto_udplite6 __read_mostly = .nlattr_to_tuple = nf_ct_port_nlattr_to_tuple, .nla_policy = nf_ct_port_nla_policy, #endif +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT) + .ctnl_timeout = { + .nlattr_to_obj = udplite_timeout_nlattr_to_obj, + .obj_to_nlattr = udplite_timeout_obj_to_nlattr, + .nlattr_max = CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_MAX, + .obj_size = sizeof(unsigned int) * + CTA_TIMEOUT_UDPLITE_MAX, + .nla_policy = udplite_timeout_nla_policy, + }, +#endif /* CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK_TIMEOUT */ #ifdef CONFIG_SYSCTL .ctl_table_users = &udplite_sysctl_table_users, .ctl_table_header = &udplite_sysctl_header, diff --git a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_timeout.c b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_timeout.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a878ce5b252c84e5508f432ace3e9ffe99f836d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_timeout.c @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +/* + * (C) 2012 by Pablo Neira Ayuso + * (C) 2012 by Vyatta Inc. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as + * published by the Free Software Foundation (or any later at your option). + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +struct ctnl_timeout * +(*nf_ct_timeout_find_get_hook)(const char *name) __read_mostly; +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(nf_ct_timeout_find_get_hook); + +void (*nf_ct_timeout_put_hook)(struct ctnl_timeout *timeout) __read_mostly; +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(nf_ct_timeout_put_hook); + +static struct nf_ct_ext_type timeout_extend __read_mostly = { + .len = sizeof(struct nf_conn_timeout), + .align = __alignof__(struct nf_conn_timeout), + .id = NF_CT_EXT_TIMEOUT, +}; + +int nf_conntrack_timeout_init(struct net *net) +{ + int ret = 0; + + if (net_eq(net, &init_net)) { + ret = nf_ct_extend_register(&timeout_extend); + if (ret < 0) { + printk(KERN_ERR "nf_ct_timeout: Unable to register " + "timeout extension.\n"); + return ret; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +void nf_conntrack_timeout_fini(struct net *net) +{ + if (net_eq(net, &init_net)) + nf_ct_extend_unregister(&timeout_extend); +} diff --git a/net/netfilter/nfnetlink_acct.c b/net/netfilter/nfnetlink_acct.c index 11ba013e47f620d7f7278f1277f0b0d3bb6d82df..3eb348bfc4fb11112d24d0c169c580f5e70b04e7 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/nfnetlink_acct.c +++ b/net/netfilter/nfnetlink_acct.c @@ -171,8 +171,10 @@ nfnl_acct_get(struct sock *nfnl, struct sk_buff *skb, char *acct_name; if (nlh->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_DUMP) { - return netlink_dump_start(nfnl, skb, nlh, nfnl_acct_dump, - NULL, 0); + struct netlink_dump_control c = { + .dump = nfnl_acct_dump, + }; + return netlink_dump_start(nfnl, skb, nlh, &c); } if (!tb[NFACCT_NAME]) diff --git a/net/netfilter/nfnetlink_cttimeout.c b/net/netfilter/nfnetlink_cttimeout.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fec29a43de4da394085175724a6b39a1ede0e0a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/net/netfilter/nfnetlink_cttimeout.c @@ -0,0 +1,429 @@ +/* + * (C) 2012 by Pablo Neira Ayuso + * (C) 2012 by Vyatta Inc. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as + * published by the Free Software Foundation (or any later at your option). + */ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include + +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); +MODULE_AUTHOR("Pablo Neira Ayuso "); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("cttimeout: Extended Netfilter Connection Tracking timeout tuning"); + +static LIST_HEAD(cttimeout_list); + +static const struct nla_policy cttimeout_nla_policy[CTA_TIMEOUT_MAX+1] = { + [CTA_TIMEOUT_NAME] = { .type = NLA_NUL_STRING }, + [CTA_TIMEOUT_L3PROTO] = { .type = NLA_U16 }, + [CTA_TIMEOUT_L4PROTO] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, + [CTA_TIMEOUT_DATA] = { .type = NLA_NESTED }, +}; + +static int +ctnl_timeout_parse_policy(struct ctnl_timeout *timeout, + struct nf_conntrack_l4proto *l4proto, + const struct nlattr *attr) +{ + int ret = 0; + + if (likely(l4proto->ctnl_timeout.nlattr_to_obj)) { + struct nlattr *tb[l4proto->ctnl_timeout.nlattr_max+1]; + + nla_parse_nested(tb, l4proto->ctnl_timeout.nlattr_max, + attr, l4proto->ctnl_timeout.nla_policy); + + ret = l4proto->ctnl_timeout.nlattr_to_obj(tb, &timeout->data); + } + return ret; +} + +static int +cttimeout_new_timeout(struct sock *ctnl, struct sk_buff *skb, + const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, + const struct nlattr * const cda[]) +{ + __u16 l3num; + __u8 l4num; + struct nf_conntrack_l4proto *l4proto; + struct ctnl_timeout *timeout, *matching = NULL; + char *name; + int ret; + + if (!cda[CTA_TIMEOUT_NAME] || + !cda[CTA_TIMEOUT_L3PROTO] || + !cda[CTA_TIMEOUT_L4PROTO] || + !cda[CTA_TIMEOUT_DATA]) + return -EINVAL; + + name = nla_data(cda[CTA_TIMEOUT_NAME]); + l3num = ntohs(nla_get_be16(cda[CTA_TIMEOUT_L3PROTO])); + l4num = nla_get_u8(cda[CTA_TIMEOUT_L4PROTO]); + + list_for_each_entry(timeout, &cttimeout_list, head) { + if (strncmp(timeout->name, name, CTNL_TIMEOUT_NAME_MAX) != 0) + continue; + + if (nlh->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_EXCL) + return -EEXIST; + + matching = timeout; + break; + } + + l4proto = __nf_ct_l4proto_find(l3num, l4num); + + /* This protocol is not supportted, skip. */ + if (l4proto->l4proto != l4num) + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + + if (matching) { + if (nlh->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_REPLACE) { + /* You cannot replace one timeout policy by another of + * different kind, sorry. + */ + if (matching->l3num != l3num || + matching->l4num != l4num) + return -EINVAL; + + ret = ctnl_timeout_parse_policy(matching, l4proto, + cda[CTA_TIMEOUT_DATA]); + return ret; + } + return -EBUSY; + } + + timeout = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ctnl_timeout) + + l4proto->ctnl_timeout.obj_size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (timeout == NULL) + return -ENOMEM; + + ret = ctnl_timeout_parse_policy(timeout, l4proto, + cda[CTA_TIMEOUT_DATA]); + if (ret < 0) + goto err; + + strcpy(timeout->name, nla_data(cda[CTA_TIMEOUT_NAME])); + timeout->l3num = l3num; + timeout->l4num = l4num; + atomic_set(&timeout->refcnt, 1); + list_add_tail_rcu(&timeout->head, &cttimeout_list); + + return 0; +err: + kfree(timeout); + return ret; +} + +static int +ctnl_timeout_fill_info(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 pid, u32 seq, u32 type, + int event, struct ctnl_timeout *timeout) +{ + struct nlmsghdr *nlh; + struct nfgenmsg *nfmsg; + unsigned int flags = pid ? NLM_F_MULTI : 0; + struct nf_conntrack_l4proto *l4proto; + + event |= NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_TIMEOUT << 8; + nlh = nlmsg_put(skb, pid, seq, event, sizeof(*nfmsg), flags); + if (nlh == NULL) + goto nlmsg_failure; + + nfmsg = nlmsg_data(nlh); + nfmsg->nfgen_family = AF_UNSPEC; + nfmsg->version = NFNETLINK_V0; + nfmsg->res_id = 0; + + NLA_PUT_STRING(skb, CTA_TIMEOUT_NAME, timeout->name); + NLA_PUT_BE16(skb, CTA_TIMEOUT_L3PROTO, htons(timeout->l3num)); + NLA_PUT_U8(skb, CTA_TIMEOUT_L4PROTO, timeout->l4num); + NLA_PUT_BE32(skb, CTA_TIMEOUT_USE, + htonl(atomic_read(&timeout->refcnt))); + + l4proto = __nf_ct_l4proto_find(timeout->l3num, timeout->l4num); + + /* If the timeout object does not match the layer 4 protocol tracker, + * then skip dumping the data part since we don't know how to + * interpret it. This may happen for UPDlite, SCTP and DCCP since + * you can unload the module. + */ + if (timeout->l4num != l4proto->l4proto) + goto out; + + if (likely(l4proto->ctnl_timeout.obj_to_nlattr)) { + struct nlattr *nest_parms; + int ret; + + nest_parms = nla_nest_start(skb, + CTA_TIMEOUT_DATA | NLA_F_NESTED); + if (!nest_parms) + goto nla_put_failure; + + ret = l4proto->ctnl_timeout.obj_to_nlattr(skb, &timeout->data); + if (ret < 0) + goto nla_put_failure; + + nla_nest_end(skb, nest_parms); + } +out: + nlmsg_end(skb, nlh); + return skb->len; + +nlmsg_failure: +nla_put_failure: + nlmsg_cancel(skb, nlh); + return -1; +} + +static int +ctnl_timeout_dump(struct sk_buff *skb, struct netlink_callback *cb) +{ + struct ctnl_timeout *cur, *last; + + if (cb->args[2]) + return 0; + + last = (struct ctnl_timeout *)cb->args[1]; + if (cb->args[1]) + cb->args[1] = 0; + + rcu_read_lock(); + list_for_each_entry_rcu(cur, &cttimeout_list, head) { + if (last && cur != last) + continue; + + if (ctnl_timeout_fill_info(skb, NETLINK_CB(cb->skb).pid, + cb->nlh->nlmsg_seq, + NFNL_MSG_TYPE(cb->nlh->nlmsg_type), + IPCTNL_MSG_TIMEOUT_NEW, cur) < 0) { + cb->args[1] = (unsigned long)cur; + break; + } + } + if (!cb->args[1]) + cb->args[2] = 1; + rcu_read_unlock(); + return skb->len; +} + +static int +cttimeout_get_timeout(struct sock *ctnl, struct sk_buff *skb, + const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, + const struct nlattr * const cda[]) +{ + int ret = -ENOENT; + char *name; + struct ctnl_timeout *cur; + + if (nlh->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_DUMP) { + struct netlink_dump_control c = { + .dump = ctnl_timeout_dump, + }; + return netlink_dump_start(ctnl, skb, nlh, &c); + } + + if (!cda[CTA_TIMEOUT_NAME]) + return -EINVAL; + name = nla_data(cda[CTA_TIMEOUT_NAME]); + + list_for_each_entry(cur, &cttimeout_list, head) { + struct sk_buff *skb2; + + if (strncmp(cur->name, name, CTNL_TIMEOUT_NAME_MAX) != 0) + continue; + + skb2 = nlmsg_new(NLMSG_DEFAULT_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); + if (skb2 == NULL) { + ret = -ENOMEM; + break; + } + + ret = ctnl_timeout_fill_info(skb2, NETLINK_CB(skb).pid, + nlh->nlmsg_seq, + NFNL_MSG_TYPE(nlh->nlmsg_type), + IPCTNL_MSG_TIMEOUT_NEW, cur); + if (ret <= 0) { + kfree_skb(skb2); + break; + } + ret = netlink_unicast(ctnl, skb2, NETLINK_CB(skb).pid, + MSG_DONTWAIT); + if (ret > 0) + ret = 0; + + /* this avoids a loop in nfnetlink. */ + return ret == -EAGAIN ? -ENOBUFS : ret; + } + return ret; +} + +/* try to delete object, fail if it is still in use. */ +static int ctnl_timeout_try_del(struct ctnl_timeout *timeout) +{ + int ret = 0; + + /* we want to avoid races with nf_ct_timeout_find_get. */ + if (atomic_dec_and_test(&timeout->refcnt)) { + /* We are protected by nfnl mutex. */ + list_del_rcu(&timeout->head); + kfree_rcu(timeout, rcu_head); + } else { + /* still in use, restore reference counter. */ + atomic_inc(&timeout->refcnt); + ret = -EBUSY; + } + return ret; +} + +static int +cttimeout_del_timeout(struct sock *ctnl, struct sk_buff *skb, + const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, + const struct nlattr * const cda[]) +{ + char *name; + struct ctnl_timeout *cur; + int ret = -ENOENT; + + if (!cda[CTA_TIMEOUT_NAME]) { + list_for_each_entry(cur, &cttimeout_list, head) + ctnl_timeout_try_del(cur); + + return 0; + } + name = nla_data(cda[CTA_TIMEOUT_NAME]); + + list_for_each_entry(cur, &cttimeout_list, head) { + if (strncmp(cur->name, name, CTNL_TIMEOUT_NAME_MAX) != 0) + continue; + + ret = ctnl_timeout_try_del(cur); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + + break; + } + return ret; +} + +#ifdef CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT +static struct ctnl_timeout *ctnl_timeout_find_get(const char *name) +{ + struct ctnl_timeout *timeout, *matching = NULL; + + rcu_read_lock(); + list_for_each_entry_rcu(timeout, &cttimeout_list, head) { + if (strncmp(timeout->name, name, CTNL_TIMEOUT_NAME_MAX) != 0) + continue; + + if (!try_module_get(THIS_MODULE)) + goto err; + + if (!atomic_inc_not_zero(&timeout->refcnt)) { + module_put(THIS_MODULE); + goto err; + } + matching = timeout; + break; + } +err: + rcu_read_unlock(); + return matching; +} + +static void ctnl_timeout_put(struct ctnl_timeout *timeout) +{ + atomic_dec(&timeout->refcnt); + module_put(THIS_MODULE); +} +#endif /* CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT */ + +static const struct nfnl_callback cttimeout_cb[IPCTNL_MSG_TIMEOUT_MAX] = { + [IPCTNL_MSG_TIMEOUT_NEW] = { .call = cttimeout_new_timeout, + .attr_count = CTA_TIMEOUT_MAX, + .policy = cttimeout_nla_policy }, + [IPCTNL_MSG_TIMEOUT_GET] = { .call = cttimeout_get_timeout, + .attr_count = CTA_TIMEOUT_MAX, + .policy = cttimeout_nla_policy }, + [IPCTNL_MSG_TIMEOUT_DELETE] = { .call = cttimeout_del_timeout, + .attr_count = CTA_TIMEOUT_MAX, + .policy = cttimeout_nla_policy }, +}; + +static const struct nfnetlink_subsystem cttimeout_subsys = { + .name = "conntrack_timeout", + .subsys_id = NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_TIMEOUT, + .cb_count = IPCTNL_MSG_TIMEOUT_MAX, + .cb = cttimeout_cb, +}; + +MODULE_ALIAS_NFNL_SUBSYS(NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_TIMEOUT); + +static int __init cttimeout_init(void) +{ + int ret; + + ret = nfnetlink_subsys_register(&cttimeout_subsys); + if (ret < 0) { + pr_err("cttimeout_init: cannot register cttimeout with " + "nfnetlink.\n"); + goto err_out; + } +#ifdef CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT + RCU_INIT_POINTER(nf_ct_timeout_find_get_hook, ctnl_timeout_find_get); + RCU_INIT_POINTER(nf_ct_timeout_put_hook, ctnl_timeout_put); +#endif /* CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT */ + return 0; + +err_out: + return ret; +} + +static void __exit cttimeout_exit(void) +{ + struct ctnl_timeout *cur, *tmp; + + pr_info("cttimeout: unregistering from nfnetlink.\n"); + + nfnetlink_subsys_unregister(&cttimeout_subsys); + list_for_each_entry_safe(cur, tmp, &cttimeout_list, head) { + list_del_rcu(&cur->head); + /* We are sure that our objects have no clients at this point, + * it's safe to release them all without checking refcnt. + */ + kfree_rcu(cur, rcu_head); + } +#ifdef CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT + RCU_INIT_POINTER(nf_ct_timeout_find_get_hook, NULL); + RCU_INIT_POINTER(nf_ct_timeout_put_hook, NULL); +#endif /* CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT */ +} + +module_init(cttimeout_init); +module_exit(cttimeout_exit); diff --git a/net/netfilter/xt_CT.c b/net/netfilter/xt_CT.c index 0221d10de75a517dbc4c5e5c7d40b432abef15a3..b873445df444e6230965bc8ec3c544b94d4236c0 100644 --- a/net/netfilter/xt_CT.c +++ b/net/netfilter/xt_CT.c @@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include -static unsigned int xt_ct_target(struct sk_buff *skb, - const struct xt_action_param *par) +static unsigned int xt_ct_target_v0(struct sk_buff *skb, + const struct xt_action_param *par) { const struct xt_ct_target_info *info = par->targinfo; struct nf_conn *ct = info->ct; @@ -35,6 +36,23 @@ static unsigned int xt_ct_target(struct sk_buff *skb, return XT_CONTINUE; } +static unsigned int xt_ct_target_v1(struct sk_buff *skb, + const struct xt_action_param *par) +{ + const struct xt_ct_target_info_v1 *info = par->targinfo; + struct nf_conn *ct = info->ct; + + /* Previously seen (loopback)? Ignore. */ + if (skb->nfct != NULL) + return XT_CONTINUE; + + atomic_inc(&ct->ct_general.use); + skb->nfct = &ct->ct_general; + skb->nfctinfo = IP_CT_NEW; + + return XT_CONTINUE; +} + static u8 xt_ct_find_proto(const struct xt_tgchk_param *par) { if (par->family == NFPROTO_IPV4) { @@ -53,7 +71,7 @@ static u8 xt_ct_find_proto(const struct xt_tgchk_param *par) return 0; } -static int xt_ct_tg_check(const struct xt_tgchk_param *par) +static int xt_ct_tg_check_v0(const struct xt_tgchk_param *par) { struct xt_ct_target_info *info = par->targinfo; struct nf_conntrack_tuple t; @@ -130,7 +148,137 @@ static int xt_ct_tg_check(const struct xt_tgchk_param *par) return ret; } -static void xt_ct_tg_destroy(const struct xt_tgdtor_param *par) +static int xt_ct_tg_check_v1(const struct xt_tgchk_param *par) +{ + struct xt_ct_target_info_v1 *info = par->targinfo; + struct nf_conntrack_tuple t; + struct nf_conn_help *help; + struct nf_conn *ct; + int ret = 0; + u8 proto; + + if (info->flags & ~XT_CT_NOTRACK) + return -EINVAL; + + if (info->flags & XT_CT_NOTRACK) { + ct = nf_ct_untracked_get(); + atomic_inc(&ct->ct_general.use); + goto out; + } + +#ifndef CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_ZONES + if (info->zone) + goto err1; +#endif + + ret = nf_ct_l3proto_try_module_get(par->family); + if (ret < 0) + goto err1; + + memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t)); + ct = nf_conntrack_alloc(par->net, info->zone, &t, &t, GFP_KERNEL); + ret = PTR_ERR(ct); + if (IS_ERR(ct)) + goto err2; + + ret = 0; + if ((info->ct_events || info->exp_events) && + !nf_ct_ecache_ext_add(ct, info->ct_events, info->exp_events, + GFP_KERNEL)) + goto err3; + + if (info->helper[0]) { + ret = -ENOENT; + proto = xt_ct_find_proto(par); + if (!proto) { + pr_info("You must specify a L4 protocol, " + "and not use inversions on it.\n"); + goto err3; + } + + ret = -ENOMEM; + help = nf_ct_helper_ext_add(ct, GFP_KERNEL); + if (help == NULL) + goto err3; + + ret = -ENOENT; + help->helper = nf_conntrack_helper_try_module_get(info->helper, + par->family, + proto); + if (help->helper == NULL) { + pr_info("No such helper \"%s\"\n", info->helper); + goto err3; + } + } + +#ifdef CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT + if (info->timeout) { + typeof(nf_ct_timeout_find_get_hook) timeout_find_get; + struct ctnl_timeout *timeout; + struct nf_conn_timeout *timeout_ext; + + timeout_find_get = + rcu_dereference(nf_ct_timeout_find_get_hook); + + if (timeout_find_get) { + const struct ipt_entry *e = par->entryinfo; + + if (e->ip.invflags & IPT_INV_PROTO) { + ret = -EINVAL; + pr_info("You cannot use inversion on " + "L4 protocol\n"); + goto err3; + } + timeout = timeout_find_get(info->timeout); + if (timeout == NULL) { + ret = -ENOENT; + pr_info("No such timeout policy \"%s\"\n", + info->timeout); + goto err3; + } + if (timeout->l3num != par->family) { + ret = -EINVAL; + pr_info("Timeout policy `%s' can only be " + "used by L3 protocol number %d\n", + info->timeout, timeout->l3num); + goto err3; + } + if (timeout->l4num != e->ip.proto) { + ret = -EINVAL; + pr_info("Timeout policy `%s' can only be " + "used by L4 protocol number %d\n", + info->timeout, timeout->l4num); + goto err3; + } + timeout_ext = nf_ct_timeout_ext_add(ct, timeout, + GFP_KERNEL); + if (timeout_ext == NULL) { + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto err3; + } + } else { + ret = -ENOENT; + pr_info("Timeout policy base is empty\n"); + goto err3; + } + } +#endif + + __set_bit(IPS_TEMPLATE_BIT, &ct->status); + __set_bit(IPS_CONFIRMED_BIT, &ct->status); +out: + info->ct = ct; + return 0; + +err3: + nf_conntrack_free(ct); +err2: + nf_ct_l3proto_module_put(par->family); +err1: + return ret; +} + +static void xt_ct_tg_destroy_v0(const struct xt_tgdtor_param *par) { struct xt_ct_target_info *info = par->targinfo; struct nf_conn *ct = info->ct; @@ -146,25 +294,67 @@ static void xt_ct_tg_destroy(const struct xt_tgdtor_param *par) nf_ct_put(info->ct); } -static struct xt_target xt_ct_tg __read_mostly = { - .name = "CT", - .family = NFPROTO_UNSPEC, - .targetsize = sizeof(struct xt_ct_target_info), - .checkentry = xt_ct_tg_check, - .destroy = xt_ct_tg_destroy, - .target = xt_ct_target, - .table = "raw", - .me = THIS_MODULE, +static void xt_ct_tg_destroy_v1(const struct xt_tgdtor_param *par) +{ + struct xt_ct_target_info_v1 *info = par->targinfo; + struct nf_conn *ct = info->ct; + struct nf_conn_help *help; +#ifdef CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT + struct nf_conn_timeout *timeout_ext; + typeof(nf_ct_timeout_put_hook) timeout_put; +#endif + if (!nf_ct_is_untracked(ct)) { + help = nfct_help(ct); + if (help) + module_put(help->helper->me); + + nf_ct_l3proto_module_put(par->family); + +#ifdef CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT + timeout_put = rcu_dereference(nf_ct_timeout_put_hook); + + if (timeout_put) { + timeout_ext = nf_ct_timeout_find(ct); + if (timeout_ext) + timeout_put(timeout_ext->timeout); + } +#endif + } + nf_ct_put(info->ct); +} + +static struct xt_target xt_ct_tg_reg[] __read_mostly = { + { + .name = "CT", + .family = NFPROTO_UNSPEC, + .targetsize = sizeof(struct xt_ct_target_info), + .checkentry = xt_ct_tg_check_v0, + .destroy = xt_ct_tg_destroy_v0, + .target = xt_ct_target_v0, + .table = "raw", + .me = THIS_MODULE, + }, + { + .name = "CT", + .family = NFPROTO_UNSPEC, + .revision = 1, + .targetsize = sizeof(struct xt_ct_target_info_v1), + .checkentry = xt_ct_tg_check_v1, + .destroy = xt_ct_tg_destroy_v1, + .target = xt_ct_target_v1, + .table = "raw", + .me = THIS_MODULE, + }, }; static int __init xt_ct_tg_init(void) { - return xt_register_target(&xt_ct_tg); + return xt_register_targets(xt_ct_tg_reg, ARRAY_SIZE(xt_ct_tg_reg)); } static void __exit xt_ct_tg_exit(void) { - xt_unregister_target(&xt_ct_tg); + xt_unregister_targets(xt_ct_tg_reg, ARRAY_SIZE(xt_ct_tg_reg)); } module_init(xt_ct_tg_init); diff --git a/net/netfilter/xt_LOG.c b/net/netfilter/xt_LOG.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f99f8dee238b9394ab40c4e9308c30dfbcc4d229 --- /dev/null +++ b/net/netfilter/xt_LOG.c @@ -0,0 +1,925 @@ +/* + * This is a module which is used for logging packets. + */ + +/* (C) 1999-2001 Paul `Rusty' Russell + * (C) 2002-2004 Netfilter Core Team + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + */ + +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +static struct nf_loginfo default_loginfo = { + .type = NF_LOG_TYPE_LOG, + .u = { + .log = { + .level = 5, + .logflags = NF_LOG_MASK, + }, + }, +}; + +static int dump_udp_header(struct sbuff *m, const struct sk_buff *skb, + u8 proto, int fragment, unsigned int offset) +{ + struct udphdr _udph; + const struct udphdr *uh; + + if (proto == IPPROTO_UDP) + /* Max length: 10 "PROTO=UDP " */ + sb_add(m, "PROTO=UDP "); + else /* Max length: 14 "PROTO=UDPLITE " */ + sb_add(m, "PROTO=UDPLITE "); + + if (fragment) + goto out; + + /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */ + uh = skb_header_pointer(skb, offset, sizeof(_udph), &_udph); + if (uh == NULL) { + sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ", skb->len - offset); + + return 1; + } + + /* Max length: 20 "SPT=65535 DPT=65535 " */ + sb_add(m, "SPT=%u DPT=%u LEN=%u ", ntohs(uh->source), ntohs(uh->dest), + ntohs(uh->len)); + +out: + return 0; +} + +static int dump_tcp_header(struct sbuff *m, const struct sk_buff *skb, + u8 proto, int fragment, unsigned int offset, + unsigned int logflags) +{ + struct tcphdr _tcph; + const struct tcphdr *th; + + /* Max length: 10 "PROTO=TCP " */ + sb_add(m, "PROTO=TCP "); + + if (fragment) + return 0; + + /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */ + th = skb_header_pointer(skb, offset, sizeof(_tcph), &_tcph); + if (th == NULL) { + sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ", skb->len - offset); + return 1; + } + + /* Max length: 20 "SPT=65535 DPT=65535 " */ + sb_add(m, "SPT=%u DPT=%u ", ntohs(th->source), ntohs(th->dest)); + /* Max length: 30 "SEQ=4294967295 ACK=4294967295 " */ + if (logflags & XT_LOG_TCPSEQ) + sb_add(m, "SEQ=%u ACK=%u ", ntohl(th->seq), ntohl(th->ack_seq)); + + /* Max length: 13 "WINDOW=65535 " */ + sb_add(m, "WINDOW=%u ", ntohs(th->window)); + /* Max length: 9 "RES=0x3C " */ + sb_add(m, "RES=0x%02x ", (u_int8_t)(ntohl(tcp_flag_word(th) & + TCP_RESERVED_BITS) >> 22)); + /* Max length: 32 "CWR ECE URG ACK PSH RST SYN FIN " */ + if (th->cwr) + sb_add(m, "CWR "); + if (th->ece) + sb_add(m, "ECE "); + if (th->urg) + sb_add(m, "URG "); + if (th->ack) + sb_add(m, "ACK "); + if (th->psh) + sb_add(m, "PSH "); + if (th->rst) + sb_add(m, "RST "); + if (th->syn) + sb_add(m, "SYN "); + if (th->fin) + sb_add(m, "FIN "); + /* Max length: 11 "URGP=65535 " */ + sb_add(m, "URGP=%u ", ntohs(th->urg_ptr)); + + if ((logflags & XT_LOG_TCPOPT) && th->doff*4 > sizeof(struct tcphdr)) { + u_int8_t _opt[60 - sizeof(struct tcphdr)]; + const u_int8_t *op; + unsigned int i; + unsigned int optsize = th->doff*4 - sizeof(struct tcphdr); + + op = skb_header_pointer(skb, offset + sizeof(struct tcphdr), + optsize, _opt); + if (op == NULL) { + sb_add(m, "OPT (TRUNCATED)"); + return 1; + } + + /* Max length: 127 "OPT (" 15*4*2chars ") " */ + sb_add(m, "OPT ("); + for (i = 0; i < optsize; i++) + sb_add(m, "%02X", op[i]); + + sb_add(m, ") "); + } + + return 0; +} + +/* One level of recursion won't kill us */ +static void dump_ipv4_packet(struct sbuff *m, + const struct nf_loginfo *info, + const struct sk_buff *skb, + unsigned int iphoff) +{ + struct iphdr _iph; + const struct iphdr *ih; + unsigned int logflags; + + if (info->type == NF_LOG_TYPE_LOG) + logflags = info->u.log.logflags; + else + logflags = NF_LOG_MASK; + + ih = skb_header_pointer(skb, iphoff, sizeof(_iph), &_iph); + if (ih == NULL) { + sb_add(m, "TRUNCATED"); + return; + } + + /* Important fields: + * TOS, len, DF/MF, fragment offset, TTL, src, dst, options. */ + /* Max length: 40 "SRC= DST= " */ + sb_add(m, "SRC=%pI4 DST=%pI4 ", + &ih->saddr, &ih->daddr); + + /* Max length: 46 "LEN=65535 TOS=0xFF PREC=0xFF TTL=255 ID=65535 " */ + sb_add(m, "LEN=%u TOS=0x%02X PREC=0x%02X TTL=%u ID=%u ", + ntohs(ih->tot_len), ih->tos & IPTOS_TOS_MASK, + ih->tos & IPTOS_PREC_MASK, ih->ttl, ntohs(ih->id)); + + /* Max length: 6 "CE DF MF " */ + if (ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_CE) + sb_add(m, "CE "); + if (ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_DF) + sb_add(m, "DF "); + if (ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_MF) + sb_add(m, "MF "); + + /* Max length: 11 "FRAG:65535 " */ + if (ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_OFFSET) + sb_add(m, "FRAG:%u ", ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_OFFSET); + + if ((logflags & XT_LOG_IPOPT) && + ih->ihl * 4 > sizeof(struct iphdr)) { + const unsigned char *op; + unsigned char _opt[4 * 15 - sizeof(struct iphdr)]; + unsigned int i, optsize; + + optsize = ih->ihl * 4 - sizeof(struct iphdr); + op = skb_header_pointer(skb, iphoff+sizeof(_iph), + optsize, _opt); + if (op == NULL) { + sb_add(m, "TRUNCATED"); + return; + } + + /* Max length: 127 "OPT (" 15*4*2chars ") " */ + sb_add(m, "OPT ("); + for (i = 0; i < optsize; i++) + sb_add(m, "%02X", op[i]); + sb_add(m, ") "); + } + + switch (ih->protocol) { + case IPPROTO_TCP: + if (dump_tcp_header(m, skb, ih->protocol, + ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_OFFSET, + iphoff+ih->ihl*4, logflags)) + return; + break; + case IPPROTO_UDP: + case IPPROTO_UDPLITE: + if (dump_udp_header(m, skb, ih->protocol, + ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_OFFSET, + iphoff+ih->ihl*4)) + return; + break; + case IPPROTO_ICMP: { + struct icmphdr _icmph; + const struct icmphdr *ich; + static const size_t required_len[NR_ICMP_TYPES+1] + = { [ICMP_ECHOREPLY] = 4, + [ICMP_DEST_UNREACH] + = 8 + sizeof(struct iphdr), + [ICMP_SOURCE_QUENCH] + = 8 + sizeof(struct iphdr), + [ICMP_REDIRECT] + = 8 + sizeof(struct iphdr), + [ICMP_ECHO] = 4, + [ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED] + = 8 + sizeof(struct iphdr), + [ICMP_PARAMETERPROB] + = 8 + sizeof(struct iphdr), + [ICMP_TIMESTAMP] = 20, + [ICMP_TIMESTAMPREPLY] = 20, + [ICMP_ADDRESS] = 12, + [ICMP_ADDRESSREPLY] = 12 }; + + /* Max length: 11 "PROTO=ICMP " */ + sb_add(m, "PROTO=ICMP "); + + if (ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_OFFSET) + break; + + /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */ + ich = skb_header_pointer(skb, iphoff + ih->ihl * 4, + sizeof(_icmph), &_icmph); + if (ich == NULL) { + sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ", + skb->len - iphoff - ih->ihl*4); + break; + } + + /* Max length: 18 "TYPE=255 CODE=255 " */ + sb_add(m, "TYPE=%u CODE=%u ", ich->type, ich->code); + + /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */ + if (ich->type <= NR_ICMP_TYPES && + required_len[ich->type] && + skb->len-iphoff-ih->ihl*4 < required_len[ich->type]) { + sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ", + skb->len - iphoff - ih->ihl*4); + break; + } + + switch (ich->type) { + case ICMP_ECHOREPLY: + case ICMP_ECHO: + /* Max length: 19 "ID=65535 SEQ=65535 " */ + sb_add(m, "ID=%u SEQ=%u ", + ntohs(ich->un.echo.id), + ntohs(ich->un.echo.sequence)); + break; + + case ICMP_PARAMETERPROB: + /* Max length: 14 "PARAMETER=255 " */ + sb_add(m, "PARAMETER=%u ", + ntohl(ich->un.gateway) >> 24); + break; + case ICMP_REDIRECT: + /* Max length: 24 "GATEWAY= " */ + sb_add(m, "GATEWAY=%pI4 ", &ich->un.gateway); + /* Fall through */ + case ICMP_DEST_UNREACH: + case ICMP_SOURCE_QUENCH: + case ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED: + /* Max length: 3+maxlen */ + if (!iphoff) { /* Only recurse once. */ + sb_add(m, "["); + dump_ipv4_packet(m, info, skb, + iphoff + ih->ihl*4+sizeof(_icmph)); + sb_add(m, "] "); + } + + /* Max length: 10 "MTU=65535 " */ + if (ich->type == ICMP_DEST_UNREACH && + ich->code == ICMP_FRAG_NEEDED) + sb_add(m, "MTU=%u ", ntohs(ich->un.frag.mtu)); + } + break; + } + /* Max Length */ + case IPPROTO_AH: { + struct ip_auth_hdr _ahdr; + const struct ip_auth_hdr *ah; + + if (ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_OFFSET) + break; + + /* Max length: 9 "PROTO=AH " */ + sb_add(m, "PROTO=AH "); + + /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */ + ah = skb_header_pointer(skb, iphoff+ih->ihl*4, + sizeof(_ahdr), &_ahdr); + if (ah == NULL) { + sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ", + skb->len - iphoff - ih->ihl*4); + break; + } + + /* Length: 15 "SPI=0xF1234567 " */ + sb_add(m, "SPI=0x%x ", ntohl(ah->spi)); + break; + } + case IPPROTO_ESP: { + struct ip_esp_hdr _esph; + const struct ip_esp_hdr *eh; + + /* Max length: 10 "PROTO=ESP " */ + sb_add(m, "PROTO=ESP "); + + if (ntohs(ih->frag_off) & IP_OFFSET) + break; + + /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */ + eh = skb_header_pointer(skb, iphoff+ih->ihl*4, + sizeof(_esph), &_esph); + if (eh == NULL) { + sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ", + skb->len - iphoff - ih->ihl*4); + break; + } + + /* Length: 15 "SPI=0xF1234567 " */ + sb_add(m, "SPI=0x%x ", ntohl(eh->spi)); + break; + } + /* Max length: 10 "PROTO 255 " */ + default: + sb_add(m, "PROTO=%u ", ih->protocol); + } + + /* Max length: 15 "UID=4294967295 " */ + if ((logflags & XT_LOG_UID) && !iphoff && skb->sk) { + read_lock_bh(&skb->sk->sk_callback_lock); + if (skb->sk->sk_socket && skb->sk->sk_socket->file) + sb_add(m, "UID=%u GID=%u ", + skb->sk->sk_socket->file->f_cred->fsuid, + skb->sk->sk_socket->file->f_cred->fsgid); + read_unlock_bh(&skb->sk->sk_callback_lock); + } + + /* Max length: 16 "MARK=0xFFFFFFFF " */ + if (!iphoff && skb->mark) + sb_add(m, "MARK=0x%x ", skb->mark); + + /* Proto Max log string length */ + /* IP: 40+46+6+11+127 = 230 */ + /* TCP: 10+max(25,20+30+13+9+32+11+127) = 252 */ + /* UDP: 10+max(25,20) = 35 */ + /* UDPLITE: 14+max(25,20) = 39 */ + /* ICMP: 11+max(25, 18+25+max(19,14,24+3+n+10,3+n+10)) = 91+n */ + /* ESP: 10+max(25)+15 = 50 */ + /* AH: 9+max(25)+15 = 49 */ + /* unknown: 10 */ + + /* (ICMP allows recursion one level deep) */ + /* maxlen = IP + ICMP + IP + max(TCP,UDP,ICMP,unknown) */ + /* maxlen = 230+ 91 + 230 + 252 = 803 */ +} + +static void dump_ipv4_mac_header(struct sbuff *m, + const struct nf_loginfo *info, + const struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + struct net_device *dev = skb->dev; + unsigned int logflags = 0; + + if (info->type == NF_LOG_TYPE_LOG) + logflags = info->u.log.logflags; + + if (!(logflags & XT_LOG_MACDECODE)) + goto fallback; + + switch (dev->type) { + case ARPHRD_ETHER: + sb_add(m, "MACSRC=%pM MACDST=%pM MACPROTO=%04x ", + eth_hdr(skb)->h_source, eth_hdr(skb)->h_dest, + ntohs(eth_hdr(skb)->h_proto)); + return; + default: + break; + } + +fallback: + sb_add(m, "MAC="); + if (dev->hard_header_len && + skb->mac_header != skb->network_header) { + const unsigned char *p = skb_mac_header(skb); + unsigned int i; + + sb_add(m, "%02x", *p++); + for (i = 1; i < dev->hard_header_len; i++, p++) + sb_add(m, ":%02x", *p); + } + sb_add(m, " "); +} + +static void +log_packet_common(struct sbuff *m, + u_int8_t pf, + unsigned int hooknum, + const struct sk_buff *skb, + const struct net_device *in, + const struct net_device *out, + const struct nf_loginfo *loginfo, + const char *prefix) +{ + sb_add(m, "<%d>%sIN=%s OUT=%s ", loginfo->u.log.level, + prefix, + in ? in->name : "", + out ? out->name : ""); +#ifdef CONFIG_BRIDGE_NETFILTER + if (skb->nf_bridge) { + const struct net_device *physindev; + const struct net_device *physoutdev; + + physindev = skb->nf_bridge->physindev; + if (physindev && in != physindev) + sb_add(m, "PHYSIN=%s ", physindev->name); + physoutdev = skb->nf_bridge->physoutdev; + if (physoutdev && out != physoutdev) + sb_add(m, "PHYSOUT=%s ", physoutdev->name); + } +#endif +} + + +static void +ipt_log_packet(u_int8_t pf, + unsigned int hooknum, + const struct sk_buff *skb, + const struct net_device *in, + const struct net_device *out, + const struct nf_loginfo *loginfo, + const char *prefix) +{ + struct sbuff *m = sb_open(); + + if (!loginfo) + loginfo = &default_loginfo; + + log_packet_common(m, pf, hooknum, skb, in, out, loginfo, prefix); + + if (in != NULL) + dump_ipv4_mac_header(m, loginfo, skb); + + dump_ipv4_packet(m, loginfo, skb, 0); + + sb_close(m); +} + +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) +/* One level of recursion won't kill us */ +static void dump_ipv6_packet(struct sbuff *m, + const struct nf_loginfo *info, + const struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int ip6hoff, + int recurse) +{ + u_int8_t currenthdr; + int fragment; + struct ipv6hdr _ip6h; + const struct ipv6hdr *ih; + unsigned int ptr; + unsigned int hdrlen = 0; + unsigned int logflags; + + if (info->type == NF_LOG_TYPE_LOG) + logflags = info->u.log.logflags; + else + logflags = NF_LOG_MASK; + + ih = skb_header_pointer(skb, ip6hoff, sizeof(_ip6h), &_ip6h); + if (ih == NULL) { + sb_add(m, "TRUNCATED"); + return; + } + + /* Max length: 88 "SRC=0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000 DST=0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000 " */ + sb_add(m, "SRC=%pI6 DST=%pI6 ", &ih->saddr, &ih->daddr); + + /* Max length: 44 "LEN=65535 TC=255 HOPLIMIT=255 FLOWLBL=FFFFF " */ + sb_add(m, "LEN=%Zu TC=%u HOPLIMIT=%u FLOWLBL=%u ", + ntohs(ih->payload_len) + sizeof(struct ipv6hdr), + (ntohl(*(__be32 *)ih) & 0x0ff00000) >> 20, + ih->hop_limit, + (ntohl(*(__be32 *)ih) & 0x000fffff)); + + fragment = 0; + ptr = ip6hoff + sizeof(struct ipv6hdr); + currenthdr = ih->nexthdr; + while (currenthdr != NEXTHDR_NONE && ip6t_ext_hdr(currenthdr)) { + struct ipv6_opt_hdr _hdr; + const struct ipv6_opt_hdr *hp; + + hp = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, sizeof(_hdr), &_hdr); + if (hp == NULL) { + sb_add(m, "TRUNCATED"); + return; + } + + /* Max length: 48 "OPT (...) " */ + if (logflags & XT_LOG_IPOPT) + sb_add(m, "OPT ( "); + + switch (currenthdr) { + case IPPROTO_FRAGMENT: { + struct frag_hdr _fhdr; + const struct frag_hdr *fh; + + sb_add(m, "FRAG:"); + fh = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, sizeof(_fhdr), + &_fhdr); + if (fh == NULL) { + sb_add(m, "TRUNCATED "); + return; + } + + /* Max length: 6 "65535 " */ + sb_add(m, "%u ", ntohs(fh->frag_off) & 0xFFF8); + + /* Max length: 11 "INCOMPLETE " */ + if (fh->frag_off & htons(0x0001)) + sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE "); + + sb_add(m, "ID:%08x ", ntohl(fh->identification)); + + if (ntohs(fh->frag_off) & 0xFFF8) + fragment = 1; + + hdrlen = 8; + + break; + } + case IPPROTO_DSTOPTS: + case IPPROTO_ROUTING: + case IPPROTO_HOPOPTS: + if (fragment) { + if (logflags & XT_LOG_IPOPT) + sb_add(m, ")"); + return; + } + hdrlen = ipv6_optlen(hp); + break; + /* Max Length */ + case IPPROTO_AH: + if (logflags & XT_LOG_IPOPT) { + struct ip_auth_hdr _ahdr; + const struct ip_auth_hdr *ah; + + /* Max length: 3 "AH " */ + sb_add(m, "AH "); + + if (fragment) { + sb_add(m, ")"); + return; + } + + ah = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, sizeof(_ahdr), + &_ahdr); + if (ah == NULL) { + /* + * Max length: 26 "INCOMPLETE [65535 + * bytes] )" + */ + sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] )", + skb->len - ptr); + return; + } + + /* Length: 15 "SPI=0xF1234567 */ + sb_add(m, "SPI=0x%x ", ntohl(ah->spi)); + + } + + hdrlen = (hp->hdrlen+2)<<2; + break; + case IPPROTO_ESP: + if (logflags & XT_LOG_IPOPT) { + struct ip_esp_hdr _esph; + const struct ip_esp_hdr *eh; + + /* Max length: 4 "ESP " */ + sb_add(m, "ESP "); + + if (fragment) { + sb_add(m, ")"); + return; + } + + /* + * Max length: 26 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] )" + */ + eh = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, sizeof(_esph), + &_esph); + if (eh == NULL) { + sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] )", + skb->len - ptr); + return; + } + + /* Length: 16 "SPI=0xF1234567 )" */ + sb_add(m, "SPI=0x%x )", ntohl(eh->spi)); + + } + return; + default: + /* Max length: 20 "Unknown Ext Hdr 255" */ + sb_add(m, "Unknown Ext Hdr %u", currenthdr); + return; + } + if (logflags & XT_LOG_IPOPT) + sb_add(m, ") "); + + currenthdr = hp->nexthdr; + ptr += hdrlen; + } + + switch (currenthdr) { + case IPPROTO_TCP: + if (dump_tcp_header(m, skb, currenthdr, fragment, ptr, + logflags)) + return; + break; + case IPPROTO_UDP: + case IPPROTO_UDPLITE: + if (dump_udp_header(m, skb, currenthdr, fragment, ptr)) + return; + break; + case IPPROTO_ICMPV6: { + struct icmp6hdr _icmp6h; + const struct icmp6hdr *ic; + + /* Max length: 13 "PROTO=ICMPv6 " */ + sb_add(m, "PROTO=ICMPv6 "); + + if (fragment) + break; + + /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */ + ic = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, sizeof(_icmp6h), &_icmp6h); + if (ic == NULL) { + sb_add(m, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ", skb->len - ptr); + return; + } + + /* Max length: 18 "TYPE=255 CODE=255 " */ + sb_add(m, "TYPE=%u CODE=%u ", ic->icmp6_type, ic->icmp6_code); + + switch (ic->icmp6_type) { + case ICMPV6_ECHO_REQUEST: + case ICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY: + /* Max length: 19 "ID=65535 SEQ=65535 " */ + sb_add(m, "ID=%u SEQ=%u ", + ntohs(ic->icmp6_identifier), + ntohs(ic->icmp6_sequence)); + break; + case ICMPV6_MGM_QUERY: + case ICMPV6_MGM_REPORT: + case ICMPV6_MGM_REDUCTION: + break; + + case ICMPV6_PARAMPROB: + /* Max length: 17 "POINTER=ffffffff " */ + sb_add(m, "POINTER=%08x ", ntohl(ic->icmp6_pointer)); + /* Fall through */ + case ICMPV6_DEST_UNREACH: + case ICMPV6_PKT_TOOBIG: + case ICMPV6_TIME_EXCEED: + /* Max length: 3+maxlen */ + if (recurse) { + sb_add(m, "["); + dump_ipv6_packet(m, info, skb, + ptr + sizeof(_icmp6h), 0); + sb_add(m, "] "); + } + + /* Max length: 10 "MTU=65535 " */ + if (ic->icmp6_type == ICMPV6_PKT_TOOBIG) + sb_add(m, "MTU=%u ", ntohl(ic->icmp6_mtu)); + } + break; + } + /* Max length: 10 "PROTO=255 " */ + default: + sb_add(m, "PROTO=%u ", currenthdr); + } + + /* Max length: 15 "UID=4294967295 " */ + if ((logflags & XT_LOG_UID) && recurse && skb->sk) { + read_lock_bh(&skb->sk->sk_callback_lock); + if (skb->sk->sk_socket && skb->sk->sk_socket->file) + sb_add(m, "UID=%u GID=%u ", + skb->sk->sk_socket->file->f_cred->fsuid, + skb->sk->sk_socket->file->f_cred->fsgid); + read_unlock_bh(&skb->sk->sk_callback_lock); + } + + /* Max length: 16 "MARK=0xFFFFFFFF " */ + if (!recurse && skb->mark) + sb_add(m, "MARK=0x%x ", skb->mark); +} + +static void dump_ipv6_mac_header(struct sbuff *m, + const struct nf_loginfo *info, + const struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + struct net_device *dev = skb->dev; + unsigned int logflags = 0; + + if (info->type == NF_LOG_TYPE_LOG) + logflags = info->u.log.logflags; + + if (!(logflags & XT_LOG_MACDECODE)) + goto fallback; + + switch (dev->type) { + case ARPHRD_ETHER: + sb_add(m, "MACSRC=%pM MACDST=%pM MACPROTO=%04x ", + eth_hdr(skb)->h_source, eth_hdr(skb)->h_dest, + ntohs(eth_hdr(skb)->h_proto)); + return; + default: + break; + } + +fallback: + sb_add(m, "MAC="); + if (dev->hard_header_len && + skb->mac_header != skb->network_header) { + const unsigned char *p = skb_mac_header(skb); + unsigned int len = dev->hard_header_len; + unsigned int i; + + if (dev->type == ARPHRD_SIT) { + p -= ETH_HLEN; + + if (p < skb->head) + p = NULL; + } + + if (p != NULL) { + sb_add(m, "%02x", *p++); + for (i = 1; i < len; i++) + sb_add(m, ":%02x", *p++); + } + sb_add(m, " "); + + if (dev->type == ARPHRD_SIT) { + const struct iphdr *iph = + (struct iphdr *)skb_mac_header(skb); + sb_add(m, "TUNNEL=%pI4->%pI4 ", &iph->saddr, + &iph->daddr); + } + } else + sb_add(m, " "); +} + +static void +ip6t_log_packet(u_int8_t pf, + unsigned int hooknum, + const struct sk_buff *skb, + const struct net_device *in, + const struct net_device *out, + const struct nf_loginfo *loginfo, + const char *prefix) +{ + struct sbuff *m = sb_open(); + + if (!loginfo) + loginfo = &default_loginfo; + + log_packet_common(m, pf, hooknum, skb, in, out, loginfo, prefix); + + if (in != NULL) + dump_ipv6_mac_header(m, loginfo, skb); + + dump_ipv6_packet(m, loginfo, skb, skb_network_offset(skb), 1); + + sb_close(m); +} +#endif + +static unsigned int +log_tg(struct sk_buff *skb, const struct xt_action_param *par) +{ + const struct xt_log_info *loginfo = par->targinfo; + struct nf_loginfo li; + + li.type = NF_LOG_TYPE_LOG; + li.u.log.level = loginfo->level; + li.u.log.logflags = loginfo->logflags; + + if (par->family == NFPROTO_IPV4) + ipt_log_packet(NFPROTO_IPV4, par->hooknum, skb, par->in, + par->out, &li, loginfo->prefix); +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) + else if (par->family == NFPROTO_IPV6) + ip6t_log_packet(NFPROTO_IPV6, par->hooknum, skb, par->in, + par->out, &li, loginfo->prefix); +#endif + else + WARN_ON_ONCE(1); + + return XT_CONTINUE; +} + +static int log_tg_check(const struct xt_tgchk_param *par) +{ + const struct xt_log_info *loginfo = par->targinfo; + + if (par->family != NFPROTO_IPV4 && par->family != NFPROTO_IPV6) + return -EINVAL; + + if (loginfo->level >= 8) { + pr_debug("level %u >= 8\n", loginfo->level); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (loginfo->prefix[sizeof(loginfo->prefix)-1] != '\0') { + pr_debug("prefix is not null-terminated\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +static struct xt_target log_tg_regs[] __read_mostly = { + { + .name = "LOG", + .family = NFPROTO_IPV4, + .target = log_tg, + .targetsize = sizeof(struct xt_log_info), + .checkentry = log_tg_check, + .me = THIS_MODULE, + }, +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) + { + .name = "LOG", + .family = NFPROTO_IPV6, + .target = log_tg, + .targetsize = sizeof(struct xt_log_info), + .checkentry = log_tg_check, + .me = THIS_MODULE, + }, +#endif +}; + +static struct nf_logger ipt_log_logger __read_mostly = { + .name = "ipt_LOG", + .logfn = &ipt_log_packet, + .me = THIS_MODULE, +}; + +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) +static struct nf_logger ip6t_log_logger __read_mostly = { + .name = "ip6t_LOG", + .logfn = &ip6t_log_packet, + .me = THIS_MODULE, +}; +#endif + +static int __init log_tg_init(void) +{ + int ret; + + ret = xt_register_targets(log_tg_regs, ARRAY_SIZE(log_tg_regs)); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + + nf_log_register(NFPROTO_IPV4, &ipt_log_logger); +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) + nf_log_register(NFPROTO_IPV6, &ip6t_log_logger); +#endif + return 0; +} + +static void __exit log_tg_exit(void) +{ + nf_log_unregister(&ipt_log_logger); +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) + nf_log_unregister(&ip6t_log_logger); +#endif + xt_unregister_targets(log_tg_regs, ARRAY_SIZE(log_tg_regs)); +} + +module_init(log_tg_init); +module_exit(log_tg_exit); + +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); +MODULE_AUTHOR("Netfilter Core Team "); +MODULE_AUTHOR("Jan Rekorajski "); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Xtables: IPv4/IPv6 packet logging"); +MODULE_ALIAS("ipt_LOG"); +MODULE_ALIAS("ip6t_LOG"); diff --git a/net/netlink/af_netlink.c b/net/netlink/af_netlink.c index 629b06182f3faab89ec771df253575ed467b6a2a..32bb75324e76d0141c99df87449f3013b5c5a060 100644 --- a/net/netlink/af_netlink.c +++ b/net/netlink/af_netlink.c @@ -1645,6 +1645,24 @@ static void netlink_destroy_callback(struct netlink_callback *cb) kfree(cb); } +struct nlmsghdr * +__nlmsg_put(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 pid, u32 seq, int type, int len, int flags) +{ + struct nlmsghdr *nlh; + int size = NLMSG_LENGTH(len); + + nlh = (struct nlmsghdr*)skb_put(skb, NLMSG_ALIGN(size)); + nlh->nlmsg_type = type; + nlh->nlmsg_len = size; + nlh->nlmsg_flags = flags; + nlh->nlmsg_pid = pid; + nlh->nlmsg_seq = seq; + if (!__builtin_constant_p(size) || NLMSG_ALIGN(size) - size != 0) + memset(NLMSG_DATA(nlh) + len, 0, NLMSG_ALIGN(size) - size); + return nlh; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(__nlmsg_put); + /* * It looks a bit ugly. * It would be better to create kernel thread. @@ -1718,10 +1736,7 @@ static int netlink_dump(struct sock *sk) int netlink_dump_start(struct sock *ssk, struct sk_buff *skb, const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, - int (*dump)(struct sk_buff *skb, - struct netlink_callback *), - int (*done)(struct netlink_callback *), - u16 min_dump_alloc) + struct netlink_dump_control *control) { struct netlink_callback *cb; struct sock *sk; @@ -1732,10 +1747,11 @@ int netlink_dump_start(struct sock *ssk, struct sk_buff *skb, if (cb == NULL) return -ENOBUFS; - cb->dump = dump; - cb->done = done; + cb->dump = control->dump; + cb->done = control->done; cb->nlh = nlh; - cb->min_dump_alloc = min_dump_alloc; + cb->data = control->data; + cb->min_dump_alloc = control->min_dump_alloc; atomic_inc(&skb->users); cb->skb = skb; diff --git a/net/netlink/genetlink.c b/net/netlink/genetlink.c index c29d2568c9e0cc02b75ea4ea8154a37a2a7a8d6d..9f40441d7a7d1771d140bff1382bcba319d57759 100644 --- a/net/netlink/genetlink.c +++ b/net/netlink/genetlink.c @@ -498,6 +498,37 @@ int genl_unregister_family(struct genl_family *family) } EXPORT_SYMBOL(genl_unregister_family); +/** + * genlmsg_put - Add generic netlink header to netlink message + * @skb: socket buffer holding the message + * @pid: netlink pid the message is addressed to + * @seq: sequence number (usually the one of the sender) + * @family: generic netlink family + * @flags netlink message flags + * @cmd: generic netlink command + * + * Returns pointer to user specific header + */ +void *genlmsg_put(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 pid, u32 seq, + struct genl_family *family, int flags, u8 cmd) +{ + struct nlmsghdr *nlh; + struct genlmsghdr *hdr; + + nlh = nlmsg_put(skb, pid, seq, family->id, GENL_HDRLEN + + family->hdrsize, flags); + if (nlh == NULL) + return NULL; + + hdr = nlmsg_data(nlh); + hdr->cmd = cmd; + hdr->version = family->version; + hdr->reserved = 0; + + return (char *) hdr + GENL_HDRLEN; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(genlmsg_put); + static int genl_rcv_msg(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr *nlh) { struct genl_ops *ops; @@ -532,8 +563,13 @@ static int genl_rcv_msg(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr *nlh) return -EOPNOTSUPP; genl_unlock(); - err = netlink_dump_start(net->genl_sock, skb, nlh, - ops->dumpit, ops->done, 0); + { + struct netlink_dump_control c = { + .dump = ops->dumpit, + .done = ops->done, + }; + err = netlink_dump_start(net->genl_sock, skb, nlh, &c); + } genl_lock(); return err; } diff --git a/net/nfc/af_nfc.c b/net/nfc/af_nfc.c index da67756425ce927f233bd9f490e58befbefd4390..9d68441e2a5ab571ab5e5d20891251bedd3b2d7b 100644 --- a/net/nfc/af_nfc.c +++ b/net/nfc/af_nfc.c @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ static DEFINE_RWLOCK(proto_tab_lock); static const struct nfc_protocol *proto_tab[NFC_SOCKPROTO_MAX]; static int nfc_sock_create(struct net *net, struct socket *sock, int proto, - int kern) + int kern) { int rc = -EPROTONOSUPPORT; diff --git a/net/nfc/core.c b/net/nfc/core.c index 3ddf6e698df0569c2f8aafbb19cecd4fa15b9aa4..295d129864d246cb6c1a3b993dfbc54ebc826bad 100644 --- a/net/nfc/core.c +++ b/net/nfc/core.c @@ -181,13 +181,13 @@ int nfc_stop_poll(struct nfc_dev *dev) return rc; } -int nfc_dep_link_up(struct nfc_dev *dev, int target_index, - u8 comm_mode, u8 rf_mode) +int nfc_dep_link_up(struct nfc_dev *dev, int target_index, u8 comm_mode) { int rc = 0; + u8 *gb; + size_t gb_len; - pr_debug("dev_name=%s comm:%d rf:%d\n", - dev_name(&dev->dev), comm_mode, rf_mode); + pr_debug("dev_name=%s comm %d\n", dev_name(&dev->dev), comm_mode); if (!dev->ops->dep_link_up) return -EOPNOTSUPP; @@ -204,7 +204,13 @@ int nfc_dep_link_up(struct nfc_dev *dev, int target_index, goto error; } - rc = dev->ops->dep_link_up(dev, target_index, comm_mode, rf_mode); + gb = nfc_llcp_general_bytes(dev, &gb_len); + if (gb_len > NFC_MAX_GT_LEN) { + rc = -EINVAL; + goto error; + } + + rc = dev->ops->dep_link_up(dev, target_index, comm_mode, gb, gb_len); error: device_unlock(&dev->dev); @@ -250,7 +256,7 @@ int nfc_dep_link_down(struct nfc_dev *dev) } int nfc_dep_link_is_up(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 target_idx, - u8 comm_mode, u8 rf_mode) + u8 comm_mode, u8 rf_mode) { dev->dep_link_up = true; dev->dep_rf_mode = rf_mode; @@ -330,10 +336,8 @@ int nfc_deactivate_target(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 target_idx) * * The user must wait for the callback before calling this function again. */ -int nfc_data_exchange(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 target_idx, - struct sk_buff *skb, - data_exchange_cb_t cb, - void *cb_context) +int nfc_data_exchange(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 target_idx, struct sk_buff *skb, + data_exchange_cb_t cb, void *cb_context) { int rc; @@ -357,8 +361,7 @@ int nfc_data_exchange(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 target_idx, int nfc_set_remote_general_bytes(struct nfc_dev *dev, u8 *gb, u8 gb_len) { - pr_debug("dev_name=%s gb_len=%d\n", - dev_name(&dev->dev), gb_len); + pr_debug("dev_name=%s gb_len=%d\n", dev_name(&dev->dev), gb_len); if (gb_len > NFC_MAX_GT_LEN) return -EINVAL; @@ -367,12 +370,6 @@ int nfc_set_remote_general_bytes(struct nfc_dev *dev, u8 *gb, u8 gb_len) } EXPORT_SYMBOL(nfc_set_remote_general_bytes); -u8 *nfc_get_local_general_bytes(struct nfc_dev *dev, u8 *gt_len) -{ - return nfc_llcp_general_bytes(dev, gt_len); -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL(nfc_get_local_general_bytes); - /** * nfc_alloc_send_skb - allocate a skb for data exchange responses * @@ -380,8 +377,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(nfc_get_local_general_bytes); * @gfp: gfp flags */ struct sk_buff *nfc_alloc_send_skb(struct nfc_dev *dev, struct sock *sk, - unsigned int flags, unsigned int size, - unsigned int *err) + unsigned int flags, unsigned int size, + unsigned int *err) { struct sk_buff *skb; unsigned int total_size; @@ -428,25 +425,20 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(nfc_alloc_recv_skb); * are found. After calling this function, the device driver must stop * polling for targets. */ -int nfc_targets_found(struct nfc_dev *dev, struct nfc_target *targets, - int n_targets) +int nfc_targets_found(struct nfc_dev *dev, + struct nfc_target *targets, int n_targets) { - int i; - pr_debug("dev_name=%s n_targets=%d\n", dev_name(&dev->dev), n_targets); dev->polling = false; - for (i = 0; i < n_targets; i++) - targets[i].idx = dev->target_idx++; - spin_lock_bh(&dev->targets_lock); dev->targets_generation++; kfree(dev->targets); dev->targets = kmemdup(targets, n_targets * sizeof(struct nfc_target), - GFP_ATOMIC); + GFP_ATOMIC); if (!dev->targets) { dev->n_targets = 0; @@ -506,15 +498,14 @@ struct nfc_dev *nfc_get_device(unsigned idx) * @supported_protocols: NFC protocols supported by the device */ struct nfc_dev *nfc_allocate_device(struct nfc_ops *ops, - u32 supported_protocols, - int tx_headroom, - int tx_tailroom) + u32 supported_protocols, + int tx_headroom, int tx_tailroom) { static atomic_t dev_no = ATOMIC_INIT(0); struct nfc_dev *dev; if (!ops->start_poll || !ops->stop_poll || !ops->activate_target || - !ops->deactivate_target || !ops->data_exchange) + !ops->deactivate_target || !ops->data_exchange) return NULL; if (!supported_protocols) diff --git a/net/nfc/llcp/commands.c b/net/nfc/llcp/commands.c index 151f2ef429c4cf93708bdb6d1524ccf6f2b1cb55..7b76eb7192f37fc50167d39ff6d2a1d7ffc400e4 100644 --- a/net/nfc/llcp/commands.c +++ b/net/nfc/llcp/commands.c @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ u8 *nfc_llcp_build_tlv(u8 type, u8 *value, u8 value_length, u8 *tlv_length) } int nfc_llcp_parse_tlv(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, - u8 *tlv_array, u16 tlv_array_len) + u8 *tlv_array, u16 tlv_array_len) { u8 *tlv = tlv_array, type, length, offset = 0; @@ -152,6 +152,8 @@ int nfc_llcp_parse_tlv(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, case LLCP_TLV_RW: local->remote_rw = llcp_tlv_rw(tlv); break; + case LLCP_TLV_SN: + break; default: pr_err("Invalid gt tlv value 0x%x\n", type); break; @@ -162,15 +164,15 @@ int nfc_llcp_parse_tlv(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, } pr_debug("version 0x%x miu %d lto %d opt 0x%x wks 0x%x rw %d\n", - local->remote_version, local->remote_miu, - local->remote_lto, local->remote_opt, - local->remote_wks, local->remote_rw); + local->remote_version, local->remote_miu, + local->remote_lto, local->remote_opt, + local->remote_wks, local->remote_rw); return 0; } static struct sk_buff *llcp_add_header(struct sk_buff *pdu, - u8 dsap, u8 ssap, u8 ptype) + u8 dsap, u8 ssap, u8 ptype) { u8 header[2]; @@ -186,7 +188,8 @@ static struct sk_buff *llcp_add_header(struct sk_buff *pdu, return pdu; } -static struct sk_buff *llcp_add_tlv(struct sk_buff *pdu, u8 *tlv, u8 tlv_length) +static struct sk_buff *llcp_add_tlv(struct sk_buff *pdu, u8 *tlv, + u8 tlv_length) { /* XXX Add an skb length check */ @@ -199,7 +202,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *llcp_add_tlv(struct sk_buff *pdu, u8 *tlv, u8 tlv_length) } static struct sk_buff *llcp_allocate_pdu(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock, - u8 cmd, u16 size) + u8 cmd, u16 size) { struct sk_buff *skb; int err; @@ -208,7 +211,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *llcp_allocate_pdu(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock, return NULL; skb = nfc_alloc_send_skb(sock->dev, &sock->sk, MSG_DONTWAIT, - size + LLCP_HEADER_SIZE, &err); + size + LLCP_HEADER_SIZE, &err); if (skb == NULL) { pr_err("Could not allocate PDU\n"); return NULL; @@ -276,7 +279,7 @@ int nfc_llcp_send_symm(struct nfc_dev *dev) skb = llcp_add_header(skb, 0, 0, LLCP_PDU_SYMM); return nfc_data_exchange(dev, local->target_idx, skb, - nfc_llcp_recv, local); + nfc_llcp_recv, local); } int nfc_llcp_send_connect(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock) @@ -284,6 +287,9 @@ int nfc_llcp_send_connect(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock) struct nfc_llcp_local *local; struct sk_buff *skb; u8 *service_name_tlv = NULL, service_name_tlv_length; + u8 *miux_tlv = NULL, miux_tlv_length; + u8 *rw_tlv = NULL, rw_tlv_length, rw; + __be16 miux; int err; u16 size = 0; @@ -295,12 +301,21 @@ int nfc_llcp_send_connect(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock) if (sock->service_name != NULL) { service_name_tlv = nfc_llcp_build_tlv(LLCP_TLV_SN, - sock->service_name, - sock->service_name_len, - &service_name_tlv_length); + sock->service_name, + sock->service_name_len, + &service_name_tlv_length); size += service_name_tlv_length; } + miux = cpu_to_be16(LLCP_MAX_MIUX); + miux_tlv = nfc_llcp_build_tlv(LLCP_TLV_MIUX, (u8 *)&miux, 0, + &miux_tlv_length); + size += miux_tlv_length; + + rw = LLCP_MAX_RW; + rw_tlv = nfc_llcp_build_tlv(LLCP_TLV_RW, &rw, 0, &rw_tlv_length); + size += rw_tlv_length; + pr_debug("SKB size %d SN length %zu\n", size, sock->service_name_len); skb = llcp_allocate_pdu(sock, LLCP_PDU_CONNECT, size); @@ -311,7 +326,10 @@ int nfc_llcp_send_connect(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock) if (service_name_tlv != NULL) skb = llcp_add_tlv(skb, service_name_tlv, - service_name_tlv_length); + service_name_tlv_length); + + skb = llcp_add_tlv(skb, miux_tlv, miux_tlv_length); + skb = llcp_add_tlv(skb, rw_tlv, rw_tlv_length); skb_queue_tail(&local->tx_queue, skb); @@ -321,6 +339,8 @@ int nfc_llcp_send_connect(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock) pr_err("error %d\n", err); kfree(service_name_tlv); + kfree(miux_tlv); + kfree(rw_tlv); return err; } @@ -329,6 +349,11 @@ int nfc_llcp_send_cc(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock) { struct nfc_llcp_local *local; struct sk_buff *skb; + u8 *miux_tlv = NULL, miux_tlv_length; + u8 *rw_tlv = NULL, rw_tlv_length, rw; + __be16 miux; + int err; + u16 size = 0; pr_debug("Sending CC\n"); @@ -336,13 +361,35 @@ int nfc_llcp_send_cc(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock) if (local == NULL) return -ENODEV; - skb = llcp_allocate_pdu(sock, LLCP_PDU_CC, 0); - if (skb == NULL) - return -ENOMEM; + miux = cpu_to_be16(LLCP_MAX_MIUX); + miux_tlv = nfc_llcp_build_tlv(LLCP_TLV_MIUX, (u8 *)&miux, 0, + &miux_tlv_length); + size += miux_tlv_length; + + rw = LLCP_MAX_RW; + rw_tlv = nfc_llcp_build_tlv(LLCP_TLV_RW, &rw, 0, &rw_tlv_length); + size += rw_tlv_length; + + skb = llcp_allocate_pdu(sock, LLCP_PDU_CC, size); + if (skb == NULL) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto error_tlv; + } + + skb = llcp_add_tlv(skb, miux_tlv, miux_tlv_length); + skb = llcp_add_tlv(skb, rw_tlv, rw_tlv_length); skb_queue_tail(&local->tx_queue, skb); return 0; + +error_tlv: + pr_err("error %d\n", err); + + kfree(miux_tlv); + kfree(rw_tlv); + + return err; } int nfc_llcp_send_dm(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, u8 ssap, u8 dsap, u8 reason) @@ -397,3 +444,87 @@ int nfc_llcp_send_disconnect(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock) return 0; } + +int nfc_llcp_send_i_frame(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock, + struct msghdr *msg, size_t len) +{ + struct sk_buff *pdu; + struct sock *sk = &sock->sk; + struct nfc_llcp_local *local; + size_t frag_len = 0, remaining_len; + u8 *msg_data, *msg_ptr; + + pr_debug("Send I frame len %zd\n", len); + + local = sock->local; + if (local == NULL) + return -ENODEV; + + msg_data = kzalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL); + if (msg_data == NULL) + return -ENOMEM; + + if (memcpy_fromiovec(msg_data, msg->msg_iov, len)) { + kfree(msg_data); + return -EFAULT; + } + + remaining_len = len; + msg_ptr = msg_data; + + while (remaining_len > 0) { + + frag_len = min_t(u16, local->remote_miu, remaining_len); + + pr_debug("Fragment %zd bytes remaining %zd", + frag_len, remaining_len); + + pdu = llcp_allocate_pdu(sock, LLCP_PDU_I, + frag_len + LLCP_SEQUENCE_SIZE); + if (pdu == NULL) + return -ENOMEM; + + skb_put(pdu, LLCP_SEQUENCE_SIZE); + + memcpy(skb_put(pdu, frag_len), msg_ptr, frag_len); + + skb_queue_head(&sock->tx_queue, pdu); + + lock_sock(sk); + + nfc_llcp_queue_i_frames(sock); + + release_sock(sk); + + remaining_len -= frag_len; + msg_ptr += len; + } + + kfree(msg_data); + + return 0; +} + +int nfc_llcp_send_rr(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct nfc_llcp_local *local; + + pr_debug("Send rr nr %d\n", sock->recv_n); + + local = sock->local; + if (local == NULL) + return -ENODEV; + + skb = llcp_allocate_pdu(sock, LLCP_PDU_RR, LLCP_SEQUENCE_SIZE); + if (skb == NULL) + return -ENOMEM; + + skb_put(skb, LLCP_SEQUENCE_SIZE); + + skb->data[2] = sock->recv_n % 16; + + skb_queue_head(&local->tx_queue, skb); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/net/nfc/llcp/llcp.c b/net/nfc/llcp/llcp.c index 1d32680807d67f3729bb19724d9c09ba2f4cc599..17a578f641f12f8bf5b98a58996af292e5ef50a0 100644 --- a/net/nfc/llcp/llcp.c +++ b/net/nfc/llcp/llcp.c @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ static void nfc_llcp_socket_release(struct nfc_llcp_local *local) struct sock *sk, *parent_sk; int i; - mutex_lock(&local->socket_lock); for (i = 0; i < LLCP_MAX_SAP; i++) { @@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ static void nfc_llcp_socket_release(struct nfc_llcp_local *local) /* Release all child sockets */ list_for_each_entry_safe(s, n, &parent->list, list) { - list_del(&s->list); + list_del_init(&s->list); sk = &s->sk; lock_sock(sk); @@ -56,9 +55,12 @@ static void nfc_llcp_socket_release(struct nfc_llcp_local *local) nfc_put_device(s->dev); sk->sk_state = LLCP_CLOSED; - sock_set_flag(sk, SOCK_DEAD); release_sock(sk); + + sock_orphan(sk); + + s->local = NULL; } parent_sk = &parent->sk; @@ -70,18 +72,19 @@ static void nfc_llcp_socket_release(struct nfc_llcp_local *local) struct sock *accept_sk; list_for_each_entry_safe(lsk, n, &parent->accept_queue, - accept_queue) { + accept_queue) { accept_sk = &lsk->sk; lock_sock(accept_sk); nfc_llcp_accept_unlink(accept_sk); accept_sk->sk_state = LLCP_CLOSED; - sock_set_flag(accept_sk, SOCK_DEAD); release_sock(accept_sk); sock_orphan(accept_sk); + + lsk->local = NULL; } } @@ -89,18 +92,32 @@ static void nfc_llcp_socket_release(struct nfc_llcp_local *local) nfc_put_device(parent->dev); parent_sk->sk_state = LLCP_CLOSED; - sock_set_flag(parent_sk, SOCK_DEAD); release_sock(parent_sk); + + sock_orphan(parent_sk); + + parent->local = NULL; } mutex_unlock(&local->socket_lock); } +static void nfc_llcp_clear_sdp(struct nfc_llcp_local *local) +{ + mutex_lock(&local->sdp_lock); + + local->local_wks = 0; + local->local_sdp = 0; + local->local_sap = 0; + + mutex_unlock(&local->sdp_lock); +} + static void nfc_llcp_timeout_work(struct work_struct *work) { struct nfc_llcp_local *local = container_of(work, struct nfc_llcp_local, - timeout_work); + timeout_work); nfc_dep_link_down(local->dev); } @@ -146,7 +163,7 @@ static int nfc_llcp_wks_sap(char *service_name, size_t service_name_len) num_wks = ARRAY_SIZE(wks); - for (sap = 0 ; sap < num_wks; sap++) { + for (sap = 0; sap < num_wks; sap++) { if (wks[sap] == NULL) continue; @@ -158,13 +175,13 @@ static int nfc_llcp_wks_sap(char *service_name, size_t service_name_len) } u8 nfc_llcp_get_sdp_ssap(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, - struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock) + struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock) { mutex_lock(&local->sdp_lock); if (sock->service_name != NULL && sock->service_name_len > 0) { int ssap = nfc_llcp_wks_sap(sock->service_name, - sock->service_name_len); + sock->service_name_len); if (ssap > 0) { pr_debug("WKS %d\n", ssap); @@ -176,7 +193,7 @@ u8 nfc_llcp_get_sdp_ssap(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, return LLCP_SAP_MAX; } - set_bit(BIT(ssap), &local->local_wks); + set_bit(ssap, &local->local_wks); mutex_unlock(&local->sdp_lock); return ssap; @@ -195,25 +212,25 @@ u8 nfc_llcp_get_sdp_ssap(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, pr_debug("SDP ssap %d\n", LLCP_WKS_NUM_SAP + ssap); - set_bit(BIT(ssap), &local->local_sdp); + set_bit(ssap, &local->local_sdp); mutex_unlock(&local->sdp_lock); return LLCP_WKS_NUM_SAP + ssap; } else if (sock->ssap != 0) { if (sock->ssap < LLCP_WKS_NUM_SAP) { - if (!(local->local_wks & BIT(sock->ssap))) { - set_bit(BIT(sock->ssap), &local->local_wks); + if (!test_bit(sock->ssap, &local->local_wks)) { + set_bit(sock->ssap, &local->local_wks); mutex_unlock(&local->sdp_lock); return sock->ssap; } } else if (sock->ssap < LLCP_SDP_NUM_SAP) { - if (!(local->local_sdp & - BIT(sock->ssap - LLCP_WKS_NUM_SAP))) { - set_bit(BIT(sock->ssap - LLCP_WKS_NUM_SAP), - &local->local_sdp); + if (!test_bit(sock->ssap - LLCP_WKS_NUM_SAP, + &local->local_sdp)) { + set_bit(sock->ssap - LLCP_WKS_NUM_SAP, + &local->local_sdp); mutex_unlock(&local->sdp_lock); return sock->ssap; @@ -238,7 +255,7 @@ u8 nfc_llcp_get_local_ssap(struct nfc_llcp_local *local) return LLCP_SAP_MAX; } - set_bit(BIT(local_ssap), &local->local_sap); + set_bit(local_ssap, &local->local_sap); mutex_unlock(&local->sdp_lock); @@ -265,12 +282,12 @@ void nfc_llcp_put_ssap(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, u8 ssap) mutex_lock(&local->sdp_lock); - clear_bit(1 << local_ssap, sdp); + clear_bit(local_ssap, sdp); mutex_unlock(&local->sdp_lock); } -u8 *nfc_llcp_general_bytes(struct nfc_dev *dev, u8 *general_bytes_len) +u8 *nfc_llcp_general_bytes(struct nfc_dev *dev, size_t *general_bytes_len) { struct nfc_llcp_local *local; @@ -294,7 +311,7 @@ static int nfc_llcp_build_gb(struct nfc_llcp_local *local) version = LLCP_VERSION_11; version_tlv = nfc_llcp_build_tlv(LLCP_TLV_VERSION, &version, - 1, &version_length); + 1, &version_length); gb_len += version_length; /* 1500 ms */ @@ -304,7 +321,7 @@ static int nfc_llcp_build_gb(struct nfc_llcp_local *local) pr_debug("Local wks 0x%lx\n", local->local_wks); wks_tlv = nfc_llcp_build_tlv(LLCP_TLV_WKS, (u8 *)&local->local_wks, 2, - &wks_length); + &wks_length); gb_len += wks_length; gb_len += ARRAY_SIZE(llcp_magic); @@ -349,8 +366,7 @@ int nfc_llcp_set_remote_gb(struct nfc_dev *dev, u8 *gb, u8 gb_len) memcpy(local->remote_gb, gb, gb_len); local->remote_gb_len = gb_len; - if (local->remote_gb == NULL || - local->remote_gb_len == 0) + if (local->remote_gb == NULL || local->remote_gb_len == 0) return -ENODEV; if (memcmp(local->remote_gb, llcp_magic, 3)) { @@ -359,26 +375,27 @@ int nfc_llcp_set_remote_gb(struct nfc_dev *dev, u8 *gb, u8 gb_len) } return nfc_llcp_parse_tlv(local, - &local->remote_gb[3], local->remote_gb_len - 3); + &local->remote_gb[3], + local->remote_gb_len - 3); } static void nfc_llcp_tx_work(struct work_struct *work) { struct nfc_llcp_local *local = container_of(work, struct nfc_llcp_local, - tx_work); + tx_work); struct sk_buff *skb; skb = skb_dequeue(&local->tx_queue); if (skb != NULL) { pr_debug("Sending pending skb\n"); nfc_data_exchange(local->dev, local->target_idx, - skb, nfc_llcp_recv, local); + skb, nfc_llcp_recv, local); } else { nfc_llcp_send_symm(local->dev); } mod_timer(&local->link_timer, - jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(local->remote_lto)); + jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(local->remote_lto)); } static u8 nfc_llcp_dsap(struct sk_buff *pdu) @@ -408,13 +425,13 @@ static u8 nfc_llcp_nr(struct sk_buff *pdu) static void nfc_llcp_set_nrns(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock, struct sk_buff *pdu) { - pdu->data[2] = (sock->send_n << 4) | ((sock->recv_n - 1) % 16); + pdu->data[2] = (sock->send_n << 4) | (sock->recv_n % 16); sock->send_n = (sock->send_n + 1) % 16; sock->recv_ack_n = (sock->recv_n - 1) % 16; } static struct nfc_llcp_sock *nfc_llcp_sock_get(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, - u8 ssap, u8 dsap) + u8 ssap, u8 dsap) { struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock, *llcp_sock, *n; @@ -438,7 +455,7 @@ static struct nfc_llcp_sock *nfc_llcp_sock_get(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, list_for_each_entry_safe(llcp_sock, n, &sock->list, list) { pr_debug("llcp_sock %p sk %p dsap %d\n", llcp_sock, - &llcp_sock->sk, llcp_sock->dsap); + &llcp_sock->sk, llcp_sock->dsap); if (llcp_sock->dsap == dsap) { sock_hold(&llcp_sock->sk); mutex_unlock(&local->socket_lock); @@ -482,7 +499,7 @@ static u8 *nfc_llcp_connect_sn(struct sk_buff *skb, size_t *sn_len) } static void nfc_llcp_recv_connect(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, - struct sk_buff *skb) + struct sk_buff *skb) { struct sock *new_sk, *parent; struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock, *new_sock; @@ -494,7 +511,7 @@ static void nfc_llcp_recv_connect(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, pr_debug("%d %d\n", dsap, ssap); nfc_llcp_parse_tlv(local, &skb->data[LLCP_HEADER_SIZE], - skb->len - LLCP_HEADER_SIZE); + skb->len - LLCP_HEADER_SIZE); if (dsap != LLCP_SAP_SDP) { bound_sap = dsap; @@ -513,7 +530,7 @@ static void nfc_llcp_recv_connect(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, lock_sock(&sock->sk); if (sock->dsap == LLCP_SAP_SDP && - sock->sk.sk_state == LLCP_LISTEN) + sock->sk.sk_state == LLCP_LISTEN) goto enqueue; } else { u8 *sn; @@ -529,23 +546,23 @@ static void nfc_llcp_recv_connect(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, mutex_lock(&local->socket_lock); for (bound_sap = 0; bound_sap < LLCP_LOCAL_SAP_OFFSET; - bound_sap++) { + bound_sap++) { sock = local->sockets[bound_sap]; if (sock == NULL) continue; if (sock->service_name == NULL || - sock->service_name_len == 0) + sock->service_name_len == 0) continue; if (sock->service_name_len != sn_len) continue; if (sock->dsap == LLCP_SAP_SDP && - sock->sk.sk_state == LLCP_LISTEN && - !memcmp(sn, sock->service_name, sn_len)) { + sock->sk.sk_state == LLCP_LISTEN && + !memcmp(sn, sock->service_name, sn_len)) { pr_debug("Found service name at SAP %d\n", - bound_sap); + bound_sap); sock_hold(&sock->sk); mutex_unlock(&local->socket_lock); @@ -570,8 +587,7 @@ static void nfc_llcp_recv_connect(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, goto fail; } - new_sk = nfc_llcp_sock_alloc(NULL, parent->sk_type, - GFP_ATOMIC); + new_sk = nfc_llcp_sock_alloc(NULL, parent->sk_type, GFP_ATOMIC); if (new_sk == NULL) { reason = LLCP_DM_REJ; release_sock(&sock->sk); @@ -616,8 +632,39 @@ static void nfc_llcp_recv_connect(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, } +int nfc_llcp_queue_i_frames(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock) +{ + int nr_frames = 0; + struct nfc_llcp_local *local = sock->local; + + pr_debug("Remote ready %d tx queue len %d remote rw %d", + sock->remote_ready, skb_queue_len(&sock->tx_pending_queue), + local->remote_rw); + + /* Try to queue some I frames for transmission */ + while (sock->remote_ready && + skb_queue_len(&sock->tx_pending_queue) < local->remote_rw) { + struct sk_buff *pdu, *pending_pdu; + + pdu = skb_dequeue(&sock->tx_queue); + if (pdu == NULL) + break; + + /* Update N(S)/N(R) */ + nfc_llcp_set_nrns(sock, pdu); + + pending_pdu = skb_clone(pdu, GFP_KERNEL); + + skb_queue_tail(&local->tx_queue, pdu); + skb_queue_tail(&sock->tx_pending_queue, pending_pdu); + nr_frames++; + } + + return nr_frames; +} + static void nfc_llcp_recv_hdlc(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, - struct sk_buff *skb) + struct sk_buff *skb) { struct nfc_llcp_sock *llcp_sock; struct sock *sk; @@ -644,15 +691,15 @@ static void nfc_llcp_recv_hdlc(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, nfc_llcp_sock_put(llcp_sock); } - if (ns == llcp_sock->recv_n) - llcp_sock->recv_n = (llcp_sock->recv_n + 1) % 16; - else - pr_err("Received out of sequence I PDU\n"); - /* Pass the payload upstream */ if (ptype == LLCP_PDU_I) { pr_debug("I frame, queueing on %p\n", &llcp_sock->sk); + if (ns == llcp_sock->recv_n) + llcp_sock->recv_n = (llcp_sock->recv_n + 1) % 16; + else + pr_err("Received out of sequence I PDU\n"); + skb_pull(skb, LLCP_HEADER_SIZE + LLCP_SEQUENCE_SIZE); if (sock_queue_rcv_skb(&llcp_sock->sk, skb)) { pr_err("receive queue is full\n"); @@ -673,30 +720,20 @@ static void nfc_llcp_recv_hdlc(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, } } - /* Queue some I frames for transmission */ - while (llcp_sock->remote_ready && - skb_queue_len(&llcp_sock->tx_pending_queue) <= local->remote_rw) { - struct sk_buff *pdu, *pending_pdu; - - pdu = skb_dequeue(&llcp_sock->tx_queue); - if (pdu == NULL) - break; - - /* Update N(S)/N(R) */ - nfc_llcp_set_nrns(llcp_sock, pdu); + if (ptype == LLCP_PDU_RR) + llcp_sock->remote_ready = true; + else if (ptype == LLCP_PDU_RNR) + llcp_sock->remote_ready = false; - pending_pdu = skb_clone(pdu, GFP_KERNEL); - - skb_queue_tail(&local->tx_queue, pdu); - skb_queue_tail(&llcp_sock->tx_pending_queue, pending_pdu); - } + if (nfc_llcp_queue_i_frames(llcp_sock) == 0) + nfc_llcp_send_rr(llcp_sock); release_sock(sk); nfc_llcp_sock_put(llcp_sock); } static void nfc_llcp_recv_disc(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, - struct sk_buff *skb) + struct sk_buff *skb) { struct nfc_llcp_sock *llcp_sock; struct sock *sk; @@ -718,7 +755,6 @@ static void nfc_llcp_recv_disc(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, nfc_llcp_sock_put(llcp_sock); } - if (sk->sk_state == LLCP_CONNECTED) { nfc_put_device(local->dev); sk->sk_state = LLCP_CLOSED; @@ -731,13 +767,11 @@ static void nfc_llcp_recv_disc(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, nfc_llcp_sock_put(llcp_sock); } -static void nfc_llcp_recv_cc(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, - struct sk_buff *skb) +static void nfc_llcp_recv_cc(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, struct sk_buff *skb) { struct nfc_llcp_sock *llcp_sock; u8 dsap, ssap; - dsap = nfc_llcp_dsap(skb); ssap = nfc_llcp_ssap(skb); @@ -756,7 +790,7 @@ static void nfc_llcp_recv_cc(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, llcp_sock->dsap = ssap; nfc_llcp_parse_tlv(local, &skb->data[LLCP_HEADER_SIZE], - skb->len - LLCP_HEADER_SIZE); + skb->len - LLCP_HEADER_SIZE); nfc_llcp_sock_put(llcp_sock); } @@ -764,7 +798,7 @@ static void nfc_llcp_recv_cc(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, static void nfc_llcp_rx_work(struct work_struct *work) { struct nfc_llcp_local *local = container_of(work, struct nfc_llcp_local, - rx_work); + rx_work); u8 dsap, ssap, ptype; struct sk_buff *skb; @@ -802,6 +836,7 @@ static void nfc_llcp_rx_work(struct work_struct *work) case LLCP_PDU_I: case LLCP_PDU_RR: + case LLCP_PDU_RNR: pr_debug("I frame\n"); nfc_llcp_recv_hdlc(local, skb); break; @@ -821,7 +856,7 @@ void nfc_llcp_recv(void *data, struct sk_buff *skb, int err) pr_debug("Received an LLCP PDU\n"); if (err < 0) { - pr_err("err %d", err); + pr_err("err %d\n", err); return; } @@ -840,6 +875,8 @@ void nfc_llcp_mac_is_down(struct nfc_dev *dev) if (local == NULL) return; + nfc_llcp_clear_sdp(local); + /* Close and purge all existing sockets */ nfc_llcp_socket_release(local); } @@ -865,7 +902,7 @@ void nfc_llcp_mac_is_up(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 target_idx, queue_work(local->tx_wq, &local->tx_work); } else { mod_timer(&local->link_timer, - jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(local->remote_lto)); + jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(local->remote_lto)); } } @@ -891,8 +928,10 @@ int nfc_llcp_register_device(struct nfc_dev *ndev) skb_queue_head_init(&local->tx_queue); INIT_WORK(&local->tx_work, nfc_llcp_tx_work); snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s_llcp_tx_wq", dev_name(dev)); - local->tx_wq = alloc_workqueue(name, - WQ_NON_REENTRANT | WQ_UNBOUND | WQ_MEM_RECLAIM, 1); + local->tx_wq = + alloc_workqueue(name, + WQ_NON_REENTRANT | WQ_UNBOUND | WQ_MEM_RECLAIM, + 1); if (local->tx_wq == NULL) { err = -ENOMEM; goto err_local; @@ -901,8 +940,10 @@ int nfc_llcp_register_device(struct nfc_dev *ndev) local->rx_pending = NULL; INIT_WORK(&local->rx_work, nfc_llcp_rx_work); snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s_llcp_rx_wq", dev_name(dev)); - local->rx_wq = alloc_workqueue(name, - WQ_NON_REENTRANT | WQ_UNBOUND | WQ_MEM_RECLAIM, 1); + local->rx_wq = + alloc_workqueue(name, + WQ_NON_REENTRANT | WQ_UNBOUND | WQ_MEM_RECLAIM, + 1); if (local->rx_wq == NULL) { err = -ENOMEM; goto err_tx_wq; @@ -910,8 +951,10 @@ int nfc_llcp_register_device(struct nfc_dev *ndev) INIT_WORK(&local->timeout_work, nfc_llcp_timeout_work); snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s_llcp_timeout_wq", dev_name(dev)); - local->timeout_wq = alloc_workqueue(name, - WQ_NON_REENTRANT | WQ_UNBOUND | WQ_MEM_RECLAIM, 1); + local->timeout_wq = + alloc_workqueue(name, + WQ_NON_REENTRANT | WQ_UNBOUND | WQ_MEM_RECLAIM, + 1); if (local->timeout_wq == NULL) { err = -ENOMEM; goto err_rx_wq; diff --git a/net/nfc/llcp/llcp.h b/net/nfc/llcp/llcp.h index 0ad2e3361584a074ab2c0a09b489d1056889f247..50680ce5ae4396435552936f22cf3a8d17e26a25 100644 --- a/net/nfc/llcp/llcp.h +++ b/net/nfc/llcp/llcp.h @@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ enum llcp_state { #define LLCP_DEFAULT_RW 1 #define LLCP_DEFAULT_MIU 128 +#define LLCP_MAX_LTO 0xff +#define LLCP_MAX_RW 15 +#define LLCP_MAX_MIUX 0x7ff + #define LLCP_WKS_NUM_SAP 16 #define LLCP_SDP_NUM_SAP 16 #define LLCP_LOCAL_NUM_SAP 32 @@ -162,9 +166,10 @@ struct nfc_llcp_sock { struct nfc_llcp_local *nfc_llcp_find_local(struct nfc_dev *dev); u8 nfc_llcp_get_sdp_ssap(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, - struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock); + struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock); u8 nfc_llcp_get_local_ssap(struct nfc_llcp_local *local); void nfc_llcp_put_ssap(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, u8 ssap); +int nfc_llcp_queue_i_frames(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock); /* Sock API */ struct sock *nfc_llcp_sock_alloc(struct socket *sock, int type, gfp_t gfp); @@ -175,7 +180,7 @@ struct sock *nfc_llcp_accept_dequeue(struct sock *sk, struct socket *newsock); /* TLV API */ int nfc_llcp_parse_tlv(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, - u8 *tlv_array, u16 tlv_array_len); + u8 *tlv_array, u16 tlv_array_len); /* Commands API */ void nfc_llcp_recv(void *data, struct sk_buff *skb, int err); @@ -187,6 +192,9 @@ int nfc_llcp_send_connect(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock); int nfc_llcp_send_cc(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock); int nfc_llcp_send_dm(struct nfc_llcp_local *local, u8 ssap, u8 dsap, u8 reason); int nfc_llcp_send_disconnect(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock); +int nfc_llcp_send_i_frame(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock, + struct msghdr *msg, size_t len); +int nfc_llcp_send_rr(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock); /* Socket API */ int __init nfc_llcp_sock_init(void); diff --git a/net/nfc/llcp/sock.c b/net/nfc/llcp/sock.c index f738ccd535f1c984f3a741ac32c43acc6bc3c7c5..c13e02ebdef9b08e5c995f5cbb5a671db42d8e3c 100644 --- a/net/nfc/llcp/sock.c +++ b/net/nfc/llcp/sock.c @@ -78,9 +78,11 @@ static int llcp_sock_bind(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *addr, int alen) llcp_sock->local = local; llcp_sock->nfc_protocol = llcp_addr.nfc_protocol; llcp_sock->service_name_len = min_t(unsigned int, - llcp_addr.service_name_len, NFC_LLCP_MAX_SERVICE_NAME); + llcp_addr.service_name_len, + NFC_LLCP_MAX_SERVICE_NAME); llcp_sock->service_name = kmemdup(llcp_addr.service_name, - llcp_sock->service_name_len, GFP_KERNEL); + llcp_sock->service_name_len, + GFP_KERNEL); llcp_sock->ssap = nfc_llcp_get_sdp_ssap(local, llcp_sock); if (llcp_sock->ssap == LLCP_MAX_SAP) @@ -110,7 +112,7 @@ static int llcp_sock_listen(struct socket *sock, int backlog) lock_sock(sk); if ((sock->type != SOCK_SEQPACKET && sock->type != SOCK_STREAM) - || sk->sk_state != LLCP_BOUND) { + || sk->sk_state != LLCP_BOUND) { ret = -EBADFD; goto error; } @@ -149,13 +151,13 @@ void nfc_llcp_accept_enqueue(struct sock *parent, struct sock *sk) sock_hold(sk); list_add_tail(&llcp_sock->accept_queue, - &llcp_sock_parent->accept_queue); + &llcp_sock_parent->accept_queue); llcp_sock->parent = parent; sk_acceptq_added(parent); } struct sock *nfc_llcp_accept_dequeue(struct sock *parent, - struct socket *newsock) + struct socket *newsock) { struct nfc_llcp_sock *lsk, *n, *llcp_parent; struct sock *sk; @@ -163,7 +165,7 @@ struct sock *nfc_llcp_accept_dequeue(struct sock *parent, llcp_parent = nfc_llcp_sock(parent); list_for_each_entry_safe(lsk, n, &llcp_parent->accept_queue, - accept_queue) { + accept_queue) { sk = &lsk->sk; lock_sock(sk); @@ -192,7 +194,7 @@ struct sock *nfc_llcp_accept_dequeue(struct sock *parent, } static int llcp_sock_accept(struct socket *sock, struct socket *newsock, - int flags) + int flags) { DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current); struct sock *sk = sock->sk, *new_sk; @@ -248,7 +250,7 @@ static int llcp_sock_accept(struct socket *sock, struct socket *newsock, static int llcp_sock_getname(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *addr, int *len, int peer) { - struct sockaddr_nfc_llcp *llcp_addr = (struct sockaddr_nfc_llcp *) addr; + struct sockaddr_nfc_llcp *llcp_addr = (struct sockaddr_nfc_llcp *)addr; struct sock *sk = sock->sk; struct nfc_llcp_sock *llcp_sock = nfc_llcp_sock(sk); @@ -262,7 +264,7 @@ static int llcp_sock_getname(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *addr, llcp_addr->ssap = llcp_sock->ssap; llcp_addr->service_name_len = llcp_sock->service_name_len; memcpy(llcp_addr->service_name, llcp_sock->service_name, - llcp_addr->service_name_len); + llcp_addr->service_name_len); return 0; } @@ -275,7 +277,7 @@ static inline unsigned int llcp_accept_poll(struct sock *parent) parent_sock = nfc_llcp_sock(parent); list_for_each_entry_safe(llcp_sock, n, &parent_sock->accept_queue, - accept_queue) { + accept_queue) { sk = &llcp_sock->sk; if (sk->sk_state == LLCP_CONNECTED) @@ -286,7 +288,7 @@ static inline unsigned int llcp_accept_poll(struct sock *parent) } static unsigned int llcp_sock_poll(struct file *file, struct socket *sock, - poll_table *wait) + poll_table *wait) { struct sock *sk = sock->sk; unsigned int mask = 0; @@ -315,6 +317,7 @@ static int llcp_sock_release(struct socket *sock) struct sock *sk = sock->sk; struct nfc_llcp_local *local; struct nfc_llcp_sock *llcp_sock = nfc_llcp_sock(sk); + int err = 0; if (!sk) return 0; @@ -322,25 +325,17 @@ static int llcp_sock_release(struct socket *sock) pr_debug("%p\n", sk); local = llcp_sock->local; - if (local == NULL) - return -ENODEV; + if (local == NULL) { + err = -ENODEV; + goto out; + } mutex_lock(&local->socket_lock); - if (llcp_sock == local->sockets[llcp_sock->ssap]) { + if (llcp_sock == local->sockets[llcp_sock->ssap]) local->sockets[llcp_sock->ssap] = NULL; - } else { - struct nfc_llcp_sock *parent, *s, *n; - - parent = local->sockets[llcp_sock->ssap]; - - list_for_each_entry_safe(s, n, &parent->list, list) - if (llcp_sock == s) { - list_del(&s->list); - break; - } - - } + else + list_del_init(&llcp_sock->list); mutex_unlock(&local->socket_lock); @@ -355,7 +350,7 @@ static int llcp_sock_release(struct socket *sock) struct sock *accept_sk; list_for_each_entry_safe(lsk, n, &llcp_sock->accept_queue, - accept_queue) { + accept_queue) { accept_sk = &lsk->sk; lock_sock(accept_sk); @@ -364,31 +359,27 @@ static int llcp_sock_release(struct socket *sock) release_sock(accept_sk); - sock_set_flag(sk, SOCK_DEAD); sock_orphan(accept_sk); - sock_put(accept_sk); } } /* Freeing the SAP */ if ((sk->sk_state == LLCP_CONNECTED - && llcp_sock->ssap > LLCP_LOCAL_SAP_OFFSET) || - sk->sk_state == LLCP_BOUND || - sk->sk_state == LLCP_LISTEN) + && llcp_sock->ssap > LLCP_LOCAL_SAP_OFFSET) || + sk->sk_state == LLCP_BOUND || sk->sk_state == LLCP_LISTEN) nfc_llcp_put_ssap(llcp_sock->local, llcp_sock->ssap); - sock_set_flag(sk, SOCK_DEAD); - release_sock(sk); +out: sock_orphan(sk); sock_put(sk); - return 0; + return err; } static int llcp_sock_connect(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *_addr, - int len, int flags) + int len, int flags) { struct sock *sk = sock->sk; struct nfc_llcp_sock *llcp_sock = nfc_llcp_sock(sk); @@ -400,7 +391,7 @@ static int llcp_sock_connect(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *_addr, pr_debug("sock %p sk %p flags 0x%x\n", sock, sk, flags); if (!addr || len < sizeof(struct sockaddr_nfc) || - addr->sa_family != AF_NFC) { + addr->sa_family != AF_NFC) { pr_err("Invalid socket\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -411,7 +402,7 @@ static int llcp_sock_connect(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *_addr, } pr_debug("addr dev_idx=%u target_idx=%u protocol=%u\n", addr->dev_idx, - addr->target_idx, addr->nfc_protocol); + addr->target_idx, addr->nfc_protocol); lock_sock(sk); @@ -441,7 +432,7 @@ static int llcp_sock_connect(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *_addr, device_unlock(&dev->dev); if (local->rf_mode == NFC_RF_INITIATOR && - addr->target_idx != local->target_idx) { + addr->target_idx != local->target_idx) { ret = -ENOLINK; goto put_dev; } @@ -459,9 +450,11 @@ static int llcp_sock_connect(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *_addr, llcp_sock->dsap = LLCP_SAP_SDP; llcp_sock->nfc_protocol = addr->nfc_protocol; llcp_sock->service_name_len = min_t(unsigned int, - addr->service_name_len, NFC_LLCP_MAX_SERVICE_NAME); + addr->service_name_len, + NFC_LLCP_MAX_SERVICE_NAME); llcp_sock->service_name = kmemdup(addr->service_name, - llcp_sock->service_name_len, GFP_KERNEL); + llcp_sock->service_name_len, + GFP_KERNEL); local->sockets[llcp_sock->ssap] = llcp_sock; @@ -482,6 +475,34 @@ static int llcp_sock_connect(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *_addr, return ret; } +static int llcp_sock_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, + struct msghdr *msg, size_t len) +{ + struct sock *sk = sock->sk; + struct nfc_llcp_sock *llcp_sock = nfc_llcp_sock(sk); + int ret; + + pr_debug("sock %p sk %p", sock, sk); + + ret = sock_error(sk); + if (ret) + return ret; + + if (msg->msg_flags & MSG_OOB) + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + + lock_sock(sk); + + if (sk->sk_state != LLCP_CONNECTED) { + release_sock(sk); + return -ENOTCONN; + } + + release_sock(sk); + + return nfc_llcp_send_i_frame(llcp_sock, msg, len); +} + static int llcp_sock_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, struct msghdr *msg, size_t len, int flags) { @@ -496,7 +517,7 @@ static int llcp_sock_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, lock_sock(sk); if (sk->sk_state == LLCP_CLOSED && - skb_queue_empty(&sk->sk_receive_queue)) { + skb_queue_empty(&sk->sk_receive_queue)) { release_sock(sk); return 0; } @@ -509,7 +530,7 @@ static int llcp_sock_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, skb = skb_recv_datagram(sk, flags, noblock, &err); if (!skb) { pr_err("Recv datagram failed state %d %d %d", - sk->sk_state, err, sock_error(sk)); + sk->sk_state, err, sock_error(sk)); if (sk->sk_shutdown & RCV_SHUTDOWN) return 0; @@ -517,7 +538,7 @@ static int llcp_sock_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, return err; } - rlen = skb->len; /* real length of skb */ + rlen = skb->len; /* real length of skb */ copied = min_t(unsigned int, rlen, len); cskb = skb; @@ -567,7 +588,7 @@ static const struct proto_ops llcp_sock_ops = { .shutdown = sock_no_shutdown, .setsockopt = sock_no_setsockopt, .getsockopt = sock_no_getsockopt, - .sendmsg = sock_no_sendmsg, + .sendmsg = llcp_sock_sendmsg, .recvmsg = llcp_sock_recvmsg, .mmap = sock_no_mmap, }; @@ -627,6 +648,8 @@ struct sock *nfc_llcp_sock_alloc(struct socket *sock, int type, gfp_t gfp) void nfc_llcp_sock_free(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock) { + struct nfc_llcp_local *local = sock->local; + kfree(sock->service_name); skb_queue_purge(&sock->tx_queue); @@ -635,11 +658,16 @@ void nfc_llcp_sock_free(struct nfc_llcp_sock *sock) list_del_init(&sock->accept_queue); + if (local != NULL && sock == local->sockets[sock->ssap]) + local->sockets[sock->ssap] = NULL; + else + list_del_init(&sock->list); + sock->parent = NULL; } static int llcp_sock_create(struct net *net, struct socket *sock, - const struct nfc_protocol *nfc_proto) + const struct nfc_protocol *nfc_proto) { struct sock *sk; diff --git a/net/nfc/nci/core.c b/net/nfc/nci/core.c index 7650139a1a0538da0a6857b21e4460e8f2f47a01..9ec065bb9ee1e78b96321a8f2f1e5c6827dd15bc 100644 --- a/net/nfc/nci/core.c +++ b/net/nfc/nci/core.c @@ -66,9 +66,8 @@ static void nci_req_cancel(struct nci_dev *ndev, int err) /* Execute request and wait for completion. */ static int __nci_request(struct nci_dev *ndev, - void (*req)(struct nci_dev *ndev, unsigned long opt), - unsigned long opt, - __u32 timeout) + void (*req)(struct nci_dev *ndev, unsigned long opt), + unsigned long opt, __u32 timeout) { int rc = 0; long completion_rc; @@ -77,9 +76,9 @@ static int __nci_request(struct nci_dev *ndev, init_completion(&ndev->req_completion); req(ndev, opt); - completion_rc = wait_for_completion_interruptible_timeout( - &ndev->req_completion, - timeout); + completion_rc = + wait_for_completion_interruptible_timeout(&ndev->req_completion, + timeout); pr_debug("wait_for_completion return %ld\n", completion_rc); @@ -110,8 +109,9 @@ static int __nci_request(struct nci_dev *ndev, } static inline int nci_request(struct nci_dev *ndev, - void (*req)(struct nci_dev *ndev, unsigned long opt), - unsigned long opt, __u32 timeout) + void (*req)(struct nci_dev *ndev, + unsigned long opt), + unsigned long opt, __u32 timeout) { int rc; @@ -152,14 +152,14 @@ static void nci_init_complete_req(struct nci_dev *ndev, unsigned long opt) /* by default mapping is set to NCI_RF_INTERFACE_FRAME */ for (i = 0; i < ndev->num_supported_rf_interfaces; i++) { if (ndev->supported_rf_interfaces[i] == - NCI_RF_INTERFACE_ISO_DEP) { + NCI_RF_INTERFACE_ISO_DEP) { cfg[*num].rf_protocol = NCI_RF_PROTOCOL_ISO_DEP; cfg[*num].mode = NCI_DISC_MAP_MODE_POLL | NCI_DISC_MAP_MODE_LISTEN; cfg[*num].rf_interface = NCI_RF_INTERFACE_ISO_DEP; (*num)++; } else if (ndev->supported_rf_interfaces[i] == - NCI_RF_INTERFACE_NFC_DEP) { + NCI_RF_INTERFACE_NFC_DEP) { cfg[*num].rf_protocol = NCI_RF_PROTOCOL_NFC_DEP; cfg[*num].mode = NCI_DISC_MAP_MODE_POLL | NCI_DISC_MAP_MODE_LISTEN; @@ -172,8 +172,7 @@ static void nci_init_complete_req(struct nci_dev *ndev, unsigned long opt) } nci_send_cmd(ndev, NCI_OP_RF_DISCOVER_MAP_CMD, - (1 + ((*num)*sizeof(struct disc_map_config))), - &cmd); + (1 + ((*num) * sizeof(struct disc_map_config))), &cmd); } static void nci_rf_discover_req(struct nci_dev *ndev, unsigned long opt) @@ -184,36 +183,68 @@ static void nci_rf_discover_req(struct nci_dev *ndev, unsigned long opt) cmd.num_disc_configs = 0; if ((cmd.num_disc_configs < NCI_MAX_NUM_RF_CONFIGS) && - (protocols & NFC_PROTO_JEWEL_MASK - || protocols & NFC_PROTO_MIFARE_MASK - || protocols & NFC_PROTO_ISO14443_MASK - || protocols & NFC_PROTO_NFC_DEP_MASK)) { + (protocols & NFC_PROTO_JEWEL_MASK + || protocols & NFC_PROTO_MIFARE_MASK + || protocols & NFC_PROTO_ISO14443_MASK + || protocols & NFC_PROTO_NFC_DEP_MASK)) { cmd.disc_configs[cmd.num_disc_configs].rf_tech_and_mode = - NCI_NFC_A_PASSIVE_POLL_MODE; + NCI_NFC_A_PASSIVE_POLL_MODE; cmd.disc_configs[cmd.num_disc_configs].frequency = 1; cmd.num_disc_configs++; } if ((cmd.num_disc_configs < NCI_MAX_NUM_RF_CONFIGS) && - (protocols & NFC_PROTO_ISO14443_MASK)) { + (protocols & NFC_PROTO_ISO14443_MASK)) { cmd.disc_configs[cmd.num_disc_configs].rf_tech_and_mode = - NCI_NFC_B_PASSIVE_POLL_MODE; + NCI_NFC_B_PASSIVE_POLL_MODE; cmd.disc_configs[cmd.num_disc_configs].frequency = 1; cmd.num_disc_configs++; } if ((cmd.num_disc_configs < NCI_MAX_NUM_RF_CONFIGS) && - (protocols & NFC_PROTO_FELICA_MASK - || protocols & NFC_PROTO_NFC_DEP_MASK)) { + (protocols & NFC_PROTO_FELICA_MASK + || protocols & NFC_PROTO_NFC_DEP_MASK)) { cmd.disc_configs[cmd.num_disc_configs].rf_tech_and_mode = - NCI_NFC_F_PASSIVE_POLL_MODE; + NCI_NFC_F_PASSIVE_POLL_MODE; cmd.disc_configs[cmd.num_disc_configs].frequency = 1; cmd.num_disc_configs++; } nci_send_cmd(ndev, NCI_OP_RF_DISCOVER_CMD, - (1 + (cmd.num_disc_configs*sizeof(struct disc_config))), - &cmd); + (1 + (cmd.num_disc_configs * sizeof(struct disc_config))), + &cmd); +} + +struct nci_rf_discover_select_param { + __u8 rf_discovery_id; + __u8 rf_protocol; +}; + +static void nci_rf_discover_select_req(struct nci_dev *ndev, unsigned long opt) +{ + struct nci_rf_discover_select_param *param = + (struct nci_rf_discover_select_param *)opt; + struct nci_rf_discover_select_cmd cmd; + + cmd.rf_discovery_id = param->rf_discovery_id; + cmd.rf_protocol = param->rf_protocol; + + switch (cmd.rf_protocol) { + case NCI_RF_PROTOCOL_ISO_DEP: + cmd.rf_interface = NCI_RF_INTERFACE_ISO_DEP; + break; + + case NCI_RF_PROTOCOL_NFC_DEP: + cmd.rf_interface = NCI_RF_INTERFACE_NFC_DEP; + break; + + default: + cmd.rf_interface = NCI_RF_INTERFACE_FRAME; + break; + } + + nci_send_cmd(ndev, NCI_OP_RF_DISCOVER_SELECT_CMD, + sizeof(struct nci_rf_discover_select_cmd), &cmd); } static void nci_rf_deactivate_req(struct nci_dev *ndev, unsigned long opt) @@ -223,8 +254,7 @@ static void nci_rf_deactivate_req(struct nci_dev *ndev, unsigned long opt) cmd.type = NCI_DEACTIVATE_TYPE_IDLE_MODE; nci_send_cmd(ndev, NCI_OP_RF_DEACTIVATE_CMD, - sizeof(struct nci_rf_deactivate_cmd), - &cmd); + sizeof(struct nci_rf_deactivate_cmd), &cmd); } static int nci_open_device(struct nci_dev *ndev) @@ -248,22 +278,24 @@ static int nci_open_device(struct nci_dev *ndev) set_bit(NCI_INIT, &ndev->flags); rc = __nci_request(ndev, nci_reset_req, 0, - msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_RESET_TIMEOUT)); + msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_RESET_TIMEOUT)); if (!rc) { rc = __nci_request(ndev, nci_init_req, 0, - msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_INIT_TIMEOUT)); + msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_INIT_TIMEOUT)); } if (!rc) { rc = __nci_request(ndev, nci_init_complete_req, 0, - msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_INIT_TIMEOUT)); + msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_INIT_TIMEOUT)); } clear_bit(NCI_INIT, &ndev->flags); if (!rc) { set_bit(NCI_UP, &ndev->flags); + nci_clear_target_list(ndev); + atomic_set(&ndev->state, NCI_IDLE); } else { /* Init failed, cleanup */ skb_queue_purge(&ndev->cmd_q); @@ -286,6 +318,7 @@ static int nci_close_device(struct nci_dev *ndev) if (!test_and_clear_bit(NCI_UP, &ndev->flags)) { del_timer_sync(&ndev->cmd_timer); + del_timer_sync(&ndev->data_timer); mutex_unlock(&ndev->req_lock); return 0; } @@ -304,7 +337,7 @@ static int nci_close_device(struct nci_dev *ndev) set_bit(NCI_INIT, &ndev->flags); __nci_request(ndev, nci_reset_req, 0, - msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_RESET_TIMEOUT)); + msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_RESET_TIMEOUT)); clear_bit(NCI_INIT, &ndev->flags); /* Flush cmd wq */ @@ -331,6 +364,15 @@ static void nci_cmd_timer(unsigned long arg) queue_work(ndev->cmd_wq, &ndev->cmd_work); } +/* NCI data exchange timer function */ +static void nci_data_timer(unsigned long arg) +{ + struct nci_dev *ndev = (void *) arg; + + set_bit(NCI_DATA_EXCHANGE_TO, &ndev->flags); + queue_work(ndev->rx_wq, &ndev->rx_work); +} + static int nci_dev_up(struct nfc_dev *nfc_dev) { struct nci_dev *ndev = nfc_get_drvdata(nfc_dev); @@ -350,7 +392,8 @@ static int nci_start_poll(struct nfc_dev *nfc_dev, __u32 protocols) struct nci_dev *ndev = nfc_get_drvdata(nfc_dev); int rc; - if (test_bit(NCI_DISCOVERY, &ndev->flags)) { + if ((atomic_read(&ndev->state) == NCI_DISCOVERY) || + (atomic_read(&ndev->state) == NCI_W4_ALL_DISCOVERIES)) { pr_err("unable to start poll, since poll is already active\n"); return -EBUSY; } @@ -360,17 +403,18 @@ static int nci_start_poll(struct nfc_dev *nfc_dev, __u32 protocols) return -EBUSY; } - if (test_bit(NCI_POLL_ACTIVE, &ndev->flags)) { - pr_debug("target is active, implicitly deactivate...\n"); + if ((atomic_read(&ndev->state) == NCI_W4_HOST_SELECT) || + (atomic_read(&ndev->state) == NCI_POLL_ACTIVE)) { + pr_debug("target active or w4 select, implicitly deactivate\n"); rc = nci_request(ndev, nci_rf_deactivate_req, 0, - msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_RF_DEACTIVATE_TIMEOUT)); + msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_RF_DEACTIVATE_TIMEOUT)); if (rc) return -EBUSY; } rc = nci_request(ndev, nci_rf_discover_req, protocols, - msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_RF_DISC_TIMEOUT)); + msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_RF_DISC_TIMEOUT)); if (!rc) ndev->poll_prots = protocols; @@ -382,23 +426,29 @@ static void nci_stop_poll(struct nfc_dev *nfc_dev) { struct nci_dev *ndev = nfc_get_drvdata(nfc_dev); - if (!test_bit(NCI_DISCOVERY, &ndev->flags)) { + if ((atomic_read(&ndev->state) != NCI_DISCOVERY) && + (atomic_read(&ndev->state) != NCI_W4_ALL_DISCOVERIES)) { pr_err("unable to stop poll, since poll is not active\n"); return; } nci_request(ndev, nci_rf_deactivate_req, 0, - msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_RF_DEACTIVATE_TIMEOUT)); + msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_RF_DEACTIVATE_TIMEOUT)); } static int nci_activate_target(struct nfc_dev *nfc_dev, __u32 target_idx, - __u32 protocol) + __u32 protocol) { struct nci_dev *ndev = nfc_get_drvdata(nfc_dev); + struct nci_rf_discover_select_param param; + struct nfc_target *target = NULL; + int i; + int rc = 0; pr_debug("target_idx %d, protocol 0x%x\n", target_idx, protocol); - if (!test_bit(NCI_POLL_ACTIVE, &ndev->flags)) { + if ((atomic_read(&ndev->state) != NCI_W4_HOST_SELECT) && + (atomic_read(&ndev->state) != NCI_POLL_ACTIVE)) { pr_err("there is no available target to activate\n"); return -EINVAL; } @@ -408,16 +458,47 @@ static int nci_activate_target(struct nfc_dev *nfc_dev, __u32 target_idx, return -EBUSY; } - if (!(ndev->target_available_prots & (1 << protocol))) { + for (i = 0; i < ndev->n_targets; i++) { + if (ndev->targets[i].idx == target_idx) { + target = &ndev->targets[i]; + break; + } + } + + if (!target) { + pr_err("unable to find the selected target\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (!(target->supported_protocols & (1 << protocol))) { pr_err("target does not support the requested protocol 0x%x\n", protocol); return -EINVAL; } - ndev->target_active_prot = protocol; - ndev->target_available_prots = 0; + if (atomic_read(&ndev->state) == NCI_W4_HOST_SELECT) { + param.rf_discovery_id = target->idx; - return 0; + if (protocol == NFC_PROTO_JEWEL) + param.rf_protocol = NCI_RF_PROTOCOL_T1T; + else if (protocol == NFC_PROTO_MIFARE) + param.rf_protocol = NCI_RF_PROTOCOL_T2T; + else if (protocol == NFC_PROTO_FELICA) + param.rf_protocol = NCI_RF_PROTOCOL_T3T; + else if (protocol == NFC_PROTO_ISO14443) + param.rf_protocol = NCI_RF_PROTOCOL_ISO_DEP; + else + param.rf_protocol = NCI_RF_PROTOCOL_NFC_DEP; + + rc = nci_request(ndev, nci_rf_discover_select_req, + (unsigned long)¶m, + msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_RF_DISC_SELECT_TIMEOUT)); + } + + if (!rc) + ndev->target_active_prot = protocol; + + return rc; } static void nci_deactivate_target(struct nfc_dev *nfc_dev, __u32 target_idx) @@ -433,16 +514,15 @@ static void nci_deactivate_target(struct nfc_dev *nfc_dev, __u32 target_idx) ndev->target_active_prot = 0; - if (test_bit(NCI_POLL_ACTIVE, &ndev->flags)) { + if (atomic_read(&ndev->state) == NCI_POLL_ACTIVE) { nci_request(ndev, nci_rf_deactivate_req, 0, - msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_RF_DEACTIVATE_TIMEOUT)); + msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_RF_DEACTIVATE_TIMEOUT)); } } static int nci_data_exchange(struct nfc_dev *nfc_dev, __u32 target_idx, - struct sk_buff *skb, - data_exchange_cb_t cb, - void *cb_context) + struct sk_buff *skb, + data_exchange_cb_t cb, void *cb_context) { struct nci_dev *ndev = nfc_get_drvdata(nfc_dev); int rc; @@ -487,9 +567,8 @@ static struct nfc_ops nci_nfc_ops = { * @supported_protocols: NFC protocols supported by the device */ struct nci_dev *nci_allocate_device(struct nci_ops *ops, - __u32 supported_protocols, - int tx_headroom, - int tx_tailroom) + __u32 supported_protocols, + int tx_headroom, int tx_tailroom) { struct nci_dev *ndev; @@ -510,9 +589,9 @@ struct nci_dev *nci_allocate_device(struct nci_ops *ops, ndev->tx_tailroom = tx_tailroom; ndev->nfc_dev = nfc_allocate_device(&nci_nfc_ops, - supported_protocols, - tx_headroom + NCI_DATA_HDR_SIZE, - tx_tailroom); + supported_protocols, + tx_headroom + NCI_DATA_HDR_SIZE, + tx_tailroom); if (!ndev->nfc_dev) goto free_exit; @@ -584,7 +663,9 @@ int nci_register_device(struct nci_dev *ndev) skb_queue_head_init(&ndev->tx_q); setup_timer(&ndev->cmd_timer, nci_cmd_timer, - (unsigned long) ndev); + (unsigned long) ndev); + setup_timer(&ndev->data_timer, nci_data_timer, + (unsigned long) ndev); mutex_init(&ndev->req_lock); @@ -633,7 +714,7 @@ int nci_recv_frame(struct sk_buff *skb) pr_debug("len %d\n", skb->len); if (!ndev || (!test_bit(NCI_UP, &ndev->flags) - && !test_bit(NCI_INIT, &ndev->flags))) { + && !test_bit(NCI_INIT, &ndev->flags))) { kfree_skb(skb); return -ENXIO; } @@ -713,7 +794,7 @@ static void nci_tx_work(struct work_struct *work) /* Check if data flow control is used */ if (atomic_read(&ndev->credits_cnt) != - NCI_DATA_FLOW_CONTROL_NOT_USED) + NCI_DATA_FLOW_CONTROL_NOT_USED) atomic_dec(&ndev->credits_cnt); pr_debug("NCI TX: MT=data, PBF=%d, conn_id=%d, plen=%d\n", @@ -722,6 +803,9 @@ static void nci_tx_work(struct work_struct *work) nci_plen(skb->data)); nci_send_frame(skb); + + mod_timer(&ndev->data_timer, + jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_DATA_TIMEOUT)); } } @@ -753,6 +837,15 @@ static void nci_rx_work(struct work_struct *work) break; } } + + /* check if a data exchange timout has occurred */ + if (test_bit(NCI_DATA_EXCHANGE_TO, &ndev->flags)) { + /* complete the data exchange transaction, if exists */ + if (test_bit(NCI_DATA_EXCHANGE, &ndev->flags)) + nci_data_exchange_complete(ndev, NULL, -ETIMEDOUT); + + clear_bit(NCI_DATA_EXCHANGE_TO, &ndev->flags); + } } /* ----- NCI TX CMD worker thread ----- */ @@ -781,6 +874,6 @@ static void nci_cmd_work(struct work_struct *work) nci_send_frame(skb); mod_timer(&ndev->cmd_timer, - jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_CMD_TIMEOUT)); + jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(NCI_CMD_TIMEOUT)); } } diff --git a/net/nfc/nci/data.c b/net/nfc/nci/data.c index e5756b30e6025ff6e90a6419824c6e9c378131bd..a0bc326308a56911c4f3b26358971df21ad65399 100644 --- a/net/nfc/nci/data.c +++ b/net/nfc/nci/data.c @@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ #include /* Complete data exchange transaction and forward skb to nfc core */ -void nci_data_exchange_complete(struct nci_dev *ndev, - struct sk_buff *skb, +void nci_data_exchange_complete(struct nci_dev *ndev, struct sk_buff *skb, int err) { data_exchange_cb_t cb = ndev->data_exchange_cb; @@ -44,6 +43,10 @@ void nci_data_exchange_complete(struct nci_dev *ndev, pr_debug("len %d, err %d\n", skb ? skb->len : 0, err); + /* data exchange is complete, stop the data timer */ + del_timer_sync(&ndev->data_timer); + clear_bit(NCI_DATA_EXCHANGE_TO, &ndev->flags); + if (cb) { ndev->data_exchange_cb = NULL; ndev->data_exchange_cb_context = 0; @@ -63,9 +66,9 @@ void nci_data_exchange_complete(struct nci_dev *ndev, /* ----------------- NCI TX Data ----------------- */ static inline void nci_push_data_hdr(struct nci_dev *ndev, - __u8 conn_id, - struct sk_buff *skb, - __u8 pbf) + __u8 conn_id, + struct sk_buff *skb, + __u8 pbf) { struct nci_data_hdr *hdr; int plen = skb->len; @@ -82,8 +85,8 @@ static inline void nci_push_data_hdr(struct nci_dev *ndev, } static int nci_queue_tx_data_frags(struct nci_dev *ndev, - __u8 conn_id, - struct sk_buff *skb) { + __u8 conn_id, + struct sk_buff *skb) { int total_len = skb->len; unsigned char *data = skb->data; unsigned long flags; @@ -101,8 +104,8 @@ static int nci_queue_tx_data_frags(struct nci_dev *ndev, min_t(int, total_len, ndev->max_data_pkt_payload_size); skb_frag = nci_skb_alloc(ndev, - (NCI_DATA_HDR_SIZE + frag_len), - GFP_KERNEL); + (NCI_DATA_HDR_SIZE + frag_len), + GFP_KERNEL); if (skb_frag == NULL) { rc = -ENOMEM; goto free_exit; @@ -114,7 +117,8 @@ static int nci_queue_tx_data_frags(struct nci_dev *ndev, /* second, set the header */ nci_push_data_hdr(ndev, conn_id, skb_frag, - ((total_len == frag_len) ? (NCI_PBF_LAST) : (NCI_PBF_CONT))); + ((total_len == frag_len) ? + (NCI_PBF_LAST) : (NCI_PBF_CONT))); __skb_queue_tail(&frags_q, skb_frag); @@ -182,8 +186,8 @@ int nci_send_data(struct nci_dev *ndev, __u8 conn_id, struct sk_buff *skb) /* ----------------- NCI RX Data ----------------- */ static void nci_add_rx_data_frag(struct nci_dev *ndev, - struct sk_buff *skb, - __u8 pbf) + struct sk_buff *skb, + __u8 pbf) { int reassembly_len; int err = 0; @@ -207,8 +211,8 @@ static void nci_add_rx_data_frag(struct nci_dev *ndev, /* second, combine the two fragments */ memcpy(skb_push(skb, reassembly_len), - ndev->rx_data_reassembly->data, - reassembly_len); + ndev->rx_data_reassembly->data, + reassembly_len); /* third, free old reassembly */ kfree_skb(ndev->rx_data_reassembly); diff --git a/net/nfc/nci/ntf.c b/net/nfc/nci/ntf.c index b16a8dc2afbe7fcd457787791f887092985021e5..2e3dee42196d064d0fdcf5ad7c6e4fe50945d57b 100644 --- a/net/nfc/nci/ntf.c +++ b/net/nfc/nci/ntf.c @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ /* Handle NCI Notification packets */ static void nci_core_conn_credits_ntf_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, - struct sk_buff *skb) + struct sk_buff *skb) { struct nci_core_conn_credit_ntf *ntf = (void *) skb->data; int i; @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ static void nci_core_conn_credits_ntf_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, if (ntf->conn_entries[i].conn_id == NCI_STATIC_RF_CONN_ID) { /* found static rf connection */ atomic_add(ntf->conn_entries[i].credits, - &ndev->credits_cnt); + &ndev->credits_cnt); } } @@ -71,6 +71,20 @@ static void nci_core_conn_credits_ntf_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, queue_work(ndev->tx_wq, &ndev->tx_work); } +static void nci_core_generic_error_ntf_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, + struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + __u8 status = skb->data[0]; + + pr_debug("status 0x%x\n", status); + + if (atomic_read(&ndev->state) == NCI_W4_HOST_SELECT) { + /* Activation failed, so complete the request + (the state remains the same) */ + nci_req_complete(ndev, status); + } +} + static void nci_core_conn_intf_error_ntf_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, struct sk_buff *skb) { @@ -86,12 +100,9 @@ static void nci_core_conn_intf_error_ntf_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, } static __u8 *nci_extract_rf_params_nfca_passive_poll(struct nci_dev *ndev, - struct nci_rf_intf_activated_ntf *ntf, __u8 *data) + struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfca_poll *nfca_poll, + __u8 *data) { - struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfca_poll *nfca_poll; - - nfca_poll = &ntf->rf_tech_specific_params.nfca_poll; - nfca_poll->sens_res = __le16_to_cpu(*((__u16 *)data)); data += 2; @@ -115,79 +126,266 @@ static __u8 *nci_extract_rf_params_nfca_passive_poll(struct nci_dev *ndev, return data; } +static __u8 *nci_extract_rf_params_nfcb_passive_poll(struct nci_dev *ndev, + struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfcb_poll *nfcb_poll, + __u8 *data) +{ + nfcb_poll->sensb_res_len = *data++; + + pr_debug("sensb_res_len %d\n", nfcb_poll->sensb_res_len); + + memcpy(nfcb_poll->sensb_res, data, nfcb_poll->sensb_res_len); + data += nfcb_poll->sensb_res_len; + + return data; +} + +static __u8 *nci_extract_rf_params_nfcf_passive_poll(struct nci_dev *ndev, + struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfcf_poll *nfcf_poll, + __u8 *data) +{ + nfcf_poll->bit_rate = *data++; + nfcf_poll->sensf_res_len = *data++; + + pr_debug("bit_rate %d, sensf_res_len %d\n", + nfcf_poll->bit_rate, nfcf_poll->sensf_res_len); + + memcpy(nfcf_poll->sensf_res, data, nfcf_poll->sensf_res_len); + data += nfcf_poll->sensf_res_len; + + return data; +} + +static int nci_add_new_protocol(struct nci_dev *ndev, + struct nfc_target *target, + __u8 rf_protocol, + __u8 rf_tech_and_mode, + void *params) +{ + struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfca_poll *nfca_poll; + struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfcb_poll *nfcb_poll; + struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfcf_poll *nfcf_poll; + __u32 protocol; + + if (rf_protocol == NCI_RF_PROTOCOL_T2T) + protocol = NFC_PROTO_MIFARE_MASK; + else if (rf_protocol == NCI_RF_PROTOCOL_ISO_DEP) + protocol = NFC_PROTO_ISO14443_MASK; + else if (rf_protocol == NCI_RF_PROTOCOL_T3T) + protocol = NFC_PROTO_FELICA_MASK; + else + protocol = 0; + + if (!(protocol & ndev->poll_prots)) { + pr_err("the target found does not have the desired protocol\n"); + return -EPROTO; + } + + if (rf_tech_and_mode == NCI_NFC_A_PASSIVE_POLL_MODE) { + nfca_poll = (struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfca_poll *)params; + + target->sens_res = nfca_poll->sens_res; + target->sel_res = nfca_poll->sel_res; + target->nfcid1_len = nfca_poll->nfcid1_len; + if (target->nfcid1_len > 0) { + memcpy(target->nfcid1, nfca_poll->nfcid1, + target->nfcid1_len); + } + } else if (rf_tech_and_mode == NCI_NFC_B_PASSIVE_POLL_MODE) { + nfcb_poll = (struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfcb_poll *)params; + + target->sensb_res_len = nfcb_poll->sensb_res_len; + if (target->sensb_res_len > 0) { + memcpy(target->sensb_res, nfcb_poll->sensb_res, + target->sensb_res_len); + } + } else if (rf_tech_and_mode == NCI_NFC_F_PASSIVE_POLL_MODE) { + nfcf_poll = (struct rf_tech_specific_params_nfcf_poll *)params; + + target->sensf_res_len = nfcf_poll->sensf_res_len; + if (target->sensf_res_len > 0) { + memcpy(target->sensf_res, nfcf_poll->sensf_res, + target->sensf_res_len); + } + } else { + pr_err("unsupported rf_tech_and_mode 0x%x\n", rf_tech_and_mode); + return -EPROTO; + } + + target->supported_protocols |= protocol; + + pr_debug("protocol 0x%x\n", protocol); + + return 0; +} + +static void nci_add_new_target(struct nci_dev *ndev, + struct nci_rf_discover_ntf *ntf) +{ + struct nfc_target *target; + int i, rc; + + for (i = 0; i < ndev->n_targets; i++) { + target = &ndev->targets[i]; + if (target->idx == ntf->rf_discovery_id) { + /* This target already exists, add the new protocol */ + nci_add_new_protocol(ndev, target, ntf->rf_protocol, + ntf->rf_tech_and_mode, + &ntf->rf_tech_specific_params); + return; + } + } + + /* This is a new target, check if we've enough room */ + if (ndev->n_targets == NCI_MAX_DISCOVERED_TARGETS) { + pr_debug("not enough room, ignoring new target...\n"); + return; + } + + target = &ndev->targets[ndev->n_targets]; + + rc = nci_add_new_protocol(ndev, target, ntf->rf_protocol, + ntf->rf_tech_and_mode, + &ntf->rf_tech_specific_params); + if (!rc) { + target->idx = ntf->rf_discovery_id; + ndev->n_targets++; + + pr_debug("target_idx %d, n_targets %d\n", target->idx, + ndev->n_targets); + } +} + +void nci_clear_target_list(struct nci_dev *ndev) +{ + memset(ndev->targets, 0, + (sizeof(struct nfc_target)*NCI_MAX_DISCOVERED_TARGETS)); + + ndev->n_targets = 0; +} + +static void nci_rf_discover_ntf_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, + struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + struct nci_rf_discover_ntf ntf; + __u8 *data = skb->data; + bool add_target = true; + + ntf.rf_discovery_id = *data++; + ntf.rf_protocol = *data++; + ntf.rf_tech_and_mode = *data++; + ntf.rf_tech_specific_params_len = *data++; + + pr_debug("rf_discovery_id %d\n", ntf.rf_discovery_id); + pr_debug("rf_protocol 0x%x\n", ntf.rf_protocol); + pr_debug("rf_tech_and_mode 0x%x\n", ntf.rf_tech_and_mode); + pr_debug("rf_tech_specific_params_len %d\n", + ntf.rf_tech_specific_params_len); + + if (ntf.rf_tech_specific_params_len > 0) { + switch (ntf.rf_tech_and_mode) { + case NCI_NFC_A_PASSIVE_POLL_MODE: + data = nci_extract_rf_params_nfca_passive_poll(ndev, + &(ntf.rf_tech_specific_params.nfca_poll), data); + break; + + case NCI_NFC_B_PASSIVE_POLL_MODE: + data = nci_extract_rf_params_nfcb_passive_poll(ndev, + &(ntf.rf_tech_specific_params.nfcb_poll), data); + break; + + case NCI_NFC_F_PASSIVE_POLL_MODE: + data = nci_extract_rf_params_nfcf_passive_poll(ndev, + &(ntf.rf_tech_specific_params.nfcf_poll), data); + break; + + default: + pr_err("unsupported rf_tech_and_mode 0x%x\n", + ntf.rf_tech_and_mode); + data += ntf.rf_tech_specific_params_len; + add_target = false; + } + } + + ntf.ntf_type = *data++; + pr_debug("ntf_type %d\n", ntf.ntf_type); + + if (add_target == true) + nci_add_new_target(ndev, &ntf); + + if (ntf.ntf_type == NCI_DISCOVER_NTF_TYPE_MORE) { + atomic_set(&ndev->state, NCI_W4_ALL_DISCOVERIES); + } else { + atomic_set(&ndev->state, NCI_W4_HOST_SELECT); + nfc_targets_found(ndev->nfc_dev, ndev->targets, + ndev->n_targets); + } +} + static int nci_extract_activation_params_iso_dep(struct nci_dev *ndev, struct nci_rf_intf_activated_ntf *ntf, __u8 *data) { struct activation_params_nfca_poll_iso_dep *nfca_poll; + struct activation_params_nfcb_poll_iso_dep *nfcb_poll; switch (ntf->activation_rf_tech_and_mode) { case NCI_NFC_A_PASSIVE_POLL_MODE: nfca_poll = &ntf->activation_params.nfca_poll_iso_dep; nfca_poll->rats_res_len = *data++; + pr_debug("rats_res_len %d\n", nfca_poll->rats_res_len); if (nfca_poll->rats_res_len > 0) { memcpy(nfca_poll->rats_res, - data, - nfca_poll->rats_res_len); + data, nfca_poll->rats_res_len); + } + break; + + case NCI_NFC_B_PASSIVE_POLL_MODE: + nfcb_poll = &ntf->activation_params.nfcb_poll_iso_dep; + nfcb_poll->attrib_res_len = *data++; + pr_debug("attrib_res_len %d\n", nfcb_poll->attrib_res_len); + if (nfcb_poll->attrib_res_len > 0) { + memcpy(nfcb_poll->attrib_res, + data, nfcb_poll->attrib_res_len); } break; default: pr_err("unsupported activation_rf_tech_and_mode 0x%x\n", ntf->activation_rf_tech_and_mode); - return -EPROTO; + return NCI_STATUS_RF_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } - return 0; + return NCI_STATUS_OK; } -static void nci_target_found(struct nci_dev *ndev, - struct nci_rf_intf_activated_ntf *ntf) +static void nci_target_auto_activated(struct nci_dev *ndev, + struct nci_rf_intf_activated_ntf *ntf) { - struct nfc_target nfc_tgt; + struct nfc_target *target; + int rc; - if (ntf->rf_protocol == NCI_RF_PROTOCOL_T2T) /* T2T MifareUL */ - nfc_tgt.supported_protocols = NFC_PROTO_MIFARE_MASK; - else if (ntf->rf_protocol == NCI_RF_PROTOCOL_ISO_DEP) /* 4A */ - nfc_tgt.supported_protocols = NFC_PROTO_ISO14443_MASK; - else - nfc_tgt.supported_protocols = 0; - - nfc_tgt.sens_res = ntf->rf_tech_specific_params.nfca_poll.sens_res; - nfc_tgt.sel_res = ntf->rf_tech_specific_params.nfca_poll.sel_res; - nfc_tgt.nfcid1_len = ntf->rf_tech_specific_params.nfca_poll.nfcid1_len; - if (nfc_tgt.nfcid1_len > 0) { - memcpy(nfc_tgt.nfcid1, - ntf->rf_tech_specific_params.nfca_poll.nfcid1, - nfc_tgt.nfcid1_len); - } + target = &ndev->targets[ndev->n_targets]; - if (!(nfc_tgt.supported_protocols & ndev->poll_prots)) { - pr_debug("the target found does not have the desired protocol\n"); + rc = nci_add_new_protocol(ndev, target, ntf->rf_protocol, + ntf->activation_rf_tech_and_mode, + &ntf->rf_tech_specific_params); + if (rc) return; - } - pr_debug("new target found, supported_protocols 0x%x\n", - nfc_tgt.supported_protocols); + target->idx = ntf->rf_discovery_id; + ndev->n_targets++; - ndev->target_available_prots = nfc_tgt.supported_protocols; - ndev->max_data_pkt_payload_size = ntf->max_data_pkt_payload_size; - ndev->initial_num_credits = ntf->initial_num_credits; + pr_debug("target_idx %d, n_targets %d\n", target->idx, ndev->n_targets); - /* set the available credits to initial value */ - atomic_set(&ndev->credits_cnt, ndev->initial_num_credits); - - nfc_targets_found(ndev->nfc_dev, &nfc_tgt, 1); + nfc_targets_found(ndev->nfc_dev, ndev->targets, ndev->n_targets); } static void nci_rf_intf_activated_ntf_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, - struct sk_buff *skb) + struct sk_buff *skb) { struct nci_rf_intf_activated_ntf ntf; __u8 *data = skb->data; - int err = 0; - - clear_bit(NCI_DISCOVERY, &ndev->flags); - set_bit(NCI_POLL_ACTIVE, &ndev->flags); + int err = NCI_STATUS_OK; ntf.rf_discovery_id = *data++; ntf.rf_interface = *data++; @@ -204,7 +402,8 @@ static void nci_rf_intf_activated_ntf_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, ntf.activation_rf_tech_and_mode); pr_debug("max_data_pkt_payload_size 0x%x\n", ntf.max_data_pkt_payload_size); - pr_debug("initial_num_credits 0x%x\n", ntf.initial_num_credits); + pr_debug("initial_num_credits 0x%x\n", + ntf.initial_num_credits); pr_debug("rf_tech_specific_params_len %d\n", ntf.rf_tech_specific_params_len); @@ -212,13 +411,24 @@ static void nci_rf_intf_activated_ntf_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, switch (ntf.activation_rf_tech_and_mode) { case NCI_NFC_A_PASSIVE_POLL_MODE: data = nci_extract_rf_params_nfca_passive_poll(ndev, - &ntf, data); + &(ntf.rf_tech_specific_params.nfca_poll), data); + break; + + case NCI_NFC_B_PASSIVE_POLL_MODE: + data = nci_extract_rf_params_nfcb_passive_poll(ndev, + &(ntf.rf_tech_specific_params.nfcb_poll), data); + break; + + case NCI_NFC_F_PASSIVE_POLL_MODE: + data = nci_extract_rf_params_nfcf_passive_poll(ndev, + &(ntf.rf_tech_specific_params.nfcf_poll), data); break; default: pr_err("unsupported activation_rf_tech_and_mode 0x%x\n", ntf.activation_rf_tech_and_mode); - return; + err = NCI_STATUS_RF_PROTOCOL_ERROR; + goto exit; } } @@ -229,18 +439,15 @@ static void nci_rf_intf_activated_ntf_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, pr_debug("data_exch_rf_tech_and_mode 0x%x\n", ntf.data_exch_rf_tech_and_mode); - pr_debug("data_exch_tx_bit_rate 0x%x\n", - ntf.data_exch_tx_bit_rate); - pr_debug("data_exch_rx_bit_rate 0x%x\n", - ntf.data_exch_rx_bit_rate); - pr_debug("activation_params_len %d\n", - ntf.activation_params_len); + pr_debug("data_exch_tx_bit_rate 0x%x\n", ntf.data_exch_tx_bit_rate); + pr_debug("data_exch_rx_bit_rate 0x%x\n", ntf.data_exch_rx_bit_rate); + pr_debug("activation_params_len %d\n", ntf.activation_params_len); if (ntf.activation_params_len > 0) { switch (ntf.rf_interface) { case NCI_RF_INTERFACE_ISO_DEP: err = nci_extract_activation_params_iso_dep(ndev, - &ntf, data); + &ntf, data); break; case NCI_RF_INTERFACE_FRAME: @@ -250,24 +457,39 @@ static void nci_rf_intf_activated_ntf_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, default: pr_err("unsupported rf_interface 0x%x\n", ntf.rf_interface); - return; + err = NCI_STATUS_RF_PROTOCOL_ERROR; + break; } } - if (!err) - nci_target_found(ndev, &ntf); +exit: + if (err == NCI_STATUS_OK) { + ndev->max_data_pkt_payload_size = ntf.max_data_pkt_payload_size; + ndev->initial_num_credits = ntf.initial_num_credits; + + /* set the available credits to initial value */ + atomic_set(&ndev->credits_cnt, ndev->initial_num_credits); + } + + if (atomic_read(&ndev->state) == NCI_DISCOVERY) { + /* A single target was found and activated automatically */ + atomic_set(&ndev->state, NCI_POLL_ACTIVE); + if (err == NCI_STATUS_OK) + nci_target_auto_activated(ndev, &ntf); + } else { /* ndev->state == NCI_W4_HOST_SELECT */ + /* A selected target was activated, so complete the request */ + atomic_set(&ndev->state, NCI_POLL_ACTIVE); + nci_req_complete(ndev, err); + } } static void nci_rf_deactivate_ntf_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, - struct sk_buff *skb) + struct sk_buff *skb) { struct nci_rf_deactivate_ntf *ntf = (void *) skb->data; pr_debug("entry, type 0x%x, reason 0x%x\n", ntf->type, ntf->reason); - clear_bit(NCI_POLL_ACTIVE, &ndev->flags); - ndev->target_active_prot = 0; - /* drop tx data queue */ skb_queue_purge(&ndev->tx_q); @@ -280,6 +502,10 @@ static void nci_rf_deactivate_ntf_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, /* complete the data exchange transaction, if exists */ if (test_bit(NCI_DATA_EXCHANGE, &ndev->flags)) nci_data_exchange_complete(ndev, NULL, -EIO); + + nci_clear_target_list(ndev); + atomic_set(&ndev->state, NCI_IDLE); + nci_req_complete(ndev, NCI_STATUS_OK); } void nci_ntf_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, struct sk_buff *skb) @@ -300,10 +526,18 @@ void nci_ntf_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, struct sk_buff *skb) nci_core_conn_credits_ntf_packet(ndev, skb); break; + case NCI_OP_CORE_GENERIC_ERROR_NTF: + nci_core_generic_error_ntf_packet(ndev, skb); + break; + case NCI_OP_CORE_INTF_ERROR_NTF: nci_core_conn_intf_error_ntf_packet(ndev, skb); break; + case NCI_OP_RF_DISCOVER_NTF: + nci_rf_discover_ntf_packet(ndev, skb); + break; + case NCI_OP_RF_INTF_ACTIVATED_NTF: nci_rf_intf_activated_ntf_packet(ndev, skb); break; diff --git a/net/nfc/nci/rsp.c b/net/nfc/nci/rsp.c index 2840ae2f361527e278ae871a84f18f968d612057..3003c3390e492c18907cc7f5076949439dd7273d 100644 --- a/net/nfc/nci/rsp.c +++ b/net/nfc/nci/rsp.c @@ -67,19 +67,18 @@ static void nci_core_init_rsp_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, struct sk_buff *skb) ndev->num_supported_rf_interfaces = rsp_1->num_supported_rf_interfaces; if (ndev->num_supported_rf_interfaces > - NCI_MAX_SUPPORTED_RF_INTERFACES) { + NCI_MAX_SUPPORTED_RF_INTERFACES) { ndev->num_supported_rf_interfaces = NCI_MAX_SUPPORTED_RF_INTERFACES; } memcpy(ndev->supported_rf_interfaces, - rsp_1->supported_rf_interfaces, - ndev->num_supported_rf_interfaces); + rsp_1->supported_rf_interfaces, + ndev->num_supported_rf_interfaces); rsp_2 = (void *) (skb->data + 6 + rsp_1->num_supported_rf_interfaces); - ndev->max_logical_connections = - rsp_2->max_logical_connections; + ndev->max_logical_connections = rsp_2->max_logical_connections; ndev->max_routing_table_size = __le16_to_cpu(rsp_2->max_routing_table_size); ndev->max_ctrl_pkt_payload_len = @@ -121,7 +120,7 @@ static void nci_core_init_rsp_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, struct sk_buff *skb) } static void nci_rf_disc_map_rsp_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, - struct sk_buff *skb) + struct sk_buff *skb) { __u8 status = skb->data[0]; @@ -137,21 +136,37 @@ static void nci_rf_disc_rsp_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, struct sk_buff *skb) pr_debug("status 0x%x\n", status); if (status == NCI_STATUS_OK) - set_bit(NCI_DISCOVERY, &ndev->flags); + atomic_set(&ndev->state, NCI_DISCOVERY); nci_req_complete(ndev, status); } -static void nci_rf_deactivate_rsp_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, - struct sk_buff *skb) +static void nci_rf_disc_select_rsp_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, + struct sk_buff *skb) { __u8 status = skb->data[0]; pr_debug("status 0x%x\n", status); - clear_bit(NCI_DISCOVERY, &ndev->flags); + /* Complete the request on intf_activated_ntf or generic_error_ntf */ + if (status != NCI_STATUS_OK) + nci_req_complete(ndev, status); +} - nci_req_complete(ndev, status); +static void nci_rf_deactivate_rsp_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, + struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + __u8 status = skb->data[0]; + + pr_debug("status 0x%x\n", status); + + /* If target was active, complete the request only in deactivate_ntf */ + if ((status != NCI_STATUS_OK) || + (atomic_read(&ndev->state) != NCI_POLL_ACTIVE)) { + nci_clear_target_list(ndev); + atomic_set(&ndev->state, NCI_IDLE); + nci_req_complete(ndev, status); + } } void nci_rsp_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, struct sk_buff *skb) @@ -187,6 +202,10 @@ void nci_rsp_packet(struct nci_dev *ndev, struct sk_buff *skb) nci_rf_disc_rsp_packet(ndev, skb); break; + case NCI_OP_RF_DISCOVER_SELECT_RSP: + nci_rf_disc_select_rsp_packet(ndev, skb); + break; + case NCI_OP_RF_DEACTIVATE_RSP: nci_rf_deactivate_rsp_packet(ndev, skb); break; diff --git a/net/nfc/netlink.c b/net/nfc/netlink.c index 6989dfa28ee21d585d0f91fe8274e493a5f73c36..6404052d6c070ccf8f54c4827408d5f9291d6b67 100644 --- a/net/nfc/netlink.c +++ b/net/nfc/netlink.c @@ -48,28 +48,34 @@ static const struct nla_policy nfc_genl_policy[NFC_ATTR_MAX + 1] = { [NFC_ATTR_PROTOCOLS] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [NFC_ATTR_COMM_MODE] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [NFC_ATTR_RF_MODE] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, + [NFC_ATTR_DEVICE_POWERED] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, }; static int nfc_genl_send_target(struct sk_buff *msg, struct nfc_target *target, - struct netlink_callback *cb, int flags) + struct netlink_callback *cb, int flags) { void *hdr; hdr = genlmsg_put(msg, NETLINK_CB(cb->skb).pid, cb->nlh->nlmsg_seq, - &nfc_genl_family, flags, NFC_CMD_GET_TARGET); + &nfc_genl_family, flags, NFC_CMD_GET_TARGET); if (!hdr) return -EMSGSIZE; genl_dump_check_consistent(cb, hdr, &nfc_genl_family); NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NFC_ATTR_TARGET_INDEX, target->idx); - NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NFC_ATTR_PROTOCOLS, - target->supported_protocols); + NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NFC_ATTR_PROTOCOLS, target->supported_protocols); NLA_PUT_U16(msg, NFC_ATTR_TARGET_SENS_RES, target->sens_res); NLA_PUT_U8(msg, NFC_ATTR_TARGET_SEL_RES, target->sel_res); if (target->nfcid1_len > 0) NLA_PUT(msg, NFC_ATTR_TARGET_NFCID1, target->nfcid1_len, - target->nfcid1); + target->nfcid1); + if (target->sensb_res_len > 0) + NLA_PUT(msg, NFC_ATTR_TARGET_SENSB_RES, target->sensb_res_len, + target->sensb_res); + if (target->sensf_res_len > 0) + NLA_PUT(msg, NFC_ATTR_TARGET_SENSF_RES, target->sensf_res_len, + target->sensf_res); return genlmsg_end(msg, hdr); @@ -85,9 +91,9 @@ static struct nfc_dev *__get_device_from_cb(struct netlink_callback *cb) u32 idx; rc = nlmsg_parse(cb->nlh, GENL_HDRLEN + nfc_genl_family.hdrsize, - nfc_genl_family.attrbuf, - nfc_genl_family.maxattr, - nfc_genl_policy); + nfc_genl_family.attrbuf, + nfc_genl_family.maxattr, + nfc_genl_policy); if (rc < 0) return ERR_PTR(rc); @@ -104,7 +110,7 @@ static struct nfc_dev *__get_device_from_cb(struct netlink_callback *cb) } static int nfc_genl_dump_targets(struct sk_buff *skb, - struct netlink_callback *cb) + struct netlink_callback *cb) { int i = cb->args[0]; struct nfc_dev *dev = (struct nfc_dev *) cb->args[1]; @@ -124,7 +130,7 @@ static int nfc_genl_dump_targets(struct sk_buff *skb, while (i < dev->n_targets) { rc = nfc_genl_send_target(skb, &dev->targets[i], cb, - NLM_F_MULTI); + NLM_F_MULTI); if (rc < 0) break; @@ -160,7 +166,7 @@ int nfc_genl_targets_found(struct nfc_dev *dev) return -ENOMEM; hdr = genlmsg_put(msg, 0, 0, &nfc_genl_family, 0, - NFC_EVENT_TARGETS_FOUND); + NFC_EVENT_TARGETS_FOUND); if (!hdr) goto free_msg; @@ -187,13 +193,14 @@ int nfc_genl_device_added(struct nfc_dev *dev) return -ENOMEM; hdr = genlmsg_put(msg, 0, 0, &nfc_genl_family, 0, - NFC_EVENT_DEVICE_ADDED); + NFC_EVENT_DEVICE_ADDED); if (!hdr) goto free_msg; NLA_PUT_STRING(msg, NFC_ATTR_DEVICE_NAME, nfc_device_name(dev)); NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NFC_ATTR_DEVICE_INDEX, dev->idx); NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NFC_ATTR_PROTOCOLS, dev->supported_protocols); + NLA_PUT_U8(msg, NFC_ATTR_DEVICE_POWERED, dev->dev_up); genlmsg_end(msg, hdr); @@ -218,7 +225,7 @@ int nfc_genl_device_removed(struct nfc_dev *dev) return -ENOMEM; hdr = genlmsg_put(msg, 0, 0, &nfc_genl_family, 0, - NFC_EVENT_DEVICE_REMOVED); + NFC_EVENT_DEVICE_REMOVED); if (!hdr) goto free_msg; @@ -238,14 +245,14 @@ int nfc_genl_device_removed(struct nfc_dev *dev) } static int nfc_genl_send_device(struct sk_buff *msg, struct nfc_dev *dev, - u32 pid, u32 seq, - struct netlink_callback *cb, - int flags) + u32 pid, u32 seq, + struct netlink_callback *cb, + int flags) { void *hdr; hdr = genlmsg_put(msg, pid, seq, &nfc_genl_family, flags, - NFC_CMD_GET_DEVICE); + NFC_CMD_GET_DEVICE); if (!hdr) return -EMSGSIZE; @@ -255,6 +262,7 @@ static int nfc_genl_send_device(struct sk_buff *msg, struct nfc_dev *dev, NLA_PUT_STRING(msg, NFC_ATTR_DEVICE_NAME, nfc_device_name(dev)); NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NFC_ATTR_DEVICE_INDEX, dev->idx); NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NFC_ATTR_PROTOCOLS, dev->supported_protocols); + NLA_PUT_U8(msg, NFC_ATTR_DEVICE_POWERED, dev->dev_up); return genlmsg_end(msg, hdr); @@ -264,7 +272,7 @@ static int nfc_genl_send_device(struct sk_buff *msg, struct nfc_dev *dev, } static int nfc_genl_dump_devices(struct sk_buff *skb, - struct netlink_callback *cb) + struct netlink_callback *cb) { struct class_dev_iter *iter = (struct class_dev_iter *) cb->args[0]; struct nfc_dev *dev = (struct nfc_dev *) cb->args[1]; @@ -291,8 +299,7 @@ static int nfc_genl_dump_devices(struct sk_buff *skb, int rc; rc = nfc_genl_send_device(skb, dev, NETLINK_CB(cb->skb).pid, - cb->nlh->nlmsg_seq, - cb, NLM_F_MULTI); + cb->nlh->nlmsg_seq, cb, NLM_F_MULTI); if (rc < 0) break; @@ -317,7 +324,7 @@ static int nfc_genl_dump_devices_done(struct netlink_callback *cb) } int nfc_genl_dep_link_up_event(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 target_idx, - u8 comm_mode, u8 rf_mode) + u8 comm_mode, u8 rf_mode) { struct sk_buff *msg; void *hdr; @@ -328,8 +335,7 @@ int nfc_genl_dep_link_up_event(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 target_idx, if (!msg) return -ENOMEM; - hdr = genlmsg_put(msg, 0, 0, &nfc_genl_family, 0, - NFC_CMD_DEP_LINK_UP); + hdr = genlmsg_put(msg, 0, 0, &nfc_genl_family, 0, NFC_CMD_DEP_LINK_UP); if (!hdr) goto free_msg; @@ -366,7 +372,7 @@ int nfc_genl_dep_link_down_event(struct nfc_dev *dev) return -ENOMEM; hdr = genlmsg_put(msg, 0, 0, &nfc_genl_family, 0, - NFC_CMD_DEP_LINK_DOWN); + NFC_CMD_DEP_LINK_DOWN); if (!hdr) goto free_msg; @@ -408,7 +414,7 @@ static int nfc_genl_get_device(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info) } rc = nfc_genl_send_device(msg, dev, info->snd_pid, info->snd_seq, - NULL, 0); + NULL, 0); if (rc < 0) goto out_free; @@ -475,7 +481,7 @@ static int nfc_genl_start_poll(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info) pr_debug("Poll start\n"); if (!info->attrs[NFC_ATTR_DEVICE_INDEX] || - !info->attrs[NFC_ATTR_PROTOCOLS]) + !info->attrs[NFC_ATTR_PROTOCOLS]) return -EINVAL; idx = nla_get_u32(info->attrs[NFC_ATTR_DEVICE_INDEX]); @@ -533,13 +539,12 @@ static int nfc_genl_dep_link_up(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info) struct nfc_dev *dev; int rc, tgt_idx; u32 idx; - u8 comm, rf; + u8 comm; pr_debug("DEP link up\n"); if (!info->attrs[NFC_ATTR_DEVICE_INDEX] || - !info->attrs[NFC_ATTR_COMM_MODE] || - !info->attrs[NFC_ATTR_RF_MODE]) + !info->attrs[NFC_ATTR_COMM_MODE]) return -EINVAL; idx = nla_get_u32(info->attrs[NFC_ATTR_DEVICE_INDEX]); @@ -549,19 +554,15 @@ static int nfc_genl_dep_link_up(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info) tgt_idx = nla_get_u32(info->attrs[NFC_ATTR_TARGET_INDEX]); comm = nla_get_u8(info->attrs[NFC_ATTR_COMM_MODE]); - rf = nla_get_u8(info->attrs[NFC_ATTR_RF_MODE]); if (comm != NFC_COMM_ACTIVE && comm != NFC_COMM_PASSIVE) return -EINVAL; - if (rf != NFC_RF_INITIATOR && comm != NFC_RF_TARGET) - return -EINVAL; - dev = nfc_get_device(idx); if (!dev) return -ENODEV; - rc = nfc_dep_link_up(dev, tgt_idx, comm, rf); + rc = nfc_dep_link_up(dev, tgt_idx, comm); nfc_put_device(dev); @@ -636,7 +637,7 @@ static struct genl_ops nfc_genl_ops[] = { }; static int nfc_genl_rcv_nl_event(struct notifier_block *this, - unsigned long event, void *ptr) + unsigned long event, void *ptr) { struct netlink_notify *n = ptr; struct class_dev_iter iter; @@ -689,7 +690,7 @@ int __init nfc_genl_init(void) int rc; rc = genl_register_family_with_ops(&nfc_genl_family, nfc_genl_ops, - ARRAY_SIZE(nfc_genl_ops)); + ARRAY_SIZE(nfc_genl_ops)); if (rc) return rc; diff --git a/net/nfc/nfc.h b/net/nfc/nfc.h index 6d28d75995b036e2da23410836313716efd9318f..ec8794c1099c9c2961446f101d9f0846caa96aca 100644 --- a/net/nfc/nfc.h +++ b/net/nfc/nfc.h @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ struct nfc_protocol { struct proto *proto; struct module *owner; int (*create)(struct net *net, struct socket *sock, - const struct nfc_protocol *nfc_proto); + const struct nfc_protocol *nfc_proto); }; struct nfc_rawsock { @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ void nfc_llcp_mac_is_up(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 target_idx, int nfc_llcp_register_device(struct nfc_dev *dev); void nfc_llcp_unregister_device(struct nfc_dev *dev); int nfc_llcp_set_remote_gb(struct nfc_dev *dev, u8 *gb, u8 gb_len); -u8 *nfc_llcp_general_bytes(struct nfc_dev *dev, u8 *general_bytes_len); +u8 *nfc_llcp_general_bytes(struct nfc_dev *dev, size_t *general_bytes_len); int __init nfc_llcp_init(void); void nfc_llcp_exit(void); @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ static inline void nfc_llcp_mac_is_down(struct nfc_dev *dev) } static inline void nfc_llcp_mac_is_up(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 target_idx, - u8 comm_mode, u8 rf_mode) + u8 comm_mode, u8 rf_mode) { } @@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ static inline void nfc_llcp_unregister_device(struct nfc_dev *dev) { } -static inline int nfc_llcp_set_remote_gb(struct nfc_dev *dev, u8 *gb, u8 gb_len) +static inline int nfc_llcp_set_remote_gb(struct nfc_dev *dev, + u8 *gb, u8 gb_len) { return 0; } @@ -160,8 +161,7 @@ int nfc_start_poll(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 protocols); int nfc_stop_poll(struct nfc_dev *dev); -int nfc_dep_link_up(struct nfc_dev *dev, int target_idx, - u8 comm_mode, u8 rf_mode); +int nfc_dep_link_up(struct nfc_dev *dev, int target_idx, u8 comm_mode); int nfc_dep_link_down(struct nfc_dev *dev); @@ -169,9 +169,7 @@ int nfc_activate_target(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 target_idx, u32 protocol); int nfc_deactivate_target(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 target_idx); -int nfc_data_exchange(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 target_idx, - struct sk_buff *skb, - data_exchange_cb_t cb, - void *cb_context); +int nfc_data_exchange(struct nfc_dev *dev, u32 target_idx, struct sk_buff *skb, + data_exchange_cb_t cb, void *cb_context); #endif /* __LOCAL_NFC_H */ diff --git a/net/nfc/rawsock.c b/net/nfc/rawsock.c index 2e2f8c6a61fe90579486c553032d14af2a7f0588..5a839ceb2e82f1f23e45595ae836526b9589fefd 100644 --- a/net/nfc/rawsock.c +++ b/net/nfc/rawsock.c @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ static int rawsock_release(struct socket *sock) } static int rawsock_connect(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *_addr, - int len, int flags) + int len, int flags) { struct sock *sk = sock->sk; struct sockaddr_nfc *addr = (struct sockaddr_nfc *)_addr; @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ static int rawsock_connect(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *_addr, pr_debug("sock=%p sk=%p flags=%d\n", sock, sk, flags); if (!addr || len < sizeof(struct sockaddr_nfc) || - addr->sa_family != AF_NFC) + addr->sa_family != AF_NFC) return -EINVAL; pr_debug("addr dev_idx=%u target_idx=%u protocol=%u\n", @@ -92,18 +92,6 @@ static int rawsock_connect(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *_addr, goto error; } - if (addr->target_idx > dev->target_idx - 1 || - addr->target_idx < dev->target_idx - dev->n_targets) { - rc = -EINVAL; - goto error; - } - - if (addr->target_idx > dev->target_idx - 1 || - addr->target_idx < dev->target_idx - dev->n_targets) { - rc = -EINVAL; - goto error; - } - rc = nfc_activate_target(dev, addr->target_idx, addr->nfc_protocol); if (rc) goto put_dev; @@ -132,7 +120,7 @@ static int rawsock_add_header(struct sk_buff *skb) } static void rawsock_data_exchange_complete(void *context, struct sk_buff *skb, - int err) + int err) { struct sock *sk = (struct sock *) context; @@ -185,7 +173,7 @@ static void rawsock_tx_work(struct work_struct *work) sock_hold(sk); rc = nfc_data_exchange(dev, target_idx, skb, - rawsock_data_exchange_complete, sk); + rawsock_data_exchange_complete, sk); if (rc) { rawsock_report_error(sk, rc); sock_put(sk); @@ -193,7 +181,7 @@ static void rawsock_tx_work(struct work_struct *work) } static int rawsock_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, - struct msghdr *msg, size_t len) + struct msghdr *msg, size_t len) { struct sock *sk = sock->sk; struct nfc_dev *dev = nfc_rawsock(sk)->dev; @@ -230,7 +218,7 @@ static int rawsock_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, } static int rawsock_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, - struct msghdr *msg, size_t len, int flags) + struct msghdr *msg, size_t len, int flags) { int noblock = flags & MSG_DONTWAIT; struct sock *sk = sock->sk; @@ -286,7 +274,7 @@ static void rawsock_destruct(struct sock *sk) if (sk->sk_state == TCP_ESTABLISHED) { nfc_deactivate_target(nfc_rawsock(sk)->dev, - nfc_rawsock(sk)->target_idx); + nfc_rawsock(sk)->target_idx); nfc_put_device(nfc_rawsock(sk)->dev); } @@ -299,7 +287,7 @@ static void rawsock_destruct(struct sock *sk) } static int rawsock_create(struct net *net, struct socket *sock, - const struct nfc_protocol *nfc_proto) + const struct nfc_protocol *nfc_proto) { struct sock *sk; diff --git a/net/openvswitch/vport-internal_dev.c b/net/openvswitch/vport-internal_dev.c index 322b8d206693dde98a30f1d36a6db4d800e0f17a..b6b1d7daa3cbd831a4884d3414bb2aa97369149b 100644 --- a/net/openvswitch/vport-internal_dev.c +++ b/net/openvswitch/vport-internal_dev.c @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ static int internal_dev_mac_addr(struct net_device *dev, void *p) if (!is_valid_ether_addr(addr->sa_data)) return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; + dev->addr_assign_type &= ~NET_ADDR_RANDOM; memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data, dev->addr_len); return 0; } @@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ static void do_setup(struct net_device *netdev) netdev->vlan_features = netdev->features; netdev->features |= NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_TX; netdev->hw_features = netdev->features & ~NETIF_F_LLTX; - random_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr); + eth_hw_addr_random(netdev); } static struct vport *internal_dev_create(const struct vport_parms *parms) diff --git a/net/packet/af_packet.c b/net/packet/af_packet.c index 2dbb32b988c4d476406e212f0ff5632677e0501b..ae2d484416dd5170b3c4eed8bd820ee594e5e474 100644 --- a/net/packet/af_packet.c +++ b/net/packet/af_packet.c @@ -1459,6 +1459,7 @@ static int packet_sendmsg_spkt(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, struct net_device *dev; __be16 proto = 0; int err; + int extra_len = 0; /* * Get and verify the address. @@ -1493,8 +1494,16 @@ static int packet_sendmsg_spkt(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, * raw protocol and you must do your own fragmentation at this level. */ + if (unlikely(sock_flag(sk, SOCK_NOFCS))) { + if (!netif_supports_nofcs(dev)) { + err = -EPROTONOSUPPORT; + goto out_unlock; + } + extra_len = 4; /* We're doing our own CRC */ + } + err = -EMSGSIZE; - if (len > dev->mtu + dev->hard_header_len + VLAN_HLEN) + if (len > dev->mtu + dev->hard_header_len + VLAN_HLEN + extra_len) goto out_unlock; if (!skb) { @@ -1526,7 +1535,7 @@ static int packet_sendmsg_spkt(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, goto retry; } - if (len > (dev->mtu + dev->hard_header_len)) { + if (len > (dev->mtu + dev->hard_header_len + extra_len)) { /* Earlier code assumed this would be a VLAN pkt, * double-check this now that we have the actual * packet in hand. @@ -1548,6 +1557,9 @@ static int packet_sendmsg_spkt(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, if (err < 0) goto out_unlock; + if (unlikely(extra_len == 4)) + skb->no_fcs = 1; + dev_queue_xmit(skb); rcu_read_unlock(); return len; @@ -2209,6 +2221,7 @@ static int packet_snd(struct socket *sock, struct packet_sock *po = pkt_sk(sk); unsigned short gso_type = 0; int hlen, tlen; + int extra_len = 0; /* * Get and verify the address. @@ -2288,8 +2301,16 @@ static int packet_snd(struct socket *sock, } } + if (unlikely(sock_flag(sk, SOCK_NOFCS))) { + if (!netif_supports_nofcs(dev)) { + err = -EPROTONOSUPPORT; + goto out_unlock; + } + extra_len = 4; /* We're doing our own CRC */ + } + err = -EMSGSIZE; - if (!gso_type && (len > dev->mtu + reserve + VLAN_HLEN)) + if (!gso_type && (len > dev->mtu + reserve + VLAN_HLEN + extra_len)) goto out_unlock; err = -ENOBUFS; @@ -2315,7 +2336,7 @@ static int packet_snd(struct socket *sock, if (err < 0) goto out_free; - if (!gso_type && (len > dev->mtu + reserve)) { + if (!gso_type && (len > dev->mtu + reserve + extra_len)) { /* Earlier code assumed this would be a VLAN pkt, * double-check this now that we have the actual * packet in hand. @@ -2353,6 +2374,9 @@ static int packet_snd(struct socket *sock, len += vnet_hdr_len; } + if (unlikely(extra_len == 4)) + skb->no_fcs = 1; + /* * Now send it */ diff --git a/net/rds/send.c b/net/rds/send.c index e2d63c59e7c2f1195eb4289e9279d03b9850670e..96531d4033a2160a6ba8c2ce7799025865fe863d 100644 --- a/net/rds/send.c +++ b/net/rds/send.c @@ -935,7 +935,6 @@ int rds_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, struct msghdr *msg, /* Mirror Linux UDP mirror of BSD error message compatibility */ /* XXX: Perhaps MSG_MORE someday */ if (msg->msg_flags & ~(MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_CMSG_COMPAT)) { - printk(KERN_INFO "msg_flags 0x%08X\n", msg->msg_flags); ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; goto out; } diff --git a/net/sched/Kconfig b/net/sched/Kconfig index 2590e91b3289f604b551b799a2d723874878ab3b..75b58f81d53d316d3959ba71909adacd9010aee3 100644 --- a/net/sched/Kconfig +++ b/net/sched/Kconfig @@ -260,6 +260,32 @@ config NET_SCH_INGRESS To compile this code as a module, choose M here: the module will be called sch_ingress. +config NET_SCH_PLUG + tristate "Plug network traffic until release (PLUG)" + ---help--- + + This queuing discipline allows userspace to plug/unplug a network + output queue, using the netlink interface. When it receives an + enqueue command it inserts a plug into the outbound queue that + causes following packets to enqueue until a dequeue command arrives + over netlink, causing the plug to be removed and resuming the normal + packet flow. + + This module also provides a generic "network output buffering" + functionality (aka output commit), wherein upon arrival of a dequeue + command, only packets up to the first plug are released for delivery. + The Remus HA project uses this module to enable speculative execution + of virtual machines by allowing the generated network output to be rolled + back if needed. + + For more information, please refer to http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/Remus + + Say Y here if you are using this kernel for Xen dom0 and + want to protect Xen guests with Remus. + + To compile this code as a module, choose M here: the + module will be called sch_plug. + comment "Classification" config NET_CLS diff --git a/net/sched/Makefile b/net/sched/Makefile index dc5889c0a15a341c302a881a36a6607f219a72bf..8cdf4e2b51d3756edbcff81895dad81b16a5741e 100644 --- a/net/sched/Makefile +++ b/net/sched/Makefile @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_NET_SCH_MULTIQ) += sch_multiq.o obj-$(CONFIG_NET_SCH_ATM) += sch_atm.o obj-$(CONFIG_NET_SCH_NETEM) += sch_netem.o obj-$(CONFIG_NET_SCH_DRR) += sch_drr.o +obj-$(CONFIG_NET_SCH_PLUG) += sch_plug.o obj-$(CONFIG_NET_SCH_MQPRIO) += sch_mqprio.o obj-$(CONFIG_NET_SCH_CHOKE) += sch_choke.o obj-$(CONFIG_NET_SCH_QFQ) += sch_qfq.o diff --git a/net/sched/sch_plug.c b/net/sched/sch_plug.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89f8fcf73f18f6e091881cc829861285c0c8f8b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/net/sched/sch_plug.c @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ +/* + * sch_plug.c Queue traffic until an explicit release command + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version + * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * There are two ways to use this qdisc: + * 1. A simple "instantaneous" plug/unplug operation, by issuing an alternating + * sequence of TCQ_PLUG_BUFFER & TCQ_PLUG_RELEASE_INDEFINITE commands. + * + * 2. For network output buffering (a.k.a output commit) functionality. + * Output commit property is commonly used by applications using checkpoint + * based fault-tolerance to ensure that the checkpoint from which a system + * is being restored is consistent w.r.t outside world. + * + * Consider for e.g. Remus - a Virtual Machine checkpointing system, + * wherein a VM is checkpointed, say every 50ms. The checkpoint is replicated + * asynchronously to the backup host, while the VM continues executing the + * next epoch speculatively. + * + * The following is a typical sequence of output buffer operations: + * 1.At epoch i, start_buffer(i) + * 2. At end of epoch i (i.e. after 50ms): + * 2.1 Stop VM and take checkpoint(i). + * 2.2 start_buffer(i+1) and Resume VM + * 3. While speculatively executing epoch(i+1), asynchronously replicate + * checkpoint(i) to backup host. + * 4. When checkpoint_ack(i) is received from backup, release_buffer(i) + * Thus, this Qdisc would receive the following sequence of commands: + * TCQ_PLUG_BUFFER (epoch i) + * .. TCQ_PLUG_BUFFER (epoch i+1) + * ....TCQ_PLUG_RELEASE_ONE (epoch i) + * ......TCQ_PLUG_BUFFER (epoch i+2) + * ........ + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/* + * State of the queue, when used for network output buffering: + * + * plug(i+1) plug(i) head + * ------------------+--------------------+----------------> + * | | + * | | + * pkts_current_epoch| pkts_last_epoch |pkts_to_release + * ----------------->|<--------+--------->|+---------------> + * v v + * + */ + +struct plug_sched_data { + /* If true, the dequeue function releases all packets + * from head to end of the queue. The queue turns into + * a pass-through queue for newly arriving packets. + */ + bool unplug_indefinite; + + /* Queue Limit in bytes */ + u32 limit; + + /* Number of packets (output) from the current speculatively + * executing epoch. + */ + u32 pkts_current_epoch; + + /* Number of packets corresponding to the recently finished + * epoch. These will be released when we receive a + * TCQ_PLUG_RELEASE_ONE command. This command is typically + * issued after committing a checkpoint at the target. + */ + u32 pkts_last_epoch; + + /* + * Number of packets from the head of the queue, that can + * be released (committed checkpoint). + */ + u32 pkts_to_release; +}; + +static int plug_enqueue(struct sk_buff *skb, struct Qdisc *sch) +{ + struct plug_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch); + + if (likely(sch->qstats.backlog + skb->len <= q->limit)) { + if (!q->unplug_indefinite) + q->pkts_current_epoch++; + return qdisc_enqueue_tail(skb, sch); + } + + return qdisc_reshape_fail(skb, sch); +} + +static struct sk_buff *plug_dequeue(struct Qdisc *sch) +{ + struct plug_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch); + + if (qdisc_is_throttled(sch)) + return NULL; + + if (!q->unplug_indefinite) { + if (!q->pkts_to_release) { + /* No more packets to dequeue. Block the queue + * and wait for the next release command. + */ + qdisc_throttled(sch); + return NULL; + } + q->pkts_to_release--; + } + + return qdisc_dequeue_head(sch); +} + +static int plug_init(struct Qdisc *sch, struct nlattr *opt) +{ + struct plug_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch); + + q->pkts_current_epoch = 0; + q->pkts_last_epoch = 0; + q->pkts_to_release = 0; + q->unplug_indefinite = false; + + if (opt == NULL) { + /* We will set a default limit of 100 pkts (~150kB) + * in case tx_queue_len is not available. The + * default value is completely arbitrary. + */ + u32 pkt_limit = qdisc_dev(sch)->tx_queue_len ? : 100; + q->limit = pkt_limit * psched_mtu(qdisc_dev(sch)); + } else { + struct tc_plug_qopt *ctl = nla_data(opt); + + if (nla_len(opt) < sizeof(*ctl)) + return -EINVAL; + + q->limit = ctl->limit; + } + + qdisc_throttled(sch); + return 0; +} + +/* Receives 4 types of messages: + * TCQ_PLUG_BUFFER: Inset a plug into the queue and + * buffer any incoming packets + * TCQ_PLUG_RELEASE_ONE: Dequeue packets from queue head + * to beginning of the next plug. + * TCQ_PLUG_RELEASE_INDEFINITE: Dequeue all packets from queue. + * Stop buffering packets until the next TCQ_PLUG_BUFFER + * command is received (just act as a pass-thru queue). + * TCQ_PLUG_LIMIT: Increase/decrease queue size + */ +static int plug_change(struct Qdisc *sch, struct nlattr *opt) +{ + struct plug_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch); + struct tc_plug_qopt *msg; + + if (opt == NULL) + return -EINVAL; + + msg = nla_data(opt); + if (nla_len(opt) < sizeof(*msg)) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (msg->action) { + case TCQ_PLUG_BUFFER: + /* Save size of the current buffer */ + q->pkts_last_epoch = q->pkts_current_epoch; + q->pkts_current_epoch = 0; + if (q->unplug_indefinite) + qdisc_throttled(sch); + q->unplug_indefinite = false; + break; + case TCQ_PLUG_RELEASE_ONE: + /* Add packets from the last complete buffer to the + * packets to be released set. + */ + q->pkts_to_release += q->pkts_last_epoch; + q->pkts_last_epoch = 0; + qdisc_unthrottled(sch); + netif_schedule_queue(sch->dev_queue); + break; + case TCQ_PLUG_RELEASE_INDEFINITE: + q->unplug_indefinite = true; + q->pkts_to_release = 0; + q->pkts_last_epoch = 0; + q->pkts_current_epoch = 0; + qdisc_unthrottled(sch); + netif_schedule_queue(sch->dev_queue); + break; + case TCQ_PLUG_LIMIT: + /* Limit is supplied in bytes */ + q->limit = msg->limit; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +static struct Qdisc_ops plug_qdisc_ops __read_mostly = { + .id = "plug", + .priv_size = sizeof(struct plug_sched_data), + .enqueue = plug_enqueue, + .dequeue = plug_dequeue, + .peek = qdisc_peek_head, + .init = plug_init, + .change = plug_change, + .owner = THIS_MODULE, +}; + +static int __init plug_module_init(void) +{ + return register_qdisc(&plug_qdisc_ops); +} + +static void __exit plug_module_exit(void) +{ + unregister_qdisc(&plug_qdisc_ops); +} +module_init(plug_module_init) +module_exit(plug_module_exit) +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/net/sctp/socket.c b/net/sctp/socket.c index 408ebd0e73305b56b76dc139af29611742c8e82c..06b42b7f5a0237c054403c3b695aea26dcae036b 100644 --- a/net/sctp/socket.c +++ b/net/sctp/socket.c @@ -4170,14 +4170,16 @@ static int sctp_getsockopt_autoclose(struct sock *sk, int len, char __user *optv } /* Helper routine to branch off an association to a new socket. */ -SCTP_STATIC int sctp_do_peeloff(struct sctp_association *asoc, - struct socket **sockp) +int sctp_do_peeloff(struct sock *sk, sctp_assoc_t id, struct socket **sockp) { - struct sock *sk = asoc->base.sk; + struct sctp_association *asoc = sctp_id2assoc(sk, id); struct socket *sock; struct sctp_af *af; int err = 0; + if (!asoc) + return -EINVAL; + /* An association cannot be branched off from an already peeled-off * socket, nor is this supported for tcp style sockets. */ @@ -4206,13 +4208,13 @@ SCTP_STATIC int sctp_do_peeloff(struct sctp_association *asoc, return err; } +EXPORT_SYMBOL(sctp_do_peeloff); static int sctp_getsockopt_peeloff(struct sock *sk, int len, char __user *optval, int __user *optlen) { sctp_peeloff_arg_t peeloff; struct socket *newsock; int retval = 0; - struct sctp_association *asoc; if (len < sizeof(sctp_peeloff_arg_t)) return -EINVAL; @@ -4220,15 +4222,7 @@ static int sctp_getsockopt_peeloff(struct sock *sk, int len, char __user *optval if (copy_from_user(&peeloff, optval, len)) return -EFAULT; - asoc = sctp_id2assoc(sk, peeloff.associd); - if (!asoc) { - retval = -EINVAL; - goto out; - } - - SCTP_DEBUG_PRINTK("%s: sk: %p asoc: %p\n", __func__, sk, asoc); - - retval = sctp_do_peeloff(asoc, &newsock); + retval = sctp_do_peeloff(sk, peeloff.associd, &newsock); if (retval < 0) goto out; @@ -4239,8 +4233,8 @@ static int sctp_getsockopt_peeloff(struct sock *sk, int len, char __user *optval goto out; } - SCTP_DEBUG_PRINTK("%s: sk: %p asoc: %p newsk: %p sd: %d\n", - __func__, sk, asoc, newsock->sk, retval); + SCTP_DEBUG_PRINTK("%s: sk: %p newsk: %p sd: %d\n", + __func__, sk, newsock->sk, retval); /* Return the fd mapped to the new socket. */ peeloff.sd = retval; diff --git a/net/socket.c b/net/socket.c index 28a96af484b421ee06fffbe87358c1811693c97f..12a48d846223c5d2204e753fe9ae6298d55ff489 100644 --- a/net/socket.c +++ b/net/socket.c @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ static DEFINE_PER_CPU(int, sockets_in_use); * invalid addresses -EFAULT is returned. On a success 0 is returned. */ -int move_addr_to_kernel(void __user *uaddr, int ulen, struct sockaddr *kaddr) +int move_addr_to_kernel(void __user *uaddr, int ulen, struct sockaddr_storage *kaddr) { if (ulen < 0 || ulen > sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)) return -EINVAL; @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ int move_addr_to_kernel(void __user *uaddr, int ulen, struct sockaddr *kaddr) * specified. Zero is returned for a success. */ -static int move_addr_to_user(struct sockaddr *kaddr, int klen, +static int move_addr_to_user(struct sockaddr_storage *kaddr, int klen, void __user *uaddr, int __user *ulen) { int err; @@ -1449,7 +1449,7 @@ SYSCALL_DEFINE3(bind, int, fd, struct sockaddr __user *, umyaddr, int, addrlen) sock = sockfd_lookup_light(fd, &err, &fput_needed); if (sock) { - err = move_addr_to_kernel(umyaddr, addrlen, (struct sockaddr *)&address); + err = move_addr_to_kernel(umyaddr, addrlen, &address); if (err >= 0) { err = security_socket_bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&address, @@ -1556,7 +1556,7 @@ SYSCALL_DEFINE4(accept4, int, fd, struct sockaddr __user *, upeer_sockaddr, err = -ECONNABORTED; goto out_fd; } - err = move_addr_to_user((struct sockaddr *)&address, + err = move_addr_to_user(&address, len, upeer_sockaddr, upeer_addrlen); if (err < 0) goto out_fd; @@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@ SYSCALL_DEFINE3(connect, int, fd, struct sockaddr __user *, uservaddr, sock = sockfd_lookup_light(fd, &err, &fput_needed); if (!sock) goto out; - err = move_addr_to_kernel(uservaddr, addrlen, (struct sockaddr *)&address); + err = move_addr_to_kernel(uservaddr, addrlen, &address); if (err < 0) goto out_put; @@ -1645,7 +1645,7 @@ SYSCALL_DEFINE3(getsockname, int, fd, struct sockaddr __user *, usockaddr, err = sock->ops->getname(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&address, &len, 0); if (err) goto out_put; - err = move_addr_to_user((struct sockaddr *)&address, len, usockaddr, usockaddr_len); + err = move_addr_to_user(&address, len, usockaddr, usockaddr_len); out_put: fput_light(sock->file, fput_needed); @@ -1677,7 +1677,7 @@ SYSCALL_DEFINE3(getpeername, int, fd, struct sockaddr __user *, usockaddr, sock->ops->getname(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&address, &len, 1); if (!err) - err = move_addr_to_user((struct sockaddr *)&address, len, usockaddr, + err = move_addr_to_user(&address, len, usockaddr, usockaddr_len); fput_light(sock->file, fput_needed); } @@ -1716,7 +1716,7 @@ SYSCALL_DEFINE6(sendto, int, fd, void __user *, buff, size_t, len, msg.msg_controllen = 0; msg.msg_namelen = 0; if (addr) { - err = move_addr_to_kernel(addr, addr_len, (struct sockaddr *)&address); + err = move_addr_to_kernel(addr, addr_len, &address); if (err < 0) goto out_put; msg.msg_name = (struct sockaddr *)&address; @@ -1779,7 +1779,7 @@ SYSCALL_DEFINE6(recvfrom, int, fd, void __user *, ubuf, size_t, size, err = sock_recvmsg(sock, &msg, size, flags); if (err >= 0 && addr != NULL) { - err2 = move_addr_to_user((struct sockaddr *)&address, + err2 = move_addr_to_user(&address, msg.msg_namelen, addr, addr_len); if (err2 < 0) err = err2; @@ -1933,13 +1933,9 @@ static int __sys_sendmsg(struct socket *sock, struct msghdr __user *msg, /* This will also move the address data into kernel space */ if (MSG_CMSG_COMPAT & flags) { - err = verify_compat_iovec(msg_sys, iov, - (struct sockaddr *)&address, - VERIFY_READ); + err = verify_compat_iovec(msg_sys, iov, &address, VERIFY_READ); } else - err = verify_iovec(msg_sys, iov, - (struct sockaddr *)&address, - VERIFY_READ); + err = verify_iovec(msg_sys, iov, &address, VERIFY_READ); if (err < 0) goto out_freeiov; total_len = err; @@ -2143,13 +2139,9 @@ static int __sys_recvmsg(struct socket *sock, struct msghdr __user *msg, uaddr = (__force void __user *)msg_sys->msg_name; uaddr_len = COMPAT_NAMELEN(msg); if (MSG_CMSG_COMPAT & flags) { - err = verify_compat_iovec(msg_sys, iov, - (struct sockaddr *)&addr, - VERIFY_WRITE); + err = verify_compat_iovec(msg_sys, iov, &addr, VERIFY_WRITE); } else - err = verify_iovec(msg_sys, iov, - (struct sockaddr *)&addr, - VERIFY_WRITE); + err = verify_iovec(msg_sys, iov, &addr, VERIFY_WRITE); if (err < 0) goto out_freeiov; total_len = err; @@ -2166,7 +2158,7 @@ static int __sys_recvmsg(struct socket *sock, struct msghdr __user *msg, len = err; if (uaddr != NULL) { - err = move_addr_to_user((struct sockaddr *)&addr, + err = move_addr_to_user(&addr, msg_sys->msg_namelen, uaddr, uaddr_len); if (err < 0) diff --git a/net/tipc/bcast.c b/net/tipc/bcast.c index 8eb87b11d10050f7497498e4776064b39c216be9..e00441a2092fe52a90ad00aad2ffe0165dc9b6c2 100644 --- a/net/tipc/bcast.c +++ b/net/tipc/bcast.c @@ -157,39 +157,14 @@ u32 tipc_bclink_get_last_sent(void) return bcl->fsm_msg_cnt; } -/** - * bclink_set_gap - set gap according to contents of current deferred pkt queue - * - * Called with 'node' locked, bc_lock unlocked - */ - -static void bclink_set_gap(struct tipc_node *n_ptr) -{ - struct sk_buff *buf = n_ptr->bclink.deferred_head; - - n_ptr->bclink.gap_after = n_ptr->bclink.gap_to = - mod(n_ptr->bclink.last_in); - if (unlikely(buf != NULL)) - n_ptr->bclink.gap_to = mod(buf_seqno(buf) - 1); -} - -/** - * bclink_ack_allowed - test if ACK or NACK message can be sent at this moment - * - * This mechanism endeavours to prevent all nodes in network from trying - * to ACK or NACK at the same time. - * - * Note: TIPC uses a different trigger to distribute ACKs than it does to - * distribute NACKs, but tries to use the same spacing (divide by 16). - */ - -static int bclink_ack_allowed(u32 n) +static void bclink_update_last_sent(struct tipc_node *node, u32 seqno) { - return (n % TIPC_MIN_LINK_WIN) == tipc_own_tag; + node->bclink.last_sent = less_eq(node->bclink.last_sent, seqno) ? + seqno : node->bclink.last_sent; } -/** +/* * tipc_bclink_retransmit_to - get most recent node to request retransmission * * Called with bc_lock locked @@ -281,7 +256,7 @@ void tipc_bclink_acknowledge(struct tipc_node *n_ptr, u32 acked) if (bcbuf_acks(crs) == 0) { bcl->first_out = next; bcl->out_queue_size--; - buf_discard(crs); + kfree_skb(crs); released = 1; } crs = next; @@ -300,140 +275,94 @@ void tipc_bclink_acknowledge(struct tipc_node *n_ptr, u32 acked) spin_unlock_bh(&bc_lock); } -/** - * bclink_send_ack - unicast an ACK msg +/* + * tipc_bclink_update_link_state - update broadcast link state * * tipc_net_lock and node lock set */ -static void bclink_send_ack(struct tipc_node *n_ptr) +void tipc_bclink_update_link_state(struct tipc_node *n_ptr, u32 last_sent) { - struct tipc_link *l_ptr = n_ptr->active_links[n_ptr->addr & 1]; + struct sk_buff *buf; - if (l_ptr != NULL) - tipc_link_send_proto_msg(l_ptr, STATE_MSG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); -} + /* Ignore "stale" link state info */ -/** - * bclink_send_nack- broadcast a NACK msg - * - * tipc_net_lock and node lock set - */ + if (less_eq(last_sent, n_ptr->bclink.last_in)) + return; -static void bclink_send_nack(struct tipc_node *n_ptr) -{ - struct sk_buff *buf; - struct tipc_msg *msg; + /* Update link synchronization state; quit if in sync */ + + bclink_update_last_sent(n_ptr, last_sent); + + if (n_ptr->bclink.last_sent == n_ptr->bclink.last_in) + return; + + /* Update out-of-sync state; quit if loss is still unconfirmed */ + + if ((++n_ptr->bclink.oos_state) == 1) { + if (n_ptr->bclink.deferred_size < (TIPC_MIN_LINK_WIN / 2)) + return; + n_ptr->bclink.oos_state++; + } - if (!less(n_ptr->bclink.gap_after, n_ptr->bclink.gap_to)) + /* Don't NACK if one has been recently sent (or seen) */ + + if (n_ptr->bclink.oos_state & 0x1) return; + /* Send NACK */ + buf = tipc_buf_acquire(INT_H_SIZE); if (buf) { - msg = buf_msg(buf); + struct tipc_msg *msg = buf_msg(buf); + tipc_msg_init(msg, BCAST_PROTOCOL, STATE_MSG, - INT_H_SIZE, n_ptr->addr); + INT_H_SIZE, n_ptr->addr); msg_set_non_seq(msg, 1); msg_set_mc_netid(msg, tipc_net_id); - msg_set_bcast_ack(msg, mod(n_ptr->bclink.last_in)); - msg_set_bcgap_after(msg, n_ptr->bclink.gap_after); - msg_set_bcgap_to(msg, n_ptr->bclink.gap_to); - msg_set_bcast_tag(msg, tipc_own_tag); + msg_set_bcast_ack(msg, n_ptr->bclink.last_in); + msg_set_bcgap_after(msg, n_ptr->bclink.last_in); + msg_set_bcgap_to(msg, n_ptr->bclink.deferred_head + ? buf_seqno(n_ptr->bclink.deferred_head) - 1 + : n_ptr->bclink.last_sent); + spin_lock_bh(&bc_lock); tipc_bearer_send(&bcbearer->bearer, buf, NULL); bcl->stats.sent_nacks++; - buf_discard(buf); - - /* - * Ensure we doesn't send another NACK msg to the node - * until 16 more deferred messages arrive from it - * (i.e. helps prevent all nodes from NACK'ing at same time) - */ + spin_unlock_bh(&bc_lock); + kfree_skb(buf); - n_ptr->bclink.nack_sync = tipc_own_tag; + n_ptr->bclink.oos_state++; } } -/** - * tipc_bclink_check_gap - send a NACK if a sequence gap exists +/* + * bclink_peek_nack - monitor retransmission requests sent by other nodes * - * tipc_net_lock and node lock set - */ - -void tipc_bclink_check_gap(struct tipc_node *n_ptr, u32 last_sent) -{ - if (!n_ptr->bclink.supported || - less_eq(last_sent, mod(n_ptr->bclink.last_in))) - return; - - bclink_set_gap(n_ptr); - if (n_ptr->bclink.gap_after == n_ptr->bclink.gap_to) - n_ptr->bclink.gap_to = last_sent; - bclink_send_nack(n_ptr); -} - -/** - * tipc_bclink_peek_nack - process a NACK msg meant for another node + * Delay any upcoming NACK by this node if another node has already + * requested the first message this node is going to ask for. * * Only tipc_net_lock set. */ -static void tipc_bclink_peek_nack(u32 dest, u32 sender_tag, u32 gap_after, u32 gap_to) +static void bclink_peek_nack(struct tipc_msg *msg) { - struct tipc_node *n_ptr = tipc_node_find(dest); - u32 my_after, my_to; + struct tipc_node *n_ptr = tipc_node_find(msg_destnode(msg)); - if (unlikely(!n_ptr || !tipc_node_is_up(n_ptr))) + if (unlikely(!n_ptr)) return; + tipc_node_lock(n_ptr); - /* - * Modify gap to suppress unnecessary NACKs from this node - */ - my_after = n_ptr->bclink.gap_after; - my_to = n_ptr->bclink.gap_to; - - if (less_eq(gap_after, my_after)) { - if (less(my_after, gap_to) && less(gap_to, my_to)) - n_ptr->bclink.gap_after = gap_to; - else if (less_eq(my_to, gap_to)) - n_ptr->bclink.gap_to = n_ptr->bclink.gap_after; - } else if (less_eq(gap_after, my_to)) { - if (less_eq(my_to, gap_to)) - n_ptr->bclink.gap_to = gap_after; - } else { - /* - * Expand gap if missing bufs not in deferred queue: - */ - struct sk_buff *buf = n_ptr->bclink.deferred_head; - u32 prev = n_ptr->bclink.gap_to; - for (; buf; buf = buf->next) { - u32 seqno = buf_seqno(buf); + if (n_ptr->bclink.supported && + (n_ptr->bclink.last_in != n_ptr->bclink.last_sent) && + (n_ptr->bclink.last_in == msg_bcgap_after(msg))) + n_ptr->bclink.oos_state = 2; - if (mod(seqno - prev) != 1) { - buf = NULL; - break; - } - if (seqno == gap_after) - break; - prev = seqno; - } - if (buf == NULL) - n_ptr->bclink.gap_to = gap_after; - } - /* - * Some nodes may send a complementary NACK now: - */ - if (bclink_ack_allowed(sender_tag + 1)) { - if (n_ptr->bclink.gap_to != n_ptr->bclink.gap_after) { - bclink_send_nack(n_ptr); - bclink_set_gap(n_ptr); - } - } tipc_node_unlock(n_ptr); } -/** +/* * tipc_bclink_send_msg - broadcast a packet to all nodes in cluster */ @@ -445,7 +374,7 @@ int tipc_bclink_send_msg(struct sk_buff *buf) if (!bclink->bcast_nodes.count) { res = msg_data_sz(buf_msg(buf)); - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); goto exit; } @@ -460,7 +389,33 @@ int tipc_bclink_send_msg(struct sk_buff *buf) return res; } -/** +/* + * bclink_accept_pkt - accept an incoming, in-sequence broadcast packet + * + * Called with both sending node's lock and bc_lock taken. + */ + +static void bclink_accept_pkt(struct tipc_node *node, u32 seqno) +{ + bclink_update_last_sent(node, seqno); + node->bclink.last_in = seqno; + node->bclink.oos_state = 0; + bcl->stats.recv_info++; + + /* + * Unicast an ACK periodically, ensuring that + * all nodes in the cluster don't ACK at the same time + */ + + if (((seqno - tipc_own_addr) % TIPC_MIN_LINK_WIN) == 0) { + tipc_link_send_proto_msg( + node->active_links[node->addr & 1], + STATE_MSG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); + bcl->stats.sent_acks++; + } +} + +/* * tipc_bclink_recv_pkt - receive a broadcast packet, and deliver upwards * * tipc_net_lock is read_locked, no other locks set @@ -472,7 +427,7 @@ void tipc_bclink_recv_pkt(struct sk_buff *buf) struct tipc_node *node; u32 next_in; u32 seqno; - struct sk_buff *deferred; + int deferred; /* Screen out unwanted broadcast messages */ @@ -487,6 +442,8 @@ void tipc_bclink_recv_pkt(struct sk_buff *buf) if (unlikely(!node->bclink.supported)) goto unlock; + /* Handle broadcast protocol message */ + if (unlikely(msg_user(msg) == BCAST_PROTOCOL)) { if (msg_type(msg) != STATE_MSG) goto unlock; @@ -501,89 +458,118 @@ void tipc_bclink_recv_pkt(struct sk_buff *buf) spin_unlock_bh(&bc_lock); } else { tipc_node_unlock(node); - tipc_bclink_peek_nack(msg_destnode(msg), - msg_bcast_tag(msg), - msg_bcgap_after(msg), - msg_bcgap_to(msg)); + bclink_peek_nack(msg); } goto exit; } /* Handle in-sequence broadcast message */ -receive: - next_in = mod(node->bclink.last_in + 1); seqno = msg_seqno(msg); + next_in = mod(node->bclink.last_in + 1); if (likely(seqno == next_in)) { - bcl->stats.recv_info++; - node->bclink.last_in++; - bclink_set_gap(node); - if (unlikely(bclink_ack_allowed(seqno))) { - bclink_send_ack(node); - bcl->stats.sent_acks++; - } +receive: + /* Deliver message to destination */ + if (likely(msg_isdata(msg))) { + spin_lock_bh(&bc_lock); + bclink_accept_pkt(node, seqno); + spin_unlock_bh(&bc_lock); tipc_node_unlock(node); if (likely(msg_mcast(msg))) tipc_port_recv_mcast(buf, NULL); else - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); } else if (msg_user(msg) == MSG_BUNDLER) { + spin_lock_bh(&bc_lock); + bclink_accept_pkt(node, seqno); bcl->stats.recv_bundles++; bcl->stats.recv_bundled += msg_msgcnt(msg); + spin_unlock_bh(&bc_lock); tipc_node_unlock(node); tipc_link_recv_bundle(buf); } else if (msg_user(msg) == MSG_FRAGMENTER) { + int ret = tipc_link_recv_fragment(&node->bclink.defragm, + &buf, &msg); + if (ret < 0) + goto unlock; + spin_lock_bh(&bc_lock); + bclink_accept_pkt(node, seqno); bcl->stats.recv_fragments++; - if (tipc_link_recv_fragment(&node->bclink.defragm, - &buf, &msg)) + if (ret > 0) bcl->stats.recv_fragmented++; + spin_unlock_bh(&bc_lock); tipc_node_unlock(node); tipc_net_route_msg(buf); } else if (msg_user(msg) == NAME_DISTRIBUTOR) { + spin_lock_bh(&bc_lock); + bclink_accept_pkt(node, seqno); + spin_unlock_bh(&bc_lock); tipc_node_unlock(node); tipc_named_recv(buf); } else { + spin_lock_bh(&bc_lock); + bclink_accept_pkt(node, seqno); + spin_unlock_bh(&bc_lock); tipc_node_unlock(node); - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); } buf = NULL; + + /* Determine new synchronization state */ + tipc_node_lock(node); - deferred = node->bclink.deferred_head; - if (deferred && (buf_seqno(deferred) == mod(next_in + 1))) { - buf = deferred; - msg = buf_msg(buf); - node->bclink.deferred_head = deferred->next; - goto receive; - } - } else if (less(next_in, seqno)) { - u32 gap_after = node->bclink.gap_after; - u32 gap_to = node->bclink.gap_to; - - if (tipc_link_defer_pkt(&node->bclink.deferred_head, - &node->bclink.deferred_tail, - buf)) { - node->bclink.nack_sync++; - bcl->stats.deferred_recv++; - if (seqno == mod(gap_after + 1)) - node->bclink.gap_after = seqno; - else if (less(gap_after, seqno) && less(seqno, gap_to)) - node->bclink.gap_to = seqno; + if (unlikely(!tipc_node_is_up(node))) + goto unlock; + + if (node->bclink.last_in == node->bclink.last_sent) + goto unlock; + + if (!node->bclink.deferred_head) { + node->bclink.oos_state = 1; + goto unlock; } + + msg = buf_msg(node->bclink.deferred_head); + seqno = msg_seqno(msg); + next_in = mod(next_in + 1); + if (seqno != next_in) + goto unlock; + + /* Take in-sequence message from deferred queue & deliver it */ + + buf = node->bclink.deferred_head; + node->bclink.deferred_head = buf->next; + node->bclink.deferred_size--; + goto receive; + } + + /* Handle out-of-sequence broadcast message */ + + if (less(next_in, seqno)) { + deferred = tipc_link_defer_pkt(&node->bclink.deferred_head, + &node->bclink.deferred_tail, + buf); + node->bclink.deferred_size += deferred; + bclink_update_last_sent(node, seqno); buf = NULL; - if (bclink_ack_allowed(node->bclink.nack_sync)) { - if (gap_to != gap_after) - bclink_send_nack(node); - bclink_set_gap(node); - } - } else { + } else + deferred = 0; + + spin_lock_bh(&bc_lock); + + if (deferred) + bcl->stats.deferred_recv++; + else bcl->stats.duplicates++; - } + + spin_unlock_bh(&bc_lock); + unlock: tipc_node_unlock(node); exit: - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); } u32 tipc_bclink_acks_missing(struct tipc_node *n_ptr) diff --git a/net/tipc/bcast.h b/net/tipc/bcast.h index b009666c60b0e5464ac1bdaaab031289fd8b7597..5571394098f98ba7d483f2106d1f652c7b1e5a25 100644 --- a/net/tipc/bcast.h +++ b/net/tipc/bcast.h @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ int tipc_bclink_send_msg(struct sk_buff *buf); void tipc_bclink_recv_pkt(struct sk_buff *buf); u32 tipc_bclink_get_last_sent(void); u32 tipc_bclink_acks_missing(struct tipc_node *n_ptr); -void tipc_bclink_check_gap(struct tipc_node *n_ptr, u32 seqno); +void tipc_bclink_update_link_state(struct tipc_node *n_ptr, u32 last_sent); int tipc_bclink_stats(char *stats_buf, const u32 buf_size); int tipc_bclink_reset_stats(void); int tipc_bclink_set_queue_limits(u32 limit); diff --git a/net/tipc/bearer.c b/net/tipc/bearer.c index 329fb659fae4c2b89d4c0830466dab297906dc8c..5dfd89c404293c7fd1f6e6cd39be15f70c650d90 100644 --- a/net/tipc/bearer.c +++ b/net/tipc/bearer.c @@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ int tipc_enable_bearer(const char *name, u32 disc_domain, u32 priority) u32 i; int res = -EINVAL; - if (tipc_mode != TIPC_NET_MODE) { + if (!tipc_own_addr) { warn("Bearer <%s> rejected, not supported in standalone mode\n", name); return -ENOPROTOOPT; @@ -456,8 +456,7 @@ int tipc_enable_bearer(const char *name, u32 disc_domain, u32 priority) warn("Bearer <%s> rejected, illegal discovery domain\n", name); return -EINVAL; } - if ((priority < TIPC_MIN_LINK_PRI || - priority > TIPC_MAX_LINK_PRI) && + if ((priority > TIPC_MAX_LINK_PRI) && (priority != TIPC_MEDIA_LINK_PRI)) { warn("Bearer <%s> rejected, illegal priority\n", name); return -EINVAL; diff --git a/net/tipc/config.c b/net/tipc/config.c index 4785bf26cdf4d1b1ff98a97d7d0d1559859a5c5e..f76d3b15e4e20ab6baaab45e68cf44d5badecf3f 100644 --- a/net/tipc/config.c +++ b/net/tipc/config.c @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *cfg_set_own_addr(void) if (!tipc_addr_node_valid(addr)) return tipc_cfg_reply_error_string(TIPC_CFG_INVALID_VALUE " (node address)"); - if (tipc_mode == TIPC_NET_MODE) + if (tipc_own_addr) return tipc_cfg_reply_error_string(TIPC_CFG_NOT_SUPPORTED " (cannot change node address once assigned)"); @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *cfg_set_max_publications(void) return tipc_cfg_reply_error_string(TIPC_CFG_TLV_ERROR); value = ntohl(*(__be32 *)TLV_DATA(req_tlv_area)); - if (value != delimit(value, 1, 65535)) + if (value < 1 || value > 65535) return tipc_cfg_reply_error_string(TIPC_CFG_INVALID_VALUE " (max publications must be 1-65535)"); tipc_max_publications = value; @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *cfg_set_max_subscriptions(void) return tipc_cfg_reply_error_string(TIPC_CFG_TLV_ERROR); value = ntohl(*(__be32 *)TLV_DATA(req_tlv_area)); - if (value != delimit(value, 1, 65535)) + if (value < 1 || value > 65535) return tipc_cfg_reply_error_string(TIPC_CFG_INVALID_VALUE " (max subscriptions must be 1-65535"); tipc_max_subscriptions = value; @@ -249,14 +249,11 @@ static struct sk_buff *cfg_set_max_ports(void) value = ntohl(*(__be32 *)TLV_DATA(req_tlv_area)); if (value == tipc_max_ports) return tipc_cfg_reply_none(); - if (value != delimit(value, 127, 65535)) + if (value < 127 || value > 65535) return tipc_cfg_reply_error_string(TIPC_CFG_INVALID_VALUE " (max ports must be 127-65535)"); - if (tipc_mode != TIPC_NOT_RUNNING) - return tipc_cfg_reply_error_string(TIPC_CFG_NOT_SUPPORTED - " (cannot change max ports while TIPC is active)"); - tipc_max_ports = value; - return tipc_cfg_reply_none(); + return tipc_cfg_reply_error_string(TIPC_CFG_NOT_SUPPORTED + " (cannot change max ports while TIPC is active)"); } static struct sk_buff *cfg_set_netid(void) @@ -268,10 +265,10 @@ static struct sk_buff *cfg_set_netid(void) value = ntohl(*(__be32 *)TLV_DATA(req_tlv_area)); if (value == tipc_net_id) return tipc_cfg_reply_none(); - if (value != delimit(value, 1, 9999)) + if (value < 1 || value > 9999) return tipc_cfg_reply_error_string(TIPC_CFG_INVALID_VALUE " (network id must be 1-9999)"); - if (tipc_mode == TIPC_NET_MODE) + if (tipc_own_addr) return tipc_cfg_reply_error_string(TIPC_CFG_NOT_SUPPORTED " (cannot change network id once TIPC has joined a network)"); tipc_net_id = value; @@ -481,7 +478,7 @@ int tipc_cfg_init(void) seq.type = TIPC_CFG_SRV; seq.lower = seq.upper = tipc_own_addr; - res = tipc_nametbl_publish_rsv(config_port_ref, TIPC_ZONE_SCOPE, &seq); + res = tipc_publish(config_port_ref, TIPC_ZONE_SCOPE, &seq); if (res) goto failed; diff --git a/net/tipc/core.c b/net/tipc/core.c index 2691cd57b8a8244b89857c043631445d55d031ab..68eba03e7955875e48f829f04fd1fbe202690d38 100644 --- a/net/tipc/core.c +++ b/net/tipc/core.c @@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ /* global variables used by multiple sub-systems within TIPC */ -int tipc_mode = TIPC_NOT_RUNNING; int tipc_random; const char tipc_alphabet[] = @@ -125,11 +124,6 @@ int tipc_core_start_net(unsigned long addr) static void tipc_core_stop(void) { - if (tipc_mode != TIPC_NODE_MODE) - return; - - tipc_mode = TIPC_NOT_RUNNING; - tipc_netlink_stop(); tipc_handler_stop(); tipc_cfg_stop(); @@ -148,11 +142,7 @@ static int tipc_core_start(void) { int res; - if (tipc_mode != TIPC_NOT_RUNNING) - return -ENOPROTOOPT; - get_random_bytes(&tipc_random, sizeof(tipc_random)); - tipc_mode = TIPC_NODE_MODE; res = tipc_handler_start(); if (!res) diff --git a/net/tipc/core.h b/net/tipc/core.h index 2761af36d1412d4d4fd8a8f21f2a2174293d43e9..13837e0e56b13267e047a8d4cbc581c5475129f8 100644 --- a/net/tipc/core.h +++ b/net/tipc/core.h @@ -129,13 +129,6 @@ void tipc_msg_dbg(struct print_buf *, struct tipc_msg *, const char *); #define ELINKCONG EAGAIN /* link congestion <=> resource unavailable */ -/* - * TIPC operating mode routines - */ -#define TIPC_NOT_RUNNING 0 -#define TIPC_NODE_MODE 1 -#define TIPC_NET_MODE 2 - /* * Global configuration variables */ @@ -151,7 +144,6 @@ extern int tipc_remote_management; * Other global variables */ -extern int tipc_mode; extern int tipc_random; extern const char tipc_alphabet[]; @@ -168,16 +160,6 @@ extern void tipc_netlink_stop(void); extern int tipc_socket_init(void); extern void tipc_socket_stop(void); -static inline int delimit(int val, int min, int max) -{ - if (val > max) - return max; - if (val < min) - return min; - return val; -} - - /* * TIPC timer and signal code */ @@ -279,28 +261,4 @@ static inline struct tipc_msg *buf_msg(struct sk_buff *skb) extern struct sk_buff *tipc_buf_acquire(u32 size); -/** - * buf_discard - frees a TIPC message buffer - * @skb: message buffer - * - * Frees a message buffer. If passed NULL, just returns. - */ - -static inline void buf_discard(struct sk_buff *skb) -{ - kfree_skb(skb); -} - -/** - * buf_linearize - convert a TIPC message buffer into a single contiguous piece - * @skb: message buffer - * - * Returns 0 on success. - */ - -static inline int buf_linearize(struct sk_buff *skb) -{ - return skb_linearize(skb); -} - #endif diff --git a/net/tipc/discover.c b/net/tipc/discover.c index a00e5f811569fd268ab3ffaed4cbd7824d5c1d71..c630a21b2bed90d8f82c0423c1811ef31b6a07ca 100644 --- a/net/tipc/discover.c +++ b/net/tipc/discover.c @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *tipc_disc_init_msg(u32 type, msg = buf_msg(buf); tipc_msg_init(msg, LINK_CONFIG, type, INT_H_SIZE, dest_domain); msg_set_non_seq(msg, 1); + msg_set_node_sig(msg, tipc_random); msg_set_dest_domain(msg, dest_domain); msg_set_bc_netid(msg, tipc_net_id); b_ptr->media->addr2msg(&b_ptr->addr, msg_media_addr(msg)); @@ -121,20 +122,22 @@ void tipc_disc_recv_msg(struct sk_buff *buf, struct tipc_bearer *b_ptr) { struct tipc_node *n_ptr; struct tipc_link *link; - struct tipc_media_addr media_addr, *addr; + struct tipc_media_addr media_addr; struct sk_buff *rbuf; struct tipc_msg *msg = buf_msg(buf); u32 dest = msg_dest_domain(msg); u32 orig = msg_prevnode(msg); u32 net_id = msg_bc_netid(msg); u32 type = msg_type(msg); + u32 signature = msg_node_sig(msg); + int addr_mismatch; int link_fully_up; media_addr.broadcast = 1; b_ptr->media->msg2addr(&media_addr, msg_media_addr(msg)); - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); - /* Validate discovery message from requesting node */ + /* Ensure message from node is valid and communication is permitted */ if (net_id != tipc_net_id) return; if (media_addr.broadcast) @@ -162,15 +165,50 @@ void tipc_disc_recv_msg(struct sk_buff *buf, struct tipc_bearer *b_ptr) } tipc_node_lock(n_ptr); + /* Prepare to validate requesting node's signature and media address */ link = n_ptr->links[b_ptr->identity]; + addr_mismatch = (link != NULL) && + memcmp(&link->media_addr, &media_addr, sizeof(media_addr)); - /* Create a link endpoint for this bearer, if necessary */ - if (!link) { - link = tipc_link_create(n_ptr, b_ptr, &media_addr); - if (!link) { + /* + * Ensure discovery message's signature is correct + * + * If signature is incorrect and there is no working link to the node, + * accept the new signature but invalidate all existing links to the + * node so they won't re-activate without a new discovery message. + * + * If signature is incorrect and the requested link to the node is + * working, accept the new signature. (This is an instance of delayed + * rediscovery, where a link endpoint was able to re-establish contact + * with its peer endpoint on a node that rebooted before receiving a + * discovery message from that node.) + * + * If signature is incorrect and there is a working link to the node + * that is not the requested link, reject the request (must be from + * a duplicate node). + */ + if (signature != n_ptr->signature) { + if (n_ptr->working_links == 0) { + struct tipc_link *curr_link; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < MAX_BEARERS; i++) { + curr_link = n_ptr->links[i]; + if (curr_link) { + memset(&curr_link->media_addr, 0, + sizeof(media_addr)); + tipc_link_reset(curr_link); + } + } + addr_mismatch = (link != NULL); + } else if (tipc_link_is_up(link) && !addr_mismatch) { + /* delayed rediscovery */ + } else { + disc_dupl_alert(b_ptr, orig, &media_addr); tipc_node_unlock(n_ptr); return; } + n_ptr->signature = signature; } /* @@ -183,17 +221,26 @@ void tipc_disc_recv_msg(struct sk_buff *buf, struct tipc_bearer *b_ptr) * the new media address and reset the link to ensure it starts up * cleanly. */ - addr = &link->media_addr; - if (memcmp(addr, &media_addr, sizeof(*addr))) { - if (tipc_link_is_up(link) || (!link->started)) { + + if (addr_mismatch) { + if (tipc_link_is_up(link)) { disc_dupl_alert(b_ptr, orig, &media_addr); tipc_node_unlock(n_ptr); return; + } else { + memcpy(&link->media_addr, &media_addr, + sizeof(media_addr)); + tipc_link_reset(link); + } + } + + /* Create a link endpoint for this bearer, if necessary */ + if (!link) { + link = tipc_link_create(n_ptr, b_ptr, &media_addr); + if (!link) { + tipc_node_unlock(n_ptr); + return; } - warn("Resetting link <%s>, peer interface address changed\n", - link->name); - memcpy(addr, &media_addr, sizeof(*addr)); - tipc_link_reset(link); } /* Accept discovery message & send response, if necessary */ @@ -203,7 +250,7 @@ void tipc_disc_recv_msg(struct sk_buff *buf, struct tipc_bearer *b_ptr) rbuf = tipc_disc_init_msg(DSC_RESP_MSG, orig, b_ptr); if (rbuf) { b_ptr->media->send_msg(rbuf, b_ptr, &media_addr); - buf_discard(rbuf); + kfree_skb(rbuf); } } @@ -349,7 +396,7 @@ void tipc_disc_delete(struct tipc_link_req *req) { k_cancel_timer(&req->timer); k_term_timer(&req->timer); - buf_discard(req->buf); + kfree_skb(req->buf); kfree(req); } diff --git a/net/tipc/link.c b/net/tipc/link.c index ac1832a66f8af9a415144408b63ecf6bdfe01b73..b4b9b30167a3b38d53cafc797cb1d863e6391738 100644 --- a/net/tipc/link.c +++ b/net/tipc/link.c @@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ static void link_release_outqueue(struct tipc_link *l_ptr) while (buf) { next = buf->next; - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); buf = next; } l_ptr->first_out = NULL; @@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ void tipc_link_reset_fragments(struct tipc_link *l_ptr) while (buf) { next = buf->next; - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); buf = next; } l_ptr->defragm_buf = NULL; @@ -522,20 +522,20 @@ void tipc_link_stop(struct tipc_link *l_ptr) buf = l_ptr->oldest_deferred_in; while (buf) { next = buf->next; - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); buf = next; } buf = l_ptr->first_out; while (buf) { next = buf->next; - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); buf = next; } tipc_link_reset_fragments(l_ptr); - buf_discard(l_ptr->proto_msg_queue); + kfree_skb(l_ptr->proto_msg_queue); l_ptr->proto_msg_queue = NULL; } @@ -571,12 +571,12 @@ void tipc_link_reset(struct tipc_link *l_ptr) /* Clean up all queues: */ link_release_outqueue(l_ptr); - buf_discard(l_ptr->proto_msg_queue); + kfree_skb(l_ptr->proto_msg_queue); l_ptr->proto_msg_queue = NULL; buf = l_ptr->oldest_deferred_in; while (buf) { struct sk_buff *next = buf->next; - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); buf = next; } if (!list_empty(&l_ptr->waiting_ports)) @@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ static int link_bundle_buf(struct tipc_link *l_ptr, skb_copy_to_linear_data_offset(bundler, to_pos, buf->data, size); msg_set_size(bundler_msg, to_pos + size); msg_set_msgcnt(bundler_msg, msg_msgcnt(bundler_msg) + 1); - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); l_ptr->stats.sent_bundled++; return 1; } @@ -871,17 +871,15 @@ int tipc_link_send_buf(struct tipc_link *l_ptr, struct sk_buff *buf) u32 queue_limit = l_ptr->queue_limit[imp]; u32 max_packet = l_ptr->max_pkt; - msg_set_prevnode(msg, tipc_own_addr); /* If routed message */ - /* Match msg importance against queue limits: */ if (unlikely(queue_size >= queue_limit)) { if (imp <= TIPC_CRITICAL_IMPORTANCE) { link_schedule_port(l_ptr, msg_origport(msg), size); - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); return -ELINKCONG; } - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); if (imp > CONN_MANAGER) { warn("Resetting link <%s>, send queue full", l_ptr->name); tipc_link_reset(l_ptr); @@ -968,10 +966,10 @@ int tipc_link_send(struct sk_buff *buf, u32 dest, u32 selector) if (l_ptr) res = tipc_link_send_buf(l_ptr, buf); else - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); tipc_node_unlock(n_ptr); } else { - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); } read_unlock_bh(&tipc_net_lock); return res; @@ -1018,7 +1016,7 @@ void tipc_link_send_names(struct list_head *message_list, u32 dest) list_for_each_safe(buf, temp_buf, ((struct sk_buff *)message_list)) { list_del((struct list_head *)buf); - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); } } @@ -1262,7 +1260,7 @@ static int link_send_sections_long(struct tipc_port *sender, error: for (; buf_chain; buf_chain = buf) { buf = buf_chain->next; - buf_discard(buf_chain); + kfree_skb(buf_chain); } return -EFAULT; } @@ -1316,7 +1314,7 @@ static int link_send_sections_long(struct tipc_port *sender, tipc_node_unlock(node); for (; buf_chain; buf_chain = buf) { buf = buf_chain->next; - buf_discard(buf_chain); + kfree_skb(buf_chain); } goto again; } @@ -1324,7 +1322,7 @@ static int link_send_sections_long(struct tipc_port *sender, reject: for (; buf_chain; buf_chain = buf) { buf = buf_chain->next; - buf_discard(buf_chain); + kfree_skb(buf_chain); } return tipc_port_reject_sections(sender, hdr, msg_sect, num_sect, total_len, TIPC_ERR_NO_NODE); @@ -1390,7 +1388,7 @@ u32 tipc_link_push_packet(struct tipc_link *l_ptr) msg_set_bcast_ack(buf_msg(buf), l_ptr->owner->bclink.last_in); if (tipc_bearer_send(l_ptr->b_ptr, buf, &l_ptr->media_addr)) { l_ptr->unacked_window = 0; - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); l_ptr->proto_msg_queue = NULL; return 0; } else { @@ -1501,13 +1499,13 @@ static void link_retransmit_failure(struct tipc_link *l_ptr, tipc_node_lock(n_ptr); tipc_addr_string_fill(addr_string, n_ptr->addr); - info("Multicast link info for %s\n", addr_string); + info("Broadcast link info for %s\n", addr_string); + info("Supportable: %d, ", n_ptr->bclink.supportable); info("Supported: %d, ", n_ptr->bclink.supported); info("Acked: %u\n", n_ptr->bclink.acked); info("Last in: %u, ", n_ptr->bclink.last_in); - info("Gap after: %u, ", n_ptr->bclink.gap_after); - info("Gap to: %u\n", n_ptr->bclink.gap_to); - info("Nack sync: %u\n\n", n_ptr->bclink.nack_sync); + info("Oos state: %u, ", n_ptr->bclink.oos_state); + info("Last sent: %u\n", n_ptr->bclink.last_sent); tipc_k_signal((Handler)link_reset_all, (unsigned long)n_ptr->addr); @@ -1679,7 +1677,7 @@ void tipc_recv_msg(struct sk_buff *head, struct tipc_bearer *b_ptr) /* Ensure message data is a single contiguous unit */ - if (unlikely(buf_linearize(buf))) + if (unlikely(skb_linearize(buf))) goto cont; /* Handle arrival of a non-unicast link message */ @@ -1736,7 +1734,7 @@ void tipc_recv_msg(struct sk_buff *head, struct tipc_bearer *b_ptr) /* Release acked messages */ - if (tipc_node_is_up(n_ptr) && n_ptr->bclink.supported) + if (n_ptr->bclink.supported) tipc_bclink_acknowledge(n_ptr, msg_bcast_ack(msg)); crs = l_ptr->first_out; @@ -1744,7 +1742,7 @@ void tipc_recv_msg(struct sk_buff *head, struct tipc_bearer *b_ptr) less_eq(buf_seqno(crs), ackd)) { struct sk_buff *next = crs->next; - buf_discard(crs); + kfree_skb(crs); crs = next; released++; } @@ -1773,52 +1771,56 @@ void tipc_recv_msg(struct sk_buff *head, struct tipc_bearer *b_ptr) if (unlikely(l_ptr->oldest_deferred_in)) head = link_insert_deferred_queue(l_ptr, head); - if (likely(msg_is_dest(msg, tipc_own_addr))) { deliver: - if (likely(msg_isdata(msg))) { - tipc_node_unlock(n_ptr); - tipc_port_recv_msg(buf); - continue; + if (likely(msg_isdata(msg))) { + tipc_node_unlock(n_ptr); + tipc_port_recv_msg(buf); + continue; + } + switch (msg_user(msg)) { + int ret; + case MSG_BUNDLER: + l_ptr->stats.recv_bundles++; + l_ptr->stats.recv_bundled += + msg_msgcnt(msg); + tipc_node_unlock(n_ptr); + tipc_link_recv_bundle(buf); + continue; + case NAME_DISTRIBUTOR: + tipc_node_unlock(n_ptr); + tipc_named_recv(buf); + continue; + case CONN_MANAGER: + tipc_node_unlock(n_ptr); + tipc_port_recv_proto_msg(buf); + continue; + case MSG_FRAGMENTER: + l_ptr->stats.recv_fragments++; + ret = tipc_link_recv_fragment( + &l_ptr->defragm_buf, + &buf, &msg); + if (ret == 1) { + l_ptr->stats.recv_fragmented++; + goto deliver; } - switch (msg_user(msg)) { - case MSG_BUNDLER: - l_ptr->stats.recv_bundles++; - l_ptr->stats.recv_bundled += - msg_msgcnt(msg); - tipc_node_unlock(n_ptr); - tipc_link_recv_bundle(buf); - continue; - case NAME_DISTRIBUTOR: - tipc_node_unlock(n_ptr); - tipc_named_recv(buf); - continue; - case CONN_MANAGER: - tipc_node_unlock(n_ptr); - tipc_port_recv_proto_msg(buf); - continue; - case MSG_FRAGMENTER: - l_ptr->stats.recv_fragments++; - if (tipc_link_recv_fragment(&l_ptr->defragm_buf, - &buf, &msg)) { - l_ptr->stats.recv_fragmented++; + if (ret == -1) + l_ptr->next_in_no--; + break; + case CHANGEOVER_PROTOCOL: + type = msg_type(msg); + if (link_recv_changeover_msg(&l_ptr, + &buf)) { + msg = buf_msg(buf); + seq_no = msg_seqno(msg); + if (type == ORIGINAL_MSG) goto deliver; - } - break; - case CHANGEOVER_PROTOCOL: - type = msg_type(msg); - if (link_recv_changeover_msg(&l_ptr, &buf)) { - msg = buf_msg(buf); - seq_no = msg_seqno(msg); - if (type == ORIGINAL_MSG) - goto deliver; - goto protocol_check; - } - break; - default: - buf_discard(buf); - buf = NULL; - break; + goto protocol_check; } + break; + default: + kfree_skb(buf); + buf = NULL; + break; } tipc_node_unlock(n_ptr); tipc_net_route_msg(buf); @@ -1847,23 +1849,22 @@ void tipc_recv_msg(struct sk_buff *head, struct tipc_bearer *b_ptr) } tipc_node_unlock(n_ptr); cont: - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); } read_unlock_bh(&tipc_net_lock); } /* - * link_defer_buf(): Sort a received out-of-sequence packet - * into the deferred reception queue. - * Returns the increase of the queue length,i.e. 0 or 1 + * tipc_link_defer_pkt - Add out-of-sequence message to deferred reception queue + * + * Returns increase in queue length (i.e. 0 or 1) */ -u32 tipc_link_defer_pkt(struct sk_buff **head, - struct sk_buff **tail, +u32 tipc_link_defer_pkt(struct sk_buff **head, struct sk_buff **tail, struct sk_buff *buf) { - struct sk_buff *prev = NULL; - struct sk_buff *crs = *head; + struct sk_buff *queue_buf; + struct sk_buff **prev; u32 seq_no = buf_seqno(buf); buf->next = NULL; @@ -1881,31 +1882,30 @@ u32 tipc_link_defer_pkt(struct sk_buff **head, return 1; } - /* Scan through queue and sort it in */ - do { - struct tipc_msg *msg = buf_msg(crs); + /* Locate insertion point in queue, then insert; discard if duplicate */ + prev = head; + queue_buf = *head; + for (;;) { + u32 curr_seqno = buf_seqno(queue_buf); - if (less(seq_no, msg_seqno(msg))) { - buf->next = crs; - if (prev) - prev->next = buf; - else - *head = buf; - return 1; + if (seq_no == curr_seqno) { + kfree_skb(buf); + return 0; } - if (seq_no == msg_seqno(msg)) + + if (less(seq_no, curr_seqno)) break; - prev = crs; - crs = crs->next; - } while (crs); - /* Message is a duplicate of an existing message */ + prev = &queue_buf->next; + queue_buf = queue_buf->next; + } - buf_discard(buf); - return 0; + buf->next = queue_buf; + *prev = buf; + return 1; } -/** +/* * link_handle_out_of_seq_msg - handle arrival of out-of-sequence packet */ @@ -1930,7 +1930,7 @@ static void link_handle_out_of_seq_msg(struct tipc_link *l_ptr, if (less(seq_no, mod(l_ptr->next_in_no))) { l_ptr->stats.duplicates++; - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); return; } @@ -1956,6 +1956,13 @@ void tipc_link_send_proto_msg(struct tipc_link *l_ptr, u32 msg_typ, u32 msg_size = sizeof(l_ptr->proto_msg); int r_flag; + /* Discard any previous message that was deferred due to congestion */ + + if (l_ptr->proto_msg_queue) { + kfree_skb(l_ptr->proto_msg_queue); + l_ptr->proto_msg_queue = NULL; + } + if (link_blocked(l_ptr)) return; @@ -1964,9 +1971,11 @@ void tipc_link_send_proto_msg(struct tipc_link *l_ptr, u32 msg_typ, if ((l_ptr->owner->block_setup) && (msg_typ != RESET_MSG)) return; + /* Create protocol message with "out-of-sequence" sequence number */ + msg_set_type(msg, msg_typ); msg_set_net_plane(msg, l_ptr->b_ptr->net_plane); - msg_set_bcast_ack(msg, mod(l_ptr->owner->bclink.last_in)); + msg_set_bcast_ack(msg, l_ptr->owner->bclink.last_in); msg_set_last_bcast(msg, tipc_bclink_get_last_sent()); if (msg_typ == STATE_MSG) { @@ -2020,44 +2029,36 @@ void tipc_link_send_proto_msg(struct tipc_link *l_ptr, u32 msg_typ, r_flag = (l_ptr->owner->working_links > tipc_link_is_up(l_ptr)); msg_set_redundant_link(msg, r_flag); msg_set_linkprio(msg, l_ptr->priority); - - /* Ensure sequence number will not fit : */ + msg_set_size(msg, msg_size); msg_set_seqno(msg, mod(l_ptr->next_out_no + (0xffff/2))); - /* Congestion? */ - - if (tipc_bearer_congested(l_ptr->b_ptr, l_ptr)) { - if (!l_ptr->proto_msg_queue) { - l_ptr->proto_msg_queue = - tipc_buf_acquire(sizeof(l_ptr->proto_msg)); - } - buf = l_ptr->proto_msg_queue; - if (!buf) - return; - skb_copy_to_linear_data(buf, msg, sizeof(l_ptr->proto_msg)); - return; - } - - /* Message can be sent */ - buf = tipc_buf_acquire(msg_size); if (!buf) return; skb_copy_to_linear_data(buf, msg, sizeof(l_ptr->proto_msg)); - msg_set_size(buf_msg(buf), msg_size); - if (tipc_bearer_send(l_ptr->b_ptr, buf, &l_ptr->media_addr)) { - l_ptr->unacked_window = 0; - buf_discard(buf); + /* Defer message if bearer is already congested */ + + if (tipc_bearer_congested(l_ptr->b_ptr, l_ptr)) { + l_ptr->proto_msg_queue = buf; return; } - /* New congestion */ - tipc_bearer_schedule(l_ptr->b_ptr, l_ptr); - l_ptr->proto_msg_queue = buf; - l_ptr->stats.bearer_congs++; + /* Defer message if attempting to send results in bearer congestion */ + + if (!tipc_bearer_send(l_ptr->b_ptr, buf, &l_ptr->media_addr)) { + tipc_bearer_schedule(l_ptr->b_ptr, l_ptr); + l_ptr->proto_msg_queue = buf; + l_ptr->stats.bearer_congs++; + return; + } + + /* Discard message if it was sent successfully */ + + l_ptr->unacked_window = 0; + kfree_skb(buf); } /* @@ -2105,6 +2106,8 @@ static void link_recv_proto_msg(struct tipc_link *l_ptr, struct sk_buff *buf) l_ptr->owner->block_setup = WAIT_NODE_DOWN; } + link_state_event(l_ptr, RESET_MSG); + /* fall thru' */ case ACTIVATE_MSG: /* Update link settings according other endpoint's values */ @@ -2127,16 +2130,22 @@ static void link_recv_proto_msg(struct tipc_link *l_ptr, struct sk_buff *buf) } else { l_ptr->max_pkt = l_ptr->max_pkt_target; } - l_ptr->owner->bclink.supported = (max_pkt_info != 0); + l_ptr->owner->bclink.supportable = (max_pkt_info != 0); - link_state_event(l_ptr, msg_type(msg)); + /* Synchronize broadcast link info, if not done previously */ + + if (!tipc_node_is_up(l_ptr->owner)) { + l_ptr->owner->bclink.last_sent = + l_ptr->owner->bclink.last_in = + msg_last_bcast(msg); + l_ptr->owner->bclink.oos_state = 0; + } l_ptr->peer_session = msg_session(msg); l_ptr->peer_bearer_id = msg_bearer_id(msg); - /* Synchronize broadcast sequence numbers */ - if (!tipc_node_redundant_links(l_ptr->owner)) - l_ptr->owner->bclink.last_in = mod(msg_last_bcast(msg)); + if (msg_type(msg) == ACTIVATE_MSG) + link_state_event(l_ptr, ACTIVATE_MSG); break; case STATE_MSG: @@ -2177,7 +2186,9 @@ static void link_recv_proto_msg(struct tipc_link *l_ptr, struct sk_buff *buf) /* Protocol message before retransmits, reduce loss risk */ - tipc_bclink_check_gap(l_ptr->owner, msg_last_bcast(msg)); + if (l_ptr->owner->bclink.supported) + tipc_bclink_update_link_state(l_ptr->owner, + msg_last_bcast(msg)); if (rec_gap || (msg_probe(msg))) { tipc_link_send_proto_msg(l_ptr, STATE_MSG, @@ -2191,7 +2202,7 @@ static void link_recv_proto_msg(struct tipc_link *l_ptr, struct sk_buff *buf) break; } exit: - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); } @@ -2389,7 +2400,7 @@ static int link_recv_changeover_msg(struct tipc_link **l_ptr, warn("Link changeover error, duplicate msg dropped\n"); goto exit; } - buf_discard(tunnel_buf); + kfree_skb(tunnel_buf); return 1; } @@ -2421,7 +2432,7 @@ static int link_recv_changeover_msg(struct tipc_link **l_ptr, } else { *buf = buf_extract(tunnel_buf, INT_H_SIZE); if (*buf != NULL) { - buf_discard(tunnel_buf); + kfree_skb(tunnel_buf); return 1; } else { warn("Link changeover error, original msg dropped\n"); @@ -2429,7 +2440,7 @@ static int link_recv_changeover_msg(struct tipc_link **l_ptr, } exit: *buf = NULL; - buf_discard(tunnel_buf); + kfree_skb(tunnel_buf); return 0; } @@ -2451,7 +2462,7 @@ void tipc_link_recv_bundle(struct sk_buff *buf) pos += align(msg_size(buf_msg(obuf))); tipc_net_route_msg(obuf); } - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); } /* @@ -2500,11 +2511,11 @@ static int link_send_long_buf(struct tipc_link *l_ptr, struct sk_buff *buf) } fragm = tipc_buf_acquire(fragm_sz + INT_H_SIZE); if (fragm == NULL) { - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); while (buf_chain) { buf = buf_chain; buf_chain = buf_chain->next; - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); } return -ENOMEM; } @@ -2521,7 +2532,7 @@ static int link_send_long_buf(struct tipc_link *l_ptr, struct sk_buff *buf) crs += fragm_sz; msg_set_type(&fragm_hdr, FRAGMENT); } - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); /* Append chain of fragments to send queue & send them */ @@ -2608,7 +2619,7 @@ int tipc_link_recv_fragment(struct sk_buff **pending, struct sk_buff **fb, if (msg_type(imsg) == TIPC_MCAST_MSG) max = TIPC_MAX_USER_MSG_SIZE + MCAST_H_SIZE; if (msg_size(imsg) > max) { - buf_discard(fbuf); + kfree_skb(fbuf); return 0; } pbuf = tipc_buf_acquire(msg_size(imsg)); @@ -2623,9 +2634,11 @@ int tipc_link_recv_fragment(struct sk_buff **pending, struct sk_buff **fb, set_fragm_size(pbuf, fragm_sz); set_expected_frags(pbuf, exp_fragm_cnt - 1); } else { - warn("Link unable to reassemble fragmented message\n"); + dbg("Link unable to reassemble fragmented message\n"); + kfree_skb(fbuf); + return -1; } - buf_discard(fbuf); + kfree_skb(fbuf); return 0; } else if (pbuf && (msg_type(fragm) != FIRST_FRAGMENT)) { u32 dsz = msg_data_sz(fragm); @@ -2634,7 +2647,7 @@ int tipc_link_recv_fragment(struct sk_buff **pending, struct sk_buff **fb, u32 exp_frags = get_expected_frags(pbuf) - 1; skb_copy_to_linear_data_offset(pbuf, crs, msg_data(fragm), dsz); - buf_discard(fbuf); + kfree_skb(fbuf); /* Is message complete? */ @@ -2651,7 +2664,7 @@ int tipc_link_recv_fragment(struct sk_buff **pending, struct sk_buff **fb, set_expected_frags(pbuf, exp_frags); return 0; } - buf_discard(fbuf); + kfree_skb(fbuf); return 0; } @@ -2682,7 +2695,7 @@ static void link_check_defragm_bufs(struct tipc_link *l_ptr) prev->next = buf->next; else l_ptr->defragm_buf = buf->next; - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); } buf = next; } @@ -3057,7 +3070,7 @@ struct sk_buff *tipc_link_cmd_show_stats(const void *req_tlv_area, int req_tlv_s str_len = tipc_link_stats((char *)TLV_DATA(req_tlv_area), (char *)TLV_DATA(rep_tlv), MAX_LINK_STATS_INFO); if (!str_len) { - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); return tipc_cfg_reply_error_string("link not found"); } diff --git a/net/tipc/log.c b/net/tipc/log.c index 952c39f643e695427db25c8ea37db115e0519acd..895c6e530b0b9cbbceeb28911743cdf8ac2fcff0 100644 --- a/net/tipc/log.c +++ b/net/tipc/log.c @@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ struct sk_buff *tipc_log_resize_cmd(const void *req_tlv_area, int req_tlv_space) return tipc_cfg_reply_error_string(TIPC_CFG_TLV_ERROR); value = ntohl(*(__be32 *)TLV_DATA(req_tlv_area)); - if (value != delimit(value, 0, 32768)) + if (value > 32768) return tipc_cfg_reply_error_string(TIPC_CFG_INVALID_VALUE " (log size must be 0-32768)"); if (tipc_log_resize(value)) diff --git a/net/tipc/msg.c b/net/tipc/msg.c index 3e4d3e29be61fd516a296553b035bee0bba85ca3..e3afe162c0ac8cf9b854f9ecfac8d334d57d2399 100644 --- a/net/tipc/msg.c +++ b/net/tipc/msg.c @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ int tipc_msg_build(struct tipc_msg *hdr, struct iovec const *msg_sect, if (likely(res)) return dsz; - buf_discard(*buf); + kfree_skb(*buf); *buf = NULL; return -EFAULT; } diff --git a/net/tipc/msg.h b/net/tipc/msg.h index 7b0cda1671072088a9c97af7b5b8aa402c0540d7..eba524e34a6ba260e9afdc20dc794f5c79052b5d 100644 --- a/net/tipc/msg.h +++ b/net/tipc/msg.h @@ -384,11 +384,6 @@ static inline void msg_set_destnode(struct tipc_msg *m, u32 a) msg_set_word(m, 7, a); } -static inline int msg_is_dest(struct tipc_msg *m, u32 d) -{ - return msg_short(m) || (msg_destnode(m) == d); -} - static inline u32 msg_nametype(struct tipc_msg *m) { return msg_word(m, 8); @@ -517,6 +512,16 @@ static inline void msg_set_seq_gap(struct tipc_msg *m, u32 n) msg_set_bits(m, 1, 16, 0x1fff, n); } +static inline u32 msg_node_sig(struct tipc_msg *m) +{ + return msg_bits(m, 1, 0, 0xffff); +} + +static inline void msg_set_node_sig(struct tipc_msg *m, u32 n) +{ + msg_set_bits(m, 1, 0, 0xffff, n); +} + /* * Word 2 diff --git a/net/tipc/name_distr.c b/net/tipc/name_distr.c index 98ebb37f1808cd126809659dd6b6bd549b184b1e..d57da615961611dcaddd0c15ec789f46a5ecffe3 100644 --- a/net/tipc/name_distr.c +++ b/net/tipc/name_distr.c @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ static void named_cluster_distribute(struct sk_buff *buf) } } - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); } /** @@ -239,9 +239,6 @@ void tipc_named_node_up(unsigned long nodearg) * * Invoked for each publication issued by a newly failed node. * Removes publication structure from name table & deletes it. - * In rare cases the link may have come back up again when this - * function is called, and we have two items representing the same - * publication. Nudge this item's key to distinguish it from the other. */ static void named_purge_publ(struct publication *publ) @@ -249,7 +246,6 @@ static void named_purge_publ(struct publication *publ) struct publication *p; write_lock_bh(&tipc_nametbl_lock); - publ->key += 1222345; p = tipc_nametbl_remove_publ(publ->type, publ->lower, publ->node, publ->ref, publ->key); if (p) @@ -316,7 +312,7 @@ void tipc_named_recv(struct sk_buff *buf) item++; } write_unlock_bh(&tipc_nametbl_lock); - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); } /** diff --git a/net/tipc/name_table.c b/net/tipc/name_table.c index 89eb5621ebbad423edfe8c6a8f112f4a21555b91..c6a1ae36952e8d72c3dcced8aa91b4f6da15f4c8 100644 --- a/net/tipc/name_table.c +++ b/net/tipc/name_table.c @@ -114,10 +114,8 @@ struct name_table { }; static struct name_table table; -static atomic_t rsv_publ_ok = ATOMIC_INIT(0); DEFINE_RWLOCK(tipc_nametbl_lock); - static int hash(int x) { return x & (tipc_nametbl_size - 1); @@ -270,6 +268,13 @@ static struct publication *tipc_nameseq_insert_publ(struct name_seq *nseq, } info = sseq->info; + + /* Check if an identical publication already exists */ + list_for_each_entry(publ, &info->zone_list, zone_list) { + if ((publ->ref == port) && (publ->key == key) && + (!publ->node || (publ->node == node))) + return NULL; + } } else { u32 inspos; struct sub_seq *freesseq; @@ -534,10 +539,17 @@ struct publication *tipc_nametbl_remove_publ(u32 type, u32 lower, } /* - * tipc_nametbl_translate - translate name to port id + * tipc_nametbl_translate - perform name translation + * + * On entry, 'destnode' is the search domain used during translation. * - * Note: on entry 'destnode' is the search domain used during translation; - * on exit it passes back the node address of the matching port (if any) + * On exit: + * - if name translation is deferred to another node/cluster/zone, + * leaves 'destnode' unchanged (will be non-zero) and returns 0 + * - if name translation is attempted and succeeds, sets 'destnode' + * to publishing node and returns port reference (will be non-zero) + * - if name translation is attempted and fails, sets 'destnode' to 0 + * and returns 0 */ u32 tipc_nametbl_translate(u32 type, u32 instance, u32 *destnode) @@ -547,6 +559,7 @@ u32 tipc_nametbl_translate(u32 type, u32 instance, u32 *destnode) struct publication *publ; struct name_seq *seq; u32 ref = 0; + u32 node = 0; if (!tipc_in_scope(*destnode, tipc_own_addr)) return 0; @@ -604,11 +617,12 @@ u32 tipc_nametbl_translate(u32 type, u32 instance, u32 *destnode) } ref = publ->ref; - *destnode = publ->node; + node = publ->node; no_match: spin_unlock_bh(&seq->lock); not_found: read_unlock_bh(&tipc_nametbl_lock); + *destnode = node; return ref; } @@ -665,22 +679,7 @@ int tipc_nametbl_mc_translate(u32 type, u32 lower, u32 upper, u32 limit, return res; } -/** - * tipc_nametbl_publish_rsv - publish port name using a reserved name type - */ - -int tipc_nametbl_publish_rsv(u32 ref, unsigned int scope, - struct tipc_name_seq const *seq) -{ - int res; - - atomic_inc(&rsv_publ_ok); - res = tipc_publish(ref, scope, seq); - atomic_dec(&rsv_publ_ok); - return res; -} - -/** +/* * tipc_nametbl_publish - add name publication to network name tables */ @@ -694,11 +693,6 @@ struct publication *tipc_nametbl_publish(u32 type, u32 lower, u32 upper, tipc_max_publications); return NULL; } - if ((type < TIPC_RESERVED_TYPES) && !atomic_read(&rsv_publ_ok)) { - warn("Publication failed, reserved name {%u,%u,%u}\n", - type, lower, upper); - return NULL; - } write_lock_bh(&tipc_nametbl_lock); table.local_publ_count++; diff --git a/net/tipc/name_table.h b/net/tipc/name_table.h index 8086b42f92ad0a9021d97caeccd694475086a073..207d59ebf849dec24ffb75f789ce869f7a09dcc7 100644 --- a/net/tipc/name_table.h +++ b/net/tipc/name_table.h @@ -91,8 +91,6 @@ struct sk_buff *tipc_nametbl_get(const void *req_tlv_area, int req_tlv_space); u32 tipc_nametbl_translate(u32 type, u32 instance, u32 *node); int tipc_nametbl_mc_translate(u32 type, u32 lower, u32 upper, u32 limit, struct tipc_port_list *dports); -int tipc_nametbl_publish_rsv(u32 ref, unsigned int scope, - struct tipc_name_seq const *seq); struct publication *tipc_nametbl_publish(u32 type, u32 lower, u32 upper, u32 scope, u32 port_ref, u32 key); int tipc_nametbl_withdraw(u32 type, u32 lower, u32 ref, u32 key); diff --git a/net/tipc/net.c b/net/tipc/net.c index 61afee7e82912ef4257146265e75989704f4dc27..d4531b07076cc933cc646cbbf15adfc7c728cf67 100644 --- a/net/tipc/net.c +++ b/net/tipc/net.c @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ static void net_route_named_msg(struct sk_buff *buf) u32 dport; if (!msg_named(msg)) { - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); return; } @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ void tipc_net_route_msg(struct sk_buff *buf) tipc_port_recv_proto_msg(buf); break; default: - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); } return; } @@ -175,14 +175,10 @@ int tipc_net_start(u32 addr) { char addr_string[16]; - if (tipc_mode != TIPC_NODE_MODE) - return -ENOPROTOOPT; - tipc_subscr_stop(); tipc_cfg_stop(); tipc_own_addr = addr; - tipc_mode = TIPC_NET_MODE; tipc_named_reinit(); tipc_port_reinit(); @@ -201,10 +197,9 @@ void tipc_net_stop(void) { struct tipc_node *node, *t_node; - if (tipc_mode != TIPC_NET_MODE) + if (!tipc_own_addr) return; write_lock_bh(&tipc_net_lock); - tipc_mode = TIPC_NODE_MODE; tipc_bearer_stop(); tipc_bclink_stop(); list_for_each_entry_safe(node, t_node, &tipc_node_list, list) diff --git a/net/tipc/node.c b/net/tipc/node.c index 6b226faad89fb30790639bb68df1f672aadf03ab..a34cabc2c43a48d3ef2250f57bda634a0fc4db9c 100644 --- a/net/tipc/node.c +++ b/net/tipc/node.c @@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ #include "node.h" #include "name_distr.h" +#define NODE_HTABLE_SIZE 512 + static void node_lost_contact(struct tipc_node *n_ptr); static void node_established_contact(struct tipc_node *n_ptr); @@ -49,9 +51,19 @@ LIST_HEAD(tipc_node_list); static u32 tipc_num_nodes; static atomic_t tipc_num_links = ATOMIC_INIT(0); -u32 tipc_own_tag; -/** +/* + * A trivial power-of-two bitmask technique is used for speed, since this + * operation is done for every incoming TIPC packet. The number of hash table + * entries has been chosen so that no hash chain exceeds 8 nodes and will + * usually be much smaller (typically only a single node). + */ +static inline unsigned int tipc_hashfn(u32 addr) +{ + return addr & (NODE_HTABLE_SIZE - 1); +} + +/* * tipc_node_find - locate specified node object, if it exists */ @@ -113,6 +125,7 @@ struct tipc_node *tipc_node_create(u32 addr) } list_add_tail(&n_ptr->list, &temp_node->list); n_ptr->block_setup = WAIT_PEER_DOWN; + n_ptr->signature = INVALID_NODE_SIG; tipc_num_nodes++; @@ -253,63 +266,14 @@ void tipc_node_detach_link(struct tipc_node *n_ptr, struct tipc_link *l_ptr) n_ptr->link_cnt--; } -/* - * Routing table management - five cases to handle: - * - * 1: A link towards a zone/cluster external node comes up. - * => Send a multicast message updating routing tables of all - * system nodes within own cluster that the new destination - * can be reached via this node. - * (node.establishedContact()=>cluster.multicastNewRoute()) - * - * 2: A link towards a slave node comes up. - * => Send a multicast message updating routing tables of all - * system nodes within own cluster that the new destination - * can be reached via this node. - * (node.establishedContact()=>cluster.multicastNewRoute()) - * => Send a message to the slave node about existence - * of all system nodes within cluster: - * (node.establishedContact()=>cluster.sendLocalRoutes()) - * - * 3: A new cluster local system node becomes available. - * => Send message(s) to this particular node containing - * information about all cluster external and slave - * nodes which can be reached via this node. - * (node.establishedContact()==>network.sendExternalRoutes()) - * (node.establishedContact()==>network.sendSlaveRoutes()) - * => Send messages to all directly connected slave nodes - * containing information about the existence of the new node - * (node.establishedContact()=>cluster.multicastNewRoute()) - * - * 4: The link towards a zone/cluster external node or slave - * node goes down. - * => Send a multcast message updating routing tables of all - * nodes within cluster that the new destination can not any - * longer be reached via this node. - * (node.lostAllLinks()=>cluster.bcastLostRoute()) - * - * 5: A cluster local system node becomes unavailable. - * => Remove all references to this node from the local - * routing tables. Note: This is a completely node - * local operation. - * (node.lostAllLinks()=>network.removeAsRouter()) - * => Send messages to all directly connected slave nodes - * containing information about loss of the node - * (node.establishedContact()=>cluster.multicastLostRoute()) - * - */ - static void node_established_contact(struct tipc_node *n_ptr) { tipc_k_signal((Handler)tipc_named_node_up, n_ptr->addr); - /* Syncronize broadcast acks */ - n_ptr->bclink.acked = tipc_bclink_get_last_sent(); - - if (n_ptr->bclink.supported) { + if (n_ptr->bclink.supportable) { + n_ptr->bclink.acked = tipc_bclink_get_last_sent(); tipc_bclink_add_node(n_ptr->addr); - if (n_ptr->addr < tipc_own_addr) - tipc_own_tag++; + n_ptr->bclink.supported = 1; } } @@ -338,22 +302,20 @@ static void node_lost_contact(struct tipc_node *n_ptr) /* Flush broadcast link info associated with lost node */ if (n_ptr->bclink.supported) { - n_ptr->bclink.gap_after = n_ptr->bclink.gap_to = 0; while (n_ptr->bclink.deferred_head) { struct sk_buff *buf = n_ptr->bclink.deferred_head; n_ptr->bclink.deferred_head = buf->next; - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); } + n_ptr->bclink.deferred_size = 0; if (n_ptr->bclink.defragm) { - buf_discard(n_ptr->bclink.defragm); + kfree_skb(n_ptr->bclink.defragm); n_ptr->bclink.defragm = NULL; } tipc_bclink_remove_node(n_ptr->addr); tipc_bclink_acknowledge(n_ptr, INVALID_LINK_SEQ); - if (n_ptr->addr < tipc_own_addr) - tipc_own_tag--; n_ptr->bclink.supported = 0; } @@ -444,12 +406,12 @@ struct sk_buff *tipc_node_get_links(const void *req_tlv_area, int req_tlv_space) return tipc_cfg_reply_error_string(TIPC_CFG_INVALID_VALUE " (network address)"); - if (tipc_mode != TIPC_NET_MODE) + if (!tipc_own_addr) return tipc_cfg_reply_none(); read_lock_bh(&tipc_net_lock); - /* Get space for all unicast links + multicast link */ + /* Get space for all unicast links + broadcast link */ payload_size = TLV_SPACE(sizeof(link_info)) * (atomic_read(&tipc_num_links) + 1); diff --git a/net/tipc/node.h b/net/tipc/node.h index 0b1c5f8b6996a71383787e119e9890c832075939..72561c971d6735f622fe65428b013e6e0d683f20 100644 --- a/net/tipc/node.h +++ b/net/tipc/node.h @@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ #include "net.h" #include "bearer.h" +/* + * Out-of-range value for node signature + */ +#define INVALID_NODE_SIG 0x10000 + /* Flags used to block (re)establishment of contact with a neighboring node */ #define WAIT_PEER_DOWN 0x0001 /* wait to see that peer's links are down */ @@ -61,13 +66,15 @@ * @block_setup: bit mask of conditions preventing link establishment to node * @link_cnt: number of links to node * @permit_changeover: non-zero if node has redundant links to this system + * @signature: node instance identifier * @bclink: broadcast-related info + * @supportable: non-zero if node supports TIPC b'cast link capability * @supported: non-zero if node supports TIPC b'cast capability * @acked: sequence # of last outbound b'cast message acknowledged by node * @last_in: sequence # of last in-sequence b'cast message received from node - * @gap_after: sequence # of last message not requiring a NAK request - * @gap_to: sequence # of last message requiring a NAK request - * @nack_sync: counter that determines when NAK requests should be sent + * @last_sent: sequence # of last b'cast message sent by node + * @oos_state: state tracker for handling OOS b'cast messages + * @deferred_size: number of OOS b'cast messages in deferred queue * @deferred_head: oldest OOS b'cast message received from node * @deferred_tail: newest OOS b'cast message received from node * @defragm: list of partially reassembled b'cast message fragments from node @@ -85,35 +92,23 @@ struct tipc_node { int working_links; int block_setup; int permit_changeover; + u32 signature; struct { - int supported; + u8 supportable; + u8 supported; u32 acked; u32 last_in; - u32 gap_after; - u32 gap_to; - u32 nack_sync; + u32 last_sent; + u32 oos_state; + u32 deferred_size; struct sk_buff *deferred_head; struct sk_buff *deferred_tail; struct sk_buff *defragm; } bclink; }; -#define NODE_HTABLE_SIZE 512 extern struct list_head tipc_node_list; -/* - * A trivial power-of-two bitmask technique is used for speed, since this - * operation is done for every incoming TIPC packet. The number of hash table - * entries has been chosen so that no hash chain exceeds 8 nodes and will - * usually be much smaller (typically only a single node). - */ -static inline unsigned int tipc_hashfn(u32 addr) -{ - return addr & (NODE_HTABLE_SIZE - 1); -} - -extern u32 tipc_own_tag; - struct tipc_node *tipc_node_find(u32 addr); struct tipc_node *tipc_node_create(u32 addr); void tipc_node_delete(struct tipc_node *n_ptr); diff --git a/net/tipc/port.c b/net/tipc/port.c index d91efc69e6f9b776868798b220e301f279e3eaf6..94d2904cce668b678b9688ff7da5309100609617 100644 --- a/net/tipc/port.c +++ b/net/tipc/port.c @@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ int tipc_multicast(u32 ref, struct tipc_name_seq const *seq, ibuf = skb_copy(buf, GFP_ATOMIC); if (ibuf == NULL) { tipc_port_list_free(&dports); - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); return -ENOMEM; } } res = tipc_bclink_send_msg(buf); if ((res < 0) && (dports.count != 0)) - buf_discard(ibuf); + kfree_skb(ibuf); } else { ibuf = buf; } @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ void tipc_port_recv_mcast(struct sk_buff *buf, struct tipc_port_list *dp) } } exit: - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); tipc_port_list_free(dp); } @@ -400,15 +400,16 @@ int tipc_reject_msg(struct sk_buff *buf, u32 err) /* send self-abort message when rejecting on a connected port */ if (msg_connected(msg)) { - struct sk_buff *abuf = NULL; struct tipc_port *p_ptr = tipc_port_lock(msg_destport(msg)); if (p_ptr) { + struct sk_buff *abuf = NULL; + if (p_ptr->connected) abuf = port_build_self_abort_msg(p_ptr, err); tipc_port_unlock(p_ptr); + tipc_net_route_msg(abuf); } - tipc_net_route_msg(abuf); } /* send returned message & dispose of rejected message */ @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ int tipc_reject_msg(struct sk_buff *buf, u32 err) else tipc_link_send(rbuf, src_node, msg_link_selector(rmsg)); exit: - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); return data_sz; } @@ -567,7 +568,7 @@ void tipc_port_recv_proto_msg(struct sk_buff *buf) tipc_port_unlock(p_ptr); exit: tipc_net_route_msg(r_buf); - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); } static void port_print(struct tipc_port *p_ptr, struct print_buf *buf, int full_id) @@ -758,7 +759,7 @@ static void port_dispatcher_sigh(void *dummy) } } if (buf) - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); buf = next; continue; err: @@ -812,7 +813,7 @@ static void port_dispatcher_sigh(void *dummy) } } if (buf) - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); buf = next; continue; reject: @@ -1053,8 +1054,6 @@ int tipc_connect2port(u32 ref, struct tipc_portid const *peer) msg = &p_ptr->phdr; msg_set_destnode(msg, peer->node); msg_set_destport(msg, peer->ref); - msg_set_orignode(msg, tipc_own_addr); - msg_set_origport(msg, p_ptr->ref); msg_set_type(msg, TIPC_CONN_MSG); msg_set_lookup_scope(msg, 0); msg_set_hdr_sz(msg, SHORT_H_SIZE); @@ -1132,6 +1131,49 @@ int tipc_shutdown(u32 ref) return tipc_disconnect(ref); } +/** + * tipc_port_recv_msg - receive message from lower layer and deliver to port user + */ + +int tipc_port_recv_msg(struct sk_buff *buf) +{ + struct tipc_port *p_ptr; + struct tipc_msg *msg = buf_msg(buf); + u32 destport = msg_destport(msg); + u32 dsz = msg_data_sz(msg); + u32 err; + + /* forward unresolved named message */ + if (unlikely(!destport)) { + tipc_net_route_msg(buf); + return dsz; + } + + /* validate destination & pass to port, otherwise reject message */ + p_ptr = tipc_port_lock(destport); + if (likely(p_ptr)) { + if (likely(p_ptr->connected)) { + if ((unlikely(msg_origport(msg) != + tipc_peer_port(p_ptr))) || + (unlikely(msg_orignode(msg) != + tipc_peer_node(p_ptr))) || + (unlikely(!msg_connected(msg)))) { + err = TIPC_ERR_NO_PORT; + tipc_port_unlock(p_ptr); + goto reject; + } + } + err = p_ptr->dispatcher(p_ptr, buf); + tipc_port_unlock(p_ptr); + if (likely(!err)) + return dsz; + } else { + err = TIPC_ERR_NO_PORT; + } +reject: + return tipc_reject_msg(buf, err); +} + /* * tipc_port_recv_sections(): Concatenate and deliver sectioned * message for this node. @@ -1210,8 +1252,6 @@ int tipc_send2name(u32 ref, struct tipc_name const *name, unsigned int domain, msg = &p_ptr->phdr; msg_set_type(msg, TIPC_NAMED_MSG); - msg_set_orignode(msg, tipc_own_addr); - msg_set_origport(msg, ref); msg_set_hdr_sz(msg, NAMED_H_SIZE); msg_set_nametype(msg, name->type); msg_set_nameinst(msg, name->instance); @@ -1220,7 +1260,7 @@ int tipc_send2name(u32 ref, struct tipc_name const *name, unsigned int domain, msg_set_destnode(msg, destnode); msg_set_destport(msg, destport); - if (likely(destport)) { + if (likely(destport || destnode)) { if (likely(destnode == tipc_own_addr)) res = tipc_port_recv_sections(p_ptr, num_sect, msg_sect, total_len); @@ -1261,8 +1301,6 @@ int tipc_send2port(u32 ref, struct tipc_portid const *dest, msg = &p_ptr->phdr; msg_set_type(msg, TIPC_DIRECT_MSG); msg_set_lookup_scope(msg, 0); - msg_set_orignode(msg, tipc_own_addr); - msg_set_origport(msg, ref); msg_set_destnode(msg, dest->node); msg_set_destport(msg, dest->ref); msg_set_hdr_sz(msg, BASIC_H_SIZE); @@ -1301,8 +1339,6 @@ int tipc_send_buf2port(u32 ref, struct tipc_portid const *dest, msg = &p_ptr->phdr; msg_set_type(msg, TIPC_DIRECT_MSG); - msg_set_orignode(msg, tipc_own_addr); - msg_set_origport(msg, ref); msg_set_destnode(msg, dest->node); msg_set_destport(msg, dest->ref); msg_set_hdr_sz(msg, BASIC_H_SIZE); diff --git a/net/tipc/port.h b/net/tipc/port.h index f751807e2a913534246289610d5e3a07fd0a710d..9b88531e5a610b7429881516b212033dece930f7 100644 --- a/net/tipc/port.h +++ b/net/tipc/port.h @@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ int tipc_disconnect_port(struct tipc_port *tp_ptr); /* * TIPC messaging routines */ +int tipc_port_recv_msg(struct sk_buff *buf); int tipc_send(u32 portref, unsigned int num_sect, struct iovec const *msg_sect, unsigned int total_len); @@ -271,45 +272,4 @@ static inline int tipc_port_congested(struct tipc_port *p_ptr) return (p_ptr->sent - p_ptr->acked) >= (TIPC_FLOW_CONTROL_WIN * 2); } -/** - * tipc_port_recv_msg - receive message from lower layer and deliver to port user - */ - -static inline int tipc_port_recv_msg(struct sk_buff *buf) -{ - struct tipc_port *p_ptr; - struct tipc_msg *msg = buf_msg(buf); - u32 destport = msg_destport(msg); - u32 dsz = msg_data_sz(msg); - u32 err; - - /* forward unresolved named message */ - if (unlikely(!destport)) { - tipc_net_route_msg(buf); - return dsz; - } - - /* validate destination & pass to port, otherwise reject message */ - p_ptr = tipc_port_lock(destport); - if (likely(p_ptr)) { - if (likely(p_ptr->connected)) { - if ((unlikely(msg_origport(msg) != tipc_peer_port(p_ptr))) || - (unlikely(msg_orignode(msg) != tipc_peer_node(p_ptr))) || - (unlikely(!msg_connected(msg)))) { - err = TIPC_ERR_NO_PORT; - tipc_port_unlock(p_ptr); - goto reject; - } - } - err = p_ptr->dispatcher(p_ptr, buf); - tipc_port_unlock(p_ptr); - if (likely(!err)) - return dsz; - } else { - err = TIPC_ERR_NO_PORT; - } -reject: - return tipc_reject_msg(buf, err); -} - #endif diff --git a/net/tipc/socket.c b/net/tipc/socket.c index e2f7c5d370ba622d8dd44ddb6fe68d3466330d2f..29e957f64458ec146070dc64634dda7fd333c3e7 100644 --- a/net/tipc/socket.c +++ b/net/tipc/socket.c @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ static atomic_t tipc_queue_size = ATOMIC_INIT(0); static void advance_rx_queue(struct sock *sk) { - buf_discard(__skb_dequeue(&sk->sk_receive_queue)); + kfree_skb(__skb_dequeue(&sk->sk_receive_queue)); atomic_dec(&tipc_queue_size); } @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ static void discard_rx_queue(struct sock *sk) while ((buf = __skb_dequeue(&sk->sk_receive_queue))) { atomic_dec(&tipc_queue_size); - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); } } @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ static int release(struct socket *sock) break; atomic_dec(&tipc_queue_size); if (TIPC_SKB_CB(buf)->handle != 0) - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); else { if ((sock->state == SS_CONNECTING) || (sock->state == SS_CONNECTED)) { @@ -355,6 +355,9 @@ static int bind(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *uaddr, int uaddr_len) else if (addr->addrtype != TIPC_ADDR_NAMESEQ) return -EAFNOSUPPORT; + if (addr->addr.nameseq.type < TIPC_RESERVED_TYPES) + return -EACCES; + return (addr->scope > 0) ? tipc_publish(portref, addr->scope, &addr->addr.nameseq) : tipc_withdraw(portref, -addr->scope, &addr->addr.nameseq); @@ -1612,7 +1615,7 @@ static int shutdown(struct socket *sock, int how) if (buf) { atomic_dec(&tipc_queue_size); if (TIPC_SKB_CB(buf)->handle != 0) { - buf_discard(buf); + kfree_skb(buf); goto restart; } tipc_disconnect(tport->ref); diff --git a/net/tipc/subscr.c b/net/tipc/subscr.c index 8c49566da8f3b2f4653b0a7be8bd47cdc2884eb6..b2964e9895d3cada39dd5f11f147c1758fed229c 100644 --- a/net/tipc/subscr.c +++ b/net/tipc/subscr.c @@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ int tipc_subscr_start(void) if (res) goto failed; - res = tipc_nametbl_publish_rsv(topsrv.setup_port, TIPC_NODE_SCOPE, &seq); + res = tipc_publish(topsrv.setup_port, TIPC_NODE_SCOPE, &seq); if (res) { tipc_deleteport(topsrv.setup_port); topsrv.setup_port = 0; diff --git a/net/unix/af_unix.c b/net/unix/af_unix.c index 85d3bb7490aabcb26fd10b08adfcddebb5cbeb59..8ee85aa79fa76965324e719b88c7585f21d7d95d 100644 --- a/net/unix/af_unix.c +++ b/net/unix/af_unix.c @@ -530,6 +530,16 @@ static int unix_seqpacket_sendmsg(struct kiocb *, struct socket *, static int unix_seqpacket_recvmsg(struct kiocb *, struct socket *, struct msghdr *, size_t, int); +static void unix_set_peek_off(struct sock *sk, int val) +{ + struct unix_sock *u = unix_sk(sk); + + mutex_lock(&u->readlock); + sk->sk_peek_off = val; + mutex_unlock(&u->readlock); +} + + static const struct proto_ops unix_stream_ops = { .family = PF_UNIX, .owner = THIS_MODULE, @@ -549,6 +559,7 @@ static const struct proto_ops unix_stream_ops = { .recvmsg = unix_stream_recvmsg, .mmap = sock_no_mmap, .sendpage = sock_no_sendpage, + .set_peek_off = unix_set_peek_off, }; static const struct proto_ops unix_dgram_ops = { @@ -570,6 +581,7 @@ static const struct proto_ops unix_dgram_ops = { .recvmsg = unix_dgram_recvmsg, .mmap = sock_no_mmap, .sendpage = sock_no_sendpage, + .set_peek_off = unix_set_peek_off, }; static const struct proto_ops unix_seqpacket_ops = { @@ -591,6 +603,7 @@ static const struct proto_ops unix_seqpacket_ops = { .recvmsg = unix_seqpacket_recvmsg, .mmap = sock_no_mmap, .sendpage = sock_no_sendpage, + .set_peek_off = unix_set_peek_off, }; static struct proto unix_proto = { @@ -1756,6 +1769,7 @@ static int unix_dgram_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, int noblock = flags & MSG_DONTWAIT; struct sk_buff *skb; int err; + int peeked, skip; err = -EOPNOTSUPP; if (flags&MSG_OOB) @@ -1769,7 +1783,9 @@ static int unix_dgram_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, goto out; } - skb = skb_recv_datagram(sk, flags, noblock, &err); + skip = sk_peek_offset(sk, flags); + + skb = __skb_recv_datagram(sk, flags, &peeked, &skip, &err); if (!skb) { unix_state_lock(sk); /* Signal EOF on disconnected non-blocking SEQPACKET socket. */ @@ -1786,12 +1802,12 @@ static int unix_dgram_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, if (msg->msg_name) unix_copy_addr(msg, skb->sk); - if (size > skb->len) - size = skb->len; - else if (size < skb->len) + if (size > skb->len - skip) + size = skb->len - skip; + else if (size < skb->len - skip) msg->msg_flags |= MSG_TRUNC; - err = skb_copy_datagram_iovec(skb, 0, msg->msg_iov, size); + err = skb_copy_datagram_iovec(skb, skip, msg->msg_iov, size); if (err) goto out_free; @@ -1808,6 +1824,8 @@ static int unix_dgram_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, if (!(flags & MSG_PEEK)) { if (UNIXCB(skb).fp) unix_detach_fds(siocb->scm, skb); + + sk_peek_offset_bwd(sk, skb->len); } else { /* It is questionable: on PEEK we could: - do not return fds - good, but too simple 8) @@ -1821,10 +1839,13 @@ static int unix_dgram_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, clearly however! */ + + sk_peek_offset_fwd(sk, size); + if (UNIXCB(skb).fp) siocb->scm->fp = scm_fp_dup(UNIXCB(skb).fp); } - err = size; + err = (flags & MSG_TRUNC) ? skb->len - skip : size; scm_recv(sock, msg, siocb->scm, flags); @@ -1884,6 +1905,7 @@ static int unix_stream_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, int target; int err = 0; long timeo; + int skip; err = -EINVAL; if (sk->sk_state != TCP_ESTABLISHED) @@ -1913,12 +1935,15 @@ static int unix_stream_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, goto out; } + skip = sk_peek_offset(sk, flags); + do { int chunk; struct sk_buff *skb; unix_state_lock(sk); skb = skb_peek(&sk->sk_receive_queue); +again: if (skb == NULL) { unix_sk(sk)->recursion_level = 0; if (copied >= target) @@ -1953,6 +1978,13 @@ static int unix_stream_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, unix_state_unlock(sk); break; } + + if (skip >= skb->len) { + skip -= skb->len; + skb = skb_peek_next(skb, &sk->sk_receive_queue); + goto again; + } + unix_state_unlock(sk); if (check_creds) { @@ -1972,8 +2004,8 @@ static int unix_stream_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, sunaddr = NULL; } - chunk = min_t(unsigned int, skb->len, size); - if (memcpy_toiovec(msg->msg_iov, skb->data, chunk)) { + chunk = min_t(unsigned int, skb->len - skip, size); + if (memcpy_toiovec(msg->msg_iov, skb->data + skip, chunk)) { if (copied == 0) copied = -EFAULT; break; @@ -1985,6 +2017,8 @@ static int unix_stream_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, if (!(flags & MSG_PEEK)) { skb_pull(skb, chunk); + sk_peek_offset_bwd(sk, chunk); + if (UNIXCB(skb).fp) unix_detach_fds(siocb->scm, skb); @@ -2002,6 +2036,8 @@ static int unix_stream_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, if (UNIXCB(skb).fp) siocb->scm->fp = scm_fp_dup(UNIXCB(skb).fp); + sk_peek_offset_fwd(sk, chunk); + break; } } while (size); diff --git a/net/unix/diag.c b/net/unix/diag.c index 6b7697fd911bd36af0fb0aca4731ab6ea5c09b42..4195555aea65cfb0fff4c19a615aba9583feca4d 100644 --- a/net/unix/diag.c +++ b/net/unix/diag.c @@ -301,10 +301,12 @@ static int unix_diag_handler_dump(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr *h) if (nlmsg_len(h) < hdrlen) return -EINVAL; - if (h->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_DUMP) - return netlink_dump_start(sock_diag_nlsk, skb, h, - unix_diag_dump, NULL, 0); - else + if (h->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_DUMP) { + struct netlink_dump_control c = { + .dump = unix_diag_dump, + }; + return netlink_dump_start(sock_diag_nlsk, skb, h, &c); + } else return unix_diag_get_exact(skb, h, (struct unix_diag_req *)NLMSG_DATA(h)); } diff --git a/net/wireless/core.h b/net/wireless/core.h index 43ad9c81efcff1164b08c532e29f7a73e84d5cbf..3ac2dd00d7149b123db51463b449a112a2d1b908 100644 --- a/net/wireless/core.h +++ b/net/wireless/core.h @@ -144,11 +144,6 @@ static inline struct cfg80211_internal_bss *bss_from_pub(struct cfg80211_bss *pu return container_of(pub, struct cfg80211_internal_bss, pub); } -static inline void cfg80211_ref_bss(struct cfg80211_internal_bss *bss) -{ - kref_get(&bss->ref); -} - static inline void cfg80211_hold_bss(struct cfg80211_internal_bss *bss) { atomic_inc(&bss->hold); @@ -325,15 +320,13 @@ int __cfg80211_mlme_auth(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, const u8 *bssid, const u8 *ssid, int ssid_len, const u8 *ie, int ie_len, - const u8 *key, int key_len, int key_idx, - bool local_state_change); + const u8 *key, int key_len, int key_idx); int cfg80211_mlme_auth(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, struct net_device *dev, struct ieee80211_channel *chan, enum nl80211_auth_type auth_type, const u8 *bssid, const u8 *ssid, int ssid_len, const u8 *ie, int ie_len, - const u8 *key, int key_len, int key_idx, - bool local_state_change); + const u8 *key, int key_len, int key_idx); int __cfg80211_mlme_assoc(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, struct net_device *dev, struct ieee80211_channel *chan, @@ -421,7 +414,8 @@ void __cfg80211_disconnected(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *ie, size_t ie_len, u16 reason, bool from_ap); void cfg80211_sme_scan_done(struct net_device *dev); void cfg80211_sme_rx_auth(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *buf, size_t len); -void cfg80211_sme_disassoc(struct net_device *dev, int idx); +void cfg80211_sme_disassoc(struct net_device *dev, + struct cfg80211_internal_bss *bss); void __cfg80211_scan_done(struct work_struct *wk); void ___cfg80211_scan_done(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, bool leak); void __cfg80211_sched_scan_results(struct work_struct *wk); diff --git a/net/wireless/mesh.c b/net/wireless/mesh.c index 8c550df13037c7e0108c692cd080762fafd0ab38..ba21ab22187bef366394743d9d94d6ee33d72b6a 100644 --- a/net/wireless/mesh.c +++ b/net/wireless/mesh.c @@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ #define MESH_PERR_MIN_INT 100 #define MESH_DIAM_TRAVERSAL_TIME 50 +#define MESH_RSSI_THRESHOLD 0 + /* * A path will be refreshed if it is used PATH_REFRESH_TIME milliseconds * before timing out. This way it will remain ACTIVE and no data frames @@ -55,6 +57,8 @@ const struct mesh_config default_mesh_config = { .min_discovery_timeout = MESH_MIN_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT, .dot11MeshHWMPRannInterval = MESH_RANN_INTERVAL, .dot11MeshGateAnnouncementProtocol = false, + .dot11MeshForwarding = true, + .rssi_threshold = MESH_RSSI_THRESHOLD, }; const struct mesh_setup default_mesh_setup = { diff --git a/net/wireless/mlme.c b/net/wireless/mlme.c index 438dfc105b4a0b316fa801e2bef001d89b0d39dc..f5a7ac3a0939ab0e782bf31bc538c0fa2a22cb3d 100644 --- a/net/wireless/mlme.c +++ b/net/wireless/mlme.c @@ -20,40 +20,18 @@ void cfg80211_send_rx_auth(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *buf, size_t len) struct wireless_dev *wdev = dev->ieee80211_ptr; struct wiphy *wiphy = wdev->wiphy; struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = wiphy_to_dev(wiphy); - struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt = (struct ieee80211_mgmt *)buf; - u8 *bssid = mgmt->bssid; - int i; - u16 status = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.auth.status_code); - bool done = false; wdev_lock(wdev); - for (i = 0; i < MAX_AUTH_BSSES; i++) { - if (wdev->authtry_bsses[i] && - memcmp(wdev->authtry_bsses[i]->pub.bssid, bssid, - ETH_ALEN) == 0) { - if (status == WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { - wdev->auth_bsses[i] = wdev->authtry_bsses[i]; - } else { - cfg80211_unhold_bss(wdev->authtry_bsses[i]); - cfg80211_put_bss(&wdev->authtry_bsses[i]->pub); - } - wdev->authtry_bsses[i] = NULL; - done = true; - break; - } - } - - if (done) { - nl80211_send_rx_auth(rdev, dev, buf, len, GFP_KERNEL); - cfg80211_sme_rx_auth(dev, buf, len); - } + nl80211_send_rx_auth(rdev, dev, buf, len, GFP_KERNEL); + cfg80211_sme_rx_auth(dev, buf, len); wdev_unlock(wdev); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(cfg80211_send_rx_auth); -void cfg80211_send_rx_assoc(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *buf, size_t len) +void cfg80211_send_rx_assoc(struct net_device *dev, struct cfg80211_bss *bss, + const u8 *buf, size_t len) { u16 status_code; struct wireless_dev *wdev = dev->ieee80211_ptr; @@ -61,8 +39,7 @@ void cfg80211_send_rx_assoc(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *buf, size_t len) struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = wiphy_to_dev(wiphy); struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt = (struct ieee80211_mgmt *)buf; u8 *ie = mgmt->u.assoc_resp.variable; - int i, ieoffs = offsetof(struct ieee80211_mgmt, u.assoc_resp.variable); - struct cfg80211_internal_bss *bss = NULL; + int ieoffs = offsetof(struct ieee80211_mgmt, u.assoc_resp.variable); wdev_lock(wdev); @@ -75,43 +52,20 @@ void cfg80211_send_rx_assoc(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *buf, size_t len) * frame instead of reassoc. */ if (status_code != WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS && wdev->conn && - cfg80211_sme_failed_reassoc(wdev)) + cfg80211_sme_failed_reassoc(wdev)) { + cfg80211_put_bss(bss); goto out; + } nl80211_send_rx_assoc(rdev, dev, buf, len, GFP_KERNEL); - if (status_code == WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { - for (i = 0; i < MAX_AUTH_BSSES; i++) { - if (!wdev->auth_bsses[i]) - continue; - if (memcmp(wdev->auth_bsses[i]->pub.bssid, mgmt->bssid, - ETH_ALEN) == 0) { - bss = wdev->auth_bsses[i]; - wdev->auth_bsses[i] = NULL; - /* additional reference to drop hold */ - cfg80211_ref_bss(bss); - break; - } - } - - /* - * We might be coming here because the driver reported - * a successful association at the same time as the - * user requested a deauth. In that case, we will have - * removed the BSS from the auth_bsses list due to the - * deauth request when the assoc response makes it. If - * the two code paths acquire the lock the other way - * around, that's just the standard situation of a - * deauth being requested while connected. - */ - if (!bss) - goto out; - } else if (wdev->conn) { + if (status_code != WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS && wdev->conn) { cfg80211_sme_failed_assoc(wdev); /* * do not call connect_result() now because the * sme will schedule work that does it later. */ + cfg80211_put_bss(bss); goto out; } @@ -124,17 +78,10 @@ void cfg80211_send_rx_assoc(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *buf, size_t len) wdev->sme_state = CFG80211_SME_CONNECTING; } - /* this consumes one bss reference (unless bss is NULL) */ + /* this consumes the bss reference */ __cfg80211_connect_result(dev, mgmt->bssid, NULL, 0, ie, len - ieoffs, status_code, - status_code == WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS, - bss ? &bss->pub : NULL); - /* drop hold now, and also reference acquired above */ - if (bss) { - cfg80211_unhold_bss(bss); - cfg80211_put_bss(&bss->pub); - } - + status_code == WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS, bss); out: wdev_unlock(wdev); } @@ -148,8 +95,7 @@ void __cfg80211_send_deauth(struct net_device *dev, struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = wiphy_to_dev(wiphy); struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt = (struct ieee80211_mgmt *)buf; const u8 *bssid = mgmt->bssid; - int i; - bool found = false, was_current = false; + bool was_current = false; ASSERT_WDEV_LOCK(wdev); @@ -158,32 +104,9 @@ void __cfg80211_send_deauth(struct net_device *dev, cfg80211_unhold_bss(wdev->current_bss); cfg80211_put_bss(&wdev->current_bss->pub); wdev->current_bss = NULL; - found = true; was_current = true; - } else for (i = 0; i < MAX_AUTH_BSSES; i++) { - if (wdev->auth_bsses[i] && - memcmp(wdev->auth_bsses[i]->pub.bssid, bssid, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { - cfg80211_unhold_bss(wdev->auth_bsses[i]); - cfg80211_put_bss(&wdev->auth_bsses[i]->pub); - wdev->auth_bsses[i] = NULL; - found = true; - break; - } - if (wdev->authtry_bsses[i] && - memcmp(wdev->authtry_bsses[i]->pub.bssid, bssid, - ETH_ALEN) == 0 && - memcmp(mgmt->sa, dev->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { - cfg80211_unhold_bss(wdev->authtry_bsses[i]); - cfg80211_put_bss(&wdev->authtry_bsses[i]->pub); - wdev->authtry_bsses[i] = NULL; - found = true; - break; - } } - if (!found) - return; - nl80211_send_deauth(rdev, dev, buf, len, GFP_KERNEL); if (wdev->sme_state == CFG80211_SME_CONNECTED && was_current) { @@ -220,10 +143,8 @@ void __cfg80211_send_disassoc(struct net_device *dev, struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = wiphy_to_dev(wiphy); struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt = (struct ieee80211_mgmt *)buf; const u8 *bssid = mgmt->bssid; - int i; u16 reason_code; bool from_ap; - bool done = false; ASSERT_WDEV_LOCK(wdev); @@ -234,16 +155,10 @@ void __cfg80211_send_disassoc(struct net_device *dev, if (wdev->current_bss && memcmp(wdev->current_bss->pub.bssid, bssid, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { - for (i = 0; i < MAX_AUTH_BSSES; i++) { - if (wdev->authtry_bsses[i] || wdev->auth_bsses[i]) - continue; - wdev->auth_bsses[i] = wdev->current_bss; - wdev->current_bss = NULL; - done = true; - cfg80211_sme_disassoc(dev, i); - break; - } - WARN_ON(!done); + cfg80211_sme_disassoc(dev, wdev->current_bss); + cfg80211_unhold_bss(wdev->current_bss); + cfg80211_put_bss(&wdev->current_bss->pub); + wdev->current_bss = NULL; } else WARN_ON(1); @@ -287,34 +202,6 @@ void cfg80211_send_unprot_disassoc(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *buf, } EXPORT_SYMBOL(cfg80211_send_unprot_disassoc); -static void __cfg80211_auth_remove(struct wireless_dev *wdev, const u8 *addr) -{ - int i; - bool done = false; - - ASSERT_WDEV_LOCK(wdev); - - for (i = 0; addr && i < MAX_AUTH_BSSES; i++) { - if (wdev->authtry_bsses[i] && - memcmp(wdev->authtry_bsses[i]->pub.bssid, - addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { - cfg80211_unhold_bss(wdev->authtry_bsses[i]); - cfg80211_put_bss(&wdev->authtry_bsses[i]->pub); - wdev->authtry_bsses[i] = NULL; - done = true; - break; - } - } - - WARN_ON(!done); -} - -void __cfg80211_auth_canceled(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *addr) -{ - __cfg80211_auth_remove(dev->ieee80211_ptr, addr); -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL(__cfg80211_auth_canceled); - void cfg80211_send_auth_timeout(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *addr) { struct wireless_dev *wdev = dev->ieee80211_ptr; @@ -329,8 +216,6 @@ void cfg80211_send_auth_timeout(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *addr) WLAN_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE, false, NULL); - __cfg80211_auth_remove(wdev, addr); - wdev_unlock(wdev); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(cfg80211_send_auth_timeout); @@ -340,8 +225,6 @@ void cfg80211_send_assoc_timeout(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *addr) struct wireless_dev *wdev = dev->ieee80211_ptr; struct wiphy *wiphy = wdev->wiphy; struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = wiphy_to_dev(wiphy); - int i; - bool done = false; wdev_lock(wdev); @@ -351,20 +234,6 @@ void cfg80211_send_assoc_timeout(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *addr) WLAN_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE, false, NULL); - for (i = 0; addr && i < MAX_AUTH_BSSES; i++) { - if (wdev->auth_bsses[i] && - memcmp(wdev->auth_bsses[i]->pub.bssid, - addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { - cfg80211_unhold_bss(wdev->auth_bsses[i]); - cfg80211_put_bss(&wdev->auth_bsses[i]->pub); - wdev->auth_bsses[i] = NULL; - done = true; - break; - } - } - - WARN_ON(!done); - wdev_unlock(wdev); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(cfg80211_send_assoc_timeout); @@ -403,13 +272,11 @@ int __cfg80211_mlme_auth(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, const u8 *bssid, const u8 *ssid, int ssid_len, const u8 *ie, int ie_len, - const u8 *key, int key_len, int key_idx, - bool local_state_change) + const u8 *key, int key_len, int key_idx) { struct wireless_dev *wdev = dev->ieee80211_ptr; struct cfg80211_auth_request req; - struct cfg80211_internal_bss *bss; - int i, err, slot = -1, nfree = 0; + int err; ASSERT_WDEV_LOCK(wdev); @@ -421,20 +288,8 @@ int __cfg80211_mlme_auth(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, memcmp(bssid, wdev->current_bss->pub.bssid, ETH_ALEN) == 0) return -EALREADY; - for (i = 0; i < MAX_AUTH_BSSES; i++) { - if (wdev->authtry_bsses[i] && - memcmp(bssid, wdev->authtry_bsses[i]->pub.bssid, - ETH_ALEN) == 0) - return -EALREADY; - if (wdev->auth_bsses[i] && - memcmp(bssid, wdev->auth_bsses[i]->pub.bssid, - ETH_ALEN) == 0) - return -EALREADY; - } - memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); - req.local_state_change = local_state_change; req.ie = ie; req.ie_len = ie_len; req.auth_type = auth_type; @@ -446,39 +301,9 @@ int __cfg80211_mlme_auth(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, if (!req.bss) return -ENOENT; - bss = bss_from_pub(req.bss); - - for (i = 0; i < MAX_AUTH_BSSES; i++) { - if (!wdev->auth_bsses[i] && !wdev->authtry_bsses[i]) { - slot = i; - nfree++; - } - } - - /* we need one free slot for disassoc and one for this auth */ - if (nfree < 2) { - err = -ENOSPC; - goto out; - } - - if (local_state_change) - wdev->auth_bsses[slot] = bss; - else - wdev->authtry_bsses[slot] = bss; - cfg80211_hold_bss(bss); - err = rdev->ops->auth(&rdev->wiphy, dev, &req); - if (err) { - if (local_state_change) - wdev->auth_bsses[slot] = NULL; - else - wdev->authtry_bsses[slot] = NULL; - cfg80211_unhold_bss(bss); - } - out: - if (err) - cfg80211_put_bss(req.bss); + cfg80211_put_bss(req.bss); return err; } @@ -487,15 +312,14 @@ int cfg80211_mlme_auth(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, enum nl80211_auth_type auth_type, const u8 *bssid, const u8 *ssid, int ssid_len, const u8 *ie, int ie_len, - const u8 *key, int key_len, int key_idx, - bool local_state_change) + const u8 *key, int key_len, int key_idx) { int err; wdev_lock(dev->ieee80211_ptr); err = __cfg80211_mlme_auth(rdev, dev, chan, auth_type, bssid, ssid, ssid_len, ie, ie_len, - key, key_len, key_idx, local_state_change); + key, key_len, key_idx); wdev_unlock(dev->ieee80211_ptr); return err; @@ -530,8 +354,7 @@ int __cfg80211_mlme_assoc(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, { struct wireless_dev *wdev = dev->ieee80211_ptr; struct cfg80211_assoc_request req; - struct cfg80211_internal_bss *bss; - int i, err, slot = -1; + int err; bool was_connected = false; ASSERT_WDEV_LOCK(wdev); @@ -573,26 +396,14 @@ int __cfg80211_mlme_assoc(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, return -ENOENT; } - bss = bss_from_pub(req.bss); - - for (i = 0; i < MAX_AUTH_BSSES; i++) { - if (bss == wdev->auth_bsses[i]) { - slot = i; - break; - } - } + err = rdev->ops->assoc(&rdev->wiphy, dev, &req); - if (slot < 0) { - err = -ENOTCONN; - goto out; + if (err) { + if (was_connected) + wdev->sme_state = CFG80211_SME_CONNECTED; + cfg80211_put_bss(req.bss); } - err = rdev->ops->assoc(&rdev->wiphy, dev, &req); - out: - if (err && was_connected) - wdev->sme_state = CFG80211_SME_CONNECTED; - /* still a reference in wdev->auth_bsses[slot] */ - cfg80211_put_bss(req.bss); return err; } @@ -624,36 +435,27 @@ int __cfg80211_mlme_deauth(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, bool local_state_change) { struct wireless_dev *wdev = dev->ieee80211_ptr; - struct cfg80211_deauth_request req; - int i; + struct cfg80211_deauth_request req = { + .bssid = bssid, + .reason_code = reason, + .ie = ie, + .ie_len = ie_len, + }; ASSERT_WDEV_LOCK(wdev); - memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); - req.reason_code = reason; - req.local_state_change = local_state_change; - req.ie = ie; - req.ie_len = ie_len; - if (wdev->current_bss && - memcmp(wdev->current_bss->pub.bssid, bssid, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { - req.bss = &wdev->current_bss->pub; - } else for (i = 0; i < MAX_AUTH_BSSES; i++) { - if (wdev->auth_bsses[i] && - memcmp(bssid, wdev->auth_bsses[i]->pub.bssid, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { - req.bss = &wdev->auth_bsses[i]->pub; - break; - } - if (wdev->authtry_bsses[i] && - memcmp(bssid, wdev->authtry_bsses[i]->pub.bssid, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { - req.bss = &wdev->authtry_bsses[i]->pub; - break; + if (local_state_change) { + if (wdev->current_bss && + memcmp(wdev->current_bss->pub.bssid, bssid, ETH_ALEN) == 0) { + cfg80211_unhold_bss(wdev->current_bss); + cfg80211_put_bss(&wdev->current_bss->pub); + wdev->current_bss = NULL; } - } - if (!req.bss) - return -ENOTCONN; + return 0; + } - return rdev->ops->deauth(&rdev->wiphy, dev, &req, wdev); + return rdev->ops->deauth(&rdev->wiphy, dev, &req); } int cfg80211_mlme_deauth(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, @@ -698,7 +500,7 @@ static int __cfg80211_mlme_disassoc(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, else return -ENOTCONN; - return rdev->ops->disassoc(&rdev->wiphy, dev, &req, wdev); + return rdev->ops->disassoc(&rdev->wiphy, dev, &req); } int cfg80211_mlme_disassoc(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, @@ -722,7 +524,7 @@ void cfg80211_mlme_down(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, { struct wireless_dev *wdev = dev->ieee80211_ptr; struct cfg80211_deauth_request req; - int i; + u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; ASSERT_WDEV_LOCK(wdev); @@ -734,35 +536,17 @@ void cfg80211_mlme_down(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, req.ie = NULL; req.ie_len = 0; - if (wdev->current_bss) { - req.bss = &wdev->current_bss->pub; - rdev->ops->deauth(&rdev->wiphy, dev, &req, wdev); - if (wdev->current_bss) { - cfg80211_unhold_bss(wdev->current_bss); - cfg80211_put_bss(&wdev->current_bss->pub); - wdev->current_bss = NULL; - } - } + if (!wdev->current_bss) + return; - for (i = 0; i < MAX_AUTH_BSSES; i++) { - if (wdev->auth_bsses[i]) { - req.bss = &wdev->auth_bsses[i]->pub; - rdev->ops->deauth(&rdev->wiphy, dev, &req, wdev); - if (wdev->auth_bsses[i]) { - cfg80211_unhold_bss(wdev->auth_bsses[i]); - cfg80211_put_bss(&wdev->auth_bsses[i]->pub); - wdev->auth_bsses[i] = NULL; - } - } - if (wdev->authtry_bsses[i]) { - req.bss = &wdev->authtry_bsses[i]->pub; - rdev->ops->deauth(&rdev->wiphy, dev, &req, wdev); - if (wdev->authtry_bsses[i]) { - cfg80211_unhold_bss(wdev->authtry_bsses[i]); - cfg80211_put_bss(&wdev->authtry_bsses[i]->pub); - wdev->authtry_bsses[i] = NULL; - } - } + memcpy(bssid, wdev->current_bss->pub.bssid, ETH_ALEN); + req.bssid = bssid; + rdev->ops->deauth(&rdev->wiphy, dev, &req); + + if (wdev->current_bss) { + cfg80211_unhold_bss(wdev->current_bss); + cfg80211_put_bss(&wdev->current_bss->pub); + wdev->current_bss = NULL; } } @@ -1030,8 +814,8 @@ int cfg80211_mlme_mgmt_tx(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, cookie); } -bool cfg80211_rx_mgmt(struct net_device *dev, int freq, const u8 *buf, - size_t len, gfp_t gfp) +bool cfg80211_rx_mgmt(struct net_device *dev, int freq, int sig_mbm, + const u8 *buf, size_t len, gfp_t gfp) { struct wireless_dev *wdev = dev->ieee80211_ptr; struct wiphy *wiphy = wdev->wiphy; @@ -1070,7 +854,8 @@ bool cfg80211_rx_mgmt(struct net_device *dev, int freq, const u8 *buf, /* found match! */ /* Indicate the received Action frame to user space */ - if (nl80211_send_mgmt(rdev, dev, reg->nlpid, freq, + if (nl80211_send_mgmt(rdev, dev, reg->nlpid, + freq, sig_mbm, buf, len, gfp)) continue; diff --git a/net/wireless/nl80211.c b/net/wireless/nl80211.c index afeea32e04ad9ea1a0caa1adeabe83b940bc0c42..4c1eb9472ddb322793f382035b76d760862e0f3f 100644 --- a/net/wireless/nl80211.c +++ b/net/wireless/nl80211.c @@ -204,6 +204,8 @@ static const struct nla_policy nl80211_policy[NL80211_ATTR_MAX+1] = { .len = NL80211_HT_CAPABILITY_LEN }, [NL80211_ATTR_NOACK_MAP] = { .type = NLA_U16 }, + [NL80211_ATTR_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT] = { .type = NLA_U16 }, + [NL80211_ATTR_BG_SCAN_PERIOD] = { .type = NLA_U16 }, }; /* policy for the key attributes */ @@ -427,10 +429,9 @@ static int nl80211_parse_key_new(struct nlattr *key, struct key_parse *k) if (tb[NL80211_KEY_DEFAULT_TYPES]) { struct nlattr *kdt[NUM_NL80211_KEY_DEFAULT_TYPES]; - int err = nla_parse_nested(kdt, - NUM_NL80211_KEY_DEFAULT_TYPES - 1, - tb[NL80211_KEY_DEFAULT_TYPES], - nl80211_key_default_policy); + err = nla_parse_nested(kdt, NUM_NL80211_KEY_DEFAULT_TYPES - 1, + tb[NL80211_KEY_DEFAULT_TYPES], + nl80211_key_default_policy); if (err) return err; @@ -872,7 +873,7 @@ static int nl80211_send_wiphy(struct sk_buff *msg, u32 pid, u32 seq, int flags, CMD(add_virtual_intf, NEW_INTERFACE); CMD(change_virtual_intf, SET_INTERFACE); CMD(add_key, NEW_KEY); - CMD(add_beacon, NEW_BEACON); + CMD(start_ap, START_AP); CMD(add_station, NEW_STATION); CMD(add_mpath, NEW_MPATH); CMD(update_mesh_config, SET_MESH_CONFIG); @@ -2076,15 +2077,10 @@ static int nl80211_del_key(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info) return err; } -static int nl80211_addset_beacon(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info) +static int nl80211_parse_beacon(struct genl_info *info, + struct cfg80211_beacon_data *bcn) { - int (*call)(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, - struct beacon_parameters *info); - struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = info->user_ptr[0]; - struct net_device *dev = info->user_ptr[1]; - struct wireless_dev *wdev = dev->ieee80211_ptr; - struct beacon_parameters params; - int haveinfo = 0, err; + bool haveinfo = false; if (!is_valid_ie_attr(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_TAIL]) || !is_valid_ie_attr(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_IE]) || @@ -2092,149 +2088,190 @@ static int nl80211_addset_beacon(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info) !is_valid_ie_attr(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_IE_ASSOC_RESP])) return -EINVAL; - if (dev->ieee80211_ptr->iftype != NL80211_IFTYPE_AP && - dev->ieee80211_ptr->iftype != NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_GO) - return -EOPNOTSUPP; - - memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); - - switch (info->genlhdr->cmd) { - case NL80211_CMD_NEW_BEACON: - /* these are required for NEW_BEACON */ - if (!info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_INTERVAL] || - !info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_DTIM_PERIOD] || - !info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_HEAD]) - return -EINVAL; - - params.interval = - nla_get_u32(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_INTERVAL]); - params.dtim_period = - nla_get_u32(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_DTIM_PERIOD]); - - err = cfg80211_validate_beacon_int(rdev, params.interval); - if (err) - return err; - - /* - * In theory, some of these attributes could be required for - * NEW_BEACON, but since they were not used when the command was - * originally added, keep them optional for old user space - * programs to work with drivers that do not need the additional - * information. - */ - if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_SSID]) { - params.ssid = nla_data(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_SSID]); - params.ssid_len = - nla_len(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_SSID]); - if (params.ssid_len == 0 || - params.ssid_len > IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN) - return -EINVAL; - } - - if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_HIDDEN_SSID]) { - params.hidden_ssid = nla_get_u32( - info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_HIDDEN_SSID]); - if (params.hidden_ssid != - NL80211_HIDDEN_SSID_NOT_IN_USE && - params.hidden_ssid != - NL80211_HIDDEN_SSID_ZERO_LEN && - params.hidden_ssid != - NL80211_HIDDEN_SSID_ZERO_CONTENTS) - return -EINVAL; - } - - params.privacy = !!info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_PRIVACY]; - - if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_AUTH_TYPE]) { - params.auth_type = nla_get_u32( - info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_AUTH_TYPE]); - if (!nl80211_valid_auth_type(params.auth_type)) - return -EINVAL; - } else - params.auth_type = NL80211_AUTHTYPE_AUTOMATIC; - - err = nl80211_crypto_settings(rdev, info, ¶ms.crypto, - NL80211_MAX_NR_CIPHER_SUITES); - if (err) - return err; - - call = rdev->ops->add_beacon; - break; - case NL80211_CMD_SET_BEACON: - call = rdev->ops->set_beacon; - break; - default: - WARN_ON(1); - return -EOPNOTSUPP; - } - - if (!call) - return -EOPNOTSUPP; + memset(bcn, 0, sizeof(*bcn)); if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_HEAD]) { - params.head = nla_data(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_HEAD]); - params.head_len = - nla_len(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_HEAD]); - haveinfo = 1; + bcn->head = nla_data(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_HEAD]); + bcn->head_len = nla_len(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_HEAD]); + if (!bcn->head_len) + return -EINVAL; + haveinfo = true; } if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_TAIL]) { - params.tail = nla_data(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_TAIL]); - params.tail_len = + bcn->tail = nla_data(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_TAIL]); + bcn->tail_len = nla_len(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_TAIL]); - haveinfo = 1; + haveinfo = true; } if (!haveinfo) return -EINVAL; if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_IE]) { - params.beacon_ies = nla_data(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_IE]); - params.beacon_ies_len = nla_len(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_IE]); + bcn->beacon_ies = nla_data(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_IE]); + bcn->beacon_ies_len = nla_len(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_IE]); } if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_IE_PROBE_RESP]) { - params.proberesp_ies = + bcn->proberesp_ies = nla_data(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_IE_PROBE_RESP]); - params.proberesp_ies_len = + bcn->proberesp_ies_len = nla_len(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_IE_PROBE_RESP]); } if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_IE_ASSOC_RESP]) { - params.assocresp_ies = + bcn->assocresp_ies = nla_data(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_IE_ASSOC_RESP]); - params.assocresp_ies_len = + bcn->assocresp_ies_len = nla_len(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_IE_ASSOC_RESP]); } if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_PROBE_RESP]) { - params.probe_resp = + bcn->probe_resp = nla_data(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_PROBE_RESP]); - params.probe_resp_len = + bcn->probe_resp_len = nla_len(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_PROBE_RESP]); } - err = call(&rdev->wiphy, dev, ¶ms); - if (!err && params.interval) - wdev->beacon_interval = params.interval; + return 0; +} + +static int nl80211_start_ap(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info) +{ + struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = info->user_ptr[0]; + struct net_device *dev = info->user_ptr[1]; + struct wireless_dev *wdev = dev->ieee80211_ptr; + struct cfg80211_ap_settings params; + int err; + + if (dev->ieee80211_ptr->iftype != NL80211_IFTYPE_AP && + dev->ieee80211_ptr->iftype != NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_GO) + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + + if (!rdev->ops->start_ap) + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + + if (wdev->beacon_interval) + return -EALREADY; + + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + + /* these are required for START_AP */ + if (!info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_INTERVAL] || + !info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_DTIM_PERIOD] || + !info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_HEAD]) + return -EINVAL; + + err = nl80211_parse_beacon(info, ¶ms.beacon); + if (err) + return err; + + params.beacon_interval = + nla_get_u32(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_INTERVAL]); + params.dtim_period = + nla_get_u32(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_DTIM_PERIOD]); + + err = cfg80211_validate_beacon_int(rdev, params.beacon_interval); + if (err) + return err; + + /* + * In theory, some of these attributes should be required here + * but since they were not used when the command was originally + * added, keep them optional for old user space programs to let + * them continue to work with drivers that do not need the + * additional information -- drivers must check! + */ + if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_SSID]) { + params.ssid = nla_data(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_SSID]); + params.ssid_len = + nla_len(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_SSID]); + if (params.ssid_len == 0 || + params.ssid_len > IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN) + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_HIDDEN_SSID]) { + params.hidden_ssid = nla_get_u32( + info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_HIDDEN_SSID]); + if (params.hidden_ssid != NL80211_HIDDEN_SSID_NOT_IN_USE && + params.hidden_ssid != NL80211_HIDDEN_SSID_ZERO_LEN && + params.hidden_ssid != NL80211_HIDDEN_SSID_ZERO_CONTENTS) + return -EINVAL; + } + + params.privacy = !!info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_PRIVACY]; + + if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_AUTH_TYPE]) { + params.auth_type = nla_get_u32( + info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_AUTH_TYPE]); + if (!nl80211_valid_auth_type(params.auth_type)) + return -EINVAL; + } else + params.auth_type = NL80211_AUTHTYPE_AUTOMATIC; + + err = nl80211_crypto_settings(rdev, info, ¶ms.crypto, + NL80211_MAX_NR_CIPHER_SUITES); + if (err) + return err; + + if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT]) { + if (!(rdev->wiphy.features & NL80211_FEATURE_INACTIVITY_TIMER)) + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + params.inactivity_timeout = nla_get_u16( + info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT]); + } + + err = rdev->ops->start_ap(&rdev->wiphy, dev, ¶ms); + if (!err) + wdev->beacon_interval = params.beacon_interval; return err; } -static int nl80211_del_beacon(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info) +static int nl80211_set_beacon(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info) { struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = info->user_ptr[0]; struct net_device *dev = info->user_ptr[1]; struct wireless_dev *wdev = dev->ieee80211_ptr; + struct cfg80211_beacon_data params; int err; - if (!rdev->ops->del_beacon) + if (dev->ieee80211_ptr->iftype != NL80211_IFTYPE_AP && + dev->ieee80211_ptr->iftype != NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_GO) + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + + if (!rdev->ops->change_beacon) + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + + if (!wdev->beacon_interval) + return -EINVAL; + + err = nl80211_parse_beacon(info, ¶ms); + if (err) + return err; + + return rdev->ops->change_beacon(&rdev->wiphy, dev, ¶ms); +} + +static int nl80211_stop_ap(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info) +{ + struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = info->user_ptr[0]; + struct net_device *dev = info->user_ptr[1]; + struct wireless_dev *wdev = dev->ieee80211_ptr; + int err; + + if (!rdev->ops->stop_ap) return -EOPNOTSUPP; if (dev->ieee80211_ptr->iftype != NL80211_IFTYPE_AP && dev->ieee80211_ptr->iftype != NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_GO) return -EOPNOTSUPP; - err = rdev->ops->del_beacon(&rdev->wiphy, dev); + if (!wdev->beacon_interval) + return -ENOENT; + + err = rdev->ops->stop_ap(&rdev->wiphy, dev); if (!err) wdev->beacon_interval = 0; return err; @@ -2655,13 +2692,6 @@ static int nl80211_set_station(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info) break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_CLIENT: case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION: - /* disallow things sta doesn't support */ - if (params.plink_action) - return -EINVAL; - if (params.ht_capa) - return -EINVAL; - if (params.listen_interval >= 0) - return -EINVAL; /* * Don't allow userspace to change the TDLS_PEER flag, * but silently ignore attempts to change it since we @@ -2669,7 +2699,15 @@ static int nl80211_set_station(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info) * to change the flag. */ params.sta_flags_mask &= ~BIT(NL80211_STA_FLAG_TDLS_PEER); - + /* fall through */ + case NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC: + /* disallow things sta doesn't support */ + if (params.plink_action) + return -EINVAL; + if (params.ht_capa) + return -EINVAL; + if (params.listen_interval >= 0) + return -EINVAL; /* reject any changes other than AUTHORIZED */ if (params.sta_flags_mask & ~BIT(NL80211_STA_FLAG_AUTHORIZED)) return -EINVAL; @@ -3259,6 +3297,10 @@ static int nl80211_get_mesh_config(struct sk_buff *skb, cur_params.dot11MeshHWMPRannInterval); NLA_PUT_U8(msg, NL80211_MESHCONF_GATE_ANNOUNCEMENTS, cur_params.dot11MeshGateAnnouncementProtocol); + NLA_PUT_U8(msg, NL80211_MESHCONF_FORWARDING, + cur_params.dot11MeshForwarding); + NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NL80211_MESHCONF_RSSI_THRESHOLD, + cur_params.rssi_threshold); nla_nest_end(msg, pinfoattr); genlmsg_end(msg, hdr); return genlmsg_reply(msg, info); @@ -3290,6 +3332,8 @@ static const struct nla_policy nl80211_meshconf_params_policy[NL80211_MESHCONF_A [NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_ROOTMODE] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_RANN_INTERVAL] = { .type = NLA_U16 }, [NL80211_MESHCONF_GATE_ANNOUNCEMENTS] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, + [NL80211_MESHCONF_FORWARDING] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, + [NL80211_MESHCONF_RSSI_THRESHOLD] = { .type = NLA_U32}, }; static const struct nla_policy @@ -3379,6 +3423,10 @@ do {\ dot11MeshGateAnnouncementProtocol, mask, NL80211_MESHCONF_GATE_ANNOUNCEMENTS, nla_get_u8); + FILL_IN_MESH_PARAM_IF_SET(tb, cfg, dot11MeshForwarding, + mask, NL80211_MESHCONF_FORWARDING, nla_get_u8); + FILL_IN_MESH_PARAM_IF_SET(tb, cfg, rssi_threshold, + mask, NL80211_MESHCONF_RSSI_THRESHOLD, nla_get_u32); if (mask_out) *mask_out = mask; @@ -4079,7 +4127,6 @@ static int nl80211_send_bss(struct sk_buff *msg, struct netlink_callback *cb, struct cfg80211_bss *res = &intbss->pub; void *hdr; struct nlattr *bss; - int i; ASSERT_WDEV_LOCK(wdev); @@ -4132,13 +4179,6 @@ static int nl80211_send_bss(struct sk_buff *msg, struct netlink_callback *cb, if (intbss == wdev->current_bss) NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NL80211_BSS_STATUS, NL80211_BSS_STATUS_ASSOCIATED); - else for (i = 0; i < MAX_AUTH_BSSES; i++) { - if (intbss != wdev->auth_bsses[i]) - continue; - NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NL80211_BSS_STATUS, - NL80211_BSS_STATUS_AUTHENTICATED); - break; - } break; case NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC: if (intbss == wdev->current_bss) @@ -4406,10 +4446,16 @@ static int nl80211_authenticate(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info) local_state_change = !!info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_LOCAL_STATE_CHANGE]; + /* + * Since we no longer track auth state, ignore + * requests to only change local state. + */ + if (local_state_change) + return 0; + return cfg80211_mlme_auth(rdev, dev, chan, auth_type, bssid, ssid, ssid_len, ie, ie_len, - key.p.key, key.p.key_len, key.idx, - local_state_change); + key.p.key, key.p.key_len, key.idx); } static int nl80211_crypto_settings(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, @@ -4781,7 +4827,6 @@ static int nl80211_join_ibss(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info) nla_len(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BSS_BASIC_RATES]); struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband = wiphy->bands[ibss.channel->band]; - int err; err = ieee80211_get_ratemask(sband, rates, n_rates, &ibss.basic_rates); @@ -4801,6 +4846,9 @@ static int nl80211_join_ibss(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info) return PTR_ERR(connkeys); } + ibss.control_port = + nla_get_flag(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_CONTROL_PORT]); + err = cfg80211_join_ibss(rdev, dev, &ibss, connkeys); if (err) kfree(connkeys); @@ -5069,6 +5117,13 @@ static int nl80211_connect(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info) wiphy = &rdev->wiphy; + connect.bg_scan_period = -1; + if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BG_SCAN_PERIOD] && + (wiphy->flags & WIPHY_FLAG_SUPPORTS_FW_ROAM)) { + connect.bg_scan_period = + nla_get_u16(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BG_SCAN_PERIOD]); + } + if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_MAC]) connect.bssid = nla_data(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_MAC]); connect.ssid = nla_data(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_SSID]); @@ -5390,9 +5445,39 @@ static u32 rateset_to_mask(struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband, return mask; } +static bool ht_rateset_to_mask(struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband, + u8 *rates, u8 rates_len, + u8 mcs[IEEE80211_HT_MCS_MASK_LEN]) +{ + u8 i; + + memset(mcs, 0, IEEE80211_HT_MCS_MASK_LEN); + + for (i = 0; i < rates_len; i++) { + int ridx, rbit; + + ridx = rates[i] / 8; + rbit = BIT(rates[i] % 8); + + /* check validity */ + if ((ridx < 0) || (ridx >= IEEE80211_HT_MCS_MASK_LEN)) + return false; + + /* check availability */ + if (sband->ht_cap.mcs.rx_mask[ridx] & rbit) + mcs[ridx] |= rbit; + else + return false; + } + + return true; +} + static const struct nla_policy nl80211_txattr_policy[NL80211_TXRATE_MAX + 1] = { [NL80211_TXRATE_LEGACY] = { .type = NLA_BINARY, .len = NL80211_MAX_SUPP_RATES }, + [NL80211_TXRATE_MCS] = { .type = NLA_BINARY, + .len = NL80211_MAX_SUPP_HT_RATES }, }; static int nl80211_set_tx_bitrate_mask(struct sk_buff *skb, @@ -5418,12 +5503,20 @@ static int nl80211_set_tx_bitrate_mask(struct sk_buff *skb, sband = rdev->wiphy.bands[i]; mask.control[i].legacy = sband ? (1 << sband->n_bitrates) - 1 : 0; + if (sband) + memcpy(mask.control[i].mcs, + sband->ht_cap.mcs.rx_mask, + sizeof(mask.control[i].mcs)); + else + memset(mask.control[i].mcs, 0, + sizeof(mask.control[i].mcs)); } /* * The nested attribute uses enum nl80211_band as the index. This maps * directly to the enum ieee80211_band values used in cfg80211. */ + BUILD_BUG_ON(NL80211_MAX_SUPP_HT_RATES > IEEE80211_HT_MCS_MASK_LEN * 8); nla_for_each_nested(tx_rates, info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_TX_RATES], rem) { enum ieee80211_band band = nla_type(tx_rates); @@ -5439,7 +5532,28 @@ static int nl80211_set_tx_bitrate_mask(struct sk_buff *skb, sband, nla_data(tb[NL80211_TXRATE_LEGACY]), nla_len(tb[NL80211_TXRATE_LEGACY])); - if (mask.control[band].legacy == 0) + } + if (tb[NL80211_TXRATE_MCS]) { + if (!ht_rateset_to_mask( + sband, + nla_data(tb[NL80211_TXRATE_MCS]), + nla_len(tb[NL80211_TXRATE_MCS]), + mask.control[band].mcs)) + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (mask.control[band].legacy == 0) { + /* don't allow empty legacy rates if HT + * is not even supported. */ + if (!rdev->wiphy.bands[band]->ht_cap.ht_supported) + return -EINVAL; + + for (i = 0; i < IEEE80211_HT_MCS_MASK_LEN; i++) + if (mask.control[band].mcs[i]) + break; + + /* legacy and mcs rates may not be both empty */ + if (i == IEEE80211_HT_MCS_MASK_LEN) return -EINVAL; } } @@ -6293,23 +6407,23 @@ static struct genl_ops nl80211_ops[] = { .cmd = NL80211_CMD_SET_BEACON, .policy = nl80211_policy, .flags = GENL_ADMIN_PERM, - .doit = nl80211_addset_beacon, + .doit = nl80211_set_beacon, .internal_flags = NL80211_FLAG_NEED_NETDEV | NL80211_FLAG_NEED_RTNL, }, { - .cmd = NL80211_CMD_NEW_BEACON, + .cmd = NL80211_CMD_START_AP, .policy = nl80211_policy, .flags = GENL_ADMIN_PERM, - .doit = nl80211_addset_beacon, + .doit = nl80211_start_ap, .internal_flags = NL80211_FLAG_NEED_NETDEV | NL80211_FLAG_NEED_RTNL, }, { - .cmd = NL80211_CMD_DEL_BEACON, + .cmd = NL80211_CMD_STOP_AP, .policy = nl80211_policy, .flags = GENL_ADMIN_PERM, - .doit = nl80211_del_beacon, + .doit = nl80211_stop_ap, .internal_flags = NL80211_FLAG_NEED_NETDEV | NL80211_FLAG_NEED_RTNL, }, @@ -7580,7 +7694,8 @@ bool nl80211_unexpected_4addr_frame(struct net_device *dev, int nl80211_send_mgmt(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, struct net_device *netdev, u32 nlpid, - int freq, const u8 *buf, size_t len, gfp_t gfp) + int freq, int sig_dbm, + const u8 *buf, size_t len, gfp_t gfp) { struct sk_buff *msg; void *hdr; @@ -7598,6 +7713,8 @@ int nl80211_send_mgmt(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY, rdev->wiphy_idx); NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NL80211_ATTR_IFINDEX, netdev->ifindex); NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_FREQ, freq); + if (sig_dbm) + NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NL80211_ATTR_RX_SIGNAL_DBM, sig_dbm); NLA_PUT(msg, NL80211_ATTR_FRAME, len, buf); genlmsg_end(msg, hdr); @@ -7859,7 +7976,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(cfg80211_probe_status); void cfg80211_report_obss_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, const u8 *frame, size_t len, - int freq, gfp_t gfp) + int freq, int sig_dbm, gfp_t gfp) { struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = wiphy_to_dev(wiphy); struct sk_buff *msg; @@ -7882,6 +7999,8 @@ void cfg80211_report_obss_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY, rdev->wiphy_idx); if (freq) NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_FREQ, freq); + if (sig_dbm) + NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NL80211_ATTR_RX_SIGNAL_DBM, sig_dbm); NLA_PUT(msg, NL80211_ATTR_FRAME, len, frame); genlmsg_end(msg, hdr); diff --git a/net/wireless/nl80211.h b/net/wireless/nl80211.h index 12bf4d185abe7dd1f0e89494261c3441faab3680..4ffe50df9f31461e84c426aeb54e46fb1cd8c897 100644 --- a/net/wireless/nl80211.h +++ b/net/wireless/nl80211.h @@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ void nl80211_send_sta_del_event(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, gfp_t gfp); int nl80211_send_mgmt(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, - struct net_device *netdev, u32 nlpid, int freq, + struct net_device *netdev, u32 nlpid, + int freq, int sig_dbm, const u8 *buf, size_t len, gfp_t gfp); void nl80211_send_mgmt_tx_status(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, struct net_device *netdev, u64 cookie, diff --git a/net/wireless/reg.c b/net/wireless/reg.c index f65feaad155f42a328460d03ee0c47c770b81981..e9a0ac83b84c2798961e59b1045a2e09d52b0a5d 100644 --- a/net/wireless/reg.c +++ b/net/wireless/reg.c @@ -882,23 +882,8 @@ static void handle_channel(struct wiphy *wiphy, chan->flags = flags | bw_flags | map_regdom_flags(reg_rule->flags); chan->max_antenna_gain = min(chan->orig_mag, (int) MBI_TO_DBI(power_rule->max_antenna_gain)); - if (chan->orig_mpwr) { - /* - * Devices that have their own custom regulatory domain - * but also use WIPHY_FLAG_STRICT_REGULATORY will follow the - * passed country IE power settings. - */ - if (initiator == NL80211_REGDOM_SET_BY_COUNTRY_IE && - wiphy->flags & WIPHY_FLAG_CUSTOM_REGULATORY && - wiphy->flags & WIPHY_FLAG_STRICT_REGULATORY) { - chan->max_power = - MBM_TO_DBM(power_rule->max_eirp); - } else { - chan->max_power = min(chan->orig_mpwr, - (int) MBM_TO_DBM(power_rule->max_eirp)); - } - } else - chan->max_power = (int) MBM_TO_DBM(power_rule->max_eirp); + chan->max_reg_power = (int) MBM_TO_DBM(power_rule->max_eirp); + chan->max_power = min(chan->max_power, chan->max_reg_power); } static void handle_band(struct wiphy *wiphy, diff --git a/net/wireless/scan.c b/net/wireless/scan.c index 31119e32e092b6e2615a8653c768a5cd7531465b..70faadf16a3265b2ba067160672c1b7a117eecf1 100644 --- a/net/wireless/scan.c +++ b/net/wireless/scan.c @@ -734,9 +734,8 @@ cfg80211_bss_update(struct cfg80211_registered_device *dev, struct cfg80211_bss* cfg80211_inform_bss(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct ieee80211_channel *channel, - const u8 *bssid, - u64 timestamp, u16 capability, u16 beacon_interval, - const u8 *ie, size_t ielen, + const u8 *bssid, u64 tsf, u16 capability, + u16 beacon_interval, const u8 *ie, size_t ielen, s32 signal, gfp_t gfp) { struct cfg80211_internal_bss *res; @@ -758,7 +757,7 @@ cfg80211_inform_bss(struct wiphy *wiphy, memcpy(res->pub.bssid, bssid, ETH_ALEN); res->pub.channel = channel; res->pub.signal = signal; - res->pub.tsf = timestamp; + res->pub.tsf = tsf; res->pub.beacon_interval = beacon_interval; res->pub.capability = capability; /* @@ -861,6 +860,18 @@ cfg80211_inform_bss_frame(struct wiphy *wiphy, } EXPORT_SYMBOL(cfg80211_inform_bss_frame); +void cfg80211_ref_bss(struct cfg80211_bss *pub) +{ + struct cfg80211_internal_bss *bss; + + if (!pub) + return; + + bss = container_of(pub, struct cfg80211_internal_bss, pub); + kref_get(&bss->ref); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(cfg80211_ref_bss); + void cfg80211_put_bss(struct cfg80211_bss *pub) { struct cfg80211_internal_bss *bss; diff --git a/net/wireless/sme.c b/net/wireless/sme.c index 7b9ecaed96bef13aab274b5cd3686dd2487096ac..f7e937ff897893a2dff84efcf9d8a9422aebe3b0 100644 --- a/net/wireless/sme.c +++ b/net/wireless/sme.c @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ static int cfg80211_conn_do_work(struct wireless_dev *wdev) params->ssid, params->ssid_len, NULL, 0, params->key, params->key_len, - params->key_idx, false); + params->key_idx); case CFG80211_CONN_ASSOCIATE_NEXT: BUG_ON(!rdev->ops->assoc); wdev->conn->state = CFG80211_CONN_ASSOCIATING; @@ -477,6 +477,7 @@ void __cfg80211_connect_result(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *bssid, kfree(wdev->connect_keys); wdev->connect_keys = NULL; wdev->ssid_len = 0; + cfg80211_put_bss(bss); return; } @@ -701,31 +702,10 @@ void __cfg80211_disconnected(struct net_device *dev, const u8 *ie, wdev->ssid_len = 0; if (wdev->conn) { - const u8 *bssid; - int ret; - kfree(wdev->conn->ie); wdev->conn->ie = NULL; kfree(wdev->conn); wdev->conn = NULL; - - /* - * If this disconnect was due to a disassoc, we - * we might still have an auth BSS around. For - * the userspace SME that's currently expected, - * but for the kernel SME (nl80211 CONNECT or - * wireless extensions) we want to clear up all - * state. - */ - for (i = 0; i < MAX_AUTH_BSSES; i++) { - if (!wdev->auth_bsses[i]) - continue; - bssid = wdev->auth_bsses[i]->pub.bssid; - ret = __cfg80211_mlme_deauth(rdev, dev, bssid, NULL, 0, - WLAN_REASON_DEAUTH_LEAVING, - false); - WARN(ret, "deauth failed: %d\n", ret); - } } nl80211_send_disconnected(rdev, dev, reason, ie, ie_len, from_ap); @@ -1012,7 +992,8 @@ int cfg80211_disconnect(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, return err; } -void cfg80211_sme_disassoc(struct net_device *dev, int idx) +void cfg80211_sme_disassoc(struct net_device *dev, + struct cfg80211_internal_bss *bss) { struct wireless_dev *wdev = dev->ieee80211_ptr; struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = wiphy_to_dev(wdev->wiphy); @@ -1031,16 +1012,8 @@ void cfg80211_sme_disassoc(struct net_device *dev, int idx) * want it any more so deauthenticate too. */ - if (!wdev->auth_bsses[idx]) - return; + memcpy(bssid, bss->pub.bssid, ETH_ALEN); - memcpy(bssid, wdev->auth_bsses[idx]->pub.bssid, ETH_ALEN); - if (__cfg80211_mlme_deauth(rdev, dev, bssid, - NULL, 0, WLAN_REASON_DEAUTH_LEAVING, - false)) { - /* whatever -- assume gone anyway */ - cfg80211_unhold_bss(wdev->auth_bsses[idx]); - cfg80211_put_bss(&wdev->auth_bsses[idx]->pub); - wdev->auth_bsses[idx] = NULL; - } + __cfg80211_mlme_deauth(rdev, dev, bssid, NULL, 0, + WLAN_REASON_DEAUTH_LEAVING, false); } diff --git a/net/wireless/util.c b/net/wireless/util.c index 9aa9db6c81411ddfcd77c34de8128fcd57e2e5d2..1b7a08df933c79bf4ffe62455747464468c84bdb 100644 --- a/net/wireless/util.c +++ b/net/wireless/util.c @@ -904,6 +904,7 @@ u16 cfg80211_calculate_bitrate(struct rate_info *rate) /* do NOT round down here */ return (bitrate + 50000) / 100000; } +EXPORT_SYMBOL(cfg80211_calculate_bitrate); int cfg80211_validate_beacon_int(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, u32 beacon_int) diff --git a/net/wireless/wext-sme.c b/net/wireless/wext-sme.c index 326750b99151292ffd653932a89bf5ee703fad19..7c01c2f3b6cf34d86fc281942e125fe0706986d8 100644 --- a/net/wireless/wext-sme.c +++ b/net/wireless/wext-sme.c @@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ int cfg80211_mgd_wext_connect(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev, wdev->wext.connect.ie = wdev->wext.ie; wdev->wext.connect.ie_len = wdev->wext.ie_len; + /* Use default background scan period */ + wdev->wext.connect.bg_scan_period = -1; + if (wdev->wext.keys) { wdev->wext.keys->def = wdev->wext.default_key; wdev->wext.keys->defmgmt = wdev->wext.default_mgmt_key; diff --git a/net/xfrm/xfrm_user.c b/net/xfrm/xfrm_user.c index 66b84fbf2746c0d37f2ea74981c33f34d80e6c8d..7128dde0fe1a85d7c62fb6d51f04c6eec10986e6 100644 --- a/net/xfrm/xfrm_user.c +++ b/net/xfrm/xfrm_user.c @@ -2299,8 +2299,13 @@ static int xfrm_user_rcv_msg(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr *nlh) if (link->dump == NULL) return -EINVAL; - return netlink_dump_start(net->xfrm.nlsk, skb, nlh, - link->dump, link->done, 0); + { + struct netlink_dump_control c = { + .dump = link->dump, + .done = link->done, + }; + return netlink_dump_start(net->xfrm.nlsk, skb, nlh, &c); + } } err = nlmsg_parse(nlh, xfrm_msg_min[type], attrs, XFRMA_MAX,